UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAlGM BOOMT^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 L. E., August, 1928 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ENTRANCE EXAMINATION English Literature Two units Since the form, as well as the content, of the answers is considered in grading the paper, the student should car ef idly read over his paper before handing it in. Make no substitutions except the one permitted in Group 1. A.— Time — One Hour and a Half 1. (Two questions to be answered, but for any question a question from any other group may be substi- tuted.) Identify the following: Nebuchadnezzar, Hezikiah, Samuel, Deborah, Aaron, Naomi, Joshua. Describe the conditions causing Achilles to stop fighting for the Greeks and the conditions which caused his return. Retell the story of the bending of the bow by Odysseus. Retell the story of the wanderings of .Tineas after the fall of Troy and before his reaching Carthage. 2. (Two questions to be selected.) What characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream are more than mere types? Defend your answer. Comment on Shakespeare’s use of prose, blank verse, and rhymed verse in the Mer- chant of Venice. Name the two women characters appearing in Julius Caesar; what does their introduction add to the play? Quote one of the songs from Twelfth Night. By whom and under what circumstances was each of the following uttered in As You Like It? (a) “Sweet youth, I pray you, chide a year together ; I’d rather hear you chide than this man woo.” (b) “Sir, you have wrestled well and overthrown More than your enemies.” (c) “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely actors.” (d) “A poor thing, but my own.” Give the most striking traits in the character of King Henry V, illustrating your points by references to the play. 3. (Two questions to be selected.) What do you learn of the customs and manners of the times as portrayed in Henry Esmond? Name all the chief characters appearing in the House of the Seven Gables, and char- acterize each briefly. Retell the chief adventures happening to Moses in the Vicar of Wakefield. Write a char- acter sketch of the oddest personage appearing in David Copperfield. Name four incidents in the plot of A Tale of Two Cities which are preparatory for later events. State clearly what trains of action are started in Ivanlioe by the Passage of Arms at Ashby. Describe the attack upon Liege as given in Quentin Durzvard. Write a brief description of Black Dog. Tell of Crusoe’s last adventure on his island. Name four of the characters appearing in the scene at the Rainbow inn and tell what you can about each. 4. (Two questions to be selected.) Describe the character of Will Wimble. To what part of his life could and did Clive look back with pride? Why? Trace the enmity between Burke and Hastings, stating the real cause for Burke’s great dislike for Hastings during the latter’s term in India. Give an account of the mountain hunt as related in the Oregon Trail. What was Franklin’s plan for the union of the colonies? Discuss his argu- ments in favor of it. What are four things you learn about Irving himself from reading his essays. What great traits of Lincoln’s character are portrayed in his speech at Independence Hall? Summarize the chief ideas you gained from reading one of Thackeray’s essays in the English Humorist. What are three incidents recorded in Walden which show Thoreau’s keen observation of nature. Retell what you regard as the most interesting adven- ture Stevenson relates in his Travel Essays. Retell the story of According to Code. ( over) ENGLISH LITERATURE (Continued) 5. (Three questions to be selected.) Give instance from the Lady of the Lake to substantiate the statement that “stranger” was a holy name to the Scottish people. Quote ten lines from Sohrab and Rustum and comment on their poetic qualities. Name four poems in Palgrave’s Golden Treasury valuable for their revelation of their writers. Show what each reveals. Describe accurately three characters appearing in Goldsmith’s De- serted Village. Point out four distinctly Poesque characteristics marking The Raven. Name three poems by Keats and give the central thought of each. What was King Arthur’s command to Sir P>ediviere, and what was the outcome. Write a character sketch of the Duke in Browning’s “My Last Duchess.” Show the indebtedness of the Prelude to the Vision of Sir Launfal to a poem by Wordsworth. Show how the Ancient Mariner carries out the fate allotted him by the throwing of dice. B. Answer All of the Questions in Five of the Following Groups. Time, An Hour and a Half. 1. Discuss in a paragraph Poe’s theories of poetry. 2. Name five contemporary essay writers and give in a sentence what you regard as the chief characteristics of each. 3. Compare the invocation in L’ Allegro with that in II Penseroso. 4. State clearly the events immediately leading up to the delivery of Burke’s Speech on Conciliation. 5. flow does Carlyle excuse Burke’s failure and his lapses from morality? Mention five of Johnson’s works and tell something of the nature and the success of each of these. Tell the influence of Lord Chesterfield and of George the Third on Johnson’s life and work. 6. What is the purpose in having the bleeding soldier come on the stage in Macbeth, Act I, Scene 2? By whom and under what circumstances was each of the following spoken : (a) “Ts this a daggar which I see before me?” (b) “Knock, knock, knock.” (c) “All the perfumes of Arabia cannot sweeten this little hand.” (d) “My way of life is fallen into the sear, the yellow leaf.” (e) “Fear not, Macbeth, no more that’s born of woman Shall e’er have power over thee.” 7. Give Washington’s views on matters of domestic concern as embodied in the harewcll Address.