977.323 EL37 Elgin Association of Commerce Opportunity, Beauty: Elgin. y ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/elginopportunityOOelgi Elgin ^ ^Foreword Life ... is filled with joys and sorrows . . . comforts and hardships . . . wealth and poverty . . . beauty and ugliness . . . ac- tivity and inertia . . . kindness and cruelty . . . hope and despair . . . paychecks and bills . . . flat tires and speedplanes . . . burnt breakfast bacon and delicious Sun- day dinners . . . crying babies and proud mothers and fathers . . . BUT . . . there's one garden spot in this world of reality where the pleasant things of life are con- stantly shunting the distasteful things into the background . . . one place where there's always sunshine and friendship in life no matter how dark the clouds of trou' ble . . . YES, . . . real people really live in ELGIN, ILLINOIS ▲ jl. the Elgin ▲ jl. association of commerce elgin ^ ^ ^ illinois // f^JJ fW f x UJJ f\ MWI^MfW f wro»rn?liei° ^7 © Dick Peck The Romance of the City of Elgin Have you ever longed to find ro- mance and adventure in ... . just living? Have you ever closed your eyes and found yourself drearily day dreaming in your chair . . . thinking . . . hoping . . . wondering if some' where in this great country of ours there was a place where you could find peace . . . happiness . . . content- ment . . . where you could really live for the joy of living . . . yet not be out of touch with a humming center of activity where romance is found in iron . . . and steel . . . and sky- scrapers? Then ... let us tell you the story of the city of your dreams . . . nestled in the quiet of a river valley . . . thirty- seven miles from the heart of Ameri- ca's second greatest metropolis ... a city of beautiful homes, fine streets, lovely parks, stately churches ... a city of charm and beauty . . . filled with true happiness ... a city of friendly people . . . beckoning the home seeker not alone as a place to live but as a "place for ideal living" ...ELGIN, ILLINOIS. If we delve into history we find that Elgin was founded nearly a hun- Page three dred years ago when a courageous band of Western settlers came upon a spot in the winding Fox River Valley whose natural beauty im- pressed them as a site for a home settlement which could grow into a thriving, progressive city. No towering mountain peaks . . . no diamond studded lakes ... no scenic wonders . . . just a placid river stream flowing through a fertile val- ley surrounded by green forests and rolling hills. ... To them the site spelled 'opportunity' just as ELGIN today spells opportunity for success and happiness ... at work and at home. Ten decades have passed since the pioneers organized their little hamlet and named it after a Scotch hymn A picturesque view of the beautiful Fox River at Elgin. One of many model farms located at the edge of Elgin. Page four bearing the title "ELGIN." The vil- lage has grown to a thriving city of over 35,000 people. Its industries . . . its homes .... and its people reflect the progress of a century. An hour's ride to the East is Chicago . . . giant dynamo of the Middle West harbor- ing three and a half million ,'people. The People The early characteristics of ELGIN'S population have been maintained. The years have not changed the type of people making up its citizenry . . . and . . . after all . . . your neighbors, your associates, the friendly ones with whom you come in contact every hour of the day are the greatest asset . . . the real attraction in any city. Today, over eighty percent of ELGIN'S resi- dents are native white ... the bal- ance are whites of foreign birth . . . most of. whom, of course, are fully naturalized American citizens. Intel- ligent, active, civic-minded people . . . well educated persons whose greatest interest lies in being neigh- borly . . . friendly to one another . . . those are the chief characteristics of the residents of ELGIN. Route 22 A typical concrete road leading into the City of Elgin Page five The City Government Government "by the people" has a real meaning in the city of ELGIN. The authoritative power is vested in a mayor and four commissioners who compose the executive commission which has full executive and legisla- tive powers usually possessed by the political officers elected under the regular aldermanic form of govern- ment. Political rivalry has been dis- carded in ELGIN as detrimental to the best welfare of the city. Ineffi- Elgin's ultra-modern High School. M fci SI 11 iiii JL. ,.\,. The Laura Davidson Sears Academy of Fine Arts. Page six ciency, graft, corruption and the usual vicissitudes of government are unknown. The mayor and commis- sioners are aware of their complete responsibility to the people. To each is entrusted the supervision of cer- tain departments of government and the responsibility for their proper functioning rests solely with the executive commissioner. The Schools and Churches The educational facilities found in the city of ELGIN are seldom equalled in cities of similar popula- tion. A fully equipped high school . . . modern in every respect . . . rated Class A by educational organi- zations and eleven grade school buildings comprise the public edu- cational facilities in the city. All of these schools are directed by trained educators and offer courses of in- struction for every individual need. Ample facilities for expansion have been provided. The children of ELGIN'S families are never crowded into classrooms .... tem- porary barracks are never used. In addition to the public institutions ELGIN has three parochial schools, and a well equipped business college A view showing one of the many beautiful churches located in Elgin. Page seven offering courses in day and evening instruction, Elgin Academy, one of the oldest institutions of learning in the state, heavily endowed, and a school of such high rating that its students are accepted at Annapolis and West Point without further scholastic examination. Also a home and farm school for boys is just out- side the city limits, and a fraternal school for children is located three miles north of the city. The churches of ELGIN, having a membership of over half the popu- lation in the city are among the most beautiful religious edifices in the country. Their membership corn- Elgin is very proud of its beautiful Public Parks ,Jfc.**»*-t .- ■„. >*f; »:,nxt Two views taken in Wing Park, Elgin. Page eight prises men and women of all creeds and denominations who are impelled by their faith to devote much time and energy to the expounding of the Christian religion. The city churches reflect varied types of architecture yet invariably each structure has been so designed and created as to add to the impressive beauty of the city. Church attendance in ELGIN is almost as much a matter of civic pride as the ballot box. The Recreational Opportunities Beautiful parks covering many wide expanses of lawn are found acres of rolling wooded ground and right in the heart of ELGIN. The Elgin's Municipal Bathing Pool. One of the Public Golf Courses in Elgin. Page nine largest has a nine hole golf course, tennis courts, hockey courses, base- ball fields and horseshoe courts and covers over one hundred and twenty acres of ground. Another contains a museum and zoological garden and two small lakes which afford excel- lent winter sport activities. A band- stand for public musical concerts . . . a park having hundreds of natural springs and filled with small streams and wooded terrain ... all of these are found in this dream city. Several country clubs having eighteen hole golf courses and other recreational facilities are available. View showing the lounge room in Elgin's B. P. O. E. Club. Lounge room in Elgin's Union League Club. Page ten Theatres, swimming pools, a large public library, canoeing, boating, fishing, hunting, all of these are recreational activities which the people of ELGIN are constantly enjoying. Football, basketball, and baseball are played by the high school and Elgin Academy students and a widespread interest is main- tained in these sports. Elgin also has an active Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., each occupy- ing its own building. These organiza- tions are renowned for their excellent recreational facilities and the good fellowship prevailing amongthe members is of the highest. The Y. M. C. A., whose membership totals over 1200, has an excellent summer camp located on Lake Beulah, Wis- consin, which is considered one of the finest equipped and most beauti- ful Y. camps in the country. How People Live Nearly eighty-five percent of the homes. This fact alone attests to the people in ELGIN own their own prestige this fine city has obtained Elgin's Masonic Temple. Page eleven as a "City of Homes." One of the basic reasons for such universal home ownership in ELGIN has been the development of the Building & Loan Associations which offer many finan^ cial inducements to the prospective home owner. Loans are always avail- able for the financing of homes and the careful business zeal which the Building and Loan Associations have followed for many years has greatly contributed to the substantial growth of the city. ELGIN residents are proud of their homes. They have spent years of painstaking care in making their homes places of beauty. Colorful gardens . . . expansive lawns . . . stately trees ... all help to give ELGIN'S homes an atmosphere of character and distinction. There are no slums in ELGIN . . . living costs are lower than in corresponding cities in the middle west . . . ELGIN'S streets are well paved . . . well lighted . . . constantly kept in good repair. When People Travel When ELGINITES travel they have one thought uppermost in their minds ... to travel rapidly . . . perform their business and return to ELGIN. Consequently _ease of transportation is one of the factors View showing Elgin's Country Club House. Page twelve which has made ELGIN a great res- idential center. Three finely equip- ped railroads, two of them steam and one electric, serve as common carri- ers for ELGIN'S people. Four main highways lead into Chicago. As many more converge in ELGIN and lead out to all sections of the state. An interurban service connects ELGIN with other Fox River Valley cities as well as Chicago. Bus lines are operating on all of the main high- ways leading in and out of the city. The railroads and highways also afford excellent express and freight service to all sections of the country. View showing a typical Elgin residence. Home gardens such as this are numerous in Elgin. Page thirteen What People Do There are upwards of sixty indus- tries in ELGIN. Of these, the largest are the watch and watch case manu- facturing concerns which employ several thousand people. Many of ELGIN'S products have received Elgin's Banks are progressive. The new quarters of the Home Trust and Savings Bank, and Home National Bank. The famous Elgin Observatory of the Elgin National Watch Company where time is recorded. Page fourteen national and even world wide fame. The very name has come to mean the hallmark of quality so that today even the mention of the word E LG I N immediately arrests the listener's at' tention for that name in itself has a distinct advertising value. Wages are comparable in Elgin to other cities in the middle west. There are always splendid opportunities for skilled artisans and energetic ap- prentices. The variety of industry in ELGIN is so general that it is impossible to mention specific indus- trial possibilities. Where People Shop Elgin is a city of exceptionally fine stores. They are well equipped, mod- ern in every detail and carry mer- chandise identical to that found in much larger metropolitan cities. The salespeople in these stores are cour- teous and attentive . . . ever willing to serve their patrons to the best of their ability. Many of Elgin's stores enjoy the patronage of people in neighboring cities, such as Chicago, Rockford, Aurora and Joliet. Shop- ping in Elgin is as much a real joy as living in Elgin. Elgin's Hospital facilities are very modern and adequate. Sherman Hospital Page fifteen And Now We could go on forever telling you of the many attractions found in this unique Fox River Valley city. We could tell you of its charitable and welfare work ... of its health and sanitation ... of the functioning Airplane view of Elgin State Hospital. St. Joseph's Hospital. Page sixteen View showing the tremendous plant of the internationally famous Elgin National Watch Company. of its city departments ... of its newspapers ... its professional or- ganizations ... its clubs ... its in- dustrial opportunities ... its public utilities . . . but we want you to ap- preciate the real charm and beauty of this dream city, for we know you will take those attributes which are common to all communities for granted. The opportunity for happiness . . . and who in this world does not seek happiness . . . that is the message that ELGIN would bring to you in these pages. There's plenty of ro- mance in this city of charm and beauty on the winding Fox ... for IN ELGIN PEOPLE REALLY HAVE LEARNED THE ART OF JOYFUL LIVING. Page seventeen Elgin's Airport. Concrete road leading to Airport E LG I N has always kept astride of the times . . . when automobile racing was in its infancy ELGIN had one of the finest automobile dirt racing tracks in the country and each year a grueling race attracted the foremost racers to E LG I N. Now it's the airplane and ELGIN again has kept in step with the wheels of modern progress and is indeed proud of its wonderful airport. The illustration on this page will give you a fairly good idea of Elgin's Airport where at all times you will find a number of various types of planes for your inspection. Page eighteen 1 . Home Bank Business Center. 2. Elgin National Watch Co. 3. VanSicklen Corporation. 4. Collinbourne Mills. 5. Elgin Butter Tub Co. 6. A. Leath Furniture Factory. 7. The new industrial district of Elgin. The above airplane view of Elgin's new Industrial District enables you to visualize the wonderful advantages it has to offer manufacturers who are seeking a new location. This Indus- trial District is close to the heart of Elgin's Business District and located on all the above named railroads. Gas, power,water, sewer and switch trackare all on the property. See pages twenty -two and twenty- three for statistical data of the City of Elgin. Fage nineteen D. C. Cook Publishing Co., Publishers of Church and Sunday School literature. Illinois Watch Case Company Manufacturers of high grade watch and vanity cases. / ^y.:: : ^-^rm^'::>^- ■::..:. The Collingbourne Mills, largest independent thread manufacturers in the U. S. A. Page twenty Elgin Stove and Oven Company. Van Sicklen Corporation manufacturers of high grade auto acces- sories, cigar lighters and vanity cases. «#*»«( 9 9 hi ™ g| m i III B. S. Pearsall Butter Company. Page twenty-one STATISTICAL DATA of Elgin 9 III. Elgin has an estimated population in 1929 of 37,000 people. It is notable for having no slum districts, and for having one of the highest percent- ages of home-owners of any city in the country. Elgin is served by four deep arte- sian wells, providing pure water in abundance. Its health is further safe- guarded by a modern sewage dis- posal plant of the ImhofTtype under the supervision of a Sanitary Dis- trict. Elgin's building permits for the past five years have averaged over $2,500,000.00 each year. Its bank deposits in the six local banks have increased in the past five years from $10,600,000.00 to more than $13,- 500,000.00. Elgin has between 35 and 40 in- dustrial establishments, making a wide variation of products, and em- ploying between 8,000 and 10,000 people. Its factories are busy the year round, and there are few lay- offs or "slump" periods. Wage rates are reasonable, and potential supply of skilled labor far above the average in cities its size. One-third of the entire population of the United States is within 500 miles of Elgin. It is only one hour's ride from Chicago, the largest dis- tributing center in the country, and therefore offers exceptional oppor- tunities for industrial development. The Western United Gas and Electric Co. serves Elgin with gas and electricity. The present gas capacity is 17,000,000 cu. ft. per day, and its heating value is 480 B. T. U. per cubic foot. Electric energy is the cheapest in Elgin of anywhere in the country, outside of the cities served by Niagara Falls. Elgin is situated on four railroads, providing transportation in every direction. It is on the main line of the C. M. St. P. & P., the C. & N. W., the northern terminal of the C. A. & E. (electric) and the E. J. & E., which is the outer belt line, con- necting with every railroad entering Chicago. Inter-switching facilities between all roads tend to speed up moving of freight, and in many cases freight can be moved from Elgin to points East and West at a saving of from 24 to 48 hours over the time it takes to move same from Chicago. Elgin has developed an Industrial District, a picture of which is shown on page 19. This district is located on all railroads above mentioned. Factory sites are available at ex- Page twenty-two ceptionally low rates, and can be obtained in lots of any size desired, from one acre to fifty acres. Gas, power, water, sewer, and switch tracks are on the property, together with transportation for workers to all parts of the city. Elgin is fortunate in having a complete Industrial Survey just com- pleted, which gives detailed infor- mation on all questions of interest to prospective industries seeking lo- cation. This will be mailed free of charge to anyone interested, by addressing the Association of Com- merce, 14 E. Chicago St., Elgin, 111. EXCHANGE YOUR LOCATION FOR ELGIN WHERE INDUSTRIES GROW." Page twenty-three Photos by B. M. Pease, Elgin, 111. L resigned, Engraved and Printed by Osgood Co., Chicago UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 050748554