I ) i'V.' t ' (jK: y * • Memorial Tree Planting MILITARY DRILL FIELD April 20, 1920 One o’clock T his memorial , which the University of Illinois is plant- ing to keep green the memory of her one hundred and seventy-three sons who gave their lives in the service of their country during the Great War, was subscribed for entirely by the student body. It is the tribute of the men and women of Illinois to the indomitable spirit of their fellow students who so nobly sacrificed their all, that those who remain might carry on their work in peace and security. The planting of a tree for each Illini who died in the service is a peculiarly fitting memorial. Each tree bears witness to the high regard in which the memory of those Gold Star Illini is held. Each tree will stand as a living reminder of the nobleness of character with which they fought for their ideals and for the ideals of their country. And with the coming of every spring the memorial will blossom and live anew, symbolizing the undying spirit of those for whom these trees are planted. PROGRAM □ 1:00 P.M Musical Numbers Concert Band 1 :30 P. M Review University Brigade 2:15 P. M Addresses Mr. H. E. Babbitt, Representing the American Legion, presiding. Memorial Address . Acting President David Kinley Prayer Capt. J. M. MacKendrick 2:30 P. M. . Distribution and Planting of Memorial Trees 3:00 P. M Military Program University Brigade, Army Planes 4:00 P. M Retreat PLAN OF MEMORI. AUilTARY &-IAECRLATl(9r @ <01 1 TC //6 'IncL .. Elm ■ ■I3E. ..MJOPWAY-MAt if7. . 3cAnL£r OAK- ■137: P/A' Oa/( //(9: BiJUU. Oak 136-^139: . 3carlet'0 119- _ . :5cadlet Oak ■ /40- ... P/A/ Oaac l^iOro- f23 IrjcL::5uaa Oak ■141. Scarlet O, ■124: . NoawAY Maple ■ U2-to144Mcl-... ’^/a/Oak 125: ... -Scar LET Oak- ■145-. ..Noeway Maple' 146,: ... ■P/At Oak 127- . . ‘MAii.D Ma PL E -147- Tablet Oa 128: ..NouwayMaple’ ■I4&. H/t^OAK 129: . Hard Maple - ■149-$ 130: ?i/*.. ' Oak' ■130-^!3!:... ... .:Elm- ■131. 9cArlet 0 I37rol35lNCL: ..:Hard Maple- 132: no Oak Plan forttie Proposed Dovelopniont ofthe Easf End of If SUOWING A\LMDRIA1J TREE PLANTING. !53: .'Mouv/ay 'Maple ]54.-4>I55 .:HaedMaplb ■!5C,-. .Nobway 'Maple' 1S7 ro l&O ItJCL:. ..'Elm- 1(>J: . Habd Maple ■I&2: . Nob way Maple IG3: .Elm ti> IucL.. . Nob wa y Ma pl e 16,7 $■!&&■. :3cABLEr'OAK' i&9. .Hard Maple- 170: . 'Pin Oak ■ ■171: :5cAB.LEr Oak- ■172^-173:. .:PiN Oak- lili^ajy Held - Ujuversity of Ulinds GOLD STAR ILLINI For Whom