The Freshwater Mussels (BivalviarUnionidae) of the Fox River Basin, Illinois and Wisconsin Robert W. Schanzle. Glen W. Kriise. Joseph A. Kath, Roger A. Klocek, and Kevin S. Cummings Illinois Natural Hislor) Survey Biological Notes 141 November 2004 Illinois Natural History Survey, David L. Thomas, Chief A division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Joel Brunsvold, Director A catalog of the publications of the Illinois Natural History Survey is available without charge from the address below. A price list for other publications and an order blank are included with the publications catalog. Illinois Natural History Survey Distribution Center Natural Resources Building 607 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820 Cover Photo: A live rainbow ( Villosa iris) showing its "lure" to attract a host fish. Photo taken in Swan Creek. Taney County, Missouri. Copyright 1999 Wm. Roston. The Fox River basin is thought to support the only extant population of the rainbow in the Upper Mississippi River drainage. Inset (cover photo): Rainbow (Villosa iris), male (top), female (bottom), Tippcanoe River, White County, Indiana. Title page photo: Male rainbow ( Villosa iris). For more information on Illinois freshwater mussels see: molluskintro.html For more information on the rainbow (including video) see Chris Bamhart's Unio Gallery at Southwest Missouri State University: Editor: Charles Warwick Printed by authority of the State of Illinois I076186-I.5M-11-04 US ISSN 0073-490X Citation: Schanzle, R.W, G.W. Kruse, J.A. Kath, R.A. Klocek, and K.S. Cummings. 2004. The freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:Unionidae) of the Fox River basin, Illinois and Wisconsin. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 141. iv + 35pp. Equal opportunity to participate in programs of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and those funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other agencies is available to all individuals regardless of race, sex. national origin, disability, age, religion, or other nonmerit factors. If you believe you have been discriininated against, contact the funding source's civil rights office and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. IDNR, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield. IL 62702-1271; 217/785-0067; TTY 217/782-9175. Printed with soy ink on recycled and recyclable paper The Freshwater Mussels (BivalviarUnionidae) of the Fox River Basin, IlHnois and Wisconsin Robert W. Schanzle', Glen W. Kruse', Joseph A. Kath', Roger A. Klocek-, and Kevin S. Cummings'^ Illinois Department of Natural Resources One Natural Resources Way Springfield, Illinois 62702 -John G. Shedd Aquarium 1200 S. Lakeshore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60605 'Illinois Natural History Survey 607 East Peabody Drive Champaign. Illinois 61820 Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 141 November 2004 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This survey was made possible by the efforts of dozens of interested volunteers from federal, state, and local govern- ment agencies as well as the private sector. The authors wish to thank the many individuals from the Illinois De- partment of Natural Resources, John G. Shedd Aquarium, McHenry County Conservation District, St. Charles Park District, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Wis- consin Department of Natural Resources who assisted with sampling. John Bishop of the Illinois Department of Natu- ral Resources provided major assistance with the prepara- tion of basin maps for the report. We also wish to thank the curators and collection managers at the Field Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian Institution's National Mu- seum of Natural History, and Chicago Academy of Sciences for access to collections under their care.We would like to thank Brant Fisher, Lisie Kitchel, and Bernard Sietman who reviewed the manuscript and provided many helpful com- ments on the paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLES iv ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 RESULTS 2 DISCUSSION 4 SPECIES ACCOUNTS NATIVE UNIONIDS 15 INTRODUCED SPECIES 29 SPECIES OF POSSIBLE HISTORIC OCCURRENCE 30 LITERATURE CITED 31 APPENDIX I 33 LIST OF FIGURES Figure la. The Fox River and its Major Tributaries 1 Figure lb. The Fox River and its Major Tributaries 1 Figure 2a. Collection Stations in the Fox River Basin, 1997-2001 4 Figure 2b. Collection Stations in the Fox River Basin, 1997-2001 4 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 . Comparison of mussel species reported from the Fox River drainage by Calkins ( 1 874) and subsequent researchers 3 Table 2. Total numbers, abundance ranking, and percent composition of the mussel species collected live in the Fox River basin, 1997-2001 5 Table 3. Listing of all mussels collected in the Fox River mainstem, 1997-2001 6 Table 4. Listing of all mussels collected in tributaries of the Fox River, 1997-2001 8 Table 5. Total Numbers, abundance ranking, and percent composition of the mussel species collected in the Fox River by Matteson, 1957-1958 12 Table 6. Side-by-side listing of mussels collected at stations common to Matteson's (1957-58) and current study 13 ABSTRACT The freshwater mussel fauna nl the Fox River and its tributaries in Illinois and Wisconsin was surveyed during the summers of 1997-2001. Ninety-six mainstem and tributary stations were sampled, resulting in the collection of 27 species of native mussels. 23 of which were represented by live specimens. Five species considered threatened or endangered in one or both stales were extant in the basin, and Iwi) additional listed species were collected as dead material. Two introduced bivalves were also collected live. INTRODUCTION The Fox River originates near Menominee Falls in Waukesha County. Wisconsin, and flows southward approximately 80 miles before crossing the Illinois border about 3 miles west- northwest of Antioch, in Lake County. From there it flows generally south and west some 115.1 miles (Healy 1979) before emptying into the Illinois River near Ottawa in LaSalle County (Figs. la.b). The Fox drains a total area of 2.658 square miles (Healy 1979). The ri\ er primarily drains row crop and pasture lands within the state of Wisconsin, but also receives urban runoff from cities including Waukesha, Waterford, and Burlington. Pass- ing southward into Illinois, the river empties into the Fox- Chain O" Lakes, and its waters flow through portions of Grass. Nippersink, Fox, and Pistakee lakes before once again entering a distinct river channel near the village of McHenry. Continuing downstream, the section of river passing through Kane County has historically sustained major industrial and urban growth, and is tlanked by many communities includ- ing Elgin. .St. Charles, Gene\a, Batavia, and Aurora. Down- stream from the heavily urbanized section, in Kendall and LaSalle counties, the Fox is again largely bordered by agri- cultural lands and small towns such as York\ ille, Millington, Sheridan. Wedron. and Davton. McHenry Co 1. Mukwonago River 2. MiiskcgoAVind Lake Canal }. Honey Creek 4. Sugar Creek 5. White River 10 miles 6. North Branch Nippersink Creek 7. Nippersink Creek 8. .Squaw Creek 9. Boone Creek M). Mini Creek 1 1 . Spring Creek I :. Tyler Creek I }. Poplar Creek 14. Ferson/Otier Creek l.S. Mill Creek 1 ' Creek 18. Rob Roy Creek 19. Big Rock/BattleAVelch Creek 20. Little Rock Creek 21. RiMKJs Creek 22. Sonuinauk Creek 2.^. Lilile Indian Creek 24. Indian Creek/Paw Paw Run/ Sulphens Run 25. Crooked l^-g Creek 26. Buck Creek Figure 1 a. The Fox River and Its Major Tributaries. Figure lb. The lox Ri\erand Its .Major Tributaries. INHS Biological Notes 141 Knapp (1988) reported that low-head dams existed at 19 locations on the Fox River, 15 of them in the state of Illi- nois. Most of these "were built in the period 1 830-50 to provide power for saw mills and flour mills, and typically are only seven or eight feet high." These dams, along with other post-settlement developments including urbanization, discharges of industrial and municipal effluents, and agri- cultural runoff, have all contributed to changes in the makeup and distribution of the Fox River's aquatic resources. Smith (1971) rated the Fox River system as "good to excellent" based on the fish species that were known to inhabit the basin, and stated that although the river "has some domes- tic and industrial pollution. ..most of its tributaries have a variety of habitats and rather high species diversity." Day et al. (1992) reported the collection of 61 species of fish from the Fox River mainstem post-1978, and stated "this river supports a diverse fish fauna despite the many modifi- cations to the watershed." The freshwater mussel resources of the Fox River basin have been studied over the years by a number of researchers (Table 1). The earliest, W. W. Calkins (1874), listed nine species of mussels occurring in the Fox River in LaSalle County, Illinois. G. H. Chadwick (1905) included seven mussel species in a listing of terrestrial and aquatic mol- lusks from Wisconsin. F. C. Baker, in his 1906 publication A Catalogue of the Molhisca of Illinois, ascribed 24 species to the river. Of these, 18 were attributed directly to the Fox River while the rest were reported from "Dundee, Kane Co." or "Algonquin, McHenry Co.", two towns located on the river's mainstem. Baker also included distributional information for Fox River mussels in his 1928 Fresh Water Molhisca of Wisconsin. However, the majority of Baker's references to the Fox River in the 1 928 publication pertain to the stream that flows north- east from south-central Wisconsin, passing through Lake Winnebago on its way to Lake Michigan via Green Bay, and not to the Fox River that flows south into Illinois. Dis- tributional information for the mussels of the latter stream must be infened from comments in Baker's text (e.g., "Fox River of Illinois") or from species records attributed to streams or lakes within its basin, such as the Mukwonago River and Lake Geneva. J. A. Eldridge (1914) investigated the mussel resources of the Fox River on behalf of the U.S. Commissioner of Fish- eries, primarily assessing the value of the river's mussels in terms of freshwater pearl production. He described several mussel beds within the river's mainstem that were actively worked by pearl hunters and collectors for button manufac- turers. Some of the most productive beds were located in the lower portions of the river near the towns of Millington and Sheridan, Illinois. in the years 1957-1958 (unpublished data), H. A. Mathiak (1979), and Cummings and Mayer (1997). Matteson col- lected 1,700 live specimens representing 20 species at 10 stations in the Fox River mainstem between the Wisconsin state line and the river's mouth at Ottawa. Mathiak included distributional information for Fox River mussels in his re- port A River Sun'ey of the Unionid Mussels of Wisconsin 1973-1977. noting 18 species in the upper reaches of the river. Cummings and Mayer examined museum collections nationwide for their 1 997 Distributional Checklist and Sta- tus of Illinois Freshwater Mussels i Mollusca:Unionacea I. and reported 32 species historically collected from the Fox River system in Illinois. This study was undertaken to determine the species of fresh- water mussels currently inhabiting the Fox River basin and. to the extent allowed by earlier records, compare the river's existing mussel resources with those reported historically to identify changes in species richness that may have oc- cun'ed over time. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ninety-six mainstem and tributary stations in Illinois and Wisconsin were sampled during the summers of 1997-2001 (Fig. 2a,b: Tables 2-^). Mussels were collected by hand picking for four collector-hours at each station, and all avail- able habitats (e.g.. riffles, pools, areas of differing substrate, etc.) were searched. The mussels were identified to the spe- cies level in the field, their numbers were recorded, and one or two voucher specimens of each species were retained for deposition in the mollusk collection of the Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois. Any remaining mus- sels were returned to the stream. (Note: the collection of live specimens of state threatened or endangered species was not permitted in Wisconsin — if a dead specimen could not be found, no voucher was taken.) A photographic record was made of each station and the mussels collected there. Estimates were also made of stream width, average depth, and average rate of flow, and a site map was sketched for future reference. The nomenclature employed in this report follows that of the Committee on Scientific and Vernacular Names of Mol- lusks of the Council of Systematic Malacologists. .Ameri- can Malacological I'nion (Turgeon et al. 1998), except that subspecies are not recognized. The terms "dead." "weath- ered." and "subfossil." w hen used in this report to indicate shell condition, mean the following: dead — nacre shin\. periostracum mosll\ intact: weathered — nacre dull, periostracum partly to mostly gone: subfossil — nacre chalky, periostracum mostly to completely gone. RESULTS More recent investigations into the mussel resources of the Fox River basin (Table I ) include of M. R. Matteson During the cunent study. 23 mainstem and 73 tributary sta- tions were sampled in the Fox River basin in Illinois and The Freshwater Mussels (Bivalviii.Unionidae) of the Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin Table I . Comparison of mussel species reported from the Fox River drainage by Calkins ( 1 874) and subsequent researchers. C'iilkms H.ikci liklndgi.' Baker MatlesDii MalJiiak Cumiiungs t^ Ciinvm Sui(J\ (1874) {\^m) (1413) (1928) (1937-58) (1979) Mayer(1997) (1997-2001) Aciiiioiuiiiis ligumentiiui . . . • • • Alusmidtmtii mar^imtta • . • • • • Alasmidonta viridis • • * ' Ainhlcina plicahi . • • • • « AiuydoiUoidcs fcnissacictuiis • • • ' Arcidens confraiiosits • Cyclnnciids liihenidaki * ' ' Elliptio dikihita ..... Epioblasma triqiictra Fiisconciid Jhiva ... • • < Lampsilis lardiiim • • . • • Ldwpsilis fcisciohi ' Lampsilis siliquoidea . . . . • • < Lasniii>(>na comphmato * * Lusmi^ona coinprcssa • * Losmigona costaUi ... • • • Lepiodca jragilis • * Lif>iimia recta • • • • Ohovariii olivaria Plelhobasiis cyphvus Plcurabema sinto.xia • • • • • f'otiimiliis aliitiis Potiimilus (ihlensis * Pxfiatuuhm i^randis • • • * * QiKidriila iiictiiiievra Quiidridd pustiilosa • • * * Qiuidrulci quiulrula ' Sirophiliis iindiiUitiis • • * * Toxolasma parvus * * Trit(>i>i)nia verrucosa • Truncilla donacijoriiiis Ulterhackia imhecillis * • • Venustaconcha ellipsifnrwis • • • • Villosa in\ • • • • • • Number of species 9 24 13 12 2(1 is ; • iiulKales species colleclcd INHS Biological Notes 141 DuPageCo. Walworth Co McHenry Co Match Line Figure 2a. Collection Stations in the Fox River Basin, 1997-2001. Figure 2b. Collection Stations in the Fox River Basin. 1997-2001. Wisconsin. Twenty-seven species of native freshwater mussels were collected, of which 23 were represented by living specimens totaling 3,585 individuals (Table 2). Two introduced bivalve species, Corbicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha. were also collected live. The most common species collected were Qiiculrula pustitlosa (487 live), Pyganodon grcmdis (486 live), and Lasmigoim compkmata (483 live), each of which consti- tuted approximately 13.5% of the total sample (Table 2). Two additional species were represented by more than 300 live individuals: Lampsilis cardiitm with 397 and Anodontiodes fentssacianus with 305. The four species rep- resented only by dead material were Cyclonaias tuheiviikua. EpiobUisina triquetra. Potainihis aluliis, and Polaiiiilus ohiensis. The number of live specimens collected at a given station ranged from to 356, and the number of species represented by live and/or dead material ranged from to 17 (Tables 3 and 4). The stations having the greatest live species rich- ness, with 1 1 species each, were Station 25 on the Mukwonago River in Wisconsin and Station 1 1 on the Fox River mainstem at West Dundee, Illinois. Station 8 on the Fox River mainstem near McHenry, Illinois, supported the highest abundance, yielding 356 live individuals in four collector-hours of sampling. The Fox River mainstem produced 1 8 of the 23 total living species collected. Species collected live only in the mainstem were Leptodea fragilis. Ligiiniia recta, and Qiiadnila quadrida. Species that were not found alive in the Fox River, but only in its tributaries, were Alasmidonta viridis. Anodontoides fcntssaciamis. Lasmigoiia compressa, Veiuistaconclui ellipsiformis. and Villosa iris. Live individu- als of several species considered endangered or threatened in Illinois (I) and/or Wisconsin (W) were collected, includ- ing A. viridi.^ (lAV), Elliptio dilatata (I). L. recta (I), V. ellipsiformis (W), and V. iris (lAV). Additional state-listed species represented only by dead material included C. tuherculata (lAV) and E. triquetra (I/W). DISCUSSION Although Eldridge (1914) discussed the Fox Ri\er's mus- sel resources in terms of the tonnage of shells collected an- nually, little additional information was available in the lit- erature concerning the relati\e abundance of mussels w ithin the basin over time. Max R. Matteson of the University of Illinois sampled 10 stations located between Ottawa and the Wisconsin border during 1957-58. and a summan of his collections, which are housed in the Mollusk Collection at the Illinois Natural History Survey in Champaign, is pro- vided in Table 5. Matteson reportedly employed a four- collector-hour sampling protocol, identical to that used in The Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia.Unionidae) of the Fox River Basin. Illinois ami Wisconsin the current survey, and it is therefore possible to directly compare his sampling results with those acquired roughly 40 years later At the 10 stations sampled in both Matteson"s and the cur- rent survey. Matteson collected a total of 1 .700 live mussels representing 20 species (Tables 5 and 6). During the current survey, those same 10 stations yielded only 626 live mus- sels (36.8% of Matteson's total) comprising 14 species. Se\eral species that were collected in abundance by Matteson have declined significantly at the stations com- mon to both studies. For example, while Matteson collected 477 li\e Actliinnciliis ligawciitina during 1957-58 (the sec- ond most abundant species after Q. ptistiilosa). none were collected at stations common to both studies during 1997- 2001. Similarly. E. clilatiiia and C. iiihcrciilaui. of which Matteson collected 49 and 1 1 li\e indi\ iduals, respectively, were not collected live at common stations during 1997- 200 1 . In fact. C. iiihcrciilala may no longer be living in the drainage. Three additional species collected in small num- bers by Matteson — Lasmii'ona coslata, L. recta, and P. oliicnsis— were not collected at stations common to both studies during 1997-2001. The decline in the number of mussel species and species abundance parallels the increased urbanization of the Fox River watershed, but it is difficult to determine what factor or group of factors (e.g.. dams, siltation. point source pollu- tion, nonpoinl pollution, deselopment of tributary corridors, loss of fish hosts, etc.) has caused the most impact on the mussel resources of the river. Dams and impoundments have been implicated in mussel declines elsewhere (Watters 1996. 2000: Metcalfe-Smith ct al. 1998), and the numerous dams constructed historically across the Fox may base greatly affected its current mussel fauna. What cannot be argued is that the abundance and species richness of mus- sels in the Fo.\ have both declined o\ er the inter\ ening years, despite the elimination of commercial mussel harvest and the passage of the Clean Water Act in the 197()s. This fol- lows the disturbing national trend in mussel declines de- scribed by Neves ( 1993). Table 2. Total numbers, abundance ranking, and percent composition of the mussel species collected live in the Fox River basin. 1997-2001. Species Total Rank 'f Comp. Cum. Quadrula pustulosa Pygcmodon grandis Lasmifiona comphmata Lcimpsilis cardiitin Aiiodontoides ferussacianus Fiisconalci Jhiva Venuslaconcha elllpsifomiis Pleurobema sintoxia Actlnomilas liguinciuiiiu Akismidoiua nuirgiiuita Aitibleina plicata Slrophiliis iiiuliilaliis Tuxolasma paniis Lasmigona costala Ltinipsilis siliquoidca Liismigoiui coinprcssa Elliplio dilatala Ahismidonki virldis QiuidfuUi quadrula Utterbackia imbecillis Villosa iris Ligumia recta Lx'ptodea fragilis Cycloiiaias tuberculata Epioblasma Iric/iwtra Potamilus alatus Potainihis j '-^ 10 — 00 4- ^s CA -^ -J ^ 'Jl - to to Li « ~ oc '_« oo ij\ O « « ■~j 't ^ i ~ i ^i ^ « « « i^ to 3^ ^ '^ i: -J - — 4- ~ « -J - ^ y^ i ■^ u, to ^ « to $ :x ^5^ lO lO « 5 « « « ^ *^^ ? - *. « -0 ^ i « s - -J lo - 00 '-0 Ul to i to 'J ? - ? to - o o ? ? 5 « 1 '-^ ^ i « « _- MO « « '.>j - - a. - « « $ 4- Uj L*J O 'Jj 3= 5^ " ? ? « ^ '^f^ '-" 3; c/^ - - ^ S= i 1: i « « ? C 5= ^ '- y ^ « 4^ ^ <^ !i ? $ ~J -J to The Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia:Unionidae) of the Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin * o. a Q. a n c ■ ° 3= « - = 5" n 3 C/: C n — 5 n = '^' ^ "^ S ^ r*-< :ri i? fO w w w ^ h" S" h" jz C. C ">>:>: rv CT CT ^ ^ ^ 3 B. '^ -C C ^ ^ Z" ?f- 1 II ~ 5 1 ;; '5"' 1 1 2 >. ir ii 1 ~ 14 is? z idi\idual s(live)* 5 ^- '^ i ^ c ^ |- 2 §! V 1 5 1' 'j^ 1 1 ■^ ^ S 5 ?" "f*^- -^ ^- s ■■§■ * ^ % y 4_ — t -< -^ 4- '^j Vi 4- yz -J y. ~j 3 ^ ■y. x- -J 1 J ~ ^ ^ -; y ■- 4- ^ ^ ■^ zi '=- C ? s OC -J *; ^ '^ « ? t _» a^ fc ^ <>> ',>J — s: y s: ^ 5= *: ■y 4- ? ? to 1 J 1 J 5= ? C -y . S to to ^ [;; 5? ? IJ — s: « t^ O- — j: S ■- ? 3= to ;d — ^ — — = = ij 3- IJ — i^ to 4- '-fi ^ O 3^ 4- to l-> — — t-J sC -^ Vl ■^ =^ Ov vC C — ~ _ Vi _ Vi lO — '^ *. t J 1^" 5' 3 — 4- to — — to ^ '-• '-^ 3^ to — 4i to C '-n C •^00 O O- *- to ^ = — to ■c »= ';^ vC = — ^ -~ '-" _ '-" IJ = '^ 4- 2 7 ^ 1 -J to — O oc 00 ^ to 4^ O 00 3 --J to ^^ 4- lo .. - = o2 = O'^Z ii^± i = '^ _ ';£; ■-" ^ 5; '-^ '■*• o» Cj — 'oJ ^o 5* J- to V. ■^ oc oc ;j^ H -J ~ '^ ■>. j: - +- -t- -~ 00 00 — -J 3> C ? 4- ,j ~J £ - ?. '^ .u *-' ~j ^ c 2 = 5 E •:^ii 12 INHS Biological Notes 141 Total Live Individuals* Total Species (live)* Introduced bivalves: Corbicida fluminea Dreissena polymorpha Utterbackia imbecillis Vetuistaconcha eUipsiformis Villosa iris Qiiadnda qiiadrula Strophitiis imdidatiis Toxolasma paints Potamiliis ohiensis Pyganodon grandis Qiiadnda pustidosa Ligiiniia recta Pleiirobema sintoxia Potamiliis idatus 5" S" S" ^ >c' 'JZ' :^' a "^ ^ ^ ? o ^ ^ S; =; =* y: Z ri z ~- ON o o " o\ o o Q. i i ON Cl to — ho '-►J oo '_n CL ON O^ oc ;0 -J -J S- ? i « ^ i to 00 '->j 00 to to to -o to « - o< o^ o^ '-;^ ^ '^ - "^ Q. ^ c ON -J O 33 o — - ^ - ON to to i '-/I 3< ft ?^ F '-0 'Jl 4i '>^ 5- ~ o « -J NO nC 3 ? R o ITS •Jl vC c ^ to to - ■-^ ON -i oc r 3 r o ■J t to The Freshwater Mussels (BivulvicrUnionidae) of the Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin ? = ?■ 2" c. -^ ~- c "; -: o ;i :^ f^ ~ ^ c ■^ C 3^ ^ "* c 5: 1 I- XH ^ fC -y ^ ^ r^ r*^ r^ ~- :5 .5 ■5 > i r- r- ^ "5 ^- "•■ 5 "^ s* > ^ > 5 rv i. ^ i a ~ 5^ £ Z — . IJ 4- ^ 1 J r J '^j 1 J 4- 4- 7- '-^ 4- ',*j -I- :; - 4- 1 J ::~ f J ~-J o. 1 -J 1 -» 4- 1 -J 4- - -J -y. r, — ^ r' /*- <-, 5: -s ■ji --J 0- V- ^ iii = •^ 'j^ "y- - - r J 4. DC r 1 — 3 3 ? c 5: 4- -J -J — o o ~~i ^ t J 2 10 /NHS Biologiccd Notes 141 Total Live Individuals* Total Species (live)* Introduced bivalves: Corbiciila flivninea Dreissena polymorpha Utterbackia iitibeciilis Veniistaconcha eUipsifonnis Villosa iris Quadnda qiiadrida Strophitus undulatiis To.xolaswa parvus Potamilus ohieusis Pygauodou grandis Quadnda pustulosa Ligumui recta Pleiirohema sinlo.xia Potamilus alatus ^ >c JZ ?■ t" i ?-? 5 r> ^ ^ ri Z ON CXI 00 00 ^ D. S to ^\i Q. '-/J -O 4^ '.fi -(- — — 1-1 4- t -J — to to oo o- ~ lo -0 to -J ^1 00 1;^ to uJ to '-n to o i C- to lo :3 4^ 4^ to 4- n z rr 2 KM '■/^' 77 « to 00 00 4- '-Kl lO '-0 to _ « :3 ON — s - <: 1^ _ y oc 4j z c p F z a '■J-. 3* 7- t^ On ^ i Ov c « 4^ - ^ 4^ n 7 lO -t^ „ to to 0\ R s- — to to to oc ?0 to to ■•^ oo 4- ? ^ ^ ? s - ? oc oc oc to n V2 ■^ d — • /^ I to o The Freshwater Mus.iels (Bivalvia.Unionidae) of the Fox River Basin, Illinois and Wisconsin n n' ~ ~ & If G i" III Utlcrhuckia imhccillis Vcniistac oin ha cUipsiformis Villosa iris ? ^ "5 ? 5 ^ 5~ '-^ ^ •5 > i ?■ ^ ?■ i Z2 ^ ^ 5; i. r. C/3 \0 0^ 'VI DC ^ < - ? ^ s ■-/I 'VI r;, _y; o —, Tie 4- '-*-! 4- 4- c — 5^ t: to ^ ? - - '>-* IJ 5= '-^ C3^ " ^~ -1- ^ 'Vi 1 J 'VI '.>J 7~ "" '.>J t _• ' 1 _* -J 4- c — 1 -t C — si 3C 7 r J r J l-> l_J 1 J — • 3C ',/J 'VI 5 < r. — 5: to S — >: ^ IJ 0^ OC o -J IJ ^ !i = o ? c O ' Ji O^ § 4^ ± i = •;£ 3 is 'v. '^ 3V ::: — '^ tJ 5^ ■3- 3 170 O o o ft Q. c ■n o vO I to 12 INHS Bioloi>ical Notes 141 Table 5. Total Numbers, abundance ranking, and percent composition of the mussel species collected in the Fox River by Matteson, 1957-1958. Species Total Rank '7c Comp. Cum. % Quadruki pustulosa Actinonaias ligamentina Lampsilis cardium Lasmigoini compkmata Amblema plicala Quadruki quadrula Elliplio dilatata Lampsilis sUiquoidea Alasmidonta imirginata Fusconaia flava Pleumbema sintoxia Utterbackia imbecillis Cyckmaias tuherculata Pyganodon grandis Lasmigona costata Toxokisma pan'us Stwphitus undulatus Leptodea fragilis Ligumia recta Potamihis ohiensis Total Live Individuals Total Species (live) 620 1 36.5 36.5 478 2 28.1 64.6 134 3 7.9 72.5 100 4 5.9 78.4 72 5 4.2 82.6 51 6 3.0 85.6 49 7 2.9 88.5 44 8 2.6 91.1 39 9 2.3 93.4 30 10 1.8 95.1 27 11 1.6 96.7 14 12 0.8 97.5 11 13 0.6 98.2 11 13 0.6 98.8 8 15 0.5 99.3 4 16 0.2 99.5 3 17 0.2 99.6 2 18 0.1 99.8 2 18 0.1 99.9 1 20 0.1 100.0 ,700 100.0 20 Although no historical information is available concerning mussel populations inhabiting tributaries of the Fox River, several of these streams are noteworthy because of their cur- rent species richness and abundance, and the presence of endangered or threatened species. Tributaries supporting 1 or more mussel species, including species listed as threat- ened or endangered in Illinois and/or Wisconsin, were Black- beny Creek (ID, Honey Creek (WI), Little Indian Creek (ID. Mukwonago River (WI). Nippersink Creek (IL), North Branch Nippersink Creek (ILAVI), and White River (WI), each of which is briefly addressed below: Blackberry Creek — Sampling of this tributary resulted in the collection of 1 1 living mussel species and 2 additional species represented by weathered material. Although mus- sel abundance was only moderate, averaging 22 live indi- viduals per sampling location, specimens of the Illinois and Wisconsin threatened slippershell (A. viridis) were collected at the upstream station. Other than Waubonsie Creek, where several live individuals were collected. Blackberry Creek was the only Fox River tributary in which the Asian clam (Carhicuki jlwninea) was encountered. A weathered val\ c was found at Station 65. Honey Creek — This stream yielded 13 living mussel spe- cies, 1 additional species represented by dead material, and 1 by weathered material. Mussel abundance was high, av- eraging nearly 63 live mussels per station. Li\e specimens of the Wisconsin threatened ellipse ( V; cllipsifoniiis) were collected at the upstream station. Of only 104 live threeridge (Ambk'ina plicatci) collected basin-wide, 47 were taken at one station on Honey Creek. Little Indian Creek — Though mussel abundance and di- versity were low in the headwaters of Little Indian Creek, the two downstream stations yielded an average of 66 live mussels and a combined total of 1 1 species. These included the Illinois threatened spike (f. dikitota) and the Wisconsin threatened ellipse (V: cllipsiforitiis). Weathered and subfos- sil shells of the Illinois and Wisconsin threatened slippershell (,4. viridis) were alsii collected. Mukwonago River — Although onh two stations were sampled on this stream, it exhibited the highest species rich- ness ( 16 li\e and 1 dead) of any tributar> in the Fox River basin (Table 4c.: Stations 24 & 25). Mussel abundance was also quite high, averaging 98 live individuals per station. riie h'rcshwalcr Mussels ( liinilvia: UnioiudM- 1 of the Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin 1.1 ft '■£' c fS i^ r- si- Uticrhackia indwcillis Veniisiaconclui ellipsiformis Villosa iris :::i i? O > 5 = 10.5 ? 5 t! f 5 i ^ 5' ^ >c' >c' r i" ? ■5 ~- ~- S '?" S ^ £ D ^ ^ i" II 3 a ~ ^ ^ i. III' ^- 1 f 3 c — 3 Z i % r, 3 -J _ — 4- _ ? 3 '-ft ■J ■t' 00 _ c 00 10 u ,0 i ? to '.n to oc "~ X — u 4- ? ^ -J '-»j O O 5 ? « 5 '-ft -J 4- -i:: Q. to to '-ft 1 '-ft 4I ^5 ^ 5; 4- 4^ '^ 00 •^ — ' to Qy ro '^ >-• t"3 3 '-ft 00 oc _ to Ji. ^ ^ .i;^: — 10 ? 10 00 4^ — •oJ -J - « 5 00 vC oc -i '^ ^ a. ^ 5 *- 00 ^ 4- — 10 '-ft 00 to o 00 — — ? 0- tJ t g i — -J Ul -J '-ft 00 to to IJ 00 i « SJ l" - '-- OS — « _ ro _ 00 '-ft 00 10 to _ c 14 INHS Biological Notes 1 4 1 These totals included 51 spikes {E. dilatata — Illinois theatened), 50 ellipses {V. ellipsifonnis— Wisconsin threat- ened), 1 slippershell (A. v/nJw— Illinois and Wisconsin threatened) and 8 rainbows (V. /Wi— Illinois and Wisconsin endangered). The latter represent the only known extant popu- lation of V. iris in the entire Upper Mississippi River basin. Nippersink Creek and North Branch Nippersink Creek — Arguably among the best mussel streams in the Fox River basin in terms of species richness and abundance, the Nippersink Creek/North Branch Nippersink Creek system yielded 15 live mussel species, 1 additional species repre- sented by dead material, and 2 by weathered material. Nippersink Creek was the only stream in the drainage from which E. triquetra was collected (a single, weathered valve at Station 43), and also produced 9 live slippershells (A. viridis — Illinois and Wisconsin threatened) and 23 ellipses (V: ellipsifonnis — Wisconsin threatened). The Nippersink is also one of only three creeks in the Illinois part of the Fox River drainage that historically contained the rainbow, V. iris. While the North Branch of Nippersink Creek yielded higher raw numbers of mussels, averaging 88 live individu- als per station compared to 36 for Nippersink Creek, no live specimens of listed species were collected there during the current survey. However, if intensive sampling were per- formed in the North Branch, extant populations of listed species (e.g., A. viridis, V. ellipsifonnis) would likely be found. White River — No live mussels were collected at the up- stream station on the White River nearest its source. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. However, Station 36, approximately 10 miles downstream, produced the highest abundance (168 individuals) of any tributary station in the Fox River basin. The White River yielded 1 1 live species, 2 additional spe- cies represented by weathered material, and 1 by subfossil material. The Wisconsin threatened ellipse {V. ellipsifonnis). represented by 2 live specimens, was the only listed species collected in this stream. The upper reaches of the White River near Lake Geneva are heavily infested by the zebra mussel (D. polymorpha), which may eventually impact na- tive mussel populations downstream including those in the Fox River. The Frcsliwdk-r Mussels I liiviilvici.l'tiioiiidiic) of the Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wiseonsin 15 SPECIES ACCOUNTS The following is an annotated listing of mussel species encountered in the Fox River basin during the present study or attributed to the basin by earlier researchers. Each is listed alphabetically with a brief discussion of its current and historical status and distribution in the drainage. In some cases, comparisons are made w ith other recently sampled streams in the region. On the following maps, closed (black) circles indicate stations where live mussels were found: open (white) circles indicate where dead, weathered-dead, or subfossil shells were found. NATIVE UNIONIDS Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, IS 19) — mucket Eldridge ( 1914) found the mucket to be the "most charac- teristic mussel of the Fox. ..which constitutes 90 percent of the shells sent to market...". The mucket was represented in the current sample by 156 live individu- als, only 24 of which were collected from the Fox River's mainstem (and all at stations in the upper section of the river north of Geneva, Illinois). Matteson (unpublished data), by compaiison. col- lected 477 A. ligamentina from the river's mainstem during 1957-58. finding the species at 8 of his sta- tions between the Illinois/ McHenryco Wisconsin state line and Ottawa, Illinois. Healthy populations are present in a few tributaries, including Nippersink Creek (IL) and the White River (WI Walworth Co OuPageCo Alasmidonla inarginata Say, 1818 — elktoe Parmalee ( 1967) consid- ered the elktoe to be widespread in the Missis- sippi River drainage, but seldom found in large numbers. This species was represented in the current survey by 116 specimens and ranked lOth in abun- dance among the 2.^ species of which waiwonhco live individuals were collected. It was col- lected live at 6 of the 23 mainstem stations and in 9 of the 26 tributaries sampled. Alasmidonla marginata is a species of Special Concern in the slate of Wisconsin. 16 INHS Biological Notes 141 Alasmidonta viridis (Rafinesque, 1820) — slippershell mussel A species which inhabits headwater streams in the upper Midwest, the slippershell is listed as a threatened species in both Illinois and Wisconsin. Live slippershells were col- lected from 14 tributaries of the Fox River, and the species was represented by dead, weathered, or subfossil material in 2 other tributaries. The slippershell has lately been re- ported from a number of streams in Illinois (Sauer 1989, Schanzle and Cummings 1991, Szafoni et al. 2000), and is apparently widespread, though typically present only in small numbers. This is the situation in the Fox River basin as well. DuPage Co. Amblema plicata (Say. 1817) — threeridge Cummings and Mayer (1992) considered the threeridge "Widespread and common throughout most of its range." including all of Illinois and most of Wisconsin. Fifty-one live threeridges were collected from the Fox Ri\ er mainstem in the current survey, all but 2 from the lower part of the river downstream from Yorkville, Illinois. Surprisingly, only 5 tributary streams yielded live threeridges, and of 53 indi- viduals collected, 47 came from a single station in Honey Creek (WI). Du Page Co The Freshwulei Mussels (Hi\id\ni:UiU(iiiidiic) oj llw I m Kmi lUiuii. Iltiiiins and Wisconst, 17 Anodontoides ferussacianus (I. Lea. 1834) — cylindrical papershell The cylindrical papershell is a species typical of headwater areas and may be quite numerous locally as demonstrated by the 147 live individuals found during the current study at station 92 on Crooked Leg Creek ( IL). This species ranked fifth in abundance overall (305 individuals) and was repre- sented by live or dead material in all but 4 of the tributary streams sampled. The exceptions included I'iint Creek, Spring Creek, and Squaw Creek (IL) and the MuskegoAVind Lake Drainage Canal (Wl). Cyclonaias tuberctilata (Kafinesque, 1820) — purple wartyback Although Matteson (unpublished data) collected 1 1 live C. iiihcniilaki at 4 mainstem statit)ns in Illinois during 1957- 5H. the species was represented in the current study only by weathered and subfossil shells and may no longer inhabit the basin. The purple wartyback is listed as a threatened species in Illinois and an endangered species in Wisconsin. In Illinois, it has been collected live in recent years "only in the Kankakee. Vermilion (Wabash), and Ohio rivers" (Cummings and Mayer 1997) and the Rock River (Fritz unpub- lished). In Wisconsin, the purple wartyback was reported by Mathiak (1979) only in the St. Croix and Chippewa riv- ers in the northwestern part of the state. Waukesha Co 18 INHS Biological Notes 141 Elliptio dilatata (Rafinesque, 1 820) — spike Considered widespread but sporadic in distribution in the Midwest (Cummings and Mayer 1992), the spiice has de- clined in Illinois and is currently listed as a threatened spe- cies. Matteson (unpublished data) collected a total of 49 E. dilatata at 5 mainstem stations during his 1957-58 sam- pling, but only 1 live individual was collected in the mainstem during the cunent survey. Small numbers of spikes were also collected from Person Creek, Big Rock Creek, and Little Indian Creek in Illinois. The spike is not considered threatened or endangered in Wisconsin, and al- though the species was found at only 1 Wisconsin station during the current survey, 5 1 live individuals were collected. DuPage Co Epioblasma triquetra (Rafinesque. 1820) — snuffbox Considered widespread but rare throughout the Midwest (Cummings and Mayer 1992), the snuffbox was represented in the Fox River basin by a single, weathered valve col- lected at Station 43 on Nippersink Creek (IL). The absence of dead, weathered, or subfossil shells at the other 95 sta- tions sampled during the current study suggests that this species was never widely distributed or abundant in the Fox River drainage, and it is quite likely extirpated. Baker ( 1928) noted only 2 records of E. triquetra from Wisconsin, "one in the Fox River" (Lake Michigan drain- age) "and one in the Wisconsin River." The snuffbox is listed as an endangered spe- cies in both Illinois and Wisconsin. DuPage Co rile h'leshwiilci Mu\sfls lliniil\ui:liiui)iuihie) nj ihc hin Kiver basin. Illinois and Wisconsin IV Fusconaia flava (Rafinesque, 1820) — Wabash pigtoe The Wabash pigtoe ranked sixlli in abundaiKc in llic cur- rent survey, and was represented by a total of 189 individu- als. Though collected at only 2 mainstem stations. 1 in Illi- nois (2 specimens) andl in Wisconsin (7 specimens), live F. Jlava were collected from 7 of the tributary streams sampled. The Wabash pigtoe was collected at 5 of Matteson's mainstem stalit)ns during 1937-58. totaling 30 individuals. DuPage Co iMinpsilis cardium Rafinesque. 1820 — plain pcKketbook Baker ( 1 928) recognized several varieties of L. cunlium and believed one. occidens, would "probably be found to in- habit all of the stream drainages" of Wisconsin. Matteson (unpublished data) found the plain pocketbook throughout the Fox River mainstem in Illinois, collecting it at 9 of his stations. Similarly, live specimens were found at 19 of the 2} mainstem stations sampled during the current study, a frequency greater than any other species, and occurred from the headwaters of the river to its mouth. The plain pocketbook was also collected live from 12 of the 26 tributaries sampled during the cur- rent study, and ranked fourth in abundance overall with 397 live specimens (11.1% of the total collection). DuPagsCo 20 INHS Biological Notes 141 Lampsilis siliquoidea (Barnes, 1823) — fatmucket Baker (1928) considered the fatmucket "'the most widely distributed mussel (in Wisconsin), occurring in all of the drainage areas..." Surprisingly scarce during the current survey, it was represented in Wisconsin by only 1 live indi- vidual from the Fox River's mainstem, 4 from the Mukwonago River, and 1 from Sugar Creek. While Matteson (unpublished data) collected live fatmuckets to- taling 45 individuals at 4 of his mainstem stations in Illi- nois, they were found at only 1 during the current survey and comprised only 7 individuals. The species was also found in 5 of the tributary streams sampled in the lower Fox River ba- sin in Illinois. It appears that L. siliquoidea has suf- fered a decline in both_J_ numbers and distribution in the Fox River basin. Waukesha Co DuPage Co Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1 823) — white heelspliner A widespread and common species in the Midwest (Cummings and Mayer 1 992 ). the white heelsplitter has been collected in large numbers in several recent mussel surveys in Illinois (Schanzle and Kruse 1994; Schanzle and Cummings 1991; Cummings et al. 1988a. 1988b. 1989: Sulowayetal. 1981). Baker (1928) found it to be "widely, though irregularly distributed" in Wisconsin. Lasmigona complanata ranked third in abundance in the current sur- vey, numbering 483 in- dividuals (13.5% of the total), and was collected live at 18 of the 23 mainstem stations and in 15 of the 26 tributary streams that were sampled within the ba- sin. DuPage Co The Freshwater Mussels (BivalvicrUnionidae) of the Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin 21 Lasmigona compressa (I. Lea, 1829) — creek heelsplitter Baker ( 1928) found the creek heelsplitter to be widely dis- tributed in the Mississippi and Great Lakes drainages in Wis- consin, but did \w\ specifically list it in the "Fox River of Illinois." A species found in "Creeks and the headwaters of small to medium rivers" (Cummings and Mayer 1992). L. compressa was not collected from the Fox River's mainstem but was represented by live specimens (totaling 61 individu- als) in 13 of the tributary streams that were sampled, and by dead or weathered ma- terial in 4 others. The creek heelsplitter was at one time considered a threatened species in Illinois (Herkert 1992), but was re- moved from the state list after surveys in headvv'ater streams showed it to be more common and wide- spread than was pre- viously recognized. DuPage Co Lasmigona coslala (Rafinesque. 1820) — flutedsheli Matteson (unpublished data) collected live flutedshells at only 1 Fox River mainstem station, and only weathered ma- terial was found in the Illinois section of the mainstem dur- ing the 1997-2001 survey. Hovsever. live flutedshells were collected at 2 mainstem stations in Wisconsin, including 20 at a station in Burlington, and small numbers were also col- lected in 4 tributary streams in Illinois and 3 in Wisconsin. The tlutcdshell appears to be on the decline in many streams in Illinois (.Schanzle and Cummings 199! ), but is apparently still present in good numbers in the Vermil- ion (Wabash drainage) and Kankakee River sysems(Suloway et a 1981..Suiowav 1981) OuPagtCo 22 INHS Biological Notes 141 Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque, 1820) — fragile papershell The fragile papershell was represented in the Fox River basin by only 2 live specimens, both collected at Station 23 in the lower portion of the river downstream from the dam at Day- ton in LaSalle County, Illinois. No specimens of L fragilis, live or dead, were collected upstream from Dayton or in any of the tributary streams sampled during the 1997-2001 survey. Although considered "wide-ranging and usually common in both the smaller streams and large rivers..." (Parmalee 1967), the . fragile papershell is notably scarce in the Fox River drainage. Whitney etal. (1997) collected live L. fragilis at several lo- cations in the upper Illinois River both upstream and down- stream from its confluence with the Fox, and it is one of several mussel spe- cies apparently re- colonizing the Illinois River after being vir- tually eliminated by pollution in the early part of the twentieth century (Starrett 1971, Sietman et al. 2001). I DuPage Co Ligumia recta (Lamarck, 1819) — black sandshell The black sandshell has become scarce in Illinois and was recently added to the state's threatened species list (Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board 1999). The species is not listed in Wisconsin, where Baker (1928) found it to occur "in all of the drainage areas excepting that of Lake Superior." Only 4 black sandshells were collected during the current survey, 1 each at Stations 5 and 6 on the Fox River's mainstem in Wisconsin, and 2 at Station 11 on the mainstem at West Dundee, Illi- nois. Matteson (unpublished data) collected only 2 L. recta during his 1957-58 work, both at a mainstem station near Piano, in Kendall County, Illinois. DuPage Co. The Freshwater Mussels (BivalvicrUnionidae) of the Fox River Basin, Illinois and Wisconsin 23 Pleurobema sintoxia (Rafinesque, 1820) — round pigtoe Cummings and Mayer ( 1992) considered the round pigtoe "Widespread but usually uncommon" in the Midwest. The species appears to he on the decline in the Fox River mainstem. Whereas Matteson (unpublished data) collected live P. sintoxia (27 specimens) both upstream and down- stream from the highly urbanized section of the river in Kane County, live material was found during the current survey only at 2 upper-river stations in Illinois (6 specimens). The species was found in large numbers in the North Branch of Nippersink Creek (IL/ WI) during the present survey, and was collected live from 4 other tributar- ies in Illinois and 3 in Wisconsin. Pleurobema sintoxia is a Special Con- cern species in the state of Wisconsin. I}uPa«eCo Potamilus alatus (Say, 1817) — pink heelsplitter The pink heelsplitter was represented in the current survey by a single weathered dead specimen collected at the far- thest downstream station (23) near the Fox River's confluence with the Illinois River at Ottawa. No specimens of P. alatus. live or dead, were collected in any of the tribu- tary streams sampled. It was historically found in the Fox River at Dundee (CHAS 5740) by Calkins. Although con- sidered "widespread and relatively common" in the upper Midwest (Cummings and Mayer 1992), the pink heelsplitter is notably scarce in the Fox Ri\ er drainage. 24 JNHS Biological Notes 141 Potamilus ohiensis (Rafinesque, 1820) — pink papershell The pink papershell is also poorly represented in the Fox River drainage as evidenced by the single dead individual collected during the present survey at Station 22 in the down- stream portion of the Fox River's mainstem. Matteson (un- published data) collected only 1 live pink papershell (at the same location) during his 1957-58 survey of several mainstem stations. Baker (1928) noted that the pink papershell was known in Wisconsin "only from the Missis- sippi River", and though "not common in Wisconsin. Illinois it is fairly common in many streams." Pyganodon grandis (Say, 1829) — giant floater Considered widespread and common in the Midwest ( Cummings and Mayer 1 992), the giant floater was the sec- ond most frequently collected species in the current survey with 486 live individuals and made up 13.6% of the total sample. Interestingly, while Matteson (unpublished data) collected only 1 1 live P. grandis at 5 mainstem stations. 258 were taken at the 23 mainstem stations sampled during the current survey ( 1 1 1 of these at stations common to both surveys). The giant floater was also collected live in 18 of the 26 tributary streams sampled. A species which is relatively tol- erant of poor water quality and marginal habitat conditions. P. grandis is apparently thriving in the Fox River basin. .1. V- Waukesha Co A ^S^^^ r Raane Co Walworth Co t H ) ^^' i t Kenosha Co ^-''>< >" VVUc- r ^ i , ^ III McHenry Co ^^~i 9^< f Lake Co 'T' I — Du Page Co ■H I Grundy Co WWO^'^^'^ ^'^fr The Fifsltwaler Mussels (liivcilvici.tjiiionidde) nj the Fox River Basin. Illinois ami Wisconsin 25 Quadnila pustulosa (1. Lea, 1831 ) — piniplehack Eldridge ( IS) 14) reported thai the "'warty-back", as he called it, "is extremely rare (in the Fox), but two specimens of this species being seen during the investigation out of thousands of shells along the river." However, he added that " is stated (by shellers) that it was once common." The pimpleback was far and away the most common species collected in the Fox River mainstem during Malleson"s 1957-58 survey, when 620 individuals representing more than 369f of the total collection were taken. The species is still quite common in the basin, ranking first again in the current sur- vey with 487 live individuals (13.6% of the total sample). A notable mussel bed containing primarily Q. pusUtlosa is located immediately down-_ stream from Stratton Dam at Mc Henry, Illinois (Station 8). Mattesoiv,ah„„rthco took 487 live pimplebacks there dur- ing 4 collector-hours of sampling in 1957. and 270 live individual were collected there in 4 col- lector-hours during M*«"n/Co the current survey. OuPage Co Quadnila quadnila (Rafinesque, 1820) — mapleleaf Matteson (unpublished data) collected 51 mapleleafs dur- ing his 1957-58 survey of mainstem stations in Illinois, and 31 were taken during the current survey. Interestingly, in both cases, live individuals of this species were collected only at stations on the lower Fox River between Geneva and the river's mouth at Ottawa. A single weathered dead Q. ijuadnila from Indian Creek (IL) was the only tributary collection of the species. Neither Baker ( 1928) nor Mathiak ( 1979) listed the mapleleaf from the Fox River within Wis- consin. WauKesha Co '/- .L. .J ^^ ti RaaneCo Walworth Co 1 P r rjICfl » ^ V Kenosha Co i^^ ^ \M... V ^ McHenry Co ^"N., r Lake Co OuP«g>Co DoKalbCo 26 INHS Biological Notes 141 Strophitus undulatus (Say, 1817) — creeper Considered widespread and common in the Midwest (Cummings and Mayer, 1992), the creeper is well repre- sented in the upper portions of the Fox River basin. While only 1 live S. undulatus was collected in the river's mainstem in Illinois, 21 were collected at 3 mainstem stations in Wis- consin. Live creepers were also found in 13 of the 26 tribu- tary streams sampled, and dead or weathered material was present in 3 additional tributaries. Matteson (unpublished data) collected only 2 live creepers during his 1 957-58 work, both from the lower Fox River mainstem near Ottawa, Illi- nois. Toxolasma parvus (Barnes, 1823) — lilliput The lilliput was collected in small numbers from the Fox River mainstem during the current survey, totaling only 6 specimens. Sporadic in the tributaries sampled during this study, the species was collected live only in Crooked Leg Creek, Buck Creek, and Squaw Creek (IL), and the MuskegoAVind Lake Drainage Canal (WI). Of the 73 live lilliputs collected, 61 came from a single station on Buck Creek. The lilliput is typically very small in size and may be easily overlooked where it occurs. DjPage Co The Freshwater Mt4ssels ( Bivalvia:Unionidae) o) the Fox Kiver Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin 27 Vtterbackia imhecillis (Say. I S29) — paper pondshell "Widespread and locally abundant" in the Midwesl (Cunimings and Mayer 1992), the paper pondshell was not found in large numbers in the Fox River basin during the current survey. Only 12 live individuals were collected at 4 mainstem stations, and only 2 were taken from the 7.^ tribu- tary stations sampled — both at Station 25 on the Mukvvonago River (WI ). Dead or weathered material was collected at 5 additional mainstem stations, and at 2 tributary stations. Vemistaconcha ellipsij'onnis (Conrad, 1836) — ellipse The ellipse is listed as a threatened species in Wisconsin, but currently has no special status in Illinois. The species is not uncommon in the Fox River basin. Typically found in headwater areas, V. I'llipsijormis was collected live in 16 of the 26 tributaries sampled in Illinois and Wisconsin (174 specimens total), and was represented by weathered mate- rial in 2 other tributaries. Baker (1928) noted that the el- lipse, "a rare shell" in Wisconsin, "appears to be more abun- dant in the southeastern part of the state." 28 INHS Biological Notes 141 Villosa iris (I. Lea, 1829) — rainbow Considered widespread but disappearing from the western part of its range (Cummings and Mayer 1992). the rainbow was represented in the Illinois portions of the Fox River basin only by weathered or subfossil material. However, several live rainbows were collected in the Mukwonago River in Wisconsin, where the species was found in asso- ciation with the spike {E. dilatota), another uncommon mussel. Baker (1928) noted the rainbow's presence in the Mukwonago River, and stated that the species in Wisconsin was "Apparently re- stricted to the south- eastern part of the State.'" The rainbow is considered an endan- gered species in both Illinois and Wisconsin. The Fox River popula- tion is likely the only one remaining in the entire Upper Missis- sippi River basin. Waukesha Co The Freshwater Mussels (BivalviirUnionidae) of the Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin INTRODUCED SPECIES 29 Corbiciila fluminea (MiJller. 1774) — Asian clam Although the Asian clam is well established in many Mid- west lakes and streams, it does not appear to be particularly abundant in the Fox River basin at this time. Except in Waubonsie Creek (!L). where 31 live specimens were col- lected, no live C. jluminca were found. While weathered shells were collected at I mainstem station and at I station on Blackberry Creek, both in Illinois, none were found in Wisconsin. Dreissena polyinorpha I Pallas. 1 77 1 ) — zebra mussel Apparently introduced into the Great Lakes in 1985 or 1986 (Hebert et al. 1989), the zebra mussel was first collected in the Illinois and Mississippi rivers during the summer ofl991 (Sparks and Marsden 1991 ). Within a year, it was being reported throughout the Illinois Ri\ er. and in the upper Mis- sissippi River from LaCrosse. Wisconsin, to Alton, Illinois (National Fisheries Research Center 1992). The species has apparently been present in the Fox River basin since at least the mid-199()s, and an abundant popu- lation inhabits Lake Geneva. Wisconsin, which drains to the Fox from the west via the White River. Nu- merous zebra mussels were also observed in the Wind Lake Drain- age Canal, which empties into the Fox from the east near Waterford, Wiscon- sin. Surprisingly, only one live indi- vidual was encoun- tered in the Fox River's mainstem during the current study — this indi- vidual was attached to a native unionid collected at Stratton Dam near McHenry, Illinois (Station 8). DuPagiC« McHenry Co 30 INHS Biolofiical Notes 141 SPECIES OF POSSIBLE HISTORIC OCCURRENCE Arcidens confragosus (Say, 1829) — rock pocketbook Baker (1906) attributed the rock pocketbook to "Northern Ilhnois (Calkins). ..and Fox River (Call)."' However, no specimens of A. confragosus. live, dead, or subfossil, were collected during the current study, and no museum records of the species attributable to the Fox River are known to exist. The Fox River is not included in the rock pocketbook's presumed range in the Midwest (Cummings and Mayer 1992), and it is uncertain whether the species historically occurred there. It is possible that the Call collections cited by Baker actually came from another Fox River, a small stream in White County, Illinois, opposite New Harmony, Indiana, from which the type specimens of P. graiiclis (Say 1829) were collected. Arcidens confragosus is listed as a threatened species in the state of Wisconsin. Lampsilis fasciola Rafinesque, lampmussel 1820 — wavyrayed Baker (1906) listed L. fasciola (as L. multiradiaia Lea) among the mussel species occurring in the Fox River, citing a collection by E.W. Engleholm from "Dundee, Kane Co." Pageetal. ( 1998) stated: "Fourspecimensof the wavy-rayed lampmussel. ..labeled "Dundee" are in the collections of the Chicago Academy of Sciences," but noted "This species is largely restricted to the Wabash River drainage in Illinois"" and "No other wavy-rayed lampmussels have ever been collected in the Fox River..."" No live, dead or subfossil L. fasciola were collected during the current survey, and it is likely that the species, if it was ever extant in the Fox River basin, has been extirpated. The wavyrayed lampmussel is an endangered species in Illinois. Obovaria olivaria (Rafinesque, 1820) — hickorynut Baker (1906) listed O. olivaria (as O. ellipsis Lea) among the mussel species occurring in northern Illinois, citing a collection by W.W. Calkins. A Calkins specimen labeled "Fox River, Illinois"" resides in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution collection (USNM 58171). The hickorynut has not been reported in the Fox River by recent researchers, and no live, dead, or subfossil specimens were collected during the current survey. If the hickorynut was once extant in the Fox River basin, it has likely been extiipated. Plethobasiis cyphyus (Rafinesque, 1 820) — sheepnose Baker ( 1 906) attributed P. cyphyus ( as Plcurohema aesopus Green) to the "Fox River, Dundee, Kane Co.,"" citing a speci- men collected by A. W. Connor which resides in the collec- tion of the Chicago Academy of Science (CHAS 5748). Page et al. (1998) stated "A single record of the sheepnose. ..from 'Dundee, Illinois" is present in the collections of the Chi- cago Academy of Sciences. No live individuals have been collected in over 50 years and it is likely extirpated from the (Fox River) drainage."" The sheepnose was not reported by other Fox River researchers (Table 1 ). and no live. dead, or subfossil specimens were collected during the current survey. The sheepnose is listed as a threatened species in Illinois and an endangered species in Wisconsin. Quadrula metanevra (Rafinesque. 1820) — monkeyface Although the monkeyface was not represented by li\ e. dead, or subfossil specimens in the current survey, the Illinois Natural History Survey collection contains a specimen taken from the Fox River at Yorkville in 1991 (INHS 13153). In addition, a Q. metanevra specimen labeled "Fox River, Aurora"" is in the collection of the Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH 22586). While the monkeyface is, at best, quite scarce in the Fox River basin, it appears to be rela- tively common in the nearby Kankakee River (Suloway 198 1 ). The monkeyface is considered a threatened species in Wisconsin. Tritogonia verrucosa (Rafinesque, 1820) — pistolgrip No live, dead, or subfossil specimens of the pistolgrip were collected during the present survey, but the Illinois Natural Histoiy Survey database contains two records attributable to the Fox River. The first (INHS 583) is labeled "Fox Ri\er. Ottawa,"" but bears no information identifying the collector or date of collection. The second is a specimen in the col- lection of the Chicago Academy of Sciences (CHAS 5741 ). which bears the notation "Fox River. Dundee." The latter specimen, collected by E.W. Engleholm, was mentioned by Baker in his 1906 publication. The pistolgrip is a threat- ened species in Wisconsin. Triiiicilla donacifonnis (I. Lea. 1828) — fawnsfoot The fawnsfoot was not collected either live or dead during the cunent survey, but is likely present in at least the lower portion of the Fox River as indicated by a specimen col- lected in 1992. The specimen, a juxenile with byssal thread (INHS 13842), was taken from the mainstem of the Fox near Ottawa in LaSalle County. Though not documented in the Fox River by earlier researchers (Table 1 ), the fawnsfoot is present in the Illinois River (Whitney et al. 1997) and presumably inhabits the Fox River at least as far upstream as the dam at Dayton. Truncilla donacifonnis is a Special Concern species in the state of Wisconsin. The Freshwater Mussels iBivahia.lfnionitlael ufihe Fox River Basin. Illinois and Wisconsin LITERATURE CITED J/ Baker, F.C. 1906. A catalogue ot the Mi)llusca of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History 7(6):53-136. Baker. F.C. 1928. The fresh water Mollusca of Wisconsin. Part II. Pelecypoda. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Sur\ey, Vol. 70. No. 2. University of Wisconsin, vi + 495 pp. Calkins. W.W. 1 874. The land & fresh water shells ol LaSalle County. Ills. Proceedings of the Ottawa Academy of Natu- ral Sciences. H. Mcallaster & Co.. Printers, Chicago. 48 pp. Chadwick.G.H. 1905. List of Wisconsin shells. The Nauti- lus 19(5):57-60. Cummings. K.S., L. Suloway. and L.M. Page. 1988a. The freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) ol the Embarras River in Illinois: 30 years of stream change. Tech- nical Report 1988(2) Section of Faunistic Surveys and In- sect Identification. 111. Nat. Hist. Surv. 22 pp. Cummings. K.S.. C.A. Mayer, and L.M. Page. 1988h. The freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) of the Mackinaw River in Illinois. Technical Report 1988(3) Sec- tion of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identification. 111. Nat. Hist. Surv. 20 pp. Cummings. K.S.. C.A. Mayer, and L.M. Page. 1989. Sur- vey of the freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Little Wabash River drainage. Illinois. Technical Report I989( 1 ) Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect Identifica- tion. 111. Nat. Hist. Sur\. 37 pp. Cummings. K.S.. and C.A. Mayer. 1992. Field guide to fresh- water mussels of the Midwest. Illinois Natural History Sur- vey Manual 5. 194 pp. Cummings. K.S.. and C.A. Mayer. 1997. Distributional checklist and status of Illinois mussels (Mollusca: Unionacea). Pages 129-145 in K.S. Cummings, A.C. Buchanan, C.A. Mayer and T.J. Naimo, eds. Conservation and management of freshwater mussels II: initiatives for the future. Proceedings of a UMRCC Symposium. 16-18 October 1995. St. Louis. Missouri. Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Rock Island, Illinois. 293 pp. Day. D.M.. H. Brown. K. Clodfeltcr. J. lerencak. J. Langbein. and R. Miller. 1992. The Fox River: temporal and spatial relalionships in the fish community of an in- creasingly urbani/cd watershed ( 1978-1990). Streams Pro- gram. Illinois Department of Conservation. Aledo. Illinois. 36 pp. Lldridge. J. A. 1914. The mussel fishery of the Fox River. Appendix VII: 1-8. to the Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1913. Fritz, A.W. Mussel survey of the Rock River in Illinois. 1986-1989. Illinois Department of Conservation. (Unpub- lished). Healy, R.W. 1979. River mileages and drainage areas for Illinois streams. Vol. 2. Illinois River basin. U.S. Geologir cal Survey. Water-Resources Investigations 79- 111. 302 pp. Hebert. PD.N., B.W. Muncaster, and G.L. Mackie. 1989. Ecological and genetic studies on Drcissena pol\mi>rplui (Pallas): a new mollusc in the Great Lakes. Canadian Jour- nal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46(9):1587-I59L Herkert, J.R. Ed. 1992. Endangered and threatened species of Illinois: status and distribution. Vol. 2. animals. Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board. Springfield. Illinois. 142 pp. Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board. 1999. Check- list of endangered and threatened animals and plants of Illi- nois. Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board, Spring- field, Illinois. 20 pp. Knapp, H.V. 1988. Fox river basin streamflow assessment model: hydrologic analysis. Illinois State Water Survey, Surface Water Section. SWS Contract Report 454. 109 pp. Mathiak. H.A. 1979. A river survey of the unionid mussels of Wisconsin I97.3-I977. Sand Shell Press. Horicon. Wis- consin. 75 pp. Metcalfe-Smith, J.L.. S.K. Staton. G.L. Mackie. and N.M. Lane. 1998. Changes in the biodiversity of freshwater mus- sels in the Canadian waters of the lower Great Lakes drain- age basin over the past 140 years. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24(4):845-858. National Fisheries Research Center. 1992. Zebra mussel distribution in North America, 10 September 1992. Gainesville. Florida. Neves, R.J. 1993. A state-of-ihe-unionids address. Pages I-IO ;;( K.S. Cummings, AC. Buchanan, and L.M. K(Kh. eds. Conservation and management of freshwater mussels. Proceedings of a UMRCC Symposium, 12-14 October 1992, St. Louis, Missouri. Upper Mississippi River Con- servation Committee. Rock Island, Illinois. 1 84 pp. Page. L.M., K.S. Cummmgs. and C.A. Mayer. 1998. Mus- sels and cnistaceans in Fox River area assessment. Volume 3: living resources. Illinois Deparlmcnl of Natural Re- sources. Natural History Survey Dnision. Champaign. Illi- nois. ii-225. 32 INHS Biological Notes 141 Parmalee, P.W. 1967. The fresh-water mussels of Illinois. Illinois State Museum Popular Science Series. Vol. 8. 108 pp. Sauer, R.W. 1989. Biological survey of the Little Vermilion River. Illinois Department of Conservation, Springfield. 9 pp. Schanzle, R.W., andK.S. Cummings. 1991. A survey of the freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) of the Sangamon River basin, Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bio- logical Notes 137. 25 pp. Schanzle, R.W., and G.W. Kruse. 1994. A survey of the fresh- water mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) of the Green River basin, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 87(3 & 4): 135-144. Sietman, B.E., S.D. Whitney, D.E. Kelner, K.D. Blodgett, and H.L.Dunn. 2001. Post-extirpation recovery of the fresh- water mussel (Bivalvia:Unionidae) fauna in the upper Illi- nois River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16(2):273-28 1 . Smith, P.W. 1971. Illinois streams: a classification based on their fishes and an analysis of factors responsible for disap- pearance of native species. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 76. 14 pp. Sparks, R., and E. Marsden. 1991. Zebra mussel alert. Illi- nois Natural History Survey Reports 310:1-2. Starrett, W.C. 1971. A survey of the mussels fUnionacea) of the Illinois River; a polluted stream. Illinois Natural His- tory Survey Bulletin 30(5):267-403. Suloway, L. 1981. The unionid (Mollusca:Bivalvia) fauna of the Kankakee River in Illinois. American Midland Natu- ralist 105(2):233-239. Turgeon, D.D.. J.F. Quinn. Jr.. A.E. Bogan, E.V. Coan. E.G. Hochberg, W.G. Lyons, PM. Mikkelson. R.J. Neves. C.FE. Roper, G. Rosenberg, B. Roth, A. Scheltema, F.G. TTiomp- son, M. Vecchione, and J.D. Williams. 1998. Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: mollusks. 2"'' Edition. American Fisher- ies Society, Special Publication 26:ix-526. Watters, G.T. 1996. Small dams as barriers to freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionoida) and their hosts. Biological Conservation 75( 1 ):79-85. Watters, G.T. 2000. Freshwater mussels and water quality: a review of the effects of hydrologic and instream habitat alterations. Pages 261-274 //; R.A. Tankersley, D.I. Warmolts, G.T. Watters. B.J. Armitage. P.D. Johnson, and R.S. Butler, eds. Freshwater Mollusk Symposia Proceed- ings. Part II. Proceedings of the First Freshw ater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium. Ohio Biological Survey Special Publication. Columbus. 274 pp. Whitney. S.D., K.D. Blodgett, and R.E. Sparks. 1997. A comprehensive mussel survey of the Illinois River. 1993- 95. Illinois Natural History Survey Aquatic Ecology Draft Technical Report. Suloway, L., J.J. Suloway, and W.E. LaBerge. 1981. The unionid mollusk (mussel) faunaof the Vermilion River sys- tem in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report. 24 pp. Szafoni, R.E., K.S. Cummings. and C.A. Mayer. 2000. Freshwater mussels (Mollusca:Unionidae) of the Middle Branch. North Fork Vermilion River. Illinois/Indiana. Trans- actions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 93(3):229- 237. The Freshwater Mussels (BivdIvid.Uniiinidael of the Fox River Biisin. Illinois and Wisconsin 33 APPKNDIX 1 Collection stations in the Fox River basin, and date of sampling, 1997-2001. STATION ^ LOCATION 1. Fox River. Watertown Road bridge. T7N. R19E. Sec.24. Waukesha Co.. WI. August 15. 2001. 2. Fox River, County Road "H" bridge, T6N, R19E, Sec.20s. Waukesha Co.. WI. August 15. 2001 . 3. Fox River. Big Bend. T5N. R19E, Sec.23se, Waukesha Co., WI. August 16, 2001. ^ 4. Fox River. Waterford. T4N. R19E, Sec.35e, Racine Co., WI. August 2. 2001. 5. Fox River. Burlington. T3N. R19E. Sec.32ne. Racine Co., WI. August 17. 2001. 6. Fox River. 2.0 mi NW of Silver Lake, TIN. R19E. Sec.lse. Kenosha Co.. WI. September 5. 2001. 7. Fox River. Route 173 bridge. T46N, R9E, Sec.lOsw. Lake Co.. IL. September 2, 1999. 8. Fox River, below Slratton Dam, T44N, R8E, Sec. 1 2nw, McHenry Co.. IL. September 2. 1 999. 9. Fox River, Rawson Road bridge, T44N, R9E, Sec.32sw. McHenry Co., IL. September 7, 2000. 10. Fox River, below dam at Algonquin, T43N, R8E, Sec.34nw, McHenry Co., IL. September 1, 1999. 11. Fox River, south edge of West Dundee, T42N. R8E, Sec.27se, Kane Co.. IL. September 7. 2000. 12. Fox River. State Street bridge at South Elgin. T41N, R8E, Sec.35. Kane Co.. IL. July 9. 1999. 1 3. Fox River. Blackhawk Forest Preserve. T40N. R8E, Sec. 1 1 nw. Kane Co.. IL. September 8. 2000. 14. Fox River, Prairie Street bridge. St. Charies, T40N. R8E. Sec.34. Kane Co.. IL. July 9. 1999. 1 5. Fox River. Route 56 bridge, T38N, R8E, Sec.4ne, Kane Co., IL. September 8. 2000. 16. Fox River. 1.25 mi N of Oswego, T37N, R8E, Sec.8, Kendall Co.. IL. August 31. 1999. 1 7. Fox River. Village of Yorkville. T37N. R7E, Sec.33nw. Kendall Co.. IL. June 25. 1998. 18. Fox River. Fox River Road S of Piano, T37N, R6E, Sec.34sw. Kendall Co.. IL. July 27, 1999. 19. Fox River. Fox River bridge at Millington, T36N, R5E, Sec.25ne. LaSalle Co.. IL. September 1 . 1999, 20. Fox River. Burlington-Northern RR at Sheridan. T35N, R5E. Sec.7. LaSalle Co.. IL. July 27, 1999. 21. Fox River, south side of Indian Island. T34N, R4E. Sec.2ne. LaSalle Co., IL. August 31, 1999. 22. Fox River. .25 mi below Dayton Dam. T34N. R4E, .Sec.29. LaSalle Co.. IL. July 27. 1999. 23. Fox River, east side of Ottawa, T33N, R4E. Sec.6ne, LaSalle Co.. IL. July 8, 1999. 24. Mukwonago River, Marsh Road Bridge, T5N, R18E. Sec.32n, Waukesha Co.. WI. June 26, 2001. 25. Mukwonago River. Route 83 bridge. T5N. RISE, Sec.35ne. Waukesha Co.. WI. June 26, 2(K)I. 26. Muskego Canal. Route 36 bridge. T5N. R20E, Sec.33se, Waukesha Co.. WI. August 1, 2(K)I. 27. Wind Lake Drainage Canal, East Main Drive bridge, T4N. R20E. Sec.32w, Racine Co.. WI. August 1, 2001. 28. Honey Creek. Bowers Road bridge. T4N. R 1 7E, Sec.26ne & 25nw. Walworth Co.WI. May 25. 2000. 29. Honey Creek, Bell School Road. T4N. R I SI-:. Sec.24nw. Walworth Co.WI. May 25. 2(KX). 34 INHS Biological Notes 141 30. Honey Creek, County Road "D" bridge, T3N, R18E, Sec.lne, Walworth Co., WI. August 16, 2001. 3 1 . Sugar Creek, Hodges Road bridge, T3N, R 1 7E, Sec.7nw, Walworth Co.,WI. May 26, 2000. 32. Sugar Creek, Bowers Road bridge, T3N, R17E, Sec.l2sw, Walworth Co., WI. June 25, 2001. 33. Sugar Creek, Potter Road bridge, T3N, R18E, Sec.Msw, Walworth Co.,WI. June 25, 2001. 34. White River, Lake Geneva, T2N, R17E, Sec.36ne, Walworth Co.,Wl. June 27, 2001. 35. White River, Sheridan Springs Road, T2N. R18E, Sec.l6sw, Walworth Co.. WI. August 2, 2001. 36. White River. Route 36 bridge, T2N, RISE, Sec.lnw, Walworth Co., WI. August 16. 2001. 37. White River, Echo Lake dam, Buriington, T3N, R19E, Sec.32n, Racine Co., WI, June 26. 2001. 38. North Branch Nippersink Creek, 0.25 mi below Thunderbird Road, TIN, R18E, Sec.27sw, Walworth Co.. WI. May 24, 2000. 39. North Branch Nippersink Creek, Richmond, T46N, R8E, Sec. 9nw, McHenry Co., IL. June 12, 1997. 40. North Branch Nippersink Creek, Route 12 bridge. T46N, R8E, Sec.21se, McHenry Co., IL. June 11. 1997. 41. Nippersink Creek, Route 173 bridge, T46N, R7E, Sec.ISsw, McHenry Co., IL. June 12. 1997. 42. Nippersink Creek, Queen Anne Road. T45N, R7E, Sec.lOnw, McHenry Co., IL. June 11. 1997. 43. Nippersink Creek, Richardson Road bridge, T46N, R9E, Sec.30nw, McHenry Co., IL. June 12, 1997. 44. Squaw Creek, Forest Avenue culvert, T45N, RIOE, Sec.29sw, Lake Co., IL. June 12, 1998. 45. Squaw Creek, Route 134 bridge, T45N, R9E, Sec.24ne, Lake Co., IL. September 5, 2001. 46. Boone Creek, Bull Valley Road bridge, T44N, R7E, Sec. 1 sw, McHenry Co., IL. June 1 1 . 1 998. 47. Boone Creek, Village of McHenry, T45N, R8E. Sec.27sw, McHenry Co., IL. June 12, 1998. 48. Flint Creek, Route 14 bridge, T43N, R9E, Sec.28ne, Lake Co., IL. July 9. 1998. 49. Flint Creek, Kelsey Road bridge. T43N, R9E, Sec.I5nw, Lake Co., IL. June 12. 1998. 50. Spring Creek, Rock Ridge Road bridge, T43N, R9E, Sec.29nw, McHenry Co.. IL. July 9, 1 998. 51. Spring Creek, Fox River Grove, T43N, R9E, Sec.l9nw. McHenry Co., IL. September 19, 2001. 52. Tyler Creek, Big Timber Road bridge, T42N. R7E, Sec.36se, Kane Co., IL. July 8, 1998. 53. Tyler Creek, Tyler Creek Forest Preserve, T41 N, R8E, Sec.2sw, Kane Co.. IL. July 8. 1 998. 54. Poplar Creek, Route 58 bridge, T41N, R9E, Sec. 16nw. Cook Co.. IL. September 7. 2000. 55. Poplar Creek, Route 19 bridge, T41N, R9E, Sec. 17sw. Cook Co.. IL. September 9. 1998. 56. Otter Creek, Silver Glen Road. T40N. R8E, Sec.8nw, Kane Co.. IL. July 10. 1998. 57. Ferson Creek. Denker Road bridge, T40N, R7E, Sec. 1 2sw, Kane Co., IL. September 9. 1 998. 58. Ferson Creek, Leroy Oakes Forest Preserve, T40N, R8E, Sec.20se, Kane Co.. IL. July 8. 1 998. 59. Mill Creek, Brundige Road bridge. T39N, R7E, Sec. Ine. Kane Co., IL. Sept. 10. 1998. 60. Mill Creek, Wenmoth Road bridge, T39N, R8E, Sec. 19ne, Kane Co., IL. August 28. 1997. 61 . Waubonsie Creek. Farnsworth Road bridge. T38N, R8E, Sec.36sw, Kane Co.. IL. September 10. 1998. 62. Waubonsie Creek. Village of Oswego, T37N, R8E, Sec.9se. Kendall Co.. IL. September 1 0. 1 998. The Fivshwuler Mussels (Hivahicr.Unionidde) <>) the Fox River liiisin. Illinois aiul Wisconsin 35 63. Blackberry Creek. Smith Road bridge. T3yN, R7E. .Sec. 17s. Kane Co.. IL. July .^. 1997. 64. Bhickbeny Creek. Camp Ke-De-Ka Road. T3SN. R7E. Sec.9s\v, Kane Co.. IL. June 1 3, 1997. 65. Blackberry Creek, Galena Road bridge, T37N, R7E, Sec.lOse. Kendall Co.. IL. June 13. 1997. 66. Rob Roy Creek, Faxon Road bridge, T37N. R7E, Sec.l9ne, Kendall Co., IL. September 10. 1998. 67. Rob Roy Creek, Blackhawk Road bridge, T37N. R6E, Sec.35ne, Kendall Co.. IL. September 14. 2001. 68. Welch Creek, Main Street bridge, T39N, R6E, Sec.27ne, Kane Co.. IL. July 10. 1998. 69. Welch Creek, Dauberman Road bridge. T38N, R6E. Sec. 14sw. Kane Co.. IL. July 10. 1998. 70. Big Rock Creek. County Line Road bridge. T38N. R6E. Sec.7nw. Kane Co.. IL. August 26. 1997. ' 71. Battle Creek. McGirr Road bridge. T39N. R5E. Sec.26sw. DeKalb Co.. IL. September II. 1998. 72. West Branch Big Rock Creek, Hinckley Road, T38N. R6E. Sec.lSse. Kane Co.. IL. September 11. 1998. 73. Big Rock Creek. Jericho Road bridge, T38N, R6E, Sec.35ne & 36nw. Kane Co.. IL. July 3. 1997. 74. Big Rock Creek. Klatt Park at Piano. T37N. R6E. Sec.23sw, Kendall Co.. IL. August 26. 1997. 75. Little Rock Creek. U.S. Route .^0 bridge. T38N, R5E, Seel 5sw. DeKalb Co.. IL. August 27. 1997. 76. Little Rock Creek, Galena Road bridge, T37N, R6E, Sec.5nw, Kendall Co.. IL. August 26. 1997. 77. Little Rock Creek, 1.5 mi WNW Piano, T37N, R6E. Sec.21nw. Kendall Co.. IL. August 27. 1997. 78. Roods Creek, 4.0 mi E of Sheridan. T35N. R5E, Sec. 1 se & 1 2ne, LaSalle Co.. IL. July 8. 1 999. 79. Roods Creek. 1 .5 mi ENE of Sheridan. T35N, R5E. Sec.3nw. LaSalle Co.. IL. September 14. 2001 . 80. Somonauk Creek, Shabbona Grove Road. T38N. R5E. Sec.30se, DeKalb Co.. IL. August 27. 1997. 8 1 . Somonauk Creek. Pratt Road bridge, T37N, R5E, Sec.22se, DeKalb Co., IL. August 27. 1997. 82. Somonauk Creek, Scheidecker Bridge, T36N, R5E, Sec.l6sw& 2lnw, LaSalle Co.. IL. August 28. 1997. 83. Little Indian Creek, Sanderson Road bridge, T37N, R3E, Sec.25sw, DeKalb Co.. IL. July 2. 1997. 84. Little Indian Creek. N4600 bridge. T36N. R4E. Sec. lOse/ I5nc. LaSalle Co.. IL. September 14. 2001 . 85. Little Indian Creek. 4.0 mi NW Sheridan. T36N. R4E. Sec.34nc. LaSalle Co.. IL. July 2. 1997. 86. Indian Creek. Chicago Road bridge. T37N. R3E. Sec.lOse. DeKalb Co.. IL. July 1. 1997. 87. Paw Paw Run, 7.5 mi SSW of Shabbona, T37N. R3E, Sec.l9se/ 20sw, DeKalb Co.. IL. July 8. 1999. 88. Indian Creek. 4700N bridge, T36N, R3E, Sec.Sse, LaSalle Co., IL. September 6. 20(X). 89. Sutphens Run. 1.25 mi SSW of Earlville, T36N, R2E, Sec.25ne, LaSalle Co.. IL. July 7. 1999. 90. Indian Creek, Shabbona County Park, T35N, R3E, Sec.2nw. LaSalle Co.. II. Jul> 1 , 1997. 91 . Indian Creek. 2 mi NNW Wedron, T35N. R4E, Sec.33nw. LaSalle Co.. IL. Jul> 2. 1997. 92. Crooked Leg Creek. 38()()N bridge. T35N. R3E, Sec.23se & 26ne. LaSalle Co.. IL. .September 6. 2(KM). 93. Crooked Leg Creek. 2.5 mi NW of Wedron. T34N. R3E. Sec. 1 ne. LaSalle Co.. IL. July 7, 1999. 94. Indian Creek, Burlington Northern RR bridge. T.^4N. R4E. Sec.4se, LaSalle Co.. IL July 2. 1997. 95. Buck Creek. 1 60()E bridge. T34N, R3E, Sec. lOe. LaSalle Co.. IL. September 6. 2(XH). 96. Buck Creek. 1 .5 mi west of Wedron, T.34N, R4E, Sec.Snw, LaSalle Co.. IL. July 7. 1999. NOTES Illinois Natural History Survey 607 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820 1 I L 1 N CI I S A division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources