1908 Wallasev Public Libraries. Reader's Handbook : Description of the Libraries, Rules ♦ and Regulations, and Subject-Index of ♦ Books SEACOMBE : Willmer Brothers & Co., Ltd., Printers, 55, Victoria Road. Published by the Libraries Committee. • Second Edition, • July, J908 I 908. LIBRARY OF THE U N I VER.S I T Y Of ILLINOIS 0ZTI4Z isoa 1 \ 4 THE J®HM O^ES^AR. § MBjRAlRIf ^ CHICAGO, I PJ y- h8q4 r% PRESENTED BY * * f 4 Wallasey Public Libraries. Reader's Handbook : Description of the Libraries, Rules ♦ and Regulations, and Subject-Index of ♦ Books Published by the Libraries Committee. • Second • . Edition, • . July, 1908. SEACOMBE : Willmer Brothers & Co., Ltd., Printers, 55, Victoria Road. 1908. /. I^D^X . TO THE HANDBOOK. Note. — The references are to the paragraphs (numbers in black faced type), not to the pages, unless otherwise stated. Address, change of, 23. Admission, home reading library, 19 reference library, 15. Age -of readers, 20. Annuals, 9. Bespeaking books, 29. Books, subject index of, page 13 Catalogues, 0. Cheshire collection, 3. Damage to books, 31. Description of libraries, page 8, Directories, 9. Extra tickets, 24. Fines, 28, 31. Guarantee of reader's ticket, 19 (/>), . 21. Guarantee, withdrawing. 21. Home reading libraries, descrip- tion, 5. Home reading libraries, use of books for reference, 1G. Hours, Central library, 10. Poulton, 13. Seacombe, 11. Wallasey, 12 Illustration collection, 2. Infectious disease, 32. Local collection, 3. Magazines, 8. Newspapers, 8. Newsrooms, rules, 33. Periodicals, 8. • Readers' tickets, 19. duration of, 22. extra. 24. loss of, 20. . use of, 25, 20. Reference library, description, 1. issue of books for home reading, 30. reserving books, 7 rules. 15-18. Renewing loan of books, 27. readers' tickets, 22. Rules and regulations, page 8. Special collections, illustrations, 2. local books, 3. Students, facilities for, 4, 7. Students' room, 4. Subject index of books, page 13. Time allowed for reading books, 27. Time allowed for reading news- papers; 33. Times of opening, etc... 10-13. Tracing, 17. Year-books, 9. WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES' HANDBOOK. Brief Description of the Libraries* 1. Reference Library. — This department contains over 2,600 volumes. It is strong in ready or quick reference books, e.g., among many other books of this character there are two encyclopaedias (the Britannica and Chambers's), good dictionaries of the Anglo-Saxon, Y English, Welsh, Gaelic, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, > Latin and Greek languages ; of synonyms, surnames, nicknames, slang, and colloquial English and French ; dictionaries of general and national biography, of Oriental, French, Italian and Spanish biography, of painters and engravers ; also dictionaries, indexes and guides to literature, history, dates, classical antiquities, philosophy, architecture, political economy, music and musicians, quotations ; concordance to, and dictionaries of, the Bible, and of Christ and the Gospels ; con- cordances to Shakespere, Milton, Dickens and Burns. 2. Illustration Collection. — The Library also possesses a fine collection of over 600 photographs of continental buildings and scenes. 3. Local Collection. — A collection of books of local interest has also been formed. Among these books are included Ormerod's " Cheshire," Baines' " Lancashire and Cheshire," Earwaker's and Lyson's books on Cheshire, The Victoria History of Lancaster, so far as published, the Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, the Proceedings of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, some very interesting books on the Wirral, including those V) by Sulley, Mrs. Gamlin, Ronald Stewart-Brown on the Wapentake, ^ and Hume on Ancient Meols ; besides some ancient maps and prints illustrative of bvgone Cheshire. 4 4. Students' Room. — In this room will be found proper accom- modation for writing and studying in perfect quietness. On the walls are large scale maps of the whole of North Wales and the North-west of England, and it is questionable whether more than than half-a-dozen public libraries provide greater or equal facilities in the same direction. 5. Home Reading Libraries. — These collections contain alto- gether 15,930 volumes, 13,000 being at Earlston, 2,930 volumes at Seacombe. . The branches at Wallasey and Poulton receive their collections on loan from Earlston and Seacombe respectively. Both the Home Reading and Reference Libraries are strong in English literature and history. The foreign section is now one of the best in the district, and consists of a large number of books in French and German, and a small selection in Spanish. The section is so well used that every opportunity is taken of strengthening it. The Com- mittee recognise that the admirable classes in foreign languages at the technical schools are of little real value unless the students can obtain plenty of practice in reading. 6. Catalogues. — The contents of the libraries are catalogued on cards contained in cabinets placed in the Earlston Home Reading and Reference Libraries, and in the Seacombe Library. The Reference and Seacombe catalogues are complete ; the Earlston Home Reading catalogue is in progress. The card catalogue has the great advantage of enabling the Librarian to catalogue the libraries very minutely • and cards indexing valuable but hidden essays and articles are being inserted in the catalogues almost daily. In these catalogues the entries are arranged in alphabetical order, because it is essential that they should serve as indexes to the systematic arrangement of the books on the shelves. Books are entered under Authors (as Ruskin, John), Subjects (as, Painting), Series (as, English Garner), and, when necessary, under Titles (as, Munera Pulveris). Perhaps a few words are advisable to show how to get at informa- tion quickly. To find information on Subjects, proceed thus : — (a) If only a summary or outline of a subject is required, consult the Encyclopaedias (marked A02 in the Reference Library) without referring to the catalogue. (b) If fuller information on a subject is needed, refer at once to the Subject-Index printed on pages 14 — 42 of this Handbook. A copy of the Handbook is hung at each section of the book- shelves. (c) If all the information the Library contains on a subject is needed, consult the card catalogues of the Home Reading and Reference departments at Earlston, and of the Home Reading Library at Seacombe. SeaGombe readers should ask an assistant to consult the Earlston catalogues by telephone, and Earlston readers should do the same it they desire to know what the Seacombe Library contains. To find a Book by a particular Author :— Consult the card catalogues as recommended in (c) above. To find a Work of Fiction Consult the printed catalogue of fiction, which serves for all the Libraries. 7. Readers wishing to study a subject in the Reference Library will save their own time, and afford the Library staff a better oppor t unity of searching for material, if they send a postcard to the Library on the evening before they propose to pay their visit. Note on the card the subject of study ; and the approximate time of the visit. A telephone message will do as well as a card. The Librarian undertakes to have all the available material (including essays and articles) ready for a reader communicating in this way ; and it may be possible even to obtain books from the Branch Libraries to supplement the resources of the Central Library. In this way readers obtain the fullest value of the Library. 8. Magazines, etc. — The greater number of the magazines and literary papers received at the Central Library are displayed in the Reference Library. In the Central Reading Room only newspapers and a few of the more popular weekly illustrated papers are displayed. At Seacombe and Wallasey the reading rooms contain a good selection of newspapers and magazines. Following is a list of the papers taken at all the Libraries. [In this list the letters ESW signify that copies of the paper are taken for Earlston, Seacombe, and Wallasey ; the letters ES, for Earlston and Seacombe only. The abbreviation " 2h " after a library letter, as S 2h, indicates that that particular library receives the paper secondhand after it has been in use at another library in the district. The abbreviations (ref.) and (ch.) after the names of papers indicate that such papers are to be found in the Earlston Reference Room and the Seacombe's Children's Room respectively. Papers not so distin- guished are in the Newsrooms. The asterisk * signifies that the paper is presented.] Academy (ref) ES2h ♦Agricultural economist . . E Amateur photographer . . ES2h Athenaeum (ref) ES2h Badminton (ref) E S2h Blackwood's (ref) ES2h Bookman (ref) ES2h Boy's own paper SW Bradshaw ES Builder ES2h Building world S ♦Canada E Cassell's magazine W ♦Catholic herald S ♦Catholic times E C. B. Fry's magazine W S2h Century magazine (ref) . . ESW Chambers's journal (ref). . ESW2h Chatterbox (ch) S Connoisseur (ref) E Contemporary review (ref) ES2h Co-operative news S Country life E S2h Daily chronicle ES Daily mail S Daily news S ♦Daily report E Daily Telegraph S Edinburgh review (ref) . . E Electrical engineer E Electrician S English mechanic ES Engineer SE2h Engineering ES2h Fortnightly review (ref) . . ES2h Gardening W Gazette des beaux- arts (ref) E Girl's own paper ESW2h Graphic ESW2h Harper's magazine (ref) . . E SW2h Hibbert journal (ref) . . . . E Illustrated London news. . S L' Illustration (ref) E Incorporated chamber of commerce journal . . . . ES 'Incorporated accountants journal ES Irish times E Journal of horticulture . . W 'Labour leader S Labour news E S W Ladies' pictorial SW2h Liverpool daily courier ..ESW Liverpool echo ESW Liverpool express ESW Liverpool journal of com- merce ES Liverpool post and mer- cury ESW ♦Local government officer . . E S Manchester guardian . . . . E M.A.P S Marine engineer S Millgate monthly S ♦Monitor . SW Morning post E Nation (ref) E S2h National review (ref) .... ES2h Nature (ref) ES2h Nautical magazine S ♦New century path ES Nineteenth century (ref). . ES2h Notes & queries (ref) . . . . E Pall Mall magazine (ref) . . ES2hW Pearson's magazine ESW Publisher's circular (ref). . E Punch ESW Quarterly review (ref). . . . E Queen ES2h Reporter's magazine . . . . ES2h Review of reviews ES Revue des deux mondes (ref) E St. Nicholas (ch) S Saturday review (ref) ES2h Science progress (ref) . . . . E Scribner's (ref) ESW2h Scotsman S Sketch S Spectator (ref) ESW2h Sphere ESW ♦State correspondent (ref).E Strand ESW Studio (ref) E Tatler E2hW Times ES Truth ES2h ♦University correspondent (ref) E Wallasey chronicle E S W Wallasey news ESW ♦Wheatsheaf S ♦White Ribbon S Windsor magazine SW Die Woe he (ref) E World's work (ref) ES 7 9. The Directories and Year Books are kept on the top landing of the staircase, just outside the Reference Room. Following is a list of volumes usually taken : — General. Hazell's Annual. — Whitaker's Almanack. Accountancy. Incorporated Ac- countant's year-book. Biography. Who's who. — Who's who year-book. — Burke's Peerage, baronetage and knightage. — Whitaker's Peerage. — Qui etes-vous ? Eirkenhead. Gore's Liverpool directory. Bookselling. Clegg's Directory of booksellers and bibliophiles' manual. Cheshire. Kelly's Directory of Cheshire. Civil Service. Cassell's Guide to the civil service. Clergy. Crockford's clerical direc- tory. Commerce. Pitman's business man's guide. — Macdonald's English directory and gazetteer. Education. University of Liver- pool calendar. Education. University college of North Wales calendar. — London University guide. Geography. Statesman's year- book. Literature. Literary year-book. Liverpool. Gore's Liverpool direc- tory. — Liverpool red book. London. Post office London direc- tory. Manchester. Slater's Directory of Manchester. Salford. Slater's Directory of Manchester. Shipping. Shipping world year book. — Directory of shipowners, ship- builders, and marine engineers. — Rhodes's steamship guide. Statistics. Statesman's year-book Wallasey. Gores' Liverpool direc- tory. — Wood's Wallasey directory. Women. Englishwoman's year- book. 8 Rules and Regulations. HOURS OF OPENING. 10. U Central Library, Earlston Park. Tele. 334 Liscard. Home Reading Library : Open for the issue and return of books from 10 a.m. to 8-30 p.m. each weekday except Wed- nesday, when the Library closes at 1 p.m. IS* {May-Sept., 10 a.m.— 7-30 p.m.). Reference Library : Open for the consultation of books on the premises, and for the reading of magazines from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each weekday except Wednesday, when the Library closes at 1 p.m. IS" (May-Sept., 10 a.m.— 9 p.m..) Reading Room : Open for the reading of newspapers and periodicals from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each weekday. .11. 2. Seacombe Branch Library, Demesne Street. Tele. 475 Liscard. Home Reading Library : As at Central. Reading Room : Open for the reading of newspapers and periodicals from 9-30 a.m. to 10 p.m. each weekday except Wednesday, when the room closes at 1 p.m. Children's Reading Room : As for Home Reading Library. 12. 3. Wallasey Branch Library, Wallasey Village. Home Reading Library : Open for the issue and return of books from 2 to 5 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.m. each weekday except Wednesday. Reading Room : Open for the reading of newspapers and maga- zines from 10 a.m. to 9-30 p.m. each weekday except Wednes- day, when the room is closed at 1 p.m. 13. 4. Poulton Branch, 374, Poulton Road. Open for exchange of books only : 9-30 — 9 each weekday, except Wednesday, when the library is closed at 1 p.m. 14. 5. All departments of the library and its branches are closed on Sundays and public holidays, and, after due notice, on such other days as the Committee may direct. 9 CENTRAL REFERENCE ROOM. 15. 6. Admission to Room. — Any person not obviously dis- qualified shall be admitted to use the Reference Library without formality. 16. 7. Home Reading Books for Reference. — Any book for the time being in the Central Home Reading Library, except certain works of fiction, may be obtained for use in the Reference Library. 17. 8. Tracing. — Tracing is prohibited, except by readers using xylonite shields. A shield will be lent to a reader on application to the Assistant-in-charge. 18. 9. Removal of Books from the Room. — Books, prints, maps or photographs, must not be taken from the room except by permission of the Librarian, or his representative. HOME READING LIBRARIES. 19. 10. Admission to Libraries. — Books shall be lent for home reading under the following conditions : — (a) All persons whose names appear on the current Register of Electors to the Wallasey Urban District Council, or who produce the last receipt for the payment of their District rate, may borrow books on their own responsibility, after filling up an application for a Reader's Ticket on an Elector's Voucher provided for the purpose. {b) All persons who reside or are regularly employed in the District, although not householders or property owners, may borrow books, but must make application for a Reader's Ticket on a Non-Elector's Voucher provided for the purpose ; and must obtain the signature of a responsible elector, whose name appears on the Register of Electors, to the form of guarantee on such voucher. f A charge of one penny shall be made for each of the Reader's Tickets issued on such application. 20. 11. Age of Readers. — Persons under fourteen years of age shall only be permitted to use the library upon the recommendation of the headmaster or headmistress of a public school or private school recognised by the Board of Education. 21. 12. Duration of Guarantee. — Each application voucher .shall be filed for three years, and the Guarantee on such voucher shall 10 remain in force during that time unless the reader cancels his ticket, or the Guarantor desires to withdraw from his Guarantee. Notice of intention to withdraw a Guarantee must be given in writing to the Librarian, who shall grant a release as soon as he is satisfied that the Guarantor's liability has been discharged. 22. 13. Duration of Tickets. — Each Reader's Ticket shall remain in force for one year from the date of issue, but shall be renew- able at the end of that period on the payment of one penny for a new Ticket. 23. 14. Change of address. — Ticket -holders are required to give notice of change of address within fourteen days after such change, under penalty of the forfeiture of their ticket. 24. 15. Extra Tickets. — Every registered ticket-holder may have two extra-tickets, on which only non-fictional works shall be issued. A charge of one penny shall be made for each extra-ticket. Extra-tickets shall expire at the same time as the ordinary tickets with which they correspond. 25. 16. Use of Tickets. — Only registered ticket-holders shall be admitted to these departments to choose their books. A reader is required to deposit with the Assistant-in-charge one Ticket for every work borrowed. If a work is in four or more volumes, not more than three consecutive volumes shall be issued together as one work. 26. 17. Loss and misuse of Tickets. — Ticket-holders shall be held responsible for all books borrowed by means of their tickets, by whomsoever presented, and for all fines incurred upon books so borrowed. rs* CAUTION. — Readers should therefore take rare of their tickets and should not allow them under any circumstances to be used by other people. They should report to the Librarian loss of tickets at once, because although the library staff knows nearly all the readers personally, it is not always possible to detect unauthorised borrowers. If they leave the district, or cease to use the library, they should return theii tickets to the library to be cancelled. 27. 18. Duration and renewal of Loans. — Fourteen Days from the date of issue shall be allowed for reading a book or work. At the expiration of this time, a ticket holder may register his book for another period of fourteen days, provided it does not bear the stamp " In demand," or has not been asked for by another reader. A loan shall be renewable (1) by delivering the book to the library to be re- dated, or (2) by notifying the librarian, on a postcard or written slip of the number of the book and the date of issue ; or (3) by ringing up 334 Liscard to renew books borrowed from Earlston or Wallasey, and 475 Liscard to renew books borrowed from Seacombe or Poulton. 11 28. 19. Fines. — If the loan is not renewed the Fines for the detention of the book or work beyond the time allowed shall be charged at the rate of One Penny per week, or portion of a week. Postcards demanding the return of the book, and all other expenses of recovering the book, shall be charged to the reader. 29. 20. Bespeaking Books. — Any person desiring to have a book reserved for him is required to give particulars of such book to the Assistant-in-charge, and to pay a fee of One Penny. When the book is available a post-card shall be sent to the person who has be- spoken such book, requesting him to call or send for it within one day. and warning him that it will be recirculated if not claimed within that time. 30. 21. Reference Books tor Home Reading. — The Librarian may, at his discretion, issue certain books in the Reference Library to registered ticket-holders for home reading on the same terms as books are issued from the home reading department. But such privilege shall only be granted by the Librarian, or his representative. 31. 22. Damage to Books. — Readers are required to keep the books clean. They must not turn down leaves or make penc«l or other marks. Tn wet weather they must protect the books during their passage to and from the library. The Librarian shall cause each book to be examined on return, and if it be found to be injured, or soiled, or written upon, he shall require the borrower, or his guarantor, to pay the cost of making the damage good ; unless the borrower can prove the book was damaged when issued to him, and that he took the earliest opportunity to report the fact to the Librarian. 32. 23. Infectious Disease. — The Wallasey Improvement Act, 1901, s. 29, provides that :— No person shall return to any Lending Library any book which has been to his knowledge exposed to infection from any infectious disease, but shall at once give notice thereof and leave the book at the office of the Inspector of Nuisances, whose duty it shall be to cause the same to be disinfected and then returned to the Librarian. Any person offending against this enactment shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings. NOTE. — In addition£to this enactment two precautions are taken : (1) The Sanitary Inspector collects all library books in houses where infection occurs ; and (2) the Medical Officer of Health reports to the Librarian every case of notifiable infectious disease occuring in the district. Under certain circumstances books are destroyed instead of being disinfected. UBftMY UNIVERSITY OF HUNOiS 12 NEWS ROOMS. 33. 24. No newspaper shall be retained longer than ten minutes, and no magazine or review longer than thirty minutes after it has been enquired for by another person. GENERAL RULES. 34. 25. Conduct inconsistent with quiet, order, the comfort of readers, and the proper use of the libraries and rooms is prohibited. 35. 20. A.ny person found to have in his possession a book, print, photograph, map or any article belonging to the public library authority of this District which has not been duly registered or lent to him, is liable to prosecution for illegal possession. 13 INDEX OF SUBJECTS REPRESENTED IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. This Index forms a key to books arranged by Subjects, and also to the books which cannot be classed by Subject and are arranged by the names of authors. With its assistance readers may find the place of books (1) About persons (e.g., Warren Hastings, or Admiral Blake). (2) About places (e.g., Scotland, or London). (3) About things (e.g., furniture, or tools). (4) By English and Foreign literary men (e.g., Matthew Arnold, Anatole France). Thus the Index refers to all impersonal subjects, to biographies, and to the names of the authors of works which cannot be classed conveniently by subject, such as poems, plays, collections of essays. English Novelists are not indexed, as they are dealt with fully in the " Class List of Prose Fiction," but Foreign novelists are included. The Numbers on the right hand of each column are Subject or Class Numbers. All the Books upon one Subject bear the same class number ; for example, all books — on Smith, Adam, are numbered M03 on London ,, ,, U07 on Arithmetic ,, „ T03 The Books are arranged on the shelves in the order of these subject numbers. Readers should note that the Index not only refers them to the place in which Books upon a Subject aie kept, but to books upon allied subjects — books on Adam Smith, for example, being arranged beside books on Political Economy ; books on London beside books on Middlesex ; books on Arithmetic beside books on Algebra. The Index is intended to serve for the Central and Seacombe Home Reading, and the Central Reference Libraries. 14 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Abbeys, France V45 Gt. Britain T17 Abdur- Rahman, Ameer, life..W40 Abelard, Peter, life B74.5 About, E., French fiction P70:1828 Abyssinia Y31 Accounting 104 Accumulators J 20 Achard, A., French fiction P70:1814 Acoustics J 36 music U53 Acton, Lord, life R1834.2 Actors, English RA55 French P70A55 Acts of Apostles B54.5 Adam, P., French fiction. P70: 1862 Addison, Joseph, life and works R1672 Adhesives J 96.2 Advent of Christ B61A374 Adventure stories Z58 Aeronautics J64 Aeschylus, works P60 Aesop, fables P60 Aesthetics O01.9 Afghanistan W40 Africa Y01 British East Y34 German East Y35 German S. W Y29 Portuguese, E Y36 South, description Y39 history Y38 zoology . . K44Y38 West Y24 Aged poor M08.9 Agglutinants J 96. 2 Agnosticism B36 Agriculture K36 Ainger, Alfred, Canon, essays R1837.4 Airships J 64. 2 Akbar, life W41.149 Akenside, M., poems R1721 Alarcon, D. P. A. de, Spanish fiction P68:1833 Alaska X78 Albany, Countess of, life . .P66:174 Albert Nyanza Y34 Albert, Prince Consort, life T19.184 Albuquerque, A. de, life . .W41: 150 Alchemy J81 Alcohol L68 Alcuin, life L35 Alexander the Great, life W02 Alfieri, V., Ital. drama. . P66: 1749 Alfred the Great, life T 19:089 Class Algebra 105 Algeria Yll Alhambra. Spain V56.641 Alice, Princess, life T 19: 186 Alien immigration M47 Allegories, sacred B73 Allen, Grant, life SO 137 Allingham, W., essays R 1828.1 Almond, H. H., life L35A90 Alphabet P01 Alps V34 Amadis of Gaul PCS. 4 Amazon Valley X91 Ambulance work L16 America, Central X79 continent X01 discovery X02-07 North X08.4 Canada X10 U.S X32 South X83 West Indies X82 American civil war X25:186 literary history . . . .Q8 literature R For works by American literary men see names of authors in this Index. philosophy . . . .B11X25 poetry, collections Q8A47 revolution X25:176 writers Q8A90 Amherst, Lord, life W4L182 Amicis, E. de, Ital. fiction P66:1846 Amos, Bible B52.8 Amphibians K74 Amphibious carnivora K53 Amusements N01 Analysis, chemical 184 Anatomy LOS artistic 041 Ancient Greece W02 Rome V64 Andaman Is Y48 Anderson, Hans C„ life. .. P82: 180 Andes X97 Anemones, sea K96 Angelico, Fra 036V74 Anglesey U29 Anglican Church B87 liberalism B87 Anglicised words Q1A426 Angling N25 Anglo-Saxon language Q2 literature 03 SUBJECT-INDEX. 15 Class Animal locomotion K44 painting 042.5 psychology K44L32 worship B43. 1 Animals K44 diseases K43 distribution of K46 Animism B43. 1 Annunzio, G. d\ Ital. fiction P66:1863 Anonyms, Eng. lit RA427 Antarctic region Y80 Anthologies, English RA47 Anthropology L01 Antiquities, general T04A63 Also see Name of Country, e.g., Ireland, history. Antoninus, M. Aurelius, works. Bll Ants K85 Apocalypse B56 Apocrypha B57 Apostles B54.5 Arabia, description W33 history W32 Arabian literature P47.7 nights entertainments P47.7 Arbitration, industrial disputes M06 Arblav, Mme. d\ life SI 195 Archaeology, England T19A63 general T04A63 Also see, Name of Country, e.g., Ireland, history. Archbishops of Canterbury B87A90 Archer, W., essays R 1856.2 Architecture, drawing 154 library P33 Arch priest controversy B82 Arctic region Yfi4 Argentina X94 Argyll, T- D. S. Campbell. 9th Duke of A90 Argyll U77 Arians C04 Aristophanes P60 Aristotle, education L36 life & lit. works PGO philosophy B11W02 Arithmetic 103 Arius C04 Armenia W22 Armies 192 Armv reform, England ..T21A314 Arnold, Sir E., poems R1832.1 Arnold, Matthew, education .. L48 Arnold, Matthew, life and literary works R1822 Arnold, Dr. Thomas, life ....L48 Class Arnold, Thomas, life A90 Art O01 Celtic O01U99 Christian O01B45 English O01T19 French O01V35 Italian O01V74 Spanish O01V5(> smithing O20 Arthurian romances S6748 Artistic anatomy 041 furniture L96 Artizans MO 6- Aryan race L02 Asbjornsen, P.C., Norse lit...P76.4 Ashanti Y20 Ashby-Sterry, J., essays R18 Asia W31 Central W37 Minor W22 Aspinall, Clarke, life T79 Assent, logic BO 1.2 Assollant, A., French fiction P70:18 Assyria W28- Astronomy J 37 nautical 185. 1 Atheism B34 Athenaeum Library, Liverpool, catalogue P36.5- Athenaeum Library. Liverpool, history T79 Athens W02 Athletics N33 Atmosphere J58.1 Atomic theory J 82. 1 Auckland, Lord, life W4P183 Auctioneers' accounts 104 Auerbach, B., Germ, fiction P82:1812 Augustine, Saint, life B74 Augustine, Sister, life B74.5 Augustus of Rome, life. .V64:63b.c. Aurangzib, life W41:165 Aurelius Antoninus, M., works. ..Bl 1 Aurora borealis J40.49 Austen, Jane, life S0235 Austin, A., poems R1835.1 Australasia W82 Australia, description. . .W87-W92 ethnology L02W88 history W80 Austria, history .V21 Austria — Hungary, description V22 Austrian art . . ." O01V24 Authorship P03 Automobiles I79G L6 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Azeglio, M. d\ Ital. fiction P60:1798 Azores Y51 Babylonia W29 Bacon, Lord, literature ... .Rl 561 Bacteriology L10.5 Bagehot, W., essays R1826 Bailev P. J., poems R1S16 Baker, Thos., life M40.5 Balfour, A. ]., essays R1848.2 Balkans ..." W16 Ballads, English, collection. RA472 Ballooning J 64. 1 Balmoral U67 Baltic Sea V10 Baluchistan W38 Balzac, H. de, life and works P70.1799 Bancroft. Mr. & Mrs., life RA55 Bangor U32 Bank book-keeping 104 Banking M09 Banks, E. L., life P05 Baptists B92 Barbizon, painters of ....036V35 Barham, R. H., works R 1788.1 Barmby, B. H., poems R18 Barras, Comte de, life V35:178 Barres, M., French fiction P70:1862 Bartolommeo, art 036V74 Bartolozzi, Francesco 027 Baseball N39 Basile, G., Ital. fiction ..P66:16 Batrachia K74 Batteries, electric J 18 Baudelaire. C, French letters P70:1821 Baumbach, R., Germ, works P82:18 Baxter, Richard, life and works R1615 Bazin, Rene, French fiction P70:1853 Beaconsfield, Earl of, life T19:185 Beattie, James, poems. ... Rl 732 Beaumont, Francis, plays ..R1579 Bee-keeping K42.2 Bees K85 Beethoven. L., life 051:177 Beetles K82 Belgium, description V31 history V30 Bell, H., poems R18 Belloc, Bessie, life A90 Bells, electric J 24. 9 Ben Nevis observatory J 58 Bengal W43 Benin Y22 Class Benson, A. C, essays . ...R 1862.1 Bentinck, Lord W., life . .W4L180 Bentley, Richard, life R1662 Bernard, C. de, French fiction P70:1805 Bernard, Claude, life L07 Bernardin de St. Pierre, J. H., life and works P70: 1 737 Bernhardt, Sarah, life P70A55 Berthet, E., French fiction P70:18 Bertram, Jas., life P05 Besant, Annie, life B35 Besant. Sir W., essays R1838.1 Beverley T77 Beza, Theodore, life B83V32 Bhagavad-gita P49 Bible B46 and science B39 Bibliography P36 Big game hunting X58 Bills M09 Binding books P27 Binyon, L., poems R1869.2 Biography, general A90 national A90T16 Christian B45A90 Biological sciences K00 Biology KOI Birds K62— K63 fossil K14K62 of Lancashire ....T78K62 Birkenhead T82 Birkhill U85 Birrell. A., essays R 1850.1 Bismarck, Prince, life VI 4: 184 Bjornson, B., Norwegian fiction P7 6: 4: 1832 Black country T96 Sea V13.5 Blackie, J. S., life R 1809. 5 Blair, Robt, poems R1699 Blake, Adm.. life T22:160 Wm„ life and letters . .R1757 Blind, M., poems R1847 Blind, education of L46 Blouet, P., essays R18 Boating N26 Bohemia V23 Bohemian literature P56.6 Boigne, Comtesse de, memoirs V35:178 Boilers, steam J35 Bolingbroke, Vise, life ..T19:170 Bolivia X99 Bolognese artists O01V74 Book arts P25 binding P27 SUBJECT-INDEX. 17 Class Book buying P31 collecting P31 history of the P25 illustration, drawing . ...015 process work .... 033 plates P33.99 Book-keeping 104 for special trades, see trades. Books, choice of P35 early printed P26 Booth, Mrs., life B98 Bordeaux, Henry, French fiction P70.T870 Borneo W78 Borrow, Geo., life L04 Bosnia W16 Botany K21— K28.9 fossil K14K21 Botticelli, life and art 036V74 Bourget, P., French fiction P70:1852 Boyd, A. H. K., essays R1825 Boys' stories Z47-73 Brahmanism B44.2 Brain L29.1 Brangwyn, F., art 036T19 Brasses O10 Brazil X92 Bridge, card game N09 Bridgman, Laura, life L46 Bright. John, life T19:183 British art O01T16 East Africa Y34 empire, description. . . .T15 history T14 India W41:160 Isles, description T17 history T16 Museum, natural history KOI peasantry MOO seas T18 Brittany V46 Broads, Norfolk T93 zoology K40 Brodie, B. C, life L07 Bronte, Charlotte, life S0951 Emily, life S0956 Bronze age, "British T16A626 Bronzes O10 Brooke, G. V.. life RA55 Brooke, Jas.. Rajah, life W78 Brown, H. Stowell, life T79 Brown, Dr. J., life and works. R1810 Brown, T. E., poems R 1830. 4 Browne, Sir T., life and works R1005 Class Browning, E. B., life and poems R1800 Browning, Robt., life and poems R1812 Bruneau, A., life 051:185 Brush drawing L44.2 Bryant, W. C, life and poems R1794.1 Bryozoa K94 fossil K14K94 Bubastes Y04 Buccaneers, American X08 Buchanan, R., poems R1841 Buddhism B44.3 India W41 and F41 Tibet F08 Builders' accounts 104 Building 154 Bulbs . K32 Bulwer, E. G. E. L., Baron Lytton, life and novels S1101 poems R1803 Bunyan, John, life R1628 works B45A57 Burke, Edmund, life T19:176 Burma W54 Burnand, Sir F. C, life and essays R1837.2 Burne-Jones, Sir F.., life..036T19 Burney, Frances, life SI 195 Burns, Robert, life and poems R1759 Burroughs, J., essays . ...R1837.1 Burton, Lady Isabel T06 Burton, Robert, work R1576 Business M68 law M57 technics M75 Buss, F. M., life L45 Butler, Samuel, life BUT 19 poems R1612 Butterflies . . K87 Byron, Lord, life and poems R1788 Byzantine empire W10 Caballero, F., Spanish fiction P68:1790 Cabot. J. &C, lives X06 Ca?sar, C. Julius, life V04 Cage birds K03 Caine, T. H., essays R1853.1 Cairo Y06 Calabria V91 Calculus 117 differential 118 integral 119 Calderon de la Barca, P., life and works P68:1600 18 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Caliphate W32 Calverley, C. S., poems ..R1831.3 Calvin, John, life B83 Cambridge T90 Camoens, L. de, works PG8.4 Campbell, Lord, life M55 Campbell, T., poems R1777 Camping out N34 Canada, description X10 farming XIO history X09 Canary Is., coleoptera 01 K82 Candlish, R. S., life B89 Canine family K53 Canning, Earl, life W41:185 Canning, Geo., life T19:179 Canterbury U26 archbishops B87 pilgrimages R 1 340 Canticles R51.5 Cape Colony, description Y47 history Y46 Capital and labour M04 Caravanning N80.5 Card playing N07 Cards, playing-engraving . . . .025 Caricature 013.5 Carleton, Wm., poems R1798 Carlyle, J. W. life and letters R 1795.2 Carlyle, Thomas life and miscellaneous works .R1795.2 Carman, B... lit. works R1861 Carnarvon U32 Carnations K32 Carnivorous animals K53 Carpathian mountains V22 Carpenter, Marv, life M08.4 Carpentry . . . .' 162 manual training ....L.44 Carroll, Lewis, life and letters R 1832.2 Carthage V63.1 Carving O09 Casanova, G. J., life M66 Casaubon, Isaa-\ life A90 Casentino V87 Cashmere W48 Caspian Sea VI 3. 5 Castile V56 Castles. English T70I68 Irish U94 Cat K53 Catalogues, book P36.5 Cathedrals I "2 of France VI 5 cf Rhine V10.5 Class Catherine of Aragon, life.. 119:149 Catholic Church, Roman . . .B76.2 Caucasus VI 3: 190 Caves of Somerset U15 Cavour, C. B., Contedi, life V74: 185 Cawnpore W4 L: 185 Caxton, Wm., life R26 Cellini, Benvenuto, life . .O03V87 Celtic art O01U99 literature P52 religion B44.7 Cements J 96. 2 Central America X79 government M40 Cephalopoda, fossil K14 Ceramics J 97 Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de, life and works P68:1547 Cetacea K57 Cevennes Vol Ceylon W51 Chaldea W27 Chalmers, James, life B76.2 Chalmers, Thomas, life B89 Chamberlain, Joseph, life T 19: 188 Chamisso, A. von, Germ, fiction P82:1781 Charming, W. E., life B90 Chap-books . P36 Charity M08.4 Charlemagne, life V35:076 Charles 1 of England, life. T 19: 161 Charles 5 of Spain, life. . .V56: 151 Charles 12 of Sweden, life V05:168 Chatham, Earl of, life T19:174 Chatrian, A., French fiction P 7 0:1822 Chatterton, Thomas, life and poems R1752 Chaucer, Geoffrey, life and poems Rl 340 Cheap Jacks MS 5 Chemical analysis J 84 technology J 90 Chemicals J 91 Chemistry J 81 of farming K36 Cheques M09 Cherbuliez, V., French fiction P70: 1828.1 Chersonese W57 Cherubini, MY life 051:176 Cheshire T80— T82 lays T80A47 Roman remains T80A62 and Lancashire (to- gether) T76 SUBJECT-INDEX. 19 Class | Chess N12 Chester, N. ( poems R18 Chester T80 Chesterfield, Earl of, life and letters R 1(594 Chesterton, G. K., essays. . . .R1874 : Chichester U24 Child life L81 I Children, education L35 \ labour M06.8 I nursery L81 I psychology L34 Children's books Z Chili X99 China, description W65-W69 history W64 religions F64 French Indo- W59 China-ware J97 artistic 048 Chinese literature P41.2 mysticism F64 Chitral W44 Christ, dictionary of B54A02 life B01A374 Christian art O01B45 biography B45A90 Churches B80-B98 doctrine B61 evidences B60 hymns B45A474 names P01 pastoral theology . . .B71 religion B45 science B99.5 Christianity B45 Christison, R., life L07 Christmas Island Y48 Chronicles. Bible B50.7 Chronology T04A72 Church, R. W., essays R1815 Church furniture B75.6 government B75 history, England C19 music 079 work B76 Churches, architecture 172 Churchill, C, poems R1731 Churchill, I.ord R., life ..T19:188 Cicero, M. T., life and works P64:I06b.c. Cid Campeador, life V55:071 Civil engineering 136 service M40.5 Civilisation in England T23 in Scotland U45 universal historv . . . .T04 Class Classical antiquities V95 Classics P58— P64 ( laude Lorrain, life 036V35 Claverhouse, John Graham of, life U45 Clement of Alexandria C04 Clergy B75— B77 Clive, Robert, life W4P175 Clocks J46.8 Clouds J 58. 2 Clowns N19 Clyde, Lord, life W41:185 Coal J 75 Cobbe, F. P., life M08.4 Cobden, Richard, life T19:184 Cocoa K40 Co-education L44.9 Coinage M10 Coins Ml 0.5 Coleoptera K82 Coleridge, Hartley, poems ..R1796 Coleridge, S. T., life and works R1772 Colleges L48 Collieries J 7 5.1 Collin'^wood, Adm., life ..T22:179 Collins, J. C, essays R1848 Collins, W., poems R 1721 2 Colombia X85 Colonial literary history Q9 Colonies M46 British T14-T15 See also Name of colony. Colossians, Bible B55.6 Colour J 32. 4 of animals K44 pigments J96. 1 Columbus, Christopher, life . . X04 Colvin, J. R., life W41:183 Combe, W., poems R1741 Comedy P38 Comets J40.5 Commandments, Ten B50. 12 Commerce M68 Commercial correspondence, English M78 For other languages see Name of language. Commercial geography TOG products, botany K28.9 travelling M85 Communism M32 Composers, musical 051 Composition, English Ql Compressed air J 62 Compromise L60 20 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Conchology K91 Confederation, Swiss V32 Confucianism F64 Congo State Y26 Valley Y25 Congregationalism B90 Congreve, Wm.. life and works R1670 Conic sections 115 Conjuring N13 Connaught U98 Conscription 192.2 Constantine the great V64.030 Constantinople W21 Constitutional history, Engl. ..T20 Continuation schools L43.5 Cook, E., poems R1818 Cook, Capt., life T06A90 Cookery L82 Cooper, C. A., life P05 Cooper, T., poems R1805 Co-operation Ml 7 Co-operative trading M18 Co-partnership M06.91 Cope, C. W „ life 036T19 Coppee, F., French fiction P70:1842 Corals, madreporarian K96 Corea W73 Corinthians, epistles B55.2 Corn milling K39 Cornwall U17 Cornwallis, Lord, life W41:178 Correspondence, business M78 Cosimo de'Medici V74:143 Cosmology B03.2 Costume L88 Cottages L69 Cotton K40 industry, Lancashire T78K40 Couch, A. T. Q., essays R1863 Conlevain, P. de, French fiction P70:18 Council of Trent B83 Counterpoint and fugue 057 Country, agriculture K40.5 life K40.5 nature KOI . . Court customs T19A603 Courtney, W. L., essays ..R 1850. 3 Cousin, Victor, life P70:1792 Cowley, A. poems R1618 Cowper, W. life and poems. .R1731 Crabbe, G. life'and poems ..R1754 Craigie, Mrs. plays R1867 Craigmile, B. poems R186 Crane, Walter, life 018 Class Cranmer, Thos B83 Crashaw, Richard, poems ..R1615 Credulities B23 Creeds Creevey, Thomas, life A90 Creighton, M. Bp., life CI 9 Crete W15 Cricket N40 Crimean war VI 2: 185 Crimnal law M02 Criminology M61 Criticism, literary P04 Crivelli, Carlo, life and art 036V74 Cromwell, O T 19: 164 Croquet N43 Crosland, Mrs. N., life R184 Crosse, Mrs. A., life A90 Crowe, Sir J., life A90 Crozier, J., life B11T19 Cruikshank, Geo., life and art 013.5 Crusoe tales Z55 Crustacea K78 fossil K14K78 Cryptogamia K23 Crystallography J71 Cumberland T74 Cunard line 181 Currency M09-M10 Curwen, Henry, life P37 Customs, G. Britain T16L70 Cvcling N76 Cyclopaedias A02 Cyprus V62 Dahomey Y21 " Daily News " P05 Dale, R. W., life B90 Dalhousie. Marquess of, life W41:184 Dalmatia W16 Dalton, John, life J81 Dal?iel Brothers, lives and art . . 026 Dancing N14 Daniel. S., poems R1562 Daniel. Bible B52.5 Dante Alighieri, life and works P66:1265 Danton, G. J., life V35:178 Danube V27.5 D'Arblay, Mme., life SI 195 Darwin, Charles, life K02 Dates, chronology T04A72 Daudet, Alphonse, French fiction P70:1840 Daunt. W. J. O'N., life .. U89" 185 David, Bible B50.5 Davidson. poems R 1857.1 Davitt, Michael, life U89.187 SUBJECT-INDEX. 21 Class Deaf and dumb education. . . .L47 Debating P14 Debt M57 Decoration and design 018 Deduction, logic B01.4 Deer K55 stalking N58 Defoe, Daniel, life R1661 Delacroix, Eugene, life . .036V35 Delagoa bay Y39 Delany, Mrs., life A90 Delia Robbia, L., life O03V74 Democracy M37 in America X25 Demonology B21 Demosthenes, works . .P60:383b.c. Denison, Archd., life C19 Denmark, description V08 history V07 Depreciation accounts 104 De Quincey, Thos., life and works R1785.1 Derby T97 Derby, Earl of, life T 19: 183 Deroulede, P., French fiction P70:18 Deserts _J49.5 Design 018 Deuteronomy B50. 1 7 Devon U17-U18 Dialect, English Q1A424 Diaz, Porfirio, life X81 Dibdin, C, songs R1745. 1 Dickens, C, life and novels. .S2556 Dictionaries : — Anglo-Saxon Q2A02 Christ and Gospels B54 Classical V95A02 Dates T04A72 English biography ..A90T16 dialect Q1A424 history T19A02 language Q1A02 literature RA402 rhyming Q1A421 French language .... P69A02 Gaelic P52.3A02 Gardening K29 German language . . . .P81A02 Greek language P59A02 Italian language ....P65A02 Philosophy B02 Portuguese language ..P68.2 Spanish language .... P67A02 Statistics A354 Welsh language P52.6A02 Diderot, Denis, life P70:1713 Differential calculus 118 Class Diplomacy M42 Disease, plants K21 Disraeli, B., Earl of Beaconsfield, life T19:185 Distributing apparatus, electric J22 Distribution of animals K46 Dobell, S., poems R1824.2 Dobson, A., essays R1840 Docks, management 186.5 Doddridge, Philip, life B89 Dodgson, C. L., life R1832.2 Dogs, domestic animals K43 natural history K53 Dolling, Father, life B87 Dolomites V22 Domestic anmials K43 economy L80 servants L97 Donatello, life and art O03V87 Donegal highlands U95 Donne, John, life and poems R1573 Dooley, Mr., humorous works R 1807.2 Dorset U19 Dorset (Hardy countrv) . . . .S4541 Douglas family '. A91:270 Doukhobors V12:189 Dover Road U26 Doveton, F. B., poems R18 Dowden, E., essays R1843.1 Dowling, R., essays R18 Doyle, Sir A. C, poems. . R1859.2 Drainage 146.2 Drake, Adm., life T22.155 Drama P38A48 English, collections . . RA48 Greek P60 Dramatic criticisms P04 Drapers' accounts 104 Drawing 012 engineering 130 for reproduction 015 Drayton, M., poems R1563 Dreams B23 Dresden art gallery O01:A322 Dressmaking L91 Dreyfus case V35:189 Drummond, Henry, life B02 Dryden. John, life and works R1631 Du Boisgobey. French fiction P70:18 Dublin U96 Dudevant, Mme., life and works P71:1804 Duff, Alex., life F41 Duff. SirM. E. G., diaries A90 Dufferin, Helen, Lady, poems. . R18 22 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Dumas, Alex., fils., plays P70:1824 Dumas, Alex., pere, life and novels P70T803 Dundonald. Earl of, life . .T22: 179 Dunne, F. P., humorous works R1867.2 Dunton, T. Watts, poems R1836.2 Dupleix, J. F., life W41:173 Durer, Albrecht 025 Durham T73 Dutch language P86 literature P87 painting 036V28 republic V28 Duty L69.2 Dyck, Sir A. van., life 036V28 Dynamics 128. 1 Dynamos J19 Early English language ....Q3.2 Earth as planet J 42 geology J 66 sculpture J 49 surface features J49 Earthenware J 97 Earthquakes J47.2 East Africa Y30 Anglia T92 Far W63 Near W01 Eastern question WO 1 Ebers, G., German fiction P82:1837 Ebner-Eschenbach, M. von, German fiction P82:1830 Ecclesiastes, Bible B51.4 Ecclesiastical architecture . . . .172 Echinoderma K93 Echinoderms, fossil K14.K93 Eclipses J41 Economic botany K28 zoology K41 Economics M03 Economy, thrift M08.1 Eddystone lighthouse -.185.6 Edgeworth, Maria, life and novels S2947 Edinburgh U83 Edison T. A., life J 13 Education L35 elementary L43 Greece L36 of blind L46 of deaf and dumb. .L47 of women L45 Edward 1 of England, life T19:127 Edward 3 of England, life T19:132 Edward. Black Prince, life T 19: 134 Edward. Thomas, life KOI Class Eggs, birds' K62 Egypt, Ancient Y04 religion H04 Modern, description .... Y05 history Y06 Eight hours day M06.3 Eikon Basilike T 19: 161 Elections, English T20M39 Electric light . J 23 Electrical engineering . ...J16-J28 Electricity J 13 Electro-chemistry J31 Electro -metallurgv J30 Electrons J 13 Elgar, Sir E., life 051:185 Eliot, George, life and novels S3091 poems, etc. R1819.1 Elizabeth of Austria V2l Elizabeth of England T 19: 155 Elocution P12 Elphinstone, M., life W41:182 Elton, Oliver, essays R1861 Embroidery 021 Emerson, R. W., life and essays R1803.2 Emigration M47 Employment MOfi. 5 Enclosures, law of Ml 4. 51 Encyclopaedias A02 Energy, dynamics I2S.6 Engineering, chemistry J 90 civil 136 drawing 130 electric J 16— J 28 marine 184 mathematics .... 102 mechanical 129 Engineers 136 accounts 104 England, archaeology . . . .T19A63 church history . . . .C19 Constitution T20 description . .T70-U26 history (in chrono- logical order) . .IT 9 local govt M48 prehistoric T19A623 queens of T19A602 English ballads, collections . . RA472 drama, collections RA48 lakes T75 language Ql dictionaries Q1A02 etymology Q1A426 literary history .... RA59 literary portraits ..RA12 SUBJECT-INDEX. 23 Class English literature R literature, history of RA59 music 050 painting O30T19 prose fiction S See Special Fiction catalogue. Engraving 025-028 Intaglio O10 photo 033 Entomology K87 agricultural K36 Ephesians, epistle B55.4 Epictetus Bll Epicureanism B 1 IW02 Epistles, Bible B55 Equations 110 Erasmus, Desiderius, life .. P87: 146 Erckmann, E., French fiction P70:1822 Escott, T. H. S., lit. essays R1844.1 Esperanto P16 Essays A05 Essex, Earls of, lives A90 Esther, Bible B50.9 Esthonian literature P44 Etching 027 Ethics LOO and Christianity. . . .B45L60 and evolution LOO of Hebrews F25 Ethnology L02 Etiquette L75 Eton L48 Ettrick Shepherd, poems R1770.1 Etvmology, English Q1A426 Euclid Ill Eugenie of France, life ..V35:185 Euphrates river W22.5 Euripides, plays P60:480b.c. Europe, description T13 ethnologv L02 fauna of' K44T10 history T10 literature P.37T10 religious history CIO Slavonic V12 Evans, Marian (G. Eliot) life and novels S3091 poems, etc R1819.1 Evelyn, John, life T 19: 164 Evolution K02 and Christianitv . . B45K02 and ethics ...... L60K02 Examinations L35 Exeter U18 Exodus, Bible B50.12 Expression of emotions . . . .L30.4 Class Extinct animals K14 Ezekiel, Bible B52.4 Ezra, Bible B50.8 Fabre, F., French fiction P70:1870 Factory system MOO. 9 Fairless, M. , essays R 1 8 Fairy tales, mythology B19 Falconer, Wm., poems R1732 Fallacies, logic BO 1.0 Family L66 ethics L66 histories A9 1 Far east, description W63 history W62 Fradav, Michael, life 126 Farina, S., Ital., fiction P66 Farming K36 in Canada X10' Farrar, F. W., life B87 Fathers of Church C04 Fauna K46 Fawcett, Hy., life M03 Federation, Greek M46 Swiss V32 Female labour MOO. 7 suffrage M39.1 Fencing N75 Fenelon, F. de, life P70:1051 Fenians U89:184 Ferdinand 2 of Spain, life V55:147 Fergusson, R., life R1750 Fermentation L10.5 Ferns K24 Fertilisation of plants K21 Feuillet, Octave, plavs and novels P70:1812 Fiction, English prose S French P70 German P82 history of P38 Hungarian P44 liter, forms P38 Norwegian P76.4 Russian P55 Spanish P68 Field geology J 68 sports N32 Fielding, H., life and novels S3252 Fiji islands W97 Fihcinae K24 Finance, private M09 public M51 Finger prints M64.5 rings O20 Finland . . VI 3 Finnish literature P44 Firdausi, poems P51.1 24 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Fishes K75 fossil K14K75 Fishing N25 Fiske, John, essays R 1842.1 Fitch, Ralph, life W4L157 Fitzgerald, Edward, life and letters R1809.2 Fitzgerald, Percy, life P05 Flaubert, Gustave, life and works P70:1821 Fleets 188 Flemish painting O36V30 Fletcher, J, life A90 Fletcher, Giles, poems R1586 Fletcher, John, plavs R1579 Fletcher, P., poems" R1582 Florence V87 art O01V87 painters of 036V87 Florists' work K32.8 Flowers, botany / . . . K22 culture K32 Flycatchers, birds K65 Fly fishing N25 Folklore B18 Fontane, T., Germ, fiction P82:1819 Football N41 Foote, S., miscellany R1720 Force 128 Foreign relations M42 England T19M42 Forestry K30 Forster, W. E T 19: 186 Foscolo, 17., Ital. lit P66:177 Fossils K14 Fox, Caroline, life A90 Fox, C. J., life T19:177 Fox, G., life B93 France, A., French fiction P70: 1840.1 France, description V45 history V35 religious history E35 woman in L78 Francis. St., of Assisi, life ..B74.5 Franco-German war ....V35:187 Franklin, Benj., life X25:177 Franklin, Sir John, life Y64 Franks V35:035 Franzos, K. E., Germ, fiction P82.1848 Eraser, Jas., Bp., life B87 Fraud in accounts 104 Frederick 2 of Prussia, " The Great," life V14:174 Free churches, history C19 trade M72 Class Freehand drawing 013 Freeman, T. B., life B76.2 Freemasonry M23 French Cochin China W59 language P69 dictionaries . . P69 synonyms .... P69 life V45 literature P70 See under Author's names in this Index. literature, history . . P70A59 music O50 painting 036V35 revolution, 1789 ..V35:178 1848 V35:184 Frenssen, G., Germ, fiction P82:18 Fret-cutting O09 Freytag, G., Germ, fiction P82:1810 Friendly societies' accounts .... 104 Friends, Society of B93 Friendship L61 Frith, W. P., life 036T19 Froebel, life L42 Froude, Hurrell, life CI 9 Froude, J. A., life and essays R1818.1 Fruit recipes L82 Fruits K31 Fry, Elizabeth, life M66 Fuels J 74 Fugue 057 Fuller, Margt., life R1810 Fungi K26 Furniture L95 church B75.6 Future life B61A381 Gaelic language P52.3 place names P52.3 Gainsborough, Thos., life..036T19 Galatians, epistle B5f>.3 Galdos, B. P., Spanish fiction P68.T845 Gallinaceous birds K67 Gambling L61.5 Game birds K67 Game keeping N60 Games, indoor N04 Gardening K29 school L42 Garibaldi, G., life V74 Garnett, R., essays R1835 Gautier , T. , French fiction . P70: 1811 Gay, J., poems R1685 Gazetteers T06 U. States X32 Gems OlO SUBJECT-INDEX. 25 Class Genealogy A91 Genesis B50. 1 1 Genius L33.2 Geodesy J 44 Geography of the world TOG Geology J 66 Geometrical drawing, art . . . .016 Geometry Ill plane and solid 112 George 3 of England, life . .T19:176 German East Africa Y35 language P81 dictionaries P81A02 literature .P82 See under author's names in this Index. history P82A59 painting 036V14 S.W. Africa Y29 Germany, description . . . .V15-V20 ethnology L02V14 history V14 Gesta Romanorum P64.132 Ghosts B23 Gibbon, Edward, life R1737 Gilbert, Sir W. S., life and ballads R1836 Gilchrist, A., life A90 Gilds M69 Giotto, Ital. art 036V74 Gipsies L04 Girls' stories Z10-Z46 Gladstone, W. E., life T19:183 Gladstone colony W91 Glamorgan U43 Glasgow U82 Glassblowing J 98 stained, painted 048 Glossopteris flora K14K23 Gloucester U13 Glues J96.2 Glyndwr, Owen, life U27 God B61A373 Godkin, E. L., essays R1831.4 Godley, A. D., poems R1856.4 Godolphin, Margt., life A90 Godwin, M. W., life L78 Goethe, J. W. von, life and works P82:1749 Goldoni, C, French drama P66:1707 Goldsmith, O. life and misc. wks. R1728 Golf N42 Goncourt, E., and J. de, French fiction P70:1830 Gordon, C. G., Gen., life ..T21.185 Gorky, M., Russian fiction P5. r >:186 ■ - - : : . : \C<..^- Gospels, Bible B.54 dictionary of 354A.02/ Gosse, E., essays PJ84'- ; Gothenburg experiment L68 Gothic architecture 175 Goths V14 Gough, J. B., life L68 Government M36 Gower, F. L., life A90 Lord R. S., life A90 Goya, Spanish painting. .036V55 Grafting K33 Graham, P. A., essays R18 R. B. C, essays R1852 Grain merchants' accounts .... 104 Grammar, English Q1A417 Grammont, Count T23:166 Granada V56 Grant, U. S., life X25:186 Granville, H., Countess, life ..A90 Gras, F., French fiction . .P70.T84 Graves, A. P., poems R1846 Gray, Thomas, life and poems R1716 Grayling fishing N25 Great Britain TI7 birds K62T16 manners and customs T16L70 zoology K49T16 See also England, Scotland and Ireland. Great ice age J69.5 Greco-Turkish war, 1897 W13 Greece, Ancient W02 and Rome (together) . . . .V95 Modern W13 Greek & Christian theology B45F02 and Latin literature (to- gether) P61 art O01W02 drama P60 education L36 language P59 literature P60 mythology B12W02 philosophy B11W02 religion F02 sculpture O03W02 Green, J. R., letters R1837.8 Greene, W. B., poems R18 Greenhouses K35 Greenland Y64 Gregory, W., life A90 Greville, Hv., diaries T19:183 Grey, Earl, life Tift: 180 Grieg, Edward, life 051:184 Grossmith, Geo., life N19 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Grouse, nat. hist. (lass K67 • spore N60 Gr.ove Sir, G., life O50 GucViri, E. de, life P70:1810 Guianas X86 Guilds M69 Guinea coast, Africa Y15 Gums ]90.2 Gunpowder plot 119:160 Gurneys of Earlham A90 Gustavus Adolphus, life. .V05: 161 Gyp, French fiction P70:1850 Gypsies L04 Haig, Axel. H., art 154012 Hall marks O10 Halliday, A., essays R 1830.3 Halticidae K82 Hampshire U22 Hampton court gallery . . 036A322 Handel, life 051:168 Hannibal, life V63.1 Hardinge, Visct., life W4 1:184 Hardy, Thos., life and novels. S4541 poems R 1840.1 Hare, Augustus, life A90 Hare, sport N60 Harmony 056 Harrison, Clifford, life P12 Harrison, Frederick, life and lit. essays R1831 Harrogate T77 Harte, F. B., poems R 1839.1 Hastings, Marquess of, life W41:178 Hastings, Warren, life W41:176 Hauff, W., German fiction P82:180 Hauptmann, G., German drama P82' 1862 Havelock, Sir H., life W4P182 Hawaii W99 Hawker, R. S., miscellany R 1803.4 Hawkins, Sir J. T., life. . . .T22:156 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, life and novels S4648 miscellany R1804 Haydn, Jos., life 051:173 Hazlitt, Wm„ life and essays R1778 Health, personal L18 public L17 Wallasey T81.3L17 Heat J 34 Heavens J 37 Heber, R., poems R1783 Hebrews, epistle Boo. 7 history W25 religion F25 I Hebrides 1161 Hegel, G. W. F., life BUY 14 ! Class Heidelberg - VI 9 Heifer of the dawn, Hindu lit. ,/P49 Heimburg, W., Germ, fiction. P82: J 8 Heine, H., life and poems P82:179!) Hell B61A38I Helps, Sir A., essays R1813 Hemans, Mrs. F., poems . . . .R1794 Henley, W. E., works R1849.1 Henry 2 of England, Hfe..T19: 1 1 5 Henry 5 „ „ ,, ..T19:141 Henry 7 „ „ „ . '.119:148 Henry 8 „ „ ,, . .T19:153 Henry of Navarre, life ... .¥35:157 Henry, Prince, " The Navigator," life T06A90 Heraldry A92 Herbart, J. F., teaching L35 Herbert, G., poems R1593 Hereditary genius L33.2 Heredity K09 Hereford U03 Herodotus, Greek lit. . . P60:484b.c. Hertford U09 Herzegovina W16 Hesiod, poems P60:720b.c. Heyse, P., German fiction P82:1830 Heywood, Thomas R1580 Higher criticism B45A37 Highlands U62 Hill, Sir R.. life 180.5 Hindu- Kush W44 Hindu-literature P49 Hindu philosophy B11W41 Hinduism F41 Hindustan W41 Hispidae K82 History, national T-Y Hittites W25 Hobbes, J. O., plays R1867 Hobbes, Thos., life Bll Hockey N44 Hogarth, Wm., life and art ... .026 Hogg, Jas., poems R 1770.1 Hohenlohe, Prince, life ..V14:185 Holbein. Hans, art 036V28 Hole, Dean, life A90 Holland V8 Holmes, O. W., life and essays R1809.1 Holy Land W25 Roman empire . ...V 14 044 Home education L41 life L70 Home Rule movement t"89 Homer, Greek lit P60:840b.c. Homiletics B72 Hood, T., works R1799 SURJECT-IXDEX. Class Hope, L., poems R18 Hoppner, John, life O36T10 Horace, poems P64:65b.c. Horology J 46. 8 Horn, W. D., von, German fiction P82:18 | Horse management K43 Horsemanship N50 Horseracing N53 Horses K53 House decoration 164 of Commons T20 Lords T20 Household law M57 Housekeeping L80 Houses . 167 Housing of working classes. .M08.7 Houssaye, A., French fiction.. P70: 18 Houville, Gerard d', French fiction P70:187 Howells, W. D., essays ..R1837.3 Hughes, G. G., life A90 Hugo, Victor, life and novels P70:1802 Huguenots in France E35 Human origins L01 Hume, David, life Bll Humming, birds K65 Humor, English, collections . . RA46 Hungarian literature P44 Hungary, description V27 history V26 Hunt, Leigh, life & miscellany R1784 Hunter, Capt. C, life T22:184 Hunter, J., life L14 Hunting N54 Huon of Bordeaux, French lit. P70.1100 Hutchinson, Col. J T 19: 164 Hutton, R. H., lit. essays . .R 1826.1 Huysmans, J. K., French fiction P70.1848 Huxley, Prof., life K02 Hydrostatics J 54 Hygiene, nerves L29 personal L18 public L17 Hymenoptera K85 Hymns RA474 Christian B45 Hypnotism L30.6 Ibsen, Henrik, life & plays P76.4: 182 Ice age J 48 Iceland V01 Icelandic literature P76.2 Iddesleigh, Earl of, life ..T19:186 Identification, crime M64.5 Class Ignorance L35 Illuminated mss PI 8.1 Illustration of books, drawing Olo process work . . 033 Imitation, biology K09.5 Immigration M47 Immortality B61A381 Imperial federation M40 Imperialism M46.5 Inclosures, law of Ml 4. 51 Indexing M81 India, description W42 frontier policy W41.9 war, tactics . . 192.3 history W41 religion F41 Indian literature P48 mutiny W41 ocean Y48 philosophy B11W41 Indo-China, French W59 Indoor games N04 Induction, logic BO 1.3 Industrial combination — guilds M69 trade unions . . . .M06.2 trusts M69.5 disputes M06 Industry M68 Inebriety L68 Infant psychology L34 schools L43 Ingelow, J. poems R1820 Ingoldsby, T., miscellany . R1788.1 Ingres, J. D., art 036V35 Inorganic chemistry J 88 Insanity L31 and genius L33.2 Insects K81 Insessores K65 Insurance M21 Insurance companies' accounts . 104 Intaglio engraving O10 Intellect L33 Intemperance L68 Intensification, photo 029 International law M43 relations M42 Inventions A276 Invertebrates K77 Ireland, description I "94 history 189 religious history D89 Irish folk tales B18U89 land question Ml 2 language P52.2 life U94 28 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Irish literature (Celtic) P52.2 stage RA55 Irving, Henry, life RA55 Irving, Washington, life and essays R 1783.1 Isaiah B52.1 Island life KOI Isle of Man U44 Wight U23 Israelites F25 Italian art O01V74 lakes V84.3 language P65 literature P66 painting 036V74 Italy description V83 Italy, history V74 Ivory workers O03 Jacobites U45: 174 and T 19: 171 Jamaica X82 James 4 of Scotland, life .. U45: 148 James, epistle B55.8 Jameson, Anna, life O01 Jameson raid Y43:189 Japanese art O01W75 empire, description . . W76 history W75 language P41 literature P41 Jeanne d'Arc, life V35 Jebb, J. G., life T06A90 Jefferies, Richard, life R1848.1 Jenner, Sir W., life Lll Jeremiah B52.2 Jerome, J. K., essays R1859.1 Jerome, St. life B74.5 Jerrold, D., miscellany R1803.5 Jerusalem W25 Jesus Christ B61A374 life B54A02 Jewellery, art O20 Jewels, precious stones J 73 Jews, ancient W25 modern W26 religion F25 Joachim. J., life 051:183 Job, Bible B51.1 Joel, Bible B52.7 John, epistles B55.91 gospels B54.4 Johnson, Saml., life R1709 Jokar, M., Hungarian fiction . .P44 Jonah B52.91 Jones H. A., plays R1851 Jones. Sir E. Burne, life . .O30T19 Jonson, Ben., life and plays R1573. 1 Jordan river W25 Class Joseph 2 of Austria, life . . V14: 176 Joshua B50.2 Joubert, P. J., French literature P70:175 Josika, Baron N., Hungarian fiction P44 Journalism P05 Jowett, Benj., life L48 Judaea W25 Judaism F25 Jude, epistle B55.92 Judges, Bible .B50.3 Julian, emperor of Rome, life. . V64 Jurisprudence M55 Juvenal P64 Juvenile books Z Kaffir folklore B18Y38 Kalevala, Finnish literature . . P44 Kalidasa. Hindu literature . . . . P49 Kant, Immanuel, life ....B11V14 Karpathians V22 Kashmir W48 Kean, Edmund, life RA55 Keary, Annie, life S5375 Keats, John, life and poems. . R1795 Keble J., poems R1792 Keene, Chas., life 013.5 Keller, Helen, life L46 Keltic literature P52 Kelvin, Lord, life I01A90 Kemble, F. A., life A90 Kembles, The, lives RA55 Kent U26 Kentucky X52 Kilda, St U61 Kindergarten L42 Kings, Bible B50.6 Kingsley, Chas., life and novels S5620 Kingsley, Chas., poems ..R 18 19.2 Kipling, R., poems R 1865.1 Kitchen gardening K33 Knights A 93 Knots 182.2 Knox, Jno. life D45 Knutsford T80 Kolokotrones, life W13 Koran B44.5 Kropotkin. Prince, life V12:18C Kruger. Paul, life Y43:18 Kiorz, H., German fiction P82:1853 Labour M06 women L78 Labrador X1T Lace 021 Lacrosse N45 Lagerlof.S., Swedish fiction P76.8:18 Lake district T75 SUBJECT-INDEX. 29 Class Lake district, Italy V84.3 dwellings of Europe . . . .T13 Lakes J 52 Lamaism F68 Lamarckism K02 Lamartine, A. de P70.1790 Lamb, Chas., life and essays R1775.2 Lamb, Mary, life R1775.2 Lamentations, Bible B52.3 Lancashire T78 & Ches. Antiquarian Society T76A262 & Ches. Historic Society T76A262 together . . .T76 birds T78K62 cotton industry . .T78K40 monuments ....T78O10 Roman remains .T78A62 Land M12 reform M12 Landor, W. S., life and essays R1775 Landscape gardening K34 painting 046 Landseer, Sir, E., life 042.5 Lang, A., essays R1844 Langland, Wm., poems ....R1330 Language, general philology .. PO 1 Languages, universal P16 Lantern., magic J32.9 slides, photography 029 Lapauze, Mme. H., French fiction P70.186 Lassa W68 Lathes 130.6 Latin & Greek literature ....P61 language P63 literature P64 Latude, H. M., life M66 Laud, Wm., Archbp.. life C19 j Laundry work L98 j Lavedan, H., French fiction P70:18 j Law M55 household M57 Lawn tennis N47 Lawrence, Lord, life ....W4L184 Lawyers M55 Le Brun, Mme., life 036V35 Le Caron, H., life U89.187 Le Gallienne, R., essays. . . .R1866 Le Sage, A. R., French fiction P70:1668 Leasehold enfranchisement . .M39 Leather work 023 Lee, R. E., life X25:186 Lee, Vernon, essays R1856. 1 Leicester square, London U07 Class Leighton, Fredk., Lord, life 036T19 Leland, C. G., life and ballads R1824 Lemaitre, J., French fiction P70: 1853 Lennep, J. Van, Dutch fiction . . P87 Lenses, photographic 029 Lepidoptera K87 Lermina, J., French fiction P70.18 Leslie, C. R., life 036T19 Lespinasse, Mile, de., letters P70:1731 Lesseps, F. de, life 143 Lessing, G. E., life and works P82:1729 Lester, J. W., essays R18 Lesueur, D., French fiction P70:186 Lettering, ornamental 018 Letters, English, collections RA56 Levant W22 Leviticus B50.13 Lhasa W68 Li Hung Chang, life W64 Liberia Y19 Liberty M01 of press and speech .... P06 Libraries P33 Lichens K26 Lichfield T98 Lichtenberger, Andre, French fiction P70: 1870-1 Liebig, J. von, life J81 Life K01.1 Light J32 electric J23 railways 128 Lighthouses 185.6 Lilies K32 Lincoln T84 Lincoln, Abraham, life ...X25:186 Lions K53 Liquidation accounts 104 L'Isle, Adam V. de, life . .P70:1838 Literary criticism P04 essays, collections .... RA45 history, English RA59 general P37 London U07 Literature, universal P02 English R Liverpool T79 Art Gallery ....T79O01 flora T79K28 Libraries T79P33 Regiment 192.2 slave trade T79M07 University songs .... 075 Livingstone, David, life Y37 Livy P64:59b.c. 30 Wallasey public libraries. Class Llandafi U43 Llandudno U31 Lobeira, Vasco, works P68.4 Local government M48 option, licensing reform . . L68 taxation M52 Locke, John, life B11T19 Lockhart, J. G„ life Rl 794.2 Lockouts M06.4 Locomotives 178 Lodge, Thomas, work R1558 Loft us, Lord A., life M42 Logarithms 108 Logic B01 Lombardy V84.3 London U07 poverty M08 Longfellow, H. W., life and poems R1807 Lord's Prayer B54.9 Supper B61A387 Lorenzo de'Medici, life ...V74:143 Loti, Pierre, French fiction P70:1850 Lotto, Lorenzo, life and art . 036V74 Louis 14 of France, life . .V35:164 Lowell, J. R., life and essays R1819.3 Loyola, Ignatius de, life L35 Lucian POO: 120 a. d. Lucretius P64:79b.c. Lucy, H. W. essays R1845.2 Luke, gospel B54.3 Luther, Martin, life B85 Lutheranism B85 Lyall, Chas., life J 06 Lyndsay, Sir David, poems. . R1490 Lvtton, Lord, life and novels SI 101 poems R1803 Mabinogion P52.0 Mabie, H. W., essays R1845.3 Macaulay, T. B., Lord, life and essays R1800 MacChevne, R. M., life B89 Macdowell, Edw., life 051:180 Macedonian empire W02 MacGregor, Jno.. life T00A90 Machiavelli, Niccolo, life ..V74:149 Machine design 130 parts 131 tools 130 Mackay, A. M., life B70.2 Macleod, Norman, life B87 Maclise, Daniel, life O30U45 Macmillan, Daniel, life P29 Macready, Wm. C, life RA55 Madagascar Y49 I Madeira, coleoptera of K82 Madrid V56 Class Mae, P., French fiction ..P70:18GO Maeterlinck, M., life and works P70:lK(i-2 Magdalen college, Oxford . . . .Ull Magee, W. C, Archbp., life B87 Magic lantern J 32. 9 Magnetism J14 Mahabtarata, Sanskrit lit P49 Mahometanism B44.5 Maitland, F. W., life M55A90' Maitland, Sir T., life M40 Majorca V59- Malay peninsula W57 Malaysia W77 Mammals K49' fossil K14K49 geography of .... K49T00 Man, I. of U44 Manchester T7& Libraries T78P33 school, trade M72 Manchuria W60- Mangan, J. C, poems . . . . R1803. 1 Mann, Horace, life L35A90' Manners and customs, G. Britain T16L70 Manning, H. E., Card, life B82 Manors Ml 5. 5 Manual education L44 Manuscripts, illnmiuated ..P18. 1 Manufactures, chemistry J 90 Manures K38.3 Manx names P52.4 Manzoni, A., Ital. fiction. .PGG:178fv Marbot, Baron de, life V35.T79 Marceau, A. F. S., life V35:178 Marcus Aurelius, works Bll Margaret of Navarre ;V35:152 Marguerite of Navarre, French fiction P70.T492 Margueritte, P., and V., French fiction .P70:1860.I Maria Theresa of Austria, life V14T74 Marie Antoinette, life . . . . V35: 1 70 Marine biology K12 engineering 184 law M02" painting 047 zoology K46- Maritime transport I81-IS7 Mark, gospels B54.2 - Marks, H. S., life O30T19 Marks on potterv J97.5 Marlborough. Duke of, life. T21: 169" Marmontel, J. F., French fiction P70 172S SUBJECT-INDEX. 31 Class Marlowe. C, plays R1564 Marocco Y13 Marriage customs L73 Marquesas Islands W97 Marston, P. B., poems R 1850.2 Martel, Comtesse de, French fiction P70:1850 Martineau, Harriett, life ..R1802.2 Martineau, James, essays R 1805.2 Marvell, Andrew, life R1621 Mary of Scots, life 145: 154 Mashonaland Y41 Massinger, P., plays R1583 Masson, David, essays . . . . R1S22. 1 Matabeleland Y41 Mathematics 102 tables I02A356 Mathews, Chas. J., life RA55 Matter, properties of 127 Matthew, gospels B54. 1 Matthews, B., essays . ...R1852.1 Maupassant, G. de, life and novels P70: 1850.2 Maurice. F. D., essays R 1 805.1 Maxwell, Sir H., essays ..R1845.1 Maxwell, J. C, life 126 Mayo, Farl of, life W4l:186 Mazarin, Card., life V35:164 Mazzini, Joseph, life V74:184 essays . .P66:1805 Meade, Sir R., life W41:184 Mecca W33 Mechanics 128 Medals T21O10 Media W34 Medici, Cosimo de, life . .V74.143 Medici, Lorenzo de', life . .V74:143 Medicine L07 Mediterranean V63 Meinhold, W., Germ, fiction ..P82 Melanchthon, P., life B83 Melbourne, Lord, life T 19: 182 Mendelssohn, F., life 051:180 Mendip U 1 5 Mensuration 125 Mental derangements L31 physiology L30 science L32 zoology K44L32 Mercantile law M57 marine 181 Meredith, Geo., novels S672.9 poems R1828 Meredith, O., poems R1831.1 Merv W39 Mesmerism L30.6 Metal work, design O20 Class Metal work, trades J 79.1 Metallurgy J 76 Metaphysics B03 Meteorites J40.4 Meteorologv J58 Metors . . J40.4 Methodism B91 Metrical romances RA47 Meuse river V31.5 Mexico X81 Meynell, Alice, poems R185 Michelangelo, life and art. .O01V74 Microbes LI 0.5 Microscopes J 33. 3 Microscopy J 33 Middleton, Thomas, plays ..R1570 Military history, P-ngland . . . .T21 science 192 Mill, Jas., life BUT 19 Mill, J. Stuart, life ..... .B11T19 Millais, J 036T19 Miller, Hugh, essavs R1802.1 Miller, Hugh, life J 66 Millet, J. F. 036V35 Millinery L92 Milling (grains) K39 Mills, C, miscellanv R18 Milton, John .' R1608 Mind L30 Mineralogy J 72 Miracles B54.7 Mirabeau, Comte de V35 Miscellany A05 Missions B76.2 Mississippi X49 Mitford, M. R R1786 Model drawing 013 Moffat, R B76.2 Mohammedanism B44.5 Molecular physcis 127 Moliere, J. B." P., works . .P70:1622 Mollusks K91 fossil K14K91 Moltke, H. K., Count von. VI 4: 184 Monachism B74.5 Money M09 Monk, Gen. Geo T2 1:164 Monkeys K50 Montagu, Lady M. W R1689 Montaigne, M. de, life and essavs P70":153 Montesquieu, M Bll works P70:1639 Montfort, S. de T19:124 Monumental brasses ~O10 Moons J 40.3 Moore, Thos Rl 779.1 32 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Moors in Spain V55 Moral education L59 Morality L60 More, Hannah R1745 More, Sir T T 19: 152 Morgenstern, L. ( Germ, fiction P82.18 Morland, George 036T19 Morley, Hy. R1822 Morley, John, essays R1838.2 Mormonism B99 Morocco Y13 Morris, Clara RA55 Morris, Lewis, poems R1833 Morris, William, poems ....R1834 Mosaic 024 Moscow expedition V35:180 Mosses K25 Moths K87 Motor cars 179.6 Moulds L10.5 Mountaineering N85 Alaska X78 Alps V34 Andes X97 Borneo W78 Caucasus . . . . V13 English Lake dist T75 New Zealand. W84 Sierra Nevada Cal X75 Wales ..U29-U35 Mountains J 49. 3 Mozart, W. A 051:175 Mozley, T A90 Miihlan, Helene von, Germ. fiction P82.18 Muller, F. Max P01 Muller. Geo M08.4 Mulready, Win 036X19 Municipal government M48 ownership M50 Munro, Sir T W4L178 Mural painting 044.5 Murger, H., French fiction P70:1827 Murillo, B. E 036V55 Music 050-080 Musical composition 056 forms 057.5 terms 050 Musicians' lives 051 Musset, A. de, French poetry P70:1810 Mutual aid M01 Myers, F. W. H., essays R1843 Mysing, Oscar, Germ, fiction. P82: 18 Class Mythology B12-B26 Britain B12 Greek F02 Mytton, John N23 Nairn, Baroness, life and songs Rl 766 Names, Christian P01 En-fish Q1A427 Gaelic place P52.3 Nantes, Edict of V35 and E35 Napier, Sir C T2L180 Napoleon 1 of France V35:179 3 V35:185 Natal Y43 National gallery 036A322 ownership M50 railways 178 Nativity B61A374 in art B61A374 Natural history, animals K44 Amazon R. . . . X92 of Andaman Is. Y48 Argentina .... X94 Azores ...Y51K01 Cambridge . . . T90 Christmas I. . . Y48 Guianas X86 Indian seas . . . Y48 Mid Africa Y34 selection K05 theology B32 Nature, physiography J43 study KOI teaching L35K01 Nautical astronomy 185.1 Naval history, England T22 reform T22 science 188 Navigation 185 Near East W01 Needlework L89 artistic 021 Nehemiah B50.81 Neighbourhood guilds M26.4 Nelson, Lord T22:179 Nervous system L29 Nests, birds K62 Netherlands, description V29 history V28 Nevill, Lady D A90 New Forest U22 Guinea W94 South Wales W91 Testament B53 theology B45 York .' X39 Zealand, description ....W84 SUBJECT- INDEX. 33 Class New Zealand, history W83 Newbigging, T., essays R18 Newbolt, Hy. ( poems R1862 Newfoundland X24 Newman, J. H., Card., life B82 poems R1801 Newspaper work P05 Newton, Sir. 1 126 Nibelungenlied P82:1200 Nicknames Q1A427 Nicobar Is Y48 Nietzsche F Bll Niger valley Y16 Nigeria Y22 Nightingale, Florence L15 Nile valley Y08 Nineveh W29 Xollekens, Joseph O03T19 Nomads L03 Non-Christian religions B44 Nordau, Max. Germ, fiction P82:1849 Norfolk T93 zoology K46T93 Normandy V47 Norman-Neruda, L N85 Norse literature P76 mythology B12V02 North, Christopher, miscellany R1785 North America X08.4— X71 North Wales U29-U35 Northcote, Jas 036T19 Northcote, Sir S T 19: 186 North-west passage V64.2 Norway, description V04 fishing N25 history V03 Norwegian language P76.3 literature P76.4 Norwich cathedral T93 Notes M09 Novel, English SA59 Novels. See Fiction. Noyes, A., poems R1880 Numbers, Bible B50.14 Numismatics M10.5 Nuremburg V18 .Nursery L81 rhymes RA474 Nursing L15 Nyassaland Y36 •Oban U77 Object lessons L40 teaching L40 Occult sciences B26 •Oceans J51 Class O'Connell. Daniel U89:182 Office equipment M76 Ogilvy Margt S0460 Ohnet, G., French fiction P70: 1848.1 Oil painting 039 Old age pensions M08.9 Testament B49 Oliphant, Lawrence A90 Mrs. M. O. W S7154 Omar Khayyam, Pers. lit. . .P51.10 Ompteda, Baron T2P179 Open spaces, law of Ml 5. 81 Opera 076 Orange Free State Y45 Oratory Pll Orchestration 059 Orchids K22 O'Rell, Max, humour R18 Organic chemistry J 89 Origin of species K07 Ornament 018 O'Shea, Capt P05 Ottoman, empire W20 Otway, Thomas, poems . . . .R1652 Oudinot, Marshal V35:180 Over, Cheshire T81 Ovid P64:43b.c4 Oxenden, A., Bp B87 Oxford Ull movement C19 Pacific Coast, S. America . . . .X96 ocean W96 Paderewski, I. J., life 051:186 Paget, V., essays R1856.1 Pailleron E. French drama P70:1834 Painting 036 animal 042.5 house 164 oil 039 portrait 043 water-colour 040 Paints J 96.1 Palceolithic implements, British T16A624 Palaeontology K14 Palestine W25 Palmer, Saml 036T19 Palmerston, H. J. Vise. ..T19:183 Palmistry B24.1 Palmyra W22 Pamirs W37 Pantheism B10.6 Papal monarchy V74:059 Parables of Bible B54.8 Paris V48.5 Parish clerks B7o.8 3 4 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Parish life B75.8 Park, Mungo Y1.6 Parker, Jos B90 Paxkes, Sir H WG2 Parks, London U07 Parliament, English T20 Parliamentary elections, England T20M39 Parnell, Thomas, poems .... R1679 Parnell movement 1189 Parrots K06 Partridge nat. hist K67 Partridge sport N60 Party politics M44 Pascal, Blaise, life and letters P70:1623 Pasteur, Louis J81 Pastes J 96.2 Paston letters T19:142 Patagonia X95 Patent?, law A227 Pater, W. H R1839 Pathology of mind L30 Patience games Nil Patmore, Coventry R1823 Paton, J. C " B76.2 Patrick, St U89 Pattern designing 018 Pattison, Mark, life R1813.1 Paul, H. W., essays R1853 Paul, St B54.5 Pauperism M08 Pavements, artistic 024 Peak district T97 Peasantry M06 Peel, Sir R., life T19:180 Peele, C, plays R1558 Peninsular war V55: 180 Pennefather, W B87 Penshnrst U26 Pentland rising 1745:166 Pepys, Saml T 19: 165 Percy family A91.734 Perfall, Karl von, Germ, fiction P82:18 Pericles W02 Perseverance L69.3 Persia, ancient W34 modern, description . .W36 Persian literature P51 old P51.1 mysticism B25 Personal religion B74 Peru X98 Perugia V89 Pests K36 Peter, epistles B55.9 Class Peter 1 of Russia, " The Great" ...V12:168 Peterborough. Lord T2L169 Peterborough cathedral T84 Petrology J 70 Phanerogamia K22" Pheasants, sport N60 Philemon, epistle B55.6 Philip Augustus of France \ 35:118 Philip 2 of Spain V55:155 Philippians B55.5 Philippine Islands W80 Phillip, Adm W91 Phillips, S., plays R1868 Philology P01 Philomathic Society T79A262 Philosophers Bll Philosophy B01-B11 and religion B02 Phoenicia W24 Photo-engraving 033 Photography 029 artistic 031 Physical chemistry J 82 deterioration LI 7.9 exercises L17.9 sciences 101 Physics, general 126 Physiognomy L30.4 Physiography J43-J58 Physiology L09 Piano *. .061 sonata 061 Picavea, R. M., Spanish fiction P68:18 Pickle the spy U45:174 Pico della Mirandola, G. . .P66.T46 Picton, Sir J T79 Pigeons K67 Pigou. Francis, Dean B87 Pilgrim fathers X25 Pinero, A. W., plays R1855 Pitman, Sir T P21 Pitt, Win T19:17S Pitt. W., Earl of Chatham .T19T74 Pius IX B82 Pizarro, Francisco X98 Place names, Gaelic P52.3 Plane geometry 112" Plant folklore B18K21 Plantagenets T19:113 Plastic arts O02 Plato, philosophv Bll literature" P60:420b.c. Plant us P64 Playing cards, engraving 025 SUBJECT-INDEX. 35 Class Plays, Eng. collection RA47 Pleistocene geology J 69. 5 Pliny, younger P64 Plotmus B11W02 Plumbers 163 Poe, E. A., life and essays .R1809.3 Poetry, English, collections. RA47 Poets, English R See special Index hanging from bookcase. Poker, games Nil Poland, description V25 history V24 Polar regions Y59 Political economy M03 parties M44 science M37 Politics, government M36 Polo N55 Polvglot Bible B46A423 Polynesia W95 Polyzoa K94 Pompeii V90 Pond life K12.5 Poor M08 aged M08.9 Pope, Alex., life and poems. R 1688 Popes, lives B82 Porcelain J97 Porto Rico X82 Portrait painting 043 Portraits, Eng. lit RA12 Ports, management 186.5 Portugal., description V58 history V57 Portuguese East Africa Y36 language P68.2 literature P68.4 Positivism B10.5 Post marks 180.5 Office 180.5 Postage stamps 180.5 Potatoes, gardening K33 Pottery J97 Poultry K42 Ponvillon, E., French fiction P70: 1840.2 Poverty M08 Povnter, Sir E. J. Eng. art.036T19 Prague V23 Prayer book, Anglican . . B87A386 Praed, W. M., poems R1802 Precious stones J 73 Precis M81 Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood O30T19 Presbvterianism B89 Class Prescott, W. H., life and essays R1796 Prevost, A. F., French fiction P70.1697 Primates K50 Primeval life K14 Primitive religion B43 Printing P26 Prints 025 Prior, Matthew, poems . ...R1664 Prisons M66 Pronunciation, English Ql Property M12 Prophetical books, Bible B52 Protection, tariffs M72 Protestantism B84 Prout, Father, humour R1804 Proverbs, Bible B51.3 Prussia V16 Psalms B51.2 Pseudonyms, Eng. lit RA427 Psychical research B26 Psychological religion B35 Psychology L32 infant L34 of religion B27 Publishing P29 Puccini, G., 051:185 Puerto, Rico X82 "Punch," history of RA46 Punctuation, English Ql Punishment, crime M65 Punjab W46 Purcell, H 051:165 Pusey, E. B C19 Puzzles N17 Pyramids, games N20 Pyrenees . ; V53 Quakers B93 Qualitative analysis J 84.1 Quantitative analysis J84.2 Quantity surveying 154 Quarles, F., poems .R1592 Queens of England T19A602 of Scotland U45A602 Queensland W90 Quiller Couch, A. T.. essays R1863 Quotations ". . P02A44 Rabbit, sport N60 Rabelais, F P70:1490 Rachel, Mme, life P70A55 Racine, Jean P70.1639 Radicalism M44 Radioactivity 127.91 Raffles, Sir S W81 Raikes, H. C 180.5 Railway engineering .. ... . . 178 36 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Rainfall J 58.2 Raleigh, Sir W T 19: 158 Ramayana, Sanscrit P49 Ramsay, Allan, poems . . . . R1686. 1 Ranj it Singh W4 1:681 Raphael 036V74 Rasores K67 Rathbone, Wm T79 Rationalism B38 Reade, Chas., life and novels S7495 Reading, selection of P35 Readings P12 Recitations PI 2 Red Indian stories Z58.77 Reflections in water, art Oil Reform bill T 19: 183 Reformation B83 andT10:150 Regnier, Marie L. de, French fiction P70:187 Reign of terror, French revol. V35:179 Religion B27-97 and science B39 personal B74 primitive B43 Religious history C-H Rembrandt van Rijn 036V28 Renaissance Tl 0:145 architecture 176 French V35:150 Italian V74:145 painting 036V74 women L78 Renan, Ernest, life P70:1823 Renaud of Montaubon, French literature P70:1000 Rennell, Maj. J J 43 Repairs, building 154 Reporting, newspaper P05 shorthand P21 Repousse O20 Representative government . .M39 Reptiles K73 extinct flving K14 fossil K14K73 Reresby, Sir J T 19: 165 Reserve fund accounts 104 Residences, English historic T70I68 Respiration, human 123 Revelations B56 Revolutions T04A605 Reynolds, Sir J., life 036T19 Reynolds, S. W., engraving . . .025 Rhenish language P82. 1 Rhetoric P10 Rhine V19.5 Rhode Is X37 Class Rhodesia ; Y40 Rhone river V52 Rhyming dictionary Q1A421 Richelieu, Card V35:162 Richter, J. P. F., Germ. lit. P82:1762 Riding N52 Rigging, ships 182.2 Rights of way, law of Ml 5. 81 Rings, finger O20 Ripon T77 Rivers J 53 Devonshire U18 Riviera V54 Roads 140 Robert the Bruce U45:129 Roberts, Lord W41.185 Roberts, R. E., poems R18 Robertson, F. W B87 Robertson, W. B., of Irvine ..B89 Rochester U26 Rocks J 70 Rocky mountains X08.5 Canada .... X14 Rod, L. Edouard, French fiction P70:1857 Rodenbach, G., French fiction P70:1855 Rogers, Saml., life and poems R1763 Roland, Mme V35:178 Rolen, Franz, Germ, fiction P82:18 Roman Catholicism B82 in Ireland. . U89: 190 literature P64 remains, Cheshire .... T80 Lancashire .T78 Romans, epistle B55. 1 Rome, ancient V64 and Greece V95 modern V88 Romilly, Samuel 036T19 Romney, Geo 036X19 Romsey, Abbey U22 Rontgen rays J 32. 11 Rosebery, Lord, essays ..R1847.1 Rosegger, P., Germ, fiction P82:18 Roses K32 Rossetti, Christina, life and poems • R1830 Rossetti, D. G., art 036T19 poems R1828 Rossini, C. A 051:179 Rostand, E., French drama P70:1868 Rouen V47 Rousseau, "f. ]., education . . . .L35 literature P70:1712 SUBJECT-INDEX. 37 Class Rowing N26 Rubens, P. P 036V28 Ruskin, John, life and miscellany R1819.5 Russell, John, Earl T19:183 Russia, description V13 history V12 Russian empire VI 1 language P54 literature P55 peasantry M06 Rutherford, Mark, essays ..R1830 Sacraments B61A387 Sacred allegories B73 song RA474 Sa'di, Pers. lit P51 Sailors, English navy T22 St. Andrew's L48 Saint -Pierre — P70:1737 Saint- Simon, due de V35:170 life P70:1675 Sainte-Beuve, C. A., French essays P70:1804 Saints in art O01 Saints monastic life B74.5 of Bible See Name e.g., John. Saints, religious history . .C04A90 Saintsbury, G., essays . ...R1845 Sakoontala, Hindu lit P49 Sala. G. A P05 Saladin W32 Salisbury U14 Marquis of T19:186 Salmon N25 Salvation army B98 Samuel, Bible B50.5 Sand, George, French fiction P70:1804 Sand castles N29 Sandeau, J., French fiction P70.1811.2 Sandwich islands W99 Sanitary engineering — 146 fitting, plumbing ....163 Sanitation L19 Sanity L31 Sankey, I. D B76.2 Sansons, The M67 Saone river V52.2 Saracens W32 Savonarola V74.T49 Savoy opera RA55 Scandinavia V02 antiquities . . V02A62 Scansores K66 Scenery, geology J 66 Class Sceptics, Greek philos B11W02 Scheffel, J. V., Germ, fiction P82:18 Schiller, j. C. F. von, life and works P82:1759 School gardening L42 stories Z49 teaching L35 Schools, continuation L43.5 Schopenhauer, A Bll Schubert, F 051:179 Schumann, R 051:181 Science and religion B39 socialism M28 Sciences, physical 101 Scientific recreations T26 Scientists KOI Scotland, description U54-U88 geology J 66 history U45 place-names P52.3 queens of U45A602 Scots literary historv Q6 Scott, C, poems .". R1841T Scott, Sir G 154 Scott, Sir W., life and novels S7788 poems R1771 Scottish language Ql Sculpture 003 Sea anemones K96 biology K12 coast J51.5 fishing N25 life 187 tales Z54 70ology K46 Seals K57 to mss A962 Seaman, O., humour . . . .R1861.1 Seamanship 185 Seaweeds Kl2 Secondary education L43.5 Sedan V35.187 Segantini, Giovanni 036V74 Seismology J 47 Selden, J., miscellany R1584 Selection of reading P35 Sellar, Mrs., biog A90 Seneca P64:3b.c. Seneca, L. Annaeus III. . . P64:4b.c. Sepoy war W41:185 Sermon on the mount B54 Sermons B73 Serpents K73 Servants L97 Sevigne, Mme. de P70: 1626 Sewage 146.3 Sex customs L73 38 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Shah Nameh, Pers. lit P5L1 Shairp, J. C, essays R1819.6 Shakspere, Wm., life and plays R1564 Sharpe, C. K A90 Shaw, G. B., plays R 1856. 3 Shelley, M. W., life R 1792.1 Shelley, P. B., life and poems R 1792.1 Shellfish K91 Shells K91 Shenstone, W., poems . ...R1714 Sheridan, R. B., life and plays R1751 Shi-king, Chinese lit P41.2 Shipbuilding 182 Shipping accounts 104 Shipwrecks 186.7 Shirley, J., poems R1596 Shooting N58-N60 Shorthand P21 Shows N19 Shrewsbury '.U01 Siam W55 Siberia V11-V13 Siberian railway VI 3. 9 Sicily V92 Siddons, Mrs. S RA55 Sidney, Sir P., life R1554 Siena V87 Sienkiewicz, H., Polish fiction P56.5 Sierra Nevada, Cal X75 Sigillography A962 Silk L86 Simple life L18 Simpson, Sir J L07 Sinai W25 Singing 073 Skating N67 Skipsey, J., poems . , R18 Skye U61 Slang, English Q1A424 Slave trade, Liverpool . . . .T79M07 Slavonic Europe V12 Sleep L18 Slide rule 103 Smetham, Jas 036T19 Smith, Adam M03 Smith, Alexander, essays. .R1830.1 Smith, Horace, " Interludes ". R18 Smith, Hcrace "Tin Trumpet" R1779 Smith, Joseph B99 Smith, Samuel A90 Smith, Samuel, essays R1836.1 Smith, Sydney, life and essays R1771.1 Class Smollett, Tobias, life and novels S7942 Social customs L61 Fngland T23 essays MO I ethics L61 progress M01 science MO I Socialism M28 Sociology . . .'. M01 Soils K3S Solar system J 40 Solicitors' accounts 104 Solid geometry 112 Somaliland, British Y32 Somerset U15 Song of Solomon Bo 1.5 Songbirds K63 Songs, sacred RA474 Sophodes P60 Soto, H. de X49 Soudan Y07 Sound J 36 South Africa, description Y39 history Y38 America X83 Pacific coast . . X96 Seas W95-W99 Wales U36 Southey, R., life and poems. . R1774 Southport T78 Southwell T85 Souvestre, K., French fiction P70T806 Spain and Portugal V54.9 Spain, description V56 history V55 Spanish ballads P68A47 language P67 literature P68 painting 035V55 Spears, Robt., life B97 Species, evolution K07 Spectroscope J32.3 Spectrum analysis J 32. 3 Speculation M54 Speech, liberty of P06 Spencer, Herbert, life ....B11T19 Spenser, Edm., life and poems R1552 Spev, River U62 Spiders K79 Spielhagen, F., Germ, fiction P82:1829 Spinoza, B. de, life Bll Spiritualism B26.1 Spitzbergen V64.7 Splices 182.2 SUBJECT-INDEX. 39 Class Sport N32 Spurgeon, C. H., life B92 Stael, Mme. de, life and works P70:1766 Stained glass 048 Stamp collecting 180.5 Stanley. A. P., Dean, life B87 Stanley, H. M Y34 Starfish K93 Stars J 39 State and labour M06 control, church B75.1 ethics L64 form of M37 ownership, railways 178 socialism ........... M34 Statesmen M36 Statics 128.2 Statistics A354A02 Steam engines J 35 navigation 184 Steele, Richard, life and works R1672 Steeplechasing N50 Steevens, G. W., essays ..R1869.1 Stencil work 164 Stephen, Sir Jas. F., life M55 Stephen, Sir Leslie, life and essays R1832 Stephenson, Geo 178 Sterne, L., life and works . .R1713 Stevenson, R. L., essays and poems R1850 life and novels S8050 Stilgebauer, Edward, Germ. fiction P82:18 Stillman, W. J P05 Stinde, J., Germ, fiction .P82:1841 Stock exchange M54 Stockbroker's accounts 104 Stoics B11W02 Stokes, Wm L07 Stone age, British : T16A624 Storey, G. A 036T19 Storm warnings J58.4 Stothard, Thos 036T19 Strafford, Earl of T 19: 162 Stratford-on-Avon T99 Shakspere countrv .R1564 Strathcona, Lord '. .X09:186 Strathnairn, Lord W4L185 Street, G. S., essays R1867 Street railwavs .*. 178 Strikes ' M06.4 Stuarts T19:160 Class Stubbs, Wm., Bp B87 Student life L54 Style in literature P10 Sudermann, FT., Germ, fiction P82:1857 Suffrage M39 Sullivan, Sir A 051:184 Sun J40.1 Sunbirds K65 Sunda W81 Superstition B23 Surnames, English 01A428 Surrey 7. .U25 Surrey, Earl of, poems . ...R1516 Surveying J 45 quantities 154 Sussex U24 Sutro, A., plays R1863.1 Sweated industry M06.6 Sweden, description V06 history V05 Swedenborg, Emanuel B96 Swedenborgians B96 Swedish literature P76.8 Swift, Jonathan, life and works R1667 Swimming N27 Swinburne, A. C, poems . . . .R1837 Switzerland, description V33 history V32 Symbolic logic B01 Symonds, J. A., essays R1840 Symons, Arthur, essays ..R1865.2 Synonyms, English Q1A425 Syria W25 Tables, mathematical 102 Tablev, Lord de, poems ..R1835.2 Tacitus P64 Tadema, L. A., poems R187 Tafilet Y13 Taine, Henri, life P70:182 Tallevrand, Prince de V35:180 Talmud F25 Taouism F64 Tartary W65 Tasmania W93 Tasso, Torquato P66:1544 Taste, art O01.9 Taverns L68.9 Taxation M52 Taxidermy K44 Taylor, B.. poems R 1825.1 Taylor, Sir Henrv, life and works R1800.3 Tavlor, Jeremy R1613 Tchaikovsky, P. 1 051:184 Teaching mathematics, . .« ... ... 102 40 WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class Teaching methods L35-L40 Technical education L44 Telegraph J 25 Telephone J 26 Telescopes J 32. 7 Temperance L68 Temple, Fredk., Archbp B87 Ten commandments B50.12 Tennis N47 Tennyson, Lord, life and poems R1809.4 Tennyson, Fredk., poems .R1807.1 Teranus, U. E., Germ, fiction P8.>:18 Terence P04 Teresa, Saint B74.5 Terry, Ellen RA55 Textiles, design 021 Thackerav, W. M., life and novels S8224 miscellany R1811 Thames district U04-U05 Theatres, amusements N18 architecture 1 70. 5 early London RA48 Theism* B33 Theodoric the Goth V14:045 Theodosius V64 Theology B27 Theophrastus B11W02 Theory of equations 110 Theosophy B35 Ther mod y namics J34.6 Thessaloriians, Epistles ...B55.61 Theuriet, A., French fiction P70:1833 Thibault, J. A., French fiction P70:1844 Thibet W68 Thirty-nine articles B87A372 vears' war V14:161 Thomason, Jas W4L181 Thomson, G., life R1759.1 Thomson, Jas., life R1700 Thomson, Jas. (B.V.). life . . R1834.1 Thoreau, H. D.. life R1817 Thorvaldsen, A. B O03V07 Thrift M08.1 Tibet W68 Buddhism F68 Ticknor, 0.. life R1791 Tigers K53 Timbers 162 Timbucktoo Y14 Time J46.81 Timothy, Bible B55.62 Tintoretto 036V74 Class Tirol V22 Toledo V56 Tolstoi, Count L. N., life and novels P55:1828 Tomkinson. Lt. Col. W. . .T2L180 Tonic Sol-fa 054 Tonkin ... . W61 Tools, mech. -engineering 130 Toryism M44 Totemism B43.6 Touraine V46 Tourneur, Cyril, plays P. 1580 Tower of London U07 Trade depression M68.5 unions M06.2 Trading, co-operative M18 Traill, H. D. ( essays R1842 Tramways, Wallasey . . T8 1.31 78. 1 Transcaucasia VI 3. 5 Transvaal, description Y44 history Y43 Travel, old-time 179 Travels T- Y Trees K30 Trent, Council of BS.i Trent, W. P., essays R1862.2 Tribal system M37 Trigonometry 114 Tripoli Y10 Trochilidae K65 Trollope, T. A S8358 Trout fishing N25 Troy W02 Trustees accounts 104 in law M57 Trusts M69.5. Tunis Y12 Tunnels 142 Turbines 184 Turgenieff, I. S., Russian fiction P55:1818 Turgot, A. R. J V35:177 Turkestan W39 Turkey, women in L78 Turkish empire, description W21-W22 history W20 language P44 Turner, J. M. W. 036T19 Tuscan art O01V87 Tuscany V87 Typewriting P24 Tyrol V22 Uganda Y34 Umbria V89 Underwriters' accounts 104 Unemployment M06.5 SUBJECT-INDEX. 41 Class I'ngulata K55 Unitarians B97 United States, democracy in . . X25 description X32-X71 history X25 Universal geography .... T03-T06 history T03-T04 language PIG Universe J 38 Universities L48 University of Wales L48 Utopias M38 Vaccination Lll Valdes, A. P., Spanish fiction P68:1853 Valera, Juan, Spanish fiction P68:1827 Vambery, Arminius T06A90 Vanbrugh, Sir J., plays R1664 Variation, biology K04 Vegetables K33 Velasquez, D 036V55 Venetia V85 Venezuela X86 Venice V85.1. Ventilation L20 Vere, A. de, life and poems. .R1814 Verestchagin, Vassili 036V12 Vergil P64:70b.c. Verhaeren, E., plays P70:18 Verona V85 Vertebrates K48 Veterinary medicine K43 Victoria of England T 19: 183 Victorian literature R1830 Vikram and the vampire, Hindu lit P49 Village community M37 Villiers del' Isle Adam P70:1838 Vinci, L. da 036V74 Violin 064 Virgil P64:70b.c. Vischer , Peter O10 Vivisection L69.9 Voice, elocution P12 singing 073 Volapuk PI 6 Volcanoes J47.1 Voltaire, F. M. A. de, life . . P70: 1694 Voss, Countess von VI 4: 172 Voyages and travels .... T06A83 Wages M06 Wagner, R 051:181 Wakefield, E. G W86 Wales, description U28-U43 fishing N25 history U27 Class Wales, tribal system M37U27 Walker, Gen. Sir C. P. B. . .T21: 184 Walkley, A. B., essays R1855.1 Wallace, A. R K02 Waller, Edmund, poems . .R1606 Wallasey — Cemetery T81.3L74 Education T81.3L35 Finances T81.3M51 Health ..T81.3L17 Statutes and bills ..T81.3M49 m Tramways T81.3I78.1 1 Urban D. Council, Minutes T81.3M48 Walpole, Horace, life and letters R1717 Walpole, Horatio, Lord . .T19:167 Walpole, Robt T19:172 Wapentake of Wirral T81M58 War artists 192 medals, English T21O10 of Independence, U.S. X25:177 ships T22 Ward, Artemus, N19 Ward, W. G CI 9 Warwick T99 Washbourne, E. B V35:186 Washington, Geo X25: 1 7 7 Wasps K85 Water J 55 sports N24-N29 supply . . J 56 Water-colour painting 040 Waterloo, battle V35:181 •Waterworks J 56 Watson, Ellen A90 Watson, William, poems R1858 Watt, Jas J35 Watteau, A., French art . .036V35 Watts, G. F., life 036T19 Watts-Dunton, T., poems R1836.2 Wealth M05 Weather J58.4.. Weber, CM 051:178 Webster, John, plays R1580 Webster, Noah PI 6. 7 Wedgwood, Thos 029 Wellesley, Marquess ....W41:179 Wellington, Duke of T21:180 Wells cathedral U15 Welsh language P52.6 Welshmen, lives ..U27 Werner, E., Germ, fiction ...P82: 18 Wesley, John B91 West Africa Y24 Ham, sociology ........ .MO I WALLASEY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Class West Indies . .X82 Kirby, churches T81172 Westbury, Lord :M55 Westminster •. . .'. U07 Westmoreland T75 Whales K57 Wharf edale T-77 Wharton, Philip, Duke of A90 Whateley , Archbp B 1 1 T 1 9 Whibley, C, essays .R187 Whist . L ...N08 Whistler, J. M., Amer. art 036X25 White, Kirke, poems R1785 White, W. H., essays ..... .R1830 Whiteneld, Geo B87 Whitman, Walt., essays .. R1819.4 Whittier, J. G., poems R1807 Wight, Isle of U23 Wilbrandt, Adolf, Germ, fiction P82: 1837.1 Wilcox, E. W„ poems ' . . .R1855.2 Wilde, O., essays R1856 William 1 of England, " The Conqueror" T19:106 William 3 of England T 19: 168 William 4 ,, T19:I83 William 1 of Germany V14:18G William 1 of Orange V28:1G5 Williams, Sir Geo B74.9 Wilson, Prof., miscellany ..R1785 Winchester' U22 Windsor U0.8 Wireless telegraphy J27 Wiring, electric J 22 Wirral T81 Wapentake of T81M58 Witchcraft . .- B22 Wolf, J 042.5 Wolff, Sir H; D IT 9: 185 Woollen manfrs. accounts 104 Wolseley, F. M., Vise T21T84 Wolsey, Card T 19: 152 Women artists of Bologne. O01V74 church work B45L78 education ; L45 of Old Testament . . B49L78 position L78 Class Women labour "• •».• MOO. 7 . suffrage M39. 1 Wood, Gen. Sir E .-.T21:185 Wood, H. J., life. ,« 051:187 Wood carving 'fi. O09 engraving O20 Woodlands . . . : • K30 Woodwork, carpentry ....... .1(32 teaching 1 L44. 1 Worcester '. . . . U02 Wordsworth, C, Bp B87 Wordsworth, Wm., life and poems ...R1770 Working classes MOO housing . . . .M08.7 Workmen's compensation. .M00.23 Workshop receipts I29A146 World J 37 history of T04 travel round TOO Worms K95 Worry L31 Wrekin '. . , . .U01 Writing P19 Wyatt, Sir T., poems R1503 Wyclif , John B83 Wye valley U03.5 Wyndham, Sir C RA55 Xenophon POO Yangtze valley W71 Yarrow . . U85 Yates, Edmund, recollections, S9949 Yeats, W. B., poems R1805 Yonge, C. M., poems RA55 York, poor in M08 Yorkshire T77 Young, Arthur A90 Young, Edward, poems . . . .R1083 Zambesi valley Y37 Zangwill, I., essays R18G4 Zola, Emile, French fiction P70.T840 Zoology : K44 economic K41 South Africa K44Y38 Zoroastrianism B44. Zschokke, H., Germ, fiction P82T771 Zwingli, Huldreich B83 /?~5|| \WJL UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 111452899