Ordered hy V/^/./^//V./s/v^>/pindale^^^^-^ 3/r. Sidyrvick Mr. J . Sidywick. Miss Wasney y ^^//' A 3^^' y o-'/^'w ^/ X-''^^^^, Secretary for the Year. ^— >-^ I. The number of members not to exceed twelve, to be chosen iinaDimoDsly; and each to pay to the secretary upon bis admis- sion two Guineas, and afterwards one Guinea by the first day of March in every year. IT. Each member to order books annually not exceeding two Guinea,', nor less then thirty-five Shillings in value, and to transmit to the secretary, by the 17th day of March, the names of the. books he fixes upon ; but to have the option of ordering books to about half the amount only in March, and the remain- der by the 17(h day of the ensuing September. A fine of five Shillings to be paid for every omission. III. Two members may order a boolp, prset of books, to the amount of their joint subscriptions. IV. Each book or set ofbooksof the price of two Guineas and under, shall be annually put up for sale by the secretary at half- price ; and books above that value at two-thirds the price. The members, who ordered the books, to take them at those prices, if there be no bidder. V. Every member of the society to be secretary in turn, either in person, or by proxy. VI. Each member to read the bonks, he orders, first — to fix the time to be allowed for reading them, which in no case shall exceed a month, and to limit himself to that time. Two days to be allowed for forwarding the books. VII. Every member to insert in each book, or in the first vo- lume of each set, the day on which he receives, and the day on which be forwards it; and for every omission to pay a fine of Six- pence: and the fine for keeping books too long to be Six- pence per day, which may be ascertained by the dates. VIII. The secretary to order the books by the 23d days of March and September, and to give directions to the bookseller, to whom be shall send them. IX. Every member who shall not be present at the annual meeting, shall be fined ten Shillings and Six-pence, unless his excuse shall be approved of by the the members present. X. Theannnal meeting for disposing of the books and settling the accounts, to be held the first Tuesday after the 20tb of August. XI. No more than six days allowed for reading a Review, including the time for forwarding. (K' TASKER, PRXNTER, SKIP90N. MY GRANDMOTHER'S GUESTS AND THEIR TALKS. LI B RAR.Y OF THE U NIVER51TY or ILLINOIS V.I M Y GRANDMOTHER'S GUESTS AND THEIR TALES. BY HENRY SL1NG8BY. " 1 should be, sir, the mertjest here. But that 1 have ne'er a story of my own Worth telUng at this time. The Maid's Tragedy. JN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: JAMES R0B1]\S AND CO. IVY LANK, PATEllNOSTER ROW AND JOSJiPlI ROBINS, JUN. AND