RARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS COMPILED BY ESTHER M. DAVIS Librarian of the Brooklyn Training School for Teachers AGNES COWING Children’s Librarian, Pratt Institute Free Library FOR THE LOCAL COMMITTEE OF THE LIBRARY SECTION OF THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION The H. W. Wilson Company White Plains, N. Y., and New York City 1916 EXPLANATORY NOTE This list is a revision of “Some Inexpensive Aids in School Library Work” which was compiled for the New York State Teachers’ Association in 1911. In compiling this list the Local Committee of the Library Section of the National Education Association gratefully acknowl- edges help received from Miss Effie Power, of the Car- negie Library of Pittsburgh; Miss Mary Hall, of the Girls’ High School Library, Brooklyn, and the staff of the Children’s Room of the New York Public Library The Committee hopes that the list may prove helpful to teachers and school librarians. Care has been taken to choose material which has proved its usefulness in both school libraries and in the children s rooms o pu ic libraries. The list does not attempt to be exhaustive, and as far as known only the publications now in print have been included. For the most part the list has been restricted to inexpensive material, and the more expen- sive books and indexes can be found in any public library. Esther M. Davis, Librarian of the Brooklyn Training School for Teachers. Agnes Cowing, Children’s Librarian , Pratt Insti- tute Free Library. . For the Local Committee of the Library Section of the National Education Associa- tion. June 6, 1916. r £ 98 17 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/libraryaidsforteOOdavi CONTENTS Teachers Professional Helps 7 Lists of Magazines 8 Useful Indexes 9 General Book Selection 9 Picture Study and Illustrative Material io Pictures n High Schools General Book Selection 12 Special Reading Lists 13 Debate Material ‘ 13 Vocational Guidance 14 Elementary Schools Books for Children 15 Lists for the School Grades 16 Lists on Special Subjects 17 Stories and Story-telling 18 Holidays 19 Plays and Costumes 20 School Libraries Organization and Care 21 Equipment 22 Instruction in the Use of Books 22 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS "A good booke is the precious life blood of a master spirit !’ — Milton. TEACHERS PROFESSIONAL HELPS Bibliography of education, 1899-1907; comp, by J. I. Wyer and others, and issued annually in the Educational Re- view. Since 1907 published as a bulletin of the U. S. Bureau of Education. Booth, M. J. Lists of material which may be obtained free or at small cost. Amer. Library Asso. Chic. 1915. 2 5 c* Burnham, W. H. Bibliographies on educational psychology. (Clark Univ. Library Publications, v. 3, No. 5) Worcester, Mass. 1913. Bibliographies on experimental pedagogy. (Clark Univ. Library Publications, v. 3, No. 3) Worcester, Mass. 1912. Cubberley, E. P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of edu- cation with selected bibliographies and suggested read- ings. 2d ed. Macmillan. N. Y. 1904. $2.60. Monroe, Paul, ed. Cyclopedia of education. 5v. Macmil- lan. N. Y. 1911-1914. Important articles are followed by bibliographies. Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education. N. Y. 1897. (In- ternational educ. ser.) $2.00. New England History Teachers’ Association. Collection of history material in Simmons College Library. (Order from curator of Simmons College, Boston, Mass.) 26c. postpaid. New York State, University. Course of study and syllabus for the college graduate certificates. (Bulletin No. 554.) Albany, N. Y. 1914. Free. Newark (N. J.) Free Public Library. Subject index to socie- ties issuing publications on social questions. H. W. Wil- son Co., White Plains, N. Y. 1915. 20c. Noyes, F. K. Teaching material in government publications. Washington. 1913. (U. S. Bureau of Education — Bulletin, 1913* No. 47.) ioc. 8 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS Oregon Library Commission. List of books about education. Salem, Ore. 1911. 15c. Publishers’ weekly. Educational number published each year in July. 241 W. 37th St., New York. 50c. Reviews of new books in the current numbers of educational and pedagogical magazines. United States. Bureau of Education. The Library of the Bureau of Education will supply free to teachers mimeographed or typewritten lists of references on almost any educational topic. Bibliography of medical inspection and health supervi- sion. (Bulletin 1913. No. 16.) Washington, 1913. 15c. Bulletins. Monthly record of current educational publications. Washington. Free. Indexes books, chapters in books, magazine articles, reports of societies and publications dealing with educational subjects. Teacher’s professional library; classified list of 100 titles. Washington, 1909. 5c. Home Education Division. Reading course for parents. Washington, 1916. Free. Suggestive lists to teachers and students of child-study. Library Division. List of books on the principles and practice of teaching. Washington, 1914. Free. List of references on secondary education in the U. S. Washington, 1915. Free. United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers’ bulle- tins. Waddle, C. W., and Root, W. T. Syllabus and bibliography of child-study with special reference to applied child psy- chology. (Bulletin of Los Angeles State Normal School.) Los Angeles, Cal., 1915. 50c. LISTS OF MAGAZINES Magazines: Bound and unbound, back numbers, single vol- umes or complete sets. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. Revised lists are published frequently, free on request. Newark Free Public Library. Every good teacher knows — Magazines for teachers. Newark, N. J. 1916. 5c. United States. Bureau of Education. Educational periodicals. (Bulletin 1915, No. 43.) Washington. 1915. Free. Walter, F. K. Periodicals for the small library. Amer. Li- brary Asso., Chicago. 10c. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS 9 USEFUL INDEXES Baker, E. A. Guide to best historical fiction. Macmillan, N. Y. $6.00. Boston Public Library. Finding list of fairy tales and folk tales. Boston. 1908. 10c. Eastman, M. H. Index to fairy tales, myths and legends. Boston Book Co., Boston. 1916. $2.25. Firkins, I. T. Index to short stories. H. W. Wilson, White Plains, N. Y. 1915. $6.00. Granger, Edith. Index to poetry and recitations. McClurg. Chicago. 1904. $5.00. A new edition is in preparation. Kroeger, A. B. Guide to reference books. Amer. Library Asso. Chicago. $1.50. Supplements by I. G. Mudge: 1909-1910, 25c.; 1911-1913, 40c. Oregon State Library. Index to short stories. Salem, Ore. 1915. 15c. List of Folk, Fairy, Myths, Legends and general stories for stoi^y telling in grades 1 to 8. Psychological index; an annual bibliography of the literature and cognate subjects. Review Publishing Co., Lancaster, Pa. 1894-date. 75c. a number. Quigley, M. C. Index to kindergarten songs. Amer. Li- brary Asso. Chicago. 1914. $1.50. Readers’ guide to periodical literature. (Monthly.) H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. $12.00 per year. Salisbury, G. E., and Beckwith, M. E. Index to short stories. Row, Peterson. Chicago. 1907. 50c. GENERAL BOOK SELECTION American Library Association. Booklist; a monthly guide to best books. Chicago. $1.00 per year. Catalog of 8,000 volumes for a popular library. Chicago. 1904. $1.00. Catalog 1904-1911; class list; 3,000 titles for a popular library; edited by Eva Bascom. Chicago. 1912. $1.50. Book Review Digest (Monthly). H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. $5.00 per year. Iowa — Department of Public Instruction. List of books for school libraries of the state of Iowa; comp, by Edna Ly- man. Des Moines. 1911. Includes a list » for elementary schools, high schools and a list of books for teachers. Annotated. 10 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS New York State Education Department. Selection of best books. Issued annually for current books. Albany, N. Y. IOC. Wyer, J. I. U. S. government documents in small libraries. New ed. Amer. Library Asso. Chicago. 1914. 15c. PICTURE STUDY AND ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL Booth, M. J. Material on geography which may be obtained free or at small cost. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago. 10c. Columbia Graphophone Co. School-room music, ed. by the Educational department of the Columbia Graphophone Co., Woolworth Bldg., New York. Free. Special booklet showing the relation of musical appre- ciation through imagery. Woolworth Bldg., New York. Free. Crawford, Mary. Laboratory equipment for the teacher of English (in English Journal, March, 1915) University of Chicago press. Chicago. 1915. 30c. for single copies. Gives the use that may be made of lantern slides, pictures, victrola records, etc., in the teaching of English. Dana, J. C. The picture collection. (Modern American Li- brary economy series, ed. by J. C. Dana.) H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 35c. Dana, J. C., and Gardner, Blanche. Aids in high school teaching; pictures and objects. (Modern American library economy series, ed. by J. C. Dana.) H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 1916. $1.00. Gilson, M. L., and Dana, J. C. Large pictures, educational and decorative. (Modern American library economy se- ries, ed. by J. C. Dana.) H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 1912. $1.00. Library Posters. Brownie poster, 50c.; Colored, 75c.; Goops, 15c.; Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, 35c. Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wis. Mentor magazine. 52 East 19th Street, New York. $2.65 per year. Useful to schools for pictures on geography, nature-study, Art, English, etc. Six unmounted pictures with each number. Milwaukee (Wis.) State Normal School. Picture study. (Interesting books for teachers, No. 2.) Milwaukee, Wis. New York State. Library. Traveling pictures and school- room decoration. Albany, N. Y. 50c. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS ii Newark Public Library. Publishers of inexpensive geogra- phy material. (In Public Libraries, May, 1916.) 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Single numbers 25c. Newark (N. J.) Museum Association. Story of textiles. Newark, N. J. 5c. Useful to teachers of commercial geography. Oregon Library Commission. Picture study in the schools, with notes on wall pictures for schoolrooms. Salem, Ore. Free. Pan-American Union. Publications relating to South Amer- ica. Washington. 5c. and up. PICTURES Underwood and Underwood. The world visualized for the school-room; a manual for teachers; ed. by Frank Mc- Murry and others. 417 Fifth Ave., New York. $1.50. A classified list of lantern slides for school work. United States — Superintendent of Documents. Maps pub- lished by the U. S. government. Washington. 1913. Free. Price list of publications. Washington. Free. Pamphlets on Alaska; Forestry; Travel and exploration; Indians of North America; National Parks, etc. Victrola Co. A new co-relation. 563 Fifth Ave., New York. Free. A classified list of records which may be used in teaching Literature, History, Nature and various class-room subjects Western scenery, National Parks, etc. Illustrated folders from the Union Pacific railroad, Great Northern railroad and the Canadian Pacific railroad. Birds and Nature Brown, J. F. Beverly, Mass. (2c. each in lots of 10 or more.) Mumford, A. M. 157 W. Adams St., Chicago. (2c. each; no orders for less than 25c.) National Association of Audubon Societies. 1924 Broadway, New York. (2c. each.) New York State University. State Museum. Birds of New York. Albany, N. Y. 1915. 50c. with postage. 106 unmounted plates of birds. Drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Art, Nature and Portraits Cosmos Picture Co., 119 West 25th St., New York. Graded list of pictures for schools. (2c. to 20c. each.) 12 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS Elson Art Pub. Co., Belmont, Mass. Graded list of pictures for schools. (Catalog, 15c.) (5c. to $75.00.) Thompson, Earl, Picture Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Standard fie- j tion. (2c. to 5c. each.) HIGH SCHOOLS GENERAL BOOK SELECTION Illustrated editions for the high school library. See Wilson Bulletin, N. E. A. number, June, 1916. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. Meader, C. L. List of books for a classical high school li- brary. Macmillan, N. Y. 10c. Michigan. Department of Public Instruction. Preferred list of books for township and high school libraries in the state of Michigan. Lansing, Mich. 1915. Free. Supplementary catalog of books for district, township and high school libraries. Lansing, Mich. 1916. Free. National Council of Teachers of English. Report of the committee upon home reading. 68 Stewart Ave., Chicago. 1913. ioc. each; 60c. a dozen. New York State, University. Division of School Libraries. Annotated book list for secondary school libraries. Al- bany, N. Y. 1914-1916. Free. Commercial section. English section. History section. Oregon Library Commission. List of books for school li- braries of the state of Oregon, rev. ed. 2 pts. Salem, Ore. 1915. Pt. 2 — Books for the high school. 15c. Plays for high school students. See Heading: Plays and costume. United States. Bureau of Education. List of books suited to a high school library; compiled by University High School, Chicago. (Bulletin, 1913, No. 35.) Washington, 1913. 15c. Wilson, Martha. Books for high schools. American Library Asso. Chicago, 1914. 50c. Wisconsin. Department of Education. List of books for high school libraries in the state of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. 1911. 15c. — Supplement. 1913. 15c. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS *3 SPECIAL READING LISTS Boy Scouts of America. Books boys like best; comp, by the Library Commission of the Boy Scouts of America. 1916. Nat. Headquarters of Boy Scouts of America, 200 Fifth Ave., New York. 2c. Buffalo Public Library. Books to grow on. Buffalo, N. Y. 1916. sc. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Famous royal women; a reading list for girls. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1908. 5c. Favorite books of well-known people when they were boys and girls. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1915* 5 C * Patriots; a reading list for boys and girls. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1912. 5c. Hartford Public High School. Suggestions for home read- ing. Hartford, Conn. 1914-1915. 5c. Newark Free Public Library. Reading for pleasure and profit. Newark, N. J. 1910. 10c. Power, E. L., comp. List of books for older girls. St. Louis Public Library. St. Louis, Mo. 1914. * St. Joseph (Mo.), Public Library. Reading list for the Boy Scouts of America. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. ioc. St. Louis Public Library. Book marks, adult, new series. Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wis. 25c. per 100. Historical novels. Western stories. Humorous stories. Tales of ad- venture, etc. United States. Bureau of Education. Home Education Divi- sion. Thirty books of great fiction. Reading course for boys. Reading course for girls. Washington. 1916. Free. Utica Public Library. Historical fiction. Utica, N. Y. 1911. DEBATE MATERIAL Abridged debaters’ handbook series. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 25c. per pamphlet. Baker, G. P., and Huntington, H. B. Principles of argumen- tation. Ginn. 1905. $1.25. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Debate index. 2nd ed. Pittsburgh, Pa. 25c. Supplement. 1912-13. 5c. Second supplement, Dec., 1913-June, 1915 (in Monthly Bulletin, June, 1915). 5c. 14 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS Debaters’ handbook series. About 32V. in series. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. $1.00 per volume. Debaters’ manual; comp, by E. M. Phelps. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. $1.00. Denney, J. V., and others. Argumentation and debate. American Book Co., N. Y. 1910. $1.25. Foster, W. T. Essentials of exposition and argument. Houghton. 1911. 90c. Gardiner, J. H. Making of arguments. Ginn, Boston. 1912. $1.00. Gislason, H. B. Effective debating. (Minnesota Univ. Bull. No. 14, April, 1914.) Free in Minnesota. Outside, 15c. Henry, W. H. How to organize and conduct a meeting. Hinds, N. Y. 75c. Intercollegiate debates. 3v. Hinds, N. Y. $1.50 per volume. Ketcham, V. A. Theory and practice of argumentation and debate. Macmillan, N. Y. 1914. $1.25. Lyon, L. S. Elements of debating. Univ. of Chic. Press. 1913. $1.00. Pattee, G. K. Practical argumentation. Century, N. Y. 1913. $1.10. Rowton, Frederick. How to conduct a debate. Longmans. N. Y. $2.00. Shurter, E. D., and Taylor, C. C. Both sides of one hundred questions. Hinds. N. Y. $1.25. University debaters’ annual, 1914-1915; ed. by E. C. Mabie. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 1915. $1.80. Wisconsin University. Principles of effective debating. 5th ed. Madison, Wis. 1915. 15c. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Boston Vocational Bureau. Vocations for boys. 6 Beacon Street, Boston. Architect, 15c.; Baker, 15c.; Confection- ery, 15c.; Department store, 50c.; Grocer, 15c.; Landscape architect, 15c.; Law, 75c.; Machinist, 15c. Brooklyn Public Library. Choosing an occupation. Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1913. 3c. California. State Board of Education. Vocational guidance bibliography for school and public libraries. (Bulletin No. 12.) Sacramento, Cal. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS 15 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Vocational guidance. (In Monthly Bulletin, May, 1913.) Pittsburgh, Pa. 5c. Davis, J. B. Vocational and moral guidance. Ginn. Boston. 1914. $1.25. Girls , Trade Education League, 6 Beacon St., Boston. 10c. each. Telephone operator, Book-binding, Stenography, Dress-making, Mil- linery, Nursing, Paper box making, Knit goods manufacture, Clothing machine operating, Salesmanship, Manicuring and hair-dressing, Shoe box manufacture, Nursery maid. Excellent for girls leaving elementary school and lower high school classes. Hall, M. E. Vocational guidance through the library. Bib- liography by John G. Moulton. Amer. Library Asso. Chicago. 1914. ioc. United States. Bureau of Education. Bibliography of indus- trial, vocational and trade education. (Bulletin 1913, No. 22.) Washington, 1913. ioc. List of references on vocational education. (Library Division.) Washington. 1914. Free. List of references on vocational guidance. (Library Di- vision.) Washington, 1914. Free. Utica Public Library. Choosing a career. Utica, N. Y. 1916. $4.00 per 100 each. Weaver, E. W., and Tyler, J. F. Profitable vocations for boys. (Vocation series.) Barnes, N. Y. 1915. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Arnold, G. W. A mother’s list of books for children. Mc- Clurg, Chicago. 1909. $1.00. Brooklyn Public Library. Books for boys and girls. 4th ed. Brooklyn, N. Yl 1916. Free. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Catalogue of books in the children’s department. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1909. $1.00. Children’s catalog. White Plains, N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co. New edition ready in September, 1916. Connecticut Public Library Commission. Helps in library work with children. 3d ed. Hartford, Conn., 1913. Free. Hewins, C. W.. Books for boys and girls. 3d ed., rev. Amer. Library Asso. Chicago, 1915. 20c. Hunt, C. W. What shall we read to the children? Hough- ton, Boston, Mass. 1915. $1.00. i6 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS Kennedy, H. T. Suggestive list of children’s books for a small library, recommended by the League of Library Commissions, Madison, Wis. Democrat Printing Co. 1910. 25c. Lowe, Orton. Literature for children. Macmillan, N. Y. 1914. 90c. Michigan. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Preferred list of books for district school libraries in the state of Michigan. Lansing, Mich. 1914. Free. Olcott, F. J. The children’s reading. Houghton, Boston. 1912. $1.25. Stanley, H. H. 550 children’s books. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago. 1910. 15c. United States. Bureau of Education. 1,000 good books for children; classified and graded list prepared by National Congress of Mothers Literature Committee. Washing- ton. 1915. 5c. Wilson, Martha. Books for elementary and rural schools. St. Paul, Minn., Dept, of Education, 1915-16. 15c. Wisconsin. Department of Public Instruction. List of books for township libraries in the state of Wisconsin, 1916-1918; prepared by O. S. Rice and Bertha Bergold; issued by C. P. Cary, Madison, Wis. 1916. 15c., plus postage. Classified and annotated, with suggested headings for cataloging and classification numbers. Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Children’s books for first purchase; ed. by Marion Humble, Madison, Wis. 1915 . LISTS FOR THE SCHOOL GRADES Boston. Public Library. Guide to aid pupils in the selection of books in the Boston Public Library. Boston. 1913. Free. Buffalo Public Library. Class-room libraries for public schools, listed by grades. 3d ed. Buffalo, N. Y., 1909. 25c. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Catalogue of books, for the use of the first eight grades in the Pittsburgh schools. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1907. 50c. New York City. Department of Education. Catalogue of books for public school libraries in the city of New York; graded and annotated. New York. 1913. Free for post- age. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS 1 7 New York State University. Division of School Libraries. An annotated, graded, classified and price list of books suitable for elementary school libraries; with some sug- gestions in regard to the use of school libraries. (Bulle- tin No. 539.) Albany, N. Y. 1913. Free. Oregon Library Commission. List of books for school libra- ries of the state of Oregon. Part 2 — Books for elemen- tary schools. Revised ed. Salem, Ore., 1915. 15c. Pratt Institute Free Library, Brooklyn, N. Y., and the Free Public Library of East Orange, N. J. What shall we read now? Four lists of books for children, Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. 3d ed. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., I9I5- 25c. a set. St. Louis Public Library. Book marks. Children’s graded lists, 1st to 8th grades. Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wis. 25c. per 100. Scott, C. E. Popular books for boys and girls. 2d ed., rev. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., 1915. 10c. Utica Public Library. Books for home reading; a graded and annotated list based on the course of study and rec- ommended for use in the Utica public schools. 4th ed. Utica, N. Y. 1913. $4.00 per 100 each. Washington, D. C., Public Library. Graded and annotated catalog of books for use in the schools of the city. Wash- ington. 1914. Wisconsin Reading Circle Board. Young peoples’ reading circle. List of books for the year 1915-1916. Madison, Wis. LISTS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS Bacon, Corinne. Books for Christmas for the children. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., 1915. 10c. Many of the larger public libraries have issued similar lists, which may be obtained free, of illustrated books and attractive editions suitable for gifts for children. Boston Public Library. Brief list of home reading for boys and girls. Boston, 1915. Free. Brooklyn Institute. Children’s Museum. Some nature books for mothers and children in the Children’s Museum Li- brary, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912. Free. Brooklyn Public Library. Books that girls like. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1914. Free. i8 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. “Foreign lands where won- ders are”; a reading list for children and young people. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1911. 5c. Illustrated editions of children’s books. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1915. 5 C - Cleveland Public Library. Seventy-five books of adventure for boys and girls. Cleveland, Ohio, 1913. 5c. Eighty tales of valor and romance for boys and girls. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., 1915. 10c. New York Public Library. American history and geography; a short list of books for boys and girls in the fifth, sixth, and seventh school grades. New York, 1912. Free. Great industries of America; a short list of books for the seventh and eighth grades and high school students. New York, 1912. Free. Heroism; a reading list for boys and girls. New York, 1914. Free. Journeys to foreign lands; a short list of books for boys and girls of the fifth, sixth, and seventh school grades. New York, 1912. Free. STORIES AND STORY-TELLING Bailey, C. S. For the story teller; story telling and stories to tell. The Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass., 1915. $1.50. Boyd, A. M. Selected stories for primary grades. (Bulletin of the State Normal School, Dec., 1913.) Whitewater, Wis. Brotherton, N. C. Fairy stories to tell and suggestions for the story teller. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., 1915. ioc. Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to children. Houghton, Boston, 1905. $1.00. Stories to tell to children. Houghton, Boston, 1907. $1.00. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Stories from the ballads of Robin Hood; outlines for story-telling. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1914. 5 c. Stories from the Norse; outlines for story-telling. Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1914. 5c. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS 19 Stories to tell to children; a selected list with stories and poems for holiday programs. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1916. 25c. Story hour courses for children from Greek myths, The Iliad and The Odyssey. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1906. 5c. Hassler, H. E., and Scott, C. E. Graded list of stories for reading aloud. New ed. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago, 1915. ioc. Index to fairy tales, etc. See Heading: Useful Indexes. Keyes, A. M. Stories and story-telling. Appleton, New York, 1911. $1.25. Lyman, Edna. Story telling, what to tell and how to tell it. McClurg, Chicago, 1910. 75c. New York Public Library. Favorite stories of the library reading clubs. New York, 1915. Free. O’Grady, Alice, and Throop, Frances. The teachers’ story- teller’s book. Rand, Chicago, 1913. $1.00. Partridge, E. N., and Partridge, G. E. Story-telling in school and home. Sturgis, New York, 1912. $1.25. St. Louis Public Library. List of stories and programs for story hours. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., 1914. 20c. Shedlock, M. L. The art of the story-teller. Appleton, New York, 1915. $1.50. HOLIDAYS Book of Christmas, with an introduction by Hamilton W. Mabie. Macmillan, N. Y., 1910. $1.25. Book of Easter, with an introduction by the Rt. Rev. W. C. Doane. Macmillan, N. Y., 1911. $1.25. Cleveland Public Library. Reading lists for special days. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 25c. Dickinson, A. D. Children’s book of Thanksgiving stories. Doubleday, N. Y., 1915. $1.25. Dickinson, A. D., and Skinner, A. M. Children’s book of Christmas stories. Doubleday, N. Y., 1914. $1.25. Michigan State Normal College. Christmas library bulletin, No. 2. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. ioc. New York Public Library. Stories, legends, songs and plays for the Christmas holidays. New York, 1915. Free. 20 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS New York State. Education Department. Arbor Day an- nual. Albany. Free. Similar annuals are published by the Education Departments of Wis- consin and Michigan. Olcott, F. J. Good stories for great holidays. Houghton, Boston, 1914. $2.00. Oregon State Library. Special day stories. (In Index to Short Stories. 1915. Salem, Ore.) 15c. Excellent list of references for holiday programs in the grades. Schauffler, R. H. Our American holidays. Moffat, N. Y., 1908-1916. $1.00 each. Series includes: Arbor Day, Christmas, Easter, Flag Day, Indepen- dence Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiv- ing, Washington’s Birthday. Sindelar, J. C. Morning exercises for all the year: a day book for teachers. Beckley-Cardy Co., Chicago, 1914. 60c. Smith, E. S., and Hazeltine, A. I. Christmas in legend and story. Lothrop, Boston, 1915. $1.50. Stevenson, B. E., and Stevenson, E. B. Days and deeds; a book of verse. Doubleday, N. Y., 1906. $1.00. Days and deeds; prose. Doubleday, N. Y., 1907. $1.00. United States. Bureau of Education. Good Roads arbor day. (Bulletin, 1913, No. 43.) Washington, 1913. Free. PLAYS AND COSTUMES Chubb, Percival. Festivals and plays in school and else- where. Harper, N. Y., 1912. $2.00. Craig, A. A. T. Dramatic festival. Putnam, N. Y., 1912. $1.25. Drama League of America. List of plays for high school and college production. Drama League of America, 736 Mar- quette Building, Chicago, 1916. 25c. Plays for children, arranged by Kate Oglebay. Drama League of America, 736 Marquette Building, Chicago, 1915. 25c. Mackay, C. D. Costumes and scenery for amateurs. Holt, N. Y., 1915. $1.75. How to produce children’s plays. Holt, N. Y., 1915. $1.20. Stone, Melicent. Bankside costume book for children. Wells Gardner, London, 1913. 2s. 6d. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS 21 Wittington, Arthur. Manual of pageantry. (Indiana Uni- versity. Extension Div. Bulletin, v. 13, No. 7, 1915*) Bloomington, Ind. Gives directions and descriptions of pageants for different occasions. Brief bibliography. SCHOOL LIBRARIES ORGANIZATION AND CARE Bacon, Corinne. Classification. Amer. Library Asso. Chi- cago, 1916. IOC. Bailey, A. L. Binding for small libraries. New ed. Amer, Library Asso., Chicago, 1915. 15c. Library Bookbinding. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., 1916. $1.25. Brown, M. W. Mending and repair of books. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago, 1910. 15c. Dana, J. C., and McKnight, E. B. The high school branch of the public library. (Modern American library economy series, ed. by J. C. Dana.) H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., 1915. 50c. Fay, L. E., and Eaton, A. T. Instruction in the use of books and libraries; a textbook for normal schools and colleges. Boston Book Co., 1915. $2.25. Fellows, J. D. Cataloging rules; prepared for the course in elementary cataloging. 2d ed. N. Y. State Library, Al- bany, 1915. 25c. Hitchler, Theresa. Cataloging for small libraries. New ed. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago, 1915. $1.25. Mann, Margaret. Subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs of juvenile books. Amer. Library Asso., Chi- cago, 1916. $1.50. Plummer, M. W. Hints to small libraries. Ed 4 rev. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago. 75c. Stearns, L. E. Essentials in library administration. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago, 1912. 25c. Ward, G. O. The high school library. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago, 1915. ioc. 22 LIBRARY AIDS FOR TEACHERS Wisconsin. Department of Public Instruction. List of books for free high school libraries in the state of Wisconsin; with instructions for cataloging. Madison, Wis., 1909. 17c., plus postage. Specific directions for cataloging and organizing a high school library. Rebinding of school library books. Madison, Wis., 1916. Free. EQUIPMENT Eastman, Linda. Furniture, fixtures and equipment. Amer. Library Asso., Chicago, 1916. 10c. McVety, M. A., and Colgrove, M. E. The vertical file. (Mod- ern American library economy series, ed. by J. C. Dana.) H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 50c. Nunn, J. H. Planning and equipping the high school library. (In Public Libraries, November, 1915.) 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Single nos. 25c. Wilson, Martha. The school library room. (In School Edu- cation, Jan., 1916.) Minneapolis, 1916. 15c. ✓ Library Supplies Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wis. Gaylord Brothers, Syracuse, N. Y. Library Bureau, 316 Broadway, New York, and large cities of United States. INSTRUCTION IN THE USE OF BOOKS Book marks. The card catalog; how to use it. How to use the library. How to open a new book. Maxon book marks. Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wis. Sample set, 5c.; 25c. per 100. Maxon book-mark. Miss Caroline Hewins Library Goop book-mark. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 30c. per 100. For teaching the youngest children how to care for a book these book- marks will be found suggestive. Connolly, Louise. How to use a library; a course of study. (Modern American library economy series, ed. by J. C. Dana.) H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 1916. 75c. Fay, L. E., and Eaton, A. T. Instruction in the use of books and libraries; a textbook for normal schools and colleges. Boston Book Co., 1915. $2.25. Hassler, H. E. Instruction to school classes in the use of the catalog. (In Public Libraries, March, 1916.) 6 N. Michi- gan Ave., Chicago. Single nos. 25c. AND SCHOOL LIBRARIANS 23 Hopkins, F. M. Allusions, words and phrases that should be Wf known and where to find them. Willard Co., 479 Sixth M\ St., Detroit, Mich., 1916. 35c.; postage 3c. Reference guides that should be known and how to use them. Willard Co., 479 Sixth St., Detroit, Mich., 1916. $1.50; postage extra. .National Educational Association. Report on instruction in library administration in normal schools; prepared by Elizabeth Baldwin. 1906. Out of print in separate pamphlet form but may be found in full in he report of the Association for 1906. Ovitz, D. G. Course in reference work. State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis., 1915. 10c. Root, Mrs. M. E. S. Children and library tools. (In Library Journal for January, 1915.) 241 West 37th St., New York. 25c. per number. United States. Bureau of Education. Library instruction in universities and normal schools. Bulletin No. 34. Wash- ington, 1914. Free. Ward, G. O. Practical use of books and libraries; an elemen- tary manual. 2d. ed., enl. Boston Book Co., 1914. $1.00. Teaching outline to accompany same. Boston Book Co., Boston, 1914. 50c. Wisconsin. Free Library Commission. Outline for an hour’s exercise on how to use the library. (In Wisconsin Li- brary Bulletin, April, 1915.) Madison, Wis. For teaching children in the upper grammar grades how to use the library. Wisconsin. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Les- sons on the use of the school library. Madison, Wis., 1915. I 5 c.