Songs and their Singers From "Punch" 5$ Phil /WdvJ Japanese proofs London : ^radburxj, Agncw, & Co. fed, 1898. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF HflMflM Contents. " geauty's €yes." " JJje $(eart gow'd 7) own." "We'll all go a punting Jo-day!' "Only Jhis!" "D'd be a gutterfly." "put me in my Xittle }}ed; ' 7)rfn/( to me only with thine €yes." "Tlje gay Tom Jit." " Ji\e Storm fiend!' "'Jis tjard to give tlje }{and" ' Jfiy J/iother bids me £ind my j{air.' "Jo blossoms!" "The Warrior gold.' "The T)evout Xover." "There's only one Qirl in tlje World for me!' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 (LIBRARY - "Beauty's Eyes." "The Heart Bow'd Down." "We'll all go a Hunting To-day. Dnly This!" LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I'd be a Butterfly." LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS lere's only one Girl in the World for me!" LIBRARY — UNlVERSHY OF IlLINffla "The Gay Tom Tit." UNIVERSITY OIF F?i "Drink to me only with thine Eyes." - "My Mother bids me Bind my Hair." t ■ Storm Fiend." LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS "The Warrior Bold.' ! LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS "Tis Hard to Give the Hand, &c." LIBRARY "p* -. UNIVERSITY ©F KlfNOIS "To Blossoms!" LIBRARY 'Put me in my Little Bed." UtiSV. The Devout Lover." "LIBRARY OF THE U N I V ER.5 ITY Of I LLI NOI5 Tom Turner Collection .741 M4.&SO