557 IL6b no. 93 ^ STATE OF ILLINOIS 1970 DEPARTMENT. OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Correlation and Palynology of Coals in the Carbondale and Spoon Formations (Pennsylvania^ of the Northeastern Part Of the Illinois Basin Russel A. Peppers BULLETIN 93 ILLINOIS ST ATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 (LLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00000 0442 Correlation and Palynology of Coals in the Carbondale and Spoon Formations {Pennsylvanian) of the Northeastern Part Of the Illinois Basin Russel A. Peppers ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 93 Urbana, Illinois 61801 1970 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION Hon. William H. Robinson, M.A., Chairman Laurence L. Sloss, Ph.D., Geology Roger Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc, LL.D., Chemistry Robert H. Anderson, B.S., Engineering Thomas Park, Ph.D., Biology Charles E. Olmsted, Ph.D., Forestry Dean William L. Everitt, E.E., Ph.D., D.Eng., University of Illinois President Delyte W. Morris, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY John C. Frye, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chief Printed by Authority <>r Slate of Illinois, Ch. 127, IRS, Par. 58.25. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY urbana, mho.-, uni full time staff August I, 1969 John C. Frye, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chief Hubert E. Rtsser, Ph.D., Assistant Chief R. J. Helfinstine, M.S., Administrative Engineer Velda A. Millard, Fiscal Assistant to the Chief G. R. Eadie, M.S., E.M., Asst. Admin. Engineer Helen E. McMorris, Secretary to the Chief GEOLOGICAL GROUP Jack A. Simon, Principal Research M.S. M. L. Thompson, Ph.D. Geologist COAL M. E. Hopkins, Ph.D.. Geologist and Head William H. Smith, M.S., Geologist Kenneth E. Clegg, M.S., Associate Geologist H. H. Damberger, D.Sc, Associate Geologist H. J. Gluskoter, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Russel A. Peppers, Ph.D., Associate Geologist John A. Bell, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Roger B. Nance, M.S., Jr. Assistant Geologist OIL AND GAS Donald C. Bond, Ph.D., Head Dindell H, Van Dyke, M.S., Geologist T. F. Lawry, B.S., Assoc. Petrol. Engineer R. F. Mast. M.S., Associate Petrol. Engineer Wayne F. Meents, Assoc. Geological Engineer Hubert M. Bristol, M.S., Assistant Geologist Richard H. Howard, M.S., Assistant Geologist David L. Stevenson, M.S.. Assistant Geologist Jacob Van Den Berg, M.S., Assistant Geologist ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING W. Calhoun Smith, Ph.D., Geologist in charge Paul B. DuMontelle, M.S., Ass'stant. Geologist Margaret M. Betchart, M.A., Research Assistant GEOLOGICAL RECORDS Vivian Gordon, Head Hannah Kistler, Supervisory Assistant Margaret J. Weatherhead, B.S., Research Assistant Dorothy A. Ireland, Technical Assistant Margaret N. Kihara, Technical Assistant Connie L. Maske, B.A., Technical Assistant Elizabeth Speer, Technical Assistant Rebecca J. Veenstra. Technical Assistant Linda M. Whitney, Technical Assistant CLAY RESOURCES AND CLAY MINERAL TECHNOLOGY W. Arthur White, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Bruce F. Bohor, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Cheryl W. Adkisson, B.S., Research Assistant Principal Geologist Frances H. Alsterlund, A.B. Research Associate GROUND-WATER GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION R. E. Bergstrom, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Merlyn B. Buhle, M.S., Geologist George M. Hughes, Ph.D., Associate Geologist John P. Kempton, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Keros Cartwright, M.S., Assistant Geologist Manoutchehr Heidari, M.S., Assist. Engineer Paul C. Heigold, Ph.D., Assistant Geophysicist Jean I. Larsen, M.A., Jr. Assistant Geologist Murray R. McComas, Ph.D., Assistant Geologist Kemal Piskin, M.S., Assistant Geologist F. B. Sherman, Jr., M.S., Jr. Assist. Geologist Jean E. Peterson, B.A., Research Assistant Verena M. Colvin, Technical Assistant Stephen S. Palmer, Technical Assistant STRATIGRAPHY AND AREAL GEOLOGY H. B. Willman, Ph.D., Geologist and Head Elwood Atherton, Ph.D., Geologist T. C Buschbach, Ph.D., Geologist Charles Collinson, Ph.D., Geologist Herbert D. Glass, Ph.D., Geologist Lois S. Kent, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Jerry A. Lineback, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Alan M. Jacobs, Ph.D., Assistant Geologist Susan B. Avcin, B.A., Research Assistant David L. Gross, M.S., Assistant Geologist INDUSTRIAL MINERALS James C. Bradbury, Ph.D., Geologist and Head James W. Baxter, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Richard D. Harvey, Ph.D., Associate Geologist Norman C. Hester, Ph.D., Assistant Geologist GEOLOGICAL SAMPLES LIBRARY Robert W. Frame, Superintendent J. Stanton Bonwell, Supervisory Assistant Eugene W. Meier, Technical Assistant Dora Ann Reed, Technical Assistant Charles J. Zelinsky, Technical Assistant CHEMICAL GROUP Glenn C. Finger, Ph.D., Principal Chemist Ruth C. Lynge, Technical Assistant G. Robert Yohe, Ph.D., Senior Chemist Thelma J. Chapman, B.A., Research Assistant Anita E. Bergman, B.S., Technical Assistant CHEMICAL ENGINEERING H. W. Jackman, M.S.E., Chemical Engineer, Head R. J. Helfinstine, M.S.. Mechanical Engineer H. P. Ehrlinger III, M.S., E.M., Assoc. Minerals Engineer Lee D. Arnold, B.S., Research Assistant W. G. ten Kate, M.S., Geol. D. f Assistant Mineralogist Walter E. Cooper, Technical Associate Robert M. Fairfield, Technical Assistant John P. McClellan, Technical Assistant Edward A. Schaede, Technical Assistant (on leave) FHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Josephus Thomas, Jr., Ph.D., Chemist, Head Robert N. Leamnson, M.S.. Assistant Chemist ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY G. C. Finger, Ph.D., Acting Head Donald R. Dickerson, Ph.D., Chemist Richard H. Shiley, M.S., Associate Chemist Gilbert L. Tinberg, Technical Assistant (Chemical Group continued on next page) CHEMICAL GROUP (Continued) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Neil F. Shimp, Ph.D., Chemist and Head William J. Armon, M.S., Associate Chemist Charles W. Beeler, M.A., Associate Chemist Rodney R. Ruch, Ph.D., Associate Chemist John A. Schleicher, B.S., Associate Chemist Larry R. Camp, B.S., Assistant Chemist David B. Heck, B.S., Assistant Chemist L. R. Henderson, B.S., Assistant Chemist Stephen M. Kim, B.A., Assistant Chemist L.. B. Kohlenberger, B.S.. Assistant Chemist John K. Kuhn, B.S., Assistant Chemist Joan D. Helie, B.A., Special Research Assist. Paul E. Gardner, Technical Assistant George R. James, Technical Assistant MINERAL ECONOMICS GROUP W. L. Busch. A.B. Hubert E. Risser, Economic Analyst Irma E Ph.D., Principal Mineral Economist Robert L. Major, M.S., Assist. Mineral Economist Samson, Clerk-Typist II ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP George R. Eadie, M.S., E.M., Administrator Mary M. Sullivan, Supervisory Technical Assistant EDUCATIONAL EXTENSION D. L. Reinertsen, A.M., Geologist, Acting Head George M. Wilson. M.S., Extension Geologist William E. Cote, M.S., Assistant Geologist Helen S. Johnston, B.S., Research Assistant Myrna M. Killey, B.A., Research Assistant PUBLICATIONS Betty M. Lynch, B.Ed., Technical Editor Carol A. Brandt, B.A., Technical Editor Jane E. Buses", B.S., Assistant Technical Editor Dorothy Rae Weldon, Editorial Assistant Marie L. Martin, Geologic Draftsman Jennifer L. Eickman, B.F.A., Asst. Geologic Draftsman Penelope M. Kirk, Asst. Geologic Draftsman William Dale Farris, Scientific Photographer Beulah M. Unfer, Photographic Technician Dorothy H. Scoggin, Technical Assistant LIBRARY Mary H. Peter, B.A., Assistant Librarian SPECIAL TECHNICAL SERVICES David B. Cooley, Administrative Assistant Wayne W. Nofftz, Distributions Supervisor Glenn G. Poor, Research Associate (on leave) Merle Ridgley, Instrument Specialist James E. Taylor, Automotive Mechanic Donovon M. W atkins, Technical Assistant FINANCIAL OFFICE Velda A. Millard, in charge Marjorie J. Hatch, Clerk IV Virginia C. Smith, B.S., Account Clerk Pauline Mitchell, Account Clerk CLERICAL SERVICES Jane C. Washburn, Clerk-Stenographer III Madelynn DiGirolamo, Clerk-Stenographer II Nancy J. Hansen, Clerk-Stenographer II Hazel V. Orr, Clerk-Stenographer II Mary K. Rosalius, Clerk-Stenographer II Sherry L. Brown, Clerk-Stenographer I Janette L. Hall, Clerk-Stenographer I Edna M. Yeargin, Clerk-Stenographer I Sharon K. Zindars, Clerk-Stenographer I JoAnn L. Lynch, Clerk-Typist II Pauline F. Tate, Clerk-Typist II Shirley Weatherford, Key Punch Operator II TECHNICAL RECORDS Berenice Reed, Supervisor Miriam Hatch, Technical Assistant Hester L. Nesmith, B.S., Technical Assistant GENERAL SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION Peggy H. Schroeder, B.A., Research Assistant Florence J. Partenheimer^ Technical Assistant EMERITI M. M. Leighton, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chief, Emeritus .]. S. Machin, Ph.D., Principal Chemist, Emeritus O. W. Rebs, Ph.D., Prin. Research Chemist, Emeritus W. H. VOSKUIL, PH.D., Prin. Mineral Economist, Emeritus <',. II. Cadv, Ph.D., Senior Geologist, Emeritus A. If. Bell, Ph.D., Geologist, Emeritus GEORGE E. Ekhi.aw, Ph.D., Geologist, Emeritus .J. E. LAMAR, B.S., Geologist, Emeritus L. I ). McViCKER, B.S., Chemist, Emeritus ENID TOWNLEY, M.S., Geologist, Emcrita Lester L. Whiting, M.S., Geologist, Emeritus Juanita Witters, M.S., Physicist, Emerita I',. .). GREENWOOD, B.S., Mechanical Engineer, Enu ritus RESEARCH AFFILIATES AND CONSULTANTS R. C. Anderson, Ph.D., Augustana College D. Bryan Blake, Ph.D., University of Illinois W. F. Bradley, Ph.D., University of Texas R. W. Davis, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University John P. Ford, Ph.D., Eastern Illinois University Donald L. Graf, Ph.D., University of Illinois S. E. Harris, Jr., Ph.D., Southern Illinois University W. Hilton Johnson, Ph.D., University of Illinois L. D. McGinnis, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University 1. Edgar Odom, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University T. K. Searight, Ph.D., Illinois State University George W. White, Ph.D., University of Illinois Topographic mapping ooperation with the United Stales Geological Survey. CONTENTS Page Introduction 10 Preparation techniques 13 Discussion of spore assemblages and correlation of coals 25 Spoon Formation 25 Rock Island (No. 1) Coal 25 Murphysboro Coal Member ....... 27 Davis and Wiley Coal Members 29 DeKoven Coal Member 30 Seelyville Coal Member 32 Uncorrelated coal 33 Abingdon (?) Coal Member 34 Carbondale Formation 35 Colchester (No. 2) Coal Member 35 Effect of Ancona-Garfield structure on spore assemblage .... 39 Differentiation of No. 2 Coal 42 Lowell and Cardiff Coal Members and equivalents 42 Lowell Coal Member 45 Lowell (?) Coal Member 47 Survant Coal (IV) of Indiana 48 Cardiff Coal Member 48 Differentiation of Lowell and equivalents 49 Summum (No. 4) Coal Member 49 Spore distribution and major structures 51 Differentiation of No. 4 Coal 54 Unnamed coal of Indiana 54 Springfield (No. 5) Coal Member 56 Briar Hill (No. 5A) Coal Member 58 Spring Lake Coal Member 59 Herrin (No. 6) Coal Member 60 Jamestown Coal Member 62 Allenby Coal Member 63 Danville (No. 7) Coal Member 64 Spore distribution charts 66 Taxonomy 80 Genus Leiotriletes 80 Genus Trivolites 82 Genus Punctatisporites 82 Genus CaJamospora 84 Genus Elaterites 86 Genus Granulatisporites 86 Genus Cyclogranisporites 88 Genus Converrucosisporites 89 Genus Verrucosispovites 90 Genus Schopfites 91 Genus Distortisporites 92 Genus Kewaneesporites 93 Genus Lophotriletes 95 Genus Anapiculatisporites 98 Genus Pustulatisporites 99 Page Genus Apiculatisporis 99 Genus Acanthotriletes 101 Genus Pileatisporites 101 Genus Raistrickia 102 Genus Convolutispora 108 Genus Spackmanites 108 Genus MacuJatasporites 110 Genus Microreticulatisporites 110 Genus Dictyotriletes Ill Genus Reticulatisporites . . . . . 112 Genus Camptotriletes 114 Genus Knoxisporites 114 Genus Vestispora 114 Genus Triquitrites 116 Genus Mooreisporites V 118 Genus Indospora 118 Genus Ahrensisporites 119 Genus Grumosisporites 119 Genus Crassispora 120 Genus Lycospora 120 Genus Cadiospora 121 Genus Murospora 121 Genus Densosporites 121 Genus Cristatisporites 122 Genus Vallatisporites 122 Genus Cirratriradites 122 Genus Reinschospora 123 Genus Balteosporites 123 Genus Savitrisporites 124 Genus Laevigatosporites 125 Genus Tuherculatosporites 127 Genus Thymospora 127 Genus Torispora 128 Genus Columinisporites 128 Genus Wilsonites 128 Genus Perotriletes 128 Genus Hymenospora 129 Genus Endosporites 130 Genus Paleospora 131 Genus Florinites 131 Genus Vesicaspora 132 Genus Kosankeisporites 133 Genus Complexisporites 134 Genus Alatisporites 135 Genus Trihyphaecites 135 Summary 136 Correlation of coals 136 Spore distribution 137 Influence of structure on distribution 137 References 139 ILLUSTRATIONS li xi Figure Page 1. Coal members of the Kcwanee Group of" Illinois and equivalent coals of Indiana and Kentucky 12 2. Sample sites and major structures 14 Text Figure Page 3. Detail of figure 2 showing sample sites in Illinois Basin 15 4. Sample sites of Colchester (No. 2) Coal 40 5. Relative abundance of small spore taxa in the Colchester (No. 2) Coal 41 6. Sample sites of Lowell, Cardiff, and equivalent coals 46 7. Relative abundance of small spore taxa in the Lowell, Cardiff, and equivalent coals 47 8. Sample sites of Summum (No. 4) Coal 52 9. Relative abundance of small spore taxa in Summum (No. 4) Coal 53 10. Stratigraphic distribution of small spore species and their relative abundance 67 11. Stratigraphic distribution of small spore genera and their relative abundance 77 12. Punctatisporites kankakeensis sp. nov 83 13. Punctatisporites venniculatus Kosanke, 1950 84 14. Schopfites cf. dimorphus Kosanke, 1950 92 15. Distoitisporites illinoiensis sp. nov 93 16. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke, 1950) emend, and comb. nov. 94 17. Lophotriletes rarispinosus sp. nov 96 18. Lophotriletes copiosus sp. nov 97 19. Anapiculatisporites grundensis sp. nov 98 20. Apicidatisporis frequentispinosus sp. nov 99 21. Apicidatisporis lappites sp. nov 100 22. Pileatisporites aequus sp. nov 101 23. (A) Raistrickia breveminens sp. nov.; (B) R. carbondalensis sp. nov.; (C) R. lacerata sp. nov.; (D) R. dispar sp. nov.; (E) R. lowellensis sp. nov.; (F) R. subcrinita sp. nov 102 24. Dictyotriletes distortus sp. nov 112 25. Camptotriletes triangularis sp. nov 114 26. (A) lndospora boletus sp. nov.; (B) Indospora steward Peppers, 1964 119 27. Balteosporites minutus sp. nov 124 28. Comparison of size distribution of Laevigatosporites globosus Schemel, 1951, and Punctatisporites obliquus Kosanke, 1950 126 29. Kosankeisporites elegans (Kosanke, 1950) emend 134 Plates Page 1. Leiotriletes, Trivolites, Punctatisporites 147 2. Punctatisporites, Calamospora 149 3. Elate rites, Granulatisporites, Cyclogranisporites 151 4. Cyclogranisporites, Converrucosisporites, Verrucosisporites . . . . 153 5. Verrucosisporites, Schopfites, Distoitisporites, Kewaneesporites, Lopho- triletes 155 6. Lophotriletes, Anapiculatisporites, Pustulatisporites, Apicidatisporis, Acanthotriletes, Pileatisporites 157 7. Raistrickia 159 8. Raistrickia, Convolutispora, Spackmanites, Maadatasporites . . . . 161 9. Microreticulatisporites, Dictyotriletes, Reticulatisporites. Camptotriletes 163 10. Camptotriletes, Knoxisporites, Vestispora, Triquitrites 165 11. Triquitrites, Mooreisporites, Indospora, Ahrensisporites, Grumosispor- ites, Crassispora, Lycospora, Cadiospora 167 12. Cadiospora, Murospora, Densosporites, Cristatisporites, Vallatispor- ites, Cirratriradites, Reinschospora, Balteosporites, Savitrisporites, Laevigatosporites 169 Plates Page 13. Tuberculatosporites, Columinisporites, Wilsonites, Perotriletes, Hymen- ospora, Endosporites, Paleospora, Florinites 171 14. Florinites, Vesicaspora, Kosankeisporites, Complexisporites, Alatispor- ites, Trihyphaecites 173 TABLE Table Page 1. Geographic location, thickness, and depth of coal samples .... 16 Manuscript submitted for printing July 31, 1969 CORRELATION AND PALYNOLOQY OF COALS IN THE CARBONDALE AND SPOON FORMATIONS (PENNSYLVANIAN) OF THE NORTHEASTERN PART OF THE ILLINOIS BASIN Russel A. Peppers Abstract Palynological investigations of about 240 coal samples from the Carbondale and Spoon Formations (Pennsylvanian), primarily from the northeastern part of the Illinois Basin, reveal that the occurrence and relative abundance of certain spore taxa are useful in the identification and correlation of these coals and associated strata. The data obtained clarify the geologic ranges of the plant microfossils in the strata of the Kewanee Group. The coal members most extensively sampled were the Colchester (No. 2), Lowell, Summum (No. 4), Springfield (No. 5), Herrin (No. 6), and Danville (No. 7) Coals, mainly from Livingston, Grundy, LaSalle, and Edgar Counties, Illinois. Other coals analyzed for their spore content included one tentatively correlated with the Rock Island (No. 1) Coal; one tentatively correlated with the Murphysboro Coal; the Wiley, DeKoven, and Seelyville Coals; one thin, uncorrelated coal below the No. 2 Coal; a coal tentatively assigned to the Abing- don Coal; the Cardiff and Shawneetown Coals; an unnamed Indiana coal between the Houchin Creek (IVa) and Springfield (V) Coals; and the Briar Hill (No. 5A), Spring Lake, Jamestown, and Allenby Coals. A total of 57 sample sites are represented. Of the 59 spore genera and 221 species differentiated, four genera and 35 species are proposed as new and are formally described and named. In addition, one genus is described that is probably a fungus. New spore taxa include six species of Raistrickia, two of Hymenospora, Vestispora, Punclatisporites, Granu- latisporites, Lophotriletes, Apiculatisporis, and Dictyotriletes, and one each of Leiotriletes, Cyclogranisporites, Anapiculatisporites, Schopfites, Maculatasporites, Microreticulatisporites, Reticulatisporites, Camptotriletes, Triquitrites, Indospora, 10 Cirratriradites, Perotriletes, Pileatisporites, Distortisporites, and Balteosporites. The last three are new genera. The spore genus Kewaneesporites also is erected to accommodate two previously described species of Punctatisporites, P. reticu- loides, and P. patulus, which are emended. Trihyphaecites is proposed as the generic name of a microfossil that is probably fungal in origin. Punctatisporites transenna Peppers, 1964, is placed in synonymy with P. vermiculatus. The genus Kosankeisporites and the species K. elegans and Laevigatosporites robustus are emended. Elaterites triferens, previously described from coal ball petrifactions, is recorded from a coal maceration for the first time. Despite variations in the composition of spore assemblages within the same coal, individual coals of the Carbondale and Spoon Formations can be differ- entiated. Conspicuous changes in the spore floras occur between the No. 2 and Lowell Coals, between the Lowell (and equivalent coals) and the No. 4 Coals, between the No. 5 and No. 5A Coals, and between the No. 5A and No. 6 Coals. The No. 4 and No. 5 Coals are the most difficult to distinguish from each other by spore analysis. The spore populations of the coals of the Carbondale and Spoon Formations are markedly dominated by Lycospora except in the interval between and includ- ing the Lowell and No. 5 Coals and in a thin coal (Abingdon (?) Coal) below the No. 2 Coal. In those coals Laevigatosporites is more abundant or almost as abundant as Lycospora. Thymospora is a very significant part of the spore assemblage in the interval from the No. 4 Coal to the No. 5A Coal. Distinct changes occur in the composition of spore assemblages in the No. 2, Lowell, and No. 4 Coals as the coals are traced from the west and onto the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt and the gentle Ancona-Garfield structure along the western flank of the belt. During part of the Pennsylvanian Period the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt, especially the Ancona-Garfield structure, probably was high enough to have affected the depth of the water table, salinity, and drainage patterns while the No. 2, Lowell, and No. 4 Coals were being deposited. These changes in environ- mental conditions had a noticeable influence on the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the spore-bearing plants of the coal swamp floras. The names Cardiff Coal and Spring Lake Coal are reintroduced and type sections are proposed for them. As the type section of the Summum (No. 4) Coal has been destroyed by strip-mine operations, an alternate type section is designated. The erroneous stratigraphic position for the Shawneetown Coal given when its type section was described is corrected, as is the spelling of the Seelyville Coal. INTRODUCTION The delineation and correlation of indi- vidual coal members, essential to studies of Pennsylvanian stratigraphy and coal re- sources, are difficult or impossible where outcrop, mine, or drill hole information is scarce, especially in areas of rapid strati- graphic transitions. To help resolve some of these difficulties, Kosanke (1950) used small spores to establish a framework of correlation for the important Illinois coals. Because of the comprehensive nature of this significant contribution, the number of samples included was small in relation to the area and thickness of strata considered. More detailed investigations of the fossil spore flora of Illinois have become neces- sary as the need for more precise strati- graphic correlation increases. A brief discussion of previous investiga- tions of Pennsylvanian palynology in Illi- nois was given by Peppers (1964, p. 11). Literature dealing with Pennsylvanian small spores from many parts of the world is so voluminous that no attempt will be made to discuss it here. The small plant spores of Pennsylvanian age from coals of the upper part of the Spoon Formation and from the Carbondale 11 Formation of the Illinois Basin are de- scribed in this report. The Carbondale coals are geographically the most extensive and economically the most important in Illinois. The Carbondale and Spoon Formations form the Kewanee Group of Illinois, the Carbondale at the top and the Spoon at the base (text fig. 1). The Carbondale Forma- tion is defined (Kosanke et al., 1960) as including strata between the base of the Colchester (No. 2) Coal and the top of the Danville (No. 7) Coal. Although most of the coal samples were obtained from the Carbondale, several coals from the upper part of the Spoon Formation were included because two cored sections in Livingston County encountered thin coals a few feet below the No. 2 Coal, and it seemed worth while to include them in this investigation. In a study of strippable coal reserves, Smith (1968) described the stratigraphy and distribution of the various coals in the area that were most extensively sampled for this investigation. The area from which the coals were sampled is shown in text figures 2 and 3. Most of the samples were obtained from LaSalle, Livingston, Grundy, Kankakee, and Edgar Counties in the northeastern and eastern portions of the Illinois Basin. Other sample localities in Fulton, McDonough, Logan, Tazewell, Marshall, Bureau, Ver- milion, Saline, Franklin, and Gallatin Counties of Illinois and in Vigo and Ver- million Counties of Indiana were selected for stratigraphic control and for the pur- pose of comparing spore assemblages over considerable lateral distances. Type local- ities of coal members were sampled where possible. About 240 benched samples from 57 localities (text figs. 2 and 3; table 1) were used in the investigation. A very important aim of this study was to correlate coal members in northeastern Illinois by means of their spore contents, especially in the Wilmington area of south- eastern Grundy County and northwestern Livingston County. In this area, four coals that lie above the No. 2 Coal have been exposed in strip pits and underground mines. The No. 2 Coal, the Cardiff Coal, and the uppermost coal have been mined. The four coals are separated by a relatively few feet of strata, none of them useful in correlation. All but a few feet of strata overlying the uppermost coal have been truncated and covered by glacial drift. The coals have been difficult to trace eastward or westward because of erosion, lack of drill hole information and outcrops, and rapid changes in stratigraphic sequence. The rapid changes in environments of dep- osition are especially apparent for the three coals between the more persistent No. 2 Coal and the uppermost coal. All three were deposited in a narrow channel-like depression that trends northeast-southwest. The description of the small spore as- semblages from a large number of samples provided new data concerning the geologic ranges of spores in the Carbondale and Spoon coals. Reliability of certain spore taxa for stratigraphic correlation could be tested because of the large number of samples studied. Although Kosanke (1950) reported on the spores of most of the coals studied for this report, numerous spore taxa not pre- viously reported from strata of Illinois were encountered because so many macerations were studied. This was predictable because even minor variations in environmental conditions from place to place in the same coal swamp would influence the areal dis- tribution of the spore -bearing plants. The vertical or geologic ranges of some of these newly reported spores make them useful in the correlation of coals. The palynology of coals from places in Illinois not previously sampled also forms part of this study. Spores from coals in Livingston, Kankakee, Marshall, Logan, and Tazewell Counties are here reported for the first time, as are spore assemblages of some coals from counties included in earlier palynological investigations. Sam- ples from some of these areas have been only lately obtainable. Many coal samples from Livingston and LaSalle Counties were made available from the Northern Illinois Gas Company's recently obtained diamond drill cores. Several other sets of samples have become accessible through relatively 12 o o o O o o >, 5* ° o , to to£ £uj o o o o o o ° 2 o ° 15 1 I o o t; d z c w <-> bo CJ? g 1 "-5 - « c o o .£ g | <-> 5 2 Oo. w 5 CJ = 2 i » 1 5 * Sl| o o a o E O O u 0) Z z z z Z 3 Z CO a a z oS lu Wd Nvwsn Nouvwaod BivoNoaavo NOIlVWaOd U31VM3QVU1 Noiivwaoj a: aoona wj 9anasa3i3d Wd NOiNH Wd NOINOVIS Nouvwuod iizvae o Hi 5 § -— ° H « go - o o 8 S go 2 -o o o - < z < o z 1 o o o g o o o o § o o o a> o o O c o o E O -a c N N too *L C — Cm 0> O J= O J= c c o > o ._ C 3 »- — «> 1 " a. — > o 3 o Q I X o o to 3. X CO O CO U 5 dnod9 3-|VC]N08UV0 dnocio >f33yo Noooovy 1 - 1 O o g o zco co_l o <_> 6 o o o to 6 * o z d 5 o o <_l z o o» — 2 uj — '> c o Q z c I 5 E ° t; ■S I - * - c a, j= t E J if O 3 O O X CO -JO a> '> _>> a> o> CO o z o o o g <-> O O o o o Id o o § < _ o _ ,-. "> c o o c 0> o o O c * o 0> E £ 1 z = c ^ t o o ^ O o 1 £ s ! = E a> *■ t E g " o o O c 0) > o o _ « o o -6 — O o ~ o o — £ o — c ^ o =o 2 o> x: o t o ? ° ° CD = cc i; « ■s 1- 1 i| O ■- — _ ZCD Q ~3 X CD X CO CO o a O $ 2 O ^-^ _ z o o o o O _ O o o o O o o HCO 11 O o o s 3 o io — CJ ^ m ^ cj 6 * 6 z d Z o o o x-J z t; ~ o t--l O to 4) > C c o 0) E z = i c w O ■o — o ° .o O « V) .c > e- o Q. 3 O O O "3 X CD co cotr _i o Q Q 5 CO 11 o o u o O — ° 2 1 o I o o o o o o O z-i IE ~ UJZ N 5° o T" 6 Z Oj£ _ z o o O TJ o o O d — Z xcr h-UJ or (- oco Z 11 I! c o> - c ■o — «> O O l. I E° o ° « o> 2 c —■!£:•> o « c £ o O N OIlVWHOd anvoNoaavo NOIlVWaOd NOOdS dnOdO 33NVM3M 13 recent drilling by coal companies in Edgar, Livingston, and other counties and from strip mine operations in northwestern Kankakee County. In addition, the spore content of several coals that had not previously been fully investigated is here given in detail. The coals include one directly below the No. 2 Coal and tentatively correlated with the Abingdon Coal (referred to herein as the Abingdon (?) Coal); and the Lowell Coal, Shawneetown Coal, Survant Coal (IV) of Indiana, and the 2 A coals (name discon- tinued) of southern Illinois that are, at least in part, probably all correlative. Also included in this interval between the No. 2 and No. 4 Coals is a locally developed channel coal, the Cardiff Coal, found in the vicinity of Cardiff and Clarke City. Guennel (1952, p. 27-28) reported on the small spores of the Survant Coal (IV) of Indiana but only as to genera. Described here for the first time are the spores from an unnamed coal between the Houchin Creek Coal (IVa) and the Springfield Coal (V) of Indiana and those from the Spring Lake Coal. Acknowledgments Dr. Robert M. Kosanke of the U. S. Geological Survey critically read this man- uscript and made many valuable sugges- tions, especially concerning the spore taxonomy. Professor Donald P. Rogers of the University of Illinois Botany Depart- ment checked the construction of new names of spore taxa. I am most grateful for their help. PREPARATION TECHNIQUES The techniques used in preparing the coal macerations studied are essentially the same as those described by Kosanke (1950) and Peppers (1964). Although coal sam- ples processed as early as 1945 were used, results obtained did not differ significantly from spore analyses of coals prepared in more recent years because the maceration procedure at the Illinois State Geological Survey has been only slightly modified since that time. In any case, maceration techniques everywhere are often altered to adapt them to the inherent composition of the coal and the extent to which it has been weathered. Relatively thick bench samples of the coals were taken because the primary pur- pose of this study was correlation of coals rather than paleoecological investigation of coal deposition. Coals of sufficient thick- ness were divided into two or more benches that were designated by letters suffixed to their maceration numbers. Whenever possible, the upper and lower boundaries of benches were chosen along such natural stratigraphic breaks as shale, clay, or pyrite bands. If no spores were found in the original maceration, or if those present were poorly preserved or abnor- mally thin, the coal samples, when still available, were reprocessed. Maceration numbers followed by "RR" indicate these remacerated samples. Many coal samples were selected for maceration from diamond drill cores, many of them recently drilled and made available to the Illinois Geological Survey. A ribbon sample of 50 to 100 grams was cut from the coal cores with a carborundum blade saw. A mechanical rock splitter was used to reduce the outcrop samples to a weight of 50 to 100 grams for easy han- dling. The rock splitter also reduced the size of the several rotary churn samples carefully collected from wells drilled spe- cifically for coal tests. All the samples were then broken with a hammer until the maximum fragment size was about 5 milli- meters (mm). To oxidize the coal, Schulze's solution ( 1 part saturated solution of potassium chlorate to 2 parts concentrated nitric acid) was added until the sample was com- pletely covered. The sample was allowed to stand for a period of from a few minutes to as much as 4 days, depending on the freshness of the sample. Some highly 14 • Sample locotion and number; numbers not shown are given in fig. 3 f Boundary of Ihe Carbondale Formation £~j Area shown in detail in fig. 3 40 i •£ J _1 .—-^MASSAC\ — <£ ('PULASKI [ Text Fig. 2 — Sample sites and major structures in the area of the report. Outline shows the boundary of the Carbondale Formation. Boxed area is shown in detail in text figure 3. 15 Sample location and / number of sample site Text Fig. 3 — Detail of figure 2 showing sample sites in the northeastern portion of the Illinois Basin and the structure on top of the Colchester (No. 2) Coal. (After Smith, 196 7.) weathered outcrop samples and some of the older core samples of relatively high-sulfur coal that had been exposed to the air for many years were already so well oxidized that Schulze's solution was not required. After most of the chemical action had ceased and the coal felt soft when stirred with a rod, water was added and decanted until the pH was neutral. About 100 milliliters (ml) of 5 percent solution of potassium hydroxide was next added to dissolve the humic matter. A drop of the residue was immediately exam- ined under a microscope; if the botanic constituents appeared to be well separated, water was added. Water could be added to many samples within 5 minutes, but it was necessary to keep a few samples in potas- sium hydroxide solution for up to 2 hours. Adding and decanting of water continued until all the dissolved humic matter had been removed. The macerated residue was sieved with a 65-mesh Tyler screen to separate the material coarser than 210 microns (/*) from the fine residue that contained the small spores. The coarse fraction was stored in alcohol and glycerin in 50 ml bottles for future reference. A small por- tion of the fine fraction was centrifuged in a solution of zinc chloride (specific gravity 2) and an approximately 2 percent solu- 16 >> J3 bO c 3 o ^_ i 3 o O o o P S3 O o S3 O -t-i c o CD 03 CO o3 03 i 3 fo 3 fc 3 fc 3 fc o3 H § O 5 a CD fafl 03 £ w H H W £ w ^ ^ ^ ■. to CD go CO I— 1 CO CM CO 14 GO 00 CO fc- fc £ fc £ GO 3 fc fc fc- fc GO fc CD GO GO GO GO GO GO H GO fc G? £ GO d CD £ fc- CD w H £ D fc fc o fc fc ^^ lOiO»COiO to to to CM Depth 3 top Of coal sample fc.) (in, CO 1^ t^ t^ CO »OCOiON05 O O CO rH Tti to to ^ CM CM CD 00 O O 00 CO *o ic >o »o t^ to to CD O O i-H »o — <*4 """" i-H CM CM CM CO CO CO " « o £ B ft 0>-s CM co°° CO °S CM " g£ CO 00 CO to to to CO to 00 cro illc (in. CM £ i— O 00 * g CM,5> g CM^ O O.S £ £ to o 2§ CO CM i-H CM CM CM O CO CO O CO i— i CO to CM Thic out dr f.8 ft^ 3 -^ ft^ 3 •*» ft^ Si +1 2 "S cd S T3 T3 CD CD t3 g. g.-s 03 ^o3 o 2 o * S3 -rt e o CM CM "* ^T* T^^T^ IC»C»C >>>> »o t^ t^ to >o »o »o c3^^ gcMCMCM o fe k v . ■ ■ CD — 2 s © CD CD 6 6 odd 6 6 6 odd Si d d 6 6 6 6 6 a o o « o o o t3 J^t)fcfcfc d J -Is fcfc fcfcfc fcfcfc fcfcfc fc fc &Z&ZZ fc d _o 03 m^ om< OPQ<£ OK< <> -*=> r-\ a a a o O 6 a 03 ^03 JD JW JO 0) 03 o 1 O 60 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 a C3 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO "> o3 a 03 03 03 03 o3 03 «<-H CM ""■* »-h CM CM CM " 1 I— 1 ^H^^H^H^^-tCMCS! .g n cknes tcrop rill co (in.) t^ CO co tO to -^ CO tOCM Q0NONH oo to to cm i^ •o © tO to OS© 00 t-i 00 ©©t^O0CO--HCMCM tO CM ©© CO tO i— i i— i i— i CM T-i 1— 1 I— 1 jgg-d ~ CM CM CM •r fe • • • rv o O O O -tf "* (M TtH INNN tO Tf t^ ^ ^ TJ CM CM Tt< ■* ^*gg 6 6 o d 6 odd d odd . . . . p ^ . . 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P o g "- i—i i—i i— i i— i i— i i— i ,— i 1—1 O W ^j lO tO lO CD 00 OS OS OS o O Oh OqcOCOT^^lOt^.t^OO'*lOtO»Ot^OOOOOo io »o NNININCOJ Ol Ol Ol lOiOtOtOtOtOOOOOOOOSOSOSOSCOCOCO^T^^^tiTti ■+J <+H ^^ HHHrHHHHHrH^MNlMCOCOCOCOCOCOCCirO d * ° £ cknes tcrop rill co (in.) iO Tf (M cm i>li>it^ lO lO rfH lO COOCDCONIN ocooo to to 00 COCOIO«500Nm'iHNN M-H •_, •— I TO CD cCr^r-dTJ-d ^S.^ 44 v ^-O CD CD CD d d ®3 o3 c3 o S g M t-3 _9 _2 ^ 'o> "3 bfl P _£ £f ^ -* ^ "tf TfH fe d d d d d ££££££ ^-i rt rt ^ TJ'O !h ^ ^ Coal in strati occuri eac^ dodo odd ir-t-t-i^t-t^cococo-S'^^-^oioao} m m % g % £ k fe £ • . ..g.gooo ooooooooooooocoo^^ddd ££££ £££ fc&fcfc&fcfc&fc^HqHH'^fcfcfc^^PPP .2 OQflH ^pqoPHP^ Offl tp H co Ph O'Ph O^hI^hWO^HOO £ © o o o -1 4 4 4 4 4< 00 00 00 '^^HH-tl^'^'+l'rtl^tl^tl^^-HT+lT^^^^l^tl^tl^t 1 ^ CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J^ Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol -t< -f -h cococococococococococococococococococococo (2j * Cu ft^'H, >» d Q A CO p Q H 3 '/J a; &, 0> _ OI CO £ '3 OI Ol OI w 19 & c3 G> 03 d d c d * 03 o o o £ -o .a c3 d w he TdTJ d d ££ o > > © w M kJ ^ > > H H £ £ co !>• O O & £ £ £ CM 00 OtOOONN hhhhiN(N(N(N(NIN >o to OO CO CO CO -rf co co co * o £ I III 00 co co O iO CM 00 CO 00 00 IO 00 3 IT3 CM 00 0O ^ ir} lOOO DrHOilNiO CO CO CO CO 00 00 tO CO >0 iO iOiO^iO CM °^ a o<^ .2 S h$ O -a £ *3 ° © 00 © ° ° * g g d « _ eJ d 08 O 02 § O d d 13 "33 % "aS ^ ^ ^ fe fe fe fe . . . o o o o o o o OOOOqOOO 00 £ £ £ £ j ^ j ^ fc £ l^llCMCM (NN^^ iO > > o o rr tr d d d d d d OE^HQOpq^ ^ H KOfeWPOPq^ PO««: > -^ A d d d C5 2 o CO cc CO o o3 03 ^c3 be U a 1 'a S-H d "3) d To d o> ID CD CO -o > > > > A A Q H CD d o3 & £ £ £ H H ^ ^ 1—1 CM CM ,— 1 ^H co tf 1— 1 1—1 d .2 o o ft £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ^ h! OS OS os os CD to tO 1— 1 6 t^ •*# t^ O CD ^ 00 t^ CD co CM CO CO a £ fc w £ co £ fc CO CO 5Z5 £ fc CO ol & £ £ £ ^ fc £ £ £ fc O* CO * H £ ^ £ CO £ £ £ ^ fc ^_^ tO CM CM OOCO tO to CO to spth op oi oal mple (in NOO^OJN^^OiOffi 00 CO OSCMCO^OCDt^i— it^ W O OQ _(J t^t^OOCsO^^'ftOCO CD to to T 1 rH lO COCDt^OSOOOOOOOO tO tO to i— i CM CM CO CO CO tO CM CM CM CD CM COiOtOCMCOCOCO^lO i-ii-ii-HCMCMCMCMCMCO -* -t-^ <+h COCOCO^^'*'*^^ 1 ^ ^ " 7—1 CM ^h CM " 23 CM CD ^-v-^^^-v o3 o3 o3 t(H >>> O « jj 7.S1* ^-'•"--'w ^ 1 in ordei ratigraph surrence each site ^^^ 2 00 cd ^-^^^^-.^--^-v^-vS TJ T3 -O T3 CD CD CD Ct> OQQHHHHHH, d -^< -^ -^ -M d c3 c3 c3 13 *® F 53 'S ■d -d "d d d d d d d 0 to 'O tO 'O to 10 >o »o >o ~+ CO co CO OS OS OSOSOSOSCSOSOSOSOS CM fl- Tvpe of sample H co Q Q CO CO CO Q Q Q Q H JO (X 1) ^H OI CO <* »o CD 1^ ^ 'S3 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO co ea 21 a a) a ftg^ & v O 03 o w d o 2 c m O o a <~ ft ft 03 bC m m kOCOlOOO LOCO »c 10 oooocoooi'tO'-fioooO'— 1 iO iO lO iO lO lO CO lO CHrHrHiHOi'0'0'OiOcD©CO ^^^^^^^^^<^^ ( ^ c ^ C vq C ^^ COCOCOCOCO cO-t-t-^'t < -f < '^^ lO 00 CO CO lO 00 GO lO O lO UO GO CO lO IO lO CO 00 lO lO O CNJ CO CXI CM lO-f'T-iCIOSCMCOCD^+'CO c^. c-- «^. 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" " tN CO 10 10 n "* CO Thickness ii outcrop or drill core (in.) 12 22.5 22.5 2.6 11 11 18.5 9.5 7 top 2.5 pper middle liddle 3.5 i wer middle ottom 3 OS CO 00 00 CS CO t^ H coco -* CO ^ b pi^-q ° o-S •« •- * 0; X3 . 4) -P &8.13 00 *~ sv. 0— 5 g fi r/2 _ _ Sjh 5+2 Jt- jta M . • • % S72TJ12T3 OOOooe3o3c3c3CCOCC S(N *Bc* ^IP -o 6 c3 6 T3 03 6 -0 03 6 0« ^^^^jqoooZ^^;^^; £o£ O^ G£ CI .2 CC^ O «^ Ofl oj^ ofl J) ~r~ ^^fflOPQQQHHHHH -*1pqO <£« ^ PQ 0) -f-t i -r-f-t i 't | -t-t | -^'t | 't | '+ i -t | -t i 'O "O 'O "O 'O 'O >o »o "O iO 'O >c 10 »o CO CO CO 4" 4 CN eg o -f -* -f CO CO CD CD cc OS OS Ci CJ OS O O Cs CS OS CS Oi 02 OS I— 1 1— I 1 — 1 CS OS s * H Q H *- 1 % 4) P-. (U -r »o CD ,, 3 S »c •o US »o GO a Pi pi O II != O a a -o • 03 CO pi 2 •3 pi US r 11 CO PI 03 rfi CJ .2 TtH (M .& 11 : ^ pi go a ^ 03 co C5 PI CJ d CO X3 X r> u ^ O -0 +j +3 GO * O 03 ri > 03 Pi OJ OJ O O c3 T3 CD X fi X _fi •rt pi >> 03 r^ ►D O +3 O c3 P3 ^ .2 "3 o3 O > O C3 cu CO CO 'O a) 3 03 +3 -g 03 (-1 03 fi 3 a B "5 03 CO fafi 03 CO 0) tt (D 11 w II 0^ p £ 1 CO O CO 03 bO C3 .2 -03 0J 0- 03 03 H 1 — 1 > xi O ., , 03 09 ^ fi 03 W O Fi X fi .a U 03 pa , X? t- 'O C3 n, O O cd > -a >, T3 O 4i O a D. 00 cu _o CO a B ^ ^d 03 CO a .s ,LJ a3 CO fi co fi 35 03 03 X CJ fi O 00 OJ ll| -d C3 O X C3 fi § * Cfl A OS a Q Q OJ -f POOOOtf pH 25 tion of hydrochloric acid to isolate any mineral matter from the botanic remains. The zinc chloride solution was removed by repeated centrifuging. The sample was subjected to ultrasonic vibrations for about 5 seconds to disperse the particles. Finely divided organic matter was removed from some of the samples by centrifuging them for 1 minute or less and pouring off the suspended matter. Part of the residue was stored in alcohol and glycerin in a small vial, and another portion was stained by placing it in safrinin Y solution for about two hours, after which alcohol was added and decanted until all the water had been removed. A small representative portion of the spore residue in a final solution of 50 per- cent absolute alcohol and 50 percent xylene was mixed with liquid Canada bal- sam to be mounted on slides. The prepared slides were placed in a warming oven at a temperature of 105° F for at least 5 days. The stained residues not used for slides were stored in small vials sealed with paraffin. The spore slides were first examined with a Spencer Microstar microscope at a mag- nification of 100X to record the various taxa in each sample. To determine the relative abundance of spores in each mac- eration, 300 identified specimens were counted at a magnification of 430 X- The total percentages of spores in coals that had been divided into benches were computed by adding percentages weighted according to the thickness of the individual benches. For example, the percentage of spores from a 12-inch thick bench sample would account for 66.7 percent of the total dis- tribution of spores in a coal that had a total thickness of 18 inches. The occur- rence and average relative abundance of spore genera and species in the coals inves- tigated are shown in the spore distribution charts preceding the taxonomy section. More detailed observations were made, especially on new taxa, with a Leitz Ortho- lux microscope at magnifications of up to 980X by using an oil immersion objective. The Ortholux microscope was also em- ployed for taking photomicrographs in which 120 mm Adox R 14 film was used. All materials, including reference coal samples (kept in plastic bags), coarsely and finely macerated residues, and slides, are stored at the Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois. DISCUSSION OF SPORE ASSEMBLAQES AND CORRELATION OF COALS Spoon Formation Although most of this investigation is concerned with coals of the Carbondale Formation, small spore assemblages of sev- eral coals of the underlying Spoon Forma- tion were studied for comparison with assemblages from Carbondale coals. An attempt was made, also, to determine the stratigraphic position of several coals, sam- ples of which were recovered from diamond drill core sections in northeastern Illinois, that lie between the base of the Pennsyl- vanian and the Colchester (No. 2) Coal. Rock Island {No. l) Coal The No. 1 Coal, the oldest coal in the Spoon Formation, was first named bv Worthen (1868, p. 6) in his generalized section of the Coal Measures of northern and western Illinois. In 1 870 he described as the type locality of the No. 1 Coal an exposure along the Spoon River about 1 mile southwest of Seville in Fulton County. Worthen and Shaw (1873, p. 221, 229- 232) correlated the coal mined at Rock Island with the No. 1 Coal. Wanless (1957, p. 72, 201) redescribed the type section and formally designated the coal as the Rock Island (No. 1 ) Coal. Kosanke et al. (1960) defined the Rock Island (No. 1) Coal as the basal member of the Spoon Formation. Kosanke (1950, p. 66-67) investigated the small spores of the Rock Island (No. 26 1) Coal from Rock Island, Henry, and Fulton Counties. Culver (1923, p. 134-138), in his de- scription of the strata below the Col- chester (No. 2) Coal, noted the presence of several thin, lenticular coals that are locally of minable thickness where they were deposited in channel-like depressions. Two of these bodies of coal, which trend northeast-southwest and occur 20 to 30 feet below the No. 2 Coal in Aux Sable Township (T. 34 N., R. 8 E.) were essen- tially removed by strip mining. Culver (1923, p. 135) used the name "Goose Lake Coal," presumably in reference to one of these channel coals mined at Jugtown at an early date. No type locality or description was given, and, unfortunately, no samples are presently available. In his investigation of clays, Doehler (1957) found two thin coals separated by clay in the Illinois Clay Products pit in the northern half of sec. 11, T. 33 N., R. 8 E., near Goose Lake, Grundy County (sam- ple site 46). Whether either of these coals is equivalent to the "Goose Lake Coal" of Culver is not known. The upper coal, about 3.5 inches thick, is discontinuous, but the lower, more persistent coal varies in thickness from 1.5 to 6.75 inches in the pit. The coals, which are somewhat weath- ered and contain abundant fusain, dip toward the south. Megaspores isolated from coarse resi- dues of the two coal macerations were ex- amined by Winslow (1959, p. 89). The lower coal was sampled at its greatest thickness (macerations 950-A and 950-B) and yielded megaspores that occur in the Willis and No. 1 Coals and in a coal form- erly called "Sub-Babylon" (name now dis- continued). The upper coal (maceration 951) was found to contain only Mono- letes, a very wide-ranging spore. During the present investigation, the fine residues of the macerated upper coal, the entire thickness of the lower coal where it is thinnest in the clay pit (maceration 949), and the top 3.75 inches (maceration 950-B) of the lower coal at its maximum observed thickness were examined. Some of the samples yielded no small spores and others only a few very poorly preserved, strati- graphically long-ranging spores. The bot- tom 3 inches (maceration 950-A) of the lower coal contains most of the spores sufficiently well preserved to identify. The spores of maceration 950-A listed below probably represent only a relatively small portion of the original small spore flora. Calamospora sp. Cyclogranisporites sp. Raistrickia sp. Reticulatisporites lacunosus R. sp. Triquitrites exiguus Crassispora plicata Lycospora granulata L. punctata Densosporites cf. lobatus D. triangularis Laevigatosporites globosus L. medius L. oralis Wilsonites xesicatus Endosporites globiformis Florinites antiquus F. millotti Alatisporites trialatus Because the spores were so poorly pre- served, a statistical count of the miospores from this sample would not have been very meaningful. The dominant spore genus is probably Laevigatosporites, in which L. globosus accounts for most of the genus and L. ovalis and L. medius the remainder. Lycospora is the second most abundant genus and specimens of Denso- sporites were frequently encountered. Although the evidence is not as positive as would be desired, the lower of the two coals in the Goose Lake clay pit is tenta- tively correlated with the Rock Island (No. 1 ) Coal because the upper coal is probably older than the Seahorne Limestone Mem- ber, for W. A. White (personal communica- tion, 1967) suggested that the mineralogy of the greenish clay unit at the top of the clay pit is typical of the underclay found just below the Seahorne Limestone. Fur- thermore, the megaspores investigated by Winslow (1959) indicated an age no younger than Rock Island (No. 1) Coal, and the small spores would not support an aec as old as the Willis Coal because, even 27 though the quite well preserved specimens of Densosporites are fairly abundant, no specimens of the closely related Radiizo- nales difformis and R. rotatus were ob- served. These two species are considered diagnostic fossils of the Willis-Tarter and Delwood - Pope Creek Coals. In the Spoon Formation only the Rock Island (No. 1) Coal has as high a frequency of Denso- sporites as was observed in maceration 950-A. Reference macerations of the No. 1, Willis, Pope Creek, DeLong, and Mt. Rorah Coals were examined, and the spore assemblage from the lower coal at the Goose Lake clay pit was found to compare most closely with that of the No. 1 Coal. Murphysboro Coal Member The Murphysboro Coal was first named and described by Worthen (1868, p. 11-12) at its type locality (Wanless, 1956, p. 9) in the vicinity of the town of Murphysboro, Jackson County. Kosanke (1950, p. 67), on the basis of spore analyses, differentiated stratigraphically the Murphysboro and Rock Island (No. 1 ) Coals and suggested that the Murphysboro Coal lies above the No. 1 Coal. Wanless (1956) tentatively correlated the Murphysboro Coal with the No. 1 Coal of Illinois and the Minshall Coal of Indiana. Kosanke et al. (1960) indicated that the Murphysboro, Litchfield, and Assumption Coals are only approxi- mately correlative with the No. 1 Coal. Type exposures of the Litchfield and Assumption Coals are in mines that are now abandoned. The palynology of the Murphysboro Coal sampled from four localities in south- ern Illinois was reported by Kosanke (1950, p. 67), and Guennel (1952, p. 31) examined the small spore flora of the Min- shall Coal of Indiana. About a quarter of a mile south of the Goose Lake clay pit in Grundy County, a diamond drill core encountered a 5-inch thick coal (maceration 1160, sample site 47) at a depth of 53 feet 3 inches. The coal is questionably correlated with the Murphysboro Coal of southern Illinois. The following spore taxa were observed in maceration 1160: Leiotriletes adnatoides L. parvus Punctatisporites aerarius P. minutus P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. vermiculatus Calamospora breviradiata C. flexilis C. hartungiana C. pedata C. st r amine a Granulatisporites pallidus G. cf. parvus Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus C. micaceus C. minutus Verrucosisporites sifati Lophotriletes commissuralis L. cf. granoornatus L. ibrahimi L. mosaicus L. rarispinosus A napiculatisporites grundensis A. spinosus Pustulatisporites crenatus Apiculatisporis abditus A. setulosus Acanthotriletes aculeolatus A. sp. 1 Raistrickia crocea R. cf. fib rata R. irregularis Convolutispora sp. 1 Microreticulatisporites harrisonii M. side at us Reticulatisporites lacunosus Vestispora fenestrata V. joveata V. wanlessii Triquitrites additus T. cf. additus T. exiguus T. minutus T. protensus T. pulvinatus A hrensisporites guerickei Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. punctata L. subjuga Murospora kosankei Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. ovalis L. punctatus L. vulgaris 28 Columinisporites ovalis Wilsonites vesicatus Hymenospora paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis Paleospora fragila Florinites antiquus F. millotti Vesicaspova wilsonii Macerations of the Murphysboro Coal studied by Kosanke (1950) contained sev- eral species, given below, that were not observed in maceration 1160. Calamospora liquida Triquitrites arculatus Lycospora micropapillatus Cirratriradites maculatus Laevigatosporites minimus Lycospora and Laevigatosporites, the two most abundant genera in maceration 1160, are almost equally represented, with 19 and 18.3 percent, respectively, of the spore flora. Punctatisporites (12.7 per- cent), an unusually high frequency of Endosporites (9 percent) for this part of the Pennsylvanian, Granulatisporites (8.3 percent), and Florinites and Calamospora (both 6.7 percent) are important constitu- ents in the spore assemblage. Triquitrites (4.7 percent), Wilsonites (4.3 percent), Cyclogranisporites (3 percent), and Vesi- caspora wilsonii (2.7 percent) make up most of the remaining portion of the spore flora. The coal of maceration 1160 is quite unique in that, although it is only 5 inches thick, it contains a large variety of spore genera and species that are numerically more evenly represented in the assem- blage than is usual in the Illinois coals. The large number of small specimens of several spore taxa present also is unusual. For example, some specimens morpholog- ically like Vestispora fenestrata measured only 55 microns (//,) instead of the usual 65/x to 85//,. The coal represented by mac- eration 1 1 60 may have been deposited in a local environment, perhaps in an aban- doned stream channel, that was unlike the more widespread area of deposition in the southern part of the Illinois Basin. The absence of certain spore taxa from maceration 1160 and the over-all nature of the assemblage would eliminate from consideration its correlation with coals in the Abbott Formation. Macerated residues of the DeLong Coal (macerations 5 27- A and 527-B) of the Spoon Formation from Fulton County that contained only a few identifiable long-ranging spores (Kosanke, 1950, p. 67), and residues of its equival- ent, the Mt. Rorah Coal (macerations 520-A and 520-B) of Williamson County (Kosanke, 1950, p. 67-68), could not be correlated with maceration 1160. The spore assemblage of maceration 1160 is dissimilar to that of the lower coal (tentatively correlated with the No. 1 Coal) found in the Goose Lake clay pit about a quarter of a mile to the north. However, the coal might be equivalent to the upper discontinuous coal near the top of the pit, which failed to yield spores. Be- cause of the southerly dip of the strata in that area, the upper coal, which is only about 5 feet below the top of the pit, would be considerably deeper to the south. The spore population of maceration 1160 compares most closely with that of the Murphysboro Coal, which, according to Kosanke (1950), contains spores that permit its differentiation from the Rock Island (No. 1) Coal. More specifically, it is most similar to a coal (macerations 628-A and 628-B) found below the Cur- lew Limestone Member in T. 10 S., R. 6 E., Saline County, that Kosanke (1950, p. 67) thought was correlative with the Mur- physboro Coal. The spore assemblage of 1160 also compares favorably with that of the lower part of a coal 138 feet below the No. 2 Coal between depths of 456 feet 8 inches and 461 feet 11 inches in Edgar County (sample site 38), which from other evidence is tentatively consid- ered the equivalent of the Minshall Coal of Indiana. An unusually high abundance of Endosporites was found in this coal and in macerations 1160, 628-A, and 628-B. Guennel (1958, p. 31) pointed out that the Minshall Coal has a significantly large proportion of Endosporites. Even after re- assignment of the percentage of Florinites pel lucid us that was classified as Endospor- ites pellucidus at the time of Guennel's report, the genus still accounts for 12.4 29 percent of the spore population in the Minshall Coal. The Murphysboro Coal is probably equivalent to the Minshall Coal and occurs above the Rock Island (No. 1 ) Coal. Davis and Wiley Coal Members The name Davis was introduced, but not denned, by D. D. Owen (1856, p. 41) in referring to a coal that was the sixth of eight workable coals of the "Upper Coal Measures" of Union County, Kentucky. Because the coal has a nearly uniform thickness of 4 feet in that area, Owen also called it the "4-foot coal." Later (1857) he called it the No. 5 Coal of Kentucky. Lee (1916, p. 19) designated the Davis as the No. 6 Coal of Kentucky and defined it as the coal from the Davis Mine half a mile east of DeKoven in Union County, Kentucky. The Wiley Coal of western Illinois was named and described by Wanless (1931, p. 801-812) from an outcrop near the town of Wiley in Fulton County. The cor- relation of the Davis and Wiley Coals sug- gested by Wanless (1939, p. 14, 17) was confirmed by Kosanke (1950, p. 68) through the use of small spores. A coal (macerations 1401 -A and 1401-B) 9.5 inches thick that lies 23.5 feet below the No. 2 Coal in a core from sec. 2, T. 27 N., R. 6 E., Livingston County (sample site 26), is probably correlative with the Wiley Coal even though there are some discrepancies in the spore assem- blages. This is the only coal in the study area that was assigned to the Davis- Wiley stratigraphic interval. As macera- tion 1401-B from the top 4 inches of the coal yielded only a few poorly preserved spores, it was not studied in detail. For comparison of spore assemblages, the Davis Coal of southern Illinois was sampled from a core from Saline County (sample site 42). The coal, 50.25 inches thick, was divided into lower, middle, and upper benches (macerations 1381-A, 1381-B, 1381-C). Macerations (525-A and 525-B) of the Wiley Coal from an outcrop in Fulton County (sample site 5) studied by Kosanke (1950, p. examined. 68-69) also were The following small spores have been identified from the Davis and Wiley Coals and maceration 1401 -A. Those that occur in the Davis Coal are marked with an aster- isk, those found in the Wiley Coal are marked with a dagger, and those present in maceration 1401 -A are indicated by a double dagger. Leiotriletes adnatoidesX L. cf. adnatusX Punctatisporites decorusX P. minutus* J \% P. nahannensisX P. orbicularis^ Calamospora breviradiata*X% C. hartungianaXX C. minutaX C. mutabilis*X C. st r amine aX Elaterites triferens*XX Granulatisporites granulans^ X G. pannositesX Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus* X C. microgranusX C. stapliniX Verrucosisporites microtuberosusX A napiculatisporites spinosus* X % Apiculatisporis lappites* Acanthotriletes aculeolatus* t % Raistrickia breveminens* R. carbondalensisX R. croceaX R. subcrinita*X% Microreticulatisporites sulcatus* X X Reticulatisporites sp. It Vestispora colchesterensisX V. jene strata* XX V. laevigata* X Triquitrites additusX T. cf. add it us* XX T. bransonii*XX T. e.xiguusXX T. spinosusX Mooreisporites inusitatus* t X Crassispora plicata * f X Lycospora granulata*XX L. punctata* XX Cadiospora inagnaX Densosporites sphaerotriangulus* D. triangularis* Cirratriradites annuhitus* t X C. annuliformis* Laevigatosporites desmoinensis* t X L. globosus*XX L. medius*^ L. minutus*XX L. oval is* XX L. punctatus*XX 30 L. vulgaris* t Thymospora pseudothiessenii* 1 1 Wilsonites vesicatus*~\i Hymenospora paucirugosa* Endosporites globiformis* $ Florinites antiquus*it F. millottit F. similistt Vesicaspora wilsonii^^X Alatisporites trialatus* Kosanke (1950, p. 69) listed several species found in the Davis and Wiley Coals that were not encountered during this investigation. Granulatisporites pallidus Raistrickia aculeolata R. irregularis Reticulatisporites lacunosus Vestispora foveata Triquitrites crassus T. pulvinatus Lycospora micropapillatus Cirratriradites maculatus Laevigatosporites minimus Alatisporites hexalatus Except for being about 20/x larger, Reticulatisporites lacunosus is morpholog- ically the same as the species I designated Reticulatisporites sp. 1. Kosanke's Laevi- gatosporites minimus, not found in any samples considered in this investigation, may actually be overmacerated specimens of L. minutus. Cirratriradites annulatus, which was recognized from my macera- tions, and Kosanke's C. maculatus are morphologically very similar. The stratigraphic range of Thymospora pseudothiessenii is extended downward from the DeKoven to the Davis Coal, in which it had previously been considered absent. The foregoing two lists make it apparent that a number of species occur in both the Davis and Wiley Coals, but many other species occur in only one. However, the latter spores are all accessory or rarely occurring forms, many of which are repre- sented by only one or two specimens. The fact that several species were not common to the coals from northwestern and south- ern Illinois is not totally unexpected for samples that are geographically so widely separated. The two coal swamps may not have been connected and may have existed only approximately at the same time. The Davis Coal is much thicker than the Wiley and may represent a different environment of deposition. Consideration should also be given to the fact that the upper 4 inches of maceration 1401 could not be analyzed because the spores were so poorly pre- served. In general, the macerations of the Davis and DeKoven Coals contain an abundance of opaque organic fragments and plant microfossils that are not as well preserved as those of the No. 2 Coal. The spore assemblage of the Wiley Coal was better preserved, probably because of its slightly lower rank. The distribution percentages of the most abundant spores compare quite closely in the Davis and Wiley Coals. The most abundant genus is Lycospora, which makes up 51 to 65 percent of the assemblage. Although it is difficult to draw any con- clusions about the vertical distribution of the spore population, it appears that Lyco- spora decreases in abundance toward the top of the coal. Laevigatosporites (10 to 12 percent), in which L. minutus is the most common species, and Calamospora (6 to 14 percent) are second and third in numerical importance. C. breviradiata, which composes the largest share of the genus, is most abundant toward the top of the coal. Triquitrites (4 to 7 percent), Vesicaspora wilsonii (3 to 6 percent), Florinites antiquus (2 to 6 percent), Cras- sipora plicata (2 to 5 percent), and Thy- mospora pseudothiessenii (about 2 per- cent) are all rather well represented. DeKoven Coal Member Owen (1856) referred to a "3-foot coal" that occurs above the "4-foot coal," his informal name for the Davis Coal. A year later he designated the "3-foot coal" as the No. 6 of Kentucky, but it remained for Lee (1916, p. 30) to assign the name DeKoven to this coal in describing the four coals of greatest economic importance in the Carbondale Formation of Kentucky. The name was taken from DeKoven Sta- tion, Union County, Kentucky. 31 Wanless (1931, p. 188, 192) described and named the Greenbush Coal of western Illinois from exposures in a tributary to Swan Creek in Warren County, Illinois. In 1939 he correlated it with the DeKoven Coal of western Kentucky and southern Illinois, and spore analyses of these two coals by Kosanke (1950, p. 69) supported this conclusion. The only sample of the DeKoven Coal macerated for this report was taken from a core from Saline County, Illinois (sample site 42), in which it occurs about 17 feet above the Davis Coal. The DeKoven, which is about 43 inches thick, was divided for maceration into three benches (macera- tions 1381-D, 1381-E, 1381-F). Neither the DeKoven nor Greenbush Coal was en- countered in any of the stratigraphic sec- tions of northeastern Illinois. The following spore taxa were found in the DeKoven Coal from Saline County. Punctatisporites minutus P. orbicularis Calamospora breviradiata C. hartungiana C. mutabilis C. straminea Elaterites triferens Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus Lophotriletes rarispinosus A napiculatisporites spinosus Acanthotriletes aculeolatus Raistrickia breveminens R. crocea R. irregularis R. subcrinita Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Vestispora fenestrata V. laevigata Triquitrites cf. additus T. bransonii T. crassus T. exiguus T. protensus T. spinosus T. sp. 1 Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora plicata Lycospora granulata L. punctata Densosporites triangularis Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis Laevigatosporites globosus L. medius L. minutus L. oval is L. punctatus L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Wilsonites vesicatus Endosporites globiformis Florinites antiquus F. si mi I is Vesicaspora wilsonii Spores that were not observed in macer- ations 1381-D, 1381-E, and 1381-F but were recorded by Kosanke (1950, p. 69) from the DeKoven and Greenbush Coals are listed below. Con verrucosisporites verrucifer V errucosisporites firmus Vestispora foveata Triquitrites arculatus T. pulvinatus Densosporites sphaerotriangularis Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. minimus Alatisporites hexalatus As in the Davis Coal, the dominant spore genera are Lycospora and Laevigato- sporites, which compose about 53 and almost 20 percent, respectively, of the small spore population. Laevigatosporites minutus (12.5 percent) and L. punctatus (7.3 percent) account for most of the latter genus. Florinites antiquus (9.7 per- cent), Thymospora pseudothiessenii (7.3 percent), and Calamospora breviradiata (4.2 percent) also are important com- ponents of the spore assemblage. Lyco- spora apparently decreases in quantity while Thymospora pseudothiessenii in- creases at the top of the coal as it does in the Davis Coal. Florinites antiquus be- comes especially abundant in the upper bench of the coal, where it reaches 19 per- cent. Although Kosanke (1950, p. 69) found that Triquitrites reaches its maxi- mum abundance in the samples of De- Koven Coal he studied, less than 1 percent was found in macerations 1381-D, 1381-E, and 1381-F. A greater abundance of Florinites and about twice as many Laevigatosporites and Thymospora pseudothiessenii occur in the DeKoven as in the Davis. Calamospora probably is not as abundant and Vesica- spora probably is rare in the DeKoven Coal 32 compared to its occurrence in the Davis Coal, but not enough samples of these two coals have been studied as yet to confirm this. The DeKoven Coal lacks Granulati- sporites (sensu Potonie and Kremp, 1954) but is present in the Davis Coal. Seelyville Coal Member* The name Seelyville Coal Member was formally designated by Kosanke et al. (1960, p. 33) to replace the name Coal III of Indiana in eastern Illinois. Mines in the vicinity of Seelyville, Vigo County, Indiana, are the type locality. The coal is now called Seelyville Coal (III) in Indiana. Guennel (1952, p. 26-27) included the Seelyville Coal, which he divided into a total of 18 benches from six localities, in his study of spore genera of coals of Alle- gheny age in Indiana. The Indiana Seelyville Coal (III) from a strip mine (sample site 28) in Vermil- lion County, Indiana, where it is 58 inches thick, was benched into three samples and macerated (macerations 1464- A, 1464-B, and 1464-C). The macerations contain rather poorly preserved spores and a large quantity of fine opaque organic matter. The following miospore species were observed. Punctalisporites minutus P. nahannensis Calamospora breviradiata C. hartungiana C. mutabilis C. straminea Elaterites triferens G ranulatisporites granulans G. cf. parvus Schopfites colchester ensis S. dimorphus A napiculatisporites spinosus Raistrickia subcrinita Reticulatisporites so. I Vestispora fenestrata V . foveata Triquitrites cf. additus 7. bransonii T. ex i gnus 7. protensus Crassispora plicata Lycospora granulata * The name formally adopted for this coal by Kosanke el al. (I960) was misspelled "Seeley- vilie." H is here corrected <<> "Seelyville." L. paulula L. punctata Densosporites sphaerotriangularis D. triangularis Cristatisporites alpernii Cirratriradites annulatus Laevigatosporites globosus L. medius L. minutus L. oralis L. punctatus Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites vesicatus Endosporites globiformis E. plicatus Florinites antiquus F. similis Vesicaspora wilsonii A latisporites trialatus Lycospora, forming almost 66 percent of the total spore assemblage, is by far the dominant genus and is followed by Laevi- gatosporites, which accounts for 11.5 per- cent. These figures compare quite closely with those of Guennel (1952, p. 25), who reported 56.4 percent and 11.5 percent (including Thymospora pseudothiessenii), respectively, for these two genera. A di- minution of Lycospora is found toward the top of the Seelyville. Only 2.2 percent Calamospora and 2.7 percent Florinites and Endosporites together were calculated from macerations 1464-A, 1464-B, and 1464-C, whereas Guennel reported 10.2 percent for the last two genera. Denso- sporites, which was found only in the lower half of the coal makes up 1.7 per- cent of the spore population. Triquitrites and Anapiculatisporites, being minor con- stituents of the spore flora, account for 1 .7 percent and 0.7 percent, respectively. Alatisporites, which is very rare, was found in the lower bench, contrary to the usual occurrence of this taxon in the upper por- tions of a coal. The presence of Schopfites in the Seely- ville Coal helps distinguish it from older coals. Granulatisporites, Torispora, Cris- tatisporites, and Endosporites plicatus are found in the Seelyville Coal but are absent from the DcKovcn Coal. Spore taxa found in the DeKoven but not in the Seelyville arc Lophotriletes, Acanthotrilefes, and four stratigraphically widespread and easily 33 recognized species — Mooreisporites inusi- tatus, Cirratriradites annuliformis, Laevi- gatosporites vulgaris, and Microreticulati- sporites sulcatus. Of all the species of Raistrickia that occur in the DeKoven, only R. subcrinita is found in the Seely- ville. The Seelyville Coal possesses more Densosporites and Laevigatosporites globo- sus but fewer L. minutus than does the DeKoven Coal. Uncorr elated Coal A diamond drill core in sec. 7, T. 28 N., R. 6 E., Livingston County (sample site 23), recovered three thin coals within a thick clay sequence below the Colchester (No. 2) Coal. The clay interval is probably the Cheltenham Clay, whose stratigraphic age varies from place to place. The first coal (macerations 1384-F and 1384-G), 2 feet below the No. 2 Coal, will be discussed under the section dealing with the Abing- don (?) Coal. The second coal (macera- tions 1384-C, 1384-D, and 1384-E), which, like the first one, is 5 inches thick, lies 5 feet 5 inches below the No. 2 Coal and was found to be barren of identifiable spores. The third coal (macerations 1384-A and 1384-B), which is not corre- lated with any named coal, lies about 19 feet 3 inches below the No. 2 Coal and yielded a variety of well preserved spores, which are listed below. Leiotriletes adnatoides Punctatisporites aerarius P. minutus P. obliquus Calamospora breviradiata C. minuta C. mutabilis Elaterites triferens Granulatisporites granulans G. pannosites G. cf. parvus Cyclogranisporites microgranus C. staplini Verrucosisporites compactus V. donarii V. firm us V. microtuberosus Schopfites carbondalensis S. colchesterensis Distortisporites illinoiensis Lophotriletes cf. granoornatus A napiculatisporites spinosus Apiculatisporis abditus A. frequentisporites A. lappites A. setulosus Raistrickia breveminens R. crocea R. irregularis R. I ace rata R. subcrinita Convolutispora fromensis Dictyotriletes densoreticulatus Camptotriletes bucculentus Triquitrites additus J. cf. additus T. bransonii T. exiguus T. pulvinatus Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora plicata Lycospora granulata L. punctata L. subjuga Densosporites triangularis Laevigatosporites globosus L. medius L. minutus L. ovalis L. vulgaris Tuberculatosporites robustus Thymospora pseudothiessenii Wilsonites vesicatus Hymenospora paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis E. plicatus Paleospora fragila Florinites antiquus Alatisporites hexalatus A. trialatus Trihyphaecites triangulatus The two most abundant genera in the coal are Laevigatosporites and Lycospora, which account for 49.6 percent and 27.8 percent, respectively, of the flora. By far the largest percentage of Laevigatosporites is L. globosus (38.1 percent). Other rather common taxa are Punctatisporites (12.6 percent), Crassispora plicata (9.8 percent), Thymospora pseudothiessenii (4.7 percent), and Anapiculatisporites spi- nosus (3.7 percent). As is often character- istic of these taxa, Laevigatosporites globo- sus, Anapiculatisporites spinosus, and Crassispora plicata increase greatly in abundance in the upper bench of coal at the expense of Lycospora and Laevigato- sporites minutus. This coal, 6.75 inches thick, could not be correlated with any other coal studied 34 during this investigation. The presence of Schopfites places it above the DeKoven, or Greenbush, Coal. It can be distinguished from the DeKoven and Seelyville Coals by its smaller percentage of Lycos pora; by its greater percentage of Laevigatosporites globosus, Crassispora plicata, and Ana- piculatisporites spinosus; and by the ab- sence of Cirratriradites. The uncorrected coal possesses Tuberculatosporites robus- tus, Paleospora fragila, Verrucosisporites, and Apiculatisporis, which are all missing in the DeKoven and Seelyville Coals. Camptotriletes, Convolutispora, Moorei- sporites inusitatus, Cyclogranisporites, and Lophotriletes are found in the uncorrelated coal but not in Seelyville Coal. Several species of Raistrickia are found in the un- correlated coal but only one in the Seely- ville. The former also contains Schopfites and Granulatisporites, which are both missing from the DeKoven Coal. Abingdon (?) Coal Member A coal that occurs only a few feet below the No. 2 Coal was found at two localities (sample sites 23 and 38). This coal may be the equivalent of the Abingdon Coal and is designated Abingdon (?) Coal in this report. Culver (1925, p. 75) named the Abingdon Coal for one occurring below the No. 2 Coal that had been mined near Abingdon, Knox County, in western Illi- nois. A coal sample from the type area in Knox County, which was designated by Weller et al. (1942, p. 1589), was macer- ated but failed to yield spores because the outcrop was extremely weathered. At sample site 23 (macerations 1384-F and 1384-G), the Abingdon (?) Coal is separated from the No. 2 Coal by 3 feet of undcrclay, and at sample site 38 (macera- tions 1404-1, 1404-J, and 1404-K) the interval of undcrclay between the two coals is 16 inches. The spores identified in these macerations are well preserved, and their number and variety indicate a diverse flora. Species from both sites are listed below. Leiotriletes adnatoides L. levis L. noiatus L. parvus Punctatisporites aerarius P. edgarensis P. mi nut us P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. cf. pseudolevatus Calamcsiora breviradiata C. flava C. hartungiana C. straminea Granulatisporites granulans G. cf. parvus Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus C. micaceus C. microgranus C. s:aplini V errucosisporites microtubei csus V. cf. verus Schopfites colchesterensis S. dimorphus Lophotriletes cf. granoornatus L. mosaicus L. pseudaculeatus L. rarispinosus A napiculatisporites spinosus Apiculatisporis abditus A. lappites A. setulosus Acanthotriletes aculeolatus Raistrickia breveminens R. carbondalensis R. cf. fib rata R. irregularis R. lacerata R. solaria R. suhcrinita Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Reticulatisporites lacunosus R. sp. 1 Camptotriletes bucculentus Vestispora colchesterensis V. fenestrata V. foveata Triquit;i!es additus cf. additus bransonii crassus exiguus minutus T. protensus T. pulvinatus T. sculptilis T. spinosus Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora plicata I. y cos pora brevijuga I., gran u lata I., punctata I., suhjuga I., torquifer Densosporites sphaerotriangularis 35 D. triangularis Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis Laevigatosporites globosus L. medius L. minutus L. oralis L. punctatus L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Endosporites globijormis E. plicatus Florinites antiquus F. grand is F. similis Vesicaspora wilsonii Alatisporites trialatus Trihyphaecites triangulatus In the eastern part of the study area, the small spore flora of the Abingdon (?) Coal (macerations 1404-1, 1404-J, 1404-K) is 57.4 percent Laevigatosporites; L. mi- nutus accounts for 42.4 percent of the genus. Macerations 1384-F and 1384-G, which are actually from a coaly shale 5 inches thick, show a higher percentage of Lycos pora (59.8 percent) and a lower percentage of Laevigatosporites (30.1 per- cent) although L. minutus is still well rep- resented with 26.9 percent of the total spore frequency. Crassispora (6 percent) is fairly common in macerations 1384-F and 1384-G. The absence from those macerations of a number of spore taxa, including the two stratigraphically useful genera, Schopfites and Densosporites, is probably due to the thinness and shaly nature of the coal interval. The Abingdon (?) Coal is palynological- ly much like the No. 2 Coal, but it has a smaller percentage of Lycospora and Flori- nites and a markedly larger percentage of Laevigatosporites minutus. Reinschospora, Tuberculatosporites, Hymenospora, Paleo- spora, Punctatisporites decorus, Granulati- sporites livingstonensis, Converrucosispor- ites subverrucosus, Verrucosisporites com- pactus, V. firmus, and Vestispora laevi- gata, which are usually found in the No. 2 Coal, were not found in the Abingdon (?) Coal. Carbondale Formation Colchester (No. 2) Coal Member The Colchester (No. 2) Coal is the basal member of the Carbondale Formation of Illinois (Kosanke et al., 1960, p. 34). It is the most widespread coal in the Illinois Basin and probably is not only the most widely traceable but also one of the most economically important coals in North America. In Illinois it attains its maximum thickness of about 4 feet in the western and northern part of the state, where it is exten- sively mined. Worthen (1868, p. 11) introduced the name Colchester for a coal in McDonough County and designated it Coal No. 2, along with the lower coal at Murphysboro, the coal at Morris in Grundy County, and the lowest seam at LaSalle. Wanless (1939, p. 25, 101) correlated the No. 2 Coal with Coal Ilia of Indiana, the Whitebreast Coal of Iowa, the Schultztown Coal of Ken- tucky, and tentatively with the Lower Kit- tanning Coal of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Wanless (1955, p. 1790) later extended the correlation to include the Croweburg Coal of Missouri and the Henryetta - Broken Arrow Coal of Oklahoma. The type locality for the Colchester (No. 2) Coal was listed by Wanless (1956) as being in sees. 12 and 13, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., McDonough County, Illinois. Kosanke et al. (1960) extended the name Colchester (No. 2) Coal Member to the No. 2 Coal wherever it occurs in Illinois. The spores of No. 2 Coal and its equi- valents have been more widely studied than those of any other coal in North America. Kosanke (1950, p. 70-73) de- scribed the small spore assemblages of the No. 2 Coal in Illinois and reported an abundant and diversified flora. He also traced the zonation and succession of some of the spores from the base of the coal to the top. Guennel (1952, p. 26-27) report- ed on the spore genera from three samples of the Coal Ilia of Indiana. Wilson and HofTmeister (1956) studied the spore as- semblage, which consists of 48 species from nine localities, of the Crowebum Coal in 36 Oklahoma and concluded (p. 36), "... the closest correlation of the Croweburg Coal with the Illinois sequence is the Col- chester Coal ... ." The palynology of the Lower Kittanning and several other coals of early Allegheny age in Columbiana, Ohio, was carried out by Denton (1957). In 1966 Habib discussed the spore and pollen assemblages in the Lower Kittan- ning Coal of western Pennsylvania and re- lated the vertical and geographic distribu- tion of the spores to depositional facies. From 15 sample sites, 140 species were recorded. Gray (1967) also studied the plant microfossils of the Lower Kittanning Coal in the northern Appalachian Coal Field of eastern Ohio and western Pennsyl- vania. The distribution of spores in 2-inch increment samples of the Henryetta Coal from a mine in Okmulgee County, Okla- homa, was described by Meyers (1967). According to W. H. Smith (1966, per- sonal communication), the coal (macera- tion 537-L) at a depth of 789 feet to 791 feet 8 inches, described from a cored sec- tion in Franklin County as the No. 2 Coal, is actually the Lowell Coal. Kosanke (1950, p. 70), who included this coal in his study of the No. 2 Coal, may have listed some of the spores from the Lowell Coal with those of the No. 2 Coal. The No. 2 Coal was cut out by a thick sandstone unit, and the Lowell Coal was developed to an abnormal thickness. Reexamination of maceration 537-L supports this more re- cent interpretation. In the present investigation, 50 samples of the No. 2 Coal from 23 Illinois localities, plus one sample of the correlative Colches- ter Coal (Ilia) of Indiana, were macerated and analyzed for their spore content. The coal was divided into several benches unless it was too thin or had already been sam- pled as one unit, as in the case of rotary drill cutting samples. The plant microfos- sils of the No. 2 Coal from the area of the type locality in McDonough County (sam- ple site 1, macerations 1386-A and 1386- B), where it is 24 inches thick, are being reported for the first time. The coal there yielded 96 taxa, the maximum number found at any single locality of the No. 2 Coal. As was obvious from previous paly- nological studies of the No. 2 Coal or its equivalents, the spore flora is a rich and varied one. The following spores were found during this study. Leiotriletes adnatoides L. gracilis L. levis L. notatus L. pseudolevis Punctatisporites aerarius P. decorus P. minutus P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. orbicularis P. cf. pseudolevatus P. vermiculatus P. sp. 1 Calamospora breviradiata C. flava C. hartungiana C. minuta C. mutabilis C. pedata C. straminea Elaterites triferens Granulatisporites granulans G. livingstonensis G. pannosites G. cf. parvus G. sp. 1 Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus C. breviradiatus C. micaceus C. microgranus C. mi nut us C. staplini C. sp. 1 Converrucosisporites subverrucosus Verrucosisporites compactus V. donarii V. firm us V. microtuberosus V. verrucosus V. sp. 1 Sclwpfites carbondalensis S. colchesterensis S. dimorphus S. cf. dimorphus Kewaneesporites reticuloides Lophotriletes commissuralis L. co pi os us L. cf. granoornatus L. mosaicus L. pseudaculeatus L. rarispinosus L. sp. 1 A napiculatisporites grundensis A. spinosus 37 PustuJatisporites crenatus P. sp. 1 Apiculatisporis abditus A. lappites A. setulosus Acanthotriletes dimorphus Raistrickia aculeolata R. breveminens R. carbondalensis R. crinita R. crocea R. dispar R. cf. fib rata R. irregularis R. lace rat a R. lowellensis R. pilosa R. pontiacensis R. solaria R. subcrinita R. superba R. sp. 1 R. sp. 3 Convolutispora cf. florida C. fromensis C. sp. 2 Spackmanites cf. facierugosus Maculatasporites punctatus Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Dictyotriletes densoreticulatus D. distort us D. cf. reticulocingulum Reticulatisporites lacunosus R. sp. 1 Camptotriletes bucculentus C. triangularis Knoxisporites rotatus Vestispora colchesterensis V. fenestrata V. foveata V. laevigata V. profunda V. pseudoreticulata Triquitrites additus T. cf. additus T. cf. arculatus T. bransonii T. crassus T. desperatus T. dividuus T. exiguus T. mi nut us T. protensus T. pulvinatus T. sculp ti lis T. spinosus T. subspinosus T. trigonappendix T. sp. 1 Mooreisporites inusitatus Indospora boletus Grumosisporites cf. rufus Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. paulula L. punctata L. subjuga L. torquifer Cadiospora fithiana C. magna Densosporites cf. lobatus D. sphaerotriangularis D. triangularis Cristatisporites alpernii Vallatisporites sp. 1 Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis Reinschospora magnifica R. triangularis Savitrisporites asperatus S. majus Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. oval is L. punctatus L. vulgaris Tuberculatosporites robustus Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Perotriletes parvigracilus Hymenospora multirugosa H. paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis E. plicatus Paleospora fragila Florinites antiquus F. grand is F. similis F. vi send us Vesicaspora wilsonii Complexisporites chalonerii A: Alatisporites hexalatus A. punctatus A. trialatus The first and second most abundant spore genera in the No. 2 Coal are Lycospora and Laevigatosporites, respectively, except in a small area in the vicinity of the An- cona-Garfield structure in LaSalle and Liv- ingston Counties (text fig. 4). This assem- blage (shown by bar diagrams in text fig. 5), in which Laevigatosporites is plentiful and occasionally dominant, will be dis- cussed later. The great dominance of Occurrence of the single specimen observed may be due to contamination of sample. 38 Lycospora in the No. 2 Coal and its equivalents in this study agrees with the findings of Kosanke (1950), Guennel (1952), Wilson and Hoffmeister (1956), Habib (1966), and Meyers (1967). Gray (1967) obtained similar results with three samples of the Lower Kittanning Coal, but at six other localities Laevigatosporites was dominant, followed closely by Lycospora. The rather low number (about 52 per- cent) of Lycospora and rather high per- centage of Laevigatosporites (about 3 1 per- cent) in the spore assemblage at the type area of the No. 2 Coal (macerations 1386-A and 1386-B) is probably due to differential corrosion of the spores in the weathered outcrop samples. A second mac- eration of the samples gave results similar to those obtained the first time. The sam- ple with the most Lycospora, 83 percent, is a rotary drill cutting sample (macera- tion 141 3-A from sample site 49) and thus is probably not as representative of the coal as many of the other samples. After allowances are made for the doubtful ac- curacy in the percentages recorded from these samples, the No. 2 Coal typically contains 54 to 76 percent Lycospora. Laevigatosporites, away from the Ancona- Garfield structure, ranges from 31.4 per- cent at the type outcrop to 4.7 percent in the rotary drill cutting sample 141 3-A, but averages 10 to 20 percent. Laevigatospor- ites minutus accounts for most of the genus except in the Ancona-Garfield area, in the type No. 2 Coal sample, and at sample site 52, where L. globosus is numerically the most important. L. ovalis and L. medius are not numerically significant but were found in most of the samples. A diminution of Lycospora generally occurs from the bottom to the top of the coal. Laevigatosporites globosus usually markedly increases in frequency in the upper bench of coal, and its abundance varies considerably, from "not observed 1 ' in maceration 141 3-A to 19.5 percent out- side the Ancona-Garfield area. The peak occurrence of L. minutus is usually, but not always, in the bottom part of the coal. Maceration 1227-B (sample site 18) is the only bench sample in which the species was not noted. Crassispora plicata, which was observed in all the macerations, is the third most abundant taxon and, except in the Ancona-Garfield area, averages 6 to 12 percent. The smallest representation, 0.7 percent, was found where the coal is only 7 inches thick (maceration 962-B, sample site 57). Florinites ranges from less than 1 to 7.8 percent of the assemblage but averages about 4 percent. Thymospora pseudothiessenii accounts for less than 1 to 6.3 percent. Punctatisporites, in which P. minutus is the most common species, averages 3 to 5 percent of the miospore flora but ranges from less than 1 to 8.6 percent. Other small spore genera fre- quently encountered but not numerically important include Calamospora, Triqui- trites, Anapiculatisporites, Schopfites, Cir- ratriradites, V errucosisporites, V estispora, Raistrickia, and Wilsonites. The No. 2 Coal (maceration 1133-D, sample site 53) from a strip mine near Clarke City in northeastern Illinois con- tains an unusually large (40.7) percentage of Laevigatosporites minutus and only 19.3 percent of Lycospora. The proportion of Endosporites in this assemblage is much larger (6.3 percent) than has been record- ed from any other sample of the No. 2 Coal. Directly above the No. 2 Coal is an interval, 7.5 inches thick, of coal bands interbedded with shale. The spore as- semblage obtained from the maceration (1133-E) of these uncorrelated coal bands between the No. 2 and Cardiff Coals is similar to that of the underlying No. 2 Coal, as indicated by the poor representa- tion of Lycospora (8.7 percent) and the abundance of Laevigatosporites minutus (51.7 percent). These samples are from the locality where the channel-deposited Cardiff Coal occurs directly above the 7.5 inches of interbedded coal and shale, and where the No. 4 Coal is present at the ab- normally short distance of 30 to 40 feet above the No. 2 Coal. It seems likely that the local environment that resulted in depo- sition of the Cardiff and No. 4 Coals within such a short interval also had an influence on the coal swamp flora of the No. 2 Coal. 39 One specimen of Complexisporites was observed in the No. 2 Coal in the basal portion of the coal (maceration 954-Ee, sample site 54) sampled from a core drilled in the same northeast-southwest oriented basin as the strip mine already mentioned in connection with macerations 1133-D and 1133-E. This single occurrence of Complexisporites may be due to the unique local environment or to contamination of the sample. That the cored sample was somewhat disturbed is indicated by the fact that 35 inches of coal were reported but only 17 inches were recovered and macerated. The earliest occurrence of Complexisporites is probably in the No. 4 Coal or one slightly younger, as in the case of macerations 954-B, 1133-A1, and 1133-A2. In contrast to the single specimen of Spackmanites cf. facierugosus found in the No. 2 Coal of Illinois (maceration 1402-C, sample site 24), Habib (1966) and Gray (1967) found numerous specimens in the probably equivalent Lower Kittanning Coal in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In the Illinois Basin, this species is rarely found below the No. 4 Coal, but, it has been found in the considerably older Pope Creek Coal Member of the Abbott Formation. The presence of Densosporites in a coal in the Illinois Basin has been used as a diagnostic indication that the coal is at least as old as the Spoon Formation or older than the No. 2 Coal. During this investigation, Densosporites was found in 11 macerations of the No. 2 Coal from eight different localities. Although Denso- sporites has been recorded from coals equivalent to the No. 2 Coal in the Eastern Appalachian Coal Province, this is the first published account of the occurrence of the genus in the No. 2 Coal of Illinois. Several specimens of the genus have been observed in the Schultztown Coal Member at its type locality in western Kentucky (Gray and Taylor, 1967). Wilson and Hoffmeis- ter (1956) and Meyers (1967) did not report Densosporites from the McAlester and Henryetta Coals of Oklahoma, but Cross and Schemel (1951, p. 128) placed the upper limit of Densosporites slightly above the Pottsville-Allegheny boundary in West Virginia. This is supported by the investigations of Habib (1966) and Gray (1967), who found considerable numbers of specimens of Densosporites in the Lower Kittanning Coal of Ohio and Pennsylvania. In Illinois, Densosporites in the No. 2 Coal is apparently restricted to the eastern por- tion of the state, generally east of the axis of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt. Effect of Ancona-Garfield Structure on Spore Assemblage, The Ancona-Garfield structure occurs in southern LaSalle County and the north- western part of Livingston County (T. 30 N., Rs. 2 and 3 E.) and was one of the sites explored for gas storage reservoirs by the Northern Illinois Gas Company. This structure is an asymmetrical anticline at whose crest are the Ancona and Garfield Domes (Buschbach and Bond, 1967, p. 22). The spore assemblage of the No. 2 Coal in the vicinity of the Ancona-Garfield structure is distinctly different from that in the No. 2 Coal from other parts of the Illinois Basin (text figs. 4 and 5). At sample sites 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20 (mac- erations 1275-D, 1275-E, 1275-F, 1296, 1227-A, 1227-B, 1227-C, 1279-F, 1279- G, and 1230-CC), the No. 2 Coal sampled from cores drilled in the area of the struc- ture contains unusually low amounts (22 to 42.7 percent) of Lycospora. Lycos pora is still the most abundant taxon in macer- ation 1279, in which it makes up 36 per- cent. Crassispora, which ranks second with 24.7 percent, is more abundant here than in any of the other samples of the No. 2 Coal studied. Laevigatosporites, which is third in abundance, contributes 19.5 per- cent of the spore assemblage. In macera- tions 1275-D, 1275-E, 1275-F. 1227-A, 1227-B, and 1227-C, the Lycospora per- centage is unusually low, making up less than half the spore population, whereas Laevigatosporites becomes the most im- portant genus and accounts for 45 to 47 percent of the spore population. Most of the high percentage of the latter is due to 40 West of LoSolle Anticlinal Belt Ancono -Garfield Structure East of Ancona-Garfield Structure Boundary of Carbondale Formation 20 J Y\ Text Fig. 4 Sites from which the Colchester (No. 2) Coal was sampled and major struc- tures related to spore distribution. Major spore taxa are shown in text figure 5. 41 West of LoSoile Anticlinal Bel (A) Ancono-Garlield structure (■) East of Ancona-Garfield structure Punctatisporites Calamospora Crassispora Lycospora Laevigatosporites g/obosus Laevigatosporites minutus Thymospora Florinites All other spores Abundance |,v„ | 5 % M9 1 % Text Fig. 5 — Relative abundance of small spore taxa in the Colchester (No. 2) Coal. Symbols in headings refer to sample sites in figure 4. a distinct increase in L. globosus in the upper or both upper and lower benches. In the Ancona-Garfield area, Crassispora averages 6 to 7 percent, except in macer- ations 1279-F and 1279-G, where it is in great profusion. Thymospora pseudothies- senii (2 to 11 percent), Florinites antiquus (1.3 to 6.4 percent), and Punctatisporites (0.5 to 6.7 percent) make up most of the rest of the miospore assemblage in the area. Lycospora is most abundant in the middle bench of the coal, and Laevigato- sporites attains its maximum frequency in the top bench or top and middle benches. Although not restricted exclusively to the No. 2 Coal in the area of the Ancona-Gar- field structure, Reinschospora, Torispora, and Alatisporites appear to be more fre- quently encountered there; only one speci- men of Lophotriletes was found in the area. A similar structure near Pontiac (sample sites 23 and 26) had no noticeable influence on the composition of the plant microfossil population of the No. 2 Coal. Habib (1966, p. 662-663) found that the assemblages characterized by Denso- sporites and an abundance of Punctatispor- ites obliquus and Laevigatosporites globo- sus occurred where the Lower Kittanning Coal of Pennsylvania is overlain by marine and restricted marine facies. He concluded that the presence of this assemblage re- flected changes in salinity due to proximity to the sea and to changes in the level of the water table. The assemblage rich in Laevigatosporites globosus in the Ancona-Garfield area of Illinois is overlain by marine or non- marine, gray, plant-bearing shale at sample sites 15 and 19 and by black, fissile, marine shale at sample site 18. However, the No. 2 Coal (maceration 1404-L, 1404-M, and 1404-N) in Edgar County, which is also overlain by a black, fissile, marine shale, yielded a small proportion (2 percent) of Laevigatosporites globosus. If the Ancona-Garfield structure were topographically high during deposition of the No. 2 Coal, a coal swamp flora of a composition different from that of the sur- rounding environment might be expected. The structure is genetically closely related to the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt, which shows evidence of only minor activity during Pennsylvanian time (Clegg, 1965, p. 82- 94). No appreciable thinning of the No. 2 Coal or associated strata is evident over the structure. However, even minor struc- tural movement of the Ancona-Garfield structure during Pennsylvanian time, re- sulting in only a few feet of difference in elevation relative to the regional topog- raphy, could have influenced the level of the water table, salinity of the water, water 42 currents, and other factors that would have had an effect on the composition of the coal swamp flora growing on the structure. Differentiation of No. 2 Coal The No. 2 Coal can easily be distin- guished from the Abingdon (?), Seelyville, and DeKoven Coals below by spore analy- sis because the No. 2 Coal has a much more diverse spore assemblage. Genera found in the No. 2 Coal but apparently absent from the DeKoven include Schop- fites, Leiotriletes, Granulatisporites, Apicu- latisporis, Reticulatisporites, Hymenospora, and Camptotriletes. In addition, the De- Koven Coal lacks Tuberculatasporites ro- bustus, Paleospora fragila, Triquitrites mi- nutus, and a number of species of Rai- strickia. Florinites is more abundant in the DeKoven Coal than in the No. 2 Coal. Punctatisporites and Densosporites are more abundant in the Seelyville Coal than in the No. 2 Coal. Spore genera present in the No. 2 Coal but apparently lacking in the Seelyville Coal include Leiotriletes, Cy- clogranisporites, Verrucosisporites, Lopho- triletes, Apiculatisporis , Microreticulati- sporites, Dictyotriletes, Reticulatisporites, Cadiospora, Reinschospora, Tuberculato- sporites, Hymenospora, and Paleospora. As the Abingdon Coal was not identi- fied with certainty in this report, no at- tempt is made to contrast in detail its spore assemblage with that of the No. 2 Coal. Lowell and Cardiff Coal Members and Equivalents In the interval between the Colchester (No. 2) and Summum (No. 4) Coals, one or two coals have been described from dif- ferent parts of the Illinois Basin. The coals have been variously named the Lowell, Cardiff, Shawneetown, and 2A (name dis- continued) Coals in Illinois, Coal IV in Indiana, No. 8 Coal in Kentucky, and the Bevier Coal in Missouri. Although the thickness of the Lowell Coal and its equi- valents and their exact distance above the No. 2 Coal is erratic, the coal or coal hori- zons can be traced over a more extensive area than had previously been realized. The Lowell Coal has not been reported, how- ever, in northwestern Illinois west of the Illinois River. Two separate coals are com- monly found between the No. 2 and No. 4 Coals in many parts of the Illinois Basin, especially in the southern and eastern parts. At the localities where the two coals were sampled for this study, the interval between them varies from 8 inches at sample site 19 to about 12 feet at sample site 29. I was not able at this time to determine palynologically or by other means whether the Lowell Coal of northern Illinois is equivalent to the lower or upper coal in other parts of the Illinois Basin or to a combination of the two coals. The Lowell Coal was named and de- scribed by Willman and Payne (1942, p. 102-103, p. 300) from an exposure at the high bank on the south side of the Ver- milion River in sec. 8, T. 32 N., R. 2 E., LaSalle County (sample site 13). Here the Lowell Cyclothem contains a shaly coal 6 inches thick and a marine limestone. In the same report, Willman and Payne stated that the Lowell Coal may be equivalent to the Bevier Coal of Missouri and the Linton Coal of Indiana. Kosanke et al. (1960, p. 42) proposed the name Tonica Cyclothem "... for the lower Liverpool strata wher- ever the Lowell Cyclothem is well enough developed to be named . . . ." Smith (1961, p. 13) applied the name Lowell to a coal or coaly zone 30 to 40 feet above the No. 2 Coal in Madison, Macoupin, and Jersey Counties and also correlated it with the Bevier Coal of Missouri. Harrison (1951, p. 15) referred to two thin coals between the No. 2 and No. 4 Coals in Gallatin and White Counties of southern Illinois as the No. 2A Coals. He reported that the interval between the two coals varied from 8 to 16 feet and that their position was distinctly indicated in about 70 percent of the electric logs from White County. The name No. 2A Coal was also used by Sievcr (in Wanless, 1956) for these two coals in southern and eastern Illinois. The name No. 2A Coal was dis- carded by Kosanke et al. (1960, p. 34). 43 The name Shawneetown Coal Member was proposed by Kosanke et al. (1960, p. 34-35) for the lower of the two coals formerly called No. 2A, whereas the name actually had been intended to be applied to the upper coal. In the Union Colliery Company drill hole 28, located in the NW 3 /4 SWV4 NW!4, sec. 23, T. 9 S., R. 9 E., Gallatin County, which serves as the type section, the depth of the Shawneetown was erroneously listed as 543 feet 10 inch- es. The probable position of the uppermost of the two coals was given as 504 feet 11 inches. However, according to J. A. Simon (1962, personal communication), the coal at 543 feet 10 inches is actually the No. 2 Coal, and the 26-inch coal at 482 feet 7 inches is the Shawneetown Coal and was the coal intended to represent the type Shawneetown as originally defined. The error made in Kosanke et al. (1960) in defining the Shawneetown Coal is here formally corrected. The coal horizon re- ported at 504 feet 11 inches is probably the position of the lower coal and is not formally named. The name Cardiff Coal, which was intro- duced by Cady (1915, p. 35, 101, 102), had been discontinued but is here re-intro- duced for the coal as defined by Cady (1915; 1952, p. 60) and for its equiva- lents. The Cardiff Coal Member is the first coal that lies a few feet, generally not over 10, above the No. 2 Coal in the vicinity of Cardiff. At a few places in that vicinity the Cardiff lies on top of the No. 2 Coal. The name is derived from the village of Cardiff in sees. 22 and 23, T. 30 N., R. 8 E., Livingston County. The type locality is the mines within a mile of the village. There the coal, which had been called the "big vein," was found in a northeast- southwest trending channel, attained a thickness up to 12 feet, and has been essentially mined out. According to Cadv (1915, p. 35), a similar channel-deposited coal was reported near Clarke City, 6 or 7 miles north of Cardiff. The coal from the type section of the Lowell Coal (sample site 13) was sampled and macerated (macerations 1190, 1377). The Shawneetown Coal is represented by a sample (macerations 1454-A, 1454-B, 1454-C, and 1454-D, sample site 41) from a coal in sec. 9, T. 10 S., R. 6 E., Saline County, that had been exposed in the highwall of a strip mine, and another from a diamond drill core (macerations 1381-K and 1381-L, sample site 42) in sec. 2, T. 10 S., R. 5 E., Saline County. The latter sample is of the upper coal of the two that were formerly called No. 2A. The lower of the two coals also was sam- pled and macerated (macerations 1381-1 and 1381 -J, sample site 42). A thick len- ticular coal a few feet above the No. 2 Coal, thought to be equivalent to the Car- diff Coal, was sampled from a strip mine (macerations 1133-C1, 1133-C2, and 1133-C3, sample site 53) in Kankakee County in the vicinity of Clarke City and from a diamond drill core and several rotary drill holes (sample sites 54 through 57). Two coals, one 22.5 inches thick (macerations 1509-B, 1509-C, and 1509- D, sample site 29) and one 29.75 inches thick (macerations 1509-E, 1509-F, and 1509-G, sample site 29) between the Col- chester (Ilia) and Houchin Creek (IVa) Coals of Indiana were sampled from a core from Vigo County, Indiana (sample site 29). They are considered to be upper and lower benches of the Survant Coal (IV) of Indiana. The Lowell Coal of northern Illinois is correlated by spores with the interval of the Survant Coal (IV) of Indiana and the two coals formerly called the 2A Coals of southern Illinois. Whether the Lowell Coal is equivalent to the upper, lower, or both coal seams of this interval could not be resolved by spore analysis during this investigation. The Cardiff Coal is palyno- logically somewhat similar to the Lowell Coal but may not necessarily be correlative with it, as will be discussed later. Guennel (1952, p. 27-28) reported on the palynology of coals mined as the Sur- vant Coal (IV) of Indiana from five mines but identified only three of the coals as definitely belonging to that coal interval. A list of small spore species observed in the various macerations of the Lowell, Car- diff, and equivalent coals follows. Taxa 44 found in the two thin coals tentatively called Lowell (?) Coal (sample sites 53 and 54) that do not appear in the other coals of this interval are not listed because these coals have not yet been definitely correlated. Leiotriletes adnatoides L. cf. adnatus L. gracilis* L. levis L. notatus L. parvus L. pseudolevis* L. sp. 1 Trivolites laevigata Punctatisporites aerarius P. curviradiatus P. decorus P. edgarensis P. kankakeensis P. mi nut us P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. orbicularis P. sp. 1 Calamospora breviradiata C. fiava C. hartungiana C. mutabilis C. pedata C. straminea C. sp. 1 El ate rites triferens Granulatisporites granulans G. livingstonensis G. pal I id us G. pannosites G. cf. parvus Cyclogranisporites aureus C. cf. aureus C. breviradiatus C. micaceus C. microgranus C. minutus* C. staplini Converrucosisporites subverrucosus C. sp. 1 Verrucosisporites compactus V. donarii V. firm us V . microtuberosus V. microverrucosus V . papulosus* V . sifati V . verrucosus Sch op files carbondalensis S. colchesterensis S. dimorphus S. cf. dimorphus Distortisporites illinoiensis Lophotriletes commissuralis L. cf. granoornatus* L. ibrahimi L. microsaetosus L. mosaicus L. pseudaculeatus L. rarispinosus L. sp. 1 L. sp. 2 A napiculatisporites grundensis* A. spinosus Apiculatisporis abditus A. lappites A. setulosus Acanthotriletes aculeolatus A. dimorphus Pileatisporites aequus Raistrickia cf. aculeata R. aculeolata R. breveminens R. carbondalensis R. cf. clavata R. crinita R. crocea R. dispar R. cf. fibrata R. grovensis R. irregularis R. lace rata R. lowellensis R. pilosa R. pontiacensis R. protensa R. solaria R. subcrinita R. super ba R. sp. 2 R. sp. 3 Maculatasporites punctatus Microreticulatisporites hortonensis'- M. cf. lunatus M. sulcatus Dictyotriletes cf. reticulocingulum Reticulatisporites lacunosus R. pseudomuricatus R. reticulatus R. sp. 2* Camptotriletes bucculentus C. triangularis Knoxisporites rotatus Vestispora colchesterensis* V. fenestrata V. fovea ta V . laevigata V. profunda* Triquitrites additus T. cf. additus T. cf. arculatus T. bransonii T. crassus 7. dividuus 7. exiguus Found in the Cl equivalent coals. ililT but not in the Lowell or 45 T. mi nut us T. protensus T. pulvinatus T. sculptilis T. cf. sculptilis* T. spinosus T. subspinosus T. trigonappendix T. sp. 1 Mooreisporites inusitatus Indospora steward* Grumosisporites cf. rufus Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. paulula L. punctata L. subjuga L. torquifer Murospora kosankei Densosporites sphaerotriangularis D. triangularis* Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis Reinschospora magnifica* R. triangularis Savitrisporites majus S. sp. 1 Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. mi nut us L. ovalis L. punctatus L. vulgaris Tuberculatosporites robustus Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Perotriletes parvigracilus Hymenospora multirugosa H. paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis E. plicatus Paleospora fragila Elorinites antiquus F. mil lot ti F. si mi I is Vesicaspora wilsonii Alatisporites hexalatus A. punctatus A. trialatus Trihyphae cites triangulatus Lowell Coal Member Spore data from the Lowell Coal interval are based on the study of 54 bench sam- ples from 18 localities. Where sampled, * Found in the Cardiff but not in the Lowell or equivalent coals. the Lowell Coal or its equivalents varies in thickness from 2 inches (maceration 1274-A, sample site 15) to 48 inches (maceration 1404-O through 1404-R, sample site 38). The Lowell Coal contains a diverse flora of usually well preserved small spores. The coal (macerations 1402- D, 1402-E, 1402-F, and 1402-G, sample site 24) with the largest number of taxa recorded (107) is from a core near the town of Pontiac. Text figure 6 shows the relation of the major structures to the sample sites of the Lowell, Cardiff, and equivalent coals. In figure 7 the relative abundance of the spore taxa in these coals is indicated by bar dia- grams. The spore assemblages of the Lowell Coal at the type section (sample site 13) and from two cores drilled on the Ancona-Garfield structure nearby (sample sites 15 and 19) were found to have some differences when compared with the assem- blages from the Lowell in other parts of the state. These assemblages and those from the Cardiff Coal will be discussed in greater detail later. In the region of the Pontiac and Ancona- Garfield structures and westward, the most abundant genus is Laevigatosporites, with Lycospora second, but east of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt and in southern Illinois Lycospora is the dominant genus. In the western sector, Laevigatosporites makes up 47 to 50.3 percent and Lycospora accounts for 27.4 to 36 percent of the miospore assemblage. Laevigatosporites globosus ranges from 22.1 to 36.4 percent and L. minutus from 11.4 to 21.9 percent. Other spore taxa not uncommonly observed in this region include Punctatisporites (5 to 9.9 percent), Apiculatisporis (1.8 to 5.2 percent), Calamospora (1.9 to 3 percent), Thymospora (1.1 to 3 percent), Crassi- spora (0.3 to 2 percent), and Triquitrites (0.8 to 1.6 percent). Punctatisporites ed- garensis is apparently restricted to this western region. No relation between rela- tive abundance of spore taxa and the ver- tical position within the coal was observed. East and south of the Pontiac Dome (text figure 4), Lycospora with 41.2 to 54.9 percent and Laevigatosporites with 26.7 to 46 ■ Lowell Cool on Ancono Garfield structure and along the axis of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt A Lowell Coal on Pontiac Dome ♦ Lowell Coal East of LaSalle Anticlinal Belt X Lowell or Shawneetown Coal in southern Illinois • Cardiff Coal /^Boundary f Carbondale Formation O 20 40 rz Miles -J Y\ Text Fig. 6 --Sites from which the Lowell, Cardiff, and equivalent coals were sampled ind major struc Cures related to spore d.str.bution. Major spore taxa are shown in text nguTeZ ' 47 Ancono -Gar of LcSolle • Ponliac Dome (A) East of LaSolle Anticlinal Bell Cardiff C< (©) Punctotispori/es Calamospora Crassispora Lycosporo Laevigatosporites globosus Laevigatosporites minutus Thymospora All other spores kr-r-r-f- Abundance I , |B Text Fig. 7 — Relative abundance of small spore taxa in the Lowell, Cardiff, and equivalent coals. Sym- bols in headings refer to sample sites in figure 6. 41.8 percent rank first and second in the Lowell and Shawneetown Coals and in the interval of the Survant Coal (IV) of Indi- ana. Laevigatosporites globosus consti- tutes 9.0 to 26.6 percent and L. minutus 9.7 to 24.7 percent of the small spore pop- ulation. The latter reaches its numerical peak at the bottom or middle of the coal. Maceration 1508-B (sample site 45), which contains an unusually small amount (9 percent) of L. globosus, may not be very representative because it was prepared from a 1 -inch thick fragment of coal, found in stream gravel, that had washed out of a coal only 1.5 inches thick that is exposed along a stream. The extremely weathered coal sampled from the stream bank outcrop failed to yield recognizable spores. Punc- tatisporites (2 to 8.7 percent), Thymo- spora (1.9 to 6.1 percent), Crassispora (0.3 to 5.7 percent), and Calamospora (0.5 to 2.2 percent) are the most fre- quently encountered of the remaining genera. The only part of the Illinois Basin where marine limestone has been found thus far in the Lowell Cyclothem (W. H. Smith, 1967, personal communication) is the type locality of the Lowell (macerations 1190 and 1377, sample site 13) and in the vi- cinity of the Ancona-Garfield structure (macerations 1275-A, 1279-D, and 1279- E). The macerations from the type section actually represent a shaly coal zone 6 inch- es thick. Maceration 1275-A is from a 2- inch thick, very carbonaceous zone that was obtained from a core (sample site 15). Another cored section from the Ancona-Garfield region (sample site 19) displayed a coal (maceration 1279-D) 6 inches thick and a bony coal (maceration 1279-E) Wa inches thick separated from each other by an 8-inch thick siltstone zone. The Lowell Coal interval in this local environment is characterized by a very low frequency of Lycospora, such as was recorded from macerations 1190 and 1377 (15.3 percent), maceration 1275-A (5 percent), maceration 1279-D (6 per- cent), and maceration 1279-E (17.7 per- cent). Laevigatosporites minutus is the most abundant species (46 percent) in macerations 1190 and 1377, but L. globo- sus is the dominant species, making up 52 percent of the spore assemblage in macera- tion 1275-A and 47.5 percent in macera- tions 1279-D and 1279-E. Thymospora pseudothiessenii (7.5 to 16.7 percent), Punctatisporites (1.8 to 6 percent), Cala- mospora (up to 3.7 percent), and Triqui- trites (0.3 to 2.4 percent) constitute most of the remainder of the plant microfossils. In the area overlain by marine facies, the coal swamp probably was invaded by the sea before sufficient time had elapsed for the establishment of a plant community rich in Lycos pora-bear'mg lepidodendrids. Lowell (?) Coal Member Two thin coals, tentatively correlated with the Lowell but here considered sep- 48 arately because of the uncertainty of the correlation, were found in a shale interval between the Cardiff and No. 4 Coals in the "multiple seam area" in western Kankakee County. The coals were sampled from a diamond drill core (macerations 954-B and 954-C, sample site 54) and from a strip mine about one-third of a mile to the southeast (macerations 1133-A1 and 1133- A2, sample site 53). The coals of macera- tions 954-C and 1133-A are about 11 inches thick and the latter is only about 5 feet below the No. 4 Coal and 4 feet above the Cardiff Coal. A shale band 1 inch thick occurs 2.75 inches above the base of the coal of 1133-A. Coal of maceration 954-B is only 2.6 inches thick and lies about 10 inches above 954-C. The macerations of these coals are char- acterized by a very high frequency of Laevigatosporites minutus, which ranges from 29.3 to 43.3 percent. Laevigatospor- ites and Lycospora, with 33 to 43 percent and 39 to 43 percent, respectively, are about equally well represented in the spore assemblages except in maceration 954-B. That maceration contains a very high pro- portion of Laevigatosporites (64.3 percent) at the expense of Lycospora, which ac- counts for only 13.3 percent of the spore population. Thymospora pseudothiessenii (7 percent) and Calamospora (3 percent) are fairly common in maceration 954-C, whereas Crassispora (9.1 percent) and Punctatisporites (5.9 percent) are com- mon in macerations 1133-A1 and 1133- A2. No exact correlation of these thin coals was made because the small number of taxa identified in maceration 954-C sug- gests poor preservation of the spores. The coals, therefore, were not included on the spore distribution charts (text figs. 10 and II). The percentage of Lycospora report- ed may be abnormally low because Lyco- spora is less resistant to decomposition than Laevigatosporites. Probably macera- tions 954-C and 1133-A I and 1133-A2 are correlative. The coals are thought to be approximately equivalent to the upper part of the Lowell Coal dcpositional sequence because it, too, has a high pro- portion of Laevigatosporites. The rather common occurrence (5.7 percent) of Endosporites and absence of Thymospora pseudothiessenii in maceration 954-B sug- gest an affinity with the Cardiff Coal, but the presence of Complexisporites chalon- erii and Kewaneesporites reticuloides in macerations 954-B, 1133-A1, and 1133- A2 points to an affinity with the No. 4 Coal. Survant Coal (IV) of Indiana Two coals of the Coal IV interval of Indiana sampled from a diamond drill core in Vigo County, Indiana (macerations 1509-B through 1509-G, sample site 29), are correlated by spore analysis with two Illinois coals in the same interval from a core in Saline County, Illinois (macera- tions 1381-1 through 1381-L, sample site 42). Where Coal IV is mined, a medial part- ing that is often present may be equivalent to the intervening shale unit where two separate coals are developed. For example, a diamond drill core in sec. 12, T. 14 N., R. 10 W., Vigo County, Indiana, shows a shale parting about 2 inches thick that occurs 17.5 inches below the top of the coal. In section 33 of the same township, a shale interval of 3 feet 5 inches separates the upper and lower benches of Coal IV, and in other parts of Vigo County the shale interval attains a thickness of at least 20 feet. Cardiff Coal Member As mentioned in the introduction of this report, the stratigraphy in the Wilmington area of Kankakee County is quite complex because of the occurrence of at least four coals stratigraphically separated by only a few feet of shale. In this "multiple seam area" the Cardiff Coal is traced from a strip mine (sample site 53), where it is 57 inches thick and only a few feet above the No. 2 Coal, and a diamond drill core sam- ple (sample site 54) southwest to sample sites 55, 56, and 57 (macerations 1143-B, 1034-A, and 962-A from rotary drill holes) 49 in southern Grundy and northeastern Liv- ingston Counties. The spore assemblages from the coal in the three drill holes closely resemble those from the Cardiff Coal in the strip mine to the northeast. However, the coal recovered from the rotary samples is correlated with the Cardiff Coal to the northeast with some reservation because of the unusually large interval between this coal and the No. 2 Coal where the samples were taken. The coal of maceration 962-A lies almost 8 1 feet above the No. 2 Coal. With a few exceptions, the small spore population of the Cardiff Coal is similar to that of the Lowell Coal east of the axis of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt. The abundance of Lycospora in the Cardiff is as low as 45.6 percent, although it does get up to 62.3 percent, somewhat higher than has been found in the Lowell of the eastern or southeastern part of the Illinois Basin. Laevigatosporites globosus, which is not as abundant in the Cardiff Coal as in the Lowell, ranges from 2 to 5.3 percent, and L. minutus varies erratically from 11.3 to 21 percent. Laevigatosporites decreases in abundance from the bottom of the coal toward the top, whereas Lycospora in- creases. Although Endosporites is rare in two samples (macerations 1143-B and 1034-A), it makes up 4 to 5 percent of the spore assemblage in the other three sample localities, and one of the macerations (1133-C2, sample site 53) from the mid- dle bench of the Cardiff Coal had 13 per- cent Endosporites. The relative scarcity of Endosporites in macerations 1143-B and 1034-A may be explained by the fact that the sample chips recovered from rotary drilling do not repre- sent the coal as well as a face or diamond drill core sample. Crassispora plicata and Densosporites are encountered a little more frequently in the Cardiff than in the typical Lowell Coal. The Cardiff Coal is interpreted as an earlier abandoned channel phase of depo- sition of the Lowell Coal. It may actually be a little older than the Lowell Coal of other parts of the Illinois Basin because the spore assemblage has some aspects of the No. 2 Coal assemblage. This is not surprising, as Cady (1915, p. 35) reported that the Cardiff Coal in places rests on top of the No. 2 Coal. On the other hand, the ecological conditions in a coal swamp for- est growing in a narrow channel-like de- pression must have been somewhat differ- ent from conditions in a more shallow, wide depression. Therefore, the differences in spore content that exist between the Cardiff and more typical Lowell Coal may be more of a reflection of the differences in environment rather than in geologic age. Differentiation of Lowell and Equivalents The spore assemblages of the Lowell Coal, Shawneetown Coal, and Coal IV of Indiana resemble that of the No. 2 Coal more closely than that of any other coal, but they can be distinguished by spore analysis. Generally the Lowell has a lower percentage of Lycospora than the No. 2. Except in the Cardiff Coal, Crassispora and Florinites antiquus have never been found to exceed 4 percent and 1.7 percent, respectively, whereas in the No. 2 Coal, they almost always exceed that amount. Schopfites and Apiculatisporis lappites are less frequently encountered in the No. 2 Coal than in the Lowell. Although the abundance of these two taxa in the Lowell Coal is not reflected in the relative per- centage because of their scarcity compared with other taxa, the number of specimens per slide counted in a Lowell maceration may be 4 or 5 times the number on a slide of the No. 2 Coal maceration. Pustulatisporites crenatus, Punctatispor- ites vermiculatus, and Cadiospora have not been found in the Lowell, but they occur in the No. 2 Coal. Verrucosisporites sifati, Distortisporites, and Murospora are easily identified spores that are recorded from the Lowell but not from the No. 2 Coal. Summum (No. 4) Coal Member The first reference in the literature to the No. 4 Coal in Illinois was that of Les- quereux (1866, p. 213) when he described the section of Pennsylvanian strata near 50 Shawneetown, Illinois. A coal occurring in the Summum Cyclothem near Peoria in Fulton County was called the No. 4 by Wanless (1931, p. 182, 192). He pointed out that his No. 4 Coal was not the same as Worthen's (1870) coal No. 4 of north- western Illinois, which is actually equival- ent to the Springfield (No. 5) Coal. In 1939, Wanless correlated the No. 4 Coal with the Houchin Creek Coal (IVa) of western Indiana, Upper Well (No. 8b) and Goshen Coals of western Kentucky, Mulky Coal of Missouri, and Fort Scott Coal of Kansas and Oklahoma. The exposure in sec. 3, T. 4 N., R. 2 E., Fulton County, was proposed by Wanless (1956, p. 10) as the type locality of the Summum Coal, and he later (1957, p. 204) described the stratigraphic section in detail. (The town- ship number, however, should have been 3 N. instead of 4 N.) The rocks of the type section have since been destroyed by strip mine operations, but a sample of the coal that had been collected there about 20 years ago was macerated for this study. Apparently it had weathered in the out- crop, and it failed to yield any spores. A proposed alternate type section of the Summum (No. 4) Coal and Summum Cy- clothem is about one-third of a mile west of Morning Star School along a tributary of Big Creek in SWV4 NE 1 ^ SEV4 sec. 35, T. 6 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Macer- ated residues (macerations 1405-A, 1405- B, and 1405-C, sample site 2) of the No. 4 Coal, which is 52 inches thick, contains well preserved spores. Another exposure of the No. 4 Coal in a roadcut, near Kerton Creek in the center NE14 sec. 15, T. 3 N., R. 2 E., Fulton County (sample site 3) also was sampled for spore analysis. The bottom 18-inch thick bench (maceration 1405-A) contained rather well preserved spores, but the upper 45 inches of coal was too badly weathered to be of any value. In the Wilmington area of western Kan- kakee County and eastern Grundy County, a coal generally 65 to 85 feet above the No. 2 Coal has been extensively strip mined. At sample site 53 it is only about 40 feet above the No. 2. The identification and stratigraphic relations of this coal have been in doubt for some time because diag- nostic strata above the coal have been removed by erosion and because the thick glacial drift prevents good exposures. Bradley (1870, p. 194), in discussing the Pennsylvanian strata of Grundy County, stated that the outcrops are so scattered and the beds so discontinuous that he was unable to depict the stratigraphy in a gen- eral geologic section. However, he did identify as "Coal No. 4" of the Illinois Valley section a coal at an old mine in sec. 20, T. 33 N., R. 7 E., which is about 10 miles northwest of present strip mining activity. The coal was called the Sparland (No. 7) Coal by Cady (1915, p. 34), but later Cady and others (1952, p. 5) tenta- tively correlated it with the Summum (No. 4) Coal. As a result of the present investi- gation, the coal is correlated by means of spores with the No. 4 Coal. Kosanke (1950, p. 72-73) reported on the small spore genera and species from two samples of the No. 4 Coal from Fulton and Jersey Counties. Guennel (1952, p. 28) studied the spore genera in two sam- ples of the Houchin Creek Coal (IVa) from Parke and Greene Counties, Indiana. In this investigation, 30 macerations from 15 sample localities were analyzed. The most diverse miospore flora, which includes 80 species, occurs in the coal (macerations 1249-A, 1249-B, and 1249-C) that was sampled at site 51. The spore genera and species observed in the No. 4 Coal are recorded in the following list. Leiotriletes adnatoides* L. levis L. notatus* Punctatisporites aerarius* P. decorus P. cf. gracilirugosus P. kankakeensis P. minutus P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. orbicularis P. cf. pseudolevatus P. vermiculatus P. sp. 1 Calamospora breviradiata C. flora C. hartungiana * Pound only cast of the Ajicona-Garfleld structure. -*z«* CAL 51 C. minuta C. mutabilis C. pedata* C. straminea Elaterites triferens Granulatisporites granulans G. pal lid us* G. pannosites G. cf. parvus Cyclogranisporites breviradiatus C. micaceus C. microgranus C. staplini Converrucosisporites subverrucosus Verrucosisporites microtuberosus V. papulosus* V. cf. papulosus* V. sifati Schopfites colchesterensis S. dimorphus S. cf. dimorphus Distortisporites illinoiensis* Kewaneesporites reticuloides Lophotriletes commissuralis L. cf. granoornatus L. pseudaculeatus L. rarispinosus A napiculatisporites spinosus Apiculatisporis abditus A. lappites A. setulosus A canthotriletes dimorphus Raistrickia crinita R. crocea R. cf. fibrata R. grove nsis R. irregularis R. subcrinita Spackmanites cf. jacierugosus Maculatasporites punctatus Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Dictyotriletes densoreticulatus* D. distort us D. cf. falsus* D. cf. reticulocingulum Reticulatisporites reticulatus R. sp. 1 Camptotriletes triangularis Vestispora colchesterensis V. fenestrata V. joveata V. laevigata Triquitrites additus T. cf. additus* T. bransonii T. crassus T. desperatus T. dividuus* T. exiguus T. minutus T. protensus T. pulvinatus T. spinosus T. subspinosus T. trigonappendix T. truncatus T. sp. 1 Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. punctata L. subjuga Cadiospora fithiana C. magna Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis Reinschospora triangularis* Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. ovalis L. punctatus L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Perotriletes parvigracilus Hymenospora multirugosa H. paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis E. plicatus Paleospora fragila Florinites anti quits F. grand is F. millotti F. similis F. visendus Vesicaspora wilsonii Kosankeisporites elegans Complexisporites chalonerii Alatisporites trialatns* Trihyphaecites triangulatus Species occurring in the No. 4 Coal list- ed by Kosanke (1950) but not observed in my macerations are given below. Granulatisporites convexus G. verrucosus Punctatisporites verrucifer Laevigatosporites minimus Spore Distribution and Major Structures Some minor variations in the occurrence and relative abundance of taxa were found in the spore assemblages as the No. 4 Coal was traced onto the Ancona-Garfield struc- ture (text figs. 8 and 9) and to the north- Found only east of the Ancona-Garfield structure. 52 ▲ West of LaSalle Anticlinal Belt ■ Ancona-Garfield Structure ♦ East of LaSalle Anticlinal Belt • Gray shale fades of northeastern Illinois C Boundary of Carbondale Formation l l Text Fig. 8— -Sites from which the Summum (No. 4) Coal was sampled and major structures related to spore distribution. Major spore taxa are shown in text figure 9. 53 Toxo West of LoSoiie Anticlinal Belt (▲) Ancono- Garfield Structure (■) East of LoSaile Anticlinal Belt (♦) Gray shale facies of northeostern Illinois (©) Punctatisporites Calamospora Anapiculatisporites Crassispora Lycospora Laevigatosporites globosus Laevigatosporites mi nut us Thymospora All other spores [■% | Abundance 5%HH 10% Text Fig. 9 — Relative abundance of small spore taxa in the Summum (No. 4) Coal. Symbols in headings refer to sample sites in figure 8. eastern part of the study area where the coal is overlain by gray shale rather than the typical black shale. With the exception of these two areas, Lycospora is the domi- nant genus, constituting 27 to 47.7 percent of the spore population, and Laevigato- sporites is subdominant with 12 to 34 per- cent. Maceration 1406-A represents only the bottom 18 inches of a 6 3 -inch thick section of the No. 4 Coal and appears to be equivalent to the lower bench of the nearest complete column sample (macera- tions 1405-A, 1405-B, and 1405-C). Laevigatosporites minutus is the most abundant species of the genus west of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt and is most abun- dant in the bottom bench of coal. L. glo- bosus is the best represented species of the genus east of the LaSalle Anticline except in maceration 880-A (sample site 39) where Thymospora is more abundant than Laevigatosporites. Thymospora, which av- erages 16.2 to 24.4 percent of the assem- blage, and Crassispora, which varies from 3.8 to 20.1 percent, rank third and fourth in abundance. The delicate nature of the spore coat of Crassispora and differences in degree of preservation might help explain the considerable variation in its abundance. Anapiculatisporites spinosus (2.7 to 9.8 percent), an easily recognizable and strati- graphically useful spore, in most areas has its greatest frequency at the top or middle bench of the coal. Other genera rather well represented include Calamospora (0.7 to 6.5 percent), Punctatisporites (0.4 to 4.2 percent), Vesicaspora (less than 1 to 3.3 percent), Triquitrites (0.2 to 1.7 per- cent), and Florinites (0.2 to 1.1 percent). Alatisporites and Reinschospora have been found in the No. 4 Coal only east of the Ancona-Garfield structure regardless of whether they are directly overlain by black or by gray shale facies. Anapiculatisporites spinosus is more abundant to the east of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt. Here, too, were observed most of the specimens of Reticulatisporites and Dictyotriletes. The spore assemblages from the No. 4 Coal (macerations 1230-A, 1230-B, 1276- A, 1279-A, 1279-B, 1395-A, 1395-B, 1234-B through 1234-F, 1396-A, and 1396-B) in the region of the Ancona-Gar- field structure (sample sites 20, 17, 19, 16, 21, and 14) are generally rather poorly preserved. Maceration 1276-A includes only the top 10.5 inches of a bony coal 21.5 inches thick. In the Ancona-Garfield area, Thymospora pseudothiessenii ranks first in spore frequency with 24.5 to 42.8 percent, followed by Lycospora (12.4 to 22 percent) and Laevigatosporites (15.2 to 22.9 percent), which are about equally represented. Crassispora plicata, which is most numerous toward the bottom of the coal, accounts for 14 to 21.0 percent of the 54 spore flora. Laevigatosporites minutus usually decreases in abundance toward the top of the coal, whereas L. globosus and Thymospora pseudothiessenii increase toward the top. Macerations 1396-A and 1396-B that are from a coal only 11 inches thick at the edge of the Ancona-Garfield structure probably represent only the early part of coal deposition because Laevigato- sporites minutus (17.7 percent), which occurs mostly in the lower part of the coal, is dominant over L. globosus (6.3 percent), and Thymospora pseudothiessenii is less frequently encountered (4.5 percent) than is usually the case. Most of the remainder of the spore assemblage in the region of the Ancona-Garfield structure is made up of Punctatisporites (1.3 to 7.3 percent), Cala- mospora (0.7 to 7.3 percent), Triquitrites (1.8 to 2 percent), and Vesicaspora (0.6 to 2 percent). In southeastern Grundy County and western Kankakee County, the No. 4 Coal (macerations 954-Aa, 954-Ab, 954-Ac, 1133-B1, 1133-B2, 1133-B3, 1249-A, 1249-B, and 1249-C, sample sites 54, 53, and 51) is directly overlain by marine gray shale facies. Laevigatosporites is the most frequently encountered genus (27.8 to 38.5 percent), followed by Lycos pora (17.2 to 21.3 percent) or Thymospora (24.9 percent). Laevigatosporites globosus (15.4 to 27 percent) increases, whereas L. minutus (3.2 to 17 percent) decreases in numerical importance toward the top of the coal, and Lycospora becomes most abundant in the middle bench of coal. Anapiculatisporites spinosus is an import- ant component, contributing 6.6 to 13.9 percent to the spore population. Other spore taxa of decreasing abundance are Punctatisporites (0.2 to 4.4 percent), Cal- amospora (2.7 to 3.9 percent), Vesica- spora (1.8 to 2.8 percent), Triquitrites (0.8 to 2.4 percent), and Granulatisporites (0.7 to 2.4 percent). Differentiation of No. 4 Coal The No. 4 Coal can be readily differenti- ated from the Lowell Coal below by spore analysis. Thymospora pseudothiessenii, Anapiculatisporites spinosus, and Crassi- spora plicata are more abundant in the No. 4 than in the Lowell Coal. Laevigatospor- ites minutus, Schopfites, and Apiculati- sporis lappites are more common in the Lowell than in No. 4 Coal. Kosankeispor- ites, Complexisporites, and Cadiospora have not been found in the Lowell Coal, but are present in No. 4 Coal. Lophotri- letes cf. granoornatus, present in the No. 4 Coal, was not found in the Lowell Coal but occurs in the Cardiff Coal, which may not be synchronous in deposition with the Lowell. Kewaneesporites is found in the No. 4 Coal, but not in the Lowell except in the two thin coals (macerations 1133-A and 954-B) in the "multiple seam area" tentatively correlated with the Lowell. As mentioned in the discussion of the Lowell Coal, the palynology of these two coals seems to indicate an age more or less inter- mediate to the Lowell and No. 4 Coals. A large number of species that have been observed in the Lowell are apparently absent from the No. 4 Coal. These include Verrucosisporites donarii, Reticulatispor- ites lacunosus, Punctatisporites edgarensis, Cyclogranisporites aureus, C. cf. aureus, Lophotriletes mosaicus, Murospora kosan- kei, Tuberculatosporites robustus, Triqui- trites sculptilis, Lycospora paulula, Rai- strickia carbondalensis, R. dispar, R. lacerata, R. lowellensis, R. pilosa, R. solaria, and Savitrisporites. No densospores have been found in any coal in Illinois above the Lowell Coal. Unnamed Coal of Indiana At sample site 29 in Vigo County, Indi- ana, an unnamed coal (macerations 1509- K, 1509-L, and 1509-M) 27 inches thick was found in a diamond drill core 14 feet 5 inches above the Houchin Creek Coal (IVa) (macerations 1509-H, 1509-1, and 1509-J) and 27 feet 3 inches below the Springfield Coal (V). The coal is overlain by 16 feet of claystone and underlain by gray shale. Unlike most Pennsylvanian coals, this coal has no underclay. Another coal in a similar stratigraphic position was encountered in several other diamond drill holes in Vigo County, but it is not known to occur in Illinois. The unnamed coal, 55 which was sampled from only one locality, was found to contain the following species. Leiotriletes adnatoides L. levis L. notatus Punctatisporites decorus P. minutus P. orbicularis Calamospora breviradiata C. ftava C. hartungiana C. mutabilis C. straminea Granulatisporites granulans G. cf. parvus Cyclogranisporites breviradiatus C. microgranus C. staplini Verrucosisporites microtuberosus V. verrucosus Schopfites colchesterensis S. dimorphus Lophotriletes commissuralis L. pseudaculeatus L. rarispinosus A napiculatisporites spinosus Apiculatisporis abditus A. lappites A. setulosus Raistrickia breveminens R. carbondalensis R. crinita R. crocea R. lowellensis R. subcrinita Spackmanites cf. jacierugosus Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Reticulatisporites reticulatus Knoxisporites rotatus Vestispora fenestrata V. foveata V. laevigata Triquitrites cf. additus T. bransonii T. exiguus T. minutus T. protensus T. spinosus T. subspinosus Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora plicata Lycospora granulata L. punctata L. subjuga Cirratriradites annulatus C. annulijormis Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. ovalis L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites vesicatus Endosporites globiformis E. plicatus Paleospora fragila Florinites antiquus F. millotti F. si mi I is V esicaspora wilsonii Complexisporites chalonerii Lycospora (38.7 percent), Laevigato- sporites (31.6 percent), and Thymospora (10.3 percent) rank first, second, and third in spore abundance. About equally represented with 14.4 percent and 12.6 percent, respectively, are Laevigatosporites globosus, which decreases in frequency toward the top of the coal, and L. minutus, which increases toward the top. Lycospora also shows an increase toward the top of the coal. Calamospora (5 percent), Punc- tatisporites (4.7 percent), Crassispora (3.4 percent), Endosporites (2.2 percent), and Triquitrites (1.2 percent) account for most of the remaining spores in the microfossil assemblage. As the unnamed coal was sampled from only one locality, the criteria for distin- guishing it palynologically from the under- lying and overlying coals are not well established. However, some tentative con- clusions are offered. The spore assem- blage in the unnamed coal is very similar to that of the older Summum (No. 4) Coal. Crassispora plicata, Anapiculatispor- ites spinosus, and Thymospora pseudothies- senii are more common in the No. 4 Coal than in the unnamed coal. Endosporites is apparently better represented in the un- named coal. Raistrickia carbondalensis and R. lowellensis, which appear in the un- named coal, are absent in the No. 4 Coal. No specimens of Hymenospora have been found in the unnamed coal. The unnamed coal differs from the Springfield (No. 5) Coal of Illinois by the greater abundance of Crassispora plicata, A napiculatisporites spinosus, and Thymo- spora pseudothiessenii in the latter. Laevi- gatosporites minutus and Endosporites are not as frequently encountered in the No. 5 56 Coal as in the unnamed coal. Reinscho- spora, Cadiospora, Alatisporites, Hymeno- spora, and Trihyphaecites, which were all identified from the No. 5 Coal, have not been observed in the unnamed coal. Retic- ulatisporites reticulatus, Raistrickia carbon- dalensis, R. lowellensis, Florinites millotti, and Complexisporites chalonerii have been found in the unnamed coal but are appar- ently absent from the No. 5 Coal. Springfield [No. 5) Coal Member The Springfield (No. 5) Coal, called Harrisburg (No. 5) Coal in southern Illi- nois, is one of the most widespread coals and has been extensively mined in the central part of the Springfield area, and in the southern and western parts of the Illinois Basin. Worthen (1866, p. 53) was the first to use the designation No. 5 for this coal, and in 1883 he called it the Springfield Coal for the underground mines near Springfield, Illinois. At that early date, there were already seven coal mines in this coal within a few miles of Spring- field. Exposures in coal mines in that vi- cinity were later designated the type area by Wanless (1956, p. 10). The Springfield (No. 5) Coal has long been correlated with the Harrisburg (No. 5) Coal of southern Illinois, which had been named by Shaw and Savage (1912, p. 7). Cady (1916, p. 21) corre- lated it with the No. 9 Coal of western Kentucky, the Petersburg or Alum Cave (No. V) Coal (now called Springfield Coal ( V) ) of Indiana, the Summit Coal of Missouri, and the coal between the Upper and Lower Fort Scott Limestone of Kansas. Its exact equivalent in the Appa- lachian Coal Field had not been deter- mined at that time. Moore et al. (1944, p. 657-706) correlated the Middle Kittanning Coal of Ohio and Pennsylvania with the No. 6 Coal of Illinois. Data obtained from the palynological investigation of the Mid- dle Kittanning Coal by Gray (1967) and on the No. 5 and No. 6 Coals indicate that the Middle Kittanning is palynologically more similar to the No. 5 Coal than it is to the No. 6 Coal of Illinois. However, it is recognized that a considerable distance from one sedimentary basin to another is involved. Correlation of the Springfield (No. 5) and Harrisburg (No. 5) Coals was carried out by Brokaw (1942), who was the first to investigate their small spore content. The correlation was corroborated by Ko- sanke (1950, p. 73-74) in his study of the spores of additional coal samples. Guen- nel (1952, p. 28) reported on the spore genera of the Springfield Coal (V) of Indi- ana from eight sample localities in Indiana. In the present investigation, 21 bench samples from nine localities were examined in detail for their spore content. The most diverse spore flora occurs in macerations 722 and 1404, from which 64 taxa were identified. Maceration 726a, which was prepared from only the top half of a coal 25.5 inches thick, was the only portion of that coal analyzed because the spores in the maceration of the bottom half of the coal were too poorly preserved to be con- sidered. The following species of microfossils were observed in the Springfield (No. 5) Coal. Leiotriletes adnatoides L. cf. atshanensis L. levis Punctatisporites aerarius P. curviradiatus P. decorus P. edgarensis P. mi nut us P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. orbicularis P. vermicularis Calamospora breviradiata C. hartungiana C. minuta C. mutabilis C. pedata C. stram'mea El ate rites trif evens G ranulatisporites granulans G. livingstonensis G. pannosites G. cf. parvus Cyclogram'sporites breviradiatus C. micrograms C. staplini Verrucosisporites donarii Schopfites colchesterensis 57 S. dimorphus Distortisporites illinoiensis Kewaneesporites reticuloides A napiculatisporites spinosus Apiculatisporis abditus A. lappites A. setulosus Acanthotriletes dimorphus Raistrickia crinita R. crocea R. irregularis R. subcrinita Spackmanites cf. facierugosus Maculatasporites punctatus Microreticulatisporites lunatus M. sulcatus Reticulatisporites lacunosus Vestispora fenestrata V. foveata V. laevigata Triquitrites additus T. cf. additus T. bransonii T. crassus T. exiguus T. minutus T. protensus T. pulvinatus T. cf. sculptilis T. spinosus Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. punctata L. subjuga Cadiospora fit! liana Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis Reinschospora triangularis Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. oval is L. punctatus L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudoth iessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Hymenospora paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis E. p lie at us Paleospora fragila Florinites antiquus F. si mi lis Vesicaspora wilsonii Alatisporites hexalatus A. punctatus A. trialatus Trihyphaecites triangulatus Additional species were recorded from the No. 5 Coal by Kosanke (1950), but not observed during this study. Granulatisporites convexus Punctatisporites verrucifer Calamospora flexilis Laevigatosporites minimus Alatisporites inflatus A. varius Statistical analysis of the spore assem- blages indicates that since several genera are of approximately equal frequency, the genus that is dominant varies among Laevi- gatosporites, Lycospora, and Thymospora from one locality to another. Thymospora is the most abundant in three macerations (726Aa, 982B, 1234, and 1392) and has a range of 15.9 to 41 percent. Laevigato- sporites is most common in three sets of macerations (722-A, 722-B, 722-C, 1404- V, 1404-W, 1404-X, 1408-A, 1408-B, and 1408-C) and ranges from 10.7 to 28.3 percent. L. globosus (4.7 to 24.8 percent), which usually increases in prominence toward the top of the coal, is the most abundant species of Laevigatosporites. The combined total of all the monolete spores (Thymospora and Laevigatosporites) av- erages about 40 percent and ranges from 37.7 to 47.7 percent of the spore assem- blage, not including maceration 726Aa, which is only the top half of the coal. Lycospora is the major genus at two sam- ple localities (macerations 630, 879, and 880) and varies from 1 1 to 32.9 percent of the small spore assemblage. Crassispora plicata and Anapiculatisporites spinosus are important components of the spore flora and account for 9.5 to 21 percent and 1.8 to 13.3 percent, respectively. Most of the rest of the spore assemblage is made up of Punctatisporites (1.9 to 8.3 percent), Calamospora (1.3 to 3.8 percent), and Vesicaspora (0.3 to 2.8 percent). Kosanke (1950, p. 73) found that Laevigatospor- ites (which included Thymospora at that time) was the dominant genus in his sam- ples, 45 to 50 percent of the spores being assigned to that genus. Guennel (1952, p. 28) found a slightly higher frequency (62.3 percent) for the genus in the Spring- field Coal (V) of Indiana. 58 Palynological differentiation of the No. 5 and No. 4 Coals is rather difficult. The relative abundance of spore taxa in the two coals is too similar to be of much value in differentiation. Alatisporites and Reinscho- spora, which are fairly commonly found but not abundant in the No. 5 Coal, have been found in the No. 4 Coal only east of the Ancona-Garfield structure. The single species Alatisporites trialatus is the only species of Alatisporites thus far observed in the No. 4 Coal, whereas A. punctatus, A. hexalatus, and A. trialatus occur fre- quently in the No. 5 Coal. No specimens assignable to Dictyotriletes and only one specimen of Reticulatisporites, R. lacuno- sus, were recorded from the No. 5 Coal. Reticulatisporites and Dictyotriletes were found rather consistently in the No. 4 Coal east of the Ancona-Garfield structure but no specimen was identified as R. lacunosus. Although rare in number, several species of V errucosisporites are present in the No. 4 Coal, but only V. donarii, which is ap- parently absent from the No. 4 Coal, has been found in the No. 5 Coal. Taxa present in the No. 4 Coal but absent from the No. 5 Coal are Lophotri- letes, Complexisporites, Kosankeisporites, Dictyotriletes, Hymenospora multirugosa, Florinites visendus, Raistrickia cf. fibrata, and Schopfites cf. dimorphus. Briar Hill [No. 5 A) Coal Member The name Briar Hill Coal was intro- duced by Glenn (1912, p. 38) who stated that the No. 10 Coal of Union County, Kentucky, is known as the Briar Hill Coal. Cady (1916, p. 45) mentioned a thin coal appearing between the No. 5 and No. 6 Coals in drill holes in Williamson and Saline County. He later (1919, p. 20, 79) listed it as the No. 5A Coal and concluded that it is probably the same coal as the Briar Hill Coal of Kentucky. The type area of the Briar Hill (No. 5A) Coal was desig- nated by Wanless (1956, p. 10) as T. 9 N., R. 7 B., Saline County, but should have read T. 9 S. The small spores of the No. 5A Coal from Gallatin and Franklin Counties were studied by Kosanke (1950, p. 74). The Briar Hill (No. 5A) Coal Member was not encountered in the northeastern portion of the Illinois Basin, but macera- tions of a lower, middle, and upper bench (macerations 1378-P, 1378-Q, and 1378- R) of the No. 5 A Coal from a core in Gallatin County were studied for the pur- poses of comparison and continuity. The spores recorded from those macerations are given below. Punctatispohtes minutus P. obliquus Calamospora breviradiata C. hartungiana Elaterites triferens Granulatisporites granulans Cyclogranisporites staplini Schopfites dimorphus Raistrickia crinita R. crocea R. irregularis R. subcrinita Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Vestispora fenestrata Triquitrites bransonii T. pulvinatus T. spinosus Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora p Heat a Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. punctata Cirratriradites annuliformis Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. ovalis L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Hymenospora paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis Paleospora fragila Florinites anliquus Vesicaspora wilsonii Kosanke discovered the following species in his samples of the No. 5A Coal that are not listed above. Punctatisporites verrucifer Raistrickia protensa Lycospora and Thymospora pseudo- thiessenii rank first and second in abun- dance in maceration 1378 with 58 per- cent and 26.6 percent, respectively. Lyco- spora increases in dominance toward the 59 top of the coal at the expense of Thymo- spora. Crassispora plicata (4.9 percent), Laevigatosporites minutus (3.9 percent), Calamospora breviradiata (2.1 percent), Vesicaspora wilsonii (1.8 percent), Punc- tatisporites minutus (1.6 percent), and Laevigatosporites globosus (1.4 percent) account for most of the remaining spore population. The No. 5A Coal is readily distinguished from the No. 5 Coal on the basis of its spore content. Because of the small num- ber of samples of the No. 5A Coal exam- ined, some spore taxa presently regarded as absent may turn up as additional macer- ations are studied. The No. 5A Coal has a higher percentage of Lycospora and a lower percentage of Laevigatosporites, especially L. globosus, than does the No. 5 Coal. Crassispora plicata also is not as abundant in the No. 5A Coal. Among the taxa present in the No. 5 Coal, but absent from the No. 5A Coal are Cadiospora, Wilsonites, Reinschospora, Alatisporites, Apiculatisporis, Anapiculatisporites, Verru- cosisporites, Cirratriradites annulatus, Ly- cospora subjuga, Triquitrites additus, and T. cf. additus. In the No. 5A Coal, the only species of Calamospora recorded are C. breviradiata and C. hartungiana. Granu- latisporites granulans is the only species that represents the genus in the No. 5A Coal. Spring Lake Coal Member A coal designated as unit 43, 11 to 17 feet below the No. 6 Coal, was described by Willman and Payne (1942, p. 130, 295) from outcrops along the Vermilion River and its tributaries in LaSalle and Livingston Counties. They found that the coal reached a maximum thickness of 2 feet 6 inches near the north end of Eagle Creek in the SEVa SEV4 sec. 22, T. 31 N., R. 3 R, LaSalle County, where it was strip mined. Cady (1948, p. 5) called unit 43 of Willman and Payne (1942) the Spring Lake Coal, named from Spring Lake 1 mile west of Streator. The name Spring Lake Coal, which has not been used since its introduction, is adopted here, and geo- logic section 20 (outcrop on east bank of the Vermilion River at greenhouse, SEV4 SWi/4 SW!4 sec. 23, T. 31 N., R. 3 E.) described by Willman and Payne (1942, p. 295) is designated the type section. Two diamond drill core samples of the Spring Lake Coal from the region of the Ancona Dome have been macerated and studied for their spore content. At sample site 15, sec. 15, T. 30 N., R. 2 E., the coal (maceration 1275-AA) is 8 inches thick and 38 feet above the No. 4 Coal, and at sample site 21, sec. 34, T. 30 N., R. 3 E., the coal (maceration 12 34- A) is 3 ! /2 inches thick and about 51 feet above the No. 4 Coal. The No. 6 Coal is not present in either of the cores. The following genera and species of spores, which are well pre- served, were identified from the Spring Lake Coal. Punctatisporites minutus P. obliquus Calamospora breviradiata C. hartungiana Granulatisporites pallidus Cyclogranisporites breviradiatus C. staplini Lophotriletes commissuralis L. copiosus Apiculatisporis abditus Raistrickia crinita R. subcrinita Spackmanites cf. facierugosus Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Camp to trile tes b ucculentus Vestispora fenestrata V. joveata Triquitrites exiguus Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. punctata L. subjuga Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. ovalis L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Endosporites globiformis Florinites antiquus F. grandis F. visendus ? 60 The spore assemblages of the Spring Lake Coal are characterized by a prepon- derance of Lycospora that amounts to about 79 percent of the spore population. Wilsonites and Crassispora are about equally well represented, and each account for about 5 percent. Laevigatosporites with 3.7 percent ranks third in importance. The Spring Lake Coal is distinguished from the No. 5A Coal below by its higher frequency of Thymospora pseudothiessenii, Lycospora, and Laevigatosporites. Wil- sonites, which is rather common in the Spring Lake Coal, is absent in the No. 5A Coal. Only one species of Triquitrites — T. exiguus — was found in the Spring Lake Coal. Taxa appearing in the No. 5A Coal but absent in the Spring Lake Coal include Schopfites, Cirratriradites, Hymen- ospora, Paleospora fragila, and Vesica- spora wilsonii. The Spring Lake differs paly nologic ally from the No. 6 Coal above by the large number of genera and species not observed in the Spring Lake but present in the No. 6 Coal. These include Leiotriletes, Muro- spora, Cirratriradites, Anapiculatisporites, Verrucosisporites, Vesicaspora wilsonii, Lo- photriletes cf. granoornatus , Granulatispor- ites granulans, G. cf. parvus, Lycospora paulula, and Paleospora fragila. Herrin (No. 6) Coal Member The Herrin (No. 6) Coal Member is the most extensively mined coal in Illinois. The No. 6 Coal was among the coals Lesquer- eux ( 1 866, p. 213) numbered in presenting the section of Pennsylvanian strata near Shawneetown, Illinois. Worthen (1870, p. 93) described a coal that he called the No. 6 in his report of the geology of Fulton County. The No. 6 Coal of the Murphys- boro-Herrin area of southern Illinois was formally named the Herrin Coal (No. 6) by Shaw and Savage (1912, p. 6), and the type sections were designated as being in the mines in the vicinity of Herrin. The No. 6 Coal of Illinois has been cor- related with the No. 1 1 Coal of Kentucky, the Mystic Coal of Iowa, and the Lexington Coal of Missouri (Wanless, 1939, p. 19- 20). Wanless (1939) also correlated the No. 6 Coal with the Hymera Coal (VI) of Indiana, but present correlations indicate the Hymera is equivalent to the Jamestown Coal of Illinois. He also suggested that the No. 6 might be equivalent to the Mid- dle Kittanning Coal of Ohio, but he con- cluded that the clay partings that occur in both coals are not reliable for correlation across such a distance. Spore analyses of the Illinois coals and the Middle Kittan- ning Coal (Gray, 1967) indicate that the No. 4 Coal or the No. 5 Coal, more likely the latter, may be correlative with the Mid- dle Kittanning Coal. Small spores of the No. 6 Coal were investigated by Kosanke (1950, p. 74-77) from Christian, Fulton, and Vermilion Counties. Guennel (1952, p. 29-30) studied the relative distribution of spore genera from six samples of the Hymera Coal (VI) of Indiana. Sixteen macerated samples from 11 lo- calities in the area of this report were studied. The most diverse plant microfos- sil flora was observed in macerations 1404- AA, 1404-BB, and 1404-CC from sample site 38, which contained at least 74 identi- fiable species. Maceration 982-A (sam- ple site 36) represents only the top 9 inches of a coal 86 inches thick, and only 14.6 inches of the coal of maceration 1242 was recovered from a cored sample of the No. 6 Coal that was reported by drillers to be 37 inches thick. The spores in maceration 1242-D are so poorly preserved that no statistical count was made of that portion of the coal. The following genera and species have been identified from the Herrin (No. 6) Coal. Leiotriletes adiuitoides L. lev is L. notatus L. pseudolevis Punctatisporites aerarius P. decorus P. edgarensis P. miliums 61 P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. cf. pseudolevatus P. vermiculatus Calamospora breviradiata C. flava C. hartungiana C. mutabilis C. pedata C. straminea Elaterites triferens Granulatisporites granulans G. pal I id us G. p anno sites G. cf. parvus G. verrucosus Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus C. breviradiatus C. micaceus C. microgranus C. staplini Verrucosisporites donarii V. sifati Kewaneesporites reticuloides Loph o trile tes com m issuralis L. cf. granoornatus L. mosaicus L. rarispinosus A napiculatisporites spinosus Pustulatisporites sp. 1 Apiculatisporis abditus A. setulosus A. sp. 1 Raistrickia cf. aculeata R. aculeolata R. breveminens R. crinita R. crocea R. cf. fibrata R. grovensis R. irregularis R. lace rata R. lowellensis R. pilosa R. pontiacensis R. subcrinita R. super ba R. sp. 3 Spackmanites cf. facierugosus Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Vestispora fenestrata V. foveata V. laevigata V. profunda Triquitrites additus T. cf. additus T. bransonii T. crassus T. desperatus T. exiguus T. minutu-, T. protensus T. sc up til is T. cf. sculp til is T. spinosus T. subspinosus T. sp. 1 Mooreisporites inusitatus Indospora steward Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. paulula L. punctata L. subjuga L. torquifer Cadiospora fithiana Murospora kosankei Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. mi nut us L. punctatus L. ovalis L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudoth iessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Perotriletes parvigracilus Endosporites globiformis Paleospora fragila Florinites antiquus F. grandis F. mi I lot ti F. si mi I is Vesicaspora wilsonii A latisporites trialatus In addition to the above taxa, Kosanke (1950, p. 74-75) reported six other spores as occurring in the No. 6 Coal. Punctatisporites triangularis Laevigatosporites minimus L. punctatus Triquitrites pulvinatus Raistrickia protensa R. aculeolata Lycospora, which makes up from 59.3 to 77.3 percent of the spore assemblage, is by far the most commonly occurring genus in the No. 6 Coal. Laevigatosporites (6.7 to 16.3 percent) ranks second in abun- dance at five localities (exclusive of mac- eration 982-A) and Crassispora (8 to 15.2 percent) holds that rank at four localities. Laevigatosporites minutus is the prominent species of Laevigatosporites, making up 2 62 to 8.7 percent of the composite spore pop- ulation. Punctatisporites with 1.1 to 9 percent, Calamospora with 0.3 to 9.7 per- cent, and Thymospora pseudothiessenii with 0.3 to 6.1 percent are rather well represented in the assemblage. Kosanke and Guennel recorded a higher percentage (30 to 45 percent) of Laevigatosporites in the coal than I found. The No. 6 Coal can be differentiated from the No. 5A Coal by spore analysis. The No. 5A Coal is characterized by a higher frequency of Thymospora pseudo- thiessenii than the No. 6 Coal and by the presence of Schopfites. Among the taxa present in the No. 6 Coal but not found in the No. 5A Coal are Leiotriletes, Lopho- triletes, Apiculaiisporis, Anapiculatispor- ites, Verrucosisporites, Murospora, Triqui- trites minutus, T. additus, T. cf. additus, Cirratriradites annulatus, Lycospora paul- ula, and L. subjuga. In the No. 5A Coal, Granulatisporites and Cyclogranisporites are represented by only one species, G. granulans and Cyclogranisporites staplini, whereas several species of the two genera occur in the No. 6. As the No. 5A Coal is not everywhere present and the No. 5 Coal is the next coal below that is persistent, it may be neces- sary to distinguish the No. 5 and No. 6 Coals from each other. The No. 5 Coal possesses a much greater abundance of Laevigatosporites glohosus and Thymo- spora pseudothiessenii, whereas the No. 6 Coal contains about twice as many speci- mens of Lycospora as the No. 5 Coal. Alatisporites is less frequently observed in the No. 6 Coal, which contains the single species A. trialatus, than in the No. 5 Coal in which A. trialatus, A. hexalatus, and A. punctatus are found. Anapiculatis pontes spinosus is present in significant numbers in the No. 5 Coal, but is rare in the No. 6 Coal. Murospora and Lycospora paulula are present in the No. 6 Coal but absent in the No. 5 Coal. In contrast, Schopfites, Rein schospora, Hymenospora paucirugosa, and Endosporites plicatus, which are ab- sent in the No, 6 Coal, are found in the No. 5 Coal. Jamestown Coal Member The Jamestown Coal Member is a thin coal between the Brereton Limestone Member below, and the Conant Lime- stone Member above. The name Jamestown was applied by Bell et al. (1931, p. 3) just to the limestone overlying a coal in the vicinity of Pinckneyville and Jamestown. The type section of the Jamestown strata near the town of Jamestown in Perry County was established by Wanless (1939, p. 17, 19, 88), who applied the name Jamestown to the coal. The name of the limestone was changed by Kosanke et ai. (1960, p. 35) to Conant Limestone Mem- ber, and the coal retained the name James- town. The Jamestown Coal is found in southern Illinois and is the same as the No. 12 Coal of western Kentucky (Wanless, 1939, p. 19) and the Hymera Coal (VI) of Indiana. A thin coal (maceration 1447, sample site 3 1 ) sampled from a diamond drill core in southern Vermilion County, Illinois, is tentatively correlated with a coal (macera- tion 607, sample site 43) identified as the Jamestown Coal in Saline County. The coal of maceration 1447 is 18 inches thick and lies about 8 feet below the Danville (No. 7) Coal. This same coal is pres- ent in several other cores drilled in sees. 14, 23, and 24, T. 19 N., R. 12 W., but maceration 1447 provided the best pre- served spore assemblage. In general, mac- erations of the Jamestown Coal yield abun- dant angular opaque particles, perhaps fu- sain, and rather poorly preserved spores. Kosanke (1950, p. 78-79) reported on the spores from several macerated samples of the Jamestown from southern Illinois, in- cluding the coal of maceration 607, which was remacerated for this report. The following miospores have been iden- tified from macerations 607 and 1447. Punctatisporites mi nut us P. nahannensis P. orbicularis ( 'alamospora brcviradiata C. hartungiana C. niutabilis Elaterites triferens Granulatisporites granulans 63 G. pallidas Cyclogranisporites breviradiatus C. mi nut us Raistrickia crinita Microreticulatisporites sulcatus Vestispora fenestrata Triquitrites bransonii Mooreisporites inusitatus Crassispora p Heat a Lycospora granulata L. punctata Cirratriradites annulatus Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. mi nut us L. oralis L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Wilsonites vesicatus Endosporites globiformis Florinites antiquus F. visendus Vesicaspora wilsonii Complexisporites chalonerii Two other species were reported from the Jamestown by Kosanke (1950, p. 79). Triquitrites spinosus Lycospora parva The most abundant spore genera in the Jamestown Coal are Lycospora, which var- ies from 45 to 55.7 percent, Laevigato- sporites with 8.7 to 21.7 percent, and Crassispora with 13.7 to 20.7 percent. Laevigatosporites minutus, which accounts for 6.3 to 16 percent of the composite spore population, is numerically the most important species of Laevigatosporites. Vesicaspora wilsonii (2 to 4 percent), Thymospora pseudothiessenii (2 to 4 per- cent), Endosporites globiformis (0.3 to 5.3 percent), and Punctatisporites (0.7 to 7 percent) constitute most of the remain- der of the small spore flora. The Jamestown and underlying No. 6 Coal can be differentiated palynologically, but more samples of the Jamestown should be studied to substantiate the criteria pre- sented here. Lycospora is more abundant and Crassispora is less abundant in the No. 6 Coal than in the Jamestown. Al- though Vesicaspora wilsonii never reaches a very high proportion in any of the Illinois coals, it is better represented in the James- town than in the No. 6 Coal. Complexi- sporites has been found in the Jamestown, but not in the No. 6 Coal. The Jamestown lacks a large number of spore genera and species that are normally found in the No. 6 Coal. Among these are Leiotriletes, Lo- photriletes, Apiculatisporis, V errucosispor- ites, Lycospora paulula, L. subjuga, Granu- latisporites cf. parvus, Triquitrites additus, T. cf. additus, T. minutus, T. sculptilis, and all species of Raistrickia found in the No. 6 Coal except R. crinita. Allenby Coal Member The Allenby Coal Member is a thin coal apparently restricted to southern Illinois where it overlies by a few feet the Banks- ton Fork Limestone Member. The name of the coal was changed from Bankston to Allenby by Kosanke et al. (1960, p. 35). The type locality proposed by Wanless (1939, p. 14) is in the roadside east of a railroad crossing in sec. 24, T. 9 S., R. 4 E., Williamson County. He stated that it is probably equivalent to the No. 14, or Baker, Coal of western Kentucky. The small spores from three samples of the Allenby Coal were investigated by Kosanke (1950, p. 79-80). One of these macerations (537-F, sample site 44) was re-examined for this report because of the changes made in spore taxonomy and classification since that time and in order to present as completely as possible the distribution of spores in all the coals of the Carbondale Formation. No samples of the Allenby Coal were encountered in northern Illinois. The following spores were ob- served in maceration 537-F. Punctatisporites minutus P. orbicularis Calamospora breviradiata C. mutabilis C. pedata Lophotriletes cf. granoornatus Vestispora fenestrata Triquitrites bransonii T. protensus T. spinosus Crassispora plicata Lycospora granulata L. punctata Cirratriradites annulatus Laevigatosporites desmoinensis 64 L. minutus L. oralis L. vulgaris Thymospora pseudothiessenii Endosporites globiformis Florinites antiquus The spore flora of the Allenby Coal is characterized by a profusion (up to 37.3 percent) of Crassispora plicata, which is second in abundance only to Lycospora (46.7 percent). Laevigatosporites accounts for 12 percent of the spore population and is made up almost entirely of L. minutus. The Allenby Coal is differentiated paly- nologically from the underlying Jamestown Coal by its larger number of Crassispora plicata and smaller number of Thymospora pseudothiessenii and Endosporites globi- formis. Taxa present in the Jamestown Coal but not found in the Allenby include Granulatisporites, Cyclogranisporites, Ves- icas pora wilsonii, Mooreisporites inusita- tus, Microreticulatisporites sulcatus, and Laevigatosporites globosus. Danville (No. 7) Coal Member The Danville (No. 7) Coal Member is a quite widespread and persistent coal in northern Illinois and has been mined in several places, including the vicinity of Sparland in Marshall County, but it is most extensively mined near Danville, where it attains a thickness of 4 to 7 feet. The coal thins to the west and southwest. The term No. 7 was first applied to a coal by Lesquereux (1866, p. 213), who includ- ed "coal traces No. 7" in his stratigraphic section of Shawneetown, Illinois. Worthen (1870, p. 102) mentioned Coal No. 7 in describing the geology of Fulton County, and Bradley (1870, p. 250-251) assigned the name Danville to the No. 7 Coal that was being mined near Danville, Vermilion County. Illinois. It is interesting to note that the coal was being strip mined there at that early date. The type locality of the Danville (No. 7) Coal, formerly desig- nated by Wanless (1956, p. 11), is in EVi sec. 7, T. 19 N., R. II W., Vermilion County. Kosankc ct al. (1960, p. 35) extended the name Danville (No. 7) Coal Member to northern and western Illinois, replacing the name Sparland (No. 7) Coal, a coal mined at Sparland in Marshall County. The name was also extended into southern Illinois to replace the name Cut- ler Coal, which was used by Bell et al. (1931). Small spore genera and species of the No. 7 Coal of Vermilion County and the Cutler Coal of southern Illinois, now ac- cepted as equivalent to the Danville (No. 7) Coal, were studied by Kosanke (1950, p. 80-82). Guennel (1952, p. 31) investi- gated the spore content of 14 benches of Coal VII from five localities in Indiana. In the present investigation, 28 bench sam- ples of the No. 7 Coal from 10 sites were macerated and analyzed. The thickness of the coal sampled varies from 4 inches (maceration 924-A, sample site 35) in Douglas County to 68 inches (maceration 1356, sample site 32) in Vermilion County. The locality from which the maximum number of 66 taxa were identified is sam- ple site 23 (macerations 1384-R through 1384-W) in Livingston County. The spores, which are generally well preserved, found in the No. 7 Coal are listed below. Leiotriletes cf. atshanensis L. gracilis L. levis L. notatus L. parvus L. pseudolevis Punctatisporites aerarius P. decorus P. minutus P. nahannensis P. obliquus P. orbicularis P. vermiculatus Calamospora breviradiata C. flava C. flexilis C. hartungiana C. mutabilis C. pedata C. straminea Elaterites triferens Granulatisporites granulans (i. livingstonensis G . pannosites G. cf. parvus (I. sp. 1 Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus C. breviradiatus 65 C. staph ni V errucosisporites donarii V. microtuberosus V. sp. 1 Kewaneesporites reticuloides Lophotriletes commissuralis L. cf. granoornatus L. rarispinosus Pustulatisporites sp. 1 Apiculatisporis abditus A. setulosus Raistrickia cf. aculeata R. aculeolata R. breveminens R. crinita R. crocea R. cf. fibrata R. grovensis R. irregularis R. pilosa R. subcrinita R. sp. 2 Convolutispora fromensis Microreticulatisporites harrisonii M. sulcatus Dictyotriletes danvillensis D. densoreticulatus Vestispora fenestrata V. laevigata Triquitrites additus T. cf. additus T. cf. arculatus T. bransonii T. crassus T. dividuus T. exiguus T. minutus T. protensus T. spinosus T. subspinosus Crassispora plicata Lycospora brevijuga L. granulata L. paulula L. punctata L. subjuga L. torquifer Cadiospora fithiana Cirratriradites annulatus C. annuliformis C. tenuis Reinschospora magnifica R. cf. magnifica R. triangularis Balteosporites minutus Laevigatosporites desmoinensis L. globosus L. medius L. minutus L. ovalis L. punctatus L. vulgaris Tuberculatosporites robustus Thymospora pseudothiessenii Torispora securis Wilsonites delicatus W. vesicatus Perotriletes parvigracilus Hymenospora multirugosa H. paucirugosa Endosporites globiformis E. plicatus Paleospora fragila Florinites antiquus F. similis Vesicaspora wilsonii Kosankeisporites elegans Complexisporites chalonerii Alatisporites trialatus Trihyphaecites triangulatus Spore taxa recorded by Kosanke (1950) but not observed in my macerations are listed below. Punctatisporites latigranifer P. triangularis Granulatisporites verrucosus Lycospora parva The dominant spore genus in the Dan- ville (No. 7) Coal is Lycospora, which averages about 67 percent and has a range of 60.8 to 74.7 percent of the spore assem- blage. The second most abundant genus at six localities is Punctatisporites, which ranges from 4.7 to 14.8 percent; second at three localities is Crassispora, which varies from 0.7 to 15.8 percent; and at one local- ity Laevigatosporites is second, having a range of 1.6 to 16.1 percent of the spores. Other spore taxa not uncommonly encoun- tered in the No. 7 Coal include Calamo- spora (1.2 to 6 percent) and Thymospora (0.3 to 10.7 percent). P. minutus easily makes up the highest proportion of Punc- tatisporites. L. minutus constitutes the most frequent species of Laevigatosporites, except in macerations 1404-DD through 1404-HH (sample site 38) and 876 and 877 (sample site 39) in which L. globosus is the most frequently noted species. Lyco- spora generally decreases in abundance toward the top of the coal. A unique and interesting assemblage has been found at the top of the No. 7 Coal at sample sites 38 and 39 in Edgar County. It is characterized by the presence of nu- merous small specimens of Reinschospora, 66 which are otherwise absent from the No. 7 Coal. Also present are several species, such as Balteosporites minutus, Microre- ticulatisporites harrisonii, Dictyotriletes danvillensis, and Cirratriradites tenuis, that are not found elsewhere in the No. 7 Coal. Only in these macerations does Laevigato- sporites globosus become so abundant that it outnumbers L. minutus, and Laevigato- sporites becomes the second most numer- ous genus. The No. 7 Coal can be easily differenti- ated on the basis of spore analysis from the No. 6 Coal according to the following criteria. The No. 7 Coal contains Dictyo- triletes, Tuberculatosporites robustus, Hy- menospora paucirugosa, H. multirugosa, Kosankeisporites elegans, and Complexi- sporites chalonerii, all of which are absent from the No. 6 Coal. Spores present in the No. 6 Coal but missing from the No. 7 Coal are Mooreisporites inusitatus, Mur- ospora kosankei, Cyclogranisporites mi- crogranus, and Anapiculatisporites spino- sus. An interesting relation exists between the two small species Laevigatosporites minutus and Punctatisporites minutus. In the No. 7 Coal, P. minutus outnumbers L. minutus at all localities except site 36, where the coal is only 4 inches thick. In the No. 6 Coal, L. minutus had a higher frequency than P. minutus at all localities. The Allenby and Jamestown Coals, which underlie the No. 7, differ from the No. 7 Coal by having a slightly lower per- centage of Lycospora and a higher per- centage of Punctatisporites and Crassi- spora. The Allenby and Jamestown Coals have a much less diverse spore flora than the No. 7 Coal by lacking Leiotriletes, Apiculatisporis , Cadiospora, Verrucosi- sporites, Reinschospora, Torispora securis, Perotriletes, Hymenospora, Paleospora fragila, Punctatisporites decorus, Granu- latisporites cf. parvus, Lophotriletes rari- spinosus, Triquitrites minutus, Tubercula- tosporites robustus, Cirratriradites annuli- f or mis, and other taxa. SPORE DISTRIBUTION CHARTS The stratigraphic distribution of all the spore genera and species identified in this investigation is diagrammed in two spore distribution charts (text figs. 10 and 11). Abundance of the taxa in the various coals is indicated by the thickness of the bars on the charts. Coals tentatively identified as Rock Island (No. 1) and Murphysboro were studied but, for two reasons, were not included in the charts. First, only one sample of each was analyzed, and, second, the stratigraphic interval between these coals and the Wiley Coal contains several other coals that were not investigated. 67 Percentage of spore assemblage -J UJ Nj * Nj "* 5 oe S* ^ *«■ QC 8C Q. CQ VI HYME1SOSPORA multirugosa H. paucirugosa EISDOSPORITES globiformis E. plicatus PALEOSPORA fragila FLOR1MTES antiquus F. grandis F. millotti F. si mil is F. visendus YESICASPORA icilsonii KOSAISKEISPORITES elegans COMPLEMSPORITES chalonerii ALATISPORITES hexalatus A. punctatus A. trialatus TRIHYPHAECITES triangularis Text Fig. 10 — (concluded) Dashed line in the Summum (No. the Ancona-Garfield structure only. 4) Coal column indicates the spore is found in the No. 4 east 77 Percentage of spore assemblage i O -J * UJ w 09 Vi "H CARBONDALE FORMATION LEIOTRILETES TRIVOLITES PUNCTAT1SPORITES CALAMOSPORA ELATER1TES GRAIWLATISPORITES CYCLOGRANISPORITES COISVERRUCOSISPOR1TES VERRVCOSISPORITES SCHOPFITES DISTORTISPORITES KEWA1SEESPORITES LOPHOTR1LETES ANAPICULATISPORITES PUSTULATISPORITES APICULATISPORIS ACANTHOTR1LETES PILEATISPORITES RAISTRICK1A CONVOLVT1SPORA SPACKMAMTES MACULATASPORITES MICRORETICULAT1SPORITES DICTYOTRILETES Text Fig. 1 1 — Stratigraphic distribution and relative abundance of small spore genera in coals of the Carbondale Formation and the upper part of the Spoon Formation. 78 Percentage of spore assemblage t thick. Dimensions (21 specimens): size range, 53.0 to 74.8jLt in maximum diameter, ex- clusive of ornamentation; median, 60.5/x. Holotype. — Plate 7, figure 3; negative 7891; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1034-B (RR), slide 19, coordinates, 135.3 X 51.4; size, 65.0 by 60.0/x. Para type. — Plate 7, figure 4; negative 7892; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1404-N, slide 10, coordinates, 144.6 X 50.7; size, 55.3 by 50.1/li. Comparison. — Raistrickia breveminens is distinguished from other species of the genus by its short, wide processes with lacerated ends. R. fibrata (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944, has narrower and shorter processes that are only occa- sionally partate. R. kentuckiensis Peppers, 1964, and R. lowellensis sp. no v. are smaller and have proportionately longer processes. Etymology. — The specific epithet sug- gests the short (brevis) projections (emin- ens) that characterize this spore. Occurrence. — Wiley and DeKoven Coals; Abingdon (?) Coal through the unnamed coal between No. 4 and No. 5 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Raistrickia carbondalensis sp. nov. Text figure 23B; plate 7, figures 5-6 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and circular to elliptical in trans- verse plane. Secondary folds are common. The straight rays, which are often obscured by ornamentation or folding, are without lips and extend at least three-fourths the length of the spore radius. The exine is covered with setae that are partate at the ends and average 5fJL long and 4-fjL wide but may be up to 7/x long and 6jut wide. Club-shaped projections, spines, and coni also may be present but are rare and may represent broken setae. Many projections are joined near their bases by low ridges, which may form a somewhat reticulate pattern. Between the major processes minute spines may rise from the ridges. The major projections are far enough apart to allow additional projections of equal size between them. From 20 to 33 projec- tions can be counted beyond the spore margin. The spore coat is 1.5 to 2.5 (jl thick. Dimensions (15 specimens): size range, 58.5 to 18.0/jl; median, 68.3/x. Holotype. — Plate 7, figure 5; negative 7655; Lowell Coal, maceration 1384-N, slide 20, coordinates, 130.9 X 44.6; size, 67.6 by 61.8/x. Paratype. — Plate 7, figure 6; negative 7831; uncorrelated coal bands between the Colchester (No. 2) Coal and Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-E, slide 19, coordinates, 124.2 X 35.5; size, 70.5 by 64.7/x. Comparison. — Raistrickia carbondalen- sis resembles R. solaria Wilson and Hoff- meister, 1956, except that the former has projections that are smaller, more widely spaced, and often connected at the base by ridges. Etymology. — The species name is de- rived from the Carbondale Formation (Pennsylvanian) of Illinois. Occurrence. — Wiley Coal; Abingdon (?) through Lowell Coals; unnamed coal between the No. 4 and No. 5 Coals. 104 Raistrickia cf. clavata (Hacquebard) Playford, 1963 Plate 7, figure 7 Discussion. — This spore is referred to R. clavata with some reservation because the Carbondale Formation is much young- er than the Mississippian Horton Group of Nova Scotia from which this species was first described. The spore is ornamented with characteristically large mushroom- shaped projections and conforms in other ways to the description given by Hacque- bard and Playford. Occurrence. — Lowell Coal. Raistrickia crinita Kosanke, 1950 Plate 7, figure 8 Occurrence. — No. 2 through James- town Coals; No. 7 Coal. Raistrickia cf. fibrata (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Plate 7, figure 9 Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal; Ab- ingdon (?) through No. 4 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Raistrickia grovensis Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Plate 7, figure 10 Occurrence. — Lowell, No. 4, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Raistrickia crocea Kosanke, 1950 Plate 7, figure 11 Comparison. — This species may be con- specific with Raistrickia saetosa (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944. Occurrence. — Murphysboro, Wiley, and DcKovcn Coals; No. 2 through No. 5A Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Raistrickia lacerata sp. nov. Text figure 2 3 C i ; plate 7, figures 12-13 Diagnosis. --The miospores are radial, trilete, and roundly triangular to oval in polar view. The rays of* the suture are dis- tinct, straight, and extend one-half to two- thirds the distance to the spore periphery. Lips when present are about 1(jl wide. The spore coat is ornamented with three kinds of projections. The most conspicuous are large setaceous processes that have straight or slightly tapered or expanded sides. They are up to 10.5 fi wide and 13/x, long. Dis- tinctly club-shaped or fan-shaped pro- cesses, both of which are very rare, are usually longer than wide, but their length does not exceed 1.5 times their width. Many setae are wider than they are long. The ends are flat but distinctly partate. The secondary subdivisions on the ends may be up to 3jjl long, and some of them have tertiary, minute spines. The major processes are loosely set so that 8 to 12 may extend beyond the margin. Cross striations on the projections can be seen under oil immersion objective. The second kind of projection consists of narrow ( 1 to 4fi wide) setae that in most specimens are as long as the major processes. They are quite irregular in shape, having sharply pointed to expanded ends that are not par- tate. They are not as numerous as the larger projections and number six or less at the spore periphery. The third set of ornaments, well rounded verrucae about 3fji in diameter and height that are loosely scattered between the setaceous processes, may be absent on some specimens. The exine is 2 to 3/x thick. Dimensions (22 specimens): size range, 45.8 to 74.8/u, in maximum diameter; median, 61.8/x. Holotype. — Plate 7, figure 12; negative 7667; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1246, slide 20, coordinates, 141.1 X 39.0; size, 65.0 by 62.4/x. Paratype. — Plate 7, figure 13; negative 7231; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1034-A, slide 8, coordinates 129.2 X 39.3; size, 64.0 by 54.6/x. Comparison. — Raistrickia lacerata is distinguished by its large setaceous pro- cesses, which have well lacerated ends. R. crocea Kosanke, 1950, R. saetosa (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944, and R. superha (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944, have narrower setae in rcla- 105 tion to length. R. breveminens has more numerous and smaller setae than R. la- cerata. Etymology. — The specific epithet refers to the distinctly lacerated (lacer) ends on the processes. Occurrence. — Abingdon (?) through Lowell Coals; No. 6 Coal. Raistrickia irregularis Kosanke, 1950 Plate 7, figures 14-15 Discussion. — The processes of Rai- strickia irregularis vary in spacing and numbers. In the holotype (Kosanke, 1950, pi. 11, fig. 5) and in figure 14, the pro- cesses are relatively widely spaced, where- as the spore in figure 15 possesses closely spaced processes. Twenty processes ex- tend beyond the periphery of the spore in figure 14, and 29 can be counted around the margin of the spore in figure 15. As in Apiculatisporis abditus, the processes are more numerous on the distal than on the proximal surface. Occurrence. — Murphysboro, Wiley, and DeKoven Coals; Abingdon (?) through No. 4 Coals; No. 5, No. 5A, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Raistrickia solaria Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956 Plate 7, figure 16 Occurrence. Lowell Coals. Abingdon (?) through Raistrickia dispar sp. nov. Text figure 23D; plate 8, figures 1-2 Diagnosis. — The small spores are radi- al, trilete, and roundly triangular to oval in outline. Minor folds are common. The rays, which are indistinct owing to the ornamentation, extend two-thirds to three- fourths the distance to the spore margin. Lips about 1 /x wide on either side of the commissure are present. The spore coat is covered with moderately closely spaced projections of various shapes and sizes. Setae, the most common kind of projection, have truncated ends and sides that are either tapered or parallel. The height and width of the individual setae at their bases are about equal. Narrow, pointed spines, verrucae, and coni are often present. The coni may be wider at their bases than they are high. Occasionally on the ends of the setae or coni are one or two spines not more than 1//, long. The projections are 2 to 6//, wide at their bases, and they aver- age 4//, long, but may be as much as Ijjl. About 20 to 30 ornaments extending be- yond the spore margin can be counted. The spore coat is 1 to 2//, thick. Dimensions (10 specimens): size range, 47.8 to 61.8//, in maximum diameter exclusive of orna- mentation; median, 54.6//,. Holotype. — Plate 8, figure 1; negative 7479; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 6, coordinates, 138.5 X 49.4; size, 53.0 by 49 Afi. Paratype. — Plate 8, figure 2; negative 7890; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1402-A, slide 15, coordinates, 134.5 X 35.4; size, 58.5 by 52.3//,. Etymology. — The specific name refers to the diverse (dispar) morphology of the ornamentation on this taxon. Occurrence. — No. 2 and Lowell Coals. Raistrickia lowellensis sp. nov. Text figure 23E; plate 8, figures 3-4 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, circular in transverse plane, and possess secondary folds. The straight rays are rather distinct, extend two-thirds to three-fourths the length of the spore radi- us, and have lips about 1/x wide. The proximal and distal sides are ornamented with rather loosely set, ribbon-like proc- esses. They range from setaceous to club- or fan-shaped in lateral view and have partate ends. A few processes branch into two major subdivisions at the base, near the middle, or near the end. Transverse striations can be observed on some projec- tions when viewed under oil immersion objective. Individual processes are longer than they are wide and vary from 5 to 10//, in length and from 3 to 4.5//, in width. Spines on the partate ends are 1 to 2//, long and vary in number from 1 to at least 6. Beyond the spore periphery, 12 to 106 22 processes can be counted. The spore coat is not more than 1(jl thick. Dimen- sions (16 specimens): size range, 32.8 to 50.4/x in maximum diameter; median, 45.6/*. Holotype. — Plate 8, figure 3; negative 7656; Lowell Coal, maceration 1384-N, slide 11, coordinates, 123.1 X 44.1; size, 46.5 by 43.9/*. Paratype. — Plate 8, figure 4; negative 7510; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1386-A, slide 4, coordinates, 143.3 X 45.0; size, 48.8 by 42.3/*. Comparison. — Raistrickia lowellensis most closely resembles R. crocea Kosanke, 1950, but is smaller and has smaller pro- jections. Major branching of processes is also found in R. protensa Kosanke, 1950, but it has a larger diameter and larger pro- jections than R. lowellensis. R. kentucki- ensis Peppers, 1964, is thicker and has more numerous projections that are not as ribbon-like. R. superba (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944, has processes that are often conical and lack fan-shaped projections that have major branches. The specimen of R. superba illustrated by Potonie and Kremp (1955, fig. 263) may be somewhat like R. lowellensis, but it is not like the holotype or the description of R. superba given by Ibrahim or Potonie and Kremp. R. aculeolata Wilson and Ko- sanke, 1944, is larger and lacks fan- shaped projections. Etymology. — This species is named for the Lowell Coal of Illinois. Occurrence. — No. 2 and Lowell Coals, the unnamed coal between the No. 4 and No. 5 Coals, and No. 6 Coal. Raistrickia subcrinita sp. nov. Text figure 23F; plate 8, figures 5-6 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and roundly triangular in outline. The interradial sides are well rounded, and secondary folds arc common. The trilete rays are straight, and extend about two- thirds the length of the spore radius. The commissure is lined with fairly distinct lips about \/jL wide. The exine is covered with rather evenly distributed projections, most- ly spines, that are close together, but enough space exists between them for additional ones. Most of the projections, which are often bent, have tapered to gently rounded ends. A few processes are truncated, cone shaped, or possess ends that are pointed, swollen, or subdivided. They average 4 to 6/* long and 1 to 2.5/* wide. As many as 40, but more commonly 25 to 30, can be counted projecting beyond the spore margin. Dimensions (25 speci- mens): size range, 46.2 to 68.3/* in maxi- mum diameter; median, 58.5/a. Holotype. — Plate 8, figure 5; negative 7824; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 12, coordinates, 136.8 X 41.2; size, 48.8 by 47.5/*. Paratype. — Plate 8, figure 6; negative 7826; coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) Coal and Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-E, slide 16, coordinates, 122.9 X 41.7; size, 46.2 by 42.3/*. Comparison. — This species was as- signed to Raistrickia rather than Acantho- triletes because only an occasional projec- tion is sharply pointed. Raistrickia sub- crinita is comparable to R. crinita Kosanke, 1950, but is thinner and has smaller pro- jections than the latter. R. aculeata Ko- sanke, 1950, is more nearly circular and has longer spines. Etymology. — The species name sug- gests its general similarity to Raistrickia crinita. Occurrence. — Wiley through No. 7 Coals, with the exception of the James- town and Allenby Coals. Raistrickia pilosa Kosanke, 1950 Plate 8, figure 7 Occurrence. — No. 2, Lowell, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Raistrickia protensa Kosanke, 1950 Occurrence. — Lowell, No. 5 A, and No. 6 Coals. Raistrickia pontiacensis sp. nov. Plate 8, figure 8 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and circular to oval in outline. The commissure is usually distinct but may be partially obscured by the coarse ornamen- tation. The rays are straight, simple, and about equal in length to two-thirds the spore radius. The exine is set with large, rounded projections that usually extend beyond the spore wall a distance greater than their width. In plan view they are subcircular. They average 6/1 long and 5/i wide but reach lO/i long and 8.5 /i wide. Their ends are well rounded but occasionally slightly expanded. Two pro- jections are sometimes connected at their bases. Approximately 12 to 15 projections extend beyond the spore margin. The spore coat is about 1.5/x thick. Dimen- sions (11 specimens): size range, 44.2 by 62. 4/* in maximum diameter, not including verrucae; median, 53.3/1. Holotype. — Plate 8, figure 8; negative 7729; Lowell Coal, maceration 1387-D, slide 9, coordinates, 142.0 X 34.4; size, 56.2 by 51.7/1. Etymology. — The species is named for the town of Pontiac in Livingston County, Illinois. Occurrence. — No. 2, Lowell, and No. 6 Coals. Raistrickia superba (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Plate 8, figure 9 Occurrence. — No. 2, Lowell, and No. 6 Coals. Raistrickia sp. 1 Plate 8, figure 10 Description. — The miospore is radial, trilete, and subcircular in outline. The tri- lete rays lack lips and are equal in length to about three-fourths the spore radius. The exine is crowded with spinose and se- taceous projections that have pointed, blunted, and occasionally bifurcated ends. The projections, which appear subcircular in end view, are about 4/i long and 2 to 3/i wide. About 54 projections extend beyond the spore coat, which is about l/i thick. Figured specimen. — Negative 7718; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402- 107 B, slide 10, coordinates, 138.4 X 51.6; size, 52.0 by 43.2/1. Comparison. — Except for the nearly circular shape of Raistrikia sp. 1, it is simi- lar to R. subcrinita sp. nov. Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal. Raistrickia sp. 2 Plate 8, figure 11 Description. — The small spore is radial, trilete, and roundly triangular in transverse plane. The indistinct trilete rays are straight and lack lips. The exine displays long club-shaped or setaceous projections that are up to ll/i long and 6.5/i wide but average 7/i and 3/i, respectively. Some of the longer projections are greatly expanded near their ends. Short verrucose projections, which are 2 to 3/i in length and diameter, also are present. As seen under oil immersion objective, the projec- tions are cross triated. They are moder- ately spaced, and approximately 32 extend beyond the spore margin. The spore coat is about 2/i thick. Figured specimen. — Negative 7636; Danville (No. 7) Coal; maceration 1418- A, slide 16, coordinates, 125.0 X 32.7; size, 59.2 by 52.0/1. Occurrence. — Lowell, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Raistrickia (?) sp. 3 Plate 8, figure 12 Description. — The miospore is radial, trilete, and circular in outline. The distinct commissure is open and does not possess lips. The trilete rays are straight and ex- tend about two-thirds the distance to the spore equator. The distal surface of the exine is covered with closely packed, elongate projections that display slightly tapered sides and well rounded ends. They are about 6.5/i long and have a maximum width of about 3.5/a. Some are bent, and occasionally two or more are joined at their bases. Most of the projections are weakly cross striated when viewed under oil immersion objective. The spore coat is about 4/i thick. 108 Figured specimen. — Negative 7605; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-O, slide 7, coordinates, 131.0 X 40.3; size, 76.1 by 71.5ft not including ornamentation. Occurrence. — No. 2, Lowell, and No. 6 Coals. Genus Convolutispora Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Type species. — Convolutispora florida Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955. Convolutispora cf. florida Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Plate 8, figure 13 Discussion. — A spore encountered in the Colchester (No. 2) Coal is assigned to Convolutispora florida with reservation because only one specimen was observed. It is apparent from the illustrations of Hoff- meister, Staplin, and Malloy (1955, pi. 38, figs. 6 and 7) that there must be consid- erable variation in the morphology of this species. Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal. Convolutispora fromensis Balme and Hassell, 1962 Plate 8, figure 14 Occurrence. — No. 2 and No. 7 Coals. Convolutispora sp. 1 Plate 8, figure 15 Description. — The small spore is radi- al, trilete, and subcircular in outline. The indistinct trilete rays are straight and ex- tend about three-fourths the distance to the spore margin. Irregularly shaped ridges and verrucae that are on the spore surface arc widely spaced, have rounded crests, and are up to 8/x wide and 3/x tall. About 14 ridges project beyond the spore margin. The exine is about 1/x thick. /'inured specimen. — Negative 7706; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1 160 (RR), slide 20, coordinates, 129.9 X 35.1; size, 37.4 by 35.2/Lt. Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal. Convolutispora sp. 2 Plate 8, figure 16 Description. — The miospore is radial, trilete, and subcircular in outline. The suture is indistinct. The exine, which is 1.5/jl thick, is covered with irregular obver- miculate ridges about 3.5//, in height. Figured specimen. — Negative 7502; Col- chester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-A, slide 16, coordinates, 126.9 X 31.8; size, 51.7 by 45.5/1. Comparison. — Convolutispora sp. 2 is quite similar to the specimen described by Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy (1955) as Convolutispora type A. Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal. Genus Spackmanites Habib, 1966 Type species. Habib, 1966. Spackmanites ellipticus Discussion. — Loose (1934, p. 155) described the species Reticulatisporites fa- cierugosus as having a granulate to reticu- late surface and an irregular, crenate out- line. He considered it to be questionably trilete. Butterworth and Williams (1954, p. 754) assigned the species to Verrucoso- sporites, but they reported that "no sutures have been observed with certainty, though what is probably a very short triradiate mark is sometimes seen at the centre of the spore." Habib (1966) erected the tri- lete genus Spackmanites to accommodate the species. He stated that the trilete mark is " . . . usually short or may even be represented only by a triangular gap in the exine; usually can be seen only with care- ful focusing." The Illinois specimens of Spackmanites did not show any trilete suture except on possibly one specimen. Cray (1967) reported three species (spores C, D, and F on his pi. 18) from the Middle Kittanning Coal of the northern Appalachi- an Coal Field that probably would be assigned to Spackmanites even though no sutures were observed on the specimens he described earlier (Gray, 1965). Except for the presence of a trilete mark., which is usually difficult to see, this genus 109 greatly resembles the Triassic genus Enzo- nalasporites Leschik, 1955. Leschik (1955) and Klaus (1960) interpreted Enzonala- sporites as an alete, saccate microspore enclosing a separate, usually distinct mem- brane. Clarke (1965, p. 302), who felt that the genus is not cavate, thought that the ridges of E. vigens, the type species, are better developed at the equator than on the central area, thus giving the effect of an equatorial extension. Although considerable difference exists in geologic age, there is little doubt that the spores reported from the Keuper (Tri- assic) of Europe, from the Westphalian of Germany and England, and from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois, Ohio, and Penn- sylvania are morphologically very closely related. Spackmanites cf. facierugosus (Loose) Habib, 1966 Plate 8, figures 17-20 1934 Reticulatisporites facieruaosus Loose, p. 155, pi. 7, fig. 26. 1954 Verrucososporites facierugosus (Loose, 1934) Butterworth and Williams, p. 754, pi. 18, fig. 6. Description. — The miospores are radi- al, alete, and circular in transverse plane. They are generally well oriented and sel- dom folded. The exoexine is composed of closely spaced rod- or club-shaped setae radially arranged outward from the en- dexine to which they are attached. A thinner equatorial zone extending beyond the endexine is produced where the setae are viewed lengthwise. A central, darker portion where the setae are viewed on end is delineated by the margin of the inner membrane. The setae gradually ex- pand in width toward the ends, which are sometimes minutely pitted or subdivided two or more times. The projections are 3 to 8/x long, with 5/x being the most com- mon, and are up to 4/x wide at the ends. In end view, the setae are extremely irreg- ular in shape, somewhat contorted, and may appear to be pitted. They are so closely spaced that individual elements dong the margin are difficult to distin- guish, even with careful focusing. The levigate endexine is usually obscured by the exoexine but sometimes can be dis- cerned under oil immersion objective. It is less than 1/x thick and is often folded. Dimensions (14 specimens): over-all size range, 36.1 to 60.8/x- in maximum di- ameter; median, 45. 5/x; endexine size range, 32 to 39/x. Figured specimens. — Plate 8, figure 17; negative 7608; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 878, slide 1, coordinates, 136.4 X 51.0; size, 36.1 by 35.7/x. Plate 8, fig- ure 18; negative 7910; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1133-B2 (RR), slide 1, coordinates, 143.5 X 40.5; size, 43.9/x in maximum diameter, endexine 35.8 by 31.9/x. Plate 8, figure 19; negative 7905; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402- C, slide 5, coordinates, 134.8 X 43.5; size, 53.0 by 49.7/x. Plate 8, figure 20; nega- tive 7927; same specimen as negative 7905 but under oil immersion objective. Discussion. — The species Reticulati- sporites facierugosus was first described by Loose as having a granulate to reticulate spore surface. His drawing (1934, fig. 26) of the holotype, although quite small, seems to illustrate a rather finely orna- mented spore. The specimen photographed by Butterworth and Williams (1954, pi. XVIII, fig. 6) also appears to be finely ornamented, but their drawing (fig. 3) of the same taxon shows somewhat coarser bacula. They described the species as being reticulate or microreticulate in general ap- pearance. The specimen illustrated by Habib (1966, pi. 105, fig. 19) that was assigned to Spackmanites facierugosus more closely resembles the Butterworth and Williams drawing than the photograph. The Illinois specimens probably conform more closely to the original description of the species given by Loose, the photograph of Butterworth and Williams, and the species Spackmanites ellipficus Habib, 1966. It is unfortunate that no photograph of the holotype of S. facierugosus is avail- able. Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal; No. 4 to No. 5 Coals; Spring Lake and No. 6 Coals. 110 Genus Maculatasporites Tiwari, 1964 Type species. — Maculatasporites indi- cus Tiwari, 1964. Maculatasporites punctatus sp. nov. Plate 8, figures 21-22 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial- ly symmetrical, alete, and circular in trans- verse plane. The exoexine is deeply perfo- rated by circular to elliptical, occasionally slightly vermiculate, pits. In high focus the exine appears reticulate. The lacunae are 2 to 4jjl in maximum diameter, and are about 3/x apart. At the periphery can be counted 25 to 30 lacunae. The outer spore coat, which is 4 to 5/.t thick, appears levi- gate between the lacunae under oil immer- sion objective. The levigate endexine is usually not visible because the exoexine is very thick. Elliptical lacunae are often ori- ented so that their long dimensions parallel the spore periphery. Dimensions (8 speci- mens): size range, 36 to 45.5/x in maxi- mum diameter; median, 41. 5 fi; endexine size range, 29 to 35/x. Holotype. — Plate 8, figure 21; negative 7415; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, macera- tion 1408-B, slide 3, coordinates 135.2 X 45.5; size, 40.0 by 40.0/x; endexine, 31.2 by 30.9^. Paratype. — Plate 8, figure 22; negative 7810; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macer- ation 1246, slide 12, coordinates, 137.3 X 49.0; size, 42.3 by 39.3)u. Comparison . — Maculatasporites indicus Tiwari, 1964, which ranges up to 65[jl in diameter is larger than M. punctatus. The former is also more loosely reticulate, with a larger proportion of the exine surface in lacunae. M. irregularis Tiwari, 1964, also is larger than M. punctatus and possesses muri that give the appearance of bacula, thus resembling Spackmanites cf. facieru- gosus. M. punctatus most closely resem- bles M. minimus Scgroves, 1967, but the latter is more coarsely reticulate or punc- tate and intrapunctatc. Discussion. — Tiwari (1964) did not note the presence of an endexine in his de- scription of the genus, perhaps because of poor preservation of the specimen or the great thickness and intense ornamentation of its exoexine. The other features, how- ever, that are common to the spores described by Tiwari and the Illinois materi- al seemed to warrant assigning this species to Maculatasporites. Segroves (1967), who considered Maculatasporites an acri- tarch rather than a spore, noted the pres- ence of a thin-walled inner body in his specimens. Etymology. — The species name refers to the punctate spore coat. Occurrence. — No. 2 through No. 4 Coals; No. 5 Coal. Genus Microreticulatisporites (Knox) Potonie and Kremp, 1954 Type species. — Microreticulatisporites lacunosus (Ibrahim) Knox, 1950. Microreticulatisporites harrisoizii sp. nov. Plate 9, figure 1 Diagnosis. — The small spores are radi- al, trilete, triangular in transverse plane, and have straight to slightly concave inter- radial sides and well rounded corners. Most of the spores possess minor folds. The distinct rays are straight, extend about two-thirds the length of the spore radius, and lack lips. The exine in the region adjacent to the laesurae is darker than the rest of the spore coat. The proximal and distal surfaces are finely reticulate. The lacunae are 0.5 to lfx in diameter and of uniform size and distribution. The muri are about 0.5/x in width and height. Approximately 60 lacunae can be counted at the periphery. The exine is 1/x thick. Dimensions (5 specimens): size range, 28.3 to 33.S/JL in maximum diameter. Holotype. — Plate 9, figure 1 , negative 7931; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 16, coordinates, 135.5 X 34.3; size, 33.8 by 30.9/x. Comparison. — Microreticulatisporites concavus Butterworth and Williams, 1958, is more coarsely reticulate and is generally larger (32 to 52/x,) than M. harrisonii. Etymology. — The species is named in honor of John A. Harrison, former coal petrographcr of the Illinois Geological Survey. Ill Occurrence. — Murphysboro and No. 7 Coal. Microreticulatisporites hortonensis Playford, 1963 Plate 9, figure 2 Occurrence. — Cardiff Coal. Microreticulatisporites cf. lunatus (Knox) Knox, 1950 Plate 9, figure 3 Occurrence. — Lowell and No. 5 Coals. Microreticulatisporites sulcatus (Wilson and Kosanke) Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Plate 9, figure 4 Discussion. — Wilson and Kosanke ( 1 944, p. 331) gave the known size range for this species as 30 to 40^; subsequently Wilson and Hoffmeister (1956, pi. 1, fig. 11) increased the size to 52/x. Specimens encountered in this study range up to 55/a in maximum diameter. Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal; Wiley through No. 7 Coals, with the exception of the Seelyville and Allenby Coals. Microreticulatisporites nobilis (Wicher) Knox, 1950 Plate 9, figure 5 Discussion . — Microreticulatisporites no- vicus Bhardwaj, 1957a, was differentiated by Bhardwaj from M. nobilis on the basis of the former's possessing wavy rays and muri that are more pointed. These two species would be difficult to distinguish since the same specimen of Microreticulati- sporites may display pointed as well as rounded muri. Occurrence. — Uncorrelated coal bands (maceration 1133-E) between the No. 2 and Cardiff Coals. Genus Dictyotriletes (Naumova) Potonie and Kremp, 1954 Type species. — Dictyotriletes bireticula- tus (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp, 1954. Discussion. — Potonie and Kremp (1954, p. 144) in their emendation of Dictyo- triletes failed to mention the absence of a reticulum on the proximal surface, but their illustrations (pi. 8, figs. 29- 30) of the genus show none present. Smith and Butterworth (1967, p. 144) emended Dictyotriletes to include many species of Reticulatisporites that possess a wide cingulum. This emendation is not followed in the present report because it seems desirable to keep the reticulate spores with a wide cingulum, such as Re- ticulatisporites, separate from those having a very narrow or no cingulum, such as Dictyotriletes. Dictyotriletes danvillensis sp. nov. Plate 9, figures 6-7 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and in transverse plane are roundly triangular with well rounded corners and strongly convex interradial sides. They are generally in good proximal-distal orienta- tion. The rays extend to the spore margin and are distinct, especially when bordered by elevated lips or folds as is frequently the case. Lips when present are up to 2/x wide on either side of the commissure. The proximal surface is levigate, and the distal surface is perforated by large punc- tations or lacunae. The circular to oval lacunae are rather uniformly distributed, 2 to 2.5fJL in diameter and 2 to 4/x apart. Areas between the lacunae are flat, not peaked. The 70 to 80 lacunae at the per- iphery give the spore margin a notched appearance. The exine is 3 to Afi thick. Dimensions (10 specimens): size range, 45.5 to 57.5/u, in maximum diameter; medi- an, 54.9/x. Holotype. — Plate 9, figure 6; negative 7818; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1404-HH, slide 14, coordinates, 133.2 X 53.7; size, 55.3 by 54.3/jl. Paratype. — Plate 9, figure 7; negative 7820; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 876 (RR), slide 16, coordinates, 143.9 X 39.2; size, 52.7 by 48.1/x. Comparison. — Dictyotriletes danvillen- sis is distinguished from other species of Dictyotriletes by its relatively small, widely 112 spaced lacunae, which are on the distal surface only. Discussion. — Although the size of the lacunae of Dictyotriletes danvillensis gen- erally conforms to that found on species of Microreticulatisporites, this species was placed with Dictyotriletes because of the absence of a reticulum on the proximal surface. The erection of a new genus to accommodate this taxon does not seem warranted at this time. Etymology. — Dictyotriletes danvillensis is named for the Danville (No. 7) Coal of Illinois. Occurrence. — No. 7 Coal. Dictyotriletes densoreticulatus Potonie and Kremp, 1955 Plate 9, figure 8 Occurrence. Coals. No. 2, No. 4, and No. 7 Dictyotriletes distortus sp. nov. Text figure 24; plate 9, figures 9-11 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and circular to oval in outline. The distinct rays are straight, about two-thirds the length of the spore radius, and lack lips. Muri on the proximal and distal sides Text Fig. 24 — Diagrammatic detail of a portion of ihe holotype of Dictyotriletes distortus sp. nov. delineate lacunae that are 5/* in maximum width. The muri are 2 to 3/* high and very irregular in thickness, from less than 1 up to 2.5//,, with 1 .5/* as the average. In polar view, the spores appear almost obver- miculate because the muri are greatly con- torted and occasionally possess gaps so that some lacunae are not completely bordered. Extending slightly beyond the spore periphery at right angles are 15 to 20 mural ridges. The spore coat is about lfji thick. Dimensions (5 specimens): size range, 32 to 39 /* in maximum diameter, including muri. Holotype. — Plate 9, figure 9; negative 7527; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1386-B, slide 19, coordinates, 131.9 X 41.0; size, 36.1 by 34.1/*. Plate 9, figure 11; negative 7936; holotype under oil immersion objective. Paratype. — Plate 9, figure 10; negative 7825; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 12, coordinates, 136.9 X 43.0; size, 32.5 by 30.9/*. Comparison. — Dictyotriletes distortus differs from Reticulatisporites areolatus Guennel, 1958, which it most closely re- sembles, by having greatly distorted muri that are sometimes unconnected. The lat- ter also has slightly larger lacunae and higher muri that extend farther beyond the periphery. Etymology. — The specific epithet is de- rived from the distorted {distortus) nature of the muri. Occurrence. — No. 2 and No. 4 Coals. Dictyotriletes cf. falsus Potonie and Kremp, 1955 Plate 9, figure 12 Occurrence. — No. 4 Coal. Dictyotriletes cf. reticulocingulum (Loose) Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Plate 9, figure 13 Comparison. — This taxa is similar to the specimen illustrated by Smith and But- terworth (1967, pi. 11, fig. 27). Forms resembling Smith and Butterworth's fig- ures 28 and 29 of the same taxa were not encountered in the Illinois coals. Occurrence Coals. No. 2, Lowell, and No. 4 Genus Reticulatisporites (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933 Type species. — Reticulatisporites retic ulatus (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933. 113 Reticulatisporites lacunosus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 9, figure 14 Occurrence. — No. 1 , Wiley, Abingdon (?), No. 2, Lowell, and No. 5 Coals. Reticulatisporites reticulatus (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933 Plate 9, figure 15 Discussion. — Potonie and Kremp (1955, p. 112) stated that Reticulatisporites muri- catus Kosanke, 1950, at present cannot be differentiated from R. reticulatus. How- ever, the holotype of R. muricatus (Ko- sanke, 1950, pi. 4, fig. 7) displays muri that possess peculiar crenulated outer mar- gins that are not present in R. reticulatus. Guennel (1958, p. 82) also pointed out that R. muricatus has taller muri than R. reticulatus. It is difficult to tell how R. reticuliformis Ibrahim, 1933, can be dis- tinguished from R. reticulatus, unless per- haps the former has longer rays. Occurrence. — Lowell Coal through the unnamed coal between No. 4 and No. 5 Coals. Reticulatisporites pseudomuricatus sp. nov. Plate 9, figures 16-17 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and circular to elliptical in outline, except for a ruffled or undulated cingulum. Many are somewhat contorted or folded. The trilete rays are distinct except where obscured by muri, are at least three-fourths the length of the radius of the spore cavity, and possess elevated lips about lft wide on either side of the commissure. The lacunae measure 13 to 1 7/x in maximum width, and the muri are 3 to 4ft thick and 8 to lift high at the spore margin. The num- ber of muri extending beyond the periphery as darkened ridges varies from 13 to 19. The cingulum is thickened along the periphery. Dimensions (9 specimens): size range, 45.5 by 58.5//, in maximum diameter, exclusive of muri; median, 48.8ft. Holotype. — Plate 9, figure 16; negative 7637; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-R. slide 4, coordinates. 127.9 X 39.2; size, 52.0 by 48.8ft, excluding muri, and 61.4 by 57.9ft, including muri. Paratype. — Plate 9, figure 17; negative 7791; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 22, coordinates, 141.5 X 32.0; size, 53.0 by 51.7ft, exclusive of muri, and 61.8 by 61.8ft, including muri. Comparison . — Reticulatisporites pseudo- muricatus resembles quite closely R. muri- catus Kosanke, 1950, except that the latter is considerably larger (81.9 to 96.6ft). Occurrence. — Lowell Coal. Reticulatisporites sp. 1 Plate 9, figure 18 Description. — The spores are radial, trilete, and subcircular in outline. The rays are simple and extend about two-thirds the length of the spore radius. The muri are thin (1 to 2ft) and short (4 to 7.5ft). The lacunae vary in size from 13 to 23ft in maximum dimension and number 8 to 10 around the spore margin. The two specimens observed measure 48 and 49ft in maximum diameter. Figured specimen. — Negative 7387; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405- A, slide 20, coordinates, 137.7 X 31.3; size, 52.0 by 45.8ft, not including muri. Discussion. — This species is most likely the same as the one referred to Dictyotri- letes mediareticulatus (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp, 1955, by Guennel (1958, p. 84). He reported that his specimens were a little smaller than the size range of 50 to 80ft indicated by Potonie and Kremp and questioned whether two distinct size groups exist. These spores probably should be differentiated from D. mediareticulatus, not only because of their size, but because the latter apparently has smaller, more numer- ous lacunae. R. sp. 1 might be the same taxon as R. sp. Butterworth and Wil- liams, 1958 (pi. 2, figs. 5-6). Occurrence. — Wiley, Abingdon (?), No. 2, and No. 4 Coals. Reticulatisporites sp. 2 Plate 9, figure 19 Description. — The small spore is radi- al, trilete, and roundly triangular in out- line. The trilete rays, which are rather 114 indistinct, extend about two-thirds the dis- tance to the spore margin and possess lips that are about 1{jl wide. The proximal and distal surfaces are reticulate. The muri, 3 to 4(jl wide, are sinuous and make about 1 8 arcs around the spore equator. Figured specimen. — Negative 7559; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 4, coordinates, 127.0 X 46.0; size, 50.4 by 47.1/x. Comparison. — This spore is very simi- lar to the one illustrated by Butterworth and Williams (1958, pi. 2, fig. 7) and designated Reticulatisporites sp. Occurrence. — Cardiff Coal. Genus Camptotriletes (Naumova) Potonie and Kremp, 1954 Type species. — Camptotriletes corru- gatus (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp, 1954. Camptotriletes bucculentus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955 Plate 9, figure 20 Occurrence. — Abingdon (?) Coal through Lowell Coal; Spring Lake Coal. Camptotriletes triangularis sp. nov. Text figure 25; plate 10, figures 1-2 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and triangular in transverse plane and have convex interradial sides and well rounded corners. The simple trilete rays are distinct, straight, and extend about two-thirds the distance to the corners. The distal spore surface is set with relatively widely spaced, low anastomosing, obver- miculate ridges 3 to 4/ix wide. About 12 to 1 5 arcs can be counted at the spore margin. The exine is about 1/x thick. Di- mensions (9 specimens): size range, 36.1 to 48.8/jt in maximum diameter. Holotype. — Plate 1 0, figure 1 ; negative 7829; uncorrected coal bands between the Colchester (No. 2) Coal and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 28, coordinates, 144.8 X 31.2; size, 45.5 by 39. 7/x. Paralype. — Plate 10, figure 2; negative 7470; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1234-F, slide 19, coordinates, 126.2 X 47.0; size, 35.8 by 34.1/x. Comparison. — Camptotriletes triangu- laris resembles Grumosisporites verrucosus (Butterworth and Williams) Smith and Butterworth, 1967, but the former is tri- angular, has more widely spaced obver- miculate ridges, and lacks an intexine. Etymology. — The species name suggests the triangular shape of the spore. Occurrence. — No. 2 through No. 4 Coals. Text Fig. 25 — Diagrammatic reconstruction of the holotype of Camptotriletes triangularis sp. nov. Genus Knoxisporites (Potonie and Kremp) Neves, 1961 Type species. — Knoxisporites hageni Potonie and Kremp, 1954. Knoxisporites rotatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955 Plate 10, figure 3 Comparison. — The spore illustrated here is like that shown by Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy (1955, pi. 37, fig. 13). Occurrence. — No. 2 and Lowell Coals and the unnamed coal between the No. 4 and No. 5 Coals. Genus Vestispora (Wilson and Hoffmeister) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963b Type species. — Vestispora profunda Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956. 115 Vestispora colchesterensis sp. nov. Plate 10, figures 4-5 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and circular in transverse plane. Secondary folding of the spore coat is com- mon. The straight, trilete rays are usually open, lack lips, and are 18 to 24/x long. The operculum is 33 to 43 fx in diameter. The exine is covered with linear, more or less parallel costae 1 to 2/x wide that sometimes branch. A weakly defined re- ticulum is often developed, especially in the region of the poles. Observed under oil immersion objective, the exine is very finely punctate to granulose between the costae. The outer wall is 1 to 2jjl thick. The inner membrane or endexine is levi- gate, less than lfi thick, and 52 to 60 fi in diameter. Dimensions (11 specimens): size range, 70.9 to 95.2/x; median, 81.3/n. Holotype. — Plate 10, figure 4; negative 7694; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1387-B, slide 5, coordinates, 136.0 X 38.0; size, outer wall, 95.2 by 91.0/*; endexine, 71.5 by 65.0/x. Paratype. — Plate 10, figure 5; negative 7809; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1246, slide 20, coordinates, 144.5 X 44.5; size, outer wall, 75.4 by 71.5//,; operculum, 42.3 by 32.5//,. Comparison. — Vestispora colchesteren- sis may be the same species as the one designated Vestispora sp. by Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963b. Vestispora colches- terensis has thinner, less distinct, and more abundant costae than V. costata (Balme) Bode {in Smith and Butterworth, 1967) and V. tortuosa (Balme) Spode {in Smith and Butterworth, 1967). V. magna (But- terworth and Williams) Spode {in Smith and Butterworth, 1967) and V. pseudo- reticulata Spode {in Smith and Butter- worth, 1967) have a secondary reticulum that is lacking in V. colchesterensis. Etymology. — The species is named after the Colchester (No. 2) Coal of Illi- nois. Occurrence. — Wiley, Abingdon (?), No. 2, Cardiff, and No. 4 Coals. Vestispora fenestrata (Kosanke and Brokaw) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963b Occurrence. — Recorded in all the coals studied for this report. Vestispora foveata (Kosanke) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963b Occurrence. — Murphysboro, Wiley through No. 5 Coals; Spring Lake and No. 6 Coals. Vestispora laevigata Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963b Plate 10, figure 6 Occurrence. — Wiley and DeKoven Coals; No. 2 through No. 5 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Vestispora profunda Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956 Plate 10, figure 7 Occurrence. — No. 2, Cardiff, and No. 6 Coals. Vestispora cf. pseudoreticulata Spode {in Smith and Butterworth, 1967) Plate 10, figure 8 Comparison. — The Illinois spores re- semble the specimen illustrated by Smith and Butterworth (1967, pi. 25, fig. 14) but the Illinois spores have a more weakly defined reticulum and their intexine is more distinct. Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal. Vestispora wanlessii sp. nov. Plate 10, figures 9-10 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and circular in transverse plane and have a rather smooth margin. They are usually obliquely compressed. The trilete rays are quite distinct, straight, and about 20 (jl long. The operculum is about 35// in diameter. The outer spore wall is orna- mented with a poorly defined reticulum in 116 which the muri and lacunae are generally elongate parallel to the spore margin, but in the region of the operculum they are more equidimensional. The muri and la- cunae are about 3/x wide. The outer spore wall is about 3 ft thick. The inner mem- brane or endexine is levigate, thin, and about 65/x in diameter. Dimensions (4 specimens): size range, 80.9 to 96.5ft in maximum diameter; median, 87ft. Holotype. — Plate 10, figure 9; negative 7796; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 20, coordinates, 135.8 X 40.2; size, 88.7 by 83.9ft. Paratype. — Plate 10, figure 10; nega- tive 7797; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 17, coordinates, 128.7 X 52.5; size, 85.5 by 78.0ft. Comparison. — Vestispora wanlessii most clearly resembles V. profunda Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956, but it is thicker and has a less well defined reticulum. The muri are broader and more like rounded ridges than the net-like muri of V. profunda. Etymology. — The species is named for Professor H. R. Wanless of the University of Illinois. Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal. Genus Triquitrites (Wilson and Coe) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species. — Triquitrites arculatus Wilson and Coe, 1940. Triquitrites additus Wiison and Hoffmeister, 1956 Plate 10, figure 11 Discussion. — A wide variation in mor- phology occurs in Triquitrites additus, as indicated by Wilson and Hoffmeister (1956, p. 24). I included forms having a maximum diameter of 30ft even though a size range of 35 to 45ft was given by Wilson and Hoffmeister. T. cuspidatus Bhardwaj, 1957a, may be in part conspe- cific with T. additus. Occurrence. — Murphysboro and Wiley Coals; Abingdon (?) through No. 4 Coals; No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Triquitrites cf. additus Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956 Plate 10, figure 12 Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal; Wiley through No. 5 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Triquitrites desperatus Potonie and Kremp, 1956 Plate 10, figure 13 Occurrence. — No. 2, No. 4, and No. 6 Coals. Triquitrites minutus Alpern, 1958 Plate 10, figure 14 Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal; Ab- ingdon (?) through No. 5 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Triquitrites pulvinatus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 10, figure 15 Occurrence. — Murphysboro, Wiley, and DeKoven Coals; Abingdon (?) through No. 4 Coals; No. 5 and No. 5A Coals. Triquitrites dividuus Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956 Plate 10, figure 16 Occurrence. — No. 2 through No. 4 Coals; No. 7 Coal. Triquitrites exiguus Wilson and Kosanke, 1944 Plate 10, figure 17 Occurrence. — No. 1 and Murphysboro Coals; Wiley through No. 5 Coal; Spring Lake, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Triquitrites protensus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 10, figure 18 Discussion. — The size range of 33.5 to 39ft indicated by Kosanke (1950, p. 40) for T. protensus is extended to include spores as small as 29ft. Occurrence. — Murphysboro; DeKoven through No. 5 Coals; No. 6, Allcnby, and No. 7 Coals. 117 Triquitrites truncal us Bhardwaj and Kremp, 1955 Plate 10, figure 19 No. 4 Coal. Occurrence Triquitrites bransonii Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956 Plate 10, figure 20 Occurrence. — All coals studied from Wiley through No. 7 Coals except for the Spring Lake Coal. Triquitrites cf. arculatus (Wilson and Coe) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Plate 11, figure 1 Discussion. — Only four specimens as- signed to this taxon were encountered. Except for the small size (22.8 to 32.5/x) they are very similar to the holotype illustrated by Wilson (1958, pi. I, fig. 8). Occurrence. Coals. No. 2, Lowell, and No. 7 Triquitrites sculptilis Balme, 1952 Plate 11, figures 2-3 Discussion. — Triquitrites sculptilis dis- plays great variation in ornamentation on its exine from poorly defined irregular thickenings (pi. 11, fig. 2) to large blunt or rounded verrucae (pi. 11, fig. 3). The projections, which often extend beyond the interradial sides, may be joined by ridges or may be segregated. A reticulum, is oc- casionally present but is usually poorly developed. Ahrensisporites velensis Bhard- waj, 1957b, may represent an extreme de- velopment of the irregular thickenings in T. sculptilis and does compare closely with a specimen he designated T. sculptilis (Bhardwaj, 1957b, pi. 24, fig. 60). Occurrence. — Abingdon (?), No. 2, Lowell, and No. 6 Coals. Triquitrites cf. sculptilis Balme, 1952 Plate 11, figures 4-5 Description. — The trilete miospores are radial, triangular in transverse plane, and have rather broad corners and straight to slightly convex interradial sides. The tri- lete rays, which are distinct, extend almost to the auriculae and possess lips less than lfji wide. The auriculae vary greatly in length, from 6 to lSfx, and are up to 6/x wide. They are irregular in shape but tend to have sharply angular projections. The proximal surface of the exine is levigate, but the distal surface is distinguished by an irregular, sometimes discontinuous retic- ulum whose muri are less than 1/x wide. The lacunae are generally 6 to 9fx in diameter. The spore coat is 1 to 1.5/x thick. Dimensions (4 specimens): 26.7 to 37.4/x in maximum diameter; median, 30.9/x. Figured specimens. — Plate 1 1 , figure 4; negative 7652; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1398, slide 5, coordinates, 137.6 X 47.9; size, 37.4 by 32.5/x. Plate 11, figure 5, negative 7557; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 9, co- ordinates, 125.1 X 48.0; size, 26.7 by 23Afji. Comparison. — Triquitrites cf. sculptilis has more sharply pointed and narrower muri than the typical specimens of T. sculptilis. The former has an equatorial outline that is more angular, especially at the auriculae. Occurrence. — Cardiff, No. 5, and No. 6 Coals. Triquitrites spinosus Kosanke, 1943 Occurrence. — Wiley through No. 7 Coals, with the exception of the Seelyville and Spring Lake Coals. Triquitrites crassus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 1 1 , figure 6 Discussion. — Within Triquitrites cras- sus are included several forms whose orna- mentation is reduced to rather low, incon- spicuous, interconnected processes. These forms grade into those that have exines densely covered with blunt, rounded, or sharply pointed ends. Occurrence. — Wiley and DeKoven Coals, Abingdon (?) through No. 4 Coals, and No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. 118 Triquitrites trigonappendix (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Plate 1 1 , figure 7 Occurrence. Coals. No. 2 through No. 4 Triquitrites subspinosus sp. nov. Plate 11, figures 8-9 Diagnosis. — The trilete miospores are radial, triangular in transverse plane, and possess straight interradial sides and prom- inent auriculae. The distinct trilete rays are simple, straight, and extend up to, or nearly up to, the auriculae. The auriculae, which strongly project beyond the corners, generally originate somewhat poleward on the proximal side and may be slightly im- bricate or digitate. They are up to 14 /jl long and 7.5/j wide but average 10/x and 6/x, respectively. The distal surface is set with low, rather indistinct, sharp to rounded spines that are connected by irregular and poorly defined ridges. The spore coat is about Ijjl thick. Dimensions (14 specimens): size range, 32 to 47.8/x in maximum diameter; median, 36.4/x. Holotype. — Plate 11, figure 8; nega- tive 7372; Summum (No. 4) Coal, macera- tion 1405-B, slide 19, coordinates, 129.0 X 47.0; size, 34.8 by 32.5/*. Paratype. — Plate 11, figure 9; negative 7483; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 5, coordinates, 124.5 X 53.2; size, 36.4 by 34.8/z. Comparison. — Triquitrites subspinosus is most like T. perornatus Pi-Radondy and Doubinger, 1968, but the former has much more prominent auriculae and its ornamen- tation is not as well developed as that of T. perornatus. T. subspinosus is also com- parable to T. spinosus, but has much more prominent auriculae and its spines may not be obvious without considerable focusing up and down. Etymology. — The species name sug- gests the small spines with which the spores arc ornamented. Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal through the unnamed coal between No. 4 and No. 5 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Triquitrites sp. 1 Plate 11, figure 10 Description. — The small spore is radial, trilete, triangular in transverse plane, and has straight to slightly convex interradial sides. The commissure, which is distinct, is open and lacks lips. The rays are about two-thirds the length of the spore radius. Auriculae, which are well developed, are about 13/jl wide and 7/x long. The distal surface of the spore coat is ornamented with verrucae and flattened spines, many of which are connected by narrow ridges. The exine is about 2.5 /x thick. Figured specimen. — Negative 7417; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405- B, slide 7, coordinates, 123.4 X 38.2; size, 52.0 by 48.8/x. Occurrence. — DeKoven, No. 2, Lowell, No. 4, and No. 6 Coals. Genus Mooreisporites Neves, 1961 Type species. — Mooreisporites fustis Neves, 1958. Mooreisporites inusitatus (Kosanke) Neves, 1961 Plate 11, figure 11 Occurrence. — Wiley through James- town Coals, with the exception of the Seelyville Coal. Genus Indospora Bhardwaj, 1960 Type species. — Indospora clara Bhard- waj, 1960. Indospora boletus sp. nov. Text figure 26 A; plate 1 1, figures 12-13 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and triangular in transverse plane and have straight, interradial sides. The trilete rays are distinct, straight, and extend at least three-fourths the distance to the corners. The commissure is usually split open and lacks lips, but the exine adjacent to the commissure is often slightly thicker and darker than the rest of the exine. The 119 ends of the distal triradiate ridge project 3 to 4(jl beyond the spore margin at the corners. The arms of the ridge are ap- proximately 1.5/x wide near the radial corners and gradually widen toward the distal pole where a triangular area, or pad, is often formed at the juncture of the three arms. The ridge, which is raised about 1.5jit above the distal surface, is very WM::i yZfP^\<%x3*i IT J .*. Text Fig. 26 — Comparison of projections on (A) Indospora boletus sp. nov. and (B) Indospora stewatti Peppers, 1964. finely granulate or punctate as viewed under oil immersion objective. The proxi- mal and distal spore surfaces are orna- mented with mushroom-shaped projections that are up to 3.5/x high. The caps of the pila are 2 to 3/jl in diameter and about half as high. The surface of the caps is very finely granulate under oil immersion objective. The projections are well sep- arated but are concentrated principally near the interradial sides. About 14 to 20 projections extend beyond the spore periphery. The exine between the projec- tions is levigate and less than 1/x thick. Dimensions (8 specimens): size range, 26.0 to 30.9/x in maximum diameter, ex- clusive of triradiate ridges; median, 28.0^. Holotype. — Plate 11, figure 12; nega- tive 7919; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 46, coordinates, 144.0 X 28.0; size, 26.0 by 26.0//,. Holotype. — Plate 1 1 , figure 1 3 ; nega- tive 7702; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, mac- eration 1133-D (RR), slide 11, coordi- nates, 130.1 X 35.0; size, 30.9 by 29.3 jx. Comparison. — Indospora boletus is differentiated from other species of Indo- spora by its mushroom-shaped projections. Etymology. — The specific epithet (bo- letus) refers to its mushroom-shaped pro- jections. Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal and uncor- related coal bands between No. 2 and Car- diff Coals. Indospora Stewart I Peppers, 1964 Text figure 26B Occurrence. — Cardiff and No. 6 Coals. Genus Ahrensisporites (Potonie and Kremp) Horst, 1955 Type species. — Ahrensisporites guerickei Horst, 1955. Ahrensisporites guerickei Horst, 1955 Plate 11, figure 14 Occurrence, — Murphysboro Coal. Genus Grumosisporites Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Type species. — Grumosisporites verru- cosus (Butterworth and Williams) Smith and Butterworth, 1967. Grumosisporites cf. rujus (Butterworth and Williams) Smith and Butterworth, 1967 Plate 11, figure 15 Discussion. — Although lacking any evi- dence of an intexine and not quite large enough (43.6/x) to fall within the size range of 48 to 68/x reported by Smith and Butterworth (1967, p. 231) for this spe- cies, the Illinois spore resembles their illustrations and descriptions. Occurrence. — No. 2 and Lowell Coals. 120 Genus Crassispora (Bhardwaj) Bhardwaj, 1957b Type species. — Crassispora ovalis (Bhardwaj) Bhardwaj, 1957b. Crassispora plicata Peppers, 1964 Plate 11, figures 16-19 Discussion. — Crassispora plicata was described (Peppers, 1964) as having coni present on the distal surface and around the spore margin but absent from the prox- imal surface. Figure 17 (pi. 11) of this report is a photomicrograph in which the distal surface that is ornamented with coni is in focus; figure 18 shows the proximal surface in focus. This arrangement of coni and the presence of apical papillae, which was noted for the first time in this genus, were considered important in erecting C. plicata. Concentric folding around the equatorial margin was thought to be a typical feature of C. plicata. No crassi- tudinous thickening of the exoexine, per- haps owing to lack of preservation, was observed. Sullivan (1964, p. 375-376) in describing Crassispora from his material mentioned the presence of apical papillae and the absence of coni on the proximal surface in all species of Crassispora, al- though Bhardwaj had not recognized either characteristic. If this is true, then C. pli- cata may be synonymous with C. ovalis or C. kosankei (Potonie and Kremp, 1955) Bhardwaj, 1957b. Sullivan (1964, p. 376) noted that the dimensions of C. kosankei from the Edge- hills Coal, England, span the interval be- tween the size limits of the species C. kosankei (65 to 85/x) and C. ovalis (45 to 55//,). He doubted whether they should be retained as separate entities. The size range of C. plicatus observed in the Car- bondale coals of Illinois varies from about 32 to 76//,. The maximum dimension of 200 specimens from a sample of No. 5 Coal (maceration 1408-B) ranged from 33.8 to 69.2//, and had a median of 48.2//,. Descriptions of other species of Crassi- spora have been based principally on size and development of the crassitudo. The weak nature of the spore exoexine and dif- ferences in preservation and effects of maceration processes result in extreme variations in size, ornamentation, folding, and nature of the crassitudo. Spores simi- lar to those I interpreted as being over- macerated or poorly preserved specimens of Crassispora were later put in Cappa- sporites Urban, 1 966, when he erected that genus. Crassispora from the coals of the Carbondale Formation exhibit many varia- tions, from well preserved specimens (pi. 11, fig. 16) to those in which the exoexine has been almost or completely removed (pi. 11, fig. 19) so that the spore resembles Cappasporites distort us. Spores resembling C. distortus were found in all Carbondale coals and in practically all the macerations studied and were classified as Crassispora plicata, because most of the samples were analyzed before 1966. Occurrence. — No. 1 through No. 7 Coals. Genus Lycospora Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species. — Lycospora micropapil- latus (Wilson and Coe) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944. Lycospora brevijuga Kosanke, 1950 Discussion. — Smith and Pierart (Pier- art et al., 1964, p. 1061) considered L. brevijuga a variation of Lycospora pusilla (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944. Occurrence. — Abingdon (?) through No. 4 Coals; No. 5 through No. 6 Coals; No. 7 Coal. Lycospora granulata Kosanke, 1950 Comparison. — The specimens referred to Lycospora granulata by Smith and But- terworth (1967, pi. 20, figs. 1-3) are coarser grained than the Illinois specimens and probably should not be assigned to this taxon. Occurrence. — No. 1 through No. 7 Coals. 121 Lycospora paulula Artuz, 1957 Plate 11, figure 20 Discussion. — The spores of this species encountered in Illinois are generally tri- angular, but a number of circular and inter- mediate forms have been observed. Lyco- spora rotundus Bhardwaj, 1957a, with its round to oval rather than roundly triangu- lar shape, resembles L. paulula. Perhaps these two species are synonyms. Lyco- spora subtriquetrus (Luber) Potonie and Kremp, 1956, is similar except for its nar- rower cingulum and larger size. The speci- men illustrated by Kremp (1951, pi. 15b, fig. 3) and designated Lycospora sp. can most likely be placed with L. paulula. Occurrence. — Seelyville, No. 2, Lowell, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Lycospora punctata Kosanke, 1950 Discussion. — Smith and Pier art (Pier- art et al., 1964, p. 1061 ) observed that this species might be synonymous with Lyco- spora pellucida (Wicher) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944. Occurrence. — No. 1 through No. 7 Coals. Lycospora subjnga Bhardwaj, 1957b Plate 11, figure 21 Discussion. — The Illinois spores most closely resemble the one illustrated by Bhardwaj, 1957b (pi. 25, fig. 84). Occurrence. — Abingdon (?) through No. 5 Coals; Spring Lake, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Lycospora tor qui] er (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1956 Plate 11, figure 22 Comparison. — Lycospora tor qui] er was interpreted as having grana that in size are intermediate to L. granulata and L. paulula Artuz, 1957. Occurrence. — Abingdon (?) through Lowell Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Genus Cadiospora Kosanke, 1950 Type species. — Cadiospora magna Ko- sanke, 1950. Cadiospora fithiana Peppers, 1964 Plate 11, figure 23 Occurrence. — No. 2, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Cadiospora magna Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 1 Occurrence. — Wiley, No. 2, and No. 4 Coals. Genus Murospora Somers, 1952 Type species. — Murospora kosanke i Somers, 1952. Murospora kosankei Somers, 1952 Plate 12, figures 2-3 Occurrence. — Lowell and No. 6 Coals. Genus Densosporites (Berry) Butterworth, Jansonius, Smith, and Staplin, 1964 Type species. — Densosporites covensis Berry, 1937. Densosporites triangularis Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figures 4-5 1966 Densosporites oblatus Habib, p. 641-642, pi. 106, figs. 12, 14. Discussion . — Densosporites triangularis as observed in the lower part of the Car- bondale Formation and upper part of the Spoon Formation shows a variation in number of spines from only one, several as seen on the holotype, to many. Sev- eral large, indistinct verrucae or rounded spines can be seen on the distal portion of the central body. Vermiculae and pits in the thick cingulum also show variation, from being rather indistinct in well pre- served spores to being prominent features that dissect and even produce a ragged, uneven margin on other specimens. The 122 minimum size of 52/x for this species given by Kosanke (1950, p. 34) is changed to include specimens down to 45/x in di- ameter. Occurrence. Coals. No. 1 through Cardiff Densosporites cf. lobatus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 6 Occurrence. — No. 1 and No. 2 Coals. Densosporites sphaerotriangularis Kosanke, 1950 Occurrence. Coals. Wiley through Lowell Genus Cristatisporites (Potonie and Kremp) Butterworth, Jansonius, Smith, and Staplin, 1964 Type species. — Cristatisporites indig- nabundus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1954. Cristatisporites alpernii Staplin and Jansonius, 1964 Plate 12, figure 7 Occurrence. — Seelyville and No. 2 Coals. Genus Vallatisporites Hacquebard, 1957 Type species. — Vallatisporites vallatus Hacquebard, 1957. Vallatisporites sp. 1 Plate 12, figure 8 Description. — The miospore is radial, trilete, and roundly triangular in trans- verse plane, but has a crcnulate margin. The trilete rays arc rather distinct because of the well developed elevated lips, but the commissure is not visible. The rays ex- tend as far as the inner margin of the zona. The intexine is visible. The proxi- mal surface of the central area is covered with puncta that are less than 1/x in diameter. The central area on the distal side is covered with large, low, flat verru- cae of irregular shape. The zona, which has a width less than half the spore radius, gradually thins toward the equator. The proximal surface is punctate adjacent to the central area, but the number of punc- tae decreases toward the equator of the zona. The zona contains abundant, ran- domly distributed vacules that produce an incised margin at the equator. Figured specimen. — Negative 7668; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 16, coordinates, 143.7 X 43.7; size, 55.3 by 50.1/x. Occurrence. No. 2 Coal. Genus Cirratriradites Wilson and Coe, 1940 Type species. — Cirratriradites macula- tus Wilson and Coe, 1940. Cirratriradites annulatus Kosanke, 1950 Occurrence. — Wiley through No. 5 Coals; No. 6 through No. 7 Coals. Cirratriradites annulijormis Kosanke and Brokaw, in Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 9 Occurrence. — Wiley and DeKoven Coals; Abingdon (?) through No. 5 A Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Cirratriradites tenuis sp. nov. Plate 12, figures 10-11 Diagnosis. — The spores are radial, tri- lete, and triangular in outline when viewed in good proximal-distal orientation. Most of them are folded, and may be highly contorted and torn. The spore body is triangular and possesses two series of major folds. One group of folds accom- panies the trilete rays and passes through the corners of the body, extending into the flange, which is also folded. The other group consists of three folds, each of which is parallel to one of the interradial sides on the distal surface. The commissure, which 123 extends to the body margin, cannot be seen on most spores. The exine is levigate to finely punctate under oil immersion ob- jective but is rather coarsely punctate ad- jacent to the trilete rays. The flange, which is attached to the body at the region of the interradial folds, is plicated and is usually flat, broad, and truncated at the corners. It extends 7 to 15/x beyond the periphery of the body. The surface of the flange is finely punctate under oil immer- sion objective, and along the margin are broad-based, sharply pointed spines, 1 to 2\l long. The body and flange are lfi or less thick. Dimensions (21 specimens): size range, 73.1 to 105.6^, in maximum diameter, including the flange; median, 87.8/x,; 57 to 89.9/x in maximum diameter excluding the flange; median, 68.3/x. Holotype. — Plate 12, figure 10; nega- tive 7822; Danville (No. 7) Coal, macera- tion 876 (RR), slide 14, coordinates, 142.3 X 50.0; size, 96.2 by 83.2/x, includ- ing flange; 72.5 by 7 1.5 /u,, excluding flange. Paratype. — Plate 12, figure 11; nega- tive 7867; Danville (No. 7) Coal, macera- tion 876 (RR), slide 3, coordinates, 141.2 X 39.5; size, 77.4 by 68.3/x, including flange; 58.5 by 49.4/x, excluding flange. Comparison. — Cirrairiradites tenuis may be the same species as Cirratriradites sp. illustrated by Butterworth and Williams (1958, pi. LXIII, fig. 53). Etymology. — The specific epithet is de- rived from the thin {tenuis) nature of the spore coat. Occurrence. — No. 7 Coal. Genus Reinschospora Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species. — Reinschospora bellitas Bentall (in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944). Reinschospora magnifica Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 12 Occurrence. — No. 2, Cardiff, and No. 7 Coals. Reinschospora cf. magnifica Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 13 Discussion. — Referred to this species are spores resembling Reinschospora mag- nifica but measuring as little as 36/x in maximum diameter, which is considerably smaller than the size range of 60 by 69/x to 70 by ISfji given by Kosanke (1950, p. 43). R. cf. magnifica is particularly common in macerations 876 and 1404- HH, both from the top of the No. 7 Coal. These macerations contain spore assem- blages unique in other ways, and perhaps the small size of these spores is a reflection of peculiar ecological conditions rather than evidence for erecting a new taxon. Occurrence. — No. 7 Coal. Reinschospora triangularis Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 14 Occurrence. — No. 2 through No. 4 Coals; No. 5 and No. 7 Coals. Genus Balteosporites gen. nov. Type species. — Balteosporites minutus sp. nov. Diagnosis. — The generic name Balteo- sporites is proposed for miospores having the following characteristics. The spores are radial and trilete and have bodies that are triangular in transverse plane and con- cave interradial sides. A fimbriate flange extends equatorially beyond the spore mar- gin. Fimbriae are attached on the proxi- mal surface and are longest midway be- tween the radial corners. They gradually become shorter toward the corners, where they are greatly reduced. Equatorial to and attached to the fimbriae is a narrow, rib- bon-like band that completely circum- scribes the spore. This structure is widest midway between the radial corners and gradually decreases in width toward the cor- ners, which on most specimens it slightly overlaps on the proximal side. The known size range is 24.4 to 32.5/x. 124 Comparison. — Balteosporites compares most closely with Reinschospora but differs from it by possessing a ribbon-like band circumscribing the fimbriate flange. This band is not formed by the fusion of some of the fimbriae, as sometimes occurs in Reinschospora, but is a distinct, integral structure. Etymology. — The generic name (balte) is derived from the presence of a belt-like structure that encircles the spore. Balteosporites minutus sp. nov. Text figure 27; plate 12, figures 15-16 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial and triiete. The triangular body has con- cave sides and narrow but rounded cor- ners. The rays of the indistinct triiete suture extend about three-fourths the distance to the corners and possess labra up to 1.5/* wide. An equatorial fimbriate flange ex- tends beyond the spore margin. The fim- briae radiate from the proximal spore sur- face, and at the point of greatest concavity of the interradial sides they are embedded into the spore coat about 1.5/*. The mar- gin of the spore where the roots of the fimbriae are embedded is thicker than the rest of the exine. The fimbriae are very Text Fijr. 27 — Diagrammatic reconstruction of the holotype of Balteosporites minutus sp. nov. (A) View of proximal surface. (B) Cross section through spore along X-X'. fine, thin, transparent, and separated from each other. They vary in length from up to 5/x midway between the radial points of the body to less than 1/* near the corners. The fimbriae are less than 1/* wide and number 25 to 30 along each side. Circumscribing and attached to the fimbrial flange is a solid, ribbon-like structure. It is up to 2. 5/x wide midway between the corners and gradually decreases in width to about 1/* near the corners. The band on most specimens slightly overlaps the body toward the poles at the corners on the proximal side. The body, which is about 1/* thick, is finely granulate under oil im- mersion objective. Dimensions (5 speci- mens): size range, 24.4 to 32.5/* total maximum diameter; median, 29/*. Holotype. — Plate 12, figure 16; nega- tive 7921; Danville (No. 7) Coal, macera- tion 1404-HH, slide 11, coordinates, 133.3 X 50.5; size, 32.5 by 29.3/* in total di- ameter. Paratype. — Plate 12, figure 15; nega- tive 7815; Danville (No. 7) Coal, macera- tion 1404-HH, slide 9, coordinates, 142.8 X 35.2; size, 29.3 by 25.7/* in total diameter. Occurrence. — No. 7 Coal. Genus Savitrisporites Bhardwaj, 1955 Type species. — Savitrisporites triangu- lus Bhardwaj, 1955. Discussion. — Bhardwaj (1955, p. 127), in erecting the genus Savitrisporites, de- scribed a thickening of the angles as one of the diagnostic characteristics, but in a later publication he provisionally assigned S. majus Bhardwaj, 1957a, to this genus even though it possesses no angular thick- enings. Alpern felt that his new species Dictyotriletes camptotus (1958, p. 57) and D. cingulatus (1959, p. 145) did not conform to Savitrisporites because they lack angular thickenings, so he placed them with Dictyotriletes. Sullivan (1964, p. 373), in discussing what he believed is the congeneric relation of Savitrisporites and Callisporites Buttcrworth and Wil- liams, 1958, concluded that "the slightly 125 thickened angles mentioned by Bhardwaj (1955, p. 127) is hardly a character worthy of generic distinction." Savitrisporites asperatus Sullivan, 1964 Plate 12, figure 17 Occurrence. — No. 2 Coal. Savitrisporites majus Bhardwaj, 1957a Plate 12, figure 18 Discussion. — Dictyotriletes camptotus Alpern, 1958, is probably a synonym of Savitrisporites majus. The specimen of D. camptotus illustrated by Peppers (1964, pi. 2, fig. 7) should be placed with Savitrispor- ites and perhaps assigned to S. majus ex- cept that the distal ornamentation is not as strongly reticulate as that in the spores illustrated by Bhardwaj (1957a, pi. 24, figs. 11-12). Occurrence. — No. 2 and Lowell Coals. It probably also occurs in the higher Penn- sylvanian coals of Illinois (Peppers, 1964). Savitrisporites? sp. 1 Plate 12, figure 19 Description. — The miospore is radial, trilete, and roundly triangular in transverse plane. The radial corners are not appre- ciably thickened. The distinct trilete rays are straight, two-thirds to three-fourths the length of the radius, and are split open. The proximal surface of the exine is levi- gate, but the distal surface is reticulate. The lacunae average 6.5/u, in diameter, and the muri, which are low, are up to 4.5 /x wide. About 14 arcs of muri extend be- yond the margin. The exine is 1(jl thick. Figured specimen. — Negative 7589; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-O, slide 5, coordinates, 132.2 X 53.0; size, 45.5 by 43.9/x. Occurrence. — Lowell Coal. Genus Laevigatosporites (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species. — Laevigatosporites vul- garis (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933. Laevigatosporites desmoinensis (Wilson and Coe) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Occurrence. — Murphysboro through De- Koven Coals; No. 2 through No. 7 Coals. Laevigatosporites globosus Schemel, 1951 Plate 12, figure 20 Discussion. — It is difficult to differenti- ate for stratigraphic purposes the four species, Laevigatosporites globosus, L. punctatus Kosanke, 1950, Punctatisporites orbicularis Kosanke, 1950, and P. obliquus Kosanke, 1950, because of their similarity in shape and ornamentation. Schemel (1951, p. 746) noted that there is difficulty in distinguishing between specimens of L. globosus and P. obliquus. He further stated, "If the nature of the suture cannot be discerned, it may be problematical to which species, and genus, certain speci- mens belong." Habib (1966, p. 633) felt, "Except for only a slight difference in size range, the two species are very similar and perhaps should be considered conspecific. The true nature of the suture of either species is in doubt." The sutures vary from monolete in Laevigatosporites punctatus, to monolete or trilete in L. globosus, and to trilete with rays of almost equal length in Punctatispor- ites orbicularis. According to the original diagnoses, the size ranges are: L. punctatus — 35 to 51/x, L. globosus — 19 to 30/x, P. obliquus — 3 1 to 46/x, and P. orbicu- laris — 35 to 51/x. Under oil immersion objective the ornamentation of the last three species is almost the same except for the slightly coarser ornamentation on P. orbicularis. P. orbicularis is also slightly thinner. To help resolve the problem of differ- entiating between Punctatisporites obliquus and Laevigatosporites globosus, the maxi- mum diameters of 100 specimens falling within the morphologic limitations of the two species were measured from three macerations (1143-C, 1404-O, and 1404- HH). Diameters were plotted (text fig. 126 50 45 40 - 35 m c Q) tt) Q. 25 20 10 - 5 - _ Laevigatosporites i globosus 1 Punctatisporites \ obliquus 15 20 25 30 Size in microns 35 40 Text Fig. 28 — Comparison of size distribution of Laevigatosporites globosus Schemel, 1951, and Punc- tatisporites obliquus Kosanke, 1950. 28) to show distribution of specimens in size increments of 0.5yut. The diagram shows two main groupings. Most speci- mens lie in the size range 16.5 to 30/x; a second, smaller group between 32 and 41/x occurs. Although difficult to separate morphologically during routine analyses, both species appear to be represented. For the purpose of this report the specimens that are 30/x or smaller were classified as L. globosus and those larger than 30/x as P. obliquus. In addition to the difference in size, L. globosus commonly has a thicker cxine in relation to its size, and it is gen- erally more elliptical than P. obliquus. L. globosus typically displays one long suture iind a vestigial perpendicular suture that seems to plunge into the spore cxine away from the longer suture. Laevigatosporites punctatus is monolctc, more elliptical, and is somewhat more coarsely ornamented than the three species discussed above. Some specimens of L. punctatus are very difficult to distinguish from poorly preserved or overmacerated specimens of Thymospora pseudothiessenii. The species described by Alpern (1958), Speciososporites minor, S. minutus, S. tri- letoides, Crassosporites triletoides, and C. punctatus, are apparently gradational with Punctatisporites obliquus or Laevigatospor- ites globosus. Alpern, Doubinger, and Liabeuf (1967) helped clarify the mor- phology and classification of the small monolete spores, including Laevigatospor- ites, Punctatosporites, Speciososporites, and Thymospora, which they compared by ex- amining material from which many of the species were originally described. Occurrence. — No. 1 through James- town Coals; No. 7 Coal. 127 Laevigatosporites medius Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 21 Occurrence. — No. 1 Coal; Wiley through Jamestown Coals; No. 7 Coal. Laevigatosporites minutus (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Occurrence. — Wiley through No. 7 Coals. Laevigatosporites ovalis Kosanke, 1950 Occurrence. Coals. No. 1 through No. 7 Laevigatosporites punctatus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 12, figure 22 Occurrence, — Murphysboro through No. 4 Coals; No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Laevigatosporites vulgaris (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933 Plate 12, figure 23 Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal; Wiley and DeKoven Coals; Abingdon (?) through No. 7 Coals. Genus Tuberculatosporites Type species. — Tuberculatosporites ani- cystoides Imgrund, 1960. Tuberculatosporites robustus (Kosanke) emend, and comb. nov. Plate 13, figures 1-2 1950 Laevigatosporites robustus Kosanke, p. 30, pi. 5, fig. 9. 1966 Tuberculatosporites spinoplicatus Habib, p. 644, pi. 107, figs. 1-3. Diagnosis. — The spores are bilateral, monolete, bean-shaped, and have a per- iphery that appears to be slightly upturned or downturned. The distinct suture, which extends about two-thirds the spore length, is bordered on each side by lips up to 3/jl in width. The commissure is opened or closed. On the spore surface are widely and unevenly distributed bristle-like setae that may or may not extend beyond the spore margin. The maximum observed extension beyond the spore margin is 8/x. The spore margin in most specimens is angularly deflected where it intersects the setae. The setae, which may number up to about 30 around the spore margin, are narrow, hair-like in the central regions of the spore, and gradually expand in width toward or beyond the spore margin. They are up to 30/x long and 8/x wide at their ends, which are ragged. The setae are straight, curved, or somewhat sinuous, and the thin ones are cross striated, producing a beaded appearance. Channelized thin areas or small folds on the spore exine reflect setae that have been torn out or completely eroded. The exine, about 1/x thick, under oil immersion objective is levi- gate between the setae. Dimensions (32 specimens): size range, 93 by 62/a to 182 by 120/a; median, 124 by 81//,. Holotype.— Kosanke, 1950, pi. 5, fig. 9. Figured specimens. — Plate 13, figure 1; negative 7913; New Haven Coal, macer- ation 574, slide 8, coordinates, 144.7 X 33.4; size, 101.8 by 73.5/*. Plate 13, fig- ure 2; negative 7622; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1230-C, slide 15, coor- dinates, 137.7 X 40.3; size, 123.5 by 81.3/*. Discussion. — The holotype illustrated by Kosanke shows only vague evidence of setae, which could easily be mistaken for small folds. Occurrence. — No. 2, Lowell, and No. 7 Coals. Genus Thymospora Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963a Type species. — Thymospora thiessenii (Kosanke) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963a. Thymospora pseudothiessenii (Kosanke) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963a Occurrence. — Wiley through No. 7 Coals. 128 Genus Torispora (Balme) Alpern, Doubinger, and Horst, 1965 Type species. — Torispora securis (Bal- me) Alpern, Doubinger, and Horst, 1965. Discussion. — Many Illinois coals con- tain spores of the genus Torispora that are more coarsely verrucose than the typical specimen of Torispora securis illustrated in this report. Ornamentation probably grades from granulose or weakly verru- cose to strongly verrucose {Torispora ver- rucosus Alpern, 1958), as in Thymospora pseudothiessenii (Wilson and Venkata- chala, 1963c). Torispora securis (Balme) Alpern, Doubinger, and Horst, 1965 Occurrence. — Seelyville through No. 5A Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Genus Columinisporites Peppers, 1964 Type species. — Columinisporites ovalis Peppers, 1964. Columinisporites ovalis Peppers, 1964 Plate 13, figure 3 Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal. Genus Wilsonites (Kosanke) Kosanke, 1959 Type species. — Wilsonites vesicatus (Ko- sanke) Kosanke, 1959. Wilsonites delicatus (Kosanke) Kosanke, 1959 Plate 13, figure 4 Occurrence. — Abingdon (?) through No. 4 Coals; No. 5, Spring Lake, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Wilsonites vesicatus (Kosanke) Kosanke, 1959 Occurrence. — No. 1 through No. 5 Coals; Spring Lake through Jamestown r ( , ; , Is; No. 7 Coal. Genus Perotriletes (Erdtman) ex Couper, 1953 Type species. — Perotriletes granulitus Couper, 1953. Discussion. — Couper (1953) described the genus Perotriletes from Upper Jurassic strata of New Zealand. Balme and Has- sell (1962) erected the genus Diaphano- spora to accommodate spores of compar- able morphology from Upper Devonian rocks. Although they recognized that the forms they placed in Diaphanospora could also be placed, on a morphologic basis, in Perotriletes, they concluded that since "... no spores with perispores have been found in Permian and Triassic sediments in Australia ... it is considered that a dis- tinct genus is necessary for the Upper Devonian species." Hughes and Playford (1961) assigned to Perotriletes two species they described from the Lower Carbonifer- ous of Spitsbergen. Hymenospora (Neves, 1961), another morphologically similar taxon was described from the Namurian of England. Assignment of the Illinois species Perotriletes parvigracilus, Hymenospora multirugosa, and H. paucirugosa to their respective genera, therefore, was made with some uncertainty. Perotriletes parvigracilus sp. no v. Plate 13, figures 5-7 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and oval in transverse plane. The rather distinct commissure is usually open and possesses lips up to Ijjl wide. Two of the rays, which are generally longer than the third, extend about two-thirds the distance to the spore margin. The spore coat of the body is about 2/x thick and is probably levigate. The enclosing perispore is attached to the body at the proximal surface and is translucent and thin, being less than 0.5/x thick. It is characterized by abundant small folds, most of which arc on the distal side. The perispore in most specimens extends 1 to 2/jl, but in a lew up to 4/x, beyond the margin of the body. It is levigate under high dry objec- tive but is minutely punctate under oil im- mersion objective. A few widely scattered 129 grana, about 1/* in diameter, generally occur on the proximal and distal surfaces of the perispore. Dimensions (10 speci- mens) : size range, 42.5 to 52.3/*; median, 45.5/a. Holotype. — Plate 13, figure 5; negative 7789; uncorrected coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 37, coordinates, 130.1 X 42.2; size, 45.8 by 40.6/*. Paratypes. — Plate 13, figure 6; nega- tive 7832; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404- Q, slide 22, coordinates, 123.3 X 44.1; size, 47.5 by 40.0/*; focus on proximal side. Plate 13, figure 7; negative 7833; focus on distal side. Etymology. — The specific epithet refers to its small {parvus) and thin (gracilus) perispore. Occurrence. — No. 2 through No. 4 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Genus Hymenospora Neves, 1961 Hymenospora pallio- Type species, lata Neves, 1961 Discussion. — Perotriletes. See discussion of genus Hymenospora multirugosa sp. nov. Plate 13, figures 8-9 Diagnosis. — The miospores are radial, trilete, and circular to roundly triangular in transverse plane, but the margin is often slightly contorted owing to minor folding. The spores are differentiated into a central body and an enveloping perispore. The perispore is closely fixed, especially on the proximal side, which often results in the formation of a triradiate mark on the peri- spore. The body, about three-fourths the radius of the saccus, is circular to roundly triangular, distinct, and about 1/* thick. It is probably levigate, but the ornamentation cannot be determined with certainty be- cause it is concealed by the perispore. The trilete rays are fairly distinct and are at least two-thirds the length of the spore radius. The commissure is bordered on both sides by elevated irregular labra about 1/x wide. Rays on the body are straight, but where the suture is formed on the perispore, the rays are wavy and split open. The perispore is externally levigate, but is finely infrapunctate to infrareticulate. Individual punctations can be discerned only under oil immersion objective. The proximal and, more especially, the distal surfaces are set with abundant, narrow, anastamosing folds or rugae. Occasionally the raised portions of the folds are more verrucose in shape. Folds are denser toward the poles but extend out beyond the body area, sometimes to the margin of the perispore, which then becomes uneven. The perispore lacks a limbus and is rather thick (about 1/*). Dimensions (16 speci- mens): over-all size range, 35.8 to 45.8/* in maximum diameter; median, 42/*; size range of body, 29.3 to 39/* in maximum diameter; median, 33.5/*. Holotype. — Plate 13, figure 8; negative 7839; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-U, slide 12, coordinates, 125.6 X 43.1; size, over-all diameter 39.0 by 35.1/*; body, 32.5 by 29.3/*. Paratype. — Plate 13, figure 9; negative 7900; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 18, coordinates, 129.5 X 50.7; size, over-all diameter 39.0 by 35.8/*; body, 28.6 by 30.9/*. Comparison. — Hymenospora multiru- gosa is smaller, has a more distinct body, and has more folds than H. paucirugosa sp. nov. H. multirugosa is like H. caperata Felix and Burbridge, 1967, except that it has an infrapunctate to infrareticulate outer membrane and its commissure possesses lips. Species of Hymenospora are morpho- logically similar to some species that have been assigned to Diaphanospora Balme and Hassell, 1962. The perispore of D. ricinata Balme and Hassell, 1962, is un- ornamented and that of D. perplexa Balme and Hassell, 1962, is infragranulate. D. cingulata Guennel, 1963, has a body orna- mented with grana of two different sizes. D. reticulata Guennel, 1963, is more tri- angular, and its perispore is more coarsely punctate. Etymology. — The specific epithet refers to the many (multi) folds (ruga) on its perispore. 130 Occurrence. — No. 2 through No. 4 Coals; No. 7 Coal. Hyimnospora paucirugosa sp. nov. Plate 13, figures 10-13 Diagnosis. — The spores are radial, tri- lete, and circular to roundly triangular or elliptical in outline. Many are folded. The spores are divided into a circular to roundly triangular, indistinct body and a rather thick enveloping perispore. The latter is closely attached to the body, espe- cially on the proximal surface where a tri- lete mark is usually formed on the peri- spore. Larger specimens seldom display any evidence of a body. The trilete rays are distinct and show considerable varia- tion in form. They are usually three-fourths as long as the radius of the body, but they may reach the margin. Occasionally one ray is much shorter than the other two, and the ends may bifurcate. The commis- sure is distinct and is bordered on both sides by elevated lips about 2/* wide. The body is probably levigate. The perispore is externally levigate but finely infrapunc- tate to infrareticulate with punctations so small that oil immersion objective is re- quired to differentiate them. The central portions of the proximal and, more espe- cially, the distal sides are set with small anastamosing folds. The perispore lacks a limbus and is 1/x or less thick. Dimen- sions (40 specimens): over-all size range, 55.3 to 82.6/1, in maximum diameter; medi- an, 67.3/x. Holotype. — Plate 13, figure 10; nega- tive 7901; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, mac- eration 954-Ee, slide 18, coordinates, 1 37.6 y 36.3; over-all size, 65.0 by 62.1/*; body, 54.0 by 54.0/*. Paratypes. — Plate 13, figure 11; nega- tive 7903; Cardiff Coal, maceration 954- Dd, slide 7, coordinates, 129.6 X 50.1; size (perispore), 74.1 by 62. 1/x. Plate 13, figure 12; negative 7638; Lowell Coal, maceration I404-R, slide 18, coordinates, 142.9 / 44.0; over-all size, 78.7 by 71.5/*; body, 63.4 by 62.8/*. Plate 13, figure 13; negative 7902; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-B, slide 11, coordinates, 40.0; size (perispore), 68.3 by 123.1 65.3/*. Discussion. — The holotype (fig. 10) and the specimen illustrated in figure 12 display an indistinct central body. Figure 13 shows a perispore with a thin, circular portion toward the center that marks the position of the missing central body. The most typical form, in which there is no evidence of a spore body, is depicted in figure 11. The unnamed spore, Spore sp. A, illustrated by Habib (1966, pi. 107, fig. 4) probably should be assigned to Hymenospora paucirugosa. Etymology. — The species name refers to the relatively few (pauci) number of folds (ruga) found in this taxon compared with Hymenospora multirugosa. Occurrence. — Murphysboro and Wiley Coals; No. 2 through No. 4 Coals; No. 5, No. 5A, and No. 7 Coals. Genus Endosporites Wilson and Coe, 1940 Type species. — Endosporites ornatus Wilson and Coe, 1940. Endosporites globiformis (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Plate 13, figure 14 Discussion. — As pointed out by Habib (1966, p. 647), Chaloner (1953, p. 104- 108) compared specimens of microspores from Lepidostrobus zea and found that if they were dispersed they would be classi- fied as several species of Endosporites. The specimens from coals of the Carbondale Formation fell within the size range of 80 to 130/* for the maximum over-all di- ameter given by Chaloner and may or may not display indistinct apical papillae on the spore body. Chaloner stated that inter- radial papillae may be observed on the spore body of a number of specimens but might not be recognized because of incom- plete development or concealment by the sac. Occurrence. — No. I and Murphysboro Coals; Wiley through No. 7 Coals. 131 Endosporites plicatus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 13, figure 15 1966 Endosporites grandicorpus Habib, p. 647, pi. 107, figs. 11-12. Discussion. — Although circular in over- all outline, the holotype of Endosporites plicatus, which is somewhat thin, does have angular extensions on the bladder opposite the rays. Another specimen of this taxon on the same slide as the holotype is a little thicker and more angular. This species, as observed from many coals and other Pennsylvanian rocks throughout Illinois, varies in shape from circular to quite angu- lar. Many spores of the kind designated as E. grandicorpus have been observed, and the construction of a new species had been considered until the holotype of E. plicatus and other specimens from the same macer- ation were examined in detail. Part of the variation in the shape of these spores is probably due to different degrees of matur- ity, preservation, and compaction. Occurrence. — Seelyville through No. 5 Coals; No. 7 Coal. Genus Paleospora Habib, 1966 Type species. — Paleospora jragila Ha- bib, 1966. Paleospora jragila Habib, 1966 Plate 13, figure 16 Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal; No. 2 through No. 5A Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Genus Florinites Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species. — Florinites antiquus Schopf (in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944). Florinites antiquus Schopf (in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944) Plate 13, figure 17 Occurrence. — No. 1 and Murphysboro Coals; Wiley through No. 7 Coals. Florinites grandis Kalibova, 1964 Plate 14, figure 1 Occurrence. — Abingdon (?), No. 2, Lowell (?), No. 4, Spring Lake, and No. 6 Coals. Florinites similis Kosanke, 1950 Plate 14, figures 2-3 Description. — The pollen grains are bi- lateral, trilete, and elliptical to almost cir- cular in outline. A saccus encloses the spore body except for a small area on the distal surface. The sharply defined body is also elliptical to circular and is strongly folded, especially around the periphery. Folds occur on the distal and proximal surfaces of the body, and folds on the distal surface that transect the rays do not dis- turb the rays. The trilete rays are distinct when the body is not excessively torn or folded. The sutures, which are often open, lack lips, but occasional narrow folds along either side may resemble lips. Two of the rays are long, one-half to two-thirds of the radius of the body, but the third ray is only one-fourth the radius or less and is almost at right angles to the other two. The surface of the body is minutely granu- late to punctate under oil immersion ob- jective. The body is about 1/x thick. The saccus is externally levigate but infrapunc- tate to infrareticulate. The lacunae are from less than 1 to 3 /x in diameter and are largest away from the body. The saccus is often folded or torn. Dimensions (30 specimens) : size range, saccus length 97 to \12jjl; saccus width, 64 to 104/x; body, maximum diameter, 55 to 78//,. Holotype. — Kosanke, 1 950, p. 116- 117, pi. 12, fig. 2. Figured specimens. — Plate 1 4, figure 2; negative 7726; Cardiff Coal, maceration 954-Dd, slide 10, coordinates, 144.5 X 53.2; size, saccus, 119.3 by 95.2ft; body, 73.5 by 62 Afi. Plate 14, figure 3; nega- tive 7725; Cardiff Coal, maceration 954- Dd, slide 15, coordinates 139.0 X 39.5; size, saccus, 113.1 by 103.7/a; body, 74.8 by 69.2/x. Discussion. — Pollen grains conforming to the description of Florinites similis, ex- 132 cept for the presence of trilete rays, were assigned to this species. Kosanke (1950, p. 49) stated that F. similis is apparently alete. The holotype does not reveal any haptotypic features because the body is torn and folded; however, several speci- mens from a remacerated sample from which the holotype had been selected dis- played the same kind of rays characteristic of the specimens examined for this study and resembled the holotype in all other respects. A well defined bladder-free area on the distal side of the body was seldom observed on my specimens. Florinites similis is very similar in over- all appearance to the type species Guthoer- lisporites magnificus described by Bhard- waj in 1954. According to him, these iso- spores possess a body that is free of the saccus on the proximal surface. Bhardwaj (1955, p. 132), in his reconstruction of Guthoerlisporites, stated, "In view of the well-developed trilete mark borne by the central body it seems that the proximal side of the body is free, the bladder cover- ing the distal side." Bhardwaj also stated that Florinites lacks a distinct trilete mark; however, several species of Florinites pos- sessing a well developed trilete mark have been described. The pollen grain with a well developed trilete mark and a distinct body outline, assigned to F. similis and illustrated as figure 3 of plate 14, shows where part of the saccus has been torn free from the proximal surface of the spore body. Some specimens in which the body has been completely removed still show a scar made by the trilete rays, indicating that the saccus extends over the proximal surface of the body. As the presence of a well developed trilete mark was apparently cited by Bhardwaj as evidence of a blad- der-free proximal side, it is thought that G. magnificus and Florinites similis may be morphologically very similar. Guennel (1958) illustrated from the Minshall Coal of Indiana a pollen grain he assigned to Guthoerlisporites magnificus. He concluded that perhaps the taxon should be placed with Endosporites be- cause he felt that the folding of the body wall, absence of a limbus, and presence of short tecta were insignificant grounds for establishing the genus Guthoerlisporites. Florinites similis and Guthoerlisporites also bear some similarity to Potonieispor- ites novicus Bhardwaj, 1954, the type spe- cies of the monolete genus, especially the drawing of the holotype of P. novicus (Bhardwaj, 1954, fig. 10) and the photo- graphs of the two diplotypes (Bhardwaj, 1955, pi. 2, figs. 13-14) in all of which the suture is angularly deflected in the middle but lacks a third ray. The straight suture shown in the diagrammatic sketches of P. novicus (Bhardwaj, 1954, fig. 9; 1955, fig. 11), however, is unlike the suture found in F. similis. Nygreen and Bourn (1967, p. 325-332) described the morphological transitions from Potonieisporites to Gu- thoerlisporites, Nuskoisporites, and Can- didspora. Occurrence. — Wiley through No. 5 Coals; No. 6 and No. 7 Coals. Florinites millotti Butterworth and Williams, Plate 14, figure 4 1954 Occurrence, — No. 1, Murphysboro, and Wiley Coals; uncorrelated coal bands be- tween the Cardiff and No. 2 Coals; Lowell Coal through the unnamed coal between No. 4 and No. 5 Coals; No. 6 Coal. Florinites visendus (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Occurrence. — No. 2, No. 4, Spring Lake, and Jamestown Coals. Genus Vesicaspora (Schemel) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963d Type species. — Vesicaspora wilsonii (Schemel) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963d. Vesicaspora wilsonii (Schemel) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963d Plate 14, figure 5 Occurrence. — Murphysboro Coal; Wiley through No. 5 A Coals; No. 6, Jamestown, and Danville Coals. 133 Genus Kosankeisporites (Bhardwaj, 1955) emend. 1955 Kosankeisporites Bhardwaj, p. 135-137, pi. 2, figs. 16-17. Type species. — Kosankeisporites ele- gans (Kosanke, 1950) emend. Diagnosis. — The bisaccate prepollen grains are bilaterally symmetrical, ellipti- cal, and haploxylonoid to slightly diploxy- lonoid in over-all outline when viewed in good proximal-distal orientation. The body of most specimens is elliptical but in others is circular. On the proximal surface are four or five distinct, occasionally obscure striae or rugulae that are more or less straight and parallel and run in a longi- tudinal direction. The length of the striae almost equals body length, and bifurca- tion of the striae is rare. The striated area is enclosed by a circular groove just inside, and more or less parallel to, the periphery of the body. The commissure at the proxi- mal pole of the body is wider and more distinct than the striae. One of the three rays is generally less than half the length of the other two, which may extend out- ward and join the circular groove. The apex of the three rays is often ruptured, producing a small triangular area. The surface of the body is levigate to finely granulate. On the distal side of the body is a sulcus formed between two crescent-shaped folds that extends almost the entire width of the body. The width of the folds, which varies, is from 2 to 9/x. The two opposite sacci overlap onto the body except for a narrow portion at the center of the proximal and distal sides. Saccus attachment on the distal side is slightly beyond or in the region of the folds on either side of the sulcus. The area of overlap on the proxi- mal surface is indistinct. When the pre- pollen is viewed in lateral position, the sacci are slightly inclined distally. The length of the sacci from the ends to where they are attached to the body is usually less than their width. The semicircular to crescent-shaped sacci are as wide or wider than the body. They are externally levi- gate but infrareticulate. The known size range in longest dimension is 48 to 84/x. Discussion. — Bhardwaj (1955) pro- posed the genus Kosankeisporites to ac- commodate lllinites elegans, which displays striae on the proximal cap, but he inter- preted the trilete suture as part of the striated pattern. Kosankeisporites elegans (Kosanke) emend. Text figure 29; plate 14, figures 6-8 1950 lllinites elegans Kosanke. p. 52, pi. 1, figs. 1-2. 1955 Kosankeisporites elegans (Kosanke) Bhard- waj, p. 137, pi. 2, figs. 16-17. Diagnosis. — The trilete, bisaccate, pre- pollen grains are elliptical to somewhat haploxylonoid in transverse plane and most specimens are in good proximal-distal ori- entation. The body is strongly elliptical so that its longest dimension is transverse to the length of the entire prepollen grain. On the proximal surface are four or five distinct longitudinal striae that are more or less parallel but bifurcate occasionally. A circular groove just inside the periphery is often observed and limits the extent of the longitudinal striae. A distinct trilete mark is present toward the center of the proximal surface. Two of the rays are considerably longer than the third ray and may extend to the circular groove to which it joins. On the distal surface, transverse to the longitudinal axis of the grain are two strongly developed crescent-shaped folds. The exine, 1 to 2(jl thick, is levigate. On opposite ends of the body the two ap- proximately semicircular sacs are attached distally near or just beyond the folds on either side of the sulcus. The extent of the overlap of sacci on the proximal side is difficult to discern, but the body is probably about two-thirds covered. Some specimens in which the body is missing show striae on the sacci except for a narrow gap about 6/x wide at the center. In lateral view the sacci are slightly inclined distally. The sacci, \(jl or less thick, are levigate and infrareticulate with lacunae up to 3/x in diameter. Dimensions (8 specimens): size range, total length, 56 to 85/x (medi- 134 an, 64/x); body width, 42 to 52/jl (median, 46^); body length, 31 to 48.8//, (median, 35.8/x); saccus length, 25 to 35.1/z (medi- an, 29.3/x); saccus width, 43 to 50/x (median, 46.2/x) ; sulcus width, 6 to 13/x (median, 12\x). ill lit! ^tlli^illi^ Text Fig. 29 — Diagrammatic detail of the proxi- mal surface of the holotype of Kosankei- sporites elegans (Kosanke, 1950) emend. Holotype. — Plate 14, figure 6 (re-illus- trated from Kosanke (1950, p. 94-95, pi. 1, figs. 1-2); negative 7918; body under oil immersion objective. Additional figured specimens. — Plate 14, figure 7; negative 7911; New Haven Coal, maceration 574, slide 40, coordin- ates, 139.2 X 56.4; size, 62.8 by 45.5/x. Plate 14, figure 8; negative 7912; same specimen as figure 7 to show triletc suture. Discussion. — Bhardwaj (1955) described the striae on the body of Kosankei- sporiles elegans but interpreted the triletc suture as being part of the striated pattern. It is concluded here that this species pos- sesses a triletc suture as originally de- scribed by Kosanke because a triletc groove is always near the proximal pole of the body, and it is generally more con- spicuous and wider than the other stria- tions. The specimen illustrated in plate 14, figures 7 and 8, clearly depicts a trilete suture. Occurrence. — No. 4 and No. 7 Coals. Genus Complexisporites Jizba, 1962 Type species. — Complexisporites poly- morphus Jizba, 1962. Complexisporites chalonerii Habib, 1966 Plate 14, figure 9 Description. — The trilete, bisaccate pre- pollen grains are bilaterally symmetri- cal, and elliptical or haploxylonoid in polar view. The body on some specimens is circular but generally ellipsoid so that the longitudinal dimension that is parallel to the pollen length is shorter than the body width. The proximal surface of the body is characterized by four or five longi- tudinal, more or less straight and parallel striations that extend almost the entire length of the body. Striae are seldom branched and are circumscribed by a cir- cular groove just inside the body margin. The commissure, which is usually split open, is distinct and near the center of the body. One of the three rays is usually shorter than the other two, which extend as far as, and join, the circular groove. A sulcus is formed between two crescent- shaped folds on the distal side of the body. The body, 1 to 2/jl thick, is finely granu- late. The two opposing sacci overlap the body on the distal side in or slightly beyond the region of the sulcus folds. The amount of overlap on the proximal surface is diffi- cult to determine because of the fine orna- mentation of the sacci. At the region of attachment, the more or less semicircular sacs are about as wide as the body and are wider than their longitudinal dimension. In lateral view the sacci arc slightly inclined distally. The sacci, l^i or less thick, are levigate and finely infrareticulatc with la- cunae that are less than 3^t in diameter. Dimensions (20 specimens): size range, 135 total length, 48 to 73/lc (median, 63/x); width, 32 to 52(jl (median, 42/u,); body length, 26 to 42^ (median, 39/*); body length (in direction parallel to total length), approximately eight-tenths as long as body width; saccus length, 23 to 42/* (median, 29/x); saccus width, 4 to 13/*, depending on compression. Figured specimen. — Negative 7909; Dan- ville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-R, slide 13, coordinates, 139.3 X 33.3; size, 65.0 by 43.2/*. Discussion. — Habib (1966, p. 650) described the species as having a straight longitudinal suture. Most of the Illinois specimens that I observed show that the suture, which is trilete, consists of long rays that form almost a straight line except for a medial flexure and a third ray almost perpendicular to the other two. Occurrence. — No. 4 Coal, the unnamed coal between No. 4 and No. 5 Coals; Jamestown and No. 7 Coals. Genus Alatisporites (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944 Type species. — Alatisporites pustulatus (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933. Alatisporites trialatus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 14, figure 10 Occurrence. — No. 1 and Wiley Coals; Seelyville through No. 4 Coals; No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7 Coals. Alatisporites hexalatus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 14, figure 11 Discussion. — Assigned to this species are spores similar to Alatisporites hexa- latus, but which possess five rather than six bladders. Occurrence. — Wiley, DeKoven, No. 2, Lowell, and No. 5 Coals. Alatisporites punctatus Kosanke, 1950 Plate 14, figure 12 Discussion. — On some specimens of Alatisporites punctatus the bladders are folded in the middle in such a way as to give the appearance of two bladders along one interradial side. A peculiarity of this species, not encountered on the spores de- scribed by Kosanke (1950, p. 24), is the occasional formation of obvermiculate ridges into looped or crater-shaped pro- tuberances on the spore body. Occurrence. — No. 2, Lowell, and No. 5 Coals. Genus Trihyphaecites gen. nov. Type species. — Trihyphaecites triangu- latus sp. nov. Diagnosis. — The generic name Trihy- phaecites is proposed for a plant microfos- sil having the following characteristics. The fossils are composed of radially symmetri- cal, triangular to roundly triangular bodies that give rise to septate hyphae from each of the corners. Septae are also present at the corners where the hyphae are joined to the body. The hyphae may consist of one segment with a well rounded terminal end or may be of several segments in which the terminal end is either well rounded or broken. The fossils generally possess minor folds and are slightly torn. They are levi- gate and about 1/* thick. The triangular central body is generally thicker than the hyphae. Known size range from one corner to the opposite side of the triangular body is 32.2 to 48.8/*. Discussion. — The genus Trihyphaecites is characterized by its triangular body with septate hyphae at each of the corners. These plant fossils may be fungal spores. Trihyphaecites triangulatus sp. nov. Plate 14, figures 13-16 Diagnosis. — The plant microfossils are made up of radially symmetrical, triangular to roundly triangular bodies that possess septate hyphae at each of the corners, which also are septate. The hyphae may consist of a single segment with a well rounded terminal end or numerous seg- ments in which the terminal segment is rounded or broken. Hyphae are un- branched and septae are thick and pro- nounced. The triangular body and hyphae 136 are about 1/jl thick, are levigate under oil immersion objective, and possess minor folds. Dimensions (19 specimens): size range of triangular body, 32.5 to 48.8/u, in maximum diameter (median, 41.3/u); width of hyphae at corners, 10.4 to 26.0/a (medi- an, 15.6/x). Holotype. — Plate 14, figure 13; nega- tive 7755; uncorrelated coal bands between Cardiff and Colchester (No. 2) Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 8, coordinates 144.5 X 45.1; maximum diameter of tri- angular body, 38.4/x. Paratypes. — Plate 14, figure 14; nega- tive 7418; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, mac- eration 630, slide 25, coordinates 138.5 X 43.8; maximum diameter of triangular body, 35.8/>t. Plate 14, figure 15; negative 7460; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, macera- tion 1392, slide 8, coordinates, 131.4 X 40.5; maximum diameter of largest tri- angular body, 42.3 fx. Plate 14, figure 16; negative 7690; Abingdon (?) Coal, macer- ation 1404-1, slide 4, coordinates, 125.6 X 53.1; maximum diameter of triangular body, 38.4/*. Occurrence. — Abingdon (?) Coal; un- correlated coal bands between No. 2 and Cardiff Coals; Lowell, No. 4, No. 5, and No. 7 Coals. SUMMARY Correlation of Coals The palynologic scrutiny of coals of the Carbondale Formation and the upper part of the Spoon Formation in Illinois reported here provided solutions to specific corre- lation problems in the northeastern part of the Illinois Basin. A thin coal occurring in a clay pit near Goose Lake in Grundy County is tenta- tively correlated with the No. 1 Coal. The spore assemblage in another coal found about a quarter of a mile to the south is probably younger than the coal in the clay pit. It contains a spore assemblage resem- bling that of the Murphysboro Coal of southern Illinois and the Minshall Coal of Indiana, but not the No. 1 Coal. This sup- ports Kosanke's belief (1950) that the Murphysboro is younger than the No. 1 Coal and is not correlative to it. A coal lying a few feet below the No. 2 Coal in a diamond drill core from southern Livingston County is the only coal in the northeastern part of the Illinois Basin that is correlated with the Wiley Coal. Another hole drilled a few miles to the northwest contained three coals below the No. 2 Coal, the lowermost of which yielded well preserved spores. However, the coal was not identified as the assemblage was unlike that of any known coal. The first coal below the No. 2 Coal from the same cored seetion was correlated with a coal from another core in Edgar County, about 100 miles to the southeast. It is referred to as the Abingdon (?) Coal, but with reserva- tion because comparison with the spore as- semblage in the Abingdon Coal at its type outcrop was not possible, the outcrop being extremely weathered. Spores were used to correlate the Lowell and Shawneetown Coals and the interval of the two coals formerly called the "2A" Coals (name now discontinued) of southern Illinois and the Survant Coal (IV) of Indiana. The Lowell Coal and its equival- ents vary in thickness. They are absent in some places, in others are merely a smut streak, or they may form either one thick coal or two rather thick benches separated by a shale interval that varies from a few inches to almost 16 feet thick. The strati- graphic distance above the No. 2 Coal also varies considerably. Because of the close similarity of their spore contents, the two coal benches could not be differentiated by spore analysis. The Lowell Coal of northern Illinois, therefore, may be equi- valent to the lower, the upper, or to a combination of the two coal seams. The Cardiff Coal was deposited in a long, narrow channel in western Kankakee and northeastern Livingston County, and occurs in approximately the same interval as the Lowell Coal. However, the spore content of the two coals is somewhat differ- 137 ent. Either the Cardiff Coal was deposited slightly earlier than the Lowell Coal, or it was laid down synchronously with Lowell deposition but under dissimilar environ- mental conditions existing in the narrow channel basin. A coal whose identity has been in doubt for many years occurs generally 40 to 85 feet above the No. 2 Coal and has been extensively mined in Kankakee and Grundy Counties. In this investigation its spore content indicated correlation with the No. 4 Coal. Of the 59 small spore genera and 221 species identified, 4 genera and 35 species are new and are formally named and described. Other previously described spore taxa are recorded from the Illinois Basin for the first time. Punctatisporites vermiculatus Kosanke, 1950, and P. tran- senna Peppers, 1964, are placed in synony- my. Two species of Punctatisporites, P. reticuloides and P. patulus were emended and placed in the newly erected genus Kewaneesporites. The genus Kosankei- sporites Bhardwaj, 1955, and the species K. elegans and Laevigatosporites robustus Kosanke, 1950, also are emended. Although many of the coals investigated had already been considered in previous spore studies, new palynologic data were obtained because of the large number of coal samples used in this investigation. The Colchester (No. 2) Coal, the Lowell Coal and its equivalents, the Summum (No. 4), Springfield (No. 5), Herrin (No. 6), and Danville (No. 7) Coal Members were the most extensively sampled and studied. Other coals investigated include one tentatively identified as the Rock Island (No. 1) Coal, a coal tentatively identified as the Murphysboro Coal, the Wiley, DeKoven, and Seelyville Coals, one thin uncorrelated coal below the No. 2 Coal, the Abingdon (?), Cardiff, and Shawneetown Coals, an unnamed coal be- tween the No. 4 and No. 5 Coals, the Briar Hill (No. 5A), Spring Lake, James- town, and Allenby Coals. The spore contents of the Seelyville, Abingdon (?), the Lowell and its equival- ents, the unnamed coal between the No. 4 and No. 5 Coals, and the Spring Lake Coal are reported in detail for the first time. Spore Distribution The occurrence and relative abundance of spore taxa proved useful in differenti- ating and correlating the coals (text figure 10). The most noticeable changes in the composition of the spore assemblages of the Carbondale coals take place between the No. 2 and Lowell Coals, the Lowell Coal and No. 4 Coal, between No. 5 and No. 5A Coals, and between No. 5A and No. 6 Coals. The No. 4 and No. 5 Coals are the most difficult to distinguish from each other by spore analysis. Lycos pora is by far the dominant genus in the Carbondale and upper Spoon coals, except in the interval including the Lowell, No. 4, and No. 5 Coals. There, Laevigato- sporites, consisting mainly of L. globosus and L. minutus, is generally more abun- dant than Lycos pora. Thymospora pseudo- thiessenii is a significant part of the spore population between the No. 4 and No. 5A Coals, and the presence of Anapiculati- sporites spinosus in relatively large num- bers characterizes the No. 4 and No. 5 Coals. Crassispora is rather common in the No. 5, Jamestown, and Allenby Coals, whereas Punctatisporites reaches its maxi- mum frequency of about 10 percent in the No. 7 Coal. Influence of Structure on Distribution A special relation between the spore distribution of the No. 2, Lowell, and No. 4 Coals and the structural features of the northeastern part of the Illinois Basin was noted. In the No. 2 Coal, Lycospora de- creases considerably in abundance, and Laevigatosporites globosus and Crassispora increase as the coal is traced from the west and east onto the Ancona-Garfield struc- ture, which is a gentle anticline along the axis of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt. Speci- mens of Reinschospora, Torispora, and Densosporites are more commonly ob- served on the Ancona-Garfield structure 138 than elsewhere in the state. The presence of Densosporites in the No. 2 Coal is ap- parently restricted to that portion of the Illinois Basin east of the axis of the La- Salle Anticlinal Belt. Laevigatosporites globosus and L. mi- nutus together make up about two-thirds of the small spore assemblage in the Lowell Coal on the Ancona-Garfield structure and at the type section of the coal on the steep western flank of the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt just to the north of the Ancona-Garfield structure. Lycos pora is relatively uncom- mon. On the anticlinal belt and east and south of it, Lycospora increases and Laevi- gatosporites diminishes in importance. In the No. 4 Coal, Thymospora and Crassispora become more plentiful and Lycospora becomes less abundant on the Ancona-Garfield structure. Alatisporites has not been noted in the No. 4 Coal west of the Ancona-Garfield structure nor in southern Illinois, but the genus is found with regularity in the coal east of the structure. An explanation of the unique composi- tion of the spore assemblages in the coals on the Ancona-Garfield structure may be in the relation of the coal to the under- lying structural framework and resultant geomorphology. Other evidence shows that the LaSalle Anticline was not very active during Pennsylvanian time (Clegg, 1965, p. 82-94), and the strata between the No. 2 and No. 6 Coals display no appreciable thinning over the anticlinal belt or even over the Ancona-Garfield structure. Most of the structural development of the La- Salle Anticlinal Belt took place before and after Pennsylvanian time, but there was minor activity during Pennsylvanian time. It is proposed that the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt, and more particularly the Ancona- Garfield structure, were sufficiently ele- vated in comparison to adjacent areas to have had some influence on the environ- ment and composition of the coal swamp flora. Perhaps variations in the flora reflect differences in the water level, salinity, and drainage patterns, as pointed out by Spack- man et al. (1966), Habib (1966), and Habib et al. (1966) in their discussions of the recent peat deposits of southwestern Florida. Also, as Lycospora was generally found to decrease in abundance while Thymospora and Laevigatosporites globo- sus increase in abundance toward the top of the No. 2, Lowell, and No. 4 Coals, the coal swamps may have formed over the Ancona-Garfield structure in the later stages of coal swamp development. REFERENCES Alpern, Boris, 1958, Description de quelques microspores du Permo-Carbonifere francais: Revue micropaleontologie, v. 1, no. 2, p. 75-86. Alpern, Boris, J. Doubinger, and J. J. Liabeuf, 1967, Bases logiques et donnees objectives de la classification des monoletes: Acad, sci. mtg., July 3, 1967; privately published. Alpern, Boris, J. 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Survey Circ. 217, 14 p. Wanless, H. R., 1957, Geology and mineral re- sources of the Eeardstown, Glasford, Ha- vana, and Vermont Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 82, 233 p. Willman, H. B., and J. N. Payne, 1942, Geol- ogy and mineral resources of the Marseilles, Ottawa, and Streator Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 66, 388 p. Wilson, L. R., 1943, Elater-bearing spores from the Pennsylvanian strata of Iowa: Am. Midland Naturalist, v. 30, p. 518-523. Wilson, L. R., 1958, Photographic illustrations of fossil spore types from Iowa: Oklahoma Geology Notes, v. 18, no. 6-7, p. 99-100. Wilson, L. R., 1963, Elate rites trij evens from a Kansas coal ball: Micropaleontology, v. 9, p. 101-102. Wilson, L. R., and E. A. Coe, 1940, Description of some unassigned plant microfossils from the Des Moines Series of Iowa: Am. Mid- land Naturalist, v. 23, no. 1, p. 182-186. Wilson, L. R., and W. S. Hoffmeister, 1956, Plant microfossils of the Croweburg Coal: Oklahoma Geol. Survey Circ. 32, 57 p. Wilson, L. R., and R. M. Kosanke, 1944, Seven new species of unassigned plant microfossils from the Des Moines Series of Iowa: Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc, v. 51, p. 329-333. Wilson, L. R., and B. S. Venkatachala, 1963a, Thymospora, a new name for Verrucoso- sporites: Oklahoma Geology Notes, v. 23, no. 3, p. 75-79. Wilson, L. R., and B. S. Venkatachala, 1963b, An emendation of Vestispora Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956: Oklahoma Geology Notes, v. 23, no. 4, p. 94-100. Wilson, L. R., and B. S. Venkatachala, 1963c, Morphological variation of Thymospora pseudothiessenii (Kosanke) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963: Oklahoma Geology Notes, v. 23, no. 5, p. 125-132. 144 Wilson, L. R., and B. S. Venkatachala, 1963d, A morphologic study and emendation of Vesicaspora Schemel, 1951: Oklahoma Ge- ology Notes, v. 23, no. 6, p. 142-149. Wilson, L. R., and B. S. Venkatachala, 1967, Circlettisporites Miller, 1966, a synonym of Leschikisporis Potonie, 1958: Pollen et Spores, v. IX, no. 2, p. 363-365. Winslow, M. R., 1959, Upper Mississippian and Pennsylvanian megaspores and other plant microfossils from Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 86, 135 p. Worthen, A. H., 1866, Geology: Geol. Survey of Illinois, Vol. I, 504 p. Worthen, A. H., 1868, Coal Measures and Lower Carboniferous limestones, in Worth- en, A. H., et al., Geology and palaeontology: Geol. Survey of Illinois, Vol. Ill, p. 1-19. Worthen, A. H., 1870, Geology of Fulton County, in Worthen, A. H., et al., Geology and palaeontology: Geol. Survey of Illinois, Vol. IV, p. 90-110. Worthen, A. H., and James Shaw, 1873, Geol- ogy of Rock Island County, in Worthen, A. H., et al., Geology and palaeontology: Geol. Survey of Illinois, Vol. V, p. 217-234. 145 PLATES AND EXPLANATIONS PLATE 1 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Leiotriletes adnatoides Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 10; 31.9 by 31.9m; p. 80. 2. Leiotriletes cf. adnatus (Kosanke) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Lowell Coal, macera- tion 1190, slide 2; 26.0 by 23.7m; p. 80. 3. Leiotriletes pseudolevis sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-C, slide 5; 36.4 by 36.1m; p. 80. 4. Leiotriletes pseudolevis sp. nov., paratype; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1242- A, slide 12; 38.0 by 36.4m; p. 80. 5. Leiotriletes levis (Kosanke) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1404-HH, slide 14; 46.5 by 39.0m; p. 81. 6. Leiotriletes notatus Hacquebard, 1957; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1355, slide 1; 42.3 by 39.7m; p. 81. 7. Leiotriletes gracilis Imgrund, 1960; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 982-C2, slide 8; 26.0 by 23.1m; p. 81. 8. Leiotriletes parvus Guennel, 1958; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 18; 23.4 by 22.8m; p. 81. 9. Leiotriletes cf. atshanensis Singh, 1964; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 982-B1, slide 3; 53 by 46.8m; p. 81. 10. Leiotriletes sp. 1; Lowell Coal, maceration 1387-D, slide 7; 37.4 by 35.8m; p. 82. 11. Trivolites laevigata Peppers, 1964; Lowell Coal, maceration 1279-E, slide 17; 33.2 by 29.9m; p. 82. 12. Punctatisporites curviradiatus Staplin, 1960; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 726-Aa, slide 19; 45.5 by 42.6m; p. 82. 13. Punctatisporites cf. pseudolevatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955; Summit m (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-C, slide 2; 55.3 by 48.8m; p. 82. 14. Punctatisporites aerarius Butterworth and Williams, 1958; Abingdon (?) Coal, maceration 1404-K, slide 10; 106.3 by 80.9m; p. 82. 15. Punctatisporites nahannensis Hacquebard and Barss, 1957; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1242- A, slide 13; 54.3 by 52.3m; p. 82. 16. Punctatisporites edgarensis sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-D, slide 21; 121.9 by 113.8m; p. 82. 17. Punctatisporites edgarensis sp. nov., paratype; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1404-CC, slide 35; 123.5 by 120.9m; p. 82. 146 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 1 W.;-\ A 10 13 15 14 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 17 147 PLATE 2 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Punctatispohtes decorus Wilson and Kosanke, 1944; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 954-Ee, slide 25; 80.6 by 76.4m; p. 83. 2. Punctatisporites kankakeensis sp. nov., holotype; uncorrected Summum Coal, maceration 1133-A1, slide 2; 65.3 by 65.0/*; p. 83. 3. Punctatisporites kankakeensis sp. nov., paratype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, macera- tion 1405- A, slide 9; 49.1 by 47.1m; p. 83. 4. Punctatisporites orbicularis Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-P, slide 6; 35.4 by 34.8m; p. 84. 5. Punctatisporites vermiculatus Kosanke, 1950; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 630, slide 24; 52.0 by 41.0m; p. 84. 6. Punctatisporites vermiculatus Kosanke, 1950; same specimen shown in figure 5, but at 1000X magnification; p. 84. 7. Punctatisporites cf. gracilirugosus Staplin, 1960; Summum (No. 4) Coal, macera- tion 1396-B, slide 10; 65.0 by 59.5m; p. 84. 8. Punctatisporites sp. 1; Lowell Coal, maceration 1384-K, slide 5; 60.8 by 51.8m; p. 84. 9. Calamospora flexilis Kosanke, 1950; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 13; 64.4 by 58.5m: p. 85. 10. Calamospora minuta Bhardwaj, 1957a; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-C, slide 8: 33.8 by 33.5m: p. 85. 11. Calamospora hartungiana Schopf (in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944); Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 20; 75.1 by 64.4m: p. 85. 12. Calamospora mutabilis (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-P, slide 14; 134.9 by 123.5m: p. 85. 13. Calamospora pedata Kosanke, 1950; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 726-Aa, slide 18; 68.9 by 51.0m; p. 85. 14. Calamospora sp. 1; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 5; 91.0 by 89.4m; p. 85. 148 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 2 /■&%, . •< r " •;,:■;■ Peppers — Phnnsylvanian Spores 149 PLATE 3 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Elate rites infer ens Wilson, 1943; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1275-D, slide 11; body, 76.7 by 66.6m; p. 86. 2. Elaterites trijerens Wilson, 1943; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1275-D, slide 12; body, 82.5 by 73.5m; p. 86. 3. Elaterites trijerens Wilson, 1943; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 12; completely detached body, 74.1 by 61.8m; p. 86. 4. Granulatisporites cf. parvus (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 6; 33.5 by 32.5m; p. 86. 5. Granulatisporites cf. parvus (Ibrahim) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 954-Ee, slide 22; 37.8 by 32.5m; p. 86. 6. Granulatisporites livingstonensis sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-F, slide 10; 41.3 by 39.3m; magnification 1000X; p. 86. 7. Granulatisporites livingstonensis sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-G, slide 7; 40.6 by 38.0m; p. 86. 8. Granulatisporites pannosites sp. nov., holotype; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, macera- tion 722-C, slide 6; 61.0 by 56.0m; p. 87. 9. Granulatisporites pannosites sp. nov., paratype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, macera- tion 1143-A (RR), slide 17; 58.5 by 55.3m; p. 87. 10. Granulatisporites pallidus Kosanke, 1950; Murphysboro Coa], maceration 1160 (RR), slide 6; 42.3 by 39.3m; p. 87. 11. Granulatisporites granularis Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 6; 27.6 by 26.0m; p. 87. 12. Granulatisporites sp. 1; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-S, slide 20; 26.3 by 25.4m; p. 88. 13. Cyclogranisporites minutus Bhardwaj, 1957a; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 954-Ea, slide [5; 33.5 by 29.3m; p. 88. 14. Cyclogranisporites aureus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Lowell Coal, macera- tion 1190, slide 11; 59.5 by 48.8m; p. 88. 15. Cyclogranisporites cf. aureus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 954-Ea, slide 18; 84.8 by 74.8m; p. 88. 16. Cyclogranisporites micaceus Imgrund, 1960; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1412, slide 11; 64.4 by 57.5m; p. 88. 150 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 3 1 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores «***«. SURVEY UBHAtY 15 PLATE 4 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Cyclogvanisporites breviradiatus sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-E, slide 21; 94.3 by 72.5/*; p. 88. 2. Cyclogvanisporites breviradiatus sp. nov., paratype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-A, slide 11; 100.8 by 97.5,"; p. 88. 3. Cyclogranisporites breviradiatus sp. nov., portion of spore wall of specimen in figure 2; paratype at 1000 X magnification; p. 88. 4. Cyclogranisporites microgranus Bhardwaj, 1957a; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-O, slide 17; 50.4 by 50.4/*; p. 89. 5. Cyclogranisporites staplini Peppers, 1964, comb, nov.; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 726-Aa, slide 8; 52.0 by 47.8/*; p. 89. 6. Cyclogranisporites sp. 1; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1413-A, slide 12; 82.6 by 80.3m; p. 89. 7. Converrucosisporites subverrucosis Bhardwaj, 1957a; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 982-C2, slide 13; 41.6 by 31.3m; p. 89. 8. Converrucosisporites sp. I; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 4; 49.7 by 40.6/*; p. 89. 9. Verrucosisporites donarii Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 982-C1, slide 19; 43.9 by 42.3m; p. 90. 10. Verrucosisporites compactus Habib, 1966; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-B, slide 16; 43.9 by 38.0m; p. 90. 11. Verrucosisporites sifati (Ibrahim) Smith and Butterworth, 1967; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-O,' slide 7; 92.0 by 74.8m; p. 90. 12. Verrucosisporites papulosus Hacquebard, 1957; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 11; 46.5 by 45.5m; p. 90. 13. Verrucosisporites cf. papulosus Hacquebard, 1957; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1133-B1 (RR), slide 20; 71.8 by 60.8m; p. 90. 14. Verrucosisporites firmus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-B, slide 16; 53.6 by 52.0m; p. 90. 15. Verrucosisporites cf. verus (Potonie and Kremp) Smith et al., 1964; Abingdon (?) Coal, maceration 1404-K, slide 19; 109.2 by 91.0m; p. 90. 16. Verrucosisporites verrucosus (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 13; 61.8 by 61.8m; p. 90. 17. Verrucosisporites microtuberosus (Loose) Smith and Butterworth, 1967; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 18; 77.0 by 74.1m; p. 91. 152 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 4 16 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores PLATE 5 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Verrucosisporites microverrucosus Ibrahim, 1933; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-F, slide 17; 62.8 by 58.5m; p. 91. 2. Verrucosisporites sp. 1; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1415, slide 11; 35.1 by 33.2m; p. 91. 3. Schopfites carbondalensis sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-B, slide 14; 44.9 by 40.3m; p. 91. 4. Schopfites carbondalensis sp. nov., paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 954-Ee, slide 22; 46.2 by 42.9m; p. 91. 5. Schopfites cf. dimorphus Kosanke, 1950; Summum (No. 4) (?) Coal, maceration 954-Ac, slide 7; 75.7 by 73.5m; p. 92. 6. Distortisporites illinoiensis sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-D, slide 9; 55.9 by 55.3m; p. 93. 7. Distortisporites illinoiensis sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 7; 55.3 by 51.4m; p. 93. 8. Distortisporites illinoiensis sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1387-E, slide 2; 68.3 by 45.5m; p. 93. 9. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke) comb, nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 579-A, slide 1; 52.5 by 50.4m; p. 94. 10. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke) comb, nov.; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-A, slide 11; 40.0 by 39.0m; p. 94. 11. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke) comb, nov.; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 722-B, slide 16; 42.3 by 39.5m; p. 94. 12. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke) comb, nov.; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-U, slide 11; 39.0 by 37.1m; p. 94. 13. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke) comb, nov.; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, macera- tion 1398, slide 2; 41.3 by 39.0m; magnification 1000X; p. 94. 14. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke) comb, nov.; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 877, slide 9; 35.1 by 32.5m; high focus, magnification 1000X; p. 94. 15. Kewaneesporites reticuloides (Kosanke) comb, nov.; same specimen shown in figure 14 but low focus; p. 94. 16. Lophotriletes commissuralis (Kosanke) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Summum (No. 4) (?) Coal, maceration 954- Ab, slide 22; 26.0 by 25.4m; p. 95. 17. Lophotriletes microsaetosus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; uncorrelated coal between Cardiff and No. 4 Coals, maceration 1133-A1 (RR), slide 12; 29.6 by 28.6m; p. 95. 18. Lophotriletes cf. granoornatus Artuz, 1957; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-A, slide 20; 38.7 by 34.8m; p. 95. 19. Lophotriletes mosaicus Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 13 86- A, slide 20; 31.9 by 30.6m; p. 96. 20. Lophotriletes rarispinosus sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1384-H, slide 19; 26.0 by 25.4m; p. 96. 21. Lophotriletes rarispinosus sp. nov., paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1267, slide 10; 26.7 by 23.4m; p. 96. 22. Lophotriletes rarispinosus sp. nov., paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-A, slide 18; 25.7 by 22.8m; p. 96. 23. Lophotriletes cf. granoornatus Artuz, 1957; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-A, slide 10; 42.3 by 40.0m; p. 95. 24. Lophotriletes mosaicus Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 924-U, slide 13; 36.4 by 35.4m; p. 96. 25. Lophotriletes copiosus sp. nov., holotype; uncorrelated coal between Cardiff and Summum (No. 4) (?) Coals, maceration 954-B, slide 19; 55.3 by 55.3m; p. 97. 26. Lophotriletes copiosus sp. nov., paratype; uncorrelated coal bands between Col- chester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration II33-H, slide 17; 48.8 by 44.9m; p. 97. 154 Illinois State Geological Survey an _ :•-'. 1«S Bulletin 93, Plate 5 " i£:£M$& m:mm : "■'■'Pir:.' -sWr „«■ &r&^ 12 13 14 '." 16 - .:• 17 *•£■"& 20 21 (8 22 23 2 4 -«,- 25 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 2 6 55 PLATE 6 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Lophotriletes ibrahimi (Peppers) Pi-Radondy and Doubinger, 1968; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160, slide 13; 43.6 by 41.9/*; p. 97. 2. Lophotriletes pseudaculeatus Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Abingdon (?) Coal, maceration 1384-G, slide 21; 50.4 by 46.2//; p. 97. 3. Lophotriletes sp. 1; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 15; 35.0 by 32.8/*; p. 97. 4. Lophotriletes sp. 2; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-F, slide 15; 38.4 by 35.1m; p. 98. 5. Anapiculatisporites grundensis sp. nov., holotype; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 1; 22.8 by 17.2/*; p. 98. 6. Anapiculatisporites grundensis sp. nov., paratype; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 9; 20.5 by 20.2/*; p. 98. 7. Pustulatisporites crenatus Guennel, 1958; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-B, slide 18; 49.4 by 46.2/*; p. 99. 8. Pustulatisporites sp. 1; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-V, slide 12; 40.6 by 39.0m; p. 99. 9. Apiculatisporis frequentispinosus sp. nov., holotype; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 28; 58.5 by 52.0/*; p. 99. 10. Apiculatisporis frequentispinosus sp. nov., paratype; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 7; 56.9 by 48.8m; p. 99. 11. Apiculatisporis abditus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1242-A, slide 20; 62.1 by 56.6/*; p. 100. 12. Apiculatisporis abditus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405- A, slide 12; 48.4 by 43.9/*; p. 100. 13. Apiculatisporis abditus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Lowell Coal, macera- tion 1404-P, slide 17; 56.2 by 52.0/*; p. 100. 14. Apiculatisporis lappites sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1387-F, slide 16; 15.0 by 13.6/*; magnification 1000X; p. 100. 15. Apiculatisporis lappites sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1387-D, slide 14; 15.3 by 12.7/*; p. 100. 16. Apiculatisporis setulosus (Kosanke) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-A, slide 2; 68.3 by 61.8m; p. 100. 17. Apiculatisporis sp. 1; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1404-CC, slide 19; 35.8 by 32.5/*; p. 100. 18. Acanthotriletes aculeolatus (Kosanke) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Abingdon (?) Coal, maceration 1404-J, slide 14; 29.9 by 29.3/*; p. 101. 19. Acanthotriletes dimorphus Habib, 1966; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 15; 43.6 by 40.6m; p. 101. 20. Acanthotriletes sp. 1; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 19; 38.7 by 32.5m; p. 101. 21. Pileatisporites aequus sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 24; 61.4 by 59.2m; p. 101. 22. Pileatisporites aequus sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 10; 65.3 by 56.2m; p. 101. 2.3. Pileatisporites aequus sp. nov., detail of exine of holotype; magnification 1000X; p. 101. 156 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 6 A:*'- 11 14 15 22 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 157 PLATE 7 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Raistrickia cf. aculeata Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 6; 66.6 by 61.8a*; p. 102. 2. Raistrickia aculeolata Wilson and Kosanke, 1944; Danville (No. 7) Coal, macera- tion 924-A, slide 12; 55.3 by 53.6a*; p. 102. 3. Raistrickia breveminens sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1034-B (RR), slide 19; 65.0 by 60.0a*; p. 102. 4. Raistrickia breveminens sp. nov., paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1404-N, slide 10; 55.3 by 50.1a*; p. 102. 5. Raistrickia carbondalensis sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1384-N, slide 20; 67.6 by 61.8a*; p. 103. 6. Raistrickia carbondalensis sp. nov., paratype; uncorrected coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 19; 70.5 by 64.7a*; p. 103. 7. Raistrickia cf. clavata (Hacquebard) Playford, 1963; Lowell Coal, maceration 1377, slide 13; 49.4 by 48.8a*; p. 104. 8. Raistrickia crinita Kosanke, 1950; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 13S4-U, slide 14; 55.9 by 51.4/*; p. 104. 9. Raistrickia cf. fibrata (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1227- A, slide 6; 43.9 by 40.0a*; p. 104. 10. Raistrickia grovensis Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944; Lowell Coal, maceration 1413-B, slide 12; 47.8 by 43.9a*; p. 104. 11. Raistrickia crocea Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 17; 70.9 by 61.8a*; p. 104. 12. Raistrickia laceraia sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 20; 65.0 by 62.4/*; p. 104. 13. Raistrickia lacerata sp. nov., paratype; Cardiff (?) Coal, maceration 1034-A, slide 8; 64.0 by 54.6a*; p. 104. 14. Raistrickia irregularis Kosanke, 1950; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 726- Aa. slide 6; 52.0 by 48.8/*; p. 105. 15. Raistrickia irregularis Kosanke, 1950; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-B, slide 16; 63.4 by 59.8a*; p. 105. 16. Raistrickia solaria Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-C, slide 3; 74.8 by 65.0/*; p. 105. 158 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 7 0mm ' ^ . ■■■■■ ' ;. ■'..■■ ...■■.■■■:. 10 l 2 13 14 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 159 PLATE 8 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Raistrickia dispar sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 6; 53.0 by 49.4m; p. 105. 2. Raistrickia dispar sp. nov., paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-A, slide 15; 58.5 by 52.3m; p. 105. 3. Raistrickia loweUensis sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1384-N, slide 11; 46.5 by 43.9m; p. 105. 4. Raistrickia loweUensis sp. nov., paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-A, slide 4; 48.8 by 42.3m; p. 105. 5. Raistrickia subcrinita sp. nov., holotype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 12; 48.8 by 47.5m; p. 106. 6. Raistrickia subcrinita sp. nov., paratype; uncorrelated coal bands between Col- chester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 16; 46.2 by 42.3m; p. 106. 7. Raistrickia pilosa Kosanke, 1950; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 141 8-A, slide 17; 31.5 by 30.9m; p. 106. 8. Raistrickia pontiacensis sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1387-D, slide 9; 56.2 by 51.7m; p. 106. 9. Raistrickia superba (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 723-C, slide 5; 55.3 by 52.3m; p. 107. 10. Raistrickia sp. 1; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-B, slide 10; 52.0 by 43.2m; p. 107. 11. Raistrickia sp. 2; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1418-A, slide 16: 59.2 by 52.0m; p. 107. 12. Raistrickia (?) sp. 3; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-O, slide 7; 76.1 by 71.5m; p. 107. 13. Convolutispora cf. fiorida Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 141 3-A, slide 19; 48.1 by 45.8m; p. 108. 14. Convolutispora jromensis Balme and Hassell, 1962; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 13; 48.8 by 48.8m; p. 108. 15. Convolutispora sp. 1; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 20; 37.4 by 35.2m; p. 108. 16. Convolutispora sp. 2; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-A, slide 16; 51.7 by 45.5m; p. 108. 17. Spackmanites cf. facierugosus (Loose) Habib, 1966; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, macera- tion 878, slide 1; 36.1 by 35.7m; p. 109. 18. Spackmanites cf. facierugosus (Loose) Habib, 1966; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1133-B2 (RR), slide 1; endexine 35.8 by 31.9m; p. 109. 19. Spackmanites cf. facierugosus (Loose) Habib, 1966; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-C, slide 5; 53.0 by 49.7m; p. 109. 20. Spackmanites cf. facierugosus (Loose) Habib, 1966; portion of same specimen shown in figure 19; magnification 1000X; p. 109. 21. Maculatasporites punctatus sp. nov., holotype; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, macera- tion 1408-B, slide 3; 40.0 by 4().0m; p. I 10. 22. Maculatasporites punctatus sp. nov.. paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 12; 42.3 by 39.3m; p. I 10. 160 Illinois State Geological Survey ml Wmr- mmmm 10 mtmWi ■Hk 7 15 16 WWW 21 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 61 PLATE 9 (Magnification 500X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Microreticulatisporites harrisonii sp. nov., holotype; Murphysboro Coal, macera- tion 1160 (RR), slide 16; 33.8 by 30.9/*; magnification 1000X; p. 110. 2. Microreticulatisporites hortonensis Playford, 1963; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-A, slide 20; 48.4 by 37.4/*; p. 111. 3. Microreticulatisporites cf. hinatus (Knox) Knox, 1950; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 722-B, slide 8; 39.7 by 39.3/*; p. 111. 4. Microreticulatisporites sulcatus (Wilson and Kosanke) Smith and Butterworth, 1967; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 924-B, slide 5; 54.6 by 52.0/*; p. 111. 5. Microreticulatisporites nobilis (Wiener) Knox, 1950; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 8; 34.1 by 33.2m; p. 111. 6. Dictyotriletes danvillensis sp. nov., holotype; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1404-HH, slide 14; 55.3 by 54.3/*; p. 111. 7. Dictyotriletes danvillensis sp. nov., paratype; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 876 (RR), slide 16; 52.7 by 48.1/*; p. 111. 8. Dictyotriletes densoreticulatus Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-A, slide 1; 58.5 by 58.5m; p. 112. 9. Dictyotriletes distortus sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-B, slide 19; 36.1 by 34.1/*; p. 112. 10. Dictyotriletes distortus sp. nov., paratype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 12; 32.5 by 30.9/*; p. 112. 11. Dictyotriletes distortus sp. nov., portion of holotype shown in figure 9; magnifica- tion 1000X; p. 112. 12. Dictyotriletes cf. falsus Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Summum (No. 4) Coal, macera- tion 1249-A, slide 9; 52.0 by 45.5/*; p. 112. 13. Dictyotriletes cf. reticulocingulum (Loose) Smith and Butterworth, 1967; Sum- mum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-C, slide 9; 46.2 by 37.4/*; p. 112. 14. Reticulatisporites lacunosus Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 25; 94.3 by 79.3/*; p. 113. 15. Reticulatisporites reticulatus (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933; uncorrelated coal between Cardiff and Summum (No. 4) (?) Coals, maceration 954-B, slide 11; 94.3 by 80.6,u; p. 113. 16. Reticulatisporites pseudomuricatus sp. nov., holotype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-R, slide 4; 61.4 by 57.9/*, including muri; p. 113. 17. Reticulatisporites pseudomuricatus sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 22; 61.8 by 61.8.**; including muri; p. 113. 18. Reticulatisporites sp. 1; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-A, slide 20; 52.0 by 45.8/*, including muri; p. 113. 19. Reticulatisporites sp. 2; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 4; 50.4 by 47.1/*; p. 113. 20. Camptotriletes bucculentus (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-C, slide 5; 48.8 by 46.5/*; p. 1 14. 162 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 9 13 •''•".; .- ' ■' '>:; ■■■,.'.. " • ^ 16 19 20 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 163 PLATE 10 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Camptotriletes triangularis sp. nov., holotype; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 28; 45.5 by 39.7m; p. 114. 2. Camptotriletes triangularis sp. nov., paratype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1234-F, slide 19: 35.8 by 34.1m; p. 114. 3. Knoxisporites rotatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, and Malloy, 1955; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1384-1, slide 15; 48.8 by 48.1m; p. 114. 4. Vestispora colchesterensis sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1387-B, slide 5; 95.2 by 91.0m; p. 115. 5. Vestispora colchesterensis sp. nov.. paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 20: 75.4 by 71.5m; p. 115. 6. Vestispora laevigata Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963b; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 982-C1, slide 17; 83.9 by 75.1m; p. 115. 7. Vestispora profunda Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, macera- tion 1404-BB, slide 7; 68.3 by 63.4m; p. 115. 8. Vestispora cf. pseudoreticulata Spode (7/2 Smith and Butterworth, 1967); Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 12: 89.7 by 65.0m; p. 115. 9. Vestispora wanlessii sp. nov.. holotype; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 20; 88.7 by 83.9m; p. 115. 10. Vestispora wanlessii sp. nov., paratype; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 17; 85.5 by 78.0m; p. 115. 11. Triquitrites additus Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956: Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1034-B (RR), slide 20; 43.9 by 42.3m: p. 116. 12. Triquitrites cf. additus Wilson and Hoffmeister. 1956; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-G, slide 14:. 36.7 by 36.1m: p. 116. 13. Triquitrites desperatus Potonie and Kremp, 1956; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 954-Ea, slide 5; 26.3 by 26.0m; p. 116. 14. Triquitrites minutus Alpern, 1958; Summum (No. 4) (?) Coal, maceration 954-Ab, slide 10; 26.0 by 23.7m: p. 116. 15. Triquitrites pulvinatus Kosanke, 1950: Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-P, slide 18; 34.5 by 31.9m: p. 116. 16. Triquitrites dividuus Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956: Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-S, slide 13: 41.6 by 40.0m; p. 116. 17. Triquitrites exiguus Wilson and Kosanke, 1944; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 1401-D, slide 14; 29.3 by 25.0m; p. 116. 18. Triquitrites protensus Kosanke, 1950; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-B, slide 12; 30.2 by 29.6m: p. 116. 19. Triquitrites truncatus Bhardwaj and Kremp, 1955: Summum (No. 4) Coal, macera- tion 1405-A, slide 19; 32.8 by 29.9m: p. 117. 20. Triquitrites bransonii Wilson and Hoffmeister, 1956; Lowell Coal, maceration 1279-E, slide 7: 31.2 by 27.0m: p. I 17 164 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 10 PSisk %. m:. 12 13 14 15 '7 18 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 20 165 PLATE 11 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Triquit rites cf. arculatus (Wilson and Coe) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 5; 32.5 by 30.9m; p. 117. 2. Triquitrites sculptilis Balme, 1952; Lowell Coal, maceration 1413-B, slide 16; 35.8 by 35.8m; p. 117. 3. Triquitrites sculptilis Balme, 1952; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 15; 33.2 by 31.5m; p. 117. 4. Triquitrites cf. sculptilis Balme, 1952; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1398, slide 5; 37.4 by 32.5m; p. 117. 5. Triquitrites cf. sculptilis Balme, 1952; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 9; 26.7 by 23.4m; p. 117. 6. Triquitrites crassus Kosanke, 1950; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1034-B (RR), slide 21; 49.7 by 48.8m; p. 117. 7. Triquitrites trigonappendix (Loose) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386-A, slide 11; 45.5 by 42.3m; p. 118. 8. Triquitrites subspinosus sp. nov., holotype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 19; 34.8 by 32.5m; p. 118. 9. Triquitrites subspinosus sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 5; 36.4 by 34.8m; p. 118. 10. Triquitrites sp. 1; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1405-B, slide 7; 52.0 by 48.8m; p. 118. 11. Mooreisporites inusitatus (Kosanke) Neves, 1961; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 19; 64.0 by 58.5m; p. 118. 12. lndospora boletus sp. nov., holotype; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 46; 26.0 by 26.0m; magnifica- tion 1000X; p. 118. 13. lndospora boletus sp. nov., paratype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1133-D (RR), slide 11; 30.9 by 29.3m; p. 118. 14. Ahrensisporites guerickei Horst, 1955; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 4; 41.0 by 39.7m; p. 119. 15. Grumosisporites cf. rufus (Butterworth and Williams) Smith and Butterworth, 1967; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1413-A, slide 14; 43.6 by 42.3m; p. 119. 16. Crassispora plicata Peppers, 1964; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 12; 57.9 by 56.9m; p. 120. 17. Crassispora plicata Peppers, 1964; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 5; focus on distal surface; magnification 1000X; p. 120. 18. Crassispora plicata Peppers, 1964; same specimen shown in figure 17; focus on proximal surface; p. 120. 19. Crassispora plicata ? Peppers, 1964; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 16; 63.4 by 56.6m; p. 120. 20. Lycospora paulula Artuz, 1957; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-G, slide 20; 35.8 by 27.6m; p. 121. 21. Lxcospora subjuga Bhardwaj, 1957b; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 722-C, slide 15; 25.4 by 23.7m; p. 121. 22. Lycospora torquifer (Loose) Potonie and Kremp, 1956; Abingdon (?) Coal, maceration 1404-J, slide II; 32.5 by 29.6m; p. 121. 23. Cadiospora fithiana Peppers, 1964; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 1408- A, slide 14; 81.3 by 78.0m; p. 121. 166 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 11 23 20 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 167 PLATE 12 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Cadicspova magna Kosanke, 1950; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1404-L, slide 11; 93.9 by 91.0m; p. 121. 2. Murospora kosankei Somers, 1952; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-F, slide 1; 28.3 by 24.7m; p. 121. 3. Murcspora kosankei Somers, 1952; Herrin (No. 6) Coal, maceration 1404-CC, slide 19; 41.6 by 29.6/.*; p. 121. 4. DensosDorites triangularis Kosanke, 1950; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceraCicii 723-A,'slide 11; 553 by 52.0./*; p. 121. 5. Densosporites triangularis Kcsanke, 1950; Cardiff (?) Coal, maceration 1034-A, slide 5; 61.8 by 44.5m; p. 121. 6. Densosporites cf. lobatus Kosanke, 1950; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 21; 44.5 by 42.1m; p. 122. 7. CristatisDorites alpernii Staplin and Jansonius, 1964; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1143-C (RR), slide 10; 52.7 by 51.4m; p. 122. 8. Vallatisporites sp. I; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 16; 55.3 by 50.1,a; p. 122. 9. Cirratriradites annuliformis Kosanke and Brokaw, in Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 19; 75.4 by 62.1m; p. 122. 10. Cirratriradites tenuis sp. nov., holotype; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 876 (RR), slide 14; 96.2 by 83.2m; p. 122. 11. Cirratriradites tenuis sp. nov., paratype; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 876 (RR), slide 3; 77.4 by 68.3m; p. 122. 12. Reinschospora magnifica Kosanke, 1950; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1404-HH, slide 11; 56.6 by 54.3m; p. 123. 13. Reinschospora cf. magnifica Kosanke, 1950; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 140 4-HH, slide 14; 39.0 by 34.8m; p. 123. 14. Reinschospora triangularis Kosanke, 1950; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1246, slide 8; 58.8 by 53.6m, not including setae; p. 123. 15. Balteosporites minutus sp. nov., paratype; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1404-HH, slide 9; 29.3 by 25.7m; p. 124. !6. Balteosporites minutus sp. nov., holotype; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1404-HH, slide 11; 32.5 by 29.3m; magnification 1000X; p. 124. 17. Savitrisporites asperatus Sullivan, 1964; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1402-C, slide 19; 39.0 by 39.0m; p. 125. 18. Savitrisporites majus Bhardwaj, 1957a; Lowell Coal, maceration 1402-F, slide 13; 45.5 by 39.0m; p. 125. 19. Savitrisporites ? sp. 1; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-O, slide 5; 45.5 by 43.9m; p. 125. 20. Laevigatosporites glohosus Schemel, 1951; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 14; 21.8 by 18.9m; p. 125. 21. Laevigatosporites medius Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1190, slide 4; 38.0 by 19.5m; p. 127. 22. Laevigatosporites punctatus Kosanke, 1950; DeKovcn Coal, maceration 1381 -O, slide 18; 33.5 by 25.4m; p. 127. 23. Laevigatosporites vulgaris (Ibrahim) Ibrahim, 1933; Lowell Coal, maceration I 190, slide 16; 89.7 by 47.8m; p. 127. 168 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 12 4 20 tUpr 21 §- 7*1 J 22 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 23 169 PLATE 13 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Tuberculatosporites robustus (Kosanke) comb, nov., holotype; New Haven Coal, maceration 574, slide 8; 101.8 by 73.5/*; p. 127. 2. Tuberculatosporites robustus (Kosanke) comb, nov.; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1230-C, slide 15; 123.5 by 81.3/*; p. 127. 3. Columinisporites ovalis Peppers, 1964; Murphysboro Coal, maceration 1160 (RR), slide 2; 52.0 by 29.3/*; p. 128. 4. Wilsonites delicatus (Kosanke) Kosanke, 1959; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-S, slide 11; 88.7 by 85.5/*; p. 128. 5. Perotriletes parvigracilus sp. nov., holotype; uncorrected coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 37; 45.8 by 40.6m; p. 128. 6. Perotriletes parvigracilus sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 22; 47.5 by 40.0**; focus on proximal surface; p. 128. 7. Perotriletes parvigracilus sp. nov., paratype; same specimen shown in figure 8; focus on distal surface; p. 128. 8. Hymenospora multirugosa sp. nov., holotype; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-U, slide 12; 39.0 by 35.1/*; p. 129. 9. Hymenospora multirugosa sp. nov., paratype; Cardiff Coal, maceration 1133-C1 (RR), slide 18; 39.0 by 35.8/*; p. 129. 10. Hymenospora paucirugosa sp. nov., holotype; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, macera- tion 954-Ee, slide 18; 65.0 by 62.1/*; p. 130. 11. Hymenospora paucirugosa sp. nov., paratype; Cardiff Coal, maceration 954-Dd, slide 7; 74.1 by 62.1/*; p. 130. 12. Hymenospora paucirugosa sp. nov., paratype; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-R, slide 18; 78.7 by 71.7/*; p. 130. 13. Hymenospora paucirugosa sp. nov., paratype; Summum (No. 4) Coal, maceration 1249-B, slide 11; 68.3 by 65.3/*; p. 130. 14. Endosporites globiformis (Ibrahim) Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 1408- A, slide 9; 87.8 by 73.0/*; p. 130. 15. Endosporites plicatus Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 23; 78.0 by 61.1/*; p. 131. 16. Paleospora fragila Habib, 1966; Houchin Creek Coal (IVa) (Indiana), maceration 1509-J, slide 18; 107.9 by 81.3/*; p. 131. 17. Florinites antiquus Schopf (in Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall, 1944); Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1386- A, slide 18; 67.0 by 52.0/*; p. 131. 170 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 13 Peppers — Pennsylvanian Spores 171 PLATE 14 (Magnification 500 X unless otherwise stated) Figure 1. Florinites grandis Kalibova, 1964; uncorrelated coal between Cardiff and Summum (No. 4) (?) Coals, maceration 954-B, slide 18; 129.0 by 117.0,*; p. 131. 2. Florinites similis Kosanke, 1950; Cardiff Coal, maceration 954-Dd, slide 10; 119.3 by 95.2/*; p. 131. 3. Florinites similis Kosanke, 1950; Cardiff Coal, maceration 954-Dd, slide 15; 113.1 by 103.7/*; p. 131. 4. Florinites millotti Butterworth and Williams, 1954; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-P, slide 12; 48.4 by 35.4m; p. 132. 5. Vesicaspora wilsonii (Schemel) Wilson and Venkatachala, 1963d; Houchin Creek Coal (IVa) (Indiana), maceration 1509-J, slide 24; 42.9 by 34.8m; p. 132. 6. Kosankeisporites elegans (Kosanke) emend., holotype; McCleary's Bluff Coal, maceration 490-A, slide 5; 63.0 by 51.4m; magnification 1000X; p. 133. 7. Kosankeisporites elegans (Kosanke) emend.; New Haven Coal, maceration 574, slide 40; 62.8 by 45.5m; p. 133. 8. Kosankeisporites elegans (Kosanke) emend.; same specimen shown in figure 7, to show distinct trilete mark; p. 133. 9. Complexisporites chalonerii Habib, 1966; Danville (No. 7) Coal, maceration 1384-R, slide 13; 65.0 by 43.2m; p. 134. 10. Alatisporites trialatus Kosanke, 1950; Lowell Coal, maceration 1404-Q, slide 4; 85.5 by 81.3m, including sacs; p. 135. 11. Alatisporites hexalatus Kosanke, 1950; Colchester (No. 2) Coal, maceration 1230-CC, slide 14; 82.9 by 78m, including sacs; p. 135. 12. Alatisporites punctatus Kosanke, 1950; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, maceration 1392, slide 11; 51.4 by 48.8m; p. 135. 13. Trihyphaecites triangulatus sp. nov., holotype; uncorrelated coal bands between Colchester (No. 2) and Cardiff Coals, maceration 1133-E, slide 8; maximum diameter of triangular body, 38.4m; p. 135. 14. Trihyphaecites triangulatus sp. nov., paratype; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, macera- tion 630, slide 25; maximum diameter of triangular body, 35.8m; p. 135. 15. Trihyphaecites triangulatus sp. nov., paratype; Springfield (No. 5) Coal, macera- tion 1392, slide 8; maximum diameter of largest triangular body, 42.3m; p. 135. 16. Trihyphaecites triangulatus sp. nov., paratype; Abingdon (?) Coal, maceration 1404-1, slide 4; maximum diameter of triangular body, 38.4m; p. 135. 172 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93, Plate 14 'WJr^S :.;.,,. ' ■: ■ Peppers — Pennsylvania Spores 173 Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 93 173 p., 14 pis., 29 figs., 1 table, January 1970