BLUE BOOK REGISTER 'Jl ■ Of v; ’$fc> OFFICERS AND * Vjj* ■ MjtV* fptf*;. .. ••T- 'A . r ' • i\'- : r- y ■ 4.’f*,$'■i'$ - At :■ •<;S AGENTS, : tf':- .v-V" - ... - v . » • -• ■ J-‘ ■ • * V. •• :•• •••- CIVIL, MILITARY, AND NAVAL, IN . . ' .- 4 * A'-.j, -" "' ’f. ;■ THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, ••‘t.JSv 'Mini WITH THE PAT AND APPOINTMENTS, '. ; V , y > . . ' V ■ . iv.„\. •>■, ■ *■- • * WITH THE /, • ■ A- • <.■ : .* . • i . .< .• H:*-0 ■•■5' HI NUMBER OF FOREIGNERS IN EACH BRANCH OF THE SERVICE, AND WHERE BORN. • . taf & w ''h - m ■ Wrj, TOGETHER WITH THE NUMBER OF CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES APPOINTED FROM EACH STATE. ■ “ »• ' i ;<<-*r- i.:■■ j -. u». : -■ r i l '"y 1 •/. ■ -. f < 4 ? '■ W# > gm-} W: J- ‘t'N, > "*& lip k ’Avy r '• ^ . ; A- . THE SWORD OF JACKSON k i WASHINGTON: PUBLISHED BY ALFRED HUNTER, 1860 -’ 61 . BUS ini ii i REGISTER OF OFFICERS AND AGENTS, CIVIL, MILITARY, AND NAVAL, IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH TIIE PAY AND APPOINTMENTS, WITH THE NUMBER OF FOREIGNERS IN EACH BRANCH OF THE SERVICE, AND WHERE BORN. TOGETHER WITH TIIE NUMBED OP CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES APPOINTED FROM EACH STATE. WASHINGTON: PUBLISHED BY ALFRED HUNTER. 1860 -’ 61 . PREFACE. All books have an object: the object of this one is to show the sum of the enormous patronage that lies in the hands of the Chief Magistrate of the Union—direct and indirect. It probably would not now have been published but for the mischievous selfishness of John V arden, door-keeper of the National Gallery, and is one more exemplification of the evils of long tenure of office. This man has been a recipient from the public pap-bowl for near twenty years, and he now has an idea that the visitors come to see him and his museum ; and because 1 presumed to publish a catalogue of the National Institute, this old sinner, not con¬ tent with putting obstacles in my way, by removing labels, concealing articles, &c., commenced changing and concealing articles after it was published, by which course Iliad to change and remodel the book frequently—and he even had influence with the editor of the Know Nothing paper in this city to insert a base paragraph respecting it, which was singular—and of those who bought, and of those who did not buy, thousands went away dissatisfied in consequence of the misrepresentations of this man. At last he printed a catalogue of his own, for free distribution—which he had been preparing for fifteen years—which he calls the official cata¬ logue of Government. This hermaphrodite affair would be a disgrace to any Government that permitted such an abortion, which is contained in four duodecimo leaves, to be called the official catalogue of the National Collections, among which is the great Exploring Expedition of Captain Wilkes, which occupied such a conspicuous position in the eyes of the world so many years. The National Gallery, as its name indicates, contains the treasures—the collections of the National Exploring Expeditions, the relics of the Revolution, among which is the copy called the Unanimous Declaration of Independence, in contra-distinction to the original one signed on the 4th of July, which is at the State Department, both of which bear the hand of the original signers, the commission of Washington, with his sword and his military suit—and is it to be wondered that Americans should kick against foreigners holding office, when, in the whole of our broad land, there could not be found one American to whom could be trusted these precious articles? But we must import an Englishman to fill this post, to take care of these invaluable relics of Washington, whose countrymen would have hung Washington in this very suit had they caught him, the same which is now shown to admiring millions. And even our national archives are to be altered to suit the malice of this man. The numbers on the cases, when Congress comes to legislate and make future disposition of this great collection, would have been found incorrect, as he has put new numbers on the cases so as to confuse visitors who had the catalogue, interning to take down the original numbers ; but which he was forbid to do, and they now present the ridiculous position of having two different numbers on each case. It is proposed to erect at the seat of government a national museum, and to unite the Smithsonian collection with the collection of the National Institute. If it should be done, it will form the grandest collection in the world for the study of the natural history of America, and prove an additional incentive to the man of leisure and tire savant, to visit the great metropolis of the Union, and an additional cord to bind the two extremes of the country together. The sword of Jackson—which has not yet been defiled by the custody of this man— (Congress, perhaps, had reasons for ordering it into the custody of tire State Department)--—can then, without pollution, be placed alongside of the relics the Revolution, as was intended by the distinguished orators who spoke upon the day it was presented to the United States. And it is to be hoped that—party influences aside—an American can be found of sufficient education and ability to hold the position of curator of the American museum, and not an impudent Englishman who cannot spell his name correctly. (Vide Off. Cat., page 9.) The patronage of the Government is increasing every year—“and to the victors belong the spoils of the vanquished.” If this holds good for one party who are in, it has tenfold force in favor of those who are out. None but those who have had an opportunity of examining the official Blue Book of the Government can be aware of the increasing patronage of the Executive. It is published in a ponderous volume at a large cost, from which this is a compilation, omit¬ ting the names, as not coming within the scope of the present work, so as to put it within the reach of all who are interested in consulting its pages. ALFRED HUNTER. STATISTICS Number of clerks employed by the Departments at Washington, and where born, and the number from each State, including the Coast Survey, United States Mints, Consuls, §c.., with the popu¬ lation of each State. Native, —Alabama, 18; Arkansas, 3; California, 24; District of Columbia, 260; Connecticut, 38; Delaware, 191 Florida, 13; Georgia, 17; Illinois, 10; Indiana, 26; Iowa, 3 ; Kentucky, 39 ; Louisiana, 33; Maine, 50 ; Marjj]and, 195; Massachusetts, 81; Michigan, 11; Mississippi. 16; Missouri, 8; New Hampshire, 40; New Jersey, 42; New York, 189; North Carolina, 41; Ohio, 45; Pennsylvania, 192; Rhode Island, 15; South Carolina, 26; Tennesee, 30; Texas, 6; Vermont, 20 ; Virginia, 232 ; Wisconsin,?; Kansas, 1. Foreign. —Ireland, 72; St. Croix, 1; Switzerland, 8; France, 7; Scotland, IS; Campo Bello, 1; St. John’s 1 ; Tianidad, 1; Antigua, 1; ltussia, 3; Finland, 1; Spain, 4; Minorca, 1; Stuttgardt, 1; Germany, 29; West Indies, 2; Holstein, 1; Norway, 1; Prussia, 2; Salamanca, 1; St. Thomas,!; England, 33; Turkey, 1; Cyprus, 1; Greece, 1; Barbary, 2; Italy, 1; Canada, 4; St. Domingo, 1; Cuba, 1; Hungary, 2; Poland, 4; South America, 1; Belgium,!; Mediterranean, 2; Venezuela,!; Hanover, 1. Whole number native born.:.,. 1,747 “ Foreign “ . 200 Total. 1,947 The light-house appointments are generally made from neighborhoods where the lights are located. Postmasters, and in the Customs, a large majority of those appointed are born and reside in the State in which their duties lay, with the acception of the large cities—there Democratic foreign influence has decided sway. Number of foreigners in the New Orleans Custom House. —England, 4; Ireland, 25; Canada, 1; Germany, 1; France, 4; Cuba, 1; Poland, 2; Sardinia, 1; Sicily, 3; Denmark,!; British Provinces, 1; St. Domingo, 1. Number of foreigners in the New York Custom House- —England, 12; Ireland, ,85; Scotland, 3; St. Croix, 1; Canada, 2; Germany, 5; Prussia, 2 ; France, 1; Italy, 1; Nova Scotia, 2. In the navy proper there are only 4 foreigners—1 from England and 3 from Ireland. Of other officers, 24 are foreign born. In the army proper there are 23 foreigners, some of which have been raised from the ranks. Of other officers, 54 are foreign born. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES.—1860. Alabama. Arkansas..*. California. Columbia, District of.. Connecticut. Delaware. Florida. Georgia. Illinois. Indiana.. Iowa. Kentucky.... Louisiana. Maine. Maryland. Massachusetts..... 952.460 322,220 459,091 61,581 430,606 104.979 110,413 1,114,978 1,226,757 1,291,066 341,316 1,1S4,982 6S3,113 664,645 696,049 1,251,329 Michigan. Mississippi. Missouri.. New Hampshire... New Jersey. .% New York. North Carolina ... Ohio. Pennsylvania.. Rhode Island. South Carolina.... Tennessee. Texas.. Vermont. Virginia. Wisconsin. 583,041 837.101 960.386 351,378 605,804 3,765,867 9S4.659 2,441,191 2,909,539 186,260 722,616 1,176,224 425,184 326,292 1.603,525 580,247 UNITED STATES REGISTER EXECUTIVE. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. $25,000 per annum. TICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. $8,000 per.annum. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Offices. Where employed Compen¬ sation. Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. Secretary of State . Assistant Secretary of State... C!hi«f Olerk . Washington . $ 3.000 2,200 Superintendent of Commer¬ cial statistics, under resolu¬ tion of Congress . Wn Khington. $2,000 1 . 000 900 700 600 8 clerks of the 4th class. 9 clerks of the 3d class. . l'800 1,600 1.400 Superintendent of packing room, proof-reader, etc _ _ T _._do .. clerks of the 2d class . Messenger . .. . do . 3 clerks of the 1st class . . do . 1,200 200 Assistant Messenger . Disbursing fJlerk .. 4 watchmen . .do. . MINISTERS, CONSULS, AND OTHER DIPLOMATIC AND COMMERCIAL AGENTS, ETC., OF THE UNITED STATES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Consuls at places marked thus (a) “ at liberty to transact business.” Offices. BRITISH DOMINIONS. ENGLAND. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary... Secretary of Legation. Consul. Consul. Consul. Consul. Consul. Consul... Consul. . Consul.... Consul... Asst. Secretary of Legation. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. London. .do. .do. Liverpool . Leeds. Manchester. aBristol. aFal mouth. aPlymouth. Southampton & Cowes. Newcastle. SCOTLAND. Consul. Consul. Consul. IRELAND. Consul, Consul. Consul. Consul, aLeith, (port of Edinburg.).... Dundee. Glasgow. aDublin. Belfast. aLondonderry. 'tiCork.. Offices. Where employed. $17,500 2,625 7.500 7.500 2,000 2,000 Fees. Fees. Fees. 2,000 F ees. 15,00 Fees. 2,000 3,000 Fees. 2,000 Fees. 2,000 Consul. CHINA. Consul. EAST INDIES. Consul Gen. of British India. Consul. CoariT agent. Consul. AUSTRALIA. Consul. Consul. VAN DIEM AN’S LAND. Consul. IN AND NEAR EUROPE OR AFRICA. aGahvay. Ilong Kong. Calcutta— a Bombay.... aCeylon. ^Singapore.. aSydney, N. S W. Melbourne. aHobart Town .. aGibraltar. alsland of Malta, Consul. Consul. Consul.aCape Town, C, | of Good Hope.. Consul.|aPort Louis, Isle 1 of France... Compen¬ sation. $1,000 ?,S0Q 5.000 Fees. Foes. 2.000 Fees. 4,000 Fees. Fees. Fees. 1,000 2 .roo <5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE— Ministers, Consuls , $c. Offices. 1 Where employed. Compen¬ sation. Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. alsl’d St. Helena Madrid. 1,800 Cadiz. 1,500 NORTH AMERICA. Malaga. 1,500 Consul. aBarcelona. Fees. Consul General British N. Consul. aPort Mahon. Fee3. American Provinces. ■ 4,000 Consul. aDenia. Fees. Consul. T’pps. Consul. a Valencia. Fees. Consul. Halifax. 2 000 Cons il. T _ aVigo....'. Fees. Consul. aSt John’s N F a Alicante. Fees. Consul. Consul. aBilbao. Fees. Consul. aSt. John’s, N. B. Fees. CUDA. WEST INDIES. ♦ Havana. 6.000 Consul. Kingston., .Tnm’fi 2,000 Consul. Matanzas . 2,500 Consul. 2,000 Consul. Trinidad de Cuba 2,500 Consul. TujrJCs Tslnru| 2,000 Consul. St. Jagode Cuba 2,500 Consul. Fees, Consul. alslaml Trinidad Fees. PUERTO RICO. Consul. Fees. Commercial A^ent. Consul. St. John’s. 2,000 flnmmprnijil Agent.. Fees. Consul. Ponce. 1.500 SOUTH AMERICA. OTH-ER SPANISH ISLANDS. Consul... 2 000 Consul. .... Teneriffe.. Fees. Comniftrr.ini A front. Consul. Manilla. Fees. Falkland Isles 1,070 Gaam. Fees. RUSSIA. PORTUGUESE DOMINIONS. Lisbon. 7,500 12 000 Lisbon. 1,500 Sftorfttft.ry of Lfl500 Fee#. 7.500 1.500 750 12,000 1,800 6,000 2,000 1,000 DEPARTMENT OP STATE 9 DEPARTMENT OF STATE— Ministers, Consuls, $c. Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. Consul . aSantos. Fees. Consul. aSt. Catharine’s. Fees. Orm.'iil. aRio Grande. $1,000 1,000 1,000 Consul. aBahia de San Consul. Salvador. aMaranham. URUGUAY,OR OJSPLATINE REPUBLIC. Consul.. . aMontevideo. 1,000 BUENOS AYRES AND THE ARGENTINE CONFEDERA¬ TION. Minister Resident. Buenos Ayres... 4,500 ■Secretary of Legation. Buenos Ayres ... 1.500 Consul . Buenos Ayres... 2.000 Consul... aRio Negro. Fees PARAGUAY. Consul.—*. aAsuncion. Fees. Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. CHILE. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary ... Santlago. $10,000 Secretary of Legation. Consul. Santlago. Valparaiso. 1,500 3,000 1,000 Fees. Consul. aTalcaliuano. Consul . aCoquimbo. PERU. Envoy Extraordinary and 10,000 Minister Plenipotentiary... Lima .. Secretary of Legation . Consul. Lima. Callao. 1.500 3.500 Fees. Consul. aArica. Consul . aPaita. 500 Consul . aTumbez. 500 *► BOLIVIA. Minister TCosidont. Chuquisaca. 4.500 1.500 Secretary of Legation .. Chuquisaca. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. 1 | Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. Secretary of the Treasury ... Washington. $8,000 Sixth Auditor. Washington. $3,000 Chief clerk... 2,000 3,000 Clerk . l,S0O 2,200 As disbursing clerk. 200 2’000 5 clerks of the 4th class. 1,800 1,800 23 clerks of the 3d class. 1,600 .do.. i'goo 51 clerks of the 2d class. 1,400 10 elerlrs of tho 2d el ass. 1A00 28 clerks of the 1st class. 1,200 1,200 Messenger. 900 '840 Assistant messenger. .do. 540 Assistant Messenger. 780 16 Waf,eh rn on. 600 Treasurer. Washington. 3,000 Chief clerk . 2,000 Washington. 3,500 2 clerks of the 4th class. 1,800 Chief elerk . 2^000 4 clerks of the 3d class. l'eoo 1,600 4 clerks of the 2d class. l'400 6 clerks of the 2d class ... .do. 1,400 1 clerk of the 1st class. 1/200 1,200 Messenger. '840 Messeno-er.. T .do. 840 Assistant messenger.. 500 Second Comptroller. Washington. 3,000 ASSISTANT TREASURERS Chief elerk... 2,000 OF THE UNITED STATES. 7 clerks of the 3d class.. .do. 1,600 1,400 Assistant treasurer. Boston . 4,000 .do. 1/200 Clerk. l'200 MoSSPTlgPr_ t .Tr-*- .do. 840 Clerk. 900 Assistant treasurer. San Francisco... Clerk.!. 2.500 First Auditor. Washington. 3,000 Assistant treasurer. New York. 6,000 Chief elerk. 2,000 Chief clerk. 2,100 .do. 1,600 1 clerk. 2'000 10 clerks of the 2d class.... 1,400 2 clerks . l'800 6 clerk a the 1st. elnss .do. 1,200 2 clerks. l'500 1 messenger. 840 1 clerk. l'200 Messenger. 720 Messenger. 900 2 watchmen . 560 Assistant treasurer . Charleston. 2,500 Clerk . '900 Second Auditor. Washington. 3,000 Assistant treasurer . St. Tjonis. 4,000 Chief clerk. 1,600 Clerk. 900 11 clerks of the 3d class. 2,000 4 watchmen... 540 fi clerks of the 2d class...... .do. 1,400 Assistant treasurer. 1,000 2 clerks of the 1st class. 1,200 Clerk . l'500 Messenger. 840 Assistant treasurer. '500 Assistant messenger. 600 Clerk . 1,500 Register. Washington .. r ... 3,000 Third Auditor. Washington. 3,000 Chief clerk . 2^000 Chief clerk. 2,000 6 clerks of the 3d class. .do. 1,600 1 clerk of the 4th class... 1,800 17 clerks of the 2d class. . TT l'400 9 clerks of the 3d class. 1.600 5 clerks of the 1st class. .do... l'200 52 clerks of the 2d class. 1,490 Messenger. '840 9 clerks of the 1st class. 1,200 Assistant, messenger. T .do. 660 Messenger. 840 Assistant messenger. 720 Assistant messenger. 420 Solicitor. Washington. 3,500 Chief clerk. 2,000 1 clerk . 1,8 W As disbursing clerk. .do. 200 Fourth Auditor... Washington. 3,000 3 clerks. 1,600 Chief cleik. 2,000 2 clerks. .do. 1,400 9 clerks of the 3d class. 1,600 Messenger. .do. 600 8 clerks ot the 2d class . 1,400 Commissioner of enstoms. .do. 3,500 2 clerks of the 1st class. 1,200 Chief elerk . .do. 2,000 Messenger. 840 3 clerks . .do. l'600 Assistant messenger. 360 4 clerks. .do. 1,400 3 clerks. 1/200 Messenger .. T . T _ 840 Fifth Auditor. Washington.. 3, r 00 Chief clerk . ..... do. 2,000 BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION. 2 clerks of the 3d class. .do. 1,600 3 clerks of the 2d class. 1,400 Engineer in ehsrge. Washington ,.... 3,000 1 clerk of the 1st class. 1/200 Supervising arehiteet. Wash’n A Roston 3,000 Messenger....1.. 840 6 draughtsmen.. Washington. $5 p day TREASURY DEPARTMENT 11 TREASURY DEPARTMENT —Coast Survey, Weights and Measures, U. S. Mints, §c. COAST SURVEY. Offices. Superintendent Assistant. Assistant.. Assistant.. Assistant. Assistant. Assistant, Assistant Assistant . Assistant. Assistant. Assistant .... 2 Assistants. Assistant.... Assistant .... Assistant.... 4 Assistants.. 2 Assistants .. Sub-assistant Sub-assistant.... Sub-assistant.... 3 Sub-assistants Where employed. Washington.... Atlantic coast. Gulf of Mexico Atlantic coast. Western coast. Off. Washington & Gulf of Mex. Atlantic coast Atlantic coast & Gulf of Mexico Western coast .do. Atlantic coast & Gulf of Mexico Off. Washington Atlantic coast... .do. Western coast... Atlan. coast and Gulf of Mexico Atlantic coast.. Gulf of Mexico Off. Washington & Atlan. coast Gulf of Mexico Atlantic coast... Western coast... $4,500 3.500 2.503 2.500 2.300 2,200 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,700 1,700 1.600 1.500 1.300 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,000 1 . 001 ) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 Offices. Where employed. 2 Sub-assistants. 3 Sub-assistants . Gulf of Mexico Atlantic coast... Gulf of Mexico Western coast.. Off. Washington Brooklyn. 2 Sub-assistants . Suh-assistant ... Computer. Computer. Computer. Philadelphia . ... Off. Washington Computer. Draughtsman. Draughtsman. Draughtsman... Draughtsman. Draughtsman. Engraver. 3 Engravers. Electrotypist. Disbursing avent,. Clerk.r...V.. . do. Clerk.. Atlantic coast... Off. Washington Clerk. 2 Clerks. WEIGHTS & MEASURES. Superintendent. Off. Washington Assistant and foreman. Compen¬ sation. $800 600 600 600 1.500 1,419 1,200 1,100 1,800 1,600 $5prday 4.50 do 3.70 do 2,000 1,700 1.800 2.500 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,500 2,000 UNITED STATES MINTS, ETC. Compensa¬ tion. Offices. A ssayer . $3,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 Coiner . . . . Clerk . Machinist, . Melter . Assistant to nssayp.r.. . Blacksmith . 2,000 1.500 1.500 1,800 $4 per day 1,800 1,509 2 Watchmen. BRANCH MINT AT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Superintendent ... Treasurer.. Melter and refiner.. Coiner . . i Assnver .. . 2,500 4,000 2,0 >0 2,000 2.000 2.200 1,800 2 Snporintonriont’s olp.rks . 4 Treasurer’s clerks .... ASSAY OFFICE AT NEW TORK. Superintendent . Treasurer . . A ssayp.r . Melter and refiner . 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,100 Assistant assayer ... Assistant melter and refiner . Treasurer’s chief clerk . Superintendent’s chief clerk . Accountant . Weigh clerk . Assistant weigh clerk . 2,000 Bar. clerk . Offices. SUNT AT PHILADELPHIA. Director. Treasurer. Chief coiner. Assayer. Melter and Refiner.. Engraver. Assistant assayer. Assistant melter and refiner. Director’s clerk... Assistant director’s clerk.... 2 Treasurer’s clerks. 4 Treasurer’s clerks. BRANCH MINT AT NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. Superintendent.... Treasurer . Melter and refiner. Assayer. Coiner. Weigher. 2 Clerks. _ BRANCH MINT AT DAHLONEGA, GEORGIA. Superintendent. Coiner. Assayer . Clerk. Superintendent. Compensa¬ tion. $1,500 1,500 1,000 702 702 702. 702 300 4,500 4,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 3.500 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,5Q€ 1.500 1,200 1,500 12 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. TREASURY DEPARTMENT —Revenue Cutter Service, Light Home Board, Light Homes, §c. UNITED STATES REVENUE CUTTER SERVICE. Offices. Compensa¬ tion. Offices. Compensa¬ tion. 19 Captains. $1,200 960 17 Second lieutenants. $860 790 19 First lieutenants. 20 Third lieutenants... LIGHT HOUSE BOARD. Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation . Offices. Where employed. Compen¬ sation. Chief clerk. Washington. i $2,000 1,600 1.400 nip.rk. $1,200 600 576 2 Clerks. Clerk. La.horpr. LIGHT HOUSE DISTRICTS. Districts. Geographical limits of the district. 1st .. 2d..., 3d ... 4th . 5 th . 6th . 7 th . 8 th.. 9th . 10th 11th, 12th From Northeast boundary of Maine, to Hampton Harbor, New Hampshire. From Hampton Harbor, New Hampshire, to Gooseberry Point, Massachusetts. From Gooseberry Point, Massachusetts, to Squam Inlet, New Jersey, and Hudson river and Lake Champlain. From Squam Inlet, New Jersey, to Metompkin Inlet, Virginia, and Delaware bay. From Metompkin Inlet, Virginia, to New river Inlet, North Caroliua, including Chesapeake hay and tributaries, Albemarle, and Pamlico Sounds. From New river Inlet, North Carolina, to Mosquito Inlet, Florida. From Mosquito Inlet, to Egmont Key, Florida. F'rom St. Marks, Florida, to Barrataria bay, Louisiana. From Barrataria bay, Louisiana, to llio Grande, Texas. On Lakes Erie and Ontario, with St. Lawrence and Niagara rivers. On Lakes St. Clair, Huron, Michigan, Superior, and their tributaries. Coast of California, Washington, and Oregon, (W. coast.) LIGHT HOUSES.— Maine—New Hampshire — Massachusetts. Those marked [5] includes salary of assistant keepers. Where located. Compensa¬ tion of keeper. Where located. Compensa¬ tion of keeper. MAINE. West Quoddy Head. Little River Harbor. Libby’s Island. Moose Peak. Nashe’s Island.... Narragaugus. Petit Men an. Prospect Harbor. Mount Desert Rock. Baker’s Island. Bear Island.. Saddleback Ledge. Eagle Island Point. Heron Neck.... Martinicus Rock. Whitehead. Owl’s Head.... Brown’s Head. Beauchamp’s Point... Negro Island. Grindel’s Point. Pumpkin Island. 5$660 350 350 400 350 350 59 SO 350 600 350 350 5SOO 350 350 450 5660 400 350 350 350 350 350 Dice’s Head. Fort Point. Marshall’s Point. Manheigen Island. Franklin Island. Penmaquid Point.. Burnt Island. Hendrick’s Head. Pond Island. Seguin. Cape Elizabeth. Portland Harbor. Portland Breakwater. Wood Island. Goat Island. Boone Island..'.. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Whale’s Back. Portsmouth. White Island. MASSACHUSETTS. Plum Island. $350 350 350 450 350 350 350 350 450 5750 5750 350 400 350 350 51,200 600 350 600 375 TREASURY DEPARTMENT 13 LIGHT HOUSES —Rhode Island—New York — Pennsylvania — Connecticut. Where located. Compensa¬ tion of keeper. Where located. Compensa¬ tion of keeper. Ipswich . A unis Squam Harbor . Straightmouth Island. Cape Aun. Eastern Point... Ten-pound Island... Baker’s Island... Marblehead... Boston. Long Island Head. Miuot’s Ledge, (It. vessel). Boston Relief, (It. vessel). Scituate, (light-house). Plymouth... Race Point. Long Point. Parmet Harbor. Mayo’s Beach... Billingsgate Island. Sandy Neck. Cape Cod, (Truro). Nanset Beach. Chatham.. Monomoy Point.. Succonnesset Shoal, (light vessel.), Kill Pond Bar, (light-vessel). Bass River.. Point Gammon. Hyannis. .»... Pollock Bip, (light-vessel). Shovelfull Shoals, (light-vessel).... Cape Poge... Edgartown. Holme’s Hole. Holme's Hole, (three beacons.). Nobsque Point. Tarpaulin Cove. Gay Head... Nantucket. Sankaty Head... Nantucket Cliff Beacons. Nantucket Harbor. Nantucket, (fixed beacon) . Nantucket Shoals, (light-vessel)... Cross Rip, (light vessel) . Dumpling Rock. Clark’s Point. Palmer’s Island ... Ned’s Point. Bird Island. Wing’s Neck... Cuttyhunk Island.. Vineyard Sound, (light-vessel). RHODE ISLAND. $400 350 350 450 400 350 6600 400 6640 350 700 500 400 400 6550 350 300 350 400 400 350 400 500 400 400 & ration. 50 & ration. 350 350 300 700 700 350 350 350 400 350 350 450 450 6960 300 300 300 1,000 650 400 350 350 350 400 350 350 650 Gardiner’s Island. Plumb Island. Cedar Island. Execution Rocks.. Sands’ Point. Throgg’s Neck. Fire Island. Sandy Hook, (light-vessel) Navesink. Sandy Hook and beacons ., Princess Bay... Fort Tompkins. Bobbin’s Reef. Bergen Point.. Passaic River. Stony Point. West Point. Esopus Meadows. Roundout Creek. Saugerties. Cattskill Reach. Cow Island. Prymon’s Hook. Fourmile Point. Coxaskie. Stuyvesant. Old Field Point. Eaton’s Neck. New Baltimore. Van Wie’s Point *. Split Rock. Cumberland Head. Ogdensburg. Crossover Island. Sunken Rock. Rock Island. Tibbett’s Point. Galloo Island. Horse Island. Stonej Point. Salmon River. Oswego. Big Sodus Bay. Genesee and beacon. Niagara Fort. Black Rock Pier. Buffalo... Silver Creek. Cattaraugus Beacon.......... Dunkirk and beacon. Barcelona.. PENNSYLVANIA. Presque Isle. Presque Isle Beacon. $400 350 350 6800 400 400 6750 700 61,680 61,320 400 350 GOO 400 6700 350 100 350 350 350 100 100 100 350 350 350 350 350 100 100 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 400 350 350 350 400 6470 6590 350 120 350 350 180 550 350 350 400 Brenton’s Reef, (light-vessel) Beaver Tail. Newport Harbor. Lime Rock. Dutch Island. Poplar Point. Prudence Island. Warwick. Bristol Ferry. Nayat Point. Point Judith. Block Island... Watch Hill. NEW YORK. Montauk. Little Gull Island. 700 350 350 CONNECTICUT. Stonington . 350 Morgan’s Point.. 350 North Dumpling. 350 New London . 350 Saybrook . 350 Eel Grass Shoal, (light-vessel)... 350 Bartlett’s Reef, (light-vessel). 350 Faulkner’s Island. 350 New Haven Wharf. 400 New Haven. 350 Stratford Point.... Stratford Point, (light-vessel). Bridgeport.. Black Rock.i 350 6900 Norwalk..! Great Captain’s Island..1 350 350 500 350 400 500 500 350 300 350 350 700 6590 350 350 35Q 14 TREASURY DEPARTMENT LIGHT HOUSES.— Vt. — N. J. — Del .— Va. — Md. — N. C.—S. C.—Ga.—Fla. Where located. TERMONT. Juniper Island Compensa¬ tion of keeper. Where located. Jane’s Island, [light vessel] $360 NORTH CAROLINA. Compensa¬ tion of keeper. $400 NEW JERSEY. Barnegat Shoals. Tucker’s Beach. Jape May. DELAWARE. Cape Henlopen. Cape Henlopen Beacon. Breakwater. Brandywine Shoal. Mispillion Creek. Maurice River. Egg Island... Mahon’s Ditch. Cohanzey Creek . Bombay Hook.. Reedy Island. Christiana River. Fort Miffiin. Five Fathom Bank, (light vessel) Upper Middle Shoal, (light vessel) VIRGINIA. Assateague Island.. Hog Island. Cape Charles. Watts’ Island. Cape Henry. Back River Point. Old Point Comfort. York Spit, (light vessel). New Point Comfort. Willoughby Spit, (light vessel)... Craney Island, (light vessel). White Shoal. Point of Shoals.. Deepwater Shoals. Jordan’s Point. Wolf Trap, (light vessel). Windmill Point, (light vessel). Smith’s Point (light vessel). Smith’s Point. Bowler’s Rock, (light vessel).. MARYLAND. Piney Point. Blackstone’s Island... Rower Cedar Point, (light vessel).... Upper Cedar Point, (light vessel).... Fog’s Point.. Pivngoteague. Clay Island. Point Lookout...... « owe Point. Sharp’s Island... Thomas’ Point... Greenbury Point. Bodkin Point. Sevenfoot Knoll... North Point. Fort Carroll .. Lazeretto Point.. Pool’s Island. Turkey Point.. Fishing Battery. Havre de Grace.... Hooper’s Straits, (light vessel)... 400 400 40o 6650 400 6850 61.220 4i'0 350 350 450 350 450 400 350 400 700 500 400 400 500 350 6S00 400 6800 500 & ration. 400 500 450 6800 6800 6S00 400 500 500 500 400 400 350 450 400 400 400 6S00 3 i 5 350 350 350 350 350 400 600 600 400 350 460 350 400 350 | 500 Boddy’s Island... Cape Hatteras. Pamlico Point.. Ocracoke. Long Shoal, (light-vessel). Royal Shoal, (light-vessel).. Ninefeet Shoal, (light-vessel) .. Neuse River, (light-vessel). Ocracoke, (light-vessel) . Brant Island, (light-vessel). Harbor Island, (light-vessel). Beacon Island. Roanoke Island, (light-vessel). Wade’s Point. . Roanoke River, (light-vessel). Cape Lookout. Bogue Banks. Federal Point. Cape Fear. Fryingpan Shoal, (light-vessel) ... Oak Island Beacons... Price Creek Beacons.. Campbell’s Island. Orton’s Point. Horse Shoe, (light-vessel).. SOUTH CAROLINA. Georgetown. Cape Romain. Bull’s Bay. Charleston. Rattlesnake Shoals, (light-vessel) Morris Island, (beacons). Sullivan’s Island, (beacons). St. Helena Bar, (light-vessel). GEORGIA. Tybee, and Beacon... Fig Island, (beacon). Oyster Beds and Cockspur Island, (beacons) Martin’s Industry, (light-vessel). Tybee Island Knoll, (light-vessel). Sapelo Island... Wolf Island, (beacons). St. Simond’s Island. . Little Cumberland Island. Amelia Island. FLORIDA. St. John’s River..„. St. Augustine... Cape Canaveral...,*. Cape Florida... | Careysfort Reef.. Sand Key.... Key West. Northwest 1’assage. Tortugas.-. Kgmont Key.. Sea Horse Key.. St. Marks. Dog Island. Cape St.George... Pensacola..... 400 61,100 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 350 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 1,000 & ration. 400 400 350 350 400 400 450 400 600 700 & ration. 450 450 500 533 400 6700 700 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 6860 6950 61,150 & ration. 61,150 & ration. 500 6800 600 6600 500 450 500 450 550 TREASURY DEPARTMENT 15 LIGHT HOUSES— Ala. — Miss. — La. — Tex. — 0. — Mich. — Ind. — III .— Wis. — Cal. — Or. Where located. ALABAMA. Mobile Point. Sand Island. Choctaw Point and beacons Hound Island. Pascagoula.;. MISSISSIPPI. Biloxi. Ship Island. LOUISIANA. Chandeleur Island. Cat Island. Pass Chistian. .. Proctorsville Beacon. Pleasanton’s Island. Bon Fouca. Port Pontchartrain... New Canal. Tchefuncta River. Merrill’s Shell Bank (light-vessel) Pass Manchac. Northeast Pass. South Pass. Head of South Pass. Southwest Pass.. Bayou St. John. Point de Fer..*. Ship Shoal (light-vessel). Atchafalaya Bay (light-vessel). Compensa- Compensa tion of Where located. tion of keeper. $5800 5800 5800 500 400 400 5800 500 5850 500 180 5960 500 5800 5900 500 500 5900 500 5900 600 5960 500 5960 700 500 keeper. Grassy Island Beacon $350 Windmill Point Clinton River..., 350 350 Port Gratiott. 350 Point aux Barques. Saginaw Bay. Ottawa Point. Thunder Bay. Piesque Island. Bois Blanc. Cheboygan. Detour . Wagonshance. Skillagalee Rock. Grand Traverse Bay. South Manitou Island. Manitou Island. Pottawattomie. Beaver Island. Winnebago Lake. While Fish Point. Copper Harbor. Eagle Harbor. Ontonagon. Marquette. Muskegon River. Grand River. Kalamooza River.. St. Joseph’s River and Beacon New Buffalo and Beacon. 350 350 350 400 350 400 350 350 51,000 5650 350 350 5640 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 450 350 350 450 350 INDIANA. Michigan City 350 TEXAS. ILLINOIS. Bolivar Point... Half Moon Shoal. Matagorda Island. Red Fish Bar. Galveston (light-vessel). Clopper’s Bar. Point Isabel. Padre Island Beacon. OHIO. Conneaut River. Ashtabula Beacon. Grand River and Beacon. Cleveland and Beacon. Black River. Vermillion River Beacon. Huron River. Cedar Point Beacon. Sandusky. Port Clinton. Green Island. Western Sister Island. Maumee Bay. Turtle Island. MICHIGAN. 5840 5800 5840 5800 700 5700 500 360 350 350 450 450 350 180 350 450 350 350 400 350 500 5500 Chicago and Beacon. Little Fort. WISCONSIN. Southport. Root River. Milwaukie and Beacon. Port Washington. Sheboygan. Manitowoc. Port de Mort. Bay ley’s Harbor.. Tail Point.. Calumet River. Twin Rivers. CALIFORNIA. Alcatraz .. Fort Point. Point Pines. Farrallones. Humbolt . San Diego. Point Conception Point Bonita. 450 350 350 350 450 350 350 350 5590 350 350 350 350 51,800 1,000 51,650 52,150 51,650 52,150 52,150 51,650 Monroe. Gibraltar.. Mamajuda Beacon. 350 350 350 OREGON. Cape Disappointment. 52,150 16 TREASURY DEPARTMENT CUSTOMS— Maine. CUSTOMS. Offices. MAINE. Passamaqoddy. Collector. Surveyor. Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Dep’y coll’r and iaspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... 3 inspectors. Inspector . Inspector. Inspector . Weigher and measurer. Measurer. Deputy collector. Aid to revenue. Boatman. Boatman. Machias. Collector .. Inspector . Inspector. Inspector. Inspector, Inspector. Where employed. Frenchman's Bay. Collector. Deputy collector, inspector and measurer. Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Inspector. Penobscot. Collector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Occas’l insp’r, weigher, &c.. Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Deputy collector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Occasional inspector. Waldoboro'. Collector Dep’y coll’r and inspector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Dep’y cbll’r and inspector Inspector. Inspector Inspector. Inspector. Wiscasset. Collector., Inspector , Eastport. .do. .do. Luhec..... Calais. Houlton. Fort Fairfield.... Eastport. Luhec. Robbinston. Eastport. .do. Pembroke. Calais. .do. Eastport. Lubec. Machias. Machias port & district . Machias port & district . Cherryfield.. Cutter. Machias port & district . Compensa¬ tion. In the district... Ellsworth. Southwest Har¬ bor . Sullivan. Gouldsboro’. Frenchm’n’s Bay Castine. .do— .do..... Bucksport Sedgwick ., Fort Kent Lincoln. District Waldo¬ boro’ . Thornaston. Waldoboro’. Damariscotta.... Rockland. Bristol and Bre¬ men . St. G eorge. Cushing and Friendship. Rockland. Wiscasset. .do,... $3,107 91 1,644 74 1,095 00 1,095 00 1,095 00 1,095 00 1,095 00 1,095 1,095 1,095 730 711 125 730 730 360 00 240 00 00 00 00 00 14 52 Oh 00 913 99 730 00 459 00 500 00 250 00 225 00 1,218 22 1,192 51 1,095 00 300 00 300 00 730 00 1,454 67 895 00 800 00 730 00 730 00 1,095 00 150 00 1,789 16 1,095 00 936 00 936 00 1,095 00 300 00 350 00 348 00 850 00 912 71 1,065 00 Offices. Measurer. Inspector . Inspector Inspector , Inspector , Inspector. Bath. Collector.. Dep’y coll’r, insp’r, weigher, gauger, and measurer.... Inspector, weigher, gauger, and measurer. Inspector, weigher, gauger, and measurer. Inspector . Inspector. Inspector , Inspector, Inspector , Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Wiscasset. .do. Booth Bay. Wiscasset and revenue boat.. Southport. Westport. Bath. .do. .do. Inspector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Portland and Falmouth. Collector... Deputy collector, and occa¬ sional weigher, gauger, and measurer. Clerk. Clerk. Surveyor. 2 weighers, gaugers, and measurers. 6 inspectors. 4 2d occasional inspectors ... Aid to weighers, gaugers, and measurers. Aid to weighers, gaugers, and measurers. Aid to inspectors. Aid to inspectors. Aid to inspectors. Night inspector. Occasional inspector...... Porter.... 2 Boatmen. Saco. Collector. Inspector. Inspector. Aid to revenue. Kennebunk. Collector. Deputy col., inspector, &c. Inspector., Inspector. York. Collector Bath and reve¬ nue boat. Georgetown and Phipsburg. Harpswell and Brunswick. Gardiner and Pittston. Hallowell and Augusta. Richmond and Bowdoinham. Canada road and line. Portland. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do... Yarmouth. Portland .. .do.... Saco. Saco & Biddeford Outer Harbor... Scarborough. Kennebunk. Kenebunk Cus¬ tom-house . Wells. Ogunquit.. York $250 17 1,095 00 912 50 912 50 498 00 500 00 2,665 53 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,401 00 1,095 CO 600 00 250 00 500 00 500 00 350 00 650 00 3,000 00 1.500 00 800 00 600 00 1,322 90 1.500 00 1,095 00 1,095 00 636 00 45 00 130 00 280 00 520 00 520 00 977 00 350 00 328 00 3S9 27 461 50 500 00 76 00 206 42 600 00 56 00 56 00 279 20 TREASURY DEPARTMENT IT CUSTOMS —Mew Hampshire — Vermont — Massachusetts. Offices. Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Deputy collector, Ac. York. $200 00 Inspector . Cape Neddock... 120 00 Belfast. CJoll putnr . Belfast.. 1,504 62 1,095 00 Deputy coll, and inspector .do. Deputy coll, and inspector, weigh'r, gaug’r & meas’r S90 99 Deputv coll, and inspector, * weigh’r, gaug’r, A meas’r Camden. 1,137 48 Deputy coll, and inspector, weigh’r, gaug’r, A meas’r Scarrport. 762 24 Dep’y coll, and aid to rev... Belfast, North- port, Ac. 549 00 Dep’y coll, and aid to rev... Vinal Haven.... 104 38 Bangor. Collector. Bangor. 2,810 69 1,095 00 2 Deputy col. and inspectr’s Deputy col. and inspector, weigh’r, gaug’r, A meas’r Hampd’n, Frank- fort, A Bangor 1,332 20 Dep’y coll., insp’r, weigher, gauger, and measurer... Weigh’r, gaug’r A meas’r... Frankfort. 1.413 04 Bangor. 1,064 58 Aid to revenue. 200 00 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Portsmouth. Col., sup’t light-house, and agent marine hospital... Portsmouth.... 512 61 Naval officer. .do. 442 45 437 66 730 00 Surveyor . .do. Inspector and d’y collect’r Inspector and measurer... Weigher, gauger & meas’r 1,230 52 1,194 45 2 inspectors . .do. 1,095 00 858 00 360 00 730 00 547 50 196 50 Inspector. Inspector. Occasional inspector. 2 occa’al and night watch ... Occasional and night watch Inspector. 500 00 200 00 D’y collector and inspector Dover. Inspector. Kit.tftry. 500 00 100 00 100 00 300 00 300 00 Occasional inspector. Occasional inspector. Inspector . Rye . Hampton. Inspector. Stewartstown ... VERMONT. Collector.. W Burlington. 1,090 84 912 50 2 d’y collectors and insp’rs.. Dep’y collector and insp’r... .do. 600 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Windmill Point 500 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Snowies Cross- iog. 360 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Alburgh Springs 500 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Swanton. 500 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Highgate . 360 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Franklin. 360 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... West Berkshire 360 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Richford. 360 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Dep’y collector and insp’r... Troy. Newport. 360 00 500 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Derby. 500 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Dep’y collector and insp’r... Island Pond. 870 00 .do. 465 00 Deputy collector. 712 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Dep’y collector and insp’r... Canaan . Island Pond. 360 00 250 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Fairfield. 500 00 Dep’y collector and insp’r... Derby Line .. 400 00 Offices. Where employed. Dep’y collector and insp’r... 1 )ep’y collector aDd insp’r... Dep’y collector and insp’r... Dep’y collector and insp’r... Boatman .. 2 Boatmen... 2 Boatmen. Porter. MASSACHUSETTS. Newburyport. Burlington. St. Albans. Montpelier.. Danville.. Burlington.. Windmill Point Alburgh Springs Burlington.... Collector. Surveyor... Surveyor. Naval officer—. Inspector and gauger.. Weigher, measurer and oc¬ casional inspector. Inspector. Inspector.. Boatm’n and occ'l inspect’r Inspector.. Gloucester. Collector... Surveyor . 2 Inspectors... Inspector.. Inspector . Weigher, gauger, & meas’r Weigher, gauger, & meas’r Salem and Beverly. Collector. Deputy collector. Clerk. Naval officer. Surveyor . Surveyor . Inspector and storekeeper Inspector and storekeeper Inspector. Inspector.... Inspector........ Inspector. Inspector....... Temp’ry meas’r & inspec’r... Inspector.. Inspector. Inspector. Inspector.. Weigher and gauger.. Weigher and gauger. Weigher and gauger.. Measurer.. Marblehead. Collector. Surveyor. Dep’y coll’r and inspector.. Inspector, weigher, gauger and measurer.. 2 boatmen . Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Boatman. Inspector. Boston. Collector, superintendent of light-houses, Ac. Dep’y coll’r and auditor. 2 deputy collectors. Compensa¬ tion. Newburyport.. .do. Ipswich. Newburyport.. .do. .do. .do. .do. Ipswich. Gloucester... .do. .do. Rockport. .. Manchester. Gloucester... .do. Salem ... .do. .do .do. .do. Beverly. Salem ... .do. Salem... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Beverly. .do. Salem... .do. .do. Marblehead. .do. .do. .do. .do. Lynn. .do. .do. Boston, .do. .do. $860 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 180 00 100 00 745 18 448 39 250 00 398 00 899 76 686 96 897 00 789 00 336 67 200 00 2,127 80 692 98 1,095 00 300 00 150 00 648 71 783 38 2,068 83 1,000 00 930 00 1,332 62 806 31 297 76 1,095 00 927 00 948 00 933 00 924 00 939 00 927 00 1,233 59 927 00 954 00 657 00 357 00 1,307 84 1,237 43 1,208 69 427 7 5 843 87 277 98 433 00 433 00 150 00 365 00 100 00 182 50 6,400 00 2,500 00 2,600 00 18 TREASURY DEPARTMENT CUSTOMS— Massachusetts—Rhode Island. Offices. Marine clerk and register... Clerk . Rewarehouse clerk. Foreign entry clerk. Transportation clerk. Ipmost book-keeper. Foreign clearence clerk. Warehouse entry clerk. Cashier. Cashier’s clerk. Bond and permit clerk. Arranger of papers. Assistant cashier. Warehouse book-keeper. Debenture clerk. Warehouse clerk. Assistant bond and permit clerk. Export book-keeper. Outward entry clerk. Auditor’s clerk. Warehouse clerk. Assistant coastwise clerk.... Impost clerk. Clerk of Correspondence... Coastwise clerk. Liquidating clerk.. Bond accountant. Inward warehouse clerk.... Marine abstract clerk. Miscellaneous clerk. Superintendent messen’r... 1st assistant messenger. 2d assistant messenger. 5 measurers. 12 weighers and gaugers.... Inspector. 55 inspectors. Dep’y coll'r and inspector... Dep’j r coll’r and inspector... 21 night Inspectors. Superintendent of ware¬ houses . 2 storekeepers. Storekeep( r. Storekeeper... Clerk. Clerk . Clerk., Clerk., Clerk... Naval officer.. Deputy naval officer. Clerk. 2 clerks. Clerk.. Clerk. Clerk and messenger. Surveyor... Deputy surveyor. Assistant dep’y surveyor .. Clerk. Messenger. Appraiser at large. 2 appraisers. 2 assistant appraisers. Clerk . 3 clerks. Clerk . 4 clerks.. Clerk. Examiner of drugs. Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Boston.. .do.... .do.... _do .. .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do.~ .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.1. .do. .do. .do. .do. Quincy, &c., Boston. Hingham.... Cohasset.. .do.. Plymouth. Collector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector. ,.do.. ,.do.. ,.do.. . do.., . do. Plymouth. .do .... Duxbury... $1,200 00 1,100 1,100 1.500 1 . 10 ; 1,100 1.400 1.200 2.500 1,200 1,300 900 1,40 » 1,000 1,200 900 1,0' 0 1,100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,100 00 1,200 1,200 1,100 1.200 1,400 1,100 1,200 1,100 1,400 1,100 1,000 1,200 760 540 1.485 1.485 1,095 1,095 700 700 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 <0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Offices. Where employed. Co ™P™ sa - 1.500 00 1,400 00 1,100 00 1,095 00 1,905 00 800 00 1,400 00 900 00 800 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 1.500 00 R150 00 1,200 00 1,150 00 700 00 4,900 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 1.500 500 2,50) 2.500 2,000 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 1,400 00 1,000 00 1,40') 00 1,000 00 00 00 00 <0 481 1,095 800 Dep’y coll'r and inspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Temporary measurer. Temp’ry meas’r & weigher .. Fall Fiver. Collector .a.... Deputy collector, inspector, weigher, measurer, and gauger.. Insp’r, weigher, and meas¬ urer ... Insp’r, weigher, and meas¬ urer . Insp’r, weigher, and meas¬ urer . Barnstable. Collector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector . Inspector . Inspector. Inspector . 5 inspectors. Clerk. Scituate .... Kingston .. Marshfield. Scituate .... .do. Fall River. .do. .do. Somerset, Digli- ton, Taunton, &c. Dighton. New Bedford. Collector. 2 dep’y coll’rs and insp’rs ... Insp’r, weigher, measurer, and gauger.... Inspector and measurer.... Inspector and measurer .... Inspector Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. Boatman. Aid to revenue Aid to revenue. Clerk. Barnstable .do. .do. .do.. .do. .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.. .do..„. New Bedford, .do. Edgartown. Collector.fc.. Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Dep’y coll’r and inspector ... Temporary inspector. Boatman. Nantucket. Collector... Inspector . Inspector and measurer. RHODE ISLAND. Providence Collector. Deputy collector Clerk. Naval officer. Surveyor. Surveyor. .do. Wa reham. Dartmouth ... Westport. Fair Haven .. Mattapoisett. Sippican. New Bedford. .do. .do. .do. Edgartown. .do. Holmes’ Hole Edgartown — Holmes’ Hole Edgartown .... Holmes’ Hole Nantucket. .do. .do. Providence.. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pawtucket. $600 00 300 00 160 00 15 00 126 54 1,032 03 924 38 492 00 582 49 33 86 1,708 56 774 00 733 00 658 00 745 00 658 00 500 00 507 00 546 00 507 00 400 00 200 00 2,990 00 1,095 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 353 67 84 00 453 00 117 00 99 00 420 00 138 00 196 00 800 00 654 59 1,095 00 600 00 730 00 400 00 39 00 240 00 588 88 549 00 S47 32 1,442 97 1,470 83 600 00 712 43 613 69 200 00 TREASURY DEPARTMENT 19 CUSTOMS— Connecticut , New York. Offices. Where employed. Surveyor... 4 inspectors, (alternate).... Inspector... Inspector . Inspector.. Inspector... Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. Inspector . Weigher. Gauger. Measurer. Bristol and Warren. Collector.. Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Inspector. Inpsector. Inspector. Weigher and measurer. 2d gauger.;. Assistant storekeeper and aid to revenue. Surveyor. Boatman. Surveyor. Inspector. Inspector... Inspector.. Weigher, gauger, & meas¬ urer . Boatman. East Greenwich Providence. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pawtucket. .do. East Greenwich Providence.. .do. .do.. Bristol .. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Newport. Collector. Naval officer... Surveyor. Surveyor... Surveyor. Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Inspector. Inspector. Occasional Inspector. Inspector Inspector. Inspector... Inspector. Measurer., Inspector. Inspector. Gauger and weigher. Boatman. Boatman. Night watch. CONNECTICUT. Middletown. Collector. Surveyor. Surveyor. Surveyor. Deputy collector inspector and gauger. Inspector.. Inspector.. Inspector. New London. Collector.. Surveyor- Inspector.. .do. .do. .do. Warren. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Newport. .do. .do. North Kingston Tiverton. Newport. . .do. .do. .do. .do.. .do. .do. New Shoreman Newport. North Kingston .do. Newport. .do. North Kingston Newport. Middletown .do. Hartford. Saybrook .... Middletown . Hartford. Saybrook .... .do. New London .do. .do. Compensa¬ tion. $250 00 547 50 498 00 507 00 474 00 507 00 537 00 462 00 300 00 450 00 300 (0 1,431 94 381 24 1,164 13 $989 36 549 0u 546 00 171 0 • 183 00 308 251 27 50 47 547 359 152 00 313 34 420 00 1 ' 2 00 132 00 397 25 84 00 887 95 476 45 445 43 250 00 2.-0 00 549 00 546 00 549 0> 216 00 168 0 » 195 (0 234 oo 149 45 50 277 22 94 234 04 450 00 270 00 13 75 73 93 548 97 273 51 420 00 276 40 537 50 462 50 300 00 216 60 2,014 44 316 69 600 00 Offices. Inspector, weigher, &c.. Inspector, weigher, &c.. Inspector. Inspector. New Haven. Collector.. Dep’y coll’r and inspector... Surveyor. Storekeeper . Clerk. Inspector, weigher, and measurer. Inspector, weigher, and gauger. Inspectorr, weigher, and gauger. 4 inspectors. Inspector. Inspector- Day and night inspector. Aid to revenue. Aid to revenue. Night watch. Night watch...... Night watch. Night watch. Keeper revenue boat.. Where employed. Compensar tion. New London.. Norwich.. Allen’s Point. East Lyme .... New Haven .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Branford & Sa¬ chem’s Head. Guilford & Mad- Fairfidd. Collector. Inspector, weigher, gauger, and measurer. Inspector, weigher, gauger, and measurer. Inspector, weigher, gauger, and measurer.„... Temporary night watch. Slonington. Collector. Surveyor. Inspector. Inspector. Weigher and gauger. Boatman. NEW YORK. Sachet?s Harbor. Collector... Dep’y coll’r and inspector. K even ue aid. Dep’y coll’r and inspector. Night watch. Night watch. 2 temporary inspectors.... Temporary inspector . Dep’y coll’r and inspector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector. Dep’y coll’r and inspector. 2 revenue seamen. Genesee. Collector. Deputy collector. Deputy collector. Deputy collector . Deputy collector. Inspector. ison... New Haven. Milford k Derby New Haven. .do. .do.. .do. .do.. .do. Bridgeport. .do. Norwalk.... Stamford ... Bridgeport. Stonington. Pawcatuck. Stonington. Mystic & Noank Stonington. , Sackett’s Harbor .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Watertown. Brownville. Dexter. Henderson. Sandy Creek. Sackett’s Harboi Rochester. .do. Carthage. Kelsey Landing Pultneyville. Charlotte. $660 72 650 00 250 00 100 00 3,000 00 1,095 00 776 00 500 00 700 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,095 00 72 00 60 00 903 00 48 00 386 00 96 00 168 00 164 00 218 00 300 00 1,016 35 1,209 20 183 00 10S 00 4 00. 833 30 156 66 500 00 500 00 129 13 216 00 775 40 730 00 730 00 640 00 412 50 275 00 730 00 547 50 412 50 300 00 250 00 225 00 781 00 900 00 730 00 730 00 730 00 730 00 20 TREASURY DEPARTMENT CUSTOMS —New York. Offices. Oswego. Where employed. Collector. 2 deputy collectors. 2 inspectors.. Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. 4 clerks. Clerk.. CJerk. 4 revenue aids. 2 Night watch. 3 Night watch. Boatman. Niagara. Collector. Deputy collector. ClerkT.. 2 inspectors. Night watch.. Deputy collector. Deputy collector.. Deputy collector and Aid to revenue. Dep’y collector and insp’r Inspector.. Inspector. Inspector.. Inspector. Warehouse inspector. aid. Buffalo creek. Collector. Deputy collector Deputy collector Deputy collector Deputy collector Aid to revenue... Aid to revenue... Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. 2 clerks. Oswegatchie. Collector. Deputy collector. Inspector. Aid to revenue. Watchman to revenue Deputy collector. Deputy collector. . Deputy collector. Deputy collector. Deputy collector. Deputy collector. Deputy collector. 2 night watch. Sag Harbor. Collector- Inspector. Inspector. Inspector. Oswego ........ .do. .do. Big Sodus .... Little Sodus.. Texas. Port Ontario Oswego ........ .do. .do. .do. Oswego.. .do.™.. Lewiston.. .do. .do. .do. .do. Niagara Falls. Niagara Bridge. .do. Albion. Youngstown .... .do. Wilson. Eight’nMileCr’k Oak Orchard.... Niagara Bridge. Buffalo. Black Rock.... Black Rock Dam Tonawanda ... .do. Schlosser. Buffalo. .do. .do. .do. .do. Ogdensburg. .do. .do. .do. .do.. Hammond. Morristown. Red Mills. Waddington. Louisville. Massena. Travl'ngin dist. Ogdensburg. New Torlc City. Collector.’.. Deputy collector. Sag Harbor. .do. .do. Greenport... New York. .do.... Compensa¬ tion. $961 84 1,000 00 730 00 500 00 300 00 365 00 410 62 730 00 600 00 730 00 488 00 366 00 365 00 300 Ol) 1,444 89 900 00 730 00 730 00 365 00 400 00 730 00 730 00 730 00 730 00 365 00 365 00 365 00 365 00 365 00 1,954 23 1,000 00 814 00 520 00 730 00 500 00 214 00 1,000 00 900 00 825 00 471 00 570 00 912 00 1,460 10 900 00 730 00 730 00 730 00 450 00 500 00 400 00 463 7 6 463 76 400 00 999 00 240 00 685 20 189 00 78 00 60 00 6,340 00 2,500 00 Offices. Where employed. Clerk to collector. New York. First Division. Auditor.... Assistant auditor. Book-keeper.. Chief statistical clerk. Drawback and bounty. Statistics of imports. Examiner of accounts. Statistics of exports. Impost clerk. 2 statistics of imports. Ref’d excess of departm’ts 2 abstract of departments Refunding clerk. 4 impost clerks. 2 indirect trade.. Tonnage abstract.. Register and abstract.. Accountant.. Abstract of damages.. Statistics for newspapers.., 3 passenger lists. Endorsing clerk. Copying clerk. Impost clerk. Abstract clerk.. Endorsing clerk.. Messenger. Porter.. Second Division. Cashier. Assistant cashier. 4 clerks. Clerk. Clerk. Porter, &c . Third Division. Deputy collector .. Warehouse superintend'nt Register... Chief clerk. 3 withdrawal entry clerks W. H. & trans’pt entry cl’k Bond clerk for W. H. and transport bonds. Cancellation of export and accounts of Canada bonds Chief liquidating clerk.. Export and Canada bonds... 2 book-keepers of accounts of unclaimed goods. 2 withdrawals for Canada... Cancel lor of transp’t bonds Canc’lor of Canadian bonds Abstract of W. H. bonds .... Examiner of old W H. b’ds for transportation. Register of arrivals. Assistant of W. H. abstract clerk .. Copyist of entries in gene^ ral ledger. Chief book-keeper of statis¬ tical ledger. 2 ass’t book-keepers of sta¬ tistical ledger... Adjusterof entries in ledg’r 2 assistant statistical book¬ keepers . Assistant transportation clerk ....,¬ do.. . do.. - do.. ,, .. do., .do. .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do. .do., .do. .do., .do., .do.. .do.. .do¬ do. do. .do¬ do., .do., .do., ,do.. •do. . de¬ compensa¬ tion. $2,200 00 4,000 00 2.500 00 1.500 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,300 00 1,300 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 oo 700 00 600 00 480 00 3,000 2.500 1.500 1,400 1,100 480 00 00 00 00 00 00 2.500 00 2,000 00 1.500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 TREASURY DEPARTMENT 21 CUSTOMS —New York. Offices. [where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Register of cash entries. New York. $1,100 00 Book-keeper . 1,100 00 In charge of inspector ac- count of goods to public store. 1,100 00 2 book-keepers of store ac- couuts. 1,100 00 10 b’k-keepersof unclaimed and bonded goods. .do.. 1,100 00 3 estimating aud stating on permits amount due for storage . 1,100 00 Assistant book-keeper. l'ooo 00 Assistant liquidating clerk .do. 1,000 00 In charge of files . 1,000 00 (Second) in charge of files ... 1,000 00 Assistant liquidating clerk l'ooo 00 Store-keeper Atlantic docks .do. 1,400 00 Store-keeper bonded ware- house. 1,200 00 Store-keeper Jersey City.... 1,200 00 Assist’t store-keeper bond’d warehouse. 1,200 00 3 assistant store-keepers South-street stores. 1,100 00 2 book-keepers. 1,100 00 54 cl’ks priv. bonded stores 1,095 00 2 in charge of invoice files aud messengers. 700 00 2 in charge of invoice tiles and messengers.'. 600 00 Porter and messenger. 4S0 00 Fourth Division. Deputy collector. 2,500 0 0 Chief clerk, entrance and clearance. 1,500 00 Register of vessels. l'400 00 Coasting entr’ce and clear- ance . 1,400 00 Protection clerk. 1,100 00 3 examiners of inspector’s returns. 1,100 00 Register of mortgages. .do. 1)100 00 Assistant coast and clear- ance. 1,100 00 Register of arrivals. l)l00 00 Assistant enrollment and license clerk. 1,100 00 Porter, 3 Receiver. Jackson . Receiver. Warsaw. G © Receiver. Springfield. ft G Receiver. Plattsburgh. C Receiver. Milan. Receiver. St. Stephens. o Receiver. Cahaba . Receiver. Huntsville. Receiver. Tuscaloosa. Receiver. Elba. Receiver. Demopolis. Receiver. Montgomery. Receiver. Lebanon.. Receiver. Washington. Receiver. Augusta. Receiver. Jackson. Receiver. Grenada . Receiver. Columbus. Receiver. New Orleans. Receiver. Opelousas. Register. Newnansville ... Receiver. Monroe. Compensar tion. bn 4-i o o .o cd © o d © © a o •*H GO a © ft o © u o Note. —Salaries of registers and receivers, (excepting in California, Oregon, and Washington,) $500 per annum and one per cent, commission on moneys entered at their offices, and accounted for by them respectively. They are also, each, authorized to charge for their services in the location of military land warrants the following fees, to he paid by the holder of the warrant, viz :—for a 40 acre warrant, 50 cents; a 60 acre warrant, 75 cents; an 80 acre warrant, $1; a 120 acre warrant, $1 50, and a warrant for 160 acres, $2. Should the commission and fees of any register exceed $2,500 per annum, the excess is paid into the treasury. An allowance of $5.per diem is made them for superintending public sales held at their offices. Receivers are also allowed mileage going to and return¬ ing from depositing the public moneys received by them. * Salary, $3,000. Allowed office rent. •}• Salary, $2,500; also allowed office rent, but no fees whatever. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. 31 GENERAL LAND OFFICE— Receivers —PATENT OFFICE—INDIAN" OFFICE. Offices. Where employed Compensa¬ tion. Offices. 'Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Receiver. Greensburgb .... 2 copiers of drawings. Washington. DnwinTS Receiver. Natchitoches ... estimated. Receiver .. Detroit. 17 temporary clerks. Receiver. Kalamazoo. Roeaivor . . Genesee. R<‘c«iv«r . , , . louia. Saut St. Marie .. Agricultural clerk. •2. noo nn Reotdvar. Duncan . i Agricultural clerk. Batesville. 5 watchmen. 600 00 Ruap.ivar. Little Rock. Receiver. Washington. National GalUry.% Fayetteville. Helena. Keeper. 000 00 < larksville. Assistant keeper. 750 00 Champagnole.... a Watchman. 600 00 Rw'ftivfir. Tallahassee. fcD Receiver. St. Augustine... .5 Receiver. Newnansville ... r n> o INDIAN OFFICE. Rppp.ivpr. Tampa. Rprpivpr. Dubuque. u Pi Comrn’r of Indian Affairs... Washington. 3,000 00 Fairfield. <4-. Chief clerk. 2,000 (X) I owa City. o 3 clerks of the 4th class. 1,800 00 Chariton. o 6 clerks of the Sd class. .do. 1 600 00 Rpp.pivor. Fort Desmoines 6 clerks of the 2d class. . do... 1,400 00 Council Bluffs, oC Temporary clerk. 1.400 00 late Kanesville 03 Emp’d on Indian statistics.. ^2 000 00 Decorrah. o fl Jimp’il on Indian statistics,. par dnv Fort Dodge. o Messenger. 840 00 Sioux City. CJ K Messenger. 600 00 Mineral Point... p 4 watchmen. 600 00 Meuosha. .2 Laborer. 576 00 Milwaukie. cf Rpo.pivfir. Hudson. Northern Su-perintendency. Receiver. Stevens’ Point... p. La Crosse . a Superintendent. Wisconsin. 2,000 00 Rfippivo.r. Superior. o *Benicia. 14 o Green Bay Agency. *Los A ngelos. Pi ^Marysville. Agent. Green Bay Ag’y. 1,000 00 Stillwater. 2 blacksmiths. 480 00 Sauk Rapids. 2 assistant smiths. 240 00 Brownsville. Miller. 600 00 Minneapolis. Farmer. 600 00 Winona .. Carpenter. 720 00 Red Wing. Teacher. 420 00 tOregon Citv. Teacher. 300 00 fWincb ester. Teacher. 200 00 fOlvinpia. Teacher. 125 00 Pawnee District Teacher. 200 00 Omaha District.. Teacher. 150 00 Minnesota Super intendency. PATENT OFFICE. Superintendent. Minnesota terry. 1,000 00 Washington. $3,000 00 2,000 00 Chippewa Agency. 2.500 00 .do. 1.800 00 Agent. Ohippowa _ 1,500 00 .do. 1,S00 00 .do. 1.600 00 Winnebago Agency. 1,600 00 1,600 00 Agent. Winnebago a^’y. 1,500 00 .(io. 1,400 00 Physician . 850 00 .do. 840 00 Interpreter. 400 00 * Salary, $3,000. Allowed office rent. f Salary, $2,500; also allowed office rent, but no fees of any kind whatever allowed. Receivers allowed actual and necessary.expenses in depositing. J Tlie National Gallery is in charge of the Commissioner of Patents, by special act of Congress. John Varden, door-keeper. Salary, $900 per annum, and perquisites, $50 per month. R. G. Campbell, assistant. Salary, $750 per annum, and privileges, $50 per month. The places of door-keeper and assistant are very desirable positions. There is nothing requiring labor; and they are better than any $1,200 clerkship. The duties are to request visitors to register their names, to see that little boys do not disturb visitors in examining the magnificent catalogue of the great Exploring Expedition, to relieve each vther at dinuer, and to attend to private matters. Labors of the day end at 4 o’clock. Isaac beers, watchman, salary, $600 per annum, and perqitisites, $75 per month, whose duty it is (being ab¬ sorbed all day in his own business, and in directing visitors how to get the official catalogue,) to sleep till 6 o’clock next morning. I 32 DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR. INDIAN OFFICE— Agencies, $c. Offices. 2 blacksmiths. 2 assistant smiths... Carpenter . Overseer of farm.... Laborer . Laborer. Laborer. 5 laborers. 3 (Indian) laborers. Cook. Superintendent Clerk. Waiter. Sac and Fox Agency. Agent. Interpreter. Blacksmith. Gunsmith. Assistant smith., Pottovoatomic Agency. Agent. Interpreter. Physician. Wagon maker. Gunsmith. Miller. 3 blacksmiths. 3 assistant smiths.. Ferryman.. Shawnee Agency. Agent.'... Interpreter Interpreter Blacksmith Blacksmith Delaware Agency. Agent. Blacksmith Interpreter Great Nemaha Agency. Agent .. Farmer. 2 blacksmiths. 2 interpreters. Osage Diver Agency. Agent... Interpreter. 2 blacksmiths. 2 assistant blacksmhhs. Miller.... Council Bluffs Agency. Agent. ■2 farmers. 2 strikers. Smith. Where employed. St. Peter's Agency . Agent... Central Super intendency. Winnebago ag’cy .do. . do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. St. Peter’s agn’y jC St. Louis., .do. .do. Sac & Fox agn’y .do. .do... .do.. .do. Pottow’mie ag’y .do.. .do. .do. .do.... .do. .do.. .do. .do. Shawnee A’gy... Shawnee Nation Wyandot Nat’n Delaware Ag’y. .do. .do. Gt. Nemaha A’gy .do. .do. Osage Riv’r Ag’y .do. .do.. .do. . do. Coun. Bl’ffs Ag’y .do.. .do. .do. Compensa¬ tion. 3 $480 00 240 00 480 00 $40 pr m’h 30.. 25.. 34.. 20.. $1 pr day $1 pr day 1,00 000 2,000 00 1,200 00 . $4 pr rn’th. 1,500 00 400 00 600 00 600 00 240 00 1,500 00 400 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 480 00 240 00 586 00 1,500 00 400 00 400 00 480 00 360 00 1,500 00 600 00 400 00 1,500 00 600 00 480 00 400 00 1,500 00 400 00 480 00 240 00 600 00 1,000 00 600 00 240 00 480 00 400 00 Offices. Kansas Agency. Agent. 1 nterpreter. Blacksmith. Assistant smith. Kickapoo Agency. Agent. Interpreter Upper Arkansas Agency. Agent. Upper Missouri Agency. Agent . Upper Platte Agency. Agent. Black feet Agency. Agent. Southern Superintendency. Superintendent Clerk. Choctaw Agency. Agent. Interpreter . 2 issuing commissaries Cherokee Agency. Agent. Interpreter Creek Agency. Agent. Interpreter. 4 blacksmiths.. 3 assistant blacksmiths. Wagon maker. Wheelwright. 12 teachers. Chickasaw Agency. Agent. Interpreter. Seminole Agency. Agent. Interpreter Neosho Agency. Agent..... Interpreter....... 3 interpreters. Farmer. Miller. 5 blacksmiths..... 3 assistant blacksmiths. 2 assistant blacksmiths. Where employed. Kansas Agency .do. .do. .do. Kickapoo A’gy... Upper Arkansas Agency. Upper Missouri Agency.. Upper Platte Agency . Blackfeet Ag’y. South’n Super’y .do. Choctaw Agency .do. .dOi. Cherokee Ag’y... .do. Creek Agency. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Chickasaw Ag’y .do. Compensa¬ tion. Seminole Ag’y. .do. Neosho Agency .do. $1,000 00 400 00 480 00 240 00 1,000 00 400 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 2.000 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 400 00 $45 p. mo. 1,500 00 400 00 1,500 00 400 00 600 00 240 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 1,500 00 400 00 1,000 00 400 00 1,000 00 400 00 200 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 240 00 225 00 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 33 INDIAN OFFICE— Agencies, $c. Oifi ces. California Superintendence/. Superintendent. Agent. Special ageut. Special ageut. Messenger. Special ageut. Clerk. Special agent. Special agent. Sub-agent... Farmer and overseer.... Cook. Laborer . Herdsman. Stone-mason. Miller.. Carpenter . Clerk and commissary.. Cook. Blacksmith. Sub-agent. 2 teamsters. Sub-agent. Assistant. Teamster. Physician .. Interpreter. Carpenter . Farmer. Teamster. Teamster.. Laborer . Interpreter. Blacksmith. Laborer . Farmer and interpreter Laborer . 3 carpenters . Cook. Hunter. Farmer. Clerk and commissary.... Laborer . Teacher. Farmer. Where employed. ^°™T^ nsar California Sup’y .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Fresno Farm ... .do. Sebastian lies. .do. .do.... .do... .do. .do. .do..“.... .do.. Nome Lackee Res .do. .do.. .do.. .do. .... do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. $4,000 00 3,000 00 $125 100.. .do... 125.. .do... 20S 3314 150.. .do... 100.. .do... 150.. .do... 125.. .do... 100.. .do... 75.. .do... 100.. .do... 150.. .do... 80.. .do... 100.. .do... 125.. .do... 75.. .do... 125.. .do... 150.. .do... 50.. .do... 125.. .do... 75.. .do... 100.. .do... 50.. .do... 60.. .do... 50.. .do... 100.. .do... 200.. .do... 50.. .do... 75.. .do... 40.. .do... 125.. .do... 83 3334 100.. .dor.. 75.. .do... 30.. .do... 83 33>£ Offices. Abiquin Agency. Agent.. Utah Superintendency. Superintendent. 3 farmers. Clerk. Porter. Interpreter. Utah Agency. Where employed. Abiquin agency U tah Territory.. .do. .do. .do. Compensa¬ tion. Agent. Interpreter. Laborer. 3 farmers.... Utah Agency. Agent. Interpreter. Oregon Superintendency. Superintendent 3 agents. 3 sub-agents. Washington Superintend¬ ency. Superintendent 2 agents. 2 sub-agents. Texas. Special agent.... 2 special agents 2 interpreters .. Blacksmith. Farmer. Interpreter.. 2 laborers. Utah Territory. .do. t . .do. .do. $1,550 00 1.000 00 eoo 00 '$3 per day 3 per w’k 5 per day 1,550 00 500 00 $30 p. mo. paid by job Utah Territory., Oregon Territory .do. W ash’n Territory .do. .do. New York Agency. Texas. .do. .do. Brazos Agency. .do.. .do. 1,000 00 500 00 2.500 00 1.500 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 1,700 00 1,500 00 550 00 800 01) 500 00 550 00 300 00 New Mexico Superintend¬ ency. Superintendent. Santa Fe . Interpreter. Porter. &c. Apache Agency. Agent... Interpreter. Storekeeper. Navajo Agency. Agent. Navajo Agency... Interpreter. Herder. Blacksmith. Utah Agency. Agent. Utah Agency. Interpreter. Pueblo Agency. Agent. Pueblo agency... 1,000 00 500 00 144 00 1,550 00 5u0 00 $25 1,550 00 500 00 300 00 600 00 1.550 00 500 00 1,500 00 Agent. Interpreter New York ag’y... .do. 1 Mackinac Agency. Agent.. Messenger. Interpreter. Interpreter. Interpreter. Interpreter. Physician. Physician. Blacksmith. Blacksmith. Blacksmith. Gunsmith. Blacksmith. Blacksmith. Blacksmith. Assistant blacksmith Assistant blacksmith Assistant blacksmith Assistant blacksmith Carpenter . Carpenter . Teacher . Overseer of farm. Farmer. Detroit. .do. .do. Mackinac. Grand #apids ... Sault St. Marie.. .do. Grand Rapids ... Grand Traverse. Mackinac. Sault St. Marie- Grand Rapids ... Saganaw . L’anse. Bad River. Grand Traverse Mackinac. Sault St. Marie.. L’anse. Grand Traverse Mackinac. Grand Traverse Saganaw . Grand Traverse I 1,000 00 400 00 1,500 00 360 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 100 00 100 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 240 00 600 00 600 00 400 60 500 00 400 00 34 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR INDIAN OFF ICE— Agencies —PENSION OFFICE— Agents, $c. —PUBLIC* BUILDINGS. $c. Offices. Farmer. Farmer. Blacksmith'.. Assistant blacksmith , Blacksmith. PENSION OFFICE. Commissioner .. Chief clerk ... 4 clerks of the 4th class . 20 clerks of the 3d class. 35 clerks of the 2d class . 10 clerks of the 1st class. Messenger. 3 messengers. 2 laborers. Bounty land clerk.. 9 bounty land clerks. 10 bounty land clerks.... 30 bounty land clerks.... Messenger.. Messenger. 4 watchmen. 2 laborers. 13 temporary clerks. Agents for paying Pensions in the different States and Territories. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent.. Agent. Agent. Agent... Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent.,. Agent... Agent. Agent. Agent.. Agent. Agent. Agent..%. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent...... Agent. Agont. Agent. Agent.,. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent...... Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Where employed 1Co ^ sa ' Griswold Colony Little Traverse.. Bad liiver. .do. Grand Portage .. Washington. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ......... do,/.. .do....... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Portland. Concord. Portsmouth. Montpelier .. Burlington.. Boston. Providence.. Hartford. Albany . New York. Trenton . Philadelphia Pittsburgh .. Wilmington . Baltimore .... Washington . Richmond.... Wheeling. Morgantown Fayetteville. Charleston... Savannah.... Jacksonville Tallahassee . Mobile. Tuscaloosa... Huntsville .. Jackson.. New Orleans Cincinnati... Cleveland_ Louisville — Nashville — Knoxville.... Jonesboro’... Pulaski. Jackson. Madison. Indianapolis New Albany Evansville... Springfield .. St. Louis. Little Rock , Fort Gibson . Detroit. $400 00 400 00 600 00 240 00 600 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 1,800 00 1,600 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 840 00 600 00 576 00 2,000 00 1,600 00 1,400 1,200 840 600 600 576 1.200 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD O 0 o m 0 o . §1 o z. O 0 p *-» 5 » S ° § § 5^ -f-3 P 3 a a; ^ 8 ** X oi O 0 p* o, ?h; . P* 2 .. & O) £2 rG © «■* hC ^ 05 ^ 0 * r5 o g§ 0 3 0 > » CG 0 ^ O VI 2 a S 14 S fl o o © O © o if Offices. I Where employe Oompensa* ’I tion. Agent. Agent.. Agent. Agent. Agents for paying Navy Pensions in the several States. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. Agent. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Commissioner. Washington Clerk . Messenger and fireman. Laborer. Captain Capitol police. 7 policce officers. _do. Gate-keeper at Capitol. 2 watchmen. Door-keeper Presdt’s House 2 watchmen Presdt’s House .do. .do. Assistant door-keeper Pres¬ ident’s House. Public gardener. Gardener of President. 16 laborers. Super’t Reservation No. 2... Watchman. 6 lamplighters. Watchman public stables... 2 draw-keepers Potomac bridge. 2 ass’t draw-keepers Poto¬ mac bridge. Keeper upper Eastern Branch bridge. Keeper navy yard bridge.... Captain Auxiliary Guard... 30 Auxiliary Guard. N ight watch Lafayette Square . PENITENTIARY D. C. Warden. Washington. 3 inspectors Clerk. Physician. Chaplain. 2 assistant keepers 9 guards. Matron. HOSPITAL FOR THE IN¬ SANE For the District of Columbia. President of board visitors. Ottumwa. Milwaukie. Oregon City ...... San Francisco... Portland.. Portsmouth. Boston... Providence. Hartford. New York City. Trenton . Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Baltimore. Washington City Norfolk. Charleston. Pensacola. New. Orleans. St. Louis. Louisville. Cincinnati. ,do. Dist. Columbia, a a o o be a © O © a © © o a u O $2,000 00 1,200 00 $3 p. day. 36 50 1,450 00 1,100 00 876 00 6j0 00 600 00 6j0 00 438 00 1,440 00 700 00 576 00 700 00 $1 p. day. $40 p. mo. 600 00 $2 40p.d’y $1 $45 p. mo. $ 1,000 00 600 00 $20 p. mo. 1,500 00 250 00 1,000 00 500 00 500 00 750 00 550 00 500 00 Honorary DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. 35 MISCELLANEOUS —Hospital for the Insane , §c. Offices. 8 visitors. Superintendent. .Assistant physician. ENGINEER F>r ascertaining the Grades of Washington City. Engineer... COMMISSIONER Tc ran the Mexican Bound¬ ary Line Comm’r and surveyor. Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Dist. Columbia.. Honorary $2,500 00 600 00 .do. Washington. 1,500 00 On the line. 3,000 00 Offices. Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. COMMISSIONERS To settle Private Land Claims in California. 3 commissioners. California. $8,000 00 Secretary. 4,000 00 Law agent. 4.000 00 Associate law agent. 4,000 00 V WAR DEPARTMENT, Offices. Where employed Compensa¬ tion. Offices. Where employ ed. 00 ^ 11851 ' Secretary of War. Washington. $8,000 00 Clerk. New York. Chief clerk. 2,200 00 Clerk. Sioux expedition 100 do Clerk. 2,000 00 , Clerk . St.. Louis. Mo. Of) rlc. 2 clerks. 1,600 00 ] 2 clerks . . rlo. 3 clerks. 1,400 00 Clerk . Sen Antonia, Clerk . 1,200 00 Texes. 85 do Messenger. 780 00 Clerk . Indianola, Tex. Messenger. 480 00 Clerk.7. Brazos Sat’ . Laborer. 288 00 Clerk. f ., Santa, Fe, N. M. ! Clerk. Clerk . Fort Pierre, N.T. 87 NORTHWEST EXECU- Clerk. Albuquerque, TIYE BUILDING. N. M. Clerk . Philadel’a, Pa... 83 Superintendent. Washington. 250 00 Clerk. Baltimore, Md... 4 watchmen. 600 00 Clerk. Fort Smith, Ar’s. Laborer. 576 00 Clerk. Fort Clark, Tex. Laborer. 288 00 Clerk . Clerk. Fort Riley, N. T. Clerk. Pittsb’ g arsenal. BUILDING CORNER F & Clerk. F’t Union, N. M. 17TH STREETS. Clerk... Ft Moultrie, S. C. Clerk.. Fort Monroe, Ya. Superintendent. Washington. 250 00 Wagon and forage master ... Carlisle, Pa. 4 watchmen . 600 00 Washing’n, D. C. 5 >> 2 laborers. 576 00 .do. g % Albuquerque, N. O ° S £ Mexico. u ^ QUARTERMASTER’S DE- Ft Leavenworth, © ce PARTMENT. Missouri. o Ft Howard, Wis- r tc U cj In the Quartermaster Gen- cousin . CO eral’s Office. Jeff’n Barracks, o o Missouri. r—1 Clerk of the 4th class. VV ashington. 1,800 00 Ft Leavenworth, 2 clerks of the 3rl class. 1,600 00 Missouri. o £ ft clerks of the 2d class....... 1,400 00 Sioux expedition £ * 3 clerks of the 1st class. 1,200 00 Acting forage and wafron Messenger. 600 00 master. San Diego, Cal. . $00 p. mo Fort Tejon, Cal.. In Qlotliing Branch. Ft Reading, Cal. Clerk. Philadelphia. 1,600 00 ■ Fort Miller, Cal. 2 clerks. 1,100 00 inn. rin M essen ger.1'. 500 40 . Fort Riley, K. T. Superintendent. Schuylkill Ars’J. 1,200 00 T) Ft Fillmore, N. Clerk. 900 00 Mexico. Clerk . 1,000 00 2 Ft Defiance, N. Inspector of clothjng. 1,000 00 Mexico. Inspector ofhootees 3 &c. 1,000 00 Albequerque, N. Mexico. In the Department at Large. Corpus Christi, Clerk. Washing’n. D. C. $100 p mo. Texas. Clerk . Benicia, Cal. Clerk. . 3 ra’n p d’y Clerk. Benicia depot, 4 $40 n. mo California. 5 Ft Clark, Texas. Clerk. 125.. do . Fort Smith, Ark. 40... do... 3 clerks. San Franc’o Cal. Indianola, Texas Clerk. Fort Yuma, Cal. . 2 San Antonio, Clerk. Fort Tejon... .do. 150... do Texas. Clerk. Fort Ft Laramie, N. T. 40... do... Clerk. Fort Master of public transports New Orleans, La. l, ClerK. Fort Vancouver. 2 do Benicia, Cal. w.t.: Master of public transports .do. 2 clerks. New Orleans, La. 3 masters public transports Corpus Christi, Clerk. .do. Texas .,.. Clerk,. Fort Leaven- 2 masters public transports Fort Pierre, N.T. 258 33 do worth, Mo. 125.. do... Clerk. In charge of Public Farms. Clerk. 65... do... Corpus Christi, 9 farmers... Ft. Leavenworth 65... do... Texas. T?). rJuirgp. of Diswiftfiiled and Clerk . 85.. .do... Unoccupied Posts. Clerk. San Diego, Cal... : Clerk. New York.! Superintendent. Fort Gratiot,M’n 25 ., p. 36. WAR DEPARTMENT 37 WAR DEPARTMENT— Engineer's Department , © ° ri 0 ■=>•3 g <*-* 'd p. O © , d I 0 *72 3 3 3 3 2 & If 2 & If 'S? ft o a ce e- p a> CO . .do. Compensa¬ tion. $1,400 00 1,200 00 840 00 3,500 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 840 00 3,500 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 840 00 3,500 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 840 00 NAUTICAL ALMANAC. Offices. Superintendent. Consulting astronomer, Assistant. Assistant. Assistant. 2 assistants. 4 assistants. Compensa¬ tion. $2,500 2,000 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,000 900 Offices. 2 assistants Assistant .. 2 assistants Assistant... Copyist. Servant. Compensa¬ tion. $800 600 500 300 300 120 NAVY AGENTS, STOREKEEPERS, &c. Offices. CIVIL BRANCH. Permanent navy agent. Temporary navy agent . Do .do. Naval store-keeper. Duty or station. Portsmouth, N. H. Boston. New York Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Virginia. Charleston, S. C. Pensacola, Florida. Memphis, Tenn. San Francisco, Gal. London. Kio de Janeiro. Portsmouth, N.H. Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Virginia. Naval store-keeper... Do .do.. Officer in charge of naval stores for foreign squadrons. .... Do .do. Engineer-in-chief... Naval constructor. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do .do. ,.do. .do. .do., Duty or station. Pensacola, Florida. Memphis, Tenn. San Francisco, Cal. Key West, Florida. Hong Kong, E. Ind. Spezzia, Sardinia. Shanghai, China. San Francisco, Cal. Valparaiso, Chile. Rio de Janeiro. Porto Praya. Bureau of Con’n, Ac. Navy Yard, Philad Not on duty. Navy Yard, Wash. Navy Yard, N. Y. Navy Yard, Norfolk. Navy Yard, Boston N.Y’d, Ports’h N. II. Navy Yard, N. Y. p. 41. 42 NAVY DEPARTMENT NAVY DEPARTMENT— Agents—National Observatory—Naval Academy. AGENTS FOR INSPECTION, Ac., OF HEMP, PURCHASE OF COAL, PRESERVATION OF TIMBER. Offices. Station. Compensation. Agent for the inspection, test, and purchase of hemp. Lexington, Kentucky. $1,000 00 1,000 00 Commissions. A^ent for the purchase of coal......'. Baltimore, Md . Agent for the preservation of live-oak and other timber.' Atlan. Coast, E. Fla. Middlfi Florida... 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 None. None.*.do. West Florida,. Louisiana & Mississippi. Gulf Coast,, F,. Fla. Noa/r a, ; Fla._ Grov fir’s Island . Black Beard’s Island, Ga ' NATIONAL OBSERVATORY. Offices. Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Offices. Where employed. Compensa tion. Lieutenant and Sup’t.. 7 Lieutenants.. Washington ..... $3,000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 Chart Agent. Lithographer. New York. Washington.. $1,500 00 900 00 900 00 500 00 360 00 ISO 00 Master. : . .do. Instrument Maker. 3 Passed Midshipmen. .do..... 750 00 2 Watchmen. Assistant, Obsfirvfir. .do. 2 500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 Porter. 6 Professors of Mathematics Messenger... Clerk. NAVAL ACADEMY. Offices. Commander and Superintendent.. Lieutenant and Commandant of Midshipmen 3 Acting Masters and Assistants. Professor of Navigation and N aut. Astronomy. Master and Professor of Mathematics... 3 Masters and Assistants. Prof, of Guunery and Infantry Tactics. Prof, of Natural and Exp’l Philosophy. Ass’t Prof of Natural and Exp’l Philosophy... Professor of Ethics. Master and Assistant Professor of Ethics. Compensa¬ tion. $2,500 00 1,800 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 1.500 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 Offices. 2 Assistant Professors of Ethics.... Professor of French...... Professor of Spanish. Professor of Drawing and Teacher of the Art of Defence.. Surgeon.. Purser. Chaplain..'. Secretary .... Superintendent’s Clerk..... Purser’sc lerk.... Carpenter.. Compensa¬ tion. 1,000 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 2.250 00 2,000 00 I 1,500 00 ! 1,250 00 500 00 500 00 840 00 NAVY DEPARTMENT 43 NAVY DEPARTMENT — Pay Table of the Officers of the A/avy. GRADE. Captains—S enior Captain... Captains of squadrons... Other Captains. Commanders.„.. Lieutenants commanding. Other Lieutenants. Surgeons— 1st five years after date of commission. 2d five years after date of commission. 3d five years after date of commission.. 4th five years after date of commission., twenty years and upwards... Passed Assistant Surgeons. Assistant Surgeons.... Pursers— of ships-of-the-line. of frigates or razees.. of sloops or steamers of 1st class. of brigs, schooners, and steamers, less than 1st class. of navy yards and receiving ships at Boston, New York, and Norfolk, and navy yard at Pensacola. of navy yards at Portsmouth, Philadelphia, and Washington of naval stations within the United States and at other places . 1st five years afterdate of commission.. 2d five years after date of commission . 3d five years after date of commission. 4th five years after date of commission. twenty years and upwards. Chaplains. Professors of Mathematics. Passed Midshipmen. Midshipmen. Masters— in ships-of-the-line. Other masters. Masters’ Mates, (warranted). Boatswains, Gunners, Carpenters, Sailmakers, Chief Engineers— 1st five years.. after five years Eirst Assistant Engineers. Seoond Assistant Engineers. Third Assistant Engineers. GQ ?■§ c te o S is $3,500 00 2.500 00 1,800 00 Who have not served one year at sea , 1,200 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 850 650 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 1,400 00 1,600 00 1,800 00 1,000 00 800 00 600 00 300 00 750 00 300 00 *600 00 1,200 00 1,400 00 850 00 600 00 400 00 >.< o . GQ f-4 0 cd r* u £3 c3 O £ $4,500 00 3,500 00 2,100 00 1,500 1.250 1,500 1,750 2,000 2.250 1,150 950 2,500 00 2,000 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 750 00 350 00 1,000 00 450 00 *700 00 1,500 (10 2,000 00 1.000 00 800 00 600 00 « o ‘p u e to oj CO $4,500 00 4,000 00 3.500 00 2.500 00 1,800 1.500 1,333 1,600 1,866 2,133 2,400 1,200 00 950 00 3.500 00 8,000 00 2,000 00 1.500 00 OJ O) s e A 1,500 1,500 750 400 1,100 1,000 00 450 00 *900 00 1,500 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 800 00 600 00 $1,500 00 1,800 00 2,100 00 2,400 00 2,700 00 * These rates of pay are increased two per cent, for each full year of sea service; and a further addition of ten per cent, upon $900 is allowed while the officer is serving in a ship with 400 men, and twenty per cent, upon $900 while he is serving in a ship with 900 men. The above rates to be estimated from August 5, 1854. 44 NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAVY DEPARTMENT —Pay Table of the Officers of the Navy. Grade. Navy Agents, commissions not to exceed. Navy Agent at San Francisco... Temporary Navy Agents. Naval Storekeepers. Officers of the Navy on foreign stations. Engineer-in-Chihf..... Naval Constitutors... Agents for the inspection, Ac., of hemp.. preservation of live-oak timber.... Secretaries to Commanders of squadrons, wheu commanding in chief.. not commanding in chief... • ... Clerks ofj'ards at Boston, New York, Washington, Norfolk, and Pensacola. at other yards. 1st clerk to Commandants at Boston, New York, Washington, Norfolk, and Pensacola.. 1st clerk to Commandants of other yards. 2d clerk to Commandants at Boston, New York, Washington, Norfolk, and Pensacola.. to Commanders of squadrons.... to Captains of fleets, and commanders of vessels. or assistants to pursers in ships of the line... in frigates and navy yards at Boston, New York, and Norfolk. Yeomen— in ships of the line.. frigates... sloops. smaller vessels. Armorers— in ships of the line. frigates. sloops.... Mates—M asters, (not warranted). Boatswain’s. Gunner’s.... Carpenter’s. Sailmaker’s. Armorer’s..... Master-at-Arms. Ship’s Corporals. Coxswains. Quartermasters. Quarter Gunners. Captains of Forecastle. Tops. Afterguard. Hold. Coopers. Painters..-.. Stewards—S hip’s. Officer’s. Surgeon’s.. Cooks—S hip’s.. Officer’s.. Masters of the Band.. Musicians— first class. second class. Seamen. Ordinary Seamen... Landsmen.».. Boys. Firemen —first class. second class. Coal Ft eavers. Pay per an- $2,000 00 4,000 OO 1,500 00 3,-0i 0 00 2,300 00 1.000 00 1,000 OO 1.000 00 '900 00 1,200 00 900 00 1,200 00 900 00 960 00 500 00 500 00 700 OO 500 00 Pay prm’th. 8 , $45 00 ’ 40 00 30 00 24 00 30 00 25 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 y 25 00 25 00 20 00 20 00 25 00 20 00 24 00 24 00 20 OO 24 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 30 00 20 00 24 00 24 00 20 00 20 00 15 00 12 00 18 OO 14 00 12 00 9, and 10 30 00 25 00 18 00 Note.— At Philadelphia the 1st clerk to Commandant performs the duty of clerk of yard also ; receives $1,200, and the 2d clerk $600. Note.— One ration per day only shall he allowed to all officers when attached to vessels for sea service. See act to regulate the pay of the navy, approved 3d March, 1835. NAVY DEPARTMENT 45 NAVY DEPARTMENT —Pay and emoluments allowed to Officers of the Marine Corps. \ GRADES. COLONEL COMMANDANT. LIEUT. COLONEL— On leave. Commanding...... MAJORS— On leave... Commanding. STAFF MAJORS— Adjutant and Inspector, Pay and Quartermaster. STAFF CAPTAIN— Assistant Quartermaster. CAPTAINS— At sea or on leave. Shore duty. FIRST LIEUTENANTS— At sea, leave, or shore duty. SECOND LIEUTENANTS— At sea, leave, or shore duty. PAY. SERVANTS. RATIONS. FORAGE. TOTAL. Monthly pay. Annual pay. Number of servants. Annual pay and sub¬ sistence for servants, at $19 50 per month. Number of daily rations. Annual amount of ra¬ tions, at 20 cents per ration. Number of Horses. Annual amount, at $8 per month each horse. Total pay and emolu¬ ments. $75 CO $900 00 2 $468 00 12 *$876 00 3 $288 00 $2,808 50 60 00 720 00 2 468 00 5 *367 00 60 00 720 00 2 468 00 10 *734 00 3 288 00 2,413 00 50 00 600 00 2 468 00 4 *292 CO 3 288 00 1,648 00 50 00 600 00 2 468 00 8 *584 00 3 288 00 1,940 00 60 00 720 00 2 f492 eo 4 *292 00 3 288 00 1,792 00 50 00 600 00 1 |246 00 4 *292 00 1 96 00 1,493 25 40 00 480 00 1 234 00 4 *292 00 1 006 00 40 00 480 00 1 234 00 4 *292 00 1,060 00 a CC rH 30 00 360 00 1 234 00 4 *292 00 886 CO L CC 0 > o fj 25 00 3C0 00 1 234 00 4 *292 00 826 00 * All commissioned officers in the Marine Corps are entitled to one additional ration for every five years’ ser¬ vice. f Pay and subsistence allowed for each servant, $20 50. Note No. 1.— Double rations are allowed to commissioned officers of the Marine Corps, as follows: When com¬ manding permanent posts; to officers commanding the guard on board of receiving ships at Boston, New York, and Norfolk; to the commanding officer of the guard of a squadron, when the number of marines in the squadron is not less than the guard of a frigate; and to the commanding officer of the guard of a ship-of-the-line, or frigate, when acting singly on separate service. Note No. 2.— Clothing responsibility. All commissioned officers of the Marine Corps, when not above the rank of captain, or below that of lieutenant, are entitled to an allowance of $10 per month for the care and responsi¬ bility of marine clothing, when commanding the marines on board of ships-of-the-line or frigates in commission, and at naval stations. Note No. 3.—Where there are no public quarters furnished a commutation is allowed. Officers on shore duty are allowed a commutation for fuel. 46 JUDICIAL ATTORNEY GENERAL—JUDICIAL —Supreme Court—District Courts. Offices. OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, Attorney General.. Clerk. 2 clerks. 2 clerks.. Clerk.. Messenger. Compensa¬ tion. $8,000 00 2,000 00 1,600 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 840 00 JUDIDIARY. Offices. SUPREME COURT U. S. Chief Justice.. 8 associate justices. Clerk.. Deputy clerk. Reporter. DISTRICT COURTS U. S. Maine. Judge. Attorn ey. Marshal . New Hampshire. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Massachusetts. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Vermont. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Connecticut. Judge . Attorney. Marshal.. Rhode Island. Judge. ... Attorney. Marshal.. New York—Northn Dist. Judge . Attorney. Marshal... New York — South’n Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal . New Jersey. Compensa¬ tion. $6,500 00 6,000 00 Fees, &c. Fees, &c. $1,300 00 2,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 3,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,750 00 200 & fees. ..... do. 3,750 00 Fees. Fees. 2,000 00 Offices. Attorney. Marshal . PennsyVa — East’n Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal'.. PennsyVa — West’n Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal . Delaware. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Maryland. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. District of Columbia. Chief judge. 2 assistant judges. Attorney. Marshal. Virginia-—Eastern Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Virginia — West’n Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal. . North Carolina. Judge. Attorney. Marshal . South Carolina. Judge. Attorney. Marshal .. Compensa¬ tion. $200 & fees .do. 3,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,500 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,000 00 200 & fees. .do. 3,000 00 200 & fees. Fees. 2.700 00 $100 add’l from pat. fund. 2,500 00 200 & fees. Fees. 2,750 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,500 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,500 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,750 00 290 & fees. Offices. Georgia. Judge. Attorney Marshal .. Florida—Northern Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Florida—Southern Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal... Alabama—Northern Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Alabama—Southern Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Louisiana—Eastern Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Louisiana—Western Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Texas. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Mississipp i — North’ n Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal.. Mississippi — South’n Dist. Judge. Attorney. Marshal... Compensa¬ tion. $2,750 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,250 00 200 '& fees. .do. 3,000 On 200 & Tees. .do. 2,750 00 200 & fees. .-do. 2,750 00 200 & fees. .do. 3,500 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,500 00 200 & fees. .do__ 2,500 00 200 & fees. .do. 2,500 00 200 & fees. .do. 2.500 00 200 & fees. .do. Juclse JUDICIAL 4 ’< JUDICIARY —District Courts —LEGISLATIVE. Offices. _ 1 ___ 1 Compensa¬ tion. Offices, . Compensa¬ tion. Offices. Compensa¬ tion. Arkansas — Easter'n Dist. Attorney. $200 & fees. Marshal. $200 & fees. Marshal. Judge . $2,590 00 Territory of Utah. Attorney. 200 & fees. Illinois—Southern Dist. Marshal. .do. Chief Justice. 1,800 00 Judge . 2.500 00 2 Associate Justices. 1,800 00 Arkansas — Western. Dist. Attorney. 200 & fees. 1 Attorney. 250 & fees. Marshal. .do. Marshal . Judge . 2,500 00 Attorney. 200 & fees. Michigan. t Territory of Washington. Marshal . Judge.. 2,500 00 Chief Justice. 2,000 00 Missouri. Attorney. 200 & fees. 2 Associate Justices. 2,000 00 Marshal. Attorney. 250 & fees. Judge. 2.500 00 Marshal.. Attorney . 200 & fees. Wisconsin. Marshal... Territory of Kansas. Judge ....:. 2,000 00 Tennessee—Eastern Dist . Attorney . 200 <& fees. Chief Justice. 2,000 00 Marshal. .. 2 Associate Justices. 2,000 00 Judge. 2,509 00 Attorney'. 250 & fees. Attorney. 200 & fees Iowa. Marshal. Marshal. Judge . 2,000 00 Territory of Nebraska. Tennessee — Western Dist. Attornev . 200 & fees. Marshal. Chief Justice. 2,000 00 Judge . 2,500 00 2 .Tustioos. 2,000 00 Attorney*. 200 f«p.s California—Northern Dis. Attorney. Marshal . M a.rsh n,l . 200 & fees. Judge . 5,000 00 Tennessee—Middle Dist. Attorney. 500 & fees Court of Claims. 1st 4 years. Judge. 2,500 00 Marshal . Salary not 3 Judges. 4 nnn on Attorney. 200 & fees. tifttpi-mVl. Solicitor . . a finn nn Marshal. California — Southern Dis. Clerk.• 2,000 00 Kentucky. Judge . 3,000 00 Criminal Court of the Dis- Attorney. Not det’d. trict of Columbia. Judge . 2,500 00 Marshal . 20# Sr. fpp.s Attorney. 200 & fees. 1st 4 years. Judge . 2 500 00 Marshal. California — Cir. Court U. S Orphans' Court in District Ohio — Northern Dist. Judge . 4,500 00 of Columbia. J udge. 2,500 00 Territory of Oregon. 1 500 00 Attorney. 200 & fees. Fees. Marshal. Chief Justice . 2.000 00 2 Associate Justices. 2,000 00 Commissioners to Revise Ohio — Southern Dist. Attorney. 200 & fees. and Codify the Laws of Marshal... the Dist of Columbia. Judge. 2,500 00 Attorney. 200 Si fftes Territory of New Mexico. a non on Marshal. Chief Justice. 1,800 00 Levy Court for Washing- Indiana. 2 Associate Justices. 1,800 00 ton County, District of • Attorney ... 200 & fees. Columbia. Judge . 2,500 001 Marshal. .do. Attorney . 200 & fees. 11 members. Marshal . Territory of Minnesota. JUSTICES of the PEACE Illinois — Northern Dist. Chief Justice. 1,800 00 DIST. OF COLUMBIA. 2 Associate Justices. 1,800 00 Judge. 2,500 00 Attornev. 250 & fees. 52 Justices. Fees. LEGISLATIVE. SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. 62 Senators, compensation $3,000 each session, and mileage. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 234 Representatives, and 7 delegates, compensation the same as Senators. 48 MISCELLANEOUS LEGISLATIVE —Officers of Senate and House of Representatives —MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICERS AND AGENTS IN THE SERVICE OF THE SENATE. Offices. Secretary. Officer charged with the disbursements of the Senate. Principal clerk. Principal executive clerk. 8 clerks. Keeper of the stationery. Messenger. Messenger. Page. Sergeant-at-arms and doorkeeper. Assistant doorkeeper... Postmaster to the Senate. Compensa¬ tion. Offices. Compensa¬ tion. $3,600 00 Assistant postmaster and mail carrier. 2 mail boys. $1,440 00 900 00 480 00 Superintendent of document room. 1,500 00 2,160 00 2 assistants in document room. 1,200 00 2,160 00 Superintendent of folding room. 1,500 00 1,850 00 2 messengers, acting assistant doorkeepers.... 1,500 00 1,752 00 1,080 00* 750 00 15 messengers. 1,200 00 Assistant in charge of furnances. 600 00 Laborer in charge of private passage. 600 00 500 00 2 laborers. 480 00 2,000 00 Clerk or Secretary to President of the Senate. 1,752 00 1,700 00 Draughtsman. 1,850 00 1,750 00 Page..,. $2 pr. day. OFFICERS, CLERKS AND OTHER PERSONS IN THE SERVICE OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. Offices. Compensa¬ tion. Clerk of House of Representatives. $3,600 00 2,160 00 2,160 00 1,800 00 Chief clerk. Assistant clerk. 10 assistant clerks. Librarian. 1,800 00 1,756 80 1,200 00 2 50 p. day 2 per day 2,160 00 Messenger... 3 messengers. Messenger . Laborer. Serceant-at- A rm s.. Clerk. 1,800 00 1,200 00 ► 2,160 00 1,440 00 2,160 00 Messenger. Postmaster. < fi messengers. Doorkeeper . Superintendant of folding room. Superintendant of document room. Messsenger. 5 messengers. 9 messengers. 2 laborers. Messenger to Speaker.*. Clerks employed in the Office of the House of Representatives under the Resolution of May 4, 1848. Draughtsman... 8 clerks. Compensa¬ tion. $1,800 00 1,756 80 1,740 00 1,500 00 1,200 00 ! per day 1,756 80 1,850 00 1,800 00 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Librarian. $2,160 00 8 assistants. 1,800 00 Messenger.>.. 1,440 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Offices. Governor of Territory of Oregon . Secretary..... Governor of Territory of Minnesota. Secretary.. Governor of Territory of New Mexico.. Secretary .. Governor of Territory of Utah. Secretary.». Governor of Territory of Washington. Secretary . Governor of Territory of N ebraska. Where employed. Oregon City. St. Paul. .do. Santa Fe. .do.. Great Salt Lake City.. Olympia. . do.. Omaha City. Compensa¬ tion. $3,000 00 2,000 00 2,500 00 1,800 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 2,500 00 2,000 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 2,500 00 Offices. Where employed. Secretary . Omaha City. Governor of Territory of Kansas. Ft. Leavenworth .do.. Secretary . Secretary to the President to sign patents. Assistant secretary to the President to sign patents Washington. Boston. Oespa agent T . New York. London . SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING. Superintendent. Washington. Compensa¬ tion. $2,000 00 2.500 00 2,000 00 1.500 00 1,500 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 $8,000 00 1.800 00 $3.60 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Offices. Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. Offices. Where employed. Com pe mo¬ tion. Postmaster General . Washington. $8,000 5 clerks of the 4th class. Washington. 1,800 3 assistant Postmasters 31 clerks of the 3d class. l'flOO General . 3,000 36 clerks of the 2d class. l'400 Chief Clerk. 2^200 10 clerks of the 1st class... l'200 Disbursing clerk and super- Messenger. 900 intemtent of the post- 3 assistant messengers. .do..... 540 office building . 2,000 00 3 watchmen. 600 CLERKS IN POST OFFICES. The highest salary paid only is stated. Part of the clerks are temporary, and have no fixed salary. No. of clerks. Post office. Compensa¬ tion. No. of clerks. Post office. Compensa¬ tion. SO clerks. Augusta. Ga. $1,500 00 1,465 00 600 00 450 00 220 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 875 00 600 00 425 00 300 00 1,695 39 1.200 00 1,600 00 898 00 1,525 00 600 00 2,000 00 1,575 00 486 00 378 45 1,425 00 500 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 540 00 600 00 523 00 600 00 600 00 120 00 805 00 1,200 00 805 00 326 08 592 00 1,500 00 800 00 456 00 175 00 390 00 423 00 250 00 19 clerks. Milwaukie, Wis. $485 00 600 00 29 clerks . Albany, N. Y. 7 clerks. Manchester, N. II Madison, Tnd. 6 clerks. Auburn, N. Y. 5 clerks. 500 00 4 clerks. Alexandria, Va .. 2 clerks... Marysville, Cal.... New York, N. Y... N. Red ford, Mass 1,800 00 2,000 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,397 34 700 00 4 clerks . Ane*iista, Me... 36 clerks. Baltimore, Md. 76 clerks. Boston, Mass.... 5 elerks. Newark, N. .T.. . 6 clerks. Brooklyn, N. Y... Nashville, Tenn... 5 clerks. Bangor, Me. 10 eler ks. New Haven, Con... Newport, R. T. . 4 clerks. Bridgeport, Conn Burlington, Vt_ 3 fi.lerks. 350 00 3 clerks. 7 fi.lerks. Natchez, Miss .. 570 00 4 clerks . Bath, Me. f) elerks... Norfolk, Va. 1,200 00 450 00 22 clerks.. Buffalo. N. Y. 7 elerks. Norwich. Conn .. 6 clerks. Columbus, Ga.. N. London, Conn.. New Orleans, La... Portland, Me. 375 00 26 clerks. Cleveland, Ohio_ 1,504 16 1,356 00 14 clerks . Columbus, Ohio... Chicago, Illinois... Colombia, S. C_ 11 filerks. 83 clerks. 40 elerks. Philadelphia, Pa... Petersburg, Va.... Providence, R T 811 00 3 clerks. 4 elerks .... 900 00 13 clerks. Charleston, S. C... 11 elerks. 1,200 00 1,200 00 191 00 38 clerks. Cincinnati, Ohio... Concord, N. H. 17 fi.lerks. Pittsburo-, Pa.. 5 clerks. 4 elerks. Portsmouth, N. H. Poughkeepsie,N Y Richmond, Va. 3 clerks. Charlestown, Mass 5 elerks. 403 00 28 clerks. Detroit, Mich. 15 elerks. 1,700 00 800 00 9 clerks. Dayton, Ohio. 13 elerks. Rochester, N. Y . 5 clerks. Dubuque, Iowa ... Erie, Penn. 0 elerks. Raleigh, N. C. 430 00 4 clerks. 2 clerks. Reading, Pa. 235 00 4 clerks. Elmira, N. Y. 0 fi.lerks. Savannah, Ga. 1,600 00 1.205 00 700 00 2 olerks. Easton, Penn. 33 elerks. St,. T.onis, Mo. 3 clerks. Fall River, Mass... Syracuse, N. Y. ... Salem, Mass. 2 clerks. Frederick, Md. 3 elerks. 800 00 6 clerks. Galveston, Texas.. Galena, Ill. 4 elerks. Springfield, Mass.. 1 Springfield, Ill......1 576 00 2 clerks. 3 elerks. 600 00 13 clerks. Hartford, Conn_ ‘27 fi.lerks. San Francisco, Cal. 1 Sacramento, Cal... Sandusky, O. 3,600 00 2,700 00 350 00 6 clerks. Harrisburgh,Penn Indianapolis, Ind Jersey City, N. J.. Keokuck, Towa.... 8 clerks. 24 clerks. 2 elerks... 1 clerk. 2 elerks. Schenectady, N. Y. Toledo, O. 174 00 8 clerks. 8 elerks... 1,600 00 800 00 26 clerks. Louisville, Ky. Troy, N. Y.! 7 clerks. Lowell, Mass. 4 elerks. Tuscumbia, Ala... 500 00 5 clerks. Lexington, Ky 3 elerks. Trenton, N. .T. 375 00 3 clerks. Lancaster, Pa. 5 clerks. Utica, N. Y.| 800 00 3 clerks. Lockport, N. Y. Little Rock, Ark... 4 elerks. Vincennes, Ind ‘ 300 00 5 clerks. 7 clerks. Vicksburg, Miss...! Washington, D. C.| 990 80 3 clerks. Lafayette, Ind. 33 clerks. 1,800 00 977 60 4 clerks. Lawrence, Mass... 591 00 250 00 1,500 00 1,800 00 650 00 1,000 00 360 00 12 elerks,. Wheeling, Va.j 5 clerks.. Maysville. Ky. 6 elerks. Worcester, Mass... 600 00' 8 clerks. Montgomery, Ala. Mobile, Ala. . 3 clerks. Wilmington, N. C. Wilmington, Del. .! Williamsb’g, N. Y. 1 Zanesville, 0..1 400 Off 7 clerks. 3 elerks. 650 00 4 clerks. Macon, Ga. 500 00 8 clerks. Memphis, Ten. 3 elerks. 462 50 4 clerks. Madison, Wis. 1 7,680 MAIL CONTRACTORS. RESIDENT POST OFFICE AGENT ABROAD. Resident post office xgent, Panama, New Grenada... $1,000 00 50 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT —Route agents—Special agents—Local agents. ROUTE AGENTS. Offices. £ Where employed. Compensa¬ tion. f Offices. Where employed. 5 route agents. Maine. $800 00 700 00 9 route aoents. 3 route agents.. 2 route agents. 10 route agents. New Hampshire 800 00 3 route agents. Route agent. 700 00 4 route agents. North Carolina Route agent. 600 00 2 route agents. 8 route agents. Vermont. 800 00 3 route agents. Route agent. 600 00 4 route asrents. South -Carolina . .do. 2 route agents. Massachusetts... 800 00 4 route agents. 4 route agents. . do. 70(5 00 2 route agents. Route agent. Rhode Island .... 700 00 4 route agents. 2 route agents. 600 00 8 route agents. Route agent. Connecticut. 900 00 2 route agents. 3 route agents. 700 00 800 00 600 00 700 00 930 00 5 route agents. 2 route agents. 4 route agents. Tennessee..... 4 route agents. 2 route agents. 14 route agents. New York. 4 route agents. 17 route agents. .do. 15 route agents. Ohin 5 route agents. 800 00 13 route agents. 8 route agents. 600 00 8 route agents. 2 route agents. New Jersey. 1,000 00 800 00 Route agent. Route agent. Koute agent. Route agent. 700 00 4 route agents. 4 route agents. Pennsylvania ... 1,000 oo 15 route agents. 8 route agents. 900 00 11 route agents. Illinois 4 route agents. 800 00 Route agent. 4 route agents. 700 00 14 route agents. 2 route agents. 600 00 Route agent. Route agent. Delaware. 1,000 00 1,000 00 900 00 Route agent. Missouri. 2 route agents. Maryland. Route agent. Towa,. 3 route agents. Route agent. 3 route agents. 100 00 6 route agents. Miohip'fln. 2 route agents. Dist. Columbia.. 1,000 00 1,000 oo 2 route agents... 5 route agents. Virginia. 2 route agents. Wisconsin. 4 route agents. 900 00 Compensa¬ tion. $S0Q 00 700 00 600 00 1,000 00 800 00 700 00 1,000 00 700 00 1,000 00 900 00 800 00 900 00 200 00 800 00 600 00 800 00 700 00 800 00 900 00 600 00 900 00 800 00 700 00 700 00 900 00 800 00 600 00 700 00 700 00 800 00 900 00 800 00 800 00 SPECIAL AGENTS. Compensation, $1,600 a year, and $2 a day subsistence when actually employed. Offices. Where employed. Offices. Where employed. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. New England. New York. Penn’a, Delaware & Maryl’d. Ohio, Penn’a, and Virginia. Virginia and North Carolina. S. Carolina and part Georgia. Louisiana and Arkansas. Kentucky and Tennessee. Alabama and Mississippi. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent. Special agent . Special agent . Special agent .. Special agent . Special agent. Indiana and Illinois. Missouri and Iowa. Mich., Wis., and Min. Terr’y California. Texas. At Large. Do. Do. Oregon Territory. LOCAL AGENTS.* Local Agents. Amount. Local Agents. Vermont 2..A... $74 67 31 33 4,800 00 700 00 Arkansas 2. New York 3 . Kentucky. Ohio 9.... Pennsylvania 2. 6,199 32 1,428 25 1.380 00 119 00 Michigan ..... Maryland . Indiana 6... Virginia. Mississippi 3.. 750 00 Illinois 4..... 120 00 1,906 50 37 00 Missouri 3... Amount. $779 35 108 52 1,730 00 1,000 00 93 89 800 00 444 49 8 25 1,086 66 20 00 983 1 5 16 40 1 * See note on next page. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT 51 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT —Mail Messengers and Post Offices. MAIL MESSENGERS.* Amount. Mail Messengers. Amount. $423.64 Mississippi 13. $150 00 10 30 18 00 175 00 Louisiana 22. 260 98 2 79 5 54 209 65 Texas 4. 240 00 23 83 12 50 750 00 Arkansas 4. 120 00 9 87 37 50 95 00 Tennessee 14. 750 00 25 50 4 15 391 25 Kentucky 31. 1,500 00 50 3 70 2,613 18 1 25 Ohio 168 . . 828 00 1 82 483 22 Michigan 39. 175 00 2 29 2 86 2.291 71 Indiana 90... 450 00 1 50 30 274 00 13 49 Illinois 65. 533 33 3 66 304 00 Missouri 4...... 100 00 4 71 * 16 66 547 00 5 83 671 12 Iowa 5.. 375 00 7 00 55 Wisconsin 7. 93 75 182 50 3 75 5 00 California 2. 600 60 180 00 600 00 3 58 Oregon 2. 18 00 148 49 6 75 240 00 15 61 Washington... 54 00 Mail Messengers. Maine 17. New Hampshire 20. Vermont 36. Massachusetts 58.... Rhode Island 4. Connecticut 65. New York 348. New Jersey 38. Pennsylvania 137.... Delaware 4. Maryland 16. Virginia 37.. North Carolina 10 ... South Carolina 22.... Georgia 19.. Florida. Alabama 8. POST OFFICES. Note. —Post offices to which the salaries attached do not reach $400 per annum are omitted. Post office. MAINE. Augusta. Bangor. Bath. Belfast. Biddeford.... Brunswick . Bucksport.... Calais. Castine. Eastport. Ellsworth ... Farmington. Frankfort.... Gardiner. Gorham y. Hallowed. Houlton. Lewiston. Newcastle.... Portland. Richmond.... Robbinston.. Rockland_ Saco. County. Kennebeck.. Penobscot. Sagadahoc. Waldo. York. Cumberland.... Hancock. Washington.... Hancock.. Washington.... Hancock.. Franklin. Waldo.. Kennebeck. Cumberland.... Kennebeck. Aroostook. Androscoggin.. Lincoln.*....,..., Cumberland.... Sagadahoc. Washington...., Lincoln. Fork.. Compensa¬ tion. $1,586 81 1.236 95 1,548 80 1,043 04 1,281 28 1,223 73 584 36 1,167 96 410 1,048 823 432 457 1,195 406 1,005 34 401 66 16 696 12 2,000 00 621 68 1,186 93 1,380 83 1,138 41 42 17 43 45 2Q 55 29 1,148 Post office. Skowhegan. South Berwick. Thomaston. Waldoborough. Waterville. Winthrop.. Wiscassett.. Yarmouth. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Claremont... Concord . Dover. Exeter. Franklin. Gilford. Great Falls. Hanover. Keene. Lebanon. Manchester. Milford. Nashua. County. Somerset. York. Lincoln.. .do.. Kennebeck .. .do. Lincoln. Cumberland. New Market. Rockingham. Sullivan. Merrimack.... Strafford. Rockingham . Grafton. Belknap. Strafford. Grafton. Cheshire. Grafton. Hillsborough., -do. do. Compensa¬ tion. $463 18 438 73 816 09 466 86 1,091 417 557 10 35 84 470 63 951 18 1,700 84 1,562 19 1,015 32 464 68 564 23 1,154 13 781 54 1,134 32 440 41 1,882 39 567 89 1,752 82 494 33 * The highest and lowest amounts of compensation to agents in each State only appear, and the sums paid the several agents range between the amounts stated. 52 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT POST OFFICES— Vermont — Massachusetts—Rhode Island — Connecticut. Post office. County. Compensa¬ tion. Newport. Portsmouth . Salmon Falls Sullivan. Rockingham Strafford. $419 01 1,879 41 484 88 VERMONT. Bellow’s Falls.... Bennington. Bradford. Brandon .. Brattleborough.. Burlington.. Castleton. Derby Line. Ludlow. Middlebury.. Montpelier. Newbury . Northfield. Rutland. Saint Albans.. Saint Johnsburg Springfield.. Yergennes.. Waterbury. West Poultney .. Windsor.. Woodstock. Windham... Bennington Orange . Ruthland.... Windham... Chittenden. Ruthland ... Orleans. Windsor.. Addison. Washington Orange. Washington Ruthland... Franklin_ Caledonia... Windsor. Addison. Washington Ruthland ... Windsor. .do. 634 37 526 01 437 34 700 24 1,352 32 1,534 08 572 87 458 02 401 28 854 15 1,660 56 440 03 763 30 1,033 37 851 97 954 62 452 34 581 23 465 39 425 11 646 98 826 87 MASSACHUSETTS. Adams .. Amesburg. Amherst. Andover. Attleborough. Barre. Beverly. Blackstone. Boston. Bridgewater. Brighton. Brodkline. Cambridge. Oambridgeport.... Canton.. Charlestown. Chelsea. Chicopee. Chicopee Falls ... Clinton. Concord.. Conway. Danvers.. Dedham . East Boston. East Cambridge . East Hampton.... Edga-rtown. Fairbaven. Fall River. Fitchburgh. Framingham . Gloucester. Grafton . Great Barrington Greenfield. Groton... Havenhill. Holyoke. Hopkinton. Ipswich ..... Jamaica Plains... Lawrence. Lee. Leicester. Berkshire.. Essex.. Hampshire ..... Essex.. Bristol. Worcester.. Essex.. W( rcester.. Suffolk. Plymouth. Middlesex. Norfolk. Middlesex. .do. Norfolk. Middlesex. Suffolk. Hampden. .do. Plymouth. Middlesex. Franklin. Essex. Norfolk. Suffolk. Middlesex. Hampshire. Dukes .. Bristol. Bristol. Worcester. Middlesex. Essex. Worcester.. Berkshire. FrankLin. Middlesex. Essex. Hampden. Middlesex. Essex. Norfolk. Essex. Berkshire. Worcester. 485 44 529 66 965 41 1,120 71 415 39 499 44 548 44 675 91 2,000 00 546 76 415 87 499 98 1,594 84 1,033 25 560 52 2,0.00 00 1,085 94 1,189 98 454 54 987 95 496 38 413 9-7 734 90 815 12 1,793 26 1,008 05 540 05 433 34 580 45 1,338 11 1,426 22 505 54 910 13 410 26 865 96 1,193 13 416 05 1,679 07 1,097 19 46 r 2 34 558 78 452 79 1,246 92 906 92 485 88 Post office. County. Compensa¬ tion. Lenox. Leominster. Lowell. Lynn. Maldon... Marblehead. Marlborough. Medford. Methuen. 1 . Middleborough. Milford. Mill bury. Milton. Monson. Nantucket. Natick... New Bedford. Newburypcrt. North Adams. Northampton. North Attleborough, North Bridgewater.. North Danvers. Oxford. Palmer. Pittsfield. Plymouth . Pi-ovincetown. Quincey... Randolph. Roxbary.. Salem. Sand wick. Shelburne Falls. South bridge. South Hadley.. South Reading. Springfield.. Stockbridge. Stoneham. Taunton. Waltham. Ware. Watertown.. Webster —.. Westborough. Westfield. Williamstown. WincheUdon. Woburn. Worcester.. Worcester... Middlesex... Essex. Middlesex... Essex. Middlesex... .do. Essex. Plymouth.., Worcester... .do. Norfolk. Hampden..., Nantucket. Middlesex.., Bristol. Essex. Berkshire... Hampshire. Bristol. Plymouth.., Essex. Worcester.., Hampden... Berkshire... Plymouth.. Barnstable Norfolk.. .do. Essex. Barnstable Franklin.-.t Worcester.. Hampshire. Middlesex.. Hampden .. Berkshire.. Middlesex.. Bristol. Middlesex.. Hampshire Middlesex.. Worcester.. .do. Hampden.. Berkshire.. Worcester.. Middlesex.. Worcester.. $446 96 643 75 1.903 62 1,842 84 416 27 628 58 409 59 626 66 434 61 717 74 1,065 59 587 57 534 35 426 12 1,615 53 625 31 2,000 00 1,844 56 961 62 1,674 32 421 09 684 25 461 82 437 86 465 65 1,992 31 964 23 440 60 710 91 459 60 1,618 68 2,356 33 479 09 486 97 563 22 504 43 445 25 2,000 00 451 35 404 54 1.904 81 961 60 732 92 431 83 536 24 533 09 1,139 98 619 23 659 05 634 10 2,000 00 RHODE ISLAND. Bristol. East Greenwich... Newport. Pawtucket. Providence. Warren. Westerly. Woonsocket Falls Bristol. Kent. Newport. Providence. .do. Bristol. Washington Providence. 865 52 541 13 1,854 96 1,525 16 1,769 34 681 96 680 72 1,115 60 CONNECTICUT. An-sonia'.. Bridgeport... Bristol. Colchester... Danbury. Derby . Essex. Fair Haven . Falls Village Farmington Greenville... New Haven . Fairfield. Hartford.. New London Fairfield. New Haven. Middlesex.... New Haven. Litchfield .... Hartford. New London 499 15 1,803 07 749 87 518 24 989 63 835 60 454 34 430 94 427 41 402 30 1,409 62 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT 53 POST OFFICES— Connecticut—New York. Fost office. Guilford. Hartford. Humphreysville Litchfield. Menden. Middletown. Milford. Nangatuck. New Britain. New Haven. New London. New Milford. Newtown. Norwich. Norwiehtown_ Portland.. Kockville. Southington. Stonington. Suffield. Thompsonville ... Wallingford. Waterbury. West lvillingly.... West Meriden .... Westport. West Winstead*... Williinantic ....... Woleottville. NEW YORK. Adams. Addison. Albany. Albion. Amsterdam. Angelica. Attica. Auburn. Avon. Baldwinsville.... Balston. Batavia. Bath. Bedford Station. Binghampton..... Boonville. Brockport . Brooklyn. Buffalo. Camden. Canajoharie. Canandaigua. Canton . Cape Vincent. Catskill. Cazenovia. Charlotteville. Cherry Valley .... Chittenango. Clinton. Clyde . Cohoes.. Cold Spring. Cooperstown. Corning . Cortlandt Village. Coxsackie. Cuba. Dansville. Delhi. Deposit. Dunkirk. Ellenville. Ellicottsville. Elmira.. County. Compensa¬ tion. Post office. County. . New Haven. $450 79 Fayetteville. Onondaga. Hartford. 2,000 00 Fish kill Landing. Dutchess. . New Haven. 493 39 Flushing.~. Queens . Litchfield. 598 75 Fonda. Montgomery_ . New Haven. 768 74 Fort Covington. Franklin. . Middlesex. 2,007 42 Fort Edward. W ashin gton.... . New Haven. 435 76 Fort Plain. Mon tgomp.ry_ .do. 580 14 Fredonia. Chautauque. Hartford. 1,275 99 Fulton. Oswego. New Haven. 2,000 00 Genesee. Livingston. New London .... 1,462 20 Geneva . Ontario. Litchfield. 464 56 Glenn’s Falls. Warren. Fairfield. 448 26 Goshen. Orange. New London. 2,000 00 Gouverneur. St. Lawrence... .do. S06 12 Granville. Washington.... Middlesex. 489 12 Greenport. Suffolk . Tolland. 570 05 Greenwich. Washington .... Hartford. 410 17 Haerlem. New York. New London. ‘600 91 Hamilton. Madison. Hartford. 539 16 Havanna. . Chemung. 552 46 Ilaverstraw . Rockland. New Haven. 485 10 Herkimer. Herkimer . .do. 1,963 00 Homer. Cortlandt. Windham. 468 93 Hornellsville. Steuben . New Haven. 1,095 69 Hudson. Columbia. Fairfield. 479 38 Ithaca. Tompkins. Litchfield ...'.. 649 53 Jamaica. Queens . Windham. 600 56 Jamestown. Chautauque. Litchfield. 481 03 Johnstown. Fulton. Keeseville. Essex... Kingston. Ulster. Lansingburgh. Rensselaer. Le Roy. Genesee. Jefferson. 485 48 Lewiston . N iagara. Steuben . 499 76 Lima. Livingston. Albany . 2,000 00 Little Falls. Herkimer. Orleans. 1,250 00 Lock port. Niagara . Montgomery. 748 64 Lowville. Lewis. Allegany. 476 31 Lyons. Wayne. Wyoming. 463 95 Malone. Franklin. Cayuga. 1,264 09 Medina... Orleans. Livingston. 459 83 Middletown. Orange. Onondaga . 457 06 Mohawk. Herkimer... Saratoga. 890 00 Montie,ello. Sullivan. Genesee. 1,491 12 Newark . W ayne. Steuben. 949 52 Newburgh. Orange. West Chester.... 975 25 New Rochelle. West Chester... Broome. 1,961 41 New York City. New York. Oneida. 478 09 Niagara, Falls. Niagara.;. Monroe. 870 12 Norwich. Chenango. Kings. 2,000 00 N unda... Livingston. Erie. 2,000 00 O ir densburgh. St. Lawrence. Oneida. 473 48 Glean . Cattaraugus. Montgomery .... 886 80 Oswego. Oswego. Ontario. 1,860 5S Owego. Tioga. St. Lawrence .... 693 85 Oxford. Chenango. Jefferson. 942 84 Peekskill. West Chester.... Greene. 962 42 Penn Yan. Yates. Madison. 962 41 Phelps. Ontario. Schoharie. 479 45 Pittsford. Monroe. Otsego. 491 01 Plattsburgh. Clinton. Madison. 431 00 Port Byron. Cayuga. Oneida. 917 90 Port Chester. West Chester.... Wayne. 706 47 Port Jervis. Orange . Albany . 841 72 Potsdam. St. Lawrence... . Putnam. 523 79 Poughkeepsie. Dutchess. Otsego... 955 28 Pulaski . Oswego. Steuben. 1,266 46 1 Rhinebeck.... .. Dutchess. Cortlandt. 676 62 Rochester . Monroe. Greene.. . 449 36 Rome. Oneida. Allegany. 530 78 Pondout. Ulster. Livingston. 997 67 Rouse’s Point. Clinton. Delaware . 563 40 Sackett’s Harbor... Jefferson. 596 67 Sag Harbor. Suffolk. Chautauque. 1,190 17 Salem. Washington. Ulster. 461 54 Salina. Onondaca. Cattaraugus. 476 19 Saratoga Springs. Saratoga. Chemung. 1,436 80 Saugerties. Ulster . Compensa¬ tion. $411 31 411 10 827 06 466 77 364 63 6S6 55 843 87 878 72 1,090 99 772 15 1,096 88 674 67 448 73 830 34 423 88 42S 69 558 84 835 12 528 01 459 85 497 14 497 14 628 51 852 20 1,817 54 1,522 44 414 19 963 00 636 63 854 94 1,224 45 1,075 61 1,181 64 571 51 704 26 1 259. 75 1.784 46 570 70 1,129 43 838 03 753 52 869 15 446 97 414 70 750 00 1,973 58 494 27 2,000 00 1,116 61 965 46 515 36 1,647 93 478 37 1,993 95 1,269 50 610 43 913 05 1,289 71 567 65 405 46 1,108 09 474 29 408 61 826 41 878 78 1,722 76 461 29 583 18 ,2,000 00 2,013 29 1,112 05 579 26 432 49 703 97 440 67 520 46 1,954 92 672 26 54 POST OEFICE DEPARTMENT, POST OFFICES —New York—New Jersey — Pennsylvania — Delaware — Maryland. County. Compensa¬ tion. Philadelphia. $571 59 Adams. 801 86 Westmoreland... 621 41 Dauphin. 2,000 00 Blair. 1,202 93 Wayne. 1,080 90 Huntingdon. 669 63 Cambria. 1,135 94 Philadelphia 2,000 00 Armstrong. 523 94 Lancaster. 2,000 00 Lebanon. 738 80 Union. 699 45 Mifflin. 928 88 Clinton. 590 41 Alleghany. 435 06 Philadelphia. 632 49 Lancaster. 402 39 Carbon. 888 23 Crawford. 1,209 Mercer. 499 05 Northumberl’d.. 543 37 Schuylkill. 1,177 00 Susquehannah . 605 09 Lycoming. 521 97 Lawrence. 941 75 Montgomery. 1,295 24 Philadelphia. 2,0C0 00 Chester. 624 13 Alleghany. 2,000 00 Luzerne. 938 56 Schuylkill. 501 07 Philadelphia. 746 94 Schuykill. 1,408 03 Berks. 1,864 36 Schuykill. 634 98 Post office. Schenectady, Seneca Falls.. Sing Sing. Skaneatles. Suspension Bridge. Syracuse. Tarrytown . Tonawanda. Troy.. Union Springs. Utica. Vernon. Waterloo. Watertown . Waterville. Waverly. Wellsville. West Point. West Troy. White Hall. White Plains. Whitestown. Williamsburgh.. Yonkers. NEW JERSEY. Bordenton. Bridgeton. Burlington. Camden.. Dover. Elizabethtown.... Hoboken . Jersey City. Lambertsville .... Morristown. Newark. New Brunswick. Newton . Orange. Paterson. Perth Amboy. Plainfield. Princeton. Rahway...... Salem. Somerville. Trenton. PENNSYLVANIA. Alleghany City.. Allentown. Altoona. Athens. Bedford. Bellefonte.. Bethlehem.. Blairsville. Bloomsburgh. Bristol. Brownsville. Buchanan. Butler. Carlise. Chambersburgh. Chester . Columbia. Conneautville. Danville C. H. Doylestown. Easton. Ebensburgh. Erie. Frankford. County. Schenectady... Seneca. West Chester. Onondaga. Niagara. Onondaga. West Chester Erie. Rensselaer .... Cayuga . Oneida. Seneca . Jefferson. Oneida. Tioga. Allegany. Orange . Albany. Washington... West Chester. Oneida. Kings. West Chester.. Burlington... Cumberland Burlington.... Camden. Morris. Essex. Hudson. .do. Hunterdon .. . Morris. Essex. Middlesex.,... Sussex. Essex. Passaic. Middlesex. Essex. Mercer. Middlesex. Salem. Somerset. Mercer. Alleghany. Lehigh. Blair. Bradford. Bedford. Centre. Northampton, Indiana.. Columbia. Bucks.. Fayette.. Alleghany. Butler . Cumberland... Franklin. Delaware. Lancaster. Crawford. Montour. Bucks. Northampton Cambria. Erie. Philadelphia.. Compensa¬ tion. 22 82 38 93 $1,760 73 1,303 58 941 06 793 51 1,008 08 2,000 00 596 84 409 13 2,000 00 452 38 1,967 64 430 01 1,067 27 1,959 90 456 57 552 501 855 1,378 1,164 13 505 55 414 68 1,715 33 890 39 644 39 625 38 1,243 32 790 75 443 44 1,004 17 416 45 2,000 00 434 24 1,068 00 2,000 00 1,842 47 446 09 644 68 1,999 05 487 16 627 81 1,138 72 818 04 658 62 444 88 2,000 00 1,742 02 920 81 930 15 456 12 507 75 540 88 971 20 562 91 455 97 560 42 731 22 453 08 482 99 1,493 08 1,134 17 727 58 1,118 55 411 85 1,084 69 432 13 1,360 26 407 91 2,000 00 643 54 Post office. Germantown. Gettysburgh. Greensburgh. Harrisburg. Hollidaysburgh. Honesdale. Huntingdon. Johnstown. Kensington. Kittaning... Lancaster.. Lebanon. Lewisburg. Lewis town. Lock Haven. McKeesport.. Manayunk. Marietta. Mauch Chunk. Meadville. Mercer. Milton.... Minersville. Montrose. Muncy. New Castle..'.. Norristown....... Philadelphia. Phoenixville. Pittsburgh. Pittston Ferry. Port Carbon. Port Richmond. Pottsville... Reading. Saint Clair. Schuylkill Haven. Scranton.. Shippensburgh.. Spring Garden.,.... Stroudsburgh. Susquehannah Depot. Tamaqua..... Uniontown. Warren. Washington. Wellsborough. West Chester.. West Greenville....... West Philadelphia. Wilkesbarre. Williamsport..... York. DELAWARE. Dover. Milford. Newark. New Castle... Smyrna. Wilmington. MARYLAND. Annapolis. Baltimore. Chestertown. Cumberland. Easton. Elkton. Frederick. Frostburgh. Hagerstown... Havre de Grace. Port Deposit. .do... Luzerne.. Cumberland. Philadelphia.... Monroe. Susquehannah. Schuylkill. Fayette. Warren. Washington. Tioga. Chester. Mercer. Philadelphia. Luzerne. Lycoming. York. Kent. .do.. New Castle, .do ........ Kent. Newcastle... Anne Arundel. Baltimore. Kent. Alleghany. Talbot. Cecil. Frederick. Alleghany. Washington.... Harford. Cecil. 455 791 433 529 401 447 1,060 731 571 1,123 490 1,548 408 476 72 1,353 96 1,182 24 1,465 68 32 51 85 57 44 43 25 07 97 19 79 69 64 579 77 402 55 456 20 436 90 561 07 2,000 00 1.205 1,500 04 00 412 97 1,745 61 585 -25 645 80 2,000 00 531 70 1,030 73 438 95 564 S8 « POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. POST OFFICES— D. C.— Va.—N. C.—S. C.—Ga.—Fla.—Ala.—Miss.—La . Post office. County, Compensa¬ tion. Post office. County. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Americus. Sumter. Athens. Clark. Georgetown. Washington. $1,900 89 Atlanta. Do Kalb. W:ishino-ton fJifcy. .do. "2'000 00 Augusta. Riphmnrul. Calhoun. Gordon . VIRGINIA. Columbus. Muscogee. Dalton. Murray. Abingdon. Washington. 992 60 Forsyth . Monroe. Alexandria ... Alexandria. 1,S63 43 Greensborough . (i-rfiprift .. Charlotte C. 11... Charlotte. 1,161 09 Griffin. Pike. Clarksburgh. Harrison. 471 79 La Grange. Troup. Culpepper C. II. Culpepper. 324 23 Macon. Bibb. Danvills... Pittsylvania. 559 78 Madison. Morgan ... Fairmont. Marion. 452 80 Marietta. Cobb. Fredericksburg... Spottsylvania.... 1,715 24 Milledgeville. Baldwin. Harper’s Ferry. Jefferson.. ”557 77 NewUan. Coweta . Harrisonburgh,. Rockingham. 500 01 Rome. Floyd .. Kanawha C. 11. Kanawha. 677 37 Savannah . Chatham. Leesburgh... Loudon . 2S0 43 Sparta. Hancock. Lexington.. Rockbridge. 881 47 Lynchburg . Campbell. 1,806 09 Martinsburg . Berkeley. 803 07 FLORIDA. Morgantown . Monongalia. . 404 69 Norfolk . Norfolk. 2,000 00 Apalachicola. Franklin. Parkersburg..'... Wood. 588 26 Jacksonville. Duval. Petersburg. Dinwiddie. 1,478 02 Key West. Monroe. Portsmouth. Norfolk. 1.461 02 Pensacola. Escambia. Richmond. Henrico. 1,985 39 Saint Augustine. St. John’s. Shepherdstown. Jefferson. 434 74 Tallahassee. Leon. Staunton. Augusta. 1,393 15 Warrington. Escambia. University of Virginia. Albemarle. 805 41 Warreuton. Fauquier . 574 12 Wheeling. Ohio. 2,000 00 ALABAMA. Williamsburg . James City. 401 48 Winchester. Frederick. 1,485 24 Auburn. Macon. Wytheville. Wvthe... 436 00 Benton . Lowndes... • Eufaula. Barbour. Eutaw... Greene . NORTH CAROLINA. Florence. Lauderdale. Gainesville. Sumter. Ashville. Buncombe. 838 25 Greensborough . Greene. Chapel Hill. Orange . 647 16 Huntsville. Madison. Charlotte. Mecklenbur o- h . 722 51 Marion . Perry.. Elizabeth City. Pasquotank. 526 45 Mobile. Mobile. Fayetteville. Cumberland. 1.380 44 Montgomery.. Montgomery. Goldsborough. Wayne. 793 23 Selma... Dallas. Greensborough. Guilford. 754 96 Talladega. Talladega. Newbern. Craven . 930 76 Tuscumbia. Franklin. Plymouth. Washington. 479 13 Tuscaloosa. Tuscaloosa. Raleigh . Wake ...~. 1,610 87 Wetumpka. Coosa. Salem. Forsyth... 425 74 Salisbury. Rowan. 580 80 Warrenton. Warren. 556 69 MISSISSIPPI. Washington. Beaufort. 869 29 Wilmington . New Hanover... 1,991 91 Aberdeen. Monroe. Carrollton. Carroll. Columbus. Lowndes. SOUTH CAROLINA. Greneda. Yalobusha. Holly Springs. Marshall. AlYhfivillfi. 513 04 Jackson. Hinds. Aikon. Rarnwp.ll. 414 80 Natchez. Adams. Andpusnn. Andp.rson. 431 93 Oxford. La Fayette. Beaufort. . Beaufort. 425 09 Pass Christian. Harrison. Charleston . Charleston . 2,000 00 Port Gibson. Claiborne. Cheraw. () h p.s t,p rfi p.l d. '508 45 Vicksburgh. Warren. Chester C H. Chester. 514 07 Woodville. Wilkinson. Columbia . Richmond. 777 21 Yazoo City...... Yazoo. Georgetown C TT. . Georgetown. 896 85 Greenville C. II. Greenville. 801 33 Hamburgh. Edgefield. 403 49 LOUISIANA. Newberry C. H. Newberry. 689 68 Sumterville Sum ter . 594 71 Alexandria. Rapides. Winnsborough.... Fairfield. 487 36 Baton Rouge. E. Baton Rouge Yorkvillo ....7. York . 454 41 Donaldsonville. Ascension. Franklin. St. Mary’s. GEORGIA. Grand Ecore. Natchitoches .... New Orleans. Orleans. Albany. Baker . 722 62 Plaquemine... Iberville. Compensa¬ tion. $it>9 Ob 1,179 58 1.834 53 1,881 19 417 00 1,299 40 569 67 505 80 546 89 1,056 33 849 88 1,264 85 918 49 1,210 06 1,132 96 679 55 1,040 88 1,910 15 455 47 704 13 897 74 459 66 561 19 449 18 912 09 476 62 420 62 417 19 535 28 511 28 538 13 561 67 723 97 1,017 75 738 08 1,821 19 2,000 00 1,082 05 587 64 1,418 01 901 20 756 89 1,017 17 434 98 1,169 81 561 01 1,048 85 1,429 06 929 02 593 19 436 54 561 27 1,270 03 529 98 799 71 1,651 49 2,000 00 765 23 448 52 485 68 2,000 06 463 3q 56 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT POST OFFICES— Texas — Arkansas — Tennessee—Kentucky — Ohio — Michigan. Post office. County. Compensa¬ tion. Post office. County. ’ Compensa¬ tion. Saint. Era.neisville . West Feliciana. $606 41 Ashland. Ashland . $710 37 Shreveport . Caddo. ’’721 07 Ashtabula . Ashtabula. "697 92 Thihnda.ii'v.. La Fourche. 551 54 Athens. Athens .. 600 95 Bellefontaine. Logan . 743 29 Bellevue. Huron . 419 30 TEXAS. Bucyrus. Crawford t . 642 34 Cadiz. Harrison . 431 49 Austin. Travis. 1,314 71 Cambridge. 503 04 Brownsville. Cameron. 494 46 Canton . Stark . 909 88 Clarksville. Red River. 437 93 Chillicothe. Ross. 1,814 48 Corpus Christi. Neuces. 402 38 Cincinnati. Hamilton. l'993 43 Galveston . Galveston. 2,000 00 Circleville. Piekaway. 1,217 67 Houston. Harris . l'494 84 Cleveland. Cuyahoga. 2,000 00 Tndianola. Calhoun. 474 19 Columbus. Franklin . 2,000 00 La, Grange. Fayette. 515 32 Conneaut . Ashtabula . 524 09 Marshall . Harrison. 495 62 Cuyahoga Falls. Summit.. 648 19 New Braumfels. Comal. 455 41 Dayton. Montgomery. 1,477 89 San Antonio. Bexar. 1,258 06 Defiance . Defiance . 562 69 Seguin. Guadaloupe...... 412 92 Delaware .. Delaware . 1,176 07 Washington . Washington. 406 87 Eaton. Preble. 518 01 Elyria. T.oraine. 787 39 Finley. Hancock . 587 15 • ARKANSAS. Fremont. Sandusky. 847 89 Granville. Liekine*. 598 87 Fayetteville... Washington. 415 32 Greenville. Darke . 415 66 Helena... Philips. 477 95 Hamilton. Butler. 1,071 73 Little Rock. Pulaski. 1,980 97 Hillsborough. Highland . 569 97 Napoleon. Desha. l'003 69 Hudson. Summit. 598 71 Pino Bluff. Jefferson. 450 45 Ironton. Lawrenee. 668 35 Kenton. Hardin . 501 79 Lancaster. Fairfield. 1,150 90 TENNESSEE. Lebanon . W ari en. 679 75 Lima. A11 en . 442 72 Athens.. McMinn. 4S3 41 London. Madison . 435 52 Browsville. Haywood. 458 21 McConnellsville. Morgan . 517 46 Chattanooga. Hamilton. 1,057 30 Mansfield. Rich land. 1.369 41 Clarksville. Montgomery. l'l07 18 Marietta. Washington. 1,075 83 Cleveland. Bradley. '505 62 Marion. Marion . 745 03 Columbia. Maury. 885 90 Massillon. Stark. 1,107 72 Gallatin. Sumner. 466 13 Maumee Citv. Lneas. 475 64 Jackson. Madison. 695 78 Medina. Medina,. 504 98 Knoxville. Knox. 1,304 13 Middletown. Butler. 460 95 Lagrange. Fayette... . 419 78 Milan. Erie. 501 77 Lebanon. Wilson . 759 20 Monroeville .. Huron. 436 51 Memphis. Shelby. 2,000 00 Mount Vernon. Knox. 1,353 01 Nashville. Davidson . 2,129 69 Newark . 1,170 93 Somerville. Fayette. '642 01 New Lisbon. 802 96 Trenton . Gibson. 461 24 New Philadelphia. 520 71 Winchester. Franklin. 403 33 Norwalk. 933 65 Oberlin... Lorain e. 1,131 23 KENTUCKY. Painesville. Lake . 1,131 96 Piqua.. Miami. 1,018 01 Bardstown. Nelson. 635 51 Portsmouth . . Seioto. '904 57 Bowling Green. Warren. 718 57 Ravenna. Porta pre. 770 72 Covington. Kenton. 1,420 77 Ripley. . Brown . 515 30 Danville. Boyle. l'035 28 Salem. Columbiana. 895 24 Fraukfort... Franklin. l'827 23 Sandusky.. Firie. 2,000 00 Georgetown. Scott. '659 26 Sidney. Shelby. 565 18 Glasgow. Barren . 419 91 Springfield. Clark”. 1,930 51 Harroldsburg. Mercer. 655 SO Steubenville. Jefferson. 1,438 87 Henderson. Henderson. 618 90 Tiffin. Seneea . 1,165 18 Hickman. Fulton. 436 91 Toledo. Lneas. 2,D00 00 Hopkinsville. Christian . 685 87 Trov. 693 15 Lexington. Fayette. 1,650 63 Upper Sandusky. Wyandott.. 408 76 Louisville . Jefferson. 2.000 00 Urbana. Champaign. 946 63 Mavsville. Mason. 1,163 75 Warren . Trumbull. 1,094 95 Newport.... 672 80 Wellsville. Columbiana. 519 00 Owenshorough. 587 23 W’ilmiDgton. Clinton. 415 71 Paducah . 774 42 Wooster. Wayne . 1 015 43 Paris. Bourbon . 847 12 Xenia. Greene. 1 205 95 Russellville. Loiran. 487 29 Yellow Springs. .do. 713 57 Slielbyville.. Shelby. 827 11 Youngstown. Mahoning. 593 71 Versailles. Woodford 472 48 Zanesville. Muskingum 1,611 04 Winchester. Clark. 471 09 OHIO. MICHIGAN. Akron. Summit. 1,116 35 Adrian. Lenawee. 1,854 13 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT 57 POST OFFICES— Michigan — Indiana — Illinois — Missouri — Iowa — Wisconsin. Post office. County. Compensa¬ tion. Post office. County. Albion. . Calhoun. $732 68 Charleston. Coles. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw. 1,613 26 Chicago. Cook . Battle Creek. Calhoun. 1,145 2ft Danville. . Vermillinn Cold Water. Branch . 1,010 45 Decatur. Macon. Detroit. Wayne. 2',000 00 Dixon. Lee. East Sagan si w. Saganaw. 467 60 Elgin. Kane. Flint. Genesee. 897 13 Freeport. Stephenson Grand Rapids. Kent. 1,644 14 Galena. Jo Daviess. Hillsdale. Hillsdale. 766 10 Galesburgh. Knox.*. Hudson. Lenawee. 521 OS Geneseo . Henry. Jackson. Jackson . 1,211 21 Griggsville. Pike. Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo. 1,583 63 Henry. Marshall. Dan sing. Ingham. 1,208 18 Jacksonville. Morgan. Marshall. Calhoun. 1,091 27- Joliet. Will".. Monroe. Monroe. 883 20 Kankakee Depot. Kankakee. Mount Clemens. Macomb. 443 90 Knoxville. Knox. Niles. Berrien. 910 13 Lacon. Marshall. Paw Paw. I . Van Buren. 469 55 La Salle. La Salle. Pontiac. Oakland. 1,037 85 Lebanon. St. Clair. Port Huron. St. Clair. '731 22 Lockport.. Will . liockland. Ontonagon. 463 88 Marengo. McHenrv. Romeo.... Macomb. 422 22 Moline. Rock Island. Saint Clair. St. Clair. 536 53 Monmouth. Warren. Sault de Ste. Marie. Chippewa. 488 86 Morris. Grundy. Tecumseh. Lenawee. 553 57 Mount Carroll. Carroll . Ypsilanti. Washtenaw. 997 48 Ottawa. . La Salle. Paris. Edgar. Pekin. Tazewell. INDIANA. Peoria. Peoria. Peru. La Salic. Attica. Fountain. 553 54 Princeton. Bureau. Aurora. Dearborn. 503 77 Quincy. Adams. Bloomington. Monroe. 543 36 Rockford. Winnebago. Cambridge. Wayne. 429 69 Rock Island. Rock Island. Canuelton. Perry. 432 96 Saint Charles. Kane. Centreville. Wayne. 433 59 Shawneetown . Gallatin. Columbus. Bartholomew.... 572 79 Springfield. Sangamon. Con n crs villa. Fayette. 694 19 Urbana. Champaign. Crawfordsville. Montgomery .... 816 70 W arsaw. Hancock. Delphi....' . Carroll. 408 12 Waukegan. Lake. Elkhart. Elkhart. 502 32 Evansville... Vanderburgh ... 2,000 00 MISSOURI. Fort Wayne. Allen. 1,690 50 Goshen. Elkhart. 673 00 Boone ville. Cooper. Green Castle. Putnam. 784 06 Cape Girardeau. Cape Girardeau. Huntington. Huntington. 426 61 Columbia. Boone. Indianapolis. Marion. 2,000 00 Fayette. Howard. Jeffersonville. Clarke . 739 16 Fulton. Callaway. La Fayette. Tippecanoe. 1,843 86 Glasgow. Howard. Laporte . Laporte. 1,312 43 Hannibal. Marion. Lawrenceburgh. Dearborn . 867 24 Independence. Jackson. Loga/n sport. Cass. 1,198 25 Jefferson City. Cole. Madison. Jefferson. 1,817 21 Lexington. La Fayette. Michigan City. Laporte.. 1,112 25 Palmyra. Marion. Mishawaka. St. Joseph. 487 20 Saint Charles.. St. Charles. Munoiatown. Delaware. 472 14 Saint Joseph. Buchanan. New Albany. Floyd. 1,913 53 Saint Louis. St. Louis. Porn. Miami. 736 57 Savannah. Andrew. Richmond . AVayne . 1,193 56 Springfield. Greene. Risino- Snn . Ohio. 441 40 Rush villa. Rush. 455 34 IOWA. Shelhyvillft . Shelby. 588 32 South Rand . St. Joseph. 1,000 71 Burlington. Des Moines. Terre Haute. Vigo. l'877 62 Cedar Rapids. Linn . Valparaiso . Porter. 465 87 Council Bluffs. Pottawatomie .... Vincennes. Knox. 2,000 00 Davenport. Scott. Dubuque. Dubuque. Fairfield. Jefferson. ILLINOIS. Fort Des Moines. Polk. Fort Madison. Lee. Alton. Madison. 1,653 42 Iowa City. Johnson. Atalanta. Logan. '819 80 Keokuk. Lee. A u rora. Kan ft. 937 17 Muscatine. Muscatine.... Batavia. . .do. 420 91 Oskaloosa . Mahaska. Beardstown. Cass.1 423 15 Belleville. St. Clair.! 1,306 44 WISCONSIN. Belviderc. Boone . 1,051 90 Bloomington. McLean.i 1.446 66* Annleton. Winnebago. Compensa¬ tion. $574 36 2,000 00 463 79 839 96 1,019 59 1,043 05 1,357 85 1,929 51 1,057 88 442 68 400 54 663 04 1,356 05 1,218 28 433 61 554 97 482 89 1,102 72 421 41 544 48 433 93 652 02 583 86 725 36 456 45 1,468 84 601 43 615 14 1,966 41 1,056 57 887 21 1,925 79 1,959 66 1,483 42 534 4S 983 70 1,594 88 449 56 500 43 753 16 961 19 425 27 712 82 522 46 481 99 575 98 799 10 815 89 1,798 14 1,083 04 559 55 511 57 934 40 2,000 00 407 93 488 50 2,098 18 564 48 561 11 1,935 77 2,000 00 581 47 822 03 526 32 1,885 87 2.000 00 1,448 95 654 76 532 16 58 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT c ^”'~ — ■ . -- .. , - ■■■ . . —--—- i —-- POST OFFICES— Wisconsin — California — Oregon — Minnesota — Utah — Washington. Post office. County. Compensa¬ tion. Post office. County. Compensa¬ tion. Reaver Dam. Dodge. $420 35 Towa, City. Placer... $639 19 Reloit. Rock. 1,424 82 Jackson . s , 485 98 Berlin. Marquette. 402 75 Mariposa. Mariposa. 666 35 Dodgeville. Iowa. 418 62 Marysville. Yuba. 1.500 00 Fond du Lac. Fond du Lao. 1,311 60 Mokelumne ITill. Calaveras.... 1,022 28 Geneva. Walworth. 405 67 Mormon Island. Sa.eramentn. '874 95 Green Bay. Brown.. 623 73 Mud Spring. El Dorado. 753 70 Hazel Green. Grant. 407 30 Murphy’s. 642 48 Jamesville. Rock. 1,359 65 Nappa City. Nappa, . 463 10 Kenozha. Kenozha. 1,232 57 Nevada City. Nevada. 2,000 00 La Cross. La Cross. '487 87 Ophirville. PI acer. 422 05 Madison. Dane. 1,736 34 Petaluma. Sonoma. 449 09 Manitowoc. Manitowoc. 629 17 Placersville. Sutter. 1,779 03 Milwaukie. Milwaukie. 1,713 80 Rough and Beady. Nevada. 633 48 Mineral Point. Iowa. 877 7Q Sacramento City. Sacramento. 1,352 32 Monroe. Greene. 445 81 San Francisco. San Francisco... 1,856 40 Osh Kosh. Winnebago. 870 52 San Jose. Santa Clara __ 1,210 81 Platteville... Grant. 611 09 Santa Clara. '616 48 Portage City. Columbia. 722 31 Shasta .. Shasta. 1,107 18 Racine. Racine. 1,594 62 Sonora. Tliol llTMlfi. 1,614 25 Sheboygan . Sheboygan . 941 72 Stockton. San .Toaqnin. 1,920 60 Watertown..... .T efferson. 900 93 Volcano. Calaveras. 759 36 Waukesha. Waukesha. 589 82 Weaverville. Trinity.. . 701 18 White Water.. Walworth. 557 85 Yankee Jim’s... Placer.. 784 99 Yreka. Siskyon. 1,507 37 CALIFORNIA. OREGON. Auburn.. Placer. 634 78 Benicia. Solano . 898 97 Salem... Marion. 486 67 Bidwell’s Bar. Butte. 606 05 Campo Seco. Calaveras. 481 90 MINNESOTA. Camptonville. Yuba. 451 49 Columbia. Tuolumne . 1,801 75 Saint Anthony’s Falls. Ramsey. 777 23 Culloma.. Fll Dorado. 1,583 19 Saint Paul’s. 1,895 10 Diamond Springs. 839 34 Downieville. Yuba. 1,317 -86 UTAH. Fosta’s Bar. 428 10 Georgetown. "ET Dorado. 1,240 44 Salt Lake City. Salt Lake. 703 37 Goodyear’s Bar. Yuba. 444 39 WASHINGTON Grass Valley. Nevada. 1,462 80 Greenwood . FI Dorado. 454 63 Olympia. Thurston. 423 03 »• > « %:V. 3 . “* Epi,.. • . ' • 1 * • • ; . v * ■ * ■ I ■ ' • V ■ * . \ •i ' • » * V- • ■ ■ *> I t . ' . i y\*:y $$& l % • '• V»-^ 5 #' y v . ••'■■■ v&• /»• ■ ' 1 r t-V . ;Vf . 1 * Wr »• «- •«. .* ■t £js£A $\ IjwpK 1 .*■ $t&w ; * ' a ; !W;'‘ . ^ * if-* .• , - 'j cWjL ’V ; $ 3B& .Y* '••: •>vr. '" ftm *S£i 7 *7$ •. •Vv**,; aS'KV/y ;• ■ •< .to*/' Y^W / ,., Sr 1«E>> * „ <# ALFRED HU] . m 'ii Office under Willard’s Hotel m WASHINGTON, O. . $• ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS CONNECTED WITH PA.TE JSTT A. GE 1ST O Y ’fU*\ , ' . v» . Being familiar with the business of the Patent Office, Inventors will find it to be their interest to employ him in prosecuting their claims. He gives his personal attention to procuring 1 ® & Additional Letters Patent; Makes tturnw preliminary Patent Office Examinations ; attends to the filing of Caveats ; prepares Deeds of Assignment; and gives advice as to the proper coarse to pursue [p regard to Rejected Applications. His charges will be very moderate. ■Si ' sent wj —e>““- The personal attendance of applicants is unnecessary, as instructions can be by mail to Alfred Hunter, at Washington. Alfred Hcnter has published an Official Catalogue of the Curiosities in ui* National Museum of the Intent Office, which he has for sale at the entrance to the. Patent Office. He received permission to publish it from the Commissioner of Par tents. This book gives an interesting description of the articles deposited atvari- ous times in the National Museum, to which is appended an account of the I lante in the National -Conservatory at the foot of the Capitol. Visitors ought means to purchase a copy to take home with them. It tfill bring to their i « . 1 vl - -L— L HAMM V> rtnl 4 Ad rrirrlnr* A T\I£U1 GlTl Cf dABA.rirrf.lMl thfi TiT bmTiwhat they have seen, besides giving a pleasing description of the principal articles in the Museum. |p,: ,. fy .... L . .. Mr. Hunter has also published a List of Patented Models exhibited in wing of the Patent Office. This work is very useful to Inventors aud others, an account of the number of models in each case, and of what kind they are. He has just published a Blue-Book, called the Sword of Jackson. Contains a List of all the Offices and Pay under the U. S. Government. Price 374 Persons in quest of back volumes of the Patent Office Report, Or of any oi public Documents, will do well to give him a call. He can generally obtain them. OFFICE UNDER WILLARD’S HOTEE. ... ■ '• • . . ‘V;- . . . 1 t . • . .-.••-<»> • •• ■»* . To derive profit from inventions, as such, they must be well valid Letters Patent; and when we consider how small a proportion of t- are good, valid instruments, we shall no longer wonder at the timidity of patentees, when called to test their rights before the courts. For it must be remembered that the Patent Office exercises no supervision over patents, except to reject those wanting in novelty and patentability. It is, therefore, of the highest importance to secure ihe services of an agent competent as well as faithfiil 1