WiNlFREliMOUN RichardPryce LIBRARY OF THL U N IVER5ITY or ILLINOIS ty i^-^ \[^ lZoca^vo. Linen. 2s. 6d. net. Also a limited|edition on hand-made paper. Demy Zvo. \os. 6d. net. Also a small edition on Japanese paper. Demy Svo. 21s. mt. Mr. Gale's rural poems have made him widely popular, and this volume of spirited verse will win him a new reputation among the lovers of our national game. Flinders Petrie. THE HISTORY OF EGYPT, frOxM the Earliest Times to the Hyksos. By W. M. Flinders Petrie, Professor of Egyptology at University College. Ftil/y Illustrated. Crown Svo. 6s. This volume is the first of a History of Egypt in six volumes, intended both for students and for general reading and reference, and will present a complete record of what is now known, both of dated monuments and of events, from the prehistoric age down to modern times. For the earlier periods ever>' trace of the various kings will be noticed, and all historical questions will be fully discussed. The special features will be — (1) The illustrations, largely photographic, or hom /ac- simile drawings; and, so far as practicable, of new material not yet published. As yet, there is no illustrated history of Egypt ; (2) The references given to the source of each statement and monument, making this a key to the literature of the subject ; (3) The lists of all the known monuments of each king; (4) The incorporation of current research down to the present time. The volumes will cover the following periods ; — I. Prehistoric to Hyksos times. By Prof. Flinders Petrie. IL XVII ith to xxth Dynasties. (The Same). in. xxist to xxxth Dynasties. (The Same). IV. The Ptolemaic Rule. V. The Roman Rule. VI. The Muhammedan Rule. By Stanley Lane Poole. The volumes will be issued separately. The first will be ready in the autumn, th« Muhammedan volume early next year, and others at intervals of half a year. Messrs. Methuen's List 3 Ottley. LANCELOT ANDREWES, Bishop of Winchester. A Biography. By R. L. Ottley, Principal of Pusey House, Oxford, and Fellow of Magdalen. With Portrait. Crown2>vo. Buckrafn. ^s. This life of the saintly bishop and theologian, of whom no adequate biography exists, will have much value for English Churchmen. It is issued uniform with Mr. Lock's ' Life of Keble,' and written as it is by so distinguished a scholar as Mr. Ottley, it is as likely to become as popular. Gladstone. THE SPEECHES AND PUBLIC ADDRESSES OF THE RT. HON. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. With Notes. Edited by A. W. Hutton,M.A. (Librarian of the Gladstone Library), and H. J. Cohen, M.A. With Portraits. Svo. Vol. IX. 12s. 6d. Messrs. Methuen beg to announce that they are about to issue, in ten volumes 8vo, an authorised collection of Mr. Gladstone's Speeches, the work being undertaken with his sanction and under his superintendence. Notes and Introductions will be added. /w j'/Vw 0/ the interest in tlu Home Rule Question, it is proposed to issue Vols. IX. and X. , which will include the speeches of the last seven or eight years, immediately, and then to proceed with the earlier volumes. Vohime X. is already published. Robbins. THE EARLY LIFE OF WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE. By A. F. Robbins. Crown Svo. 6s. A full account of the early part of Mr. Gladstone's extraordinary career, based on much research, and containing a good deal of new matter, especially with regard to his school and college days. Henley and WMbley. A BOOK OF ENGLISH PROSE. Collected by W. E. Henley and Charles Whibley. Crown Svo. Also small limited editions on Dutch and Japanese paper. 21s. and 42J. net. A companion book to Mr. Henley's well-known 'Lyra Heroica.' It is believed that no such collection of splendid prose has ever been brought within the compass of one volume. Each piece, whether containing a character-sketch or incident, is complete in itself. The book will be finely printed and bound. Beeching. BRADFIELD SERMONS. Sermons by H. C. Beeching, M.A., Rector of Yattendon, Berks. Crown Svo. 2s. 6d. Six sermons preached before the boys of Bradfieid College. Parkyn. CHARLES DARWIN : a Lecture delivered at Christ's College, Cambridge, by E. A. Parkyn, M.A. Crown Svo. IS. A short account of the work and induence of Darwin. 4 Messrs. Methuen's List Waldstein. JOHN RUSKIN : a Study. By Charles Wald- STEIN, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Post %vo. ^s. Also a small edition on hand-made paper. Demy Svo. I$s. This is a frank and fair appreciation of Mr. Ruskin's work and influence — literary and social — by an able critic, who has enough admiration to make him sym- pathetic, and enough discernment to make him impartial. Sterne. TRISTRAM SHANDY. By Lawrence Sterne. With an Introduction by Charles Whibley, and a Portrait. 2 vo/s. Crown Svo. Js. Oongreve. THE COMEDIES OF WILLIAM CONGREVE. Edited, with an Introduction by G. S. Street, and a Portrait. Crown Svo. 3^. 6d. The above important editions of two English classics are finely printed by Messrs. Constable, and handsomely bound. Each is carefully edited with scholarly introductions — biographical and critical. They are issued in two editions — The ordinary edition on laid paper, bound in buckram, 3J. 6d. a volume. The library edition (limited in number) on hand-made paper, bound in half parch ment, 7^. 6d. a volume, net. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERIES NEW VOLUMES. CrojvnZvo. 2s. 6d. THE EARTH. An Introduction to Physiography. By Evan Small, M.A. Methuen's Commercial Series NEIV VOLUMES. A PRIMER OF BUSINESS. By S. Jackson, M.A. is. 6d. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC. By F. G. Taylor, M.A. THE ECONOMICS OF COMMERCE. By H. de B. GiBBlNS, M.A. IS. 6d. SOCIAL QUESTIONS OF TO-DAY NEW VOLUMES. CrcnvnZvo. 2s. 6d. WOMEN'S WORK. By Lady Dilke, Miss Bulley, and Miss Abraham. Messrs. Methuen's List 5 TRUSTS, POOLS AND CORNERS. As affecting Commerce and Industry. By J. Stephen Jeans, M.R.I., F.S.S. THE FACTORY SYSTEM. By R. Cooke Taylor. THE STATE AND ITS CHILDREN. By Gertrude TUCKWELL. Classical Translations NEW VOL UMES. Crown Svo. Finely printed and bound in blue buckram. LUCIAN— Six Dialogues (Nigrinus, Icaro-Menippus, Cock, Ship, Parasite, Law of Falsehood). Translated by S. T. Irwin, M.A., Assistant Master at Clifton; late Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford. SOPHOCLES— Electra and Ajax. Translated by E. D. A. MoRSHEAD, j\LA., late Scholar of New College, Oxford ; Assistant Master at Winchester. TACITUS— Agricola and Germania. Translated by R. B. TowNSHEND, late Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. CICERO— Select Orations (Pro Milone, Pro Murena, Philippic ll., In Catilinam). Translated by H. E. D. Blakiston, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Oxford. Fiction E. F. Benson. THE RUBICON. By E. F. Benson, Author of •Dodo.' 2. vols. Crown 2>vo. 2is. The announcement of a new novel of society by the author of the brilliantly successful 'Dodo' will excite great interest, and it is believed that 'The Rubicon' will prove to have as much fascination as its predecessor. Stanley Weyman. UNDER THE RED ROBE. By Stanley Weyman, Author of 'A Gentleman of France,' etc. With 12 Illustrations by R. Caton Woodville. 2 vols. Crown ^vo. 2is. Mr. Weyman's fine historical tales have placed him in the front rank of novelists, and this stirring story of Richelieu and the Huguenots will not lessen his repu- tation. 6 Messrs. Methuen's List Mrs. Oliphant. THE PRODIGALS. By Mrs. Oliphant. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. 21 s. It is hardly necessary to say much about a new story from Mrs. Oliphant's graceful pen. The present one is a charming and pathetic study. Baring Gould. THE QUEEN OF LOVE. By S. Baring Gould, Author of 'Mehalah,* 'Cheap Jack Zita,' etc. 3 vols. Crown Svo. 31J. 6d. A story of the Cheshire salt region— a new district for the exercise of Mr. Baring Gould's original and powerful gifts. Gilbert Parker. THE TRANSLATION OF A SAVAGE. By Gilbert Parker, Author of * Pierre and His People,' * Mrs. , Falchion,' etc. Crown Svo. ^s. A story with a powerful and pathetic motive by a writer who has rapidly made his way to the front. Richard Pryce. WINIFRED MOUNT. By Richard Pryce, Author of 'Miss Maxwell's Affections,' 'Time and the Woman,' etc. 2 vols. Crown Svo. 2is. A story of society by Mr. Pryce, whose clever pen has the lightness and case of Octave Feuillet. C. Smith. A CUMBERER OF THE GROUND. By Con- stance Smith, Author of 'The Riddle of Lawrence Haviland.' 2 vols. Crown Svo. 2^s. 6d, Carew. JIM B. : a Story. By F. S. Carew. Cr. Svo. 2s. dd. S. O'Grady. THE COMING OF CURCULAIN. By Standish O'Grady, Author of 'Finn and His Companions,' 'The Story of Ireland,' etc. Crown Svo. 2s. 6d. Curculain is one of the great legendary heroes of the Irish, and the adventures of his early life are told by Mr. O'Grady in his brilliant and fascinating manner. NEW AND CHEAPER EDITIONS Marie Corelli. BARABBAS : A DREAM OF THE WORLDS TRAGEDY. By Marie Corelli, Author of 'A Romance of Two Worlds,' 'Vendetta,' etc. Seventh Edition. Crown Svo. 6s. A cheaper edition of a book which aroused in some quarters more violent hostility than any book of recent years. By most secular critics the authoress was accused of bad taste, bad art, and gross blasphemy ; but in curious contrast, most of the religious papers acknowleged the reverence of treatment and the dignity of conception which characterised the book. Of this cheaper issue the fourth, fifth, and sixth editions were sold on publication. Messrs. Methuen's List 7 Baring Gould. CHEAP JACK ZITA. By S. Baring Gould. Crown Svo. 6s. A cheap edition of a story which has been recognised as Mr. Baring Gould's most original effort since ' Mehalah.' Fenn. THE STAR GAZERS. By G. Manville Fenn. Crown %vo. 3 J. dd. An exciting story with many sensations, and a complex plot. Esm§ Stuart. A WOMAN OF FORTY. By Esm£ Stuart. Croivn Svo, 3 J. 6d. Pathetic in motive, with an admirably worked out plot, and without overmuch analysis of character, the book has won much praise and many readers. Educational Davis. TACITI GERMAN I A. Edited with Notes and Introduction. By R. F. Davis, M.A., Editor of the 'Agricola.' Small crown Svo. Stedman. GREEK TESTAMENT SELECTIONS. Edited by A. M. M. Stedman, M.A. TAird and Revised Edition. Fcap. Svo. 2s. 6d. Stedman. STEPS TO FRENCH. By A. M. M. Stedman, M.A. i8mo. An attempt to supply a very easy and very short book of French Lessons. Stedman. A VOCABULARY OF LATIN IDIOMS AND PHRASES. Fcap. Svo. Maiden. ENGLISH RECORDS : A Companion to English History. By H. E. Malden, M.A. Crown Svo. PRIMARY CLASSICS A series of Classical Readers, Edited for Lower Forms with Introduc- tions, Notes, Maps, and Vocabularies. Herodotus. THE PERSIAN WARS. Edited by A. G. Liddell, M. A., Assistant Master at Nottinjjham High School. iSf/JO. is. 6d. Livy. THE KINGS OF ROME. Edited by A. M. M. Strdman, M.A. iSf/io. Illustrated, is. 6d. Caesar. THE HELVETIAN WAR. Edited by A. M. M. Stedman, M.A. iSmo. is. 8 Messrs. Methuen's List jfleVD ant) decent Book0 Poetry Rudyard Kipling. BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS; And Other Verses. By Rudyard Kipling. Seventh Edition, Crown Svo. 6s. A Special Presentation Edition, bound in white buckram, with extra gilt ornament. Js. dd. ' Mr. Kipling's verse is strong, vivid, full of character. . . . Unmista k able genius rings in every line.' — Times. 'The disreputable lingo of Cockayne is henceforth justified before the world ; for a man of genius has taken it in hand, and has shown, beyond all cavilling, that in its way it also is a medium for literature. You are grateful, and you say to yourself, half in envy and half in admiration : " Here is a book ; here, or one is a Dutchman, is one of the books of the year." ' — National Observer. ' "Barrack -Room Ballads" conuins some of the best work that Mr. Kipling has ever done, which is saying a good deal. " Fuzzy-Wuzzy," " Gunga Din," and " Tommy," are, in our opinion, altogether superior to anything of the kind that English literature has hitherto produced.' — Athenctutn. ' These ballads are as wonderful in their descriptive power as they are vigorous in their dramatic force. There are few ballads in the English language more stirring than "The Ballad of East and West," worthy to stand by the Border ballads of Scott' — Spectator. ' The ballads teem with imagination, they palpitate with emotion. We read them with laughter and tears ; the metres throb in our pulses, the cunningly ordered words tingle with life ; and if this be not poetry, what isV— Pall Mail Gazette. Henley. LYRA HEROICA : An Anthology selected from the best English Verse of the i6th, 17th, i8th, and 19th Centuries. By William Ernest Henley, Author of * A Book of Verse,' 'Views and Reviews,' etc. Crown Svo. Stamped gilt buckraniy gilt tof>, edges uncut. 6s. Mr. Henley has brought to the task of selection an instinct alike for poetry and for chivalry which seems to us quite wonderfully, and even unerringly, right.' — Guardian. Tomson. A SUMMER NIGHT, AND OTHER POEMS. By Graham R. Tomson. With Frontispiece by A. Tomson. Fcap. Svo. y. 6d. An edition on hand-made paper, limited to 50 copies, los. 6d. net. ' Mrs. Tomson holds perhaps the very highest rank among poetesses of English birth. This selection will help her reputation.' — Black and ly/iitt. Ibsen. BRAND. A Drama by Henrik Ibsen. Translated by William Wilson. Crown Svo. Second Edition. 3^.6^. 'The greatest world-poem of the nineteenth century next to "Faust." "Brand" will have an astonishing interest for Englishmen. It is in the same set with "Agamemnon," with " Lear," with the literature that we now instinctively regard as high and holy.'— Daily Chronicle. Messrs. Methuen's List 9 "Q." GREEN BAYS: Verses and Parodies. By " Q.,» Author of ' Dead Man's Rock ' etc. Second Edition. Fcap. %vo. 3^. dd. ' The verses display a rare and versatile gift of parody, great command of metre, and a very pretty turn of humour.' — Times. "A.G." VERSES TO ORDER. By"A. G." Cr.Zvo. 2s.ed. net. A small volume of verse by a writer whose initials are well known to Oxford men. ' A capital specimen of light academic poetry. These verses are very bright and engaging, easy and sufficiently witty.' — St. James s Gazette. Hosken. VERSES BY THE WAY. By J. D. Hosken. Printed on laid paper, and bound in buckram, gilt top. 5x. A small edition on hand-made paper. Price \2s. 6d. net, A Volume of Lyrics and Sonnets by J. D. Hosken, the Postman Poet, of Helston, Cornwall, whose interesting career is now more or less well known to the literary public. Q, the Author of 'The Splendid Spur,' etc., writes a critical and biographical introduction. Scott. THE MAGIC HOUSE AND OTHER VERSES. By Duncan C, Scott. Extra Post ^vo, bound in buckram. 55. Langbridge. BALLADS OF THE BRAVE: Poems of Chivalry, Enterprise, Courage, and Constancy, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Edited, with Notes, by Rev. F. Langbridge. Crown 8vo. Buckram ^s. 6d. School Edition, 2s. 6d. 'A very happy conception happily carried out. These " Ballads of the Brave" are intended to suit the real tastes of boys, and will suit the taste of the great majority. — Spectator. 'The book is full of splendid things.' — World. General Literature Collingwood. JOHN RUSKIN : His Life and Work. By W. G. Collingwood, M.A., late Scholar of University College, Oxford, Author of the * Art Teaching of John Ruskin,' Editor of Mr. Ruskin's Poems. 2 vols. Svo. 32^. Second Edition. This important work is written by Mr. Collingwood, who has been for some years Mr. Ruskin's private secretary, and who has had unique advantages in obtaining materials for this book from Mr. Ruskin himself and from his friends. It contains a large amount of new matter, and of letters which have never been published, and is, in fact, a full and authoritative biography of Mr. Ruskin. The book contains numerous portraits of Mr. Ruskin, including a coloured one from a A2 10 Messrs. Methuen's List water-colour portrait by himself, and also 13 sketches, never before published, by Mr. Ruskin and Mr. Arthur Severn. A bibliography Is added. ' No more magnificent volumes have been published for a long time. . . .'—Times. 'This most lovingly written and most profoundly interesting book.' — Daily News. ' It is long since we have had a biography with such varied delights of substance and of form. Such a book is a pleasure for the day, and a joy for ever.' — Daily Chronicle. * Mr. Ruskin could not well have been more fortunate in his biographer.' — Globe. ' A noble monument of a noble subject. One of the most beautiful books about one of the noblest lives of our century.' — Glasgow Herald. Gladstone. THE SPEECHES AND PUBLIC ADDRESSES OF THE RT. HON. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. With Notes and Introductions. Edited by A. W. Hutton, M.A. (Librarian of the Gladstone Library), and H. J. Cohen, M.A. With Portraits. 8w. Vol. X. I2s. 6d. RusselL THE LIFE OF ADMIRAL LORD COLLING- WOOD. By W. Clark Russell, Author of * The Wreck of the Grosvenor.' With Illustrations by F. Brangvvyn. 2>vo. i^s. 'A really good hook.'— Sahtrday Review. ' A most excellent and wholesome book, which we should like to see in the hands of every boy in the country.' — Si. James's Gazette. Clark. THE COLLEGES OF OXFORD : Their History and their Traditions. By Members of the University. Edited by A. Clark, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Lincoln College. Zvo. 12s. 6d. ' Whethar the reader approaches the book as a patriotic member of a college, as an antiquary, or as a student of the organic growth of college foundation, it will amply reward his attention.' — Times. 'A delightful book, learned and lively.' — Academy. ' A work which will certainly be appealed to for many years as the standard book on the Colleges of Oxford.' — Athefueum. Wells. OXFORD AND OXFORD LIFE. By Members of the University. Edited by J. Wells, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Wadham College. Crown 2>vo. 3.C. 6d. This work contains an account of life at Oxford— intellectual, social, and religious — a careful estimate of necessary expenses, a review of recent changes, a statement of the present position of the University, and chapters on Women's Education, aids to study, and University Extension. 'We congratulate Mr. Wells on the production of a readable and intelligent account of Oxford as it is at the present time, written by persons who are, with hardly an exception, possessed of a close acquaintance with the system and life of the University.'— /4 thena:um. Messrs. Methuen's List ii Perrens. THE HISTORY OF FLORENCE FROM THE TIME OF THE MEDICIS TO THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. By F. T. Perrens. Translated by Hannah Lynch. In three volumes. Vol. I, Zvo. \2s. 6d. This is a translation from the French of the best history of Florence in existence. This volume covers a period of profound interest — political and literary — and is written with great vivacity. This is a standard book by an honest and intelligent historian, who has deserved well of his countrj'men, and of all who are interested in Italian history.' — Man- chester Guardian. Browning. GUELPHS AND GHIBELLINES : A Short History of Mediseval Italy, a.d. 1250-1409. By Oscar Browning, Fellow and Tutor of King's College, Cambridge. Second Edition. Crown Svo. 5j. 'A very able book.' — IVestminster Gazette. 'A vivid picture of medseival Italy.' — Standard. O'Grady. THE STORY OF IRELAND. By Standisii O'Grady, Author of ' Finn and his Companions.' Cr. Svo. 2s. 6d. ' Novel and very fascinating history. Wonderfully alluring.' — Cork Examiner. 'Most delightful, most stimulating. Its racy humour, its original imaginings, its perfectly unique history, make it one of the freshest, breeziest volumes.' — Methodist Times. 'A survey at once graphic, acute, and quaintly written.' — Times. Dixon. ENGLISH POETRY FROM BLAKE TO BROWN- ING. By W. M. Dixon, M.A. Crown Zvo. zs. 6d. A Popular Account of the Poetry of the Century. ' Scholarly in conception, and full of sound and suggestive criticism.' — Times. 'The book is remarkable for freshness of thought expressed in graceful language.'— Manchester Examiner. Bowden. THE EXAMPLE OF BUDDHA: Being Quota- tions from Buddhist Literature for each Day in the Year. Compiled by E. M. Bowden. With Preface by Sir Edwin Arnold. Third Edition. 16//10. 2s. 6d. Ditchfield. OUR ENGLISH VILLAGES : Their Story and their Antiquities. By P. H. Ditchfield, M.A., F.R.M.S., Rector of Barkham, Berks. Post Svo. 2s. 6d. Illustrated. ' An extremely amusing and interesting little book, which should find a place in every parochial XUnr^ry. '—Cuan/ian. 12 Messrs. Methuen's List Ditchfield. OLD ENGLISH SPORTS. By P. H. Ditch- field, M.A. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. Illustrated. 'A charming account of old English Shorts.'— Morning Post. Massee. A MONOGRAPH OF THE MYXOGASTRES. By George Massee. With 12 Coloured Plates. RoyalZvo. \%s. mt. •A work much in advance of any book in the language treating of this group of organisms. It is indispensable to every student of the Mxyogastres. The coloured plates deserve high praise for their accuracy and execution.' — Nature. Bushill. PROFIT SHARING AND THE LABOUR QUES- TION. By T. W. BUSHILL, a Profit Sharing Employer. With an Introduction by Sedley Taylor, Author of ' Profit Sharing between Capital and Labour.' Crown Svo. 2s. 6d. John Beever. PRACTICAL FLY-FISHING, Founded on Nature, by John Beever, late of the Thwaite House, Coniston. A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author by W. G. Collingwood, M.A., Author of 'The Life and Work of John Ruskin,' etc. Also additional Notes and a chapter on Char-Fishing, by A. and A. R. Severn. With a specially designed title-page. Crown Svo. 3^. 6d. A little book on Fly-Fishing by an old friend of Mr. Ruskin. It has been out of print for some time, and being still much in request, is now issued with a Memoir of the Author by W. G. Collingwood. Theology Driver. SERMONS ON SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH THE OLD TESTAMENT. By S. R. Driver, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Oxford. Crown Svo. 6s. 'A welcome companion to the author's famous ' Introduction.' No man can read these discourses without feeling that Dr. Driver is fully alive to the deeper teaching of the Old Testament.' — Guardian. Cheyne. FOUNDERS OF OLD TESTAMENT CRITICISM: Biographical, Descriptive, and Critical Studies. By T. K. Cheyne, D.D., Oriel Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture at Oxford. Lar^e crown Svo. ys. 6d. This important book is a historical sketch of O.T. Criticism in the form of biographi- cal studies from the days of Eichhorn to those of Driver and Robertson Smith. It is the only book of its kind in English. ' The volume is one of great interest and value. It displays all the author's well- known ability and learning, and its opportune publication laid all students ot theology, and specially of Bible criticism, under weighty oblig.-ition.' — Scotsman 'A very learned .ind instructive worV.'— Times. Messrs. Methuen's List 13 Prior. CAMBRIDGE SERMONS. Edited by C. H. Prior, M. A. , Fellow and Tutor of Pembroke College. Crown 8w. 6s, A volume of sermons preached before the University of Cambridge by various preachers, including the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop Westcott. ' A representative collection. Bishop Westcott's is a noble seimoa.'— Guardian. ' Full of thoughtfulness and dignity.'— J? ecord. Bume. PARSON AND PEASANT: Chapters of their Natural History. By J. B. Burne, M.A. Cr. Svo. 5^. ' " Parson and Peasant " is a book not only to be interested in, but to learn something from — a book which may prove a help to many a clergyman, and broaden the hearts and ripen the charity of laymen.' — Derby Mercury. Cunningham. THE PATH TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE: Essays on Questions of the Day. By W. Cunningham, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor of Economics at King's College, London. Crown 2>vo. 45. 6d. Essays on Marriage and Population, Socialism, Money, Education, Positivism, etc. James. CURIOSITIES OF CHRISTIAN HISTORY PRIOR TO THE REFORMATION. By Croake James, Author of * Curiosities of Law and Lawyers.' Crown Svo. ys. 6d. ' This volume contains a great deal of quaint and curious matter, affording some "particulars of the interesting persons, episodes, and events from the Christian's point of view during the first fourteen centuries." Wherever we dip into his pages we find something worth dipping into.'— /o/m Bull. Lock. THE LIFE OF JOHN KEBLE. By Walter Lock, M.A. With Portrait from a painting by George Richmond, R.A. Crown Svo. Buckram 5^. Fifth Edition. ' A fine portrait of one of the most saintly characters of our age, and a valuable con- tribution to the history of that Oxford Movement.' — Times. Kaufmann. CHARLES KINGSLEY. By M. Kaufmann, M.A. Crown Svo. Buckram, ^s. A biography of Kingsley, especially dealing with his achievements in social reform. ' The author has cert.^inly gone about his work with conscientiousness and industry.' — Shejjfield Daily Telegraph. Oliphant. THOMAS CHALMERS : A Biography. By Mrs. Olithant. With Portrait. Crown Svo. Buckram, 5.^ ' A well-executed biography, worthy of its author and of the remarkable man who is its subject. Mrs. Oliphant relates lucidly and dramatically the important part which Chalmers played in the memorable secession.' — Times. 14 Messrs. Methuen's List Leaders of Religion Edited by H. C. BEECHING, M.A. With Portrait, crown Svo. 2s. 6d. A series of short biographies of the most prominent leaders . ^ of religious life and thought. 11^ The following are ready— ^^j CARDINAL NEWMAN. By R. H. Hutton. • Few who read this book will fail to be struck by the wonderful insight it displays into the nature of the Cardinal's genius and the spirit of his life.'— Wilfrid Ward, in the Tai/et. ' Full of knowledge, excellent in melhod, and intelligent in criticism. We regard it as wholly admirahlc.'— Academy. JOHN WESLEY. By J. H. 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