Handbook of the Chicago 027.077311| t ANDBOOK CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB rfRMBRRS VARIES CHK HANDBOOK OF THE CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB INCLUDING CONSTITUTION, OFFICERS and MEMBERS WITH LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES D D D CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 1918 - PREFACE This handbook is an outgrowth of a desire to make the library resources of Chicago better known both to the members of the Chicago Library Club and to the public, and to com- memorate in a modest way the twenty-fifth anniversary of the club's existence. The list of libraries is not complete although considerable effort has been expended to make it so. The data in regard to each institution is simply an indication of its resources. It is hoped that the index of subjects will make this information more valuable. The committee is indebted to Miss Ahern for a short sketch of the history and development of the club. In 1905 the club issued a very useful volume, "Libraries of the City of Chicago with an Historical Sketch of the Chicago Library Club," which gives a more chronological and constitutional history. EDWARD D. TWEEDELL, OSCAR E. NORMAN, G. M. W. TEYEN, JANET M. GREEN, Committee on Publication. CONTENTS Preface Resume of club's career Constitution Officers, 1892-1918 List of members List of Chicago libraries Index to material and collections in libraries A RESUME OF THE CLUB'S CAREER The recorded history of the Chicago Library Club tells of several motives in the minds of those whose activity brought about the organization. There were at that time, it is said, a number of library workers in Chicago, who had previously been members of the New York Library Club. Further, it was fore- seen that the occasion of the World's Columbian Exposition would bring to Chicago those interested in library development, in such numbers and under such circumstances as would seem to call for an impersonal host for the occasions which wuold arise. However it was, the club was organized in December, 1891, in common with many similar groups of Chicago people, deter- mined to make the visitors to the World's Fair understand Chicago and its interests. The occasion of the World's Fair in Chicago marked a new era for many lines of endeavor. Among these was library service and extension. Not only in Chicago, but throughout the entire Middle West, if, indeed, one may not say the whole country, library work as a public service took on new energy, character, enlightenment and many far-reaching results that had not marked its existence before. It must always be a matter of pride to the Chicago Library Club that its first president was Dr. William Frederick Poole. His election bespoke activity and farsightedness and at the same time assured genial companionship and inspiration. The personnel of the Chicago Library Club changed rapidly with the activities of the time. Death removed Dr. Poole, change of position took Mr. Nelson, Miss Clarke, Mr. Pickett, Dr. Wire and other moving spirits out of its circle; but it brought in the late lamented Katharine L. Sharp and Anderson H. Hopkins, C. W. Andrews, William Warner Bishop, while the interest of C. B. Roden, William Stetson Merrill, Irene Warren, C. R. Perry and others still remained a helpful influence in the club. In later years the club has rejoiced in the membership of the well-beloved Henry E. Legler, W. N. C. Carlton, Geo. B. Utley, all prominent in the national councils of librarians. The interest of the club, far from being a concentrated pro- fessional thing, reached out into the affairs of the city and of the state, with which library interests were of right, concerned. Through the initial activity and continued interest of the Chciago Library Club, jail libraries for Cook County were first started, from which grew not only the development of the socialized 4 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB attitude of the Cook County and Bridewell jailers, but which, because of the interest of Mr. Whitman, has since reached out into other correctional work in penal institutions. The home libraries were the seed from which afterwards grew institutional and deposit libraries throughout the city. When the library interests seemed to lack in treatment the vision and appreciation which they had a right to expect from the municipal authorities, a committee of the Chicago Library Club called upon the then mayor of Chicago and presented to .him those things which they considered defects in the manner and cause of appointments to the library board and it may be safely claimed that a new library day in Chicago, in a very large measure, began through the influence of that movement. The Chicago Library Club at this time also asked the mayor to appoint a committee of citizens to consider the relations between the libraries, museums and art galleries of the city and out of that grew a form of cooperation which, while it has not yet attained the growth and power that could be desired, is still a work that redounds to the credit of its founders. The publications of the club have been few, the magnum opus being the List of Serials in the public libraries of Chicago and vicinity. This work was afterward taken over by the John Crerar Library, but it had its origin in the spirit of the Chicago Library Club. In the early days the discussions before the club were largely on library work. It was possible then to have persons of national reputation address the club on matters that were closely related to the work of its members. William H. Brett of Cleveland, Mrs. S. C. Fairchild, Dr. James H. Canfield, Melvil Dewey, Arthur E. Bostwick, Dr. Herbert Putnam, among the librarians, and Professor James Westfall Thompson, Jane Addams, Pro- fessor Charles Zueblin, Dr. Myra Reynolds, Rev. F. W. Gun- saulus, Colonel F. W. Parker, Mrs. Ellen H. Richards and others outside the library office related library service to their fields of activity. The annual party, which has grown in size and diversions, if not in effect, was instituted in January, 1899, and its effort, more or less successful, at being hostess to the A. L. A. and at times, to its council, are well known. It must not fail to be recorded that the transfer of the A. L. A. headquarters from Boston to Chicago was initiated by members of the Chicago Library Club and that the generous aid which made possible the first fitting up of headquarters came through the influence and activity of the Chicago Library Club member- ship. There is a temptation to dwell upon the fields that were not occupied, the endeavors that were not made and the opportunities that were not used, in looking over the history of the Chicago Library Club, the temptation fails when memory also recalls to those of long time membership, the gratifying and valuable development in professional spirit, in the clearsightedness of the majority of the members and the appreciation of the value of professional association which is manifest among the members today, after twenty-eight years of existence. The service of the club has been helpfully extended, through the membership, to the betterment of library service for Illinois and when the history of the development of libraries in the state is recorded, the names of members of the Chicago Library Club will, of right, be writ in its annals. There has been a fine spirit of camaraderie, a remarkable absence of personal aggrandizement or ambition and a willing- ness to do team work, that can be traced throughout the history of the club. The success of one has been the success of all and the misfortune of one has brought forth the sympathy of all. MARY EILEEN A HERN. May 14, 1918. CONSTITUTION Of the Chicago Library Club, as amended at a regular meeting of the club held November 14, 1901. ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this organization is the Chicago Library Club. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. The object of the club is to increase, by consultation and co- operation, the usefulness of the libraries of Chicago and vicinity, to promote library interests and work, and to encourage good fellowship among those engaged in such work. ARTICLE III. MEMBERS. Any person interested in library work may be elected to membership by the club. Applications for membership shall be made to the Secretary, who shall present them to the Executive Committee. The Committee must report them with its approval or disapproval at the next regular meeting of the club. (Honorary membership may be conferred, upon recommenda- tion of the Executive Committee and unanimous vote of the club, on persons who have done specially valuable work in co-operation with the club.*) *Amendment passed February 18, 1904. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. This club shall elect at the annual meeting in May, a President, two Vice-presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee. This committee shall appoint such special and standing committees as may be needed, and shall have power to act for the club on all matters on which the committee is unanimously agreed. The President shall preside at the meetings of the club and of the Executive Committee ; in his absence or at his request a Vice- president shall take his place. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the club CONSTITUTION 7 and of the Executive Committee; shall give due notice of any election, appointment, meeting, or any other business requiring the personal attention of any member; shall have charge of books, papers, and correspondence; shall keep the roll of active members, a list of delinquent members stricken from the roll, and a list of members resigned or removed from the city. The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the club; shall keep a full and accurate record of all receipts and dis- bursements with dates, purposes, and amounts; shall pay no money except by order of the club or of the Executive Commit- tee; shall submit a complete report properly audited by a special committee at the annual meeting in May; shall promptly notify the Secretary when delinquents should be stricken from the roll; shall transmit to each member by mail or otherwise proper notification of the time when the club dues are payable, and shall notify delinquents of their indebtedness in accordance with the provisions of Article VI. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS. The regular meetings of the club shall be held in the second week of the months of October to May, inclusive, at such time and place as may be approved by the Executive Committee. Special meetings of the dub may be called by the President or at the request of ten (10) members; notices shall be sent to each member stating the purpose of such meeting, and no other business shall be transacted at the meeting. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President or at the request of two members. ARTICLE VI. DUES AND DEBTS. Annual dues shall be one dollar, payable at the October meeting. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to send notice within thirty days after said meeting to such members as have not paid their dues; and in April he shall send a second notice to such members as may be still in arrears. The names of such members as are still in arrears at the opening of the following club year shall be stricken from the roll by the Secretary without further action; but such members may be reinstated by the Executive Committee on payment of all indebtedness to the club. 8 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB No debt or obligation of any kind shall be contracted by the club or by any committee, officer, or member thereof in its behalf, but the Executive Committee shall have power to expend money for the ordinary running expenses of the club. ARTICLE VII. PUBLICATIONS. The Executive Committee shall arrange for the distribution of all publications of the club. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote at any regular meeting of the club, provided that each member shall have been notified of the proposed amendment at least two weeks before the meeting. ARTICLE IX. ORGAN. The Library Journal shall be the official organ of the club, and records of all club meetings and of important actions of the Executive Committee shall be promptly submitted to it by the Secretary. OFFICERS OF THE CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 1892-1918 PRESIDENTS. William F. Poole, LL.D 1892 W. B. Wickersham 1893 E. F. L. Gauss 1894 Miss Lydia A. Dexter (Jan.-Mar.) 1895 E. F. L. Gauss 1895/96 Anderson H. Hopkins (two terms) 1896/7-1897/8 Herbert W. Gates 1898/9 C. B. Roden 1899/1900 W. B. Wickersham 1900/1 A. G. S. Josephson 1901/2 Miss Irene Warren (two terms) 1902/3-1903/4 Miss M. E. Ahem (two terms) 1904/5-1905/6 F. L. Tolman 1906/7 Miss Irene Warren 1907/8 Clement W. Andrews 1908/9 Carrie L. Elliott 1909/10 W. N. C. Carlton 1910/11 Edward D. Tweedcll 1911/12 George B. Utley 1912/13 Chas. J. Barr 1913/14 Louise B. Krause 1914/15 J. C M. Hanson 1915/16 Faith E. Smith 1916/17 John F. Lyons 1917/18 FIRST VICE-PRESIDENTS. Frederick H. Hild 1892 Chas. Alex. Nelson 1893 Miss Edith E. Clarke .' 1894 Miss Theresa West (Jan.-Mar.) 1895 Miss Katherine L. Sharp 1895/6 Alex. J. Rudolph, elected March, 1896, resigned May, 1896. Miss Mary B. Lindsay 1896/7 W. W. Bishop 1897/8 Miss Jessie Van Vliet 1898/9 Wm. Stetson Merrill 1899/1900 Miss Irene Warren (two terms) 1900/1-1901/2 Earl G. Swem, May-Oct., 1902 (resigned). Miss Mary E. Hawley Oct., 1902-May, 1903 10 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Herbert T. Gould 1903/4 Miss Caroline M. Mcllvaine 1904/5 Miss I. C. Robertson 1905/6 Carrie L. Elliott 1906/7 Julius Stern 1907/8 W. E. Lewis 1908/9 T. W. Allinson 1909/10 Edward D. Tweedell 1910/11 J. C. M. Hanson 1911/12 Louise B. Krause 1912/13 Mary A. Wood 1913/14 Robert J. Usher 1914/15 Miss Gertrude Forstall 1915/16 John F. Lyons 1916/17 Miss Charlotte Foye 1917/18 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENTS. C. C. Pickett 1892 Mrs. Zella A. Dixson..... 1893 G. B. Meleney 1'894 Miss Mary B. Lindsay (Jan.-Mar.) 1895 G. E. Wire, M. D 1895/6 Mrs. Zella A. Dixson 1896/7 Wm. Stetson Merrill 1897/8 H. T. Sudduth 1898/9 Miss Mary B. Lindsay 1899/1900 R. P. Hayes 1900/1 Miss Evva Moore 1901/2 Miss Mary E. Hawley, May-Oct., 1902, became First Vice-president. Wm. Stetson Merrill, elected Oct., 1902; resigned Nov., 1902 Herbert A. Gould Nov., 1902-May, 1903 Miss Caroline M. Mcllvaine 1903/4 Miss Mary B. Lindsay 1904/5 Miss Sarah S. Dickinson 1905/6 Renee B. Stern 1906/7 William Lewis 1907/8 C. R. Perry 1908/9 Miss Mabel Thain 1909/10 J. H. Warder 1910/11 Louise B. Krause 1911/12 John F. Phelan 1912/13 Mary Van Home 1913/14 Helene L. Pickey 1914/15 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS 11 May Massee 1915/16 Ida Ludlow 1916/17 Earl N. Manchester 1917/18 SECRETARIES. G. E. Wire, M. D 1892 E. F. L. Gauss 1893 Miss Carrie L. Elliott 1894 Miss Katherine L. Sharp, elected Dec., 1894, resigned Jan., 1895. Edward L. Burchard (part of two terms; resigned) Jan.-Dec., 1895 Miss M. L. Bennett (part of two terms; resigned) Dec., 1895-Jan., 1897 Miss Margaret Mann (part of two terms; resigned) Jan.*-0ct., 1897 C. B. Roden (part of two terms) Oct., 1897- April, 1899 Miss Irene Warren 1899/1900 Miss Margaret Zimmerman 1900/01 Chesley R. Perry (part of two terms; resigned) April, 1901-Oct, 1902 Miss Renee B. Stern (part of two terms) . . . .Oct., 1902-May, 1904 Charles H. Brown 1904/5 Evva Moore 1905/6 Ellen G. Smith (two terms) 1906/8 Bess Goldberg 1908/9 Edward D. Tweedell 1909/10 Jessie Woodford 1910/11 Harrie E. Brooke 1911/12 Helen Hutchinson 1912/13 Agnes J. Petersen 1913/14 A. H. Shearer (two terms) 1914/16 D. A. Hooker 1916/17 Janet M. Green 1917/18 TREASURERS Miss Lydia A. Dexter 1892 Miss Lodilla Ambrose 1893 Wm. Stetson Merrill 1894 Miss Elizabeth A. Young, elected Dec., 1894; resigned Jan., 1895 Wm. Stetson Merrill (two terms) Jan., 1895-March, 1896 W. W. Bishop 1896/7 Miss M. E. Ahern (three terms 1897/8-1899/1900 12 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB C. A. Torrey (three terms) 1900/1-1902/3 C. A. Larson (three terms) 1903/4-1905/6 H. L. Leupp 1906/7 Mary L. Watson (three terms) 1907/10 Irene Warren 1910/11 Pearl I. Field (two terms) 1911/13 C. M. Gettys 1913/14 Jessie B. Perry 1914/15 Lora A. Rich 1915/16 Fanny A. Noyes (two terms) 1916/18 MEMBERSHIP LIST APRIL 19, 1918 ABBREVIATIONS a. 1. assistant librarian br. 1. branch librarian c. head cataloger ch. 1. children's librarian cl. head classifier C. P. Chicago Public Library Ev. Evanston Public Library H. S. High School Br. J. C. John Crerar Library 1. librarian L. library lo. head of loan department Nb. Newberry Library N. W. North Western University Library r. 1. reference librarian res. residence address t. trustee U. C. University of Chicago Library Member Library Address Abbott, Ruth 1., School of Education, U. C. Ahern, Gertrude A C. P. Ahern, Mary E Editor, Public Libraries Allison, Henry F K, Chicago Journal Anderson, Ruth C. P. Andrews, Dr. Clement W..L, J. C. Arnold, Florence C. P. Arnold, Gladys C. P. Babcock, Helen S Austin H. S. Br. C. P. Baer, Harriet I Douglas Park Br. C. P. Bagley, Helen A acting 1., Oak Park P. L. Bailey, Louis P L, Public L., Gary, Indiana Baker, Adaline M Nb. Baker, Julia A Austin Br. C. P. Balch, Ruth U. C. Balloch, Mrs. Grace F....U. C. Barlow, Ruth C Lincoln Center Br. C. P. 14 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Barr, Alfred E Pres., Bd. of Trustees, C. P. Bastin, Dorothy Batchelder, Annie Austin H. S. Br. C P. Bates, Flora J a. L, Chicago Normal College Bates, Margaret M a. 1., 111. U. College of Medicine Bath, Neva C. P. Bay, J. Christian r. 1., (medical) J. C. Begley, Marie 1., Armour & Co. Bell, Elizabeth C. P. Bendorf , Rena C. P. Berg, Florence L Independence Park Br. C. P. Bernhardt, Caroline C. P. Birge, Anna G American Library Association Blaine, Jessie E U. C. Blake, Maude Hamlin Park Br. L., C. P. Blanchard, Linn R c., Nb. Boas, Alfred U. C. Bond, Rebecca M C. P. Boyd, Emma Adams Memorial Library, Wheaton, 111. Brandenberg, Josephine.. .U. C. Brasch, Frederick E J. C. Brennan, Philomena Woodlawn Br., C. P. Brennan, William A J. C. Brokaw, M. Isabella Nb. Brooke, Harrie E U. C. Broomell, Ellyn C 5750 Midway Par. Browne, Helen Douglas Park Br., C. P. Brown, Helen D J. C. Bufe, Emily K 1., Michael Reese Hospital Medical L. Burke, Mildred C. P. Burns, Grace M C. P. Burt, Jane L Nb. Burton, Dr. Ernest D.. .. director, U. C. Butler, Pierce Nb. Byers, Mrs. Frances 1., East Chicago P. L., Indiana Cantner, Frances C C. P. Carey, Miss R. B Mandel Bros. Carlton, Dr. W. N. C 1., Nb. Carroll, May I C. P. Carter, Bertha 1., Oak Park-River Forest Tp. H. S. L. Cartwright, Charles M...Pres., Bd. of Trustees, Evanston P. L. Carver, Mrs. Marguerite.. U. C. Cella, Eva C C. P. Chalmers, Gertrude.. ..U. C. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS IS Chandler, Ruth N. Scnn H. S. L. Channon, Mrs. Harry 1434 Astor St., Chicago Chase, Kate B Harden Square Br., C. P. Chidester, Maud ch. L, Evanston P. L. Clark, Minnie Hiram Kelly Br., C P. Cleaver, Phyllis C. P. Clutte, Frances W Glencoe (P. L.), 111. Cohen, Beatrice U. C. Cohen, Mildred C. P. Cole, Ada C. P. Coppons, Andre, C. de Cornwall, May Summer School Br., C. P. Corse, Mrs. Nancy M.. .. Evanston (P. L.), Illinois Cowan, Frances M C. P. Crew, Mildred Evanston (P. L.). Cross, Mary W Nb. Crossley, F. B 1., Law School, N. W. Crowe, Loretta M C. P. Dahmke, Myrtle C. P. Darlington, Genevieve J. C. D'Auben, Pearl C. P. Day, Mary B 1., Portland Cement Association Denton, Louis 1., Blue Island (P. L.), Illinois DeWitt, Louise E Public Library, LaGrange, Illinois Dexter, Lydia A.... 2920 Calumet avenue Dickey, Helene Louise 1., Chicago Teachers College Dickinson, Emma Louise.. U. C. Dickinson, Hortense E...a. 1., Armour & Co. Dickinson, J. Louise U. C. Dickinson, Sarah S J. C. Doan, Helen T C. P. Donahue, Gladys L Austin Br., C. P. Donavan. Katherine A C. P. Donnelly, Anna V C. P. Doty, C. Morton L, De Paul Univ. Law School L. Drury, Marj orie U. C. Dryer, Roberta C. P. Dudgeon, Frances L U. C. Dunne, Muriel Palmer Square Br., C. P. Durkee, Cara D... ..Nb. 16 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Eaman, Mabel J. C. Eddy, Mary A 1., So. Shore Country Club, E. 70th and the lake Edes, Ethel F 1., Lyons Tp. H. S. L., LaGrange, 111. Elliott, Caroline L C. P. Elliott, Julia E 5526 S. Park avenue Ely, Margaret L Lake View H. S. Br., C. P. Engebrigtsen, Ruth E a. 1., Montgomery Ward & Co. Enlow, Hazel Swift & Company Erskine, Edith D Carter Harrison H. S. Br., C. P. Evans, Doris Portland Cement Association Evans, Lillian M U. C. Evans, Orrena Louise Washington, D. C. Falley, Eleanor W a. 1., N. W. U. Farley, Mary M 1., Marshall Field & Company Farquhar, Alice M Woodlawn Br., C. P. Farrar, Cora Hinkins Sears-Roebuck & Company Faulkner, Georgene 4746 Dorchester avenue Feddersen, Pearl Bessemer Park Br., C. P. Fenneman, Nordica Pulaski Park Br., C. P. Fesler, Mrs. D. F t., Evanston (P. L.), 111. Field, Lydia M C. P. Field, Pearl I C. P. Forbush, Rachel B Oak Park (P. L.) Ford, Eva M American Library Association Forman, Helen I Dvorak Park Br., C, P. Forrest, Elizabeth 4053 Lake Park avenue Forstall, Gertrude J. C. Fowler, Frances Ogden Br., C. P. Fowler, Helen A Nb. Fox, Catherine C. P. Foye, Charlotte H J. C. Furness, Margaret J. C. Fussle, Flora P C. P. Gaebler, Hans D U. C. Gantz, Abbie B 1., Fire Underwriters Assn. of No. West Gerloff, Julia A Eckhart Park Br., C. P. German, Clara L George Walker Br., C. P. Gettys, Cora M U. C. Geyso, Mrs. Flora H. von. .U. C. Goldberg, Bessie c., C. P. Golden, Annina a. 1., Portland Cement Association Goldstone, Ruth C. P. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS 17 Gould, Herbert A A. C. McClurg & Co. Graham, Irene Morse School Br., C. P. Gray, Mrs. Elam 528 E. 42nd street Green, Janet M br. 1., Lewis Institute Br., C. P. Greene, Gladys C. P. Griffith, Olive H Woodlawn Br., C. P. Gunderson, Grace U. C. Hall, Czarina M Washington, D. C. Hammond, Sarah S Glencoe P. L., 111. Hannan, Alice C. P. Hanson, J. C. M Associate Director, U. C. Hardinge, Margaret A...U. C. Harter, Helen H U. C. Hartley, Olive C. P. Hartmann, Charlotte C. P. Haught, Myrtle 1., Wilson & Co. Hawes, Charles S Library Bureau, 6 N. Michigan Ave. Hawke, Blanche L Hawkins, Eleanor E Chicago Historical Society. Hawley, Mary E J. C. Hay, Flora N r. 1., Evanston P. L. Hay ward, Mabel J. C. Heath, William D 1 Amer & Natl Express Co.'s Em- ploye's L. Henderson, Fanchon I... Stewart Park Branch, C. P. Henius, Dr. Max 1135 Fullerton Ave. Kenning, Mrs. Maude....!., Little Rock Township Public Li- brary, Piano, 111. Henry, Edward A U. C. Herdman, Margaret 101 Auditorium Bldg. Hewes, Mary E Public Library, Winnetka, 111. Hewitt, Marion F 1., School of Commerce & Administra- ~iE3 tion,U.C Hibbard, Mary B J. C Higgins, Dorothy I U. C. Higley, Prudence C. P. Hill, Walter M Bookseller, Marshall Field Building. Hinman, Gail H Englewood High School Br., C. P. Hinman, Helen Nb. Hishen, Mary M C. P. Holcomb, Anne J. C. Hollis, May E U. C. Holy, Emanuel. C. P. Hoskins, Chapin H Bookseller, Stevens Building. 18 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Hough, Cora I Dvorak Park Br., C. P. Hrdlicka, Anna Dvorak Park Br., C. P. Hulce, Jennie A J. C. Husenetter, Gertrude C. P. Hutchinson, Helen 1., American Medical Association. Huth, Gertrude C U. C. Hygen, Dorothea H U. C. Hyman, Belle B C. P. Ives, Irene C. P. Jacobsen, Karl T cl., U. C. Jardine, Katherine C. P. Jenks, Loretta Sheridan Br., C. P. Johnson, Ida B C. P. Johnson, Mildred Noe 1., School of Commerce, N. W. Jones, Miss Linn ch. 1., Oak Park, 111. Josephson, Aksel G. S....C., J. C. Josephson, Mrs. A. G. S..2239 Greenleaf Ave. Kammerling, Edith C. P. Keith, Effie A c., N. W. Keller, Rev. J. E 1., Bethany Bible School. Kepler, John F 1., Chicago Athletic Assoc. Kerns, Mrs. Sara Jordan. C. P. Kessell, Augusta G C. P. Ketcham, E. H Thompson Brown Company. Killen, Mrs. Anna C. P. King, George S C. P. Kittilsby, Mabel C. P. Kleiberg, Torger U. C. Kohn, Lydia A Ryerson Library, Art Institute. Krause, Louise B 1., H. M. Byllesby & Co. Kroch, Adolph Bookseller, 22 N. Michigan Ave. La Berge, Helene C. P. Lagergren, Anna C U. C. Lamb, Eliza U. C. Lamb, Marion Burr School Br., C. P. Landon, Mrs. Elsie C 1., Montgomery Ward & Company. Lanquist, Adah M Humboldt Park Br., C. P. Larson, Aaron H 1., Broadview Seminary, La Grange, 111. Larson, Mrs. Emily T. . . . C. P. Lauren, Anna E Chicago Historical Soc. Lavery, Maud E 1., School of Civics and Philanthropy. Lawson, Jesse M C. P. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS 19 Leglcr, Mrs. Henry E.. .. Ravinia, 111. Levin, Emma Logan Square Br., C. P. Lewis, Eleanor F . . . . r. I, N. W. Lhotka, Charles C P. Libbey, Percival T Library Bureau, 6 N. Michigan Ave. Lichtenstein, Dr. Walter.. 1., N. W. Lingel, Robert J. C Nb. Little, Clara L U. C Livshis, Mary C P. Logasa, Hannah School of Education, U. C. Long, Edith C P. Loomis, Metta M 1., Col. of Med., U. 111. Ludden, Mrs. Edith S. . . . Woodlawn Br., C. P. Ludlam, Bertha S 1., Pullman Free P. L. Lyons, John F 1., Virginia L., McCormick Theolog- ical Seminary. MacAuliff, Anna P a. L, Rush Medical College. MacAuliff, Catherine A...1., Rush Medical College. McEvoy, Joseph P P. F. Volland Co. McGill, Bessie C. P. MacGlasson, Marie McHale, Daisy I Fuller Park Br., C. P. Mcllvaine, Caroline M....1., Chicago Historical Society. McKenzie, Anne 1., Deerfield- Shields Township, H. S. L., Highland Park, III McKesson, Rebecca C. P. Mackey, Mrs. Floyd Nb. McLaughlin, Bernadine. . . Woodlawn Br., C. P. McLaughlin, Ruth K C P. McMahon, Grace a. 1., Lewis Institute Library. McPike, Eugene F 4450 Woodlawn Avenue. McQuillen, Marguerite. ..C. P. Manchester, Earl N r. 1., U. C. Maphis, Rev. Omer B a. 1., Bethany Bible School. Marks, Mrs. J. W 3640 Lake Park Avenue. Marlatt, Nellie W Austin Br., C. P. Mason, Rosalind C. P. Massee, May American Library Association. Mattson, Edith Nail. Safety Council. Meers, Edith Public Library, Evanston. Merrill, William S cl., Nb. Meyers, Raymond J a. 1., The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. 20 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Mills, Sarah E U. C. Mitchell, Sarah L 1., Ryerson L., Art Institute. Mix, Faith C. P. Moderwell, Mabel C Kosciusko Park Br., C. P. Moll, Lillian 4004 State St. Montross, Elizabeth J. C. Morawski, Lilyan G C. P. Morris, Judson B A. C. McClurg & Co. Morrison, Bird Ogden Park Br., C. P. Moser, Mary Lincoln Center Br., C. P. Mueller, Theodore A 1., Divinity School, U. C. Nachman, Selma U. C. Newhard, Mabel 1., Armour & Company. Neylen, Mary C. P. Nichols, Ruth G 1., City Club of Chicago. Noe, Adolf C. von U. C. Norman, Oscar E 1., The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. Norris, Helen 1., Commonwealth Edison Co, Noyes, Fanny A Nb. Oakley, Sylvia Stanton Park Br., C. P. O'Brien, M. Agnes C. P. O'Donoghue, Agnes C. P. O'Gorman, Alice C. P. Ohlendorf, Mrs. Adelaide. U. C. Okeberg, Mabel J U. C. Oldberg, Mrs. Arne t, Evanston (P. L.). O'Leary, Genevieve C, P. Olmsted, Mrs. J. B Glencoe, 111. Ose, Lulu L U. C. O'Shaughnessy, Margaret. C. P. Owen, Ethel Municipal Reference L. Owens, Alpha L J. C. Palmer, Bessie C. P. Patterson, John R C. P. Pearson, Josephine Winnetka, 111. Peck, Amy C. P. Pendry, Eliza R Englewood H. S., C. P. Penfield, Harriet E J. C. Perry Mr. Chesley R Glencoe, 111. Perry, Mrs. Jessie Booth. Glencoe, 111. Peterson, Ruth 5917 W. Erie St. Phelan, John F C. P. Pieters, Elizabeth.. ..Nb. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS II Pillsbury, Olive E. Blackstone Br., C P. Platt, Amelia M C. P. Pomerene, Mary 1., Universal Cement Association. Porter, Marjorie C. P. Potter, Alice E U. C. Potter, Inez C Evanston P. L. Purer, William A C P. Reade, Josiah F 14 E. Jackson Blvd. Reed, Jessie E C. P. Reed, Zoazane New Fiction Library, 1424 Stevens 1 Bldg. Reid, Mrs. Gcnevieve P... Marshall Field & Company. Reider, Mary L J. C. Reque, Anna C C. P. Rex, Frederick 1., Municipal Reference L. Reynolds, Marion J 1., Swift & Company. Rice, Frances V 1.. Nicholas Scnn H. S. Br., C. P. Rich, Lora A C. P. Ricketts, C. L. 38 S. Dearborn St. Ridlon, Margaret U. C. Rigali, Camille C. P. Righter, Caroline U. C. Ritter, Clement V Bookseller, 1185 Old Colony Building. Robertson, Josephine C...c. f U. C. Robinson, Lydia G 2536 S. Lawndale. Roden, Carl B L, C P. Roe, Clara S U. C. Rogers, Grace M 1.. May wood P. L., III. Roelke, H. Edward J. C. Ross, Clara L J. C. Rouse, Mrs. Hazel M C. P. Royer, Florence C. P. Rumble, Marjorie F U. C. Runyan, Walter LeRoy... Ed. Dir Y. M. C. A., Great Lakes . Naval Sta. Ryan, Lillian C. P. Ryan, Mary E C. P. Salmonsen, Ella M J. C. San ford, Mrs. William... Morse School. Saunders, Ella M C. P. Savage, Elta V 1., Western Society of Engineers. Schenk, Frederick W l.,Law School, U. C. Schmale, John E 1., Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, 111. 22 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Schmidt, Dorothea C U. C. Schmidt, Ilona B U. C Schmitt, Mrs. Emil t., Blue Island P. L., 111. Scott, James R 1., Graham, Anderson, Probst & White. Sears, Rose Roberts Nb. Sette, Myrtle L Sheridan Br., C. P. Shapiro, Esther C. P. Shaw, Blanche C. P. Shaw, Emma L C. P. Shea, Agatha C. P. Sheffield, Pyrrha B C. P. Shutter, Alice E C. P. Skarstedt, Marcus 1., Evanston P. L., 111. Skourup, Ellen Nb. Smith, Charlotte C. P. Smith, Clara A Nb. Smith, Mrs. William J....1564 E. 62d St. Smock, Jennie M Sheridan Br., C. P. Snyder, Dorothy Woodlawn Br., C. P. Sonne, Christian C. P. Sorg, Lena O C P. Spofford, Walter R 1., University Club of Chicago. Stearns, Mae I Nb. Stern, Renee B 6035 St. Lawrence Ave. Stock, Rev. Harry T I., Chicago Theological Seminary. Stone, Mrs. Porter E 312 N. Kedzie Ave. Sturges, Anita Browne Hall, Urbana, Ohio. Sutherland, Gladys 1., Inter. Harvester Co. Taggart, Helen E L, Geographic Dept., U. C. Talcott, Frances S L, Lewis Institute Library. Tarnow, Lillian Nb. Taylor, Mrs. Harriet Nb. Teal, William J. C. Teisberg, Halvor O U. C. Teyen, Gerald M. W r. L, Nb. Thayer, Anna Armour Square Br., C. P. Thompson, Mrs. Gertrude. U. C. Thompson, Sadie A N. W. Tiplady, Katherine P. L., Evanston, 111. Topping, Mrs. Mary H. . . 1., Parker Practice School. Troy, Cecilia M C. P. Troy, Zelisette Peoples Gas Bldg. Turgeon, Jean C. P. Tweedell, Edward D a. 1., J. C. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS 21 Twitty, Mabel C P. Tyrrell, Melba U. C. Usher, Robert J r. 1., J. C. Utley, George B Sec American Library Assoc. UUey, Mrs. G. B Van Straaten, Gertrude. . . Burr School, C. P. Ver Nooy, Winifred U. C Wall, Evelyn C. P. Warren, Irene 6058 Stony Island Ave. Waska, Frank E. C. P. Watson, Mary L Nb. Wennerblad, Sonja Wisconsin Library School. Weston, Georgia W J. C. Whitcomb, Adah C. P. White, Ann D 1., National Safety Council. White, Cornelia C J. C. White, Wiebe A. a. 1., Ryerson L., Art Institute. Wieboldt, Agatha A C. P. Wight, Ethel M J. C. Wilcoxson, Mrs. Emily D.a. 1., Field Museum of Natural History. Williams, Frances a. 1., DC Paul Univ. Williams, Frieda K Ryerson L., Art Institute. Wills, Minnie E. C. P. Wilson, Elizabeth E. J. C. Wilson, Mary A C. P. Withey, Mrs. H. Gardner. 1., National Biscuit Co. Wolter, Peter A. C. McClurg & Company. Wood, Mary W C. P. Woodford, Jessie M C. P. Zepf , Charlotte C. P. LIBRARIES OF CHICAGO The date of founding follows the name of the library. Names of particular collections are given, also the topics espe- cially covered by the library. * for members or students but public admitted f assistance given to reader recommended by another library a. 1. assistant librarian Br. branch library br. 1. branch librarian c. head cataloger. ch.l. children's librarian cl. head classifier C. P. 'Chicago Public Library Ev. Evanston Public Library J. C. John Crerar Library, The H. S. Br. High School Branch 1. librarian lo. head of loan department mss. manuscripts Nb. Newberry Library N. W. (North Western University Library pams. pamphlets ref. reference r. 1. reference librarian res. 'residence t. trustee U. C. University of Chicago Libraries v. volumes 1. Advertising Association of Chicago. 123 W. Madison St. Majestic 7580. Ernest J. Hirsch, Mgr. Loan & ref. 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. About 300 v. Adver- tising & business. 2. Alliance Francaise Library, 1905. 410 S. Michigan Avenue (Room 406). Harrison 2858. Vesta Westover Channon, Chairman, Library Commit- tee. Olive Overteen Hulbert, assistant. Loan and ref.*f 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. (Sun., 2 to 6 p. m.) 10,000 v. in French language. Belles-lettres. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 25 3. Altrua Art Library, 1897 (The Polytechnic Society of Chicago, Inc.). Masonic Temple (Room 1223). Jean Sherwood, 1. Kathcrine Donahue, a. 1. Loan and ref.* 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. About 1,500 v. 8,0000 photographs of foreign views ; painting and sculp- ture of foreign art galleries. Fine Arts. 4. American and National Express Employes Library Association, 1875. 23 W. Monroe street (Room 325). Harrison 3922, local 57. William D. Heath, 1. Loan.f lOc a month. Open to members day and night. 8,000 v. Fiction and biography. 5. American Institute of Actuaries, 1909. 29 S. La Salle St. Central 3954. Edwin R. Carter, 1. Loan and ref.f 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 600 v. Actuarial. 6. American Medical Association. 535 N. Dearborn St. Superior 883. Helen Hutchinson, 1. Ref. for physicians only. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Sat. 1 p. m.) 35,000 v. Current Medical periodicals. 7. Armour & Company's Library, September, 1916. Union Stockyards (General Offices, A. & Co.). Yards. 4100, local 230. Mabel Newhard, 1. Hortense Dickin- son, a. 1. Marie Beglcy. r. 1. Loan and ref.*t 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. About 1,400 v. Agriculture, industrial Chemistry and Advertising. 8. Armour Institute of Technology, September, 1893. 3300 Federal St. Douglas 390. Mrs. Julia Beveridge, 1. Loan and ref.f 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.; 6 to 9:30 p. m. 28587 v. Engineering. Art Instsitute (See Ryerson Library). 9. Ashland Block Law Association, 1892. 155 N. Clark St. (room 1114). Central 2946. Alma Miller, 1. Loan (to tenants only.) 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. About 5,600 v. Law. 26 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 10. Baptist Missionary Training School. 2969 Vernon Ave. Douglas 1499. Ref . 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. About 4,000 v. Missionary sub- jects. 11. Bethany Bible School, 1909. 3435 W. Van Buren St. Kedzie 704. Rev. J. Edwin Keller, 1. Rev. Omer B. Maphis, a. 1. Loan and ref.f Open 8:30 a. m. 1860 v. Theology. 12. Boy Scouts of America, 1914. 37 S. Wabash Ave. (Room 608). Randolph 7609. George G. Walker, office secretary. Loan and ref.f 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. 50 v. Work with Boys. 13. Butler Brothers (Branch of the Chicago Public Library). Randolph Street Bridge. Franklin 500. Inez L. Gus- tin, 1. Loan and ref. 11:45 a. m. to 2:15 p. m. Fiction and business. 14. H. M. Byllesby & Co., 1909. 208 S. La Salle St. (Room 1903). Wabash 821. Louise B. Krause, 1. Ref.f 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Sat. to 1 p. m.) 4,000 v. Engineering and Public Utilities. 15. Caxton Club, 1895. 410 S. Michigan Ave. (Room 1010). Wabash 4869. Dr. Walter Lichtenstein, 1. For members only. About 800 v. Bibliophil reference works. 16. Chicago American & Examiner. 336 W. Madison St. Palmer H. Wright, 1. Ref. Day and night. About 500 v. General. 17. Chicago Association of Commerce. 10 S. La Salle St. Main 4808. Robert B. Beach, Bus. Mgr. Ref. 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Business and civic. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 17 18. Chicago Athletic Association. 12 S. Michigan Ave. Central 190. John F. Kepler, 1. Loan and ref. 12 m. to 8 p. m. About 2,600 v. General. 19. Chicago Bar Association, 1892. 105 W. Monroe St. (Room 1110). Majestic 8255. Car- los P. Sawyer, 1. Van C. Winans, a. 1. Ref .*f 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. About 16,000 v. Law. 20. Chicago College of Dental Surgery. 1745 W. Harrison St. West 2353. Olive Neff, 1. Loan and ref. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. About 5,000 v. Den- tistry. 21. Chicago Commons. 955 W. Grand Ave. Monroe 1602. Mary Collins, 1. Loan and ref. 8:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. About 5,000 v. General. 22. Chicago Daily Journal, 1844. 15 S. Market St. Henry F. Allison, L Ref.f General. 23. Chicago Daily News. 15 N. Fifth Ave. Thomas V. Sayers, 1. Ref. 7 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. About 30,000 v. General. 24. Chicago Evangelistic Institute. 1754 Washington Boul. West 541. Magda Randklev, 1. Ref. 9 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.; 2 to 4:30 p. m.; 7:30 to 9 :30 p. m. About 300 v. Theology. 25. Chicago Health Department. City Hall (Room 710). Main 447, Local 223. Dr. Henry G. Ohls, 1. Ref.*f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 2,000 v. Health and Sani- tation. 26. Chicago Herald. 163 W. Washington St. August Bartz, 1. Albert Che- nick, a. 1. Ref. Day and night. About 2,000 v. General. 28 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 27. Chicago Historical Society, 1856. 632 N. Dearborn St. Superior 401. Caroline M. Mcll- vaine, 1. Eleanor Hawkins, c. Ref.*f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 26,000 v., 9,000 pams. 25,000 mss. Chicago history; Charles H. Conover collection on Lewis and Clark Expedition; Old Printers' Library. Middle West History. 28. Chicago Kent College of Law, 1886. 116 S. Michigan Ave (Room 305). Central 2492. J. M. Garcia, 1. Clara A. Scheiner, a. 1. Ref.f for students and alumni. Mon. to Fri., 10 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. (Sat. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.) 5,000 v. Law. Chicago Kindergarten College (See National Kinder- garten & Elementary College). 29. Chicago Law Institute, 1857. County Building (Room 1025). Main 4301 and 4302. William H. Holden, 1. John W. Fellows, a. 1. Loan and ref.f 8:30 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. 64,128 v. Law. 30. Chicago Law School. 53 W. Jackson Boul. Wabash 5593. J. Bergman, 1. Ref. 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. About 3,000 v. Law. 31. Chicago Normal College, 1897. 6800 Stewart Ave. Wentworth 884. Helene Louise Dickey, 1. Flora J. Bates, a. 1. Loan and ref .*f 8 :30 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m. 28,000 v. Ped- agogy. 32. Chicago Public Library, 1872. Michigan Boul. between Washington and Randolph Sts. Central 5822. Carl B. Roden, 1. Carrie L. Elliott, r. 1. Bessie Goldberg, c. Loan & ref. 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. (Sunday, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.) 859.544 v. English and American periodicals; American and English drama ; American history, espe- cially of the north west; Art industries; Music; Books for the blind ; Patent records. LIST OP CHICAGO LIBRARIES 29 33. Chicago Public Library Branches. Branches and High School Libraries. (For location of Deposit and Delivery Stations, see monthly Book Bul- letin.) BRANCHES Independent collections of 3,000 to 20,000 volumes in quarters owned or rented by the Library, or occupied by arrangement with the Park Boards, and administered by a librarian and staff. Branches marked * are open from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. ; those marked t are open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. ; all others are open from 1 to 9 p. m. ; Sundays and holidays open from 2 to 6 p. m. Armour Square. 33d St. and Shields Ave. *Austin. 5642 W. Lake St. Bessemer Park. 89th St. and Muskegon Ave. 'Blackstone. 49th St. and Lake Park Ave. Burr School. Ashland and Wabansia Ave. Cornell Square. Wood and W. 51st Sts. Davis Square. 45th St. and Marshfield Ave. 'Douglas Branch. 1212 S. St. Louis Ave. Dvorak Park. 20th and Fisk Sts. Eckhart Park. Chicago Ave. and Noble St. Forrestville School. 45th St. and St. Lawrence Ave. Fuller Park. 45th St. and Princeton Ave. Hamilton Park. 72d St. and Normal Ave. Hamlin Park. Barry and Hoyne Aves. Hardin Square. Wentworth Ave. and 26th St. *Hebrew Institute. Taylor and Lytle Sts. Hiram Kelly. 62d St. and Normal Blvd. Holstein. Oakley Ave. and Ems St. fHumboldt. 2553 W. North Ave. Independence Park. Springfield Ave. and Irving Park Blvd. Kosciuszko Park, 2732 N. Avers Ave. *Lewis Institute. 1943 W. Madison St. fLincoln Centre. Oakwood Blvd. and Langley Ave. 30 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB fLogan Square. 3245 Fullerton Ave. Mark White Square. Halsted and 30th Sts. Morse School. N. Sawyer Ave. and W. Ohio St. fOgden Park. 64th St. and Racine Ave. Palmer Park, lllth St. and Indiana Ave. Pulaski Park. Blackhawk and Noble Sts. *Rogers Park. 6975 N. Clark St. Scanlan. 11725 Perry Ave. tSeward Park. Elm and Orleans Sts. Shedd Park. Millard Ave. and W. 23rd St. fSherman Park. Loomis and W. 53d Sts. fSheridan. 4734-36 N. Racine Ave. Stanford Park. 14th PI. and Union St. Stanton Park. Vedder and Reese Sts. Sumner School. Colorado and Kildare Aves. tTwenty-sixth Street. 2548 S. Homan Ave. George C. Walker Branch. Morgan Park. *Woodlawn. 6247 Kimbark Ave. HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIES Branch libraries maintained in quarters provided and equipped in high schools by the Board of Education. Books and staff supplied by the Public Library. Pri- marily for the faculty and student body. Austin High School. 200 N. Lotos Ave. Englewood High School. 6220 S. Stewart Ave. Harrison Technical High School. 2850 24th St. Blvd, Lake View High School. 4015 N. Ashland Ave. John Marshall High School. 3250 W. Adams St. Nicholas Senn High School. 5900 N. Glenwood Ave. 34. Chicago School of Civics & Philanthropy. 2559 So. Michigan Ave. Calumet 5696. Maud E. Lav- ery, 1. Loan and ref. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. About 3,000 v. 2,506 pams. Social and Civic subjects. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES SI 35. Chicago Telephone Company's Libraries. 212 W. Washington St. Official 300. Loan. 6,422 v. at 28 exchanges. Fiction. Chicago Theological Seminary (See Hammond Library). 36. Chicago Training School (G. W. Swift Library, 1900). 4949 Indiana Avenue. Oakland 827. Olive Shoenberger, 1. Mary Storrs, a. 1. Ref.f Open during school hours. 4,287v. Bible Mis- sions, and Social Service. 36a. Chicago Woman's Club. 410 So. Michigan Ave. Collection primarily for mem- bers. Kate Heintz Watson collection on forestry. 37. Christian Science Churches of Chicago Joint Literature Distribution Committee. 220 S. Michigan Ave. (Room 605). Harrison 4862. Loan and ref.f About 100 v. Christian Science. 38. City Club of Chicago, 1903. 315 Plymouth Court. Harrison 8278. Ruth G. Nich- ols, 1. Loan and ref.f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Sat. to 12 m.). 3,000 v., 12,000 pams. City Planning, Housing, Civic Organ- izations' Publications, Municipal Government, and Rapid Transit. 39. Commonwealth Edison Company, 1900. 72 W. Adams Street (Room 1822). Randolph 1280. Helen Norris, 1. Loan and ref .f 8 :30 to 5 :30 p. m. About 2,500 v. Elec- tricity. 40. Cook County Hospital Clinical Records, July, 1909. Harrison and Honore Streets. West 4960. Miriam Byrne, 1. Ref.f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. No books, but 240,000 clinical records. 32 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 41. Council of National Defense Illinois Division Woman's Committee Information Committee's Library, 1917. 120 W. Adams St. Randolph 4350, local 75. Virginia G. Chandler, Chairman. Virginia Fairfax, 1. Loan and ref.f 9 a. m. 1,600 v. and pams. 8,000 clip- pings. Why We Are at War; Woman's War Work. 42. De Paul University Law School, 1897. 6 N. Michigan Ave. Randolph 3160. C. Morton Doty, 1. Ref.f 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. 4,000 v. Law. 43. De Paul University Library, September, 1898. 1010 Webster Ave. Lincoln 7410. Nellie B. Maher, 1. Frances Williams, a. 1. Ref.f 9 a. m. 4,000 v. English, History, Philosophy and Religion. 44. Edward W. Bemis, February 1, 1917. 139 N. Clark St. (Room 1601). Majestic 7530. Ref.*f 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. 2,500 v. Public Utilities. Elbert H. Gary Library of Law (See under North Western University). 45. Evanston Public Library, April, 1873. 1703 Orrington Ave, Evanston, 111. Evanston 303. Mar- cus Skarstedt, 1. Gertrude N. Brown, a. 1. Flora N. Hay, r. 1. Loan and ref.*f 8:30 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. (Sun. 4 to 6 p. m.) 59,901 v. Coe Music collection; Medical Science Society collection. Art, Drama and Music. 46. Field Museum of Natural History, 1894. Jackson Park. Hyde Park 380. Elsie Lippincott, 1. Emily M. Wilcoxson, a. 1. Ref.*f Saturday and Sunday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. 71,000 v. Edward E. Ayer ornithological collection. Natural History. 47. Fire Underwriters Association of the Northwest, 1908. 175 W.Jackson Boul. (Room 2132). Wabash 4151. Ab- bie B. Gantz, 1. Loan and ref.*f 9 a. m. 5,000 v. Fire Insurance and Allied Subjects. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES SI 48. Garrctt Biblical Institute, 1855 (North Western Uni- versity). Evanston, 111. Evanston 4206. Doremus Olney Hayes, 1. Samuel Gardiner Ayres, a. 1., in charge. Loan and ref.f 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. ; 1:30 to 5:45 p. m. ; reading room, 7 to 10 p. m. Deering Jackson Meth- odist collection. Old and New Testament, Church Doc- uments, Comparative Religion and Denominational His- tory. 49. Graham, Anderson, Probst and White. 80 E. Jackson Boul. Harrison 4145. James R. Scott, 1. Ref. 8 :30 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. About 1,500 v. Architec- ture. 50. Hahnemann Medical College, 1893. 2811 Cottage Grove Avenue. Calumet 103 or 2789. Dr. William F. Harpel, 1. Rissie A. Clark, a. 1. Robert Se- bastian Ziehn, r. 1. Loan and ref.f 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. 3,000 v. Homeop- athy, Medicine and Therapeutics. 51. Hamilton College of Law, June, 1910. 123 W. Madison St. Majestic 7479. William Schiepan, 1. Chester A. Macomic, c. Ref.f 9 a. m. 3,200 v. Law. 52. Hammond Library, 1854 (Chicago Theological Seminary). 5757 University Avenue. Midway 9263. Rev. Harry Thomas Stock, 1. Loan and ref.f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Sat. to 12 m.). 33,227 v. and 2,019 pams. American Missionary Associ- ation Library; Gunsaulus Collection on English Puri- tanism; Illinois Society of Church History Archives. Local Church History; Religious Periodicals; Congrega- tionalism ; Theology and allied subjects. 53. Highland Park, (111.) Public Library, 1881. Highland Park 312 (toll). Helen Flinn, 1. Ruth Bry- ant, a. 1. Loan and ref. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 10,000 v. General. 34 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 54. Hull House Libraries, Woman's Club, Boys' Club, and Free Reading Room. 800 S. Halsted St. Monroe 70. Miss Landsberg, 1. Ref.* 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. 55. Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants, 1908. 31 W. Lake St. (Room 409). Randolph 4377. Mildred Noe Johnson, 1. Thomas Drever, Chairman, Library Committee. Loan and ref.*f H a. m. to 9:45 p. m. 155 v. Ac- countancy. 56. International Harvester Company Agricultural Extension Department's Library, 1912. 606 S. Michigan Ave (6th floor). Harrison 6200. Gladys Sutherland, 1. Ref.* 8 a. m. 2,200 v. and 20,000 pams. Agricultural. 57. The John Crerar Library, 1894. 110 N. Wabash Ave. Central 426. Dr. Clement W. An- drews, 1. Edward D. Tweedell, a. 1. Robert J. Usher, ref. 1. A. G. S. Josephson, c. J. C. Bay, Med. r. 1. Grace Kelley, cl. Ref.f 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. every day except Sunday, 384,603 v. The Library has at various times acquired the following collections: the Senn collection on medical sciences, which contains those of DuBois-Reymond, Baum, Mar- tin and Meissner; the Gradle collection on the eye and ear ; the Gerritsen collection on banking and on woman ; large purchases from the Milne Edwards library on zo- ology, and that of Bierens de Haan on mathematics ; the Chanute collection on aeronautics; the Levasseur collec- tion of maps; the library of the Chicago Academy of Sciences ; that of the Cremation Association of America on cremation; the Laufer purchases of Orientalia; and has formed the Huntington W. Jackson collection on constitutional law. Subjects: Advertising, Aeronautics, Agriculture, Ap- plied Science, Banking, Business, Constitutional Law, Cook Books, Cremation, Medicine, Natural History, Ori- entalia, Pure Science, Sociology, Woman. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 35 58. The John Marshall Law School, 1900. 35 N. Dearborn Street. Central 4669. George C. Tripp, 1. Loan and ref.*f 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. About 3,500 v. Law. 59. La Salle Extension University. 4046 S. Michigan Ave. Kenwood 7900. Dr. Frank W. Dignan, 1. Ref. About 7,000 v. Law, Business, Accounting, Traf- fic, English. 60. Lewis Institute, 1896. 1949 W. Madison St. West 793. Frances S. Talcott, L Grace McMahon, a. 1. Ref.*f 8 a- m- to 5 p. ra. (Sat to 2 p. m.) School term evenings, to 9:30 p. m. 23,322 v. and 8,891 pams. Domestic Science and Engineering. 61. Lithuanian Public Library, January 31, 1912. 2222 S. Leavitt St. J. Krumar, 1. Loan and ref.*t 7 to 10 p. m. (Sun. 3 to 7 p. m.) 300 v. 62. Lombard (111.) Free Library, 1877. Lombard, III Co-operative. Organized by First Church. 4,300 v. Local List. Bibles and Textbooks. 63. Mandel Brothers (Branch of Chicago Public Library, September, 1912). State and Madison Sts. (Efficiency Bureau). Private Exchange 10, local 233. Mrs. Flora Taylor Young, 1. Dorothy A. Umstead, a. 1. Loan and ref . 8.30 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. 830 v. Fiction, Textile and Mercantile subjects. 64. Marshall Field Employes' Library, March 13, 1911. State and Randolph Sts. (10th floor). Private Exchange 1, local 561. Mary M. Farley, 1. Loan and ref.f 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. 5,000 v. Furni- ture, Interior Decorating, Pottery and Salesmanship. 36 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 65. Michael Reese Hospital Medical Library. 29th St. and Ellis Ave. Calumet 1830. Emily K. Bufe, 1. Loan and ref. 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Sat. to 12 m.) 3,450 v. Medicine. 66. Montgomery Ward & Company (Branch of the Chicago Public Library). 618 E. Chicago Ave. Superior 6234. Mrs. Elsie S. Lan- don, 1. Ruth E. Engebrigtsen, a. 1. Loan.f Fiction and Business efficiency. 67. Moody Bible Institute, January 1, 1899. 153 Institute Place. Superior 8600. Mabel Sprague, a. 1. Ref .*f 8 :30 to 12 :30 a. m. ; 1 :30 to 5 :30 ; 7 to 9 :30 p. m, 8,009 v. Bible, Missions, Non-Christian Religions. 67a. Municipal Reference Library, 1900. City Hall (Room 1005). Main 447, locals 59 and 84 Frederick Rex, 1. Ethel Owen, a. 1. Loan and ref.*f to City's councilmen, officials and em- ployes. Open, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Sat. to 12 m.) 30,213 v. and pams. City charters and ordinances. Re- ports of municipalities. Municipal Administration and Legislation. 68. National Biscuit Company, January, 1913. 1005 W. Randolph St. Monroe 5201. Mrs. H. Gardner Withey, 1. Loan. 8 :30 a. m. 700 v. Fiction. 69. National Kindergarten & Elementary College (Formerly, Chicago Kindergarten College). 2944 S. Michigan Ave. Calumet 6279. Mrs. Lillian G. Jarvie, Sec. Loan and ref. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. About 2,000 v. Ped- agogy: (Kindergarten and elementary education). 70. National Safety Council, 1914. 208 S. La Salle St. (Room 804). Harrison 5365. Ann D. White, 1. Edith Mattson, a. 1. Edith Bickham, c. Ref.f 8 :30 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. (Sat. to 1 p. m.). Safety, Accident Prevention. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 37 71. The Newbcrry Library, 1887. Walton Place and N. Clark St Superior 1817. Dr. W. N. C. Carlton, 1. G. M. W. Teyen, r. L Linn R. Blanchard, c. W. S. Merrill, cl. Rcf.*t 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. (museum or exhibition room, to 5 p. m.). 375,182 v. Special collections: 1. E. E. Ayer collection of Ameri- cana. 2. Chinese collection. 3. Bonaparte collection of European philology. 4. Theodore Thomas collection of music scores and concert programs. Library strong in American Revolution, bibliography, biographies of Columbus, Celtic languages and litera- ture, church history, commerce, English literature, exe- getical theory, fishing and angling, folklore, genealogy, history and topography of Great Britain and Ireland, history of China, history of the Civil War, history of Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, history of India, his- tory of Netherlands, history of Tibet, Indian tribes, labor and land, money and banking, music, newspapers, print- ing, public finance, Romance languages, Shakespeare col- lection, slavery, social sciences, sports and amusements. 72. North Western University, 1851. Evanston, 111. Evanston 1900. Dr. Walter Lichtenstein, 1. Eleanor W. Falley, a. 1. Eleanor F. Lewis, r. f. Effie A. Keith, c. Loan and ref.*f 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. 111,876 v. and 80,400 pams. 64 v. mss. and 5 v. broadsides. South American History, Classics and German Literature. 73. North Western University Elbert H. Gary Library of Law. 31 W. Lake St. Randolph 4373. Frederic B. Crossley, L Ref.f 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. (Sat. to 5 p. m.) 44,000 v. Modern Continental Law; Ancient, Oriental and Primi- tive Law; International Law; Modern and Historical Anglo-American Law. 74. North Western University Medical School Library. 2421 S. Dearborn Si. Calumet 1660. Selma Schnei- der, 1. Ref.f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7,998 v. Medicine, 38 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 75. North Western University School of Commerce Library, 1915. 31 W. Lake Street (Room 409). Randolph 4377. Mil- dred Noe Johnson, 1. Loan and ref.*f 11 a. m. to 9:45 p. m. 3,000 v. and 12,500 pams. Also Library of Illinois Society of Certi- fied Public Accountants. Accounting, Business Organ- ization and Scientific Management, Public Utilities, Union Labor publications. 76. North Western University School of Dentistry Theo- dore Menges Library, 1898. 31 W. Lake St. Randolph 4373. Nannie Fox, 1. Ref.*f 3,800 v. Dentistry. 77. Oak Park Public Library, 1903 (Scoville Institute, 1888). Grove Ave. and Lake St., Oak Park, 111. Oak Park 373. Helen Bagley, acting 1. Linn Jones, ch. 1. Laura Jane Gage, c. Loan and ref.*f 9 a. m. and 9:30 p. m. 33, 154 v. 78. The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Company, 1911. 122 S. Michigan Ave. (Room 1607). Wabash 6000, lo- cal 190. Oscar E. Norman, 1. Raymond J. Meyers, a. 1. Loan and ref.f 8:30 to 5 p. m. (Sat. to 1 p. m.) 2,431 v. 1,200 pams. Gas Engineering, Business and Public Utilities. 79. Folk's Directory Library. 532 S. Clark St. (Room 992). Wabash 2478. Loan and ref.* Directories. 80. Portland Cement Association, January, 1916 (The con- solidated libraries of the Universal Portland Cement Co. and Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers, Philadelphia). Ill W. Washington St. (Room 1543). Franklin 1540. Mary Bostwick Day, 1. Annina M. Golden, a. 1. Mary Anne Hathaway, c. Ref *f 8:30 a. m. to 5 :15 p. m. (Sat. to 1 p. m.) 2,000 v. 500 trade catalogs. 5,000 pams. 2,600 clippings. 70,000 card analytics. Cement Industry. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 89 81. Postal Telegraph Employes' Library, May 12, 1896. 324 S. La Salle St. (Room 1000). Wabash 2960. Mar- garet Schwitzner, 1. Margaret Festle, a. 1. Loan. 8:30 a. m. 1,200 v. Fiction and Telegraphy. 81a. Prairie Club Library. 80 East Jackson Boul. (Room 702). Wabash 425. Clara Fahrenbach, 1. Reference. Primarily for members.!* 11:30 a. m. to 1 :30 p. m. except Saturday and Sunday. About 150 v. Outdoor Life and Camping. 82. Pullman Public Free Library, April, 1883. 11151 Cottage Grove Ave. Pullman 764. Bertha S. Lud- lam, 1. Caroline H. Mott, a. 1. Freda Grapes, a. 1. Loan and ref .*f 10 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. ; 6 :45 to 9 p. m. (Sun. 2 to 6 p. m.) 9.245 v. General. Quine Library (See University of Illinois). 83. Reuben H. Donnelly Corporation. 633 Plymouth Court Harrison 7401. Free to advertisers in the firm's publications. Small fee to others. 8 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. 750 v. City and Tele- phone Directories of various cities. 84. Rush Medical College, 1899. 1748 Harrison St. West 112. Catherine A. MacAuliff, L Anna P. MacAuliff, a. 1. Ref.f to medical profession. 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. 21,420 v. Medicine and Surgery. 85. Ryerson Library, 1879. Art Institute. Adams St. and Michigan Ave. Central 7080. Sarah Louise Mitchell, 1. Wiebe White, a. 1. Mrs. Kate Meade McQuigg, c. Loan and ref.*f 9 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. Evenings, Mon., Wed., and Fri., to 9:30 p. m. (Sunday 2 to 8 p. m.) 11,150 v. 35,000 photographs, 15,000 lantern slides. Burn- ham collection on architecture. Architecture, Decora- tion and Design, Engravings and Etchings, Landscape Gardening, Painting and Sculpture. 40 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 86. St. Stanislaus College, 1890. 1456 W. Division St. Monroe 668. Loan and ref.f Open during school hours. 7,000 v. Polish Literature and History. 87. St. Ignatius College, 1869. 1076 W. 12th St. Monroe 1391. Rev. A. J. Garvy, 1. Thomas Bowdern, a. 1. John Pollard, c. Loan and ref.f Main, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; Branch 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 5,000 v. Catholic Theology, Philosophy and History. Scoville Institute (See Oak Park Public Library). 88. Sears, Roebuck & Company's House Library, 1904. Arthington St. and Homan Ave. Kedzie 2500. Cora Hinkins Farrar, 1. Jean Stinson, a. 1. Loan and ref ,f 7 :30 a. m. to 6 p. m. 3,761 v. (and 3,500 v. deposit collection from Chicago Public). Fiction Advertising and Efficiency. 89. A. W. Shaw Company, 1912. 6 N. Wabash Ave. Randolph 2400. Esther Jane Hel- frich, 1. Marie M. Cooney, a. 1. Ref.*f 8:30 a. m. 1,000 v. Business. 90. Sherwin-Williams Company Chemical Laboratory Library. 116th St. and Stephenson Ave. Pullman 480. C. Baker Bernhart, 1. Loan and ref.f 224 v. Dyes and Paint Products (mostly in German). 91. South Shore Country Club. 70th St. and the lake. Hyde Park 8000. Mary A. Eddy, 1. Loan and ref. 12 m. to 8:45 p. m. About 2,000 v. General. 92. Swedish Historical Society of America, 1905. 2408 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111. Evanston 3675, Dr. C. G, Wallenius, 1. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 41 Loan and ref.* About 5,000 v. and pams. in the Swedish language. Swedish periodicals, including church publi- cations. (Transferred to Augustana College, Rock Island, 111.) 93. Swift and Company, October 13, 1913. Union Stock Yards. Yards 4200, local 399. Marion J. Reynolds, 1. Agnes Jones, a. 1. Loan and ref.f 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 3,000 v. World Statistics. Live Stock Industry. Packing Industry. 94. Theosophical Association, August, 1912. 116 S. Michigan Ave. (Room 1509). Central 5049. Mrs. Teresa McLean, 1. Loan (Ic a day to public) and ref.f 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1,300 v. Occultism, Mysticism and Theosophy. 94a. Union League Club, 1880. 69 W. Jackson Boul. Wabash 2992. Library Commit- tee: Jesse Holdom, Chairman, Wallace Heckman, Hor- ace K. Tenney. Reference to members. 7:30 A. M. to midnight. 4,000 v. Americana. 95. Union Trust Company Library, 1915. 7 So. Dearborn St. Central 523. Rollin M. Coleman, I. Loan and ref. 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. 150 v. Banking and Commercial subjects. 96. United Charities of Chicago. 168 N. Michigan Ave. Majestic 7160. M. Nettie Van Valkenburgh, 1. Ref.f 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Saturday 1 p. m.) Soci- ology and allied subjects. 97. Universal Portland Cement Company, 1908. 210 S. La Salle St. (Room 1528). Wabash 6160. Gen- eva Alcott, 1. Loan and ref.*f 8 :15 a. m. to 5 p. m. 1,000 v. and pams. Cement and Concrete. 42 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 98. University Club of Chicago, August, 1910. 76 E. Monroe St. Randolph 2840. Walter R. Spof- ford, 1. Loan.f 8 a. m. to 11 p. m. 17,684 v. 99. University of Chicago Libraries, 1892 (Harper Memorial and Departmental Libraries). 59th St. between Ellis and University Aves. Midway 800. Dr. Ernest D. Burton, Director. J. C. M. Han- son, Assoc. Dir. Josephine C. Robertson, c. Earl N. Manchester, r. 1. Karl T. Jacobsen. Restricted loan and ref. 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. 530,253 v. (accessioned and bound). SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND THEIR SUBJECTS Richard Boeckh. 4,100 v. Statistics. Butler-Gunsaulus. Manuscripts of American Statesmen. Charles R. Crane, Russian History and Literature. Reuben T. Durrett. 15,000 v. and 6,000 manuscripts. History of South and West, U. S. A. George Morris Eckels. 540 v. Cromwell and Puritan Revolution. European War Collection. Federal and State Documents of the United States. James Hall. Geology and Paleontology. Charles Richmond Henderson. 5,000 v. Social Sciences, Philosophy, Religion. Hirsch-Bernays. 6,065 v. and 159 pamphlets. German Literature (1750-1870). George Elliott Howard. 1,673 v. Marriage Laws and Customs. Hermann Eduard von Hoist. 1,200 v. History, Poli- tics and Constitutional Law. Ebenezer S. Lane. 9,000 v. History, Art and Litera- ture. George Washington Northrup. 1,450 v. Theology and Ethics. William Vaughan Moody. American Literature. Erskine M. Phelps. Napoleana. Paul O. Stensland. 1,250 v. Scandinavian and Old Norse Literature and History. LIST OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 43 100. University of Illinois College of Medicine and Dentistry Quine Library, 1895. 508 Honore St. West 4160. Metta M. Loomis, 1. Mar- garet M. Bates, a. 1. Loan and ref.f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 18326 v. Medicine and dentistry. 101. University of Illinois School of Pharmacy Library, September 5, 1859. 701 S. Wood St. West 4160. Prof. Maurice A. Miner, 1. Ref.*f 9 a. m. to 12 m. and 1 to 5 p. m. 3,218 v. Phar- macopoeias of the world; pharmaceutical periodicals. Pharmacy. 102. Virginia Library, 1859 (McCormick Theological Semin- ary). 826 Belden Ave. Diversey 4175. Rev. John F. Lyons, 1. A. B. Mackintosh, a. 1. Loan and ref.*f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Tues. to Fri. even- ings, May to Sept., 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.) 44,325 v. Pres- byterian Church History; Theology; Philosophy and Sociology. 102a. Wahl-Henius Institute. 1135 Fullerton Ave. Lincoln 4021. Referencef About 10,000 v. Fermentation, Food Chem- istry. Ancient Agriculture. 103. Western Efficiency Society, January, 1914. 327 S. La Salle St. Harrison 2429. George C. Dent, Secretary. Loan and ref.f 350 v. Industrial and Business Effi- ciency. 104. Western Society of Engineers. 53 W. Jackson Boulevard (Room 1735). Harrison 945. Elta V. Savage, 1. Ref.*f 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. About 10,000 v. Engineering. 44 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB 105. Western Theological Seminary, 1885. 2720 Washington Boul. West 1484. Drs. B. S. Eaton and S. A. B. Mercer, Is. Loan and ref .*f 8 :30 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m. 21,000 v. Hib- bard Egyptian collection. Anglican Theology, Egyptol- ogy, Assyriology. 106. Wilson & Company's Library, October 1, 1917. 41st St. and Ashland Ave. Yards 4000, local 44. Myrtle Haught, 1. Ref .f 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 1,200 v. Live stock and Agri- cultural industries. 107. Woman's City Club, 1910. 116 S. Michigan Ave. Central 1310. Mrs. Mabel Wing Castle, Chairman. Ref .f 9 a. m. to 8 :30 p. m. Civics. 108. Young Men's Christian Association. 19 S. La Salle St. Central 6789. Ref. 8 :30 a. m. to 9 p. m. About 500 v. General. 109. Y. M. C. A. College, 1890. 5315 Drexel Ave. Midway 8910. Florence Hayes, 1. Loan and ref.f 8:30 a. m. to 5 :15 p. m. 3,700 v. Y. M. C. A. work. Religious and vocational education. 110. Y. W. C. A. Library, 1877. 830 S. Michigan Ave. Wabash 5539. Florence Elli- ott, 1. Loan and ref. 8 a. m. 2,644 v. H. F. Munroe collec- tion. General. INDEX Index to subjects and collections in the various libraries. Numbers refer to libraries arranged alphabetically on pages 24-44. Accident Prevention 70 Accounting 55, 57, 59, 75 Actuarial 5 Administration, Municipal 67a Advertising 1, 7, 57, 88 Aeronautics 57 Agricultural Industries 106 Agriculture 7, 57, 106 Agriculture, Ancient 102a American Literature 99 American Missionary Association Library 52 American Revolution 71 Americana 94a Amusements 71 Angling 71 Applied Science 57 Architecture 49, 85 Art 3, 45, 99 Art, Industrial 32 Assyriology 105 Audubon Bird Books 57 Ayer Collection of Americana 71 Ayer Ornithological Collection T 46 Banking 57, 71, 95 Baum Collection on History of Medicine 57 Belles-lettres 2 Bible 36, 48, 62, 67 Bibliography 71 Bibliophile 15 Bierens de Haan collection on mathematics 57 Biography 4 Birds 57 Blind, Books for 32 Boeckh Collection on Statistics 99 Bonaparte Collection on European Philology 71 Boys' Work 12 Burnham Collection on Architecture 85 Business 1, 13, 17, 57, 59,63,66, 78, 89 46 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Business Efficiency 103 Business Organization 75 Butler-Gunsaulus Collection of Manuscripts of American Statesmen 99 Camping 81a Catholic Theology 87 Celtic Languages and Literature 71 Cement 97 Cement Industry 80 Chanute Collection on Aeronautics 57 Charters, City 67a Chemistry 57 Chemistry, Industrial 7, 57 Chemistry of Foods 102a Chicago Academy of Sciences 57 Chicago History 27 China, History of 71 Christian Science 37 Church Documents 48 Church History 52, 71 Church Publications, Swedish 92 City Charters 67a City Ordinances 67a City Planning 38, 57 Civic Organization Publications 38 Civic Subjects 17, 34, 107 Civil War 71 Classics 72 Coe Music Collection 45 Columbus Biography 71 Commerce 71 Commercial Subjects 95 Comparative Religion 48 Concrete 97 Congregationalism 52 Conover Collection on Lewis & Clark Expedition 27 Constitutional Law 57, 99 Cook Books 57 Crane Collection on Russian History and Literature 99 Cremation 57 Cremation Association of America 57 Cromwell ... 99 INDEX 47 Decoration 85 Dccring Jackson Methodist Collection 48 Dentistry 20, 57, 76, 100 Design 85 Directories 32, 57, 79, 83 Directories, telephone 83 Documents, Federal 99 Documents, State 99 Domestic Science 60 Drama 45 Drama, American and English 32 Du Bois-Reymond Collection on Physiology 57 Durrett Collection on History of South and West 99 Dyes 57, 90 Eckels Collection on Cromwell and the Puritan Revolution. 99 Education 57, 99 Education, Elementary 69 Education, Religious 109 Education, Vocational 109 Egyptology 105 Electricity 39, 57 Engineering 8> 14, 57, 60, 104 English 43, 59 English Literature 71 Engravings 85 Etchings 85 Ethics 99 European War Collection 99 Exegetical Theory 71 Fermentation 102a Fine Arts 3, 85 Fire Insurance 47 Fishing 71 Folklore 71 Food Chemistry 102a Forestry 36a Furniture 64 Gas Engineering 78 Genealogy 71 Geology 57, 99 German Literature 72 Gerritsen Collection on Banking 57 Gerritsen Woman Collection 57 48 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Cradle Collection on Ophthalmology 57 Great Britain, history and topography of 71 Gunsaulus Collection on English Puritanism 52 Haan Collection on Mathematics 57 Hall Collection on Geology and Paleontology 99 Hawaii, History of 71 Health 25 Henderson Collection on Social Sciences, Philosophy and Religion . 99 Herd Books 57 Hibbard Egyptian Collection 105 Hirsch-Bernays Collection on German Literature, 1750-1870. 99 History 43, 71, 87, 99 History, American 32, 99 Homeopathy 50 Housing 38 Howard Collection on Marriage Laws and Customs 99 India, History of 71 Indian Tribes 71 Industrial Chemistry 7, 57 Industrial Efficiency 103 Insurance, fire 47 Interior Decoration 64 Ireland, History of 71 Jackson Collection on Constitutional Law 57 Kindergarten 69 Labor and Land 71 Labor Union Publications 75 Landscape Gardening 85 Lane Collection on History, Art and Literature 99 Lantern Slides 85 Law 9, 19, 28, 29, 30, 42, 51, 58, 59, 73, 99 Law, Ancient 73 Law Anglo-American 73 Law, Modern Continental 73 Law, Oriental 73 Law, Primitive 73 Legislation 67a Levasseur Collection of Maps 57 Lewis and Clark Expedition 27 Literature . 99 INDEX 49 Lithuanian Books 61 Live Stock Industry 93, 106 Lombard History 62 Manuscripts 99 Marriage Laws and Customs 99 Martin Collection on Gynecology 57 Mathematics 57 Medical Periodicals, current 6 Medical Science Society Collection 45 Medicine 40, 50, 57, 65, 74, 84, 100 Meissner Collection on Anatomy 57 Methodist Church 48 Middle West History 27 Milne-Edwards Collection on Zoology 57 Missions 10, 36, 52, 67 Money 57, 71 Moody Collection on American Literature 99 Municipal Administration 67a Municipal Government 38 Municipal Reports 67a Munroe Collection 110 Music 32, 45, 71 Mysticism 94 Napoleana 71, 99 Natural History 46 Netherlands, History of 71 Newspapers 71 Norse History 99 Norse Literature 99 Northrup Collection on Theology and Ethics 99 Northwest 32 Occultism 94 Old Printers Library 27 Ophthalmology' .\ . . . 57 Ordinances, City 33 Orientalia 57 Ornithology 46, 57 Outdoor Life 81a Paint Products 90 Painting 85 Paintings, photographs 3 Packing Industry 93, 106 60 CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB Paleontology 57, 99 Patents 32 Pedagogy 31, 69 Periodicals, American and English 32 Periodicals, Current Medical 6 Periodicals, Pharmaceutical 101 Periodicals, Religious 52 Periodicals, Swedish 92 Pharmaceutical Periodicals 101 Pharmacopaeias 101 Pharmacy 57, 101 Phelps Collection of Napoleana 99 Philippine Islands, History of 71 Philosophy 43, 87, 99, 102 Photographs 3 Photographs, art 85 Plays, Early 71 Polish History 86 Polish Literature 86 Politics 99 Pottery 64 Presbyterian Church 102 Printing 71 Public Finance * 71 Public Utilities 14, 44, 75, 78 Puritan Revolution 99 Rapid Transit 38 Religion 43,52,67,99,102 Religion, Comparative 48 Religions, non-Christian 67 Religious Education 109 Russian History 99 Russian Literature 99 Safety 70 Salesmanship 57, 64 Sanitation 25 Scandinavian History 99 Scandinavian Literature 99 Science, Pure and Applied 57 Scientific Serials 57 Scientific Management 75 Sculpture 85 Sculpture, photographs 3 INDEX fl Senn Collection on History of Surgery 57 Shakespeare 71 Slavery 71 Social Relief 96 Social Science 57, 71 Social Service 36 Social Subjects 34 Sociology 57, 96, 102 South, The 99 South America, History of 72 Sports 71 Statesmen, American, Manuscripts of 99 Statistics 93, 99 Stensland Collection of Scandinavian and Old Norse Liter- ature and History 99 Surgery 57, 74 Swedish Periodicals 92 Telegraphy 81 Textiles 63 Theodore Thomas Collection of Music Scores and Concert Programs 71 Theology 11, 24, 52, 99, 102 Theology, Anglican 105 Theosophy 94 Therapeutics 50, 57 Tibet, History of 71 Traffic 59 Vocational Education 57, 106 Von Hoist Collection on History, Politics and Constitu- tional Law. . . '. 99 War Work for Women 41 Watson, Kate Heintz Collection on Forestry 36a West, Middle, History 27 West, The 99 Why We Are at War 41 Wiedemann Collection on Electricity ,... 57 Women 57 Women's War Work 41 World Statistics.. 93 iiiMiniiiimuiimiii ) mminmuumHuriMumiuiiiiiiiiiimmiiiimiiiifiitiniiiiiimiiiiim Copies of this handbook may be obtained from the Secretary for 10 cents each, by mail 15 cents. Address mail orders, Chicago Library Club, care of John Crerar Library, Chicago, III. lllllttllillilllUIIIIIIIIIMIUIIIIMIIIIIIIUIHIillfllllllllilllllllllUIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKMUIIIItniH UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA HANDBOOK OF THE CHICAGO LIBRARY CLUB CH