Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/weaksequentialco1489yann ST BEB FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1489 Weak Sequential Convergence in L p (/x.X) Nicholas C. Yannelis College of Commerce and Business Administration Bureau of Economic and Business Research University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign BEBR FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1489 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign September 1988 WEAK SEQUENTIAL CONVERGENCE IN L (/i,X) P Nicholas C. Yannelis, Associate Professor Department of Economics I would like to thank a careful and competent referee for useful comments and suggestions as well as Erik Balder. Also I wish to acknowledge several helpful discussions with M. Ali Khan and Aldo Rustichini. Needless to say, I am responsible for any remaining shortcomings . WEAK SEQUENTIAL CONVERGENCE IN L (m,X) by Nicholas C. Yannelis Department of Economics University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820 Abstract : We provide some new results on the weak convergence of sequences or nets lying in L ((T,2,/z), X) = L (^,X), 1 < p < °o, i.e., the space of equivalence classes of X-valued (X is a Banach space) Bochner integrable functions on the finite measure space (T,2,/i). Our theorems generalize in several directions recent results on weak sequential convergence in L..(/i,X) obtained by Khan-Majumdar [12], and Artstein [2], and they can be used to obtain dominated convergence results for the Aumann integral. Our results have useful applications in Economics. * I would like to thank a careful and competent referee for useful comments and suggestions as well as Erik Balder. Also, I wish to acknowledge several helpful discussions with M. Ali Khan and Aldo Rustichini. Needless to say, I am responsible for any remaining shortcomings. 1 . INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to prove some results on the weak convergence of sequences or nets lying in L (^,X), 1 < p < <», i.e., the space of equivalence classes of X-valued (X is a Banach space) Bochner integrable functions x: T -» X on a finite measure space (T,S,/x). In particular, the main theorem of the paper asserts that: If X is a separable Banach space, (T,E,/x) is a finite positive measure space, and {f : A e A) is a net in L (/i,X), 1 < p < <=°, such that, f converges A p A weakly to f € L (tf.X) , and for all A e A, f x (t) 6 F(t) u-a.e. , where F : T - 2 X P A is a weakly compact, integrably bounded, convex, nonempty valued correspondence. Then we can extract a sequence (f : n=l , 2 , . . . } from the net (f : A e A} such n that f converges weakly to f and for almost all t in T , f(t) is an element of n the closed convex hull of the weak limit superior of the sequence f (t), i.e., A n f(t) G con w-Ls{f (t)} /i-a.e. A n The above theorem generalizes in several directions a recent result of Khan-Majumdar [12], which in turn is an extension of a theorem of Artstein [2]. Moreover, versions of the above theorem can be used to prove Lebesgue-Aumann- type dominated convergence results either for the set of all integral selections of a correspondence or for the integral of a correspondence The latter results extend the previous dominated convergence theorems for the integral of a correspondence obtained by Aumann [3], Pucci-Vitillaro [16], and Yannelis [22]. Our results have useful applications in Economics and Game Theory, (see for instance Khan-Yannelis [13], Khan [14, 15] and Yannelis [21]). The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 contains notation and definitions. In Section 3 the main results of the paper are stated, and finally the proofs of all the results are collected in Sections 4 and 5. 2. NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 Notation 2 denotes the set of all nonempty subsets of the set A. denotes the empty set. dist denotes distance. R denotes the set of real numbers. R denotes the -2-fold Cartesian product of R. If A is a subset of a Banach space, ciA denotes the norm closure of A, and con A denotes the closed convex hull of A. •k If X is a linear topological space, its dual is the space X of all continuous linear functionals on X, and if p e X and x e X the value of p at x is denoted by . If {F : n=l , 2 , . . } is a sequence of nonempty subsets of a Banach space X, we will denote by w-LsF and s-LiF the set of its weak limit superior and J n n r strong limit inferior points respectively, i.e., w-LsF = (x ) belongs to 2. It is a standard result (see Himmelberg [10, p. 47]) that if X of bounded variation there exists g e L (/x,X) such that G(E) = f g(t)d/x(t) for all E G S. A Banach space X has the Radon-Nikodym Property (RNP) if X has the RNP with respect to every finite measure space. Recall now (see Diestel-Uhl [7 , Theorem 1, p. 98]) that if (T,E,/i) is a finite measure space 1 < p < «, and X is a Banach space, then X has the RNP if and only if (L (u,X)) = L (u,X ) where P q - + - = 1. For 1 < p < oo denote by S the set of all selections of the p q r J tp X correspondence cp : T -» 2 that belong to the space L (ju,X), i.e., S P = {x G L O.X) : x(t) G ( ■ ) . Using the above set and y following Aumann [3] we can define the integral of the correspondence cp : T -* 2 as follows : J T (t) G F(t) /x-a.e., where F : T -* 2 is a weakly compact, integrably bounded, convex, nonempty valued correspondence. Then we can extract a sequence (f : n=l , 2 , . . . } from the net {f : A G A} such that: A A (i) f converges weakly to f and "A n (ii) f(t) G con w-Ls{f (t)} p-a.e. n As an immediate conclusion of Theorem 3 . 1 we can obtain the following generalization of Theorem 1 in Khan-Majumdar [12]. Corollary 3.1 : Let (T.E./ii) be a finite positive measure space and X be a separable Banach space. Let (f : n-1 , 2 , . . . } be a sequence of functions in L (fi,X), 1 < p < <» such that f converges weakly to f G L (/x,X). Suppose that y for all n, (n-1,2,...), f (t) e F(t) /i-a.e., where F : T - 2 is a weakly n compact, integrably bounded, nonempty valued correspondence. Then f(t) G con w-Ls{f (t)} /i-a.e n Corollary 3.1 generalizes Theorem 1 of Khan-Majumdar [12] in several directions. In particular, the measure space (T,2,/t) need not be atomless or complete, the sequence {f : n— 1,2,....) need not be in a fixed weakly compact subset of X and finally the sequence (f : n=l , 2 , . . . } need not lie only in i^Oi.x). Using Corollary 3 . 1 we can prove the following dominated convergence result for the set of integrable selections. Theorem 3.2 : Let (T,2,/i) be a complete finite positive measure space and X be a separable Banach space. Let

(•) is convex valued. Then n As a Corollary of Theorem 3 . 2 we can obtain a donimated convergence result for the integral of a correspondence. Corollary 3.2 : Let

2 is a weakly compact nonempty valued correspondence. Then f(t) G con w-Ls{f (t)} u-a.e n TV- Proof: Since f converges weakly to f and X has the RNP, for any cp G * * 1 1 (L (u,X)) - L (u,X ) (where - + - = 1) , we have that = p q P q n f_< du(t) converges to < = L< dAt(t). Define the In 1 functions h : T - R and h: T -» R by h (t) = < and h(t) = < respectively. Since for each n, f (t) G F(t) n-a.e. and F( • ) is weakly n compact, h is bounded and uniformly integrable. Also, it is easy to check that h converges weakly to h. In fact, let g G L (/i,R) and let M = llgll^- then, |/ T g(t)(h n (t)-h(t))d/i(t)| = i; T g(t)« - «p)d M (t)| (4.1) < M|< - \ n and (4.1) can become arbitrarily small since as it was noted above < converges to <. By Proposition 4.1, we have that /x-a.e., h(t) e con w-Ls{h (t) } c con w-Ls{h (t) } , i.e., /i-a.e. , < G con w-Ls{) = n n < and consequently, (4.2) / <d/i(t) e J* <d/i(t), where x(-) is a selection fro m con w-Ls { f ( • ) } . n It follows from (4.2) that: (4.3) f G S P con w-Ls { f ) n To see this, suppose by way of contradiction that f G S_ , then by the con w-Ls { f ) n separating hyperplane theorem (see for instance [l,p.l36]), there exists V> G (L (/i.X))* = L (m,X*), t/> * such that ,f> > sup{<0,x>: x G S^ }, con w-Ls ( f } n i.e., J (t) , f (t)>d/i(t) > J* (t) ,x(t)>d/x(t) , where x( • ) is a selection from con w-Ls{f (•)). a contradiction to (4.2). Hence, (4.3) holds and we can conclude that f(t) G con w-Ls{f (t)} /i-a.e. This completes the proof of Proposition 4.2. 10 Remark 4.1 : Proposition 4.2 remains true without the assumption that X has the RNP. The proof proceeds as follows: Since f converges weakly to f we * have that <

converges to for all

is measurable for every x e X and ||i/>|| e L (/i,R). Hence, < = f (t) , f (t)> d^(t) and = f_<0(t), f(t)>d/x(t). Define the functions h : T -* R and h: T ■* R by h (t) 1 n n = and h(t) = respectively. One can now proceed as in n the proof of Proposition 4.2 to complete the argument. We are now ready to complete the proof of Theorem 3.1 Proof of Theorem 3.1 : Denote the net {f,: A 6 A) by B . Since by assumption for all AeA, f (t)eF(t) /x-a.e. where F: T -» 2 is an integrably bounded, weakly compact, convex valued correspondence we can conclude that for all AeA, f lies A in the weakly compact set SI, (recall Diestel's theorem on weak compactness, see for example [20] for an exact reference). Hence, the weak closure of B, i.e., w-ciB, is weakly compact. By the Eberlein-Smulian Theorem, (see [ 9 , p. 430] or [1, p. 156]), w-ciB is weakly sequentially compact. Obviously the weak limit of 2 f , i.e. f, belongs to w-ciB. From Whitley's theorem [1, Lemma 10-12, p. 155], we know that if f e w-ciB, then there exists a sequence (f : n=l , 2 , . . . ) in B A n such that f converges weakly to f . Since the sequence (f : n=l , 2 , . . . } A A n n satisfies all the assumptions of Proposition 4.2 and Remark 4 . 1 we can conclude that f(t) G con w-Ls{f (t)} n-a.e. This completes the proof of the Theorem. n 11 > 5. PROOF OF THEOREM 3.2 For the proof of Theorem 3 . 2 we need to prove w-Ls and s-Li versions of Fatou's Lemma for the set of integrable selections. Lemma 5.1 : Let (T,E,/i) be a finite positive measure space and X be a separable Banach space and let

(t) u-a.e., we must show that s-Licp n n x E s-Li S . First note that x(t) E s-Lia? u-a.e. implies that there exists a cp XI n sequence {x : n=l , 2 , . . . } such that s-lim x (t) = x(t) u-a.e. and x (t) E

. Moreover, A (•) n n has a measurable graph. Indeed, the function g: T x X ■* [- 00 , 00 ] defined by g(t,y) = | y - x(t) - dist(x(t) ,

/3(X) , i.e., A (•) has a measurable graph. By a n n the Aumann measurable selection theorem (see for instance Himmelberg [10]) there exists a measurable function f : T -► X such that f (t) E A (t) u-a.e. Since n n n x(t) E s-Li

(x) ■ J"x(t)d/x(t) . From Theorem 3 . 2 we have that: (5.3) S = s-Li S 1 = w-Ls S 1 . tp tp ip n n Taking into account (5.3), it follows directly from the definition of the integral of a correspondence that: tfCS 1 ) = l*(x): x G S 1 } = JV(t)d M (t) = V>(s-Li S 1 ) = s-LiJV(t)d/x(t) = tp S tp XI V»(w-Ls S 1 ) = w-LsJV (t)d/i(t), % i.e. , as was to be shown. 15 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS Remark 6.1 : If (T,E,/i) in Lemma 5.1 is assumed to be atomless , then by virtue of Result 2 in [16] one can obtain a generalized version of Fatou's Lemma proved in Khan-Majumdar [12]. The proof is similar with that in [12]. Remark 6.2: In finite dimensional spaces Balder [5] has shown that the Chacon biting lemma (see [5] for a reference) can be used to generalize Schmeidler's [19] version of Fatou's Lemma in several dimensions. Recently, Balder [6] has extended the biting lemma to L^(n,X) where X is a reflexive Banach space. It is of interest to know whether Balder 's extension of the biting lemma can be used to prove Lemma 5.1, or even versions of Theorem 3.1. 16 FOOTNOTES 1. Note that the set S_ is nonempty. In fact, since w-Ls{f } is con w-Ls { f } n lower measurable and nonempty valued so is con w-Ls{f }. Hence, con w-Ls{f } admits a measurable selection (recall the Kuratowski and Ryll-Nardzewski measurable selection theorem) . Obviously the measurable selection is also integrable since con w-Ls{f } lies in a weakly compact subset of X. Therefore, we can conclude that S_ is nonempty. con w-Ls{ f } n 2. See also Kelley-Namioka [11, exercise L, p. 165 17 REFERENCES [I] Aliprantis, CD. and . Burkinshaw, Positive Operators , Academic Press, New York, 1985. [2] Artstein, Z., "A Note on Fatou's Lemma in Several Dimensions," J . Math. Econ . 6 (1979), 277-282. [3] Aumann, R.J., "Integrals of Set-Valued Functions," J. Math. Anal. Appl . 12 (1965), 1-12. [4] Balder. E. J., "Fatou's Lemma in Infinite Dimensions," J. Math. Anal. Appl. (to appear) . [5] Balder, E. J., "More on Fatou's Lemma is Several Dimensions," Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (to appear) . [6] Balder, E.J. "Short Proof of an Existence Result of V.L. Levin," Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences (to appear). [7] Diestel, J. and J. Uhl , Vector Measures . Math. Surveys, No. 15, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI 1977. [8] Dinculeanu, N. , "Linear Operations on L -Spaces,": in D. Tucker and H. Maynard (eds.), Vector and Operator Valued Measures and Applications . Academic Press, New York, 1973. [9] Dunford, N. and J.T. Schwartz, Linear Operators , Part I, Interscience , New York, 1958. [10] Himmelberg, C.J., "Measurable Relations," Fund. Math. . 87 (1975), 53-72. [II] Kelley, J. and I. Namioka, Linear Topological Spaces , Springer, New York, 1963. [12] Khan, M. Ali and M. Majumdar, "Weak Sequential Convergence in L (/j,X) and an Approximate Version of Fatou's Lemma. " J. Math. Anal. Appl. 114 (1986), 569-573. 18 [13] Khan, M. Ali and N. C. Yannelis, "Equilibria in Markets with a Continuum of Agents and Commodities" (mimeo) , 1986. [14] Khan, M. Ali, "On Extensions of the Cournot-Nash Theorem," in Advances in Equilibrium Theory . Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems No. 244, CD. Aliprantis et all, (eds.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1985. [15] Khan M. Ali, "Equilibrium Points on Nonatomic Games over a Banach Space," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc . 29 (1986), 737-749. [15a] Lucchetti, R. , N.S. Papageorgiou and F. Patrone , "Convergence and Approximation Results for Measurable Multifunctions , " Proc . Amer. Math. Soc. . 100, (1987), 551-556. [16] Pucci P. and G. Vitillaro, "A Representation Theorem for Aumann Integrals," J. Math. Anal. Appl . 102 (1984), 86-101. [17] Ricceri, B. "Sur 1' approximation des Selections Mesurables," C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris , t. 295, (1982), 527-530. [18] Rustichini A., "A Counterexample to Fatou's Lemma in Infinite Dimensions," Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 1986. [19] Schmeidler, D., "Fatou's Lemma in Several Dimensions," Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. . 24 (1970), 300-306. [20] Yannelis, N.C., "Fatou's Lemma in Infinite Dimensional Spaces," Proc , " Amer. Math. Soc. . 102, (1988), 303-310. [21] Yannelis, N.C., "Equilibria in Noncooperative Models of Competition," J . Econ. Theory . 41 (1987), 96-111. [22] Yannelis, N.C., "On the Lebesgue -Aumann Dominated Convergence Theorem in Infinite Dimensional Spaces," Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, 1986. HECKMAN _l UNDERY INC. |§| JUN95 md-To-Plca*? N.MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962