k •3;, ' Jl a. 7" ^ ^' f 4^4 4" ¥ 4-- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/bulletinofpublic9190bost UNIVERSITY of ILLINOit- MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. Vol. IX. 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904. In addition to the Titles of New Books, American engraving, etching, and lithography, list of works on. 481 Economics, list of selected works in the English language, compiled by Benjamin Rand, Ph.D. 97 Lowell Lectures, selected titles in connection with, as follows: Bacteria in modern medicine, by H. C. Ernst, M.D. 27 History, social condition and religion of Egypt, by Professor Georg Steindorff. 60 the following Lists have appeared: Early American history, by Professor Edward Channing. 6t Apostolic age in the light of modern criticism, by Professor J. H. Ropes. 114 Coloration in amphibia and reptilia, by Dr. Hans Gadow. 144 Regimental histories and official records of States in the Civil War, list of. 289 Whistler, J. A. McN., list of works relating to. no INDEX TO CURRENT NOTES, ETC. r>lind. The, order of Postmaster-General on free postal delivery of reading matter for. 260 Fine Arts Department. See Special Libraries. Free illustrated lectures at the Public Library on architectvire, programme of. 64 Free public illustrated lectures at the Public Li- brary, programme of. 64, 438 Hours of opening and closing. 119, 151, 199, 235, 387, 439, 491 Lowell Institute, programmes of lectures in. 28, 62, 115, 146, 383, 434' 488 South End Branch, moving of. 315 Special Libraries (including Fine Arts Depart- ment), free lectures in connection with exhibi- tions in. 64 — exhibition of Vizetelly's sketch of Civil War scenes. 3^5 — programme of exhibitions, 1 904-1 905. 431 Station Q. (Upham's Corner Reading Room), opening of new quarters. 356 Summer reading, extension of loaning time of books for. 233 MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRAR\ / OF THE CITY OF BOSTON Vol. IX. No. I. January, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES, 1904 TRUSTEES OE THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, English High Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. School Building, Montgomery St. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon_ St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 4 Talbot Ave. Station T- Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. ^Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, 752 Dudley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM November 15 to December 15, 1903. The symbol = following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books* Marvin, Frederic Rowland, compiler. The last words, real and traditional,^ of distinguished men and women. New York, 1902. =r 625oa.3i O'Connor, Evangeline M. An index to the works of Shakspere . . . London, 1887. *4595-5i Genealogy* Heraldry Buford, Marcus Bainbridge. A genealogy of the Buford family in America. With records of a number of allied families. San Francisco, 1903. Portraits. Plates. = *4433-332 Flagg, Charles AUcott. The descendants of Eleazer Flagg and his wife Huldah Chandler of Grafton, Mass., including genealogies of the Flagg, Waters, Goddard and Hayden families. Boston, r903. Portraits. Plates. **4433-334 Georgetown, Maine. Town Clerk. Vital records. Copied by E. M. Trafford. Boston, 1903. 56 pp. 443oa.i99 Hinchman, Lydia S., compiler. Early settlers of Nantucket, their asso- ciates and descendants. 2d, enlarged edition. Philadelphia, 1901. Illus. Por- traits. Fac-similes. *4432.i28 Hord, Arnold Harris. Thomas Hord, gentleman, 1701-1766. A supplement to the genealogy of the Hord family. [Philadelphia.] 1903. 30 pp. Portraits. Plate. Fac-similes. *4432.i35 The genealogy of the Hord family is on shelf- number *4432.ii6. Marshall, George William. The genealogist's guide. Guildford, 1903. *2433.6o Phillips, David Everett, editor. Monumental inscriptions in the old ceme- tery at Rutland, Mass. Columbus, Ohio, 1902. 36 pp. Plate. *2334.28 Tisbury, Mass. Town Clerk. Records of the town of Tisbury. Boston, 1903- = *443oa.i65 Wrottesley, George. A history of the family of Wrottesley of Wrottesley, Co. Stafford. Exeter, 1903. Illus. Fac-simile. Coat-of-arms. [Wil- liam Salt Archaeological Society.] *2492.52.6.New series, Part 2 Same. ■2433.13 This volume is made up of supplements to "The Genealogist," vol. i. 15-19. Biography* Collective Biographies. Brooks, Noah. Statesmen. New York, 1901. Illus. Por- traits. [Men of achievement series.] 4345.296 Corkran, Henriette. Celebrities and 1. London, 1902. 4543.173 Fischer, Andreas. 1865-. Goethe und Napoleon. Eine Studie. . . . 2. erweiterte Auflage. Mit einem An- hang. Weimar und Napoleon. Frauen- feld, 1900. Fac-simile. 2877.164 Haussonville, Othenin Bernard Paul Ga- briel de Cleron, Comte d'. fitudes biographiques et litteraires. Pros- per Merimee. Hugh Elliot. Paris, 1885. 2248.83 Heman, J. K. Rudolf, editor. Thomas und Felix Platter, zwei Lebens- bilder aus der Zeit der Reformation und Renaissance von ihnen selbst entworfen. Giitersloh, 1882. Portraits. Chart. 28493.44 4 January McCarthy, Justin. British poUtical leaders. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4548.283 Contents. — Balfour. — Salisbur3\ — Rosebery. — Chamberlain. — Labouchere. — Morley. — Aberdeen. — John Burns. — Hicks-Beach. — Redmond. — Sir William Harcourt. — James Bryce. • — Campbell-Bannernian. Stearns, Frank Preston. Napoleon and Machiavelli. Two essays in political science. Cambridge, 1903. =: 4556.143 Stoddard, William Osborn. Men of business. New York, 1901. Illus. Portraits. [Men of achievement series.] 4345.295 Single Biographies. Atlay, James Beresford. Sir Henry Wentworth Acland, Bart., Regius professor of medicine in the University of Oxford: a memoir. Lon- don, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 3738.65 One plate is colored. Balfour, Graham. The life of Robert Louis Stevenson. New York, 1901. 2 V. Portraits. [Thistle edition.] *257i. 106.25, 26 Boston, Mass. City Council. A memorial of William McKinley. Pre- pared by John F. Dever, Clerk of Com- mittees, l^ston. 1902. 70 pp. Por- traits. Plates. = *435oa.235 Contains an address by John. L. Bates. Colardeau, Th. fitude sur fipictete. Paris, 1903. 2972.15 Gibbon, Edward. 1 737-1 794. 6547.38 Life and letters. With his History of the Crusades. Verbatim reprint. Lon- don. [i88o?l Portrait. [Chandos li- brary.] = 6547.38 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Tagebucher und Briefe Goethes aus Italien an Frau von Stein und Herder. Mit Beilagen. Weimar, 1886. [Goethe- Gesellschaft.] 2907.33 Hawthorne, Julian. 1846-. Llawthorne and his circle. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4347.324 Herpin, Clara Luce Adele. Charles de Lorraine et la cour de Bru- xelles sous la regne de Marie-Therese. By Lucien Percy [pseud. 2e edition]. Paris. [1903.] Portrait. 2646.151 James, Henry, Jr. 18^.3- William Wetmore Story and his friends. Boston, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. 4087.168 Kelly, Jonathan F. Dan. Marble; a biographical sketch. By Falconbridge [pseud.] New Yf)rk. [1851.] *4349-247 Kurth, Godefroid Joseph Frangois. Clovis. 2e edition. Revue. Paris, 1901. 2 V. 46203.15 Lefevre-Pontalis, Germain Antonin. 1830-. Les sources allemandes de I'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc. Eberhard Windecke. Paris, TOO,;. 2676.267 "Reprodnctinn p,riirrale dn tcxte nllcniand dti rccil vlianl W'indockf, rcla.Mf ;"i Ji anno d'Arc ia\.c| Tradurtion francjaise [en regard]. Michaut, Gustavc. Sainte-BeuA^e avant les "Lundis." Essai sur la formation de son esprit et de sa methode critique. Paris, 1903. 2642.33 Bibliographie, pp. 585-711; Notes bibliogra- phiques sur Sainte-Beuve, 712-722. Morice, fimile, and Louis Frangois L'Heri- tier. Memoirs of Vidocq written by himself. Translated from the French [by H. T. ■ R.]. Philadelphia, 1834. = 6641.43 This was not written by Vidocq, but compiled from his notes by E. Morice and L. F. L'Heri- tier. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Gesammelte Briefe. Berlin, 1902. 2 v. Portrait. Plate. 2847.46 Novoa, Jovino. Juicios de la prensa sobre Don Manuel Montt. Santiago de Chile, 1893. Por- trait. = 43493.266 Plumptre, Edward Hayes. The life of Dante. Edited by Arthur John Butler. London, 1901. Plate. 4799.58 Smith, Laura Chase. The life of Philander Chase, first Bishop of Ohio and Illinois, founder of Ken- yon and Jubilee Colleges. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4344.197 Spci^rc, John Randolph. Anthony Wayne, sometimes called "Mad Anthony." New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. [Appleton's Historic lives.] 43493.227 Stoddard. Francis Hovey. The life and letters of Charles Butler. New York. 1903. Portraits. 4347.322 Thomas, W., of Rennes. Le poete Edward Young (1683-1765). fitude sur sa vie et ses neuvres. Paris, lOOT. 4541.143 Bibliographie, pp. 627-655. Willcock, John. Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie, Knight. Edinburgh, 1899. Portrait. Plates. Fac-similes. 2448.30 Williams, Hugh Noel. Madame de Montespan. New York, 1903, Portraits. Plates. *264i.27 Zipper, Albert. Franz Grillparzer. Leipzig. [1903 ] Por- trait. = 4896.50.451 History* General. Ancient. IModern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. The story of the nineteenth century of the Christian era. [2d edition.] Bos- ton, 1900. Portraits. Plates. 2216.90 Crowe, George. The commission of H. M. S. "Terrible". 1898-1902. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 6526.32 The book relates to the Boer-British War, 1899- TQOJ, and to the Chinese anti-foreign uprising of 1000. 5 Fremantle, Francis Edwarct. Impressions of a doctor in khaki. Lon- don, 1901. Illus. 3056.317 Experiences of a civil surgeon in the Boer- British War. Gollier, Theophile. Essai sur les institutions politiciues dii Japon. Briixelles, 1903. 30i5-i79 Hewitt, Edward G. Chart of famous characters; and salient points of history. 2000 B.C.-1900 A.D. Index for reference, and a key to his- tory. [Brooklyn, 1902.] 48 pp. =1 *22II.32 Innes, Arthur Donald. A short history of the British in India. London, 1902. Plates. Maps. 3049.206 Bibliography, pp. vi, 343-347; chronological summary, pp. xix-xxxii. Mataafa. O faatonuga mo le lafoga tupe . . . [Proclamation.] Mulinuu, lanuari 20, 1899. Broadside. = No. 5 in **H.9oa.i67 Samoan Islands. Provisional Government. Proclamation. I bring herewith to pub- lic notice: — The Provisional govern- ment ... is entitled to fulfil all problems of a government . . . [Signed Rose, Imperial German Consul-Gen- eral.] Apia, 1899. Broadside. = No. I in **H.9oa.i67 In German, English and Samoan. Proclamation. All parties are hereby notified that the Provisional govern- ment named . . . 4th day of January 1899 is . . . temporary . . . pending a . . . consideration ... of the ques- tion of the election of a king of Samoa . . . [Apia? 1899.] Broad- side. : - No. 4 in **H.9oa.i67 In English and Samoan. Smith, Goldwin. 1823-. In the court of history. An apology for Canadians who were opposed to the South African War. Toronto, 1902. 71 pp. 30593^294 Strachey, Sir John. 1823-. India, Its administration and progress. 3d edition. London, 1903. Map. Tables. 3045.229 Europe. Aulard, Frangois Victor Alphonse. Paris sous le Consulat. Paris, 1903. [Col- lection de documents relatifs a I'his- toire de Paris pendant la Revolution frangaise.] 2632.110 La revolution frangaise et les congrega- tions. Paris, 1903. 2628.172 Brueggen, Ernst, Freiherr von der. Das heutige Russland. Leipzig, 1902. 3063.185 DoUfus, Lucien, Les Espagnes au Xle siecle. Paris, 1903. 3097.132 Doniol, Jean Henri Antoine. De 181S a 1900. Notre politique interi- eure devant Thistoire. Paris. [1903.] 2619.26 Du Moulin-Eckart, Richard Maria Ferdi- nand, Graf. Englands Politik und die Miichte. Miin- chen, 1901. 4516.165 England. Comptroller of the Wardrobe. Edward I. Liber quotidianus Ccjiitrarolulaloris garde- robae. Anno rcgni Regis Kdwardi primi vicesimo octavo. A. D. Al C '■' C" I X. & MCCC. Ex codice MS. in ljiI;liolheca sua asservato typis edidit Soc. Antiq. Londiniensis. Londini. MDCCLXXX- VII. *25II.2 Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens. 1865-. Studies in Napoleonic st t esmanship. Germany. Oxford, 1903. 2817.82 Bibliographies at ends of ch;i)ULrs. Fray-Fournier, A. Le Club des Jacobins de Limoges, 1790- 1795. Limoges, 1903. [Societe des archives historiques du Limousin.] 2624.140 McCarthy, Justin. Ireland and her story. London. 1903. Plate. Map. [The story of the Empire series.] 45193.145 Mathieu, Frangois Desire. Le Concordat de 1801, ses origines, son histoire, d'apres des documents inedits. Paris, 1903. 2625.150 Molsbergen, Everhardus Cornells. Frankrijk en de Republiek der Vereenigde Nederlanden. 1648-1662. Rotterdam. 1902. — 4813-30 Petre, Francis Loraine. 1852-. Napoleon's first campaign in Poland, 1806-7. London, 1901. Maps. Plans. 2656.142 Bibliography, pp. xi-xiii. Pollock, Frederick John. The Popish Plot. A study in the history of the reign of Charles 11. London, 1903. 6512.28 Materials for the history of the Popish Plot, pp. 405-411. Schaefer, Dietrich. 1845-. Die Hanse. Bielefeld, 1903. Illus. Por- traits. Maps. Fac-sirailes. [Alono- graphien zur Weltgeschichte.] 6252.41 Sebillot, Yves. Histoire du peuple breton depuis son arrivee en Armorique jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1903. Plate. Coat-of-arms. Map. Fac-similes. 2618.48 Terry, Charles Sanford. The Rising of 1745. With a bibliography of Jacobite history. 1689-1788. New edition. (With enlarged bibliography.) London, 1903. Portrait. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. 4529a.i09 America. Blaisdell, Albert Franklin. The story of American history for ele- mentary schools. Boston, 1901. Illus. Portraits. 43293.175 Channing, Edward A student's history of the United States. New edition, with additions. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 4325-185 6 January- Citizens' Union, New York City. Touchin' on an' appertainin' to Mr. Deputy Commissioner Devery. [Anon.] [New York, 1901.] 15 pp. = 4226.164 Conry, Joseph Aloysius. Fourth of July oration, in Faneuil Hall, 1902. [With Appendix, containing a list of Boston municipal orators, by C. W. Ernst.] Beaton, 1902. 32 pp. Por- trait. = *4456.ii.i902 Curry, Daniel. 1809-1887. New-York. A historical sketch of the rise and progress of the metropolitan city of America. By a New-Yorker [pseud.]. New-York, 1853. Plates. Plans. = ^ 4478.393 Johnston, Alexander. A history of the United States for schools. 4th edition, continued by W. M. Daniels and W. IvlacDonald. New York, 1902. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 4229.84 Bibliography, pp. 487-492. Kohler, Charles, of Savannah. The Monroe Doctrine. Savannah, Ga., 1903. 48 pp. Portrait. = 4226.156 Lodge, Henry Cabot. The story of the Revolution. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. 4414.123 McMaster, John Bach. A school history of the United States. [With appendix.] New York. [1901?] Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 4327-131 Mowry, William Augustus, and Arthur May Mowry. A history of the United States for schools. Boston. [1901.] Illus. Por- traits. Maps. 4325.175 Orrega Luco, Luis. Los problemas internacionales de Chile. La cuestion argentina. La Patagonia hasta el tratado de 1881. Santiago de Chile, 1902. = 4319-77 Los problemas internacionales de Chile. La cuestion argentina. El tratado de 1881 y negociaciones posteriores. San- tiago de Chile, 1902. 4319.78 Smith, Justin Harvey. Arnold's march from Cambridge to Que- bec. A critical study together with a reprint of Arnold's Journal. New York, 1903. Plates. Maps. Plans. Fac- similes. 4414.237 Authorities, pp. xiii-xix. Thorpe, Francis Newton, and Jose Tous y de Soto. The government of the people of Porto Rico. Philadelphia, 1903. 78 pp. Illus. Portrait. 4316.179 Fine Arts* Archaeology* Antiquities. Helbeg, Carl Friedrich Wolfgang. Fiihrer durch die offentlichen Samm- lungen klassischer Altertiimer in Rom. 2. Auflage. Leipzig, 1899. 2 v. 8o79a.307 Margais, William, and Georges Margais. Les monuments arabes de Tlemcen. Paris, 1903. Illus. Plans. [Algeria. Service des monuments historiques.] 3051.172 Marucchi, Orazio. Elements d'^archeologie chretienne. [Tome] 3. Basiliques et eglises de Rome. Paris, 1902. Illus. Plans. Fac- similes. 4105.77 Bibliography, pp. viii-xv; Catalogue alphabe- tique de toutes les eglises de Rome, pp. 499- 521. The book treats of monuments anterior to the sixteenth century. Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Courajod, Louis Charles Leon. Documents sur I'histoire des arts et des artistes a Cremone aux XVe et XVIe siecles. Paris, 1885. 74 pp. Illus. = 4075.214 Genealogy and history of the Saccha family, pp. 7-16. Fontaine, Andre. Essai sur le principe et les lois de la cri- tique d'art. Paris, 1903. 4075.226 Goebel, Theodor. Die graphischen Kiinste der Gegenwart. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von Felix Krais. Stuttgart, 1902. Illus. Por- traits. *Cab.8o.248.i Some of the plates are colored. Internationale Bibliographie der Kunstwis- senschaft. [Zweimonatlich.] Heraus- gegeben von Arthur L. Jellinek. Jahr- gang I, Heft 1-5. Berlin. [1902-1903.] *4072.278 Sauer, Joseph. Symbolik des Kirchengebaudes und seiner Ausstattung in der Auffassung des Mit- telalters. Mit Beriicksichtigung von Honorius Augustodunensis, Sicardus und Durandus. Freiburg i. Br., 1902. Illus. Fac-similes. 4074.294 Benutzte Litteratur, pp. xvii-xxiii; Litteratur iiber die mittelalterliche Symbolik des Kirchen- gebaudes, pp. 38-49. Ursprung und Sieg der altbyzantinischen Kunst. Beitrage von Ernst Diez und Josef Quitt, mit einer Einleitung von Josef Strzygowski [und einem Anhang von Heinrich Schenkl]. Wien, 1903. Illus. [Byzantinische Denkmaler.] 4073.272 Schriftenverzeichnis, pp. 1 19-122. Architecture. Building. Boston Merchants Association. Bulletin. Souvenir number. January, 1903. [Boston, 1903.] 12 pp. Plates, = 5658.24 A description of the new Merchants building. Artists. Babeau, Albert Arsene. Dominique Florentin, sculpteur du seizi- eme siecle. Paris, 1877. 39 pp. = 4084.151 1904 7 Beaumont, Charles Frangois fidouard, Comte de. Pierre Vigne de Vigny, architecte dii Roi. 1690-1772. Paris, 1894. 47 PP- Po^"- trait. Plate. = 4084.155 Benedite, Leonce. John Lewis Brown, 'ktnde biographique et critique, suivie du catalogue de I'oeuvre lithographic et grave de cet artiste expose au Musee du Luxem- bourg. Paris, 1903. 20 pp. Illus. 4081.122 Blanc, Auguste Alexandre Philippe Charles. Gericault. [Paris, 1845.] 41 pp. = 4086,102 Daly, Cesar, editor. 1811-1894. Funerailles de Felix Duban. Paris, 1871. 51 pp. = 4082.152 Hedou, Jules Paul Ernest. Daliphard, peintre rouennais. 1833-1877. Rouen, 1883. 36 pp. = 4086.112 Jean Sorieul. 1823-1871. Rouen, 1882. 32 pp. Illus. Portrait. = 4083.187 Contains woodcuts of Sorieul's paintings. Hermant, Achille Pierre Antoine. Abel Blouet. Paris, 1857. 32 pp. = 4088.148 Jessen, Carl Detlev. Heinses Stellung zur bildenden Kunst und ihrer Asthetik. Zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Quellenkunde des Ardinghello. Berlin, 1901. [Palaestra.] 4075.220 Bibliography, pp. xvi-xviii. Lance, fitienne Adolphe. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Achille Leclere, architecte, membre de rinstitut. Paris, 1854. 15 pp. = 4086.111 Lasius, Otto. Arnold Bocklin. Aus den Tagebuchern von Otto Lasius (1884-1889). Heraus- gegeben von Maria Lina Lasius. Ber- lin, 1903. Portrait. Plate. 4086.101 Mandelli, Alfonso. Nuove indagini su Antonio Stradivari. Milano, 1903. Illus. Portrait. Fac- similes. 4051.31 Millet, Eugene Louis. Eugene Millet. Sa vie, ses oeuvres, son tombeau. Paris, 1881. 46 pp. Por- trait. Plate. = *4o85.io5 Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de C.-P.-J. Normand, architecte, dessinateur et graveur. [Paris, 1842.] 16 pp. Por- trait. Plate. = 4086.106 Drawing. Wyllie, William Lionel. *4o6o.78 Nature's laws and the making of pictures. London, 1903. 79 pp. Illus. Fac-sim- iles. *4o6o.78 Landscape Gardening. Parks. Our trees and public grounds. Why they should be under the care of our Park Commissions. Boston, 1902. 8 pp. = 399oa.iii Music. Musicians. Paine, John Knowles. Azara. Opera. [Boston, 1903.] 38 pp. Portrait. Libretto. =: 8056.151 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED rO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING DECEMBER, I9O3. The following are all operas, in full score, and in manuscript copies. Cimarosa, Domenico. Penelope. [Napoli? 1794?] 2 V. — II pittor parigino. [1783?] 2 v. - — I traci amante. [Napoli? 1793?] 2 v. — Le trame deluse. [Napoli? 1786?] 2 v. Farinelli, Giuseppe. L'amico del uomo. [1893?] Fioravanti, Valentino. L'amore imaginario. [1793?] — L'astuta in amore. [Atto I.] [Paris, 182-?] — La bella carbonara. [1804?] 2 v. — La capricciosa pentita. [1802?] 2 v. — I puntigli per equivoco. [Paris. 180-?] 2 V. Galuppi, Baldassare. II filosofo di cam- pagna. [i754?] Gazzaniga, Giuseppe. II finto cieco. [1770?] 2 V. — La locanda. [1782?] 3 v. Generali, Pietro. Adelina. Atto unico. [Venezia? 1810.] — I Baccanali di Roma. Melo-dramma serio. [Venezia? 1815?] 2 v. — La Calzolaia. Farsa [per] musica. Fi- renze. [180-?] — [Chiara di Rosenbergh.] Chiara di Rosembergk. [182-?] 2 v. — La gelosie di Giorgio. Farsa seria gio- cosa. [180-?] Guglielmi Pietro. [La guerra aperta. Atto secondo. [Firenze? 1787?] — [Laocoonte. Napoli?] 1787. 2 v. — La scomessa. [179-?] — La serva bizarra. [1790?] 2 v. Guglielmi, Pietro Carlo. La bella pesca- trice. [Paris, 178-?] 2 v. — La fiera. [Paris, 180-?] — II naufragio fortunato. [Fiorentini? 1803?] 2 V. — La sposa del Tirolo. [1806?] 2 v. Furniture. Hackett, W. H. Decorative furniture (English and French) of the i6th, 17th and i8th centuries. London, 1902. Illus. 4093.35 Numismatics. Phillips, Maberly. The token money of the Bank of England,, 1797 to 1816. London. [1900.] 43 pp. Illus. Fac-similes. 2224.41 8 Januarys Painting. Portraits. Fraser, T. L. Peintiire ancienne grecqtie. Paris, 1901. 37 pp. Portraits. Plates. = 8076.92 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey. 1539-1584. Portrait. Engraved for the Prince Society from a rare print in Holland's Heiw- logia Anglica, 1620. [Boston, 1903.] = No. 14 in *Cab.8i.2o.i Schaarschmidt, Friedrich. Zur Geschichte der Diisseldorfer Kunst insbesondere im XIX. Jahrhundcrt. Diisseldorf, 1902. Illus. Portraits. *8o7i.i59 Ouellen, pp. 9, 10. Viardot, Louis. 1800-1883. Des origines traditionnelles de la peinture moderne en Italic. Paris, 1840. 62 pp. = 4078.292 Photography. Cohn, Alfred Isaac. Indicators and test-papers: their source, preparation, application, and tests for sensitiveness. 2d edition. New York, 1902. Table. 3979-i87 Hunt, Robert, F.R.S. 1807-1887. Photography: a treatise on the chemical changes produced by solar radiation, and the production of pictures from nature, by the daguerreotype, calotype, and other photographic processes. With additions by the American editor [S. D. Humphrey]. New York, 1852. Illus. Portraits. = 5978.40 Geography* Travels* Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Cadamosto, Luigi. 1432-1480. Relation des voyages a la cote occidentale d'Afrique d'Alvise de Ca' da Mosto, 1455-1457. Publiee par Charles Schefer. Paris, 1895. [Bibliotheque de voyages anciens.] 3054.222 Dumolard, Henri. Le Japon politique, economique, et social. Paris, 1903. 3019.182 Forrest, George William. Cities of India. Westminster, 1903. Illus. Map. 3045-231 G., F. E. In Afrikanderland and the land of Ophir. London. 1891. 96 pp. Illus. Portraits. Maps. [Pall Mall Gazette "Extra."] 3051.166 Labbe, Paul. Un bagne russe: Tile de Sakhaline. Paris, 1903. jllus. Map. 3069.277 Le Gentil de la Galaisiere, Guillaume Joseph Hyacinthe Jean Baptiste. Voyage dans les mers de I'lnde, fait par ordre du Roi, a I'occasion du passage de Venus, sur le disque du soleil, le 6 juin 1761, & le 3 du meme mois 1769. Paris, 1779, 81. 2 V. Plates. Maps. *626i.88 Lenfant, Louis Marie Gabriel. Le Niger, voie ouverte a notre empire africain. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. . 30503.188 Leo Africanus. Description de I'Afrique, tierce partie du monde, escrite par Jean Leon Africain premierement en langue arabesque, puis en toscane et a present mise en Fran- gois. Nouvelle edition annotee par Charles Schefer. Paris, 1896-98. 3 v. Maps. [Recueil de voyages et de docu- ments pour servir a I'histoire de geo- graphic.] *226oa.7i The French translation is that of Jean Tem- poral, originally published in 1556. Mathuisieulx, Henri Mehier de. A travers la Tripolitaine. Paris, 1903. Illus. 3059.275 Maurand, Jerome. Itineraire a Constantinople (1544). Texte italien public pour la premiere fois avec une traduction par Leon Dorez. Paris, 1901. Portrait. Plates. [Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a I'histoire de la geographic.] *226oa.75 Navigation de Vasque de Gamme, chef de I'armee du roi de Portugal en I'an 1497, ecrite par un gentilhomme florentin qui se trouva de retour a Lisbonne avec ladite armee. Publiee par Charles Shefer. Paris, 1898. Map. [Bibliotheque de voyages anciens.] 6268.43 Our globe, a universal picturesque album. Weekly. Vol. i. Philadelphia. [184-?] = 6266.65 Views of scenery and famous buildings, en- graved on steel, and accompanied by descriptive text. Stein, Max Aurel. Sand-buried ruins of Khotan: personal narrative of a journey of archaeological & geographical exploration in Chinese Turkestan. London, 1903. Illus. Map. 3042.217 Sykes, Clement Arthur. Service and sport on the tropical Nile. London, 1903. Portrait. Plates. Map. 3052.214 The book relates to Uganda in 1897-99. Europe. Berchon, Charles. En Danemark. Paris, 1903. Illus. Por- traits. 4869.48 Bizoni, Bernardo. Aventures d'un grand seigneur jtalien a travers I'Europe. 1606. Relation mise 1904 en frangais et annotee par E. Rodo- canachi. Paris. [1903] 6279.129 Translated from Relazione in forma di diario del viaggio che corse per diverse provincie di Europa il Sig. X'incenzo Giustiano marchese di Bassano . . . Blanc, Therese. Promenades en Russie. [Par] Th. Bent- zon [pseud.]. Paris, 1903. 3069.275 Gopcevic, Spiridion. Serbien nnd die Serben. Leipzig. [1888.] Illus. Portraits. Map 3081.149 Moritz, Carl Philipp. Reisen eines Deutschen in England im Jahr 1782. Herausgegeben von Otto zur Linde. Berlin, 1903. [Deutsche Literaturdenkmale des 18. und 19. Jahr- hunderts.] *289ob.5o.i26 America. Abbott, Katharine M. Old paths and legends of New England: saunterings over historic roads ... in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Nevv^ Hampshire. New York, 1903. Illus. 4458.164 Barker, Fred Coshin. Lake and forest as I have known them. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 23893.159 Treats of the Rangeley region in Maine. Bates, Waldron, and others. Path map of the eastern part of Mount Desert Island, Maine. Compiled by Waldron Bates, Edward L. Rand and Herbert Jaques. Boston, 1903. Scale, 2416% feet to I inch. = No. 61 in *Map 114.3 Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The Yellowstone National Park. 4th edi- tion. Cincinnati, 1903. Plates. Maps. 2363.105 Funke, Alfred. Aus Deutsch-Brasilien. Bilder aus dem Leben der Deutschen im Staate Rio Grande do Sul. Leipzig, 1902. Illus. Portrait. Map. 2362.23 Holland, Samuel. A plan of the City of New York. 1776. Reproduced in fac-simile and published by H. D. Tyler. New York. [189-?] Scale, 412.5 feet to i inch. No. TO in *Map43.4 The "Major Holland map." Intercolonial Railway. Intercolonial tours to summer haunts. [Montreal.] 1903. 93 pp. Illus. Map. z=z 23893.161 Julien de St. Memin, C. B. The City of New York, 100 years ago. A view of the City of New-York from Brooklyn Heights, foot of Pierrepont St., in 1798. Reproduced in fac-simile and published by H. D. Tyler. New- York. [1898.] Colored lithograph. No. 16 in *Map 43.4 Macfarlane, W. G. The garden of the gulf: Prince Edward Island. And its handsome and delight- 9 ful capital Charlottetown. Charlotte- town. [190-.] Illus. = 23893.164 North-West Territories, Canada. Depart- ment of Agriculture. The Canadian North-West Territories. An official handbook. Winnipeg, 1901. 72 pp. Plates. Map. = 9317.1311 Plane, Auguste. A travers I'Amerique equatoriale. L'Ama- zonie. Paris, 1903. Plates. Maps. 44693.184 The journey was made especially to study tlie india rubber trade. Russell, Israel Cook. Lakes of North America: a reading les- son for students of geography and geol- ogy. Boston, 1900. Illus. Maps. 3864.81 Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Cruising among the Caribbees: summer days in winter months. Revised and enlarged. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 4467.135 Tyler, Henry Dunreath, editor. New York. A. D. 1699. [View.] Repro- duced in facsimile. New York. [1899.] Colored lithograph. No. 12 in *Map 43.4 [The Nicholls map. 1664-1668. Pre- sented to the New York Historical So- ciety . . . October 7th, 1862. Fac- simile by H. D. Tyler. New York, 189-?] Scale, 35 chains to i inch. No. 4 in *Map43.4 Language* Rhetoric* Arnold, Sarah Louise, and Charles Berra- jals Gilbert. Stepping stones to literature. A First, Second, and Third reader. Boston. [1903.] 3 V. Illus. Portraits. 7069.152 Blaisdell, Etta Austin, and Mary Frances Blsisdell. Child life in many lands. A Third reader. New York, 1903. Illus. 7069.237 Child life in tale and fable. A Second reader. New York, 1903. Illus. 7069.236 Goodwin, William Watson. A Greek grammar. Revised and en- larged. Boston, 1902. 2988.82 M3ruffi, Gioacchino. Piccolo manuale di metrica italiana ad uso delle scuole. 2a edizione riveduta. Palermo, 1893. = 2787.15 M3yor, Joseph Bickersteth. Chapters on English metre. 2d edition, enlarged. Cambridge, 1901. 2482.58 Rhetoric. Composition. Elocution. Oratory. Recitations. Dialogues. Speakers. Baldwin, Tames, editor. 1841-. Harper's School speaker. ist-3d book. New York, 1891. 3 v. 239ob.46 Contents. — i. Arbor Day. — 2. Graded selec- tions. 3. Miscellaneous selections. to January Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Bibliographic generale et complete des livres de droit et de jurisprudence publics jusqu'au 7 novembre, 1902. Paris, 1903. *6i72.83 Buffalo. Public Library. Class-room libraries for public schools, listed by grades. Added, a list of books suggested for school reference libraries. Buffalo, 1902. *5i57.94 Cowell, Peter. Liverpool Public Libraries. A history of fifty years. Liverpool, 1903. Illus. Portraits. = 6192.76 Edmond, John Philip, compiler. Catalogue of a collection of fifteen hun- dred tracts by Martin Luther and his contemporaries (1511-1598) [belonging to Lord Crawford. Anon. Aberdeen.] 1903. [Biblioteca Lindesiana.] = *2i5oa.6.7 Koeniglich-Preussische Friedrich Wilhelms Universitat, Berlin. Bibliothek. Verzeichniss der Lesesaal- und Hand- bibliothek ... 4. Ausgabe. Berlin, 1903. *2i6i.3i New York, State. State Library School. Loan department work. [Sheets show- ing systems of lending books in various libraries. Albany, 1899.] 11 parts in I V. = 6192.72 Puyol, Pierre fidouard, Abbe. L'auteur du livre de Lnitatione Christi. Paris, 1899, 1900. 2 v. 2184.9 "Une reimpression . . . augmentee, d'une etude deja publiee dans la premiere edition de la 'Doctrine du livre de Imitatione Christi,' " pp. 294-530. The authorship of the De imitatione Christi is here ascribed to Giovanni Gersen of Vercelli. Spoelberch de Lovenjoul, Charles Victor Maximilien Albert, Vicomte de. Bibliographic et litterature. (Trouvailles d'un bibliophile.) Paris, 1903. [Collec- tion du bibliophile parisien.] *2i69.50 Contents. — Poesies de Theophile Gautier mises en musique. — Prosper Merimee; ses oeuvres com- pletes inscrites en ordre chronologique. — A pro- pos du role de la critique. — Belgique. — Une piece de vers de M. de Latouche adressee a Mme. Desbordes-Valmore. — Le "Victor Hugo" de Theophile Gautier. — Une epave de Charles Nodier. — Une epave de Charles Baudelaire. — L'eternel contraste. — Poesie. United States. Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography. A calendar of John Paul Jones manu- scripts compiled under the direc- tion of C. H. Lincoln. Washing- ton, 1903. Portrait. Fac-simile. = *62oi.75 A list of books (with references to periodicals) on mercantile marine subsidies. Compiled under the di- rection of A. P. C. Griffin. 2d edi- tion, with additions. Washington, 1993- = 9387.26a2 A list of Lincolniana, by George Thomas Ritchie. Washington, 1903. 75 pp. = *62oi.74 United States catalog, The. Books in print, 1992. Edited by Marion E. Potter. 2d edition. Minneapolis, 1903. *2i54.i6o Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates. Book-selling. Heitz, Paul. Les filigranes des papiers contenus dans les incunables strasbourgeois de la Bibliotheque imperiale de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 1903. 85 pp. Plates. Tables. Fac-similes. *6iii.i4o "Cette collection reproduit des marques de papiers qui datent de la seconde moitie du XVe siecle." Titres des incunables, pp. 27-34. Plantin, Christophel. Le bonheur de ce monde. Sonnet. Broadside. [1897. 1 = No. 2 in **H.9oa.i66 Printed on one of the Plantin presses at the Plantin Museum, Antwerp, in 1897. Journalism. Authorship. Putnam, George Haven, and John Bishop Putnam. Authors and publishers. A manual of suggestions for beginners in literature. By G. H. P. and J. B. P. 7th edition, with additional material. New York, 1900. 2111.39 General Literature. Criticism. Authors. Moulton, Richard Green. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on stories as a mode of thinking. Phila- delphia, 1901. 8 pp. [University exten- sion lectures.] No. i in *3592.200 Norris, Frank. The responsibilities of the novelist and other literary essays. New York, 1903. Portrait. 4556.141 Bibliography of Norris's writings, pp. 305-311. Arabic Literature. Huart, Clement. 1854-. A history of Arabic literature. [Trans- lated by Lady Mary Loyd.] New York, 1903. [Short histories of the literatures of the world.] 3028.138 English and American Literature. Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint. King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies. Edited by Henry Lee Hargrove. New York, 1902. Plates. [Yale studies in English.] 4583.141 1904 It Bryant, William Cullen. Poetical works. Roslyn edition. With chronologies of Bryant's life and poems, and a bibliography by Henry C. Sturges, and a memoir by R. H. Stoddard. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 4394.169 Burgess, Frank Gelett. Goops and how to be them. A rnanual of manners for polite infants. With ninety drawings. [5th edition.] New York. [1900.] 96 pp. 2390.22 Burnham, George P. Gleanings from the portfolio of the "Young 'un'* [pseud.]. A series of hu- morous sketches. Boston, 1849. lUus. r= *2404.40 Campion, Thomas, Mus. Doc. -1618. Songs and masques, with Observations in the art of English poesy. Edited by A. H. Bullen. London, 1903. Plates. 4606.107 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Chaucer for children. A golden key by Mrs. H. R. Haweis. New edition. London, 1900. Illus. Portrait. Maps. 2571.31 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Twelve types. [2d impression.] London, 1902. 4559.232 Contents. — Charlotte Bronte.— William Morris and his School. — The optimism of Byron. — Pope and the art of satire. — Francis. — Ros- tand. — Charles II. — Stevenson. ■ — Thomas Carlyle. — Tolstoy and the cult of simplicity. — Savonarola. — The position of Sir Walter Scott. Deloney, Thomas. Thomas Deloney his Thomas of Reading, and three ballads on the Spanish Armada. Edited, by Charles Roberts Aldrich and Lucian Swift Kirtland. New York, 1903. Plates. *26o2.6 Earle, Maria Theresa. A third pot-pourri. 2d edition. London, 1903. 4556.139 Contents. — Health. — Health of others. — Goats. — Wholesome food on three shillings a week. — Eighteen hundred a year. — Notes from nine months of a scrappy journal, 1901-1902. — • The journal of a tour in the north of Europe in 1825-26. — The last letters of Captain Sydney Earle, Coldstream Guards. Elliot, Mary. Gems in the mine; or, traits and habits of childhood, in verse. Lancaster, 1828. Plates. = 23993.177 Fall, Charles Gershom. A village sketch and other poems. Bos- ton, 1886. *A.2830 Howell, James. i594?-i666. Epistolae Ho-Elianse. Familiar letters, domestic and forren . . . Historicall, politicall, philosophical! ... 3d edition. With a fourth volume of new letters, never published before. London, 1655. 4 V. in I. **G.389b.i2 12 portraits are inserted. Jerome, Jerome Klapka. Second thoughts of an idle fellow. New York, 1901. 6578.120 Jerrold, Douglas William. Essays. Edited by . . . Walter Jerrold. New York, 1903. Illus. 6607.45 Love lyrics and valentine verses for young and old. London. [1875?] Illus. == *A.5338 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron. Evening. A poem which obtained the Chancellor's medal at the Cambridge commencement, July, 1821. [Cam- bridge, 1821.] 12 pp. *A.54io Pierce, George Winslow. Four fifths of Goldsmith's Deserted vil- lage, the other one fifth without loss or injury to the sense having been ex- punged. With four original verse pre- sentations thrown in. [Boston, 1903.] Portrait. = 6566.114 Reynolds, John Hamilton. Peter Bell. A lyrical ballad. London, 1819. 29 pp. *A.7422 This poem is a parody on Wordsworth's Peter Bell. The preface is signed W. W. Roosevelt, Theodore. Oratio a Theodoro Roosevelt habita. [Cambridge, 1899.] 12 pp. = *4229.ii3 Privately printed. An abridged translation, by James Bradstreet Greenough, of Roosevelt's The strenuous life [4229.114]. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Works. Thistle edition. New York, 1902. 26 V. Portraits. Plate. Map. *257i.io6 The contents of this edition are to be found in the Public Card Catalogue. Vol. 25, 26 con- tain Graham Balfour's Life of Stevenson. This edition is reserved for flail Use. Thurlow, Edward, Baron. 1781-1829. Ariadne: a poem. London, 1814. 64 pp. 2563.24 The Doge's daughter; a poem: with sev- eral translations from Anacreon and Horace. London, 1814. 71 pp. 2563.23 Thurston, Henry Franklin. Telemachus and other poems. [Win- netka, TIL? 1902.] = 4399,182 Van Dyke, Henry Jackson, Jr. Fisherman's luck and some other uncer- tain things. New York, 1899. Plates. 4005.161 Winslow, Helen Maria. Literary Boston of today. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [Little pilgrimages.] 4459a.2oo Yeats, William Butler. In the Seven Woods. Being poems chiefly of the Irish heroic age. New York, 1903. 92 pp. 6604.88 Fiction in English for Reference Use. Alice Marvin. [Boston? 184-?] 48 pp. No. 6 in *A.5956.i Arabian nights' entertainments, The, con- sisting of one thousand and one sto- ries. [Translated by Antoine Galland.] London, 1828. Illus. =: *3022.i25 12 January Ashby, . Helen Howard, or the bankrupt and broker. A mysterious tale of Boston. Boston, 1845. 62 pp. No. 9 in *A.5956.3=***4504.io2 Banim, John. 1 798-1842. The denounced. [Also, The conformists.] New York, 1830. 2 v. = *2576.i2i Tales of Ireland in the 17th and i8th centuries. Beauty, The, of Baltimore; or^, the fate of the coquette. Boston, 1845. 48 pp. = No. 12 in *A.5956.2 Barker, Benjamin. Clarilda: or, the female nickpocket. A romance of New York City. Boston, 1846. 2-50 pp. No. 4 in *A.5956.2 Emily Elwqod, or the Hermit of the Crags. A romance of the last war. Boston, 1845. 56 pp. Wood-cuts. No. 8 in *A.5956.2 Francisco, or the Pirate of the Pacific. A tale of land and sea. Boston, 1845. 56 pp. No. 6 in *A.5956.2 Mary Morland: or the fortunes and mis- fortunes of an orphan. Boston, 1845. 46 pp. No. 7 in *A.5956.2 The nymph qf the ocean, or, the pirate's betrothal. A tale of the sea. Boston, 1846. 48 pp. No. 3 in *A.5956.2 Zoraida: or the Witch of Naumkeag! A tale of the olden time. By Egbert Au- gustus Cowslip [pseud.]. Boston, 1845. 48 pp. No. 5 in *A.5956.2 Bourne, George, of England. The Bettesworth book. Talks with a Surrey peasant. 2d impression. Lon- don, 1902. 4559-230 Brooke, Henry. 1706-1783. The fool of quality. A new and revised edition, with ... a biographical preface by Charles Kingle3^ New York, i860. 2 V. = *656843 Brougham, John, Novelist. The incendiary! A tale of love and re- venge. Boston, 1845. 40 pp. Wood- cuts. No. 9 in *A.5956.2 Cameron, Edward Robert. Memoirs of Ralnh Vansittart, a Member of the Parliament of Canada, 1861-1867. Toronto. [1902.] *43i7.i3o Ralph Vansittart is a fictitious person. Cheever, Henry P. The rival brothers, or, the corsair and privateer. A tale of the late war. Bos- ton, 1845. 62 pp. Wood-cut. No. I in *A.5956.3 Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock. Avillion, and other tales. By the author of "Olive," etc. London, 1853. 3 v. = *A.2oi9 Cruiser, The; or, 'tis thirty years ago. [Boston, 184-?] 40 pp. Wood-cut. No. 2 in *A.5956.2 Ella Montfield: or the three disguises ! ! ! [Boston? 184-?] 42 pp. No. 14 in *A. 5956.2 Francis Abbott; or the Hermit of Niagara. A tale of the Old and New World. By the author of Mettallak, etc. Boston, 1846. No. 2 in *A.5956.4 Gipsey chief. The: or, the haunted oak. [Boston? 184-?] 64 pp. No. II in *A.5956.3 Hamilton, Thomas. 1789-1342. The youth and manhood of Cyril Thorn- ton. A new edition. [Anon.] New York, 1831. 2 V. in i. =: *6579.i3o Hampden, Allen. Hartley Norman. A tale of the times. New York, 1859. — *2404.42 Harris, H. A. The horse thief: or, the maiden and negro. A tale of the prairies. Boston, 1845. 64 pp. No. 6 in *A.5956.3 Herbert, Henry William. (Frank Forester.) Albert Simmons: or, the midshipman's revenge. A tale of land & sea. Boston, 1845. 45 pp. No. 8 in *A.5956.3 The protege of the Grand Duke. A tale of Italy. Boston, 18"=;. 48 pp. No. 7 in *A.5956.3 Hutoka: or, the maid of the forest: a tale of the Indian wars. By the author of "Francis Abbott," Mettallak," &c. Bos- ton, 1846. No. 5 in *A.5956.i James, George Payne Rainsford. De L'Orme. New York, 1830. 2 v. — *6573.36 Lockhart, John Gibson. The history of Matthew Wald. New- York, 1824. = *6565.i3i Reginald Dalton. By the author of Vale- rius. A new edition. Edinburgh, 1849. = *6565.i29 Lorimer, George Horace. Letters from a self-made merchant to his son. Boston, 1903. Plates. 2409.215 Maniac beauty, The. [Boston? 184-?] 64 pp. No. 4 in *A.5956.i Marion Raymond: or, the wife with two husbands! A romance of the heart. Boston, 1845. 48 pp. Wood-cut. No. 13 in *A.5956.2 Marten, Ambrose. Stanley tales. London. [182-?] lUus. *A.5659 Marvel, Mark, pseud. The slave of the mine, or the stolen heir. Boston, 1845. 56 pp. No. 10 in *A.5956.3 Mettalak; the lone Indian of the Magallo- way. [Boston? 184-?] 66 pp. Wood- cut. No. 3 in *A.5956.i Richardson, Samuel. 1689-1761. Clarissa Harlowe. With thirty-four illus- trations reproduced from the engravings by Thomas Stothard. Philadelphia, 1902. 9 V. Plates. *4578.29i Ritchie, Leitch. Schinderhannes, the robber of the Rhine. Philadelphia, 1833. = 6578.147 Short stories and reminiscences of the last fifty years. By an old traveller. New York, 1842. 2 V. in I. = *2409.232 Shortfellow, Tom, pseud. Eva Labree: or, the rescued chief. A tale of city and forest. Boston, 1845. 64 pp. No. 3 in *A.5956.3 Mary Kale; or. Big Thunder! chief of the Anti-Renters. Boston, 1845. 56 pp. No. 2 in *A.5956.3 1904 13 Stories for Christmas and winter evenings . forming the third vokime of "Put- nam's Story library." New York, 1857. : 4578.286 Tales for young and old. Philadelphia, 1850. = 2579a.42 Thompson, Daniel Pierce. May Martin; or the money diggers. A Green Mountain tale. Boston. [184-?] 64 pp. No. 5 in *A.5956.3 TroUope, Anthony. 181 5-1883. Phineas Finn, the Irish member . . . With illustrations by J. E. Millais. London, 1870. Plates. = *6597.47 Ward, Catharine George. The mysterious marriage; or the will of my father. fist American edition.] New York, 1834. Plates. = *6576.66 Warren, Grenliffe. The flying cloud: a romance of the Bay of New York. Boston, 1845. 80 pp. Wood-cuts. No. 8 in *A.5956.4 Olph: or the wreckers of the Isle of Shoals. A romance of sixty years ago. Boston, 1846. 93 pp. Wood-cut. No. I in *A.5956.2 Whippoorwill, Tim, pseud. Nelly Brown; or, the trials, temptations and pleasures of college life. Boston, 1845. 48 pp. No. 10 in *A.5956.2 White, Hannah. The belle of the Bowery. By the author of the "Mysteries of Boston," etc. Bos- ton, 1846. 95 pp. No. I in*A.5956.i The Eastern belle. By the author of Emily Mansfield, etc. [Boston? 184-?] 56 pp. No. 7 in *A.5956.i Ellen Templeton; or. the spectral cloud. Boston, 1846. 80 pp. No. 3 in *A.595Cj.4 Emily Mansfield. [Boston? 184-?] 64 pp. Wood-cuts. No. 2 in *A.5956.i Frances Carleton: or, the Boston black- smith. Boston, 1846. 79 pp. No. I in *A.5956.4 Helen Clarence. [Anon. Boston. 184-?] 66 pp. Wood-cut. No. 12 in *A.5956.i Henriette. [Boston.] 1845. 48 pp. No. 9 in *A.5956.i Julia Bicknell: or love and murder! Founded on a recent terrible domestic tragedy. Boston, 1845. 68 pp. Wood- cuts. No. 4 in *A.5956.4 Little Emma. [Boston.] 1845. 48 pp. No. 8 in *A.5956.i Lucelle: or the young Iroquois! A tale of the Indian wars. Boston, 1845. 71 nn. Wood-cuts. No. 5 in *A.5956.4 Monira; or, the wandering heiress. Bos- ton, 1845. 48 pp. Wood-cut. No. II in *A. 5956.1 The Spanish pirate: or, the terror of the ocean. Boston, 1845. 72 pp. No. 6 in *A.5956.4 Walton: or the bandit's daughter. [Bos- ton.] 1845. 47 pp. No. 10 in *A.5956.i Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Car- dinal. Fabiola; or, the Church of the Cata- combs. New York. [189-?] Plates. ^5464.1 1 French Literature. Bordeaux, Henry. 1870-. Les ecrivains et les moeurs. 1900-1902. 26 edition. Paris. [1903.] 6676.137 Money, Jean. Dialogves rvstioves, d'vn prcstre de vil- lage, d'un berger, le censier & sa femme . . . par I. D. M. [pseud, de Jean Money. Geneve?] 1657. 2 v. in i. **G.387.i34 German Literature. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage Oskar Schade. dargebracht von seinen Schiilern und Verehren. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1896. 2874.128 Grotthuss, Jeannot Emil, Freiherr von. Probleme und Charakterkopfe. Studien zur Litteratur unserer Zeit. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart, 1902. Portraits. 2875.89 Greek and Latin Literature. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera. Londini, 1749. 2 v. in i. Por- traits. Plates. *2925.8 Livius Patavinus, Titus. The history of Rome. Literally trans- lated by D. Spillan Fand others]. -Lon- don, 1900-03. 4 V. Portrait. 2929.28 Morgan, Morris Hicky. Brief notes on the Greek lyric poets. New edition, revised by C. B. GuHck. [Cambridge.] 1903. 35 pp. 2965,99 The notes refer to Killer's 4th edition of Bergk's Anthologia lyrica, revised by O. Crusius. Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Annalium ab excessu Divi Augusti libri. The Annals of Tacitus. Edited ... by Henry Furneaux. Books I-VI. 2d edition. Oxford, 1896. 2945.29 Hungarian Literature. Kont, Ignacz. La Hongrie litteraire et scientifiquc. Paris, 1896. 4878.121 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Junqueiro, Guerra. A velhice do Padre Eterno. [Poemas.] S. Paulo. [1885.] — 4396.41 Moraes, Francisco de. The first [& second] part of the no lesse rare than excellent and stately history of . . . Prince Palmerin of England . . . Translated out of French by A. M[un- day] . . . London, 1639 2 v. in i. Black letter. **G.4o6.42 Also attributed to Miguel Ferrer, and to Luis Hurtado. 14 January Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Anderson, James Robertson. An actor's life. London, 1902. Portraits. Plate. 45493.193 Austin, Alfred. Flodden Field. A tragedy. New York, 1903. 2567.i39=*A.375 Brassington, William Salt. Shakespeare's homeland. Sketches of Stratford-upon-Avon, the Forest of Arden, and the Avon Valley. London, 1903. Illus. Colored portrait. Chart. 4592.151 Emery, Mary Ella Bryant. Was not Shakespeare a gentleman? Lynn, 1903. 38 pp. = 45993.207 Gassmann, Theodor. Plauderstunden. Lnstspiel. Durcligese- hen iind heraiisgegeben von C. F. Witt- mann. Leipzig. [1903."! 29 pp. 4896.50.451 Glachant, Paul, and Victor Glachant. Un laboratoire dramaturgique. Essai critique sur le theatre de Victor Hugo. Les drames en prose. Les drames epiques. Les comedies lyriques. (1822- 1886.) Paris, 1903. 4676.131 Haresfoot and Rouge, pseud. How to "make-up." London. [188-?] 48 pp. Plates. 4007.33 The plates are in colors. Ibsen, Henrik. The doll's house. A play. Translated from the Norwegian by Henrietta Frances Lord. New York, 1902. 4869.92 Kohler, Joseph. 1849-. Verbrecher-Typen in Shakespeares Dra- men. Berlin. [1903-] 4595-159 Matthews, Brander. The development of the drama. New York, 1903. 4395.182 Meurer, Carl Vitus. Der Sprachgebrauch in Shakspere's Mer- chant of Venice. Grammatisch darge- stellt. [Cologne, 1875.] 31 pp. 4591. 116 Pischel, Richard. 1849-. The home of the puppet-play. An ad- dress ... on assuming the office of Rector of the Konigliche Vereinigte Friedrichs-Universitat, Halle-Witten- berg, July, 1900. Translated ... by Mildred C. Tawney (Mrs. R. N. Vyvyan). London, 1902. 32 pp. 2256.18 Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Edited by James M. Garnett. Boston. [1897.] Portrait. = 45993.10 Smith, Solomon Franklin. 1801-1869. The theatrical apprenticeship and anec- dotal recollections of Sol Smith. Phila- delphia, 1846. Plates. = *4395.i84 Illustrated by F. O. C. Darley. Vodoz, J. Le theatre latin de Ravisius Textor, 1470- 1524. Winterthur, 1898. 4774-71 Wsgner, Wilhelm Richard. Parsifal, a mystical drama, retold in the spirit of the Bayreuth interpretation by Oliver Huckel. New York, 1903. 89 pp. Plates. 4049.201 Folk-Lore. Sieg, Emil. Die Sagenstoffe des Rigveda und die indische Itihasatradition. [BandJ i. Stuttgart, 1902. 3026.141 Medicine* Hygiene^ Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Dhingr3, Mohan Lai. Elementary bacteriology. London, 1903. Illus. 3795-162 Ernst, Llarold Clarence. Modern theories of bacterial immunity. Boston, 1903. 3795.164 Ferrari da Grado, Henri Maxime. Une chaire de medecine au XVe siecle: un professeur a I'Universite de Pavie de 1432 a 1472. Paris, 1899. Plates. Fac-simile. 3715-67 The professor was Giammatteo Ferrari da Grado. "Bibliographic de Jean-Mathieu Ferrari da Grado" and 'T!ndex bibliograpliique," pp. 249- 290. Gould, George Milbry. Biographic clinics. The origin of the ill-health of De Quincey, Carlyle, Dar- win, Huxley and Browning. Philadel- phia, 1903. Portrait. Plate. 3807.184 Attributes the ill-health principally to eye-strain. Hoefer, Eduard. Over het ontstaan der elastieke vezels. Utrecht, 1902. 82 pp. Plate. = 3791-33 Hofstede, Johannes Willem. Mededeelingen over symphysiotomie. Leiden, 1901. = 3732-74 Litteratuur, pp. 87, 88. Le Maitre, Maurice. Recherches sur les procedes chirurgicaux de rficole bordelaise des origines a la Revolution. Paris, 1903. 81 pp. Illus. 3751.80 Bibliographic, pp. JZ-T^i- Massachusetts Eclectic Medical Society. [Transactions. Vol. i. 1861-1891. Bos- ^ ton, 1861-1901.] = *37ioa.7i Michigan. State Board of Health. Communicable diseases in Michigan in 1896. Lansing. [1898.] 51 pp. Charts. — 3793-39 The time of greatest prevalence of each disease in Michigan in 1896. Lan- sing, 1898. 67 pp. Charts. = 3793.40 Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Report of the Commission to inquire into the condition of the insane within hos- 1904 pitals of the State of Pennsylvania. [Harrisburg.] 1902. Plates. Maps. =: *78o2.4o Quain's Dictionary of medicine, by various writers. 3d edition, largely rewritten. Edited by H. Montague Murray, as- sisted by John Harold and W. Cecil Bosanquet. New York, 1903. Illus. *3732.57 Many of the plates are colored. Schlesinger, Hermann. 1856- Die intermittirenden Gelenkschwellungen. [Wien, 1903.] 27 pp. [Specielle Pa- thologie und Therapie.] No. 2 in *3782.i36.Theil 3 Literatur, pp. 24-27. Wellcome Physiological Research Labora- tories, London. [Descriptive pamphlet. London. 1903.] 36 pp. Illus. = 5766.84 Treats largely of the preparation and use of various kinds of therapeutic serum. Popular Medicine and Charlatanry. Eleonora Maria Rosalia, Herzogin von Troppau, pseud.? Freiwillig aufgesprungener Granatapfel des christlichen Samariters, oder die . . . Geheimnisse vieler vortrefflicher bewahrter Arzneien und wunderheil- samen Mittel wider alle Krankheiten . . . Nach Wortlaut der 12. Auflage herausgegeben. Stuttgart, 1863. 2 v. = 57193.63 Glorez, Andreas. Des mahrischen Albertus Magnus, An- dreas Glorez . . . Eroffnetes Wunder- buch von Waffensalben, s. g. zauberi- schen Krankheiten, Wunderkuren . . . mit V. Weigels: Das himmlische Manna, oder die . . . Krafte des kost- lichen Wundersteins der Natur. Re- gensburg, 1700. = 57i9a.65 Martius, Johann Nikolaus. Unterricht von der wunderbaren Magie und derselben medicinischem Gebrauch . . . und Antonii Mizaldi Hundert curieuse "^Kunst-Stuecke. Frankfurth, 1719- ^ 57193-64 Hygiene. Schmid, Fr. Die schulhygieinischen Vorschriften in der Schweiz. Auf Anfan^- 1902 zusam- mengestellt. Repertoire des prescrip- tions d'hygiene scolaire en vigueur en Suisse au commencement de 1902. Zu- rich, 1902. 3764.29 Science* 15 Bradley, Leslie. A few of my feathered friends. Boston, 1903. 62 pp. 3908.132 Written by a boy of twelve. Brush, George Jarvis. Manual of determinative mineralogy. With an introduction on blowpipe analysis. Revised and enlarged by S. L. Penfield. i6th edition. New York. 1903. Illus. 3863.84 Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur-bearers. Boston. T902. Colored plates. 3889.116 Collet, Octave J. A. L'etain: etude minfere et politique sur les fitats Federes Malais. Bruxelles. [1903.] Illus. Map. 5041.34 Cook, Ruth A. Along four-footed trails: wild animals of the plains as I knew them. New York, 1903. Plates. 3889.151 Diller, Joseph Silas. Topographic development of the Klamath Mountains. Washington, 1902. 69 pp. Illus. Map. [United States. Geologi- cal Survey.] = *7872.55.i96 Gould, Allen Walton. Mother Nature's children. Boston, 1903. Illus. 5829a.98 Heilprin, Angelo. 1853-. The animal life of our sea-shore. With special reference to the New Jersey coast and the southern shore of Long Island. 3d edition. Philadelphia. 1903. Illus. 3889.101 lies, George, editor. 1852-. The naturalist as interpreter and seer. New York, 1902. Illus. Portrait. [Lit- tle masterpieces of science.] 5829.35 A collection of extracts from the writings of Charles Darwin, A. R. Wallace, T. H. Huxley, L. O. Howard, George lies. Lyons, Albert Brown. Plant names, scientific and popular. De- troit, 1900. *3859.i2o Morley, Margaret Warner. Seed-babies. Boston, 1901. 78 pp. Illus. 3858.120 Oppenheim, Paul. Die Priabonaschichten und ihre Fauna im Zusammenhange mit gleichalterigen und analogen Ablagerungen vergleichend betrachtet. Stuttgart, 1900, 01. Illus. [Palaeontographica. Band 47.] *5850.i.47 Parsons, Frances Theodora. How to know the wild flowers. New edi- tion. New York, 1903. Plates. 3853.117 Schuster, A. Carl. Das Thierleben in Schonbrunn. Naturauf- nahmen. Lieferung 1-3. Wien. [1903.] Plates. *4o6i.69 Tarr, Ralph Stockman. First book of physical geography. New York, 1902. Illus. Maps. 3825.87 Baker, Frank Collins. Anthropology. Ethnology. Shells of land and water: a familiar intro- duction to the study of the mollusks. Charnay, Desire, editor and translator. Chicago, 1903. Illus. 387oa.78 Manuscrit Ramirez. Histoire de I'origine Many of the plates are colored. des Indiens qui habitent la Nouvelle i6 January Espagne, selon Icnrs traditions. Paris, Young, Charles Augustus. 1903. Ilhis. [Recueil de voyages et de Lessons in astronomy, including uranog- documents pour servir a I'histoire de la raphy. Boston, 1901. Illus. Maps, geographie. 19. 1 *226oa.77 3926.48 Chemistry. Hammer, William J. Radium, and other radio-active sub- stances; polonium, actinium, and tho- ■ rium, with a consideration of phospho- rescent and fluorescent substances, the properties and applications of selenium and the treatment of disease by the ultra-violet light. New York, 1903. 80 pp. Illus. Portraits. 7972.70 Mathematics. Astronomy. Abu '1 'Abbas al-Fadl ben Hatim an-Nairizi. Anaritii in decem libros priores Elemen- torum Euclidis commentarii. Ex inter- pretatione Gherardi Cremonensis in Codice Cracoviensi 569 servata edidit Maximilianus Curtze. Lipsiae, 1899. **E.5oi9a.84. Supplement Ball, Sir Robert Stowell. The earth's beginning. New York. 7903. Illus. Maps. 3928.141 Beltrami, Eugenio. 183K-1900. Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della Facolta di scienze della R. Uni- versita di Roma. Tomo i. Milano, 1902. Portrait. Diagrams. **E. 5122.80 Betti, Enrico. 1823-1892. Opere matematiche. Pubblicate per cura della R. Accademia de' Lincei. Tomo I. Milano, 1903. Portrait. **E.5i22.82 Boll, Franz. 1867-. Sphaera: neue griechische Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Sternbilder. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 3924-135 Brioschi, Francesco. 1824-1898. Opere matematiche. Tomo i, 2. Milano, 1901, 02. Portrait. **E.5i22.78 Godefroy, Maurice. Theorie elementairc des series. Paris, 1903. **E.5i23.54 There is a bibliography with each section of the subject. Guessfeldt, Paul. 1840-. Grundziige der astronomisch-geographi- schen Ortsbestimmung auf Forschungs- reisen und die Entwickelung der hier- fur massgebenden mathematisch-geo- metrischen Begriffe. Braunschweig, 1902. Diagrams. 3924.137 Pascal, Ernesto. Repertorio di matematiche superiori (Definizioni-formale-teoremicenni bi- bliografici). Milano, 1898, 1900. 2 v. [Manuali Hoepli.l. **E.5i29.ii8 Contents. — i. Anallsi. 2. Geometria. Verrijp, Diederik Pieter Adriaan. Het interferentie-vlak bij de ringen van Newton en bij eenige andere verschijn- selcn. Arnheim, 1902. 91 pp. = 3924.131 iPhilosophy^ Education; Ethics. Bathurst, James. Atomic consciousness reviewed. Bristol, Eng. [1902.] 39 pp. — 3608.204 Binet, L. A. Alfred. L'etude experimentale de I'intelligence. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque de peda- gogie et de psychologic.] 3596-34 Calkins, Mary Whiton. An introduction to psychology. New York, 1902. Illus. 3603.163 Figard, L. Un medecin philosophe au XVIe siecle. fitude sur la psychologic de Jean Fer- nel. Paris, 1903. [Collection historique des grands philosophes.] 3605.202 Gaillard. Gaston. De l'etude des phenomenes au point de vue de leur probleme particulier. Paris. 1903. 3604.200 Gore, AVilhird Clark. The imagination in Spinoza and Hume. Chicago, 1902. 77 pp. = 3603.77 Marion, Francis Henri. Psychologic de la femme. 2e edition. [Publiee par A. Darlu.] Paris. 1903. *P.2o.563 Moore, Addison Webster. The functional versus the representa- tional theories of knowledge in Locke's Essay. Chicago, 1902. 67 pp. = 3603.83 Savage, Minot Judson. Can telepathy explain? Results of psy- chical research. New York, 1903. 3457.191 Sevirall, Frank. 1837-. Swedenborg and modern idealism. Lon- don, 1902. 3607.202 Tardieu, fimile. # L'ennui. fitude nsychologique. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque de philosophic contemporaine.] 3605.200 Education. Adamson, John Ernest. The theory of education in Plato's "Re- public." London, 1903. 3009.22 Allen, Frederick Baylies. The playroom as a missionary instrument. [Also, A visit to a summer kindergar- ten, by Susan Nason.] Boston. [1903?] 8 pp. Illus. 5572.177 American Society for the Extension of University Teaching. Syllabi . . . for the academic years 1901- 1902 and 1902-1903. Series L and M. Philadelphia, 1903. *3592.200 1904 Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcellin. Science et education: discours et notices academiques. Paris, 1901. 35993.212 Boston. Public Latin School. The Boston Latin School Scholarship Fund. With a list of the subscribers, 1896. [Boston, 1897.] iipp. = *239oa.76 Coulton, George Gordon. Public schools and the public needs. London, 1901. 35993.210 Henderson, Charles Hanford. Education and the larger life. Boston, 1903. . 3596.191 Lee, James Melvin. How to be self-supporting at college. New York. [1903 ] 33 PP- 3598.300 Nitchie, Edward Bartlett. Self-instructor in lip-reading. New York, 1902. Plates. 5595. Ill Twentieth Century Club. Education De- partment. Prospectus for the ist-6th seasons. 1897- 1903. [Boston, 1897-1903.] 6 parts in I V. = 3591.138 University of Iowa, Iowa City. Iowa School of Political and Social Science. Announcement, 1903-1904. Iowa City, 1903- 56 pp. = *4498.3i2 Villari, Pasquale. 1827-. Nuovi scritti pedagogici. Firenze, 1891. = 3597.218 Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Black, Hugh. Friendship . . . Illuminated by F. Berke- ley Smith. New York, 1902. 3589.167 Duprat, Guillaume L. Le mensonge. fitude de psycho-sociologie pathologique et normale. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque de philosophic contem- poraine.] 3607.113 H0ffding, Harald. 1843-. Morale. Essai sur les principes theo- riques et leur application aux circon- stances particulieres de la vie. Traduit d'apres la deuxieme edition allemande par Leon Poitevin. Paris, 1903. 3583.67 Larned, Josephus Nelson. A primer of right and wrong for young people in schools and families. Boston, 1902. 35893.64 Marden, Orison Swett. The young man entering business. New York. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 3588.200 Wagner, Charles. L'ami. Dialogues interieurs. 2e edition. Paris, 1903. 3589.233 Translated in M. L. Hendee's The better way [3589.235]. Contains optimistic imaginary dia- logues. Religion* Theology* American Congregational Association. Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary, Boston, May 25, 1903. Boston, 1903. 61 pp. Portraits. Plates. = 5542.91 Historical sketch, pp. 5-9; Denominational memories and inspirations, by George A. Gordon, pp. 19-61. 17 Amerikas Latweetschu Luteranu kalendars us 1903. Gadu pehz muhsu Kunga Jesus Kristus peedsimschanas, kam ir 365 deenas. 6. gadagahjums. L Sieberga isdots un wadits. Cambridgeport, Mass,. 1902. 44 pp. Illus. Portrait. == 5541.108 Amyraut, Moise.^ 1596-1664. Sermon dv voile de Moyse, svr L Cor. 3. 13. 14. 15. 16. Aucc deux autres sermons sur les textes suiuans. Savmvr, 1651. **G.387.i32 Traitte des religions. Centre cevx qvi les estiment tovtes indifferentes. Savmvr, 1631. **G.387.i33 Bax, Ernest Belfort. Rise and fall of the Anabaptists. London, 1903. [The social side of the Reforma- tion in Germany.] 7455-57 Benezech, Alfred. La lutte contre le clericalisme. Paris, 1903- 352943 Bible. New Testament. Paraphrase sur les ^Ipistres. [Par Moi'se Amyraut.] Savmvr, 1646. 2 v. in i. L'inquietude religieuse. [2e edition.] **G.387.ii8 Bremond, Henri. Paris, 1903. 5549a.i2o "La matiere des differents chapitres est em- pruntee presque uniquement a la litterature anglaise et a I'histoire du mouvement d'Oxford." Clark, Harriet E. Junior Endeavor in theory and practice. Boston. [1903.] = 5549a.i49 Crousle, Leon. 1830-. Bossuet et le protestantisme. Paris. 1901. 3525-28 Delitzsch, Friedrich. Babel und Bibel. Ein Vortrag. 3. x\iis- gabe. Leipzig, 1903. 79 pp. Illus. 5426.86 Zweiter Vortrag iiber Babel und Bibel. Stuttgart, 1903. 50 pp. Illus. Fac- similes. 5426.84 Du Moulin, Pierre. 1568-1658. Bovclier de la foy, ov defense de la con- fession de foy des figlises reformees du Royaume de France. Contre les ob- iections du Sr. lehan Arnoux, rionnois lesuite . . . Charenton, 1618. **G.387.ii9 Same. 2e edition , . . augmentee. 1619. **G.387.i2o Defense de la foy catholiqve, contenve av livre de tres-pvissant et serenissime Roi laqves I. Roi de la Grand' Bre- tagne & dTrfande. Contre la Response de F. N. Coeffeteav . . . Edition der- niere . . . Geneve, 1631. Illus. = **G.387.i24 Defends the Apologie pour le Serment de Fi- delite ... by James I., of England. Eavlx de Siloe, povr esteindre le fev de Pvrgatoire, & noyer les traditions, les limbes, les satisfactions humaines & les indulgences papales. Contre les raisons et allegations d'vn Cordelier Portugais [pseud, de Jacques Suarez]. La Ro- chelle, 1608. **G.387.i25 Fvites et evasions dv Sievr Arnovx, lesvite . . . Charanton, 1619. 48 pp. **G.387.i2o i8 January Trois sermons faits en presence des Peres Capvcins, qui les ont honorez de leur presence. Geneve, 1641. 88 pp. **G.387.i23 Edwards, Jonathan, the Elder. 1703-1758. An unpublished essay of Edwards on the Trinity. With remarks on Edwards and his theology by George P. Fisher. New York, 1903. Portrait. 3456.185 Faulkner, John Alfred. 1857- The Methodists. New York. [1903.] Plate. [The story of the churches.] 3549.12 Gray, George Buchanan. A critical and exegetical commentary on Numbers. New York, 1903. Map. [The international critical commen- tary.] 5422.15 Hamilton, Frederick John. The best book of all and how it came to us. London. [1901.] Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 3428.187 James, William, M.D. The varieties of religious experience. A study in human nature. Being the Gif- ford lectures on natural religion deliv- ered at Edinburgh in 1901-1902. 7th impression. New York, 1903. 3484.176 Kan, Arnold Izaak. Ludwig Feuerbach in zijn verhoudijrig tot de Christelijke Zedeleer. Wolvcga. [1902?] 73 pp. = 3492-107 Kautzsch, Emil J'riedrich. Die Poesie und die pnetischen Biicher des Alten Testaments. Sechs Vortrage. Tiibingen. 1902. 3424.141 Kelly, Frederick Thomas. The strophic structure of Habakkuk. Chicago, 1902. 28 pp. = 3422.157 Le Camus, fimile Paul. 1839-. Lettre a I'occasion d'une premiere sup- pression de maisons religieuses dans son diocese [La Rochelle et Saintes]. ^ Paris, 1903. 28 pp. 3517-38 Leipoldt, Johannes. Schenute von Atripe und die Entstehung des national agyptischeii Christentums. Leipzig, 1903. [Gebhardt and Har- nack.] *3504.5o.N.F.io, part i Merrick, David A. Saints of the Society of Jesus. With a sketch of the Society. New York. [1891.] Plate. = 35193.15 Monumenta Ignatiana ex autographis vel ex antiquioribus exemplis collecta. Se- ries prima. Sancti Ignatii de Loyola . . . epistolae et instructiones. [Ad- ministrator, P. Caecilius Gomez Ro- deles.] Tom. i, [Ease. i]. Matriti, 1903. Portrait. Plate. [Monumenta historica Societatis Jesu.] ^3515. no Moret, Alexandre. Du caractere religieux de la royaute pharaonique. Paris, 1902. Illus. Por- trait. [Musee Guimet. Annales.] ... 3494-90 Bibhographie, pp. v-vm. Le rituel du culte divin journalier en figypte. D'apres les papyrus de Berlin et les textes du temple de Seti L'^", a Abydos. Paris, 1902. Illus. [Musee Guimet. Annales.] 3494.89 Bibliographic, pp. i-iii. Moxom, Philip Stafford. Dedication sermon delivered at the John Nelson Memorial Church, Leicester, Massachusetts. January 15, 1903. Worcester, 1903. 12 pp. = 7551.225 Norden, Walter. Das Papsttum und Byzanz. Berlin, 1903. 3517.40 O'Reilly, Bernard. D.D. Life of Leo XIII., from an authentic memoir furnished by his order . . . Philadelphia. [1902.] Illus. Por- traits. Fac-similes. 355oa.73 Same. London. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 355oa.74 Pierson, Arthur Tappan. "Many infallible proofs": the evidences of Christianity. Or, the written and living Word of God. New York. [190-?] 3459-208 Pleyte, C. M. Die Buddha-Legende in den Skulpturen des Tempels von Boro-Budur. Amster- dam, 1901. Illus. 3480.13 Bibliography, pp. 173-176. Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. The Church hvmnal revised and enlarged. Edited by Charles L. Hutchins. Edi- tion A. Boston, 1901. = 8047.186 Reville, Jean. Le protestantisme liberal. Paris, 1903. 3529.41 "Un expose du protestantisme liberal. * Schermann, Theodor. Die griechischen Quellen des hi. Am- brosius in 11 III de Spir. s. Miinchen, 1902. 5557-32 Schubert, Hans von. Der sogenannte Praedestinatus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Pelagianis- mus. Leipzig, 1903. [Gebhardt and Harnack.] *3504.5o.N.F.9, part 4 Walker, James Bradford Richmond. The comprehensive concordance to the Holy Scriptures . . . With an intro- duction by M. C. Hazard. Boston. [1894-] 3424-23 Waller, A. R., and G. H. S. Burrow. John Henry, Cardinal Newman. London. [1901.] Portrait. [The Westminster biographies.] 4549a.i79 Bibliography, pp. 149, 150. Law* Legislation* Patents* Bartlett, William H. The parliamentary pathfinder. A quick reference manual of rules of order for the government of deliberative assem- blies according to American parliamen- tary law and practice. New York. [1903- Handy information series.] 5569a.i72 1904 19 Gairal, Eugeiie. Les cEuvres d'art et le droit. Paris, igct). 3661.21 Bibliographic, pp. 461-467. Hellems, Fred Burton Rennie. Lex de Imperio Vespasiani. A considera- tion of some of the constitutional aspects of the principate at Rome. Chicago, 1902. 24 pp. = 3613.74 Indiana. Insurance laws of the state. A compila- tion . . . with annotations by Guilford A. Deitch. May, 1901. Indianapolis. 1901. = 5662.26 Sharp, Gustavus, pseud. The confessions of an attorney. . . . To which are added several papers on English law and lawyers by Charles Dickens. New York, 1852. = 3638.32 This work has been attributed to Samuel War- ren, but on insufficient evidence. Sudermann, Hermann. 1857-. Drei Reden. Stuttgart, 1900. 47 pp. 5639a-5Q Speeches against the Lex Heinze. Tucker, George Fox. A rnanual relating to the preparation of wills, with an appendix of forms. A book of Massachusetts law. 2d edition. Boston, 1902. *5637.36 Useful and Industrial Arts* Bubier, Edward Trevert. How to make electric batteries at home. By Edward Trevert [pseud.]. igth thousand. Lynn. 1903. 51 pp. Tllus. 3969.200 Ferraris, Galileo. 1847-1897. Opere pubblicate per cura della Associa- zione elettrotecnica italiana. Vol. i. [Milano.] 1902. Portrait. Charts. **E.5ii6.4g A collection of papers on electricity. Great Britain. Patent Office. [Patent issued to John James Greenough of Washington, D. C. for an invention for applying electricity as motive power for the first time. With seal attached. London, 1851.] Engraved form filled in in manuscrint. Broadside. = **Cab.G.3.43 Lawler, James Joseph. Lawler's American sanitary plumbing. Revised edition. New York. [190-?] Illus. 4016,34 Lorenz, Hans. Dynamik der Kurbelgetriebe, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Schiffs- maschinen. Leipzig, 1901. Diagrams. Charts. 8016.256 Maigne, W. 1819-. Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant de briquets et d'allumettes chimiques. . . . Suivi d'un expose succinct de la lumi- ere electrique et des appareils qui la produisent. Par Georges Petit. Paris, 1903. Illus, [Manuels Roret.] 4018.164 Marks, Montague. Home arts and crafts. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. 4021,69 I Contents. — Modelling. — Wood-carving. — Fret- 1 sawing. — Pyrogravure. — Leather decoration. — Metal work. — Applied design. — Miscel- laneous: Retouching photographers' negatives; Restoration of damaged china; "Extra-illustrat- ing"; Taxidermy. National Fire Proofing Company, Pitts- burgh. Catalogue. Abridged edition. Author and compiler, Henry L. Hinton. New York, 1903. Illus. Plan. — 4019.137 Pettengill, Lillian. Toilers of the home. The record of a college woman's experience as a do- mestic servant. New York, 1903. 5585.44 Procter, Henry Richardson. The principles of leather manufacture. London, 1903. Tllus. Plans. 4014.49 Protheroe, Charles. Life in the mercantile marine. London, 1903- 3959.30 Rideal, Samuel. Water and its purification. 2d edition, extended. London, 1902. Illus. 5946.58 Righi, Augusto, and Bernhard Dessau. Die Telegraphic ohne Draht. Braun- schweig, 1903. Illus. Charts. 7961.83 Weatherburn, Robert. Ajax loquitur; or, the autobiography of an old locomotive engine. London, 1899. Illus. Portraits. 8016.254 West, Thomas Dyson. Metallurgy of cast iron. 5th edition. Cleveland, Ohio, 1902. Illus. 3866.49 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Bourne, Stephen Eugene. The book of the daffodil. London, 1903. Plates. [Handbooks of practical gar- dening.] 3998.194 Collins, Guy N. The mango in Porto Rico. Washington, 1903. 38 po. Plates. [United States. Department of Aericulture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.28 Harrison, Charles. The book of the honey bee. London. 1903. Illus. [Handbooks of practical gardening.] 3998.192 Hitchcock, Albert S. North American species of Leptochloa. Washington, 1903. 24 pp. Illus. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853. 128.33 Oliver, George W. Budding the pecan. Washington, 1902. 20 pp. Plates. [United States. De- partment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = ^3853. 128.30 Silkworm food plants: cultivation and propagation. Washington, 1903. 20 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant In- dustry.] = *3853.i28.34 January Schrenk, Hermann von. 1873-. The "bluing" and the "red rot" of the western yellow pine, with special refer- ence to the Black Hills Forest Reserve. Washington, 1903. 40 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.36 A disease of the white ash caused by Polyporus fraxinophilus. Washington, 1903. 20 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.32 Simson, Alfred. Garden mosaics: philosophical, moral, and horticultural. New York, 1903. Plates. 3818.25 Smith, Erwin F. The effect of black rot on turnips: a se- ries of photomicrographs, accompanied by a text. Washington, 1903. 20 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Tn- ^ dustry.] = *3853.i28.29 Swingle, Deane B. Formation of the spores in the sporangia of Rhizopus nigricans and of Phy- comyces nitens. Washington, 1903. 40 pp. Plates. [United States. De- partment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853-i28.37 Waugh, Frank Albert. Systematic pomology. New York, 1903- Illus. 3997165 Weed, Clarence Moores. Spraying crops: why, when, and how. 4th edition. New York, 1903. Illus. 5999.133 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. France. Ministere de la guerre. fitats-major de I'Armee. Section his- torique. La Campagne de 1794 a I'Armee du Nord. Partie i, tome i. Par H. Coutanceau. Paris, 1903. 2624.138 Ratzel, Friedrich. 1844-- Das Meer als Quelle der Volkergrosse. Fine politisch-geographische Studie. Mlinchen, 1900. 91 Dp. 3957-i64 Schauenbourg, Alexis Henri Antoine Bal- thasar. Baron de. La tactique et la discipline dans les armees de la Revolution. Publiee par J. Colin. Paris, 1902. Plans. 2624.142 United States. War Department. Drill regulations for cavalry. United States army." Washington, 1902. Illus. = 3959.156 Amusements* Games* Sports* Doherty, Reginald Frank, and Hugh Law- rence Doherty. R. F. & H. L. Doherty on lawn tennis. New York. [1903 I Portraits. Plates. 4007.154 Haggard, Andrew Charles Parker Sporting yarns spun off the reel. With an introduction by John Bickerdyke [pseud, of C. H. Clark]. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 4005.134 Hayes, Alice M. The horsewoman: a practical guide to side-saddle riding. Edited by M. Horace Hayes. 2d edition, enlarged. New York. 1903. Illus. Portrait. 4007.151 Hudson, Walter Guy. Modern rifle shooting from the American standpoint. New York. 1903. Illus. 3958.147 Nissen, Hartvig. Rational home gymnastics for the "well" and the "sick." Revised edition. Bos- ton, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 4009.240 Pinchart, Alexandre Joseph. 1823-1884. Recherches sur les cartes a jouer et sur leur fabrication en Belgique depuis Tannee 1379 jusqu'a la fin du XVIIIe siecle. Bruxelles, 1870, 53 pp. = 4001.43 Sandeman, Fraser. Angling travels in Norway. London, 1895. Illus. " 4005.135 Some of the plates are colored. Stabenow, Albert. Ausgewahlte Kartenspiele. Bandchen i, 2. Leipzig. [1900. 1903] 1. Skat. — Schafkopf. — Sechsundsech- zig. No. 3 in 4896.50.428 2. Whist. — Boston. — L'hombre. No. 6 in 4896.50.451 Fiction* In English. Brown, Alice. Judgment. New York, 1903. 5o-'247 Caine, Oliver Vernon. Royalists and Roundheads. A tale of the youth of King Charles II. after the battle of Worcester . . . Philadelphia. [1903.] Plates. 78.187 Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-. The Westcotes. Philadelphia, 1902. 58.249 A story of French prisoners in England in the time of the Napoleonic wars. Deland, Margaret. Dr Lavendar's people. New York, 1903. Plates. 58.244 Dix, Beulah Marie. The life, treason, and death of James Blount of Breckenhow. New York. 1903. 58.2d5 The scene is laid in England during the Civil War, 1642-1645. Howells, William Dean. Letters home. New York, 1903. 58.240 A novel in the form of letters. Hughes, Rupert. ^ , . ^, , The dozen from Lakermi. New York, 1899. Plates. 78.185 Kirk, Ellen Olney. Good-bye, proud v.orld. Boston, 1903- 58.243 1904 21 Osbourne, Lloyd. Love, the fiddler. New York, 1903. 58.250 Scott, Hugh Stowell. (Henry Seton Mer- riman.) Barlasch of the Guard. New York, 1903. Plates. 58.248 A story of events connected with Napoleon's Russian campaign. Scudder, Vida Button. A listener in Babel: being a series of imaginary conversations held at the close of the last century. Boston, 1903. 58.251 Thompson, Ernest Evan Seton-. Two little savages: being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned. New York. 1903. Illus. 78.188 White, Stewart Edward. The magic forest. A modern fairy story. New York, 1903. Illus. Plates. 78.186 In French. Leprohon, Rosanna Eleanor. Antoinette de Mirecourt, ou mariage secret et chagrins caches. Roman canadien. Traduit de I'anglais . . . par J. A. Genand. Montreal, 1865. = 43993.44 In German. Dumas, Alexandre Davy. 1803-1870. Marie Antoinette und ihr Ritter. (Der Chevalier von Maison Rouge). Episode von 1793. Aus dem Franzosischen. Neu bearbeitet von Max Pannwitz. 2. Auf- lage. Stuttgart. [189-?] 2 v. in i. 2698.63 Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. Cranford . . . Aus dem Englischen iiber- setzt von Hedwig Jahn. Leipzig. [1903] 4896.50.451 Haering, Georg Willielm Heinrich. (Wili- bald Alexis.) Der falsche Woldemar. Vaterlandischer Roman. Band i. Leipzig. [1903-] 4896.50.451 Same. Band 2. Leipzig. [1903-] 4896.50.452 Rodziewicz, Marya. Das Marchen vom Gliick. Eine Dorfgc- schichte . . . Aus dem Polnischen liber- setzt von Albert Weiss. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.451 Schoenthan, Franz von. 1849-. Der General. Eine erlebte Geschichte. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.451 Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. Die Neu-Englander, oder Skizzen von Charakteren und Sitten in Neu- England. [Anon.] Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Johanne Wall. Bremen, 1827. 2 V. *A.8o84.2 Children's Room, Books for the Month. Caine, O. V. Royalists and Roundheads. A tale of the youth of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester. Philadelphia. [1903.] Illus. 78.187 Canton, William, editor. The true annals of fairy land. The reign of King Herla. London. [190-?] Illus. 4578.86 Frothingham^ Jessie Peabody. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. New York, 1902. Illus. 6248.37 Gladden, Washington. Santa Glaus on a lark and other Christ- mas stories. New York, 1902, Illus. 78.183 Hughes, Rupert. The dozen from Lakerim. New York, 1899. Illus. 78.185 Sequel to The Lakerim Athletic Club. Kelley, Lilla Elizabeth. Three hundred things a bright girl can do. Boston. [1903.] Illus. 6006.120 Lang, Andrew, editor. Cinderella; or, the little glass slipper, and other stories prepared for the use of schools from the 'Blue Fairy Book.* London, 1902. Illus. 7069.240 The crimson fairy book. New York, 1903. Illus. 78.184 The history of Jack the giant-killer, and other stories based on the tales in the 'Blue Fairy Book.' London, 1902. Illus. 7069.244 The history of Whittington, and other stories based on the tales in the 'Blue Fairy Book.' London, 1900. Illus. 7069.250 Little Red Riding-hood, and other stories based on the tales in the 'Blue Fairy Book.' London, 1903. Illus. 7069.248 The princess on the glass hill, and other stories based on the tales in the 'Blue Fairy Book.' London, iqoi. Illus. 7069.242 The sleeping beauty in the wood, and other stories based on the tales in the 'Blue Fairy Book.' London, 1901. Illus. 7069.246 Peary, Josephine Diebitsch. Children of the Arctic. By the Snow Baby and her mother. New York. [1903.] Illus. 2261.31 Contains many pictures of the Eskimos and Arctic life. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Two little savages. Being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned. New York, 1903. Illus. 78.188 Syrett, Netta. Six fairy plays for children. London, 1904- 4579a.2i2 Boston, 1901. 30493.247 Boston, 1901. 43693.248 Boston, 1901. 3019.166 Boston, 1901. 3069.215 22 Wade, Mary Hazelton. Our little brown cousin. Illus. Our little Indian cousin. Illus. Our little Japanese cousin. Illus. Our little Russian cousin. Illus. White, Mary, and Sara White. The book of children's parties. New York, 1903. Illus. 4007.31 Suggestions for parties appropriate to each season. White, Stewart Edward. The magic forest. A modern fairy story. New York, 1903. Illus. 78.186 Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 78.182 Young, Egerton Ryerson, compiler. Algonquin Indian tales. New York. [1903.] Illus. 43693.275 Kindergarten. Burkett, Charles William, and Frank Lin- coln Stevens and Daniel Harvey Hill. Agriculture for beginners. Boston, 1903. Illus. 3997-167 German, Edward. The Just So song book. Being the songs from Rudyard Kipling's Just So stories set to music by Edward German. New York, 1903. 8055.180 January Associations* Clubs. Societies* Societe historique franco-smericsine. Statuts et reglements. Woonsocket, 1899. 8 pp. = 4359.129 Periodicals* Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes* Anonymous, The. Nos. 1-52. Dec. 23, 1806-Sept. 3, 1808. London, 1810. 2 v. in I. = *5239a.3 A collection of papers on various subjects. "About forty numbers appeared on the days of their respective dates in Dublin." English Journ3l, The: a miscellany of lit- erature, science, and the fine arts. Vol. I. London, 1841. *A.265o No more was published. Mirror, The. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1779 ^i^d 1780. 4th edition. London, 1782. 3 v. = *6558.i6 Resle 3cc3demi3 lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti, Lucca. Indici dei lavori pub- blicati . . . [Compilato da Roderigo Biagini.] Lucca, 1902. *3284.2 Books added to the Branch Libraries* Brighsm, Albert Perry. Geographic influences in American his- tory. Illus. Maps. Jn 1150 Brown, Alice. Judgment. Illus. 41b 8 Csrpenter, George Rice. John Greenleaf Whittier. Portrait. [American men of letters.] Bw 9665.10 Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-. The Westcotes. Plate. 4805 A story of French prisoners in England in the time of the Napoleonic Wars. Cr3w£ord, Francis Marion. The heart of Rome: a tale of the "lost water." 28c 34 Del3nd, Margaret. Dr. Lavendar's people. Illus. 8d 8 Euripides. Alcestis, and other plays. Translated into English verse by Robert Potter, with an introduction by Henry Morley. Lu 2768.2 Froisssrt, Jean. Stories from Froissart. By Henry New- bolt. Illus. Y 3170.2 Glsdden, Washington. Santa Glaus on a lark, and other Christ- mas stories. Illus. Y 3421 Hsrrington, Henry Francis. A graded spelling book. Kg 3843 Hedges, Samuel. Father Marquette . . . His place of burial at St. Ignace, Michigan. With an in- troduction by John J. Wynne. Illus. Bm 5648 Hemenw3y, H. D. How to make school gardens. A manual for teachers and pupils. Illus. Uc 3975 Hoar, George Frisbie. Autobiography of seventy years. Por- traits. Bh4i67 Hopkins, George M. Home mechanics for amateurs. Illus. U 4246 Hughes, Rupert. The Dozen from Lakerim. Illus. Y 4329.2 Sequel to the Lakerim Athletic Club. Kerr, Alvah Milton. Young heroes of wire and rail. Illus. Y4755 1904 23 Kirk, Ellen Olney. Good-bye, proud world. 13k 16 Lincoln, Abraham. Letters and addresses. Bl 5249.48 Long, William Joseph. A little brother to the bear, and other animals studies. Illus. Ns 5308.3 Morris, Charles, of Philadelphia. Historical tales. The romance of reality. English. Illus. Dd6i8i Mullany, Patrick Francis. (Brother Aza- rias.) Phases of thought and criticism. Pa 6252 Peary, Josephine Diebitsch. Children of the Arctic. By the Snow Baby and her mother. Illus. Y 6791.2 Ralph, Julian. The making of a journalist. Lb 7265 Scott, Hugh Stowell. (Henry Seton Mer- riman.) Barlasch of the Guard. Illus. 212s 12 A story of events connected with Napoleon's Russian campaign. Sewall, Charles Henry. Wireless telegraphy; its origins, develop- ment, inventions, and apparatus. Illus. Nq 8150 Shaw, Edward Richard. Discoverers and explorers. Illus. Y8171.2 Ship of State, The. By those at the helm. Illus. [The Youth's Companion series.] Y 8194 Contents. — The presidency, by Theodore Roose- velt. — The life of a senator, by Henry Cabot Lodge. — The life of a congressman, by Thomas B. Reed. — The Supreme Court of the United States, by David J. Brewer. — How Jack lives, by John D. Long. — The Naval War College, by John D. Long. — How our soldiers are fed, by W. C. Sanger. — How the army is clothed, by M. F. Ludington. — Good manners and diplomacy, by W. R. Day. — How foreign treaties are made, by Henry Cabot Lodge. - - Uncle Sam's law business, by J. K. Richards. — The American post-office, by W. L. Wilson. Sternberg, George Miller. Infection and immunity, with special reference to the prevention of infectious diseases. Illus. Mg 8537 Syrett, Netta. Six fairy plays for children. Y 8694 Tacitus. Works. The Oxford translation, revised, with notes. 2 v. ' Lw 8703 Thompson, Ernest Evan Seton-. Two little savages: being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned. Illus. Y 8890.3 Tuckerman, Bayard. Life of General Philip Schuyler, 1733- 1804. Illus. Bs 8038.2 Turner, William. History of philosophy. P 9078 Webster, Daniel. Daniel Webster for young Americans, comprising the greatest speeches of "the defender of the Constitution." With an introduction and notes by Charles F. Richardson and an essay on Webster as a master of English style by Edwin P. Whipple. Illus. Lj 9540.5 White, Stewart Edward. The forest. Illus. Wo 9652 The magic forest. A modern fairy story. Illus. Y 9658 Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 24W 5 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Books and Documents Recently Added Social SciencCt Political Economy. Adams, Brooks. The foreign trade of the United States. By Brooks Adams. Commercial policy of Europe by Worthington Chauncey Ford. [New York, 1902.] 39 pp. = 9382.0432 The half-title is: Meaning of the recent expan- sion of the foreign trade of the United States. Carver, Thomas Nixon. Some theoretical possibilities of a pro- tective tariff. [New York, 1902.] 16 pp. = 9337-74838 Fraser, John Foster. America at work. London, 1903. Plates. 9338.07334 Geiser, Karl Frederick. Redemptioners and indentured servants in the colony and commonwealth of Pennsylvania. New Haven, 1901. 9331-5748 Handelskammer zu Halle an der Saale. Jahresbericht. 1899-1902. Halle a. S., 1900-1903. = *938i.432ia3 Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool, England. Report of the Council ... at the Annual general meeting, 50th, 1900. Liverpool, 1900. = No. I in *938i.427 Report of the proceedings at the presen- tation of an illuminated resolution of thanks to John Brancker, on his retire- ment from the chairmanship of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board . . . Liverpool, 1900. 8 pp. = No. 9 in *938i.427 Report of proceedings at the presentation to F. C. Danson on the occasion of his retirement from the office of president. Liverpool, 1900. 15 pp. =: No. 8 in ^9381.427 Natiop^il Association of Agricultural Imple- ment and Vehicle Manufacturers. Commercial reciprocity. Chicago. [1901.] 95 pp. = 9382.08233 Nimmo, Joseph, Tr. The anti-trust law and the railroad prob- lem. Washington, 1901. 39 pp. = 9385-97334 Shelford, Frederic. Address on West African railways. Liv- erpool, 1900. 23 pp. = No. 5 in *938i.427 Verhsegen, Pierre. La dentelle et la broderie sur tulle. Bruxelles, 1902. 2 v. Illus. [Belgium. Office du travail. Les industries a domicile en Belgique." '9331-7333.4, 5 Political Science. Ad3ms, Charles Francis, Jr. 1835-. An undeveloped function. Inaugural ad- dress. Washington, 1902. 47 pp. = 4224.93 Treats of politics in its relation to history. Dehn, Paul. Kommende Weltwirtschaftspolitik. Ber- lin, 1898. 6229.28 H3rt, Albert Bushnell. Actual government as applied under American conditions. New York, 1903. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. [Amer- ican citizen series.] 4224.94 Select bibliography of American government, pp. xiii-xxxiv. Bibliographies at the beginning of each chapter. Sociology. American Federation of Labor. Some reasons for Chinese exclusion. Meat vs. rice. American manhood against Asiatic Coolieism. Which shall survive? Washington, 1902. 30 pp. Plate. = 9325.25134 Amherst Auxilisry Anti-Slsvery Society, Amherst College. Records of the Amherst Auxiliary Anti- Slavery Society formed July 19, 1833, in Amherst College. [Amherst, 1903.] 40 pp. = *557i.i5 A typewritten copy of the original manuscript. Br3ckett, Jeffrey Richardson. Supervision and education in charity. New York, 1903. [American philan- thropy of the nineteenth century.] 55793.220 Crew, Benjamin J. Our jewels; and the work of resetting them. Philadelphia, 1883. = 7577.158 This work deals chiefly with the work and aims of the Pennsylvania Society to Protect Children from Cruelty. 1904 Dudfield, Reginald Samuel Orme. Census taking. [London, 1900.] 21 pp. = 9311.94235 This paper discusses chiefly census taking in Great Britain. Dugast, F. Le patriotisme et" Ic. iniquites sociales. Paris, 1900. 68 pp. 3586.97 An indictment of the existing social order. Flower, Benjamin Orange. 1858-. The democracy of darkness; or, the Ish- maelites of civilization. Detroit, 1892. 28 pp. = . 55793.200 An account of crime in the slums. Funck-Brentano, Jacques Chretien Frantz Seraphicus. La Bastille des comediens. Le For rfiveque. 3e edition. Paris, 1903. Plates. Plans. Fac-similes. [Collec- tion Minerva.] 5578.162 Read, William, Social Evangelist. The politics of Christ. A wonderful, startling story. The social labor prob- lem solved on a Christian socialistic basis. . . . Boston. [1902?] 44 pp. = 3564.271 An exposition of the "principles evQlved in the platform of the Saxon Democracy." Thibault, Anatole Frangois. Opinions sociales. Paris, 1902. 2 v. [Bibliotheque socialiste.] 9335.328 Women. Buelow von Dennewitz, Gertrud, Grafin von. Das Weib am Ende des Jahrhunderts. Von Grafin Gisela von Streitberg [Pseud. 1. 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1891. 4 V. in I. *P.20.i24 Kolatschek, Adolf. Die Stellung der Frauen in Amerika. Wien, 1864. _ *P.32.485 Richardson, Moses Aaron, editor. Sainct Cudberht hys hatrid that he bare vnto women, and the begynnynges thereof, and hvs forbyddynge them to approche vnto hys Chirches bordyrs: with y^ doleful disastirs y* befel all such as trespasside wythin y sam: also ys straunge and schamefull penaunce apoyntyd vnto Mayster Peter Baxter, his mayde servaunts twaine. Nevvely gathered out of auntient cronicls and ould wrytynges. [Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1844.] 24 pp. *P.i8.745 Contains a poem, The king of the Picts and St. Cuthbert, signed W. N. D. Public Documents* United States. Census Bureau. 12th census. Special reports. Employees and wages, by Davis R. Dewey. Washington, 1903. 9317.361234 25 Congress. Translation of the memorandum of the party claimant ... in the arbitration between . . . the United States of America and . . . Russia . . . relative to the . . . "Cape Horn Pigeon," "James Hamilton Lewis," "C. H. White," and "Kate and Anna." Washington, 1902. Maps. = *934i.673a2 The binder's title is: Whaling and sealing claims against Russia. Another edition, in French, is on shelf-number *934i.673. Department of Labor. Index of all reports issued by Bureaus of Labor Statistics in the United States prior to March i. 1902. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright. Washington, 1902. — *933i.o73327 ]Viilit3ry Government of Cub3. Civil report of Major General Leonard Wood, Military Governor of Cuba. 1900, 01, 02. [Havana, 1900-02.] 33 v. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. = ^4318.205 The text is in English and Spanish. Supreme Court. The Insular Cases, comprising the records, briefs, and arguments of counsel in the Insular Cases ot the October term, 1900. Compiled ... by Albert H. Howe. Washington, 1901. = *9336.2673ai2 War Department. Division of Customs and Insular Affairs. Reports on the law of civil government in territory subject to military forces of the United States. By C. E. Ma- goon. Washington, 1902. = *9325.7293.i7 States. Territories. Accessions. Connecticut. Revision of the Connecticut Constitution. Revised by G. M. Clark. 1902. [Hig- ganum.] 1902. 16 pp. - 9342.74636 This suggested revision was not the one accepted. M3ss3chusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Labor bulletin. No. 28. November, 1903. Boston, 1903. *933i.074433 Includes an Index to nos. 1-28. Michigsn. An act to provide for the incorporation of villages. With amendments of 1897- 99 and 1901. Lansing, 1901. = *9352.0774a6 Ohio. General Assembly. Trust investigation of Ohio Senate. [Columbus, 1898.] = *9338.7732o Attorney General. In the Supreme Court of Ohio. The State of Ohio, . . . against the Home Insurance Company of New York [and others. Columbus, 1897.] = *g368. 977132 This volume contains depositions regarding asso- ciations of insurance underwriters to regulate rates. 26 January Foreign. Argentine Republic. Direccion general de correos y telegrafos. Antecedentes^ administrativos de cor- reos y telegrafos. Voliimen 7, 1894. Buenos Aires, 1895. Illus. Colored plates. Map. = *9383.82 Austria. ^ Olmuetz, ' Statistische Commission. Statistisches Jahrbuch der konig- lichen Haupstadt Olmiitz. Band 2, 3. 1888-1899. Olmiitz, 1896, 1901. Maps. Plans. — *93i4.372a4 Brazil. Directoria geral de estatistica. Registro civil. i8q.S, 96. Rio de Janeiro, 1901, 02. = *93i8.ia4 Spain. Ministerio de estado. Documentos oresentados a las Cortes, en la legislatura de 1898. Madrid, 1898-99. 3 V. *934i.246 United Kingdom. Royal Commission on the War in South Africa. Minutes of evidence. Report. London, 1803. 4 V. Statistical Dept. BACTERIA IN MODERN MEDICINE. A short list of references suggested in connection with the lectures by Harold C. Ernst, M.D., Professor of Bacteriology in Harvard Uni- versity. All titles in the lists illustrative of the Lowell Lectures are fur- nished in each case by the lecturer himself, who alone is responsible for their extent and character. Abbott, Alexander Crever. The hygiene of transmissible diseases. Philadelphia, 1899. 3795.142 Bary, Heinrich Anton de. Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria. Authorized English translation by H. E. F. Garnsey. Revised by J. B. Bal- four. Oxford, 1887. 3855-62 Besson, Albert. Technique microbiologique et serothera- peutique . . . Guide du medecin et du veterinaire. 2e edition. Paris, 1902. Chester, F. D. A manual of determinative bacteriology. New York, 1901. Courmont, Jules. Precis de bacteriologie pratique. 2e edi- tion. Paris, 1903. Duclaux, Pierre fimile. Traite de microbiologic. Paris, 1898- 1900. 3 V. 3791. 131 Ernst, Harold Clarence. Modern theories of bacterial immunity. Boston, 1903. 3795-164 Fluegge, Carl. Die Mikroorganismen. 3. Auflage. Leip- zig, 1896. 2 V. 3791.129 Fraenkel, Carl, and Richard Pfeiffer. Mikrophotographischer Atlas der Bac- terienkunde. 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1895. *3794.i29 Gautier, Armand. Les toxines microbiennes et animales. Paris, 1896. Guenther, Carl. Einfiihrung in das Studium der Bakte- riologie. 5. Auflage. Leipzig, 1902. Handbuch der pathogenen mikroorganis- men. Herausgegeben von W. Kolle und A. Wassermann. Jena, 1902. 2 v. Helm, L. Handbuch der bakteriologischen Unter- suchungen und Diagnostik. Stuttgart. 1894. Kitt, Theodor. Bacterienkunde und pathologische Mi- kroskopie fiir Thierarzte und Studirende der Thiermedicin. 3. Auflage. Wien, 1899. Klein, Emanuel. Micro-organisms and disease. New edi- tion. London, 1896. 3790b. 103 Lehmann, Karl Bcrnhard, and R. O. Neu- mann. Atlas of bacteriology. Philadelphia, 1901. Levy, Ernest, and Felix Klemperer. Elements of clinical bacteriology. 2d edi- tion. Translated by A. A. Eshner. Philadelphia, 1900. Mace, E. Traite pratique de bacteriologie. 4e edi- tion. Paris, 1901. McFarland, Joseph. A text-book upon pathogenic bacteria. 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1902. Metchnikoff, filie. L'immunite dans les maladies infectienses. Paris, 1901. Migula, Walther. System der Bakterien. Jena, 1897, 1900. 2 V. 3791.124 Miquel, Pierre, and R. Gambler. Traite de bacteriologie pure et appliquee a la medecine et a I'hygiene. Paris, 1902, Muir, Robert, and James Ritchie. Manual of bacteriology. Edinburgh, 1897. [Pentland's Students' manuals.] 3794.137 Nocard, Edouard, and E. Leclainche. Les maladies microbiennes des animaux. 2e edition. Paris, 1898. 6002.44 Roger, G. H. Les maladies infectieuses. Paris, 1902. Rosenau, Milton J. Disinfection and disinfectants. Philadel- phia, 1902. Sedgwick, William Thompson. Principles of sanitary science and public health. New York, 1902. 5764.135 Sternberg, George Miller. Infection and immunity. With special reference to the prevention of infections diseases. New York, 1903. 3795.166 A manual of bacteriology. New York, 1892. 3781.100 Vallery-Radot, Marie Rene. La vie de Pasteur. Paris, 1900. 3731.63 A translation by Mrs. R. L. Devonshire is on shelf-number 3731.64. Vaughan, Victor Clarence, and Frederick George Novy. Cellular toxines. Philadelphia, 1902. FREE PUBLIC LECTURES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON TO BE GIVEN IN THE LOWELL INSTITUTE. (Founded in 1836 by John Lowell, Jr., and Established in iS^q.) The Trustee of the Lowell Institute under the will of John Lowell, Jr., maintains annually in the City of Boston various Courses of Free Public Lectures. For the present — the sixty-fifth — season, five dis- tinct Series are provided, to all of which Admission is Free (but only under certain conditions), as follows: — I. Public Lectures, — in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street. II. School for Industrial Foremen, — under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. III. Teachers' School of Science, — under the Auspices of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History. IV. Courses for Workingmen, — under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. V. Public Lectures, — in the Hancock Schoolhouse, Parmenter Street. Further information in regard to the several Courses is given below. A. Lawrence Lowell, Trustee. W. T. Sedgwick, Curator. I. PUBLIC LECTURES IN HUNTING- TON HALL. Lowell Institute Lectures, open to the public, will be given this year, as in recent years, in Huntington Hall, Rogers Build- ing, 491 Boylston Street, Boston. The sev- eral Courses will be announced in advance, with full particulars, in the Monthly Bulle- tin of the Boston Public Library, and in the advertising columns of the Boston Evening Transcript. Admission to all Lectures of the Lowell Institute is free, but only by ticket and under certain conditions. The number of tickets is limited by the capacitv of the Hall. A New Plan of Ticket Distribution. Tickets will hereafter be distributed to the public, free of charge, as follows: — Admission tickets to the first Lecture of each Course will be mailed, in the order of application, one to each applicant, until the supply is exhausted, to all persons applying by letter, more than two days before the beginning of any Course, to the Curator of the Lowell Institute, 491 Boylston Street, Boston, and enclosing a stamped, ad- dressed envelope for each ticket desired. On and after the day on which a Course begins any tickets left over for that Course may be obtained from the Janitor of the Lowell Institute at 491 Boylston Street, be- tween the hours of 10 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4 p .M., or by sending to the Curator, with a specific request for such left over tickets, a stamped, addressed envelope. Persons desiring to secure tickets for more than one Course must send a separate letter (and stamped, addressed enveiope) for each Course. Such letters will be placed on file, but in general, tickets for a Course will not be mailed to applicants more than a few days before that Course begins. No tickets of any kind will hereafter be distributed at the Cadets' Armory; and no tickets will be given out by the Janitor of 1904 the Lowell Institute for any Course before the day on which that Course begins. Any person attending the first Lecture of any Course may, before entering or after leaving the Hall, exchange his admission ticket to the first Lecture for a Course ticket which, as far as possible under the follow- ing arrangement, will entitle its holder to a reserved seat. In order to make the distribution fair, and to avoid a rush for the best seats, all Course tickets will be placed beforehand in envelopes, some containing one ticket good for one reserved seat; some con- taining two or more tickets good for ad- joining reserved seats; and (if the demand for tickets to the first Lecture exceeds the number of reserved seats) some containing Course tickets good for Admission only. All envelopes will then be thoroughly shuffled, and at the first Lecture of any Course those who desire to do so may ex- change their Admission tickets at tables in the lower hall for envelopes (shuffled as above described) containing Course tickets. Persons wishing to sit together may, by surrendering their Admission tickets at the same time, obtain envelopes with tickets for adioining seats. The exchange will begin at 7.15 p. m., and ^5 7-55 P- M. all exchange of Admission tickets for Course tickets will cease until after the Lecture. Persons arriving after this time, but before the doors are closed, may obtain admission to the Hall, and may exchange their Admission tickets to the first Lecture for Course tickets after the Lecture is over. A limited number of persons having no tickets of any kind may, as heretofore, ob- tain admission (and often good seats) by waiting in line in the lower Hall at the foot of the stairs. Persons obtaining tickets which they afterwards find that they cannot use are re- quested to return them to the Curator or the Janitor, for the benefit of other appli- cants. A History of the Lowell Institute, by Harriette Knight Smith, giving a complete list of the Lecturers in previous years, the subjects of their lectures, etc., was pub- lished in 1898. The Fourth Course will be ten lectures by A. T. Mahan, LL. D., D. C. L., Captain U. S. N. (retired), on The War of 1812. I. Antecedents and Causes of the War. 2. Strategic Features of the Seat of War and the Conditions of the Opponents. 3. Open- ing Naval Events. Hull's Campaign and Surrender. 4. Niagara Campaign of 1812. Preparations on the Lakes by Commodore Chauncey. Harrison's Operations in the West, to March 1813. 5. Problems before the British Admiralty. Character of Priva- teering. Sailing of Squadrons under Com- modores Rodgers and Decatur. 6., Sailing 29 of Squadron under Commodore Bainbridgc. American Plans and Operations for 1813. 7. Operations upon and around Lake Ontario, in 1813, prior to the Battle of Lake Erie. 8. Perry's Victory on Lake Erie. Subsequent Operations on Lake Ontario. 9. Maritime Warfare coastwise and abroad, 1813 and 1814. 10. Operations on and around the Lakes and Seaboard in 1814. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, Jan. 4, 1904. The Fifth Course will be eight lectures by Harold C. Ernst, M.D., Professor of Bacteriology in Harvard University, on Bacteria in Modern Medicine, i. Considera- tions in regard to Infection. 2. General Characteristics of Pathogenic Bacteria. 3. Methods of Action of Pathogenic Bacteria. _}. Defence and Reaction of Living Tissue against Bacteria and their Products. 5. The Condition of Immunity. 6. Immunity, con- tinued. 7. Therapeutic Measures. 8. Hygi- enic and Prophylactic Measures. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, Jan. 5. The Sixth Course will be eight lectures by Edward Channing, Ph.D., Professor of Histor}^ in Harvard University, on Early American History, i. Christopher Colum- bus. 2. The Isolation of the New World. 3. Florida and New Mexico. 4. The Found- ing of England's Sea Power. 5. The Genesis of the United States. 6. The James River Colony. 7. The Pilgrims. 8. New Plymouth Colony. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, Feb. 2. The Seventh Course will be eight lectures by Georg Steindorff, Professor of Egypt- ology in the University of Leipsic, Ger- many, on The History, Social Conditions and Religion of Egypt. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, Feb. 15, 17, 20, 24, 27, 29, March 2 and 5, at 8 p. M. The Eighth Course will be eight lectures by Dr. William Everett, on The Italian Poets since Dante. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, March i. The Ninth Course will be eight lectures by James Hardy Ropes, Professor in Har- vard University, on The Apostolic Age in the Light of Modern Criticism. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, March 7. The Tenth Course will be six lectures by Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S., Lecturer on Zoology in the University of Cambridge, England, on The Coloration of Amphibia and Reptiles. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning March 29. 30 January 11. SCHOOL FOR INDUSTRIAL FOREMEN. Under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During the present season a change will be made in the work done by the Lowell Institute in connection with the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology. For more than a third of a century Lowell Free Courses of Lectures for Advanced Students have been given by professors of the Insti- tute of Technology. These courses have done a great amount of good; but with the increased educational facilities of all kinds in Boston, they would seem to be less necessary than formerly. They have, more- over, covered many subjects without much relation to one another. It has been de- cided to substitute for these advanced courses a free evening "School for Indus- trial Foremen," to comprise, at the outset, two Courses, one mechanical and the other electrical, and each extending over two years. These new Courses are intended to bring the systematic study of applied science within the reach of young men who are following industrial pursuits and desire to fit themselves for higher positions, but are unable to attend courses during the day. An outline of the Courses is as follows: — The subjects of the First year for both Courses are: Practical Mathem'atics, Ele- mentary Physics, and Electricity; Ele- ments of Mechanism and Gearing, and Drawing. The subjects taught in the Second year Mechanical Course are: Mechanics; Valve- gears; Elements of Thermodynamics, the Steam Engine and Boilers; Elementary Hydraulics; Testing Laboratory; Steam and Hydraulic Laboratory, and Mechanism Design and Elementary Machine Design. The Second year Electrical Course in- cludes: Valve-gears; Elements of Ther- modynamics, the Steam Engine and Boil- ers; Steam Laboratory; Direct Current Machinery; Alternating Currents; Electric Distribution; Electrical Testing, and Dyna- mo Laboratory. For further information in regard to this School, see December, 1903, Bulletin. IIL TEACHERS' SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Under the Auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. Free Lectures maintained by the Lowell Institute in the Teachers' School of Science of the Boston Society of Natural History will be given during the season as fol- lows: — ■ 1. Field Lessons in Botany, by Mr. Hol- lis Webster. 2. Field Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Al- bert P. Morse. 3. Field Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. 4. Laboratory Lessons in Botany, by Mr. Hollis Webster. 5. Laboratory Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Albert P. Morse. 6. Laboratory Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. The Field Lessons will be given in the spring and autumn. The Laboratory Les- sons are given in the winter, beginning on Nov. 21. Further particulars, with instructions how to secure tickets, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Curator, Teachers' School of Science, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. IV. COURSES FOR WORKINGMEN. Under the Auspices of the Wells. Memorial Institute. Free Instruction, especially arranged for workingmen, will be maintained by the Lowell Institute during the winter under the auspices of the Wells Memorial Insti- tute, as follows: — 1. On Practical Electricity. Twenty lec- tures for Beginners. By Prof. William L. Puffer. 2. On Mechanical Drawing. Twenty lectures for beginners. By Mr. Harrison W. Hayward. 3. On Machine Drawing. Twenty lec- tures for Advanced Students. By Mr. Har- rison W. Hayward. 4. On Practical Mechanics. Twenty lec- tures. . By Mr, Harrison W. Hayward. 5. On Steam and Steam Engines. Twenty lectures for beginners and Advanced Stu- dents. By Mr. Thomas Hawley. 6. On Domestic Economy. Fifteen lec- tures. By Miss Anna Barrows. Further particulars, with instructions how to obtain admission, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Secretary, Lowell Free Courses, Wells Memorial Institute, 987 Washington Street, Boston. V. LECTURES AT THE HANCOCK SCHOOLHOUSE. Two courses of twelve free public lec- tures each will be given this year in the Hall of the Hancock Schoolhouse, Parmen- ter Street, as follows: — 1. A Course of Twelve Lectures on English and American Literature, by Charles Townsend Copeland, Esq., Instructor in Harvard University. Thursday evenings, beginning Dec. 3. 2. A Course of Twelve Illustrated Lec- tures on Astronomy, by Alfred E. Burton. Professor in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Monday and Wednesday evenings, be- ginning Dec. 14. Further particulars, with instructions how to get tickets, may be obtained from I. M. Norcross, Esq., Director of the Educational Centre, Hancock School. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin. Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39, 46, 47, 51-56, 62-64, 67. 69, 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 1903. .10; by mail, .17 Periodicals, Newspapers. Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1492 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russian Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by mail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. .25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5.00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application ; by mail, ^ch .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prince Library. Catalogue. i.oo Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. ICQ. Galatea Collection. Catalogue.. .15; by mail, .18 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from the Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No. 8. Health and Hygiene In Bulletin no. 97. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles I., & English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. II. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies, No. I. Franklin Bibliography. .50; by mail, .53 No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars. .25; by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789- .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,. 12 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .75; by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding Lists, MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON VoL IX. No. 2. February, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904 TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, English High Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. School Building, Montgomery St. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Stations. Station A. Lower Mills Reading Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. mond St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- Washington, cor. Ashland St. sion. Station C. South End Reading Room, Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Parker Memorial Building, 55 Station, 752 Dudley St. Berkeley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, Station, 329 Warren St. River, cor. Oakland St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, Room, 1154 Tremont St. 49 Walnut St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- Station G. Allston Delivery Station, tion, 62 Union Park St. 14 Franklin St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, Room, 39 North Bennet St. 4 Talbot Ave. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- Room, John A. Andrew School ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. House, Dorchester St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 56 Market St. Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station 22. North Street Reading Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. « CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM December 15, 1903 to January 15, 1904. The symbol = following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Boofcs^ Whittier, Helen A., editor. Directory of club speakers and entertain- ers. 1902. Lowell, Mass., 1902. 90 pp. Illus. Portraits. = 5586.60 Allen, Charles Grant Blairfindie. Belgium: its cities. Boston, 1904. 2 v. Portraits. Plates. Plans. [Travel lov- ers' library.! ^^39^-^9 Another edition, entitled Cities of Belgium, is on shelf-number 48393.70. Baedeker, Carl. Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Hand- book for travellers. 8th edition, aug- mented. Leipsic, 1903. Maps. 2839.43 Melzi, Giovanni Battista. Nuovo dizionario inglese-italiano e itali- ano-inglese . . . Milano, 1902. 2 v. in i. *2788.55 Mulhall, Michael George. The dictionary of statistics . . . 4th edi- tion, revised to November 1898. Reim- pression 1903. London, 1903. Colored diagrams. *93io.3a4 New York State Medical Association. The medical directory of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Vol. 5. [New York.] 1903. = *57^qa.48 This appears to be the successor of the Med'cal Register of New York, New Jersey and Con- necticut [*5739a.5o], which ceased publication in 1895- Patten, Helen Philbrook. The year's festivals. Boston. [1903.] Plates. 6237.37 Contents. — New Year's Day. — Twelfth Night. — St. Valentine's Day. — All Fools' Day. — Easter. — May Day. — Hallowe'en. — Thanks- giving. — Christmas. Publishers' Trade List Annual, The. 1902, 03. Year 30, 31. Index by author, title, and subject catch-word to the books catalogued in the publishers' lists of 1902, 1903. Edited by A. H. Leypoldt. New York, 1902. *6i6i.i2 Genealogy* Heraldry* Curtiss, Frederic Haines. A genealogy of the Curtiss family. Bos- ton, 1903. Plates. Fac-similes. Coat- of-arms. = *4430.i53 Ely, Rev. William, of Philadelphia, and and Moses Sperry Beach. The Ely ancestry. Edited & enlarged by Geo. B. Vanderpoel. With a sketch of the Elyes of Utterby & of Wonston, by Sumner A. Ely. New York, 1902. Illus. Portraits. Fac-simile. Coats-of-arms. *4434.45 Lexmgton, Mass. Town Clerk. Record of births, marriages, and deaths to January i, 1898. Boston, 1898. = *435oa.205 Pickford. Anna Maria. The Chandler family: genealogy of a branch. Dedham. 1903. 31 pp. *2338.76 Stewart, Charles. 1841-. Haud immemor. Reminiscences of legal and social life in Edinburgh and Lon- don 1850-1900. Edinburgh, 1901. Por- traits. Plates. 2472.104 Contains much genealogical matter. Topsfield, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to the end of 1849. [Com- piled by G. F. Dow.] Topsfield, Mass., 1903. rrr *4430a.2l8 Flags. Regalia. Wilmot, Sydney Marow Eardley. 1847-. Our flags. Their origin, use, and tradi- tions. London, 1901. 63 pp. Colored plates. 4536.15 36 Biography^ Collective Biographies. Correspondence, The, of William I. & Bis- marck. With other letters from and to Prince Bismarck. Translated by J. A. Ford. New York. [1903.] 2 v. Por- traits. Fac-similes. 2845.48 Dix, John, afterwards Ross. Lions: livino: and dead; or, personal recol- lections of the "great and gifted." By the author of "Pen and ink sketches of authors and authoresses," etc. 2d edi- tion. London, 1854. Portraits. Plates. = . 457746 The recollections are fictitious. Festing, Gabrielle. On the distaff side. Portraits of four great ladies. New York, 1903. Por- trait. 2248.24 Contents. — An energetic woman: Elizabeth, Countess of Shrewsbury (1521 ?-i6o8). — A mother and daughter: Elizabeth Wriothesley, Countess of Northumberland (1647-1690), Eliza- beth Percy, Countess of Ogle and Duchess of Somerset (1666-1722). — A royal spinster: Amelia Sophia Eleanora (1710-1786). Glagau, Hans. Die moderne Selbstbiographie als histo- rische Quelle. INIarburg, 1903. 2218.22 Relates principally to Rousseau and Madame Roland. Griggs, Edward Howard. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on moral leaders. [Series i.] Philadelphia, 1900. 15 pp. [University extension lec- tures.] 3592.155 Contents. — i. The function of the moral leader. 2. Socrates. 3. Marcus Aurelius. 4. Saint Fran- cis of Assisi. 5. Savonarola. 6. Giordano Bruno. Same. Series 2: From Erasmus to Tol- stoy. 1901. [University extension lec- tures.] No. 7 in *3592.2oo Contents. — i. Erasmus. 2. Luther. 3. Victor Hugo. 4. Carlyle. 5. Emerson. 6. Tolstoy. Harkins, Edward Francis. Little pilgrimages among the men who have written famous books. 2d series. Boston, 1903. Portraits. 2349.133 Contents. — George Ada. — Irving Bacheller. — — John D. Barry. — Arlo Bates. — Cyrus Townsend Brady. — Robert William Chambers. — Thomas Dixon, Jr. — Finley Peter Dunne. — George Gary Eggleston. — Elliott Flower. — John Fox, Jr. — Henry Harland. — Arthur Sherburne Hardy. — Jack London. — George Horace Lorimer. — Charles Major. — George Barr McCutcheon. — F. Hopkinson Smith. — Booth Tarkington. — Owen Wister. Holden, William H. Boston portraits not in the Art Museum. By the political painter. No. 1-75. Pub- lished in the Boston Journal, March 15- May 29, 1903. [Boston.] 1903. 44 pp. = *4440.ii4 Consists of notices of contemporary politicians of Boston. February Ipswich Historical Society. Thomas Dudley and Simon and Ann Bradstreet. A study of house lots to determine the location of their homes, and the exercises at the dedication of tablets, July 31, 1902. Salem, 1903. 54 pp. Plates. = *4354.i63.i2 Rosenberg, Charles G. You have heard of them. By Q. New York, 1854. Portraits. Engraved title- page. = 2248.85 Single Biographies. Ainger, Alfred. Crabbe. New York, 1903. [English men of letters.] 24593.12 Allan, Elizabeth Preston. The life and letters of Margaret Junkin Preston. Boston, 1903. Portrait. 4347.330 Barbe, Louis A. Viscount Dundee. New York. [1903, Famous Scots series.] 25493.37 Blowitz, Henri Georges Stephan Adolphe Opper de. Memoirs. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Plan. Fac-similes. 2644.160 Relates to the history of Europe in the nine- teenth century. Boynton, Henry Walcott. Bret Harte. New York, 1903. Portrait. [Contemporary men of letters series.] 4349-251 Bright, William, D.D. 1824-1901. Selected letters. Edited by B. J. Kidd. With an introductory memoir by P. G. Medd. London. [1903.] Portrait. 4543.185 Cartwright, Julia Mary. Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan. 1475- 1497. A study of the Renaissance. Lon- don, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. 2742.41 Bibliography, pp. ix-xi. Cowen, Benjamin Rush. Memorial addresses of . . . B. R. Cowen and . . . Wm. R. Collins, delivered at the Annual Memorial Service ... of the Loyal Legion . . . at . . . Cincin- nati, May 3, 1903. Cincinnati, 1903. 16 pp. = 4447.300 Davies, Thomas Witton. Heinrich Ewald, orientalist and theo- logian. 1803-1903. A centenary appre- ciation. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2844.32 Contains also Bibliogi-aphy, pp. 133-142. Eggleston, George Gary. The first of the Hoosiers. Reminiscences of Edward Eggleston. Philadelphia. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 4349.249 Elliott, Maud Howe, and Florence Howe Hall. Laura Bridgman, Dr. Howe's famous pupil, and what he taught her. With illlustrations from drawings by John Elliott. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 5594.145 Bibliography, pp. 383, 384. 1904 37 Frothingham, Paul Revere. William Ellery Channing, His messages from the Spirit. Boston, 1903. 60 pp. Plate. 44493.202 Gourgaud, Gaspard, Baron. 1783-1852. Talks of Napoleon at St. Helena with General Baron Gourgaud, together with the journal kept by Gourgaud on their journey from Waterloo to St. Helena. Translated, and with notes, by Eliza- beth Wormeley Latimer. Chicago, 1903. Portraits. 2651. 112 This is an abridged translation of Gourgaud's Sainte-Helene. Journal inedit de 1815 a 1818. 2 V. [2651. III]. Great life's end. New Orleans, 1902. Newspaper clipping. = *4448,307 Relates to Bernard Janin Sage. Gunn, Alexander. 1837-1901. Letters. [Edited by W. C. Whitney.] New York, 1902. =: *4447.296 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Hawthorne's first diary. With an account of its discovery and loss by S. T. Pick- ard. Boston, 1897. Plates. *2349a.i33=*A.3897.i8 Hoar, George Frisbie. Washington. Address before the Union League Club of Chicago . . . February 23, 1903- Washington, 1903. 36 pp. 2346.31 Humphreys, David, LL.D. 1753-1818. Memoirs of the life, adventures, and mili- tary exploits of Israel Putnam. [Anon.] Ithaca, 1839. = 2348.117 An abridgment of his Life and heroic exploits of Israel Putnam [2348.62]. Maclay, Edgar Stanton. 1863-, and Barrett Philip. Life and adventures of "Jack" Philip, Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. A memorial magazine in four numbers . . . Assisted by Barrett Philip. With contributory and anecdotal articles by William Mc- Kinley, A. T. Mahan [etc.]. New York, [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 4341.162 Mead, George Robert Stow. Apollonius of Tyana, the philosopher- reformer of the first century A.D. Lon- don, 1901. 2992.26 Bibliography, pp. 42-52, 153-159- Morley, John. 1838-. The life of William Ewart Gladstone. New York, 190^. 3 v. Portraits. Plates. 2546.188 Newcomb, Simon. 1835-. The reminiscences of an astronomer. Boston, 1903. Portrait. 4345-305 Norie, W. Drummond. The life and adventures of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. Vol. i. London. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. Map. Fac-similes. *254i.24 Some of the plates are colored. Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson. Robert Morris, patriot and financier. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Fac-simile. 4344.199 Bibliography, pp. 359-361. Olnhausen, Mary Phinney, Baronin von. 1818-1902. Adventures of an army nurse in two wars. Edited from her diary and correspond- ence by James Phinney jMunroe. Bos- ton, 1903. Portrait. Plate. *"20th".52.657 Relates to the Civil War in the United States, 1861-65, and to the Franco-German War, 1870, 71- Rossetti, William Michael, editor. 1829-. Rossetti papers. 1862-1870. New York, 1903. 4086.17 A continuation of his Ruskin, Rossetti, Pra;- raphaelitism [4086. i5=R.9. 761], and of his Pra;- raphaelite diaries and letters [4086.16]. Rumbold, Sir Horace, Baronet. 1829-. Recollections of a diplomatist. 4th im- pression. London, 1903. 2 v. Portrait. Coat of arms. 4542.170 Scartazzini, Giovanni Andrea. Dante. Berlin, 1896. Portrait. [Geistes- helden.] 2799.47 Bibliography, pp. 230-236. Shaw, William Hudson. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the life and teaching of John Ruskin. Phila- delphia, 1902. 64 pp. [University ex- tension lectures.] No. 12 in *3592.20o Appended: Ruskin's Works. Chronologically arranged by T. J. W^ise. Pp. 59-64. Soley, James Russell. Admiral Porter. New York, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. Fac-simile. [Great commanders.] 4347-293 Stewart, Elizabeth M. [The people's martyr. Boston, 187-?] = 2409.237 The people's martyr was Thomas a Becket. Stoddard, Richard Henry. Recollections personal and literary . . . Edited by Ripley Hitchcock. With an introduction by E. C. Stedman. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac- similes. 4347.326 Thorne, John C. Reverend Enoch Coffin, Concord's first preacher, 1726-28. [Concord? N. H. 190-?] 6 pp. Illus. — 4444.390 Tuckerman, Bayard. 1855-. Life of General Philip Schuyler. 1733- 1804. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. Map. Fac-similes. ^ 4345-307 Wallace, Robert, D.D., Minister of Grey- friars, Edinburgh. 1831-1899. Robert Wallace: life and last leaves. Ed- ited by J. Campbell Smith, and William Wallace. London, 1903. Portrait. 4548.298 Whibley, Charles. William Makepeace Thackeray. New York, 1903. [Modern English writers.] 4547-183 Wilkie, Francis Bangs. 1832-1892. • A life of Christopher Columbus. Chicago. [1893.] = 2749a.3i Winston, Annie Steger. Memoirs of a child. London, 1903. 5589.224 38 February Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard. Henry Grattan. The Stanhope Essay, 1902. Oxford, 1902. Portrait. 4548.78 History* General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Barnes, Earl. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the history of civilization. Philadelphia, 1901. 14 pp. [University extension lec- tures.] No. 6 in *3592.200 Chamberlin, Wilbur J. Ordered to China. Letters . . . written from China while under commission • from the New York Sun during the Boxer uprising of 1900. New York. [1903.] 3016.207 Davitt, Michael. Within the pale. The true story of Anti- Semitic persecution in Russia. Special edition. Philadelphia, 1903. (The Jew- ish Publication Society of America.] 229ga.ii6 Headland, Isaac Taylor. Chinese heroes. Being a record of perse- cutions endured by native Christians in the Boxer uprising. New York. [1902.] Illus. Portraits. 3016.197 Hill, Samuel Charles. Three Frenchmen in Bengal, or the com- mercial ruin of the French settlements in 1757. London, 1903. Maps. 3045.233 Lavell, Cecil F. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on Greece and the rise of Rome. Phila- delphia, 1902. 16 pp. [University ex- tension lectures.] No. 11 in *3592.20o Menpes, Mortimer. War impressions. Being a record in colour. Transcribed by Dorothy Men- pes. London. [1901.] Portraits. Plates. Map. Fac-similes. 3056.321 Most of the portraits and plates are colored. Relates to the Boer-British War, 1899-1902. Samoan Islands. Provisional Government. Proclamation. We the undersigned consular representatives of the United States of America and Great Britian [sic] . . . proclaim that we have not recognized High Chief Mataafa as King of Samoa . . . [Apia? 1898?] Broadside. = No. 2 in **H.9oa.i67 In English and Samoan. Supreme Court. To all persons in Samoa, greeting: whereas on the 14th day of November 1898, the undersigned, the Chief Jus- tice of Samoa received a communica- tion signed by Moefaano, Alipia . . . [Notice of the investigation to be held concerning the election of Ma- taafa as king.] Apia, 1898. Broad- side. No. 3 in **H.9oa.i67 Shaw, William Hudson. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on imperial Rome. Philadelphia, 1902. 24 pp. [University extension lectures.] No. 13 in *3592.2oo Stiles, William Curtis. Out of Kishineff. The duty of the Amer- ican people to the Russian Jew. New York. [1903.] 2297.84 United States. State Department. Affairs in China. Report of W. W. Rock- hill, late Commissioner to China, with documents. Washington, 1902. *442oa.30.i9oi.App. Vaschide, Victoria. Histoire de la conquete romaine de la Dacie et des corps d'armee qui y ont pris part. Paris, 1903. Plate. Map. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] 4752-34 Bibliographie, pp. 225-230. Europe. Champney, Elizabeth Williams. Romance of the Bourbon chateaux. New York, 1903. Plates. Portraits. 2615.122 Coquelle, P. Le royaume de Serbie. 2e edition. Paris, 1901. 3085-134 Cuniberti, Felice, Maggiore. La Serbia e la dinastia degli Obrenovitch (1804-1893). Torino, 1893. 3085.136 Eisenhart, Carl. Die Abrechnung mit England. 3. Auflage. Miinchen, 1900. 75 pp. 4516.163 Emmet, Thomas Addis, M.D., of New York. 1828-. Ireland under English rule, or, a plea for the plaintiff. New York, 1903. 2 v. Tables. 4518.160 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. xix-xxv. The diary of TTiomas Addis Emmet, while act- ing in Paris as the secret agent of the United Irishmen, from May 30, 1803, to March 10, 1804, is in vol. 2, pp. 257-328. Goldmann, Emil. Die Einfiihrung der deutschen Herzogs- geschlechter Karntens in den sloveni- schen Stammesverband. Breslau, 1903. *76i6.54.68 Jenks, Edward. Parliamentary England. The evolution of the cabinet system. New York, 1903. Portraits. [The story of the nations.] 65i9a.io8 Lord, Arthur Power. The regency of Marie de Medicis. A study of French history from 1610 to 1616. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2618.44 Pontoppidan, Erik, compiler. 1698-1764. Gesta et vestigia Danorvm extra Daniam, prsecipve in Oriente, Italia, Hispania, Gallia, Anglia, Scotia, Hibernia, Belgio, Germania et Sclavonia. Lipsiae et Haf- nise, 1740, 41. 3 V. in 2. *48i9a.i9 39 Wopfner, Hermann. Beitrage zur Geschichte der freien biiuer- lichen Erbleihe Deutschtirols in Mit- telalter. Breslau, 1903. 7616.54.67 America. Avirett, James Battle. The old plantation. How we lived in great house and cabin before the War. [2d edition.] New York. [1901.] Por- traits. _ 2369.149 City Vigilance League, The, New York. New York Vigilant Leaflets. No. 1-24. New York. [1901.] Plates. Broad- sides. = *4220.79 Consists of paragraphs and caricatures on mu- nicipal corruption in the City of New York in 1901; advocates the election of Low as Mayor. Collins, Edward Day. A history of Vermont . . . Boston, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Coat-of-arms. Maps. Fac-similes. 4437.171 Bibliography, pp. 286-289; Statistical tables, pp. 296-310. Crawford, Mary Caroline. The romance of old New England churches. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Plates. [Little pilgrimages.] 4358.174 Dawson, Thomas C. The South American republics. Part i. Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. [The story of the nations.] 4469a.i86 Dickinson, John. 1732-1808. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the inhabitants of the British Colo- nies. With an historical introduction by R., T. H. Halsey. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. Fac-similes. ^4414.239 Reprinted from the Boston edition of Mem & Fleeming, 1768 [No. 3 in **K.i3.7]. Fifth Massachusetts Battery Association. History of the Battery. Boston, 1902. Portraits. Plans. *"20th".40C.A.5 Nathan Appleton was Chairman of the Com- mittee appointed to write the history. Garcia Merou, Martin. Historia de la Republica Argentina. Bue- nos Aires, 1899. 2 v. 43i9'i53 Gordon, John Brown. Reminiscences of the Civil War. New York, 1903. Portraits. 4323.i8o=*"2oth".52.35i Hart, Albert Bushnell, and Elizabeth Ste- vens, editors. The romance of the Civil War. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac- similes. [Source-readers in American history.] 4358.168 Hay, George Upham, editor. Canadian history readings. Vol. i. Saint John, 1900. Illus. Maps. Fac-similes. 4314-204 Homans, Isaac Smith, Jr. History of Boston, from 1630 to 1856. [Anon.] Boston, 1856. Illus. Plan. =: *2359a.i27 Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe, Jr. Boston, the place and the people. New York. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 4454.284 Janvier, Thomas Allibone. The Dutch founding of New York. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. 4478.399 King, W. Wallace. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on early colonists in North America. Philadelphia, 1901. 12 pp. [University extension lectures.] No. 3 in *3592.20o Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the founding of the nation. Philadelphia, 1902. 12 pp. [University extension lec- tures.] No. 10 in *3592.2oo Lincoln, Charles Henry. The revolutionary movement in Pennsyl- vania. 1760-1776. Philadelphia, 1901. Tables. 4414.241 Bibliography, pp. 288-292, and at the beginning of each chapter. Mace, William Harrison. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the American Revolution or the formation of the Union. Philadelphia, 1901. 11 pp. [University extension lectures. 1 No. 8 in *3592.2oo Miller, John. 1666-1724. New York considered and improved, 1695. Published from the original MS. in the British Museum, with introduction and notes by Victor Hugo Paltsits. Cleve- land, 1903. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. *4478.397 Bibliography, pp. 20-24. Relates to geography and religious affairs in the Province of New York. Morton, Nathaniel. 1612-1685. New-Englands Memoriall. With an in- troduction by Arthur Lord. Boston. [The Club of Odd Volumes.] 1903. = *4352.i82 Noll, Arthur Howard. From empire to republic. The story of the struggle for constitutional govern- ment in Mexico. Chicago, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Map. 43i9'i57 Bibliography, pp. 313-324- Parker, Sir Horatio Gilbert, and Claude G. Bryan. Old Quebec, the fortress of Nev/ France. New York, 1903. ' Illus. Portraits. Maps. 4466.202 Schouler, James. 1839-. Eighty years of union. Being a short his- tory of the United States. 1783-1865. New York, 1903. 2324.204 Consists of selections from his History of the United States under the constitution [B.H.Ref. 512.8; 2324.109]. Scott, Samuel W., and Samuel P. Angel. History of the ThirLeenth Regiment, Ten- nessee Volunteer Cavalry, U. S. A. . . . Philadelphia. [1903.] Portraits. *"20th".42d.C.i3 Shellenberger, John K. The battle of Franklin. N. p. [1903-] 29 pp. = 2327.127 40 February Summers, Lewis Preston. History of southwest Virginia, 1746-1786, Washington County, 1777-1870. Rich- mond, 1903. IIlus. Portraits. Map. 4377.172 Contains also Journal of Doctor Thomas Walker, 1749-50, pp. 796-807. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. How George Rogers Clark won the Northwest, and other essays in western history. Chicago, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. 4377.169 United States. Constitution. The constitutions of the sixteen states which compose the confederated repub- lic of America, according to the latest amendments . . . prefixed the Declara- tion of Independence; Articles of Con- federation; and the Constitution of the United States. Newburgh, 1800. *4329a.i02 Woodruff, William Edward. 1831-. With the light guns in '6i-6S- Reminis- cences of eleven Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas light batteries in the Civil War. Little Rock, Ark., 1903. Por- trait. Plan. *"2oth".52.984 Howard, Montague. Old London silver, its history, its makers and its marks. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *402oa.65 Jack, George, Wood-carver. Wood-carving: design and workmanship. New York, 1903. Illus. 8029.152 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Japanese wood carvings, architectural and decorative fragments from temples and palaces. Descriptive catalogue by Paul Chalfin. [Boston, 1903.] 27 pp. = 80793.205 Stradanus, Johannes. Dante. Illustrations to the Divine Com- edy of Dante . . . reproduced in photo- type from the originals existing in the Laurentian Library of Florence. With an introduction by Guido Biagi. Lon- don, 1892. Plates. *Cab.27.39.4 The plates are accompanied by guard sheets, most of which contain selections from Longfel- low's translation. Williams, Leonard. Toledo and Madrid. Their records and romances. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Plan. Fac-similes. 30903.117 Fine Arts^ Archaeology. Antiquities. Cook, Edward Tyas, compiler. A popular handbook to the Greek and Roman antiquities in the British Mu- seum. London, 1903. Illus. Folded plans. 8079.226 Morgan, Jacques de, and others. Recherches archeologiques. Premiere serie. Fouilles a Suse en 1897-1898 et 1898-1899, par J. de Morgan, G. Jequier et G. Lampre. Paris, 1900. Illus. Maps. [France. Ministere de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts. Delegation en Perse.J ^3040. 181 Some of the plates are colored. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. [Munster meeting, Youghal, County Cork, 1903. Programme.] Dublin, 1903. 15 pp. Plates. *3305-59 Relates to the antiquities of Youghal. Seven wonders. The, of the world, with their association^ in art and history. Illus- trated by W. Harvey. London. [1877.] Plates. = 62693.32 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Brinckmann, Justus. Kunst und Kunstgewerbe in Japan. Ham- burg, 1883. 42 pp. 4078.293 Ellwanger, William De Lancey. The oriental rug. A monograph on East- ern rugs and carpets . . . New York, 1903. Colored plates. 8021.127 Architecture. Building. Brown, Gerard Baldwin. The arts in early England. London, 1903. 2 V. Illus. Maps. 4094.20 Contents. — i. The life of Saxon England in its relation to the arts. 2. Ecclesiastical architec- ture in Englana from the conversion of the Saxons to the Norman Conquest. Clark, Theodore Minot. The care of a house. A volume of sug- gestions to householders . . . and others for the economical and efficient care of dwelling houses. New York, 1903. Illus. 4019.224 Guadet, Julien. 1834-. filements et theorie de I'architecture. Cours professe a I'ficole nationale et speciale des beaux-arts. Paris. [1902, 03-] 3 V. Illus. Plans. *409i.i36 Streit, Andreas. Das Theater. Untersuchungen iiber das Theater-Bauwerk bei den klassischen und modernen Volkern. Wien, 1903. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.i55.3 Strzygowski, Josef. 1862-. Kleinasien, ein Neuland der Kunstge- schichte. Kirchenaufnahmen von J. W. Crowfoot and J. I. Smirnov unter Be- nutzung einie-er Ergebnisse der Expedi- tion nach der asiatischen Tiirkei des kais. Legationsrates Dr. Max Frei- herrn von Oonenheim . . . u. A. Leip- zig, 1903. Illus. Map. Plans. 4108.80- Sturgis, Russell, Jr. How to judge architecture. New York. [1903.] Plates. Plans. 4094.127 1904 41 Artists. Blanchemain, Jean Baptiste Prosper. Notice sur J.-L. Boilly. [Anon.] Paris, 1874. 8 pp. = 8085.129 Courajod, Louis Charles Leon. 1841-. Germain Pilon et le tombeau de Birague par devant notaires. Paris, 1878. 12 pp. = 8082.162 Dufour, Theophile Andre. Notice sur Jean Perrissin et Jacques Tor- torel. Paris, 1885. 46 pp. Fac-simile. — 4084.150 Gallatin, A. E. Aubrey Beardsley's drawings. A cata- logue and a list of criticisms. New York, 1903. 66 pp. Illus. Portraits. *4073.278 Knapp, Fritz. Fra Bartolommeo della Porta und die Schule von San Marco. Halle a. S., 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 4084.80 Bibliographic, p. 324; Verzeichnis der Werke des Fra Bartolommeo, pp. 249-319. Lance, fitienne Adolphe. 1813-1874. Adolphe Lance. Sa vie, ses oeuvres, son tombeau. Paris, 1875. 46 pp. Plate. = 4086.113 Le Brun-Dalbanne, Eugene. 1814-1881. fitude sur Pierre Mignard, sa famille, et quelques-uns de ses tableaux. Paris, 1867. 75 PP- 4084.147 Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, Lord Balcarres. Donatello. London, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 8085.131 Bibliography, pp. 204, 205. Molmenti, Pompeo Gherardo, and Gustavo Ludwig. Vittore Carpaccio et la Confrerie de Sainte Ursule a Venise. Florence, 1903. 2 v. Text; Atlas, 8 plates. Illus. Portraits. Coats-of-arms. Plans. Fac-similes. *Cab.8o.249.2 Potter, Paulus. 1625-1654. Paul Potter. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8o8oa.95=No. 31 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Praxiteles. Praxiteles. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.97=No. 33 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Robusti, Jacopo. Tintoretto. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Portraits. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8o8oa,92=No. 28 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Stein, Frederic Alexandre Henri, editor. Le sculpteur Louis-Claude Vasse. Paris, 1886. 15 pp. = 4084.154 Turner, Joseph Mallord William. J. M. W. Turner. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8o8oa.99=No. 35 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Vannucci, Pietro. Perugino. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Portraits. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.9o=No. 26 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, pp. 39, 40. Weale, Frances C. Hubert & John Van Eyck. New York, 1903. 40 pp. 21 plates. [The artist's library.] 4088.56 Decoration. Design. Ornament. Furniture. Lace. Embroidery. Flechsig, Wilhelm Eduard. Die Dekoration der modernen Biihne in Italien, von den Anfangen bis zum Schluss des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Teil i. Dresden, 1894. 8063.78 French, Lillie Hamilton. Homes and their decoration. New York. 1903. Illus. 4097.27 Landscape Gardening. Parks. Trustees, The, of Public Reservations, Mas- sachusetts, a corporation. Annual report, ist-iith. Boston, 1892- 1902. Plates. *L.53.7i Music. Musicians. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED 10 THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING JANUARY, 1904. The following are all operas, in full score, and in manuscript copies. Conte, II, d'Almaviva. Atto secondo. N. p. [180-?] Hasse, Johann Adolf Peter. Alfonso. Dramma per musica. Paris. [1737?] — Trionfo di Clelia. Atto secondo e terzo. [Vienna? 1762?] 2 v. Martin y Solar, Vicente. II burbero di buon cuore. Dramma giocoso. Vienna, 1786. 2 V. Mayer, Johann Simon. Adelaide [di Gues- clin. 1799?] 2 V, — Adelasia ed Aleramo. [1807?] 2 v. — Alonzo e Cora. [1804.] 2 v. — L'amor conjugale. Dramma di senti- mento in un atto. [1805?! — I due giornate. o sia il portator d'acqua. [1801?] 2 V. — Elena [e Costantino]. Dramma giocoso. [1816?] 3v. — L'Elisa. Farsa. [1804?] 4^ February — L'equivoco. [1804?] 2 v. — [Eraldo ed] Emma. Opera seria. [1805?] 2 V. — La finte rivali. [Milano? 1803?] 3 v. — Ginevra di Scozia. [180-?] 2 v. — La Lodoiska. [1796?] 2 v. — Medea in Corinto. Melodramma tragico. [1812?] 2 V. — I misteri Eleusini, dramma serio. Fi- renze. [1802?] 2 v. — Un pazzo ne fa cento. [Venice, 1796.] 2 V. — II pittore astratto, ossia L'imbroglio della lettera. Farsa. [1797?] — La rosa bianca e la rosa rossa. [1814?] 2 V. — Saffo. [1794?] — Gli Sciti. Dramma. [1800?] 2 v. — II segreto. Farsa. 1797. — Telemaco. Melodramma serio. Venezia, 1797. 2 V. Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele. Elisa e Claudio. [Milano? 1822.] 2 v. — L'apoteosi d'Ercole. [Napoli? 1819?] 2 v. — I Normanni a Parigi. Azione tragica. Milano. [1832?] 2 v. Meyerbeer, Giacomo. Emma di Resburgo. Melo-dramma eroica. [1819?] 2 v. Morlacchi, Francesco. Gianni di Parigi. Melodramma comico. [Milano? 1818?] 2 V. — Teobaldo ed Isolina. [Venezia? 1822?] 2 V. Society of the Sons of St. George, Philadel- phia. The original painting of . . . Queen Vic- toria . . . painted bv Thomas Sully, expressly for the Society . . . [Phila- delphia, 1839.] 8 pp. = 8073.88 An account of "the manner in which the por- trait was obtained." Photography. Camera Notes, the official organ of the Camera Club, New York. An illus- trated photographic quarterly . . . Ed- ited by Alfred Stieglitz. Vol. i. New York, 1897-1902. Illus. Portraits. Plans. *4072.273 Current numbers are kept in the Fine Arts De- partment. No. 1 is wanting. Walmsley, William Henry. The A B C of photo-micrography. New York, 1902. Illus. 7979-70 Pottery. Tiffany and Co. Hints to lovers of ceramics. New York, 1901. 47 pp. Illus. = 4029.137 Geography^ Travels^ Numismatics. Gems. Seals. Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Arms. Armor. Regions. Chifflet, Jean. i6i2?-i666. loannis Chifletii, Canonici Tornacensis Aqua Virgo, fons Romae celeberrimus et prisca religione sacer. Opus asdilitatis M. Agrippse in vetere annulari gemma. [Tornaci? lOC.LXII?] 31 pp. Illus. = 4074.292 loannis Chifletii, Canonici Tornacensis, Socrates; sive de gemmis eius imagine coelatis ivdicivm. [Bruxellse? M.DC- LXI?] 40 pp. Illus. = 4074.292 Mazerolle, Fernand Joseph. 1868-. Les medailleurs frangais du XVe siecle au milieu du XVIIe. Tome i. Paris, 1902. [France. Ministere de I'instruc- tion publique et des beaux-arts.] *263i.22 Bibliographic, vol. i, pp. clxxi-clxxviii. Painting. Portraits. Holmes, C. J. Pictures and picture collecting. London, 1903. 64 pp. Plate. 4076.192 Maeterlinck, Louis. Le genre satirique dans la peinture fla- mande. Gand, 1903. Illus. Fac-similes. 8064.35 Meier-Graefe, Julius. Der moderne Imnressionismus. Berlin. [1903.] 72 pp. Illus. Portrait. [Die Kunst. Sammlung illustrierter Mono- graphien. Band 11.] 40793.261 Baum, H. Kunene-Sambesi-Expedition. Im Auftrag des Kolonial-Wirtschaftlichen Komitees herausgegeben von O. Warburg. Ber- lin, 1903. Illus. 3051.170 Courtet, E. fitude sur le Senegal. Paris, 1903. Maps. 3051.168 Curtis, Lillian Johnson. The Laos of North Siam. Philadelphia, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 3018.249 Royal Geographical Society, London. Hints to travellers, scientific and general. Edited by John Coles. 8th edition, enlarged. London, 1901. 2 v. Illus. Maps. 22893.74 Contents. — I. Surveying and practical astron- omy. 2. Meteorology, photography, geology, natural history, anthropology, industry and com- merce, medical, etc. Shaw, Edward Richard. Discoverers and explorers. New York. [1900.] Illus. Portraits. [Eclectic school readings.] 2265.80 Europe. Cockerell, Charles Robert. Travels in southern Europe and the Levant, 1810-1817. Edited by S. P. Cockerell. London, 1903. Portrait. 6276.73 I 1904 43 Collingwood, William Gershom, and Jon Stefansson. A pilgrimage to the saga-steads of Ice- land. Ulverston, 1899. Illus. Maps. *29oo.54 This is a picture book to illustrate the sagas of Iceland. Collins, Charles Allston. A new sentimental journey [to Paris]. London, 1859. Plates. = 4668.82 Curtis, William Eleroy. Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Akron, Ohio, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4861.29 Dodd, Anna Bowman. In the palaces of the Sultan. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-simile. 3081. 151 Dryden, Alice, editor. Memorials of old Northamptonshire. London, 1903. 2464.157 Harvey, Edmund George. Our cruise in the Undine: the journal of an English ^air-oar expedition through France, Baden, Rhenish Bavaria, Prus- sia, and Belgium. By the Captain [pseud.]. London, 1854. IHus. Map. = *6276.23 Leyden, John, M.D. 1775-1811. Journal of a tour in the Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland in 1800. Edited, with a bibliography, by James Sinton. Edinburgh, 1903. 2477.83 Bibliography, pp. 285-318. Oberhammer, Eugen. Konstantinopel unter Sultan Suleiman den Grossen, aufgenommen im Jahre 1559 durch Melchior Lorichs aus Flens- burg, nach der Handzeichnung des Kiinstlers in der Universitats-Bibliothek zu Leiden mit anderen alten Planen herausgegeben und erlautert. Miinchen, 1902. 30 pp. Illus. Portraits. 22 plates. Maps. *Cab.7o.i9.8 Rhodes, Daniel P. A pleasure-book of Grindelwald. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Map. 4864.36 America. Anville, Jean Bantiste Bourguignon d'. America Septentrionalis a Domino d'An- ville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia coloniis in interiorem Virginiam de- ductis nec non fluvii Ohio cursu aucta notisqa geographicis et historicis illus- trata. Noribergae, 1756. Scale, 103 miles to i inch. No. 31 in *Map 115.5 Austin, Mary. The land of little rain. Boston, 1903. Illus. 3814-73 Sketches of the desert region of southern Cali- fornia. Bishop, Heber, publisher. Guide to the Megantic, Spider and Upper Dead River regions of Quebec and Maine. 2d edition. Boston, 1888. Illus. Map. ~ 2389a.i78 Boston Lead Comnany. Trustees' sale for the creditors of the Boston Lead Company, A. D. Williams, and others, of a large estate, on . . . June 2, 3, 4, 1886. Boston, 1886. Plates. Plans. = *4350.77 The trustees were Samuel Little, Edward Sands, Phineas B. Smith. Relates principally to real estate on Walnut and Humboldt Avenues, Northampton Street and East Chester Park. Burry, B. Pullen-. Jamaica as it is, 1903. London, 1903. Plates. Map. 4369.191 Harrisse, Henry. 1830?- Gaspar Corte-Real: la date exacte de sa derniere expedition au Nouveau-Monde, . . . Paris, 1883. 16 pp. Fac-similes. 226oa.69 Richards, L. J., Company, publishers. New topographical atlas of surveys: Ply- mouth County, together with Cohasset, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Spring- field, 1903. 10 pp. 38 maps. *Map 48.17 Rummell, Richard W. The New York Stock Exchange, Trinity Church and Wall Street. Photogravure by A. W. Elson & Co. [Surrounded by 112 portraits of prominent business men. New York.] 1903. = *Cab.23.56.2 Sievers, Wilhelm. Sild-und Mittelamerika. 2. Auflage. Leip- zig, 1903. Illus. Maps. [AUgemeine Landerkunde.] 4462,186 Verzeichnis der wichtigeren Literatur iiber Slid- und Mittelamerika, pp. 616-630. Many of the plates are colored. Starr, Ida May Hill. Gardens of the Caribbees: sketches of a cruise to the West Indies and the Span- ish Main. Boston, 1904. 2 v. Plates. [Travel lovers' library.] 4369.190 Wafer, Lionel. A new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America. Edited by George Parker Winship. Cleveland, 1903. Plates. Maps. 4461.162 Reprinted from the original edition of 1699 [*4298. 54^**2363. 25]. Language* Rhetoric* Emmons, Harry Hamlet. The practical soeller and orthography. Alliance, 1900. = 2589.20 Cooke, George Albert. A text-book of North-Semitic inscriptions. Oxford, 1903. Plates. Fac-similes. 3032.36 Foley, Emily Howard. The language of the Northumbrian gloss to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. Part i. New York, 1903. [Yale studies in English.] = 4583.142 Bibliography, part i, pp. 79-81. 44 February Hilgard, Alfred, editor. 1857- Scholia in Dionysii Thracis Artem gram- maticam. Lipsiae, MCMI. [Grammatici Graeci. Part i, vol. 3.] 2981.56 Part I, V0I.3 Langlois, Ernest, editor. 1857-. Recueil d'arts de seconde rhetorique. Paris, 1902. [Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France.] =: 2681. II New England Primer. 1843. The New-Enp-land primer improved, for the more easy attaining the true read- ing of English. Added the Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Catechism. Boston. Draper. 1777. [Hartford, 1843.] Illus. Portrait. = **H.99C.i2i Stenzler, Adolf Friedrich. Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache. Grammatik, Texte, Worterbuch. 7. Auf- lage, umgearbeitet von Richard Pischel. Miinchen, 1902. 2954.116 Wisten, Leonard. fitudes sur le style et la syntaxe de Cer- vantes. [Tome] I. Les constructions gerondives absolues dans les oeuvres de Cervantes. Lund, 1901. 503949 John Crerar Library, Chicago. Supplement to the list of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston, cor- rected to April, 1903. Chicago, 1903. = *6i93.5o Joline, Adrian Hoffman. The diversions of a book-lover. New York, 1903. 2127.124 London Library, London, England. Catalogue. By C. T. Hagberg Wright. London, 1903. *62oo.48 Wegelin, Oscar. Early American poetry. A compilation of the titles of volumes of verse and broadsides, written by writers, born or residing in North America, and issued during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. New York, 1903. 86 pp. Plates. *A.9557 Journalism. Ralph, Julian E. The making of a journalist. New York, 1903. 6198.76 Rhetoric. Composition. Elocution. Oratory. Recitations. Dialogues. Speakers. Clark, Samuel, of Maine, compiler. The American orator. Selected chiefly from American authors. Gardiner, 1828. = 239ob.4 Cornford, L. Cope. Essay-writing for schools . . . London, 1903. " 5597-183 Expression, a quarterly review of art, litera- ture, and the sooken word. Edited by S. S. Curry. Vol. 1-16. Boston, 1895- 1900.^ 6 V. in 2. Illus. = *5597.i79 A publication of the School of Expression. Johnson, Edwin Rossiter. The alnhabet of rhetoric. With a chapter on elocution. New York, 1903. 5597-i8i Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Brown, James Duff. Manual of library economy. London, 1903. Illus. 6196.94 Galesburg, 111. Free Public Library. Annual report of the Board of Directors. 29th. 1903. Galesburg, 1903. Illus. Plans. = *6i57.22i Green, Richard, Wesleyan Minister. Anti-Methodist publications during the eigliteenth century. A chronologically arranged and annotated bibliography. London, 1902. *2i83.23 Manuscripts. Autographs. Handwriting. Fac-similes. Cipher. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Aish, John, and Mary Aish. Lines on the death of Mr. John Aish, and his wife Mrs. Mary Aish. [Engraving by Bowen. Boston, 177-?] Broadside. **H.9oa.i64 Drew, Benjamin. The grasshopper vane on Faneuil Hall. [Verses. Boston, 187-?] Broadside. 2393.96 Powell, George May. Permanent International Peace Court . . . International arbitration memorial. N. p. 1899. Broadside. Fac-similes. = **H.9oa.i65 Two memorials presented to the United States Senate and referred to the Foreign Relations Committee, Feb. 24, 1896, and June 30, 1898, A manuscript note states that this was the basis of the American Plan of International Peace Court, adopted at The Hague, 1899. Massachusetts. Governor. By His Excellency . . . To Thomas Bowen . . . Colonel of a regiment of foot in the County of Bristol . . . Having received certain intelligence, that a large body of the French and Indian enemy have invested Fort William-Henry . . . You are ... re- quired to cause the regiment under your command ... to hold them- selves in readiness to march . . . Given ... in Boston, this eighth day of August, 1757 . . . [Boston, 1757.] Broadside. **H.9oa.202 1904 45 I Signed in autograph, T. Pownall. ' Jonathan Belcher, Esq; Captain-Gen- eral and Governour in Chief ... to Thomas Bowen. By virtue of the power and authority ... to mc granted ... I do . . . appoint you ... to be Lieutenant Colonel of the first regiment of militia in the County of Bristol . . . Given ... at Boston, the fourteenth day of July . . . 1741. [Boston, 1741] Broadside. **H.9oa.i89 A printed form, with names, dates, etc., in- serted by hand. Autograph signatures, J. Willard, secry., J. Bel- cher. William Shirley, Esq.; Captain-General and Governour in Chief ... to Thomas Bowen, Colonel of a regi- ment . . . County of Bristol. You are hereby required ... to cause the enlistments of soldiers . . . for the expedition against Crown-Point, to be return'd to you; and to the amount of them to add . . . Given . . . this fifteenth day of April A. D. 1756. [Boston, 1756.] Broadside. **H.9oa.i97 A printed form, with names, dates etc., in- serted by hand. Autograph signature, W. Shirley. Lieutenant Governor. By the Honourable Spencer Phipps, Esq. Lieutenant-Governor and Com- mander in Chief ... A proclamation. Whereas upon consideration of the great importance of the expedition . . . against . . . Crown-Point . . . the Great and General Court . . . have made provision for two thou- sand recruits . . . Given at . . . Bos- ton, the ninth day of September 1755 . . . Boston, 1755. Broadside. **H.9oa.203 Scrap-book of scenes and views. [A collection of miscellaneous pictures, cut from newspapers and magazines.] Mounted in scrap-book. *626o.i3 General Literature. Criticism. Authors. Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman, com- piler. Loci critici. Passages illustrative of crit- ical theory and practice from Aristotle downwards. Boston, 1903. . 4555.168 English and American Literature. American jest book, The. Harrisburgh, 1796. Plate. No. 2 in A.5857 American Prose Miscellany, The. Original and selected. Philadelphia, 1809. = *4509.i6i=:*A.i69 Belloc, Joseph Hilaire Pierre. The aftermath; or gleanings from a busy life. Called upon the outer cover . . . Caliban's Guide to letters. New York. [1903?! 4559.218 Brooke, Stopford Augustus. The poetry of Robert Browning. New York. [1902.] Portrait. 455342=*R.9.ii85 Browning, Robert. Rabbi Ben Ezra. With supplementary illustrative quotations and an introduc- tion by William Adams Slade. New York, 1902. 56 pp. = *R.3.94 Robert Browning calendar, 1903. [Com- piled by I. T. Hill and G. H. Chamber- lain. Boston, 1902.] Unpaged. = ) *R.2.I2.I Burgess, Frank Gelett. More Goops, and how not to be them. A manual of manners for impolite in- fants. New York. [1903.] 96 pp. Illus. 2390.23 Candage, Rufus George Frederick. More gathered autumn leaves. [Verses.] By Versicus [pseud.]. Boston, 1903. 43 PP- = *A.i403.i Clark, J. Scott. A study of English prose writers. A laboratory method. New York, 1900. B.H.Ref.891.10 (2554.85) Bibliographies accompanying each chapter. Crothers, Samuel McChord. The gentle reader. Boston, 1903. 4559a.i93 Dennis, John, of London. Realms of gold. A student's book of English literature. New York, 1901. 2558.96 Dilke, Emilia Frances, Lady. The shrine of death and The shrine of love. Boston, 1901. 25 pp. Plates. *4568.226 Dunbar, Paul Lawrence. Lyrics of love and laughter. New York, 1903. Plate. 2394.i4i=:*A.244i.i Evelyn, Chetwood, editor. Table-talk on books, men, and manners. From Sydney Smith and others. New York, 1853. = No. 2 in 2577.12 Farr, Edward, editor. Select poetry, chiefly sacred, of the reign of King James the First. Cambridge, 1847- = 2569a.i3 Fiske, Horace Spencer. Provincial types in American fiction. New York, 1903. Plates. [Chautauqua home reading series.] 2396.46 Foulke, William Dudley. Protean papers. New York, 1903. 2409.235 Contents. — On spellbinders. — On the eco- nomical acquisition of royal ancestry. — My dog. — On Mexican mountains. — Concerning Goethe. — Literary critics. — University edu- cation. — A baseball romance. — A visit to Yucatan. — William Penn. — An expert in scalping. Gilder, Richard Watson. A Christmas wreath. [Poems.] With pictures and designs by Henry Mc- Carter. New York. [1903.] 39 pp. *A.338i.2 46 February Commencement address ... at Welles- ley College, June 23, 1903. Cambridge, 1903. 19 pp. =: 4492.253 Hale, Edward Everett. "We, the people." A series of papers on topics of to-day. New York, 1903. Por- trait. 2409.234 Harrison, John Smith. Platonism in English poetry of the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. New York, 1903. [Columbia University. Studies in comparative literature.] 4559-237 Hitchcock, A. P. Verses. N. p. 1880. 48 pp. *A.4i75 For private circulation only. Kipling, Rudyard. The five nations. [Poems.] New York, 1903. 4567.i57=*A.4788.i Krans, Horatio Sheafe. Irish life in Irish fiction. New York, 1903. [Columbia University. Studies in com- parative literature.] 4559-239 Lanier, Clifford Anderson. Apollo & Keats on Browning, a fantasy, and other poems. Boston, 1902. 77 pp. = *R.9.502 MacDonald, Cora Martin. A study of Browning's Saul. Chicago. 1902. 79 pp. = *R.9.5428 Merry fellow's companion. The; or Ameri- can jest book. Harrisburgh, 1797. 96 pp. Plate. No. I in *A.5857 Mueller, Friedrich Max. The Silesian horseherd (Das Pferde- biirla). Questions of the hour answered . . . Translated from the German by O. A. Fechter. New York, 1903. 3489.176 Robertson, John Mackinnon. Criticisms. London, 1902, 1903. 2 v. 45593-191 Relates principally to English literature. Scott, Sir Walter, Baronet. Essays on chivalry, romance and the drama. London. [1888. The Chandos classics.] = 45593.195 Sneath, Elias Hershey. Philosophy in poetry. A study of Sir John Davies's poem "Nosce teipsum." New York, 1903. 4558.185 Contains also Nosce teipsum, pp. 219-319. Sykes, Frederick Henry. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the modern English novel. Philadelphia, 1901. 31 pp. [University extension lec- tures.] No. 4 in *3592.200 Whittier, John Greenleaf. A New Year's address to the patrons of the Essex Gazette, 1828, with a letter, hitherto unpublished. Boston, 1003. 16 pp. *A.968i.59 No. 9 of an edition of 60 copies. The New Year's address is reprinted from the Essex Gazette, Haverhill, January 5, 1828. Yeats, William Butler. Ideas of good and evil. London, 1903. Plate. 4559-241 Relates principally to lyric poetry and sym- bolism. Young folks' library. Selections from the choicest literature of all lands ... 3d edition, revised in conference by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, editor-in-chief, W. J. Tucker, H. W. Mabie, H. Van Dyke, N. H. Dole. Boston. [1902.] 21 V. Illus. Portraits. Colored plates. Fac-similes. *6255.i7 Contents. — i. The story teller. Edited by C. E. Norton. 2. The merry maker. Edited by J. C. Harris. 3. Famous fairy tales. Edited by Ros- well M. Field. 4. Tales of fantasy. Edited by Tudor Jenks. 5. Myths and legends. Edited by T. J. Shahan. 6. The animal story book. Edited by E T. Seton. 7. School and college days. Edited by Kirk Munroe and M. H. Catherwood. 8. The book of adventure. Edited by N. H. Dole. 9. Famous explorers. Edited by E. E. Sparks. 10. Brave deeds. Edited by J. T. Trow- bridge. II. Wonders of earth, sea and sky. Edited by E. S. Holden. 12. Famous travels. Edited by G. A. Henty. 13. Sea stories. Edited by Cyrus T. Brady. 14. A book of natural his- tory. Edited by D. S. Jordan. 15. Historic scenes in fiction. Edited by Henry Van Dyke. 16. Famous battles by land and sea. Edited by John D. Long. 17. Men who have risen. Edited by H. W. Mabie. 18. Book of patriotism. Ed- ited by G. F. Hoar. 19. Leaders of men; or history told in biography. Edited by W. R. Harper. 20. Famous poems. Edited by T. B. Aldrich. [21.] The key to the treasure house. A book of reference. By Charles Welsh. An index of authors and subjects is in "The key to the treasure-house," by Charles W^elsh. Fiction in English for Reference Use. Banim, Michael. 1796-1874. The ghost-hunter and his family. By the O'Hara family [pseud.]. Philadelphia, 1833. *2479.94 Brown, Anna Robeson. The millionaire's son. Boston. [1903.] Plates. = *P.84.ii8 Carove, Friedrich Wilhelm. The story without an end, from the Ger- man. [Translated by] Sarah Austin. With a preface by T. W. Higginson . . . Boston, 1902. 68 pp. Plates. 4893.21 Comstock, William. Mysteries of New York! [Boston.] 1845. 64 pp. No. 4 in *A.5956.3 Daudet, Alphonse. 1840-1897. Alphonse Daudet. An introduction by W. P. Trent. The translation by G. B. Ives. New York, 1903. Portrait. Fac- simile. [Little French masterpieces.] 2679a.276 Contents. — Alphonse Daudet. — Letters from my mill: The Beaucaire diligence; Master Cor- nille's secret; The goat of Monsieur Seguin; The Pope's mule; The lighthouse of the San- guinaires; The cure of Cucugnan; Old folks; The death of the Dauphin; The legend of the man with the golden brain; The three low- masses; The two inns; The elixir of the Rev- erend Father Gaucher. — Monday tales: The ) 1904 47 last class; The game of billiards; The child spy; Mothers; The siege of Berlin; The little pies; The Pope is dead. Dunbar, Paul Lawrence. In old plantation days. New York, 1903. Plates. *2409.205 Consists of stories relating to slavery in the United States. English, William B. Hazards of the heart, or, woman's wrongs and woman's revenge. [Boston. 184-?] 40 pp. Wood-cut. No. 15 in *A.5956.2 Flaubert, Gustave. 1821-18S0. Gustave Flaubert. An introduction by F. T. Marzials. The translation by G. B. Ives. New York, 1903. Portrait. Fac- simile. [Little French masterpieces.] 2679a.273 Contents. — Gustave Flaubert. — A simple heart. — The legend of St. Julian the Hospitaller. — Herodias. Franklin, Augustus. The sea-gull; or, the pirate's league! Bos- ton, 1846. 86 pp. No. 7 in *A.5956.4 The widow's pirate son: or, Pauline Cous- try, the corsair's mate. A tale of the Province of Massachusetts. Boston, 1845. 48 pp. Wood-cuts. No. II in *A.5956.2 Gautier, Theophile. Theophile Gautier. An introduction by F. C. de Sumichrast. The translation by G. B. Ives. New York, 1903. Por- trait. Fac-simile. [Little French mas- terpieces.] 26793.274 Contents. — Theophile Gautier. — Tales: The fleece of gold; Arria Marceua; The dead leman; The nest of nightingales. — Poems. Genlis, Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de St. Aubin, Comtes..e de. The Duchess de la Valliere, and Madame de Maintenon. Romances. London, 1837. 2 y. = *6679a.ii4 Hall, Abraham Oakey. Nick Bigelow: and the female burglar; and other leaves from a lawyer's diary. By A member of the New York Bar. New York, 1846. 88 pp. Wood-cuts. No. 13 in *A.5956.3 Hall, Nevil. The red wing: or Belmont, the buccaneer of the bay. Boston, 1846. 94 pp. No. 9 in *A.5956.4 Harte, Francis Bret. A Sappho of Green Springs, and other stories. Boston, 1891. *A.3857.23 Jones, John Beauchamp. 1810-1866. The monarchist. An historical novel. Philadelphia, 1853. = *A.4635 The action takes place during the American Revolution. La Motte Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Carl, Freiherr de. Undine. A tale. Translated from the ■German, with a critical introduction, by Edmund Gosse. London, 1896. Plates. 4872.55 Maupassant, Henri Rene Albert Guy de. Guy de Maupassant. An introduction by Arthur Symons. The translation by G. ~ B. Ives. New York, 1903. Portrait. Fac-simile. [Little French master- pieces.] 2679a.277 Contents. — Guy de Maupassant. — The Horla. — Little soldier. — A coward. — Vain beauty. — The piece of string. — Moonlight. — The necklace. — Tallow-ball. Mayhew, Augustus Septimus, and Henry Mayhew. Living for appearances. A tale. London, 1855. Plates. = *6579a.i20 A variation of their The fear of the world; or, living for appearances [No. 9 in *Pph. vol.404]. Stanhope, Louisa Sidney. The bandit's bride; or the maid of Saxony. A romance. Philadelphia, 1859. = *2579.i87 Tales of Glauber-Spa. By several American authors. Vol. i. New York, 1832. =: *45o6.i9i Contents. — Introduction. [By Sharon Clapp, pseud, of R. C. Sands.] — Le Bossu. [By C. M. Sedgwick.] — Childe Roeliffe's pilgrimage. [By J. K. Pauld'ng.] — The skeleton's cave; Med- field. [By W. C. Bryant.] Ward, Robert Plumer. De Vere; or, the man of independence. By the author of "Tremaine." New York, 183 T. 2 V. = *657oa.32 Watanna, Onoto. The Heart of Hvacinth. Illustrated . . . by Kiyokichi Sano. New York, 1903. Tllus. Colored plate. *30i3.i47 Williams, Robert Folkestone. The secret passion. By the author of "The youth of Shakespeare," etc. New York. [184-?] = No. 2 in 6590.52 The scene is laid in the time of Shakespeare and the characters are taken from his family. French Literature. Du Bellay, Joachim. 1524-1560. QEuvres choisies, avec une introduction et des notes par Leon Seche, une notice bio-bi^bliographique par Camille Ballu, et des sonnets-hommages des princi- paux poetes-contemporains. Paris, 1894. Illus. Portraits. Coat-of-arms. Fac- similes. *467i.4i Bibliographic, pp. 251-268. Greek and Latin Literature. Euripides. Euripides. Translated into English rhym- ing verse by Gilbert Murray. London, 1902. Portrait. Plates. [The Athenian drama. Vol. 3.] 2969a.27 Contains Hippolytus and The Bacchae of Eurip- ides, The frogs of Aristophanes, and Appendix on the lost plays of Euripides. Fowler, Harold North. A history of Roman literature. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Fac- simile. [Twentieth Century text-books.] 2945-79 Bibliography, pp. 285-296; Chronological table, pp. 297-302. 48 Lawton, William Cranston. Introduction to classical Greek literature. New York, 1903. Plates. Fac-similes. 2964.14 Italian Literature. Dante Alighieri. L'inferno di Dante, dichiarato ai giovani da Angelo de Gubernatis. Firenze, 1891. = ... 27993.74 II purgatorio, dichiarato ai giovani da Angelo de Gubernatis. 27993.75 Petrarca, Francesco. 1304-1374. Fifteen sonnets of Petrarch. Selected and translated by T. W. Higginson. Bos- ton, 1903. 45 pp. *A.688o The Italian text and the English translation are on opposite pages. Scandinavian. Icelandic. Kormaks Saga. The life and death of Cormac the S2ald. Being the Icelandic Kormaks-Saga ren- dered into English by W. G. Colling- wood ... & Jon Stefansson . . . Ul- verston, 1902. Plates. Map. [Viking Club Translation series.] *290i.57 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Academia mexicana. Antologia de poetas mexicanos. 2a edi- cion. Mexico, 1894. **D.26i.3 Contains also Resena liistorica de la poesia mexicana, per J. M. Vigil. Bobadilla, Emilio. Grafomanos de America. (Patologia lite- raria.) [Por] Fray Candil (Emilio Bobadilla). Tomo i. Madrid, 1902. Portrait. 4399-68 Carre Aldao, Eugenio. La literatura gallega en el siglo XIX. Coruna, 1903. 3093.186 Has appended Composiciones de escritoires ga- llegos residentes en America y que no han publicado libros en nuestra lengua. Bibliography, pp. 153-171. Fernandas Braga, Joaquim Theophilo. Filinto Elysio [pseud de F. M. de Nasci- mento] e os Dissidentes da Arcadia. Porto, 1901. [Historia da litteratura portugueza.] 30993.164 Bibliographies follow each chapter. Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Browning, Robert. In a balcony. [Drama. Introduction by Laura McAdoo Triggs. Chicago, 1902.] 67 pp. Illus. = *R.3.i09 February Chambers, Edmund Kerchever. The mediaeval stage. Oxford, 1903 2 v Plates. ^ 6252.64 -List of authorities, vol. i, pp. xiii-xliii. Eichelkr3ut, Franz. A study of Hamlet, based on Werder's lectures. Coblenz, 1879. 49 pp. ^ . ^ . 459oa.i53 Lroldoni, Carlo. 1707-1793. II bugiardo. Commedia di tre atti. Nuova edizione. Monaco, 1874. 47793.18 Jonson, Ben. Three masques. [With an introduction by William Cushing Bamburgh.] New York, 1903. 59 pp. Portrait. *4573.iii Contents. — Ihe masque of Oberon. — The masque of blackness. — The masque of beauty. Maude, Cyril. The Haymarket Theatre. Some records & reminiscences. Edited by Ralph Maude. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2495.170 Moulton, Richard Green. The moral system of Shakespeare. A popular illustration of fiction as the ex- perimental side of philosophy. New York, 1903. 6602.46 Plot schemes of Shakespearean dramas, pp. 327- 373- Syllabus of a course of six lectures on Shakespeare's tragedies. Philadelphia, 1901. 14 pp. [University extension lec- tures.] No. 2 in *3592.200 Rowl3nds, Walter. Among the great masters of drama. Scenes in the lives of famous actors. Boston. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 22493.29 Shakespe3re, William. A new variorum edition of Shakespeare. Edited bv Horace Howard Furness. Revised edition by Horace Howard Fur- ness, Jr. Vol. 2. Macbeth. Philadel- phia. [1903.] Plate. *459i.i03 Tchekhov, Anton Pavlovitch. Der Bar. Groteske in einem Aufzug. Ein Heiratsantrag. Scherz in einem Auf- zug. Aus dem Russischen iibertragen von Luise Flachs-Fokschaneanu. Leip- zig. [1903] _ . 4896.50.452 Tr3hndorff, Carl Friedrich Eusebius. tiber den Orestes der alten Tragodie und den Hamlet des Shakespeare. Berlin, 1833- 34 PP- 45903.152 Weller, Elizabeth. Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet letter, dramatized. A play in five acts. Bos- ton, 1876. 72 pp. *A.9582 Wichert, Ernst Alexander August George. Des Konigs Dank. Schauspiel in drei Aufziigen. Leipzig. [1903.] 71 pp. 4896.50.452 The scene is laid in Germany, 1746. Woods, Margaret L. The Princess of Hanover. [A drama in verse.] New York, 1903. = *P.83.984 The Princess of Hanover was Sophie Dorothea, Electoral Princess of Hanover, 1904 Zorn, Johann. Pater Lorenzo. Eine Shakespear'sche Studie. [Baireuth? i8 — ?] 9 pp. 4593-28 Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. Holy Grail. The high history of the Holy Graal. Translated from the old French by Sebastian Evans. With drawings by Jessie M. King. London, 1903. Plates. 2672.184 Lang, Andrew, editor. Cinderella; or, the little glass slipper, and other stories. Prepared for the use of schools, from the 'Blue fairy book.' London, 1902. Illus. [Longmans' Sup- plementary readers.] = 7069.240 The history of Jack the Giant-killer and other stories. Based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book.' London, 1902. Illus. [Longmans' Supplementary readers.] 7069.244 The history of Whittington, and other stories, based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book.' London, 1900. Plates. [Longmans' Supplementary readers.] 7069.250 Little Red Riding-Hood, and other sto- ries. Based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book.' London, 1900. Plates. [Longmans' Supplementary readers.] 7069.248 The princess on the srlass hill, and other stories. Based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book.' London, 1901. Illus. [Longmans' Supplementary readers.] 7069.242 The sleeping beauty in the wood, and other stories. Based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book.' London, 1901, Illus. [Longmans' Supplementary readers.] 7069.246 Lewis, Charlton Miner. Gawayne and the Green Knight. A fairy tale. Boston, 1903. 2398.97 Life, The, and death of Tom Thumb, the little giant. Boston, 1814. 16 pp. Illus. **H.99C.i28 Surette, Thomas Whitney. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on national music, songs of the people. Philadelphia, 1902. 14 pp. [University extension lectures.] No. 9 in *3592.2oo Contents. — i. Ballads and dances of Merrie England. 2. Italian folk-songs and dances. 3. French folk-songs and dances. 4. German folk- songs and dances. 5. Hungarian dances and patriotic songs. 6. Norse songs and dances. Young, Egerton Ryerson. Algonquin Indian tales. New York. [1903.] Plates. 4369a.275 49 Medicine^ Hygiene. Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Brachet, Auguste. Pathologic mentale des rois de France: Louis XI. et ses ascendants. Une vie humaine etudiee a travers six siecles d'heredite, 852-1483. [2e edition.] Tome I. Paris, 1903. Fac-simile. 78ooa.85 Cunningham, Daniel John, editor. Text-book of anatomy. Edinburgh, 1902. Illus. *3742.30 Francis, Edward. An experimental investigation of Try- panosoma Lewisi. Washington, 1903. 26 pp. Plates. [United States. Marine Hospital Service. Hygienic Labora- tory.] *5787.30.ii References, pp. 25, 26. Magnus, Hugo. 1842-. _ Medicin und Religion in ihren gegenseiti- gen Beziehungen. Breslau, 1902. 76 pp. 3715.65 Paracelsus. Der thiiringische Theophrastus Paracel- sus, Wunder- und Krauterdoctor, oder der curieuse und verniinftige Zauber- Arzt . . . zum drittenmahl ans Licht gestellet von Valentino Krautermann [Pseud, fiir C. von Hellwig]. Arnstadt, 1730. = 57193.66 Sternberg, George Miller. Infection and immunity. New York, 1903. Illus. 3795.166 Tentzel, Andreas. Medicinisch-philosophisch- und sympa- thetische Schriften . . . Medicina dia- statica . . . [und] Scripta gemina de amore et odio . . . Zusammen heraus- gegeben von P. C. Leipzig, 1753. Illus. = 57193.67 Walton, George Lincoln. Worry and allied faulty mental habits. Boston, 1903. 16 pp. = 7803.30 Hygiene. Belcher, Sarah Drowne. Clean milk. New York, 1903. Plates. 3767.164 Science* Animal Life and the World of Nature. [Vol. I. July, 1902-June, 1903.] Philadelphia. [1903.] Illus. *388oa.75 A periodical supplement to The living animals of the world [*388oa.72]. Many of the plates are colored. Barber, Samuel. The cloud world, its features and signifi- cance. London, 1903. Illus. 5964.50 50 February Blomefield, Leonard. A naturalist's calendar kept at Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridgeshire. Edited by Francis Darwin. Cambridge, 1903. 5828.40 Buckner, E. D. The immortality of animals, and the rela- tion of man as guardian, from a biblical and philosophical hypothesis. Philadel- phia. [1903.] 3486.165 Burckhardt, Carl. Coupe geologique de la Cordillere entre Las Laias et Curacautin. La Plata, 1900. Illus. Maps. Geological sections. [Museo de La Plata. Anales.] = *Cab.78.i9.ii.3 Liste des ouvrages consultes et cites, pp. 97-100, Collett, Sir Henry, K.C.B. 1836-1901. Flora Simlensis: a handbook of the flow- ering plants of Simla and the neighbour- hood. Calcutta, 1902. Illus. 3856.136 Bibliography, pp. Ixvii, Ixviii. Crofton, Helen Milman. In the garden of peace. By Helen Mil- man (Mrs. Caldwell Crofton). Illus- trated by Edmvnd H. New. 3d edition. London, 1900. Plates. 3818.36 Doubts about Darwinism. By a semi-Dar- winian. London, 1903. 5825.7 Lydekker, Richard. Mostly mammals: zoological essays. New York, 1903. Plates. 3883.19 McCook, Henrv Christopher. Tenants of an old farm; leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. With an in- troduction by Sir John Lubbock. 9th edition. Philadelphia. [1884.] Illus. 3819.79 Patterson, Alice lean. The spinner family. Chicago, 1903. Illus. 3896.84 About spiders. Small, John Kunkel. Flora of the southeastern United States. New York, 1903. *3853-i36 Vernon, Horace Middleton. Variation in animals and plants. New York, 1903. Illus. 5825.8 Walton, Mason A. *A hermit's wild friends; or, eighteen years in the woods. Boston. [1903.] Illus. 381445 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. James, George Wharton. The Indians of the Painted Desert region. Boston, 1903. Plates. 4364.269 Bibliography, pp. 265-268. Keller, Albert Galloway. Queries in ethnography. New York, 1903. 86 pp. Plate. 3829.128 Steinmetz, S. R., translator and editor. Rechtsverhaltnisse von eingeborenen Volkern in Afrika und Ozeanien. Beant- wortungen des Fragebogens der Inter- nationalen Vereinigung fiir verglei- chende Rechtswissenschaft und Volks- wirtschaftslehre zu Berlin. Berlin, 1903. Diagrams. 3824.159 Astronomy. Gall, James, the Younger. An easy guide to the constellations, with a miniature atlas of the stars. New and enlarged edition. New York, 1903. 82 pp. Map. 3929-154 University of Missouri. Laws Observatory. Bulletin. No. i. [Columbia, 1902.] = *792o.76 Chemistry. Physics. Cohen, Ernst. Physical chemistry for physicians and biologists. Authorized translation by Martin H. Fischer. New York, 1903. Illus. ■ 3977.43 Krauch, C. The testMig of chemical reagents for pu- rity. Au*^horized translation of the 3d edition by J. A. Williamson and L. W. Dupre. London. [1902.] 3973.178 Musschenbroek, Petrus van. 1692-1761. Physicje, experimentales, et geometricas, de magnete, tuborum capillarium vitreo- rumque speculorum attractione, magni- tudine terrae, cohaerentia corporum firmorum dissertationes : ut et epheme- rides meteorologicas Ultrajectinse. Lug- duni Batavorum, MDCCXXIX. **E.5i25.88 Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Amyraut, Mo'ise. 1 596-1664. De libero hominis arbitrio dispvtatio. Salmvrii, MDCLXVIL **G.387.i3i G., E. E. The makers of Hellas: a critical inquiry into the philosophy and religion of ancient Greece. With an introduction, notes, and conclusion by Frank Byron Jevons. London, 1903. 2965.29 Griggs, Edward Howard. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the philosophy of Plato and its relation to modern life. Philadelphia, 1903. 15 pp. [University extension lectures.] No. 14 in *3592.200 Gundisalvi, Dominicus. De divisione philosophiae. Herausgege- ben und ohilosophiegeschichtlich unter- sucht nebst einer Geschichte der philo- sophischen Einleitung bis zum Ende der Scholastik von Dr. Ludwig Baur. Miin- ster, 1903. Diagrams. 3604.112.4 1904 51 Johnson, William Hallock. The free-will problem in modern thought. New York, 1903. 94 PP- [Columbia University. Contributions to philoso- phy, psychology, and education.] No. 2 in *36o4.i2o.io Mueffelmann, Leo. Das Problem der Willensfreiheit in der neuesten deutschen Philosophic. Leip- zig, 1902. 3603.192 Bibliography, pp. 112, 113. Snider, Denton Jaques. Ancient Eurooean philosophy. The his- tory of Greek philosophy psychologic- ally treated. St. Louis. [1903-] 3608.206 Staricius, Johannes. Geheimnissvoller Heldenschatz, oder der vollstandige egyptische magische Schild , . . Mit Das Romanus-Biichlein [und] Der grosse Grimoir des Pabstes Hono- rius. Koln, 1750. = 76o9a.i33 Turner, William, of St. Paul, Minn. History of philosophy. Boston, 1903. 360^158 The purpose of the writer has been so to set forth the succession of schools and systems of philosophy as to accord to Scholasticism a pre- ' sentation adequate to its importance in the his- tory of speculative thought. Education. Adams, Oscar Fay. Some famous American schools. Boston. [1903.] Plates. = 3599-202 Barnes, Earl. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the care and culture of children. Philadel- phia, 1903. 10 pp. [University exten- sion lectures.] No. 15 in *3592.200 Compayre, Gabriel. 1848-. The history of pedagogy. Translated, with an introduction, notes, and an index, by W. H. Payne. Boston, 1903. [Heath's Pedagogical library.] 3597.220 Mclver, Charles D. The Peabody Education Fund and its work in the Southern States. [Greens- boro, N. C? 1903-1 16 pp. = 7591.59 Peabody College for Teachers. Report of the President [James D. Por- ter]. 1902-1903. [Nashville.] 1903. 80 pp. = *759i46 Philippine Islands. Acts and laws. La instruccion primaria en Filipinas. Compilacion de lo legislado sobre este ramo, comentada, por D. Daniel Grifol y Aliaga. Manila, 1894. = 5596.123 Shotwell, John Brough. A history of the schools of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1902. Illus. Portraits. 3593-221 Tyler, William Seymour. A history of Amherst College, from 1821 to 1891. New York, 1895. Portraits. Plates. Plan. =: 4492.83 Williams, Samuel Gardner. The history of ancient education. Syra- cuse, 1903. Portraits. 3598.298 Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Barnes, Earl. Syllabus of a course of six lectures on the development of the moral nature. Philadelphia, 1901. 15 pp. [University extension lectures.] No. 5 in *3592.200 Levy-Bruhl, Lucien. La morale et la science des moeurs. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque de philoso- phic contemporaine.] 3587.184 IVIathews, William. 1818-. Conquering success; or life in earnest. Boston, 1903. 3586.116 McKenzie, Alexander, D.D, 1830-. Getting one's bearings. Observations for direction and distance. New York. [1903-1 3586.112 Contents. — Bearings, an introduction. — The gentleman. — Reason. — Imagination. — The calling. — Time. — Now. — Words. — Shib- boleth. — Luck. — Success. — Friendship. — ■ The citizen. — Travel. — Religion. Parkhurst, Charles Henry. Talks to young women. New York. 1897. *P.39.668 Puckle, James. i667?-i724. The club; or, a gray cao for a green head. A dialogue between a father and son [edited by S. W. Singer]. London. 1834. Illus. Portrait. = 55893.251 Reprinted from an edition of 1733. Warner, Beverley. The young woman in modern life. New York, 1903. 55893.250 Woolley, Celia Parker. The western slope. Evanston, 1903. = *P.84.985 Reveries of a general character. Religion* Theology* Beach, Harlan Page. A geography and atlas of Protestant mis- sions. New York, 1901. Text; Atlas, 18 maps. *5530.ii Bertrin, Georges, Abbe, editor and continua- tor. 185 1-. Les grandes figures catholiques du temps present. Biographies oar MM. Louis Veuillot, Eugene Veuillot et Henri de Riancey. Ouvrage complete et con- tinue par M. I'abbe Georges Bertrin . . , avec la collaboration de MM. A. Cros- nier . . . Oscar Havard . . . Paris, 1895. 4 v. Illus. Portraits. Coats-of-arms. Map. 3463.48 This work is largely a reprint from Celebrites catholiques contemporaines. 52 Bible. English. The Holy Bible. With Canne's marginal notes and references. Together with the Apocrypha . . . Auburn. [1823?] Plates. Maps. Engraved title-pages. = 5411.25 Illustrated with engravings by Charles Heath and others. Brooks, Phillips. Sermons. New York, 1901, 1902. 9 v. 3447.160 Contents. — I. Sermons. 2. The candle of the Lord and other sermons. 3. Sermons preached in English churches. 4. Twenty sermons. 5. The light of the world and other sermons. 6. Sermons. 7. Sermons for the principal fes- tivals and fasts of the Church year. 8. New starts in life and other sermons. 9. The law of growth and other sermons. Bunyan, John. The pilgrim's progress. Illustrations in Puritan costume by Harold Copping. The Puritan edition. New York. [1903.] Plates. 5447.141 Contains also Memoir of John Bunyan. Coale, Josiah. The books and divers epistles of the faith- ful servant of the Lord, Josiah Coale. [London?] 1671. **H.97.43 Coale was a minister of the Society of Friends for twelve years. Dresser, Horatio Willis. Man and the divine order. Essays in the philosophy of religion and in construc- tive idealism. New York, 1903. 5589a.20i Du Moulin, Pierre. 1 568-1658. Accroissement des eavx de Siloe, povr esteindre la fev de Purgatoire, & noyer les satisfactions humaines & les indul- gences papales. Contre les raisons et allegations d'vn Cordelier portugais [pseud, de Jacques Suarez], def endues par trois escrits: dont I'vn est du mesme Cordelier, intitule Le torrent de feu, &c. Les autres de deux Docteurs de la Sor- bonne: I'vn intitule La fournaise ardente [de P.-V. Palma Cayet], I'autre Le feu d'Helie [d'A. Duval]. Geneve, 1614. **G.387.i2i Same. 1631. **G.387.i22 Gordon, George Angier. Ultimate conceptions of faith. Boston, 1903.. _ ^ , . 3439-148 Contams the Lyman Beecher Lectures for 1902. Groser, William Howse. A hundred years' work for the children, being a sketch of the history of the Sunday School Union, 1803-1903. Lon- don. [1903 ] Portraits. Plates. 7539.20 Hall, H. Fielding. The soul of a people. By H. Fielding [pseud.]. London, 1898. 3045.178 Relates to the manners and customs of the Burmese and to Buddhism. Jefferson, Charles Edward. Things fundamental. A course of thir- teen discourses in modern apologetics. New York. [1903.I 3457-198 February MacDonald, Alexander, D.D., of Nova Sco- tia. The Symbol of the Apostles. A vindica- tion of the apostolic authorship of the Creed on the lines of Catholic tradition. New York, 1903. 3458.219 Millin, George F, Evil & evolution. An attempt to turn the light of modern science on to the an- cient mystery of evil. By the author of 'The social horizon.' 4th impression. London, 1899. 3457.200 This is an endeavor to show that the existence of a malignant power in opposition to the be- nignant energy of the Creator is the simplest explanation of evil. Oman, John. Vision and authority; or, the throne of St. Peter. London, 1902. 3457-195 Parsons, Robert. 1 547-1610. De persecvtione Anglicana libellus. ^ Qvo explicantvr afflictiones, calamitates, cruciatus, & acerbissima martyria, qu^e Angli cathoHci nuc ob fide patiuntur. [Anon.] Romje, 1582. **G.389b.34 Peters, John Punnett. [The mystery of birth and death.] Ser- mon. New York, 1895. 12 pp. = 7466.259 Picard, Edmond. 1836-. Synthese de I'antisemitisme. La Bible et le Coran. Les hymnes vediques. L'art arabe. Les Juifs au Maroc. Bruxelles, 1892. 2299.91 Rodkinssohn, Michael Levy. The history of the Talmud. New York. [1903.] 2 V. in I. Portrait. Fac-similes. 3481.59.19.20 Bibliography, vol. 2, pp. 44-70. Published as vol. 19, 20 of his New edition of the Babylonian Talmud [3481.59]- Saadia Gaon Ben Joseph. o j- Die religionsphilosoDhische Lehre baadja Gaons Uber die hi. Schrift. Aus dem Kitab al Amanat wal I 'tiqadat uber- setzt und erklart von Dr. Wilh. Engel- kemper. Miinster, 1903. 82 pp. [Bei- trage zur Geschichte der Philosophic des Mittelalters.] 3604.112.4 Bibliography, pp. 3-9- Savage, Minot Judson. Out of Nazareth. Boston, 1903. 3477-133 Schermann, Theodor. . Die Gottheit des Heiligen Geistes nach den griechischen Vatern des vierten Jahrhunderts. Freiburg i. B., 1901. [Strassburger theologische Studien.] 3456.183 Stewart, James, of Lovedale, South Africa. 1831-- Dawn in the Dark Continent; or, Africa and its missions. The Duff Missionary Lectures for 1902. New York, 1903. Colored maps. 3536-49 Walker, George Leon. 1830-1900. Reverend George Leon Walker, D.D. 1830-1900. Hartford, 1900. Portrait. 7466.28 1904 53 Willson, Thomas B. History of the church and state in Nor- way from the tenth to the sixteenth century. Westminster, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3523.87 List of the principal authorities, pp. xi, xii. Law. Legislation^ Patents* Agassiz, Louis Jean Rodolphe. The last will and testament of Louis Agassiz of Cambridge . . . teacher. [Cambridge? 18 — ?] Broadside. = **H.9ob.29 Jacob, Giles. 1686-1744. A new law-dictionary . . . loth edition . . . Corrected and . . . enlarged by Owen Ruffhead and J. Morgan. Dub- lin, 1773. = *7630.i4 Robert, Joseph Thomas. Primer of parliamentary law. New York, 1900. 55693.162 Robert, Ulysse Leonard Leon, editor. Testaments de I'officialite de Besangon. 1265-1500. [Public] par Ulysse Robert. Paris, 1902. [France. Ministere de in- struction publique et des beaux-arts.] *26ii.48 United States. State Department. Whaling and sealing claims against Rus- sia. On account of arrest and seizure of the American vessels "Cape Horn Pigeon," "James Hamilton Lewis," "C. H. White." and "Kate and Anna." Herbert H. D. Pierce, counsel for the United States. Washington, 1903. Maps. *442oa.3o.i902.App.i Useful and Industrial Arts* Barnard, Charles. 1838-. Tools and machines. New York. [1903.] Illus. 8037.54 Baum, Frank George. The alternating current transformer. New York, 1903. Illus. 4018.186 Blanquet, Rosalie. La cuisiniere des manages, ou manuel pra- tique de cuisine et d'economie domes- tique. 29e edition. Paris. [186-?] Illus. = 8008.132 Boston Electric Spinning Company. 1903. [Descriptive pamphlet.] Boston. [1903.] 78 pp. Illus. Map. = 8030a.11 Clark, Daniel Kinnear. The mechanical engineer's pocket-book of tables, formulas, rules, and data. 5th edition, enlarged, by H. H. P. Powies. New York, 1903. 8018.190 Cleveland, Ohio. Department of Public Works. Water Works Division. Annual report for the year ending Decem- ber 31st, 1902. [Cleveland, 1903.] Plans. = *5946.67 Flemming, Louis Andrew. Practical tanning: a handbook of modern processes, receipts, and suggestions for the treatment of hides, skins, and pelts of every description. Philadelphia, 1903. 4014.44 Furnell, John. Student's handbook of paints, colours, oils, and varnishes. Lbndon, 1903. 94 pp. Illus. 8019.232 Gillette, Halbert Powers. Earthwork and its cost. New York, 1903. Plates. Plans. 40i9a.23o Guy, Albert E. Experiments on the flexure of beams, re- sulting in the discovery of new laws of failure by buckling. New York, 1903. Plans. 4014.135 Harper, Charles G. Stage-coach and mail in days of yore. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Coat- of-arms. Tables. Fac-similes. 2464.134 Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, editor. 1854-. Basket work of all kinds. London, 1902. Illus. 4018.111 Metal Worker, The. Kitchen boiler connections. 5th edition, enlarged. New York, 1902. Illus. Plans. 4014.148 Railway Machinery. A practical journal for the railway shop. Vol. i. New York, 1901, 02. Illus. ^4012.252 This journal is a consolidation of Machinery, the Journal of Railway Appliances, and Rail- road Digest [*4oi2.25i]. Stretton, Clement E. The locomotive engine and its develop- ment. 6th edition, enlarged. London, 1903. Illus. Portrait. 8016.258 Switzerland. Commissariat general suisse pour I'Exposition universelle de Paris en 1900. Rapport administratif et technique pre- sente au Haut conseil federal par Gus- tave Ador, commissaire general suisse. Geneve, 1901. Illus. Maps. Plans. = *8o20.i36 Taschenbuch fiir den Acetylen-Techniker. Herausgegeben von Anton Ludwig. Jahrgang 2. 1901-. Berlin. [1900.] Illus. *3974.8o Triggs, Oscar Lovell. Chapters in the history of the arts and crafts movement. Chicago, 1902. 8023.76 Contents. — Carlyle's relationship to the new industrialism. — Ruskin's contribution to the doctrine of work. — Morris and his plea for an industrial commonwealth. — Ashbee and the reconstructed workshop. — Rookwood: an ideal workshop. — The development of industrial consciousness. — Appendices. Williams, Archfbald. The romance of modern engineering, con- taining interesting descriptions in non- technical language of the Nile Dam, the Panama Canal, the Tower Bridge . . . Philadelphia, 1904. Plates. 8019.228 54 February Williams, Hal. Mechanical refrip-eration. London, 1903. Plates. Plans. [The specialists' series.] 8013.45 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Gordon, George, Horticulturist. The book of shrubs. London, 1903. 92 pp. Plates. [Handbooks of practical gardening. 3998-193 Green, Samuel Bowdlear. Principles of American forestry. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 3849.13 Jumelle, Henri Lucien. Les plantes a caoutchouc et a gutta: ex- ploitation, culture et commerce. Paris, 1903. Illus. 8015.40 Northcote, Ladv Rosalind Lucy. The book of herbs. London, 1903. Plates. [Handbooks of practical gardening.] 3998.189 Powell, G. Harold, and S. H. Fulton. Cold storage, with special reference to the pear and peach. Washington, 1903. 28 pp. Plates. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.40 Quaintance, Altus L. Strawberry notes for 1899. Atlanta, Ga., 1900. 31 pp. Illus. *7995. 11.48 Redding, R. J. Cotton culture. [Atlanta, Ga., 1895,] 1897. 2 V. *7995.ii.3i-35 Culture of tobacco. Experiment, Ga., 1892. 16 pp. Illus. *7995.ii.i9 Rice, Elmer Cook. The national standard squab book. [2d edition.] Boston, 1903. 96 pp. Illus. Portrait. =z 6006.124 Speth, Gustave. Irish potato culture. Experiment, Ga., 1890. 10 pp. *7995.ii.8 Starnes, Hugh N. Irish potatoes. Atlanta, Ga., 1895. 60 pp. Illus. *7995. 11.29 The San Jose and other scales in Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., 1897. 31 pp. Illus. Map. *7995-ii.36 Sweet . potatoes. Experiment, Ga., 1894. 36 pp. Illus. *7995.ii.25 Watermelons. Atlanta, Ga., 1897. 43 pp. Illus. *7995-ii-38 Ward, Charles Willis. The American carnation: how to grow it. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 5992.90 Bibliography of carnation diseases, p. 143. White, Henry Clay. 1850-. Manures and fertilizers. Experiment, Ga., 1893. 24 pp. *7995.ii.22 Williams, Carrie. Complete instructions in rearing silk- worms. San Francisco, 1902. Illus. 5999.125 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Gallwey, Sir Ralph William Payne-, Baro- net. The crossbow, mediaeval and modern, military and sporting: with a treatise on the balista and catapult of the an- cients. London, 1903. Illus. Portrait. *2230.63 Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace, Baronet. British soldiers in the field. New York, 1902. _ Colored plates. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. Tl he boys' library.] 6527.76 Saavedra y Magdalena, Carlos. Algunas observaciones sobre los desastres de la marina espariola en la guerra con los Estados Unidos en el ano de 1898. El Ferrol, 1898. 60 pp. Tables. 442oa.24i Amusements* Games* Sports* Berkeley, Hon. George Charles Grantley Fitz Hardinge. A month in the forests of France. Lon- don, 1857. Plates. *4005.87 An account of wolf and boar hunting. Crealock, Henry Hope. Deer-stalking in the Highlands of Scot- land. Edited by John North Crealock. London, 1892. Illus. *Cab.79.io.i Hartley, Gilfrid W. Wild sport with gun, rifle, and salmon- rod. Edinburgh, 1903. Plates. 4003.162 Johnson, Isaac Charles, Jr. Sport on the Blue Nile. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 4005.180 Tod, Ewen M. Wet-fly fishing treated methodically. London, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 4008.277 Warner, Pelham F. Cricket across the seas: being an account of the tour of Lord Hawke's team in New Zealand and Australia. London, 1903. Plates. 4005.139 White, Mary, and Sara White. The book of children's parties. New York, 1903. Illus. 4007.31 Fiction. In English. Crane, Stephen, and Robert Barr. The O'Ruddy. A romance. New York. [1903.] Plate. 58.257 Davis, Richard Harding. Ranson's folly. New York, 1902. Plates. 58.256 Drysdale, William. The beach patrol; a story of the life- saving service. 5th edition. Boston. [1897.] Plates. [Brain and brawn se- ries.] 78.191 1904 The fast mail; the story of a train boy. Boston. [1896.] Plates. [Brain and brawn series.] 78.190 Foote, Mary Hallock. A touch of sun, and other stories. Bos- ton, 1903. 58.253 Gilson, Roy Rolfe. In the morning glow. Short stories. New York, 1903. Plates. 58.259 Harraden, Beatrice. Katharine Frensham. New York, 1903. 58.255 Krause, Lyda Farrington. (Barbara Yech- ton.) Honor D'Everel. New York, 1903. Plate. 58.260 Leonard, Mary Finley. The Pleasant Street partnership. A neigh- borhood story. Boston. [1903-] Plates. 78.192 Lloyd, John Uri. Red Head. New York, 1903. IHus. 58.258 A story of feuds in eastern Kentucky. Sequel to Stringtown on the Pike [68.234]. Moore, Frank Frankfort. Shipmates in sunshine; the romance of a Caribbean cruise. New York, 1903. 58.261 Packard, Winthrop. The young ice whalers. Boston, 1903. Plates. 78.189 Rives, Hallie Erminie. Hearts courageous. Indianapolis. [1902.] Plates. 58.252 The scene is laid in Virginia in the time of the Revolution. Scott, Hugh Stowell. (Henry Seton Merri- man.) Barlasch of the Guard. New York, 1903. Plates. 58.248 A story of events connected with Napoleon's Russian campaign. Wiggin, Kate Douglas. The diary of a goose girl. Boston, 1902. Illus. 58.254 In German. Krickeberg, Elisabeth. Ohne Liebe. Der tolle Graf. Zwei Er- zahlungen. Leipzig. [1903-] 4896.50.452 Ompteda, Georg, Freiherr von, Cacilie von Sarrvn. Roman. Berlin, 1902. 2 V. [Deutscher Adel um 1900. Teil 3.] 6897.159 In Polish. Junosza, Klemens. Syzyf. Obrazy z zycia wiejskiego. Wars- zawa, 1899. 3066.210 Children's Room* Books for the Month. Baker, Ray Stannard. Boys' second book of inventions. New York, 1903. Illus. 8037.40 ss Drysdale, William. The beach patrol; a story of the life- saving service. Boston. [1897.] Illus. 78.191 The fast mail; the story of a train boy. Boston. [1896.] Illus. 78.190 Guerrier, Edith. Wanderfolk in wonderland. A book of animal fable stories. Boston, 1903. Illus. 4396.142 Hough, Emerson. The way to the West. And the lives of three early Americans. Boone — Crockett — Carson, Indianapolis. [1903.] Illus. 4377.174 Hughes, Rupert. The dozen from Lakerim. New York, 1899. Illus. 78.185 A boys' school story. Ingpen, Roger, editor. One thousand poems for children. A choice of the best verse old and new. Philadelphia. [1903.] 4566.179 Leonard, Mary F. The Pleasant Street partnership. A neighborhood story. Boston. [1903.] Illus. 78.192 Packard, Winthrop. The young ice whalers. Boston, 1903. Illus. 78.189 Ship of State, The. By those at the helm. Boston, 1903. Illus. [The Youth's Companion series.] 4329.168 Contents. — The presidency, by Theodore Roose- velt. — The life of a senator, by Henry Cabot Lodge. — The life of a congressman, by Thomas B. Reed. — The Supreme Court of the United States, by David J. Brewer. — How Jack lives, by John D. Long. — The Naval War College, Tay John D. Long. — How our soldiers are fed, by W. C. Sanger. — How our army is clothed, by M. F. Ludington. — Good manners and diplomacy, by W. R. Day. — How foreign treaties are made, by Henry Cabot Lodge. — Uncle Sam's law business, by J. K. Richards. — The American post-office, by W. L. Wilson. Singleton, Esther. The golden-rod fairy book. New York, 1903. Illus. 2254.70 Associations^ Clubs* Societies* Bedford, William Kirkpatrick Riland, and Richard Holbeche. The order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, being a history of the Eng- lish Hospitallers of St. John, their rise and progress. London, 1902. Illus. Fac-similes. 7564-38 Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Opening of the building . . . and banquet, November 11, 1902, together with a brief history of the Chamber from 1768- 1902. Compiled by George Wilson, Sec- retary. New-York, 1902. Plates. = *4472.i94 56 February Signet, The. Harvard College. The third catalogue of the Signet. Bos- ton, 1903. Plate. = *45oi.7i Periodicals* Annuals^ Almanacs* Indexes* Irish Penny Magazine, The. [Vol. i.] 1833. Dublin, 1833. Illus. *722i.4 With illustrations by Samuel Lover. No more was published. Lady's Annual Register, The, and House- wife's Almanac. For 1838-1843. By Caroline Gilman. Boston, 1838-1843. 6 V. in 3. Illus. = *5229a.2 Regia deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagne. Elenchi degli scritti contenuti negli Atti e memorie . . . Con I'indice degli argo- menti delle memorie e delle letture a tutto il volume XVIII della serie III (1862-1900). Bologna, 1903. 62 pp. *32ioa.66 Books added to the Branch Libraries* Baker, Ray Stannard. Boys' second book of inventions. Illus. Y 449.2 Blackstone, Harriet, compiler. The best American orations of today. Lk 904.2 Bolton, Gambier. A book of beasts and birds, illustrated with photographs from life. Ns 974 Caine, Oliver Vernon. Royalists and Roundheads. A tale of the youth of King Charles II. after the battle of Worcester. Illus. Y 1360.2 Crane, Stephen, and Robert Barr. The O'Ruddy. A romance. Plate. 34c 7 Dix, Edwin Asa. Champlain, the founder of New France. Illus. [Appleton's Historic lives se- ries.] Be 1622.2 Drysdale, William. The beach patrol; a story of the Life- saving service. Illus. Y 2415.3 The fast mail; the story of a train boy. Illus. Y 2415.2 Elson, Henry William. Side light on American history. Series 2. The Civil War and our own times. Eh 2618 Guerrier, Edith. Wanderfolk in Wonderland. A book of animal fable stories. Illus. Y 3653 Hale, Edward Everett. New England history in ballads. By Ed- ward E. Hale and his children with a few additions by other people. Illus- trated by Ellen D. Hale, Philip L. Hale, and Lilian Hale. LI 3735 Hancock, Harry Irving. Japanese physical training. Illus. Mp 3788 Hough, Emerson. The way to the West, and the lives of three early Americans, Boone — Crockett — Carson. Illus. Ev 4290 Ingpen, Roger, compiler. One thousand poems for children. A choice of the best verse old and new. Y 4445 Johnson, Clifton. The land of heather. Written and illus- trated by Clifton Johnson. Hd 4602 Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton. The Nile quest. A record of the explora- tion of the Nile and its basin. Illus. Gu 4607 Krause, Lyda Farrin^-ton. (Barbara Yech- ton.) Honor D'Everel. Plate. 24k i Laboulaye, fidouard Rene Lefebvre. Last fairy tales. Authorized translation by Mary L. Booth. Illus. Y 4900 Lawler, Thomas Bonaventure. Essentials of America history. Illus. Eh 5084 Lee, Guy Carleton. The true history of the Civil War. Illus. Eo 5123 Lloyd, John Uri. Red Head. Illus. 113I2 A story of feuds in Eastern Kentucky. Long, John Davis. The new American navy. Portraits. Plates. MTaps. Ey53og Morley, John. The life of William Ewart Gladstone. Illus. 3 V. Bg 3431.10 Mowry, William Augustus, and Arthur May Mo wry. American heroes and heroism. Illus. [America's great men and their deeds.] Y 6228.2 Packard, Winthrop. The young ice whalers. Illus. Y 6644 Rice, Elmer C. The national standard squab book. Ub 7445 Seignobos, Charles. History of the Roman people. Transla- tion edited by William Fairley. Illus. Dq 8104 Shoemaker, Charles Chalmers, compiler. One hundred choice selections. A re- pository of readings, recitations, and plays . . . No. 38. Lk 3260 The earlier numbers, edited by Phineas Gar- rett, are on the same shelf-number. 1904 57 Singleton, Esther. The golden-rod fairy book. Illus. Y8268 Snyder, Harry. The chemistry of plant and animal life. Illus. Nh8356 Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, Baronet. The American Revolution. Part 2. [1776- 1783.] 2 V. Folded maps. Em 9010 Watkins, William B. McGuffey's alternate spelling book. Kg 9520 Welsh, Charles, editor. Famous battles of the nineteenth century. Described by Archibald Forbes, George A. Henty, Arthur Griffiths, and other well-known writers. Illus. 2 v. Ut 9582 Contents. — [i.] 1801-1817. [2.] 1861-1871. STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT Books and Documents Recently Added* Social SciencCt Political Economy. Bacon, Edward P. The inadequate powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission. [New York.] 1902. 16 pp. = 9385-973318 Barnett, George Ernest. State banking in the United States since the passage of the National Bank Act. [With appendix.] Baltimore, 1902. Tables. [Tohn Hopkins University studies in historical and political sci- ence.] *2356.69.2o Blum, Otto. Reibungsbahnen und Bahnen gemischten Systems: ein Vergleich ihrer wirtschaft- lichen Verhaltnisse. Berlin, 1903. 41 pp. Chart. =^ 9385-35 Boehm-Bawerk, Eugen von. 185 1- Recent literature on interest (1884-1899). A supplement to Capital and interest . . . Translated by W. A. Scott . . . and . . . S. Feilbogen. New York, 1903- 9332.8315 Capital and interest is on shelf-no. 9332.8a 15. Bowack, William Mitchell. Another view of industrialism. London, 1903- 9330.1332 A view from the standpoint of the subjective of Schopenhauer. Bridge, James Howard. The inside history of the Carnegie Steel Company. New York, 1903. Illus. Por- traits. Fac-similes. 9338.77327 Davis, William Thomas. Centennial memorial of the Plymouth Bank and the Plymouth National Bank, of Plymouth, Mass. [Anon.] Ply- mouth, 1903. 71 pp. Plates. 4352.176 Dillworth, Joseph Dennis, compiler. Assessed values of real estate in Boston. Wards 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, parts of wards 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21. 1903. Bos- ton, 1903. **9352.i744a7 Giornale degli economisti. Indice generale alfabetico per nomi d'au- tori della seconda serie, dal 1° Luglio 1890 al 31 Dicembre 1900. [Roma, 1902.] 68 pp. *9330-545a2 Hallock, James Collins. Clearing out-of-town checks in England and the United States. St. Louis, 1903. Plans. Fac-similes. 9332. iq35 Hepburn, Alonzo Barton. 1846-. History of coinage and currency in the United States and the perennial con- test for sound money. New York, 1903. , 9332.497332 Bibliography, pp. 435-449. Jones, Edward David. Economic crises. New York, 1900. [The citizen's library.] 9332.7537 Kleinw3echter, Friedrich. Lehrbuch der Nationalokonomie. Leip- zig, 1902. 9330.2311 McLe3n, Simon James. The tariff history of Canada. Toronto, 1895. 53 pp. [University of Toronto studies.] = 9337-371 M3ier-Bode, Fritz, and Carl Neumsnn, of Darmstadt. Die Getreideverkaufsgenossenschaften, ihr Nutzen, ihre Griindung und ihre Einrichtungen. Stuttgart, 1902. Illus. Plans. 9382.1 136 Pslgrsve, Robert Harry Inglis. Bank rate and the money market in Eng- land, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium. 1844-1900. London, 1903. Tables. 9332.1310 St3mmh3mmer, Josef. Bibliographic der Finanzwissenschaft. Jena, 1903. *90i6.336 Stsnwood, Edward. 1841-. American tariff controversies in the nine- teenth century. Boston, 1903. 2 v. 9337-073 Willey, Freeman Otis. The laborer and the capitalist. New York.. [1896.] Portrait. 9331.139 Political Science. Cridge, Alfred Denton. Proportional representation, including its relations to the initiative and referen- dum. San Francisco, 1893. 24 pp. Illus. = 9324.2238 Advocates and describes in detail the preferen- tial plan of Thomas Hare. Whinery, Samuel. 1845-. Municipal Dublic works. Their inception, construction and management. New York, 1903. 9352.534 1904 Sociology. Booth, Maud Ballington. After prison — what? New York. [1903 ] Plate. = 5578.164 City Homes Association, Chicago. Tenement conditions in Chicago. Report by the Investigating Committee. Text by Robert Hunter. Chicago, 1901. Illus. Plans. = 9361.9315 Bibliography, pp. 203, 204. Conferencia nacional de beneficencia y cor- reccion de la Isla de Cuba. Memoria oficial. Primera conferencia. Habana, 1902. Portrait. Plates. = 5573-125 Cridge, Alfred Denton. Utopia; or, the history of an extinct planet. Oakland, California, 1884. 30 pp. = 5560.47 Kautsky, Carl. The social revolution. Translated by A. M. and May Wood Simons. Chicago, 1903. [Standard socialist series.] 9335.331 Negro problem, The. A series of articles by representative American negroes of to-day. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 7587.182 Newark Female Charitable Society. A century of benevolence. 1803-1903. The history of the Society . . . Com- piled ... by Mrs. A. F. R. Martin, Cor- responding Secretary. [Newark? 1903.] Portraits, Map. Fac-simile. = 557oa.iii Patten, Simon Nelson. Heredity and social progress. New York, 1903. 3568.233 Stuckenberg, John Henry Wilburn. Sociology, the science of human society. New York, 1903. 2 v. 9301.335 Tarde, Gabriel. 1843-. The laws of imitation. Translated from the second French edition by Elsie Clews Parsons. New York, 1903. 3586.99 Vandervelde, fimile. Collectivism and industrial evolution . . . Translated by Charles H. Kerr. Chi- cago, 1901. 9335-330 Women. Letourneau, Charles Jean Marie. La condition de la femme dans les di- verses races et civilisations. Avec une 59 notice biographique par G. Papillault. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque sociologique internationale.] *P.20,52i Machan, Anna. Ueber Frauenbildung und Frauenbewe- gung in Karnten zu Ende des 19. Jahr- hunderts. Klagenfurt. 1901. *P.39-543 Public Documents* United States. Full synopsis of bill H. R. 8337 to amend the Act to Regulate Commerce gen- erally known as the Inter-State Com- Senate. Report of the Senate Committee on inter- oceanic canals. Washington, 1901. *C.4256 States. Territories. Accessions. New York. Board of Railroad Commissioners. Before the Board . . . June 30, 1903. Report in the matter of the transpor- tation problem in Greater New York. [Albany, 1903. 1 26 pp. = 7658.235 Porto Rico. Legislative Assembly. Journals of the first legislative assembly. Dec. 3, 1900-July 4, 1901. ATso reports of the Auditor. Washington, 1901. *C.4324 Foreign. Canada. Commissioner Appointed in the Matter of the Alleged Combination of Paper Manufacturers. Report of Commissioner and other documents . . . Ottawa, 1902. = *9338-777i merce Act, introduced in the House of Representatives Jan. 9th, 1902, by Hon. John B. Corliss . . . Prepared under the direction of the Inter-State Commerce Law Convention, held at St. Louis, Nov. 20, 1900. [St. Louis, 1902.] II pp. = 9385.973319 THE HISTORY, SOCIAL CONDITIONS AND RELIGION OF EGYPT. A short list of references in connection with the lectures by Georg Steindorff, Professor of Egyptology in the University of Leipsic. All titles in the lists illustrative of the Lowell Lectures are fur- nished in each case by the lecturer himself, who alone is responsible for their extent and character. I. History and Geography of Ancient Egypt. Amelineau, fimile Clement. La geographie de I'figypte a I'epoque copte. Paris, 1893. 3052.127 Egypt. '4th edition. Leipzig, 1898. 5059-35 Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles. The dawn of civilization. Egypt and Chaldsea. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Trans- lated by M. L. McClure. London, 1894. Illus. Map. *3052.i4i The struggle of the nations: Egypt, Syria and Assyria. Edited by A. H. Savce. Translated by M. L. McClure. New York, 1897. Illus. Maps. 304oa.i43 Meyer, Eduard. Geschichte des alten Aegyptens. Berlin, 1887. Illus. [Allgemeine Geschichte m Einzeldarstellungen.l 5053-71 Geschichte des Altertums. Vol. i, 2. Stuttgart, 1884, 93- 2215.51 Contents. — I. Geschichte des Orients bis zur Begriindung des Perserreichs. 2. Geschichte des Abendlandes bis auf die Perserkriege. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, editor. A history of Egypt. London, 1884-1901. Illus. Maps. B.H.Ref.30.io(3059-i75) Contents. — i. To the XVIth dynasty. By W. M. F. Petrie. 2. The XVIIth and XVIIIth dynasties. By W. M. F. Petrie. 4. The Ptole- maic dynasty. By J. P. Mahaffy. 5- Roman rule. By J. G. Milne. 6. A history of Egypt in the Middle Ages. By Stanley Lane-Poole. Steindorff, Georg. Die Bliitezeit des Pharaonenreichs. Biele- feld, 1900. Illus. Map. [Monographien zur Weltgeschichte.] 6252.29 II. Civilization of Ancient Egypt. Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. The mummy: chapters on Egyptian fune- real archaeology. Cambridge, 1893. Illus. *3053-i53 Erman, Johann Peter Adolf. Life in ancient Egypt. Translated by H. M. Tirard. London, 1894. Illus. 3052.135 Wiedemann, Alfred. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. Lon- don, 1897. Illus. 3484.145 Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. The manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. London, 1878. 3051.57-3 III. Language and Literature. Erman, Johann Peter Adolf. Egyptian grammar. Translated by James Henry Breasted. London, 1894. *3039.iio Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles, editor. Les contes populaires de I'figypte an- cienne, traduits et commentes. Paris, 1882. *467oa.53 Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, editor and translator. Egyptian tales. London, 1895. 2 v. Illus. 3028.116 Steindorff, Georg. Koptische Grammatik. Berlin, 1894. [Porta linguarum orientalium.] *3037.i02 IV. History of Egyptian Art. Butler, Alfred Joshua. The ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. Oxford, 1884. Illus. Plans. 3521.58 Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles. Egyptian archaeology. Translated by Amelia B. Edwards. London, 1887. 5056.57 Perrot, Georges, and Charles Chipiez. A history of art in ancient Egypt. Trans- lated and edited by Walter Armstrong. London, 1883. 2 v. Illus. 8084.52 Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. Ten years' digging in Egypt. 1881-1891. London, 1892. Illus. Map. 3059.166 EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY. A short list of references suggested in connection with the lectures by Edward Channing, Professor of History in Harvard University. All titles in the lists illustrative of the Lowell Lectures are fur- nished in each case by the lecturer himself, who alone is responsible for their extent and character. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. A larger history of the United States of America to the close of President Jack- son's administration. New York, 1901. Illus. Plates. Maps. Plans. 4211.78 The first part of the book, to page 158. Fiske, John. The discovery of America. Boston, 1895. 2 V. Illus. Maps. 4316.136 Omitting portions on the native races. Winsor, Justin, editor. Narrative and critical history of America. Vol. 2, 3. Boston, 1884, 86. Illus. Por- traits. Maps. Fac-similes. *42ioa.5i Larned, Josephus Nelson. History for ready reference. Springfield, 1894-1901. 6 V. Maps. *62io.59 Channing, Edward. A students' history of the United States. New York, 1903. Plates. Fac-similes. 4325-185 Pp. 21-79 contains a concise summary, and addi- tional references. LECTURE I. Markham, Clements Robert. Life of Christopher Columbus. London, 1892. Illus. Portraits. Maps. [The world's great explorers and explora- tions.] 2743,63 American History Leaflets. No. i. The letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel. New York, 1892. *44i9.i73.i LECTURE IL Harrisse, Henry. John Cabot, the discoverer of North America, and Sebastian his son. Lon- don, 1896. Maps. Fac-similes. 4313.148 American History Leaflets. No. 9. Docu- ments describing the voyage of John Cabot in 1497. New York, 1893. *44i9.i73.9 sonian Institution, izith annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology, part i. Pp. 329-613. Washington, 1896.) *4490.9.i4, part i Introduction only. LECTURE IV. Froude, James Anthony. English seamen in the i6th century. New York, 1895. 6526.18 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, editor. A book of American explorers. Boston, 1877. Illus. Portraits. [Young folks' series.] 43i9a.i62 LECTURE V. Bruce, Philip Alexander. Economic history of Virginia in the 17th century. New York, 1896. 2 v. Map. 4466.132 Introduction only. Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her neighbours. Boston, 1900. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 4368.206 Part relating to Virginia to 1620. LECTURE VI. Eggleston, Edward. The beginners of a nation. New York, 1897. Maps. 2323.48 American History Leaflets. No. 27. *44i9.i73.27 LECTURE VII. Dexter, Morton. The story of the Pilgrims. Boston. [1894.] Plates. 4358.119 Bradford, William. History of Plymouth Plantation. Boston, 1856. ^2320.32 LECTURE III. Bandelier, Adolphe Frangpis Alphonse. The gilded man (El Dorado). New York, 1893- 4317.136 Winship, George Parker. The Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. (In Smith- LECTURE VIII. Fiske, John. The beginnings of New England. Bos- ton, 1889. Map. 4352.103 Arber, Edward, editor. Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1625. London, 1897. Portrait. 4359.119 FREE PUBLIC LECTURES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON TO BE GIVEN IN THE LOWELL INSTITUTE. (Founded in 1836 by John Lowell, Jr., and Established in iSsq.) The Trustee of the Lowell Institute under the will of John Lowell, Jr., maintains annually in the City of Boston various Courses of Free Public Lectures. For the present — the sixty-fifth — season, five dis- tinct Series are provided, to all of which Admission is Free (but only under certain conditions), as follows: — I. Public Lectures, — in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street. II. School for Industrial Foremen, — under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. III. Teachers' School of Science, — under the Auspices of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History. IV. Courses for Workingmen, — under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. V. Public Lectures, — in the Hancock Schoolhouse, Parmenter Street. Further information in regard to the several Courses is given below. A. Lawrence Lowell, Trustee. W. T. Sedgwick, Curator. 1. PUBLIC LECTURES IN HUNTING- TON HALL. Lowell Institute Lectures, open to the public, will be given this year, as in recent years, in Huntington Hall, Rogers Build- ing, 491 Boylston Street, Boston. The sev- eral Courses will be announced in advance, with full particulars, in the Monthly Bulle- tin of the Boston Public Library, and in the advertising columns of the Boston Evening Transcript. Admission to all Lectures of the Lowell Institute is free, but only by ticket and under certain conditions. The number of tickets is limited by the capacity of the Hall. For an account of the new plan of ticket distribution, see January Bulletin, p. 28. The Sixth Course will be eight lectures by Edward Channing, Ph.D., Professor of History in Harvard University, on Early American History, i. Christopher Colum- bus. 2. The Isolation of the New World. 3. Florida and New Mexico. 4. The Found- ing of England's Sea Power. 5. The Genesis of the United States. 6. The James River Colony. 7. The Pilgrims. 8. New Plymouth Colony. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, Feb. 2. The Seventh Course will be eight lectures by Georg Steindorff, Professor of Egypt- ology in the University of Leipsic, Ger- many, on The History, Social Conditions and Religion of Egypt, i. History of An- cient Egypt. 2. Public Life. 3. Private Life. 4. Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Literature. 5. The Egyptian Religion. 6. Temples, Cere- monies and Priesthood. 7. The Life after 1904 Death. 8. Graves and Burial. The Egyp- tian Religion outside Egypt. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, Feb. 15, 17, 20, 24, 27, 29, March 2 and 5, at 8 p. M. The Eighth Course will be eight lectures by Dr. William Everett, on The Italian Poets since Dante. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, March i. The Ninth Course will be eight lectures by James Hardy Ropes, Professor in Har- vard University, on The Apostolic Age in the Light of Modern Criticism. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, March 7. The Tenth Course will be six lectures by Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S., Lecturer on Zoology in the University of Cambridge, England, on The Coloration of Amphibia and Reptiles. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- .ning March 29. 63 IL SCHOOL FOR INDUSTRIAL FOREMEN. Under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For further information in regard to this School, see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. IIL TEACHERS' SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Under the Auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. IV. COURSES FOR WORKINGMEN. Under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. V. LECTURES AT THE HANCOCK SCHOOLHOUSE. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. LECTURES AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. FREE COURSE OF LECTURES E-LUSTRATING THE GENERAL FIELD OF ARCHITECTURE. In the Lecture Hall of the jpublic Library, under the auspices of the Boston Architectural Club* Feb. II. The Period of the Caesars. H. Langford Warren. Feb. 25. The Middle Ages in Italy. Charles A. Cummings. Mar. 17. Recent Syrian Excavation. Howard Crosby Butler. Mar. 31. The Beginnings of Gothic. William R. Ware. Apr. 14. The Gothic Ascendency. Ralph Adams Cram. Apr. 28. The Italian Renaissance. W. P. P. Longfellow. May 12. The French Renaissance. D. Despradelle. May 26. Modern Initiative. Robert D. Andrews. These will be illustrated by stereopticon views and exhibitions of photographs (in the Fine Arts Department) specially selected from the library collection. FREE ILLUSTRATED LECTURES In connection with the regfular monthly exhibitions in the Fine Arts Departments Mar. 10. Civic Buildings of the Middle Ages. Harry J. Carlson. Apr. 7. Royal Buildings of the Renaissance. J. Randolph Coolidge, Jr. LIBRARY ^^^'^ MONTHLY BULLETIN u o X! (U OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON oj -r: pLi u U T3 C eg o u in G < O O w Vol. IX. No. 3. March, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904 TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, English High Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. School Building, Montgomery St. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, ' Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 4 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, lOii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, 752 Dudley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM January 15 to February 15, 1904. The symbol = following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books* Bacon, Edwin Monroe. Boston: a guide book. Prepared for the convention of the National Educational Association, July 6-10, 1903- Boston, 1903. Illus. Maps. = 2359.131 Baedeker, Carl. The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance. Handbook for travellers. 15th edition. Leipsic, 1903. Maps. 2839.46 DeNormandie, James, compiler. The beauty of wisdom. A volume of daily readings from some ancient writ- ers. Boston, 1903. 3445-85 Compiled principally from the Bible, Plato, Epictetus, Xenophon, Plutarch, Marcus Aure- lius and Montaigne. Hemstreet, Charles. 1866-. Literary New York; its landmarks and associations. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 4478.403 Ingpen, Roger, editor. One thousand poems for children. Phila- delphia. [1903-] 4566.179 Phillips, Sir Richard. 1767-1840. A million of facts. 3d edition. New York, 1836. = 5919.72 This work is based on the English book with the same title, bvit is remodelled so that the con- tents are different. Sullivan, Frances P., compiler. Standard recitations by best authors. Issued quarterly. No. 15. March, 1887. New York, 1887. = 239ob.35 Swift, Lindsay. 1856-. Literary landmarks of Boston. Boston, 1903. 62 pp. Illus. = 23898.180 Relates also to Cambridge, Concord, Salem, licverly and Brookline. Willich, Anthony Florian Madinger. The domestic encyclopedia. 2d American edition, with additions, by Thomas Cooper. Philadelphia, 1821. 3 v. Illus. = *7384.i9 Genealogy* Heraldry* Bedford, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records, to 1850. [Edited by Henry Ernest Woods.] Boston, 1903. [New England Historic Genealogical Society. Publications.] = *443oa.2i7 Edwards, William Henry. Timothy and Rhoda Ogden Edwards of Stockbridge, Mass., and their descend- ants: . . . Cincinnati, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. *4334.i55 Hildebrandt, Adolf M. Heraldische Meisterwerke von der inter- nationalen Ausstellung fiir Heraldik zu Berlin im Jahre 1882. [Berlin.] 1882. 24 pp. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.22.5 Historical Bulletin devoted to patriotic genealogy. Vol. 2, no. 5. May, 1903. Published monthly. [Edited by N. L. Collamer.l Washington, 1903. *4337.i97 Marsh, Lucius Bolles, and Harriet Mon- crief Kinmouth Fitts Parker. Bronsdon and Box families. Lynn, 1902. Portraits. Plates. Coat-of-arms. *4433-30o Millbury, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to the end of 1849. Worces- ter, 1903. [Systematic History Fund.] = *443oa.2i9 Weygant, Charles H. Family record: consisting of genealogical table and biographical notes relating to ancestors of Adam Tredwell Sackett. [Newburgh, N. Y.] 1899. 31 pp. *4433.335 68 March Names. Barber, Henry. British family names, with lists of Scan- dinavian, Frisian, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman names. 2d edition, enlarged. London, 1903. *4537-i32 Bibliography, pp. xi, xii. Flags. Regalia. Bellas, Henry Hobart. A brief history of the flags and banners of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution. Philadelphia, 1903. 18 pp. = 4411.190 Smith, Nicholas. Our nation's flag in history and incident. Milwaukee, 1903. Illus. aaaga.sS Biography* Collective Biographies. Gerard, Frances A. A king's romance. The story of Milan and Natalie, first King and Queen of Servia. New York. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 3085.138 Maenner der Zeit. Biographisches Lexikon der Gegenwart. Mit Supplement: Frauen der Zeit. Leipzig, 1862. *224i.76 Single Biographies. Abbott, Lyman. 1835-. Henry Ward Beecher. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Fac-similes. 4346.177 Bibliography, pp. xvii-xxxviii. A different work from that published in 1883 and 1887 under the same title. Barnes, James. 1866-. The giant of three wars. A life of Gen- eral Winfield Scott. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 4347.328 Benjamin, Marcus. Charles Frederick Tiffany Beale. [Wash- ington.] 1902. 13 pp. Portrait. [So- ciety of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia.] = 4412.139 Bismarck-Schoenhausen, Otto Eduard Leo- pold, Fiirst von. Letters to his wife from the seat of war, 1870-71. Translated by Armin Harder. New York, 1903. Portraits. 4843.49 Brown, Spencer Kellogg. Spencer Kellogg Brown. His life in Kan- sas and his death as a spy, 1842-1863, as disclosed in his diary. Edited by George Gardner Smith. New York, 1903. Fac-similes. 4348.234 The diary is abridged. Burr, Aaron. -756-1836. Private journal, reprinted in full from the original manuscript in the library of Mr. William K. Bixby, of St. Louis, Mo. Rochester, 1903. 2 v. Portraits. = = *4345'3ii Compiled and edited by William H. Sampson. Carpenter, George Rice. John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, 1903. Portrait. [American men of letters.] 4348.240 List of Whittier's writings, pp. 304-307. Dix, Edwin Asa. Champlain, the lounder of New France. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plate. Map. Fac-similes. [Appleton's His- toric lives series.] 4349a.229 The fac-similes are of drawings by Champlain. Dwight, Elizabeth Amelia. Memorials of Mary Wilder White. Ed- ited by Mary Wilder Tileston. A cen- tury ago in New England. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plate. Fac-simile. — 4347.332 Elers, George. 1777-1842. Memoirs of George Elers, Captain in the I2th Regiment of Foot (1777-1842). Added, correspondence and other pa- pers with genealogy and notes. Edited from the original MSS. by Lord Mon- son and George Leveson Gower. Lon- don, 1903. Portraits. Map. 6524.24 Relates to the life of officers in the British army. Contains also genealogy of the Debon- naire and Elers families, p. 309. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethe und Osterreich. Briefe mit Er- lauterungen. Theil i. Herausgegeben von August Sauer. Weimar, 1902. Por- traits. [Goethe-Gesellschaft.] = 2907.49 Greenslet, Ferris. Walter Pater. New York, 1903. [Con- temporary men of letters series.] 2549a.i28 Bibliography and chronology, pp. 153-163. Held, Ernst. 1823-. Birthday tributes to Ernest Held on his 77th anniversary, June 28th, 1900. [Poems.] N. p. [1900?] 3 pp. = 2399.150 Hoar, George Frisbie. Autobiography of seventy years. New York, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. 4341.187 Hudson, William Henry. Rousseau and naturalism in life and thought. New York, 1903. [The world's epoch-makers.] 3606.84 Hunt, Carleton. Life and services of Edward Livingston. New Orleans, 1903. 44 PP- = 4447-30i Jackson, Basil. 1795-1889. Notes and reminiscences of a staff officer, chiefly relating to the Waterloo cam- paign and to St. Helena matters during the captivity of Napoleon. Edited by R. C. Seaton. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2657.146 1904 Jones, Charles Henry. Captain Gustavtis Conyngham. A sketch of the services he rendered to the cause of American independance. [Philadel- phia.] 1903. 32 pp. Portraits. Plates. Fac-simile. = 4411.152 King, Henry Melville. Life and labors of Rev. Stephen Gano, M.D., pastor of the First Baptist Church, Providence, R. I., from 1792 to 1828. Providence, 1903. 24 pp. = 5552.83 Relates also to the Gano family. Macfarland, Charles Stedman. In memoriam: Martha Jewell Crombie. Maiden. [1903.] 11 pp. = 4449a.26o Mclntyre, James Lewis. Giordano Bruno. London, 1903. Por- trait. Plate. 2744.85 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xvi. Pinckney, Gustavus M. Life of John C. Calhoun. Charleston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. 4349.253 Pryor, Sara A. The mother of Washington and her times. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac- similes. 2342.139 Bibliography, pp. xv, xvi. Some of the portraits and plates are colored. Roe, Francis ^Asbury. An American sea captain of colonial times [John Rous. Washington.] 1900. 12 pp. [Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia.] = 4412.138 Sternberg, Caspar Maria, Graf von. 1761- 1838. Ausgewiihlte W^erke . . . Band i. Prag, 1902. Portraits. 2849a.42 Contents. — Briefwechsel zwischen J. W. v. Goethe und Kaspar, Graf von Sternberg (1820- 1832). Tollemache, Lionel Arthur. Talks with Mr. Gladstone. 3d edition. London, 1903. Portrait. 2546.173 Waldeyer, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried. Leonard Landois zum Gedachtnis. [Leip- zig.] 1903. 28 pp. = 3738.87 Verzeichniss der wissenschaftlichen Veroffent- lichungen L. Landois', pp. 20-28. Watson, Thomas Edward. The life and times of Thomas Jefferson. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2346.149 Weaver, Ethan Allen. William Herman Wilhelm. [Washing- ton.] 1902. 9 pp. Portrait. [Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia.] = 4412.140 Wolseley, Sir Garnet Joseph, Viscount. The story of a soldier's life. New York, 1903. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Map. Plans. 6522.89 Relates principally to the Crimean War, 1853- 56, the Sepoy Mutiny, 1857-58, the Taeping Rebellion, and the Ashantee War, 1873-74. 69 History* General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Brown, Arthur Judson. The new era in the Philippines. New York. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. Map. 30493.1 T Relates to the civilization of the Philippine Islands and to their relation to the United States. Dos Passos, John R. The Anglo-Saxon century and the unifi- cation of the English-speaking people. New York, 1903. 2216.92 Friedlaender, Ludwig. 1824-. Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms in der Zeit von August bis zum Ausgang der Antonine, 7, neu bearbei- tete Auflage. Leipzig, 1901. 2 v. 4950.24 Gulick, Charles Burton. The life of the ancient Greeks. With spe- cial reference to Athens. New York, 1902. Illus. Plans. Fac-similes. [Twentieth century text-books.] 2969.35 Bibliography, pp. 310-320. Honourable Artillery Company, London. The H. A. C. in South Africa. Edited by Basil Williams and Erskine Childers. London, 1903. Map. 30593.296 Lamy, fitienne Marie Victor. La France du Levant. Paris, 1900. 2614.5 Contents. — La lutte de la chretiente avec I'ls- 1am. — L'alliance de la chretiente avec I'lslam. — Les chances d'avenir. MacCarthy, John, of New York City. History of the world. New York. [1887?] Maps. 2217.72 Philippine Review, The. Vol. i. (no. 1-3, 8-10); 2 (no. 1-6. Boston and New York, 1901, 02. [The Philippine Infor- mation Society.] == *304oa.i4 Vol. I was issued in separate monographs with a series title: Facts about the Filipinos. Seignobos, Michel Jean Charles. History of the Roman Empire. Transla- tion edited by William Fairley. New York, 1902. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 2759.36 The editor has added Chapters 28-32, on the period from Theodosius I. to Charlemagne. Smith, Henry Preserved. The history and literature of Israel until the Exile. Svllabus of twelve lectures to be given in the Chapel of Boston University. [Boston, 1903.] 8 pp. =: 3425.145 Treaties between the Empire of China and foreign powers; together with regula- tions for the conduct of foreign trade, conventions, agreements, regulations, etc., . . . the Peace Protocol of 1901, 70 March and the Commercial Treaty of 1902. ist edition, 1877, edited by William Frederick Mayers. 4th enlarged edi- tion . . . Shanghai, 1902. *30i6.209 Voelter, Daniel E. J. Aegypten und die Bibel. Die Urge- schichte Israels im Licht der aegypti- schen Mythologie. Leiden, 1903. 2293.32 Wilson, Herbert Wrigley. 1866-. After Pretoria: the guerilla war. The supplement to "With the flag to Pre- toria." [London.] 1902. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. ^3050. 187 With the flag to Pretoria. A history of the Boer War of 1899-1900. London, 1900, Di. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. *305o.i86 Europe. Bate, George, M.D. 1608-1669. A short narrative of the late troubles in England. 1649. London, 1902. Por- trait. [Russell Press. Stuart series. I.] , *25i9.i4 Bibliography, pp. xx-xxiv. Relates to the reign of Charles I. Edited by Edward Almack. Crozet, Laurent de, of Marseilles. Nunc est bibendum. fitudes et recherches scientifiques et archeologiques sur le culte de Bacchus en Provence, au XVIII siecle, par le Chevalier Africius a Vindemiis [pseud.]. Toulon, i860. 75 pp. Plate. = *2636.63 Dussieux, Louis fitienne. Essai historique sur les invasions des Hongrois en Europe et specialement en France. Paris, 1839. 74 pp. = 4815.32 Relates to the period 884-1016. Gregg, W^illiam Stephenson. Irish history for English readers. New York, 1886. [Harper's Handy series.] = 4519.76 Bibliography, pp. 215-217. Haggard, Andrew Charles Parker. Sidelights on the Court of France. New York, 1903. Portraits. 2613.80 From the reign of Francis I. to that of Louis XIII. Jal, Auguste. 1795-1873. Memoire sur quelques documents genois relatifs aux deux croisades de Saint Louis et a d'autres evenements mari- times qui interessent la France. Paris, 1842. 79 pp. = 2768.31 Relates to shipping contracts between Louis IX. and the City of Genoa. Milton, John. The history of Britain, the part especially now call'd England. London, 1677. *24i9.86 Okey, Thomas. Venice and its story. London, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. ^4763.84 Orsi, Pietro. L'ltalia moderna. Storia degli ultimi 150 anni ... 2a edizione ampliata. Milano, 1902. Portraits. Plates. Maps. =s 2728.71 Peat, Anthony B. North. Gossip from Paris during the Second Empire. Correspondence (1864-1869). Selected and arranged by A. R. Waller. New York, 1903. Portrait. 2635.107 Porritt, Edward, and Annie G. Porritt. The unreformed House of Commons. Parliamentary representation before 1832. Cambridge, 1903. 2 v. Maps. 2513-54 Sidgwick, Henry. 1838-1900. The development of European polity. [Edited by Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick.] London, 1903. 2302.86 Stories from English history for young Americans. Copiously illustrated. New York, 1900. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 4517-145 Thornton, Percy Melville. 1841-. Continental rulers in the century. To- ronto, 1903. [The nineteenth century series.] 2216.48 Tooley, Sarah A. Royal palaces and their memories. Lon- don. [1902.] Portraits Plates. 2492.145 "A story of the royal palaces from the human rather than from the antiquarian or architectural standpoint." Vitelleschi, Hon. Amy Augusta Cochrane- Baillie, Marchesa. A court in exile. Charles Edward Stuart and the romance of the Countess d'Al- banie. New York. [1903.] 2 v. Por- traits. Plates. 2542.174 Wishart, George, Bishop of Edinburgh. 1599-1671. James, first Marquess of Montrose. 1612- 1650. Abridged translation of Bishop Wishart's 'History of the Kings Majes- ties affairs in Scotland,' under Mont- rose. Edited by John Sime. London, 1903. Portrait. [Russell Press. Stuart series.] *2549a.i30 Bibliography, pp. xxi-xxv. America. Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. The United States in our own time. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. 2321. 112 Blanchard, Rufus. 1821-. Documentary history of the cession of Louisiana to the United States till it became an American province. Chi- cago, 1903. 71 pp. Illus. Portraits. Map. 4325-77 Caverno, Charles. A contribution to Old Home Week cele- bration at Strafford, N. H., August 19, 1903. Kewanee, 111. [1903-] 75 PP- = 4436.235 Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope. The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. A reply to the editor of Old and New. (Translation.) Quebec, 1903. 39 PP- = 43^4-203 1904 Fiske, John. 1842-1901. Civil government in the United States considered with some reference to its origins. Boston, 1902. Illus. [Stand- ard library edition.] *2405.i02.i2 Freetown, Mass. A history of the town, with an account of the Old Home Festival, July 30th, 1902. Fall River, 1902. Illus. Por- traits. Plans. Fac-similes. = *435i.i8i The principal contributors are John Milton Deane and Palo Alto Pierce, Gay, Julius. 1834-. The swarming of the hive. An historical address, Farmington, Conn., September 9, 1903. Hartford, 1903. 24 pp. = 4439.276 On the settlement of Farmington and other Connecticut towns. Gayarre, Charles fitienne Arthur. History of Louisiana. 4th edition. New Orleans, 1903. 4 v. Portrait. 4377.126 Harlan, John Marshall. The supremacy of the Constitution. Dis- senting opinion in the case of Downes vs. Bidwell before the Supreme Court of the United States. Boston. [1901.] 16 pp. = 4228.234 Hough, Emerson. 1857-. The way to the West, and the lives of three early Americans: Boone — Crock- ett — Carson. With illustrations by Frederic . Remington. Indianapolis, 1903. Plates. 4377.174 Hulbert, Archer Butler. Waterways of westward expansion. The Ohio River and its tributaries. Cleve- land, 1903. Maps. [Historic highways of America.] 4369a.273.9 Johnson, William Henry. Pioneer Spaniards in North America. Boston, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 2317.48 Johnson, Willis Fletcher. 1857-. A century of expansion. New York, 1903. Maps. 4228.236 Lee, Guy Carleton. The true history of the Civil War. Phila- delphia, 1903. Portraits. Maps. Fac- similes. 2327.129 Lexington Historical Society. Guide book to the Hancock-Clarke house, Lexington, Massachusetts. [Lexing- ton.] 1903. 20 pp. Illus. Portraits. = 2369a.9 May, Max Benjamin. France: her influence and aid in our Revolutionary struggle. Cincinnati, Ohio. [1902.] 23 pp. *448i.i78.ser.2.2 Mead, Edwin Doak. The principles of the founders . . . An oration in Faneuil Hall, July 4, 1903. Boston, 1903. 70 pp. Portrait. — *4456.ii.i903 Murray, Louise Welles. The story of some French refugees and their "Azilum." 1793-1800. [Athens.] 1903. Portraits. Plate. Maps. Fac- 71 similes. [Tioga Point Historical Soci- ety.] *4473.i98 J^>ibliogra])hy, ])!>. 117, 118. Relates to the founding of Asylum, Penn., by Louis de Noailles and Antoine Omer Talon. Contains also biography and genealogy of the Keating, D'Autremont, Lefevre, Laporte and Hornet families, pp. 79-116. New voters' festival, Faneuil Hall, . . . April 19, 1903. [Programme and informa- tion. Boston, 1903.] 4 pp. = 4354.84 Noyes, Isaac Pitman. Holy America. Washington, 1903. 23 pp. = 4403-179 Relates to the Civil War, 1861-1865. Onstot, Thompson Gains. Pioneers of Menard and Mason counties [Illinois]. Made up of personal remi- niscences of an early life in Menard County , . . including personal reminis- cences of Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cartwright. Forest City, 1902. Illus. Portraits. Plan. Fac-similc. ^44603.66 Parrish, Samuel Longstreth. American expansion as an historical evo- lution. [New York.] 1899. 14 pp. = 4228.235 Proctor, Redfield. 1831-. The conduct of Captain Brownell, charged with the torture of the priest Augustine. Speeches of Hon. Redfield Proctor . . . and Hon. J. H. Berry . . . in the Senate of the United States. Washington, 1903. 16 pp. — 3049b.9 Ricketson, Daniel. New Bedford of the past. Edited by Anna and Walton Ricketson. Boston, 1903. Portrait. 4357-137 Ross, Peter, LL.D. A history of Long Island. New York, 1903- 3 V. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. *447i.i65 Vol. 3 relates to biography and genealogy. Contains also Newspapers and bibliography of Suffolk County, vol. 2, pp. 511-523; The Colo- nial Militia, Revolutionary soldiers. Civil War soldiers, vol. 2, pp. 560-587. Semple, Ellen Churchill. American history and its geographic con- ditions. Boston, 1903. Maps. 4326.189 Bibliography, pp. 463-466, and at the end of each chapter. Ship of State, The. By those at the helm. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [The Youth's Companion series.] 4329.168 Contents. — The presidency. By Theodore Roose- velt. — The life of a Senator. By Henry Cabot Lodge. — The life of a Congressman. By Thomas B. Reed. — The Supreme Court of the United States. By David J. Brewer. — How Jack lives. By John D Long. — The Naval War College. By John D Long, — How our soldiers are fed. By W. C. Sanger. — How the Army is clothed. By General M. I. Lvidington — Good manners and diplomacy. By W. R. Day. — How foreign treaties are made. By Henry Cabot Lodge. — Uncle Sam's law business. By J. K. Richards. — The American Post Office. By W. L. Wilson- 72 March Webster, Daniel. Daniel Webster for young Americans. Comprising the greatest speeches of "The Defender of the Constitution" . . . Added the Declaration of Inde- pendence, the Constitution of the United States, and Washington's Fare- well address. With an introduction and notes by C. F. Richardson and an essay on Webster as a master of English style by E. P. Whipple. Boston, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 4393.118 Wister, Sarah. Sally Wister's journal. A true narrative, being a Quaker maiden's account of her experiences with officers of the Conti- nental army, 1777-1778. Edited by Albert Cook Myers. Philadelphia. [1902.] Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. 2348.135 Fine Arts* Archaeology* Antiquities. Bowditch, Charles Pickering. A suggestive Maya inscription. Cam- bridge, 1903. = 4463.201 On the chronology of the Mayas. Menestrier, Claude Frangois. Lettre a Monsieur Mayer sur une piece antique qu'il a apporte de Rome. [Paris, 170-?] 8 pp. = *2735.87 The object was an engraved tunnel supposed to be used in the worship of Bacchus. Swain, George Robert. A catalogue of lantern slides for the use of high schools, academies, colleges and universities . . . Chiefly Greek and Roman archaeology. Bay City, Michi- gan, 1902. 80 pp. = 5918.96 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Berenson, Bernhard. The drawings of the Florentine painters classified, criticised and studied as documents in the history and apprecia- tion of Tuscan art. With a copious catalogue raisonne. New York, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. Plates. *Cab.8o.20.3 Combe, William. 1741-1823. The English Dance of Death. From the designs of Thomas Rowlandson. With metrical illustrations by the author of 'Doctor Syntax.' A new edition. New York, 1903. 2 V. Colored plates. 4569.271 Dawson, C. F. Elementary design. London, 1903. Plates. 8064.155 Ehninger, John Whetton. Illustrations of . Longfellow's Courtship of Miles Standish. Photographed from the original drawings by Brady. New York, 1859. 8 plates. *A.257o Franchi-Verney, Giuseppe Ippolito, Conte della Valetta. L'Academie de France a Rome. 1666- 1903. Turin, 1903. = 4074.296 Gibson, Charles Dana. Eighty drawings including The weaker sex, the story of a susceptible bachelor. New York, 1903. 77 plates. *8o7o.228 Jackson, Frank G. Metal work: chasing and repousse for home art workers. London, 1903. 70 pp. Illus. 4024.94 Madrazo, Raimundo de. 1841- [Etching by Leopold Flameng from a portrait by Raimundo de Madrazo, of S. P. Avery, New York. New York? 1903?] = No. 18 in *Cab.8i.20.i Morris, William. 1834-1896. Pygmalion and the image. . . . Illvstrated ... by Sir Edward Bvrne-Jones. New York, 1903. 51 pp. Portrait. Plates. 8063.185 Potter, Mary Knight. The art of the Vatican. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Plans. [The art galleries of Europe.] 4078.295 Taft, Lorado. i860-. The history of American sculpture. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. [History of American art.] 8085.40 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill. [Etching by H. Guerard of a painting by Whistler in the possession of S. P. Avery, New York. New York? 1903?] =: No. 17 in *Cab.8i.20.i Whistler v. Ruskin. Art & art critics. 2d edition. London. [1878.] 17 pp. 4078.294 Woelfflin, Heinrich. The art of the Italian Renaissance. From the German . . . with a prefatory note by Sir Walter Armstrong. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 4073.280 Architecture. Building. California. Board of Architecture. Biennial report, ist. San Francisco, 1903. = *4097.i48 Clark, Theodore Minot. Building superintendence. New edition, rewritten. New York, 1903. Plans. 4096.73 Desmond, Harry W., and Herbert Croly. Stately homes in America from colonial times to the present day. New York, 1903. Plates. *8i05.28 Artists. Antwerp. Grandes fetes communales a I'occasion du 30oe anniversaire de la naissance de P. P. Rubens du 17 au 27 aoiat 1877. Anvers, 1877. 8 pp. Portrait. = 8022.135 The celebration included several exhibitions of industry and art. 1904 73 Bondone, Angiolotto. Giotto. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.96=No. 32 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, pp. 40, 41. Caffin, Charles H. American masters of sculpture. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 8085.38 Douglas, Richard John Hardy. The works of George Cruikshank classi- fied and arranged with references to Reid's catalogue, and their approximate values. London, 1903. Fac-simile. *8o6oa.i54 Eddy, Arthur Jerome. Recollections and impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler. Philadelphia, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4083.87 Gower, Lord Ronald Charles Sutherland Leveson. 1845-. Thomas Gainsborough. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [The British artists' series.] 4076.118 Hogarth, William. 1697-1764. Hogarth. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Portraits. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.98=No. 34 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Holbein, Hans, the Younger. 1497-1554. Holbein the Younger. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Bos- ton, 1902. 22 pp. Portraits. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.9i=No. 27 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Hooch, Pieter de. 1630-16 — ? Pieter de Hooch. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.93=No. 29 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. La Farge, John. Great masters. [Essays.] New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4082.79 Contents. — Michelangelo. — Raphael. — Rem- brandt. — Rubens. — Velasquez. — Diirer. — Hokusai. Le Brun, Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee. 1756-1842. Memoirs. Translated by Lionel Strachey. With . . . reproductions of paintings by the authoress. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4083.55 This edition is slightly abridged. List of Mme. Vigee Lebrun's paintings pp. 215- 227. Luini, Bernardino. Bernardino Luini. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Bos- ton, 1902. 23 pp. Portraits. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.ioo=No. 36 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Marionneau, Charles Claude. L'architecte Louis. Le Frere Andre. Paris, 1879. 22 pp. = 4095.147 Contains also letters of Louis and Frere Andre. Nattier, Jean Marc. Nattier. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Portraits. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.94=No. 30 in *8o8oa.64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Papillon, Jean Michel. 1698-1776. Memoire sur la vie de Frangois Chauveau, peintre et graveur, et de se fils fivrard Chauveau, peintre, et Rene Chauveau, sculpteur. 1738. Paris, 1854. 47 pp. 4086.109 Pieces relatives a la famille Chauveau, pp. 37-46. Phidias. Phidias. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1902. 23 pp. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.89=No. 25 in *8o8oa.'64.3 Bibliography, p. 40. Sargent, John Singer. Work. With an introductory note by Mrs. Meynell. London, 1903. 22 pp. 62 plates. *Cab.8o.23.2 Most of the plates are portraits Windsor-Clive, Robert George, 14th Baron Windsor. John Constable, R.A. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [The makers of British art.] 4089.86 Bibliography, pp. 215, 216. Landscape Gardening. Parks. Manning, Warren Henry. The influence of American expositions on the out-door arts. Boston, 1902. 8 pp. = 399oa.i5 Relates principally to landscape gardening. Robinson, Charles Mulford. A railroad beautiful. [Philadelphia, 1902.] 8 pp. Illus. = 445oa.i37 An account of the stations and surroundings of the Boston & Albany Railroad. Music. Musicians. Reuss, Eduard. 1851-. Franz Liszt. Ein Lebensbild. Dresden, 1898. Portrait. [Manner der Zeit.] 4049.273 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING ' FEBRUARY, I9O4. The following are all operas, in full score and in manuscript copies. Pacini, Giovanni. La sposa fedele. [1819.] 2 V. Paer, Ferdinando. Achille. Dramma in tre atti. [Vienna? 1801?] 3 v. — La Cammilla, o sia il sotterraneo. Vienna, 1798. 3 v. 74 — T fiioriisciti. Dramma giocoso. [Vienna? 1804?] 2 V. — Ginevra degli Almicri. Opera grandc. [Dresden? 1802?] 2 v. — [Leonora.] Firenze. [1804?] 4 v. — La locanda de' vagabondi. [Parma? 1789?] 2 V. — I molinari. Farsa d'un atto solo. [Parma. I793?1 — II morto-vivo. Operetta in un atto solo. Vienna. [1799.] — ■ Poche ma buone, osia la moglie ravve- duta. [Vienna? 1798?] 2 v. , — 11 principe di Taranto. [Parma? 1797?] 2 V. — La Sofonisba. [Bologna? 1796?] 2 v. — Sonnambnla. Venezia, 1800. — La testa riscaldata. [Venezia? 1796?] 2 V. — Tutto il male vien dal bnco. [Venezia? 1804?] 2 V. — Una in bene, una in male. [Roma? 1794?] 4 V. Paisiello, Giovanni. L'amor contrastato, o sia la molinara. [Napoli? 1788?] 2 v. — Andromaca. [Napoli? 1798?] 2 v. — Gli astrologi imaginari. Atto secondo. [Vienna? 1797?] — Didone. [Napoli? 1794?] 2 v. — 11 duello. Farsa. [i\apoli? 1794?] — Elvira. Paris. [1793?] 2 v. — II fanatico in Berlina. Paris. [i793?J 2 V. — I giuocclii d'Agrigente. [Venezia? 1792?] 2 V. — L'idolo cinese. [Napoli? 1767?] 3 v. — ^ L'inganno felice. [Napoli? 1798?] 2 v. — Lucmda. Opera seria, San Pietroburgo. [1782?] 2 V. — - La modista raggiratrice. [Napoli? 1792?] 2 V. — II Pirro. [Napoli? 1787?] 2 v. — La Zenobia in Palmira. [Napoli? 1790?] 2 V. Pavesi, Stefano. Coradino. [Venezia? 1810?] 2 V. — La festa della rosa. Dramma giocoso. [Venezia? 1809?] 2 v. — Ser Marcantonio. Dramma giocoso. Firenze. [1810?] 3 v. — II servo padrone, ossia l'amor perfetto. Bologna, 1808. 2 v. Numismatics. Gems. Seals. Arms. Armor. Patin, Charles. De nvmismate antiqvo Augusti et Pla- tonis. Basileae, 1675. 16 pp. = *2965.3i Rainssant, Pierre. i640?-i689. Dissertation sur douze medailles des jeux seculaires de I'empereur Domitien. Ver- sailles, 1684. 67 pp. Plates. = *2735.86 Photography. Eickemeyer, Rudolf, Jr. Winter. Pictured by Rudolf Eickemeyer. [With appropriate verses of various authorship.] Nev\^ York, 1903. 55 pp. *8o6o.i42 Marcli Geography* Travels* Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Adams, William Henry Davenport. The land of the Nile; or, Egypt past and present. London, 1871. Illus. Map. , ^, . . *5058.30 Authorities, pp. ix-xi. Australia, Western. Department of Lands and Surveys. The land selector's guide to the Crown lands of Western Australia . . . Perth, 1899. 65 pp. Plates. Map. = 3046.179 Castanhoso, Miguel de. The Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543. Translated and edited by R. S. Whiteway. London, 1902. Plates. Map. [Hakluyt Society.] *2274.88 liihliography ot Abyssinia, pp. civ-cxxxii. Clement, Ernest Wilson. A handbook of modern Japan. Chicago, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 3019.184 There is a bibliography with each section of the book. Deutsch, Leo. Sixteen years in Siberia: some experi- ences of a Russian revolutionist. Trans- lated by Helen Chisholm. Nev^ York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 3063.187 Diamond, Arthur J. Fremantle. "The Golden Gate of Aus- tralia." The first and last calling-place of the great mail steamships, and the western terminus of the projected trans- continental railv^ay. Fremantle, 1901. 48 pp. Portraits. Plates. Map. = 3044.84 Eastern Specialty Manufacturing Company. South Africa. [Map.] Boston, 1899. Scale, 77 miles to i inch. = No. 66 in *Map 108.2 Gray, Rev. Andrew, D.D. A pilgrimage to Bible lands. London, 1903. Plates. = 3048.246 Guppy, Henry Brougham. Observations of a naturalist in the Pacific between 1896 and 1899. Vol. i. Vanua Levu, Fiji. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. 5814.37 Hakluyt, Richard, editor. 1555-1616. The principal navigations voyages traf- fiques & discoveries of the English na- tion . . . Vol. I, 2. Glasgow, 1903- Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 2274.45 Johnston, Sir Henry Hamilton. The Nile quest: a record of the explora- tion of the Nile and its basin. New York. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. Maps. 3058.264 Bbliography, pp. 322-32'/. Knight, Edward Frederick. South Africa after the War. A narrative of recent travel. London, 1903. Plates. 3056.327 75 Olsson-Seffer, P. Queensland, framtidslandet i Australien: beskrifning. Brisbane, 1902. Map. = 3044-83 Peary, Josephine Diebitsch. Children of the Arctic. By the snow baby and her mother. New York. [1903- J Illus. Portraits. 2261.31 An account of the recent experiences in Green- land of Peary's young daughter, with selections from her diaries and letters. Written for chil- dren. Ransome, James Stafford. The engineer in South Africa: a review of the industrial situation in South Africa after the war. New York, 1903. Illus. Maps. 3058.262 Sanday, William, M.A. 1843-. Sacred sites of the Gospels. With the assistance of Paul Waterhouse. Ox- ford, 1903. Plates. Maps. Plans. 3043.216 Shipwrecks. [Narratives of various shipwrecks.] N. p. [184-?] 68 pp. Illus. = *6269.i32 Singleton, John, of Durban. The battle-fields of Natal revisited. Dur- ban. [1900.] 55 pp. Illus. Map. --- 3059a.298 Society for the Propagation of Information about St. Michael's, Azores. The Azores. St. Michael's as a health resort. St. Michael's as a station for tourists. St. Michael's as a coal sta- tion. Ponta Delgada. [1903?] 26 pp. Illus. = 379ob.35 Vanderlip, Washington B. In search of a Siberian Klondike, as nar- rated by Washington B. Vanderlip, the chief actor, and herein set forth by Homer B. Hulbert. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3067.186 Europe. Bolton, Charles Edward. Travels in Europe and America. [Edited by Sarah K. Bolton.] New York. [1903], Portraits. Plates. 6266.70 Bradley, Arthur Granville. Highways and byways in South Wales. London, 1903. Illus. Map. 2462.131 Broechner, Jessie. Danish life in town & country. London [1903.] Plates. 4868.75 Dutt, William A. The Norfolk Broads. London, 1903 Plates. Map. 2465.42 Freeman, Edward Augustus. The historical geography of Europe. 3d edition. Edited by J. B. Bury. Lon- don, 1903. 2 V. 2285.63 Harrod, Henry. Letter to Dawson Turner, Esq., V. P., on the ruined lodge at Drayton. [Nor- wich, 1849.] 6 pp. Plate. = 2506.49 Home, Gordon. What to see in England': a guide. Lon- don, 1903. Plates. Maps. Includes Wales als '4539-50 Lee, Sidney Lazarus. The alleged vandalism at Stratford-on- Avon. Westminster, 1903. 79 pp. Plates. 6595.64 Lowell, James Russell. Impressions of Spain. Compiled by Joseph B. Gilder. Boston, 1899. Por- trait. *A.535i.35 From his letters to the State Department, when he was Minister to Spain Miltoun, Francis. Dickens' London. Boston, T904. Por- trait. Plates. Map. 2498.154 Mitchiner, James Henry. "Oranges and lemons," an old ditty of London citie. [London, 1903.] 15 PP- Illus. 2493.181 On some of the London churches. Palmer, Francis H. E. Austro-Hungarian life in town and coun- try. New York, 1903. Plates. [Our European neighbors.] 4863.77 Smith, Frank Berkeley. Budapest, the city of the Magyars. New York, 1903. Illus. 4863,79 Whymper, Edward. The Valley of Zermatt and the Matter- horn. 7th edition. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. 4839-72 Williams, Egerton Ryerson, Jr. Hill towns of Italy. Boston, 1903. Plates. Map. 4764-57 America. Brigham, Albert Perry. Geographic influences in American his- tory. Boston, 1903. Plates. Maps. 2328.145 Canada. Department of the Interior. [Land district maps. Ottawa.] 1903. Scale, 12^ miles to i inch. = *Map 29.12 Contents. — Alberta and western portions of Saskatchewan and Assiniboia. — x^ssiniboia. — Saskatchewan. Topographical map of the Rocky Moun- tains. [Ottawa.] 1902. Scale, 2 miles to i inch, = *Map 29.13 Contents. — Lake Louise sheet. — Banff sheet. Fischer, Josef, S. J. The discoveries of the Norsemen in America, with special relation to their early cartographical representation. Translated by Basil H. Soulsby. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. Maps. Fac-similes. *23I2.I7 The original German is on shelf-number 2314.47. Bibliography, pp. xi-xxiv. German Society of the City of New York. Leitfaden fur deutsche Einwanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. New York. [1903.] Illus. Portrait. Map. = 2389.45 Macfarlane, W. G., publisher. Cooldom. Tourists' and sportsmen's guide to the Maritime Provinces of Canada and Newfoundland. Toronto, 1903. Illus. Maps. = 2389.84 76 March Massachusetts. Board of Harbor and Land Commission- ers. Atlas (Boston, 1902) of'the boundaries of (namely) : Boston and Brookline. = *Map 135.6 Stutfield, Hugh E. M., and John Norman ColHe. Climbs & exploration in the Canadian Rockies. London, 1903. Plates. Map. 4462.184 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. On the storied Ohio. An historical pil- grimage of a thousand miles in a skiff, from Redstone to Cairo. Chicago, 1903. Plates. 4377.170 'I'his is a revised edition of his Afloat on the Ohio . . . [4369.129]. Language* Rhetoric* Cortina, Rafael Diez de la. The Cortina method. Intended for self- study and for use in schools. Spanish in twenty lessons. 39th edition. New York, 1902. Plate. Fac-similes. 5039.119 Harry, Joseph Edward. Indicative questions with /j-v and apa /xU. [Cincinnati, 1902.] 8 pp. *448i.i78.ser.2.2 Huddilston, John Homer. Essentials of New Testament Greek. New York, 1902. 2989a.75 Kastner, Leon fimile. A history of French versifcation. Oxford, 1903. 2685.122 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xx. Lane, George Martin. A Latin grammar for schools and col- leges. Revised edition [by M. H. Mor- gan]. New York. [1903.] ^2937.64 NobiU, Amedeo Corrado. II gioiello della lingua italiana. 2d edi- tion. Boston, 1903. = 47893.42 Schoenaich, Christoph Otto, Baron von. Die ganze Aesthetik in einer Nuss, oder neologisches Worterbuch . . . Heraus- gegeben von Albert Koster. Berlin, 1900. [Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts.] *289ob.5o.7o-8i Literature^ Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Bangs and Co. Catalogue of a library, especially attrac- tive in the department of first editions of the works of famous authors . . . To be sold at auction . . . November, 1902. New York, 1902. 68 pp. =1 *2i37.27 Priced in manuscript. Brighouse, England. Victoria Free Li- brary. Report of the Librarian, for the year ending June 30th, 1903. ' Brighouse, 1903. II pp. Plate. = *6i59.i59 British Museum. Library. Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, maps and drawings in the British Mu- seum (Natural History). [Compiled by B. B. Woodward.] Vol. i. A.-D. London, 1903. *2i3i.22 Brivois, Jules. Essai de bibliographic des oeuvres de M. Alphonse Daudet. Paris, 1895. *2i72.i56 Century Association, New York. James Lorimer Graham Library. Catalogue. New York, 1896. = *6i42.83 Compiled by Paul Leicester Ford. Evans, Charles, Bibliographer. American bibliography. A chronological dictionary of all books, pamphlets and periodical publications printed in the United States . . . from . . . 1639 . . . to and including 1820, with biblio- graphical and biographical notes. Vol. I. 1639-1729. Chicago, 1903. *2i5oa.i25 Gould, Jay. Catalogue of books forming the library of Jay Gould, Irvington-cTn-Hudson, , , . Prepared by John Thomson. Phil- adelphia, 1890. Plate. = *6i4oa.35 No. 93 of an edition qf 100 copies. Hamburg, Germany, Oeffentliche Biicher- halle. Jahresbericht, 2, 3. 1901, 1902. Ham- burg, 1903. *2i68.37 Henkels, Stanislaus Vincent. Rare and scarce Americana, manuscripts of the laws of Pennsylvania and papers relating to the legal practice of the colony, from 1682 to 1774, . . . rare broadsides, historical letters and slave deeds . . . To be sold Nov. 26th, 1902. Philadelphia, 1902. 94 pp. = *2i54.i85 Priced in manuscript. Hitchler, Theresa, compiler. Comparative cataloguing-rules. New York, 1903. 31 pp. = *6i93.52 Hyde Park, Mass. Public Library. Bulletin. Vol. 2, no. 6. Oct., 1903. Hyde Park, 1903. = *6i56.274 Macdonald, Augustin S. A list of books, Californiana and the Pa- cific, in the library of Augustin S. Mac- donald. Oakland, Cal., 1903. 77 pp. — *6i42.87 New Bedford, Mass. Free Public Library. Katalog der Biicher in den deutschen und anderen Sprachen. Compiled by Anna M. DeWolf. New Bedford, 1903. 48 pp. *6i56.i2g Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. Public Li- braries. Catalogue of books on the useful arts (class 600 of Dewey's decimal classifi- cation) in the Central Library. By Basil Anderton. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1903. ^6159.63 1904 77 Phillips, Philip Lee. A list of books, magazine articles and maps relating to Chile. Compiled for the International Bureau of the Amer- ican Republics. Washington, 1903. = *2i54.i83 Pruyn, John Van Schaick Lansing. 1811- 1877. Catalogue of books relating to the litera- ture of the law, collected by the late John V. L. Pruyn, of Albany, N. Y. Albany, N. Y., 1901. Portrait. = *2i73.55 United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. List of publications of the Office of Ex- periment Stations on irrigation. [Re- vised October 15, 1902. Washington, 1902.] 7 pp. = *6i 74.88 Warman, Philip Creveling. Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey. 1901 to 1903. Washington, 1903- [United States. Geological Survey.] = *7872.55-2i5 Printing. Book-binding. Book-selling. Book-plates, Claudin, Anatole. 1833-. Histoire de I'imprimerie en France au XVe et au XVIe siecle. Paris, 1900, 1901. 2 V. Illus. Fac-similes. *Cab.2i.i9.7 Some of the ilkistrations and plates are colored. Manuscripts. Autographs. Handwriting. Fac-similes. Cipher. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Allan, John. Letter to Governor John Hancock, in re- lation to the Passamaquoddy Tribe, . . . illicit trade, etc. Dated Schuduck River, Bay of Passamaquoddy, Oct. 7, 1782. Manuscript, signed, i page. MS.276 Bervien, John Macpherson. 1781-1856. Letter to A. Keeler, City of New York, in regard to the proposed repeal of the Bankrupt Law. Dated Washington, January 8, 1842. Manuscript, signed. I page. MS.13 Church, Benjamin, father of Dr. Benjamin Church. Letter to John Hancock, defending his son's loyalty, and asking that money due his son, for services as Surgeon General, be paid. With an acrostic in Latin in praise of Hancock. Dated Bos- ton, March 28, 1778. Manuscript, signed. I page. MS.280 Coste, Richard, Earl of Bellomont. Letter to Captain William Kidd, in re- gard to his request for a pardon. Signed Bellomont. "Boston, June 19*^ 1699 His Excell. read this Letter in Coun- cill, w^'^ was approved off by them. Jo^. Addington, Secry.'' Manuscript. 2 pp. MS.207 Hancock, John. i737-i793- Letter to Ebenezer Hancock, notifying him of his appointment as Deputy Pay Master General, with instructions. Manuscript, signed John Hancock, President. Dated Philadelphia, June 13, 1776. I page. MS.277 Massachusetts. General Court. Order, June 6, 1764, in regard to the Treasurer. With the signature of S. White, Speaker. Also, Concurrence of the Council, signed A. Oliver, Secretary. With consent of the Gov- ernor, signed Francis Bernard. Man- uscript. I page. MS.ioi Lieutenant-Governor. To Thomas Bowen . . . Whereas the Great and General Court . . . have . . . desired me to give orders to im- press a sufficient number of men to compleat the number . . . destined to Crown-Point . . . you are ... re- quired, to cause to be impressed . . . able-bodied . . . men . . . Given . . . at Boston, the nineteenth day of Sep- tember, 1755 . . . [Boston, 1755-1 Broadside. **H.9oa.i98 A printed form with names, dates, etc., inserted by hand. Autograph signature, S. Phips. General Literature. Criticism. Authors. Neilson, William Allan. The origins and sources of the Court of Love. Boston, 1899. [Studies and notes in philology and literature.] 2957.64.6 English and American Literature. Abbott, Irene McMillan-. The ministry of love [and other verses]. Topeka, 1903. Portrait. — *P.85.3 Bates, Katharine T>ce, and Katharine Coman. English history told by English poets. A reader for school use. New York. 1902. 2579a.i3 Bryant, William Cullcn. Poems collected and arranged by the author. Illustrated ... by the broth- ers Dalziel . . . New edition. London. i860. Illus. Portrait. *A.i207.9 Burton, Richard Eugene. Literary leaders of America. New York. 1903. [Chautauqua home reading se- ries.] 2396.177 Carlyle, Alexander, B.A., and Sir James Crichton-Browne. The Nemesis of Froude. A rejoinder to James Anthony Fronde's "My relations with Carlyle." New York, 1903- Fac- similes. 4540.74 78 March Carrington, Fitz Roy, compiler. The shepherd's pipe. Pastoral poems of the XVI & XVII centuries. New York, 1903. Portraits. = 45693.273 Clifford, Ethel. Songs of dreams. London, 1903. = *P.85.i795 Comus offering, The. Containing humorous & diverting scraps & comicalities. Etched by W. F. Stratton. Boston. [18—?] 6 pp. Illus. = *8o6i.3o Dall, Caroline Healey. Of "Lady Rose's daughter." A defense and an analysis. Boston. 1903. 25 ff. = *4556.i45 Dowling, Richard. Ignorant essays. New York, 1888. = 4559.243 Privately printed. Contents. — The only real ghost in fiction. — ■ The best two books. — Lies of fable and alle- gory. — My copy of Keats. — Decay of the sublime. — A borrowed poet. — The English opium-eater. — A guide to ignorance. Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey. Massachusetts and other poems. Boston, 1843. 64 pp. = *A.2424.2 Emery, Fred Parker. Notes on English literature. Boston, 1903- 25593.134 Entertaining and marvellous repository. The. Boston, 1842. 3 v. Illus. = *6259a.37 Hale, Edward Everett. New England history in ballads. By Ed- ward E. Hale and his children, with additions by other people. Illustrated by Ellen D. Hale, Philip L. Hale, and • Lilian Hale. Boston, 1903. Plates. 4396.144 Hansche, Maude Bingham. The formative period of English familiar letter-writers and their contribution to the English essay. Philadelphia, 1902. 70 pp. = 4554.151 Bibliography, pp. 60-70. Harris, William Torrey. The educational value of tlic tragic as compared with the comic in literature and art. [Boston?] 1898. 16 pp. = 7598.71 Herbert, Alice. Between the lights. [Poems.] London, 1903. 67 pp. = *P.83.402 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, and Henry Walcott Boynton. A reader's history of American literature. Boston. [1903.] Portrait. Plates. Fac-similes. 2396.176 Josselyn, Charles. 1847-. My favorite book-shelf. San Francisco, 1903- 4552.70 Kiser, Samuel Ellsworth, Ballads of the busy days. Boston, 1903. 43993.332 Lamb, Charles, and Mary Lamb. Works. Edited by E. V. Lucas. Vol. 2, 3. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. 2571.49 Contents. — 2. Elia and The last essays of Elia. 3. Books for children. Laskey, John K. Leisure hours. A collection of original poems, &c. St. John, N. B., 1838. 72 PP- No. 2 in *4395.i78 Lincoln, Abraham, i6th ' President of the United States. Letters and addresses. New York, 1903. [The unit books. No. 2.] 4349a.270 Bibliography, p. 374. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The courtship of Miles Standish. With illustrations by H. C. Christy. Indiana- polis. [1903] Illus. *A.53o8.68 Some of the plates are colored. The song of Hiawatha. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London, 1856. Plates. *A.53o8.6i Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Backgrounds of literature. New York, 1903. Plates. 4403.169 Contents. — The Lake Country and Wordsworth. — Emerson and Concord. — The Washington Irving country. — Weimar and Goethe. — The land of Lorna Doone. — America in Whitman's poetry. — The land of Scott. In Arcady. Illustrated by Will H. Low. with decorations by Charles L. Hinton. New York. [1903.] Illus. 4403.168 Mifflin, Lloyd. Castalian days. [Sonnets.] London, 1903. 71 pp. Portrait. *A.5926.i A list of Mr. Lloyd Mifflin's books occupies 10 pages at the end. Milton, John. Poetical works. Edited by William Aldis Wright. Cambridge, 1903. 2567.135 Nickerson, C. V., publisher. Flowers of wit; or the laughing philoso- pher, and budget of comicalities. Balti- more, 1832. Illus. — *6259a.33 Owen, Daniel Edward. Relations of the Elizabethan sonnet se- quences to earlier English verse, espe- cially that of Chaucer. [Philadelphia.] 1903- 34 pp. = 2556.27 Seccombe, Thomas. 1866- The age of Johnson. (1748-1798). Lon- don, 1902. [Handbooks of English literature.] 4559a-i54 Chronological table of works published, pp. 315- 333- Smith, James Robinson. The soul-at-arms, and other poems. Cam- bridgeport, 1901. 41 pp. = *A.8307 Stevenson, Robert Louis. A child's garden of verses. New York, 1902. 4561.76 Tennyson, Alfred, Baron Tennyson. The Lady of Shalott. [Boston, 1900.] Illus. *A.8778.5 Suppressed poems. Now for the first time collected. Edited and annotated by J. C. Thomson. New York. 1903. = *A.8778.6 Trowbridge, John Townscnd. Poetical works. Boston, 1903. Portrait. Fac-simile. 4396.141 Watson, Rosamund Marriott. After sunset. [Versos.] London. 1904. *A.9522 1904 79 Watterson, Henry. 1840-. The compromises of life and other lec- tures and addresses, including some observations on certain downward ten- dencies of modern society. New York, 1903. Portrait. 2407.187 Fiction in English for Reference Use. Sheridan, Frances. 1724-1766. The history of Nourahad. Phi 1822. Plate. = Strickland, Agnes. The royal sisters. An historical of the Middle Ages. adelphia, 45793.71 romance Boston, 1845. — *2579a-39 The "royal sisters" were the Princesses Cicely, Anne and Catherine Plantagenet. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. A sea turn and other matters. Boston, 1902. *A.ii6.i7 Balzac, Honore de. Honore de Balzac. An introduction by Ferdinand Brunetiere. The translation by G. B. Ives. New York, 1903. Por- trait. Fac-simile. [Little French mas- terpieces.] 2679a.275 Contents. — Honore de Balzac. — The unknown masterpiece. — A seashore drama. — An epi- sode under the Terror. — La Grande Breteche. — The conscript. — A passion in the desert. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. (Mark Twain.) Curious dream; and ot|ier sketches. Lon- don. [1872?] *A.i77o.7 Tom Sawyc abroad. By Huck Finn [pseud.]. New York, 1894. Plates. *A.i77o.8 Fielding, Henry. 1707-1754. The adventures of Joseph Andrews . . . With illustrations by Phiz [pseud, of H. K. Browne]. London, 1857. = *66o6.34 Harte, Francis Bret. Frcnn sand hill to pine. Boston. 1900. *A.3857.24 Contents. — A niece of Snapshot Harry's. — A treasure of the Redwoods. — A helle of Canada City. — What happened at the fonda. — A Jacl-; and Jill of the Sierras. — Mr. Bilson's house- keeper. James, Henry, Jr. 1843-. The ambassadors. A novel. New York, 1903. *4407.268 Lamb, Charles, and Mary Lamb. Tales from Shakspeare. With illustra- tions by Byam Shaw. London, 1903. Plates. 4599-179 Laskey. John K. Alcthes, or, the Roman exile. A talc founded upon incidents in the reign of of Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome. Saint John, 1840. — No. i in *4395.i78 Lewis, Alfred Henry. The boss and how he came to rule New York. New York, 1903. Plates. =: *44o8.207 Written in the form of an autobiograpliy. Merimee, Prosper. Prosper Merimee. An introduction by Grace King. The translation by G. B. Ives. New York. 1903. Portrait. Fac- simile. [Little French masterpieces.] 26793.272 Contents. — Prosper Merimee. — Carmen. — The taking of the redoubt. — Mateo Falcone. — The \'cnus of Hie. French Literature. Hugo, Victor Marie, Comte. Les contemplations. 5e edition. Paris, 1858. 2 V. 2703.73 La Bruyere and Vauvenargues. Selections from the characters, reflexions and maxims. Translated with introductory notes and memoirs by Elizabeth Lee. New York, 1903. 2674.43 German Literature. Coar, John Firman. Studies in German literature teenth century. New York. n the nine- 1903 2874.132 Bibliography, pp. 377-394- Herder, Johann Gottfried von. Schulreden. Herausgegebn von Hermann Michaelis. Leipzig. [1903] 4896.50.452 Nibelungenlied. The fall of the Nibelungers. otherwise the book of Kriemhild. Translated by W. N. Lettsom. 4th edition. New York, 1903. 4874.135 Schiller. Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Deutsche Grosse. Fin unvollendetes Ge- dicht Schillers. 1801 Herausgegeben und erlautert von Bernhard Suphan. Weimar, 1902. 20 pp. Fac-simile. [Goethe-Gesellschaft. Schriften.] = *290o.5o A variation of this entitled Zum Jahrhundert- wechsel is i)rinted in his Werke, vol 2, pp. 207- -jii [4891.50.2]. Greek and Latin Literature. Braam, Pieter van, of Sneek. De tribus libris qui sunt Ethicis Nico- macheis communes cum Ethicis Eude- miis. Traiecti ad Rhenum, 1901. = 2977.34 Carrara, Ubertino. 1642-1716. Columbus, Carmen epicum . . . Roma", MDCCXV. **G.389a.27 Deeleman, Cornelis Frank Marinus. Lucianus' geschrift De morte Peregrini Utrecht, 1902. =r 2995.3 Harry, Joseph Edward. A misunderstood passage in Aeschylus. [Cincinnati, 1901.] 8 pp. *448i.i78.ser.2.i 8o March Steurer, Hermann, of Baden. De Aristophanis carminibus lyricis. Strass- burg, 1896. 57 pp. 2973.77 Italian Literature. Cian, Vittorio. Vivaldo Belcalzer e Tenciclopedismo ita- liano delle origini. Torino, 1902. *28ooa.5i.5 Dods, Marcus. 1834-. Forerunners of Dante. Edinburgh, 1903. 2796.83 Kuhns, Levi Oscar. The great poets of Italy. Boston, 1903. Portraits. 4796.36 Magnier, Edmond. Dante et le Moyen-age. Paris, i860. 2799.20 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Brouwers, Jan Willem. Vondel en de Catalaansche dichtkunst. Gent, 1892. 53 pp. 3096.217 Relates also to Milton's' obligations to Vondel. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Leben und Thaten des weisen Junkers Don Quixote von Mancha. Neue Aus- gabe, aus der Urschrift des Cervantes, nebst der Fortsetzung des Avellaneda . . . von F. J. Bertuch. Weimar, 1775- 1777. 6 V. Plates. **D.i43.i3 Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio de. 1589- 1669. Historia de la Virgen Madre de Dios Maria. Poema heroyco. En Vallado- lid: por Geronimo Murillo. Ano de 1618. [New York, 1903.] 2 v. = *3099a.i9 One of an edition of 200 copies reprinted in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Contains also Catalogo de los autores, con ciiyos testimonios se compruena, la verdad de la His- toria de la Virgen, vol. i, pp. (12-18). Fernandes Braga, Joaquim Theophilo. Bocage. Su vida e epoca litteraria. Porto, 1902. [Historia da litteratura portugueza.] 3099a. 166 Galdames, Luis. Savia joven. (Tentativas liricas.) [1900- 1902.] Santiago de Chile, 1902. Por- trait. = 4397.26 Gongalves Dias, Antonio. Poesias americanas del poeta brasilefio traducidas en verso castellano por Julio Vicufia Cifuentes. Santiago de Chile, 1903. Portrait. = 4397-27 Sant Jordi, Jordi de. i39-?-i45-? Obres poetiques. Recullides i publicades per J. Masso Torrents. Barcelona, 1902. 68 pp. 3099a.27 Contains also Els manuscrits, pp. xii-xiv. Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Bacon, George Wiliam. An essay upon the life and dramatic works of Dr. Juan Perez de Montalvan. Philadelphia. 1903. 51 pp. = 3093.74 Bibliography p. 46. Davis, Mary Evelyn Moore. A bunch of roses and other parlor plays. Boston, 1903. 440915.89 Dix, Beulah Marie, and Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland. A rose o' Plymouth-Town. A romantic comedy. Boston. 1903. Portraits. Plates. *A.23i6 Irwin, Grace Luce. Drawing room plays. San Francisco, 1903- 4409b.83 Kobbe, Gustav. Famous actors & actresses and their homes. Boston, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 4343.235 Mackaye, Percv Wallace. The Canterbury pilgrims. A comedy. New York, 1903. Fac-simile. 4567.192 Some of the characters are based on those of Chaucer's Canterbury tales. Contains also a copy of the music of the orig- inal hymn to St. Thomas, from the Sarum An- tiphonal of 1519, with words from Dreves's Col- lection of sequences and Latin hymns. Martell, Daniel Ernest. The dramas of Don Antonio de Solis y Rivadeneyra. Philadelphia, 1902. 57 pp. = 3093-75 Monroe, Harriet. The passing show. Five modern plays in verse. Boston, 1903. 4409b.87 Price, William T. The technique of the drama. A statement of the principles [etc.]. New York. . [190-?] . 2398.159 Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de. Los bandos de Verona. Montescos y Capeletes. Englished by F. W. Cosens. London, 1874. 50 pp. Plate. *459i-7 Printed for private distribution. The author availed himself of the Italian tradi- tion dramatized by Shakespeare in Romeo and. Juliet. Shakespeare, William. Comedy of the Merchant of Venice. Ed- ited, by William J. Rolfe. New York. [1903.] Illus. Portrait. 6599.92 Syrett, Netta. Six fairy plays for children. London. 1904. 4579a.2i2 Torrence, Frederic Ridgely. El Dorado. A tragedy. New York, 1903. *A.896o VoUhardt, William. Die Beziehungen des Sommernachts- traums zum italienischen Schaferdrama. Leipzig, 1899. 32 pp. 4594.151 I904 8i Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. Barahona Vega, Clemente, editor and trans- lator. Trovas i modinhas populares del Brasil. Santiago de Chile, 1903. 49 pp. = 4399a.i3 Canfield. William W. The legends of the Iroquois, told by the "cornplanter," from authoritative notes and studies. New York, 1902. Plates. *4363.278 Cronise. Florence M., and Henry W. Ward. Cunnie Rabbit, Mr. Spider and the other beef: West African folk tales. London, 1903. Illus. *5058.32 Stories collected at the Mission School at Roti- funk, Sierra Leone. Shadwell, Thomas. i640?-i692. Thomas Shadwell. Edited ... by George Saintsbury. London. [1903.] Plate. [The Mermaid series.] 4575-159 Contents. — The sullen lovers. — A true widow. — The Squire of Alsatia. — Bury Fair. Medicine* Hygiene* Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. American Humane Association. Facts about vivisection which cannot be denied. [Providence, 189-?] 4 pp. = 1 , T r • 5749.43 Bakhoven, Lucas Leignes. Over de afscheiding van oxalzuur. De- venter, 1902. = 3784.76 Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Chicago, Illinois. ' Annual announcement, 36th, 1903/1904. Chicago, 1903. Illus. Portrait. *3734.85 Bijl, Jan Teunis. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de pathoge- nese der haematosalpinx bij gynatre- sieen. Leiden, 1903. = 3774'3i Geraadpleegde literatuur, pp. 93-101. Bolin, Ernst. Om tyfoidfebern i Sverige. i. Historia, geografi och statistik. Stockholm, 1893. Map. Charts. = 3792.32 Boston University. Facts concerning Boston University School of Medicine. [Boston, 1903.] 3 pp. = 3736.84 Cathell, Daniel Webster. The physician himself and things that concern his reputation and success. Twentieth century edition, revised and enlarged by the author and his son, William T. Cathell. Philadelphia, 1903. Portraits. 3795-87 Cordeiro, Frederic Joaquim Barbosa. Gonorrhoea. [N. p. 1903.] 45 pp. Plate. = 3775-109 Cornall, Annie Florence Mary. Sketches of hospital life and work. Lon- don. [1902.] 23 pp. Portrait. Plates. = 3538.82 Hospital work in India. Dercum, Francis Xavier. Rest, mental therapeutics, suggestion. Philadelphia, 1903. *3782.8i.8 Fehmers, Christiaan Hendrik Anton Til- man. Bijdrage tot de therapie bij ruptura uteri. Rotterdam, 1901. 69 pp. Plate. = 3777.80 Ferf, Boele Jacobus. Over het knobbelvormig carcinoma cer- vicis uteri. Leiden, 1902. 74 pp. Illus. = 3772.79 Literatuur-overzicht, pp. 40-5 1- Franke, Henricus Johannes Ignatius Ber- nardus. De uterus van Cercocebus cynamolgos in verschillende levensperioden. Utrecht. [1901.] 80 pp. Plates. = 3772.83 Graag, Karel Stephanus de. Het beenmerg en zijne elementen bij experimenteele staphylococcen-infectie. Leiden, 1902. Plates. = 379149 Lijst der geraadpleegde Utteratuur, pp. 107-116. Herter, Christian Archibald. Lectures on chemical pathology in its re- lation to practical medicine. Philadel- phia, 1902. 378947 Jelgersma, Bernardus. Arthropathia tabica. Purmerend. 1902. Plates. = 3743-84 Kimber, Diana Clifford. Text-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses. [New edition.] New York. 1903, Illus. 3742.126 Kuenen, Willem Abraham. Haemolyse en haematogene pigmentvor- ming. Leiden, 1901. — 3764.160 Litteratuur, pp. 161-167. La Torre, Felice. Galleria della Clinica ostetrica. Profili e ricordi. Volume i. Scansano, 1902. Portraits. =: 3738-42 A supplement to the journal La clinica ostet- rica, containing portraits and biographical no- tices of leading obstetricians, with bibliographies of their writings. Lopez Chavarri, Ventura. Memoria de las aguas y banos minero- medicinales de Loeches. Madrid, 1864. — 379ob.34 McLaughlin, Allan J. Inefficiency of ferrous sulphate as an antiseptic and germicide. Washington, 1903. 7 pp. [United States. Marine Hospital Service. Hygienic Labora- tory.! *5787-30-i5 Mann, Gustav. Physiological histology: methods and theory. Oxford, 1902. Plates. 3794.176 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Inspection of new out-patient depart- ment and other recent buildings. Ether Day, 1903. [Boston, 1903.] 6 pp. Plates. Plans. = 5766.45 82 March Robinson, Hyr(m. The abdominal brain and automatic vis- ceral ganglia. Chicago, 1899. Illns. 7804.75 Rochat, Giiillaume Frederic. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het werkzame bestanddeel der ricine. Utrecht. [1902.] 79 pp. = 3783.78 United States. Marine Hospital Service. Regulations for the sale of viruses, se- rums, toxins, and analogous products in the District of Columbia, etc. Wash- ington, 1903. 8 po. 3793-90 Hygiene. Allen, William Harvey. Rural sanitary administration in Penn- sylvania. [Philadelphia, 1903.] 93 pp. = 3784-83 Selfridge, Harry G. Suggestions on the problem of cleaning the streets of Chicago. Chicago. [1903?] 12 pp. = 5763.153 Underwood, William Lyman. The house-fly as a carrier of disease. [Boston, 1903.] 8 pp. Illus. = 3898.43 The mosquito nuisance and how to deal with it. Prepared for the Board of Health, Belmont, Mass. Boston. [1903. 1 15 pp. Illus. = 3898.44 United States. Marine Hospital Service. Quarantine laws and regulations of the United States. Revised edition. Wash- ington. 1903. 36 pp. = 7763.70 Science* Adams, Frank Dawson. Notes on the iron ore deposits of Bilbao, Northern Spain. Ottawa, 1901. 8 pp. Plates. Map. = 7867.21 Arnold, Ralph. The paleontology and stratigraphy of the marine pliocene and pleistocene of San Pedro, California. San Francisco, 1903. Plates. Map. [California Academy of Sciences.] = *390oa.67.3 Ayers, Howard, 1861-, and Clarence Martin Jackson. Morphology of the Myxinoidei. i. Skele- ton and musculature. Cincinnati. [1900.] Plates. *448i.i78.ser.2.i Baratta, Mario. I terremoti dTtalia. Torino, 1901. Maps. 3863.34 Saggio di bibliografia sismica italiana, pp. 845- 950. British Museum. Natural History. Handbook of instructions for collectors. London, 1902. Illus. 5829.47 Brookes, Richard, M.D. A new and accurate S3^stem of natural history. 3d edition. London, 1790, 91. 6 V. Plates. = 5829.42 Contents. — i. Quadrupeds. 2. Birds. 3. Fishes and serpents 4. Insects. 5. Waters, earths, stones, fossils and minerals. 6. \^egetables. Brooklyn Institute o£ Arts and Sciences. Children's Museum. Bulletin. No. 1-8. Brooklyn, 1902. 03. Plates. *38i8.34 California Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Vol. 2 (no. 1-5) ; vol. 3. San Francisco, 1888-96. Plates. = *39ooa.67 Carman, Bliss. The kinship of nature. Boston, 1903. Portrait. 3818.30 Cleland, Herdman Fitzgerald. A study of the fauna of the Hamilton for- mation of the Cayuga Lake section in central New York. Washington, 1903. Illus. Map. [United States. Geo- logical Survey.] =: *7872.55.2o6 Bibliography, pp. 92-94. Curtis, William. 1 746-1 799. Lectures on botany, as delivered to his pupils. Arranged by Samuel Curtis. [London.] 1803, 04. 2 v. Portrait. Colored plates. *3853.i38 Dale, Thomas Nelson. Structural details in the Green Mountain region and in eastern New York (2d paper). Washington, 1902. 22 pp. Illus. [United States. Geological Survey. Bulletin.] = *7872.55-i95 Davenport, Charles Benedict. The Collembola of Cold Spring Beach, with special reference to the movements of the Podurid?e. Brooklyn, 1903. 32 pp. Plate. = .3883.31 Bibliography, pp. 29, 30^. Fegerl, Johann. Die physikalischen Kenntnisse der Alten, entnommen den wichtigsten Stellen der Autoren. [Mahr, 1896.] 35 pp. 5812.60 Fenneman, Nevin Melancthon. Development of the profile of equilibrium of the subaqueous shore terrace. Chi- cago. [1902.] 32 pp .= 3863.36 Furneaux, William S. The sea shore. London, 1903. Illus. Colored plates. [The outdoor world series.] 5829.45 Hatai, Shinkishi. Observations on the efferent neurones in the electric lobes of Torpedo occiden- talis. [Cincinnati, 1901.] 12 pp. Plate. *448i.i78.ser.2.i Jackson, Clarence Martin. An investigation of the vascular system of Bdellostoma dombeyi. [Cincinnati, 1901.] 36 pp. Illus. *448i.i78.ser.2.i Long, William Joseph. A little brother to the bear, and other animal studies. Illustrated by Charles Copeland. Boston, 1903. Illus. 3888.149 Macloc, J. New complete and universal natural his- tory, . . . particularly an account of the great sea serpent, or the Scoliophis Atlanticus: which was seen in the Har- bour of Gloucester, Massachusetts . . . By Benjamin Mayo. Philadelphia, 1821. Plates. = 5828.38 Nansouty, Max de. Actualites scientifiques. Paris. [1902.] Illus. Portrait. 3918.33 83 Overton, James Bertram. Parthenogenesis in Thalictrum piirpura- scens. Chicago, 1902. 15' pp. Plates. = 3853-33 Schimper, A. F. Wilhehn. Plant-geography upon a physiological basis. The authorized English transla- tion by W. R. Fisher. Revised and edited by Percy Groom, and I. B. Bal- four. Part I. Oxford, 1903. Illus. 3852.25 There are bibliographies. Shattuck, George Burbank. The Mollusca of the Buda limestone. Washington, 1903. 94 pp. Plates. Map. [United States. Geological Survey. = *7872.55.205 Bibliography, pp. 11, 12. Smallwood, Mabel Elizabeth. The beach flea: Talorchestia longicornis. Brooklyn, 1903. 27 pp. Plates. 3883.30 Literature cited, pp. 25, 26. Snyder, Carl. New conceptions in science. [2d edition.] London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 3915.22 United States. Geological Survey. Contributions to economic geology. 1902. Washington, 1903. = *7872.55.2i3 A collection of short articles by various members of the survey. Waters, Campbell Easter. Ferns: a manual for the northeastern states. New York, 1903. Illus. 3842.13 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Daffner, Franz. Das Wachstum des Menschen. Anthro- pologische Studie. 2. vermehrte Auf- lage. Leipzig, 1902. Illus. 3822.138 Perez, Angel, Fray. Igorrotes. Estudio geografico y etno- grafico sobre algunos distritos del Norte de Luzon. Manila, 1902. Plates. Tables. = 3828.144 Chemistry. Physics. Adams, Maxwell. On some hydroxylamine compounds. Easton, Pa., 1902. 24 pp. = 5976.153 Browning, Philip Embury. Introduction to the rarer elements, ist edition. New York, 1903. 3973-i8o Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth, and George Steiger. 1869-. The action of ammonium chloride on sili- cates. Washington, 1903. 57 pp. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *7872.55-207 Classen. Alexander. Quantitative chemical analysis by elec- trolysis. Authorized translation. 4th edition, enlarged by B. B. Boltwood. New York, 1903. Illus. 396oa.33 Easton, William Hastings. The reduction of nitric acid in metallic nitrates to ammonia by the electric cur- rent, and the quantitative estimation of nitric acid. Philadelphia, 1903. 20 pp. = 5976.276 Hartwell, Burt Laws. The precipitation of cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, praseodymium, thorium, and zirconium by certain organic bases. Easton, Pa., 1903. 18 pp. = 5976.275 Remsen, Ira. 1846-. Inorganic chemistry. 5th edition. New York, 1902. Illus. [American science series. Advanced course.] 3976.147 SchoU, George Philipp. The electrolytic determination of man- ganese and its separation from zinc and iron. Easton, Pa., 1903. = 5976.274 Snyder, Harry. The chemistry of plant and animal life. Easton, Pa., 1903. Illus. 5979.128 Terneden, Leendert Josua. Een dilatometer voor kleine voorwerpen bij hooge temperaturen. Rotterdam, 1901. 99 pp. Plates. Plans. = 5962.141 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Clerke, Agnes Mary. A popular history of astronomy in the nineteenth century. 4th edition. Lon- don, 1902. Plates. Photographs. 3924.74 Nugteren, Gerrit Karel. Rationale ruimtekrommen van de vijfde orde. Groningen, 1901. 83 pp. = 3933-63 Shaw, Frederick George. Comets and their tails, and the gegen- schein light. London. 1903. 70 -jp Plates. 3928.32 Philosophy* Education. Ethics* Keller, Helen Adams. Optimism. An essay. New York. 1903 76 pp. Portrait. 3488.149— *P.84.472 Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott. Humanism. Philosophical essays. Lon- don, 1903. 3594-37 Relates also to pragmatism. Van Nostrand, J. J. An explanation of a mechanical philoso- phy [mathematical and atheistical]. Chicago, 1903. 15 pp. Chart. = 3601.138 Education. Children. Arnould, Louis. Une ame en prison. . . pp. Illus. Portraits. Paris. 1903. 90 5591-48 84 March Batdorf, Joses B. The management of country schools. 2d edition. Syracuse, 1903. 3598.41 Boston, Mass. Public Latin School. The prize book, No. 1-6. Boston, 1820- 1826. 6 parts in i v. *3592.204=:*A.i040 Bretherton, Ralph Harold. The Beatrice book. New York, 1903. *44o8.205 A study of child life. Caldwell, Lydia Anne. Our honored Seminary. The 75th anni- versar}^ of the coming of Miss Grant and Miss Lyon to Ipswich. [Ipswich, 1903.] 8 pp. == 4499a.3i2 Cincinnati, Ohio. University of Cincinnati. Bulletin. Series 2, no. 1-7, 12, 14, 17. Cincinnati. [1900-1902.] Illus. *448i.i78 Davids, Eleanor, pseud. Note-book of an adopted mother. Ex- perience in the home training of a boy. New York, 1903. Portrait. 7594.107 DuBois, Patterson. Fireside child-study. The art of bemg fair and kind. New York, 1903. 7599.168 Eliot, Charles William. Present college questions. Six papers read before the National Educational Association . . . July 6 and 7, 1903. New York, 1903. 3597.224 Contents. — A new definition of the cultivated man [by C. W. Eliot]. — The present peril to liberal education [by A. F. West]. — The length of the college course [four papers, by C. W. Eliot, A. F. West, W. R. Harper and N. M. Butler]. Hart, Albert Bushnell. The spider in the web. A brief fore-din- ner speech. [Boston, 1900.] 41 pp. — 4483.258 Relates to the history of Harvard College from 1876 to 1900. Indiana University Bulletin. [New series. 1 Vol. T, no. I. 1903. Bloomington, Ind., 1903. z=z *4496.4oo Has appended the University catalogue for 1902-03. International Education Conference, Cam- bridge, Mass., 1902. Leaflets. Cambridge, Mass., 1902. 3 pp. Diagram. = 9379*2 Contents. — 2. Tables of illiteracy. United Stales and Europe. Jordan, David Starr. The voice of the scholar. With other addresses on the problems of higher education. San Francisco, 1903. 3596.210 Lane, J. J. History of education in Texas. vVash- ington, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [United States. Bureau of Education.] *7596.59-35 Liebmann, Albert. Stotternde Kinder. Berlin, 1903. 96 pp. No. 2 in *3596.i89.6 Menpes, Mortimer. World's children. Text by Dorothy Menpes. London. [1903.] Colored plates. 6223.77 Munroe, James Phinney. The educational ideal. An outline of its growth in modern times. Boston, 1902. [Heath's Pedagogical library.] *3599a.i64 Northwestern University Alumni News- Letter. No. 2. Sept. 1903. Chicago, 1903. = *7294.76 Edited by Arthur W. Campbell. Ponce, Manuel Antonio. Sarmiento i sus doctrinas pedagogicas. Valparaiso, 1890. [Educadores ameri- canos.] = 3598.302 Quick, Robert Hebert. Essays on educational reformers. New York, 1902. [International education series.] *3599.204 Sandys, John Edwin. A history of classical scholarship from the sixth century B. C. to the end of the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 3597.221 Bibliography, pp. xv-xviii. Simmons College, Boston. Catalogue, 1902/03. Boston, 1903. = *4498.282 Stanford, Jane Lathrop. 1825-. Address ... to the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. [San Francisco? 1902.] 13 pp. 4486.139 Trumbull, Henry Clay, editor. Child life in many lands. New York. [1903.] Plates. 6229,31 University of Otago, New Zealand. Calendar for 1896, 1897. Dunedin, 1896, 1897- *3597.iS3 Williams, Samuel Gardner. The history of modern education. 4th edition. Syracuse, 1903. Portraits. Plate. Fac-similes. [School bulledn publications.] 3598.199 Woodstock Academy Gleaner. Vol. 2, no. 3. 1901. Centennial number. Wood- stock, Conn., 1901. 25 p. Illus. Por- traits. 7294.73 Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Oilman, Charlotte Perkins. The home, its work and influence. New York, 1903. 5587.167 Gorton, David Allyn. Ethics, civil and political. New York, 1902. Portrait. 3588.204 Jordan, David Starr. The call of the twentieth century. An r«d- dress to young men. Boston, 1903. 82 pp. 3587.192 Palmer, George Herbert. The nature of goodness. Boston, 1903. 3588.206 1904 Wagner, Charles. The simple life. Translated by Mary Louise Hendee. [loth edition.] New York, 1903. 3589.241 Whiting, Lilian. The life radiant. Boston, 1903. 3589.-227 Religion* Theology* Adams, Ephraim, D.D. The Iowa band. Boston. [1902?] Por- traits. Plates. Map. 3535.^9 Andover Theological Seminary. Andover, 1903. 22 pp. Illus. Map. = 4491.74 Contains description of buildings and historical note. Cooke, George Willis. Origin and early history of the First Parish, Sharon, Massachusetts. A ser- mon, on the occasion of the 150th an- niversary, 1890. Boston, 1903. 27 pp. — 7551.226 Cragin, Laura Ella. Kindergarten stories for the Sunday School and home. Chicago. [1903-] Illus. 7427.45 Crothers, Samuel McChord. The understanding heart. Boston, 1903. 3447.162 Devivier, W., S.J. 1833-. Christian apologetics: a defence of the Catholic faith. Edited by ... S. G. Messmer. [Translated by Ella McMa- hon.] New York. [1903.] 3467-33 List of references, pp. 11-18. Eaton, Charles Henry. A message from the past. Sermons. Edited by Emily Stuart Eaton. New York, 1903. Portrait. 3446.120 Guinness, Henry Grattan, M.D. These thirty years. London. [1903-] Illus. Portraits. = 3534.^9 Contains an account of missions in Africa. Hall, H. Fielding. The hearts of men. New York, 1901. 3495.121 Relates principally to Christianity and Buddhism. Henson, Herbert Hensley. Godly union and concord. Sermons preached mainly in Westminster Ab- bey. New York, 1902. 3434.125 Hutton, William Holden. The influence of Christianity upon na- tional character, illustrated by the lives and legends of the English saints. London. [1903. Bampton Lectures, 1903.] *3503.84 Jones, Francis Arthur, Famous hymns and their authors. 2d edition. New York, 1903. Portraits. Fac-similes. 3445.83 Kellogg, Samuel Henry. A handbook of comparative religion. Philadelphia, 1899. [Westminster hand- books.] 3499a.9 King, Henry Melville. The modern justification of skepticism. Providence. [1903?] 12 pp. = 3483.112 • 8s McGarvey, William. The order for the dedication of Saint Mary on Mount Saint Gabriel, Peeks- kill, New York . . . [October 21, 1903J. Philadelphia, 1903. 17 pp. =; 3445.144 Maitland, Frederic William. Roman canon law in the Church of Eng- land. Six essays. London, 1898. 3531. 11 Mayhew, Henry. 1812-1887. The boyhood of Martin Luther. New York, 1864. Plates. 5559-95 Mielziner, M., of Cincinnati, O. Introduction to the Talmud. 2d . . . edi- tion. New York, 1903. 5489.42 Bibliography, pp. 65-102. Nash, Henry Sylvester. Literature and life in the apostolic age. Syllabus of eight lectures to be given in the rooms of the Twentieth Century Club, . . . beginning Nov. 3, 1903. [Boston, 1903.] 7 pp. = 3485-130 Oakesmith, John. The religion of Plutarch, a pagan creed of apostolic times. London, 1902. 3008.68 Peabody. Francis Greenwood. The religion of an educated man. New York, 1903. 96 pp. 3487-177 Roeder, Adolph, of Orange, N. J. Symbol-psychology. A new interpreta- tion of race-traditions. New York, 1903.. 3487-179 Ihis is an endeavor to show that folk-lore con- tains evidences of a revealed religion. Saint John, Bernard. The Blessed Virgin in the nineteenth cen- tury: apparitions, revelations, graces. London. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 3477-144 Stebbins, Horatio. Prayers . . . [offered in] the First Uni- tarian Church of San Francisco, 1889, 1890. [Compiled by R. Stebbins.] San Francisco, 1903. Portrait. 3449.212 Thomas de Eccleston. The friars and how they came to Eng- land. Being a translation of "De ad- ventu F. F. Minorum in Angliam." Done into English, by Father Cuthbert. St. Louis, Mo., 1903. 3518.31 Veldhuizen, Adrianus van. De brief van Barnabas. Groningen, 1901, = 5424-77 Welby-Gregory, Victoria Alexandrina Maria Louisa, Hon. Lady. Links and clues. 2d edition. London, 1883. 3448.22 Relates to doctrines of the Church of England. Zenana Bible and Medical Mission. The trumpet call. London. [1902?] 4 pp. = 3538.83 Signed by A. R. C. Law* Legislation* Patents* Argentine Republic. Informes de los consejeros legales del poder ejecutivo. Correspondientes a los arios 1892 y 1893. Tomo X. Pu- blicacion oficial. Buenos Aires, 1902. 5622.12 86 March Calkins. Grosvenor. The new business corporation law of Massachusetts. Reprinted from a pub- lished interview. Boston, 1903. 10 pp. = 3675.18 Chile. Comision mista de senadores i dipu- tados encargada de revisar la lei de organizacion i atribuciones de los tribunales. Proyecto de codigo organico de tribu- nales. Santiago de Chile, 1902. = 5625.60 Green, Arnold, of Cleveland, O. In re Memorial of the Central Labor Union of Cleveland, O., preferrmg charges against Augustus J. Ricks, Judge of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern Dis- trict of Ohio. Before the Congressional Investigating Committee. [Cleveland? 189-?] 26 pp. Tables. 7696.49 Hozumi, Nobushige. Ancestor-worship and Japanese law. Tokio, 1901. .80 pp. = 3485.128 Keasbey, Edward Quinton. New Jersey and the great corporations. East Orange, 1899. 39 pp. = 3664.18 Kreissl, Fillipp. October term, 1900. In Chancery of New Jersey. Fillipp Kreissl, complainant, and The Distilling Co. of America, et al., defendants. Opinion. Pools and voting trusts. Jersey City, 1900. 23 pp. = 7696.53 Contains the opinion that the preliminary in- junction should issue, restraining the Trustees from voting on any stock acquired by the voting trust agreement, on the ground that the agree- ment discloses an intent to exclude stockholders who do not enter into it, from whatever benefits could be claimed thereunder. Taft, Russell Wales. The Vermont prohibitory law. Burling- ton, vt., 1902. 23 pp. = 3692.33 Useful and Industrial Arts* Alexander, Thomas, C.E., and Arthur Wat- son Thomson. Elementary applied mechanics. [2d edi- tion.] London, 1902. Portrait. 3948.92 Artsman, The. Horace Traubel, Hawley McLanahan, Will Price, editors. Octo- ber, November, 1903. Rose Valley, 1903. Plates. = *8o28.i29 Baker, Ray Stannard. Boys' second book of Inventions. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 8037.40 Barnett, Samuel Jackson. Elements of electromagnetic theory. New York, 1903. 3963.180 Beavan, Arthur H. Tube, train, tram, and car: or, up-to-date locomotion. London, 1903. Illus. 4013. 118 Treats of electrical locomotion. Bright, Charles. 1863-. The story of the Atlantic cable. New York, 1903. Illus.' Maps. Fac-similes. 7967.25 Burgoyne, Alan H. Submarine navigation, past and present. London, 1903. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. 3954.177 Cathcart, William Ledyard. Machine design. Part i. Fastenings. New York, 1903. Plans. 8015.46 Charleton, Arthur George. Gold mining and milling in Western Aus- tralia. London, 1903. Illus. Plans. 7863.91 Chase, Isaac McKim. The art of pattern-making. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 4019.220 Copper Range Consolidated Company. Annual report, ist. For 1902. Boston. [1903.] Map. = ^7659.169 Hawkins, C. C, and F. Wallis. The dynamo: its theory, design, and manufacture. 3d edition, enlarged. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 3968.190 Hopkins, George M., of New York. Home mechanics for amateurs. New York, 1903. Illus. 8028.127 Howe, Henry Marion. Iron, steel, and other alloys. Boston, 1903. Illus. 5866.73 Kelley, Lilla Elizabeth. Three hundred things a bright girl can do. Boston. [1903.] Illus. 6006.120 Lyons, Timothy Augustine. A treatise on electromagnetic phenomena and on the compass and its deviations aboard ship, ist edition. New York, 1901, 03. 2 V. Illus. Charts. 5963.143 Macleod, W. A., and Charles Walker, F.C.S. Metallurgical analysis and assaying: a three years' course. London, 1903. Illus. 5866.75 Merriman, Mansfield. 1848-. Treatise on hydraulics. 8th edition, re- written and enlarge^d. New York, 1903. 3942.65 Palmer, Harry Clement. A hand-book containing useful informa- tion and tables appertaining to the use of structural steel and cast iron. St. Paul. [1903.] Illus. Plans. = 8039.94 Rosenberg, E. Electrical engineering: an elementary text-book. Translated by W. W. Hal- dane Gee, and Carl Kinzbrunner. New York, 1903. Illus. 4013.165 Sewall, Charles Henry. Wireless telegraphy. New York, 1903- Illus. Portraits. Maps. 7967-30 Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. Electric toy making for amateurs. 15th edition, enlarged. New York, 1903. Illus. 3969.209 Tompkins, Daniel Augustus. Cotton mill processes and calculations. 2d edition, enlarged. Charlotte, N. C, 1903. Plates. Plans. 8013.207 Villa, Antonio. Des perles, de leur origine et de leur pro- duction artificielle. Traduit de I'italien par Timothee Coutet. Paris, 1863. 32 pp. = 4029.135 Wallis, N., Architect. The complete modern joiner, or a collec- tion of original designs in the present 1904 87 taste, for chimney-pieces and door- cases. A new edition. London. [1772.] 4 PP- 36 plates. No. 2 in *40i7.ii7 Willson, Henry Beckles. The story of rapid transit. New York, 1903. Illus. Fac-similes. = 7656.45 Union Engineering Building, New York. [New York.] 1903. 23 pp. = 4478.401 The proposed building, which will be largely endowed by Andrew Carnegie, is to be the joint headquarters of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Engineers Club. Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Argentine Republic. Ministerio de agricultura. Direccion de agricultura y ganaderia. Antisarnicos, por el Dr. Atanasio Qni- roga. Buenos Aires, 1899. 14 pp. = 5992.94 Apuntes sobre los cachiyuyos 6 chapar- ros, por el Dr. Carlos Spegazzini Buenos Aires, 1899. 8 pp. = 5992.93 El cultivo de la papa, por A. C. Tonne- lier. Buenos Aires, 1899. 22 pp Illus. = 5992.92 Brown, Edgar, and Carl S. Scofield. Wild rice: its uses and propagation Washington, 1903. 24 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.5o Burkett, Charles William. Agriculture for beginners. By Charles William Burkett and Frank Lincoln Stevens and Daniel Harvey Hill. Bos- ton, 1903. Illus. 3997'i67 Two copies, one of which is kept in the Chil- dren's Reference Library Fairchild, David Grandison. Japanese bamboos and their introduction into America. Washington, 1903. 36 pp. Illus. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.43 Field experiments in forage plants, with analyses of the products. Experiment, Ga., 1891. ID pp. *7995.ii.i2 Groton Farmers' and Mechanics' Club. Premium list of cattle show and fair, October ist [1903. Ayer, Mass., 1903.] 20 pp. = 7998-71 Maine. State Department of Agriculture. Agriculture of Maine. First annual re- port of the Commissioner of Agricul- ture. Augusta, 1903. Plates. = *6339.ii Redding, R. J. Corn cultiirc. Fertilizer, variety and cul- ture tests. Atlanta, Ga., 1899. 26 pp. [Georgia. State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.] *7995.ii.4i Fertilizer, culture and variety experi- ments on cotton. Atlanta, Ga., 1899. 2 V. [Georgia. State College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts.] *7995.ii.43, 47 Wheat and oats. Rye and barley. At- lanta, Ga., 1899. 26 pp. [Georgia. State College of Agriculture and Me- chanic Arts.] *7995. 11.44 Schrenk, Hermann von, 1873-, and Pcrley Spaulding. The bitter rot of apples. Washington, 1903- 54 PP- Illus. Map. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.44 Index to literature, pp. 46-51- Starnes, Hugh N. Some peach notes. Atlanta, Ga., 1898. Illus. [Georgia. State College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts.] *7995.ii.42 Taylor, Thomas, D.D. Eight edible and twelve poisonous mush- rooms of the United States, with direc- tions for the culture and culinary prep- aration of the edible species. Washing- ton, 1891. 16 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture.] = 5852.54 United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Regulations for the inspection and safe transport of animals from the United States to foreign countries. [Washington, 1899, 1901.] 12 pp. = 7995.58 Bureau of Forestry. Notes on forest, trees suitable for planting in the United States. Black walnut (Juglans nigra). [Wash- ington, 1903-] 6 pp. — 3845.30 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Bordman, John, Jr. Guard manual for non-commissioned of- ficers and privates. Concord, Mass., 1895. 92 pp. Plates. 59593.173 Bouve, Clement Lincoln. Handbook for non-c(5mmissioned officers and privates of coast artillery. Boston, 1901. 54 pp. = 5959a.i72 Welsh, Charles, editor. Famous battles of the nineteenth century. Described by Archibald Forbes, George A. Henty, Arthur Griffiths, and other writers. New York, 1903. 2 v. Plates. 2216.96 88 March Amusements* Games. Sports* Apperley, Charles James. The life of a sportsman. By Nimrod [pseud.]. New edition. New York, 1903. Colored plates.. *4009.255 Fiction. Burt, Edward Willard. Camp fires in the wilderness: valuable information for campers and sports- men. Boston. [1902.] Plates. 6006.44 Hewett, George Mottram Andrews. The pedagogue at play. New York, 1903. Plates. 4008.275 An account of outdoor sports on holiday jour- neys in Great Britain and Europe. Penn, Richard. 1784-1863. Maxims and hints for an angler: embel- lished with humorous engravings, illus- trative of the miseries of fishing. Phila- delphia, 1868. 60 pp. Plates. = *4009a.i8 The illustrations are said to be portrait carica- tures of the author and Sir Francis Chantrey, by the latter. Rook, Elizabeth Jane, and Mrs. E. J. H. Goodfellow. Money making and merry making enter- tainments. Philadelphia, 1903. 40093.78 Shaw, L. De Visme. Snipe and woodcock. With chapters on snipe and woodcock in Ireland, Dy R. J. Ussher; CooKCiy, by A. I. Shand. Lon- don, 1903. Plates. [Fur, feather, and fin series.] = 4006.143 Walton, Izaak. The compleat angler. By Izaak Walton & Charles Cotton. Edited by Richard Le Gallienne; illustrated b^^ Edmund H. New. London, 1904. Portraits. Maps. 4005.142 Bibliographies, pp. 401-412. Watson, Alfred Edward Thomas, editor. English sport. London, 1903. Colored plates. 4003.164 White, Stewart Edward. The forest. New York, 1903. Plates. 3818.32 Drysdale, William. The young reporter. A story of Printing House Square. Boston. [1895.] Plates. 78.194 Eady, K. M., and R. Eady. Riverton boys. A story of two schools. London, 1904. Plate. 78.200 Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy. An obstinate maid. Translated from the German of Emma von Rhoden [pseud.] by Mary E. Ireland. Philadelphia, 1898. Plates. 78.193 Garland, Hamlin. Hesper. New York, 1903. 58.262 Hall, Edith King. The One Strand River, and other fairy tales. London, 1903. Plates. 78.197 Holland, Clive. My Japanese wife: a Japanese idyl. [2d edition.] New York. [1902.] Plates. 58.264 Hughes, Rupert. The Lakerim Athletic Club. New York, 1903. Plates. 78.198 Mitchell, John Ames. The pines of Lory. New York, 1903. Illus. 58.267 Moore, Frank Frankfort. The Jessamy bride. A tale of the days of Garrick and Goldsmith. New York, 1903. Portraits. 58.265 Stuart, Ruth McEnery. George Washington Jones: a Christmas gift that went a-begging. Philadelphia. [1903.] Plates. 58.263 Tappan, Eva March. Robin Hood: his book. Boston, IQ03. Illus. Colored plates. 78.195 A story founded on the Robin Hood legends. Waller, Mary Ella. A daughter of the rich. Boston, 1903. Plates. 78.199 White, Caroline Earle. An ocean mystery. Philadelphia, 1903. 58.266 Children's Room» Books for the Month. Postage Stamps. Brock, Robert C. H. A history and description of the Sydney view stamps of New South Wales. Philadelphia. [1890.] 24 ff. Illus. = *2237.i65 Privately printed. Fiction^ In English. Barbour, Ralph Henry. Weatherby's inning. A story of college life and baseball. New York, 1903. Plates. 78.196 Barbour, Ralph Henry. Weatherby's inning; a story of college life and baseball. New York, 1903. Illus. 78.196 Drysdale, William. The young reporter. A story of Printing House Square. Boston. [1895.] Illus. 78.194 Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy. An obstinate maid. Translated from the German of Emma von Rhoden [pseud.] by Mary E. Ireland. Philadelphia, 1898. Illus. 78.193 Gibbon, J. M., editor. The true annals of fairy land. Old King Cole. London, 1901. Illus. 4576.184 Hall, Mrs. H. F. The One Strand River, and other fairy tales. London, 1903. Illus. 78.197 1904 89 King, Charles Francis. The picturesque geographical readers. Sixth book. Northern Europe. Bos- ton. 1897. Illus. 6289.44.6 Pyle, Howard. The story of King Arthur and his knights. New York, 1903. Illus. 4573.186 Tappan, Eva March. The Christ story. Boston, 1903. Illus. 3478.19 Robin Hood: his book. Boston, 1903. Illus. 78.195 School Reference Library. Dana, Edward Salisbury. Minerals, and how to study them. New York, 1903. Illus. 3868.131 Associations^ Clubs* Societies. Cantabrigia Club, Cambridge, Mass. Annual announcement, nth. 1903-1904. Cambridge, 1903. *5586.58 Contains also lists of officers and members. Knights Templar. A sketch of Boston Commandery, 1769- 1895. [Boston.] 1895. 48 pp. Por- trait. = 7569.108 Odd Fellows, Independent Order of, Mas- sachusetts. Fiinfzigjahriges ' Jubilaum der Hermann Loge, No. 133. [Boston, 1899.] 18 pp. Portraits. = 7569-3 Periodicals. Annuals* Almanacs. Indexes. Cunard Bulletin. March 28-August 8, 1903. Various steamers, 1903. 30 nos. Illus. = *7969.i2 Published on the last day of each passage. Con- tains also marconigrams. Flowers of literature, for 1806. With notes ... by F. W. Blaedon. London, 1807. Portraits. = *73o6.78 Happy Home, The, and Parlor Magazme. A. R. Baker, editor. Vol. 3. Boston, 1856. Illus. Portraits. = *5224.27 Some of the plates are colored. Home Monthly, The; . . . Edited by W. M. Thayer. Vol. 3. Boston, 1861. Illus. Portraits. = *5224.29 Ladies' Garland, The, and Family Maga- zine. Vol. II. Philadelphia, 1847. *5229a.4 Palanquin, The.. [Edited by J. W. Lincoln. No. I.] Oct. 1903. [Marion, Mass.] 1903. = *7299.i8 Woman's Journal The. Vol. 1-33. Jan. 8, 1870-Dec. 27, 1902. [Supplement, 1878, and index to Vol. 31.] Boston, 1870- 1902. 3 V. *P.9o.98o The original editors were Mary A. Livermore Julia Ward Howe, Lucy Stone, Wm. Lloyd Gar- rison, and T. W. Higginson. No. 19 in vol. 24 is lacking. Vols. 1-25 are also kept in the Newspaper Room. Books for the Blind* Golden sands. Little counsels. For the sanctification and happiness of daily life. Vol. I. New York. [Xavier Free Publication Society for the Blind. 1903?] 5590.114 Printed in the iMew York system. Books added to the Branch Libraries^ Bacon, John Mackenzie. The dominion of the air: the story of aerial navigation. Illus. Uj 423 Baldry, Alfred Lys. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Portraits. Plates. [Newnes' Art library.] Fh 465.2 Contains a list of the principal works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Velasquez. Portraits. Plates. [Newnes' Art library.] Fh 465.3 Contains a list of the principal works of Velas- quez. Barbour, Ralph Henry. Weatherby's inning. A story of college life and baseball. Illus, Y 519.4 Clark, Theodore Minot. The care of a house. A volume of sug- gestions to householders . . . for the "economical and efficient care of dwell- ing-houses. Illus. Ud 1750 Colton, Buel Preston. Zoology, descriptive and practical. 2 v. Illus. Ns 1847 Drysdale, William. The young reporter. A story of Printing House Square. Illus. Y 2415.4 Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy. An obstinate maid. Translated from the German of Emma von Rhoden [pseud.] by Mary E. Ireland. Illus. Y 3154 90 March Garland, Hamlin. Hesper. lyg lo Goodwin, Elizabeth Sage. (Betty Sage.) Rhymes of real children. Illus. Y 3488 Gulick, Charles Burton. The life of the ancient Greeks, with spe- cial reference to Athens. Illus. [Twentieth century text-books.] Ds 3687 Contains a bibliography, pp. 310-320. Hill, Leonard Erskine. Manual of human physiology. Illus. Mc 4142 Holland, Clive. My Japanese wife. Illus. 20oh 2 Johnston, Alexander, editor. American orations. Re-edited with notes by J. A. Woodburn. 4 v. Lj 4620 Leonard, Mary Finlev. The Pleasant Street partnership. A neigh- borhood story. Illus. Y 5190.3 Longanecker, E. W. The practical gas engineer. UI5310 McCarthy, Justin. Ireland and her story. Dg 5410.2 McCormick, Eliot. Wonder stories of travel. By Eliot Mc- Cormick, Ernest Ingersoll, E. E. Brown, David Ker, and others. Illus. Y 5417 Mathews, William. Conquering success; or, life in earnest. PI 5700.2 Mitchell, John Ames. The pines of Lory. Illus. 204m i Moore, Frank Frankfort. The Jessamy Bride. A tale of the days ' of Garrick and Goldsmith. With a se- ries of portraits after paintings by Sir Joshua Reynolds and others. 199m 3 Pyle, Howard. The story of King Arthur and his knights, written and illustrated by Howard Pyle. Y 7200.10 Rebmann, E. The human frame, and the laws of health [by H. Seiler]. Translated from the German by F. W. Keeble. Illus. [The Temple primers.] Mc 7337 Bibliography, p. 142. Sallust, Florus, and Velleius Paterculus, literally translated, with copious notes and a general index by John Selby Watson. Lw 7780.2 Shaw, Charles D. Stories of the ancient Greeks. Illus Y8172 Sturgis, Russell, Jr. How to judge architecture. Plates. Fb 8650 Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. The lives of the twelve Caesars. Added, his lives of the grammarians, rhetori- cians and poets. The translation of Alexander Thomson, revised by T. Forester. Lw 8653 Tappan, Eva March. The Christ story. Illus. Y 8725.5 Robin Hood: his book. Illus. Y 8725.6 A story founded on the Robin Hood legends. Thomas de Eccleston. The friars and how they came to Eng- land: being a translation of "De ad- ventu F. F. Minorum in Angliam,",done into English by Father Cuthbert. Rw 8857 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT Books and Documents Recently Added. Social SciencCt Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. 1835-. Investigation and publicity as opposed to "compulsory arbitration." Boston, 1902. 14 PP- = 9331.17332 Adams, Henry Carter. The science of finance. An investigation of public expenditures and public reve- nues. New York, 1899. [American sci- ence series. Advanced course.] 9336.0232 Aldrich. Wilbur. Money and credit. . . . Revised edition. New York. [1903.] 9332.314 B3ldwin, Foy Spencer. The housing problem; a study of tene- ment reform in cities. Boston, 1900. 23 pp. = 9331-83 Balfour, Arthur James. Economic notes on insular free trade. London, 1903. 32 pp. 9337.24233 Advocates the imposition of protective tariffs at home in order to secure relaxation of protective tariffs abroad. Boehmert, Carl Victor. Die Gewinnbeteiligung der Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Dresden, 1902. 9331.2136 Buch3n3n, Joseph Ray. 1851- The story of a labor agitator. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 5577-155 Buchanan's autobiography. Byng, G. Protection. The views of a manufacturer. London, 1901. 9337-34233 In favor of a protective tariff. C3SSon, Herbert Newton. What we believe. Lynn, Mass. [189-?] 12 pp. = 3568.15 On the principles of the Labor Church. Chisholm, George Goudie. Handbook of commercial geography. 4th edition, greatly extended. London, 1903. Maps. 9380.07315 Civic Feder3tion of Chicago. The street railways of Chicago. Report. Edited by Milo Roy Maltbie, Ph.D. Accountant's report, by Edmund F. Bard, C. Acct. [New York.] 1901. ^ 9388.773 Davidson, E., translator. Die ' Finanzwirtschaft Russlands. Aus dem Russischen. Leipzig, 1902. 88 pp. 9336.47314 Litteratur, pp. 84, 85. Dill, James Brooks. "Trusts: their uses and abuses." Edito- rial comment . . . upon the address be- fore The Merchants' Club of Chicago, 111., November ninth, 1901. New York. [1901.] 58 pp. = 9338.77332 Grierson, P. J. Hamilton. The silent trade: a contribution to the early history of human intercourse. Edinburgh, 1903. 3824.161 Authors cited, pp. 98-112. Guyot, Yves. Le trust du petrole aux £tats-Unis. Paris, 1903. 52 pp. 9338.77328 Hubert, Philip G., Jr. The Merchants' National Bank of the City of New York. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. = 9332.1173310 Hughes, Sarah Forbes, and Catherine W. Faucon. Lessons on practical subjects for gram- mar-school children. By S. F. and C. W. F. Revised and enlarged edition. New York. [1902.] 36493.65 . Short essays on political economy for children. Incorporated Ch3mber o£ Commerce of Liverpool, England. Comparative table of duties in the West African colonies and possessions from the Gambia to Loanda. [Compiled to July, 1900.] Liverpool, 1900. = No. 10 in *938i.427 The telegraphs (telephonic communica- tion, etc.) bill, 1899. Liverpool, 1899. 56 pp. = No. 2 in *938i.427 Visit of the Chinese ambassador [Sir Chihchen Lofengluh] to Liverpool, 14th December, 1899. [Liverpool, 1899.] 8 pp. = No. 4 in *938i.427 Johnson, Emory Richard. American railway transportation. New York, 1903. Illus. Maps. Fac-similes. [Appleton's Business series.] 9385-973328 L3hn, J. J. O. Der Kreislauf des Geldes und Mechanis- mus des Sozial-Lebens. Berlin, 1903. 9332.313 Leener, Georges de. Les syndicats industriels en Belgique. Bruxelles. 1903. 9338.77329 Bibliographic, pp. xvii-xxi. Liberty Review Publishing Comp3ny. The truth about the New Zealand com- pulsory Lidustrial Conciliation and Ar- 93 March bitration Act. London. [1898.] 38 pp. 9331. 1931 Macfarlane, John James. The world's commerce and American in- dustries. Graphically illustrated. Phil- adelphia, 1903. Diagrams. = 9338.47383 MacGregor, John, M.A., Barrister at Law. Industrial arbitration in New Zealand. Is it a success? . . . Dunedin, 1901. 22 pp. 933i.i93ia2 Marks, William Dennis. 1849-. The finances of gas and electric light and power enterprises. [2d edition. Phila- delphia, 1902.] Chart. 9338.783 Marshall, Alfred. 1842-. The new Cambridge curriculum in eco- nomics and associated branches of po- litical' science. London, 1903. 39 pp. 9330.742 Meissner, , Postdirektor. Zur Geschichte des Kaiserlichen Bahn- postamts 10 in Coin, Rhein, und des Bahnpostwesens im / ..llgemeinen. Bonn. [1902.] 9383.182 Mitchell, John, President of the United Mine Workers of America. 1869-. Organized labor. Philadelphia. [i903-] Portraits. Plates. = 9331.887384 Relates also to the coal strike of 1902. Moritz, Eugen. Eisenindustrie, Zolltarif, und Aussen- handel. Berlin, 1902. 78 pp. 9338.24385 Mun, Thomas. England's treasure by forraign trade, or the ballance of our forraign trade is the rule of our treasure . . . London, 1664. *9382.4282I National Association of Wool Manufac- turers. Annual wool review, 1902. Boston, 1902. — *9338.02786 Naumann, Friedrich. Neudeutsche Wirtschaftspolitik . . . Ber- lin-Schoneberg, 1902. 9330443 North, Frank Allen. Business corporations in Massachusetts. How to organize a Massachusetts cor- poration , . . Law of. 1903 with notes and forms. [Cambridge.] 1903. 67 pp. = 9347-1744 Parker, Marc. La marine marchande en Norvege (1200- 1902). Paris, 1903. 36 pp. Plate. 9387.9481 Phelps, Roswell Foulkes. South End factory operatives, employ- ment and residence. Boston, 1903. 43 pp. Plates. = 9331-8373 Philadelphia. Philadelphia Museums. Com- mercial Museum. Commerce of Latin America. A brief statistical review. Philadelphia, 1903. 20 pp. = 9382.882 Pratt, Edwin A. American railways. London, 1903. 9385.973a.26 Same. [2d edition.] 938^.973829 Rathgen, Carl. Die Kiindigung des englischen Handels- vertrag und ihre Gefahr fiir Deutsch- lands Zukunft. Leipzig, 1897. 20 pp. 9382.43826 Root, J. W. The trade relations of the British Empire. Liverpool, 1903. 9382.42322 Rottenburg, Franz Johannes von. Die Kartellfrage in Theorie und Praxis. Ein offener Brief an Julius Vorster. Leipzig, 1903. 99 pp. 9338.77331 Ruland, W. Die Handelsbilanz. Eine volkswirtschaft- liche Untersuchung. Berlin, 1897. 85 pp. 9382.84 Takaki, Masayoshi. The history of Japanese paper currency (1868-1890). Baltimore, 1903. 60 pp. [Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science.] No. 5 in *2356.69.2i Bibliography at the end. Verloop, Johan Willem. Het wettelik karakter van de Levens- verzekering-overeenkomst ten behoeve van een derde. Utrecht, 1902. = 9368.3816 Whitman, William. Massachusetts savings banks and corpo- rate manufacturing shares. Address at the dedication of the Lowell Textile School, February 12, 1903. Boston, 1903. 7 pp. = 9332.274482 Some reasons why commercial reciproc- ity is impracticable, particularly with Canada. Boston, 1903. 28 pp. = 9337-907333 Winchester, Diocese of, England. The pipe roll of the bishopric of Win- chester for the fourth year of the pon- tificate of Peter des Roches, 1208-1209. Transcribed, extended and edited by the Class in Palaeography of the Lon- don School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) under the supervision of the Lecturer, Hubert Hall. London, 1903. Plate. Fac-sim- ile. *9338.5ai4 Political Science. Arrowsmith, J. W. The social democracy program. A seven years' struggle for liberty and self- government through "direct legisla- tion" methods. [Tennessee City, 1895.] 14 pp. = 9321.97382 A footnote on page 13 states that this work is by Arrowsmith. Blue, Leonard Anderson. The relation of the Governor to the organization of executive power in the states. [Philadelphia?] 1902. 47 pp. = 4226.171 Civic Improvement League of St. Louis. Annual report, ist. St. Louis, 1903. = *9352.0778 A new day for St. Louis. [St. Louis, 1903 ] 7 PP- = 4378.39 1904 93 Darwin, Leonard. Municipal trade. The advantages and disadvantages resulting from the sub- stitution of representative bodies for private proprietors in the management of industrial undertakings. New York, 1903- 9352.535 Deming, Horace Edward. A municipal program. Philadelphia, 1901. 15 pp. [National Municipal League.] 9352.a7 Gillett, Frederick Huntington. Civil service in the Census Bureau. Speech in the House of Representatives Jan. 10, 1902. Washington, 1902. 4 pp. 9351-67332 Logan, Walter Seth. The lawyer's view. [New York?] 1899. 4 pp. = 7578.145 Opposes international arbitration and advocates a permanent international tribunal. McFarland, J. Horace. Harrisburg's advance: a lesson to smaller municipalities . . . Philadelphia, 1902. 7 pp. [National Municipal League.] =: 9352.a8 National Municipal League. Second report of the Committee on in- struction in municipal government in American educational institutions. Philadelphia, 1902. 24 pp. = 9352.073a3 The first report is out of print. Stokes, Howard Kemble. The finances and administration of Provi- dence. Baltimore, 1903. Tables. [Johns Hopkins University Studies in histori- cal and political science.] 4438.216 Sociology. Bark, Ernst. La revolucion social, Madrid. [190-?] — . , 9335-a32 Bibliografia socialista alemana, pp. 42—44. Clifford. John. 1836-. Socialism and personal character. Lon- don. [1893?] 16 DO. [Christian So- cialist League.] = 3569.266 DeForest, Robert Weeks, 1848-, and Law- rence Veiller, editors. The tenement house problem, including the report of the New York State Tenement House Commission of 1900. By various writers. New York, 1903. 2 V. Plates. Maps. 933i.83a2 Durkheim, fimile. Les regies de la methode sociologique. 2e edition, augmentee. Paris, 1901. [Bibliotheque de philosophie contem- ^. Poraine.] 9307.a7 Fisher, Jabez. Dividends versus brotherhood: interest, rent and profit unchristian. [Fitch- burg? 1900.] 7 pp. = ■ 9335.a26 Realized and realizable ideals of social- ism. [Fitchburg, 1899.] 6 pp. = 93353.27 Gordon, William Eden Evans-. 1857-. The alien immigrant. London, 1903. Plates. Map. 2295.48 Grimke. Francis James. A resemblance and a contrast between the American Negro and the Children of Israel in Egypt. Washington, 1902. 14 PP- = 7586.149 Grubb, Edward. Prison industries. London, 1903. 23 pp. = 5579134 Issued by the Howard Association. Guego, Henri. fitude statistique sur la criminalite en France en 1826 a 1900. Paris, 1902. Maps. 9312.8244 Hallov^rell, Richard Price. Why the negro was enfranchised. Negro suffrage justified. 2d edition. Boston, 1903- 35 pp. = 7584.129 Hartwell, Edward Mussey. Uniform municipal accounting and statis- tics. Philadelphia, 1903. 23 pp. [Na- tional Municipal League.' == 9352.133 Inebriate Reformatory Committee, London. Annual report. ist-3d. London. [1900- 02.] Portrait. Plates. = *7588.22i Lallemand, Leon. Histoire de la charite. Paris, 1902. 5573.123 Contents. — i. L'antiquite. (Les civilisations dis- parues.) Lavrov. Petr Lavrovitch. Lettres historiques, traduit du russe et precede d'une notice bio-bibliogra- phique par Marie Goldsmith. Paris, 1903. Portrait. Plate. 9305.a3i "On doit . . . voir dans les 'Lettres' un essai de sociologie ou une theorie du progres fonde sur une base morale," p. i. Bibliography of Lavrov's works, pp. xv-xxiii. Liebknecht, Wilhelm Philipp Martin Chris- tian Ludwig. Ueber die politische Stellung der Sozial- demokratie insbesondere mit Bezug auf den Reichstag. Berlin, 1893. 32 pp. 9335.5323 London, Jack. 1876-. The people of the abyss. [Life of the poor iri London.] New York, 1903. Illus. 5573-127 Milhaud, Edgard. La democratic socialiste allemande. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque d'histoire contem- poraine.] 9335.5a22 Putnam, Elizabeth C. The Massachusetts Auxiliary Visitors. A paper read at their 20th anniversary, Feb. 15, 1900. N. p. 1900. 18 pp. = 55793.222 Riis, Jacob August. Children of the tenements. New York, 1903. Plates. 3575.160 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. Prison science versus prison discipline. [Concord, N. H.. 1900.] 7 pp. Por- trait. = 9365.073 Wagner, Eduard, of Leipzig. Die Bevolkerungsdichte in Siidhannover und deren Ursachen. Map. Tables. (In Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde. Band 14, pp. 517-675. Stuttgart, 1903.) No. 6 in *6284.8.i4 Bibliography, pp. 549-553- N 94 March Wilford, S. The restoration of society to equity and peace effected by the principles of the Christ life in daily practice. Toronto. [189-?]. 29 pp. On Christian socialism. 3569.264 Women. Laughlin, Clara Elizabeth. "Miladi." Being sundry little chapters devoted to your day-dreams, dear Mi- ladi, and your realizations . . . Chicago. [1903.] 5587.171 Public Documents. United States. Laws, treaty and regulatit)ns relating to the exclusion of Chinese. Washington, 1903. 54 pp. = *9325.25ia5 Adjutant General. General orders. 1866-68. [With manu- scfipt notes and newspaper cuttings in- serted. Washington, etc. 1866-68.] 3 V. rrr *"20th".I0.45 This file belonged to Col. C. W. FoLsom. Census Bureau. 12th Census. Statistical atlas, prepared under the supervision of Henry Gannett, Geog- rapher of the Twelfth Census. Wash- ington, 1903. 91 pp. Charts. Tables. — *93i7.36i2a3 Military Government of Cuba. Report of vital statistics of Havana. 1900, 01. Havana. [1901, 02.] Tables. = *96i4.i729a5 State Department. Passport regulations of foreign countries. Washington, 1897. 57 pp. = *9353.ia6 States. Territories. Accessions. Alabama. Constitution, as adopted by the Constitu- tional Convention, September 3, 1901, and in effect November 28, 1901. N. p. [1901.] 64 pp. = *432oa.i88 California. San Francisco. Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. In full force and effect, January 8, 1900. Compiled by J. Richard Freud. San Francisco, 1900. = *9352.0794a2 Connecticut. Constitutional Convention, 1902. Journal. [Hartford.] 1902. = *9342.746a8 Illinois- Secretary of State. Official vote of the State cast at the general election, Nov. 8, 1898 . . . With an appendix showing the vote cast at the judicial election June 7, 1897, the presidential vote of 1896, and for State officers, 1894. Com- piled ... By J. A. Rose, Secretary of State . . . Springfield, 1898. 62 pp. 9324.773 Massachusetts. Leominster. Assessors. List of persons assessed a poll tax . . . 1902. [Leominster, 1902.] — *9336.744a7 Michigan. Commissioner of Mineral Statistics. Mines and mineral statistics. 1880- 1888, 1892-1893, 1895, 1900, 1901. Lan- sing [etc.], 1881-1901. = *9338.2774 New York. Senate. Testimony and report of the Special Senate Committee appointed to in- vestigate the system of making cor- ners and dealing in futures, with reference to its effects upon com- merce and its influence upon the public welfare. Albany, 1882. Tables. *9332.6747a5 ^ The cover title is Investigation of cornering of grain. New York Commerce Commission. Report, 1900. Albany, 1900. Text, 2 v. Maps, I V. ^9382.747 Philippine Islands. Civil Service Board. Manual de informacion referente al servicio civil de Filipinas. Manila, - 1903- = 3049^.8 Foreign. Cuba. Departamento de sanidad de la Habana. Informe sanitario y demografico de la Llabana y de la Guanabacoa, Mayo 1902-Octubre 1902. [Habana, 1902.] = *96i4.0729 Presidente. Mensaje presidencial presentando al Congreso el proyecto de presupues- tos de gastos e ingresos de la nacion paro el aflo fiscal de 1903 y .resume nos generales de los mismos. Ha- bana, 1902. 20 pp. = *9336.729ia5 Secretaria de hacienda. Seccion de estadistica general. Comercio exterior. Mayo y Junio de 1902. Habana, 1902. 62 pp. Plates. = *9382.729i Relates also to immigration. Consumo de ganado en la isla du- rante el afio de 1900. H-abana. [1901.] 19 pp. = *93i3-6729 Italy. Ministero degli affari esteri. Emigrazione e colonic. Raccolta di rap- porti dei RR. agenti diplomatic! e consolari. Vol. i, parte i. Europa: I. Francia. Roma, 1903. = *9325-245a9 1904 95 Mexico. Comisioii monetaria. Datos para el estudio de la cuestion monetaria en Mexico. Mexico, 1903. Tables. = *9336. 72312 Spain. Ministerio de ultramar. Aranceles y ordenanzas de aduanas para las islas Filipinas. Edicion ofi- cial. Madrid, 1891. *9336.26gia2 United Kingdom. Board of Trade. Labour Department. Directory of industrial associations in the United Kingdom ... at the end of 1901. London, 1902. *933i. 884284 Principal Board of Trade publications on labour questions, pp. 168-170. Parliament. Printed catalog cards [for the] British Parliamentary papers [constituting an "author" card catalogue of the regularly issued annual reports of British government offices.] Boston, 1902. [A. L. A. Publishing Board.] *90i6.3539a7 Two copies. The first copy has duplicates of some cards and lacks the "see" and "see also" reference cards. 333 cards in a box. ECONOMICS. Selected Works in the English Language Compiled by BENJAMIN RAND, Ph. D., Editor of ^'Economic History since 1763." The following list is intended to be helpful in general reading and reference work by students and others interested in Economics. The ordinary list prices of the books are included in order to assist readers and smaller Public Libraries that may wish to enlarge their collections in this department. Acworth, W. M. The railways of England. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1890. $4.20 net The railways of Scotland. London. Mur- ray. 1890. 5s. Adams, Brooks. American economic supremacy. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 The new empire. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $1.50 net Adams, C. F., Jr. Railroads and railroad questions. New York. Putnam. 1878. $1.25 Railroads, their origin and problems. Re- vised edition. New York. Putnam. 1878. $1.25 Adams, C. F., Jr., and H. C. Adams. Chapters of Erie. New issue. New York. Holt. 1886. $1.75 Adams, H. C. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. 2d edition. Ann Arbor. Hopkins, 1886. $ .50 Public debts. 2d edition. New York. Appleton. 1898. $2.50 The science of finance. New York. Holt. 1899. $3.50 net Andrews, E. B. Institutes of economics. Boston. Silver. 1889. $1.30 net Ashley, W. J. An introduction to English economic his- tory and theory. New York. Putnam. 1892-93. 2 V. V. I, $1.50 net; v. 2, $3.00 net Surveys historic and economic. New York. Longmans. 1900. $300 The adjustment of wages. New York. Longmans. 1903. The tariff problem. London. $4.00 net King. 1903. 2s. 6d. London. Ashley, W. J., editor British industries. 1903. Economic classics. Ian. 1895-98. 4 V. Ashworth, H. Recollections of R. Cobden London. Crowell. 1879. Longmans. 5s. 6d. New York. Macmil- ea. $ .75 net New edition. 5s. Atkinson, E. The distribution of products. New York. Putnam. 1885. $1.50 The margin of profits. New York. Put- nam. 1890. $ .75 Taxation and work. New York. Putnam. 1892. $1.25 Aveling, E., and Eleanor Marx Aveling. The working class movement in America. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 Bagehot, W. Postulates of English political economy. New York. Putnam. 1885. $1.00 Lombard Street. New edition. New York, Scribner. 1896. $125 Economic studies. R. H. Huttton, editor. New edition. New York. Longmans. 1895. $1.25 Bagnall, W. R. Textile industries of the United States. 1639-1810. Stafford Mills, Conn. Bag- nall. 1893. Vol. I. $5.00 Baker, C. W. Monopolies and the people. 3d revised edition. New York. Putnam. 1899. $1.50 Balfour, A. J. Economic notes on insular free trade. London. Methuen. 1903, is. 2d. Bancroft, H. H. Resources and development of Mexico. San Francisco. Bancroft. 1894. $4-5o Barclay, R. Silver question and gold question. 4th edition. London. Wilson. 1894. 2s. 6d. Barnett, G. E. State banking in the United States since the passage of the National Bank Act. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins Press. 1902 $ .50 Bastable, C. F. The commerce of nations. New^ York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 The public finance. 3d revised edition. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $4.00 net The theory of international trade. 4th re- vised edition. New York. Macmillan. 1903- $1.25 net 98 March Bastiat, F. Sophisms of the protectionists Trans- hited by H. White. New York. Putnam. 1875- $1.25 Bates, W. W. American marine. Boston. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1893. $4.00 American navigation. Boston. Houghton, MiffHn & Co. 1902. $3.50 net Baxter, R. D. Taxation of the United Kingdom. Lon- don. Macmillan. 1869. 4s. 6d. National debts. 2d edition. London. Bush. 1871. 4s. 6d. Beer, G. L. Commercial policy of England toward her colonies. New York. Macmillan. 1893. $1.50 net Bell, J., and J. Paton. Glasgow: its municipal organization and administration. Glas'gow. Maclehose. 1896. 21S. net Bemis, E. W. Cooperation in New England. New York. Macmillan. 1886. $ .75 net Bemis, E. W., editor. Municipal monopolies. New York. Crow- ell. 1898. $2.00 Biggar, H. P. The early trading companies of New France. Boston. Boston Book Co. 1901. $4.00 net Birkbeck, W. L. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England. London. Macmillan. 1885. 4s. 6d. Bishop, J. L. History of American manufactures, 1608- t86o. 3 V. Philadelphia. E. Young & Co. 1866. Blackmar, F, W. Economics. Topeka. Crane & Co. 1900. $1.00 Blackmore, E. The British mercantile marine. Philadel- phia. Lippincott. 1897. $1.50 Blanqui, J. A. History of political economy in Europe. Translated by E. J. Leonard. New York. Putnam.. 1880. $3.00 Bliss, W. D. P., editor. Encyclopaedia of social reform. New York. Funk & Wagnalls. 1897. $7.50 net Bohm-Bawerk, E. von. Capital and interest. Translated by W. Smart. New York. Macmillan. 1890. $4.00 The positive theory of capital. Trans- lated by W. Smart. New York. Mac- millan. 1891. $4.00 Recent literature on interest. Translated by W. A. Scott and S. Feilbogen. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.00 net Boissevain, G. M. The money problem and its solution. Translated by J. Warner. New York. Macmillan. 1891. $1.00 Bolen, G. N. Getting a living. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $2.00 net Plain facts on the trusts and the tariffs. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $1.50 Bolles, A. S. Financial history of the United States. New York. Appleton. 1879-86. 3 v. V. I, $2.50; V. 2 & 3, each $3.50 Industrial history of the United States. New York. Funk. 1889. $4.25 American finance. New York. American Banker. 1901. $1.00 Money, banking and finance. New York. American Book Co. 1903. $1.25 net Bonar, J. Malthus and his work. New York, Mac- millan. 1885. 2 V. $4.00 Philosophy and political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1893. $2.75 net Elements of political economy. London. Methuen. 1903. 4s. 6d. Bonwick, J. British Colonies. London. Low. 1886. 5s. Romance of the wool trade. London. Griffith. 1887. 7s. 6d. Bowack, W. M. Another view of industrialism. London. Unwin. 1903. 6s. Bowen, F. American political economy. New edition. New York. Scribner. 1885. $5.00 Bowker, R. R., and G. lies. Readers' guide in economic, social, and political science, bein'g a bibliography. New York. Putnam. 1891. $1.00 Bowley, A. L. Elements of statistics. New York. Scrib- ner. 1900. $4.20 net English foreign trade in the 19th century. New York. Scribner. 1900. $1.00 Wages in the United Kingdom in the 19th century. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $2.00 net Breckinbridge, R. M. The Canadian banking system, 1817-1890. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $.50 net Breckinbridge, S. P. Legal tender. Chicago. Chicago Univer- sity Press. 1903. $2.00 net Brentano, L. Labor and the law of today. New York. Putnam. 1891. $i-5o Hours and wages in relation to produc- tion. New York. Scribner. 1894. $i-00 Brooke, E. A tabulation of factory laws of European countries. London. Richards. 1898. 2s. 6d. Brooks, J. G. The social unrest. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.50 net Brooks, R. C. A bibliography of municipal problems, etc. 2d edition. New York. Reform Club. 1901. $1.50 Brough, W. The nat'ural law of money. New York. Putnam. 1894. $1.00 Browne, W. A. Money, weights and measures of the chief commercial nations. 6th edition. Lon- don. Stanford. 1882. 2s. 6d. Bruce, P. A. Economic history of Virginia. New York. Macmillan. 1903. 2 v. $6.00 net 1904 99 Bullock, C. J. Introduction to the study of economics. Revised edition. Boston. Silver, Bur- dett & Co. 1900. $1.28 net Essays on the monetary history of the United States. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 net Burgis, E. The perils to British trade. London. Son- nenschein. 1895. 2s. 6d. Burton, T. E. Financial crises, etc. New York. Apple - ton. 1902. [With bibliography.] $1.40 Bushill, T. W. Profit sharing and the labor question. London. Methuen. 1893. 2s. 6d. Butts, L Protection and free trade. New York. Putnam. 1875. $1.25 Buxton, S. C. Finance and politics, 1783-1885. London. Murray. 1888. 2 v. 26s. Byles, J. B. Sophisms of free trade. 6th edition. Phila- delphia. Baird. 1903. $1.25 Byrn, E. W. The pro'gress of invention in the 19th cen- tury. New York. Munn & Co. 1900. Illus. $3.00 Caird, James. English agriculture in 1850-51. 2d edition. London. Longmans. 1852. 14s. Landed interest and supply of food. New edition. London. Crowell. 1880. 5s. India, the land and the people. 3d edition. London. Cassell. 1884. los. 6d. Cairnes, J. E. The slave power. 2d enlarged edition. London. Macmillan. 1863. los. 6d. Essays in political economy. London. Macmillan. 1873. los. 6d. Some leading principles of political eco- nomy. New edition. New York. Har- per. 1884. $2.50 Character and logical method of political economy. 3d edition. New York. Har- per. 1888. $1.50 Caldecott, A. English colonisation and empire. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 net Cannan, E. History of local rates in England. New York. Longmans. 1896. $ .75 A history of the theories of production and distribution in English political eco- nomy. 1776-1848. 2d edition. London. Percival. 1903. i6s. Cannon, J. G. Clearing houses. New York. Appleton. 1900. $2.50 Carey, H. C. Principles of social science. Philadelphia. Baird. 1855-59- $7-50 Carlile, W. W. The evolution of modern money. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $2.t;onet Carroll, E. Principles and practice of finance. New York. Putnam. 1895. $i-75 Cernuschi, H. Nomisma, or legal tender. New York. Appleton. 1877. $1.25 net Chalmers, R. A history of currency in the British Colo- nies. London. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1893. ICS. Chalmers, T. • The Christian and civil economy of large towns. New edition. New York. Scrib- ner. 1900. $1.25 Chapman, S. J. The history of trade between the United Kingdom and the United States. New York. Scribner. 1899. $1.00 Local government and state aid. New York. Scribner. 1900. $1.00 Chisholm, G. S. Handbook of commercial geography. 4th corrected edition. New York. Lon'g- mans. 1903. $4.00 net Clare, G The A B C of the foreign exchanges. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $i-25 Clark, J. B. The philosophy of wealth. Boston. Ginn. 1889. $1.00 net The distribution of wealth. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $3-00 net Clark, J. B., and F. H. Giddings. Modern distributive process. Boston. Ginn. 1869. $ .75 Clarke, W. E. Josiah Tucker. New York. Columbia University Press. 1903. $1.50 net Cleveland, F. A. Funds and their uses. New York. Apple- ton. 1902. $1-25 Clow, F. R. Introduction to the study of commerce. Boston. Silver, Burdett & Co. 1901. $1.25 net Cobb, A. S. Bank cash reserves. Threadneedle Street. London. E. Wilson. 1891. 5s. Cobden, R. Speeches on questions of public policy. Edited by J. E. Bright and J. E. T. Rogers. London. Macmillan. 1870. 2 V. 24s Coffin, G. M. The A B C of banks and banking. New- York. S. A. Wilson. 1901. $1.25 Coghlan, T., compiler. Statistics. Six states of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney. Gullick. 1861 ff. Cohn, G. System of political economy. Translated by J. A. Hill. Philadelphia. American Academy. 1894. $1.00 The science of finance. Translated by T. B. Veblen. Chicago. Chicago Univer- sity Press. 1895. $3.50 net Coman, Katherine. The industrial history of the United States. New York. Macmillan. [An- nounced.] Commone, R. Distribution of wealth. New York. Mac- millan. 1903. $1.75 net Conant, C. A. The United States in the Orient. Boston. Houghton. 1900. $1-25 A history of modern banks of issue. New York. Putnam. 1896. $3.00 TOO March Cook, W. W. Trusts, etc. New York. Baker. 1888. $ .50 The corporation problem. New York. Putnam. 1891. $1.50 Cope, R. The distribution of wealth. Philadelphia. Lippincott. 1890. $2.00 Cossa, L. Taxation. Translated hy H. White. New York. Putnam. 1888. $1.00 Introduction to the study of political eco- nomy. New York. Macmillan. 1893, $2.60 net Courtney, W. L. Life of J. S. Mill. New York. Scribner. 1889. $1.00 Cox, Harold. Land nationalization. New York. Scrib- ner. 1892. $1.00 net Mr. Balfour's pamphlet. London. Un- win. 1903. IS. Cox, Harold, editor. British industries under free trade. Lon- don. Unwin. 1903. 6s. Cox, S. S. Free land and free trade. New York. Putnam. 1881. $1.25 Coxa, Tench. A view of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1794. United States arts and manufactures. Philadelphia, 1814. Craik, E. L. History of British commerce. London. Cox. 1844. 4s. 6d. Cummings, J. Poor laws of Massachusetts and New York. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $ -75 Cunningham, Wm. Growth of English industry and com- merce during the early and Middle Ages. 3d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1896. $4.00 net An essay on western civilization in its eco- nomic aspects. New York. Macmillan. 1900. 2 V. ea. $1.25 net The "growth of English industry and com- merce in modern times. New York. Macmillan. 1903. 2 v. $4.50 net Cunningham, Wm., and E. A. McArthur. Outlines of English industrial history. New York. Macmillan. 1894. $1.50 net Curtiss, G. B. Protection and prosperity. New York. Pan American Publ. 1896. $375 Dabney, W. D. The public regulation of railways. New York. Putnam. 1889. $1.25 Daniels, W. M. The elements of public finance. New York. Holt. 1889. $1.50 net Darwin, L. Bimetallism. New York. Appleton. 1898. $2.50 Municipal trade. New York. E. P. But- ton & Co. 1903. $3.50 Davenport, H. J. Outlines of economic theory. New York. Macmillan. 1896. $2.00 net Del Mar, A. History of the precious metals. New York. Cambridge Encyc. Co. 1900. 2 v. $500 The history of money in America. New York. Cambridge Encyc. Co. 1900. $1.50 net Devine, E. T. Economics. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $1.00 net Dewey, D. R. Financial history of the United States. New York. Longmans. 1902. $2.00 Digby, W. Prosperous British India. London. Un- win. 1901. i2s. 6d. Dixon, F. H. State railroad control. New York. Crow- ell. 1896. $1.75 Dodsworth, W. , editor. A history of banking in all countries. New York. Journal of Commerce. 1896. 4 V. $24.00 Dolley, O. S. The raw material of commerce. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $T-25 Dolman, F. Municipalities at work. New York. Scrib- ner. 1895. $1.00 net Dorsey, E. B. English and American railroads com pared. 2d edition. New York. Wiley. 1887. $1.50 Dos Passos, J. R. The Interstate Commerce Act. New York. Putnam. 1887. ' $1.25 Commercial trusts. New York. Putnam. 1901. $1.00 net Dowell, S. A history of taxation and taxes in Eng- land. 2d edition. London. Longmans. 1883. 4 V. 2IS. Dun, F. American farming and food. London. Longmans. 1881. los. 6d. Landlord and tenants in Ireland. London. Longmans. 1881. 6s. Dunbar, C. F. Laws of the United States relating to cur- rency, finance and banking from 1789 to 1891. Boston. Ginn. 1891. $2.50 Chapters on the theory and history of banking. Edited by O. M. W. Sprague. 2d edition. New York. Putnam. 1901. $1.25 Dunckley, H. Richard Cobden. London. Unwin. 1896. 3s. 6d. Easton, H. T. Banks and banking. London. E. Wilson. 1896. 3s. 6d. Eaton, J. S. Railroad operations. 32 Park Place, New York. 1903. Edgecumbe, R. P. Popular fallacies regarding bimetallism. London. Macmillan. 1896. 3s. 6d. Edkins, J. Chinese currency. London. King. 1902. 5s. 1904 Elliot, J. R. American farms. New York. Putnam. 1890. $1.25 Elliot, O. L. The tariff controversy in the United States. 1789-1833. Palo Alto, Cal. Le- land Stanford University. 1892. $1.00 Ellison, T. Cotton trade of Great Britain. London. E. Wilson. 1886. 15s. Ellstaeter, K. The Indian silver currency% Translated by J. L. Laughlin. Chica'go. Chicago University Press. 1896. $1.25 net Ely, R. T. Labor movement in America. New York. Crowell. 1886. $1.50 Problems of today. New York. Crowell. 1890. $1.50 Outlines of economics. New York. Mac- millan. 1894. $1.25 net Monopolies and trusts. New York. Mac- millan. 189-? $1.25 net Studies in the evolution of industrial so- ciety. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.25 Ely, R. T., and J. H. Finlay. Taxation in American states and cities. New York. Crowell. 1888. $1.75 Emery, H. C. Speculation on the stock and produce ex- change. New York. Macmillan. 1896. $1.50 net Epps, W. Land systems of Australasia. New York. Scribner. 1894. $1.00 Escott, T. H. S. England, her people, polity and pursuits. New edition. New York. Holt. 1885-6. $4.00 Evans, D. Morier. Commercial crisis, 1847-8. 2d edition. London. Letts. 1849. 8s. Commercial crisis, 1857-9. London. Groombridge. 1859. 15s. Evans, W. G. The alien immigrant. London. Heine- mann. 1903. 6s. Fairlie, J. A. Municipal administration. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $3.00 net Farr, W. Vital statistics. London. Sanitary Insti- tute. 1885. 30s. Farrar, Lord. Free trade versus fair trade. London. Free Trade Union. 1903. 5s. Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith. New York. Putnam. 1881. $1.25 Farrer, T. H. The state in its relation to trade. New York. Macmillan. 1883. $1.00 Studies in currency. New York. Macmil- lan. 1898. $4.00 Fawcett,- H. Free trade and protection. New edition. New York. Macmillan. 1885. $1.25 Manual of political economy. 6th edition. New York. Macmillan. 1885. $2.60 net Fernow, B. E. Economics of forestry. New York. Crowell. 1902. $1.50 TOT Fink, A. K. The modern hank. New York. Appleton. 1903. $1.36 Flint, C. R., and others. The trust: its book. New York. Double- day, Page & Co. 1902. $1.25 Flint, H. M. Railroads of the United States. Phila- delphia. Potter. 1868.. $1.75 Fonda, A. L. Honest money. New York. Macmillan. 189s. $1.00 Foxwell, H. S. Irregularity of employment and fluctua- tion of prices. London. Simpkins. 1887. 6d. Eraser, J. English railways. London. Wilson. 1903. 5s. Frederiksen, F. C. Finland, its public and private economy. London. Arnold. 1902. 6s. Fry, H. The history of North Atlantic steam navi- gation. London. Low. 1895. los. 6d. Garnier, R. M. History of the English landed interest. New York. Macmillan. 1892. 2 v. ea. $3.50 Annals of British peasantry. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $3-50 George, Henry. Progress and poverty. New York. Doubleday. 1889. $1.00 Protection or free trade. New York. Doubleday. 1895. $1.00 Our land and land policy. New York. Doubleday. 1900. $2.50 Gibbins, H. de B. British colonies and commerce from Elizabeth to Victoria. New York. Scribner. 1893. $ .80 Industry in England. New York. Scrib- ner. 1896. $2.50 net Economic and industrial progress of the century. London. Longmans. 1903. 5s. Gibbons, J. S. The public debt of the United States, New York, Scribner, 1867, $2,00 The banks of New York, New edition. New York. Appleton, 1873. $2.50 Gide, C. Principles of political economy. Trans- lated by E, P, Jacobson. 2d American edition. Boston. Heath. 1903. $2,00 Giffen, R. Essays in finance. 2 series (ist series, 3d edition; 2d series, 5th edition). New York, Putnam. 1890. ea. $3.50 The growth of capital. New York. Mac- millan. 1890. $2.00 The case against bimetallism. New York, Macmillan, 1892, $2.00 Gilbart, J. W. History, principles and practice of bank- ing. New York. Macmillan. 1893. 2 v. $3.00 net Gill, R. Free trade ... its nature and operation. Edinburgh. Blackwood. 1887, 7s, 6d. Free trade under protection. Edinburgh. Blackwood. 1888. 7s. 6d. I02 March Oilman, N. P. Profit sliaring. Boston. Houghton. 1889. $175 A dividend to labor. Boston. Houghton. 1889. $1.75 Gilman, T. A graded banking system. Boston. Houghton. 1898. $1.00 net Federal clearing houses. Boston. Hough- ton. 1899. $1.00 net Goschen, G. J. Reports and speeches on local taxation. London. Macmillan. 1872. 5s. Goss, J. D. History of tariff administration in the United States. New York. Macmillan. 1891. $1.00 net Graham, J. C. Taxation local and imperial. 3d revised edition. London. King. 1899. 2s. Graham, Wm. The social problem. London. Kegan Paul. 1886. T4S. Greene, T. L. Corporation finance. 2d edition. New York. Putnam. 1897. $1.25 Grey, Earl. The commercial policy of the British Colonies and the McKinley tariff. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $ .30 Griffin, A. P. C. A list of books relating to trusts. New edition. Washington. Library of Con- •gress. 1902. Grosvenor, W. M. Does protection protect? New York. Appleton. 1870. $2.50 American securities, 1872-85. New York. Daily Bulletin Co. 1886. $2.00 Gunton, G. Wealth and progress. New York. Apple- ton. 1888. ^ $1.00 Principles of social economics. New York. Putnam. 1891. $1.75 Trusts and the public. New York. Ap- pleton. 1900. $1.00 Guyot, Y. Principles of social economy. Translated by C. H. Leppington. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.25 The sugar question in 1901. London. Rees. 1901. 3s. Hadley, A. T. Economics. New York. Putnam. 1896. $2.50 net Railroad transportation. 2d edition. New York. Putnam. 1898. $1.50 Haines, H. S. American railway management. New York. Wiley. 1898. $2.50 Hake, A. E., and O. E. Wesslau. Free trade in capital. New York. Scrib- ner. 1890. . $2.50 The coming individualism. London. Con- stable. 1895. 14s. Haldane, R. B. Life of Adam Smith. New York. Scrib- ner. 1887. $1.00 Hall, F. S. Sympathetic strikes and lockouts. New York. Macmillan. 1898. $1.00 net Hamilton, Alexander. Works. Edited by H. C. Lodge. New York. Putnam. 1885-6. 9 v. $45.00 [See in vol. 3, 'Report on national bank,' 1790; 'On manufactures,' 1791. In vol. 2 and 3, 'On public credit,' 1790-5.) Hamilton, J. H. Saving and saving institutions. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $2.25 net Hammond, M. B. The cotton industry. New York. Mac- millan. 1898. $1.50 net Hankey, T. Principles of banking. New edition. Lon- don. Wilson. 1888. 2s. 6d. Hawley, F. B. Capital and population. New "York. Ap- pleton. 1882. $1.50 Hazlitt, W. C. The coinage of the European continent. London. Sonnenschein. 1893. 21s. Helm, E. The joint standard. New York. Macmil- lan. 1894. $1.10 Herrick, C. K. A history of commerce. New York. Mac- millan. 1903. Hervey, H. M. The trade policy of imperial federation. New York. Scribner. 1892. $t.oo Hewins, W. A. S. English trade and finance, chiefly in the 17th century. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 Hill, J. A. The English income tax. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $1.00 net Hill, Wm. The first stages of the tariff policy of the United States. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $1.00 net Hobson, J. A. Evolution of modern capitation. New York. Scribner. 1894. $1.50 The economics of distribution. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 net Hole, James. National railways, an argument for state purchase. New York. Cassell. 1893. $1.25 Hollander, J. H., editor. Studies in state taxation, with particular reference to the Southern States. Balti- more. Johns Hopkins Press. 1900. $1.25 Horton, S. D. Silver and gold in relation to resumption. Cincinnati. Clarke. 1877. $1.50 Silver pound and English monetary situa- tion since the Restoration. Cincinnati. Clarke. 1887. $400 Silver in Europe. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $1.50 Howell, G. The conflicts of capital and labor. New York. Macmillan. 1890. $2.50 Hudson, J. F. The railways and the republic. New York. Harper. 1886. $2.00 Hull, E. The coal fields of Great Britain. 4th edi- 1004 I03 tion. London. Stanford. 1881. i6s. Our coal resources. New York. Spon & Chamberlain. 1897. $2.50 Hutcheson, J. H. The commercial restraints of Ireland. London. Simpkin. 1882. 5s, Hyndman, H. M. The commercial crises of the 19th cen- tury. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 Ingram, J. K. History of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1889. $1.50 net History of slavery and serfdom. New York. Macmillan. 1895. $1.60 net James, E. J. The railway question. New York. Mac- millan. 1887. $ .75 net Municipal administration in Germany. Chicago. Chicago University Press. 1901. $ .50 net Jeans, J. S. Trusts, pools, and corners. New York. Scribner. 1894. $1.00 net Jenks, J. W. The trust problem. Revised edition. New York. McClure. 1900. $1.00 net Jevons, W. S. The coal question. 2d edition. London. Macmillan. 1866. ids. 6d. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 4th edition. New York. Appleton. 1878. $1-75 The theory of political economy. 3d edi- tion. New York. Macmillan. 1888. $2.50 net The state in relation to labor. New York. Macmillan. 1882. $1.00 Methods of social reform. New York. Macmillan. 1883. $3-00 Johnson, E. R. Inland waterways. Philadelphia. Ameri- can Academy. 1903. $t.oo American railway transportation. New York. Appleton. 1903. $i-50 Johnson, G. Graphic statistics of Canada. Ottawa. Government Printing Office. 1888. Jones, E. D. Economic crises. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 net Joyce, H. History of the post office to 1836. Lon- don. Rentley. 1893. i6s. Judson, F. A. A treatise on the power of taxation. St. Louis. F. H. Thompson Book Co. 1902. Kearney, J. W. Sketch of American finances, 1789-1835. New York. Putnam. 1887. $1.00 Keltie, J. S. Statesman's year book. New York. Mac- millan. 1903. $3.00 net Kern, A. W. . Llistory of banking in Scotland. 2d edi- tion. London. Black. 1902. 7s. 6d. Keynes, J. N. Scope and method of political economy. 2d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1897. $2.25 net Kinley, D. The history, organization, and influence of the independent treasury of the United States. New York. Crowell. 1893. $1.50 Kinsman, D. O. The income tax in the commonwealths of the United States. New York. Macmil- lan. 1903. ■ $1.00 Knox, J. J. United States notes: history of issue. 3d edition. New York. Scribner. 1888. $1.50 A history of banking in the United States. New York. Bradford Rhodes. 1900. $5.00 Lalor, J. J., editor. Cyclopaedia of political science. Chicago. Maynard. 1881-4. 3 v. ea. $5.00 Larrabee, W. The railroad question. Chicago. Schulte. 1893- $1.50 Laughlin, J. L. History of bimetallism in the United States. 2d edition. New York. Apple- ton. 1896. $2.25 Elements of political economy. New edi- tion. New York. American Book Co. 1902. $1.20 Principles of money. New York. Scrib- ner. 1903. $3.00 net Laughlin, J. L., and H. P. Willis. Reciprocity. New York. Baker Taylor & Co. 1903. $2.00 net Laveleye, t,. de. Primitive property. Translated by T. R. Marriott. London. Macmillan. 1878. I2S. Elements of political economy. Trans- lated by A. W. Pollard. New York. Put- nam. 1884. $1.50 Le Rossignol, J. E. Monopolies, past and present. New York. Crowell. 1901. $1.25 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. The modern state in relation to society. [Translated by A. C. Morant.] New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 Leslie, T. E. Cliffe. Land systems and industrial economy of Ireland, England, and the Continent. London. Longmans. 1870. 12s. Levasseur, E. The American workman. Translated by T. S. Adams. Baltimore. Johns Hop- kins University Press. 1901. $3.00 Levi, Leone. Work and pay, or principles of industrial economy. London. Strahan. 1877. 2s .66. History of British commerce. 2d edition. London. Strahan. 1880. i6s. Levy, J. H. Short studies in economic subjects. Lon- don. Personal Rights Association. 1903. IS. 6d Lewis, G. H. National consolidation of the railw^ays in the United States. New York. Dodd. 1893- $1.50 Lindermann, H. R. Money and legal tender in the United States. New York. Putnam. 1878. 104 March- List, F. National system of political economy. Translated by S. S. Lloyd. London. Longman. 1885. 5s. Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant shipping. London. Low. 1874-76. 4 V. ea. 24s. Loria, A. The economic foundations of society. Translated by L. M. Keasbey. London. Sonnenschein. 1899. 3s. 6d. MacCulloch, J. R. The literature of political economy. Lon- don. Longmans. 1845. 14s. Dictionary of commerce. New edition. London. Longmans. 1882. 63s. Principles of political economy. New edi- tion. London. Ward & Co. 1886. is. MacFarlane, C. W. Value, price, and distribution. Philadel- phia. Lippincott. 1898. $2.50 MacKenzie, F. A. American invaders. London. Richards. 1902. 2s. 6d. net MacLean, J. L. The British railway system. London. McCorquodale. 1883. is. 6d. MacLeod, H. D. Dictionary of political economy. London. Longmans. 1863. Vol. i. 30s. The elements of economics. New York. Appleton. 1888. 2 V. ea. $1.75 The elements of banking. New edition. New York. Longmans. 1891. $1.25 The theory of credit. 2d edition. New York. Longmans. 1890- 3 v. ea. $3.50 Theory and practice of banking. Fifth edi- tion. New York. Longmans. 1892. 2 v. V. I, $4-So; V. 2, $5.00 History of economics. New York. Put- nam. 1896. $4-50 net MacPherson, L. G. The monetary and banking problem. New York. Appleton. 1896. $1.00 Macrosty, H. W. Trusts and the state. New York. Dutton. 1901. $1.50 Mac Vane, S. M. The working principles of political eco- nomy. New York. Maynard. 1892. $1.05 net Malthus, T. R. An essay on the principles of population. New edition. New York. Scribner. 1890. $3-50 On the nature and progress of rent. [A reprint.] Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Press. 1903. $ .40 Marot, H. Handbook of labor literature. Philadel- phia. Free Library of Economics. 1899. $1.00 Marshall, Alfred. Principles of economics. 4th edition. New York. Macmillan. 1898. $4.00 net Marshall, Alfred, and M. P. Marshall. The economics of industry. 3d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1885. $1.00 net Martin, E. W. History of the Grange movement. Phila- delphia. National Pub. Co. 1873. $2.75 Martin, F. The history of Lloyds and of marine in- surance in Great Britain. London. Mac- millan. 1876. 14s. Marx, C. Capital. Translated by S. Moore, and E. Aveling. New York. Scribner. 1887. 2 V. $12.00 Mason, D. H. A short tariff history of the United States, 1783-89. Chicago. Kerr. 1896. $ .25 Meade, E. S. Trust finance. New York. Appleton. 1902. $1.25 Meitzen, A. History and theory of statistics. Trans- lated by R. B. Faulkner. Philadelphia. American Academy. 1891. $1.50 Meyer, B. H. Railway legislation in the United States. New York. Macmillan. [Announced.] Micheli, H. State purchase of railways in Switzerland. Translated by J. Cummings. New York. Macmillan. 1898. $ .50 Mill, J. S. Principles of political economy. New edi- tion. New York. Appleton. 1891. 2 v. $4.00 net Mitchell, J. Organized labor. Philadelphia. Ameri- can Book and Bible House. 1903. $1.75 Mitchell, W. On Scotch banks: their position and po- licy. Edinburgh. Hamilton. 1879. 2s. 6d Mitchell, W. C. A history of the greenbacks. Chicago. Chicago University Press. 1903. $4.00 net Money, L. G. C. Elements of the fiscal problem. London. King. 1903. 3s. 6d. Mongredien, A. History of the free trade movement in England. New York. Putnam. 1881. $ .50 Montgomery, W. E. History of land tenure in Ireland. Cam- bridge, Eng. Cambridge Warehouse. 1889. los. 6d. Morley, John. Life of Richard Cobden. New edition. New Work. Macmillan. 1896. 2 v. $3.00 Mulhall, M. G. Dictionary of statistics. New edition. Philadelphia. Routledge. 1900? $8.50 Industry and wealth of nations. New York. Longmans. 1896. $300 Murray, A. E. Commercial relations between En'gland and Ireland. London. King. 1903. los. 6d. Nash, V. The great famine [in India] and its causes. London. Kegan Paul. 1900. 6s. Newcomb, H. T. Railway economics. Philadelphia. Rail- way Pub. Co. 1898. $1.00 Newcomb, S. Critical examination of our financial 1904 policy during the Southern Rebellion. New York. Appleton. 1865. $1.00 Principles of political economy. New York. Harper. 1886. $2.50 Newsholme, A. Elements of vital statistics. 3d revised edition. London. Sonnenschein. 1899. 7s. 6d. Nicholson, J. S. The effect of machinery on wages. New York. Scribner. 1892. $1.00 A treatise on money. 5th edition. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.90 net Principles of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1901. . 3 v. V. I, $3.00 net; v. 2, $2.25 net; v. 3, $3.00 net Bankers' money. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $1.10 net . Elements of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $2.25 net Noble, J. Fiscal legislation. 1842-65. London. Long- mans. 1873. 3s. 6d. Northcote, S. H. Twenty years of financial policy, 1842-61. London. Saunders. 1862. 14s. Noyes, A. D. Thirty years of American finance. New York. Putnam. 1897. $1.25 Ouvry, H. A. Stein and his reforms in Prussia. 2d edi- tion. London. Kerby. 1873. 2s. 6d. Page, T. W. The end of villainage in England. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $1.00 net Palgrave, R. H. I. Dictionary of political economy. New York. Macmillan. 1894-1900. 3 v. ea. $6.50 net Bankrate and the money market of Eng- land, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium. London. Murray. 1903. los. 6d. Patten, Simon N. The premises of political economy. Phila- delphia. Lippincott. 1885. $1.50 The economic basis of protection. Phila- delphia. Lippincott. 1889. $1.00 The theory of dynamic economics. Bos- ton. Ginn. 1892. $1.00 net Development of En'glish economic thought. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $3-00 The theory of prosperity. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $1.25 net Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the United States. New edition. New York. Appleton. 1894. ^ . , ^3.00 Periodicals. Annals of the American Academy of Poli- tical and Social Science. Philadelphia. American Academy. 1890 ff. yr. $6.00 Bankers' Magazine. New York. Rhodes. 1816 ff. yr. $5.00 Commercial and Financial Chronicle. New York. Wm. R. Dana Co. yr. $10.00 Economic Journal. Edited by F. Y. Edge- worth. London. Macmillan. 1891 ff. quart. Ss. Economic Review. London. Perceval & Co. 1891. yr. los. Economist. London. 3 Arundel St. 1843 ff. weekly 8d. Journal of Political Economy. Chicago. Chicago University. 1892 ff. yr. $3.00 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London. 9 Adelphi Terrace. 1838 ff. no. 5s. Political Science Quarterly. New York. [Columbia University.] Ginn. 1886 ff. •yr. $3.00 Quarterly Journal of Economics. [Har- vard University.] Boston. Ellis. 1886 ff. yr. $3.00 Yale Review. New Haven, Tuttle. 1893 ff. . yr. $3.00 Perry, A. L, Principles of political economy. New York. Scribner. 1891. $2.00 net Petty, Sir Wm. Economic writings. Edited by C. H. Hull. New York. Macmillan. 1899. 2 v. $6.00 net Pidgin, C. F. Practical statistics. Boston. Smythe. 1888. $1.50 Pierson, N. V. Principles of economics. London. Mac- millan. 1903. 6s. Pitkin, T. A statistical view of the commerce of the United States. New edition. New Haven. 1837. Poor, H. V. Manual of the railroads of the United States. New York. Poor. 1868 ff. $10.00 Porter, G. R. The progress of the nation. 3d edition. London. Murray. 1851. 24s. Potter, H. C. The citizen and the industrial situation. New York. Scribner. 1902. $1.00 net Powell, H. B. Baden-. Land systems of British India. L( 63s. Frov\'de. 1892. 3 v. Pratt, E. A. American railway transportation. New York. Appleton. 1903. $1-50 Pratt, S. S. The work of Wall Street. New York. Appleton. 1903. $i.2S net Preble, G. H. History of steam navigation, 1 543-1882. Philadelphia. Hamersly. 1883. $3-50 Prentice, A. History of the Anti-Corn-Law Lea'gue. Manchester. Bennett. 1853. 2 v. 14s. Price, Bonamy. Currency and banking. New York. Ap- pleton. 1876. $1.50 Chapters on practical political economy. 2d edition. London. Kegan Paul. 1882. 5s. Price, L. L. A short history of political economy in England. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 net Money and its relations to prices. New York. Scribner. 1900. $1.00 io6 March A short history of British commerce and industry. New York. Longmans. 1901. $1.25 Probyn, J. W. Systems of land tenure in various coun- tries. New edition. London. Cassell. 1881. 3s. 6d. Prothero, R. E. The pioneers and progress of English farming. New York. Longmans. 1888. $2.00 Proudhon, P. J. Works. Vol. I. What is property? Trans- lated by B. R. Tucker. Princeton, Mass. B. R. Tucker. 1876. $3.50 Rabbeno, U. American commercial policy. 2d edition. New York. Macmillan. $3-25 net Rae, G. The country banker. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1886. $1.50 Rae, J. Life of Adam Smith. New York. Mac- millan. 1895. $4.00 net Rand, B. A bibliography of economics. Cambridge. Wilson & Son. 1885. .$1.25 Selections illustrating economic history since the Seven Years' War. 4th en- larged edition. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $3.00 net Rawson, R. Tariffs and trade of the British Empire. London. Imperial Federation League. 1888. 2s. 6d. Ricardo, D. Principles of political economy and taxa- tion. Edited by E. D. Conner. New York. Macmillan. 1891. $1.50 net Three letters on the price of gold. Balti- more. Johns Hopkins University. 1903. $ .40 Ridgway, W. The origin of metallic currency and weight. ^ standards. Cambridge, Eng. University Press. 1892. 15s. Ringwalt, J. L. Development of transportation system in the United States. Philadelphia. Van Nostrand. 1888. $7.50 Roberts, E. H. Government revenue: an argument for industrial freedom. Boston. Houghton. 1884. $1.50 Roberts, P. The anthracite coal industry. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $3.50 net Rodbertus, K. Overproduction and crises. New York. Scribner. 1898. . $1.25 Rogers, J. E. T. History of agriculture and prices in Eng- land, 1259-1793. London. Frowde. 1866-1902. 7 V. ea. 50s. Six centuries of work and wages. New York. Putnam. 1884. 2 v. $3.00 First nine years of the Bank of England. New York._ Macmillan. _ 1887. $2.00 The economic interpretation of history. New York. Putnam. 1888. $3.00 The industrial and commercial history of England. Edited by A. G. C. Rogers. New York. Putnam. 1891. $3.00 Root, J. W. The trade relations of the British Empire London. Root. 1903. los. 6d. Roscher, W. Principles of political economy. Trans- lated by J. J. Lalor. New York. Holt. 1878. 2 V. $6.00 Ross, E. A. Sinking funds. New York. Macmillan. 1892. $1.00 net Rousiers, Paul de. The labour question in Britain. Trans- lated by F. L. D. Herbertson. New York. Macmillan. 1896. $4.00 Row-Fogo, R. An essay on the reform of local taxation in England. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $2.00 net Sato, S. History of the land question in the United States. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins Press. 1886. $1.00 Schloss, D. F. Methods of industrial remuneration. New edition. New York. Putnam. 1898. $2.50 net Schmoller, G. The mercantile system. New York. Mac- millan. 1896. $ .75 net Schoenhof, J. The industrial situation. New York. Put- nam. 1885. $I.0G The economy of high wages. New York. Putnam. 1892. $1.50 A history of money and prices. New York. Putnam. 1895. $i-5o Schulze-Gavernitz, G. V. The cotton trade in England and on the continent. Translated by O. S. Hall. London. Simpkin. 1895. 5s. Schwab, J. C. History of the New York property tax. New York. Macmillan. 1890. $1.00 net The Confederate States of America. New York. Scribner. 1901. $2.50 net Scott, W. A. Repudiation of state debts in the United States. New York. Crowell. 1893. $1.50 Money and banking. New York. Holt 1903. $2.00 net Scrivenor, H. History of the iron trade. London. Bohn. 1854. 3s. 6d. Seager, H. R. Introduction to economics. New York. Holt. 1904. [Announced.] Seeley, J. R. Life and times of Stein. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1879. 2 v. $6.00 Seligman, E. R. A. Progressive taxation. New York. Mac- millan. 1894. $1.00 net Essays on taxation. New York. Macmil- lan. 1895. $3.oonet On the shifting and incidence of taxation. 2d edition. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $3 00 net The economic interpretation of history. New York. Macmillan. 1902. $1.50 net Senior, N. W. Treatise on political economy. London. Griffin. 1850. 4S- 1904 107 Seybert, A. Statistical annals of the United States. Philadelphia, 1818. Seyd, E. London banking and bankers' clearing house. London. Cassell. 1872. 2s. 6d. Shaler, N. S., editor. United States of America: its natural re- sources. New York. Appleton. 1894. 2 V. $io.oc Sidgwick, H. Scope and method of economic science. London. Macmillan. 1885. 2s. Principles of political economy. 2d edi- tion. New York. Macmillan. 1887. $4.50 net Sinclair, A. H. Municipal monopolies and their manage- ment. Toronto. University Press. 1891. [With bibliography.] Smart, W. Introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, etc. New York. Mac- millan. 1891. $1.25 Studies in economics. New York. Mac- mJllan. 1895. $2-75 net The distribution of income. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $1.60 net Taxation of land values and single tax. New York. Macmillan. 1900. $ .90 Smith, Adam. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Edited by J. E. Thorold Rogers. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1870. 2 V. 21S. Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms. Edited by E. Cannan. London. Frowde. 1896. los. 6d. net Smith, R. Mayo. Emigration and immigration. New York. Scribner. 1890. $1.50 Statistics and sociology. [Science of sta- tistics. L] New York. Macmillan. 1895. $3.00 net Statistics and economics. [Science of sta- tistics. IL] New York. Macmillan. 1899. $3.00 net Somers, R. The Scotch banks and systems of issue. London. Longmans. 1873. 7s. 6d. Spahr, C. B. An essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. New York. Crowell. 1896. $1.50 Stanwood, E. American tariff controversies in the 19th century. Boston. Houghton. 1903. 2 v. $5.00 net Statistical abstract for British India. Lon- don. Eyre & Son. 1867 ff. ea. is. 5d. Statistical abstract for colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom. London. Eyre & Son. 1862 ff. ea. is. 6d. Statistical abstract for the United Kin'gdom. London. Eyre & Son. 1854 ff. ea. IS. i>^d. Statistical abstract for the United States. Washington. Government Printing Of- fice. 1879 ff. Statistical yearbook for Canada. Ottawa. Government Printing Office. 1885 ff. Stevens, W. Investment and speculation in British rail- ways. London. Wilson. 1902. 4s. net Stickney, A. B. Railway problems. St. Paul, Minn. Mer- rill. 1891. $250 Stickney, Albert. State control of trade and commerce. New York. Baker. 1897. $2.25 Stirling, P. J. Australian and Californian gold discov- eries. Edinburgh, 1852. Sumner, W. G. Lectures on the history of protection in the United States. New York. Putnam. 1877. $1.00 History of American currency. New edi- tion. New York. Holt. 1876. $3.00 Collected essays in political and social sci- ence. New York. Holt. 1885. $1.50 Protectionism. New York. Holt. 1887. $1.00 The financier and the finances of the American Revolution. New York. Dodd. 1891. 2 V. $5.00 Swank, J. M. History of the manufacture of iron in all ages. 2d edition. Philadelphia. Swank. 1899- $500 Taussig, F. W. The tariff history of the United States. 3d edition. New York. Putnam. 1897. $1.25 Wages and capital. New York. Apple- ton. 1896. $1.50 The silver situation in the United States. 3d enlarged edition. New York. Put- nam. 1896. $ .75 Taussig, F. W., editor. State papers and speeches on the tariff. New York. Holt. 1892. $1.00 Taylor, R. W. Cooke. Introduction to a history of the factory system. London. Bentley. 1886. i6s. The modern factory system. New York. Scribner. 1891. $5-25 The factory system and the factory acts. New York. Scribner. 1891. $1.00 net Taylor, Sedley. Profit sharing between capital and labour. London. Kegan Paul. 1884. 2s. 6d. Thompson, R. E. Social science and national economy. Philadelphia. Porter. 1875. $i-5o Protection to home industry. New York. Appleton. 1886. $1.00 Thompson, W. An inquiry into the principles of the dis- tribution of wealth. New edition. Lon- don. Ward. 1869. los. 6d. Thornton, W. T. Overpopulation and the remedy. London. Longmans. 1845. los. 6d. Tooke, T., and W. Newmarch. History of prices. 1793-1856. London. Longmans. 1838-1857. 6 v. Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the i8th century in England. 4th edition. New York. Longmans. 1894. $3 So Trotter, S. The geography of commerce. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.10 net io8 March Twiss, T. View of progress of political economy in Europe. London. Longmans. 1847. los. 6d. Ure, A. The cotton manufacture of Great Britain. New edition. New York. Macmillan. 1861. 2 V. ea. $1.50 net Villiers, C. P. Free trade speeches. London. Kegan Paul. 1883-84. 2 V. 25s. Walford, C. Famines of the world. London. Stam- ford. 1879. 6s. Walker, Amasa. The science of wealth. 5th edition, con- densed. Philadelphia. Lippincott. 1872. $1.50 Walker, F. A. Money in relation to trade and industry. New York. Holt. 1879. $1.25 net Land and its rent. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1883. $ .75 Political economy. 2d edition. New York. Holt. 1887. $2.00 net The wages question. New edition. New York. Holt. 1891. $2.00 net Money. New edition. New York. Holt. 1891. $2.00 net International bimetallism. New York. Holt. 1896. $1.25 net Discussions in economics and statistics. Edited by D. R. Dewey. New York. Holt. 1899. 2 V. $6.00 net Wall, E. G. The British Empire year book. 1903. London. Stanwood. 1903. 21s. net Wallace, A. R. Land nationalization. 2d edition. New York. Scribner. 1882. $1.00 Walsh, C. M. The measurement of general exchange value. New York. Macmillan. 1901. $3.00 net The fundamental problem in monetary science. New York. Macmillan. 1903. $1.50 Ward, C. A. Ancient lowly: history of the ancient working people. Washington. Lowder- milk. 1889. 2 V. ea. $2.00 net Waring, C. A. State purchase of railways. London. Chapman. 1887. 5s. Warren, M. The trade of the great nations. London. Kin'g & Son. 1903. 6s. Watson, D. K. History of American coinage. New York. Putnam. 1899. $1-50 Wayland, F. Elements of political economy. Edited by H. L. Chapin. New York. Butler. 1886. $1.28 Webb, S., and B. Webb. The history of trade unionism. New edi- tion. New York. 1902. $2.60 net Industrial democracy. New edition. New York. Lon'gmans. 1902. 2 v. in i. $4.00 net Problems of modern industry. New edi- tion. New York. Longmans. 1902. $2.00 Weber, A. F. The growth of cities in the 19th Century. New York. Macmillan. 1899. $4.00 net Weeden, W. B. Economic and social history of New England. 1620-1789. Boston. Hough- ton. 1891. 2 V. $4.50 Wells, D. A. Our merchant marine. New York. Put- nam. 1882. $1.00 Practical economies. New York. Putnam. 1885. $1.50 Recent economic changes. New York. Appleton. 1889. $2.00 The principles of taxation. New York. Appleton. 1899. $1.50 West, Sir Edward. The application of capital to land. 1815. [A reprint.] Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University. 1903. White, H. Money and banking. 2d revised edition. Boston. Ginn. 1902. $1.50 net Whitney, J. D. The United States: physical geography and natural resources. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1889. $3.00 The United States: physical geography and natural resources. Suppl. vol.: Population, immigration, irrigation. Boston. Little, Brown & Co. 1894. $2.00 Wilgus, H. L. A study of the United States Steel Cor- poration. Chicago. Callaghan & Co. 1901. $2.50 Williams, E. E. Made in Germany. 5th edition. London. Heinemann. 1897. 2S. 6d. The case for protection. London. Rich- ards. 1899. ' 5s. Williams, F. S. Our iron roads, their history, etc. 7th edi- tion. London. Bentley. 1888. 8s. 6d. Willis, H. P. A history of the Latin monetary union. Chicago. Chicago University Press. 1901. $2.00 net Willoughby, W. F. Workingmen's insurance. New York. Crowell. 1893. $1.75 Wilson, A. J. Resources of modern countries. London. Longmans. 1878. 2 v. 24s. The national budget. London. Macmil- lan. 1882. 3s. 6d. Wise, B. R. Facts and fallacies of modern protection. London. Triibner. 1879. 2s. 6d. Wood, H. The political economy of humanism. Boston. Lee & Shepard. 1901. $1.25 Wright, C. D. The industrial evolution of the United States. New York. Scribner. 1895. $1.25 net 1904 Wyckoff, W. C. The silk goods of America. 2d edition. New York. Van Nostrand. 1879. Yeats, J. The natural history of the raw materials of commerce. 3d edition. London Philip. 1887. 6s. The technical history of commerce. 3d edition. London. Philip. 1887. 6s. 109 The growth and vicissitudes of commerce in all ages. 3d edition. London. Philip, 1887. 6s. Young, E. Special report on the customs tariff legis- lation of the United States. Washing- ton. Government Printing Office. 1872. Young, T. M. The American cotton industry. New York. Scribner. 1903. $ .75 I LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE LATE JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER. BOOK REFERENCES. Bell, Nancy R. E. James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Por- trait. (In her Representative painters of the XlXth century. Pp. 49-52. Lon- don, 1899. *4o8i.75 Bowdoin, William Goodrich. James McNeill Whistler: the man and his work. New York, 1901. 70 pp. Por- traits. Plates. 4083.82 Same. London. 1902. 78 pp. Portrait. 4083.83 Caffin, Charles H. James A. McNeill Whistler. (In his American masters of painting. Pp. 35- 51. New York, 1902.) 4078.277 Champlin, John Denison, Jr., and Charles C. Perkins. Cyclopedia of painters and paintings. New York, 1886-87. Vol. 4, p. 427. Portrait. Plate. *8o9i.6i Child, Theodore. American artists at the Paris Exhibition. Plates. (In his Art and criticism. Pp. 78-97. New York, 1892. *8o7i.ii9 A Pre-Raphaelite mansion. Illus. (In his Art and criticism. Pp. 305-312. New York, 1892.) *8o7i.ii9 Duret, Theodore. James Whistler. (In his Critique d'avant- garde. Pp. 245-260. Paris, 1885.) 8069.57 Eddy, Arthur Jerome. Recollections and impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler. Philadelphia, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4083.87 Forsyth, Walter G., and Joseph Le R. Har- rison. Guide to the study of James Abbott Mc- Neill Whistler. Albany, 1895. 14 pp. *6i52.5i.i=:*4074.io6 Geffroy, Gustave. Whistler. (In his La vie artistique. Ser. I, PP- 73-85: 157-160; 266-278. Ser. 2, pp. 322-325. Ser. 4, pp. 140-144. Ser. 7, p. 200. Paris, 1892-1901.) 8069.167 Gosse, Edmund William. Cecil Lawson. A memoir. With illus- trations by Hubert Herkomer, J. A. Mc N. Whistler and Cecil Lawson. London, 1883. 38 pp. Portrait. Plates. *8o8o.38 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Whistler. (In his Etching and etchers. Pp. 288-293. Boston, 1892.) 4074.61 Homes of the passing show. Sketches written by Beatty Kingston, Robert Hichens . . . and others. Illustrations by J. McNeill Whistler, Joseph Pennell, and others. London, 1900. Plates. 2493.165 Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Etching. New York. [1885.] Plate. *4070.3o MacCall, Donald Stewart. James M'Neill Whistler. Portrait. Plate. (In his Nineteenth century art. Pp. 154-158. Glasgow, 1902.) *8o7oa.i6o Muther, Richard. Whistler and the Scotch painters. Illus. (In his History of modern painting. Vol. 3, pp. 645-664. New York, 1896.) *8o8i.io8 Rossetti, William Michael. Whistler. (In his Fine art, chiefly con- temporary. Pp. 272-276. London, 1867.) 8067.3 Sadakichi-Hartmann, C. Whistler. (In his History of American art. Vol. 2, pp. 132-136; 143-144; 163- 173) **4079.i23 Thompson, Sir Henry. A catalogue of blue and white Nankin porcelain . . . illustrated by the auto- type process from drawings by James Whistler and Sir H. Thompson. Lon- don, 1878. 74 pp. 26 plates. *4024.67 Tuckerman, Henry T. Whistler. (In his Book of the artists. Pp. 485-486. New York, 1867.) 8072.20 Vose, George L. A sketch of the life and works of George W. Whistler, Civil Engineer. Boston, 1887. 45 pp. Portrait. **4243-79=4243-75 Wedmore, Frederick. J. A. M. Whistler. (In his Four masters of etching. Pp. 28-39. London, 1889.) *8o82.i6 Whistler. Plates. (In his Etching in England. Pp. 30-42. London, 1895.) 8063.117 Whistler's etchings; a study and a cata- logue. London, 1886. 86 pp. *8o86.65 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill. Eden versus Whistler: the baronet and the butterfly. A valentine with a ver- dict. Paris. [1899-] nius. *4077.iio Etchings and dry points. Venice. 2d series. 6th edition. [Mr. Whistler and his critics.] N. p. [1883.] 20 pp. 4079-94 I904 111 The gentle art of making enemies, . . . London, 1890. *4557-ii9 Same. New York, 1890. Illus. 4557-149 "Notes," "harmonies," "nocturnes." [Cata- logue.] Chelsea, 1884. 8 pp. 40793.173 Mr. Whistler's "Ten o'clock." London, 1888. 29 pp. *8o88.69 Mr. Whistler's lithographs. The cata- logue compiled by Thomas R. Way. London, 1896. 42 pp. Plate. *8o86.88 Nocturnes, marines, and chevalet pieces. [Notes on his work reprinted from papers, etc.] Chelsea. [1892.] 29 pp. *4079a.5i MAGAZINE REFERENCES. Afternoons in studios — A chat with Mr. Whistler. (Studio. 4: 116-121. Jan., 1895.) *407i.225 Alden, W. L. Whistler's death. (New York Times. Saturday Review. 1903:554. Aug. 8.) *736o.25 Alexandre, Arsene. J. McNeill Whistler. (Les Arts. 1903: 22-32. Sept. Illus. Portrait.) *4070.224 Art and Mr. Whistler. (Art Journal. 46: 358-360. Dec, 1894. Illus.) *4072.205 Baldry, A. L. James McNeill Whistler. His art and influence. (Studio. 29: 237-245. Sept., 1903. Illus.) *407i.225 Beerbohm, Max. Papillon range. (Saturday Review. 84: 546-547. Nov. 20, 1897.) Per. Room Bloor, A. J. Whistler's boyhood. [Excerpts from the Journal of Whistler's mother.] (Critic 43:247-254. Sept., 1903. Por- trait.) Per. Room Boughton, G. H. A few of the various Whistlers I have known. (Studio. 30: 208-218. Dec, 1903. Illus. Portrait.) *407i.225 Brinton, Christian, Whistler. (Critic. 43: 113. Aug., 1903. Portrait.) Per. Room Brownell, William C. Whistler in painting and etching. (Scrib- ner's Monthly. 18:481-495. Aug., 1879. Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Child, Theodore. American artists at the Paris Exposition. (Harper's. 79:489-500. Sept., 1889. Illus.) Per. Room Cortissoz, Royal. Whistler. (Atlantic. 92:826-838. Dec, 1903.) Per. Room Demprey, Charles W. Whistler as an exponent of the "Advanced art." (Magazine of Art. 5:358-359. 1882.) *4072.220 Dowdeswell, Walter. Whistler. (Art Journal. 39:97-103. Apr., 1887. Illus.) *4072.205 Duret, Theodore. James Whistler. (Gazette des beaux- arts. 2e periode 23:365-369. Avril i, 1881. Illus.) *406l.22I Whistler et son oeuvre. (Letters et les arts. 3e annee 1:215-226. Fev. i, 1888. Illus.) *7385.5 Fenollosa, Ernest F. The place in history of Whistler's art. (Lotus. 1:14-17. Dec, 1903. Illus.) *4o87.i69 Finberg, A. J. Mr. Whistler and artistic solipsism. (Athenaeum. 1902-03: 198. Aug. 8.) Per. Room Forthuny, Pascal. Notes sur James Whistler. (Gazette des beaux-arts. 3e periode 30:381-391. Nov., 1903. Illus.) *4o6i.22i Fourcaud, L. de. Salon de 1884. (Gazette des beaux-arts. 2e periode. 29:484-485. Jnin, 1884.) *406l.22I Geffroy, Gustave. Whistler. (Revue universelle. Sept. i, 1903. Pp. 441-' Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Hadley, Frank A. Whistler, the man, as told in anecdote. (Brush and Pencil. 12:334-359. Aug., 1903. Illus. Portrait.) *4072.258=*8o7i.78 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Mr. Wedmore's catalogue of Mr. Whist- ler's etchings. (Portfolio. 18:61-62. 1887.) *4o6o.23i Hawthorne, Julian. A champion of art. (Independent. 51: 2954-2960. Nov. 2, 1899.) Bound Newspaper Files Influences that shaped Whistler's art. (Lotus. 1:38-40. Dec, 1903.) *4o87.i69 Jackson, Louise W. Mr. Whistler as a teacher. (Brush and Pencil. 6: 141-143. June, 1900.) *4072.258=:*8o7i.78 James A. McNeill Whistler. (Current Lit- erature. 35:310-315- Sept., 1903. Illus.) Per. Room James Abbott M'Neill Whistler. (Harper's Weekly. 47: 1253-1254. Aug., 1903. Portrait on p. 1261.) Per. Room James Abbott McNeill Whistler. (Ameri- can Architect. 22: 258-259. Nov. 26, 1887.) ^4097.205 Jenney, W. L. B. Whistler and Old Sandy in the fifties. (American Architect. 59:4-5. Jan. i, 1898.) ^4097.205 Kelly, Edmond. Mr. Whistler's "Ten o'clock." (West- minster. 130:202-209. Aug., 1888.) Per. Room Knaufft. Ernest. The art of Mr. Whistler. (Churchman. 88:273-278. Sept. 5, 1903. Illus.) *7540-5 James Abbott M'Neill Whistler. (Review of Reviews. American edition. 28: 173-176. Aug., 1903. Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Levin, Julius. James MacNeill Whistler. (Illustrirte Zeitung. 121:315-316. Aug. 27, 1903. Portrait.) *52io.2 112 March Losee, William F. James McNeill Whistler, the painter. (Brush and Pencil. 12:319-333. Aug., 1903. Illus.) *4072.258=*8o7i.78 Lost Whistler, The. [Concerning the por- trait of Miss Laura Barr, the daughter of Robert Barr.] (Academy, 65:390. Oct. 10, 1903.) Per. Room MacColl, D. S. Mr. Whistler's painting in oil. (Art Journal. 45:88-93. March, 1893. Illus.) *4072.205 Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr. The art of Mr. Whistler. (World's Work. 6:3923-3925- Sept., 1903. Portrait.) Per. Room Matsuki, Bunkio. Whistler in Japan. (Lotus. 1:10-13. Dec, 1903.) *4o87.i69 Mauclair, Camille. James Whistler et le mystere dans la peinture. (Revue bleue. 72:440-444. Oct. 3, 1903.) Per. Room Menpes, Mortimer. Reminiscences of Whistler. (Studio. 29: 245-257. Sept., 1903.) *407i.225 Whistler the Purist. (Cornhill. New series, 15:760-768. Dec, 1903.) Per. Room Meyer, Annie Nathan. Whistler's Butterflies. (Critic. 43:254- 256. Sept., 1903. Illus.) Per. Room Meynell, Wilfrid. James Abbott McNeill Whistler. (Pall Mall. 31:404-417. Nov., 1903. illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Mr. Whistler. (Athenaeum. July 25, 1903. Pp- 133-134-) Per. Room Mr. Whistler's epigrams. (Spectator. 91: 126-127. July 25, 1903.) Per. Room Mr. Whistler's etchings. [Exhibition at Bond St. Galleries.] (Knowledge. 3: 208-209. Apr. 6, 1883. Illus. Also, Saturday Review. 55:241-242. Feb. 24, 1883.) Per. Room Mr. Whistler's "Pablo Sarasate." (Maga- zine of Art. 8: 467-468. 1885. Illus.) *4072.220 Mr. Whistler's pictures. (Saturday Re- view. 7Z'-3S7- March 26, 1892.) Per. Room Mr. Whistler's will. (Architect & Con- tract Reporter. 70: 176. Sept. 11, 1903-) *4I0I.20I Morte di Whistler. (Minerva, Rivista delle riviste. 23:861-862. Agosto 16, 1903-) ^7252.20 Morton. Frederick W. James McNeill Whistler, the etcher. (Brush and Pencil. 12:305-319. Aug., 1903. Illus.) *4072.258=i*8o7i.78 Norris, Marie. Whistler and the Ukiyo-Ye. (Lotus, i: 18-26. Dec, 1903-) *4o87.i69 O'Malley, Frank Ward. Mr. Whistler and the expatriated. (Cath- olic World. 69:340-344. June, 1899.) Per» Room Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. The Master of the Lithograph — J. Mc- Neill Whistler. (Scribner's. 21:277- 289. March, 1897. Illus.) Per. Room Pennell, Joseph. James McNeill Wliistler. (North Amer- ican Review. 177:378-384. Sept., 1903.) Per. Room Prinsep, Val. Personal recollections. (Magazine of art. 27:577-580. Oct., 1903. Illus.) *4072.22Q Quilter, Harry. James Abbott M'Neill Whistler. (Cham- bers's Journal. New series, 6:691-696. Oct. 3, 1903.) Per. Room Scott, William. Some Venice recollections of Whistler. (Studio. 30:97-107. Nov., 1903. Illus.) , *407i.225 Sickert, Oswald. Oil painting of James MgNeill Whistler. (Studip. 3o:3-jo. Oct., 1903. Illus.) *407i.225 Whistler to-day. (Fortnightly. 57: 543- . 547. April, 1892.) Per. Room Some early pictures by Mr. Whistler. (Art Journal. 49:289-291. Oct., 1897. Illus.) *4072.205 Spielmann, M. H. The man and the artist. (Magazine of Art. 27:580-84. Oct., 1903; 28:8-16. Nov., 1903. Illus.) *4072.220 Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Mr. Whistler's lecture on art. (Fort- nightly. 49:745-751. June, 1888.) Per. Room Teall, Gardner C. Sir Joshua and Mr. Whistler. (Brush and Pencil. 10:272-275. Aug., 1902.) *4072.258=*8o7i.78 Whistler and Swinburne. (Bookman. 18:69-70. Sept., 1903.) Per. Room Whistler's father. (New England. New- series, 29:235-239. Oct., 1903. Por- trait.) Per. Room Thiebault-Sisson. James Mac-Neil Whistler. (Le Temps. Juillet 19, 1903. Pp. 3, col. 5.) Bound Newspaper Files Thomson, David Croall. James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Some personal recollections. (Art Journal. 1903:263-268. Sept. Illus. Portrait.) ^4072.205 New pictures by Mr. Whistler. (Art Journal. 49: 10-13. Jan., 1897. Illus.) *4072,205 Two Venice pastels. (Studio. 21 : 42-44. Jan., 1898. Illus.) *407i.225 Two Whistlers, The. (Academy. 65:90-91. July 25, 1903.) Per. Room Way, Thomas B. Mr. Whistler's lithographs. (Studio. 6: 219-227. Jan., 1896. Illus.) *407i.225 Wedmore, Frederick. British etching. Turner, Wilkie, Geddes, Palmer, Whistler. (Magazine of Art. 16: 181-186. Apr., 1893. Illus. *4072.22o 1904 113 Mr. Whistler's exhibition. [Fine Arts Society.] (Academy. 23: 139-140. Feb. 24, 1883.) Per. Room Mr. Whistler's pastels. (Academy. 19: 142. Feb. 19, 1881.) Per. Room Mr. Whistler's theories and Mr. Whist- ler's art. (Nineteenth Century. 6:334- 343. Aug., 1879.) Per. Room Whistler, painter and comedian. (McClure's. 7:374-378. Sept., 1896. Illus. Por- trait.) Per. Room Whistler coming to America. A letter from Mr. Whistler to a friend regarding his trip. (Tribune, N. Y. Oct. 12, 1886, p. I. col. 2.) Bound Newspaper Files Whistler vs. Ruskin. (Times. London. Nov. 30, 1878, p. 8, col. 3; Dec. 2, p. 8, col. 3; Dec. 3, p. 6, col. 3.) Bound Newspaper Files Whistler sale in Paris. [From the collec- tion of Madame Carmen R.] (Athe- naeum. 2:760. Dec. 5, 1903.) Per. Room Whistler's criticism on the art of painting. (Nation. 38:549. June 26, 1884.) Per, Room Whistler's etchings. [Exhibition at Obach's Gallery.] (Athenaeum. 2:588-589. Oct. 31, 1903.) Per. Room Whistler's genius. (Boston Evening Tran- script. July 18, 1903, p. 12, col. 3.) Bound Newspaper Files Wilson, Thomas. Whistler at West Point. (Book Buyer. 17: 113-.115. Sept., 1898. Illus.) Per. Room Wuerpel, Edmund H. My friend Whistler. (Independent. 56: T31-136. Jan. 21-, 1904. Illus.) Bound Newspaper Files THE APOSTOLIC AGE IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN CRITICISM. A short list of references suggested in connection with the lectures by James Hardy Ropes, Bussey Professor of New Testament Criti- cism and Interpretation in Harvard University. All titles in the lists illustrative of the Lowell Lectures are fur- nished in each case by the lecturer himself, who alone is responsible for their extent and character. I. New Testament. Revised version. II. Bartlet, J. V. The apostolic age. New York, 1899. Map. 3518.66 McGiffert, A. C. A history of Christianity in the apostolic age. New York, 1897. 3452.80 Purves, G. T. Christianity in the apostolic age. New York, 1901. Maps. 3527.87 Schaff, Philip. History of the apostolic church. New York, 1853. 5512.52 Same. Edinburgh, 1854. 5513-4 Vol. I especially; also vol. i of his History of the Christian Church [3512.50.1; 3522.50.1], Weizsaecker, C. H. von. The apostolic age of the Christian church. London, 1895, 97. 3521.119 Wernle, Paul. Die Anfange unserer Religion. Tiibin- gen, 1901. 3526.28 There is an English translation (1903-04) not yet received by this Library. III. Cheyne, T. K., and J. S. Black. Encyclopaedia Biblica. New York, 1899- 1903. 4 y. Illus. Maps. *3432.76 Various articles. Harnack, C. G. A. History of dogma. Boston, 1895-97. 3 v. 3452.125 Especially vols, i, 2. Die Mission und Ausbreitung ds Chris- tentums in den ersten drei Jahrhun- derten. Leipzig, 1902. 3522.86 Hastings, James, and J. A. Selbie. A dictionary of the Bible. New York, 1900-02. 4 V. Illus. Maps. *543i.i2 Various articles. Liehtfoot, J. B., editor. The apostolic fathers. Revised texts, with . . . English translations. [2d edition.] Edited and compiled by J. R. Harmer. London, 1893. 3504'73 IV. Abbott, Lyman. Life and letters of Paul the Apostle. Bos- ton. 1898. 3524-83 Arnold, Matthew. St. Paul and Protestantism, London, 1870. 745oa.22 Also other editions. Baur, F .C. Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ. 2d edi- tion. London, 1873, 75- 2 v. 3473.50 Bruce, A. B. St. Paul's conception of Christianity. New York, 1894. 3456.125 Clarke, James Freeman. The ideas of the Apostle Paul translated into their modern equivalents. Boston, 1884. 5426.70 Cone, Orello. Paul the man, the missionary, and the teacher. New York, 1898. 3555-71 Conybeare, W. J., and J. S. Howson. The life and epistles of St. Paul. New York, 1854-57. 2 V. Illus. Maps. 5552-50 Same. 3d edition. 1855. 5552-49 Pfleiderer, Otto. The influence of the Apostle Paul on the development of Christianity. New York, 1885. 3420.67 Same. London, 1885. 3420.52 Ramsay, W. M. St. Paul the traveller and the Roman citi- zen. London, 1896. 3521.109 Sabatier, Auguste. The Apostle Paul. London, 1891. 3414.108 FREE PUBLIC LECTURES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON TO BE GIVEN IN THE LOWELL INSTITUTE. (Founded in 1836 by John Lowell, Jr., and Established in 183Q.) The Trustee of the Lowell Institute under the will of John Lowell, Jr., maintains annually in the City of Boston various Courses of Free Public Lectures. For the present — the sixty-fifth — season, five dis- tinct Series are provided, to all of which Admission is Free (but only under certain conditions), as follows: — I. Public Lectures, — in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street. II. School for Industrial Foremen, — under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. III. Teachers' School of Science, — under the Auspices of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History. IV. Courses for Workingmen, — under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. V. Public Lectures, — in the Hancock Schoolhouse, Parmenter Street. Further information in regard to the several Courses is given below. A. Lawrence - Lowell, Trustee. W. T. Sedgwick, Curator. L PUBLIC LECTURES IN HUNTING- TON HALL. Lowell Institute Lectures, open to the public, will be given this year, as in recent years, in Huntington Hall, Rogers Build- ing, 491 Boylston Street, Boston. The sev- eral Courses will be announced in advance, ^yith full particulars, in the Monthly Bulle- tin of the Boston Public Library, and in the advertising columns of the Boston Evening Transcript. Admission to all Lectures of the Lowell Institute is free, but only by ticket and under certain conditions. The number of tickets is limited by the capacity of the Hall. For an account of the new plan of ticket distribution, see January Bulletin, p. 28. The Eighth Course will be eight lectures by Dr. William Everett, on The Italian Poets since Dante, i. Petrarch. 2. The Romancists: Pulci, Boiardo, Berni. 3. Ari- osto. 4. Tasso. s. Pastoral Poems, Marini, Tassoni, Filicaja. 6. Poetry of the Eigh- teenth Century: Metastasio, Goldoni, Casti. 7. Alfieri. 8. Later poets: Monti, Manzoni, Leopardi. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, March i. The Ninth Course will be eight lectures by James Hardy Ropes, Professor in Har- vard University, on The Apostolic Age in the Light of Modern Criticism, i. Early Christian Missionary Methods and Achieve- ments. 2. Jewish Christianity. 3. The Apostle Paul: the Man and His Writings. 4. Paul's Theology. 5. Life in an Apostolic Church. 6. Peter; the Gospels; John. 7. The Era of Catholic Christianity. 8. Mod- ern Historical Criticism and the Apostolic Age. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, March 7. The Tenth Course will be six lectures by Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S., Lecturer on Zoology in the University of Cambridge, England, on The Coloration of Amphibia ii6 March and Reptiles. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning March 29. II. SCHOOL FOR INDUSTRIAL FOREMEN. The Trustee of the Lowell Institute has established, under the auspices of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, a free evening School for Industrial Foremen. The school comprises, at the outset, two Courses, one Mechanical and the other Electrical, and each extending over two years. The Courses of Instruction. — These Courses are intended to bring the system- atic study of applied science within the reach of young men who are following in- dustrial pursuits and desire to fit them- selves for higher positions, but are unable to attend courses during the day. An out- line of the Courses is as follows: The subjects of the First year for both Courses are: Practical Mathematics, Ele- mentary Physics, and Electricity; Elements of Mechanism and Gearing, and Drawing. The subjects taught in the Second year Mechanical Course are: Mechanics; Valve- gears; Elements of Thermodynamics, the Steam Engine and Boilers; Elementary Hydraulics; Testing Laboratory; Steam and Hydraulic Laboratory, and Mechanism Design and Elementary Machine Design. The Second year Electrical Course in- cludes: Valve-gears; Elements of Thermo- dynamics, the Steam Engine and Boilers; Steam Laboratory; Direct Current Ma- chinery; Alternating Currents; Electric Distribution; Electrical Testing, and Dy- namo Laboratory, The instruction embraces recitations, lec- tures, drawing-room practice, and labora- tory exercises; and is given by members of the instructing staff of the Institute of Technology. Text-books are used in many of the subjects, but in some of the work, where the instruction differs widely from available books, printed notes are supplied to the students at cost. Students are ex- pected to purchase such text-books, note- books, instruments, and other material as may be recommended throughout the course. No reports of standing will be given to students; but those students who are failing to keep well up with the work or to profit sufficiently by the instruction will be in- formed that they are not qualified to pur- sue the course advantageously. Those who complete satisfactorily the required courses of the two years and pass the examinations will be given certificates. The School Year. — The next school year will begin October 3, 1904, and will close May 12, 1905. There will be a recess of one week at Christmas, and on legal holidays the exercises of the school will be suspended. Attendance from 7.30 to 9.30 for three or four evenings a week will be required, in addition to outside study. Requirements for Admission. — As the number of students that can be received is limited, application for admittance should be made before May i. To be admitted to the first-year course the applicant must be at least eighteen years of age, and must pass satisfactorily entrance examinations in Arithmetic (including the Metric System), Elementary Algebra, Plane Geometry, and Mechanical Drawing. These examinations may be, in a measure, of a competitive nature, and considerable weight will be attached to the applicant's occupation and practical experience. The courses are open to those only who are ambitious and willing to study. The character and amount of the instruction is such that, if the student is not well fitted to take up the work of the school, it will not be possible for him to derive full benefit from the Course, or per- haps to maintain his standing. A circular giving detailed information re- garding the nature of the entrance exam- inations and other requirements may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to Charles F. Park, Director, Lowell Institute School for Industrial Fore- men, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, Boston. . This new free evening school has been substituted for the Advanced Courses of Lectures that have been given for many years by professors of the Institute of Technology. IIL TEACHERS' SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Under the Auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. IV. COURSES FOR WORKINGMEN. Under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. V. LECTURES AT THE HANCOCK SCHOOLHOUSE. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January 1904. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. V V v^^xv vxcijr o« Siin d:^ v^i A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Central Library. Rr ANTTTFC; 2 to 10^ r\ r\ 2 to 9^ r^Ti a rl f }'^]>? ^VP Tabvhe in grammaticen linguae Chaldae^e, qua" ^ Syriaca dicitur. . . Parisiis, 1560. **H.4oa.5 New England Primer. 1795. The New-England primer enlarged and improved: or, an easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading . . Added, The Assembly of Divines catechism. Boston, 1795. Illus. **H.99C.i22 130 April Nyrop, Kristoffer. Das Leben der Worter. Ubersetziuig aus dem Danischen, von Robert Vogt. Leipzig, 1903. 2958.47 Underwood, Horace Grant, and others. A concise dictionary of the Korean lan- guage. Yokohama, 1890. 2 v. *3039.23 Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Free Public Li- brary. Rules and annual report, ist, 1902. At- lantic City, 1903. = *6£57.2i8 Berlin. Oeffentliche Bibliothek und Lese- halle, S.W. 13, Alexandrienstrasse 26. Biicherverzeichniss. Berlin, 1903. — *2i63.78 Boston Library Society. Catalogue of books in the Boston Li- brary, Nov. I, 1807. Boston, 1807. 41 pp. = *6i99.5i Bradford, Pa. Carnegie Public Library. Finding list of English fiction. Bradford, Pa., 1903. 53 pp. *6i56.235 Buzzati, Augusto. Bibliografia bellunese. Venezia, 1890. *2 1 63.65 Carmena y Millan, Luis. Catalogo de la biblioteca taurina de Luis Carmena y Millan. Madrid, 1903. *6i68.58 Tirada de 50 ejemplares. Chicago. Public Library. Easter. Chicago, 1902. 13 pp. No. 3 in *62o8.64 A list of books and magazine articles. Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Christ- mas. Chicago, 1901. 36 pp. No. 2 in *62o8.64 Lists of books and magazine articles. Memorial Day and Patriotism. Chicago, 1901. II pp. No. I in *62o8.64 Lists of books and magazine articles. Hand, Thomas W. The Leeds Public Free Libraries. Aber- deen. LI903-] 28 pp. = 6159.124 International Catalogue of Scientific Litera- ture. L. General biology. Annual issue i-. London, 1903. ^2177.34 Jahresverzeichnis der schweizerischen Uni- versitatsschriften, 1897/98-1901/02. Catalogue des ecrits academiques suisses, 1 897/98-1 90 1/02. Basel, 1898-1902. *5594-^63 Keysser, Adolf. Mittheilungen iiber die Stadtbibiiothek in Coeln. 1602-1902. Fiihrer fiir ihre Besucher. Coeln, 1902. 32 pp. Plates. Plan. Fac-simile. = 6i9oa.i75 New York, State. State Museum of Natural History. Publications. June, 1903. [Albany, 1903.] 24 pp. = 3839-12 Rijks Universiteit te Leiden. Library. Tide's kamer. Lijst der boeken uit de nalatenschap van Prof. Dr. C. P. Tielc geschonken door Mevrouw Tiele-Ruy- chaver. Leiden, 1902. Portrait. Plate. = *6i7i.47 Serrano y Orgeta, Manuel. Bibliografia de la Catedral de Sevilla. Sevilla, 1901. *6i6i.37 Stocking, Sabura Stebbins. An address, delivered before the Young Ladies' Literary Society of the Wes- leyan Academy, June 8, 1836. Boston, 1836. 22 pp. = 2129.49 Relates to choice of books. United States. Library of Congress. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on the Philippine Islands in the Library of Congress. By A. P. C. Griffin. With chronological list of maps in the Library of Congress. By. P. Lee Phillips. Washington, 1903. = *62oi.56 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates. Book-selling. . French, George, of Cleveland, Ohio. Printing in relation to graphic art. Cleveland, 1903. 6T17.110 Johnson, John, Printer. 1777-1848. An abridgment of Johnson's Typogra- phia, or the printers' instructor: with an appendix. Boston, 1828. Illus. = 2115.49 The complete work is on shelf-number *2ii5.ii, Kautzsch, Rudolf Friedrich, editor. Die neue Buchkunst. Studien im In- und Ausland. Weimar. [1903.] 6113.134 Manuscripts. Autographs. Fac-similes Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Clark's Wharf (Hancock's Wharf), Boston. Cost and repairs from the first purchase,' 1748, to January, 1764. Manuscript, i page, large folio. MS.275 Fanchiotti, G. I mss. italiani in Inghilterra [descritti in forma popolari]. Serie i. Londra. II Museo britannico. Londra, 1899. [Vol 3, Caserta. 1902.] 3 v. *2i84.47 Contents. — i. La Collezione Sloane. 2. Le Col- lezioni Hargrave, Burney, Arundel e Stowe. 3. La Collezione Cotton. Describes MSS. of the fifteenth, sixteenth and sevententh centuries. Vol. 2 contains letters from Domenico Molino, of Venice, and others, to Isaac Casaubon, on works of Casaubon. Vol. 3 describes letters which concern principally the political relations of England with the Continent. Franklin, Benjamin. Letter, dated London, March 19, 1759, ad- dressed to Mr. Israel Pemberton, Mer- 1904 chant, Philadelphia, in regard to the State of Indian affairs, and other mat- ters. Manuscript, signed. 2 pp. MS. 206 Hancock, John. 1 737-1 793- Account of dama.ge done to the Estate of the Honble John Hancock, Esqr, by the British army since April 19, 1775, taken to December, 1776. Dated Bos- ton, Feb. 26, 1777. Manuscript, signed. 4 pp. MS.255 Proposals for carrying on a manufacture in the town of Boston, for employing the poor of said town. [Boston, 1768.] Broadside. **H.9oa.2o8 Printed on both sides. Linen manufacture is proposed. South Carolina. House of Representatives. Extract from the proceedings, January 23, 1861. Manuscript. 3 pp. Signed, W. J. Coy Kendall, Asst. Clk. MS.6 Called forth by a resolution in the Massachu- setts Legislature "that in view of the great suf- fering in South Carolina . . . and in view of the abundance of this Commonwealth a sum be ap- propriated ... to be invested in provision and stores, for the relief of our fellow countrymen in that state." Swan, Benjamin, and others. Agreement of Benjamin Swan and twelve others to pay for the paving of Prince Street, Boston. Dated Boston, July 19, 1732. Manuscript, signed, i page. MS.204 General Literature. Authors. Criticism. Loliee, Frederic. 1856-. Histoire des litteratures comparees, des origines au XXe siecle. Paris. [1903.] 2259.19 Arabic Literature. Abu'l-'Ala Al-Maarri. 974-1058. The quatrains of Abu'l-Ala. Now first rendered into English by Ameen F. Rihani. New York, 1903. Plate. Fac- simile. 3026.145 Huart, Clement Imbault. 1854-. Litterature arabe. Paris, 1902. [His- toires des litteratures.] 3026.48 Bibliography, pp. 439-442. English and American Literature. Alden, Raymond Macdonald, editor. English verse. Specimens. New York, 1903. Table. 2589.32 Anderson, Alexander. 1845-. Lazarus at our gate. Poems treating mostly of the wrongs done to the poor and of the coming Reckoning-day. Glasgow, 1902. 73 pp. = 2567.141 Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Direc- tory. Edited by John Muir [and] D. M'Naught. No. 1-8. Kilmarnock. [1892- 99.] 8 parts in 3 v. Illus. Portraits. *A.237 No. I only was edited by John Muir. Same. No. 1-5. January, 1892-96. *6556.64 Chamberlin, Henry Harmon. The age of ivory. [Verse.] Boston, 1904. 56 pp. = *A.i6oo Chase, Wilfrid Earl. Poems. Madison, Wisconsin. [1903.] 20 pp. *A.i636 Cleaveland, John. 1613-1659. Clievelandi vindici^e; or, Clieveland's genuine poems, orations, epistles, &c., purged from the many false & spurious ones which had usurped his name. London, 1677. Portrait. **G.389a.69 CroU, Morris William. The works of Fulke Greville. Philadel- phia, 1903. 59 pp. Table. = 2556.26 Dalliba, Gerda. Fate and I, and other poems. New York. [1902.] 79 pp. Portrait. = *P.85.209 Daskam, Josephine Dodge. Poems. New York, 1903. 82 pp. 4399.i8o=*A.2i5o EUeanor's second book. Providence, 1839. Portrait. *2409a.226 This book was prepared and sold for the bene- fit of EUeanor Eldridge, a colored woman. Family garland. The; a choice book for families and social libraries . . . Bos- ton. [1851?] Illus. = *2557.i3i Many of the plates are colored. Fiske, John. 1842-1901. [Works.] Standard library edition. Bos- ton. [1902.] 24 V. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. Historical writings. *2405.ioi Contents. — 1-3. The discovery of America. 4, 5. Old Virginia and her neighbours. 6. The be- ginnings of New England. 7, 8. The Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 9. New France and New England. 10, 11. The American Revo- lution. 12. The critical period of American his- tory. Miscellaneous writings. *2405.i02 Contents. — 1-4. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 5. Myths and myth-makers. 6. The unseen world and other essays. 7. Excursions of an evolutionist. 8. Darwinism and other essays. 9. Studies in religion: being, The destiny of man; The idea of God; Through nature to God; Life everlasting. 10. A century of science. II. The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. 12. Civil government in the United States. Gems, The, of American poetry, by distin- guished authors. New York, 1840. Plates. *A.33ii Gillespy, Jeannette Bliss. The eastward road [and other verses]. New York, 1903. 73 pp. = *P'85.3394 Hope, Laurence. The garden of Kama, and other love lyrics from India. Arranged in verse. London, 1903. 4567.190 Housman, Laurence. Blind love. Boston, 1901. 29 pp. *A.429i 132 Johnson, Edwin Rossiter, editor. Famous single and fugitive poems. En- larged. New York, 1890. 4568.63 This is a later edition of his Single famoiis poems. Lincoln, James, of Boston. Relishes of rhyme. Boston, 1903. 52 pp. = *A.5255 Lyly, John. 1 553-1 601. Endymion, the man in the moon. Edited by George P. Baker. New York, 1894. 25593.24 Bibliography, pp. cxci-cxcvi. Richards, Laura Elizabeth. The golden windows. A book of fables for young and old. Boston, 1903. Plates. 2409.245 Riley, James Whitcomb. His pa's romance [and other poems]. Indianapolis. [1903.] Portrait. Plates. 4396.172 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Poems. With illvstrations from his own designs. Edited by Elisabeth Lvther Gary. New York. [1903.] 2 v. Por- traits. Plates. *456i.i33 Sage, Betty. Rhymes of real children. With pictures by Jessie Willcox Smith. New York, 1903. 32 pp. Plates. 2390.26 Select collection. A, of poems, and other elegant poetical extracts. Boston, 1807. *A.8ii5 Sigma, pseud. Personalia, political, social, and various. Edinburgh, 1903. 2467.171 Stringer, Arthur J. Hephaestus, Persephone at Enna, and Sappho in Leucadia. Toronto, 1903. 47 pp. = *P.i9.862 Watson, William, of Liverpool. For England. Poems written daring- estrangement. London, 1904. 64 pp. 4569.95==*A.9523 Woodberry, George Edward. America in literature. New York, 1903. 2396.175 Poems. New York, 1903. 4409a.225rrz*A.9839.2 Fiction in English for Reference Use. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Information wanted and other sketches. By Mark Twain [pseud.]. London. [1876?] *A.i770.i4 Guerrier, Edith. Wanderfolk in wonderland. A book of animal fable stories. Boston, 1903. Plates. 4396.142 Hood, Thomas. 1799-1845. Tylney Hall. Hartford, 1846. = *6576.68 Maga stories. New York, 1867. [Putnam's Railway classics.] — *A.5446 Seventeen stories by F. B. Perkins, J. P. Ouincy, Fitz-James O'Brien, R. H. Stoddard, and others. All but one are reprinted from Putnam's Monthly Magazine. April Marryat, Frederick. 1892-1848. Novels and tales. Philadelphia. [184-?] Portrait. =: *657oa.36 Nicholson, Renton. [Dombey and daughter. London, 1850?] 94 PP- Illus. = No. 2 in *2575.63 Richardson, Samuel. 1689-1761. Novels. With an introduction by Ethel M. M. McKenna. Philadelphia, 1902. 20 V. Portrait. Plates. Fac-simile title- pages. Contents. — 1-4. Pamela. *4578.29o 5-13. Clarissa Harlow. *4578.29i 14-20. The history of Sir Charles Grandison. *4578.292 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Falkner. A novel. By the author of "Frankenstein." New York, 1837. 6577.132 French Literature. Cerutti, Joseph Antoine Joachim. Poeme sur les echecs, dans lequel sont personnifiees toutes les pieces de ce jeu, essentiellement interessant sous le rapport de la science. [Par M. Cerutti.] Paris, 1834. 16 pp. = 6706.59 Montanhagol, Guilhem. Le troubadour Guilhem Montanhagol. [Public] Par Jules Coulet. Toulouse, 1898. [Bibliotheque meridionale.] 2687.77 German Literature. Alt, Carl. Studien zur Entstehungsgeschichte von Goethes Dichtung und Wahrheit. Miinchen, 1898. 97 pp. [Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte.] 4873.107 Gottfried von Strassburg. Tristan und Isolde. Hofisches. Epos. Aus dem mittclhochdeutschen liber- setzt von Karl Pannier. Leipzig. [1903.] 2 V. in I. Plate. 4896.50.454 Gotthelf, Friedrich. Das deutsche Altertum in den Anschau- ungen des sechzehnten und siebzehn- ten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1900. 75 pp. [Forschungen zur neueren Litteratur- geschichte.] 4873.96 Otto, Paul, of Gottingen. Die deutsche Gesellschaft in Gottingen (1738-1758. Miinchen, 1898. 99 pp. [Forschungen zur neueren Litteratur- geschichte,] 4873.109 Gresk and Latin Literature. Lucianus Samosatensis. Lvcien, de la tradvction de N. Perrot Sr d'Ablancovrt. Nouuelle edition reueue & corrigee. A Paris, M.DC.LXIV. 2 V. Plate. = *2999a.i2 1904 133 Italian Literature. Amico, Ugo Antonio. La cultura letteraria in Palermo nella prima meta del sec. XVII. Palermo, 1902. 35 pp. 4777.73 Dante Alighieri. A translation of the Quaestio de aqua et terra, with a discussion of its authen- ticity by Alain Campbell White. The Latham Prize Essay. 1902. Boston, 1903. 79 pp. Diagrams. 4792.17 Bibliography, pp. 60, 61. Contains also the text of the original, from the Oxford Dante [4798.27]. In 1508 G. B. Mon- cetti printed, in Venice, the Quaestio de aqua et terra, professing to be a discussion by Dante concerning the relative levels of ^arth and water on the surface of the globe. Petrocchi, Policarpo. La lingua e la storia letteraria d'ltalia dalle origini fino a Dante. Roma, 1903. 4779.39 Ruskin, John. 1819-1900. Comments on the Divina commedia. Compiled by George P. Huntington. With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Boston, 1903. 2796.81 Russian Literature. Shenshin, Afanasi Afanasevitch. Gedichte. Von A. A. Feth [Pseud.]. Verdeutschung im Versmass des rus- sischen Originals von Friedrich Fied- ler. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.453 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Ercilla y Zuniga, Alonso de. 1 533-1 594- La Araucana. [Parte i,- 2. New York, 1902, 03.] Portrait. Plate. Coat-of- arms. = *3095.i73 Contents. — i. [Primera parte.] 1569. 2. Se- gunda parte . . . Qaragoga, 1578. One of an edition of 200 copies reprinted in fac-simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Gracian, Baltasar. 1584-1658. The critick. Written originally in Span- ish; by Lorenzo Gracian, and trans- lated into English, by Pavl Rycavt. London, 1681. **D.i66.25 This is an allegory on human life. Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Ashhurst, Richard Lewis. Contemporary evidence of Shakespeare's identity. Philadelphia, 1903. 68 pp. [Shakspere Society of Philadelphia. I = 6601.40 Bj0rnson, Bj^rnstjerne. Der Konig. Drama. Nach der urspriing- lichen Fassung iibersetzt von Emma Klingenfeld. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.454 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust. A dramatic mystery. Translated by John Anster. London, 1903. Plate. 2877.169 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. loth edition. London, 1898. 2 v. 45903.136 Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert. Rose Bernd. Schauspiel. 4. Auflage. Ber- lin, 1903. 68993.160 Koehler, Bruno. Antje. Schauspiel. Leipzig. [TQ03.] 31 pp. 4896.50.454 Pickert, Gustav. Vater Morgana. Fine Atelierszene in einem Aufzug nach einer Idee Guy de Maupassants. Leipzig. [1903.] 27 pp. 4896.50.453 Pollaczek, Max. Vor dem Gesindeball. Lustspicl. Leip- zig. [1903I 4896.50.453 Schoene, Hermann. Aus den Lehr- und Flegeljahren eines alten Schauspielers. Leipzig. [1903.] Portraits. 4896.50.453 See, Edmond. L'indiscret, comedie. Paris, 1903. = 66993.88 Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Macbeth. Edited by A. W. Verity. Cambridge, 1902. [The students' Shakespeare.] 4599'7o Except for a slightly enlarged Preface, this work is identical with the edition in the Pitt Press Shakespeare for schools [4599.210]. Wilbrandt, Adolf. 1837-. Timandra. Trauerspiel. Stuttgart. 1903. 68993.224 The scene is laid in Athens, at the time of the death of Socrates. Ye3ts, William Butler. Where there is nothing. London, 1903. [Plays for an Irish theatre, i.] 65793.110 Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. .ffisopus. A hundred fables of .Esop from the Eng- glish version of Sir Roger L'Estrange. With pictures by Percy J. Billinghurst and an introduction by Kenneth Gra- hame. London, 1903. Plates. 2973.24 Guerber, Helene Marie Adeline. Myths of Greece and Rome narrated with special reference to literature and art. New York. [189-?] Plates. Map 3486.118 Maurus, Peter. Die Wielandsage in der Literatur. Er- langen, 1902. *2954. 28.25 Beniitzte Literatur, pp. xiv-xxv. 134 Paton, Lucy Allen. Studies in the fairy mythology of Ar- thurian romance. Boston, 1903. [Rad- cliffe College monographs.] 2556.44 Bibliography, pp. v-ix. This is an enlarged edition of her Morgain le Fee. Schure, Edouard. Histoire du Lied, ou la chanson populairc en Allemagne. Nouvelle edition. Pre- cedee d'une etude sur le reveil de la poesie populaire en France. Paris, 1903- 2874.63 Skinner, Charles Montgomery. American myths & legends. Philadelphia. [1903.] 2 V. Plates. 2409.196 Medicine. Hygiene. Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Bayly, Robert C. The legal status of doctors everywhere under the flag, and state recognition of the supremacy of national law and legal courtesy to physicians of other states. Decatur, Illinois. [1900.] Por- trait. 3788.84 Breuer, Joseph, 1842-, and Sigmund Freud. Studien iiber Hysteric. Leipzig, 1895. 7804.25 Minvielle, Edmond. La medecine au temps d'Henri IV. Paris, 1904. 3718.62 Bibliographic, pp. 196-199. Nagel, Bartholomeus Cornells van der. Onderzoekingen over virulentie-opwek- king bij saprophytische bacterien. Rot- terdam, 1902. = 3794.145 Rowe, George Howard Malcolm. Observations on hospital organization. [Boston, 1902.] 17 pp. = 5764.143 University of California. Publications. Physiology. Vol. i, no. i, 2. Berkeley, 1903. z=z *729oa.28 Warwick, F. J. First aid to the injured. Philadelphia. 1904. Illus. 57993.28 Watkins, Robert Lincoln. Diagnosis by means of the blood. New York, 1902. Portrait. Plates. = 3792.30 Hygiene. Cuba. Junta superior de sanidad de la isla Informe mensual sanitario y demografico de la Republica de Cuba. Abril, 1903- julio, 1903. Habana. [1903.] = *7762.58 Science* Braasch, August Heinrich. Der Wahrheitsgehalt des Darwinismus. Weimar, 1902. 5825.88 April Brooks, Alfred Hulse. Preliminary report on the Ketchikan mining district, Alaska, with an intro- ductory sketch of the geology of south- eastern Alaska. Washington, 1902. Maps. [United States. Geological Sur vey.] = *586oa.75 Coues, Elliott. 1842-1899. Key to North American birds. . . . With which are incorporated General orni- thology: . . . and Field ornithology, . . . 5th edition, exhibiting the nomen- clature of the American Ornithologists' Union. [Edited by J. A. Farley.] Bos- ton, 1903. 2 V. Illus. *390i.73 Dana, Edward Salisbury. Minerals, and how to study them. 2d edition. New York, 1903. Illus. 3868.131 Gannett, Samuel Stinson. Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1902-03 Washington, 1903. [United States. Geo- logical Survey.] = *7872.55.2i6 Geologist, The; a popular illustrated monthly magazine of geology. Edited by S. J. Mackie. [Vol. 1-7.] London. [i858-]i864. Illus. Maps. *7866.52 No more was published. Succeeded by the Geological Magazine [*7866.5i]. Gesner, Conrad. 1516-1565. Historise animalium lib. 1-5. Tigvri [etc.], 1551-1587. 5v. in4. Illus. *5820.8 Gordon, Maria Matilda Ogilvie. The geological structure of Monzoni and Fassa. Edinburgh. [1903.] Illus. Maps. Geological sections. [Edinburgh Geo- logical Society.] *7822.i.8. Special part Guyer, Michael F. Syllabus of a course of illustrated lec- tures on Darwinism and evolution. Cincinnati, 1902. 12 pp. [Cincinnati, Ohio. University of Cincinnati. Bulle- tin.] *448i.i78.ser.2.2 Kuester, Ernst. Pathologische Pflanzenanatomie. Jena, 1903. Illus. 3853.140 Marshall, William Blanchard. Beaks of Unionidse inhabiting the vicin- ity of Albany, N. Y. New York, 1890. 23 pp. Plate. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.9 Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture. The brown-tail moth, Euproctis chrysor- rhoea (L.). With a description of the remedies best suited for destroying it. By C. H. Fernald and A. H. Kirkland. Boston, 1903. 73 pp. Plates. = 3893.88 Massart, Jean. Sur I'irritabilite des plantes superieures. [Bruxelles, 1902.] 64 pp. Illus. No. I in *3398.i.62 Miles, Alfred Henry, editor. One thousand and one animal anecdotes. New York. ^1903.] Plates. 3888.151 Pierson, Clara Dillingham. Dooryard stories. New York. [1903.] Plates. 3818.23 1904 135 Smock, John Conover. Building stone in New York. Albany, 1890. Map. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.io Not a new edition of his earlier bulletin with with the same title [*7825.i.3]. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Man's place in the universe. New York, 1903. 7602.34 White, Gilbert. 1720- 1793. The natural history of Selborne. With notes by Richard Kearton, and illustra- tions from photographs by Cherry and Richard Kearton. London, 1903. Illus. 58293.112 Henrici, Olaus, and George Charles Turner. Vectors and rotors: with applications. London. [1903.] Diagrams. **E.5i29.i22 Jessop, Charles Minshall. A treatise on the line complex. Cam- bridge, 1903. **E.5ii9a.9 Schoute, Pieter Hendrik. Mehrdimensionale Geometric. Teil i. Leipzig, 1902. **E.5i29.i2i Contents. — i. Die linearen Raume. Philosophy^ Education^ Ethics* Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Karner, Lambert. Kiinstliche Hohlen aus alter Zeit. VVien. 1903. Illus. Plans. *286o.87 The caves described are in Germany and Aus- tria. Stratz, C. H. Was sind Juden? Eine ethnographisch- anthropologische Studie. Wien, 1903. 30 pp. Illus. 3822.281 Chemistry. Physics. Brearley, Harry. The analytical chemistry of uranium. London, 1903. 52 pp. 3977.140 Hooper, William George. Aether and gravitation. London, 1903. 5962.143 Jahrbuch der Chemie. Herausgegeben von Richard Meyer. General-Register, 1891 bis 1900 (Bande i bis 10), bearbeitet von W. Weichelt. Braunschweig, 1903. *3975.i2i The Jahrbuch is on shelf-number *397S.i2o. Stark, Otto Georg. Ueber eine Diketonsaure und ein Keto- lacton aus dem Acetylaceton. Strass- burg i. E., 1902. 30 pp. = 3974-84 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation.' Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Boole, Mary Everest. Lectures on the logic of arithmetic. Ox- ford, 1903. 3938.158 Brown, George Lincoln. The ternary linear transformation group G3.360 and its complete invariant system. Chicago. [189-?] 16 pp. = 3924.139 Burnham, Charles Guilford. A new system of arithmetic, on the can- celling plan. 3d edition. Concord, 1844. = 3938.156 International Congress of Psychology. 2d session. London, 1892. [Proceedings.] London, 1892. 3601.145 Richards, Lysander Salmon. New propositions in speculative and prac- tical philosophy. [Plymouth, 1903.] = 3609.200 Sabatier, Armand. 1834-. Philosophie de I'effort. Essais philoso- phiques d'un naturaliste. Paris, 1903. 3604.206 University of Iowa studies in psychology, edited by George T. W. Patrick. Vol. 1-3. Iowa City, 1897-1902. 3 v. in i. Illus. Tables. = *36o3.i94 Woltmann, Ludwig, Dr. med. et phil. Der historische Materialismus. Darstel- lung und Kritik der Marxistisclien Weltanschauung. Diisseldorf, 1900. 3607.204 Education. Children. Dopp, Katharine Elizabeth. The place of mdustries in elementary edu- cation. Chicago, 1903. 3593.223 Felbiger, Johann Ignaz von. Methodenbuch. Mit . . . Einleitung liber das deutsche Volksschulwesen vor Fel- biger und iiber das Leben und Wirken Felbigers und seiner Zeitgenossen Fer- dinand Kindermann und Alexius Vin- zenz Parzizek. Bearbeitet . . . von Jo- hann Panholzer. Freiburg i. Br., 1892. [Bibliothek der katholischen Padago- gik.] ^ 7598.91.5 Bibliography, pp. 46-66. Harvard College. [Statement of] "he Committee ... in charge of raising funds for a memorial hall to Emerson at Harvard University. Boston, 1903. Broadside. = 448oa.i35 O'Shea, Michael Vincent. Education as adjustment. Educational theory viewed in the light of contempo- rary thought. New York, 1903. 3596.47 Bibliography, pp. 297-307. Paine, Nathaniel. 1832-. School-day reminiscences [of Worcester]. Worcester, 1903. 26 pp. = 4345.309 136 April Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tcnn. [8 views of the college. Nashville, 1903?] = 44993.306 Phillips Academy, Andover. A statement of the present condition and the most pressing needs. [Andover?] 1903. 13 pp. = 4397.7 Phillips Exeter Academy. General catalogue of the officers and students. 1783/1838, 1783/1869, 1783/ 1883, 1783/1903. Exeter, N. H. [etc.]., 1838-1903. 4 V. = *2383.58 Russell, Walter. The bending of the twig. New York, 1903. Illus. Plates. 5587-169 Contents. — The coming of the stork. — Wan- dering in Fairyland. — A chat with Arthur. — The story-hour. — Sleepy time. — A child's letter to Santa. — For a little girl's amusement. — What I can do. — Poor Willie. — The con- quest of Stuart. — Why? — A holiday. Sailer, Johann Michael. Johann Michael Sailers padagogisches Erstlingswerk, ein Vorlaufer seiner Erziehungslehre. Neu herausgegeben . . . von L. Kellner. Franz von Fiirs- tenberg. Sein Leben und seine Schrif- ten. Herausgegeben von J. Esch. Frei- burg i. Br., 1891. [Bibliothek der katho- lischen Padagogik.] 7598.91.4 Universite de Lille. Tableaux des cours & conferences de I'annee scolaire 1903-1904. Renseigne- ments generaux. Lille, 1903- 85 pp. Tables. = 35993.214 University of Chicago. Bulletin of information. [Quarterly.] Vol. 3, no. 4, October, 1903. Chicago, 1903. = *448oa.i4i University Preparatory School, Ithaca, New York. [Announcement,] 12th year. Ithaca. [1903 ] Plates. = 44993.316 Washington University. Washington Uni- versity Association. Bulletin. [No. i, April 21, 1903-1 St. Louis. [1903.] = *448o3.i5o Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Bl3ck, Rev. Hugh. 1868-. Work. Chicago. [1903.] Relates to the moral need of work. 3587.190 Religion* Theology* American Unitari3n Associ3tion. Tracts. loth series. No. 9. [Boston, 1903?] ~ 7459-140 Contents. — i. The government of the thoughts. By James Walker. 2. The open windows. By George Putnam. 4. The regent God. By F. H. Hedge. The Divinity School address. By R. W. Emerson. Bacon, Eugenia J(jnes. The real stone face; or suffering depicted by nature. Atlanta, 1899. 87 pp. Plates. = 3479.28 Contents. — Visit to Ober-Ammergau. — The Passion Play as I saw it. — The stone from the mountains. How it was discovered. — Nature and superstition. — Are the portraits of Christ authentic? The symbol of the Cross. — Opin- ions of "The Real stone face." Bible. Leabhuir na Seintiomna . . . The books of the Old Testament translated into Irish by . . . William Bedel . . . Lon- don, 1685. *34ioa.77 Bisphsm, Clarence Wyatt. Columban: saint, monk, and missionary. S39-615 A.D. Notes concerning his life and times. New York, 1903. 63 pp. 5551-31 Bibliography, pp. 11-13. Blske, Silas Leroy. The Separates, or Strict Congregational- ists of New England. Boston. [1902.] 5549.128 Boston, East. Church of Our Father. Souvenir. 1903. [Boston.] 1903. 14 pp. Illus. Portrait. = 4451.143 Charles, Robert Henry. 1855-. A critical history of the doctrine of a future life in Israel, in Judaism and in Christianity. Being the Jowett Lec- tures for 1898-99. London, 1899. 3453-132 Clark, Joseph Bourne. 1836-. Leavening the nation. The story of American home missions. New York. [1903.] Portraits. Map. 3539-139 Collins, William Edward. The study of ecclesiastical history. Lon- don, 1903. [Handbooks for the clergy.] 3529.38 Bibliography, pp. 139-166. Davis, Ozora Stearns. John Robinson, the Pilgrim pastor. Bos- ton. [1903.] Plates. 3555-152 Fullerton, W. Y. Christ's foreview of this age. An exposi- tion of Matthew XIII. London. [1903.] Portrait. 3448.186 History, The, of the Holy Jesus. Being a pleasant and profitable companion for children; composed on purpose for their use. By a lover of their precious souls. 24th edition. Boston, 1771. 30 pp. Illus. Portrait. **H.99C.i6 Some pages are missing after p. 30. The Li- brary has also other and later editions. Jensen, Otto Nicolai. Der englische Peterspfennig und die Lehenssteuer aus England und Irland an den Papststuhl im Mittelalter. Hei- delberg, 1903. 3526.36 Leipzig Disputation. Der authentische Text der Leipziger Dis- putation (1519). Aus bislier unbenutz- ten Quellen herausgegeben von Otto Seitz. Berlin, 1903. 3523.12 Relates to disputations between Karlstadt and Johannes von Eck and between Luther and Jo- hannes von Eck. 1904 137 Lincke, Carl F. A. Samaria tind seine Propheten. Tubingen, 1903. 3424.145 Contents. — Die Propheten Ephraims. — Pho- kylides. — Die Essener. — Die Weisheit Salomo's. — Die Makkabaer. — Die Weisheitslehre des Phokylides. Luther, Martin. Werke. Kritische Gesammtausgabe. Vol. 1-9, 11-16, 19, 20, 23-25, 27. [Heraus- gegeben von J. K. F. Knaake und anderen.] Weimar, 1883-1903. 21 v. Illus. *350i.io Mead, George Whitefield. Modern methods in Sunday-school work. New York, 1903. Fac-similes. 7538.33 Mohammad ibn Jarir, Abii Ja'far, Al Tabari. Chronique de Abou-Djarfar-Mo'hammed- ben-Djarir-ben-Yezid Tabari, traduite sur la version persane d'Abou-'Ali Mo'hammed Beirami, par M. Hermann Zotenberg. Paris, 1867-1874. 4 v. [Oriental Translation Fund.] *3022.30 The Persian translation is abridged from the original. Vol. i relates principally to Biblical history. Vols. 2-4 relate to Mohammed and the history of Arabia to 913 A. D. Oman, John Campbell. The mystics, ascetics, and saints of India. A study of Sadhuism, with an account of the Yogis, Sanyasis, Bairagis, and other strange Hindu sectarians. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. Portraits *349i.i5 Religious Education Association, ist an- nual convention, Chicago, 1903. Proceedings. Chicago, 1903. = 3593.225 Rose, Vincent. Studies on the Gospels. English version by Robert Fraser. London, 1903. 3427.152 Shepheard, Harold Beaumont. The parables of man and of God. Lon- don, 1903. 3488.151 "This book is ... a rapid passage along a line of thought from science through reason to re- ligion. — Preface. Smith, Martin Ridley. The past, the present, and the future. London, 1903. 3457.202 Contents. — Revelation. — The divinity of Jesus. — The evolution of the spirit. — The present. — Death, sin and suffering. — The future. Trost, Carl, of Berlin. 1839-. Goethe und der Protestantismus des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1902. 84 pp. 3526.34 Van Allen, William Harman. "The spirit of truth." A Whitsunday ser- mon. With special reference to the Emerson centennial observance. [Bos- ton, 1903.] 25 pp. = 7469.186 Wright, Rev. Arthur. 1843-. A synopsis of the Gospels in Greek [after the Westcott and Hort text], with readings and notes. 2d edition, enlarged. London, 1903. 3421. 141 Law* Legislation* Patents^ Buecher, Carl. 1847-, Der deutsche Buchhandel und die Wis- senschaft. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Leip- zig, 1903- 3664.47 Garrison, Charles Grant, Justice. November term, 1902. New Jersey Su- preme Court. The State ex rel. O'Hara vs. National Biscuit Company and James B. Vredenburgh, Registered Agent. Opinion filed Febraury 24th, 1903. Jersey City, 1903. 7 pp. = 7696.51 Relates to the right to examine the stock and transfer books of corporations. Logan, Walter Seth. 1847-. The limitation of inheritances. Annual address before the New York State Bar Association. [Brooklyn, 1900.] 20 pp. = 3665.95 New Zealand Gazette. Supplement. [Bi- weekly.] May 14-October 15, 1903. Wellington, 1903. 12 nos. Fac-similes. Patent Room Contains records of the Patent Office of New Zealand. Scrutton, Thomas Edward. The law of copyright. 4th edition. Lon- don, 1903. *Pat.Room 23.73 Webb, Sidney James, and Beatrice Webb. The history of liquor licensing in Eng- land, principally from 1700 to 1830. London, 1903. 7588.193 Wellman, Francis Lewis. 1854-. The art of cross-examination. With the cross-examinations of important wit- nesses in some celebrated cases. New York, 1903. 3626.47 Useful and Industrial Arts* Ackermann, Alfred Seabold Eli. Coal-cutting by machinery in America. London, 1902. Illus. Plans. 8032.25 Ailing, George W. Points for buyers and users of tool steel. New York, 1903. Illus. 8017.276 Bacon, John Mackenzie. The dominion of the air: the story of aerial navigation. Philadelphia, 1903. Plates. Fac-similes. 5969.148 Blackall, Robert Henry. Up-to-date air-brake catechism. i8th edi- tion, enlarged. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. *8oi9a.i77 The folded sheets are in a separate case. Buffalo Forge Company. Illustrated catalogue of Buffalo mechani- cal draft apparatus. Buffalo. [1903. J Illus. Plans. 8035.18 138 April Burr, William Hubert. The elasticity and resistance of the mate- rials of engineering. 6th edition, en- larged. New York, 1903. Illus. Charts 4012.30 Conn, Herbert William. Bacteria, yeasts, and molds in the home. Boston, 1903. Illus. 5768.12 Cooper, Theodore. 1839-. General specifications for foundations and sub-structures of highway and electric railway bridges. [New York.] 1902. 24 pp. Plans. Chart. 4014.39 Davis, William M., Engineer. Friction and lubrication. Pittsburgh, 1903. Illus. 8017.285 Dyson, Florence. Paper flowers and how to make them. 2d edition. London. [1903 ] §4 PP- Illus. 8028.134 Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Boston Cooking-School cookbook. Boston, 1904. Ilhis. 8008.111 Gonzenbach, Ernest. Engineering preliminaries for an interur- ban electric railway. New York, 1903. 71 pp. Plans. 8014.199 Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, editor. Optical lanterns and ' accessories. Lon- don, 1901. Illus. ["Work" handbooks.] 4018.118 Hutton, Frederick Remsen. The gas-engine. A treatise on the inter- nal-combustion engine using gas, gaso- line, kerosene, or other hydrocarbon, ist edition. New York, 1903. Tllus. Plans. 4016.146 Bibliography, pp. 467-469. Johnson, George, of Ottawa, Canada, editor. The all red line: the annals and aims of the Pacific Cable project. London, 1903. Map. 7967-27 Bibliography, pp. 10-44- Ketchum, Milo Smith. The design of steel mill buildings, and the calculation of stresses in frame structures. ist edition. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 4017.123 Longanecker, E. W. The practical gas engineer. 3d edition. N. p., 1903. Plans. 4018.128 Morison, George Shattuck. The new epoch as developed by the manufacture of power. Boston, 1903. Portrait. 2216.94 New York, State. State Engineer and Sur- veyor. Report on the Genesee River storage. Albany, 1894. 2 pamph. in i v. Plates. Map. Charts. = *5945-56 Pompeien Piraud, J. C. Aviation: les secrets du coup d'ailes. Essai de construction d'une machine aerienne. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portrait. 5961.38 Suplee, Henry Harrison. The mechanical engineer's reference book. Philadelphia, 1904. *8oi9a.2i4 Thomson, Joseph John. Conduction of electricity through gases. Cambridge, 1903. Illus. [Cambridge physical series.] 3963.182 Ulke, Titus. 1866-. Modern electrolytic copper refining, ist edition. New York, 1903. Plates. Plans. 8013.209 Winteler, F. Die Aluminium-Industrie. Braunschweig, 1903- Illus. 8012.194 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Carleton, Mark Alfred. The basis for the improvement of Ameri- can wheats. Washington, 1900. 87 pp. Plates. Map. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Division of Vege- table Physiology and Pathology.] *599i-73-24 Dorsett, P. H. Spot disease of the violet. Washington, 1900. 16 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathol- ogy.] = *599i-73.23 Fairchild, David Grandison. Spanish almonds and their introduction into America. Washington, 1902. 16 pp. Plates. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.26 Three new plant introductions from Japan [Mitsumata, Udo and Wasabi]. Wash- ington, 1903. 24 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853. 128.42 One of these plants, Mitsumata, is used in mak- ing paper. How to make a flower garden. New York, 1903. Illus. *L.2i.7 Jacquemin, Georges, and Henri Alliot. La cidrerie moderne, ou I'art de faire le bon cidre. Malzeville-Nancy, 1902. Illus. Plans. [La technologic agricole mo- derne.] 8006.78 Oliver, George W. The propagation of the Easter lily from seed. Washington, 1903. 24 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.39 Orton, William Allen. The wilt disease of cotton and its control. Washington, 1900. 16 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Division of Vegetable Physi- ology and Pathology.] = *599i. 73.27 Porto Rico. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin. No. i. Washington, 1903. Plates. Maps. = *799i.82 Scofield, Carl S. The commercial grading of corn. Wash- ington, 1903. 24 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.4i 1904 139 Smith, Erwin F. Wakker's hyacinth germ, Pseudomans hyacinthi (Wakker). Washington, 1901. 45 PP- Colored plate. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathol- ogy.] = *599i.73.26 Strahan, C. Morton. Analyses of cattle foods. [Athens, 1889.] 10 pp. [Georgia. State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.] *7995.ii.4 United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. List of publications on irrigation. Re- vised October 15, 1903. [Washington, 1903-] 7 PP- *6i74.85 Wilson, Herbert Michael. Irrigation engineering. 4th edition, en- larged. New York, 1903. Illus. Maps. 3942.84 There are bibliographies with the different sec- tions. Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. Caesar. A history of the art of war among the Romans, to the end of the Roman Empire, with a detailed ac- count of the campaigns of Caius Julius Caesar. [5th impression. Boston, 190-?] 2 V. Illus. Maps. 2922.80 Donaldson, Joseph. Recollections of the eventful life of a soldier. Philadelphia, 1845. = 6529a.62 The author was a member of the Ninety-fourth Scots Brigade during the Peninsular War, 1809- 1814. Long, John Davis. The new American navy. Illustrated with drawings by Henry Reuterdahl. New York, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. Maps. = 442oa.245 Relates to the naval history of the Spanish- American War. Navy League, London. Report for 1902. [London, 1903.] = *5959.ii7 United States. Adjutant General. Military Information Division. Notes of military interest for 1901. Wash- ington, 1902. Plates. Maps. Plans. = *595i.io5 Bibliography, pp. 439-511. Amusements* Games, Sports* Badsworth, pseud. "Badsworth" on bridge. New York, 1903. Illus. 40093.217 Beard, Daniel Carter. The American boy's handy book. New York, 1902, Illus. = 4009.268 Evered, Philip. Staghunting with the "Devon and Somer- set." 1887-1901. An account of the chase of the wild red deer on Exmoor. London, 1902. Illus. Portraits. 4003.160 Gallichan, Walter M. Fishing in Wales. London, 1903. Por trait. 4008.273 Le Bon, Gustave. 1842-. L'equitation actuelle et ses principes: recherches experimentales. 3e edition. Paris, 1895. Illus. 4003.166 Paget, John Otho. Horses, guns, and dogs. New York, 1903. Illus. Colored plates. 4008.269 Contents. — Horses. By J. Otho Paget. — Guns. By George A. B. Dewar. — Dogs. By Alex. Innes Shand. A book for boys. Fiction* In English. Baum, Lyman Frank. The Enchanted Island of Yew . . . In- dianapolis. [1903.] Illus. 78.201 Bell, J. J. Mrs. M'Lerie. New York, 1904. Plate. 58.269 Blodgett, Mabel Fuller. The giant's ruby, and other fairy tales. With illustrations by Katharine Pyle. Boston, 1903. 78.202 Glasgow, Ellen. The deliverance. A romance of the Vir- ginia tobacco fields. New York, 1904. Colored plates. 58.268 Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln. Little Polly Prentiss. Philadelphia, 1903. Plates. 78.206 Harland, Henry. My friend Prospero. New Y'ork, 1904. Plate. 58.270 Lover, Samuel. Further stories of Ireland. Edited by D. J. O'Donoghue. Westminster, 1899. 58.272 Spielmann, Mabel H. Littledom Castle, and other tales. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. 78.205 Stoddard, William Osborn. The spy of Yorktown. A story of Arnold and Washington. New York, 1903. Plates. 78.203 Wharton, Edith. Sanctuary. New York, 1903. Plates. 58.271 Whitson, John Harvey. With Fremont the pathfinder; or, win- ning the empire of gold. Boston. [1903.] Plates. 78.204 In French. Margueritte, Paul, and Victor Margueritte. Les trongons du glaire. 55e edition. Paris. [1902.] 2677.211 140 April In German. About, Edmond Frangois Valentin. Die Spielholle in Baden-Baden. (Trente et quarante.) Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von August Baumeister. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.453 Ainsworth, William Harrison. Guy Fawkes. Ein historischer Roman. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Ernst Susemihl. Bandchen i. Leipzig, 1841. Plates. = 6571.77 Andreev, Leonid. Novellen. Aus dem Russischen von Alexis von Krusenstjerna. Leipzig. [1903] 4896.50.454 Gerstaecker, Friedrich. 1816-1872. Herrn Mahlliubers Reiseabenteuer. Er- zahlung. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.453 Lazarevic, Lazar K. Serbische Erzahlungen. iibersetzt von Josef Beckmann. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.453 Meyr, Melchior. Der Sieg des Schwachen. Erzahlung aus dem Ries. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.454 Lane, Martha Allen .Luther, editor. Industries of to-day. Boston, 1904. Illus. [Youth's Companion series.] 4029a.29 Long, William John. Wilderness ways. Second series. Bos- ton, 1903 Illus. 3818.101 Rice, Alice Hegan. Lovey Mary. New York, 1903. Illus. 58.199 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. New York, 1903. 58.50 Spielmann, Mabel H. Littledom Castle and other tales. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. 78.205 Sprague, William Cromwell. Napoleon Bonaparte; a history written for boys. New York, 1903. Illus. 2657.148 Stoddard, William Osborn. The spy of Yorktown; a story of Arnold and Washington in the last year of the War of Independence. New York, 1903. Illus, 78.203 Whitson, John H. With Fremont the pathfinder; or, win- ning the Empire of Gold. Boston, 1903. Illus. 78.204 In Italian. Fogazzaro, Antonio. 1842-. II mistero del poeta. Romanzo. 5a edi- zione. Milano, 1892. = 2777.28 Children's Room. Books for the Month. Bates, Katharine Lee, and Katharine Coman, compilers. English history told by English poets. A reader for school use. New York, 1902. 25793.13 Baum, Lyman Frank. The Enchanted Island of Yew whereon Prince Marvel encountered the High Ki of Turi and other surprising people. Indianapolis. [1903.] Illus. 78.201 Blodgett, Mabel Fuller. The giant's ruby and other fairy tales. Boston, 1903. Illus. 78.202 Du Chaillu, Paul. In African forest and jungle. 1903. Illus. Eady, K. M., and R. Eady. Riverton boys; a story London, I90_j. Illus. Farmiloe, Edi^^h. A daughter of the rich. Illus. Headland, Isaac Taylor. Our little Chinese cousin. Illus. Hughes, Rupert. The Lakerim athletic club 1903. Illus, New York. 3058.266 of two schools. 78.200 Boston, 1903. 78.199 Boston, 1903. 3018.253 New York. 78.198 Associations^ Clubs^ Societies* Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, New York. Charter, constitution, by-laws . . . roll of members, &c. . . . March 17, 1899. New York. [1899.] 79 pp. Plates. = 7569.129 Proceedings at the anniversary dinner of the Society . . . 115th, ii6th, ii8th. [New York.] 1899-1902. 3 v. Por- traits. = *7569.i3o Proceedings at the banquet to James A. O'Gorman. [New York.] 1903. 48 pp. Portrait. = 7569.132 Proceedings at the banquet to Morgan J. O'Brien. [New York, 1900.] 38 pp. Portrait. Plate. = 7569.131 Periodicals. Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes* Comic album, The. London, 1843. Illus. z= 6571.36 Happy home. The, and Parlor Magazine. A. R. Baker, editor. Vol. 3. Boston, 1856. Illus. = *7343-20 Some of the plates are colored. Olla Podrida, The, a periodical work, com- plete in forty-four numbers ... 2d edi- tion. London, 1788. = *2553-34 Edited and partly written by Thomas Monro. 1904 141 Books added to the Branch Libraries* Austin, Oscar Phelps. Steps in the expansion of our territory. Maps. [Expansion of the Republic series.] Eh 372 Baker, Ernest Albert. A descriptive ^uide to the best fiction, British and American, including trans- lations from foreign languages . . . Ref. Baum, Lyman Frank. The Enchanted Island of Yew . . . Illus. Y 627.3 Bell, J. J. Mrs. M'Lerie. Plate. 228b 2 Blodgett. Mabel Fuller. The giant's ruby, and other fairy tales. Illus. Y 927 Botta, Anne Charlotte Lynch. Handbook of universal literature, from the best and latest authorities. L 1050 Cicero. Orations. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge. 4 V. Lw 1720.6 Davey, Richard Patrick Boyle. The work of Botticelli. Portraits. Plates. [Newnes' Art library.] Fh 2159 Contains a list of the principal works of Botti- celli. Dawes, S. E. Colonial Massachusetts. Stories of the Old Bay State. Illus. Y 2172 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. In African forest and jungle. Illus. Y 2420.10 Eady, K. M., and R. Eady. Riverton boys. A story of two schools. Plate. Y 2503.2 Farmer. Fannie Merritt. Food and cookery for the sick and con- valescent. Illus. Uv 2850.2 Freeman, Edward Augustus. The historical geography of Europe. Edited by J. B. Bury. 2 v. H 3120 Vol. 2 is an Atlas. Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane. Turkish life in town and country. Illus. [Our European neighbours.] Gs 3265 Glasgow, Ellen. The deliverance. A romance of the Vir- ginia tobacco fields. Illus. ii5g2 Gregorovius, Ferdinand. Latian summers and an excursion in Um- bria. Translated by Dorothea Roberts. Portrait. HI 3580.3 Hamilton, Angus. Korea. Plates. Map. Go 3777 Harland, Henry. My friend Prospero. Plate. 82h 9 Knapp, Arthur May. Feudal and modern Japan. 2 v. Cm 4824 Bibliography, pp. 187-226. Lane, Martha Allen Luther, editor. Industries of today. Illus. [Youth's Companion series.] Y 4998.2 McClellan, George Brinton. 1865-. The oligarchy of Venice. An essay. Dp 5415 Mace, Jean. Mace's fairy book. Home fairy tales (Contes du Petit-chateau). Translated by Mary L. Booth. Illus. Y 5425 New international encyclopaedia. Editors: Daniel Coit Oilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby. Illus. Maps. 14 V. Ref. Ovid. The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic epistles, Ibis, and Halieuticon. Literally translated into English prose by Henry T. Riley. Lw 6620.2 Metamorphoses. Translated into Eng- lish prose by Henry T. Riley. Plate. Lw 6620.4 Spielmann, Mabel H. Littledom Castle, and other tales. Illus. Y8435 Sprague, William Cyrus. Napoleon Bonaparte. A history written for boys. Illus. Y 8450 Stoddard, William Osborn. The spy of Yorktown. A story of Arnold and Washington in the last year of the War of Independence. Illus. Y 8580.31 Thorpe, Charlotte. The children's London. Illustrated by William Luker, Jr. Y 8871 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. A brief history of Rocky Mountam ex- ploration, with especial reference to the expedition of Lewis and Clark. Illus. [Expansion of the Republic series.] Ev 8880.3 Waller, Mary Ella. A daughter of the rich. Illus. Y 9457 Wharton, Edith. Sanctuary. Illus. 107W 3 Whitson, John Harvey. With Fremont the pathfinder; or, win- ning the empire of gold. Illus. Y 9672 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Books and Documents Recently Added Social Science* Booth, Charles, and others. Life and labour of the people in London. Second series: Industry. London, 1903. 5 V. Tables. 3570.170 Reprinted from their Life and labour of the people in London, vol. 5-9 [3570.162.5-9]. Contents. — I. Classification of the people. — Building trades. — Wood and metal workers. 2. Precious metals. — Sundry manufactures. — Printing and paper trades. — The textile trades. 3. Dress. — Food and drink. — Dealers and clerks. — Locomotion. — Labour. 4. Public ser- vice and professional classes. — Domestic ser- vice. — The "unoccupied" classes. — Inmates of institutions. 5. Comparisons, survey and con- clusions. Caillard, Sir Vincent Henry Penalver. 1 856-. Imperial fiscal reform. London, 1903. 9337.24235 Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin. [Address at the] Banquet of the Massa- chusetts Single Tax League, April 13, 1903, to some of the landlords of Bos- ton . . . upon the subject of ground rent. Boston, 1903. 37 pp. = 9333-oi4aii Gaskell, Thomas Penn. Free trade a failure from the first. Lon- don, 1903. 9337.24234 Giretti, Edoardo. Per la liberta del pane. Torino, 1901. 9337.51136 Papers in favor of the abolition of the duty on grain. H3yw3rd, John. 1781-1869. The prices of forty articles for forty years. Boston, 1834. Broadside. = *564i.i9 Compiled from the Boston Commercial Gazette, 1795 to 1834. Hepburn, Alonzo Barton. 1846-. History of coinage and currency in the United States and the perennial contest for sound money. New York, 1903. = 9332.073314 Hurd, Richard Melancthon. Principles of city land values. New York, 1903. Illus. Maps. 9333-01 Incorpor3ted Ch3mber of Commerce of Liverpool, England. Report of the proceedings at a deputa- tion to the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer ... on the subject of the pro- posed stamp duty on contract notes, March 14th, 1900. Liverpool, 1900. 31 pp. = No. 7 in *938i.427 M3rion. Marcel. 1857-. L'impot sur le revenu au dixhuitieme siecle, principalement en Guyenne. Toulouse, 1901. [Bibliotheque meridio- nal.] 9336.244433 N3tion3l Civic Feder3tion. National Con- ference on Taxation. Buffalo, N. Y. 1901. [Proceedings.] N. p. [1901?] = 9336.207333 Rousiers, Paul de. Hambourg et I'Allemagne contemporaine. Paris, 1902. 9338.04337 A study of industrial questions. S3Ssoon, Sir Edward Albert, Baronet. Imperial telegraphic communication. Ad- dress . . . Dec. nth, 1899 [before] the Incorporated Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool. Liverpool, 1899. 23 pp = No. 3 in *938i.427 Souchon, Auguste. Les cartells de I'agriculture en Allemagne. Paris, 1903. 9338-77a33 Weill, N. E. Die Solidaritat der Geldmarkte. Ein Studie iiber die Versc'hiedenheit der gleichzeitigen Diskontsatze verschie- dener Lander. Frankfort a. M., 1903. 9332.4835 Litteraturverzeichnis, pp. ix, x. Wichm3nn, Fritz. Der Kampf um die Weinverbesserung im deutschen Reiche. Jena, 1902. 9338.023 Political Science. L3m3rc3, Emilio. Boundary agreements in force between the Argentine Republic and Chili. Buenos Aires, 1898. Maps. *9327.82 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. The political theories of the ancient world. New York, 1903. 2217.74 Sociology. Brooks, E. C. Harvey-. Marriage and marriages (Parts I and II, for single, part III for married folk). London, 1903. 5587«i75 1904 Harper, William, Statictician. Comparative statistical tables and charts of the commerce of the world. Phila- delphia, 1899. 93 pp. [Philadelphia. Philadelphia Museums. Commercial Museum.] = 9382.0934 Lombard, Henri Clermond. Des influences atmospheriques sur la repartition de la mortalite a differents ages et en differents pays. Berne, 1867. 19 pp. — 9614.31 Lopes, Alfredo Luiz. Estudo estatistico da criminalidade eni Portugal nos annos de 1891 a 1895. Lisboa, 1897. Tables. 9364.469 Tuttle, Francis D. The rights of the entire people to privi- leges now monopolized by a few. [Fitchburg, 1900?] 3 pp. =: 9335-a25 Vigouroux, Louis. L'evolution sociale en Australasie. Paris, 1902. Colored map. [Bibliotheque du Musee social.] 9304.093 Public Documents. States. Territories. Accessions. Connecticut. Constitutional Convention, 1902. Document no. 1-4. [Hartford?] 1902. *9342.746aio The contents are extracts from the constitutions of New York and Rhode Island. Foreign. Italy. Ministero della marina. Ufficio sanitario. Statistica sanitaria dell' armata per gli anni 1897, 1898. Roma, 1902. Charts. *96i3.6845 Uruguay. Direccion general del registro del estado civil. Leyes, decretos y reglamentos vigentes. Montevideo, 1903. 80 pp. 4318.201 Coloration in Amphibia and Reptilia. A short list of references suggested in connection with the lectures by Dr. Hans Gadow, F.R.S., Lecturer on Zoology in the University of Cambridge, England, before the Lowell Institute. All titles in the lists illustrative of the Lowell Lectures are fur- nished in each case by the lecturer himself, who alone is responsible for their extent and character. Beddard, Frank Evers. Animal colouration. London, 1892. Illus. Plates. 3886.68 Bruecke, Ernst Wilhelm, Ritter von, Untersuchungen iiber den Farbenwechsel des afrikanischen Chamaleons. (In Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaft- liche Classe. Denkschriften. Band 4, pp. 179-210. Wien, 1852.) *33io.i.4 Cope, Edward Drinker. The crocodiles lizards and snakes of North America. (In United States Na- tional Museum. Report for 1898. Pp. 153-1244. Washington, 1900.) *7828.56 (1898) Pp. 569, 570 (and plate v) relate to Color varia- tions of Cnemidophorus. See also Proceedings of the American Philosophical Societj'^ for 1885, p. 283 [*S393.i (1885)]. The primary factors of organic evolution. Chicago, 1896. Illus. 3824.80 Eberth. Carl Joseph, and R. Bunge. Die Nerven der Chromatophoren bei Fischen. Plates. (In Archiv fiir mikro- skopische Anatomic. Band 46, pp. 370- 378. Bonn, 1895-) *575i.546 Eimer, Gustav Heinrich Theodor. Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schmetterlingen. Jena, 1889, 95. Text, 2 V. Atlas, 8 plates. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- vard College Theil 2 unter Mitwirkung von K. Fickert. Organic evolution as the result of the in- heritance of acquired characters. Trans- lated by J. T. Cunningham. London, 1890. 382oa.70 Untersuchungen iiber das Variiren der Mauereidechse: ein Beitrag zur Theorie von der Entwicklung aus constitu- tionellen Ursachen sowie zum Dar- winismus. Plates. (In Archiv fiir Na- turgeschichte. Band 92, pp. 239-517. Berlin, 1881.) *58i9.i.92 Fischel, Alfred. Ueber Beeinflussung und Entwicklung des Pigmentes. Plate. (In Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomic. Band 47, pp. 719-734- Bonn, 1896.) *575i.5-47 Flemming, Walther. Ueber den Einfluss des Lichts auf die Pigmentirung der Salamanderlarve. (In Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomic. Band 48, pp. 369-374. Bonn, 1896.) *575i.548 Gadow, Hans Friedrich. Amphibia and reptiles. London, 1901. Illus. Maps. [Cambridge natural his- tory. 8.] *3823.87 Evolution of the colour-pattern and orthogenetic variation in certain Mexi- can species of lizards, with adaptation to their surroundings. 3 plates. (In Royal Society. Proceedings. Vol. 72. pp. 109-125. London, 1903.) *52i7.50.72 Hamilton, Gerald Edwin Hamilton Barrett-. Abstract of a physiological hypothesis to explain the winter whitening of mam- mals and birds inhabiting snowy coun- tries, and the more striking points in the distribution of white in vertebrates generally. (In Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings. Vol. 24, Section B., pp. 303-314. Dublin, 1903.) *3300.6.24 Holt, Ernst W. L. On the breeding of the dragonet (Calli- onymus lyra). Plate. (In Zoological Society of London. Proceedings for 1898, pp. 281-315 ) *5887.i2 (1898) Jarisch, Adolf. Ueber die Anatomic und Entwicklung des Oberhautpigmentes beim Frosche. Plate. (In Archiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Band 23, pp. 557-590- Wien, 1891.) Boston Medical Library Association 1904 145 Ueber die Bildung des Pigmentes in den Oberhatitzellen. Plate. (In Archiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Band 24, pp. 223-234. Wien, 1892.) Boston Medical Library Association Keller, Robert. Ueber den Farbenwechsel des Chamalle- ons und einiger anderer Reptilien. (In Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie. Band 61, pp. 123-168. Bonn, 1895.) *376oa.5o.6i Kerbert, Coenraad. Ueber die Haut der Reptilien und anderer Wirbelthiere. (In Archiv fiir mikro- skopische Anatomie. Band 13, pp. 205- 262. Bonn, 1876.) *575i-5-i3 Krukenberg, C. F. W. Die Hautfarbstoffe der Amphibien; die Farbstoffe in der Reptilienhaut. (In his Vergleichend-physiologische Stu- dien. Reihe 2, Abtheilung 2. Heidel- berg, 1882.) Harvard Medical School Lea, Matthew Carey. On red and purple chloride, bromide and iodide of silver; on heliochromy, and on the latent photographic image. (Ir, American Journal of Science. 3d series, vol. 33, pp. 349-364. New Haven, 1887.) Per.Room *5i64.i.ser.3.33 Especially pp. 363, 364. Leydig, Franz. Ueber die allgemeinen Bedeckungen der Amphibien. (In Archiv fiir mikro- skopische Anatomic. Band 12, pp. 119- 242. Bonn, 1875.) *575i.5.i2 Linden. M., Grafin von. Die gelben und rothen Farbstoffe der Vanessen. (In Biologisches Central- blatt. Band 23, pp. 774-792; 821-828. Leipzig, 1903.) *5886.50.23 Morphologische und physiologisch- chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Pigmente der Lepidopteren. (In Ar- chiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie. Band 98, pp. 1-89. Bonn, 1903.) *376oa.50.98 Maurer, Friedrich. Die Epidermis und ihre Abkommlinge. Leipzig, 1895. Illus. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- vard College Poulton, Edward Bagnall. The colours of animals; their meaning and use especially considered in the case of insects. London, 1890. Illus. [International science series.] 3889.76 Roux, Wilhelm. Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus: ein Beitrag zur Vervollstandigung der mechanischen Zweckmassigkeitslehrc. Leipzig, 1881. Boston Society of Natural History Schwalbe, Gustav Adolf. Ueber den Farbenwechsel winterweisscr Thiere. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Haarwechsel und zur Frage nach der Herkunft des Hautpigments. 3 plates. (In his Morphologische Arbeiten. Vol. 2, pp. 483-606. Jena, 1893.) Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- vard College Semper, Carl. Animal life as affected by the natural conditions of existence. New York, 1881. Illus. Maps. [International scien- tific series.] ^ 3816.70 Strong, R. M. The development of color in the defini- tive feather. 9 plates. (In Harvard College, Museum of Comparative Zo- ology. Bulletin. Vol. 40, pp. 145-185. Cambridge, 1902.) *5885.4.4o Thayer, Abbott H. Protective coloration in its relation to mimicry, common warning colours and sexual selection. (In Entomological Society of London. Transactions for 1903, PP- 553-569 ) *7893.i (1903) Vosseler, Julius. Beitrage zur Faunistik und Biologic der Orthopteren Algeriens und Tunesiens. Illus. (In Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abtheilung fiir Systematik . . . Band 16, pp. 337-404; Band 17, pp. 1-98. Jena, 1902, 1903.) Boston Society of Natural History Werner, Franz. Untersuchungen iiber die Zeichnung der Wirbelthiere. Plates. (In Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abtheilung fiir Systematik . . . Band 6, pp. 155-229; Band 7, pp. 365-410. Jena, 1892, 94.) Boston Society of Natural History Wiener, Otto. Farbenphotographie durch Korperfarben, und mechanische Farbenanpassung in der Natur. (In Annalen der 'Physik und Chemie. Band 291, pp. 225-281. Leipzig, 1895.) *3979a.i20.29i Zenneck, Jonathan. Die Anlage der Zeichnung und deren physiologische Ursachen bei Ringel- natterembryonen. (In Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Band 58, pp. 364-393- Leipzig, 1894.) Boston Society of Natural History FREE PUBLIC LECTURES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON TO BE GIVEN IN THE LOWELL INSTITUTE. (Founded in 1836 by John Lowell, Jr., and Established in 183Q.) The Trustee of the Lowell Institute under the will of John Lowell, Jr., maintains annually in the City of Boston various Courses of Free Public Lectures. For the present — the sixty-fifth — season, five dis- tinct Series are provided, to all of which Admission is Free (but only under certain conditions), as follows: — I. Public Lectures, — in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street. II. School for Industrial Foremen, — under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. III. Teachers' School of Science, — under the Auspices of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History. IV. Courses for Workingmen, — under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. V. Public Lectures, — in the Hancock Schoolhouse, Parmenter Street. Further information in regard to the several Courses is given below. A. Lawrence Lowell, Trustee. W. T. Sedgwick, Curator. I. PUBLIC LECTURES IN HUNTING- TON HALL. Admission to all Lectures of the Lowell Institute is free, but only by ticket and under certain conditions. The number of tickets is limited by the capacity of the Hall. For an account of the new plan of ticket distribution, see January Bulletin, p. 28. The Tenth Course will be six lectures by Dr. Hans Gadow, F. R. S., Lecturer on Zoology in the University of Cambridge, England, on Coloration in Amphibia and Reptilia. i. The Colors, Pigmental and Structural. 2. Changing Colors and their Mechanism. 3. The Philosophy of Colors. 4. Patterns of Color, their Evolution and Effects. 5. Patterns of Color^ their Evo- lution and Effects (continued). 6. General Conclusions concerning Adaptation, Selec- tion, Mimicry, Teleology. Tuesdays and Fridays, at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, March 20. IL SCHOOL FOR INDUSTRIAL FOREMEN. The Trustee of the Lowell Institute has established, under the auspices of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, a free evening School for Industrial Foremen. The school comprises, at the outset, two Courses, one Mechanical and the other Electrical, and each extending over two years. The Courses of Instruction. — These Courses are intended to bring the system- atic study of applied science within the reach of young men who are following in- dustrial pursuits and desire to fit them- selves for higher positions, but are unable to attend courses during the day. An out- line of the Courses is as follows: The subjects of the First year for both Courses are: Practical Mathematics, Ele- mentary Physics, and Electricity; Elements of Mechanism and Gearing, and Drawing. The subjects taught in the Second year Mechanical Course are: Mechanics; Valve- 1904 147 gears; Elements of Thermodynamics, the Steam Engine and Boilers; Elementary Hydraulics; Testing Laboratory; Steam and Hydraulic Laboratory, and Mechanism Design and Elementary Machine Design. The Second year Electrical Course in- cludes: Valve-gears; Elements of Thermo- dynamics, the Steam Engine and Boilers; Steam Laboratory; Direct Current Ma- chinery: Alternating Currents; Electric Distribution; Electrical Testing, and Dy- namo Laboratory. The instruction embraces recitations, lec- tures, drawing-room practice, and labora- tory exercises; and is given by members of the instructing staff of the Institute of Technology. Text-books are used in many of the subjects, but in some of the work, where the instruction differs widely from available books, printed notes are supplied to the students at cost. Students are ex- pected to purchase such text-books, note- books, instruments, and other material as may be recommended throughout the course. No reports of standing will be given to students; but those students who are failing to keep well up with the work or to profit sufficiently by the instruction will be in- formed that they are not qualified to pur- sue the course advantageously. Those who complete satisfactorily the required courses of the two years and pass the examinations will be given certificates. The School Year. — The next school year will begin October 3, 1904, and will close May 12, 1905. There will be a recess of one week at Christmas, and on legal holidays the exercises of the school will be suspended. Attendance from 7.30 to 9.30 for three or four evenings a week will be required, in addition to outside study. Requirements for Admission. — As the number of students that can be received is limited, application for admittance should be made before May i. To be admitted to the first-year course the applicant must be at least eighteen years of age, and must pass satisfactorily entrance examinations in Arithmetic (including the Metric System), Elementary Algebra, Plane Geometry, and Mechanical Drawing. These examinations may be, in a measure, of a competitive nature, and considerable weight will be attached to the applicant's occupation and practical experience. The courses are open to those only who are ambitious and willing to study. The character and amount of the instruction is such that, if the student is not well fitted to take up the work of the school, it will not be possible for him to derive full benefit from the Course, or per- haps to maintain his standing. A circular giving detailed information re- garding the nature of the entrance exam- inations and other requirements may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to Charles F. Park, Director, Lowell Institute School for Industrial Fore- men, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, Boston. This new free evening school has been substituted for the Advanced Courses of Lectures that have been given for many years by professors of the Institute of Technology. III. TEACHERS' SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Under the Auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. IV. COURSES FOR WORKINGMEN. Under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January, 1904. V. LECTURES AT THE HANCOCK SCHOOLHOUSE. For further information see Bulletin for December, 1903, or January 1904. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. VV CCiS. Llcljro. Sundays. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Central Library. Q to 10^ 2 to 10^ JDKAJN Urlil/O. • • • • 9 to 9 2 to 9^ 2 to 9^ . . . 9 to 9 ^ lo y ... 9 to 9 ^ to 9 n f 0 n 2 to 9^ Q to 0 Closed. West End 9 to 10^ 2 to 10^ 9 to 1 1 3 to 6^ . Closed. 1^1 /*^o 1 1 ocf^H (~* C^..-4-'U T2 A 2 to 6 y to A /T 4- *-» All /^mr '^losea. 1^1 /~iC? /3k/n All <^^■/-^■n All rlmr Open. All rioir J. Dorchester Station All /^nr /vii day. Closed. L. North Brighton. . . . 4 to 8« ^^lObcCl. M. Crescent Avenue. ... All day. Open. N. Mt. Pleasant. . . . . 2 to 9^ Closed. P. Broadway Extension. . . 2 to 9^ ^ lu u / xu 9 Q. Upham's Corner. ... All day. V^KJbCU. R. Warren Street. ... All day. Open. S. Roxbury Crossing. . . . 2 to 9^ 2 to 6 7 1^ 9^ T. Boylston. ... All day. Open. U. Ward Nine. . . . . 2 to 9^ Closed. W. Industrial School. ... 4 to 9^ Liosed. Y. Andrew Square. . . . 2 to 9^ Closed. Z. Orient Heights. 2 to 9^ Closed. 22. North Street. ... I to 6« Closed. ' Closed at 9 p.m. daily during June, July, August, and September. ^ Open Sundays from November to April only. ' Saturdays until 8 p.m. * On Thursdays the afternoon hours at this station are from 4 to 7 p.m.; on other afternoons the station is closed between 6 and 7 p.m. ' Closed from 6 to 7 p.m. ® Saturdays until 9 p.m. ^ Open Sundays in winter only. ® Also 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin. Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39, 46, 47, 51-56, 62-64, 67. 69, 71, 72, 74, 1 01-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction, 1903. .10; by mail, .17 Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1492 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russian Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by mail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. ,25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. , .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. The Fine and Decorative Arts: books in English suitable for small public libraries. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 12. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Economics: selected works in the English language. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5.00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application; by mail, each .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prmce Library. Catalogue. i 00 Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. J ^ . -^5; by mail, .18 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from tTie Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No. 8. Health and Hygiene In Bulletin no. 97. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles L, & English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. II. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibliography. •50; by mail, .53 No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars. vr -r.-, .25; by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789- .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,. 12 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .7.S; by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding Lists. ef THE MONTHTT^B'tTLLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON Vol. IX. No. 5. May, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904 TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 MiHmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, English High Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. School Building, Montgomery St. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 4 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, 752 Dudley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM March 15 to April 15, 1904. The symbols following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books* American encyclopaedic dictionary, The. [Edited by Edward T. Roe, Le Roy Hooker, and Thomas W. Handford.] . . . Unabridged edition . . . Chicago, 1896. 4 V. Illus. = *258o.i5 American illustrated encyclopedia, The New York, 1885. = *7389-27 Bryan, Michael. Dictionary of painters and engravers. New edition, revised and enlarged under the supervision of G. C. Williamson. Vol. I. A-C. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. *4o82.38 Canadian Manufacturers' Association. Canadian trade index. A classified mem- bership directory. Toronto. [i903-] Colored map. *2382.3i The title and most of the text is repeated in French and Spanish. Clapin, Sylva. A new dictionary of Americanisms. New York. [1903?] *238i.4 Coal Field directory. [Vol. i.] 1903. Pitts- burgh, Pa. [1903.] *2382.27 Covers the territory east of the Rocky Moun- tains and north of Alabama. Conyngton, Thomas. A manual of corporate management. New York, 1903. Maps. 9338.7a4 Cram, George Franklin. Quick reference atlas and gazetteer of the world. Edited by Eugene Murray- Aaron. New York, 1903. Maps. 6289a.8o Encyclopedia Americana, The. Editor-in- chief, Frederick Converse Beach. Vol. 1-6. New York. [1903.] Illus. Por- traits. Maps. *7382.2i Contents. — i. A-Aromatics. 2. Aromatic vine- gar-Joseph Black. 3. William Black-Campom. 4. Campos-Clarence, George. 5. Clarence Har- bor-Czu. 6. D-Emerson, Canada. Hall, Prescott Farnsworth. The Massachusetts Business Corporation Law of 1903. Covering private business corporations excepting financial, insur- ance and public service corporations. Boston, 1903. 3675.13 Mosher, Robert Brent, compiler. Executive register of the United States, 1789-1902. A list of the presidents and their cabinets . . . Added, the laws governing their election, appointment, qualification, and term of office, the electoral and popular vote at each elec- tion, . . . literal copies of the Declara- tion of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. Baltimore. [1903.] *4423.io Paine, Willis Seaver. 1848-. The laws of the State of New York relat- ing to banks, banking, trust companies, loaii, mortgage and safe deposit corpo- rations. . . . With the acts affecting moneyed corporations. . . . Also the National Bank Act and cognate United States statutes. Annotated. 5th edition. Rochester, N. Y., 1903. *3675.27 Parker, John Scott. Where and how. A hand book of incor- poration. Being a digest and compar- ison of the corporation laws of New York, New Jersey, Maine, Delaware, West Virginia, South Dakota, Massa- chusetts, and information as to techni- cal procedure incident to incorporation. New York, 1903. Tables. = 3675.20 Ravenstein, Ernst Georg. Philips' Handy-volume atlas of the world. New and enlarged edition. London, 1904. 22 maps. 2289.82 Genealogy* Heraldry, Banks, Charles Edward, and Enos Chandler Soule. The Soule family, of North Yarmouth and Freeport, Maine. Yarmouth 1882. 31 ff. *4433.34i 156 Beaumont-with-Moze, Parish, Essex, Eng- land. The parish registers of Moze. [Edited by F. A. Crisp. London.] 1899. 86 pp. *25oi.i6 No. 35 of an edition of 50 copies. Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, Baronet. Atavise regias: consisting of sixty copies only, compiled for private use. Flor- ence, 1820. Plate. No. I in *6530.25 Genealogies of the Brydges family, tracing their descent from several royal houses. Burnsall-in-Craven, Yorkshire, England. The register of St. Mary's Chapel at Con- istone, 1567-1812. Edited by W. J. Stavert. Skipton, 1894. *25o6.8i Calkins, William Wirt. The Calkins memorial military roster. Chicago. [1903.] Portraits. *4433-343 Gulval, Parish, Cornwall, England. The parish registers . . . (1598-1812): edited by G. B. Millett and William Bolitho. Penzance, 1893. Plate. *2503.74 Harris, Herbert. Josiah Harris,- 1770-1845, East Machias, Maine. His ancestors and descendants in nine generations. Bangor, Me., 1903. 19 pp. = *4434.250 Hawkshead, Parish, Lancashire, England. The oldest register of the Parish of Hawkshead in Lancashire. 1568-1704. Edited by H. S. Cowper. London, 1897. Portraits. Plates. *2504.ii9 King, Sylvester Morgan. King family. A brief genealogical history of Robert King, of Blanford, Mass., and the descendants of his son Robert King, of Sandisfield, Mass. Albia, Iowa, 1883. 59 PP- *4433.39 McCreary, George Washington, editor. The first book printed in Baltimore-town, Nicholas Hasselbach, printer. The book reprinted with a sketch of Hasselbach's life and work. Baltimore, 1903. 61 pp. Fac-simile. *4474.29o Contains genealogical notes of the Hasselbach family. MacNeill, John Gordon Swift. Titled corruption. The sordid origin of some Irish peerages. London, 1894. *6538.85 Marsham, Parish, Norfolk, England. The parish register. From 1538 to 1836. Edited by A. T. Michcll. Norwich, 1889. *2507.40 No. 92 of an edition of 150 copies. Metcalfe, John Henry. A great historical peerage, the Earldom of Wiltes. London, 1899. 65 pp. Illus. Portrait. Genealogical table. Coat-of- arms. *6534-33 Perkins, D. W. Notes on the Perkins families in England. Salem, 1894. 64 pp. Charts. 2533.22 Plowden, Barbara Mary. Records of the Plowden family. [Lon- don?] 1887. Plates. *6534.3i Saint Giles, Parish, Kingston, Kent, Eng- land. The parish registers. Baptisms, 1558-1812; marriages, 1558-1837; burials, 1558-1812. May Prefaced by a Hst of the rectors of the Parish, supplemented by the monu- mental inscriptions in the church and churchyard. By the Rev. Christopher Hales Wilkie. Brighton, 1893. *2507.42 No. 14 of an edition of 50 copies. Sons of the American Revolution. National Society. Fourteenth Annual Congress, New Haven, Conn., 1903. [Prospectus. New Haven, Conn., 1903.] 8 pp. Maps. = 44103.134 Taswell-Langmead, Thomas Pitt. Parish registers: a plea for their preser- vation. London, 1872. 30 pp. = 2504.48 Taylor, Elbert Ozial. History of John Taylor of Hadley, in- cluding accounts of the . , . Taylor Reunion Association . . , and the gene- alogy of the descendants . . . Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. = *4434.248 Usher, Ellis Baker, of La Crosse, Wiscon- sin. A biographical sketch of Hannah Lane Usher, of Buxton and Hollis, Maine, with historical and genealogical facts relating to the Lane family of Buxton. La Crosse, 1903. 21 pp. Portraits. Plate. *4334-i58 One of an edition of 25 copies. Wait, John Cassan. . Family records of the descendants of Thomas Wait of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. [New York?] 1904. 58 pp. Illus. *4333.76 Wedmore, Parish, Somersetshire, England. Wedmore Parish registers. Baptisms. 1561-1812. [Edited by S. H. A. Her- vey.] Wells, 1890. *2507.i2i Wight, Charles Henry. Genealogy of the Claflin family; being a record of Robert Mackclothlan, of Wenham, Mass., and of his descend- ants. New York. [1903.] *4432.268 Worcester, Worcestershire, Eng. The parish book of St. Helen's Church. Containing the parish registers from A.D. 1538 to A.D. 1812. Transcribed by Joseph Bowstead Wilson. London, 1900. 2 V. *250i.i4 No. 35 of an edition of 50 copies. Worthy, Charles. Devonshire wills. London, 1896. *2502.i59 Biography* Collective Biographies. A Beckett, Arthur William. The a Becketts of "Punch." Memories of father and sons. Westminster, 1903. Portrait. 4572.155 Beaumont papers. Letters relating to the family of Beaumont, of Whitley, York- shire, from the fifteenth to the seven- teenth centuries. Edited by Rev. W. D. Macray. London, 1884. Genealogical table. Fac-simile. [Roxburghe Club.] *46ooa.2i 1904 Bouquin de la Souche, J. P. Memoires anecdotiques [par] Lassouche [pseud, de J. P. Bouquin de la Souche]. Paris. [1903] 4649.101 Carnoy, fimile, editor. 1861-. Dictionnaire biographique des hommes de Test . . . Paris. [1895.] Portraits. *464i.8i Cole, John, of Scarborough. 1792-1848. Scarborough worthies. Scarborough, 1826. 67 pp. . *2445.27 Comba, Eugenio. Donne illustri italiane. Proposte ad esem- pio alle giovinette. 6a edizione. Torino. [1902.] Portrait. *P.io.i85 Croft, John. 1 732-1820. Scrapeana. Fugitive miscellany ; or, a med- ley of choice bon mots, repartees, &c. . . . Added, a large collection of York- shire [personal] anecdotes. [Anon.] 2d edition. York, 1792. Vignette. *2445.25 Foljambe, Cecil George Savile, ist Baron Hawkesbury. 1846-. Some East Riding families. Hull, 1899. 41 pp. *6536.56 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Briefwechsel zwischen J. W. v. Goethe und Kaspar, Graf v. Sternberg. (1820- 1832.) Herausgegeben von August Sauer. Prag, 1902. Portraits. 2849a.42 Mailloux, Alfred. Une fille d'Alfred de Musset et de George Sand. Nouvelle edition. Paris. [1903.] = 2649.188 Bibliographic, pp. 7, 8. Masson, Rosaline Orme. Pollok & Aytoun. New York. [1898. Famous Scots series.] 25493.40 Ross, Frederick. Yorkshire family romance. Hull, 1891. '2447.30 Portrait. Smyth, William Henry. yEdes Hartwellianse, or notices of the Manor and Mansion of Hartwell. Lon- don, 1851, 54. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Coats of arms. Maps. Fac-similes. **25oo.55 Bibliography of Smyth's works, vol. 2, pp. vi- viii. Relates to the family of Lee, of Hartwell Parish, Buckinghamshire, England, to Egyptian anti- quities, and to Hartwell Observatory. Willey, George Franklyn, editor. State builders. An illustrated historical and biographical record of the State of New Hampshire. [Vol. i.] Manches- ter, 1903- Illus. Portraits. *4436.237 Single Biographies. Alexander, Eleanor. Lady Anne's walk. London, 1903. Plates. 2479.102 A study of Lady Anne Beresford, introducing Irish stories and histories. Alexandre, Arsene. 1859. La maison de Victor Hugo. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-simile. *8o6i.49 An account of his collections of books, pictures, etc. 157' Bar Association of the City of Boston. Proceedings of the Bar and of the Su- preme Judicial Court of Massachusetts in memory of Horace Gray. January 17, 1903. Boston, 1903. 54 pp. Portrait. = 4442.354 Bernis, Francois Joachim de Pierre de, Cardinal. Memoires et lettres . . . (1715-1758) pu- blics . . . d'apres les manuscrits inedits. [Par F. Masson.] Paris, 1878. 2 v. Portrait. Fac-simile. 265oa.52 Binney, Charles Chauncey. The life of Horace Binney, with selec- tions from his letters. Philadelphia, 1903. Portraits. 43403.190 Birrell, Augustine. 1850-. Emerson. A lecture. London, 1903. 50 pp. Portrait. *A.89o Brown, John Taylor. Dr. John Brown, a biography and a criti- cism. Edited, with a sketch of the bi- ographer, by W. B. Dunlop. London, 1903. Portraits. 2548.211 Brunetiere, Marie Ferdinand. Cinq lettres sur Ernest Renan. Paris, 1904. 4643-90 Buell, Augustus C. William Penn, as the founder of two commonwealths. New York, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. Map. 4344.205 Buerkner, Richard. Herder, sein Leben und Wirken. Berlin, 1904. Portrait. [Geisteshelden.] 28493.39 Bibliography, pp. 281-283. Burghclere, Winifred Henrietta Christina, Lady. George Villiers, Second Duke of Buck- ingham, 1628-1687. A study in the his- tory of the Restoration. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Fac-simile. 4545.184 Cauer, Friedrich. Ciceros politisches Denken. Ein Versuch. Berlin, 1903. 2917.12 Cooper, Harriet C. James Oglethorpe, the founder of Geor- gia. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Plan. [Appleton's Historic lives se- ries.] 43493.231 Authorities consulted, pp. 210, 211. Del Pezzo, Anna Carlotta Leffler, Duchessa di Caianiello. Sonya Kovalevsky. A biography by Anna Carlotta Leffler . . . and sisters Rajev- sky, being an account of her life by Sonya Kovalevsky. Translated by A. De Furuhjelm and A. M. Clive Bayley. London, 1895. Portraits. = *P.ii.487o Rajevsky was a fictitious name used by Sonya Kovalevsky and her sister. Dreyfus, Ferdinand Camille. Un philanthrope d'autrefois. La Roche- foucauld-Liancourt. 1747-1827. Paris, 1903. Portrait. 2642.186 Bibliography, pp. i-xvi. Relates to the history, education and prisons of France. Elzas, Barnett Abraham, compiler. Edwin Warren Moi'se. In memoriam. 1832-1903. Charleston, 1903. 15 PP- 4448.311 158 Ettlinger, Anna. Leo Tolstoj. Eine Skizze seines Lebens unci Wirkens. Berlin, 1899. 93 pp. 3062.36 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. With an introduction by- Nathan Haskell Dole. New York. [1903.] Portrait. [Handy volume clas- sics.] **K.i9.30 Free Religious Association of America. The Emerson Centennial. Memorial School at Concord and Boston, July 13- 31, 1903. Boston, 1903. 3 pp. = 2348.139 Gosse, Edmund William. Jeremy Taylor. New York, 1904. [Eng- lish men of letters.] 2459a.i5 Hammond, John Lawrence Le Breton. 1872-. Charles James Fox. A political study. London, 1903. 2543.180 Hanotaux, Gabriel Albert Auguste, 1853-, and Georges Vicaire. La jeunesse de Balzac. Balzac imprimcur 1825-1828. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 2644.122 Harnack, Carl Guslav Adolf. Rede bei der Begriibnisfeier Theodor Mommsens, am 5, November 1903, in der Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtnis-Kirchc. Leipzig, 1903. 14 pp. = 2848.48 Harrison, Frederic. 183 1-. John Ruskin. London, 1903. [English men of letters.] 2459a.i4 Haywood, Marshall DeLancey. Governor William Tryon and his admin- istration in the Province of North Caro- lina, 1765-1771. Raleigh, 1903. Plates. Map. *437oa.i50 Heywood, John Healey. Li memoriam, John Healey Heywood, minister to the Church of the Messiah of Louisville, Kentucky, 1840-1880. Louisville, 1903. 24 pp. Portrait. 4444.394 Holt, George Chandler. 1843-. Memorial of William Allen Butler. [New York, 1903.] 33 PP- Portrait. = 4442.355 Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Napoleon. A short biography. New York, 1904. Illus. Maps. 2657.150 Leonard, William J. The pioneer apostle of mental science. A sketch of the life and work of W. F. Evans. [Boston, 1903.] 8 pp. = 5768.159 Lion, Henri. 1859-. Un magistrat homme de lettres au dix- huitieme siecle. Le President Henault, 1685-1770, sa vie — ses oeuvres. Paris, 1903. Portrait. 2644.164 Little, Alicia Bewicke. Li Hung-Chang. His life and times. Lon- don, 1903. Portraits. Map. 5019.24 Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyns. Tennyson. London, 1902. [English men of letters.] 24593.13 MacEwen, Alexander Robertson. The Erskines [Ebenezer and Ralph]. New York. [1900. Famous Scots se- ries.] 25493.38 May Martin, John Stapleton. Izaak Walton and his friends. New York. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 4547.174 Masson, Frederic. 1847-. Josephine, imperatrice et reine. 9e edi- tion. Paris, 1903. 2653.113 An English translation is on shelf-no. *265o.io4. Meynell, Wilfrid. Benjamin Disraeli. An unconventional biography. London, 1903. 2 v. Por- traits. Plates. Fac-similes. 2451.69 Michel, Hermann. Heinrich Knaust. Fin Beitrag zur Geschichte des geistigen Lebens in Deutschland uni die Mitte des sech- zehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1903. 2846.102 Miles, Louis Wardlaw. King Alfred in literature. Baltimore, 1902. r= 4546.165 Bibliography, pp. 45-47, ii4. "5- Neve, Joseph. Antoine de La Salle. Sa vie et ses ouvrages . . . Paris, 1903. 2647.167 Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald. London, 1827. Coat of arms. *2449a.9 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illi- nois. Alumni record of the College of Liberal Arts, Charles B. Atwell, editor. [Chi- cago.] 1903. Portraits. Map. = *448i.i5i Palgrave, Sir Reginald Francis Douce. Oliver Cromwell, H. H. the Lord Pro- tector, and the royalist insurrection against his government of March, 1655. London, 1903. 4515.148 Putnam, Rufus. 1 738-1824. Memoirs . . . and certain official papers and correspondence. Published by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Ohio. Com- piled and annotated by Rowena Buell. Boston, 1903. Portrait. Plates. Maps. 4347-335 Genealogical lists, pp. 3-8. Rapp, Jean, Comte. 1772-1821. Memoires du general Rapp (1772-1821), aide de camp de Napoleon. Edition . . . annotee par M. Desire Lacroix. Paris. [1896.] Portrait. Plan. 2659a.i46 This work has been ascribed to Frangois Buloz. Reese, Theodore Irving. In memory of James Hattrick Lee. A sermon. Milton, Mass., 1903. 20 pp. = 4449a.258 Richter, Raoul. Friedrich Nietzsche, sein Leben und sem Werk. Leipzig, 1903. 4844-34 Bibliography, pp. 287, 288. Russell, Charles Howland. Memoir of Charles H. Russell, 1796-1884. By his son. New York, 1903. Portraits. := 4344.201 Smith, Sir Henry George Wakelyn. Autobiography. Edited, with the addi- tion of supplementary chapters, by G. 1904 159 C. Moore Smith. London, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. 2544.147 Bibliography, pp. xix, xx. Some critical appreciations of William P>ut- ler Yeats as poet, orator and dramatist. [London? 1903.] 23 pp. = 45493.211 Strunz, Franz, of Prague. Theophrastus Paracelsus, sein Leben und seine Personlichkeit. Leipzig, 1903. Portraits. Fac-similes. 34903.82 Stuart, Lady Louisa. Letters to Louisa Clinton. 2d series. Edited by James A. Home. Edinburgh, 1903. Portraits. 4547.162 Talbot, Edith Armstrong. Samuel Chapman Armstrong. A bio- graphical study. New York, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. 4349.257 Trotter, Lionel James. The Bayard of India. A life of General Sir James Outram, Bart. Edinburgh, 1903. Portrait. Plate. 3042.275 United States. Supreme Court. In memoriam. Horace Gray. [Washing- ton. 1902?] 58 pp. Portrait. 44403.131 Usher, Ellis Baker, of La Crosse, Wiscon- sin. A short biographical sketch of Ellis Baker Usher, of Hollis, Maine. La Crosse, 1902. 14 pp. Portraits. *4334.i57 Contains genealogical notes. One of an edition of 27 copies. Whitehead, John, of New Jersey. Memorial sketch of the life of Compatriot William McKinley, Member of the So- ciety of the Sons of the American Revo- lution. [New York.] 1903. 8 pp. = 44103.138 History* General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Chirol, Valentine. The Middle Eastern question; or, some political problems of Indian defence. L9ndon, 1903. Plates. Maps. 3042.273 Bibliography, pp. 499, 500. Congres international d'histoire comparee, Paris, 1900. [Lettre d'invitation de preter concours, &c.] Paris, 1900. 18 pp. = 2302.81 This Congres succeeded the Congres interna- tional d'histoire diplomatique. Congres de La Haye, 1898. Daoulas, Alexis Marie. Le siege de Tien-Tsin, 15 juin-15 juillet 1900. Paris, 1903. Illus. Map. 3016.211 Hunter, Sir William Wilson. A brief history of the Indian peoples. 23d edition. [Edited by W. H. Hutton.] Oxford, 1903. Map. 3047.236 Kraemer, Hans, 1870- , and others. Das XIX. Jahrlmndert in Wort und Bild. Politische und Kultur-Geschichte. Ber- lin. [1903.] 3 V. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 2211.60 Noyes, Theodore Williams. Oriental America and its problems. Washington, 1903. 30408.42 Discusses the civilization of the I'hilippine Islands and their relation to the United States. Contains also copies of the Treaty of Paris and of other documents relating to the Philippine Islands. Richardson, Sir Wodeliouse Dillon, K.C.B. With the Army Service Corps in South Africa. London, 1903. 3056.325 St. Leger, Stratford Edward. War sketches in colour. London. [1903.I Illus. 3052.220 Notes on the war in South Africa. Most of the plates are colored. Theal, George M'Call. The beginning of South African historv. London, 1902. Plates. Maps. Fac- similes. 3055-193 Bibliography, pp. v-xiii. The Jews. Elzas, Barnett Abraham. Documents relative to a proposed settle- ment of Jews in South Carolina in 1748. Charleston, 1903. 15 pp. 4377.181 Huhner vs. Elzas. The New Yorker ob- jects to Dr. Elzas's criticisms. [Charles- ton, 1903.] 16 pp. 4377-183 Pp 1-7 contain Huhner's reply to Elzas's review [4377.182] of Huhner's article on Charleston in the Jewish encyclopedia, vol. 3 [*229I.I2.3]. The Jews of Charleston. A review of the article "Charleston" in vol. 3 of the Jewish encyclopaedia [by L. Huhner. Charleston, 1902.] 9 pp. 4377.182 The Jews of South Carolina. Record of the first naturalization in the province. [Charleston. 190-?] 4 pp. 4377.180 The Jews of South Carolina. A survey of the records at present existing in Charleston. Charleston, 1902, 03. 4 v. in I. Fac-similes. 4377.176 Joseph Salvador. Jewish merchant prince who came to South Carolina. [Charles- ton. 190-?] II pp. 4448.310 Moses Lindo. A sketch of the most prominent Jew in Charleston in pro- vincial days. Charleston, 1903. 18 pp. 4448.309 Relates also to the cultivation of indigo in South Carolina. The organ in the Synagogue. An inter- esting chapter in the history of Reform Judaism in America. [Charleston. 190-?] 8 pp. 4377-178 Relates to the Congregation Beth Elohim of Charleston, i6o May Europe. For other works in this Bulletin illustrative oi English history and topography, consult the division Geography. Travels. Addy, Sidney Oldall. The Hall of Waltheof; or, the early con- dition and settlement of Hallamshire. London, 1893. Illus. Maps. *2463.i07 Ancient and modern history of Mount's Bay, with every civil and military trans- action, in Saint Michael's Mount, Mara- zion, Penzance, Paul, Buryan, Saint Levan, Sennen, Saint Just, &c. 3d edi- tion. Penzance, 1831. Plate. ^2^67.28 Ashton, John. 1834-. Gossip in the first decade of Victoria's reign. London, 1903. Illus. Fac-sim- iles. 2516.63 Baines, W. M. Old Naburn. [York?] 1895. Genealog- ical tables. *2467.87 Baker, Oscar. History of the antiquities of Sandwich, and Richborough Castle, in Kent. Lon- don, 1848. Illus. *2469a.32 Barker, William Gideon Michael Jones. The three days of Wensleydale; the Val- ley of the Yore. London, 1854. Illus. *2463.8i Bartlett, William Abraham. The history and antiquities of the Parish of Wimbledon, Surrey. London, 1865. Plates. Map. *2469a.4o Barton, Benjamin Thomas, editor. Historical gleanings of Bolton and dis- trict. ist-3d series. Bolton, 1881-83. *2498.2i Beesly, Edward Spencer. Home rule. London, 1886. 16 pp. 45193.127 Bishop, John George. "A peep into the past": Brighton in the olden time, with glances at the present. Brighton, 1892. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *2463.i09 Bodley, John Edward Courtenay. The coronation of Edward the Seventh. London, 1903. 2547.166 Boger, Charlotte G. Bygone Southwark. London, 1895. Illus. 2498.45 Bowles, Charles, of Shaftesbury. Modern Wilts. Hundred of Chalk. Shaftesbury. [1830.] Portrait. Genea- logical tables. *2463.ii2 Boyd, William, Archdeacon. -1893. Littondale: past and present. Leeds, 1893. Illus. *2463.ii3 Contents. — Fifty years in Arncliffe. By Arch- deacon Boyd. — Halton Gill in the olden time. By W. A. Shuffrey. Burnley, James. Yorkshire stories re-told. Leeds. [1885.] ^2467.21 Cass, Frederick Charles. Monken Hadley. Westminster, 1880. Illus. Coats of arms. Tables. *2462.i8o Relates to the Parish of Hadley, Herts, England. Cathrall, William. The history of Oswestry . . . Illustrated . . . after sketches by Mr. Robert Cruikshank. Oswestry. [1855.] Illus. *2464.39 Cave-Browne, John. The history of Boxley Parish; including an account of the Wiat family, and of the trial on Penenden Heath in 1076. Maidstone, 1892. Portraits. Plates. Coats of arms. Plans. *2464.3i Cheshire and Lancashire Historical Collec- tor, The: edited by T. Worthington Barlow. Vol. 2. Manchester, 1855. Plate. *2496.25 Clarkson, Henry. Memories of merry Wakefield, an octo- genarian's recollections. 2d edition. Wakefield, 1889. *2464.23 Clough, John, Jr. History of Steeton. Keighley, 1886. *2469a.44 Cole, John, of Scarborough. 1792-1848. The history and antiquities of Ecton, in the County of Northampton (England). Philadelphia, 1865. 54 pp. Illus. 2496.11 One of an edition of 70 copies reprinted from the Scarborough edition of 1825. The history and antiquities of Filey. Scarborough, 1828. Illus. *2467.i79 D'Alton, John. 1 792-1867. The history of Drogheda, with its envi- rons; and an introductory memoir on the Dublin and Drogheda Railway. Dublin, 1844. 2 V. Plates, Map. *2477.i04 Davis, Frederick, of Luton. Luton, past and present: its history and antiquities. 2d edition. Luton, 1874. Illus. Tables. *2462.i82 Dent, Robert K. Old and new Birmingham: a history. Birmingham, 1880. Illus. Portraits. Maps. *2463.ioo Dunstan, James. The history of the Parish of Bromley St. Leonard, Middlesex. London, 1862. Plates. *2469a.39 Dymond, Robert, F.S.A. The history of the Parish of St. Petrock, Exeter. [Plymouth, 1882.] 99 pp. Plates. Fac-similes. *2469.i83 Eade, Sir Peter. 1825- Some account of the Parish of St. Giles, Norwich. London, 1886. Illus. Por- traits. Plans. *2507.43 Fahey, Jerome. The history and antiquities of the Diocese of Kilmacduagh. Dublin, 1893. Plates. *2478.ioo Fitzgerald, P., Vicar of Cachicorney, and John James M'Gregor. The history, topography, and antiquities, of the County and City of Limerick. Dublin, 1826, 27. 2 V. Plates. Plan. Map. *2478.i04 1904 i6i Forrest, C, the Elder, The history and antiquities of Knotting- ley, in the Parish of Pontefract. With historical notices of Birkin, Brotherton, Fryston & Ferrybridge. London, 1871. Illus. *2467.20 France. Commission chargee de depouillcr la correspondance des Tuileries. Papiers et correspondance de la famille imperiale. Paris, 1870. 2 v. Fac-sim- iles. *264i.iii Contains correspondence of Napoleon III. and his family. Frost, Charles, F.S.A. I78i?-i862. Notices relative to the early history of the Town and Port of Hull. London, 1827. Illus. Map. Fac-similes. *246oa.i4o Godfrey, Elizabeth. Home life under the Stuarts. 1603-1649. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. 2465.40 Chapters i-vii relate to education. Goding, John. Norman's History of Cheltenham. Queen's edition. London, 1863. - *2467.23 Green, John Richard. Historical studies. [Edited by Alice Stop- ^ ford Green.] London, 1903. 2558.102 Guizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume. L'histoire de France depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789. Racontee a mes petits-enfants. Paris, 1874-76. 5 v. Illus. Portraits. = 2621.61 Hadley, George, Captain, compiler. -1798. A new and complete history of the town and county of the Town of Kingston- upon-Hull. Kingston-upon-Hull, 1788. Portrait. Plates. Maps. Genealogical table. *2462.i74 Sometimes referred to as Briggs's New and complete history of Kingston-tipon-Hull. Hanshall, J. H. The history of the County Palatine of Chester. Chester, 1817. Illus. Portraits. Coats of arms. Maps. *2462.36 Hewett, William, Jr., of Reading. The history & antiquities of the Hundred of Compton, Berks, . . . Reading, 1844. Portrait. Plates. Maps. *2464.28 Hill, George, of London. The electoral history of the Borough of Lambeth. London, 1879. Illus. Por- traits. *2495.i76 History, The, of Batley, Birstal & Heck- mondwike: with interesting notices of Gomersal, Cleckheaton, Batley Carr, and Carlinghow. Batley, i860, 84 pp. *2469a.5 Hobkirk, Charles C. P. Huddersfield: its history and natural his- tory. London, 1859. Illus. *2467.32 Holahan, J. Notes on the antiquities of the united parishes of Ballycallan, Kilmanagh & Killaloe, with notices of the late parish priests of the aforesaid parishes. Kil- kenny, 1875. 50 pp. *2476.82 Hughes, Joseph, Curate of Meltham. The history of the Township of Meltham, near Huddersfield. Edited by Cfatha- rine] H[ughes]. London, 1866. Plate. *2469.i72 Hunter, John, Antiquary. Antiquarian notices of Lupset, the Heath, Sharlston, and Acton in the County of York, By the Author of The topog- raphy of Hallamshire and of South Yorkshire. [London.] 1851. Plate. *243i.76 Hunter, William, F.S.A.Scot. Higgar and the House of Fleming. An account of the Biggar district. 2d edi- tion. Edinburgh, 1867. Illus. ^6530,23 Ingham, Alfred. Altrincham & Bowdon, with historical reminiscences of Ashton-on-Mersey, Sale, and surrounding townships. [2d edition.] London. [1896?] Illus, Por- traits, Plan. *2464.33 Jefferson, J, B,, of Thirsk. The history of Thirsk [Yorkshire]. Thirsk, 1821. Plates. ^2466.45 Jenkins, Alexander. Jenkins's Civil and ecclesiastical history of the City of Exeter and its environs, to 1806. ... 2d edition, Exeter, 1841, Portrait. Plates. *2467.i8o Jones, Mrs. Mary, of Chudleigh. The history of Chudleigh, Devon. Re- vised by W. W. Snell. 2d edition. Ex- eter, 1875. Photograph. ^2467.22 Joyce, Patrick Weston. A social history of ancient Ireland. Lon- don, 1903. 2 V. Illus. Map. Fac-sim- iles. 4518.165 List of authorities, vol. 2, pp. 585-609, Keighley, William. Keighley, past and present. [Edited by Robert Holmes.] London, 1858. Illus. Coat of arms. *2469a.37 Lambert, B. The history and survey of London and its environs. London, 1806. 4 v. Por- traits, Plates, Map. *2498.i58 Lawson, Richard, A history of Flixton, Urmston, and Davy- hulme. Urmston, 1898. Plates. *2464.22 Lazonder, Adriaan, of Schoonhoven, Zancle-Messana. Traiecti ad Rhenum, 1903. =: 2944.40 Lysons, Daniel. 1 762-1834. The environs of London: being an his- torical account of the towns, villages, and hamlets, within twelve miles of that capital. London, 1795, 1796. 4 v. Portraits. Plates'. Maps. Fac-simile. *249i.i64 Contents. — 1. County of Surrey. 2, 3, County of Middlesex, 4, Counties of Herts, Essex & Kent. Mackenzie, W. C, History of the outer Hebrides. With a chapter on the geology, physical fea- tures, and natural history of the group, by the Rev. William Morrison. Paisley, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2465.164 Member, A, of the Mechanics' Institute of Kington, The history of Kington; with an appen- dix. Kington, 1845. Table. *2467.i78 May Molesworth, Sir William, Baronet. Selected speeches ... on questions relat- ing to colonial policy. Edited ... by Hugh Edward Egerton. London, 1903. Portrait. Plate. =: 4516.167 Moss, William George. The history and antiquities of the Town and Port of Hastings . . . London, 1824. Plates. Map. Fac-simile. *2464.35 Mott, Charles Grey. Reminiscences of Birkenhead. Liverpool, 1900. 50 pp. Portraits. Map. *2/[6j.S^ List of books concerning Birkenhead, pp. 49, 50. Moule, Henry Joseph. Old Dorset, chapters in the history of the county. London, 1893. *2467.i75 Musgrave, Sir Richard. Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ire- land, from the arrival of the English: with a particular detail of that which broke out MDCCXCVIIL Dublin, 1801. Plate. Maps. *2473.88 Nelson, John, of Islington. The history of the Town and Parish of Halifax, . . . [Anon.] Halifax, 1789. 70 pp. Plate. No. I in *2464.85 Palin, William. 1803-1882. More about Stifford and its neighbour- hood, past and present. [London.] 1872. Plates. Map. *246oa.i39 Stifford and its neighbourhood is on shelf-number *246oa.i38. Parker, George, of Ripon. Historic Ripon. Ripon, 1895. Illus. Map. No. I in *2467.3i Paul, Herbert Woodfield. A history of modern England. Vol. i, 2. New York, 1904. 4514.147 Begins with the year 1846. Pelissier, Leon G., editor. Documents pour I'histoire de la domina- tion frangaise dans le Milanais (1499- 1513). Toulouse, 1891. 2713.62 Peter, Richard, and Otho Bathurst Peter. The histories of Launceston, and Dun- heved, in the County of Cornwall. Ply- mouth, 1885. Illus. Map. *2468.i85 Phillimore, William Phillimore Watts, and W. H. Whitear, editors. Historical collections relating to Chis- wick. London, 1897. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Autograph fac-similes. ^2464.34 Procter, Richard Wright. Memorials of bygone Manchester, with glimpses of its environs. Manchester, 1880. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac- similes. ^2462. 132 Rose, Josiah. Leigh in the i8th century 1689-1813. Leigh. [1882.] *2504.i23 Scatcherd, Norrison. The history of Morley, in the West Rid- ing of Yorkshire. 2d edition. Morley, 1874. Illus. Portrait. Fac-simile. *2465.i66 Scottish Historical Review, The. Quarterly. Vol. I-. 1903-. Glasgow, 1903-. Por- traits. Plates. Fac-simile. ^24903.146 Contains the Scottish Antiquary [*249oa.i45]. Simpson, Robert, M.A., F.S.A. A collection of fragments illustrative of the history and antiquities of Derby. Derby, 1826. 2 v. Portraits. Plates. Map. ^2464.20 Sketches of Beverley [England] and the neighbourhood. [Beverley, 1882.] 84 pp. Portraits. Plates. *243o.6i Smith, Charles, M.D. The ancient and present state of the County of Kerry. Dublin, 1774. Por- trait. Folded plates. Plan. Map. *2477.ioo Strutt, B. The history and description of Colches- ter. [Anon.] Colchester, 1803. 2 v. Illus. *2469a.35 Tanswell, John. 1800-1864. The history and antiquities of Lambeth. London, 1858. Illus. Chart. Fac-sim- iles. *2495.i77 Tanpan, Eva March. In the days of Queen Victoria. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [Makers of England series.] 2548.195 Thornton, Edwin. The hunting wars of Saddleworth: a his- tory of local feuds. By a Saddleworth- ian. Oldham. [185-?] 54 pp. 2439.31 Satirical verses, reprinted from the Oldham Standard. Vertot d'Aubeuf, Rene Aubert de. An enquiry whether the Kingdom of France, from the establishment of that monarchy, has been an hereditary or elective state. [Dublin, 1727.] 38 pp. = No. 2 in 4829a.27 Weststrate, Hendrik Abraham. Gelderland in den patriotentlijd. Arnhem, 1903. = 4862.45 Wheeler, James. Manchester: its political, social and com- mercial history. London, 1836. Maps. Table. *2469.i76 White, William, of Sheffield. History and general directory of Shef- field, with Rotherham, Doncaster, Tick- hill, Bawtry, and Thorne, in the Wapentake of Straf forth and Tickhill; and Barnsley and Penistone, in Stain- cross Wapentake. Sheffield, 1837. *2469a.3o Williams, John. 1761-1818. A crying epistle from Britannia to Colonel Mack. By Anthony Pasquin, Esq. [pseud.]. A new edition. London. [1794.] Illus. = *4575-i3 Williams, Robert, M.A., Canon of St. Asaph. The history and antiquities of the town of Aberconwy and its neighbourhood. Denbigh, 1835. Plates. ^2472.30 Wilson, Benjamin, Jr. Our village: a sketch of the history and progress of Bramley during seven cen- turies. Bramley, i860. 60 pp. Plate. ^24693.43 Wyntoun, Andrew. The original chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun. Printed on parallel pages 1904 from the Cottonian and Wcmyss MSS., with variants. Edited by F. J. Amours. Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1903. Fac-similc. [The Scottish Text Society.] *4554-86 America. American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. Annual report, [4th, 5th], 8th. Albany, 1899-1903- = 4478407 Arango y Parreno, Erancisco de. Obras. Habana, 1888, 89. 2 v. Portrait. = 4311-77 l>ib]iography, pp. Ivi, Ivii. Contains also Elogio historico por A. Carrillo y Arango, N'ol. i, pp. iii-lxvi. Relates to the agri- culture, commerce and history of Cuba during the period 1789-1836. Ashbee, Charles Robert. American sheaves & English seed corn. [London, 190T. Essex House Press.] *4554.i53 Relates to the National Trust, of England, and to the National Trust for Places of Historic Interest and Natural Beauty, of Washington. Austin, Oscar Phelps. Steps in the expansion of our territory. New York, 1903. Maps. [Expansion of the Republic series.] 4228.241 Ayer, Mary Earwell. Boston Common in colonial and provin- cial days. Boston, 1903. 5/ pp. Plates. Maps. = *2358.i2i Baker, Henry Moore. The beginnings of the Revolution in New Hampshire. Concord, 1903. 15 PP- = 4414.249 New Hampshire in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Concord, 1903. 23 pp. = 4414.247 Batchellor, Albert Stillman. The ranger service in the upper valley of the Connecticut and the most northerly regiment of the New Hampshire Militia in the period of the Revolution. Con- cord, 1903. 47 pp. = 4411.164 Beverly Historical Society, Beverly, Mass. Council reports, 1894-1898, etc. Beverly, 1898. 2 V. in I. *4354.86 Bowman, Elarold Martin. The administration of Iowa. A study in centralization. New York, 1903. [Co- lumbia University. Faculty of Political Science. Studies in history, economics and public law.] *3563.iio.i8, no. i Garret, Jose Francisco, compiler. The Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770. Articles upon the propriety of erecting a monument to its memory, cut from various newspapers. May i6-July 19, 1887. With an account of the dedica- tion November 14, 1888. [Boston, 1887, 88.] = *2352.4i De Graffenried, Edward. The effect of slavery upon the constitu- tions and laws of the United States and of the State of Alabama. Greensboro, 1903. = 7587.181 Relates also to the Constitutional Convention in Alabama, 1901. 163 Dorchester, Mass. Christ Church. Women's Alliance. Tlie Dorchester book. Boston, 1899. 60 pp. Jllus. Portraits. = 4451.145 A collection of historical sketches by various writers. Ewell, John Louis. The story of Byficld, a New England parish. P>oston, 1904. Portraits. J'lates. Fac-similes. Maps. =''4354.182 Bibliography, p]). ix, x. Fairbanks, Charles Warren. The indebtedness of the West to New England. Address. Indianapolis, 1903. 18 pp. = 4354.180 General Philip Reed and Caulk's Field mc morial. Report of the . . . ceremonies attending the- unveiling of a stone to mark the Caulk's Field battle ground, in Kent County, Maryland, October 18, 1902. [Baltimore, 1902.] 94 pp. Por- trait. = 4414.248 Gloucester, Mass. Century celebration, Dec. 31, 1900, Jan. i, 1901. Gloucester, 1901. 73 pj). = 4351-163 Hall, Daniel, Colonel. Protest of a veteran of the Civil War against expansion. Boston, 1903. 8 pp. 4228.239 [Handbills and programmes of anniversa- ries, town meetings, entertainments, etc., in Dorchester. Dorchester, 185-, 186-.] Scrap-book. = ^=*H.9ob.48 Hoskins, Elkanah Barney. Historical sketches of Lyman, New Hampshire. Lisbon, N. H., 1903. Por- traits. *4436.239 Contains genealogies. Howe, R. H. A letter to Americans in Europe. By a countryman [pseud.]. London, 1859. 19 pp. = 4226.16S) Relates to political morality in the United States and Europe, and advocates reduction of the power of aliens in the ballot of the United States. Hulbert, Archer Butler. The Cumberland Road. Cleveland, 1904. Plates. Maps. [Historic highways of America. Vol. 10.] *4369a.273.io International American Conference, Mex- ico, 1901. La Conferencia internacional de Mexico. Antecendentes . . . Mexico, 1902. = *43io.i95 Lincoln, Abraham. Speech of Mr. A. Lincoln, of Illinois, on the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill; delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives of the United States, June 20, 1848. Washington, 1848. 14 pp. *4226.I72 A speech in favor of internal improvements. Luetscher, George Daniel. Early political machinery in the United States. Philadelphia, 1903. = 4224-95 McAleer, George. The Province of Quebec, its history, and its people. Worcester, 1903. 29 pp. = 4314.210 164 May Mowry, William Augustus, and Arthur May Mowry. American heroes and heroism. New York. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. 2328.147 Narrative, A, of an attempt made by the French of Canada upon the Mohaque's country. Reproduced in fac-simile from the first edition printed by William Bradford, 1693. With an introductory note by Adelaide R. Hasse. New York, 1903. 21 pp. *44ii.25 New England Loyal Publication Society. Broadsides with manuscript letters and other material [on the Civil War, etc.]. Given in part by Charles Eliot Norton and arranged by Thomas Tracy Bouve, 1903. Boston. [i863-]i866. 3 v. = *Cab.23.22.5 These publications were issued at irregular in- tervals. Charles Eliot Norton edited them until about no. 290, except nos. 203-218, which were edited by J. B. Thayer. This set includes nos. 1-291, 299-315, 317-326; also nos. 2B, 12B & C, 13B, 55B, 60B, 70B, and two copies of no. 144, dated Dec. 4 & 16, 1863; also twenty unnumbered broadsides, etc. One hundred and eight auto- graph letters, including fifteen circular letters with manuscript answers, are inserted. Most of these letters are addressed to Charles Eliot Norton. Thirty-one of these letters are from J. M. Forbes, five from Edward Atkinson, six from J. B. Thayer, four from W. B. Rogers and two from Gov. Andrew. New York. Province. General Assembly. A jourpal of the House of Representa- tives for His Majestie's Province of New York in America. Reproduced in facsimile from the first edition printed by William Bradford, 1695. With an introductory note by Adelaide R. Hasse. New York, 1903. 24 pp. *646o.i7 Ohio. Shiloh Battlefield Commission. Ohio at Shildh. Report ... by T. J. Lindsey . . . Secretary to the Commis- sion. [Cincinnati, 1903.] Plates. Folded maps. =r *"20th".48.2 Pierce, Carl Horton. New Harlem past and present. The story of an amazing civic wrong, now at last to be righted . . . With a review of the principles of law involved in the recov- ery of the Harlem lands by W. P. Toler and Harmon De Pau Nutting. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 4478.405 Smith, Samuel C. Reply to T[homas] W[entworth] H[ig- ginson] in Boston Advertiser. [Kansas and the Emigrant Aid Co. Boston? 1903-] 35 PP- = 4379a.i79 Spears, John Randolph, and Alonzo Howard Clark. A history of the Mississippi Valley, from its discovery to the end of foreign dom- ination . . . New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. *4373.i82 State Historical Society of Missouri. Proceedings. Annual meeting. 2d. Pal- myra, 1903. *4373-i65 Stevens, Leverett C. A forlorn hope. Providence, 1903. 44 pp. [Personal narratives of events in the War of the Rebellion. 6th series. No. I.] *4324.77.ser.6, no. I An account of life in rebel prisons. Symmes, Rev. Thomas. 1678-1725. Lovewell lamented. Or, a sermon occa- sion'd by the fall of the brave Capt. John Lovewell and several of his valiant company, in the late heroic action at Piggwacket. Boston, 1725. 45 pp. **G.384.26 Thompson, Gilbert. Historical military powder-horns. [Wash- ington.] 1901. 16 pp. Plates. Maps. [Society of Colonial Wars in the Dis- trict of Columbia.] = 2334.30 Towne, Charles Arnette. The continental republic. A protest against colonialism. Boston. [1903.] 16 pp. Portrait. = 4228.238 United States. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park Commission. Annual report, 1901, 02. [Washington, 1901, 02.] *2323.i33 Superintendent of the United States Cap- itol Building and Grounds. Annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1903. Washington, 1903. 10 pp. *4375.4i Webber, Harry E. Greater Salem in the Spanish-American War. Lynn, 1901. 88 pp. Portraits. Plates. 442oa.243 Contains the history of the Salem, Beverly, Danvers and Marblehead companies of the Eighth Mass. U. S. V. in the war. Whipple, Wayne. The story of the White House and its home life. Boston, 1903. 50 pp. Illus. Portraits. — 2389.74 Fine Arts^ Archaeology^ Antiquities. Aloe, Stanislao d'. Die Ruinen von Pompei. Aus dem Fran- zosischen . . . iibersetzt von Eduard von Lossow ... 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1857. 74 pp. Plan. = 47393.32 An edition of the original is on shelf-number 4739a.2i. Angelin, Justin Pascal. Expedition du Louxor, ou relation de la campagne faite dans la Thebaide pour en rapporter I'obelisque occidental de Thebes . . . Paris, 1833. Folded plates. 50393.57 Book of the Dead. [Rituel funeraire des anciens figyptiens, public par E. Rouge. Paris, 1861-76?] 32 pp. 20 plates. *Cab.30.46.6 The text relates to chapters 1-165 reproduced in 1904 Lepsius's edition Das Todtenbuch der Agypter nach dem hieroglyphischen Papyrus in Turin 1*3050.1371- The plates reproduce chapters 1-130 from Rituel hieratique du Louvre, No. 3082, 3079. Champollion-Figeac, Jacques Joseph. L'obelisque de Louqsor transporte a Paris. . . . Paris, 1833. Plates. = 50393.53 Egypt Exploration Fund. Rules. [London, 189-?] 7 PP- = 3055-226 Lejeal, Leon. L'archeologie americaine et les etudes americanistes en France. Paris, 1903. 23 pp. — 4364-213 Sacaze, Julien, editor. Inscriptions antiques des Pyrenees. Tou- louse, 1892. Illus. Fac-similes. [Bi- bliotheque meridionale.] 2611.42 Bibliography, pp. 573-576. Waddell, Laurence Augustine. 1854-. Report on the excavations at Pataliputra (Patna), the Palibothra of the Greeks. Calcutta, 1903. 86 pp. Plates. Map. 3041.199 Wakeman, William Frederick. Handbook of Irish antiquities. 3d edi- tion, by John Coke. Dublin, 1903. Illus. Plans. 2473.86 The greater portion of the book has been re- written and expanded. The first edition is entitled Archseologia Hibernica [2473.63!. Ward, John, F.S.A. The Roman fort of Gellygaer in the County of Glamorgan, excavated by the Cardiff Naturalists' Society in 1899- 1901. London, 1903. Illus. Plans. 2477.31 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Academic royale de peinture et de sculp- ture, Paris. Conferences inedites . . . d'apres les manu- scrits des archives de I'ficole des beaux- arts. [Publiees par] Andre Fontaine. Paris. [1903.] 4077.278 Contents. — La querelle du dessin et de la couleur. — Conferences de Le Brun de Philippe et de Jean Baptiste de Champaigne. — L'annee 1672. Art Institute of Chicago. Annual report of the Trustees, 24th. Chi- cago, 1903. Plate. Plans. = ^4079.256 Bangs, William McKendree. The art of giving. New York, 1902. 71 pp. Illus. 4078.302 Largely a review of art collections in certain New York shops and galleries. Detroit Museum of Art. A brief history. Detroit, 1902. 87 pp. Illus. = 8065.181 Fierens-Gevaert, Hippolyte. Essai sur I'art contemporain. 2c edition. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque de philoso- phic contemporaine.] 4078.306 Gardner, John Edmund Garratt. The story of Siena and San Gimignano. London, 1902. Illus. Map. Fac-sim- iles. 4077.275 Bibliography, pp. 366-372. i6s Laurens, Jean Paul. Arrestation du Conseiller Broussel. J. P. Laurens, pinx. P. Maurou, lith. [Litho- graph.] Paris. [1903.] ■= No. 3 in *Cab.8i.20.4 Lotus. Vol. I (no. i); December, 1903. Bos- ton, 1903. Illus. = 4087.169 Meynell, Alice Christiana. Children of the old masters. (Italian School.) New York. [1903.] 97 pp. Portraits. Plates. *407i.i78 Philippi, Adolf. 1843-. Die Kunst der Nachbliite in Italien und Spanien. Leipzig, 1900. Illus. Por- traits. [Kunstgeschichtliclie Einzel- darstellungen. Band 4.] 4075.45.4 Contents. — Im Zeitalter des Barock. — Die neue Malerei in Spanien. Schmarsow, August. 1853-. Unser Verhaltnis zu den bildenden Kiin- sten. Sechs Vortrage iiber Kunst und Erziehung. Leipzig, 1903. 4077.277 -Esthetics. Gietmann, Gerhard. Allgemeine Asthetik. Freiburg im B., 1899. Plates. [Kunstlehre.] 4074.300 S0rensen, Johannes Cbr. Malerei, Bildnerei und schmiickende Kunst. Freiburg im B., 1901. Por- traits. Plates. 4074.303 Architecture. Building. Bentham, James. 1708-1794. The history and antiquities of the Con- ventual & Cathedral Church of Ely: 673 to 1771. ... 2d edition, by the Rev. James Bentham. Norwich, 1812. [1817.] 41003.25 Portrait. Plates. Plans. * The history is continued to 1812. Appended is a supplement published in 181 7 by William Stevenson who was also an editor of the 2d edition. Brecon, Wales. Priory Church. The Priory Church of S. John the Evan- gelist (or. The Holy Rood) at Brecon. [Brecon? 1903.] 15 pp. Illus. Plan. = 4109.68 Britton, John, F.S.A. 1771-1857. The history and antiquities of the Cathe- dral Church of Exeter: . . . including biographical anecdotes of the Bishops of the See. London, 1826. Plates. Plans. *4ioi.43 The edition of 1836 is in vol. 4 of his Cathe- dral antiquities [*4ioi.6.4]. Butler, Howard Crosby. Architecture and other arts [in Syria]. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. [Amer- ican Archaeological Expedition to Syria.] *Cab.6o.5i.3 Churches of Yorkshire. [Edited by George Ayliffe Poole.] Leeds, 1844-1855. 7 parts in i v._ Illus. Plans. *4i04.35 Cornell University. College of Architec- ture. Book of the College of Architecture. Cornell University. 1903. Ithaca. [1903.] 13 PP- 30 plates. Plans. = 4093.144 i66 Courajod, Louis Charles Leon. Une oeuvre inedite de Jean Btillant ou de son ecole. Paris, 1880. 27 pp. Illus. =z 4094.129 Attempts to prove that Jean Bullant was the architect of a certain house in Magny-en-Vexin, France. Gayet, Albert Jean. L'art byzantin d'apres les monuments de ritalie, de I'lstrie et de la Dalmatie, releves et dessines par Charles Errard. Texte par Al. Gayet. [Vol.] 1,2. Paris. [1903.] 2 V. Illus. Plans. *Cab.8o.62.5 Many plates are colored. Contents. — i. Venise. La basilique de Saint Marc. 2. Parenzo. Hill, Arthur George. Architectural and historical notices of the churches of Cambridgeshire. London, 1880. *2469.i8i Monastic remains and ancient castles in England and Wales. Drawn on the spot by James Moore, and executed in aquatinta by G. J. Parkyns. Vol. i. London, 1792. Plates. *2437.32 No more appears to have been published. Noack, Ferdinand. Homerische Palaste: eine Studie zu den Denkmalern und zum Epos. Leipzig, 1903. Plates. Plans. 4095.152 Raine, Tames, D.C.L. 1791-1858. Catterick Church, in the County of York. A correct copy of the contract for its building, dated in 1412, illustrated with remarks and notes. London, 1834. 21 pp. Plates. Plans. *4i03.45 Singleton, Esther, editor and translator. Historic buildings, as seen and described by famous writers. New York, 1903. Plates. 4097-76 Sitte, Camillo. Die Ergebnisse der Vorconcurrenz zu dem Baue des Kaiser Franz Joseph- Museums der Stadt Wien. Wien, 1902. 22 pp. Illus. Plans. 4095-151 Westminster Cathedral. Guide. A brief survey of its history from 1865 to 1902. London, 1902. 66 pp. Portrait. Plates. Plan. = 4109.67 Artists. Adressbuch von bildenden Kiinstlern der Gegenwart. Jahrgang 1904. Fleraus- gegeben von Adolf Bothe. Stuttgart. [1904.] =^4079.260 Carpaccio. [Sketches of his life and works by various v/riters.] Boston, 1903. 21pp. Portrait. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.io7=:No. 43 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. Donatello. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.io5=No. 42 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. Fra Angelico. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.io2=No. 38 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. May Frescos of Raphael. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portraits. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8o8oa.i04=No. 40 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bil^liography, p. 42. Gerard Dou. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8o8oa.io6=No. 42 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. Giorgione. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portraits. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.iii=No. 47 in *8o8o.64.4 Bibliography, pp. 41, 42. Graham, Jean Carlyle. The problem of Fiorenzo di Lorenzo of Perugia. Perugia, 1903. Plates. Fac- similes. 4073.282 Bibliography, pp. 151, 152. Guido Reni. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8080a. 1 09== No. 45 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. Hedou, Jules Paul Ernest. Notice sur J. -J. -A. Le Veau. Rouen, 1879. 37 pp. izz *4o83.i26 One of an edition of loo copies. Puvis de Chavannes. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8080a. 1 10=: No. 46 in *8o8oa.64.4 riblio[;raphy, p. 42. Pyle, Howard. Exhibition of [his] works [at the Art Institute of Chicago, Dec, 1903]. Chi- cago, 1903. 8 pp. = 4079.257 Romney. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portraits. [Masters in art.] 8o8oa.ioi=No. 37 in *8o8oa.64.4 B.ibliography, p. 42. Rosa Bonheur. [Sketches of her life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21 pp. Portrait. Plates. [Mas- ters in art.] 8080a. 1 08= No. 44 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. Watteau. [Sketches of his life and works by various writers.] Boston, 1903. 21pp. Portrait. Plates. [Masters in art.] 8080a. i03=No. 39 in *8o8oa.64.4 Bibliography, p. 42. Webber, Byron. James Orrock, R. I., painter, connoisseur, collector. London, 1903. 2 v. Por- traits. Plates. *Cab.8o.i87.5 Particular attention is given to his collection of Chinese porcelain. Whitman, Alfred, i860-. Samuel William Reynolds. [Memoirs of him and his son, Samuel William Rey- nolds, Jr., and catalogues of their en- gravings.] London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [Nineteenth century mezzo- tinters.] ^4082.65 1904 Caricature. Toepffer, Rodolphe. 1 799-1846. Le Doctetir Festtis. [Paris, 1861.] 88 plates. — *8o62.i34 The book is a caricature of French life. Decoration. Furniture. Design. Ornament. Lace. Embroidery. 167 Illustrations of the Bible. Upwards of two hundred & fifty engravinj>-s on wood, after the designs of Rembrandt, Rubens, Claude, Raphael, Murillo, Wouvermans, and other great masters. London. [1822?] 128 plates. Maps. = 80693.124 Parsons & Sons, London. Catalogue of choice etchings by James McNeil Whistler, Sir Francis Seymour Haden, A. Legros, C. Meryon, Lon- don, 1903. 20 pp. 8065.45 Art decoratif, L', aux expositions des beaux- arts, 1903. Societe des artistes frangais, Societe nationale des beaux-arts, Expo- sitions particulieres. Vol. i, 2. Paris. [1903.] 164 plates. *8o7i.i6i Contents. — Bronzes. — Orfevrerie. — Bijoute- rie. — Faiences. — Porcelaines. — Sculpture decorative, etc. Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of the annual exhibition, 2d, of original designs for decorations and examples of art crafts having distinct artistic merit. Chicago, 1903. Plate. = 4079.258 Bayeux tapestry. The tapestry of Bayeux. [Drawn by C. A. Stothard, engraved by James Basire.] London, 1823. 17 colored fac-simile plates. [Society of Antiquaries.] *Cab.40.49.3 This is part i of the 6th volume of Vetusta ' monumenta. Becking, Ed. Fliesen-Boden nach Gemiilden des fiinf- zehnten und sechzehnten Jahrhunderts von Jan van Eyck, Hans Holbein . . . und Anderen mehr. Stuttgart. [1903.] 12 pp. 48 colored plates. 402oa.47 More, Mrs. N. Hudson. The old furniture book, with a sketch of past days and ways. New York. [1903.] Plates. 4093-37 Singleton, Esther. French and English furniture. New York, 1903. Plates. *4093.39 Drawing. Bartlett, George Hartnell. Pen and ink drawing. A series of draw- ings showing its perfect adaptability to the modern processes of reproduction. Cambridge, 1903. Plates. *8o6o.i44 Johnston, Philip Devereux. "A manual of mechanical drawing. New York, 1903. Illus. 8064.157 Engraving. Etching. Fendler, Aemil. Die Worpsweder. Zwei und zwanzig Kunstholzschnitte nach Gemalden, Ra- dierungen und Zeichnungen. Text von Aemil Fendler. Leipzig. [1899.] 8 pp. Illus. [Meisterwerke der Holzschneide- kunst.] Cab. Landscape Gardening. Parks. American Parks and Outdoor Art Associa- tion. [Circulars, ordinances, laws, etc., re- printed by request. Rochester, 1902.] II pp. = *L.53.i25 Wilmington, Delaware. Board of Park Commissioners. Report. 1896-1898. Wilmington, 1897-99. Illus. = '3990a. 1 24 Music. Musicians. Briefwechsel zwischen Wagner und Liszt. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1900. 2 V. 4044.163 Draeseke, Felix August Bernhard. Der gebundene Styl. Lehrbuch fiir Kon- trapunkt und Fuge. Hannover, 1902. 2 V. 4052.76 James, Mary Ingles. Scientific tone production. Boston, 1903. 99 pp. Plates. 4049.290 Petherick, Horace. The repairing & restoration of violins. London, 1903. Illus. Portrait. 4048.109 Pohl, Georg Richard. 1826-1896. Autobiographisches. Leipzig, 1881. 32 pp. Portrait. . 4046.192 Soubies, Albert. Histoire de la musique. Etats scandinaves XIXe siecle. Danemark et Suede. Paris, 190T. 82 pp. Portraits. Plate. 4049.246 Webber, Charles F. The piano-player and how to use it. Bos- ton, 1903. 28 pp. = 4049.282 Wyndham, H. Saxe. Arthur Sullivan. London, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Fac-similes. [Bell's Miniature series of musicians.] 4049a.23i Bibliography, pp. 62-79, (i). SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED rO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING APRIL, 1904. Barrett, Thomas, Musician. The silver slip- per, A modern extravaganza. Vocal score [with piano accomp.]. London, 1901. Bruell, Ignaz. Tanz-Suite aus der Ballet- musik Kin Marchen aus der Champagne. Op. 54, no. 2 & 4. Partitur. Berlin. [189-?] Chausson, Ernest. Symphonie si bemol majeur. Partition. Paris. [1891.] May Daniels, Mabel Wheeler. The court of hearts. Comic opera. [Vocal score with accomp. for pianoforte.] Boston, 1901. Desormes, L. C. Le moulin des roses. [Opera-bouffe. Partition piano et chant.] Paris, 1899. Draeseke, Felix. Requiem (H moll) fiir vier Solostimmen, Chor und grosses Or- chester. Op. 22. Clavierauszug. Leipzig. Franck, Cesar Auguste. Panis angelicus (extrait de la messe solennelle) pour vio- lon ou violoncelle et piano ou orgue. Paris. [187-?] — Trios concertans pour piano, violon et violoncelle. Op. i, No. i, Fis-moll; No. 2, B. Leipzig. [1846.] — Trio, Quatrieme, concertant pour piano, violon et violoncell. Op. 2. Hamburg. [1846.] Giordano, Umberto. Fedora. Lirysche [sic] Oper in drei Acten. Klavierauszug mit deutschem Texte. Mailand, 1898. Grieg, Edvard Hagerup. Concert fiir Piano- forte mit Begleitung des Orchesters. Op. 16. [Revidirt vom Komponisten.] Par- titur. Leipzig. [188-?] Kitchiner, William, editor. The loyal and national songs of England. London, 1823. Mueller, Heinrich Fidelis. Die heilige Elisabeth, fiir Soli und gemischten Chor mit Clavierbegleitung. Op. 12. Fulda. [1889.] Napravnik, Eduard Frantsovitch. Suite pour violon avec accompagnement d'or- chestre. Op. 60. Berlin, 1898. Nevin, Ethelbert. The quest. Posthumous work [for soli, chorus and piano. Cin- cinnati?] 1902. Parker, Horatio William. A star song. Lyric rhapsody for solo quartet, chorus and orchestra. Op. 54. [Vocal score with accomp. for pianoforte. Cincinnati?] 1902. Reuss, August. Svmphonischer Prolog zu "Der Thor und der Tod." Op. 10. Par- titur. Leipzig, 1901. Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel. Requiem fiir Chor, Soli und Orchester. Op. 60. [Kla- vierauszug.] Mainz. [187-?] Rubens, Paul A. Three little maids. A new and original musical play. Vocal score [with piano accomp.]. London, 1902. Schumann, Georg Alfred. Zur Carnevals- zeit. Suite. Op. 22. Partitur. Leipzig. Sibbald, James, editor. A collection of catches, canons, glees, duetts, etc., se- lected from the works of the most emi- nent composers, antient and modern. Edinburgh. [1780.] Sibelius, Jean. Der Schwan von Tuonela. Legende. Partitur. Leipzig, 1901. Strauss, Richard. Sonate in F dur fiir Vio- loncell und Pianoforte. Op. 6. Miinchen. [188-?] Tomeo, Ferdinando. Oratorio della Pas- sione. [Partitura.] Manuscript. Napoli, 1800. Weber, Carl Maria von. Hymne "In seiner Ordnung schafft der Herr" [fiir Chor und Orchester]. Op. 36. Partitur. Berlin. [181-?] Painting. Portraits. Fould, Wilhelmine Josephine. 1836-. Nos grands peintres. Catalogue de leurs oeuvres et opinions de la presse par Gustave Haller [pseud. J. Paris, 1899. Portraits. Plates. 4086.114 Contents. — J. L. Gerome. — J. J. Henner. — J. J. Lefebvre. — £. Detaille. Hofstede de Groot, Cornelis. Meisterwerke der Portratmalerei auf der Ausstellung im Haag 1903. Miinchen, 1903. 52 pp. 69 plates. *Cab.8o.94.3 No. 99 of an edition of 200 copies. Laurens, Jean Paul. Henri IL et Anne Du Bourg. J. P. Lau- rens, pinx. P. Maurou, lith. [Litho- graph.] Paris. [1903?] = No. 2 in *Cab.8i.20.4 Mauclair, Camille. The great French painters and the evolu- tion of French painting from 1830 to to the present day. [Translated by P. G. Konody.] New York. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. *4072.i04 Philippi, Adolf. 1843-. Die Blute der Malerei in Belgien. Rubens und die Flamlander. Leipzig, 1900. Illus. Portraits. [Kunstgeschichtliche Einzeldarstellungen. Band 5.] 4075.45.5 Die Bliite der Malerei in Holland. Leip- zig, 1901. Illus. Portraits. [Kunstge- schichtliche Einzeldarstellungen.] 407545-6 Richard, Charles. 1857-. La galerie de Chenonceaux. Tours, 1887. 43 pp. Plate. Plan. = 8o79a.3i4 I.a galerie de Chenonceaux est I'oeuvre de M. Charles Toche. Witt, Mary H. The German and Flemish masters in the National Gallery. London, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. 4086.118 Sculpture. Carving. Gold and Silver Work, Andreen, Jenny. Trasnideri-monster. Chip carving pat- terns. Kerbschnitt Vorlagen. [Gote- borg, 1902.] 4 pp. 41 plates. 4010.37 Text in Swedish, English and German. Mach, Edmund Robert Otto von. Greek sculpture: its spirit and principles. Boston, 1903. Plates. 8085.133 Bibliography, pp. 343-345- Svoronos, T. N. Das Athener Nationalmuseum. Photo- typische Wiedergabe seiner Schatze. Mit erlauterndem Text. Heft i. Die Funde von Antikythera. Athen. [1903.] Plates. *8o83.i2 1904 Geography* Travels. Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Australia, Western. Bureau of Agriculture. The West Australian settler's guide and farmer's handbook. Part I. Edited by L. Lindley-Cowen. Perth, 1897. Plates. Maps. = 3044-87 Birt, Francis Bradley Bradley-. Chota Nagpore, a little-known province of the Empire. London, 1903. Plates. Map. 3045-235 Burton, Alfred Richard Edward. Cape Colony for the settler. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. 3057.177 Issued by order of the government of the Cape Colony. Colrat de Montrozier, Raymond. Deux ans chez les anthropophages et les sultans du centre africain. Paris, 1902. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3059.222 DuChaillu, Paul Belloni. In African forest and jungle. New York, 1903. Plates. 3058.266 Travels in western Africa. Duff, H. L. Nyasaland under the Foreign Office. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3052.218 Hantzsch, Viktor, 1868- , and Ludwig Schmidt, 1862- , editors. Kartographische Denkmaler zur Entdec- kungsgeschichte von Amerika, Asien, Australien und Afrika aus dem B.esitz der Koniglichen offentlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden. Leipzig, 1903. 7 pp. 17 maps. *Map 49.9 Contents. — Pero Fernandez. Karte des Atlanti- schen Ozeans, 1528. — Nicolas Desliens. Welt- karte, 1541. — Diogo Homem. Karten der aiis- sereuropaischen Erdteile, 1568. Hawaii Promotion Committee. Hawaii. Honolulu. [1903.] 24 pp. Illus. Map. - 30493.200 Headland, Isaac Taylor. Our little Chinese cousin. Boston, 1903. 88 pp. Illus. [The little cousin series.] 3018.253 Hedin, Sven Anders. 1865-. Central Asia and Tibet: towards the holy city of Lassa. London, 1903. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 3042.265 Henkel, Caesar C. History, resources and productions of the country between Cape Colony and Natal, or Kaffraria Proper, now called the Native- or Transkeian Territories. Hamburg, 1903. Illus. Map. 30503.185 Koeniglich-preussische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitat, Berlin. Institut fur Meereskunde und Geographisches In- stitut. Veroffentlichungen. Heft 1-3. Berlin, 1902, 03. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 3940.35 169 Le Roux, Robert Charles Henri. Chasses et gens d'Abyssinie. [Par] Ungues Le Roux. Paris. [1903.] 3059.220 Logan, Daniel. Hawaii: its people, climate and resources. Honolulu. [1903.] Illus. Map. = 30493.199 Merrill, Elmer D. Report on investigations made in Java in the year 1902. Manila, 1903. 84 pp. Plates. [Philippine Islands. Forestry Bureau.] *5843-63 Nagl, Johann Willibald. Geographische Namenkunde. Metho- dische Anwendung der namenkundlichen Grundsatze auf das allgemeiner zugang- liche topographische Namenmaterial. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 6285.30 Literatur, p. 123. Omura, Jintaro. Tokio-Berlin. Von der japanischen zur deutschen Kaiserstadt. Berlin, 1903. Illus. Portrait. 6264.10 Somalia Itali3n3, La, e I'eccidio di Lafole. Roma, 1897. 30 pp. Illus. Portraits. Map. = 3050.215 Tsunton, Henry. Australind: wanderings in Western Aus- tralia and the Malay East. London, 1903. 3044.86 Europe. For other works in this Bulletin illustrative of English history and topography, consult the division History. Andrews, William, editor. 1848-. Historic byways and highways of Old England. London, 1900. Illus. *2462.i72 Banks, William Stott. Walks in Yorkshire. London, 1866. Plate. Maps. *2467.29 Benson, George, Architect, and J. England Jefferson. Picturesque York. York, 1886. 31 pp. Plates. *246i.83 Bogg, Edmund, and W. H. Daykin. Nidderdale: and the Vale of the Nidd from Nun Monkton to Great Whern- side. Leeds. [1890?] Illus. *2462.40 Brydone, James. Brydone's Guide to Melrose, Abbotsford, Selkirk, Hawick, Berwick, etc., etc. Edinburgh, 1858. 96 pp. Plates. INIap. 4539-20 Campbell, Thomas, LL.D. 1733-1795. A philosophical survey of the south of Ireland, in letters to John Watkinson, M.D. [Anon.] London, 1777. Plates. *2478.io6 Chandlery, Peter J. Pilgrim-walks in Rome. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 2755.17 Delitzsch, Friedrich. 1850-. Im Lande des einstigen Paradieses: ein Vortrag. Stuttgart, 1903. 58 pp. Illus. Maps. Plans. 3043.220 Recent travels in Mesopotamia. I/O May Fitzgerald, Percy Hethrington. 1834-. Picturesque London. London, 1890. lllus. *249i.82 Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane. Turkish life in town and country. New York, 1904. Plates. [Our European neighbours.] 3089.167 Gibson, William Sidney. Descriptive and historical notices of some remarkable Northumbrian castles, churches and antiquities. London, 1848-1854. 3 V. lllus. Portrait. Plates. *2468.25 Granville, Augustus Bozzi, M.D. The spas of England, and the principal sea-bathing places. Vol. i. Northern spas. London, 1841. lllus. Map. *2464.36 Greenwood, John, of Hull. A picturesque tour to Thornton Monas- tery, with notices of Goxhill Nunnery, Barrow, New Holland, and British re- mains in the neighbourhood. Hull, 1835. 44 pp. lllus. Map. Plan. *2463.35 Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolf. Latian summers and an excursion in Um- bria. Translated by Dorothea Roberts. London, 1902. 4769.66 Hall, Peter. 1769-1801. Picturesque memorials of Salisbury: a series of original etchings and vignettes. Salisbury, 1834. lllus. Portrait. 29 plates. *246i.ii6 Hanotaux, Gabriel Albert Auguste. 1853-. La Seine et les quais. Promenades d'un bibliophile. Paris, 1901. Plate. *2639a.ii8 Kearsley, George, and C. Kearsley. Kearsley's Stranger's guide, or compan- ion through London and Westminster, and the country round. London. [i793?] Map. Plan. = 6539.131 Knox, Robert, of Scarborough. Descriptions, geological, topographical, and antiquarian in eastern Yorkshire, between the rivers Humber and Tees. London, 1855. Plates. Maps. *2463.i03 Knuell, Bodo. Historische Geographic Deutschlands im Mittelalter. Breslau, 1903. 2866.42 Lampreys, S. C. A brief historical and descriptive account of Maidstone and its environs. By S. C. L. Maidstone, 1834. Plates. *2467.82 Langford, John Alfred, and others. Staffordshire and Warwickshire, past and present. London. [1884.] 2 v. in 4. Portraits. Plates. *246oa.i36 Leger, Louis Paul Marie. 1843-. La Save, le Danube et le Balkan. Voyage chez les Slovenes, les Croates, les Serbes, ct les Bulgares. 2e edition. Paris, 1889. 3089.169 Macara, Duncan, compiler. Crieff: its traditions and characters with anecdotes of Strathearn. Edinburgh, 1881. *2479.io6 Mason, William Shaw. A survey of Tullaroan, or Grace's Parish, in the Cantred of Grace's country, and County of Kilkenny. [Edited by Shef- field Grace and Robert Shaw.] Dublin, 1819. Portraits. Plates. Map. No. I in *2473.83 Only fifty copies printed. Mitton, G. E. The children's book of London. London, 1903. Colored plates. 2495.184 Palmer, Charles John. The perlustration of Great Yarmouth, with Gorleston and Southtown. Great Yarmouth, 1872-75. 3 v. lllus. Por- traits. Plan. *2463.i05 Rasi, Giovanni Battista. Sui due rami tiberini di Fiumicino e di Ostia e sui porti di Claudio e di Tra- jano. Roma, 1830. = 2737.26 The plans are missing. Speight, Harry. Lower Wharfedale. The history, antiqui- ties and scenery of the picturesque val- ley of the Wharfe from Cawood to Arthington. London, 1902. lllus. Por- traits. Maps. *246oa.49 Stanford, Charles Thomas-. A river of Norway: being the notes and reflections of an angler. London, 1903. Plates. Map. 4865.68 Symons, Arthur. .Cities. London, 1903. Plates. 6276.71 Contents. — Rome. — Venice. — Naples. — Seville. — Prague. — Moscow. — Budapest, Belgrade, and Sofia. — Constantinople. Taylor, George, Geographer, and Andrew Skinner. Maps of the roads of Ireland, surveyed in 1777 and corrected down to 1783. 2d edition. London, 1783. 289 maps. ^2471.29 Taylor, John, City Librarian, Bristol, and others. Bristol and its environs. London, 1875. lllus. Map. Tables. *2464.43 Tomlins, Thomas Edlyne. 1804-1872. Yseldon. A perambulation of Islington. London, 1858. lllus. *2463.87 White, Walter. 1811-1893- Jackson's Handbook for tourists in York- shire and complete history of the county. Leeds, 1891. lllus. *4539.ii8 Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Excursion to York. Friday, July 24th, 1903. Programme and arrangements. Wakefield, 1903. 10 pp. Fac-simile. Map. = 2462.166 America. Barclay, William S. To the Falls of Iguazu. Buenos Aires, 1903. 47 pp. lllus. Map. 4462.188 Travels in the Argentine Republic and Para- guay. Bradley, Arthur Granville. 1850-. Canada in the twentieth, century. New York. [1903.] Plates. Map. 4466.206 Canada. Department of the Interior. Joint report of W. F. King, Chief Astronomer of the Department of the 1904 Interior, and Otto H. Tittmann, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey, ... in regard to the provisional boundary between the Territory of Alaska and the Dominion of Canada, about the head of Lynn Canal . . . [Ottawa, 1901.] 7 pp. Maps. = *43i4.2o8 Collier, Arthur James. A reconnaissance of the northwestern portion of Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Washington, 1902. 70 pp. Plates. Maps. [United States. Geological Sur- vey.] = *586oa.76 Committee for the Preservation of Park Street Church. The preservation of Park Street Church, Boston. Boston, 1903. 75 pp. Plate. =: 4455-288 Hess, Charles, Lithographer. E. Wanckel's estate at Jamaica Plain, near Boston. [Boston.] 1856. Litho- graph. No. 3 in *Cab.23.50.4 King, Moses. New York: a glance at New York's re- cent development. [New York, 1900.] 32 pp. Plates. = *4470.i27 A collection of views. New York: King's views. [New York, 1903.] 96 pp. Plates. =: *447o.i28 Lossing, Benson John. A pictorial description of Ohio, . . . New York, 1849. Illus. Portrait. Maps. = 4372.116 Map of the Lake Superior copper district. Houghton, Mich. [1899.] 3 maps on t sheet. = '''Map 1020.25 Massachusetts. Board of Harbor and Land Commission- ers. Atlas (Boston, 1903) of the boundaries of (namely) : Cambridge, Somerville, Waltham, Bel- mont, Burlington, Lexington, Water- town, Middlesex County. = *Map 136.1 Quincy, Avon, Braintree, Canton, Hol- brook, Hyde Park, Milton, Randolph, Stoughton, Norfolk County. = *Map 136.2 Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Asso- ciation. The eighth exhibition of American manu- factures and mechanic arts at Faneuil & Quincy Halls . . . 1856 . . . [Poster. Boston, 1856.] Lithograph. No. 4 in *Cab.23.5o.4 Gives a view of Faneuil and Quincy Halls. Nichols, George N. Geo. N. Nichols' custom tailoring estab- lishment, 96 Washington St., Boston, Mass. [View. Boston, 185-?] Litho- graph. No. 5 in *Cab.23.50.4 Plane, Auguste. A travers I'Amerique equatoriale. Le Perow. Paris, 1903. Plates. Maps. 4467.154 Pulsifer, D., and Company. D. Pulsifer & Co.'s provision packing establishment, Albany Street, Boston. [View. Boston, 185-?] Lithograph. No. 6 in *Cab.23.50.4 171 Shaw, William F. [View of the interior of his store, 174 Washington St., Boston. Boston, 1851.] Lithograph. No. 8 in *Cab.23.50.4 Smith, Charles A., and Company. [Poster to advertise their tailor shop, giving view of Old State House, Bos- ton. Boston, 185-?] Lithograph. No. 7 in *Cab.23.50.4 View of Gray's Wharf, Boston. Boston, 1858. Lithograph. No. 72 in *Map 34.1 View of the proposed block of warehouses on the site of the dock between Long & Central Wharves, in Boston. Grid- ley J. F. Bryant, architect. Boston, 1857. Lithograph. No. 9 in *Cab.23.50.4 Wenzell, Henry. Henry Wenzell, importer of French boots, shoes and skins. [Advertising poster with a view of his store at 180 & 182 Washington Street. Boston, 185-?] Lithograph. No. 10 in *Cab.23.50.4 Language* Rhetoric* British and Foreign Bible Society. St. John in. 16 in some of the languages and dialects in which the Society has printed and circulated the Holy Scrip- tures. London. [1885?] 32 pp. = 3419-71 134 languages and d;alects are represented. Brugmann, Friedrich Carl. Kurze vergleichende Grammatik der indo- germanischen Sprachen. Lieferung i. Strassburg, 1902. 2952.25 Elis, Carl Wilhelm Theodor. 1875-. Ueber die Fremdworte und fremden Eigen- namen in der gotischen Bibel-Uberset- zung in grammatischer und archaologi- scher Hinsicht. Einbeck, 1903. 77 pp. 2885.30 Goncalves Vianna, Aniceto dos Reis. Portugais. Phonetique et phonologic. Morphologic. Textes. Leipzig, 1903. 50393.56 Hicks, Fred Cole. Strengthening modifiers of adjectives and adverbs in Middle High German. Bal- timore, 1902. 87 pp. = 2887.24 Bibliography, pp. 7-1 1. New England Primer. 1809. The New England primer, or an easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. Added, the catechism. Portsmouth, 1809. 63 pp. Illus. **H.99C.i2o Pp. [9, 10] are missing. New Primer, The, or little boy and girls spelling book; amended, and enlarged, by the original author. Boston. 178S. **H.99C.i29 Slightly imperfect. [Twenty-eight Japanese school charts. Tokio? 187-?] = *Cab.5o.3i.3 Most of the charts are colored. Parent's gift, The: a present for every little boy and girl that wishes to be wise and good; containing the rudiments of (72 May spelling and reading. Composed by a very particular friend to children. Brook- field, Mass., 1803. 34 pp. =^*G.389b.46 Saffold, William Berney. The construction with iubeo. Baltimore, 1902. 46 pp. = 2935.20 Shaw, James Eustace. The use of venire and andare as auxiliary verbs in early Florentine prose. Part i. The use with past participles. A. Venire . . . Baltimore, 1903. 43 pp. =: 2787.17 Sneijders de Vogel, Cornelis. Quaestiones ad conjunctivi usum in pos- teriori latinitate pertinentes. Schiedam, 1903. = 2934.74 Verron, Albert. The construction or arrangement of words and sentences in the present English language. Miinster, 1876, 78, 79. 3 V. 2582.10 Wilson, Richard Henry. The preposition a. The relation of its meanings studied in Old French. Part i. Situation. Baltimore, 1902. 86 pp. = 2685.124 Bibliography, pp. 76, 77. Yeates, Thomas. 1 768-1839. A Syriac grammar, principally adapted to the New Testament in that language. London, 1819. = 5033.22 Rhetoric. Composition. Elocution. Oratory. Recitations. Dialogues. Speakers. Albalat, Antoine. Le travail du style enseigne par les cor- rections manuscrites des grands ecri- vains. Paris, 1903. 2689.35 Relates to the French language. Palleske, Emil. 1823-1880. Die Kunst des Vortrags. 3. Auflage. Stuttgart, 1892. 5597.177 Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Report of the Library Committee. 1903. New York, 1903. = *2i44.ii8 Ann Arbor, Michigan. Public Library. Classified list of books for younger read- ers. Ann Arbor, 1903. 66 pp. = *6i57-234 Bengesco, Georges. Carmen Sylva (Sa Majeste la reine Elisa- beth de Roumanie). Bibliographic et extraits de ses oeuvres. Bruxelles, 1904. Plate. 3082.124 Bowdoin College. Library. Addresses at the dedication of Hubbard Hall, the Librarj^ of Bowdoin College, June 24, 1903. Brunswick, 1903. 45 pp. Plate. = 6i9oa.i77 Boyne, William, F.S.A. The Yorkshire library. A bibliographical account of books . . . relating to the County of York. London, 1869. Illus. Portraits. *2i32.3i California. Library laws of the State of California. 1903. With rules and regulations for the government of the California State Library. Compiled by J. L. Gillis. Sac- ramento, 1903. 36 pp. = *6209.4i State Library. Traveling Libraries De- partment. Circular No. i. Traveling libraries. Rules for lending. Sacramento, 1903. 6 pp. = *6209.4o Calvi, Emilio. Biblioteca di bibliografia storica italiana. Roma. [1904.] 39 pp. *2i62.6o Carlisle, Penna. J. Herman Bosler Memo- rial Library. Book list. January 1st, 1900. Baltimore, 1900. 48 pp. = *6i56.277 Cole, George Watson. Compiling a bibliography. Practical hints with illustrative examples. New York, 1902. 21 pp. Plate. = 2122.32 Columbia University. [An account of] the Henry Ogden Avery Memorial Library of Architecture and the Allied Arts. New York, 1903. 31 pp. = 2179.20 Congres international des bibliothecaires. Jubile de M. Leopold Delisle. Reunion du 8 mars 1903. Discours et adresses. Paris, 1903. 92 pp. = *6i9i.45 Delaware. State Library Commission. Biennial report, ist. 1901-02. [Dover? 1903.] 26 pp. = , *62o8.66 Edmands, John. Numbering scheme used in the classifi- cation and shelving of books in the branches of the Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston, 1903. 7 pp. 6195.60 Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Mercantile Library of Philadelphia, for April, 1883 [*6i4oa. 70.1]. Everett, Mass. Shute Memorial Library. Annual report of the Board of Trustees, 1902. Boston, 1903. = *6i4oa.84 Faxon, Frederick Winthrop. "Ephemeral bibelots." A bibliography of the modern chap-books and their imi- tators. Boston, 1903. 26 pp. [Bulletin of Bibliography pamphlets.] = *2i29.44 Fors, Luis Ricardo. Las bibliotecas de Montevideo. La Plata, 1903. 44 pp. = 2195.32 Hotten, John Camden. Bibliographical account of nearly fifteen hundred curious and rare books, tracts, MSS., and engravings, relating to York- shire. [London, 1863.] 50 pp. Illus. *2i37.29 Jahr, Torstein, and Adam Julius Strohrn. Bibliography of cooperative cataloguing and the printing of catalogue cards. With incidental references to interna- 1904 1 tional bibliography and the universal catalogue (1850-1902). Washington, 1903. = *6i92.88 Literary and Philosophical Society, New- castle-upon-Tyne. Catalogue of the Library. Newcastle, 1903. Plans. *6i37.36 Madison, Wis. Public Library. Annual report, 28th. [Madison, 1903.] = *6i56.27i Massachusetts Library Club. Catalogue of annual reports contained in the Massachusetts public documents, also of special reports and papers for 1898-1899. Boston, 1901. 47 pp. = *90i 6.35393.5 The Massachusetts Public Documents are kept in the Statistical Department. Minneapolis, Minn. Public Library. Finding list. Section 4. Science, useful arts, fine arts and sports. Minneapolis, 1903. *2I42.92 New Bedford, Mass. Free Public Library. The cotton industry. A list of books and magazine references. New Bedford, 1903. 16 pp. = 2179.74 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus. List of publications with table of con- tents. N. p. [1903?] 27 pp. Portraits. *6i49a.8i Paltsits, Victor Hugo. Bibliography of the works of Father Louis Hennepin. Chicago, 1903. = *2i72.i5S Reprinted from Hennepin's "A new discovery," edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. One of an edition of 25 copies. Pennsylvania. State College. Library. Bulletin. Vol. i, no. i. [Harrisburg.] 1902. = *6i56.28o Prideaux, William Francis. A bibliography of the works of Robert Louis Stevenson. London, 1903. Por- trait. *2i72.i57 Simms, Rupert, compiler. Bibliotheca Staffordiensis ; or, a biblio- graphical account of books and other printed matter relating to — printed or published in — or written by a native, resident, or person deriving a title from — any portion of the County of Staf- ford . . . With ... a list ... of prints, engravings, etchings, etc., of any part thereof; and portraits of persons so connected. Lichfield, 1894. *2i30.45 Trelles y Govin, Carlos Manuel. 1866-. Bibliografia de la segunda guerra de inde- pendencia cubana y de la hispano- yankee. Habana, 1902. 4 parts in i v. *2i54.i8i United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Publications. Circular. No. i. [Washington, 1903.] = *6i75.95 Library of Congress. A list of books, magazine articles, and maps relating to Brazil. 1800-1900. Prepared by P. Lee Phillips. Wash- ington, 1901. *620i.76 Division of Bibliography. Select list of books (with references to periodicals) on labor, particu- larly relating to strikes. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Grif- fin. Washington, 1903. 65 pp. = *90i6.33i8 Select list of references on federal control of commerce and corpora- tions. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Washington, 1903. 8 pp. = *90i6.38 Select list of references on govern- ment ownership of railroads. Com- piled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Washington, 1903. 14 pp. = *9oi 6.385 Select list of references on industrial arbitration. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Wash- ington, 1903. 15 pp. = *90i6.33ii Select list of references on old age and civil service pensions. Com- piled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Washington, 1903. • 18 pp. = *9oi6.35i5 Waltz, Andreas. Bibliographic de la ville de Colmar. Col- mar, 1902. *2i63.85 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates, Book-selling. Essling, Victor Massena, Due de Rivoli, 4e Prince d'. 1836-. Le premier livre xylographique italien imprime a Venise vers 1450 [Passio D. N. lesu Christi]. Paris, 1903. 44 pp. Illus. Fac-similes. 4071.176 Federici, Domenico Maria. Memorie trevigiane sulla tipografia del secolo XV. per servire alia storia lette- raria e delle belle arti d'ltalia. Venezia, 1805. 2160.24 BibHography, pp. 182-184. Relates to incunabula of Treviso, Italy, and con- tains also reprints. Italy. Ministerio della pubblica istruzione. Per la storia del libro in Italia nei secoli XV e XVL Firenze, 1900. Plate. 6113.122 Prepared by Guido Biagi. Nelson, Charles Alexander. Catalogue raisonnee [sic]. Works on bookbinding. Practical and historical examples of bookbindings of the XVIth to XlXth centuries, from the collec- tion of Samuel Putnam Avery, exhib- ited at Columbia University Library, MDCCCCIIL New York. [1903.] = *6ii6.79 Saint Bride Foundation Institute, London. Prospectus of Institute and syllabus of printing classes, topography and lithog- raphy. Session 1903/1904. [London, 1903.] 24 pp. Plates. = 6116.75 Voullieme, Ernst Hermann. Der Buchdruck Kolns bis zum Ende des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts. Bonn, 1903. *2i82.34 ^74 May Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Amherst, Jeffery, Baron Amherst. Letter to Thomas Hancock, in regard to procuring tonnage for his ships, the carrying off the Provincials to Halifax, etc. Dated Albany, June 19, 1761. Manu- script, signed. 2 pp. MS. 242 Clay, Henry. Suppressed letter. [New York, 1844.] Broadside. **H.9ob.75 Disavowing anti-slavery sentiments. Hancock, Ebenezer. Certificates of his election and appoint- ment as Deputy Pay Master General for the Eastern Department. One manu- script, one blank form, filled out. Both signed by John Hancock, President, June 12, 1776. MS.272 Hancock, John. 1737-1793. Original draft of a letter to the Senate and House of Representatives, in re- gard to the expenses of the "Entertain- ments order'd by the General Court on the Day of the Celebration of the happy Return of Peace." Dated Boston, Jan. 28, 1785. Manuscript, signed, i page. MS.285 Konigliche Hof- und Staats-Bibliothek, Munich. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum. Edi- tio altera. Tomi i, pars i, tomi 3, pars I, 2. Monachi, 1892-95. = *2i84.45 Contents. — i, 1. Codices Hebraici, ab M. Stein- schneider. 3, i, 2. Codices Latini. Myszkowski, fimile Victor Theodore. Cryptographie indechiffrable. Paris, 1902. . 76 pp. Tables. 6117.104 Paine, Nathaniel. 1832-. Remarks on the manuscripts in the Library of the Antiquarian Society. Worcester, 1903. 31 pp. = 2181.41 An edition of 50 copies was printed. Plymouth Colony. Laws. Laws. MS. Room, Case i A manuscript in the handwriting of Nathaniel Morton, Clerk of the Colonial Court, certified by him. It contains the revision of the laws of 1658, with the supplements through the year 1666. There are fifty-one folios. A half of folio 16 has been torn off. This copy belonged to the late Ellis Ames of Dedham. "In his opinion it was the only one in existence of a number of copies then made to be sent to the several towns in the Colony. There were then no printed copies of the laws, and the duties of the Secre- tary of the Colony seemed to require that he should transcribe and furnish to the towns and others who might desire them, manuscript copies of those laws in his own handwriting." — Intro- duction, by Arthur Lord, to New-Englands Me- moriall by Nathaniel Morton, fac-simile edition, Boston, 1903. Portsmouth resolves respecting tea. Dec. 16, 1773. [Portsmouth, 1773.] Broad- side. **H.9oa.2io Rosengarten, Joseph George. The "Franklin papers" in the American Philosophical Society. [Philadelphia, 1903.] 6 pp. = **K.i2.42 Some new Franklin papers. [Philadel- phia, 1901.] 7 pp. Fac-simile. =r **K. 12.43 University of Cambridge. Gonville and Caius College. A catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. By J. J. Smith. Cambridge, 1849. *2i82.36 General Literature. Authors. Criticism. Bartels, Adolf. 1862-. Kritiker und Kritikaster. Pro domo et pro arte. . . . Mit einem Anhang: Das Judentum in der deutschen Literatur. Leipzig, 1903. 2878.171 Gietmann, Gerhard. Poetik und Mimik. Freiburg im B., 1900. Portraits. Plates. 4074.301 English and American Literature. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Ponkapog papers. Boston, 1903. 2395. i27=*A.i 16.20 Beers, Henry Augustine. Points at issue, and some other points. New York, 1904. 2396.181 Coil tents. — College entrance requirements in English. — Literature and the colleges. — Lit- erature and the Civil War. — Emerson's tran- scendentalism. — The modern feeling for nature. — Esthetic botany. — The English lyric. — Dialect on the old stage. — The Queen of Hearts. Bellew, Frank. Bad boy's first reader. New York. [1881?] 44 pp. Illus. *2409a.228 Bonnell, Henry Houston. Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, Jane Austen: studies in their works. New York, 1902. 4554.155 Bouquet, The, or spirit of English poetry. 3d edition. Philadelphia. [185-?] = 2569a.i5 Burgess, W. Sterling. The eternal laughter, and other poems. With an introduction by Julian Haw- thorne. With drawings by Edward Lyne & Edmund H. Garrett. Boston, 1903. Plates. *A.i263 Campbell, William Wilfred. Poems. [Boston? 1885.] 20 pp., (6) ff. = *440oa.85=:*A.i382 Davidson, John. 1857-. A rosary. London, 1903. 4556.147 Contains principally literary criticisms and epi- grams. Derby, George Horatio. Phoenixiana; or, sketches and burlesques. By John Phoenix [pseud.]. New edi- tion, illustrated by E. W. Kemble. With an introduction by J. K. Bangs. New York, 1903. Plates. 2407.186 1904 175 Doehn, Carl Johann Georg Rudolf. 1821- 1895. Aus dem amerikanischen Dichterwald. Literar-historische Skizzen. Leipzig, 1881. 2396.179 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. II carattere e la vita umana. Saggi di filosofia americana. Prima versione italiana con introduzione sulla vita e sulle opere dell' autore a cura di Leon Augusto Perussia. Milano, 1889. 2400.75 English literature. An illustrated record. By Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse. New York, 1903, 04. 4 v. Illus. Portrait. Fac-similes. *455i.ii2 Contents. — i. From the beginnings to the age of Henry VIII. By Richard Garnett. 2. From the age of Henry VIII. to the age of Milton. By Richard Garnett and Edmund Gosse. 3. From Milton to Johnson. By Edmund Gosse. 4. From the age of Johnson to the age of Ten- nyson. By Edmund Gosse. Vol. 4 contains a complete index. Gardner, Annie E. Poems. [Boston? 1903.] 35 pp. = *A.3254 George, Lyman F. Kraafte-Lockie; or, the passing of the wolf. [Verses.] Boston. [1902.] 18 pp. Illus. = *A.333o Grainge, William. The poets & poetry of Yorkshire. Wake- field, 1868. 2 V. *2603.22 Green, John Richard. Stray studies. Second series. [Edited by Alice Stopford Green.] London, 1903. 2558.100 Hayward, Edward Farwell. The mothers. [A poem.] Boston, 1903. 27 pp. = *P.i8.392 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Speeches. Boston, 1891. 60 pp. = 4505.189 Contents. — Memorial Day. — Harvard College in the War. — The law. — The Puritan. — Tho profession of the law. — On receiving the de- gree of Doctor of Laws. — The use of law schools. — Sidney Bartlett. — Daniel S. Richard- son. — The use of colleges. — William Allen. James I., of England. The peace-maker; or, Great Brittaine's blessing. [Anon.] London, 1619. 37 pp. **G.386.i8 Larousse, Pierre Athanase, and Pierre Augustin Boyer, compilers. Tresor poetique a I'usage des institutions de jeunes gens . . . 300 morceaux de poesie empruntes pour la plupart aux poetes du dix-neuvieme siecle. I2e edi- tion. Paris. [187-?] = 4709a.59 Laughing philosopher, The, a choice collec- tion of anecdotes, puns, jokes and wit- icisms [sic], mostly American. By an old joke cracker who was born laugh- ing. Philadelphia, 1827. 71 pp. = 4409.200 Incomplete. Lloyd, Mary, compiler. Elegies: ancient and modern. With an introductory study of the history of elegiac poetry. Vol. i. Trenton, 1903. 4568.230 McCall, Samuel Walker. The scholar in politics a conservative. Address before the Delta Chapter of Massachusetts, Phi Beta Kappa, June 16, 1903. [Boston, 1903.] 15 pp. = 4499.138 McLellan, Isaac. [Miscellaneous poems. Boston? 1844?] = *A.5442.i Mathew, John. xA.ustralian echoes, including the Corro- boree and other poems. London, 1902. 3044.26 Milton, John. 1608-1674. Comus. "A maske presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634." Reproduced in facsimile from the first edition of 1637. With . . . note by Luther S. Livingston. New York, 1903. 46 pp". [Dodd, Mead & Company's Fac-simile reprints of rare books.] *2568.i67 Petersen, Kate Oelzner. On the sources of the Nonnes Prestes Tale. Boston, 1898. [Radcliffe College monographs.] 2556.43 Bibliography, pp. 1 19-128. Poems of childhood. Boston, 1861. Plates. 25793.20 Poems of old age. Boston, 1861. Plates. = 2579a.i9 Roberts, Charles George Douglas. Poems. New York. [1901.] 43993.336 Sharpe, William, M.D. Niagara and Khandalla, and other poems. London, 1902. 42 pp. = 6609.87 Steele, Sir Richard. 1672-1729. The theatre. [No. 1-28, Januar}^ 2-April 5, 1720.] Added, The anti-theatre [by Sir John Falstaffe, pseud.]; The char- acter of Sir John Edgar; Steele's case with the Lord Chamberlain; The crisis of property, with the sequel. Two Pas- quins, &c. Illustrated with literary and historical anecdotes by John Nichols. London, 1791. Portrait. *2552.54 Tennyson, Alfred, Baron Tennyson. In memoriam. London, 1850. *A.8778.i7 Maud and other poems. London, 1855. *A.8778.9 Poems. London, 1862. Illus. Portrait. *A.8778.i4 The princess; a medley. London, 1847. *A.8778.i3 The select Tennyson. Edited by J. Logic Robertson. London, 1903. 4568.228 Walker, J. Bradshawe. Spring leaves of prose and poetry. Lon- don, 1845. 2568.31 Webster, Daniel. Writings and speeches. National edition. Boston, 1903. 18 V. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. *2392.73=*A.9549.i See the Card Catalogue for a list of the con- tents of this edition. Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick. Edwy and Edilda, a tale [in verse]. Al- bany, 1800. Plates. *A.96i7 Wrigglesworth, John. Grass from a Yorkshire village. [Verses.] Westminster. [1897.] 4568.232 176 May Fiction in English for Reference Usie. Aspinwall, Alicia. The echo-maid and other stories. New York, 1897. Plates. = *P.84.33 Baked head, The, and other tales. New York, 1856. [Putnam's Library of choice stories.] = 2409.239 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. The American claimant. New York, 1892. Illus. *A.i77o.i5 Howitt, Mary. 1 799-1888. The heir of Wast-Wayland. A tale. New York, 1851. = 2569a.49 James, George Payne Rainsford. Henry Masterton; or, the adventures of a young cavalier. London, 1847. Plate. = *6573.37 Jerrold, Douglas William. Men of character. New York. [185-?] 3 parts in i v. Plates. = *2577.77 Contents. — Titus Trumps, the man of many hopes. — Jack Runnymede, the man of many thanks. — Job Pippins, the man who couldn't help it. — Isaac Cheek, the man of wax. Pyle, Howard. The story of King Arthur and his knights. Written and illustrated. New York, 1903. Plates. 4573.186 Sparhawk, Frances Campbell. Honor Dalton. A novel. New York. [1903.] = *P.84.8403 Inserted is an autograph letter from the author to Col. T. W. Higginson. Sue, Marie Joseph. Matilda; or, the misfortunes of virtue. Translated from the French by C. Rochford. With illustrations by G. Standfast. London. [1845?] = *4679a.9i Talbot, Mary Elizabeth. • Rurality. Original desultory tales. Provi- dence, 1830. = 24093,230 Tales of terror, Boston, 1840. 2 v. in i. = 22593.13 This work was copyrighted by S. G. Goodrich (Peter Parley), and has been attributed to him, but in the bibliography appended to his Recol- lections of a lifetime, it is given as one of the "spurious Parley books." Trips in the life of a locomotive engineer. New York, 1863. 224 pp. = 2407.183 Vicery, Eliza. " Emily Hamilton, a novel. Founded on incidents in real life. By a young lady of Worcester County. Worcester, 1803. *A.93i5 Whitson, John Harvey. Barbara, a woman of the West. Boston, 1903. Plates. =: *P.84.972 French Literature. Annee poetique, L', 1903. [Publiee par Charles Fuster.] Paris. [1903.] 6708.39 Contains a poem for every day in the year. Barthelemy, Auguste Marseille. L'obelisque de Luxor. [Poeme.] Paris, 1833- 32 pp. = 5039a.55 Bonnier, Charles. La lignee des poetes frangais au XIXe siecle. Oxford, 1902. 76 pp. 4679a.99 Contents. — Anthologie. — Sur la rime. Histoire, L', de Joseph. Die altfranzosische "Histoire de Joseph." Kritischer Text mit einer Untersuchung iiber Quellen, Metrum und Sprache des Gedichts, von Wilhelm Steuer. Er- langen, 1903. 2685.126 BibHography, pp. 3-5, 14. The dialect of the text is Norman-French. Mendes, Catulle. 1843-. Rapport a M. le Ministre de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts sur le mouve- ment poetique frangais de 1867 a 1900, precede de reflexions sur la person- nalite de I'esprit poetique de France, suivi d'un dictionnaire bibliographique et critique . . . de la plupart des poetes frangais du XIXe siecle. Paris, 1902. = 2671.165 Oliver de Castille. The history of Oliver and Arthur. Writ- ten in French in 151 1, translated into German by Wilhelm Liely [sic] in 1521, and now done into English by William Leighton and Eliza Barrett. 1903. [Boston.] 1903. Illus. *467i.29 Societe des bibliophiles frangois. Melanges. Paris, 1903. 2 v. Portrait. Plate. Map. 4673.98 Contents. — i. Correspondance de Louis XIV. et du Due d'Orleans (1707). — Lettres du Roi Louis XIII. au Cardinal de Richelieu et a M. de Bullion. — Lettres et billets du Prince de Talleyrand et de M. Royen-Collard. — filoge de M. Coustou le Jeune par I'Abbe Gougenot. — Institutions et reglements de charite au sei- zieme et au dix-septieme siecle. 2. Journal de voyage du Prince de Broglie et lettres du Comte de Segur. — Lettre de P.-J. Mariette a Gerard Meerman. — Quatre lettres du Comte de Forbin a Huyot. — Lettres de Florian a Mme. de La Briche. Voltaire, Frangois Marie Arouet de. Voltairiana inedita aus den koniglichen Archiven zu Berlin herausgegeben von Wilhelm Mangold. Berlin, 1901. 98 pp. 4676.31 German Literature. Geiger, Eugen. Hans Sachs als Dichter in seinen Fast- nachtspielen im Verhaltnis zu seinen Quellen betrachtet. Halle a. S., 1904. 2876.210 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust from the German by John Anster, with an introduction by Burdett Mason. Illustrated ... by Frank M. Gregory, fidition de grand luxe. London. [1888.] 78 pp. Illus. Colored plates. *Cab.8o.23.3 Signed artist's-proof edition. No. 7 of an edi- tion of 75 copies. 177 Harnack, Otto. Der Gang der Handlung in Goethes Faust. Darmstadt. [1902.] 28 pp. = 2877.221 Junk, Victor. Goethes Fortsetzung der Mozartschen Zanberflote. Berlin, 1899. 84 pp. 4873-95 Krueger-Westend, Herman. Goethe und der Orient. Weimar, 1903. 36 pp. 2877.223 Relates principally to Goethe's literary obliga- tions to the Bible and to Arabic and Persian literature. Melchior, Felix. Heinrich Heines Verhiiltnis zu Lord Byron. Berlin, 1903. [ Litterarhisto- rische Forschungen.] 4874.120 Greek and Latin Literature. Bosscher, Harmann, of Stadskanaal. De Plauti Curculione dispntatio. Lug- duni-Batavorum, 1903. = 2927.41 Caesar, Gains Julius. De bello Gallico. Books I-VH. Accord- ing to the text of Emanuel Hoffmann (Vienna, 1890). Edited ... by St. George Stock. Oxford, 1898. 2 v. in i. Map. 2927.10 Penick, Daniel Allen. Herodotus in the Greek renascence. Bal- timore, 1902. 49 pp. = 2995.20 Bibliography, p. (5). Relates also to Lucianus Samosatensis. Italian Literature. Carducci, Giosue, editor. 1835-. Primavera e fiore della lirica italiana. Firenze. [1903.] 2 v. 2779.65 Scartazzini, Giovanni Andrea. Dante. Milano, 1883. 2 v. Chart. [Manu- ali Hoepli.] = 27993.78 Contents. — i. Vita di Dante. 2. Opere di Dante. Cenni bibliografici, parte 2, pp. 1-35. Pennsylvania Dutch Literature. Miller, Daniel, of Reading, Pa., editor. Pennsylvania German. A collection of Pennsylvania German productions in poetry and prose. With an introduction by J. S. Stahr. Reading, 1903. lUus. Portrait. 4399.174 Persian Literature. Feghani. Les perles de la couronne. Choix de poe- sies . . . traduites pour la premiere fois du persan avec une introduction et des notes par Hoceyne-Azad. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque orientale elzevirienne.] 30193.86 Bibliography, pp. xiv, xx. Russian Literature. ' Strannik, Ivan. T>a pcnsec russe contemporainc. Paris, 1903. 3069.258 Sanskrit Literature. Oldenberg, Hermann. 1854-. Die Literatur des altcn Tndien. Stuttgart, 1903. 3026.147 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Cancionero llamado Vergel de amores reco- pilado de los mas excelentes poetas cas- tellanos assi antiguos como modernos: y con diligecia corregido. Caragoga, 1551. [New York, 1903.] Plate, = *3099a.4i One of an edition of 200 copies, printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Montgomery, -George Washington. 1804- 1841. Novelas espanolas. El serrano de las Alpujarras; y El cuadro misterioso. [Publicados por H. W. Longfellow.] Brunswick [Me.], 1830. 80 pp. = **D.i6ob.37 Same. 183 1. *A.6o90 Estas novelitas, sacadas de las Tareas de un Solitario, son imitaciones del Rip Van Winkle y del Joven italiano . . . del celebre Washington Irving. Ortiz, Alonso. Cvrioso tratado de tres romances nucuos a lo diuino. El primero, del primer pecado del hombre, buelto a la Resur- reccion de nuestro Senor lesu Christo. El segundo, del Resello de la moneda, buelta al Santissimo Sacramento. El tercero, vnas alabangas de nuestra Seiiora. En Barcelona, 1639. [New York, 1903.] 18 pp. = *3099a.38 One of an edition of 200 copies, printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gomez de. Fortune in her wits; or, the hour of all men . . . Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. London, 1697. **D.i35.25 Sepulveda, Lorenzo de. Romances nueuamente sacados de histo- rias antiguas dela cronica de Espana compuestos por Lorengo de Sepulueda. Ahadiose el Romance dela conquista dela ciudad de Africa en Berueria. Anuers, M.D.LL [New York, 1903.] = ^3095.189 One of an edition of 200 copies, printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. 178 May Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Actors as they are; a series of sketches of the most eminent performers now on the stage. New York, 1856. 85 pp. = *4343.233 Baker, George Melville. Original entertainments and burlesques. Boston, 1902. = 4409b.ioo Benedix, Julius Roclerich. Das bemooste Haupt oder der lange Israel. Schauspiel. Leipzig. [1903.] Portrait. 4896.50.456 Eigensinn. Lustspiel. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.456 Die zartlichen Verwandten. Lustspiel. Leipzig, 1903. 4896.50.456 Brereton, Austin. 1862-. The Lyceum and Henry Irving. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 2571. no Butler, James Davie. The vocabulary of Shakespeare. [Madi- son.] 1903. 18 pp. = 6593.30 Coolus, Romain. 1868-. Antoinette Sabrier. Piece. Paris, 1903. 31 pp. Illus. Portrait. 6671.134 Supplement to L'illustration, Nov. 21, 1903 [*740i.3.i223. Dawtrey, Augustin. Robin Hood and y^ Curtail Fryer. An open-air play. To be performed on the traditional spot near Fountains Abbey on August 27th and 28th, 1886, on the occasion of the Ripon Millenary Festi- val. Ripon, 1886. 23 pp. Plates. *2462.i84 Dopp, Katharine Elizabeth. Homer and David. An historical play for the use of schools. Westwood, 1903. 16 pp. = 44096.88 Arranged from E. E. Hale's A piece of possible history, in the Monthly Religious Magazine, Vol. 8 [*5397.i.8], reprinted in The Outlook, Vol. 54 [*Per. Room (7220.44.54)]. Furness, Walter Rogers. Composite photography applied to the portraits of Shakespeare. [New Ro- chelle, 1903.] I p. Portraits. = 4592.153 Cut from The Critic for October, 1903 [Per. Room *S34oa.5o.43]. Harms, Paul. Die deutschen Fortunatus-Dramen und ein Kasseler Dichter des 17. Jahrhun- derts. Hamburg, 1892. 99 pp. 6872.47 Hervieu, Paul. Le Dedale. Piece en cinq actes. Paris, 1903. 32 pp. Illus. 6671.136 Supplement to L'illustration, 26 decembre, 1903. Heyermans, Herman. Ghetto. Schauspiel. Aus dem Hollandi- schen iibersetzt von Paul Rache. Leip- zig. [1903.] 4896.50.453 Kollmann, Artur, editor. Deutsche Puppenspiele. i. Heft. Leipzig, 1891. • 6879.17 No more was published. Bibliography, pp. 26-31. Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von. Die deutschen Kleinstadter. Lustspiel. Edited by J. H. O. [sic] Matthews and W. LI. Witherby. Advanced. New York. [Maynard's German texts.] =■ 68993.96 Lehmann-Haupt, Therese. 1864- Warum der Friihiing kommen musst'! Dramatisches Ostermarchen. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.456 Sardou, Victorien. La sorciere. Drame. [Paris, 1903.] 31 pp. Illus. Portrait. 6671.138 Supplement to L'illustration, 14 decembre, 1903. Schoen, Henri. Le theatre populaire en Alsace. Paris, 1903. 40 pp. 467143 Shakespeare, William. The oracles of Shakespeare; with a se- lection of aphorisms, from the same author. By Robert Hamilton. 6th edi- tion. Boston, 1847. =: 4599a.2i7 Sudermann, Hermann. 1857-. Der Sturmgeselle Sokrates. Komodie. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart, 1903. 68993.90 Sutherland, Evelyn Greenleaf. In office hours, and 'other sketches for vaudeville or private acting. Boston, 1900. 61 pp. 4409b.37 Symons, Arthur. Plays, acting, and music. London, 1903. Portraits. 6252.68 Tolstoi, L'ef Nikolaevitch, Count. The fruits of enlightenment. A comedy. Boston, 1901. = 3069.176 Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. Descent, The, of the sun. A cycle of birth. Translated from the original manuscript by F. W. Bain. London, 1903. Plate. 3023.183 Forster, Johann Georg Adam. Georg Forsters Frische teutsche Liedlein in fiinf Teilen. Abdruck nach den ersten Ausgaben 1539, 1540, 1549, 1556 . • • herausgegeben von M. Elizabeth Mar- riage. Halle, 1903. [Neudrucke deut- scher Litteraturwerke des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts.] *2879.io8.203-2o6 Gibbon, J. M., editor. Old King Cole. Illustrated by Charles Robinson. London, 1901. Plates. 4576.184 Harvey, William, of Dundee. Scottish chapbook literature. Paisley, 1903. Illus. *46o4.ii List of chap-books referred to, pp. 145-147. Reisberger, Ludwig, compiler. Spruchweisheit. Eine Sammlung von fast 2400 Spriichen und Inschriften heiteren und ernsten Inhaltes zum Gebrauche fiir Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Haus- besitzer, Gastwirte, etc. Miinchen. [1903.] 6259a.39 1904 Schaefer, Heinrich, Egyptologist, editor and translator. Die Lieder eines agyptischen Batiern. Leipzig, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 3028.140 Singleton, Esther, editor and translator. The golden rod fairy book. New York, 1903. Plates. 2254.70 Yeats, William Butler. The secret rose. With illustrations by J. B. Yeats. London, 1898. 2578.124 This is a book of Irish stories. Medicine* Hygiene* Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Aschan, Ossian. Die Konstitution des Kamphers und seiner wichtigsten Derivate. Braun- schweig, 1903. 3785.130 Astro, Pieter Vincent. Statistiek der carcinoom-sterfte in de gemeente Utrecht gedurende het tijd- vak 1872-1902. Utrecht, 1902. 69 pp. Charts. = 3791.67 Bartholin, Thomas. 1616-1680. Thomas Bartholini AntiqvitatVm veteris pverperii synopsis a filio Casparo Bar- tholino commentario illustrata. Am- stelodami, MDCLXXVL Illus. *3779.i48 Barton, Clara. Clara Barton to the American people. [New York, 1903.] 8 pp. = 7768.45 A plea for help in the organization of a First Aid Department of the American National Red Cross. Brandes, Salomo. Astigmatische accommodatie on der den invloed van eenzijdige inwerking van homatropine en eserine. Gorinchem, 1903. 94 pp. Plate. = 3802.88 Crile, George W. Blood-pressure in surgery. The Cart- wright prize essay for 1903. Philadel- phia, 1903. Illus. Charts. = 3752.86 Cuba. Junta superior de sanidad de la isla. La peste bubonica: conferencia por el Dr. Enrique B. Barnet. Havana, 1903. 38 pp. Maps. = 3791.132 Dam van Isselt, Edmond Willem van. De strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van den medicus. Utrecht, 1902. = 3627.26 Davison, Alvin, Ph.D. Mammalian anatomy, with special refer- ence to the cat. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. 3743-78 Demeny, Georges. Mecanisme et education des mouvements. Paris, 1904. Illus. [Bibliotheque sci- entifique internationale.] 3766.162 Dorst, Cornelis Leendert. Bijdrage tot de pathologische anatomic der streepvormig uitgebreide huidtu- moren. Leiden, 1902. Plates. = 3792.104 Most of the plates are colored. Literatuur, pp. 83-86. 179 Dusseldorp, Johannes Alexis van. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de aetiologie der atypische dysenteric. Utrecht. [1902.] 97 pp. Charts. = 3791-47 Erkelens, Annee Leendert. Retentio dentium. Leiden, 1902. Plates. 5803.24 There is a bibliography with each chapter. Haas, Hendrik Karel de. Lichtprikkels en retinastroomen in hun quantitatief verband. Leiden, I903- Plate. = 3802.87 Literatuur opgave, pp. 105-108. Haughton, H. O. What better than scrum? [Baltimore, 1903.] 12 pp. = 3793-38 A plea for "natural medicine." Labrousse, Frangois. Quelques notes sur un medecin philo- sophe, P. J. G. Cabanis (1757-1808). Paris, 1903. 86 pp. 3735-24 Lehmann, Carl Bernhard, and R. O. Neu- mann. Atlas and principles of bacteriology and text-book of special bacteriologic diag- nosis. Authorized translation. Edited by George H. Weaver. Philadelphia, 1901. 2 V. Illus. Colored plates. [Saunders' medical hand-atlases.] 3799.181 Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, Han- over, N. H. Annual reports. 7th-9th years. Hanover, N. H. [1902.] 50 pp. Plate. Plan. = 5767-173 Medical Society of the State of California. Official register and directory of physi- cians and surgeons of California. 15th edition. [San Francisco.] 1903. = *5733.i2 Rethy, Hugo. Anatomic der tubaire graviditeit. Leiden, 1903. Plate. = 3774-32 Litteratuur, pp. 103-109. Rosenau, Milton Joseph. Disinfection against mosquitoes with formaldehyd and sulphur dioxid. Wash- ington, 1901. 20 pp. [United States. Marine Hospital Service.- Hygienic Laboratory.] = *5787-30-6 Disinfection and disinfectants. Philadel- phia, 1902. Illus. 5786.32 Formalin disinfection of baggage without ■ apparatus. Washington, 1900. 34 pp. [United States. Marine Hospital Ser- vice. Hygienic Laboratory.] = . *5787-3o.i Preliminary note on the viability of the Bacillus pestis. Washington, 1900. 19 pp. [United States. Marine Hospital Service. Hygienic Laboratory.] = *5787.30.2 Sillevis, Johannes. lets over de stofwisseling der gravida. Leiden, 1903. Charts. = 3774-30 Underbill, Andrew F. Valid objections to so-called Christian science. Yonkers, N. Y. [1902.] 46 pp. = 57693.115 i8o May Waltham Training School for Nurses, Wal- tham, Mass. Report and description, 1903. Waltham, 1903. Plates. Plans. = *3764.i2g Wierdsma, Arnold Rijperda. Over den aard van den phloridzine-dia- betes in verband met het vraagstuk van den „renalen" diabetes. Leiden, 1902. = 3791.88 Litteratuur, pp. 1 18-125. Wood, Henry, of Roxbury, Mass. The new thought simplified. How to gain harmony and health. Boston, 1903. = 5768.130 Hygiene. Bruhns, Carl. Hygiene der Barbierstuben. Jena, 1902. 40 pp. [Handbuch der Hygiene. Sup- plement-Band 2.] No. 3 in *376oa.86 There are bibliographies with the different sec- tions. Du Camp, Maxime. 1822-1894. The three flies: a fable which teaches the dangers of disobeying parental advice and of eating food prepared by man. •Translated by Josephine Cuntz. [Paris.] N. d. 9 pp. = 2679.24 Specially directed at adulteration of food. Fletcher, Horace. The new glutton or epicure [or, economic nutrition]. New York, 1903. 5767.132 Milner, Robert Dennison, editor. Dietary studies in Boston and Spring- field, Philadelphia and Chicago, by Lydia Southard, Ellen H. Richards, Susannah Usher, Bertha M. Terrill and Amelia Shapleigh. Washington, 1903. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Office of Experiment Sta- tions.] = *5993-7o.i29 Naples, City. Esposizione d'igiene indus- triale-commerciale-agricola. Regolamento generale per gli espositori. [Napoli, 1900.] 9 pp. = 576oa.78 Ritter, Paul. Zahn- und Mund-Hygiene im Dienste der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege. Jena, 1903. Illus. [Plandbuch der Hygiene. Supplement-Band 2.] No. 4 in *376oa.86 Litteratur zum allgemeinen Teile, pp. 91, 92. Snyder, Harry. 1867-. Studies on the digestibilty and nutritive value of bread, at the University of Minnesota in 1900-1902. Washington, 1903. 52 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Station.] = *5993.70.i26 United States. Marine-Hospital Service. Transactions of the first annual confer- ence of state and territorial health offi- cers with the United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, June 3, 1903. Washington, 1903. = *5765.ii9 Science* Argentine Republic. Ministerio de agricul- tura. • Clima de la Republica Argentina. Climate of the Argentine Republic ... By Wal- ter G. Davis. Buenos Aires, 1902. Maps. Charts. =: *596o.i8 Spanish and English. Canada. Geological Survey. Geological map. (Western sheet.) Edi- tion of 1901. [Ottawa, 1901.] Scale, 50 miles to i inch. = No. 28 in *Map 119.5 Chapman, Frank Michler. Color key to North American birds. Nev/ York, 1903. Illus. 3902.31 Deshayes, Gerard Paul. Traite elementaire de conchyliologie, avec les applications de cette science a la geologic. Paris, 1839-1857. Text, 2 V. in 3; Atlas, colored plates. 3871.64 This work never was completed, but ends at p. 384 of vol. 2. Dickinson, Harold Thomas. Quarries of bluestone and other sand- stones in the upper Devonian of New York State. Albany, 1903. Plates. Maps. [New York, State. State Mu- seum of Natural History.] *7825.i.6i Diller, Joseph Silas, and Horace Bushnell Patton. The geology and petrography of Crater Lake National Park. Washington, 1902. Plates. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *586oa.77 Dresser, Henry Eeles. A manual of palsearctic birds. London, 1902, 03. Plates. 390oa.69 Eimer, Gustav Heinrich Theodor, and Carl Fickert. Die Artbildung und Verwandtschaft bei den Schwimmvogeln nach deren Zeich- nung dargestellt. Halle, 1899. Illus. [Academia Csesarea naturae curioso- rum.] No. i in *7405-50-77 Elles, Gertrude L., and Ethel M. R. Wood. A . monograph of British graptolites Edited by Charles Lapworth. Part i. London, 1902. Illus. [Palseontographi- cal Society.] 'jSjoa.jo Felt, Ephraim Porter. Scale insects of importance and list of the species in New York State. Albany, 1901. 91 pp. Illus. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.46 Many of the plates are colored. Bibliography, pp. 238-240. Fernald, James Champlin, compiler. Scientific side-lights. New York, 1903. *59i2.33 Fernald, Maria Elizabeth. A catalogue of the Coccidae of the world. Amherst, Mass., 1903. [Massachusetts Agricultural College. Hatch Experi- ment Station.] = *599i.4i.88 1904 i8i Grabau, Amadeus William. Guide to the geology and paleontology of Niagara Falls and vicinity. With a chapter on the post-pliocene fossils of Niagara, by Elizabeth J. Letson. Al- bany, 1901. Illus. Maps. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural His- tory.] = *7825.i.45 Partial bibliography of the geology of Niagara and the Great Lakes, pp. 253-262. Greene, William Thomas. The grey parrot and how to manage it. 2d edition. London. [1902.] 95 pp. 3908.136 Grout, Abel Joel. Mosses with hand-lens and microscope. A non-technical hand-book of the more common mosses of the northeastern United States. Part i. New York. [1903.] Illus. 3842.15 Hale, David J. Marl (bog lime) and its application to the manufacture of Portland cement. Lan- sing, 1903. Illus. Maps. [Michigan. Geological Survey.] = No. 3 in *3864.53.8 Hayes, Charles Willard, and William Ken- nedy, Geologist. Oil fields of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coastal Plain. Washington, 1903. Illus. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *7872.55.2i2 Hill, Charles, Zoologist. Developmental history of primary seg- ments of the vertebrate head. Jena, 1900. 56 pp. Illus. = 3884.146 Bibliography, pp. 46-50. Jacobs, J. Warren. The story of a martin colony. Observa- tions on a colony of purple martins. (Progne subis.) Waynesburg, Pa., 1903. 24 pp. Plates. 3902.142 Jarvis, Mary Rowles. The tree book. London, 1903. Plates. [The country handbooks.] 3849.72 Kearton, Richard. Wild nature's ways. With illustrations from photographs. London, 1903. 3816.122 Keer, Paul Martinus. Bijdrage tot de kennis van den paalworm. Leiden, 1903. 67 pp. Plates. = 3873.80 Litteratuur, pp. 53-55. Kellogg, James Lawrence. Feeding habits and growth of Venus mer- cenaria. Albany, 1903. 28 pp. Plates. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.7i Lane, Alfred Church. Coal of Michigan: its mode of occurrence and quality. Lansing, 1902. Illus. Maps. [Michigan. Geological Survey.] = No. 2 in *3864.53.8 Lilljeborg, Vilhelm. Cladocera Suecise ; oder, Beitrage zur Kenntniss der in Schweden lebenden Krebsthiere von der Ordhung der Branchiopoden und der Unterordnung der Cladoceren. Upsala, 1900. Plates. = 5305.5o.Ser.3.i9 Merrill, Frederick James Hamilton. Description of the state geologic map of 1901. Albany, 1902. 37 pp. Maps. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] ^7825. 1.56 Natural history museums of the United States and Canada. Albany, 1903. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] *7825.i.62 Miron, Frangois. Gisements miniers. Stratigrapliie et com- position. Paris. [1903.] 3969.252 Needham, James George, and Cornelius Betten. Aquatic insects in the Adirondacks. Al- bany, 1901. Illus. Maps. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural His- tory.] == ^7825.1.47 Many of the plates are colored. Aquatic insects in New York State: a study conducted at the Entomologic Field Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Albany, 1903. Illus. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.68 Many of the plates are colored. There are bibliographies with the different divi- sions. New Jersey. Geological Survey. Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan clays and Greensand marls of New Jersey. By Robert P. Whitfield. Trenton, N. J., 1892. 50 plates. =: *5872.29 Newsom, John Flesher. A geologic and topographic section across southern Indiana. [Indianapolis, 1903.] 76 pp. Illus. Maps. = 3864.144 Norton, Charles Eliot. The poet Gray as a naturalist, with selec- tions from his notes on the Systema Naturae of LinnseuS and facsimiles of some of his drawings. Boston, 1903. 67 pp. Illus. Fac-similes. 5822.119 Peck, Charles Horton. Boleti of the United States. Albany, 1889. 96 pp. [New York, State. State Mu- seum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.8 Schrenk, Hermann von. 1873-. Some diseases of New England conifers; a preliminary report. Washington, 1900. 56 pp. Illus. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathol- ogy.] = *599i.73.25 Sheppard, Thomas, F.G.S. Geological rambles in East Yorkshire. London. [1903.] Illus. Maps. 3865.178 Smock, John Conover. First report on the iron mines and iron- ore districts in the State of New York. Albany, 1889. 75 pp. Map. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.7 Sykes, Ernest Ruthven. Digesta malacologica. No. i, 2. London, 1901, 03. *5876.5 Contents. — i. Summary of the American Journal of Conchology, 1865-1872. 2. Summary of the Annals and Magazine of Natural History and its forerunners. Part i. I82 May Turner, William. I5i5?-i568. Turner on birds: a short and succinct hi^j- tory of the principal birds noticed by Pliny and Aristotle, first published . . . 1544. Edited by A. H. Evans. Cambridge, 1903. 3904.48 Weysse, Arthur Wisswald. A synoptic text-book of zoology for col- leges and schools. New York, 1904. Illus. 3884.148 Wheelock, Irene Grosvenor. Birds of California. Chicago, 1904. Illus. Map. 3908.140 Woodworth, Jay Backus. Pleistocene geology of portions of Nas- sau County and Borough of Queens. Albany, 1901. 56 pp. Illus. Maps. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.48 Bibliography, p. 664. Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Allen, Harrison, M.D. 1841-1897. A study of Hawaiian skulls. [Philadel- phia, 1898.] 53 pp. Plates. Charts. [Wagner Free Institute of Science.] No. I in *782i.7.5 Literature, p. 55. Amherst College. Gilbert Museum. Specimens of New England Indian relics. [Amherst, 1903.] 16 pp. Portrait. Plates. = 4360.151 Anderson, Robert E. The story of extinct civilizations of the West. New York, 1904. Illus. 23193.42 Arbois de Jubainville, Marie Henri d'. Les Celtes depuis les temps les plus an- ciens jusqu'en I'an 100 avant notre ere. Paris, 1904. 4625.68 Beauchamp, William Martin. Metallic implements of the New York Indians. Albany, 1902. 92 pp. Plates. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] *7825.i.55 Fasciculi Malayenses: anthropological and zoological results of an expedition to Perak and the Siamese Malay States, 1901-1902, undertaken by Nelson An- nandale and Herbert C. Robinson. Lon- don, 1903, Plates. *582oa.45 Haecker, Rudolf. Katalog der anthropologischen Samm- lung in der Anatomischen Anstalt der Universitat Tubingen. . . . Nebst einer Abhandlung iiber die Grossenentwicke- lung der Hinterhauptsschuppe und deren Beziehungen zu der Gesamtform des Schadels. Braunschweig, 1902. 54 pp. 38203.8 Karsten, Paula. 1850-. "Wer ist mein Nachster?" Negertypen aus Deutschwestafrika. Berlin, 1903. Plates. 3824.48 Michelis, E. de. L'origine degli Tndo-Europei. Torino, 1903. [Biblioteca di scienze moderne.] 2954.118 Serrurier, L. De wajang poerwa, eene ethnologische studie. Leiden, 1896. Text. Illus. Maps. Atlas, 21 colored plates. 3 charts. *C3b.8o.29.3 Many of the plates in the text are colored. A study of the Javanese puppet show. Smith, Samuel Stanhope. An essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species. Philadelphia, 1787. 3828.148 Smith, William Robertson. Kinship & marriage in early Arabia. New edition, edited by Stanley A. Cook. London, 1903. 5567.40 Chemistry. Physics. Duhem, Pierre Maurice Marie. Thermodynamics and chemistry. A non- mathematical treatise. Authorized trans- lation by G. K. Burgess, ist edition. New York, 1903. 3972.78 Jaeger, Frans Maurits. Kristallographische en molekulaire sym- metric van plaatsingsisomere benzol- derivaten. Amsterdam, 1903. Diagrams. Chart. = 5972.33 Mann, Charles Riborg. Manual of advanced optics. Chicago, 1902. Illus. 5964.54 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Laboratory experiments in general inor- ganic chemistry, compiled by James O. Jordan. Boston, 1903. 56 pp. Illus. =: 3978.27 Snyder, Harvey. 1867-. The chemistry of plant and animal life. New York, 1903. Illus. 3979^.135 Spear, Edmund Doe. The true undulatory theory of sound. [Boston, 1903.] 19 pp. =r 3943-36 Washington, Henry Stephens. Chemical analyses of igneous rocks pub- lished from 1884 to 1900, with a critical discussion of the character and use of analyses. Washington, 1903. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *536oa.79 Wedon, William Stone. An investigation of the oxidation products of phenylthiosalicylic acid. Easton, Pa., 1902. 36 pp. = 5976.278 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Allen, Calvin Francis. Field and office tables, specially applicable to railroads. New York, 1903. No. 2 in *8oi9a.2i6 Campbell, John Edward. Introductory treatise on Lie's theory of finite continuous transformation groups. Oxford, 1903. **E.5i29.i23 1904 i83 Doppler, Christian. Ueber das farbige Licht der Doppelstenie und einiger anderer Gestirne des Him- mels. Zur Feier seines hundertsten Gebiirtstages . . . neu herausgegeben von F. J. Studnicka. Prag, 1903. 25 pp. Portrait. — 5925.102 Freycinet, Charles Louis de Saulses de. De I'experience en geometric. Paris, 1903. 3936.119 Grace, John Hilton, and Alfred Young. The algebra of invariants. Cambridge, 1903. **E.5i29.ii9 Keill, John. 1671-1721. Institutions astronomiques, ou legons elementaires d'astronomie. [Anon. Traduites et augmentees par P. C. Le Monnier.] Paris. [1746.] **E.5i45.i7 Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona. Bulletin. No. 1-4. [Flagstaff, 1903.] = *392oa.9o Pannekoek, Antonie. Untersuchungen uber den Lichtwechsel Algols. Leiden, 1902. = 392oa.io8 Pickering, William Henry. The moon: a summary of the existing knowledge of our satellite, with a com- plete photographic atlas. New York, 1903. Illus. **E.5i4i.2i Plunket, Hon. Emmeline Mary. Ancient calendars and constellations. London, 1903. Plates. 3927.11 Judd, Charles Hubbard. Genetic psychology for teachers. New York, 1903. Fac-similes. [International education series.] 3609.202 Larsen, Ludwig B. Practical hand-reading. Portland, Ore- gon. [1900.] Plates. = 5607.33 Lefevre, L. Les phenomenes de suggestion et d'auto- suggestion. Bruxclles, 1903. Diagrams. 3605.88 Metchnikov, Il'ya Il'itch. 1845-. The nature of man. Studies in optimistic philosophy. The English translation edited by P. Chalmers Mitchell. New York, 1903. Illus. Portrait. 5822.121 Relates also to biology. Mosher, Eliza Maria. Thought-life, a developmental force. N. p. [1897.] 6 pp. =z 7596.92 Selle, Friedrich. Die Philosophic der Weltmacht. Ein Entwurf. Leipzig, 1902. 81 pp. 3603.202 Relates to the systems of Herbert Spencer and of F. W. Nietzsche. Toraldo Tranfo, Carlo. Saggio sulla filosofia del Galluppi c le sue relazioni col Kantismo. Napoli, 1902. Portrait. 3609.204 Waddington, Charles Tzaut. 1819-. La philosophic ancienne et la critique his- torique. Paris, 1904. 3608.208 Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Bennett, Edward T. The Society for Psychical Research. Its rise & progress. London, 1903. 59 pp. Fac-similes. 7608.170 Bossert, Adolphe. 1832-. Schopenhauer. L'homme et le philosophe. Paris, 1904. 36o9a.i34 Frost, Francis Le Jan. The "Art de contemplacio" of Ramon Lull. Published with an introduction and a study of the language of the author. Baltimore, 1903. 52 pp. Dia- gram. = 3092.153 Bibliography, pp. 13-16, 33-40, 46, 47- Contains only Bibliography, Introduction and Life. Gale, Harlow S. Psychological studies. No. i. Minnea- polis, 1900. Illus. Portraits. *36o3.i98 Contents. — Our nervous system and its use. — On the psychology of advertising. — The vocabu- laries of three children of one family to two and a half years of age, by M. C. and H. Gale. — Taste and smell in articles of diet, by R. W. Tallman. — A case of alleged loss of personal identity. — Psychical research in American uni- versities. — Catalog of lantern slides. Jong, Leonard Nicolaas. De grondslag onzer wereld- en levens- beschouwing. Schiedam, 1902. = 3603.200 Education. Children. Antoniano, Silvio, Cardinale. Die christlichc Erziehung. Ubersetzt und mit der Biographic des Verfassers verschen von F. X. Kunz. Freiburg i. B., 1888. [Bibliothek der katholischen Padagogik.] 7598.91.1 Bibliography, pp. 74-76. Association of Collegiate Alumnae. [Programme of] annual meeting, 1893. Chicago, 1893. 3 pp. = 7596.94 Report of the Committee on collegiate administration, Oct. 27, 1894. N. p. [1894.] 4 pp. = 7596.93 [Six tracts on the American and Euro- pean fellowships.] N. p. [189-?] = 7596.91 Bissell, Mary Taylor. Physical training as a factor in liberal education. N. p. [1886.] 8 pp. = 7596.98 Brainard, Harriet C. The significance of the ideal in educa- tional work — a plea for pure scholar- ship. N. p. [1894 ] 7 PP- = 7593.23 Dame, Lydia Mitchell. The relation of diet to school-life. N. p. [1886.] 7 pp. = 7596.100 Lewis, Francis W. The value of pedagogics to the college graduate. N. p. [1888.] 14 pp. = 7593.22 Maltby, Margaret Eliza. A few points of comparison between German and American universities. N. p. [1896.] 7 pp. = 7596.99 May Shinn, Milicent Washburn. The baby's mind: a study for college women. N. p. [1894.] 11 pp. = 7596.96 Talbot, Marion. The history, aims and methods of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. N. p. [1893.] 16 pp. = 7596.90 Baldwin, William Alpheus, and others. Industrial-social education. Assisted by Mrs. Baldwin and members of the Faculty [of the State Normal School, Hyannis, Mass.]. Springfield, 1903. Illus. ^ 3593-227 Catholic University of America, Washing- ington. The annual collection for the Catholic University of America. [Washington, D. C, 1903.] 12 pp. = 4485.124 Cubberley, Ellwood P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of education, with selected bibliographies. New York, 1902. Illus. Maps. *2i7i.g9 Dominici, Giovanni, compiler. 1356-1420. Kardinal Johannes Dominicis Erziehungs- lehre und die iibrigen padagogischen Leistungen Italiens im 15. Jahrhundert. Der Kartauser Nikolaus Kemph und seine Schrift: liber das rechte Ziel und die rechte Ordnung des Unterrichts. tibersetzt von P. Augustin Rosier. Freiburg i. B., 1894. [Bibliothek der katholischen Padagogik.] 7598.91.7 Draper, Andrew Sloan. Origin and development of the common school system of the State of New York. Syracuse, 1903. Portraits. 3599.209 Duhr, Bernhard, S. J., editor and translator. Die Studienordnung der Gesellschaft Jesu. Freiburg i. B., 1896. [Bibliothek der katholischen Padagogik.] 7598.91.9 Translates Ratio studiorum, &c., of i5qg, and the variations of the edition of 1832. The originals, with translation by G. M. Pacht- ler, are on shelf-number *359oa. 103.5. Button, Samuel Train. School management. New York, 1903. 7596.104 Bibliography, pp. 276-278. Erasmus, Desiderius. T467-1536. Ausgewahlte padagogische Schriften . . . Einleitung, Biographie, Ubersetzung . . . von Dr. Dietrich Reichling. Jo- hannes Ludovicus Vives' padagogische Schriften. Einleitung . . . Ubersetzung . . . von Dr. Friedrich Kayser. Frei- burg i. B., 1896. [Bibliothek der katho- lischen Padagogik.] 7598.91.8 Bibliography, pp. 2 et seq. Translates Erasmus's Declamatio de pueris ad virtutem et literas instituendis and Ratio studii. Erlaeuterungsschriften zur Studienordnung der Gesellschaft Jesu. Der Jesuiten Sacchini, Juvencius und Kropf Erlauterungsschriften zur Stu- dienordnung der Gesellschaft Jesu. tibersetzt von J. Stier, R. Schwickerath, F. Zorell. Freiburg i. B., 1898. [Biblio- thek der katholischen Padagogik.] 7598.91.10 Harvard College. Class of 1893. Secretary's report, 3d. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. = *449oa.85 Kant, Immanuel. 1 724-1804. Educational theory . . . Translated and edited by E. F. Buchner. Philadelphia, 1904. 35993.4 Kohler, Eugene. Le baccalaureat en France. Berlin, 1903. 26 pp. Tables. 3593-229 Mahaffy, John Pentland. An epoch in Irish history; Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, 1591-1660. London, 1903. 4514.149 Peacock, Matthew Henry. History of the Free Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth at Wakefield. Founded A. D. 1591. Wakefield, 1892. Portraits. Plates. *2497.i82 Contains a register of pupils. Robert Hungerford Industrial School, Ea- tonville, Florida. Annual report. 4th. [Eatonville, 1903.] Portraits. Plates. = *4499a.3i4 Schulze, Otto, of Magdeburg. Die Frage der asthetischen Erziehung. Magdeburg, 1902. 65 pp. = 5596.125 Targe, Maxime. Professeurs et regents de college dans I'ancienne Universite de Paris (XVIIe et XVIITe siecles). Paris, T902. 2636.49 Vegio, Maffeo. 1406-1458. Mapheus Vegius' Erziehungslehre. Ein- leitung, Ubersetzung und Erlauterungen von K. A. Kopp. Freiburg i. B., 1889. [Bibliothek der katholischen Padago- .gik.] 7598.91-2 Bibliography, pp. 11-15. Translated from De educatione liberorum libri VI, Tornaci, 1854. Vierthaler, Franz Michael. Ausgewahlte padagogische Schriften. Herausgegeben . . . von L. Glockl. Freiburg i. B., 1893. [Bibliothek der katholischen Padagogik.] 7598.91.6 Bibliography, pp. 10-24. Williams, Samuel Gardner. The history of mediaeval education. Syra- cuse, 1903. Portraits. Plates. [School Bulletin publications.] 3599.211 Wilson, Bernard. The Sedbergh School register, 1546 to 1895. Leeds, 1895. Map. Fac-simile. *2497.i78 Wrench, Robert George Kensington. Winchester word-book. 2d edition. Win- chester, 1901. 73 pp. Plates. *2486.88 Relates to Winchester College. Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Du mensonge proprement dit, et du droit a la verite. Par un professeur de theo- logie. Paris, 1903. 64 pp. [Science et religion.] 3589-254 1904 H., D., compiler. Freya, oder eheliche Liebe unci hausliches Leben. Frankfurt am Main, 1833. = 5589-217 A collection of essays, stories and verses. Obbink, Herman Theodorus. De heilige oorlog volgens den Koran. Leiden, 1901. = 7572.242 Wade, Joseph Marshall. How to command money. Joseph Mar- shall Wade's success. The "unique" business method of a unique man who began without a cent . . . Vol. i. Com- piled by Mabel Gifford. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 3589-252 Religion* Theology* American Church Building Fund Commis- sion. Annual report, 1903. New York. [1903-] = *S546.29 Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. The Church of Christ in Amherst Col- lege, 1901. [Amherst, Mass., 1901.] 52 pp. = 7551-22B Anderson, Sir Robert, LL.D. 1841-. The Bible and modern criticism. 4th edi- tion. London, 1903. 3424.143 Ayer, Mary Allette, compiler. Daily cheer. Year book. With introduc- tion by Francis E. Clark. Haverhill, Mass., 1903. Portrait. 3449a.282 Bay Psalm Book. Being a facsimile reprint of the first edition, printed by Stephen Daye, at Cambridge, in New England, in 1640. With an introduction by Wil- berforce Fames. New York, 1903. 5449-106 Bible. 6i^':i) D^^nn nao dv n^j-nnx D^t^nj Londini, 1822. = 5418.40 Contains the Prophets and the Psalms. Die Spriiche Jesus', des Sohnes Sirachs. Der jiingst gefundene hebraische Text, mit Anmerkungen und Worterbuch, her- ausgegeben von Hermann L. Strack. Leipzig, 1903. 80 pp. 5419-87 The Revelation of S. John the Divine, translated out of the original Greek . . . and now newly revised by the guidance of the Spirit for the coming age. By a minister of the New Dispen- sation [T. Gideon Ouseley]. Paris. [190-?] 40 pp. = 5429a.i32 Boynton, George Mills. 1837-. The Congregational way. A handbook of Congregational principles and practices. New York. [1903.] 5549-36 Brent, Charles Henry, Bishop of the Philip- pines. With God in the Philippine Islands. Con- cerning the Christian peace. A pastoral letter. N. p., 1902. 16 pp. — 5538.42 Briggs, Charles Augustus. New light on the life of Jesus. New York, 1904- 3477.145 Britton, John. 1771-1857. The history and antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. Continued to the pres- ent time, with additional notes, by R. E. M. Peach. Bath, 1887. Plates. Pho- tographs. *249i.i62 Browne, Robert. A "New Years guift." An hitherto lost treatise by Robert Browne, the Father of Congregationalism, in the form of a letter to his uncle, Mr. Flower. Writ- ten December 31st, 1588 . . . Edited by Chaniplin Burrage. London, 1904. 44 pp. '5547.16 Burroughs, Jeremiah. 1 1^09-1646. A preparation for judgment. A sermon preach'd in London. 2d edition. Bos- ton in New-England, 1713. 72 pp. **G.389b.44 Caillard, Emma Marie. Individual immortality. London, 1903. 3457.204 Caird, John. 1820-1898. University sermons. Preached before the University of Glasgow. 1873-1898. [Edited by Edward Caird.] Glasgow, 1898. Portrait. = 3595-270 Chamberlain, Cator. Copy of "Claim and protest" addressed to the Lords Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England. London, 1862. = 5546.28 Contains an account of his refusal to swear the non-supremacy clause of the oath imposed on the clergy of the Church of England. Concerning Jesuits. London, 1902. [Cath- olic Truth Society.] = 35i9a.i7 Contentio veritatis. Essays in constructive theology. By six Oxford tutors. Lon- don, 1902. 3455.150 Contents. — The ultimate basis of theism, by H. Rashdall. — The person of Christ, by W. R. nge. — The teaching of Christ, by H. L. Wild. — The permanent religious value of the Old Testament, by C. F. Burney. — Modern criti- cism and the New Testament, by W. C. Allen. — The Church, by A. J. Carlyle. — The Sacra- ments, by W. R. Inge. Cotton, John. 1585-1652. Gods promise to his plantation. London, 1630. 26 pp. **G.389b.42 Coutts, Francis Burdett Thomas Money-. The poet's charter; or, the Book of Job. London, 1903. 3427.150 Cutts, Edward Lewes. A devotional life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 4th edition. London, 1894. 3478.21 Davies, Randall. Chelsea Old Church. London, 1904. Plate*. Plans. Map. *249i.8o Dawson, William Harbutt. History of Independency in Skipton, from 1770 to 1890. London. [1891.] Plates. 3529.47 Drew Theological Seminary, ^Madison, N. J. Founders' Day addresses. Madison, 1902. 29 pp. — 7437.52 May Dubarat, V. 1855-. La reforme en Bearn. Proces-verbal de la ferme et de la vente des biens saisis dans les cantons de Morlaas, Lembeye, jMontaner, Garlin et Theze. Toulouse, 1901. 3522.119 Duhr, Bernhard. Jesuiten-Fabeln. Ein Beitrag zur Cul- turgeschichte. 3. Auflage. Freiburg im B., 1899- 351742 Emery, Susan Lyman. The inner life of the soul. Short spiritual messages for the ecclesiastical year. London, 1903. ^ 3467.35 Epistolae PP. Paschasii Broeti, Claudii Jaji, Joannis Codurii et Simonis Rodericii Societatis Jesu ex autographis vel origi- nalibus exemplis potissimum depromp- tae. [Fasc. i. Administrator, P. Cae- cilius Gomez Rodeles.] Matriti, 1903. [Monumenta historica Societatis Jesu.] *35i5-ii4 Frere, E. F. H. Positive Christianity: an answer to Chris- tian science. Oxford, 1903- 38 PP- 3488.153 Gart, Frederick James. What a piece of work is man; with Chris- tian evidences. London, 1903. [Small books on great subjects.] 3488.32 The purpose of this book is the study of man in his religious intuitions. — Preface. Gibson, William Sidney. The history of the Monastery founded at Tynemouth, in the Diocese of Durham, to the honour of God, under the invoca- tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary and S. Oswin, King & Martyr. London, 1846, 47. 2 V. Illus. Plans. Fac-similes. *35io.64 Godwin, Morgan. Trade prcferr'd before religion, and Christ made to give place to Mammon: repre- sented in a sermon relating to the Plan- tations. London, 1685. 52 pp. **G.389b.45 Gouda, Willem van, Franciscan. Dat boexken vander missen. "The book- let of the mass." By Brother Gherit vander Goude, 1507. The thirty-four plates described, and the explanatory text of the Flemish original translated ... by Percy Dearmer. London, 1903- Fac-similes. [Alcuin Club collections.] *Cab.8o.2i3.6 Bibliography, pp. iii-v, 155, 156. Grabmann, Martin. Die Lehre des heiligen Thomas von Aquin von der Kirche als Gotteswerk. Re- gensburg, 1903. 3457-2o6 Greene, John Morton. Looking on the bright side, and other subjects. [Sermons.] Boston. [1901-] 77 pp. = *A.3575 Griffis, William Elliot. Sunny memories of three pastorates [Schenectady, Boston, Ithaca]. With a selection of sermons and essays. Ithaca, N. Y., 1903. Portraits. Fac-simile. 5556.29 Handbook, Aj of information touching the proposed correction of the present offi- cial title of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Milwaukee, 1903. 30 pp. — 5548.29 Harnack, Carl Gustav Adolf. 1851-. Reden und Aufsatze. Gieszen, 1904. 2 v. 3483.88 On the Christian religion, Harrison, Jane Ellen. Prolegomena to the study of Greek relig- ion. Cambridge, 1903. Illus. 3491.17 Hedley, John Cuthbert. Ritual. A pastoral letter. London, 1899. 22 pp. [Catholic Truth Society.] = 3469.140 Henson, Herbert Hensley. Studies in English religion in the seven- teenth century. St. Margaret's Lec- tures, 1903. London, 1903. 3527.47 Hibbert Journal, The. A quarterly review, of religion, theology, and philosophy. Edited by L. P. Jacks and G. Dawes Hicks. Vol. I, 2 (no. i). London, 1902, 1903. *7347.4 H0ffding, Harald. Religionsphilosophie. Unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers aus dem Diinischen iiber- setzt von F. Bendixen. Leipzig, 1901. 3604.204 Hudson, William, M.A. History of the Parish of St. Peter Per- mountergate, Norwich. Part i. Nor- wich, 1889. Map. ^24693.42 Hunter, Joseph, F.S.A. 1783-1861. The rise of the old dissent exemplified in the life of Oliver Heywood, one of the founders of the Presbyterian congrega- tions in the County of York. 1630-1702. London, 1842. 3527-20 Italian Church Reform Association. Quarterly report. Vol. 7, no. 47. London, 1903. = *3524.25 Japji. [English translation by M. Macauliffe. Preceded by A circular letter to the Sikhs. Amritsar, 1897.] 22 pp. = 3490.67 Johnson, Lucian. Religious liberty in Maryland and Rhode Isiand. Brooklyn, 1903. 56 pp. [In- ternational Catholic Truth Society.] 3528.162 Kerry, Charles. A history of the Municipal Church of St. Lawrence, Reading-. Reading, 1883. Illus. *2507.4i Lawton, George. Collcctio reruni ecclesiasticarum de Dice- cesi Eboracensi; or, collections relative to churches and chapels within the Dio- cese of York. . . . Added, collections relative to the Diocese of Ripon. Lon- don, 1840, 42. 2 V. *3522.i5 Legeay, Dom Georges. Le symbolisme dans I'ficriture. Noms et figures de Nofre-Seigneur. Paris, 1903. 3489.180 Lehmann, Carl Friedrich. Babyloniens Kulturmission einst und jetzt. Ein Wort der Ablenkung und I904 Aufklarung zum Babel-Bibel-Streit. Leipzig, 1903. 91 pp. Illus. 3425.147 Lilly, William Samuel. Christianity and modern civilization. London, 1903. 2303.82 Contents. — What can history teach us? — The nascent Church. — The age of the martyrs. — The Christian revolution. — The turning-point of the Middle Ages. — The age of faith. — The Inquisition. — Holy matrimony. — Index. Parts of the author's earlier book, entitled Chap- ters in European history [2303.57], have been rewritten for this work. Lotzer, Sebastian. Sebastian Lotzers Schriften. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. Alfred Goetze. Leip- zig, 1902. 91 pp. 3456.189 Theological writings. Mather, Cotton. Addresses to old men, and young men, and little children . . . Boston, 1690. **G.389b.5o Mather, Increase. 1639-1723. Masukkenukeeg matcheseaenvog weque- toog kah wuttooanatoog uppevaonont Christoh kah ne yeuycu teanuk . . . Bostonut, 1698. **G.389b.55 Five sermons by Increase Mather, translated into the Indian language by Samuel Danforth. "The first Indian book known to have been printed after the removal of the press to Bos- ton." — /. H. Trumbull. Meene, Hendrik Evert Gijsbert van de. Eene bijbelsch-theologische studie over barmhartigheid. Utrecht, 1903. = 5424.81 Meier, Gabriel, editor and translator. Ausgewahlte Schriften von Columban, Alkuin, Dodana, Jonas, Hrabanus Mau- rus, Notker Balbulus, Hugo von Sankt Viktor und Peraldus. Einleitung und Ubersetzung von P. Gabriel Meier. Freiburg i. B., 1890. [Bibliothek der katholischen Padagogik.] 7598.91-3 Morning Watch, The. [Edited by J. P. Struthers.] Vol. 16, 1903. Edinburgh, 1903. Illus. Portraits. = 7437.115 Moxom, Philip Stafford. Christianity with a book. Abstract from address. Worcester, 1903. 20 pp. = 3429.181 A discussion of the influence and authority of the Bible. Norberg, Matthias. 1747-1826. De religione et lingva Sabaeorvm com- mentatio. [Gottingen, 1780.] 39 pp. = 5523-58 The fac-similes are lacking. Order of Atonement and United Templars' Society. The Church of the future: one, holy, divine-human, catholic and xA-postolic. Fundamentals of religion, &c., for the union of all churches. [Edited by T. Gideon Ouseley.] 3d edition. [Brigh- ton? 1890.] 34 pp. 54593.151 "The religion here proposed is ... by some called Theosophy, by others . . . Theophiloso- phy." Original Book of Genesis, The; or, the be- ginnings. Being portion of the "ancient word," as preserved in Thibet, China, and now restored in English form by the guidance of the Spirit through Emmanuel Swedenborg. Edited by a minister of the New Dispensation [T. Gideon Ouseley]. New edition. [Brigh- ton? 1900.] 49 pp. = 54293.130 A paraphrase of the first nine chapters of the Book of Genesis. Owen, John, D.D. 1616-1683. Eshcol: a cluster of the fruit of Canaan brought to the borders, for the encour- agement of the saints travelling thither- ward, with their faces toward Sion: or, rules of direction for the walking of the saints in fellowship . . . 7th edition. Boston, 1744. 86 pp. **G.389b.22 Parker, William Thornton, Jr., compiler. ]\Iorning and evening prayers. North- ampton, 1903. 19 pp. Plate. = 34493.280 Peel, Frank. Nonconformity in Spen Valley. Heck- mondwike, 1891. Illus. Portraits. 5529.99 Pius X., Pope. Encyclical letter ... on his accession to the chair of St. Peter. London, 1903. 16 pp. = 3518.114 Rickaby, Joseph. Ye are Christ's . . . Eighty-four consid- erations for boys. London, 1903. — 3469.187 Shaw, Charles D. Stories of the ancient Greeks. Boston, 1903. Illus. Map. 29693.160 Simple directions for celebrating the Holy Eucharist. [Oxford? 1903?] 8 pp. ■=■ 3435-32 This service is according to the usage of the Anglican Church. Sisson, Joseph Lawson. Historic sketch of the Parish Church, Wakefield. Wakefield, 1824. r]his. ^24603.74 Contains the epitaphs found in the church. Smith, Henry Ecroyd. Reliques of the Anglo-Saxon Churches of St. Bridget and St. Hildeburga, West Kirkby, Cheshire. Liverpool, 1870. 41 pp. Illus. Photograph. *243i.78 Smith, Nicholas, editor. Songs from the hearts of women: one hundred famous hymns and their wri- ters. Chicago, 1903. 3449.2i4=*P.io.83i Sp3rn33ij, Kors Frederik. De toekomstverwaclitingen van Jeremia. Gouda. [1902.1 = 3423.39 Speyr-Psssavant, J. FT. de. Description de la Bible ecrite par Alchuir,, de Tan 778 a 800. Paris, 1829. : 5427.36 St3rnp, William W. Historical notices of Wesleyan Method- ism, in Bradford and its vicinity. Brad- ford. [1841?] Plates. ' 5529.98 St3nton, Vincent Henry. The Gospels as historical documents. Part I. The early use of the Gospels. Cambridge, 1903. 3424.147 Relates to ecclesiastical history. i88 May Tappan, Eva March. The Christ story. Boston, 1903. Plates. 3478.19 Tennant, Frederick Robert. The sources of the doctrines of the fall and original sin. Cambridge, 1903. 3456.187 Thomas a Kempis. The Christian pattern, or the imitation of Jesus Christ, being an abridgement of the works of Thomas a Kempis. By a female hand. Germantown. Christo- pher Sowr. 1749. *P.8i.886 The Fourth Book is omitted. Torres, Hieronymo. Conversion y arrepentimiento muy deuoto para el pecador, y qualquiera que se quisiere entrar en religon. Barcelona, 1632. [New York, 1903.] 34 pp. = *3099a.42 One of an edition of 200 copies, printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Waldie, James. The Covenanting times in Scotland. Leith, 1902. 55 pp. Illus. Portraits. Maps. = 3529.140 Walsh, Rev. Thomas. History of the Irish hierarchy. New York, 1854. Portraits. Plates. *3522.i3 Ward, Duren James Henderson. What is God? A sermon. [Dover, N. H., 1896.] 10 pp. = 3489.178 Weiss, Johannes. 1863-. Das alteste Evangelium. Ein Beitrag zum Verstandnis des Markus-Evan- geliums und der altesten evangelischen tiberlieferung. Gottingen, 1903. 3427.154 Windischmann, Friedrich Heinrich Hugo. Zoroastrische Studien. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von Fr. Spiegel. Berlin, 1863. 3494.104 Law» Legislation* Patents* Alger, George William, and Samuel S. Slater. A treatise on the New York Employers' Liability Act. Albany, 1903. 3665.97 Argentine Republic. Ley de elecciones nacionales. La Plata, 1903. 63 pp. — 5629.26 Blount, Thomas. 1618-1679. Tenures of land & customs of manors. Republished with large additions and improvements in 1784. and 1815. A new edition entirely re-arranged and con- siderably enlarged by W. Carew Haz- litt. London, 1874- *2503.75 Busmann, Cornelis Willem Star. De exceptio plurium litisconsortium in het burgerlijk procesrecht. Utrecht, 1902. = 3627.22 Calkoen, Albert Jan Leonard van Beeck. Uitzetting van vreemdelingen in verband met het Volkenrecht. Utrecht, 1901. = 3627.25 Corporation Trust Company of New Jersey. Business corporations under the laws of New Jersey. Jersey City, 1903. 20 pp. = 3675-22 Darling, Charles John. 1849-. Scintillac juris. By the Hon. Mr. Justice Darling. With colophon [sonnet] by the late Sir Frank Lockwood. [5th edi- tion.] London, 1903. Plate. 56393.61 Appended is his Meditations in a tea room. Drost, Johannes. Rechten van aandeelhouders in naam- looze vennootschappen. Rotterdam. [1903.] 3627.37 Egger, August. Vermogenschaftung und Hypothek nach frankischem Recht. Breslau, 1903. [Untersuchungen zur deutschen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte.] ^7616.54.69 Quellen, pp. xxvii-xxxi. Great Britain. Commissioners of Patents. [Patents issued to John James Green- ough, for an invention for applying electricity as motive power for the first time. With seal. London, 1851.] En- graved form filled in in manuscript. Broadside. = **Cab.G.3.43 Henkels, Stanislaus Vincent. Historical notes on the laws and legal practice of Pennsylvania as a colony. Occasioned by historical research made in preparing the catalogue of ... a sale of Americana . . . Nov. 26, 1902. [Phila- delphia, 1902.] 12 pp. = 3632.8 The catalogue referred to is on shelf-number *2iS4.i8s. Huysinga, Joannes Willem. Schuld und Schuldursache. Amsterdam, 1901. = 3627.23 Louisiana Bar Association. Proceedings, May 9th, 1903. New Or- leans, 1903. = 7632.72 Revista de tribunales. Publicacion quin- cenal de legislacion i jurisprudencia. Dirijida i redactada por David Toro Melo. Tomo 1-5. 1898-1903. Santiago de Chile, 1899-1903- = *5625.55 Contains also Bibliografia and Notas biblio- graficas, Roberts, James. The grant and validity of British patents for inventions. New York, 1903. Patent Room *20.66 Sage, Russell, and George Jay Gould. Foreclosure first mortgage of the Denver Pacific Ry. & Telegraph Co. In the Cir- cuit Courts of the United States for the Districts of Colorado and Wyoming. Russell Sage and George J. Gould, complainants, vs. the Union Pacific Railway Company, et al., defendants. Records of proceedings in said courts. Vol.1. [New York? 1896?] = *7658.i43 Talma, Dirk, of Voorst, Holland. De bevoegdheid der Provinciale Staten en het oppertoezicht des Konings bij den Waterstaat. Utrecht, 1903. = 3627.36 Relates to chapters on the administration of rivers in the laws of the Netherlands. 1904 Veeder, Van Vechten, compiler. Legal masterpieces. St. Paul, Minn., 1903. 2 V. 3623.41 Wheeler, James Everett. 1870-. Administrative officers in Connecticut. St. Paul, Minn., 1903. *3633-25 Useful and Industrial Arts* Abbott, Arthur Vaughan. Telephony: a manual of the design, con- struction, and operation of telephone exchanges. New York, 1903. 4 v. Illus. Plans. Charts. 8013.211 Allen, Calvin Francis. Railroad curves and earthvv^ork. 3d edi- tion. New York, 1903. Charts. No. I in 80193.216 American Institute of Electrical Engineers. [September announcements.] New York, 1903. 32 pp. = 3985.10 Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago. Announcement of a course in fire protec- tion engineering. Chicago. [1903.] 23 pp. Illus. = 4487-14 Chandler, Parker Cleveland. [Circular in regard to the proposed Bos- ton and Taunton Canal. Weymouth, Mass., 1900.] 3 pp. Map. = 76503.47 Claude, Georges. L'air liquide. Paris, 1903. Illus. 3972.180 Connecticut. Connecticut law for the improvement of public roads. Hartford. [1903.] 14 pp. = 6339.60 Elbs, Carl. 1858-. Electrolytic preparations: exercise for use in the laboratory by chemists and electro-chemists. Translated by R. S. Hutton. London, 1903. 3964.183 Electric Storage Battery Company. The application of storage batteries to lighting and power plants. The instal- lation of . . . "Chloride accumulators". Philadelphia. [1903.] 6 pp. Illus. Fac- simile. = 4013.114 Exner, Franz Frederick. The rapid precipitation of metals in the electrolytic way. Easton, Pa., 1903. 24 pp. = 3974.176 Fowler, George Little. Locomotive breakdowns, emergencies and their remedies. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 80193.212 Garratt, Herbert Alfred. The principles of mechanism; being a short treatise on the kinematics and dynamics of machines. London. [1903.] Diagrams. [Arnold's Science series.] 8019.230 General Electric Company. General data on Thomson recording watt- meters. Schenectady, N. Y., 1903. Plates. Plans. =: 80193.218 Housatonic Railroad Company. Report of directors. 1844-. New-York, 1 844-. = 7658.231 189 Jaques, William Henry. Solar generators and hydraulic engines. Valuable adjuncts of reservoir and canal irrigation. [Boston, 1902.] 11 pp. Illus. = 8014.85 Judkins, Brainerd T. A few points on the copper mines. Bos- ton, 1898. 85 pp. =: 7867.25 With the compliments of Paine, Webber & Co. Leighton, Marshall Ora. Normal and polluted waters in northeast- ern United States. Washington, 1903. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey. Water-supply and irrigation papers.] *3994.20.79 Lippincott, Joseph Barlow. California hydrography. Washington, 1903. Maps. [United States. Geolog- ical Survey. Water-supply and irriga- tion papers.] *3994.20.8i Lyndon, Lamar. Storage battery engineering: a practical treatise for engineers. 2d edition. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 4013.167 Bibliography, p. vii. Maurer, Edward Rose. Technical mechanics, ist edition. New York, 1903. Diagrams. 3945-86 Navajo School of Indian Basketry. Indian basket weaving. Los Angeles, 1903. Illus. 4017. Ill Rafter, George W. The relation of rainfall to run-off. Wash- ington, 1903. Charts. [United States. Geological Survey. Water-supply and irrigation papers.] *3994.20.8o Roper, Stephen. Questions and answers for stationary and marine engineers and electricians, with a chapter on what to do in case of acci- dents. 6th edition, rewritten and en- larged by E. R. Keller and C. W. Pike. Philadelphia. [1900.] Illus. 40i9a.i47 Stansbie, John Henry. Introduction to metallurgical chemistry. Bristol, 1903. Illus. 3977.144 Stevenson, Charles H. Aquatic products in arts and industries. Fish oils, fats, and waxes. Fertilizers from aquatic products. Washington, 1903. Plates. = 5902.22 Utilization of the skins of aquatic ani- mals. Washington, 1903. 73 pp. Plates. = 5902.21 Street Railway Journal. Electric railway directory and buyers' manual. November, 1903. New York. [1903.] = 2382.25 A quarterly publication. Sweetland, Charles Augustus. The science of loose leaf bookkeeping and accounting. St. Louis. [1902.] Plates. 3939-176 Trommer, Ludwig Ed. Eisenbahn-Zeitfragen. Zurich, 1902. 7656.84 Universal Pneumatic Transmission Com- pany. Automatic, rapid and economical pneu- matic transmission. Chicago. [1903.] 12 pp. Plates. 8032.23 190 May Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. The forcing-book: a manual of the culti- vation of vegetables in glass houses. 2d edition. New York, 1901. Illus. 3999-157 Cornell University. College of Agriculture. Announcement of the extension work (including the winter-courses). 1903- 1904. Ithaca, N. Y., 1903. 19 pp. Illus. = 7998.77 Dodwell, Arthur, and Theodore F. Rixon. Forest conditions in the Olympia Forest Reserve, Washington. Washington, 1902. Plates. Map. [United States. Geo- logical Survey.] = *586oa.83 Gannett, Henry. 1846-. The forests of Oregon. Washington, 1902. 36 pp. Plates. Map. [United States. Geological Survey.] =: *595oa.8o The forests of Washington: a revision of estimates. Washington, 1902. 38 pp. Map. [United States. Geological Sur- vey.] = *596oa.8i Gardner, Frank D. The agricultural experiment station of Porto Rico. Washington,' 1903. 15 pp. Plates. Maps. *799i.82.i Langille, H. D., and others. Forest conditions in the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, Oregon. Washington, 1903. Plates. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *586oa.85 Langworthy, Charles Ford. A digest of recent experiments on horse feeding. Washington, 1903. 75 pp. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Office of Experiment Stations.] = *5993.70.i25 Leiberg, John B. Forest conditions in the northern Sierra Nevada, California. Washington, 1902. Maps. [United States. Geological Sur- vey.] = *586oa.84 Loew, Oscar. The physiological role of mineral nutri- ents in plants. Washington, 1903. 70 pp. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Indus- try.] *3853-i28.45 Macoun, W. T. Plum culture and district lists of plums suitable for Ontario and Quebec. [Ot- tawa, 1903.] 54 pp. Illus. [Canada. Department of Agriculture.] r= *799i.22.43 Mead, Elwood, editor. 1858-. Plans of structures in use on irrigation canals in the United States. From draw- ings exhibited by the Office of Experi- ment Stations at Paris in 1900 and at Buffalo in 1901. Washington, 1903. 51 pp. Plans. [United States. Depart- n^ent of Agriculture. Office of Experi- ment Stations.] — *5993.7o.i3i Neger, F. W., and L. Vanino. Der Paraguay-Tee (yerba mate) : sein Vorkommen, seine Gewinnung, seine Eigenschaften und seine Bedeutung als Genussmittel und Handelsartikel. Stutt- gart, 1903. 59 pp. Illus. 599343 Literaturiibersicht, pp. 55, 56. Philippine Islands. Forestry Bureau. Bulletin. No. i. Manila, 1903. Plates. = *5843.63 Each bulletin is catalogued separately. Saunders, William, F.R.S.C. 1836-. Paris International Exhibition, 1900. Agriculture in Canada. [Ottawa.] 1900. 28 pp. Plates. Map. = 7998.73 Schreiber, Hans. 1859-. Neues iiber Moorkultur und Torfver- werthung. Jahrgang [i], 2. 1900/01, 1901/02. Staab bei Pilsen, 1902, 03. 2 V. in I. [Deutschoesterreichischer Moorverein.] *3998.2ii Military and Naval Art^ Science, and History. Frangois, Charles Frangois. Journal du capitaine Frangois (dit le Dromadaire d'figypte). 1792-1830. Public d'apres le manuscrit original par Charles Grolleau. Paris, 1903. 2 v. Plates. Map. Fac-simile. 2624.144 Relates to the military history of France. Prey, Henri Nicolas. L'armee chinoise. Paris, 1904. Map. 3016.213 Italy. Ministero della marina. Bollettino ufficiale delle nomine, promo- zioni e destinazioni degli ufficiali della R. marina e del personale dell' ammi- nistrazione marittima. 1901. Roma, 1902. = *47i4.53 A weekly publication. Giornale militare per la marina. 1901. Roma, 1902, = *47i4.56 A weekly gazette. Plummer, Alexander, and Richard H. Power. The army horse in accident and disease. Washington, 1903. 91 pp. = 6oo9b.44 Rangliste der koniglich sachsichen Armee fiir das Jahr 1901. Dresden. [1901.] 2836.72 Smith, George Charles Moore, compiler. The life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton. New York, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. 2544.149 Relates also to the Peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo. Terquem, £mile. Armee, races & dynastie en Autriche- Hongrie. Paris, 1903. 3958.149 United States. Adjutant General's Office. Military Information Division. Notes of military interest for 1902. Com- piled and arranged by Major E. A. Ed- wards, Captain J. S. Herron, ist Lieut. H. B. Ferguson, and ist Lieut. R. S. Clark. Washington, 1903. Diagrams. Maps. = 5951-38 1904 191 Amusements* Games^ Sports* Graham, Joseph Alexander. The sporting dog. New York, 1904. Plates. [American sportsman's library.] 4008.252 Hancock, Harry Irving. Japanese physical training: the system that has made the Mikado's people the healthiest, strongest, and happiest men and women in the world. New York, 1903. Plates. 4007.215 This system is known as jiu-jitsu. Kohtz, J., and C. Kockelhorn. Das indische Problem. Eine Schach- Studie. Potsdam, 1903. Illus. 6006.30 Richardson, Sophia Foster. Tendencies in athletics for women in colleges and universities. N. p. [1897.] ID pp. = 4007.217 Surtees, Robert Smith. The analysis of the hunting field: being a series of sketches of the principal char- acters that compose ont. The whole forming a slight souvenir of the season 1845-6. [Anon.] New edition. New York, 1904. Illus. Colored plates. 40093.2 Ware, Francis Morgan. Driving. New York, 1903. Plates. *4000.33 Postage Stamps. Haigh, John, of Somerville, Mass. Catalogue of the Haigh collection of postage stamps . . . To be sold . . . October 30th, 1901. Boston. [1901.] 18 pp. = *2233.ii4 Fiction* In English. Arnim, Mary Annette Beauchamp Grafin von. The adventures of Elizabeth in Riigen. By the Author of "Elizabeth and her German garden." New York, 1904. Map. 58.274 Brown, Abbie Farwell. The lonesomest doll. Boston, 1901. Plates. 78.208 Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. The adventurer in Spain. New York. [1904.] Illus. 58.276 Kaler, James Otis. With the treasure-hunters. A story of the Florida Cays. Philadelphia, 1903. Plates. 78.207 Martin, Helen Reimensnyder. Tillie, a Mennonite maid; a story of the Pennsylvania Dutch. New York, 1904. Plates. 58.275 Weyman, Stanley John. The long night. New York, 1903. Plates. 58.273 A story of deneva m 1602. In French. Hue, Gustave. Une cliainc. Roman nouvcau. [Paris, 1903.] 48 pp. Illus. 6671. 141 Supplement to L'illustration, 17 octobre-21 no- vembre, 1903. Saint-Maurice, Remy. Les dernicrs jours de Saint Pierre. [Illus- trations de Siniont. Paris, 1903.] 6671.139 Supplement to L'illustration, 23 mai-22 aout, 1903. In German, Behrens, Bertha. Doktor Dannz und seine Frau. Roman von W. Heimburg [Pseud.]. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. [1903.] 2879.152 Beyerlein, Franz Adam. Jena oder Sedan? Roman. 15. Auflage. Berlin. [1903.] 2 v. 6894.51 A novel of military life. Buerstenbinder, Elisabeth. Runen, Roman von E. Werner [Pseud.]. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. [1903-] 6897.55 Maupassant, Henri Rene Albert Guy de. Ausgewahlte Novellen. Aus dem Franzo- sischen iibertragen von Hedda und Arthur Moeller-Bruck. B. i. Leipzig. [1902.] 4896.50.436 Same. B. 2. 4896.50.438 Same. B. 3. [1903.] 4896.50.449 In Spanish. Castelar, Emilio. 1832-1899. Neron; estudio historico. Edicion ilus- trada. Barcelona, 1891-1893. 3 v. Illus. Portraits. Vignettes. 3092.155 Diaz Rodriguez, Manuel. Cuentos de color. Caracas, 1899. 4396.22 De mis romerias. Caracas, 1898. 4396.21 Russell, William Clark. La novia del marinero. Novella. Tra- ducida al Castellano por Jose M. Trigo. Nueva York, 1901. = 6576.202 Children's Room* Books for the Month. Brown, Abbie Farwell. The lonesomest doll. Boston. [1901.] Illus. 78.208 Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln. Little Polly Prentiss. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. 78.206 192 May Kaler, James Otis. With the treasure-hunters; a story of the Florida Cays. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. 78.207 Lewis, Aiigelo John. (Professor Hoff- mann.) Later magic. New York, 1904. Illus. 3608.210 Macleod, Mary. The Shakespeare story-book. London. [1902.] Illus. 4599.186 Plympton, Daisy D. The happy forest and its Christmases. Salem. [1903.] Illus. 2403.165 Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. Electric toy making for amateurs. New- York, 1903. Illus. 3969.209 By-laws of Composite Lodge, no. 819. New York, 1901. 16 pp. = 7569a.i25 By-laws of Empire City Lodge, no 206. New York, 1897. 14 pp. = 75693.126 By-laws of Putnam Lodge, no. 338 . . . New York, 1896. 18 pp. = 7589.127 By-laws of True Craftsman's Lodge, no. 651. New York, 1897. = 75693.124 Massachusetts State Federation of Women's Clubs. [Manual,] 1899/ 1900- 1902/ 1903. Boston, 1899-1902. z= *5586.53 Pluto Club, Boston. Journal of the Pluto Club, and selections from the Hades Gazette. [Boston.] 1878. Illus. *4452.i53 School Reference Library. Willets, Gilson, editor. Workers of the nation. An encyclopedia of the occupations of the American people, and a record of business, pro- fessional and industrial achievement at the beginning of the twentieth century. New York, 1903. 2 v. Illus. 9303.31 Associations* Clubs* Societies* Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts. The historic booke. Done to keep in last- ing remembrance the joyous meeting of the Honourable Artillery Company of London and the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of the Massachu- setts in the Towne of Boston, A. D. 1903. Edited by Justin H. Smith. Nor- wood, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Coats of arms. Fac-similes. Illuminated bor- ders. = *4350-74 Boston Veteran Firemen's Association. Ninth grand concert and ball. [Boston, 1903 ] 36 pp. Portraits. =: 4451.130 Curry, Elvin J. The red blood of Odd Fellowship. Bal- timore, 1903, Portrait. Plates. 7569.15 Festschrift des Germanistischen Vereins in Breslau. Herausgegeben zur Feier seines 25 jahrigen Bestehens. Leipzig, 1902. 2876.208 Has appended 6 pages of music. Freemasonry. Massachusetts. Joseph Warren Lodge, Charlestown. [Regular communications. 475th-479th. Boston, 1903.] Portraits. = ^7562.26 Five circular letters. New York. By-laws of Atlas Lodge, no. 316 . . . [New York, 1902.] 32 pp. = 7569a.i23 Periodicals* Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes* County Spectator, The. [Weekly.] No. i- 33. Gainsborough, 1793. = *2556.24 No more was published. This work was edited, and in great part written, by Rev. T. F. Middleton. Eastern Sunbeam, The. A boy's and girl's monthly. Vol. i; 2 (no. i, 2). Boston, 1877. ^7295.27 Essex County Mercury and Salem Gazette. The annual address of the carrier boys . . . January i, 1892. [Salem, 1892.] 8 pp. *A.3897.26 Included in this address is The sister years, written by Hawthorne as a carriers' address for the same paper in 1839. Globe, The. [A monthly amateur paper.] Vol. i; 2 (no. 3-6); 3 (no. 2). Boston, 1873, 74- *7295-24 Instituto nacional, El. Publicacion mensual. Director: Jose Maria Orellana. Edu- ardo Aguirre Velasquez, redactor en jefe. Tomo 2, num. i. 1903. Guatemala, C. A., 1903. = *727043 Juvenile repository, The. Edited by a lady. Vol. 5. Boston, 1834. Illus. = ^7299.21 Literary gem, The: consisting of tales, his- torical and biographical sketches, poe- try, music, &c. . . . Philadelphia, 1854. Illus. = *52i4.io Also bears the title Van Court's New Monthly Magazine. Vol. i, no. 1-12. 185 1. Litterateur frangais, Le. Vol. i (no. 1-39) • Boston, 1836, 1837. ^7240.62 No more was publisked (?) Minute Gun, The. No. 20-29. Worcester, 1846. Illus. *7299.i2 A boys' newspaper published by Samuel Foster Haven, Jr. Operatives' Magazine, The. [Monthly.] Published by an association of females. No. 1-12, April, 1841-March, 1842. Lowell, 1842. Illus. = *5232.6 1904 193 Personal impressions. Vol. i (no. 6, 8-12). San Francisco, 1900, 1901. = *532i.55 "A . . . magazine to tell the truth about books and other matters." The January issue for 190 1 was omitted. Present state, The, of the New-English affairs. A fac-simile reproduction of The present state of the New-English affairs. Being the first attempt at newspaper publica- tion on the American continent. [Ed- ited by WilHam G. Shillaber. Boston, 1902.] 4 pp. = **H.9oa.209 No. C of an edition of 114 copies reprinted in fac-simile. The original was published by Samuel Green, Jr., of Boston, 1689, and is reprinted also in the New Hampshire Historical Society Collections, vol. 1, pp. 252-255 [*4337.44.i; **4337-35-i] and vol. 8, pp. 458-460 [*4337.44.8] ; and in the Prince Society Publications, Andros tracts, vol. 2, pp. 15-18 [***43iS-S-2]. Contains principally extracts from Increase Mather's letters from England relating to his efforts to obtain a new charter for the Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. Books for the Blind* Nev/man, John Henry, Cardinal. Selections from [his] prose writings. Ed- ited by Lewis E. Gates . . . New York, 1903. 2 V. = 5590.115 Printed in the New York system. Progress: a magazine for the blind. Edited by G. W. Boyle. 1902, 03. London, 1902, 3. 3 V. 5590.24 Printed in Braille. Recreation. Edited by Florence Nevill. No. [72, 85-] 107. London, 1900-1903. **5590.22 Printed in Braille. Books added to the Branch Libraries^ Arnim, Mary Annette Beauchamp, Grafin von. The adventures of Elizabeth in Riigen. By the author of "Elizabeth and her German garden." Map. 82a 4 Bale, Manfred Powis. Gas and oil engine management. Ul 466 Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah. The Russian advance. Maps. Dt 850 Chisholm, George Goudie. Handbook of commercial geography. Maps. Charts. G 1710.2 Fiske, Amos Kidder. The modern bank. Illus. [Appleton's Business series.] Sq 2970 Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln. 'Little Polly Prentiss. Illus. Y 3512.3 Hall, Edith King. The One Strand River, and other fairy tales. Illus. Y 3757 Headland, Isaac Taylor. Our little Chinese cousin. Illus. Y 3925 Hill, Adams Sherman. Beginnings of rhetoric and composition. Kh 4140.4 Hutchinson, James. The juvenile spelling assistant. Kg 4384 Johnston, Robert Matteson. Napoleon. A short biography. Plate. Maps. Bn 6312.30 Bibliography at the end of each chapter. Kaler, James Otis. (James Otis.) With the treasure-hunters; a story of the Florida Cays. Illus. Y 4705.16 Leupp, Francis Ellington. The man Roosevelt. Illus. Br 7590 Lewis, Angelo John. (Professor Hoff- mann.) Later magic. Illus. Y 4180.2 Mann, Horace Kinder. The lives of the Popes in the early Mid- dle Ages. Vol. I, part i, 2. B 5558 March, Francis Andrew, and Francis An- drew March, Jr., compilers. A thesaurus dictionary of the English language; designed to suggest imme- diately any desired word. Illus. Ref. Morey, William Carey. Outlines of Greek history, with a survey of ancient Oriental nations. Illus. Ds 6148 Bibliography, pp. 355-366. Morse, Frances Clary. Furniture of the olden time. Illus. Fd 6187 Mulets, Lenore Elizabeth. Flower stories. Illus. Y 6248 Riis, Jacob August. Theodore Roosevelt the citizen. Illus. Br 7590.2 Santos-Dumont, Alberto. My air-ships. Illus. Uj 7838 Semple, Ellen Churchill. American history and its geographic con- ditions. Maps. Jn8ii5 Bibliography, pp. 463-466, and at the end of each chapter. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The citizen. A study of the individual and the government. Sc 8170 Ward, John J. Minute marvels of nature: being some revelations of the microscope. Illus. Nb 9493 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT Books and Documents Recently Added. Social Science* American Cooperator, The. [Weekly.] No. 1-42. Lewiston, 1902-03. = *N.i059.i Arnold, Horace Liiciaii. The factory manager and accountant. New York, 1903. Illus. Plan. 933o.4a33 Argentine Year Book, The. With which are incorporated the "Anuario pillado" and "Grant's Argentine Commercial Guide." 1903. Buenos Aires, 1903. Illus. Maps. *9332.682a2 Ashley, William James, editor, i860-. British industries. A series of general reviews for business men and students. London, 1903. 9338.042aio Bielefeldt, Alwin. Die Heilbehandlung der gegen Unfall und Invaliditat versicherten Arbeiter in Deutschland. Berlin, 1900. 56 pp. = • *933i.9243 Bigwood, Georges. Les impots generaux dans les Pays-Bas autrichiens. Paris, 1900. Plan. 9336.2049a6 Bolen, George Lewis. Getting a living. The problem of wealth and poverty — of profits, wages and trade unionism. New York, 1903. 9330.4335 Bonar, James. Elements of political economy. New York, 1903. 933o.2aio Booth, Charles, and others. Life and labour of the people in London. Third series: Religious influences [and] Final volume. London, 1902, 03. 8 v. Maps. *3570.i72 Contents. — i. London north of the Thames: the outer ring. 2. London north of the Thames: the inner ring. 3. The City of London and the West End. 4. Inner south London. 5. South- east and south-west London. 6. Outer south London. 7. Summary. [8.] Notes on social influences and Conclusion. Brushfield, Thomas Nadauld. Britain's Burse, or the New Exchange. London, 1903. 30 pp. Plates. Plans. Fac-similes. = 2493.179 Relates to the history of the New Exchange. Cannan, Edwin. A history of the theories of production and distribution in English political economy. From 1776 to 1848. 2d edi- tion, with two additional sections. Lon- don, 1903. 933o.942a2 Cassel, G., of Stockholm, Sweden. The nature and necessity of interest. London, 1903. 9332.8ai7 Clark, Walter Ernest. Josiah Tucker, economist. A study in the history of economics. New York, 1903. [Columbia University. Faculty of Political Science. Studies in history, economics and public law.] *3563.iio.i9, no. i Congres international de la boulangerie, Paris, 1900. [Comptes rendus des seances, etc.] Paris, 1900. *933i.88a2 Held in connection with the Paris Exposition of 1900. Cordes, Joseph. Begriff und Arten der Werthpapiere mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des biir- gerlichen Gesetzbuches. Kiel, 1898. 9332.5317 Dansk Exportforening. Le Danemark. Copenhague, 1900. Maps. = 9382.489 An account of trade and industry in Denmark, prepared for the Paris Exposition of . 1900. Doenges, Reinhard. Die handelspolitische Bedeutung der Aus- fuhrpramien. Frankfurt a. M., 1902. 93374 Etienne, August, and Max Vosberg-Rekow. Zollriickvergiitung. Grundsatzliche Eror- terungen. Berlin, 1903. *9337'^t43 Fell, Arthur. The failure of free trade as proved by the foreign commerce of England. Lon- don. [1903.] 61 pp. 9337.242a6 Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin. 1842-. Ground rent. Boston, 1903. 37 pp. = 9333-5234 Address at the banquet of the Massachusetts Single Tax League to some of the landlords of Boston, April 13, 1903. Fontana-Russo, Luigi. I trattati di commercio e Teconomia nazionale. Roma, 1902. 9382.45aii Kershaw, John B. C. Trade and empire. London, 1903. 92 pp. 9337.24237 Klein, E., of Esslingen. Was jeder Arbeiter und jede Arbeiterin von der Fabrik-Inspektion und dem Arbeiterschutz wissen muss. Stuttgart. [1902.] 9338.9433.2 1904 Klien, Ernst. Minimallohn iind Arbeiterbeamtentiim. Jena, 1902. [ Abhandlungen des staats- wissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Jena.] 9331-243 Massingham, Henry William, editor. 1860-. Labour and protection. A scries of studies. London, 1903. 9337.242 Merchants' Association of New York. Com- mittee on Engineering and Sanitation. Passenger transportation service in the City of New York. A report . . . [New York.] 1903. Diagrams. =: *9388.747 Neton, Alberic. L'Indo-Chine et son avenir economique. Paris, 1904. 3018.255 Pasquier, Maurice. Sir William Petty. Ses idees economiques. Paris, 1903. 9330.042ai9 Bibliographic, pp. i-io. Pohle, Ludwig. Deutschland am Schneidewege. Betrach- tungen iiber die gegenwartige volks- wirtschaftliche Verfassung und die zuktinftige Handelspolitik Deutsch- lands. Leipzig, 1902. 9382.43a27 Stephan, Charles H. Le Mexique economique. Paris, 1903. 9330.472 Political Science. Alaskan Boundary Tribunal. The argument of the United States be- fore the tribunal convened at London under the provisions of the treaty be- tween the United States of America and Great Britain concluded January 24, 1903. Washington, 1903. = *Cab.23.i4.5 The case of the United States. Washing- ton, 1903. Text; Atlas, 25 maps. *Cab.23.i4.4 The counter case of the United States. Washington, 1903. Text. Plates. At- las, 21 maps. *Cab.23.i4.6 Atkinson, William Parsons. Who made the Massachusetts Constitu- tion? [Boston, 1888.] II pp. 9342.74435 Congres international d'histoire diploma- tique. Congres de La Haye, 1898. Annales Internationales d'histoire. No. i-. Paris, 1899-. *2302.8o This Congres was succeeded by the Congres international d'histoire comparee, Paris, 1900. Eaton, Amasa Mason. The origin of municipal incorporation in England and in the United States. [Philadelphia? 1902.] 81 pp. = 9352.003 Massachusetts Civil Service Reform Asso- ciation. Annual report of the Executive Commit- tee. Boston, 1903. 29 pp. = *5562.i52 Pradier-Fodere, Paul Louis Ernest. Cours de droit diplomatique a I'usage des agents politiques du ministere des af- faires etrangeres des etats europeens et americains. 2e edition. Paris, 1899. 2 V. 5616.29 Robinson, Walter. The Straits of the Dardanelles, and the Bosphorus: the right of way under in- ternational law. London, 1878. 55 pp. = 3662.46 This is an endeavor to prove that under the general principles of international law the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus are natural and free thoroughfares. United States. Civil Service Commission. Regulations governing transfers, with note of explanation and extracts from civil-service rules. Washington, 1902. 12 pp. = 5562.179 Signed by John R. Proctor, President. Sociology. Associated Charities of Boston. [Publications, 1879-1903. Constitution, annual reports, and other documents. Boston, 1879-T903.I 59 pamphlets in I V. = *936i.9744a3 A list is given of 79 pixblications for the years 1879-1903, 20 of which were unobtainable for this volume. Boell, Paul. L'Inde et le probleme indicn. 2e edition. Paris, 1901. 3568.239 College Settlements Association. [Constitution, and description of the Rivington Street Settlement in New York. New York, 1890.] 7 pp. = 7596.97 Cutrera, Antonino. La Mafia e i mafiosi. Studio di sociologia criminale. Palermo, 1900. Map. 7562.28 Contains an account of political conditions in Sicily. Fierens-Gevaert, Hippolyte. 1870-. La tristesse contemporaine. Essai sur les grands courants moraux et intellectuels du XIXe siecle. 3e edition. Paris, 1900. [Bibliotheque de philosophic contempo- raine.] 36o9a.i32 Relates to individualism and collectivism. Fisher, Arthur, M.D. Peace. Security. Plenty. Popular soci- ology . . . Gambling, swindling, specu- lating rendered impossible. London. [1887.] 62 p. = 35693.276 This copy contains also a manuscript note signed by the author, comparing the book to Bellamy's Looking backward. Massachusetts State Conference of Chari- ties. [Proposal to organize such a Confer- ence. Boston, 1903.] 2 ff. = 5573.129 Morselli, Enrico, and Sante de Sanctis. Biografia di un bandito. Giuseppe Muso- lino di fronte alia psichiatria ed alia sociologia. Studio medico-legale e»con- siderazioni. Milano, 1903. lUus. Por- traits. Fac-similes. 5601.27 Moxom, Philip Stafford. Our problem with the negro in America. Sermon. New York, 1903. 16 pp. Por- trait. =z 7584.131 196 May North End Union, Boston. Classes in the North End Union. To- gether with a directory of the clubs in the Union. 1900/1901. Boston, 1901. 13 pp. = 55793.224 Pfau, Carl Franz. Die Entwicklung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Bearbeitet und zu- sammengestellt von Richard Blum [Pseud.]. Gotha, 1903. Maps. Tables. [Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. Erganzungs- heft 142.] *93i7.3aio Rowntree, Joseph, and Arthur Sherwell. Public control of the liquor traffic: being a revievy of the Scandinavian experi- ments. London, 1903. 7588.189 Defends the system of company control and answers John Walker's The Commonwealth as Publican. Stirling, Emma M. Our children in old Scotland and Nova Scotia, with sequel. Being a history of . . . the Edinburgh and Leith Children's Aid and Refuge Society [and Hillfoot Farm, Nova Scotia]. Coatesville, Penna. [1898.] 55793.228 Villari, Pasquale. 1827- Scritti sulla questione sociale in Italia. Firenze, 1902. 3568.235 Women. Avery, Martha Moore-. Woman: her quality, her environment, her possibility. Boston. [1901.] 29 pp. Portrait. = *P.20.38 Deutsch-evangelischer Frauenbund. Ver- zeichnis der auf dem Gebiete der Frauenfrage wahrend der Jahre 1851 bis 1901 in Deutschland erschienenen Schriften. Hannover, 1903. *P.8o.227 Elsing, Bernhard. Q. D. B. V. venerandos utriusq; ordinis patres . . , ut orationem: De sexus foeminei in literas & literatos studiis ac meritis quam . . . Bernhardus Elsing in consveto Phrontisterii nostri loco . . . recitabit auribus excipere patenti- bus animisq; faventibus dignentur . . . invitat M. Jacobus Wilde. Rigse. [1703-] 8 pp. *P.i9.262 A eulogy of woman, with references to passages in classic and mediaeval authors. Thai, Max. Mutterrecht. Frauenfrage und Weltan- schauung. Breslau, 1903. *P.6o.88o Verzeichnis der zitierten Werke, pp. 167-170. Public Documents* United States. Documents, etc., cited below, and without shelf- number, may be seen on application at the Statistical Department. Attorney General. Bills and debates in Congress relating to trusts. 50th to 57th Congress, ist session, inclusive. Washington, 1903. *C.4429 House of Representatives. A biographical directory. 1774 to 1903. Washington, 1903. *C.4539 Catalogue of public documents of the 56th Congress, and of other depart- ments of the government of the United States, July i, 1899, to June 30, 1901. *C.42io Senate. History of the Washington National Monument and Washington National Monument Society. Compiled by Fred- erick L. Harvey. Washington, 1903. Portraits. Plates. ^0.4436 Regulation of immigration. Report of the Committee on Immigration. Washing- ton, 1902. *C.442i Report of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion, 1899-1901. Washington, 1901. *C.4225 State Department. Proceedings of the International (Water) Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, treaties of 1884 and 1889. Equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande. Washington, 1903. 2 v. Plates. Maps. = *Cab.23.i9.ii States. Territories. Accessions. Connecticut. Proposed constitution of Connecticut to be submitted to the electors, June 16, 1902. [Hartford, 1902.] 20 pp. =: 9342.746a9 Massachusetts. General Court. Report of Committee on relations be- tween employer and employee. Jan., 1904. Boston, 1904. Bureau of Statistics. Free employment offices in the United States and foreign countries. Boston, 1904. Race in industry. Boston, 1903. Social and industrial condition of the negro in Massachusetts. Boston, 1904. Fairhaven. Annual report of the Town Officers . . . for the year ending February 10, 1902. New Bedford, 1902. Plate. = *634i.30 Michigan. Board of State Tax Commissioners. Report. 1, 2. 1900-1902. Lansing, 1901-1903. = *9336.774a5 State Prison. Biennial report of the Board of Con- trol and officers . . . for the two years ending June 30, 1902. Lansing, 1902. Tables. = *5573.i3i Ohio. Ohio laws. Codification . . . relating to railroads and telegraphs, with decisions. Norwalk, 1893. = *9385.977ia2 Vermont, General Assembly. Special report to the General Assembly, 1902, relating to taxation of corpora- 1904 197 tions and individuals. By Commis- sioner of State Taxes. Burlington, 1902. = *9336.0743 Foreign. Argentine Republic. Ministerio de agricultura. Direccion de agricultura y ganaderia. Estadistica. Mercados de ganados, frutos y cereales. Precios corrientes. ler semestre del ano 1899. Buenos Aires, 1899. 64 pp. = *9338.582 Reglamento de importacion y exporta- cion de ganado. Buenos Aires, 1899. 27 pp. = *9382.io82 Division de estadistica y economia rural. Cosecha del ano 1898-99. Datos es- tadisticos. Cuestiones de economia rural. Informe presentado por Emilio Lahitte. Buenos Aires, 1899. 28 pp. = *9338.i82a6 La ganaderia argentina. Aproposito de la semilla de alfalfa. Informe presentado por Emilio Lahitte. Buenos Aires, 1899. 24 pp. = *9338.i82a5 Chile. Superintendente de aduanas. Memoria sobre la renta y el comercio exterior en 1901. Valparaiso, 1902. 48 pp. - *9382.83 Cuba. Archivo general de la Republica de Cuba. Boletin. Revista bimestre. Bajo la direccion del Dr. Vidal Morales y Morales. Ario 2, num. 9, 10. 1903. Habana, 1903. = *43i8.229 Secretaria de hacienda. Estadistica de la propriedad urbana y rustica, gravada con hipotecas y cen- sos. Habana, 1900. 6 pp. 38 tables. = *9336.729ia6 Mexico. Ministerio de fomento. Direccion general de estadistica. Estadistica ganadera de la Republica, publicada ... a cargo del Dr. An- tonio Penafiel. 1902. Mexico, 1903. Tables. = *93i3.072 Italy. Ministerio della marina. Annuario ufficiale della Regia marina. 1903. Anno 42. Roma, 1903. Por- trait. = *9359-945 United Kingdom. Parliament. Sessional papers, etc. Africa. No. i (1904). Correspondence and report from His Majesty's consul at Boma, respecting the administra- tion of the Lidependent State of the Congo. London, 1904. 84 pp. Africa. No. 13 (1903). Report on the trade and general conditions of the British Central Africa protectorate. 1902-1903. By Major F. B. Pearce, Acting Commissioner. London, 1903. 96 pp. Board of Trade. Memoranda, statistical tables, and charts, with reference to British and foreign trade and indus- trial conditions. London, 1903. Memorandum on the comparative sta- tistics of population, industry and commerce. London, 1902. 53 pp. China. No. i (1904). Report by C. W. Campbell, on a journey in Mongolia. London, 1904. 43 pp. Map. China. No. 2 (1904). Correspondence respecting the Russian occupation of Manchuria and Newchv^ang. London, 1904. Coal tables. 1902. London, 1903. 48 pp. Colonial import duties. 1903. Return. London, 1903. Commercial. No. i (1904). Reports on tariff v^ars between certain European states. London, 1904. 85 pp. Commercial. No. 2 (1904). Reports by His Majesty's representatives abroad on bounties, other than those on shipping and navigation, paid by the state in the countries in which they reside. London, 1904. Committee of Council on Education in Scotland. Report. With Appendix. London, 1903. Correspondence respecting the Alaska boundary. London, 1904. 92 pp. Map. East India (Tariffs). Views of the government of India on the question of preferential tariffs. London, 1904. 49 PP- East India (Tibet). Papers relating to Tibet. London, 1904. Map. Foreign import duties. London, 1903. South Africa. Further correspondence relating to the affairs of the Trans- vaal and Orange River Colony. Lon- don, 1904. Statistical abstract for the foreign coun- tries in each year from 1891 to 1900- 01. 29th number. London, 1903. Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years, from 1888 to 1902. 50th num- ber. London, 1903. Transvaal. Further correspondence re- garding the Transvaal labour ques- tion. Presented to Parliament, Feb., March, 1904. London, 1904. Transvaal Labour Commission. Reports. London, 1904. 57 pp. Turkey. No. 2 (1904). Further cor- respondence respecting the affairs of South-Eastern Europe. London, 1904. Venezuela. No. i (1903). Correspond- ence respecting the affairs of Vene- zuela. London, 1904. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. Week days. ^11 Ti rla A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. TnvT'T''D A T T TTJT?AT?V 9 to lo^ 2 to lO^ oRANCHES. ^ LU y T~v 1 _j 2 to 9^ 2 to 9^ Z LO y 2 to 9 2 to 9^ Closed. 9 to lo^ 2 to 10^ 9 to II 3 to 6^ . Closed. Delivery Stations. 8 to 9 4to8* . \^iosea. 2 to 9 1^1 /^iH C. South End. . . . 2 to 9^ 2 to 6 7 9^ 8 to 10 3 to 9^ . Closed. All day. Closed. 2 to 9 Closed. All day. Open. All day. Closed. J. Dorchester Station. . . All day. Closea. L. North Brighton. . . 4 to 8^ Closed. M. Crescent Avenue. . . All day. Open. N. Mt. Pleasant. . . 2 to 9^ Closed. P. Broadway Extension. . . 2 to 9^ 2 to 6 '] \.o ^ Q. Upham's Corner. . . . All day. Closed. R. Warren Street. . . All day. Open. S. Roxbury Crossing. . 2 to 9^ 2 to o 7 to 9' All day. (Jpen. U. Ward Nine. . . . 2 to 9^ Closed. W. Industrial School. . . . 4 to 9^ Closed. Y. Andrew Square. 2 to 9^ Closed. Z. Orient Heights. 2 to 9^ Closed. 22. North Street. . . I to 6« Closed. ' Closed at 9 p.m. daily during June, July, August, and September, ' Open Sundays from November to April only. " Saturdays until 8 p.m. * On Thursdays the afternoon hours at this station are from 4 to 7 p.m.; on other afternoons the station is closed between 6 and 7 p.m. ^ Closed from 6 to 7 p^m. ° Saturdays until 9 p.m. ^ Open Sundays in winter only. * Also 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin. Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39, 46, 47, 51-56, 62-64, 67. 69, 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 1903. .10; by mail, .17 Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1492 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russian Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by mail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. .25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. The Fine and Decorative Arts: books in English suitable for small public libraries. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 12. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetispi. In Bulletin no. 88. Economics: selected works in the English language. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5.00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application; by mail, each .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prince Library. Catalogue. i.oo Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. _ , .15; by mail, .18 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from the Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No. 8. Health and Hygiene In Bulletin no. 97. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles I., & English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. IT. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibliography. .50; by mail, .53 No. 2. List of 'Spanish Grammars. .25: by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789- .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,. 12 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .7^;; by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding Lists. MONTHLY JULLETIN OK THE . UNIVEKSirv of ILLINOIS. OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON Vol. IX. No. 6. June, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904 TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, English High Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. School Building, Montgomery St. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 4 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, 752 Dudley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading | j Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- sctte, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM April 15 to May 15, 1904. The symbol =: following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift t-o the Library. Reference Books* Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. The reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories, and poems. New edition. Philadelphia, 1904. *2247.ioo Encyclopaedia Britannica. loth edition. Vols. 25-35. Edinburgh, IQ02, 1903. ii v. Portraits. B.H.Ref.200.1 Contents. — 25. A-Australia. 26. Austria-Chi- cacole. 27. Chicago-Eld. 28. Ele-Glam. 29. Glar-Jut. 30. K-Mor. 31. Mos-Pre. 32. Pri- Sto, 33. Str-Zwo. 34. Maps. 35. Index. These 1 1 volumes are supplementary to the gtli edition [B.H.Ref.200.1]. Whitaker, Joseph. Whitaker's peerage for 1897-99, 1904. Being a directory of titled persons. London. [1897-1903.] 4 v. ^2437.24 Formerly entitled, A directory of titled persons. Genealogy* Heraldry* Beaumont-with-Moze, Parish, Essex, Eng- land. Parish registers. [Edited by F. A. Crisp. London.] 1899. 74 pp. *250i.i7 No. 35 of an edition of 50 copies. Bramfield, Parish, Suffolk, England. The regestrie booke off Bramefiede off all christnyngs weddyngs and buryings ffrom the Feast of Seynt Mychaell Tharkan'gell be . . . 1539-1596 and 1693- 1889. Edited by T. S. Hill. London, 1894, Plate. *2504.i45 Daughters of the American Revolution. New Connecticut Chapter. Paines- ville, Ohio. A record of the Revolutionary soldiers buried in Lake County, Ohio, with a partial list of those in Geauga County, and a membership roll of the Chapter. Painesville, Ohio. [1903.] 94 pp. Por- traits. Plates. *44ioa.i65 Haines, Richard, editor. Genealogy of the Stokes family, descended from Thomas and Mary Stokes, who settled in Burlington County, N. J. Camden, N. J., 1903. Portraits. Plates. *4432.272 Holden, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to the end of 1849. Worces- ter, 1904. — *443oa.226 Irby, Parish, Lincolnshire, England. The parish register of Irby-upon-Humber. [Edited by F. A. Crisp. London.] 1890. No. 36 of an edition of 50 copies. *250I.I9 Leigh, Parish, Lancashire, England. The registers of the Parish of Leigh, Lan- cashire, from February, 1558 to March, 1625. Edited by J. H. Stanning. Leigh, 1882. IIIUS. *2504.I2I Letheringham, Parish, Suffolk, England. Transcripts of the parish registers of Letheringham, Suffolk, A.D. 1588-1758 & 1812, and of all the sepulchral inscrip- tions & arms now and formerly within its churchyard ... By Percy C. Rushen. London, 1901. Plates. Plans. Map. Lithograph script. *250i-.i5i No. 31 of an edition of 50 copies. Manchester, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to the end of 1849. Salem, Mass., 1903. [Essex Institute.] = *443oa.225 Manfield, Parish, Yorkshire, England. The parish register of Manfield, 1594- 1812. Edited by W. J. Stavert. Skipton, 1898. *25o6.75 Olorenshaw, Joseph Russell. Notes on the history of the Church and Parish of Rattlesden, Suffolk. Together with copy of the parish registers from 1558 to 1758, and index of the marriages. [Peterborough.] 1900. Illus. Map. *25o6.72 204 June Phillimore, William Phillimore Watts, and others, editors. Nottingham parish registers. Marriages. Vol. 1-5. London, 1898-1903. *25o6.78 One hundred and fifty copies printed. Contents. — i. Bingham Wapentake: North part. 2. Bingham Wapentake: South part. 3, 4. Newark Wapentake. 5. Rushcliffe Wapentake: First part. St. Peter's, Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng- land. The parish register, 1662-1700. [Edited by F. A. Crisp. London.] 1897. 97 pp. Fac-simile. *250i.i8 No. 47 of an edition of 50 copies. Wedmore, Parish, Somersetshire, England. Wedmore Parish registers. Burials. 1561- 1860. [Edited by S. H. A. Hervey.] Wells, 1890. *2507.i23 Wildridge, Thomas Tindall. Some armorial bearings (emblazoned) of families connected with the Town and County of Kingston-upon-Hull and the Seignory of Holderness. Hull, 1886. 36 pp. Colored coats of arms. *2430.26 No. II of an edition of 20 copies. Names. Langlois, Marie Louis Ernest. 1857-. Table des noms propres de toute nature compris dans les chansons de geste im- primees. Paris, 1904. *2682.69 Biography* Collective Biographies. Bedford, William Kirkpatrick Riland. Three hundred years of a family living, being a history of the Rilands of Sutton Coldfield. Birmingham, 1889. Por- traits. Plate. Map. *6536.58 Cameron, John, of Wakefield. The notabilities of Wakefield and its neighbourhood. London, 1843. *2446.25 Contents. — Richard Monckton Milnes. — W. H. Leatham. — Caleb Crowther. — John Maude. — Rev. Dr. Wolff. — Sir William Pilkington. ~ Rev. Dr. Naylor. Coleridge, Hartley. 1796-1849. The worthies of Yorkshire and Lanca- shire. London, 1836. Portrait. *2445.23 Contents. — Andrew Marvell. — Richard Bent- ley. — Thomas Ford Fairfax. — James, 7th Earl of Derby. — Lady Anne Clifford. — Roger Ascham. — John Fisher. — William Mason. — Sir Richard Arkwright. — William Roscoe. — Captain Cook. — William Congreve. — Dr. John Fothergill. A new edition, entitled Lives of northern worthies, is on shelf-numbers **K.2i6.i2 and 4546.18. Johnson, Thomas, Mayor of Hull, and others. Sketches of Hull celebrities; or, memoirs and correspondence of Alderman Thomas Johnson . . . and four of his lineal descendants, 1640 to 1858. Com- piled ... by William A. Gunnell. Hull, 1876. Illus. *2447.7o Joseph II., Emperor of Germany. 1741- 1790. Geheime Correspondenz Josefs IL mit seinem Minister in den osterreichischen Niederlanden Ferdinand Grafen Trautt- mansdorff. 1787-1789. Herausgegeben von Dr. Hanns Schlitter. Wien, 1902. Bibliography, pp. 823-826. 4823.37 Malkin, Arthur Thomas. The gallery of portraits: with memoirs. Under the superintendence of the So- ciety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- edge, London, 1833-37. 7 v. Illus. *224i.45 Masson, Frederic. 1847-. Napoleon et son fils. Paris, 1904. 2653.132 Smyth, George Lewis. The monuments and genii of St. Paul's Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey. London, 1826. 2 v. Plates. *2445.29 Smyth, John, of Nibley. 1 567-1640. Berkeley manuscripts. Abstracts and ex- tracts of Smyth's Lives of the Berke- leys, illustrative of ancient manners and the constitution; including pedigrees. Annexed, a history of the Castle and Parish of Berkeley . . . and biographi- cal anecdotes of Dr. Jenner. By Thomas Dudley Fosbroke. London, 1821. Plate. Tables. *6530.27 Newspaper clippings, manuscript notes and a portrait are inserted. Wilkinson, Joseph. Worthies, families, and celebrities of Barnsley and the district. London. [1883.] Portraits. Plates. *2449a.ii Single Biographies. Barrett, Joseph Hartwell. Abraham Lincoln and his presidency. Cincinnati, 1904. 2 v. Portraits. Fac- similes. 4342.47 Berzelius, Jons Jacob. Jac. Berzelius. Sjalfbiografiska anteck- ningar. Utgifna af Kongl. svenska Vetenskapsakademien genom H. G. Soderbaum. Stockholm. [1901.] Por- trait. Fac-simile. = 2844.34 Burr, Esther Edwards. Esther Burr's journal. Jeremiah Fames Rankin, editor. 3d edition, Washing- ton, D. C, 1903. Portraits. 43493.274 Courteault, Henri. 1869-. Gaston IV., Comte de Foix, Vicomte souverain de Bearn, Prince de Navarre. 1423-1472. ^:tude historique sur le midi de la France et le nord de I'Espagne au XVe siecle. Toulouse, 1895. [Biblio- theque meridionale.] . 2611.40 Bibliographic, pp. vii-xxxii. Dillingham, William Paul. 1843-. Address . . . before the Joint Assembly, State of Vermont, October 15, 1902. [Burlington, Vt.? 1902.] 13 pp. = 4448-314 Contains an account of Justin S. Morrill and a discussion of popular election of senators. 1904 205 Dobson, Henry Austin. Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay). Lon- don. [1903. English men of letters.]] 24593.21 Ford, Paul Leicester. Thomas Jefferson. Cambridge. [1904.] 37 pp. Portraits. Vignette. [Mono- graphs of the American Revolution.] *234oa.75 Jefferson's Inauguration address, the first draft of tlie Declaration of Independence, and A bill for establishing religious freedom, are appended to this work. Fournier, August. 1850-. Napoleon the First. A biography. Trans- lated by Margaret Bacon Corwin and Arthur Dart Bissell. Edited by Edward Gaylord Bourne, New York, 1903. Bibliography, pp. 745-788. 2657. 1 12 A French translation is on shelf-no. 2657.101. Gautier, Feli. Charles Baudelaire. Bruxelles, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. *4647.48 No. 80 of an edition of 150 copies. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethes Selbstzeugnisse ... 3. Auflage. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 2856.74 Grillparzer, Franz. 1 791-1872. Selbstbiographie, Erlebnisse und Erinne- rungen. Halle a. d. S. [1903.] Por- trait. [Bibliothek der Gesamt-Littera- tur.] 2849a.94 Gutteridge, Harold Cooke, editor. Nelson and the Neapolitan Jacobins. Documents relating to the suppression of the Jacobin revolution at Naples, June, 1799. [London.] 1903. Map. Plan. [Navy Records Society.] Bibliography, pp. 337-340. *2502.II7.25 Hiie, FranQois, Baron. 1757-1819. Souvenirs du Baron Hiie, officier de la chambre du Roi Louis XVL et du Roi Louis XVIIL (1797-1815). Publics par le Baron de Maricourt. Paris. [1903.] Portrait. 2644.19 Knowlson, Thomas Sharper. 1867-. Leo Tolstoy. A biographical and critical study. London, 1904. Portrait. 3069.247 Krauel, R. Graf Hertzberg als Minister Friedrich Wilhelms IL Berlin, 1899. 2843.42 Le Marchand, Simon. 1589-1662. Journal de Simon Le Marchand, bourgeois de Caen. 1610-1693. Publie d'apres le manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de Caen . . . par Gabriel Vanel. Caen, 1903. Map. 2624.110 After the author's death the Journal was con- tinued till 1693 by members of his family. Liven, Dar'ya Khristophorovna, Princess. 1784-1857. Letters during her residence in London, 1812-1834. Edited by Lionel G. Robin- son. London, 1902. Portraits. 2304.114 The letters, with one or two exceptions, were addressed to Princess Liven's brother, General Alexander Benkendorf. Lord, John. 1835-1903. Memoir of John Kay . . . inventor of the fly-shuttle . . . With a review of the textile trade and manufacture from earliest times. With a memoir of the author by William Lord. Rochdale, IQ03. Portraits. Plates. 25493.133 Contains genealogical records. Parmly, Wheelock Hendee, D.D. In memoriam. Published by his children. [New York, 1895.] Portraits. = 5553-35 Parsons, George Samuel. Nelsonian reminiscences. Boston, 1843. = 2542.168 Pineau, Paul Victor. Le general Dugommier. Sa vie. Sa cor- respondance. Paris. [1900.] Portrait. Tables. ' 2645.77 Relates to the Siege of Toulon in 1793 and the campaigns in the Pyrenees in 1793 and 1794. Raines, Francis Robert, Canon of Manches- ter, and Charles William Sutton. Life of Humphrey Chetham . . . With a genealogy of the Chetham family by Ernest Axon. [Manchester.] 1903. 2 v. Portrait. Plates. [Chetham Society.] Bibliography, vol. 2, pp. 353-363- *2425.96 Rumbold, Sir Horace, Baronet. 1829-. Further recollections of a diplomatist. London, 1903. 4542.171 Relates to Chile, Switzerland, the Argentine Re- public, and Sweden. The author's Recollections of a diplomatist is on shelf-number 4542.170. Russell, George William Erskine. Matthew Arnold. New York, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. [Literary lives.] 2547.175 Seaton, Robert Cooper. Napoleon's captivity in relation to Sir Hudson Lowe. London, 1903. Por- trait. Plate. Map. 2653.126 Bibliography, pp. 267-271. Sprague, William Cromwell. Napoleon Bonaparte. A history written for boys. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 2657.148 Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de. Lettres inedites a Henri Meister. Publiees par MM. Paul Usteri et Eugene Ritter. Paris, 1903. Portrait. 4649.111 Thorpe, Francis Newton. William Pepper, M.D., LL.D., (1843-1898), Provost of the University of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 4344.203 United States. Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and char- acter of Sydney P. Epes (late a Repre- sentative from Virginia). Washington, 1900. 72 pp. Portrait. = 4440.161 Vignaud, Jean Henry. A critical study of the various dates assigned to the birth of Christopher Columbus. The real date 1451. Lon- don, 1903. *23i7.88 Bibliography, pp. 103-121. Villard, Henry. 1835-1900. Memoirs. Boston, 1904. 2 v. Portraits. Maps. 4345-301 An autobiography. 2o6 June Waitds, Alfred. A brief account of John Milton and his declaration of independence. Worces- ter, Mass., 1903. 32 pp. = *4548.76 Ys, Rene d', pseud. Ernest Renan en Bretagn,e d'apres des documents nouveaux. Paris, 1904. Gen- ealogical table. 4643.92 History. General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Daggett, Aaron Simon. America in the China relief expedition . . . in the summer of 1900, for the relief of the beleaguered legations in Peking, China. Kansas City, 1903. Plates. Maps. 3016.215 Day, Clive Hart. The policy and administration of the Dutch in Java. New York, 1904. 3048.38 Contains bibliographies. Lombard, Alfred. £tudes d'histoire byzantine. Constantin v., Empereur des Romains. (740-775.) Paris, 1902. 5072.12 Bibliographic, pp. 171-173. M^es, Jules. Histoire de la decouverte des lies Agores, et de I'origine de leur denomination d'lles Flamandes. Gand, 1901. Maps. Bibliographic, pp. 9-14. 4364-37 Palanque, Charles. Le Nil a I'epoque pharaonique: son role et son culte en figypte. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] 3052.222 Steer,. Valentia. 1880-. The Delhi Durbar. 1902-03. Madras, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 3042.187 Europe. Arlens, Constance de Constant-Rebecque de Cazenove d'. 1755-1825. Deux mois a Paris et a Lyon sous le Con- sulat. Journal , , . (fevrier-avril 1803). Public pour la Societe d'histoire con- temporaine par A. de Cazenove. Paris, 1903. Portrait. 2644.162 Beckmann, Gustav. Der Kampf Kaiser Sigmunds gegen die werdende Weltmacht der Osmanen, 1392-1437. Botha, 1902. 2818.86 Boos, Heinrich. 1851-. Geschichte der rheinischen Stadtekultur, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von Worms. Herausgegeben im Auftrag von Cornelius W. Freiherrn Heyl zu Hernns- heim. [2. Auflage.] Berlin. [1897- 1901.] 4 V. Illus. Portraits. *286i.26 Broglie, Victor Frangois, Due de. 1718- 1804. Correspondance inedite avec le prince Xavier de Saxe, comte de Lusace. Pour servir a I'histoire de la guerre de sept ans (campagnes de 1759 a 1761). Pu- bliee par le due de Broglie et Jules Vernier. Tome i. Paris, 1903. Por- trait. 4626.64 Chuquet, Arthur Maxime. 1853-. £tudes d'histoire. Paris. [1903.] 2 v. [Collection Minerva.] 2619.22 Contents. — i. Bayard a Mezieres. — La soeur de Goethe. — L'affaira Abbatucci. — Le revo- lutionnairc George Forster. 2. Le Commandant Poincare. — Adam Lux. — Klopstock et la Revolution frangaise. — Berteche dit La Bre- teche. Clement de Fauquembergue. Journal de Clement de Fauquembergue, greffier du Parlement de Paris. 1417- 1435. Texte complet public . . . par Alexandre Tuetey, avec la collaboration de Henri Lacaille. Tome i. Paris, 1903. [Societe de I'histoire de France.] 6634.18 Dieterich, Julius Reinhard. Streitfragen der Schrift- und Quellen- kunde des deutschen Mittelalters. Mar- burg, 1900. Fac-similes. 2213.88 Contents. — Die Hersfeld-Hildcshcimer Annalen- frage. — Die Grundlagen der bairisch-oster- reichischen Annalistik und die Chroniken Her- manns von Reichenau. Dognon, Paul. 1856-. Les institutions politiques et administra- tives du pays de Languedoc, du Xllle siecle aux guerres de religion. Toulouse, 1895. Tables. 26ioa.48 Fischer, Thomas A. The Scots in Eastern and Western Prus- sia. A sequel to "The Scots in Ger- many ..." Edinburgh, 1903. Por- traits. Coats of arms. Map. 2866.46 The Scots in Germany, &c., is on shelf-number 2866.45. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. The French Revolution. Chapters from the author's History of England during the eighteenth century. With historical notes by Henry Eldridge Bourne. New York. [1904.] 2629.186 Lermina, Jules Hippolyte, editor. Papiers et correspondances de la famille imperials Paris. [1887?] 35 pp. Por- trait. 667oa.48 Contains extracts from correspondence of Na- poleon III. and his family, reprinted from Com- mission chargee de depouiller la correspondance des Tuileries, Papiers et correspondance de la famille imperiale [*264i.i i i.i, 2]. Loserth, Johann. 1846-. Geschichte des spateren Mittelalters von 1 197 bis 1492. Miinchen, 1903. 2215.9 A bibliography precedes each section. McClellan, George Brinton, Jr. 1865-. The Olisarchy of Venice. Boston, 1904. 2769.106 1904 Marx, Ernst. 1865-. StLidien zur Geschichtc des niederlan- dischen Atifstandes. Leipzig, 1902. 4813.32 Relates also to the administration of Cardinal Granvelle. Quattro cronache e due diarii inediti relativi ai fatti dell' Aqtiila, dal sec. XIII al sec. XVI . . . pubblicati, con una disserta- zione . . . sulle fonti . . . della storia aquilana . . .da Giovanni Pansa. Sul- mona, 1902. 2763.42 Three of the chronicles are by Bernardino da Fossa, Vincenzo Basilii da Collebrincioni, and the so-called Anonimo dell' Ardinghelli. Saint-Hilaire, Mormes. Memoires. T. i. 1661-1678. Publics . . . par Leon Lecestre. Paris, 1903. [So- ciete de I'histoire de France.] 6634.19 Edited from the manuscripts and the edition of 1766. Relates to the reign of Louis XIV. Schlitter, Hanns. Die Regierung Josefs II. in den oster- reichischen Niederlanden. Theil I. Wien, 1900. 4823.38 Schrepfer, Rudolf. Pfalzbayerns Politik im RevolutionszeitaL ter von 1789-1793. Miinchen, 1903. 4816.19 Relates also to the history of France and Aus- tria. Skrine, Francis Henry. The expansion of Russia. 1815-1900. Cambridge, 1903. Maps. [Cambridge historical series, ii.l 3069.259 Bibliography, pp. 349-358. Vidal, A., editor. Comptes consulaires d'Albi (1359-1360). Toulouse, 1900. Tables. 2687.79 Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierre Marie Ernest. Politique frangaise et etrangere. Paris, 1903. 2619.20 Great Britain. For other works in this Bulletin illustrative of British history and topography, consult the division Geography. Travels, subdivision Great Britain. Atkinson, D. H. Old Leeds: its byegones and celebrities. By an Old Leeds cropper [pseud.]. Leeds, 1868. Illus. *2469.i8o Barrett, William, F.S.A. 1733-1789. The history and antiquities of the City of Bristol. Bristol. [1789.] Illus. Maps. Plans. *2462.34 Bateson, Mary. Mediaeval England. English feudal soci- ety. New York, 1904. Illus. Map. Fac-similes. [Story of the nations.] 4516.171 Batty, John. The history of Rothwell. Rothwell, 1877. Tables. *2464.42 Bayne, A. D. A comprehensive history of Norwich. London, 1869. Illus. *2467.4i ^07 Bland, E. Annals of Southport and district. A chronological history of North Meols, A.D. 1086 to 1886. Manchester. [1887.J Portraits. Plates. *2^6^.2^ Blore, Thomas. 1764-1818. An history of the Manor, and Manor- House, of South Winfield, in Derby- shire. London, 1793. Plates. Genea- logical tables. *652i.34 Butterworth, James. 1771-1837. The antiquities of the Town, and a com- plete history of the trade of Manchester: with a description of Manchester and Salford , . . Manchester, 1822. Illus. Relates also to cotton manufacture. '^2467-24 Cass, Frederick Charles. South Mimms. Westminster, 1877. Illus. Pedigrees. *246i.84 Climenson, Emily J. The history of Shiplake, Oxon. London, 1894. Plates. Genealogical table. Bibliography, pp. x, xi. *2463.IOI Cole, John, of Scarborough.. 1792-1848. The history and antiquities of Welling- borough, Northampton. Wellingbor- ough, 1837. Plates. *2469a.22 Concanen, Matthew, Jr., and Aaron Morgan. The history and antiquities of the Parish of St. Saviour's, South wark. [London.] 1795. Plate. Plan. *2493.74 Corbett, Julian Stafford. England in the Mediterranean. A study of the rise and influence of British power within the Straits. London, 1904. 2 V. Plate. Maps. 4515.153 Corry, John. The history of Macclesfield. London, 1817. Plate. *2464.26 Cotton, William, F.S.A. A graphic and historical sketch of the antiquities of Totnes. London, 1850. Illus. Colored coats of arms.^ *2467.86 Crisp, William Finch-. Chronological retrospect of the history of Yarmouth, containing . . . also, "A vis- itor's ramble round the town." 2d edi- tion, extended. Great Yarmouth. [1877.] *2469.i73 Cudworth, William. Manningham, Heaton and Allerton (town- ships of Bradford) treated historically and topographically. Bradford, 1896. Illus. Portraits. Fac-simile. Map.*2464.54 Cusack, Mary Frances. A history of the Kingdom of Kerry. Lon- don, 1871. Illus. Map. *2478.i02 Davenport, John Marriott. 1810-1882. Lords Lieutenant and High Sheriffs of Oxfordshire. 1086-1868. [Anon. Ox- ford, 1868.] 80 pp. *2463.33 Denton, William, M.A. 1815-1888. Records of St. Giles' Cripplegate. Lon- don, 1883. ^2496.23 Dews, Nathan. The history of Deptford, in Kent and Sur- rey. London, 1883. Portrait. Genealog- ical table. *2469.i74 208 Dickinson, William. 1756-1822. The history and antiquities of the Town of Newark, Nottingham (the Sidna- cester of the Romans), interspersed with biographical sketches . . . New- ark, 1816. Plates. Map. Genealogical tables. *2490.i46 This edition was published as a second part of his "Antiquities ... in Nottinghamshire," on shelf-number *249o.i45. Ferrar, John, of Limerick. An history of the City of Limerick. 2d edition. Limerick, 1767. Plate. *2479.io8 Gent, Thomas. 1693-1778. History of Hull (Annales Regioduni Hul- lini), reprinted in fac-simile of the orig- inal of 1735. Appended Notices of the life and works of Thomas Gent, printer, of York. [By George Ohlson.] Hull, 1869. Illus. Portrait. *246oa.46 Giles, John Allen. History of Witney, with notices of Cogges, Crawley, Curbridge, Ducklington, Hai- ley. Minster Lovel, and Stanton Har- court. London, 1852, Plates. *2464.45 Grainge, William. The castles and abbeys of Yorkshire. York, 1855. Illus. *2438.i4 Griffith, George. History of the free-schools, colleges, hos- pitals, and asylums of Birmingham, and their fulfilment. London, 1861. Plates. *2494.8i Grover, John William. Old Clapham. London, 1887. Illus. Por- traits. *2504.i46 Groves, William Horner. The history of Mansfield. Nottingham, 1894. Plates. *2462.38 No. 62 of an edition of 80 copies. Hargrove, Ely. 1741-1818. The ancient customs of the Forest of Knaresborough ; added, the ancient cus- toms, extent, and limits, of the Town- ships of Knaresborough & Scriven. [Anon.] Knaresborough, 1808. 72 pp. Plate. *2468.94 Harland, John. 1806-1868. Historical account of the Cistercian Abbey of Salley, in Craven, Yorkshire, founded A.D. 1147. London, 1853. Plates. Plan. *2463.3i Hewitson, Anthony. History (from A.D. 705 to 1883) of Pres- ton, Lancaster. Preston, 1883. Plates. Map. *2469.i77 Higson, John. The Gorton historical recorder; or, a . . . history of the chapelry. Droylsden. [1852.] *2469a.28 Historical and descriptive notices of Droylsden, past and present. Manches- ter, 1859. Plates. *2467.27 Hill, Constance. Juniper Hall. A rendezvous of certain illustrious personages during the French Revolution, including Alexandre d'Ar- blay and Fanny Burney. London, 1904. Portraits. ^Plates. Fac-simile. 2466.133 June Hodgson, George B. The Borough of South Shields. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1903. Illus. Por- traits. Maps. Plans. *246i.88 Hollingworth, Richard, M.A. Mancuniensis; or, an history of the Towne of Manchester. Manchester, 1839. Map. Coat of arms. *2469a.27 Holroyd, Abraham, compiler and editor. Collectanea Bradfordiana: papers on the history of Bradford and the neighbor- hood. Saltaire, 1873. Plate. Map. *2467.i8i Hubbard, J. J. A brief historical account of the Parish of Allhallows the Great, in the Ward of Dowgate, London. London, 1843. 90 pp. *2502.i75 Hunt, A. Leigh. The capital of the ancient kingdom of East Anglia: Thetford and its antiquities in Norfolk and Suffolk. London, 1870. Plates. *2464.27 Hussey, Arthur, M.A. Notes on the churches in the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. London, 1852. Plates. *25o6.73 Ingram, James, D.D. 1774-1850. Memorials of the churches and parishes of Oxford. 2d edition. Oxford, 1848. Illus. *2507.ii9 Memorials of the public buildings of Ox- ford. New edition. Oxford, 1848. 9 parts in i v. Illus. Map. *2494.83 Irving, Joseph. 1830-1891. The Book of Dumbartonshire. Edinburgh, 1879. 3 V. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. *247i.3i The plates and most of the portraits are tinted. Irvine, William Fergusson. Notes on the parish chvrches of Wirral. Liverpool, 1896. 32 pp. Plate. *2507.ii7 Lamplough, Edward. Mediaeval Yorkshire. London, 1884. *2467.39 Lang, Cosmo Gordon. Church and town for fifty years (1841- 1891). A memorial of the festival holden in the Parish Church of Leeds, July I2th-i9th, 1891. Leeds, 1891. Plate. Fac-simile. 3529.78 Langley, Thomas. 1769-1801. The history and antiquities of the Hun- dred of Desborough, and Deanery of Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire. Lon- don, 1797. Plates. Map. *246i.86 Lawrence, C. Frederick. History of Middlewich and neighbour- hood. [Sandbach.] 1895. IHus. *2467.88 Lawton, George, compiler and editor. 1779- 1869. Collectio rerum ecclesiasticarum de Dioe- cesi Eboracensi; or, collections relative to churches and chapels within the Dio- cese of York. A new edition . . . Lon- don, 1842. *250i.48 Bibliography, pp. i-xxiii. 1904 209 Lower, Mark Antony. A compendious history of Sussex, topo- graphical, archieological & anecdotal. Lewes, 1870. 2 v. Map. Plates. *2463.ii6 The plates are reprinted from 'I'he churches of Sussex. Etched by R. H. Nibbs. Mackenzie, Eneas. 1778-1832. A descriptive and historical account of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, including the Borough of Gates- head. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1827. Illus. *246oa.47 Mackenzie, Peter. Reminiscences of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. Vol. i. Glasgow, 1865. Portraits. *2475.38 No more was published. Mackerell, Benjamin. The history and antiquities of the flourish- ing Corporation of Kings'-Lynn, Nor- folk . . . London, 1738. Illus. Fac- simile. *2467.i82 Mainwaring, Rowland. 1783-1862. Annals of Bath. Bath, 1838. Plate. *2462.25 Marshall, Jenner. Memorials of Westcott Barton, Oxford. London, 1870. 84 pp. Plate. Coat of arms. *25o5.i44 Money, Walter. The history of the ancient Town and Borough of Newbury, Berks. Oxford, 1887. Maps. *2463.iii Moore, James, F.S.A. List of the abbies, priories, and other re- ligious houses, castles, &c., in England and Wales. London, 1786. 98 pp. *2469a.33 Contains many manuscript notes and additions. Newstead, G. Coulthard. Gleanings towards the annals of Aughton, near Ormskirk. Liverpool, 1893. Illus. *2469.i7i O'Byrne, Daniel. The history of the Queen's County: . . . together with a history of the ancient septs ... of Irish origin. Dublin, 1856. *2472.28 Occasional Visitor, An, pseud. Cursory observations on the churches of Bristol. 2d edition. Bristol, 1843. Plates. *2469a.36 Overton, Charles. The history of Cottingham. Hull, 1861. Plates. *2468.i87 Palmer, Frederick Danby, compiler. Yarmouth notes. 1830-1872. Great Yar- mouth, 1889. Photography. *2467.36 Partridge, Joseph. 1724-1796. An historical account of the Town and Parish of Nantwich. [Anon.] Shrews- bury, 1774. 89 pp. Plate. *2463.ii4 Peel, Frank. The rising of the Luddites, Chartists & Plug-Drawers. 3d edition. Brighouse, 1895. Illus. Portrait. 45i9a.i26 Poole, George Ayliffc, and John West Hugall. The churches of Scarl)orough, Filey, and neighbourhood. London, 1848. Illus. *2469a.34 Reilly, John. The history of Manchester. London, 1865. Plates. *2463.io8 Ripon, Yorkshire, England. Millenary Fes- tival. [Programmes, play, newspaper clippings, and other articles relating to the Festi- val. Ripon, 1886.] 5 parts in i v. = *2462.i84 Rowles, Walter. A general history of Maidstone. London, 1809. 93 pp. Map. *2464.5i Rushen, Percy C. The history and antiquities of Chipping Campden, Gloucester. Woodbridge, 1899. Plates. Fac-similes. Genealogi- cal table. *2464.25 Savage, James. 1767-1845. An historical account of the Parish of Wressle, in the East Riding of the County of York. Howden. [1797.] Plate. *2507.39 Saywell, Joseph Lemuel. The history and annals of Northallerton, Yorkshire. Northallerton, 1885. Illus. *2463.ii6 Shirley, Evelyn Philip. Lower Eatington: its manor house and church. London, 1869. 75 pp. Illus. Coat of arms. *2464.3o The manor house is the seat of the Shirley family. Simpson, Robert, of Skerton, editor. The history and antiquities of the Town of Lancaster. Lancaster, 1852. Plate. *2467.i73 Smith, Joshua Toulmin. Memorials of old Birmingham. Birming- ham, 1864. Plate. Fac-similes. *2462.44 Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth, on her visit to Giles Brydges, Lord Chan- dos, at Sudeley Castle, in Gloucester- shire. With a preface, by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. [Ickham.] 1815. 95 pp. Illus. Portrait. No. 2 in *653o.25 One hundred copies printed. Staehlin, Carl. Der Kampf um Schottland und die Ge- sandtschaftsreise Sir Francis Walsing- hams im Jahre 1583. Leipzig, 1902. [Leipziger Studien aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte.] 4514.24 Bibliography, pp. 130-132. Stainborough & Rockley, their historical associations, and rural attractions. By the author of "Village rambles." 2d edition. London, 1853. 99 PP- Plates. *2468.45 Contains brief accounts of the Rockley, Evering- ham, Cutler and Wentworth families. Staines, Joseph. The history of Newport Pagnell, and its immediate vicinity. Newport Pagnell, 1842. Plate. *2463.37 2IO June Stark, Adam. 1 784-1867. tiistory of the Bishopric of Lincohi. Lon- don. [1852.] *25o6.79 Stonehouse, William Brocklehurst. The history and topography of the Isle of Axholme: being that part of Lincoln- shire which is west of Trent. London, 1839. Illus. Maps. ^2462. 176 Contains also local genealogies. Storer, James Sargant, and others. History and description of the Parish of Clerkenwell, by J. & H. S. Storer. The historical department by T. Cromwell. [London, 1828.] Plates. Maps. *2494.29 Stuckey, John. A compleat history of Somersetshire . . . [Anon.] Sherborne, 1742. *246oa.i34 Sykes, John. Local records; or, historical register of remarkable events, which have occurred in Northumberland and Durham, New- castle-upon-Tyne, and Berwick-upon- Tweed. New edition. Newcastle, 1866, 67. 3 V. Illus. *2464.i59 \'ols. I, 2 are reprints of the edition of 1833: vol. 3, a continuation to 1866, is by T. i'ordyce. Tate, George. 1805-1871. The history of the Borough, Castle, and Barony of Alnwick. Alnwick, 1866-69. 2 V. Illus. Portrait. Plans. Coats of arms. * 2466.46 Thompson, John, of Liverpool. Liverpool & neighbourhood in ye olden time. With fragments historic and legendary of Lancashire and Cheshire. Liverpool, 1894. *2467.84 Thompson, Thomas, F.S.A. Researches into the history of Welton and its neighbourhood. Kingston-upon- Hull, 1870. Plates. *2465.45 Thorpe, John, of Ripley, England. Ripley; its history and antiquities. Harro- gate, 1866. *2467.26 Tickell, John. The history of the Town and County of Kingston upon Hull. Hull, 1798. Por- trait. Plates. Map. *2463.i02 Tomlinson, John. Doncaster from the Roman occupation to the present time. Doncaster, 1887. Plates. *246oa.i44 Tuff, John. Historical, topographical and statistical notices of Enfield, Middlesex [England]. Enfield, 1858. Plate. Map. *2469.i69 Turberville, T. C. Worcestershire in the nineteenth century. London, 1852. *2469.i75 Turner, Lewis. History of the ancient Town and Borough of Hertford. Hertford, 1830. Illus. Coat of arms. Map. *2463.iio Ward, Rev. John, of Skipton. Skipton Castle. Skipton, 1866. 93 pp. Plate. *2469.i79 Whaley, Christopher. The Parish of Askrigg, York, including Low Abbotside & Bainbridge. London. [1890.] Illus. *2469.i7o Wheater, William. The history of the Parishes of Sherburn and Cawood, with notices of Wistow, Saxton, Towton, &c. 2d edition. Lon- don. [1882.] Illus. *2466.47 Some of the plates are colored. Temple Newsam: its history and antiqui- ties. Leeds. [1869.] 50 pp. *2469.i78 Willis, Browne. The history and antiquities of the Town, Hundred, and Deanry of Buckingham. London, 1755. *2462.42 Wright, A. B. An essay towards a history of Hexham. Alnwick, 1823. Illus. Fac-simile. *2464.32 Wright, Henry Press. The story of the 'Domus Dei' of Ports- mouth, commonly called the Royal Gar- rison Church. London, 1873. Plates. Plans. *2509.69 America. Bishop, Judson Wade. The story of a regiment. Being a narra- tive of the service of the Second Regi- ment, Minnesota Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865. St. Paul, 1890. Portraits. •'•"*20th".43f.2 Charles II., of England. At the Court of Whitehall, the 20th of July, 1683. [Declaration in regard to Quo warranto proceedings against the Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Col- ony.] London, 1683. 4 pp. **H.9ob.53 Codman, John, 2d. 1863-1897. Arnold's expedition to Quebec. [Edited hy H. S. Chapman.] Special edition with added matter . . . edited by Wil- liam Abbatt. New York, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. *44io.i52 Columbus, Christopher. Der deutsche Kolumbus-Brief. In Fac- simile-Druck herausgegeben mit einer Einleitung von Konrad Habler. Strass- burg, 1900. 34 pp. Vignettes. 4363-33 Concord, New Flampshire. City TLstory Commission. History of Concord. James O. Lyford, editor. [Concord, 1903.] 2 v. and folded map. Illus. *445i.74 Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. Election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people. Speech in the Senate of the United States, upon the amendment offered by him, April 10, 1902. Washington, 1902. 8 pp. = 9321.8073 Green, Samuel Abbott. Ten fac-simile reproductions relating to various subjects. Boston, 1903. 43 pp. Portraits. Plates. *2350.48 One of an edition of 125 copies. Contents. — Some engraved portraits of the Mather family. — The South and North Batteries [of Boston]. — An early Boston imprint, 1681 [of The pilgrim's progress]. — The Boston News- I904 211 letter, 1704. — Reprints of early Boston news- papers. — Panorama of Boston, 1775. — The midnight ride of Paul Revere. — The Battle of Bunker Hill. — The crossed swords. — Law- rence Academy, Groton, Massachusetts. Haywood, John. 1 753-1826. The civil and political history of the State of Tennessee, from its earliest settle- ment up to the year 1796. Knoxville, 1823. **G.383.35 This copy is called the Fiske-Harris copy. Hoetzsch, Otto. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordame- rika. Bielefeld, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. [Monographien zur Weltgeschichte.] 6252.43 Illinois. State Historical Library. Collections. Vol. i-. Edited by H. W. Beckwith. Springfield, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. = *4372.42 Knight, George Wells. The government of the people of the vState of Ohio. Revised edition. Philadelphia, 1903. Illns. Portraits. Map. 3567.226 Lescarbot, Marc. 1590?-! 630? Histoire de la Novvelle France. Paris, 1609. Maps. No. I in **G.3774.io Murray, Thomas Hamilton. History of the Ninth Regiment, Connec- ticut Volunteer Infantry, the "Irish Regiment," 1861-65. New Haven, 1903. Portraits. Plates. ='="20th".4od.9 Ogg, Frederic Austin. The opening of the Mississippi. A strug- gle for supremacy in the American inte- rior. New York, 1904. Maps. 2328.149 Orleans County Historical Society. Proceedings, 1902/3. Newport, Vt., 1903. Plate. = *4437.i73 Proposals offered to consideration, wherein the good of this province is aimed at. [Boston, 1733.] 4 pp. **H.9ob.54 Proposals for regulating the financial affairs of the province. Randall, Emilius Oviatt, editor. Ohio centennial anniversary celebration at Chillicothe, May 20-21, 1903. Com- plete proceedings. Columbus, 1903. Illus. Portraits. = 4375.104 Some considerations against the setting up of a market in this town [Boston. Bos- ton, 1733.] 4 pp. No. I in **H.9ob.42 Same. [Another edition.] This edition is undated. No. 2 in **H.9ob.42 Steward, John Fletcher. Lost Maramech and earliest Chicago. A history of the Foxes and of their down- fall near the great village of Maramech. Chicago, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 4374.179 Stiles, Robert. Four years under Marse Robert. New York, 1903. Portrait. *"2oth".52.856 Same. 2d edition. 2327.131 Thomas, Henry Walter. History of the Doles-Cook Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, C.S.A. Contain- ing muster rolls of each company of the Fourth, Twelfth, 21st and 44th Georgia regiments . . . Atlanta, Ga., 1903. Por- traits. Plates. *"20th".22.2o Thornton, William, Commissioner of the Patent Office. Political economy: founded in justice and humanity. By W. T., Washington. Washington, 1804. 24 pp. 3568.41 Discusses American political questions. Worsham, William Johnson. 1840-. The Old Nineteenth Tennessee Regiment, C.S.A. Knoxville, 1902. Portraits. Plans. *"20th".42d.i9 Fine Arts* Archaeology* Antiquities. Engelmann, Richard. Pompeii. Translated by Talfourd Ely. London, 1904. Illus. [ Famous art cities. No. I.] 4074.310 The original German is on shelf-no. 4074.256. Gale, Roger, 1672-1744, and Samuel Gale. Reliquiae Galeanae. In which will be in- cluded their correspondence with their learned contemporaries, memoirs of their family, and an account of the Lite- rary Society at Spalding. London, 1781- 1784. Plates. *243oa.8i This work treats mainly of the antiquities of (heat Britain. Wilpert, Joseph, Die Malereien der Katakomben Roms. Freiburg im B., 1903. 2 v. Illus. Many of the plates are colored. *Cab.8o.70.I Contents. — i. Text. 2. 267 Tafeln. Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. Departement des estampes. Catalogue sommaire des gravures et litho- graphies composant la reserve redige par Frangois Courboin. [Avec une pre- face par Henri Bouchot.] Paris, 1900, 01. 2 V. *8o64.i59 Buckle, Anthony. Yorkshire etchings, with sonnets and de- scriptions. Leeds, 1885. 40 ff. Plates. *246o.34 Burlington Magazine, The, for connoisseurs. Monthly. [Edited by C. J. Holmes and Robert Dell.] Vol. 4. London, 1904. Illus. *407o.27i Chesneau, Ernest Alfred. Les interets populaires dans I'art. La verite sur le Louvre, le Musee Napoleon III. et les artistes industriels. Paris, 1862. 48 pp. = 4078.310 Colvin, Sidney, editor. Selected drawings from old masters in the University galleries and in the library at Christ Church, Oxford. Part i. Oxford, 1903. 20 fac-similes. *Cab.8o.95.5 Connoissevr, The. A magazine for collec- tors. [Published monthly.] Vol. 1-6. London, 1901-03. Illus. Portraits. Fac- similes. *4o6oa.257 Some of the plates are colored. 212 Gottlob, F. Les derniers Camisards. [Lithograph. Paris? 1903?] = No. i in *Cab.8i.20.4 The prominent figure is Andre Castanet, under- going the punishment of carrying the heads of Boyer and Valette. Kirchner, Josef. 1845-. Die Darstellung des ersten Menschen- paares in der bildenden Kiinst. Stutt- 4074-133 ;art, 1903. Illus. Migeon, Gaston, editor. Exposition des arts mnsulmans au Musee des arts decoratifs. Paris. [1903.] II pp. 100 plates. *Cab.8o.7o.4 Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological So- ciety. Engraving of a gold niello, found at Mat- lask, Norfolk. [Norwich, 1852.] 8 pp. Plate. = 4070.152 The niello represents the crvicified Saviour. Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, t868. Part I., by Wm. Michael Rossetti. Part II., by Algernon C. Swinburne. London. [1868.] 55 pp. *A.6462 Peirce, Harold. Collection of choice engravings and etch- ings and original drawings by Sir Ed- ward Burne-Jones . . . including artist's proof etchings by Axel H. Haig . . . [etc.]. To be sold December 3d, 1902. . . . Compiled by Stan V. Henkels. Philadelphia. [1902.] 27 pp. Portrait. Plates. = 8061.180 Philippi, Adolf. Kunstgeschichtliche Einzeldarstellungen. Leipzig, 1897-1901. 6 v. Illus. Por- traits. 407545 Namely : Band i, 2. Die Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. 4075.45.1, 2 Band 3. Die Kunst des 15. und 16. Jahrhun- derts in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. 4075-45-3 Band 4. Die Kunst der Nachblute in Italien und Spanien. 4075-45'4 Band 5. Die Bliite der Malerei in Belgien. 4075-45-5 Band 6. Die Bliite der Malerei in Holland. 4075.45.6 Sadakichi-Hartmann, C. Japanese art. Boston, 1904. Plates. [Art lovers' series.] 4077*279 Some of the plates are colored. Saitschick, Robert M. Menschen. und Kunst der italienischen Renaissance. Berlin, 1903. 4078.304 Springfield. Public Library. City Library Association. Art Museum. A souvenir of the Art Museum. Spring- field, 1895. 42 pp. Illus. Portraits. 4075.29 Esthetics. Gietmann, Gerhard. Asthetik der Baukunst. Freiburg im B., 1903. Illus. Plans. [Kunstlehre. T. 5.] 4074.304 This volume contains a general index to the five parts of Kunstlehre. June Lechalas, Georges. 1851-. fitudes esthetiques. Paris, 1902. [Biblio- theque de philosophic contemporaine.] Relates also to psychology. 3604.208 Spitzer, Hugo. Hermann Hettners kunstphilosophische Anfange und Literarasthetik: Unter- suchungen zur Theorie und Geschichte der Asthetik. Band i. Graz, 1903. 3604.210 Literaturverzeichnis, Band i, pp. 489-506. Architecture. Building. Architecture. A monthly journal edited by A. Holland Forbes. Vol. 9, no. 49. Jan- uary, 1904-. New York, 1904. Plates. Plans. *4090.3i3 Baltzer, F. Das japanische Haus. Eine bautechnische Studie. Berlin, 1903. 72 pp. Illus. Plans. *Cab.6o.5i.4 Bumpus, T. Francis. Holiday rambles among the cathedrals and churches of North Germany. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. 4105.79 Parker, George, of Ripon. Studley Royal and Fountains Abbey. Revised and enlarged edition. Ripon. [1895.] Illus. ^ No. 2 in *2467.3i Rehme, Wilhelm. Die Architektur der neuen freien Schule. Leipzig. [1901.] 20 pp. Illus. 100 plates. *Cab.6o.50.8 Storer, James Sargant, and Henry Sargant Storer. Delineations, graphical and descriptive of Fountains' Abbey, York. London. [1820?] Illus. Plan. *2463.82 Twycross, Edward. The mansions of England and Wales. London, 1847-50. 5 v. Plates. ^2460.36 Contents. — i, 2. Lancaster. Northern division. 3. Lancaster. Southern division. 4, 5. Chester. Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeo- logical Society. Architectural Com- mittee. Notices of the churches of Warwickshire. Deanery of Warwick. Warwick, 1847, 58. 2 V. in I. Illus. Plans. *250i.45 Artists. Advielle, Victor. 1833-. Recherches sur Nicolas Poussin et sur sa famille. Paris, 1902. Portrait. Plates. Fac-similes. 4078.312 Bibliography, pp. 179-224. Alexandre, Arsene. Carolus-Duran. Paris, 1903. 35 pp. Illus. Portraits. [Les artistes de tous les temps.] 4081. 115 Clarac, Charles Othon Frederic Jean Bap- tiste, Comte de. Artistes de I'antiquite, ou table alphabe- tique contenant jusqu'au Vie siecle de notre ere, tous les statuaires, les sculp- teurs, les peintres, les architectes . . . Toulouse, 1829. 85 pp. = 4087.171 1904 213 Cervetto, Luigi Augusto. 1 Gaggini da Bissone. f>oro (3pcrc in Geneva cd altrove. Contributo alia storia dell' arte lombarda. Milano, 1903. Illus. Portraits. *Cab.8o.29.4 donti, Angelo. Giorgione. Studio. Firenze, 1894. 83 pp. Illus. 4o8oa.6o Horsley, John Callcott. Recollections of a Royal Academician. Edited by Mrs. Edmund Helps. With illustrations from the author's drawings and pictures. New York, 1903. Fac- similes. 4086.120 Geffroy, Gustave. Peintures d'Eugene Delacroix a la Biblio- theque de la Chambre des deputes. Paris, 1903. 32 pp. Illus. 8073.204 The library is in the Palais Bourbon, Paris. Lemonnier, Camille. 1845-. Constantin Meunier, sculpteur et peintre. Paris, 1904. Illus. Portraits, [fitudes sur quelques artistes originaux.] *4o83.i92 Meier-Graefe, Julius. Manet und sein Kreis. Berlin. [1902.] 71 pp. Portrait. Plate. [Die Kunst. Sammlung illustrierter Monographien.] 4079a.267 Meyer, Alfred Gotthold. Donatello. Translated by P. G. Konody. Bielefeld, 1904. Illus. Portraits. [Mono- graphs on artists.] 4082.77 Sinclair, William Macdonald. John Macwhirter (Royal Academician). His life and work. London, 1903. 35 pp. Illus. Portraits. [Art Annual, 1903.] 4081.124 Tourneux, Maurice. 1849-. Jean-Baptiste Perronneau. Paris. [1903-] 61 pp. Illus. Portraits. 4082.67 Decoration. Design. Ornament. Furniture. Lace. Embroidery. Day, Lewis Foreman. Pattern design: a book for students. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. 8074.194 Guerinet, Armand, editor. Le chateau de Chantilly. Reproduction phototypique des interieurs des apparte- ments et des details de sculpture orne- mentale et peintures decoratives, meu- bles, etc. Paris. [190-?] 64 plates. *Cab.6o.50.7 Jaenecke, W. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Ornamentik. [i.] Hannover, 1902. Illus. 8071.163 Contents. — I. Ueber die Entwickelung der Akanthusranke im franzosischen Rokoko. Litteratur, Band i, p. (32). Pica, Vittorio. L'arte decorativa all' Esposizione di Torino del 1902. Bergamo, 1903. Illus. Plates. 4074.297 Some of the plates are colored. Recy, Georges de. Decoration du cuir. Gravurc, ciselure, modelage, pyrogravure, mosa'ique, tein- ture, patine. Paris. [1903.] Illus. 8025.127 Music. Musicians. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING MAY, 1904. Albert, Eugene Francis Charles d'. I)cr Improvisator. Ouvcrturc. Partitur. Ber- lin. [1901.] — Der Improvisator. Oper in drci Auf- ziigen. Vollstandiger Klavier-Auszug. Berlin. [1902.] Delibes, Clement Philibert Leo. [Le roi I'a dit. Ouverture. Partition.] Paris. [1873.] — Sylvia. Ballet. Partition piano. Paris, 1876. Handel, Georg Friedrich. [Dove sei amato bene.] The favourite song from the opera of Rodelinda. [Accomp. for orchestra.] London. [178-?] — ■ Die Wahl des Hercules nach Mozarts Bearbeitung. Partitur. Manuscript. [i79-?] Hast, Marcus. Psalm 137 ... for a single voice with pianoforte accompaniment. London. [187-?] Lang, Malcolm Burrage. Hi-ka-ya. Ope- retta in three acts. [Cambridge.] 1902. Le Borne, Fernand. L'idole aux yeux verts. Ballet-pantomime. Partition complete [pour piano]. Paris, 1902. Limbert, Frank L. Quartett fiir 2 Violinen, Bratsche und Violoncell (F moll). Op. 15. Berlin, 1898. MacCunn, Llamish. Highland memories. Suite of 3 Scottish scenes for orchestra. Op. 30. Full score. London. [189-?] Pierre, Constant. Musique des fetes ei ceremonies de la Revolution frangaise. CEuvres de Gossec, Cherubini, Lesueur, Mehul, Catel, etc. Recueillies et tran- scrites par Constant Pierre. Paris, 1899. Popper, David. Tarantelle fiir Violoncell mit Orchester. Op. 33. [Orchestrirt von Paul Gilson. Partitur.] Hamburg. [188-?] Raff, Joseph Joachim. Suite fiir das Piano- forte mit Begleitung des Orchesters. Op. 200. Partitur. Leipzig. [187-?] Rice, N. H. Serenade fiir Streich-Orchester (A-dur). Op. 3. Partitur. Berlin, 1899. Sibelius, Jean. Lemminkainen zieht heim- warts. Legende. Partitur. Leipzig, 1901. — Symphonie, No. i, fiir grosses Orchester, Partitur. Leipzig, 1902. Sinding, Christian. Concert No. 2 (D dur) fiir Violine mit Begleitung des Orchesters. Op. 60. Partitur. Leipzig. Strauss, Richard. Sonate (Es dur) fiir Vio- line und Klavier. Op. 18. Miinchen. [1887.] — Wandrers Sturmlied fiir sechstimmigen Chor und grosses Orchester. Op. 14. Klavierauszug mit Text. Miinchen, 1902. — Zwei Gesange fiir 16 stimmigen geniisch- ten Chor a capella. Op. 34, No. i u. 2. Miinchen, 1897. Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon. Werken. Deel i-io. 'S-Gravenhage, 1894-1901. ToUius, Jan. Zesstemmige Madrigale. Am- sterdam, 1901. 214 June Watson, Henry. Fair Rosine. A comic opera in two acts. [Vocal score with piano accomp.] London. [1882?] Weber, Bernhard Anselm. Die Weilie dcr Kraft-Schauspiel. Klaiverauszug. [Ber- lin? 1806?] Williams, Joseph. Lady Laura's land. An operetta in one act. [Vocal score with piano accomp.] London. [1895.] Zeller, Carl. Der Obersteiger. Operette in 3 Acten. Clavier-Auszug mit Text. Leip- zig, 1894- Gruendling, Paul. Moderne Erbbegrabnisse. Leipzig, 1903. 8 pp. 30 plates. 4094.18 Nelidov, Alcksandr Ivanovitch. Klassisch-antike Goldschmiedearbeiten ipi Besitze A. J. von Nelidow. Erlaiitert von Ludwig Pollok. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 20 colored plates. *8o20.i47 Geography^ Travels* Numismatics. Gems. Seals. Arms. Armor. Florance, . Numismatif|no ,L;rt,c(|tie. Tableaux synop- tiques des ctliiii(|ucs des villes et peuples grecs. Paris, 1903. 6221.81 Painting. Portraits. Cust, Lionel Henry. Notes on the authentic portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, based on the researches of the late Sir George Scharf, rewritten in the light of new information. Lon- don, 1903. Portraits. *4073.290 Dimier, L. French painting in the sixteenth century. [Translated from the French by Harold Child.] London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 4078.308 Gaffre, L. A. Les portraits du Christ. Etude d'icono- graphie religieuse. Paris, 1903. Illus. *8o7i.i65 Mauclair, Camille. L'impressionnismc : son histoire, son es- thetique, ses luaitrcs. 2e edition. Paris, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 4084.163 Bibliograpliy, pp. _'ji-223. Muther, Richard. t86o-. Die belgischc Malerei im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1904. Portraits. Plates. ' 8078.202 Suida, Wilhelm. Die Kaiserliche Gemalde-Galerie [Wien]. Stuttgart. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. Plan. 80793.263 Pottery. Jervis, William Paget. The encyclopedia of ceramics. New York. [1902.] Illus. Portraits. *4023.4i Contains marks and monograms. Sculpture. Carving. Gold and Silver Work. Kabbadias, Panagiotis. 'FiOvLKOv ' Apx^f-o^oyLKbv Movaeiov. YXvirra rod 'EdvtKov Movaeiov. KaraXoyos irepiypacpiKOS. "E/cSocrts TrX-^pr/s. [T6/xos TrpcDros.j 'Ej/ ' A^Tymts, 1890-92. Plan. = 5076.60 Bibliography, pp. 5-7. Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Ball, James Dyer. Tilings Chinese; or, notes connected with China. 4th edition, enlarged. London, 1904- 3013.131 Beazley, Charles Raymond, editor. The texts and versions of John dc Piano Carpini and William de Rubruquis, as printed for the first time by Flakluyt in 1598, together with some shorter pieces. London, 1903. [Hakluyt Society.] *2274.44 Berzelius, Jons Jacob. Reseanteckningar. Utgifna af^ Kungl. svenska vetenskapsakademien genom TI. G. Soderbaum. Stockholm. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. 6265.62 De Windt, Harry. Lrom Paris to New York by land. 2d impression. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 6264.85 Chiefly about Siberia and Alaska. Fonteneau, Jean. La cosmographie, avec I'espere et regime du soleil et du nord. Publiee et annotee par Georges Musset. Paris, 1904. Maps. [Recucil de voyages et de documents pour servir a I'histoire de la geographic.] *628oa.8o Freshfield, Douglas William. Round Kangchenjunga: a narrative of mountain travel and exploration. Lon- don, 1903. Plates. Maps. 3042.277 Hagelgans, Johann Georg. Atlas historicus quo res per orbem gestas universe et sigillatim delineavit lo. Georg Llagelgans. Francofurti ad Maen, MDCCXXXVII. 23 sheets. 6 maps. Bound in i v. *Cab.22.ii.6 Hamilton, Angus. Korea. New York, 1904. Illus. Map. 3014.101 Preyer, Axel. Indo-malayische Streifziige. Beobach- tungen und Bilder aus Natur und Wirt- schaftsleben im tropischen Sitd-Asien. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 3047-337 Scott, Jefferson Ellsworth. In famine land: observations and experi- ences in India during the great drought of 1899-1900. New York, 1904. Plates. Map. 3045-237 Tirion, Isaak, publisher. Nieuwe en beknopte hand-atlas. Amster- dam. [1744-75.] 4 pp. 112 maps. *Map 78.1 1904 215 United States. General Staff. Army. Military Informa-" tion Division. Map of Korea and Manchuria. Wash- ington, 1904. Scale, 38 miles to i inch. No. 41 in *Map 107.5 Submaps. — i. Vladivostok. 2. Port Arthur. 3. Index map. Hydrographic Office. Asia. Japan and Korea, with the sur- rounding seas and the adjacent coastal region of China. [Map.] Washing- ton, 1904. No. 40 in *Map 107.5 Walker, George Hiram, and Company. Map of Manchuria, Corea & Japan. Bos- ton, 1904. Scale, 103.9 miles to i inch. No. 39 in *Map 107.5 Europe. Album von Heidelberg. Heidelberg. [1844.] 3 pp. 17 plates. *Cab.28.io.6 Lithographed from drawings by Th. Verhas, Chapuy and Bachelier. Bailey, Benson. Ilkley, Bolton Abbey, and the pearls of Craven. 6th edition. Bingley. [i86-?l Tllus. *2467.44 Chalikikiopoulos, Heonidas. Sitia, die ( )sthalbinsel Kreta's. Eine geographische Studic. Berlin. [i903-l Plates. Maps. 3081.153 Litteratur, pp. 3-5. Jensen, Wilhelm. 1837-. Der Schwarzwald. 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1892. Illus. 2861.24 Kennedy, Bart. A tramp in Spain, from Andalusia to An- dorra. London, 1904. Plates. Maps. 3093.76 Krebs, Norbcrt. Die nordlichen Alpen zwischen Enns, Traisen und Miirz. Leipzig, 1903. Maps. Profiles. [Geographische Abhand- lungen.J *6273.20.8 Reber, Franz von, editor. 1834-. Bautechnischer Fiihrer durch Mtinchen. Miinchen, 1876. Illus. Maps. = 2839.74 Wood, Charles William. Norwegian by-wa3^s. London, 1903. Plates. 4865.60 Great Britain. For other works in this Bulletin illustrative of British history and topography, consult the division History, subdivision Great Britain. Account, An, of Tenby. Pembroke, 1818. *2464.38 Birch, George Henry. London on Thames in bygone days. Lon- don, 1903. 96 pp. Plates. [The Port- folio.] 8082.154 Some of the plates are colored. Blower, Benjamin. The Mersey, ancient and modern. Liver- pool, 1878. 97 pp. Plates. Maps. ^2467.43 Bogg, Edmund. From Eden vale to the plains of York; or, a thousand miles in the valleys of the Nidd and Yore. Leeds. [1893.] Illus. Portrait. Coats of arms. *246oa.i42 The old Kingdom of Elmet: York and the Ainsty district. [Vol. i.] London, 1902. Illus. Maps. *2464.48 Carrington, Henry E. The Plymouth and Devonport guide. 5th edition. L)c von port, 1843. Plates. Map. Relates also to vStonchousc. *2469a.4I Coker, John, Antiquary. -1635? A survey of Dorsetshire. And a copious genealogical account of three hundred of the principall families. London, 1732. Map. Coats of arms. *246o.33 Cromwell, Thomas Kit son. Excursions through Ireland: . . . Province of Leinster. London, 1820. 2 v. Plates. *4539-52 Ditchfield, Peter Hampson, editor. Memorials of old Oxfordshire. London, 1903. Illus. Map. *2464.56 Dodd, Stephen, publisher. An historical and topographical account of the Town of Woburn, its abbey, and vicinity; containing also a concise genealogy of the House of Russell, and memoirs of the late Francis, Duke of Bedford. Woburn, 1818. Plates. Coats of arms. *2464.37 Gamble, John, Esq. Views of society and manners in the north of Ireland. London, 1819. *2473.8i Grainge, William, The history and topography of Harro- gate, and the Forest of Knaresborough. London, 1871. Plates, Map. *2464.53 Grant, James. 1802-1879. Travels in town. By the Author of "Ran- dom recollections of the Lords and Commons," "The great metropolis," etc. London, 1839. 2 v, *2497.3o An account of London. Harper, Malcolm M'Lachlan. Rambles in Galloway, Edinburgh, 1876, Illus, Plates, *2479.97 Lankester, Edwin, An account of Askern and its mineral springs, London, 1842. Colored map. *2469a.38 Longcroft, Charles John. A topographical account of the Hundred of Bosmere, Southampton, including the Parishes of Havant, Warblington, and Hayling. London, 1857. Illus. Map. *246i.87 Longstaffe, William Hylton Dyer. Richmondshire, its ancient lords and edi- fices, London, 1852, Illus, Map. *4539-i8 Lucas, Edward Verrall. Highways and byways in Sussex. Illus- trated by Frederick L. Griggs. London, 1904. Illus, Map, [The highways & byways series.] 2462.133 2l6 June Miller, Thomas. 1809-1874. Our old town. London. [^857. J Illus. A description of Great Yarmouth. *2467.33 Moss, Fletcher. Pilgrimages to old homes, mostly on the Welsh Border. Didsbury, 1903. Illus. 2462.170 Palin, William. Stifford and its neighbourhood, past and present. [London.] 1871. Illus. Vign- ette. *246oa.i38 A supplementary volume, entitled More about Stifford and its neighbourhood, is on shelf- number 24603.139. Peck, W. A topographical history and description of Bawtry and Thorne, with the village adjacent. [With supplement.] Don- caster, 1813. Illus. Coats of arms. Map. ^2462.23 One of an edition of 100 copies. Relates also to villages in Yorkshire and Not- tinghamshire. Phillips, Robert. A geological, historical, and topographical description of the Borough of Reigate and surrounding district. Edited by T. R. Hooper. Redhill, 1885. Plates. Maps. *6537.6i Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond. Lake Country sketches. Glasgow, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2468.92 Simpson, Robert, of Londonderry. The Londonderry hand-book, or tourist's guide. Londonderry, 1864. *2479a.37 Sloan, John Matthew. The Carlyle country, with a study of Car- lyle's life. London, 1904. Illus. Por- traits. Map. *247oa.io9 The region described is in Dumfriesshire and the Nitbside corner of Galloway. Southall, Mary. A description of Malvern and it's concom- itants. Malvern, 1822. Plates. Map *2467.35 Stacy, John. A topographical and historical account of the City and County of Norwich. [Anon]. Norwich, 1819. Portraits. Plates. Map. *2464.4i White, William, of Sheffield. History, guide, and description, of the Borough of Sheffield, and the Town and Parish of Rotherham; comprising the history of liallamshire . . . Sheffield, 1833- *2468.46 America. Gannett, Henry. 1846-. The origin of certain place names in the United States. Washington, 1902. [United States. Geological Survey.] = Authorities, pp. 12-16. *7S72.55-I97 Gimber, , Draughtsman. State Llouse from the Mall, Boston. [Bal- timore, 183-?] Lithograph. No. 12 in *Cab.23.5o.4 Title sheet cut from a piece of music, "Grand centennial march." By Ch. Zeuner. Hennepin, Louis. A new discovery of a vast country in America. Reprinted from the 2d Lon- don issue of 1698, with introduction, notes, and index, by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Chicago, 1903. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. *23i7.i7 A copy of the edition from which this is re- printed is on shelf-number ** 2317. 10. Merchants' Association of New York. Report on Cuba. By H. D. Dumont. . . . 2d edition. [New York.] 1903. 40 pp. = 4368.212 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. A brief history of Rocky Mountain explo- ration, with special reference to the ex- pedition of Lewis and Clark [sic]. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Map. [Expansion of the Republic se- ries.] 4375-134 United States. Hydrographic Office. North America. Polar Regions. Baffin Bay to Lincoln Sea. Showing the recent discoveries by Civil Engineer R. E. Peary, U.S.N., incorporated with the earlier surveys. [Map.] Washington, 1903. No. 31 in *Map 119.1 Walker, -- — . Colombia: being a geographical, statisti- cal, agricultural, commercial, and polit- ical account of that country. [Anon.] London, 1822. 2 v. Portraits. Map. *4464.86 Language^ Rhetoric. Ahn, Johann Franz. A new, practical and easy method of learn- ing the Italian language. . . . First and second course. 15th edition. London, 1900. 4789a.9 Chevaldin, Louis fimile. Les jargons de la Farce de Pathelin, pour la premiere fois reconstitues, traduits et commentes . . . Paris, 1903. 4678.86 Child's pictorial first-book, The. New York. [185-?] 24 pp. Illus. = 70593.147 Doce, Jose Maria. Diccionario ortografico etimologico es- panol. 2a edicion. Madrid, 1893. *5039a.6i T4pas. Abhandlungen zur indogermanischen Sprachgeschichte. August Fick zum siebensigsten Geburtstage gewidmet von Freunden und Schiilern. Gottingen, 1903. 2954.120 Relates principally to the classical languages. Koeppel, Emil. 1852-. Spelling-pronunciations : Bemerkungen iiber den Einfluss des Schriftbildes auf den Laut im Englischen. Strassburg, 1901. 76 pp. *2902. 50.89 Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford. The standard of pronunciation in English. New York, 1904. 2587.67 1904 217 Mueller, Max, Ph.D., of Berlin. Wortkritik und Sprachbereicherung in Adelungs Worterbuch. Berlin, 1903. [Palaestra. Band 14.] 2882.6 Adelung's Worterbuch is on shelf-numbers *2882.i ; *B. 425 1.3. Peppier, Charles William. Comic terminations in Aristophanes and the comic fragments. Part i : Diminu- tives, character names, patronymics. Baltimore, 1902. 54 pp. = 2973.86 Polzin, Albert. 1877- Studien zur Geschichte des Deminutivums im Deutschen. Strassburg, 1901. [Quel- len und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Volker.] *2902.50.88 Porter, Ralph Stribling. A primer and vocabulary of the Moro dia- lect (Magindanau). Washington, 1903. 77 pp. Fac-simile. [United States. War Department. Divison of Customs and Insular Affairs.] = 5039.166 Tweddell, Elizabeth. Rhymes and sketches to illustrate the Cleveland dialect. Stokesley, 1875. *2489a.36 Rhetoric. Composition. Elocution. Oratory. Recitations. Dialogues. Speakers. Hill, Adams Sherman. Beginnings of rhetoric and composition including practical exercises in English. New York. [1902.] 3596.212 Radford, Robert Somerville. Personification and the use of abstract subjects in the Attic orators and Thu- kydides. Part i. Baltimore, 1901. 56 pp. = 2983.82 Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Bodleian Library, Oxford, England. Staff-Kalendar, 1904. Oxford. [1904.] = *6i99a.36 Boston, Mass. Public Library. Finding list of English prose fiction . . . which may be taken for home use. Bos- ton, 1903. *620oa.73 British Museum. Library. Librorum impressorum qui in Museo Bri- tannico adservantur catalogus. Londoni, MDCCLXXXVII. 2 V. = *Cab.2i.24.5 Chicago. Public Library. Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving Day, Christ- mas, New Year's Day. Chicago, 1903. 48 pp. *2i43.55 Lists of books and magazine articles. Delalain, Paul. Essai de bibliographic de I'histoire de I'im- primerie typographique et de la librairie en France. Paris, 1903. 51 pp. *2iii.4i Finsbury, London. Public Libraries Com- mittee. Class-guide to fiction. New & revised edi- tion, London, 1903. = *6i59.i36 Gautier, Jean. Nos bibliotheques publiques: leur situa- tion legale. 2e edition. Paris, 1903. 6195-156 Grolier Club, New York. Dramatic folios of the seventeenth cen- tury, exhibited December 3d to 12th, 1903. [New York, 1903.] 27 pp. = *6ii9a.32 Keysser, Adolf. Die oeffentlichen Bibliotheken und die schoene Literatur. Mit besonderer Be- ziehung auf die Coelner Stadtbibliothek. Coein, 1903. 36 pp. 6193.58* Lefevre, Edmond, editor. BibHographie mistralienne. Frederic Mis- tral. Marseille, 1903. *2i72.i6o Pennsylvania. State College. Library. Bulletin. Vol. i (no. 2). [Harrisburg.] 1903. = *6i93.54 Public Library Monthly, The. An illus- trated magazine devoted to libraries, books and their makers. Vol. i, 1903. Boston, 1903. Illus. Plans. *62oo.55 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates, Book-selling. Dixson, Zella Allen. Concerning book-plates. A handbook for collectors, ist edition. Chicago, 1903. Illus. *6ii4.93 Guild of Women-Binders. Catalogue of bindings by the Guild of Women-Binders and the Hampstead Bindery; together with original water- colour drawings by the late Empress Frederick and a portrait of His Majesty, the King ... by E. T. Parris; which will be sold by auction, December, 1901. London, 1901. 18 pp. Colored plates. = 6113.66 Merlo, Johann Jacob. 1810-1890. Ulrich Zell, Koelns erster Drucker. Bear- beitet von Dr. Otto Zaretzky. Koeln, 1900. 83 pp. Plates. [Cologne, Germany. Stadtbibliothek. Veroffentlichungen.] Festgabe zur Gutenbergfeier, 1900. 2173.57 Radiguer, Louis. Maitres imprimeurs et ouvriers typo- graphes (1470-1903). Paris, 1903. 6113.135 Journalism. Authorship. Freedom, The, of the press. Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker's message ap- proving the bill in restraint of its liberty and Charles Emory Smith's edi- torial in protest. [Philadelphia? 1903.] 28 pp. Plate. = 6193.56 2l8 June Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Bibliotheque Rationale, Paris. Manuscripts. Psautier de Saint Louis. Reproduction des 86 miniatures du manuscrit latin 10526 de la Bibliotheque nationale. Paris. [1903.] 21 pp. 92 plates. 4078.300 Contains also fac-similes of six miniatures in a similar manuscript in the possession of Henry Yates Thompson. The miniatures illustrate Old Testament history. Borland, John, of Boston, [Writ of attachment issued at the instance of John Borland, of Boston, against Paul Simons, of Boston.] Boston, 1695. Broadside. **H.gob.6i Printed form filled out in manuscript. . Boston. Town government. At a publick town-meeting in Boston, May 9th 1733, and continued by adjourn- ment to May nth. Voted, That the fol- lowing scheme, for setting up and regu- lating markets in this town, be forth- with printed; . . . [Boston, 1733.]. Broad- side. **H.9ob.44 Chatelain, Simile. 185 1- Catalogue des incunables de la Biblio- theque de rUniversite de Paris. Paris, 1902. Fac-similes. *2i82.25 Fame's tribute to children. Being a collec- tion of autograph sentiments contrib- uted by famous men and women for this volume. Done in fac-simile and pub- lished for the benefit of the Children's Home, of the World's Columbian Expo- sition. [2d edition.] Chicago, 1893. Plate. Vignette. *6252.i3 Friends of Peace. To all the electors of Massachusetts of whatever political party they may be. [Opposing war with Great Britain and advocating the election of Gore as Gov- ernor. Boston, 1808.] Broadside. **H.9ob.49 Massachusetts. Committee of Safety. To John Batchelor. Whereas you have this day received orders for enlisting 56 soldiers . . . for the Massachusetts service . . . You are hereby acquainted that the commission of a captain . . . shall be made out for you . . . By order of the Committee of Safety. [Signed] Jos. Warren, chairman. Broadside. = **H.9ob.67 Dated Cambridge, April 24, 1775. Printed form filled out in manuscript. Council. The major part of the Council of the Massachusetts-Bay ... to Noah Be- man, Gentleman, Greeting. You being appointed First Lieutenant of the Fifth Company ... in the Fourth Regiment of Militia in the County of Middlesex . . . By virtue of the power vested in us, we . . . commission you accordingly . . . Given ... at Water- town the 5th day of July . . . 1776. [Signed] John Lowell, Dpy Secy P. T. [and 15 other members of the Council]. Broadside. **H.9ob.46 Printed form filled out jn manuscript. General Court. In the House of Representatives, Janu- uary 17, 1776. Resolved, That the Committee or Selectmen of the sev- eral towns in this Colony, send a just and true account of all the powder, lead and flints, by them delivered . . . for the use of said Colony or army, to the Committee of Accounts, by the First day of April next . . . [Boston.] 1776. Broadside. **H.9ob.66 State of Massachusetts Bay. In the House of Representatives, Sept. 14, 1779. Whereas it is indispensably necessary that a supply of blankets should be immediately procured for . . . the army . . . [Boston, 1779.] Broadside. **H.9ob.5i New Palaeographical Society. Report for 1902-3. [London, 1903.] 10 pp. *2i8i.43 Perry's victory. [Verse.] Boston. [1812?] Broadside. Illus. **H.9ob.73 University of Cambridge. Magdalene Col- lege. Pepysian Library. A descriptive catalogue of the naval manuscripts in the Pepysian Library. Edited by J. R. Tanner. Vol. i. [Lon- don.] 1903. [Navy Records Society.] 2502.117.26 Vaux, G. Advertisement. Whereas an advertise- ment was yesterday dispers'd about this town, in order to prejudice Mr. Cox in his business of booksellin'g here, sign'd by D. Henchman and T. Hancock . . . [Boston, 1733.] Broadside. **H.9ob.43 Whereas it is industriously reported ( . . . with design ... to prejudice the Hon- ourable Elisha Cooke; in the good opin- ion of the freeholders and voters of this town) that ... he proposed or drank the following health, viz. Col. Dunbar Governour of this province. . . . These are to certifie . . . [Boston, 1734.] Broadside. **H.9ob.52 Affidavits signed by Samuel Waldo, Wm. Shir- ley, and others, exonerating Mr. Cooke from unpatriotic motives. Arabic Literature. *Abd Allah ibn Muslim, al-Dinawari, called Ibn Kotaibah. Liber poesis et poetarum quem edidit M. J. de Goeje. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1904. 3022.132 English and American Literature. Abbay, Richard. The Castle of Knaresburgh. A tale in verse of the Civil War in Yorkshire, 1644, and The White Mare of White- I904 219 stonecliff, a Yorkshire legend of the fif- teenth century. London, 1887. Map. 25693.26 Benneman, G. W., illustrator. With wind and tide, homeward bound. [Verses.] New York, 1891. 31 ff. Illus. = 4400.33 A collection of verses on the sea by different authors. Cleaveland, John. 1613-1659. Poems. Annotated and correctly printed for the first time, with introductions, by John M. Berdan. New York. [1903.] Portrait. Genealogical tables. 4567.196 Cockin, John. Reflections after reading; or, sketches, biographical, ecclesiastical, and histori- cal. London, 1843. 4558.27 Darley, George. 1795-1846. Selections from [his] poems. With an introduction and notes by R. A. Streat- feild. London, 1904. Plate. 25693.150 Denham, Sir John. 1615-1668. Poems and translations; with The Sophy, a tragedy. Glasgow, 1751. = *6569a.409 Derbyshire, George. Native scenes and other poems; . . . sub- joined, A history of Dunstable. Dun- stable, 1853. *2569a.27 Eccles, J. H. Yorkshire songs. Leeds. [1871?] *2489.28 Heydrick, Benjamin Alexander. How to study literature. 3d edition, en- larged. New York. [1903.] 25593.42 Holroyd, Abraham, compiler. 1815-1888. Collection of Yorkshire ballads. Edited by Chas. F. Forshaw. London, 1892. Portrait. 4569.206 A garland of poetry; by Yorkshire au- thors, or relating to Yorkshire. Sal- taire, 1873. Plates. 4569.98 Kitchin, George William. Ruskin in Oxford and other studies. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 2558.106 Maude, Thomas. 1718-1798. Wensleydale; or, rural contemplations: a poem. 4 th edition. Richmond, 1816. Genealogical table. 25693.28 Newcomer, Alphonso Gerald. American literature. Chicago, 1901. Por- traits. 2396.183 References, pp. 336-339. Nicholson, John. 1 790-1843. Airedale in ancient times, Elwood and Elvina, The poacher, and other poems. London, 1825. Plate. 2568.33 O'Reilly, Eliza Boyle. My candles, and other poems. Boston, 1903- 4394.i89=*P.85.658 Painter, Franklin Verzelius Newton. Poets of the South. A series of biograph- ical and critical studies, with typical poems, annotated. New York. [1903.] 23993.22 Parkinson, Rev. Thomas. An idyl and ballads of Washburn-Dale. Folkestone. [188-?] 54 pp. 25693.25 Reprinted, with additions, from Lays and leaves of the forest. Simonds, William Edward. A student's history of English literature. Boston. [1902.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 2558.104 Sir Ysumbr3s. Eine englische Romanze des 14. Jahrhunderts im Anschluss an die Vorarbeiten J. Zupitzas herausgegeben von Gustav Schleich. Berlin, 1901. ' [Palaestra. Band 15.] 2552.152 Tennyson, Alfred, Baron Tennyson. Poems. With a preface by Joseph Pen- nell treating of the I'llustrators of the sixties & an introduction by W. Holman Hunt. The illustrations by W. Holman Hunt, J. E. Millais, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, are printed from the original wood blocks cut for the 1866 edition . . . New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. *A.8778.i9 Th3yer, Wildie. Carbon. [Verses.] Boston, 1903. Por- trait. = ' *P.85.882.3 Welcker, Adair. A dream of realms beyond us. [In verse.] San Francisco, 1902. 30 ff. 4396.183 Same. 3d separate American edition. 28 ff., 8 pp. 4396.174 Same. 4th separate American edition. 1903. 26 ff., 8 pp. 4396.190 Same. 5th American edition. 4396.192 Fiction in English for Reference Use. Bird, Robert Montgomery. The adventures of Robin Day. By the Author of "Calavar," "Nick of the Woods," &c. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. = *A.889.2 Crottie, Julia M. Neighbours. London, 1900. = *P.82. 205.1 Potter, Frederick Scarlett. Melcomb Manor: a family chronicle arranged from the papers of Richard Brent, Esq., sometime of Melcomb. [Fiction.] London, 1875. Colored plates. *2579.34 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Island nights' entertainments; consisting of The beach of Falesa, The bottle imp, The Isle of Voices. With illustrations by Gordon Browne and W. Flatherell. London, 1893. Plates. *A.8559.i2 French Literature. Audebrsnd, Philibert. 1816-. Lauriers et cypres. Pages d'histoire con- temporaine. Paris. [1903.] 46793.109 Reminiscences of French writers. B3udel3ire, Charles Pierre. Les fleurs du mal. [Poesies.] Precedees d'une notice par Theophile Gauticr. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1890. Portrait. = 6677.49 Bedier, Joseph. 1864-. fitudes critiques. Paris, 1903. Fac-similes. 46793.106 Coil ten ts. — Le texte des Tragiques d'Agrippa d'Aubigne. — fitablissement d'un texte critique 220 June dc L'entretien de Pascal avec M. de Saci. — Le paradoxe sur le comedien est-il de Diderot? — Un fragment inconnu d' Andre Chenier. — Chateaubriand en Amerique. Verite et fiction. Giraud, Victor. Sainte-Beuve. Table alphabetique et ana- lytique des Premiers lundis, Nouveaux liindis et Portraits contemporains. Avec une etude sur Sainte-Beuve et son oeuvre critique. Paris. [1902.] 46793.108 Guillaume d'Orange. La chancun de Willanie. [London, 1903.] Fac-similes. *2684.43 One of an edition of 200 copies printed from tlie manuscript. — Reviewed by Paul Meyer in Romania, vol. 32, pp. 597-618 [^4685. 53. 32]. Lemaitre, Jules filie Frangois. Theories et impressions. Paris. [1903.] 46793.107 Contents. — Theories politiques. — Un president de republique. — Une petite villa sous le Direc- toire (1797— 1799). — Touristes d'autrefois. — Le centenaire de Victor Hugo. ■ — L'esprit juif. — Un poeme. — A travers I'histoire du theatre. — Un nouvel etat d'esprit. — Histoire d'une "Merveilleuse." — Conte de Noel. Nitze, William Albert. The Old French grail romance, Perles- vaus. A study of its principal sources. Baltimore, 1902. = 2684.37 Bibliography, pp. 111-113. Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme. Les 20 epouses des 20 associes. Paris. [1887?] 34 pp. [Bibliotheque patrio- tique & republicaine illustree. 15.] 66703.49 Thomas, Anglo-Norman poet. Le roman de Tristan. Poeme du Xlle siecle. Public' par Joseph Bedier. Tome i. Paris, 1902. [Societe des anciens textes frangais.] 2694.109 German Literature. Consentius, Ernst. Lessing und die Vossische Zeitung. Leip- zig, 1902. 2878.175 Relates to the authenticity of passages in Vos- sische Zeitung ascribed to Lessing in Lach- mann's edition of his Sammtliche Schriften, vols. 4, 5 [*2894.8.4, 5]. Fischart, Johann Friedrich. i545?-i6i4. Das gliickhafte Schiff von Zurich. (i577-) Herausgegeben von Georg Baesecke. Halle, 1901. 85 pp. Fac-simile. [Neu- drucke deutscher Litteraturwerke des XVL und XVIL Jahrhunderts.] *2879.io3.i82 Gschwind, Hermann. Die ethischen Neuerungen der Friih-Ro- mantik. Bern, 1903. 2876.216 Contents. — Goethe. — Schiller. — F. M. Kllnger. — M. R. Lenz. — Maler Mitller. — J. J. W. Heinse. — F. H. Jacobi. — Fr. Schlegel. — Ludwig Tieck. — Novalis. — F. D. Schleier- niacher. Krueger, Hermann Anders. Pseudoromantik. Friedrich Kind und der Dresdener Liederkreis. Leipzig, 1904. Bibliography, pp. 37-40. 2875. 150 Sudermann, Hermann. 1857-. Die Sturmgesellen. Ein Wort zur Ab- wehr. 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1903. 27 pp. 2876.214 Answers an article in \'ossiche Zeitung on his comedy, Der Sturmgeselle Sokrates. Greek and Latin Literature. Certamen poeticum Hoeufftianum. 1902. Centurio, carmen praemio aureo ornatum in Certamine poetico Hoeufftiano. Ac- cedunt quinque poemata laudata. Am- stelodami, 1902. — 2942.34 Contents. — Centurio. Carmen Johannis Pascoli. — In re cyclistica Satan. Carmen Ludovici Graziani. — Vulcanus. Liber primus. Carmen Alberti Salvagni. — Telemachus et Eucharis. Carmen Alexandri Zappata. — Rus Albanum. Carmen Francisci Xaverii Reuss. — Hymenaea. Carmen Petri Helberti Damstc. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Rhetorica. Recognovit breviqve adnota- tione critica instrvxit A. S. Wilkins. Oxonii. [1901, 03.] 2 V. [Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis.] 2928.32 Ennius, Quintus. 240-200, B.C. Ennianae poesis reliquiae. Iteratis curis recensuit lohannes Vahlen. Lipsiae, 1903. 2942.12 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Works. Eng- lish. Horace for English readers: being a translation of the poems into English prose by E. C. Wickham. Oxford, 1903. 29293.116 Melanges Boissier. Recueil de memoires concernant la litterature et les antiquites romaines, dedie a Gaston Boissier, a I'occasion de son 80^ anniversaire. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portrait. Tables. 2954.122 Melanges Perrot. Recueil de memoires con- cernant I'archeologie classique, la litte- rature et I'histoire anciennes. Dedie a Georges Perrot ... a I'occasion du soe anniversaire de son entree a I'Ecole normale superieure. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portrait. Map. *296oa.77 Skutsch, Franz. 1865-. Aus Vergils Friihzeit. Leipzig, 1901. Plate. 2947.19 Relates principally to the 4th, 6th and loth Eclogues. Italian Literature. Maruffi, Gioacchino. La divina commedia considerata quale fonte deir Orlando furioso e della Geru- salemme liberata. Napoli, 1903. 2799.29 Savj-Lopez, Paolo, and Matteo Bartoli, editors. Altitalienische Chrestomathie. Mit einer grammatischen Ubersicht und einem Glossar. Strassburg, 1903. 2788.68 1904 221 Sanskrit Literature. Sansara-sagara-manthanam. A digit of the moon. A Hindoo love story. Translated from the original MS. by F. W. Bain. 3d adition. Lon- don, 1903. Plate. 3029.124 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Cid, The. Cronica del famoso cauallero Cid Ruydiez campeador. [Colophon: . . . Burgos . . . Fadrique Aleman de basilea . . . mill z quinientos t doze afios. New York, 1903.] Plate. Coat of arms. Black-let- ter. = *309i.i43 One of an edition of 200 copies reprinted in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Torre, Francisco de la. Obras. Madrid, M.DC.XXXI. [New York, 1903 ] = . . . . *3O99a.30 One of an edition of 200 copies printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Valera, Juan. 1824-. El Superhombre y otras novedades. Arti- culos criticos sobre producciones littera- rias de fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Madrid, 1903. 3098.86 Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. Rimas de Lope de Vega Carpio Aorade- nvevo anadidas con el nvevo arte de hazer comedias deste tiempo. Madrid, 1609. [New York, 1903.] 2 v. = *3099a.36 One of an edition of 200 copies printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Card, Henry. 1779-1844. The brother in law. A comedy. [Anon.] Kent, 1817. *6569a.4io The editor's preface is signed S. E. B., i. e., Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Eisenberg, Ludwig Julius. 1858-. Grosses biographisches Lexikon der deut- schen Biihne im XIX. Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1903. Portraits. *2842.4i Giers, J[ohann?] Heinrich. Unterm Weihnachtsbaum. Charakterbild. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.455 Heitmueller, Franz Ferdinand. 1864-. L Adam Gottfried Uhlich. IL Holliin- dische Komodianten in Hamburg. (1740 und 1741). Hamburg, 1894. [Theater- geschichtliche Forschungen. Band 8.] 6872.49 Locke, Belle Marshall. Original monologues and sketches. Bos- ton, 1903. 83 pp. — 4409b.93 Maeterlinck, Maurice. Joyzelle. Piece en cinq actes. 7e mille. Paris, 1903. 2676.264 Picot, Auguste fimile, editor, Recueil general de sotties. Public par fimile Picot. Tome i. Paris, 1902. Illus. Fac-simile. [Societe des anciens textes frangais.] 2694.108 Reger, Philipp. Hans Sachs. Komische Oper. Text nach Deinhardstcins dramatischem Gedicht frei bearbcitet. Vollstandiges Buch . . . herausgegeben von G. R. Kruse. Leip- zig. [1903.1 4896.50.455 Schoesser, Rudolf. 1867-. Vom ILimburger Nationaltheater zur Gothaer Hofbiihne. 1767-1779. Ham- burg, 1895. [Theatergeschichtliche For- schungen.] 6372.55 Smith, D. Nichol, editor. Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. Glasgow, 1903. 4594.153 Stiehler, Arthur. 1864-. Das Ifflandische Riihrstiick, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der dratiiatischen Tech- nik. Hamburg, 1898. [Theatergeschicht- liche Forschungen.] 6872.58 Teuber, Oscar. Geschichte des Prager Theaters. Prag, 1 883- 1 888. 3 V. 2875.152 Vincke, Carl Friedrich Gisbert, Freiherr von. 1813-1892. Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Bithnenge- schichte. Hamburg, 1893. 6872.48 Mainly about Shakespeare's plays in England and Germany. Vitoux, Georges. Le theatre de I'avenir. Amenagement general, mise en scene, trues, machine- ric, etc. Paris. [1903.] Illus. [Biblio- theque theatrale illustree.] 6252.70 Wagh, Pseud. Atisser Dienst. Schauspiel. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.455 Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. Garriott, Edward Bennett. Weather folk-lore and local weather signs. Washington, 1903. Maps. [United States. Weather Bureau.] = *5996.64.33 Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta, editor and translator. Gods and fighting men: the story of the Tuatha de Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland, arranged and put into English. With a preface by W. B. Yeats. New York, 1904. 2477.46 Pavie, Auguste. Contes populaires du Cambodge, du Laos et du Siam. Paris, 1903. 3029a.i03 Medicine, Hygiene* Medicine. Anatomy. Pkysiology. Carter, Robert Brudenell, and Arthur Henry Cheatle. Sight and hearing in childhood. London. [1903.] Diagrams. 3807.185 222 June Falconar, James. The Hospital of St. Thomas the Apostle in Doncaster. London, 1840. 55 pp. ^ ^ *5767.i65 Lenhartz, Hermann. Die septischen Erkrankungen. Wien, 1903. Illns. Charts. [Specielle Pathologie iind Therapie.] *3782.i32.Th.4, Abth.i There is a bibliography with each division of the subject. Mosso, Angelo. 1846-. Fatigiie. Translated by Margaret Drum- mond and W. B. Drummond. New York, 1904. Illus. [The science series.] 5768.14 Stiles, Charles Wardell. Report upon the prevalence and geo- graphic distribution of hook-worm dis- ease (uncinariasis or anchylostomiasis) in the United States. Washington, 1903. Tllns. [United States. Marine Hospital Service. Hygienic Laboratory.] Bibliography, pp. 111-116, *5787.30.IO Swithinbank, Harold, and George Newman. Bacteriology of milk. New York, 1903. Illus. Map. 3794.I83 Hygiene. Farmer, Fannie Merritt. Food and cookery for the sick and con- valescent. Boston, 1904. Illus. 5768.16 France. Ministere des affaires etrangeres. Conference sanitaire internationale de Paris. 7 fevrier-3 avril 1894. Proces- verbaux. Paris, 1894. = *40ioa.i56 Italy. Ministero degli affari esteri. Conference sanitaire internationale de Venise. 10 fevrier-19 mars 1897. Pro- ces-verbaux. Rome, 1897. = *40ioa.i59 Leffmann, Henry, M.D. 1847-. Examination of water for sanitary and technic purposes. 5th edition, enlarged. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. 3769.216 WoodhuU, Alfred Alexander. Notes on military hygiene for officers of the line. 3d edition. New York, 1904. 3769.213 Science. Adams, George Irving. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the upper carboniferous rocks of the Kan- sas section. Washington, 1903. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *7872.55-2ii Annesley, Hugh, 5th Earl Annesley. Beautiful and rare trees & plants. With seventy illustrations from photographs taken at Castlewellan. London. [1904.] 97 pp. Plates. *L.20.23 Bernardin, Charles. Guide pratique pour la recherche de soixante champignons comestibles choi- sis parmi les meilleurs et les plus faciles a determiner avec certitude. Saint-Die. [1903.] Colored plates. 5859a.i7 Bond, John A. Walpole-. Bird life in wild Wales. London, 1903. Illus. 3908.138 Davenport, Gertrude Crotty. The primitive streak and notochordal canal in Chelonia. Prepared under the direction of Edward Laurens Mark. Boston, 1896. 66 pp. Plates. [Radcliffe College monographs.] 5883.8 Bibliography, pp. 47-53. Gilbert, Grove Karl. Glaciers and glaciation. New York, 1904. Illus. Maps. [Harriman Alaska Expe- dition.] *436i. 178.3 Grund, Alfred. Die Karsthydrographie: Studien aus West- bosnien. Leipzig, 1903. Plates. [Geo- graphische Abhandlungen.] *6273.20.7 Huber, Pierre. 1 777-1840. The natural history of ants. Translated by J. R. Johnson. London, 1820. Plates. *3898.45 Long, William Joseph. Wilderness ways. 2d series. Boston, 1903. Illus. 3818.101 The same as his Ways of wood folk, 2d series [3818. 100.2]. Mendenhall, Walter Curran, and Frank Charles Schrader. The mineral resources of the Mount Wrangel District, Alaska. Washington, 1903. 71 pp. Plates. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = 58603.86 Merrill, Elmer D. Botanical work in the Philippines. Manila, 1903- 53 PP- Plate. = *599oa.ii Bibliography, pp. 45-53- Miller, Olive Thorne. With the birds in Maine. Boston, 1904. 3909.106 Mulcts, Lenore Elizabeth. Flower stories. Boston, 1904. Plates. [Phyllis' field friends.] 3858.158 New York, State. State Museum of Natural History. Publications. July, 1901, June, 1903. [Al- bany, 1901, 03.] 2 N. — *7825.io Pemberton, Henry. 1826-. The path of evolution through ancient thought and modern science. Philadel- phia. [1902.] 5825.12 Perry, Joseph Hartshorn, and Benjamin Kendall Emerson. The geology of Worcester, Massachusetts. Worcester, 1903. Illus. Maps. [Worces- ter Natural History Society.] 3864.146 Porter, Thomas Conrad. Flora of Pennsylvania. Edited by J. K. Small. Boston, 1903. Map. 3853-35 Resink, Albertus Johan. Embryologische onderzoekingen. i. Bij- drage tot de placentatie van Erinaceus europaeus. 2. Theoretische beschou- wingen over embryonale organen. Lei- den, 1903. 98 pp. Plates. = 3772.77 Litteratuur, pp. 78-84. Strasburger, Edward, and others. A text-book of botany. Translated by H. C. Porter. 2d edition, revised by W. H. Lang. London, 1903. Illus. 3853-142 1904 223 Tittmann, Otto Hilgard. Report on geodetic operations in the United States to the Fourteenth general conference of the International Geodetic Association. Washington, 1903. 28 pp. Map. = 7920.62 United States. Weather Bureau. Climatology of California. Prepared by- Alexander G. McAdie. Washington, 1903. Illus. Maps. — 5961.41 Wallace, Alexander, Horticulturist. The heather in lore, lyric and lay. New- York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 3858.156 Whitlock, Herbert Percy. List of New York mineral localities. Al- bany, 1903. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = Bibliography, pp. 11-21. *7825.1.70 Windsor, John, F.R.C.S. Flora Cravoniensis, or a flora of the vicin- ity of Settle in Craven, Yorkshire. Man- chester, 1873. 3859a.i65 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Hernandez, Fortunato. Las razas indigenas dc Sonora y la guerra del Yaqui. Mexico, 1902. Illus. Por- traits. Maps. Illuminated title-pages. 4360.153 Marquart, Johann. Osteuropaische und ostasiatischc Streif- ziige. Ethnologische und historisch- topographische Studien zur Geschichte des 9. und 10. Jahrhunderts (ca. 840- 940). Leipzig, 1903. 3824.143 Bibliography, pp. 552-557- Relates principally to the Hungarians, Slavic nations, and Bagritadae, and to the conversion of the Chazars to Judaism. Contains also tramslations of and commentaries on works of Al Masiidi on the Slavs and Hun- garians. Moore, Clarence Bloomfield. Certain aboriginal mounds of the Florida central west-coast. Certain aboriginal mounds of the Apalachicola River. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. Map*. = *436o.i55 Pra, Pietro. Dati somatometrici relativi alia formola proposta per la constatazione della indi- vidualita fisiopatologica. Venezia, 1902. 54 pp. No. I in *5340.io.27 Chemistry. Physics. Clark, Friend Ebenezer. 1 The action of substituted ammonias of ^ the aliphatic series on the chlorides of i orthosulpliobenzoic acid. Easton, Pa., 1902. 34 pp. Plate. = 5976.279 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Bauer, Gustav. 1820-. Vorlesungen iiber Algebra. Ilerausgegc- ben vom Mathematischcn Verein Mtin- chen. Leipzig, 1903. Portrait. Dia- grams. **E.5i28.49 Bryant, Henry B., and others. The Bryant and Stratton business arith- metic. New York, 1901. 3934'38 Evans, Henry Brown. The mean rig'ht ascensions and proper motions of 2:54 stars. [Philadelphia? 1903?] 19 pp. = 392oa.97 List of catalogues, pp. 4-9. Failor, Is^ac Newton. Inventional geometry. New York, 1904. 90 pp. Diagrams, **E.5i29.i27 Festschrift zur Feier der Enthiillung des Gauss-Weber-Denkmals in Gottingen. Herausgegeben von dem Fest-Comitee. Leipzig, 1899. 2 parts in i v. Diagrams. **E.5i26.i8 Contents. — Hilpert. Grundlagen der Geometric. — Wiechert. Grundlagen der Elektrodynamik. Gelcich, Eugen. Die astronomische Bestimmung der geo- graphischen Koordinaten. Leipzig, 1904. Illus. [Die Erdkunde. Teil 7.] **E.5i47.6i Halsey, Frederic Arthur. The metric fallacy, by Frederick A. Hal- sey, and the metric failure in the textile industry, by Samuel S. Dale. New York, 1904. Illus. 3934.158 Jouffret, Esprit Pascal. Traite elenientaire de geometric a quatre dimensions et introduction a la geome- tric a n dimensions. Paris, 1903. Dia- grams. **E.5i 23.59 Koenig, Julius. Einleitung in die allgemeine Theorie der algebraischen Groszen. Aus dem Unga- rischen iibertragen vom Verfasser. Leip- zig, 1903. **E.5i26.i6 Krazer, Adolf. 1858-. Lehrbuch der Thetafunktionen. Leipzig, 1903. **E.5i<24.73 Lodge, Alfred. Differential calculus for beginners. With an introduction by Sir Oliver J. Lodge. London, 1902. Diagrams. [Cambridge mathematical series.] **E.5i29.i26 Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona. The planet Mars. N. p. N. d. 2 photo- graphs. = 3921.42 Mackay, Andrew. 1 760-1809. A collection of mathematical tables . . . London, 1804. = 593749 BHKOJiaeBCKaa rjiaBHaa acTpoHOMH^ecKaa o6cep- BaTopia, Pulkova. Observations faites au cerclc vertical par M. Nyren et A. Tvanof. Redigees par M. Nyren. St.-Petersbourg, 1903. **E.5i4i.23 224 [Pictures of celestial objects — moon, nebu- lae, sunspots, etc.], 12 views. Various sizes. = *392i.4o These are clippings from various publications. Some are from photographs and some from drawings. Pionchon, Joseph Eugene Napoleon. Evaluation numerique des grandeurs geo- metriques. Grenoble, 1903. Diagrams. **E.5i28.47 Study, Eduard. Geometrie der Dynamen. Leipzig, 1903. **E.5i23.56 Methoden zur Theorie der ternaeren For- men. Leipzig, 1889. - 3933.18 Zeuthen, Hieronymus Georg. Geschichte der Mathematik im Altertum und Mittelalter. Kopenhagen, 1896. Diagrams. **E.5i26.i4 Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Brauer, Herman Gustav Adolph. The philosophy of Ernest Renan. Madi- son, 1903. [University of Wisconsin. Bulletin. Philology and literature se- ries.] = No. 3 in *239i.70.2 Bibliography, pp. 372-377- Schneider, Arthur, of Munich. Die Psychologic Alberts des Grossen. i. Teil. Mitnster, 1903. [Beitrage zur Ge- schichte der Philosophic des Mittelal- ters.] 3604.112.4 June Simon, Oskar. Das gewerbliche Fortbildungs- und Fach- schulwesen in Deutschland. Ein tiber- blick iiber seine Entwickelung und seinen gegenwartigen Stand. Berlin, 1903. 64 TT .PP- . r ^ .r 3593-231 University of Cahfornia. Publications. Education. Vol. i; 2 (no. i); 3 (no. i, 2). Berkeley, 1893-1903. Illus. *5583.ii Webb, Sidney James. London education. London, 1904. 3598.306 Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Collection, A, of moral precepts & reflec- tions gathered from various sources in English and Hindostany and translated for the instruction of youth. Lucknow, 1833- = 3032.17 I'rinted at the Kiag of Oude's lithographic press. Davis, Gustavus Fellowes. A brief treatise on the duty of courtesy between those who differ in opinion. Hartford, 1832. 36 pp. = 3589-256 Fletcher, Margaret, Religious writer. The school of the heart. London, 1904. 55893.262 Contents. — Falling in love. — Married life. — The woman of leisure. Paget, Violet. 1856-. Hortus vitae. Essays on the gardenings of life. By Vernon Lee [pseud.]. Lon- don, 1904. 45593.172 Education. Children. Association of Collegiate Alumna. Report of the 15th annual meeting, 1896. N. p. [1896.] = 7596.102 Garcia y Barbarin, Eugenio. Historia de la pedagogia espafiola. Ma- drid, 1903- 3597-226 Noticia bibliografica de algunas obras publica- das en Espana desde principios del siglo pasado. Pp. 310-323. Greenough, James Carruthers. The evolution of the elementary schools of Great Britain. New York, 1903. [In- ternational education series.] 3598.267 Muensterberg, Hugo. To the Visiting Committee of the Philo- sophical Division in Harvard Univer- sity. [Letter. Cambridge, 1901.] 8 pp. =r *448oa.i36 National Education Association. Depart- ment of Superintendence. Proceedings at the annual meeting held at Cincinnati, February, 1903. [Chi- cago.] 1903. Plans. 7595-86 Rossow, Carl. Italienische und deutsche Humanisten und ihre Stellung zu den Leibesiibungen. Leipzig, 1903. 3594-26 Litteraturverzeichnis, pp. xi, xii. Religion* Theology* Achelis, Hans, 1865-, and Johannes Paul Gotthilf Flemming, editors and trans- lators. Die altesten Quellen des orientalischen Kirchenrechts. 2tes Buch. Die syrische Didaskalia ubersetzt und erklart. Leip- zig, 1904, [Gebhardt and Harnack.] *3504-50.25, Heft 2 Banks, Louis Albert. The great portraits of the Bible. [Ser- mons.] New York. [1903.] 3427.156 Bible. .D^!?nn The Book of Psalms. Philadel- phia, 1903. 34i9a.i6o The messages of the Psalmists. The Psalms of the Old Testament arranged in their natural grouping, and freely rendered in paraphrases. By John Edgar McFadyen. New York, 1904. [The messages of the Bible. Vol. 5.] 3429a.77 The Gospel according to St. Mark. The Greek text, with introduction, notes and indices. By Henry Barclay Swete. [2d edition.] London, 1902. Fac-simile. Maps. 3426.145 1904 Bonet-Maury, Amy Gaston Charles Auguste. Les precnrseurs de la reforme et de la liberte de conscience dans les pays latins, du Xlle au XVe siecle. Paris, 1904. 3526.88 Brent, Charles Henry, Bishop of the Philip- pines. The consolations of the Cross. Addresses on the Seven words of the dying Lord. Given at S. Stephen's Church, Boston, on Good Friday, 1902. New York, 1904. 3449.216 Bruce, Robert, M.A., of Huddersfield. Centenary memorial of Highfield Chapel, Huddersfield. Huddersfield, 1872. Plates. *2509.65 Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. The gods of the Egyptians. London, 1904. 2 V. Illus. *3482.i67 Most of the plates are colored. Chapell, Frederic Leonard. The great awakening of 1740. Philadel- phia, 1903. 3529.144 Charles II., of England. His Majesties Declaration to all his loving subjects, March 15th 1671,72. In the Savoy, 1671, /2. 8 pp. **H.9ob.78 This declaration states what privileges shall be allowed to Dissenters and Recusants. Davidson, Andrew Bruce. Biblical and literary essays. Edited by J. A. Paterson. New York, 1902. Por- trait. 3485.87 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. From Canterbury to Rome. With notes of travel in Europe and the East. Show- ing the gradual formation of Catholic belief and steps taken in passing out of the Protestant Communion into the Catholic. New York, 1902. 3467.37 Deems, Edward Mark, compiler. Holy-days and holidays. A treasury of historical material, sermons in full and in brief, suggestive thoughts, and po- etry, relating to holy days and holidays. New York, 1902. 5441.37 Dieterich, Albrecht. 1866-. Eine Mithrasliturgie. Leipzig, 1903. 3029.120 Edersheim, Alfred. The life and times of Jesus, the Messiah. 8th edition, revised. New York, 1903. ^ 2 V 3474.87 Gerland, Ernst, editor. Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des latei- nischen Erzbistums Patras. Leipzig, 1903. Map. 3529.146 Edited principally from Greek and Latin docu- ments of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, in the archives of Venice and in the library of Macerata, Italy. Granderath, Theodor. Geschichte des Vatikanischen Konzils. Herausgegeben von Konrad Kirch. Freiburg i. B., 1903. 2 v. Plates. Plans. 3464.48 Greenwood, John Beswicke. The early ecclesiastical history of Dews- bury, in the West-Riding of the County of York. Added, Dr. Whitaker's ac- 225 count of Dcwsbury, . . . and his Dis- sertation on domestic architecture: . . . and an account of the Savile family of Lupset, . . . London, 1859. Illus. Plan. *25o6.74 Gunkel, Hermann. 1862-. Israel und Babylonien. Der Einfluss Babyloniens auf die israelitische Reli- gion. 3. Tausend. Gottingen, 1903. 48 pp. 5426.82 Criticises Delitzsch's Babel und Bibel [5426.86]. Harnack, Carl Gustav Adolf. 1851-. Das Monchtum, seine Ideale und seine Geschichte. 6. verbesserte Auflage. Giessen, 1903. 63 pp. 3454.100 Lima, Peru. Anales de la Catedral de Lima, por . . . Jose Manuel Bermudez. 1534 a 1824. Lima, 1903. = 3522.88 Contains also Arzobispos de Lima durante la epoca colonial and Expediente solicitando la dignitad de Cardenal para el Arzobispo de Lima. McConnell, Samuel Davis. Christ. New York, 1904. 3478.25 MacVey, William Pitt. The genius of Methodism. A sociological interpretation. Cincinnati. [1903.] 5549a.ii6 Naegle, August. Ratramnus und die HI. Eucharistie. Zu- gleich eine dogmatisch-historische Wiir- digung des ersten Abendmahlsstreites. Wien, 1903. [Leo-Gesellschaft. Theo- logische Studien.] 3453-128 O'Shea, John Joseph. The two Kenricks: Most Rev. Francis Patrick, Archbishop of Baltimore; Most Rev. Peter Richard, Archbishop of St. Louis. Philadelphia, 1904. Portraits. 3464.72 Philip, pseud. Letters from the Beloved City to S. B. London, 1904. Plate. 3468.100 An argument for the Roman Catholic Chvirch. Plummer, Alfred. 1841-. The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. Cambridge, 1903. [The Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges.] 3419.148 Rainsford, \Villiam Stephen, D.D. A preacher's story of his work. New York, 1904. Portrait. 5558.117 Rice, William North. Christian faith in an age of science. New York, 1903. Illus. 3495.125 Rosenau, William. 1865-. Hebraisms in the Authorized Version of the Bible. Baltimore, 1902. = 3429.189 Rye, M. The beloved Son. New York, 1901. Plates. 3478.23 The story of Jesus Christ written for children. Sabatier, Louis Auguste. Les religions d'authorite et la religion de I'esprit. 3e edition. Paris, 1904. 3453.134 Schleiermacher, Friedrich Ernst Daniel. Selected sermons. Translated by Mary F. Wilson. New York. [1889. The for- eign Biblical library.] 3447.164 226 June Tide, Cornelis Petrus. Geschiclite der Religion im Altertiim bis aiif Alexander den Grossen. Deutsche . . . Ausgabe von G. Gehrich. Gotha, 1896, 1903. 2 V. 3495-123 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. 375-445; vol. 2, 415- 431- Van Ness, Thomas. "Follow me"; or, the secret of happiness. Sermon. Boston. [1903.] 12 pp. = 7467.21 Warburton, Katkarine Anne Egerton. Memories of a sister of S. Saviour's Pri- ory. [Anon.] Oxford, 1904. 5558.115 The author's religious name is Mother Kate. Worcester, Francis. A bridle for sinners and a spur for sai«nts. 2d edition. Boston, 1760. 34 pp. **G.387.i36 Some pages are lacking at the end. The preface is signed J. R. and W. B. Law. Legislation. Patents. Alaskan Boundary Tribunal. Decision . . . under the treaty of January 24, 1903, between the United States and Great Britain. [Washington, 1903.] 3 pp. Map. = *43io.igo Biron, Henry Chartres, and Kenneth Edel- mann Chalmers. The law and pPGctice of extradition. Lon- don, 1903. 3614-65 Chaplin, Herman White. The element of chance in land title, i. Cambridge, 1898. 13 pp. = 3661.76 England. Year books of Edward II. Vol. i. Edited [and translated] ... by F. W. Maitland. London, 1903. [Selden Society.] *46ooa.i3o The ' introdtiction contains an analysis of the Norman-French language in which many of the reports are written. Fabius, Gerhard Jan. Rechtspraak of Contentieus Beheer. Utrecht, 1902. = 3627.28 Great Britain. Chronological table and index of the stat- utes, 19th edition, to the end of the session 3 Edw. 7. (1903.) London, 1903. 2 V. *709i.9 Court of Star Chamber. Select cases. 1477-1509. Edited ... by I. S. Leadam. London, 1903. [Selden Society.] *46ooa.ii5 Tribunal on the Argentine-Chilean Bound- ary. Exposicion que por parte de Chile, i en respuesta a la Esposicion Arjentina, se somete al Tribunal que constituyo el Gobierno de Su Majestad Britanica, en su caracter de Arbitro nombrado por el Acuerdo de 17 de Abril de 1896. Tom>o 2-6. Paris, 1902. 5 V. Illus. Maps. Tables. = *43io.i88 Contains also Informe del Tribunal arbitral, vol. 4, pp. 1609-1618, and Fallo pronunciado por Su Majestad Eduardo VIT., vol. 4, pp. 1619- 1622. Report presented to the Tribunal ... to justify the Argentine claims, &c., is on shelf-number *43io.i87. Marshall, John, Chief Justice. John Marshall. Complete constitutional decisions. Edited with annotations by John M. Dillon. Chicago, 1903. Por- trait. Fac-similes. 7631.16 Reiss, Rodolphe A. La photographic judiciaire. Paris. [1903.] Illus. Photographs. 3572.132 Rivista di diritto commerciale, industriale e marittimo. [Bimestrale.] Diretta da Cesare Vivante e Angelo Sraffa. Vol. I, fasc. 5. 1903. Milano, 1903. = *362i.34 Thorndike, John Larkin. The decison in the "Merger case," being a review of the decision of the United States Circuit Court at St. Paul, in the case of United States v. Northern Se- curities Co. Boston, 1903. 36 pp. = 7696.55 Useful and Industrial Arts* American Inventor, The. Vol. 10, 11. Wash- ington, 1902, 03. Illus. Portraits. Patent Room *30.i Baker, Ira Osborn. A treatise on masonry construction. 9th edition, partially rewritten. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8013.173 Borchers, Wilhelm. Blektro-Metallurgie. 3. vermehrte Auf- lage. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. Plans. 3866.80 Brannt, William Theodore. A practical treatise on distillation and rec- tification of alcohol. 2d edition. Phila- delphia, 1904. Illus. 8013.213 Considere, Armand. Experimental researches on reinforced concrete. Translated and arranged by Leon S. Moisseiff. New York, 1903. 4016.148 Dibdin, William Joseph. The purification of sewage and water. 3d edition. Lofidon, 1903. Illus. Plans. Charts. 3763-28 Georgevics, Georg von. Chemistry of dye-stuffs. Translated by Charles Salter. London, 1903. Dia- grams. 8018.271 Glauser, Charles. French commercial correspondence. Ar- ranged and adapted by W. Mansfield Poole. New York, 1903. Illus. 5649.174 Written in French. Harbord, Frederick W. The metallurgy of steel. With a section on the mechanical treatment of steel, by J. W. Hall. London, 1904. Illus. Plans. Charts. [The metallurgical series.] *5866.77 227 Homans, James Edward. Self-propelled vehicles: a practical trea- tise on all forms of automobiles. New York, 1903. Illus. Portrait. Plans. 8017.250 International Congress of Navigation. 9th Congress. Diisseldorf, 1902. Gesammt-Bericht. Berlin, 1903. Illus. *595i48 Jackson, Dugald Caleb, and John Price Jackson. An elementary book on electricity and magnetism and their applications. New York, 1903. Illus. 3966.162 Johnson, John Butler. Engineering contracts and specifications. 3d edition. New York, 1902. Portrait. 4012. no La Coux, H. de. Industrial uses of water. Translated and revised by Arthur Morris. London, 1903. Illus. 3944.34 Lane, Martha Allen Luther, editor. Industries of to-day. Boston, 1904. Illus. [Youth's Companion series.] 40293.29 Lindgren, Waldemar. i86g-. The water resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands. Washinngton, 1903. 62 pp. Plates. Map. [United States Geo- logical Survey. Water-supply and irri- gation papers.] ^3994.20.77 Maver, William, Jr. American telegraphy and encyclopedia of the telegraph. [5th edition.] New York, 1903. Illus. 3962,157 Wireless telegraphy: theory and practice. New York, 1904. Illus. 7967.32 Orton, Edward. The progress of the ceramic industry. Madison, 1903. 32 pp. [University of Wisconsin. Bulletin. Engineering se- ries.] =: *40I0.242.II On the clay industry. Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. La exhibicion chilena. : historia y docu- mentacion oficial. Por J. Tadeo Laso J. Santiago de Chile, 1902. Portraits. Plates. = 402oa.i48 Paterson, Hugh Graham. Style manual for stenographers, reporters and correspondents. [Chicago? 1903.] 6116.86 Rider, John Hall. Electric traction: a practical handbook. London, 1903. Illus. Plans. Charts. [The specialists' series.] 4018.190 Ryan, Harris Joseph, and others. A text-book of electrical machinery. Vol. I. Electric, magnetic, and electrostatic circuits, ist edition. New York, 1904. Charts. 4013.169 Schneider, Norman Hugh. A manual on the care and handling of electric plants . . . with a chapter on the oil engine. New York, 1903. Dia- grams. Charts. 4018.189 Scott, Charles Felton. 1864-. The young engineer in the electric-light plant. New York. [1903.] 10 pp. = 4014.150 Sondericker, Jerome. Graphic statics, with applications to trusses, beams, and arches, ist edition. New York, 1903. 3943-46 Thurston, Robert Henry. A treatise on friction and lost work in machinery and millwork. 7th edition. New York, 1903. Illus. Charts. 40ioa.i7o Weicht, August IT. Bau von Strassen und Strassenbahnen. Berlin. [1902.] Illus. 4011.102 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Arnott, S. The book of climbing plants and wall shrubs. London, 1903. Plates. [Hand- books of practical gardening.] 3998.185 Bigelow, Willard Dell. Foods and food control. Washington, 1902. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Chemistry.] =: ^5991.72.69 Brunhes, Jean. fitude de geographic humaine. L'irriga- tion, ses conditions geographi(iues, ses modes et son organisation dans la Peninsule iberique et dans I'Afrique du Nord. Paris, 1902. Illus. Maps. 3991.168 Index bibliographique, pp. 519-567. Cook, Orator Fuller. The culture of the Central American rub- ber tree. Washington, 1903. 86 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.49 Ewell, Ervin Edgar, and others. Exhibit of the Bureau of Chemistry at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, New York, 1901. Washington, 1901. 29 pp. Plate. Plans. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bureau of Chem- istry.] =: *599i.72.63 Fairchild, David Grandison. Persian Gulf dates and their introduction into America. Washington, 1903. 32 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.54 Kirby, Mary, and Elizabeth Kirby. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard; or, sto- ries about tea, coffee, sugar, ''•rice, &c. London, 1901. Illus. 80093.23 Knapp, Seaman Asahel. The work of the Community Demonstra- tion Farm at Terrell, Texas. Washing- ton, 1904. 8 pp. [United States. De- partment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = ^3853. 128.51, part 2 McKenney, Randolph E. B. The wilt disease of tobacco and its con- trol. Washington, 1903. 6 pp. Illus. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] =r *3853-i28.5i, part i 228 June Mayo, Nelson Slater. The care of animals: advice on the dis- eases and ailments of farm animals. New York, 1903. Illus. [The rural sci- ence series.] 6oo9b.46 Minnesota State Grange. Agricultural education in Minnesota. Smithfield, Minn., 1901. 23 pp. = 7993.86 Plummer, Fred G. Forest conditions in the Cascade Range, Washington, between the Washington and Mount Rainier Forest Reserves. Washington, 1902. 42 pp. Plates. Maps. Chart, [United States. Geological Sur- vey.] *596oa.82 Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station. Storrs, Connecticut. Annual report, ist-i5th. Hartford [etc.]. 1889-1903. II V. Illus. *7993.i8 Streeter, John Williams. The fat of the land; the story .of an Amer- ican farm. New York, 1904. Plate. *24o8.i72 Thonger, Charles. The book of garden furniture. London, 1903. Illus. [Flandbooks of practical gardening.] 3998.200 United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations. List of publications on the food and nutrition of man. [Washington, 1903.] II pp. = *6i74.83 Wiley, Harvey Washington. The influence of environment upon the composition of the sugar beet. Wash- ington, 1902. 32 pp. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Chemistry.] = *599i.72.64 Willoughby, Edward Francis. Milk: its production and uses. London, 1904. Illus. Plans. 3998.213 Woodland & Roadside. Vol. i, 2. Boston, 1902, 03. Illus. *384oa.76 A quarterly publication. The official bulletin of the Massachusetts Forestry Association, Zschokke, E., of Ziirich. Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Gesundheits- pflege des Pferdes. Ziirich, 1885. Illus. = 6oo9b.45 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett. The problem of the army. London, 1903. Map. 5958.143 Callou, Leon Charles. Technologic navale: physique et chimie industrielles, matieres premieres, pro- cedes de fabrication et outillage. Paris, 1904. Illus. Plans. 3953'i68 Cavalerie americaine, La, dans la guerre de la Secession. Paris, 1903. Maps. *"20th".2i.57 Cunningham, Alfred. The Chinese soldier and other sketches, with a description of the capture of Manila. Hongkong. [1902.] Portraits. Plates. Photographs. 3019.20 Maclay, Edgar Stanton. Moses Brown, Captain U. S. N. New York. [1904.] Portrait. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. 4349.259 Early history of the United States Navy. May, Edward Sinclair. Principles and problems of imperial de- fence. London, 1903. Maps. 4516.173 Rait, Robert Sangster. The life and campaigns of Hugh, first Viscount Gough, Field-Marshal. West- minster, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 6524.26 Stewart, Merch Bradt. Handbook for noncommissioned officers of infantry. Kansas City, Mo. [1903.] Diagrams. 5959^.175 Wiehr, Ernst, of Berlin, Germany. Napoleon und Bernadotte im Herbstfeld- zuge 1813. Berlin, 1893. Plans. 2659a.i48 Relates principally to the battles of Gross-Beeren and Rohrbacli in Prussia. Bibliography, pp. x, xi. Amusements* Games* Sports* Ballard, Charles Rollin. Tangledom. A volume of charades, enig- mas, problems, riddles and transforma- tions. Boston, 1904. 4009a.256 Bradford, Charles. The angler's secret. New York, 1904. Plates. Vignettes. 4008.263 Elwell, Joseph Bowne. Advanced bridge: the higher principles of the game analysed and explained. New York, 1904. Diagrams. 4009a.2i3 Findlay, Frederick Roderick Noble. Big game shooting and travel in south- east Africa. With chapters by Olive Schreiner and S. C. Cronwright-Schrei- ner. London, 1903. Illus. Map. 4002.185 Gerard, Sir Montagu Gilbert. Leaves from the diaries of a soldier and sportsman during twenty years' service in India, Afghanistan, Egypt and other countries, 1865-1885. London, 1903. Plates. 4003.168 Treats mainly of India. Newell, William Wells. Games and songs of American children. New edition. New York, 1903. Plate. 6006.122 Whitney, Caspar W. Musk-ox, bison, sheep and goat. By Cas- par Whitney, George Bird Grinnell, and Owen Wister. New York, 1904. Plates, [American sportsman's library.] 4008.259 1904 229 Fiction* In English. Bergengren, Anna Farquhar. An Evans of Suffolk. Boston, 1904. 58.277 Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Strong Mac. New York, 1904. Plates. 58.282 Eggleston, George Gary. Running the river; a story of adventure and success. New York, 1904. Illus. 78.209 Hinkson, Katharine Tynan. The French wife. Philadelphia, 1904. 58.279 Johnston, Mary. Sir Mortimer. New York, 1904. Plates. 58.280 A story of adventure in Spanish America in Elizabethan times. Murfree, Mary Noailles. (Gharles Egbert Graddock.) The frontiersmen. Boston, 1904. 58.284 Stories of the Cherokee Indians and the early settlers in the Tennessee Valley, i8th century. Scott, Hugh Stowell. (Henry Seton Merri- man.) Tomaso's fortune, and other stories. New York, 1904. 58.283 Shafer, Sara Andrew. The day before yesterday. New York, 1904. 58.278 Stevenson, Burton Egbert. Gadets of Gascony. Two stories France. Philadelphia, 1904. of old Plates. 58.281 In French. Aubery, Marie. L'offensive. Roman nouveau par Alberich Chabrol [pseud. Paris, 1903]. 56 pp. Illus. 6671.140 Supplement to L'lllustration, 29 aout-io octo- bre, 1903. Tinayre, Marcelle. La maison du peche. Paris. [1902.] 6699.244 In German, Duerow, Joachim von. Zwei arme Junker. Erzahlung. Leipzig. [1903.] 96 pp. 4896.50.456 In Italian. Rovani, Giuseppe. Manfredo Palavicino o i Frances! e gli Sforzeschi. Storia italiana. Milani, 1845, 46. 4 V. Plates. 4779-43 Lombardy, in the first part of the sixteenth cen- tury. Children's Room^ Books for the Month. Barnard, Gharles. Tools and machines. New York. [1903.] Illus. 8037.54 Burt, Mary E., editor. Poems that every child should know. New York, 1904. 4564.140 Keller, Helen. The story of my life. New York, 1903. Illus. 5595-109 Parsons, Eugene. George Washington; a character sketch. Milwaukee. [1898.] Illus. 4345.317 Strong, Frank. Benjamin Franklin; a character sketch. Dansville. [1898.] Illus. 4345.319 Tapper, Thomas. First studies in music biography. Phila- delphia. [1900.] Illus. 4049a.i48 Associations* Clubs. Societies* California Academy of Sciences, San Fran- cisco. Gonstitution and by-laws, officers, trus- tees, and members. San Francisco, 1904. 38 pp. — *5302.6 Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial Association. [Prospectus and amended constitution. Boston, 1903.] 12 pp. = 4459a.2ii Daughters of the American Revolution. National Society. Ritual. Prepared by Emma Wait Avery. Boston. [1903.] 24 pp. = *P.7o.2i5 Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Massachusetts. Journals of the encampment proceedings from 1881 to 1887 inclusive. Boston, 1902. Portraits. Tables. = *"20th.86.i A file of the Journals is on shelf-no. ^4226. 57. McClenachan, Gharles Thompson. The book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Revised edition. New York, 1901. Illus. Por- trait. Plans. 7565-74 Periodicals. Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes. American Ecclesiastical Review. Index. Vol. 1-25; Januarj^, 1889 to De- cember, 1901. Philadelphia. [1903.] *7472.io 230 June Catholic Review of Reviews, The. Editors, Thomas E. Judge, Wm. Stetson Mer- ^ rill. Vol. I (no. 1-3) ; January-March, 1904. Chicago, 1904. Illus. Portraits. *7472.i3 Collier's. [Weekly.] Vol. 32. New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. *5i90.2o Lady's world. The, of literature and fashion. Edited by Ann S. Stephens. Vol. 3, no. 1-6. Philadelphia, 1843. Plates. = Many of the plates are colored, *5390S«5 Patriotic Review, The. Vol. 4. 1903, 1904. [Boston, 1903, 1904.] Illus. Portraits. = *432oa.2ii Books for the Blind* Leading events in the history of the Church. New York. [1904?] 3 v. = 7126.67 Printed in the New York system. Roh, F. Who and what is Christ? By F. Roh. Christ the man god. By J. F. X. O'Con- or. The incarnation. By F. X. Schouppe. New York, 1903. =: No. i in 7126.73 Printed in the New York system. Books added to the Branch Libraries* Addis, William E., and Thomas Arnold. A Catholic dictionary. Ref. Barry, William Francis. Newman. Illus. Bn 6388.3 Brown, Abbie Farwell. The lonesomest doll. Illus. Y 1191.3 Caffin, Charles Henry. American masters of sculpture. Plates. Fn 1324 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Tennyson. By G. K. Chesterton and Richard Garnett. Illus. [The Bookman biographies.] 618777.5 Crockett, William Shillinglaw. ■ Sir Walter Scott. By W. S. Crockett and James L. Caw. Illus. [The Bookman biographies.] Bs 8061.12 Diosy, Arthur. The new Far East, With illustrations from special designs by Kubota Beisen, of Tokio. Go 2308 Graham, John, and Ellery Harding Clark. Practical track and field athletics. Illus. Wo 3532 Hancock, Harry Irving. Physical training for women by Japanese methods. Illus. Mp 3788.2 Raskins, Clark Caryl. Electricity made simple and treated non- technically. Illus. Nq 3868 Hinkson, Katharine Tynan. The French wife. i66h 7 Johnston, Mary. Sir Mortimer. Illus. 14] 4 A story of adventure in Spanish America in Elizabethan times. Jones, Sir Philip Burne-, Baronet. Dollars and democracy. Jn 4623 An account of the author's impressions during a year's travel in the United States. Montague, Gilbert Holland. Trusts of today. Sm 6057 Ogden, Rollo. William Hickling Prescott. Portrait. [American men of letters.] Bp 7135.2 Peattie, Elia Wilkinson, editor. Poems you ought to know. Illus. Lf 6786 Feet, Louis Harman. Who's the author? A guide to the author- ship of . . . American literature. Ref. Shafer, Sara Andrew. The day before yesterday. Y 8166 Shahan, Thomas Joseph. The beginnings of Christianity. Ru8i68 Singleton, Esther, editor and translator. Japan as seen and described by famous writers. Illus. Go 8267 Soule, Richard. A dictionary of English synonymes. New edition, enlarged by George H. Howi- son. Ref. Stevenson, Burton Egbert. Cadets of Gascony. Two stories of old France. Illus. 230s 2 Contents. — Marsan. — A child of the night. STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Books and Documents Recently Added. Social Science* Charmeil, Alexis. Les associations professionnelles ouvrieres en France de 1789 a nos jours. Paris, 1903. 9331.884435 Bibliography, pp. 157-161. Cordingley, William George. Dictionary of Stock Exchange terms. London, 1901. *9332.673aii Fiske, Amos Kidder. 1842-. The modern bank. New York, 1904. Illus. l"ac-similes. [Appleton's Business se- ries.] 9332. laii Gottheiner, Elisabeth. Studien iiber die Wuppertaler Textilin- dustrie und ihre Arbeiter in den letzten zwanzig Jahren. Leipzig, 1903. [Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschun- gen.] No. 2 in *5644.2i.22 Handel und Wandel; Jahresberichte iiber den Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarkt. Jahrgang 1900, 1901. Herausgegeben von Richard Calwer. Berlin, 1901, 1902. 2 V. *938o.43a2 Each Jahrgang contains a bibliography. This work is continued as Handel und Wandel in Deutschland 1*9380.433.3']. Handel und Wandel in Deutschland. Jahres- berichte iiber den Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarkt. Von Richard Calwer. [1902.] Jena, 1903. *938o.43a3 A continuation of Handel und Wandel [*938o.43a2]. Hartwig, J. Der Liibecker Schoss bis zur Reforma- tionszeit. Leipzig, 1903. [Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen.] *5644.2i.2i Hatfield, Henry Rand, editor. 1866-. Lectures on commerce delivered before the College of Commerce and Adminis- tration of the University of Chicago. Chicago, 1904. 938o.a6 Huttenbach, August. The silver standard and the Straits cur- rency question. Singapore, 1903. Plates. 9332.4iai6 Jahrbuch der Weltwirtschaft. Von Richard Calwer. [1902.] Jena, 1903. *938o.43a4 Lavelle, Patrick. The Irish landlord since the Revolution. With notices of ancient and modern land tenures in various countries. Dub- lin, 1870. 5568.102 Murray, Alice Effie. A history of the commercial and financial relations between England and Ireland from the period of the Restoration. London, 1903. [Studies in economics and political science.] 9281.42a.11 Rovere van Breugel, J. J. de. Daadzaken betrekkelijk de graanwet, en aanteekeningen uit statistiek en ge- schiedenis, graanbouw en graanhandel betreffende. [Anon.] Groningen, 1847. 9337.5iia7 Wirtschaftsjahr, Das, 1902. Jahresberichte iiber den Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarkt. Von Richard Calwer. Jena, 1903. This work is published in parts, namely: — 1. Handel und Wandel in Deutschland. 938o.43a3 2. Jahrbuch der Weltwirtschaft. 9380.4334 Political Science. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The citizen. A study of the individual and the government. New York, 1904. 3566.218 Smith, Joseph Warren. Training for citizenship. Boston, 1903. 3567.224 Van Dyne, Frederick. Citizenship of the United States. Roches- ter, N. Y., 1904. 3664.33 Sociology. Foulke and Long Institute for Orphan Girls, Philadelphia. Report of the Board of Directors for 1894, 95. Philadelphia, 1896. = *5579a.23o Laschi, Rodolfo. Le crime financier dans la sociologie cri- minelle, I'histoire et le droit. Precede d'une introduction par E. Morselli. Lyon, 1901. 5571-45 232 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul Pierre. Le collectivisme; exameii critique du nou- veau socialisme et revolution du socia- lisme depuis 1895. 4e edition. Paris, 1903- 9335-a33 Nisbet, Richard. Slavery not forbidden by Scripture; or, a defence of the West-India planters. By a West-Indian. Philadelphia, 1773. 34 pp. *7582.i78 Rede, William Leman. York Castle, in the nineteenth century; being an account of all the principal offences committed in Yorkshire, from 1800 to the present period; with the lives of the capital offenders. . . . Leeds, 1831. Portraits. Plates. *5578.i7o The name of Leman Thomas Rede appears upon the title-page, but the book was wholly written by William Leman Rede. Roberts, Peter, Ph.D. 1859- Anthracite coal communities. New York, 1904. Plates. Map. 9338.2133.3 Bibliography, pp. xi-xiii. Robinson, Agnes Mary Frances. The fields of France: little essays in de- scriptive sociology. 2d edition. Lon- don, 1904. 4668.41 Sanders, William, Statistician, compiler. A digest of the results of the Census of June England and Wales in 1901; arranged in tabular form. London, 1903. Tables. *93i4.2oiia7 Trowbridge, Oliver R. Bisocialism, the reign of the man at the margin. New York. .[1903.] 9330.4336 Vail, Charles H. Socialism; what it is and what it is not. Reply to Washburn's "Socialism." [Cambridge. 190-?] 16 pp. = 3567.43 Women's Municipal League, New York. Facts for fathers and mothers. Conditions that are not to be endured described by District Attorney Philbin, Bishop Pot- ter, Isidor Straus . . . New York, 1901. 16 pp. = 5574-198 On the protection of vice in New York City by a corrupt city government. Women. Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise Fran- Qois. De I'education des femmes. Public d'apres le manuscrit de la Bibliotheque natio- nale. Avec une introduction et des docu- ments par fidouard Champion. Paris, 1903. *P.30.i7i No. 35 of an edition of 40 copies. SPECIAL NOTICE BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING Extension of Limit of Loaning Time. Books will this year be issued, during the period June lo to Sept. 14, inclusive, from the Central Library, Copley Square, or direct from either of the Branches and Stations B, F, and P (Roslindale, Mt. Bow- doin, and Broadway Extension) ; to be retained by the borrower be- yond the usual two-weeks' limit under the following regulations : L The following classes of books will not be issued for more than two weeks : Books added to the Library within the last twelve months ; English fiction published within the last five years; certain books in active request during the summer (for example, late editions of guide books, nature-study books, etc.) ; books usually restricted from circu- lation, or such as, in the judgment of the Librarian or his representative, it may be found inexpedient to issue for more than two weeks. IL Except as limited above, any books may be taken for the ex- tended period, and need not be returned until September 14. They may, however, be returned at any time, and borrowers may make exchanges as often as they wish to do so. IIL The privilege will be granted to any card holder in good standing, whose card is previously submitted for inspection at the Registration Desk, Central Library, or to the Custodian of a Branch or Station, and against whom no charge is found to be standing. The summer address of the borrower must also be given. IV. Any borrower who wishes to draw books for more than two weeks from the Central Library may send his card for inspection as above, through any Branch or Station, but this process will require at least two days for the sending and return of the card. V. Applications for books for the extended period must be made on special call slips, to be had on application at the Issue Desk, or from any officer-in-charge. Only two books will be issued on a card at one time for the extended period, and this restriction applies also to the special cards held by teachers and clergymen. Books cannot always be issued on the day of application. Some- times twenty-four hours will be required for examination of title. Whenever possible, however, they will be issued immediately. VI. Applications for books may be made by mail if the Library Card is submitted with them. If available, the books requested will be charged on the cards, and books and cards will be ready to be called for on the day after the applications are so received. If the books cannot be issued, the cards will be held until called for, but in such cases the 234 June Library can neither undertake to notify the borrower, nor send out books by mail or express, even at the borrower's expense. Books may be returned to the Library, if prepaid, either by mail or express. All appli- cations by mail must be addressed to the Chief of the Issue Depart- ment (at the Central Library), or to the Custodian of the Branch or Station from which the book is requested. VIL No exem.ption from fine will be allowed on books retained beyond the usual two weeks' limit unless borrowers have complied with the rule as to having their cards inspected, and have drawn the books on the special application form, or have sent their written re- quests by mail or express. Books taken for the extended time will be finable if not returned on or before September 14. Books issued for the extended period are issued subject to recall, should exceptional circum- stances require their return, and if so recalled, will become finable if not returned as requested. , Horace G. Wadlin, Librarian. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. Week days. Sundays. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Central Library. . 9 to 10^ Branches. 2 to lO^ 9 to 2 to 9^ 9 to 9^ 2 to 9^ 9 to 9^^ 2 to 92 9 to 9*^ 2 to 9^ 9 to 9^ 2 to (f 9 to 9^^ 2 to 9^ . , 9 to (f 2 to if 9 to 9*^ Closed. West End 9 to lo^ 2 to 10^ Closed. Delivery Stations. A. Lower Mills. . . 8 to 9 4to8* . Closed. . , 2 'to 9^« Closed. C. South End. . . . 2 to 9^ . 2 to 6 7 to 9*^ D. Mattapan. . . . 8 to lo 3 to 9^^ Closed. E. Neponset. . , All day. Closed. F. Mt. Bowdoin. . . 2 to 9^'^ . Closed. G. Allston All day. Open. All day. Closed. J. Dorchester Station. . . All day. Closed. L. North Brighton. 4 to 8<^ Closed. M. Crescent Avenue. ,A11 day. 2 to 9^ Open. N. Mt. Pleasant. . . Closed. P. Broadway Extension. 2 to 9^ . 2 to 6 7 to 9^ Q. Upham's Corner. . . All day. Closed. R. Warren Street. . . All day. Open. S. Roxbury Crossing. . 2 to 9^ . 2 to 6 7 to 9^ T. Boylston. . . . All day. Open. U. Ward Nine. . . . 2 to 9^ Closed. W. Industrial School. . 4 to 9^ Closed. Y. Andrew Square. 2 to 9^ Closed. Z. Orient Heights. 2 to 9^ Closed. 22. North Street. . . I to 6« Closed. ^ Closed at 9 p.m. daily during June, July, August, and September, Open Sundays from November to April only. ' Saturdays until 8 p.m. * On Thursdays the afternoon hours at this station are from 4 to 7 p.m.; on other afternoons the station is closed between 6 and 7 p.m. During July and August the station is closed at 6 p.m., except on Saturdays. ' Closed from 6 to 7 p.m. "Saturdays until 9 p.m. During July and August closed at 6 p.m.; on Saturdays, at 8 P.M. ^ Open Sundays in winter only. 'Also 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. " Closed at 6 p.m. during July and August, except on Saturdays. Closed between 6 and 7 p.m. during June, July, August, and September. " Closed at 6 p.m. during July and August; on Saturdays, at 8 p.m. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin, Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39, 46, 47, 51-56, 62-64, 67. 69, 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 1903. .10; by mail, .17 Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1492 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russian Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by mail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. .25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. The Fine and Decorative Arts: books in English suitable for small public libraries. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 12. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Economics: selected works in the English language. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5.00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application; by mail, each .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prince Library. Catalogue. i.oo Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. .15; by mail, .18 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from the Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No. 8. Health and Hygiene In Bulletin no. 97. No. q. Tracts of the Time of Charles I., & English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. II. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibliography. .50; by mail, .53 No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars. .25; by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789- .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,. 12 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of ihe Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .75; by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding Lists. MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON Vol. IX. No. 7. July, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904 TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H, BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, English High Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. School Building, Montgomery St. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 571 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, 752 Dudley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 154 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM May 15 to June 15, 1904. The symbols following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books^ Annuaire international des societes sa- vantes. Par H. Delaunay. 1903. Paris. [1903.] *79i3-82 Bartholomew, John George, editor. Handy reference atlas of the world. 7th edition. London, 1904. 76 maps. *6289a.82 Same. New York. *6289a.83 The New York edition is kept in the Statistical Department. Kuerschners Jahrbuch. 1904. Kalender, ^ Merk- und Nachschlagebuch fiir Jeder- mann. Herausgegeben von Hermann Hillger. Berlin, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Map. *2389.76 Montague, Gilbert Holland. Trusts of to-day. Facts relating to their promotion, financial management and the attempts at state control. New York, 1904. 9338.77^35 Moody, John. The truth about the trusts. A description and analysis of the American trust movement. New York. [1904.] Map. Diagrams. Plans. *9338.77a34 New international encyclopaedia. The. Ed- itors: Daniel Coit Gilman, . . . Harry Thurston Peck, . . . Frank Moore Colby. Vol. 1-17. New York, 1902-1904. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. *B.H.Ref.2o3.i Nuova enciclopedia italiana. 6a edizione. Riveduta . . . pel professore Gerolamo Boccardo. [Con supplemento . . . dal professore Stefano Pagliani.] Torino, 1875-1899. 31 V. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. *738o.40 Peattie, Elia Wilkinson, compiler. Poems you ought to know. Chicago, 1903. Illus. 25603.16 Roberts, Algernon Sydney, compiler. In and out of book and journal. Philadel- phia, 1892. Plates. = 62593.41 South African Year-Book, The. 1903-1904. Edited by S. M. Gluckstein. London. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. *93i6.8 United States. Post Office Department. The postal laws and regulations of the United States of America. Washington, 1902. = *5654-7i Young, Robert, LL.D. Analytical concordance to the Bible . . . Also index lexicons to the Old and New Testaments . . . and a complete list of Scripture proper names. 7th edition, by Wm. B. Stevenson. Added, A sketch of recent exploration in Bible lands, by Thomas Nicol. Edinburgh. [1902.] Portrait. Fac-simlle. *34ii.i37 Genealogy* Heraldry* Alden, Ebenezer, of Brockton, Mass., and Henry Shaw, M.D. The descendants of Polly and Ebenezer Alden, who were sixth in descent from John Alden, the Pilgrim. Boston, 1903. Portrait. Plates. Fac-similes. *4433.337 Gill, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to the year 1850. [Edited by Henry Ernest Woods.] Boston, 1904. 97 pp. = *443oa.222 Great Harrington, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to 1850. Boston, 1904. 89 pp. =r *44.3oa.224 La Roque, Loiiis de, and Comte Edouard jMarie de Barthelemy. Catalogue des gentilsliommes en 1789 et des families anoblies ou titrees depuis le Premier Empire jusqu'a nos jours, 1806- 1866. Paris, 1866. 2 V. " *2632.37 New Braintree, Mass. Tovvn Clerk. Vital records to 1850. [Edited by Henry Ernest Woods.] Boston, 1904. = *443oa.223 240 O'Toole, John. The O'Tooles, anciently lords of Powers- court (Feracualan), Fertire, and Imale; with some notices of Feagh MacHugh O'Byrne, chief of Clan-Ranelagh. Dub- lin. [184-?] Portrait. *2479a.38 Phillimore, William Phillimore Watts, and William Fowler Carter, editors. Worcestershire parish registers. Mar- riages. Vol. I. London, 1901. *25o6.59 One hundred and fifty copies printed. Washington, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to 1850. [Edited by Henry Ernest Woods.] Boston, 1904. 57 pp. = *443oa.22i Biography^ Collective Biographies. Buchner, Wilhelm, of Lahr. Deutsche Ehrenhalle. Die grossen Man- ner des deutschen Volkes in ihren Denk- malen. Darmstadt, 1862. Plates. 28403.74 Georgii-Georgenau, Eberhard E. von. Biographisch-genealogische Blatter aus und iiber Schwaben. Stuttgart, 1879. 4845.46 Marquis, Thomas Guthrie, editor. 1864-. Builders of Canada from Cartier to Lau- rier. By Agnes Maule Machar, Louis Honore Frechette . . . Toronto. [1903.] Portraits. Plates. 4343.40 Yale College. Class of 1840. Historical record. New Haven, 1897. 54 pp. = *4490.52 Single Biographies. Acton, Sir John Emerich Edvv^ard Dalberg-, Baron Acton. Letters of Lord Acton to Mary Gladstone. Edited, with an introductory memoir, by Herbert Paul. New York, 1904. Por- trait. Plate. 2546.172 Chateaubriand, Frangois Rene Auguste, Vi- comte de. Napoleon raconte par Chateaubriand. Preface et notes par Maurice Dreyfous. Paris. [1904] 2653.134 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Tennyson. New York. [190-?] 44 pp. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. [The Bookman biographies.] 2545.166 Contents. — Tennyson. By G. K. Chesterton. • — Tennyson as an intellectual force. By Richard Garnett. Thackeray. New York. [190-?] 44 pp. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. [The Bookman biographies.] 2545.165 Contents. — Thackeray. By G. K. Chesterton. — The characters and places of Thackeray's books. By Lewis Melville. — Biographical note. July Cochin, Henry. 1854-. Le frere de Petrarque et le livre Du repos des religieux. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque litteraire de la Renaissance.] 4799a.82 Collingv^rood, William Gershom. Ruskin relics. With illustrations by John Rtiskin and others. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. 2541.138 Colville, Olivia. Duchess Sarah. Being the social history of the times of Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborough. London, 1904. Por- traits. Plate. 2442.47 Crauford, Alexander Henry Gregan. Recollections of James Martineau. With some letters from him and an essay on his religion. Edinburgh, 1903. Portrait. 3554-122 Del Pezzo, Anna Carlotta Leffler, Duchessa di Caianiello. Sonya Kovalevsky. A biography by Anna Carlotta Leffler . . . and sisters Rajev- sky, being an account of her life by Sonya Kovalevsky. Translated by A. De Furuhjelm and A. M. Clive Bayley. London, 1895. Portraits. = *P.ii.487o Rajevsky was a fictitious name used by Sonya Kovalevsky and her sister. Diest-Merseburg, Gustav von. 1826-. Aus dem Leben eines Gliicklichen. Erin- nerungen eines alten Beamten. Berlin, 1904. Portrait. 2841.26 An avitobiography. Relates to the political his- tory of Germany in the nineteenth century. Egerton, Francis, ist Earl of Ellesmere. Personal reminiscences of the Duke of Wellington . . . edited, with a memoir of Lord Ellesmere, by his daughter, Alice, Countess of Strafford. London, 1903. Portrait. 652oa.47 Relates also to the Battle of Waterloo. Fields, Annie Adams. Charles Dudley Warner. New York, 1904. Portrait. [Contemporary men of letters series.] 4349.261 Grillparzer, Franz. 1 791-1872. Briefe und Tagebiicher. Eine Erganzung zu seinen Werken. Gesammelt und mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Carl Glossy und August Sauer. Stuttgart. [1903.] 2 V. in I. 2879a.i52 Guerzoni, Giuseppe. 'Garibaldi. 2a edizione. Firenze, 1882. 2 v. Fac-simile. Maps. = 2747.42 Hammerton, John Alexander, editor. Stevensoniana. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4547.189 Bibliography, pp. 338-341- Mercy-Argenteau, filisabeth Clotilde Marie Louise Riquet de Caraman, Comtesse de. Cesar Cui. Esquisse critique. Paris, 1888. Portrait. Fac-simile. 4043.120 Midhat, Ali Haydar, Bey, The life of Midhat Pasha. Derived from private documents and reminiscences, by his son. London, 1903. Portrait. Plate. 3084.82 Relates to the political history of Turkey. 1904 Morin, G. H. Essai sur la vie et le caractere de J. J. Rousseau. Paris, 1851. 2642.170 Nettelbeck, Joachim Christian. 1738-1824. Joachim Nettelbeck, Burger zu Colbcrg. Eine Lebensbeschreibung, von ihm selbst aufgezeichnet und herausgegeben von J. C. L. Haken. 2. Auflage. Leip- zig, 1845. Portrait. Map. 2848.46 Parsons, Eugene. George Washington, a character sketch. Milwaukee. [1898.] Illus. Portraits. [True stories of great Americans.] 4345-317 Pearson, Henry Greenleaf. The life of John A. Andrew, Governor of Massachusetts, 1861-1865. Boston, 1904. 2 V. Portraits. Fac-similes. 4345.325 Pickering, Anna Maria Wilhelmina. Memoirs. Edited by Spencer Pickering. With extracts from the Journals of John Spencer Stanhope, describing his travels and imprisonment under Napoleon. New York, 1904. Portraits. Genealogical tables. 2544.152 Riis, Jacob August. Theodore Roosevelt, the citizen. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac- simile. 4344.196 Bibliography, pp. 457-464. Seche, Leon. 1848-. Jules Simon . . . Souvenirs personnels. Paris, 1903. Portrait. 2649.166 Steiner, Edward A. Tolstoy the man. New York, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. 3069.251 Strong, Frank. Benjamin Franklin, a character sketch. Dansville, N. Y. [1898.] Illus. Por- traits. [True stories of great Ameri- cans.] 4345-319 Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford. 1717- 1797. Letters, chronologically arranged and edited ... by Mrs. Paget Toynbee. Vol. 1-4. Oxford, 1903. Portraits. Fac- similes. 2458.78 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. .xxxi-xxxiii. Ward, Henry Snowden, and Catharine Weed Ward. The real Dickens land, with an outline of Dickens's life. London, 1904. Illus. Portrait. Maps. 2463.88 Wertheimer, Eduard. Der Herzog von Reichstadt. Ein Lebens- bild, nach neuen Quellen. Stuttgart, 1902. Portraits. 4655.80 Wrangel, Fredrik Ulrik, Grefve af, editor. Var Konung: festskrit for Sveriges volk. En aterblick pa de gangna sjuttiofem aren af Hans Majestat Oscar II :s lif och garning for brodrafolkens val. [Stockholm, 1903.] 28 pp. Illus. Por- traits. = *Cab.28.io.7 Many of the portraits and plates are colored. Wright, Carrie Douglas. Lincoln's first love. A true story. Chi- cago, 1901. 50 pp. Plate. 4349a.276 History^ General. Ancient. ]\^odern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Campbell, Rev. William, F.R.G.S., editor. Formosa under the Dutch. With a bibli- ography. London, 1903. Plate. 3016.20 Eyot, Canning, editor. The story of the Lopez family. A page from the history of the war in the Phil- ippines. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 3049b.i2 These letters, written in Spanish, were trans- lated into English by Helen C. \\'ilson. Lindl, Ernest. 1872-. Entstehung und Bliite der altorientalischen Kulturwelt. Cyrus. Miinchen, 1903. Illus. Map. Fac-similes. [Weltge- schicte in Karakterbildern.] 3023.187 Relates to the history of Babylon, Assyria and Egypt, to 539 B. C. Menpes, Mortimer. The Durbar. Text by Dorothy Menpes. London. [1903.] Portraits. Colored plates. 3042.186 Murdoch, James, and Isoli Yamagata. A history of Japan during the century of early foreign intercourse (1542-1651). Kobe, 1903. Colored maps. Colored plans. *3oi5.i89 Schiemann, Theodor. Deutschland und die grosse Politik anno 1902. No. 2. Berlin, 1903. 2833.77 Stead, William Thomas, compiler. Flow Britain goes to war. A digest and an analysis of evidence taken by the Royal Commission on the War in South Africa. Compiled from the Blue books ... By the Author of "The truth about the navy." London, 1903. Portraits. 3051.160 Tissot, Charles Joseph. 1828-1884. Des proxenies grecques et de leur analogic avec les institutions consulaires mo- dernes. Dijon. [1863.] 3074'ii9 Wallis, Charles Braithwaite. The advance of our West African Empire. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3053.276 An account of Sierra Leone and the native uprising of 1898, 99. Europe. Andrews, William. 1848-. Historic Yorkshire. London. [1883.] ^2464.52 Boevey, Sybella Mary Crawley. Dene Forest sketches, historical and bio- graphical, founded on family records and manuscripts preserved at Flaxley Abbey. London. [1889.] Plates. *2466.49 In the form of stories. 242 Calvert, Michael. 1 770-1862. The history of naresbrough. Knares- brough, 1844. llhis. ^2467.2^ Clarkson, Christopher, F.S.A. The history of Richmond, York; including a description of the Castle, Friary, Easeby-Abbey, and other remains of antiquity in the neighbourhood. Rich- mond, 1814. Illus. Plates. Coats-of- arms. *2479.95 Cole, John, of Scarborough. 1792-1848. Historical sketches of Scalby, Burniston and Cloughton, with notices of Hayburn Wyke, and Stainton Dale, York. Scar- borough, 1829. 99 pp. Illus. *2464.2i Cowper, Joseph Meadows, compiler. The memorial inscriptions in the church and churchyard of Holy Cross, West- gate, Canterbury. [Canterbury, 1888.] Plate. *2539.55 Fifty copies printed. Works by J. M. Cowper, pp. i-iii. D'Alton, John. 1 792-1867. The history of the County of Dublin. Dublin, 1838. *2473.85 Gamlin, Hilda. Memories; or, the chronicles of Birken- head. The scenes and people of its early days. Liverpool, 1892. Illus. *2467.34 Grosse, Carl. Geschichte der Stadt Leipzig. Leipzig, 1839, 42. 2 V. Plates. Plan. 2864.84 Hermes, Carl H^einrich. Blicke aus der Zeit in die Zeit. Randbe- merkungen zu der Tagesgeschichte der letzten fiinfundzwanzig Jahre. Braun- schweig, 1845. 3 V. 2309a.87 Relates to the history of Europe. Holmes, John, of Leeds. A sketch of the history of Leeds. Leeds, 1878. 27 pp. *246i.85 Howden, m the month of April, 1664. How- den. [18 — ?] ^24693.29 Local Register, The, and chronological ac- count of . . . the town and neighbour- hood of Sheffield [to 1830. Added, the [annual] Continuation of the Sheffield Local Register, to 1878]. Sheffield, 1830-1878. *2467.42 Maskell, Joseph. Collections in illustration of the parochial history and antiquities of the ancient Parish of Allhallows Barking, in the City of London. London, 1864. Plates. Map. *25o6.76 Maynard, John, of Waltham. The Parish of Waltham Abbey, its history and antiquities. London, 1865. Illus. *2509.66 Occupation et liberation du territoire, 1871- 1873. Correspondances. Paris, 1903. 2 V. 4624.73 Letters and dispatches, largely to or from Thiers, relative to the occupation of the French territory by the German Army, after the Franco- German War of 1870. Parton, John. Some account of the Hospital and Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex. London, 1822. Plates. *2503.76 Pobiedonostsef, Konstantin Petrovitch. Sammlung moskowitischer Studien iiber das politische und geistige Leben der Gegenwart, mit Bezug auf Russland. Deutsch nach der 4. Auflage herausgege- ben [und tibersetzt] von C. E. Wohl- briick. Dresden, 1904. 3064.188 Poole, Benjamin. The history of Coventry. Coventry. [1852.] Illus. " *2469a.3i Richardson, Joseph. Furness, past and present: its history and antiquities. Barrow-in-Furness, 1880. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Colored plates. Coats-of-arms. Maps. Fac-similes. ^2462. 21 Tillier, Johann Anton von. Geschichte der europaischen Menschheit im Mittelalter. Frankfurt a. M., 1829, 30. 4 V. 2309a.79 Walter, James Conway. Records of Woodhall Spa and neighbour- hood. Horncastle. [1899.I ^2467.40 America. Bolton, Horace W. History of the Second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Chicago, 1899. Illus. Portraits. *"20th".43C.2 Hockersmith, Lorenzo Dow. Morgan's escape. A thrilling story of war times. A true history of the raid of General Morgan and his men through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio . . . Madi- sonville, 1903. 54 pp. Portraits. Plans. = *"20th".21.28 Hulbert, Archer Butler. Military roads of the Mississippi Basin. The conquest of the Old Northwest. Cleveland, Ohio, 1904. Plate. Maps. [Historic highways of America. Vol. 8.] *4369a.273.8 Raper, Charles Lee. North Carolina. A study in English colo- nial government. New York, 1904. 4375.171 Winship, Albert Edward, and Robert W. Wallace. The Louisiana Purchase, as it was, and as it is. Chicago. [1903.] Illus. Por- traits. Maps. 4325-73 Fine Arts^ Archaeology, Antiquities. Allen, John Romilly. The early Christian monuments of Scot- land. An introduction, being the Rhind Lectures for 1892, by Joseph Anderson. Edinburgh, 1903. 3 parts in i v. Illus. [Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.] Bibliography, part 2, pp. 415-419. ^2472. 64 1904 243 Clerc, Michel, and G. Arnaud d' Agrel. Decouvertes archeologiques a Marseille. Marseille, 1904. Illus. 2631. 119 Some of the plates are colored. Garstang, John. Mahasna and Bet Khallaf. London, 1903. 47 pp. Illus. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. [Egyptian Research Account. 1901.] *305o.225 Relates to Third Dynasty tombs near Abydos. Quiroga, Adan. La cruz en America (arqueologia argen- tina). Buenos Aires, 1901. Illus. 2336.34 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Anonimo, The. Notes on pictures and works of art in Italy made by an anonymous writer in the sixteenth century. Trans- lated by Paolo Mussi. Edited by G. C. Williamson. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4075.228 Beduschi, Mazzini. Arte contemporanea. Venezia. [1903.] 4077.281 Geffrey, Gustave. La National-Gallery, Londres. Paris. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. [Les musees d' Europe.] *8o73.2o8 Versailles. Paris. [1903.] Illus. Por- traits. [Les musees d'Europe.] 4083.194 Obrist, Hermann. Neue Moglichkeiten in der bildenden Kunst. Leipzig, 1903. Pl^te. 4077.283 Strange, Edward Fairbrother. The colour-prints of Japan. New York, 1904. 97 pp. Illus. [The Langham se- ries.] 4079a.277 Some of the plates are colored. Architecture. Building. Cocchi, Arnaldo. Le chiese di Firenze dal secolo IV. al secolo XX. Vol. I. Firenze, 1903. Illus. 4104.31 Contains a bibliography. Historical, antiquarian, and picturesque ac- count. An, of Kirkstall Abbey. London, 1827. Plates. Plan. 4109.70 Joseph, David. 1863- Geschichte der Baukunst vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit. Berlin. [1902.] 2 v. Illus. Plans. 4094.133 Bibliography, Vol. i, pp. xxx-xxxv. Nouvel opera, Le, Paris. [A collection of plates, plans, portraits, etc., relating to the Nouvel opera, Paris, with descriptive text and newspaper cut- tings. New York? 188-?] 280 plates. *Cab.8o.i43.4 The first page has inset the title-page of Nuit- ter's "Le Nouvel opera," but the text is not his. Schmerber, Hugo. Studie iiber das deutsche Schloss und Biirgerhaus im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Strassburg, 1902. Illus. Plans. 4074.345 Bibliography, pp. 140-144. Thomae, Walter. Der ehemalige I Inclialtar in der Karmeli- tcrkirche zu i 1 irschliorn a. N. Heidel- berg, 1903. 24 pp. Illus. 16 plates. 4104.33 Artists. Brinton, Selwyn John Curwen. Bartolozzi and his pupils in England, with an abridged list of his more important prints. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. [The Langham series.] 40793.276 Halsey, Ethel. Gaudenzio Ferrari. London, 1904. Plates. [The great masters in painting and sculpture.] 4077.260 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xv. Loga, Valerian von. Francisco de Goya. Berlin, 1903. 87 plates. Fac-simile. *4o82.i87 Pauli, Gustav. Hans Sebald Beham. Fin kritisches Ver- zeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, Radirun- gen und Holzschnitte. Strassburg, 1901, Illus. 36 plates. 4074.343 Bibliography, pp. 478-511. Rooses, Maximilien. Rubens, sa vie et ses^oeuvres . . . Traduit du neerlandais par Louis van Key- meulen. Paris. [1903.] Illus. Por- traits. Plans. *Cab.8o.7o.3 Tomson, Arthur. Jean-Frangois Millet and the Barbizon school. London, 1903. Plates. 4086.116 Voege, Wilhelm. Raffael und Donatello. Strassburg, 1896. 48 pp. Illus. 4070.154 Woelfflin, Heinrich. 1864-. Die Jugendwerke des Michelangelo. Miin- chen, 1891. 95 pp. Illus. 8082.157 Costume. Fashion. La Mesangere, Pierre de. 1761-1831. Costumes des femnies frangaises du Xlle au XVIIIe siecle. Nouvelle edition im- primee en taille-douce par Ch. Witt- mann. Coloriee a la main par Nervet. Paris, 1900. 70 colored plates. *P.44.497 This is a reproduction of his original work entitled "Galerie frangaise de femmes celebres" . . . published in 1827, the plates designed by Lante and engraved by Gatine. Decoration. Design. Ornament. Furniture. Lace. Embroidery. Tapestry. Heuzey, Leon Alexandre. Du principe de la draperie antique . . . Paris, 1893. 40 pp. Illus. 4073.292 Langton, Mary Beach. How to know oriental rugs. A handbook. New York, 1904. Colored plates. 8027.128 244 July Martin, F. R. Die persischen Prachtstoffe im Schlosse Rosenborg in Kopenhagen. Stockholm, 1901. 16 pp. Illus. 9 plates. 8070.230 Wilson, Victor Tyson. Free-hand lettering. New York, 1903. Illus. 6115.21 Music. Musicians. Burns, Robert. 1 759-1796. Songs. Now first printed with the melo- dies for which they were written. A study in tone-poetry. London, 1903. Fac-similes. 4045.100 Bibliography, pp. xxv-xliii. Jones, Walter Howe, compiler. New songs for male quartets. New York. [1903.] 62 pp. 8057.141 Tapper, Thomas, Jr. Music talks with children. Louisville, Ky., 1901. = 7114.40 Printed in the New York system. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING JUNE, 1904. Arenski, Anton Stepanovitch. Einleitung zur Oper Nal und Damajanti. Partitur. Moscou. [1899?] — Litermezzo pour orchestre. Op. 13. [Partition.] Moscou. [188-?] — Silhouettes (2e suite) pour deux pianos a 4 mains. Op. 23. Pour orchestre (par I'auteur). Partition. Moscou. [188-?] — Symphonic, Premiere, en si mineur. Op. 4. [Partition.] Moscou. [188-?] Blech, Leo. Das war ich. Dorfidylle. Op. 12. Klavier-Auszug. Berlin. [1902.] — Trost in der Natur. Barcarole. Op. 7. Leipzig. [1902.] Clarus, Max. Auf dem Felde der Ehre. Grosses Tongemalde fiir Chor, Soli und Orchester. Op. 30. Klavier-Auszug. Ber- lin. [1902.] Erkel, Ferencz. Bank Ban. Oper in 3 Acten. Completer Clavier-Auszug mit ung.-deut- schem Text. Budapest. [1861.] Ippolitoff-Ivanov, M. Quatuor, ir, (A-moll) pour 2 violons, viola et violoncelle Op. 13. Moscou. [189-?] Kui, Tsesar Antonovitch. Ein Gelage wah- rend der Pest. Dramatische Scenen. Cla- vierauszug. Leipzig, 1901. Kulenkampff, Gustav. Konig Drosselbart. Fine Marchenoper. Op. 19. Leipzig. [1900.] Limbert, Frank L. Zwei Scenen aus Jo- hannes" fiir 3 Solostimmen mit Orches- ter. Op. 18. Partitur. Frankfurt a/Main. [189-?] Litolff, Henry Charles. Konig Lear. Ouver- ture. Partitur. Braunschweig. [1897?] Napravmk, Eduard Frantsovitch. Quatuor no. 2 (la-majeur) pour 2 violons, alto et violoncelle. Op. 28. Moscou. [187-?] — Quatuor no. 3 (c-dur) pour 2 violons, alto et violoncelle. Op. 65. Moscou. [189-?] Naumann, Otto. Junker Uebermut. Ein Scherzo fiir grosses Orchester. Op. 2. Partitur. Magdeburg. [1902.] Rimski-Korsakov, Nicolai Andreievitch. Quatuor, ler (en fa maj.), pour deux vio- lons, alto et violoncelle. Op. 12. Ma- yence. [187-?] Rudnick, Wilhelm. Dornroschen. Marchen- dichtung. Fiir gemischten Chor, Soli und Orchester. Op. 80. Klavierauszug. Re- gensburg. [188-?] Schumann, Georg Alfred. Liebesfriihling. Ouverture fiir grosses Orchester. Op. 28. Partitur. Leipzig, 1901. Selmer, Johan Peter. Prometheus. Sym- phonische Dichtung. Op. 50. Partitur. Leipzig. [1899.] Tanieev, Sergei. Quatuor, Quatrieme (en la mineur), pour deux violons, alto et violoncelle. Op. 11. Leipzig, 1900. Volbach, Fritz. Ostern. Symphonisches Gedicht fiir grosses Orchester und Orgel. Op. 16. Partitur. Mainz, 1895. Weingartner, Paul Felix. Symphonic No. 2 in Es dur. Op. 29. Partitur. Leipzig, 1901. Weis, Carl. Der polnische Jude. Volksoper. Vollstandiger Klavierauszug mit Text. Leipzig. [1902.] Winkler, Alexandre. Quatuor, Deuxieme, pour deux violons, alto et violoncelle. Op. 9. Leipzig, 1901. Painting. Portraits. Luebke, Wilhelm. 1826-1893. Geschichte der italienischen Malerei vom vierten bis ins sechzehnte Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, 1878, 79. 2 v. Illus. Por- traits. 8075.48 Phillips, Wendell. [Collection of portraits of Wendell Phil- lips, 1845-1882, mounted in book.] = *Cab.23.57.2 Some of the pictures are groups in which appear also William Lloyd Garrison, George Thomp- son, and other abolitionists. There is also a picture of Mr. Phillips's house in Essex St., and one of his burial in the Old Granary Burying Ground. [Photographs of Alfred Dreyfus and the persons connected with his trial.] 45 photographs, mounted. = *Cab.26.29.6 Salazar, Lorenzo. Quattro dipinti su tavola del sec. XV e XVI ritrovati e descritti. Trani, 1903. 42 pp. Plates. 8073.210 The paintings are now in \'omero, a faubourg of Naples. Photography. Allgeyer, Julius. Handbuch iiber das Lichtdruck-Verfahren. Praktische Darstellung fiir Hand- und Schnellpressendruck. 2. vermehrte Auf- lage; unter Mitwirkung des Chemikers F. Renner. Leipzig, 1896. Illus. 7977*79 1904 Davanne, Louis Alphonse, and others. Le Musee retrospectif de la photographie a I'Exposition universelle de 1900. Avec la collaboration de Leon Vidal. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-simile. 8062.137 Sun & Shade, an artistic periodical. No. i- 27. Vol. I, 2, 3 ([1-3]) New York, 1888-90. 2 V. Plates. *4070.267 Consists wholly of photogravure plates without text, and advertisements. Pottery. Vases. Glass. Hodgson, Mrs. Willoughby. How to identify old china. London, 1903. Plates. Fac-similes. 8028.132 Bibliography, p. 159- Requin, H., Abbe. Histoire de la faience artistique de Mous- tiers. Tome i. Paris, 1903. IHus. Por- trait. Plan. *8o2oa.35 Solon, M. L. A brief history of old English porcelani and its manufactories. London, 1903. Plates. *4023.43 Bibliography, pp. 243-247. Many p'ates are colored. Sculpture. Carving. Gold and Silver Work. Brooks, Richard E. Photograph of portrait bust of Francis A. Walker. [Boston, 1900?] = No. 15 in *Cab.8i.20.i Fourcaud, Louis de Bousses de. FranQois Rude, sculpteur: ses oeuvres et son temps (1784-1855). Paris, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 8085.135 Lessing, Otto. 1846-. [ Photograph of the new statue of Shake- speare at Weimar. Otto Lessing sculp- tor. Berlin. 1903?] Barton Library. Sadakichi Hartmann, C., editor. Modern American sculpture. A represen- tative collection of the principal statues, reliefs, busts . . . , executed by the fore- most sculptors in America within the last twenty years. New York. [1902.] 4 pp. 60 plates. *8o8o.i32 Geography* Travels* Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Thabit Al-Khatib Al- Bagdadhi. 1002-1071. L'introduction topographique a I'histoire de Bagdadh . . . [publiee avec une tra- duction frangaise] par Georges Salmon. Paris, 1904. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] 3022.138 245 Armstrong, William Nevins. Around the world with a king. New York. [1904.] Portraits. Fac-similes. 6269.126 The king was Kalakaua of Hawaii. Crivellari, Giuseppe. Alcuni cimeli della cartografia medievale esistenti a Verona. Firenze, 1903. 48 pp. Maps. 6285.72 Hawes, Charles Henry. In the uttermost East: investigations among the natives and Russian convicts of the Island of Sakhalin, with notes of travel in Korea, Siberia, and Manchuria. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 3014.107 Hogarth, David George. The penetration of Arabia. New York. [1904.] Portraits. Plates. Maps. [The story of exploration.] 3049.214 Iradier, Manuel. Africa: viajes y trabajos de la Asociacion euskara La exploradora. Bilbao, 1901. ih 2 V. in I. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.228 Jack, Robert Logan. The back blocks of China. A narrative of experiences among the Chinese, Sifans, Lolos, Tibetans, Shans and Kachins, between Shanghai and the Irrawadi. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 3012.187 King, W. J. Harding. A search for the masked Tawareks. Lon- don, 1903. Plates. Map. 3057.175 The Tawareks are the nomad tribes of the Sahara, better known as the Touaregs. Lindsay, C. H, Forbes-. India past and present. Philadelphia, 1903. 2 V. Plates. Maps. 3047.335 Peel, Sidney Cornwallis. The binding of the Nile and the new Sou- dan. London, 1904. Portrait. Map. 3053-274 Polo, Marco. 1250-1323. El libro de Marco Polo. Aus dem Ver- machtnis des Dr. Hermann Knust nach der Madrider Handschrift herausgege- ben von Dr. R. Stuebe. Leipzig, 1902. 5043.37 Salmon, Percy R. A photographic expedition in Egypt, Pal- estine, Turkey & Greece. London, 1903. Illus. 5079a.i20 Salzmann, Erich von. Im Sattel durch Zentralasien. 4. Auflage. Berlin, 1903. Illus. Portraits. J\laps. 3042.185 Savory, Isabel. In the tail of the peacock. New York, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 3054.224 "The earth is a peacock : Morocco is the tail of it." Moorish proverb. Singleton, Esther, editor and translator. Japan as seen and described by famous writers. New York, 1904. Plates. 3015-163 246 Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton. Queer things about Japan. Illustrations by Hokusai. London, 1903. Plates. 3013-133 Some of the plates are colored. Weulersse, G. Le Japon d'aujourd'hui : etudes sociales. Paris, 1904. 3019.146 Whigham, Henry James. Manchuria and Korea. New York, 1904. Plates. Map. 3014.103 Europe. Apperson, George Latimer. Bygone London life. Pictures from a vanished past. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 2492.134 Bancroft, Elizabeth Davis. 1803-. Letters from England, 1846-1849. New- York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 4344.194 Burnley, James. Phases of Bradford life. London. [1871.] *2464.4o Cocchi, Igino. 1828-. La Finlandia. Ricordi e studi. Firenze, 1902. Illus. Portrait. 4861.31 Diezmann, Johann August. Weimar-Album. Blatter der Erinnerung an Carl August und seinen Musenhof. Leipzig, i860. Portraits. Plates. *286o.86 Kennedy, Edward B. Thirty seasons in Scandinavia. London, 1903. Plates. 4865.64 Ware, James Redding. The Isle of Wight. London, 1869. Pho- tographs. ^2464.50 Zugmayer, Erich. Eine Reise durch Island im Jahre 1902. Wien, 1903. Illus. Maps. 4867.76 America. Brereton, John. A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia. Repro- duced in facsimile from the first edition of 1602, with an mtroductory note by Luther S. Livingston. New York, 1903. 31 pp. [Dodd, Mead & Company's Fac- simile reprints of rare books.] *23i9a.44 This work describes Bartholomew Gosnold's voyage to New England. Dominion Publishing Company. British America, showing also the Britisli, Empire. [Map.] Hamilton, Ontario, 1901. Scale, 105 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.37 The cover is labelled Scarborough Company. The Maritime Provinces. New railway, post-office, municipal division, and county map of Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, Prince Edward Island, and New- foundland. Halifax, N. S., 1900. Scale, 12 miles to i inch. *Map 1021.38 The cover is labelled Scarborough Company. Fountain, Paul. The great North-West and the Great Lake region of North America. London, 1904. 4466.204 Jones, Sir Philip Burne-, Baronet. Dollars and democracy. New York, 1904. Illus. 2367.130 Sketches of life in the United States Nicholas, Francis C. Around the Caribbean and across Panama. Boston. [1903.] Plates. Maps. 4468.177 Notes of travel in California. From the official reports of Col. Fremont and Maj. Emory. Dublin, 1849. = 2378.34 Scarborough Company, publishers. Complete map of Vermont, showing high- ways & natural features. Boston, 1902. Scale, 3 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.5 The Keystone group: a new railroad, post office, township and district map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and adjacent West Virginia. Boston, 1899. Folded. *Map 1021.10 Map of Florida. Boston, 1904. Scale, 12 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.18 Submaps. — i. Cuba. 2. Porto Rico. Map of Ontario. Hamilton, Ontario, 1903. Scale, 18 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.39 Map of Pennsylvania. Boston, 1903. Scale, 6 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.11 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Arkansas. Boston, 1901. Scale, 18 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.31 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Illinois. Boston, 1900, Folded. *Map 1021.25 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Iowa. Boston, 1901. Folded. *Map 1021.30 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Kansas. Boston, 1900. Scale, 21 miles to I inch. Folded. *Map 1021.33 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Michigan. Boston, 1902. Scale, com- puted, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.26 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Minnesota. Boston, 1901. Scale, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.28 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Missouri. Boston, 1902. Scale, 13 miles to I inch. Folded. *Map 1021.29 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Nebraska. Boston, 1899. Scale, 16 miles to I inch. Folded. *Map 1021.34 The -National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of North Carolina. Boston, 1902. Scale, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.14 1904 The National Publishing Company's New railroad,- post-office and county map of North Dakota and South Dakota. Bos- ton, 1901. Scale, 18 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.35 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Ohio. Boston, 1900. Scale, 13 miles to I inch. Folded. *Map 1021.23 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of South Carolina. Boston, 1902. Scale, II miles to I inch. Folded. *Map 1021.15 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Tennessee. Boston, 1900. Scale, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.21 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Washington and Oregon. Boston, 1902. Folded. *Map 1021.36 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of West Virginia. Boston, 1901. Scale, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.13 The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post-office and county map of Wisconsin. Boston, 1902. Scale, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.27 The National Publishing Company's 1900 census map of Indiana. Boston, 1901. Scale, 8 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.24 The National Publishing Company's 1900 census map of Kentucky. Boston, 1902. Scale, computed, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.22 The National Publishing Company's 1900 census map of Maine. Boston, 1901. Scale, 9 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.3 The National Publishing Company's Rail- road, post-office, township and county map of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Boston, 1902. Scale, 5 miles to i inch. *Map 1021.7 The National Publishing Company's Road map of New Jersey. Boston, 1901. Scale, 4 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map i02i.g The National Publishing Company's Topographic map of the White Moun- tains and Central New Hampshire. Bos- ton, 1902, Scale, 2 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.4 New county and post-office map of Lou- isiana and Mississippi. Boston, 1904. Scale, 15.4 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.19 New county and post-office map of Vir- ginia, Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia. Boston, 1903. Scale, 13 miles to i inch. *Map 1021.12 New county map of Georgia. Boston, 1903. Scale, II -miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.16 New railroad, post office & county map of Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Boston, 1904. Scale, 18 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.20 247 New railroad, post-office, township, and county map of New York. Boston, 1903. Scale, miles to i inch. *Map 1021.8 Oklohoma and Indian Territory. [Map.] Boston, 1904. Scale, 13 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.32 Topographic map of Massachusetts. Bos- ton, 1903. Scale, 3^. miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.6 United States of America, including all its newly acquired territory. [Map.] Bos- ton, 1902. Scale, 52 miles to i inch. *Map 1021.1 Submaps. — i. Philippine Islands. 2. Alaska. 3. Hawaii 4. Tutuila Island. 5, Samoa. 6. Guam, 7. Wake Island. 8. Howland Island and Baker Island. 9. Cuba. 10. Porto Rico. Profiles of the Nicaragua and Panama Canals. Western part of the United States of America, including all its newly acquired territory. [Map.] Boston. [1904.] Folded. *Map 1021.2 Submaps. — i Philippine Islands. 2. Alaska 3. Hawaii. 4. Tutuila Island. 5. Samoa. 6. Guam 7. Wake Island. 8. Howland Island, and Baker Island. Language^ Rhetoric* Arbois de Jubainville, Marie Henri d'. Elements de la grammaire celtique. De- clinaison, conjugaison. Paris, 1903. 2689.151 Belle, Andres. Gramatica de la lengua castellana. Tomo I. Madrid, 1903. 3039.143 Berberich, Hugo. Das Herbarium Apuieii nach einer friih- mittel-englischen Fassung. Heidelburg, 1902. 2557.119 Bradley, Henry, M.A. 1845-. The making of English. New York, 1904. 2588.28 Burns, Eliza Boardman. Pure phonics for home and kindergarten: short essays which present the need and method of teaching the elementary sounds of the English language to chil- dren before they are taught to read . . . New York. [1903.] 85 pp. = 7598-93 Couturat, Louis, and Leopold Leau. Histoire de la langue universelle. Parig, 1903. 2957.23 Dittenberger, Wilhelm, editor. 1840-. Sylloge inscriptionum Graecarum iterum edidit Guilelmus Dittenberger. Lipsiae, 1898. 3 V. Tables. 2964.47 Dyer, Samuel. ^ Dialect of the West Riding of Yorkshire: a short history of Leeds and other towns. Brighouse, 1891. ^2467.37 The so-called History of Leeds is merely a short personal reminiscence of that city. Eliot, John, Apostle to the Indians. 1604- 1690. The logic printer. Reprinted from the unique original of 1672. With introduc- tion by Wilberforce Fames. Cleveland, 248 1904. 94 PP- Fac-simile. *4369a.2i2 No. 10 1 of an edition of 150 copies reprinted from a photographic copy in the library of the Bureau of American Ethnology, made from a copy of the original in the British Museum. The text is in the language of the Indians of Massachusetts, with an interlinear translation in English. Fagnani, Charles Prospero. A primer of Hebrew. New York, 1903. 5036.73 Gitlbauer, Michael. 1847-. Studien zur griechischen Tachygraphie. Berlin. [1903.] Fac-similes. 2964.54 Gundert, Hermann. 181 4- A Malaylam and English dictionary. Man- galore, 1872. *5032.37 Piur, Paul. Studien zur sprachlichen Wiirdigung Christian Wolffs. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Halle a. d. S., 1903. 2885.81 Bibiiography, pp. 7-14. Relates to Wolff's contributions to mathematical and philosophical nomenclature. Shellabear, William Girdlestone, compiler. A practical Malay grammar. Singapore, 1899. 89 pp. 3035-83 Underwood, Horace Grant. An introduction to the Korean spoken language. Yokohama, 1890. Table. ^3039.22 Vernier, Leon. 1855-. £tude sur la versification populaire des Romains a I'epoque classique. Besan- Qon, 1889. 68 pp. 2939.124 fitude sur Voltaire grammairien et la grammaire au XVHIe siecle. Paris, 1888. 2687.81 Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. French, George, of Cleveland, Ohio. About book making. An address before the Rowfant Club. Cleveland, 1904. 46 pp. 2119.57 Institute of Jamaica. Library. Bibliotheca Jamaicensis. Some account of the principal works on Jamaica in the library of the Institute. By Frank Cun- dall. Kingston, 1895. 38 pp. *2i54.i03 Same. [1902.] 88 pp. *2i54.ii9 Jacob, Georg. Bibliographic liber das Schatteiitheater. 2. vermehrte Ausgabe. Erlangen, 1902. 20 pp. 2173.16 Journal, The, of New Jersey Libraries. [Monthly.] Vol. i, no. i. 1903. [Tren- ton, N. J.] 1903. — *6202.82 Rutherford, Livingston. John Peter Zeiiger: his press, his trial and a bibliography of Zenger imprints. Also a reprint of the first edition of the trial. July New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. *7682.i6 Wiegand, Ludwig, of Hilchenbach. Die deutsche Jugendliteratur, nebst einem Verzeichnis bewiihrter Jugendschriften. 2. Auflag:e. Hilchenbach, 1903. 2127.142 Verzeichnis, pp. 1 18-128. Printing. Book-binding. Book-plateSr Book-selling. Cottrell, C. B., and Sons Company. Problems of pressmanship. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. = 6118.66 Journalism. Authorship. Schierse, Bruno. Das Breslauer Zeitungswesen vor 1742. Breslau, 1902. Illus. 6198.89 Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Cope, Emma Elizabeth. How to decipher and study old docu- ments: being a guide to the reading of ancient manuscripts. 2d edition. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. Fac-similes. 6117.55 Kalakaua I., of Hawaii. Letter to Samuel C. Cobb, Mayor of Bos- ton, accepting an invitation to visit that city. Dated, New York, December 26, 1874. Manuscript, without signature. 2 pp. MS.5 Powers, Thomas. Sea-captain, of Boston, Mass. [Clearance-papers, bills-of-lading, pass- ports, &c. of Capt. Thomas Powers. Chiefly printed forms filled in with manuscript. Boston, &c., 1796-1801.] 20 broadsides, &c. **H.90.ii9 Tompson, Benjamin. A neighbour's tears sprinkled on the dust of the amiable virgin, Mrs. Rebekah Sewall, who . . . dyed . . . August 3. 1710. ^tatis 6. [Boston? 1710.] Broad- side. **H.90.i07 Signed B. T. This is included in Samuel Abbott Green's Ten fac-simile reproductions relating to New Eng- land [*2350.47]. Arabic Literature. Ibn al-Qifti. Ta'rih Al-Hukama' auf Grund der Vorar- beiten Aug. Miiller's herausgegeben von Julius Lippert. Leipzig, 1903. 3022.136 1904 249 English and American Literature. Archer, William. Real conversations. London, 1904. Por- traits. 25593.136 Contents. — An imaginary conversation with the courteous reader. — Real conversations : With Arthur W. Pinero, Thomas Hardy, Mrs. Craigie, Stephen Phillips, George Moore, W. S. Gilbert, Professor Masson, Spenser Wilkinson, William Heinemann. Gorge Alexander, Mrs. St. Leger Harrison, and Sidney Lee. Blackwell, Antoinette Louise Brown. Sea drift; or, tribute to the ocean. [Verses.] New York. [1902.] =: *P.85.87 Bronte, Patrick Branwell. Bronteana. The Rev. Patrick Bronte, his collected works and life. The works; and the Brontes of Ireland. Edited by J. Horsfall Turner. Bingley, 1898. Por- traits. Plates. Fac-simile. *2479a.36 Bryant, William Cullen. Poems. Illustrated from drawings by Birket Foster, Harry Fenn, and others. New York. [1876.I Portrait. Plates. = *A.i207.i5 Burton, Richard Eugene. Lyrics of brotherhood. Boston, 1899. 83 pp. 23993.183 Cotton, Charles. 1630-1687. Lyrical poems. Including the poems of Izaak Walton. Edited, by J. R. Tutin. Cottingham, 1903. *255ga.i6o Poems. Chosen and edited by J. R. Tutin. Cottingham, 1903. 25693.161 Crashaw, Richard. 1613-1649. English poems. Edited by J. R. Tutin. Great Fencote, Yorks, 1900. 2 v. in i. 25693.147 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. xii-xxii; 2, pp. x-xiii. Daniel, Samuel. 1562-1619. Works, newly augmented. London, 1602. Engraved title-page. **G.385.25 Contents. — The Civill Warres betweene the two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke. — Musophilus. — The letter of Octavia. — To the Countesse of Pembrooke. — The tragedie of Cleopatra. — The complaint of Rosamond. — To Delia. Daring, Heneage, Dean of Ripon. Reliquiae Eboracenses. [In verse.] Per H. D. Ripensem. Eboraci, 1743. 98 pp. *2536.45 Foster, Frank Keyes. The karma of labor and other verses. Boston, 1903. Portrait. = 2399.158 Jennings, Alice, compiler." The fruit of the Spirit poetically inter- preted. New York. [1903.] = 4567.198 Jerauld, Charlotte A. Poetry and prose. With a memoir by Henry Bacon. Boston, 1853. Portrait. *A.4567 The title on the cover is Memoir of Charlotte, with selections from her writings. Locock, Charles Dealtry. An examination of the Shelley manu- scripts in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1903. 79 pp. Fac-simile. 2552.117 Mansfield, Lewis William. The morning watch: a narrative. [Verse. Anon.] New York, 1850. *A.5564 Morris, William. 1834-1896. The defence of Guenevere and other poems. London, 1904. Illus. 2567.49 Ogden, James. 1718-1802. A poem, on the museum at Alkrington, belonging to Ashton Lever, Esq. [Man- chester, 1774.] 4 pp. *2566.85 There is no title-page. O'Reilly, John Boyle. Songs from the Southern Seas, and other poems. Boston, 1873. *A.6590.4 Peterson, Frederick. 1859-. Poems and Swedish translations. Buffalo, N. Y., 1883. *A.6868 Raleigh, Sir Walter. 1552-1618. Three discourses. London, 1702. Por- trait. **G.389a.7o Smith, Seba. 1792-1868. Letters of J. Downing, Major, Downing- ville Militia, Second Brigade, to his old friend, Mr. Dwight, of the New York Daily Advertiser. New York, 1834. Plates. *A.8327 Sports, The, of the muses. Or a minute's mirth for any hour of the day. Contain- ing a select collection of only the best and most approved English and Scotch songs, ballads and tales; and epigrams, epitaphs, riddles, bons mots [etc.] . . . London, 1752. 2 v. **G.209.73 Tennyson, Alfred, Baron Tennyson. The Hesperides, and other early poems. Chosen and edited by J. R. Tutin. Great Fencote, 1900. 63 pp. *A.8778.2i [Poems.] Edited, with a biographical in- troduction [and] appendix of compara- tive readings, by Elizabeth A. Sharp. London. [189-?] 2 v. [The Canterbury poets.] 2560b. 129 Wolfe, Charles. 1791-1823. Poems. With an introductory memoir by C. Litton Falkiner. London, 1903. 99 pp. Portrait. Fac-simile. 4567.194 Woods, Bertha Gerneaux. Verses. Washington, 1903. = *P.85.9840 Fiction in English for Reference Use. Childers, Robert Erskine. The riddle of the sands. 3d impression. London, 1904. Maps. *2579.i73 An alleged account of an exploring expedition on the North Sea coast of Germany which re- sults in the discovery of secret plans for an invasion of Great Britain by Germany. Wheeler, Andrew Carpenter. Tangled up in Beulah land. By J. P. Mow- bray [pseud.]. New York, 1902. Illus. *24o8.i7o Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. Sweet danger. London. [1897.] Plates. = *2409.24i 250 French Literature. Aliscans. Aliscans. Kritischer Text von Erich Wienbeck, Wilhelm Hartnacke, Paul Rasch. Halle a. d. S., 1903. 4686.87 Laforgue, Jules. 1860-1887. QEuvres completes. Melanges posthumes. Paris, 1903. Portrait. 2677.239 Langlois, Charles Victor. La societe frangaise au XIII siecle, d'apres dix romans d'aventure. Paris, 1904. 4669.75 Bibliography, pp. 311-324. Larousse, Pierre Athanase. 1817-1875. La lexicologie des ecoles. Cours complet de langue frangaise et de style. Gram- maire litteraire, ou explications suivies d'exercices sur les phrases, les allusions . . . qui font aujourd'hui partie du do- maine public de notre litterature. Paris, 1883. = 4689.94 Longuemare, Paul de. Une famille d'auteurs aux seizieme, dix- septieme et dix-huitieme siecles. Les Sainte-Marthe, etude historique et litte- raire. Paris, 1902. Portraits. Plate. 26403.117 Poinsot, Maffeo Charles, compiler and editor. Anthologie des poetes normands contem- porains. Paris, 1903. 4709.27 Regnier, Henri de. Figures et caracteres. 2e edition. Paris, 1901. 4679.35 Contents. — Preface. — Michelet. — Alfred de Vigny. — Hugo. — Stephane Mallarme. — Le sommeil de M. de Chateaubriand. — Beaumar- chais. — Andre Chenier. — Le buste de Bou- logne. — Jal le marin. — Un jeune homme [Jean de Tinan]. — Souvenirs sur Oscar Wilde. — Un Anglais d'autrefois [Trelawny]. — Rud- yard Kipling. — Portland and Druce. — Ham- let a Paris. — Le plat de fraises. — Mont-Vernon. — Pontchartrain. — Le Tzar a Versailles. — Le bosquet de Psyche. — Poetes d'aujourd'hui et poesie de demain. Schuize, Otto, Ph.D. (Halle). Die Darstellung psychologischer Vor- gange in den Romanen des Kristian von Troyes. Halle a. S., 1903. 2687.83 German Literature. Buerger, Otto. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Teuerdank. Strassburg, 1902. [Quellen und For- schungen zur Sprache- und Culturge- schichte der germanischen Volker.] *2902.50.92 Hilfsmittel und Litteratur, pp. i-io. Handwerck, Hugo. 1862- Studien iiber Gellert's Fabelstil. Marburg, 1891. 44 pp. 2871. 112 Rachel, Joachim. Satyrische Gedichte. Nach den Ausgaben von 1664 und 1677 herausgegeben von Karl Drescher. Halle, 1903. Plate. [Neudrucke deutscher Litteraturwerke des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts.] *2879. 108.200-202 Wagner, Wilhelm Richard. Teutonic legends in the Nibelungen Lied and the Nibelungen Ring. By W. C. Sawyer. Philadelphia, 1904. Portrait. Plates. Fac-simile. 2909a.7o Principally a translation of Wagner's text. Greek and Latin Literature. Homer. Llomers Odyssee erklart von J. V. Faesi. 9. Auflage neu bearbeitet von Adolf Kaegi. Band i. Berlin, 1901. 4998.35 Hyginus, Caius Julius. Hygini quae hodie extant, adcurante Jo- anne Scheffero, Argentoratensi . , . Accedunt & Thomai Munckeri in Fa- bulas Hygini annotationes. Hamburgi, 1674. *2979a.i52 La Roche, Jakob. Studien zu Theognis. Linz, 1891, 92. 2 parts in i v. 2992.28 Irish Literature. Tain Bo Cuailnge. The cattle-raid of Cualnge. An old Irish prose-epic. Translated for the first time from Leabhar na h-Uidhri and the Yel- low book of Lecan by L. Winifred Fara- day. London, 1904. [Grimm Library.] 2477.106 Italian Literature, Panzacchi, Enrico. Poeti innamorati. Disegni di E. Lionne. Incisioni di Danesi. Roma, 1899. Por- traits. Plates. 4799a.8 Contents. — L'Aretino innamorato. — L'amore di A. de Musset [e Georgio Sand]. Wright, W. J. Payling. Dante and the Divine comedy. Studies and notes. London, 1902. 2799a.8o Sanskrit Literature. Kalidasa. Meghaduta, le Nuage messager. Poeme hindou. Traduction frangaise par A. Guerinot. Paris, 1902. 98 pp. [Biblio- theque orientale elzevirienne.] 30i9a.85 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Cid, The. Coronica del muy efforgado 2 inuencible cauallero el Cid ruy diaz campeador delas Espafias. [Toledo, 1526. New York, 1903.] Plate. Black-letter. = *309i.i44 One of an edition of 200 copies reprinted in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. I904 Jamar, Benito. Escritos. Tomo i. Bilbao, 1899. [Biblio- teca bascongada.] 3097.207 Swedish Literature. Runeberg, Johan Ludnvig. Fahnrich Stalils Erzahlungen. [Gedichte.] Aus dem Schwedischen iibertragen von Wolrad Eigenbrodt. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.457 Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Benedix, Julius Roderich. Aschenbrodel. Schauspiel . . . Leipzig, [1904.] 4896.50.457 Echegaray, Jose. 1833-. Schlechte Erbschaften. Schauspiel . . . Aus dem Spanischen tibersetzt von Wittmann und Schell. Leipzig. [1904.] 72 pp. _ 4896.50.457 Fonseca Benevides, Francisco da. O Real theatro de S. Carlos de Lisboa. [Lisboa, 1883.] IHus. Portraits. Plan. 3090.125 Gaehtgens zu Ysentorff, Hermann. 1875-. Napoleon L im deutschen Drama. Frank- furt a. M., 1903. 2873.132 Genee, Rudolph. 1824-. A. W. Schlegel und Shakespeare. Ein Beitrag zur Wiirdigung der Schlegel- schen Ubersetzungen. Berlin, 1903. 43 pp. Fac-similes. 4592-155 Gottschall, Carl Rudolf von. So zahlt man seine Schulden! Verslust- spiel nach einer altenglischen Idee. Leip- zig. [1904.] 4896.50.457 Hessen, Robert. Leben Shakespeare's. Berlin, 1904. Por- trait. Plates. Map. Fac-simile. 4592.157 Bibliography, pp. 395, 396. Howells, William Dean. A sea-change; or, love's stowaway. A lyricated farce. In two acts and an epi- logue. Boston, 1888. *A.430i.i Jeanroy, Marie Henri Gustave Alfred, and Henri Teulie, editors. Mysteres provengaux du quinzieme siecle, publics pour la premiere fois . . . Tou- louse, 1893. [Bibliotheque meridionale.] 2684.39 Jung, Hugo. Das Verhaltnis Thomas Middleton's zu Shakspere. Leipzig, 1904. [Miinchener Beitrage zur romanischen und engli- schen Philologie.] 2954.28.29 Laufner Don Juan, Der. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Volksschauspiels. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. Richard Maria Werner. Hamburg, 1891. [Theaterge- schichtliche Forschungen.] 6872.45 Porena, Manfredi. Vittorio Alfieri e la tragedia . . . Milano, 1904. 6779a.39 Schoen, Henri. Le theatre alsacien. Bibliographic com- plete du theatre alsacien. Biographic des auteurs. Strasbourg, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 4676.148 Bibliography, pp. i-xxx. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, Trinz von Diinnemark. Ein Trauerspiel. Augsburg, 1777. 94 pp. **G.4o65.22 A prose translation. Othello, the Moor of Venice. A tragedy. Dublin, 1751. 94 pp. **G.40i3.53 Othello, the Moor of Venice. A tragedy. London. [1765?] 72 pp. Illus. **G.40i3.54 Stoddart, James Henry. 1827-. Recollections of a player. New York, 1902. Portraits. Plates. Autograph fac- similes. 4343.239 Zielinski, Thaddeus. 1859- Die Gliederung der altattischen Komoedie. Leipzig, 1885. Diagram. 2964.35 Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. Basset, Rene Marie Joseph, editor and translator. Contes populaires d'Afrique [recueillis et traduits]. Paris. [1903. Les litteratures populaires de toutes les nations.] 467oa.86 Goizueta, Jose Maria de. Leyendas bascongadas. Bilbao, 1901. Bilbao, 1901. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.227 MacCulloch, Sir Edgar. Guernsey folk lore. Edited by Edith F. Carey. London, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 4571.143 Stumme, Hans, editor and translator. 1864-. Marchen der Berbern von Tamazrath in Siidtunisien. Leipzig, 1900. 76 pp. 3030.121 The original is in phonetic lithograph script. Medicine* Hygiene* Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Bulkley, Lucius Duncan. The ski n in health and disease. Philadel- phia, 1885. Illus. [American health primers.] = 3799^.113 Cornet, Georg. Tuberculosis and acute general miliary tuberculosis. Edited, with additions, by \yalter B. James. Authorized transla- tion, under the editorial supervision of Alfred Stengel. Philadelphia, 1904. [Nothnagel's Encyclopedia of practical medicine.] 3791-146 Bibliography, pp. 6S>7-777. 252 Kerley, Charles Gilmore. Short talks with young mothers on the management of infants and young chil- dren. New York, 1901. lUus. 3779.150 Kuechler, Friedrich. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der assyrisch-baby- lonischen Medizin. Texte mit Umschrift, tibersetzung und Kommentar. Leipzig, 1904. Fac-similes. 30303.78 Relation of the cervical sympathetic to the e3^e. Papers read before the section on ophthalrnology of the American Medical Association, at the annual session, May, 1903. Chicago, 1904. Illus. = 3802.174 Hygiene. Jensen, Carl Oluf. Grundriss der Milchkunde und Milchhy- giene. Stuttgart, 1903. Illus. 3766.164 Kahler, Charles Otto. Our feet: a treatise on the human foot and its clothing. [2d edition.] New York, 1903. 89 pp. Plates. = 3809.141 Oliver, Thomas, M.D., editor. Dangerous trades: the historical, social, and legal aspects of industrial occupa- tions as affecting health, by a number of experts. London, 1902. Illus. 3766.160 Science* Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels. Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et des beaux-arts. Bulletin, 1899-1903, 04 (no. i). Brux- elles, 1899-1904. 5 V. *33S5-4 Before 1899, the Bulletins of the Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et des beaux-arts and the Bulletins de la Classe des sciences were published together [*3385.i]. Classe des sciences. Bulletin. 1899-1903, 04 (no. i). Brux- elles, 1899-1904. 5 V. Illus. Dia- grams. *3385-3 Boardman, Samuel Lane. The naturalist of the Saint Croix: memoir of George A. Boardman. A selection from his correspondence and published writings, notices of friends and contem- poraries, with his list of the birds of Maine and New Brunswick. Bangor, 1903. Portraits. Plates. = *4345.323 Buttel-Reepen, H. von. Die stammesgeschichtliche Entstehung des Bienenstaates, sowie Beitrage zur Lebensweise der solitaren u. sozialen Bienen (Hummeln, Meliponinen, etc.). Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 389545 Litteraturverzeichnis, pp. 124-132. Dewar, Douglas. Animals of no importance. Calcutta. [1903 ] . . . . . 5823.78 Notes on animals ordinarily met with in India. Elliot, Daniel Giraud. Descriptions of apparently new species and subspecies of mammals from Cali- fornia, Oregon, the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, and Lower California, Mexico. Chicago, 1903. 22 pp. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 A list of a collection of Mexican mammals, with descriptions of some apparently new forms. Chicago, 1903. 10 pp. [Field Columbian Museum. Publica- tion.] = *78i3.20.3 A list of mammals collected by Edmund Heller, in the San Pedro Martir and Hanson Laguna Mountains and the ac- companying coast regions of Lower California, with descriptions of appar- ently new species. Chicago, 1903. 35 pp. Plates. Map. [Field Columbian Mu- seum.] =: *78l3.20.3 Grosjean, Octave. Les champignons veneneux de France & d'Europe. Saint-Hilaire, 1903. 48 pp. Illus. Colored plates. 5858.35 Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton. The flora of British India. By J. D. Hooker, assisted by various botanists. London, 1875-1897. 7 v. *3853-i44 Houlbert, Constant. Les insectes ennemis des Hvres: leurs mreurs — moyens de les detruire. Paris, 1903. Illus. 3893-58 Index bibliographique, pp. xxvii-xxxvi. Lodge, R. B. Pictures of bird life. London, 1903. Illus. 3901.108 Some of the plates are colored. Contains instructions for bird photography. Millspaugh, Charles Frederick. Plantae Yucatanse (Regionis Antillanae). Plants of the insular, coastal and plain regions of the peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico. Fascicle i. Chicago, 1903. 89 pp. Illus. Maps. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.i9.3 Contents. — i. Polypodiaceae and Schizseacese. Charles F. Millspaugh. Gramineas and Cypera- ceae. Charles F. Millspaugh and Agnes Chase. Niles, Grace Greylock. Bog-trotting for orchids. New York, 1904. Illus. 3859-125 Many plates are colored. The region treated is the Hoosac Valley, in southwestern Vermont and northwestern Massa- chusetts. Russell, Israel Cook. Notes on the geology of southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon. Wash- ington, 1903. 83 pp. Plates. Map. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *7872.55.2i7 Walwyn, Hugh Wallwyn Shepheard-. Nature's riddles; or, the battle of the beasts. London, 1903. Illus. 5829.84 Ward, John J. Minute marvels of nature: being some revelations of the microscope exhibited 1904 253 by photo-micrographs taken by the author. New York, 1904. Ilus. 5826.58 Williston, Samuel Wendell. On the osteology of Nyctosaurus^ (Nycto- dactylus), with notes on American pte- rosaurs. Chicago, 1903- 40 PP- Illus. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.i8.2 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Goeje, Michael Jan de. Memoire sur les migrations des Tsiganes a travers I'Asie. Leiden, 1903. 99 pp. 6298.35 Kidd, Dudley Arthur. The essential Kafir. London, 1904. Plates. Map. 3056.329 Bibliography, pp. 417-428. Le Double, Anatole F. Traite des variations des os du crane de I'homme et de leur signification au point de vue de I'anthropologie zoologique. Paris, 1903. Illus. 3822.364 Troeltsch, Gustav Adolf Eugen, Freiherr von. Die Pfahlbauten des Bodenseegebietes. Stuttgart, 1902. Illus. 2223.74 Literatur, pp. viii-x. Chemistry. Physics. Arrhenius, Svante August. Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Leip- zig, 1903. Illus. Maps. 5966.26 Exner, Franz, and Eduard Haschek. Wellenlangen-Tabellen fiir spektralanaly- tische Untersuchungen auf Grund der ultravioletten Bogenspektren der Ele- mente. Theil i. Leipzig, 1904. 3962.184 Findlay, Alexander. The phase rule and its applications. To- gether with an introduction to the study of physical chemistry, by Sir William Ramsay, editor of the series. London, 1904. [Text-books of physical chemis- try.] 3977.145 Hoff, Jakobus Henrikus van't. Physical chemistry in the service of the sciences. English version by Alexander Smith. Chicago, 1903. Portrait. Plate. [University of Chicago. Decennial pub- lications.] 5973-54 Martin, Fernando Wood. A laboratory guide to qualitative analysis with the blowpipe. New York, 1903. 51 pp. 3979.167 Mendeleev, Demitri Ivanovitch. An attempt towards a chemical concep- tion of the ether. Translated by George Kamensky. London, 1904. 54 pp. 5967.51 Nippoldt, A., Jr. Erdmagnetismus, Erdstrom und Polar- licht. Leipzig, 1903. Maps. Charts. [Sammlung Goschen.] 5969.175 Oppenheimer, Carl. Die Fermente und ihre Wirkungen. 2. Auflage. Leipzig, 1903. 3977.120 Alphabetisches Litteraturverzeichniss, pp. 380- 439- Schumann, Victor. On the absorption and emission of air and its ingredients for light of wave-lengths from 250/U./A to loofif^. [Translated by Charles S. Peirce.] Washington, 1903. 34 pp. Plate. [Smithsonian Contribu- tions to Knowledge.] — No. 9 in *3340.i.29 Wright, Lewis, Physicist. Light: a course of experimental optics, chiefly with the lantern, 2d edition. London, 1892. iMus. 5968.126 Some of the plates are colored. Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Lubanski, Jules Clement Ladislas. Instruction pratique d'astronomie de cam- pagne. Paris, 1903. 2 v. Maps. Tables. **E.5i24.78 Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio. L'astronomia nell' Antico Testamento. Milano, 1903. [Manuali Hoepli.] **E.5i47.63 Stuyvaert, M. fitude de quelques surfaces algebriques engendrees par des couches du second et du troisieme ordre. Gand, 1902. 81 pp. **E.5i23.58 Taylor, Frank Bursley. The planetary system: a study of its struc- ture and growth. Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1903. Diagrams. 3929.156 Zeuthen, Hieronymus Georg. Histoire des mathematiqu»es dans I'anti- quite et le moyen age. fedition frangaise, traduite par Jean Mascart. Paris. 1902. **E.5i26.i5 Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Brackett, Edward Augustus. The world we live in. Boston, 1903. Por- trait. 3498.103 An argument for spiritualism. Fairfax, Edward, -1635. Da?monologia: a discourse on witchcraft as it was acted in the fam.ily of Mr. Edward, of Fuyston, York, in 1621; along with the- only two eclogues of the same author known to be in existence. With a biographical introduction, by William Grainge. Harrogate, 1882. *76o7.i20 254 July Paracelsus. Hermetic and alchemical writings. Now for the first time faithfully translated into English. Edited ... by Arthur Edward Waite. London, 1894. 2 v. *3750.48 Sturge, Mary Charlotte. The truth and error of Christian science. New York, 1903. 7607.124 Education. Children. Barlow, Clement Anderson Montague, and Hugh O'Donoghue Macan. The Education Act, 1902, with notes. . . . And Education (London) Act, 1903. 2d revised edition. London, 1903. 3599.213 Boeles, Willem Boele Sophius. Frieslands Hoogeschool en het Rijks athenaeum te Franeker. Leeuwarden, 1878-1889. 2 V. Portraits. Plates. Au- tograph fac-similes. 3595-295 Clarke, John, lecturer on education in the University of Aberdeen. Short studies in education in Scotland. London, 1904. ■ 3599a.222 College de France, Paris. Annuaire. 3e annee. Paris, 1903. *6635.2o Geddes, Patrick. The evolution of sex and sex in educa- tion. Four lectures. [Boston, 1900?] 3 pp. [Twentieth Century Club.] — 5593.25 Horne, Herman Harrell. The philosophy of education. New York, 1904. 3599a.22o Luckey, George Washington Andrew. The professional training of secondary teachers in the United States. New York, 1903. [Columbia University con- tributions to philosophy, psychology and education.] No. 1-4 in *36o4.i20.i2 Contains numerous bibliographies. Munson, John P. Education through nature study: founda- tions and method. New York. [1903.] Illus. ' [Kellogg's Teachers' library.] 3598.308 Nenot, Henri Paul. Monographic de la nouvelle Sorbonne. Paris, 1903. 24 pp. 50 plates. *Cab. 60.150.6 Pellatt, T. Public schools and public opinion. An apology for certain methods in English higher education. London, 1904. 3599a.224 Salisbury, Albert. A historical sketch of the Wisconsin Teachers' Association, 1853-1903. Madi- son, 1903. 89 pp. Portraits. = 7596.101 Thomas, Edward, Magazine writer. Oxford. Painted by John Fulleylove. Described by Edward Thomas. Lon- don. [1903.] Colored plates. 2492.147 University of Chicago. General register of the officers and alumni. 1892-1902. Chicago, 1903. =: ^4492.263 University of Liverpool. Calendar. 1903-1904. [Liverpool.] 1904. = ^2499.142 Wolfrum, Max. Das kaufmannische Unterrichtswesen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- Amerika. [Aussig, 1903.] 52 pp. 5593-29 Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Kant, Lnmanuel. 1 724-1 804. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Herausgegeben von Theodor Fritzsch. Leipzig. [1904] 4896.50.457 Religion* Theology* Abbott, Lyman. The Great Companion. New York, 1904. 3442.120 Bousset, Wilhelm. Das Wesen der Religion dargestellt an ihrer Geschichte. 5. Tausend. Halle a. s., 1904. 3497.136 Clarke, James Freeman. Christ and Christianity in the light of modern thought. Vol. 3. Is Christianity a supernatural revelation? Boston, 1903. = 7459.115 7459.115 Dole, Charles Fletcher. ■ From agnosticism to theism. Boston. [1904?] 29 pp. = 3497.138 Dowson, Henry. The centenary: a history of the First Bap- tist Church, Bradford, from 1753. Lon- don. [1854.] Portrait. Plates. Fac- simile. 3548.88 Farrar, Reginald Anstruther. The life of Frederic William Farrar. New York. [1904.] Portraits. Plates. 5554.23 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xxii. Grente, Joseph. Le culte catholique a Paris de la Terreur au Concordat. Paris. [1903.] 3523.119 Grisar, Hartmann, S.J. Analecta Romana. Dissertazioni, testi, monumenti dell' arte riguardanti prin- cipalmente la storia di Roma e dei Papi nel Medio evo. Vol. i. Roma, 1899. Illus. Plans. Fac-similes. *555oa.7 Continues his Geschichte Roms und der Papste im Mittelalter [*S55oa.6]. Geschichte Roms und der Papste im Mit- telalter. Band i. Freiburg im B., 1901. Illus. Plans. Fac-similes. *555oa.6 No more was published. ' Hall, Arthur Crawshay Alliston. The Christian doctrine of prayer. New York, 1904. [The Bohlen Lectures. 1904.] 3446.122 Bibliography, pp. 119, 120. 1904 255 Hernando de Jesus. Exposicion de los Siete Psalmos Peniten- ciales del real profeta Dauid: co vn acto de contricion, y conuersion, y lagrymas del pecador. En Barcelona, por Lorengo Deu . . . Ano 1632. [New York, 1903.] 33 pp. = *3099a.40 One of an edition of 200 copies printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Holcombe, Theodore Isaac. 1832-. An apostle of the wilderness: James Lloyd Breck, D.D.; his missions and his schools. New York, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 5558.111 Holtzmann, Robert. 1873-. Kaiser Maximilian II. bis zu seiner Thron- besteigung. (i 527-1 564.) Ein Beitrag ztir Geschichte des tJbergangs von der Reformation zur Gegenreformation. Berlin, 1903. 3527-24 Hoskins, Rev. Edgar, of London. Horae Beatse Mariae Virginis; or, Sarum and York Primers with kindred books and Primei-s of the reformed Roman use. London, 1901. 3442.122 Bibliography, pp. xxi-i, 1-104, 571-577- King, Henry Melville. Religious liberty: an historical paper. Providence, R. I., 1903. 5548.1? Deals principally with the influence of the Bap- tists, especially in Rhode Island. Leon, Luis Ponce de. 1528-1591. Exposicion del Miserere. En Barcelona, por Lorengo Deu . . . Ano 1632. [New York, 1903.] 18 pp. = *3099a.37 One of an edition of 200 copies printed in fac- simile from the copy in, the library of Archer M. Huntington. Luther, Martin, Commentary on the first twenty-two Psalms. Based on Henry Cole's trans- lation from the original Latin. En- larged, parts retranslated and edited in complete form by J. N. Lenker. Vol. i. Minneapolis, Minn., 1903. 3509-71 Luther on the Creation. A critical and devotional commentary on Genesis. Based on Henry Cole's translation from the Latin. Enlarged, parts retranslated and edited, by J. N. Lenker. Vol. i. Minneapolis, 1904. 3509.70 Mackrell, E. P. Hymns of the Christian centuries. New York, 1903. 7447.173 Messmore, J. H. The life of Edwin Wallace Parker, D.D., Missionary Bishop of Southern Asia. New York. [1903.] Portrait. Plates. 5558.113 Meyer, Elard Hugo. Mythologie der Germanen gemeinfaszlich dargestellt. Straszburg, 1903. 3486.167 Bibliography, pp. 471-502. Paget, Francis, Bishop of Oxford. Faculties and difficulties for belief and disbelief. [Sermons.] 5th impression. London, 1901. 3449,219 Studies in the Christian character. Ser- mons. 4th impression. London, 1902. 3449-218 Pastor, Ludwig. T854-. Geschichte der l^iipste seit dem Ausgang des Mittclalters. 3. und 4. . . . ver- mehrte Auflage. Band 1-3. h'reiburg im B., 1899, 1904. 3514.121 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. xxxi-lxiii; vol. 2, pp. xxxi-lx; vol. 3, pp. xli-lxix. An English translation of vol. i is on shelf- number 355oa.68. Pierson, Arthur Tappan. God's living oracles. Being the Exeter Flail Lectures on the Bible, January- April, 1903. New York. [1904.] Dia- gram. 3429a.7i Randolph, Alfred Magill. Reason, faith and authority in Christian- ity. 2d edition. New York. [1902. The Bishop Paddock Lectures. 1901-02.] 3446.126 Renan, Joseph Ernest. Marcus Aurelius. Translated by W. G. Hutchison. London. [1903. The Scott library.] 3529.148 The last of a series of essays devoted to the history of the origins of Christianity. — Intro- duction. Reville, Jean. 1855-. Liberal Christianity; its origin, nature, and mission. Translated and edited by Victor Leuliette. London, 1903. 3449a.284 Ross, Rev. John. Mission methods in Manchuria. Edin- burgh, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Maps. = 3538.148 Saben, Mowry. The twilight of the gods. An essay. New Bedford, Mass., 1903. 75 pp. = 3489.182 Printed as an introduction to a larger work to be called The gospel of freedom, which is the running title of this book. Sanchez, Pedro. Arrepentimiento qve el alma tiene de auer ofendido a su Criador. Con el examen de la conciencia, y el acto de contricion. Barcelona, 1642. [New York, 1903.] 17 pp. = *3099a.43 One of an edition of 200 copies printed in fac- simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Shahan, Thomas Joseph. The beginnings of Christianity, New York, 1903. 3528.164 Speer, Robert Elliott. A memorial of Horace Tracy Pitkin. New York. [1903.] Portrait. 3535-29 Contains an account of missionary work in China. The subject of the memorial was killed in the Boxer uprising in China. Taylor, Richard Vickerman. The ecclesias Leodienses; or, historical and architectural sketches of the churches of Leeds and neighbourhood, (within a radius of about ten miles) . . . London, 1875. 3527.18 Thurston, Herbert. Lent and Holy Week. Chapters on Cath- olic observance and ritual. London, 1904. Illus. 3469.175 256 Trovamala, Baptista. Summa rosella. Colophon . . . impressuz cura z studio viri prestawtis Georgi Ar- riuabeni Matuani venetijs . . . M.CCCC- LXXXXV . . . (4), 12, 551, (I) ff. Black-letter. **G.402.2o Relates -te canon law, the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, and cases of conscience. UUathorne, William Bernard, Bishop of Birmingham. The groundwork of the Christian virtues. A course of lectures. 6th edition. Lon- don. [190-?] 3446.124 On humility. Wernle, Paul. The beginnings of Christianity. Trans- lated by G. A. Bienemann, and edited, with an introduction by W. D. Morri- son. Vol. I. London, 1903. [Theolog- ical translation library.] 3424.24 Westcott, Frank Nash. Catholic principles as illustrated in the doctrine, history, and organization of the American Catholic Church in the United States, commonly called the Protestant Episcopal Church. Milwau- kee. [1902.] 5548.32 Bibliography, pp. 410, 411. Wonnacott, James. The history of Morley Old Chapel, and its ministers. Morley, 1859. 74 pp. Plate. *2509.64 Wyeth, Joseph. 1663-1731. An answer to a letter from Dr. Bray, directed to such as have contributed towards the propagating Christian knowledge in the Plantations. London. T. S©wle. 1700. 19 pp. **H.94.i75 Relates to the opposition of the Quakers to the establishment of a state church in Maryland. Law* Legislation* Patents* Biron, Henry Chaptres, and Kenneth Edl- mann Chalmers. The law and practice of extradition. Lon- don, 1903. 3614.65 Hongkong. Ordinances (including orders, &c., in council) for 1903. Hongkong, 1903. 3613.78 McKelvey, John Jay. 1863-. Principles of common-law pleading. New York, 1894. 5637.22 Michel, Hugo. Das deutsche Reichspatent, seine Anmel- dung, Durchfechtung, Ubertragung und Anfechtung. Leipzig, 1903. Plans. Pat.Room 20.107 Useful and Industrial Arts* Bale, Manfred Powis. Gas and oil engine management. Phila- delphia, 1903. 4018.130 July Blyth, Alexander Wynter, and Meredith Wynter Blyth. Foods: their composition and analysis. With essay on adulteration. 5th edition, enlarged. London, 1903. Illus. Charts. 3977.142 Buchanan, John F. Foundry nomenclature: the moulder's pocket dictionary . . . London, 1903. Illus. 8018.273 Dyke, Andrew Lee, and G. P. Dorris. Diseases of a gasolene automobile and how to cure them. [St. Louis, 1903.] Illus. Plans. 8017.252 Georgievics, Georg von. The chemical technology of textile fibres. Translated by Charles Salter. London, 1902. Illus. 8013.215 Hannan, William I. The textile fibres of commerce. A hand- book on fibres used in cotton, woollen, paper, silk, brush, and hat manufactures. London, 1902. Illus. 4012. 115 Leavitt, Thomas Hooker. Facts about peat, peat fuel and peat coke: how to make it and how to use it. Bos- ton, 1904. Plates. 7869.49 Lightning, the Electrical Times. [Weekly.] Vol. 13-20. London, 1898-1901. Illus. = *796oa.55 Vols. 13-18 are called Lightning, the Popular and Business Review of Electricity. Lov, Adolph. Die Losung der Ranch- und Russfrage durch eine neue Theorie der Rauchver- brennung. Berlin, 1899. 40 pp. 8019.234 Markham, Edward Russell. The American steel worker. A twenty- five years' experience, ist edition. New York, 1903. Diagrams. 8017.279 Morrison, John H. History of American steam navigation. New York, 1903. Illus. 3954'i79 Parsons, Harry de Berkeley. Steam-boilers, their theory and design. New York, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8016.260 Reiser, Nicolas. Faults in the manufacture of woollen goods and their prevention. Translated by Arthur Morris and Herbert Robson. London, 1903. Diagrams. 8018.269 Richards, Robert Hallowell. Ore dressing. New York, 1903. 2 v. Illus. Plans. 3864.43 List of books and periodicals referred to, krol. i, pp. xix-xxiii. Bibliography at the end of each chapter. Rowe, Stuart Henry. The lighting of school-rooms. New York, 1904. Illus. Plans. 8099.31 Bibliography, pp. 87-89. Santos-Dumont, Alberto. 1873- My air-ships. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 5969.166 Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. Electric toy making for amateurs. 15th edition, enlarged. New York, 1903. Illus. 3969.209 1904 257 Sorel, Ernest. La grande Industrie chimiqiie minerale. Paris, 1904. Plans. [Bibliotheque tcch- nologique.] 4016.119 Thomson, Joseph John. Conduction of electricity through gases. Cambridge, 1903. Charts. [Cambridge physical series.] 3962.182 Electricity and matter. New York, 1904. Diagrams. [Yale College. Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman Memorial Lectures.] 5969-169 The last chapter is on radio-activity and radio- active substances. Trautwine, John Cresson. 1810-1883. A method of calculating the cubic con- tents of excavations and embankments by the aid of diagrams, together with directions for estimating the cost of earthwork. Revised and enlarged by John C. Trautwine, Jr. nth edition. New York, 1903. 71 pp. 401547 Walker, Frederick, C. E. Practical kites and aeroplanes: how to make and work them. London, 1903. 78 pp. Illus. 5968.104 Whitehead, Jessup. Hotel meat cooking. 7th edition. Chi- cago, 1901. Illus. 8001.35 The steward's handbook and guide to party catering. 6th edition. Chicago, 1903. Illus. 8001.33 Woods, Richard John. Strength and elasticity of structural mem- bers. London, 1903. Diagrams. 4014.137 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Black, William L. A new industry; or, raising the Angora goat, and mohair, for profit, [Fort Worth, Texas, 1900.] Illus. Portraits. 3998.217 Johnston, Clarence T. Egyptian irrigation: a study of irrigation methods and administration in Egypt. Washington, 1903. Illus. Maps. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations.] = *5993.70.i3o Philippine Islands. Bureau of Agriculture. Bulletin. No. 4. Manila, 1903. Plate. = *599oa.ii Society for the Protection of New Hamp- shire Forests. Annual report, ist- 1901/02-. [Concord, 1903?] Plates. = *3846.86 True, Alfred Charles, and Dick J. Crosby. Instruction in agronomy at some agricul- tural colleges. Washington, 1903. 85 pp. Illus. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Sta- tions.] — *5993.70.i27 ]V[ilitary and Naval Art, Science, and History. Hatch, Louis Clinton. The administration of the American Revo- lutionary Army. New York, 1904. [Har- vard historical studies.] 4414.259 Bibliography, pp. 210-215. United States. Adjutant General's Office. Military In- formation Division. Target practice and remount systems abroad. Arranged by Captain E. A. Edwards and Captain J. S. Herron. Washington, 1902. Illus, = 5951.104 A collection of reports by various military attaches. State Department. Instructions for the private armed ves- sels of the United States . . . [Wash- ington, 1812.] 4 pp. **H.90.I22 This copy, signed Jas. Monroe, Secretary of State, is addressed to Captain Stephenson Rich- ards, commander of the private armed schooner Phoenix. Appended is a copy of An act con- cerning letters of marque, prizes and prize goods. War Department. Five years of the War Department fol- lowing the War vv^ith Spain, 1899-1903, as shown in the Annual reports of the Secretary of War. [Washington, 1904.] Map. = *7952.72 Wisser, John Philip. Practical field exercises in tactics and strategy for the use of the regular army and the militia. [Kansas City, Mo., 1903.] Maps. 23 folded maps in case'. 5956.116 The maps in the case are reprints of Topo- graphic sheets of the United States Geological Survey. Amusements^ Games* Sports* Busk, Hans. 1815-1882. The rifle: and how to use it. 8th edition, enlarged. London, 1861. Illus. Por- trait = 3959.155 Doubleday, Russell. A year in a yawl: a true tale of the adven- tures of our boys in a thirty-foot yawl. New York. Plates. 5956.134 Graham, John, athlete, and Ellery Harding Clark. Practical track and field athletics. New York, 1904. Illus. Portrait. 4007.219 Holland, Frederic May, compiler. 1836-. [Chess problems and solutions. 188-?] 3 V. = *6oo9a.i46 Clippings from various newspapers, pasted in three diaries for 1885-1888. 258 Lewis, Angelo John. Later magic. By Professor Hoffmann [pseud.]. New 1 York, 1904. llltis. 3608.210 Sail and Sweep, the ilhistrated American magazine of aquatic sports. Vol. 3, no. I, 2. Detroit, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plans. *395oa.25 Stout, Genevieve Hecker. Golf for women. New York. [1904.] Illus. Portrait. 4009a.233 Strutt, Joseph. 1 749-1802. The sports and pastimes of the people of England. New edition, enlarged by J. Charles Cox. London. [1903.] Plates. *400oa.43 Fiction* In English. Macgreegor. 58.290 York, Bell, James Joy. Later adventures of Wee New York, 1904. Curtis, Charles Albert. Captured by the Navajos. New 1904. Plates. Daskam, Josephine Dodec. The memoirs of a baby. New York, 1904. Illus. 58.286 Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Four roads to Paradise. New York, 1904. Plates. 58.288 King, General Charles. 1844-. A knight of Columbia; a story of the War. New York, 1904. Plates. 58.287 Relates to the United States Civil War. Smith, Arthur Cosslett. The turquoise cup and The desert York, 1903. Plates. Vignettes. Turley, Charles. Godfrey Martin, schoolboy. New 1903. Plates. Wharton, Edith. The descent of man, and other New York, 1904. White, Stewart Edward. The silent places. New York, 1904. New 58.291 York, 78.211 stories. 58.289 Plates. 58.285 Wichmann, Franz, Die Parze. Novelle. Leipzig. July [1904.] 4896.50.457 Children's Room* Books for the Month. Caldecott, Randolph. Collection of pictures and songs. Lon- don. [190-?] Illus. *456i.i35 Second collection of pictures and songs. London. [190-?] Illus. Curtis, Charles Albert. Captured by the Navajos 1904. Illus. Eggleston, George Gary. Running the river. New York, Illus. Story of trading on the Mississippi. Turley, Charles. Godfrey Marten, schoolboy. New 1903. Illus. A story of English schoolboy life. *456i.i36 New York, 78.210 1904. 78.209 York, 78.211 In German, Associations* Clubs* Societies* Franklin Debating Society, Boston. Constitution and by-laws. Boston, 1829. 16 pp. *2359a.i29 Freemasonry. United States. Supreme Council 33°. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The statutes and regulations, institutes, laws and grand constitutions. With notes, from authentic documents. New York, 1862. 7563.148 Republished from original plates. Periodicals* Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes* Herczeg, Ferencz. Die Operettensangerin. Roman. Aus dem Ungarischen iibersetzt von Her- mine Farkas. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.457 Hillern, Wilhelmine von. 1836-. Ein Sklave der Freiheit. Roman. 2. Auf- lage. Stuttgart, 1903. 6898.194 Westkirch, Luise. Das Recht der Liebe und zwei andere No- vellen. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.457 Contents. — Das Recht der Leibe. — Rauch. — • Suse. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Index. July i, 1891-December 31, 1902. [Brooklyn, i892-]i903. 12 v. = *N.393.io Examiner, The, a Sunday paper, on politics, domestic economy, and theatricals. Nos. 1-418. London, 1808-1815. 16 v. *7323-55 Tomahawk, The. A Saturday journal of satire. [Edited by Arthur a Beckett. Illustrated by Matt Morgan.] Vol. i (no. 3-34); 2-5. London, 1867-69. 5 v. Plates. *538i.3o 1904 259 Trifler, The. By Timothy Touchstone [pseud.]. No. 1-43. [London, 1788, 89.] Plate. = *4559-88 No more was published. World, The. By Adam Fitz-Adam [pseud.]. Philadelphia, 1803, 1804. 4 v. [Select British classics.] = *26o9.35 Sixty-one of these two hundred and ten papers were written by the editor, Edward Moore ; the rest by Lord Chesterfield, Horace Walpole, Cambridge, Jenyns, Tilson, and others. Orig- inally published as a weekly periodical. Books for the Blind* See also note on next page, British and Foreign Blind Association, The, publishers. Table of contractions, rules, examples. [London. 190-?] 24 pp. 5590.26 Printed in Braille. Milwaukee Weekly Review. Vol. 3 (no. 15, 18, 21, 25, 27-32, 34, 41, 42, 44); Vol. 4. Apr. 10, 1902-Dec. 31, 1903. Milwaukee, 1902, 03. *7i8o.5o Printed in the New York system. Books added to the Branch Libraries. Baxter, Sylvester. The legend of the Holy Grail, as set forth in the frieze painted by Edwin A. Abbey for the Boston Public Library. With description and interpretation. Fh 635 Bell, James Joy. Later adventures of Wee Macgreegor. 228b 3 Burdick, Arthur J. The m.ystic mid-region: the deserts of the Southwest. Illus. Jt 1257 Burt, Mary Elizabeth, editor. Poems that every child should know. Illus. Y 1274.4 Comstock, John Henry, and Anna Botsford Comstock. How to know the butterflies: a manual of the butterflies of the Eastern United States. Illus. Colored plates. Nt 1866.2 Eggleston, George Gary. Running the river; a story of adventure and success. Illus. Y 2570.7 Elson, Henry William. History of the United States of America. Maps. Eh 2618.2 Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Four roads to Paradise. Illus. 30g 4 McFarland, J. Horace. Getting acquainted with the trees. Illus- trated from photographs. Ng 5427 Mathews, Ferdinand Schuyler. Field book of wild birds and their music. Illus. NW5710 Pickard, Samuel Thomas. Whittier-land. A handbook of North Essex, containing many anecdotes of and poems by John Greenleaf Whittier never before collected. Illus. Bw 9665.11 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. New Hampshire. An epitome of popular government. Map. [American com- monwealths.] Eq 7812 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The neighbor: the natural history of human contacts. S 8170 Singleton, Esther, editor and translator. Russia as seen and described by famous writers. Illus. Hk 8267 Skinner, Charles Montgomery. Little gardens: how to beautify city yards and small country spaces. Illus. Uc 8273 Smith, Arthur Cosslett. The turquoise cup and The desert. Illus. « , 94s I Stephens, William Picard. American yachting. Illus. Wp8';^q White, Mary. How to do beadwork. Illus. Uu 9646 White, Stewart Edward. The silent places. Illus. 170W 2 Winship, George Parker, editor and trans- lator. The journey of Coronado, 1540-1542 . . . as told by himself and his followers. Maps. Fac-simile. E 9763 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Books and Documents Recently Added. Social Science* Boston News Bureau. [ Daily.] Vol. 1-33. 1887- 1903. Boston, 1887-1903. = *933o.573ai3 A financial newspaper. Chronicle Fire Tables for 1889-1894. A record of the fire losses in the United States by states and territories during 1888- 1893, with exhibits of the monthly, annual and aggregate fire losses in the United States, 1875-1893. New York, 1889- 1894. Charts. Diagrams. = *9358.i73a2 A publication with the same heading, containing a record of fire losses in 1880, 79, 78, 77, 76, was issued in 1881, as an extra to the Chronicle [*9368.i73]. Fitzgerald, Adolphus Leigh. 1840-. The thirty years' war on silver. Chicago, 1903. 9332.4iai5 Gogitschayschwili, Philipp. Das Gewerbe in Georgien unter beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der primitiven Betriebsformen. Tubingen, 1901. . 9330.4479 There is a list of sources on pp. ix-xi. Goldberger, Ludwig Max. Das Land der unbegrenzten Moglich- keiten. Beobachtungen iiber das Wirt- schaftsleben der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 5. Auflage. Berlin, 1903. 9330.073310 Guyot, Yves. 1843-. Les conflits du travail et leur solution. 2e mille. Paris, 1903. Tables, [fitudes de physiologic sociale.] 9331.8833 Jubb, Samuel. The history of the shoddy-trade. London, i860. 9338.427 Martin, Germain Louis. 1872- Problemes transatlantiques. Paris, 1903. 9330.4338 Contents. — La crise des affaires: La crise et le marche des valeurs aux Etats-Unis de 1890 a 1902; L'evolution industrielle de 1897 a 1902; La capitalisation du trust. — Les deux imperialismes: La situation economique du Canada; L'imperi- alisme american : L'imperialisme anglais. — • Les trusts et notre avenir commercial : Expor- tations et importations des deux pays; Le trust de I'ocean et la Compagnie trans-atlantique. Nicolai, Edmond. Salaires et budgets ouvriers en 1853 et 1891. Bruxelles, 1895. 23 pp. 5570.83 Wright, Walter Channing. Gain and loss exhibit sheets [for the prin- cipal life insurance companies, based on the figures of various state life reports]. Year 1901, 1902. [Boston, 1902, 1903.] = *9368.3ai7 Political Science. Steffens, Joseph Lincoln. 1866-. The shame of the cities. New York, 1904. 35693.264 Sociology. Issev, Andrei Alekseievitch. Les grands hommes et le milieu social. Paris. [1903.] 9304-333 Woodworth, Arthur Vernon. Christian socialism in England. London, 1903. [Social science series.] 9335.734 Bibliography, pp. 193-208. FREE POSTAL DELIVERY OF READING MATTER FOR THE BLIND. By an order of tlie Postmaster-General dated June 2, 1904, read- ing matter in raised characters may be sent free by the United States mail from public libraries as a loan to the blind. Material of this sort may also be returned without cost. The main provisions of this order are given below as follows: Section 518^ of the Postal Laws and Regulations. "Books, pamphlets, and other reading matter in raised characters for the use of the blind, whether prepared by hand or printed, in single volumes, not exceeding ten pounds in weight, or in packages, not exceeding four pounds in weight, and containing no advertising or other matter whatever, unsealed and when sent by public institutions for the blind, or by any public libraries, as a loan to blind readers, or when returned by the latter to such institutions or public libraries, shall be transmitted in the United States mails free of postage, and under such regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe." MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. Vol. IX. No. 8. August, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES, 1904 TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, 397 Shawmut Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. Avenue. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 571 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, 752 Dudley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM June 15 to July 15, 1904. The symbol =: following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books* Chambers, Robert, editor. 1802-1871. Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English litera- ture. New edition by David Patrick. Philadelphia, 1902. 2 v. Portraits. Fac- similes. *255i.32 Cole's Encyclopedia of dry goods. New edition, enlarged. By Geo. S. Cole. Chicago, 1900. Illiis. *8o32.2i Grenada handbook, directory and almanac for the year 1904. 9th year of issue. Compiled by the Colonial Secretary. London, 1904. Plate. *2389a.25 Hopkins, Albert A., editor. The Scientific American cyclopediia of re- ceipts, notes and queries. 22d edition. New York, 1903. Illus. *8o32,67 Johnston, William, of Edinburgh, and Alex- and Keith Johnston, publishers. The world-wide atlas of modern geog- raphy, political and physical. With an introduction by J. Scott Keltic. 6th edition. Edinburgh, 1903. Plates. 128 maps. *228o.74 Macmillan and Company, publishers. Guide to Italy. 4th edition. London, 1904. Maps. 27693.47 Guide to the eastern Mediterranean. [2d edition.] London, 1904. Maps. Plans. 22793.88 Social progress. A year book and encyclo- pedia of economic, industrial, social and religious statistics. 1904. Josiah Strong, editor. New York, 1904. Tables. Bibliography, pp. 234-247. *93I0.3ag Whitaker, Joseph. An almanack for 1904. [Canadian edition. Toronto, 1903.] 24993.51 Genealogy* Heraldry* Bascom, Robert O. The Fort Edward book, containing some historical sketches and family records. Fort Edward, N. Y., 1903. Plates. Map. *4478.409 Great Barrmgton, Mass. St. James' Epis- copal Church. Records. [1770-1793. With brief notes of the town, church, and first rector. By L. Hasbrouck von Sahler. Great Barrington, 1903.] *443oa.i6i One of an edition of 12 copies. The records extend over Berkshire County. Lamb, Fred William. Genealogical sketch of the Lamb family. 2d edition, enlarged. Manchester, N. H., 1903. 7 pp. Portrait. = *4433.345 Noyes, Colonel Henry E., 1S39- and ITar- riette Eliza Noyes. Genealogical record of some of the Noyes descendants of James, Nicholas and Peter Noyes. Boston, 1904. 2 v. Tllus. Portraits. Genealogical tables. Auto- graph fac-similes. *4432.276 Prime, Temple. -1903. Notes relative to certain matters con- nected with French history. New York, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. Plate. Coats of arms. Plans. = *c>6:^'?.ii2 No. 47 of an edition of 63 copies. Bibliography, pp. 161-167, 189, 190, 257, 258. This is a gene- alogy of the House of Bourbon and its branches. Wedmore, Parish, Somersetshire, England. Wedmore Parish registers. Marriasres. 1561-1839. [Edited by S. H. A. Her- vey.] Wells, 1888. *2507.i22 Names. Heintze, Albert. Die deutschen Familiennamen, geschicht- lich, geographisch, sprachlich. 2. ver- mehrte Auflage. Halle a. S., 1903. *2833.68 Moore, Arthur William. Manx names; or, the surnames and place- names of the Isle of INIan. 2d edition. London, 1903. *4584.ii7 264 August Biography* Collective Biographies. Depew, Chaiincey Mitchell. Speeches ... in the Senate of the United States, December 17, 1902, January 30 and 31, and February 14, 1903. Wash- ington, 1903. 27 pp. = 4226.175 Contains memorial addresses on William J. Sew- ell, James McMillan, Amos J. Cummings, and an address on the acceptance of statues of Cliarles Carroll and John Hanson. Ellis, Havelock. A study of British genius. London, 1904. 2543.182 Lossing, Benson John. The two spies, Nathan Hale and John Andre. [Also,] Anna Seward's Monody on Major Andre. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 2346.132, Yale College. Class of 1850. Biographical record. New Haven, 1877. 96 pp. = *438i.6i Single Biographies. Airy, Osmund. 1845-. Charles II. New edition. London, 1904. Portrait. 2547.172 Berriat-Saint-Prix, Jacques. 1769-1845. Notice sur Julius Pacius a Beriga, juris- consulte et philosophe des XVIe et XVIIe siecles. Paris, 1840. 30 pp. = Bibliography, pp. 21, 22. 4646.46 Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien de. Memoires de M. d'Artagnan, capitaine- lieutenant de la lere compagnie des mousquetaires du roi. [Anon.] Paris. [189-?] 3 V. Vignettes. = 6695.71 The autobiographical character of this work is fictitious. Giudizi sui primi sei volumi dell' «Episto- lario» di L. A. Muratori, edito e curato da Matteo Campori. Modena, 1903. 43 pp. = 2742.31 James, Llenry, Jr. 1843-. William Wetmore Story and his friends. Boston, 1904. 2 V. Portraits. 4087.170 Loeser, Charles. Kathe Kollwitz. Berlin, 1902. 7 pp. = 2844.38 Louis XVII., of France. Correspon dance intime et inedite de Louis XVII., Charles-Louis, due de Normandie, "Naundorff,'" avec sa fa- mille. 1834-1838. Avec introduction, notes et eclaircissemcnts historiques ... par Otto Friedrichs. Tome i. Paris, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. 2644.166 New England Hospital for Women and Children. 18^9-1902. Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska. A memoir. Boston, 1903. 30 pp. Por- traits. =: 4444.396 Renan, Joseph Ernest. Ma soeur Henriette. [Paris.] 1895. Por- traits. Plates. = 2646.179 Spencer, Herbert. 1820-1903. An autobiography. New York, 1904. 2 v. Portraits. Autograph fac-similes. 2547.168 Stuart, Lady Louisa. Letters to Louisa Clinton, [ist,] 2d se- ries. Edited by James A. Home. Edin- burgh, 1901-03. 2 V. Portraits. 4547.162 Trask, William Blake. Memoir of David Clapp [and Mary Eliza- beth Clapp]. Boston, 1894. 26 pp. Portrait. = 4442.356 Warren, Samuel Dennis. 1817-1888. Samuel Dennis Warren, September 13, 1817-May II, 1888. A tribute from the people of Cumberland Mills. Cam- bridge, 1888. Portrait. Plates. = 4444.401 Whitehead, Hon. John. Memorial sketch of the life of compatriot William McKinley, member of the So- ciety of Sons of the American Revolu- tion. [New York.] 1903. 8 pp. = 2349-139 Wilkins, William Henry. A Queen of tears, Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway, and Princess of Great Britain and Ireland. London,, 1904. 2 V. Portraits. Plates. 2841.15 Bibliography, vol. 2, pp. 327-329. Wright, Thomas, of Cowper School, Olney. 1859-- The life of Edward Fitzgerald. London, 1904. 2 v. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. 4547.156 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. 241-244. History* General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastefn Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Greenidge, Abel Hendy Jones, and A. M. Clay, compilers. Sources for Roman history, B.C. 133-70, collected and arranged. Oxford, I903- 4759.60 Jackson, E. L. St. Helena: the historic island. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3057.173 Kawakami, Karl Kiyoshi. The political ideas of modern Japan. Iowa City, 1903. [University of Iowa. Bulletin.] = ^3563. 210 Rueda y Mendoza, Diego. Toros y canas en Filipinas en 1623. Frag- mento de un manuscrito inedito. Bar- celona, 1903. 25 pp. *3049b.i3 The editor is Jose Sanchez Garrigos. No. 19 of an edition of 25 copies. Stead, William Thomas, editor. The haunting horrors in Armenia. Lon- don, 1896. 63 pp. Map. = 3088.138 1904 265 Tylor, Edward Burnett. Primitive culture. 4th edition. London, 1903. 2 V. 6305.5 Europe. Bestiality of the Russian czardom toward Lithuania. Baltimore, 1891. 30 pp. 3065.34 Bouniceau, Pierre. fitude historique sur le port de Port-en- Bessin. Bayeux, 1843. =: 4668.84 Brentari, Ottone. 1852-. Storia di Bassano e del suo territorio. Bassano, 1884. Illus. 2760.41 Charlton, Edward, M.D., D.C.L. Memorials of North Tyndale, and its four surnames. 2d edition. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1871. *2464.46 Echegaray, Carmelo. Trabajos de un cronista. Bilbao, 1898. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.200 An account of the municipal archives of Gui- puzcoa. Edmunds, Wilfred, F.R.H.S. Winfield Manor. Historical sketch. 3d edition. Chesterfield, 1888. 26 pp. Plate. 2466.48 Farrer, William, editor. Lancashire inquests, extents, and feudal aids. A.D. 1205-A.D. 1307. [Liver- pool.] 1903. [Record Society. Lanca- shire and Cheshire." •2507.92 Great Britain. Public Record Office. Calendar of the State papers relating to Ireland. Adventurers for land. Edited by Robert Pentland Maliaffy. London, 1903. *7052.59 Contents. — i. 1642-1659. Guest, M. J. A handbook of English history, brought down to 1880, with a supplementary chapter upon English literature of the nineteenth century. By Francis H. Underwood. New York, 1902. Maps. 4519.88 Jamar, Joaquin. El fuero de Guipuzcoa. La cuestion so- cial. Bilbao, 1900. [Biblioteca bascon- gada.] 3097.219 Labayru, Estanislao Jaime de. Compendio de la historia de Bizcaya del Dr. Estanislao J. de Labayru. Por Fermin Herran. Bilbao, 1898, 1899. 3 v. in 2. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.202 Lambert, Charles fidouard. Memoire historique sur la bataille de Formigny. Caen, 1824. 46 pp. = 2617.45 Relates also to Chapelle St. Louis de Bourbon, Formigny. M'Cready, Christopher Teeling. Dublin street names, dated and explained. Dublin, 1892. *2477.79 Bibliography, pp. 149-160. Maeztu, Ramiro de. Hacia otra Espafia. Bilbao, 1899. [Bi- blioteca bascongada.] 3097.206 Mary, Queen of Scots. A letter from Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Duke of Guise, January, 1562. Re- produced in fac-siniilc from the original manuscript. Edited, with translation by John Ilungerford Pollen. Edin- burgh, 1904. 14 fac-similes. [Scottish History Society.] *4525.i44 The original is printed in Papal negotiations with Mary, Oueen of Scots . . . pp. 435-444 r4525.i38]. Mujica, Serapio. Curiosidades historicas de San Sebastian. Bilbao, 1900. 2 V. in i. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.218 Ortega y Rubio, Juan. Los visigodos en Espana. Madrid, 1903. 3097-33 Redding, Cyrus, John Reilly Beard, and William Cooke Taylor, The pictorial history of the County of Lancaster. [Anon.] London, 1844. Illus. Map. *2462.i78 Rohrbach, Paul. 1869-. Deutschland unter den Weltvolkern. Ma- terialien zur auswartigen Politik. Ber- lin, 1903. 2214.7 Shirley, Evelyn Philip. Some account of the territory or domin-' ion of Farney, in the Province and Earl- dom of Ulster. London, 1845. Illus. *247i.33 Suarez, Victoriano, publisher. Guerra de la indepedencia [sic]. Docu- mentos ineditos que pertenecieron al General Castafios. Campaha de Anda- lucia en 1808. Madrid. [1902.] 3093.188 Relates also to the capitulation of General Du- pont at Bailen. Thompson, William, M.A. 1843-. Sedbergh, Garsdale, and Dent: pe^ps at some picturesque Yorkshire dales. Leeds, 1892. Illus. *246oa.48 No. 73 of an edition of 150 copies. Wake, Edward George. The history of Collingham, and its neigh- bourhood, including the northern half of the Hundred of Newark. Newark- upon-Trent, 1867. Map. ^2463.85 Ward, Adolphus William. The Electress Sophia and the Hanoverian succession. London, 1903. Illus. Por- traits. Fac-similes. *45i0'33 Young, Alexander Bell Filson. Ireland at the cross roads. London, 1903. 2479.113 A study of the civilization and economic con- dition of Ireland. Zaydler, Bernardo. Storia della Polonia fino agli ultimi tempi. Firenze, 1831. 2 v. Portraits. Plates. 3066.123 Zwiedineck-Suedenhorst, Hans von. 1845-. Dorfleben im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Culturhistorische Skizzen aus Inneros- terreich. Wien, 1877. Illus. 4819.11 Relates principally to Millstadt, Austria. 266 America. Adams, Charles Kendall, and William Peter- field Trent. A history of the United States. Boston. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac- similes. [Allyn and Bacon's Series of school histories.] 43293.179 Alabama. Department of Education. Program and selections for celebration of the anniversary of the day on which Alabama was admitted to the Union, December 14, 1903. Montgomery, 1903. 24 pp. = 4377.37 Claiborne, John Herbert. 1828-. Seventy-five years in Old Virginia. New York, 1904. Portraits. 4375'i73 Claiborne lived at Petersburg, Va. Curtis, Francis, of Springfield, Mass. The Republican Party. A history of its fifty years' existence and a record of its measures and leaders, 1854-1904. New York, 1904. 2 V. Portraits. Autograph fac-similes. 4224.103 Doolittle, Amos, Engraver. [Four plates illustrating the battles of Lexington and Concord. Re-engraved in fac-simile by Sidney L. Smith.] Bos- ton, 1903. 4 plates. Cab.23.10.11 Originally published at New Haven, December 13, 1775- Reduced fac-similes are in shelf-no. *445o.i2o, and Stark's Antique views of Boston [2350.23= **235o.24]. Drago, Luis M. La Republica Argentina y el caso de Venezuela: documentos, juicios y comentarios relacionados con la nota pasada al ministro argentino en Wash- ington. Buenos Aires, 1903. = 4315. 161 Elson, Henry William. History of the United States of America. New York, 1904. Maps. 23293.105 Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. The story of the First Meeting House, built in 1634-5 by the First Church. Salem, 1897. 31 pp. Plans. Fac-simile. ^ = . 4359a.i59 Fogg> Jeremiah. 1749-1808. Orderly book kept by Jeremiah Fogg, Adjutant Colonel Enoch Poor's Second New Hampshire Regiment, on Winter Hill, during the Siege of Boston, Octo- ber 28, 177s, to January 12, 1776 . . . Copied by Capt. Albert A. Folsom. Ex- eter, 1903. 85 pp. = *44i4.252 Printed from the original in the Library of Har- vard University. Fortier, Alcee. 1856-. A history of Louisiana. New York, 1904. 4 v. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Fac- similes. *4375-i89 The frontispieces are hand-finished water-color fac-similes of paintings. Notes at the end of each volume contain bibliographical references. Gordon, John Brown. Reminiscences of the Civil War. New York, 1904. Portraits. 4323.181 August Iowa Journal of History and Politics. Pub- lished quarterly by the State Historical Society of Iowa. Vol. i. Iowa City, 1903. Maps. *437oa.i48 MacCauley, Clay. 1843-. Through Chancellorsville, into and out of Libby Prison. Providence, 1904. 70 pp. Portraits. Plate. [Soldiers' and Sail- ors' Historical Society of Rhode Island.] = *4324.77.6th series.7 Ontario Historical Society. Papers and records. Vol. i, 4, 5. Toronto, 1899-1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Fac-similes. = *43i4.2i6 Proceedings of the Convention begun and held at Concord . . . Massachusetts- Bay, [Oct. 6-12, 1779] to "take into consideration the prices of merchandize and country produce, and make such regulations ... as the public good . . . require." [Boston, 1779.] 4 pp. **H.9o.i78 Roxbury Historical Society, Roxbury, Mass. Annual dinner. 3d-5th, 7th-9th, nth, 12th. Roxbury, 1894-1903. Illus. Portraits. = 4457.21 The Roxbury Military Historical Society was reorganized in 1901 as the Roxbury Historical Society. Smith, Zachary Frederick. The Battle of New Orleans, . . . Louis- ville, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. [Filson Club.] *437i.i42 Contains an introduction by R, T. Durrett. Tagle, Enrique. Los tratados de paz entre la Republica Argentina y Chile. La opinion argen- tina. Buenos Aires, 1902. Portraits. — 4311.206 War talks by Morristown veterans, given in the Y. M. C. A. Rooms before the G. A. R. and S. of V. Morristown, N. J., 1887. 44 pp. = *"20th".52.95i Willison, John Stephen, 1856-. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal Party. A political history. [2d edition.] To- . ronto, 1903. 2 V. Portrait. 4314.212 Wilson, Daniel Munro. Where American independence began: Quincy, its famous group of patriots; their deeds, homes, and descendants. 2d edition, enlarged. Boston, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. 4357.134 Fine Arts^ Archaeology^ Antiquities. Agrippa, Camillo. Trattato . . . di trasporter la gvglia in sv la piazza di San Pietro. Roma, 1633. 48 pp. Plan. = *4759-67 Relates to the Vatican obelisk. Burri, Romolo. Viaggio scientifico al Porto Neroniano e Innocenziano in Anzio. Roma, 1847. 44 pp. Map. = 4759-64 1904 267 Fea, Carlo Domenico Francesco Ignazio. Opiiscoli tre idraulici e architettonici. 1. Cenni di storia del Porto Neroniano nella citta d'Anzio e modo facile di ris- tabilirlo. II. Schiarimenti sul niiovo emissario dell' Aniene in Tivoli. III. Riflessioni sopra I'innalzamento che si e progettato del pavimento della Basi- lica di S. Paolo. Roma, 1832. 48 pp. Map. = 4759-66 Ristabilimento I. Della citta d'Anzio, e suo Porto Neroniano. II. Della citta d'Ostia coir intero suo Tevere. III. Modo facile di seccare le Palude Pon- tine. In consequenza, proposizioni solide per la coltivazione delle Cam- pagne Romane . . . Roma, 1835. 65 pp. Maps. = 4759-62 II Tevere navigabile oggidi come ne' siioi pill antichi secoli, e la citta d'Ostia ivi edificata dal re Anco Marcio emporio di Roma, da risorgere a nuova vita. Roma, 1835. Plan. = 2737.27 Laborde, Alexandre Louis Joseph, Conte de. Notice sur le transport a Paris des obe- lisques de Luxor. [Paris, 1832.] 11 pp = 50393-58 Quirini, Girolamo, Cardinal. Doctissimo et clarissimo viro Claudio de Boze, perpetuo secretario Gallicse Regije Academise Inscriptionum & Bonarum Literarum . . . ev-n-pdrTeLv [Paris, 1742.] 37 PP- Plates. = *2737.25 A letter about a Roman diptych. Smith, Henry Ecroyd. Archaeology in the Mersey District, and Liverpool notabilia in 1874. Liverpool, 1876. 26 pp. Plates. 2438.12 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte Franz Wick- hoff gewidmet von einem Kreise von Freunden und Schiilern. Wien, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Plan. 4073.284 Relates to European art of the Middle Ages. Bible. In the dawn of the world. Being twenty- five pictures illustrative of a portion of the Book of Genesis by Edward Burne- Jones. Boston, 1903. 31 pp. Illus. Contains chapters 1-4 only. *4072.I05 Bibliotheque Rationale, Paris. Departe- ment des estampes. Les deux cents incunables xylographiques du Departement des estampes . . , par Henri Bouchot. Paris, 1903. 2 v. Text; Atlas, 109 plates. *Cab.8o.97.7 Boetzel, Philippe Ernest, Engraver. Prime du journal Les modes parisiennes. Les artistes contemporains. Cinquante tableaux & sculptures dessines par les artistes exposants, graves par M. Boet- zel. Paris. [185-?] = *8o6i.38 Botticelli, Sandro. 1446-1510? Zeichnungen zu Dante's goettlicher Ko- moedie nach den Originalen im K. Kup- ferstichkabinet zu Berlin, herausgege- ben im Auftrage der Generalverwaltung der K. Museen von F. Lippmann. Er- klaerende Beschreibung. [Mit Supple- ment. Die acht Handzeichnungen des Sandro Botticelli zu Dantes gottlicher Komodie im Vatikan herausgegeben von Josef Strzygowski.] Berlin, 1887. Text, 2 V. in i. Plates; Portfolio, with Supplement, 94 plates. *Cab.8o.248.2 Caldecott, Randolph. 1846-1886. Collection of pictures & songs. London. [1895.] 8 parts in i v. Illus. *455i.i35 Many of the plates are colored. Second collection of pictures and songs . . . London. [1895.] 8 parts in i v. Illus. *456i.i36 Many of the plates are colored. Crowe, Sir Joseph Arthur, and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle. A history of painting in Italy . . . from the second to the sixteenth century . . . edited by Langton Douglas, assisted by S. Arthur Strong. [2d edition.] Lon- don, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4075.230 Vol. I contains also biographies of the authors. Contents. — i. Early Christian art. 2. Giotto and the Giottesques. Davenport, Cyril. Mezzotints. London, 1904. Illus. Por- traits. [The connoisseur's library.] Bibliography, pp. xiii-xviii. *8o62.ii3 A history of mezzotint engraving. Demaison, Maurice. La porcelaine de Saxe. Collection Chap- pey. Paris, 1903. 32 pp. Illus. *4020.79 Dion, Joseph Louis Adolphe, Comte de. L'eglise de Montfort-l'Amaury et ses vitraux. Tours, 1902. 87 pp. Illus. 4106.36 Eyck, Hubert van, 1375-1426, and Jan van Eyck. I400?-I440. Das Center Altarbild. Photograviiren in Vio der natiirlichen Crosse nach den in Gent, Brussel und Berlin befindlichen Originalgemalden. Berlin. [1903.] 19 sheets. In portfolio. *Cab.8i.20.5 Flinzer, Fedor. Kin Skizzenbuch. Heft [i], 2. Breslau, [190-?] 2 V. 56 plates. 4068.51 Consists wholly of sketches of animals. Frankfort-on-the-Main. Stadelsches Kunst- Institut , . . Verzeichnis der Gemaldesammlung . . . Herausgegeben von der Administration. Frankfurt a/M. [1903.] Plates. Plan. *8o78.i9i Heubach, Alfred. Monumentalbrunnen Deutschlands, Oster- reichs und der Schweiz, aus dem 13. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1903. 26 pp. 60 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.6 K a i s e r 1 i c h-koenigliches oesterreichisches Handels-Museum, Vienna. Illustrations of Turkish, Arabian, Persian, Central Asiatic and Indian metal ware. With introductory remarks, and a prefa- tory note by A. von Scala. [Translated by E. H. Dring.] Vienna, 1895. 19 pp. 50 plates. *Cab.40.5i.i 268 August Lueblgs, Wilhelm. 1826-1893. Grui'idriss der Kunstgeschichte. 12. Auf- lage, vollstandig neu bearbeitet von Max Semrau. Stuttgart, 1899-1903. 3 v. Illus. Portraits. Plans. 4073.286 Some of the plates are colored. Lueer, Hermann. Kronleuchter und Laternen. Berlin, 1903. 2 V. 30 plates. [Koenigliche Museen, /Berlin. Vorbilder-PIefte aus dem Koe- niglichen Kunstgewerbe-Miiseum.] *Cab.8o.8i.24 Marabini, Edmund. Die kunst- und kulturgeschichtlichen Denkmale des deutschen Kaisers Adolf von Nassau. Erinnerungsschrift an den 600. Jahrestag seines Heldentodes. Miin- chen, 1899. Illus. Portraits. 4074.299 Odobesco, A. Le tresor de Petrossa. Historique — de- scription, fitude sur I'orfevrerie antique. Leipzig, 1889-1900. 2 V. in i. Illus. Bibliography, pp. 29-40. *Cab.8o.I24.5 Many of the plates are colored. Passerini, Giuseppe Lando, Conte. Del ritratto di Dante. Firenze, 1903. 19 pp. Portraits. *279i.i8 One of an edition of loo copies. Philippi, Adolf. Die Kunst der Renaissance in Italien. Leipzig, 1897. 5 V. in 2. Illus. Por- traits. 4075.45.1, 2 Die Kunst des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts in Deutscliland und den Niederlanden. Leipzig, 1898. Illus. Portraits. 4075.45.3 Schubring, Paul. Das italienische Grabmal der Friihrenais- sance. Berlin, 1904. 35 pp. Illus. Por- traits. 40 plates. ^081.127 Smith, W. Jackson. Chip-carving as a recreation, London. [1903.] 88 pp. Illus. 4018.124 South Kensington Museum. Catalogue of prints. London, 1903. = ^4078.272 The catalogue was compiled by Martin Hardie. Contents. — i. Modern etchings of the foreign schools in the National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum. U. S. Frigate Constitution, of 44 guns. Bos- ton. [1^04.] Engraving. No. 19 in *Cab.8i.20.i Re-engraved by Sidney L. Smith from the orig- inal, which was drawn by William Lynn, en- graved by Abel Bowen, and published by Lynn. This copy is no. 10 of an edition of 50. Vatican, Rome. Library. Gli atori dei mvsei profano e sacro della Biblioteca vaticana . . . con introdv- zione e catalogo del Barone Rodolfo Kanzler. Roma, 1903. 20 P14 27 plates. *Cab.8o.234.4 Dietrich, Walter. Beitrage zur Entwickelung des biirger- lichen Wohnhauses in Sachsen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1904. 87 pp. Illus. Plans. 4091.142 Durnont, Gabriel Martin. Details des plus interessantes parties d'architecture de la basilique de St. Pierre de Rome leves et dessines sur le lieu . . . Paris, 1763. 16 pp. Illus. Portrait. 93 plates. *Cab. 60.51.2 Contains a catalogue of Dumont's architectural works. Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave. La tour de trois cents metres. Paris, 1900. 6 pp. 47 plates of plans. Map. *Cab.40.24.5 Goodyear, William Henry. Vertical curves and other architectural refinements in the Gothic cathedrals and churches of northern France and in early Byzantine churches at Constanti- nople . . . New York, 1904. 68 pp. Illus. [Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.] 4093'i47 Contains a bibliography of the anther's works on architectural refinements, etc. Guerinet, Armand, publisher. Les cathedrales et les eglises de France. Interieurs & exterieurs. Phototypies d'apres nature. Paris. [190-?] I35 plates. *4ioo.ioo Holman, Emily Elizabeth. Picturesque summer cottages, including summer hotels, country clubs and road houses. Philadelphia. [190-?] 2 v. Illus. 8iooa.32 Maginnis, Owen Bernard. Roof framing made easy. 2d edition, en- larged. New York, 1903. Plans. 8013.73 Schmitt, Eduard. Zirkus- und Hippodromgebaude. Stutt- gart, 1904, Illus. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] *8o92.52.6.Heft 6 Literatur, pp. 112, 113. Semper, Manfred. Theater. Stuttgart, 1904. Illus. Plans. [Handbuch der Architektur.] Literatur, pp. 511-523- *8092.52.6.Heft 5 Artists. Max Klinger. Die Hauptwerke der Malerei und Plastik des Kiinstlers nebst einer Einfiihrung in seine Kunst. Leipzig. [1902.] 12 pp. Portrait. 13 plates. *Cab.8o.249.i Roulliet, Antony. Michel Colombe et son o^uvre. Tours, 1884. 76 pp. = 4084.149 Bibliographic, pp. 72-75. Architecture. Building. Music. Musicians. Choisy, Frangois Auguste. Maurel, Victor. L'art de batir chez les figyptiens. Paris, A propos de la mise en scene du drame 1904. 24 plates. 4093.138 lyrique Otello. fitude precedee d'aper- 1904 269 gtis siir le theatre chante en 1887. Rome, 1888. 4048.175 A criticism of Verdi's Otello. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING JULY, 1904. Adam, Adolphe Charles. ' La marquise. Opera comique. [Partition.] Paris. [1835.] — MicheHne. Opera comique. Partition. Paris. [1835.] , . ^. Ben-Tayoux, Louis Andre Frederic. Fio- rella. Petit opera-comique en un acte. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris. [1877.] Carman, Marius. Le mariage au Yatagan. Opera comique en i acte. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris. [1899.] Cleve, Halfdan. Konzert fiir Pianoforte mit Begleitung des Orchesters. Op. 3- [Partitur.] Leipzig. [1902.] Duprato, Jules Laurent Anacharsis. Ouver- ture des Trovatelles. Partition. Paris. [1854?] Goetz, Hermann. Ouverture zur Oper Francesca von Rimini. Partitur. Leip- zig. [1878?] Hiie, George Adolphe. Titania. Drame musical en trois actes. Partition piano et chant. Paris, 1903- Lecocq, Alexandre Charles. Yetta. Opera comique. Partition piano et chant. Paris, 1903. Massenet, Jules Emile Frederic. Concerts pour piano avec accompagnement d'or- chestre. Partition. Paris, 1903- Meyerbeer, Giacomo. Ouverture en forme de marche pour I'inauguration de I'Expo- sition Universelle de Londres, 1862. Par- tition. Paris. [1862.] Molbe, H. Decett fiir drei Violinen, Viola, Violoncell, Contrabass, Clarinette, En- glisch-Horn, Horn, Fagott. Op. 21. Wien. — Octett fiir Clarinette, Fagott, Horn, 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncell, Contrabass. Op. 20. Wien. — Quintett fiir 2 Violinen, Viola und 2 Cello [sic]. Op. 44. Wien. — Serenata. Octett fiir Bias- und Streich- instrumente. Op. 46. Wien. — Sextett fiir 2 Violinen, 2 Violen, Violon- cell u. Contrabass. Op. 64. Wien. Moulie, fidouard, editor, Cinquante chants populaires recueillis dans la Haute Nor- mandie. Paris, 1890. Norris, Homer. The flight of the eagle. For soprano, tenor and baritone [with accomp. for pianoforte.] Boston, 1903. Pachulski, Ladislaus. Quartett, E moll, fiir 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncell. Wies- baden. [1901?] Poujade, Lucien. Le coq de Viroflay. Opera comique en un acte. Partition chant et piano. Paris, 1878. Thompson, Lewis Sabin. Baron Humbug. Hungarian musical play. [Vocal score with pianoforte accomp.] Boston, 1903. Widor, Charles Marie. Symphonic. Op. 54- Partition. Paris. [189-?] Zenger, Max. Eros und Psyche. Lyrisches Musikdrama. Klavierauszug mit Text. Miinchen, 1898. Zepler, Bogumil. Diogenes. Burlesk-Ope- rette. Vollstandiger Klavier-Auszug mit deutschem Text. Berlin. [1901.] Zolotareff, B. Quatuor, Premier, pour deux violons, alto ct violoncelle. Op. 5. Leip- zizg, 1901. Numismatics. Reinach, Theodore. Jewish coins. Translated by Mary Hill, with an appendix by G. F. Hill. Lon- don, 1903. 94 pp. Illus. 2239a.33 Geography* Travels* Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Bemmelen, J. F. van, and G. B. Hooyer. Guide through Netherlands India. Trans- lated from the Dutch by B. J. Berring- ton. New edition, revised by Otto Knaap. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. = 5049.42 Bishop, Sereno Edwards. Scenery in Hawaii. Honololu, 1903. 24 pp. Illus. = 3049a.20i Bureau international des administrations telegraphiques. Carte des communications telegraphiques du regime extra-europeen. Berne, 1902. 4 sheets. No. 9 in *Map 19.3 Carte generale des grandes communica- tions telegraphiques du monde. 2e ti- rage. Berne, 1903. No. 8 in *Map 19.3 Massachusetts woman. A, in the Philippines. Notes and observations. [Boston, 1903.] 48 pp. = *P.84.57o Meakin, Annette M. B. In Russian Turkestan. London, 1903. Plates. Map, 3049.216 Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik, Friherre. Periplus: an essay on the early history of charts and sailing-directions. Trans- lated by Francis A. Bather. Stockholm, 1897. Illus. Maps. Fac-similes. *Cab.59.23.i Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula. Wahre Bildtniiss des gantzen Erden Krayses mit alien seinen Theilen. N. p. [165-?] No. 9 in *Map 79.1 Roth, Henry Ling. Great Benin: its customs, art and hor- rors. Halifax, England, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Plans. 3051.164 Smith, George Adam. The historical geography of the Holy Land, especially in relation to the his- tory of Israel and the early church. loth edition. New York, 1903. Alaps. 3043-177 270 August Sverdrup, Otto Neumann. New land: four years in the Arctic Re- gions. Translated by Ethel Harriet Hearn. London, 1904. 2 v. Illus. Por- traits. Maps. 2262.79 The second expedition of the Frani. Visscher, Nicolaes. Orbis terrarum nova et accuratissima tabula. [Amstelodami, 168-?] In hemi- spheres. No. 8 in *Map 79.1 Watson, Gilbert. Three rolling stones in Japan. London, 1903. Portrait. Plates. 3015.185 Europe. Bartholomew, John, F.R.G.S. Railway map of the British Isles. Lon- don. [1903?] Scale, 19 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1035.15 Ferrar, John, of Limerick. A view of ancient and modern Dublin, . . . added, a tour to Bellevue, Wicklow. 2d edition . . . Dublin, 1807. Plate. Map. *2479.iii Fiske, Daniel Willard. Icelandic notes. [Berlin, 1880.] 8 pp. = 4871. Ill Hartleben, A., publisher. Illustrirter Fiihrer durch Triest und Um- gebungen ... 4. Auflage. Wien, 1897. Illus. Maps. = 48693.128 Johnson, Clifton. 1865-. The Land of Heather. New York, 1903. Illus. 2477.81 Johnston, James B. Place-names of Scotland. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1903. 2468.165 Landazuri y Romarate, Joaquin Jose de. Geografia antigua y moderna de la Pro- vincia de Guipuzcoa. Bilbao, 1901, 1902. 2 v. in I. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.229 Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond. 1850-. Flower-time in the Oberland. With illus- trations from pencil sketches by Edith Rawnsley. Glasgow, 1904. Plates. 4868.62 Rohbock, Ludwig, and Carl Koehler, illus- trators. Das Konigreich Sachsen, Thuringen und Anhalt, dargestellt in malerischen Ori- ginal-Ansichten . . . nach der Natur auf- genommen . . . Mit Text. Darmstadt, 1855-62. Plates. *286oa.ii Published in 57 parts and a supplement. Story, Alfred Thomas. Swiss life in town and country. London, 1902. Illus. [Our neighbours.] 4868.56 Wickert, Friedricli. Der Rhein und sein Verkehr. Stuttgart, 1903. Map. [Forschungen zur deut- schen Landes- und Volkskunde.] No. I in ^6284.8.1 5 Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan. Chester: a historical and topographical account of the city. Illustrated by Ed- mund H. New. London, 1904. Map. 2469.185 America. America nouiter delineata. [Tabula,] N. p. [165-?] No. 4 in *Map 79.1 Boehm, August Gottlieb. Americae mappa generalis. [Norim- bergae.] MDCCXXXXVI. No. 3 in *Map 79.1 Boston and Maine Railroad. Picturesque New England. Historic. Miscellaneous. [Boston, 1902?] i p. 39 plates. = 2389.116 Bufford, J. H., and Company, lithographers. Christ Church, Boston, erected A. D. 1723. [View. Boston.] N. d. Litho- graph. No. 73 in *Map34.i Dominion Publishing Company. New railway, post office and municipal map of Manitoba. Hamilton, 1900. Scale, 10 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.40 The cover is labelled Scarborough Company. Homann, Johann Baptist. Totius Americae septentrionalis et meri- dionalis novissima repraesentatio. No- rimbergae. [175-?] No. 2 in *Map 79.1 Janvier, , Geographer. L'Amerique divisee par grands etats. [Carte.] Paris, 1762. No. 6 in *Map 79.1 L'Amerique meridionale divisee en ses principaux etats. [Carte.] Paris, 1762. No. 7 in*Map 79.1 Lamb, George, of Boston. A series of plans of Boston showing ex- isting ways and owners of property from December 25, 1630 to December 25, 1645 inclusive. [Boston, 1903.] 16 maps. Scale, 600 feet to i inch. Blue prints. = *Map 39.6 One of an edition of 8 copies. Manitoba. Department of Agriculture and Immigration. Map of Manitoba. Winnipeg, 1903. Scale, 10 miles to i inch. = No. 29 in *Map 119.5 Merian, Matthaeus. America noviter delineata. [Tabula. Francofurti, 1640?] No. 5 in *Map 79.1 Montreal Business Men's League, publish- ers. Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada. [Montreal, 1903.] 64 pp. Illus. 2389a.i67 O'Donnell, T. J., publisher. Morristown, N. J. Historical and descrip- tive. Morristown, 1876. 43 pp. Illus. — 4374-177 Phillips, Sir Richard, publisher. 1 767-1840. Boston and its environs. [Map. Helio- type reproduction. Boston.] N. d. 4586 feet to I inch. No. 28 in *Map 35.2 Vignaud, Jean Henry. La route des Indes et les indications que Toscanelli aurait fournies a Colomb. Paris, 1903. 35 pp. = 2317.87 Wit, Frederik de. Nova et accurata totius Americae tabula. Amstelodami. [165-?] No. I in *Map 79.1 I904 Language* Rhetoric* Banks, William Stott. A list of provincial words in use at Wake- field in Yorkshire. London, 1865. 91 pp. =24893.34 Billaudeau, Armand Georges. Recueil de locutions frangaises proverbi- ales, familieres, figurees' traduites par leurs equivalents anglais. Contenant environ 50,000 phrases. Ouvrage soi- gneusement revue par A. Antoine. Paris, 1903. *2582.38 Brown, Eliza W. First reading book, in Asamese. Jaipur, 1842. 70 pp. Illus. = 3039.167 Buck, Carl Darling. 1866-. A grammar of Oscan and Umbrian, with a collection of inscriptions and a glos- sary. Boston, 1904. Plate. Map. Fac- similes. 2788.70 Brief bibliographj*-, pp. xiii-xvi. Enthoffer, Joseph. Origin of our alphabet. Washington, 1875. 43 pp. Illus. = 6117.108 Grandgent, Charles Hall. Italian grammar. Boston, 1903. [Heath's Modern language series.] 2789,73 New England Primer. The New England primer improved. Added, the Assembly's Shorter cate- chism. Philadelphia. [18 — ?] 36 pp. Illus. **H.99C.i33 Poza, Andres de. De la antigua lengua, poblaciones y co- marcas de las Espafias, en que de paso se tocan algunas cosas de la Cantabria. Bilbao, 1901. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.225 Roehrig, Friedrich Ludwig Otto. De Turcarum linguae indole ac natura. Philadelphiae, MDCCCLX. 30 pp. = 3036.127 Sauer, Carl Marquard. Spanish conversation-grammar. 5th edi- tion. New York, 1899. = 5039.84 Shearin, Flubert Gibson. The expression of purpose in Old English prose. New York, 1903. Chart. [Yale studies in English.] = 4583.146 Societa filologica romana. Studj romanzi editi a cura di E. Monaci. Vol. I-. Roma, 1903. Fac-similes. ^4691.56 Published at irregular intervals. Continues Studj di filologia romanza 1*469 1.55]. Literature^ Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Abderhalden, Emil, editor. Bibliographic der gcsamten Literatur iiber den Alkohol und den Alkoholis- mus. Berlin, 1904. •2173-59 271 Bremen, Germany. Lcsehalle. Katalog. Ostern, 1903. Bremen, 1903. = *2i63.76 Brooklyn, N. Y. Public libraries. Carnegie Branch libraries in , Brooklyn. Instructions to architects. [Brooklyn, 1902.] 9 pp. = 6192.62 Havens, Munson Aldrich. Horace Walpole and the Strawberry Hill Press. 1757-1789. Canton, Pa., 1901. 86 pp. Portraits. Fac-similes. [The Kirgate Press.] *2452.i5 Bibliography, pp. 75-86. Joiiet, Cavalier Hargrave. Index to the literature of thorium. 1817- 1902. Washington, 1903. [Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous collections.] = *3350.2.44 Le Gallienne, Richard. How to get the best out of books. New York. [1904.] Portrait. 2129.51 Massachusetts Medical Society. An index of Medical Communications, Li- brary of practical medicine, and Publi- cations, 1790-1901. Boston, 1903. 40 pp. = *2i75.4o Smithsonian Institution. International exchange list, corrected to September, 1903. Washington, 1904. = *3350-7 Tourneux, Maurice. 1849-. Les sources bibliographiques de I'histoire de la Revolution frangaise. Paris, 1898. 85 pp. 2162.58 United States. Library of Congress. Cata- logue Division. Card Distribution Section. Bulletin. No. 1-5. [Washington.] 1902- 1904. =2 *62oi.78 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates, Book-selling. Boston Association of Booksellers. Circular [in regard to discounts and prices. Boston, 1816]. i p. = **H.9ob.56 De Vinne, Theodore Low. The practice of typography. 2d edition. New York, 1902. Illus. 6ii9a.38 Journalism. Authorship. Schierse, Bruno. Das Breslauer Zeitungswesen vor 1742. Breslau, 1902. Illus. 6198.89 Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Mass. [Two odes on George Washington.] To be performed at the Brattle-Street Church, . . . February 19, 1800. [Bos- ton.] 1800. Broadside. **H.9ob.ii4 272 August Ariosto, Lodovico. 1474-1523. I frammenti autografi dell' "Orlando fu- rioso/' pnbblicati a cura di Giuseppe Agnelli. Roma. [1903.] 10 pp. Por- trait. Plate. 105 fac-similes. *Cab.27.i5.4 No. 35 of an edition of 100 copies. This is an exact phototype fac-simile of a codex in Biblio- teca comune di Ferrara. Bobolition of slavery ! ! ! ! Grand selebra- shnm by de Africum Shocietee ! ! ! ! ! ! [Boston, 1818.] Broadside. No. I in **H.90.i49 Burlesque order of exercises in ridicule of the celebration, by the African Society of Boston, on July 14th, of the anniversary of the abolition of the African slave trade. Boston. Public Latin School. Order of exercises, August 24th, 1825. [Boston, 1825.] Broadside. **H.9ob.74 Public Library. Historical Manuscripts. No. 5. [Letters.] Boston, 1904. *232oa.i.5 For a list of the contents, consult above title in the Card Catalogue. Credit Mobilier of America. [Certificate for 725 shares held by the Union Pacific Railway Company.] New York, 1886. Broadside. = Partly in manuscript. **H.90a.248 Danforth, John. 1660-1730. Greatness & goodness elegized, in a poem, upon the much lamented decease of the Honourable & vertuous Madam Han- nah Sewall, late consort of the Honour- able Judge Sewall . . . October 19th, 1717. [Boston, 1717.] Broadside. Illus. **H.90.ii3 Profit and loss: an elegy upon the de- cease of Mrs. Mary Gerrish, late ver- tuous wife of Mr. Samuel Gerrish, and daughter of the Honourable Judge Sewall . . . Novemb. 17. 1710 . . . [Bos- ton, 1710.] Broadside. **H.90.ii2 Death, The, of the brave General Wolf. Liberty tree. [Verse. Boston? 1759?] Broadside. **H.9oa.2i7 Democrat, The. (Periodical.) Important intelligence. [Letter from Bonaparte. Capitulation of the City of Ulm. Naval victory of Lord Nelson.] Boston, 1805. Broadside. **H.9oa.25i [Elegy, occasioned by the account of the drowning in the River Merrimack of eight persons who were accompanying Mr. Chase of Newtown. Newburyport, 1794.] Broadside. **H.90.i02 Emery Record Preserving Co. Preservation of records. Emery process (patented). Taunton, Mass. [1901.] 16 pp. Illus. = 6114.71 Farewell hymn. A; on the death of Miss Polly Goold. N. p. [17—?] Broadside. **H.90.ioi Freemasonry. Massachusetts. The Master, Wardens and Brethren of King Solomon's Lodge, present their affectionate respects to Mr. Samuel Pierce requesting his attendance at Warren Hall, precisely at one o'clock, P.M. on Tuesday next, to attend the proposed solemnity; in memory of our illustrious brother George Washington. William Lewis, Sec'ry. [Dated: Charles- town, December 28, 1799.] Charles- town, Mass., 1799. Broadside. **G.384.i4 Printed form filled out in manuscript. French grand army annihilated. [News regarding affairs between the French and Russians on the Beresina and at Wilna. New York, 1813.] Broadside. **H.9ob.83 Gerrish, Mayo. [Agreement between the master and sea- men of the Brig Retriever (?), Mayo Gerrish, master, bound from Newbury Port to Guadaloupe. Dated April 8, 1798. Newbury Port, 1798.] Broadside. **H.90.i2i Printed form filled in in manuscript. Grand bobalition, or 'great annibersary fus- sible'. Order of de day . . . [Also] Re- ply to Bobalition . . . Dialogue between Scipio Smilax and Mungo Meanwell. [Boston, 1821.] Broadside. No. 3 in **H.90.i49 Burlesque order of exercises in ridicule of the celebration, by the African Society of Boston, on July 14th, of the anniversary of the abolition of the African slave trade. Grand celebration of the bobalition of Afri- can slavery! [Boston, 1825.] Broad- side. No. 2 in **H.90.i49 Burlesque order of exercises in ridicule of the celebration, by the African Society of Boston, on July 14th, of the anniversary of the abolition of the African slave trade. Gray, Hollis R. [Burlesque ticket nominating Hollis R. Gray for the presidency, vice-presi- dency, and other offices. Boston? 18—?] Broadside. **H.9oa.247 Guadeloupe. Custom House. Regulations for the ports of the Island of Guadaloupe. [Signed George Beck- with.] Guadaloupe, 1810. Broadside. **H.9oa.253 Heron, Benjamin, Sea-Captain of Ports- mouth. [Oath of Benjamin Pleron sworn before the British magistrate at Boston before sailing for North Carolina. Boston, 1750.] Broadside. **H.90.i2o Printed form filled in in manuscript. Independent Chronicle and Universal Ad- vertiser. Independent Chronicle extra. Thomas Paine, to the citizens of the United States. Boston, 1802. Broadside. **H.9oa.250 Lines written on the railroad accident be- tween Boston and Lawrence, Jan. 6, i853> by which four lives were lost!!!! [Boston? 1853.] Border. Broadside. **H.9oa.223 1904 273 Massachusetts. Council. By the Honourable the Council of TTis Majesties Province of the Massaclui- setts-Bay in New-England. A decla- ration. Whereas a printed sheet . . , Intituled, The case of his Excellency the Governor and Council of the Prov- ince . . . truly stated, was . . . printed ... by the order of Paul Dudley . . . whosoever shall [call the authority of the Council in question] must expect to be prosecuted . . . [March i8, 1714]. Boston, 1714. Broadside. Re- duced fac-simile. = **H.9oa.233 From the original in the collection of the Mas- sachusetts Historical Society. An account of this Declaration may be found in its Proceed- ings ft)r December, 1901, pp. 349-351 [*2355.i2. 2d series, vol. 15]. The major part of the Council of Mas- sachusetts-Bay, in New England. To the Honorable Joseph Palmer ^ Es- quire, Greeting. You being appointed Eirst Brigadier General ... by vir- tue of the power vested in us, we . . . commission you accordingly . . . Given ... at Boston the 19th ... of Sept. . . . 1777. [Signed] John Avery, Dpy Secy [and 15 other members of the Council]. Broadside. **H.9ob.45 Printed form filled out in manuscript. General Court. House. Resolve for the separation of the Dis- trict of Maine. [Boston, 1807.] Broadside. **H.9ob.82 Mournful poem, A, on the death of John Ormsby and Matthew Gushing, who were appointed to be executed on Bos- ton Neck, the 17th of October, 1734. [Added] The last speech and dying words of John Ormsby . . . Boston, 1734. Broadside. Illus. No. I in **H.90.io8 New Hampshire. To the Selectmen of As all other ways of supplying the army are laid aside, but that of each state to provide such as their lands produce; and beef being one of the articles as- signed to this state, you will see the . . . necessity of . . . complying with this Act, and having your quota ready . . . [Signed] M. Weare, President. [Concord, N. H. 1780.] Broadside. **H.90.i59 On the other side of the sheet is given the Act referred to, providing for raising 11200 pounds of beef. New Palaeographical Society. Fac-similes of ancient manuscripts. Part I. London, 1903. 21 plates with text. *Cab.2i.2i.2 Photographed and printed by Horace Hart. News from Europe. Boston. [1813.] Broadside. **H.9ob.59 Noyes, Nicholas. 1647-1717. Upon the much lamented death, of that pious and hopeful young gentlewoman, Mrs. Mary Gerrish, wife of Mr. Samuel Gcrrish, the daughter of the Honourable Samuel Sewall . . . November 17th. 1710. [Boston, 1710.] Broadside. **H.90.iii P., J. A funeral elegy upon the much lamented death of Daniel Rogers, Esq. [who was drowned at Salisbury licacli, Dec. i, 1722. Ipswich? 1722]. Woodcut. Broadside. **H.90.ii4 Parker, Lucretia. Piratical barbarity. Lines composed by Miss Lucretia Parker, who was a pas- senger on board the English sloop, Eliza Ann, which was captured by the pirates, March 12, 1825, and the whole crew . . . murdered . . . [New York? 1825?] Broadside. Illus. **H.9oa.222 Plummer, Jonathan. The Portsmouth Harbour tragedy. An elegiac ode & funeral sermon, on the deaths of eight persons, killed, or mor- tally wounded, at Fort Constitution, 4th of July, 1809, by the burning of about 300 wt. of gun-powder. [Newburyport? 1809.] Broadside. **H.90.ii8 Poem, A, upon the deaths, and in memory of two eminent and faithful stewards and servants of Christ, viz. the Rever- end Mr. Isaac Cushman . . . and Dr. Caleb Loring . . . [Boston? 1732.] Broadside. **H.90.io5 Pratt, Daniel. The general government. Analysis of the universe . . . [Boston, 1878.] Broad- side. No. 3 in **H.9o.ii5 Synopsis of an address delivered from the the impulse of the moment, at the Old State House steps . . . October 3, 1852. Boston, 1852. Broadside. No. 2 in **H.90.ii5 The wonderful eventful age. Elements worth thousands of billions of dollars, to all nations! . . . Providence, 1871. Broadside. No. i in **H.90,ii5 Real French piracy. Americans! See the execution of Bonaparte's orders to burn, sink, and destroy your ships! . . . And then vote for Sullivan, or any other par- tizah of France if you can!! Boston, March 30. . . . [Boston, 1808.] Broad- side. Illus. **H.9o.i33 Contains ticket for state officers. Christopher Gore is named for Governor. Song on Washington's birth day, and the restoration of peace, Feb. 22, 1815 . . . Newburyport. [1815.] Broadside. **H.9oa.2i9 United States. President. Proclamation [concerning the right of a state to nullify United States laws, and having especial reference to the action of a convention in South Carolina in 1832. Washington, 1832]. Broadside. **H. 90.172 274 August Arabic Literature. 'Umar ibn Abi Rabrah. Der Diwan nach den Handschriften zu Cairo und Leiden, mit einer Sammlung anderweit iiberlieferter Gedichte und Fragmente, herausgegeben von Paul Schwarz. Halfte i, 2, Th. i. Leipzig, 1901, 1902. 3022.134 English and American Literature. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Ponkapog papers. Boston, 1904. 2395.128 Baynard, Edward, M.D. 1641-172-? Health, a poem. Shewing how to procure, preserve, and restore it. To which is annexed, The doctor's decade. By Darby Dawne [pseud.]. 4th edition, corrected. Boston, 1724. *6563.48 Bennett, Edward T. The poetical work of George Barlow. A study. London, 1903. 62 pp. 4556.149 Blackmore, Sir Richard. -1729. Alfred. An epick poem. London, 1723- *2568.i69 Burgess, George, D.D., Bishop of Maine. 1 809- 1 866. The hours. [Verses.] N. p. [1859?] 25 ff. = 2399a.i79 Bush, Olivia. Original poems. Providence, 1899. 19 pp. - *P.85.i29 Byse, Fanny. Milton on the Continent. A key to L'alle- gro and II penseroso. London, 1903. 77 pp. Portrait. Plates. Chart. 4559-251 Chadwick, Henry, and Helen Chadwick. Far from the stone streets. Poems. Bos- ton, 1904. 92 pp. 4399^-338 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Punch, brothers, punch! and other sketches. By Mark Twain [pseud.]. New York, 1878. 140 pp. Plate. Fac- simile. *A.i77o.5 Contents. — Punch, brothers, punch! — Speech on the weather at the New England Society's Seventy-first annual dinner. — Rogers. — Map of Paris. — Random notes of an idle excursion. — Speech at a dinner of the Knights of St. Patrick. — An encounter with an interviewer. — • The loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence, etc. — The canvasser's tale. Crothers, Samuel McChord. The gentle reader. Boston, 1904. 45593.194 Day, Holman Francis. Up in Maine. Stories of Yankee life told in verse. [6th edition.] Boston, 1904. Portrait. Plates. 4399«i9i Everybody's book: containing a choice col- lection of interesting tales, wit and sen- timent, chemical and scientific amuse- ments, &c. Philadelphia, 1850. Illus. = 25793.17 Fitzwilliam, G. W. The pleasures of love: being amatory poems, original and translated. ist American from the 2d London edition. Boston, 1808. Plate. *A.30oi Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 1804-1864. Pansie: a fragment. The last literary effort of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Lon- don. [1864.] 48 pp. *A.3897.36 Hooker, William Brian. Ixion. New Haven, 1901. 13 pp. [Yale College. Prize poems. 1901.] = *2395-i36.i9oi Keats, John. 1795-1821. The Eve of Saint Agnes. Illustrated in 19 etchings by C. O. Murray. New York, 1880. 23 ff. Plates. = ^4560.32 Kellogg, Charles Alexis, Jr. The mother's sleep. New Haven, 1900. 9 pp. [Yale College. Prize poems. 1900.] = *2395. 136.1900 Krans, Horatio Sheafe. William Butler Yeats and the L'ish lite- rary revival. New York, 1904. Por- trait. [Contemporary men of letters series.] 2549a.i37 Bibliography, pp. 193-196. Kroder, Armin. Shelley's Verskunst. Erlangen, 1903. [Muenchener Eeitrage zur. romanischen und englischen Philologie.] ^2954.28.27 Bibliographic, pp. xvii-xviii. Maclean, Letitia Elizabeth. The improvisatrice; and other poems. By L. E. L. London, 1824. Plate. = *P.83.544.2 The miscellaneous poetical works of L. E. L. London, 1835. Portrait. Auto- graph fac-simile. = *P.83. 544.1 Mann, Arthur Sitgreaves. Thoas. An epilogue to Goethe's Iphigenie auf Tauris. New Haven, 1899. 8 pp. [Yale College. Prize poems. 1899.] = *2395-i36.i899 Olmsted, Elizabeth Martha. Poems of the house and other poems. [Edited by George E. Woodberry. New York.] 1903. Portrait. = *A.6568 Pierce, Frederick Erastus. Leidenheim. New Haven, 1903. 31 pp. [Yale College. Prize poems. 1903.] = *2395.i36.i903 Shackford, Martha Hale. A group of early English saints. Six son- nets. New Haven, 1899. 10 pp. [Yale College. Prize poems. 1898.] = *2395.i36.i898 Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Ode on the proclamation of the French Republic, September 4th, 1870. London, 1870. 23 pp. *A.8693.6 Tabb, John Banister. Later lyrics. London, 1902. 2399a.i55 Wheeler, Arthur Stanley. Odyssean sonnets. New Haven, 1902. 13 PP- [Yale College. Prize poems. 1902.] = *2395.i36.i902 I904 275 Wilde, Oscar. Newdigate Prize Poem. Ravenna. Re- cited in the Theatre, Oxford, Jnnc 26, 187S. Oxford, 1878. 16 pp. *A.9690.i Fiction in English for Reference Use. Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1834- Cheap Jack Zita. London, 1893. 3 v. *A.530.g Kitty alone. A story of three fires. Lon- don, 1894. 3 V. *A.530 Richard Cable, the lightshipman. By the Author of "Mehalah" . . . etc. London, 1888. 3 V. *A.530.2 Brooks, Sarah Warner. Alamo Ranch. A story of New Mexico. Cambridge, 1903. Plate. = *P.84.ii7 Goldsmith, Oliver. The vicar of ,Wakefield. With illustra- tions by William Mulready. London, 1843. Plates. *A.3477.i Jones, Edward Franc. 1828-. Richard Baxter. A story of New Eng- land life from 1830 to 1840. Bingham- ton, 1904. Portrait. Plates. = *2405.ii2 Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo. 1783-1838. Tales from the garden of Kosciuszko. New-York, 1834. *44o6.98 Maclean, Letitia Elizabeth. Traits and trials of early life. By L. E. L. London, 1836. = *P.82.544 Poems and stories. Roche, Regina Maria. 1765-1845. Trecothick Bower; or, the lady of the West Country. A tale. Philadelphia, 1816. 2 V. =: *2577.i43 Rowson, Susanna. 1761-1824. The inquisitor; or, invisible rambler. 2d American edition. Philadelphia, 1794. = *P.84.764.i Swift, Morrison Lsaac. The monarch billionaire. New York. [1903.] = *44o8.2i3 A novel dealing with the reform of social and industrial conditions. French Literature. Leykauff, August. Frangois Habert und seine tibersetzung der Metamorphosen Ovids. Leipzig, 1904. [Miinchener Beitrage zur roma- nischen und englischen Philologie.] Beniitzte Literatur, pp. viii, xi. 2954.28. 30 Triwunatz, Milosch. Guillaume Bude's De I'institution du prince. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Renaissancebewegung in Frankreich. Erlangen, 1903. [Muenchener Beitrage zur romanischen und , englischen Philo- logie.] ^2954.28.28 Beniitzte Literatur, pp. viii-xv. German Literature. Gruppe, Otto Friedrich. Gcdichte. Leipzig. [1904. 4896.50.459 Hartelust, Jan. l)e dictione Georgii Macropedii. Acce- dunt Macropedii Petriscus, Ode de mor- tis imagine, Epistolae exemplum. Tra- iccti ad Rhenum, 1902. = 4875.45 Bibliography, pp. 1-20. Georgius Macropedius is the Latin form of Georgius van Langevcldt. Greek and Latin Literature. Anthologia Latina. Anthologie de poetes latins, dite de Sau- maise. Reproduction reduite du manu- scrit en onciale, latin 10318, dc la Bi- bliotheque nationale [publiee par H. Omont]. Paris. [1903.] Plate. *2958.49 The anthology is printed in Riese's Anthologia, Fasc. I [*29s8.58. i], and, in a different order, in that of Burmann [*29ii.3]. Brakman, Cornelius, of Groede, Holland. Frontoniana. Traiecti ad Rhenum, 1902. 2 parts in i v. Fac-similes. 2922.24 Relates to readings on Marcus Cornelius Fronto in Codex Vaticanus 5950. Clark, Charles Upson. The text tradition of Ammianus Marcel- linus. A thesis . . . Yale University . . . New Haven, 1904. 69 pp. Fac- similes. — 2934.76 Lucianus Samosatensis. Part of Lucian made English, from the originall. In the yeare 1638. By lasper Mayne . . . adjoyned, those other Dia- logues of Lucian as they were formerly translated by Mr. Francis Hicks. Ox- ford, 1664. 2 parts in i v. Plate. *299i-32 Icelandic Literature. Gisla saga Surssonar, herausgegeben von Finnur Jonsson. Halle a. d. S., 1903. [Altnordische Saga-Bibliothek. Heft 10.] 4872.43.10 Bibliography, pp. xxvii-xxix. Italian Literature. Moore, Edward, D.D. Studies in Dante. 3d series. Miscellan- eous essays. Oxford, 1903. 2795.76 Persian Literature. Kamal al-Dm Isma'il, of Ispahan. The hundred love songs of Kamal ad-Din of Isfahan. Now first translated from 276 the Persian by Louis H. Gray, and done into English verse by Ethel Watts Mumford. New York, 1904. 68 pp. Bibliography, pp. 61-67. 3029.126 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Antologia bascongada; prosa y verso. Tomo I. Bilbao, 1898. [Biblioteca bas- congada.] 3097.201 Arbulo, Julian. Desahogos poeticos. Bilbao, 1900. [Bi- blioteca bascongada.] 3097.221 Arechavala, Francisco de. Aires del norte. Poesias. Bilbao, 1899. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.213 Arrese, Daniel Ramon de. Escritos. Con su biografia por Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa. Volumen i. Bil- bao, 1900. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.223 Diaz de Arcaya, Manuel. Suenos del alma. [Poesias.] Volumen i. Bilbao, 1901. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.226 Diez.Gavino, Faustino. Versos. Bilbao, 1899. 2 v. in i. [Biblio- teca bascongada.] 3097.210 Echegaray, Bonifacio de. Cuadros. Bilbao, 1900. [Biblioteca bas- congada.] 3097.216 Ortiz de Zarate, Ramon. Escritos. Bilbao, 1899, 1900. 2 v. in i. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.214 Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Baker, George Melville. Baker's school entertainments. A collec- tion of allegories, etc. . . . Boston, 1902. Plates. = 44096.96 Book, A, of monologues. Translated from the French and Italian by members of the Bellevue Dramatic Club of New- port. Boston. [190-?] 87 pp. = 4409b.94 Bormann, August Edwin. Der Autor Sir John Falstaff s. Leipzig, 1903. 46 pp. 4598.139 This is an endeavor to prove from passages in Sir Tobias Matthew's letters that Bacon was the author of Shakespeare's plays. Brewster, Em.ma E., and others. Parlor varieties. A collection of short comedies and sketches. By Emma E. Brewster, Lizzie B. Scribner, and Clara J. Denton. Boston, 1903. = 4409b.92 Burbank, Barbara, and others. Comedies for young folks. By Barbara Burbank, Olivia Lovell Wilson, Emma E. Brewster, and Lizzie B. Scribner. Boston, 1902. = 4409b.9i Capus, Alfred, 1858- , and Emmanuel Arene. L'adversaire. Comedie. Paris. [1904.] 30 pp. Illus. Portraits. 6671.142 Supplement to L'illustration, 16 janvier, 1904. August Chase, Lewis Nathaniel. The English heroic play. A critical de- scription of the rhymed tragedy of the Restoration. New York, 1903. [Co- lumbia University Studies in compara- tive literature.] 4559.247 Contains a list of plays written partly or wholly in heroic verse . . . 1656-1703. Dickens, Charles. Comic dialogues from Dickens. Arranged by W. Eliot Fette. [3d edition.] Bos- ton, 1903. = 2579a.24 Holiday dialogues from Dickens. Ar- ranged by W. Eliot Fette. Boston, 1903. 25793.23 Humorous dialogues. Arranged by W. Eliot Fette. Boston, 1903. 25793.25 Driesen, Otto. Der Ursprung des Harlekin. Berlin, 1904. Illus. [Forschungen zur neueren Lit- teraturgeschichte.] 6252.72 Flers, Marie Joseph Louis Camille Robert de La Motte-Ango, Comte de, and Gaston Armand de Caillavet. Les sentiers de la vertu, comedie. Paris, 1903- 31 PP- Ilhis. Portraits. 6671.135 Supplement to L'illustration, 28 novembre, 1903. Guinon, Albert, 1863-, and Maurice Denier. Les jobards. Comedie. Paris, 1898. 66993.258 Ibsen, Henrik. A doll's house. A play. Translated by William Archer. With an introduction ... by Edmund Gosse. Boston. [1900.] = 4869.100 An enemy of society. A play. Trans- lated by William Archer. Boston, 1900. = 4869.105 Ghosts. A family drama. Translated by William Archer. Boston. [1900.] 90 pp. = 4869.102 Hedda Gabler. A drama. Translated from the Norwegian by Edmund Gosse. Boston, 1900. — 4869.108 The lady from the sea. A drama. Trans- lated from the Norwegian by Clara Bell. Boston, 1900. = 4869.104 The master builder. A play. Translated from the Norwegian by Edmund Gosse and William Archer. Boston, 1900. = 4869.109 The pillars of societ3^ A play. Trans- lated by William Archer. Boston, 1900, = 4869.101 Rosmersholm. A play. Translated by M. Carmichael. Boston, 1900. 4869.103 The wild duck. A drama. Translated from the Norwegian by Eleanor Marx Aveling. Boston, 1900. 4869.106 The young men's league. A play. Trans- lated by Henry Carstarphen. Boston, 1900. 4869.107 Jonson, Ben. 1574-1637. The alchemist . . . Edited ... by Charles Montgomery Hathaway, Jr. New York, 1903. [Yale studies in English.] = 4583.145 1904 277 Loyalty: a legend of Spckc Hall, Lanca- shire: a play. London, 1845. 65 pp. 6565.141 Treats of the adventures of Charles II., after the battle of Worcester. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Plays. [ist], 2d series. Translated by Richard Hovey. Chicago, 1902. 2 v. 26793.33 Mantzius, Carl. A history of theatrical art in ancient and modern times. With an introduction by William Archer. Authorised trans- lation by Louise von Cossel. London, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 6252.66 Milchhoefer, Arthur. Die Tragodien des Aeschylus auf der Biihne. Rede zum Winckelmann-Tage, am 10. December, 1900. Kiel, 1900. 15 pp. = 2965.33 Moratm, Leandro Fernandez de. El si de las ninas. Comedia. With in- troduction, notes, and vocabulary by J. Geddes, Jr., and F. M. Josselyn, Jr. New York. [1903.] Map. = 5039-86 Muench-Bellinghaiisen, Eligius Franz Jo- seph, Freiherr von. Ingomar, the barbarian. A play, adapted from Friedrich Flalm's [Pseud.] "Der Sohn der Wildniss" by Maria Lovell. Printed from the prompt-book of Julia Marlowe Tabcr. Boston. [1896.] 64 pp. [The William Warren edition of standard plays.] = 68993.230 Root, Robert Kilburn. Classical mythology in Shakespeare. New York, 1903. [Yale studies in English.] 4583-147 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Mary Stuart. A tragedy in five acts. From the German of Schiller. Edited . . . from the prompt-book of Mme. Helena Modjeska by M. A. [Mildred Aldrich]. Boston, 1904. 72 pp. = 2878.193 Historical introduction by F. E. Chase. Shakespeare, William. Comedy of A midsummer-night's dream. Edited by William J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] 6599.105 Dramatiska arbeten. Ofversatta af Carl August Hagberg. Lund. [1898-1901.] 12 v. 4599.229 A list of the contents is under this title in the Card Catalogue. Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Edited by William J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] 6599.104 Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. Edited by William J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] 6599.101 Soup tureen. The, and other duologues and dialogues. Translated by members of the Bellevue Dramatic Club of New- port. Boston, 1902. = 4409b.9o Sturgis, Julian Russell. Comedy sketches for two and three char- acters. Boston, 1902. = 4409b.95 Thompson, Elbert Nevius Sebring. The controversy between the Puritans and the stage. New York, 1903. [Yale studies in English.] 4583.148 Bibliography, pp. 267-272. Wilde, Oscar. The portrait of Mr. W. H. Portland, Maine, 1901. 75 pp. *A.9690.3 An essay on Shakespeare's sonnets. WiHis, William, Judge. 1835-. The Baconian mint: its claims examined. London, 1903. 4593-i9i Continues his The Shakespearc-T'acon contro- versy [4593.187] and answers Theobald's Shake- speare studies in Baconian light [4593-I75]- Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. Fables. Andree, Richard. 1835-. Braunschweiger Volkskunde. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Braunschweig, 1901. Tllus. Maps. Plans. 2863.66 Browne, Frances. The wonderful chair and the tales it told. Edited by M. V. O'Shea. Boston, 1902. Tllus. [Heath's Home and school clas- sics.] 7069.209 Dorsey, George Amos. Traditions of the Osage. Chicago, 1904. 60 pp. [Field Columbian IMuscum.] = ^7813. 22. 7 Flowers of fable; culled from Epictetus, Croxall, Dodsley, Gay, Cowper, Pope . . . with original translations from La Fontaine, Krasicki, Herder . . . Lon- don, 1832. Illus. = 2979a.i56 Kingsley, Charles. The heroes; or, Greek fairv tales for my children. London, 1902. Illus. 2969aoiio Lang, Andrew. 1844-. The story of the Golden Fleece. Illustra- tions by Mills Thompson. Philadel- phia. [1903.] 93 pp. Plates. 2969a.i66 Leabhar na h-Uidhri. The cattle-raid of Cualnge (Tain Bo Cuailnge). An Old Irish prose-epic, translated for the first time from Leab- har na h-Uidhri and The yellow book of Lecan, by L. Winifred Faraday. Lon- don, 1904. [Grimm library.] 2477.107 Leabhar na h-Uidhri is on shelf-no. *458o.iio. The yellow book of Lecan is on shelf-number *4S70.22. Simms, Stephen Chapman. Traditions of the Crov/s. Chicago, 1903. 48 pp. [Field Columbian iMuseum.] =: *78l3.22.2 Story, The, of the cruel giant Barbarico, the good giant Benefico, and the little pretty dwarf Mignon. Boston. Printed by Mein & Fleeming, and to be sold by John Mein . . . MDCCLXVIII. 53 PP- **H.99C.i34 Vogt, Friedrich. Schlesiens volkstiimliche Uberlieferungen. Band i. Weinachtspiele. Leipzig, 1901. Plates. 4874.130 278 August Medicinct Hygiene. Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Anderson, John F. Presence of tetanus in commercial gelatin. Washington, 1902. 6 pp. [United States. Marine Hospital Service. Hy- gienic Laboratory.] *5787.30.g References, p. 6. Spotted fever (tick fever) of the Rocky Mountains. A new disease. Washing- ton, 1903. 50 pp. Plates. Maps. [United States. Marine Hospital Service. PTy- gienic Laboratory.] *5787.30.i4 Some of the plates are colored. Atwater, Wilbur Olin, and others. Experiments on the metabolism of mat- ter and energy in the human body. 1900-1902. Washington, 1903. Illus. Plans. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Sta- tions.] = *5993-70.i35 The experiments were made with the Atwater- Rosa respiration calorimeter. Binswanger, Otto. Die Hysteric. Wien, 1904. Illus. Chart. ^ [Specielle Pathologic und Therapie.] *3782.i4i.Th.i, Abth.2 Bowditch, Vincent Yardley. Origin and growth of sanatoria for tuber- culosis in Massachusetts. N. p. [1903.] 10 pp. =: 3792.106 Cape of Good Hope. Colonial Bacteriolog- ical Institute. Report of the director for the year T902. Cape Town, 1903. Plates. Charts. = *3792.39 Foster, Sir Michael, 1847-, and Lewis Eric Shore. Elementary physiology. New edition, with additions. New York, 1903. Illus. 3768.167 Minkowski, Oskar. 1858-. Die Gicht. Wien, 1903. Illus. Charts. [Specielle Pathologic und Therapie.] Nv\ I in *3782.i36.Theil 3 Literaturverzeichnisr, pp. 337-369. Rosenau, Milton J. The bacterioln; ical impurities of vaccine virus. Washington, 1903. 50 pp. [United States. Marine Hospital Ser- vice. Hygienic Laboratory.] *5787. 30.12 Smith, Theobald. 1859-. The Shattuck Lecture. The sources, favoring conditions and prophylaxis of malaria in temperate climates, with special reference to Massachusetts. [Boston, 1903.] 74 pp. Plates. = 3795.168 Articles referred to in the text, pp. 71-74. Stadelmann, Heinrich. Schulen ftir nervenkranke Kinder. Die Friihbehandlung und Prophylaxe der Neurosen und Psychosen. Berlin, 1903. 31 PP- *3596.i89.6 State Charities Aid Association. New York. Annual report of the New York County Visiting Committee for Bellcvue Hos- pital and other public institutions, 25th, 27th. New York. [1897, 99.] Plates. = 5767.138 Science* Bayley, William Shirley. The Menominee iron-bearing district of Michigan. Washington, 1904. Illus. Maps. [United States. Geological Sur- vey.] = *7870.97 Brown, John Pinckney. The forests of Indiana, the reliance of her manufactories. Connersville, Ind. Connersville, Ind. [1900.] 11 pp. = 3849.15 Chapman, Frank Michler. Bird-life: a guide to the study of our com- mon birds. Popular edition in colors. New York, 1903. Illus. 3907.100 Clarke, John Mason. Classification of New York series of geo- logic formations. July 1903. [Albany, 1903.] 28 pp. Tables. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural His- tory.] == 3869.175 Elliot, Daniel Giraud. The caribou of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Chicago, 1901. 65 pp. Plates. [Field Columbian Museum.] — *78i3.20.3 Description of an apparently new subspe- cies of marten from the Kenai Penin- sula, Alaska. Chicago, 1903. Plates. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 Description of an apparently new species of mountain goat. Chicago, 1900. 5 pp. Illus. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 Descriptions of apparently new species and subspecies of mammals and a new generic name proposed. Chicago, 1904. 8 pp. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 Descriptions of apparently new species of mammals of the genera Heterom3^s and Ursus from Washington and Mexico. Chicago, 1903. 6 pp. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *7Si3.20.3 Descriptions of twenty-seven apparently new species and subspecies of mam- mals. All but six collected by Edmund Heller, Chicago, 1903. 24 pp. Illus. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 A list of mammals obtained by Edmund Fleller, collector for the museum, from the coast region of northern California and Oregon. Chicago, 1903. 24 pp. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 1904 279 List of mammals obtained by Thacbknis Surber, collector for the museum, in New Brunswick and Quebec. Chicago, 1901. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 A list of mammals obtained by Thaddcus Surber, in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Chicago, igoi, 28 pp. Plates. [Field Columbian Mu- seum.] = *78i3.20.3 Endlicher, Stephan Friedrich Ladislaus, and Franz Ungcr, Botanist. Grundziige der Botanik. Wien, 1843. Illus. = 5856.22 Geikie, Sir Archibald. Text-book of geology. 4th edition, en- larged. London, 1903. 2 v. Illus. Maps. 3863.160 Hilton, Harold. Mathematical crystallography, and the theory of groups of movements. Ox- ford, 1903. Diagrams. **E.5ii7.39 Hoffmann, Ralph. 1870-. A guide to the birds of New England and eastern Nev/ York. Boston, 1904. Illus. 3909.159 Holm, Herman Theodor. Some new anatomical characters for cer- tain Gramineas. Dissertation . . . Cath- olic University of America. New Haven, 1903. =: 3843.46 Reprinted from "Botanisches Centralblatt," vol. 6, 1901. Hyatt, Alpheus. 1838-1902. Carboniferous cephalopods. [ist &] 2d paper. [Austin, 1891, 93.] 2 pamph. in I V. Illus. = 3871.103 Kellogg, James Lawrence. Feeding habits and growth of Venus mer- cenaria. Albany, 1903. 28 pp. Plates. [New York, State. State Museum of Natural History.] = *7825.i.7i Lindblad, Matts Adolf. Svampbok, bearbetad af Lars Romell, jamte anvisningar om svampars insam- ling, forvaring och anriittning, af Her- man Sandeberg. Stockholm, 1901. Plates. 4 colored plates in portfolio. = 5852.58 Lounsberry, Alice. A guide to the trees. 2d edition. New York. [1900.] Illus. 3845.84 Meek, Seth Eugene. A contribution to the ichthyology of Mexico. Chicago, 1902. 68 pp. Plates. [Field Columbian Museum.] •.=: *78i3.20.3 The genus Eupomotis. Chicago, 1900. 8 pp. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 Meek, Seth Eugene, and Flovvard Walton Clark. Notes on a collection of cold-blooded ver- tebrates from Ontario. Chicago, 1902. II pp. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.20.3 Millspaugh, Charles Frederick. Plantae Utowan^e. Plants collected in Bermuda, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, Cule- bras, Santo Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, the Caymans, Cozumol, Yucatan and the Alacran Shoals. Dec. 1898 to Mar. 1899. The Antillean cruise of the yacht Utowana. Part i, la. Chicago, 1900. Illus. Map. [Field Columbian Mu- seum.] = *78i3.i9.2 New York, State. State Botanist. Annual report, 1894-1900. Albany, 1896-99. 3 V. & unbound parts. Plates. *585oa.io These publications contain the colored plates and descriptions of the "Edible and poisonous fungi of New York," by Charles Horton Peck, State Botanist. A complete set of these reports, which began in 1869, is to be found in the Annual reports of the New York State Museum of Natural His- tory, beginning with the 21st 1*6471. 2. 2i~i. The reports for 1898, and 1901 to date are also pub- lished as Bulletins of the Museum [*7825.i]. State Museum of Natural History. Handbooks. 19. [Albany, 1903.] Ta- bles. = 3869.175 Reade, Thomas Mellard. The evolution of earth structure, with a theory of geomorphic changes. Lon- don, 1903. Plates. 3866.141 Rhodesia. Statistics. Report on meteorology for the year ended 31st March, 1903. Salisbury, 1903. = *596oa.3g Richards, Harriet E., and Emma G. Ciim- mings. Baby pathfinder to the birds: a pocket guide to one hundred and ten land birds of New England, with blank pages for notes. Boston, 1904. Illus. =z 3909.157 Riggs, Elmer Samuel. Structure and relationships of opisthoccc- lian dinosaurs. Part i. Apatosaurus Marsh. Chicago, 1903. 32 pp. Plates. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.i8.2 Schmarda, Ludwig Carl. Zoologie. Wien, 1871, 72. 2 v. Illus. = 5886.44 Schulz, Guillermo. Descripcion geologica de la Provincia de Oviedo. Publicado de real orden en 1858. — Madrid. Bilbao, 1901. [Biblio- teca bascongada.] 3097.224 United States. Geological Survey. Press bulletins. K 32, 33, 35-37, 39, 40. [Washington, 1902,03.] 7 broadsides. = ^5860.76 A weekly publication, prepared for correspond- ents and editors. Volz, Wilhelm. Zur Geologic von Sumatra. Jena, 1904. Illus. Maps. *387i.56.io Williston, Samuel Wendell. North American plesiosaur.-^. Part i. Chicago, 1903. 77 pp. Illus. [I'leld Columbian Museum.] =: •••7S13.IU.2 28o August Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Frost, John, of Philadelphia. 1800-1859. Interessante Abenteuer nnter den India- nern. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Philadel- phia, 1857. Illns. = *4363.277 Some of the plates are colored. Much, Matthaeus. Die Heimat der Indogermanen im Lichte der urgeschichtlichen Forschiiiig. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Jena, 1904. 6232.73 Thilenius, Georg. Ethiiographische Ergebnisse aus Mela- nesien. Halle, 1902, 03. Illus. Maps. *7405.50.8o Voth, Henry R. The Oraibi Oaqol ceremony. Chicago, 1903- 53 PP- Plates. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.22.6 Chemistry. Physics. Guareschi, Icilio. Amedeo Avogadro und die Molekular- theorie. Deutsch von Otto Merckens. (In Monographien aus der Geschichte der Chemie. Heft 7, pp. 121-194. Leip- zig, 1903.) *3973.26 List of Avogadro's papers, pp. 191-194. Journal of physical chemistry, The. Edited by Wilder D. Bancroft and Joseph E. Trevor. Vol. 8. January, 1904. Ithaca, N. Y., 1904. Charts. *397oa.6o Current numbers are kept in the Periodical Room. Lindsay, Charles Fowler. A study of the conductivity of certain salts in water, methyl, ethyl, and propyl alcohols, and mixtures of these solvents. Easton, Pa., 1902. 56 pp. Diagrams. — 5976.277 List, C. Outlines of natural philosophy for the use of schools and private learners. Phila- delphia, 1846. Illus. = 5969-173 Schimpf, Henry William. 1868-. Essentials of volumetric analysis. An introduction, adapted to the needs of pharmaceutical chemistry, ist edition. New York, 1903. Illus. 3979-i68 Zeitschrift fiir den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht. [Monatlich.] Herausgegeben von F. Poske. Jahr- gang 17, Heft i. Januar, 1904. Berlin, 1904. Illus. Charts. *397oa.65 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. American Mathematical Monthly, The. Edited by B. F. Finkel, Leonard E. Dickson, and Saul Epsteen. Vol. 11, no. I. [Springfield, Mo., 1904.] Diagrams. **E.5i26.i2 Current numbers are kept in the Periodical Room. Bowden, Joseph, Mathematician. Elements of the theory of integers. New York, 1903. **E.5i29.i28 Brown, Eliza W., and Nathan Brown. Elementary arithmetic, on the inductive system, designed for the use of Asam- ese schools. Part 2. Sibsagor, 1845. = 5939a.33 Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademi, Stockholm. Arkiv for matematik, astronomi och fysik. Band i, hafte i, 2. Stockholm, 1803. Diagrams. =. *393oa.57 Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Armstrong, Andrew Campbell, Jr. Transitional eras in thought, with special reference to the present age. Nev/ York, 1904. 36o9a.i30 Relates also to science and religion. Hartog, Arnold Hendrik de. Het probleem der wilsvrijheid naar Scho- penhauer. Rotterdam, 1903. = 5601.23 Huettner, Max. 1877-. Zur Psychologic des Zeitbcwusstseins bei kontinuierlichen Lichtreizen. Leipzig, 1902. 50 pp. Diagrams. Tables. = ' 5607.35 James, William, M.D. Talks to teachers on psychology: and to students on some of life's ideals. New York, 1902. 5605.39 Myers, Frederick William Henry. Fluman personality, and its survival of bodily death.' [ist reprint.] New York, 1903. 2 V. Illus. 7603.107 Paulsen, Friedrich. Introduction to philosophy. 2d American from the 3d German edition. Trans- lated by Frank Thilly. New York, 1898. 3605.152 Plotinus. Five books . . . translated from the Greek. With an introduction ... by Thomas Taylor. London, 1794. 5008.23 Wille, Ludwig. 1834-. Uber die psycho-physiologischen und pathologischen Beziehungen des Ge- diichtnisses. Basel, 1901. 32 pp. = 56ooa.67 Education. Children. Armstrong, Henry Edward. The teaching of scientific method and other papers on education. London, 1903. 3599a.226 1904 28l Atlanta University Publications. The Negro common school. Report of .1 social study; together with the Proceed- ings of the Sixth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, May 28th, 1901. Atlanta, 1901. = 3564.232 Edited by VV. E. Burghardt Du Bois. A select bibliography of the American Negro for general readers, pp. 4-13- Brunner, Carl, editor. Die badischen Schulordnungen. Band i. Berlin, 1902. [Monumenta Germaniae paedagogica.] *359oa.i03.24 Gould, Elizabeth Porter. An offering in behalf of the deaf. [Bos- ton.] 1903. 28 pp. Portrait. Plate. = 5598.125 Northwestern University. Academy. Celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the installation of the Rev. Herbert Franklin Fisk, as Principal. [Evanston, 111., 1903.] 4 pp. Ilhis. Portrait. = 44993.320 Peekskill Military Academy. Circular, 1861, 66, 71, 73, 74, 1903. New York [etc.]. 1861-1903. Plates. = ^4484. 1 07 Phillips Exeter Academy. Order of exercises. [Exeter, 1809.] Broadside. = *4499a.324 Radcliffe College. Alumnae Association. Supplementary list, degrees conferred by Radcliffe College, June, 1902. [Cam- bridge, 1902.] 3 pp. = 4485.211 St. Louis. Exhibitions. Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Division of exhibits. Department of education. Group 7. [Model schools for the deaf and for the blind. Circular no. 2. St. Louis, 1903.] 17 pp. Plate. Plan. = 4026.131 Thomas S. Clarkson Memorial School of Technology, Potsdam, N. Y. Catalogue. 1902-1903. Announcements. 1903-1904. Potsdam, N. Y. [1903.] = 5597.155 Thorndike, Edward Lee, editor. Heredity, correlation and sex differences in school abilities. Studies from the Department of Educational Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia Uni- versity. New York, 1903. 60 pp. Dia- grams. No. 2 in *36o4.i20.ii Young Men's Christian Associations, New York. Railroad educational prospectus ... in- cluding chapters on the reading room, library, lectures . . . class work, outline courses, home study. New York, 1903. 40 pp. = 3593.233 Contains principally outline courses with speci- men examination questions. Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Thwing, Charles Franklin. A liberal education and a liberal faith. A series of baccalaureate addresses. New York. [1903.] 3448.189 Wagner, Charles. By the fireside. Translated from the French by Mary Louise Hendee. New York, 1904. 3589.245 Religion^ Theology. Atchley, Edward Godfrey Cuthbcrt Fred- eric. The parish clerk, and his right to read the liturgical Epistle. London, 1903. 33 pp. [Alcuin Club tracts.] = 3442.117 Baentsch, Bruno. Exodus-Lcviticus-Numeri, iibersetzt und erklart. Gottingen, 1900-1903. [Hand- Commentar zum Allen Testament.] 3421.147 Bellport, New York. Methodist Episcopal Church. Directory. 1903. Patchogue, N. Y., 1903. 50 pp. Illus. Portraits. = 7544.232 Bible. Narratives of the beginnings of Llebrew history from the Creation to the estab- lishment of the Hebrew Kingdom. By Charles Foster Kent. New York, 1904. Maps. Chart. [The student's Old Tes- tament.] 3415.115 Bibliography, pp. 349-356. The New .Testament in the Hindustani language. Translated by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries, with native assist- ants. Calcutta, 1839. = 7413-78 The New Testament, in Karen. [Trans- lated by F. Mason.] Tavoy, 1843. = 5419-38 Gospel of Matthew, in Bengali. [Seram- pore, 18 — ?] 80 pp. = 5416.34 Gospel of John, in Bengali. [Serampore, 18—?] 66 pp. = 5416.33 The title is on the cover. The Acts of the Apostles, translated into Asamese. By N. Brown. Paipur, 1842. = 5416.35 Caird, Edward. 1835-. The evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. The Gifford Lectures, University of Glasgow, 1900-1 and 1901-2. Glasgow, 1904. 2 V. 3489.184 Centennial of the Methodist Book Concern and dedication of the new^ Publishing and Mission Building of the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York, 1890. 68 pp. = 7535.4 Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814, and Henry Moore, Methodist Minister. The life of John W esley, including an ac- count of the great revival of religion in Europe and America. London, 1792. = *5558.ii9 Conable, Francis W. Flistory of the Genesee Annual Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1810-1872. New York, 1876. Portraits. Plates. = 5546.34 Curry, Daniel, D.D. 1809-1887. Life-story of Rev. Davis Wasgatt [sic] Clark, D.D., Bishop of the Methodist 282 Aiig-ust Episcopal Church. New York, 1874. Portrait. = 5559-135 Davenport, John. 1597-1670. A sermon preach'd at the election of the Govcrnour, at Boston in New-England, May 19th, 1669. [Cambridge?] 1670. 16 pp. **G.384.i8 Dobbins, Frank S. The story of the world's worship . . . By Frank S. Dobbins, assisted by S. Wells Williams, and Isaac Hall. Chicago. [1901.] Illus. = 3482.171 Durel, John. 1625-1683. The liturgy of the Church of England as- serted in a sermon. London, 1662. 50 pp. No. 2 in *3459.2i2 Eliot, Samuel Atkins. The results of an inquiry into the aims and characteristics of Unitarian preach- ing. Boston, 1902. 20 pp. = 3439-91 Etheridge, John Wesley. The life of Thomas Coke. 5th thousand. London, i860. Portrait. = 5558.120 Coke was the first bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Chvirch. Farrar, Frederic William. The Lord's Prayer. Sermons preached in Westminster Abbey. 3d edition. New York. [1893.] 3449-224 General Asscciation of Connecticut. Records. Begun June 20th, 1738. Ending June 19th, 1799. [Edited by Lavalette Perrin.] Hartford, 1888. *754oa.i5 Gurley, Leonard B. Memoir of Rev. William Gurley, late of Milan, Ohio, a local minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Cincin- nati, i8s2. Portrait. = 5554-8i Hall, Rev. B. M. The life of Rev. John Clark. New-York, 1856. Portrait. = 5559-134 Haller, Johannes. Papsttum und Kirchenreform. Vier Kapi- tel zur Geschichte des ausgehenden Mit- telalters. Band i. Berlin, 1903. 3526.38 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. xiv-xx. Howe, Reginald Pleber. Quadragesima; or, thoughts for each day in Lent. New York. [1895.] =3449.222 Law, William. 1 686-1 761. An extract from Mr. Law's Serious call to a holy life. By John Wesley. Phila- delphia, 1793. = 7439a.ii6 Lee, Jesse. 1758-1816. A short account of the life and death of the Rev. John Lee, a Methodist minister in the United States of America. Balti- more, 1805. = *5559a.i46 Lee, Rev. Luther. Autobiography. New York, 1882. = 5554.78 Legg, John Wickham, editor. The clerk's book of 1549. London, 1903. Tables. Fac-simile. [Llenry Bradshaw Society.] *3432.i23 Lewin, Stephen. A concise sketch of the history of St. Botolph's Church, Boston, Lincoln. Reprinted from the original edition of 1843, with a few alterations and addi- tions. [Anon.] London, 1895. Plates. Plan. *2493.i3 The o:!;;iiial edition is on shelf-no. *2493.i. Maffitt, Julin Newland. Literary and religious sketches. New- York, 1832. Portrait. 7589a.278 Malmsbury, C. A. The life, labors and sermons of Rev. Charles Pitman, D.D., of the New Jer- sey Conference. Philadelphia. [1887.] Portrait. = 5554-73 Methodist Episcopal Church, South. History. Nashville, 1845. = 5546.42 Largely on the slavery question. Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. Tract Society. [Tracts.] No. 1-352. [New-York, 1817- 1844.] 5 V. Illus. = *7459a.i42 Newman, John Henry, Cardinal. Sayings. London. [1890.] 80 pp. Por- trait. =: 3467-39 Newspaper gleanings, chiefly on matters per- taining to the Roman Catholic Church. Paget, Francis, Bishop of Oxford. The spirit of discipline. Sermons, with an introductory essay concerning acci- die, loth impression. London, 1903. 3449.220 Parks, Stephen. Troy Conference miscellany, containing a historical sketch of Methodism within the bounds of the Troy Conference . . . Albany, 1854. Portraits. Plate. = 5548.27 Peck, George, D.D. 1797-1876. Life and times. Written by himself. New York, 1874. Portrait. = 5558.123 Deals with the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. Saben, Mowry. The twilight of the gods. New Bedford, 1903. = 3489.182 Printed as an introduction to a larger work to be called The gospel of freedom. Schmidt, Jakob. Die katholische Restauration in den ehe- maligen Kurmainzer Herrschaften Ko- nigstein und Rieneck. Freiburg im B., 1902. *2823.8o.3 Scudder, Moses Lewis. American Methodism. Hartford, 1867. Portraits. = 5546-37 Spain. Cortes. Discusion del proyecto de decreto sobre el tribunal de la Inquisicion. Cadiz, 1813. *5og8.46.i3i2. Appendix Stevenson, Robert Louis. Prayers written af Vailima. With an in- troduction by Mrs. Stevenson. New York, 1904. 33 pp. 3449.226 Street, M. Jennie, editor. The hundredth year. The story of the centenary celebrations of the Sunday School Union, 1903. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 7432.67 1904 283 Warriner, Edwin. Old Sands Street Church, of Brooklyn, N. Y. An illustrated centennial record. New York, 1885. Illus. Portraits. Auto- graph fac-similes. = 7544.234 Winchester Centennial, The. 1803-1903. Historical sketch of the Universalist Pro- fession of belief adopted at Winchester, N. H., September 22, 1803, with the addresses and sermons at the commem- orative services held in Winchester, Rome City, Ind., and Washington, D. C, September and October, 1903. Boston, 1903. Portraits. Plate. 7546-133 Zenana Bible and Medical Mission. The Gospel for the women of India. Lon- don. [1902?] 4 pp. = 3538.84 Law* Legislation. Patents. Geary, Sir William Nevill Montgomerie, Baronet. 1859-. The law of marriage and family relations. London, 1892. 3664.57=*P.52.33o Lippert, Woldemar. 1861-. Die deutschen Lehnbiicher. Beitrag zum Registcrwesen und Lehnrecht des Mit- telalters. Leipzig, 1903. 3624.32 Bibliography, pp. 124-181. Walker, Albert Henry. Text-book of the patent laws of the United States of America. 4th edition. New York, 1904. Pat. Room *20.29 Useful and Industrial Arts. Andes, Louis Edgar, Oil colours and printers' inks. Translated by Arthur Morris and Herb. Robson. London, 1903. Illus. 8oi9a.220 Carriage Monthly, The: a journal for car- riage, wagon and automobile builders and their accessory trades. Vol. 39. Philadelphia, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plans. *40io.273 Feldhaus, Franz Maria. Lexikon der Erfindungen und Entdeckun- gen auf den Gebieten der Naturwissen- schaften und Technik in chronologischer iibersicht, mit Personen- und Sacli- register. Heidelberg, 1904. Patent Room 27.28 Fletcher, William, Mechanical Engineer. English and American steam carriages and traction engines. London, 1904. Illus. Plans. 8015.233 Graham, Andrew J., and Co. The Graham and the Benn Pitman phonography contrasted. New York. [1900.] 51 pp. = 6149.144 Hawkins, Nehemiah. Maxims and instructions for the boiler room . . . New York, 1904. Illus. Por- traits. 8016.199 Merzeau, A. Traite theorique et pratique de I'art du platrier. Dourdan. [1903.] 8 pp. 53 plates. *Cab.6o.i55.2 Moffett, Cleveland Langston. Careers of danger and daring. New York, 1903. Illus. 40193.16 Musees royaux des arts decoratifs et indus- triels, Brussels. Bulletin. Vol. i; 2 (no. i-io). Bruxelles, 1902, 03. Illus. Portraits. Plans. Fac- similes. = *40ii.249 National Shorthand Reporters' Association. Directory of shorthand reporters and notaries. Issue of 1903, [Louisville, Ky., 1903.] = *6i49.i46 New York, City. Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners. Report ... up to December 31st, 1901. New York, 1902. Plates. Plans. = *765i.42 Nichols, William G. Methods of cost finding in cotton mills. Waltham, Mass., 1900. 70 pp. Tables. 8012.200 Pitman, Benn, and Jerome B. Howard. The manual of phonography. Cincinnati, 1903. 6149.120 Powell, F. E. Electric dynamos and motors: how to make, repair and use them. New edi- tion. Revised by T. Edwin Low^ell. Chicago. [1904.1 72 pp. Diagrams. 4018.191 Rochester, N. Y. Department of Public Works. Bureau of Engineering. Annual report. 1900. [Rochester, 1901.] Charts. Tables. = ^64903.30 Scott, Charles Felton. 1864-. The engineer of the twentieth century. Response to a toast. [Pittsburg, 1903.] 22 pp. 4377.188 Tramway and Railway V/orld, The: a re- view of railway and tramway progress in electric and other traction. Vol. 6-10. London, 1897-1901. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. = *40ii.253 A monthly publication. Vols. 6, 7 are called The Railway World. Washington, Maggie J., editor. Work for the colored women of the South. Tuskegee, 1894. 21 pp. = 6009a. 144 A series of lectvires on domestic economy, de- livered by Mrs. Washington and others before the women's weekly meetings in Tuskegee. Weber, Robert Heinrich. 1850-. A graduated collection of problems in electricity. Translated from the 3d French edition by Edward A. O'Keeffe. London, 1902. Diagrams. 3969.217 284 August Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. The pruning-book. 5th edition. New York, 1903. Illus. 3999.168 Brooks, William P. Agriculture. [Revised edition.] Spring- field, Mass. [1903.] 2 V. Illus. Por- trait. Map. 3998.219 Contents. — I. Soils, manures and fertilizers. 2. The crops and the live stock of the farm. A text-book of the Home Correspondence School. Head, Brandon. The food of the gods (Gewj8p<3yu,a) : a popu- lar account of cocoa. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. Plan. 3999.220 Hyde, John, Statistician. 1848-. Geographical concentration, an historical feature of American agriculture. Wash- ington. [1893.] 19 pp. = 3997-169 Ontario, Province. Department of Agricul- ture. , Registrar of Live Stock. Report. 1902. Toronto, 1903. = *7992.29 Pennsylvania. Department of Agriculture. Division of Forestry. Preliminary report of the Commissioner of Forestry for 1896. Also miscellane- ous papers on forestry. By J. T. Roth- rock. [Harrisburg.] 1897. 55 pp. Plates. == *3843.43 Powell, G. Harold, and S. FI. Fulton. The apple in cold storage. Washington, 1903. 66 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.48 Most of the plates are colored. Rolfs, Peter H. Wither-tip and other diseases of citrous trees and fruits caused by Colletotri- chum gloeosporioides. Washington, 1904. 22 pp. Plates. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.52 Skinner, Charles Montgomery. Little gardens: how to beautify city yards and small country spaces. New York, 1904. Illus. Plans. ' 3999.222 Smith, Erwin F., and Deane B. Swingle. The dry rot of potatoes due to Fusarium oxysporum. Washington, 1904. 64 pp. Plates. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] — *3853-i28.55 Literature, pp. 61, 62. Smith, Jared Gage. Agriculture in Hawaii. With digest of the land laws of the Territory. Hono- lulu, 1903. 16 pp. =: 3049a.202 Viala, Pierre, and L. Ravaz. American vines (resistant stock) : their adaptation, culture, grafting anfi propa- gation. Complete translation of the 2d edition by Raymond Dubois, and Ed- mund H. Twight. San Francisco, 1903- Illus. 5995-90 ■ Bibliography, pp. 266-271. Watson, George Catchpole. Farm poultry. 2d edition. New York, 1903. Illus. [The rural science series.] 6009.146 "Some important poultry publications," pp. 331- 334- Wright, Lewis, Poultryman. The practical poultry keeper. London, 1902. Illus. Plans. 4008.204 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Church, William Conant, compiler. Retirements in the military services of the United States. 1903-1946. New York, 1903. *C.247.24 Confederate Roster Commissioners. Proceedings and memorial of a conference at Atlanta, Georgia, July 20-21, 1903. Montgomery, 1903. 16 pp. = *"20th".22.I9 Relates to a conference of commissioners ap- pointed by governors of several southern states to cooperate with the War Department in_ com- piling a roster of the Union and Confederate armies as a continuation of The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records, ' &c. [*4223.5o; *"2oth".i2.i]. Amusements^ Games* Sports* Art, The, of conjuring made easy. To- gether with the secret of making and filling of air and fire balloons. N. p. [18—?] 24 pp. = 40093.39 Breck, Edward. Fencing. A short, practical and complete exposition of the art of foil and sabre. New York. [1902.] 47 pp. Illus. = 4007.218 Claretie, Leo. 1862-. Les jouets. Histoire — fabrication. Paris, [1893.] Illus. Vignettes. 4002.187 Hancock, Harry Irving. Physical training for women by Japanese methods. New York, 1904. Plates. 4007.220 This system is known as jiu-jitsu. Van Dyke, Theodore Strong. The still-hunter. [New edition.] New York, 1904. Plates. 4005-83 Fiction* In English. Bagot, Richard. Love's proxy. New York, 1904. 58.293 Brown, Alice. High noon. Boston, 1904, 58.294 1904 Churchill, Winston. The crossing". New York, 1904. Colored plates. 58.295 Dunbar, Aldis. The sons o' Cormac, an' tales of other men's sons. New York, 1904. Plates. 78.213 Hinkson, Katharine Tynan. The great captain: a story of the days of Sir Walter Raleigh. New York, 1902. Plate. 78.212 McCutcheon, George Barr. The day of the dog. New York, 1904. Illus. Colored plates. 58.297 Merwin, Samuel. The Merry Anne. New York, 1904. IlKis. 58.296 Mitchell, John Ames. The Villa Clandia. New York, T904. Ilhis. 58.292 Norris, William Edward. Nature's comedian. New York, 1904. 58.298 Ray, Anna Chapin. By the Good Saint Anne; a story of modern Quebec. Boston, T904. Plate. 58.299 In German. 285 Dunbar, Aldis. The sons o' men's sons. Cormac an' tales of other New York, 1904. Illus. 78.213 Irish fairy tales. Comstock, John Henry, and Anna Botsford Comstock. How to know the butterflies; a manual of the butterflies of the eastern United States. New York, 1904. Illus. 3897.78 Hinkson, Katharine Tynan. The great captain; a story of the days of Sir Walter Raleigh. New York, Illus. 1902. 78.212 Associations* Clubs* Societies* Detecting Society, The. Constitution of a society for detecting horse thieves, and recovering stolen horses . . . Added, the names of the members. Dedham, r8i4. 12 pp. „ *4459a.io7 Same. 1825. = *4459a.207 Bergler, Plans. An der schonen, blauen Donau. Ein Wiener Bilderbuch von Ottokar Tann- Bergler [Pseud.]. Leipzig. [1903 ] 4896.50.455 Short stories. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Quo vadis? Erzahlung aus der Zeit Neros. Aus dem Polnischen itbersetzt von Paul Seliger. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.455 In Spanish. Baroja, Pio. La casa de Aizgorri. Novela. Bilbao, 1900. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.222 Madinaveitia, Herminio. Cuaresma y Semana Santa. [Cuentos.] Bilbao, 1900. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.217 Cuentos. Bilbao, 1898, 1900. 2 v. in i. [Biblioteca bascongada.] 3097.204 Rizal y Mercado, Jose. Noli me tangere (El pais de los frailes). Novela tagala. Valencia. [1886.] Por- trait. = 3099b.9 Children's Room* Books for the Month. Barbour, Ralph Henry. The book of school and college sports. New York, 1904. Illus. 4007.224 Periodicals. Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes* I -k.] No. I. 1904- 7294.22 Columbia Monthly, The. Vol. February, 1904. [New Yoi Illus. Portraits. = > Empire Review, The. . Edited by C. Kinroch Cooke. Vol. 7. London, 1904. Map. *7403-2o=P.R.3o Household Monthly, The. Vol. 2, 3. Bos- ton, 1859, 60. Plates. *52i4.i2 Monthly Repository, The, and Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Vol. 3. ([New York, 1832, 33.] Illus. Portraits. = ^52293.6 Books for the Blind* American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Ky. List of publications. [Louisville, 189-?] 24 ff. 7116.1 Printed in raised letters (partly line letter, and partly the New York tangible point system). Arnold, Matthew. 1822-1888. Sohrab and Rustum. An episode. N. p. N. d. 61 ff. 7133.10 Printed in Braille. Frangois de Sales, St. 1 567-1622. The consoling thoughts of St. Francis de Sales. By Rev. Pere Huguet. New York, 1903. 2 V. = 7126.85 Printed in the New York system. 286 August Books added to the Branch Libraries* Bowden, Charles Henry, editor. A simple dictionary for Catholics. R 1087 Churchill, Winston. The crossing. Colored plates. 158c 3 A romance of pioneer life in Kentucky and Louisiana during the years preceding the Lou- isiana Purchase. Des ^cherolles, Alexandrine. Memoirs: being side lights on the Reign of Terror translated from the French by Marie Clothilde Balfour, with an introduction by George K. Fortescue. Ilkis. Be 2528 Gerard, John. The old riddle and the newest answer. Diagrams. Na 3338 A discussion of the theory of evolution. Gleaves, Albert. James Lawrence, Captain United States Navy, Commander of the "Chesapeake." With an introduction by George Dewey. Illus. [American men of energy.] Bl 5089 Hardy, Mary Earle. Sea stories for wonder eyes. Illus. Y 3818 MacDonald, James Wallace. Primary algebra. Student's manual. No 5424 Mannix, Mary E. The Haldeman children. Plate. Y 5558 Merwin, Samuel. The Merry Anne. Illus. 202m 2 Newcomer, Alphonso Gerald American literature. Portraits. Lc 6385 References, pp. 336-339. Newell, Lyman Churchill. Descriptive chemistry. Tllus. Nh 6387 Parton, James. Le Parnasse frangais. A book of French pDCtry, from 1550 to the present time. Ln 6730 Prince, John Tilden. Grammar school arithmetic for inductive teaching, drilling and testing. Tikis. No 7153 Reddaway, William Fiddian. Frederick the Great and the rise of Prus- sia. Illus. [Heroes of the nations.] Bf 3131.8 Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Francis P.-i.rkman. Portrait. [American men of letters.] Bp 6720.2 Tarr, Ralph Stockman. New physical geography. Illus. Nl 8740.2 Washington, Booker Taliaferro. Working with the hands: being a sequel to "Up from slavery,'' covering the author's experiences in industrial train- ing at Tuskegee. Illus. Ps 9515 Wells, Webster. The essentials of geometry. Illus. No 9587 Wentworth, George Albert, and George An- thony Hill. A text-book of physics. Illus. Np 9594 } STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Books and Documents Recently Added, Social Science* Ashley, William James. The tariff problem. London, 1903. Dia- grams. 9337.24238 Atkinson, Edward. 1827-. The retro-active influence of duties upon imports. Treatise upon the "Repercus- sion des droits de douane." Boston, '1903.^ 24 pp. = 9337.a4 Beresteijn, , Eltjo Aldegondus van. Arbeidsreglementen. Amersfoort, 1903. = 3627.27 Black-Listed Machinist, A, pseud. Capital and labor. Chicago, 1902. 93353.34 Brassey, Sir Thomas, ist Baron Brassey. 1836-. Fifty years of progress; and the new fiscal policy. 2d edition. London, 1904. 9337.242313 Clark, John Bates. The distribution of wealth. A theory of wages, interest and profits. New York, 1902. 9330.073314 Oilman, Nicholas Paine. Methods of industrial peace. Boston, 1904. 9331.1310 Habrich, John J. Practical illustrations of life insurance. New York, 1888. 22 pp. = 9368.3318 Kig3, Kanju. Das Bankwesen Japans. Leipzig, 1904. 9332.1052 Newenh3m, Thomas. 1762-1831. A view of the natural, political, and com- mercial circumstances of Ireland. Lon- don, 1809. Map. *9330.44i532 Phelps, Roswell Foulk. South End factory operatives. Employ- ment and residence. Boston, 1903. 43 pp. Plans. [South End House Asso- ciation.] = 5573-133 R3nd, Benjamin, Ph.D., compiler. 1856-. Selections illustrating economic history since the Seven Years' War. 4th edi- tion, revised and enlarged. New York, 1903. 9330.9317 Se3ger, Henry Rogers. Introduction to economics. New York, 1904. 9330.2313 Webb, M. de P. The outlook for British commerce. A reply to Mr. Carnegie. ... 2d edition. London, 1902. 51 pp. 9382.42324 Political Science. Chsndler, Alfred Dupont. Limited town meetings, with a general legislative bill therefor. An address. N. p. [1904.] 43 PP- = 3568.241 Egerton, Hugh Edward. The origin & growth of the English colo- nies and of their system of government. An introduction to C. P. Lucas's His- torical geography of the British Colo- nies. Oxford, 1903. Maps. 4516.140 Bibliography at the end of each chapter. Lucas's woi-k is on shelf-number *45i6.ioi. Scherger, George Lawrence. The evolution of modern liberty. New York, 1904. 3568.243 Bibliography, pp. 269-280. Sociology. Brown, James M. The one hundred thousand children of the United States whose fathers are in prison. Address. [Chicago, 1893.] 12 pp. =: 5584-2 Bruce, Roscoe Conkling. Service by the educated negro. Address. [Tuskegee, 1903.] 17 PP- = 75893.277 Denison House, Boston. Directory of clubs and classes, 1903. [Bos- ton, 1903.] = 55793.226 L3ngh3rd, J. Die anarchistische Bewegung in der Schweiz. Berlin, 1903. 9335-4ia3 Lonsd3le, Sophia. The English poor laws. 3d edition. West- minster, 1902. 97 pp. 5578.168 McGr3dy, Thomas. Socialism and the labor problem. A plea for social democracy. Terre Haute, Ind., 1901. 40 pp. = 3557.37 Our P3per. Massachusetts Reformatory. [Issued weekly.] Vol. 6, (no. 32)-i7 (no. 19). 1890-1901. Concord Junction, 1890-190T. Illus. = *55703.ii5 Vol. 12 (no. 6), IS (no. 26), 16 (no. 32) are lacking. Pi3nt3tion, The. A Southern quarterly journal. Edited by J. A. Turner. Vol. I (no. i); 2 (no. 2). New York, i860. ^75803.69 The chief feature of this journal is a defence of negro slavery. 288 August Rogers, James E. State of Columbia, a junior republic. [San Francisco.] 1903. = 5584.1 Sayles; Mary Buell. Housing- conditions in Jersey City. Phil- adelphia, 1903. 75 pp. Map. Plans. =. 9361.9312 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The neighbor. The natural history of human contacts. Boston, 1904. 5828.7 Relates to .ethnology, the Jewish question, and the Negro. Smith, Charles Sprague. Working with the people. New York, 1904. Plates. = 3547.126 A description of the work of the People's Insti- tute, New York. South End House Association. South End House, a University Settle- ment. A building for its organized work. [Boston, 190-?] 11 pp. Illus. = 5575.162 Terme, Jean Frangois, and Jean Baptiste Monfalcon. Histoire statistique et morale des enfants trouves, suivie de cent tableaux. Paris, 1837. 3574.49 Bibliography, pp. 479-494. Tolman, William Howe, 1861- , and Charles Hemstreet. The better New York. Afterword by Josiah Strong. New York. [1904.] Illus. 3579.171 An account of the charitable institutions in New York City. Wells, Herbert George. Mankind in the making. New York, 1904. 9304.04235 Xanthaky, Socrates A., editor. "The Greeks' companion." A general guide for Greeks in the United States and Canada. New York. [1903.] Map. *93i7.3aii The work is printed in Romaic. Contains mis- cellaneous statistics. Women. Bartsch, Robert. Die Rechtsstellung der Frau als Gattin und Mutter. Geschichtiiche Entwick- lung ihrer personlichen Stellung im Privatrecht bis in das 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1903. *P.6i.57 Cheney, Ednah Dow. Municipal suffrage for women. Address. [Boston, 189-?] Broadside. =: 5580.5 Novicow, Jacques. L'affranchissement de la femme. Paris, 1903. *P.6o.648 Schweiger von Lerchenfeld, Amandus, Frei- herr. 1850-. Das Frauenleben der Erde. Wien, 1881. Illus. *P.20.8o5 United States. Congress. Hearing- before the Senate Committee on Woman' Suffrage ... on the 13th of February, 1900. [Washington, 1900.] 45 pp. = *P.63.9i5.5 Public Documents^ States. Territories. Accessions. New York. New York, City. Bureau of Municipal Accounts and Sta- tistics. , Accountants' report to Edward M. Grout, Comptroller, submitting the outlines and demonstration of a plan for stating the annual report of the Comptroller of the City of New York. [New York, 1903.] Tables. = *9352.i747 Foreign. Chile. Ministerio del interior. ■ Anuario. 1896-1902. Santiago de Chile, 1897-1902. 7 V. in 3. = *9354-833 Mexico. Ministerio de hacienda. Datos estadisticos preparados por la Secretaria de hacienda y credito pu- blico especialmente para el estudio de la cuestion monetaria. Mexico, 1903. 8 pp. 37 tables. = *9336.72aii The tables relate to the exchange values of Mex- ican exports, principally gold and silver. Spain. Cortes. Coleccion de los decretos y ordenes generales espedidos por las Cortes. 1810-1823. Tomos i-io. Madrid, 1 820-1 823. *5098.47 Diario de las discusiones y actas de las Cortes. [1810-1813.] Tomos 1-22. Cadiz, 1811-1813. 23 V. Tables. ^5098.46 A List of Regimental Histories and Official Records of the Individual States in the Civil War. In this Library. Alabama. I2th Regiment. Infantry. Diary of Robert E. Park, late eaptam 12th Alabama Regiment, C.S.A. (In South- ern Historical Society Papers. Vols, i, 2, 3. Richmond, 1876.) *52i9a.50.i-3 14th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Fourteenth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers. By M. B. Plurst. Richmond, 1863. *4390.i35 40th Regiment. Infantry. History of Company B (originally Pick- ens' Planters), 40th Alabama Regiment ... By Elbert D. Willett. Armiston, Ala, 1902. *"20th".42f.4oB 60th Regiment. Infantry. A history of the Sixtieth Alabama Regi- ment, Oracle's Alabama Brigade. By Lewellyn A. Shaver. Montgomery, 1867. *2324.i63 Arkansas. Woodruff, W. E. With the Light Guns in '61-65. Remi- niscences of Eleven Arkansas, Missouri and Texas Light Batteries, in the Civil War. Little Rock, 1903. *"20th".52.984 Adjutant-general. Report, for the period of the Rebellion and to Nov. i, 1866. Washington, 1867. *639i.5 California. Adjutant-general. Records of California men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1867. Compiled by R. H. Orton. Sacramento, 1890. *4424.247 Report. 1861, 62, 64/65 . . . Sacramento. *6409.i ist Regiment. Infantry. Frontier service during the Rebellion, or a history of Company K, First Infantry, California Volunteers. By George H. Pittis. Providence, 1885. *4324.77.3d ser. 14 Colorado. 2d Regiment. Infantry. Three years and a half in the Army; or, History of the Second Colorado. By Ellen Williams. New York. [1885.] *42i9.67 Connecticut. Adjutant-general. Catalogue of the . . . Connecticut Volun- teers. 1861, 62. Hartford, 1861, 62. 4 v. *43ioa.37 Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer or- ganizations, in the service of the United States, 1861-65, with additional enlist- ments, casualties, etc., and brief sum- maries. Hartford, 1869. *422i.52 Record of service of Connecticut men in the army and navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion. Hart- ford, 1889. *4320.io7 Report, 1852,' 56, 59, 61, 63-86 (etc.). New Haven. 1852-86. *6338.7 Same. 1861, (i2/(i2>-^s/^^- *6335.7 ist Regiment. Artillery. First Connecticut Heavy Artillery. His- torical sketch ... By Edgar B. Ben- nett. [Hartford, 1889.] ^4423. 102 Official souvenir and program of monu- ment, First Connecticut Heavy Artillery . . . Sept. 25, 1902. Hartford. [1902.I *4439.26i Our first year of army life. By Edward Ashley Walker. New Flaven, 1862. *4324.59 2d Regiment. Heavy Artillery. History of the Second Connecticut Vol- unteer Heavy Artillery. By Theodore Frelinghuysen Vaill. Winstead, 1868. *4425-25 290 2d Regiment. Infantry. History of the New Haven Grays. 1816- 76. By Jerome Bonaparte Lucke. New Haven, 1876. *2324.i42 5th Regiment. Infantry. The Fifth Regiment Connecticut Vohm- teers. By Edwin E. Marvin. Hartford, 1889. *4323.i29 6th Regiment. Infantry. The Old Sixth Regirqent, its war record, 1861-5. By Charles K. Cadwell. New 4327.75 Haven, 1875. gth Regiment. Infantry. History of the Ninth Regiment, Connecti- cut Volunteer Infantry, the "Irish Regi- ment" . . . 1861-65. By Thomas Ham- ilton Murray. New Haven, 1903. *"2oth".4od.9 loth Regiment. Infantry. A good record; a sermon preached before Petersburg, Va., on Sabbath, Sept. 25, 1864, to the Tenth Connecticut Regi- ment, at the close of its first three years of service. By Henry Clay Trum- bull. Hartford, 1864. *4423.i37 A record of college, field, and prison. The knightly soldier: a biography of Major Henry Ward Camp, Tenth Connecticut Volunteers. By Henry Clay Trumbull. Boston, 1865. *4448.i5 War memories of an army chaplain. By Henry Clay Trumbull. New York, 1898. *4428.288 i2th, 13th Regiments. Infantry. Catalogue of the 12th, 13th Connecticut Volunteers. Hartford, 1862. *6336.8,i 13th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 13th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers during the Great Rebellion. By Homer Baxter Sprague. Hartford, 1867. *4428.23 14th Regiment. Infantry. Souvenir of excursions to battlefields by the Society of the Fourteenth Cannec- ticut Regiment . . . with history and reminiscences of battles ... By Henry S. Stevens. Washington, 1893. *"2oth".7od.i4 15th Regiment. Infantry. The history of the Fifteenth Connecticut Volunteers . . . 1861-1865. By Sheldon B. Thorpe. New Haven, 1893- *"2oth".4od.i5 i6th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Sixteenth Connecticut Vol- unteers. By Bernard F. Blakeslee. Hart- ford, 1875. *4329.72 i8th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Eighteenth Regiment Con- necticut Volunteers. By William Carey Walker. Norwich, 1885. *"20th".4od.i8 20th Regiment. Infantry. The "Twentieth Connecticut." A regi- mental history. By John W. Storrs. Ansonia, 1886. *4329.io6 22d Regiment. Infantry. A journal of incidents connected with the travels of the 22d Regiment . . . for nine months. By E. W. Waters. Flartford, 1863. '4324.73 August 25th Regiment. Infantry. Memorial of Lieut. Daniel P. Dewey. [Anon.] By Caroline Lloyd. Hartford, 1864. *4349.63 27th Regiment. Infantry. The "Twenty-seventh." By Winthrop Dudley Sheldon. New Haven, 1866. *4329.68 Delaware. ist Regiment. Infantry. History of the First Regiment, Delaware Volunteers. By William P. Seville. Wilmington, 1884. *4475.6o.5 Four years in the War. The history of the First Regiment of Delaware Vet- eran Volunteers. By Thomas G. Mur- phey. Philadelphia, 1866. *4328.73 Florida. 2d Regiment. Cavalry. Dickison and his men. Reminiscences of the War in Florida. By Mary Elizabeth Dickison. Louisville, Ky., 1890. *2324.i73 Georgia. Jones, Charles C, Jr. Georgians during the war between the States. Augusta, Ga., 1889. *4423.320=*4423.i 18 Chatham Artillery. Historical sketch of the Chatham Artil- lery during the Confederate struggle for independence. By Charles C. Jones, Jr. Albany, 1867. *4323.55 ist Regiment. Infantry. Reminiscences of service with the First Volunteer Regiment of Georgia, Charles- ton Harbor, in 1863. By Charles H. Olmstcad. Savannah, 1879. No. 5 in *2375.ioo 4th, i2th, 2ist, 44th Regiments. Infantry. Flistory of the Doles-Cook Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, C. S. A. By Henry Walter Thomas. Atlanta, 1903. *"20th".22.20 6th Regiment. Infantry. The war history of Company "C", 6th Georgia Regiment, By Wendell D. Groom. Fort Valley, 1879. *2324.i68 nth Regiment. Infantry. History of the Eleventh Georgia Volun- teers. By Kittrell J. Warren. Rich- mond, Va., 1863. *435oa.48 15th Regiment. Infantry. 15th Georgia Regiment st Gettysburg. Report of Col. D. M. Du Bose, July 27, 1863. (In Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond, 1882.) *52i9a.50.io Illinois. Barnet, James, editor. The martyrs and heroes of Illinois in the Great Rebellion. Biographical sketches. Chicago, 1865. *432oa.i25 1904 Eddy, Thomas Meers. The patriotism of Ilinois; a record of the civil and military history of the state in the War for the Union, with a history of the campaigns in which Illinois sol- diers have been conspicuous. Sketches of distinguished officers. Chicago, 1865, 66. 2 V. *4424.62 Wilson, James Grant. Biographical sketches of Illinois officers in the Rebellion. Chicago, 1862. *2324.i48 Adjutant-general. Report. 1862, 63/64. Springfield, 1863, 65. *6388.io Report. Vol. 1-8. Containing also ros- ters. Springfield, 1867. *6387.3 2d Regiment. Infantry. History of the Second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. By Horace W. Bol- ton. Chicago, 1899. *"20th".43C.2 6th Regiment. Infantry. History of Companies I and E, Sixth Regi- ment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. By Rufus S. Bunzey. Morrison, 1901. *442oa.230 7th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865. By Daniel L. Ambrose. Springfield, 1868. *4326.54 8th Regiment. Cavalry. History of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment Illinois Volunteers, during the Great Rebellion. By Abner Hard. Aurora, 1868. *432oa.i23 gth Regiment. Cavalry. History of the Ninth Regiment Illinois Cavalry Volunteers. By Edward A. Davenport. Chicago, 1888. *"20th".43C.C.9 History of the Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. By Marion Morri- son. Monmouth, 1864. ^4323.72 loth Regiment. Infantry. Memoirs of the War. [Life in the loth Regiment Illinois Infantry.] By Eph- raim A. Wilson. Cleveland, 1893. *2324.I25 nth Regiment. Infantry. Proceedings of the First Reunion of the nth Regiment Illinois Volunteer In- fantry at Ottawa, 111., Oct. 27, 1875. By H. M. Parker. Ottawa, 1875. *432oa.i26 13th Regiment. Infantry. Military history and reminiscences of the Thirteenth Regiment of Illinois Volun- teer Infantry. 1861-65. Chicago, 1892. *2324.i5i 14th Regiment. Infantry. History of Hurlbut's Fighting Fourth Division, and especially of the 14th Illi- nois Infantry. By James Dugan. Cin- cinnati, 1863. *4428.77 14th Regiment. Cavalry. History of Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry and the brigades to which it belonged. By Washington L. Sanford. Chicago, 1898. "20th".43C.C.i4 32d Regiment. Infantry. Marching through Georgia. By Fenwick J. Hadley. Chicago, 1890 ^4428. 130 291 33d Regiment. Infantry. Army life; from a soldier's journal. Inci- dents, sketclies, and record of a Unif)n soldier's army life, in camp and field. 1861-64. By Albert O. Marshall. Joliet, 111., 1883. *4229.52 36th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Thirty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers during the War of the Rebellion. By Lyman G. Bennett and William M. Haigh. Aurora, 1876. *2328.63 39th Regiment. Infantry. The history of the Thirty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Veteran Infantry. In the War of the Rebellion. By Charles M. Clark. Chicago, 1889. ^4423.167 40th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Fortieth Illinois Infantry. By Ephraim J. Hart. Cincinnati, 1864. *4328.74 45th Regiment. Infantry. Historical sketch of the Forty-fifth Illi- nois Regiment . . . By John M. Adair. Lanark, 1869. *"20th".43C.45 50th Regiment. Infantry. Fiftieth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer In- fantry Reunion Association. Report of the nth Annual Reunion. [Quincy, 1897.] *"20th".73C.5o History of the Fiftieth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Union. By Charles F. Hubert and others. Kansas City, Mo., 1894. *"20th".43C.50 52d Regiment. Infantry. Historical memoranda of the 52d Regi- ment Illinois Infantry Volunteers, 1861- 1865. By John Swadling. Elgin, 1868. No. I in '^=4213. 72 55th Regiment. Infantry. The story of the Fifty-fifth Regiment Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War. [Clinton, Mass.] 1887. *4323.ii4 59th Regiment. Infantry. Episodes of the Civil War. In which is comprised the history of the Fifty-ninth Regiment Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry. By George W. Herr. San Francisco, 1890. ^4320. 123 The history of the Fifty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers. By David Lathrop. Indianapolis, 1865. *"20th".43C.59 73d Regiment. Infantry. Association of Survivors of 73d Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. ]\Iinutes of proceedings. 1893, 94, 96-98. Spring- field, 111., 1893-98. *"2oth".73C.73 A history of the Seventy-third Regiment of Illinois Infantry Volunteers. By William H. NcwHn and others. [Chi- cago? 1890.] *4320.I22 77th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 77th Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, 1862-1865. By William H. Bent- ley. Peoria, 1883. *"20th".43C.77 8ist Regiment. Infantry. Experience in the War of the Great Re- bellion, 1862-65. By Edmund Newsome. 2d edition, revised. Carbondale, 111., 1880. *2329.i36 292 August 84th Regiment. Infantry. The histoi-}' of the 84th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. By Louis N. Simmons. Macomb, 111., 1866. *"2oth".43C.84 85th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Eighty-fifth Regiment Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry. By Henry J. Aten. Hiawatha, Kansas, 1901. *"2oth".43C.85 86th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 86th Regiment Volunteer Infantry. By J. R. Kinnear. Chicago, 1866.^ *4328.58 95th Regiment. Infantry. A history of the 95th Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers, 1862-65. By Wales W. Wood. Chicago, 1865. *4328.57 96th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Ninety-sixth Regiment Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry. By Charles A. Partridge. Chicago, 1887. *4323.ii2 i02d Regiment. Infantry. Our Regiment. A history of the I02d Illi- nois Infantry Volunteers. By Stephen F. Fleharty. Chicago, 1865. *4329.8i 104th Regiment. Infantry. The history of the 104th Regiment of Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry By William Wirt Calkins. Chicago, 1895. *"2oth".43C.io4 ii2th Regiment. Infantry. History of the TT2th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 1862-1865. By Brad- ford F. Thompson. Toulon, 111., 1885. *"20th".43C.ii2 115th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 115th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. By Isaac Henry Clay Royse. Terre Haute, 1900. *"20th".43c.ii5 124th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 124th Illinois Infantry Vol- unteers. 1862-1865. By R. L. Howard. Springfield, 111., 1880. *2324.i55 137th Regiment. Infantry. Some experiences of an enlisted man. By Henry A. Castle. (In Glimpses of the nation's struggle. Pp. 107-134.) *4320.i i4=z*4323.i 18 Indiana. Merrill, Catherine. The soldier of Indiana in the War for the Union. [Anon.] Indianapolis, 1866, 69. 2 V. *4322.83 Operations of the Indiana Legion and Min- ute Men, 1863-64. Indianapolis, 1865. *2322.30 Stevenson, David. Indiana's roll of honor. [Vol. 2 by T. T. Scribner.] Indianapolis, 1864, 66. 2 v. *4322.82 Adjutant-general. Reports. 1861/62, 81/82, 98/99. Indiana- polis, 1863-1900. 3 V. *6386.io Report of the Adjutant-general [W. H. H. Terrell] for 1861-65. Vol. 1-8. Indiana- polis, 1865-69. *6386.i9 nth Battery. History of the nth Indiana Battery, con- nected with an outline history of the Army of the Cumberland. 1861-65. By John Otto. [Fort Wayne, 1894.] *2324.i89 6th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. By Charles C. Bri- ant. Indianapolis, 1891. *"20th".43a.6 "The Spirit of 1861." History of the 6th Indiana Regiment in the three months' campaign in Western Virginia. By Andrew J. Grayson. [Madison, Ind., 1875?] *4324-72 7th Regiment. Cavalry. History of the 7th Indiana Cavalry Volun- teers. By Thomas S. Coglev. Laporte, 1876. ■ *4328.7i 9th Regiment. Cavalry. Ninth Cavalry. One hundred and twenty- first Regiment Indiana Volunteers. By D. W. Comstock. Richmond, 1890. *4426.247 14th Regiment. Infantry. Under canvas; or, recollections of the fall and winter campaign of the 14th Regiment Indiana Volunteers, in West- ern Virginia, in 1861. By J. T. Pool. Terre Haute, 1862. *434oa.i5 2ist Regiment. Infantry. The miscellaneous writings of George C. Harding [especially of his service in the 2ist Indiana Regiment during the Civil War]. Indianapolis, 1882. *".20th".ioo.i3 22d Regiment. Infantry. An historical sketch of the Twenty-second Regiment Indiana Volunteers. By R. V. Marshall. Madison, Ind. [1884.] *4326.i3i 33d Regiment. Infantry. History of the Thirty-third Indiana Vet- eran Volunteer Infantry . . . 1861-1865. By John R. McBride. Indianapolis, 1900. *2327.i35 36th Regiment. Infantry. The story of the marches, battles and inci- dents of the 36th Regiment Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry. By William Grose. New Castle, Ind., 1891. *4423.26o 38th Regiment. Infantry. How soldiers were made; or, the war as I saw it. By Benjamin F. Scribner. New Albany, 1887. *2324.i45 44th Regiment. Infantry. The Forty-fourth Indiana Volunteer In- fantry. Llistory of the services in the War of the Rebellion. By John H. Rerick. Lagrange, 1880. *4327.82 46th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Forty-sixth Regiment In- diana Volunteer Infantiy. 1861-1865. By Thomas H. Bringhurst and Frank Swigart. [Logansport, Ind.] 1888. *4322.ii3 51st Regiment. Infantry. History of the Fifty-first Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry. 1861-1866. By 1904 293 William R. Hartpence. Harrison, 1894. *"20th".43a.5i 57th Regiment. Infantry. Annals of the Fifty-seventh Regiment Indiana Vohmteers. By Asbiiry L. Herwood. Dayton, O., i868. *4326.65 58th Regiment. Infantry. Fifty-eighth Indiana Regimental Asso- ciation. Journal of the 2d annual re- union. Princeton, Ind., 1893. *2324.i65 History of the Fifty-eighth Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry. 1861-1865. By John J. Hight. Princeton, 1895. *"20th".43a.58 68th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Sixty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, 1862-1865. By Edwin W. High. [Metamora?] 1902. *"20th".43a.63 70th Regiment. Infantry. The Seventieth Indiana Volunteer Infan- try in the War of the Rebellion. By Samuel Merrill. Indianapolis. [1900.] *"20th".43a.7o 72d Regiment. Infantry. Flistory of the 72d Indiana Volunteer In- fantry, of the Mounted Lightning Bri- gade. By Benjamin F, Magee. Lafay- ette, Ind., 1882. *4226.6i 75th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Seventy-fifth Regiment of Indiana Infantry Volunteers. (1862- 65.) By David Biddle Floyd. Phila- delphia, 1893. *"20th".43a.75 82d Regiment. Infantry. History of the Eighty-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry ... By Alfred G. Hunter. Indianapolis, 1893. *"20th".43a.82 99th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 99th Indiana Infantry. By Daniel R. Lucas. Lafayette, Ind., 1865. *4326.69 looth Regiment. Infantry. Memorabilia of the marches and battles in which the looth Regiment of Indiana Infantry Volunteers took an active part. 1861-65. By Eli J. Sherlock. [Kansas City, 1896.] *2328.i24 i2ist Regiment. See, above, gth Regiment, Cavalry. i6ist Regiment. Infantry. History of the One Hundred and Sev- enty-first Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. By William Edward Bieder- wolf. Logansport, Ind., 1899. *"20th".43a.i6i Iowa. Crocker's Iowa Brigade. Proceedings at the second annual reunion, Sept., 1883. Composed of the officers and soldiers who have served in the nth, 13th, 15th and i6th Regiments, Iowa Infantry Volunteers. Muscatine, 1883. No. 2 in ^4213.72 Ingersoll, Lurlon D. Iowa and llie k'ebcllion. A history of the troops fin-nislicd by Iowa to the volun- teer armies of the Union. Philadelphia, 1866. *4320.32 Stuart, A. A. Iowa colonejs and regiments: being a his- tory of Iowa regiments in the War of the Rebellion. Des Moines, 1865. *4322.79 Adjutant-general and Acting Quartermas- ter-general. Report. 1861-71, 73-75. Des Moines, 1861-76. 13 V. *6404.i ist Regiment. Cavalry. A history of the First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers. 1861-1866. By Charles Henry Lothrop. Lyons, 1890. *4423.i63 2d Regiment. Cavalry. History of the Second Iowa Cavalry. By L. B. Pierce. Burlington, 1865. *4324.62 2d Regiment. Infantry. Tramps and triumphs of the 2d Iowa In- fantry. By John T. Bell. Omaha, 1886. *2324.i67 3d Regiment. Infantry. Recollections with the Third Iowa Regi- ment. By S. D. Thompson. Cincinnati, 1864. *4326.63 4th Regiment. Cavalry. Address, reunion of the [4th Iowa Cav- alry] Regiment, Aug. 24, 1888. By E. F. Winslow. [1888?] *4423.258 The story of a Cavalry Regiment, 4th Iowa Veteran Volunteers. By William Forse Scott. New York, 1893. *4422.i97 5th Regiment. Cavalry. Sketches of war history, A series of let- ters. By Charles Cooper Nott. New York, 1863. *4328.83 6th Regiment. Cavalry. Three years among the Indians of DaI<:ota. Sixth Iowa Cavalry, 1862-1865. By J. H. Drips. Kimball, S. D., 1894- *"20th".52.239 1 2th Regiment. Infantry. A chapter from the history of Company D, Twelfth Iowa Infantry Volunteers — In the Union Brigade. By E. B. Soper. Des Moines, 1898. *"20th".52.593.j.v.2 13th Regiment. Infantry. History of Company "A," Thirteenth Iowa Veteran Infantry. 1861-1865. By Henry H. Rood. Cedar Rapids, 1889. *"20th".43g.i3.Co.A Sketches of the Thirteenth Iowa. By Henry H. Rood. [Des Moines, 1893.] *"20th".52.593.i 15th Regim.ent. Infantry. The Fifteenth Iowa at Shiloh. By James G. Day. [Des Moines, 1898.] *"20th".52.593.i.vol.2 History of the Fifteenth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry. 1861-1865. Keokuk, 1887. *4323.ii5 294 20th Regiment. Infantry. Recollections of field service with the Twentieth Iowa Infantry Volunteers. By C. Barney. Davenport, 1865. *4429.8i 22d Regiment. Infantry. History of the Twenty-second Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry. By Simeon Barnett. Iowa City, 1865. *"2oth".43g.22 24th Regiment. Infantry. First year's medical history of the Twen- ty-fourth Iowa. By John Fellows Ely. [Des Moines, 1893-] =''"20th".52.593.i 33d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 33d Iowa Infantry Volun- teer Regiment. 1863-6. By Andrew F. Sperry. Des Moines, 1866. *4322.84 34th Regiment. Infantry. The Thirty-fourth Iowa Regiment. By Tames S. Clark. Des Moines, 1892. *"20th".43g.34 35th Regiment. Infantry. First and second reunions of the Thirty- fifth Iowa Infantry. Muscatine, 1889- 90. *"20th".73g.35 Kansas. Adjutant-general. Report. 1861-65. Leavenworth, 1867. *64o6.io Report. 1861-65. Vol. i. (Reprinted by authority.) Topeka, 1896. *4423.30 Contains Military history of Kansas regiments durng the War for the suppression of the Great Rebellion. Vol. 2 of the entire edition was destroyed by fire. 6th Regiment. Cavalry. Memoirs of the Rebellion on the border, 1863. By Wiley Britton. Chicago, 1882. *2329.82 Kentucky. Duke, Basil W. History of Morgan's Cavalry. Cincinnati, 1867. *432i.55 Speed, Thomas. The Union Regiments of Kentucky. Louisville, 1897. *"20th".48b.i Adjutant-general. Report. 1862. Frankfort, 1862. *6399.i Report. 1861-66. Frankfort, 1866, 67. 2 V. *639o.i Contains rolls of the Kentucky regiments and companies in the Union service in the Civil War. I St Brigade. Sketch of the First Kentucky Brigade [in the Confederate service]. By G. B. Hodge. Frankfort, 1874. *4427-78 History of the ist Kentucky Brigade [Confederate States Army]. By Edwin Porter Thompson. Cincinnati, 1868. *2323.56 ist Regiment. Cavalry. The wild riders of the First Kentucky Cavalry. A history of the Regiment in the War of the Rebelliom By Eastham Tarrant. [Louisville, 1894.] *2324.i88 August 4th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Fourth Kentucky Infantry. Address before the Louisville branch of the Southern Historical Society. (In Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond, 1881.) *52i9a.50.9 8th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Eighth Kentucky Volun- teer Infantry during its three years' cam- paigns. By T. J. Wright. St. Joseph, t88o. *"2oth".43b.8 22d Regiment. Infantry. Letters from the army. By B. F. Steven- son. Cincinnati, 1884. *2328.i05 24th Regiment. Infantry. A checkered life. [''The detailed history of the 24th Kentucky Union Regi- ment."] By John A. Joyce. Chicago, 1883. *2324.i46 Louisiana. 3d Regiment. Infantry. A Southern record. The history of the Third Regiment Louisiana Infantry. By William H. Tunnard. Baton Rouge, 1866. ^ *4424.28o 26th Regiment. Infantry. The story of the 26th Louisiana Infantry in the service of the Confederate States. By Winchester Hall. [New Orleans? 1891?] *2324.i5o Washington Artillery. In camp and battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans. By William Miller Owen. Boston, 1885. *42ii.6o Sketches of the Washington Artillery. By Col. J. B. Walton, Capt. J. A. Chalaron, and others. (In Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond, 1883.) *52i9a.50.ii A soldier's story of the war: including the marches and battles of the Washington Artillery, and of other Louisiana troops. [Appendix, Camp stories, and tales of the Crescent City.] New Orleans, 1874. *432i.73 Washington Artillery. (In Southern Bivouac. Vol. 3. Louisville, 1885.) *52i9.50 Maine. Adjutant-general. Annual reports for 1861-82, 98-1901. 12 v. Augusta, 1862-1903. *6349.i Supplement to the annual reports of the Adjutant-general of the State of Maine, for 1861-66. Augsta, 1867. ^4324.80 Stanley, R. H., and George O. Hall. Eastern Maine and the Rebellion, and Brief histories of Eastern Maine Regi- ments. Bangor, 1887. *4322.i2i Whitman, William E. S., and Charles H. True. Maine in the War for the Union. Lewis- ton, 1865. *4343.ir=*4343.8 7th Light Battery. With the 7th Maine Battery. By William Berry Lapham. [Portland, 1898.] , *4423.340.i 1904 295 History of the 7th Maine Light Battery. By Albert S. Twitchell. Boston, 1892. *4423.3io loth Battalion. Infantry. History of the loth Maine Battalion. By Leonard G. Jordan. [Portland, 1871.] *2325.5o=z**'20th".40.i ist Regiment. Cavalry. 1st Maine Cavalry Association. Record of proceedings, 5th-iith annual reunions. Augusta, 1879-85. [Continued as the First Maine Bugle.] *4423.295 1st Maine Cavalry Association. First Maine Bugle. Campaign 2, 3. July 1890- Oct. 1893. Rockland. [1890-93.] *4423.264 Charge of the ist Maine Cavalry. By Charles W. Ford. [Portland, 1902.] *4423.340.2 The campaigns of the ist Maine and ist District of Columbia Cavalry, By Sam- uel H. Merrill. Portland, 1866. *4327.74 History of the ist Maine Cavalry. 1861- 1865. By Edward P. Tobie. Boston, 1887. *4323.ii3 Service of the Cavalry in the Army of the Potomac. By Edward P. Tobie. (In Personal narratives . . . Soldiers' and Sailors' Historical Society, R. I. Provi- dence, 1882.) No. 4 in *4324.77.3 ist, loth, and 29th Regiments. Infantry. History of the First, Tenth, Twenty-ninth Maine Regiments. With the history of the Tenth Me. Battalion, by Leonard G. Jordan. By John Mead Gould. Port- land, 1871. *"20th".40.i Same. [With additions and corrections to February, 1903.] ^2325.50 5th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 5th Regiment Maine Vol- unteers. By George W. Bicknell. Port- land, 1871. *4324.58=*"20th".40.5 5th Regiment. Infantry. Campaigning with the 6th Maine. By Col. Charles A. Clark. [Des Moines, 1898.] *"20th".52.593.i.vol.2 8th Regiment. Infantry. Adventures and reminiscences of a volun- teer, or a drummer boy from Maine. By George T. Ulmer. N. p. 1892. *2328.II2 nth Regiment. Infantry. The story of one regiment. The nth Maine Infantry Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion. By Jonathan A. Hill, and others, compilers. New York, 1896. *2323.ii5 Roster and statistical record of Company D, of the nth Regiment, Maine Infantry Volunteers, with a sketch of its services in the War of the Rebellion. By Albert Maxfield and Robert Brady, Jr. New York, 1890. *2324.i64 13th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 13th Maine Regiment . . . 1861-1865, with a sketch of the 13th Maine Battalion. By Edwin B. Lufkin. Bridgton, Me., 1898. *"2oth".40.i3 15th Regiment. Infantry. The story of the Maine 15th. By Henry A. Shorey. Bridgton, 1890. *442oa.i04 i6th Regiment. Infantry. The i6th Maine Regiment in the War of the Rebellion, i86i-iS6s. By Abncr R. Small. Portland, 1886. *"20th".40.i6 17th Regiment. Infantry. The campaigns of the i7lh Maine. By Edwin B. Floughton. Portland, 1866. *4329.43=*"20th".40.i7 The 17th Maine at Gettysburg and in the Wilderness. By George W. Verrill. [Portland, 1898.] *4423.340.i 19th Regiment. Infantry. 19th Maine Regiment Association. Re- unions at Portland, Augusta [etc.]. Augusta, 1878. *422oa.53 20th Regiment. Infantry. Army life. A private's reminiscences of the Civil War. By Theodore Gerrish. Portland, 1882. *4426.i20 23d Regiment. Infantry. Major Soule. A memorial of Alfred B. Soule, late Major of the Twenty-third Regiment Maine Volunteers. By Chis- lon [pseud, of George Ward Nichols]. Salem, 1866. ^44493.1 3 27th Regiment. Infantry. The history of the 27th Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry. By James M. Stone, of Maine. Portland, 1895. *"20th".40.27 Maryland. Commissioners of the Records of the Sol- diers, Sailors and Marines of the State. History and roster of Maryland Volun- teers, War of 1861-5. Baltimore, 1898, 99. *"20th".46c.i Goldsborough, W. W. The Maryland line in the Confederate States Army. Baltimore, 1869. ^4425.20 Johnson, Bradley T. Maryland line in the Confederate Army, (In Southern Historical Society Papers, Richmond, 1883.) *52i9a.50.ii Cole's Maryland Cavalry. Cole's Cavalry; or, three years in the sad- dle in the Shenandoah Valley. By C. Armour Newcomer. Baltimore, 1895. *"20th".4ic.C 3d Battery. Sketch of the Third Battery Maryland Artillery. By Wilham L. Ritter. (In Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond, 1879-84. *52i9a.50.7-i2 ist Regiment. Cavalry. First Maryland Cavalry in the C. S. Army. By H. E. Hayden. (In Southern His- torical Society Papers. Richmond, 1878.) *52i9a.50.5 ist Regiment. Infantry. Historical record of the ist Regiment Maryland Infantry . . . War of the Re- bellion, 1861-65. By Charles Camper and Joseph W. Kirkley. Washington, 1871. ^4329.65 Memoir. ist Maryland Regiment. By Bradley T. Johnson. (In Southern His- torical Society Papers. Richmond, 1881- 82.) '^52i9a.50.9-io 29-6 3d Regiment. Infantry. Maryland and the Glorious Old 3d in the War for the Union. Washington, 1882. ''="20th".4ic.3 5th Regiment. Infantry. 5th Regiment Infantry, Maryland Na- tional Guard: A history of the Regi- ment. By George A. Meekins. Balti- more, 1889. *4324.i37 Massachusetts. Higginson, Thomas W., editor. List of battles and casualties of Massa- chusetts troops during the Rebellion. Boston, 1891. *2324.i35 Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the War of 1861-65. Boston, 1895, 96. 2 V. *444i.i67 War memories. No. 1-59. [Accounts of battles and marches, reminiscences and incidents of the Civil War, 1861-65. Written by Massachusetts soldiers.] *4324.i34 Cut from the Springfield Republican, April 9, i8S6-May 16, 1887. Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1861-66. Boston. *6436.i Massachusetts Register for 1862. Con- taining a very complete account of the Massachusetts Volunteers. Boston, 1862. *2349.i Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers. 1861-65. Boston, 1868-70. 2 V. *4420.2 I St Battalion. Cavalry. Troop A, 1st Battalion of Cavalry. Mas- sachusetts Volunteer Militia. [Sketch.] Boston. 1896? *445oa.io8 I St Light Battery. Address at the fifth annual reunion of the First Massachusetts Light Battery Association, held at Boston, Oct. 3, 1882. By John W. Bell. Boston, 1882. *4424.ii5 The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery. Attached to the Sixth Army Corps. A glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, 1861-1864. By Andrew J. Bennett. Bos- ton, 1886. *42i9.54 5th Battery. Fifth Massachusetts Battery Association. History of the Fifth Massachusetts Bat- tery. Boston, 1902. *"20th".40C.A.5 gth Battery. History of the Ninth Massachusetts Bat- tery. Recruited July, 1862; mustered in Aug. 10, 1862. Mustered out June 9, 1865, at the close of the Rebellion. By Levi W. Baker. South Framiilgham, 1888. *4323.I22 I Gth Battery Light Artillery. The history of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery in the War of the Rebellion. By John D. Billings. Boston, 1881. *4222.63=:**'2oth".40C.A.io ist Regiment. Artillery. Souvenir. First Regiment of Heavy Artil- lery Massachusetts Volunteers. Dedi- cation of monument, May 19, 1901. [Boston? 1901.] *20th".6o.52 August ist Regiment. Cavalry. Down in Dixie. Life in a cavalry regi- ment [ist Massachusetts Cavalry] in the war days from the Wilderness to Appomattox. By Allen P. Stanton. Boston. [1892.] *"20th".52.i4 A history of the First Regiment of Mas- sachusetts Cavalry Volunteers. With roster and statistics by D. H. S. Glea- son. By Benjamin Wm. Crowninshield. Boston, 1891. *4423.228 ist Regiment. Infantry. History of the First Regiment (Massa- chusetts Infantry) from 1861-1864; in- cluding brief references to the opera- tions of the Army of the Potomac. By Warren Handel Cudworth. Boston, 1866. *4329a.i i2=*"2Oth".40C.i 2d Regiment. Infantry. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain in the War of the Great Rebellion. 1861-62. By George Henry Gordon. Boston, 1883. *2329a.69=*"20th".52.35o.i History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry. [First-] third paper. Delivered ... at the annual Meeting of the Second Massachusetts Infantry Association, 1873-75. By George Henry Gordon. Boston, 1873- 75- *2323.55=*"2oth".40C.2 History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry. Beverly Ford. Read at the Officers' reunion in Boston, May 12, 1884. By Daniel Oakey. Bos- ton, 1884. No. 2 in *4324.ioi=**'20th".32.26 History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry. Chancellorsville. A paper read at the Officers' reunion in Boston, May 11, 1880. By George Au- gustine Thayer. Boston, 1882. *4423.344=No. 5 in *42ii.6i=*"2oth".32.37 History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry. Gettysburg. A paper read at the Officers' reunion in Boston, May 10, 1878. By Charles Fes- senden Morse. Boston, 1882. *4422.208:=:No. 3 in *42II.6l=*"20th".32.32 History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry. A prisoner's diary. A paper read at the Officers' re- union in Boston, May ii, 1877. By Samuel Miller Quincy. Boston, 1882. *4426.i88=No. 4 in *42ii.6i=*"20th".53.72 Life and letters of Wilder Dwight, Lieut. - Colonel Second Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers. Boston, 1868. *4344.24 The organization and early history of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of In- fantry: an address May 11, 1873. By George Henry Gordon. Boston, 1873. *2323.62 The Potomac and the Rapidan. Army notes. 1861-63. By Alonzo H. Quint. Boston, 1864. ^4327. 20 The record of the Second Massachusetts Infantry, 1861-65. By Alonzo H. Quint. Boston, 1867. ^2328.50 A war diary of events in the War of the Great Rebellion, 1863-65. By George Henry Gordon. Boston, 1882. ^2326.73 1904 297 3d Regiment. Cavalry. The Third Massachusetts Cavalry in the War for the Union. By James Kendall Ewer. [Maplewood.] 1903. *4423-367 4th Regiment. Infantry. Company I, Fourth Massachusetts Regi- ment, nine months volunteers, in ser- vice, 1862-3. By Henry Bartlett Mag- lathlin. Boston, 1863. No. 6 in *42ii.6i Three months' service in 1861 with the 4th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. By Luther Stephenson. (In Military Order of the Loyal Legion . . . Massachusetts Commandery. Civil War papers. Vol. 2, pp. 531-550. Boston, 1900.) *"20th".52.593.5.vol.2==**4423.342.vol.2 5th Regiment. Infantry. Company I, Fifth Regiment Massachu- setts Volunteer Militia. April 20, 1861. Somerville Light Infantry. [Somerville, 1861.] *4420.ii5 History of the Fifth Regiment, Massachu- setts Volunteer Militia. By Frank T. Robinson. Boston, 1879. *42i3.8o=:*422oa.59 What I sav/ at Bull Run. By E. S. Bar- rett. Boston, 1886. [Contains a roster of the regiment.] *42i9.59 6th Regiment. Infantry. Addresses, reviews and episodes chiefly concerning the "Old Sixth" Massachu- setts Regiment. By Benjamin Frank Watson. New York, 1901. ^4323.174 April 19, 1861. "Old Sixth" Massachu- setts Regiment, April 19, 1870. [Ninth anniversary, at Worcester.] Lowell, 1871. No. 7 in *42ii.6i Flistorical sketch of the Old Sixth Regi- ment. By J. W. Hanson. Boston, 1866 [1865]. *4329-36 An oration at Lowell, Massachusetts, April 19, 1886. In comemoration of the 25th anniversary of the passage through Baltimore of the 6th Regiment of Mas- sachusetts Volunteers, April 19th, 1861. By Benjamin F. W^atson. [New York, 1886.] *442i.i36=*42i4.67 The slain at Baltimore! [Verse.] By Charles S. Smith. Boston. [1861.] **H.9ob.i9 7th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Seventh Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion of the Southern States. 1861- 65. With description of battles [etc.]. By Nelson V. Hutchinson. Taunton, 1894. *4423.i38 gth Regiment. Infantry. The history of the Ninth Regiment Mas- sachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Second Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps, Army of the Potomas, 1861-1864. By Daniel George Macnamara. Boston, 1899. *"20th".4oc.9.2 The Irish Ninth in bivouac and battle; or, Virginia and Maryland campaigns. By Michael Henry Macnamara. Boston, 1867. *2324.I9Izz:*"20th".40C.9.I Our defenders. Historical sketch and souvenir. Charlestown Artillery, Com- pany D, Ninth Regiment Infantry. Bos- ton. [i895[] *2323.i05 loth Regiment. Infantry. "Ours." Annals of loth Regiment, Mas- sachusetts Volunteers, in the Rebellion. By Joseph Keith Newell, editor. Spring- field, 1875. *232oa.63 nth Regiment. Infantry. A narrative of the formation and services of the Eleventh Massachusetts Volun- teers, 1861-1865. By Gustavus B. Hutch- inson. Boston, 1893. *4426.258 Three years in the Army of the Potomac. By Henry N. Blake. Boston, 1865. *4328.84 I2th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 12th Massachusetts Volun- teers (Webster's Regiment). By Ben- jamin F. Cook. Boston, 1882. *4222.7I=:*4323.87 13th Regiment. Infantry. Thirteenth Massachusetts Regiment Asso- ciation. [Report of the secretary, Charles E. Davis, 1890, 1892. Also his narrative of the regiment's service. Chap. I, 2. Boston, 1890, 92.] 2 v. ^4423.142 Thirteenth Massachusetts Regiment As- sociation. Thirteenth Massachusetts Regiment. Circulars [i] to 15 [of the secretary to members, including ad- dresses, poems, narrative of the service of the regiment, etc. 1888-1902. Boston, 1888-1902]. *4423-365 Three years in the army. The story of the 13th Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861- 1864. By Charles E. Davis, Jr. Boston, 1894. *2324.I27 13th and 39th Regiments. Infantry. Letters from two brothers [Warren H. and Eugene H. Freeman], serving in the War for the Union, to their family at home in West Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, 1871. *"20th".52.3i3 15th Regiment. Infantry, History of the excursion oi the Fifteenth Massachusetts Regiment and its friends to the battlefields of Gettysburg, Antie- tam, Ball's Bluff, and Washington. May 31-June 12, 1886. By David M. Earle. Worcester, 1886. *4322.i33 The story of the Fifteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in the Civil War. 1861-1864. By Andrew Elmer Ford. Clinton, 1898. *4323. 1 59=:*"20th".40C. 1 5 The young captain; a memorial of Capt. Richard C. Derby, 15th Regim.ent Mas- sachusetts Volunteers. By Mrs. Phebe Ann Hanaford. Boston, 1865. *4329.6i=*"20th".40C.i5 i6th Regiment. Infantry. Chaplain Fuller. By Richard Frederick Fuller. Boston, 1864. *2348.37=**G.3635.i9 298 August 19th Regiment. Infantry. A memorial sketch of Edgar M. New- comb of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Volunteers. By A. B. Weymouth. Mai- den, 1883. *4447.72 20th Regiment. Infantry. In memoriam H. L. A[bbott]. By Fran- cis Winthrop Palfrey. Boston, 1864. *4348.i6 Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. By F. W. Palfrey. Boston, 1878. *4347.i6i Memorial of Paul Joseph Revere and Edward H. R. Revere. By Robert P. Rogers and Maria Revere. Boston, 1874- *4445-69 2 1 St Regiment. Infantry. Adjutant [Frazar Augustus] Stearns. By William A. Stearns. Boston. [1862.] *4449a.36 History of the Twenty-first Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-65. With statistics of the war and of rebel pris- ons. By Charles Folsom Walcott. Bos- ton, 1882. *4222.68=*"20th".40C.2I A memorial of Frazar A. Stearns, of the 2ist Massachusetts Volunteers. By William S. Tyler. N. p. [1862.] *444i.i49 22d Regiment. Infantry. Henry Wilson's Regiment. History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts In- fantry, the Second Company Sharp- shooters, and the Third Light Battery, in the War of the Rebellion. By John Lord Parker and Robert Goldthwaite Carter. Boston, 1887. *4323.ioi 23d Regiment. Infantry. The captured scout of the Army of the James. A sketch of the life of Henry H. Manning. By Henry Clay Trum- bull. Boston, 1869. ^4429.137 Memorial of General Thomas Greeley Stevenson. By Joshua T. Stevenson. N. t. p. N. d. *4346.73=*4349.38 A record of the Twenty-third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in the War of the Rebellion. 1861-65, with alphabetical roster; company rolls; por- traits; maps; etc. By James Arthur Emmerton. Boston, 1886. *42i4.58 Story of Company F, 23d Massachusetts Volunteers, in the War for the Union. 1861-65. By Herbert Eugene Valentine. Boston, 1896. *2324.i97 25th Regiment. Infantry. Address at second reunion K. Association, 25th Massachusetts Volunteers. By Joseph Waldo Denny. Boston, 1871. *4428.56 My diary of rambles with the 25th Mas- sachusetts Volunteer Infantry, with Burnside's Coast Division: i8th Army Corps, and the Army of the James. By David L. Day. Milford. [1884.] ^4226.58 Narrative of Amos E. Stearns, member Company A, 25th Regiment Massachu- setts Volunteers, a prisoner at Ander- sonville. With an introduction by Sam- uel H. Putnam. Worcester, 1887. *42i9.69 The story of Company A, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the War of the Rebellion. By Samuel H. Putnam. Worcester, 1886. *42i4.66 Wearing the blue in the 25th Massachu- setts Volunteer Infantry, with Burnside. By Joseph Waldo Denny. Worcester, 1879. *2320.6o 27th Regiment. Infantry. Bearing arms in the Twenty-seventh Mas- sachusetts Regiment of Volunteer In- fantry during the Civil War. 1861-65. By William P. Derby. Boston, 1883. *4224.7i 29th Regiment. Infantry. The history of the Twenty-ninth Regi- ment of Massachusetts Volunteer In- fantry, in the late War of the Rebellion. By William H. Osborne. Boston, 1877. *232i.70=*"20th".40C.29 30th Regiment. Infantry. Passages from the life of Henry Warren Howe, consisting of diary and letters written during the Civil War, 1861-65. A condensed history of the Thirtieth Massachusetts Regiment and its flag. Lowell, 1899. *4327.84 32d Regiment. Infantry. The empty sleeve; or, the life and hard- ships of Henry M. Meacham, of the Union Army. Springfield, Mass. [1869.] No. 5 in *433oa.20 Record of the Thirty-third Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, from Aug., 1862, to Aug., 1865. By Andrew J. Boies. Fitch- burg, 1880. *422oa.62=*"20th".40C.33.i The story of the Thirty-second Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry. By Francis Jewett Parker. Boston, 1880. *2326.69zzz*"20th".40C.32 The three years' service of the Thirty- third Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 1862-1865. By Adin Ballon Underwood. Boston, 1881. *4222.5i=*"20th".40C.33.2 34th Regiment. Infantry. Commissioned officers of the Regiment. [Portraits, with list of engagements. Mounted.] New York. [i86s?] *"2oth".Cab.2.5 Life with the Thirty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry in the War of the Rebellion. By William S. Lincoln. Worcester, 1879. *42ii.52=*"2oth".40c,34 Poems and sketches, with reminiscences of the "Old 34th". By William H. Clark. South Framingham, 1890. *2328.i09 A poet soldier. A memoir of Joseph Kent Gibbons who fell in the service of his country. By P. L. Buell. New York, 1868. *4449-66 35th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Thirty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865. With a roster. By a Committee of the Regimental Association [Sumner Car- ruth and others] . Boston, 1884. ^4229.74 I904 299 36th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Thirty-sixth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865. By a Committee of the Regiment. [Henry Sweetser Burrage, editor.] Bos- ton, 1884. *4226.52=*"20th".40c.36 37th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the Civil War of 1861-1865. By James L. Bowen. Holyoke, Mass., 1884. *42i3.52 38th Regiment. Infantry. The story of the Thirty-eighth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. By George W. Powers, Cambridge, 1866. *437oa.3i 41st Regiment. Infantry. Diary of Forty-first Regiment Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteers. Boston, 1863. No. 8 in *42ii.6i 42d Regiment. Infantry. History of the Forty-second Regiment In- fantry, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862- 64. By Charles P. Bosson. Boston, 1886. *4226.74 43d Regiment. Infantry. Reminiscences of military service in the Forty-third Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, during the great Civil War, 1862-63. By Edward H. Rogers. Bos- ton, 1883. ^4223.61 44th Regiment. Infantry. Leaves from a diary written while serving in Company E, 44th Massachusetts, De- partment of North Carolina, from Sept., 1862, to June, 1863, By John Jasper Wyeth. Boston, 1878. *4324.i24 Letters from the Forty-fourth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia: a rec- ord of the experience of a nine months' regiment in the Department of North Carolina in 1862-3. By Corporal [pseud, of Zenas T. Haines]. Boston, 1863. No. 3 in *4324.ioi Record of the service of the 44th Massa- chusetts Volunteer Militia in North Carolina, August 1862-May 1863. Bos- ton, 1887. *42io.70 Roll of Association of Company "F", 44th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, prepared by the Secretary [E, W. Hewins], Dedham, Mass., 1876. No. I in *4454.6o 45th Regiment. Infantry. Campaign of the Forty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. "The Cadet Regiment." By Charles Eustis Hubbard, Boston, 1882. *422I.56=*4222.70 49th Regiment. Infantry. Life with the Forty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers. By Henry T. Johns. Pitts- field, 1864. *4326.i29=*4326.i54= *"20th".4oc.49.i=:*"2oth".40c.49.2 50th Regiment. Infantry. Honor to the brave. A discourse deliv- ered in the Old South Church, |leading, Mass., August 23, 1863, on the return of Company D, Fiftieth Regiment, Massa- chusetts Volunteers. By William Bar- rows, Boston, 1863. *4424.i46 51st Regiment. Infantry. History and camp life of Company C, Fifty- first Regiment, Massachusetts Volun- teer Militia. 1862-1863. By Charles F. Pierce. Worcester, 1886. *42i9.64 52d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 52d Regiment, Massachu- setts Volunteers. By John Farwell Moors. Boston, 1893. *4422.2i2 The color-guard; being a corporal's notes. By James K. Hosmer. Boston, 1864. *4329.54=*2324.i3i 53d Regiment. Infantry. The Fifty-third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. Comprising also a history of the siege of Port Hudson. By Henry Augustus Willis. Fitchburg, 1889. *4324.i35 54th Regiment. Infantry. The assault on Fort Wagner, July 18, 1863. The memorable charge of the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volun- teers. By Luis Fenollosa Emilio. Bos- ton, 1887. *4323.io5=*"20th".32.35 History of the 54th Regiment of Massa- chusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1863-1865. By Luis Fenollosa Emilio. Boston, 1891. *4424.285 55th Regiment. Infantry. Record of the service of the Fifty-fifth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. By Charles Barnard Fox. Cambridge, 1868. ^ *K.i64.9 No. 9 in *42ii.6i=*4424.9 57th Regiment. Infantry. The Fifty-seventh Regiment of Massachu- setts Volunteers in the War of the Re- bellion. Army of the Potomac. By John Anderson. Boston, 1896. ^2323. 119 Memoir of Lieut. -Col. Charles L. Chand- ler. [Cambridge, 1864?] *2348.8o 58th Regiment. Infantry. History of the s8th Regiment, Massachu- setts Volunteers, from the 15th Sept., 1863, to the close of the Rebellion. By Frederick E. Cushman, Washington, 1865. '4429-5 Michigan. Belknap, Charles E. History of the Michigan organizations at Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Mis- sionary Ridge, 1863. Lansing, 1899. *4323.i70=*"20th".48e.i Robertson, John, Michigan in the War. Lansing, 1882. *422i.64 Trowbridge, L. S., and F. E. Farnsworth. Michigan at Gettysburg, July i, 2, and 3, 1863. Proceedings incident to the dedi- cation of the Michigan monuments. De- troit, 1889. *432o.ii7 Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1862-66. Lansing, 1862-66. *63g8.i3 Detroit Light Guard. History of the Detroit Light Guard. By Frederic S. Isham and others, compil- ers, Detroit, 1896. *"2oth".43e.i2 300 August I St, 15th, 1 6th, 17th Regiments. Cavalry. The Michigan Cavah-y Brigade in the Wilderness. By James H. Kidd. De- troit, 1889. *4423.227 2d Regiment. Cavalry. A hundred battles in the West. St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65. By Marshall P. Thatcher. Detroit, 1884. *"20th".43e.C.2 Same. With Roster. *4225.59 3d Regiment. Infantry. Four years campaigning in the Army of the Potomac. By D. G. Crotty. Grand Rapids, 1874. *4324.79 4th Regiment. Infantry. Reminiscences, incidents-, ... of the old 4th Michigan Infantry. By O. S. Bar- rett. Detroit, 1888. *2324.i69 7th Regiment. Cavalry. An historical sketch of the 7th Regiment, Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, 1862-65. By Asa B. Isham. New York. [1884.] *2328.79 13th Regiment. Infantry. 13th Michigan Infantry. By Michael Shoemaker. (In Michigan Pioneer Col- lection. Vols. 2, 3, 4. Lansing, 1877-81.) *4474.6o=z*4474-69 17th Regiment. Infantry. Recollections of the East Tennessee cam- paign. By William H. Brearley. De- troit, 1871. *4424.56 24th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 24th Michigan of the Iron Brigade, known as the Detroit and Wayne County Regiment. By Orson B. Curtis. Detroit, 1891. *432i.i28 25th Regiment. Infantry. The story of the 25th Michigan. By Ben- jamin F. Travis. Kalamazoo. [1897.] *"20th".43e.25 Minnesota. Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, 1861- 65. Prepared and published under the supervision of the Board of Com- missioners appointed by the act of the Legislature of Minnesota. St. Paul, 1890, 92. 2 V. *4472.i02 Adjutant-general. Annual report for 1862, 65, 66. St. Paul, 1862- 66. 3 V. *64o6.2 The report for 1866 has a record of the military forces of the State, 1861-65. A drummer boy's diary, comprising four years' service with the 2d Minnesota. By William Bircher. St. Paul, 1889. *"20th".52.88 The story of a regiment. By Judson Wade Bishop. St. Paul, 1890. *"2oth".43f.2 3d Regiment. Infantry. The surrender of the Third Regiment, Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. By Christopher Columbus Andrews. (In Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Minnesota Conimandery. Glimpses of the nation's struggle. Vol. i, pp. 337- 368.) *432o.ii4=*4323.ii8 4th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 4th Regiment of Minne- sota Infantry Volunteers. 1861-1865. By Alonzo L. Brown. St. Paul, 1892. *4422.i9o 6th Regiment. Infantry. History of Company E of the 6th Minne- sota Regiment of Volunteer Infantry. By Alfred J. Hill. St. Paul, 1899. ^"20th".43f.6 15th Regiment. Infantry. Story of the 15th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. By T. A. Turner. Minnea- polis. [1899.] *"20th".43f.i5 Missouri. Adjutant-general. Official register of Missouri troops for 1862. St. Louis, 1863. *6394.7 Report. 1861-65. St. Louis, 1862-. *6394.6 Quartermaster-general. Annual report for 1863, 65. St. Louis, 1864, 66. ^ *6394-5 ist and 2d Brigades. History of the 1st and 2d Missouri Con- federate Brigades. By R. S. Bevier. St. Louis, 1879. *2328.66 6th Regiment. Infantry. A private chapter of the war. By George W. Bailey. St. Louis, 1880. *4329a.77 25th Regiment. Infantry. Historical record of the Engineer Regi- ment of the West, Missouri Volunteers. By Daniel G. Parker. Nashville, 1864. *"20th".43h.25 An illustrated history of the Missouri Engineer and the 25th Infantry Regi- ments together with a roster of both Regiments. By William A. Ncal. Chi- cago, 1889. *"2oth".43h.25.i 26th Regiment. Infantry. Recollections of the 26th Missouri Infan- try in the War for the Union. By Ben- jamin D. Dean. Lamar, 1892. *2324.i49 Nebraska. Secretary of State. Roster of soldiers, sailors, and marines of the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and War of the Rebellion, residing in Ne- braska, June I, 1893. Lincoln, 1893. *4426.277 New Hampshire. Batchellor, Albert Stillman. Historical and biographical notes on the military annals of New Hampshire, with special reference to regimental histories. Concord, 1898. *4435.i90 Waite, Otis F. R. New Hampshire in the Great Rebellion. Concord, 1873. *4424.50 Adjutant-general. Report for the year ending May, 1849, Si-53' S5-6o, 62-83, 87-89. Concord, 1858-89. *6338.io I904 301 Same. 1865, vol. 2; 66, 68. Concord, 1865-68. *"20th".i3a.i Revised register of the soldiers and sail- ors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866. Concord, 189s *"2oth".i3a.2 ist Reg-iment. Infantry. The First Regiment New Hampshire Vol- unteers in the Great Rebellion. By- Stephen G. Abbott. Keene, 1890. *4320.I2I 2d Res^iment. Infantry. A historv of the 2d Regiment New Hamp- shire Volunteer Infantry, in the War of the Rebellion. By Martin A. Haynes. Lakeport, 1896. *"20th".4oa.2.2 History of the 2d Regiment New Hamp- shire Volunteers. By Martin A. Haynes. Manchester, 1865. *"20th".40a.2 3d Regiment. Infantry. 3d New Hampshire Volunteers. Histori- cal sketch. By Gen. John Bedell. (In Granite Monthly, Sept., 1880. Concord, N. H., 1880.) *4435"54 The Third New Hampshire and all about it. By Daniel Eldredge. Boston, 1893. *442i.i35 5th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Fifth Regiment, New Flampshire Volunteers. By William Child- Bristol, 1893. *2324.i76 6th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Sixth New Hampshire Regiment in the War for the Union. By Lyman Jackman. Amos Hadley, editor. Concord, 1891. *4423.33i 8th Regiment. Infantry. Complete roster of the 8th Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers. [Concord? 189-?] >*"20th".4oa.8.2 A history of the 8th Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers ... in the Civil War of 1861-1865. By John M. Stanyan. Concord, 1892. *"20th".40a.8.i gth Regiment. Infantry. History of the 9th Regiment, New Hamp- shire Volunteers in the War of the Re- bellion. By Edward O. Lord. Concord, 1895- *2323.III nth Regim.ent. Infantry. A history of the Eleventh New Hamp- shire Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, in the Rebellion War. By Leander W. Cogswell. Concord, 1891. ^2324.194 With the Ninth Army Corps in East Tennessee. By W. A. Nason. Provi- dence, 1891. No. s in *4324.77.7=*"20th".52.633 i2th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 12th Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, in the War of the Rebellion. By Asa W. Bartlett. Concord, 1897. *"20th".4oa.i2 13th Regiment. Infantry. Thirteenth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry. By S. _ Millett Thompson. Boston, 1888. *2324.i52 14th Regiment. Infantry. A memorial of the Great Rebellion: being a history of the Fourteenth Regiment New-Hampshire Volunteers, 1862-1865. By Francis H. Buffum. Boston, 1882. *422i.53 15th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 15th Regiment, New Hamp- shire Volunteers, 1862-1863. By Charles McGregor. [Nashua.] 1900. *"20th".4oa.i5 i6th Regiment. Infantry. History of the i6th Regiment, New Hamp- shire Volunteers. By Luther Tracy Townsend. Washington, 1897. *"2oth".4ca.i6 17th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 17th Regiment, New Hamp- shire Volunteer Infantry, 1862-1863. By Charles N. Kent. Concord, 1898. *"2oth".4oa.i7 New Jersey. Foster, John Y. New Jersey and the Rebellion: a history of the 'services of the troops and people. Newark, 1868. ^4400.6 Stryker, William S. _ New Jersey in the Civil War. Record of the officers and men. Trenton, 1876. 2 V. *4320.6o Toombs, Samuel. New Jersey troops in the Gettysburg cam- paign. Orange, 1888. ^2324.144 Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1861-63, 65, • 67. ' Jersey City [etc.], t)37oa.i2 List of promotions, appointments and casualties in the New Jersey regiments since Jan. i, 1863. [Trenton, March i, 1863.] No. 4 in *637ca.i3 Register of commissioned officers in the service of the United States. July i, Oct. 22, 1862, Jan. I, 1863. [Trenton, 1862, 63.] 3 V. in I. *537oa.i3 ist Regiment. Cavalry. History of the ist New Jersey Cavalry. (i6th Regiment, New Jersey Volun- teers.) By Henry R. Pyne. Trenton, 1871. ^'4328.50 gth Regiment. Infantry. A complete and comprehensive history of the 9th Regiment, New Jersey Volun- teer Infantry. By Hermann Everts. Newark, 1865. *4323.7i Eight days with the Confederates and capture of their archives, etc., by Com- pany G, 9th New Jersey Volunteers. By Morris C. Runyan. Princeton, 1896. ""'2oth".52.767 The history of the Ninth New Jersey Vet- eran Volunteers. With roster. By J. Madison Drake. Elizabeth, N. J., 1889. *4322.i23=*"2oth".4ia.9 Memorial of Colonel Abram Zabriskie. Jersey City, 1864. *4244.6i nth Regiment. Infantry. History of the nth New Jersey Volun- teers from its organization to Appomat- tox. By Thomas D. Marbaker. Tren- ton, 1898. =i="20th".4ia.ii 302 August i2th Regiment. Infantry. Roster of officers and men of the 12th New Jersey Infantry, with record of each. N. p. N. d. *"20th".4ia.i2 13th Regiment. Infantry. Historical sketch of Company "D", 13th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers. With muster roll. New York, 1875. *4329a.95 Reminiscences of the War, comprising experiences of the 13th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers. By Samuel Toombs. Orange, 1878. *4329.89 Report of the Monument Committee of the Veteran Association of the 13th Regiment, the dedicatory exercises at Gettysburg, July ist, 1887, and the camp-fire on June 30. New Brunswick, N. J., 1887. *"2oth".6o.ii 14th Regiment. Infantry. Campaign of the Fourteenth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers. By J. N. Ter- rill. New Brunswick, 1866. *4324.63 15th Regiment. Infantry. History of the Fifteenth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers. By Alanson A. Haines. New York, 1883. '4323.107 Historical sketch. Trenton, 1880. *"20th".4ia.i5 24th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 24th New Jersey Infantry. By James J. Reeves. Camden, 1889. *"20th".4ia.24 37th Regiment. Infantry. Epitome of the 37th Regiment, New Jer- sey Volunteers. By R. N. Rodgers. New York. N. d. *2324.i4i New York. Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1848, 51, 52, 58, 59, 61-66, 68-71, 73-80, 83, 84. New York. [1858] -84. *647oa.i4 A record of the officers and privates of the regiments organized in New York to assist in suppressing the Rebellion as taken from the muster-in rolls. Albany, 1864-68. 8 V. *6470.i Register of officers commissioned in the Volunteer Regiments from the State of New York, 1861-65. (In New York. Adjutant-general's Report. Vol. 2, 3. 1868.) *647oa.i4 Bureau of Military Statistics. Annual report, ist-4th. Albany, 1864-67. 4 V. ^6492.9 State Historian. Annual report, 2d, 3d. Albany, 1896-98. 3 V. in 2. *6493.23 Many of the articles in these volumes relate to the operations of the New York State Militia during the War of the Rebellion. 24th Battery. Artillery. Records of the 24th Independent Battery. By Julian W. Merrill. Perry, N. Y., 1870. *4229.63 ist Regiment. Cavalry. "Boots and saddles." History of the ist New York (Lincoln) Cavalry. [1861- 65 ] By James H. Stevenson. Harris- burg, Pa., 1879- *4425.57 The First New York (Lincoln) Cavalry from April 19, 1861, to July 7, 1865. By William H. Beach. New York, 1902. *"20th".4i.C.i Reminiscences of ist New York ''Lincoln" Cavalry. By William H. Beach. Mil- waukee, 1896. *"20th".52.593.2.vol.2 Story of a trooper [Lincoln Cavalry]. By F. C. Adams. New York, 1865. *2328.36 2d Regiment. Cavalry. The capture, the prison pen and the es- cape [with appendix giving names of officers prisoners of war at Libby, Rich- mond, Va.], By Willard Glazier. Al- bany, 1866. *437oa.23 Three years in the Federal (3avalry. ("Harris Light") By Willard Glazier. New York, 1874. *4327.57 3d Regiment. Artillery. Cayuga in the field. A record of the 19th New York Volunteers, all the batteries of the 3d New York Artillery [by Henry Hall], and 75th New York Volunteers [by James Hall], comprising an account of their organization . . . Auburn, N. Y., 1873. *2326.55 4th Regiment. Artillery. Bryant Gray: the student, the Christian, the soldier. By Joseph Parrish Thomp- son. New York, 1866. *4346.6 A famous battery [Varian's] and its cam- paigns, 1861-64. By Capt. James E. Smith. Washington, 1892. *4326.i48=*"20th".4iA.4 Heavy guns and light. A history of the 4th New York Heavy Artillery. By Hyland C. Kirk. New York, 1890. *"20th".4i.HA.4 4th Regiment. Cavalry. The Quaker soldiers. (Memoirs of Lieuts. John T. and Edward H. Ketcham). A true story of the War for the Union. By A. J. H. Duganne. New York, 1869. *4329.59 5th Regiment. Cavalry. Historic records of the 5th New York Cavalry, First Ira Harris Guard. By Louis N. Boudrye. Albany, 1865. *4326.85 Same. 1868. *"20th".4i.C.5 5th Regiment. Infantry. Camp and field life of the 5th New York Infantry. By Alfred Davenport. New York, 1879. *4328.72 6th Regiment. Artillery. More than conqueror. Memorials of Col. J. Howard Kitching, Sixth New York Artillery, Army of the Potomac. New York, 1873. *4349.66 6th Regiment. Infantry. The history of a Volunteer Regiment. By Gouverneur Morris. New York, 1891. *4323.i40 7th Regiment. Cavalry. Evolution of a life described in the mem- oirs of Major Seth Eyland [pseud, of D. E. Cronin] late of [ist New York] Mounted Rifles. New York, 1884. *4428.85 303 7th Regiment. Infantry. Chronicles of the Rebellion of 1861, form- ing a complete history of the secession movement from its commencement, added the muster roll of the Union Army, and notes of the campaign. By Charles J. Ross. New York, 1861. No. 3 in *42i3-59 The muster roll is of the Seventh Regiment, New York. History of the 2d Company of the 7th Regiment. [1806-1864.] By Emmons Clark. New York, 1864. *4424.7=*4425.62 History of the 7th Regiment National Guard. By William Swinton. New York, 1870. *4424.8 History of the 7th Regiment of New York. 1806-1880. By Emmons Clark. New York, 1890. *4320.ii3 The March of the 7th Regiment. A ser- mon; . . . June 19, 1861. By Sullivan Hardy Weston. New York, 1861. No. 2 in *4422.52 New York 7th Regiment. Our march to Washington. By Theodore Winthrop. (In Atlantic Monthly, vol. 7, pp. 744- 756. Boston, 1861.) No. 7 in *432oa.ii8=Per.Room *53i4.i.7 Recollections of the early days of the National Guard. John Mason. New York, 1868. *442i.i 8th Regiment. Heavy Artillery. Historical roll of Company D, 8th Regi- ment, New York Heavy Artillery. By James M. Hudnut, editor. New York, 1887. *"20th".4i.A.8 8th Regiment. Cavalry. Deed of daring, or history of the 8th New York Volunteer Cavalry. By Henry Norton. Norwich, N. Y., 1889. *4329.i27 A sketch of the 8th New York Cavalry. By Henry Norton. [Norwich, N. Y.] 1888. *"2oth".4i.C.8 gth Regiment. Artillery. The 9th New York Heavy Artillery. By Alfred Seelye Roe. Worcester, 1899. *"20th".4i.A.9 gth Regiment. Infantry. The Hawkins Zouaves: their battles and marches. By John H. E. Whitney. New York, 1866. *440oa.24 History of the 9th Regiment, New York State Militia . . . 1845-1888. By George A. Hussey. New York, 1889. *4324.i25 Oration on the dedication of the monu- ment erected by the 9th Regiment . . . July 1st, 1888, at Gettysburg, Pa. By Orlando B. Potter. [New York? 1888.] *"2oth".6o.8 Testimonial to Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth Regiment, New York Volunteers, "Hawkins' Zouaves." New York, 1863. No. 3 in *42i3.72 Three years' campaign of the 9th, New York State Militia ... By John Wesley Jaques. New York, 1865. *433oa.i2 loth Regiment. Artillery. History of the loth Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery. By Edward P. Webb. Watertown, 1887. *2324.i6o loth Regiment. Cavalry. History of the loth Regiment of Cavalry . . . August 1861, to August, 1865. By Noble D. Preston. New York, 1892. *442I.I20 loth Regiment. Infantry. Services of the loth New York Volun- teers in the War of the Rebellion. By Charles W. Cowtan. New York, 1882. *4229.7i nth Regiment. Artillery. Recollections of a private in the Army of of the Potomac, [nth New York Bat- tery.] By Frank Wilkeson. New York, 1887. *42i9.63 nth Regiment. Cavalry. The story of a Cavalry Regiment: "Scotts 900," nth New York Cavalry. Thomas West Smith. [Chicago, 1897.] *"2oth".4i.C.ii i2th Regiment. Cavalry. In and out of rebel prisons. By Alonzo Cooper. Oswego, 1888. ^4322. 127 i2th Regiment. Infantry. History and honorary roll of the 12th Regiment, Infantry. By Morris Francis Dowley. New York, 1869. *4429.6 Report. Annual reunion and dinner of the Old Guard Association, April 21, 1894. [New York, 1894.I *"20th".4i.i2 13th Regiment. Cavalry. Memorial of H. S. Gansevoort, Colonel of the Thirteenth New York State Volun- teer Cavalry. Edited by John Chipman Hoadley. Boston, 1875. *234i.78 15th Regiment. Cavalry. "The Red Neck Ties"; or, history of the 15th New York Cavalry. By Chauncey S. Norton. Ithaca, 1891. *"2oth".4i.C.i5 1 6th Regiment. Infantry. Historical sketch of the 16th Regiment New York State Volunteer Infantry. 1861-63. By William W. Thompson. [Albany.] 1886. *2324.i6i 19th Regiment. Infantry. Cayuga in the field. A record of the 19th New York Volunteers, etc. By Henry Hall, of Auburn, N. Y. Auburn. N. Y., 1873. *2326.55 20th Regiment. Infantry. The "Ulster guard" [20th New York State Militia] and the War of the Rebellion. By Theodore B. Gates. New York, 1879. *4320.62 2ist Regiment. Infantry. Chronicles of the 21st Regiment . . . April 15, 1861, to . . . May 18, 1863. By John Harrison Mills. Buffalo, 1887. *4323.io6 22d Regiment. Infantry. The last campaign of the 22d Regiment. June and July, 1863. By George Wood Wingate. New York, 1864. *435oa.i44 23d Regiment. Infantry. Our campaign around Gettysburg. By John Lockwood. Brooklyn, 1864. *4329a.56 24th Regiment. Cavalry. What I saw and suffered in rebel prisons. By Daniel G. Kelley. With an intro- duction by Major Anson G. Chester. Buffalo, 1868. No. 10 in *4429.6o 304 26th Regiment. Infantry. Memoir of William K. Bacon, late adju- tant of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, by his father. Utica, 1863. *"20th".50.42 27th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 27th Regiment . . . from May 2ist, 1861, to May 31st, 1863. By Charles B. Fairchild. Binghampton, N. Y. [1888.] *4323.i3o 28th Regiment. Infantry. A brief history of the 28th Regiment . . . With report of proceedings of the 35th annual reunion held at Albion, N. Y., May 22, 1896. By Charles W. Boyce. Buffalo, 1897. *"20th".4i.28 33d Regiment. Infantry. The story of the 33d New York State Vol- unteers; or, two years campaigning in Virginia and Maryland. By David W. Judd. Rochester, 1864. *4329.75 48th Regiment. Infantry. Company D of the 48th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. 1861-5. By Wil- liam J. Carlton. [New York.] 1892. *2324.l62 The history of the 48th Regiment . . . 1861-1865. By Abraham J. Palmer. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1885. ^ *42i4-55 Perry's saints; or, th'e Fighting Parson's Regiment in the War of the Rebellion. By James Moses Nichols. Boston. [1886.] *42i9.66=*"20th".4i.48 57th Regiment. Infantry. The story of a Regiment. By Gilbert Frederick. [Chicago.] 1895. *2324.i95 60th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 60th Regiment. By Richard Eddy. Philadelphia, 1864. *4327.7o 64th Regiment. Infantry. Report of . . . annual reunion, 5th, 6th. Historical sketches. Fredonia, 1894. *4422.222 69th Regiment. Infantry. The Irish Brigade and its campaigns. By David Power Conyngham. New York, 1867. *4429a.i35 Same. Boston, 1869. *4429a.i36 The last days of the 69th in Virginia. By Thomas Francis Meagher. New York, 1861. No. 5 in ^4213.72 71st Regiment. Infantry. A reminiscence of the first battle of Manassas. By William Duff Telfer. Brooklyn. [1864.] *"2oth".ioo.25 74th Regiment. Infantry. Battle of Williamsburgh, with reminis- cences of the campaign. By James R. Burns. Nev/ York, 1865. ^2329.135 75th Regiment. Infantry. Cayuga in the field. A record of the 75th New York Volunteers. By James Hall. Auburn, 1873. No. 2 in *2326.55 76th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 76th Regiment. By A. P. Smith. Cortland, 1867. *2326.56 79th Regiment. Infantry. The Highland Brigade. By Samuel Mac- kenzie Elhott. [New York, 1861.] No. 8 in *42i3.72 August 79th Regiment. Infantry. . The 79th Highlanders, New York Volun- teers, in the War of the Rebellion, 1861- 65. By William Todd. Albany, 1886. *42i4.63 8ist Regiment. Infantry. Random sketches and wandering thoughts; or, what I saw while with the army . . . with a historical sketch of the 8ist New York State Volunteer Infantry. By Bartholomew S. De Forest. Albany, 1866. ^4327.76 93d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 93d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. 1861-1865. By David H. King. Milwaukee, 1895. *4423.330 97th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 97th Regiment, New York Volunteers ("Conkling Rifles"), in the War for the Union. By Isaac Hall. Utica, 1890. *"20th".4i.97 98th Regiment. Infantry. Notes and observations made during four years of service with the 98th New York Volunteers, in the War of 1861. By William Kreutzer. Philadelphia, 1878. *4324.78=*422oa.57 looth Regiment. Infantry. History of the lOOth Regiment of New York State Volunteers. By George H. Stowits. Buffalo, 1870. *4326.59 io6th Regiment. Infantry. The sergeant's memorial — John Hanson Thompson — by his father [Joseph P. Thompson]. New York, 1867. ^43298.7 108th Regiment. Infantry. Complete military history and record of the io8th Regiment, New York Volun- teers. 1862-1894. By George H. Wash- burn. Rochester, 1894. *432i.i39 ii2th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 112th Regiment, New York Volunteers. By William Lyman Hyde. Fredonia, 1866. *4326.52 114th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 114th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. By Elias P. Pellet. Norwich, 1866. *4327.56 Record of the 114th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. By Harris H. Beecher. Norwich, 1866. *4326.53=:*"2oth".4i.ii4 115th Regiment. Infantry. The Iron Hearted Regiment: being an account of the 115th Regiment, New York Volunteers. By James H. Clark. Albany, 1865. *437oa.28 ii6th Regiment. Infantry. The ii6th Regiment of New York State Volunteers. By Orton S. Clark. Buf- falo, 1868. *4329.67r=*"20th".4i.ii6 117th Regiment. Infantry. A history of the 117th Regiment, New York Volunteers, from 1862 till 1865. By James A. Mowris. Hartford, 1866. *4327.55 119th Regiment. Infantry. Ceremonies and addresses at the dedica- tion of a monument by the 119th Regi- 1904 305 ment, at Gettysburg, July 3, 1888. Bos- ton, 1889. *"20th".6o.7 I20th Regiment. Infantry. The fighting Quakers. By A. J. H. Du- ganne. New York, 1866. *4329-59=*4287.66 The I20th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. By Cornelius Van Sant- voord. Rondout, N. Y., 1894. *2324.i78 I2ist Regiment. Infantry. Personal experiences in the War of the great Rebellion. By Francis W. Morse. Albany, 1866. *437oa.26 124th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 124th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. By Charles H. Wey- gant. Newburgh, 1877. *"20th".4i.i24 125th Regiment. Infantry. A regimental history. The 125th New York State Volunteers. By Ezra D. Simons. New York, 1888. *4323.i23 126th Regiment. Infantry. Disaster, struggle, triumph. The adven- tures of 1000' "Boys in Blue," from August, 1862, to June, 1865. By Ara- bella M. Willson. Albany, 1870. *"20th".4i.i26 127th Regiment. Infantry. The history of the 127th New York Vol- unteers, "Monitors',, in the War for the preservation of the Union. Sept. 8, 1862-June 30, 1865. Compiled by Frank- lin McGrath. [New York? 190-?] *"20th".4i.i27 128th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 128th Regiment, New York Volunteers, in the late Civil War. By David Henry Hanaburg. Pokeepsie, 1894. *'*20th".4i.i28 130th Regiment. Infantry. Regimental history of the ist New York Dragoons (originally the 130th New York Volunteer Infantry) during three years active service in the great Civil War. By James R. Bowen. [New York.] 1900. *"2oth".4i.C.i 143d Regiment. Infantry. [History of the] 143d Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, Sullivan Co. [Monticello, 1892.] *2324.i59 149th Regiment. Infantry. Memoirs of the 149th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, By George K. Collins. Syracuse, 1891. *2324.i58 i52d Regiment. Infantry. The veteran volunteers of Herkimer and Otseg9 Counties in the War of the Re- bellion; a history of the I52d New York Volunteers. By Henry Roback. [Utica, 1888.] *4322.io6 157th Regiment. Infantry. Reminiscences and letters of George Ar- rowsmith, late Colonel of the 157th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. By John S. Applegate. Red Bank, 1893. *"20th".50.3i 159th Regiment. Infantry. History of the iS9th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. Compiled from the diary of Lieut. Edward Duffy. New York, 1890. *4424.232 The 159th Regiment Infantry, New York vState Volunteers, in the War of the Rebellion, 1862-1865. By William F. Tiemann. Brooklyn, 1891. *4325.i38 176th Regiment. Infantry. Camp and prisons. Twenty months in the Department of the Gulf. By A. J. H. Duganne. 3d edition. New York, 1865. *4429.i28 189th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 189th Regiment, New York Volunteers. By William H. Rogers. New York, 1865. *4326.58 North Carolina. Birdsong, James C. Brief sketches of the North Carolina State troops in the War between the States. Raleigh, 1894. *"20th".47.i Clark, Walter, editor. Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina in the great War, 1861-1865. Raleigh, 1901. *"20th".47.3 Lane, James H. History of Lane's North Carolina Bri- gade. (In Southern Historical Society Papers. Vols. 7-10. Richmond, 1879- 81.) *52i9a.50.7-io Moore, John Wheeler. Roster of North Carolina troops in the War between the States. Raleigh, 1882. *42I3.5I=:i*"20th".47.2 Sloan, J. A. North Carolina in the W^ar between the States. Washington, 1883. ^4323.36 Contains roster of North Carolina officers. Planner's North Carolina Battery at the battle of the Crater. (In Southern His- torical Society Papers, vol. 5. Rich- mond, 1878.) *52i9a.5o.5 27th Regiment. Infantry. Reminiscences of the Guilford Grays, Company B, 27th North Carolina Regi- ment. By John A. Sloan. Washington, 1883. *4229.64 Ohio. Clark, Peter H. The Black Brigade of Cincinnati: a report of its labors and a muster roll of its members. Cincinnati, 1864. No. I in *4323.7o=No. 4 in *4324.ioi Hinman, Wilbur F. The story of the Sherman Brigade. [Alli- ance, O.] 1897. *"2oth".78.2o Miller, Charles D. Report of the reunion of the veteran sol- diers and sailors of Ohio, at Newark, July 22, 1878, Newark, O., 1879. *4320.64 Ohio Veteran Association of Illinois. Roster. Springfield, 1891. *"2oth".73 Poland, Charles A. Army register of Ohio Volunteers in the service of the United States. Colum- bus, 1862. *6395.io 3o6 August Reid, Whitelaw. Ohio in the War: her statesmen, her gen- erals, and soldiers. Cincinnati, 1868. 2 V. *4400.4 Contents. — I. History of the State during the War and the lives of her generals. 2. History of her regiments and other military organiza- tions. Shiloh Battlefield Commission. Ohio at Shiloh. [Cincinnati, 1903.] *"20th".48.2 Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1862-67. Columbus. *6395.i2 Roster Commission. Official roster of the soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, ' 1861-1866. Cincinnati, 1886-93. *44io.68 ist Regiment. Artillery. History of Battery A, ist Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery. By Henry M. Davidson. Milwaukee, 1865. *2328.I02 Our battery; or, the journal of Company B, 1st Ohio Volunteer Artillery. By Orlando P. Cutter. Cleveland, 1864. *4429.50 Report of the 26th annual reunion of Bat- tery A, held August 10, 11, 12, 1892. Ravenna. [1892.] *"20th".73.A.i 3d Regiment. Infantry. The citizen-soldier; or, memoirs of a vol- unteer [in the 3d Ohio Volunteers]. By John Beatty. Cincinnati, 1879. *2329.77 4th Regiment. Infantry. History of the three months' and three years' services of the 4th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. By William Kep- ler. Cleveland, 1886. *2334.i54 6th Regiment. Infantry. The story of a regiment. By Ebenezer Hannaford. Cincinnati, 1868. <'4423.5=*"20th".43.6 7th Regiment. Cavalry. History of the 7th Ohio Volunteer Cav- alry. By R. C. Rankin. Ripley, 1881. *2328.io7 7th Regiment. Infantry. The history of Company C, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. By Theodore Wilder. Oberlin, 1866. *4328.59 The 7th Regiment: a record. By George L. Wood. New York, 1865. *4329.79=*"20th".43.7 8th Regiment. Infantry. A military history of the 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. By Franklin Sawyer. Cleveland, 1881. *4226.5i gth Regiment. Infantry. "Die Neuner." Eine Schilderung der Kriegsjahre des 9ten Regiments Ohio Volunteer Infantry vom 17. Aprir 1861 bis 7. Juni 1864. Cincinnati, 1897. *"20th".43.9 nth Regiment. Infantry. A history of the nth Regiment. By J. H. Horton and Solomon Teverbaugh. Day- ton, 1866. *2320.46 Lights and shadows of army life. By William W. Lyle. Cincinnati, 1865. *4428.3i=*"20th".52.54o Roster and proceedings of the I7th-20th reunions. Dayton. [i890?-i893?] *"2oth".73.ii i2th Regiment. Cavalry. The I2th Ohio Cavalry; ... in the War of the Rebellion, with a roster. By Frank H. Mason. Cleveland, 1871. *432i.7i 14th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 14th Ohio Regiment, Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry. By John A. Chase. Toledo, 1881. *"20th".43.2o 17th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 17th Regiment, War of the Rebellion. By Charles T. De Veiling. Zanesville, 1889. *4322.i32 20th Regiment. Infantry. A soldier's story of the siege of Vicks- burg, from the diary of Osborn H. Old- royd. Springfield, 111., 1885. *"20th".32.39 2ist Regiment. Infantry. History of the 21st Regiment, Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, in the War of the Re- bellion, By Silas S. Canfield. Toledo, 1893. *2324.I24 25th Regiment. Infantry. The 25th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infan- try in the War for the Union. By Ed- ward C. Culp. Topeka, 1885. *4329a.i24 29th Regiment. Infantry. Journal history of the 29th Ohio Veteran Volunteers, 1861-1865. By J. Hamilton Se Cheverell. Cleveland, 1883. *4329a.97 31st Regiment. Infantry. A journalistic history of the 31st Regi- ment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with its lights and shadows. By John H. Put- nam. Louisville, 1862. *"20th".43.3i 32d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 32d Regiment, Ohio Vet- eran Volunteer Infantry. Edited by Ebenezer Z. Hays. Columbus, 1896. *2323.69 35th Regiment. Infantry. 3Sth Ohio. A narrative of service from 1861 to 1864. By Fred W. Keil. Fort Wayne, 1894- *2324.i82 37th Regiment. Infantry. Ninth reunion of the 37th Regiment, Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, St. Mary's, Ohio, Sept. 10, II, 1889. Toledo, 1890. *432i.i30 39th Regiment. Infantry. A Thanksgiving sermon preached before the 39th Ohio Volunteers, U. S. A., at Camp Todd, Macon, Missouri, Nov. 28, 1861, and a sketch of the Regiment. By Benajmin W. Chidlaw. Cincinnati, 1861. *"20th".43.39 40th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 40th Ohio Volunteer In- fantry. By John N. Beach. London, Ohio, 1884. *"20th".43.40 Reminiscences of the Chattanooga cam- paign. A p^per read at the reunion of Company B, 40th Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, at Xenia, Ohio, August 22, 1894. By Isaac C. Doan. Richmond, Ind., 1894. *"20th".52.233 1904 307 4ist Regiment. Infantry. The 41st Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infan- try in the War of the Rebellion. 1861- 1865. By Robert L. Kimberley and Ephraim S. Holloway. Cleveland, 1897. *2323.I27 Narrative of military service. Forty-first Ohio Infantry. By W. B. Hazen. Bos- ton, 1885. *42i4.54 42(1 Regiment. Infantry. The 42d Ohio Infantry: [its] organization and services in the War of the Rebel- lion. By Frank H. Mason. Cleveland, 1876. *4324.69 46th Regiment. Infantry. Brief history of the 46th Ohio Volunteers. By Thomas Worthington. N. p. [1879?] *"20th".43.46 48th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 48th Ohio Veteran Volun- teer Infantry, from October, 1861, to May 10, 1866. By John A. Bering and Thomas Montgomery. Hillsboro, Ohio, 1880. *4329a.86 52d Regiment. Infantry. Dan McCook's Regiment, S2d Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry. A history of the regi- ment . . . from 1862 to 1865. By Nixon B. Stewart. [Alliance, O.] 1900. *"20th".43.52 53d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 53d Regiment Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, during the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1865. By John K. Duke. Portsmouth, Ohio, 1900. *"20th".43.53 62d Regiment. Infantry. Proceedings of the 62d Ohio Infantry . Association, September 17th and i8th, 1891, and the roster of surviving mem- bers, so far as known. Marietta. [1891.] *"20th".73.62 73d Regiment. Infantry. Journal-history of the 73d Ohio Volun- teer Infantry. By Samuel H. Hurst. Chillicothe, 1866. *4326.56 74th Regiment. Infantry. Greene County [Ohio] in the War. Being a history of the 74th Regiment, with sketches of the 12th, 94th [etc.]. By Ira S. Owens. Xenia, O., 1872. *4328.64 Greene County [Ohio] soldiers in the late war. Being a history of the 74th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, etc. By Ira S. Owens. Dayton, 1884. *4329a.ii4 78th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 78th Regiment, Ohio Vet- eran Volunteer Infantry, from its "mus- ter-in" to its "muster-out." By Thomas M. Stevenson. Zanesville, Ohio, 1865. *4323.73 8ist Regiment. Infantry. A corporal's story. Experiences in the ranks of Company C, 8ist Ohio Volun- teer Infantry during the War for the maintenance of the Union, 1861-1864. By Charles Wright. Philadelphia, 1887. *4323.ii7 History of the 8ist Regiment, Ohio In- fantry Volunteers, during the War of the Rebellion. By William H. Cham- berlain. Cincinnati, 1865. *4326.57 91st Regiment. Infantry. The story of the 91st. . . . Reunion of 91st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infan- try, held at Portsmouth, Ohio, April 8, 1868. Portsmouth, O., 1868. *"20th".ioo.83 93d Regiment. Infantry. Letters of Capt. Henry Richards, of the 93d Ohio Infantry. By Henry Richards. Cincinnati, 1883. ^4423.257 96th Regiment. Infantry. Services of the 96th Ohio Volunteers. By Joseph Thatcher Woods. Toledo, 1874. *2326.6o loist Regiment. Infantry. Story of the loist Ohio Infantry. By Lewis W. Day. Cleveland, 1894. *"20th".43.ioi 104th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 104th Regiment Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, from 1862 to 1865. By Nelson A. Pinney. Akron, 1886. *4323.ii6 105th Regiment. Infantry. The story of a thousand. A history of the 105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the War for the Union. By Albion Winegar Tourgee. Buffalo, 1896. *2323.II2 113th Regiment. Infantry. Every-day soldier life; or, a history of the 113th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. By F. M. McAdams. Columbus, 1884. *4423.i66 123d Regiment. Infantry. The military history of the 123d Regi- ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. By Charles M. Keyes. Sandusky, 1874. *4326.66 124th Regiment. Infantry. The campaigns of the 124th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with roster and roll of honor. By George W. Lewis. Akron. [1894.] *"20th".43.i24 125th Regiment. Infantry. Opdycke tigers. 125th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. A history of the regiment and of the campaigns and battles of the Army of the Cumberland. By Charles T, Clark. Columbus, 1895. *"20th".43.i25 133d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 133d Regiment, Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, and incidents connected with its service during the "War of the Rebellion." By Sylvester M. Sherman. Columbus, 1896. *"2oth".43.i33 Pennsylvania. Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861- 5; prepared in compliance with acts of the Legislature. Harrisburg, 1869-71. *432i.52z=*"2oth".46b.i Martial deeds of Pennsylvania. Author's edition. Philadelphia, 1875. *237i.57 3o8 August M'Call, George Archibald. Pennsylvania reserves in the Peninsula. N. p. [1863.] No. 19 in *42i3.63 Sypher, Josiah Rhinehart. History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Lancaster, 1865. *433i«4 Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1861-65. Harrisburg. *6366.io Executive Office, Military Department. Annual report, 1864. Harrisburg, 1865. *6366.2 Quartermaster-general. Annual report. 1864. Harrisburg, 1865. *6366.8 Independent Battery D. Durell's Battery in the Civil War. By Charles A. Cuffel. [Philadelphia, 1900.] *"20th".4ib.A.D. ist Reserves. Cavalry, History of the First Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Reserve Cavalry, from August, 1861, to Sept. 1864, with names of offi- cers and enlisted men. By W. P. Lloyd. Philadelphia, 1864. *4329a.96 ist Regiment. Cavalry. Some personal reminiscences of service of the Army of the Potomac. By Hamp- ton S. Thomas. Philadelphia, 1889. *4423.i43 ist Regiment. Infantry. History of the ist Regiment Infantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania. By Edwin N. Benson and others. [Phila- delphia, 1880.] No. 5 in *4324.ioi ist Reserves. Infantry. History of Company K, ist (Infantry) Pennsylvania Reserves. By Henry N. Minningh. Duncanville, Pa. [1891.] *"2oth".4ib.R.i 2d Reserves. Infantry. Our campaigns; or, the history of our regiment during its three years term of service. By Evan M. Woodward. Phil- adelphia, 1865. *437oa.5 3d Regiment. Cavalry. Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company H. Constitution and by-laws with history and muster roll. Shippensburg, Pa., 1878. *4329a.74 Walter S. Newhall. A memoir. [Anon. By Sarah Wister.] Philadelphia, 1864. *4348.78=*4348.i79 3d Reserves. Infantry. History of the 3d Pennsylvania Reserve. By E. M. Woodward. Trenton, N. J., 1883. =^4221.63 4th Regiment. Cavalry. A brief history of the 4th Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry. John B. Maitland. Pittsburgh, 1891. *2324.i66 History of a cavalry company. Record of Company "A", 4th Pennsylvania Cav- alry. By William Hyndman. Philadel- phia, 1870. ^4326.60 6th Regiment. Cavalry. ' Annals of the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry. By Samuel Levis Gracey. [Philadel- phia.] 1868. *4223.I26 7th Regiment. Cavalry. Sabre strokes of the Pennsylvania Dra- goons, in the War of 1861-1865. By Thomas F. Dornblaser. Philadelphia, 1884. *4223.65==*"2oth".4ib.C.7 8th Regiment. Cavalry. A list of battles, engagements, actions and important skirmishes in which the 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry participated dur- ing the War of 1861-1865. Compiled by J. Edward Carpenter. Philadelphia, 1886. *4327.i36 A true history of the charge of the 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry at Chancellors- ville. By Pennock Huey. Philadelphia. [1883.] *4327.8o 8th Reserves. Infantry. Our boys. The personal experiences of a soldier in the Army of tlite Potomac. By A. F. Hill. Philadelphia, 1864. *4329.88 nth Regiment. Cavalry. History of the iith Pennsylvania Volun- teer Cavalry, together with a complete roster of the Regiment. Philadelphia, 1902. *"20th".4ib.C.ii nth Regiment. Infantry. The story of the regiment. By William Henry Locke. Philadelphia, 1868. *4327.65=*"20th".4ib.i i 15th Regiment. Cavalry. Leaves from a trooper's diary [in the Anderson Cavalry]. By J. A. B. Wil- liams. Philadelphia, 1869. ^43293.55 26th Regiment. Infantry. Six weeks in uniform, being a record of a term in the military service of the United States in the Gettysburg cam- paign of 1863 (with muster-roll of Com- pany F. (In Historical and biographical sketches by S. W. Pennypacker. Phila- delphia, 1883.) *4443.94 26th Pennsylvania Emergency Infantry. Address at the dedication of the monu- ment to commemorate the services of the regiment [at] Gettysburg. By Sam- uel Whitaker Pennypacker. Philadel- phia, 1892. *4323.i43 28th Regiment. Infantry. Association of the 28th and 147th Regi- ments Infantry and Independent Bat- tery "E" Light Artillery, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers. Compiled by John Page Nicholson. [Philadelphia.] N. d. *"20th".7ib.28 A memoir of General Hector Tyndale. Philadelphia, 1882. *444i-83 Re-union of the 28th & 147th Regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Philadelphia, Nov. 24th, 1871. By Hector Tyndale. Philadelphia, 1872. No. 6 in ^4324.101 41st Regiment. Infantry. History of the 12th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Reserve Volunteer Corps, (41st Regiment of the line). 1861-1864. By Martin D. Hardin. New York, 1890. *2324.I72 48th Regiment. Infantry. The 48th in the War. By Oliver Christian Bosbyshell. Philadelphia, 1895. *"20th".4ib.48 1904 309 49th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 49th Pennsylvania Volun- teers. By Robert S. Westbrook. Al- toona, 1898. *"2oth".4ib.49 50th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 50th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Veteran Volunteers. 1861-65. By Lewis Crater. Reading, Pa., 1884. *4324.ii2 51st Regiment. Infantry. History of the Sist Regiment of Penn- sylvania Volunteers and Veteran Volun- teers. 1861-65. By Thomas H. Parker. Philadelphia, 1869. *4324.5o Society of the 51st Regiment Pennsyl- vania Veteran Volunteers. Record of proceedings of the first annual reunion, Sept. 17, 1880. Harrisburg, 1880. =^"20th".7ib.5i 69th Regiment. Infantry. A brief history of the 69th Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers. By Anthony W. McDermott. [Philadel- phia.] N. d. *2324.i38 69th, 71st, 72(3, io6th Regiments. Infantry. History of the Philadelphia Brigade. 69th, 71st, 72d, and io6th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers. By Charles H. Banes. Phila- delphia, 1876. *2329.75=*"2oth".46b.3 72d Regiment. Infantry. An address at Gettysburg, Aug. 27, 1883, at the dedication of the 72d Pennsyl- vania Volunteers Monument. Also, an historical sketch of the 72d Regiment. By Alexander S. Webb. Philadelphia, 1883. No. I in *42i3.55 75th Regiment. Infantry. Geschichte des 75sten Regiments, Penn- sylvania Volunteers ... By Herrman Nachtigall. Philadelphia, 1886. *"2oth".4ib.75 83d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 83d Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. By Amos M. Judson. Erie. N. d. *4323.77 87th Regiment. Infantry, History of the 87th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. By George R. Prow- ell. York, Pa., 1901. *"20th".4ib.87 88th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 88th Pennsylvania Volun- teers in the War for the Union. By John D. Vautier. Philadelphia, 1894. *2324.i85 95th Regiment. Infantry. The 95th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Gos- line's Pennsylvania Zouaves) in the 6th Corps. An historical paper read at a reunion at Germantown, 12th October, 1883. . By G. Norton Galloway. Phila- delphia, 1884. *4220.60 97th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 97th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry, during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65. By Isaiah Price. Philadelphia, 1875. *422oa.6i looth Regiment. Infantry. A brief history of the lOOth Regiment (Roundheads). By Samuel P. Bates. New Castle, Pa., 1884. No. 7 in *4324.ioi i02d Regiment. Infantry. Camp, march and battle-field; or, three years and a half with the Army of the Potomac. By Alexander M. Stewart. Philadelphia, 1865. *4327.68 A history of the i02d Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment. 104th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 104th Pennsylvania Regi- ment, from August 22d, 1861, to Sep- tember 30th, 1864. By William Watts Hart Davis. Philadelphia, 1866. *4423.ii 105th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 105th Regiment of Penn- sylvania Volunteers. 1861-65. By Kate M. Scott. Philadelphia, 1877. *2320.47 io5th Regiment. Infantry. History of the io6th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, 2d Brigade, 2d Divi- sion, 2d corps, 1861-1865. By Joseph Ripley Chandler Ward. Philadelphia, 1883. *4425.64 109th Regiment. Infantry. The 109th Regiment, Pennsylvania Vet- teran Volunteers. An address delivered at the unveiling of their monument on Gulps Hill, Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. i, 1889. By Moses Veale. Philadelphia, 1890. *"2oth".4ib.io9 114th Regiment. Infantry. Music on the march, 1862-65, with the Army of the Potomac. 114th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Collis' Zou- aves. By Frank Rauscher. Philadelphia, 1892. ^4426.223 ii8th Regiment. Infantry. An address at the unveiling of the monu- ment erected by the Commercial Ex- change Association of Philadelphia, on the Gettysburg battle-field, Sept. 8, 1884. By Alexander Gilmore Cattell. Phila- delphia, 1884. *"20th".6o.6 History of the Corn Exchange Regiment, ii8th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Com- piled by John L. Smith. Philadelphia, 1888. *4323.i24 i2ist Regiment. Infantry. History of the Regiment by the Survivors' Association. Philadelphia, 1893. *"2oth".4ib.i2i i22d Regiment. Infantry. Concise history of the camp and field life of the I22d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. By George F. Sprenger. Lancaster, 1885. *2324.i40 Transactions of the first annual reunion, Lancaster, May 17, 1883. Lancaster, 1884. No. 8 in *4324.ioi 126th Regiment. Infantry. A sketch of the 126th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. By D. W^atson Rowe. Chambersburg, Pa., 1869. *4324.64 310 August 127th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 127th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. [Lebanon, Pa., 1902.] *"20th".4ib.i27 Life in the army, in the departments of Virginia, and the Gulf, including obser- vations in New Orleans By John C. Gregg. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1868. *4327.59 138th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 138th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry. By Osceola Lewis. Norristown, 1866. *4329.73 141st Regiment. Infantry. History of the 141st Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. By David Craft. Towanda, 1885. *2324.i53 Personal reminiscences of the War. By J. D. Bloodgood. New York, 1893. *2328.ii3 i42d Regiment. Infantry. The Declaration of Independence and war history. Bull Run to the Appomattox ... By Horatio N. Warren. Buffalo, 1894. *"20th".4ib.i42 Contains an account of the i42d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. 150th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 150th Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, 2d Regiment, Bucktail Brigade. By Thomas Chamberlain. Philadelphia, 1895- *"20th".4ib.i5o The recollections of a drummer-boy. By Henry Martyn Kieffer. Boston. [1883.] *2327.8o 153d Regiment. Infantry. The volunteer's manual; or, ten months with the 153d Pennsylvania Volunteers. By William Simmers and Paul Bach- schmid. Easton, Pa., 1863. *4324.7i igoth Regiment. Infantry. In the ranks: from the Wilderness to Appomattox Court-House. By Robert E. M'Bride. Cincinnati, 1881. *"20th".52.54i i92d Regiment. Infantry. A daily journal of the I92d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the service of the United States for one hundred days. By John C. Myers. Philadelphia, 1864. *4326.75 198th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 198th Pennsylvania Volun- teers ... By Evan Morrispn Wood- ward. Trenton, N. J., 1884. *42i3.50=*"20th".4ib.i98 Rhode Island. Bartlett, J. R. Memoirs of Rhode Island officers who were engaged in the service of their country during the Great Rebellion of the South. Providence, 1867. *4220.5i Names of officers, soldiers, and seamen in Rhode Island regiments, or belonging to the State of Rhode Island . . . who lost their lives in defence of their coun- try in the suppression of the late Rebel- lion. Providence, 1869. *445oa.i4=:*4424.22i=No. 10 in *42i3.72 Stone, Edwin Winchester. Rhode Island in the Rebellion. 2d edi- tion. Providence, 1865. *4327.22 Adjutant-general. Annual reports for 1861-64, 66. Provi- dence. *6335.3o Official register of Rhode Island officers and soldiers who served in the United States army and navy, from 1861 to 1866. Providence, 1866. *6335.30 (1865) ist Regiment. Light Artillery. Battery D, ist Rhode Island Light Artil- lery, at the battle of Antietam, Septem- ber 17, 1862. By John Albert Monroe. Providence, 1886. *4324.77. 3d series, 16 Battery D, ist Rhode Island Light Artil- lery, at the second battle of Bull Run. By John Albert Monroe. Providence, 1890. *4324.77. 4th series, 10 Battery F, 1st Regiment, Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the Civil War, 1861- 65. By Philip S. Chase. Providence, 1892. *4324.i42 Diary of Battery A, 1st Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery. By Theodore Reichardt. Providence, 1865. *"2oth".4oe.Ai.A History of Battery B, ist Regiment, Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the War to preserve the Union. By John H. Rhodes. Providence, 1894. *2324.i93 The history of Battery E, ist Regiment, Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the War of 1861 and 1865. By George Lewis. Providence, 1892. *4422.2i3 The history of Battery H, ist Regiment, Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the War to preserve the Union, 1861-1865. By Earl Fenner. Providence, 1894. *"20th".4oe.A.i Organization and first campaign of Bat- tery E, 1st Rhode Island Light Artil- lery. By Francis B. Butts. Providence, 1896. *4324.77.5th series, 6 Organization and service of Battery F, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery, to Jan- uary 1st, 1863. By Philip S. Chase. Providence, 1880. *4324.77. 2d series, 3=:*"20th".52.835.7 Recollections of service in Battery D, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery. By George C. Sumner. Providence, 1891. *4324.77. 4th series, 11 The Rhode Island Light Artillery at the first battle of Bull Run. By John Albert Monroe. Providence, 1878. *4324.77.i Service with Battery F, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery, in North Carolina. By Philip S. Chase. Providence, 1884. *4324.77. 3d series, 6 Service with Battery F, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery. By Philip S. Chase. Providence, 1889. *4324.77. 4th series,3 ist Regiment. Cavalry. The 1st Rhode Island Cavalry, at Middle- burg, Va., June 17 and 18, 1863. By George N. Bliss. Providence, 1889. *4324.77. 4th series, 4 Operations of the Cavalry Corps, Middle Military Division, armies of the United 1904 States, from Feb. 27 to March 8, 1865 ... By William Gardiner. Providence, 1896. *4324.77.5th series, 5 Reminiscences of service in the ist Rhode Island Cavalry. By George N. Bliss. Providence, 1878. *4324.77.i Sabres and spurs: the ist Regiment, Rhode Island Cavalry, in the Civil War, 1861-1865. By Rev. Frederic Denison. [Central Falls, R. I.] 1876. *4327.83 ist Regiment. Infantry. A narrative of the campaign of the ist Rhode Island Regiment, in the spring and summer of 1861. By Augustus Woodbury. Providence, 1862. *4429.i27 2d Regiment. Cavalry. The first campaign of the 2d Rhode Island Infantry. By Elisha H. Rhodes. Provi- dence, 1878. *4324.77.i Nineteen months a prisoner of war. Nar- rative of G. E. Sabre, ... of his expe- riences in the war prison and stockades. New York, 1865. *4429a.i7 The 2d Rhode Island Regiment: a narra- tive of military operations in which the regiment was engaged [in] the War for the Union. By Augustus Woodbury. Providence, 1875. *4324.56 3d Regiment. Heavy Artillery. Shot and shell; or, the 3d Rhode Island Heavy Artillery Regiment in the Re- bellion, 1861-1865. By Frederic Deni- son. Providence, 1879. *"20th".4oe.A.3 3d Regiment. Cavalry. Incidents of cavalry service in Louisiana. By Charles H. Parkhursc. Providence, 1879. No. 7 in *4324.77.i 3d Regiment. Infantry. Forty-six months with the 4th Rhode Island Volunteers, in the War of 1861 to 1865. By George H. Allen. Provi- dence, 1887. *4323.i04 Personal incidents in the early campaigns of the 3d Regiment, Rhode Island Vol- unteers, and the loth Army Corps. By Edwin Metcalf. Providence, 1879. *4324.77.i 5th Regiment. Heavy Artillery. History of the 5th Regiment of Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, during service in North Carolina. Jan. 1862-June 1865. By John K. Burlingame. Providence, 1892. *442i.ii8 5th Regiment. Infantry. Relief of Washington, North Carolina, by the 5th Rhode Island Volunteers [in April, 1863]. By William W. Douglas. Providence, 1886. *4324.77. 3d series, 15 7th Regiment. Cavalry. History of the 7th Squadron Rhode Island Cavalry. By Augustus Whittemore Cor- liss. Yarmouth, Maine, 1879. No. 9 in *42i3.72 7th Regiment. Infantry. The 7th Regiment, Rhode Island Volun- teers, in the Civil War. 1862-1865. By William P. Hopkins. Providence, 1903. *"20th".4oe.7 gth Regiment. Infantry. History of the 9th and loth Regiments, Rhode Island Volunteers, and the loth Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862. By William A. Spicer. Providence, 1892. *4323.i55 loth Regiment. Infantry. The high school boys of the loth Rhode Island Regiment, with a roll of teach- ers and students of the Providence High School, who served in the army or navy of the United States, during the Rebel- lion. By William A. Spicer. Provi- dence, 1882. *4324.77. 2d series, 13 nth Regiment. Infantry. History of the nth Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, in the War of the Rebellion. By John C. Thompson. Providence, 1881. *4329a.98 Incidents of service with the nth Regi- ment, Rhode Island Volunteers. By Charles Henry Parkhurst. Providence. *4324.77. 2d series, i8=:*"2oth".52.672 i2th Regiment. Infantry. The flying regiment. Journal of the cam- paign of the I2th Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers. By J. W. Grant. Providence, 1865. *4429-4 Recollections of service in the 12th Rhode Island Volunteers. By Oscar Lapham. Providence, 1885. *4324.77, 3d series, 11 Reminiscences of service with the 12th Rhode Island Volunteers. By Pardon E. Tillinghast. Providence, 1885. *4324.77.3d series, 15 14th Regiment. Artillery. The 14th Regiment, Rhode Island Heavy Artillery (colored), in the War to pre- serve the Union. 1861-1865. By Wil- liam H. Chenery. Providence, 1898. *"20th".4oe.HA.i4 South Carolina. ist, i2th, 13th and 14th Regiments. Infan- try. The history of a brigade of South Caro- linians, known first as "Gregg's", and subsequently as "McGowan's Brigade." By J. F. J. Caldwell. Philadelphia, 1866. *4328.6o 2d Regiment. Infantry. 2d South Carolina Regiment in cam- paigns of 1864 and 1865. By William Wallace. (In Southern Historical So- ciety Papers. Vol. 7. Richmond, 1879.) *52i9a.50.7 2d Regiment, 3d Battalion, 3d, 8th, 15th, and 20th Regiments. Infantry. History of Kershaw's Brigade, with com- plete roll of companies, biographical sketches, incidents, anecdotes, etc. By David Augustus Dickert. Newberry, S. C, 1899. *"20th".42a.2 4th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 4th Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers from the com- mencement of the war until Lee's sur- render. By Jesse Walton Reid. Greens- ville, S. C, 1892. *"2oth".42a.4 6th Regiment. Infantry. The battle of Williamsburg. Narrative of Colonel John Bratton. (In Southern 312 August Historical Society Papers. Vol. 7. Rich- mond, 1879.) *52i9a.5o.7 7th Regiment. Cavalry. * The falling flag, evacuation of Richmond and Appomattox. By Edward M. Boy- kin. New York, 1874. *2329a.5i Tennessee. Jordan, Thomas, and J. P. Pryor. The campaigns of Lieut. -Gen, N. B. For- rest and of Forrest's Cavalry. New Orleans, 1868. *4370-3 Lindsley, John Berrien, editor. The military annals of Tennessee. Con- federate. Nashville, 1886. ^4232. 50 Contents. — A review of military operatipns, with regimental histories and memorial rolls. ist Regiment. Cavalry. History of the ist Regiment of Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, in the Great War of the Rebellion ... By William Ran- dolph Carter. Knoxville, 1902. *"20th'.42d.C.i ist Regiment. Infantry. 1861 vs. 1882. "Co. Aytch," Maury Grays, 1st Tennessee Regiment; or, a side show of the big show. By Samuel R. Wat- kins. Nashville, 1882. *4326.8i 2d Regiment. Cavalry. Hancock's diary; or, a history of the 2d Tennessee Confederate Cavalry. By R. R. Hancock. Nashville, 1887. *"2oth'\42d.C.2 2d Regiment. Infantry. Thirteen months in the rebel army, being a narrative, of personal adventures by an impressed New Yorker. By William G. Stevenson. New York, 1862. *4229.9 13th Regiment. Cavalry. History of the 13th Regiment, Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry. By Samuel W. Scott and Samuel P. Angel. Philadel- phia. [1903.] *"2oth".42d.C.i3 13th Regiment. Infantry. Personal recollections of the 13th Regi- ment, Tennessee Infantry (Confeder- ate). By Alfred J. Vaughan. [Mem- phis, 1897.] *"20th".42d.i3 1 6th Regiment. Infantry. Campaigns and battles of the i6th Regi- ment, Tennessee Volunteers. By Thomas A. Head. Nashville, 1885. *2324.i43 19th Regiment. Infantry. The Old 19th Tennessee Regiment, C.S.A. By William Johnson Worsham. Knox- ville, 1902. *"20th".42d.i9 30th Regiment. Infantry. 30th Tennessee Regiment. By H. H. Hockersmith. (In Southern Bivou9,c. Vol. 2. Louisville, 1884.) *52i9.50.2 48th Regiment. Infantry. The "fighting" forty-eighth. By S. R. Watkins. (In Southern Bivouac. Vol. 2. Louisville, 1884.) *52i9.50.2 Texas. Blessington, J. P. Campaigns of Walker's Texas Division. By a private soldier. New York, 1875. *4226.62 26th Regiment. Cavalry. A sketch of the history of Debray's (26th) Regiment of Texas Cavalry. By X. B. Debray. Austin, 1884. *2324.i7o Vermont. Benedict, George Grenville. The service of Vermont troops. Oration before the Re-union Society of Vermont officers, Montpelier, Nov. 2, 1882. Montpelier, 1882. No. 3 in *4324.ioo Vermont in the Civil War. Burlington, 1 886, 88. 2 V. *42 14.64 Grout, William Wallace. An oration before the Re-union Society of Vermont officers, in the Representa- tives' Hall, Montpelier, Vt., November 4, 1869. Rutland, 1869. *4424.i32 Ripley, William Y. W. Vermont riflemen in the War for the Union, 1861 to 1865. A history of Com- pany F, 1st United States Sharp Shoot- ers. Rutland, 1883. *4327.79 Waite, O. F. R. Vermont in the Great Rebellion. Clare- mont, 1869. ^4327.71 Walker, Aldace Freeman. The Old Vermont Brigade. [New York, 1897.] *4422.I92.2 The Vermont Brigade in the Shenandoah Valley. 1864. Burlington, 1869. *4427.8=*"20th".4ob.2 Washburn, Peter Thacher. An oration before the Re-union Society of Vermont officers, Montpelier, Vt. Oct. 22d, 1868. Montpelier, 1869. *4424.i89 Adjutant and Inspector-general. Annual Report, 1861/63-65/66, 69/70; bi- ennial report, 70/72-80/82, 92/94. Mont- pelier, 1862-94. *63i9.io Same. 1863/64-65/66. *"2oth".i3b.i Adujtant-general. Muster rolls of the Vermont Regiments. Rutland, 1862. *"20th\i3b.i Revised roster of Vermont Volunteers, and lists of Vermonters who served in the army and navy during the War of the Rebellion. Montpelier, 1892. *4320.iii 7th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 7th Regiment, Vermont Volunteers. . . . By George Grenville Benedict. Burlington, 1891. *"20th".4ob.7 7th Regiment Vermont Veteran Volun- teers Reunion Association. Proceedings at first and second reunions. Roster and roll of surviving members. New York, 1883. *"2oth'\7ob.7 8th Regiment. Infantry. Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, 1864. A paper read before the Eighth Ver- mont Volunteers and First Vermont Cavalry, at their annual reunion, in Montpelier, Vt. November 2, 1886. By Herbert E. HilL Boston. [1886.] *4423.ii2 1904 313 History of the 8th Regiment, Vermont Volunteers. By George N. Carpenter. Boston, 1886. *42i4.68 loth Regiment. Infantry. A history of the loth Regiment, Vermont Volunteers, . . . and a complete roster. By Edwin Mortimer Haynes. [Lewis- ton, Me.] 1870. *4425.3=*"2oth".4ob.io Same. 2d edition. Rutland, 1894. *4423.329 lith Regiment. Artillery. Society of the 1st Artillery, nth Vermont Volunteers. Roster, 1890. Burlington, 1890. *4320.I20 i2th Regiment. Infantry. Army life in Virginia. Letters from the I2th Vermont Regiment and personal experiences of volunteer service in the War for the Union, 1862-63. By George Grenville Benedict. Burlington, 1895. *4326.i68 14th Regiment. Infantry. Life in camp: a history of the service of the T4th Vermont Regiment, from Oct. 21, 1862, to July 21, 1863. By John C. Williams. Claremont, N. H.,1864. *4329a.78 A short history of the 14th Vermont Regiment. An account of the reunion held July 4th, 1887. Also a roster of the Regiment. By George Grenville Bene- dict. Bennington, 1887. *"20tli".4ob.i4 Virginia. Goodhart, Briscoe. History of the Independent Loudoun Vir- ginia Rangers. 1862-65. Washington, 1896. *2323.ii3 Harrison, Walter. Pickett's men: a fragment of war history. New York, 1870. *4428.i6 Lay, J. F. Reminiscences of the Powhatan Troop of Cavalry in 1861. (In Southern Histor- ical Society Papers. Vol. 8. Richmond, 1880.) • *52i9a.50.8 Morris Artillery. Sketch of Page's Battery, or Morris Artil- lery, 2d Corps, Army of Northern Vir- ginia. By Richard Channing Moore Page. New York, 1885. *2328.io8 Richmond Howitzer Battalion. Contributions to a history of the Rich- mond Howitzer Battalion. Pamphlet no. I. [Edited by Carlton McCarthy.] Richmond, 1883. *422i.62=*"20th".4id.Ai„2 Detailed minutiae of soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-65. By Cnrlton McCarthy. Richmond, 1882. *4326.78 Richmond Howitzers in the War. Four years campaigning with the Army of Northern Virginia. By Frederick S. Daniel. Richmond, 1891. *4326.i39=*"20th".4id.Ai.i ist Regiment. Infantry. History of the ist Regiment, Virginia Infantry. By Charles J. Rawling. Phil- adelphia, 1887. *"20th".4id.i War history of the Old ist Virginia In- fantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia. By Charles T. Loehr. Rich- mond, 1884. No. 7 in *4324.i02 7th Regiment. Cavalry. Memoirs of Gen. Turner Ashby and his compeers. By James B. Avirett. Bal- timore, 1867. *4329.63 9th Regiment. Cavalry. Part taken by the Ninth Virginia Cavalry in repelling the Dahlgren raid. By R. L. T. Beale. (In Southern Historical So- ciety Papers. Vol. 3. Richmond, 1877.) *52i9a.50.3 17th Regiment. Infantry. History of the 17th Virginia Infantry, C.S.A. By George Wise. Baltimore, 1870. *4329-87 17th Virginia Infantry at Flat Creek and Drewry's Bluff. By A. Herbert. (In Southern Historical Society Papers. Vol. 12. Richmond, 1884.) *52i9a.50.i2 i8th Regiment. Infantry. Historical sketch of the Nottoway Grays, afterwards Company G, i8th Virginia Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia. By Richard Irby. Richmond, 1878. *422oa.50 19th Regiment. Infantry. The Confederate soldier: being a memo- rial of George N. and Bushrod W. Har- ris, privates in the Confederate Army. By John E. Edwards. New York, 1868. *4428.24 24th Regiment. Infantry. The battle of Williamsburg, and the charge of the 24th Virginia of Early's Brigade. By Richard L. Maury. (In Southern Historical Society Papers. Vol. 22. Richmond, 1880.) *52i9a.50.22 33d Regiment. Infantry. Four years in the Stonewall Brigade. By John O. Casler. Guthrie, Oklahoma, 1893- *"2oth".52.i5i 43d Regiment. Cavalry. Mosby and his men: a record of the adventures of that renowned partisan ranger, John S. Mosby. By J. Marshall Crawford. New York, 1867. *4329.92=*"20th".4id.43 Mosby's rangers: a record of the opera- tions of the 43d Battalion Virginia Cav- alry, from its organization to the sur- render. By James J. Williamson. New York, 1896. *2323.64 Partisan life with Col. John S. Mosby. By John Scott. New York, 1867. *4423.7 West Virginia. Lang, Theodore F. Loyal West Virginia from 1861 to 1865. . . . Baltimore, 1895. *"2oth".46e.^i Contains regimental histories and rosters. Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1864. Wheeling, 1865. *637i.7o 314 August 2d Regiment. Cavalry. History of the 2d Regiment, West Vir- ginia Cavalry Volunteers, during the War of the Rebellion. By Joseph J. Sutton. Portsmouth, O., 1892. *"2oth".4ie.C.2 4th Regiment. Infantry. Autobiography, including a history of the 4th Regiment, West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. . . . By Thomas H. Barton. Charleston, 1890. *4345.i27 5th Regiment. Cavalry. History of the 5th West Virginia Cavalry, formerly the 2d Virginia Infantry, and of Battery G, ist West Virginia Light Artillery. By Frank S. Reader. New Brighton, 1890. *4423.i59 15th Regiment. Infantry. The flying gray-haired Yank; or, adven- tures of a volunteer. By Michael Egan. [Philadelphia, 1888.] *4428.i3i Wisconsin. Calkins, EHas A. The Wisconsin Cavalry service during the War. [Milwaukee, 1896.] *"2oth".52.593.2.2 Love, William De L. - Wisconsin in the War of the Rebellion; a history of all regiments and batteries the state has sent to the field. Chi- cago, 1866. *432oa.ii Quiner, Edwin B. Military history of Wisconsin. Chicago, 1866. *4322.78 Watrous, J. A. The eagles and stars. [Wisconsin regi- mental commanders. Milwaukee, 1891.] **'20th".52.593.2.vol.i Wisconsin Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion Roster. Fond du Lac, 1880. *42io.50 Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1861, 62, 65, 68, 69, 73, 79. Madison, 1861-80. *6403.io Same. 1865. Madison, 1866. *"20th".i6d.i Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. Madison, 1886. *"2oth".i6d.2 6th Battery. History of the 6th Wisconsin Battery with roster of officers and members; also proceedings of battery reunions, speeches, &c. Henry S. Keene. Lan- caster, 1879. No. 4 in *4429.6i ist Regiment. Cavalry. The 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, at the cap- ture of Jefferson Davis. By Henry Harnden. Madison, 1898. *4325.i74 2d Regiment. Infantry. The 2d Wisconsin at the first battle of Bull Run. By Thomas S. Allen. [Mil- waukee, 1891.] *"2oth".52.593.2.vol.i 3d Regiment. Infantry. History of the 3d Regiment, Veteran Vol- unteer Infantry, 1861-1865. By Edwin E. Bryant. Madison, 1891. *442i.ii4 5th Regiment. Infantry, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the scenes. A diary of unwritten history; from the organization of the army by Gen. George B. McClellan, to the close of the campaign in Virginia about the first day of January, 1863. By Alfred L. Castleman, Milwaukee, 1863. *2328.53=*"2oth".43d.5 Four years in the Army of the Potomac. By Evan R. Jones. London. [i88i.] *4222.53 Proceedings at the annual meeting, 1901. [Milwaukee, 1901.] *4323.i76 6th Regiment. Infantry. Service with the 6th Wisconsin Volun- teers. By Rufus Robinson Dawes. Marietta, O., 1800. *4325.i36 8th Regiment. Infantry. "The Eagle Regiment," 8th Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers. A sketch of its marches, . . . 1861 to 1865. With a complete roster. By J. M. Williams. Belleville, 1890. *4320.i25 Opening of the Mississippi; or, two years' campaigning in the South-west. A rec- ord of campaigns, . . . the 8th Wiscon- sin Volunteers. By George W. Driggs. Madison, 1864. *4324.iii The soldier bird "Old Abe," the live v/ar- eagle of Wisconsin. By Joseph O. Bar- rett. Madison, 1876. *4328.67 15th Regiment. Infantry. Det Femtende Regiment Wisconsin Fri- villige. Samlet og bearbeidet af O. A. Buslett. Decorah, la. [1894.] *"20th".43d.i5 En kortfattet Skildring af det Femtende Wisconsin Regiments Historic og Virk- somhed under Borgerkrigen, samt Nogle Korte Trsek af Fangernes Ophold i Andersonville. Af P. G. Dietrichson. Chicago, 1884. *"20th".73d.i5 2ist Regiment. Infantry. A soldier of the Cumberland: memoir of Mead Holmes, Jr. By his father. With an introduction by John S. Holt. Bos- ton, 1864. *4449.i3o 36th Regiment. Infantry. The 36th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. By James Madison Aubery. [Milwaukee? 1900.] *"2oth".43d.36 37th Regiment. Infantry. The sword and gun, a history of the 37th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. By Robert C. Eden. Madison, 1865. *4329a.6o 38th Regiment. Infantry. Battle fields and camp fires of the 38th An authentic narrative of the organiza- tion of the 38th Regiment Volunteer Infantry, and the part taken by it in the late war. By S. W. Pierce. Milwaukee, 1866. *4229.68 CURRENT LIBRARY NEWS. EXHIBITION IN THE FINE ARTS DE- PARTMENT DURING AUGUST. A collection of original sketches of scenes in the Civil War, by Frank Vizetelly, artist and war correspondent of the London Illus- trated News, in the Confederate Lines. Loaned by the Library of Harvard College. A collection of photographs of scenes and incidents in the Civil War. SOUTH END BRANCH. On July 13, the South End Branch was moved from the English High School Build- ing, Montgomery St., where it had been since 1881, to the Every Day Church, 397 Shawmut Ave., which has been leased for Library purposes. At present the branch occupies temporary quarters in the base- ment during the fitting up of the main floor. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin. Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39, 46, 47, 51-56, 62-64, 67. 69, 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 1903. .10; by mail, .17 Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1492 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russian Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by mail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. .25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. The Fine and Decorative Arts: books in English suitable for small public libraries. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 12. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Economics: selected works in the English language. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3. Memoranda of Lieut, Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79- Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5.00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application; by mail, each .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prince Library. Catalogue. i.oo Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. .15; by mail, .t8 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from tTie Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No. 8. Health and Hygiene In Bulletin no. 97. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles I., & English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. II. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibfiography. .50; by mail, .53 No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars. .25; by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789- .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,. 12 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .7c;: by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding Lists. OF THE ''N'lVf'RSllV uf I'. liNOi:^,. MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRAE OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. Vol. IX. No. 9. September, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904. TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, 397 Shawmut Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. Avenue. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Pleading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Readinrj: Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 571 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, 752 Dudley St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room^ 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew ■ Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM July 15 to August 15, 1904. The symbol = following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books. Cole's Encyclopedia of dry goods. A reference book for the wholesale and retail dry goods trade of the United States . . . New edition, revised and enlarged. By Geo. S. Cole. Chicago, 1900. IllllS. *8032.2I Patterson, Homer L., editor. Patterson's College and school directory of the United States and Canada. Chi- cago, 1904. Illits. Portrait. *2388.23 Schoolmasters yearbook and directory, The, for 1903, 04. A reference book of sec- ondary education in England and Wales. London, 1903, 04. 2 v. *3599a.28 Staats-Lexikon, Das. Encyclopadie der sammtlichen Staatswissenschaften fiir alle Stande . . . Herausgegeben von Karl von Rotteck tmd Karl Welcker. Leipzig, 1856-1866. 14 V. *7383-25 Genealogy^ Heraldry^ Arlington, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records, to 1850. [Edited by Henry Ernest Woods.] Boston, 1904. [New- England Historic Genealogical Society.] — *443oa.228 Bates, Samuel Austin. Vital records of Braintree. The Arnold family. [Edited by Frank A. Bates.] South Braintree, Mass., 1902. 48 pp. 4439a.228 Bolton, Ethel Stanwood. Some descendants of John Moore of Sud- bury, Mass. Boston, 1904. 22 pp. 3= *4433-349 British Record Society. Annual report, 1896-1901. [London? 1897- 1902.] *2504.i24 Chase and Sanborn, publishers. Seals and coats of arms [of the states and territories of the United States. Bos- ton, 1902]. 13 pp. of colored plates. ~ 4429.41 Crozier, William Armstrong. A registry of American families entitled to coat armor. New York, 1904. 92 pp. *4334.i6o Drummond, Josiah Hayden. The two James Rogers; James Rogers of Londonderry and James Rogers of Dunbarton. A genealogical research. Manchester, 1902. 15 pp. =: *4433.72 Eccleston, Parish, Lancashire. The registers of the Parish Church. Christenings, burials, and weddings, 1603-1694. Transcribed and edited by Josiah Arrowsmith. The indexes by Joan Peacock. Rochdale, 1903. [Lan- cashire Parish Register Society.] *2504.i39 Fielding, Harriet Chapin. The ancestors and descendants of Isaac Alden and Irene Smith, his wife. Portraits. Plate. *4336.i65 for record- with blank *4433-3i6 [Orange, N. J.? 1903. Fac-similes. Oilman, Jonathan W. C. Ancestral diagram, arranged ing. Boston, 1902. 5 pp., sheets. = Lawrence, Robert Means. The descendants of Major Samuel Law- rence of Groton, Massachusetts. With some mention of allied families. Cam- bridge, 1904. Plates. = *4432.274 Marblehead, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records, to the end of 1849. Vol. i. Births. Salem, 1903. [Essex Institute.] = *443oa.232 Middleton, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records of Middleton, Massachu- setts, to the end of 1849. [Edited by G. F. Dow.] Topsfield, 1904. [Tops- field Llistorical Society.] ^443oa.23i 320 September Padiham, Parish, Lancashire. The registers of the Parish Church. Christenings, burials and weddings, 1573 to 1653. Transcribed and edited by John A. Laycock. The indexes by Amy Wil- son. Wigan, 1903. [Lancashire Parish Register Society.] *2504.i40 Petersham, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records, to the end of 1849. [Edited by Franklin P. Rice.] Worcester, 1904. [S3'stematic History Fund.] = *443oa.229 Shrewsburj% Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records, to the end of 1849. [Edited by Franklin P. Rice.] Worcester, 1904. [Systematic History Fund.] = *443oa.227 Stockwell, Mary Le Baron. Descendants of Francis Le Baron, of Ply- mouth, Mass. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-simile. *4432.27o Thorne, Adela Page. History of the Page platter from 1629 to 1902. [Jerseyville, Ind.] 1902. 31 pp. = *4439a.226 A genealogy of the Page family. Waltham, Mass. City Clerk. Vital records, to 1850. [Edited by Henry Ernest Woods.] Boston, 1904. [New- England Historic Genealogical Society.] = *443oa.230 Whitmore, William Henry. Notes on the family of Bigg, represented by the descendants of Hopestill Foster and John Stone. [Will of John Bigg.] Boston, 1875. 10 pp. *4434.246 Biography* Collective Biographies. East, W. Quartermaine. The last days of great men, Cromwell, Napoleon, Mahomet. With a diary of the journey of Napoleon L from Smor- goni to Paris, an episode of the cam- paign of 1812, by the Baron Paul de Bourgoing. London, 1903. Portrait. Plan 22493.39 Fox, Arthur William. A book of bachelors. New York, 1900. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. 2542.176 Contents. — The schoolmaster: Henry Peacham, — The physician : Andrew Boorde. — The par- son : Henry Smith. — The bishop : Lancelot Andrewes. — The archbishop : George Abbot. — The poet: Abraham Cowley. — The traveller: Thomas Coryate. — The courtier: Sir Thomas Overbury. — The diplomatist: Sir Henry Wot- ton. — The humorist: Robert Burton. Authorities consulted, pp. x-xv. Funck-Brentano, Jacques Chretien Frantz Seraphicus. Les brigands. Brigands et routiers, Barbe-bleue, Guilleri, flibustiers. Car- touche, Mandrin. Ouvrage illustre de 26 planches en couleur d'apres les aquarelles d'Alfred Paris. Paris, 1904. *264i.i62 Bibliography at the beginning of each chapter. Gideon, D. C. 1848-. Lidian Territory: descriptive, biographi- cal and genealogical. New York, 1901. Illus. Portraits. Autograph fac-similes. *4372.i49 La Tremoille, Charles Louis, Due de, com- piler. A royalist family, L-ish and French (1689- 1789) and Prince Charles Edward. Translated from the French by A. G. Murray MacGregor. Edinburgh, 1904. Plate. Map. *254i.i4o Contains Journal of the ship bearing Prince Cliarles to Scotland, and letters which relate to the Rebellion of 1745.^ Relates to the Walsh family. Middlebury College. Catalogue of the officers and students and of others who have received de- grees 1800 to 1900. Middlebury, 1901. = *4492.27 Moebius, Paul Julius. Ausgewahlte V/erke. Leipzig, 1903. 3 v. Portraits. Plate. Fac-simile. 2902.42 Contents. — i. J. J. Rousseau. 2, 3. Goethe. Nolhac, Annet Marie Pierre Giraud de. Louis XV. et Madame de Pompadour, d'apres des documents inedits. [loe edi- tion.] Paris, 1904. 4656.81 Vignaud, Jean Henry. Toscanelli and Columbus. Letters to Sir Clements R. Markham, and to C. Ray- mond Beazley. London, 1903. 31 PP- = 2317.85 Bibliography, pp. 5-14- Single Biographies. Adams, William E. ]\Iemoirs of a social atom. London, 1903. 2 V. 2547.185 Autobiographical. Asser, John, Bishop. Life of King Alfred; together with the Annals of Saint Neots, erroneously ascribed to Asser. Edited by William Henry Stevenson. Oxford, 1904- Fac- simile. 4528.48 Bouton, John Bell. A sketch of the character and life-work of Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, Concord, N. H., 1825-1867. [Concord.] 1902. 15 pp. Portrait. Plates. == 4445-383 Butterfield, Julia Lorrilard, editor. A biographical memorial of General Daniel Butterfield, including many ad- dresses and military writings. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. = *4343.24i Relates to the Civil War. Calmon-Maison, Jean Joseph Robert. 1854- Le Marechal de Chateau-Renault (1637- 1716). Paris, 1903. Portrait. Map. 2644.17 1904 321 Carlyle, Thomas. New letters. Edited l)y Alexander Car- lyle. London, 1904. 2 v. Portraits. Plate. Fac-similes. 4547-152 Cody, William Frederick. The adventures of Buffalo Bill. New York, 1904. Plate. 4349.265 Cowper, William. Correspondence . . . with annotations, by Thomas Wright. London, 1904. 4 v. Maps. 2543.184 Dawson, Sir John William. Fifty years of work in Canada, scientific and educational: being autobiographi- cal notes. Edited by Rankine Dawson. London, 1901. Portrait. 4349.263 Dawson, William Harbutt. Matthew Arnold and his relation to the thought of our time. New York, 1904. Portrait. 4547.150 Bibliography, pp. 439-443. Driesen, Ludwig. Leben des Fiirsten Johann Moritz von Nassau-Siegen . . . Berlin, 1849. 4846.88 Relates to the history of the Netherlands in the seventeenth century. Emerson Centennial, The. Boston, 1903. Illus. Portraits. *Cab.23.52.5 A scrap-book of circulars, programmes, tickets and newspaper clippings relating to the Centen- nial celebration, Foord, John, Journalist. The life & public services of Simon Sterne. London, 1903. Portrait. Fac- simile. 4347-337 Glenn, Thomas Allen. William Churchill Houston. 1746-1788 . . . Norristown, 1903. 99 pp. Plate. Fac- simile. — *4344.2o6 Contains writings of Houston. Gurney, Dorothy Frances. The childhood of Queen Victoria. New York, 1901. Portraits. 2548.203 Henderson, Thomas F. 1844-. Robert Burns. New York, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. [Little biographies. Methuen.] 4549a.i82 Herrick, Robert Parkinson, D.D. Windom, the man and the school. Min- neapolis. [1904?] 31 pp. Portraits. = 4444-393 Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig. Das Goethe-Haus in Weimar. 4. Auflage. Berlin. [190-.] 24 pp. Illus. Portraits. = 28993.3 Hopkins, Henry, D.D. The power of personality as illustrated in Mary Lyon. Founder's Day address [at Mount Holyoke College]. South Hadley, 1902. 15 pp. = 4498.304 Jewitt, John Rodgers. The adventures of John Jewitt, only sur- vivor of the crew of the ship Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years among the Indians of Nootka Sound in Vancouver Island. Edited by Robert Brown. London, 1896. Illus. Por- trait. = 4362.231 Jouin, Henry. Jules Janin d'apres des documents inedits. Paris. 1898. 55 pp. Portrait. Plate. 2641.15 Leonardon, Henri. 1863-. Prim. Paris, 1901. [Ministres et hommes d'etat.]^ 3096.221 Bibliographic, pp. 213, 214. Leupp, Francis Ellington. The man Roosevelt, a portrait sketch. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 4345-303 Lincoln, David Francis. Philippe Pincl; a memorial sketch. Bos- ton, 1903. Text, 13 pp. Plate. = *Cab.37.35.i Lines, Charles B., editor. Memorial of Edward C. D. Lines, late Captain of Co. C, 2d Reg't Kansas Cavalry. New Haven, 1867. 34 pp. Por- trait. *"20th".50.527 Lyon, William Henry. Joseph Jackson, fourth minister of the Church of Christ in Brookline, 1760- 1796. A sermon. Brookline, Mass., 1902. 18 pp. = 4449.291 Marki, Sandor, editor. Matyas Kiraly Emlekkonyv. Kolozsvari szobranak leleplezese alkalmara . . . Budapest, 1902. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. = *4840.23 Mason, Virginia. The public life and diplomatic correspond- ence of James M. Mason. Roanoke, Virginia, 1903. Portrait. 434i-i75 Moore, Sir John. 1761-1809. Diary. Edited by Sir J, F. Maurice. Lon- don, 1904. 2 V. Portrait. Maps. 6521.56 Bibliography, vol. i, p. xxxii. Relates to British military history. Nesselrode, Charles Robert, Comte de. 1780-1862. Lettres et papiers. 1760-1850. Extraits de ses archives. Publics par le comte A. de Nesselrode. Tome i, 2. Paris. [1904.] Portraits. Plate. Fac-similes. 2302.103 Relates to the diplomatic history of Russia and Europe. Vol. I contains the correspondence of Guillaume de Nesselrode. Nielsen, Yngvar. 1843-. Lensgreve Johan Caspar Herman Wedel Jarlsberg . . . 1 749-1840. Christiania, 1901, 02. 3 V. Portraits. Plates. = 4821.70 Ogden, Rollo. 1856-. William Plickling Prescott. Boston, 1904. Portrait. [American men of letters.] 4348.241 Palmer, Alice Freeman. To the happy memory of Alice Freeman Palmer. [Programme of memorial ser- vices at] Appleton Chapel, Harvard University, January 31st, 1903. [Cam- bridge, 1903.] 4 pp. = 4444-389 Pickard, Samuel T. Whittier-land. A handbook of North Es- sex. Containing many anecdotes of and poems by Whittier never before col- lected. Boston, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Map. 2359a.i3i Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas. Jules Ferry. Paris, 1903. Portrait. 2644.15 322 September Raynaud, Stanislas. Le Pere Didon. Sa vie et son oeuvre. (1840-1900.) Paris, 1904. Portrait. 2648.36 Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Francis Parkman. Boston, 1904. Portrait. [American men of letters.] 4348.242 Sichel, Walter. Beaconsfielcl. New York. [1904.] Por- traits. Plates. Autograph fac-similes. 4549a.i66 Slattery, Charles Lewis. Edward Lincoln Atkinson. 1865-1902. London, 1904. Portrait. Plate. 2349.141 Suffolk Bar, Boston, Mass. Proceedings in memory of Joseph Lewis Stackpole, February 20, 1904, with an appendix containing Tribute of Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1904. 26 pp. Portrait. = 7632.68 Thacher, John Boyd. Christopher Columbus: his life, his work, his remains; together with an essay on Peter Martyr of Anghera and Barto- lome de las Casas, the first historians of America. New York, 1903, 04. 3 v. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. *274oa.58 Thomas, Pierre Marie Felix. Pierre Leroux. Sa vie, son oeuvre, sa doc- trine. Paris, 1904. [Bibliotheque de philosophic contemporaine.] 2644.170 Eibliographie, pp. iii-vi. Thorne, John Calvin. A monograph of the Rev. Israel Evans, chaplain in the American Army . . . 1775-1783 • • • Concord, N. H., 1902. 26 pp. Illus. Portrait. = 4445.381 Vet, W. A. van der. Het Bienboec van Thomas van Cantimpre en zijn exempelen. 'S-Gravenhage, 1902. 4842.69 Bibliographic, pp. 448-454. Villard, Henry. 1835-1900. Heinrich Hilgard-Villard. Jugend-Erin- nerungen, 1835-1853. New York, 1902. Portraits. = 4345.300 Waliszewski, Kazimierz. Ivan le terrible. 2e edition. Paris, 1904. Map. [Les origines de la Russie mo- derne. 3064.200 Bibliographic, pp. 535-552. Crooks, John Joseph. 1842-. A history of the Colony of Sierra Leone, Western Africa. Dublin, 1903. Maps. 3059.265 Cunningham, Alfred. The French in Tonkin and South China. Hongkong. [1902.] Illus. Portraits. Map. 3018.239 Ferrero, Guglielmo. Grandezza e decadenza di Roma. Vol. i, 2. Milano, 1902. 27593.82 Grenier, Pierre Antoine. L'empire byzantin. Son evolution sociale et politique. Paris, 1904. 2 v. 3089.171 Homo, Leon. Essai sur le regne de I'empereur Aurelien. (270-275.) _ Paris, 1904. Illus. Map. Plans. [Bibliotheque des ecoles fran- gaises d'Athenes et de Rome.] *2953.6i.89 Bibliographic, pp. 1-23. Laur, Francis, editor and illustrator. Siege de Peking. Recits authentiques ^les assieges. Paris, 1904-05. Illus. Por- traits. Plans. 3016.217 Lemire, Charles. L'Oceanie frangaise. Les interets frangais dans le Pacifique. Tahiti — Nouvelles- Ilebrides — Canal de Panama. Paris, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Map, 3047.341 Ouvrages de Ch. Lemire, pp. 91-93. Lenk, Heinrich von. Die Geschichte Transvaals unter der Pra- sidentschaft Paul Kriigers, 1884-1899. Nebst einer kurzen Geschichte des Oranje-Freistaats, 1854-1899. Leipzig. [1903.] Portraits. 4896.50.456 Rosthorn, Arthur von. Die Ausbreitung der chinesischen Macht in siidwestlicher Richtung bis zum vier- ten Jahrhundert nach Chr, Wien, 1895, 38 pp. 3012.178 University of Iowa. Studies in sociology, economics, politics and history. Iowa City, 1903. *3563.2io Contents. — 2. 2. The political ideas of modern Japan. By Karl Kiyoshi Kawakami. Europe. History* General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Adler, Cyrus, editor, 1863-, The voice of America on Kishineff. Phila- delphia, 1904. 2299.93 Chailley-Bert, Joseph, Le recrutement des fonctionnaires colo- niaux. La Hollande et les fonction- naires des Indes Neerlandaises, Paris, 1893. 87 pp. 30493.271 Barbeau, Charles Alfred, Une ville d'eaux anglaise au XVIIIe siecle. La societe elegante et litteraire a Bath, sous la reine Anne et sous les Georges. Paris, 1904. 2551.88 Bibliographic, pp. 313-339- Biondi, Giovanni Francesco. An history of the Civill VVarres of Eng- land, betweene the two Houses of Lan- caster and Yorke. Written in Italian . . . Enghshed by . . . Henry, Earle of Monmouth. London, 1641, 46. 2 v, in I. *45i2.i36 Bonde, Helena Ester Florence, Friherrinn, Paris in '48. Edited by C. E. Warr. New York, 1903. Portrait. 2628.176 1904 Bories, Edmond. Histoire de la villc de Poissy. Paris, igoi. Illus. Flans. 4661.47 Preface by Anthyme Saint Paul. Boronat y Barrachina, Pasctial. Les Moriscos espanoles y su expulsion. Valencia, 1901. 2 v. 3093.180 Bowles, William Lisle. The parochial history of Bremhill, Wilts; containing a particular account ... of the Cistercian Abbey of Stanley . . . London, 1828. Plates. Map. *25o6.7i Campana, Cesare. i540?-i6o6. Delle historic del mondo . . . Nuoua- mente ristampate, diligentemente cor- rette, reampliate . . . con I'aggionta delle guerre di Fiandra . . . Venetia, 1607. 2 V. *2304.8o Continues G. Tarcagnota's Delle historie del mondo. Relates to Europe. Chambrier, James de. 1830-. La cour et la societe du Second Empire. Paris, 1902. 2 V. 2619.24 Copinger, Walter Arthur, compiler. County of Suffolk. Its history as dis- closed by existing records and other documents. Vol. i. ' London, 1904. *2507.i25 Cowan, Samuel. The ancient capital of Scotland. The stoi-y of Perth from the invasion of Agricola to the passing of the Reform Bill. New York, 1904. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. 2477.108 Darney, Georges. Saint-Cloud. Montlugon, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2614.7 Davitt, Michael. The fall of feudalism in Ireland; or, the story of the Land League Revolution. London, 1904. 4516.175 Denne, Samuel. 1730-1799. The history , and antiquities of Rochester and its environs. [Anon.] Rochester, 1772. Plates. Maps. 2467.45 Doubleday, H. Arthur, and William Tomlin- son Page, editors. The Victoria history of the County of Bedford. Vol. i. Westminster, 1904. Illus. Portrait. Maps. Plans. *246i.i57 Drage, Geoffrey. Russian affairs. London, 1904. Illus. Maps. 3064.206 Driault, fidouard. 1864- La politique orientale de Napoleon. Se- bastiani et Gardane. 1806-1808. Paris, 1904- 2653.136 Eastwood, Thomas Smith Badger. Ivanhoe-Land; being notes on men and books connected with Rotherham, York. Rotherham, 1865. 84 pp. Plates. *2464.49 Numerous additional plates, portraits, and a map of Sheffield have been inserted. List of books printed or written by persons born at or con- nected with Rotherham, pp. 77-84. Fellows, George Emory. Recent European history. 1789-1900. Bos- ton. [1902.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. 23093.5 Giesebrecht, Heinrich Ludvvig Theodor. Wcndische Geschichten, 780 bis 1182. Berlin, 1843. 3 v. 4819-13 Grand Duchy, The, of Finland. By the Author of "A visit to the Russians in Central Asia." London, 1903. Map. 50^37-53 Guicciardini, Francesco. 1482-1540. The historic of Gvicciardin: containing the warres of Italic and other parts, . . . reduced into English by Geffray Fenton. 3d edition. London, 1618. *2300.74 Relates to the history of Italy and France from 1490 to 1532. Herve, Aime Marie fidouard. La crise irlandaise depuis la fin du dix- huitieme siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1885. 4517-185 Hodges, George. Fountains Abbey. The story of a mediae- val monastery. London, 1904. Plates. Plans. 2468.93 i^eroy-Beaulieu, Henri Jean Baptiste Ana- tole. La France, la Russie et I'Europe. Paris, 1888. 2309a.9 Lockwood, Henry F., and Adolphus H. Gates. The history and antiquities of the fortifi- cations to the City of York. London, 1834. 56 pp. Illus. Map. *246i.i7 Lot, Victor Henri Ferdinand. fitudes sur le regne de Hugues Capet et la fin du Xe siecle. Paris, 1903. Tables. Fac-simile. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] 2614.9 Bibliographic, pp. xv-xl. Marechal, Philippe. La Revolution dans la Haute-Saone. Paris, 1903. Illus. Vignettes. Fac- similes. *262oa.79 Nassau, House of. Archives ou correspondance inedite de la maison d'Orange-Nassau. Recueil pu- blic . . . par G. Groen van Prinsterer. Leide, 1835-62. 16 v. 4826.68 Ocampo, Florian de. Coronica general de Espafia. En Alcala, I574-I586. 4 V. Illus. **D.I22.27 This work was begun by Ocampo and continued by him until the time of Scipio. His part of the work fills vol. i. The three remaining volumes are by Ambrosio de Morales, and they continue it until the union of Castille and Leon in 1070. It is further continued by Prudencio de Sando- val. A complete set may be found on shelf- number **D.I2S.2. Occupation et liberation du territoire. 1871- 1873. Corrcspondances. Paris, 1903. 2 V. 4624.77 Contains correspondence principally of Thiers, Gontaut-Biron and Saint-Vallier. Pelosini, Narciso Felice. Ricordi, tradizioni e leggende dei monti Pisani. Pisa, 1890. 2769a.9 Rau, Heribert. 1813-1876. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes fiir das deutsche Volk. Philadelphia. [185-?] = 2819.63 324 Reich, Emil. 1854- Foundations of modern Europe. Twelve lectures delivered in the University of London. London, 1904. 2307.36 Contents. — The War of American Independence. — The French Revolution. — Napoleon. — The reaction. — The revolutions. — The unity of Italy. — The unity of Germany. — The Franco- German War. Senac de Meilhan, Gabriel. 1736-1803. L'emigre. Public par Casimir Stryienski & Frantz Funck-Brentano. Paris, 1904. Portrait. 2676.271 Abridged from the original edition. Stark, Adam. 1 784-1867. The history and antiquities of Gainsburgh, (Com. Line.). Together with account of Stow, principally in illustration of its claim to be considered as the Roman Sidnacester. London, 1817. Plates. Map. *2464.83 Thiers, Louis Adolphe. Notes et souvenirs. 1870-1873. Paris, 1903. 4624.79 Whellan, T., & Co. Flistory and topography of the City of York; and the North Riding of York- shire. Beverley, 1857, 59. 2 v. Tables. *2464.29 America. Amis, Moses Neal. Historical Raleigh from its foundation in 1792. [Raleigh.] 1902. Portraits. Plates. 4379.181 Bowditch, Charles Pickering. The Lords of the Night and the Tonala- matl of the Codex Borbonicus. [New York, 1900.] 10 pp. =; 4463.200 Bowen, James R. Regimental history of the First New York Dragoons (originally the 130th N. Y. Vol. Infantry) during three years of active service in the great Civil War. [With a roster. New York.] 1900. Portraits. = *"20th".4i.C.i Bradish, Cyrus. Reminiscenses [sic] of a nonagenarian. Woodsville, N. H., 1903. 25 pp. Por- trait. ^4436.249 Memories of Haverhill, N. H. One of an edi- tion of ICQ copies. Burton, Clarence Monroe. Historical paper. Detroit, 1903. 17 pp. Plate. Map. = 4412.136 The title on the cover is "La Salle and the Griffon." Buslett, Ole Amundson. 1855-. Det Femtende Regiment Wisconsin Fri- villige. Samlet og bearbeidet af O. A. Buslett. Decorah, la. [1894.] Por- traits. *"20th".43d.i5 Challis, Frank H. Historical sketch of the Vermont Asso- ciation of Manchester, N. H. List of members. Constitution and by-laws. [Manchester.] 1904. 40 pp. Portraits. = 4436.247 September Cincinnati, Society of the. New York. i3inner in honor of the official delegates from France to the United States on the occasion of the dedication at Washing- ton of the statue of Count Rocham- beau . . . New York, 1902. 4 pieces. = *236o.46 Collins, Rev. Charles W. The Acadians of Madawaska, Maine. Bos- ton, 1902. 66 pp. [New England Catho- lic Historical Society publications.] = 3463.82 Cox, William Van Zandt. 1852-. The defenses of Washington. General Early's advance on the capital and the Battle of Fort Stevens, July 11 and 12, 1864. [Washington? 1902?] 34 pp. Illus. 2327.125 Bibliography, pp. 22, 23. Creasey, George William. The City of Newburyport in the Civil War. . . . [Also, Supplementary record of the "Gushing Guards" in the war with Spain, 1898-99.] Boston, 1903. Portrait. *"20th".45C.20 Davis, Nicholas A. The campaign from Texas to Maryland. Richmond, 1863. Portrait. *"20th".42i.4 Appended is the Muster roll of the 4th Texas Regiment. Grecian, Joseph. History of the Eighty-third Regiment, Lidiana Volunteer Lifantry. For three years with Sherman. Cincinnati, 1865. = *"20th".43a.83 Haebler, Conrad. 1857- Die iiberseeischen Unternehmungen der Welser, und ihrer Gesellschafter. Leip- zig, 1903. 4315-1^3 Contains chapters on the slave trade, the early history of Venezuela, and various explorers and governors of Venezuela. Hawkins, Rush Christopher. 1831-. Our political degradation. New York. [1904-] 3568.247 History o£ Bedford, New Hampshire, from 1737. Concord, 1903. Plates. *4335-93 Huberich, Charles Plenry. The Trans-Isthmian Canal: a study in American diplomatic history (1825- 1904). Austin, Texas, 1904. 31 pp. = 4461.179 Humphreys, David. 1832-. Heroes and spies of the Civil War. New York, 1903. Portrait. *"20th".52.437 Relates to the military history of the Con- federacy and to a Union spy who assumed the name of Lewis G. Contre. Jones, Robert Ralston. Fort Washington at Cincinnati, Ohio. [Cincinnati.] 1902. Illus. Portraits. Plan. = 4412.137 Lee, William O., compiler. 1844-. Personal and historical sketches and facial history of and by members of the Seventh Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, 1862-186 Portraits. Plates. Detroit. 1903 •20th".43e.C.7 1904 325 McBride, John R. History of the Thirty-third Indiana Veteran Vohmteer Infantry, Sept. t6, '1861, to Jnly 21, 1865, and incidentally of Col. John Cobiirn's Second Brigade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps. Indianapolis, 1900. Portraits. Auto- graph fac-similes. 2327-i35=*"20th".43a.33 McKee, James Harvey. Back "in war times." History of the 144th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry . . . [New York?] 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. = *"20th".4i.i44 Morla Vicuna, Carlos. Estudio historic© sobre el descubrimiento y conquista de la Patagonia y de la Tierra del Fuego. Leipzig, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. Map. 4316.176 Relates to the claims of Chile and the Argen- tine Republic to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. National Relief Commission. Report of the Executive Committee. Philadelphia. [1899.] Plates. = *442oa.247 New York, State. History and personal sketches of Com- pany I, 103 N. Y. S. V. 1862-1864. El- mira, N. Y., 1900. Portraits. Plate. *"20th".4i.i03 Nichols, G. W., of Jesup, Georgia. A soldier's story of his regiment (6ist ,Georgia), and incidentally of the Lawton-Gordon-Evans Brigade, Army Northern Virginia. [Jesup, 1898.] Por- traits. *"20th".42b.6i Nicoli, Jose Patricio. El Estado de Sonora. Yaquis y Mayos. Estudio historico. 2da edicion. Mexico, 1885. 4314.37 Ontario Historical Society Annual report. 1899-1901/02. Toronto, 1899-1903. = *43i4.2i5 Osgood, Herbert Levi. The American colonies in the seventeenth century. Vol. i, 2. New York, 1904. 2316.70 Payne, Edwin W. History of the Thirty-fourth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry; 1861- 1865. [Clinton, Iowa, 1902.] Illus. Por- traits. Maps. *"2oth".43C.34 History of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, together with a complete roster. Philadelphia, 1902. Portraits. Plate. *"2oth".4ib.C.ii History of the 127th regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. Familiarly known as the "Dauphin County Regiment." [Le- banon, Pa., 1902.] Portraits. Plate. *"20th".4ib.i27 Power, J. C, editor. Directory and soldiers' register of Wayne County, Indiana. Richmond, Ind., 1865. Map. *'*20th".48a.7i Price, Isaiah. Reunion of the Ninety-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, October 29th, 1884. Philadelphia, 1884. 64 pp. *"20th".7ib.97 Ramos i Duarte, Feliz. Diccionririo de curiosidadcs historicas, geograficas, hi(M-ng]-aficas, cronologicas, etc., de la Rcpuhlica Mejicana. Mejio, 1899. *43i6.i34 I'ihliographia, pp. i-vi. Rawles, William A. Centralizing tendencies in the administra- tion of Indiana. New York, 1903. [Co- lumbia University. Faculty of Political Science. Studies in history, economics and public law.] *3563.iio Register of the commissioned officers of the Eleventh Regiment of Pennsylvania Cavalry Volunteers . . . With historical memoranda of the Regiment. [By an officer of the Regiment.] Philadelphia, 1866. 55 pp. = *"20th".4i.C.ii.2 Rhode Island. General Assembly. Joint Special Committee on erection of monument at Andersonville, Ga. Re- port. Providence, 1903. 60 pp. Plates. Plan. = *2322.i4 Rigney, P. Samuel. History of the Two Hundred and Third Regiment, New York Infantry Volun- teers. Newburgh, N. Y., 1899. 83 pp. Portraits. Plate. *"20th".4i.203 Rivera, Agustin. 1824-. Anales mexicanos. La Reforma i el Se- gundo Imperio. Lagos, 1890, 91. 3 v. in 2. 43i9a.36 Compendio de la historia antigua de Mexico: hasta el desembarco de Juan de Grijalva. Tomo i. San Juan de los Lagos, 1878. 4316.30 ■ No more was published. Rochemonteix, Camille de, editor. Relation par lettres de I'Amerique septen- trionalle (annees 1709 et 1710). Paris, 1904. 2315.26 This is the first publication of the manuscript, now in the Konigliche Bibliothek, Berlin. The edition ascribes the authorship to Antoine Silvy. Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Mass. Publications. No. i. Boston, 1904. = *2354.ii8 State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Collections. Edited by Lyman Copeland Draper. Vol. i. Under the editorial direction of Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madison, 1903. Portrait. '4377.24 Reprinted from the original edition of 1855 [*4377-i]- Story, Moorfield. What shall we do with our dependencies? The annual address before the Bar As- sociation of South Carolina, Jan. 16, 1903. Boston, 1903. 60 pp. = 4228.230 United Confederate Veterans. Charles Broadway Rouse Camp, No. 1191. Report on the re-burial of the Confed- erate dead in Arlington Cemetery, and attention called to the . . . graves of Confederate soldiers . . . now buried in northern states. Washington, 1901. 47 pp. Map. Plans. = 2322.8 United States. An act to provide for the appropriate marking of the graves of the soldiers 526 September and sailors of the Confederate Army and Navy, and for other purposes. [Wash- ington.] 1903. 4 pp. = *432i.i47 Commissioner of Military. Prisoners. I, do acknowledge myself to be a prisoner to the United States of America ... N. p. 178-. 3 pp. **H.9ob.i2o Two printed forms of parole for prisoners to be filled out in manuscript. Vespucci, Amerigo. 1451-1512. Mundns novtis: ein Bericht Amerigo Ves- pucci's an Lorenzo de Medici iiber seine Reise nach Brasilien in den Jahren 1501/02, nach einem Exemplare der zu Rostock von Hermann Barckhusen ge- druckten Folioausgabe, im Besitze der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt a. M., in Faksimile und mit Einleitungen heraus- gegeben von Emil Sarnow und Kurt Triibenbach. Strassburg im Elsass, 1903- 35 pp. Plate. Maps. *23io.8i Westcott, Thompson. 1820-1888. Names of persons who took the oath of allegiance to the State , of Pennsylvania, 1777-1789, with a history of the "Test laws." Philadelphia, 1865. *2372.2i Wharton, Samuel. Plain facts: being an examination into the rights of the Indian nations of America to their respective countries; and a vindication of the grant from the Six United Nations of Indians, to the proprietors of Indiana, . . . proving that the territory, westward of the Allegany Mountain never belonged to Virginia^ &c. [Anon,] Philadelphia, 1781. **H.85.68 Woodward, Ashbel. 1804-1885. A historical address delivered in Frank- lin, Connecticut, October 14th, 1868, on the two htmdredth anniversary. 2d edi- tion. New Haven, 1870. Portraits. Map. *4439.278 Fine Arts^ Archaeology* Antiquities. Alexandria, Egypt. Musee greco-romain. Catalogues des monuments exposes au Musee. Redige par . . . G. Botti. Alexandrie, 1900. Plates. Plan. 3059a.i48 Biardot, E. Prosper. Explication du symbolisme des terres cuites grecques de destination fune- raire. Paris, 1864. 72 pp. 2962.46 Bowman, William, and others. Reliquiae antiquse Eboracenses, or remains of antiquity, relating to the County of York. Leeds, 1855. Illus. Map. *243i.29 British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Catalogue of the terra cottas. By H. B. Walters. [Revised by A. S. Murray and others.] London, 1903. Illus. *8o82.i56 Chabas, Frangois Joseph. L'obelisque de Louqsor. Traduction des inscriptions hieroglyphiques. Paris, 1904. 16 pp. 5034.40 Jollois, Jean Baptiste Prosper. Journal d'un ingenieur attache a I'Expe- dition d'figypte, 1798-1802, public par P. Lefevre-Pontalis. Notes de voyage et d'archeologie . . . avec des fragments tires des journaux de Fourier, Jomard . . . Paris, 1904. Portrait. [Biblio- theque egyptologique. Tome 6.] 3052.164 Normand, Charles, Architect. 1858- Une ville antique inedite. Aquae Calidae Colonia ou Hammam R'Hira (Province d'Alger). Paris. [1903.] 74 pp. Illus. 3051-75 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Ars moriendi. [From the copy in the Co- lumbine Library, in Seville. New York, 1902.] 16 ff. Plates. *407i.i66 Reprinted in fac-simile by Archer M. Hunting- ton. One hundred copies were printed. Art Institute of Chicago. General catalogue of objects in the mu- seum. August, 1901. Chicago, 1901. Plates. Plans. = 4079a.53 Berliner Secession. Katalog der Kunstausstellung. 7te. 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Plan. = *4079a.285 Bertaux, fimile. L'art dans I'ltalie meridionale. Tome i. Dessins et photographies de I'auteur Paris, 1904. Illus. Plans, [ficole fran- gaise de Rome.] *Cab.8o.io6.3 Cruikshank, George. 1 792-1878. Water colours. With introduction by Joseph Grego. London, 1903. Colored plates. *8o64.i63 Contents. — Introduction. — Oliver Twist. [Se- lections.] By C. Dickens. — The miser's daugh- ter. [Selections.] By W. H. Ainsworth. — His- tory of the Irish Rebellion in 1798, and Emmet's Insurrection in 1803. [Selections.] By W. H. Maxwell. Havard, Henry. Histoire et philosophic des styles (archi- tecture, ameublement, decoration). Paris, 1899, 1900. 2 V. Illus. Plans. *Cab.8o.245.3 Some of the plates are colored. Hollaender, Eugen. Die Medizin in der klassischen Malci-ei. Stuttgart, 1903. Illus. Portraits. ' *Inf.407.io Bibliographic, pp. 275, 276. Huish, Marcus Bourne. Happy England as painted by Helen Al- lingham, with memoir and descriptions by Marcus B. Huish. London, 1903. Portrait. Colored plates. *4076.i94 Huntington, Archer Milton, editor. Initials and miniatures of the IXth, Xth, and Xlth centuries, from the Mozarabic manuscripts of Santo Domingo de Silos, 1904 in the British Museum. New York, 1904. 17 pp. 47 colored plates. == *Cab.2i.24.6 Molinier, Charles Louis Marie ^:mile. La collection Wallace. Meubles et objets d'art frangais des XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Paris. [190-?] 100 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.5 Scott, William Bell. Chorea sancti viti; or, steps in the jour- ney of Prince Legion. London, 1851. 2 pp. 12 plates. *8o62.i32 Stenelaus and Amylda; a Christmas legend. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Lon- don, 1858. 32 pp. *8o69a.i2i Architecture. Building. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Six views of the Library buildings, ex- terior and interior. [Oxford, 1900.] Photographs. *6i9oa.i59 Correll, Ferdinand. Freitreppen und Portale vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit. Frankfurt a. M., 1902. 50 plates. *8o9oa.76 Faneuil Hall, Boston. Faneuil Hall [in 1870, with marginal pic- ture of same in 1789. Etching on Japan paper. With descriptive note]. Boston, 1903. [Iconographic Society.] = *Cab.23.40.i4 73 impressions were made, of which this is number 65. Mason, William Shaw. A descriptive and architectural sketch of the Grace-Mausoleum, in the Queen's County. [Edited by Sheffield Grace.] Dublin, 1819. Portraits. Plates. Maps. No. 2 in *2473.83 Osborne, Charles Francis. Notes on the art of house-planning. New York, 1888. Plans. 8108.11 Planat, Paul, editor. Choix de portes d'entree de maisons fran- Qaises modernes. Paris. [1904.] 60 plates. *Cab.6o.5i.7 Raschdorff, Jules Charles. Dom zu Berlin. Unter Mitwirkung von O. Raschdorff. Berlin, 1896. 9 plates. *Cab.6o.i52.i Strzygowski, Josef. Der Dom zu Aachen und seine Ent- stellung. Ein kunstwissenschaftlicher Protest. Leipzig, 1904. lUus. Plans. 4092.124 Sitte, Camillo. Der Stadte-Bau nach seinen kiinstleri- schen Grundsatzen. Wien, 1901. Illus. Plans. 4096.109 United States. Library of Congress. [Photographs showing the Library of Congress in the early stages of its con- struction. Washington? 1889.] 7 plates. = *6l90.I22 Wiegand, Theodor, and others. Die archaische Poros-Architektur der Akropolis zu Athen. Cassel, 1904. Text, Illus., Plans; Atlas, 17 plates. *Cab.6o.9o.4 15 plates are colored. Artists. Knackfuss, Flugo. Rubens. Translated by Louise M. Rich- ter. Bielefeld, 1904. Illus. Portraits. [Monographs on artists.] 4082.78 Le Bourdelles, Raymond. Leonard de Vinci, Manzoni, Le Trissin, Camoens. Paris, 1904. [fitudes itali- ennes et de la litterature etrangere.] 4089.137 Oettingen, Wolfgang von. Daniel Chodowiecki. Ein Berliner Kiinst- lerleben im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1895. Illus. Portraits. 4084.165 Pacini, Giovanni. Le mie memorie artistiche (edite ed ine- dite). Autobiografia . . . riscontrata sugli autografi e publicata da Ferdi- nando Magnani. Firenze, 1875. Por- trait. 4048.214 Perzynski, Fr. Hokusai. Bielefeld, 1904. Illus. [Kiinst- ler-Monographien.] 4082.189 Stokes, Hugh. Benozzo Gozzoli. London. [1904.] 26 pp. 61 plates. [Newnes' Art library.] 4084.167 .Thode, Henry. Tintoretto. Bielefeld, 1901. Illus. Por- traits. [Kiinstler-Monographien.] 4082.170 Caricature. Maurice, Arthur Bartlett, and Frederic Taber Cooper. The history of the nineteenth century in caricature. New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plates. *8o6oa.i65 Ohara, Kisaburo. A humorous diplomatic atlas of Europe and Asia. N. p. 1904. = *Cab.70.i9.9 Legend and explanatory text in Japanese and English. Russia is represented as the "black octopus." Decoration. Design.' Ornament. Mosaic. Furniture. Lace. Embroidery. American Carpet and Upholstery Journal. Oriental and domestic rugs. Supplement. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 4010.113 Drawing. Jacobs, Hobart B., and Augusta L. Brower. Hand-book to accompany the graphic system of object drawing. New York. [1887.] = 8068.99 Knaufft, Ernest. 1864-. Drawing for printers. Chicago, 1899. Illus, Portraits. 8o6ga.i27 328 September Engraving. Etching. Amateur, An, pseud. Catalogue of etchings by J. McN. Whist- ler . . . Supplementary to that com- piled by F. Wedmore. New York, 1902. 40 pp. *8o86.ioo Wedmore's catalogue is on shelf-no. *8o86.65. Kirkbride, Joseph. Engraving for illustration. Historical and practical notes. London, 1903. 79 pp. Illus. Portraits. 80693.125 Lippmann, Friedrich. Lucas Cranach. Sammlung von Nach- bildungen seiner vorziiglichsten Holz- schnitte und seiner Sticlie. Berlin, 1895. 24 pp. Illus. 57 plates. *Cab.8o.i25.3 Many of the plates are portraits. Putnam, Frank P. The John Davis collection of prints [at the Lowell City Library] and a word concerning the everyday value of art. [Lowell? 1902?] 14 pp. = 4067.48 Music. Musicians. Chickering & Sons. The commemoration of the founding of the House of Chickering & Sons, 1823- 1903. Boston. [1904] 93 PP- Por- traits. Plates. Fac-similes. = 4042.148 Williams, Charles Francis Abdy. 1855-. The story of notation. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. [The Music story series.] 4049.240 Bibliography, pp. 223-236. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING AUGUST, 1904. Albert, Eugene Francis Charles d'. Kain. Vorspiel. Partitur. Berlin. [1901.] Bach, Johann Sebastian. Trauermusik (Tom- beau). Kantate. Bearbeitet von Phil. Wolfrum. Partitur. Leipzig, 1902/03. Chapin, Frederic. The storks. A musical fantasy. Vocal score [with accomp. for pianoforte]. New York, 1902. Class, Franklin Morris. The catnippers. Hasty Pudding play. [Cambridge.] 1903. German Volkslieder Album. Forty songs with the original words and an English version. [With pianoforte accomp.] Lon- don. [188-?] Hadley, Henry Kimball. Nancy Brown. A new musical comedy. Vocal score [with accomp. for pianoforte]. New York, 1903. Halberstadt, Joseph. Quartetto [for 2 vio- lins, viola and violoncello]. Manuscript. [1875-] Hudson, Henry, M.D. [Irish airs. Manu- script. 1842.] 5 V. Indy, Paul Marie Vincent d'. L'fitranger. Action musicale en deux actes. Partition pour chant et piano. Paris, 1902. Jacques-Dalcroze, fimile. Concerto pour violon avec accompagnement d'orchestre. Giuv. 50. Partition. Strassburg. [1902.] Kjerulf, Half dan. Album of songs. [With pianoforte accomp.] Boston. [188-?] Loraine, William. Peggy from Paris. A musical comedy. [Vocal score with piano- forte accomp.] New York, 1903. Missa, Edmond. Muguette. Opera-comique. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris, 1902. Pachulski, Ladislaus. Quartett (G dur) fiir 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncell. Wies- baden. [188-?] Rameau, Jean Philippe. Hippolyte et Aricie. Airs de ballet pour orchestre. Revision par Vincent dTndy. Partition. Paris. [189-?] Reuss, Heinrich XXIV, Prinz von Reuss- Kostritz. Quintett (C dur) fiir Pianoforte, zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncell. Op. 15. Hamburg, 1902. Sarasate y Navascues, Pablo Martin Meli- ton de. Airs ecossais pour violon avec accompagnement d'orchestre. CEuvre 34. Partitur. Berlin, 1892. Silver, Charles. La belle au bois dormant. Feerie lyrique. [Partition chant et piano.] Paris, 1901. Sloane, Alfred Baldwin. The mocking bird. A new romantic comedy. Vocal score [with accomp. for pianoforte]. New York, 1902. Smyth, Ethel M. Quintett in E dur fiir 2 Violinen, Bratsche und 2 Violoncelli. Op. I. Leipzig. Swedish national songs. [For voice] with piano. [Words in English, German, and French.] Stockholm. [1877.] Terrasse, Claude. La botte secrete. Ope- rette-bouffe en un acte. Partition piano et chant. Paris, 1903. Vogel, Charles Louis Adolphe. Gredin de Pigoche. Operette en un acte. [Parti- tion chant et piano.] Paris. [1866.] Witkowski, G. M. Symphonic en re mineur. Partition d'orchestre. Paris. [1901.] Wolf-Ferrari, Ernanno. Trio fur Piano- forte, Violine und Violoncell. Op. 7. Hamburg, 1901. Numismatics. Gems. Seals. Arms and Armor. Bauer, Max. 1844- Precious stones: a popular account; with an appendix on pearls and coral. Trans- lated . . . with additions by L. J. Spen- cer. London, 1904. Illus. *402i.34 Many plates are colored. The German original is on shelf-no. *402i.32. Jeffery, Frederick John. The medallic history of Napoleon the First. Liverpool, 1864. 20 pp. Plates. *2656.i32 Roudil de Berriac, Jean Antoine Hubert. Monumentorum Galaticorum synopsis; sive ad inscriptiones & numismata quae 1904 329 ad res Galaticas spectant breves con- jectiirae. [Anon.] Liburni, MDCC- LXXII. 85 pp. = *6226.66 Sambon, Luigi. Recherches sur les monnaies de la pres- qu'ile italique depuis leur origine jus- qu'a la bataille d'Actinm. Naples, 1870. Plates. 622oa.77 Toinard, Nicolas. 1629-1706. De Commodi Imperatoris setate in niim- mis inscripta. [Parisiis, 1690.] 12 pp. — *6226.68 Painting. Portraits. Blanquart, F. M. A. La chapelle de Gaillon et les fresques d'Andrea Solario. fivreiix, 1899. 30 pp. Plates. Plan. 4107.42 Cook, Theodore Andrea. The water-colour drawings of J. M. W. Turner, in the National Gallery . . . With text by T. A. Cook. London, 1904. 94 pp. Portrait. 62 plates. *Cab.8o.97.6 Fifty-eig-ht plates are colored. Crowe, Sir Joseph Arthur, and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle. A history of painting in Italy . . . from the second to the sixteenth century . . . edited by Langton Douglas, assisted by S. Arthur Strong. [2d edition.] Lon- don, 1903. 2 V. Portraits. Plates. Plans. 4075.230 Contents. — i. Early Christian art. 2. Giotto and the Giottesques. Hart, Charles Henry. 1847-. Catalogue of the engraved portraits of Washington. New York, 1904. Por- traits. [The Grolier Club.] *8o7i.74 Heinemann, Franz. Tell-Iconographie. Wilhelm Tell und sein Apfelschuss im Lichte der bildenden Kunst eines halben Jahrtausends (15.- 20. Jahrhundert) mit Beriicksichtigung der Wechselwirkung der Tell-Poesie. Luzern. [1902.] 74 pp. Illus. 4071.168 Holme, Charles, editor. 1848-. English water-colour. With reproductions of drawings by eminent painters. In- troduction by Frederick Wedmore. Lon- don, 1902. 8 parts in 2. Plates. ["The Stvdio" library.] *Cab.8o.2i4.4 Many of the plates are colored. Kobayashi, B. Exhibition of Japanese paintings, old school. Catalogue. Boston. [1902.] 16 pp. = 4079a.246 Exhibition of Japanese water colors. Cata- logue. Boston. [1902.] 16 pp. = 4079a.247 Nyari, Sandor. Le convent des Ermites de St. Paul a Czenstochowa, et ses monuments d'art hongrois. Budapest, 1901. 86 pp. Illus. 4070.156 The text is in Hungarian and French. Virchow, Rudolf Ludvig Carl. Portrat-Miinzen und Graf's hellenistische Portrat-Gallerie. Berlin, 1902. 8 pp. Illus. = 8073.180 Photography. Fritsch, Gustav Theodor. Beitrage zur Dreifarben - Photographic. Halle a. S., 1903. 38 pp. Illus. 8061.182 Snelling, Henry Hunt. The history and practice of the art of pho- tography. 4th edition. New York, 1853. Illus. = 7977-77 Pottery. Bissing, Friedrich Wilhelm von. Fayencegefasse. Vienne, 1902. Illus. [Mu- see du Caire.] *505oa.83 British Museum. Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethno- graphy. Catalogue of the collection of English pottery . . . by R. L. Hobson. London, 1903. Illus. 42 plates. *8o20.i49 Solon, M. L. A history and description of the old French fai'ence. London. [1903.] Plates. 8022.137 Contains bibliographies and potters' marks. Many plates are colored. Sculpture. Carving. Gold and Silver Work. Brach, Albert. Nicola und Giovanni Pisano und die Plas- tik des XIV. Jahrhunderts in Siena. Strassburg, 1904. 28 plates. 8081.129 Danielli, J. Les figurines de Tanagra et de Myrina. Paris, 1904. 58 pp. Illus. 8086.34 Lange, H. O., and Heinrich Schaefer, Egyp- tologist. Grab- und Denksteine des mittleren Reichs im Museum von Kairo. No. 20001-20780. Theil I. Berlin, 1902. Illus. *505oa.82 Contents. — i. Text zu No. 20001-20399. Masse, Henry Jean Louis Joseph. Pewter plate. London, 1904. Illus. *8o2i.i3i Musee de moulages, Lyons. Catalogue sommaire pour I'histoire de I'art antique par Henri Lechat. Lyon, 1903. [Universite de Lyon. Annales. Catalogues des collections universi- taires.] 4077.289 Pearson, J. Charles. An introduction to metal-working. New York, 1904. Illus. [Home and school library.] 8028.142 330 September Geography* Travels* Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Berghaus, Heinrich Carl Willielm. Allgemeine Lander- und Volkerkimde. Stuttgart, 1837-44. 6 v. Plates. Tables. = 6283.68 Boeken, Hubert J. Um und in Afrika. Reisebilder. Koln, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 3051.162 Davidson, Augusta M. Campbell. Present-day Japan. Philadelphia, 1904. Illus. Portraits. 3014.130 Enselme, Hippolyte Marie Joseph Antoine. A travers la Mandchourie: le chemin de fer de Test chinois. Paris, 1904. Plates. Map. 5019.29 Frye, Alexis Everett. Teachers' manual to accompany Frye's geographies. Boston, 1897. Plate. Maps. = 6287.84 Garnier, Charles, Professor at Havre. Les Americains aux Philippines. Notes de voyage. Rouen, 1902. 16 pp. 304oa.44 Gibbons, Alfred Saint Hill. Africa from south to north, through Marotseland. London, 1904. 2 v. Por- traits. Plates. Maps. 3053.272 Gibbs, Philip H. Australasia: the Britons of the South. London, 1903. Illus. ["Our Empire" series.] 30493.273 India: our Eastern Empire. London, 1903. Illus. Map. ["Our Empire" se- ries.] 3049.220 Landor, Arnold Henry Savage. The gems of the East: sixteen thousand miles of research travel among wild and tame tribes of enchanting islands. New York, 1904. Plates. Map. 3049b.i5 Travels in the Philippine Islands. Lauterer, Joseph. Japan. Das Land der aufgehenden Sonne einst und jetzt. 2. Auflage. Leipzig. [1904.] Illus. Map. 3015.190 Verzeichnis der beniitzten Literatur, pp. 373- 376. Mapping. Illus. Maps. Diagrams. (In International library of technology. Vol. 34, pp. 741-81 1. Scranton, 1903.) *8o27.i32.34 Rittner, George H. Impressions of Japan. London, 1904. Plates. 3019.177 Russia. MHHHCTepcTBO ^nnaHCOBi.. Kapia MaH^L^acypiH h an^aBHTHLifi jKasaTejiL noM^meHHLix'L Ha nefi reorpa^H^ecKHxt. HMeHT). CocTaBHJi'L JI. Eopoj^oBcidu. C. ne- Tep6yr'B, 1901. 33 pp. Map. *Map 1062.12 Stewart, Robert Laird. Memorable places' among the Holy Hills. New York. [1902.] Plates. Maps. 3049.212 Swayne, Harold George Carlos. Through the highlands of Siberia. Lon- don, 1904. Plates. Map. 3064.202 After wild sheep. Underwood, Lillias Horton. Fifteen years among the top-knots; or, life in Korea. New York. [1904.] Por- trait. Plates. 3014.105 The author was a medical missionary. Europe, Allen, Thomas, Engineer. 1803-1833. Lancashire illustrated, from original draw- ings, by S. Aus'tin, J. Harwood and G. & C. Pyne, &c., &c. London, 1832. Plates. *246i.22 Besant, Sir Walter. 1836-1901. London in the time of the Stuarts. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. [The survey of London.] *249i.i57 Gordon, Charles, of London? Old time Aldwych, Kingsway, and neigh- bourhood. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. 2495-172 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Florence. Revised by St. Clair Baddeley. 6th edition. London, 1904. Illus. Maps. 2769a.i6 Home, Gordon. Yorkshire coast and moorland scenes painted and described. London, 1904. Colored plates. Map. 2464.161 Jekyll, Gertrude. Old West Surrey: some notes and memo- ries. London, 1904. • 2466.135 Joanne, Adolphe Laurent. Versailles et les Trianons: palais, musee, jardins. 2e edition. Paris. [186-?] Illus. = 4668.56 Menpes, Mortimer. Venice. Text by Dorothy Menpes. Lon- don. [1904.] Colored plates. 476344 Nuova raccolta di no. 50 principali vedute di Roma e suoi contorni disegnate dal vero ed incise in rame dai piti rinomati ar- tisti di questa capitale. Roma. [183-?] 50 plates. = *Cab.27.34.2 The title is on the cover. Scherer, Aegidius. Geographic und Geschichte von Tirol und Vorarlberg, ein Lesebuch fiir die vater- landische Jugend. 4. von Dr. J. Haus- otter umgearbeitete Auflage. Innsbruck, 1876. Map. = 4869a.i2i Schindler, Charles. En Irlande. Paris. [1903.] 2479a.i02 Schotte, Eduard. Bilder aus Niirnbergs Mauern. 50 Photo- gravuren nach Original-Zeichnungen. Mit erlauterndem Vorwort von Hans Bosch. Nurnberg. [1894.] 4 pp. 50 plates. *486oa.24 Schuecking, Christoph Bernhard Levin An- ton Matthias. Eine Eisenbahnfahrt durch Westfalen. Leipzig, 1855. 48693.124 1904 331 Shand, Alexander Innes. Old-time travel: personal reminiscences of the Continent forty years ago. Lon- don, 1903. Plates. 6276.75 Singleton, Esther, editor and translator. Russia as seen and described by famous writers. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 3067.194 Slingsby, William Cecil. Norway, the northern playground: sketches of climbing and mountain exploration in Norway between 1872 and 1903. Edinburgh, 1904. Illus. Maps. 4004.170 Taylor, Joseph, of the Inner Temple. A journey to Edenborough in Scotland [in 1705]. Now first printed from the original manuscript. With notes by William Cowan. Edinburgh, 1903. *2477.iio Wyon, Reginald. The Balkans from within. New York, 1904. Plates. Maps. 3084.153 America. Andre, Eugene. A naturalist in the Guianas. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Map. 4467.159 Briefe, die ihn nicht erreichten. 35. Auflage. Berlin, 1903. 2367.132 The letters purport to be from a German lady, staying in New York, and relate to American life and manners. Burdick, Arthur J. The mystic mid-region: the deserts of the Southwest. New York, 1904. Plates. 4379.182 Cane, Claude Richard John. Summer and fall in western Alaska: the record of a trip to Cook's Inlet after big game. London, 1903. Plates. 4367.207 Davidson, George. 1825-. The Alaska iDOundary. San Francisco, 1903. Portrait. Maps. = 4311.237 Hanbury, David T. Sport and travel in the northland of Canada. London, 1904. Plates. Maps. 4466.210 Explorations in the Barren Grounds. Herron, Joseph S. Explorations in Alaska, 1899, for an ail- American overland route from Cook In- let, Pacific Ocean, to the Yukon. Wash- ington, 1901. 77 pp. Illus. Maps. [United States. Adjutant General.] = 4367.203 Jordan, David Starr. California and the Californians, and the Alps of King-Kern Divide. New edi- tion. San Francisco, 1903. 63 pp. Por- trait. Plates. 4374.181 Perley, Martin Van Buren, compiler. Pictorial Ipswich, with complete pictorial illustrations. Portsmouth, N. H., 1900. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 4354.162 Princeton University Expeditions to Pata- gonia, 1896-1899. Reports. Edited by W. B. Scott. Vol. i. Narrative and geography. By J. B. Fletcher. Princeton, 1903. Plates. Map. *446o.i28 Scarborough Company, publishers. The National Publishing Company's New railroad, post office, county and state map of the South Atlantic Group: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala- bama and Florida. With special maps of Cuba, Porto Rico, Bahama Islands and the Bermudas. Boston, 1900. Scale, 18 miles to i inch. Folded. *Map 1021.17 Schrader, Frank Charles. A reconnaissance in northern Alaska, in 1901. Washington, 1904. Illus. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = 586oa.94 Chronological list of works examined, pp. 31-33. Thwaites, Reuben Gold, editor. Early western travels, 1748-1846. Vol. i. Cleveland, 1904. Portrait. 4473.206 Contents. — i. Journals of Conrad Weiser (1748), George Croghan (1750-1765), Christian Fred- erick Post (1758), and Thomas Morris (1764). Unruh, Cd. M. von. Amerika noch nicht am Ziele! Trans- germanische Reisestudien. Frankfurt a. M., 1904. 2363.122 Verrill, Addison Emory. The Bermuda Islands: an account. New Haven, 1902. Illus. Portraits. Map. 4362.40 Language* Rhetoric* Biolley, Pablo. Elementos de gramatica griega aplicados al estudio de la lengua castellana. Paris, 1898. =: 5037-44 Relates principally to Greek etymologies in Spanish. Bonnard, Jean, and Am. Salmon. Grammaire sommaire de I'ancien frangai-s. Avec un essai sur la prononciation du IXe au XlVe siecle. Paris, 1904. 74 pp. 2682.40 Chardenal, C. A. Complete French course. Revised edition. Boston. [1892.] = **6689.i22 Dunn, Oscar. -1885. Glossaire franco-canadien et vocabulaire de locutions vicieuses usitees au Canada. Quebec, 1880. ^26893.27 Erdmann, Oskar. Grandziige der deutschen Syntax nach ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung. Stutt- gart, 1886, 98. 2 V. in I. 2885.83 Bibliography, vol. 2, pp. xv, xvi, i, 15, 118, 177, 232. Otto Mensing is the author of the second vol- ume. 332 Kittredge, George Lyman. [Some landmarks in the history of Latin grammars. With illustrations from the collection of George A. Plimpton, New York. Boston, 1903.] 16 pp. Fac- simile. = 2939.133 La Grasserie, Raoul de. Le nahuatl, langue des Azteqiies, conque- rants du Mexique precolombien. Gram- maire, vocabulaires, textes avec analyse et traduction interlineaire. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque linguistique americaine.] *23i2.95 Lindsay, Wallace Martin. Nonius Marcellus' dictionary of Repub- lican Latin. Oxford, 1901. 2937.67 Mueller, Martin. Uber die Stilform der altdeutschen Zau- berspriiche bis 1300. Gotha, 1901. 83 pp. = 2888.78 New England Primer. 1820. Beauties of the New-England primer. New-York, 1820, 28 pp. Illus. **H.99C.96 Schumacher, Friedrich. 1876-. Die starken Prasensstamme des Lateins in ihrer Entwicklung im Franzosischen. Kiel, 1901. =: 2685.120 Trenel, J. L'Ancien Testament et la langue frangaise du moyen age. fitude sur le role de Telement biblique dans I'histoire de la langue . . . Paris, 1904. 2685.128 Wahlund, Carl Wilhelm. Cents mots nouveaux ne figurant pas dans les dictionnaires de langue ou d'ar- got frangais. Modernismes en -isme et en -iste. Upsala, 1898. 36 pp. 2682.30 Wood, Samuel. The New York preceptor; or, third book. New York. [182-?] 68 pp. Illus. **H.99C.74 The New York primer; or second book. New York. [1837?] 33 pp. Illus. **H.99C.6i Rhetoric. Composition. Elocution. Oratory. Recitations. Dialogues. Speakers. Brewster, William Tenney. Specimens of narration, chosen and edited. New York, 1895. 5599a.i43 Bibliography, pp. xxxv-xxxvii. Emerson, Charles Wesley, compiler. Evolution of expression. By Emerson College of Oratory. loth edition. Vol. I. Boston, 1899. Portrait. = 5599^.135 Gracian, Baltasar. 1584-1658. Agvdeza y arte de ingenio. Avmentala el mismo autor en esta tercera impression, con vn tratado de los estilos . . . Ilvs- trala el Dotor don Manuel de Salinas y Ligana . . , con sagonadas traducciones de los Epigramas de Marcial. Pvblicala don Vincencio luan dc Lastanosa . . . Huesca, 1649. **D. 152.30 September Literature^ Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Bergroth, Carl Hugo, editor. Katalog ofver den svenska litteraturen i Finland, samt arbeten pa frammande sprak af finlandske forfattare eller ut- gifna i Finland, 1896-1900. Helsingfors, 1902. *2I68.I2 Boston. Engineering Department. List of maps of Boston published between 1614 and 1822, copies of which are to be found in the possession of the City of Boston or other collectors. Boston, 1902. 35 pp. =: 6173.131 Bulloch, John Malcolm. The art of extra-illustration. London, 1903. 61 pp. Plates. [The collector's library.] 2127.126 Cardiff, Wales. Public Library. Cardiff Free Libraries. Librarian's report on the Wooding Li- brary, purchased April, 1902. Cardiff, 1902. 23 pp. = *6i59.i63 Carlisle, Pa. J. Herman Boslcr Memorial Library. Bulletin. Vol. i (no. i); March, 1904. Carlisle, 1904. = *6i56.295 Denise, Louis. Bibliographic historique & iconographique du Jardin des plantes, Jardin royal des plantes medicinales et Museum d'his- toire naturelle. Paris, 1903. Plates. *2i73.6i Garcia Rico, Eugenio. Catalogo general de las obras de lance (antiguas y modernas) que se hallan de venta en [su] libreria. Madrid, 1903. :=: *6i68.56 Hammond, Otis G. Bibliography of the newspapers a,nd perio- dicals of Concord, N. H. 1790-1898. Concord, 1902. 32 pp. — 6198.88 Hazlitt, William Carew. Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature made during the years 1867-1903. [Series 1-4. Also] Supplements to the third series. Lon- don, 1876-1903. 5 V. Illus. *6i62.7o Hoe, Robert, Jr. Catalogue of books by English authors who lived before the year 1700, forming a part of the library of Robert Hoe. New York, 1903, 04. 2 v. Plates. *6i42.76 Kletke, Carl. Quellenkunde der Geschichte des preussi- schen Staats. Berlin, 1858, 61. 2 v. 2168.39 Langlois, Charles Victor. Manuel de bibliographic historique. Paris, 1901-1904. *2i79.69 Leon, Nicolas. Bibliografia mexicana del siglo XVIII. Seccion i. Parte i. Mexico, 1902. Fac- similes. *2i50.7o 1904 333 Muentz, Louis Frederic Eugene. 184=^-1902. Bibliothek Eugen Muentz. Hervorra- gende Sammlung von Werken zur Ge- schichte und Theorie der Kunst. Frank- furt a. M., 1903. 3 V. in i. Portrait. — *2I72.l6l Pardo de Tavera, Trinidad Hermenegildo Jose Maria Juan Francisco. Biblioteca filipina. Washington, 1903. = *620i.79 Perroni-Grande, Ludovico. Saggio di bibliografia dantesca. Vol. i. Messina, 1902. *2i72.i45 Pittsburgh, Pa. Public Library. Carnegie Library. Story telling to children from Norse mythology and the Nibelungenlied. References to material. Pittsburgh, 1903. 48 pp. Plate. = *6i56.256 United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry. List of publications of the Office of Grass and Forage Plant Investigations and the Division of Agrostology. By W. J. Spillman. Washington, 1902. 12 pp. = j 6178.36 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates. Book-selling. Carvalho, David Nunes. 1848-. Forty centuries of ink; or, a chronolo- gical narrative concerning ink and its backgrounds ... 1st edition. New- York, 1904. = 6112.119 Grolier Club, New York. Exhibition of silver, embroidered and curi- ous bookbindings. New York, 1903. 97 pp. = *6ii9a.3i Kelly, William J. Presswork. A practical handbook for the use of pressmen and their apprentices. 2d edition. Chicago, 1902. 6119.138 Plomer, Henry R. Abstracts from the wills of English prin- ters and stationers, 1492 to 1630. Lon- don, 1903. 76 pp. [Bibliographical So- pjcly.] *6i 12.91 Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Ellis, Sir Henry. 1 777-1869. Account of Csedmon's metrical paraphrase of scriptural history, an illuminated manuscript of the tenth century pre- served in the Bodleian Library at Ox- ford. London, 1833. 14 pp. Fac-similes. *8o7i.37 Priebsch, Robert. Deutsche Handschriften in England. Er- langen, 1896, 1901. 2 v. *2i82.32 Contents. — i. Asliburnham-Place, Cambridge, Cheltenham, Oxford, Wigan. 2. Das British Museum, mit einem Anhang tiber die Guildhall- Bibliothek. Schott, Caspar. P. Gasparis Schotti, e Societate Jesu, Schola steganographica, in classes octo distributa, quibus . . . explicantur arti- ficia nova, quels quilibet . . . potest al- teri absenti, eorundem artificiorum con- scio, arcanum animi sui conceptum, sine ulla secreti latentis suspicione manifcs- tare . . . Norimbergse, M.DC.LXV. Illus. Coat of arms. Diagrams. Tables. *6ii9.i39 Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. Entremes de los Sordos. New York, 1903. 18 pp. = *309i.i42 Reproduced in fac-simile from the original manu- script in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Broadsides. Adams, John Quincy, 6th President of the United States. John Quincy Adams on the war power in relation to slavery and emancipation. Extracts from the . . . speech . . . [Bos- ton? 1842.] Broadside. **H.9oa.246 Boston, Mass. New South (6th) Church. To all people unto whom these presents shall come . . . [Deed of sale of Pew 21 in the church to Jacob Griggs. Bos- ton.] 1739. Circular letter. **H. 90.209 Printed form filled out in manuscript and signed by Thomas Wallis, William Palfrey, John Indi- cott and others. Brief account. A, of the execution of the six militia men [by order of General Andrew Jackson]. N. p. [1828?] Broad- side. **H.90.i86 Brown, William C. An ingenious production. [William C. Brown's Ode to rum, with note. Bos- ton? 1851?] Border. Broadside. **H.9oa.227 Clap, William T. Catalogue of books, &c. for sale, by Wil- liam T. Clap, at his book-store, Fish- Street, corner Proctor's Lane, Boston. [Boston, 179-?] Broadside. **H.90.i85 Continental Congress. By the United States in Congress as- sembled. Proclamation . . . that Thurs- day the third day of May next may be observed as a day of humiliation, fast- ing and prayer . . . Done in Congress the twentieth day of March, . . . One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty- one , . . Samuel Huntington, President ■ ... Boston, 1781. Broadside. **H.90.204 Followed by a proclamation by John Hancock, Governor of Massachusetts, carrying out its recommendations. In Congress, March 23, 1776. Whereas the petitions of these United Colonies . . . have not only been rejected, but treated with scorn and contempt . . . Resolved, that the inhabitants of these Colonies be permitted to fit out armed vessels to cruise on the enemies of these United Colonies . . . Extract from the minutes, Charles Thomson, Secretary. Philadel- phia. [1776.] Broadside. *H.9o.2o8 334 September Copy, A, of the declaration of v;ar of the King of Great Britain against the French King [during the War of the Austrian Succession]. Boston. [174-?] Broadside. **H.9oa.238 Davenport, Anthony. [Charter-party of affreightment con- cluded betwen Anthony Davenport, owner of the Schooner Peggy & Polly, and Enoch Pierce & Henry Richardson. Witnessed by John Davenport. Dated Newbury Port, Dec. 7, 1797. Newbury Port, 1797.] Broadside. **H.9oa.255 Printed form filled in in manuscript. Dorr returned!! [Providence? 1843.] Broad- side. No. 2 in **H.90.277 This broadside opposes the election of a state ticket headed by the name of T. F. Carpenter for Governor, declaring Carpenter to be the "fellow conspirator" of Dorr. Federal meeting. At a meeting of the Fed- eralists of Salem . . . March 6th, 1807 . . , Voted, that the following gentle- men be supported as town officers . . . Per order, W. S. Gray, clerk. [Salem, 1807.] Broadside. **H.9oa.228 Ford's Theatre, Washington, D. C. Benefit! And last night of Miss Laura Keene . . . [Fac-simile reprint of the play bill, April 14th, 1865, the night of the assassination of President Lincoln.] [Washington, 1891.] Broadside. **H.90.i87 Gen. King's agency in behalf of Madison . . . [Broadside showing why De Witt Clinton declined to withdraw his can- didacy for the presidency. New York, 1812.] Broadside. **H.9oa.252 Julian, Murderer. The last speech and dying advice of poor Julian, who was executed the 22d of March, 1733, for the murder of Mr. John Rogers of Pembroke . . . Boston. [I733-] Broadside. No. 2 in **H.9o.i04 Massachusetts. Governor. By His Excellency William A. Shirley, Esq., Captain-General and Gouvernour in chief ... A proclamation for a general thanksgiving. Forasmuch as it has pleased God graciously to re- gard the distressed state of the people . . . under the late extreme drought . . . and to grant us relief . . . I . . . ap- point Thursday, the 24th of August instant, to be observed ... as a day of general thanksgiving . . . Boston. [1749.] Broadside. **H.90.i95 Governor and Council. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. In pursuance of an Act of Parliament . . . intitled, An act for preventing fraud, and regulating abuses in the plantation trade. Jurat Jonathan Ropes junr of Salem . . . that the schooner Sarah of said Salem . . . was built at Newbury . . . this present year 1757 . . . Given ... at Boston, & Salem . . . 21st of June . . . 1757. [Signed] Thos Clarke [and fif- teen others. Boston, 1757]. Broad- side. **H.90.i94 Printed form filled out in manuscript. Provincial Congress. Proclamation for a day of public humi- liation, fasting and prayer [July 4, 1776]. [Watertown, 1776.] Broad- side. **H.90.i90 New-England Marine Insurance Company. Policy of assurance. No. 6339. Boston, 1819. Broadside. **H.90.205 Printed form filled out in manuscript. North Bank, Boston. North Bank. You are hereby notified, that agreeable to a vote of the stock- holders , . . you are entitled to half as many shares . . . Boston, 1828. Circu- lar letter. **H.9ob.iii Signed by Gurdon Steele, Cashier. Oliver, Nathaniel Kemble Greenwood. School for boys. It is respectfully made known . . . that the subscriber proposes to undertake the duties of an instructor of a private school for boys . . . Bos- ton, 1830. Circular letter. **H.9ob.ii3 Paine, Robert Treat, formerly Thomas. 1773-1811. Adams and liberty. The Boston patriotic song. Written by Thomas Paine, A.M. [Boston? 1798?] Broadside. No. I in **H.90.2io Peace on honorable terms to America. Signed ... at Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814 . . . [Commemoration ballad.] Boston. [1815.] Broadside. **H.9o.2ii Poem, A, in memory of that pious servant and faithful minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. Isaac Cushman ... [Boston? I732^] Broadside. **H.9o.io6 Poem, A, occasioned by hearing the late Reverend George Whitefield preach. [Boston?] Broadside. Woodcut. **H.9oa.22o Proposals for forming a society for the mitigation and abolition of slavery, and improvement of the colored population of the United States. N. p. [18—?] Broadside. **H.9ob.io6 Rhode Island. State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, in Council of War, July 29, 1778. Whereas the . . . Continental Congress . . . empowered . . . General Washington to call forth the militia . . . [Providence?] 1778. Broadside. **H.90.276 Signed in manuscript, Wm. Coddington, Clerk. This copy is addresed in manuscript on the back to the President of the Town Council, Exeter. Turkish fast, The. Out of the Monthly Mercury, for December, 1697. Boston, 1698. Broadside. **H.9oa.239 United States. President. By His Excellency, James Buchanan . . . A proclamation for a day of humilia- tion, fasting, and prayer . . . Wash- 1904 335 ington, Dec. 14, i860, [Boston, i860.] Broadside. No. i in **H.90.i92 This copy is a Massachusetts reprint, with the proclamation of the Governor of Massachusetts appended. Congress. In Congress, March 4, 1830, the Hon. Richard M. Johnson, chairman of the Committee of the House of Represen- tatives, to whom had been committed the petitions for stopping the Sunday- mails, with the remonstrances against the same, made the following report: Boston. [1830.] Broadside. **H.90.i84 Printed on cloth. General Literature. Criticism. Ker, William Paton. The dark ages. New York, 1904. [Periods of European literature.] 2256.30 Mackenzie, David J. By-ways among books. Wick, 1900. 4559.253 Contents. — Florentius Volusenus. — Books and book-hunting. — John Keats. — Romance. — Trade and commerce in ancient times. — On some Italian poets. — An Elizabethan "Endy- mion." English and American Literature. Besant, Sir Walter. 1836-1901. Essays and historiettes. London, 1903. 4559.249 Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron. Beppo, a Venetian story. 5th edition. London, 1818. 52 pp. = *A.i295.i9 The lament of Tasso. 6th edition. Lon- don, 1818. 16 pp. *A.i295.2o Poems. 2d edition. London, 1819. 38 pp. *A.i295.i5 Campbell, Thomas. Poems. Selected by Lewis Campbell. London, 1904. Portrait. [Golden trea- sury series.] 2569a.i66 Carman, Bliss. Sappho. One hundred lyrics. With an introduction by Charles G. D. Roberts. Boston, 1904. *A.i470.2 "Mr. Carman's method apparently has been to imagine each lost lyric as discovered and then to translate it." Cazamian, Louis. Le roman social en Angleterre (1830-1850). Dickens. Disraeli. Mrs. Gaskell. Kings- ley. 2e edition. Paris, 1904. 2558.113 Bibliography, pp. 559-571. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Parlement of foules. [Boston, 1904.] 30 pp. Black-letter. *2564.i09 Reprinted from the edition of Chaucer in the British poets, based on the reading of manu- script Gg.4.27, Cambridge University Library. Rubricated throughout, and with initial letters. Collignon, Marie Albert. Notes sur 1' "Euphormion" de Jean l^ar- clay. Nancy, 1901. 78 pp. Portrait. 6570.96 Cooley, Julia. 1893-. The poems of a child: being poems writ- ten between the ages of six and ten. With an introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. New York, 1904. Portrait. 43993.342 Dallas, Alexander Robert Charles. 1791- 1869. Ramirez; a poem. London, 1817. 73 pp. *2567.97 Dallas, Robert Charles. 1754-1824. Miscellaneous writings. London, 1797. Plate. *256i.98 Dodd, Robert, compiler. Among the poets. A collection of lays, hymns, songs, elegies, dirges, para- phrases, etc., of ancient and modern poetry. London. [1903.] = 4569.268 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Tantalus. With a memorial note by F. B. Sanborn. Canton, Penn., 1903. 41 pp. *A.2630.24 One of an edition of 100 copies. Erskine, John, Ph.D. The Elizabethan lyric. A study. New York, 1903. [Columbia University. Studies in English.] 25593.138 Bibliography, pp. 313-329. Higginson, Ella. The voice of April-land, and other poems. New York, 1903. = , *P.85.4ii.2 Johnson, Rev. Edwin, M.A. 1842-1901. The rise of English culture. With a brief account of the author and his writings [by E. A. Petherick]. London, 1904. 4556.151 Bibliography, pp. 561-567. Relates principally to the Order of St. Benedict, Polydoro Vergilio, the Bible in England, and John Selden. Johnston, S. J. F. [Original pen and ink drawing of the Whittier sun-dial owned by Henry In- gersoU Bowditch, for whom Whittier composed the verse engraved upon the dial. Boston? 190-?] = *Cab.39.30.3 Lang, Andrew, editor. 1844-. The true story book. 4th impression. London, 1900. Illus. ^2577. 200 Lloyd, Robert. 1733-1764. Poems. London, 1762. *A.5277 Lowe, David. 1868-. Burns's passionate pilgrimage, or Tait's indictment of the poet, with other rare records. Glasgow, 1904. 2549a.i35 Lubbock, Sir John, ist Baron Avebury. 1834-. Essays & addresses. 1900-1903. London, 1903. 2552.156 Contents. — Huxley's life and work. — John Ruskin. — Richard Jefferies. — Macaulay Cere- monial. — Manchester Public Library Jubilee. — The Order of Merit. — On Bank Holidays. — On the early clo,sing bill. — On the present 336 position of British commerce. — t)ur fiscal policy. — On municipal trading. — On educa- tion. — The study of nature. — Address to the London County Council Scholars. — Address to the Churchmen's Union. Hunger, Theodore Thornton. Essays for the day. Boston, 1904. 4408.217 Contents. — The Church: some immediate ques- tions. — The interplay of Christianity and litera- ture. — Notes on The scarlet letter. — The secret of Horace Bushnell. — A layman's re- flections on music. — A cock to -(^^sculapius. O'Connell, William H. Address ... to the graduating class of Boston College, June 18, 1902. Boston, 1902. 24 pp. 4393.115 Parmenter, John, of Wingham, Kent, com- piler. Helio-tropes, or new posies for sundials, written in an old book partly in English and partly in Latin and expounded in English by John Parmenter, . . . Edited by Perceval Landon. London, 1904. 4577-176 Payne, John. 1842-. Vigil and vision. New sonnets. London, 1903. [Villon Society.] *4558.233 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. [Elizabeth of England. A dramatic ro- mance. Boston, 1903.] 5 V. 4394-191 This is an endeavor to test the truth of the statement that there is something in the quality of science work which leads to a loss of imagi- native power. Sprenger, Robert. tiber die Quelle von W. Irvings Rip Van Winkle. Northeim, 1901. 14 pp. 2552.141 Squyr, The, of lowe degre. A Middle Eng- lish metrical romance. Edited in all the extant forms ... by William Edward Mead. Boston, 1904. [The Albion se- ries of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English poetry.] = 2538.45 Steele, Robert, F.S.A., editor. Kings' letters: from the days of Alfred to the accession of the Tudors. Newly edited. London, 1903. Portrait. Plate. 4559a.i97 Stephen, Sir Leslie. 1832-1904. English literature and society in the eigh- teenth century. Ford Lectures, 1903. [Edited by H. A. L. Fisher.] London, 1904- 4559-255 Whittier, Annie. Gems of comfort. A collection of poems. New York, 1902. 94 pp. Portrait. *P.85.965 William of Shoreham. Poems. Re-edited from the unique manu- script in the British Museum by M. Konrath. Part i. London, 1902. [Early English Text Society.] *46o7.86 Yale College. Prize poems. 1898-1903. New Haven, 1899^1903. *2395.i36 Contents. — 1898. A group of early English saints, by Martha Hale Shackford. — 1899. Thoas, by Arthur S. Mann. — 1900. The mother's sleep, by Charles Alexis Kellogg, Jr. — 1901. Ixion, by William Brian Hooker. — 1902. Odyssean sonnets, by Arthur Stanley Wheeler. — 1903. Leidenheim, by Frederick Erastus Pierce. September Fiction in English for Reference Use. Adventures, The, of Emmera, or the fair American. Exemplifying the peculiar advantages of society and retirement. London, 1767. 2 v. *A.6o f Arblay, Frances d'. Evelina. With an introduction by Austin Dobson, and illustrations by Hugh Thomson. London. [1904.] *4578.294 Baker, Josephine R. Calvin the sinner. By the Author of "Tom's heathen." Boston, 1879. Plate. =r *4509.288 Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1834-. Court Royal. A story of cross currents. London, 1886. 3 v. *A.530.8 Eve. A novel. London, 1888. 2 v. *A.530.7 The Gaverocks: a tale of the Cornish coast. London, 1887. 3 v. *A.530.6 In the roar of the sea. A tale of the Cornish coast. London, 1892. 3 v. *A.530.3 John Herring. A West of England ro- mance. London, 1883. 3 v. *A.530.4 Red Spider. London, 1887. 2 v. *A.530.i The scene is laid in Bratton Clovelly, England. Urith: a tale of Dartmoor. London, 1891. 3 V. *A.530.5 The scene is laid at the time of the Duke of Monmouth's invasion of England. Glyn, Elinor. Elizabeth's children. [Anon. 5th edi- tion.] London, 1903. = *4578.296 Harte, Francis Bret. A treasure of the Redwoods, and other tales. Boston, 1904. [Riverside edi- tion.] *440oa.20o Jenks, Tudor. The defense of the castle. A story of the siege of an English castle in the thir- teenth century. Rahway, N. J. [i903-] Plates. *4409a.40i Plympton, Daisy D. The happy forest and its Chnstmases. Salem. [1903.] IHus. *2403.i65 Robinson, J. H. The Boston conspiracy or the Royal Police. A tale of 1773-75- Boston, 1847. ^4507.41 Turgenev, Ivan Sergievitch. 1818-1883. The diary of a superfluous man and other stories. Translated by Isabel F. Hap- good. New York, 1904. Plate. *5o66.20.ii The Jew, and other stories. Translated by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, 1904. Plate. *5o66.2o.io Wetherell, Ellen F. In free America; or, tales from North and South. With introduction by Archi- bald Grimke. Boston, 1901. Portraits. Plates. 7587-184 Contents. — In "free" America. — Anderson Hixon's escape. — The abolitionist's daughter. — The shooting of the deputy. — Slavery, 1900. — The Jim Peters tragedy. — Hunting the blind tiger. — A lynching affair. — Election at Red City. — In Boston, 1900. — In Ole Ala- bam'. — Kansas tragedy, 1901. 337 French Literature. Beze, Theodore de. 1519-1605. Poemata. Psalmi Davidici XXX. Syl- vae. Elegiae. Epigrammata . . . Om- nia, in hac tertia editione, partim recog- nita, partim locupletata. [Geneva, 1576.] *4697.98 Chardon, E. Henri, Scarron inconnii, et les types des person- nages du Roman comique. Paris, 1903, 04. Portraits. Plates. Coats of arms. Fac-similes. 4674.88 Ten plates in vol. 2 reproduce Coulom's paint- ings in the Musee du Mans, which illustrate the Roman comique [2669.93 ; **G3557. 2]. Loris, Guillaume de, and Jean de Meung. Le rommant de la rose. Paris, 1878. Illus. *2682.24 This is No. 116 of an edition of 250 copies of a fac-simile reproduction of the edition of Jehan Dupre (15th century), Marsac, Henri. fitudes litteraires, Le romantisme. 1757- 1902. Paris, 1903. 4679a.ioi Paupe, Adolphe. Histoire des Oiuvres de Stendhal [Marie Henri Beyle]. Paris, 1903. 4679.102 A bibliography accompanies each chapter. Raoul de Houdenc. Samtliche Werke, herausgegeben von Ma- thias Friedwagner. Band i. Merangis von Portlesguez. Halle, 1897. 2675.87 Weddigen, Friedrich Hcinrich Otto. 1851-, Litteratur und Kritik. Betrachtungen iiber die litterarischen Zustande in Deutschland, 2. Atisgabe, Leipzig, [1902.] 2879a.i5o Wolf, Leo. Der groteske und hyperbolische Stil des mittelhochdeutschcn Volks-Epos. Ber- lin, 1903. 2887.26 Greek and Latin Literature. Aristoteles. Politicorvm libri octo, cum vetvsta trans- latione Gvilelmi de Moerbeka, Recen- svit Franciscvs Susemihl, Lipsiae, 1872. 2977.35 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius, The annals. Books L-VL An English translation, with introduction, notes and maps, by George Gilbert Ramsay. New York, 1904, Plate, 2945.81 Italian Literature. Panzacchi, Enrico. Lyrica, Romanze e canzoni. Bologna, 1877. 47993.70 Vida, Marco Girolamo, M, Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis poetse, & Albse Episcopi, Opera, quae quidem extant, omnia, Basileae, M,D.XXXVn. Vignette. *2779.i30 Gaelic Literature. MacLean, Magnus. The literature of the Highlands, Lon- don, 1904. 4553.105 German Literature. Albert, Eduard, of Vienna, compiler and translator, Neueste Poesie aus Bohmen . . . Wien „ 1895. 2 v. 4878.117 Benzmann, Hans, editor. 1869-. Moderne deutsche Lyrik. Leipzig. [1904.] 13 A , , ^ 4896.50.458 Berger, Arnold E, Der junge Herder und Winckelmann. Halle a. S,, 1903, 86 pp, 2876.212 Bloesch, Hans. Das junge Deutschland in seinen Be- ziehungen zu Frankreich. Bern, 1903, [Untersuchungen zur neueren Sprach- und Literaturgeschichte,] 2875.148 Del Bufalo della Valle, Emilia, Marchesa. Trostbuch, Ideal, Cultur-historische Ge- dichte. Ernst und Scherz, Rom, 1904, 2874.136 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Dichtung und Wahrheit. (The first four books.) Edited ... by C, A, Buch- heim, Boston, 1896, [Heath's Modern language series.] **2879.38 Russian Literature. Dostoevski, Fedor Mikhailovitch, Journal d'un ecrivain. 1873, 1876 et 1877. Traduit du russe par J -W, Bienstock et John-Antoine Nau. Paris, 1904. 3069.272 Relates to Russian literature and political his- tory, i Scandinavian Literature. Hansen, Hans Christian Peter, 1840-. lUustreret dansk Litteratur Historic, 2, meget for^gede Udgave. Kj^benhavn, 1902, 3 V. Illus. Portraits, Fac-similes, 4871.134 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. The story of Don Quixote, Retold by Calvin Dill Wilson, Abridged and adapted for Japanese students by ''The English student." 2d edition, Tokyo, [1903.] Plates, = 3099C.19 Escriva, Luis, Veneris tribvnal, [Colophon: Venecia, M,D.XXXVn, per Aurelio pincio. New York, 1902.] = *3095.i8i Reprinted in fac-simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. 338 vSeptembcr Farinelli, Arturo. Espana y sn lilcratiu el extraiijero a traves de los siglos, Madrid, 1902. 41 pp. = ^ 3092.149 Gamboa, Isaias. Poemas: Fantasia — Primavera — Ante el mar. Santiago de Chile, 1902. 32 pp. = 4397.28 Gusmao Scares, Vicente de. Rimas varias en alabanga del nacimiento del Principe N. S. Balthazar Carlos Do- mingo. En o Porto, 1630. [New York, 1902.] 97 pp. = *3095.i82 Reprinted in fac-simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Hierro, Balthasar del. Libro y primera parte, de los victoriosos hechos del muy valeroso cauallero don Aluaro de Baga . . . ano de M.D.LXJ. [New York, 1903.] = *3095.i85 One of an edition of two hundred copies. Re- printed in fac-simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Maravillas del Parnaso y flor de los meiores romances graves, burlescos, y satiricos que hasta oy scan cantado en la Corte. Recopilados de graves autores por lorge Pinto de Morales. En Lisboa, 1637. [New York, 1902.] = *3095.i83 Reprinted in fac-simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. "Ce recueil renferme 69 romances peu connues, de Gongora et Quevedo." — Brunei. Pineda, Juan de. Libro del Passo honoroso defendido por el Excelente Cauallero Suero de Quino- nes. Copilado de un libro antiguo de mano ... En Salamanca. Ano M.D.- LXXXVIIL [New York, 1902.] *3095.i84 Reprinted in fac-simile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington. Schwering, Julius. Kritische Studien. Heft i. Miinster, 1902. 2874.39 Contents. — i. Litterarische Beziehungen zwi- schen Spanien und Deutschland. Eine Streit- schrift gegen Arturo Farinelli. Trovadores, Los, de Mexico. Poesias liri- cas de autores contemporaneos. Bar- celona, 1898. 4396-30 Valera, Juan. 1824-. Ecos argentinos. Apuntes para la histo- ria literaria de Espafia en los ultimos afios de siglo XIX. Madrid, 1901. 3099.104 Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Anthelme, Paul. Nos deux consciences. Piece. Paris, 1902. 31 pp. Illus. Portrait. 6671.127 Supplement to L'lllustration, 22 novembre, 1902. Benedix, Julius Roderich. Die Hochzeitsreise. Lustspiel. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.460 Die relegierten Studenten. Lustspiel. Leip- zig. [1904.] 4896.50.460 Des Granges, Charles Marc. La comedie et les moeurs sous la Restaura- tion et la Monarchic de Juillet (1815- 1848). Paris, 1904. [Collection "Mi- nerva."] 4676.152 Devrient, Hans. Johann Friedrich Schonemann und seine Schauspielergesellschaft. Ein Beitrag zur Theatergeschichte des 18. Jahrhun- derts. Hamburg, 1895. [Theaterge- schichtliche Forschungen.] 6872.53 Donnay, Maurice. L'autre danger. Comedie. Paris, 1903. 32 pp. Illus. Portraits. 6671.130 Supplement to L'lllustration, 3 janvier, 1903. Echegaray, Jose. El gran galeoto. Drama en verso. Ed- ited by Aurelio M. Espinosa. Boston, 1903. Portrait. 3099a.23 Fusil, Louise. Souvenirs d'une actrice. Memoires (i774- 1848). Avec une preface et des notes par Paul Ginisty. Paris. [1904.] 2641.29 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust. Eine Tragodie. Mit Zeichnungen von Engelbert Seibertz. Theil i. Stutt- gart, 1854. Plates. = *Cab.8o.23.4 Guinon, Albert, and Jeanne Marniere. Le joug. Comedie, par Albert Guinon et J. Marni [pseud.]. Paris, 1902. 32 pp. Illus. Portraits. 6671.128 Supplement to L'lllustration, 6 decembre, 1902. Hervieu, Paul. Theroigne de Mericourt. Piece historique. Paris, 1902. 31 pp. Illus. Portraits. 6671.129 Supplement to L'lllustration, 27 decembre, 1902. The scene is laid in Paris at the time of the French Revolution. Hodermann, Richard. Geschichte des Gothaischen Hoftheaters, 1775-1779. Hamburg, 1894. [Theater- geschichtliche Forschungen.] 6872.51 Joannides, A. La Comedie-frangaise. 1903. Paris, 1904. *467i.84 Jones, Henry Arthur. 1851-. The liars. An original comedy. New York, 1901. 4579a.i95 Kleist, Bernhard Heinrich Wilhelm von. 1776-1811. Amphitryon. Tragikomodie . . . nach Moliere. Umgearbeitet von Wilhelm Henzen. Leipzig. [1904-] 4896.50.458 Kopp, Heinrich. Die Biihnenleitung Aug. Klingemanns in Braunschweig. Mit einem Anhang: Die Repertoire des Braunschweiger Na- tional-Theaters. Hamburg, 1901. [Thea- tergeschichtliche Forschungen.] 6872.59 Pence, James Harry. The magazine and the drama. An index compiled by J. H. Pence. New York, 1896. Portrait. [Dunlap Society.] *4504-38 Schloesser, Rudolf. 1867-. Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Biihne und Biihnendichtung im 18. Jahrhundert. Hamburg, 1894. [Theatergeschichtliche Forschungen.] 6872.52 1904 339 Stoppato, Lorenzo. La commedia popolare in Italia. Saggi. Padova, 1887. 2779.128 Wilde, Oscar. Salome. Drama. Ins Deutsche iiber- tragen von Dr. Kiefer. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.456 Zipper, Albert. Lessings Nathan der Wcise. Erlautert. [1904.] 4896.50.460 Moliere. AUart, L. F. Ode a Moliere couronnee par I'Academie Mont-Real de Toulouse. Paris, 1880. 11 pp. 4694-78 Andrieux, Frangois Guillaume Jean Stanis- las. Moliere avec ses amis, ou la soiree d'Au- teuil, comedie. [Paris, 1824?] 82 pp. 66998.230 Arene, Paul Auguste, and Valery Vernier. Les comediens errants. A-propos en vers. Paris, 1873. 23 pp. Introduces Moliere. 66993.231 Intermede en vers. 66993.232 Barbier, Pierre. Le roi chez Moliere. Paris, 1876. 23 pp. Bertal, Georges. Moliere. A-propos en vers dit par M. Albert-Lambert fils, a la Comedie-fran- gaise, le 15 janvier 1892. Paris, 1892. 13 pp. 67093.95 Billard, Eugene. La vocation de Moliere, saynete en vers. Paris/ 1885. 16 pp. 66993.233 Bondroit, Eugene. Moliere chez lui. Comedie. Liege, 1879. 51 pp. 66993.235 Bouchinet, Alfred. Le docteur Mascarille. Comedie-a-propos en vers. Representee pour la premiere fois le 15 janvier, 1890, sur le theatre national de I'Odeon [pour I'anniversaire de Moliere]. Paris, 1890. 31 pp. 66993.236 C3rc3Ssonne, Adolphe. La fete de Moliere, comedie-a-propos. Paris, 1863. 66 pp. 66993.237 Cl3retie, Leo, and Henri Potez. Le precheur converti. A-propos pour I'an- niversaire de Moliere. Paris, 1896. 36 pp. 66993.238 Coppee, Frangois fidouard Joachim. La maison de Moliere. Poesie dite a la Comedie-frangaise, le 21 octobre 1880 par M. Got, a I'occasion du 2ooe anni- versaire de la Comedie. Paris. [1880.] 9 pp. 67093.96 Cros, Antoine. Ode a Moliere . A-propos en vers dit au Theatre de I'Odeon par M. Porel le 15 janvier, 1882 a I'occasion du 26oe anni- versaire de la naissance de Moliere. Paris, 1882. 16 pp. 67093.97 Croze, J. L. Les bergers de Moliere. A-propos en vers. [Represente pour I'anniversaire de Mo- liere.] Paris, 1898. 13 pp. 66993.239 :fiphr3im, Armand, and Adolphe Aderer. La premiere du Misanthrope, comedie. Paris, 1886. 52 pp. 66993.240 Fischer, Friedrich. Moliere, ein Beitrag zur Forderung des Studiums dieses Dichters. Duisburg, 1864. 27 pp. 4671-32 Fournier, fidouard. La valise de Moliere. Comedie, avec frag- ments peu connus attribues a Moliere, representee au Theatre-francais, le 15 janvier, 1868, pour le 246e anniversairc de sa naissance. Paris, 1868. 66993.241 Gondinet, Edmond. A Moliere, vers dits a la Comedie-fran- gaise le 15 janvier, 1871, 249e anniver- sairc de la naissance de Moliere par M. Coquelin. Paris, 1871. 8 pp. 66993.242 Hervilly, Ernest Marie d'. ^ L'hommage de Flipote. A-propos en vers, 274e anniversairc de Moliere ... 15 jan- vier 1896. Paris, 1896. 13 pp. 66993.243 Moliere en prison, comedie en vers, suivie de Au prisonnier du Chatelet, stances. Paris, 1886. 44 pp. 66993.244 Poquelin pere et fils. Comedie en vers. [Representee pour la premiere fois, le 15 janvier 1881, 259e anniversairc de la naissance de Moliere.] Paris, 1881. 41 pp. 66993.245 Joliet, Charles. 1832-. Moliere: stances dites a la Comedie-fran- gaise par Sarah Bernhardt et Lloyd le 15 janvier, 1879, a I'occasion du 2576 an- niversairc de la naissance de Moliere. Paris, .1879. 8 pp. 67093.98 Jouh3ud, Auguste. L'Orgon de Tartuffe, comedie en vers. Paris, 1873. 84 pp. 66993.246 A continuation of Moliere's Le Philinte. L3voix, Michel Henri. La premiere representation du Misan- thrope 4 juin, 1666. Paris, 1877. 56 pp. ^4679.46 Lyster, Frederic. Ma cousine, comedie [par Leon Super- sac]. Argument de Frederic Lyster. New York. [1895.] 21 pp. = 2672.170 Moliere. Innisa 'u-l'alimat von Muhammad Bey 'Osman Galal. Neuarabische Bearbei- tung von Moliere's Femmes savantes, transkribiert, iibersetzt, eingeleitct und mit einem Glossar versehen von Fried- rich Kern [Pseud, fiir Franz Xaver Woeber]. Leipzig, 1898. 4672.115 QEuvres choisies illustrees de 22 vignettes par E. Hillemacher. Tome i. Paris, 1875. Portrait. Plates. 4697.22 Psroisse-Pougin, Frangois Auguste Arthur. Moliere et I'opera-comique. Le Sicilien ou I'Amour peintre. Paris, 1882. 67 pp. 4675.46 Contains an account of the piece, the music of which was composed by Eugene Sauzay. P3te, Lucien. A Moliere, poesie dite a la Comedie-fran- qaise par M. Coquelin, le 15 janvier 1876 Paris, 1876. II pp. = 67093.99 340 September Petitdidier, Leon Simile. La soubrette de Moliere. A-propos en vers dit . . . le 15 janvier 1897, pour le 275e anniversaire de Moliere. [Par] fimile Blemont [pseud.]. Paris, 1897. 10 pp. 66993.234 Pinchon, La mort de Moliere. Drame. [Repre- sentee pour la premiere fois, le 15 mai, 1873 au Theatre italien pour le 2e cen- tenaire de la mort de Moliere.] Paris, 1873- 83 pp. 66993.247 Profillet, A. L'amour poete, ou Corneille chez Moliere, comedie - idylle [par] P. de Mussy [pseud.]. Rouen, 1878. 67 pp. *6692.36 This is one of an edition of 12 copies. Rengade, Jules. Le medecin de Moliere. Comedie en vers par Aristide Roger [pseud.]. Repre- sentee, pour la premiere fois, a Paris, sur le theatre de I'Odeon, le 15 janvier 1878, a I'occasion du 2566 anniversaire de la naissance de Moliere. Paris, 1878. 35 PP- 66993.250 Rivet, Gustave. Le cimetiere Saint-Joseph. Poeme dra- matique. [Represente sur le theatre Cluny, janvier, 1880, pour I'anniversaire de Moliere.] Paris, 1880. 24 pp. 66993.248 The characters are the principal persons of Mo- liere's comedies. Roger-Miles, L. Alceste converti. A-propos en un tableau et en vers, joue au Theatre-frangais a I'occasion du 269e anniversaire de la naissance de Moliere. Paris, 1891. 16 pp. 66993.249 Tiercelin, Louis. Le rire de Moliere. [Comedie. Paris, 1888.] 38 pp. 66993.251 Contains characters from Moliere's plays. V3l3de, Leon, and Jules Truffier. La jeunesse a Moliere. [Poeme. Paris, 1885.] 6 pp. [Souvenir du banquet- Moliere, 15 janvier, 1885.] *6703.6 One of an edition of 50 copies. Veselovski, Aleksyei Nikolaevitch. 9tioji,h 0 MojiBep-B. MusaHTpont. H3ji;aHieK. T. Cojiji;aTeHKOBa. MocKBa, 1881. 4675.45 Villedieu, Marie Catherine Hortense Des- jardins. Un compte-rendu de la comedie des Pre- cieuses ridicules de Moliere. [Public par L N.] Paris, 1877. 32 pp. 46993.75 A reprint of Recit en proze et en vers de la farce des Precievses. [Signed DDDD.DD.] Paris, 1660. Sh3kespe3re. Douse, Thomas Le Marchant. Examination of an old manuscript pre- served in the library of the Duke of Northumberland, at Alnwick, and some- times called the Northumberland manu- script. London, 1904. 16 pp. Fac- similes. 4590.118 The manuscript contains works of Francis Ba- con, and has been used as an argument by the Baconians in the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy, Eichhoff, Theodor. Shakespeare's Sonette und ihr Wert. Die Sonettensatire. Halle a. d. S., 1903. 4595-162 Relates also to Sir Philip Sidney, Sir John Da- vies, and Michael Drayton. G3llup, Elizabeth Wells. Bi-lateral cypher of Francis Bacon. Re- plies to criticisms. [Detroit? 1903?] 40 pp. Fac-similes. 4593-i89 Sh3kespe3re, William. Comedy of As you like it. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.102 The comedy of errors. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.113 Comedy of The merchant of Venice. Ed- ited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.106 Comedy of The taming of the shrew. Ed- ited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] 6599.110 Comedy of Twelfth Night; or, what you will. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] 6599.109 History of King Henry the Fifth. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.107 Llistory of the life and death of King John. jEdited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.103 Tragedy of King Lear. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.112 Tragedy of King Richard the Third. Ed- ited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.108 Tragedy of Macbeth. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] 6599.99 Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Edited by W. J. Rolfe. New York. [1902.] Illus. 6599.111 Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers. Catalogue of a very valuable and impor- tant collection of Shakespeareana. Lon- don. [1903.] II pp. Portrait. Plates. Fac-similes. **G.72.i3 Tolm3n, Albert Harris. The views about Hamlet, and other essays. Boston, 1904. Fac-similes. 4559-245 Folk-Lore. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Chap-Books. Fables. A, B, C, with pictures and verses. North- ampton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. I in **H.99C.48 Book of pictures 3nd verses. Northampton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 9 in **H.99C.48 Boston two hundred ye3rs 3go, or, the ro- mantic story of Miss Ann Carter . . . and the celebrated Indian Chief, Thun- dersquall. [Boston?] 1831. 26 pp. **H.g9c.io8 1904 341 Boy's poems, The. Northampton. [i8 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 4 in **H.99C.48 Bundle, A, of myrrh, or rules for a Chris- tian's daily meditation and practice. Boston, I76[5?]- 32 pp. **H.99C.75 First and last pages are badly worn. Chamberlain, Alexander Francis, and Isabel Cushman Chamberlain. Record of American folk-lore: North America. Central America. South America. [Boston, 1902.] 10 pp. 4363.269 Charles Manly, or the good boy. Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Plates. Child, Francis James, editor. English and Scottish popular ballads. Ed- ited from the collection of Francis James Child by Helen Child Sargent and George Lyman Kittredge. Boston, 1904. Portrait. [The Cambridge edition of the poets.] 4563-132 No. 8 in **H.99C.47 Child's guide, The. Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 4 in **H.99C.47 Child's present. The. Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 5 in **H.99C.47 Child's token. The. Northampton. [18—?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 3 in **H.99C.48 Children's pictures. Northampton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 2 in **H.99C.48 Contrast, The. By the author of "The. gold thimble." Boston, 1832. 60 pp. Plates. **H.99c.7i Dandin, Sri. Dagakumaracaritam. Die Abenteuer der zehn Prinzen. Nach dem Sanskrit-Ori- ginale des Dandin iibersetzt . . . und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. M. Haberlandt. Miinchen, 1903. *3023.i85 Farnsworth, Frederick. The man of the mountain; or the affect- ing narrative of Mr. William Warland. Boston, 1818. 24 pp. Plate. **H.99c.iii Hymns for children. Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Plates. No. 3 in **H.99C.47 Idiot, The. Philadelphia. [183-?] 16 pp. Illus. **H.99C.67 Juvenile pastime, or sports for the four seasons. [Rhymes.] Part 2. Provi- dence. [182-?] Illus. **H.99C.72 Lang, Andrew, editor. 1844-. The crimson fairy book. With illustra- tions by H. J. Ford. New York, 1903. Plates. *2577.i94 The grey fairy book. With illustrations by H. J. Ford. New York, 1901. Plates. *2577-i93 My own fairy book. Adorned by Gordon Browne, T. Scott, and E. A. Lemann. New York, 1903. Plates. *2577.i98 The violet fairy book. With illustrations by H. J. Ford. New York, 1902. 2577.192 Little ditties for little children. By the author of "Poetic tales." New York. [182-?] 23 pp. Illus. **H.99C.7o Little poems. Northampton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 5 in **H.99C.48 Little poems. Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Illus. No. I in **H.99C.47 Little present for a good child. Northamp- ton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 6 in **H.99C.48 Little story for a little boy. Northampton. [i8_?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 8 in **H.99C.48 Little verses for good children. Northamp- ton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 7 in **H.99C.48 Little wanderers, The. Founded upon fact. By the author of "The gold thimble." Boston, 1832. 16 pp. Plate. **H.99C.73 Mary Mindful, or the good girl. Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 9 in **H.99C.47 My own history. By the author of "The gold thimble." Boston, 1832. 20 pp. **H.99C.68 s The story of the manufacture of a book, told by itself. Perrault, Charles. The entertaining tales of Mother Goose, for the amusemnt of youth. Glasgow. [182-?] 36 pp. Plates. **H.99C.87 These are not the Mother Goose rhymes, but the Perrault fairy tales. Contents. — Little "Red Riding-Hood. — Blue Beard. — The fairy. — Cinderella. — Riquet with the tuft. Pleasing toy. The. Northampton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 10 in **H.99C.48 Poems for children. Boston. [185-?] to pp. Illus. No. 2 in **H.99C.47 Poetic present. Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Plates. No. 6 in **H.g9C.47 Riddle book. The. For the entertainment of young masters and misses. New Haven, 1824. 23 pp. Plates. **H.99C.62 Riddler, The; a collection of puzzles, char- ades, rebusses, conundrums, enigmas, anagrams, &c., for the amusement of little folks. New Haven, 1835. 24 pp. Illus. **H.99C.69 Royal alphabet, The; or, child's best in- structor. Added, the history of a little boy, found under a haycock. London. [17—?] 31 PP- **H.99C.iC7 Seasons, The. Northampton. [18 — ?] 10 pp. Illus. No. II in **H.99C.48 Seasons, The. [Verses.] Boston. [185-?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 7 in **H.99C.47 Seven champions. The, of Christendom. [An abridgment, with copper-plate illus- trations by G. H. Throop, colored by hand.] New York, 1825. 48 pp. **H.99C.63 Soldier, The, turned farmer. Northampton, [18—?] 10 pp. Illus. No. 12 in **H.99C.48 [Some Japanese folk tales, translated by C. Pfoundes. London, 1879.] 81 pp. = 3oi9a.205 Medicine* Hygiene. Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Association of Military Surgeons. Journal. Vol. 14, no. 1-5. Carlisle, Penn., 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plans. *375i-82 A monthly publication. 342 September Bottazzi, Filippo. Contributi alia fisiologia del tessuto di cellule muscolari (parte i, 2 e 3). Fi- renze, 1897. 97 pp. Charts. = 3741-75 Siillo sviluppo embrionale della funzione motoria negli organi a cellule muscolari Firenze, 1897. Charts. = 3741*74 Bowditch, Vincent Yardley. Arrested tuberculosis: subsequent his- tories of seventy-nine arrested cases treated at the Sharon Sanitarium. [Chi- cago, 1903.] 8 pp. = 379448 Eberth, Carl Joseph. Die mannlichen Geschlechtsorgane. Jena, 1904. Illus. *375oa.57.2.Abth.2 There are bibliographies with the different sec- tions. Pick, Rudolf. Handbuch der Anatomic und Mechanik der Gelenke unter Beriicksichtiung der bewegenden Muskeln. Teil i. Jena, 1904. Illus. Diagrams. [Handbuch der Anatomic des Menschen.] *375oa.52.Abth.i,Th.i Most of the illustrations are colored. Friedenwald, Harry. The history of the invention and of the development of the ophthalmoscope. [Chicago, 1902.] 31 pp. Portrait. Plates. — 3808.171 Gautier, Georges, editor. 1873-. Le courant continu en gynecologic. Paris, 1890. 52 pp. Illus. . [Congres medical international de Berlin.] = 5773'78 Gray, Henry, M.D. -1861. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. Ed- ited by T. Pickering Pick and Robert Howden. Revised American, from the 15th English edition. Philadelphia. [1901.] Illus. *3743-57 Lustig, Alessandro. Risultati delle ricerche fatte in India negli animali e nell' uomo intorno alia vac- cinazione preventiva contro la peste bub- bonica e alia sieroterapia. Firenze, 1897. 46 pp. = 5793.98 Mariani, Angelo. Eminent physicians. With biographical notes of members of the Paris Academy of Medicine. Paris, 1902. 38 pp. Por- traits. = 3738.67 New York Medical Journal, and Philadel- phia Medical Journal Consolidated. A weekly review of medicine. Vol. 1-78. New York, 1865-1903. 78 v. Illus. *7775.i Current numbers are in the Periodical Room. In 1903, The New York Medical Journal was consolidated with the Philadelphia Medical Jour- nal under the above title. Prescott, Samuel Cate, and Charles Edward Amory Winslow. Elements of water bacteriology, with special reference to sanitary water ana- lysis. New York, 1904. 3799.i83 References, pp. 129-142. Staderini, Rutilio. Osservazioni comparative sullo sviluppo e sui caratteri definitivi della cavita del quarto ventricolo al sue estremo caudale. Firenze, 1896. 30 pp. Plates. = 7801.42 Trambusti, Arnaldo. Ricerche citologiche sul midollo delle ossa nella difterite (contributo alio studio della fisiopatologia cellulare). Firenze, 1896. 22 pp. Plate. — 3791.48 Bibliografia, pp. 21, 22. Willard, De Forest. Traumatic rupture of the gall-bladder without injury to the liver. [New York, 1902.] 7 pp. = 7758.76 Winge, Paul. ^ Den norske Sindssygelovgivning. Fore- laesninger. Kristiania, 1901. = 7801.44 Hygiene. Diet. Barry, William Francis, M.D. 1872-. The hygiene of the schoolroom. Provi- dence. [1903.] Illus. 5766.86 Cautleyj Edmund. The natural and artificial methods of feed- ing infants and young children. 2d edi- tion. London, 1903. 3779.^5^^ Eraser, Daniel, Shaker. Shaker hygiene. The dietetic troubles of the first and nineteenth centuries con- trasted. [Mt. Lebanon, N. Y., 189-?] 7 pp. . 37693.17 Hue, Louis. La falsification des boissons: histoire — legislation ■ — • jurisprudence, en France et a I'etranger. Paris, 1903. 7974.57 Marfan, A. B. Traite de I'allaitement et de I'alimenta- tion des enfants du premier age. 2e edi- tion. Paris, 1903. Illus. 3764.162 Rideal, Samuel. Disinfection and the preservation of food, together with an account of the chemi- cal substances used as antiseptics and preservatives. [3d edition.] London, 1903. Illus. 3764.164 Smyth, A. Watt. Physical deterioration, its .causes and the remedy. New York, 1904. Map, 5762.48 Burial. Cremation. Brackenhoeft, Eduard Wilhelm. Die Feuerbestattung in Hamburg. Ham- burg, 1894. 87 pp. Plate. = 6238.62 Cremation Society of England. Transactions. No. 2-15. London, 1885- 1902. Plans. = *6238.86 Erichsen, Hugo. The cremation of the dead considered from an aesthetic, sanitary, religious, his- torical, medico-legal, and economical standpoint. Detroit, 1887. Illus. Plans. = 6239a.6 Eye-witness, An, pseud. Cremation. By an eye-witness. New York. [1880.] 31 pp. Illus. = 6239a.28 1904 343 Henrich, Hedwig. Tod iind Feuerbestattimg. Stuttgart. [1886.] 14 pp. = 6238.64 Kuettlinger, Adalbert. Ermahnung ziir Abschaffung der Griifte auf den Friedhofen im Allgemeinen und insbesondere der iiber die Erdoberflache gebauten als einer veralteten und sani- tatspolizeiwidrigen Begrabnissart. Er- langen, 1854. 39 pp. Plan. =z 6238.87 Levy, Max, compiler. Why modern cremation should replace earth-burial. San Francisco, 1885. = 62393.17 Manchester Crematorium. Complete rules, regulations & scale of charges for 1898-9 . . . Manchester, 1898. 80 pp. Plates. = 6239a.11 Michigan Cremation Association. The Detroit Crematorium. Detroit. [1898.] 13 pp. Plate. 62393.12 New York Cremation Society. Charter and by-laws. New York, 1892. 32 pp. = \ *6239a.2i Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association, San Francisco, Cal. Cremation. San Francisco. [1899.] 58 pp. Plates. 62393.10 Contains opinions on cremation, and tables of total yearly cremations in the United States and Great Britain. Philadelphia Cremation Society. A question for you to decide. Rise and growth of modern cremation. Phila- delphia, 1898. 20 pp. Illus. = 62393.27 Schneider, Carl Ernst. Begraben, nicht verbrennen! Dresden, 1875. 32 pp. = 62393.23 Scottish Buri3l Reform snd Crem3tion So- ciety. [Glasgow Crematorium. Opening cere- mony, 27 November, 1895. Glasgow, 1895.] 8 pp. = 6233.26 Wehl3U, Ludwig. The disposal of the dead. A compilation of various authors. Scranton, Pa., 1897. 24 pp. = 62393.22 Advocates cremation and opposes burial. Science. Austen, Ernest Edward. A monograph of the tsetse-flies (genus Glossina, Westwood) based on the col- lection in the British Museum. Lon- don, 1903. Illus. Map. 3893.56 Most of the plates are colored. Bibliography, pp. 121-267. Berget, Thomas Claude Xavier Alphonse. . Physique du globe et meteorologie. Paris, 1904. Illus. Maps. Charts. 5966.260 Bownocker, John Adams. The occurrence and exploitation of petro- leum and natural gas in Ohio. Colum- bus, Ohio, 1903. Plates. Maps. [Ohio. Geological Survey.] *3864.64 British Museum. Catalogue of the collection of birds' eggs. By Eugene W. Oates. London, 1901-03, 3 V. *3903.ioo Brooklyn Institute of Arts 3nd Sciences. Children's Museum. The Children's Museum News. No. i, 2, Brooklyn, 1904. Illus. = • *38i8.7 Creevey, Caroline A. Recreations in botany. New York, 1893. Illus. = 5844.57z=*P.84.203 Cunningh3m, David Douglas. Some Indian friends and acquaintances: a study of the ways of birds and other animals. London, 1903. Plates. 5822.123 Many plates are colored. Dodge, Charles Wright. General zoology, practical, systematic, and comparative: being a revision and rearrangement of Orton's Comparative zoology. New York. [1903.] Illus. Map. 3889.157 Orton's Comparative zoology is on shelf-number 3888.56. Economic geology of co3l. [Scranton, 1903.] 74 PP- Illus. [International library ot technology.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.37 Faurs, Federico, and Jose Algue. La meteorologia en la Esposicion Colom- bina de Chicago (1893). Barcelona, 1894. Illus. Plans. [Observatorio me- teorologico de Manila.] = 5960.81 Fricke, Friedrich. Verzeichnis der in A. Schmidt's Atlas der Diatomaceenkunde, Tafel 1-240 (Serie 1-5), abgebildeten und benannten For- men. Leipzig, 1902, 69 pp. *7890.4 The Atlas is on shelf-number *y8go.2. Geology. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. [Inter- national library of technology.] No. 4 in ^8027. 132.39 Hardy, Mary Earle. Sea stories for wonder eyes. Boston, 1904. Illus. 5829.44 Marine zoology for children. Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee. Birds of the Hawaiian Islands. Hono- lulu, 1902. 3904.23 Rett, Charles Louis. A glossary of popular, local and old- fashioned names of British birds. Lon- don, 1902. 3909.146 Hornad3y, William Temple. The American natural history. New York, 1904. Illus. Maps. Charts. 3813.72 Treats of vertebrates only, including many ani- mals not North American. Hus, Henry T. A. Spindle formation in the pollen-mother- cells of Cassia tomentosa L. San Fran- cisco, 1904. 28 pp. Plates. [California , Academy of Sciences.] = ^5302. 17.2 M3thews, Ferdinand Schuyler. Field book of wild birds and their music. Intended to assist in the identification of species common in the eastern United States. New York, 1904. Plates. Music. 3909.161 344 Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace, Baronet. British fresh-water fishes. London, 1904. Ilhis. Colored plates. 5901.86 Merrill, George Perkins. The non-metallic minerals. Their occur- rence and uses. New York, 1904. Illus. Maps. 5866.79 There are bibliographies with the different divi- sions. Millspaugh, Charles Frederick, and Agnes Chase. Plantas Yucatance (Regionis Antillanse). Plants of the insular, coastal and plain regions of the peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico. Fascicle 2. Compositse. Chi- cago, 1904. 75 pp. Illus. [Field Co- lumbian Museum.] = *78i3.i9.3 Mineralogy. [Scranton, 1903.] 89 pp. Illus. [International library of technology.] No. 2 in *8o27. 132.39 Porta, Giovanni Battista della. 1540-1615. Natural magick . . . wherein are set forth all the riches and delights of the natural sciences. London, 1658. Illus. *79ioa.5 The original Latin is on shelf-number *7969.5. Reed, Chester Allyn. North American birds eggs. New York, 1904. Illus. 3903-45 Sacco, Federico. I brachiopodi dei terreni terziarii del Pie- monte e della Liguria. Torino, 1902. SO pp. Plates. 387oa.76 Scherren, Henry. Popular natural history of the lower ani- mals (invertebrates). [London.] 1903. Illus. 5827.104 Smith, George Otis. Contributions to the geology of Wash- ington. Geology and physiography of central Washington, by George Otis Smith. Physiography and deformation of the Wenatchee-Chelan District, Cas- cade Range, by Bailey Willis. Wash- ington, 1903. Plates. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = 58603.93 Spain. Ministerio de ultramar. Memoria geologico-minera de las Islas Filipinas, escrita por el ingeniero in- spector general del ramo en el archpie- lago, Don Jose Centeno y Garcia. Ma- drid, 1876. 70 pp. Map. 3864.41 Stfep, Edward. 1855-. Wayside and woodland trees: a pocket guide to the British sylva. London, 1904. Illus. 3849.21 Strunz, Franz. 1876-. Naturbetrachtung und Naturerkenntnis ini Altertum. Hamburg, 1904. 5823.80 Literatur, pp. 160-163. Tarr, Ralph Stockman. New physical geography. New York, 1904. Illus. Maps. 5865.61 Thayer, Emma Homan. Wild flowers of the Pacific Coast. New York. [1887.] 64 pp. Colored plates. *385oa.66 United States. Coast and Geodetic Survey. United States magnetic declination tables and isogenic charts for 1902, and prin- September cipal facts relating to the earth's mag- netism. By L. A. Bauer. Washington, 1902. Illus. Maps. = *5930.47 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Clark, Galen. 1814-. Indians of the Yosemite Valley and vi- cinity: their history, customs and tra- ditions. Yosemite Valley, 1904. Por- trait. Plates. 43693.294 Deniker, Joseph. 1852-. The races of man: an outline of anthro- pology and ethnography. London, 1901. Illus. Maps. [Contemporary science series.] 3829.111 Hoernes, Moriz. Der diluviale Mensch in Europa: die Kul- turstufen der alteren Steinzeit. Braun- schweig, 1903. Illus. Map. 2223.76 Rosny, Leon Louis Lucien Prunol de. 1837-. L'Atlantide historique: etudes d'ethno- graphie et d'archeologie americaines. [Partie i.] Paris, 1902. Illus. 2339.46 Shtchukin, Ivan. Le suicide collectif dans le Raskol russe. Paris, 1903. 3069.263 Wachter, Wilhelm. Das Feuer in der Natur, im Kultus und Mythus, im Volkerleben, Wien, 1904. 5969-164 Chemistry. Physics. Benedict, Francis Gano. Chemical lecture experiments. New York, 1901. Illus. 3977-146 Blowpiping. [Scranton, 1903.] 81 pp. Illus. [International library of technology.] No. I in *8o27.i32.39 Boynton, William Pingry. Applications of the kinetic theory to gases, vapors, pure liquids, and the theory of solutions. New York, 1904. 5969.122 Chipart, H. 1 ^ La theorie gyrostatique de la lumiere. Paris, 1904. 5966.22 Grevel, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich. Ueber Cinnamylacetessigester und einige Abkommlinge desselben. Kiel, 1901. 48 pp. Diagrams. — 5976.263 Hauksbee, Francis, the Elder. -1713? Physico-mechanical experiments on vari- ous subjects. London, 1719. Illus. *5969.i55 Hesse, August. 1873-. Ueber das i, 2, 3 Triaminopropan. Kiel, 1897. 36 pp. = 5976.271 Juhlin, Julius. Bestamning af vattenangans maximi- spanstighet ofver is mellan 0° och-50° C, samt ofver vatten mellan -j- 20° och- 13° C. Stockholm, 1891. 72 pp. Chart. = 3946.49 1904 345 Kaehlbrandt, Carl Friedricti. tiber die Oxydation der Isobiityl-Itakon- saure, -Citrakonsaiire und -Mesakon- saure mit Kaliumpermanganat. Strass- burgi, 1897. 28 pp. = 5976.244 Langlet, Nils Abraham. Undersokningar inom azthinserien. Up- sala, 1896. 94 pp. Diagrams. = 5976.254 Lundvall, Carl Fr. Svafvelsyrans sammansatta eterarter och deras anvandning for framstallandet af amin-, sulfin- och seleninbaser. Lund, 1897. = 5978.36 Mulliken, Samuel Parsons. A method for the identification of pure organic compounds by a systematic ana- lytical procedure based on physical properties and chemical reactions. Vol. I. New York, 1904. Illus. *5970.4i Contents. — i. 2300 compounds of carbon with hydrogen and with hydrogen and oxygen. Ostwald, Wilhelm. 1853-. Die Schule der Chemie. Erste Einfiihrung. Teil I. Braunschweig, 1903. Illus. 3977.148 Planck, Max. 1858-. Treatise on thermodynamics. Translated by Alexander Ogg. London, 1903. 3966.172 Catalogue of the author's publications on thermo- dynamics, pp. 264, 265. Simon, Johann. 1871-. Ueber die Oxydation der Hexyl-Itacon - saure und -Aticonsaure mit Kaliumper- manganat. Strassburg i. E., 1900. 42 pp. = 5976.257 Thomson, Sir William, Baron Kelvin. Baltimore lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light. London, 1904. Illus. 5966.24 A reprint of Hathaway's stenographic notes of these twenty lectures delivered at Johns Hop- kins University [**502o.65], with appendices. Williams, Rufus Phillips. High school chemistry in its relation to the work of a college course. [New York, 1903.] = 3972.183 Teaching of chemistry in schools, 1876, 1901. [New York, 1901.] 8 pp. = 3972.182 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Ehlert, Bernhard Friedrich Reinhold. Horizontalpendelbeobachtungen im Me- ridian zu Strassburg i E. von April bis Winter 1895. Leipzig, 1896. 91 pp. Plans. = 5965.88 Epstein, Paul. 1871-. Zur Lehre von den hyperelliptischen Inte- gralen. Stockholm, 1895. 62 pp. =z 3930.73 Heuman, Carl. Operationsteoretisk framstallning af teo- rien for finita forflyttningar. Stock- holm, 1899. 48 pp. =z 3938.152 Kohlschuetter, Ernst. 1870-. Bestimmung der Bahn des Comcten 1892 III (Holmes). Kiel, 1896. 68 pp. Chart. = 5920.107 Lyman, Benjamin Smith. On the adoption of the metric system. — Discussion. [Philadelphia, 1902.] 4 pp. , = 5934.65 Nordenmark, N. V. E. Sur le moyen mouvement dans I'anneau des asteroides. Upsala, 1894. 64 pp. = 592oa.87 Nordman, E. Aug. Bestamning af nagra speciella, ratlinigt begransade, minimalstycken. Helsing- fors, 1895. 82 pp. Diagrams. = 3930.71 Pickering, William Henry. A photographic atlas of the moon. Cam- bridge, 1903. 44 pp. Plates. Maps. [Harvard College. Astronomical Ob- servatory.] = ^5920.3. 51 Radix, The. Edited by C. H. Webber. No. 1-6. Salem, 1897. *76oob.45 Richard, Jules, Mathematician. Sur la philosophic des mathematiques. Paris, 1903. = **E.5i29.i25 Schultz-Steinheil, Carl Arvid. Die allgemeinen Jupiter-Storungen des Planeten Alexandra. Lund, 1898. 82 pp. = 592oa.86 Surveying. Land surveying. Illus. Maps. Diagrams. (In International library of technology. Vol. 36, pp. 601-739. Scran- ton, 1903.) g ^8027.132.34 Williams, Rufus Phillips. Metrology. The recent metric bill. [Chi- cago, 1903.] 8 pp. = 3938.129 Young, Charles Augustus. y^e6HHK'L no ejiemeHTapna acTponoMna . . . np'BBejiTE) OT'L anrjiHflcKH (Dpej],^ JI. Knnrc- 6epH. CaMOKOB'L, 1895. = 5088.26 Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Eggert, Bruno. Der psychologische Zusammenhang in der Didaktik des neusprachlichen Reform- unterrichts. Berlin, 1904. 78 pp. No. 4 in *3596.i89.7 Hall, Granville Stanley. Adolescence: its psychology, and its re- lations to physiology, anthropology, so- ciology, sex, crime, religion and educa- tion. New York, 1904. 2 v. Tables. 3762.165 Henry, Victor. 1850-. La magie dans I'lnde antique. Paris, 1904. 7607.122 Hitchcock, Clara Maria. The psychology of expectation. Lancas- ter, 1903. 82 pp. 3602.155 Hoffman, Frank Sargent. Psychology and common life. New York, 1903. 7608.176 346 Iverach, James. 1839-. Descartes, Spinoza, and the new philo- sophy. New York, 1904. [The world's epoch-makers.] 3609.206 Sage, M. Mrs. Piper & The Society for Psychi- cal Research. Translated & slightly abridged from the French by Noralie Robertson. New York, 1904. 7608.166 Susemihl, Friedrich Franz Carl Ernst. Die genetische Entwickelung der platoni- schen Philosophic. Leipzig, 1855-60. 2 V. 3607.88 Van Becelaere, Edward Gregory Lawrence. La philosophic en Amerique (1607-1900). Essai historiqne. [Introduction by Jo- siah Royce.] New York. [1904.] 3604.212 Relates to the United States only. Education. Children. Cambridge School for Girls. Manual [.1902/03]. [Cambridge, 1902.] = 4499a.203 Cuba. Superintendente des escuelas. Liforme, . . . con inclusion de los ren- didos por los superintendentes de in- struccion e inspectores pedagogicos. Tomo I. Habana, 1903. = 3595-291 Diehl, Wilhelm, editor. Die Schulordnungen des Grossherzog- tums Llessen. Band i, 2. Berlin, 1903. 2 V. [Monumenta Germaniae paeda- gogica.] *359oa.io3.27, 28 Franklin and Marshall College, Alumni As- sociation. Printed report, ist-6th. [Lancaster.] 1897-1902. = ^4496.346 Greard, Vallery Clement Octave. Education et instruction. Paris, 1887. 4 V. Maps. Plans. 3599-215 Harvard College. Germanic Museum. Akademisches Theater der Harvard Uni- versitat. Festvorstellung zur Feier der Eroffnung des Germanischen Museums . . . Dienstag, den 10. November 1903. [Programm. Cambridge.] 1903. 3 pp. = 448oa.i53 Inserted is a four-page pamphlet giving the stories of the plays. Haskins, Charles Waldo. Business education and accountancy. Ed - ited by F. A. Cleveland. New York, 1904. Portrait. 5632.20 Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. Bulletins. Issued quarterly. Vol. 2 (no. i); October, 1903. Geneva, 1903. = *4494.277 Hoxie, Jane Lincoln. Handwork for kindergartens and primary schools. Springfield, Mass., 1904. Illus. 8029.160 Kvicala, Jan, editor. Die padagogische Reform des Comeniua in Deutschland bis zum Ausgange des XVIL Jahrhunderts. Band i . Berlin, 1903. [Monumenta Germaniae paedago- gica.] *359oa.i03.26 Quellen, pp. xxxi, xliv. September Littlefield, George Emery. Early schools and school-books of New England. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. [Club of Odd Volumes.] *3592.204 Mills, Jane Dearborn. The mother-artist. [Boston?] 1904. 5587-174 On the education of children and making of the home. Probst, M., of Vienna. Gehirn und Seele des Kindes. Berlin, 1904. Illus. No. 2, 3 in *3596.i89.7 Literatur, pp. 143-148. Simmons College, Boston. Annual reports. [ist] 1902/03. Boston, 1904. = *4498.283 Programme for 1902-1903. Boston, 1902. Plan. = *4498.284 Stapfer, Paul. 1840-. Paradoxes et truismes d'un ancien doyen. Paris, 1964. 3599.217 Relates to the administration of universities in France. Targe, Maxime. Professeurs et regents de college dans — I'ancienne Universite de Paris (XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles). Paris, 1902. 3592-13 Thompson, Henry Lewis. The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Ox- ford, in its relation to some famous events of English history. Westminster, 1903. Plate. 2499.144 This is a collection of sermons. University of Nashville. Peabody College for Teachers. Announcement for 1903/04; students, 1902/03. Nashville, 1903. = 44993.307 Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Abraham a Santa Clara. (Ulrich Megerle.) 1 642-1 709. [Aehrenlese aus Peter Abraham a Santa Clara's Schriften.] Heilbronn, 1823. = 35893.66 Bibliography, p. 6. Relates to moral life. Callaway, Frances Bennett. Charm and courtesy in conversation. New York, 1904. 3589.260 Hyde, William De Witt. The new ethics. New York. [1903.] 29 pp. 35893.70 Problem, The, of success for young men and how to solve it. An educational symposium by successful men and lead- ers of thought. New York, 1903. Por- traits. Fac-similes. 3586.114 Trine, Ralph Waldo. What all the world's a-seeking, or the vital law of true life, true greatness, power and happiness. New York. [1903?] 5586.27 1904 347 Religion* Theology* Abbott, Edwin Abbott. 1838-. From letter to spirit. An attempt to reach through varying voices the al)iding Word. London, 1903. 3424.152 A study of the C'.ospel of St. John. Adams, John Coleman. Hosea Ballou and the Gospel renaissance of the nineteenth century. Boston, 1903. 28 pp. Portrait. = 7467-253 Albertinus, Nicolans. Theses theologicse de tribvs virtvtibvs Christianis, fide, spe, & charitate ... in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Salmvrii, M.DC.LVII. 29 pp. = No. 4 in *3459.2io AUix, Peter, D.D. 1641-1717. Theses theologicae de vltimo ivdicio . . . in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Salmvrii, M.DC.LX. 44 pp. = No. II in *3459.2io Angier, John. A sower going forth to sow the seed of God's Word. A sermon preached De- cember 23d, 1767. at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Samuel Angier . . . By his father . . . Boston, 1768. 26 pp. **H.85.76 Arnaudellus, Claudius. Theses theologicae de peccato in Spiritvm Sanctum ... in Academia Salmuriensi. Salmvrii, M.DC.LIII. 36 pp. = No. I in *3459.2io Bailie, Charles. Un prelat d'ancien regime au XIXe siecle, sa famille et son groupe. Le cardinal de Rohan-Chabot, archeveque de Besangon, 1788-1833. Paris, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 2644.29 Bangs, Nathan. 1778-1862. The life of the Rev. Freeborn Garrettson ... 2d edition. New York, 1830. = 5559.137 Contains much historical matter relative to the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. Bechler, Th. Dienende Liebe. Missions- und Dia- konissenarbeit auf einer Aussatzigen- station. (Suriname.) Herrnhut, 1901. 64 pp. Portrait. Plates. = 3537'78 Bible. The interlinear literal translation of the Hebrew Old Testament with the King James version and the Revised version conveniently printed in the margins . . . by George Ricker Berry. Part i. Gene- sis and Exodus. New York, 1897. 3414-133 Testament Newydd ein Harglwydd a'n Hiachawdwr lesu Grist. Caerefrog Newydd, 1859. = 74i9a.i2i The Gospel of Matthew, in Asamese. [Translated by N. Brown. Jaipur? 18— ?] rir 5416.36 Bracciforti, Ferdinand, editor and transla- tor. La Chiesa e lo stato in America e La sim- patia delle religioni. Discorsi . . . pro- nun ciati dai rapprcsentanti amcricani al Congrcsso tenuto in Londra nel maggio 1901, dal Consiglio interna/.ionale di Unitari ed altri liberi lavoratori e pen- satori religiosi. Milano, 1902. 16 pp. = 5549a. 1 33 The discourse "T^a Chiesa e lo stato in America" was delivered l)y C. \\\ W'endte, of Boston; "La simpatia (Ulle religioni," by S. M. Crothers, of Cambridge. Brookline, Mass. Baptist Church. Addresses at the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding. Brookline, 1903. 56 pp. Plates. = 7549-137 Bugg, Francis. 1640-1724? New Rome arraigned, and out of her ovvMi mouth condemned: containing a farther discovery of the dangerous errours and pernitious principles ... of the people called Quakers ... In answer to George Whitehead's Charitable essay, &c. . . . London, 1693. 84 pp. **H.94.i62 Byles, John. The legend of St. Mark: being Sunday morning talks to the children. London, 1899. lUus. 5444.22 Caldecott, Alfred, and Hugh Ross Mack- intosh, editors. Selections from the literature of theism. Edinburgh, 1904. 3486.169 Camius, Moses. Theses theologicae de excommvnicatione ... in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Sal- mvrii, M.DC.LV. 34 pp. - No. 3 in *3459.2io Convers, Duncan. Our three states. Oxford. [1899.] 3 parts in i v. 7469.184 Contents. — i. In the image of God. 2. Fallen nature. 3. Renewed nature. Demaus, Rev. Robert. William Tindale, a biography: being a contribution to the early history of the English Bible. Popular edition, revised by Richard Lovett. [London.] 1904. Portrait. Plates. Fac-simile. 5559.140 Denifle, Friedrich Heinrich. Luther und Lutherthum in der ersten Entwickelung quellenmassig dargestellt. Band i. Mainz, 1904. Portraits. 3522.16 Du Bout, Nicolas. 1653-1706. Histoire de I'Abbaye d'Orbais (Marne). Publiee avec additions et notes par fitienne Heron de Villefosse. Paris, 1890. Illus. Plans. Map. Fac-similes. 2632.114 Durel, John. 1625-1683. A view of the government and publick worship of God in the Reformed churches beyond the seas. London, 1662. No. I in *3459.2i2 Ellicott, Charles John, Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, editor. 1819-. An Old Testament commentary for Eng- lish readers. By various writers. New York. [188-?] 5 V. Maps. Plans. Genealogical tables. ^34203.73 Episcopal Observer, The. [Monthly.] Ira Warren, editor and proprietor. Vol. i (no. 1-6). Boston, 1845. = *5304-72 348 September Fenner, William. 1600-1640. Works. [London.] 1657. 9 parts in i v. = **H.9i.3i Contains the autograph of Increase Mather on the title-page and on the fly-leaf at the end. Fowler, Charles Henry. Memorial discourse on Rev. E. S. Janes, . . . late Senior Bishop of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. October 29, 1876. New York. [1876.] 45 pp. Portraits. = 44493.259 Fox, George, Quaker. 1624-1690. For all the bishops and priests in Chris- tendom, to measure themselves by the Scriptures of truth ... [London? 1664?] 67 pp. **H.94.i6i Frere, Walter Howard, and Langton E. G. Brown, editors. The Hereford breviary. Edited from the Rouen edition of 1505 with collation of manuscripts. Vol. i. London, 1904. Fac-similes. [Henry Bradshaw So- ciety.] *3432.i24 Garnier, John. The worship of the dead; or, the origin and nature of pagan idolatry, and its bearing upon the early history of Egypt and Babylonia. London, 1904. Illus. 3482.169 List of the principal works consulted, pp. xxix- xxxii. Gaussen, Etienne. Theses theologicse de consensv gratise - cvm natvra ... in Academia Salmuri- ensi . . . Salmvrii, M.DC.LIX. 58 pp. = No. 9 in *3459.2io Gousset, Jacques. Theses theologicse de officio pastoris evangelici ... in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Salmvrii, M.DC.LVIH. 32 pp. = No. 10 in *3459.2io Gressmann, Hugo. Studien zu Eusebs Theophanie. Leipzig, 1903. [Gebhardt und Llarnack.] *3504-5o-N.F.B, part 3 Guthe, Hermann, editor. 1849-. Kurzes Bibelworterbuch. Tubingen, 1903. Illus. Maps. 3432.82 Hale, Edward Everett. How shall Unitarianism reach the people? A plea for a central Unitarian temple in Boston. Boston, 1903. 17 pp. = 7457.118 Hayes, Charles Wells. The Diocese of Western New York: his- tory and recollections. Rochester, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. 5544.97 Hedge, Frederic Henry. The regent God. [Boston, 1902.] 10 pp. — 7459.140.4 On the divine Providence. Henkle, Moses Montgomery. The life of Henry Bidleman Basconi. Louisville, 1854. Portrait. = 5554-76 Houtin, Albert. L'americanisme. Paris, 1904. 3468.107 Bibliography, pp. 471-482. Relates to the history of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States and in France, es- pecially since 1890. Howe, Reginald Heber. The call of the Master; or, the voice of Jesus to man in the stress of life. [Lec- tures at St. Paul's Church, Boston, dur- ing Lent.] New York. [1904.] 93 pp. = 3449-221 Hungate, Jesse A. The ordination of woman to the pastorate in Baptist churches. Hamilton, N. Y. [1899.] = 3438-38 Imperial Protestant Federation. [Constitution, list of component organi- zations, etc. London, 1900.] 56 pp. = No. 2 in 5525-49 Kannengieser, Alphonse. 1855-. France et Allemagne. Paris. [1900. Les missions catholiques.] 3538.87 Keen, William Williams, editor. The bi-centennial celebration of the found- ing of the First Baptist Church of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia, 1899. Illus. Por- traits. Fac-similes. = 3548.40 Lee, Jesse. 1758-1816. Short history of the Methodists, in the United States of America; 1766-1809. Baltimore, 1810. = 5549a.ii8 McCormick, John Newton. Distinctive marks of the Episcopal Church. Milwaukee. [1902.] 52 pp. 5549a.i44 Masson, Philip. Theses theologicse de certitvdine salvtis . . .in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Sal- mvrii, M.DC.LVn. 36 pp. — No. 6 in *3459.2io Moll, Willem. Kerkgeschiedenis van Nederland voor de Hervorming. Arnheim [etc.]. 1864- 71. 3 V. in 4. 5527-81 Nautonier, L, of Castelfranc. Theses theologicse de transfigvratione Christi ... in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Salmvrii, M.DC.LVH. 33 pp. = No. 7 in *3459.2io Neuchatel and Yverdon English Church Magazine. No. i. February, 1904. Neu- chatel. [1904.] = *552oa.7i Nevin, Alfred, editor. 1816-1890. Encyclopaedia of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Phila- delphia, 1884. Illus. Portraits. *553oa.i5 Osborne, Charles E. The life of Father Dolling. Papular edi- tion. London, 1903. Portrait. 5559-133 O'Sullivan, John Louis. La question de la papaute envisagee sous un point de vue nouveau, par un diplo- mate americain [pseud, de J,-L. O'Sul- livan]. Paris, i860. 32 pp. — 5462.66 Relates to the abolition of the temporal power of the Pope. P., L. With the lepers in Surinam. [Surinam, S. A., 1902?] 15 pp. = 3539-86 Paddock, Rev. Zachariah. Memoir of Rev. Benjamin G. Paddock, with brief notices of early ministerial associates. Also, an appendix, contain- ing more extended sketches of Rev. George Gary, Abner Chase, William 1904 349 Case, Seth Mattison, Isaac Puffer, Charles Giles, and others. New York, 1875. Portraits. = 5559-136 Pages, Leon. 1814-1886. Histoire des vingt-six martyrs japonais dont la canonisation doit avoir lieu a Rome, le jour de la Pentecote, 1862. 2e edition. Rome, 1862. 3469.188 Pineton de Chambrun, Jacques. -1689. Theses theologicse de libertate_ Christiana ... in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Sal- mvrii, M.DC.LVII. 32 pp. = No. 8 in *3459.2io Putnam, George, D.D. 1807-1878. The open windows. [Boston, 190-.] 13 pp. = 7459.140.2 A sermon originally preached in i860. Read, William, Social Evangelist. The politics (or policy) of Christ (in prin- ciple) an everlasting Gospel. Written by Truth, a resurrected soul . . . Bos- ton, 1900. 33 pp. Portrait. 3475-72 Reformed Church in America. Coetus of Pennsylvania. Minutes and letters . . . 1 747-1 792. With three preliminary reports of John Philip Boehm, 1734-1744. [Edited by J. I. Good and Wilham J. Hinke.] Philadelphia, 1903- 5546.41 Ricotier, Jean. Theses theological de de [sic] volvntate Dei ... in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Salmvrii, M.DC.LVII. 22 pp. = No. 5 in *3459.2io Ripon Cathedral, Yorkshire, Eng. The Offices of St. Wilfred according to the use of the Church of Ripon; from a Psalter belonging to the Dean and Chap- ter of Ripon Cathedral, with an Eng- lish translation by John Whitham, as- sisted by the Rev. Thomas Thistle. Ripon, 1893, 50 pp. Table. Fac-simile. 5440.30 Sabatier, Louis Auguste. 1839-. Religions and authority and the religion of the spirit. Translated by Louise Sey- mour Houghton. New York, 1904. 3453-135 Satolli, Francesco, Cardinal. 1831-. In Summam theologicam Divi Thomae Aquinatis. De incarnatione p. iii. qq. i, xxvi. Praelectiones habitae in Ponti- ficio seminario romano et Collegio ur- bano. Romae, 1888. 3454.106 In Summam theologicam Divi Thomae Aquinatis. De operationibus divinis. Praelectiones habitae in Pontificio semi- nario romano et Collegio urbane. Ro- mae, 1885. 3454.105 Schmidke, Alfred. Das Klosterland des Athos. Leipzig, 1903. Plates. 5513-61 Simpson, Samuel. Life of Ulrich Zwingli. New York. [1902.] Portrait. Plates. 5559-131 Bibliography, pp. 280-291. Stone, Darwell. The Holy Communion. London, 1904. [The Oxford library of practical theo- logy.] 3435-75 Stone, Jane Mary. Reformation and Renaissance. (Circa 1377-1610.) New York, 1904. Portraits. 3522.121 Temple, Edward Lowe. The Church in the Prayer-book. A lay- man's brief review of worship. Mil- waukee, 1894. 3446.128 Thirtle, James William. The titles of the Psalms. Their nature and meaning explained. London, 1904. 3427-158 Waitz, Hans. Die pseudoklementinen Homilien und Rekognitionen. Leipzig, 1904. [Geb- hardt und Harnack.] *3504-5o.N.F.io, part 4 Literatur, pp. 376-378. Walkley, Albert. The growth of liberal and true religious thought as seen in the writings of Ian Maclaren. Boston. [1901?] 16 pp. = 7459.127 Walsh, Walter. 1847-. The history of the Romeward movement in the Church of England, 1833-1864. London, 1900. — No. i in 5525.49 Ward, Samuel. -1639. A coale from the altar to kindle the holy fire of zeale. In a sermon preached at a generall visitation at Ipswich. Lon- don, 1627. 95 pp. **H.94.i6o Warland, Abraham. Theses theologicae de vi boni moralis, vtrvm natvra sit immvtabile, annon . . . in Academia Salmuriensi . . . Salmvrii, M.DC.LIV. 24 pp. = No. 2 in *3459.2io Watson, Thomas, Presbyterian Minister, at Whitby. Intimations and evidences of a future state. London, 1808. = 3459.214 Weiss, Henry T. Besuch auf Groot Chatillon dem Aus- satzigenasyl. Missionar H. Weiss nach- erzahlt von H. Kluge. Herrnhut. [1903?] 16 pp. = 3539-85 Unsere Aussatzigen. Ein kurzes Wort an die evangelischen Glaubensgenossen in der deutschen Heimat. Paramaribo, 1901. 12 pp. Portrait. Plates. = 3537.79 Whitham, Arthur Richard. Holy orders. London, 1903. [The Ox- ford library of practical theology.] 3438.127 Bibliography, pp. 308-310. Williams, Stephen. 1693-1782. Drawing near to God in his instituted wor- ship, the means of enjoying his gracious presence. A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. John Keep, ... in Sheffield, June 10. 1772. Boston, 1772. 45 pp. **H.85.74 Wrede, William. Die Echtheit des zweiten Thessalonicher- briefs. Leipzig, 1903. [Gebhardt und Harnack.] *3504.5o.N.F.9, part 2 350 September Young Men's Christian Association of Drew Theological Seminary. Students' handbook, no. 6, 1903/04. Con- cord, N. H., 1903. =z 7437-51 Law* Legislation* Patents. Acts relating to the supply of gas & water by companies and local authorities. With reference notes and full index, compiled by Joseph Reeson. Complete " to August, 1902. London, 1902. Plan. *3^64.49 Asis Gutierrez, Francisco de. El ahorro nacional y la reforma postal: medics praticas para su inplantacion en Espaha. Madrid, 1902. 36503.122 Benton, Josiah Henry, Jr. Remarks on bill to establish a maximum rate of two cents a mile on Massachu- setts railroads. Boston, 1903. 13 pp. = 7658.241 Chile. Codigo de procedimiento civil. Edicion oficial. Santiago de Chile, 1902. == 5625.58 Lista alfabetica de los abogados recibidos en Chile, 1788-1899. Santiago de Chile, 1899- = 363547 Daiches, Samuel. Altbabylonische Rechtsurkunden aus der Zeit der Hammurabi-Dynastie. Leip- zig, 1903. 2958.30 Dresser, Frank Farnum. The employers' liability acts and the as- sumption of risks in New York, Massa- chusetts, Lidiana, Alabama, Colorado, and England. St. Paul, Minn., 1903. *3665.99 Evanston, 111. Revised ordinances, 1904. Compiled by C. R. Webster and PL S. Shedd. Spring- field, 111., 1904. = *6387.i9 Fryer, William J., editor. The New York laws relating to apartment and tenement houses. New York, 1903. 3661.18 Great Britain. A collection of the acts passed in the Par- liament of Great Britain and of other public acts relative to Canada. Quebec, 1824. ^7030.38 Hall, William Edward. A treatise on international law. 5th edi- tion. Edited by J. B. Atlay. Oxford, 1904. 5615-71 Hollister, Lillian M. Manual of parliamentary terms and pro- cedure. Detroit. [1902.] Table. = *5569a.i74 Howe, Frank William. Howe's Handbook of parliamentary usage. New York, 1904. 56 pp. 5569a.i76 Ihering, Rudolf von. 1818-1892. Law in daily life. A collection of legal questions connected with the ordinary events of everyday life. From the Ger- man, with notes and additions, by Henry Goudv. Oxford, 1904. 56i549 Iwasaki, Kojiro. Das japanischc Ehcrccht. Leipzig, 1904. 64 pp. 3661.78 Principles of law. Book of forms. Scran- ton. [1903. International library of tech- nology.] *8o27. 132.45 Rhode Island. The public statutes . . . Prefixed, the Constitutions of the United States and of the State . Providence, 1882. = *633oa.54 Sanftenberg, , Landgerichtsrat, editor. Die deutschen Unfallversicherungsgesetze mit Ausnahme des Gewerbe-Unfallver- sicherungsgesetzes ... Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.460 Thayer, James Bradley, compiler and editor. 1831-1902. A selection of cases on evidence at the common law. With notes. 2d edition. Cambridge, 1900. *362i.36 Tsugaru, Fusamaro. Die Lehre von der japanischen Adoption. Berlin, 1903. Plan. 3661.80 Ouellen imd Literatur, pp. xiii-xxiv. Useful and Industrial Arts* Aldini, Giovanni. Essai theorique et experimental sur le galvinisme. Paris, 1804. 2 v. Plates. 5968.132 Assaying. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. [In- ternational library of technology.] No. 3 in *8o27. 132.39 Bellasis, Edward Skelton. Hydraulics, with working tables. London, 1903. Diagrams. 3943.140 Boyle, Robert. 1626-1691. Two tracts on electricity and magnetism . . . ; reprinted from the rare editions of 1675 and 1676, with a preface by S[il- vanus] P[hillips] T[hompson]. Lon- don, 1898. 84 pp. *3969.42 Breguet, Antoine. La machine de Gramme. Paris, 1880. 82 pp. Illus. 4018.158 [Bridge design. Scranton, 1903.] Plans. Diagrams. [International library of tech- nology.] No. I in *8o27.i32.i35 Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company, Providence, R. I. Commercial grinding by the use of plain grinding machines. Providence, 1901. 98 pp. Illus. Plans. 8013.199 Chicago, 111. City Council. Report on the engineering and operating features of the Chicago transportation problem submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation ... by Bion Jo- seph Arnold. Chicago, 1902. Text; Atlas, 14 maps. Charts. Plans. = 8015.217 Cincinnati Milling Machine Company. A treatise on milling and milling ma- chines. Cincinnati, 1904. 53 pp. Illus. Plans. = 8037.56 1904 351 Contracts and permits. [Scranton, 1903.] 82 pp. Blank forms. [International li- brary of technology.] No. 6 in *8o27. 132.31 Davidis, Henriette. German national cookery for American kitchens. 2d American augmented and illustrated edition. Milwaukee, 1904. Plates. 8008.143 Drainage. Sewerage. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. Maps. [International library of techno- logy.] No. 2 in *8o27. 132.36 Ekstrom, Alfred. Om teorien for elektriska svangningar i metalltradar, framkallade af en Hertz' oskillator. Stockholm, 1897. 46 pp. = 3961.148 Electric coal-cutting machinery. [Scranton, 1903.] 34 pp. Illus. [International li- brary of technology.] No. II in *8o27.i32.37 Electric pumping, signaling, and lighting. [Scranton, 1903.] 61 pp. Illus. [Inter- national library of technology.] No. 10 in *8o27.i32.37 As used in mines. Foster, Sir Clement Le Neve. The elements of mining and quarrying. London, 1903. Illus. Plans. 7867.31 General Electric Company. Supplies. [Catalogue.] Schenectady, 1904. Illus. = 4013.171 Goodrich, W. Francis. Refuse disposal and power production. New York. [1904.] Illus. Plans. Charts. 40ioa.i5i Hanchett, George Tilden. Alternating currents: their generation, distribution, and utilization. New York, 1904. Illus. 3969-239 Harding, E. Hurren. Magnetic and electrical laws. London. [1885.] 32 pp. 3967-120 Haskins, Clark Caryl. Electricity made simple and treated non- technically. Chicago, 1904. Illus. 3968.209 Heating and ventilation of buildings. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. Plans. [In- ternational library of technology.] No. 2 in *8o27.i32.32 Hodgson, Richard Broom. Machines and tools employed in the work- ing of sheet metals, Manchester, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8039.162 Houghton, Thomas. Royal institutions: being proposals for articles to establish and confirm laws, liberties, & customs of silver & gold mines, to all the King's subjects, in such parts of Africa, and America, which are now . . . annexed to . . . the Crown of England. London, 1694. *7869a.76 Lehmann-Felskowski, Georg, compiler and editor. 1863-. The shipbuilding industry of Germany. London, 1904. Illus. Maps. *3950.i3i MacDonald, John Angus. Successful advertising: how to accom- plish it. Philadelphia, 1902. 2192.13 Mason, Otis Tufton. Aboriginal American basketry. Washing- ton, 1904. Illus. = 4012.117 Bibliography, pp. 545, 548. Massachusetts. General Court. [Collection of photographs taken during an investigation into the subject of the gradual abolition of the crossing of highways by railroads at grade. By Augustus W. Locke and others, a Board of Engineers. Boston, 1889.] 86 silver prints, pasted into an album. = *Cab.4o.i9.6 The report of this board, in which some of these photographs are reproduced, is on *8o 11.80. Methods of working coal mines. [Scran- ton, 1903.] 2 parts. Illus. Plans. [In- ternational library of technology.] No. 7, 8 in ^8027.132.37 Mierzinski, S, The waterproofing of fabrics. Translated by Arthur Morris and Herbert Robson. London, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8018.214 Mine haulage. Hoisting and hoisting ap- pliances. Surface arrangements at bitu- minous mines. Surface arrangements at anthracite mines. Percussive and rotary boring. Compressed-air coal-cutting ma- chinery. Scranton. [1903.] 6 parts in I V. Illus. Plans. [International li- brary of technology.] *8o27.i32.38 Mine ventilation. [Scranton, 1903.] 2 parts. Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 2, 3 in *8o27. 132.37 Moyer, Willard, compiler. The witchery of sleep. New York, 1903. Illus. 5608.36 Contains illustrations of beds and bedsteads. National Grange, Michigan. Souvenir, National Grange in Michigan, Lansing, Nov. 19-22, 1902. Lansing, 1902. 94 pp. Illus. Portraits. Map. = 5999a.88 National Shorthand Reporters' Association. Souvenir program . . . Fourth annual con- vention, Boston, Mass., August 19-22, 1902. [Boston? 1902.] 12 pp. Illus. Portraits. Fac-simile. = 6142.78 New England Water Works Association. Standard specifications for cast-iron pipe and special castings. Boston. [1903.] 7 pp. Tables. = 8014.83 New York, State. State Engineer and Sur- veyor. Report on concrete tests. By George W. Rafter. New York, 1898. 88 pp. = 8017.269 Report on movable bridges as used in Europe. By George W. Rafter. Albany, 1895. 29 pp. Plates. Plans. = 8013.203 O'Gormon, Mervyn. Motor pocket book. New York. [1904.] Illus. 8017.295 Painting and decorating. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. [International library of tech- nology.] No. 3 in *8o27. 132.32 Paulding, Charles Pearson. 1872-. Practical laws and data on the condensa- tion of steam in covered and bare pipes. New York, 1904. Diagrams. Charts. 8016.266 352 September Peabody, Cecil Hobart. NaA^al architecture. New York, 1904. Illns. 3955-120 Placer and hydraulic mining. [Scranton, 1903.] Illns. Plans. Maps. [Interna- tional library of technology.] No. 6 in *8o27.i32.39 Plumbing and gas-fitting. [Scranton, 1903.] Illns. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. i in *8o27.i32.32 Poincare, Jules Henri. La theorie de Maxwell et les oscillations hertziennes. La telegraphic sans fil. [Paris, 1904.] Diagrams. 7967.34 Prospecting for coal and location of open- ings. [Scranton, 1903.] 57 pp. Illns. [International librarj^ of technology.] No. 5 in *8o27.i32.37 Rafter, George W. The application of intermittent filtration to domestic filters. [Augusta, 1895.] 17 pp. Plate. =: 5945.13 Data of stream flow in relation to forests. Lecture before the engineering classes of Cornell University, April 14, 1899. [Ithaca, 1899.] 31 pp. = 5945-22 ' Deep waterways rather than barge canal. Advocated before State Commerce Con- vention. [Rochester? 1902.] 7 pp. = 5945-11 The economic relation of the proposed deep waterways to the State of New York. [Boston, 1899.] 8 pp. = 5941.27 Report to Board of Trade of Jersey City, on bids for supply of water to Jersey City. [Jersey City, 1897.] 7 pp. = 5941.29 Railroad location. Railroad construction. Track work. Railroad structures. Illns. Maps. Plans. (In International library of technology. Vol. 34, pp. 813-1294. Scranton, 1903.) *8o27. 132.34 Schmitz, E., and others. L'ingenieur civil, on traite sur I'applica- tion^ directe des sciences aux arts et manufactures. Atlas. Paris. [1845.] 26 plates of plans and diagrams. [Mann- els-Roret.] =: 8012.198 The text is lacking. Shafts, slopes, and drifts. [Scranton, 1903.] 80 pp. Illns. Plans. [International li- brary of technology.] No. 6 in *8o27.i32.37 Smith, N. J. The engineer's epitome: a collection of figures, facts, and formulae for engi- neers, by an engineer of thirty years' experience. Boston. [1892.] [Mason Regulator Company series.] 8oi9a.i83 Stone & Webster. Electric railway and lighting properties managed by Stone & Webster. Boston. [1903.] 46 pp. Maps. = 4018.194 Swenson, Bernard Victor, and Budd Fran- kenfield. Testing of electro-magnetic machinery and other apparatus. Vol. i. Direct cur- rents. New York, 1904. Illns. 4018.193 Swinburne, James. Entropy; or, thermodynamics from an engineer's standpoint, and the reversi- bility of thermodynamics. Westminster, 1904- 5969.171 Swinden, Jan Hendrik van. Recueil de memoires sur I'analogie de I'electricite et du magnetisme. La Haye, 1784. 3 V. Plates. 5963.138 Teissier, J. Ant. Projected salt works in Boston Bay. [Bos- ton, 1828.] 8 pp. Plan. 7659.165 United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Public Road Inquiries. [Circulars in regard to the Jefferson Me- morial and Interstate Good Roads Con- vention. Washington, 1902.] 2 circu- lars in I pamphlet. = 8018.259 United States Steel Corporation. Annual report, ist. 1902. [Hoboken, 1903.] 41 pp. Plates. Tables. Map. =: *7650.29 Water supply and distribution. Irrigation, [Scranton, 1903.] Illns. Plans. [In- ternational library of technology.] No. 3 in *8o27. 132.36 Wheeler, George Uzziah. Friction and its reduction. London, 1903. Illns. Charts. 8oi9a.i79 Wilson, James S.' Modern candy making. Chicago. [1904.] 83 pp. 8oo9a.97 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Brotherston, R. P. The book of the carnation. London, 1904. Plates. [Handbooks of practical gar- dening.] 3998.201 Bunyard, George, and Owen Thomas. The fruit garden. London, 1904. Illns. Plans. ["Country Life" library.] 3992.123 Ferguson, A. M., and John Ferguson, of Co- lombo, Ceylon, compilers. All about aloe and ramie fibres; dye and tanning stuffs; drugs, etc. Colombo, 1890. *8gi8.253 Mathey, Alphonse. Le paturage en foret. Besangon, 1900. Illns. Maps. 3842.82 Oregon. State Board of Horticulture. Biennial report. 5th, 6th. Salem, Ore- gon, 1898, 1900. Plates. = *3998.2i5 Pratt, Edwin A. The organization of agriculture. New York, 1904. 3994.156 Reynolds, Myron Herbert. Veterinary studies for agricultural stu- dents. [2d edition.] St. Paul, 1903. Illns. 6oo9b.47 Thomas, Rose Fay. Our mountain garden. New York, 1904. Plates. Plans. 3999-224 Triboudeau, . Monographic agricole du Pas-de-Calais. Paris, 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. Charts. *338o.3 1904 353 Waite, Merton Benmay. Fruit trees frozen in 1904. Washington, 1904. 7 pp. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.r28.5i, part 3 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Bergey, Ellwood. Why soldiers desert from the United States Army. Philadelphia, 1903. = 442oa.239 Biddulph, Sir Robert. 1835-- Lord Cardwell at the War Office: a his- tory of his administration, 1868-1874. London, 1904. Portrait. 6522.70 Burgoyne, Sir John Montagu, Baronet. Regimental records of the Bedfordshire Militia from 1759 to 1884. London, 1884. Tables. _ 6527.82 Church, William Conant, compiler. Retirements in the military services of the United States. 1903-1946. New York, 1903. *C.247.24 Contains tables of casualties in army and mvy, 1861-1902; acts relating to retirement; and list of officers to be retired from 1903 to 1946. Hermann, Oscar. Pirates and piracy. New York, 1902. 47 pp. Plates. Map. = 55793.202 [Picture of all the ships of the Royal Navy, with list and additional views of indi- vidual ships.] N. p. [1896.] Woodcut. = 5959.156 Amusements^ Games* Sports* Civic Improvement League of St. Louis. Open Air Playgrounds Committee. Report. 1903. St. Louis. [1903.] Plates. Plans. = 4373.184 Cotton, Percy Horace Gordon Powell-. A sporting trip through Abyssinia. Lon- don, 1902. Illus. Map. 4002.192 Bibliography of Abyssinian travels, pp. 487-490. Falgairolle, Prosper. Recherches sur les cartiers et les cartes a jouer a Montpellier et a Nimes avant 1790. Nimes, 1904. 25 pp. Plates. 4001.45 Schell, Stanley. Hallowe'en festivities. New York, 1903. [Werner's Readings and recitations.] 4009a.246 Ficti ion. In English. Connolly, James Bennett. The seiners. New York, 1904. Plate. 59.1 Douglas, Amanda Minnie. A Sherburne quest. New York. [1902.] 59-2 Mannix, Mary E. The Haldemann children. New York, 1904. Plate. 78.214 Wilkins, Mary Eleanor. The givers. Short stories. New York, 1904. Plates. 58.300 In French. Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface. Un rossignol pris au trebuchet. — Le chateau de Genappe. — Le roi des Canaries. Recits dans la tourelle. 3e edition. Paris, i860. 6696.9 Testut, Charles. Le vieux Salomon, ou une famille d'es- claves au XTXe siecle. Nouvelle-Or- leans, 1872. — 2400.20 In German, Bandlow, Pleinrich. 1855-. Lustig Tiigs. Humoresken. Band i. Leip- zig. [1904.] 4896.50.460 Bilse, , Leutnant. Aus einer kleinen Garnison. Ein mili- tarisches Zeitbild. [Wien.] 1904. 6898.198 Hartmann, Moritz. 1821-1872. Der Krieg um den Wald. Eine Historic. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.460 Mose, Josepha. 1860- Weisse Narzissen und andere Novellen. Von Jassy Torrund [Pseud.]. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.460 Muellenbach, Ernst. Waldmann und Zampa und andere No- vellen. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.456 Muench-Bellinghausen, Eligius Franz Jo- seph, Freiherr von. Die Marzipan Lise. Die Freundinnen. Zwei Erzahlungen von Friedrich Halm [Pseud.]. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.458 Olden, Crete. Eine brillante Idee. Die Versohnung. Zwei heitere Novellen. Leipzig. [1903.] 4896.50.456 In Italian. Baccini, Ida. Pasqua di risurrezione. Racconto. Milano. [1899.] 16 pp. Plate. = 2799a.72 Capuana, Luigi. L'ultima scappata. Racconto. Milano, 1899. 19 pp. Plate. == 2799a.70 Ciampoli, Domenico. 1855-. Trecce nere . . . Novelle abruzzesi. Mi- lano, 1882. Plate. 2799b.i45 Donati, Cesare. 1826-. Foglie secche. 2. edizione. Firenze, 1875. 2775.42 Contents. — La tabacchiera del nonno. — La gegia del ponte. — Una garriba rotta. — Un figaro. — II disertore. — Annella di Rosa. 354 September In Spanish. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Noyelas exemplares . . . Niieva impre- cion. En Amberes, 1743. 2 v. Portrait. Plates. **D.i46.i3 Larrain y Barra, Bruno. Hipatia. Novela historica del siglo V. de la era cristiana. Santiago de Chile, 1902. = 4397-29 Rodriguez Mendoza, E. Vida nueva. Santiago de Chile, 1902. = 4396.35 Associations* Clubs. Societies* Boston Weekly Messenger, The. [Edited by Nathan Hale.] Vol. 5, October 20, 1815 to October 10, 1816. Boston, 1815, ^16. *5383.9 Correspondant, Le. Table generale de 1875 a 1900. Paris, 1902. *7376.i6 Le Correspondant is on shelf-number *7376.i5. Critic, The. A weekly review. Edited by William Leggett. Vol. i. New York, 1828, 29. *7295.29 Two volumes of this periodical were published, after which it ttnited with the New York Mirror [6981.2]. Educational Review. Analytical index to volumes i to 25. Janu- ary, 1891, to May, 1903. [Compiled] By C. A. Nelson. Rahway, 1904. *3596.i03 Loyal American's Almanack, The, for the year 1715 ... By A new comer into America. Boston, 1715. 16 pp. **H.99a.82 Cincinnati, Society of the. New Hampshire. Cincinnati Memorial Hall and Military Museum, Exeter, New Hampshire, for many years known as the Oilman House. [Boston.] 1903. 29 pp. Portrait. Plates. Map. = 432oa.i90 Gardiner, Asa Bird. The Institution of the Order of the Cin- cinnati and the connection with the or- der of the officers ... of France who took part in the War for American In- dependence. [Washington, 1902.] 14 pp. = 432oa.i8o North American Land Company. Plan of association. Philadelphia, 1795. 25 pp. *7659.i67 Woburn Woman's Club. Year book for 1902/03, 03/04. Woburn. [1902, 03.] = *5589a.266 Periodicals* Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes* Annalen des deutschen Reichs fiir Gesetz- gebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirt- schaft. Systematisclies Gesamtregister . . . 1868- 1902. Miinchen, 1903. *48i2.5i The Annalen are on shelf-number *48i2.5o. Boston Castigator, The. Vol. i (no. 1-5, 7- 12); 2 (no. I, 2, 4, 24). Boston, 1827, 28. *5240.i5 Nos. 1-4 are entitled The Castigator. Books for the Blind* Embossed shorthand for the blind, formu- lated at the General Institution for the Blind, Edgbaston, Birmingham. West Craigmillar, Edinburgh. [1898?] 24 pp. 7116.20 Printed in Braille. Children's Room* Books for the Month. Bass, Florence. Nature stories for young readers. Animal life. Boston, 1903. Illus. 3859.129 Nature stories for young readers. Plant life. Boston, 1903. Illus. 3819.54 Carpenter, Frank G. Australia, our colonies, and other islands of the sea. New York. [1904.] Illus. [Carpenter's Geographical reader.] 3047.87 Hopkins, George M. Home mechanics' for amateurs. New York, 1903. Illus. [Scientific American series.] 8028.127 Seabury, Joseph B. Porto Rico: the land of the rich port. Boston. [1903.] Illus. [The world and its people. Book XII.] 4369-193 Mannix, Mary E. The Haldeman children. New York, 1904. Illus. 78.214 1904 355 Books added to the Branch Libraries. Appian. Roman history. Translated from the Greek by Horace White. 2 v. Illus. Dq 248 Bibliography, vol. i, pp. xHx-liv. Barbour, Ralph Henry. The book of school and college sports. With the editorial assistance of Ralph D. Paine, W. A. Schick, Jr. ... and others. Illus. Wo 519 Dunbar, Aldis, pseud. The sons o' Cormac, an' tales of other men's sons. Illus. Y 2452 Ely, Richard Theodore, and George Ray Wicker. Elementary principles of economics, to- gether with a short sketch of economic history. Sm 2620.5 Bibliography at the end of each chapter. chapter. Gissing, George Robert. Thyrza. A tale. 26g 4 Leo XIIL, Pope. The Pope and the people. Select letters and addresses on social questions. New and enlarged edition, with preface by C. S. Devas. S 5175 Roberts, Charles George Douglas. The watchers of the trails. A book of animal life. Illus. Ns 7518.2 Schierbrand, Wolf von, America, Asia and the Pacific, with special reference to the Russo-Japanese War and its results. Maps. Ej 7952 States the author's A'iews regarding the future power of the United States on the Pacific Ocean. Wharton, Edith. The descent of man, and other stories.' 107W 4 Wilkins, Mary Eleanor. The givers. Illus. 15W8 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. New England in letters. Illus. Jo 9738 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT, Books and Documents Recently Added. Social Science* American Free Trade League. Free trade almanac, 1903. Boston, 1902. = 4389-30 Bailey, William Frederick. Ireland since the famine. A sketch of fifty years economic and legislative changes. An address. London. [1903.] 30 pp. 9330.4415 Cox, Harold, editor. British industries under free trade. Es- says by experts. London, 1903. 9337.242ai2 Culin, Stewart. 1858- A trooper's narrative of service in the an- thracite coal strike, 1902. Philadelphia. [1903.] 91 pp. Plates. 5566.71 Cunningham, William, D.D. 1849-. The growth of English industry and com- merce. [3d edition. Vol. 2, 3.] Cam- bridge, 1903. Illus. Maps. g330.g42a6 Bibliographical index, vol. 3, pp. 943-998. Del Mar, Alexander. History of money in the Netherlands. London, 1895. 32 pp. 932.0492 Ely, Richard Theodore, 1854- , and George Ray Wicker. Elementary principles of economics. New York, 1904. 933o.2ai4 Gide, Charles. 1847-. Principles of political economy. 2d Ameri- can edition. Entirely re-translated from the latest French original and adapted to the use of American students by C. William A. Veditz. Boston, 1904. 9330.ia3i Hat Fmishers' National Trade Association of the United States of America. Report, May, 1879. Norwalk, 1879. = *933i.8873ai2 Deals principally with convict labor. Insurance Engineering Experiment Station. Edward Atkinson, director. Reports. No. 1-12. Boston, 1902, 03. Illu.s. Plans. = *9358.o644 Juliusberg, . Die Kartelle und die deutsche Kartellge- setzgebung. Berlin, 1903. 55 pp. 9338.77330 Literatur, pp. -7, 8. Mantoux, Paul, and Maurice Alfassa. La crise du trade-unionisme. Paris, 1903. 9331.8834 356 Pratt, Edwin A. Trade unionism and British industry. New- York, 1904. 9331.884236 Rules, The, of work of the masons in the Town of Boston. Revised and cor- rected, and the prices fixed by a large and respectable committee of the first workmen in the town. Boston, 1809. 22 pp. *40i9a.i87 Smart, William^' 1853-. The return to protection. London, 1904. 9337.242315 Stieda, Wilhelm. 1852-. tiber die Quellen der Handelsstatistik im Mittelalter. Berlin, 1903. 58 pp. 9380.0438 Young, Thomas Emley. Insurance: a practical exposition. Lon- don. [1904.] 9368.33 Political Science. Berry, John Masury. Constitutional Convention of Connecticut. Millbury, Mass., 1902. 16 pp. = 9342.74635 Civic Improvement Lesgue of St. Louis. Our members, 1903. St. Louis, 1903. 43793.167 H3cker, Paul. Die Beirate fiir besondere Gebiete der Staatstatigkeit im Deutschen Reiche und in seinen bedeutenderen Glied- staaten. Tubingen, 1903. 5644.101 Hsmmond, Basil Edward. Outlines of comparative politics. London, 1903- 35693.266 Ry3n, Carson. The rise and fall of the spoils system in New York State. 3d prize essay, 1902. New York, 1903. 6 pp. [Civil Service Reform Association. Women's Auxili- ary.] = 5562.148 S3lmon, Lucy Maynard. Syllabus for the study of the history of Civil Service Reform. [Boston.] 1903. 20 pp. — 5562.167 Sociology. Associ3tion internationale pour le progres des sciences sociales. 3e session. Am- sterdam, 1864. Annales. Bruxelles, 1865. = *93o6.33 Atl3nt3 University. The negro artisan. Report of a social study made under the direction of At- lanta University . . . Edited by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, 1902. = 3564.234 September Bougie, Celestin. 1870-. La democratic devant la science, fitudes critiques sur I'heredite, la concurrence et la differenciation. Paris, 1904. 5826.15 Bibliographic, pp. 41-43, iic, 116, 192, 193. Durl3nd, Kellogg. Among the Fife miners. London, 1904. 35693.277 A sociological study. Fourniere, Joseph Eugene. Les theories socialistes aux XIXe siecle de Babeuf a Proudhon. Paris, 1904. [Bibliotheque de Philosophic contempo- raine.] 9335-a39 From the sbyss. Of its inhabitants. By one of them. 2d impression. London, 1903- 9361.938 A study of the social life of the London slums. Hillquit, Morris. 1869-. History of socialism in the United States. New York, 1903. 9335.00932 Howard, George Elliott. A history of matrimonial institutions, chiefly in England and the United States. Chicago, 1904. 3 v. *5582.i5 Bibliographical index, vol. 3, pp. 261-402. J3rvis, Edward. 1803-1884. Report on the law of registration of births, marriages, and deaths. Philadelphia, 1858. 23 pp. = *96i4.i73 Six pages of manuscript are inserted. Letchworth, William Pry or. Homes of homeless children. A report on orphan asylums and other institu- tions for the care of children. Trans- mitted to the Legislature with the an- nual report of the [New York State] Board [of Charities], January 14th, 1876. [Albany, 1903.] Plates. = 5574-212 Shaw, George Bernard. The common sense of municipal trading. Westminster, 1904. 9352-5a6 Thompson, W., of Richmond, Surrey. The housing handbook. A practical manual for the use of . . . all . . . inter- ested in the housing of the working classes. 2d edition. London, 1903. villus. Plans. 9331.834235 Women. M3cdonald, J. Ramsay, editor. Women in the printing trades: a socio- logical study. London, 1904. Chart. Tables. 6117.112 Mere m3n, A. The domestic blunders of women . . . With illustrations by "Yorick." New York, 1900. = 80093.85 CURRENT LIBRARY NEWS. On Sept. I a new Reading Room was opened in the Municipal Building, Columbia Road, corner of Bird St. This reading room takes the place of the shop station Q, at 752 Dudley St. and bears the same name. Hours, 2 to 9 p. m. ^4 UNIVERSITY uf ILLINOIS MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. Vol. IX. No. lo. October, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904, TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, 397 Shawmut Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. Avenue. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St.' Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 571 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Delivery Station, Columbia Rd. cor. Bird St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- setts, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM August 15 to September 15, 1904. The symbols following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books* Latham, Edward. A dictionary of names, nicknames, _ and surnames, of persons, places and things. London, 1904. *2259.76 Mead, Leon, 1861- , and F. Newell Gil- bert. Manual of forensic quotations. New York, 1903. Portraits. 3638.70 Morton, Frederick W., compiler. Marriage in epigram. Chicago, I903- = *P.52.620 New concordance, A, of the American Re- vised Bible (standard edition). AVith over 10,000 references to the Authorized Version of 1611. New York, 1903. *3424.22 Pertwee, Ernest, compiler. The reciter's treasury of verse, serious and humorous. With an introduction on the art of speaking. London, 1904. Illus. 2579a.3i Genealogy* Heraldry* Baring-Gould, Sabine, and Robert William Twigge, editors. An armory of the Western Counties (Devon and Cornwall). From unpub- lished manuscripts of the XVI century. Exeter, 1898. *243i.3i Brown, Samuel Holmes. Noah Brown and his descendants. [Anon. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1895?] 20 pp. *4336.i63 Chilmark, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to 1850. [Edited by Henry Ernest Woods.] Boston, 1904- 96 PP- [New England Historic Genealogical Society.] = *443oa.233 Dugdale, Sir William, compiler and editor. 1 605- 1 686. A perfect copy of all summons of the no- bility to the Great Councils and Parlia- ments of this realm, from the XLIX. of King Henry the III^. until, these present times . . . London, 16S5. *65io.28 Hall, Gilbert Edgerton, compiler. Records of Captain John Hall, born May 27, 1723, died Aug. 6, 1777, in the defense of his country. With some account of his ancestors and descendants. Fre- mont, Ohio, 1904. 30 pp. =: 44393.234 Howard, Heman. The Howard genealogy. Descendants of John Howard of Bridgewater, Massa- chusetts, from 1643-1903. [Brockton, Mass., 1903.] Portraits. Plates. *4332.i3o Leach, Josiah Granville. Chronicle of the Yerkes family. With notes on the Leech and Rutter families. Philadelphia, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. = *443i.i52 Marske, Parish, Cleveland, Yorkshire. Registers. Baptisms, 1570-1812. Mar- riages, 1570-1812. Burials, 1569-1812. Transcribed, indexed, and edited by Her- bert Maxwell Wood. [Sunderland.] 1903. [Yorkshire Parish Register So- ciety.] *2504.45 Paul, Sir James Balfour, editor. The Scots peerage, founded on Wood's edition of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland. Vol. i. Edinburgh, 1904. Coats of arms. *6534.35 Peters, Edmond Frank, 1852- , and Eleanor Bradley Peters. Peters of New England. A genealogy and family history. New York, 1903. Por- traits. Plates. *4433-35i I 360 October Richards, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Descendants of Henry Melchior Muhlen- berg. [Lancaster, Pa.] 1900. 89 pp. Portraits. [The Pennsylvania-German Society.] *4372.i7.io Upton, Mass. Town Clerk. Vital records to the end of 1849. [Edited by Franklin P. Rice.] Worcester, 1904. [Systematic History Fund.] = *443oa.234 Biography* Collective Biographies. Campo, Antonio. Historia delle vite de' dvchi, et dvcliesse di Milano, con i loro veri ritratti cauati al naturale. Milano, 1642. 32 pp. Por- traits. Plates. Map. No. 2 in *4764.6o Forms libro quarto of the author's Cremona fedelissima, &c. Relates principally to the Sforza family. Gould, Elizabeth Porter. The Brownings and America. Boston, 1904- 4553.48 Muench, Ernst Hermann Joseph. 1798-1841. Margariten. Frauen-Charactere aus al- terer und neuerer Zeit. Erster Theil. Cannstatt, 1840. *P.io.623 Contents. — Hypatia von Alexandrien. — Ignez de Castro. — Lady Jane Gray. — Olympia Fulvia Morato. — Die Tochter des Celio Curione Se- cundo. — Die weisse Fran. — Anna Maria von Schuurmann. — Julie Bondeli. — Maria von Wiirtemberg. — Katharina von Russland. Vacaresco, Helene. Kings and queens I have known. New York, 1904. Portraits. 2245.85 Single Biographies. Adam, Juliette Camille Ambroisine. Mes premieres armes litteraires et poli- tiques. Paris, 1904. 2649.163 Addresses delivered at the Lowell Com- memoration held in the Architektenhaus, Berlin, February 19, 1897. Berlin, 1897. 28 pp. 2346.152 Contents. — Address. By Alois Brandl. — Ad- dress. By Herman Grimm. — Oration. By James Taft Hatfield. Andover Theological Seminary. Exercises commemorating the two-hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of Jona- than Edwards. Andover, 1904. 65 pp. Portrait. = 4494.365 Contents. — Preface. — Programme of the Cele- bration. — Commemorative sermon. By W. R. Richards. — Religious conditions in New Eng- land in the time of Edwards. By J. W. Platner. — The philosophy of Edwards. By F. J. E. Woodbridge. — The theology of Edwards. By Egbert Coffin Smyth. — Poem : a witness to the truth. By S. V. Cole. — The influence of Ed- wards. By James Orr. — Appendices. Benson, Arthur Christopher. 1862-. Alfred Tennyson. London, 1904. Por- traits. [Little biographies.] 4549a.i8i Authorities, pp. ix, x. Brown, Howard Nicholson. A lesson from the life of Queen Victoria. A sermon. 'Boston, 1901. 16 pp. Plates. = 4544-168 Carlyle, Thomas. Two note books from 23d March 1822 to i6th May 1832. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. New York, 1898. Portraits. Fac-similes. [Grolier Club.] *A.i468.i Century Association, New York City. Clarence King. Memoirs. The helmet of Mambrino. [Edited by J. D. Hague.] New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Fac- similes. 4347.342 Bibliography, pp. 372-374- Coleman, William, editor. 1766-1829. A collection of the facts and documents, relative to the death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton. By the editor of the Evening Post. (New York, 1804.) Boston, 1904. *4445.93 Courant, Maurice. Okoubo. Paris, 1904. Portrait. [Minis- tres et hommes d'etat.] 3019.185 Des ficherolles, Alexandrine ^:tiennette Marie Charlotte. 1779-1850. Memoirs: being side Hghts on the Reign of Terror. Translated from the French by Marie Clothilde Balfour. London, 1904. Portraits. 2646.181 Eliot, Charlotte C. William Greenleaf Eliot, minister, edu- cator, philanthropist. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Plate. 4347-339 Fitzgerald, Oscar Penn. Dr. Summers: a life-study. Nashville, Tenn., 1884. Portrait. = 5554-77 Cleaves, Albert. James Lawrence, . . . Commander of the "Chesapeake." New York, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. Fac-similes. Maps. [American men of energy.] 4448.324 Greard, Vallery Clement Octave. Prevost-Paradol. fitude suivie d'un choix de lettres. 2e edition. Paris, 1894. Fac- simile. 2677.241 Johnson, Thomas Gary. Life and letters of Robert Lewis Dabney. Richmond, Va. [i903-] Portraits. Plates. Genealogical tables. 4343-237 Le Forestier, Frangois. 1749-1819. Le Forestier's relation. Autobiography and voyages of Frangois Le Forestier (1749-1819), a refugee from Mauritius and a teacher in New England: a re- cently discovered manuscript, edited by Hasket Derby. [Boston.] 1904. 88 pp. Portraits. Fac-similes. [Robert Charles Billings Fund.] *626i.i7 The relation is in French. Mainez, Ramon Leon. Cervantes y su epoca. Con un prologo del . . . Eduardo Benot. Jerez de la 1904 361 Frontera, 1901. Portrait. Plates. Fac- similes. *309o.i27 This is vol. I of Primera edicion del Quijote en Jerez. Marlay, John F. The life of Thomas A. Morns. With an introduction by E. S. Janes. Cincinnati, 1875. Portrait. = 5554-79 Morillot, Paul. 1858-. La Bruyere. Paris, 1904- Portrait. [Les grands ecrivains franqais.] 46505.127 Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Senate. Memorial proceedings . . . upon the death of Hon. Jacob B. Kemerer. [Harrisburg.] 1903- 20 pp. Portrait. _ 4440a. 1 35 Memorial proceedings . . . upon the death of Hon. James C. Vaughan. [Harrisburg.] 1903. 22 pp. Portrait. _ 44403.136 Potter, Henry Codman, Bishop of New York. Address at the Centennial commemoration service of Washington's inauguration, April 30, 1889. [New York, 1889.] 14 pp. = 2349a.i39 Reddaway, William Fiddian. Frederick the Great, and the rise of Prus- sia. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. [Heroes of the nations.] 2848.117 Spruner, Carl von. 1803-1892. Pfalzgraf Rupert der Cavalier. Em Le- bensbild aus dem XVII. Jahrhundert. Miinchen, 1854. 4813-34 Tyler, Harry Walter. John Daniel Runkle, 1822-1902. A memo- rial. Boston, 1902. 32 pp. Portrait. = 4444.388 Wogue, Jules. j._B.-L. Cresset. Sa vie, ses oeuvres. Paris, 1894- 2643.168 Wright, John F. Sketches of the life and labors of James Quinn. Cincinnati, 1851. Portrait. = 5554.75 Wyatt, James, of Exeter. 1707- Life and surprising adventures. Written by himself. 5th edition. London, 1753. Portrait. Plates. *6269.i35 Young, Dan. Autobiography. Edited by W. P. Strick- land. New York, i860. = 5554-8o History* General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Chapot, Victor. 1873-. La province romaine proconsulaire d'Asie, jusqu'a la fin du Haut-Empire. Paris, 1904. Map. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] 3043.224 Bibliography, pp. vii-xv. Draper, Sir William. 1721-1787. Colonel Draper's Answer, to the Spanish arguments, claiming the Galeon, and refusing payment of the ransom bills for preserving Manila from pillage and de- struction. London, 1764. 43 pp. *3049b.i6=No. 7 in *6527.i3.2 Prussia. Kriegsgeschichtliche Abtheilung des Grossen Generalstabes. The War in South Africa . . . Authorised translation by . . . W. H. H. Waters. London, 1904. Plates. Maps. 3056.331 Europe. Adam, of Usk. i352?-i43o? Chronicon. Edited with a translation and notes by Sir Edward Maunde Thomp- son. 2d edition. London, 1904. 4606.110 Relates to the history of England. Avenel, Marie Rene Louis Georges, Vi- comte d'. Les Frangais de mon temps. Paris, 1904. Relates to civilization. 2618.49 Bedford, Jessie. Social life under the Stuarts. By Eliza- beth Godfrey [pseud.]. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 2465.41 Bittard Des Fortes, Rene. 1849. L'expedition frangaise de Rome sous la deuxieme republique. Paris, 1904. Map. 2724.78 Boutmy, fimile Gaston. The English people: a study of their po- litical psychology. Translated from the French by E. English. New York, 1904. 4516.179 Campo, Antonio. Cremona fedelissima citta et nobilissima colonia de' Romani rappresentata in disegno col svo contato, et illvstrata d'vna breve historia . . . Milano, 1645. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *4764.6o The portraits and plates are by Agostino Car- racci. Cooke, Captain John Henry. A narrative of events in the south of France, and of the attack on New Or- leans, in 1814 and 1815. London, 1835. 6527.84 Relates to the social life of the officers of the British Peninsular Army after the Battle of Toulouse. Daudet, Louis Marie Ernest. Histoire de I'emigration pendant la Revo- lution frangaise. Tome i. Paris, 1904. 2629.188 Dobson, John, of Oxford. Chronological annals of the War. Oxford, 1763. 4824.88 Relates to the Seven Years' War. Drot, Eugene. Recueil de documents tires des anciennes minutes de notaires deposees aux archives departementales de I'Yonne. Auxerre, 1900 [1903]. Fac-similes. 2632.86 362 Funck-Brentano, Jacques Chretien Frantz SeraphicLis. Les lettres de cachet a Paris, fitude suivie d'nne liste des prisonniers de la Bas- tille (1659-1789). Paris, 1903. Illus. Fac-similes. *4630.28 Gioberti, Vincenzo. 1801-1851. Del rinnovamento civile d'ltalia. Parigi, 1851. 2 V. 2715.70 Hopwood, Charles Henry, editor, 1829-. A calendar of the Middle Temple records. London, 1903. *2496.27 Perwich, William. The despatches of William Perwich, Eng- lish agent in Paris, 1669-1677. Edited ... by M. Beryl Curran. London, 1903. [Royal Historical Society of Great Bri- tain.] *2426.i03 Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon. 1854-. Irejand in the new century. 3d impres- sion. London, 1904. 4518.146 Rosedale, Honyel Gough, editor. Queen Elizabeth and the Levant Com- pany. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. *45io.i03 Schiemann, Theodor. Geschichte Russlands unter Kaiser Niko- laus L Band i. Berlin, 1904. 3064.208 Schierbrand, Wolf von. Russia: her strength and her weakness. New York, 1904. Colored maps. 3067.192 Walbran, John Richard. 1817-1869. The antiquities of Gainford, Durham; comprising the baronial and ecclesiasti- cal history of that place, and of Bar- nardcastle. Ripon, 1846. Plates. Gen- ealogical tables. *246oa.i45 The history of Barnardcastle is largely a his- tory of the Baliol family. William II., Emperor of Germany. Reden. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Johs. Penzler. Leipzig. [1897-1904.] 2 v. Teil I, 1888-1895. 4896.50.372 Teil 2. 1896-1900. 4896.50.461 America. Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah. Address at the dedication of Indiana's monuments on the battle-field of Shiloh, Tennessee, April 6, 1903. Indianapolis. [1903 ] 15 PP- Portrait. = 2329a.io3 Bowdoin College. Bowdoin in the [Civil] War. [Brunswick, Me., 1867.] 36 pp. 4426.203=:*"20th".45.i Brown, Henri Le Fevre. History of the Third Regiment, Excelsior Brigade, 72d New York Volunteer In- fantry, 1861-1865. [Jamestown, N. Y.] 1902. Portraits. Plate. Autograph fac- similes. *"20th".4i.72 Cheney, Newel. History of the Ninth Regiment, New York Volunteer Cavalry. War of 1861 to 1865. Jamestown, 1901. Illus. = *"20th».4i.C.9 ^4413.142 October Clark, Byron N., editor. A list of the pensioners of the War of 1812. With an appendix containing names of volunteers for the defence of Plattsburgh from Vermont towns, a description of the battle, the official statement of losses, and names of United states officers and soldiers at Burling- ton, Vermont. Burlington, 1904. Por- trait. Plate. *> Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. Greater America. New York, 1904. Por- trait. Maps. Chart. 4228.242 Connelly, Thomas W. History of the Seventieth Ohio Regiment. Cincinnati. [1903?] Portraits. *"20th".43.7o Diffenderffer, Frank Reid. The German immigration into Pennsyl- vania through the Port of Philadelphia, from 1700 to 1775. Part 2, "The redemp- tioners." Lancaster, Pa., 1900. Illus. Portraits. Map. Fac-similes. [The Pennsylvania-German Society.] *4372.i7.io Full answer, A, to the King of Spain's last manifesto, respecting the Bay of Hon- duras, and the Mosquito Shore. Lon- don, 1779. 75 pp. *43i6.36 Graham, Matthew John. The Ninth Regiment New York Volun- teers (Hawkins' Zouaves): a history of the regiment and veteran association from i860 to 1900. New York, 1900. Plate. *"2oth".4i.9 Houston, Henry Clarence. 1847-. The Thirty-second Maine Regiment of Infantry Volunteers. Portland, Me., 1903. Portraits. *"20th'*.40.32 Lodge, Henry Cabot. An historical address delivered at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Nahant, July 14, 1903. [Nahant.] 1904. 30 pp. Map. — 2354.120 Lovell, John, of Montreal, editor. Eighty years' progress of British North America. Toronto, 1863. Plates. *43i4.2i4 Lucas, Daniel R. New history of the 99th Indiana Infantry. Rockford, 111., 1900. Portraits. *"20th".43a.99 Macdonald, William, Ph.D., editor. 1863-. Select statutes and other documents illus- trative of the history of the United States. 1861-1898. New York, 1903. 4329.190 Massachusetts, ist Regiment. Infantry. First Regiment of Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Colonel Robert Cow- din, commanding, in service of the United States . . . 1861. Boston, 1903. 50 pp. Portrait. = *4323.i77 Mondaini, Gennaro. Le, origini degli Stati Uniti d'America. Milano, 1904. 2329a.io6 Mulholland, St. Clair A. The story of the ii6th Regiment, Penn- 1904 sylvania Infantry. War of Secession, 1862-1865. [Philadelphia, 1899.I Por- traits. Plates. Map. *"20th".4ib.ii6 New Jersey. Adjutant General. Register of the commissioned officers and privates of the New Jersey Volunteers, in the service of the United States. Jersey City, 1863. = *637oa.i5=*"20th'Vi4a.i Official report of the Semi-Centennial Cele- bration of the City of Nashua, New Hampshire, June, 1903. Nashua. [1903-] Illus. Portraits. Plates. = 4354-i84 Palmer, Thomas H., editor. The historical register; being a history of the late War with Great Britain; and a summary of the proceedings of Con- gress; including a collection of all the state papers and official documents, pub- lished during that interesting period, both British and American. Philadel- phia. [1814-16.] 4 V. *4327-37 Pierce, Frederick Everett. 1862-. Reminiscences of the experiences of Com- pany L, Second Regiment Massachu- setts Infantry, U. S. V., in the Spanish- American War. Greenfield, Mass., 1900. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *"20th".55c.2 Roosevelt, Theodore, 25th President of the United States. Addresses and presidential messages, 1902-1904. With an introduction by Henry Cabot Lodge. New York, 1904. 4408.215 Rowe, Leo Stanton. The United States and Porto Rico. New York, 1904. 43i9a.i82 Sanborn, Arthur W. Young America in the hands of his friends. A political drama. Boston, 1904. 82 pp. =: 4409b.44 Directed against territorial expansion. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. New Hampshire. An epitome of popular government. Boston, 1904. Map. [Amer- ican commonwealths.] 4436.243 Smith, Col. John Thomas, of Bowling Green. A history of the Thirty-first Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion. Cincinnati, 1900. Por- trait. *"20th".43a.3i Society of the Seventy-fourth Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry. Reunion proceedings and history of the regiment. Rockford, 1903. *"20th".43C.74 Storey, Moorfield. The recognition of Panama. Address de- livered at Massachusetts Reform Club, December 5, 1903. Boston, 1904. 20 pp. = 4224.106 Villiers du Terrage, Marc Paul Aime, Baron de. Les dernieres annees de la Louisiane fran- gaise. Le chevalier de Kerlerec. D'Ab- badie. Aubry. Laussat. Paris. [1904.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Fac- similes. 4375«i64 3^>3 Virginia. Richmond Howitzer Battalion. Contributions to a history of the battalion. Pamphlets 1-4. [Edited by Carlton McCarthy.] Richmond, Va., 1883-1886. 4 parts in i v. *422i.62="20th".4id.A.i.2 Fine Arts* Archaeology. Antiquities. Koerte, Christian Ernst Gustav, and Alfred Koerte. Gordion. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung im Jahre 1900. Berlin, 1904. Illus. Map. Plan. 3041.201 Pontremoli, Emmanuel, and Bernard Haus- soullier. 1853-. Didymes. Fouilles de 1895 et 1896. Paris, 1904. Illus. Plans. Map. *Cab.29.2i.2 Rijkes-Museum van oudheden, Leyden. Korte opgave der aegyptische monumen- ten. Leyden, 1840. 21 pp. = 50393.60 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Bruck, Robert. Friedrich der Weise als Forderer der Kurist. Strassburg, 1903. Illus. Por- traits. Plan. 4074-355 Falke, Otto von. 1845-. Deutsche Schmelzarbeiten des Miittelal- ters und andere Kunstwerke der kunst- historischen Ausstellung zu Diisseldorf, 1902. Frankfurt am Main, 1904. Illus. 155 plates. *Cab.8o.i25.2 Some of the plates are colored. Fitchburg, Mass. Public Library. Wallace Library and Art Building, Fitchburg, Mass. A handbook of the Art Gallery and Mu- seum. [Fitchburg, 1904.] 54 pp. = 4079.261 Hamilton, Neena. Die Darstellung der Anbetung der heili- gen drei Konige in der toskanischen Malerei von Giotto bis Lionardo. Strassburg, 1901. 7 plates. = 8081.120 Bibliography, pp. 11 6-1 18. Hampe, Theodor. Niirnberger Ratsverlasse uber Kunst und Kiinstler im Zeitalter der Spatgotik und Renaissance (1449) i474-i6i8 (1633). Band i, 2. Wien, 1904. 2 v. *8o66.5i.ii, 12 Hofmann, Friedrich Hermann. Die Kunst am Hofe der Markgrafen von Brandenburg. Frankische Linie. Strass- burg, 1901. Plates. Plans. 4074.342 Kehrer, Hugo. Die „heiligen drei Konige" in der Legende und in der deutschen bildenden Kunst bis Albrecht Diirer. Strassburg, 1904. Illus. II plates. 4074-363 Literatur, pp 122-124. 3^4 October Lapauze, Henry, editor. Proces-verbatix de la Commune generale des arts de peinture, sculpture, architec- ture et gravure (i8 juillet, 1793 . . .) et de la Societe populaire et republicaine des arts (3 nivose an II-28 floreal an III). Paris, 1903. *4073.297 Paoletti, Pietro. Catalogo delle R. R. Gallerie di Venezia. Venezia, 1903. Plan. = 4079a.25o Stengel, Walter. Formalikonographische Detail-Untersuch- ungen. i. Strassburg, 1904. Plates. 8081.140 Contents. — i. Das Taubensymbol des HI. Geistes. Zimmermann, Max Georg. Sizilien. Band i. Leipzig, 1904. Illus. Plans. Maps. [Beriihmte Kunststat- ten.] 4074.268 Simon, Carl. Studien zum romanischen Wohnbau in Deutschland. Strassburg, 1902. 7 plates, Litteratur, pp. 264-275. 4074.346 Specifications. [Scranton, 1903.] 58 pp. [International library of technology.] No. 4 in *8o27. 132.33 Ulbrich, Anton. Die Wallfahrtskirche in Heiligelinde. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des XVII. und XVIII. Jahrhunderts in Ostpreus- sen. Strassburg, 1901. 98 pp. Plates. Plans. 4074.339 Weigmann, Otto Albert. Eine Bamberger Baumeisterfamilie um die Wende des 17. Jahrhunderts. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte der Dientzenhofer. Strassburg, 1902. Illus. Plans. 4074.344 Architecture. Building. Architectural design. [Scranton, 1903.] 2 parts. Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 2, 3 in *8o27.i32.33 Building superintendence. [Scranton, 1903]. Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 5 in ^8027. 132.31 Dow, Joy Wheeler. American renaissance: a review of domes- tic architecture. New York, 1904. 96 plates. *4092.i25 Damrich, Johannes. Ein Kiinstlerdreiblatt des XIII Jahrhun- derts aus Kloster Scheyern. Strassburg, 1904. 92 pp. Plates. 4074.362 History of architecture. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. i in *8o27. 132.33 Hodgson, Frederick Thomas. 1836-. Builders' architectural drawing self-taught. . . . [With] House plan supplement. Perspective views and floor plans of twenty-five low and medium priced houses. Chicago, 1904. Illus. Plans. 4068.73 Kossmann, Bernhard. Der Ostpalast sogenannter "Otto Hein- richsbau" zu Heidelberg. Strassburg, 1904. 67 pp. Plates. Plans. 4074.361 Lippert, Julius. 1839-. Hausbaustudien in einer Kleinstadt. (Braunau in Bohmen.) Prag, 1903. 43 pp. Illus. No. I in *2904.65.5 Mid^leton, George Alexander Thomas. The principles of architectural perspective. London, 1903. 77 pp. Diagrams. Plates. 8065.187 Schmidt, Paul Ferdinand. Maulbronn. Die baugeschichtliche Ent- wicklung des Klosters im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert und sein Einfluss auf die schwabische und frankische Architektur. Strassburg, 1903. 11 plates. Map. Literatur, pp. 116-125. 4074*357 Artists. Behncke, Wilhelm. Albert von Soest. Ein Kunsthandwerker des XVI Jahrhunderts in Liineburg. Strassburg, 1901. Illus. Portraits. Plan. 4074-338 Beringer, Joseph August. Peter A. von Verschaffelt. Sein Leben und sein Werk. Strassburg, 1902. Por- traits. Plates. 4074.350 Quellenangabe, pp. 131-136. Dircks, Rudolf. Auguste Rodin. With a list of his prin- cipal works. New York, 1904. 80 pp. Portraits. Plates. [The Langham se- ries of art monographs.] 8089.114 Emanuel, Frank L. The illustrators of Montmartre. New York, 1904. 93 pp. Illus. [The Lang- ham series of art monographs.] 4079a.278 Frankenburger, Max. Beitrage zur Geschichte Wenzel Jamnit- zers und seiner Familie. Strassburg, 1 90 1. 4074.340 Gronau, Georg. Leibl. Bielefeld, 1901. 88 pp. Illus. Por- traits. [Kiinstler-Monographien.] 4082.171 Haack, Friedrich. 1868-. Friedrich Herlin: sein Leben und seine Werke. Strassburg, 1900. Plates. Plans. 4074-336 Menpes, Mortimer. Whistler as I knew him. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. *4o8oa.io8 Most of the portraits and plates are colored. Rapke, Carl. Die Perspektive und Architektur auf den Diirer'schen Handzeichnungen, Holz- schnitten, Kupferstichen und Gemalden. Strassburg, 1902. 92 pp. Plates. 4074.349 Roettinger, Heinrich. Hans Weiditz der Petrarkameister. Strass- burg, 1904. Illus. Fac-similes. 4074.360 Sauerlandt, Max. tjber die Bildwerke des Giovanni Pisano. Diisseldorf, 1904. Illus. 8082.164 1904 365 Steinmann, Ernst. Pintnricchio. Bielefeld, 1898. Illus. Por- traits. [Kiinstler-Monographien.] 4082.158 Bibliography, p. (i). Suida, Wilhelm. Die Geiiredarstellimgen Albrecht Diirers. Strassbiirg, 1900. 4074-337 Costume. Fashion. Teissier, Marius Charles Octave Antoine. Meubles et costumes (XVe-XVIIIe sie- cle). Paris, 1904. 79 pp. 2638.69 Decoration. Design. Ornament. Mosaic. Furniture. Lace. Embroidery. Hatton, Richard G. Design. An exposition of the principles and practice of the making of patterns. London, 1902. Illus. 8064.31 Ornamental ironwork. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 2 in *8o27. 132.31 Scherer, Valentin. Die Ornamentik bei Albrecht Diirer. Strassburg, 1902. Plates. 4074.348 Engraving. Etching. Bourcard, Gustave. 1846-. A travers cinq siecles de gravures. 1350- 1903. Les estampes celebres, rares ou curieuses. Paris, 1903. Plate. *8o72.i55 Ess^i d'un index bibliographique, pp. 619-638. Music. Musicians. Crockett, David. 1 786-1836. Crockett's Free-and-easy song book: a new collection of the most popular stage songs . . . Philadelphia, 1837. Illus. = *8o59a.8o Dannreuter, Edward. Wagner and the reform of the opera. 2d edition. London, 1904. Portrait. 4047.196 Ende, H. vom. Handbuch fiir Musik- und Gesangvereine und Dirigenten. Koln a. Rh. [1904?] Music. 404oa.^oo Huneker, James. Overtones. A book of temperaments. New York, 1904. Portrait. 4049.266 Musikbuch aus Osterreich. Ein Jahrbuch. Redigiert von R. Heuberger. Jahrgang I. Wien, 1904. Illus. *4048.222 Walsh, Shelford. Operatics, or how to produce an opera. Liverpool. [1903.] 77 pp. Portrait. 4047.130 Contains List of operas for amateurs. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING SEPTEMBER, I904. « Albert, Charles Francis Eugene d'. Der Mensch und das Leben. Gedicht . . . fiir sechstimmigen Chor und grosses Orches- ter. Op. 14. Partitur. Leipzig, 1894. Arenski, Anton Stepanovitch. Coh'l na BoJirU. Onepa . . . MocKBa. [1890.] Buongiorno, Crescenzo. „Das Madchen- herz." Lyrische Oper. Vollstiindiger Klavier-Auszug mit deutschem und italie- nischem Text. Leipzig, 1900. Carr, Frank Osmond. Go bang, a musical farcical comedy. Vocal score [with piano- forte accomp.]. London. [1894.] — Lord Tom Noddy. A musical comedy. Vocal score [with pianoforte accomp.]. London, 1896. Castegnier, Amand. La bague magique. Opera comique en trois actes. [Partition piano et chant.] London. [1880.] Enna, August. Die Erbsenprinzessin. Ko- mische Oper. Vollstandiger Klavieraus- zug mit deutschem u. danischem Texte. Leipzig, 1902. Fitzgerald, James, Organist. Eldorado. Folic musicale. Music arranged by J. Fitzgerald. [Vocal score with piano accomp.] London. [188-?] Franchetti, Alberto, Barone. Germania. Dramma lirico. Canto e pianoforte. [Milano.] 1902. Lambelet, Napoleon. The transit of Venus. A musical comedy. Vocal score [with pianoforte accomp.]. London, 1898. Mihalovich, Odon. Gedichte, Gesange und Lieder. Leipzig [etc.], 1891 [etc.]. Planquette, Robert. The old guard. Opera comique in 3 acts. Vocal score [with pianoforte accomp.]. London. [189-?] Randegger, Alberto J. Werther's Schatten. Oper in einem Akt. Clavierauszug mit Text. London. [1900.] Reinhardt, Heinrich. Das siisse Madel. Operette. Clavierauszug mit Text. Wien. [1903?] Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel. Vom Goldenen Horn. Tiirkisches Liederspiel fiir Solo- stimmen, gemischten Chor und Piano- forte. Op. 182. Leipzig. [1895.] Slaughter, A. Walter. Dandy Dan (The life- guardsman), musical comedy. Vocal score [with pianoforte accomp.]. London. [189-?] Strauss, Richard. Drei Mannerchore. Op. 45. Berlin. [1900.] — Liebe. Altdeutsches Schlachtlied. Fiir Mannerchor. Op. 42, Nr. i u. 2. Leipzig. [1899.] — Soldatenlied fiir Mannerchor. Miinchen, 1900, Tanieev, Aleksandr S. Festlicher Marsch. Op. 12. Partitur. Leipzig. [189-?] 366 — Reverie pour violon avec accompagne- ment d'orchestre. Op. 23. Leipzig. [189-?] — Symphonie, Zweite, B moll. Op. 21. Leipzig. [189-?] Tchaikoyski, Petr Il'itch. Variations sur tin theme rococo pour violoncelle avec accompagnement d'orchestre. Op. 33. Partition. Hambourg. [188-?] Wagner, Siegfried. Der Barenhauter. In 3 Akten. Vollstandiger Klavier-Auszug mit Text. Leipzig, 1898. Weinberger, Carl. Die Karlsschiilerin. Operette. Clavierauszug mit Text. Wien. [190-?] Ziehrer, Carl Michael. Die Landstreichei;. Operette. Clavierauszug mit Text. Wien. [190-?] Numismatics. Gems. Seals. Arms and Armor. Florance, . Numismatique grecque. Series imperiales grecques et coloniales. Paris, 1903. 6221.80 Netscher, E., and Jacob x\nne van der Chijs. De munten van Nederlandsch Indie, beschreven en afgebeeld. Batavia, 1863. 33 plates. 222oa.82 Painting. Portraits. Color. Addison, Julia de Wolf. The art of the Pitti Palace, with a short history of the building of the palace, and its owners, and an appreciation of its treasures. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Plates. [The art galleries of Europe.] 4078.298 Bibliography, pp. 377, 378. Baxter, Sylvester. The legend of the Holy Grail as set forth in the frieze painted by Edwin A. Abbey for the Boston Public Library. Boston, 1904. Vignette. = 4077.285 Clausen, George. 1852- Six lectures on painting, delivered to the students of the Royal Academy of Arts, January, 1904. London, 1904. Portrait. Plates. 4077.291 Dewhurst, Wynford. 1864-. Impressionist painting: its genesis and development. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 80703.169 Some of the plates are colored. Bibliography, pp. 1 13-1 19. Hanford, Mrs. Philander C. Catalogue of valuable paintings belonging to Mrs. Hanford ... to be sold . . . January 30th [1902] . . . New York, 1902. Portraits. Plates. *8o73.2o6 Hareux, Ernest Victor. Le melange des couleurs enseigne par I'exemple. Paris. [1903.] 32 pp. 14 colored plates. [Premieres etudes de peinture a I'huile.] 4073.288 Jackson, Frederick Hamilton. Mural painting. London, 1904. Portrait. October Plates. [Handbooks for the designer and craftsman.] 8o77«i33 Schubert-Soldern, Fortunat von. Von Jan van Eyk bis Hieronymus Bosch. Em Beitrag zur Geschichte der nieder- landischen Landschaftsmalerei. Strass- ^^'J' 1903- 4074.356 iiibhography, pp. no, in. Photography. Klary, C. La pose et I'eclairage en photographic dans les ateliers et les appartements. Paris, 1903. 78 pp. Illus. 4071.180 Scheidemantel, Herman. Nicola Perscheids Photographic in natiir- lichen Farben. Leipzig. [1904.] Illus. 8065.185 Sculpture. Carving. Gold and Silver Work. Buchner, Otto, Ph.D., of Stuttgart. Die mittelalterliche Grabplastik in Nord- Thiiringen mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Erfurter Denkmaler. Strass- burg, 1902. Illus. 4074.347 Literatur, pp. ix, x. Magnus, Hugo. Die Darstellung des Auges in der antiken Plastik. Leipzig, 1892. 5 plates. [Bei- trage zur Kunstgeschichte.] 8085.36 Bibliography, pp. vii, viii. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Manual of Italian Renaissance sculpture as illustrated in the collection of casts. By Benjamin Ives Gilman. [Boston.] 1904. = 8079.191 Bibliography, pp. xv-xix. Schaefer, Heinrich, Egyptologist. Die altagyptischen Prunkgefasse mit auf- gesetzten Randverzierungen. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte der Goldschmiede- kunst. Leipzig, 1903. 44 pp. Illus. 4021.41 Simonsen, David Jacob. Sculptures et inscriptions de Palmyre a la Glyptotheque de Ny Carlsberg, de- crites et expliquees. Copenhague, 1889. 70 pp. 18 plates. 59 fac-similes. = Bibliography, pp. 5, 6. 8085.137 "Les sculptures comprises dans cette collection sont, surtout, des monuments funeraires." Geography^ Travels^ Geography. Africa. General Travels. Asia. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Anning, E. G., and F. J. Bentley. The log of H. M. S. Argonaut, 1900-1904. China Station. London, 1904. Plates. Map. 6269.150 1904 367 Bartholomew, John George. "The Strand" war map of the Far East: Japan, Korea, China and the Russian Empire. London, 1904. 2 maps on i sheet. *Map 1062.13 Belloc, Alexis. La maniere de voyager autrefois & de nos jours. • Paris. [1903 ] 6268.83 Cambridge, Ada. Thirty years in Australia. London, 1903. 3047.339 Carpenter, Frank George. Australia, our colonies, and other islands of the sea. New York. [1904-] IHus. Maps. [Carpenter's Geographical read- er.] 3047-87 Chisholm, George Goudie, and Charles Henry Leete. Questions based on Longmans' School geography and Longmans' New school atlas. New York, 1892. 78 pp. = 6289.46 An edition of Longman's School geography is on shelf-number 6289.42. Courtois, Antoine Claude Edmond. Etudes, observations, impressions et sou- venirs. Le Tonkin frangais contempo- rain. Paris, 1891. Maps. 3012.185 Fiscl^er, Josef, S.J., and Franz, Ritter von Wieser. Die alteste Karte mit dem Namen Arner- ika, aus dem Jahre 1507, und die Carta marina, aus dem Jahre 1516, des M. Waldseemiiller (Ilacomilus). Innsbruck, 1903. 62 pp. 26 maps. Fac-similes. *Map 49.10 Gordon, David J. The central State. South Australia: its history, progress and resources. Ade- laide, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. = 93i9.42a8 Gosselin, Charles Henri. L'empire d'Annam. Preface de Pierre Baudin. Paris, 1904. Portraits. Map. 5019.31 Guerville, Amedee Baillot de. Au Japon. Paris, 1904. 3019.183 Leist, Arthur. Das georgische Volk. Dresden. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. 3044.176 A description of the country as well as of the people. Ready, Oliver G. Life and sport in China. London, 1903. Plates. 3018.257 Ribbe, Carl. Zwei Jahre unter den Kannibalen der Salomo-Inseln. Unter Mitwirkung von Heinrich Kalbfus. Dresden-Blasewitz, 1903. Illus. Maps. 3044.164 Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton. Japan in pictures. London, 1904. Plates. Some of the plates are colored. 30I5"^92 Viaud, Louis Marie Julien. Vers Ispahan. [Par] Pierre Loti [pseud. 276 edition.] Paris. [1904-] 3049.224 Wilda, Johannes. 1852- Reise auf S. M. S. "Mowe": Streifziige in Siidseekolonien und Ostasien. 2. Auf- lage. Berlin, 1903. Plates. Map. 6263.44 Wohltmann, Ferdinand. 120 Kultur- und Vegetations-Bilder aus unseren deutschen Kolonien. Berlin, 1904. 8 pp. 120 plates. 3991-170 Europe. Calderaio, R. Portugal von der Guardiana zum Minho (Land und Leute). Stuttgart, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Map. 5099.39 Fitzgerald, Percy Hethrington. 1834-. Bozland: Dickens' places and people. London, 1895. Portrait. Autograph fac- similes. 2498.155 Geikie, Sir Archibald. 1835-. Scottish reminiscences. Glasgow, 1904. 2472.106 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Walks in Rome. i6th edition (revised), by St. Clair Baddeley. New York, 1903. 2 V. Maps. Plans. 2758.22 Le Blond, Elizabeth Alice Frances. Adventures on the roof of the world [The Alps]. New York. [1904.] Plates. 4004.172 Recouly, Raymond. Le pays magyar. Paris, 1903. [Biblio- theque d'histoire contemporaine.] 4868.80 Saussure, Cesar de. 1 705-1 783. Lettres et voyages en Allemagne, en Hol~ lande et en Angleterre, en 1725-1729 . . . Avec une introduction de B. van Muy- den. Lausanne, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Genealogical chart. *6274.72 Worsfold, Thomas Cato. Staple Inn and its story . . . being an ac- count of "The fayrest inne of Chan- cerie." London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 2492.149 America. As a Chinaman saw us. Passages from his letters to a friend at home. [Edited by Henry Pearson Gratton.] New York, 1904. Plate. 4365.171 Relates to the United States. Beadle, J. H. The undeveloped West; or, five years in the territories. Philadelphia. [1873.] Illus. Portraits. Plates. *4377-i75 Western wilds, and the men who redeem them. An authentic narrative . . . Cin- cinnati, 1879. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 4372.151 Butler, William Mill. Paraguay: a country of vast natural re- sources, delightful climate, law-abiding 368 people, and stable government. Phila- delphia, 1901. 60 pp. Portraits. Plates. = 4468.179 Crevecoeur, Michel Giiillaume Saint John de. Letters from an American farmer. By J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur [pseud.]. Reprinted from the original edition. With a prefatory note by W. P. Trent, and an introduction by Ludwig Lewi- sohn. New York, 1904. 2363.33 Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn, editor. Pictures of Rhode Island in the past. 1642-1833. By travellers and observers. Providence, 1900. 4438.218 Lerouge, Georges Louis, publisher. Recueil des plans de I'Amerique Septen- trionale. Paris, 1755. 25 maps. *Map 1013.20 McGary, Elizabeth Vizere, An American girl in Mexico. New York, 1904. Plates. 4368.214 Massachusetts. Board of Harbor and Land Commission- ers: Atlas (Boston, 1904) of the boundaries of (namely) : Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lincoln, May- nard, Sudbury, Wayland, Weston. = *Map 136.3 Muensterberg, Hugo. Die Amerikaner. 1.-3. Auflage. Berlin, 1904. 2 v. 4362.257 Perl, Albert. Durch die Urwalder Siidamerikas. Berlin, 1904. Illus. Portrait. Map. 4462.189 Seabury, Joseph Bartlett. Porto Rico: the land of the rich port. New York. [1903.] Illus. Portraits. Map. [The world and its people. Book 12.] 4369-193 Stevenson, Edward Luther, editor. Maps illustrating early discovery and ex- ploration in America, 1520-1530, repro- duced by photography from the original manuscripts. No. i, 5, 7. New Bruns- wick, N. J., 1903. 3 V. *Map49.6 Contents. — i. Cantino. 1 502-1 504. 5. Munich- Portuguese. 1516-20. 7. Silviati. 1525-27. Each map is on several sheets, with a sheet of explanatory text. Thomas, David, of Bury, Lancashire. My American tour: being notes taken during a tour through the United States shortly after the close of the late Amer- ican War. Bury, 1868. 2362.108 Winship, George Parker, editor and trans- lator. The journey of Coronado, 1540-1542, from the City of Mexico to the Grand Cafion of the Colorado and the buffalo plains of Texas, Kansas and Nebraska. As told by himself and his followers. New York, 1904. Maps. Fac-simile. 23i9a.ioo October Language* Rhetoric* Altamira y Crevea, Rafael. Eco de Madrid. Ejemplos practices de conversacion castellana. Echo of spoken Spanish. With an English translation by Rev. A. L. Becker. Leipzig. [1895.] ^ — 5039a.62 Baralt, Rafael Maria. Diccionario de galicismos, 6 sea de las voces, locuciones y frases de la lengua francesca que se han introducido en el habla castellana moderna. 2a edicion. 5032.39 Madrid, 1890. Carnoy, A. Le latin d'Espagne d'apres les inscrip- tions, fitude phonetique. Louvain, 1903. Bibliography, pp. 4, 5. ' 4935*33 Cudvirorth, William, of Bradford. Yorkshire dialect and character sketches. Bradford, 1884. Illus. 24693.164 Dollmayr, Victor. Die Sprache der Wiener Genesis. Eine grammatische Untersuchung. Strass- burg, 1903. *2902. 50.94 The Wiener Genesis is written in Old High German. Luick, Carl. Studien zur englischen Lautgeschichte. Wien, 1903. [Wiener Beitriige zur englischen Philologie.] 4552.55-17 Modern Philology. A quarterly journal. Vol. I. Chicago, 1903-. *295oa.6o Rhetoric. Composition. Elocution. Oratory. Recitations. Dialogues. Speakers. Allbutt, Thomas Clifford. Notes on the composition of scientific papers. London, 1904. 2588.30 Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Beitraege zur Buecherkunde und Philologie August Wilmanns zum 25. Maerz 1903 gewidmet. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 2164.67 Belgium. Ministere de I'interieur. Com- mission centrale de statistique. Catalogue de la bibliotheque. Tome i. Bruxelles, 1902. *90i6.3i49a.5 Cattell, Sarah W., and Alice Bertha Kroe- ger. Aids in book selection. [Harrisburg.] 1903. 20 pp. = *6i96.96 1904 3^9 Darlow, Thomas Herbert, and Horace F. Moule, compilers. Historical catalogue of the printed edi- tions of Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Vol. I. London, 1903. *2i82.4o Contents. — i. English. Duncker & Humblot, publishers. Verlagsverzeichnis. 1866-1903. Leipzig. [1904.] = *6i7i.8o French, Jonas Harrod. Catalogue of . . . [his] magnificent pri- vate library . . . together with a num- ber of literary nuggets from the private library of L. H. Chubbuck ... to be sold . . . February, 1904 . . . Boston. [1904.] Fac-simile title-pages. *2i38.32 James, Montague Rhodes, editor. The ancient libraries of Canterbury and Dover. Cambridge, 1903. Fac-similes. *2i83.25 Contains principally titles of editions of the Bible, Latin classics, and works in mediaeval theology. Madrid. Biblioteca municipal. Catalogo. Madrid, 1902. = *6i6i.39 Sale records. A priced and annotated record of London book auctions. Quarterly. Compiled by Frederick Marchmont. Vol. I. June, 1902-June, 1903. London, 1902, 03. Portraits. Plates. *2i38.3o Schelter, J. G., & Giesecke. Specimen J. G. Schelter & Giesecke, Leip- zig. Caracteres. [Leipzig, 1903.] Illu- minated title-pages. = 6116.84 United States. Library of Congress. Cata- logue Division. Card Distribution Sec- tion. Handbook of. card distribution, ist edi- tion. Washington, 1902. 50 pp. 6201.77 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plateSr Book-selling. Loubier, Jean. Der Bucheinband in alter und neuer Zeit. Berlin. [190-?] Illus. [Monographien des Kunstgewerbes.] 4021.24 Bibliography, p. 184. Journalism. Authorship. Gavit, John Palmer. The reporter's manual. A handbook for newspaper men. Albany, 1904. 82 pp. 6i99a.38 New England Woman's Press Association. [Handbook,] 1902, 03. Melrose, Mass. [1902, 03.] = 4459a.2i7 Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. [Clippings from American newspapers, of tales, anecdotes and verse, original, and reprinted from American and English periodicals. Boston, 1840-50.] = *6222.45 Crush treason! Defeat intrigue!! Save the Union!!! Mr. Strong, the "Patriotick proceedings," and John Henry! . . . N. p. [1809.] Broadside. **H.90.i62 Advocating the election of Elbridge Gerry as governor, in opposition to the Federalists. Fox, George, Quaker. 1624-1690. The promise of God proclamed [sic]; which is Christ the everlasting Covenant of God . . . preached by the Apostles, and by his servants and messengers sent forth since for Barbadoes, New Eng- land, Virginia, the East and West Indies, and the south and north parts of the world, to go to them all. London, 1660. Broadside. **H.90.i67 Liberty tree. [Boston? 1759?] Broadside. **H.9oa.2i7 The death of the brave General Wolf [sic] is on the same sheet. Imperfect. Massachusetts. Colony and Province. An act for preventing and suppressing of riots, routs and unlawful assemblies. [Published Feb. 14, 1750.] Boston, 1750. Broadside. **H.90.2i9 Missale Romanum. [Manuscript in Flemish, on vellum, 15th century.] 158 ff. **G.4o8.85 Rubricated throughout, and with illuminated initial pen letters. Arabic Literature. Moallakat, The. The seven golden odes of pagan Arabia, known also as the Moallakat. Trans- lated from the original Arabic by Lady Anne Blunt. Done into English verse bv Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. London, 1903. 90 pp. 3023.189 English and American Literature. Bateman, C. T. "Montezuma" and other poems. Toledo, Ohio, 1897. = *A.6o4 Centre table, The. [A collection of stories and poems by various writers.] New York, i860. 50 engravings. = *4572.i66 Coloney, Myron. Manomin: a rhythmical romance of Min- nesota, the Great Rebellion and the Minnesota massacres. St. Louis, 1866. *"2oth".ioo.8i Lang, Andrew, editor. 1844-. The red true story book. Adapted for school use. With illustrations by Henry J. Ford. New York, 1897. Plates. [Longmans' Supplementary readers.] *2578.i52 Maclean, Letitia Elizabeth. The golden violet, with its tales of ro- mance and chivalry: and other poems. By L. E. L. London, 1827. Plate. = *P.83.544.4 370 October The troubadour; catalogue of pictures, and historical sketches. [Poems.] By L. E. L. London, 1825. Plate. = *P.83.544.5 The Venetian bracelet. The lost Pleiad, A history of the lyre, and other poems. By L. E. L. London, 1829. Plate. = ^, ^ *P.83.544.3 The Zenana and minor poems of L. E. L. With a memoir by Emma Roberts. London. [184-?] Portrait. = *P.83.544.6 Moody, William Vaughn. The fire bringer. Boston, 1904. *A.6i25.i "The fire-bringer is intended as the first mem- ber of a trilogy on the Promethean theme, of which The masque of judgment [*A.6i2S] . . . is the second." — Preface. Myers, Ernest James. Gathered poems. London, 1904. 2569.181 Prescott, William Hickling. Complete works. Edited, with the au- thor's latest corrections, by John Foster Kirk. London, 1896. 12 v. Maps. Genealogical tables. *440i.i40 See the Card Catalogue for a list of contents. Russell, George William. The divine vision and other poems. By A. E. [pseud.]. London, 1904. 4564.142 Sir Gawayne. Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle. Trans- lated by Jessie L. Weston. [London.] 1903. Plate. [Arthurian romances. No. 6.] 45693.270 Struthers, William. Transcriptions from art and nature. [Poems.] London, 1902. 98 pp. * Whitman 15.18 Tannahill, Robert. 1774-1810. Poems and songs. With life and notes by David Semple. Paisley, 1900. Portrait. 2569.188 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell. New England in letters. New York, 1904. Colored plates. 4347.344 "The story of each author's life and work is told as far as possible in connection with its environment." Fiction in English for Reference Use. Dunn, Byron Archibald. 1842-. Raiding with Morgan, Chicago, 1903. Plates. [The Young Kentuckians series.] *"20th".IG0.82 Little, George, of Baltimore. The American Cruiser: a tale of the last war. Boston, 1847. Plates. = *4507.225 Mallock, William Hurrell, The veil of the Temple, or from dark to twilight. New York, 1904. *2577.i84 Miller, Elizabeth. The yoke. A romance of the days when the Lord redeemed the Children of Is- rael from the bondage of Egypt. Indi- anapolis. [1904.] ^4407.242 Myers, Peter Hamilton. 1812-1878. The first of the Knickerbockers: a tale of 1673. [Anon.] New-York, 1848. 4478.415 Sherwood, Margaret. The story of King Sylvain and Queen Aimee. New York, 1904. Plates. . *4409a.403 Turgenev, Ivan Sergievitch. Novels and stories. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. With an introduction by Henry James. New York, 1903, 04. II V. Portrait. Plates. *5o66.2o Contents. — 1, 2. Memoirs of a sportsman. 3. Rudin. — A King Lear of the Steppes. 4. A nobleman's nest. 5. On the eve. 6. Fathers and children. 7. Sm.oke. 8, 9. Virgin soil. 10. The Jew and other stories. 11. The diary of a su- perfluous man and other stories. French Literature. Brunetiere, Marie Ferdinand. 1849-. Histoire de la litterature frangaise clas- sique (1515-1830). Tome i, partie i. Paris. [1904.] 4674.45 Maeterlinck, Maurice. The double garden. Translated by Alex- ander Teixeira de Mattos. New York, 1904. 2676.265 Verlaine, Marie Paul. Poesies religieuses. Preface de J. K. Huysmans. Paris, 1904. 6709a.33 Wilmotte, Maurice. L'evolution du roman frangais aux envi- rons de 1150. Paris, 1903. 72 pp. 2686.144 Relates principally to Crestien de Troyes and Gautier d' Arras. German Literature. Busse, Carl, compiler. Neuere deutsche Lyrik. Halle a. d. S. [1895.] 6909a.32 Hebbel, Christian Friedrich. Sammtliche Werke. Mit Einleitungen und Anmerkungen von Emil Kuh. Neu herausgegeben von Hermann Krumm. Leipzig. [1900.] 12 V. in 4. Portrait. Fac-simile. 6898.219 Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. Jean Paul's Sammtliche Werke. Berlin, 1840-1842. 33 V. in 14. = *4909a.35 See the Card Catalogue for a list of contents. Spenle, E. Novalis [pseud, de F. L. von Hardenberg]. Essai sur I'idealisme romantique en Al- lemagne. Paris, 1904. [Bibliotheque de la fondation Thiers.] 3605.208 Bibliography, pp. 371-373- Greek and Latin Literature. Divers traites de Lucien, Xenophon, Platon et Plutarque, accompagnes de som- maires frangais et de notes sur le texte; publics par M. I'Abbe Gail. Paris, 1788. =z 4969.30 190 371 Herodas, The mimes of Herodas. Edited ... by J. Arbuthnot Nairn. Oxford, 1904. Plates. Fac-similes. 2974.44 Bibliography, pp. Ixxxiv-lxxxvii. Lawton, William Cranston. Introduction to classical Latin literature. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. 2929a.42 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. De vita et moribus Ivlii Agricolae liber; De origine sitv moribvs ac popvlis Ger- manorvm liber; De oratoribvs dialogvs. [Recognovit Morris Hicky Morgan. Colophon: Huius libri . . . exempla cen- tum diligenter typis descripsit Magister Daniel Berkeley Vpdike . . . Bostoniae . . . anno Salutis M.D.cccciiii.l 49 pp. *Cab.49.i9.io Irish Literature. Irish Texts Society. Annual report, 1903. [London.] I903- *2478.3i Italian Literature. Wyld, M. Alice. The dread Inferno. Notes for beginners in the study of Dante. London, 1904. Plate. 2799.32 Pennsylvania- Dutch Literature. Hark, Joseph Maximilian. En Hondfull Farsh: Experiments in Penn- sylvania-German verse. [Lahcaster, Pa.] 1900. 31 pp. Portrait. [The Pennsylvania-German Society.] *4372.i7.io Russian Literature. Skabitchevski, Aleksandr ?dikhailovitch. HcTopia HOB^Hineft pyccKoft jiHTepaTypti. 1848-1903 rr. 5. H3A. Cn6, 1903. Por- traits. 3067.146 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Echeverria, Aquileo J. Romances. [Poesias.] San Jose, Costa ' Rica, 1903. 94 pp. - 4396.34 Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Beer, Mme. Guillaume. Le theatre italien contemporain. [Par] Jean Dornis [pseud.]. Paris. [1904.] 4777.79 Benedix, Julius Roderich, Die Dienstboten. Lustspiel. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.461 Chevalley, Heinrich. Der schwarze Domino. Komische Oper. Text von Eugene Scribe. Musik von D. F. E. Auber [**M.223.3]. Textlich und musikalisch erlautert von H. Che- valley. Leipzig. [1902.] 38 pp. No. 7 in *4048.i84.9 Gibber, Colky. 1671-1757. Love's last shift; or, the fool in fashion. A comedy. London, 1696. *A.i7o6 Collins, John Churton. Studies in Shakespeare. Westminster, 1904. 4597.180 Eichhoff, Theodor. Die Grundfrage des Shakespeare-Studiums. Interpolationen in The comedy of er- rors. Halle a. S., 1903. 88 pp. 4595.161 French, Charles Elwell. Six years of the drama at the Castle Square Theatre. With portraits of the members of the company and complete programs of all plays produced. May 3, 1897-May 3, 1903. [Anon.] Boston, 1903. Portraits. 4395.188 Gavault, Paul, and Robert Charvay. L'enfant du miracle. Comedie-bouffe. Paris, 1903. =: *6699a.26o Plattner, Anton. Geleitsbrief zum Brixlegger Passionsspiel im Jahre 1883. Innsbruck. [1883.] Plate. Plan. = 4879a.ioi Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Med Indledning og Anmerkninger ved Chr. Collin. Kris- tiania, 1902. 4597-i63 Wagh, pseud. Nimbus. Drei lose Akte. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.461 Medicine^ Hygiene. Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. Andrewes, Frederick William. Lessons in disinfection and sterilisation. London, 1903. Illus. 3797.104 Leffingwell, Albert, M.D. The vivisection question. New Haven, 1901. = 5746.51 New York, State. State Hospital for Crip- pled and Deformed Children. Annual report. ist-3d. Albany, 1902-04. 3 V. Plates. = *5768.i63 Pirkis, Caroline Louisa. Jack, a mendicant. London, 1901. 24 pp. Illus. = 5749a.8i An attack on vivisection in liie form of a story of a dog. Royal Society, London. Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commis- sion. No. 1-4. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. Charts. *579i.76 372 October Stephens, John William Watson, and Sam- uel Rickard Christophers. The practical study of malaria, and other blood parasites. London, 1903. Illus. Colored plates. Charts. [Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.] 3793-30 Hygiene. Cremation. Cremation Cemetery Company, Baltimore. Ashes to ashes; or, what shall we do with our dead? Baltimore. [1894.] 47 pp. Illus. = 62393.9 Liverpool Crematorium Company. Annual report of the council, nth. [Liv- erpool, 1902.] 3 pp. =: *623oa.43 Peirce, Cyrus Newlin. Sanitary disposal of the dead. A lecture. [Philadelphia, 1891.] 64 pp. = 62393.5 Taylor, Joseph, of Newington Butts. The danger of premature interment, proved from many remarkable instances . . . London, 1816. Plate. = 62393.7 Weigt, Carl. 1862-. Katechismus der Feuerbestattung. 2. Auf- lage. Hannover-Linden, 1901. = 62393.8 Science^ Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Museum. Memoirs of natural sciences. Vol. i, no. i. Brooklyn, 1904. Plates. = *582i.74 C3n3d3. Geological Survey. Altitudes in the Dominion of Canada. By James White. Ottawa, 1901. Map. Profiles. = *4466.2o8 C3rne, Joseph Edmund. The kerosene shale deposits of New South Wales. Sydney, 1903. Illus. Maps. [New South Wales. Geological Sur- vey.] = *386o.42 Claypole, Edith Jane. The blood of Necturus and Cryptobran- chus. [Washington, 1893.] 38 pp. Plates. = 3872.113 Bibliography, pp. 67-71. This paper received the first prize in animal histology, awarded by the American Micro- scopical Society. Comstock, John Henry, and Anna Botsford Comstock. How to know the butterflies: a manual of the butterflies of the eastern United States. New York, 1904. Illus. Col- ored plates. 3897.78 Two copies, one of which is in the Children's Room. Florida Audubon Society. A summary of Florida laws for the pro- tection of birds, their nests and eggs. N. p. [1903.] 3 pp. — 3907.30 Fr33s, Eberhard. Neue Zeuglodonten aus dem unteren Mit- teleocan vom Mokattam bei Cairo. Jena, 1904.^ 24 pp. Plates. *387i.56.io Francisci, Erasmus. 1627-1694. Guineischer und americanischer Blumen- Pusch: welcher einen ergetzlichen Ge- ruch mancherley mercklicher Eigen- schafften/wunderlicher Thiere/Voge 1/ F'i s c h e/f r e m d e r Weisen/Sitten/Ge- brauche selbiger Lander; u. a. m. . . . Nebenst beygedrucktem Anhang . . . Michael Hemmersams sel. guineisch- und west-indianischen Reisebeschrei- bung. Niirnberg, 1669. 2 v. in i. Plates. *58293.44 Gilbert, Charles Henry, and Edwin Chapin Starks. The fishes of Panama Bay. San Francis- co, 1904. Plates. [California Academy of Sciences.] = *390oa.67.4 Bibliography, pp. 218-226. Hall, Christopher Webber. Geography and geology of Minnesota. Vol. I. Minneapolis, 1903. Illus. Maps. The geography is purely physical. 3869. 1 79 Henshaw, Samuel. Fauna of New England. 2. List of the Batrachia. Boston, 1904. 10 pp. [Bos- ton Society of Natural History.] = *3894-5i-7, no. 2 Holland, William Jacob. The moth book: a 'popular guide to a knowledge of the moths of North Amer- ica. New York, 1903. Illus. Colored plates. 3892.78 Jaeger, Fritz. tiber Oberflachengestaltung im Oden- wald. Stuttgart, 1904. 53 pp. Map. [Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde.] *6284.8.i5 Kongliga svensk3 vetensk3ps-3kademi, Stockholm. Arkiv for zoologi. Band i, hafte i. 2, Stockholm, 1903. Illus. = *3883.47 Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough. Medusje of the Bahamas. Brooklyn, 1904. 33 pp. Plates. [Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Museum.] = *582i.74.i Nichols, Henry Windsor, and Oliver Cum- mings Farrington. The ores of Colombia, from mines in operation in 1892. Chicago, 1899. 77 pp. Map. [Field Columbian ]\Iuseum.] Literature, pp. 174-176. No. 3 in *78l3.l8.I Nuttall, George Henry Falkiner. Blood immunity and blood relationship: a demonstration of certain blood-relation- ships amongst animals by means of the precipitin test for blood. Cambridge, 1904. Plates. 5822.79 Bibliography, pp. 414-429. Roberts, Charles George Douglas. The watchers of the trails: a book of ani- mal life. Boston, 1904. Plates. 3886.31 1904 373 ScoUard, Clinton. 1861-. Footfarings. [Clinton, N. Y.] 1904. 4399.192 United States. Coast and Geodetic Survey. United States Coast Pilot. Pacific coast. California, Oregon, and Washington. [By Harry L. Ford.] Washington, 1903. Maps. *3952.8o Weather Bureau. The floods of the spring of 1903, in the Mississippi watershed. By H. C. Frankenfield. Washington, 1904. 66 pp. Plates. Maps. = 596oa.30 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Johnson, Walter, Archaeologist, and Wil- liam Wright, Archaeologist. Neolithic man in north-east Surrey. With a chapter on flint, by B. C. Polking- horne. London, 1903. Illus. Maps. List of references, pp. 185-192. 2223.78 Philosophy^ Education* Ethics* Crowe, Catherine. t8oo?-i876. The night-side of nature; or, ghosts and ghost seers. New edition, with an in- troduction by T. J. Hudson. Philadel- phia, 1901. *P.39.2o6 Fere, Charles. 1852-. Travail et plaisir. Nouvelles etudes expe- rimentales de psycho-mecanique. Paris, 1904. Illus. Tables. 5601.85 Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph. Modern views on matter. 2d edition. Ox- ford, 1903. 29 pp. [Romanes Lecture. 1903] 5603.100 Psychological Bulletin, The. [Monthly.] Literary section of the Psychological Review. Edited by J. Mark Baldwin and Howard C. Warren. Vol. i. New York, 1904. *36o2.i24 Chemistry. Physics. Bottone, Selimo Romeo. Radium and all about it. London, 1904. 96 pp. Illus. 7972.72 Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademi, Stockholm. Arkiv for kemi, mineralogi och geologi. Band i, hafte i. Stockholm, 1903. Dia- grams. = 3862.171 Rutherford, Ernest. 1871-. Radio-activity. Cambridge, 1904. Dia- grams. [Cambridge physical series.] 3963-183 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Klein, Hermann Joseph. 1844-. Handbucli der allgemeinen Himmelsbe- schreibung nach dem Standpunkte der astronomischen Wissenschaft am Schlusse des 19. Jahrhunderts. Braun- schweig, 1901. Illus. Maps. **E.5i43.23 Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von. Opuscules et fragments inedits. Extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque royale de Hanovre, par Louis Couturat. Paris, 1903. Diagrams. 3912.66 Bibliography, p. xv. Relates principally to logic and mathematics. Walmisley, Arthur Thomas. Land surveying and levelling. London, 1900. Illus. Maps. ["The Builder" stu- dents' series.] 3939.184 Willmon, Jeremy Carlisle. The secret of the circle and trisection of angles. Los Angelos. [1903.] 31 pp. Diagrams. = 3939'i8o Education. Children. Cramer, Frank. Talks to students on the art of study. New York. [1903.] 3608.212 Dietz, E. Neue Beitrage zur Geschichte des Heidel- berger Studentenlebens. Heidelberg, 1903- 7598.43 Great Britain. Inspector Appointed to Visit the Certified Reformatory and Indus- trial Schools of Great Britain. Report, 46th. 1902. London, 1902. *5575-i49 Guenther, Robert William Theodore. A history of the Daubeny Laboratory, Magdalen College, Oxford: appended a list of the writings of Dr. Daubeny, and a register of the names of persons who have attended the chemical lectures of Dr. Daubeny from 1822 to 1867 as well as of those who have received instruc- tion in the Laboratory up to the present time. London, 1904. Portrait. Plates. Bibliography, pp. 53-64- 2495. 161 Heidelberger Professoren aus dem 19. Jahr- hundert. Festschrift der Universitat zur Zentenarfeier ihrer Erneuerung durch Karl Friedrich. Heidelberg, 1903. 2 v. Plate. 2831.58 Preface by Fritz Scholl. Hentsch, Alice Adele. De la litterature didactique du moyen age, s'adressant specialement aux femmes. Public avec le concours du "Girton Col- lege Publication Fund," Cambridge. Cahors, 1903. *P.30.39g This is a bibliography with analyses. Humphrey, Mabel. The book of the child. With drawings in colour by Jessie Willcox Smith and 3U October Elizabeth Shippen Green. New York, 1903. 22 ff. *Cab.23.i4.8 Johnson, Clifton. Old-time schools and school books. New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Fac-sim- iles. 3598.310 Massachusetts. Lyman and Industrial Schools, Westborough and Lancaster. Reports by the instructors ... in the . . . Lyman School for Boys, for the year ending September 30, 1903. Westboro, 1903- = , 3593-235 Not in the curriculum. A book of friendly counsel to students. By two recent col- lege graduates. With an introduction by Henry Van Dyke. New York. [1903.] 3587.196 Oxford & Cambridge yearbook, The. Edited by A. W. Holland. Part i. London, 1904. *2499a.i6o ?hillips Exeter Academy. Exercises incident to the general reunion of the Alumni on the occasion of the opening of the new Alumni Hall, 1903. [Exeter, N. H.] 1904. 68 pp. = *2383.63 Remusat, Claire filisabeth Jeanne Gravier de Vergennes. Essai sur I'education des femmes. Paris, 1903. *P.30.739 Vanderpoel, Emily Noyes, compiler. Chronicles of a pioneer school from 1792 to 1833: being the history of Miss Sarah Pierce and her Litchfield school. Edited by Elizabeth C. Barney Buel. Cam- bridge, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Chart. *3593-237 Viereck, Ludwig. Zwei Jahrhunderte deutschen Unterrichts in den Vereinigten Staaten. Braun- schweig, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 3593.243 Walker, Obadiah. Of education. Especially of young gentle- men. The 2d impression with additions. [Anon.] Oxon, 1673. Coat of arms. *7599.i75 Washington, Booker Taliaferro. Working with the hands. Being a sequel to "Up from slavery." Covering the author's experiences in industrial train- ing at Tuskegee. New York, 1904. Por- trait. V 4346.190 Woodward, William Harrison. Desiderius Erasmus concerning the aim and method of education. Cambridge, 1904- 3598.314 BibMographical lists, pp. 231-239. Ethics. Life. Manners. ^Occupation. Curbipet, at Jeur. Fragments of the elements and principles of the nature of the life of man, or the condensed laws of the religion of the civilized. Bombay, 1904. 83 pp. = 3489.186 Millar, G. G. Business success. London, 1904. 3589a.72 Religion* Theology* Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1033-1109. St. Atiselm. Proslogium; Monologium; an appendix In behalf of the fool, by Gaunilon; and Cur Deus homo. Trans- lated from the Latin by Sidney Norton Deane. Chicago, 1903. 3605.213 Atkinson, John. 1835-1897. Centennial history of American method- ism . . . New York, 1884. Portraits. Plate. Autograph fac-similes, = 5546.33 Barry, William Francis, Roman Catholic Priest. Newman. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. [Literary lives.] 5558.125 Boulenger, Jacques. Les protestants a Nimes au temps de r^;dit de Nantes. Paris, 1903. 3528.166 Calvinistic Magazine, The. Conducted by James Gallaher, Frederick A.' Ross & David Nelson. Vol. 5 (no. 4); April, 1831. Rogersville, Tennessee, 1831. = *5224.3i Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia. Docu- ments drawn from the original register of the Order, now in the Bodleian Li- brary, Oxford, and the transcript of another register in the British Museum. Arranged and edited ... by Francis A*. Gasquet. Vol. i. London, 1904. [Royal Historical Society of Great Britain.] *2426.i04 The compilation of the registers is ascribed to Bishop Redman. Daniels, William Haven, editor. Memorials of Gilbert Haven, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Bos- ton, 1880. Portrait. = 5554-74 Danziger, Adolph. Jewish forerunners of Christianity. Lon- don, 1904. 3488.155 Davidson, Andrew Bruce. The theology of the Old Testament. Ed- ited by S. D. F. Salmond. New York, 1904. [International theological library.] 3486.45 Bibliography, pp. 533-540. Doepler, Emil, and Wilhelm Ranisch. Walhall: die Gotterwelt der Germanen. Berlin. [1903?] 64 pp. Illus. *Cab.28.i2.4 The illustrations are by Doepler, and are colored. Dutripon, F. P. Concordantise Bibliorum sacrorum Vulga- tas editionis ad recognitionem jussu Sixti V. Pontif. Max. Bibliis adhibitam recensitse . . . Parisiis, M.DCCC.XXX- VIII. *3420.io7 Essays on ceremonial, by various authors. London, 1904. Illus. [The library of 1904 375 liturgiology & ecclesiology for English readers.] 3435-123 Evans, Charles Worthington. 1812-1889. History of St. Paul's Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Edited by Alice M. Evans Bartlett and G. Hunter Bartlett. Buffalo, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Plans. Fac-similes. 3548.152 Falkenstein, George N. The German Baptist Brethren or Dunkers. Lancaster, Pa., 1900. Illus. Portraits. Map. Fac-similes, [The Pennsylvania- German Society.] ^4372. 17.10 Fausb0ll, Michael Viggo. 1821-. Indian mythology according to the Ma- habharata, in outline. London, 1903. 3024.125 Ford, Thomas Burgess. The presiding eldership structural in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Cincin- nati. [1904.] 5549b.42 Hackett, John. A history of the orthodox Church of Cy- prus . . . With some account of the Latin and other churches existing in the island. London, 1901. 3524-27 Bibliography, pp. xv-xviii. Juelicher, Gustav Adolf. Die Gleichnisreden Jesu. Freiburg i. B., 1899. 2 V. 3424.149 Luther, Martin. Deudsch Catechismus. [Colophon: Ge- driickt zu Wittemberg durch Georgen Rhaw M. D. xxix.] (i), 92 ff. **G.389b.48 Manford, Erasmus. Twenty-five years in the West. Revised edition. Chicago, 1873. Portrait. 4347.346 This is the autobiography of a Universalist min- ister. Mather, Cotton. 1663-1728. Elizabeth in her holy retirement. An essay to prepare a pious woman for her lying in. [Anon.] Boston, 1710. 37 pp. **G.389b.5i Meredith, William Henry. Pilgrimages to Methodist shrines. Cin- cinnati. [1903.] 5549.132 Morris, Samuel Leslie. At our own door. A study of home mis- sions with special reference to the South and West. New York. [1904.] 3539.141 Mueller, Johann Tobias, editor. Die symbolischen Biicher der evangelisch- lutherischen Kirche, deutsch und latei- nisch. Neue . . . Ausgabe, mit den sach- sischen Visitations-Artikeln . . . Stutt- gart, 1848. 3528.170 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xix. Revised from various editions of Concordia . . . Christliche wiederholete einmiitige Bekenntnis nachbenannter Churfiirsten . . . augsburgischer Confession . . . Nitobe, Inazo Ota. Bushido, the soul of Japan. An exposi- tion of Japanese thought. Philadelphia, 1900. 3499-174 Presbyterian handbook. The, for 1904. Phil- adelphia. [1903] = *5549a.i42 Pullan, Leighton. The Christian tradition. London, 1902. [The Oxford library of practical the- ology.] 3489.126 Redford, Albion H., D.D. The history of Methodism in Kentucky. Vol. I. 1754-1808. Nashville, 1868. Por- trait. Plate. = 5548.28 SatoUi, Francesco, Cardinal. 1831-. In summam theologicam Divi Thomae Aquinatis. De Trinitate p. i. qq. xxvii- xliii. Praelectiones habitae in Pontificio seminario romano et Collegio urbano. Romae, 1887, 3454.104 In summam theologicam Divi Thomae Aquinatis. Praelectiones habitae in Pontificio seminario romano et Collegio urbano. Romae, 1884. 3454.103 The binder's title is De Deo. Steele, Francesca Maria. Monasteries and religious houses of Great Britain and Ireland. With an appendix on the religious houses in America. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 3529.150 Talmage, Thomas De Witt. 1832-1902. The night side of New York life. Or, the masque torn off. Twelve Sabbath morn- ing discourses. London. [188-?] .= 5579.154 Law^ Legislation^ Patents^ Day, Davies & Hunt. Handbook on British patents for inven- tions. London, 1903. 24 pp. = *Patent Room 26.36 M., R. L. Histoire sommaire de I'affaire Dreyfus. Paris, 1904. 26193.189 Bibliography, pp. 195, 196. Principles of law. Scranton. [1903.] 5 v. [International library of technology.] *8o2 7. 1 32.40-44 Contents. — 40. Law in general. — Personal rights. — - Property. — Wills. — Contracts. 41. Commercial paper. — Banks and banking. — Partnership. — Corporations. — Building asso- ciations. — Beneficial associations. 42. Agency. — Master and servant. — • Bailments. — Land- lord and tenant. — Mechanics' liens. — Guar- anty and suretyship. — Executors and adminis trators. — Debtor and creditor. — Business anc commerce. — Trusts. 43. Husband and wife. — Divorce. — Parent and child. — Guardian and ward. — Notaries public. — Justices of the peace. — Patents, copyright, and trade-marks. — Insurance. — Mines and mining. 44. Appendix. Taylor, Llannis. The origin and growth of the English Constitution. Boston, 1889, 98. 2 v. 4514.113 37^ October Useful and Industrial Arts^ Beton & Eisen: Internationales Organ fiir armierten Beton. Jahrgang 2, Heft 1-4. Wien, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Plaits. *40io.268 In German, French and English. Blair, Matthew. The Paisley shawl and the men who pro- duced it. Paisley, 1904. 84 pp. Por- traits. Plates. 8021.129 Most of the plates are colored. Booth, William Henry. Liquid fuel and its combustion. West- minster, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8012.196 Boston and Lowell Railroad. Articles of agreement . . . [Boston, 183-?] 3 pp. **H.90.203 Printed form to be filled out for a contract for the construction of a section of the roadbed of the railroad. Cambria Steel Company. Steel axles and forgings. [Philadelphia.] 1903. 70 pp. Illus. = 8019.237 Carpentry. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 3 in *8o27.i32.3o Colvin, Fred Herbert. American compound locomotives. New York, 1903. Plates. Plans. 8016.262 Cunningham, Brysson. A treatise on the principles and practice of dock engineering. London, 1904. Plans. 3942.87 Davis, William Edward. Quantities and quantity taking. 3d edi- tion. London, 1904. Plans. ["The Builder" student's series.] 8108.9 Dolezalek, Friedricli. The theory of the lead accumulator (sto- rage battery). Translated by Carl L. von Ende. New York, 1904. Diagrams. 3969a.i86 Dukesmith, Frank Hutchinson. 1866-. Modern air-brake practice, its use and abuse. Chicago, 1904. Plans. 8018.230 Electric hoisting and haulage. Power trans- mission in mines. [Scranton, 1903.] 35 pp. Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 9 in *8o27.i32.37 Estimating and calculating quantities. [Scranton, 1903.] 96 pp. [International library of technology.] No. 4 in *8o27.i32.32 Farrow, Edward Samuel. American small arms. New York, 1904. Illus. 3952.181 Stresses and strains; their calculation and that of their resistances, by formulae and graphic methods. London, 1900. Dia- grams. ["The Builder" student's series.] 8108.8 Gotshall, William Charles. Notes on electric railway economics and preliminary engineering. New York, 1903. Wlus. Plans. Charts. 8016.268 Gould, Lucius D. Carpenter's and builder's assistant, and woodworker's guide. 9th edition. New York, 1897. 78 pp. Diagrams. 4016.150 Horstmann, Henry Charles, and Victor Hugo Tousley. Electricity for engineers. [Chicago, 1904.] Illus. No. 2 in 8019.235 The same as their Dynamo tending for engi- neers [8019.236]. Modern wiring diagrams and descriptions. Chicago, 1904. 8oi9a.222 Joinery. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 4 in *8o27. 132.30 Kreller, Emil H. Die Entwicklung der deutschen elektro- technischen Industrie und ihre Aussich- ten auf dem Weltmarkt. Leipzig, 1903. 71 pp. Chart. [Staats- und socialwis- senschaftliche Forschungen.] No. 3 in *5644.2i.22 Masonry. [Scranton, 1903.] 2 parts. Illus. Plans. [International library of tech- nology.] No. I, 2 in *8o27. 132.30 Mitchell, Charles Frederick, and George A. Mitchell. Brickwork & masonry. A practical text- book. London, 1904. Illus. 4016.130 Priestman, Howard. Principles of wool combing. London, 1904. Illus. 8018.275 Rickard, Thomas Arthur. Across the San Juan Mountains. New York, 1903. Illus. Map. 7867.27 A description of the mining district of south- western Colorado. Roofing. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 3 in *8o27.i32.3i Sheet-metal work. [Scranton, 1903.] 61 pp. Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. 4 in *8o27. 132.31 Stair building. [Scranton, 1903.] 56 pp. Illus. Plans. [International library of technology.] No. i in *8o27.i32.3i Streets and highways. Paving. [Scranton, 1903.] Illus. [International library of technology.] No. 2 in ^8027. 132.35 Swingle, Charles Frank. Twentieth Century hand-book for engi- neers and electricians, with questions and answers . . . Electrical division, by Henry C. Horstmann and Victor H. Tousley, Chicago, 1904. 2 parts in i v. Illus. 8019.235 Traction and transmission: a monthly sup- plement to "Engineering." Vol. 1-8. London, 1901-03. Illus. Maps. Plans. = *40i 1.257 Deals largely with electric traction. Yolk, Carl. Haulage and winding appliances used in mines. (Based on the works of J. von Hauer.) Translated by Charles Salter. London, 1903. Plans. 8013.217 1904 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Cockburn, Sir John, Baron. i676?-i758- Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to his gardener [Charles Bell]. 1727- 1744. Edited ... by James Colville. Edinburgh, 1904. Portrait. [Scottish History Society.] *4525.i47 Graves, Henry Solon. The woodsman's handbook. Part i. Re- vised edition. Washington, 1903. Illus. Maps. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Forestry.] = *5843.25-35 Hartig, Georg Ludwig. Lehrbuch fiir Forster und die es werden wollen. 7. vermehrte Auflage. Stutt- gart, 1827. 3 V. in I. Colored plate. Tables. = 5849-49 Soderini, Giovanni Vettorio. Opere. A cura di Alberto Bacchi della Lega. Bologna, 1902, 03. 2 v. Illus. Diagrams. 4763-73 Contents. — i. I due trattati dell' agricoltura e della coltivazione delle viti, con il Compendium de agrorum corporumque dimensione, di Pietro Maria Calandri. 2. II trattato della cjLiltura degli orti e giardini. Swingle, Walter Tennyson. The date palm and its utilization in the South-western States. Washington, 1904. Illus. Maps. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry,] = *3853-i28.53 Watson, H. S. The song bird: an authentic manual re- lating exclusively to the proper care and breeding of the canary-bird. Cincinnati, 1902. 79 pp. Plate. ■ 3909-163 Military and Naval Art^ Science, and History. Daublebsky von Sterneck, Moritz Georg, Freiherr. Behelf fiir das Studium des Krieges 1866. Wien, 1902. 7954-56 This is a chronological tabulation of the posi- tions and strength of the Austrian, German and Italian armies in the Seven Weeks' War. Percy, Pierre Frangois, Baron de. Journal des campagnes du baron Percy, chirurgien en chef de la Grande armee (1754-1825). Public par M. fimile Lon- gin. 2e edition. Paris, 1904. Portrait. Fac-simile. . 2628.178 Relates to the years 1 799-1 809. United States Army War College, Washing- ton. Ceremonies at the laying of the corner 377 stone. Washington, 1903. 34 pp. Por- traits. Plates. Plans. = 5051-36 Amusements^ Games* Sports* Amherst College. Schedule of the Leland Prize Exhibition in Class Gymnastics an'd Marching . . . March 19th, 1904. [Amherst, Mass.] 1904. 4 pp. = 4007.223 Barbour, Ralph Henry. The book of school and college sports. «... New York, 1904. Plates. 4007.224 Two copies, one of which is kept in the Chil- dren's Room. Beldam, George William. Great golfers; their methods at a glanee. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 4008.267 Demidov, Elim Pavlovitch, Principe di San Donato. A shooting trip to Kamchatka. London, 1904. Illus. Maps. 4002.190 Elwell, Joseph Bowne. The analysis and complete play of the bridge tournament hands (Eveniftg Telegram). New York, 1904. 76 pp. Diagrams. 40093.215 Hodgson, William Earl. Trout fishing. London, 1904. Colored plates. 4005.182 Stephens, William Picard. American yachting. New York, 1904. Illus. Plans. [American sportsman's library.] 3958.151 Fiction* In English. Finn, Francis James. My strange friend. New York. [1897.] 78.249 Gissing, George Robert. Thyrza. London, 1892. 59.3 Parkes, Elizabeth Robins. (C. E. Raimond.) The magnetic North. New York. [1904.] Map. 59.20 A story of the search for gold on the Yukon. Parsons, Gertrude. Wrecked and saved; a book for boys. And Fernando. By Lady Herbert. Boston. [190-?] 78.216 Vandenbussche, Mme. Ivan; or, the leper's son. From the French of Marie Emery [pseud.]. New York, 1901. 46.173 Woman errant. The. [By the author of The garden of a commuter's wife.] New York, 1904. Plates. 59.9 378 October In German. Hopfen, Hans, Ritter von. Mein Onkel Don Jtian. Eine Geschichte ans dem achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Neue Ansgabe. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.461 Children's Room* Books for the Month. Bicknell, Leona Mildred. How a little girl went to Africa. Told by herself. Boston, 1904. Illtis. 3058.272 Bonesteel, Mary G. The two stowaways. A tale of adventure in the Philippines. New York. [1900.] Illus. 59.17 Brunowe, Marion J. Seven of us; or, stories for girls and boys. New York, 1904. [Drops of honey li- brary.] 78.243 Donnelly, Eleanor Cecilia. The lost Christmas tree, and other little stories and verses for children. Phila- delphia. [1896.] 78.220 Lot Leslie's folks, and their queer adven- tures among the French and Indians. A. D. 1755-1763. Philadelphia. [1899.] Illus. 78.218 Finn, Francis James. The best foot forward and other stories. New York. [1900.] Illus. 78.221 New faces and old. Short stories. St. Louis, 1897. 78.225 Fox, John William. The little shepherd of Kingdom Come. New York, 1904. Illus. 58.234 A story of Civil War times. Hardy, Mary Earle. Sea stories for wonder eyes. Boston, 1904. Illus. 5829.44 Marine zoology for children. Kerr, Lady Amabel. Before Our Lord came. An Old Testa- ment history for young children. Lon- don, 1902. Illus. 74493.272 Lives of the Saints, for children. London, 1903. Illus. 55593.148 Lemercier, Adrien. The two brothers; or, true and false hap- piness. New York, 1904. 46.169 Mulholland, Clara. Dimpling's success. New York, 1901. Illus. 78.239 Schmid, Johann Christopli von. The Black Lady and Robin Redbreast. New York, 1898. [Our boys' and girls' library.] 46.182 The cake and The Easter eggs. New York, 1898. [Our boys' and girls' li- brary.] 46.180 Godfrey, the little hermit. New York, 1898. 46.179 The hop blossoms, and other tales. New York, 1898. [Our boys' and girls' li- brary.] 46.183 The overseer of Mahlbourg; or, the cher- ries. New York, 1898. [Our boys, and girls' library.] 46.181 Shafer, Sara Andrew. The day before yesterday. New York, 1904. 58.278 Taggart, Marion Ames. Her father's right hand and Nannie's hero- ism. [Anon.] New York. [1892.] Illus. 59.4 Wilde, Oscar. The happy prince and other tales. Lon- don, 1902. Illus. 2574.165 Associations^ Clubs. Societies* Commercial Club of Boston. Constitution, organization and members. [Boston.] 1904. 20 pp. = 43593.157 Union Club, Boston. The past members, and a brief sketch of the history of the Club, July, 1893. [Pre- pared by Samuel Lothrop Thorndike. Boston, 1893.] 58 pp. = *2359a.93 Periodicals. Annuals* Almanacs^ Indexes. Street Railv^ay Journal. General index by subjects and authors. Including Vols, i to 22. New York, 1904. *40ii.237A. The Journal is on shelf-number 4011.237. Vida alegre, La. Revista humoristica ilus- trada. Ano i, num. 1-26. 1884, 1885. *723o.ii Madrid, 1884, 1885. Illus. Books for the Blind. Jeanjacquot, Pierre. Simple explanations concerning the co- operation of the Most Holy Virgin in the work of redemption, and concerning her quality of Mother of Christians. New York City, 1903. 7126.63 Printed in the New York system. 1904 379 Books added to the Branch Libraries* Conscience, Hendrik. Le conscrit. Lo 1883 Craven, Pauline. Eliane. 2 v. Lo 2023.2 Feuillet, Octave. Le roman d'un jenne homme paiivrc. Lo 2935 Laboulaye, fidoiiard Rene Lefebvrc. Contes bleus. Lo 4903 Merimee, Prosper. Colomba. Lo 5848 Parkes, Elizabeth Robins. (C. E. Raimond.) The magnetic North. Map. i35P i A story of the search for gold on the Yukon. Woman errant. The: being some chapters from the wonder book of Barbara, the commuter's wife. [By the author of The garden of a commuter's wife.] Illus. I34P 2 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT Books and Documents Recently Added^ Social Science* Barthou, Louis. L'action syndicale. (Loi du 21 mars, 1884 — Resultats et reformes.) Paris, 1904. 5568.104 Bartlett-Amati, L. L. Bartlett-Amati's Banking and commer- cial tables. 9th edition. Rome. [1904.] *9332.45a7 Chamberlain, Joseph. 1836-. Imperial union and tariff reform: speeches delivered from May 15 to Nov. 4, 1903. London, 1903. 9337.242ai4 Cleinow, George. Beitrage zur Lage der Hausindustrie in Tula. Leipzig, 1904. [Staats- und social- wissenschaftliche Forschungen.] No. 4 in *5644.2i.22 Debate, A, on the tactics of the S. T. & L. A. toward trade unions, between Daniel De Leon and Job Harriman, held at New Haven, November 25, 1900. [New York.] 1900. 32 pp. = 5577-163 Relates to the Socialist Trade and Labor Alli- ance. Handelskammer zu Leipzig. Bericht iiber die Frage der Errichtung neuer Lagerhausgebaude in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1903. 80 pp. = *9382.432ia3 Heath, Laban. Heath's Lifallible counterfeit detector at sight. Boston, 1864. 26 pp. Plates. = 5649a. 1 7 Some of the plates are colored. Hobson, John Atkinson. International trade. An application of economic theory. London, 1904. 938o.04a5 Journeymen Cordwainers of the City of New York. Trial of the Journeymen Cordwainers of the City of New York; for a conspiracy to raise their wages. Reported by Wil- liam Sampson. New-York, 1810. *7696.59 McNeill, George Edwin. 1837-. A study of accidents and accident insur- ance. Boston, 1900. Charts. = 9368.4a3 Massachusetts. Colony and Province. An act in further addition to and explana- tion of the Act for the more speedy finishing of the land bank or manufac- tory scheme. [Boston, 1744.] 3 pp. **H.90.2i6 Mundy, Floyd Woodruff. The earning power of railroads. New York. [1904.] 9385.37 Pommier, Louis. La Banque de France et I'etat. Paris, 1904- . 9332.i44a2 Bibliographic, pp. v-xi. Retailers' catalogue for 1863. Numbers from April I, 1858 to Jan. i, 1863, inclusive. [Boston.] 1863. = *4389a.43 A list of delinquent debtors in Boston and vicin- ity, prepared by Isaac Hall. Rhodesia Railways, Limited. Report of directors . . . , 1903. [London, 1903] = *9385.968 Schulte, Aloys. Die Fugger in Rom, 1495-1523. Mit Stu- -dien zur Geschichte des kirchlichen Finanzwesens jener Zeit. Leipzig, 1904. 2 V. in I. Illus. Portrait. 9380.945 Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. 1861-. The economic interpretation of history. New York, 1903. 9330.4a4i United Fruit Company, Boston. [Facts concerning the organization and properties. Boston, 1901.] 17 pp. Plates. Maps. = 9338.7a7 Young, Thomas M. Manchester and the Atlantic traffic. Lon- don, 1902. 97 pp. Plates. Map. 9382.42a25 Political Science. Wilcox, Delos Franklin. The American city: a problem in democ- racy. New York, 1904. 9352a.io Sociology. Bertillon, Jacques. 1851- L'alcoolisme et les moyens de le com- battre, juges par I'experience. Paris, 1904. [Bibliotheque d'economie sociale.] 7589.147 Betts, Lillian Williams. The leaven in a great city. New York, 1902. Plates. 3575'i62 A description of life among the poor of New York City. Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood, editor. Modern socialism, as set forth by social- ists. London, 1904. 3568.249 1904 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Human work. New York, 1904. 9304.a35 Histoire socialiste (i 789-1900). Sons la di- rection de Jean Jaures. Tome 1-4. Paris. [1904.] lUus. Portraits. Fac- similes. *9335-oo9 Lagneaji, Gustave Simon. Remarques a propos du denombrernent de la population sur quelques differences demographiques presentees par les Catholiques, les Protestants, les Israe- lites. [Paris.] 1882. 64 pp. 9312.935 Loch, Charles Stewart, editor. Methods of social advance. London, 1904. 93043.36 Reynaud, Pierre. La theorie de la population en Italic du XVIe au XVIIIe siecle. (Les precur- seurs de Malthus.) Lyon, 1904. 9312.545 Bibliographic, pp. i, 2. Women. Bastien, Paul. Les carrieres de la jeune fille. Paris. [1903-] 5587.168 On the opportunities for education and employ- ment afforded to women in France. Public Documents^ United States. Census Bureau. Census of the Philippine Islands. Bul- letin I. [Washington.] 1904. = *93i9.i4 Special reports. Occupations at the Twelfth Census. Prepared under the supervision of William C. Hunt. Wash- ington, 1904. = *93i7.36i2a5 Department of Agriculture. Year book. 1903. Washington, 1904. *5992.8 Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Labpr. Wages and cost of living. Washington, 1904. [Bulletin, July, 1904.] *933i-073a24 Bureau of Statistics. Emigration to the United States. Wash- ington, 1904. [Special consular re- ports.] *7643.22 Philippine Commission. Report. Vol. 2. Washington, 1903. Plates. *9325.9i4a5 Senate. Restoration of the White House. Wash- ington, 1903. 46 pp. Plates. Plans. *C.4439 Treasury Department. Digest of decisions (Customs) and of the Board of U. S. General Appraisers, 1898-1902. Washington, 1903. — *9336.2673ai5 381 States. Territories. Accessions. Connecticut. General Assembly. List of bills, etc., for public and private acts reported upon by committees, 1903. Hartford, 1903. = *6330.25 Illinois. Peoria. City Comptroller. Report ... for 1903. Peoria, 111., 1904. Portraits. Tables. = *9352.i773aii New York. New York City. Municipal Civil Service Commission. Rules and classification. [New York, 1899.] = 5562.169 North Carolina. Corporation Commission. Report, as a board of state tax com- missioners. 1902. Raleigh, 1902. = *9385-9756a3 Ohio. Youngstown. Municipal Government. Annual reports of the Chief of Police, City Fire Engineer, City Civil En- gineer, and City Clerk . . . with ros- ter of officials . . . 1901-02. Youngs- town, 1902. 9352-0771 Oregon. Portland. Mayor's Message and municipal reports for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1903. Portland, Ore. [1904.] Table. = *64o8.54 Philippine Islands. Civil Service Board. Annual report, 2d, to the Civil Gover- nor. Manila, 1903. = *304oa.i9 Foreign. Austria. Statistisches Amt im K. K. Handelsminis- terium. Statistik des auswartigen Handels des osterreischisch-ungarischen Z o 1 1 g e - biets im Jahre 1903. Band 4 (i, 2 Abth.) Wien, 1904. *9382.436a3 Brazil. Secretaria dos negocios da agricultura, commercio e obras publicas. Relatorio apresentado ao Dr. Domingos Correa de Moraes, Vice-presidente do estado pelo Dr. Antonio Candido Ro- drigues. Anno de 1901. Sao Paulo, 1902. Colored maps. Colored charts. = *43i6.28 Canada. Journals of the Senate of Canada. Vol. 38. 3d session, 1903. [Ottawa.] 1903. = *7037.io 3S2 October Germany. Wuertemberg. Koenigliches statistisches Landesamt. Statistisches Handbuch fiir das Konig- reich Wiirttemberg. Jahrgang 1901. Stuttgart, 1902. Map. = *93i4.347a4 Honduras. Direccioii general de estadistica. Division politico territorial formada por la Direccion general de estadistica a cargo de Eduardo Guillen A. Teguci- galpo, 1896. = *93i7.283a3 Italy. Ministero delle finanze. Commissione censuaria centrale. Relazione della sotto-commissione in- caricata di riferire sui criteri seguiti e da seguirsi dalla Commisione cen- suaria centrale nelT esame delle tariffe d'estimo. Roma, 1904. 43 pp. = *9336.2045 United Kingdom. [An act for continuing an act . . . in- tituled, An act for encouraging the im- portation of naval stores from Her Majesties Plantations in America; and . . . from . . . Scotland . . . London, 1712.] 4 pp. **H.90.229 [An act for continuing an act, intituled, An act for encouraging the making of indigo in the British plantations in America.] London, 1755. 4 pp. **H.90.27o [An act for continuing several laws relat- ing to the punishment of persons going armed ... in defiance of the laws of customs . . . ; to the drawback of the duties upon copper bars exported . . . ] London, 1753. 12 pp. **930.269 [An act for the encouragement of the trade to America.] London, 1711. 5 pp.* **H.90.226 Census Office. The census of Ireland for the year 1861. Dublin, 1863-64. 5 parts in 7 v. = *93i4.i507a4 Parliament. Sessional papers, etc. The documents cited below, and without shelf-num- ber, may be seen on application at the Statistical Department. Africa, No. 7 (1904). Further corre- spondence respecting the administra- tration of the Independent State of Congo. London. [1904.] Africa. No. 8 (1904). Correspondence relating to the resignation of Sir Charles Eliot, and to the concession to the East Africa syndicate. London. [1904.] Bahamas. General descriptive report on the Bahama Islands; included the annual report for 1902. London, 1904. Board of Trade. British and foreign trade and industry. Memoranda, sta- tistical tables, and charts. London, 1903. Board of Trade. British cotton cultiva- tion. Report on cotton cultivation in the British Empire and in Egypt, by Wyndham Dunstan. London, 1904. Board of Trade. Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1903, with comparative statistics for 1894-1902. London, 1904. Board of Trade. Trade with Persia. Report on the condition and prospects of British trade in Persia, by H. W. Maclean. London, 1904. China. No. 3, 4 (1904). Despatch from His Majesty's minister at Peking, in- closing a report by George J. Kids- ton on a journey in Mongolia. Lon- don. [1904.] Illus. Map. Coolie immigration. Immigration ordi- nances of Trinidad and British Guiana. London, 1904. East India. (Education.) Progress of education in India, 1897-98 to 1901-02. Vol. I, 2. London, 1904. Egypt. No. I (1904). Report of His Majesty's agent and consul-general on the finances, administration and con- dition of Egypt and the Soudan in 1903. London. [1903.] Egypt. No. 2 (1904). Despatch from . . . the Consul-general at Cairo, in- closing a report by Sir William Gars- tin, upon the basin of the Upper Nile. London. [1904.] France. No. i (1904). Despatch to His Majesty's ambassador at Paris, for- warding agreements between Great Britain and France, April 8, 1904. London. [1904.] Foreign trade and commerce. Accounts relating to the trade and commerce of certain foreign countries and British possessions, including figures received up to 31st March, 1904. London, 1904. Miscellanies. No. i (1904). Papers re- specting the local transfer of personal property in certain foreign countries and British possessions. London. [1904.] - Royal commission on the militia and volunteers. Minutes of evidence taken. Vol. I, 2; Appendices. London, 1904. 3 V. Royal Commission on the militia and volunteers. Report. London, 1904. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence relating to the proposed introduction of indentured Asiatic (Chinese) labour into Southern Rhodesia. London, 1904. Transvaal. Correspondence relating to conditions of native labour employed in Transvaal mines. [Also, Further correspondence.] London, 1904. Transvaal and Orange River Colony. Correspondence relating to affairs in the Transvaal and Orange River Col- ony. London, 1904. FREE PUBLIC LECTURES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON TO BE GIVEN IN THE LOWELL INSTITUTE. (Founded in 1836 by John Lowell, Jr., and Established in iSsg.) Programme for 1904-1905. The Trustee of the Lowell Institute under the will of John Lowell, Jr., maintains annually in the City of Boston various Courses of Free Public Lectures. For the present — the sixty-sixth — season, four distinct Series are provided to all of which Admission is Free (but only under certain conditions), as follows: — I. Public Lectures, — in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street. II. School for Industrial Foremen, — under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. III. Teachers' School of Science, — under the Auspices of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History. IV. Courses for Workingmen, — under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. Further information in regard to the several Courses is given below. A. Lawrence Lowell, Trustee. W. T. Sedgwick, Curator. I. PUBLIC LECTURES IN HUNTING- TON HALL. Lowell Institute Lectures, open to the public, will be given this year, as in recent years, in Huntington Hall, Rogers Building, 491 Boylston Street, Boston. The several Courses will be announced in advance, with full particulars, in the Monthly Bulletin of the Boston Public Library and in the adver- tising columns of the Boston Evening Tran- script. Admission to all Lectures of the Lowell Institute is Free, but only by ticket and under certain conditions. The number of tickets is limited by the capacity of the Hall. Method of Ticket Distribution. Tickets will be distributed to the public, free of charge, as follows: — • Admission tickets to the first Lecture of each Course will be mailed, one to each ap- plicant, in the order of application, and until the supply is exhausted, to all persons apply- ing by letter more than two days before the beginning of any Course, to the Curator of the Lowell Institute, 491 Boylston Street, Boston, and enclosing a stamped, addressed envelope. Persons desiring to secure tickets for more than one Course must send a separate letter (and stamped, addressed envelope) for each Course. All letters will be placed on file, but, in general, no tickets for any Course will be mailed to applicants until a a few days before that Course begins. On and after the day on which a Course begins, any tickets left over for that Course may be obtained from the Janitor of the Lowell Institute, at 491 Boylston Street, be- tween the hours of 10 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. M.; or by sending to the Curator, with a specific request for such left over tickets, a stamped, addressed envelope. No tickets will be distributed, as hitherto, at the Cadets' Armory; and no tickets will 384 October be given out by the Janitor of the Lowell Institute for any Course before the day on which that Course begins. All persons attending the first Lecture of any Course may, just before entering the Hall, exchange their Admission tickets to the first Lecture for tickets good for the entire Course, which as far as possible, under the following arrangement, will entitle them to reserved seats: — In order to make the distribution fair, and to avoid a rush for the best seats, all Course tickets are placed beforehand in envelopes, some containing one ticket good for one reserved seat; some containing two or more tickets good for adjoining reserved seats; and (if the demand for tickets to the first lecture exceeds the number of reserved seats) some containing Course tickets good for admission only. The envelopes are then thoroughly shuffled, and at the first Lec- ture of any Course all who desire to do so may exchange their first-lecture Admission tickets at tables in the vestibule for en- velopes (shuffled as above described)- con- taining Course tickets, generally good for reserved seats. Persons wishing to sit together may, by surrendering at the same time their first- lecture Admission tickets, obtain envelopes containing Course tickets for adjoining seats. The exchange above described will begin at 7.15 p. M., and at 7.55 P. m. all exchange of Admission tickets for Course tickets will cease. Persons arriving after this time, but before the doors are closed, may still obtain admission to the Hall. A limited number of persons having no tickets of any kind may, as heretofore, ob- tain admission to the Hall (and often good seats) by waiting in line in the vestibule at the foot of the stairs. Persons obtaining tickets which they afterwards find they cannot use are re- quested to return them promptly to the Curator or the Janitor, for the benefit of other applicants. A History of the Lowell Institute, by Harriette Knight Smith, giving a complete list of the Lectures in previous years, the subjects of their lectures, etc., was pub- lished in 1898. The First Course will be seven lectures (in French) by Dr. Pierre Janet, of Paris, France, Professor of Experimental and Comparative Psychology at the College de France, Director of the Laboratory of Psy- chology of la Salpetriere, on Les Problemes Psychologiques de rHypnotisme. 1. Les etapes de I'hypnotisme, les problemes qu'il souleve. III. La memoire des somnambules et les personalites alternantes. III. Le pro- bleme de la suggestion. IV. Les operations subconscientes. V. Les limites de I'hypno- tisme et les phenomenes occultes. VI. La therapeutique psychologique. VII. Le retre- cissement du champ de la conscience et les oscillations du niveau mental. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, October 4. The Second Course will be eight lectures by C. Lloyd Morgan, LL.D., F.R.S., Princi- pal of University College, Bristol, England, on The Interpretation of Nature. I. Modes of Interpretation. II. The Basis of Expe- rience. III. Conditions of Explanation. IV. The Riddle of Life. V. From Life to Mind. VI. Doctrines of an Ego. VII. Human Pur- pose. VIII. Purpose in Nature. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, October 10. The Third Course will be three lectures by Rt. Hon. James Bryce, M.P., D.C.L., Author of "The Holy Roman Empire," "The American Commonwealth," etc., on Changes in the Last Half Century. Saturday, October 29; Weclnesday, No- vember 2, and Saturday, November 5, at 8 p. M. The same lectures will also be given in Huntington Hall on the afternoons of Mon- day, October 31, Thursday, November 3, and Saturday, November 5, at 3 p. m. The Fourth Course will be eight lectures by Albrecht Penck, Professor of Geography in the University of Vienna, Austria, on Selected Chapters in Physiography. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, November i. The Fifth Course will be eight lectures by Ettore Pais, Professor of Ancient History and Classical Antiquities in the University of Naples, and Member of the Academy of Sciences of Rome, on Legends of Early Roman History. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, November 7. The Sixth Course will be four lectures by James Ford Rhodes, LL.D., Author of A History of the United States from the Com- promise of 1850, on Reconstruction and Negro Suffrage. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p. m., be- ginning Wednesday, November 9. The Seventh Course will be eight lectures by Paul Milyoukov, Magister of Russian History, late Privat-Docent at the Univer- sity of Moscow and Professor at the Uni- versity of Sofia, etc., on The Russian Crisis. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., beginning Tuesday, November 29. The Eighth Course will be eight lectures by Thomas R. Lounsbury, LL.D., L.H.D., Professor of English in Yale University, on English Literature in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Friday evenings (only) at 8 o'clock, be- ginning Friday, January 6. The Ninth Course will be eight lectures by William T. Sedgwick, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Director of the Sanitary Re- search Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station at the Massachusetts Institute of / 1904 Technology, on The Sanitation of Cities and Towns. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, January 9. The Tenth Course will be eight lectures by George F. Moore, D.D., LL.D., Professor in Harvard University, on Judaism at the Beginning of the Christian Era. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin' ning Monday, February 20. The Eleventh Course will be six lectures by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, LL.D., on English Literature in the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 P. m., begin- ning Tuesday, February 28. IL EVENING SCHOOL FOR INDUS- TRIAL FOREMEN. Under the Auspices o'f the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the place of the Advanced Courses formerly given under the auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Trustee of the Lowell Institute has estab- lished a Free Evening School for Industrial Foremen, comprising at present two Courses, one Mechanical, the other Electrical, each extending over two years. These are intended to bring the systema- tic study of applied science within the reach of young men who are following industrial pursuits and desire t© fit themselves for higher positions, but are unable to attend day courses of instruction. The work of the school includes recita- tions, lectures, drawing-room practice, and laboratory exercises, and is given by mem- bers of the instructing staff of the Institute of Technology. Text-books are used in many of the subjects, but in some cases printed notes are supplied at cost. Students are expected to purchase such text-books, note-books, instruments, and other material as may be recommended or required. No reports of standing will be given to students, but those who fail to keep well up with the work, or to profit sufficiently by the instruction, will be informed that they are not qualified to pursue the Course with advantage. To those who satisfactorily complete the required Courses of the two years and pass the examinations certificates will be given. The present school year will begin Octo- ber 3, 1904, and close May 12, 1905. Attend- ance from 7.30 to 9.30 for three or four even- nings a week will be required, in addition to outside study. The entrance examinations are, in a measure, of a competitive nature, and considerable weight will be attached to the applicant's occupation and practical ex- perience. The school is open to those only who are ambitious and willing to study. The char- 385 acter and amount of the instruction is such that, if the student is not well fitted to take up the work of the school, it will not be possible for him to derive full benefit from it, or perhaps to maintain his standing. A circular giving detailed information re- garding the entrance examinations and other requirements may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to Prof. Charles F. Park, Director, Lowell Institute Free Evening School for Industrial Fore- men, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. TIL TEACHERS' SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Under the Auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. Free Lectures maintained by the Lowell Institute in the Teachers' School of Science of the Boston Society of Natural History will be given during the season as follows: — 1. Field Lessons in Botany, by Mr. Hol- lis Webster. 2. Field Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Al- bert P. Morse. 3. Field Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. 4. Laboratory Lessons in Botany, by Mr. Hollis Webster. 5. Laboratory Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Albert P. Morse. 6. Laboratory Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. 7. Courses in Chemistry and Physics (under certain conditions). 8. A Course of Lectures by Specialists in Physics, Geology, Geography, etc. The Field Lessons will be given in the spring and autumn. The Laboratory Les- sons will be given in the winter, beginning on November 19. Further particulars, with instructions how to obtain admission, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Curator, Teachers' School of Science, Boston Society of Natural History, 234 Berkeley St., Boston. IV. EVENING COURSES FOR WORKINGMEN. Under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. Free Instruction, especially arranged for workingmen, will be maintained by the Lowell Institute during the winter under the auspices of the Wells Memorial Insti- tute, as follows: — 1. On Practical Electricity. Twenty lec- tures for Beginners. By Prof. William L. Puffer. 2. On Mechanical Drawing. Twenty lec- tures for Beginners. By Mr. Harrison W. Hay ward. 386 3- On Machine Drawing. Twenty lec- tures for Advanced Students. By Mr. Har- rison W. Hayward. 4. On Practical Mechanics. Twenty lec- tures. By Mr. Harrison W. Hayward. 5. On Steam and Steam Engines. Twenty lectures for Beginners and Advanced Stu- dents. By Mr. Thomas Hawley. October 6. On Household Science, Cookery, etc. Fifteen lectures by Miss Anna Barrows. Further particulars, with instructions how to obtain admission, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Secretary, Lowell Free Courses, Wells Memorial Institute, 981 Washington Street, Boston. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. Central Library, HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. Week days. A.M. P.M. . . . 9 to lo^ . . Branches. 9 to 9" Brighton Charlestown. . . . ... 9 to 9^ Dorchester 9 to 9^ East Boston. . . . ... 9 to 9^ Jamaica Plain. ..... 9 to 9^ Roxbury , . . . 9 to 9^ South Boston. ..... 9 to 9^ South End. ...... 9 to 9^ West End 9 to 10^ West Roxbury 9 to 1 1 3 to 6^ Delivery Stations. Lower Mills 8 to 9 4 to 8* Roslindale 2 to 9^^ South End 2 to 9^ Mattapan 8 to 10 3 to 9^^ A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. J- L. M. N. P. Q. R. S. T. W. Y. Z. 22. Neponset. Mt. Bowdoin, Allston Ashmont. Dorchester Station. North Brighton. Crescent Avenue. . Mt. Pleasant. . . Broadway Extension. Upham's Corner. Warren Street. Roxbury Crossing. . Boylston. Ward Nine. . . . Industrial School. . Andrew Square. Orient Heights. North Street. All day. 2 to 9^' All day. All day. All day. 4 to 8« All day. 2 to 9^ 2 to 9^ 2 to 9 AH day. 2 to 9^ All day. 2 to 9^ 4 to 9^ 2 to 9^ 2 to 9^ I to 6« Sundays. P.M. P.M. 2 to 10^ to 92 to 92 to 92 to 9^ to 92 to 92 to 92 Closed. 2 to 10^ Closed. Closed. Closed. 2 to 6 7 to 9' Closed. Closed. Closed. Open. Closed. Closed. Closed. Open. Closed. 2 to 6 7 to 9^ Closed. Open. 2 to 6 7 to 9^ Open. Closed. Closed. Closed. Closed. Closed. ' Closed a-t 9 p.m. daily during June, July, August, and September. ' Open Sundays from November to April only. ' Saturdays until 8 p.m. * On Thursdays the afternoon hours at this station are from 4 to 7 p.m.; on other afternoons the station is closed between 6 and 7 p.m. During July and August the station is closed at 6 p.m., except on Saturdays. ^ Closed from 6 to 7 p.m. ^ Saturdays until 9 p.m. During July and August closed at 6 p.m.; on Saturdays, at 8 P.M. ' Open Sundaj'-s in winter only. * Also 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. " Closed at 6 p.m. during July and August, except on Saturdays. Closed between 6 and 7 p.m. during June, July, August, and September. " Closed at 6 p.m. during July and August; on Saturdays, at 8 p.m. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin. Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39, 46, 47, 51-56, 62-64, 67. 69, 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 1903. .10; by mail, .17 Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1492 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russian Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by mail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. .25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. The Fine and Decorative Arts: books in English suitable for small public libraries. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 12. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Economics: selected works in the English language. In Monthly' Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special CoUectipns. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5.00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application; by mail, each .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prince Library. Catalogue. i.oo Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. .15; by mail, .18 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from the Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No. 8. Health and Hygiene In Bulletin no. 97. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles I., & English Commonwealth. In Bulletinno.98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. II. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibliography. .50; by mail, .53 No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars. •25; by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789- .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,. 12 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .75; by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Booki of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding Lists. ^ /v^ MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON VoL IX. No. II. November, 1904. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904, TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. THOMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, 397 Shawmut Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. Avenue. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 571 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Reading Room, Columbia Rd. cor. Bird St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gorfe St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- settf, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. V CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM September 15 to October 15, 1904 The symbol = following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books* Lloyd's Register of American yachts, for 1904-5. New York. [i904-] Colored plates. *595444 dgilvie, John. The student's English dictionary. New edition, edited by Charles Annandale. London, 1903. Illiis. B.H.Ref. 242.6 (*6582.ii) Poor's Ready reference [railroad] bond list. (Edition of January, 1904-) New York, 1904. 94 PP- = *9385.973a30 Sanborn, Katharine Abbott, compiler. Indian summer calendar. [Hartford.] 1904. Fac-similes. = ' *A.78i7 Contains selections from various authors on old age. Smythe, Roland Mulville. Obsolete American securities and corpora- tions. New York, 1904. Plates. 9332.673313 Universal anthology, The. A collection of the best literature, ancient, medieval and modern, with notes. Edited by Richard Garnett, Leon Vallee, Alois Brandl. Westminster edition. London. [1899.] 33 V. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. *625i.35 Genealogy* Heraldry* Baker, Virginia. Massasoit's town, Sowams in Pokanoket. 4363.274 Warren, R. L, 1904. 43 pp. Contains genealogical notes. Blake, Martin Joseph. Blake family records. Series i. 1300- 1600. London, 1902. Plates. *6536.62 Carney, Sydney Howard, Jr. Genealogy of the Carney family, descend- ants of Mark Carney and Susanne Goux, his wife, of Pownalboro, Maine. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. Genealogical table. *4432.28o Dewing, Benjamin Franklin. Descendants of Andrew Dewing of Ded- ham, Mass. Boston, 1904. Portraits. *4433-357 Foster, Charles Wilmer, editor. Calendars of Lincoln wills. Vol. i. 1320- 1600. London, 1902. [The index librar3^] *2502.i58 Fothergill, Gerald. A list of emigrant ministers to America, 1690-1811. London, 1904. 68 pp. *3433.io9 Hardon, Henry Winthrop. Some of the ancestors and the children of Anna Hall Field, wife of Comfort Har- don. [Boston?] 1904. Broadside. = *4433-347 Lange, Carl, Genealogist. Stamm-Tafel des Hauses Sachsen genea- logisch, historisch und heraldisch darge- stellt. Leipzig, 1823. 7 genealogical tables. Coats of arms. *Cab. 28.12.3 Lothrop, Thomas Jackson. The Nicholas White family. Taunton, Mass., 1902. Genealogical table. *2332.i9 McCall, Hardy Bertram. Story of the family of Wandesforde of Kirklington & Castlecomer. With a calendar of historical manuscripts. Lon- don, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Genealogi- cal tables. Fac-similes. *653i.22 Playfair, William. 1759-1823. O'Brien. [London, 1811.] *653oa.i4 Inserted is an engraving of the Abbey of Cor- cumroe, where many of the O'Briens are buried. Ranney Memorial and Historical Associa- tion, Cromwell, Conn. Founders, fathers and patriots of Middle- town Upper Houses, since 1851, Crom- well, Conn. Middletown, Conn, 1903. 24 pp. Illus. Portraits. Map. = 4439.281 392 November Reade, Compton. The Smith family. Being a popular ac- count of most branches of the name — however spelt — from the fourteenth century downwards, with numerous pedi- grees. London, 1902. *6536.6o Towle, Alvin Freeman. 1842- , and others. Descendants of Jonathan Towle, 1747- 1822, of Hampton and Pittsfield, N. H. Boston, Mass., 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. *4439a.235 Wells, Harriette Hyde. Several ancestral lines of Moses Hyde and his wife Sarah Dana . . . Albany, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 4334.162 Biography* Collective Biographies. Harkins, Edward Francis, and Charles Haven Ladd Johnston. Little pilgrimages among the women who have written famous books. Boston, 1902. Portraits. 2349.132 Jones, A. Dumont. The illustrated American biography . . . Vol. 1-3. New York, 1853-55. Illus. Portraits. — 2342.48 The half-title of all three volumes reads : Part I. Embracing the period from the discovery by- Columbus, to the Declaration of Independence. No more was published, and these three vol- umes were afterwards combined in one and published under the title The American portrait gallery [2342.51]. Larroumet, Louis Barthelemy Gustave Paul. 1852-. Derniers portraits. Paris, 1904. 2649.162 Contents. — Le Due d'Aumale. — Charles Gar- nier. — Le Comte Henri Delaborde. — Gustave Moreau. — Alexandre Falguiere. Lossing, Benson John. The two spies, Nathan Hale and John Andre. [Also,] Anna Seward's Monody on Major Andre. New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. 2346.80 Magrath, John Richard, editor. The Flemings in Oxford. Being docu- ments selected from the Rydal papers, in illustration of the lives and ways of Oxford men. 1650-1700. Vol. i. Ox- ford, 1904. Portrait. [Oxford Histori- cal Society.] *2497.i9o Relates principally to Sir Daniel Fleming, Baro- net. Maugras, Gaston. Les demoiselles de Verrieres. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1904. Portraits. 46503.72 This was published formerly under the title Une courtisane au XVIIIe siecle. Wesleyan University, Middeltown, Conn. Wesley bicentennial. Middletown, 1904. Portraits. Plates. = 4496.402 Single Biographies. Alderman, Edward Anderson. Address on the life of WilHam Hooper, "The Prophet of American Independ- ence." Guilford Battle Ground, July 4, 1894. Chapel Hill. [1894.] 73 PP- Por- trait. _ Coat of arms. = 4447.330 Contains a genealogical table and notes. Alderson, Bernard. Arthur James Balfour, the man and his work. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. ^ 2543.186 Berzelius, Jons Jacob. Jakob Berzelius. Selbstbiographische Auf- zeichnungen. Herausgegeben von H. G. Soderbaum. Nach der wortlichen Ubersetzung von Emilie Wohler bear- beitet von Georg W. A. Kahlbaum. Por- trait. (In Monographien aus der Ge- schichte der Chemie. Heft 7. Leipzig, 1903.) *3973-26 The original Swedish is on shelf-number 2844.34. Bire, Edmond. 1829-. Armand de Pontmartin, sa vie et ses oeuvres. 1811-1890. Paris, 1904. Por- trait. 2672.19 Boger, Alnod John. The story of General Bacon: being a short biography of a Peninsula and Waterloo veteran. London, 1903. Por- trait. 652oa.53 Bradshaw, George S. Mrs. Kerenliappuch Turner; a heroine of 1776. An address on occasion of the unveiling of a monument to her mem- ory at the Guilford Battle Ground, July 4th, 1902. Greensboro. [1902.] 8 pp. = 4414.265 Bruce, Mary L., compiler. Anna Swanwick: a memoir and recollec- tions. London, 1903. Plates. 2544.156 Bibliography on the last page. Carus, Carl Gustav. 1789-1869. Gothe. In dessen naherem Verstandniss. Beigegeben ist eine Reihe bisher unge- druckter Briefe Gothe's an den Heraus- geber. Leipzig, 1843. = 4846.87 Clarke, Albert. In memory of William Millet Huntington, M.D. Boston, 1904. 22 pp. Portrait. = 4446.338 Clement, Louis. fitude d'histoire litteraire et de philologie. Henri Estienne et son oeuvre frangaise. Paris, 1899. Fac-similes. 2672.15 Cornish, Charles John. Sir William Henry Flower, K.C.B., late Director of the Natural History Mu- seum, and President of the Royal Zoological Society: a personal memoir. London, 1904. Portraits. 2543.188 List of published writings, pp. 251-263. Costa de Beauregard, Marie Charles Albert, Marquis. Prologue d'un regne. La jeunesse du roi Charles-Albert. 2e edition. Paris, 1892. Portrait. Plate. Fac-simile. 2716.15 1904 393 Epilogue d'un regne, Milan, Novare ct Oporto. Les dernieres annees du roi Charles-Albert. 2e edition. Paris, 1895. Portrait. 2716.16 Doniol, Jean Henri Antoine. Politiques d'aiitrefois. La Fayette dans la Revolution. Annees d'Amerique. Annees de pouvoir et annees de geole. ^ La veille dii Consulat. I775-I799- Paris, 1904, 2628.180 Douglas, James. 1837-. Robert Browning. New York. [1904-] 40 pp. Illus. Portraits. [The Book- man biographies.] = *R.9.237 Dowden, Edward. 1843-. Robert Browning. London, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. Fac-similes. [The Tem- ple biographies.] = 455344=*R-9-239-t Franklin, Benjamin. Life. Written by himself. Montpelier, 1809. Portrait. **K.i8.26 With a continuation by Dr. Stuber. Hannah, Henry King. Emerson as a religious teacher. A cen- tenary sermon. Concord, Mass., May 24, 1903. Concord, 1903. 28 pp. = 4449.305 Harrington, Thomas Francis. Dr. Samuel Fuller, of the Mayflower (1620), the pioneer physician. [Balti- more? 1903.] 21 pp. = 4445-393 References, pp. 20, 21. Lebey, Andre. Le Connetable de Bourbon, 1490-1527. Paris, 1904. Portraits. 2643.170 Lichnowsky, Felix Maria Vincenz Andreas, Flirst von. Erinnerungen aus den Jahren 1837, 1838 und 1839. Frankfurt am Main, 1841. 2 V. in I. 3097-35 Experiences during the Carlist wars in Spaiu. Ormerod, Eleanor Anne. Eleanor Ormerod, LL.D., economic ento- mologist. Autobiography and corre- spondence. Edited by Robert Wallace. London, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Maps. 2544.158 Roe, Daniel. 1740-1820. The diary of Captain Daniel Roe, an of- ficer of the French and Indian War and of the Revolution, Brookhaven, Long Island, during portions of 1806-7-8. With introduction and notes by Alfred Seelye Roe, a great-grandson. Worces- ter, 1904. 62 pp. Illus. Portraits. Fac- similes. *44i5.i48 The introduction contains some genealogical matter. Sachse, JuHus Friedrich. Benjamin Furly, "an English merchant at Rotterdam," who promoted the first German emigration to America. Phila- delphia, 1895. 32 pp. Plate. Fac-sim- iles. 4475.201 Bibliography, pp. 5, 6, 17. Contains a copy of Furly's manuscript criti- cisms of the Frame of government signed by Penn, April 25, 1682, &c. Salza, Abd-el-Kader. Luca Contile, uomo di lettere e di negozi del secolo XVI. Firenze, 1903. 2771.27 Bibliography, pp. 273-282. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. President Langdon of Harvard College. 1723-1797. [Boston, 1904.] 41 pp. = 4445-388 Segur, Pierre Marie Maurice Henri, Comte de. Le tapissier de Notre-Dame, les dernieres annees du marechal de Luxembourg, 1678-1695. 2e edition. Paris. [1904?] Portrait. Map. 4644.89 Sohier, William Davies. Elihu Burritt Hayes. A biographical sketch. [Lynn? 1903.] 18 pp. Por- trait. = 4447.328 Spinoza, Benedict de. 1632-1677. Spinozas Briefwechsel. Verdeutscht und versehen von J. Stern. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.462 Stryienski, Casimir. Le gendre de Louis XV., Don' Philippe, Infant d'Espagne et Due de Parme. Paris. [1904.] Portrait. 3095.30 Townshend, Dorothea. The life and letters of the great Earl of Cork. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 2440.78 Travali, Giuseppe, editor. Documenti su lo sbarco, la cattura e la morte di re Gioacchino Murat, al Pizzo. Palermo, 1895. 29 pp. = 2715.73 Most of the documents are signed Vito Nun- ziante. Walker, Joseph Burbeen. A paper on the toryism of Count Rum- ford. Concord, 1898. 16 pp. = 4345.313 History^ General. Ancient. IVIodern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Gardthausen, Victor Emil. Augustus und seine Zeit. Leipzig, 1891, 96. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Plans. 2752.45 Schierbrand, Wolf von. Arnerica, Asia and the Pacific, with spe- cial reference to the Russo-Japanese War and its results. New York, 1904. Maps. 3oi9b.i Sigonio, Carlo. Fasti consvlares, ac trivmphi acti a Ro- mulo rege usque ad Ti. Csesarem. Eivs- dem In fastos, et trivmphos, id est, in uniuersam Romanam historiam com- mentarius. Basileae, M.D.LIX. No. I in *279o.i4 Smith, William, LL.D. 1813-1893. A smaller history of Greece, to the Roman conquest. Enlarged and in part rewrit- 394' November ten by Carleton L. Brownson. With an introduction on ancient Oriental na- tions. New York. [1902.] Illus. Maps. 3079-132 Stuart, Donald, The struggle for Persia. London, 1902. Portrait. Plate. Map. 3048.250 Europe. Account, An, of a vindication of the English Catholicks from the pretended conspir- acy against the life and government of His Sacred Majesty, undertaking to dis- cover the chief falsities and contradic- tions contained in the narrative of Titus Gates, &c. London, 1681. 36 pp. **H.88,96 A'ddy, Sidney Oldall, editor. Cartse xvi. ad Abbatiam Rupensem spec- tantes. Hactenus ineditse. XVL char- ters of Roche Abbey, now first pub- lished, with an introduction and English summary. Sheffield, 1878. 34 pp. 24393.60 Ballard, Adolphus. The Domesday boroughs. Oxford, 1904. Maps. 65203.51 Boulger, Demetrius Charles. The History of Belgium. Part i. London, 1902. Illus. Portraits. 4826.77 Cabie, Edmond, editor. Ambassade en Espagne de Jean £brard, seigneur de Saint-Sulpice, de 1562 a 1565, et mission de ce diplomate dans ie meme pays en 1566. Albi, 1903. 4612.67 Combet, Joseph. Louis XI et le Saint-Siege (1461-1583). Paris, 1903. 2614.11 Bibliographic, pp. 9-18. Doughty, John. 1598-1672. The Kings cavse, rationally, briefly, and plainly debated, as it stands de facto. [Anon. London.] 1644. 46 pp. **H.88.ioo Relates to Charles I., of England. F., E., Philopatris, pseud. News from Hell: or a speech of a ghost of one of the old kings of Ormus . . . London, 1680. 8 pp. **H.88.93 This is an allegorical poem on the reign of Charles II., of England. Farrer, W., publisher. The history of Ripon . . . Added, a de- scription of Fountains Abbey, Studley, and Hackfall. Ripon, 1801. ^2468.96 Ferguson, Robert, ejected Non-conformist divine. -1714. The knot unty'd: or, the association dis- banded. London, 1682. 30 pp. **H.88.98 Contains the paper which was seized in the Earl of Shaftsbury's closet, by Fran. Gwin. Relates to the succession of James II., of Eng- land. [Few words. A, among many, about the touchy point of succession, humbly pro- posed to timely consideration against the Session of Parliament. London? 1681?] 7 pp. **H.88.ioi Relates to James II. and the Popish Plot. Field, The, of bloud: or, rebellion blazoned in all its colours. London, 1681. 36 pp. **H.88.94 This is an account of political events in the reign of Henry III., of England. Ford, Guy Stanton. Hanover and Prussia 1795-1803. A study in neutrality. New York, 1903. [Colum- bia University. Faculty of Political Sci- ence. Studies in history, economics and public law.] *3563.iio.i8.3 Great Britain. Royal Commission on His- torical Manuscripts. Calendar of the manuscripts of the Mar- quis of Bath preserved at Longleat, Wiltshire. Vol. i. London, 1904. *7ioi.86 Handbuch des Deutschtums im Auslande. Einleitung von Fr. Paulsen. Statis- tische, geschichtliche und wirtschaft- liche Uebersicht von F. H. Henoch. Adressbuch der deutschen Ausland- schulen von W. Dibelius und G. Lenz. . . . Berlin, 1904. Maps. 2821.85 Huebner, Joseph Alexander, Graf von Neuf ans de souvenirs d'un ambassadeur d'Autriche a Paris, sous le Second Em- pire, 1851-1859. Publics par son fils le comte Alexandre de Hiibner. Paris, 1904. Portrait. 2615.74 Henard, Robert. Le Mont-Valerien: I'ermitage; Le Cal- vaire; La forteresse. Paris, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. Plan. 2637.18 Jaray, Gabriel Louis. La politique franco-anglaise et I'arbitrage international. Paris, 1904. 2679.264 Jones, Griffith Hartwell. The dawn of European civilization. Lon- don, 1903. 2305.15 List of authorities, pp. 535-538. Koeniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wis- senschaften, Munich. Historische Commission. Die Chroniken der deutschen Stadte vom 14. bis in's 16. Jahrhundert. [Heraus- gegeben von C. von Hegel.] Leipzig, 1862-1896. 25 V. Maps. Tables. Fac- similes. *4824.72 Late keepers. The, of the English liberties, drawn to the life. London, 1680. 10 pp. **H.88.95 This is a satire on Members of Parliament in the reign of Charles II. Mathiez, Albert. Les origines des cultes revolutionnaires (1789-1792). Paris, 1904. 2612.101 Ripley, Henry, of Hampton, England. The history and topography of Hampton- on-Thames. London, 1885. Plate. *2468.i89 Roscoe, Thomas. 1791-1871. Legends of Venice. Illustrated by J. R. Herbert. London. [1840.] 6 pp. Plates. = 4761.25 Routier, Gaston. Le couronnement d'Alphonse XIII., roi d'Espagne. Paris. [1902?] Illus. Por- traits. 3090.129 1904 395 [Scotch-mist, The, cleared up, to prevent EngHshmen from being wet to the skin. Being a true account of the proceedings against Archibald, Earl of Argyle, for high-treason. London? 1681.] 46 pp. **H.88.97 Relates to a religious test imposed on public servants in Scotland. Shea, John Gilmary, continuator and editor. A general history of modern Europe, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the Council of the Vatican. 3d edi- tion. New York, 1898. Table. 2307.38 Smith, Robert John. 1856-. Ireland's renaissance. Dublin, 1903. 45i7-i8i A study of present-day conditions in Ireland. Vanel, Gabriel, editor. Recueil de journaux caennais, 1661-1777. Paris, 1904. [Societe de I'histoire de Normandie.] 2623.117 Vivian, Herbert Leigh. The Servian tragedy. With some impres- sions of Macedonia. London, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. Plan. 3085.157 Walpole, Sir Spencer. 1839-. The history of twenty-five years. Vol. I, 2. 1856-1870. London, 1904. 2424.26 Relates to the history and foreign relations of Great Britain. Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. The story of London. Illustrated by W. H. Godfrey, K. Kimball, H. Railton, etc. London, 1904. Illus. Map. Plans. [Medi- aeval towns.] 2499.98 Whitman, Sidney. Imperial Germany. A critical study of fact and character. Meadville, Pa., 1897. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Autograph fac-similes. [Chautauqua Reading Cir- cle literature.] =: 28293.78 America. Adams, Samuel. 1 722-1803. Writings. Collected and edited by Harry Alonzo Gushing. Vol. i. New York, 1904. 2392.74 Aldana, Abelardo. The Panama Canal question. A plea for Colombia. 2d edition (enlarged). Car- diff, 1903. 44 pp. = 4461.164 A'Lord, George. A short narrative and military experience of Corp. G. A'Lord . . . Containing a four year's history of the War, . . . N. p. [186-?] 80 pp. Portrait. Plate. 2329.1 i3=*"20th".52. 1 5 American Philosophical Society, Philadel- phia. Documents relating to the purchase & exploration of Louisiana. Printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the society. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Map. *4325.86 Contents. — The limits and bounds of Louisiana. By Thomas Jefferson. — The exploration of the Red, the Black, and the Washita Rivers. By William Dunbar. Andre, John, Major. 1751-1781. Andre's Journal. An authentic record of the movements and engagements of the British Army in America, from June, 1777 to November, 1778. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Boston, 1903. 2 v. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. [Bibliophile Society.] *6543.97 Contains fac-simile reproductions of manuscript maps and plans drawn by Andre. Barker, Wharton. Our Canadian relations. A letter to Hon. James A. Garfield. [Philadelphia, 1880?] 8 pp. = 4425.34 Advocates a customs union, in preference to rec- iprocity, between the United States and Canada. Brown, George Washington, M.D. False claims of Kansas historians truth- fully corrected. Rockford, 111., 1902. Portrait. *"20th".23.44 Principally a refutation of the claim that the rescue of Kansas from slavery was due to John Brown. Burrage, Henry Sweetser. The Plymouth colonists in Maine. [Port- land? 1899.] 31 pp. = 4435.232 Crossley, William J. Extracts from my diary, and from my experiences while boarding with Jeffer- son Davis, in three of his notorious hotels. Providence, 1903. 49 pp. [Per- sonal narratives of events in the War of the Rebellion.] *4324.77.ser.6, no.4 Ewing, E. E. The story of the Ninety-first. [In verse.] Read at a re-union of the Ninety-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Portsmouth, Ohio, April 8, 1868. Ports - mouth, 1868. 25 pp. *"20th".ioo.83 First book, The, of the dying state of Fed- eralism. Added, the Federal obituary. [Boston? 1804.] 12 pp. **H.88.92 This celebrates the election of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency in 1804. Forsyth, Frederic Gregory, Viscount de Fronsac. Political history of Canada. By the Vis- count de Fronsac. St. Johns. [1904?] 68 pp. = 4314.227 Goebel, Julius. Das Deutschtum in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Miinchen, 1904. 93 pp. [Der Kampf um das Deutschtum.] 2814.25 Henderson, W. A., Colonel. Kings Mountain and its campaign. An address on occasion of the unveiling of a monument to its heroes at Guilford Battleground, July 4th, 1903. Greens- boro. [1903.] 26 pp. = 4414.264 Ingalls, Eleazer S. Centennial history of Menominee County. [Michigan.] Menominee, 1876. 72 pp. Illus. = 4374-90 James, Charles Canniff. Early history of Amherstburg. Amherst- burg, 1902. 23 pp. Plans. [Ontario Historical Society.] = 4314.217 396 Novemb el- Johnson, Hannibal A. The sword of honor. From Captivity to freedom. Providence, 1903. 72 pp. [Personal narratives of events in the War of the Rebellion.] *4324.77.ser.6,no.6 •Kellogg, Sanford Cobb. The Shenandoah Valley and Virginia. 1861 to 1865. A war study. New York. [1903.] *"20th".3o.76 Lancaster, N. H. The centennial celebration of the settle- ment, July 14, 1864. Lancaster. [1864.] 72 pp. *4436.24i Leonard, Daniel. 1 740-1829. The origin of the American contest with Great-Britain, or the present political state of the Massachusetts-Bay, in gen- eral, and the Town of Boston in par- ticular . . . New-York, 1775. 87 pp. **G.388.39 A reprint, by James Rivington, with added title-page, of the original edition, which has the same imprint. The title-page of the original edi- tion reads: The present political state of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in general, and the Town of Boston in particular ... By a Native of New-England. [Lettres patentes du Roi, concernant la yente & la discussion des biens, meublcs & immeubles de la Compagnie & So- ciete des Jesuites, en la Colonic de la Louisiane. Paris, 1764.] 4 pp. *43ioa.235 Signed Dufranc. Lucking, Alfred. 1856- The union of Democracy. Address deliv- ered before the Lewis Cass Club, De- troit, Dec. 31, 1903. Boston, Mass., 1904. 8 pp. = 4229.165 Mace, William Harrison. A school history of the United States. Chicago. [1904.] lUus. Portraits. Maps. = 4329.191 Maryland and the Glorious Old Third in the War for the Union. Reminiscences in the life of her "militant" Chaplain and Major Samuel Kramer. By his esteemed friend and co-laborer. Washington, 1882. 40 pp. *"20th".4ic.3 Massachusetts. General Court. State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, June 5, 1780. Whereas a requisition has been made to this Court for a reinforcement for the Continental Army . . . Resolved, That there be three thousand nine hundred and thirty-four men raised within the several tows [sic] and plantations in this State. [Boston, 1780.] 4 pp. **G.383.39 Meynier, A., Jr. Life and military services of Col. Charles D. Dreux. New Orleans, 1883. 36 pp. Portrait. *"20th".5i.23g Contains a roster of the Dreux Battalion (ist Louisiana Special). Molinas, Florencio T., editor. Apuntes y documentos historicos de la Confederacion Argentina del Dr. Nica- hor Molinas. Buenos Aires, 1897. 87 pp. Portrait. 4317.181 Relates to the political history of the Argentine Republic, 1851 to 1857. Mower-man, The, pseud. The Hayfield Mower and Scythe of Prog- ress. Volume I. Numbers i to 26. Bos- ton. [1904.] = 4502.163 This is a satire on civilization in the United States. Musgrove, Richard Watson. History of Bristol, Grafton County, New Hampshire. Bristol, 1904. 2 v. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plan. 4436.251 Contents. — i. Annals. 2. Genealogies. Nachtigall, Herrman. Geschichte des 75sten Regiments, Pa. Vols. . . . Philadelphia, 1886. 11 pp. *"20th".4ib.75 New Jersey. Militia. 13th Regiment. Report of the Monument Committee of the Veteran Association. New Bruns- wick, 1887. 63 pp. *"20th".6o.ii Ohio. Militia, nth Regiment. Infantry. Roster and proceedings of the I7th-20th reunions. Reported by T. L. Steward, Secy. Dayton. [i890?-i893?] 2 v. in i. *"20th".73.ii Orr, George. The possession of Louisiana by the French, considered, as it affects the interests of those nations more immedi- ately concerned, viz. Great Britain, America, Spain, and Portugal. London, ' 1803. 45 pp. 4377-166 Putney, Mark H. Real estate values and historical notes of Chicago. Chicago, 1901. = *4376.i8i Rood, Henry H. History of Company "A," Thirteenth Iowa Veteran Infantry, from September 12th, 1861, to July 2ist, 1865. Cedar Rapids, 1889. 34 PP- *"20th".43g.i3.Co.A Rosengarten, Joseph George. American history from German archives, with reference to the German soldiers in the Revolution, and Franklin's visit to Germany. Lancaster, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Coats of arms. Maps. Fac- similes. = 4414.270 Relates to the Hessians in the American Revo- lution. Shirley, William, Governor of Massachu- setts. 1693-1771- Memoirs of the principal transactions of the last war between the English and French in North-America. Containing in particular an account of the impor- tance of Nova Scotia or Acadie, and the island of Cape Breton to both nations. [Anon.] 3d edition. Boston, 1758. 7^ pp. **G.388.4i Slafter, Edmund Farwell. Landing of the Hessians, 1776. A paper, Boston, 1904. 10 pp. = 4414.263 Smith, Rufus Biggs. The principles for which the American Revolution was fought. An address be- fore the Ohio Society Sons of the Revo- 1904 397 lution . . . February 22, 1904, [Cincin- nati?] 1904. 20 pp. = 4228.243 Relates to imperialism. Soto Hall, Maximo. De Mexico a Honduras. (El viaje de Hernan Cortes.) San Jose, 1900. = 4319.142 South Carolina. Commissioner of Confed- erate Rolls. Report ... to the General Assembly. 1903. Columbia, S. C, 1904. = 4322.153 Sparks, Edwin Erie. The beginnings of Chicago. [Chicago, 1903.] 15 pp. Illus. Maps. = 4376.180 Speed, Thomas. Who fought the battle. Strength of the Union ^and Confederate forces com- pared. [Louisville, Ky., 1904.] 31 pp. = 2322.120 Spooner, Henry Joshua. The Maryland campaign with the Fourth Rhode Island. Providence, 1903. 27 pp. [Personal narratives of events in the War of the Rebellion.] *4324.77.ser.6. no. 5 Sprague, Homer Baxter. [The right and the wrong in our Civil War. By an old soldier. Boston, 1903.] 12 pp. = 2329.130 Stearns, Frank Preston. True republicanism; or, the real and ideal in politics. Philadelphia, 1904. Por- trait. 4229.171 Surby, Richard W. Grierson raids, and Hatch's sixty-four days march, with biographical sketches and the life and adventures of Chicka- saw, the Scout [L. H. Naron]. Chicago, 1865. Portraits. Plates. *"20th".30.77 United States. Adjutant General. [General orders. Nos. 1-107. Depart- ment of the Gulf. Maj. Gen. B. F. But- ler commanding. Ship Island, etc., 1862.] *"20th".I0.52 Vermont. Adjutant General. Muster rolls of the Vermont regiments mustered into the service of the United States since the commencement of the Rebellion. Rutland, 1862. *"20th".i3b.i Walker, Joseph Burbeen. The New Hampshire Covenant of 1774. Concord, 1903. 12 pp. Fac-similes. = 4414.266 Wilbur, Lafayette. Early history of Vermont. Jericho, 1899- 1903. 4 V. Portrait. Plate. 4437.180 Wood, Major William, of Quebec. The fight for Canada. Westminster, 1904. Map. = 4317-30 Wyoming Commemorative Association. Report of the proceedings ... on the occasion of the [i04th-iioth,] 121st, I22d, 125th Anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming. [Wilkes- Barre? 1899-] 1903. Portrait. =: *237749 York, Maine. 1652-1902. Program of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the town. [York? 1902.] 12 pp. = 4435-233 Fine Arts* Archaeology. Antiquities. Davies, Norman de Garis. The rock tombs of El Amarna. Part i. The tomb of Meryra. London, 1903. Plates. [Archaeological Survey of Egypt.] 3050.185 Melanges Perrot. Recueil dc memoires con- cernant I'archeologie classique, la litte- rature et I'histoire anciennes. Dedie a Georges Perrot ... a I'occasion du 5oe anniversaire de son entree a I'ficole nor- male superieure. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portrait. Map. *296oa.77 Vaglieri, Dante. Gli scavi recenti nel Foro Romano [e] Supplemento i. Roma, 1903. 2 v. in i. Illus. Plans. 2731.6 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Albee, Helen Rickey. Abnakee rugs. A manual describing the Abnakee industry, the methods used, with instructions for dyeing. 2d edition. Cambridge, 1903. 60 pp. Plate. 8029.36 Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of an exhibition of works by Chicago artists . . . January 28 to Feb- ruary 28, 1904. Chicago, 1904. 39 pp. Plate. Plans. = 4079.259 Biermann, Georg. Verona. Leipzig, 1904. Illus. [Beriihmte Kunststatten.J 4074.267 Boston Art Club. Catalogue of the American Exhibition of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers of London. [Bos- ton, 1904.] 29 pp. = 8079.238 Bridgman, Frederick Arthur. L'anarchie dans I'art, traduit de I'anglais. Paris. [1898.] 4079.263 Capart, Jean. Les debuts de I'art en figypte. Bruxelles, 1904. Illus. 4073-305 Copenhagen. Det gamle Glyptothek paa Ny Carlsberg. Den segyptiske Samling ved Valdemar Schmidt. [Kj^benhavn.] 1899. Illus. = 4079.276 Detzel, Heinrich. 1842- Christliche Ikonographie. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1894, 96. 2 v. Illus. 4074.364 Fouquet, Jean. I4i5?-i485. Fac-similes of two "Histoires" by Jean Foucquet, from vols. I. and II. of the Anciennetes des Juifs [by Josephus] . . . Added a notice with two photogravures and four three-colour photographs of four detached pages from a manuscript of the fifteenth century of the "Faits des Romains," as it occurs at the end of some manuscripts of the "Histoire an- cienne jusqu'a Caesar." London, 1903. 2 V. in I. 9 plates. = *Cab.8o.97.5 398 November Lange, Julius Henrik. Die menschliche Gestalt in der Geschichte der Kunst. Herausgegeben von P. Kobke. Aus dem danischen iibertragen von Mathilde Mann. Strassburg, 1903. 98 plates. 4073-303 McLean Hospital, Waverly, Mass. Art Room. A report and an appeal. March, 1897-1904. Waverly, 1904. 16 pp. Plates. = 4077.287 Musees royaux des arts decoratifs et indus- triels, Brussels. Exposition d'oeuvres de Lucien Magne . . . et de Marcel Magne. Catalogue et notes explicatives. Bruxelles, 1901. 59 pp. Illus. = 4097.150 Society of Western Artists. Catalogue of the annual exhibition. 8th. [Chicago, 1904.] 23 pp. = 8078.196 Supino, Igino Benvenuto. Arte pisana. Firenze, 1904. Illus. *4072.io8 Bibliografia, pp. 319-323. Walters, Henry Beauchamp. Greek art. London, 1904. Plates. [Little books on art.] 40793.294 Architecture. Architectural Ornament. Bartolo, Salvatore di. Monografia sulla cattedrale di Palermo. Palermo, 1903. Illus. Plan. 41003.27 Borrmann, Richard. Die Baukunst des Altertums und des Islam im Mittelalter. Leipzig, 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. 4092.127 Haudebourt, Louis Pierre. Le Laurentin, maison de campagne de Pline le Jeune, restituee d'apres la de- scription de Pline. Paris, 1838. Illus. Plan. 2732.31 Home, Percy. The cathedral churches of England and Wales. With notes by Percy Home. 2d edition. London. [1902.] 35 plates. 4105.81 Latham, Charles. In English homes. The internal charac- ter, fvrnitvre & adornments of some of the most notable houses of England, historically depicted from photographs. London. [1904.] Illus. *Cab.6o.69.6 Loring, George F. The Old State House: As it is. 1876. As it was. 1748. [2 views. Boston, 1876.] *Cab.23.52.4 Piper, Otto. Osterreichische Burgen. Wien, 1902, 03. 2 v. Illus. Plans. 40903.111 Sauer, Bruno Wilhelm. Der Weber-Laborde'sche Kopf und die Giebelgruppen des Parthenon. Berlin, 1903. Illus. 29603.81 Schultz, Alwin. 1838-. Das hausliche Leben der europaischen Kulturvolker vom Mittelalter bis zur zweiten Halfte des XVIII. Jahrhunderts. Miinchen, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Fac- similes. 2215. II Relates principally to Germany and France. Tanner, Henry, Jr. Old English doorways. Illustrated on . . . plates reproduced . . . from photo- graphs specially taken by W. Gals- worthy Davie. London, 1903. 56 pp. Illus. 79 plates. Plans. 4094.137 Artists. Bell, Nancy R. E. James McNeill Whistler. London, 1904. 72 pp. Portraits. Plates. [Bell's Minia- ture series of painters.] 40893.180 Blnyon, Robert Lawrence. William Strang. New York, 1904. 11 pp. = 40893.142 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. G. F. Watts. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. [The popular library of art.] 40893.153 Richter M3ppe. Herausgegeben vom Kunst- wart. Miinchen. [1903.] 2 pp. Por- trait. 6 plates. = *C3b.8o.i33.4 Rocco, Serafino. Girgenti. Enrico Mauceri: Da Segesta a Selinunte. Bergamo, 1903. Illus. , ^ 4073.313 Wiegsnd, Otto. Adolf Dauer. Ein Augsburger Kiinstler am Ende des XV und zu Beginn des XVI Jahrhunderts. Strassburg, 1903. 15 plates. 4074-353 Drawing. Copley Society, Boston. Loan collection. Etchings, dry points & lithographs. [Bv J. A. McN. Whistler. Boston.] 1904. 33 pp. = No. 2 in *4079.265 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. School of Drawing and Painting. [Announcement.] Boston. [1900.] 9 pp. = 8078.195 Engraving. K3Utzsch, Rudolf Friedrich. 1868-. Die Holzschnitte zum Ritter vom Turn (Basel 1493). Strassburg, 1903. 24 pp. 48 plates. *4074-354 Contains fac-similes of the original woodcuts. M3rtor3n3, Pietro, editor. Ricordi di alcuni considerevoli oggetti di belle arti esisenti nel regno di Napoli [nel Real museo Borbonico]. Napoli, 1855. 4 pp. 50 plates. = 8065.183 Vervielf3eltigende Kunst, Die, der Gegen- wart. Wien, 1887-1903. 4 v. Illus. Portraits. *C3b.8o.i28.2 Contents. — i. Der Holzschnitt. 2. Die Kup- ferstich. 3. Die Radirung. 4. Lithographie. Vols. I and 2 were edited by Carl von Lutzow, vol. 3 by R. Graul and vol. 4 by R. Graul and F. Dornhoffer. 1904 399 Landscape Gardening. Parks. Programme of the meetings of the Ameri- can Park and Outdoor Art Association and of the American League for Civic Improvement, to be held in . . . St. Louis, Mo. . . . June 9-1 1, 1904. [Roch- ester, N. Y.] 1904. 4 pp. = 399oa.i6 Accompanied by a circular setting forth a plan for merging the two societies. V Music. Musicians. Albert, Heinrich. 1604-1668. Arien. Herausgegeben von Eduard Ber- noulH. Leipzig, 1903, 04. 2 v. [Denk- maler deutscher Tonkunst.] *8o40.85, ser. 1.12, 13 AUix, G. Sur les elements dont s'est formee la per- sonnalite artistique de Berlioz. Greno- ble, 1903. 72 pp. 4045.106 Althaus, Basil. Advice to pupils & teachers of the violin. London, 1903. Illus. Portrait. 4048.220 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Neue Beethovenbriefe. Herausgegeben von Alfred Christlieb Kalischer. Berlin, 1902. 4045.122 Boutet de Monvel, ^Itienne. Un artiste d'autrefois. Adolphe Nourrit. Sa vie et sa correspondance. Paris, 1903. Portraits. 4049a.24i Brown, Mary Elizabeth, and William Adams Brown. Musical instruments and their homes. A complete catalogue of the collection of musical instruments now in the posses- sion of Mrs. J. Crosby Brown. New York, 1888. Plates. *4040.i28 Buhle, Edward. Die musikalischen Instrumente in den Miniaturen des friihen Mittelalters. Leipzig, 1903. Illus. 4044.173 Buxtehude, Dietrich. 1668-1707. Abendmusiken und Kirchenkantaten. He- rausgegeben von Max Seiffert. Leipzig, 1903. *8o40.85.ser.i.i4 Chevalley, Heinrich. ■ Fra Diavolo oder das Gasthaus in Terra- cina. Komische Oper. Textlich und musikalisch erlautert. Leipzig. [1902.] 37 pp. *4048.i84.8 Chop, Max. „Odysseus' Tod." Musik-Tragodie von August Bungert [**M.382.5]. Textlich und musikalisch erlautert. Leipzig. [1903 ] No. 6 in *4048.i84.7 Crowest, Frederick James. Catechism of musical history and biog- raphy. With especial reference to the English school. London. [1903.] 4049a.245 Elson, Louis Charles. The history of Arnerican music. New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Fac-sim- iles. [History of American art.] 4043.128 Bibliography, pp. 367, 368. Fleming, George T. A treatise on the training of boys' voices, with examples and exercises, and chap- ters on choir-organization. London. [1903.] 94 pp. 4048.226 Foucault, Alphonse G., fiveque de Saint Die. Le rhyme du chant gregorien d'apres Gui d' Arezzo. Paris, 1903. 47 pp. 4042.146 Freisauff, Rudolf von. Mozart's Don Juan, 1787-1887. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte dieser Oper. Salz- burg, 1887. Portraits. Plate. Fac-sim- ile. 4044.174 Bibliography, pp. vii, viii, 181-186. Gastoue, Amedee. Histoire du chant liturgique a Paris. Tome I. Paris, 1904. 4044.179 Geisberg, Max. Der Meister der Berliner Passion und Is- rahel van Meckenem. Studien zur Ge- schichte der westfalischen Kupferstecher im fiinfzehnten Jahrhundert. [Theil i.] Strassburg, 1903. Illus. *4074.352 Gilbert, William Schwenck. The grand duke; or the statutory duel. A comic opera. Written by W. S. Gilbert. Composed by Arthur Sullivan. London, 1896. 54 pp. - ■ 8058.212 Libretto only. Graun, Carl Heinrich. Montezuma. Oper. [Text von Friedrich den Grossen. Ubersetzt von J. P. Ta- gliazucchi]. Herausgegeben von Albert Mayer-Reinach. Leipzig, 1904. *8o40.85, ser.i, 15 Halvorsen, Johan. Norwegische Bauerntanze [Slatter) fur die Geige Solo wie dieselben auf der norwegischen Bauernfiedel gespielt werden . . . Leipzig. [189-?] 20 pp. 8053-273 Hartmann, Ludwig. Die Basoche. Komische Oper von Alb. Carre. Einfiihrung in Handlung und Musik von Ludwig Hartmann. Leipzig. [1902.] 28 pp. No. 5 in *4048.i84.9 Kufferath, Maurice. The Parsifal of Richard Wagner. With accounts of the Perceval of Chretien de Troies and the Parzival of Wolfram von Eschenbach. Translated from the French ... by Louise M. Henermann . . . Introduction by H. E. Krehbiel. New York, 1904. Plates. 8047.131 Lyon & Healy. The Hawley collection of violins, with a history of their makers. Chicago, 1904. Illus. Portrait. *4040.i26 Many of the plates are colored. Marx, Adolph Bernhard. Die Lehre von des musikalischen Kompo- sition, praktisch theoretisch. Neu bear- beitet von Hugo Riemann. Teil i. 10. Auflage. Leipzig, 1903. 4053-57 An English translation of the 3d edition [4043.68] is on shelf-number 4047.66. Matthews, John, Musician. 1856-. The violin music of Beethoven. London, 1902. Portrait. 4048.219 400 November Mayson, Walter H. Violin making. London, 1902. Portrait. Plates. 4048.218 Morillot, Paul. Berlioz ecrivain. Grenoble, 1903. 50 pp. 4043.124 Morris, William Meredith. British violin-makers, classical and mod- ern. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. 4044.177 Nejedly, Zdenek. Deijny ceske hudby. V Praze. [1903.] ^ Illus. Portraits. 4048.208 Paine, Robert Treat, formerly Thomas. 1773-1811- Adams and liberty. The Boston patriotic song. Written by Thomas Paine, A. M. 3d edition corrected. Boston. [18 — ?] 2 pp. No. 2 in **H.90.2io This edition contains two pages of engraved music and the words. The music is taken from the tune "To Anacreon in Heaven," which has been attributed to Samuel Arnold and to John Stafford Smith. Philadelphia Orchestra, Philadelphia. Programmes. 1902-1904. [Philadelphia, 1902-04.] 2 V. = *4043.246 Pommer, W. H. The student's Mother Goose, 50 songs for male chorus. St. Louis. [1895.] 86 pp. 8056.226 Ripley, Frederic H., and Thomas Tapper, Jr. Harmonic first reader. New York. [1903.] Illus. = 8059.211 Harmonic second reader. New York. [1903.] Illus. = 8059.212 Harmonic third reader. New York. [1903.] 8057.144 Contains songs, with music. Harmonic fifth reader. (With bass.) New York. [1904.] = 8059.216 Harmonic fifth reader. (Without bass.") New York. [1904.] = 8059.215 Harmonic primer. New York. [i903-] Illus. = 8059.210 Segnitz, Eugen. Oberon. Romantische Oper. Nach dem Englischen des J. Planche von Theodor Hell. Historisch-asthetische Einfiih- rung von E. Segnitz. Leipzig. [1902.] 59 pp. No. 10 in *4048.i84.8 Somanatha. The musical compositions of Somanatha, critically edited, with a table of nota- tions, by Richard Simon. Leipzig, 1904. 38 pp. 4046.194 "Form the verses 37-166 in the 5th chapter of his Ragavibodha." Teibler, Hermann. Manon. Oper. Text von Henri Meilhac und Philipp Gille . . . Textlich und mu- sikalisch erlautert von Hermann Teibler. Leipzig. [1903?] 34 pp. No. 9 in *4048.i84.9 Tolhurst, Henry. 1854-. Gounod. London, 1904. 63 pp. Portraits. Fac-similes. [Bell's Miniature series of musicians.] 4049a.229 Bibliography, pp. 54, 55, (i). SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING OCTOBER, 1904. Arne, Thomas Augustine. Lyric harmony, consisting of eighteen entire new ballads^ with Colin and Phaebe, in score. Op. quarta. London. [1799.] — Same. Second volume, with Damon and Cloe in score. Opera quinta. — Thomas and Sally. A dramatic pastoral . . . for the voice, harpsichord and violin. London. [1743.] Barbier, Frederic fitienne. La noce a Suzon. Operette en un acte. Partition piano et chant. Paris. [186-?] Bernicat, Firmin. Une aventure de Clairon. Operette en i acte. Partition piano et chant. Paris. [187-?] Billington, Thomas. Celadon and Amelia. [Vocal score with accomp. for piano.] London. [1791.] Birch, Edward Henry. Via Crucis. Cantata for Lent and Passion-tide. [For voices and organ.] London. [189-?] Boyce, William. The shepherds lottery. A musical entertainment. [For voices & instruments.] London. [1750.] Chaumet, William. La petite maison. Opera comique en 3 actes. Partition piano et chant. Paris, 1903. Chausson, Ernest. Quatuor en la majeur pour piano, violon, alto et violoncelle. Op. 30. Paris. [189-?] Debussy, Claude Achille. La demoiselle elue. Poeme lyrique . . . pour voix de femmes, solo, choeur et orchestre. Parti- tion. Paris. [1900.] Godard, Benjamin Louis Paul. Les Guelfes. Opera. [Partition chant et piano.] Paris, 1898. Handel, Georg Friedrich. Orgel-Konzerte . . . revidiert und fiir den praktischen Ge- brauch bearbeitet von Max Seiffert, Op. 4, No. I. Partitur. Leipzig, 1903. Hausegger, Siegmund von. Dionysisclie Phantasie. Symphonische Dichtung fiir grosses Orchester. Partitur. Berlin. [1902.] Henderson, Mme. Berger-, editor. Album of 16 Hungarian songs [for voice and piano]. London. [188-?] Herold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand. La mede- cine sans medecin. Opera-comique en un acte. Partition. Paris, 1832. Indy, Paul Marie Vincent d'. Quatuor pour piano, violon, alto et violoncelle. Op. 7. Paris. [187-?] Indy, W. Trio pour piano, violon et violon- celle ou alto. Op. 15. Paris. [188-?] Jarnefelt, Armas. Korsholm. Sinfonische Dichtung fiir grosses Orchester. Partitur. Leipzig, 1902. Keating, Fred Lionel Chester, and Edward W. Corliss. Priscilla, or a maid of Brown. [Opera. Vocal score.] Boston, 1894. Lawes, Henry. [Four photographs of his music to airs in Milton's Comus taken from copies in the British Museum. 1902.] 1904 Lekeu, Guillaiime. Senate pour piano & vio- lin. Paris. [189-?] Reinhardt, Heinrich. Die Minnekonigin. Open Vollstandiger Klavier-Auszug mit Text. Wien. [190-?] Roentgen, Julius. Altniederlaendische Kriegs- und Siegeslieder nach Adrianus Valerius. Eine vaterlandische Folge flir Tenor- und Basssolo, Mannerchor, Or- chester und Orgel. Op. 43- Partitur. Leipzig, 1902. Stojowski, Sigismond. Le printemps, d'apres une ode d'Horace pour choeur et orchestre. Op. 7. Partition. London, 1895. Strauss, Richard. Das Thai. Gedicht fiii eine tiefe Bassstimme mit Orchesterbe- gleitung. Op. 51. Partitur. Berlin. [1903-] Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno. Sonate (A moll), fiir Pianoforte und Violine. Op. 10. Ham- burg, 1902. Numismatics. Alexander & Co., Boston. Hub coin book. New [nth] edition. Bos- ton. [1904.] 6226.45 Baudelot de Dairval, Charles Cesar. 1648- 1722. Reflexions sur les deux plus anciennes medailles d'or romaines, qui se trouvent dans le cabinet de S. A. R. Madame. [Anon.] Paris, 1720. 76 pp. Illus. = *6223.75 British Numismatic Society. Prospectus. 3d edition. [London, 1904.] 13 pp. Illus. = 6226.72 Contains a list of members. Painting. Portraits. Color. Carson, Hampton Lawrence. The unique collection of engraved por- traits of Gen. George Washington [be- longing to H. L. Carson] nearly all that are mentioned in Baker's "Engraved portraits of Washington," . . . and the great St. Memin personal collection . . . Sold January 21, 22, 1904. Philadelphia. [1904.] 25 plates. *Cab.23.i3.4 Copley Society, Boston. Loan collection. Oil paintings, water col- ors, pastels & drawings. [By J. A. McN. Whistler. Boston.] 1904. 24 pp. = No. I in *4079.265 Frankfort on the Main. Stadel'sches Kunst- Institut. Catalog der Genialde-Gallerie von Hein- rich Weizsacker. Abtheilung i. Frank- furt, 1900. Fac-similes. *8o78.i9o Neill, Edward D. Notice of a rare Washington portrait; also. Description of some copper relics, of the T. H. Lewis collection, in Ma- calester Museum of History and Arch- aeology. St. Paul, Minn., 1890. 13 pp. 2 portraits, Plate. No. 6 in *4427.i88.i 401 Papa, Pasquale. I ritratti di Dante in S. Maria Novella. Firenze, 1903. i.q pp. Portraits. 2791.20 Philadelphia Water Color Club. Catalogue of the exhibition, [at the Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts] March 28 to April 16, 1904. Philadel- phia, 1904. 62 pp. = 4079a.248 Tajima, Shiichi. Masterpieces selected from the Korin school: with biographical sketches of the artists of the school and some criti- cal descriptions. Vol. i. Tokyo, 1903. Plates. *Cab.8o.i25.4 The translation into English, was made under the supervision of Joseph King Goodrich. Photography. Ward, Henry Snowden. The figures, facts and formulse of photog- raphy, and guide to their practical use. [2d edition.] London, 1903. Illus. Dia- grams. 7977-8i Pottery. Glass. Day, Lewis Foreman. Stained glass. London, 1903. Illus. [South Kensington Museum art handbooks.] 4024.146 Caspar, Camille. La ceramique grecque au Musee du Cin- quantenaire. Bruxelles, 1901. 14 pp. Illus. 4020.128 Granger, Albert. Progres recents dans I'industrie du verre. [Paris, 1903.] 39 pp. Illus. Plans. 8023.78 Stolberg, A. Tobias Stimmer. Sein Leben und seine Werke, mit Beitragen zur Geschichte der deutschen Glasmalerei im sechzehn- ten Jahrhundert. Strassburg, 1901. Illus. 20 plates. Fac-similes. 4074.341 Alphabetische Litteraturangabe, pp. 147-149. Sculpture. Carving. Gold and Silver Work. Amelung, Walther. 1865-. Die Sculpturen des vaticanischen Muse- ums. Band i. Berlin, 1903. *8o82.78 Pueckler-Limpurg, Siegfried Ludwig Jo- hann, Graf von. Die Niirnberger Bildnerkunst um die Wende des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg, 1904. Illus. 4074.298 Schubring, Paul. Urbano da Cortona. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schule Donatellos und der Sieneser Plastik im Quattrocento. Nebst einem Anhang: Andrea Guardi. Strass- burg, 1903. 92 pp. Illus. 8081.128 Bibliograpliy, pp. 72-78. 402 November Geography^ Travels* Geography. General Travels. Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Beitraege zur Kenntnis des Orients. Jahrbuch der Munchner orientalischen Gesellschaft 1902/03. Herausgegeben von Hugo Grothe. Berlin. [1904?] 5017.38 Benard, Charles Marie Eugene Pierre. La conquete du pole: histoire des missions arctiques. Paris, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Plates. Maps. *626o.8o Bibliographic arctique, pp. 351-357- Bicknell, Leona Milred. How a little girl went to Africa, told by herself. Boston, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 3058.272 Chevalier, Rev. S., S.J. Le haut Yang-Tse de I-Tchang-Fou a P'ing-Chan Hien en 1897-1898: voyage et description. Shanghai, 1899. Text: Illus. Atlas: Maps. *Cab.50.3i.2 A publication of the Zi-Ka-Wei Observatory. The explanations of the maps are in French and English. Dawson, Alec John. Things seen in Morocco. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 3055-228 Ferrandi, Ugo. Seconda spedizione Bottego. Lugh, em- porio commerciale sul Giuba. Roma, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Fac-similes. [Societa geografica itali- ana.] 3053-281 Fitzner, Rudolf. 1864-. Aus Kleinasien und Syrien. [Band i.] Rostock, 1903. Illus. Map. 3043.222 Kelman, John. The Holy Land. Painted by John Fulley- love. Described by John Kelman. Lon- don, 1902. Plates. 3044.190 Many of the plates are colored. Morel, Edmund D. Affairs of West Africa. London, 1902. Plates. Maps. 3057.181 Noble, Margaret E. The web of Indian life. By the Sister Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble) of Rama- krishna-Vivekananda. New York, 1904. = 3042.219 Norman, Francis Martin. "Martello Tower" in China and the Pa- cific in H. M. S. "Tribune," 1856-60. London, 1902. Illus. Portrait. Maps. 6267.79 Martello Tower was the author's pseudonym. Rouffart, Armand. The Yellow River. Report presented to the throne on the part of the Yellow River situated below Chinanfu. [Pekin, 189-?] 12 pp. 5014-34 Russia. MHHHCTepCTBO c&HHanCOB'B. Onncame Kopea (cl KapTofi). Cn6., 1900. 3 v. Map. 30103.127 Sverdrup, Otto Neumann. Nyt Land: fire Aar i arktiske Egne. Kris- tiania, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-similes. 2262.78 The second expedition of the Fram. An English translation is on shelf-number 2262.79. Weale, B. L. Putnam. Manchu and Muscovite: being letters from Manchuria written during the au- tumn of 1903. London, 1904. Plates. Map. 3014.111 Europe. B., E. A run round Rothenburg o. Tauber. [London.] 1893. 47 pp. Illus. Map. = 48693.122 Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1834-. A book of North Wales. London, 1903. Illus. Portraits. 2477.42 Boulger, Demetrius Charles. Belgian life in town and country. Lon- don. [1904.] Plates. 4866.44 Cenac-Moncaut, Justin fidouard Mathieu. L'Espagne inconnue: voyage dans les Pyrenees de Barcelone a Tolosa. Paris, 1861. Map. 3099-81 Conway, Sir William Martin. The Alps: described by W. Martin Con- way, painted by A. D. McCormick. Lon- don, 1904. Colored plates. 4864.38 Coward, T. A. Picturesque Cheshire. Illustrated by Roger Oldham. London, 1903. Illus. 2469.186 Escott, Thomas Hay Sweet. Society in the new reign. By a foreign resident [pseud.]. London, 1904. Por- traits. 2498.160 An account of London society. Fitzgerald, Sybil. Naples. Painted by Augustine Fitzgerald, described by Sybil Fitzgerald. London. [1904.] Colored plates. 2762.87 Hanotaux, Gabriel Albert Auguste. 1853-. La paix latine. Paris, 1903. 2679.262 Contents. — La Renaissance latine. — A travcrs I'Espagne. — La France africaine. — L'Islara. — En Sicile. — Le Vesuve et Pompei. — Ports frangais. — L'Adriatique. Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert, and Welbore St. Clair Baddeley. Venice. 6th edition. London, 1904. Illus. Map. 2769.25 Harper, Charles G. The Newmarket, Bury, Thetford, and Cromer Road. Sport and history on an East Anglian turnpike. London, 1904. Illus. Portrait. = 2464.163 Kirke, Thomas. 1650-1706. A modern account of Scotland. Written from thence by an English gentleman. [Anon. London?] 1679. 18 pp. **H.88.99 I904 403 Lindsay, Patricia. Recollections of a royal parish. London, 1902. Portraits. Plates. 2477.112 This work refers to the Parish of Crathie, Scot- land, where Balmoral Castle, formerly the High- land residence of Queen Victoria, is located. Philippson, Alfred. 1864-. Das Mittelmeergebiet, seine geographische und kulturelle Eigenart. Leipzig, 1904. Plates. Maps. 6266.60 Roserot, Alphonse. Dictionnaire topographique du Departe- ment de la Haute-Marne.- Paris, 1903- = 4636.101 Survey, A, of the British Empire, historical, geographical and commercial. London, 1904. Illus. Maps. 24693.189 America. Altolaguirre y Duvale, Angel de. Cristobal Colon y Pablo del Pozzo Tos- canelli. Estudio critico del proyecto, formulado por Toscanelli y seguido por Colon, para arribar al extremo oriente de Asia navegando la via del oeste. Madrid, 1903. 6262.33 Indice de las obras citadas, pp. 417-427. Arrowsmith, Aaron. Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo; or diction- ary of America & West Indies. London, 1816. 19 maps. *Map 78.2 Thompson's Alcedo is on shelf-number *2330.4 = *430i.58=:*B.4309.i. Bailey, Vernon Howe, illustrator. American cities in pencil. 2. Boston. [New- York, 1904.] 8 pp. Plates. 4455.290 Eight plates with brief descriptions. Bureau of the American Republics, Wash- ington. United States of Brazil. A geographical sketch, with special reference to eco- nomic conditions and prospects of future development. Washington, 1901. 4467.156 Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Timagaming: a glimpse of the Algonquin Paradise. 5th edition. Montreal, 1904. 27 pp. Illus. Maps. = 4466.212 City, The, of Pueblo, the great railway and manufacturing center of Colorado. Pueblo, Colo., 1888. 64 pp. = 44793.198 Coudreau, O. Voyage a la Mapuera, 21 avril 1901-24 de- cembre 1901. Paris, 1903. Illus. Maps. 4461.174 Voyage au Maycuru, 5 juin 1902-12 janvier 1903. Paris, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. = 4461.173 Voyage au Rio Curua, 20 novembre 1900-7 mars 1901. Paris, 1903. Illus. = 4461.175 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. Mountain and lake resorts on the Lacka- wanna Railroad. [New York.] 1902, 03. 2 V. Illus. Maps. = *2389.43 Grinnell, Joseph, Ornithologist. ■ Gold hunting in Alaska. Edited by Eliza- beth Grinnell. Elgin, 111. [1901.] 96 pp. Illus. Portrait. = 4367.210 Honduras. Direccion general de estadistica. Breve resena para la exposicion de San Luis. Tegucigalpa, 1903. 64 pp. = 8021.137 Lynch, Jeremiah. Three years in the Klondike. London, 1904. Plates. Map. 4367.208 Marroqui, Jose Maria. La ciudad de Mexico. Continene: el ori- gen de los nombres de muchos de sus calles y plazas, del de varios estable- cimientos publicos y privados. Mexico, 1900-03. 3 v. 4461. 171 Olmsted, Frederick Law. A journey in the seaboard slave states . . . with remarks on their economy. With a biographical sketch by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., and an introduction by William P. Trent. New York, 1904. 2 v. Portrait. 4466.37 Pernety, Antoine Joseph. 1716-1801. Examen des Recherches philosophiques sur I'Amerique et les Americains, et de la Defense de cet ouvrage. [Anon.] Berlin, 1771. 2 v. 4469.98 Various editions of the Recherches philoso- phiques, by Cornelis Pauw, are on shelf-num- bers 44693.62, *4369.82, 4369.11, 41693.3. The Defense is on shelf-number 4469.66. Plan de la ville de Boston et ses environs. [Paris? 1758?] Scale, 3616 feet to i inch. No. 27 in *Map 35.2 No. 10 of tome 14 of some unidentified French work. Schmidel, Hulderich. Viaje al Rio de la Plata (i534-i554)- Notas bibliograficas y biograficas por Bartolome Mitre. Prologo, traduccion y anotaciones por Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo. Buenos Aires, 1903. Por- trait. Plates. Fac-similes. Genealogi- cal chart. 4366.212 Stonaker, C. L. Pueblo: its advantages and resources. [Pueblo, 1889.] 63 pp. Plates. Map. = 4377.42 United States. Department of the Interior. Annual report of the Superintendent of the Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. 1903. Washington, 1903. Maps. = *399oa.i77 Language* Rhetoric* Abel, Carl. 1837-. Aegyptisch-indoeuropaeische Sprachver- wandtschaft. 2. vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1903. 73 pp. 2957.48 Alunno, Francesco, of Ferrara. Delia fabrica del mondo . . . libri X. Ne' qvali si contengono le voci di Dante, del Petrarca, del Boccaccio, del Bembo, & d'altri buoni autori, mediante lequali scriuendo si possono esprimere con fa- cilita & eloquenza tutti i concetti dell' 404 November huomo di qualunque cosa creata. Di nvovo ristampati, corretti, et ampliati . . . Venetia, 1568. =: **G.402.2i This is an encyclopaedic dictionary. Autenrieth, Georg Gottlieb Philipp. A Homeric dictionary for use in schools and colleges. From the German . . , Translated, by Robert P. Keep. New York, 1886. Illus. Map. Plan. = 2999.84 Carnoy, A. Le latin d'Espagne d'apres les inscrip- tions. !£tude phonetique. Louvain, 1903. 4935-33 Bibliography, pp. 4, 5. Caron, N., Abbe. Petit vocabulaire a I'usage des Canadiens- Frangais. Trois-Rivieres, 1880. 63 pp. 2686.88 Daell, Alphonse N. van. An introduction to the French language. Being a practical grammar with exer- cises. Boston, 1893. = 2686.146 Dalgado, Sebastiao Rodolpho. Dialecto indo-portugues de Ceylao. Lis- boa, 1900. [Sociedade de geographia de Lisboa.] 3032.184 Fernald, James Champlin. Connectives of English speech. The cor- rect usage of prepositions, conjunctions, relative pronouns and adverbs explained and illustrated. New York, 1904. 2587.77 Gillies, Hugh Cameron. The elements of Gaelic grammar, based on the work of Alexander Stewart. 2d edition. London, 1902. 6583.16 Haswell, James M., D.D. Grammatical notes and vocabulary of the Peguan language. 2d edition, edited by E. O. Stevens. Rangoon, 1901. 3036.111 Hemme, Adolf. Das lateinische Sprach-Material im Wort- schatze der deutschen, franzosischen und englischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1904. *293i.5 Lange, Rudolf, Professor of Japanese at Berlin. A text-book of colloquial Japanese. Eng- lish edition by Christopher Noss. To- kyo, 1903. *503i.i8 Larive, pseud., and Jean Fleury. 1816-. La deuxieme annee de grammaire. 82e edition. Paris, 1895. = 2687.87 Mitchell, Hinckley Gilbert. Hebrew lessons: a book for beginners. [3d edition.] Boston, 1897. = 3038.49 Neues Taschen-Worterbuch der schwedi- schen und deutschen Sprache. Stereo- typ-Ausgabe. Leipzig. [18 — ?] 4889a.63 New England Primer. 1776? The New-England primer, or, an easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. . . . Added, the catechism. New-England. [177-?] Illus. **H.99C.i24 1808. The New-England primer, or an easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. . . . Added, the catechism. Massachusetts, 1808. Illus. **H.99c.i23 1816. The New England primer, much enlarged and better adapted to the use of children. Added, the Assembly's catechism. Carlisle, 1816. Illus. **H.99C.i26 1818. The New-England primmer, im- proved . , . Added, the Assembly of Divines' catechism. Albany, 1818. 71 pp. Illus. **H.99C.i32 1820. The New-England primer, im- proved. Added, the Assembly's cate- chism. Hartford, 1820. 62 pp. Illus. **H.99c.i25 1820. The New-England primer, im- proved. . . . Added, the Episcopal and the Assembly of Divines' catechism. New-York, 1820. 71 pp. Illus. **H.99C.i27 1823. The New-England primer, im- proved. Added, the Assembly's Shorter catechism. Wheeling, (Va.), 1823. 36 pp. Illus. **H.99C.i3i Vinton, Calista Holman. The child's book . . . ist revised edition. Tavoy, 1842. Illus. 3039.39 This is a primer in Karen. Rhetoric. Composition. Elocution. Oratory. Recitations. Dialogues. Speakers. Blaize, Jean. i860-. L'art de dire dans la lecture et la recita- tion, dans la causerie et le discours. Paris, 1903. 5597-205 Chittenden, L. A. The elements of English composition. Chicago, 1893. = *P.84.i76 Foster, William Trufant. Debating at Harvard University. Cam- bridge, 1904. 20 pp. Illus. = 4480.102 Macleod, Donald, A.M. The orator's text book. Washington City, 1830. = 5597.203 School of Expression, Boston. Courses for clergymen and speakers. [Boston, 190-?] 3 pp. = 4499a.328 Courses in dramatic action. [Boston, 190-?] 3 pp. = 44993.329 Twenty years of ideals and experiences. Boston. [1900.] 15 pp. = 449921.330 Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Alenda y Mira, Jenaro. 1816-1893. Relaciones de solemnidades y fiestas pu- blicas de Espana. Obra premiada por la Biblioteca nacional en el concurso pu- blico de 1865 . . . [Tomo i.] Madrid, 1903- *6i63.77 This is a chronological bibliography. IQ04 405 Bartlett, George Hartnell. Public libraries of Massachusetts. Map. Boston.] 1904. *Cab.2i.24.7 A map of the State with pictures of the public library buildings in each town. Prepared for the St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Biblioteca Nacional, Montevideo, Uruguay. Reglamento. [Montevideo.] 1902. 16 pp. z= 6208.80 Bristol, Conn. Public Library. Dictionary catalogue. Bristol, 1903. = *6i56.288 Cincinnati. Public Library. Library leaflet. New books added to the Library. No. i, 2, 4-42. Cincinnati, 1899-1904. = *6209*26 Denver, Col. Public Library. Finding list of books except fiction. Den- ver, 1903. = *6i5oa.27 Dover, N. H. Public Library. Some books for children. Dover, 1904. 8 pp. = 6157.223 Edmunds, Albert Joseph. Selected list of naval matter in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia, 1903. 13 pp. = 2154.187 Inserted is a list of Mr. Edmunds's writings. Erman, Wilhelm, 1850- , and Ewald Horn. Bibliographic der deutschen Universitaten. Systematisch geordnetes Verzeichnis der bis Ende 1899 gedruckten Biicher und Aufsatze iiber das deutsche Univer- sitatswesen. i. allgemeiner Teil. Leip- zig, 1904. *6i63.64 Fairhaven, Mass. Millicent Library. Annual report. 1902. [Fairhaven?] 1903. 17 pp. Plate. = *6i57.i25 Geographischer Literatur-Bericht fiir 1903. Herausgegeben von Alexander Supan. Gotha, 1903. *6i7oa.8o Issued monthly as a supplement to Petermanas Mitteilungen. Great Britain. Anno regni Georgii IL Regis . . . vice- simo sexto. At the Parliament begun . , . the tenth day of November . . . 1747 . . . [An act for the purchase of the . . . Collection of Sir Hans Sloane, and of the Harleian Collection of Manu- scripts.] London, 1754. = **G.386.3i Haebler, Conrad. 1857-. Bibliografia iberica del siglo XV. Enume- racion de todos los libros impresos en Espafia y Portugal hasta el afio de 1500 con notas criticas. La Haya, 1903. *6i68.6o Iowa. Library Commission. Report, 1st. 1900-03. Des Moines, 1904. Plates. Maps. Plans. = ^6202.87 John Crerar Library, Chicago. A list of books on industrial arts, October, 1903. Chicago, 1904. — *4033-32 Laconia, N. H. Public Library. Bulletin. Quarterly. Vol. I. No. i. La- conia, 1903. = "^6156.292 Leval, Andre. Voyages en Levant pendant les XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Essai de bibliographic. Budapest, 1897. 30 pp. 2176.139 Library Bureau. How shall I catalog my library? Being an outline of a simple method of classi- fication and cataloging small or private libraries. Boston. [1903.] 30 pp. Illus. = 6198.72 Masslow, Oscar. Bibliographic zur Deutschen Geschichte. 1902/1903. Leipzig, 1903. 2158.12 Supplement to Historische Vierteljahrsschrift, 1903. Osterhout Free Library, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Annual report, I3th-I5th. Wilkes-Barre, 1902-04. = *6i57.24i The 4th-i2th annual reports, 1892-1900, are con- tained in vols. 3-1 1 of the Library News-Letter [*6i4oa.ioo]. Palermo, Sicily. Direzione dell' archivio di stato. I documenti con firme autografe esposti neir Archivio di stato, descritti dal Sotto Archivista Giuseppe Travali. Palermo, 1892. 23 pp. =: 2188.52 Elenco delle scritture e dei sigilli esposti nella bacheca della seconda stanza della biblioteca. Compilato dal Sotto Archivista Giuseppe Cosentino. Pa- lermo, 1892. 17 pp. = 2188.51 Elenco delle scritture esposte nella bacheca della prima stanza della biblio- teca compilato dal Sotto Archivista Giuseppe Travali. Palermo, 1892. 15 pp. = 2188.50 St. Bride Foundation Institute, London. Supplement to the catalogue of the gen- eral library. Compiled by F. W. T. Lange. London, 1904. — *5ii7.86 Shaw, William Arthur. A bibliography of the historical works of Dr. Creighton, Dr. Stubbs, Dr. S. R. Gardiner and the late Lord Acton. Ed- ited for the Royal Historical Society. London, 1903. 63 pp. *2i72.i62 Spencer, Mrs. M. C. Women's clubs and public libraries. Paper . . . [Lansing, 1902?] 8 pp. = 6204.44 Trumbull, James Hammond. List of books printed in Connecticut. 1709-1800. [Edited by Albert Carlos Bates. Hartford.] 1904. [Acorn Club.] *2i54.i49 J\o. 90 of an edition of 102 copies. University of Cambridge. Trinity College. Catalogue of the books presented by Ed- ward Capell to the Library, compiled by W. W. Greg. Cambridge, 1903. *6i7i.76 Covers the books collected by Capell in the preparation of his edition of Shakespeare. University of St. Andrews. Library. Library bulletin. Quarterly. Vol. i. St. Andrews, 1901-1903. = *6i59.i66 November Vienna. Zentralbibliothek und die Biblio- theken samtlicher Volksbildungs- und Bibliotheksvereine. Bericht iiber das Jahr 1903. [Wien, 1904.] 12 pp. Mao. — *2i68.28 Wilson, Louis N. Bibliography of the published writings of G. Stanley Hall. Worcester, Mass., 1903. 16 pp. [Clark University. Library. Publications.] 2176.141 Wisconsin. Free Library Commission. Free traveling libraries for Wisconsin vil- lages. How to give them. How to get them . . . Madison, 1898. 8 pp. = 6209.43 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates, Book-selling. Franklin's Press. Arndt, Johann. Des hocherleuchteten Theologi, Herrn Johann Arndts . . . Samtliche sechs geistreiche Biicher vom wahren Chris- tentlium, . . . Philadelphia/ Benjamin Francklin und Johann Bohm. I75i- 54 plates. **K.26.43 A complete copy should contain 65 plates. Currie, William, Missionary. i7io?-i8o3.^ A treatise on the lawfulness of defensive war. Philadelphia: B. Franklin and D. Hall . . . 1748. **K.i8.22 Johnson, Samuel, LL.D. 1 709-1784. Ethica: or the first principles of moral philosophy. [Anon.] 2d edition. Phil- adelphia: B. Franklin, and D. Hall . , . 1752. vii, (i), 80 pp. **K.i8.i9 Pages 81-104 are .missing. Tennent, Gilbert. 1 703-1 764. Remarks upon a protestation presented to the Synod of Philadelphia, June i. 1741. Philadelphia: Benj. Franklin, I74i- 60 pp. **K.i8.28 Pages 47, 48, 61-68 are missing. Pages 1-4 •ire mutilated. Appended is The apology of the Presbytery of New-Brunswick, for their dissenting from two acts, or new religious laws, which were made at the last session of our Synod. Journalism. Authorship. Barbera, Piero. Editori e autori. Studi e passatempi di un libraio. Firenze, 1904. 6198.67 Healy, Chris. Confessions of a journalist. London, 1904. Portrait. 61993.45 Providence Journal Company, The, com- piler. Half a century with the Providence Jour- nal. Being a record of the events and associates connected with the past fifty years of the life of Henry R. Davis, Sec- retary of the Company. Providence, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-simile. =: 6192.92 Watson, Edmund Henry Lacon. Hints to young authors. London, 1902. 6199-55 Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Broadsides. Account, An, of a late military massacre at Boston, or the consequences of quarter- ing troops in a populous town. [New York, 1770.] 2 pp. Thus. **H.90.i6i American Anti-Slavery Society. Slave market of America. New-York, 1836. Broadside. **H.9o.i47 Battle, The, of the Potomac with the Malays. Written by one of the crew. [Verse.] Boston. [183-?] Broadside. **H.9ob.85 Bills of lading. [Four printed forms filled out in manu- script.] Various places. 1808-1819. 4 broadsides. **H.90.i9g Boston, Mass. Post Office. Times of arrival and closing the mails, at the Post-Office, in Boston, until Octo- ber I, 1808. [Signed] Aaron Hill. P. M. [Boston, 1808.] Broadside. **H.90.i53 Bride's burial, The. [Verse.] Boston. [17 — ?] Broadside. **H.9oa.2i8 Butler, Benjamin Franklin, of Lowell. Proclamation [to the people of New Or- leans as Major General commanding the Department of the Gulf, immediately after the occupation by United States forces]. May i, 1862. [New Orleans, 1862.] Broadside. **H.90.i5i Continental Congress. Commissioners Em- powered to Conclude a Treaty of Peace with Great Britain. [Articles of peace between the United States and Great Britain, signed at Paris, Nov. 30, 1782, ratified by the United States, April 15, 1783. Philadel- phia?] 1783. Broadside. **H.90.i65 This document bears the signature of Chas. Thomson, Secretary of the Confederation, and the seal of the United States, and is evidently one of the original copies. Cuckold's cap. The. Together with The lass of St. Osythe. [Verses.] N. p. [17 — ?] Broadside. **H.90.i79 Cushing, Matthew. -1734- The declaration & confession of Matthew Cushing . . . who . . . had sentence of death pass'd upon him . . . [Added, a note concerning John Ormesby . . . who received sentence of death at the same time. Also] A few lines upon the awful execution . . . October 17th. 1734. . . . [Boston, 1734.] Broadside. No. 3 in **H.90.io8 Death, The, of the brave General Wolf. [N. p.] Broadside. Portrait. **H.90.i7i 1904 407 Declaration of Independence. Fac-simile of the original draught by Jef- ferson of the Declaration of Independ- ence in Congress 4th July, 1776. Bos- ton. Broadside. = **H.9oa.242 One fourth size. Another fac-simile is Photograph of the fading manuscript [Special Libraries]. Other fac-sim- iles are on shelf-numbers *44io.ii3; *232o.53; **G. 300.16; *C.24oa.i. Following most important and interesting, as well as pleasing and glorious intelli- gence, The, the Honourable the Council of this State, received by express last evening from the Honourable Major- General Bates. Sir, I have the pleasure to send . . . copy of a convention, by which Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, surrendered himself, and his whole army . . . into my hands . . . Boston, 1777. Broadside. **H.90.i6o Funeral elegy, A, occasioned by the tragedy, at Salem, near Boston, on [June 17, 1773] at which time the 10 following persons . . . were drowned . . . [Salem? 1773.] Broadside. ^^H.go.igs Granny Wales, and^ The mulberry tree. [Verses.] N. p. [17—?] Illus. Broad- side. **H.9ob.90 Greenwood, Isaac, Dentist. Isaac Greenwood, dentist . . . acquaints the publick that he continues to perform the necessary branches of that art . . . [Boston. 1759?] Broadside. **H.9ob.i2i Handsome Harry; or the deceitful young man. [Verses.] N. p. [18 — ?] Broad- side. **H.9o.i8i Invitation, addressed to the marshalls of the "Africum Shocietee" at the commemo- ration of the "Abolition of the slave trade," July 14th, 1816. Salem. [1816.] Broadside. **H.90.i50 Julian, Murderer. Poor Julleyoun's warnings to children and servants to shun the ways of sin . . . Boston. [1733.] Broadside. No. I in **H.90.i04 McNary, William S. [Circular letter announcing his candidacy for Congress in the Tenth Congres- sional District.] November i, 1902. [Boston? 1902.] Broadside. = **H.9oa.235 Massachusetts. At a General Court held at Boston the of May 1676. For defraying the charges already expended upon the Warre, and other charges arising in the further prosecution thereof, it is ordered by this Court . . . that there shall be . . . rates forthwith assessed, and collected accord- ing to law . . . By the Court, Edward Rawson Seer. [Boston, 1676. Salem? 1903.] Broadside. = **H.90.i09 Reprinted by the Essex Institute, from the orig- inal broadside preserved at the Court House, Salem, Mass. This copy is no. 49 of an edition of 50. Governor. By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq; Captain General and Governour in Chief ... A proclamation for ap- prehending Gyles du Lake Tidmarsh. Boston, 1733. Broadside. **H.90.i56 By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq; Captain General and Governour in Chief . . . Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. A proclamation. Whereas at a Council holden at the Court at Kensington, on the lothjday of August 1732 . . . Given . . . the i6th day of February 1732. . . . [Bos- ton. 1732.] Broadside. **H.90.i55 This proclamation is in regard to ownership of lands in Maine. This copy is imperfect. William Shirley, Esq; Captain-General and Governor in Chief . . . To Henry Hodges, Ju^ Gent^ — Greeting. By virtue of the power and authority . . . to me granted ... I do . . . consti- tute and appoint you ... to be En- sign of the Second Foot Company in the Town of Taunton . . . Given . . . at Boston, the 19th day of April . . . 1754. [Signed] W Shirley. [Boston, 1754.] Broadside. **H.90.i57 Printed form filled out in manuscript. Lieutenant-Governor. William Dummer, Esqr; Lieutenant Governour ... to Job Lane, Gent. Greeting. By virtue of the power . . . to me granted ... I do . . . appoint you ... to be Lieutenant of the troop of horse whereof Ephraim Hildreck is Captain in the 2d Regiment of militia in the County of Middlesex . . . Given ... at Boston, the i6th day of April . . . 1724. [Signed] Wm. Dummer, [and] J. Willard Secry. Broadside. **H.90.i54 Printed form filled out in manuscript. General Court State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, June 23, 1780. Whereas the troops of the Southern States will now be needed for the defence of that quarter, and . . . we are compelled to call for a further supply of men . . . Resolved, That the several towns and planta- tions in the counties of Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, Hampshire, Plymouth, Bristol, Barnstable, Worcester, York, and Berkshire, be . . . required . . . to supply a number of men . . . [Signed] John Hancock, Speaker; John Avery, Dep. Sec'ry. [Boston, 1780.] Broadside. **H.90.i52 Treasurer. To Samuel Jones Constable or Collector of Boston . . . These are . . . to . . . require you to collect . . . the tax . . , [Boston, 1761, 62.] 2 broadsides. **H.90.i43 \ 408 November Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance Company. [Three insurance policies. 1798, 1803, 1804. [Boston, 1798-1804.] 3 broadsides. **H.9o.i73 Engraved heading, with view of the Old State House. Miller, The, and the maid. And The invita- tion. [Verses.] N. p. [17 — ?] Broad- side. **H.90.i8o New Granada. President. Alocucion del Presidente de la Republica a los granadinos. Bogota, 1853. Broad- side. = **H.9o.i66 Noble lads, The, of Canada. [Verse.] Bos- ton. [1812?] Broadside. **H.9ob.84 Noyes, Nicholas. 1647-1717. To my worthy friend, Mr. James Bayley, living (if living) in Roxbiiry. A poem. [Boston? 1706.] Broadside. **H.9o.iio Pierce, Nathaniel, Sea-Captain, of Charles- ton. Articles and role d'equipage [and clear- ance papers of the ship Agawan, Na- thaniel Pierce, Master]. Charleston, 1820. 3 broadsides. **H.90.i7o Printed forms filled in in manuscript. Strapum, Sambo, pseud. Reply [to] Bobalition of slavery. Letter from Sambo Strapum to Cesar Scrapeall, residing in the country. [Dated:] Bos- ton, Uly 14, 18020. [Boston? 1820.] Broadside. No. 4 in **H.90.i49 T., M. Some consolatory reflections and lamen- tations, occasioned by the premature deaths of three of the children of Capt. Joseph and Mrs. Mary Hinckley, of Barnstable: . . . [Boston? 1733?] Broad side. **H.90.i03 Taylor, John, of Henniker, N. H. The voluntary examination of Sarah Goold . . . who saith she is with child . . . and that John Ta^dor ... is the father . . . Tim° Gibson, Just. Pacis. Henniker, 1783. Broadside. **H.90.202 Printed form filled out in manuscript. Followed by a writ against John Taylor. To the voters of the loth Congressional Dis- trict: We respectfully call your atten- tion to the candidacy of Hon. Wm. S. McNary . . . [Boston, 1902.] Broadside. = **H.9oa.234 Signed by Reuben Rush and W. J. Hennessy. United States. President. Speech of the President to both Houses of Congress, May 16, 1797. [Philadel- phia? 1797.] Broadside. **H.90.i64 Congress. Sunday mails. Boston, 1830. Broad- side. **H.9o.i30 This is the report of R. M. Johnson for the Committee on post offices and post roads, March 4, 1830. Constitution. The Constitution of the United States, as recommended to Congress the 17th of Sept. 1787, by the Grand Federal Convention. Portsmouth. [1787.] Broadside. **H.90.i68 With the letter submitting the Constitution to Congress. Warning piece, A. A poetical thought, or paraphrase, occasioned by that stupend- ous and unnatural darkness . . . which obscured the light of the sun on the 19th day of May . . . 1780 . . . [Boston? 1780.] Broadside. **H.9o.i63 White, John, Sea-Captain. [Certificate of John White, master of Ship Albion, giving bond not to carry non- enumerated goods to any part of Eu- rope northward of Cape Finisterre, ex- cept Great Britain or Ireland. Salem, 1762.] Broadside. **H.9oa.254 Printed form filled in in manuscript. Handwriting. Affaire Dreyfus, L'. Le bordereau, fitude des depositions de M. Bertillon et du capitaine Valerio, au Conseil de guerre de Rennes, par un ancien eleve de rficole polytechnique. Paris, 1904. 2 v. Tables. Fac-similes. *Cab.26.20.6 Taylor, Lillie E. Miniature penmanship. Photographed and printed from the original^ copies . . . Des Moines, 1897. 11 pp. Portrait. Lithograph script. = 6119.86 Scrapbooks. Baldwin, James Fowle. 1782 -1862. / [Bills, checks, business cards, prices cur- rent, etc. Various places.] 1795-1821. Scrap-book. **H.90.i97 General Literature. Criticism. Authors. Borgeld, Andries. Aristoteles en Phyllis. Ken bijdrage tot de vergelijkende litteratuurgeschiedenis. Groningen, 1902. 2956.49 On slavery. "Founded upon facts in the history of the Latin poet Terrence" [sic]. = Preface. Ceconi, Ricarda Octavia. Bliithezeit der Romantik. Von Ricarda Huch. 2. Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1901. 2878.170 Sanchez, Jose Rogerio. Los grandes literatos. Estudio critico de sus obras principales. Madrid, 1900. 6255.19 Includes European authors, especially Spanish. English and American Literature. Arvine, Kazlitt. The minstrel's release; a poem, delivered at the Commencement of the Wesleyan 1904 409 University, August 4th, 1841. By Silas W. Palmer. Middletown. [1841.] 22 pp. = 2398.165 "Founded vipon facts in the history of the Latin poet Terrence" [sic]. — Preface. On slavery. Batten, John Mullin. Rhythmic flashes. [Verses. Downington, Pa.?] 1904. Portrait. Plate. =r 2397.163 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. A drama of exile: and other poems. New- York, 1845. 2 V. = *A.ii9o=*R.5.4 Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron. Sammtliche Werke. Von Adolf Bottger. Diamantausgabe. Leipzig, 1850. 12 v. in 3. Portrait. Plates. = 25693.168 English garner, An. Elizabethan sonnets, newly arranged and indexed. With an introduction by Sidney Lee. [Edited by Thomas Seccombe.] New York. [1904.] *4557.66 "Reprinted with very slight alterations from the English garner issued ... by Professor Arber [*4557.62] . . .the old spelling being in most cases carefully modernised." Each work is catalogued separately. Everett, William. 1839- Man and monarch. A poem delivered be- fore the Thursday Evening Club. Bos- ton, 1903. II pp. = 2399.167 Forsyth, James F. Norwich: a poem. Norwich, 1850. 69 pp. Illus. =: *A.3o6o Franklin, Benjamin. Bihang till vagen till rikedom af Benjamin Franklin, innehallande en kort teckning af den store mannens lefnad jemte hans moraliska hustafla. Stockholm, 1843. 32 pp. **K.i9.37 Y ffordd i gaffael cyfoeth; neu, Rhisiat Druan: yn ddiwygiedig gan Doctor Franklin, yr enwog athronydd; gydag ychwanegiad, Y modd i wneuthur llawer o ychydig, gan B. Short. Ac a gyfieithi- wyd idd y gymraeg gan Thomas Rob- erts, Llwynrhudol. Llundain, 1839. 36 pp. Portrait. **K.i9.35 Manuel de philosophic pratique, pour ser- vir de suite a la science du Bon-homme Richard, par Francklin, suivi de I'art de voir. A Lausanne, 1795. **K. 18.18 La science du Bonhomme Richard. Edi- tion Claudius. Paris, 1841. **K.i9.36 Vagen till rikedom, jemte Professor Zachari^e 25 valbeprofvade goda rad for bogare och landtman, som skyndsamt och sakert vilja komma till valstand. Stockholm, 1843. 44 pp. **K.i9.34 Hoccleve, Thomas. i37o?-i450? A new Ploughman's tale: Thomas Hoc- cleve's Legend of the Virgin and her sleeveless garment, with a spurious link. Edited from MS. CLII, Christ Church, Oxford ... by Arthur Beatty. Paral- leled with another copy from Mr. Is- rael Gollancz's edition of Hoccleve's Minor poems, part IL . . . London, 1902. 23 pp. [Chaucer Society.] *45i346 Lindsay, Caroline Blanche Elizabeth, Lady. A Christmas posy of carols, songs and other pieces. London, 1902. = *P.83.527.2 Linton, William James. Bob Thin, or the poorhouse fugitive. [Poem.] Illustrated by T. Sibson, W. B. Scott, E. Duncan, W. J. Linton. [London.] 1845. 39 pp. *A. 5270.6 Privately printed. Machen, Minnie Gresham, compiler. The Bible in Browning, with particular reference to The ring and the book. New York, 1903. = *R.9.5447 Morte Arthur, Le. Le morte Arthur, a romance in stanzas of eight lines. Re-edited from MS. Harley 2252, in the British Museum ... by J. Douglas Bruce. London, 1903. [Early English Text Society.] *46o7.88 Foe, Edgar Allan. Werke. Herausgegeben von Hedda und Arthur Moeller-Bruck. Minden i. W. [1901-04.] 10 V. in 5. Portrait. Fac- simile. 2407.157 Rain, Thomas. Browning for beginners. London, 1904. = *R.9.727 Rodd, Sir James Rennell. Myrtle and oak. [Poems.] Boston, 1902. Portrait. 4564.144 Smith, Watson Wilberforce. God wills it! A poem of the first age of American Methodism. N. p. [189-?] 18 pp. = 2399.169 Stowell, Roy Sherman. Literary studies. The significance of The ring and the book. Boston, 1903. 30 pp. = *R.9.859 Taylor, Jefferys. 1 792-1853. Fables in rhyme. New-Haven, 1824. 31 pp. Woodcuts. Plate. **H.99C.i35 Van Allen, William Harman. A Christmas posy; being ten poems. [El- mira, N. Y.] 1900. 14 pp. = *2399.i66 Fiction in English for Reference Use. Blot, John E. Justo Ucundono, Prince of Japan. By Philalethes [pseud.]. Baltimore, 1854. = *2405,ii4 This is a novel based on the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, Buddington, Zadel Barnes. Can the old love? A novel. Boston, 1871. Illus. = *P.5i.i24 Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. England's yeomen: from life in the nine- teenth century. New York, 1861. 390 pp. Plate. = *2579a.i92 This is a story of life on an English farm. Hewlett, Maurice. The Queen's quair. New York, 1904. *4576.i76 A romance of Mary, Queen of Scots. 410 November Hollister, Gideon Hiram. Mount Hope; or Philip, King of the Wam- panoags: an historical romance. New York, 1851. *45o8.278 McSherry, James. 1819-1869. Father Laval; or the Jesuit missionary: a tale of the North American Indians. Baltimore. [1899.] *4409a.407 Norris, Emilia Marryat. Henry Lyle, or life and existence. New- York. [1856?] = *2579a.i9o Richardson, Major John. 1797-1852. Wacousta; or, the prophecy. An Indian tale. Revised edition. New York. [185 1.] *4405.59 Simms, William Gilmore. 1806-1870. The Yemassee: a romance of Carolina. New edition. Chicago, 1888. *45o8.28o Whitney, Louisa Maretta. Goldie's inheritance; a story of the siege of Atlanta. Burlington, Vt., 1903. = *4403.i83 Wilde, Oscar. The happy prince and other tales. Illus- trated by Walter Crane and Jacomb Hood. 3d edition. London, 1902. Illus. 2574.165 French Literature. Fabre, Antonin, Abb'e. Chapelain et nos deux premieres acade- mies. Paris, 1890. [fitudes litteraires sur le XVIIe siecle.] 2694.55 Montgomery, Lucy de. Immortalite. [Poemes.] Paris, 1902. = *P.86.6o9 Stengel, Edmund Max, editor. Hervis von Metz, Vorgedicht der loth- ringer Geste, nach alien Handschriften zum Erstenmal vollstandig herausgege- ben. Band i. Dresden, 1903. [Gesell- schaft fiir romanische Literatur.] *4685.6i German Literature. Anzengruber, Ludwig. 1839-1889. Gesammelte Werke. 3. durchgesehene Auflage. [Herausgegeben von Anton Bettelheim und Anderen.] Stuttgart, 1897, 98. 10 V. Portrait. 2897.22 Baldensperger, Fernand. 1871-. Goethe en France. Etude de litterature comparee. Paris, 1904. 2874.134 Germanistische Abhandlungen Hermann Paul zum 17. Marz 1902 dargebracht von Andreas Heusler, Johannes Hoops . . . Strassburg, 1902. 6875.58 A collection of articles by various writers. Liliencron, Detlev, Freiherr von. 1844-. Samtliche Werke. Berlin, 1900-1904. 9 v. 6898.217 Contents. — 1. Kriegsnovellen. 2, Aus Marsch und Geest. 3. Konige und Bauern. 4. Roggen und Weizen. 5. Der Macen. Roman. 6. BreiJe Hummelsbiittel. Roman. 7. Kampf und Spiele. Der gesamnielten Gedichte erster Band. 8. Kampfe und Ziele. Der gesammelten Gedichte zweiter Band. 9. Nebel und Sonne. Der ge- sammelten Gedichte dritter Band. Moerike, Eduard. 1804-1875. Gesammelte Schriften. Leipzig, 1900- 1901. 4 V. 6898.213 Contents. — I, Gedichte. 2. Gesammelte Erzah- lungen. 3, 4. Maler Nolten, Sandbach, Francis Edward. The Nibelungenlied and Gudrun in Eng- land and America. London, 1903. , 2903.61 Valentin, Veit. 1842-1900. Die klassische Walpurgisnacht. Eine lit- terarhistorisch-asthetische Untersuch- ung. Mit einer Einleitung iiber des Ver- fassers Leben von J. Ziehen. Leipzig, 1901. 2877.225 Bibliography of Valentin, pp. xxiv-xxix. Relates to the influence of the legends of Helen and of the Walpurgis Night in the works of Goethe. Greek and Latin Literature. Baumstark, Carl Anton Joseph Maria Domi- nik, editor and translator. Bliithen der griechischen Dichtkunst in deutscher Nachbildung. Karlsruhe, 1840, 41. 6 V. = 2969a.i7o Fest, Otto. tJber Surrey's Virgil-Ubersetzung, nebst Neuausgabe des vierten Buches. Berlin, 1903. 2944.26 Hennings, P. D. Ch. Homers Odyssee. Fin kritischer Kom- mentar. Berlin, 1903. 2993.75 Herodotus. 'Upod 6tov ' AXiKapvT^O'cryjo' s laTopiCov \6yoi G'. 'ETTLypacpdfxevoi fiovaat. Textus Johannis Schweighseuseri, cui adjectae sunt, edi- tionum Schweighseuseri, Reizii & Schse- feri, et Wesselingii, lectiones variantes omnes. Glasguse, 1818. 4 v. = 4995.20 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Llorace, his life, friendships and philoso- phy, as told by himself. In unrhymed metrical translation, with the Latin text, and appropriate illustrations from his works. By Clarence Gary. New York, 1904. = *2925.I2 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Shakespeare's Ovid, being Arthur Gold- ing's translation of the Metamorphoses [1567], edited by W. H. D. Rouse. Lon- don, 1904. Plate. [The King's library. The De La More Press Folios. 3.] **G.383o.i7 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comedies. Traduction nouvelle par Vic- tor Betolaud. Paris. [1863.] = 2949a.i Italian Literature. Bingham, Joel Foote, compiler. Gemme della letteratura italiana. Firenze, 1904. Portrait. 4801.12 1904 41 T Chesani, Giuseppe. L'ordiiie nell' Inferno di Dante. Parte i. Verona, 1903. 2796.85 Del Bufalo della Valle, Emilia, Marchesa. Forum Romanum und Vestalinnen. Roma, 1900. 12 pD. Plates. Plan. = 477oa.46 This is a German poem on the life of the Ves- tals, with a translation in Italian prose. [Gediclite, etc. Roma, 1891-1903.] 10 sheets bound in i v. = 477oa.47 Leben verlangerndes Witzbucli, audi ernste Gedichte enthaltend nebst Re- cept und Rath. Rom, 1903. = 477oa.97 Bound with this is her La bandiera italiana. Ilg, Albert. Ueber den kunsthistorischen Werth der Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte der Kunstliteratur in der Renaissance. Wien, 1872. Plate. 4775.68 Rossi, Giorgio. Studi e ricerche tassoniane. Bologna, 1904. 4799-29 Sanskrit Literature. Henry, Victor. 1850-. Les litteratures de I'lnde: Sanscrit — Pali — Pracrit. Paris, 1904. 3029.128 Scandinavian. Icelandic. Mogk, Eugen. Geschichte der norwegisch-islandischen Literatur. 2. verbesserte Auflage. Strass- burg, 1904. 287oa.i02 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. 1547-1616. Complete works. Edited by Jas. Fitz- maurice-Keily. Translated [into Eng- lish]. Vol. 2-8. Glasgow, 1901-02. *5099.88 Contents. — 2. Galatea. 3-6. Don Quixote. 7, 8. Exemplary novels. Leyenda, La, del Abad Don Juan de Monte- mayor. Publicada por Ramon Menen- dez Pidal. Dresden, 1903. [Gesellschaft fiir romanische Literatur.] ^4685.62 Poema de Fernan Gongalez. Texto critico, con introduccion, notas y glossario, por C. Carroll Marden. Baltimore, 1904. Fac-similes. **D.i5i.27 Bibliography, pp. xiii-xxvii. The authorship is ascribed to a monk of San Pedro de Arlanza. Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Anders, Heinrich R. D. Shakespeare's books. A dissertation on Shakespeare's reading and the immedi- ate sources of his works. Berlin, 1904. Fac-slmile. [Deutsche Shakespeare-Ge- sellschaft, Weimar.] 4593.200 B., E. The festival-play in Rothcnburg o. Tauber. Rothenburg. [189-?] 16 pp. Plate. = 48793.111 Benedix, Julius Rodcrich. Das Gefiingnis. Lustspicl. Biihnenein- richtung von Ernst Albert. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.462 Brodmeier, Cecil. Die Shakespeare-Biihne nach den alten Buhnenanweisungen. Weimar, 1904. Plans. 4594.155 Cicconi, Teobaldo. La figlia unica. Commedia. 7a edizione. Milano. [1884."' = 47793.46 Donnay, Maurice, and Lucien Descaves. Oiseaux de passage. Piece. Paris, 1904. 35 pp. Illus. Portraits. 6671.144 Supplement to L'lllustration, 26 mars, 1904. Drey, Sylvan, pseud.? The new Pygmalion and Galatea. An original comedy in one act. New York. [1903-] 15 pp. = 65693.413 Guarini, Giovanni Battista. II pastor fido. Londra, 1816. 2 v. in i. = 47993.12 Hampe, Theodor, Die fahrenden Leute in der deutschen Vergangenheit. Mit 122 Abbildungen und Beilagen nach Originalen. Leipzig, 1902. Illus. Portrait. 2831.26 Mueller von Koenigswinter, Wolfgang. Sie hat ihr Herz entdeckt. Lustspiel. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.462 Noyes, Isaac Pitman. Temperance drama. [Washington," 1903.] 20 pp. = 4409b.86 Perry, Marsden Jasael. A preliminary list of books, pamphlets, and newspapers relating to the Bacon- Shakespeare controversy, in the Shake- spearian collection of Marsden J. Perry, of Providence, R. 1. Providence, 1891. 12 pp. = **G.72.i4 Edition limited to ten copies. Schmid, D. George Farquhar, sein Leben und seine Original-Dramen. Wien, 1904. [Wiener Beitrage zur Englischen Philologie.] ^4552.55.18 Schmidt, Expeditus, Pater. Die Biihnenverhaltnisse des deutschen Schuldramas und seiner volkstiimlichen Ableger im sechzehnten Jahrhundert. [Gekronte Preisschrift.) Berlin, 1903. Plates. 4873. Ill Sh3kespe3re, William. The tragedy of Hamlet, edited by A. W. Verity. Cambridge, 1904. [The stu- dents' Shakespeare.] 4599.71 Weisse, Christian Felix. Die Jagd. Komische Oper von Johann Adam Hiller. Dichtung von C. F. Weisse. Text und Musik neu bearbeitet von Albert Lortzing. Vollstandiges Buch. Herausgegeben von G. Richard Kruse. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.462 Words only. November Worp, Jacob Adolf. Geschiedenis van het drama en van het tooneel in Nederland. Deel i. Gronin- gen, 1904. 4874-133 Folk-lore. Ballads. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Blote, J. F. D. Das Aufkommen der Sage von Brabon Silvius, dem brabantischen Schwanrit- ter. Amsterdam, 1904. Chart. [Konink- lijke akademie van wetenschappen, Amsterdam. Verhandelingen.] 7561.47 Dasent, Sir George Webbe. Popular tales from the Norse. New edi- tion, with a memoir by Arthur Irwin Dasent. New York, 1904. 2906.74 Pitre, Giuseppe. 1843-. Studi di leggende popolari in Sicilia e nuova raccolta di leggende siciliane. Torino, 1904. 4776.68 Contains a chapter on the legend of Cola Pesce. Stumme, Hans, editor and translator. 1864-. Neue tunisische Sammlungen. (Kinder- lieder, Strassenlieder, Auszahlreime, Ratsel, 'Arobis, Geschichtchen, u. s. w.) [Leipzig.] 1896. 51 pp. 3022.34 Contains the originals, phonetic transliterations, and translations. Medicine* Hygiene* Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. American Electro-Therapeutic Association. Report of special committee as to priority in production and use of the static in- duced current. N. p. [1901.] 32 pp. Diagrams. = 5782.11 List of publications examined, pp. 12, 13. Investigates the claim of Dr. William J. Morton. Benedict, Arthur Lincoln. The formative periods of medical nomen- clature. [Philadelphia, 1894.] 7 pp. = 3724.81 Davis, Lucy W. The out-door relief of the Children's Hos- pital, Boston. [Boston, 1903.] 4 pp. = 5761.78 Dearborn, George Van Ness. How can the standard of the medical pro- fession best be raised? [Philadelphia, 1903.] 12 pp. = 3728.85 Dwight, Edwin Welles. General purulent peritonitis, with a report of thirty-five cases, fifteen of which re- covered. Boston, 1902. 23 pp. = 3797.48 France. Office du travail. Maladies professionnelles. fitude tech- nique sur leur assimilation aux accidents du travail. Paris, 1903. =: 3766.46 Grimke, Sarah Stanley. First lessons in reality, or the psychical basis of physical health. By the writer of Personified unthinkables. Detroit, 1886. 92 pp. Diagrams. = 7768.92 Kehr, Hans. A review of 720 laparotomies for gall- stones with special consideration of 90 cases of drainage of the hepatic duct. Translated by Max J. Stern. [Philadel- phia, 1903.] 40 pp. r= 3744.83 Massachusetts Medical Society. One hundred twenty-second anniversary. [Announcement for the annual meeting, June 10, 1903.] Roxbury, 1903. 8 pp. = 3739.88 Michigan. State Board of Health. [Documents, leaflets, pamphlets, etc., on contagious diseases. Lansing, Mich.] 190T-1904. Tllus. Chart. *5763.i57 Pusey, Brown, M.D. An old-time quack eye doctor, the Cheva- lier John Taylor. Chicago, 1903. 7 pp. = 3807.38 Retzius, Anders Adolf. Skrifter i skilda amnen jamte nigra bref. Utgifna af Gustaf Retzius. Stockholm, 1902. Portrait. = 3731.^9 Contains biographies and. bibliographies of Swedish physicians, and chapters on medical subjects. United States. A bill for the regulation of scientific ex- periments upon human beings in the District of Columbia. Washington, 1900. 5 PP- = 5745.94 Contains also notes by the American Humane Association. Wilcox, Reynold Webb. The present status of iron therapy. N. p. [1904.] 8 pp. = 3789.86 Wollenberg, Robert. Die Hypochondrie. Wien, 1904. 69 pp. [Specielle Pathologic und Therapie.] *3782.i4i.Theil i, Abtheilung 3 Hygiene. Mason, William Ernest. Pure food legislation. Speech ... in the Senate, May 2, 1900. Washington, 1900. 32 pp. = 7977.71 Contains also A bill for the protection of the public health (S.4047). Miles, Eustace Hamilton, Muscle, brain, and diet. A plea for sim- pler foods. [4th edition.] London, 1903. 5769a.i54 Revue d'hygiene et de police sanitaire. Tables generales (Annees 1879 a 1901). Dressees par M. le Vallin. Paris, 1902. *376ob.5i The Revue is on shelf-number *376ob.so. Steeves, Alice M. Oral hygiene in the public schools. [Bos- ton, 1904.] 12 pp. = 58o9a.87 Cremation. Adler, Leopold, of Vienna. Die Leichenverbrennung. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die osterreichische Ge- setzgebung. Wien, 1874. 31 pp. = 6234.20 1904 413 Baginsky, Adolf. 1843-. Die Leichenverbrennung vom Standpunkt der Hygieine, von Dr. A. Baginsky, iind Ueber Pietat gegen die Todten, von Dr. S. Bernstein. Berlin, 1874. 66 pp. = 6238.83 Besi, Alessio. Die Beerdigung iind Verbrennung der Leichen betrachtet vom Standpnnkte der Religion, der Geschichte, der Hygi- eine, der Gesetzgebnng, der Okonomie und des Gefiibls. tjbersetzt von Emerike Holzinger von Weidich. Regensburg, 1889. — 6238.66 Canterbury, Province, England. Plouse of Laymen. Report of the committee on religious ser- vices in cases of cremation. With the resolution of the House of Laymen thereon. April 1899. London. [1899.] 8 pp. = 6238.77 Carey, Francis King. [The disposition of the body after death. St. Louis, 1885.] 20 pp. = 6238.57 I Cincinnati Cremation Society. Addresses incidental to the dedication of the crematory of Cincinnati, November 4, 1888. Cincinnati, 1889. 34 pp. = 6238.88 Cremation: a rational and sanitary mode of disposing of the remains of the dead. Cincinnati, 1901. 23 pp. Illus. = 6234.19 Cleveland Cremation Company. [The Cleveland Crematory.] . Cleveland, 1901. 24 pp. Illus. Map. = 6233.30 Creus, Juan. Leichenbeerdigung und Leichenverbren- nung. Eine historische, wirtschaftliche und medizinische Abhandlung. Aus dem Spanischen iibersetzt von Dr. Ludwig Schiitz. Paderborn, 1879. 66 pp. = 6238.69 Elischer, Julius. tiber Leichenverbrennung. Budapest, 1874. 16 pp. Plate. = 6238.68 Foresti, Lodovico. Statistica delle cremazioni eseguite in Europa nel secolo XIX (1876-1900). Bologna, 1901. 14 pp. = 6233.32 Fuchs, Georg Friedrich. Grab oder Urne. Eine Beleuchtung der Zeitfrage: Wre wollen und sollen wir unsere Todten bestatten? Heilbronn, 1886. 44 pp. = 6238.80 Geiser, A. The crematorium in the Central Cemetery at ZiArich. Translated by Mrs. H. Simon. Manchester, 1890. 11 pp. Plates. Plan. = 6233.29 Gorini, Paolo. Ueber die Erhaltung und die Zerstorung der menschlichen Leichen. Aus dem Italienischen. Nordhausen, 1874. I3 PP- = 6238.63 Gotha, Germany. Stadtrath. Der Leichenverbrennungs-Apparat in der Stadt Gotha und dessen Benutzung. [Gotha, 1893.] 4 PP- = 6234.16 Hohlfeld, Paul. Die Feuerbestattungsvcreine im Gliedbau der menschlichen Gesellschaft. Dres- den. [1892?] 20 pp. = 6238.56 International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. Catalog der crematistischen Ausstellung des VIII Internationalen Congresses fiir Hygiene und Demographic in Budapest, 1-9. September 1894. Wien. [1894.] Portraits. Plates. Plans. = 6234.22 Kuechenmeister, Gottlob Friedrich Hein- rich. Die Todtenbestattungen der Bibel und die Feuerbestattung. Stuttgart, 1893. == 6234.24 Ueber Leichenverbrennung . . . Erlangen, 1874. 58 pp. == 6234.26 Lancaster Cremation and Funeral Reform Society. Cremation. History of the movement in Lancaster, Pa., with an account of the building, furnace, other apparatus and the processes. Rules and regulations. Lancaster, 1886. 19 pp. Plates. = 6238.75 Lemb, Franz Joseph. Die' Bestattung der Todten. Eine histo- rische Skizze. Darmstadt, 1887. 83 pp. = 6238.65 Le Moyne, F. Julius. Cremation. An argument to prove that cremation is preferable to inhumation of dead bodies. Pittsburgh, 1878. 20 pp. = 6234.18 New England Cremation Society. Information regarding cremation as a method of disposing of the bodies of the dead. Boston, ,1899. 43 pp. = 6238.85 New Orleans Cremation Society. [Charter, etc.]. New Orleans, 1884. 15 pp. — 6238.74 New York Cremation Society. Urn burial. [New York.] 1882. 19 pp. Plate. Plan. = 6233.34 Relates to the United States Cremation Com- pany. Philadelphia Cremation Society. Constitution and by-laws of the National Cremation Association. Philadelphia. [1884.] 7 pp. = 6233.28 The National Cremation Association was merged in the Philadelphia Cremation Society. Rautenberg, E. Verbrennen und Begraben bei unsern Vorfahren. Hamburg, 1885. 59 pp. = 6234.17 San Antonio Cremation Company. Charter and by-laws. With list of officers and trustees. [San Antonio, 1885?] 9 pp. = 6238.73 Sartorius, Carl, of St. Elizabeth. Die Leichenverbrennung innerhalb der christlichen Kirche. Basel, 1886. 58 pp. = 6238.71 Schmid, Gregor. Referat iiber Friedhofs-Anlagen erstattet in der Sitzung der Section fiir offent- 414 November liche Gesundheitspflege des Wiener medicin. Doctoren-Collegiums am i8 mai, 1881. Wien, 1881. 33 pp. = 6234.23 On the disposal of the dead, favoring cremation. Schmidt, Rudolf, of Zurich. Die Leichenverbrennung von den Gesichts- punkten der Pietat, der Aesthetik, der Religion, der Hygieine, der Geschichte, des Rechts iind der Nationalokonomie. Winterthur, 1877. 44 pp. = 6238.70 Schneider, Richard, Civil Engineer. FeuerbestattLings-Apparat. System Rich. Schneider. Dresden, 1890. 10 pp. Plans. = 6238.59 Scottish Burial Reform and Cremation So- ciety. The Glasgow Crematorium. Forms, regu- lations, and scale of charges. Glasgow. [1898.] 16 pp. Illus. = 6233.27 Report of proceedings of public meeting, loth August, 1888. Glasgow, 1889. 23 pp. = 6233.24 Seine, Department, France. Prefecture. - Note sur la cremation a Paris au ler no- vembre 1893. [Paris, 1893.] 39 PP- Plate. Plans. = 6232.75 Siedek, Oskar. Die Verbandstage der Feuerbestattungs- vereine deutscher Sprache in der Zeit von 1886 bis 1900. Wien, 1900. 63 pp. = 6238.72 Smith, J. Heber. The desirability of disposing of infected bodies by cremation. [Boston, 1896.] 8 pp. = 6234.15 Spiess, Edmund. Ueber Feuerbestattung oder Leichenver- brennung. Jena, 1878. 34 pp. = 6238.79 Svenska Likbrannings-Foreningen, Stock- holm. Meddelanden. N:r 16, 18-21, 23, 24, 29, 30. Stockholm, 1892-1902. Vignettes. = *6238.58 Thompson, Sir Henry, Baronet, F.R.C.S. On recent proposals relating to burial and cremation, and the importance of disin- fecting all bodies dying from infectious disease. London, 1891. 12 pp. [Crema- tion Society of England.] = 6239.61 Speech in moving the adoption of the report and accounts at the general meet- ing of members of the Cremation Soci- ety [of EnglandL London. [1899.] 14 pp. [Cremation Society of England.] = 6238.55 Ullersperger, Johann Baptist. "Urne oder Grab." Welches die der Menschheit zutraglichste Bestattung? Erlangen, 1874. = 6233.33 Literatur, pp. 108-113. Ussher, Richard. Lecture on cremation at Ventnor, L W. [London, 1891?] 8 pp. [Cremation So- ciety of England.] = 6238.81 Verein fuer Feuerbestattung, Berlin, Ger- many. Die Feuerbestattung. Berlin, 1896. 24 pp. Plates. Vignette. = 6238.60 Same. [2. Auflage.] 1898. 36 pp. 6238.61 This edition lacks the plates and the vignette. Voysey, Charles. 1828-. Cremation. A lecture. London, 1900 15 pp. 6238.82 Weber, Eduard. Wie bestatten wir unsere Todten? Leip- zig, 1876. 58 pp. = 6233.31 Wmdmueller, Louis. 1835-. Graveyards as a menace to the common- weal. [New York, 1898.] 12 pp. = Favors cremation. 6238.78 Science^ Albert, Federico. La seccion de ensayos zoolojicos i botani- cos del Ministerio de industria. Santiago de Chile, 1903. Plates. Maps. 5822.137 Braun, Johann. Die Humussubstanzen. [Passaic, N. J., 1904.] 15 pp. = 3994.154 Canada. Department of the Interior. Dictionary of altitudes in Canada. By James White, F.R.G.S. Ottawa, 1903. = 4466.214 Carriere, £:lie Abel. Traite general des coniferes. Paris, 1855. = 3847.42 Coville, Frederick Vernon, and Daniel Trem- bley Macdougal. Desert botanical laboratory of the Car- negie Institution. Washington, 1903. 64 pp. Plates. Maps. 3855.78 Clarke, William E. Cusack's Glossary of biological terms. London, 1903. Illus. 58293.150 Du Molin, Jean Baptiste. Flore poetique ancienne, ou etudes sur les plantes les plus difficiles a reconnaitre des poetes anciens grecs et latins. Paris, 1856. Illus. = 3857.33 Eastman, Llelen. New England ferns and their common allies: an easy method of determining the species. Boston, 1904. Plates. 3847.85 Farrington, Oliver Cummings. Observations on Indiana caves. Chicago, 1901. 24 pp. Illus. [Field Columbian Museum.] No. 8 in *78i3.i8.i Hutton, Frederick Wollaston, editor. 1836-. Index faunae Novse Zealandiae. London, 1904- 3887.62 International Geographic Congress. 8th, Washington, 1904. Preliminary announcement. [Washing- ton, 1904.] 3 pp. = 6281.28 Kongliga svenska vetenskaps-akademi, Stockholm. Arkiv for Botanik. Band i, hafte 1-3. Stockholm, 1903. Illus. = *385oa.64 Logan, William Newton. Contributions to the paleontology of the upper cretaceous series. Chicago, 1899. 16 pp. Plates. [Field Columbian Mu- seum.] No. 6 in *78i3.i8.i I904 415 McGill, Caroline. The spermatogenesis of Anax junius. [Columbia.] 1904. 22 pp. Plates. [Uni- veristy of Missouri Studies.] = Bibliography, p. 13. No. 5 ill *4490a.220.2 Manila Observatory. The cyclones of the Far East, by Rev Jose Algue. 2d edition. Manila, 1904. Plates. Maps. = 5961.32 Mark anniversary volume. To Edward Laurens Mark, Hersey Professor of Anatomy and Director of the Zoological Laboratory at Harvard University, in celebration of twenty-five years of suc- cessful work for the advancement of zoology, from his former students, 1877- 1902. [Edited by George Howard Parker.] New York, 1903. Illus. Por- trait. Plates. 388oa.77 Miers, Henry Alexander. 1858-. Mineralogy. An introduction to the sci- entific study of minerals. London, 1902. Illus. Colored plates. 5864.54 Montagne, Jean Frangois Camille. Sylloge generum specierumque Crypto- gamarum. Parisiis, 1856. = 3853.121 Philippine Islands. Bureau of Government Laboratories. I. New or noteworthy Philippine plants. 2. The American element in the Philip- pine flora. By Elmer D. Merrill. Ma- nila, 1904. 36 pp. - 3855-58 Rhoads, Samuel Nicholson. The mammals of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Philadelphia, 1903. Plates. Map. 3887.60 Society for the Protection of Birds, London. Annual reports. loth, nth. [London, 1900-01.] = *3907.28 Spurr, Josiah Edward. Descriptive geology of Nevada south of the fortieth parallel and adjacent por- tions of California. Washington, 1903. Ilhjs. Map. [United States. Geologi- cal Survey.] = ^7872. 55.208 Tregarthen, J. C. Wild life at the Land's End: the habits and haunts of the fox, badger, otter, seal, hare, and of their pursuers in Cornwall. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 3818.42 United States. Weather Bureau. Bulletin K. Storms of the Great Lakes. By E. B. Garriott. Washington, 1903. 9 pp. Maps. = 59603.48 Washington Biologists' Field Club. Members' book. Washington, 1904. 14 pp. Plate. Map. = 44793.200 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Bushnell, David L, Jr. The Cahokia and surrounding mound groups. Cambridge, 1904. 20 pp. Illus. Map. [Archaeological and ethnological papers of the Peabody Museum.] No. I in *4363.i27.3 Colajanni, Napoleone. Razze inferiori e razze superiori, o Latini e Anglo-Sassoni. Roma, 1903. 2302.76 Hastings, William W. A manual for physical measurements for use in normal scliools, public and pre- paratory schools, boys' clubs, and Young Men's Christian Associations. Spring- field, Mass., 1902. Illus. Tables. 3761.45 Negelein, Julius von. Das Pferd im arischen Altertum. Konigs- berg i. Pr., 1903. 2836.79 Racedo, Eduardo. Memoria militar y descriptiva sobre la campaiia de la 3a division expedicionaria al territorio de los Ranqueles a las ordenes del General Eduardo Racedo Buenos Aires, 1881. Plans. = 43603.122 Chemistry. Physics. Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth. Mineral analyses from the laboratories of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1903. Washington, 1903. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *7872.55-22o Curie, Madame Pierre. Recherches sur les substances radio- actives. 2e edition. Paris, 1904. Dia- grams. 7972.73 Hofmann, Carl, Chemist. Die radioactiven Stoffe nach dem gegen- wartigen Stande der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis. Leipzig, 1903. 54 pp. 7972.71 Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison. The elements of chemistry. London, 1904. Illus. 3977-150 Richards, Theodore William, and Wilfred Newsome Stull. New method for determining compressi- bility. Washington, 1903. 45 pp. Charts. [Carnegie Institution of Washington.] = 5966.32 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Broughton, Luke D. Planetary influence. New York, 1893. 61 pp. Diagrams. = 3929.158 Contains horoscopes. Bureau international des poids et mesures. Circulaire et reglement concernant la veri- fication des etalons . . . 1891. Paris, 1892. 15 pp. = 3938.15 Carnegie Institution of Washington. Report of Committee on southern and solar observatories. Washington, 1903. = 3924.41 Davidov, Avgust Yulevitch. Ha^ajia TpHroHOMeTpin. HsjiiaHie 2. MocKBa, 1880. = 3935.88 4i6 November Farringfton, Oliver Cummings. Catalogue of the collection of meteorites. May I, 1903. Chicago, 1903. 47 pp. Plates. [Field Columbian Museum.] = *78i3.i8.2 Gratrex, Jonathan James. A practical daily calendar for all years — past, present and future — from Satur- day, January i, A.D. i. Boston, 1904. Broadside. = 2220.34 Hinton, Charles Howard. The fourth dimension, London, 1904. Colored plate. Diagrams. 3939.186 Koenigliche Universitaet, Breslau. Stern- warte. Mittheilungen liber die hier bisher gewon- nenen Resultate fur die geographischen und klimatologischen Ortsverhaltnisse. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. G. Galle. Breslau, 1879. = *5920.i09 Langley, Samuel Pierpont, and Charles Greeley Abbot. The 1900 solar eclipse expedition of the Astrophvsical Observatory of the Smith- sonian Institution. Washington, 1904. 26 pp. Plates. Map. = 3920.83 Marsh, Mabel A. Arithmetic made easy. London, 1902. [Mr. Murray's Text-books of secondary education.] **E.5i24.84 Pickering, Edward Charles. A plan for the endowment of astronomical research. Cambridge, 1903. 13 pp. = 5924-38 Reichel, Otto. 1836-. Vorstufen der hoheren Analysis und Analytischen Geometric. Leipzig, 1904. Diagrams. **E.5i24.8o Selivanov, Dmitri Fedorovitch. Lehrbuch der Differenzenrechnung. Leip- zig, 1904. 7 pp. **E.5i24.75 Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna. Instructions No. 1-3. [New York, 1889, 90.] 3 V. in I. Diagrams. Tables. = *3482.i78 Bibliography, vol. 3, pp. 120-122. Boer, Tjitze J. de. The history of philosophy in Islam. Trans- lated by Edward R. Jones. London, 1903. [Luzac's Oriental religious series.] 3024.126 Faguet, Auguste fimile. En lisant Nietzsche, Paris, 1904. 3609.218 Fossey, Adolphe Ernest Charles. La magie assyrienne, etude suivie de textes magiques transcrits, traduits et commentes. Paris, 1902. [Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des hautes etudes.] 3494.55.15 ^eonhardi, Hermann Carl, Freiherr von. Der Philosophencongress als Versohn- ungsrath. Prag, 1869. = 3605.211 Bibliography, p. 92. Levy-Bruhl, Lucien. The philosophy of Auguste Comte. Au- thorised translation [by Kathleen de Beaumont-Klein], London, 1903. 3607.185 M., G., F.T.S. The elixir of life. (From a chela's diary.) Boston, 1887. 42 pp. =: 3489.144 Theosophical Society, London. The neutrality of the Theosophical Soci- ety. An enquiry into certain charges against the Vice-President [William Q. Judge], held in London, July, 1894. Lon- don, 1904. 16 pp. = 3482.174 Theosophical Society in America. Annual convention, 6th, 8th, 9th. Report of proceedings. New York, 1892-95. = The titles are on the covers. *3482.I73 The Eastern School of Theosophy. Book of rules. [New York, 1891.] 24 pp. = 3482.176 Eastern School of Theosophy. Degree II. First supplementar}^ paper to Instruc- tion No. IV. [New York, 1890?] = Signed, William Q. Judge, 3482.177 [Esoteric and Eastern School of Theoso- phy. First degree. Lodge of Light. New York, 1890?] 12 pp. = 3482.175 Signed, William Q, Judge. Thompson, Helen Bradford. The mental traits of sex. An experimen- tal investigation of the normal mind in men and women. Chicago, 1903. Charts, = *P.50.887 Bibliography, pp, 183-188, Education. Children. Brosnahan, Timothy, Dr. Harris, U. S. Commissioner of Educa- tion, and the agnostic school house. New York, [1904?] 31 pp. = 3593.234 Buchtel College and Academy, Akron, Ohio. Annual catalogue, 33d. Akron, O., 1904, Plates. = *4499a.332 Colorado College, Colorado Springs, In and about Colorado Colleg'e, Colorado Springs, 1899. 37 pp, Illus, = 4479.291 De Pauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. Addresses at the exercises attending the inauguration of Edwin Holt Hughes as President, [Indianapolis, 1904,] 32 pp, = *4499.i42 Drury, John Frederick William, Drury's Manual of education, with special reference to the Education Act, 1902, Manchester, [1903.] Tables, 3597.228 Fernandez Pena, Carlos, editor. La republica escolar [publicada] por . . . Carlos Fernandez Pena, Santiago de Chile, 1903, [Chile, Ministerio de in- struccion publica, Anuario.] 7595-49 Relates to the George Junior Republic and La republica escolar, Liceo Santiago. 1904 417 Francke, Kuno, The Germanic Museum. [An account of the collection. Cambridge? 1904?] 4 pp. = 4483.243 Hackley School, The, Tarrytown-on-IIud- son. [Two descriptive circulars, in behalf of a proposed memorial building to bear the name of Edward Everett Hale. Boston, 1904.] 9 pp. Illus. = 4493.299 Howe, Samuel Gridley. Dr. Howe's Report on the case of Laura Bridgman. May i, 1843. [Boston, 1843.] 15 PP- = . . 5595-115 Instruccion primaria, La. Revista quincenal. Redactor en jefe: Lincoln de Zayas. Alio 2, no. 2-7. 1903. Habana, 1903. *3592.2o6 Lathrop, Henry Burrows. The University of Wisconsin. A study of higher education by the State. [Madi- son, Wis.] 1904. 45 pp. Plates. = 4485.228 A monograph for distribution at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass. .[View of the Academy.] Photogravure. = No. 2 in *4490.i4 Luquet, G. H. Aristote et I'Universite de Paris pendant le Xllle siecle. Paris, 1904. 42 pp. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] 3494.55.16.2 Maintenon, Franqoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de. Extraits de ses lettres, avis, entretiens, conversations et proverbes sur I'educa- tion. Precedes d'une introduction par Oct. Greard. 5e edition. Paris, 1899. [Collection des principaux ouvrages pedagogiques frangais et etrangers.] *P-3o.55o Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Class of 1893. Fourth catalogue, June 1903. Decennial. Marlborough, Mass. [1903.] = ^4491. 132 Modern Language Association of America. Liforme de la Comision de doce miembros de la Sociedad americana de lenguas modernas sobre la ensefianza del frances i del aleman. (Traducido del ingles por Carlos A. Miranda.) Santiago de Chile, 1903. 57 pp. [Chile. Ministerio de in- struccion publica. Anuario.] *759549 The original is on shelf-number *7S95-i i^^QT? 98) vol. 2. Mosely Educational Commission to the United States of America. Oct.-Dec, 1903. Reports. London, 1904. Plates. *3595.299 Muench, Wilhelm. 1843-. Zukunftspadagogik. Utopien, Ideale, Mo- glichkeiten. Berlin, 1904. 3599.221 Nute High School and Library, Milton, N. H. Annual catalogue . . . 1903-1904. Concord, N. H., 1903. Portrait. Plates. = *4499a.36i Purnell, Edward Kelly. Magdalene College. London, 1904. Illus. Genealogical table. [College histories. University of Cambridge.] 2499a.36 Stubbs, Charles William. Cambridge and its story. With . . . litho- graphs and other illustrations by Her- bert Railton. London, 1903. Illus. 2491.24 Wesleyan Olla Podrida, The. No. 4-1 1, 13- 15, 17-25. Springfield [etc.], 1862-84. Illus. Portraits. = *'j2go.j/^ Ethics. Life. IVEanners. Occupation. Alphandery, Paul. Les idees morales chez les heterodoxes latins au debut du Xllle siecle. Paris, 1903. [Bibliotheque de I'ficole des hautes etudes.] 3494.55.16.1 Principaux ouvrages cites, pp. iii-ix. Etiquette; or, the perfect gentleman. Lon- don. [18 — ?] Plate. =: No. I in 5589.250 International Temperance Congress. 8th Congress, Vienna, 1901. Bericht. Redigirt von Dr. Rudolf Wlas- sak. Leipzig, 1902. *7583.2i4 Loewenthal, Eduard. 1836-. Geschichte der Friedensbewegung. Nebst Anhang: Ein Welt-Friedens-Plebiszit und Weltfriedenspreise. Berlin, 1903. 7578.153 Maeterlinck, Maurice. Le tresor des humbles. 32e edition. Paris, 1902. 3587-194 The date on the cover is 1903. Religion* Theology* American Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions. Annual report of the Mission co-operating with the Kumi-ai churches of Japan. [N. p.] 1898. Maps. = *3535.73 Berceo, Gonzalo de. La vida de Santo Domingo de Silos. !fidi- tion critique publiee par John D. Fitz- Gerald. Paris, 1904. [Bibliotheque de rficole des hautes etudes.] 5551-72 Bible. The Book of Job. Illustrated with fifty- engravings by Sir John Gilbert, and with notes & poetical parallels. 'London, 1880. Illus. 3415.113 The Book of Kings. Critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors exhib- iting the composite structure of the books. With notes by Bernhard Stade assisted by Friedrich Schw^ally. Eng- lish translation of the notes by R. E. Briinnow and Paul Haupt. Leipzig, 1904. [Sacred books of the Old Testa- ment.] *34i2.ii5 4i8 November A fourteenth century English Biblical version. Edited by Anna C. Panes. Cambridge, 1904. 3418.148 This version lacks the books of Mark, Luke, John, Philemon and Revelation, and does not have all the others complete. Prefixed is a pro- logue covering parts of the Pentateuch. The Gospel of St. Matthew, in Hindee . . . Serampore, 1837. 108 pp. 5416.37 Blatchford, Robert. God and my neighbour. [3d edition.] London, 1904. 3488.157 This is an adverse criticism of the Bible and Christianity. Brown, Nathan, Baptist Missionary in Assam. 1807-. The crufixion in A'sa'mese. Jaipur, 1841. 19 pp. = 5479a.75 Central Conference of American Rabbis. Year book. Vol. XIII. 1903. [Baltimore, 1904.] = *2298.i4 Charlevoix, Pierre Frangois Xavier de. 1682- 1761. Histoire du Christianisme au Janon. Nou- velle edition. Paris, 1828. 2 v. 3536.46 Chelsea, Mass. St. Rose Church. Collection for the improvement of the church, 1902, 03. [Chelsea, 1903, 04.] = 7551-235 Clark, Frank Gray. Historical address given at the seventy- fifth anniversary of the organization of the Grafton County Conference of Con- gregational Churches, Bath, N. H., May 26, 1903. Plymouth, N. H. [1903.] 20 pp. = 7547-106 Cust, Robert Needham. Clouds on the horizon. An essay on the various forms of error, which stand in the way of the acceptance of real Chris- tian faith by the educated natives of Asia, Africa, America, and Oceania. 3d and enlarged edition. Hertford, 1904. 3486.38 Davidson, Andrew Bruce. Old Testament prophecy. Edited by J. A. Paterson. [2d impression.] Edinburgh, 1904- 3425-149 Drummond, James, of Hampstead, England, .1^35- An inquiry into the character and author- ship of the Fourth Gospel. London, 1903- 3424-26 Ferrette, Bernard de. B. de Ferrette, prieur de Murbach, et son diarium. Colmar, 1902, 1903. 3 v. Por- trait. Plate. [Moines et religieuses d'Alsace.] 35193.23 The preface is signed A. M. P. I, [Augustine Marie Pierre Ingold]. Frothingham, Paul Revere. A faithful minister in the Lord. A sermon in memory of Brooke Herford. Boston, 1904. 26 pp. = 4449-304 Gamble, Rev. John. St. Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles. Lon- don. [1903 I Plate. Map. [The Temple series of Bible handbooks.] 34293.112 Bibliography, p. 116. Gaskoin, Charles Jacinth Bellairs. Alcuin: his life and his work. London, 1904- 3506.76 List of works cited, pp. xiii-xxii, Grubb, W. Barbrooke, and others. Among the Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco: a story of missionary work in South America. Edited by Gertrude Wilson. London, 1904. Illus. Por- traits. Colored map. 4366.214 Herkless, John. 1855-. The -early Christian martyrs and their persecutions. London. [1904.] Plate, Map, [The Temple series of Bible hand- books.] 34293.102 Herrmann, Paul. 1866-. Nordische Mythologie in gemeinverstand- licher Darstellung. Leipzig, 1903. Illus, 2902.44 Hjelt, Arthur. Die altsyrische Evangelieniibersetzung und Tatians Diatesseron, besonders in ihrem gegenseitigen Verhaltnis. Leip- zig, 1903. ' 3424-154 Howard, Rev. John, A.M. Scripture history for the young. [The illustrated edition.] New York. [1876?] Plates. — 5428.52 Kerr, Lady Amabel. Before Our Lord came. An Old Testa- ment history for young children. Lon- don, 1902. Plates. 74493.272 Latimer, E. The three brothers. Sketches of the lives of Rev. Aurora Seager, Rev, Micah Sea- ger, Rev. Schuyler Seager. New York, 1880. 58 pp. = 5559-139 Leipoldt, Johannes, editor and translator. Saidische Ausziige aus dem 8. Buche der apostolischen Konstitutionen. Leipzig, 1904. 64 pp. [Gebhardt and Harnack.] *3504.50.N.F.ii, part ib Ethiopic and Latin texts are on shelf-number *B. 4260. 16. Coptic texts are on shelf-number 3411-107. The authorship is ascribed to Clement Ro- manus. Relates to the liturgy and ritual of the Coptic Churches of Egypt. Lyon, William Henry, Frederick Newman Knapp, sixth minister of the First Parish in Brookline, 1847- 1855. A sermon, Brooklin, 1904. 20 pp. Portraits. = 4449.309 Marnas, Francisque. La "Religion de Jesus" (laso ja-kyo) res- suscitee au Japon dans la seconde moitie du XIXe siecle. Paris. [1896.] 2 v. Portraits. Plates. Map. 3538.154 Mathiez, Albert, La theophilanthropie et la culte decadaire, 1796-1801: essai sur I'histoire religieuse de la Revolution. Paris, 1904. 3523-125 Nelson, Nels L. Scientific aspects of Mormonism; or, re- ligion in terms of life. New York, 1904. 5544-132 Newman, Samuel. 1600-1663. A concordance to the Holy Scriptures; to- 1904 419 gether with the books of the Apocrypha . . . By S. N. 4th edition very much enlarged, . . . London, 1698. = *542o.i6 Palladius, Saint, Bishop of Helenopolis. The book of Paradise, being the histories and sayings of the monks and ascetics of the Egyptian Desert, by Palladius, Hieronymus, and others. The Syriac texts, according to the recension of 'Anan-Isho' of Beth 'Abhe, edited with an English translation by E. A. Wallis Budge. London, 1904. 2 v. [Lady Meux manuscripts.] = *350i.67 The Paradise, or the book of the triumphs of the Holy Fathers, was written at the request of Lausus, Chamberlain to Theodosius II. Greek and Latin versions of The Paradise are on shelf-number *547i.4.34. Payne, Charles Henry. The American Sabbath. Shall it be a holy- day or a holiday? New York. [189-?] 31 PP- = . 5458.133 Premanand Bharati, Baba. Sree Krishna, the Lord of Love. New York. [1904.] 2 V. in i. Portrait. Col- ored plate. = 3488.159 Rand, William. Ministers should have a sincere and ardent love to the souls of their people. Licul- cated in a sermon preach'd at Road- Town, October 27, 1742. when the Rev- erend Mr. Abraham Hill was ordained pastor. Boston: Printed for T. Fleet . . . 1742. 24 pp. **G.389b.64 Saint-Poli, Henri, Abbe de. L'affaire Dreyfus et la mentalite catho- lique en France. Paris, 1904. 26i9a.i90 Salvation Army, Binghamton, N. Y. Report, 1899-1000. [Binghamton, 190-?! 16 pp. Plates. = *3535-i36 Transmigrations, The, of Indur. New-Haven, 1824. 31 pp. Woodcuts. Plate. =: **H.99C.i36 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Twenty-fifth annual report, January, 1899. Cincinnati, 1899. = *2293.36 V/illiams, Anna Bolles, editor. The Rogerenes. Some hitherto unpub- lished annals belonging to the colonial history of Connecticut. Boston. [1904-] Bibliography, pp. 388-392. 4431.II9 Wilson, George, M.D. 1818-1859. Counsels of an invalid. Letters on relig- ious subjects. London, 1862. Portrait. = 5449.121 Winchester Conference, The. Papers by the missionaries to non-Catho- lics on the work of making converts. New York. [1901.] = 3468.103 Law* Legislation* Patents* Benjamin, Judah Philip. 1811-1884. Benjamin's Treatise on the law of sale of personal property; with references to the American decisions and to the French code and civil law. 7th Ameri- can edition, from the latest English edi- tion. With American notes by E. 11. Bennett, and S. C. Bennett. Indianapo- lis, 1899. *3662.43 Best, John C. The official report of the trial of John C. Best for murder [of George E. Bailey]. Boston, 1903. *7685.47 Franceschini, Antonio. Giulio Pace da Bcriga e la giurisprudenza dci suoi tempi. Venezia, 1903. 5620.27 Hamilton, James Cleland. Osgoode Hall. Reminiscences of the bench and bar. Toronto, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. Plan. Fac-simile. 7631.9 Matthews, Nathan, Jr. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the Court of Land Registration. Title No. 416. The East Boston Company, peti- tioner for registration. Brief for the petitioner. Boston, 1904. Map. = 4454.286 Michigan. Laws of Michigan concerning the requir- ing of a civil license to marry, the solemnization of marriages, and the record, return, and compilation of births, marriages, and deaths. Lansing, 1887. 12 pp. =: 3665.101 Thorpe, Francis. 1595-1665. Sergeant Thorpe, judge of assize for the Northern Circuit, his charge, as it was delivered to the grand-jury at York Assizes the twentieth of March, 1648. Clearly epitomizing the statutes belong- ing to this nation, which concerns (and as a golden rule, ought to regulate) the severall estates and conditions of men. London, 1649. 30 pp. *5699a.7 West End Street Railway Company. West End Street Railway Co. Boston Ele- vated Railway Co. Lease. [Boston, 1897?] 17 pp. = *755o.4i White, Thomas Raeburn. Business law. A text-book for schools and colleges. New York. [1900.] 3668.32 Williamson and Burleigh. A leaflet on the corporation laws of Maine. Augusta. [1901.] 4 pp. = 9347-1741 Useful and Industrial Arts* Buchwald, Max. Der Oberbau der Strassen- und Klein- bahnen. Wiesbaden, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8014.201 Electric Storage Battery Company. The application of storage batteries to railway plants. The installation 'of . . . ''Chloride accumulators" . . . for the Ottawa Electric Railway Co. Philadel- phia. [1903.] 7 pp. Illus. Charts. = 8015.235 The_ application of storage batteries to railway plants. The installation of . . . "Chloride accumulators" . . . for the San Francisco Oakland & San Jose Ry. Co. Philadelphia. [1904.] 4 pp. Illus. Charts. = 8015.236 420 November General Electric Company. Trolley contact-spring case. (Anderson patent no. 412,155.) General Electric Company, complainant-appellant, vs. International Specialty Company, de- fendant-appellee. Opinion filed in the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, November 17, 1903. New York, [1903.] 7 pp. Illus. = 7692.169 Harriman, John Emery, Jr. Description and illustration of a flying machine, invented by John Emery Har- riman, Jr. Boston, 1904. 14 pp. Illus. ~ 5968.145 Heubner, Paul Leonhard. Der Musterlagerverkehr der Leipziger Messen. Tubingen, 1904. Colored maps. 5644.108 Horner, Joseph Gregory. An elementary treatise of hoisting machin- ery. London, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8017.292 Horstmann, Henry Charles, and Victor Hugo Tousley. Dynamo tending for engineers. Chicago, 1904. Illus. Diagrams. 8019.236 The same as their Electricity for engineers [No. 2 in 8019.235]. Howard, Jerome B. The phonographic amanuensis. . . . Cin- cinnati, 1904. 6149.174 International Congress of Navigation. 9th Congress. Diisseldorf, 1902. Katalog fiir die Wasserbau- und Schif- fahrtsausstellung. [Diisseldorf, 1902.] 54 pp. Plan. 395oa.9 Jenkins, Phys, Motor cars and the application of me- chanical power to road vehicles. Lon- don, 1902. Illus. Portrait. Plans. 8017.297 Julian, H. Forbes, and Edgar Smart. Cyaniding gold and silver ores. London, 1904. Plans. Charts. 3866.144 Martyn, Charles. 1874-. The financial side of hotel keeping. By J. Elliott Lane (Charles Martyn). New York, 1903. =z 8006.82 How to make money in a country hotel. By J. Elliott Lane [pseud.]. New York, 1893. Illus. 8006.83 The wine steward's manual. New York. [1903.] Plates. 8008.123 Mass Consolidated Mining Co. Report of the directors for 1901-03. Bos- ton, 1902-04. Plates. = ^7659. 148 Massachusetts Electric Companies. Annual report, 2d. [Boston.] 1901. = *7658.285 New York, City. Department of Water Sup- ply, Gas and Electricity. Minutes of the Croton Aqueduct Board. July 18, 1849, to April 9, 1870. New York, 1903. = 6494.112 New York, State. State Water Storage Commission. Report. Transmitted, January 26, 1903. Albany, 1903. Plates. Maps. Appen- dix, xxxiv folded maps and profiles. = 5941-31 Bibliography of flood literature, pp. 565-656. P., P. o. Cookery book for fasting and abstinence days. 5th edition. London. [189-?] 60 pp. 80093.99 Pullman's Palace Car Company. Annual statement. 1892, 94, 95. [Chicago, 1892-95.] *7656.39 Reiser, Fridolin. The hardening and tempering of steel, in theory and practice. Translated from the German of the third and enlarged edition by Arthur Morris and Herbert Robson. London, 1903. 8017.280 Revue de metallurgie. Memoires. [Janvier, fevrier, mars, 1904.] Paris, 1904. Illus. *586oa.72 Appears as a supplement to the Bulletin de la Societe d'encouragement pour I'industrie natio- nale [*338o.2]. Rion, Adolphe. Methode facile. Tenue de livres en par- tie double. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1868. = 3939.182 Strange, William Lumisden. Indian storage reservoirs with earthen dams: their design and construction. London, 1904. Maps. Plans. 3946.118 Thompson, Albert Clifton. Opinion — Circuit Court. Thomson in- duction motor. (Patents Nos. 363,186 — 399,801 — 428,650) . Thomson-Hous- ton Electric Company, Complainant, vs. Dayton Fan and Motor Company and E. O. Waymire, Defendants. Judge Thompson's Opinion, filed in the United States Circuit Court, Southern District of Ohio, Nov. 2, 1903. New York, 1903. 10 pp. = 7692.142 Wait, John Cassan. A calendar of invention and discovery. New York, 1903. Plates. Illuminated title-pages. = *Patent Room 27.39 Waring, J. M. S. The storage battery in small central sta- tions. [Philadelphia, 1904.] 4 pp. Chart. = 4013.109 On the use of "Chloride accumulators." Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. Tesla split-phase motor. (Patents nos. 511,559 and 511,560). Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, complainant, vs. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York and H. C. Mandeville, defendants. Judge Hazel's opinion filed in the U. S. Circuit Court, Western Dis- trict of New York, February 9, 1904. New York. [1904.] ■ 15 PP- = 7693.161 Wood, Matthew Patterson. Rustless coatings; corrosion and electro- lysis of iron and steel. New York, 1904, Illus. Charts. 8013.219 Yaqui Copper Company. Letters — reports, extracts, etc., relating to the Yaqui Copper Company, Campo Santo Nino, Sonora, Mexico. New York, [1903.] 34 ff- = 7650-74 I904 421 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. Adirondack problem, The, [New York, 1903.] 2 pp. = 384444 On the forestry question. Bald, Claud. Indian tea; its culture and manufacture. Calcutta, 1903. Illtis. Plan. 3993-ioo Barois, Julien Hippolyte Eugene. Les irrigations en figypte. Paris, 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. 3990-56 Christ, Johann Ludwig. Die Krankheiten, Uebel und Feinde der Obstbaume und ihre Abhiilfe. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1808. = 3997-95 Du Breuil, Alphonse, Cours elementaire theorique et pratique d'arboriculture. 3e edition. Paris, 1853, 54. 2 V. Illus. = 3847-34 Duvel, Joseph William Tell. The vitality and germination of seeds. Washington, 1904. 96 pp. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bu- reau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.58 Literature cited, pp. 90-92. Fischer, Theobald. 1846-. Der Olbaum. Seine geographische Ver- breitung, seine wirtschaftliche und kul- turhistorische Bedeutung. Gotha, 1904. 96 pp. Map. [Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt.] No. 3 in *627i.5i.3i Girardin, Jean Pierre Louis, and Alphonse Du Breuil. Cours elementaire d'agriculture. Paris, 1850, 52. 2 V. Illus. = 3997-98 Luebbers, Lubbeft Eiken. Ostfrieslands Schiffahrt und Seefischeri. Tubingen, 1903. 5644.104 Mitscherlich, Alfred. Die Schwankungen der landwirtschaft- lichen Reinertrage berechnet fiir einige Fruchtfolgen mit Hilfe der Fehlerwahr- scheinlichkeitsrechnung. Tiibingen, 1903. Charts. Tables. 5644.105 Moitrier, A. Traite pratique de la culture de I'osier, et de son usage dans I'industrie de la van- nerie fine et commune. Paris, 1855. 55 pp. Plates. = No. 2 in 3848.12 Mens, Jean Baptiste von. Arbres fruitiers. Leur culture en Belgique et leur propagation par la graine, ou pomonomie beige. Louvain, 1835, 36. 2 V. = 3847-38 Odolant-Desnos, Joseph. Traite de la culture des pommiers et poi- riers, et de la fabrication du cidre et du poire. Paris. [1829.] Plans. = 5995-92 Parkinson, John. 1567-1650. Paradisi in sole, Paradisus terrestris. Faithfully reprinted from the edition of 1629. London, 1904. Plates. *L.20.25 Phillips, Henry. 1 780-1830. The companion for the orchard. An his- torical and botanical account of fruits known in Great Britain; New edition. London, 1831. Plates. 7993-85 Poederle, Eugene Joseph Charles Gilain Hubert d'Olmen, Baron de. Manuel de I'arboriste et du forestier bel- giques. 2e edition. Bruxelles, 1758. 2 v. = 3847-36 Raymond, Rossiter Worthington. The Governor's forest policy. [Brooklyn, 1903.] 2 pp. = 3849-T9 Redding, R. J. Corn culture. Atlanta, Ga., 1897-1900. 4 V. [Georgia. State College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts. Georgia Experiment Station.] *7995-ii-34,37, 46,51 Shepard, Edward Morse. The public interest involved in the Cornell forestry experiment. New York, 1904. 27 pp. = 3849-17 Townsend, Charles Orrin. A soft rot of the calla lily. Washington, 1904. 47 pp. Illus. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] *3853.i28.6o United States. Department of Agriculture. Indian corn in Argentina: production and export. By Frank W. Bicknell. Washington, 1903. 48 pp. Plates. Map. = 7995-7 Progress of the beet-sugar industry in the United States in 1901. Washing- ton, 1902. Plates. Maps. = 7997-85 Office of Experiment Stations. List of station publications received during November and December, 1903. [Washington, 1904.] 7 pp. = 6178.37 Varenne de Fenille, Philibert Charles Marie. Memoires sur I'administration forestiere, et sur les qualites individuelles des bois indigenes ou qui sont acclimates en France. 2e edition. Paris, 1807. 2 v. in I. Plates. =: 3847.40 Weiss, C. F. H. . Specielle Physiologic der Haussaugethiere fiir Thierarzte und Landwirthe. 2. ver- mehrte Auflage. Stuttgart, 1869. Illus. =z 5764.147 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Fitchett, William Henry. Nelson and his captains: sketches of fa- mous seamen. London, 1902. Portraits. Fac-simile. 2542.180 Koehler, G. Die Entwickelung des Kriegswesens und der Kriegfiihrung in der Ritterzeit von Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts bis zu den Hussitenkriegen. Breslau, 1886-90. 4 v. in 6. Plates. Maps. 3952.47 Kuhl, Hermann. Bonapartes erster Feldzug 1796, der Aus- gangspunkt moderner Kriegfiihrung. Berlin, 1902. Maps. 2651.64 Bibliography, pp. 350-354- Relates to the invasion of Piedmont. 422 Morvan, Jean. Le soldat imperial. (1800-1814.) Tome i. Paris, 1904. 4637.78 Pflugk-Harttung, Julius Alb. G. von. 1848- Vorgeschichte der Schlacht bei Belle-Alli- ance. Wellington. Berlin, 1903. Por- trait. 652oa.49 Poenitz, Carl Eduard. Versuch eines Leitfadens zur taktischen Belehrung fiir Subaltern-Offiziere der Infanterie und Cavalerie, bearbeitet von Pz [Pseud.]. Adorf, 1838. = 5956-137 Review, A., of the general staff organiza tions of the European and American armies. N. p., 1855. 54 PP- = 5957-6o 3hand, Alexander Innes. Wellington's lieutenants. London, 1902 Portraits. Map. 65203.45 Contents. — Lord Hill. — General Craufurd. — Sir Thomas Picton. — Marshal Beresford. — Lord LynedocE — The Earl of Hopetoun. — The Marquis of Anglesey. — Lord Combermere. Steinmueller, Joseph, of Mannheim. Tagebuch iiber seine Teilnahme am rus- sischen Feldzuge, 1812. Herausgegeben von Karl Wild. Heidelberg, 1904. 80 pp. Map. 2309a.11 November Postage Stamps. Bartels, John Murray, and others. The postage stamps of the Philippines, including a list of telegraph and revenue stamps issued under Spanish dominion. Boston, 1904. Illus. Map. *223oa.4 Fiction* In English. Jacob, Violet. The interloper. New York, 1904. 59.22 Page, Thomas Nelson. Bred in the bone. New York, 1904. Plates. 59.21 Pyrnelle, Louise Clarke. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot; or, plantation child-life. New York, 1903. Plates. 78.250 In French. Amusements^ Games* Sports* Clapp, Anna C. Whist rules for leads in rhyme. By A. C. C. New York, 1888. 11 pp. = 4009a.258 Edward of Norwich, 2d Duke of York. The master of game . . . the oldest Eng- lish book on hunting. Edited by Wm. A. and F. Baillie-Grohman, with a fore- word, by Theodore Roosevelt. London, 1904. Plates. Fac-similes. *Cab.79.i9.2 Bibliography, pp. 213-272. G., A. L R. Leaves from an Indian jungle. Gathered during thirteen years of a jungle life in the central provinces, the Deccan, and Berar. Bombay, 1903. Plates. 4005.178 Game, The, at Pinehurst, North Carolina, upon the finest golf courses in the South. [New York, 1904.] 16 pp. Illus. = 2389a.i86 Circular describing recreations and sports at Pinehurst. Gwynn, Stephen. Fishing holidays [in Ireland]. London, 1904. 4008.265 New Brunswick. Crown Land Department. Gun and rod in New Brunswick. [St. John? 1904?] = 2389a.36 Trevor, Philip. Rugby Union football. London, 1903. Portraits. Plates. 4009.280 Bazin, Rene. 1853-. Les Oberle. Aquarelles et dessins de Charles Spindler. Paris. [1902.] Illus. Colored plates. 6692.40 A romance of Alsace. Hugo, Victor Marie, Comte. Les miserables. Paris, 1875. 5 v. 4679.107 Ohnet, Georges. Marchand de poison. 37e edition. Paris, 1903. [Les batailles de la vie.] 2679.215 Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Suivons-Le! Illustrations de Jan Styka. Traduction par E. Halperine-Kaminsky. Paris. [1901.] Portraits. Plates. = 3069.257 In German. Achleitner, Arthur. 1858-. Eisenbahnstreik. Roman. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.462 Auersperg, Anton Alexander, Graf von. Der letzte Ritter. Romanzenkranz von Anastasius Griin [Pseud.]. 3. Auflage. Leipzig, 1844. — 2879a.93 Bluethgen, Clara. Brillanten und andere heitere Geschichten von Clara Eysell-Kilburger. (Frau Vic- tor Bliithgen.) Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.462 Ceconi, Ricarda Octavia. Fra Celeste und andere Erzahlungen von Ricarda Huch. Leipzig, 1899. 6899.181 Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, Comte de. Die Tanzerin von Schemacha. Novelle. Deutsch von Rudolf Schlosser. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.462 1904 423 Herlosssohn, Georg Carl Reginald. Die Tochter des Piccolomini. Historisch- romantisches Gemalde. 2. Auflage Prag, 1865. 2 V. in I. 6898.223 Kroeger, Timm. Die Wohnunjr des Gliicks. Ein Novellen- kranz. Leipzig. [1904] 4896.50.463 LaMotte Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Carl, Freiherr de. Der Zauberring, ein Ritterroman. 2. . . . verbesserte Auflage. Niirnberg, 1816. 3 V. in I. Plates. = 6896.84 Norris, William Edward. Die Erbin. (Mrs. Fenton.) Roman. Autorisierte Uebersetzung ans dem Englischen. Stuttgart, 1891. 4407-231 Tolstoi, L'ev Nikolaevitch, Count. Zwei Husaren. Tagebuchblatter eines Mar- queurs. Novellen . . . aus dem Russi- schen iibersetzt von H. Rohl. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.463 In Italian. Patiri, Giuseppe. Pieruccio Gioeni: racconto storico sicili- ano del secolo XVL Palermo, 1873. 4774-39 In Polish, Alryss, J. Nasza Odyssea. W 1885 roku. Szkic z letnich wycieczek. Chicago, 111., 1901. 64 pp. " No. 9 in *7400.20.i5 Bailleul, Louis. 1830-. Jeden dzien prawdy. Powiesc. Przeklad z francuzkiego. Chicago, 1901. 64 pp. No. 5 in *7400.20.i5 Bethusy-Huc, Valeska Wilhelmine Bertha Eva, Grafin. 1849-. Na granicy. Nowella przez M. Reichen- bacha [pseud.]. Przeklad D. G. Chi- cago, 1901. 89 pp. No. 7 in *7400.20.i5 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.^ 1837- Pod sztandarem podejzeh. Powiesc. Przek- lad z angielskiego przez E. z. K. P. Chicago, 1901. No. 6 in *7400.20.i5 Czarny swiat. Powiesc z zycia paryskiego. Przektad z francuzkiego. Chicago, 1901. No. 4 in *7400.20.i5 Gueznec, Alfred. 1823-1866. Testament. Powiesc przez Alfreda Bre- hat [pseud.]. Przekfad z francuzkiego. Chicago, 1901. No. 2 in'*740o.20.i5 Hoffmann, Alexander Friedrich Franz. 1814-1882. \ Czas to pieni^dz! Opowiadanie dla mtod- I ziezy. Wolny przeklad Wt. L. Anczyca, Chicago, 1901. No. 14 in *740o.20.i5 Jckai, Mor. 1825-1904. Dziesi^c milionow dolarow. Nowela. (PrzekJad z w^gierskiego.) Chicago, 61 pp. No. 8 in 7400.20.15 Tajemnice starego zamczyska. Nowella. Przelozy} z oryginalu Dr. Zygmunt Lamanski. Chicago, 1901. 64 pp. No. 12 in *7400.20.i5 Z gory na do}. Powiesc przez Maurycego Jokay'a. (PrzckJad z wggierskiego.) Chicago, 1901. No. 13 in *7400.20.i5 Krzyz lotaryngski. Powiesc z wojny fran- cuzko-pruskiej. Przektad z francuz- kiego. Chicago, 1901. 64 pp. No. 3 in *7400.20.i5 Porkins, M. T. Czarne widmo. Powiesc. Przeklad z an- gielskiego Waleryi [pseud.]. Chicago, 1901. No. I in *7400.20.i5 Ring, Max. 1817-. Nad przepasci^. Novella. Chicago, 1901. 64 pp. = No. 10 in *7400.20.i5 Strindberg, Johan August. Ensam. Stockholm. [1903.] Illus. = 4909b.2o6 Teresa. Wspomnienia z niemiec. Chicago, 1901. 64 pp. No. II in *7400.20.i5 Children's Room* Books for the Month. Gayley, Charles Mills, and Martin C. Fla- herty, compilers. Poetry of the people, comprising poems illustrative of the history and national spirit of England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. Boston, 1904. 239ob.i03 Kingsland, Florence. The book of indoor and outdoor games. With suggestions for entertainments. New York, 1904. Illus. 4009.283 Pyrnelle, Louise Clarke. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot; or, plantation child-life. New York, 1903. Illus. 78.250 Weed, Clarence Moores. Bird life stories. Compiled from the writ- ings of Audubon, Bendire, Nuttall, and Wilson. Book i. Chicago. [1904.] Illus. 3908.144 Williams, Sherman. Some successful Americans. Boston, 1904. Illus. 2349.144 Associations* Clubs. Societies* Boston Club. Boston. Brief history, officers and members for 1903, and prospectus and plans for the new club house. [Boston, 1903.] 11 pp. Plate. Plans. = 2359a.9i Daughters of the American Revolution. Ohio. Fifth State Conference, 1903. Proceedings. [Toledo? 1903.] = *44ii.i79 Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co. Masonic directory [for New York] and condensed list of standard masonic goods and specialties. New York, 1897. 64 pp. Illus. — 7569a.i3o 424 November Mimir. Icelandic institutions and addresses. [Annual.] MCMIII. Copenhagen, 1903. = 48393.72 Rangers, The, Boston. Constitution. Boston, 1825. 16 pp. *2359a.92 Twentieth Century Club, Boston. [An account of the Club and synopses of its lectures from 1897-1904. Boston, 1904.] 31 pp. = 4357.122 Club directory. 1903. Boston, 1903. 16 pp. =z 2359a.i26 Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston. [Announcements of] lectures, classes, [etc.], 1903/04. Boston. [1903-] = 5579a.235 Periodicals* Annuals* Almanacs* Indexes* Aurora Borealis, The, a literary annual. Edited by members of the Society of Friends. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1833. Plates. *7307.22 Bachelor's Journal, The. [Weekly.] Vol. i (no. i). Boston, 1828. *7290.32 Copernicus, Philo, pseud. Folsom's New pocket almanac, for 1789. 2d edition. Boston. [1788.] 36 pp. **H.99a.8i Friend, The. A literary, moral, and political weekly paper. Conducted by S. T. Cole- ridge. No. 1-27. [Penrith,] 1809, 10. I V. *A.3i50 This periodical was written principally by Cole- ridge. Re-arranged, and with additions, it was published in book form under the same title [4554.6; 4579.15]. George, Daniel. George's Cambridge Almanack; or, the Essex Calendar, for 1776 , . . Annexed, ... A narrative of the Concord Fight. Salem. . . . [1776.] **H.99a.8o Continued as his Almanack for 1777-80, 84, 86 [**H.99a.2s]. Green, Samuel Abbott. Remarks on The Boston Magazine, The Geographical Gazetteer of Massachu- setts, and John Norman, engraver. Cam- bridge, 1904. 7 pp. = 6198.70 International Institute of Bibliography. Index of the technical press (engineering). Vol. 3, no. 1-3. London, 1904. *4033.30 In English, French and German. This publication forms the Bibliographia Tech- nica (section 41 of the Bibliographia Univer- salis). A monthly publication. Miller's Planters' & Merchants' Almanac, for 1837, 1838. . . . Calculated by Joshua Sharp for the States of Carolina & Georgia. [2d, 3d edition.] Charleston, S. C, 1837, 1838. Illus. = *4487.i88 Nondescript. Rara avis in terra nigroque simillima cygno. No. 1-5. Charlestown, 1815. 6 nos. *7224.6o Published irregularly. No more was published. Partridge, Copernicus, A.M., pseud. The New-England Calendar: or, the Bos- ton Almanack, for . . . 1786 . . . Bos- ton. [1785.] **H.99a.79 Poor Richard. Almanach du Bonhomme-Richard pour I'an 3 de la Republique, une et indivisi- ble; public par Chemin, A Paris. [1795.] 90 pp. Plate. **K. 19.38 Reale accademia dei Lincei, Rome. Notizie degli scavi di antichita. Indici generali, 1876-1900. Milano, 1904. *330i.62 Revue des questions scientifiques. Publiee par la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles. Table analytique des cinquante premiers volumes. 1877-1901. Louvain, 1904. *39i2.ioi Straight Edge, The. A weekly news-letter. Published by the School of Methods for the Application of the Teachings of Jesus to Business and Society. No. i- 86. New York, 1899-1901. 86 parts in I V. = *5583.8o Books for the Blind* Capella, F. De P. Tales and legends of the Middle Ages. From the Spanish. New York City, 1903. = 7134.50 Printed in the New York system. Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. Catalogue of embossed books. Boston, 1902. 36 pp. = 7117.21 Books added to the Branch Libraries* Craig, Asa H., and Binney Gunnison, editors. Pieces for prize speaking contests. Lk 2012 Dawson, Thomas C. The South American republics. Part 2. Illus. Ea2i7o Contents. — Peru. — Chile. ■ — Bolivia. — Ecua- dor, — Venezuela. — Colombia. — Panama. Doubleday, Russell. Stories of inventors. Illus. U 2375 Elliott, Walter. The life of Jesus Christ. Illus. Rm 2608 Foster, Edwin W. Elementary woodworking. Illus. Uf 3068 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. A school atlas of English history. A com- 1904 425 panion atlas to "The student's history of England." Maps. Dd 3240.6 Gayley, Charles Mills, and Martin C. Fla- herty, editors. Poetry of the people, comprising poems illustrative of the history and national spirit of England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. L£ 3287 Goodspeed, George Stephen. A history of the ancient world for high schools and academies. lUus. Cd 3488 Contains bibliographies. Huntington, Dwight Williams. Our big game: a book for sportsmen and nature lovers. ' Illus. Wo 4368 Jacob, Violet. The interloper. 52j i Kingsland, Florence. The book of indoor and outdoor games, with suggestions for entertainments. Illus. W4792 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Jeanne d'Arc. Edited with maps, notes and an index by A. C. Clapin. Revised by Arthur R. Ropes. Maps. Bj 4572.12 Lillie, Lucy Cecil. Elinor Belden. Illus. 55I 10 A girl's ordeal. Illus. 55I i Ruth Endicott's way. Illus. 55I n Page, Thomas Nelson. Bred in the bone. Illus. 26p 9 Contents. — Bred in the bone. — The spectre in the cart. — The Sheriff's bluff. — The long hillside. — Old Jabe's marital experiments. — The Christmas peace. — Mam' Lyddy's recog- nition. Pyrnelle, Louise Clarke. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot; or, plantation child-life. Illus. Y 7218 Spillmann, Joseph. The wonderful flower of Woxindon. An historical romance of the time of Queen Elizabeth. 226s i Weed, Clarence Moores, editor. Bird life stories. Compiled from the writ- ings of Audubon, Bendire, Nuttall, and Wilson. Book i. Colored plates. Y 9546.3 Williams, Sherman. Some successful Americans. Illus. B 9718 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Books and Documents Recently Added^ Social Science* Alabama Child Labor Committee. Child labor in Alabama. An appeal to the people and press of New England with a resulting correspondence. [Mont- gomery, 1902?] 40 pp. = 9331-373 Alglave, Paul. Les assurances contre I'incendie par I'etat ou les cantons en Suisse & dans les pays scandinaves. Paris, 1902. 9368.1494 American Federation of Labor. [Circulars.] Washington. [1903?] 5 cir- culars. = 5571-34 Andreades, A. Histoire de la Banque d'Angleterre. Paris, 1904. 2 V. 9332.i42a3 Becker, Max. Der argeninischen Weizen im Weltmarke. Jena, 1903. 9338.11132 Literatur, pp. xiii-xv. Bemis, Edward Webster, and Carl H. Nau. Report on the true value of Ohio railroads for the purpose of taxation. Prepared at the request of Hon. Tom L. Johnson, Mayor of Cleveland. [Cleveland, 1903.] 20 pp. Diagrams. = * 9336.2937 Boston Trade and Labor Alliance. The Boston magazine of new trade union- ism. Boston. [1898.] 36 pp. Portraits. = 9331.8873311 Chevilliard, G. Le stock exchange: les usages de la place de Londres et les fonds anglais. 2e edi- tion. London, 1904. 9332.64236 Conant, Charles Arthur. Wall Street and the country. A study of recent financial tendencies. New York, 1904- . 9332.673a.12 Conference internationale sur le regime des sucres. Rapport. N. p. [1888?] = *9338.i24a4 Dionnet, Georges. Le neomercantilisme au XVIIIe siecle et au debut du XIXe siecle. Paris, 1901. [Universite de Paris. Faculte de droit.] 9380.932 Dommguez, Manuel. Cotton: its production in Paraguay. Trans- lated by J. Wavrunek. Asuncion, 1903. 15 pp. = 9338.ii5a7 E3ston, H. T. History and principles of banks and bank- ing. London, 1904. 9332.1313 A new edition of Banks and banking [9332.1312]. Franklin Savings B3nk. • By-laws. Boston, 1899. 16 pp. = *9332.2744a3 H3iler, Hermann. Studien iiber den deutschen Brot-Getreide- handel, 1880-1899 . . . Jena, 1902. 9382.1 14336 Heron, Alexander. The rise and progress of the Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh, 1681-1902. Edinburgh, 1903. 2472.88 Hewitt, Edward G. Economic thoughts. With table of wages and chart of business. [Brooklyn, 1904.] 16 pp. Chart. = 9331.07338 Kuske, Bruno. Das Schuldwesen der deutschen Stadte im Mittelalter. Tubingen, 1904. 5644.109 Quellen und Literatur, pp. 91, 92. Ludwig, Franz. Die Gesindevermittlung in Deutschland. Tubingen, 1903. Chart. 5644.107 M3rgr3ff, Anthony W. International exchange: its terms, parts, operations and scope. A practical work on the foreign banking department and its administration by American bankers. Chicago, 1903. Portrait. *9332.4538 Mendez, Joaquin. Guatemala de fiesta. Union de los ferro- carriles del centro y occidente. 21 de noviembre de 1903. [Guatemala, 1904.] 77 PP- Portrait. = 9385-9728 Mosely Industri3l Commission to the United States of America. Oct.-Dec, 1902. Reports of the delegates. London, 1903. *933i-073a9 N3tion3l Consumers' Le3gue. Child labor legislation. Handbook, 1904. New York, 1904. = *5575-i87 New Engl3nd Free Tr3de Le3gue. Annual reports of the Secretary and Treas- urer, 1901. [Boston, 1901.] = *9337.27332 Nicklisch, Heinrich. Handelsbilanz und Wirtschaftsbilanz, na- tionalokonomische Studien. [Magde- burg, 1903.]. Charts. 9330-4337 Quellen, pp. i, ii. Post, Louis Freeland. Trusts, a single tax view. Cedar Rapids. [1903?] 8 pp. = 9338.77345 Potthoff, Heinz. Handelspolitik und Wehrkraft. Berlin, 1902. 56 pp. 9382.43328 1904 427 Richie, Henry Clay, 1844-. Trusts versus the public welfare. New York City, 1904. 9338.77342 Rodrigues, Jose Carlos. Resgate das estradas de ferro do Recife a S. Francisco e de outras que gozavam da garantia de juros. Rio de Janeiro, 1902. = *9385.98i Schulze, Arthur, Die Bankkatastrophen in Sachsen im Jahre 1901, Tubingen, 1903. Table, 5644.106 Schwarz, Otto, and G. Strutz. Der Staatshaushalt und die Finanzen Preussens, Band 1-3, Berlin, 1900-1904. 3 V. in 6. *9336.43ia5 Skafzynski, Witold von. Die Agrarkrisis und die Mittel zu ihrer Abhilfe. Berlin, 1894. 9338.14332 Snelling, Thomas. The doctrine of gold and silver computa- tions; . . . the par of money: the pro- portion in value between gold and sil- ver, London, 1766. 10 plates. *9332.45a9 Societe d'encouragement pour I'industrie na- tionale, Paris. Memoires. Annee 1904, no, i, Paris, 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. *338o.3 Society for the Mutual Benefit of Female Domestics and Their Employers, Bos- ton. Constitution [and Circular]. Boston, 1827. 8 pp. 55793.242 Tendency, The, of trade unionism. The Six- teenth Annual Yale-Harvard debate. New Haven. [1904?] 43 pp. 9331.8873310 Vesme, Carlo Baudi di, Conte. 1809-1877. Des impositions de la Gaule dans les der- niers temps de I'Empire romain. Paris, 1861. 45 pp. 9336.203732 Vierth, Frank, publisher. Single tax catechism. Cedar Rapids, la. [1903.1 23 pp. =: 9333.OI4312 Vosberg-Rekow, Max. Nach dem Tarifkampfe. Handelspolitische Aufgaben der nachsten Zukunft. Berlin, 1903. 44 pp. 9336.264336 Wetherell, Ellen F. After the battle, or a lesson from the Lynn strike. A word to trades-unions, wage workers . . . By a fellow worker [pseud.]. Lynn, 1903. 36 pp. = 5566.72 Political Science. Burch, Henry Reed, Conditions affecting the suffrage in colo- nies, Philadelphia, 1903. 47 pp. = 3567.41 Civil service guide. Rules of the United States, State of New York and mimici- pal TNew York City] civil service, 1904. Brooklyn, 1904. 43 pp. 5560.23 Connecticut Economic Le3gue. Preamble and platform. Hartford, 1902. 4 PP- = 9352.5746 Advocating municipal ownership for the City of Hartford. J3mes, Francis Bacon. A conservative view of a new municipal code. An address before the Taxpayers' Association at Cincinnati, July 25th, 1902. Cincinnati, 1902. 25 pp. = 9352.39 Michig3n Politic3l Science Associ3tion. Publications. Vol. 4. No. i, 5, 6. [Ann Arbor, 1900, 02.] Map. = *565i.30 T3PP, Sidney C. The story of Anglo-Saxon institutions; or, the development of constitutional gov- ernment. New York, 1904. 3568.228 Sociology. Associ3ted Ch3rities of Mslden, Mass. Annual report. 5th. [1903. Maiden, 1903.] = *5575-i95 Atkinson, Edward. The cost of war and warfare, from 1898 to 1902. [Brookline, Mass., 1902.] 19 pp. = 7570.69 The cost of war and warfare, from 1898 to 1904. Brookline, Mass., 1904. 10 pp. := 7570.70 B3ker, Herbert Leslie, compiler. An appeal to reason. [Boston, 1899.] 23 pp. 7578.121 Authorities, pp. ii-i3. Arguments against capital punishment presented to the Massachusetts Legislature of 1899, signed: Herbert L, Baker, Att'y> ior the peti- tioners. Bo3rm3n, Marshall Ignatius. Indictment of socialism. Chicago. [1904.] 32 pp. = 9335-a38 Boston Union of Associ3tionists. Constitution. [Boston, 1848.] 4 pp. = 5567-78 Cl33ssen, Walter. 1872-. Die sociale Berufsgliederung des deut- schen Volkes nach Nahrungsquellen und Familien. Leipzig, 1904. 5644.21.23.Heft i F3irchild, Mary Salome Cutler. Scientific study of philanthropy. With outline of study, and bibliography by Isabel Ely Lord. Chicago, 1898. 16 pp. 5572.150 Fid30, J. E, Les droit des humbles, fitudes de politique sociale. Paris, 1904. 3569.256 Contents. — La politique sociale. — Ancetres et precurseurs : Les prophetes et la loi ; Saint- Simon ; Saint-Simoniens ; La pensee politique de Lamartine ; Auguste Comte et la synthese so- ciologique. — L'organisateur de la politique sociale au XIX siecle: J.-B. Buchez (1796- 1865). Heiter, Anton. Sieben Vortrage wider die Social-Demo- kratie. Gehalten in Chicago, vom 10, bis 17, Februar 1903. Chicago. [1903.] 78 pp. = 35693.248 Hilg3rd, Theodor, the Elder. Zwolf Paragraphen iiber Pauperismus, und die Mittel, ihm zu steuern. Heidelberg, 1847. 56 pp. = 5575.189 Advocates emigration and the conversion of intestate estates to a fund for incompetents. 428 November Howard Association, London. The essential element of time, for refor- matory or restorative success, especially in reference to habitual offenders, drunk- ards, and tramps. London. [189-?] 4 pp. = 5575-184 Kurn Hattin Homes Association, West- minster, Vt. The story of the New England Kurn Hat- tin Homes for homeless and neglected boys and girls. Boston. [1896?] 32 pp. Illus. Portrait. = 5579-i83 Lagneau, Gustave Simon. Mortalite des enfants nes dans le Departe- ment de la Seine, a propos de la loi pour la protection de I'enfance. Paris, 1873. 8 pp. 9614.1443 Remarques sur la natalite et la mortalite des enfants naturels ainsi que sur la matrimonialite, a propos de la loi rela- tive a la recherche de la paternite re- cemment proposee par plusieurs sena- teurs. [Paris, 1878.] 15 pp. 9614.144 Extrait de la Gazette hebdomadaire de mede- cine et de chirurgie. Marsy, Alexandre Charles Arthur, Comte de. Du vol et sa repression d'apres les lois germaines. Paris, 1869. 42 pp. = 5577-166 Mayr, Georg von. 1841. Die Geburtenhaufigkeit in Bayern. [Miin- chen, 1877.] 8 pp. Colored map. = 9614.1433 Molinari, Gustave de. 1819-. The society of to-morrow: a forecast of its political and economic organisation, Translated by P. H. Lee Warner. With an appendix containing tables on the cost of war and of preparation for war, from 1898-1904, compiled by Edward Atkinson. New York, 1904. 7578.152 CEuvre des liberees de Saint-Lazare. Bulletin. No. 25. Mars 1897. Alengon, 1897. = *5575-i88 Pierson, Delavan L. The boys and girls republic at Freeville, N. Y. [New York, 1900.] 24 pp. Illus. Portrait. = 5589a.264 Relates to the George Junior Republic. The little republic at Freeville, N. Y. [New York? 1899.] Illus. Portraits. = 5575.190 Pillsbury, Albert Enoch. The disfranchisement of the Negro. A speech. Boston, 1903. 13 pp. = 7584.124 Sundbarg, Axel Gustav, editor. Sweden, its people and its industry. His- torical and statistical handbook. Stock- holm, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Maps. = 93i4.85a45 Wells Memorial Institute, Boston, Mass. Outline of plans for the season of 1901- 1902. Boston, 1901. 30 pp. = 5579a.236 Prospectus for 1897/98. Boston. [1897.] 28 pp. =z 55793-238 Report of the secretary of the Co-opera- tive Medical Association. [Boston, 1897-] 3 PP- = 5575-180 A summary of its history and present activities. 1880-1900. [Boston, 1900.] 31 pp. Plates. = 55793.237 Women, Allen, Lucy Ann. Appeal to the Legislature of the State of Connecticut, for the protection of women. [Hartford? 1878.] = 5587.17c Billon, Frangois de. Le fort inexpvgnable de I'honnevr dv sexe femenin. A Paris, 1555. Portraits. Plates. *P.i8.88 Binet, Pierre. La femme dans le menage. Essai critique sur la nature de ses pouvoirs d'apres la pratique et la legislation contempo- raines. Paris, 1904. *P.6i.89 Relates to France, Germany and Switzerland. Blanc, Therese. 1840-. Les Americaines chez elles. Nouvelle edi- tion, revue et augmentee. [Par] Th. Bentzon [pseud.]. Paris, 1904. 2369.132 Greard, Vallery Clement Octave. L'education des femmes par les femmes. Etudes et portraits. 6e edition. Paris, 1903. *P.30.357 Contents. — Fenelon. — Mme. de Maintenon. — Mme. de Lambert. • — J. J. Rousseau. — Mme. d'fipinay. — Mme. Necker. — Mme. Roland. Hoffmann, Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm. Die Erziehung des weiblichen Geschlechts in indien und anderen Heidenlandern ... 3. Auflage. Heft i. Heidelberg, 1853. *P.30.4i9 No more was published. La Croix, Jean Frangois de. Dictionnaire historique portatif des femmes celebres. [Anon.] Paris, 1769. 2 v. = *P.io.493.i Liberte, La, des dames. Paris, 1785. = *P.i8.524 Martin, Angelique Le Petit. Essays on woman's true destiny, responsi- bilities and rights, as the mother of the human race . . . Warren, O., 1851. 43 pp. = 5586.72 Pilkington, Mary. Biography for girls; or, moral and instruc- tive examples for the female sex. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1809. = *P.39. 697.1 Pinoff, Minna. Reform der weiblichen Erziehung als Grundbedingung zur Losung der so- cialen Frage der Frauen, Breslau, 1867. = *P.30.697 Rousselot, Paul. 1833-. Histoire de l'education des femmes en France. Paris, 1883. 2 v. *P.30.759 Shaw, George Bernard. Man and superman. A comedy and a phi- losophy. [Also The Revolutionists' handbook and pocket companion, by John Tanner, M.I.R.C. [pseud, of G. B. Shaw]; and Maxims for Revolutionists.] Westminster, 1903. =: 4579a.2i6 A study of courtship and marriage. 1904 429 Public Documents^ United States. Census Bureau. American census taking, from the First Census of the United States. [Wash- ington, 1904.] 35 pp. Illus. Charts. = 9311.973310 Largely a reprint of an article by William R. Merriam in the Century Magazine, April, 1903 [* 7 392.2.651. Commission on International Exchange. StabiHty of international exchange. Re- port on the introduction of the gold- exchange standard into China and other silver-using countries. Washington, 1903. = *9332.48a6 Industrial Commission. Pure Oil Trust vs. Standard Oil Company, being the report of an investigation by the United States Industrial Commis- sion. Oil City, 1901. = 9338.77343 War Department. Department of the Philippines. Annual report of Major General George W. Davis. From October i, 1902 to July 26, 1903. Manila, 1903. = *3049b.i4 States. Territories. Accessions. Colorado. Denver. Board of Health. Monthly report. Vol. 12 (nos. 3-11); 13; 14; 15 (nos. 1-6, 8, 9). [Denver, 1898-1900.] 3 V. = *96i4.0788a4 Chiefly statistical. Kansas. Board of Railroad Commissioners. Decisions. The City of Wichita, by the Mayor, complainant, versus the A. T. & S. F. R.R. Co., the Mo. Pac. Ry. Co., the S. L. & S. F. Ry. Co., C. K. & N. Ry. Co., and the W. & W. R.R. Co. Topeka, 1889. 18 pp. = 7656.43 The contest was in regard to discrimination in freight rates. Massachusetts. Fitchburg. Board of Health. Monthly Report. 1899, 1900. [Fitch- burg, 1899, 1900.] = *96i4.0744a8 Chiefly statistical. Current numbers are kept in the Periodical Room. Lancaster. Reports of the officers and committees for the year ending March, 1898, 1904. Clinton, 1898, 1904. = *634544 Tennessee. Penitentiary. [Biennial] Report . . . 1845, 57, 59. Nashville, 1845-49. 3 v. Tables. = *5570.48 Wisconsin. Milwaukee. Comptroller. Annual report. 1900. Milwaukee. 1901. = *9552.i775 Foreign. Austria. Kaiserlich-koenigliches Arbeits s tati s- tisches Amt. Stenographisches Protokoll der im K. k. arbeitsstatistischen Amte durchge- fiihrten Vernehmung von Auskunfts- personen iiber die Verhaltnisse im Schuhmachergewerbe. Wien, 1904. = *9338.4436a.5 Belgium. Office du travail. Section de la statistique. Atlas statistique du recensement gene- ral des industries et des metiers (31 octobre 1896). Bruxelles, 1903. 56 pp. 22 maps. = *933i-8493a3 Buenos Ayres, Province. Direccion general de estadistica. Boletin mensual. Alio i (noviembre, diciembre, 1900); 2 (enero, junio-sep- tiembre, 1901); 3 (enero, marzo-mayo, julio-diciembre, 1902) ; 4 (enero-agos- to, 1903). No. 4-6, 11-14, 18, 20-22, 24-37. La Plata, 1901-03. = *93i8.2ai4 Canada. Royal Commission on Chinese and Japa- nese Immigration. Report. Session 1902. Ottawa, 1902. z= *9325-i57i Northwest Territories. An ordinance respecting the registration of births, marriages and deaths. [Regina, 1898.] 9 pp. = *96i4.i7i2 Toronto. Fire Department. Annual report . . . for 1902. [To- ronto, 1903.] =: *7027.23 Cape of Good Hope. Registrar of Births and Deaths. Causes of deaths in Cape Colony, 1895. [Cape Town, 1896.] 13 pp. = *96i4.i687a3 Cuba. Secretaria de hacienda. Seccion de estadistica general. Consumo e importacion de ganado. Anos 1900 y 1901. Habana, 1902. 19 pp. — *9336.729ia3 Movimiento de poblacion, afio de 1902. Habana, 1903. = 4311.211 Havana. Ayuntamiento. Tesorero municipal. Presupuesto de gastos e ingresos ordi- narios y extraordinarios del Ayunta- miento de la Habana para el afio economico de 1903 a 1904. Habana. [1903.] =: *9336.729ia7 l^ovember Germany. Ruhrort. Wasser-BauinspectOr. Der Ruhrorter Hafen, seine Entwicke- lung und Bedeutung. Ruhrort, 1902. 35 pp. Illus. Maps. Plans. = 4863.83 Gibraltar. The census of Gibraltar, taken on the 31st March, 1901. [Gibraltar.] 1901. 28 pp. = *93i4.68 Italy. Direzione generale della cassa dei deposit! e prestiti e delle gestioni annesse. Relazione e rendiconto consuntivo pre- sentati alia Commissione di vigilanza per le gestioni degli Istituti di previ- denza amministrati dalla Cassa dei depositi e prestiti Monte-pensioni degli insegnanti nelle scuole pubbliche ele- mentari, negli asili infantili e nei regi educatori femminili e Cassa-pensioni per i medici condotti. Anno 1902. Roma, 1903. = *9332.245a4 Mexico. Ministerio de hacienda. Estadistica fiscal. Movimiento de trans- portes maritimos y terrestres. Ano fiscal 1893/94-95/96. Mexico, 1895-99. 3 V. in I. = *9382.72aio Switzerland. Statistisches Bureau. Resultats principaux de la statistique Suisse des accidents, avril 1888-mars 1889. Berne, 1890. 12 pp. = *93i3'3494 United Kingdom. Census Office. Census of England and Wales for 1861. Vol. I, 3. London, 1862, 63. = *93i4.2oo7a4 Census of England and Wales, 1871. Preliminary report, and tables of the population and houses enumerated. London, 1871. z= *93i4.20o8a3 Census of England and Wales, 1871. London, 1872, 73. 4 v. = *93i4.2oo8a4 Census of England and Wales, 1901. Preliminary report and tables of the population and houses enumerated in England and Wales, and in the islands in the British seas, on ist April 1901. London, 1901. = *93i4.20iia3 Census of Great Britain, 1851. Popula- tion tables. London, 1852, 54. 2 parts in 3 V. = *93i4.20o6a4 Census of Ireland, 1871. Dublin, 1872- 75. 2 parts in 5 V. = *93i4.i5o8a4 Census of Scotland, 1861. Population tables and report . . . Edinburgh, 1862, 64. 2 V. in I. = *93i4.ioo7a4 Eighth decennial census of the popula- tion of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1872, 74. 2 V. = *93i4.ioo8a4 Ninth decennial census of the popula- tion of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1882, 83. 2 Y. = *93i4.ioo9a4 Commissioners Appointed to Take the Census of Ireland, 1841. Report. Dublin, 1843. Maps. Charts. = *93i4.i8o5a4 Parliament. Catalogue of Parliamentary papers, 1801- 1900, with a few of earlier date. [Com- piled by Hilda Vernon Jones.] Lon- don. [1904.] *9oi6.3542 List of ofiicial indexes to Parliamentary papers published since 1801, p. iv. An amalgamation of a number of separate catalogues, dealing with special subjects, issued by King & Son, during the last fifty years. FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT. PROGRAMME OF EXHIBITIONS At the Central Library, Branches and Reading Rooms, 1904-1905. Central Library. The Exhibitions are arranged to illustrate the Lectures given on Thursday evenings. Branches and Stations. Exhibitions open on the first Wednesday of each month and continue for two v^eeks. CENTRAL LIBRARY. Nov. I. Recent American Art. (The pho- tographs in this collection were for the most part contributed by the artists.) Nov. 14. Ancient Rome. Nov. 28. Illuminated Manuscripts. Dec. 5. Early Renaissance of Italy. Dec. 12. Specimens of Early Printing. Jan. 2. Brick Architecture of Northern Italy. Jan. 9. Spanish Renaissance Architecture. Jan. 16. The Illustration of Books. Jan. 30. Monastic Architecture of the Mid- dle Ages. Feb. 6. Greek Art. Feb. 13. Roman and Renaissance Villas. Feb. 20. The Walters Collection of Orien- tal Art. Feb. 27. Gothic Architecture of France. Mar. 6. Egyptian Art. Mar. 13. Early Church Architecture of England. Mar. 20. Assyrian and Chaldean Art. Mar. 27. Elizabethan Architecture of Eng- land. Apr. 3. German Art. Apr. 10. English Country Houses. Apr. 24. Village Architecture. BRIGHTON BRANCH. Oct. Colored Photographs. Europe. III. Nov. Colonial Architecture. 1. Dec. Egypt. (Large.) Jan. Pompeii. Feb. American Painting. Mar. French Chateaux. Apr. Mexican Architecture. May American Parks. L CHARLESTOWN BRANCH. Oct. Egypt. Nov. Colored Photographs. Europe. I. Dec. Colonial Architecture. I. Jan. Cathedrals. L Feb. French Chateaux. Mar. Colored Photographs. Miscellaneous. Apr. American Parks. I, May Mexican Architecture. L DORCHESTER BRANCH. Oct. Pompeii. Nov. Egypt. (Large.) Dec. Colored Photographs. Europe. III. Jan. Colonial Architecture. I. Feb. Cathedrals. 1. Mar. Mexican Architecture. L Apr. French Chateaux. May American Parks. II. EAST BOSTON BRANCH. Oct. Colored Photographs. American His- tory. Nov. American Painting. Dec. American Sculpture. Jan. Egypt. (Large.) Feb. Colonial Architecture. I. Mar. Pompeii. Apr. Colored Photographs. Europe. III. May Floral Decoration. JAMAICA PLAIN BRANCH. Oct. Colored Photographs. United States. II. Nov. American Sculpture. Dec. American Painting. Jan. Cathedrals. II. Feb. Egypt. (Large.) Mar. School Decoration. American Archi- tecture. Apr. Pompei. May Colored Photographs. Europe. III. ROXBURY BRANCH. Oct. Colored Photographs. Europe. II. Nov. Colonial Architecture. II. Dec. Pompeii. Jan. American Painting. Feb. American Sculpture. Mar. Cathedrals. I. Apr. Mexican Architecture. II. May School Decoration. Italian Art. 43^ Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. SOUTH BOSTON BRANCH. Cathedrals of the World. II. Colored Photographs. Miscellaneous. Colonial Architecture. II. American Sculpture. School Decoration. American Archi- tecture. Life of Christ. Egypt. (Large.) French Chateaux. SOUTH END BRANCH. Mexican Architecture. I. Pompeii. American Painting. American Sculpture. Cathedrals. I. WEST END BRANCH. Canterbury. School Decoration. Ancient Archi- tecture. School Decoration. Classic Sculp- ture. School Decoration. Italian Art. School Decoration. Mediaeval and Modern Architecture. American Sculpture. American Painting. Colored Photographs. Miscellaneous, WEST ROXBURY BRANCH. Colored Photographs. Europe. I. French Chateaux. Mexican Architecture. I. Rome. Colored Photographs. Miscellaneous. Colonial Architecture. I. American Parks. 11. Rome. I STATION A. Colored Photographs. Miscellaneous. Egypt. (Small.) English Country Churches. French Chateaux. Landscape Painting. Industrial Arts. American Indians. Colored Photographs. Europe. II. STATION B. School Decoration. Italian Art. German Cathedrals. American Indians. German Painting. Colored Photographs. Europe. 1. Egypt. (Small.) American Parks. II. American Painting. STATION C. English Cathedrals. French Chateaux. Industrial Arts. Italian Painting. Mexican Architecture. 1. School Decoration. Ancient Archi- tecture. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.. Mar. Apr. May November Colored Photographs. United States. French Cathedrals. STATION D. Landscape Painting. Industrial Arts. Colored Photographs. Europe. I. American Indians, Egypt. (Small.) Colored Photographs. Europe. III. French Cathedrals. Colored Photographs. United States. STATION F. Germany and Netherlands. American Indians. Colored Photographs. United States. Industrial Arts. Colored Photographs. Europe. I. French Cathedrals. Egypt. (Small.) German Cathedrals. STATION L. American Parks. I. Colored Photographs. United States. Colored Photographs, American His- tory. Egypt. (Small.) Industrial Arts. Colored Photographs. Europe. I. German Cathedrals. Egypt. (Small.) STATION N. School Decoration. Architecture. Rome. Madonnas. Colored Photographs. United States. I, American Indians, German Cathedrals. Colored Photographs. Europe. I. Cathedrals of the World. II. STATION P. American Parks. II. Colored Photographs. Egypt. (Small.) Colored Photographs, tory. French Cathedrals. American Indians. Industrial Arts. Colored Photographs. STATION Q. Colored Photographs. Europe. III. American His- 1. Colored Photographs. tory. Madonnas. Colonial Architecture. Colored Photographs. Colored Photographs. I. Floral Design. Industrial Arts. Europe. I. United States. American His- IL Europe. III. United States. 1904 433 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. STATION S. Cathedrals. I. Colored Photographs. Europe. II. French Cathedrals. Germany. Colored Photographs. United States. I. Cathedrals of the World. II. Colonial Architecture. I. American Indians. STATION U. Italian Painting. Colored Photographs. Colored Photographs. II. Madonnas. Rome. Colonial Architecture. Italian Sculpture. Mexican Architecture. STATION W. Italian Sculpture. Italian Painting. Rome. Colored Photographs. Europe. II. Colored Photographs. Europe. III. Colored Photographs. United States. II. French Cathedrals. German Cathedrals. Colored Photo- graphs. American History. Florence. Venice. Germany and The Netherlands. Europe. II. United States. II. II. May Colonial Architecture. I. Colonial Architecture. TI. STATION Y. Oct. Egypt. (Small.) Nov. Pompeii. Dec. Mexican Architecture. Jan. German Cathedrals. Feb. Colored Photographs. Mar. Colored Photographs. II. Apr. Cathedrals of the World. May Egypt. (Large.) STATION Z. Oct. Marine Painting. Nov. Florence. Dec. German Cathedrals. Jan. Colored Photographs. Feb. Colored Photographs. II. Mar. Colored Photographs. Europe. II. Apr. Colonial Architecture. II. May Italian Painting. STATION 22. Oct. English Country Churches. Nov. Cathedrals of the World. I. Dec. Madonnas. Jan. School Decoration. American Archi- tecture. Feb. Italian Painting. ■ Mar. School Decoration. Italian Art. Apr. Colored Photographs. Europe. II. May Colored Photographs. United States. 11. 11. Europe. II. United States. I. Europe. III. United States. FREE PUBLIC LECTURES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON TO BE GIVEN IN THE LOWELL INSTITUTE. (Founded in 1836 by John Lowell, Jr., and Established in iSsg.) Programme for 1904-1905. The Trustee of the Lowell Institute under the will of John Lowell, Jr., maintains annually in the City of Boston various Courses of Free Public Lectures. For the present — the sixty-sixth — season, four distinct Series are provided to all of which Admission is Free (but only under certain conditions), as follows: — I. Public Lectures, — in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street. II. School for Industrial Foremen, — under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. III. Teachers* School of Science, — under the Auspices of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History. IV. Courses for Workingmen, — under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. Further information in regard to the several Courses is given below. A. Lawrence Lowell, Trustee. W. T. Sedgwick, Curator. I. PUBLIC LECTURES IN HUNTING- TON HALL. Lowell Institute Lectures, open to the public, will be given this year, as in recent years, in Huntington Hall, Rogers Building, 491 Boylston Street, Boston. The several Courses will be announced in advance, with full particulars, in the Monthly Bulletin of the Boston Public Library and in the adver- tising columns of the Boston Evening Tran- script. Admission to all Lectures of the Lowell Institute is Free, but only by ticket and under certain conditions. The number of tickets is limited by the capacity of the Hall. Method of Ticket Distribution. Tickets will be distributed to the public, free of charge, as follows: — Admission tickets to the first Lecture of each Course will be mailed, one to each ap- plicant, in the order of application, and until the supply is exhausted, to all persons apply- ing by letter more than two days before the beginning of any Course, to the Curator of the Lowell Institute, 491 Boylston Street, Boston, and enclosing a stamped, addressed envelope. Persons desiring to secure tickets for more than one Course must send a separate stamped, addressed envelope for each ticket and each Course. All such envelopes will be filled or placed on file, but, in general, no tickets for any Course will be mailed to applicants until a few days before that Course begins. Not more than one ticket will ordinarily be sent to any applicant. On and after the day on which a Course begins, any tickets left over for that Course may be obtained from the Janitor of the Lowell Institute, at 491 Boylston Street, be- tween the hours of 10 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. M ; or by sending to the Curator, with a specific request for such left over tickets, a stamped, addressed envelope. 1904 435 No tickets will be distributed, as hitherto, at the Cadets' Armory; and no tickets will be given out by the Janitor of the Lowell Institute for any Course before the day on which that Course begins. All persons attending the first Lecture of any Course may, just before entering the Hall, exchange their Admission tickets to the first Lecture for tickets good for the entire Course, which as far as possible, under the following arrangement, will entitle them to reserved seats:' — In order to make the distribution fair, and to avoid a rush for the best seats, all Course tickets are placed beforehand in envelopes, some containing one ticket good for one reserved seat; some containing two or more tickets good for adjoining reserved seats; and (if the demand for tickets to the first lecture exceeds the number of reserved seats) some containing Course tickets good for admission only. The envelopes are then thoroughly shuffled, and at the first Lec- ture of any Course all who desire to do so may exchange their first-lecture Admission tickets at tables in the vestibule for en- velopes (shuffled as above described) con- taining Course tickets, generally good for reserved seats. Persons wishing to sit together may, by surrendering at the same time their first- lecture Admission tickets, obtain envelopes containing Course tickets for adjoining seats. The exchange above described will begin at 7.15 p. M,, and at 7.55 p. m. all exchange of Admission tickets for Course tickets will cease. Persons arriving after this time, but before the doors are closed, may still obtain admission to the Hall. A limited number of persons having no tickets of any kind may, as heretofore, ob- tain admission to the Hall (and often good seats) by waiting in line in the vestibule at the foot of the stairs. Persons obtaining tickets which they afterwards find they cannot use are re- quested to return them promptly to the Curator or the Janitor, for the benefit of other applicants. A History of the Lowell Institute, by Harriette Knight Smith, giving a complete list of the Lectures in previous years, the subjects of their lectures, etc., was pub- lished in 1898. The First Course was seven lectures (in French) by Dr. Pierre Janet, of Paris, France, Professor of Experimental and Comparative Psychology at the College de France, Director of the Laboratory of Psy- chology of la Salpetriere, on Les Problemes Psychologiques de I'Hypnotisme. I. Les etapes de I'hypnotisme, les problemes qu'il souleve. III. La memoire des somnambules et les personalites alternantes. III. Le pro- bleme de la suggestion. IV. Les operations subconscientes. V. Les limites de I'hypno- tisme et les phenomenes occultes. VI. La therapeutique psychologique. VII. Le retre- cissement du champ de la conscience et les oscillations du niveau mental. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, October 4. The Second Course was eight lectures by C. Lloyd Morgan, LL.D., F.R.S., Princi- pal of University College, Bristol, England, on The Interpretation of Nature. I. Modes of Interpretation. II. The Basis of Expe- rience. III. Conditions of Explanation. IV. The Riddle of Life. V. From Life to Mind. VI. Doctrines of an Ego. VII. Human Pur- pose. VIII. Purpose in Nature. Monda3^s and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, October 10. The Third Course will be three lectures by Rt. Hon. James Bryce, M.P., D.C.L., Author of "The Holy Roman Empire," "The American Commonwealth," etc., on Changes in the Last Half Century. Saturday, October 29; Wednesday, No- vember 2, and Saturday, November 5, at 8 p. m. ■ The same lectures will also be given in Huntington Hall on the afternoons of Mon- day, October 31, Thursday, November 3, and Saturday, November 5, at 3 p. m. The Fourth Course will be eight lectures by Albrecht Penck, Professor of Geography in the University of Vienna, Austria, on Selected Chapters in Physiography. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, November i. The Fifth Course will be eight lectures by Ettore Pais, Professor of Ancient History and Classical Antiquities in the University of Naples, and Member of the Academy of Sciences of Rome, on Legends of Early Roman History. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, November 7. The Sixth Course will be four lectures by James Ford Rhodes, LL.D., Author of A History of the United States from the Com- promise of 1850, on Reconstruction and Negro Suffrage. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p. m., be- ginning Wednesday, November 9. The Seventh Course will be eight lectures by Paul Milyoukov, Magister of Russian History, late Privat-Docent at the Univer- sity of Moscow and Professor at the Uni- versity of Sofia, etc., on The Russian Crisis. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., beginning Tuesday, November 29. The Eighth Course will be eight lectures by Thomas R. Lounsbury, LL.D., L.H.D., Professor of English in Yale University, on English Literature in the First Half of the 43^ November Nineteenth Century. Friday evenings (only) at 8 o'clock, be- ginning Friday, January 6. The Ninth Course will be eight lectures by William T. Sedgwick, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Director of the Sanitary Re- search Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on The Sanitation of Cities and Towns. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m,, begin- ning Monday, January g. The Tenth Course will be eight lectures by George F. Moore, D.D., LL.D., Professor in Harvard University, on Judaism at the Beginning of the Christian Era. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, February 20. The Eleventh Course will be six lectures by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, LL.D., on English Literature in the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, February 28. IL EVENING SCHOOL FOR INDUS- TRIAL FOREMEN. Under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the place of the Advanced Courses formerly given under the auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Trustee of the Lowell Institute has estab- lished a Free Evening School for Industrial Foremen, comprising at present two Courses, one Mechanical, the other Electrical, each extending over two years. These are intended to bring the systema- tic study of applied science within the reach of young men who are following industrial pursuits and desire to fit themselves for higher positions, but are unable to attend day courses of instruction. The work of the school includes recita- tions, lectures, drawing-room practice, and laboratory exercises, and is given by mem- bers of the instructing staff of the Institute of Technology. Text-books are used in many of the subjects, but in some cases printed notes are supplied at cost. Students are expected to purchase such text-books, note-books, instruments, and other material as may be recommended or required. No reports of standing will be given to students, but those who fail to keep well up with the work, or to profit sufficiently by the instruction, will be informed that they are not qualified to pursue the Course with advantage. To those who satisfactorily complete the required Courses of the two years and pass the examinations certificates will be given. The present school year will begin Octo- ber 3, 1904, and close May 12, 1905. Attend- ance from 7.30 to 9.30 for three or four even- nings a week will be required, in addition to outside study. The entrance examinations are, in a measure, of a competitive nature, and considerable weight will be attached to the applicant's occupation and practical ex- perience. The school is open to those only who are ambitious and willing to study. The char- acter and amount of the instruction is such that, if the student is not well fitted to take up the work of the school, it will not be possible for him to derive full benefit from it, or perhaps to maintain his standing. A circular giving detailed information re- garding the entrance examinations and other requirements may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to Prof. Charles F. Park, Director, Lowell Institute Free Evening School for Industrial Fore- men, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. IIL TEACHERS' SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Under the Auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. Free Lectures maintained by the Lowell Institute in the Teachers' School of Science of the Boston Society of Natural History will be given during the season as follows: — 1. Field Lessons in Botany, by Mr. Hol- lis Webster. 2. Field Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Al- bert P. Morse. 3. Field Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. 4. Laboratory Lessons in Botany, by Mr. HolHs Webster. 5. Laboratory Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Albert P. Morse. 6. Laboratory Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. 7. Courses in Chemistry and Physics (under certain conditions). 8. A Course of Lectures by Specialists in Physics, Geology, Geography, etc. The Field Lessons will be given in the spring and autumn. The Laboratory Les- sons will be given in the winter, beginning on November 19. Further particulars, with instructions how to obtain admission, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Curator, Teachers' School of Science, Boston Society of Natural History, 234 Berkeley St., Boston. IV. EVENING COURSES FOR WORKINGMEN. Under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. Free Instruction, especially arranged for workingmen, will be maintained by the Lowell Institute during the winter under 1904 437 the auspices of the Wells Memorial Insti- tute, as follows: — 1. On Practical Electricity. Twenty lec- tures for Beginners. By Prof. William L. Puffer. 2. On Mechanical Drawing. Twenty lec- tures for Beginners. By Mr. Harrison W. Hayward. 3. On Machine Drawing. Twenty lec- tures for Advanced Students. By Mr. Har- rison W. Hayward. 4. On Practical Mechanics. Twenty lec- tures. By Mr. Harrison W. Hayward. 5. On Steam and Steam Engines. Twenty lectures for Beginners and Advanced Stu- dents. By Mr. Thomas Hawley. 6. On Household Science, Cookery, etc. Fifteen lectures by Miss Anna Barrows. Further particulars, with instructions how to obtain admission, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Secretary, Lowell Free Courses, Wells Memorial Institute, 985 Washington Street, Boston. FREE PUBLIC ILLUSTRATED LECTURES TO BE GIVEN IN THE LECTURE HALL OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. On Thursday Evenings at 8 o'clock. * Boston Architectural Club Course. § Public Library Course on the History and Art of Printing, t Public Library Course. The Museums of Art of Boston and Cambridge. t Public Library Course. A Tour through Greece. 1904. Oct. 27. i Athens. Arthur Stoddard Cooley, Ph.D. Nov. 3. j Central and Northern Greece. Arthur Stoddard Cooley, Ph.D. Nov. 10. t The Peloponnesos. Arthur Stoddard Cooley, Ph.D. Nov. 17. * Palaces of Ancient Rome. E. B Homer. Rhode Island School of Design. Dec. I. § Type Display in Modern Printing. Will Bradley. Dec. 8. * Early Renaissance of Italy. C. Howard Walker. Dec. 15. § Typographical Evolution. William Dana Orcutt, Uni- versity Press, Cambridge. 1905. Jan. 5. * Brick Architecture of Northern Italy. Walter H. Kilham. Jan. 12. * Spanish Renaissance. Louis C. Newhall. Jan. 19. § The Making of Books. J. Horace McFarland, Harrisburg, Pa. Jan. 26. § Symbolism of Form and Color. Henry Turner Bailey. Feb. 2. * Monastic Architecture of the Middle Ages. Richard A. Rice, Williams College. Feb. 9. t Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The Classical Antiquities. Edward Robinson, Director. Feb. 16. Roman and Renaissance Villas. Thomas A. Fox. Feb. 23. t Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The Oriental Collections. Edward S. Morse, Keeper of Japanese Pottery. Mar. 2. * Early Gothic of Northern France. H. Langford Warren, Harvard University. Mar. 9. f Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The Egyptian Antiquities. Albert M. Lythgoe, Curator, Department of Egyptian Art. Mar. 16. Development of Church Architecture in England. Ralph Adams Cram. Mar. 23. f The Semitic Museum, Harvard University. David G. Lyon, Harvard University. Mar. 30. * Elizabethan Architecture in England. Robert S. Peabody. Apr. 6. t The Germanic Museum, Harvard University. Kuno Francke, Harvard University. Apr. 13. * Modern English Domestic Architecture. R. Clipston Sturgis. Apr. 20. t The Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University. Charles H. Moore, Harvard University. Apr. 27. * Village Architecture of Massachusetts. J. Randolph Coolidge, Jr. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. Week days. Sundays. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Central Library 9 to 10^ 2 to 10^ 2 to 9^ 9 to 9 . . 9 Lu y . . 2 to 9^ 9 to 9 2 to 9^ 9 to 9 2 to q2 9 to 9 2 to 92 West End 9 to 10^ . . 2 to 10^ Closed. Delivery Stations. v^lObCQ. C. South End 2 to 9^ . . 2 to 0 / 10 9 1^1 /^c O/n All day. . . F. Mt. Bowdoin. . . . 2 to 9 G. Allston All day. . . Open. All day. . . J. Dorchester Station. All day. . . 1^1 i^c /^/n L. North Brighton. . . 4 to 9 V^lOScQ. M. Crescent Avenue. . All day. . . N. Mt. Pleasant. . . . 2 to 9^ . . P. Broadway Extension. . 2 to 9^ ^ LU U / LU y Q. Upham's Corner. 2 to 9 ^ HJ y R. Warren Street. All day. . . 2 to 9^ Open. S. Roxbury Crossing. tn (~\ 1 f n n ^ LVJ Vj / Lw y All day. . . Open. U. Ward Nine 2 to 9^ Closed. W. Industrial School. . 4 to 9« Closed. Y. Andrew Square. 2 to 9^ Closea. Z. Orient Heights. 2 to 9^ Closed. 22. North Street. I to 6^ . . Closed. ' Closed at 9 p.m. daily during June, July, August, and Septemb er. ' Open Sundays from November to April only. ' Saturdays until 8 p.m. * On Thursdays the afternoon hours at this station are from 4 to 7 p.m.; on other afternoons the station is closed between 6 and 7 p.m. * Closed from 6 to 7 p.m. ^ Open Sundays in winter only. ^ Also 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin. Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39> 46, 47, 51-56, 62-64, 67. 69, 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 1903. .10; by mail, .17 List of Books for Boys and Girls. .05; by mail, .11 Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1492 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russian Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by mail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. .25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. The Fine and Decorative Arts: books in English suitable for small public libraries. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 12. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Economics: selected works in the English language. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5,00 Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application; by mail, each .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prince Library. Catalogue. i.oo Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. .15; by mail, .18 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from tbe Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No. 8. Health and Hygiene In Bulletin no. 97. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles L, & English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. II. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibliography. .50; by mail, .53 No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars. .25; by mail, .26 No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789. .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No. 8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,.i2 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .75; by mail, .77 Works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Bpston, compiled from the BooW of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding List of Books Common to the Branches. ,02; by mail, 06 MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON VoL IX. No. 12. December, 1904. d > u bo a G o BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1904. TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY SOLOMON LINCOLN, President. JAMES DeNORMANDIE, -Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. TE[OMAS DWIGHT. THOMAS F. BOYLE. Librarian. HORACE G. WADLIN. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Academy Hill Road. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. Charlestown Branch, City Square. South End Branch, 397 Shawmut Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, cor. Avenue. Adams St. West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Lynde St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Centre St. Mt. Vernon St. Delivery Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, cor. Rich- mond St. Station B. Roslindale Reading Room, Washington, cor. Ashland St. Station C. South End Reading Room, Parker Memorial Building, 55 Berkeley St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Station, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station, 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Station, 571 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 157 Norfolk St. Station L. North Brighton Reading Room, 56 Market St. Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery Station, loii Dorchester Ave. Stations. Station N. Mt. Pleasant Reading Room, Dudley, cor. Magazine St. Station P. Broadway Extension Read- ing Room, 13 Broadway Exten- ■ sion. Station Q. Upham's Corner Reading Room, Columbia Rd. cor. Bird St. Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Reading Room, 1 1 54 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Station, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. Ward Nine Delivery Sta- tion, 62 Union Park St. Station W. Industrial School Reading Room, 39 North Bennet St. Station Y. Andrew Square Reading Room, John A. Andrew School House, Dorchester St. Station Z. Orient Heights Reading Room, 1030 Bennington St. Station 22. North Street Reading Room, 207 North St. Published monthly by the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Massachu- stttc, at a subscription price of twenty-five cents per annum. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS PLACED IN THE LIBRARY FROM October 15 to November 15, 1904. The symbol = following the title of a work indicates that the work is a gift to the Library. Reference Books* Chase, Edithe Lea, and William Edward Pattison French, compilers. Waes hael; the book of toasts. New York, 1904. Plate. 62593.50 Craig, Asa H., and Binney Gunnison, com- pilers. Pieces for prize speaking contests. A col- lection of over one hundred pieces which have taken prizes. New York, 1899. 2397.164 De Vere, Aubrey Thomas, editor. The household poetry book: an anthology of English-speaking poets from Chaucer to Faber. London. [190-?] Portrait. 45693.274 Gayley, Charles Mills, and Martin Charles Flaherty, editors. Poetry of the people. Comprising poems illustrative of the history and national spirit of England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. Boston, 1904. 239ob.i03 Twentieth century biographical dictionary of notable Americans, The, . . . Editor-in- chief, Rossiter Johnson, managing ed- itor, John Howard Brown. Boston, 1904. 10 V. lUus. Portraits. Autograph fac- similes. = B.H.Ref.611.7 Genealogy* Heraldry* Bulloch, John Malcolm. 1867-. The House of Gordon. Vol. i. Aberdeen, 1903. Plate. Genealogical table. [The New Spalding Club.] *452i.i29 Hall, Gilbert Edgerton, compiler. Records of Captain John Hall, born May 27, 1723, died Aug. 6, 1777, in the defense of his country. With some account of his ancestors and descendants. Fremont, Ohio, 1904. 30 pp. = 4439a.234 Kingsbury, Frank Burnside. A genealogical record comprising the early English ancestor to America, and the line of descent to Nathaniel Kingsbury of Keene, N. H., and the descendants of three daughters. Keene, 1904. 59 pp. Portraits. Plate. *4439a.239 Kriebel, Howard Wiegner. The Schwenkfelders in Pennsylvania, a historical sketch. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. [The Pennsylvania-German Society.] 4372.17.13 Methley, England. Parish Church. Registers, 1560-1812. Transcribed by George Denison Lumb. Leeds, 1903. [Thoresby Society.] *2505.i2i Some account of the family of Robinson of the White House, Appleby, Westmore- land. Westminster, 1874. Plate. Fac- similes. *6538.7i Stocking, Charles Henry Wright. The Tefft ancestry: descendants of John Tefft of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. [Vincennes, Ind.] 1904. *4432.290 Wrottesley, George. An account of the family of Okeover of Okeover, Co. Stafford, with transcripts of the ancient deeds at Okeover. Plates. (In William Salt Archaeological Society. Collections. New series, vol. 7. I904-) *2492.52.N.s.7 Young, Edward Herbert. Genealogy of the Stuard family in Amer- ica. [Washington?] 1903. 15 pp. 4433-359 \ 444 December Biography. Collective Biographies. Burgoyne, Frank James, editor. History of Queen Elizabeth, Amy Robsart and the Earl of Leicester. Being a re- print of ''Leycester's Commonwealth," 1641. London, 1904. *6543.95 Bibliography, pp. xii-xv. The authorship has been ascribed to Robert Parsons. Maugras, Gaston. 185 1-. La cour de Luneville au XVIIIe siecle. Les marquises de Boufflers et Du Chate- let, Voltaire, Devau, Saint-Lambert, etc. 6e edition. Paris, 1904. Portraits. 465oa.7i Bibliography, pp. (8, 9). Relates to Stanislas I., King of Poland, after- wards Duke of Lorraine. Williams, Sherman. Some successful Americans. Boston, 1904. Illus. Portraits. 2349.144 Contents. — Lincoln. — Peter Cooper. — Mary Lyon. — Greeley. — C. H. McCormick. — Frances Willard. — L. M. Alcott. — Alexander H. Stephens. — Leland Stanford. — Charles Pratt. — Cornelius Vanderbilt, — Eli Whitney. — Clay. — Franklin. Single Biographies. Aus den Briefen der Herzogin Elizabeth Charlotte von Orleans an fitienne Polier de Bottens. Herausgegeben von S. Hell- mann. Tubingen, 1903. [Litterarischer Verein. Stuttgart. Bibliothek.] *4225.5o.23i Bain, Alexander, LL.D., 1818-1903. Autobiography. (With supplementary chapter.) London, 1904. Portraits. 2543-190 The supplementary chapter is by the editor, William L. Davidson. Bibliography, pp. 425-435. Bellows, John, of Gloucester, England. 1831- 1902. Letters and memoir. Edited by his wife. New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Map. Fac-similes. 2543.175 Benjamin, Marcus. Francis Asbury Roe. [Washington, 1903.] 35 PP- Portrait. Plates. [Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Colum- bia.] = 4445-396 Berger, Francois Eugene. Le vicomte de Mirabeau (Mirabeau-Ton- neau). Paris, 1904. 4649a.33 Note bibliographique, pp. 387-389. Berkshire Conferences. Jonathan Edwards. Union meeting of the Berkshire North and South Conferences. Stockbridge, Massachusetts, October fifth, 1903. Stockbridge, 1903. 68 pp. Illus. Portraits. = 5554-71 Booth, Robert Russell. A memorial of Lieut. Franklin Butler Crosby. New York, 1864. 69 pp. *"2oth".50.205 Bullard, Jabez. 1773-1852. [Biographical sketch of Jabez Bullard. Boston, 1903.] I p. Portrait. = 4449.307 Chuquet, Arthur Maxime. Dugommier (1738-1794). Paris, 1904. Por- trait. Maps. [Collection Minerva.] 2643.172 Collinson, Thomas Bernard, compiler. General Sir Henry Drury Harness, K.C.B., Colonel Commandant Royal Engineers . . . Edited by General Webber. Lon- don, 1903. Tables. = 2544.160 Cowell, Edward Byles. 1826-1903. Life & letters. By George Cowell. Lon- don, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 2543.177 Dumont, Pierre fitienne Louis. The great Frenchman and the little Gene- vese. Translated from Dumont's Sou- venir sur Mirabeau. By Lady Seymour. New York, 1904. Portraits. 2654.16 Eightieth anniversary of the birth of Ed- ward Everett Hale, April 3d, 1902, Bos- ton. [Programme. Boston, 1902.] 6 ff. Portrait. = 4445-395 Gleig, George Robert. Personal reminiscences of the first Duke of Wellington, with sketches of some of his guests and contemporaries. Edited by . . . Mary E. Gleig. Edinburgh, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 2523.11 Hoepffner, Ernst. Eustache Deschamps. Leben und Werke. Strassburg, 1904. 4676.150 Verzeichnis der wichtigsten beniitzten Schriften und Werke, pp. vii, viii. Imperator et Rex. William II. of Germany. By the Author of The martyrdom of an Empress. New York, 1904. Portraits. Plates. 2849.85 Kennedy, George Golding. Edwin Faxon. [Boston, 1900.] 5 pp. Portrait. 4447.340 Kriege, Hermann. Die Vater unserer Republik in ihrem Leben und Wirken. Heft i. Benjamin Franklin. New York, 1847. = **K.i3.27 Lincoln, Rufus, Captain. The papers of Captain Rufus Lincoln of Wareham, Mass. Compiled by James Minor Lincoln. [Cambridge, Mass.] 1904. Fac-similes. *443i.i55 Consists of diaries, etc., written during the American Revolution. Lummus, Aaron. Life . . . Written by himself. Portland, 1816. 64 pp. = 5559a.i67 Chapter i is purposely omitted. Macbean, Leila. The story of Pet Marjorie (Marjory Flem- ing). London, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Map. Fac-similes. 2442.48 Mignet, Francois Auguste Marie. Benjamin Franklin. Fine Biographic. Aus dem franzosischen von Dr. Ed. Burck- hardt. Leipzig, 1855. **K.i8.25 1904 445 Newton, Mass. Commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the work of John Eliot, in civilizing and Christianizing the Indians of New England. [Newton Upper Falls, 1896.] 4 pp. Illus. = 4355-137 Pepys, Sir William Weller, Baronet. 1740- 1825. A later Pepys. The correspondence of Sir William Weller Pepys, Bart. . . . with Mrs. Chapone, Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. Montagu . . . and others. Edited by Alice C. C. Gaussen. London, 1904. 2 v. Portraits. Plates. Genealogical tables. 2556.100 Record of the military service of Robert Goldthwaite Carter, U. S. Army. 1862 to 1876. Washington, 1904. 48 pp. 4346.192 Salmon, David. Joseph Lancaster. London, 1904. 84 pp. Portrait. Plates. 2544.163 Authorities, pp. 67-73. Schroeder, John Frederick. Life and times of Washington. Schroeder- Lossing. Revised and enlarged: with introduction. By E. C. Towne. Albany, 1903. 4 V. Portraits. Plates. 2341.31 United States. Circuit Court. District of Massachusetts. Proceedings upon the decease of Hon. John Lowell. Boston, 1897. 50 pp. = 7632.63 Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. £mile Zola, novelist and reformer. An account of his life & work. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-simile. 2646.185 History* General. Ancient. Modern. Asia. Africa. Eastern Question. Oceanica. The Jews. Aflalo, M. The truth about Morocco. An indictment of the policy of the British Foreign Office with regard to the Anglo-French agreement. London, 1904. Fac-similes. 3054.197 Keference to works quoted, pp. xxi, xxii. Album, The, containing the photographs and pictures regarding the Russo-Japanese War. Tokyo. [1904.] 9 pp. 121 plates. 30103.130 Most of the plates have descriptions in Japanese, Chinese, and English, on the back. Asakawa, Kan-Ichi. The early institutional life of Japan: a study in the reform of 645 A.D. [Tokyo.] 1903- 3015.198 Brandt, Max August Scipio von. 1835-. Die Zukunft Ostasiens. Stuttgart, 1903. 3015.181 Buckley, Charles Burton. An anecdotal history of old times in Singapore . . . 1819 to 1867. Singapore, 1902. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac- similes. 3042.271 [Collection of Japanese prints illustrating scenes in the war with Russia, 1904. Tookyo? 1904.] 15 sheets. Colored woodcuts. *Cab. 50.37.4 Davis, Alexander. The native problem in South Africa. With a review of the problem in West and West-Central Africa, by W. R. Stewart. London, 1903. 3059.279 Goodspeed, George Stephen. A history of the ancient world, for high schools and academies. New York, 1904. Illus. Maps. Plans. 2219.98 Most of the plates are colored. Hand Allah, Mustaufi Al Kazvini. Tarikhe Gozide. Les dynasties persanes pendant la periode musulmane, depuis les Saffarides jusques et y compris les Mogols de la Perse en 1330 de notre ere. Texte persan complet, imprime pour la premiere fois, et traduction franqaise en regard, par Jules Gantin. Tome i. Paris, 1903. 302oa.i2i Krieger, Bogdan. Die ersten hundert Jahre russisch-chinesi- scher Politik. Berlin, 1904. 75 pp- 3064.204 Europe. Cattermole, Richard. Fleath's Historical Annual; or, the Great Civil War of Charles 1. and the Parlia- ment. With fifteen engravings from drawings by George Cattermole. Lon- don, 1842. Plates. = *65i2.7o Cramond, William, compiler. The records of Elgin, 1234-1800. Vol. i. Aberdeen, 1903. Plates. Maps. Fac- similes. [The New Spalding Club.] *452i.i3o Great Britain. Public Record Office. Calendar of the Charter Rolls. Vol. i. Henry III., 1226-1257. London, 1903. *7045.68 The text was prepared by R. D. Trimmer and C. G. Crump, who also compiled the index. Irish Literary Society of London. Studies in Irish history, 1649-1775. Lec- tures. With an introduction by R. Barry O'Brien. Dublin, 1903. 4518.164 Contents. — Oliver Cromwell in Ireland. By William Butler. — Ireland under Charles II. By Philip Wilson. — Ireland under James II. By Philip WiliSon. — Sieges of Derry and Lim- erick. By H. Mangan. — Sarsfield. By Stephen Gwynn. — After Limerick. By Alice Effie Mur- ray. Lorenz, Ottokar. Gegen Bismarcks Verkleinerer. Nachtrage 446 December zu "Kaiser Wilhelm und die Begriindung des Reichs." Jena, 1903. 2818.85 Kaiser Wilhelm und die Begrundung des Reichs, &c., is on shelf-number 2818.84. Neele, Henry. 1 798-1 828. The romance of history. England. Lon- don. [1872.] Illus. = 2577.214 Peignot, fitienne Gabriel. Moeurs et usages au moyen-age. La selle chevaliere. Paris, 1836. 18 pp. = *6298.43 Schiess, Traitgott, editor. Btillingers Korrespondenz mit den Grau- biindnern. Teil i. Basel, 1904. [Quel- len ziir Schweizer Geschichte.] *28i7.55.23 Contents. — i. Januar 1533-April 1557. Smeaton, Oliphant. Edinburgh and its story. Illustrated by Herbert Railton & J. Ayton Symington. London, 1904. Illus. Portraits. 2472.108 Some of the plates are colored. Steck, Johann Rudolph Julius, editor. Die Akten des Jetzerprozesses nebst dem Defensorium. Basel, 1904. [Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte.] *28i7.55.22 Stubbs, William, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. Lectures on European history. Edited by Arthur Hassall. London, 1904. 2307.46 Contents. — The Emperor Charles V. — The political history of Europe from the resignation of Charles V. — The political history of Europe during the Thirty Years' War. — Survey of the reigns of Louis XIII. and Philip IV. — The Peace of Westphalia. Trueba y Cosio, Telesfero de. The romance of history. Spain. London. [1872.] Illus. 3098.200 Whitcomb, Silas Merrick. A history of modern Europe. New York, 1903. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Fac-sim- iles. [Twentieth Century text-books.] 2309a.7 America. » Augustin, James M., editor. Official souvenir programme of the trans- fer of Louisiana from France to the United States. Commemoration by the Louisiana Historical Society at New Orleans, December, 1903. [2d edition. New Orleans, 1903.] 42 pp. Portraits. = 4462.47 Batchellor, Albert Stillman. The government and laws of New Hamp- shire before the establishment of the Province. 1623-1679. Manchester, 1904. 54 pp. = *63i2.io Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Our political drama. Conventions, cam- paigns, candidates. With . . . reproduc- tions from caricatures. New York, 1904. Illus. 4224.115 Burrage, Henry Sweetser. The occasion of the expulsion of the Aca- dians in 1755. [Portland? 1902?] 38 pp. = 4316.34 Butterfield, Consul Willshire. History of George Rogers Clark's con- quest of the Illinois and the Wabash towns 1778 and 1779. Columbus, Ohio, 1904. Portraits. 4375-ioq Calef, John. The Siege of Penobscot by the Rebels; containing a journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's forces detached from the 74th and 82d Regiments, consisting of about 700 rank and file, under the command of Brigadier-General Francis M'Lean, ... By J. C. Esq., a volunteer. London, 1781. 44 pp. Chart. Table. **H.85.ioi Carpenter, E. A. History of the 17th Illinois Cavalry Vol- unteers. [N. p 18 — ?] 38 pp. *"20th".Cab.5.3 Chancellor, William Estabrook, and Fletch- er Willis Hewes. The United States: a history of three cen- turies, 1607-1904 . . . New York, 1904. Portrait. Maps. 2322.122 Contents. — i. Colonization, 1 607-1 697. Contains bibliographies. David, £tienne Joseph. America rules the world. 2d edition, re- vised and corrected from "Greater United States." San Francisco, 1904. 41 pp. = 4229.172 Evans, Nelson W., and Emmons B. Stivers. A history of Adams County, Ohio. West Union, Ohio, 1903. Portraits. Plates. Map. *4372.ii7 Fiske, John. 1842-1901. How the United States became a nation. Boston, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Map. 2328.151 France. Ministere des affaires etrangeres. Memoire contenant I'expose des droits de la France dans la question des frontieres de la Guyane frangaise et du Bresil sou- mise a I'arbitrage du gouvernement de la Confederation Suisse. [Avec docu- ments et pieces justificatives.] Paris, 1899. 2 V. in I. 2614.67 Reponse du gouvernement de la Repu- blique frangaise au memoire des fitats- Unis du Bresil sur la question de fron- tiere soumise a I'arbitrage du gouverne- ment de la Confederation Suisse. Paris, 1899. Maps. 2614.68 Georgius, pseud. A plea for self-defence against national dangers. [N. p. 189-?] 16 pp. = 4224.112 Hamilton, J. C. L. Poverty and patriotism of the Neutral Grounds. A paper read before the West- chester County Historical Society upon the one hundred and twenty-third anni- versary of the battle of White Plains. Elmsford, N. Y., 1900. 39 pp. Portrait. Plate. = 4472.197 Hulbert, Archer Butler. The great American canals. Vol. i. Cleveland, 1904. Plates. Maps. [His- 1904 447 toric highways of America.] 4369a.273.13 Contents. — i. The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. — The Pennsylvania Canal. Joseph Warren Monument Association. Dedication of the statue of Joseph War- ren. [Badge, invitation and ticket, pro- grammes of forenoon and evening exer- cises.] Boston, 1904. = 4454.294, Journal of the votes and proceedings as well of the Committee of Safety, at a sitting in January, 1776, as the Provincial Con- gress of New-Jersey, at a sitting at New Brunswick. Woodbury, 1835. = *637oa.26 Reprinted from the edition printed by John Anderson, at New York, in 1776. Knights of the White Camelia. Constitution and ritual. Morgantown, 1904. 32 pp. [West Virginia University. Documents relating to reconstruction.] 4429.87 The order was related to the Ku Klux Klan. Landis, Charles Kline. The founder's own story of the founding of Vineland, New Jersey. [Vineland.] 1903. 22 pp. Portrait. - - 4477.254 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. The genius of the cosmopolitan city. An address before the New York Historical Society on its ninety-ninth anniversary, . . . November 17, 1903. New York, 1904. 42 pp. = 4478.413 McCollom Institute, Mount Vernon, New Hampshire. Alumni. Proceedings and addresses at the Trien- nial Reunion . . . Old Home Week ex- ercises, and the One Hundredth Anni- versary of the incorporation of the Town of Mount Vernon, N. H., Septem- ber, 1903. Milford, 1903. 60 pp. Por- traits. Plates. = 4436.253 Massachusetts. Colony and Province. An act for dividing the Town of Dor- chester, and erecting a new town there by the name of Stoughton. Boston, 1727, I p. **H.90.2I2 One page cut from a volume, with manuscript additions on separate pieces of paper attached. Morice, Adrian Gabriel. The history of the northern interior of British Columbia, formerly New Cale- donia. 1660 to 1880. Toronto, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Map. 4314.219 Relates to the fur trade, the Hudson's Bay Company, and the Caribou gold mines. Au- thorities, pp. 341, 342. Murphy, Edgar Gardner. 1869-. Problems of the present South. New York, 1904. 4327.144 New Jersey, Province. Provincial Congress. Extracts from the Journal of proceedings. May, June and August, 1775. Wood- bury, N. J., 1835. = *637oa.25 Reprinted from the edition printed at Trenton, in 1775. Paxson, Frederic Logan. The independence of the South-American republics. A study in recognition and foreign policy. Philadelphia, 1903. = Bibliography, pp. 253-264. 4329.193 Ranney Memorial and Historical Associa- tion, Cromwell, Conn. In honor of the founders, fathers and patriots of Middletown Upper Houses,- since 1851. [Cromwell.] 1904. 7 pp. Portrait. = 4439.279 Robinson, Chalfant. A history of two reciprocity treaties: the treaty with Canada in 1854; the treaty with the Hawaiian Islands in 1876. With a chapter on the treaty-making power of the House of Representatives. New Haven, 1904. Map. Chart. 4424.84 Robinson, Wardwell G. History of the 184th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. An address ... at the regimental reunion, June 5, 1895. [Oswego, 1895.] 57 pp. *"20th".4i.i84 Rosengarten, Joseph George. American history from German archives with reference to the German soldiers in the Revolution and Franklin's visit to Germany. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. Illus. Portraits. Fac-similes. [The Pennsyl- vania-German Society.] ^4372. 17.13 Another edition is on shelf-number 4414.152. Roxbury, Mass. Roxbury centennial. An account of the celebration in Roxbury, November 22, 1876. With the oration of Horace Bin- ney Sargent, speeches at the dinner and other matters. Boston, 1877. = 4356.62 Smith, Carroll Earll. Pioneer times in the Onondaga country. Compiled by . . . Charles Carroll Smith. Syracuse, N. Y., 1904. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. 4472.199 Sons of the Revolution. Missouri. Prize medal essay contest by the high school scholars and schools of equal grade of the State of Missouri. Subject: "The Tories of the Revolution." St. Louis, 1904. 19 pp. Portraits. = 4414.268 Contains the prize essays. South Carolina. Convention, i860, 1861. Journal of the public proceedings . . . With the ordinances adopted. Charles- ton, i860. = *436ob.9 Sprague, Henry Llarrison. A story of a New England town. Address at Athol, Old Home Week, July 26, 1903. Boston, 1904. 54 pp. Fac-simile. = Bibliography, p. 49. 4357-139 Stoddard, William Osborn. The fight for the valley. A story of the Siege of Fort Schuyler and the Battle of Oriskany in the Burgoyne Campaign of 1777. New York, 1904. Plates. ^4407.279 Sullivan, John Andrew, Oration delivered in Faneuil Hall before the City Council and citizens of Boston, July 4, 1904. [Boston's past and present. What will its future be?] Boston, 1904. 38 pp. Portrait. =: *4456.ii.i904 Sullivan and Cromwell, compilers. Compilation of executive documents and diplomatic correspondence relative to a trans-isthmian canal in Central America. [New York, 1904?] 3 v. = *446i.i77 448 December Urann, C. A. Centennial history of Cleveland. Cleve- land, 1896. Portraits. Plates. = 4379.180 Wheeler, Alexander Strong. Address on Boston, fifty years since. Bos- ton, 1896. 25 pp. — 4354-186 Fine Arts. Archaeology. Antiquities. Brown, E. Burton-. Recent excavations in the Roman Forum, 1898-1904: a handbook. London, 1904. Plates. Maps. 4735'i3 "A few of the most useful modern writings for consultation with reference to the Forum," pp. 211, 212, Delbrueck, Richard. 1875-. Die drei Tempel am Forum holitorium in Rom. Rom, 1903. 84 pp. Plates. Plans. 2731.8 Verzeichnis der antiken Schriftquellen und der modernen Litteratur, pp. 68-73. Dodsworth, Roger. Yorkshire Church notes 1619-1631. Edited by J. W. Clay. [London.] 1904. Illus. [Yorkshire Archaeological Society.] *2493.io2.34 Contains copies of inscriptions on monuments ; also notices of the ancient painted glass in the windows of the churches. Grenfell, Bernard Pyne, and Arthur Surridge Hunt. Greek papyri. Oxford, 1903. [Musee du Caire.] *505oa.87 Lampakis, Georges. Memoire sur les antiquites chretiennes de la Grece presente au Congres interna- tional d'histoire comparee, Paris, 1900. Athenes, 1902. 96 pp. Illus. Portrait. Plans. 296oa.7g Palestine Exploration Fund. Annual report and accounts, with list of subscriptions, for 1903. London, 1903. *5077-46 Petrie, William Matthew Flmders. Methods & aims in archaeology. London, 1904. Illus. 2238.57 Quilling, Fritz. ' Die Nauheimer Funde der Hallstatt- und Latene-Periode in den Museen zu Frankfurt a. M. und Darmstadt. Aus- grabungs-Bericht auf Grund der G. Dieffenbach'schen Protokolle . . . Frank- furt a. M., 1903. Illus. 16 plates. 2830.70 Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Archaeological cruise around the Irish coast. Preliminary programme. [Dub- lin, 1904.] 10 pp. Plate. Map. = *3305.6o Smidt, Hermann. Ein Jahrhundert romischen Lebens. Von Winckelmann's Romfahrt bis zum Sturze der weltlichen Papstherrschaft. Bericht deutscher Augenzeugen. Leip- zig, 1904. 4074.366 Relates to antiquities and fine arts. Strzygowski, Josef. Koptische Kunst. Vienne, 1904. Illus. [Musee du Caire.] *505oa.87 Fine Arts. Illustrated Books. Browne, Hablot Knight. [A complete set of the plates illustrating Dickens's Nicholas Nickleby. London? 18 — ?] 2 pp. 39 plates. = *8o72.73 Holme, Charles, editor. 1848-. The Royal Academy from Reynolds to Millais. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Fac-similes. *8o72.95 The special summer number of The Studio, 1904. Luebke, Wilhelm. 1826-1893. Outlines of the history of art. Edited, minutely revised and largely rewritten by Russell Sturgis. New York, 1904. 2 V. Illus. Portraits. Plans. *8o73.2i2 Plastic Club, Philadelphia. The Plastic Club exhibition and sale of thumb-box sketches by members, De- cember 7th-i9th, 1903. Philadelphia, 1903. 17 pp. Illus. = 4073.299 Architecture. Building. Adams, Maurice B., editor. Modern cottage architecture. London, 1904. 37 pp. Illus. 50 plates. *8iooa.3i Architekten- und Ingenieurverein, Augsburg. Augsburg. Eine Sammlung seiner hervor- ragendsten Baudenkmaler aus alter und neuer Zeit. Augsburg, 1902. 51 plates. *409i.i46 Miltoun, Francis. The cathedrals of Southern France. Illus- trations ... by Blanche McManus. Bos- ton, 1905. Illus. Plans. Maps. [The cathedral series.] 4108.41 Mylne, Robert Scott. The Cathedral Church of Bayeux, and other historical relics in its neighbor- hood. London, 1904. 96 pp. Illus. Plans. [Bell's Handbooks to Continen- tal churches.] 4108.57 Taber, Mary J. The cathedrals of England. With brief sketches of their most noted bishops. Boston, 1905. Plates. [The cathedra, series.] 4108.42 Bibliography, p. 277. Verband deutscher Architekten- und Inge- nieur-Vereine. Das Bauernhaus im deutschen Reiche und in seinen Grenzgebieten. Lief. 1-9. Dresden, 1901-04. Plates. *Cab.6o.i52.4 Weber, Ludwig. 1869-. San Petronio in Bologna. Beitrage zur Baugeschichte. Leipzig, 1904. 4 plates. Plan. 4106.38 Literaturverzeichnis, pp. 92-96. Artists. Fechheimer, Samuel Sigismund. Donatello und die Reliefkunst. Strass- burg, 1904. Plates. 8081. 131 1904 449 Gronau, Georg. Titian. [Translated from the German by Alice M. Todd.] London, 1904. Por- traits. Plates. 4089.140 The German edition is on shelf-number 4089.135. Kleinmann & Co., Haarlem, Publishers. Gerard David, dit Maitre Gerard de Bruges (i450?-i523). Lief. 1-7. [Haar- lem, 1903.] 36 plates. *Cab.8o.io6.5 Decoration. Design. Ornament. Mosaic. Furniture. Lace. Embroidery. Benn, R. Davis. Style in furniture. With illustrations by W. C. Baldock. London, 1904. 4093.41 Griggs & Son, London. An account of the unique North Indian carpet presented to the Worshipful Company of Girdlers by the Master, Robert Bell . . . [London. 1904?] Text, I p. Colored fac-simile, 59 X 21^ inches. *Cab.40.i9.7 Mulier, E. Lettres et enseignes, art nouveau. Dour- dan. [190-?] 10 pp. 28 colored plates. *Cab.6o.90.5 White, Mary. How to do beadwork. New York, 1904. Plates. 6006.126 Landscape Gardening. Parks. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. De- partment of Architecture. The course in landscape architecture. [Boston, 1903.] 30 pp. Illus. Plan. =z 399oa.4i r:=*L.32.28 Portland, Oregon. Park Board. Report, 1903. With the report of Messrs. Olmsted Bros., . . . outlining a system of parkways, boulevards and parks. [Portland, 1903.] 75 pp. Folded plate. = *399oa.i78 Somerville, Mass. Prospect Hill Park. Dedication, October 29, 1903. [Somer- ville, 1903.] 4 pp. Illus. = 399oa.io6 Music. Musicians. Alcahali y de Mosquera, Jose Maria Ruiz de Lihory y Pardines, Baron de. La musica en Valencia. Diccionario bio- grafico y critico. Valencia, 1903. Notas bibliograficas, pp. 443-445. *404I.II0 Armstrong, Robert Bruce. Musical instruments. Part i. The Irish and the Highland harps. Edinburgh, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Contains music. ^4040.130 Calzabigi, Ranieri di. Orpheus und Eurydike. Oper von Chr. W. Gluck. Italienischer Originaltext von Ranieri di Calzabigi. Deutsch von J. D. Sander. Vollstandiges Buch . . . herausgegeben von G. R. Kruse. Leip- zig. [1904.] 55 pp. 4896.50.463 Dannreuther, Edward. Wagner and the reform of the opera. 2d edition. London, 1904. Portrait. 4047.196 Biographical data and list of works. Graves, Charles Larcom. The diversions of a music-lover. London, 1904. 4047.200 Greene, Marian E. The book of opera stories. Chicago. [1904.] 30 pp. = 4045-118 Halvorsen, Johan. Norwegische Bauerntanze (Slatter) fiir die Geige Solo wie dieselben auf der norwegischen Bauernfiedel gespielt werden . . . Leipzig. [189 — ?] 20 pp. 8053.273 Kilburn, Nicholas. The story of chamber music. London, 1904. Portraits. Plate. Fac-similes. Contains music. 4049.242 Tapper, Thomas, Jr. One hundred rhythmic studies for the piano. Boston, 1903. 52 pp. = 8o5oa.227 Tolbecque, Auguste. L'art du luthier. Niort, 1903. Illus. Por- traits. 4042.46 Villarosa, Carlo Antonio de Rosa Marchese de. Memorie dei compositori di musica del regno di Napoli. Napoli, 1840. 4044.171 Wagner, Ernst David. Children's first piano book. Translated from the German and edited by Thomas Tapper. Part i. Boston, 1902. 75 pp. = 8o5oa.226 Contains a list of pieces suitable for the pupil. Werra, Ernst von, editor. Ausgewahlte Werke von Christian Erbach (um 1570-1635). Erster Teil, Werke fiir Orgel und Klavier. Werke Hans Leo Hasslers (1564-1612). Erster Teil, Werke fiir Orgel und Klavier, mit beige- fiigten Stiicken von Jacob Hassler (geb. 1565), eingeleitet und herausgegeben. Leipzig, 1903. Fac-simile. [Sandberger, Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Bayern.] *8o40.98.Jahrg.4.2 Wotquenne, Alfred. Catalogue thematique des oeuvres de Chr. W. V. Gluck (1714-1787). Leipzig, 1904. Portrait. 4041. 112 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF THE WORKS ADDED TO THE ALLEN A. BROWN LIBRARY DURING NOVEMBER, I904. Collin, Lucien. Les noces d'or. Operette en I acte. Partition piano et chant. Paris. [188-?] Cottier, R. Simone. Opera comique. [Par- tition piano et chant.] Paris. [189-?] Franck, Cesar Auguste. La procession. Melodic pour voix de tenor ou de soprano avec accompagnement d'orchestre. Parti- tion. Paris. [188-?] Ghilain, E. Fenetres et jalousies. Operette en un acte. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris. [188-?] 450 December Handel, Georg Friedrich. Konzert in F dur fiir zwei Blasercliore und Streichorchester fur den Konzertvortrag bearbeitet und genau bezeichnet von Gustav F. Kogel. Partitur. Leipzig, 1903. Harcourt, Anne Marie Eugene d'. Le tasse. Opera en 4 actes et 8 tableaux. Partition chant et piano. Paris, 1903. Hess, Charles. Le petit Lulli. Opera-co- mique en un acte. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris, 1895. Holmes, Augusta Mary Anne. Ludus pro patria. Ode-symphonie pour choeurs et orchestre avec recits en vers. Partition piano et chant. Paris, 1888. Javelot, Jules. Un amour de la rue Copeau. Saynette bouffe. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris. [187-?] Lefevre, Ernest. Le follet. Poeme lyrique en un acte. Partition, chant et piano. Paris. [1900.] Meuge, Georges. Le retour de Margotte. Operette en un acte. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris. [189-?] Pariot, Charles, and others. Le moulin d'amour. Opera-comique en un acte. Par- tition chant et piano. Paris. [1901-] Parker, Horatio William. Hora novissima . . . for soli, chorus and orchestra. Full score. London, 1900. Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel. Mass for treble voices (in three parts). Op. 155. Vocal score, without accompaniment. London. [189-?] Rieffier, Tony Henri. line diva par amour, Opera-comique en i acte. Partition, chant et piano. Paris. [187-?] Robillard, Victor. L'oncle Pomard. Ope- rette en un acte. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris. [187-?] — Un voyageur en chambre. Operette en un acte. [Partition piano et chant.] Paris. [187-?] Saint-Saens, Charles Camille. Antigone. Tragedie de Sophocle. Musique [de scene]. Partition chant et piano. Paris. [1893.] — Parysatis. Drame. Partition pour piano et chant. Paris, 1902. Schillings, Max von. Das Hexenlied . . . mit begleitender Musik. Op. 15. Partitur. Leipzig, 1903. Schmitt, P'lorent. Semiramis. Scene lyrique. Op. 14. [Partition chant et piano.] Paris. [1900.] Terrasse, Claude. Le sire de Vergy. Opera bouffe. Partition, chant et piano. Paris, 1903. Wolf, Hugo. Der Corregidor. Oper in vier Acten. Vollstandiger Klavierauszug. Mannheim. [1896.] — Manuel Venegas. Opernfragment. Cla- vierauszug. Mannheim. [1902.] Zelenski, Wladislaw. Konrad Wallenrod. Opera w 4ech Aktach. Uktad Forte- pianowy z tekstem. Krakow. [1885.] Numismatics. Gems. Farrington, Oliver Cummings. Gems and gem minerals. Chicago, 1903. Illus. Maps. 8021.40 Most of the plates are colored. Painting. Portraits. Color. Armytage, Sydney, editor. Beautiful pictures by British artists: a gathering of favourites from our picture galleries. Series [i,] 2. . . . London. [1871,] 1875. 2 V. Illus. 34 plates. = *407o.66 Carson, Hampton Lawrence. The unique collection of engraved por- traits . . . [belonging to H. L. Carson] . . . Part I, 2. Philadelphia. [1904.] Text 2 V. 49 plates. *Cab.23.i3.4 The catalogue was compiled by Stan. V. Heii- kels. Contents. — I. Engraved portraits of Gen. George Washington. 2. Engraved portraits of Jefferson, Franklin and Lafayette. Palmer, George S. Exhibition of paintings, lent by George S. Palmer in Slater Memorial Museum. Norwich, 1904. 19 pp. = *8o79.24o Sheldon, George William. Recent ideals of American art. One hun- dred and seventy-five oil paintings and water colors in the galleries of private collectors. New York, 1888. Text; Illus, Portraits. Atlas, 175 plates. *Cab.8o.7o.2 Temple, Alfred George. The Wallace collection (paintings) at Hertford House. London, 1902. 94 pp. Illus. Portraits. *Cab.8o.249.4 Some of the plates are reproduced in fac-simile. Ward, James, of the Macclesfield School of Art. Colour harmony and contrast, for the use of art students, designers, and decora- tors. London, 1903. Illus. Colored plates. 8062.139 Williamson, George Charles. The history of portrait miniatures. Lon- don, 1904. 2 V. 104 plates. Fac-similes. *Cab.8o.230.4 Bibliography, Vol. 2, pp. 157-160. Pottery. Burton, William. A history and description of English earthenware and stoneware (to the be- ginning of the 19th century). London. [1904.] Plates. *4023.38 Some of the plates are colored. Bibliography, pp. 188, 189. 1904 Sculpture. Carving. Gold and Silver Work. Capart, Jean. Monuments egyptiens du Musee de Brux- elles. Fascicule i. Bruxelles, 1901. 18 pp. Illus. = 8081.62 Lechat, Henri. Au Musee de TAcropole d'Athenes. fitudes sur la sculpture en Attique avant la ruine de I'Acropole lors de I'invasion de Xerxes. Lyon, 1903. Illus. 4094.135 Niehaus, Regina Armstrong. The sculpture of Charles Henry Niehaus. [Anon.] New York, 1901. 60 pp. Illus. Portraits. = 8082.166 Geography* Travels* Geography. General Travels. Asia. Africa. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Army and Navy Gazette. Map of Port Arthur. [London.] 1904. Scale, 2 miles to i inch. No. 26 in *Map 107.2 Autour du monde, par les boursiers de voy- age de rUniversite de Paris. Paris, 1904. [Fondation Albert Kahn.] 6263.87 Barthelemy, Pierre, Marquis de. Au pays Mo'i. Paris, 1904. Portrait. Plates. Maps. 3018.259 Travels in Indo-China. Browne, George Waldo. Japan: the place and the people. Boston. [1904.] Illus. • Map. 30ioa.i25 Buttrick, Tilly, Jr. Voyages, travels and discoveries of Tilly Buttrick, Jr. Boston, 1831. 58 pp. = 6269.135 Edmands, John S. Standard Russo-Japanese War map. Bos- ton, 1904. Scale, 32^4 miles to i inch. No. 43 in *Map 107.5 Gerstaecker, Friedrich. Unter dem Aquator. Javanisches Sitten- bild. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.463 Hearn, Lafcadio. Kwaidan: stories and studies of strange things [Japanese]. Boston, 1904. Plates. 3019.152 Japan. Imperial Japanese Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Japan in the beginning of the 20th cen- tury. [Tokyo.] 1904. =: 3015.196 Lincoln, David Francis. Remarks on the use of lantern slides in teaching geography. Boston, 1898. 29 pp. = 6284.19 Philip, George, & Son, publishers. PhiHps' Mercantile marine atlas . . , Lon- don, 1904. 45 pp. Maps. *Map 69.14 Salaun, Louis. LTndochine. Paris, 1903. Plates. 3011.132 Scherer, James, A.B. Japan to-day, Philadelphia, 1904. Plates. 3019.187 Sykes, Mark. Dar-ul-Islam: a record of a journey through ten of the Asiatic provinces of Turkey. London, 1904. Portraits. Plates. Maps. 3082.25 Tayler, Constance J. D. Koreans at home. The impressions of a Scotswoman. 2d edition. London, 1904. 80 pp. Portraits. Plates. 3014.109 Europe. Baedeker, Carl. Italy, from the Alps to Naples. Handbook for travellers. Leipsic, 1904. Maps. Plans. 2739.45 Bartholomew, John, F.R.G.S. Sussex. [Map. Edinburgh. 190-?] Scale, 2 miles to i inch. = *Map 1035.20 Bonney, Thomas George. Lake and mountain scenery of the Swiss Alps. By G. Closs and O. Froelicher, with text by T. G. Bonney. New York. [187-?] Illus. = *486o.i5 Contains woodcuts from sketches by G. Roux. This is largely rewritten from the German edi- tion entitled "Rhododendron" on shelf-number 4860.11. Deschamps, Philippe. 1848-. La Russie au 20°^^ siecle. Paris. [1902.] 3064.210 Relates to the Franco-Russian Alliance. International Congress of Navigation. 9th Congress. Diisseldorf, 1902. Guide-programme. Congressfiihrer. [Diis- seldorf, etc., 1902.] 4 V. Illus. Portrait. Maps. 395oa.8 Jungman, Beatrix. Holland. By Nico Jungman, text by Bea- trix Jungman. London, 1904. Colored plates. 286oa.62 America. Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. Atlanta: a twentieth-century city. [At- lanta.] 1903. 40 pp. Illus. = 4376.182 Bacon, Edgar Mayhew. Narragansett Bay: its historic and ro- mantic associations. New York, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Map. 4438.224 Bradbury, John. Bradbury's Travels in the interior of America in 1809-1811. Map. Fac-simile. (In Thwaites. Early western travels. Vol. 5. Cleveland, 1904.) *4473.2o6.5 A reprint of the second edition published in London in 181 9. Burgis, William. [View of Boston Light. 172-?] Helio- type reproduction. Boston, 190-?] No. 75 in *Map 34.1 452 December Cuming, Fortescue. Sketches of a tour to the western country (1807-1809). Fac-shnile. (In Thwaites. Early western travels. Vol. 4. Cleve- land, 1904.) *4473.2o6.4 A reprint of the original edition published in Pittsburgh in 1810 1*4379.21']. Elson, Louis Charles. A Gloucester sketch-book and souvenir. Gloucester. [1904.] 28 pp. Plates. 4359-152 Franchere, Gabriel. 1786-1863. Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast, 1811-1814. Plates. Fac-simile. (In Thwaites. Early western travels. Vol. 6. Cleveland, 1904.) 4473.206.6 A reprint of J. V. Huntington's English transla- tion published in New York in 1854 [4368.69]. Hamy, Ernest Theodore Jules. Les voyages du naturaliste Ch. Alex. Lesueur dans TAmerique du Nord (1815- • 1837). Paris, 1904. Illus. Portrait. Maps. Plan. [Societe des americanistes de Paris.] = 2631.70 These travels covered the West Indies and the eastern half of the United States. Bibliographie, pp. 105-108. Harvard College. Lawrence Scientific School. Map of Cambridge in the vicinity of Har- vard College. 1903-4. [Cambridge, 1903.] Scale, 700 feet to i inch. = No, 24 in *Map 20.3 On the back is a plan of Harvard University, on a scale of 209 feet to i inch. Haultain, Theodore Arnold. Two country walks in Canada. Toronto, 1903. Plates. = 4466.216 Le Cointe, Paul. Vallee de I'Amazone de Faro a Alemquer. Rio Trombetas — Rio Ariramba. Paris. [1903.] Scale, 7.9 miles to i inch. No. 43 in *Map 128.3 Long, John. Journal, 1768-1782. Map. Fac-simile. (In Thwaites. Early western travels. Vol. 2. Cleveland, 1904.) *4473.2o6.2 A reprint of John Long's Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trader, originally published in London in 1791 [*2^6o.23]. Contains vocabulary of the Chippeway, Esqui- meaux, Iroquois, Alkonkin and Mohegan lan- guages. Massachusetts. Board of Harbor and Land Commission- ers. Atlas of the boundaries of (namely) : Fall River, New Bedford, Acushnet, Berk- ley, Dartmouth, Dighton, Fairhaven, Freetown, Somerset, Swansea, West- port. Boston, 1904. =z *Map 136.4 Metropolitan Park Commission. Topographical map of Middlesex Fells Reservation. [Boston.] 1895. Scale, 500 feet to I inch. = No. 29 in *Map 36.1 Michaux, Andre. Travels into Kentucky, 1793-96. (In Thwaites. Early western travels. Vol. 3. Cleveland, 1904.) 4473.206.3 Englished from the original French, appearing in the American Philosophical Society Proceed- ings, 1889 [*S393-i]. Travels to the west of the Alleghany Mountains, 1802. Map. Fac-simile. (In Thwaites. Early western travels. Vol. 3. Cleveland, 1904.) 4473.206.3 A reprint from the edition published in London, 180S [2361.6]. Society of Iconophiles, New York. A view of New York from Fulton Street, Brooklyn, engraved in aquatint by C. F. W. Mielatz. [New York.] 1904. In case. *Cab.23.i5.3 One of a series of old views of New York, re- produced from old blue Staffordshire china. Language^ Rhetoric^ Abbott, Evelyn. 1843-. Easy Greek reader. Oxford, 1886. [Clar- endon Press series.] = 2989.110 Arteaga y Pereira, Fernando. Practical Spanish. A grammar of the Spanish language, with exercises, mate- rials for conversation, and vocabularies. London, 1902. 2 v. 5039«i5i Bennett, T., of Christiania. A selection of phrases for tourists travel- ling in Norway. 4th edition, enlarged ... by Johan Storm. Christiania, 1881. = 4885.55 Betis, Victor, and Howard Swan. Class-room conversations in French. Lon- don. [1896.] 4687.73 Same. New York. 4687.72 Dahlstedt, August. Rhythm and word-order in Anglo-Saxon and Semi-Saxon. With special reference to their development in modern Eng- lish. Lund, 1901. Tables. 2487.40 Finck, Franz Nicolaus. Lehrbuch des Dialekts der deutschen Zigeuner. Marburg, 1903. Tables. 2886.31 Goodwin, Thomas A. The duty of literary men. An address. New York, 1878. 16 pp. = 6149.138 A plea for phonetic spelling. Harper, William Rainey. Elements of Hebrew by an inductive method. 20th edition. New York, 1902. B.H.Ref.652.2 Holmes, M. A. F. International Academy of the Universal Language. Dic-tionary of the Neutral language (Idiom neutral). Neutral- English and English-Neutral. With a complete grammar. Rochester, 1903. 29593.90 Molee, Elias. Tutonish. A Teutonic international lan- guage. Tacoma. [1904.] 96 pp. Illus. = 29593.28 1904 453 Ortiz, , and Pardal. Grammatica analytica e explicativa da lingua portugueza. 4a edigao. Rio de Janeiro, 1879- = *5038-55 Richardson, Charles, LL.D. A new dictionary of the English language. London, 1839. = *2584.37 This work was published at about the same time as the work of the same title in two vol- umes. This more abridged work was intended especially for the use of schools. Richardson, William H. The picturesque quality of the Pennsyl- vania German. An address. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. 31 pp. Plates. [The Penn- sylvania-German Society.] *4372.i7.i3 Sauer, Carl Marquard. Key to the Spanish conversation-gram- mar. 3d edition. New York, 1899. 59 pp. [Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer.] = 5039.82 Spanish conversation-grammar is on shelf-num- ber *5039-83- Sievers, Eduard Wilhelm. Altgermanische Metrik. Halle, 1893. *4885.38 Literature* Bibliography. Libraries. Books. Anna Ticknor Library Association. Fiction list. Boston, 1901. I2ff. = *62o6.32 Brooklyn, N. Y. Public Library. Scheme of library service. Adopted 1904. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904. 10 pp. = *6i96.98 Carnegie Branch Libraries in Brooklyn. Cornerstone laying of the first Carnegie Branch (Williamsburgh). Brooklyn, 1903. 14 pp. Plates. Plan. = *6i9oa.i8o California. State Library. Descriptive list of the libraries of Cali- fornia, containing the names of all per- sons who are engaged in library work in the State. Sacramento, 1904. Plates. Map. = *6i9oa.i82 Canton, Mass. Public Library. Annual report . . . 1903. Canton, 1904. Plate. = *6i57.23o Cercle de la librairie, Paris. Exposition de la Librairie frangaise. Groupes 17 et 18. Libraire. Livres et publications — presse periodique — re- liure — cartes et appareils de geographic, de cosmographie et de topographic. Saint-Louis, 1904. [Paris, 1904.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. = *2i2i.22 An account of the French booksellers' exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Chevalier, Cyr Ulysse Joseph. Repertoire des sources historiques du moyen age. Topo-bibliographie. Mont- beliard, 1894-1903. 2 v. *2i73.65 Connecticut. Public Library Committee. Monthly book list. January-May, 1904. [Hartford.] 1904. *6205.32 Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Indus- try, Philadelphia. Library School. [Announcement.] 1904/05. Philadelphia, 1904. Plates. = *62o8.86 Inserted is List of positions held by graduates. Register of graduates. 1893-1904. [Phila- delphia.] 1904. 7 pp. *6205.29 Greenfield, Mass. Public Library. Annual report. 1903/1904. [Greenfield, 1904.] r= *6i57.227 India. Imperial Library, Calcutta. Catalogue. Part i. Calcutta, 1904. 2 v. = *6i50.6o Contents. — i. Author-catalogue of printed books in European languages. With a supplementary list of newspapers: i. A-L. 2. M-Z. — Supple- mentary list of newspapers. Laconia, N. H. Public Library. Reports for the year ending February 15 [1904. Laconia, 1904.] = *6i56.293 Lincoln, Nebraska. City Library. Annual report. Lincoln, 1903, 04. = *6i57.265 McGill College and University. Medical Faculty. Report of the Library Committee. 1902- 1903. Montreal. [1903 ] I7 PP- = *6i 57.245 Medford, Mass. Public Library. Finding list of biography, history, geog- raphy and travels. October, 1903. [Med- ford.] 1903. 79 pp. = *6i56.42 Milton, Mass. Public Library. Annual report of the Trustees, 3ist-33d. Boston, etc. 1901-1904. Illus. — *6i56.287 Niagara Falls, N. Y. Public Library. Annual report. 6th-8th. [Niagara Falls.] 1901-03. Plan. = *6i57.259 Ohashi Library, Tokio. Annual report. 1902/03. Tokyo, 1903. Plate, Plan. =. *5029a.39 The report is in Japanese. Passaic, New Jersey. Public Library. Annual report, i6th. [Passaic] 1903. Plates. = *6i57.i83 Pearson, J. & Co. First editions of one hundred books fa- mous in the world's literature. London. [1904.] 73 pp. Fac-similes. = *2i85.53 Peoria, Illinois. Public Library. List of selected standard music, vocal and instrumental. Peoria, 1904. 3 pp. = *6i57.25o Rutland, Vermont. Rutland Free Library. Annual report . . . i8th. 1903/1904. Rut- land, 1904. = *6i57.262 Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino. Lectura sobre bibliotecas populaires. Bue- nos Aires, 1883. 50 pp. = *2i7i.i05 Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. A catalogue of books in the library. Lon- don, 1903. *2i7i.i03 Springfield, Massachusetts. Public Library. City Library Association. Christmas reading list. [Springfield, 1903?] 6 pp. = 6207.25 454 December Teikoku Daigaku, Kioto. Faculty of Law. Library. Katalog der fremdsprachigen Biicher in der Bibliothek . . . Kyoto, 1903. = *2i73.63 Trenton, N. J. Free Public Library. Catalogue. July, 1904. Trenton, 1904. = *6i5i.43 United States. Library of Congress. Division of Bibli- ography. Select list of references on the British tariff movement (Chamberlain's plan). Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin, Chief Bibliographer. Wash- ington, 1904. 37 pp. = ~ *6201.82 Select list of references on the budget of foreign countries. Compiled under the direction of Appleton Prentiss Clark 'Griffin, Chief Bibliographer. Wash- ington, 1904. 19 pp. = *620i.8i War Department. Library. Three finding lists. Washington, 1903. = *6i72.6i Contents. — Serial publications. — Principal ref- erence works. — Important accessions, 1898-1903. University of Cambridge. Library. List of current foreign periodicals. Cam- bridge, 1904. 50 pp. = *6i59.i7i University of Illinois. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Quine Library. Quine Library ... [A description.] Ba- tavia, 111., 1904. 5 pp. Plate. = 2179.22 Veen, L. J., publisher. Het jaar 1904. Amsterdam, 1904. 85 pp. Illus. Portraits. = *6i7i.78 This is a booksellers' catalogue. Contains ex- tracts from new books. Wisconsin. Free Library Commission. Some Wisconsin library buildings. Madi- son, 1904. 32 plates. = 6i9oa.i36 Printing. Book-binding. Book-plates, Book-selling. Garrett, Edmund Henry. Book plates selected from the works of Edmund H. Garrett, & a notice of them, by William Howe Downes. Boston, 1904. 17 pp. Portrait. Plates. *6ii4.95 London book auctions. Vol. i, no. i. June, July, 1903. London, 1904. *6i39.50 Published quarterly. Madan, Falconer. 1851-. A chart of Oxford printing, 'i468'-i900. 50 pp. Illus. Chart. Fac-similes. [Bibliographical Society, London.] *6ii2.93 Waldow, Alexander. Die Herstellung der Kompositionswalzen und ihre Behandlung. Leipzig, 1894. 27 pp. Illus. 6117.114 Franklin's Press. Confession of faith. A, put forth by the elders and brethren of many congrega- tions of Christians (baptized upon pro- fession of their faith) in London and the country. Adopted by the Baptist Asso- ciation met at Philadelphia, Sept. 25. 1742. 6th edition . . . Philadelphia: printed by B. Franklin. 1743. **K.i8.27 Currie, William, Missionary. i790?-i8o3. A sermon, preached in Radnor Church, on . . . the 7th of January, 1747. Being the day appointed ... to be observed as a general fast. By A Presbyter of the Church of England [pseud.]. Philadel- phia: Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. 1748. 23 pp. **K.i8.23 Short, Thomas, M.D. i690?-i772. Medicina Britannica: or a treatise on such physical plants, as are generally to be found in the fields or gardens in Great- Britain ... 3d edition. Philadelphia: B. Franklin and D. Hall. 1751. **K.i8.30 Westminster Assembly of Divines. The Confession of faith. Philadelphia: B. Franklin. 1745. **K.i8.24 Manuscripts. Handwriting. Auto- graphs. Fac-similes. Incunabula. Broadsides. Scrapbooks. Codex Magliabecchiano XIII. 3. Manuscrit mexicain post-colombien de la Biblio- theque nationale de Florence, reproduit en photo-chromographie aux frais du Due de Loubat. Rome, 1904. Illus. = **D.250.58 Declaration of Independence, The. Fac-simile of the copy [of the 1st edition, July 5, 1776] in the library of the Amer- ican Philosophical Society. [New York, 1904.] Broadside. *Cab.23.io.i3 Rapp, Adam William. A complete system of scientific penman- ship, (without ruling,) and pen-making. Philadelphia, 1832. 32 pp. Plates. Fac- similes. = 6113.137 Thomson, William, Professor of Writing. The writing master's assistant. Contain- ing four sets of alphabetical copies, viz. large text, r^und text, round hand & running hand. Engraved by H. Ashby. London, 1794. 24 ff. = 61 13.136 General Literature. Criticism. Authors. Myers, Irene Tanner. A study in epic development. New York, 1901. [Yale studies in English.] 4583.139 Bibliography, pp. 149-156. English and American Literature. Allyn, Eunice GiBbs. One thousand smiles. [2d edition revised. Dubuque, 1898.] 90 pp. = 4409a.4ii Burgess, Frank Gelett. Goop tales alphabetically told. New York. [1904.] Illus. *2390.25 IQ04 455 Currier, Ellen Bartlett. An Easter carol and other verses. Ober- lin. [1904.] 60 pp. = *A.2o62 De Menil, Alexander Nicolas. The literature of the Louisiana Territory. St. Louis, Mo., 1904. 4408.219 Gosse, Edmund William. L'influence de la France sur la poesie anglaise. Traduite par Henry-D. Dav- ray. Paris, 1904. 32 pp. = 2552.155 Koeppel, Emil. 1852-. Matthew Gregory Lewis's Gedicht "The tailor's wife" und Bulwer's "Wife of Miletus." (In Germanistiche Abhand- lungen. Pp. 135-142. Strassburg, 1902.) 6875.58 Lohff, Alfred. George Chapmans Ilias-Ubersetzung. Ber- lin, 1903. 2552.154 Lucas, Edward Verrall, compiler. The open road. A little book for way- farers. New York, 1901. 25693.170 Mackay, Charles. 1814-1889. Legends of the Isles and other poems. Edinburgh, 1845. 46oga.2i The Isles are the Hebrides. Martyn, Charles. "Fables" of the hotel profession, and Poems of "good cheer." "Fables" by Charles Martyn and Poems by Frank W. Doolittle. New York, 1904. 86 pp. 44093.409 Menefee, Maud. Child stories from the masters. Being a few modest interpretations of some phases of the master works done in a child way. Chicago. [1901.] Plates. 7594-156 Moore, Edward Martin, compiler. Spoil of the north wind. Chicago. [1901.] 92 pp. Illus. 30293.39 A collection of poems concerning Omar Khay- yam. More, Paul Elmer. Shelburne essays. First series. New York, 1904. 2409.231 Contents. — A hermit's notes on Thoreau. — The solitude of Nathaniel Hawthorne. ■ — The origins of Hawthorne and Poe. — The influence of Emerson. — The spirit of Carlyle. • — ■ The sci- ence of English verse. — - Arthur Symons : the two illusions. — The epic of Ireland. — Two poets of the Irish movement. — Tolstoy ; or, the ancient feud between philosophy and art. — The religious ground of humanitarianism. Muir, Henry D. Frog Hollow post bag as sorted and ar- ranged by the hermit Henry D. Muir. [Verses.] Boston, 1904. 47 pp. Plate. = 4399.201 Payne, William Morton. Various views. Chicago, 1902. 4409.207 Contains, principally, essays in literary criticism. Philips, Katherine. 1631-1664. Katherine Philips "The matchless Orin- da." Selected poems. [Edited by Lou- ise I. Guiney.] Cottingham near Hull, 1904. 48 pp. = 45693.258 Ruehl, Ernst. Grobianus in _ England. Nebst Neudruck der ersten Ubersetzung 'The schoole of slovenrie' (1605) und erster Herausgabe des Schwankes 'Grobiana's nuptials' (c. 1640) aus Ms. 30. Bodl. Oxf. Berlin, 1904. 2552.157 Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman, editor. Political pamphlets. New York, 1892. [The pocket library of English litera- ture.] = ^2519. 100 Van Allen, William Harman. Inasmuch. A legend of the Christ-Child and of corporal works of mercy. [Verse. Boston.] 1903. II pp. = *A.9223.i W3rren, Samuel. 1807-1877. Works. Edinburgh, 1871-1874. 4 v. Plates. = *4576.i72 Contents. — i. Passages from the diary of a late physician. 2, 3. Ten thousand a-year. 4. Now and then. — TTie lily and the bee. — The intel- lectual and moral development of the present age. Fiction in English for Reference Use. Dillon, Mary. The rose of old St. Louis. New York, 1904. Plates. ^2405. 122 The scene is laid in Louisiana at the time of its purchase from France. Gissing, George Robert. Thyrza. A tale. A new edition. London, 1892. z= 4578.302 Robinson, Jane. Whitehall; or, the times of Cromwell. An historical romance, by the Author of Whitefriars. New York. [184-?] Plates. *6572.33 "Also ascribed to Joseph Robinson." Halket and Laing. Spillm3n, Joseph, S.J. The wonderful flower of Woxindon. An historical romance of the time of Queen Elizabeth. 2d edition. St. Louis, 1898. ^4508.290 Turgenev, Ivan Sergievitch. First love and other stories. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, 1904. Plate. [Novels and stories. Vol. 12.] *5o66.20.i2 Contents. — ■ First love. — A correspondence. — The region of dead calm. — It is enough. — The dog. Phantoms and other stories. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. New York, 1904. Plate. [Novels and stories. Vol. 13.] *5o66.20.i3 Contents. — Phantoms : a fantasy. — Yakoff Pasynkoff. — "Faust" : a story in nine letters. — An excursion to the forest belt. — Asya. Viljoen, Ben J. Under the vierkleur. Boston, 1904. Por- trait. Plates. A story of the Boer-British War. 30593.300 456 December Whistler, Charles Watts. A prince of Cornwall: a story of Glaston- bury and the West in the days of Ina of Wessex. London, 1904. Plates. *2577.2I2 French Literature. Beroul. Le roman de Tristan, par Beroul, et un anonyme. Poeme du XIP siecle. Pu- blic par Ernest Muret. Paris, 1903. [So- ciete des anciens textes frangais.] *2694.iii Bourget, Paul Charles Joseph. Extraits choisies. Edited by Alphonse N. Van Daell. Boston, 1894. = 4679.132 Bibliography, pp. xv, xvi. Pascal, Blaise. 1623-1662. Pensees. Nouvelle edition coUationnee sur le manuscrit autographe, et publiee par Leon Brunschvicg. Paris, 1904. 3 v. [Les grands ecrivains de la France.] *465ob.i28 German Literature. Dresch, fimile Felix Joseph. Gutzkow et la Jeune Allemagne. Paris, 1904. 2878.179 Ederheimer, Edgar. Jakob Boehme und die Romantiker. Teil I, 2. Heidelberg, 1904. 2878.181 Greek and Latin Literature. Aetna. Aetna, A critical recension of the text, based on a new examination of MSS. With prolegomena, translation, com- mentary, excursus, and complete index. By Robinson Ellis. Oxford, 1901. 2948.77 Bibliography, pp. xii-xvi. The authorship has been ascribed to Virgil, Cornelius Severus, and Lucilius Junior. This is an endeavor to explain the phenomena of Mount Etna. Anthologia Graeca. Anthologia Graeca ad Palatini codicis fidem edita. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1819. 3 V. — 2969.7 Hartung, Johann Adam, editor and trans- lator. Die griechischen Lyriker. Griechisch mit metrischer Uebersetzung. Leipzig, 1855- 57. 6 V. in 3. 2969a.i28 Lysias. Orationes XVI, with analysis, notes, ap- pendices, & indices. By Evelyn S. Shuck- burgh. [4th edition.] London, 1890. = 4999.36 Olivet, Pierre Joseph Thoulier, Abbe d'. Delectus commentario^rum in M. T. Cice- ronis Opera omnia.* Oxonii, MDCCC- XXL — *2920.i9 Plato. The four Socratic dialogues [Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo]. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. With a preface by Edward Caird. Oxford, 1903. 3007.84 Sappho. Odes and fragments. Translated into Eng- lish verse. Cottingham, 1903. 27 pp. [The Orinda booklets.] 2979.43 Contains translations by Phillips, Fawkes, Elton, Merivale and others. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Tragoediae. Recensvervnt Rvdolfvs Pei- per et Gvstavvs Richter. Lipsiae, 1902. 2948.73 Thucydides. QovKv8l8r}s. The history of the Peloponne- sian War; . . . with notes, by Thomas Arnold, D.D. 2d edition. Oxford, 1840. 3 V. Plates. Maps. = 3003.17 Italian Literature. Guazzo, Stefano. 1 530-1593- Ciuile conuersation, the first three [books] translated out of French by G. pettie, . . . the fourth . . . now translated out of Italian into English by Barth. Young. London, 1586. **H.85.i02 Vossler, Carl. Die philosophischen Grundlagen znm "siissen neuen Stil" des Guido Guini- celli, Guido Cavalcanti und Dante Ali- ghieri. Heidelberg, 1904. 4776-35 Scandinavian. Icelandic. fslenzka Bokmentafelag. The Icelandic Literary Society.^ [Brief account of the Society and a list of its publications.] Copenhagen, 1903. 12 pp. — 4876.104 Sylwan, Otto. Svensk literatur vid adertonhundratalets midt (1830-1860). Goteborg, 1903. Bibliography, pp. 385-388. 4909b.225 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. La gatomaquia de Lope de Vega Carpio, y La perromaquia de Francisco Nieto de MoHna. Madrid, 1878. = 3099C.14 Drama. The Stage. Actors. Shakespeare. Benedix, Julius Roderich. Doktor Wespe. Lustspiel. Leipzig. [1904.] 94 PP- 4896.50.459 Ein Lustspiel. Lustspiel. Mit einem Dekorationsplan. Leipzig. [1904-] 4896.50.464 1904 457 Der Storenfried. Lustspiel. Biilinenein- richtung von Ernst Albert. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.463 Berger, Rudolf. 1866-. Die Scholle. Schauspiel. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.464 The scene is laid in Russia between 1882 and 1884. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton. Richelieu; or, the conspiracy. A play. Boston, 1896. 66 pp. [The William Warren edition of standard plays.] = 65693.403 Burgoyne, Frank James, editor. Collotype fac-simile & type transcript of an Elizabethan manuscript preserved at Alnwick Castle, Northumberland . . . London, 1904. *4590.ii9 The manuscript., sometimes called The North- umberland manuscript, has been used as an argument by the Baconians in the Shakespeare- Bacon controversy. Eloesser, Arthur. 1870-. Das biirgerliche Drama. Seine Geschichte im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1898. 6252.74 Relates to England, France and Germany. Hermant, Abel. 1862-. L'esbroufe. Comedie. Paris, 1904. 32 pp. Illus. Portraits. 6671.143 Supplement to L'lllustration, 9 avril, 1904. Hoppin, James Mason. The reading of Shakespeare. Parti. [New Haven? 1904.] = 4592.159 Maxwell, John M. "Poor Richard." A comedy and historical drama. A glimpse at the life of Benja- min Franklin in France. Indianapolis. [1901.] **K.2i.4o Typewritten copy. Contains a letter by A. M. Palmer, manager for Richard Mansfield. Rolfe, William James. A life of William Shakespeare. Boston. [1904.] Portraits. Plates. 4595.164 Schmidt, Otto Ernst. (Otto Ernst.) Jugend von Heute. Eine deutsche Komo- die. Leipzig. [190-?] 6899a.25o Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler. The rivals. A comedy. Printed from the prompt-copy of Annie Clarke. Boston. [1896.] 77 PP- [The William Warren edition of standard plays.] = 65693.404 Smith, Harry Bache. The Knickerbockers; a comic opera. Chi- cago, 1891. 47 pp. = 8058.175 Words only. Stronach, George. Mr. Sidney Lee and the Baconians: a critic criticised. London, 1904. 24 pp. = 4598.191 Wach, Robert. Ein Sonnenstrahl. Schauspiel. Leipzig. [1904.] 31 pp. 4896.50.459 Worp, Jacob Adolf. De invloed van Seneca's treurspelen op ons tooneel, Amsterdam, 1892. 29oob.44 Folk-lore. Ballads. Proverbs. Fairy Tales. Bechstein, Ludwig. Neues deutsches Marchenbuch. 69. Auf- lage. Wien. [1901.] Illus. 28703.56 Doncieux, George, editor. Le romancero populaire de la France. Choix de chansons populaires frangaises. Paris, 1904. Music. 4041.35 Bibliography, pp. i-ii, 517, and at the begin- ning of each chapter. The Index musical contains the music of most of the songs. Medicinet Hygiene* Medicine. Anatomy. Physiology. 'Archivio di fisiologia, diretto e pubblicato dal Professore Giulio Fano. Vol. i, fas- cicolo 1-4. Firenze, 1903, 04. Illus. Charts. *376i.i28 A monthly publication. Brazil. Directoria geral de saude publica. Contribuigao para o estudo epidemiologico da febre amarella pelo Dr. Bulhoes Car- valho. Rio de Janeiro, 1903. 27 pp. Charts. = 779344 Browne, William Alexander Francis. Endemic degeneration. [London, 1862.] 15 PP- = 5806.42 Erbes, Philip H. The cranial muscles as determinants of the cerebral areas. Chicago. [1904.] 16 pp. = 78093.27 Ergebnisse der Physiologic. Herausgegeben von L. Asher und K. Spiro. Jahrgang 3, Abteilung i. Wiesbaden, 1904. *376i.i32 Two volumes each year. Massachusetts General Hospital. Training school for nurses. [Boston.] 1904. 79 pp. = 5767-175 Moenkemoeller, Otto. Geistesstorung und Verbrechen im Kindes- ^ alter. Berlin, 1903. [Sammlung von Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der padagogischen Psychologic und Physi- ologic. Band 6, Heft 6.] *3596.i89.6 Literatur, pp. 105-108. New York State Medical Society. Report of the committee on the result of consanguineous marriages. By Dr. Robert Newman. Albany, 1869. 23 pp. = 5763.166 Otis, Edward Osgood. Dispensaries for tuberculosis, with a de- scription of the tuberculosis department of the Boston Dispensary. [Asheville, N. C, 1903.] II pp. = 3792.34 Bibliography, p. 11. United States. Census Bureau. Relation of physicians to mortality statis- tics. The international classification, of 458 December causes of death as adopted by the United States Census Office and approved by the American Public Health Association. Washington, 1903. 26 pp. = 7764.80 University of Vermont and State Agricul- tural College, Burlington, Vt. Medi- cal Department. Catalogues. Catalogue . . . 1823-36 and 1854-1903. Burlington, 1904. =: *7738.24 Yeo, Isaac Burney. The therapeutics of mineral springs and climates. London, 1904. 379ob.42 Hygiene. Fischer, Louis. 1864-. Infant-feeding in its relation to health and disease. 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1903. Illus. 3768.185 'Iowa. Board of Health. Regulations for local boards of health in the State of Iowa. [Des Moines, 1898.] 12 pp. = 7767.88 New York, State. Board of Commissioners of Quarantine. Minutes. July 24, 1899-December 30, 1890. New York, 1889-91. 2 v. = *5763-i67 Ostertag, Robert. Handbook of meat inspection. Authorized translation by Earley Vernon Wilcox. New York, 1904. Illus. 3762.170 Russell, Francis Albert Rollo. First conditions of human prosperity. London, 1904. 5764-39 Relates to the influence of health, and especially of a vegetable diet, in preventing degeneration. Cremation. Bisvas, Nakur Chandra. The rites of cremation among the Hindus. [Madras, 1890.] 4 pp. = 6233.38 Cremation Society of England. A description with illustrations. 4th edi- tion. London, 1900. Plates. 6239a.29 Erichsen, Hugo, M.D. Cremation versus burial. Louisville, 1886. 46 pp. = 62393.31 Farquharson, Robert. 1836-. On cremation. London, [1899.] 20 pp. = 62393.14 Flamme, Die. Zeitschrift zur Forderung der Feuerbestattung im In- und Auslande. Offizielles Organ des Berliner Vereins und der internationalen Commission. 1884-1902. [Berlin.] 1884-1902. = *623o.6o Jones, Abraham Emrys-. Disposal of the dead (illustrated and with discussion). Objections to and advan- tages of cremation. Manchester, 1888. 33 pp. Illus. [Manchester health lec- tures for the people.] = 62393.16 Kinkel, Johann Gottfried. 181 5-1882. Fiir die Feuerbestattung. Berlin, 1877. 20 pp. = 62393.18 Kuechenmeister, Gottlob Friedrich Heinrich. Die Feuerbestattung. Stuttgart, 1875. Plans. = 6234.25 Michig3n Crem3tion Association. Cremation in Detroit. Detroit, 1888. 8 pp. Illus. 62393.13 Portl3nd Crem3tion Associ3tion, Portland, Oregon. Cremation as a method of disposing of the bodies of the dead. Portland, 1900. 36 pp. = 62393.34 S3n Frsncisco Crem3tion Comp3ny. Constitution of the First Cremation Soci- ety of San Francisco, Cal. San Fran- cisco, 1882. 8 pp. = 62393.30 Scr3nton Crem3tion Comp3ny. By-laws. [Scranton, Pa. 1899?] 4 pp. = 62393.20 Simon, Henry. Cremation. A lecture written for the An- coats Brotherhood, Manchester. Edin- burgh, 1892. 40 pp. Illus. = 6233.35 Trusen, Johann Gottlieb Peter. Denkschrift zur Leichen-Verbrennung. Namslau, i860. 56 pp. = 62393.24 Verein fuer Feuerbest3ttung in Berlin. Mitglieder-Verzeichniss. 1895, 98, 1900. Berlin, 1895-1900. = *62393.i9 Wettig, Heinrich Hermann Martin. 1846-. Die Leichenverbrennung und der Feuer- bestattungs-Apparat in Gotha. Gotha. [1889.] 34 pp. Plates. = 62393.25 Science^ Algue, Jose. The climate of the Philippines. [Wash- ington.] 1904. Maps. Charts. [United States. Census Bureau.] = *93i9.i4.2 Allen, Glover Morrill. Fauna of New England. 3. List of the Mammalia. Boston, 1904. 38 pp. [Bos- ton Society of Natural History.] = *3894.5i.7, psrta Australi3, Western. Geological Survey. Geological map of the Boulder Belt, East Coolgardie G. F., by A. Gibb Maitland and W. D. Campbell. [Perth.] 1903. Scale, 4 chains to i inch. = No. 9 in *M3p 105.3 Vertical sections to accompany the geo- logical map of the Boulder Belt, East Coolgardie Gold Field, by A. Gibb Mait- land and W. D. Campbell. [Perth.] 1903. Scale, 4 chains to i inch. = No. ID in *M3p 105.3 Branner, John Casper. The stone reefs of Brazil, their geological and geographical relations, with a chap- ter on the coral reefs. Cambridge, 1904. Illus. Maps. [Harvard College. Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology.] = *58854.44 Annotated bibliography, pp. 201-225. Clapp, Henry Lincoln, The nature and purpose of nature study. [Boston, 1895.] 7 PP- = 5822.129 Darton, Nelson Horatio. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian. Wash- 1904 459 ington, 1903. 69 pp. Illus. Maps. [United States. Geological Survey.] = 58603.91 Day, David F, Catalogue of the Niagara flora. [Troy.] 1888. 67 pp. = 385546 Dutton, Clarence Edward. Earthquakes, in the light of the new seis- mology. New York, 1904. Illus. Maps. 58693.42 Felt, Ephraim Porter. Importance of injurious insects introduced from abroad. [Albany?] 1903. 10 pp. = 3893.78 Insects affecting forest trees. Albany, 1903. 56 pp. Illus. = 389446 Fern Bulletin, The: a quarterly devoted to ferns. Edited by Willard N. Clute. Vol. i-io. Binghamton, N. Y., 1893-1902. Illus. Portraits. _ *3847.27 Vols. 1-4 are called Linnaean Fern Bulletin. Franceschi, F. Santa Barbara exotic flora: a handbook of plants from foreign countries grown at Santa Barbara, California. Santa Bar- bara, 1895. 91 pp. = 3859.127 Gerard, John, S.J., of Stonyhurst College. The old riddle and the newest answer. New York, 1904. Plates. 5822.125 The doctrine of evolution treated from an eccle- siastical standpoint. Girty, George Herbert. The carboniferous formations and faunas of Colorado. Washington, 1903. Plates. [United States. Geological Survey.] = Bibliography, pp. 10-26. 58603.90 Hess, Hans. Die Gletscher. Braunschweig, 1904. Illus. Maps. Charts. 3864.148 Literatur-Nachweis, pp. 408-417. Iddings, Joseph Paxson. Chemical composition of igneous rocks expressed by means of diagrams, with reference to rock classification on a quantitative chemico-mineralogical basis. Washington, 1903. 98 pp. Charts. [United States. Geological Survey.] = 58603.92 Indi3. Geological Survey. General report on the work for 1902-1903. Calcutta, 1903. Map. 78603.44 Kuntze, Otto. 1843-. Nomenclaturae botanicae codex brevis maturus sensu codicis emendati aux lois de la nomenclature botanique de Paris de 1867. Stuttgart, 1903. 64 pp. 3856.139 In German, French and English, parallel col- umns. The Codex brevis, without editorial com- ment, etc., is also to be found in Post's Lexicon generum phanerogamarum, pp. ix-xli, 1904 [3856.138]. L3llem3nt, German Ave. La mineria en la Provincia de Mendoza. El Paramillo de Uspallata. Buenos Aires, 1890. Map. = 7862.90 Lloyd, Francis Ernest, and Maurice Alpheus Bigelow. The teaching of biology in the secondary school. London, 1904. [American teach- ers' series.] 5826.17 Lombard, Henri Clermond. Des lois de la mortalite en Europe dans leurs rapports avec les influences atmos- pheriques. Paris, 1868. 22 pp. = 7764.77 McFarland, J. Horace. Getting acquainted with the trees. New York, 1904. Illus. 3845.32 Morgan, Thomas Hunt. Evolution and adaptation. New York, 1903. Illus. 3824.163 Opposes the Darwinian postulate, that animals and plants are changed in this or in that part, in order to become better adjusted to a given environment. Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. Economic minerals of Canada, by the Geological Survey Corps. [Ottawa.] 1901. 57 pp. Map. = 78693.69 Pictet, Ame. The vegetable alkaloids. With particular reference to their chemical constitution. Rendered into English, revised and en- larged, by H. C. Biddle. New York, 1904. Diagrams. 3977'i52 Pietzm3nn, Gustav. 1874-. Die Beobachtungen der Lufttemperatur wahrend der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss vom 22. Januar 1898 in Indien. Halle, 1903. 76 pp. [Academia Caesarea na- turae curiosorum.] *7405.5o.8i Post, Tom von. Lexicon generum phanerogamarum inde ab anno MDCCXXXVII, cum nomen- clatura legitima internationali et syste- mate inter recentia medio. Opus revisum et auctum ab Otto Kuntze. Stuttgart, 1904- *3856.i38 Riedlinger, Reinhold. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau von Stye- lopsis grossularia der Ostsee. Halle, 1902. 62 pp. Plates. *7405.50.8i Litteratur, pp. 57, 58. Ries, Heinrich. The clays of the United States east of the Mississippi River. Washington, 1903. Illus. Maps. [United States. Geologi- cal Survey.] = 58603.87 Rossmsessler, Emil Adolf. Flora im Winterkleide. 2. Auflage. Leip- zig. [1856.] Illus. = 3857-12 S3derr3 Msso, Miguel. Volcanoes and seismic centres of the Philippine Archipelago. [Washington.] 1904. 80 pp. Illus. Maps. _ [United States. Census Bureau.] = *93i9'i4-3 Schilling, Johannes. Das Vorkommen der "seltenen Erden" im Mineralreiche. Miinchen, 1904. 3861.143 Sh3ler, Nathaniel Southgate. A comparison of the features of the earth and the moon. Washington, 1903. Plates. [Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.] = *3340.i.34 Sh3rp, Dallas Lore. Roof and meadow. New York, 1904. Illus. 3818.140 Studies of outdoor life, largely about birds. 460 December Simonin, Louis Laurent. Histoire de . la terre: origines et meta- morphoses du globe. [2e edition.] Paris. [1867.] = 3869.177 Smith, James Perrin. The comparative stratigraphy of the ma- rine Trias of western America. San Francisco, 1904. 20 pp. Plates. [Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences.] = Bibliography, pp. 409-411. *5302.l8.I Spurr, Josiah Edward. The ore deposits of Tonopah, Nevada (Preliminary report). Washington, 1903. 31 pp. Maps. Geological sections. [United States. Geological Survey.] = *7872.55-2i9 Thomas, William Isaac. On a difference in the metabolism of the sexes. Chicago, 1897. 34 pp. = 5822.131 Van Dine, Delos L. Mosquitoes in Hawaii. Honolulu, 1904. 30 pp. Illus. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Hawaii Agricul- tural Experiment Station.] = *799i.73.6 Verhoeff, Carl Wilhelm. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Morphologic des Thorax der Insekten mit Beriick- sichtigung der Chilopoden. Halle, 1902. 57 pp. Plates. *7405.50.8i Ueber Tracheaten-Beine. Vierter und fiinfter Aufsatz: Chilopoda und Hexa- poda. Halle, 1903. 48 pp. Plates. *7405-50.8i Wagner, Hermann. 1840-. Orometrie des ostfalischen Hiigellandes, links der Leine. Stuttgart, 1904. 55 PP- Map. *6284.8.i5 Literatur, pp. 344, 345- Weed, Clarence Moores, compiler. Bird life stories. Compiled from the writ- ings of Audubon, Bendire, Nuttall, and Wilson. Book i. Chicago. [1904] Colored plates. 3908.144 Zodiac, The. Devoted to science, literature and the arts. Vol. i, no. i-ii. Albany, 1835, 1836. Illus. *7221.32 Anthropology. Ethnology. Prehistoric Archaeology. Dorsey, George Amos, and Henry R. Voth. The Mishongnovi ceremonies of the Snake and Antelope fraternities. Chicago, 1902. Plates. [Field Columbian Mu- seum.] = *78i3.22.3 Fletcher, Alice Cunningham. The import of the totem: a study from the Omaha Tribe. Salem, Mass., 1897. 12 pp. = 4365-84 Heiderich, Franz. Holzels Rassentypen des Menschen. Wien. [1903.] *Cab.8i.20.6 Schwalbe, Gustav Adolf. Die Vorgeschichte des ]\Ienschen. Braun- schweig, 1904. 54 pp. Plate. 3827.21 Literatur, pp. 47-52. Chemistry. Physics. Arnold, Carl. 1853-. A compendium of chemistry, including general, inorganic, and organic chemis- try. Authorized translation by J. A. Mandel. New York, 1904. Diagrams. 3977-154 Getman, Frederick Hutton. Laboratory exercises in physical chemis- try. New York, 1904. Illus. 3978.189 Harvard College. Jefferson Physical Labo- ratory. Contributions. Vol. i. 1903. Cambridge. [1904.] Illus. Diagrams. = *5965.92 Watts, William Marshall. An introduction to the study of spectrum analysis. London, 1904. Illus. Dia- grams. 5825.104 Wright, Arthur Columbine. 1871-. Simple methods for testing painters' ma- terials. London, 1903. Illus. 3979.166 Mathematics. Astronomy. Surveying. Navigation. Astrology. Time. Weights and Measures. Buchanan, Roberdeau. 1839- The mathematical theory of eclipses, ac- cording to Chauvenet's transformation of Bessel's method, explained and illus- trated. Appended transits of Mercury and Venus, and occultations of fixed stars. Philadelphia, 1904. Maps. **E.5i45.i9 Buchholz, Hugo. Die Gylden'sclie horistische Integrations- methode des Problems der drei Korper und ihre Convergenz. Llalle, 1903. 91 pp. Portrait. *7405.50.8i Dassen, Claro Cornelio. fitude sur les quantites mathematiques. Grandeurs dirigees — Quaternions. Paris, 1903. Diagrams. **E.5i24.82 Thiele, Thorwald Nicolai. Theory of observations. London, 1903. Diagrams. **E.5i23.6i Philosophy* Education* Ethics* Apelt, Ernst Friedrich. Die Theorie der Induction. Leipzig, 1854. Diagrams. — 5603.102 Doell, Heinrich. Goethe und Schopenhauer. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Scho- penhauerschen Philosophic. Berlin, 1904. 73 PP- 3609.212 Funk, Isaac Kaufman. 1839-. The widow's mite and other psychic phe- nomena. New York, 1904. Illus. 3606.183 1904 461 Huarte Navarro, Tiian de Dios. Examen de ingenios para las sciencias. En el qval el lector hallara la manera de su ingenio, para escoger la sciencia en que mas a de aprouechar. Compvesto por el D. Ivan Hvarte de Sant luan. Agora nuenamente enmendado. Barce- lona, 1607. Plate. **D.235.27 Jerusalem, Carl Willielm. 1747-1772. Philosophische Aufsatze. Mit G. E. Les- sings Vorrede und Zusatzen neii heraus- ge^eben von Paul Beer. Berlin, 1900. 76 pp. [Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts.] 2890b.50.89, 90 Leonhardi, Hermann Carl, Freiherr von. Satze aus der theoretischen und prakti- schen Philosophic. Prag, 1868. 48 pp. — ' 3605.210 Reitzenstein, Richard. 1861-. Poimandres. Studien zur griechisch-agypti- schen und friihchristlichen Literatur. Leipzig, 1904. 4967-7 Bibliography, pp. 319-322. Relates to gnosti- cism and Hermetic philosophy. Sully, James. An essay on laughter. New York, 1902. 3606.86 Wier, Johann. 151 5-1588. De praestigiis dsemonvm, et incantationi- bus ac ueneficijs libri sex, aucti & recog- niti. Basilese, 1568. *76o9.i62 Education. Children. Boone, Richard Cause, Science of education. New York, 1904. 3599-223 Bibliography, pp. 397-399- British and Foreign Blind Association for Promoting the Education and Em- ployment of the Blind. Report. [1869/1870.] 1897-1900. London, i87i[-i90o]. *5593-3i Compulsory education. Prepared for the Public Education Association of Phila- delphia . . . [Philadelphia.] 1898. 39 pp. = 3596.214 Delia- Vos, Victor. Notice sur I'ficole imperiale technique de Moscou. Pans, 1878. 38 pp. = 7594.149 Harvard College. Faculty of Arts and Sci- ences. Division of History and Polit- ical Science, comprising the Depart- ments of History and Government, and Economics. [Announcement of courses.] 1902/03, 04/05. Cambridge, 1902, 04. = 4483.306 Haussleiter, Johannes. 1851-. Die Universitat Wittenberg vor dem Ein- tritt Luthers. Nach der Schilderung des Mag. Andreas Meinhardi vom Jahre 1507. 2. Abdruck mit Textbeilagen. Leipzig, 1903. 88 pp. r^36-74 Hubbell, George Allen. Up through childhood. A study of some principles of education in relation to faith and conduct. New York, 1904. 7594.155 Illinois State Teachers' Association, and Northern Illinois Teachers' Associa- tion, publishers. Gradually simplify our spelling. Speeches at a banquet of the Chicago school prin- cipals. [Abridged.] 2d edition. Oak Park. [1903 ] 56 pp. — 759oa.73 Kamehameha Manual and Preparatory Schools for Boys. Syllabus of the academic and shop courses. '95 and '96. Honolulu, 1895. 59 pp. = 3596.220 Koenigliche Fachschule zu Iserlohn. Kunstgewerbliche Fachschule fiir Metall- Industrie mit praktischem Unterricht. 1882, 83. Iserlohn, 1882, [83]. Photo- graphs. = 3593-241 Netchaiev, A. tiber Auffassung. Fine Skizze aus dem Gebiete der experimentellen padagogi- schen Psychologic. Berlin, 1904. 26 pp. Tables. *3596.i89.7 Relates to the adaptation of instruction to the understanding of the scholar. Sallwuerk, Ernst von. 1839-. tiber die Ausfiillung des Gemiits durch den erziehenden Unterricht. Zur Kritik der Herbartischen und der Zillerschen Padagogik. Berlin, 1904. 47 pp. *3596.i89.7 Salomon, Otto. Slojdskolan och folkskolan. [Bind] i, 3, 4. Goteborg, 1876 [-1882]. = 8017.256 Sociedad de instruccion primaria de Santi- ago, editor and translator. La educacion moral en los Estados Uni- dos de Norte America. Santiago, 1903. 32 pp. = 3582.142 Teikoku Daigaku, Kioto. College of Science and Engineering. Memoirs. Vol. i, no. i. Kyoto, 1903. Chart. = *79i5-87 Washington, Booker Taliaferro. Negro education not a failure. Address, February 12, 1904. [Tuskegee, 1904.] 13 pp. = 7581-65 Ethics. Life. Manners. Occupation. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Lit- tleton, N. H. Historical sketch, 1881-1896. Littleton, 1897. 27 pp. Portraits. = 7588.201 Religion* Theology* Asterius, Bishop of Amasea. Ancient sermons for modern times. Circa 375-405 A.D. Put into English from the Greek by Galusha Anderson and Edgar Johnson Goodspeed. New York. [1904.] 3509-59 Augustinus, Aurelius, St. De consensv Evangelistarvm libri quat- tvor. Recensvit et commentario critico 462 December instrvxit Franciscvs Weihrich. Vindo- bonae, 1904. [Corpvs scriptorvm eccle- siasticorvm Latinorvm.] *750oa.i.43.section 3, part 4 Balfour, Walter. 1 776-1852. A reply to Mr. J. Sabine's lectures on the "Inquiry" into the Scriptural import of the words Sheol, Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna. Boston, 1825. 7452.25 Bardenhewer, Otto. 1851-. Geschichte der altkirchlichen Litteratur. Freiburg i. Br., 1902, 03. 2 v. 7501.8 Bibriography, vol. i, Einleitung, and pp. 583, 584 ; and in each chapter. Barton, William Eleazar. Can a man be converted after he is twen- ty-three? With newspaper criticisms and added remarks. Oak Park, 1904. 20 PP- = *3548.i54 How old art thou? A message for the passing of the year. [Sermon.] Oak Park, 1904. 20 pp. = 7445-22 The Samaritan Pentateuch. The story of a survival among the sects. Oberlin, 1903. 42 pp. Portraits. Plates. Fac- similes. = 5425.69 Bible. Biblia Sacra Vvlgatae editionis. Romae, M.D.XCII. I V. in 2. *34io.ii4 Biblia Sacra Vvlgatae Editionis, Sixti Qvinti Pont. Max. ivssv recognita atque edita. Romas, M.D.XCIII. Vignette. *34ii.i39 Blcnkow, John. Michaels combat with the Divel: or, Moses his funerall. Delivered in a ser- mon preached in S^ Pauls Church, on Sunday morning, being the Feast of St Michael, 1639. London, 1640. 30 pp. No. 10 in **G.389b.68 Boughen, Edward. 1 587-1660? A sermon of confirmation, preached in Oxford, at the first visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Oxford. September, 27. 1619. ^London, 1620. 76 pp. No. 9 in **G.389b.68 Brown, John Thomas. Churches of Christ ... in the United States, Australasia, England and Can- ada. Louisville, Ky., 1904. Illus. Por- traits. 3524.157 An encyclopedia of the Churches of Chjrist or Disciples of Christ. Child, Frank Samuel. 1639-1889. The Prime Ancient Society, of Fairfield, Conn. Bridgeport, 1890. 86 pp. Plates. 3544-74 Church reformation. [Oxford? 1643?] 72 pp. No. 14 in **G.389b.68 Four sermons. Cressey, Frank B. Semi-Centennial. Baptist Church, Wey- mouth, Mass. [Weymouth, 1904.] 36 pp. Portraits. Plates. 7551-236 A history of the church. Cumont, Frantz. The mysteries of Mithra. Translated from the second revised French edition by Thomas J. McCormack. With . . . ma_p. Chicago, 1903. Illus. Map. Plans. 3486.88 Relates to the influence of Mithraism in the Roman Empire. Dall, Caroline Healey. Fog bells. Boston, 1904. 37 ff. = *3474.88 On the miracles of Christ. Eliot, Samuel Atkins. 1862-. Liberal Christianity in the United States. An address, Amsterdam, Holland. Bos- ton. [1903.] 20 pp. = 7459.123 Evans, William, M.A., of St. Mary Hall. A translation of the booke of natvre, into the vse of grace. [Anon. Oxford? 1633?] No. 6 in **G.389b.68 Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas. Das Wesen des Christentums. Kritische Ausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl Quenzel. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.464 Gritton, John. "Sinless Sabbath-breaking." [An answer to Mrs. Craik's article with the same title.] By J. Gritton, and a lady recently resident in Paris. [London, 188-?] 4 pp. = 5454-76 Hippolytus, St. Drei georgisch erhaltene Schriften von Hippolytus. Herausgegeben von G. Nath. Bonwetsch. Der Segen Jacobs, Der Segen Moses, Die Erzahlung von David und Goliath. Leipzig, 1904. [Geb- hardt and Harnack.] *3504-5o-N.F.ii, part i a Translates a Russian version of a Georgian manuscript, itself a translation from an Ar- menian text. Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, compiler. Scriptures, old and new. Compiled by F. L. H. [Distributed from the pulpit of the Church of the Unity, F. L. Hosmer, Minister, Cleveland, O. Cleveland. 1880?] 5 broadsides. z= 5484.85 Contents. — i, 2. Death. 3. Sorrow and loss. 4. Trust. 5. The kingdom within. Contains extracts from ancient and modern works. Hurst, John Fletcher. The Gospel a combative force. A sermon. New York. {189-?] 24 pp. = 7456.152 Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury. 1522-1571. A sermon preached before Q. Elizabeth . . . With an answer of the same authour to some frivolous objections against the government of the Church. [N . p.] 1641. 64 pp. No. II in **G.389b.68 Kennard, Joseph Spencer, Jr. 1859-. De deo lapso commentarius. Florentias, MCMIV. = 3488.163 A Latin and an Italian text on opposite pages. Kerr, Lady Amabel. Lives of the Saints, for children. London, 1903. 23 pp. Plate. 5559a.i48 Ketteler, Wilhelm Emmanuel, Freiherr von. 1811-1877- Das Recht und der Rechtschutz der katho- lischen Kirche in Deutschland. Mainz, 1854- 55 pp. = 3467.42 463 Kirsch, Johann Peter. 1861- , and Viii- cenz Luksch. Geschichte der katholischen Kirche. Her- ausgegeben yon der Oesterreichischen Leo-Gesellschaft. Lieferung i-ii. Miin- chen. [1904.] Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. *Cab.34.i8.2 Love, Richard. 1596-1661. The watchmans watchword. A sermon preached at White-Hall upon the 30 of March last. Cambridge, 1642. 45 pp. No. 8 in **G.389b.68 McAuley Water Street Mission, New York City. Annual report, 29th. New York, 1901. Portraits. Plates. = 5539-82 May, Joseph. 1836-. Personal and social purity. A sermon. Philadelphia. [1896.] 12 pp. = 7467.262 Mayer, Johann Georg. 1845-. Das Konzil von Trient und die Gegen- reformation in der Schweiz. Stans, 1901- 1903. 2 V. in I. 5521.76 Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. Committee on the Centenary of Method- ism. Connectional centenary documents. No. 1-4. New York, 1865. =: '7547-95 General Conference. Judicial decisions. With notes by R. J. Cooke. Cincinnati. [1903.] 754548 Middleton, Conyers. 1683-1750. A defence of the letter to Dr. Waterland; against the false and frivolous cavils of the Author of the Reply. [Anon.] Lon- don, 1732. 98 pp. = 5489.110 On Old Testament criticism. A letter to Dr. Waterland; containing some remarks on his Vindication of Scripture: in answer to a book [by Mat- thew Tindal] intituled, Christianity as old as the Creation. [Anon.] London, 1731- 67 pp. . 5489.109 Old Testament criticism. Some remarks on A reply to the Defence of the letter to Dr. Waterland . . . [Anon.] London, 1732. 80 pp. =: 5489.112 The author of the reply to the Defence of the letter, etc., was Zachary Pearce. The subject is some points in Old Testament criticism. New York Religious Tract Society. Annual report. 3d, 4th, 7th, 9th. 1815, 1816, 1819, 1821. New York, 1815-21. z= *7467.i8 Newman, Albert Henry. 1852-. A manual of church history. Philadelphia, 1901, 03. 2 V. 3527-26 Oak Park, Illinois. First Congregational Church. The red book. Containing information concerning the work done by the Church in 1903 and a part of the work to be done in 1904. Oak Park, 1904. 38 pp. = ^ 7546.135 Parsons, Bartholomew. 1574-1642. [Boaz and Ruth blessed; or, a sacred con- tract honoured with a solemn benedic- tion. A sermon. Oxford, 1633.] 40 pp. No. 3 in **G.389b.68 The historic of tithes: or, tithes vindicated to the Presbyters of the Gospel: . . . By B. P. Oxford, 1637. 38 pp. No. 2 in **G.389b.68 The magistrates charter examined, or his duty and dignity opened. In a sarmon preached at an assises, held at Sarum, Wiltes, on the Ninth Day of March . . . 1614. London, 1616. 39 pp. No. 15 in **G.389b.68 Pearce, Zachary, Bishop of Rochester. 1690- 1774- A reply to the Defence of the letter to Dr. Waterland. By the Author of the Reply to the letter [Z. Pearce]. Lon- don, 1732. 84 pp. = 5489. Ill Contains a criticism of some ijoints in the Old Testament. Peirce, Cyrus Newlin. Apollonia, the "patron saint of dentistry.'' [Philadelphia, 1900.] 3 pp. = 5555-8o Pillsbury, Parker. 1809-1898. Things new and old. Concord, 1893. 22 pp. = 7467.260 Relates principally to free religion. Reformed Mennonites. Christianity defined. A manual of New Testament teaching on the unity of the Church, non-resistance of evil, non-con- formity to the world in deportment and dress, the proper observance of the ordi- nances, separation from all unfaithful worship . . . Hagerstown, Md. [1903.] = 3449.230 Rodrigues, Jose Carlos. Religioes acatholicas no Brazil. 1500- 1900. Memoria do "Livro do Centen- nario" de 1900. 2^ edigao. Rio de Ja- neiro, 1904. = 3529-152 Segesser, Anton Philipp von. Der Culturkampf. 2. Auflage. Bern, 1875. = 3467.41 Discusses the relation of the Roman Catholic Church to the states of Europe. Sullivan, Joseph M. St. Patrick as a law giver. Boston. [1904?] 8 pp. = 5555.78 Westfield, Thomas. 1573-1644. A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of S. Paul. On the Fourteenth Day of November. 1641 . . . London, 1641. 30 pp. No. 7 in **G.389b.68 Zimmern, Heinrich. Keilinschriften und Bibel nach ihrem re- ligionsgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang. Berlin, 1903. 54 pp. Illus. 3425-23 Law* Legislation* Patents* Beach, Charles Fisk, Jr. 1854-. In the Supreme Court of the United States. October term, 1903. No. 277. The Northern Securities Company, The Great Northern Pacific Railway Com- pany, and others, appellants, v. the United States, respondent . . . Argu- ment amicus curiae. St. Paul, Minn. [1903 ] 95 PP- = 570oa.i5 464 December Brown, Richard, of Glasgow. History of the law of debtor and creditor with special reference to Cessio bono- rum. Glasgow. [1898?] 15 pp. = 3665.103 Desjardins, Albert. 1838-. Traite dii vol dans les principales legisla- tions de I'antiquite et specialement dans le droit romain. Paris, 1881. = 5577.168 Emmons, William. An address delivered this morning on the Western avenue. July 4, 1823. [Boston, 1823.] 8 pp. = 5574-209 Against imprisonment for debt. General Electric Company. Air cooled transformer case. (Moody pa- tent no. 591,869). General Electric Com- pany, complainant-appellee, vs. Wagner Electric Manufacturing Company et al., defendants-appellants. Opinion filed in the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Sec- ond Circuit, May 6, 1904. [New York, 1904.] II pp. = 7692.176 Germany. Kaiserliches Patentamt. Blatt fiir Patent-, Muster- und Zeichen- wesen. Sachregister fiir die Jahre 1894 bis 1903, nebst einem Anhange, enthai- tend ein Register iiber die in den Jahr- gangen 1877 bis 1894 des Patentblatts veroffentlichten auslandischen Gesetze und internationalen Vertrage. Berlin, 1904. Patent Room Iowa State Bar Association. Proceedings of the 9th annual meeting . . . July 16, 17, 1903. Tipton, Iowa, 1903. Portraits. —. *7632.26 Justinianus I., Emperor. Corpus iuris civilis. Berolini, MCM- MCMIV. 3 v. *36ioa.7o Kentucky. The common school laws of Kentucky. Frankfort, 1893. = *6374.89 Massachusetts Fish and Game Protective Association. Abstracts of the fish and game laws of Masaschusetts. 1900. Boston, 1900. 36 pp. = 3669.76 National Incorporating Company. Corporation hand-book. A synopsis-di- gest of the corporation laws of the states and territories of the United States, Dis- trict of Columbia and Canada . . . Also list of local attorneys. Revised edition. Pierre, S.D., 1903. 52 pp. = 3675.29 Pollock, Sir Frederick, 3d Baronet. The expansion of the common law. Bos- ton, 1904. 3624.34 Rules of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals and of the Circuit Courts of the United States for the First Circuit. Bos- ton, 1898. 49 PP- = 5635-77 Stoeber, E. Die romischen Grundsteuervermess.ungen; nach dem lateinischen Texte des Groma- tischen Codex, insbesondere des Hygi- nus, Frontinus, und Nipsus. Miinchen, 1877. Illus. = 9336.2037 Thomson-Houston Electric Company. Overhead crossing case. (Van Depoele patents nos. 393278, 396313.) Thomson- Houston Electric Company, complain- ant, vs. Ohio Brass Company et al., de- fendants. Judge Hale's opinion filed in the U. S. Circuit Court, District of Mas- sachusetts, April 27, 1904. [New York, 1904.] 13 pp. = 7692.109 Turn buckle case. (Van Depoele patent no. 394,039.) Thomson-Houston Elec- tric Company complainant, vs. Ohio Brass Company et al., defendants. Judge Hale's opinion filed in the U. S. Circuit Court, District of Massachusetts, April 27, 1904. [New York, 1904.] 8 pp. = 7692.143 The turn-buckle was used on electric railroads. Tissot, Paul de. fitude historique et juridique sur la condi- tion des agrimensores dans I'ancienne Rome. [Paris.] 1879. Illus. — 3932.16 Bibliographic, pp. 1-5. Travail, Giuseppe. Un atto di assegnazione di dote del 1416. Palermo, 1894. 11 pp. 76ioa.4i United States. Circuit Court of Appeals. Rules for all circuits. With amendments. Annotated. St. Paul, 1892. 27 pp. = 5635-78 Wheeler, Alexander Strong. Reminiscences of an old lawyer: an ad- dress. Boston, 1898. 20 pp. = 363549 Windsor, Captain John. i78o?-i85i. Trial of Capt. John Windsor, for the mur- der of his wife. Milford, Del., 1851. 52 pp. := 7685.60 The title is on the cover. Useful and Industrial Arts* Adventure Consolidated Copper Co. Reports for 1899, 1900, 02, 03. New York, 1900- 1904. Maps. = *7659.i7o Aetna Consolidated Quicksilver Mining Company. Annual report, 1903. [Boston, 1904.] = *7659.ii2 American Bicycle Company. Annual report, ist, 2d. [New York, 1900, 01.] = ^7659.142 Reorganization . . . Plan and agreement New York, 1902. 25 pp. = *7659.i4a American Cotton Oil Company. Annual report to the stockholders, 1900- 1903. [New York? 1900-1903.] = *7650.39 American Malting Company. Annual report, 1903. [New York, 1903.] 5 PP- = *7650.42 American Woolen Company. Annual report, 1903. [Boston, 1903.] = *7659.i24 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company. Annual report, 69th. [Richmond, Va., 1903] = *7658.274 Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Company. Annual report, 7th-9th. [Bangor, Me., 1901- 1903.] = *7658-277 465 Bersch, Joseph. Cellulose, cellulose products, and artificial rubber. Authorized translation by W. T. Brannt. Philadelphia, 1904. Illus. 8015.221 Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company. Agreement of shareholders . . . and Au- gustus P. Loring, Francis Peabody, Jr., and George U. Crocker as a committee. Boston. [1899.] 5 pp. = 7659.183 Boston Elevated Railway Company. To the Honorable Board of Railroad Commissioners of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts . . . Supplementary to communication of July 30, 1903. Bos- ton, 1903. 6 pp. = *7658.278 A plan for subway in Washington Street. Boston Quicksilver Mining Company. Annual report, 1903. [Boston, 1904.] = *7659.i34 Bowker, William R. Practical construction of electric tram- ways. London, 1903. Illus. Plans. 8014.200 Butte & Boston Mining Company. Reorganization. Preliminary agreement, plan and supplemental agreement. [Bos- ton, 1896.] 17 pp. = *7650.32 Cambria Steel Company. Annual report of President and Board of Directors. 1903. [Philadelphia, 1904.] *7650.38 Centennial Copper Mining Company. Report, 19QI. [Boston, 1902.] 7 pp. = *7659-i59 Central Mining Company. Report and treasurer's statement. 1904. New York, 1904. 4 pp. = *7659'i53 Chicago & Alton Railway Company. Annual report, 2d, 3d. Chicago, 1902, 1903. Maps. = ^7650.48 Chicago Great Western Railway Company. Annual report, nth. [Chicago, 111., 1903.] = *7658.273 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company. Annual report, 20th-23d. 1900-03. St. Paul, 1901-04. Tables. = *7658.282 Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad Com- pany. Annual report, 6th. [Chicago, 1903.] Table. = *7650.44 Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. Annual report, loth, nth. Denver, 1902, 03. = *7659-i64 Consolidated Tobacco Company. Annual report, 1903. [Jersey City, N. J., 1904.] = *7659-i55 Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co. Annual report, 20th, 21st. [Nashville.] 1903, 04. Plates. Maps. = *7659.i77 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company. Annual report, 1899-1902. New York, 1 899-1 902. = ^7650.49 Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Company. Annual report, 17th. Denver, Colo., 1903. Map. =: *7658.275 Edison Electric Illuminating Company, Bos- ton. Report of the Board of Directors to the stockholders at their 17th, 18th annual meeting. Boston, 1902, 1903. = *7659.i6i Erie Railroad Company. Annual report, sth-7th. 1900-1902. New York, 1900-1902. Maps. = *7650.45 Facilides, Curt. Die Entstehung der verschiedenen Bin- dungen und Webarten auf dem engli- schen Gardinenstuhle. Plauen i. V., 1903. 47 pp. Plates. 8012.202 Fischer, Ferdinand. 1842-. Die Brennstoffe Deutschlands und der iibrigen Lander der Erde und die Koh- lennoth. Braunschweig, 1901. Chart. 7868.27 Foster, Edwin W. Elementary woodworking. Boston. [1903.] Illus. 4019.226 The second part contains a description of trees used for commercial purposes. France. Office du travail. L'industrie du chiffon a Paris. [Par Charles Barrat.] Paris, 1903. = 8013.221 Great Divide Mines Company. Prospectus. [Salt Lake City, 190-?] 8 pp. Plates. Maps. = *7650.3i Harvard Mining Club. Annual report, ist. Cambridge, 1903. = *7863.i03 Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, editor. Harness making. Philadelphia, 1904. Illus. [Handicraft series.] 40i9a.238 Leather working. Philadelphia, 1904. Illus. [Handicraft series.] 40i9a.239 Hibbert, Walter. 1852-. Magnetism and its elementary measure- ment. London, 1904. Illus. = 5968.147 Hime, Henry William Lovett. Gunpowder and ammunition, their origin and progress. London, 1904. 3952.183 Hocking Valley Railway Co. Annual report, 2d-4th. Columbus, O., 1901-03. Maps. = *7658.28o Holms, Archibald Campbell. Practical shipbuilding: a treatise on the structural design and building of modern steel vessels. London, 1904. Text; At- las, 115 plates. *Cab.59.23.2 Hudson River Telephone Company. Annual report, 1902, 03. Albany, 1903, 04. = *7659.i78 Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Vol. 39-43. Glasgow, 1895- 1900. Illus. Maps. Plans. = *40i2.3i.3 International Steam Pump Company. Annual report, 3d, 4th. [New York, 1902, 1903.] = ^7650.40 Isle Royale Copper Company. Report, 1900-03. Boston, 1901-04. = *7659.i66 Italy. Istituto idrografico della Regia ma- rina. Annali idrografici. Vol. 3. Anno 1902. Genova, 1903. Maps. Charts. = *5950.42 466 December Kanawha & Michigan Railway Co. Annual report, iith-i3th. Toledo, 1901- 03. = *7658.267 Kansas City Southern Railway Company. Annual report, 1903. Kansas City, 1903. = *7650.46 Logan, Walter Seth. 1847-. Address at a hearing before the River and Harbor Committee of the House of Representatives . . . Washington, D. C, January 23rd, 1902, on the question of the construction of a deepwater canal through or around Sabine Lake, Texas. [New York? 1902?] 7 pp. 4461. 181 Logan represented the Forward Reduction Com- pany at the hearing. Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Company. Annual report, ist. [Stamps, Ark., 1902.] Map. = *7658.266 Meyer, Adolphe. The post-graduate cookery book. New York, 1903. Portrait. 8008.149 Michigan Copper Mining Company. Report, 1900-03. New York, 1901-04. Maps. = *7659.i72 Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company. Report, 1902. [Kansas City, Mo., 1903.] 9 pp. Plates. Map. = *7659.i57 Murken, Erich. Die Grundlagen der Seeschiffahrt. Eine okonomisch-politische Studie. Berlin, 1904. 3953.170 National Confectioners' Association of the United States. 15th annual conven- tion. Chicago, 1898. Proceedings . . . Philadelphia, 1898. = 8008.147 New Idria Quicksilver Mining Co. Annual report, 1903. [Boston, 1904.] = *7863.ii3 New York & New Jersey Telephone .Co. Annual report, i6th-2ist. Brooklyn, 1899- 1904. = *7659.i76 New York, Susquehanna & Western Rail- road Company. Annual report, loth. New York, 1903. = *7650.47 Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Annual report, 1901, 1903. [New York, 1901, 1903.] = *7650-36 Parker Vein Coal Company. [Descriptive pamphlet. Boston, 1850.] 24 pp. = 7863.105 The vein is at Cumberland, Maryland. Pope, Mary. Vegetarian savouries. London, 1904. 95 pp. 8008.151 Pressed Steel Car Company. Annual report. 1902. [New York, 1903.] 29 pp. = *7659-i38 Reichel, Walter. Betrachtungen und Versuche uber die Verwendung des Drehstromes fiir den Betrieb elektrischer Bahnen, insbeson- dere des hochgespannten Drehstromes. Miinchen, 1903. 73 pp. Plans. = 40ioa.i72 Remarks on the comparative merits of cast metal and mallealDle iron rail-ways; and an account of the Stockton and Darling- ton Rail- Way, &c. &c. Newcastle, 1827. 2 parts in i v. Plates. = 8016.264 Reynolds, Dexter. Report of an investigation into the manu- facture of paper from wood at the mill of the Ligneous Paper Company, Little Falls, N. Y. Albany, 1858. 24 pp. = 8017.301 An investigation of the process invented by G. W. Beardslee for making paper from wood. Rhode Island Copper Company. Treasurer's account. Mine Superintend- ent's report. [1903. New York, 1904.] = *7650.37 Ross, Hugh Munro. British railways: their organization and management. London, 1904. 7656.81 St. Louis. Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1904. International Congress of Arts and Sciences. Programme and list of speakers, Septem- ber 19-25, 1904. [St. Louis, 1904.] 33 pp. = 7913-10 St. .Mary's Canal Mineral Land Company. Annual report, 1899, 1900. Boston, 1900, 1901. = *7659.ii6 This company is engaged in copper mining. St. Mary's Mineral Land Company. Annual report, 1st, 2d. Boston, 1902, 1903. = *7659.ii4 This company is engaged in copper mining. Seaman, Harold. The effect of frequency on the steadiness of light emitted from an incandescent lamp. Madison, 1903. 42 pp. Plates. Charts. [University of Wisconsin. Bul- letin.] = *40I0.242.2 Southern California Railway Company. Report, 1897-1901. [Los Angeles, Cal., 1897-1901.] ~ *7658.265 Southern New England Telephone Com- pany. Annual report, 1903, 1904. New Haven, 1903, 1904. = *7659.iio Standard Rope & Twine Company. Annual report, 4th-7th. [New York, 1900- 1903.] = *7659.i28 Tait, Clarence E. Storage of water on Cache La Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. Washington, 1903. Plates. Map. Plans. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations.] = *5993-70-i34 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Com- pany. Annual report . . . for 1902. [New York, 1903-] — *7656.42 Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway Com- pany. Annual report, I4th-i6th. Peoria, 111., 1901- 03. = *7658.28i Trimountain Mining Company. Report for 1901. [Boston, 1902.] 7 pp. = *7659-i36 I904 467 Utah Consolidated Gold Mines, Limited. Report, 3d. [London, 1900.] = *7650.3o Victoria Copper Mining Co. Report of the Directors for 1899-1903. Boston, 1900-04. Plans. = *7659.i68 Wabash Railroad Company. Annual report, I2th-I4th. St. Louis, 1901- 1903. Maps. = *7658.276 Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. Annual report, 1897. New York, 1897. = *7659.i5i Winona Copper Company. Report, 1901-1903. New York, 1902-1904. = *7659.ii8 Wolverine Copper Mining Company. Report of the Directors to the stockhold- ers, 1 894/5-1 896/7, 1898/9-1902/3- New York, 1895-1903. = *7659.i20 Agriculture. Domestic Animals. Fisheries. Forestry. Irrigation. American Poultry Association. The American standard of perfection, as adopted, 1898, with additions made [in] 1901 and 1902. Containing a complete description of all the recognized varie- ties of fowls. Edited by J. H. Dreven^ stedt. [Columbus, O.] 1903. Ulns. 6008.149 Bicknell, Frank W. Wheat production and farm life in Argen- tina. Washington, 1904. Plates. Maps. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Bureau of Statistics.] = *9630.973a5.27 Civic Improvement League of St. Louis. Junior School of Horticulture. Announcement for 1904. [St. Louis, 1904.] Plates. = 7995-84 Forestry Quarterly. Vol. i; vol. 2, no. i, 2. Ithaca, N. Y., 1902-04. *384oa.79 Hitchcock, Albert S. Methods used for controlling and reclaim- ing sand dunes. Washington, 1904. 36 pp. Illus. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Indus- try.] = *3853.i28 Hume, Harold Hardrada. Citrus fruits and their culture. Jackson- ville, Florida, 1904. Illus. 3999.226 Jaffa, Meyer Edward. Further investigations among fruitarians • at the California Agricultural Experi- ment Station. 1901-1902. Washington, 1903. 81 pp. [United States. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Office of Experi- ment Stations.] := *5993.7o.i32 Nutrition experiments. National Association of Wool Manufactur- ers. Annual wool review, 1903. Domestic wool clip, imports of wool and woolens and other statistical tables. Boston, 1903. 47 pp. Diagram. = *799oa.i9 Prepared by William J. Battison. New York, State. Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Report, ist-7th, 1895-1901. [Albany, 1896- 1902.] 7 V. in 8. Illus. *59oo.24 With the 7th report is an additional set of col- ored plates in a separate cover. Two copies, the latest one of which is kept in B.H.Ref.431.13. Newcomb, Harry Turner. Mechanical tabulation of the statistics of agriculture in the Twelfth census of the United States. Philadelphia. [1901,] 33 PP- Plates. = *93ii.a2 Pfuetze, Arno. Die landwirtschaftlichen Productiv- und Absatzgenossenschaften in Frankreich. Tiibingen, 1903. 5644.103 United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Plant Industry. School gardens. By L. C. Corbett, [Washington, 1904.] 6 pp. = 7995.66 Division of Forestry. Notes on forest trees suitable for planting in the United States. Eu- ropean larch (Larix europaea). [Washington, 1903.] 4 pp. = 3845-35 Notes on forest trees suitable for planting in the United States. Nor- way spruce (Picea excelsa). [Wash- ington, 1903?] 4 pp. = . 3845-34 Notes on forest trees suitable for planting in the United States. White ash (Fraxinus americana). [Wash- ington, 1903?] 4 PP- = 3845-33 Van Dine, Delos L. A sugar-cane leaf-hopper in Hawaii. Honolulu, 1904. 29 pp. Illus. [United States. Department of Agriculture. Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion.] = *799i.73-5 Westgate, John M. Reclamation of Cape Cod sand dunes. Washington, 1904. 38 pp. Plates. Map. [United States. Department of Agri- culture. Bureau of Plant Industry.] = *3853.i28.65 Military and Naval Art, Science, and History. Atkinson, Edward. 1827-, Cost of war and warfare. Washington, 1904. 8 pp. = 7572.246 A statement of the expenditures of the United States. Browning, Oscar. 1837-. Wars of the century, and the development of military science. Toronto, 1903. [The Nineteenth Century series.] 5957-90 Jane, Frederick T. The Imperial Japanese Navy. London, 1904. Illus. Portraits. Maps. Plans. 3952.185 Schley, Winfield Scott. Forty-five years under the flag. New York, 1904. Portrait. Plates. Chart. 2328.153 468 December Amusements* Games^ Sports* Amherst College. Samuel Hubbard Wil- liams Indoor Athletic Meeting. 6th meeting, 1904. Program. [Amherst, Mass.] 1904. 2 pp. = 4007.222 Henshall, James Alexander. Book of the black bass. New edition, ex- tended. Cincinnati, 1904. Illus. Por- traits. Plates. 4009.285 This new edition contains both the Book of the black bass [4009.78), and More about the black bass [4009.100]. Huntington, Dwight Williams. Our big game: a book for sportsmen and nature lovers. New York, 1904. Plates. 4003.170 Kingsland, Florence. The book of indoor and outdoor games. With suggestions for - entertainments. New York, 1904. 4009.283 Mattison, Hiram. 1811-1868. Popular amusements: an appeal to Meth- odists, in regard to the evils of card- playing, billiards, dancing, theatre-going, etc. New York. [1867.] 96 pp. 3588.210 Fiction* In English. Bell, James Joy. Jess & Co. New York, 1904. 59-23 Brown, Abbie Farwell. The flower princess. Boston, 1904. Plates. 78.255 Browne, Frances. Granny's wonderful chair. With an intro- duction by Frances Hodgson Burnett, entitled The story of the lost fairy book. New York, 1904."^ Illus. 78.254 Crawford, Francis Marion. Whosoever shall offend. New York, 1904. Plates. 59-36 Deland, Ellen Douglas. Josephine. New York, 1904. 78.252 Dorsey, Anna Hanson. Conscience; or, the trials of May Brooke. An American Catholic tale. New York, 1900. 59-13 Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy. The Penobscot man. Boston, 1904. Plate. 59-24 Finn, Francis James. His first and last appearance. New York. [1900.] Illus. Portrait. 78.217 Fisher, Frances C. (Christian Reid.) The chase of an heiress. New York, 1898. 59.8 Foster, Edith Francis. Puss in the corner. Boston. [1904.] 78.253 Herbert, Mary Elizabeth, Lady. True wayside tales, Boston. [1900.] 59.14 Higginbotham, John C. (Orme Agnus.) Sarah Tuldon, a woman who had her way. Boston, 1903. Plates. 59.26 Howells, William Dean. The son of Royal Langbrith. New York, 1904. 59-31 Kerr, Lady Amabel. The whole difference. St. Louis, 1904. 59-27 Kipling, Rudyard, Traffics and discoveries. New York, 1904. 59.32 Lane, Elinor Macartney. Nancy Stair. New York, 1904. Plate, 59.29 The scene is laid in Scotland in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley. The truants. New York, 1904. Plates. 59.34 Mitchell, Silas Weir. New Samaria and The summer of St. Mar- tin. Philadelphia, 1904. Portrait. 59.35 Mysterious hermit. The: or, the grotto of Beatus. And other tales. Translated from the French [by Mrs. Sadlier]. New York, 1904. 46.174 Navery, Marie de. (Raoul de Navery.) The queen's confession; or, the martyrdom of St. John Nepomucene. From the French. New York, 1901. [Catholic fireside library.] 46.164 Parker, Sir Horatio Gilbert. A ladder of swords. New York, 1904, Plates. 59.30 The scene is laid in the Island of Jersey and in England in the time of Queen Elizabeth, Philpotts, Eden. The Farm of the Dagger. New York, 1904. Plates. 59-33 Richards, Rosalind, The nursery fire, Boston, 1904, Illus, 78.257 Roy, Just Jean fitienne. The recluse of Rambouillet. From the French of Stephanie Ory [pseud.]. New York, 1896. 46.172 Relates to Madame de Lamballe, the Courts of Louis XV. and Louis XVI,, and to the French Revolution, Spillmann, Joseph, S,J. Children of Mary. A tale of the Caucasus. Translated from the German by Helena Long. St. Louis, 1896, 46.188 Love your enemies. A tale of the Maori- insurrections in New Zealand. Trans- lated from the German by Helena Long. 2d edition, St. Louis, 1897. 46.187 Time, i860, 61. The queen's nephew. An historical narra- tion from the early Japanese mission. Translated from the German by Helena Long. 2d edition. St. Louis, 1903 46.189 Tracy, Louis. The pillar of light. New York, 1904. Plate. 59-25 Webster, Jean. When Patty went to college. New York, 1904. Plates. 78.256 Wiggin, Kate Douglas, and others. The affair at the inn. Boston, 1904. Plates. 59.28 I904 469 Woman errant, The: being some chapters from the wonder book of Barbara, the commuter's wife. [By the Author of The garden of a commuter's wife.] New York, 1904. Plates. 59-9 In French. Wilson, Augusta Jane. Infehce. Roman adapte de I'anglais [par] Tib [pseud, de Mme. Soyez]. 3e edi- tion. Paris, 1903. = 25793.196 The English edition is on shelf-number 54.4. In German, Adlersfeld, Eufemia. Tiere und Menschen. Heitere Geschichten. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50.464 Contents. — ,,Glanzend gesiegt." — L'Aiglon. — Lump und Schuft. — Tiddlywinks. — „Don- ner und Doria."^ Gluemer, Claire von. Lutin und Lutine. Eine Erzahlung aus dem Bearn. Leipzig. [1904.] 4896.50,464 Maurik, Justus van. Mein Vortragsabend und andere Humo- resken. Ubersetzung aus dem Hollandi- schen von E. Otten. Leipzig. [1904-] 4896.50.459 Schi Nai Ngan. Wie Lo-Ta unter die Rebellen kam. Ein komischer Roman. Aus dem Chinesi- schen iibersetzt von Maximilian Kern. Leipzig. [1904-] 4896.50.461 Taken from the Schuei Hu Tschuan. Spindler, Carl. 1796-1855. Der Jesuit. Charaktergemalde aus dem ersten Viertel des achtzehnten Jahrhun- derts. Leipzig. [1904-] 4896.50.459 In Swedish. Aho, Juani. Patron Hellman. For exemplets skull. Tvenne noveller . . . ofversatta fran finskan af Rafael Hertzberg. Borga. [1886.] = 4909b.205 Children's Room* Chance, Lulu Maude. Little folks of many lands. Boston. [1904-] Illus. 3829.132 Cox, Kenyon. Mixed beasts. Rhymes and pictures. New York, 1904. Illus. 2407.188 Crowley, Mary Catherine. Merry hearts and true. Stories from life. New York. [1889.] 78.226 Deland, Ellen Douglas. Josephine. New York, 1904. Illus. 78.252 Dodge, Mary Mapes. Rhymes and jingles. New York, 1904. Illus. 2408.189 Foster, Edith Francis. Puss in the corner. Boston. [1904.] Illus. For the youngest readers. ^3.2^2 Foster, Edwin W. Elementary woodworking. Boston. [1903.] Illus. 4019.226 Henning, Frederick. The Maid of Orleans. Translated from the German by George P. Upton. Chicago, 1904. Illus. [Life stories for young people.] 2649a.i8 Hoffman, Franz. Ludwig van Beethoven. Translated from the German by George P. Upton. Chi- cago, 1904. Illus. [Life stories for young people.] 4049a.202 Mozart's youth. Translated from the Ger- man by George P. Upton. Chicago, 1904. Illus. [Life stories for young people.] 4049a.200 Richards, Rosalind. The nursery fire. Boston, 1904. Illus. Short stories for little children. 78.257 Schmidt, Ferdinand. William Tell. Translated from the Ger- man by George P. Upton. Chicago, 1904. Illus. [Life stories for young people.] 2903.77 School Reference Library. Goodspeed, George Stephen. A history of the ancient world for high schools and academies.. New York, 1904. Illus. 2219.98 Books for the Month. Beard, Lina, and Adelia B. Beard. Handicraft and recreation for girls. In- door and outdoor. New York, 1904. Illus. 4009.291 Benson, J. K. The book of indoor games for young peo- ple of all ages. Philadelphia, 1904. Illus. 4006.174 Brown, Abbie Farwell. The flower princess. Boston, 1904. Illus. A fairy tale. 78.255 Browne, Frances. Granny's wonderful chair. With an intro- duction by Frances Hodgson Burnett entitled The story of the lost fairy book. New York, 1904. Illus, 78.254 Associations^ Clubs. Societies* Asiatic Society of Japan. List of transactions, constitution and by- laws, &c., &c. Tokyo, 1903. 50 pp. *5027.i3 The list is a table of contents of the Transac- tions, vol. T-30 [*5027.ii.i-3o]. The titles refer to Japan. Engineers' Club, New York. Constitution, rules, officers and members. [New York.] 1896. 71 pp. = ^4039.19 Litchfield County University Club. Constitution and by-laws . . , [Canaan.] 1904. 17 pp, = *4439.252 470 December National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. Hubbard Memorial Building. Contents of the box deposited in the cor- ner stone. [Washington, 1902.] 11 pp. = *6i9i.44 Royal Asiatic Society. Korea Branch. Transactions. Vol. i; 2 (part i); 3 (part i). Seoul, 1900-03. = *5027.2o Societe des americanistes de Paris. Journal. Tome 5, no. i. Paris, 1904. Illus. Portrait. Maps. Plan. *263i.7o Periodicals* Annuals^ Almanacs^ Indexes^ Affleck, Thomas. Affleck's Southern rural almanac, and plantation and garden calendar, for 1851. New Orleans. [1850.] Illus. = *4487.i90 Farmers & merchants almanac for . , . 1830 . . . Calculated for the latitude and me- ridian of Baltimore ... By Nathan Bas- sett. Baltimore. [1829?] 35 pp. Illus. *4489a.i88 M'Carter's Country almanac for . . . 1830 . . . Vol. I, no. 4. By David Young. Charleston, S. C. [1829?] 35 pp. Illus. = *4489a.i94 Montreal almanack, The, for . . . 1829 . . . Montreal. [1829?] 36 pp. = *4489a.i92 Review of Reviews, The, for Australasia. [Edited by Henry Stead.] Vol. 24, 25 (no. i). Melbourne, 1904. Illus. Por- traits. *7275.25 Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie, Sto- chiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre. Namen- und Sachregister zu den Ban- den 1-24, von Dr. F. W. Kiister und Dr. Th. Paul. Leipzig, 1903. 2 v. in i. *3975.i35 The Zeitschrift is on shelf-number *3975.i34. Books added to the Branch Libraries^ B., A. V. Maron, the Christian youth of the Leb- anon. Translated from the German hy Helena Long. Y 401 Baldwin, Charles Sears, editor. American short stories, with an introduc- tory essay on the short story. [The Wampum library of American litera- ture.] Lc 467 Bibliography, pp. 325, 326. Beard, Lina, and Adelia B. Beard. Indoor and outdoor handicraft and recrea- tion for girls. Illus. Y 660.3 Bell, James Joy. Jess & Co. 228b 4 Bonesteel, Mary G. Uncle Sam's babies. Stories. Y 988.3 Brown, Abbie Farwell. The flower princess. Illus. Y 1191.4 Brunowe, Marion J. A lucky family. _ Y 1214.5 Seven of us; or, stories for girls and boys. Y 1214.6 BuUen, Frank Thomas. Denizens of the deep. Illus. Ns 1250 Burgess, Gelett. Goop tales alphabetically told. Illus. Y 1263 Caddell, Cecilia Mary. Lost Genoveffa; or, the spouse of the Madonna. A tale of Brittany. Y 1315-2 Tales of the festivals. 2 v. Y 1315 Chance, Lulu Maude. Little folks of many lands. Illus. Y 1626 Clapp, Eleanor B. The courtesies: a book of etiquette for every day. Pm 1750 Clapp, Henry Lincoln. Thirty-six observation lessons on common minerals. [Boston Society of Natural History. Guides for science-teaching. No. 15.] Ne 1020 No. 15 Conscience, Hendrik. The sorcerer. Translated from the orig- inal Flemish. No. 2 in 127c 7 The stolen child. Translated from the original Flemish. No. i in 127c 7 Cox, Kenyon. Mixed beasts: rhymes and pictures. Y 2005 Crowley, Mary Catherine. An every-day girl. Y 2055.2 Merry hearts and true. Stories from life. Y 2055.3 De Fromental; an episode of the wars in the East, under the Reign of Terror in France. [Translated from the French, by Mrs. J. Sadlier.] No. 2 in 202s i Deland, Ellen Douglas. Josephine. Illus. Y 2250.4 Dodge, Mary Mapes. Rhymes and jingles. Illus. Y 2320.4 Donnelly, Eleanor Cecilia. Amy's music box, and other little stories and verses for children. Y 2351.3 A Klondike picnic. The story of a day. With genuine letters from two gold- seekers in Alaska. Y 2351 1904 471 The lost Christmas tree and other little stories and verses for children. Y 2351.2 Dorsey, Anna Hanson. Conscience; or, the trials of May Brooke. 37d 16 Tears on the diadem; or, the crown and the cloister. A tale of the White and Red Roses. ' 37di5 Zoe's daughter. 37^6 Dorsey, Ella Loraine. Jet, the war-mule, and other stories for boys and girls. Y 2369.2 Midshipman Bob. Y 2369 Pickle and Pepper. Y 2369.3 The taming of Polly. Y 2369.4 Finn, Francis James. The best foot forward, and other stories. Plate. Y 2968.11 His first and last appearance. Illus. Y 2968.10 My strange friend. Y 2968.12 New faces and old. Short stories. Y 2968.9 Fisher, Frances C. (Christian Reid.) The chase of an heiress. 2of 28 The man of the family. 2of 29 Foster, Edith Francis. Puss in the corner. Illustrated by the author. _ Y ^068 Franklin, Benjamin. "The sayings of Poor Richard." Collected and edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Por- trait. Lj 3100.4 Gilbert, Ann Taylor. The "Original poems" and others. By Ann and Jane Taylor and Adelaide O'Keeffe. Edited by E. V. Lucas. Illus. Y 3384 Gilbert, Rosa Mulholland, Lady. Cynthia's bonnet shop. Illus. Y 3385.4 The late Miss Hollingford. io8g 2 Goodnow, Frank Johnson. City government in the United States. [The American state series.] 81^3487 Guns, ammunition, and tackle. By A. W. Money, Horace Kephart, W. E. Carlin, A. L. A. Himmelwright and J. H. Keene. Illus. Wo 3692 Harris, Joel Chandler. The Tar-Baby, and other rhymes of Uncle Remus. Illus. Lz 3848 Howells, William Dean. The son of Royal Langbrith. 311132 Kelley, Jay George. The boy mineral collectors. Colored plate. Nm 4730 Kerr, Lady Amabel. Lives of the saints for children. Y4756 Kipling, Rudyard. Traffics and discoveries. lok 8 Short stories. Lane, Elinor Macartney. Nancy Stair. Plate. 26I i The scene is laid in Scotland in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Lee, Robert Edward. 1843?- Recollections and letters of General Robert E. Lee. Portraits. Bl 5124.6 Lemercier, Adrien. The two brothers; or, true and false hap- piness. From the French. Y 5171.2 Lillie, Lucy Cecil. A family dilemma. A story for girls. Illus. 551 12 Lincoln, Mary Johnson. What to have for luncheon. Illus. Uv 5240.4 Mannix, Mary E. The fortunes of a little emigrant. Y 5558.2 Pancho and Panchita. A tale of the South- west. Y 5558.4 The tales Tim told us. Y 5558-3 Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley. The truants. Plates. 32m 5 Morris, Charles, of Philadelphia. Historical tales. The romance of reality. American. Series 2. Illus. Eh 6190.2 History of the world. Illus. Cc 6185 Mulholland, Clara. "Dimpling's success. Plate. Y 6250.4 Navery, Marie de. (Raoul de Navery.) Captain Roscoff: a story of the French Revolution. Translated from the French by P. P. S. 43n i Idols; or, the secret of the Rue Chaussee d'Antin. Translated from the French by Anna T. Sadlier. 43^2 A story dealing with the Franco-German War and the Commune. Old chest. The; or, the journal of a family of the French people, from the Mero- vingian times to our own days. Trans- lated from the French, by Anna T. Sad- lier. 370 I Parker, Sir Gilbert. A ladder of swords. A tale of love, laugh- ter and tears. Illus. 23P 14 The scene is laid in the Island of Jersey and in England in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Parsons, Gertrude. The story of John Julian's prosperity; or, Dyrbington Court. 33P 2 Wrecked and saved; a book for boys. And Fernando, by Lady Herbert. Y 6732 Pope's niece. The, and other tales. Trans- lated from the French by Mrs. J. Sad- lier. Y 7070 Prince Arumugam, the steadfast Indian con- vert. Translated from the German by Helena Long. Y 7155 Repplier, Agnes. Compromises. Lj 7400.5 Roy, Just Jean fitienne. (Stephanie Ory.) The recluse of Rambouillet. From the French. Y 6608.2 Relates to Madame de Lamballe, the courts of Louis XV. and Louis XVI., and to the French Revolution. Royce, Josiah. Herbert Spencer. An estimate and re- view. Together with a chapter of per- sonal reminiscences by James Collier. Bs 8426.2 Sadlier, Anna Theresa. The mysterious doorway. Y 7716.3 Sargent, Dudley Allen. Health, strength & power. Illus. Mp 7850 Schmid, Johann Christoph von. The Black Lady and Robin Redbreast, Y 7978.6 472 December The canary bird, and other tales. Illus. Y7978 The cake and The Easter eggs. Y 7978.3 The flower basket. A Catholic tale. Translated from the German. 40s i The hop blossoms. Y 7978.2 The overseer of Mahlbourg. Y 7978.5 The rose bush. Y 7978.4 Selim; or, the Pacha of Salonica. Trans- lated from the French, by Mrs. J. Sad- lier. No. i in 202s i Spillmann, Joseph, S.J. Children of Mary. A tale of the Cau- casus. Translated from the German by Helena Long. Y 8436.2 Time, 1860- Love your enemies. A tale of the Maori insurrections in New Zealand. Trans- lated from the German by Helena Long. Y8436 The queen's nephew. An historical narra- tion from the early Japanese mission. Translated from the German by Helena Long. Y 8436.3 Story, Alfred Thomas. The story of wireless telegraphy. Illus. Nq 8590 Sturgis, Russell, Jr. The appreciation of sculpture. A hand- book. Illus. Fn 8650 Taylor, Fanny. The little lace-maker; or, Eva O'Beirne, and other tales. Y 8756.2 The wise nun of Eastonmere, and other tales. i20t 2 Three Indian tales. Translated from the German by Helena Long. Y 8885 Tracy, Louis. The pillar of light. Plate. 1513 Waggaman, Mary T. Little comrades. A first communion story. Y 9416.4 Walker, Emma Elizabeth. Beauty through hygiene. Illus. Mp 9453 Wells, Carolyn. A parody anthology. Li 9588.2 Wiggin, Kate Douglas, and others. The affair at the inn. By Kate Douglas Wiggin, Mary Findlater, Jane Findlater, Allan McAulay [pseud, of Charlotte Stewart]. Illus. 24W 7 Williams, Archibald. The romance of modern locomotion. Illus. Uh 9715.2 STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. Books and Documents Recently Added. Social Science* American Federation of Labor. List of organizations affiliated with the Federation. January 21, 1904. Wash- ington, 1904. 66 pp. = *933i-8873a9 American Tin Plate Company. Charter. Capital $50,000,000. [East Orange, N. J. 1899?] 10 pp. = 9338.77339 Ancient Order of United Workmen of Mas- sachusetts. Facts, figures, questions and answers re- garding the condition of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, [Boston.] 1901. 34 pp. = 9334-3744 Asociacion salitrera de propaganda, Iquique. Escrituras publicas de la combinacion salitrera de 1901 a 1906. Iquique, 1900. 29 pp. = 9381.83 Asquith, Herbert Henry. Trade and the Empire. Mr. Chamberlain's proposals examined. London. [1903.] 96 pp. 9337.242aii Association of Traders, Boston. Constitution for mutual protection against shop lifting and store breaking. Bos- ton, 1828. 6 pp. *938i.7446 Atkinson, Edward. 1827-. Social bacteria and economic microbes, wholesome and noxious. A study in smalls. [New York, 1902.] 9 pp. = 9330.4339 Avis, Eberhard D'. Die natiirliche Volkswirthschafts-Ord- nung und die staatliche Wirthschafts- Politik. Berlin, 1901. 9330.443a2 Bates, William W. The merchant marine; our false policy of "maritime reciprocity" . . , Boston, 1901. 20 pp. = 9387.97337 Berg, N. P. van den. Lidisch muntwezen. [s'Gravenhage, 1897.] 34 pp. 9332.405438 Bernhard, Ludwig. Die Akkordarbeit in Deutschland. Leip- zig, 1903. 9331.04338 Bradstreet Company, The. A record — not a prospectus. Failure sta- tistics — their meaning & utility. 1899, 1901-03. New York, 1899-1903. = *9332.7273 Chale, Jules. Transformation du probleme douanier relativement au ble. Paris, 1901. [Uni- versite de Paris. Faculte de droit.] 9337.51138 Charles XIV., of Sweden. Reveljen for swenska folket, eller sanna upplysningar omwar inre hushallning, dess inflytelse pa wart penning-werk, och wara stora resurser, ... Pa fran- syska meddelte Hans. Kongl. Hoghet Kron-Prinsen, och med ' Dess nadiga tillstand till trycket befordrade af Pet. Hinr. Schon. Stockholm, 1815. = 9330.4485 Charles-Roux, Jules. La question des sucres. Paris, 1894. 31 pp. Charts. 9382.2444 Clarke, Albert. Reciprocity with Canada. Status of nego- tiations and trade relations. Speech . . . Jan. 21, 1902. Boston, 1902. 13 pp. = 9337.97337 Conant, Charles Arthur. A special report on coinage and banking in the Philippine Islands. Washington, 1901. = *9932.409i Continental Congress. Lettre circulaire du Congres des fitats- Unis de I'Amerique, adressee a leurs commettans, dans le tems ou le dis- credit de leur papier-monnoie leur fai- soit craindre la chute de leur revolution. [13 sept. 1779]. Traduit de I'anglais. Paris. An III [1795]. 23 pp. *9332.5732a2 Dodge, William C. Our country; what it is and what has made it what it is. Washington, 1900. Map. = 9330.073a9 The writer expresses approval of the Spanish- American War and of the protective tariff pol- icy. His intention is to make "... our own people . . . more contented with their condi- tion . . ," Evening Post, New York. Reports of the national banks of the prin- cipal banking centres of the United States . . . November 17, 1903. [New York, 1903.] = 9332.ii73a4 Figueras y Bushell, Francisco de. Lecciones de economia politica. Alicante, 1897. 9330.446 474 December Guignard, Ludovic. Un marche de bois au XVIIe siecle. La taxe officielle au XVIIe siecle. [Paris? i88-?] 7 pp. 9338.544 Hedley, Thomas Fenwick. Local taxation. Rating railways, mines, machinery^ mansion-houses, woodlands, government property, and hospitals. Observations on the Right Hon. G. J. Goschen's bill on parochial assessments. London, 1878. = 9336.204232 Hoffman, Friedrich Ludwig. The taxation of life insurance interests. [Newark, 1901.] 15 pp. = 9368.3320 Home Market Club. Prices, tariffs, trusts, wages. Boston, 1902. 32 pp. = 9337.373aio Humphrey's orchard; the story of an Eng- lish eviction. London, 1895. 15 pp. [Land restoration tracts.] = 9333.04232 Italy. Ministero delle finanze. Commissione censuaria centrale. Relazione della sotto-commissione incari- cata di esaminare le tariffe d'estimo della provincia di Bergamo. Roma, 1902. Map. = . *9336.2045a3 Appended is the Allegato n. i alia Relazione. Keasbey, Edward Quinton. New Jersey and the great corporations. East Orange, N. J. [1899.] 40 pp. = 9338.77a4o Kennedy, Edwin Wexler. Quit-rents and currency in North Caro- lina, 1663-1776. Baltimore, 1902. 36 pp. = 9336.75636 Kitchin, Frederick Harcourt. The principles and finance of fire insur- ance. London, 1904. 9368.1 Kurella, Hans. Der neue Zolltarif und die Lebenshaltung des Arbeiters. Berlin, 1902. 45 pp. 9331.84335 Lensch3U, Thomas. Die amerikanische Gefahr. Berlin, 1902. 62 pp. 9382.73322 On the commercial competition of the United States in international trade. Lev3sseur, Pierre fimile. La machine et Touvrier; conference. Nancy, 1901. 16 pp. = 9331.744 Msssachusetts Single T3x Le3gue. Banquet, December 8th, 1902. Discussion, by professional economists, of the topic ground rent . . . [Boston, 1902.] 31 pp. = 9333.5235 Merch3nts' Associ3tion of New York. Analysis of school expenses of the City of New York. [New York, 1900.] 20 pp. = 9352.9747 Defects of the financial statements of the City of New York with suggestions for improved forms. A report to the Com- missioners of Accounts by Worthington C. Ford and Frederick B, De Berard. [New York.] 1903. 40 pp. = *9352.i747a2 Munroe & Munroe. Marconi securities as an investment. New York. [1903.] 16 pp. =z 7967.36 N3tion3l Associstion of M3nuf3cturers. Annual report of the President, April, 1900. [Boston, 1900.] = 9338.473310 New Englsnd Free Trade League. Reciprocity with Canada a mutual bene- fit. [Boston, 1901.] 37 pp. z= 9337.97336 Ke3d, Charles Coolidge. The insurance of children. Argument be- fore the Committee on Insurance of the Massachusetts Legislature, April 4, 1895, in behalf of the bill to prohibit the insurance of children under ten years of age. Boston, 1895. 55 PP- = 9368.3744 Robinson, Herman Foster. Ship subsidies and sugar bounty statutes: their constitutionality. [New York, 1902.] 12 pp. = 9337-4a2 Senkel, Willy. Wollproduktion und Wollhandel im XIX. Jahrhundert mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung Deutschlands. Tiibingen, 1901. Charts. *9382.2743 Shum3n, Abraham, & Company. A treatise on the adulteration of woolen fabrics. [Boston, 190-?] 9 pp. = 9338.12734 Sikes, George C. The street railway situation ih Chicago. [Harrisburg, 1902.] 20 pp. = 9388.77332 Smyth, Julian K. The right to labor. A sermon. [New York, 1900.] 16 pp. = 9331.8323 The right of ownership. A sermon. [New York, 1900.] 13 pp. = 9335.0136 Societe d'economique politique, Paris. Les grands travaux publics. Paris, 1902, 48 pp. = 9351.814435 Solv3y, Ernest. Social comptabilism. By Ernest Solvay. The cheque and clearing service in the Austrian Postal Savings Bank. Pro- posed law laid before the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium. By Prof. Hector Denis. Brussels, 1897. 98 pp. Plates. = 9383.743633 Steffen, Gustaf F. Studien zur Geschichte der englischen Lohnarbeiter mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Veranderungen ihrer Lebenshaltungen. Band i, 2. Stuttgart,. 1901, 02. Charts. 9331.04234 Stevens, Munroe. Profitable employment should keep Gloucester's children at home: can it be provided? Gloucester, 1901. 10 pp. = 9381.744533 United Mine Workers of Americ3. Constitution of National Union. Revision 1902. [Indianapolis, 1902.] 28 pp. Plate. „ P _ , 9331.8873313 Vosberg-Rekow, Max. Die Zolltarifvorlage und ihre Begriindung. Berlin, 1902. 70 pp. 9337-34332 W3rren, Henry, Banker. Banks and their customers. A practical guide for all who keep banking accounts from the customers' point of view. 7th edition. Entirely new and enlarged. London, 1904. 9332.14234 I904 475 West Roxbury Co- Operative Bank. Annual report, 22d. [Boston, 1903.] 8 pp. = *9334-2744a3 Whitney, Edward Baldwin. The Northern Securities Company. [New Haven, 1902.] 12 pp. 9347-173 Wolfe, A. G. The nationalisation of the railway system. London. [189-?] 31 PP- = 9351-8142 Political Science. Berry, John Masury. ^ Defects of the Swiss free list system of voting. [Millbury, Mass., 189.S.] Broad- side. = 9324.2239 How to elect Boston Aldermen. Salem, Mass., 1904. 7 PP- = 6351.64 Evans, Aniiie Jackson. The civil service of Buffalo, New York, and its effect on the municipal govern- ment. New York, 1902. 19 pp. [Civil Service Reform Association, N. Y. AVomen's Auxiliary.] = 5569-107 Institut colonial international. Compte rendu de la session tenue a Londres, 1903. Bruxelles, 1903. 9325.06 Ireland, Walter Alleyne. Is tropical colonization justifiable? Phila- delphia. [1902.] = 9325-3315 Kohan, Joseph H. The rise and fall of the spoils system in the State of New York, ist prize essay, 1902. New York, 1903. 6 pp. [Civil Service Reform Association. Women's Auxiliary.] = 5562.147 Massachusetts Civil Service Reform Asso- ciation. Women's Auxiliary. Annual report, 2d, 3d. [Boston, 1903, 1904] = *5569-i05 Peace Conference, The Hague, 1899. The Peace Convention, as submitted by the International Conference at The Hague to the signatory powers for their acceptance. Boston. [1900?] 20 pp. = 7578.150 Rogers, Edward H. "Civil service" and the working people; or "sea power" in the naval stations: their injurious effect upon the libertv of citizens and the desecration of the Sab- bath. Chelsea, 1901. 4 pp. = 935i.i73a2 Stone and Webster. Operations of municipal electric lighting plants. [Boston, 1897.] 22 pp. = 9352-574432 An examination of the municipal plants in opera- tion in Massachusetts. Taylor, Charles Fayette. The saving of millions. [Philadelphia, 1895 ] .29 PP- = 9352-537 Advocating municipal ownership. Tyson, Robert. Proportional representation, its principles, practice and progress, with descriptions of the Swiss free list, the Hare-Spence plan, and the Gove system. Maywood, Illinois. [1900?] 12 pp. Portrait. = 9324.22aio Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. A year's disclosure and development. [Philadelphia.] 1904. 36 pp. [The National Municipal League.] = 3564.275 The title is on the cover. Sociology. Berg, Fredrik Theodor. Statistik der Eoidemien. Stockholm, 1876. 12 pp. = 9614.4 Bertillon, Jacques. De la frequence des principales maladies a Paris pendant la periode 1865-87. Paris, 1889. 46 pp. = *96i4.4443 De I'organisation des bureaux de statis- tique en France et a I'etranger, et no- tamment de I'organisation du registre de population dans les principales villes de I'Europe et du service d'identification anthropometrique a Paris. Paris, 1890. 36 pp. 93iia.io Demographic; introduction. Paris, 1881. 31 pp. ^ 93i2.9443a2 Essai de statistique comparee du surpeu- plement des habitations a Paris et dans les grandes capitales europeennes. 2e edition. Paris, 1895. 38 pp. Maps. Charts. 9331.834433 Bowley, Arthur Lyon. Statistical studies, relating to national progress in wealth and trade since 1882: a plea for further enquiry. London, 1904. 9314.2 Relates to Great Britain. Bradley, A. A. To what extent does unrestricted immi- gration counteract the influence of our educational and charitable work? New York. [1902.] 7 pp. [Charity Organi- zation Society.] = 9325.173 Charity Organization Society of the City of New York. School of Philanthropy. Partial list of lecturers and courses. 1904- 05. New York, [1904.] 8 pp. = 55793.264 Chevallier, Jean Baptiste Alphonse, and Gustave Simon Lagneau. Quelques remarques sur le mouvement de la population de Paris a un et deux sie- cles d'intervalle. Paris, 1873. 12 pp. 9312.9443 Cheysson, Jean Jacques Emile, Histoire d'un tableau statistique. Paris, 1888. 31 pp. 93ii.aii Christian Social Union. Private and confidential executive state- ment [Jan. 10, 1895. London, 1895.] 3 pp. = 9335-7a6 Urging upon branches discretion as to making public statements of policy and principles. Darel, Th. Le peuple roi. Essai de sociologie univer- saliste. Paris, 1904. 9304.334 Deubel, Robert . Du rachat des chemins de fer et de ses consequences. Paris, 1903. 9385.94436 Deville, Gabriel. Thermidor et Directoire (1794-1799). 476 December Paris. [1904.] Illus. Portraits. [His- toire socialiste (1789-1900).] *9335.oo9.5 Elizabeth Peabody House, Boston. Annual report. 7th, 8th. Boston, 1903 [, 04]. = *5577-i73 Ellwood, Charles Abram. A bulletin on the condition of the county almshouses of Missouri. [Columbia.] 1904. 31 pp. [University of Missouri. Department of Sociology.] = 5573'i43 Ely, Charles. Paris, etude demographique et medicale. Paris, 1872. 35 PP- ~ 9614.0443 For pending bill to exclude illiterate immi- grants. Liquor selling in immigrant stations [etc. Extracts from Congres- sional documents. Washington, 1902]. 4 PP- = 9325-73a20 Girault de Saint-Fargeau, Eusebe. Apergu statistique de la France. 2e edi- tion. Paris, 1836. = 6662.12 Henderson, Charles Richmond. Modern prison systems. International Prison Commission reports. Washing- ton, 1903. = 5578.176 Holiday House for Working Girls, Shirley, Mass. [Report. 1903. Boston, 1903.] 12 pp. Illus. =r 5579a.249 Hull, Am.os Gerald. Remarks on capital punishments . . . added, letters of Morris N. B. Hull, &c. 2d edition. Utica, 1821. 40 pp. = 7575.113 Koebner, Otto Max. Die Methode einer wissenschaftlichen Riickfallsstatistik als Grundlage einer Reform der Kriminalstatistik. Berlin, 1893. = . 9364-313 Lagneau, Gustave Simon. De I'influence de I'illegitimite sur la mor- taiite. [Paris, 1876.] 57 pp. 96i4.i44a2 Du depeuplement, de la decroissance de population de certains departements de France. [Paris.] 1883. 38 pp. Maps. 93i2.944a7 Du mouvement de la population en 1872. [Paris, 1876.] 13 pp. 93i2.944aio fitude de statistique anthropologique sur la population parisienne. Paris, 1869. 34 pp. = 9312.9443 Mortalite des enfants assistes en general et de ceux du Departement de la Seine en particulier. [Paris.] 1882. 30 pp. 96i4.i44a6 Rapport sur la cooperation des medecins traitants a la determination des causes de deces. [Paris, 1879.] 33 PP- 96i4.i44a3 Situation de la population de la France, denombrement de 1872. Paris, 1873. 14 pp. 93i2.944a9 Lincoln, Alice N. State control for prisons. [New York, 1898.] 4 pp. = 9365.744a2 Malarce, Augustin Chaurand de. Les origines de la Societe de statistique de Paris. Paris, 1894. 13 pp. 93io.6443a5 Meyer, Adolf Bernhard. Ueber die Einwohnerzahl der philippini- schen Inseln. [Batavia? 1872.] 7 pp. 9312.9914 National Boys' Club Association. Annual report, 4th. [Springfield, Mass., 1902.] Plates. z= *5577.i7i School for Social Workers, maintained by Simmons College and Harvard Uni- versity. [Announcement. Boston, 1904.] 6 pp. = 5571.42 Inserted is a broadside announcement, dated May 20th, 1904. Smith, Zilpha D. Deserted wives and deserting husbands; a study of 234 families based on the experience of the district committees and agents of the Associated Charities of Boston. Boston, 1901. 24 pp. Tables. = 9173.1 Society for Employing the Female Poor. Report of the Committee of Advice. [Bos- ton, 1824.] 8 pp. =r 5573.138 Universal Cyclopaedia. United States census of 1900. A series of tables compiled from the official returns giving the distribution of population. New York, 1902. Illus. = *93i7.3i2i Widows' Society, Boston, Mass. Founded in 1816. Incorporated ni 1828. Boston. [1903.] 21 pp. = 5571.37 Contains the officers for 1818 and 1903, the annual report, the constitution, lists of mem- bers, etc. Womeiic Alden, Cynthia May Westover. Women's ways of earning money. New York, 1904. 5589.240 Archambault, Mile. Dissertation sur la question, lequel de I'homme ou de la femme est plus capa- ble de Constance? Ou, la cause des dames, soutenue par Mile. Archambault, de Laval, Bas-Maine, Contre M.*** & M. L. L. R. Paris, 1750. = *P.i8.26 Boston Female Monitorial School. Report of the instructer. ist, 3d, 5th. Boston, 1826-38. = *4499a.35i Carre, Narcisse fipaminondas. Nouveau code des femmes. Manuel com- plet et raisonne de toutes les disposi- tions legislatives qui reglent les droits et devoirs de la femme. [Anon.] 3e edition. Paris, 1829. = *P.6i.i49 Courthope, William John. Ludibria lunse; or, the wars of the women and the gods. An allegorical burlesque. London, 1869. = *P.i9.i99 Echenique, Jose. Educacion de la mujer. Disertacion lite- raria. Cordoba. [1871.] 20 pp. = 5584.87 Hart, Lavinia. When a maid marries. Being discussion of certain vital problems in the home. New York, 1904. 5589.175 Niece, La, a mon oncle [pseud.]. L'ingenue, ou I'encensoir des dames. Geneve, 1770, = *P.i8.643 1904 477 Pilkington, Mary. Mentorial tales, for the instruction of young ladies just leaving school and entering upon the theatre of life. Phila- delphia, 1811. = *P.39.697 Public Documents. United States. Amendments to the navigation laws of 1903 — first supplement. Washington, 1904, 15 ff- = *9387.973aio The navigation laws of 1903 referred to are on shelf-number *9387. 973. 1893, part 2. Bill, A, to provide homes and employment for the homeless poor and make them self-sustaining home owners. [Wash- ington, 1900.1 5 pp. = *933i-9i73a2 Bill, A, to provide homes and employment for the homeless poor and make them self-sustaining house owners. May 23, 1900. [Washington? 1900.] 5 pp. = *933i.9i73a3 The original bill was introduced by Mr. Ridgely. United States bankruptcy law of 1898. [Bos- ton, 1898.] 24 pp. = 9347-773 Census Bureau. Report of the Director to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor concerning the administration of the permanent bureau. Washington, 1903. 27 pp. =z *93ii.973aii Congress. National Arbitration Tribunal. [Hearing before the] Committee on Education and Labor, United States Senate, April 7, 1904. [Washington, 1904.] 40 pp. = 7572.256 Department of Agriculture. Alfalfa and beef production in Argentina. By Frank W. Bicknell. Washington, 1904. 32 pp. Illus. Map. Plans. = *9338.i82aio Department of Commerce and Labor. Organization and law. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary. Wash- ington, 1904. Plates. =: 3654.22 Industrial Commission. Government ownership of telegraphs. Statement of Thos. F. Clark, March 14, 1901. • Washington, 1901. 37 pp. Map. Chart. = *9384.73a2 States. Territories. Accessions. Georgia. Corrected constitution & ordinances of the Convention. Compiled and pub- lished by C. J. Wellborn. Milledgeville, 1866. *9342.7582a7 Maine. State Board of Health. The Sanitary Inspector. A journal de- voted to personal and public hygiene. Vol. II (no. 4); 12 (no. 2-5, supple- ment); 13; 14 (no. 1-3); 15 (no. 1-3). [Augusta, 1898-1902.] = *96i4.074ia2 Issued irregularly. None published since vol. 15, no. 3, August, 1902. Massachusetts. Colony and Province. An act for apportioning and assessing the sum of seventy-five thousand pounds . . . also for assessing the Town of Rutland . . . [Boston, 1761.] II pp. **H.90.2i8 An act for the more speedy finishing of the Land Bank & manufactory scheme. [Boston, I743-] 4 PP- **H.90.2i7 An act in addition to and in explanation of sundry clauses of an act intitled An act to ascertain the value of money . . . [Boston, 1743.] 2 pp. **H.9o.2i4 Bureau of Statistics of Labor. [Account of the Bureau. Boston, 1904.] 50 pp. Plates. = *933i-0744a5 Published by the Board of Managers for Massa- chusetts of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Michigan. State of Michigan. General banking laws. 1903. With amendments. Compiled under the supervision of Fred M. Warner, Secretary of State. Lansing, 1903. 38 pp. = *9332.0774a3 Nevada. Board of Taxation Commissioners. Initial report of the Governor, Attorney- General and State Controller acting as a board of taxation commissioners. 1899-1900. Carson City, 1901. 18 pp. = *9336.793a5 New Hampshire. Manchester. Board of Health. Statement of mortality for the month, Dec, 1898; Jan., 1899; Jan.-Dec, 1900. [Manchester, 1898-1900.] 2 v. = *96i4.0742a6 New York. New York. Tenement House Department. Report, 1st. January i, 1902-July i, 1903. [New York, 1903.] Illus. Maps. = *557i-88 Wisconsin. State Board of Control of Wisconsin Re- formatory, Charitable and Penal Institutions. The laws of Wisconsin relating to the powers and duties of the State Board of Control and the several state insti- tutions under their supervision. Madi- son, 1894. = *936o.775 Foreign. Algeria. Travaux de la statistique demographique et medicale. La population europeenne en Algerie pendant I'annee 1884, 85. fitude sta- tistique . . . par le Dr. Rene Ricoux. Philippeville, 1885, 86. Tables. *93i6.5a3 478 December Canada. Parliament. Report of the Public Accounts Commit- tee in re certain expenditure for the Intercolonial Railway. Ottawa, 1902. = *9385.97ia4 Great Britain. [An act for continuing an act for en- couraging the growth of coffee in . . . America; and also for continuing . . . so much of an act as relates to the pre- miums upon the importation of masts . . . ] London, 1752. 4 pp. **H.90.266 [An act for continuing, explaining, and amending, the several acts . . . for the . . . encouragement of the whale fish- ery . . . ] London, 1755. 8 pp. **H.90.27i [An act for continuing several imposi- tions, and duties, to raise money by way of loan . . . ] London, 1709. 18 pp. **H.90.225 An act for continuing the liberty of ex- porting Irish linen cloth to the British plantations in America duty-free; and for . . , prosecuting such as shall un- lawfully export wooll and woollen man- ufactures from Ireland . . . ] London, 1717. 6 pp. **H.90.23o [An act for continuing the several laws . . . relating to the premiums upon the importation of masts . . . ; to British made sail cloth . . . ; to the . . . whale fishery . . . ] London, 1740. 6 pp. **H.90.254 [An act for encouragement of the silk manufactures of this Kingdom; and for taking off several duties on merchan- dizes exported, and for reducing the duties upon beaver skins . . . ] Lon- don, 1722. 16 pp. **H.90.232 [An act for encouraging the Greenland fishery.] London, 1732. 4 pp. **H.90.242 [An act for encouraging the growth ot coffee in His Majesty's Plantations in America.] London, 1732. 7 pp. **H.9o.243 [An act for encouraging the making of indico in the British plantations in America.] London, 1748. 4 pp. **H.90.262 [An act for encouraging the making of pott ashes and pearl ashes in . . . America. London, 1751. 7 pp. **H.90.265 [An act for extending the act . . . for amending . . . the laws relating to the government of His Majesty's ships . . . in North America.] London, 1756. 4 pp. **H.90.272 [An act for further continuing an act . . . for securing . . . the trade of Plis Maj- esty's Sugar Colonies in America, to indemnify Commissioners of the Land Tax . . . ] London, 1756. 6 pp. **H.90.273 [An act for granting a liberty to carry sugars of . . . His Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America, from the said colo- nies ... to foreign parts . . . ] Lon- don, 1739. 18 pp. **H.90.249 [An act for granting certain duties in the British Colonies and Plantations in America, for continuing . . . An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of His Majesty's sugar colonies in America . . . ] London, 1764. 26 pp. **H.90.223 [An act for granting liberty to carry rice from . . . Carolina ... to any part of Europe southward of Cape Finisterre . . . ] London, 1730. 8 pp. **H.90.238 [An act for importing from His Majesty's Plantations in America, directly into Ireland, goods not enumerated in any act of Parliament.] London, 1731. 4 pp. **H.9o.24o [An act for laying additional duties on hides . . . , and new duties on starch . . . ; and for the better securing the duties on candles . . . ] London, 1712. 75 pp. **H.90.227 [An act for naturalizing such foreign Protestants, and others therein men- tioned, as are settled, or shall settle in any of His Majesty's Colonies in Amer- ica.] London, 1739. 7 pp. **H.90.250 [An act for permitting tea to be exported to Ireland, and . . . America, without paying the inland duties charged there- upon . . . ] London, 1749. 11 pp. **H.90.263 [An act for reducing the number of di- rectors of the . . . Company . . . trad- ing to the South Seas . . . ] London, I7S3- 4 PP- **H.90.268 [An act for repealing the duty laid upon snuff . . . and for ascertaining the rates according to which the remaining duties are to be paid, and for giving further encouragement to the Greenland fish- ery.] London, 1726. 6 pp. **H.90.234 [An act for restraining and preventing several unwarrantable schemes and un- dertakings in , . . America.] London, 1741. 8 pp. **H.90.256 This act deals with stock companies, note issues, etc. [An act for surveying the chief ports and head lands on the coasts of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, and the islands and plantations thereto belonging, in order to the more exact determination of the longitude and latitude thereof.] Lon- don, 1741. 4 pp. **H.90.255 An act for the debarring of unlawful games. London, 1729. pp. **H.90.235 [An act for the encouraging and increas- ing of shipping and navigation.] Lon- don, 1739. 14 pp. **H.90.224 [An act for the further encouragement ... of the whale fishery . - . ', and for the naturalization of such foreign Prot- estants as shall serve ... on board . . . ships . . . fitted out for the said fish- ery.] London, 1749. 10 pp. **H.90.264 [An act for the further increase and en- couragement of shipping and naviga- tion.] London, 1787. 35 pp. **H.90.275 1904 479 [An act for the further preventing rob- bery, burglary, and other felonies, and for the more effectual transportation of felons and unlawful exporters of wooll; and for declaring the law upon some points relating to pirates.] London, 1718. 8 pp. **H.90.23i [An act for the more easy and effectual conviction of offenders found at large . . . after they have been ordered for transportation.] London, 1742. 4 pp. **H.90.258 [An act for the more easy recovery of debts in His Majesty's Plantations and Colonies in America.] London, 1732. 5 pp. **H.90.244 [An act for the more effectual collecting in Great Britain and Ireland, and other parts of His Majesty's dominions, the duties granted for the support of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich.] London, 1729. 14 pp. **H.90.236 [An act for the more effectual securing and encouraging the trade of His Maj- esty's British subjects to America, and for the encouragement of seamen to enter into His Majesty's service.] Lon- don, 1740. 15 pp. **H.90.252 [An act for the speedy and effectual re- cruiting of His Majesty's regiments of foot serving in Flanders . . . ] London, 1744. 22 pp. **H.90.259 [An act to continue an act . . . intituled. An act for granting liberty to carry rice from . . . Carolina ... to . . . Europe . . . and to extend that liberty to . . . Georgia.] London, 1735. 5 pp. **H.90.246 An act to continue several acts . . . for preventing frauds committed by bank- rupts; for encouraging the silk manu- factures . . . ; for preventing the clan- destine running of goods . . . [London. 1724?] 3 pp. **H.90.247 [An act to continue several laws for pro- hibiting the importation of books re- printed abroad . . . ; for preventing ex- actions of the occupiers of locks . . . ; and for better securing the lawful trade of His Majesty's subjects to and from the East Indies . . . ] London, 1747. 8 pp. **H.90.26i [An act to continue two . . . acts . . . ; one for encouraging the growth of cof- fee ... in America, and the other for . . . encouraging the trade of His Maj- esty's Sugar Colonies in America.] Lon- don, 1738. 4 pp. **H.90.248 [An act to enable His Majesty to grant commissions to a certain number of foreign Protestants who have served abroad as officers, or engineers, to act and rank as officers, or engineers, in America only. London, 1756. 4 pp. **H.90.267 [An act to explain an act . . . entituled An act for importing from . . . America directly into Ireland ... so far as the said act relates to the importation of foreign hops into Ireland.] London, 1732. 4 pp. **H.9o.24i [An act to extend the liberty ... of im- porting bar iron from . . . America . . . ] London, 1757. 4 pp. **H.90.274 [An act to impower the importers ... of rum or spirits of the British sugar plan- tations to land the same . . . ] Lon- don, 1742. 10 pp. **H.90.257 [An act to prevent paper bills of credit hereafter to be issued in any of His Majesty's Colonies or Plantations in America . . . ] London, 1764. 5 pp. **H.90.222 [An act to prevent the clandestine run- ning of goods, and the danger of infec- tion thereby; and to prevent ships breaking their quarantine; and to sub- ect copper ore ... to such regulations as other enumerated articles . . .] Lon- don, 1722. 19 pp. **H.90.233 [An act to prevent the return of . . . rebels and traitors concerned in the late rebellion.] London, 1747. 6 pp. **H.90.26o [An act to prevent the stealing of linen, fustian, and cotton goods and' wares, from fields, grounds, and other places, used for whitening, bleaching, or dry- ing the same.] London, 1731. 521-524 pp. **H.90.239 [An act to prohibit . . . the exportation of corn, grain . . . ] London, 1740. II pp. **H.9o.25i [An act to revive several acts for the pun- ishment of persons destroying turnpikes or locks . . . and to continue several acts relating to rice, to frauds in the customs . . . and to copper ore of the British plantations; and for extending the liberty . . . for carrying sugar of the . . . British Sugar Colonies . . . and for the more effectual preventing the cutting of star or bent] London, 1742. 9 pp. **H.90.253 [An act to revive the laws therein men- tioned, relating to the importation of foreign brandy, and other waters and spirits; for importation of cochineal; to continue several acts for preventing ■ frauds in the customs; for incourage- ment of the silk manufactures . . . ] London, 1729. 20 pp. **H.90.237 The Parliament doth declare, that the recognition of the government by the members of this Parliament . , . doth not comprehend . . . the whole govern- ment . . . Septemb. 14. 1654 • • • Lon- don, 1654. **H.90.22I Italy. Ministero delle finanze. Commissione censuaria centrale. Relazione della sotto-commissione in- caricata di esaminare le tariffe d'es- timo della provincie di Cremona. Roma, 1900. Map. = *9336.2045a.6 Relazione della sotto-commissione in- caricata di esaminare le tariffe d'es- timo delle provincie di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Roma, 1902. Maps. — *9336.2045a9 48o Deceml^er Mexico. Comision monetaria. Datos complementarios para el estudio de la cuestion monetaria en Mexico. Mexico, 1903. Tables. = *9336.72ai3 Datos par el estudio de la cuestion monetaria en Mexico is on shelf-number *9336.72ai2. Datos sobre rentas de fincas urbanas en la ciudad de Mexico. Mexico, 1903. = *9336.72a20 Estadistica bancaria. Mexico, 1903. Dia- grams. = *9332.072 Ministerio de fomento. Direccion general de estadistica. Cuadro sinoptico y estadistico de la Republica Mexicana. Ano de 1900. Mexico, 1901. = *93i7.2a6 New Zealand. Parliament. Parliamentary debates. Session 1901. Legislative Council and House of Rep- resentatives. Nos. 1-9, 11-17, 19-38. Wellington, 1901. 4 v. = *7040.87 List of Books and Magazine Articles on American Engraving, Etching, and Lithography. Published on the occasion of an Exhibition of Early American Engravings at the Museum of Fine Arts. Allen, Charles Dexter. American book-plates. New York, 1894. Illtis. Plates. *6ii4.59 A classified list of early American book- plates. New York, 1894. Plates. *6ii9.59 American Art. A monthly magazine, de- voted to the fine arts, graphic and ap- plied. Vol. I. Boston, 1887. Illus. Plates. *4070.207 American pioneer wood-engraver [Dr. Alex- ander Anderson]. (American Historical Record. 2:201-205. May, 1873- IHus.) Per. Room American wood-engraving. (Engraver and Printer. 5:67-72. May, 1894; 6:1-7. July, 1894 ) *407i.250.5, 6 American wood-engravings. Favorable Eng- lish criticisms. (New York Times. Nov. 17, 1879. P. 5, col. I.) N.R.2250.1 Anderson, Alexander. A brief catalogue of books illustrated by Dr. Alexander Anderson. With a bio- graphical sketch of the artist. New York, 1885. *8o64.i24 [Sketch.] (Harper's Weekly. 14:84-86. Feb. 5, 1870. Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Andrews, William Loring. Early American copperplate engraving. [The work of J. Norman and Amos Doolittle.] (Book Buyer. 15:652-658. Jan., 1898. Illus.) Per. Room An essay on the portraiture of the Amer- ican Revolutionary War. New York, 1896. Portraits. Plates. *8o63.i26 Paul Revere and his engraving. New York, 1901. Plates. *8o63.73 Same. (Scribner's. 30:333-343. Sept., 1901. Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room A prospect of the colledges in Cambridge in New England. Engraved by Wm. Burgis in 1726. New York, 1897. *4483.2i7 Angier, Minna. Three quarters of the nineteenth century. Review of John Sartain's Reminiscences of a very old man. (Dial. 27:359-362, Nov. 16, 1899.) Per. Room Anthony, Andrew Varick Stout. Views on engraving in "Symposium." (Harper's Monthly. 60:443-445. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Armstrong, Regina. Charles Burt. (Critic. sS-.sssssS- Apr., 1901. Illus.) Per. Room Art of wood-engraving. (Harper's Monthly. 60:939-940. May, 1880.) Per. Room Art Review, The; a record of art-progress in America. [Vol. i.] New York, 1870. Illus. *5290.5 Austin, George Lowell. With acid and needle. (Galaxy. 18:639, 768. Nov., Dec, 1874.) Per. Room Baker, William Spohn. American engravers and their works. Philadelphia, 1875. 4078.75 The engraved portraits of Washington: Philadelphia, 1880. ^4074.81 Bale, Edwin I. Timothy Cole and American wood-en- graving. (Magazine of Art. 16:138-139. 1893.) *4072.220.l6 Barnet, Harry V. Linton on wood engraving. Review of history of wood-engraving in America. (Magazine of Art. 8:127-132. 1885. Illus.) *4072.220.i8 Benjamin, Samuel Green W. Our American artists. [A. V. S. Anthony, engraver. Pp. 58-63.] Boston, 1879. *4074.85.i Benson, Frances M. The Moran family. (Quarterly Illustrator. 1 :67-84. April, 1893. Illus.) Per. Room Boston Art Club. Report of the proceedings at the memo- rial meeting in honor of the late Joseph Andrews [engraver] held at the rooms of the Club, May 17, 1873. *2346.57 Bowdoin, William Goodrich. James McNeill Whistler: the man and his work. New York, 1901. Portraits. Plates. 4083.82=4083.83 Burr, Frederic Martin. Life and work of Alexander Anderson, 482 December the first American wood engraver. New York, 1893. *8o6i.i20 Burt, Charles. The Burt engravings [at New York Pub- lic Library]. (Bookman. 13:108-110. April, 1901. Illus.) Per. Room Caffin, Charles H. American wood-engraving. [Exhibition at Lenox Library, N. Y.] (International Studio. i8:xcix-cii. Supplement, Nov., 1902.) *407i.226.i8 Carr, J. Comyns. Book illustration, old and new. (Journal of the Society of Arts. 30:1035, 1045, 1055. Oct. 13, 20, 27, 1882.) *40i2.375.3o Gravure sur bois en Amerique. (L'Art. 24:3-11. 1881. Illus.) *4o6i.20i.24 Century Gallery. A collection of sixty-four of the best engravings that have ap- peared in the Century and St. Nicholas for the last ten years. 1893. *8o70.i89 Century Gallery. Selected proofs from the "Century" and "St. Nicholas." Review. (Nation. 57:434-435- Dec. 7, 1893.) Per. Room Chapin, Willis O. Masters and masterpieces of engraving. New York, 1894. Illus. 8061.125 Masters and masterpieces of engraving. Review. (Nation. 57:492-493. Dec. 28, 1893.) Per. Room Cheney, Ednah Dow. Memoir of John Cheney, engraver. Bos- ton, 1889. 4344-137 .Memoir of Seth W. Cheney, artist. Bos- ton, 1881. *2343.6o Chew, Beverley. William Marshall. (Book Buyer. 19: 265, 572. Nov., 1899, Jan., 1900. Illus. Por- trait.) Per. Room Club of Odd Volumes, Boston. Catalogue of an exhibition of mezzotinto portraits, April 6-20. Boston, 1892. *8o78.i3i Cole, Timothy. Mr. Linton's work. (Harper's Monthly. 60:445-446. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Old English masters. Review. (Nation. 75:424. Nov. 27, 1902.) Per. Room Old Italian masters. Review. (Literary World. 23:434-435. [Boston.] Dec. 3, 1892.) Per. Room Views on engraving. (Harper's Monthly. 60:445-446. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Conant, Samuel Stillman. Progress of the fine arts. (First Century of the Republic. Pp. 399-415. New York, 1876.) 23203.58 Conway, W. Martin. A review of George E. Woodberry's His- tory of wood-engraving. (Academy. 23:226-227. Mar. 31, 1883.) Per. Room Cortissoz, Royal. New aspects of art. Review of Timothy Cole's Old English masters. (Atlantic. 91:833-834. June, 1903.) Per. Room Cox, Kenyon. Timothy Cole's Old Italian masters. Re- view. (Nation. 55:379-380. Nov. 17, 1892.) Per. Room Curtis, Atherton. Some masters of lithography. New York, 1897. Plates. *8o6o.i22 Darley, Felix Octavius Carr. [Sketch.] (American Architect. 23:177- 178. April 14, 1888.) *4097.205.23 Davis, Andrew McFarland. Illustrations, prepared for a forthcoming treatise on currency and banking in the Province of Massachusetts Bay. [Cam- bridge, 1901.] Plates. *9332.5ai4 Davis, John P. The new school of engraving. (Century. New series. 16:587-589. Aug., 1889. Illus.) Per. Room Views on wood-engraving in "Sympo- sium." (Harper's Monthly. 60: 446- 447. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Deane, Charles. Remarks on Hubbard's map of New Eng- land. Cambridge, 1888. 2321.23 Designers on wood. Note on engraver's art. (Scribner's. 20:125-127. July, 1896.) Per. Room Desultory thoughts on wood-engraving and wood-cut printing. (Knickerbocker Magazine. 41:51-57. Jan., 1853.) Per. Room Development of wood-engraving as shown in Harper's Magazine. (Harper's Monthly. 63:789-790. Oct., 1881 ; 64: 788-789. April, 1882.) Per. Room De Vinne, Theodore. Growth of wood-cut printing. (Scribner's Monthly. 20:34-35- May, 1880. Illus.) Per. Room Dickinson, C. W. Copper, steel, and bank-note engraving. (Popular Science Monthly. 46:597-6i3- Mar., 1895. Illus.) Per. Room Downes, William Howe. Book-plates selected from the works of Edmund H. Garrett and a notice of them by William Howe Downes. Bos- ton, 1904. Plates. Portraits. *6ii4.95 Dunlap, William. History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States. New York, 1834. 2 V. *4o63.47 Durand, John. The life and times of A. B. Durand. New York, 1894. Portraits. Plates. *4o82.88 Engraving on wood. Reply to Mr. Linton's article in the Atlantic for June, 1879. (Scribner's Monthly. 18:456-457- July, 1879.) Per. Room Everett, Morris T. Etchings of Mrs. Moran. (Brush and Pencil. 8:3-16. April, 1901. Illus. Por- trait.) *4072.258.8 Revival of interest in etchmg. (Brush and Pencil. 8:233-246. Aug., 1901. Illus.) *4072.258.8 Exhibition of American wood-engravmg [at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1881]. (Century. New series. 1:621. Feb., 1882.) Per. Room Fairbanks, CM. Illustration and our illustrators. (Chau- tauquan. 13:597-601. Aug., 1891.) Per. Room 1904 483 Fielding, Mantle. The engraved works of David Edwin [not mentioned in Mr. Hildeburn's list]. (Pennsylvania Magazine. Vol. 28, pp. 420-427. October, 1904.) Per. Room Fincham, Henry Walter. Artists and engravers of British and American book plates. New York, 1897. Illus. Plates. *4o8i.65 Fitz Gerald, Charles. Senefelder's art. Review of Joseph and Elizabeth Robins Pennell's "Lithog- raphy and lithographers." (Book Buyer. 18:208-210. April, 1899. Illus.) Per. Room Fraser, W. Lewis. A word about the Century's pictures. New developments in wood-engraving and other methods. (Century. New series. 27:478-479. Jan., 1895.) Per. Room French, Frank. [Sketch.] (Scribner's. 17:689-691. June, 1895. Illus.) Per. Room Wood-engravers in camp. (Century. New series. 16:569-575. Aug., 1889. Illus.) Per. Room Gardner, W. Biscombe. Wood-engraving as compared with other reproductive arts and its future as a fine art. (Journal of the Society of Arts. 44:611-618. June 5, 1896.) *40i2.375.44 Same. (Scientific x\merican Supplement. 42:17200-17201. Aug. 15, 1896.) *40i2.36i.42 Goss, Elbridge Henry. The life of Colonel Paul Revere. With portraits, illustrations, fac-similes, etc. Boston, 1891. 2 V. *4345.i48=::*434i.i23 Green, Samuel Abbott. . Blodget's plan of the battle on the shores of Lake George, 8 Sept., 1755. With a fac-simile of the plan. Cambridge, 1890. *44i7.i22 The earliest print of Harvard College [1726]. Fac-simile. (In Ten fac-simile reproductions. Boston, 1901.) *Cab.2i.24.3 Hubbard's map of New England. En- graved probably by John Foster, the first printer of Boston. Cambridge, 1888. Fac-similes. *G.365.94 Same. (In Ten fac-simile reproductions. Boston, 1901.) *Cab.2i.24.3 [Notice of Bernard Romans.] (In Ten fac-simile reproductions. Boston, 1903.) *2350.48 Remarks on an original portrait of Rev. Increase Mather, D.D., and on some of the engravings taken from it. Cam- bridge, 1893. 4443.161 Remarks on the Boston Magazine, The Geographical Gazetteer of Massachu- setts, and John Norman, engraver, Cambridge, 1904. 6198.70 Some engraved portraits of the Mather family. Portraits, (In Ten fac-simile reproductions. Boston, 1903.) *2350.48 Grolier Club, New York. Catalogue of an exhibition illustrative of a centenary of artistic lithography. New York, 1896. 8077.38 Catalogue of plans and views of New York City from 1651 to i860, exhibited . . . 1897. [New York, 1897.] 80793.214 Catalogue of the engraved work of Asher B. Durand, exhibited April, 1895. [New York, 1895.] *4o89.45 Exhibition of engraved portraits of Wash- ington, commemorative of the centenary of his death. [New York, 1900.] 80793.230 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The art of the American wood-engraver. New York, 1894. 2 v. Plates. *8o70.8i Hart, Charles Henry. Catalogue of the engraved portraits of Washington, New York, 1904. Por- traits. [Grolier Club.] *8o7i.74 Some notes concerning John Norman, en- graver. Cambridge, 1904. 4086.122 Haseltine, John W. Description of the paper money issued by the Continental (Congress of the United States and the several colonies. Phila- |delphia, 1872. Illus. '2223.50 Hendrick, Burton J. William James Linton. (New England Magazine. New series. 18:139-157, April, 1898. Illus.) Per. Room Hickcox, John H. A history of the bills of credit or paper money issued by New York, from 1709 to 1789. Albany, 1866. 4501.3 Hildeburn, Charles R. A contribution to a catalogue of the en- graved works of David Edwin. (Penn- sylvania Magazine. 18:97,223. 1894.) Per. Room Hitchcock, Ripley. Stephen Parrish. (Art Review. 1:4-5. Dec, 1886.) *4o6i.242.i Hobbs, William Herbert. Art as the handmaid of literature. (Forum, 31:370-382. May, 1901.) Per. Room Hoeber, Arthur. A century of American illustration. (Book- man. 8:213, 317, 429, 540. Nov. to Feb., 1898. Illus.) Per. Room Kurd, Charles Edwin, Art in book illustration. (New England Magazine. 4:37-47- Jan., 1886; 5:95- 105. Dec, 1886. Illus.) Per. Room Hurd, Nathaniel. [Sketch.] (New England Magazine. [Buckingham's.] 3:1-7. July, 1832. Por- trait.) Per. Room Juengling, Frederick. Views on wood-engraving in "Symposium." (Harper's Monthly. 60:447-450. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Keppel, Frederick. (Golden age of engraving. (Harper's Monthly. 57:321-336. Aug., 1878. Illus.) Per. Room King, Francis Scott. [Sketch.] (Scribner's. 17:291-292. Mar., 1895. Illus.) Per. Room Kingsley, Elbridge. Originality in wood-engraving. (Century, New series. 16:576-583. Aug., 1889. Per. Room 484 December [Sketch.] (Scribner's. 18:32-34. July, 1895. Illus.) Per. Room Wood-engraving direct from nature. (Century. New series. 3:49. Nov., 1882. Plate.) Per. Room Kitton, FredericK" G. William James Linton, engraver, poet, and political writer. (English Illus- trated Magazine. 8:491-500. April, 1891. Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Knight, Edward H. Engraving during the first century of the Republic. (Harper's Monthly. 50:535- 538. Mar., 1875.) Per. Room Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. American art. Illustrated by twenty-five plates, executed by the best American etchers and wood engravers, from paint- ings selected from public and private collections. New York. [1886.] *4070.32 American wood-engraving. [Notes on exhibition at Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1881.] (Boston Advertiser. Oct. 10, 1881, p. 4, col. 3; Oct. 29, 1881, p. 4, col. 5.) *N.R.io.i Bacher, Otto H. (American Art Review. 2, part 1 :5i-52. 1881. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Bellows, Albert F. (American Art Re- view. 1 :293. 1884. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Bibliographical memoir of the late Joseph Andrews, engraver. [Boston, 1873.] *4444.35i Brennan, Alfred. (American Art Review. 1:330. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Brown, George Lowing. (American Art Review. 2, part 2:192. 1881.) *4o6o.204.2 Catalogue of the engraved and litho- graphed work of John Cheney and Seth Wells Cheney. Boston, 1891. *8o73.i2o Chase, William M. (American Art Re- view. 2, part 1:143. 1881.) *4o6o.204.2 Church, Frederick S. (American Art Re- view. 2, part 1:143-144. 1881. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Cole, J. Foxcroft. (American Art Re- view. 1:191. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Colman, Samuel. (American Art Review. 1:387-388. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Falconer, J. M. (American Art Review. 1:190-191, 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Farrer, Henry. (American Art Review. 1:55-56. 1879. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Ferris, Stephen J. (American Art Re- view. 1:104. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Garrett, Edmund H. (American Art Re- view. 2, part 2:103. 1881. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Gifford, Robert Swain. (American Art Review. 1:5, 417. 1879-1880, Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Greatorex, Mrs. Eliza. (American Art Review. 2, part 2:12. 1881. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Hill, J. Henry. (American Art Review. 1 :429-430. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Juengling, Frederick, und der moderne Holzstich. (Zeitschrift fiir bildende Kunst. Neue Folge. 2:81, 112. 1891. Illus.) *8o65.22i Kimball, C. F. (American Art Review. 2, part 1:244. 1881. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Merritt, Anna Lea. (American Art Re- view. 1:229-230. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Miller, Charles H. (American Art Re- view, 2, part 1:102. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Mitchell, John Ames. (American Art Re- view. 2, part 2:57-58. 1881. Plate.) ^4060.204.2 Moran, Mrs. Mary Nimms. (American Art Review. 2, part 1:183. 1881. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Moran, Peter. (American Art Review. 1:149-151. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Moran, Thomas. (American Art Review. 1:151. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i New school of wood-engraving. (Art Re- view. 2:76-81. Dec, 1887.) *4o6i.242.2 Parrish, Stephen. (American Art Review. 2, part 1:5-6. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Piatt, Charles Adams. (American Art Review. 2, part 2:150. 1881. Plate.) *4o6o.204.2 Reviews of Portfolio of proof impressions selected from Scribner's and St. Nicho- las. _ 1st and 2d series. (American Art Review. 1:124. 1880; 2, part 1:159-160. 1881.) *4o6o.204.i Smillie, James D. (American Art Review, 1:524-525. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204.i Twenty American etchings original and reproductive . . . Troy, 1887. *Cab.8o.96.4 Van Elten, Kruseman. (American Art Review. 1:475-476. 1880. Plate.) *4o6o.204,i Kruell's portraits. (Nation. 50:80. Jan, 23, 1890.) Per. Room Laffan, William M. Engravings on wood, by members of the Society of American wood-engravers. With an introduction and descriptive text by W. M. Laffan. New York, 1887. *Cab.8o.76.3 Engravings on wood. Reviews. (Chris- tian Union. 36:676. Dec. 15, 1887; Critic. New series. 8:297. Dec, 10, 1887; Na- tion. 45:462. Dec. 8, 1887.) Per. Room Lichtenstein, Richard C, Brief notices of the early American en- gravers, (New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 40:204-205. April, 1886.) Bates Hall Ref. Early New England and New York her- aldic book plates. (New England His- torical and Genealogical Register, 40: 295-299. July, 1886. Plates.) Bates Hall Ref. Same. Boston, 1886. 6111.37 Early Southern heraldic bookplates. (New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 41 :296-297. July, 1887.) Bates Hall Ref. Linton, William James. Adams, Joseph Alexander. (American Art Review, i :238-242. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Anderson, Alexander, (American Art Re- view. 1:182-189. 1880. Illus. Portrait.) *4o6o.204.i 1904 485 Art in engraving on wood. (Atlantic. 43: 705-715. June, 1879.) Per. Room Barber, John W. (American Art Review. 1:237-238. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Bowen, Abel. (American Art Review. 1:236-237. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Childs, Benjamin F. (American Art Re- view. 1:290-291. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Cole, Timothy. (American Art Review. 1:469-471. 1880. Plates.) *4o6o.204.i Dearborn, Nathaniel. (American Art Re- view. 1:236. 1880.) *4o6o.204.i The engraver: his function and status. Scribner's. 16:237-242. June, 1878.) Per. Room Engraving in wood; old and new. (Jour- nal of the Society of Arts. 37:676-682. July 5, 1889; 38:487-492. April 4, 1890.) *40i2.375.37, 38 Same. (American Architect. 28:135-138. May 31, 1890.) *4097.205.28 Hall, John H. (American Art Review. 1:283-284. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i History of wood-engraving in America Boston, 1882. Plates. *4o8o.35 Same. (American Art Review. i:i8i, 236, 283, 331, 374, 431, 469, 515- 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Reviews. (Academy. 24:50-51. July 21, 1883; Atlantic. 51:260-262. Feb., 1883; Critic. 3:10-11. Jan. 13, 1883; Century. New series. 3:626-627. Feb., 1883; Graphic. 27:344-346. Mar. 31, 1883; Saturday Review. 54;829-830. Dec. 23, 1882; Athenaeum. 1883-1:159-160. Feb. 3, 1883.) Per. Room Review. (American Architect. 13:92. Feb. 24, 1883.) *4097.205.i3 Juengling, Frederick. (American Art Re- view. 1 :47i-472. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Kruell, Gustav. (American Art Review. 1 :473-474. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Lansing, Garrett. (American Art Review. 1 :236. 1880.) *4o6o.204.i The masters of wood-engraving. New Haven, 1889. Portraits. Plates. *Cab.8o.87.5 Masters of wood-engraving. Reviews. (Nation. 54:491-492. June 30, 1892.) Per. Room Same. (Art Journal. 45:293-297. Oct., 1893. Illus. Portrait.) *4072.205.45 Same. (Library. 1:52-55. Feb., 1889.) *2i47.65.i Some practical hints on wood-engraving. Reviews. (American Art Review, i: 123-124. 1880.) *4o6o.204.i Same. (Scribner's. 19-792-794. Mar., 1880.) Per. Room Whitney, Elias J. (American Art Re- view. 1:291. 1880. Illus.) *4o6o.204.i Lithography. (Analectic Magazine. 14:67- 73. July, 1819. Plate.) Per. Room Same. (Boston Monthly. 1:378-384. Dec, 1825. Plate.) *5i46.2.i Same. (United States Literary Gazette. 4:224-227. June 15, 1826.) *3i83.2.4 Lossing, Benson John. Alexander Anderson. (Art Journal. 10: 271-272. Sept, 1858. Illus. Portrait.) *4072.205.io Graphic art. (Scribner's. 4:398-414. Aug., 1872. Illus.) Per. Room Memorial of Alexander Anderson, the first engraver on wood in America. New York, 1872. Plates. *4o62.20 Low, Will H. Lithography as an artistic medium. Re- view of Atherton Curtis's "Some mas- ters of lithography." (Book Buyer. 14: 376-380. May, 1897. Plate.) Per. Room Miller, William. [Sketch.] (Scribner's. 18:525. Oct., 1895.) Per. Room Modern wood-engraving. (Nation. 50:189. Feb. 27, 1890.) Per. Room Morton, Frederick W. Thomas Moran, painter-etcher. (Brush and Pencil. 7:1-16. Oct., 1900. Illus. Portrait.) *4072. 258.7 Whistler, the etcher. (Brush and Pencil. 12. August, 1903. Illus.) *4072.258.i2 Same. 8071.78 Mueller, Richard A. Views on engraving in "Symposium." (Harper's Monthly. 60:450-451. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Catalogue of a loan exhibition of book- plates . . . held by the Club of Odd Volumes. Boston, 1898. Plates. 8o79a.202 Exhibition of American engravings on wood. Boston, 1881. No. 11 in *8o79a.68 Exhibition of American etchings. 2d edi- tion. Boston, 1881. No. 10 in *8o79a.68 Exhibition of the Society of American wood-engravers. Boston, 1890. *8o79.i05 Exhibition of the work of women etchers of America. Boston, 1887. 8079.147 Exhibition of the works of John Cheney and Seth Wells Cheney. Boston, 1893. 8079.177 Summer exhibition 1897: wood-engrav- ings, dry-points, aquatints, mezzotints, stipples, and line-engravings, by Amer- ican artists. [Boston, 1897.] *8o79a.20i Norton, Charles Eliot. Mr. Cole's woodcuts in the Century. (Na- tion. 48:267. Mar. 28, 1889.) Per. Room Outlook for wood-engraving. (Century. New series. 18:312-313. June, 1890.) Per. Room Our best illustrators. The great progress made in pictorial work. (New York Times. Nov. 7, 1880. P. 5, col. 3.) N.R.2250.1 Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. An English estimate of American illustra- tion. A criticism of Mr. Linton's lecture before the Society of Arts at London, 1889. (Nation. 48:300-302. April 11, 1889.) Per. Room See reply in Nation, 48: 325-326. Apr., 18, 1889. 486 December Pennell, Joseph. [Sketch.] (Brush and Pencil. 8:72-76. May, 1901. Ilhis.) *4072.258.8 True condition of wood-engraving in England and America. A reply to Mr. Spielmann's article in National Review of March. (National Review. 25:343- 350. May, 1895.) Per. Room Pennell, Joseph, and Elizabeth Robins Pen- nell. Lithography and lithographers. New York, 1898. Illus. *8o6o.i33 Perkins, Jacob. The permanent stereotype steel plate. [Newburyport.] 1806. *9332.973 Phillips, Henry, Jr. Historical sketches of the paper currency of the American colonies, prior to the adoption of the federal constitution. Roxbury, 1865, 66. 2 v. *450i.4 Potter, Elisha Reynolds, and Sidney Smith Rider. Some account of the bills of credit or paper money of Rhode Island from the first issue in 1710 to the final issue, 1786. Providence, 1880. Illus. *4438.i58 Purdy, Theodore. Wildness of the waves. [The work of Reginald Cleveland Coxe.] (Monthly Illustrator. 5:183-186. Aug., 1895. Illus.) Per. Room Pyle, Howard. American wood-engraving of the present. (Book Buyer. 4:394-396. Dec, 1887. Plate.) Per. Room Revere, Paul. [Sketch.] (New England Magazine. [Buckingham's.] 3 •305-314- Oct., 1832. Portrait.) Per. Room Sartain, John. Engraving. (Journal of Franklin Insti- tute. 109:245-265. April, 1880.) Pat. Room Reminiscences of a very old man. 1808- 1897. New York, 1899. Illus. *4o84.55 John Sartain and his portrait. (Eclectic Magazine. 53:138-139. May, 1861. Plate. Portrait.) Per. Room Scanlan, Michael. Wood-engraving and early printing. (Catholic World. 34:803-818. Mar., 1882.) Per. Room Sheldon, G. W. A symposium of wood-engravers. [Tes- timony to American superiority in the art from A. V. S. Anthony, Thomas Cole, John P. Davis, Frederick Jueng- ling, Richard A. Miiller, John Tinkey, Henry Wolf.] (Harper's Monthly. 60: 442-453. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Smillie, James D. Etching and painter-etching. (Quarterly Illustrator. 2:260-263. July, 1894. Illus.) Per. Room Smith, F. Hopkinson. American illustrators. Plates. *Cab.8o.30.3 Soissons, S. C. de. Exhibition of wood-engraving at Boston Museum of Fine Arts. (Boston Even- ing Transcript. Nov. 15, 1890. P. 12, col. 2.) *N.R.26o.i Spielmann, M. H. The present condition of wood-engraving in England and America. (National Review. 25:48-58. Mar., 1895.) Per. Room Timothy Cole's engravings in the Century. (National Review. 25:53-58. Mar., 1895.) Per. Room Steel engraving — America's invention. (North American Review. 49:130-132. July, 1839.) Per. Room Part of an article on Engraving in general. Stillman, William James. Cole and his work [for the Century]. (Century. New series. 15:57-59. Nov., 1888.) Per. Robm M. Hebert's opinion of Cole's engravings for the Century. (Nation. 48:425. May 23, 1889.) Per. Room Timothy Cole's engravings [for the Cen- tury]. (Nation. 54:168. Mar. 3, 1892.) Per. Room Wood engraving vs. "process." Note on Cole's work in the Century for April, 1899. (Nation. 68:375-376. May 18, 1899.) Per. Room Stoddard, Richard Henry. Felix O. C. Darley. (National Magazine. 9:193-197. Sept., 1856. Portrait. 7222.1.9 John Sartain. (Book Buyer. . Dec, 1899. Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Sturgis, Russell. Avery collection of modern prints recently given to the New York Public Library. (Scribner's. 31:253-256. Feb., 1902.) Per. Room New York Public Library exhibition of American wood-engravings. (Scrib- ner's. 33:125-128. Jan., 1903.) Per. Room Symonds, John Addington. Review of Timothy Cole's "Old Italian masters." (New Review. 8:497-503. May, 1895.) Per. Room Tappan, Robert Noxon. 1795-1895. A hundred years of bank note engraving in the United States. New York, 1896. 3644-156 Tinkey, John. Views on engraving in "Symposium." (Harper's Monthly. 60:451-453. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Towle Manufacturing Company. An outline of the life and works of Col. Paul Revere. Newburyport. [i90i-] Illus. 4024.41 Tracy, Marguerite. In the paths of the poets. [Sketch of A. C. Howland.] (Monthly Illustrator. 3: 230-233. Feb., 1895. Illus.) Per. Room Trumble, Alfred. Etching in America, the false gospel and the true. (Art Review. 2:26-31. Sept., 1887.) *406l.242.2 A painter of the beautiful [Frederick Diel- man]. (Monthly Illustrator. 5:131-137. Aug., 1895. Illus.) Per. Room Van Rensselaer, M. G. American etchers. (Century. New series. 3:483-499. Feb., 1883. Illus.) Per. Room 1904 48; Etching. Review of S. R. Koehler's "Etching." (American Architect. 19: 44-45. Jan. 23, 1886.) *4097.205.i9 Wood-engraving and the Century prizes. (Century. New series. 2:230-239. June, 1882. Illus.) Per.Room Warner, Charles Dudley. Reaction in wood engraving. (Art Inter- change. 5:133. Dec. 22, 1880.) *4o6i.230.5 Wedmore, Frederick. Whistler's etchings. A study and a cata- logue. London, 1886. *8o86.65 Weitenkampf, Frank. Evolution of steel engraving in America. [Work of James D, Smillie.] (Book Buyer. 23:93-95. Sept., 1901. Illus.) Per. Room Painter-lithography in the United States. (Scribner's. 33:537-550. May, 1903. Illus.) Per. Room Wellstood, James. [Obituary notice.] (American Art Re- view. 1:271. 1880.) *4o6o.204.i Whistler, James Abbott McNeill. Mr. Whistler's lithographs. The catalogue compiled by Thomas R. Way. London, 1896. Plate. *8o86.88 White, Frank Linston. Fifty years of book illustration in the United States. (Independent. 44:80, 119. Jan. 21, 28, 1892.) N.R.713.1 Whitmore, William Henry. Abel Bowen, engraver. Boston, 1884. 4445.230=*4454.48 Notes concerning Peter Pelham, the earli- est artist resident in New England, and his successors prior to the Revolution. Cambridge, 1867. 4074-59 Whitney, J. H. E. My experience as a wood-engraver. (Lip- pincott. 40:592-598. Oct., 1887.) Per. Room Wolf, Henry. [Sketch.] (Scribner's. 17:20-22. Jan., 1895. Illus. Portrait.) Per. Room Views on engraving in "Symposium." (Harper's Monthly. 60:453. Feb., 1880.) Per. Room Wood-engraving. Reply to a letter con- cerning the Century woodcuts. (Cen- tury. New series. 35:474-475. Jan., 1899.) Per. Room Wood-engraving. A review of Mr. Linton's article in the Atlantic for June, 1879, and of the Scribner's Monthly's edito- rial of July, 1879. (Nation. 29:14-15, July 3, 1879.) Per. Room See Mr. Linton's reply in Nation. 29:39. July 17, 1879. Wood-engraving and the Scribner prizes. (Scribner's. 21:937-945. April, 1881. Illus.) Per. Room Wood-engraving in America. [Article on early American work with a fac-simile of a portrait of Washington engraved in relief on type-metal, from Noah Web- ster's spelling book, 14th edition, 1791.] (American Historical Record. 1:152- 153. April, 1872.) Per.Room Wood engravings as works of art. (Nation. 26:218. Mar. 28, 1878.) Per.Room Woodberry, George E. History of wood-engraving. [Wood-en- graving in America, Pp. 171-209.] New York, 1883. Illus. 4066.45 Same. (Harper's Monthly. 64:705-716. April, 1882. Illus.; 65:257-266. July, 1882. Illus.) Per. Room Reviews. (Atlantic. 51:697-699. May, 1883; Christian Union. 27:118-119. Feb. 8, 1883; Nation. 35:511-512. Dec. 14, 1882.) Per. Room FREE PUBLIC LECTURES IN THE CITY OF BOSTON TO BE GIVEN IN THE LOWELL INSTITUTE. (Founded in 1836 by John Lowell, Jr., and Established in 1830.) Programme for 1904-1905. The Trustee of the Lowell Institute under the will of John Lowell, Jr., maintains annually in the City of Boston various Courses of Free Public Lectures. For the present — the sixty-sixth — season, four distinct Series are provided to all of which Admission is Free (but only under certain conditions), as follows: — I. Public Lectures, — in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston Street. II. School for Industrial Foremen, — under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. III. Teachers' School of Science, — under the Auspices of the Bos- ton Society of Natural History. IV. Courses for Workingmen, — under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. Further information in regard to the several Courses is given below. A. Lawrence Lowell, Trustee. W. T. Sedgwick, Curator. 1. PUBLIC LECTURES IN HUNTING- TON HALL. Lowell Institute Lectures, open to the public, will be given this year, as in recent years, in Huntington Hall, Rogers Building, 491 Boylston Street, Boston. The several Courses will be announced in advance, with full particulars, in the Monthly Bulletin of the Boston Public Library and in the adver- tising columns of the Boston Evening Tran- script. Admission to all Lectures of the Lowell Institute is Free, but only by ticket and under certain conditions. The number of tickets is limited by the capacity of the Hall. Method of Ticket Distribution. For instructions for securing tickets see October or November Bulletin. Lectures in the Fifth Course, by Ettore Pais, Professor of Ancient History and Classical Antiquities in the University of Naples, and Member of the Academy of Sciences of Rome, on Legends of Early Roman History, will be given on Mondays and Thursdays, Dec. i, 5, and 8, at 8 p. m. The Seventh Course will be eight lectures by Paul Milyoukov, Magister of Russian History, late Privat-Docent at the Univer- sity of AIoscow and Professor at the Uni- versity of Sofia, etc., on The Russian Crisis. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., beginning Tuesday, November 29. The Eighth Course will be eight lectures by Thomas R. Lounsbury, LL.D., L.H.D., Professor of English in Y^le University, on English Literature in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Friday evenings (only) at 8 o'clock, be- ginning Friday, January 6. The Ninth Course will be eight lectures by William T. Sedgwick, Ph.D., Professor I904 489 of Biology and Director of the Sanitary Re- search Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on The Sanitation of Cities and Towns. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Monday, January 9. The Tenth Course will be eight lectures by George F. Moore, D.D., LL.D., Professor |n Harvard University, on Judaism at the Beginning of the Christian Era. Mondays and Thursdays at 8 p. m., begin ning Monday, February 20. The Eleventh Course will be six lectures by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, LL.D., on English Literature in the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century. Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m., begin- ning Tuesday, February 28. II. EVENING SCHOOL FOR INDUS- TRIAL FOREMEN. Under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the place of the Advanced Courses formerly given under the auspices of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Trustee of the Lowell Institute has estab- lished a Free Evening School for Industrial Foremen, comprising at present two Courses, one Mechanical, the other Electrical, each extending over two years. These are intended to bring the systema- tic study of applied science within the reach of young men who are following industrial pursuits and desire to fit themselves for higher positions, but are unable to attend day courses of instruction. The work of the school includes recita- tions, lectures, drawing-room practice, and laboratory exercises, and is given by mem- bers of the instructing staff of the Institute of Technology. Text-books are used in many of the subjects, but in some cases printed notes are supplied at cost. Students are expected to purchase such text-books, note-books, instruments, and other material as may be recommended or required. No reports of standing will be given to students, but those who fail to keep well up with the work, or to profit sufficiently by the instruction, will be informed that they are not qualified to pursue the Course with advantage. To those who satisfactorily complete the required Courses of the two years and pass the examinations certificates will be given. The present school year began October 3, 1904, and will close May 12, 1905. Attend- ance from 7.30 to 9.30 for three or four even- nings a week will be required, in addition to outside study. The entrance examinations are, in a measure, of a competitive nature, and considerable weight will be attached to the applicant's occupation and practical ex- perience. The school is open to those only who are ambitious and willing to study. The char- acter and amount of the instruction is such that, if the student is not well fitted to take up the work of the school, it will not be possible for him to derive full benefit from it, or perhaps to maintain his standing. A circular giving detailed information re- garding the entrance examinations and other requirements may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to Prof. Charles F. Park, Director, Lowell Institute Free Evening School for Industrial Fore- men, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. m. TEACHERS' SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. Under the Auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. Free Lectures maintained by the Lowell Institute in the Teachers' School of Science of the Boston Society of Natural History will be given during the season as follows: — 1. Field Lessons in Botany, by Mr. Hol- lis Webster. 2. Field Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Al- bert P. Morse. 3. Field Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. 4. Laboratory Lessons in Botany, by Mr. Hollis Webster. 5. Laboratory Lessons in Zoology, by Mr. Albert P. Morse. 6. Laboratory Lessons in Geology, by Prof. George H. Barton. 7. Courses in Chemistry and Physics (under certain conditions). 8. ' A Course of Lectures by Specialists in Physics, Geology, Geography, etc. The Field Lessons will be given in the spring and autumn. The Laboratory Les- sons will be given in the winter, beginning on November 19. Further particulars, with instructions how to obtain admission, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Curator, Teachers' School of Science, Boston Society of Natural History, 234 Berkeley St., Boston. IV. EVENING COURSES FOR WORKINGMEN. Under the Auspices of the Wells Memorial Institute. Free Instruction, especially arranged for workingmen, will be maintained by the Lowell Institute during the winter under the auspices of the Wells Memorial Insti- tute, as follows: — 1. On Practical Electricity. Twenty lec- tures for Beginners. By Prof. William L. Puffer. 2. On Mechanical Drawing. Twenty lec- tures for Beginners. By Mr. Harrison W. Hayward. 490 December 3. On Machine Drawing, Twenty lec- tures for Advanced Students. By Mr. Har- rison W. Hayward. 4. On Practical Mechanics. Twenty lec- tures. By Mr. Harrison W. Hayward. 5. On Steam and Steam Engines. Twenty lectures for Beginners and Advanced Stu- dents. By Mr. Thomas Hawley. 6. On Household Science, Cookery, etc. Fifteen lectures by Miss Anna Barrows. Further particulars, with instructions how to obtain admission, may be obtained by sending a stamped, addressed envelope to the Secretary, Lowell Free Courses, Wells Memorial Institute, 985 Washington Street, Boston. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. Week days. Sundays. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Central Library. 9 to lO^ 2 to ID* 9 to 9 z to 9 . . 9 to 9 2 to 9 ^ to 9 to 9 . 2 to 9^ 9 to 9 2 to 9^ South End. . . . . 9 to 9 2 to West End 9 to lo^ 2 to 10^ Closed. Delivery Stations. 1^1 i^Cy C. South End. . . . 2 to 9^ 2 to o / to 9 Closed. . . All day. G. Allston. . . ... . . All day. Open. All day. 1^1 /^o J. Dorchester Station. . . All day. 1^1 o/n L. North Brighton. 4 to 9 1^1 ^/n M. Crescent Avenue. . . . All day. II ATI N. Mt. Pleasant. . . V^lUbCU. P. Broadway Extension. 2 to 9^ Q. Upham's Corner. . 2 to 9 R. Warren Street. . . All day. S. Roxbury Crossing. . . 2 to 9^ . >i U / LU y T. Boylston. . . . All day. . v_/ pen. U. Ward Nine. . . . Closed. W. Industrial School. . 4 to 9^^ Closed. Y. Andrew Square. . . 2 to 9^ Closed. Z. Orient Heights. . . 2 to 9** Closed. 22. North Street. . . I to 6^ Closed. ^ Closed at 9 p.m. daily during June, July, August, and September. ' Open Sundays from November to April only. • Saturdays until 8 p.m. * On Thursdays the afternoon hours at this station are from 4 to 7 p.m.; on other afternoons the station is closed between 6 and 7 p.m. ' Closed from 6 to 7 p.m. " Open Sundays in winter only. ^ Also 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THIS LIBRARY. The Central Library. Annual Lists of new books. .05; by mail, .15 Annual Reports. Free; by mail, .07 Monthly Bulletin. Free; by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, .10; Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-30, 35-39, 46, 47, 5i-56,_ 62-64, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 1903. .10; by mail, .17 List of Books for Boys and Girls. •05; by mail, .11 Periodicals, Newspapers, Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently re- ceived in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 List of Periodicals, currently taken at the Central Library. .10; by mail, .13 Selected List for Younger Readers. 3d ed. 1898. Out of print. Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 1896. (To be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound, i.oo Latin Version of 1493 of the First Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. With a new Translation. .50; by mail, .52 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. .50 French Fiction. .05; by mail, .08 German Fiction. Out of print. Italian Fiction. .10; by mail, .15 Russion Works in the Library. .05 A list on Social Reform. .05; by m.ail, .09 Architecture, Construction, Decoration. .25; by mail, .33 Bibliography of the Anthropology and Eth- nology of Europe. .50; by mail, .56 Genealogies and Local Histories. .25; by mail, .29 Index of Pictures and Plans of Library Buildings. .10; by mail, .13 Postal Titles. The Fine and Decorative Arts: books in English suitable for small public libraries. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 12. Electric Telegraph and Telephone. In Bul- letin no. 92. Electricity & Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Economics: selected w^orks in the English language. In Monthly Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the East- ern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to "Hall use." In Bulletin no. 84. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library, Catalogue (complete). 5.00 Part I. Shakespeare Collection. 3.00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. 3.00 Ticknor Library of Spanish and Portuguese Books. Catalogue. 5.00 Chamberlain Coirection of Autographs. Brief description with portrait. Also Supple- ment: Text of four Great American Docu- ments. Make application; by mail, each .03 Franklm Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 89. John A. Lewis Library of Early New Eng- land Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 89. Prmce Library. Catalogue. 1 00 Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. ^ J ^ -15; by mail, .18 Codman Collection of Landscape Garden- ing, & Works on Forestry. .10; by mail, .13 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from the Public Card Catalogue. No. I. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. 95. No^5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No. 7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96 No. 8. Health and Hygiene. In Bulletin no. 97. No. 9. Tracts of the Time of Charles I., and English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. 10. See Architecture in first column. No. II. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 12. Corea. Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No. I. Franklin Bibliography, . , ^ -50; by mail, ,53 No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars, ,25; by mail, .26 No. 5, Bibliography of Special Subjects. In Bulletin no. 80. .05; by mail, .10 No. 6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774- 1789. .50; by mail, .53 No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. .10; by mail, .12 No, 8, Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail,. 12 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629-1818. By T. B, Wyman. 2 v. 8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Journals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dear- born, each, .75; by mail, .77 Works of Aiine^ Bradstreet in prose and verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. 10.00 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book! of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding List of Books common to the Branches. (Continued yearly in the An- nual Lists.) .02; by mail, ,06 4 1^ 1^ -# ^ 'W^^