286 H6?92 HISTORY; BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH LI B RAPLY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 286 H6292 Illinois Historical Survey Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/historybereanbapOObunk tUJNOIS HiSTOMMl SBWK HI STORY B E R E A N BAPTIST CHURCH BUNKER HILL, ILLINOIS 18 4 1 19 3 1 ADDENDA to the HISTORY of the B E R E A IT B APT 1ST CHURCH Prepared by its Pastor, V/m. Edwin Barrow - List of the Present Officers of the Church and of its Societies List of Pastors, Deacons, Trustees, Clerks ? cte. , since the beginning of the Organization. Membership list - The entire membership from the beginning, with the time pf each Member x s admission and dismission, so far as recorded. These arc valuable features of a published record and they will be furnished SOON for each Subscriber to the publication now being issued. When reedy theji will be sent in form so as to be readily inserted in place provided for them at the back of each book* The Pastor had hoped to have everything ready "in time for the Ninetieth Anniversary Celebration, Jan, 8-11, 1931, but the work of preparation - specially of the tabulation of names and figures yet to be done- will takei more time and effort than at first estimated. Already, much time has been given to the work now put into form for distribution. If each recipient of a copy of the "History" will leave with the Pastor his or her name, the additional material will be forwarded at the earliest opportunity. And when received it should be inserted AT ONCE in the place provided for it. Such ADDENDA to the "History" will mafec it still more valuable for reading and reference. _ PASTOR 3unker Hill, 111. January 8, 1931. HI STORY B E R E A N BAPTIST CHURCH BUNKER HILL, ILLI HOI 18 4 1 19 3 1 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA- CHAMPAIGN Bereara Bap list Sfyutet) BUNKER HILL. ILL. EXTERIOR VIEW INTERIOR VIEW B E H" B A N BAP x' I S T C H U a C H BUNKER HILL, ILLINOIS U H E T I E T H ANIV&RSARY JAKUAPY 8-11, 1 9 3 1 PROGRAM CQMMDUITY AND DENOMINATIONAL NIGHT JANUARY 3 7:00 P.M. 7:40 ■ n 7:50 " " 3:00 " " 8:15 " " 8:20 " " 8:40 " " 9:00 " " 9:05 " " 9:55 " Singing- M Pr*.iso Him,praiso Him." ( 19) -Congregation Invocation-Rev. C. J*Rives, Pastor of Congregational Church, City Singing-" All the Way my Saviour" (130) Congregation Scripture Lesson-I Cor. III. 8-13,19-23 Rev* Otto R.Buess, Pastor of the Schutz Memorial M.R. Church, City. Ifiisi« ~ -,** ---•-.«-- - Choir Announcements and a brief History of the Church- Rev, Mm* Edwin Darrow, Pastor of the Church Singing-"Faith of Our Fathers." (256) Congregation Address- "The Church and the Association*" Rev. A.R> Pixlcy, Pastor of the 'First Bapt i st Church, E&wardsvill e , 111 . Address- "The Church and Education. " Rcv» George Nelson Stevenson, A.M. , ' Professor of English Literature, Shurtleff College, Alton, 111. Singing- "How Firm A Foundation." (227) Congregation Greetings from Dr*G.P. Mitchell, President George M. Potter of Shurtleff College, Dr. N* J.Hilton and others. Singing Benediction DINNER - Friday, January 9,1931- 12:00 Noon - Prompt For members of the Church an£ congregation -and invited guests- Tho Fellowship meeting will follow directly after. Heading of letters - Greetings from members and guests- A Mitchell. Remarks by the Pastor* talk by Dr.G.P, ANNIVERSARY SERMON -Sunfiay, January 11-10:45 A.M t . Sermon by Rev. G. P. Mitchell, D. D. , of Des Moines, Iowa. A former Pastor of the Church and for some years, Executive Secretary of the Iowa Baptist Convention -«• Thome of Sermon*- "The Church of tho Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth" Tho Church was organized January 10,1841* Rev. John M.Peck preached the Recognition sermon. " It v/as re-organized March 25,165R. Rov^ J*Bulkloy, then of Carrollton,Ill; Rev. D^P. French of Jerseyville and "Rev, Elijah Dodson of Belleville holpod in the re-organization. HISTORICAL SKETCH 1841—1856 The first movement for the organization of aj Baptist Church at Bunker Hill was at a meeting of individuals ,meinbers of Baptist ehurehcsjheld at Bunker Hill on December 22,1840. At that meeting James U.Cooper was chairman and Solomon H.Davis Clerk, On motion of N.H.Flanagan,Avolin Church, J ohnathan Huggins and Charles Johnson, Sr. were appointed by the chair a committee on Articles and Practice for adoption "by the meeting. The oommittee reported in favor of Articles of Paith and Practice approved and used by the Baptist Church of Troy,L T ew York. Those were unanim- ously adopted, except that the second verse of the first chapter of First Peter was added after the word "hence." It was also decided to invite a Qouncil for Recognition to meet on Saturday, January 9,1841, the Alton, Upper Alton,Brighton,Woodburn and Pad- dock^ Prairie Churches being invited to send their Pastors and delegates to aid in constituting such church, "the Council to convene at half -past two." The Council met on the day and date named in its call and "after a short and appropriate discourse from Rev. A. Dodge," organ- ized with "Rev. R. Kimball as Mod. and Wm.H.Brfcggs as f*l erk." Delegates- Upper Alt on -Rev. R.Kimball and Wn a H.3riggs Brighton- Rev. A. Dodge and CD. Combs IVoodburn- F.Long, J.Walker, D.Latrell, A.Miner and J ohnathan Huggins Carrollton- J. Rider and Janes Budden Rev.J.M. Peck being present, also participated in the deliberations of the Council. After" full hearing and deliberating" the Council unanimously approved the Organization, and decided to meet the next day for its recognition. That evening the Conference of prospective members was called together, with Rev. R.Kimball as Moderator and Solomon H.Davis as Clerk, to choose Deacons that they might be ordained on the morrow. N.H.Flanagan and Avolin Church wore chosen. At the Recognition Service the next morning ( Sunday , January 10), Rev. J. M. Peck "preached from First Peter, second chapter and ninth verse, after which the Church was constituted in the foll- owing order. Prayer by Rev. R.Kimball. Hand of fellowship by Rev. Wn.H.Briggs. Address to the Church and congregation by Rev. A. Dodge." Then followed the ordination of Deacons. Pray- er by Rev. J.M.Peck. Laying on of hands by Rev. R.Kimball and Rev. A.Dodge. Benediction by Rev. J.M.Peck. "The services throughout the day were solemn and interesting; the congregation large and attentive." "Blest be the tie that binds" was sung. It was followed by shaking of hands. Revds R.Kimball was Moder- ator and Yfa, H. Br iggs, Clerk. (1) There were twenty constituent members, as follows:- Avolin Church, Mari Church, ELizaboth Cooper, James M, Cooper, Sol- omon H, Davis, Elizabeth S. Flanagan, Mari ah S. Flanagan, Noah H. Flanagan, Abagail R. Johnson, Charles Johnson, Sr. , .David P. Kelsey, Almira McGilvary, Catherine McGilvary, Christiana Mo Gi 1 vary, Johnson Mo Gil vary, Willis McGilvary, Abagail A. Pettengail, Bosella E. Pomeroy, Daniel Rice and Sarah Wright. That evening, at a Special Church Meeting, Solomon H, Davis was elected Church Clerk, Noah H. Flanagan, Solomon H.Davis and Avolin Church were selected as a committee on Ministerial supply. At the meeting in February 1841, Wn.H.Briggs, a licentiate of the Upper Alton Church, was invited to preach to the Church two Sabbaths in each month, which invitation was accepted. On the next day, Sunday, February 7, the Lord r s Supper was adminis- tered by Elder Terry of Alton. The Church, on May 1, voted to apply for membership in the Edwar&sville Baptist Association, "Wm.H.Briggs to assist the clerk in preparation of the letter." Brothers Briggs , Flanagin , Church and Davis were selected as delegates, the clerk "to in- sert in the letter the names of those only that will attend. Association invited to meet with the Church the next year." It was "voted to make it a standing Rule of the Church to take up a collection at every Qommunion season to defray the incident- al expenses of the Church, " Prof. Newman of Shurtleff College delivered an address on June 26, after which, it was voted "to call Bro.Briggs to ordination as pastor of the Church." On July 24 Brother V/m.H.Briggs was received by letter from the Alton Church, Deacon Church extending the Right Hand of fellowship. At tMfc meeting arrangements were made for the convening of a Council to meet with the Church on the 21st day of August, next, "for the purposo of attending to said ordination." The ordination Council met as arranged. Delegates: - Upper Alton-Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers; Rev. Washington Leverett; Hiram A'< Gardner; ELias Hibbard and Alvin Olcott. Alton- City- Rev, Gideon B.Perry; Wm.Hayden and John Higham. Woodburn- Rev, G.B.Davis; 17. H.D.Johnson. Bright on -Rev. Amos Dodge: J. D. Combs and Thomas Jones. After thorough examin- ation as to his Christian experience, call to Ministry and views of Christian theology "the Council then resolved to ordain Bro.Briggs according to the wishes of the Church, 2 Rev, Ebenezer Rodger s, Mod, , and Elias Hibbard, Clerk. At 2 o T clock occurred the ordination service. Singing. Prayer by Rev, Goo. 3, Davis. Sermon by Rev. G.B.Perry from 1st Tim. 4:16. Ordaining prayer by Rev. E. Rodgers. Charge by Rev, V/ashington Leverett. Right hand of fellowship by Rev. G.B.Davis. Address to the Church by Rev, A.Dodge. Conclud- ing prayer by Rev. G.B.Davis. Benediction by Bro.Briggs. At the Business Meeting Sept, 18. the Pastor was granted a few weeks leave of absenoo. Nov. 13 - Daniel 3i cg, IT .H, Flanagan and A. Church were made a Standing Cornnittee on Ministerial supply, Sec . 11 - Bro. Brings continued as Pastor, "the Church to support preaching one-half the tine the coning year." In 1842 - April 30 -The Pastor was requested to prepare Annual Letter to the Edwardsvillc Association, A Church, N. H, Flanagan, C.Johnson, Sr. and Janes Cooper selected as Messengers. Sept . 17 - The Pastor appointed delegate to the Illinois Baptist Convention at: i Springfield. Oct.15 - A connittoe appointod to visit delinquent nenbers. Doc. 13- Annual Church Meeting. The Deacons a connittee on Ministerial supply. In 1843- April 30 - Clerk to write letter to the Edwards - villc Association. B. Shepherd, N.H.Flanagan and Geo. \7. Fox select- ed as Messengers. One dollar for Minutes. Aug. 19 - Rev. Goo. B. Davis added to the connittoe on Ministerial supply. Rev. W.H. Briggs disnissed by letter. Rev, G-. B.Davis granted a traveling letter of reconnendation. The Minutes of 1844 indicate that the Church had been hold- ing its neetings in the Congregational House of Worship, a union choir singing for both congregations and that the hynn-book in use was not satisfactory to the Baptist people, at least to some. "The Psalnist" was approved at a church neeting on February 3 , March 30 - N. H, Flanagan, 3. Shepherd and S.H.Davis selected as Mess- engers to the Association, the clerk to write the Annual Letter. Sept. 21 - Three dollars appropriated for Association Minutes. On J an. 5. 1845 Rev. G.B.Davis was called as pastor. Arrange - nont nade as to salary. In 1846 - Jan.l - Annual Meeting. Connittoe on Ministerial supply. -G.B.Davis, N.H.Flanagan and J. Burton. March 14 - Voted to co-operate with Woodburn Church in obtaining tho labors of Pros. Sherwood as pastor, a suitable salary to be paid by the Church. May 16 - N.H.Flanagan, S.H.Davis, Charles Parneter and J. Burt on selected as Messengers to the Association. C.Johnson and A. Church added to the Standing Connittee of the Church. In 1847- Jan. 23 - Voted to hold neeting every 4th Saturday as fornerly. May 16 - Letter to the Association authorized. 2L dor Janes and Joseph Burton selected as Messengers. Money for Minutes,} 1.20. Oct. 2- Lanent on account of low state of Zion. Menbers of tho Church urged to "spend a short tine of each day in praying to God that He would revive His work." In 1848- May 13 - Pastor to prepare letter to the Assoc - iation. Dilliard,2Iohn son, Davis and Church selected as Messengers to the Association. P.C.Knowlton, J.S.Flanagan and H.Johnson "to prepare shade and seats at the house for the accommodation of tho Association." Aug. 5 - Resolution as to improper observance of the Lord f s Supper. Oct. 15 -Dismissal of pastor. In 1849 - April 28 - Messengers to Association-Rev. J. V. Hopper, Luke Dilliard, N.H.Flanagan and C.Johnson. (3) In 1850- Jan. 17 - Rev. J. Y. Hopper called as Pastor, to co-operate with Baptist Church at Garlinville in his support. 3ftob«3:6 - Articles of Faith and Covenant renewed and recorded. May 10- Messenger^ to Edwards- villo Association-J.V. Hopper, L. Billiard, IT. II. Flanagan and A. Church. One dollar and fifty cents for Minutes. Assoc- iational letter prepared by Brothers Flanagan and Church. Aug. 5- "Resolved that the Church appoint a Treasurer , whose duty it shall bo to keep all noneys contributed to the Church by collection or otherwise, subject to the order of the Churoh." C.Johnson appointed, Dec. 21 - "The Church appointed A. Church and II. K.Flanagan a corxiitteo to act with Deacons True and Shepherd in procuring wood and lights for the meeting house and to securo the services of some person to make the fire and light the house for the Winter." In 1851 - April 15 - Deacon N.H.Flanagan to write Associational letter. Hay 10 - Messengers to Association- J.V. Hopper, Luke Billiard, IT. II. Flanagan, J.Clark, J. S, Janes, S.HoDavi3o l852~July 3 -' Provided for expense of lights and fuel. H opp er , Fl anagan and Clark a conrdttee to meet in Council for the recognition of the Staunton Baptist Church. July 24 - Baptist Church at Staunton constituted and recognized. In 1853- Jan. - Special Svangelistic Meetings-Large increase to membership by baptism and otherwise. Elders M.Lemen and Chilton preached. Feb. 2- Hand of Church fellowship to 44 new members. Apral 25 - Election of Stillman Barber as Deacon. "Resolved that the Lord T s Supper be administered monthly hereafter , and that it be attended to immediately after the morning Service." July 22- Pastor to prepare Associational letter. Oct. 22 - More congregational singing recommended and that the Bapt- ist Church have some privilege in the selection of music used in its Services. To this the Union choir in charge of the church music objected. Other differences develop- ed. In 1854- Jan. 28 "Moved that a committee of five be appointed to provide a place for holding meeting, obtain preaching for the present, week out and recommend to the Church some one toi- take the pastoral charge the ensuing year. Deacons Flanagan and Bar ber,L.D. Dill iard.L. Stark and W.H.Clark such committee, Fob»4 - Ho place of meet- ing pbtained. "Resolved that a committee of 5 be appoint- ed to obtain a lot and solicit contributions for building a Baptist Church in Bunker Hill." Deacon II. II. Flanagan, Rev. J. V, Hopper, S.Barber, Wm.H. Clark and A. J. Coats such committee." Meeting at the home of Deacon Flanagan. Stillman Barber, Clerk. Feb. 10 - J.V.Hopper in the chair. The committee on lot reported in favor of"a lot 50 X 120 feet off of the west end of Lots 101 and 102 in plat of Bunker Kill -offered as a donation to the Church U) accent by T.L.Waples and recommended that the Church % of said lot to "build upon." It recommended also "that the Church build a house 3 6 by 4 6 feet, with 14 feet baptistry, Belfry, etc. estinated to cost about $ 1700. the committee at their mooting on Monday .night last appointed a Solicitor and the listers have had two solicit- ors the two last days, who shpw subscriptions to the amount of $ 1247." It also recommended "that the Church proceed to build as soon as possible." It recommended that '"Ehe Church appoint three trustees and a building committee of five." Report signed by Noah H. Flanagan for the connittee. Report adopted. N.S. Flanagan, Stillnan Barber, J. V. Hopper, J.B.Clark and 'A. J. Coats, the Building Connittee. Joseph Flanagan, 1, 3). Dill iard s 3fctftgafet Clark and E.Flanagan were the solicitors. Joseph Flanagan, J.D.Hoppcr and Y/n. H.Clark selected as trustees* Meeting at the hone of Deacon Flanagan. .... •" * ; . . . • At a 8hurch Mooting on Mar. 5 . held at the hone of Deacon Flanagan, who was Mod. , the existing difficulty in the Church was considered and specially the proposal of compromise presented by a connittee previously appointed, which was* unanimously adopted. Thanks wore extended"tho Woodburn Brethren for their assistance in bringing about reconciliation." Apr il 22 - At the hone of Deacon Flanagan, beacon Barber in the chair. The following adopted: "Inasmuch as efforts to settle the difficulties that exist in the Baptist Church at Bunker Kill have failed and inasmuch as efforts for a mutual Council have been rejected by the opposite party and especially at their last nesting they rejected a proposition to refer it to an advisory Committee of ministering and lay Brethren;; Theref ore, Resolved, That we call a Council of ministering and lay men to meet at Bunkor Hill on the fridaybefore the first_ Lord T s Day in May, 1854." Certain questions were proposed for consideration by the Council, having to do with the identity of the Church as an ecclesiastic- al body and the course tho Church should pursue towards those members who do. not co-operate with tho Organization. J. T. Hopper, II. H. Flanagan, SvBarber, J.B.Clark and L.D.Dilliard were selected as a committee to present the situation to the Council. The Council, when it met, decided in favor of the existing church Organization as an ecclesiastical body and recommended that this body revise its action as to the exclusion of certain members from its fellowship. It recommended that this body"pursue a course of conciliation toward the' other party with sincere and earnest endeavor to restore harmony," to the end "that the united means and influence of all should bo consecrated to the promotion of the cause of our blessed Redeemer." This Report was approv- ed by the Church. At a subsequent meeting, held May 27 . the advice of the Coun- cil was further considered. Some objection to the fieport of the Council. A committee was appointed to visit all the delinquent members. June 24 The committee on visitation reported its visit very unsatisfactory. July " 26 Elder J. V. Hopper appoint ed to write letter to the Association. Aug. 26 - Letter to tho Association read and approved. Delegates-IT. H.Flanagan; S.3arber, 7/. H.Clark and A. J. Coats. One dollar for Minutes. Oct. 29- "Dedication of new church building, KEder Chilton preach- ed at eleven o T clock and in the evening. SLder Dotson preached the dedication sermon. Tho meeting was continued with a good deal of (5) interest, Friday night the doors of the church were opened for the reception of members." Ton candidates for baptisa* These were baptized on (Sunday by Elder Chilton. Nov, 26 - Voted to raise 25 for SLder Dot son 1 s services the past Summer. "J. S. Flanagan, B.Gibbs and J. 3. Clark -a com. to put up hitching post-procure material and fence the mooting house lot." EL dor Dot son secured to preach the £,st,2nd and 3rd Sabbaths in the month until the first of February and SLder Chilton to preach the 4th Sabbath. At the meeting Oct. 21 . hold at the homo of N.H.Flanagan, with Deacon Barber in the chair, "Voted to hold Meeting every Sabbath at eleven o'clock when the new church is finished. Adjourned to meet at the new church Sat. before the fourth Sabbath in Nov, 2 o'clock." In 1855 - Jan. 27 - II. H.Flanagan, S.Bar b or and L.D.Dilliard a committee to secure pastor the ensuing year. Bill of sex- ton 8,87 - wood, oil, gas and labor for last 3 months-allow- ed. Fob. 24 - Rev/ Luke Dillon to preach 1st Sab- bath in each month. Edwardsville Association had selected Elder J. V. Hopper as its Missionary. Resolution by the Church in favor of more full financial support of Brother Hopper and his work. March 24 - SLder J. V. Hopper, Mod, Report from eon, to procure material and fence the meeting house. Com. continued and instructed to circulate a subscription to defray the expense. SLder J.Bulkley invited to take the pastoral charge of theiehurch the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths, SLder Hopper to preach the 3rd Sabbath. A committee appointed to make out a list of those who have ab-sented themselves from church and report to church. May 26 - Report of com. on delinquent members presented. There were 28 names in the list, June 25 - "Effort to be made to raise sufficient money to settle SLder Bulkley as fft.ll time pastor." Treasurer ord- ered to pay the bal.for work fencing the church lot. July 11 ■ Two members added. July 21 - SLder Hopper to prepare letter to the Association. Action taken on various bills. Aug. 25 - J. A. Flanagan, A, J. Coats and N.H.Flanagan selected as Messengers to the Association. Two dollars for Minutes. Oct. 27 and Nov. 24 - SLder Kimball in the ©hair. No special business. Dec. 22- Majority and minority reports from committee on delinquent members. Financial reports and action. W.H.Clark to employ a sexton for the church. SLder Briggs,Mod. In 1856 - Feb. 23- Elder Dot son, Mod. Deacon Barber and L.D.Barber 'a com. to raise pastor's salary. Mar. 2- Bro. Morton, Mod. Trustees instructed to borrow money and pay bal.due on Meeting House, "provided it can be had for ten per cent interest." Subscription to Pastor's salary, 5 43 per quarter. April 26 - J. V. Hopper, Mod. Com. on delinquent members granted more time. Sexton resigned and a com, of three selected to take char&o of the Meeting House during the Summer, May 24 - A communication from former members of the Church "asking for a meeting in council to investigate difficulties which have existed for the past few years" was received and referred to a committee for consideration. (6) June 6 - Report of con. on communication received at previous meeting. It deeply deplored "the division which lias transpired in the church and recommended that the church "hail and cherish ever/ effort calculated to remove difficulties and restore union." It recommended that the dissatisfied parties meet with the church, "to walk and act as "brethren in Christ." It discouraged the call- ing of a council, but that the church"pursue a kind course of conduct toward their brethren, and that they labor by all means to bring about union, believing that if there is a desire for un- ion it will manifest itself." July 21 - Further considerat- ion of difficulties between members. Voted to send messengers to consider the advisability of organizing a new Association, the meeting to be with the New Hope Church on Saturday before the 3rd Lord 1 s Day in July at 2 o'clock. Elder E. Dot son, J. V. Hopper, N. H.Flanagan, J.O.English and A. J. Coats selected as Messengers. July 26 - The Messengers to the council with the New Hope Church reported favorable to the organization proposed. Communication received from persons formerly members of the churc$. On motion tho following Resolution was adopted: "Whereas certain difficult- ies of painful import and long standing have existed in the Bunk- er Hill Baptist Church and as it is desirable to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace- Therefore, Resolved: That all those persons who were members of said church in the year of 1853 and 1854 (and all who have united since) and have not taken letters of Dismission who wish to co-operate with the church be considered members of tho church now in ffcll fellowship'/ Attest: Noah H.Flanagan. FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SEWARDSVTLL E BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 1841—1857 1841 -"There were nineteen members dismissed by letter from the Woodburn Baptist Church, December 19,1840, for the purpose of form- ing a chvrch at Bunker Hill." (This statement is made by John- athan Huggins.in his history of the Woodburn Church. printed in the minutes of the Edwardsville Association in 1870). The time of the organization was January, 1841, The Council of ministers was: Elders -R.Kimball, A. Dodge and J. M. Pock. It reported 25 members to the Association, having received five by letter since its formation. W.K.Briggs is a licentiate and Noah H.Flanagan is messenger. 1842 - W.H.Briggs, Pastor. Ordained during the year. Avoril Church, Daniel Rice, N.H.Flanagan and E. Shepherd Messengers. Sight baptized -four by letter. Two deaths. Present membership, 35 1843__- V/.K.Briggs, Pastor- Four received by letter. 1844- Feeble, but not discouraged, nor inactive. Has a female Missionary Society - A union Sunday School. Rev. A. Sherwood, Pastor. G.B.Davis, Ordained minister. $ 10 given to Shurtleff College by Female Missionary Society, (7) 1845 - G.B. Davis, Past or. One "baptized and one recoiled by letter. Present number. 31 1846- A. Sherwood, Past or (member of Alton Church). 1847- Silas C.Janes, Past or 1648- S.C.Janes, Pastor. Luke Billiard, ordained minist- er. Association meeting at Bunker Kill. Two reoeived by letter. 1849 - Jacob V. Hopper, Past or. Five received by letter. Member ship , 32 1850 - J. V. Hopper, Pastor - Three received by letter. ' -"• Have had no special work of Divine Grace, have enjoyed harmony. Good and attentive congregations. Union Sunday School. "Have aided benevolent societies according to ability." 1851 L. Billiard, minister. Five received by letter. J, V. Hopper has preached i time. Now without a pastor- In"a low condition- Aids benevolent objects and desires an Itin- erant Missionary employed in the Association. Number dis- missed during the year. 1852- S.C.James, Pastor. J. V. Hopper, minister. Four additions by letter. Have maintained regular worship during the year and although not blessed with a revival, have enjoyed the LorA T s presence in the prayer meetings. Preaching 1/2 time. 1855- J. Y. Hopper, Pastor now. S.C.Janes was pastor until March. Forty baptisms, 17 received by letter. Present member- ship, 89. Cordially welcomes the Association. "The past year in one respect is the most peculiar in the history of the church so far. More have been added to our number and a deeper state of religious feeling has prevailed than we have ever witnessed before." "Laments that at present lack of harmony and co-operation that is so desirable from all our members, yet though faint we are still pursuing." 1854- J. V. Hopper, Pastpr. Reports a "serious division among its former members; "the parties become irreconcilable, Could not unite in calling an Advisory Council. One party ealled a Council, which decided this party to be the church. Has a new meeting house nearly finished. Has regular meet- ings; a prosperous Sunday School and interesting prayer meet- ings. And "hope in God." 1855- S.Dodson,Pastor. I.D.Newell, J.V. Hopper, Ordain- ed ministers. One received by letter. Present number, 38, Completed house of worship. "Have enjoyed the Divine favor in social and public meetings-iand in Sunday School, Preach- ing 3/4 of the time. 1855 - B£ Dodson, Pastor. Five received by letter. "Existence as a church for a time has been precarious on account of a division of the body. On the 30th of July a 11111011 was effected, and the Lord seemed to smile upon His vineyard. Owing to a want of Christian union on the part of some, fear division again. Have agreed to pay pastor for his tine $ 250. Have raised 5 8.00 for missionary purposes. 1857 - No pastor. Pour received by letter. Present number, 73. "Can hardly say that we are among the living. V/hile we have a name to live, we are dead as a Chureh'and as Christians. Have recently enjoyed the labors of N.N. wood, L. D. , whoso preaching has boon blecsed to somo. Sabbath School of 60 members, and ton teachers. 300 volumes in library. BSREAN BAPTIST CHURCH 1658 ---1930 On Ilarch 25 th, 1858 , Rev. J. Bulla c-y, Past or of the Baptist Church oi uarroiiton, Rev. D. P. French, Pastor the Baptist Church of Jcrseyvillc and Rev, Elijah Dodson, Pastor of the Baptist Church of 3ollevillc,met in Ecclesiastical Council to consider the propriety of organizing a Baptist Church in Bunker Hill. After carefully considering the situation with respect to the former organization, then completely dissolved, },t v/as decided that a now organization, to be called the BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH 01? 3UNKER HILL, ILLINOIS, was immediately necessary. Articles of Faith and a Church Covenant were adopted. Constituent members: Almira All ard, Nathan P.Barnes, Sarah E. Barnes, Mari Church, Sarah S. Clark, Rosollo S. Levis, Mary J.Lrew, Almira H. Flanagan, John Flanagan, Ilari Flanagan, Noah H.Flanagan, Sarah J. Flanagan, Lucinda Hopper, Llary Ellen Hopper, Mary James, Abagail ' Johnson, Charles Johnson, Sr, ,' Elizabeth Johnson, Emily Johnson, Lewis Johnson, Rebecca Jones, I. D. Newell, James Part- ridge, Larkin Stark. After prayer by Rev. J.Bulkley the hand of fellowship was extended by Rov. Elijah Dodson. The charge was then given to the Church by the Rev. L.P.French. Adjourned to moot at the same place at three o 1 clock upon the following day. On Ilarch 26 the Church met pursuant to adjournment. Rev.L.P. French, 1/lod. , ;-nd Bro. 1. 1). Newell acting as clerk. Additions to the church membership. F.E.Adams elected church clerk. Bros. French, Howell and Adams a committee "to write a communication in regard to our New organization and send a copy to the T Christ - ian Times 1 and one to the "V/c stern IVatchman 1 for publication.'' Articles with respect to the election of Trustees and Treasurer to be presented by C. Johnson, Sr. and 17 ,H. Flanagan at the next Church meeting for adoption. On Ilarch 27 the following Preamble and Constitution was on motion adopted by a vote of the members present: (9) Whereas The laws of the State of Illinois provide for the Aneorp oration of Religious Societies in order that they nay receive donation, hold, buy, sell and convey property and be known in Lav/. Therefore The members of the Berean Baptist Church of Bunker Hill in the County of Macoupin and State of Illinois at a regular meeting of said Church have organized a Society for the purposes above mentioned and have adopted for tho government and regulation of said Society the follow- ing CONSTITUTION Article 1st . This Society shall be called the "Berean Baptist Church of Bunker Hill ,T " Article 2nd The Officers of this Church shall bo Three Trust- ees, who shall be known as the Trustees of the Berean Bapt- ist Churoh of rh mfrnr w-i n t and they shall hold their office for the term of Pour years and until their successors in office are elected and qualified. A Secretary and Treas- urer, each of whom shall hold his office for the term of One year and until his successor in office is elected. Article 3rd The officers of this Church shall bo elected at the Annual Meeting of said Church in such manner as the Church shall direct by a Two Thirds Najority of tho Voters present. Article 4th It shall be the duty of the Trustees of this Church to hold for the use of and benefit of the Church any and all property which may be donated to or bought by said Church and to sell and convoy away any property that tho said Church may have to soil or convey away and also to exer- cise a general Supervision over the affairs and attend to the interests of said Church. Article 5th It shall bo the duty of tho Secretary to attend all tho meetings of the Church and to keep a correct record of tho proceedings of said Church. Article 6th It shall bo tho duty of the Treasurer to receive and safely keep all none;/ belonging to the Church and to pay tho same out upon the order of tho Trustees . Provided nevertheless that special collections nay be made and applied by order of tho Church. He shall keep a correct account of the money in possession and report the same to the Church at eaeh Annual Mooting . He shall also if required give bonds for tho faithful discharge of his duties. Article 7th Any member of the Berean 3aptist Church of Bunker Kill in good standing whose name is subscribed to this Constitution shall have a right to vote on all matters con- nected with the interests of the Church so long as ho or she remain in good standing in the Churcft. Article 6th The Annual Meeting of this Church shall bo held on tho Jl'irst Saturday of April in each year, and special Meetings nay be called by the Trustees when the interests of the Church require it # ( 10 ) Aeticle 9th This Constitution nay be altered at a regular meeting of the Church "by a majority of Two Thirds the Voters present e provided that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to alter the name of the Church or the style or Title of the Trust - ees thereof^ Article 10 In case of the death, resignation or removal from the Church 57 any Trustee , his vacancy shall be filled at the first Annual or aallod mooting of the Church. f On notion the following Resolution was adopted: Rosolvod - As the sense of this mooting that all members whose names are recorded in this Book as members in regular standing of this the BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH OF BUNKER HILL^^ tfc^^*^^ The Church then elected Noah H a Flanagan, Larkin Stark and Franklin E. Adams as Trustees; F.JL Adams, as Secretary and Charles Johnson, Sr. , as Treasurer. • Lewis Johnson was elected Deacon. 1^ was decided that the regular Church Meeting "be held on the Saturday preceding the First Sabbath in each month at Two O'clock P.M." The Clerk was authorized to purchase "a Book in which to rocord the Minutes of the Meetings of the Church and keep other Records." Bros I. D.Newell, N. H.Flanagan and F.E. Adams were appointed a committee "to see that the Church be supplied with preaching." Bro.D.P .French was request ed"by a vote of the Church to administer the Lord^s Supper to the nenbers on to-morrow the Sabbath Day." On March 38 Rev. D.P.French of Jerseyville preached. Additions to membership. March 50- Rev. D.P.French, Mod. Additions to membership and baptisn of candidates. Candid- ates baptized by Bro t French. May 1 Rev. D.P.French, Mod. Addit- ions to membership. "TheArticles of Faith & Covenant and also the Constitution of the Society wore then read by the Clerk. Inquiry being made as to whether the Trustees had been duly and proporly organized and qualified. Bro. N.H.Flanagan stated that a Certificate of their election had been made out signed and acknowledged by then in the presence of a Justice of the Peace and the Certificate deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Carlinville." The following Resolutions were adopted: "Resolved. 1st. That the Trustees of the Berean Baptist Church of Bunker Hill be instructed to purchase of F. S. 7/aples (for the use of said Church) the Meeting House formerly owned by the Baptist Church of Bunker Hill. 2nd. That when said purchase is effected the Trustees are instructed toassosaon the Pews of said House such amount as may be best calculated to advance the inter- est of the Church, and make sale of and issue Certificates of purchase as said Pews may be wanted." It was voted "that a collection be taken up in the Congregation in the morning of the first Sabbath in each Month for the support of the Gospel and also a collection during Communion season. ** Sunday .May 2 Rev. N.N.Wood of Alton preached. Additions to membership and Hand of Church Fellowship extended. (11) 1 u5 6 - ( C ont i nug d ) June 4 - Rev. D.P.French called as Pastor- Members received. J^iy 5 Bro.Ghas. Johnson, Sr. , Mod, pro-ten. "The Trustees reported that they had not "been able and did not think they would bo able to purchase this meeting House from Mr.Waples for a price which the Church could afford, but that they load rented the House for one year from the first of last month for the sum of one Hundred Dollars, to "be paid half the first of September and half the first of next March." Hcport adopted. The Com. on Pulpit Supply instruct- ed to engage Bro. Green of Alton as Pulpit Supply for the Summer. Members received. July 4 Bro. D.P.French admin- istered the Lord 1 s Supper. He declined the call of the Church to become pastor. The Church requested that he sec- ure a pastor for the Church. Voted to raise $500 a year for a pastor if one could be obtained. July 31 Rev. J.Bulkley, Pastor of the Baptist Church of Carrollton, acted as Mod, Voted to make application to the Carrollton Association for meixbcrship in that Association. Bros.C. Johnson, Sr, ,N.H. Flanagan, Larkin Stark and Lewis Johnson were selected as delegates; Rev, J.Bulkley and F.S.Adams to write a lot tor to the Association, August 29 Rev.D. Road, President of Shurtleff College, acted as Hod, 3ro. Daniel Williamson an additional delegate to the Carrollton Association. Letter to the Association read and approvod. Addition to member- ship. Sunday .Aug. 29 Bro. Road administered the ordinance of baptism^ Sept. 25", ,- Br o. D.P.French acted as Mod, Addit- ion to membership. T^ie name of a certain Brother was suggested as pastor, but ho was unable to come "to take charge of the Church as Pastor." ITov.27 Rev. D.P.French acted as Moft. Rev. George Silver called as Pastor at a salary of § 500 per year." ITov,2G "The Committee reported that they had the refusal of a house for Mr. Silver at Ten Dollars a month from Moses True." Money for rent sub- scribed. 1659 - Rev.Goor-'re and Sady Silver received by letter. They were extended the Right Hand of fellowship. The meet- ing was oil Jan.l . I.D.ITcwell served as temporary clerk. Feb. 5 - IT. II. Flanagan resigned as Trustee. C.Johnson, Sr. , F.S.Adams and H.P.Barnes a cemmittoe to secure renewal of lease on House of Worship, Membership changes. The following Wednesday was selected as"a day of Fasting and Prayer" for revival of Christ T s Cause in the Church and community. March 5- Reports of committees. April Z - One addition to membership. April 30 -Report from Trustees as to renewal of lease on" House of Worship ftnder same terms as before. June 4 - Candidates received for baptism. July 2 - Rgooval of Bro.I.D.Ucwll to Carrollton brought request from him for a letter of dismission to Baptist Church in Carrollton. Granted, Aug. 6 - Action on request from Bapt- ist Church in Brighton for a delegation to consider the propriety of ordaining 3ro. T.S.Lowe to the work of the Gospel Ministry, Pastor, with Brethren 1'. II. Flanagan and C.Johnson, Sr. , selected. Aug. 27 - Pastor appointed to write the Annual letter to the Carrollton Association. The Pastor, with II. H.Flanagan, C.Johnson, Sr. and L.Stark selected as delegates. Sept. 5 - Letter to the Association read and approved. One Dollar and fifty cents sent for Minutes. Additions to membership. C.F.Adams, L. Stark and D.V/illiamson a committee "to raise the money to pay rent of House." (12) 1659 -||ot.l- Three of the Sisters appointed "to assist the Con- nit teg- rrrrai sing the amount due on the rent for the Meeting House',' Sisters Silver , Burton and Flanagan appointed. Nov, 5- Certain funds in the Treasury appropriated toward Pastor *s Salary. Dec. 5 Hent due the first of last 3ept.($ 50.00) paid. Committee con- tinued to raise sufficient money "tp pay rent to Jan, 1, next. Action taken as observance of the Lord T s Supper. Dec »31 -"Voted to auth- orize the Trustees to get a new Lease for the Meeting House from Mr.Waples for one or three years as they may think best." Church finances reported "in a good condition." The old Committee"to circulate the Subscription for our Pastor's Salary for the coning year. "Voted to authorize the Trustees to rent enough of the Pews for one year to pay the rent and expenses of the House - Voted to appoint Bros. C.?. and F.E. Adams to attend to showing per- sons Seats in the Church." Addition to membership. 1GS0 - January - Addition to 0hurch. Feb. 4 - "The Trustees rep- orted having engaged the House of Worship now occupied by the Church of Mr.T.L.Waples for the term of three years at the yearly rent of One Hundred Dollars payable half yearly, with the privil- ege of spending twenty -five Dollars of the first payment in repair- ing the House." Report received and adopted. Addition to member- ship. Bros. D. Williamson and C.F. Adams appointed a Committee to get estimate of cost for the construction of a Baptistry in the House. Feb. 6 -Additions torn ember ship. Feb. 12 - The Pastor bapt- ized two candidates. j^£2^±.A" Report from Trustees as to new lease from Mr.Waples. T^o Trustees also reported: "That the Cert- ificates issued for Pews rented for one year from Peb.lst/60 amounted to One Hundred and fifty nine Dollars'. 1 Report adopted. Committee ory Baptistry reported. March 51 - Connittee on Bapt- istry authorized to have a Baptistry "put in this house." One candidate for baptism. April 8- THe Pastor- C.Johnson, Sr. and N T P. Barnes appointed as delegates to a Council with the First Church, Alton, to consult asbto the propriety of ordaining Mr. Jam- eson to the Gospel Ministry. May 5 - "The Committee on Baptistry reported that they had hnfi a Baptistry put in and that it cost Nineteen Dollars & fifty Cents ($ 19150). lioport received and Con. cgntinued to raise funds to pay for it. Membership changes. Juno 2 -No business. July 15- Additions to membership. June_30- Aaditions to membership. Aug. 4- No special business. So ,: 'J- The Pastor, with Bros. Stark and Williamson, selected as delegates to the Association. Sept. 2 - Letter to the Association read and approved. Oct. 6- 3ro. D.Williamson elected as Deacon, which he declined .giving his reasons, but consented to serve for the pres- ent. Nov. 3 -Ho special businesl^^he Pastor, with Bros.N.K.Flan- agin and L.Stark, selected to attend a Council with the Baptist Church jbn Upper Alton to consult as tonthe propriety of ordaining Bro. Moore to the Gospel to the Gospel Ministry. Deo.l- No spec- ial business. D5c.l9 - Bro. P.S.Adams resigned as *lerk and trust- ee and granted letter of dismission to the Baptist Church in /a ton. 1G61-Jan.5 - C.F. Adams elected Clerk. Comnittcs on visitation of members selected. Monday, Jan. 7, to bo observed as a day of fasting and prayer, by request of the Association. One dismission. Feb. 2- Committeo reports. Membership changes, Trustees elected: Daniel Williamson and C.F. Adams, in the place of N.H.Flanagin and F.^. Adams, resigned. Liar eh 2- No spoeial business. (13) 1061- April 6 - John FTanagain elected Treasurer in place of Charles Johnson , Sr . , r e si gne d . Member ship change s . Aug.5 -Memb - ership changes. Aug. 51 -"A season of conference" and a comm- ittee report. R. P. Rider, clerk pro-tern, 166 2 -Jan . One addition by letter. Feb, Additions to member- ship. R. P. Rider, Church cleric, with Jan. meeting, "The sisters asked permission of the Church to put forth efforts for the purchase of the building in which wo now meet for worship. Being put to vote it was unanimously carried in favor of the ladios." April 5 - Membership changes. April 25- Additions to membership April 30 - One addition by baptism. May 5- Tw* dismissions by letter. "Voted that it be our custom hence- forth to read our Church Covenant when wo meet for conference." Aug. 1662 - ?l. P. Rider appointed to prepare the annual letter to the Association. 1663-?eb.28 Sister S. E.ColeCf ormerly S.S.Flanagi^ • granted a letter of ' recommendation. Oct. 5 - Additions to membership. Thomas Hood, Lewis Johnson and R. P. Rider olooUod Trustees. Thomas Hood elected Deacon. Dec. 5 - Membership changes. 1664 -Aug. 5 - Action taken in relation to delin(faent members. A eommittoe appointed to see to cleaning of church building, "3ro. Hopper moved that the Church change its relations from the Carrollton Association to the Edward sviltfte Association. Motion carried. Thomas Hood,clork pro-tern. Au g. 51 - Thomas Cleaver appointed to write the letter to the Association. J. "V. Hopper, Clerk. Sept. 3- T^e Pastor and Deacon T.Hood selected as messengers to the Carrollton Association. Breth- ren Silver, Hopper, Hood and Ridor selected as Messengers to the Edwardsville Association. Dec . 51 - J , V . Hopp er elected Clerk. 1665-?cb.4 - Thomas Hood elected Treasurer. March 4 - Member- ship changes. A committee appointed"to circulate subscript- ion for Past or T s salary for the current year," April 1 - No special business. So also May 6th and June 4th . July - Sis- tors Silver, Burton and Hopper a committee to collect funds to repair the Meeting House. Aug. 5 - Sister Julia Rider grant- ed "a letter of dismission and recommendation for the purpose of uniting in the organization of a Baptist Church at Nilwood$ Request from a minister for the use of the Meeting House "for Divine Service each alternate Sabbath afternoon" granted for three months. Sept. 2- Letter to the Association read and approved. Brethren Hood, Johnson, IT. H.ZLanagin and Cleaver the Messengers to the Association. Committee on collecting funds for repairing Meeting House reported progress. Brethren Silver, Hood and Hoppor"a Committee of reception and entertainment for the Association." Sept. 30 - J. V. Hopper ,Mod. (The Pastor ill). No special business. Pot. 7- ( same as preceding meeting) . Nov. 4- The Pastor presiding. One addition hy letter. Partial roport from Com. on Church building repair. Dec. 5 - No bus- iness. 1066- Jan. 7 - The Pastor suggested the wisdom of his res- i gnat ion, he having been pastor seven years and"therehaving been but small indications of the blessings of God upon his (14) labors." Effort made "by the Church to retain Bro. Silver as Cast- or. One candidate for "baptism. Feb. 4 - Report from Con. to waj i on Bro. Silver to the effect "that he probably would determine the questions in the course of the next two months." It was decided to "hold a prayer meeting on each .Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock." March 5 - One addition by letter, llarch 31- Brothef Silver de- clined call to remain as Pastor. Same con. to secure a pastor. One addition by baptism. Hay 5 - The com. "had not yet heard of any minister" deemed by them proper to recommend. Com. authorized "to procure a supply from the Prof essorrof Theology in Shurtleff College." One dismission by letter. June 2- Dr. D.Heid led in the religious services. "It was determined to take up a collect - .ion each Sabbath morning to pay for the supplies of the Pulpit and the incidental expenses." Aug. 4 - "The Committee on Mnisterial supply reported that it was not possible for then to obtain the Theological Professors of Shurtleff College to supply us all the tine, and asked to have the privilege of getting supp- lies from other persons." Privilege granted, but the supplies to be Baptists. Adjustment of salary due Bro. Silver. Oct. 5 - One addition to membership, letter to the Association read and adopt- ed. Thomas Cleaves, IT. H.Flanagin, Lewis Johnson and Li Stark select- ed as messengers to the Association* Brethren Hood, Hopper and Flanagin to bo a committee on "accommodations for the Association." I-Iov.3 - A Deacon urged not to resign. D^Cnl- One dismission by letter. Report of amount raised on Bro.3ilver T s salary. 1867- Jan. 5 One dismission by letter. Revision of list of nenbors arranged for. Feb. 2 - Report fron con. on revision of list of ' nenbers. No. of members on list, 66, of whom 21 are non-resident, with 8 resident members not specially interested. But Bro. II. P. Rider, a non-resident member, still contributes to the expenses of the Church. Negotiations for the settlement of a pastor. March 2 - Membership changes. Arrangements on for the settling of a pastor. April 6- Membership changes. April 7 -Additions to membership. May 4 -Additions to membership. June 1-2 Rev. A.J. Delano called as Pastor, "at a salary of Sight Hundred Dollars per year." Juno 14- Bro. Delano accepted the pastorate condition- ally, his final acceptance to bo deferred until the first of Aug. The Church then voted herself free to call any one else in the interval. Jul:/ 6- ITo special business. ' Aug. 5 - Bro. Delano fin- ally accepted the pastorate of the Church, his work as pastor to begin Sept,l. Bros. Hood, Knibb, Hopper and Sisters Burton & Gilde- mister a com. to "superintend the raising of the salary of Bro. A. J. Delano." Sept. 15 - I.D.New§li received by letter. He was voted "a recommendation to the Faculty of Shurtleff College to become a ministerial student." The Pastor requested to prepare the annual letter to the Association. Oct. 5 - Pastor Delano presid- ing. Letter to the Association read and approved. Bros. Hopper, Hood, Flanagin and Slaughter appointed as Messengers. The necessary amount for the printing of Minutes to bo paid. gov. 7 - Action on bal.due former pastor. Hoy. 50 - Decided to have "the first Wed- nesday evening of each month devoted to a prayer and conference for Missions Foreign and Domestic." . .. 1038- Jan. 4 - Additions to membership. One addition by letter. Special Meetings began last Christmas. A developing interest and some additions to membership. Feb.l- Special Meetings still in ( 15) progress. Many additions by baptism and otherwise. A system of contributuinns under eonsi deration. Feb a 19- Special Meetings still in progress. Many additions. Fob~729 - Decided that "coll- ections be taken on the End L.D. in March, June, Sept enb or and December. That the Collection in March be for Foreign Missions." Mar eh 6 - Bap t i sri s . Special Meetings still continued with some interest. March 19 - Baptisms. April 4 - The Collection on the End Lord's Day in Sept, next, to be "for tho benefit of Domestic Missions in this State." April 26 - A committee to inquire into conduct of a certain member was appointed. May 2 - The Com, continued. Juno 5- Action on report of the Com. Member exclud- ed. Com, appointed to solicit funds to pay for construction of baptistry(^ 35.0)0 still due). W.H.Blair granted license to preach. July 11 - Changes in membership. Bro. Delano called to serve the Church as Pastor at a salary of § 900. Com. appoint- ed to circulate subscription. Aug. 1 - Some success in rais- ing subscription for pastor 1 s salary. Tho Pastor granted leave of absence for two Sabbaths. Bro, Silvor requested to supply pulpit during absence of pastor. Sept . 5 - One addition by let- ter. Tho Deacons appointed to ask the pastor to agree to §800 salary for the year. Tho Pastor to write the letter to the Association. Sept. 6 - The Pastor accepted tho proposition as to salary with the understanding that the close of his service would be possible during the year if desired by himself or the Church. Oct. 5- Letter to the Association approved. Hevs. Del- ano, Silver and Hopper and Bros.Thos Hood, Thos. B.Atchison and John Flanagin selected as Messengers. Each member requested"to pay one ffiollar to mako up the arrearage oSt Pastor 1 s .salary ~of last year." The.Troas.. to pay for printing Minutes..- U:>v«7 - A collection Of $ 39.00 on bal.due Pastor. Members invited to give more than one Dollar per tiomber. Dec. 5 - Salary arrearage settled. Monthly Meetings to be at 2 o'clock P.M. instead of 3 o T cloek. 1669- Jan. 2- Observance of the Week of Prayer considered. %/an.±u- The Pastor gavo notice that he wojtld close his past- his pastorate with the month of March, next. Feb. 6- The Past- or's resignation accepted. Bro, and Sister Delano thanked "the Brethren, Sisters and friends for the surprise visit and donat- ion made them." Arrangements made for the securing of a new pastor and for the repair of tho Meeting House. March 6- A minister secured for the month of April. April 3- No special business. May 1 - A Brother recommended as past or, but action deferred. Membership changes. Juno 5- Resignation of Com. on Ministerial supply and a new com, selected. Arrangements made for raising deficiency on Pastor 1 s salary. Junc7 - Membership changes. July 3 - Com. on Pastor reported progress. So also tho Com. on deficit in Pastor x s salary. July 31 and Sopt.4- No special business. Oct. 2 - Salary deficit settled. Thos. Hood, Thos. CI eaves, Wm.Enibb and II. H. Flanagin selected as Mess- engers to tho Association. Throe Dollars voted for Minutes. Letter to tho Association approved. Hcv. H.C.Hazen called as Pastor, to begin on the 3rd Sabbath in October. Hov.6 - Member- ship changes. Com. selected to circulate a subscription for Pastor's salary. Dec. 4 - Two additions by letter. Thomas Cleaves elected Deacon. John Flanagin elected Church Treasurer. Deficiency "in paying Bro, Para sworth for teaching vocal music 131 f^C) Gon " re ^ ation " to bG n - d <3 UP ^7 Church. Dec. 15 - Speeial Corxiitteos to "bo solcctcd. U.H.Flanagin, J*V. Hopper, W. J.Khibb, Mrs.Doa.ffohnson.Mrs. J.Flanagin and Mrs, E.N.Hazon a Oon. to make tho solcotion. 1870- Jan.l - Committees select ed: Relief f Strangers, Care of the sick [Uorthwest, Southwest, Northeast and Southeast) , Music, Sabbath School, Bcnovolont Objects, Pastor's Salary, Repairs and Sociable. Two or core members placed on each committee. Fob c 5 -Mcnb or ship changes. March 5 - Appreciation of groat spiritual blessing the past month. A number were baptized on Feb. 27. March 9 -Adaline Clark( colored) received for baptism and afterward membership. She was baptized on March 13. The pastor also baptized another candidate at tho sane tine. March 20 -Dismissions by letter. April 20 , 23 , 24 . Candidates received and baptized . April 30 - One dismission by letter. The pastor granted leave of absence for one or two Sabbaths. June 4 - Membership changes. Voted to hold "an Annual Meeting on the Saturday before the Second Lord's Day in September of each year." July 3 -Baptisn. Sep t. 10 -Annual meeting. Tho clerk reported additions tho past year-3 by letter and 11 ~h-j baptism; dismissions -by letter,?! and by death 2-Prcs- ent membership ,128, Males, 45 and females ,83. Of those 75 are heads of families. There are about 80 regular attendants on Sabbath meetings and from 20 to 30 attend the Prayer and Confer- ence meetings. Membership changes. Receipts, $ 687.69, Exp ended - Inci dental s-$ 101.40; Sabbath School, § 45,00; Past or 's salary, $ 4g0.00; Benevolences, § 52.85. Pastor and Clerk to prepare letter to the Association. \7m, J.Knibb,N.H.Flanagin,L. Stark, Thos. Hood and Thos, Cleaves selected as messengers to the Association. Thos. Hood, Lewis Johnson and V/m.J.Knibb elected Tmtstees for three years. J. V. Hopper elected clerk and John Flanagin, Treasurer. Oct.l - Membership changes. Letter to the Association approved* On Oct. 6 - a committee was chosen to recommend the Standing Com- mittees for the year. Oct. 23 - A committee appointed to select "a hymn book for the use of the Church." ITov.5 - Standing Comm- ittees chosen (with" .3. or more on each committee) on Visitation (including Sociable); On Beneficence and Finance; On Sabbath Schools; On Missions and Publications; On Benefit of the Colored people. To report quarterly. Throe members of a Standing Com. to constitute a quorum. Doc , 3 -Mor ib or ship changes. A report from the Committee On Beneficence, stating the time of offerings approv- ed. Doc, 11. IS, 28- Membership ehanges. D§o,31- One addition by letter. 1871 -Jan, 1 - One baptism. Special evening meetings -from Jan. 9 to Feb. 4 - Some additions to membership. The meetings to continue. Baptisms on Feb. 12/ March 1 - One received for baptism. March 4 - n ember ship changes. "The Finance Committee made a report of defic- iency of $ 200 on subscription for Pastor's salary current year and recommended a system of weekly payments to raise that amount and also $ 100 for incidental expenses." Adopted. March 15 - One received for baptism. April 9 - Mrs, Arsalla" Pearson and ELizab- eth Collins (colored) baptized. April 1- Effort to raise § 300 by weekly contributions not successful. Monthly meetings to be held at 3;00 P.M. May 6- One dismission by letter. July 1 - Pastor to bo away part of Aug. Brn. Johnson and Knibb to obtain Pulpit supplies for period of the Pastor's absence. July 25 -New Hymn Book in course of publication by tho Am, Bap t, Pub, So cy to bo used by tho Church and a com. appointed to secure purchasers. (17) 1871 -Aug. 5- No special business. Sept .2- Deficiency on Pastor's salary about $ 250. Annual Mooting postponed. Sopt«50 - Annual Meeting* Membership changes. Letter to the Association approved. Wm.J.Knibb and John Flanagan selected as messongors. Voted § 4:00 for Minutes. Yfa.J.Knibb elected Treasurer and J. V. Hopper, Clerk. A committee selected to arrange the Standing Committees for the coning year, Oct. 4- Memb- ership changes, tot. 17 - Deficiency on Pastor's salary, $ 207. A connittoe chpson "to endeavor to raise the above amount by subscriptioii. " The Treasurer to write one of the nenbers about duty of giving to the Church's support. Nov. 3 - The special connittoe on Pastor's salary reported progress. A connittoe chosen to examine nonbership list "and report suoh nanos as they think should bo specially looked after. Hov.12- Additions to nonbership. Doc. 2 - Consideration of report on delinquent nenbors. Standing Committees elected:- On Visit- ation; On Finance; On Church Musio; On Sabbath School and on Sociables. Doc .3- One addition by letter. Doc. 51 - Dismiss- ions by letter. 1872 -Jan. 6 - C oil, on deficiency on Pastor's salary discharged. v 584.20 paid on salary las£ year. "The following was adopt- ed, whereas our Colored Iienbors wish to hold some meetings of their own, and as we wish to encourage then in so doing; Therefore, Resolved, That our Colored Members are hereby auth- orized to make such appointments for preaching and other meetings as they nay see proper, and also to supply them- seibves with preaching. And at such meetings they are author- ized to hear experiences, and in connection with our Pastor, or Deacons, or Clerk and other white Brethren to receive cand- idates for Baptism and membership. That the finance Com. are authorized to rent sc-ats to such persons as may apply for them." The V/eok of Prayer was observed, beginning Jan. 8 -They were continued two weeks with some interest. Jan. 27 One addition by letter. F^b.3 - Membership changes. Pastor's salary paid for the year ending Oct. 12, 1871. Fcb.4 -Addit- ions to membership. Fob. 24- Additions to r:cmb or ship . Mar . 2 - Additions by letter. March 6 - One received by experience.' Mar. 10 - "At a called meeting of the Colored members with the Pastor and other Brethren," two (both colored) were received for 3aptism and membership. March 20 - "At the regular Prayer Meeting this evening Mr. Charles C.Campbell and Mrs. Henrietta Campbell related experience of Grace and on motion they were received for membership after Baptism." March 31 - Baptism of candidates after evening sermon. April 6- Mem- bership changes. "It being in contemplation by our Colored members to organize into a separate Church and this being made known to us, therefore, our Clerk is hereby instructed to make out a letter of dismission to such of our Colored mem- bers as may apply to him for this purpose," Two additions to the Sabbath School Committee. Collection for Foreign Miss- ions, $ 11.00. April 10 - One received for baptism. April 17 - One dismission by letter. Brn. Johnson and Campbell a com. on repairing the Meeting House. May 4 - "On motion a Committee consisting of Brn. Hopper, Cleaver and Campbell was appointed to ascertain whether a suitable lot for a Meeting House can be obtained and at what price and report to the Church." (18) 1672 -May 12- Qne baptized this evening. June 1 - No special "business. June 9- Resolution adopted commendatory of Mrs. Spencer and Mr. Merrifield and their leadership of the Church musi* the previous two months and requesting their continuance. July 6- One addition by letter. Aug. 31- Annual Meeting. J. V. Hopper elected Clerk and 7/n, J.Knibb,Treas. A eon. selected to nominate the Standing Committees, Report from the CLerk gave membership as 125, two more than the previous year. T|iere were £ additions by letter, 11 by baptism and 2 l>y experience, Dismissed-By letter, 1* and by exclusion, 1- 37 male members and 88 female, Non-resid- ent members, 19. Three colored members yet remaining in membership. Pastor 1 s salary, $ 800.00? Home expenses, § 270.00; Foreign Miss- ions, 11.00; Shurtleff College, 20.00; Ministerial Education, ;J 33.00; Sabbath School, 65.00. , Collected on Pastor T s salary, o 416.00; Paid on previous year, J 32.22; Paid on present year, 5 383.78. Amount of t .Sabbath collections, 168.50. Paii out, incidental expenses, 170. 70. Due the Treas.O 1.70. Sopt . 25 . Membership changes. Oct. 5- Letter to the Association approved. Nov. 30 - Additions to membership. Office of Deacon now filled by Br o. Cleaver declared vacant, he having rennved to N.Jersey. Voted "That we will at our next monthly meeting proceed to elect one Deacon to fill the vacancy who shall serve until our next Annual Meeting. That hereafter we will elect at our Annual Meet- ing oach year one Deacon to serve three years. That a cor:mittee of three be appointed to recommend when the terms of our present Deacons shall expire." Brn. Hopper, Knibb and Flanagin appointod. Dec. 22 - One dismissed by letter. 1873- Jan. 3- Lemuel J t Hancock(a licentiate) received by letter. Report from eom.on Deacons adopted: the time of Deacon Hood to expire one year; the time of Deacon Johnson to expire two years £rom thb next Annual Meeting. John Flanagin elected Deacon for <9m year. ?eb,l - "The W^ek of Prayer was observed 'by us in union with the Congregational and Methodist Churches -Prayer Meet- ings on each afternoon and Preaching at night. Towards the close of the week was so much interest in the congregations that it was concluded to hold union meetings during the next week. Accordingly the meetings wore continued with increasing interest." Jan 19 Baptism "The moeting continued as union meetings up to the 26th of January T w hon it was thought best for each Church to hold sep- arate mootings* Meetings wore held by us during the following week, except on Friday night, when a union moetingWas held, there being much interest yet in the congregations." Feb. l- ( Continued) Additions to membership Fob>2- One addition by experience. Feb. 5 - Candidates for baptism. Feb. 9- Baptisms. Fcb,19 - Candidates for baptism. Fob. 23- Baptisms. March 1 - One addition by letter. Change of Church Covenant and of Articles of Faith proposed, those published in pamphlet "Baptist Church Manual" being suggested, March 19 - One candidate for baptism. March 23 - Additions, to membership. March 30 - One baptism, April 5 - Changes in member- ship, "Action on the question of changing our Articles of Faith and Covenant was deferred one month." *" April 30 - A matter of discipline, May 5 - "The question of changing our Articles of Faith and Covenant v/as taken up, and after a free interchange of views, on motion, the now ones were unanimously adopted." ( See page 4 of churoh record). Action on a delinquent member. May 28 - One addition by experience. May 31 - One dismission by letter. (19) 187 5 -May 31 -( Continued) -- Delinquent member promised to act differently. Committee appointed "to see to having a suit- able number of hitching posts put up," June 18 - One candidate for baptism. Juno 22 - Baptisms this evening. Coll. of 15 for Foreign Mission. Payment of ;J 20 for Educational Fund. July 15 - One dismission by letter. July 31 - One candidate for baptism. Committee on non-resident and in-active member- ship chosen. Brn. Knibb, Flanagin and Bailey a Com. "to re- port on the System of Envelopes for the raising funds to meet the expenses of the Church."' Aug a 6- Contribution of J 9.30 to the Publication Socy. Aug. 10- One baptism. Aug P 27 - A com. chosen to propose the names for the regular committees. Sept. 3 - One dismission by letter. S ept -, 6 - Annual Meeting. Election of Officers by ballot f -John Flanagan elected Deac- on; J. V. Hopper elected Clerk; Wm. J. Knibb elected Treasurer. There wore 13 dismissions by erasure of name. Standing Com- mittees on Finance, on Music and on Sociables chosen. The committee on "Envelope System of collecting funds" reported. "This Com. recommend that a subscription be circulated as usual for Pastor's salary and incidental expenses. That envel- opes be furnished each family subscribing, and that they be requested to put their weekly contribution in an envelope with their name on it, and put it in the basket at the Sab- bath morning Collection. That the Treasurer keep an account with each contributor." Adopted. Sisters Linton and ELiza Fruit were appointed to circulate the subscription. The Clerk reported 22 additions by baptism, 14 by* letter and 7 by experience- a total gain Of 43 during the year. There wore 8 dismissions by letter, 13 dropped and 3 died-total loss of 24. Present member ship, 144. -48 males and 96 females. Twenty non-resident. The Treas. reported: Bible & Pub.Socy., I 9$ 30; Shurtleff College, $ 20.00; Ministerial Education, § 24.00; Incidental Exp.$ 113.00; Sabbath School, i 98.10; Ladies 1 Sociable, 3 93.65; Foreign Missions, $ 15.00; Past- or's salary, § 800.00. Oct. 4- Bequest from the Alton Ch- for the Pastor and two delegates to form a Council for the ordination of their Pastor-elect. The Pastor and Brn.J.V. Hopper and C.C.Campbell chosen. Letter to the Association approved. C. C. Campbell,!"/. J. Knibb and L.J.Hancock selected as Messengers. Four Dollars for Minutes. "A Committee consisting of Brn. Hazen, Knibb, Campbell and Hopper were appointed to make such changes in regard to heating our Meeting House as they may think advisable. That the quest- ion of insuring our Church home be referred to our Trustees with power to act." Oct. 8,22. 29 and Hoy. 1 -Membership changes chiefly. Dge . 6 -Memb or ship changes. Time of Monthly Meet- ings changed to 2:00 o'clock. 1874- J an Y The Church observed the week of prayer in connect- ion with the Congregational and Methodist Churches. A series of Meetings was commenced and on the 19th Bro. H.B. Stimson visited us and preached three nights. On 22nd Bro. Morgan Edwards arrived and preached with much accept- ance, the Meetings increasing in interest from ffay to day." Fob. 7 - Baptisms this evening. Feb. 14- "During this week the meetings have been continued. Rev. M. Edwards left us on Monday 9th." Baptisms on Feb. 13. Feb. 20 - "The meet- (20) ings have been continued through this week with a goodly degree of interest. Rev. H.R.Stimson with us a part of the tine." Baptisms. Feb.28 -"Tho meeting that has been in progress still continues with, some interest. Additions to nonbership. March 10- Additions to membership. March 25- "The meetings that have been in progress for several weeks closed on the 13th and since that tine prayer and conference nee tings have been held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights." Baptisms. March 29- Dismissions by letter. April 4. - II o special business. Tftis also on May 2. June 5 - Gases of unchristian conduct under advisement, June 24- Matters of discip- line, Sept. 5- Annual Meeting. Additions to membership. Report of Clerk: Additions -by Baptism, 32; by letter, 9;by experience,l -Total , 42. Dismissions-by letter, 10; "by erasure, 4; by exclusion, 2 -Total, 16. Present member ship, 171. 148 are resident , with 11 largely in-active. Twenty-four are npn-resident. 3etweon 50 and 60 are identified with the Sunday School. Some names erased from roll. No letters of dismission to be "granted to those who are in arr- ears on their subscription for church purposes, H The Sociable Com. reported an expenditure of $ 171.99, C.O.Campbell, Supt. of the Sunday School, reported receipt of $ 118.83. Received for singing books sold,$ 23,35, Special com. to raise deficiency in Pastor's salary. Levi Darby olocted' Deacon; V/m.Cruick shank, Trustee; J.V. Hopper, Clerk and Wm. J. Knibb, Treasurer. Paid on Pastor's salary- last yoar-0 458.00 and present year,0 337.00-Total, 795.00. Amount due Pastor on the 2nd Lord's Day in 0ot,,$ 463.00. Subscription not collected, $ 121.50. Amount unprovided for,$ 341.50. Public collections, $ 131.97. Incidental expenses, v 122.40. Paid Bro. Edwards, J 85.20 and Bro. Stimson,y 5.00. (They personally received other offerings.) Bencvolenve - Btfrfolc and Pub.Socy,0 9.80; Foreign Missions, $ 15.00 and Shurtleff College, 6.75. ( Other offerings by members) . Sept. 23 - One addition by letter. Standing Committees elected: -Music, Sociable and Finance, 0ct.3- 'Lotter to the Association approved. Johnathan Kuggins, J.L.Y/ells, C.C. Campbell. Levi Darby and Lewis Johnson solected as messengers. One addition by letter on Oct. 4, Oct. 31- Membership changes. Dec . 5 - Church discipline. Com. to solicit subscriptions to Pastor's sal- ary. 1875-Jan.2 - Church discipline. Feb . 6 - Resignation of Bro.Hazen, to take effect in three months from this date. Brn. Hopper, Camp- bell and I7ells a com. on Resolutions commendatory of 3ro.Hazen. Brn. Campbell, Johnson and Darby a com. on procuring a pastor and Ministerial supply. March 6- One dismission by letter. April 3 - Resolution to accept the Pastor's resignation was reconsidered and tabled. Bro.Hazen was requested to withdraw his letter of resign- ation. ( He declined to withdrawnhis resignation) . May 1 - Res- olutions commendatory of Bro,Hazen adopted. May. 2 . -Close pf -Bro.Hazen 1 s pastorate. He removed to N.Y. State. May 19 -July 31 - Memborship changes chiefly, aside from religious conference. ■ Ty ■: Aug. 29 - Rev. J.F.Howard called as Pastor, to begin Sept. 1,1875. Sept. 4 - No special revival season' the past year and no additions by experience or baptism. Present member ship, 161. Annual Meeting, The Clerk presented an analysis .of the Church's situation and need. Resident member ship, 129. Dismissions^ 13.- By letter, 10, hy exclus- ion,! and by death, 2. The clerk with the Deacons a com. on delin- quent members. Disbursement s, 1,021.60. Lewis Johnson elected Deacon for three years; V/m. J. Knibb, Treasurer for one #ear and J.V. Hopper, Clerk for one year. Com. Sleeted to nominate the regular ( 21) 1875 (-Continued) - committees. Matters of discipline. The Sociable con. expended y 133.20 the past year. Sop t. 22 - Standing Committees elccted-On Music, On Sociable and on Vis- \ itation. The con. on delinquent members reported. Eight dls- nissions "by erasure of nane. One exclusion for unchristian conduct. Letter to the' Association adopted. J.P.Howard, L.Dilliard, J. V. Hopper, C.C.Campbell and V7m. J.Knibb select- ed as Messengers to the Association. IIov.6- Additions to membership. p cc .4 - Ho business. 1875-Jan.l No business. Feb. 5- Candidates for baptisn. Bapt- isns the next day. Fob. 12 - Candidates for baptisn. Bapt- ized on Fob, 13, after evening sermon, March 1 - Lewis John- son,Wm.J.Knibb,Wm.Cruickshank elected Trustees to serve five years fron this date. March 4- Resolutions adopted against "the practice of attending balls or Social dancing parties': Matters of discipline. April 1 . One exclusion. April 9 - Baptism. May 6 -Dismissions "oy letter. May 7 -Request for a Council at Fostorburg to exanine Bro. Henry Shute with a view to his ordination. Pastor J.P.Howard and Brn. J. V, Hopper and John Flanagan selected. June 2- Christian conference only. June 6- Membership changes. July 2- "The collection taken up at the tine of Communion be devoted to the benefit of the poor of the Church, to be dispensed by the Beacons. It was decided "that Brn. J. V. Hopper, Cruickshank,\7. J.Knibb, Sisters Mary Brew and H.Campbell be a Committee on repairing our house." Request for a council to consider t&e ordination of Bro. Bell to the Gospel Ministry. J.P.Howard, J. V. Hopper | and Vfa. J.Knibb selected. Aug. 5 - Expense of repairs, 16.50. : The clerk was appointed to write the letter to the Associat- ion. Voted to have the Annual Meeting on the first Saturday m Sept. at 3 O'clock. Sept. 2 - Annual Meeting- J. V. Hopper elected clerk; Wm. J.Knibb, Treasurer ; A com. selected to exam- ine the list of members "to ascertain if there bo any whose names should bo dropped." A con. appointed to select the regular Committees for the ensuing year. Sept. 6 - Annual letter to the Association approved. C.C.Campbell, 17. J.Knibb, J.Planagin and any other members present at the Association were appointed as messengers. The usual amount for Minutes. Received ^y Baptism,12; J by experience, 1. Diminutions- by let- ter^; excluded, 3; Died, 5- .Present number, 148. Sept. 28- John Flanagin elected Deacon for three years. Resignation of V/m.^.Knibb as Treasurer accepted and Geo.McPherson elected in his stead. About y 150 due on Pastor T s salary for last year. About y 65 on subscription collectible. A com. select- ed to secure the remainder. Doc. 4 - The regular Covenant Meeting to be held horeafter"on Friday night before the first Lord's Day in each month." 1877- Jan. 5- A natter of discipline. Action favorable to the holding o£ the week of prayer in connection with the Congreg^ ational Church. Feb.5- gandidates for baptism. Fob. 7 One candidate for baptism. Feb. 11 -Baptisms. March 30 -Additions to member ship. April 15 - One baptism. April 30 -One addit- ion by letter. jay 4- Matters of discipline. June 1 - Mattqrs of discipline. - one re-instated. June 26 - Member ship (22l changes. Aftg. 2- Matters of discipline. "Bro. P. Drew" was appo- inted to attend to the repairing of the baptistry." Aug, 19 Addit- ions to membership. Aug. 51 -Annual Mooting. Baptistry repaired. Treasurers Report: Paid Past or -0 560.30. L.Johnson, Janitor , $ 66,00. Incidental oxp, J 68.65. On hand. 3.61- Total, 698.56, Account with Past or-3al. due on 1876 -y 151.47. Year ending, Aug. 31, 1877-0 700.00. Total -J 851.47. Paid on this amount,;) 560.30. Bal.duo Pastor- .;• 291/17. ELoction of Officers: J. V. Hopper, Clerk; Prank Drew, Assistant Clerk; Geo.McPherson.Troas. ; A' com. selected to nominate the Standing Committees on Finance, Music and Sociables, Membership changes. Sept, 5- Members pf Standing Committees elected. Sept. 9 - Dismissions by lettor. Oct. ft - Membership changes. .Letter to the Edwardsville Associat- ion adopted, V/m. J. Kn&bb, C.C.Campbell, Sisters Howard and Drew selected as Messengers to the Association. Oct. 7 -One baptism. Hov. 2- Partial report from the financo com, Nov, 50 -Report from the finance com. Progress in collecting the bal.on last year's salary for pastor and on subscription for present year. 1878- Jan. 4 - Bro. Howard re-imbursed for $ 1.50 forwardod by him for Minutes. Pcb.25 -"A protracted meeting was' commenced by the Church on the 16th of January with the assistance of Bro, Y/.C. Hsrvey of Litchfield who remained with us two weeks." Additions to membership. March - No special business. One baptism. April 5 - Covenant Meeting only. April 24 - One dismission by letter. May 3- "A committee wao appointed to attend to the cleaning of our house of worship."' Voted "That a Committee, of which the Pastor shall be chairman, be appointed to take into consideration what repairs and alterations are desirable to be made in our church house and to make an estimate of tho cost of the same . "" J . P . Howar d , V/m . J . Knibb , J . V . Hopp er , S . Sai t h , Jul i ct Johnston and Mrs.^rew were appointed said committee." May 31- The committee $>n repairs reported: "That the floor in the front of the room be raised to a level; That an oavo-trough and conduct- or be put on the west side of the house j' That a picket fence be built on tho west side of the house; That the outside wood-work of the house have two coats of paint; /aid that the walks in front of tho house be repaired." Bro T s Knibb and Hopper wore appoint- ed to make estimates of cost of tho above repairs. It was estimated jjhat tho cave -trough and conductor with repairs on the old conductor would cost about J 8.00. And that tho painting of the outside woodwork would cost about $ 55.00. Tho report was approved, all e::ccpt that with respect to the picket fence and"tho work to be done provided sufficient funds can be raised to pay for it." Bro. Knibb appointed to raise tho funds. "Bro's Hopper, Barnes and Summorville wore appointed to superintend tho work." Aug, 30 - Annual Meeting- Report of Trcas. t 3al. on hand, last Report,. p 3.61. Amount received during the year,.; 935.75. Paid J.P.Howard,.) 799.82; L.Johns on, 72.00; Incidental expenses, $ 67.54. Received for repairs, y 20.50; expended, y 14.55. J.V. Hopper elected Clerk; Geo, Mcpherson, Treasurer. A com. to report on^ standing of members. Com. to select Standing Committees. Oct, 2- Matters of discipline. One dismission by letter, (23) 1878-Oot. 2 - (Continued) - Letter to tlie Association approved. Sis- ters Jennie Brown and Fanny Drew selected as Messengers. Thnee Dollars for Minutes. Present ncTiber ship, 140. Additions, "by baptisn,9;by oxperience,l and by Restoration,!. Dininut&ons, 3y letter, 5; by erasure, 1; excluded, 3. Lewis Johnson elected. Deacon. Nov.l- Chas. Williams and R.K.Barnes selected as the Finance Committee, Dec. 18- One dismission by letter. 1879- Jan. 5- The Treasurer reported an indebtedness of v 297.69 on Current expenses. A con. appointed to investigate the situation and report. Jan. 31 - Certain reduction in exp- enses recommended and approved. Subscription to Pastor 1 s sal- ary to be circulated and the Treasurer to proceed at once M to collect all the arrears on old subscriptions." March - Finan- cial situation considered. April 4 - One addition by letter. Ap.ril 9- One dismission by letter. April 16 - Request fron the Second Baptist Church at Bunker Hill (colored) for the Pastor arid two dolegatos to sit "in Council to consider the propriety of ordaining their Pastor-elect Griswold on the 2nd Friday in May." Brn. Johnson and Flanagin with the Pastor wore appoint- ed. May 2- Pastor J.F.Howard announced his call fron the Downers Grove Church and his willingness to accept. His resig- nation as Pastor accepted, to take effect the last of May. A corxiittee on Pulpit supply and Pastor appointed. June "Prof. Clark of Upper Alton preached on the 2nd Sabbath. And Bro. Cof- fey fron the College preached on the 3rd and 4th Sabbaths in June." July 2 -Dismissions by letter. Aug. 13- Con. on supplies and Pastor enlarged. Aug. 24 - "On the 17th and to-day Bro.J.G. Lenen supplied our pulpit with much satisfaction." After the service to-day ho was unanonously called as pastor. The call accepted and Bro. Lenen st onoe connenced his labors. Sept. 5- The next regular meeting to be the Friday before the 4th Lord T s Day in this month. A corxiittee on revision of ^church roll selected. The Treasurer to present his report to .the Finance Connittee before its subnission toi.the Church. Sept. 25- Rev- ision of «*hurch Roll- Letter to the Association approved. C.C, Cg-npbell/Jn. J.Knibb and Sister "H. C a mpbell selected as Messeng- ers. Three dollars for Minutes. Report of Treasurer read and referred to the Finance Con. Hov.l - Monthly Meetings for business to be"held Wednesday evening bcioro the first Lord r s Day in each nonth in connection with our prayer meeting." Dec. 3 - The Church approved plan of the Ladies of this Church and congregation "to appropriate the net proceeds of their sociables to the liquidation of the old debt of the church until such is paid and then reserve their funds for building purposes." Bro. Williams appointod"to collect funds to buy a clock." 1880 -J an. 4 1 - -One addition by experience. Jan. 19 -Additions to membership. Miss ELiza Fruit , C.C. Campbell and 'J.J.Enibb appoint- ed a connittee on repair of the Meeting House, jfeflgjl 23- One candidate for baptisn. April 28 - One dismission by letter. The con. on repairs reported progress. June lb - Two additions by letter. Juno 21 - The Church at Jacksonville, 111. requested that Pastor and one of the Brethren be sent "to assist at the ordin- ation of thoir Pastor-elect on the first Lord 1 3 Day in July." Request granted and Bro.Dilliard selected to go with the Past- or. June 31 - Request of Pastor"for a vacation of one nonth in J^ly or August granted. July 28 - A con. appointed to conger ( 24 ) with Bro. Lemon as to his continuance as Pastor. Au£,B3-T!ig Church voted by ballot in favor of retaining Bro.Lenen as Paster another year. Salary J 800.00. Vote unanimous . , Sep t . 29 - Annual Moeflng. Tho Clofg^foSomt membership ,140. Received by baptism, 18;by lett- er, 2;"by experience, 2-Total, 23. Dismissed by letter ; l;by death, 3- Total, 4. 3rn, J.G.Lemen, J. V. Hopper, Newt on Barnes, Edward Drew and Sisters E.JiPruit and Fanny Drew selected as Messengers to the Association," Four Dollars sent for Minutes. Association invited to meet with the Church next year, J. V. Hopper elected Clerk and Geo.McPhcrson.Treas. Oct. 10 - One dismission by letter. Dec* 12 - Voted to observe the V/eek of Prayer the first week in Jan, 3oe.l9 - The Pastor offered his resignation, which was referred to a committee for consideration. Dec 22- Voted to ask the Pastor to withdraw his reisignation. Dec a £9~- letters of dismission granted. Tho Pastor asked f or"furthcr "time to consider the quest- ion of his resignation." 1881- Jan. 9 - Two dismissions by letter. Jan.16- No cliange in Pastor^ s decision to resign. Jan. 17- Pastor's resignation accept- ed, effective from this time. GT.C .Campbell, \7. J. Knibb and Go. McPh- erson appointed a com. to settle with BrOoLenen. C.C.Campbell, W.J. Knibb and WM. Colthar selected as a committee on Pulpit Sppply. Fob. 16 - Settlement with retiring pastor. Fob. 23 - One dismission by letter. Bro. Hopper resigned as clerk. Llarch 13 - Dr. Kingsbury the pulpit supply. March 30 . Letter of dismission granted. James Knibb elected clerk. Dr. Kingsbury engaged as supply until Sept. at a salary of fifty dollars per month. Voted "that the finances of the Church pass through hands of Church Treasurer." Bros. Hop- per, Knibb and Colthar appointed Finance Com. April 27 -Covenant Meeting only. June 1 - Deficiency in payment of past or x s salary reported. Agtion was recommended, June 29- George Richards bapt- ized July a- Covenant meeting only. Aug. 14 - One dismission by letter. Aug a 21 - Bro. S.A.Kingsbury called as pastor at a salary of $ 500.00 per annum. Bro.J.Sholz voted a letter recommendtng him to the Rochester Theological Seminary as a student for the Gospel Ministry. Sept. 17 - Letter to the Association voted -(The meeting to be at Bethalto) . Additions, by baptism.!; Dismissions- jiy letter, 9;by death, 2. Present number, 130. Church expenses, 910.00. Foreign Missions,;') 11.00; Home Missions, 13.00; Educ- ational, 21.40; Woman *s Missionary Socy,0 10.00; Other objects, v 26,60; Minutes, 3.00. Total, $ 995.00. Messengers to the Assoc- iation- Dr. Kingsbury, J.V* Hopper, Mrs.U.Atcheson and Miss Fanny Drew. Nov. 50- Brn. Hopper, 1 //. J. Knibb and Colthar selected as a com. on repair of Meeting House. C .C.Campbell ^Johnson and Clerk selected as com. on revision of membership. Dec. 28. O^e addition bj experience. Report from com., on repairs. Com. continued. 1882- Fob.l - A. season of revival ^meetings the previous month. The Pastor was aided by Brethren Dougherty and Hopper. Good meet- ings',' some members were visibly revived and although no other fruits have appeared, wo arc confident that the labor will not be in vain. Revision of church Roll. Match Membership changes. June 11 - Matters financial considered. June 18- Dr. Kingsbury resigned as pastor. JTLly 2 - His resignation accepted, effective the last Sunday in July. July 19 -One dismission by letter. July 25- The Sisters voted to pay tho Treasurer their sociable money to help settle salary of pastor. Bra. HcPher son, Knibb and Colthar a com. on pulpit supply. Aug. 2 -The com. to help Finance (25) Committee discharged. Aug. 30 -Evening Services to begin at 7;D0 o T clock, Sept. 13- One discission "by letter, A Janitor td^be secured. Oct. 2 - Conference with respect to a pastor. Con. on Pastor resigned. 3rn. Owen, Church Clerk and Flanagin elected- Oct. 25 - "Brethren Hopper and Campbell wore appoint- ed as delegates to the convention held in Alton for the purpose of uniting the Sdwardsville Baptist Association and South i District Baptist Association." Nov, 29 - A con, appointed 1T to raise funds to pay pulpit supplies and the debts of thq Church, " 1883-Jan.3 - One disnission by letter. Debt of y 96. 90 -with J 62.55 unprovided for, Jan. 24- Mrs. Inna Keirlo received by letter fron Alton Bapt.CfFn Jan. 30. - Regular prayer meeting. No business. 3ro, C.C. Canpboll in chair. Feb. 7- One dismiss- l°n* April 1 - "The Church ratified the action of the convent- ion he^.d in Alton to consolidate the South District and Sdward- sville Associations." Juno 9- Rev. G.L.Talbot callodajS Past- or. July 1 8 1 25 - Additions, Aug.l- Salary of pastor.y 550.00, per year fron July 1st, The Clerk to write the letter to the Association, J.S.Knibb elected Clerk; Geo; McPher son, Treas.; Deacons -one year.Goo.McPhorson; two 'years, C.C.Canpb ell; tliree yeaJ7s,W. J.Knibb. Mrs.BTariDS Atch#son,Miss Nettie Meissner ,Miss Hattie and Mary Janscn added to the Sociable Con. Aug. 5 -One candidate for baptism. "Said candidate died a few clays after." Aug. 22- 3rn. Hopper, Dill iard and Canpboll, with the Pastor, sel- ected as Messengers to the Association. Three do>llars for Min- utes, Letter to the Association approved. Oct.10 - One addit- ion by letter. Decided on repairs to building- "to have the roof reshinglod.to paint the walls and whiten the ceiling." The Sociable Con. requosted"to place funds at their disposal in the hands of the repair committee? Arrangement for subscript - ion& to repairs. Report fron Pulpit Con. Oct. 31 and Nov. 28 . Reports on repairs of Meeting House. 1884- Jan.l - Net receipts of a recent festival applied to debt for repairs. I?ob.27 - Report fron Treasurer as to actions of Repair Con, March. 7 - Ono received by letter. March 16 - One disnission by letter, April' 2 - Consideration of the Church 1 s financial situation and need, Resignation of Janitor. April 26 - Con. appointed to circulate subscription for naking up deficiency. May 14 - One disnission by letter. Hay 28- Report fron con. on subscription. Two dismissions, June 29 - Resignation of pastor. July 2- Resignation of Pastor accept - od. 3rn.EcP3iGr son, Hopper and Knibb selected as con. on Pulpit supply and pastor, July 27- Action as to a pastor. July 50 -Annual Meeting. J , V . Hopp or , Mo aerat or . Officers elected: Clerk, Janes LI. Atchison; Goo.McPherson for Treasurer. Bro.McPherson was elected Deacon for three years. Indebted- ness to pastor, 126.00; Janitor and supplies, 15.85. The clerk to write letter to the Association. One disnission. Aug. 3- Action as to a Pastor. Aug. 31- C.C. Campbell, Mod. 3ros.hoppor,Dilliard,Knibb,Canpbell:^itch#son and Sister John- son were selected as delegates to the Association. Letter to the Association approved. S^pt.3 - Action as to a Pastor. Sept. 10- Tv,o sun of 35.61 was turned over by the Ladies of the Sociable flonnittee to help reduce church indebtedness. (26$ The Treasurer of the Ladies' Sociable reported receipts of v 195.61, of which 160.00 was paid out for various purpose. Bal. 136.50. Of this v 07.50 paid, About J 100 subscribed to cotoer church church indebtedness. Provision made for subscription to pasttr's ( 27) 1685- floe .(continued) - s-^l^ry in part only. Tho Pastor r o signed, i:> effect one month, from date. Dec. 31 - One dismiss 8 * ion. Officers elected: Deacon, Br o. Campbell"; Trust oe , R •£. 3arnes ; Treas.McPherson; Clerk, Janes Atchison, Hoport frori the Con. on Pastor's salary. "Voted to unite with the Congregational and Methodist Churches during the week of prayer." Proceeds of enter taim.iont of Dec. 30 placed in general fund* 1886 -Jan 5 - Bro, 3dcn x s resignation as pastor accepted. . .". . .v Bob, 5 -Matters financial. Comments on sornon preached and later published in local print. March 5 - Indebtedness, 166.99, Campbell, Noil and R.K.Barnes selected as finance Con. Miss Ado Drew elected Ass x t Clerk. Ap r il 7 -Momb er ship changes, April 21 - J. V. Hopper, and Donaldson selected as delegates to attend an ordination Council in Alton, April 25- Indebtedness, 90.97. Membership changes. Resignation of Clerk accepted, he having moved to Gillespie. May 5 - Two applications for letters of dismission, June 2- Applications for letters of dismission considered. One letter granted. June 9,16 - Fur- ther consideration of request for a letter of dismission. ! J uno 30 - Indebtedness, v 30.47. Sister Lillie Huggins electa cleric, July 15 -One .li'jnission by letter. A con. appoint ed"to raise funds and have the church house cleaned and repaired." July 28- Indebtedness, y 5, 58, with y 2.72 in the treasury. Bro. Hopper tp prepare letter to tho Association. Aug. 15 - A aper,to date from September 1st, 1887 to September 1st ,1888." Aug. 17 - Brn.Hoppor and Wiley, also Sisters Taylor, Huggins, Drew, Atchison, appointed Messengers to the Association. Money sent, y 2.50. Aug. 31 - Bal.in treasury, i 18,15. Sept 25 - Pastor Williams and family, also Miss Fannie Drew, received "by letter. Sopt. 28 - Report from finance con. Brother Payne "appointed to see that the water was taken fron the cellar and furnace repaired'.' Misses Fannie Drew and Hattie Huggins, and 3ro. McPher son, appoint - as a music connitteo. Brn. Cruiekshank, Hopper and Barnes to have baptistry repaired. Indebtedness, 11.00. Nov. 2- Monbership ehanges. . Reports of connitteos. Bro. Payne "to get help to clean furnaee." Hoy. 9 - One dismission by letter. Nov. 30- Con. on repair. of baptistry continued. Bro. Cruickshank"to circulate subscription paper to obtain funds for repairing the baptistry." Bee. 28/- One dismission by letter. Con. on baptistry continued. 1888- Jan. 4 - Miss Nettie Meissner baptized. 3ob« 3- Ethel Neil (Jewfrtt and Katie Neil (McMillan) baptized. Al 3>>,1 If s.&ma J.Clark, Miss Gabriella Snmmerville(Mrs. J.H.Beit) J George Meissner. John Calvin received by experience. Feb. 29 One dismission by letter. March 4 - A com, on concert entertainment appointed. March 28 - Tho Treasurer reported an indebtedness of y 142.15. One dismission by letter. May 2 - indebtedness, y 111.79. Partial report fron com, on Past or T s salary. . Three additions to com. on concert. June 10 - One addition by letter. June 17 - Pastor "appointed to sit in conference at the ordination of Bro.Ray at Upper Alton. June 27 - A com. selected to revise the list of members. July 8- Treasurer reported an indebtedness of y 99.27. Aug.l - Membership 163. Membership changes. Pastor to write the letter to the Association. Indebtedness, .) 126.03. Aug. "15 - Letter to the Association approved. Sisters S.A.Taylor, Sarah Huggins and Bro. and Sister Campbell selected as messengers to the Association. Pastor granted a vacation and Bro, Hopper to supply the pulpit during Ms absence. Approval of proposal from Ladies 1 Aid Soc- iety "to use money on hand for repairing and remodeling the church building this Fall pcovided a like amount be raised and added to it." Bros. Neil, C.C.Campbell and R.E.3arnes were appoint- ed to solicit subscriptions. Aug. 29 - Finances considered. The Treasurer reported the total of monies received and expended by him, this covering a period of 11 years, amounting to y 8,783.96. S^pt.2 - Finances considered. Oct. 3- Finances considered. The Pastor resigned, effective Nov. 1st. Resignation accepted/ Officers elected: Deacon for throe years, C.C.Sampbell ; Deacon for two yeafcs, R.IC.Barncs; Treasurer, Geo. McPherson; Clwrk.Mary Jansen. Indebtedness, y 99.44. Oct. 31 - "The Committee on remodeling and repairing pur House reported a draft for repairs and remodeling the House with specifications and estimate of cost." The Deacons were appointed a Pulpit Committee. Nov. 7- ' Discussion in resp- ect to remodeling tho church building. Nov. 28 - Mary Jansen resign- ed as clerk and J. V. Hopper elected. Consideration of the remod- eling of church building. Dffc.26- One dismission by letter. 18 89 - Jan. 30 - Voted to "observe the week of prayer in connection with the Congregational and Methodist churches, Bro. Neil to lead the meeting when held in the Baptist House." Dismissions by ( 29 ) letter. Indebtedness, -J 85,50. Committee on repairs to ,r be known as the "building and repair committee of the Bcrean Bapt- ist Church in the City of Bunker Hill, Macoupin County, Illinois. And that are hereby empowered 'by the said Church to solicit subscriptions and raise means, and remodel and repair the above- named Church's house." Feb e 27 - The Treasurer reported indebt- edness of 5 74.40 and an unadjusted amount of from y'20 to y 25, advanced for Pulpit supplies. April 3 - C.E Campbell, Mod. and C. C. Campbell, CI erkpfco -torn. Matters financial considered. May 1 - V/m. Neil, Mod. Indebtedness, y 55.43. June 50 - Miss Cora Vernon ( Galbraith) baptized. July 3- 3ro, Hopper added to Pulpit com. ' Aufc. 21 - Letter to the Association, approved. Money for Minutes,. J 1.50. Nov. 27- Announcement by Pulpit Com. that Bro. Fuller Swift had ' been engaged as Pulpit supply for service and Lord's Bay at y 8,00 per visit. Dec. 15- Miss Irene Williams ( Robbins) , Miss Lucy Clark ( Riemeycr) and Miss Nannie Walton lie Govern baptized. Psc.29- Geor&e Cole and Miss Josephine Cruickshank ( Mizc ) baptized by Bro, Hopper. 1890- Jan. 1 Additions by letter. Jan. 12 -Candidates for bapt- ism^ Jan. 19- 3aptism. Jan. 29 - Rev. V/m. Green of Upper Alton invited to assist in a series of 'meetings. One addition by letter. Officers elected: Deacon*; V/m. Neil, for three years; Treasurer, George McPherson; Clerk, J. T, Hopper. Wm,Neil,C.C. Campbell and J. V. Hopper added to foru on repairs. Indebted-' ness,y 57.72. April 50 -Partial report from pom. on repairs, May 14- One dismission by letter. May 21 - C.C. Campbell res- igned as a member of the Repair committee, and C.E.Drew elect- ed as a member. May 28 - "The Committee on . rcmoZLoling and repairing our House of Worship reported that § 1000 was sub- scribed, with fair pBospect for more." Fanny Drew,Lillie Huggins and Sarah S.Taylor a committee" to secure a place to be occupied by us during the making of the repairs." June 18- Two dismissions by letter. July 2 - BSmmattee on Repairs "Eeported favorable progress." No temporary place of meeting yet secured. Brn. Campbell and Neil added to the Coin. July 50- Bro. Hopper resigned as member of Repair com. Clerk to prepare'lettor to the Association. Rev/ J.F. avift, J. V. Hopper, Mrs. S.-S. Taylor, Misses Mary Neil,Thirza Cruickshank and Fanny Drew,. Fanny Drew, Clerk pro-tern. Oct, 29- Reports of Committ- ees. V/m. Neil resigned as a member of Pulpit Com. Dismissions. 30ur repaired and remodeled Church House was completed and occupied the first time on the evening of Oet.29 by Covenant meeting. It was dedicated on Ifov. 2,1890 by Rev. Graham. V '•• Thanks extendod"Mr, H.Watson for his donation of a car loaiof foundation rock and a front door step stone. Also a vote of thanks to Mr. A Huber for the free use of his hall." Nov. 2- Rosignations of Hopper and Neil as members "of Pulpit- Com. accepted and the Deacons appointed. Dec. 4~ Bro. Neil, Mod. Invitation from the Bethlehem Church to assist in the ordin- ation of Bro. V/. P. Nelson. Any of the members present were authorized to represent the Church. "The question of having some special services at the Semi -Centennial of the organiz- ation of the Baptist Church in Bunker Hill was referred to the Pulpit Committee." ( 30) 1891 -Jan. 5- One dismission by letter( Chas. E.Drew to 1st Church, Decatur, 111. 1 Jan. 14- One dismission by letter( Miss Nettie Meissner). Jan. 28 - C.G.Campbell, Mod. Report of Finance Genu gob ,10- Sister Alice Stewart dismissed by letter To Water lower Gh. St. Louis. Feb. 25- Rev.Chas. S.Roe preaching for the Ch. March. 6 - Rev. Chs. S.Roe preaching for the Ch. Albert Barnes bapt- ized. March 22- Matters financial. April 29- Wm. Neil, Mod. Covenant Meeting only. May 24 - Misses Mary Hi It on( Olmsted) and one other baptized. May 51. June 7,14- Rev. J.G. ScMeiman preach- ed * July 1 - G.C.Campbell, Mod. Cost of recent repairs, about $ 1600. Aug, 12- letter to the Association approved. C.C.Campbell, Sisters S.J.Taylor, Juliet Johnston, Mary Williams, Mary Neil, Ann®, Owen, Lilly and Hattie Huggins selected as Messengers to the Association. Mon- ey for Minutes, $ 1.50. Sept. 2 - Finances low. Sapt.6 -Rev. G.D.Kent called as pastor at a salary of $ 650 per year. A com. appointed to circulate subscription. Sept. 9 -One dismission by letter. Sept. 80 - Call of Br o. Kent as pastor completed. Oct. 11 - Beginning of Bro.Kent T s pastorate. Oct. 24 - His removal to Bunker Hill. ' Oct. 28- Additions by letter. Nov. 11 - One dismission by letter. Deo. 2- No special business. 1892- Jan. 14- Rev, Wm. Green preached for the Church in special meetings^ I 8~days) . Jan. 23 -Chas.Baird dismissed by letter. March 2 -No special business. March 50 - Treasurer's Report(Oct.ll, 1891 -March. 30,1892)- Received on Subscriptions, $ 261.70. General* Coll.$ 25.40. Poor Fund,$ 1.66. Repair account, $ 2.18. Old Ch.Bk/ E. $ 2.67. Total -| 293.61. Expended-$71. 24-Pastor 1 s salary. Janitor, $ 5.70. Johnston & Bro.$ 7.53. C.C.Campbell, § 52.50. Geo.McPherson & Co. ,$ 6.59. Total, 4 143.56. Kgril_27_- No special business, except the app6intment'^of ' a com. to revise the. church roll. May 8.1 8. -Membership shanges. J unci - Officers elected: - C.C.Campbell elected Deacon for three years. Geo.McPherson elect- ed Treas. "and J. V. Hopper, clerk. Com, on revision of roll given more time. Juno 29 - M Resolved.That the number of T. rustees shall be three. Resolved, That William CrMckshank, Reuben K.Barnes and Charles C.Campbell are hereby elected Trustees of this Church for five years from this date, and until their successors are elect- ed and qualified." ( the trustees to have their election recorded.] The Church adopted"a letter to the Hon. David Sore requesting to use his influence and ijoto to close the Illinois exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition on the Lord's Day." Aug. 5 - The Past- or to prepare the letter to the Association. Aug. 17- Eetter tp the Association approved. Rev. G. J). Kent , Rev. J . V. Hopper , Mrs. S.J. Taylor, Mrs. Carrie Kent, Mrs. Mary Drew and Miss Ella Owen selected as mosscngers to the Association. Money for Minutes, $1.50. Financial reports. Aug. 51 - Matters financial. Sept. 4 - Matters financial. Sept. 27 - Attendance small and *o special business. Oct* 2- Rev. G.D.Kont closed his pastorate. Pulpit Com.appointed- Wm. Neil, Mod. Oct. 25 - Arrangement for pulpit supplies. Resignation of pulpit Com., and the selecttdn of another. Nov. 2- No special business. Nov. 50 - Matters financial. Dec. 88- Covenant meeting only, 1895- Jan.:8 - Wm. Noil, Mod. Matters financial. Jan. 18 - Two dis- missions by letter. March 1- One addition by letter. George McPherson resigned as Treasurer and as member of Pulpit com. Bro. Payne resigned as Janitor. March 8 - Mrs. Maude Campbell Ahrens dismissed by letter to the Staunton, 111. , Church. April _9 - Wm.Wann and Georgo Smith baptized by Bro, Webb. April23- Chas.E.T&row rec- 51) 1893- eived by letter. May 3 - Eugene Barnes and Sister Addie Barnes dismissed by letter to Church at Holdrcge,Nebr. May 81 C.E.Drew appointed clerk pro -t em. C.C. Campbell appointed to Pulpit Com. , in place of Geo.McPherson, resigned. Bro.Neil elected Deacon for throe years. C.C.Campbell elected "Trcas- C. E.Drew elected clerk for one year. He il, Campbell ana Brew oloctcd as Finance Com. A case of discipline. June 2S- Mattors of business and discipline. July 9 - "The church " .;»- called for business after morning services to consider a prop- osition from the Cong. Church to unite with them in union out- door services during the heated tcrn\. A motion to accept same was carried. Bros. Wm. Noil and Chas.fircw were appointed a com- mittee to make further arrangements.-" July 12 - One exclusion. Sept. 28- Letter to the Association approved (see eh. Minutes for copy). Rev.Isaac Monroe is pulpit supply. Miss Fanny Drew, Thirza Cruickshank, Revs. I. II. Monroe and J. V, Hopper, Mr s. Brow and Mrs. Neil selected as Messengers. Money for Minutes,^ 1.50, Mrs. M.L.Anderson received bu letter. Oct.l - Mr. and Mrs. B. Bauser.also Miss Nolle 3ausor received by letter. Nov.l - Monoah Gray received by letter. Nov. 29 - Miss Lillic Huggins dismissed by letter. Dqc.24- Rev. A.W.Claxon called as Pastor. 1894- Jan. 5 - Bro.Claxon accepted call "on condition he be allowed a short time in the Spring to finish his course at College, which was granted." Mr. and Mrs. James Knibb rec- by letter. Feb. 28- Treasurers Report considered. One addition by letter( Rev. A.W.Cl.nxon) . April 25 - James Knibb, Mod. Assistance to a member in distress. May 2- Report of Treasurer. An Advisory Committee of five, with the Pastor as a member, Ex-officio approved and appointed. To see three months- James Knibb, Chas. E.Drew, C.C. Campbell ,Wm. Neil and Mrs. M.L.Anderson, the Committee. May 20- Miss Jessie Clark ( Barnes), and one other candidate baptized this evening. May 50- Report of Treasurer. The clerk and Treasurer to continue until January. A com. on revision of church mem- bership Roll selected. Juno 27 ^ John Dickens rocdived. Treasurer's Report. Aug. 1st - N6 special business. Aug. 15 - Membership changes and some names transferred to Non-resident list. Letter to the Association approved ( See Minutes for copy). Mr. and Mrs. James Knibb, Wm. Noil, C.C.Campbell, Mrs. Taylor and Miss Anna Owen selected as delegates. Money for Minutes, # 1.50. Sept. 19- Mrs. M.L.Anderson dismissed by letter. A vote of thanks oxt ended Mrs. Anders on" for her zealous work in the Church, Sunday School and prayer meetings during the past year" was passed. Nov. 21- One additiom by letter. 1895- Jan. 2- An informal report by the Treasurer. Jan. 50 - Thc Treasurer reported for the yean'Bal in Trcas. ( Jan. 15, 94) -$ 4.30. Collected Subscriptions, $ 551.95. Individual gifts, f 55.90. Loose collections, $ 57.71. Poor Fund,# 3.96, Total, $ 673.82. Paid out- Janitor,,,? 57.50. Rev.Claxoh, $ 575.00. Expense accpunt,$ 32.87. C« C.Campbell, old acct, 33.50. Rev. H.C. Chapman, $ 8.00. Rev. Barnes, $ 5.52. Treasury over-drawn, $ 38.57. Due Pastor, § 25.00. Load of wood, $ 2.55. Total indebtedness, $ 66.12. Other accounts to be settled. D.Bauser elected Deacon for three years. C.C. (32). Campbell elected Treasurer and E.E. Drew, Clerk. The Deacons and Clerk to be the Finance Com. 3ro. Fuller Swift invited to assist the Pastor in a series of meetings, the time of their beginning to be left v/ith the Pastor. "Fuller Swift is to rec- eive no stipulated salary but comes for v/hat the Church will pay him. His usual charges are ■) 15.00 week and accommodations." Feb. 7 - Protracted meeting began. Feb. 22, 25 and 28. March I- Candi dates for baptism and additions to membership. March 4 - Baptisms. March 5 - 3apt isms, including Mr. and Mrs. John H.Neil. March 15-17 - Additions to membership by baptism and otherwise. John Noil, Sr. baptized on March 17. April 3- Additions to mem- bership. April 24 -Miss Isa ICnibb baptized. April 28 - One addit- ion by experience. May 1 - Baptisms. May 31 - Pastor and Deacons appointed to assist at the ordination of Charles Eads, Vineyard Baptist Church of Alton on Juno 4 r July 7 - W.J.Khibb restored to membership. July 31 - Clerk to prepare letter to the Assoc- iation. Report of Treasurer approved. Voted to extend "to our Pastor a 3 weeks vacation, to be taken sometime before the mid- dle of Septc" Aug. 21 - "Mrs.Josie Mize,Miss Fannie Drew, Rev. J.V. Hopper, Rev. A. W.Claxon and Bro.W. J.Kriibb"sclected as delegates to the Association. Money for Minutes, y 1.50. Dismissions by let- ter, among them Mr. and Mrs. W.J.Knibb. Oct. 2 - Brothers Albert Barnes, Willie Wann, Arthur Linton and George Warm elected as Ushers. Miss Isa Emibb and Willie Wann appointed to distribute song books among the pews at our different services. A gift of six sopies of "Gospel Hymns # 5 to the choir by James Znibb. Oct. 13 - "At the request of the Pastor the Church voted unanim- ously to allow him "to attend a series of Medical lectures in St. Louis during the Winter." Oct. 16 -One baptism. 0CJU30 -Finan- cial shortage of $ 91.10. Dec. 1 -Four missionary collections to be taken during next year: Jan. 1st, for Foreign Missions; April ist,for Homo Missions; July ist,for Ministers Hone and Oct. 1st, for State Missions, 1896- Jan. 8- No special business. Jan. 29 - Treasurer 1 s Report approved. Received on subscriptions up to Jan. 15-.) 651.14. Individual gifts, J 32.65. Loose collections, v 47.20. Rev. Sv/if t fund,# 90.00. Missionary fund, #515. 75. Poor fund,y 5.96. Paid out. Bal.duc Treas.from 1894-y 38.57. Bal.due Rev.Claxon, 1894, v 25.00. Rev. A. W.Claxon, sal, 1895, v 525.00. Rev. Fuller Swift, # 90.00. Janitors-extra labor, •) 6.00; salary, 60.00. Missionary fund,.) 15.75. Expense acct, T 95-.) 42.70. Cash on hand, Jan. 15, T 96-$ 45.98. -Total, y 849.00. Bal.due Rcv.A.WvClaxon, v 125.00. Subscriptions duo and collectible,:) 54.80. Cash on hand, Jan. 15, 1896 -.;) 45.98. Total assets, y 100.78. Bal. of 24.22 unprovided for. T^.e oil used during the past year donated by Bro. Newton Barries. C.C.Campbell elected Deacon for three years. C.E-. Drew elected clerk and C.C. Campbell elected Treas. The Dgacons,Trea,s. and clerk to constitute the Finance Con. March 11 - Voted to undertake the Home S.Bchool work and appointed W.J.Eriibb as Supt. March 15- Special Meetings considered. No action taken. March 18 - Baptisms. April 1- Bros. George and Willie Warm , Alb or t Barnc s and Arthur Linton elected as regular ushers for the Church. April 12 - One addition by letter. April 15- Sisters Nannie McGovem.iirs. Belle Barth.Mrs. Teeters, Ttiirza Cruickshank and Cora Vernon were appointed "to take full charge of the Junior Baptist Union." ( 33$ April 29 - Treas. Report -Cash on hand,y 62.90/ Dug Past or - y 100. Sunday School officers elected at the annual election- Wn.Noil, Supt. ; C.E.Drcw,Ass T t Supt.; Nellie Gaiint , Secy; Lucy -\ AEts't.. Secy.; Thirza Cruickshank, Treas. ; Fannie Drew, Librarian; Organist and Ass T t ,IIannio Lie Gov em and Fannie Drew. Av.att. fron Jan.12 to April 26,38. Officers, 6. Number of visitors, 29. Total coll.v 11.40. Young People's Socy reported the officers olected Oct. 10, J 95-C. E.Drew, Pros. ; Arthur Linton, V.Pros. ; W.R.Wann, Socy; Thirza Cruickshank, Treas. The Socy has raised v 24.35. Paid out-y 6.56 to Missions and y 10 to Curront Expenses. Miss Nannie 1.1c Gov em and Arthur Linton olected Reporter to Baptist papers. Meetings well attended, spiritual and interesting. Junior B.Y.P.TJ. organized by Mrs. Janes Enibb on Sept. 9,1894 with 22 members. Now has 25 active nenbers. It has held during the year 8 socials at various hones. They gave $ 20.00 toward the sending of Miss Divers as missionary, Mrs.Wn.Meissncr has been elected Pros. of the Ladies 1 Aid Socy and Mr s.Wn. Neil, Secy. The Treasurer reported a Bal.of y 21.30 at the beginning of the year. Voted to pay y 5.00 for lanp to be placed in front of Church and Also v 50.00 during the year toward Pastor 1 s salary. Voted also to give a lamp to be hung over the choir. Hone Dcpt.35 nenbers. May 27 - Treas. report accepted. No other business. July 1 - Report fron Bro. W.J.Khibb as to Hone S. S.Work. The Ladies 7 Society report ed"having cleaned the Church, paying y 2 C 50 for help and had also papered the vestibule and put a large lanp up over the choir and Pulpit." Four ncctings held since last report. Net proceeds of entertainment by thcn.y 20. Pastor nado 90 calls in the past 2 nos. Resolutions adopted apprec- iative of a "Handsone Nov/ Pulpit "fron Capt.and Mrs. J.H.Long. July 1 - Juniors granted a vacation of two nonths. A con. appointed to revise the ehurch roll. July 23 - Pastor granted a two weeks vacation. July 29- Revision of church roll. Report fron Young People l s Socy and fron W. J.Knibb, Supt. of Hone Dept. of S. School. Money for Minutes, y 1.50. Aug. 2 W. J.Knibb, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Barth,TJrs. Drew, Deacon Bauscr, R.K. Barnes selected as delegates to the Association, Also Miss Thirza Cruick shank. Aug. 25 -Letter to the Association approv- ed. Sept . 2 - No special business. Sept a 6 -Miss Mary Goodwin received by letter. Wn.Wann reported the Association Meeting at Greenville. Oct. 28- Reorts fron Trea. and Pastor A The church "behind both in collections and payments." Tp.e Pastor a goodly number of calls by hin since Sept. 21. Dec .^2. A new eonnitteo on Junior V/ork elected (- Arthur Lint on, Misses Fannie Drew and Cora Vernon (Galbraith). Dec. 6 - Mrs. Mary Eddington (nee, Grimes) dismissed by letter to the Nokomis Church. Dec. 3 0- "The Pastor, after explaining his position regarding attending medical school, requested the Church to grant him 3 months loave of absence, that he may devote his whole attention to his studies with a view of finishing this Winter. On condit- ion of the Church granting this, he would supply the pulpit during his absence, paying all expenses, and deduct y 10 per week from his salary." Request granted, though rolunctantly. A com. on new Hjjnn Books chosen. 1897- Feb. 3 - Annual Mootings. Report of Treas. Bal in Treasury, , Jan, 15 , 1896 -y 1 45.98. Cash on subscription, £ 616.74. (34) Individual Gifts, y 18.10^ Loose collections, v 31.40.ilftss- ionary Fund,y 27.16. Communion Fund,.,) 3.80. Bal.duc Trees. ■i 76.61. Total, ^ 819.79. Paid out. Rev. A.W. Claxon,bal. of salary, x 95.g 125.00. On salary, J 96,^ 580.00. Janitor, i 60.00. Mission Fund.g 23.56. Incidental Exp. $> 31.23, Total, £ 819.79. Indebtedness, Due Treas.y 76. 61. Duo Pastor, 3 20.00. Duo - Foreign Missions, v 3.60. Total, v 100. 21. Good subscription, 75.00. Unprovided for,v 25.21. Voted to purchase ' hynn books. All the officers re-elected. C.C. Campbell, T rcas. C.E. Drew, Clerk. ¥/n a Noil, Deacon. C.C. Campbell, R.K.Barnes and Wm.Cruick shank, Trustees. Wm. and George Wann, Arthur Linton and Albert Barnes elected Ushers. March 3 - Subscription for purc&as of books to be circulated. He £14 - The church prayer mcooting to be omit- ted "during the Kilgore revival meetings to be held at the M.E. Church." Mch 28, April 11. May 12 -Candidates for bapt- ism. May 1 9 -B ap t i sms -Among them Hiss Sadie Hilton( Cooper) and Miss Laura Hilton. June 6 - Mrs. Louisa E.Hilton rec- eived. July 14 -One baptism. July 28- Pastor granted two v/eoks vacation. Aug. 22 - Letter to the Association approv- ed. Mrs. Sarah Taylor, Mrs. E. S. Williams, W.J. Knibb and the Deacons selected as delegates. Money for Minutes, 3 1.50. Sept. 29 - Treasurer reported- Cash on hand, 5 48.48. Due Pastor to date i) 140.00. Other debts, $ 15.00. Uncollected subscriptions, § 280.00. Dec.l2 -0ne addition by letter. 1898- Jan. 26- One dismission by letter, ffob-.gr- Annual *. Meeting. Report of Treasurer. Received- Sub. coll. -■) 636.50. Loose coll.v 37.11. Individual gifts, 532.87. Over-drawn, J 43.23. Dec. 11 - Hattie F.Wright dismissed by letter. 1899- Feb.l - Annual Meeting. Report of Treasurer. Receipts, Subscriptions, $ $ 538.21. Individual gifts,-) 47. 61. Loose Coll.# 31.52. Missionary Fund',.) 14.41. Charity Fund' ,0 17.75 Communion Fund,v 3.07. Total, v 652.57. Paid out-Treas- urer, Jan.15, T 98,v 33. 81. -Rev.A.Y/.Claxon-on ! 97,s) 15.00. on T 98,$ 365:00. Janitor, $ 58.84. Missionary Fund |S ) 14.41. Charity Fund,$ 17.75. Expense acc T t, h ) 29.35. Music for choir, o 3.60. Supply Pastor acc T t,0 111.50. Bal.in Treas. Jan. 15/99. 3.31. Total, v 652.57. Unpaid, # 36.16, Uncollected sub- scription,^ 39.40. Coal oil for 1898 donated by Newton Barnes. One dismission by letter. Officers elected.: C.C. Campbell elected Deacon for three years. Also elected. Treas- urer. C.E.Drew elected Clerk. Arthur Linton and V7n.Vfe.nn elected Ushers. "C. :C.. Campbell, Wm. Neil and C.E.Drew to form the Finance Com. Y/.J.Knibb chosen: .Trustee" to fill the un- expired tern of Bro.Yfa.Cruickshank, deceased." The Treasurer and Clerk given a unanimous vote of thanks for "their faith- ful services to the Church during the past year." Provision made for taking the regular missionary collections during the year. March 1,5.8 . Rev. C.J. Coulter callad as pastor. The call was declined. March 29 - Covenant meeting only. April 2 3 -Rev. Audrey A. Todd called as pastor, The call' accepted, to begin June 1st. July 5 - Action taken for the calling of a council to consider the ordination of Bro, Todd. Voted to send delogates to Pleasant Ridge Church to consider the ordination of Rev. L.C. Trent. The Pastor v/as named as delegate. Bro. Todd granted absence direct- ly preceding the Council that ho might prepare himself for it. Miss Lucy Clark received by letter from Ft. Smith, Ark. July 26 - C.E.Drcw,A.Linton,W.J.X£nibb,Anna Owen and Thirza Cruick shank a com.to"mcet delegates zoning to the ordin- ation of the pastor and arrange places of ontortainnent." The Deacons appointed to sit in the Council. Bro. Todd received by letter from the 2nd Churcft, St .Louis. July 28 - Meoting of Council- Prof. D.C.Ray v/as temporary chairman and C.E. Drew, temporary Clerk. Del egates -From Alton, Rev. ' LMY.Tv/ing, Rev. Samuel Samuel son, H.LUCarr. From East Alton, Rgv. Edward James. From Litchfield, Rev. F.W.Carst ens. From Upper Alton, Rev. Y/.L.Y/atterman and Prof. D.G.Ray. From Woodburn,R.H.Y/ood arid Mrs. Allen. From Bunker Hill. C.C. Campbell, ID. Bausor and Y/m.Ncil( the Deacons). Visitbrs- Rcv. A.K.doBlois of Elgin, and Rev, R.B. Favorite of • T Fallon. 'Prof . D.G.Rjiy was elected Moderator and Rev.. F.Y/.Carstens, Clerk. The Council expressed itself as fully satisfied with the examination of Bro. Todd and recommended his ordination. In the evening the Program of Ordination was as follows: Devotional Services, Rev. R.B. Favorite. Sermon, Austin K.&cBlois.Ph.D. ,LL.B. ,Bastor of Pi rat Baptist Church, Elgin, 111. Ordination prayer, s ) 5.00. Sinking books, $ 9.20.$otal,o 667.57 A.W.Claxon,y 35.00. Supply acc^t,} 97*50. Rev. D.G.Ray. Charge to candidate, Rev.M.V/.Tv/ing, Charge to Chirroh, Rev, W.L.Watterman. Charge to church and candidate, H.M.Carr, Words of Welcome, Rev. E.E. Frame .Pastor of Congregational Church, Bunker Hill. Benediction by Bro. Todd. Aug, 2- Minutes of Council approved. Voted that the Clerk notify each delegate at the Coun- cil the appreciation of the Church for their coning and service. . A honorarium of # 5.00 voted Dr. deBlois. Sept. 10 - Voted that "thanks bo extended Miss Fannie Drew for supplying the table and desk v/ith flov/ers for the past several years." Sept. 50 - A con. appointed to revise the membership of the Church. Nov. 8- Report of connittec on revision of church monbership list. Sone changes in membership. Arrangements made for uniting with the Congreg- ational and Methodist Churches in a"service of prayer and preaching preparatory to entering on a revival if the interest seemed sufficient." Bro. Frame requested to preach the sermon on Thanksgiving 3Bay. 1900- Jan. 14 - Rev. Geo. H.Thompson, the Harp r Evangelist ,was engaged for"two weeks work in Feb. for the sum of y 50.00 and y 10.00 additional for traveling expenses." Fob. 4 - Rev. Thompson began his revival services. Feb. 2 6 -Candidates for baptism. March 2- Baptisms. March 4 -One addition by restoration. March 7 -Treas- urer r s report. Bal.in Treas. Jan. 15/99, v 3.31. "Cash collected on Supply accH.v 157.51. Subscriptions, to Feb. 1 1900,y 427.82: Loose Coll.y* 36; 15. Missionary Fund,y* 25.80. Communion Fund, 2.78. DeBlois, s ) Paid out. Bal.due Rev. 'A.A.Todd, salary, y 400.00. Janitor, Q 62.85. Missionary Fund tV * 25.80. Expense acc T t f v * 27.95. Music acc T t, y 1.40. Dc Blois Fund,,) 5.00. Cash in Treas, Feb. 1 ,1900. ,) 567.57. Elect- ions. Wn.Neol, Deacon for three years. C.C.Campbell, Treas. and C.E. Drew, Clerk. Deacons and Clerk to be the Finance Com. Arthur Linton and V/m.V/ann elected Ushers for the year, March 21 - Can- didates for baptism.- Warren Uize and Miss Linda Clark. Baptized by the Pastor that evening.' " Mar oh 28 - "After the regular prayer meeting, upon a confession of their faith and the recommendation of .pastor and committee, Misses Hannah Bauer, Gertrude Schultz and Elsie Barnes wore received as candidates for baptism and were baptized t&e same evening by the pastor." May 6- Mrs.W. J.Enibb received into membership. May 9 - C.C. Campbell appointed a com. to investigate putting in of electric lights. "Miss Fannie Drew and Ethel and Kate Neil were appointed a com. on purchase of new wall paper. The trustees were instructed to see that the floor was properly raided and repaired in tho portion that was sink- ing below thc"lovel." July 1 - One addition by letter. The pastor granted"a vacation of the last throe weeks of July." Aug. 8- "Bros Campbell and Ehibb were appointed to attend to replacing of brick sidewalk with granitoid pavement," Aug. 14 - Pastor Todd tendered his resignation as pastor to accept a call Terro Haut,Ind. Pastor and clerk to prepare thn letter to the Association. Bro. Campbell, Misses Fannie Drew, Gay Sumnerville and Hannah Bauer selected as delegates to the Association. Sept. 2- Tho pastor announced that ho had reconsidered his resign- ation as pastor and that he would"rcnain v/ith us for one year more." Sept.'B - Treasurers Report- Due Treas. on 1899-y 29.50. On expenses, y 83.08. Total, § 112.58. Repair aeCt, Shingling Roof, v 69.00. Papering, y 35.00. Window curtains, $ 2.50. "Comcx" (37) Gleaning oh. ,y 3.00. Tccking carpet , y 1.00. W.J.Enibb, plastering, v 2.00. Insurance, J 31.50. Wiring Church for elcct- ric It. ,-3 16.79. Collected, on Repair acct,y 170.00. Deduct (Exponsos) -$ 161,54. Bal.y 8.46. Bro.D.Bauser resigned as Deaoon. Oct. 16 - Miss Lucy Clarl: dismissed by letter to La Crosse, Wis" Nov. 7- Bro. Bauscr resigned "because of his age and the distance ho lived fron town, "but ho would withdraw it if the Church would bear with hiri. Action on the "Wheel Plan" of missionary giving. Purchase of new Song books considered, Nov. 28. One dismission by letter. Dec. 5 - No special business. Doc. 23 - Special Business Meeting^ called "b^ Pastor Dec. 19). Tho Pastor asked release fron pastorate, to take effect Jan. 1,1901. Wn. Neil, Chairman of Meeting and C.E. Drew, Clerk. Resignation of pastor accepted. C.E. Drew, Arthur Linton and Deacons appointed as Pulpit Com. 1901- Fob. 6 - Annual Hooting. Report of Treasurer. Received, Subscription uoll.y 569.80. Bal.in treas. Feb. 1 ,1900, 12.07: Loose coM,v 54.24, Missionary Fund,y 54.48. Communion Fund, 7.10. Revival Fund (Thompson), 115.20. Repair .acct ,0 174.80 Singing book Fund,-) .52. Famine Fund for India, y 7.75, Bal. due Treas.y* 75.81. Total,,,) 1071.77. Paid' out. Rev. A. A. Todd, y 583.35. Repair acct.y 173.54. Revival, 5 122.00, Mis- sions, 54.48. Janitor, J 52.00. Supply, y 39.00. Sundry Exp. v 21.15. Singing books, y 9.72. Electric light,.) 8,78. Famine in India, v 7.75. Total, y 1071.77. Bal due Trees. y 75.81. Bal due from members on their subscription,^ 105.59. Feb»17 - Treasuror's Report re-read. Bro. D. Bauscr declining re-elect- ion, W.J.Knibb elected Deacon for throe years. C.C, Campbell continued ad Treas.and C.E. Drew, as clerk. They were thanked for their services. Brethren Ueil.Linton and Drew were elected as Finance Com. Fob. 13- Bro. A. A. Todd dismissed by letter to Shelbyvillc. March 6 - The Pulpit Com. recommend- ed Rev. J.C. Shipp of Doniphan, Mo. as Pastor. Invitation to unite with Congregational Church in union Easter evening service, April 7, accepted, March 17 - Rev, J.C. Shipp called as pastor. Voted to pay Bro. Shipp y 25.00 to assist him in moving. April 10 -Verbal report from the Treasurer. May 8 - Rov. and Mrs. J .C. Shipp received by letter from the 1st Church of Doniphan, Mo. Voted to unite with tho several churches in morning Memorial Services at tho Cong, Church on May 26. July 10- A com. selected to revise the church membership roll. Tho Trustees wore directed "to see if arrangements could not be made for providing hitching posts for teams and horses on meeting days." July 38 - Voted to grant the pastor a vacation of two weeks, "to oc taken at some later date when conditions wore more favorable." Aug. 7 -Various reports, among them the report from the Com. on revising Ch. membership roll. Some changes in membership. Aug. 21- Pastor and Clerk to write the letter to tho Association. Money for Minutes, y 1.50. Aug. 25 . Let tor to the Associat- ion approved. Mrs. George Dike, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs, Wm.Maafessner selected as Messengers to the Association. Oct. 9 - Treasury over drown, y 100.00. Hitching posts have been provided. Uov.6 - Jeffrie Knibb and Y/m.Wann to fill the unexpired term of Arthur Linton and Ray Teeters, they having moved away. Matters of discipline. I 3 8) Deo. 4- No special business. 1902- Jan. 5- Gift of "a beautiful 10 light oleotric chandel- ier "by C.C. Campbell, for which the Pastor and Church expressed their thanks. Feb. 2 - Miss Belle Emery ( Acuncius) received for baptism. Fob. 5 - Annual Business Meeting postponed on accpunt of a severe snow storm. March 2 - Otto Keirle, Miss Mildred Barnes (Fisher) and Miss Alice Earnest' V/elch) were received for baptism. Feb. 26 - Miss Nolle Bauser dismissed by letter to the First Church of Dallas, Texas. March 5- Annual Meeting - Report of Treasurer- Received - From "sub script i Ons, $ 60©. 91 Collections, $ 30.69. Missions, $ 20.12. Communion, $ 5.35. Revival, $ 143.04. Bal.due Treas. $ 91.49. Total, $ 899,60. Paid ottt, Bal. due Treas. 2/1/901. # 75.81. Rev. J.C. Shipp,§ 500.00. Supply acct, i 48.00. Expense acct.$ 55.57. Janitor,? 48.00. Missions, $20. 12. Electric light, $ 21.35. Revival, $ 130.35. Repair, $ .40. Total, $ 899.60. Bro. C.C.Campbell thanked "for caring for the finances of the Church and advancing needed money." Sunday School report- ed by Bro. Wm. Neil, Supt. , in a prosperous condition. Four scholars have united with the Church. The Ladies 1 Society reported $ 77.45 received' during the year and'$ 51.00 paid out. Officers elected: C.E.Drew, Clerk; C. C.Campbell, Treasurer; C.C.Campbell, Deae on for three years; C.C.Campbell, Reuben K.Barnes and W.J. Knibb, Trustees for five years; Wm.Neil,W. J.Enibb and C.E.Drew, Finance Com.; Wni.Wann and Ott* Keirle, Ushers. Report from Pastor. April 9 - Brief- report from the Treasurer. Dismissions by letter. May 7 - C.E>.J>rew elected chairman of Membership Com. "Voted to unite with Con^. Ch. in a union service on Memorial Sunday. June 4 -Report from Treasurer. J uly 9 -Financial situation considered. Member- ship changes. July '5 0- The Pastor grant ed"a two Sundays vacation. Oct. 8 - O.E.Drew elected as delegate to the State Convention, with Wm.Neil -as alternate. Mrs. J.C. Shipp elected as delegate from the 3.Y.P.U. Oct. 19 - "The matter of purchasing a parsonage was brought up, a property being offered the Church for f 575. 00, which ^ith repairs ampunting to $ 300.00 would make a good home for a faster." A com. appointed to investigate and "report to the Church when $ 400.00 had been subscribed." Nov, 2 - "The Committee appointed, reported 5 364.00 actually subscribed, with enough more in sight to make over $ 400.00. The Church then -jrotod unan- imously to purchase the property known as the Pettengill plaee for $ 575.00. A motion was made and carried appointing the rrusteeo with a committee to be appointed by the Ladies of the Ladies 1 Society to have charge of repairs," Nov.5 -Financial situation reported. Nov. 19- One dismission by letter. Dec. 10 - No special business. 1903-Jan.4- One addition by letter. April 8- Annual Meeting. Report of Treasurer. Received' -From subscriptions, § 680.05. Collections, $ 28.91. Missions, # 43.23. Communion,^ 5;69. Parsonage acot.$ 11.50. Bal.due Treas. $ 65.50. otal;$ 834.88. Paid out, Bal. a ue Treas. *02.$ '91.49. Pastor Shipp,$ 600.00. Janitor, $ 45.59. Expense acct, $ 36.20. Missions,;,) 43.23. ^ll^*tirio;Lt.v 16.46. Total, 834. 88. Bal.due Treas. Feb. 1 ,1903- v 65.50. Parsonage acct,$ 11.50. Total, 5 77.00 ( unprovided' for) Officers elected: Wra. Neil, Deacon for three years; Chas E.Drew, ' Trustee to fill unexpired' term, W.J. Knibb, resigned; C.C.Campbell, Treasurer and Chas. E.Drew, Clerk. ( 39 ) June 10 - Finances considered. June 14- frhas.E.Drew.Wm. Weil and W.J.Khibb appointed a com. on Subscription. July 8 - The pastor granted a vacqtion of two Sundays. Aug. 19- Dolla Nautkes(Boyer) baptized. Aug. 23 - Mrs. Minnie Turner received by letter from the Woodburn Church. .Sept. 27 - One dismission by letter. Nov. 11 - Financial matters chiefly. Nov. 25- One dismission by letter. Dec. 9 - Report of Trea- urer and of Com. on subscription. 1904- Feb. One dismission by letter. April 6 - Annual Meet- ing. Officers of last yoar re-elected. Parsonage Fund- Receipts,^ 918.37. Expenditures,^ 1001.45. Overdrawn, $ 83.08. Pastor and Deacons appointed to attend Council at Centerville to advise as to ordination pf Bro. Hoff- stetter. Hay 1 - A vote of thanks extended to Brothers Campbell, Drew and committee iSf ladies for their work on the parsonage. May 5 - Officers re-elected: W.J.Knibb as Deacon for three years; C.C. Campbell as Treasurer and C.E. Drew as Clerk. Aug. 10 - Report of Treasurer. Aug. 14 - Rev. J. C. Shipp ' resigned as pastor, to take effect Sept. 15. C.C. Campbell, Mod. &ug. 21 - Resignation of pastor accepted. Aug. 24 - Pastor Shipp and such others as could attend were appointed delegates to the Associat- ion. Nov. 6- Rev. G.P.Mitchell unanimously ehoson as Pastor, his v/ork to begin Jan. 1,1905, Nov. 27 . - Bro. Mitch- ells letter of acceptance read at the morning Service, 1905- Jan. 15 - Rev. and Mr 3. G. P. Mitchell and Miss Hazel Mitchell received by letter from the Nokomis Baptist Church. Marsh 19 - Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Shipp dismissed by letter to the Church at What Cheer, Iowa. March 31 - Annual Meeting, Report of Treasurer. Received. Subscriptions,^ 497.20. Collections,") 56.53. Communion Coll.,$ 5. OS. Mission Coll, 24.15. Parsonage acct.5 5.75. Bal.due Trcas. 115.45. Rent of parsonage, 66.70. Missions,.) 69..18. Hillsboro Church, v 6.65. Salvation Army,-;) 4.00. Communion Fund, £ 5.75. Lamp sold, $' 2.00. Troas. over-drawn, v 71.71.' Paid out. Bal.due Treas. Jan. 1,1905, $ 88.00. Rev. G. P. Mitchell,*) 626.70. Expense,; acct. 5 73.45. Janitor, $ 44.75. Insurance, 3 31.50.. Foreign Missions, § 21.55. Home Missions, -J 18.00. State Missions, 22.55. Minist- ers Rome, 3 9.. 08. Electric Light, 3 21.03. Hillsboro Church,- It 6.65. Salvation Army, 3 4.00. Parsonage acct,0 1.50. Total, $ 966.76. Election of officers, C.E. Drew, Clerk and C.C. Campbell, Treasurer. Wm. Neil, Deacon for three years. John Neil and J.H. Truesdale, Ushers for one year. C.E. Drew, Chorister for one year. Mrs.Bollo Barth, organist and Miss Fannie Drew,Ass x t organist, one year. An annual aolloction to be taken for Christian Educat- ion, the time of the coll. to be appointed later. Jan. 26 - Hesign- ation of organist and ass't organist. Feb. 18 - Additions to membership; among them v/cre Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Truesdale by letter from the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. March 9 - Matters of finance. March 25 . - One addition by letter. April 1 - Member- ship changes. April 8 - Baptisms after evening service. April 28- "At the morning Church service upon recommendation of the deacons Elmer Turner was received as a candidate for baptism and was baptized the same evening by the Pastor." May . 4 - One dismission by-letter. June 1 - Committee appointed to moot with the Upper Alton Church to consider the ordination of A.W.Judd to the Ministry. Deacons Campbell and Knibb were the committee. June 8- One addition by experience. Baptisms that evening. June 26 - Membership changes- July 13 - Baptisms. Jjjly_20- Report "of Treasurer. Aug. 5 - Improvement of church building considered. C. C. Campbell, Wr.i. Neil ,W, J. Knibb, Albert N. Barnes and C.E.Drew appointed" a com. to investigate and teport. One addition by letter. Sept. 17 - Letter ' to the Association approved. C.C. Campbell, Mrs. C.C. Campbell, Mr and Mrs. R.K.Barnes, Miss Nolle Bauser and C.E.Drew selected as delegates. Pet. 12 - Roport of Treasurer and of com. on improvements to church build- ing. No definite action then possible. Tho purchase of a carpet decided upon and a com. appointed to solicit funds for its pur- chase. 1907 - Jan. 4 - Annual Meeting- Report of Treasurer. Received- Subscriptions, 641.97. Loose coll, 5 141.48. Parsonage rent, 3 100.00. Mission coll. 3 134.12. San Francisco eoll,y 13.45. Communion coll.& 5.30. Total, $ 1036.32. ' Disbursement s,Bal due " Treas. for 1905,^ 7}.. 71. Rev. G.P.Mitchell, y) 624.00. Expense aect, 3 67.15. Janitor,.) 48.00. Foreign Missions, 3 40.25. Hcnpe Miss? ions, 3 42.30. State Missions, 3 35.96. Mini st or s' Homo, v 15.61. Electric Light acct. $ 24.88. San Francisco Fund,# 13.45. Par- sonage repair, v 15.51. Cash in Treasury, $ 37.50. Total, £ 1036.32. TBo ladies bought a carpet and money to pay for it practically raised. Eloction of officers: W. J. Knibb, Deacon for three years (41! d. C. Campbell, J. H.Truesdale and C.E. Drew, Trustees for 5 years. d.C. Campbell, Treasurer and C.E. Drew, Clerk. J.H.Neil and J.H. Traues dale, Ushers. Board of Deacons and Clerk v/ere constituted ijho Finance Con. Bros. Campbell and Drew v;oro thanked for their Services the past year. The annual coll. for Christian Education 1|o bo tagon the Second Sunday in August. The financial condit- ion the bosf'for many years." w For the nany manifold bless- ings of God all wore dooply grateful and the meeting closed with tjho singing of the Doxology." Feb. 10 - Linda Clark was dismiss- ed by letter. March 10- Rev. G. P. Mitchell resigned as Past- or, he having been called to the Church at Salve, 111. "With much regret the Church voted to accept the resignation, Bro. Mitchell leaves v/ith the love and respect of all." March 24 - Rev, A.W. Judd called as Pastor, to begin his labors the 1st Sunday in April. March 29 - Rev. and Mrs. G.P.Mitchell and Miss Has el Mitchell dismissed by letter. April 7 - Rev. A.W. Judd began his pastorate. May 5 - Mrs. M.l. Anderson received by letter from Faycttovillo.Ark. May 12- Mrs, Sophia Houck received. Voted to unite v/ith the other churches in a union revival effort to begin in Sept. and also to unite in a union service on May 19 on account of Baccalaureate sermon. May 24- "At the prayer service Clara Houck and Georgia Bmery v/ere baptized," Voted to purchase Church Manuals. Oct. 50 - Baptisms! see membership list). Nov. 3 - The right hand of Church fell ov/ship n ext ended to all the new members at the regular Communion service." Nov. 6 - Voted to hold the"Communion on the first Sabbath of each month." Miss Bertha Houck(Mrs. J^Elroy Davis) received. Nov. 24- Additions by letter. Peel - One addition on relat- ion of experience. 1908-Jan.8- Annual Meeting- Report of Treasurer. Cash in Treas- ury, Jan. 1/07 -v 59.55. Collected on subscriptions, <3 627.94. Loose coll.y 95.46. Ren£ of parsonage, 46.70. Missions, y: 138.09. Ministerial education,^) 14.10. Communion, 8.68. sev. for Pulpit, 4 24. 00. Expense Acct.y 31.50. Janitor ,$ 48. 00. Minist- erial education, v 14.10. Foreign Missions, 4 58.36. Hom6 Missions, %)45. 60. Sfcato Missions, «,? 54.13. Ministers Home, y 12.10. Elcctri* Light,y 20.96, Repair on parsonage,.) 24.65. Painting and repair on ohurc&,y ; 26.43. Insurance on parson- age^ 9.60, Ladies for carpet,^ 76.75. Ba^.in Treas. l/l/08- v 67.20, Total,;,) 1170.37. Thanks extended to Treasurer and Clerk for thoir services. Sunday- School Report by Miss Georgia Emery: Average attendance during the year, Officers, 13; Scholars, 56. Total, 70. Total coll,,,) 104.94. Miss Thirza«J29.Pocw-6,Doc.9 -Monborsnir changes. 1909- Jan,13 - Annual neeting. Report of Treasurer. ^°oived- Bal.inlWsury ,Jan.l/O8-0 67. 20. ^^^S^ ^^^!^ 0030 collections o 67.95. Parsonage Barn rent,fo 9.50. Missions, ! ll??09? Ministerial education, 013.65. ^i"^ 10 "^^. $ 89.20. Bapt.Ch. Grafton.^ 6.50. Ministers Hone tf 15.75. Coonun ion «oll 11.14. Total -5 1153.29. Expended. Rev.A.W. Judd, Ps^^enso acct'f 44.50. Janitor^ 48.00, ^eign Missions 84.30. Hone Missions, i 67,29. State Missions .V f.45. Ministers Hone,sJ 15.75. Ministerial oducat ion, v 13.65. Anti-S.l. Supply acct, $ 95.90. Janitor, £ 48.00. Taxes on parsonage, <„> 12. 09. Wood, 4 29.60 Insurance on parsonage,^ 14.40. Sundries,^ 14.75. Electric light, 3 81:33. Repair acct.S? 181.92. 'Home Missions, sJ 71.32.$tate Miss- ions,^ 51.60. Foreign Missions, $ 75.83. Baptist Ministers Home, $ 25.77. Cash Bal. Jan.l/ll-^ 18.48. C.C.Campbell elected Deacon for four years. C.E.Drew elected Treasurer and Miss Clara B. Houck, Clerk. Standing Committees appointed. Voted that the Lad- ies 1 Missionary Society and tho Ladies 1 Aid Society bo 'revived. Voted to unite v/ith the othor Churches in quarterly temperance meetings, if agreeablo to tho Pastor. Jan. 27- Annual Banquet and Roll Call. Out of a membership of 134, there were 52 respons- es in person and 22 by letter. Reports presented. Sunday Sch- ool: Av. attendance, Officers and teachers, 12. Scholars, 41. Total, 4 53. Total coll.* 85.22. OtherA^ Total, 4 112.83. Paid out^ 111.45. Bal.on hand,;,) 1.38. B.r.P.U reported 36 devotional meetings helffi on Sabbath evenings. Collections every Sabbath evening. "The Society has more than met its expenses." Rev. and Mrs. Howard of Litchfield wore present and spoke. Feb. 5 -St and - ing committees appointed. Feb. 8 - Bal.of § 5.25 from Banquet turned over to Treasurer to cancel electric light bill for par- sonage. Pastor appointed # delegate to the Ant i -Saloon League Convention at Springfield. Fob. 26 - tfoted "to send our Represent- atives at Springfield a suitablo sot of Resolutions concerning tho County Option Bill pending in tho Legislature for tho purp- ose of their support. March 8- Reports. April -5- Report of Treasurer. Resolutions adopted indorsing Senate bill #320" and House feill $421 "for the suppression of vicious resorts, like scarlet houses'/and favoring action upon the same by our Repres- entatives at Springfield. Gift of Bibles from the disbanded Macoupin County Bible Socy. Juno 7- Reports. June 18 -Voted to send Pastor and C.C.Campbell as delegates to a council with the First Baptist Church of Litchfield to consider the ordination of Brother Jo$n A Howard to the Gospel Ministry, ThOiCouncil to meet Juno 23. Juno 28- One dismission by letter. July 5 - Votod in favor of "union open-air Services on Sunday evenings." Aug. 9 - Reports. Aug. 16 - Mrs. Mary Hcdlcy Drew accepted. for baptism. Sept. 5 - Treasurer 1 s Report. A new church Record book authorized. Sept. 24- Mrs, T.C.Coffey, Mrs. Josephine Mize,Mrs. Belle Barth, Mr s. Wm. Neil , C . C . Campbell , C . E. Drew and the Pastor selected as delegates to the Association. Letter to tho Assoc - (45) iation approved. Oct. 4- Reports. Record Book bought. A oommittGG on "South Window" appointed. Oct. 16 - ~Rev« and Mrs. T.C.Cpffoy appointed delegates to the State Con- vention at Elgin. They were also granted a two weeks vacat- ion, Nov. 8 - Reports. Dec. 6 - Report from com. on "South Window. "" It suggested no present change. 1912-Jan. 5 Voted to observo the week of prayer, so far as holding three union moot ings( Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and reserving the Wednesday night meeting for the usual prayer meeting. Jan. 10 - The annual Business Meeting to bo on Jan. 24. Jan. 24- Annual Businoss Meeting- Report Of Treasurer. Bal.on hand, Jqn. 1/12- 4 18.48; Subscriptions, s ) 618.68. loose coll.v 101.25. Communion, s ) 12. 67. Repair acct.y 117.50. Barn rent,.) 10.00. Foreign Missions,-) 86.04 Homo Missions,;) 68.68. State Missions, y 50.00. Total, $ 1085.30. Paid out. Rev. T;C. Coffey, # 766.00. Janitor Comer, v 48.00. Electric lights, 4 24.61. Taxes,.) 11.18. Wood,v 17.50. Repair of baptistry, -,J 12.65. Expense acct. $ 11.90. Parsonage repair, y 114.28. Foreign Missions, '4 86.04. Home Missions,.) 68.68i State Missions, $ 50.00. Baptist Ministers Home,y 12.67/ Total, i 1157.51. Bal. duo Treas.i) 74.21. Sunday School Report- Av.att. Officers and teachers, 11. Scholars, 46. Tdtal Coll.y 86.39. Rec-' eived-o 110.80 Paid out, 97. 1#. Bal. in treas.y 13.66/ Total, 4 110.80. CUttfconr'Farris.TrQaa,:..- B. Y. P. u\ Report/ Member ship, 42. Weekly moctings and monthly missionary mooting, followed by a social. The Society gave $ 1° to furnish a bed in a hospital in China. Officers for 1912- Clara Houch.Pros. ; Oliver Marston,V.Pros. ; Florenco Bull- man, Sgcy; Gertrude Emery, Troas. Report of Ladies 1 Miss- ionary Socy- Re-organized for one year , commencing March 10. RoBord of quilting, etc. for mission fields. Total receipts,;) 22.11. Paidt out,$ 15.00. Bal. 1.64. Offic- ers elected: Clara B.Houck, Clerk; C.E.Drew,Treas. ;Wm. Noil, D aeon for four years. Pastor and Deacons a com. to revise the church roll. March 15- Mrs. M.L.Anderson dismissed by letter to the 1st Church, Haverhill, Mass. June 26 - Mrs. Mary Drew baptized. July 3- Money for Min- utes^ 1.50. July 1 -T r e r ,. pur e r T s report, Voted to leave to the Deacons and Pastor the matter of tinion meetings during the heated term. "( Note* Union Meetings for Sunday nights in the dpen air wore decided upon, and held at 8:00 P.M. Sundays on the Congregational Church lawn.)" Aug. 11 - Mi»s Margaret R.Coffoy received by letter from the 1st Church, Decatur. Aug. 25- Now furnace in the parsonage arranged for. Cost 100.00. Mrs.Barth and Miss T]iirza Cruickshank a com. to solicit subscriptions yet needed. Sopt.4- Reports. Revision of church roll dis- cussed. Sept. 18 -Two dismissions by letter. Sept. 22- Letter to the Association appro\ r ed. Pastor and, Mrs. Coffey , Deacon Drew the delegates. Money for Minute s,v 1.50. Oct. 6 - Dismissions by letter. Oct. 9 - Reports. Bro.Trucsdale thanked for special service rendered. Oct. 23- Dismiss- ions by letter. Nov. 6 - Report of Treasurer. Dec. 4- Report of Treas. A com. o^i Roll Call appointed. T n o Doacons appointed a com. to have charge of the cleaning of the Church. One addition by letter. ( 46) 1913-Peb , 5 Annual Meeting- Roll Call. "Of the 124 members. 28 responded either by testimony oft by stating some experience; 23 responded by letter. Report of Treasurer- Received-' Prom members, $ $ 797.40. Basket Coll.v 88.06. Communion,^ 9.94. Repair acct fund.v 126.25. Home Missions ,0 65.00. State' Missions, $ 30.53. Foreign Missions, i> 31.90, Home Missions, for 1913 t v 2.50. Baptistry expense, $ .50. Total, v 1152. 08. Paid 'but. Amount due Treas. l/l/12-O 74,21. Rev. T.C.Coffey, 3 700.00 Janitor Corner,^ 48.00. Electric light, 23.90. Repair Acct.v 122.45. Wood 5 26.25. Church Minutes, v 3.00. General expense,*) 3.36. Home Missions, 65.00. State Missions, 30.53; Foreign Missions, 31.90. Ministers Home,$ 9,94. Bal.on hand, l/l/13-O 13.54. Total*,; 1152.08. Of amounts received on Repair acct 5 6,00 v/as barn rent and § .40 4 sale of old fur- nace and of amounts paid £> 15.60 v/as paid for repairs to house by Rev. Coffey personally, but included in this report. T£e Treas- urer and Clerk wore thanked for their services. Sunday School: Av.att. Officers, 13; Scholars, 62. Total-75, Total eoll.v 122.70. Exponses Of " schools? 99.03. Missionary money paid,^ 22.95. Warren Mize, S. S.Treas. Report of B.Y.P.U. by Oliver Marston, S#cy. Report by Treas. Cas& on hand jS ? 6.46. Report by Secy of Ladies 1 Missionary Souy. The Treasurer of the Socy reported a a Bal.on hand of v 211. Election of Officers: S.J.Bullnan, J.H.Truesdale and I. D. Rockefeller elected trustees for five years. J. H. True sdale, Warren Mize and L.D. Rockefeller elected as the Finance Com. Clara B.Houch elected Clerk and C.E.Drew, Treas. Bro. Jones resigned as Deacon; the other Deacons to suggest a successor. Mrs. Belle Barth reported for the Ladies 1 Society- Received from dinner, 50.35. F om the dolls, s? 9. 00. Total, v 49.35. Paid to W.C.Waters-0 B.00. It was suggested to the Ladies that they provide the Church with money for an individ- ual Communion Service, the Pastor and Deacons to make the pur- chase. " A heartwvote of thanks was extended to the organist, Miss Lida Mize, for faithful and efficient service during the year." Feb. 9- J.H.Truesdale elected Deacon for four years. March 9- Reports. Rev, L.H. Williams to make a two weeks camp- aign, beginning March 16. March_12- One restored to fdll fellow- ship. March 24- "Because of the inclement weather and absence of Brother Williams, caused by sickness, a motion v/as made to discontinue meetings for the present." ( The meetings held for 8 flays). April 2- C o ndidates for baptism. Reports. April 6- Financial. April 30 -Rev. and Mrs. T.C.Coffey selected as delegates to the ordination of Bro, H.F. Gilbert at Upper Alton. May 7 - No special business. May 14 - Pastor Coffey" grant- ed a two weeks' vacation, to be taken the latter part of May and the ^first part of June." Jung 25 -Baptisms. July 2- An offering of ^> 13.65 for a Brother in need. July 6 *Thebcautjful new indiv- idual Communion Service v/as used for- the first tine." July 9 - Half -yearly report of the Treasurer. The 1912 rate of apport- lonmont to be continued. July 30 -The Pastor and the Deacons appointed as delegates to the ordination of Bro.. Harry Throck- morton of the Bethlehem Church at Ccnterville on Aug. 5. Aug. 6 - Report of meeting at Centorvillo. Voted "to dispense v/ith fied- nosday an,d Sunday night meetings to unite v/ith the M.E. Church in the il? -Spec iral Meetings." "The Pastor f s request that he feel privileged to be absent about two weeks in the causo of Christ at some time he v/ould mention later v/as granted," Aug. 51 - Candidates for baptism, Sept. 3 -Additions to membership. ( 47) Sept. 10 - Report of Treasurer. The Pastor and Clerk to prep- are the letter to the Association. "The Pastor and Wife and any others that the Pastor night find able to go., wore appoint- ed as delegates to the Association." Money for Minutes, v 1*50. Chango of prayer mooting from Wednesday to Thursday ovg the next week on account of "a Public Prohibition Speaking. " Oct . 8 - Pastor and one other ( to bo selected by the Pastor) to attend Council at Hillsboro to consider the ordination of Raymond Hall. Tho Church asked to raise 15 that the Alton Assoc- iation nay employ Rev. V. Colbert as the Associational Miss- ionary. Oct. 12 "- "Voted to use the collection taken on the 23d or (50th of November for this purpose." Nov. 5 - Change of prayer meeting from Nov. 19 to Thursday rrir^tt "in order not to conflict with the patriotic programme given at the school." Nov. 23- One addition by letter. Nov. 26- Dismissions b£ letter, 1914 -J an. 7 - Reports. Jan. 28- Annual Meeting. Treasurer's Report. Receipts. Cash on hand, Jan.l/l3. 13. 54. Members^ Contribution, v 734.85. Basket coll,^ v 85.42. Communion, $• lo. 52 Homo Missions, 4$. 84. -For 1914-$ 5.00. Foreign Missions, 033.45 State Missions, 0' 30. 00. Assoc. Missions, v 15. 50. Relief Work,. • y 39.15. Special, Meet ings,$ 45. 50. Barn rent,$ 7.00. Chair suhs. § .50. Balance due.$ 7.36. Total, § 1075.63. Paid our. Rev. T.C.Coffq$r.$ 700.00. Janitor, $ 48.00. ESteet. lights. ^ 21.77. Insurance,! 42.00. Wood,# 21.00. l/2 Doz. chairs, $ 4.80. Cen'l Expense, $ 15.10. Parsonage repair, § J. 25. Special Meetings, $ 42.75. Relief work,$ 39.15. Bapt. Ministers Home,$ 10.52. Home Missions,! 50.34. State Missions, $ 30.00. Foreign Missions $ 33.45. 'Assoc. Missions, $ 15.50. Total. $ 1075.63. Due Home Missions,! 5.00. Bal.due,$ 7.56. C.E.Drew elected Deacon for ' a term of four years. Clara B.Houck elected Clerk and C.E.Drew, Treasurer. Finance Com. : -J. H.Truesdale,X».D. Rockefeller , Warren Mize. The Trustees to find out cost of certain repairs to ch. building. -/ March 25 - Membership changes. April 8- Com. on repairs recommended that repairs be deferred for the present. Report approved. y July 10-. A.C.Kelly to act for the Church at Hudelson Home. June 14 - Deacons brought in a report on Miss- ionary apportionments, as authorized by the Church. July 8- Treasurer's Report. Aug, 5 -Reports. Pastor and Clerk to pre- pare letter to the Association. The Pastor to select deleg- ates to the Association. Money for Minutes, $ 1.50, Sept. 13 - Letter to the Associationapproved. Dec. 13 - Pastor Coffey, J.H.Truesdale and Dr. Rockefeller were appointed to attnrid ordination Council at Upper Alton Church-Bro.F.W. Stewart to be examined. J.H.Truesdale, Dr. Rockefeller and S.J.Bullman to "prepate a letter to be sent to our Representatives in Congress for the purpose of supporting the Hobson Resolut- ion." 1915- Jan. 27 - Annual Business Meeting. Roll Call - 27 res- ponses by letter, 29 by testimony or experience. Report of Clerk. Treasurer's Report. Receipts. Membership contributions, $ 115.20. Baskot,o 74.10. Communion, $ 12.75. Sale of fence, $ .50. Barn rcnt,$ 4.00. T. C.Coffc^, Repair' acct ,$ 16.00. Belgium Relief Coll.^ 11.05. Home Missions,*? 28.77. State Missions, sl> 30.00. Foreign Missions,** 30.50. General Deficit, &L.50. Total, # 924.37. Expenditures- Bal.l/l/l4-$ 7.36. Rgv. T.C.Coffey,$ 629.00. Elwctrtc light, § 21.99. Janitor, ( 48 ) (Gomor)-,) 48.00. Wood,:) 24.50. Insurance,* 1 33,75. Son'l Exp., | 8,44/ T.G.Coffey, Repair, 3 16.00. Belgium Relief,.) 11.05. Homo Missions, v 33.27. State Missions,? 30.00. Foreign Missions, <) 30.50. Mission Deficit,* 1 1.50. Old Ministers Home,* 12.75. Bal. on hand,.) 21.76. Total, § 924.37. Sunday School-( Belli e Emery) Secy. - Av.att. Officers & -Teachors. 3.2.; Scholars,55. Total, 67. Gorald Baird, Treas. Bal.l/l/14. Coll.;) 97.55. Birthdays,* 14.95. Children's Bo#,<) 13.88. Christmas, ,) 5.06. Paid out- Birthday Offerings,* 1 10.50. S. S. Supplies, ^ 56.40. Shurtleff Collegc ? # 5;00. Foreign Missions, * 5.00. State Missions, $ 5.00. Home Missions, * 2,02. - Am.Bapt.Pub.Socy,.) 15,00. Christmas Exp.* 21.40.Pd. to Wm. Neil -Convent ion Exp..) 1.85. Pd to Harry Jones for Childtcn^ Day Exp.$ 2.25. Cash, on hand,l/l/l5-* 39.23. B.Y.P.U. Cash on hand tS ) 5,51. Receivod *10. Tot al,*" 15.51. Paid out. Shurtleff Coll- ege,^ 5,00. Bapt, Orphans in Alaska,* 1 6.00. B.Y.P.U. Rally,.) 1.00. Expenses,* 1.00. Total, * 13.00. Dollie Emery, Treas. C.C. Campbell elected Deacon for four years. Dollie Emery elected Clerk. C.E. Drew, Treas. J.K.Truosdalo clectod chairman of Finance Com, with privilege of selecting two other members. A unanimous expression of thanks to the pastor for his help in a financial way. Two dismissions by lettor. The clerk and organist of last year thanked for their services. Fob. 7 - One dismission by letter. Feb. 10 - One dismission. Fob. 17 - One dismission by letter. Feb. 21 . Member ship changes. March 3 - Membership changes. March 10 -No special business. March 31 .0no dismission I jay 5- Reports chiefly. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slifer rocoivod by letter from the Ccntorvillc Churcft. The clerk and C.E. Drew to prepare letter to the Association. Sept. 5 Sept. 8 - Report of Treasurer. A com. of Trustees and three ladies appointed "to look after the cleaning of the Church' with power to act. The Pastor "to call those delegates who attend Association at Contralia,Sopt.29." Money for Minutes,** 1.50. Letter to the Association approved. Sept 12 -Letter to the Associationapproved. 0ct_j_6- Representative of the Ant i- Saloon League to speak in the church on the evening of Nov. 7. ( Sunday) . Oct. 17 -The Pastor grant- ed two Sundays off. Additions to committee on cleaning the Ch. Nov. 17 - Miss Pearl Slifer received by letter. Dec. 8 - Report of Trustees. Dac.8- Yotcd"that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Porter upon the death of their son.-/ 1916- Jan. 19 - Annual Meeting deferred to ^eb.J- Fofr.2 - Annual Mooting. Report of Treasurer. Bal. On hand , Jan. 1 , * 15 . ;) 21 . 7 6 . Receipts. Membership Contributions, ** 692.26. Basket coll.,) 93.78. BSrn rent,*) 12.00. Communion,.) 10;38. Associational Missions, ■,} 12.00; 'Home Missions,;) 33.46. State Missions,* 26.45/ Foreign Missions,* 26.25. Total, i 928.34. Expenditures; Rev. T.C.CoffeJr, * 600.00. Electric light, s ) 21.38. Janitor Comer, $ 48.00. Assoc- iation Missions,* 12.00. Homo Missions,* 33.46. Foroign Missions, * 26.25. State Missions,* $6.45. Old Ministers 1 Home,* 1 10.38. WOOd,* 16.50. 1 dos,"Joy to tho World" song books,-) 3.00. Parson- Total att. 6%, Gerald Baird, Treas. Bal. on hand., Jan. 1 , »15..) 39.23. Collections,* 161.60. Birthdays, 15.19. Children's Day,* 1 7.76, Christmas,* 4.81. Paid out- Birthday offering, 1914- § 14.95. School supplies, § 61.30. 'Am. Bapt. Pub. Sooy,*' 11.00. Shurtleff Coll. 00. Homo Miss- soc.work, 35. ( 49 ) Bal.on hand, Jan. 1/16 -^ 31,64. The B. Y. P. U. expended,;) 4.55. Offic crs GlootGd: Wm. Neil, Deacon for four years; C.E.Brew, Trees. end Dollio Emery, Clerk. J. H.Truesdale, Chairmen of Finance Con. The Trustees to put a drain in the basement of the parsonage. Member- ship changes during the year-( See Membership list). April 26- Mr.Bullman resigned as chairman of the com. on cleaning the Ch. gSg 7 - Fifty Dollars raised to pay for cleaning the Ch. On Juno 7 the Com. on cleaning was extended a vote of thanks. Sept ,6- Lotter to the Association adopted. Mrs. Coffey, Mrs. Rockefeller, C.C. Campbell^ Wm.IToil and Pastor appointed "as delegates. Money for Minutes, v> E.00. An offering to be taken for Associational Missions*- Oct. 12 - Mr, and Mrs. Peter Jacoby baptized. 0ct.S9 - Nov.5 - The Academy bell purchased and placed in church belfry. Nov* 8 - Pastor and C.C. Campbell appointed delegates to the State Convention. Nov. 12- Voted to hold a series, of meetings, the Past or to find an evangelist, , JTov.l2- George Thomae baptized. . 1917 -Jan. 34 - Annual Business Meeting. Report of Treasurer. RBeaipt Bal.Jan.l/16-y* 29.48. Subscription,.,,) 698.35. Basket,;) 71.00. Com- munion,^ 16.79. Bell subscription and coll. $ 36. 75. Barn rent, i„> 9.00. Church repair, v ' 60. 95. Sale of church carrot, # 12.00. T.C. and Hay Coffey, Parsonage repair, £ 25.60. Other, 5 168. 31. Total, o 1125.23. Expenditures- Rov.T.C.Coff c#, $ 650.00. Janitor Comer, y 48.00. Electric light, $ 19.55.' Wood, $ 30. 30; Repair of parsonage (T.C.£:Ray Coffey),,,) 25.60. Drain at parsonage, y 26. 25. Church bell rope,.„> 38. 60. Papering and painting ch. s ) 42.33. Carpet for church, y 37.38. Mi ssiDns( Homo, Foreign, State) -vll0.4B. Association Miss- ions, v 13.60.- Shurtlcff College,^ 4.00. Benevolence, y 57.05. Con 1 ! oxpensc,<) 2.00. Minutes, 5 2.00. Bal-.in Treas. Jan.l/l7- v IB. 12. Total, $ 1135:23. Sunday Sohool-:Av,att;Officcrs--and Tc;chcrl3-12;> sc?ioiar3,76. ^Total, 80; -• ^Receipts, 0)11. 'r 1:42.27. 3irt?vVys, ,; 20.26c Paid 3ut. Birthday off. 191$.-, 15.19, School publics, .J 66.05. ' Song b^oks & c:rprc3S., v 19.40. Rftcord book, • : 1 . 00 . J . A * Burns , ., 5 . 00 . ,$iurtl - i'f Go.ll ego , •,; 7 . 00 . .. B-mcvol enc c r " v 6.0OJii S3 ions( Homo, it .to & Itaoign) -* 24,37. Easter coll. v 10.03. ' Christmas, y 10.45. Br0..y 56.54. B.Y.P.U. Expended: Missions,^' 3,00. Cleaning Church, v * 9.40. Other, y 1.39, Officers 1 elected: J. H. True sd&le, Deacon for four years; C.E. Drew, Treasurer; Dollio Emery, Clerk. J. H.Truesdale, S.J. Bullman and Dr. Rockefeller oleoted as members of Finance Com. Organist , Treasurer and Clerk thanked for their services. Voted to have Bro.Uoigs^oT Muskogee, Okla.hbld a two nooks meeting, beginning Feb. 27. March ,11 , Bro. Meigs closed his meetings. -21 baptized, 8 received otherwise. Two baptized for Woodburn Ch. July 11- Pastor granted a two weeks vacation. Sept. 5 -Past or and clerk to prepare letter to the Assoc. Sept. 9- Letter to Association approved. The Pastor to select delegates. Sppt.12 - Evening Services to be one -half hour earlier. 191 8 -Jan. 23 - Annual Meeting. Clerk reported 29 additions by baptism. 'Present member ship, 148. - 28 non-resident. B.Y 5,00. County and State work,.) 5.00. Incidentals-^ .60 Orphans Home,.) 6.50. Bal. Jan.l/18-.) 34.40. Church Treasurers Report- Receipts- Bel. Jaft. 1/17 l r§ 18. IE. Subscription, J 634.95.' Lgoso Coll. 5 107.39. Communion...?' 16.00. Other, v 366.07/ Total, 3 1144,53. Expenditures- Rev. T.C.Coffey,.) 600.00. Janitor Comer, 3 54.00. Electric light,;) 23.37. Wood' (8 cords) ,y 32.00. Minutes, 3 2.00. Gon r l cxp,-) 3.16. Repair work,y 9.59. Cleaning church; i 3.50. Special Mooting expense, y 220.74. Belgium Rolief,$ 7.50: Ministers and Missionaries Fund,-) 7.00. Morehouse Memorial Fund,. £ 9.00. Association Missions, $ 51.30. Missions ( Homo, State, Foreign and N.B.C.)-^ 97.91. Bal. Jan.l/18-.) 23.46. Officers elected; C.E. Drew, Beacon for four years; S.J.Bullman, J. H. Truest dale and L.D.Roc&ef oiler .Trustees for five years; C.E. Drew', Trees; Dollic Q^ery, Clerk. Finance Com:P. Jacoby, J.H.Truesdale and C.E. Campbell* /The Financo Com. to adopt the Buplex envelope if thought wise. Treasurer, Clerk and Organist thanked for their services. Juno t 19 - Pastor and one delegate appointed to go to Litchfield on J no 25 to the ordination of lev/is Randall. June 23 - Voted to dispense with Sunday evening Services during July and August. Sept. 13- Lottor to the Association adopted. The Pastor to appoint delegates. Two dollars for Minutes. Missions, v 234.63. Other, $ 91.57. Total, J 13] ures, Rev. T.C. Coffey, v'720, 00. Loan paid,.,) 60, 1919.- Jan 26- Annual Business Mooting. Treasurers Report. ' Receipts- Bal. in Treas. Jan.l/l8-v 23.46. Subscription,-) 802,70. Basket coll..) 81.29. Communion, -j 13.90. Loan,v 60. 00. 3. Y. P. U. coll.for'Missions,v 10.00. Laymen 1 s drive 'for Home and Foreign 1317.55. Bxpendit- 00. Janitor' Comor, Q 54.00. Electric light,-) 16.99. Insurance, Church propertyo 51,00. Wood (8 1/2 cord) -v 42.00. Church envelopes, v 2.50. Interest on note, -J -90/ Homo and Foreign Missions, y 50.03. Same ( Laymen ! s drive) -$ 219.75. State Missions;-.,) 26.00. Assoc- iation M|3sions,v 37.25. Repair acct,v 4.20. Ba^.Cash-v 30.93. ( Truo' Bal. -J 12.86.- the remainder belonging to special funds). ' Total,-:) 1317.55. Sunday School-Collections, v 150.40. Bfcrthdays, ' y 18.71. Christmas,-) 25.00. Bal. Jan.l/l8-«,;> 34.40. Total receipts, y 228.51. Expenses, v 161.66. B.Y.P.U. expenses, Service Flcg, v 3.75. Missions(Home and Foreign])-.) 10.00. Other, .75 #. Total Exp.v 14.50. Bal, oil hand,.) 13.60. Bal. aft hand ,Janl/l8, 16.40. Sale f calendars, #L0. 00. Tptal receipts, y 88.10. Sunday School av. at tendance, Officers and tcachors 12-Scholars, 59. Total, 72. Officers elected: C.E, Campbell, Deacon for four years; C.E.Drew, Treasurer; Amanda Houck, Clerk. P. Jacoby, J.H, Tguesdale, C.E. Campbell, Finance Com.; Li da Mixe, Organist. The organist .Troasuror and Clerk were thanked for their services. April_13- Tho Pastor, or some ono appointed by him. to ropresent the Church at Collinsvillc on Thursday, April 17( expenses paid). June_8- "Voted unanimously to send a request to our Congressmen that Congress pass immediately an adequate permanent enforcement Code to carry w into of feet the 18th Amendment and War-time Proh- ibition." June 11 . Voted to raise on the following Sundry the tf 50.00 lacking in tho Laymen T s drive. J une 30. - The Pastor appointed & delegate to the B.Y.P.U. A eonvention in St. Louis. ( 5*K July 20 - Voted to discontinue the evening service, beginning July 27 thru August. July 27 -"Voted to a&ojrb the Apportion- ment of last year for missions, with an additional twenty per cent for this yoa^s apportionment." Jul y 50 . The prayer service to begin at 8:15 until Sept. Pnsior- granted a vac- ation of two Sundays in August. Aug. 81 . -Clerk and Treasur- er to prepare letter to the Association. Sept ,14 - Approval of letter to the Association. Two dollars for Minutes. The Pastor to appoint delegates. Nov. 2 - Bro.John Howard invit- ed to give a lantern lecture on Nov, 21-23 in this City, illustrating his missionary work in India. The other Churches of the City to bo invited to unite"with us for those lectures." Nov. 16 - Voted to raise the yearly apportionment for missions on Sunday, Nov. 30. 1920- Voted to hold Annual Business Meeting, Roll Call and Church Dinner on Jan. 31,1920. Arrangements made for serving the Dinner. Jan. 51. - Annual Business Meeting. Of the 149 members there were 50 responses by testimony or statement of experience and seven by letter. Treasurer 1 s Report. Received- Cash Bal.Jan.l/l9-)'30.95. Subscriptions, v 875.10, loose coll. y 124.02. Communion, $ 19.41; Collection of 1918-5 15.90. Anti-Saloo# League, y 6.00. Mission Collections. 669.00. LJti Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board ) 10. 00. Total. y 1773.56. Paid out. Rev. T.C. Coffey, y' 720.00. Electric " light, y 30.75. Janitor Comer, 59.00. Wood (6 cord) -y 30;00. Church insurance, 58.00. Minutes, $ 2.00. Communion, wine. y 5.60. Repair work and material, y 13.00. Road oil,i 5.00. Associational missions, (y35 and y 35.)-y 70. 00. Ant i -Saloon League, y6. 00. Joint-Foreign Missions( v 88-$ 125)-$ 213.00, Joint-Homo Missionsfy* 54-376.50) -y' 130. 00. M & M Benefit Bd. y 10.00. -y 19.85. Board of Education, y 19.85. State Con- vention, y 78.40. Philanthropy in Illinois, y 40.70. Christ- ian Education. y 7.00. Missions Victory Campaign -yl26. 47. Publication Socy,, s J ) 14.70. Cash Bal. (Jan. 1/20) -0 133.29. ( True cash Bal.y 108.38 after deducting y 24.91 for Miss- ->. ions.) 'Sunday School ( Wm.Baird,Trcas.) 'Bal. Jan.l/l9- ' <&' v 77.67, Collections, 0168.62. Birthdays ,y* 17.41. Other, U\ v 88.58. Total, y 352.28. Paid out-Christmas expense, v 3 20.25. Picnic expense,.; 28.40. Mi s si one, y^ 28.00. S. S. Supplies, y 104.66. Roger Williams Day Coll.y 7. 06. Armenians and Near-East Relief, $ 100.00 Macoupin Co. S. S.Assoc-0 10.00. Christmas expense (1919}^ 35.15. Bal. ( Jan.l/20) -vl5. 66. Total, y 352.28. Officers elected: Vta. Noil, Deacon for four years. C.E. Brow, Trcas. Amanda Houck, Clerk. Sglary of pastor increased to $ 900.00 per year. 'Bro. Drew and women of tho Church thangjfor their services. Rev. Dr. Edward P. Brand of Normal delivered an address on "Our Local Work." May 22 - Voted to send a Reolution to Hon. Thomas Rinaker of the Constitutional Convention,lllinois,in favor of the reading of tho Bible in the Dublie Schools of the State. May 2 9- Voted to send a letter to the two Illinois Senators in the United States Congress and to our District Congressman in fsvor of legislation foi the relief of employees in the U.S. Postal Service. Aug. 29 -George Heal received by letter. Also Sisters Lena Heal and Elsie Heal Thomao. 'Letter to the Association approved. 0Qty6 - Rev. and Mrs, T.C.Coffey sent ( 52 ) as delegates to the Stato Convention. Nov. -S.J.Bullnan resign- ed as Trustee. "His resignation was accepted with much regret at losing so valuable a member." Dec,19-Voted to make an offer- ing Dec. 26 for "European Famine Belief." 1921 -Jan. 9 -Voted to have Annual Roll Call and Business Meeting on Saturday Jan. 29- Jan . 29- Annual Business Meeting. Thirty- nine members at the RAll-0a.ll , with 14 letters- Total, 53. Report of Treasurer. Receipt s-BaI.$ 133.29. Subscriptions, $ 931.57. Basket( Loose) -$ 112.471 Communion, $ 16. 65. Repair. $ 449.08. Other, $ 139.47. Total, $ 1832.53. Paid out-Rev.T.C. Coffey, $ 900.00. Janfitor Comer, $ 72.00. Eleetric light, $ 20.40, Missions( General) -^ 25.85. European Relief, $ 142.19. China Famine Pund.J 37.28. Repair aoct (Roof, etc. ) -| 336.12. Taxes and parson- age, $11. 66. Wood. -^ 52,50. Insurance, £ 18. 24. Anthem books, $ 6.48. Janitor Comer(extra work) -# 3.2.00. Postage, etc. $ 2.94. Tin work (Gutters). $ 15.26. Bal. Cash. (Repair, $ 112.96; Miss- ions-3 25. 71; Church, ,£ 40.89) -£ 179,56 - Total, $ 1832.53. Sunday School (Wm.E.Baird.Treas. ) -Bal. on hand -J an. 1/20. - i 15.66. Collections, v 225.53, Offering for John Howard's Lantern, $ 22.70. Birthdays; y 19.15. Christmas offering, $ 37.28. Total, £ 320.32.' t Exponses,$ Supplies, <£ 112.21. John Howard's OPtical Machine,^ 58.00. Children's Bay Music, 4 2.60. Salvation Amy Fund,0 16.00. County S.S. Association, $ 7.00. European Relief- $ 62.28. Christmas music. $ 3.20. Christmas Treat ,,$40.00. Bal. on hand.$ 25.03. Totaly 320.32. B.Y.P.TJiRoport presented bu Luella Mamie. Bal. on hand,§ 7.97. Bazaar, § 59.48. Other, o 4.93, Total, 5 72.3®. £aid out- Benevolence-v 11.50. Other- tf 2.16. Bal. on hand,v 58.72. Sunday School-Av.att.72. Ckas.E. Drew, Supt;Richard Rockefeller, Secy. Officers elected: J.H. True sdalo, Deacon for four years. Chas.E.Drew.Treas. and Amanda Houck, Clerk. Miss Li da, Mi ze, Organist. P.^JaooM to fill the unexpired term of Mr.Bullman. Finance Conmitte: J.H. True sdale, P.T.Jacobi. March 20- Resolution sent Senator Medill McCormich asking for the appointment of true men as "Regional Prohibition Supervisors.^ A similar letter also to be sent Senator Wm.B. McKinley. J^no 15- Evening services to begin one-half hour later. Pastor appointed to attend council at East Alton for ordination of Wm . Mc I nt o sh - ■ ■' Sop t . Clerk and Treasurer to pre- pare letter to the Association. The Pastor to select delegates. 1922- Jan 25 - Annual Mooting. A cold evening- Few present. Treasurer's Report -Receipts. Bal. Jan.l/21-0 179.56. Members. v 930.85. "Loose coll.$ 107.91. Communion, $ 20. 71. Repair subscrip tions.O 26.00. T.C.Coffey, Repair acct,§ 13.75. Ladies 1 Aid- Repair aect.$ 61.89. Sale of old brick, ^ 11.90. Mission coll. Minutes;^ 2.00. General (-Stamps, etc. 0.40. Repair(-Rev. T;C. Coffey $ 13.75; Parsonage furnace, 37,50; Parsonage paint -0 45.55; Lab or -paint ing.v 105.00; Repair wrkk,v 24.70 )-"# 226. 50. Bal. Cash on hand, Jan. 1/22-0 33.17. Total -^ 1922.49/ £&i£ out. Supplies,^ 141.83. Missions, #36. 66. Other, 85.63. Ladies 1 ( 53 ) Aid Socioty reported $ 211.04 in the Treasury. Plans pro' jeetcd bye Church for the ropailr of the building-C.E.Drew brought builder T s ostimates to shown possible cost. Officers elected: C.E. Brow, Beacon for four years. George Heal, Trustee, J. H.Truesdalo, Auditing Con. C.E.Brow .Treasurer; J, N. Barnes, Clerk and Miss Li da Mi ze, Organist. ("Supplies, Missions and othor"*»n bottom line of previous page- refer to the Sunday School ). March 8- The work of the Peace Conference consid- ered and Resolutions 'passed approving it. Ratification of the Poaco Treaties urged, the Clork to send letters to the two U.S. Senators notifying then of the Church's action. March 12- RSV.T.G. Coffey resigned as Pastor, to take effeet in 90 days. Resignation accepted. J.H.Truesdale, J. N.Barnes, Otto H.Keirle, Miss Nelle Bauser and Mrs.H.Canpbell selected as Pulpit Con. March 15 -Voted to unite with other churches in union services ' during "Passion Week". April 9 - Rev. J. J. Schuler of Farmington, Mo. called as Pastor"for an indeterminate period of not less than one year to be optional with either party on sixty days notice at a salary of ^ 1000 per year and parsonage, first service May 7th." Sept. 20. -Lotter to the Association approv- ed. The Pastor to solect delegates. Oct.l - "A fine new piano as a memorial ..of the Bauser family. By the children of E>. Bauser and wife. Church responds with a unanimous vote of thanks. 1925 -Jan. 10 - Annual Meeting- Report of Trcasurer-Recoipts- Bal.on hand, Jan l/22.<) 33.17. Member coll.O 1007. 60. Loose *0ll."4 168.33. Communion, 18. 30. Repair acct. ^644.30. Bible purchase coll #s ) 16.00. S. S.Missions, y 15.00. S. S.Russian Relief, 15. 00. Ant i -Salmon League, y 21. 20. Missions, v 519.07. Total, § 2468.47. Expenditures, /Rev. T.C. Coffey, 240.00. " Rev. J. J. Schtaor,s)" 666.00. Supply acct.y 30.00. Electric light, £ 19,42. Missions, v 515.00.Hudclson Homey- 17.30. Anti- Saloon League, # 21. 20. Russian Roliof,.) 25.00. Asspeiational Missions, v 20. 00. Bibles and freight, 24,08. Taxes onparson- REPAIR ACCOUNT- # 644.30. ~Paid^ Lumber, $ 260.15. Carpenters, 129. 00. Carpet, etc. Ladies 1 Socioty, y 112.25. Hardwarof Jacob i Hardware C^.J-y" 38.52. Paper (Jacoby Bros. ) -y 17.28.Manccll (papering -painting) -$ 67. 40. Tin work-y 7*00 Sand-y 1.50. Parsonage oxponse,y 7. 35. Incidental exp,y 5.45. Total -^645; 90. Bal.due Church- V J 1.60. Election of officers: J.N.Barnes, Clerk; C.E.Brcw, Treasurer. C.C.Campbell, Deacon for four years. Trust ees-31. H.Truesdalo, CI caver Strunk and George Heal, for a term of five 'years. Miss Li da Mi ze, Pianist. Finance Com. -J. H.Truesdalo, J. N.Barnes and Otto BTeirle. Mrs. Mary Drew reported the Ladies 1 Aid Socy in flourishing condition. Thanks extended those who had helped in making the church improvements possible and to the Bauser family for the gift of the piano. March 7 - Effort to help the Woodburn Church to sottle its difficulties. Revision of church membership Roll arranged for. July 12- Membership changes. Aug. 29 - Votod to unite with the other churches in a union Sunday night Serviec the last Sunday evening of each month. Nov . 9 - Arrangement for an Every-Mcnbcr canvass. The union mooting in December to be Dec. 23, instead ckf Dec. 30. ( 54 ) 1924- Jen. 9 - Annual Mooting- Roport Of Treasurer-Receipt s- Bal . on hand , J an . 23 . «;) 111.63. Members, y 1030.55. Loose Coll, § 168.40. Conninion,y 17.76. Woodburn Ch. , J 50.00. Loan, "60, Repair acot.v 2.00. Missions, 0'482. 70. B.Y.P.TJ.v 13.66. Sunday School,*) 115.70. Total, <) 2052.40, " Expenditures. Rev. J. J. Schuler,.) 1000.00. Electric light, v 18. 34. Janitor, y 72. 00. Loan paid,-) 60.00. Woodburn Church; J 50.00. Taxes, 13.97. In3urance(Bldg,)3000 and fixtures, §600) -.) 56.00. Minutos,«) 2.00. Sawing wood, y' 2. 60. Incidentals, yl« 50. Oiling stroet,.) 2.00. Postage, «J 1.44. Express, i 1.50.Ch. • Coll. onvol opes,-) 16. 89. ' European Relief,-) 75.00;»oreign Missions, v Hono , uo, ions,i 20.00. General Mission objects. v 59.00. Bel. Dec. 31/23, ^ 142.11. ( Due Mission acct.<) 18,77 and Repair acct.y .40- loavmng net Cash Bal.y 122.94. Thanks extended Truosdale, Drew, Clerk and pianist for services rendered. Election of officers: J. N. Barnes, Clerk; C.E.Drew, Trees. ;Miss Lide Mizc, Pianist. V/n.Noil, Deacon for four years." Finance Con. - J. H.Ti-uosdele, J. N.Barnes and Otto Keirlo. Mer ch 30 - Rev .J.J. Schuler resigned as pastor. April 13 -Rosihgnation of pest or eccepted,to be excused after Mey 1/24. Aug. 23- The Rev. Wn. Avery UcClure called as pestor-vote uneninous. ( See Rec3rds"for terns of settlenent). Nov. 1 -Voted to neke salary of pastor, •) 1200 per year. 1925- Annual Business Mccting --( Hold Now Years Eve ) - RQporfcs. Ladies 1 Aid Society oarned * 226.74. Sunday School Receipts, y-324,36. Expense sn^ 234,46. Bel.$ 89.90. J.H.Truesdale elected Dgaoon for four years. C.E.Canpbell elected' Trustee, in ^lacC of Geor*ro Heel, resigned. Mrs. Josephine Mise, Clerk. . . Miss Lide Mizc,pienist. After the Business needing thu w**ui,ch enjoyed a social hour end then Tteld a Watch-Night Report of Treasurer -Receipts. Bel. Jan. 1/24.,) 142. 11. Members, Coll. 3 1128.01. Loose" coll..) 102.04. Missions, ■) 555.18.Anti-Seloon League, Coll. i 56. 96. Repair Work.Coftl.,) 224.74. Sr.lo of old barn, J 25.00. Total,,) 2234.04. Disbursenent s, $ Rev. J. J. Schuler, ) 417.00. Eov. Yto.A.McClure,;) 386. 00. Pulpit Supply, 135.00. Foreign Missions,.) 165. 00. Hono Missions, ,) 115.00. State Missions, vJ75.O0.Hudelsqn Hone,0 40.00. An.Bapt.Pub. SOey.;) 10.00. Education ■ i?und;'v- 15.00. Association Missions,.) 20. 00, Anti-Saloon Lbaguc jV ) 56.96; General Missions acct.-J 59. 40. Repair (personage) 260.50. Electric light, # 18.22. Janitor, $• 84. 00; Wood, 5 37.00. Grapo juice for connunion,y 3. 00. Printing Minutes, 2.00. Special- Gift to Janitor Conor for 30 yoers of service-}) 25.00; Pilling baptistry at Fostcrburfc-y 3.00. Electric 'light globes, v 2.70. Church CoM. Envelopes, 5 10.20. Insurance, 5 24.00. Sundry expense, .; 6.75. Tine certificate for proceeds of old barn.y 25.00. Bal. 12/24. April 3- Quarterly Business Meeting- Reports. C.E.Drew elected Treasurer ( Neglected at previous ncoting) . Gift of <;500.00 fron Mrs.Zcirle accepted and e letter of thenks vorod her. Wn.Neil's request for relco.so fron service as Doacon. ?ob.!5- Gift of # 1000.00 fron Mrs. Ida MKinnefr in nonory of her f ether end nothcr,the interest to be used for Church expenses. May 29- Brp,V/n.Noil nade an Honorary Deacon for life. July 3 - Querterly Business Mooting. Reports. ( 55] July 5 - C.C.Campbell resigned as Deacon and he was elected as "Honorary Deacon for life on account of his long and fait'ni:'il service. ? Nov . 6 - "A letter from Mrs. Ida McKinney was read, in which she gave ! 3,500,00 toward the repairing of the Church. A letter thanking her for her generous gift was order- ed sent to her. Building Committee: Deacons and Trustees, Mrs. C.E. Campbell, Miss Nelle Bauser,Lee Sutton. 1926- Jan. 5- Rev. Frank M.Dunk invited to conduct a series of meetings with the Church, beginning April 1926. ( He did' J not come, the Church not ready). ^an« 6 - Hull Call. Report of Treasurer. Bal.on hand, Jan. l/25. $"23*8.31 , Members on Subscrip- tion,! 1311.03. Loose coll.! 138.74. Communion, $ 17, 94. Miss- ions, ! 695.07. Anti-Saloon League,! 77.25. New Building Fund, | 2000.00. Total, $ 2678.34. Disbursements. Rev, W.A.McClure, | 1200.00. Janitor, Jas. Kirk, ! 120.00. Electric light, $ 23.12. Wpod supply (13 cords) $ 71.50. Insurance -Parsonage, 5 years, $ 33.75. Repair pf clock, § 1.50. Oiling street ,! 2. 00. Minutes of Assoc. § 3.00. Repair acct .Parsonage, ! 10.60. Coll. envel- opes and postage,! 13.27. Flowers for Samuel Comer (former Janitor) -8 5.00. Anti-Saloon Boaguc,! 37. 25. Murphy sboro torn- ado Coll.! 42.60. Association Missions,! 30.00. Foreign Miss- ions,! 285.00. Home Missions,! 190.00. State Missions,! 110.00. Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board ! 40.00. Am. Bap t. Pub.Socy,.^ 10.30. Missions -general acct,! 79.66. Bal.on hand, Dec. 31, 1925. ! 329.79. Total,! 2678.34. Sunday School -Bal. Jan.l/25-! 89.90. Receipts,! 389.69. Total,! 479.59. Disburs- ments. Supplies,! 103.58. Christmas cxp.! 33.00. Other, ! 256.87. Bal.! 84.14. Officers elected: C.E. Brew, Treasurer; C.E. Campbell, Clerk; Miss Lida Mize, Pianist. Office of Bcacon- oss established and that two be olected. Tho Pastor to attend the Pastors 1 Retreat at Peoria, his expenses paid by the Church. Subscriptions received sufficient to insure the erection of the new church building projected. May 7- Voted that Mr. and Mrs. J.H.Truesdale peprcsent the Church at the Northern Baptist Convention meeting in Chicago, Au^?d7- Voted to install a steam heating plant in the church building. Nov. 13- Voted to thank Wm.Fahronkrog"for the use of his hall for meetings dur- ing the building of the addition to tho Church." Voted on Nov. 28 -to attend union services at the Congregational^Church, the new District Supt. of the M.E. Church to preach. Dec. 3- Report of Treasurer. The Trustees authorized to borrow money needed to care for balance duo on building. Dr. N.J.Hilton to preach the Dedication sermon. 'Voted "that tho annual meeting bo an all day affair and that the dinner be served at the Church. * Doc. 19 -Voted to invite" Mb o; -Ida -McKinney to the dedication service. 1937- Jan. 6 - Dinner, Roll Call and Business Meeting. Report of tho Treasurer. Bal.on hand, Jan. l/26. ! 329.79. Loose coll.! 137.07. On 1925 pledge,! 41.07. Members,! 1222.11. Interest on invested funds,! 102.50. New Building acct. ! 7274.97. Loan.! 2000.00 Near East Relief Coll.! 29.00 Easter Coll.! 10.82. Communion coll.! 17.73. Missions. 1925 pledge, v 24.35.- 1926 pledge.! 533.10. Total ! 11722.49' Disbursement s-Rov. W.A.McClure,! 1200.00. Hew buildinj acct,! 9467.92. Janitor,! 125.00. Electric light,! 29.7; . Taxes on parsonage,! 13.06. Insurance on church, ! 109.55. Wood -0'6.85. Rev. McClure expense to Peoria, v 7. 50. Postage on lottors,v> 5.66. Letters and cards, v 5 ' 6.00. Coll. envelopes, 3 10.39.' Broom and Cola hods.s) 3.20. Minute s , v 3,00. Thermometers, v .70. Repair electric light, „> .60. Coal,y 58.53. Rov.LlcClure to Alton acct. -Dedication program. y 2.27. PJastcr music, v ? 2.00. Hear East Relief, v> 29.00. Association Missions,* 30.00. Foreign Missions, v 150.00. Hjme Missions,^ 105.00. State Missions, v 60.00. General Missions,^ 241.00. Bal.Bldg Fmnd,* 7.05. 3al. general Fund.O 40.49. Total, v 11722.49. Sunday School- Av.att.92. Total offering. v 253.45. Birthday off.^v 26.39. Voted on Dec. 26-.) loo. 00 to building Fund. Bal. Jc.n.l/26- v ' 84,14. Received-0 464.17. Expended, s ; 5 539.88. Bal.tf 8.43. Albert Barnes elected Deacon; * C.E. Crew, Treasurer and C.E. Campbell , Clerk. Mrs. Cleaver Strunk, pianist. Miss Lida Mizc was thanked for her services the past year. An additional s ; 500 from the Ladies T Aid Socy to the Building Fund. Voted to inquire of i.Irs.John E.McEinncy' f if she would have a bronze tablet installed stating her gifts mn memory of her father and mother had made possible the building of the now part of the church." Finance Com. continued. Leo Sutton elected Deacon. Jan. 23 -Dedication of addition to church building. Services morning and evening. Pastor McClure directed the prog- ram. Dr. If. J.Hilton delivered the dedicatory addresses, A later gift of J 2500 from Mrs. Ida McKinney toward the building debt. Jan. 30. Resolutions adopted thanking all v/ho had in any v/ay helped in the building erection. Voted to unite with the other churches in their monthly union meeting the last Sunday evening in the month. Resignation of Rev. W. A. McClure as Pastor. May 8- Rev. Mart in L.Long called as pastor. From Santa Monica, Calif. Rev. and Mrs.W. A. McClure dismissed by letter to the Grand Avenue Baptist Church of St. Louis, to which Church "Me?. McClure had boon called as Pastor. Sep t - 1 1 -R e s i gnat i on of Bro. Long as Pastor. Pastor and two delegates to attend Council at Roxana for recognition of Baptist Church there. Sc-nt.25- Rev. W.Ra"y^Salled as pastor "for eleven months, or up to Sept. 1,1928, at a salary of one hundred Dollars a month." 1928- Jan. 11 - Annual Dinner, Roll Call and Annual Meeting. There were 47 personal responses at the Roll Call and 18 letters road. 65 in all heard from. Report of the Treasurer. Receipts. Bal, Cash- General Fund-0 49.49. Building Fund.y 7.05. Members. coll. ^ 1170.05. Subscriptions due 1926- J 75.10. Interest on invest- ments,.) 102.50. Loose Coll.y 141.03. Missions coll.v 483.56. Sunday School 9-) 50.00. Easter offering, 24.04. Hudelson Home call.-; 44.44. Missions, 1926-,) 5.60. Communion coll.^ 26.89. Treasury; over-drawn, v 385.58. Disbursements. Rev. W. A. McClure, -,v> - Fire insurance g 53.38. Publishing Bulletin 37. 81, loss % 22.00 paid,g 15.81. Church minutes, J 4.00. Light bulbs, 1.46. Church "Cut" and postcards;} ?»07..|nthcm books, -y 5.22. Hotel expense, Supply, 3.50. Labor v 11.00. Expenses of Rev.Leitz at Ajinual mecting(l927) -y 3.00. Hudolson Home,£ 44.44. Association Miss-' ions,w 15.00. United Mission Budget, y 575,09. Bal.due Bldg Fund, ■.} 7.05. Total 2565.33.-- C.E.Campbell elected clerk and ( 57 ) Chas. E.Drew, Treasurer. J. H. Truesdale , J.N. Barnes and Cleaver Strunk selected as finance Cora. C.E. Campbell, Otto Koirlc and Lee Sutton elected Trustees for a tern of five years. Vote of thanks to the women of the Church for the good work done by them. Voted "that tho selection of Deaconesses be made by the Pastor and Deacons and the names presented to the Church first Sunday in -February." Terms of Deacons and their expiration: J.H.Truosdalo,1929; Lee Sutton, 1930; Albert Barnes. 1931 and C.E. Drew, 1932, Voted thanks to Mrs.Delmore Truesdale for gift of piano. Building Fund. Acct: Receipts-;) 6694.97. Paid out. J 6275.27. Bal.,) 419.70. Amount due from Church, v 385.58. March 25, April S.Feb^-Additi :>ns to membership. J uly 29 and Oc.fr.l- Selection of a pastor considered. A representative of tho Ant i -Saloon League spoke on the evening of April 22, Q)ct 14- .!'After the morning service, at which Rev. W.E.Barrow of St. Louis preached, tho Church convened in bus- iness session.to consider extending Rev.ifrrrow a call to the pastorate. J. II. Barnes was chosen Moderator and Lee Sutton as Clerk. Pjrayor by J. H. Truesdale. An outlino of Rev. Darrow and his work was given by J. H. Truesdale. After discuss- ion a motion was made and seconded that a call be extended Rev. W.E. Darrow at a salary of v 1200 .00 and parsonage, his services to begin as soon as possible. Carried unanimously." Oct. 21 - At the norning service, a letter was read from Rev. W.E. Darrow accepting the call to the pastorate of the Church." Rev. and Mrs. W.E.Barrow were received by letter from the Southwest Baptist Church, St. Louis, Nov. 11 . -Hand of fellow- ship extended Rev. and Mrs. V/.E. Darrow by J. H. Truesdale at Communion service. 1929-Jan.l6- Annual Rill Call and Business Meeting. Dinner sorved at Noon. There v/ero 29 personal responses to Roll Call, 28 by letter and 18 by proxy-total 75. Treasurer T s Report. Receipts. Bal.in Treasury, Jan.l/28 ~§ 34. 12. Members, i 1302.43. General plate coll..) 187. 73. Communion, j 22.17. Mission^, ) 2800. Bal.,) 17.95. Total $ 2818.01. Paid out. Rev. W.R.Cox, s ; 775.00. Rev. W.E. Darrow, i) 200.00. Supplies, «) 130.00. Repair acct -parsonage , ) 29.40. Loan, v 500.00. Interest,.) 37.25. Hauling brick, $ 4.50. Painting, o 35.00. Missions,.) 463.07. Near -East Coll..) 6. 96. Electric light,-) 30.26. Janitor,.) 187.50; _ Coal,.) 65.66. Parsonage ■ tax, .) 20.04. Insurance on 'parsonage,. 1 ) 39.20. Kindig meetings, y 165.73. Incidentals, 5 6,95. Electric light ..globes, .) 2.50. Coll. envelopes, y 11.54. Association Minutes,*) 4.00. Cleaning parsonage yard,.) 9.50. Moving house effects of Past or , s ) 60.00. Total, $ 2818,01. Now Building Fund. Bal.in fund, 1/1/28. V 419.70. Received .) 488,47. Total,.) 908.17. Paid out, .) 576.75. Bal.in treasures? 331.42. Sunday School: Av. att.91. Bal, Jan. 1/28-^ *3,35. Received, § 359.94, Paid - Christmas supplies,.) 4.11. Interest on bldg pledges, $ 20.00. Hudolson Home,;) 27.42. Pledge to new building and interest, y-102.50. Rally Day Supplies, # 4.45. Christmas treat 4 32.23. Picnic supplies, s) 19.60. Missions,-) 10.00 Supplies, £ 158.03. Total expense,.) 378.34. Bal. Jan. 1/29 -.>' 6.95. Ladies 1 Aid Socioty, .Received,;) 225.01. Paid out,) 208.76. Voted in favor ( 5$ ) \^* WM. EDWIN DARROW. PASTOR of monthly Bulletins, tho Pest or to print then on Ms Mimeograph and tho Church to pay for the actual cost of material and of postage, this at least for six nonths by way of trial. Voted to have Quarterly Businoss Meetings, three besides the Annual Meeting and these to be held tho Wednesday evening following the first Sunday. On accQunt of ill health C.E. Campbell resigned as clerk and Trustee. J.H.Truesdalc elected Deacon; C.E. Drew, Tree -surer and Mrs. Adrian Wilson as Clerk. Mrs. Cleaver Strunk elected pianist. J.H.Truesdalc, J. II. Barnes and lee Sutton selected as Finance Committee. Thanks voted to the Ladies 1 Aid, the Pastor.,^-, Mr. and Mrs. Drew for services rendered. Feb, 5- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golike received by letter. Feb. 10 - Voted in favor of the Volunteer Band^Carondclet Baptist Church, St .Louis, assisting tho Pastor in Evangelistic meetings, beginning April 7. March 20 - Voted to change the wording of the Memorial in memory of William T.and Matilda Meissncr. Quarterly VBusiness meeting in April to be changed to May 8th on account of Gospel meeting in prog- ress. April 17- April 21 -Additions to membership. On Aptil 21 the Church extended the Volunteer Band a vote of thanks. May 8 - Reports. Action on the death of Wm.ITcil and of W.E.Slifcr. Voted in favor of Evangelistic meetings the coning Fall. A ;.icn x s organization in the Church favored. Also the organization of a "Young Pcople^s Council J' to have general oversight of tho young peopled organizations in the church. An "Active" and "Inactive" membership list to be maintained; The Pastor was instructed to give the Hand of Fellowship to new members, according to the Church ouston. Voted to change the Annual Business Meeting from January to the first Wednesday in May. . • \R$pj?rt . of the Treasurer. Rec- eipts. (Jan.l/29-April 30/29). Loose ooif.fi 125.89. Communion, ti 7. 10. Member s,v 453.94. Missions, v 193.90. Ladies 1 Aid Socy,-' ^ for repair,, J 50. 00. for Bullotins,..) 6.63. Interest on pledges, v 26.13. Mrs. Ida MeKinnoy, Special gift,.;) 500.00. Tptal ,,)1363.59. Disbursements, Treasury over-drawn, & 17*95. Rev. W.E.Barrow Past- or, § 400.00. Missions, # 211.00. .• Janitor,-) 52.50. Electric light, $ 5.32. Lor.n,§ 102.40. Bay book for Trcas.v 3.00. Rev. Barrow trip to Pastors 1 Retrcat-,0 5.00. Mens 1 meeting in Jan. i g.oi*-'' Bullctins- o 13.49. Insurance,*,')' 55. 75. Taxes on parsonage,.,) 20.59. Coal, v> 18.22. Song books, 10.00. Incidentals, fi 3.35. Volunteer Band, St. Louis, fi 50.00. Bal.in Trcas.v) 387.01. Unpaid-Electric light, g 1.03. Janitor, # 12.50. Heating contract,,) 50.00. Paint- ing contract,^ 40.00. Total, v 103.58. Due Building Fund sV y 255.15 Sunday School: Receipts, Jan-March- Bal, Jan.l/29-§ 6.96. Reg. coll b 63.74. Birthdays, 12.67. Banner, ( offering from Teachers - v 3.25. C ont est -Blue s,s,> 25.00 and Rods,;) 26.30. Total, 137.92. April-Reg. Coll.,) 19.32. Birthdays,.) .72. Contest , Reds, * 13.51. Blues, v 23.57. Total for April ,0 57.12. Paid out- £ 93.66. BaX.fi 101.38. B.Y.P.U. President , Mrs. Emma Truesdalc, Miss Harriot Lcc,Socy and Miss Gertrude Emery , Trcao. Ladies 1 Aid Socy-On hand, Jan. 1/29 -fi 17.00. Received, v 81.00. Expended, $97.09. Mrs. C.E. Drew, Pros. ; Mrs.Isma Emery, Secy ;Miss Itfelle Bauscr,Treas. August 14- Quarterly Meeting. Reports. Arrangements for the coming of Rev. F.M. Bunk to help In Special Meetings. Meetings held from Oct. 30 -to ITov.17. Dec, 4- Quarterly Meeting. Reports. ( For membership changes during tho year-sec Membership List.) 1930 ■ v 400.00, Feb. 5 -Quarterly Mooting. Reports. Missionary Budget plcd&r 0. Voted to pay Pastor's expenses to "Retreat"^ and to f"59f ordination, of; "TtvrrnT. D. Thomas at Roxana. A pril 20. - Close §f .Sunday noming V/orship. "After Brother Bris k exp .C anned the importance and plan of eertain improvements to our Church building, it was moved by him and seconded by Brother J. Newton Barnes, that the improvements be made. The vote was unanimous in favor." "The imprsbvemont s inckudc the veneer- ing with brick the old part of our church building, some ' changes in windows, installation of exoctric light fixtures, etc." Mrs. Ida McKinney to give the new chandelier for cen- ter of audit or ium and backets for side wall. M ay 7- Annual Dinner and Roll Call. There wore "8S responses at Roll Call, 31 In person, 45 by proxy and 6 by letter. Reports. Treasur- er's Report: Receipts. Bal.May l/29-s) 387.01. Membership coll. ^ 1516.94. Loose coll.y 1 153.05. Interest( Special Funds) '" . . ;> : 4 102.50. Special Meetings(Dunk) -£ 146.87/Missions,y 453.42. Communion, v 17.50. Children's Bay(S.S.)- s ) 16.13. Hudelson Hone,y 37.67. Repair acct( Ladies' Aid) -y 9.29. Repair acct ( Now Bldg Fund) $ 229.87. General Fund ( Now Building Fund) ' ^ 218.47. New Bldg Fund-S. S. .) 200.00.3.Y.r.U..) 25.00. Others, v 11(3). 00, Interest-^ 20.80. Total, £ 3444.52. Disbursements. Rev. W.E.Darrow, v > 1200.00. Janitor,;) 192.50. Electric ' light, v 25.32. Association Missions,--) 50,00. Hudelson Homo,;) 37.67. General Missions, y 437.05. Special Moctings( Rev. Dunk) -0 97.65. Expense of Special "Meetings,.) 42,15. Bronze tablet,,) 40.62. Taxes on parsonage, y 20.87. Insurance on eh.y' 53.55. Coll. envelopes,.; 12.07. Coal,;) 59.29. -Material and labor on drain, chandelier, etc. .) 16.90. Minutes, y 4.00. Miscellaneous, 41.50 New Building- Choir platform,,)" 19.35. -Applied Repair acct. y 229.87. Applied General Fund,.) 218.47.Bal. on hand,$ 643.26. Total,;; 3444.52. Bal.due Building fmnd- s ) 643.26. Two accts -unpai£-bring the bal.to $ 553.26. available for building purposes. Pledges for building purposes yet unpaid, y 175.00 Paii and intercs£-y 205175. Interest on "notes ~y r 5. 00. Hidclson Homo,y 64.51. Children's Day (Pub. Socy) 16.13. Primary ehairs, y 22.39. Other, y 64.41. Total, y' 516.56.' Bal.2 39.52. Ladies' Aid Society, Roecipts,y 143.73. Expenditures -0 100.54. ( Hudel- son Home; y 35.00; Bulletins,.) 28.20;Parsonage shades, y7. 57 and other). 3al.$ 43.19. Elections: Clerk, Miss Anna Gosch; ' -Treasurer, v ' C.E.Drow; Deacon f L6o Sutton(four years); Pianist, Mrs, Cleaver Strunk. Finance Con.. J. K.'J?nosdale, J.N. Barnes and. Loo Sutton. Voted a letter of appreciation to Mrs. Ida UcKin- noy. ( T£o vote of thanks at " the Meeting in Jan. 1929 was for fireplaoo basket given by M r , and Mrs. C.E.Drew; for window snados from Ladies' Aid Socy; for lunch served the men at their meeting and for Biblo from the Pastor). Voted the pastor a two Sundays vacation in July. Pastor and Deacons to arrange for 90th anniversary celebration in January. Special Meetings to be held in Sept and Octobor, Rev. K.L. Sparks of East Alton as helper. Mrs. Ida McKinney gave now pews, costing .) 1000.00. She also gave a beautiful carpet for auditorium. Other offerings by others toward tho iinprovonent of our church building. Our Morning Worship on Sunday, November 23 was a^ronriate to our improved building. Miss Emily Baird passed" away July 6 and C. E. Campbell, Mo v. 5. ( See Membership list for membership changes). UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 286H6292 C001 HISTORY; BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH BUNKER h 3 0112 025278042