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When orderings the Numbers only need be gi^en. 1 Agatha’s Husband Author of “ fohn Halifax."*' 2 Head of the Family Author of “ John Halifax'"* 5 The Ogilvies Author of^^ John Halifax," 7 Olive : a Novel Author of ^^fohn Halifax,'* 10 Mary Barton Mrs. Gaskell, 11 The Half Sisters Geraldine Jewshury. 1 5 Ruth : a Novel Mrs. Gaskell. 17 Jack Hinton, the Guardsman Charles Leaver. 18 Charles O’Malley, 750 pp., 3s. Charles Leaver. 20 The Daltons, 708 pp., 3s. Charles Leaver, 22 Harry Lorrequer’s Confessions Charles Leaver. 23 Knight of Gwynne, 630 pp., 3s. Charles Lever, 25 Dodd FamilyAbroad, 672 pp., 3f. Charles Lever, 27 The O'Donoghue Charles Lever, 28 Tom Burke, 704 pp., 3s. Charles Lever, 30 Davenport Dunn, 772 pp., 38. Charles Lever. 32 Fortunes of Glencore Charles Lever. 33 Roland Cashel, 618 pp., 3s. Charles Lever. 35 One of Them Charles Lever, 37 Katherine and Sisters Lady Emily Ponsonhy. 42 Martins of Cro’ Martin, 704 pp., 3 s. 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