r c ^^u^'^" '^-^^ ^^^-^a-c-^ /^y^in -/ ATHENIAN SOCIETY, BOWDOIN COLLEGE 1856 iLUL'i^i.^ ii-^^'i^Ut lol O VJ .^^MMSilB^M ®FT9I£ .sT^^^' r /V_^ ^ - \ BWffmm^ ©Di,Li©ia . ' ft Bf./,'" Sr. h,:^lm.\ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/catalogueofathen1856athe c 15 ti \'2 C: e. ADVERTISEMENT. In submitting the present issue of the Triennial Catalogue of the Athenaean Society to its members and friends, the Committee would state, that diligent exertions have been made to render it accurate in every par- ticular ; and they indulge the hope that it is as free from errors as the cir- cumstances of the case will allow. No marked changes have been made in the arrangement. Members of the Bar are designated, as heretofore; by the title of Esq., unless entitled to that of Honorable. The Historical Sketch of the Society, prepared for the last Catalogue by Wm. A. Wheeler, of the Class of 1853, is again inserted in accordance with the wishes of many leading members of the General as well as the Acting Society. Information has been solicited from a large portion of the graduate members, which has in most cases been promptly rendered ; and the Committee would return their sincere thanks to all who have thus aided them in their work. CHAS. H. TRUE, M. M. ROBINSON, L. S. STRICKLAND, JAS. H. TALLMAN, COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. BowD. Coll., June, 1856. ITT^ An asterisk ;(*) is prefixed to the nsmes of members^ deceased, and an obelisk (f) to the names of those who left College before graduating. A section. (^) indicates an honorable dismission from the Society. The abbreviations, S.H.S., M.S.H.S , M.M.S.S., stand respectively for Member of the (Maine) Historical Society ; of the JVIassachusetts Historical Societyj and of the Massachusetts Medical Society. HISTORICAL SKETCH. In the month of June, 1808, a few individuals associated themselves together for literary purposes, under the name of the '* Athenaean Society of Bowdoin College.'! When it is stated that the College had but recently gone into operation : that the number of students was very limited ) and that a similar association was already in existence, it will be seen that the Athenaean was not established under auspices the most encouraging. One thing, however, contributed to its temporary success. The Constitution of the Peucinian, — the rival society, — did not provide for the admi^^sion of members till their Sophomore year, and the Atbenaean, profiting by this circumstance, extended an invitation to every Freshman in College, and received affirmative answers from, and initialed all but one. The founda- tion for a Library was now laid, and the Society became one of considerable interest and importance, — its numbers exceeding those of the Peucinian. But this supremacy was not long to be maintained. The Peucinian, deter- mined not to be outstripped in zeal or perseverance by its younger competi- tor, amended its Constitution so that members might be admitted from the Freshmen class : commenced the collection of a Library of its own : es- tablished the custom of Annual Bleetings at Commencement time ; and in various other ways increased the number of objects and the usefulness of the association. The novelty attendant on the formation of the Athensean soon wearing off, the current of feeling underwent a change, and for more than a year the Society had but a languishing existence : the Library was but slightly increased: little interest was manifested in the meetings, which became less and less frequent ; and, at length, in 1811, the Society was discontinued, — most of the books which had been collected being distribu- ted among the members. ATHEN/EAN SOCIETY But, after an interval of something more than a year and a half, it was revived, in the Summer term of 1813. The old Seal and Book of Records were obtained from some of the former members ; the accumulation of a new Library was commenced, and the Society seemed re-established upon a firmer foundation than before. But soon contention for new members arose; and as the earlier origin, and uninterrupted prosperity of the Peu- cinian were thought to confer upon it a greater degree of respectability, most, if not all of those who declined the invitation of the Athenscan, did so with the hope of being admitted to that; — though they were ineligible until their Sophomore year.* Some of these were promised the honor, and in due time received it: others, 4inding their talents not duly appreciated, or their claims not properly regarded, turned back, and were then willing to join the Atheneean ; but finding that they were not wanted there, fell be- tween the two. On account of the small number of members, the Society did not flourish, and on the exit of the Senior Class of 1816, it was a sec- ond time disbanded, and the Library, amounting to about two hundred volumes, divided. During the next year the Peucinian Society remained in undisputed and quiet possession of the whole College arena. At the end of that time another and a successful eflTort was made for the resuscitation of the Athe- naean. The first meeting was held December 10th, four individuals being present. The Constitution which had been in use from 1813 to 1816 was adopted by the Society, and a Committee appointed to ''revise and cor- rect" it. The Officers at this time elected were a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian. At the next meeting, on the 12th of the same month, the Constitution, as amelided by the Co.mmittee appointed for that purpose, was reported and accepted. In the book containing it, on a page preceding the Title-page, the following entry was made : " Be it known, that it is not the object of this Society to interfere with any Society in College ; that it is formed for private and social intercourse ; for forensic and extemporary disputation ; and for literary and scientific improvement. It shall, at all proper times, liberally extend its privileges and advantages to all worthy students in their Freshman years, that they may thus bring into early use their mental faculties, and fit and prepare themselves to discharge higher and more important duties in life. By order of the Society, G. J. Grosvenok, Secretary." *The Peucinian Constitution had previously — Oct. 25th, 1811 — been restored to it» original reading, by which membership was restricted to the three upper classes. But in 1826 it was again changed, and members were again admitted from the Freshman class as at present. HISTORICAL SKETCH By the provisions of the Constitution, any student in College, of good moral character, was eligible by the vote of two-thirds of the members, and liable to expulsion by the vote of four-fifths, if he should " conduct contra- ry to the interests of the Society." Members of the Senior Class, after the annual election of officers, — which was on the last Wednesday of June, — were considered Honorary, and ex- i empted from their usual duties. Any literary gentleman might be admit- j ted an Honorary member, who, in the opinion of three-fourths of the I Society, would increase its respectability and usefulness. I By another article of the Constitution it was said that a Public Oration and Poem might be pronounced, ''if practicable, by Honorary members, on the day previous to Commencement." • The Anniversary of the Society was to be held on the 15th of November, ' when an Address was to be delivered by the President, and, if possible, a Poem, " by some Honorary or resident member." I The first intimation to be gathered from the records relative to what Is j now called the General Society, in contradistinction to the Acting or College j Society, occurs in the record of a meeting held on the 29th of August, 1818 5 j when it was "Voted, That a General Meeting of the Society, Honorary and Acting members, be held on the day previous to Commencement, for the purpose of adopting measures relative to the property of the Society." This meeting was held September 2d ; when, according to the record of that date, duly signed by the Secretary of the Acting Society, it was "Voted unanimously, many Honorary members being present, that Levi Stowell, an Honorary member, be President of the Society," — " whose duty it is to preside over the same on such public occasions as require a general atten- dance of the Honorary members ;" — and "that Charles R. Porter be the Corresponding Secretary," — " whose duty it is to make all necessary com- munications, in the name of the Society, relative to its proceedings." A vote was also passed that the Library should not be distributed, in any case whatever, but with the consent of three-fourths of the Honorary members. j The Society, at this period, in their strong and ardent desire to increase j their numbers, determined that there would be no impropriety, after ex- acting a promise of secrecy, in reading to those whom they had invited to join them, such provisions of the Constitution as were most important in order to induce them to become members. This novel method of pro- cedure was adopted November 5th, 1818, and three individuals were thus introduced, of whom one only chose to join ; and he was initiated the same evening. The other two required a few days for consideration. One of them afterwards became a member, being initiated November 9tli, 1821, " after three years of deep consideration of the matter, ^^ to quote the language of that date. ATHENIAN SOCIETY In March, 1820, the increasing numbers, flourishing condition, and flat- tering prospects of the Society, seemed to demand some modifications in the Constitution, better to adapt it to existing circumstances. A Commit- tee was accordingly raised, empowered to make such alterations as they should deem necessary or expedient. Their report was presented and ac- cepted April 7th. The number of volumes in the Library, at this time, exceeded five hun- dred ; but the selection of books had not been marked by the good taste and discrimination which has prevailed in later times. Indeed, the means and resources of the Society, at this early period in its history, did not ad- mit of the purchase of expensive publications ; and the increase and value of the Library depended almost entirely on the voluntary subscriptions and donations of those individual members, who could best afford them. At the annual election in June, the Society for the first time choose a Standing Committee, styled, in the quaint language of the Records, a "Standing Committee of Arrangements." The appointment of an Orator for the meeting on Commencement week, was this year assumed by the Acting members. No mention was made in the Records of the College Society, of any public performances on this oc- casion; but in the first record of the proceedings of the General Society, is the following entry : "The Honorary and Active members, constituting the General Society, met at No. 6, on Tuesday, the day preceding Commence- ment, and proceeded thence to the Meeting House," where "an Oration was delivered by Levi Stowell, Esq., and a Poem by Daniel Clarke."* The General Society now began to act as a distinct body : choosing offi- cers of its own: keeping a record of its proceedings separate from the Acting Society ; and assuming the election of Honorary members, and the appointment of Orator and Poet for the Annual Meetings on Commence- ment week. A few provisional regulations were at first adopted; and at the meeting in September, 1821, a Constitution was reported and accepted, in which the relative powers and duties of the General Society were dis- tinctly defined. In this instrument it was provided that the General So- ciety should consist of Acting members, or Undergraduates, and of Hon- orary members, — meaning, by this term, Graduates and "such other Ute- rary gentlemen" as should " from time to time be elected." The Officers specified were a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Correspon- ding Secretary, Treasurer, and Standing Committee. These were all to be chosen from among the Honorary Members. The Acting Society was to * At this time medals first began to be worn as a distinguishing- badge. The devices and inscriptions upon them were substantially the same as at present. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 7 be under the control of the General Society, only so far as that the Consti- tution and laws of the former should contain nothing repugnant to those of the latter ; and while the latter retained the right to control the Library, its immediate management was submitted to the former. On the 4th of March, 1822, Maine Hall was destroyed by fire, and the Library of the Society, which was in it, sustained considerable injury. This event was most mournfully described by the Secretary of the College So- ciety, who, in the sorrow of his heart, recorded that " Bowdoin College was consumed by fire." At the annual meeting in 1825, the General Society passed the following resolution : "Voted, That the Library of the Athensean Society in Bowdoin College be, and the same hereby is given to the President and Trustees of Bowdoin College, in trusty for the use of said Society in College, reserving to said Society the power of withdrawing said trust : — the said Library still to continue to be regulated and used according to the By-Laws of the Society." At the session of the Legislature in 1828, the Society obtained an Act of Incorporation, in consequence of which the foregoing trust was withdrawn. By this Act of incorporation the Society were at liberty "to hold and pos- sess any estate, real or personal, to an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars over and above the value of their books." At the annual meeting in September of the same year, the Constitution was entirely remodeled. The office of Vice-President was abolished, and the offices of Recording and of Corresponding Secretary were united in that of Secretary. At the same time a Diploma and Seal were adopted, in conformity to a require- ment of the new Constitution.* In 1830 a Catalogue of the Library was published by the Acting mem- bers. The whole number of volumes, at this time belonging to the Society, was two thousand, two hundred and thirty-eight. The spirit of rivalry, and a mutual feeling of jealousy, which had al- ways been more or less operative in the Athenapan and Peucinian Acting * The Diploma was as follows : "ATHENiEAN SOCIETY OF Bowdoin College. " This certifies that has been duly elected an Honorary Member of the ATHEX.EAX Society of Bowdoin College, incorporated February, A. D. 1828. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, and affixed L. S. the seal of said Society, this day of A. D. . , President. Secretary. On the Seal was engraven a head of Minerva, with the inscription : " Athenian Society, B. C, Cul. Su. Sci. Cor." A T H K N ^ A N SOCIETY. Societies, leading, occasionally, to the adoption of injudicious measures, had, about this period, increased to such a degree as to attract the attention of the Trustees and Overseers of the College. Accordingly at their annual meeting in 1831, a Committee was deputed to inquire into the relations sub- sisting between them; and, if they should deem it advisable, to recommend such measures as they should judge would prove " most conducive to the harmony of the students and the best interests of the College." This Com- mittee, as instructed, reported at the meeting in September, 1833, that on the preceding October "they visited the town, and had a personal interview with all four of the classes in a body ; ' and the next day with Commitees of the Peucinian and AthenEcan Societies." The Committee stated, further- more, that they used all such arguments, as they deemed proper, of a per- suasive and conciliatory character, to induce them to lay aside all party feelings and cultivate harmony and friendship. They urged them to unite the Societies, as the most certain mode of effecting the desired object ; or to unite their Libraries, either as to property or possession ; or to make no further additions to either Society, by the election of new members, — and thus permit them to become extinct in College, — and, so far as Under- graduates were concerned, in September^ 1835. But the Committee were " notified formally, that none of these propositions were acceptable." Upon the presentation of this report, the Board of Trustees voted to petition the next Legislature to repeal the Act incorporating the Athenaean Society.* This was done with a view to the abolition of both associations ; but the Overseers non-concurred in the measure, and no further action was taken by the other Board. The next year the literary exercises were varied and made more inter- esting by the establishment of a " Paper," composed of original and anony- mous articles, and conducted by three Editors. On the 17th of February, 1836, the Athensean received a heavy blow in the almost total destruction of its valuable Library by the second confla- gration of Maine Hall. This third collection "had been obtained," in the language of the Records, " amidst opposition and discouragement, by the indefatigable efforts, perseverance and liberality of friends, till it had be- come, for miscellaneous reading, one of the best libraries of the size to be found in the country." The number of volumes, at the time of the fire, was three thousand, three hundred and twenty-ene ; of these only two hundred and twenty were saved. The most strenuous exertions were at once put forth by both members and friends of the Society to repair the loss ; and ♦The Peucinian Society, having never been incorporated, was under the jurisdiction of the College Boards. HISTORICAL SKETCH. it may be mentioned, as an instance of the zeal and liberality thus excited, that more than two hundred dollars' worth of books was subscribed, at one time, by the Senior and Junior members. In August, 1838, the Library had so increased, that the Standing Committee of the Acting Society were authorized to publish a Catalogue of the books contained in it. By this Catalogue it appears that the number of volumes which had been collect- ed since the fire, was one thousand eight hundred and thirty; the whole number, including those which were saved of the former Library, being two thousand and fifty. At the same time a Catalogue of the Officers and Member^ of the Society was issued by the Standing Committee of the General Society, in which the whole number connected with the associa- tion, up to the time of publication, was enumerated at four hundred and sixteen ; but there were unavoidably many inaccuracies in this first edition. Previously to 1840, the Anniversary of the College Society had occurred in the Fall Term. This year, however, it took place in February instead of the preceding November, and has always since been celebrated in the Spring. In March of the following year, a Committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a Reading Room, and, if they should deem it advisable, " to make necessary arrangements therefor." The Com- mittee reported favorably, and a Reading Room was accordingly establish- ed, under the immediate management of three Directors. A voluntary sub- scription of twenty-eight newspapers and periodicals, valued at about ninety- five dollars, was at once obtained, and for more than a year the Read- ing Room proved a benefit and source of convenience to the members ; but in 1842 the affairs of the Society rendered it necessary that it should be discontinued, which was done by a formal vote passed on the 8th of March. In the Spring Term of 1846, a " Badge Pin," bearing a head of Minerva embossed on cameo, as reported by a Committee appointed for the purpose, was adopted by the Society. In the Summer Term of 1847, the Constitution, wiiich had become ex- ceedingly irregular and confused, underwent a thorough revision by a Com- mittee of six, appointed July 15th. In 1850, a proposal was made by the Caluvian Society to present the Athenaean with its Cabinet and other property. After some consideration, the proposal was accepted, and the transfer accordingly made. jj At the annual meeting of the General Society, in September of the same i! year, an arrangement was entered into, by which the Athensean and Peu- jl cinian Societies would, in future, unite in their annual celebrations at Com- 1 mencement time, — each Society to furnish an Orator and each a Poet on j alternate years. 10 AT HENiEAN SOCIETY. In July. 1852, the Acting Society again revised its Constitution : among other amendments, changing the date of the Society's establishment : abol- ishing the affirmation of secrecy which had hitherto been required ; and increasing the number of officers, by providing for the anniial election of two Auditors and a Cabinet-keeper. Such is a brief sketch of the prominent events in the history of the Athenoean Society. Without dwelling upon the reverses, which it has en- countered, or the days of difficulty and depression, which it has seen, it is enough to say, that it has surmounted every obstacle, and grown with the growth and strengthened with the strength of the College. Neither is it necessary to enlarge upon the important and continued agency of the asso- ciation in educating the minds and forming the characters of its members j that agency is attested and demonstrated by the names that cluster in its Catalogue. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY |)restbent0. Elected. Retired. 1818 LEVI STOWELL 1820 1820 JAMES LORING CHILD ]821 1821 *WILLIAM KING PORTER 1822 1822 EPWARD EMERSON BOURNE .... 1823 1823 *EDMUND THEODORE BRIDGE .... 1825 1825 JAMES M'KEEN 1828 1828 JAMES LORING CHILD 1829 1829 JAMES M'KEEN 1830 1830 WILLEAM PITT FESSENDEN 1833 1833 PATRICK HENRY GREENLEAF .... 1835 1835 *MOSES E3IER7 WOODMAN 1837 1837 PHINEHAS BARNES 1839 1839 WILLIA3I HENRY ALLEN . . • . . 1841 1841 HENRY BOYNTON SMITH 1842 1842 DANIEL RAYNES GOODWIN 1847 1847 JOHN PARKER HALE 1850 1850 PELEG WHITMAN CHANDLER .... 1851 1851 HENRY BOYNTON SMITH 1852 1852 WILLIAM HENRY ALLEN 1853 1853 FRANKLIN PIERCE 1854 1854 ERASTUS FOOTE. Jr 12 ATHENIAN iJicE-IJresitrentH, Elected. Retired. 182 L EDWARD EMERSON BOURNE .... 1822 1822 ^EDMUND THEODORE BRIDGE .... 1823 1823 *JOSIAH HILTON HOBBS 1824 1824 ISRAEL WILDES BOURNE 1825 1825 CHARLES RICHARD PORTER 1827 1827 *EBENEZER FURBUSH DEANE . . . 1828 In 1828 this office was abolished. ffi'orr^Bponbing Sttxtiaxus, Elected. Eetired. 1818 CHARLES RICHARD PORTER .... 1823 1823 *SYLVANUS WATERMAN ROBINSON . . 1827 1827 *MOSES EMERY WOODMAN 1828 In 1828, this office, and that of Recording' Secretary, were united in the office of Secretary. Hecorbing Qtcxtiaxits. Elected. ' Eetired. 1821 *JOHN GREEN RICHARDSON .... 1823 1823 *GEORGE LESSLIE PARSONS .... 1825 1825 JOHN OTIS 1827 1827 *ROBERT ORR 1828 In 1828, this office, and that of Corresponding Secretary, were united in the office of Secretary. GENERAL SOCIETY. 13 Qttxttavxts. Elected. Eetired. 1828 ^ROBERT ORR 1829 1829 *MOSES EMERY WOODMAN .... 1832 1832 PEINE HAS BARNES 1835 1835 WILLIAM HENRY CODMAN .... 1836 1836 PHINEHAS BARNES 1837 1837 HENRY BOYNTON SMITH . . • . . 1838 1838 DANIEL RAYNES GOODWIN 1810 1840 RICHARD PIKE 1842 1842 WILLIAM GRISWOLD BARROWS .... 1848 1848 HENRY ORR ©rators at 3lnnual iMeaings. LEVI STOWELL ' . . . 1820 ELIJAH LIVERMORE HAMLIN 1821 *EDMUND THEODORE BRIDGE 1822 *JOSIAH HILTON HOBBS 1823 *MOSES SHAW 1824 JAMES M'KEEN 1826 WILLIAM PITT FESSENDEN 1828 ^JONATHAN CILLEY 1830 *DANIEL TRISTRAM GRANGER 1831 JABEZ CUSHMAN WOODMAN . . . , . . 1832 SAMCJEL GRIDLEY HOWE 1833 PHINEHAS BARNES • 1834 WILLIAM CLARKE LARRABEE 1835 THOMAS CURTIS 1837 HENRY WELD FULLER, Jr 1838 14 A T II E N iE A N SOCIETY. WILLIAM HENRY ALLEN 1839 JOHN PARKER HALE 1840 DANIEL RAYNES GOODWIN 1841 JOHN LORD 1812 HENRY BOYNTON SMITH 1843 JOHN ALBION ANDREW 1844 GEORGE LUNT 1846 PELEG WHITMAN CHANDLER . . . . • 1847 JOHN ORR FISKE 1848 CALVIN FARRAR 1849 LUTHER V BELL 1851 RICHARD HENRY DANA, Jr 1854 |)oet0 *DANIEL CLARKE 1820 JAIRUS SHAW KEITH 1821 *GRENVILLE MELLEN 1828 CHARLES COPELAND NUTTER 1849 CHARLES HORACE UPTON 1850 HENRY JOSEPH GARDNER 1853 SAMUEL JOHN PIKE 1855 OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE SOCIETY. Elected. *HENRY WOOD 1808 GEORGE WILLIAM BOYD 1809 ASA REDINGTON 1810 ^WILLIAM KING PORTER 1813 LEVI STOWELL 1814 EDWARD EMERSON BOURNE 1815 JAMES M'KEEN 1816 ISRAEL WILDES BOURNE . . . . . . 1817 ^JONATHAN HAMMOND CHESLEY 1818 *JOSIAH HILTON HOBBS ...... 1819 *DANIEL CLARKE 1820 *SYLV ANUS WATERMAN ROBINSON . \ . . ' 1821 *GEORGE LESSLIE PARSONS 1822 *EBENEZER FURBUSH DEANE 1823 ^JONATHAN CILLEY 1824 GEORGE YEATON SAWYER 1825 JOHN PARKER HALE 1826 LUTHER DEARBORN SAWYER 1827 JOHN FAIRFIELD HARTLEY 1828 NATHAN MUNROE 1829 SAMUEL ADAMS 1830 COLLEGE SOCIETY. 17 1 iJire-Presilr^nts, j 1 Elected. 1 JOHN MUSSEY 1808 *FREDERICK SOUTHGATE 1809 JOSIAH LITTLE 1810 LEVI STOWELL 1813 ♦PEREZ BRYANT MANN 1814 CHARLES RICHARD PORTER .... 1815 *EDI\IUND THEODORE BRIDGE .... 1817 THOMAS PERKINS BOURNE 1818 *GODFREY JOHN GROSVENOR . . . . 1819 *GODFREY JOHN GROSVENOR .... 1820 JABEZ CUSHMAN WOODMAN . • . . . 1821 * WILLIAM RUFUS KING . . . 1822 *ZENAS CALDWELL 1823 NATHANIEL DUNN 1824 GEORGE TRASK 1825 GEORGE FARRAR MOULTON .... 1826 WILLIAM CLARKE LARRABEE . . . . 1827 ALEXANDER ROGERS GREEN .... 1828 LEWIS PENNELL 1829 *LEWIS TURNER 1830 JABEZ CUSHMAN RICH 1831 NATHAN WESTON, Jr 1832 DANIEL CONY WESTON 1833 EDWIN LEIGH 1534 1 ^JOSEPH PRINCE 1834 THOMAS STETSON HARLOW .... 1S35 *JORDAN GOODWIN FERGUSON . . . . 1836 *SAMUEL GREENLEAF LANE .... 1837 DAVID SAWYER ROWE 1837 SAMUEL ELLIOT BENJAMIN .... ! 1 1 1838 18 ATHENIAN Elected. *LUTHER SAMPSON 1839 WASHINGTON GILBERT 1840 *DANIEL TRACY WEST 1841 GEORGE FREDERICK EVANS 1842 JOHN WALLINGFORD GOODWIN 1843 THOMAS AMORY DEBLOIS FESSENDEN . . . 1844 JOSEPH WILLARD ELLIS 1845 GEORGE JARVIS MEANS 1846 WILLIAM CHAUNCEY POND 1847 NATHANIEL COTHREN 1848 WILLIAM SEWALL GARDNER ...... 1849 JOSEPH ASHUR WARE 1850 CHARLES WENTWORTH ROBERTS .... 1850 CHARLES USHER CHESLEY 1851 GEORGE STONE KIMBALL 1852 CHARLES FREDERICK TODD 1853 CHARLES EDWIN SHAW 1854 EDWARD WILLIAMS THOMPSON 1855 CHARLES CARROLL HAMLIN 1856 ©rators at Slnnin^rBarus. Elected. *JONATHAN HAMMOND CHESLEY 1818 *JOSIAH HILTON HOBBS 1819 *GODFREY JOHN GROSVENOR 1820 *SYLVANUS WATERMAN ROBINSON • . . . 1821 *GEORGE LESSLIE PARSONS 1822 *EBENEZER FURBUSH DEANE 1823 *JONATHAN CILLEY 1824 SAMUEL STILLMAN BOYD 1825 JOHN PARKER HALE 1826 LUTHER DEARBORN SAWYER 1827 PHINEHAS BARNES 1828 COLLEGE SOCIETY. 19 Elected. HENRY WALDRON 1829 *GEORGE ROBINSON 1830 HORATIO SOUTHGATE 1831 WILLIAM HENRY ALLEN 1832 HENRY BOYNTON SMITH 1833 * JOSEPH PRINCE 1834 CYRUS WOODMAN 1835 JOHN LEWIS CUTLER 1836 STEPHEN MONTFORT VAIL .... 1837 JOHN WALTON DAVIS 1838 EZRA ABBOTT, Jr 1839 DANIEL FOX POTTER ...... 1840 JAMES LEWIS NUTTING 1841 GEORGE AUGUSTUS BOWMAN .... 1842 DAVID BANCROFT JOHNSON .... 1843 MOSES MORRILL BUTLER 1844 JAIRUS WARE PERRY . . . • . 1845 GEORGE NELSON RICHARDSON .... 1846 ISAAC WINSLOW CASE 1847 WILLIAM HOBSON 1848 CHARLES CARROLL EVERETT 1849 WILLIAM MARTIN LUTHER MARSHALL . 1850 JOHN FRANKLIN SPAULDING .... 1852 JOHN GLIDDEN STETSON 1853 CHARLES HENRY FOSTER 1854 JAMES OLCOTT BROWN 1855 EDWARD BAGLEY MERRILL 1856 Ij^otis. Elected. *DANIEL CLARKE 1819 *DANIEL CLARKE ....... 1820 JAMES BELL 1821 20 ATHENiEAN SOCIETY. Elected. LUTHER V BELL 1822 WILLIAM HENRY CODMAN 1823 *FREDERICK MELLEN 1824 *HENRY CLINTON ALLEN 1828 LEWIS PENNELL • . 1829 JOSIAH APPLETON BEARCE 1830 *EDWARD GRAY FALLS 1831 CHARLES HORACE UPTON 1832 ^SANFORD KINGSBERY BALLARD .... 1834 DANIEL DOLE 1835 JOHN ALBION ANDREW 1836 CHARLES COPELAND NUTTER 1837 BENJAMIN APTHORP GOULD FULLER . . . 1838 JAMES PARTELOW WESTON 1839 FRANCIS DUDLEY LADD 1840 *=ROBERT HARTLEY DUNLAP 1841 WHEELOCK CRAIG 1842 ENOCH PERLEY FESSENDEN 1843 CHARLES PHELPS ROBERTS 1844 *^ROBERT HARTLEY DUNLAP 1845 SAMUEL JOHN PIKE 1846 *JOHN DENNYS KILBY 1847 AUGUSTUS JEDEDIAH BURBANK 1848 ALBION FLITNER 1849 PHILIP HENRY BROWN 1850 GEORGE HARWARD THEOBALD 1851 JOHN BARRETT SOUTHGATE 1852 JOSEPH EMERSON SMITH 1853 SAMUEL ROLAND CROCKER . . . . . 1854 EDWIN POND PARKER 1855 FRANK WATERHOUSE 1856 INITIATED MEMBERS. (iEwral 1 atiEti}. 1809, John Mussey, Esq. Portland. William Eichardson, M.D. Johnston, R.I. =^tHenry Wood, Esq. 1810. Wiscasset. George William Boyd, New Orleans, La. Jeremiah Fellowes, Concord, N.H. =^Frederick Southgate, Scarborough. Tutor Bowd. Coll. =^tFrancis B. Waldo, Esq. 1811. Thomaston. =^Cornelius Dennison, Illinois. Hon. Josiah Little, S.H.S. Hon. Asa Redington, S.H.S. Judge of the District Court of Maine. 1812. Newburyport, Mass. =^tMoses Shaw, M.D. tCharles Mussey, 1813. Augusta. Wiscasset. Portland. 22 ATHEN.EAN 1 1814. . =^ William King Porter, Turner. 1815. ^Perez Bryant Mann, M.D. Hallowell. 1 Richard Elvin Orne, Pontotoc Co. Miss. Levi Stowell, Esq. South Paris. 1816. Edward Emerson Bourne, Esq., S.H.S. Kennebunk. ^Randolph Augustus Lawrence Codman, Esq. Portland. Charles Richard Porter, Esq. Bath. 1817. James M'Keen, M.D., S.H.S. Topsham. Prof. Obstetrics, and Lecturer on Theory and || Practice of Medicine, Bowd. Coll. j Overseer of College. 1818. Israel Wildes Bourne, Boston, Mass. =^Edmund Theodore Bridge, Jersey City, N.J. Frederick Benjamin Page, M.D. Donaldsonville, La. 1819. Thomas Perkins Bourne, M.D. Newcastle, N.B. ^Jonathan Hammond Chesley, Paris. ^Edward Tyng Ingraham, Portland. Hon. John Dennis M'Crate, Boston, Mass. Rep. U. S. Congress. 1820. §Rev. Jacob Abbott, New York City. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. Amherst Coll. G E N E R A L S C I E T Y . 23 | ^Theodore Sedgwick Brown, Esq., S.H.S. Bangor. ^Josiah Hilton Hobbs, Esq. Wakefield, X.H. ^Samuel Morrill, M.D. Boston, Mass. §Rev. Thomas Treadwell Stone, Bolton, Mass. 1821. ^John Barrett, M.D. Portland. ^Daniel Clarke, Windham. Rufus King Gushing, M.D. Brewer. §William Cutter, Esq., S.H.S. New York City. =^Godfrey John Grosvenor, Geneva, X.Y. *tBobert Smart Lambert, Bath. tJosiah Little, Portland. 1822. Charles Edwards Barrett, Portland. Hon. James Bell, Gilford, X.H. U. S. Senator. Charles Parsons Chandler, Esq. Foxcroft. =^§Richmond Loring, M.D. Aux Cayes, Ha in. | Charles Hugh Patterson M'Lellan, M.D. Poughkeepsie, X.Y. §Moses Parsons Parish, Esq. Xewburyport, MaSvS. ^tJohn Green Richardson, Bath. ^^Sylvanus Waterman Robinson,Esq., S.H.S . Bangor. =^Benjamin Sanborn, ^I.D. Falmouth. i Jabez Cushman Woodman, Esq., S.H.S. Portland. 1823. ^John Macclintock Bartlett, Concord, X.H. Hon. Luther Y Bell, M.D., LL.D. Somerville, Mass. Edmund Bridge Bowman, Esq. i , Wiscasset. 24 ATHENIAN — tJames Bridge, Esq., S.H.S. t Augusta. tGeorge William Gray Brown, Esq. Franklin Co., Ya. Hon. AYilliam Pitt Fessenden, S.H.S. Portland. 1 Rep. and Sen. U. S. Congress j Overseer of College. ^ ^Nathaniel Haynes, Esq. Bangor. ^Hiram Hayes Hobbs, Esq. South Berwick. ^William Bradford Holmes, Esq. Alfred. =^Josiali Stacey Hook, M.D. Adrien, Mich. =^ William Bufas King, Saco. William Allen Lane, Esq. Gorham. Samuel Millet, Louisiana. lAbraham Moore, Castine. Hon. Jobn Otis, S.H.S. Hallowell. Rep. U. S. Congress. ^Greorge Lesslie Parsons, Sebec. tBev. John Albert Perry, Blanchard. Jacob Smith, Esq. Bath. =^ William Tyng Smith, Esq. Portland. 1824. Frederick Wait Burk, New York City. ^Zenas Caldwell, Readfield. William Henry Codman, Esq. Camden. =^Ebenezer Furbush Deane, Esq. Gardiner. William Hatch, M.D. Exeter, N.H. ^William Avery Little, M.D. Castine. William Mason, M.D. Charlestown, Mass. tRev. John Mudge Merrick, Lynn, Mass. Hon. Franklin Pierce, LL.D. Washington, D.C. Rep. and Sen. U. S. Cong. ; Brig. Gen. U.S.A.; President of the United States. t John M'Neil Wilson, 1 Amherst, N. H. GENERAL SOC [ E T Y . 25 1825. Charles Jeffrey Abbott, Esq. Castine. Richmond Bradford, M.D. Auburn. Horatio Bridge, U. S. Navy. *Hon. Jonathan Cilley, Thomaston. Rep. U. S. Congress. Cyrus Hamlin Coolidge, M.D. Buckfield. Jeremiah Dummer, M.D. Independence, Miss. Nathaniel Dunn, M.D. Kingston, N.Y. Bev. Patrick Henry Greenleaf, Charlestown, Mass. William Hale, Dover, N.H. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Liverpool, Eng. U. S. Consul. *tGeorge Washington Lane, Louisiana. =^ Frederick Mellen, Portland. =^Mark Haskell Newman, New York City. ^Edward Deering Preble, S.H.S. Portland. Charles Snell, M.D. Bangor. Hon. William Aurelius Stone, Monticello, Miss. Judge of Circuit Court, Miss. tArthur Tompson, Pownal. ^Alfred Upham, M.D. New York City. Seward Wyman, Portland. 1826. tThomas Allen, Stockbridge, Mass. Hon. Samuel Stillman Boyd, Natchez, Miss. =^Samuel Lewis Clark, M.D. Bangor. *Obadiah Emery Frost, Esq. Topsham. John Taylor Oilman, M.D., S.H.S. Portland. Daniel Tristram Granger, Esq., S.H.S. Eastport. Jonas Merriam, Sebec. 26 A T H K N iE A N - — 1 t [ ^Benjamin Moody, M.D. MaracaibOjVENEZUELA . j tEbenezor Noycs, Newbury, Mass. 1 "^Hon John Brown Busswurm, CapePalmas, Africa. i Gov. of Maryland Colony. Hon. George Yeaton Sawyer, Nashua, N.H. 1 Associate Justice Sup. Jud. Court of N 1 H. 1 Manasseh Hovey Smith, Esq. Warren. Rev. Robert Southgate, Ipswich, Mass. =^Benjamin Bussey Thatcher, Esq. Boston, Mass. 1 Rev. George Trask, Fitchburg, Mass. Charles William Cutts Wilcox, Tremont, 111. =^Moses Emery Woodman, Esq. jl Brunswick. 1827. ! *t Horace Octavius Allen, Esq» Sanford. 1 ^ *Lewis Bailey^ Utica, N.Y. tMighill Hill Blood, Bucksport. j John Codman, Esq. Boston, Mass. ■^Joseph Hawley Dorr, M.D. Boston, Mass. 1 Henry Enoch Dummer, Springfield, 111. Henry Cummings Field, Esq. Lee. ^Franklin Gage, M.D. Cardenas, Cuba. ! U. S. Consul. ^tCharles Gilman, Quincy, 111. tPeter Grant, Gardiner. Hon. John Parker Hale, Dover, N.H. Rep. and Sen. U. S. Congress. John Heddle Hilliard, Esq. Old Town. i Ichabod Goodwin Jordan, Esq. Great Falls, N.H. James Tufton Leavitt, Esq. Skowhegan. Isaiah Preble Moody, Esq. York. George Farrar Moulton, Philadelphia, Pa. ! GENERAL SOCIETY. 27 ^tGeorge Raleigh Dearborn Wingate, ^tGrenyille Temple Winthrop, 1828. John Call Bartlett, M.D. '^Francis Eugene Bond, M.D. ^tJohn Sturgis Burnham, ^:\lerritt Caldwell, Portland. Watertown, Mass, Chelmsford, Mass. Darien, Ga. Orland. Carlisle, Pa. Prof, of Metaphys. and Polit. Econ. Dickinson Coll. tXathan Moore Cutler, t George Everett, Rev. Josiah Fisher, Henry Weld Fuller, Esq. =^ Albert Gallatin Green, * George Washington Lane, M.D. Rev. William Clarke Larrabee, Prof. Mathj, Ind. Asbury Univ. Boston, Mass. Montville. Ramapo Mills, N.Y, Boston, Mass. Bath. Boston, Mass. Indianapolis, Ind. Superintendent of Public Instruction in Indiana. =^Gilbert Hall Marsh, Thomaston. Rev. John Usher Parsons, Peoria, 111. Luther Dearborn Sawyer, Esq. Ossipee, N.H. tHon. Henry Tallman, Bath. Attorney General of Maine. 1829. ^tHenry Clinton Allen, E. Bridgwater, Mass. Hon. Phinehas Barnes, S.H.S. Portland. Prof of Greek and Lat. Lang. Wat. Coll. ; Overseer of College. •^tJohn Bartlett, New Ipswich. t Alfred Grenville Benson, Brooklyn, N.Y. /^Dennis Clark, Strong. 28 ATHENIAN =^Asa Moores Ditson, Wilton. Richard Evans, Washington, D.C. Alexander Rogers Green, Esq. Jackson, Miss. Allen Haines, Esq. Portland. John Fairfield Hartley, Esq. Washington, D.C. tCharles Henry Holmes, Esq. Topsfield, Mass. =^Henry Broomfield M'Cobb, Portland. Hon. James Thomas M'Cobb, Portland. tRichard Tappan Orr, Andover. Francis Brown Robie, Gorham. tGeorge Raker Swift, M.D. Lawrence, Mass. 1830. Rockton, 111. =^Cushing Allen, Bath. tWilliam Barrows, Hartford. Hon. Bion Bradbury, Eastport. tBaniel Cleaves, Saco. John Harris Convers, Esq. Newcastle. Hon. Thomas Drummond, Galena, 111. Judge of U. S. District Court of Illinois. =^tWilliam Henry Ellis, Boston, Mass. Samuel Dana Hubbard, Esq. Alabama. George Washington Ingersoll, Esq. Bangor. Jotham Tilden Moulton, Esq. Chicago, 111. Rev. Nathan Munroe, Bradford, Mass. Rev. Lewis Pennell, New Fairfield, Ct. Henry Waldron, Portsmouth, N. H. 1831. Samuel Adams, M.D. Jacksonville, 111. Tutor Bowd. Coll. ; Prof. Chem., Mineralogy and Geol., 111. Coll. GENERAL SOCIETY. 29 t Josiah Appleton Bearce, Hebron. *t Jonathan Andrew Chute, M.D. Westport, Mo. t James Merrill Cummings, M.D., M.M.S.S. Portland. Rev. William Yaughan Jordan, Pownal. ^George Eobinson, Esq. Augusta. *=Rev. Lewis Turner, Alfred. t James Putnam Wheeler, Boston, Mass. 1832. "^ George Christopher Angier, Belfast. ^Joseph Cullen Ayer, M.D., M.M.S.S. Boston, Mass. Rev. Ariel Parish Chute, Byfield, Mass. jJames Porter Cunningham, Peterborough, N.H. tSamuel Erskine, Bristol. ^Edward Gray Fales, Esq. Cambridge, Mass. Rev. Daniel Raynes Goodwin, D.D. Hartford, Conn. Tutor; Prof, of Mod. Lang. & Librarian Bowd. Coll. || President of Trinity Coll. Rev. Frederick Jordan Goodwin, Middletown, Ct. John Johnston, LL.D. . Middletown, Ct. Prof. Nat. Science, Wesl. Univ. tHenry Alfred Jones, Portland. 1 William Giddings Lane, Danville. Enoch Smith Marshall, Esq. Fayette. Ebenezer Moore, Jr., Esq. Quincy, 111. ^John Eaton Patten, Esq. Portland. *tStephen Peabody, Bucksport. Charles Curtis Porter, M.D. Calais. Jabez Cushman Rich, U. S. Navy. Rt. Rev. Horatio Southgate, D.D. Boston, Mass. Rev. Henry Gookin Storer, ., , .. Scarborough. 30 ATHENiEAN 1 1833. William Henry Allen, M.D., LL.D. Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. Chem. and Nat. Phil. Dick. Coll., and Pres. Girard Coll. tSolon Beale, Baltimore, Md. John Morland Cummings, M.D. Portland. tHenry Dimmock, Washington, D.C. =^tJonathan Ela, Weld. Ezra Bourne Fuller, Trenton, N. J. Hon. Henry James Jewett, Galveston, Texas. Sec'y. State ; Judge of ISth Judicial District. Isaac Palmer, M.D. North Anson. ^tHenry Rand, Portland. Rev. William Thomas Savage, Franklin, N.H. Rev. George Franklin Tewksbury, Oxford. Nathan Weston, Jr., Esq. Orono. '^tWilliam Foster Williamson, Bangor. 1834. Rev. John Wheelock Allen, Wisconsin. Hon. John Appleton, S.H.S. Portland. Sec'y. of Legation, London ; Charge to Bolivia, | and Rep. U. S. Congress. Hon. Peleg Whitman Chandler, S.H.S.,M.S.H.S. Boston, Mass. ^John Milton Clement, Holmes Co., Miss. ' Rev. Elijah Hedding Downing, San Augustin, Texas. =^tSamuel Sumner Fairbanks, Roxbury, Mass. Calvin Farrar, Portland. Rev. Samuel Clement Fessenden, Portland. t James Greenleaf, New Orleans, La. =^Hon. William Brooks Hartwell, Augusta. Theodore Herman Jewett, M.D. South Berwick. GENERAL SOCIETY 31 =^tFerdinand Knight, Baltimore, Md. IThomas Belsham Merrick, New York City. Amos Morrill, Tennessee. Kev. John Orr, Alfred. Charles Henry Pierce, Frankfort. tGreorge Palmer Pond, Boston, Mass. ^tStephen Decatur Pond, Bucksport. Benjamin Proctor, Louisville, Ky. Rev. Henry Boynton Smith, D.D. Xew York City. Tutor and Librarian Bowd. Coll. ; Prof. Moral and Polit. Phil. Amherst Coll.; Prof. Church History, and Systematic Theol. Union Theol. Sem., N.Y. ^John Duguid Smith, Charles Horace Upton, Rev. Daniel Cony "Weston. ^George Melville "Weston, Esq. Natchez, Miss. Washington, D.C. Augusta. Bangor. Albert Thompson WHieelock. M.D.,M.M.S.S. Belfast. 1835. Josiah Crosby, Esq. Dexter. =^tBowland Leonard Eaton, Bowdoin. *|Freedom Fogg, Saco. *=Rev. Pearson Follansbee, Lexington, Ky. tHoratio Page Getchell, Cincinnati, Ohio. tLemuel Gott, M.D. Rockport, Mass. *t Jeremiah Hacker, China. "t" Joshua Hill, Esq, South Hampden. Edward Miranda Emerson Keating, Esq. Alton, 111. |Hon. Thomas Cutts Lane, Hollis. Edwin Leigh, M.D., M.M.S.S. Townsend, Mass. Nathan Longfellow, Newton, Mass. Rev. Asahel Moore, Bath. 32 ATHENIAN =^t Christopher Morton, Portland. tEdward St. John Nealley, Esq. Bath. =^ Joseph Prince, Munroe, Ga. ^George Purinton, Freeport, 111. =^Rev. Frederick Southgate, Quincy, 111. "fWilliam Warren Tucker, Boston, Mass. IG-eorge Thomas Wentworth, Dover, N. H. fTheodore Chase Woodman, Esq. Bucksport. Hon. Timothy Roberts Young, Marshall, 111. Kep. U. S. Congress. 1836. Rev. Howard Brooks Abbot, Augusta. Hon. Joseph Baker, Augusta. ^Sanford Kingsbery Ballard, Esq. Gardiner. |Rev. Joshua Downing Berry, Lexington, Ky. tFrancis Jerome Day, Esq. Hallowell. Rev. Daniel Dole, Sandwich Islands. jGeorge Freeman Dunning, New York City. Alonzo Garcelon, M.D. Lewiston. jjohn William Tudor Gardiner, U. S. Army. John Goodenow, Esq. Danville. *Edwin Hall, M.D. Saco. - Thomas Stetson Harlow, Esq. Boston, Mass. fThomas Bailey Heath, Whitefield. ^Joseph Smith Hovey, New Orleans, La. |Rev. Daniel Kendrick, San Francisco, Cal. "[ Samuel Benjamin Morrison, M.D. Bangor. =^ Albert Telemachus Nickerson, Belfast. |Benjamin Robinson Palmer, Perry. Rev. Richard Pike, Dorchester, Mass. Tutor Bowd. Coll. GENERAL SOCI E T Y . 33 Isaac Randall, Esq. Dixfield. Cyrus Woodman, Esq. Mineral Point, Wis. 1837. John Albion Andrew, Esq. Boston, Mass. Rev. Elias Bond, Sandwich Islands. Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Bradbury, Minot. Rev. John Jay Butler, New Hampton, N.H. Prof. Sacred Literature in Whitestown Biblical School. William Henry Clark, Esq. San Francisco, Cal. John Lewis Cutler, Esq. Farmington. ^Joseph Ellery Foxcroft Dunn, Esq. Waterville. ^Jordan Goodwin Ferguson, Esq. New York City. Boston, Mass. Rev. John Orr Fiske, Bath. Overseer of College. Albert Ruter Hatch, Esq. Portsmouth, N.H. IJoseph Hobson, Saco. =^George Whitefield Lamb, Esq. New Orleans, La. =^Horace Lunt, York. Albert Merrill, Esq. Bath. ^William Daniel Morrin, M.D. Quebec, C. E. Bryce M'Lellan Patten, Louisville, Ky. Thomas Fitch Perley, M.D. Jacksonville, Fla. Charles Alexander Savage, Esq. Quincy, 111. ^Hon. Gustavus Adolphus Steward, Esq. Anson. §Rev. Ebenezer Stockbridge, Tennessee. 1 James Cuthbert White, Quebec, C. E. 1838. ^tNicholas Hall Allen, M.D. Cumberland. Elbridge Gerry Bassett, Kentucky. 34 A T H E N yE A N — tAlexander Francis Boardman, Brunswick. ^'tGeorge Washington Chase, Esq. Danville. tllon. Henry Joseph Gardner, LL.D. Boston, Mass. Governor of Mass. =^Claude Lewis Hemans, Liverpool, Enq. Thomas Glidden Kimball, Waterville. =^tSamuel Greenleaf Lane, Stratham, N.H. "t Francis Miller M'Lellan, M.D. Boston, Mass. Charles Copeland Nutter, Esq. Boston, Mass. Gideon Stinson Palmer, M.D. Gardiner. David Sawyer Rowe, Rockport, Mass. =^Nathaniel Larrabee Sawyer, Esq. - Gardiner. Rev. Joseph Couch Smith, Groton, Mass. jRichard Holbrook Tucker, Jr. New York City. Rev. Stephen Montfort Yail, Concord, N.H. Prof, of Oriental Lang, and Lit. in Meth Gen. Bib. Institute. 1839. =^Hon. Samuel Hazen Ayer, Manchester, N.H. William Griswold Barrows, Esq. Brunswick. Samuel Elliot Benjamin, Esq. Patten. =^Charles Tappan Chase, Esq. Dixon's Ferry, 111. John Walton Davis, Esq. Wellfleet, Mass. =^John Dunlap, Brunswick. Alfred Fletcher, Esq. China. =^'tPhilemon Brown Francis, Lunenburg, Mass. Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller, Esq. Augusta. Ichabod Goodwin, Esq. South Berwick. Tutor Bowd. Coll. Hiram Kelsey, Esq. Warsaw, Ky. Israel Kimball, Portsmouth, N.H. GENERAL SOCIETY. 35 ^tJolin Lillie, Jr. t 1 New York City. ^William Henry Jefferson Marr, Esq. Nauvoo, III. Kev. Isaiah M'Mahon, Vienna, N.Y. tJesse Appleton Nason, Pekin, 111. *tTimothj Osgood, Fryeburg. ^tCharles Henry Porter, New Orleans, La. Samuel Emerson Smith, Esq. Warren. tCharles Henry Strickland, Portland. tHenry Cummings Whitman, Lancaster, Ohio. 1840. Ezra Abbot, Jr. Cambridge, Mass. Alexander Hamilton Abbott, Esq. Farmington. jElisha Bass, Jr. Wilton. William Stinson Blanchard, Wilton. ^tNicholas Emery, Jr. Portland. Leonard Fitz Edward Jarvis, Esq. Sonora, Cal. Silas Morton, Oldtown. ^tJohn Chandler Nourse, Hallowell. =^ Frederick Perley, South Bridgton. William Pitt Preble, Jr., Esq. Portland. =^ Joseph Carpenter Richardson, Grorham. ^Luther Sampson, Readfield. tHoratio Southgate Smith, M.D. Brooklyn, NY^. Rev. Cornelius Stone, New Sharon. ^John Knowles True, Montville. Rev. James Partelow Weston, Westbrook. Samuel Lane Young, Gloucester, Mass. 1841. Joseph Farwell Clark, Esq. Boston, Mass. tAsa Webber Cole, Alfred. 36 ATHENiE AN "William Bradford Dean, Nathan Elden, James Fogg, Washington Gilbert, Esq. Rev. Charles Dickinson Herbert, Oliver Perry Hinkley, Amory Holbrook, Esq. Henry Ingalls, Esq. Rev. Francis Dudley Ladd, "^John Holbrook Packard, Barrett Edwards Potter, M.D. Rev. Daniel Fox Potter, Daniel Thompson Richardson, Frederick Robie, M.D. Charlottetown, P.E.I. Buxton. Boston, Mass. Bath. Parkville, Mo. Georgetown. Oregon City, Oregon. Wiscasset. Philadelphia, Penn. Newcastle . Augusta. Union. East Baldwin. Waldoboro'. 1842, tWilliam Allen, Jr., Esq. Moses Barbour Bartlett, Esq. Edmund Alexander Chadwick, Esq. Paul Langdon Chandler, Esq. John Craig Clark, Prof. Mod. Lang. Mad. Univ. John Marshall Colby, Esq. George Washington Junius Copp, =^ Robert Hartley Dunlap, Esq. =^tMoses Everett, Rev. George Gannett, Rev. Frederick Gardiner, Leonard Parker Merrill, Esq. James Lewis Nutting, Esq. Oliver Sheppard Sanford, Northampton, Mass. Boston, Mass. Gardiner. Waterville. New York City. Blakely, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Brunswick. Belfast. Lewiston. Brunswick. Bridgton. Boston, Mass. GENERAL SOCIETY. 37 Hosea Hildreth Smith, Newton, N.C. President and Prof, of Math., Catawba College. Thomas Tash, Hampden. Samuel Trask, Esq. Portland. George Wells, Esq. New York City. ^tDaniel Tracy West, Rochester, N.Y. Jonathan Franklin Woodside, Esq. Roxbury, Mass. ^t Joseph Augustus Wyman, Bloomfield. 1843. John Coakley Lettsom Booker, Esq. Bath. Rev. George Augustus Bowman, Portland. George Francis Choate, Esq. Salem, Mass. Rev. Wheelock Craig, New Bedford, Mass. Charles M'Laughlan Cumston, Boston, Mass. tGeorge Frederick Evans, U. S. Army. Erastus Foote, Jr., Esq. Wiscasset. Abernethy Grover, Albany. Talleyrand Grover, Newark, Del. Prof, of Rhetoric and Mod. Lang. in Del. Coll. James Monroe Hagar, Esq. Richmond. Silas Briggs Hahn, Esq. Boston, Mass. Rev. David Pillsbury Harriman, BurriUville, R.I. Rev. John Oliver Means, Germany. George Samuel Mulliken, Esq. Augusta. Benjamin Franklin Parsons, tBenjamin Poole, Esq. Hon. William Reed Porter, Daniel Osgood Quinby, =^tWilliam Stacy, Jr. ^Hon Samuel Royall Thurston, Delegate to U. S. Congress. San Francisco, Cal. Lowell, Mass. Yarmouth. Gray. Wiscasset. Linn City, Oregon. 38 ATHENiEAN George Prentice Waldron, Esq. Lowell, Mass. Joseph Warren Weston, M.D. Newark, Del. 1844. Samuel Jameson Anderson, Esq. Portland. Josepli Bartlett, Esq. Bangor. Albion Keith Parris Bradbury, Esq. Hollis. Henry Knight Bradbury, Esq. Bucksport. 'Rev. Henry Kinsman Craig, Augusta. Tutor Bowd. Coll. Bev. Isaac Somes Cushman, Concord, N.H. Henry Padelford Deane, Esq. Portland. tSamuel Porter Dinsmore, Esq. Bangor. tLewis Alden Estes, Durham. Samuel Farnham, Whitestown, N.Y. William Henry Farnham, Esq. San Francisco, Cal. =^tClement Merrill Farnum, Chelsea, Mass. Enoch Perley Fessenden, M.D. Bucksport. Edmund Webster Flagg, Esq. East Corinth. Samuel Freeman Gibson, Esq. Woodstock. John Wallingford Goodwin, Mobile, Ala. James Hervey Hackleton, Esq. Holly Springs, Miss. Abner Ham, M.D. Rochester, N.H. David Bobinson Hastings, Esq. Lovell. Horatio Gates Herrick, Esq. Chicago, IlL Oliver Peaslee Jewett, Esq. Whitefield. David Bancroft Johnson, Esq. Holly Springs, Miss. tElijah Utley Jones, M.D: Taunton, Mass. tSilas Blake Mayberry, M.D. Eastport. John Taylor Page, M.D. Dover, N.H. Thomas Jefiferson Worcester Pray, M.D. Dover, N H. GENERAL SOCIETY. 39 j Charles Edward Swan, M.D. Calais. ' Thomas Lindall Wiothrop Tappan, Auburn, N.Y. Thomas Gilbert Thorntorn, Esq. Biddeford. William Wirt Virgin, Esq. Norway. Samuel Martin Weston, Roxbury, Mass. tHorace Williams, Augusta. Rev. George Simeon Woodward, Parkville, Mo. 1845. Moses Morrill Butler, Esq. Portland. =^tCharles Godfrey Dearborn, Monmouth. James Henry Peering, Alabama. William Gates Dunlap, Honolulu, Sand. Isls. Thomas Amory Deblois Fessenden, Esq. Danville. Edward Mann Field, M.D. Bangor. Nathan Lamson Fowler, Lewistcn. tNoah Purinton Godfrey, Rockford, LI. Hon. John Monroe Goodwin, Biddeford. Moses Bradbury Goodwin, Esq. Meredith Bridge,N.H. Eichard Lord Hodgdon, M.D. South Berwick. =^tSamuel Scammon Moody, Saco. Horace Parker, Kittery. tJohn Gilman Pike, M.D. Somersworth, N.H. Rev. Lewis Leonard Record, Houlton. Charles Phelps Roberts, Esq. Bangor. O'Neil Watson Robinson, Esq. Bethel. William Henry Seavey, Boston, Mass. John Hannibal Sheppard, Jr., M.D. California. tElbridge Smith, Esq. Menasha, Wis. William Bradford Snell, Esq. Fairfield. ^tCollins Monroe Stevens, Foxcroft. 40 ATHEN^AN- Isaac Newton Wadsworth, Hallowell. Hon. Ganem Washburn, Oshkosh, Wis. Rep. U. S. Congress. Milton Welch, Monmouth. Rev. Joshua Young, Burlington, Yt. 1846. Frederick Augustus Deane, Esq. Winthrop. Joseph Willard Ellis, M.D. Augusta. John Samuel Hill Fogg, M.D. South Boston, Mass. tBenjamin Woodwell Hale, Newbury, Mass. •^James William Hanscom, Elliot. William Francis Jackson, M.D. Roxbury, Mass. Moses Leland Morse, Winchester, Mass. Henry Orr, Esq. Brunswick. Jairus Ware Perry, Esq. Salem, Mass. ^Perez Southworth, Winthrop. Rev. James Brown Thornton, Scarborough. John Anderson Waterman, Esq. Gorham. 1847. Charles Woodbury Barrett, Portland. Samuel Augustus Bickford, North Anson. tAldrich Barton Cook, Nashua, N.H. Henry Fossett, Stanford, Ky. =^John Dennys Kilby, Dennysville. Rev. Edwin Leonard, Maiden, Mass. George Jarvis Means, Medford, Mass. Charles Benjamin Merrill, Esq. Portland. Samuel Newell Merrill, Lowell, Mass. Isaac Stevens Metcalf, 111. Central R. R. GENERAL SOCI 1 E T Y . 41 tWilliam Robinson Pattangal, Perry. Samuel John Pike, Esq. Lawrence, Mass. Tutor Bowd. Coll. George Nelson Richardson, Eastport. ^tHenry Ichabod Sloman, Wiscasset. Albion Parris Spinney, Portsmouth, N.H. Anson Gancelo Stinchfield, Esq. Hallowell. tFrank Yose, Esq. Baton Rouge, La. Rev. Charles Henry Wheeler, S. Danvers, Mass. 1848. Augustus Oliver Allen, Esq. Boston, Mass. tEdward Watson Anderson, M.D. Paris, Feance. ^Edwin W^allace Bartlett, Roxbury, Mass. Adino James Burbank, Woburn, Mass. Isaac Winslow Case, Kenduskeag. jJohn Oilman Clark, Madison, Ga. ICharles Theodore Cotton, St. Pauls, Minnesota. Henry Edward Eastman, Berry, N.H. Charles Stewart Daveis Fessenden, M.D. Portland. William Osborne Fox, Chicago, 111. tWilliam Frederick Goodwin, Dover, N.H. ILaFayette Grover, Esq. Oregon. ^Julius Lorenzo Hallett, Esq. Augusta. Dexter Arnoll Hawkins, Esq. New York City. Samuel Fisher Humphrey, Bangor. Rev. Simon James Humphrey, Andover, Mass. Joseph Christmas Ives, U. S. Army. John Jewett, jr., Esq. Geneva, 111. Charles Fisk Merrick, Esq. Natchez, Miss. Edward Watts Morton, 1 Philadelphia, Penn. 42 ATHENIAN Rev. "William Chauncey Pond, Downieville, Cal. =^Bcnjamin Shurtleff Savage, Quincy, 111. Oliver Stevens, Esq. Boston, Mass. Charles Ames WasKburn, San Francisco, Cal. 1849. Zabdiel Boylston Adams, Jr., M.D. Boston, Mass. Augustus Jedediah Burbank, M.D. Yarmouth. tCharles Edward Clifford, Esq. Portland. Nathaniel Cothren, Eatontown, N.J. Lewellen Deane, Esq. Portland. Eugene Bergin Hmkley, Boston, Mass. tWilliam Hobson, Standish. James Lowe Hoole, Holly Springs, Miss. John Thomas Stanley, Texas. Robert Richardson Thompson, Paris. Albert Harris Ware, North Anson. IRev, David Atwood Wasson, Groveland, Mass. Spencer Wells, Portland. 1850. Francis Adams, Topsham. John Johnson Bulfinch, Esq. Waldoborough. Charles Edward Butler, Trenton, Tenn. Charles Carroll Everett, Brnnswick. Prof. Mod. Lang. Bowd. Coll. tAlbion Flitner, California. William Sewall Gardner, Esq. Lowell, Mass. George Peabody Goodwin, Chicago, 111. Freeland Salmon Holmes, Machias. Oliver Otis Howard, U.S.A. Augusta. Daniel Cony Ingraham, Bangor Theol. Sem. GENERAL SOCIETY. 43 tEdward Albert Kelley, Esq. Groton, Mass. Peleg Stone Perley, Esq. Henry, 111. tTrueman Somerfield Perry, Naples. Thomas Robinson Smith, Esq. Bolivar, Tenn. tFrederick Augustus Soule, Wiscasset. Samuel Adams Stinson, Esq. Clinton, Iowa. ^Eugene Thompson, Topsham. 1851. Philip Henry Brown, Portland. tGeorge Edward Downes, Calais. Daniel Lewis Eaton, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph Palmer Fessenden, M.D. Lewiston. Epping, N. H. tAlbert Gould, Esq. North Bridgton. Augustus Choate Hamlin, M.D. Bangor. tJoshua Warren Ha.thaway, Jr. Dubuque, Iowa. William Martin Luther Marshall, Washington, D.C. John Cummings Merrill, M.D. St. Pauls, Minnesota. William Oliver Otis, Hallowell. Bennett Pike, Bolivar, Tenn. Charles Wentworth Roberts, Esq. Bangor. tNathan Stillman Robinson, Dover. Rev. William Scott Southgate, S.H.S. Boston, Mass. tGilbert Carr Tebbets, Lisbon. tElbridge Augustus Thompson, M.D. Bangor. Joseph Ashur Ware, Esq. Portland. Henry Willis, Esq. Portland. 1852. Charles Usher Chesley, Baltimore, Md. James Deering Fessenden, Esq. Portland. 44 ATHEN.EAN tEdward Fuller Foster, John Holmes Goodenow, Esq. Bezalcel Freeman Kendall, John Walker May, Esq. George Harward Theobald, M.D. Walter Wells, 1853. William Carruthers, tRalph Wardlaw Cummings, Henry Richards Downes, William Paley Drew, Prof. Ancient Languages, Tufts' College =^ Charles Drummond, James Wallace Emery, Marcellus Emery, Stephen Foss, Melville Weston Fuller, Esq. Henry Clay Goodenow, Esq. George Stone Kimball, Woodbury Fogg Langdon, Jeremiah Evarts Pond, =^Luther Puffer, John Barrett Southgate, John Franklin Spaulding, William Henry Todd, tJohn Stacy Tucker William Adolphus Wheeler, Boston, Mass. Alfred. Olympia, Wash. Ter. Winthrop. Bichmond. Portland. Bangor Theol. Sem. Fall River, Mass. Calais. Somerville, Mass. Bangor. Gum Springs, Texas. Frankfort. Boston, Mass. Augusta. Alfred. Brunswick. Concord, N.H. Bangor. Sudbury, Mass. -^^ V///, 4^jrJgmou Th. Sem., N.Y. <^^ .> /?r/4^^--:rrUni^ Th. Sem., N.Y. / Edinburgh, Scotland. Westborough, Mass. Duxbury, Mass. 1854. George Washington Bartlett, William Morrison Bartley, Cambridge Div. Sch. Christiansburg, Ya. GENERAL SOCIETY 45 David Thaxter Bradford, Henry Purchis Brown, Charles Peleg Chandler, Esq. John Frederick Deane, §John Abbott Douglass, Jr. t Jeremiah Howard Gilman, Harrison Gray, Council Greely, tEdwin Jarvis Hart, James Lewis Hatch, Edwin Sewall Lennox, Daniel Clark Linscott, tJoseph Edward Merrill, =^ Andrew Ring, Jr. John Owen Robinson, John "Wesley Simonds, Joseph Emerson Smith, tCharles Bradbury Stetson, John Glidden Stetson, William Law Symonds, Charles Frederick Todd, tHenry Kennedy Turner, William Drew Washburn, Nathaniel M'Lellan Whitmore, Henry Clay Wood, Cumberland. Bridgton. Foxcroft. Bangor. Waterford. West Point, N.Y. Danversport, Mass. Dover. Bangor. Charleston, S.C. Chicago, 111. Chelsea, Mass. Yarmouth. Lubec. Thomaston. Franklin, X.H. Wiscasset. Marshall, Texas. Newcastle. Cam. Div. School. St. Stephens, N.B. California. Washington, D.C. Gardiner. Augusta. 1855. Wilmot Wood Brookings, Thomas Henry Clark, Samuel Roland Crocker, Henry Boody Durgin, Woolwich. Bristol. Charleston, S.C. Charleston, S.C. 46 ATHENIAN tStephen Melville Eaton, Gorham. t William Howard Fessenden, Portland. Benjamin Browne Foster, Baltimore. Charles Henry Foster, Augusta. Joseph Kingsbury Greene, Union Th. Sem., N.Y. Edward Hawes, Bridgton. Benjamin Francis Hayes, New Hampton, N.H. Obadiah Brown Hewett, Chicago, 111. Thomas Barclay Hood, Mobile, Ala. John Lathrop Hunter, Gardiner. tDudley Sargent Jones, Ellsworth. Sumner Increase Kimball, Sanford. Gardiner. Ezekiel Ross, Jefferson. Charles Edwin Shaw, Portland. John Farnham Shaw, Greenville. Thomas Bowman Sherman, Augusta. Peleg Tallman, Bath. Emery Purinton Thompson, Topsham. John Frothingham Tinkham, Portland. John Wingate, Jr, Wakefield, N.H. 1856. Thomas Lyford Ambrose, Ossipee, N.H. Tsnac Denny Balch, Newburyport, Mass. James Olcott Brown, Portland. Rowland Bailey Howard, South Leeds. James Francis Miller, Portland. Edwin Pond Parker, Dover. tAlbert Smith Rice, Augusta. George Robinson, Augusta. COLLEGE SOCIETY. 47 Moses Mason Kobinson, Waterford. Edward Williams Thompson, Brunswick. Charles Henry True, Litchfield. George Augustus Wheeler, Topsham. George Sidney Whitmore, Brunswick. George Campbell Yeaton, South Berwick. COLLEGE SOCIETY. SENIORS CLASS OF 1857. John Anderson, Gray. William Henry Anderson, Washington, D.C. tWard Chadwick, West Boxford, Mass. Albert Henry Currier Skowhegan. Walter Enoch Darling, St. Stephens, N.B. John Nelson Fuller, Livermore. Andrew Goodwin, South Berwick. Henry Sidney Hagar, Bichmond. Charles Carroll Hamlin, Hampden. John Howard Hayes, Brewer. John Barrett Hubbard, Hallowell. Thomas Hamlin Hubbard, Hallowell. Joshua James Laighton, Portsmouth, N.H. tCharles Jenkins Little, Portland. 1 Edward Bagley Merrill, New Bedford, Mass. tThomas Kimball Noble, Norway. Edward Parker, Jr. Charlestown, Mass. Benjamin Wisner Pond, Bangor. 48 ATHENIAN Edward Augustus Rand, Edwin Reed, Charles Henry Reynolds, tEdward Sampson, Robert McKown Spearing, Gustavus Augustus Stanley, Samuel Barrett Stewart, Lyman Sawin Strickland, James Charles Strout, Frank Waterhouse, t Leonard Othniel Wheeler, Portsmouth, N.H. Bath. Portland. Bowdoinham. New Orleans, La. Farmington. Farmington. Livermore. Thomaston. Hallowell. Lawrence, Mass. JUNIORS CLASS OF 1858. Isaac Adams, Jr. Samuel Brown, Daniel Coffin Burleigh, Sewall Chandler Charles, Samuel Frye Chase, Jr. Jonathan Prince Cilley, Nathan Cleaves, Edward Card Conant, Rufus Washburn Deering, Franklin Mellen Drew, Robert Ellis, Francis Fessenden, Ly Sander Hill, Charles Knapp Hutchins, George Robinson Mclntyre, John Henry Moore, Boston, Mass. South Danvers, Mass. Sanbornton, N.H. Fryeburg. Saco. Epping, N.H. Bridgton. Alfred. Portland. Lyndon. Upper Stillwater. Portland. Gushing. Leeds. Warren. Bath. COLLEGE I SOCIETY. 49 ■ Edward Bowdoin Nealley, Bath. Simon Glover Philbrook, Lewiston. Moses Augustus Pulsifer, Ellsworth. Edward Goodwin Raynes, South Berwick. Frank Sewall, Bath. Ellis Spear, Warren. Solomon Bates Starbird, Fairfield. John Durann Stetson, Durham. James Henry Tallman, Bath. Andrew Jackson Thompson, Brunswick. SOPHOMORES... ...CLASS OF 1859. Henry Milton Folsom, Monson. Daniel Edward Hayes, Brewer. Charles Henry Howard, Leeds. Franklin Freeman Hutchins, Fryeburg. Henry Dearborn Hutchins, Fryeburg. George Newton Jackson, Foxcroft. Henry Mellville King, Portland. Hugh McAdam, St. Stephens, N.B. Alfred Mitchell, Yarmouth. William Grey Nowell, Portsmouth, N.H. Mark Pitman, Williamsbui-g. Howard Malcolm Randlett, Stratham, N.H. Caleb Saunders, Lawrence, Mass. 50 ATHENiEAN SOCIETY David Robinson Straw, George Webster, John William Weeks, Stephen Jewett Young, Guilford. Bangor. Bath. Pittston. HONORARY MEMBERS. 1818. ^Moses Briggs, =^Hon. Francis Carr, Rep. U. S. Congress. James Loring Child, Esq. ^Benjamin Gorton Churcli, Charles Quincy Clapp, =^Samuel Aborn Crapo, Esq. George Barrell Emerson, A.A.S. Tutor Harvard College. =^Rev. Eliphaz Fay, Pres. Waterville College. Rev. John Goldsbury, Hon. Albert Gorton Greene, U. S. Senator. Kev. Christopher Sargeant Hale, =^Nathaniel Helme, Bev. Henry Hersey, James Stuart Holmes, Esq. Jairus Shaw Keith, Esq. Bev. Joseph Merriam. Hon. Bufus M'Intire, S.H.S. Rep. U. S. Congress ; Overseer of College, Bandolph, Mass. Orrington. Augusta. Providence, B.I. Portland. New York City. Boston, Mass. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Cambridge, Mass. Providence, B.I. Warren, B.I. South Kingston, B.I. Hingham, Mass. Foxcroft. Oxford. Parsonsfield. 52 ATHENIAN SOCIETY. , ;* ^Evander Fuller Rawson, Richmond, Va. =^David Stanwood, Brunswick. 1819. Hon. Elijah Livermore Hamlin, Bangor. 1820. Key. Asa Cummings, D.D., S.H.S. Portland. Tutor Bowd. Coll. 5 College Trustee. Hon. Thomas Amory Deblois, S.H.S. Portland. College Trustee. Hon. Robert Goodenow, S.H.S. Farmington. Hon. Joseph Joslen, Newport. R.I. Tutor Brown University ; Judge of the Sup. Court of Rhode Island. Rev. Thomas Baldwin Ripley, Portland. Hon. Daniel Williams, S.H.S. Augusta. Judge Probate Court. 1824. Abraham Drake Dearborn, M.D., M.M.S.S. Newton Upper Falls,Ms. ^Robert Orr, Esq. Topsham. 1825. Hon. Edward Kent, S.H.S. Bangor. U. S. Consul at Rio Janeiro , Gov. of State of Maine. =^Grenville Mellen, S.H.S. New York City. 1826. Hon. Ezekiel Holmes, M.D., S.H.S. Winthrop. Lecturer on Chem., and Nat. Hist., Wat Coll. Hon. Peleg Sprague, LL.D., S.H.S. Boston, Mass. Judge of U. S. Dist. Court j U. S. Senator. ... ,. HONORARY MEMBERS. 53 1827. Hon. Daniel Goodenow, S.H.S. Alfred. Att'y. Gen. ; Judge of Dist. Court of Maine ; College Trustee ; Judge S. J. Court of Maine. ^Hon. John Holmes, S.H.S. Thomaston. U. S. Sen. ; Dist. Att'y. =^Eev. Oliver William Bourne Peabody, Burlington, Vt. Prof, of English Lit. in Jefferson College. 1828. Rev. Moses Springer, Jr. Gardiner. =^John Doane Wells, M.D. Boston, Mass. Med. School : in Bowd. Coll., and in Maryland University. 1829. ^Simon Greenleaf, LL.D., S.H.S. Cambridge, Mass. Prof, of Law Emeritus, Harv. Univ.; Overseer || of College. Hon. Samuel Emerson Smith, S.H.S. Wiscasset. Gov. of the State of Maine. 1830. Hon. James Brooks, New York City. Rep. U. S. Congress. 1831. Daniel Harwood, M.D. Boston, Mass. =^Bev. Jason Whitman, Lexington, Mass. 1833. Samuel Gridley Howe, M.D. Boston, Mass. —_ 1 54 ATHENiEANSOCI E T Y. 1834. Rev. William Theodore Dwigtt, D.D., S.H.S Portland. Tutor Yale College ; Overseer of College. Hon. Samuel Fessenden, LL.D., S.H.S. Portland. 1835. Samuel Augustus Hale, Tuscaloosa, Ala. =^ Augustus Sylvester Craft Strickland, Esq. Wilton. 1836. Kev. Frederick William Boyd, Yicksburg, Miss. Henry William Paine, Esq. Boston, Mass. 1837. Rev. Thomas Curtis, D.D. Savannah, Ga. Rev. Leonard Woods, D.D., S.H.S. Brunswick. Prof, of Sac. Lit., Bangor Theol. Sem. ; Pres. Bowd. Coll. 1838. *Hon. Henry Weld Puller, S.H.S. Augusta. 1839. Rev. Orestes Augustus Brownson, LL.D. Chelsea, Mass. =^Rev. Samuel Phillips Newman, S.H.S. Andover, Mass. Tutor; Prof. Lang.; Prof. Rhet. and Orat. | Bowd. Coll. 1840. Rev. Frederick Henry Hedge, D.D. Providence, R.I. Hon. George Stillman Hillard, Boston, Mass. HONORARY MEMBERS 55 1842. Rev. John Lord, Boston, Mass. 1843. Rev. George Knox. Lewiston. =^Rev. Stephen Olln, D.D., LL.D. Middletown, Ct. Prof. Moral Phil, and Rhet. Franklin Coll. ; Pres. Randolph Macon Coll. : Pres. Wesl. Univ. 1844. Cornelius Conway Felton, LL.D,, A.A.S. Cambridge, Mass. Tutor, and Elliot Prof, of Greek Lit. Harv. Univ. =^William ^gidius Groddard, LL.D. Providence, R.I. Prof, of Moral Phil, and Metaphysics ; and Prof, of Belles Lettres, Brown Univ. 1846. Hon. Nathan Clifford, Portland. Rep. U. S. Congress; Attorney General U. S.j Minister to Mexico. Hon. George Lunt, Newburyport, Mass. Rev. Edwards Amasa Park, D.D. Andover, Mass. Prof, of Moral Phil, and Metaphysics, Amherst Coll. ; Prof, of Sacred Rhetoric ; and Abbot Prof, of Christian Theology in Andover Theol. Sem. 1847. Hon. Robert Hallowell Gardiner, S.H.S. Gardiner. College Trustee. Rev. Jared Sparks, A.A.S. , LL.D. Cambridge, Mass. Tutor; Prof, of Ancient and Modern History, Harv, Univ. j President of Harv. University. 1848. Hon. George Foster Shepley, Portland. P-istr-Atforney. Rev. Amos Dean Wheeler, S.H.S. Topsham. 56 ATHENIAN SOCIETY. 1849. Edward Henry Leffingwell, M.D. Columbia, Mo. Prof, of Chem. Nat. Hist, and Geo], in Univ. of Missouri. Joseph Lorenzo Locke, Savannah, Ga. 1850. Francis Henry Upton, Esq. New York City. Hon Samuel Wells, Judge Supreme Judicial Court of Maine ; Governor of Maine. 1851. Portland. Rt. : [lev. George Burgess, D.D. Gardiner. Tutor Brown Univ. ; Bishop of Diocese of Maine. =^Rev. Sylvester Judd, Jr. Augusta. 1853. Rev. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock, New York City. Tutor Amherst Coll. ; Collins Prof, of Nat . and Rev. Religion, Bowd. Coll. ; Washburn Prof. Church | History, Union Theol. Sem. Charles J. Gilman, Esq. Brunswick. 1854. Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Esq. Boston, Mass. Hon. Nathan Weston, LL.D. 1855. Augusta. Rev. Lorenzo L. Knox, Bucksport. Rev. Joseph H. Towne, Bridgeport, Conn. SUMMART. Whole number op Members 885 Initiated Members 739 Honorary Members 79 General Society 748 College Society 67 Number of Yolumes in Library, August 1856, about 4,950. ^nitx. Honoraiy Members are disting-uishcd from Acting and from Graduate Members by an "A" affixed to their names. Abbott 1820 Jacob '25 Charles J. '36 Howard B. '40 Alexander H. '40 Ezra, Jr. Adams '30 Darius '31 Samuel '49 Zabdiel B., Jr. '50 Francis ^58 Isaac, Jr. Allen '26 Thomas '27 Horace 0. '29 Henry C. '30 Gushing '33 William H. '34 John W. '38 Nicholas H. '42 William, Jr. '48 Augustus 0. Ambrose '56 Thomas L. Anderson '44 Samuel J. '48 Edward W. »57 John '57 William H. Andrew 1837 John A. Angier '32 George C. Appleton '34 John Ayer '32 Joseph C. '39 Samuel H. Bailey '27 Lewis Baker. '36 Joseph Balch '56 Isaac D. Ballard '36 Sanford K. Barnes '29 Phinehas Barrett '21 John '22 Charles E. '47 Charles W. Barrows '30 William '39 William G. Bartlett 1823 John M. '28 John C. '29 John '42 Moses B. '44 Joseph '48 Edwin W. '54 George W. Bartley '54 William M. Bass '40 Elisha, Jr. Bassett '38 Elbridge G. Beale '33 Solon Bearce '31 Josiah A. Bell '22 James '23 Luther V Benjamin '39 Samuel E. Benson '29 Alfred G. Berry '36 Joshua D. 60 INDEX. Bickford 1847 Samuel A. Blanchard '40 William S. Blood '27 Mighill H. Boardman '38 Alexander F. Bond '28 Francis E. '37 Elias Booker '43 John C. L. Bourne '16 Edward E. '18 Israel W. '19 Thomas P. Bowman '23 Edmund B. '43 George A. Boyd '10 George W. '26 Samuel S. '36 Frederick W. h. Bradbury '30 Bion '37 Ammi R. '44 Albion K. P. '44 Henry K. Bradford '25 Richmond '54 David T. Bridge '18 Edmund T. '23 James '25 Horatio Briggs '18 Moses, h. Brookings '55 Wilmot W. Brooks '30 James, h. Brown '20 Theodore S. '23 George W. G. '51 Philip H. '54 Henry P. '56 James 0. '58 Samuel Brownson '39 Orestes A., h. Bulfinch 1850 John J. Burbank '48 Adino J. '49 Augustus J. Burgess '51 George, h. Burk '24 Frederick W. Burleigh '58 Daniel C. Burnham '28 John S. Butler '37 John J. '45 Moses M. '50 Charles E. Caldwell '24 Zenas '28 Merritt Carr '18 Francis, h. Carruthers '53 William Case '48 Isaac W. Chadwick '42 Edmund A. '57 Ward Chandler '22 Charles Parsons '34 Peleg W. '42 Paul L. '54 Charles Peleg Charles '58 Sewall C. Chase '38 George W. '39 Charles T. '58 Samuel F., Jr. Chesley '19 Jonathan H. '52 Charles U. Child '18 James L., h. Choate '43 George F. Church '18 Benjamin G., h. Chute 1831 Jonathan A. '32 Ariel P. Cilley '25 Jonathan '58 Jonathan P. Clapp '18 Charles Q,.,h. Clark '26 Samuel L. '29 Dennis '37 William H. '41 Joseph F. '42 John C. '47 John G. '55 Thomas H. Clarke '21 Daniel Cleaves '30 Daniel '58 Nathan Clement '34 Milton Clifford '46 Nathan, h. '49 Charles E. Codman '16 Randolph A. L. '24 William H. '27 John Colby '42 John M. Cole '41 AsaW. Conant '58 Edward C. Convers '30 John H. Cook '47 Aldrich B. Coolidge '25 Cyrus H. Copp '42 George W. J. Cothren '49 Nathaniel Cotton '48 Charles T. Craig '43 Wheelock '44 Henry £. INDEX. 61 Crapo 1818 Samuel A., h. Crocker '55 Samuel R. Crosby '35 Josiah Cummings '20 Asa, h. '31 James M. '33 John 31. '53 Ralph W. Cumston '43 Charles M'L. Cunningham '32 James P. Currier '57 Albert H. Curtis '37 Thomas, h. Cushing '21 Rufus K. Cushman '44 Isaac S. Cutler '28 Nathan 31. '37 John L. Cutter '21 William Dana '54 Richard H.Jr.;^. Darling '57 Walter E. Davis '39 John W. Day '36 Francis J. Dean '41 William B. Deane '24 EbenezerF. '44 Henry P. '46 Frederick A. '49 Le\\-ellen '54 John F. Dearborn '24 Abraham D., h. '45 Charles G. Deblois '20 Thomas A., h. Deering 1845 James H. '58 Rufus W. Dennison '11 Cornelius Dimmock '33 Henry Dinsmore '44 Samuel P. Ditson '29 Asa 31. Dole '36 Daniel Dorr '27 Joseph H. Douglass '54 John A. Downes '51 George E. '53 Henry R. Downing '34 Elijah H. Drew '53 William P. '58 Franklm 31. Drummond '30 Thomas '53 Charles Dummer '25 Jeremiah '27 Henry E. Dunlap '39 John '42 Rubert H. '45 William G. Dunn '25 Nathaniel '37 Joseph E. F. Dunning '3d George F. Durgin '55 Henry B. D wight '34 William T., ) Eastman '48 Henry E. Eaton '35 Rowland L. Eaton 1851 Daniel L. '55 S. 3Ielv'ille Ela '33 Jonathan Elden '41 Nathan Ellis '30 William H. '46 Joseph W. '58 Robert Emerson '18 George B., h. Emery '40 x^icholas, Jr. '53 James W. '53 3Iarcellus Erskine '32 Samuel Estes '44 Lewis A. Evans '29 Richard '43 George F, Everett '28 George '42 3Ioses '50 Charles C. Fairbanks '34 Samuel S. Fales '32 Edward G. Farnham '44 Samuel '44 William H. Farnum '44 Clement 31. Farrar '34 Calvin Fay '18 Eliphaz, h. Fellowes '10 Jeremiah Felton '44 Cornelius C, Ferguson '37 Jordan G. 62 INDEX. Fessenden 1823 William P. '34 Samuel, h. '34 Samuel C. '44 Enoch P. '45 Thomas A. D. '48 Charles S. D. '51 Joseph P. '52 James D. '55 William H. '58 Francis Field '27 Henry C. '37 George W. '45 Edward M. Fisher '28 Josiah Fiske '37 John 0. Flagg '4 4 Edmund W. Fletcher -39 Alfred Flitner '50 Albion .Fogg '35 Freedom '41 James '46 John S. H. Follansbee '35 Pearson Folsom '59 Henry M. Foote '43 Erastus, Jr. Foss '53 Stephen Fossett '47 Henry Foster '52 Edward F. '55 Benjamin B. '55 Charles H. Fowler '45 Nathan L. Fox '48 William 0. Francis '39 Philemon B. Frink '51 John S. H. Frost 1826 Obadiah E. Fuller '28 Henrv W. '33 Ezra'B. '38 Henry W., h. '39 Benjamin A, G. '53 Melville W, '57 John N. Gage '27 Franklin Gannett '42 George Garcelon '36 Alonzo Gardiner '36 J. W. Tudor '42 Frederick '47 Robert H., h. Gardner '38 Henry J. '50 Williams. Getchell '35 Horatio P. Gibson '44 Samuel F. Gilbert '41 Washington Gilman '26 John T. '27 Charles '54 Jeremiah H. '53 Charles J., h. Goddard '44 William E., h. Godfrey '45 Noah P. Goldsbury '18 John, h. Goodenow '20 Robert, h. '27 Daniel, h. '36 John '52 John H. '5-d Henry C. Goodwin '32 Daniel R. '32 Frederick J. '39 Ichabod '44 John W. Goodwin 1845 John M. '45 Moses B. '48 William F. '50 George P. '57 Andrew Gott '35 Lemuel Gould '51 Albert Granger '26 Daniel T. Grant '27 Peter Gray '54 Harrison Green '28 Albert G. '29 Alexander R. Greene '18 Albert G., h, '55 Joseph K. Greeley '54 Council Greenleaf '25 Patrick H. '29 Simon, h. '34 James Grosvenor '21 Godfrey J. Grover '43 Abernethy '43 Talleyrand '48 LaFayelte Hacker '35 Jeremiah Hackleton '44 James H. Hagar '43 James M. '57 Henry S. Hahn '43 Silas B. Haines '29 Allen Hale '18 Christopher S./i. '25 William '27 John P. *35 Samuel A., h. INDEX. 63 Hale Helme Howard 1846 Benjamin W. 1818 Nathaniel, h. 1856 Rowland B. Hall Hemans '59 Charles H. '36 Edwin '38 Claude L. Howe Hallett Herbert '33 Samuel G. h. i '48 Juhus L. '41 Charles D. Hubbard Ham Herrick '30 Samuel D. '44 Abner '44 Horatio G. '57 John B. Hamlin Hersey '57 Thomas H. '19 Elijah L., h. '18 Henry, h. Humphrey '51 Augustus C. Hewett '48 Samuel F. '57 Charles C. '55 Obadiah B. '48 Simon J. Hanscom Hill Hunter '46 James W. '35 Joshua '55 John L. Harlow '58 Lysander Hutchins '36 Thomas S. Hillard '58 Charles K. Harriman '40 George S. k. '59 Franklin F. '59 Henry D. '43 David P. Hilliard Hartley '27 John H. '29 John F. Hinkley Ingalls Hart '41 Oliver P. '41 Henry '54 Edwin J. '49 Eugene B. IngersoU Hartwell Hitchcock '30 George W. '34 William B. '53 Roswell D., h. Ingraham Harwood Hobbs '19 Edward T. ' '31 Daniel, h. '20 Josiah H. '50 Daniel C. Hastings '23 Hiram H. Ives '44 David R. Hobson '48 Joseph C. Hatch '37 Joseph '24 WiUiam '49 WiUiam '37 Albert R. Hodgdon Jackson '54 James L. '45 Richard L. '46 William F. Hathaway Holbrook '59 George N. '51 Joshua W. '41 Amory Jarvis Hawes Holmes '40 Leonard F.E. '55 Edward '18 James S. h. Jewett Hawkins '23 AVilliam B. '33 Henry J. '48 Dexter A. '26 Ezekiel, h. '34 Theodore H. Hawthorne '25 Nathaniel Hayes '27 John, k. '29 Charles H. '50 Freeland S. Hood '44 Oliver P. '48 John, Jr. Johnson '44 David B. '55 Benjamin F. '57 John H. '59 Daniel £.. '55 Thomas B. Hook '23 Josiah S. Johnston '32 John Jones '32 Henry A. | '44 Elijah U. i Haynes '23 Nathaniel Hoole '49 James L. Heath Hovey '55 Dudley S. '36 Thomas B. '36 Joseph S. Jordan j Hedge Howard '27 Ichabod G. r '40 Frederick H.,/i. '50 Oliver 0. '31 William V. '' t| ! 64 INDEX Joslen 1820 Joseph, h. Judd '51 Sylvester, Jr., /i. Keating '35 Edward M. E. Keith '18 Jairus S., A. Kelley '50 Edward A. Kelsey '39 Hiram Kendall '52 BezaleelF. Kendrick '36 Daniel Kent '25 Edward, h. Kilby '47 John D. Kimball '38 Thomas G. '39 Israel '53 George S. '55 Sumner I. King '23 William R. '59 Henry M. Knight '34 Ferdinand Knox '43 George, h. '55 Lorenzo L., h. Ladd '41 Francis D. Laighton '57 Joshua J. Lamb '37 George W. Lambert '21 Roberts. Lane '23 William A. '25 George W. '28 George W. '32 William G. »35 Thomas C. '38 Samuel G. Langdon 1853 Woodbury F. Larrabee '28 William C. Leavitt '27 James T. LejQ&ngwell '49 Edward H., h. Leigh '35 Edwin Lennox '54 Edwin S. Leonard '47 Edwin Lillie '39 John, Jr. Linscott '54 Daniel C. Little '11 Josiah '21 Josiah '24 Wilham A. '^5 Thomas H. '57 Charles J. Locke '49 Joseph L., h. Longfellow '35 Nathan Lord '42 John, h. Loring '22 Kichmond Lunt '37 Horace '46 George, h. Mann '15 Perez B. Marr '39 William H. J. Marsh '28 Gilbert H. Marshall '32 Enoch S. '51 William M. L. Mason '24 Wilham May '52 John W. Mayberry 1844 Silas B. McAdam '59 Hugh M'Cobb '29 Henry B. '29 James T. M'Crate '19 John D. Means '43 John O. '47 George J. Mellen '25 Frederick '25 Grenville, h. Merriam '18 Joseph, h. '26 Jonas Merrick '24 John M. '34 Thomas B. '48 Charles F. Merrill '37 Albert '42 Leonard P. '47 Charles B. '47 Samuel N. '51 John C. '54 Joseph E. '57 Edward B. Metcalf '47 Isaac S. Millett '23 Samuel Miller '56 James F. M'Intire '18 Rufus, h. Mclntyre '58 George R. Mitchell '59 Alfred M'Keen '17 James M'Lellan '22 Charles H. P. '38 Francis M. M'Mahon '39 Isaiah Moody '26 Benjamin INDEX. 65 Moody 1827 Isaiah P. '45 Samuel S. Moore '23 Abraham '32 Ebenezer, Jr. '35 Asahel '58 John H. Morrill '20 Samuel '34 Amos Morrin '37 William D. Morrison '36 Samuel B. Morse '46 Moses L. Morton '35 Christopher '38 Silas '48 Edward W. Moulton '27 George F. '30 Jotham T. MuUiken '43 George S. Munroe '30 Nathan Mussey '09 John '13 Charles Nason '39 Jesse A. Nealley '35 Edward St. '58 Edward B. Newman '25 Mark H. '39 Samuel P., Nickerson '36 Albert T. Noble '57 Thomas K. Nourse '40 John C. Nowell '59 William G. Noyes '26 Ebenezer Nutter 1838 Charles C. Nutting '42 James L. Olin '43 Stephen, h. Orne '15 Richard E. Orr '24 Robert, h. '29 Richard T. '34 John '46 Henry Osgood '39 Timothy Otis '23 John '51 William 0. Packard '40 John H. Page '18 Frederick B. '44 John T. Paine '36 Henry W., h. Palmer '33 Isaac '36 Benjamin R. '38 Gideon S. Parish '22 Moses P. Park '46 Edwards A., h. Parker '45 Horace '56 Edwin P. '57 Edward, Jr. Parsons '23 George L. '28 John U. '43 Benjamin F. Pattangall '47 William R. Patten '32 John E. '37 Bryce M'L. Peabody 1827 Oliver W. B., ;i. '32 Stephen Pennell '30 Lewis Perley '37 Thomas F. '40 Frederick '50 Peleg S. Perry '23 John A. '46 Jairiis W. '50 Trueman S. Philbrook '58 Simon G. Pierce '24 Franklin '34 Charles H. Pike '36 Richard '45 John G. '47 Samuel J. '51 Bennett Pitman '59 Mark Pond '34 George P. '34 Stephen D. '48 William C. f '53 Jeremiah E. '57 Benjamin W. Poole '43 Benjamin Porter '14 William K. '16 Charles R. '32 Charles C. '39 Charles H. '43 William R. Potter '41 Barrett E. '41 Daniel F. Pray '44 Thomas J. W. Preble '25 Edward D. '40 WiUiam P., Jr. Prince '35 Joseph Proctor '34 Benjamin 66 INDEX. Puffer Robinson Smith 1853 Luther 1822 Sylvanus W. 1823 Jacob Pulsifer '31 George '23 William T. '58 Moses A. '45 O'Neil W. '26 Manasseh H. Purinton '51 Nathan S. '29 Samuel E. h. '35 George '54 John 0. '34 Henry B. '56 George '34 John D. '5^ Moses M. '38 Joseph C. Quinby Ross '39 Samuel E. '43 Daniel 0. '55 Ezekiel '40 Horatio S. Rowe '42 Hosea H. '38 David S. '45 El bridge Rand '33 Henry Russwurm '26 John B. '50 Thomas R. '54 Joseph E. '57 Edward A. Snell Randall '25 Charles '36 Isaac Sampson '45 William B. Randlett '40 Luther Soule '59 Howard M. '57 Edward '50 Frederick A. Rawson Sanborn Southgate '18 Evander F., h. '22 Benjamin '10 Frederick Raynes Sanford '26 Robert '58 Edward G. '42 Oliver S. '32 Horatio Record Saunders '35 Frederick '45 Lewis L. '59 Caleb '51 William S. Redington Savage '53 John B. '11 Asa '33 William T. Southworth Reed '37 Charles A. '46 Perez , '57 Edwin '48 Benjamin S. Sparks '47 Jared, h. Reynolds Sawyer '57 Charles H. Rice '56 Albert S. Rich '26 George Y. '28 Luther D. '38 Nathaniel L. Seavey Spaulding '53 John F. Spear '58 Ellis '32 Jabez C. Richardson '09 Wilham '22 John G. '40 Joseph C. '41 Daniel T. '45 William H. Sewall '58 Frank Shaw '12 Moses '55 Charles E. Spearing '57 Robert M'K. Spinney '47 Albion P. Sprague '47 George N. '55 John F. '26 Peleg, h. Ring Shepley Springer '54 Andrew, Jr. '48 George F., h. '28 Moses, Jr., h. Ripley Sheppard Stacy '20 Thomas B., h. '45 John H., Jr. '43 William, Jr. Roberts Sherman Stanley '45 Charles P. '55 Thomas B. '49 John T. '51 Charles W. Simonds Stanwood Robie '54 John W. '18 David, h. '29 Francis B. Sloman Starbird '41 Frederick '47 Henry L '58 Solomon B. N D E X 67 Stetson 1854 JohnG. '54 Charles B. 'oS John D. Stevens '45 Collins M. '48 Oliver Steward '37 Gustavus A. Stinchfield '47 Anson G. Stinson '50 Samuel A. Stockbridge '37 Ebenezer Stone '20 Thomas T. '25 William A. '40 Cornelius Storer '32 Henry G. Stowell '15 Levi Straw '59 David R. Strickland '35 Augustus S.C. '39 Charles H. '57 Lyman S. Strout '57 James C. Swan '44 Charles E. Swift '29 George B. Symonds '54 William L. Tallman '28 Henry '55 Peleg '58 James H. Tappan '44 T. L. Winthrop Tash '42 Thomas Tebbetts '51 Gilbert C. Tewksbury '33 George F. Thatcher 1826 Benjamin B. Theobald '52 George H. Thompson '49 Robert R. '50 Eugene '51 ElbridgeA. '55 Emery P. '56 Edward W. '58 Andrew J. Thornton '44 Thomas G. '46 James B. Thurston '43 Samuel R. Tinkham '55 John F. Todd '53 William H. '54 Charles F. Tompson '25 Arthur Towne '55 Joseph H., h. Trask '26 George '42 Samuel True '40 John K. '56 Charles H. Tucker '35 William W. '38 Richard H., Jr. '53 John S. Turner '31 Lewis '54 Henry K. Upham '25 Alfred Upton '34 Charles H. '50 Francis H., h. Yail '38 Stephen M. Virgin '44 William W. Yose 1847 Frank Wadsworth '45 Isaac N. Waldo '10 Francis B. TValdron '30 Henry '43 George P. Ware '49 Albert H. '51 Joseph A. Washburn '45 Ganem '48 Charles A. '54 William D. Wasson '49 David A. Waterhouse '57 Frank Waterman '46 John A. Webster '59 George Weeks '59 John W. Welch '45 Milton Wells '28 John D., h. '42 George '49 Spencer '50 Samuel, h. '52 Walter Wentworth '35 George T. West '42 Daniel T. Weston '33 Nathan, Jr. '34 Daniel C. '34 George M. '40 James P. '43 Joseph W. '44 Samuel M. '54 Nathan, h. Wheeler '31 James P. '47 Charles H. 68 INDEX. Wheeler 1848 Amos D., h. '53 William A. '56 George A. '57 Leonard 0. Wheelock '34 Albert T. White '37 James C. Whitman '31 Jason, h. '39 Henry C. Whitmore '54 Nathaniel M'L. '56 George S. Wilcox '26 Charles W. C. Williams '20 Daniel, h. '44 Horace Williamson 1833 William F. Willis '51 Henry Wilson '24 John M'N. Wingate '27 George R. D. '55 John, Jr. Winthrop '27 Grenville T. Woodman '22 Jabez C. '26 Moses E. '35 Theodore C. '36 Cyrus Wood '09 Henry '54 Henry C. Woods 1837 Leonard, h. Woodside '42 Jonathan F. Woodward '44 George S. Wyman '25 Seward '42 Joseph A. Yeaton '56 George C. Young '35 Timothy R. '40 Samuel L. H5 Joshua '59 Stephen J. ^fCr Page 56, 1853, after Eev, R. D. Hitchcock add D. 1>. ■-^^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 105553611