SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE EUROPEAN CRISIS IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON BOSTON PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1914 0 ^ 8 . 314 BOOKS ON THE EUROPEAN CRISIS Q cv Abcille, B. P. L. Marine frangaise et marines etrangeres; politique navale des grandes puissances. Paris. 1906. 5959.167 Aleksinski, G. Modern Russia. Translated by Bernard Miall. London. 1913. 3067.225 Altham, E. A. The principles of war, historically illustrated. v Vol. 1. London. 1914. 3956.136 Arnold, W. T. German ambitions as they affect Britain and the United States of America. By Vigilans sed aequus [pseud.]. London. 1903. 2819.61 Baker, B. G. The passing of the Turkish empire in Europe. Philadelphia. 1913. Illus. 3084.226 Bannerman-Phillips, Major H. Progress in aeronautics. (In United Service Magazine, August, 1914. London.) Periodical Room Barby, H. La guerre des Balkans. Les victoires serbes. Paris. 1913. Illus. 3089.228 Barclay, Sir T. Thirty years: Anglo-French reminiscences. (1876-1906.) The Entente cordiale from within. Boston. 1914. 4548.321 — The Turco-Italian War and its problems. London. 1912. 3089.208 Baring, M. The Russian people. London. [1911.] 3067.221 Barker, J. E. Modern Germany. Her political and economic problems, her foreign and domestic policy. London. 1909. 2825.36 Barres, A. M. Les bastions de Pest. Au service de PAllemagne. Paris. [1905.] 48293.82 Baudin, P. L’empire allemand et Pempereur. Paris. [1911.] 2819.74 Belgium. Ministere de Pindustrie et du travail. Belgium, its institutions, industries and commerce. Brussels. 1904. Illus. 9314.93321 Benedetti, V., Comte . Studies in diplomacy. From the French. New York. 1896. 2627.87 Berard, E. V. La France et Guillaume II. Paris. 1907. 2619.104 2 Bernhardi, F. A. J. von. Cavalry in future wars. Translated by C. S. Goldman. London. 1906. 5957- I 02 — Germany and the next war. Translated by A. H. Powles. New York. 1912. 2825.33 Bernstorff, J. H. A. H. A., Graf von. The development of Germany as a world power. Philadelphia. 1910. 3565.284 Berry, R. M. Germany of the Germans. New York. 1910. Illus. 2868.20 Beveridge, A. J. The Russian advance. New York. 1904. 3067.191 Bielenberg, J. Die Freiheit des Luftraums. Berlin. 1911. 3616.68 Bigelow, P. The borderland of Czar and Kaiser. New York. 1895. Illus. 3068.149 Billot, A. La France et ITtalie. Histoire des annees troubles 1881-1899. Paris. 1905. 2 v. 2304.84 Bley, F. Der Kampf um das Deutschtum. 1. Heft. Die Weltstellung des Deutschtums. Miinchen. 1897. 2814.10 Blondel, G. Les embarras de l’Allemagne. Paris. 1913. 282ga.88 Boland, H. La guerre prochaine entre la France et l’Alle- magne. Paris. 1884. 4629a.68 Bracq, J. C. France under the Republic. New York. 1910. 4626.40 Brialmont, H. A. Situation militiare de la Belgique. Travaux de defense de la Meuse. Bruxelles. 1882. 3953-66 Brissa, J. La guerra italo-turca (1911-1912). Barcelona. [1913.] Illus. 3082.70 Brossard, C. Geographie pittoresque et monumentale de la France. Paris. 1900-1903. 5 v. Illus. 2661.112 Buelow, B. H. M. C., Fuerst von. Imperial Germany. Trans- lated by Marie A. Lewenz. New York. 1914. 2825.38 Bureau of Railway Economics. List of references on rail- roads in war. Washington. 1914. *9385^-25 Callwell, C. E. The effect of maritime command on land campaigns since Waterloo. Edinburgh. 1897. 3953- I 43 — Military operations and maritime preponderance, their re- lations and interdependence. Edinburgh. 1905. 5954-72 Capek, T. The Slovaks of Hungary. Slavs and Panslavism. New York. 1906. Illus. 4828.44 Carnevale, C. La nostra marina alia portata di tutti. Venezia. [1911.] Illus. 5959-I5I Charmatz, R. Deutsch-osterreichische Politik. Leipzig. 1907. 2817.71 3 Cheradame, A. L’Europe et la question d’Autriche au seuil du xx e siecle. Paris. 1901. 2306.16 Cohen, A. The declaration of London. London. 1911. 36ioa.84 The present agreement of the powers as to blockade, right of search, etc. Collier, H. P. England and the English from an American point of view. New York. 1912. 2468.246 — Germany and the Germans from an American point of view. New York. 1913. 28693.10 Colomb, P. H., and others. The great war of 189-. A fore- cast. London. 1893. Illus. 3953’* *9 Colquhoun, A. R., and E. The whirlpool of Europe. Austria- Hungary and the Habsburgs. New York. 1907. Illus. 4868.79 Cramb, J. A. Reflections on the origins and destiny of im- perial Britain. London. 1900. 9320.ian Crispi, F. Memoirs. Translated by Mary Prichard-Agnetti. London. 1912. 2 v. Illus. 2724,75 — Questioni internazionali. Milano. 1913. 2712.65 Culmann, F. L’armee allemande en 1910 et Tarmee frangaise d’apres le projet de loi des cadres. Paris. 1908. 5953.1 15 Curtis, W. E. Around the Black Sea: Asia Minor, Armenia, Caucasus, Circassia, Daghestan, the Crimea, Roumania. New York. [1911.] Illus. 3063.160 Dawson, W. H. The evolution of modern Germany. Lon- don. [1908.] 3564.261 — Germany and the Germans. London. 1894. 2 v. 4863.60 Deiss, E. Anvers & la Belgique maritime. Paris. 1899. Illus. 9387.27 Denner, R. Bedeutung und Ziele deutscher Weltpolitik. Minden i. W. 1898. 9327.43 Deployment strategique probable des forces allemandes sur la frontiere frangaise. Paris. 1881. 3957*56 Deutschland in Waffen. Stuttgart. [1913.] Illus. *Cab.28.2i.5 Drage, G. Austria-Hungary. New York. 1909. 4825.47 Dugard, H. Histoire de la guerre contre les Turcs (1912- 1913.) Paris. 1913. 3089.227 Dumont-Wilden, L. La Belgique illustree. Paris. [1910.] Illus. 4091. 159 Du Pontcray, J., Baron. Allemands contre Slaves. • Paris. 1909. 2309.83 4 Erdmann, G. A. Deutschlands Seeherrschaft im xx. Jahr- hundert. Berlin. 1900. 5956.80 — “Nun aber weiter!” Das Endziel der kaiserlichen Flotten- politik. Wittenberg. 1900. 5957-82 Falkenegg, Baron von. Die Weltpolitik Kaiser Wilhelm II. Zeitgemasse Betrachtungen. Berlin. 1901. 2827.73 Franzius, G. Kiautschou. Deutschlands Erwerbung in Ostasien. Berlin. [1898.] 3012. 129 Frey, H. L’aviat'ion aux armees et aux colonies et autres questions militaires actuelles. Paris. 1911. 5964.178 Fried, A. H. The German emperor and the peace of the world. New York. [1912.] 3567-331 Fullerton, W. M. Problems of power. New York. id*3- 3567-337 Gaullieur, H. The paternal state in France and Germany. New York. 1898. ' 3566.210 Genard, P. Anvers a travers les ages. Bruxelles. [1888-92.] 2 v. Illus. 2860.41 Germains, V. W. The struggle for bread: a reply to “The great illusion” and enquiry into economic tendencies. By “A rifleman” [pseud.]. London. 1913. 3567.333 Gibbs, P., and B. Grant. The Balkan War: adventures of war with cross and crescent. Boston. [1913.] Illus. 3089.221 Girard, H. Raymond Poincare. Paris. [1913.] Illus. 2619.123 Grad, C. L’ Alsace: le pays et ses habitants. Paris. 1899. Illus. 4861.70 Grand-Carteret, J. Crispi, Bismarck et la triple-alliance en caricatures. Paris. 1891. Illus. 80703.237 Graves, A. K., and E. L. Fox. The secrets of the German War Office. New r York. 1914. 2819.80 Great Britain. Foreign Office. Why England and Germany went to war. “The White Papers” of England and Ger- many. [New York. New York Times. 1914.] *2510.42 Gribble, F. H. The life of the Emperor Francis Joseph. New York. 1914. Illus. 4844.46 Grouard, A. France et Allemagne. La guerre eventuelle. Paris. 1913. 4627.86 Halle, E. L. von. Die Seemacht in der deutschen Geschichte. Leipzig. 1907. 7389a.370 Haushofer, C. Dai Nihon. Betrachtungen iiber Gross-Japans Wehrkraft, Weltstellung und Zukunft. Berlin. 1913. 3014.178 Hazeltine, H. D. The law of the air. London. 91 n. 3616.69 Hearne, R. P. Airships in peace & war. London. 1910. Illus. 5964-I34 Heimweh, J., pseud. Triple alliance et Alsace-Lorraine. Paris. 1892. 2629.124 Helfferich, C. Germany’s economic progress and national wealth, 1888-1913. New York. 1914. 9314.339 Hemberger, A. Illustrierte Geschichte des Balkankrieges 1912-13. Wien. [1913-] 2 v. Illus. 3082.77 Higgins, A. P. The Hague Peace Conferences and other in- ternational conferences concerning the laws and usages of war. Cambridge. 1909. 7571-85 Hinzelin, £. L’Alsace sous le joug. Paris. 1914. 4627.88 — Images d’Alsace-Lorraine. Paris. [1911.] 2869.40 Hislam, P. A. The admiralty of the Atlantic. An enquiry into the development of German sea power, past, present, and prospective. London. 1908. Illus. 5956.145 Hoche, J. L’empereur Guillaume II. intime. Paris. [1906.] Illus. 2849.102 Holland, C. The Belgians at home. Boston. 1911. Illus. 4866.43 Holland, R. S. Builders of united Italy. New York. 1908. 2746.81 Holland, T. E. Letters to “The Times” upon war and neu- trality (1881-1909). London. 1909. 3617.68 Howard, B. E. The German Empire. New York. 1906. 2817.86 Hurd, A. S., and H. Castle. German sea-power: its rise, pro- gress, and economic basis. New York. 1913. 2815.79 Hymans, S. L. Bruxelles a travers les ages. Bruxelles. [1882-91.] 3 v. Illus. 2860.10 Illustrirte Zeitung. Sonder-Ausgabe. Die deutsche Kriegs- marine. [Leipzig. 1911.] Illus. * Irace, T. With the Italians in Tripoli. London. 1912. Illus. 3089.210 Jaeckh, E. Deutschland im Orient nach dem Balkankrieg. Mimchen, 1913. 3089.196 Jane, F. T., editor. Fighting ships. Boston. 1898-1910. 4 v. Illus. 3953-144 Jarintzoff, N. Russia: the country of extremes. London. 1914. Illus. 3063.198 Jaures, J. L. L’organisation socialiste de la France. L’armee * nouvelle. Paris. 1911. 4639.55 6 Jeffery, R. W. The new Europe. 1789-1889. Boston. 1911. 2309.104 Johnston, Sir H. H. Common sense in foreign policy. Lon- don. 1913. 4517.260 — Views and reviews from the outlook of an anthropologist. London. 1912. 25593.268 On the foreign relations and colonial aspirations of Germany, etc. Jousset, P. L’Allemagne contemporaine illustree. Paris. [1901.] Illus. 2860.24 — La France: geographie illustree. Paris. [1911.] 2 v. Illus. *Cab.20.48.2 — LTtalie illustree. Paris. [1904.] Illus. 2760.45 Kellner, L., and others. Austria of the Austrians and Hun- gary of the Hungarians. London. 1914. Illus. 2829.40 Kleen, R. Lois et usages de la neutrality. Paris. 1898-1900. 2 v. 934i*3a5 Koch, P. Geschichte der deutschen Marine. Berlin. 1902. Illus. 5956.125 Koettschau, C. The coming Franco-German war: a military- political study. Translated from the German by John Hill. London. 1887. 2828.73 Krafft, R. Glanzendes Elend. Eine offene Kritik der Ver- haltnisse unseres Offizierkorps. Stuttgart. 1895. 4826.39 Kralik, R. Osterreichische Geschichte. Wien. 1914. 2822.6 Krause, G. The growth of German unity. An historical and critical study. London. 1802. 28293.67 Lair, M. L’imperialisme allemand. Paris. 1902. 2818.74 Lane, R. N. A. The great illusion. A study of the relation of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage. By Norman Angell [pseud.]. New York. 1910. 3567*326 Langenbeck, R. Landeskunde des Reichslandes Elsass-Loth- ringen. Leipzig. 1904. Illus. • 73893.215 Lanoir, P. The German spy system in France. Translated from the French. London. [1910.] 2826.78 Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, S. L. E., Prince. The Orient ques- tion to-day and to-morrow. New York. 1913* Maps. 2309.108 Lea, H. The day of the Saxon. New York. 1912. 3567*330 — The valor of ignorance. New York. [1909*]. .3567.329 On the army and navy of the United States, and possible invasion of the United States by Japan. Le Queux, W. The great war in England in 1897. New York. [ 1895.] Illus. 4559-81 7 Leudet, M. The emperor of Germany at home. Translated by Virginia Taylour. London. 1898. Illus. 4846.42 — Nicolas II intime. Paris. [1899.] Illus. 3068.170 Lichtenberger, H. Germany and its evolution in modern times. Translated by A. M. Ludovici. New York. 1913. 3567-3I4 Liman, P. Der Kaiser. Ein Charakterbild Wilhelms II. Ber- lin. 1906. 2844.44 Loiseau, C. Le Balkan slave et la crise autrichienne. Paris. 1898. 3069.166 Louis, P. La guerre economique. Paris. 1900. 9380.41 Lowe, C. The German Emperor William II. London. [1896.] 4846.34 Mahalin, P. Les Allemands chez nous. Metz, Strasbourg, Paris. Paris. [1885.] 4627.70 Mahan, A. T. Armaments and arbitration or the place of force in the international relations of states. New York. 1912. 7578.190 — The interest of America in international conditions. Bos- ton. 1910. 3567*327 Marcks, E. England and Germany: their relations in the great crises of European history. 1500-1900. London. 1900. 2307.28 Marin, P. L’equilibre europeen a la fin du dix-neuvieme siecle. Frangais & Russes vis-a-vis la triple alliance. Paris. 1890. 23oga.67 Matthis, C. E. L’Alsace et les Alsaciens a travers les siecles. Paris. 1891. Illus. 2820.56 Mead, L. T. A. Swords and ploughshares, or the supplanting of the system of war by the system of law. New York. 1912. Illus. 7578.191 Meinhardt, P. # Kann Deutschland Weltpolitik treiben? Wei- mar. 1903. 2305.14 Meinhold, P. Wilhelm II. 25 Jahre Kaiser und Konig. Ber- lin. [1912.] Illus. 2819.78 Meister, F. Kaiser Wilhelm II. Berlin. 1894. Illus. 4840a. 1 2 Morhain, J. M. C. De l’empire allemand; sa constitution, son administration. Paris. 1886. 2821.59 Moysset, H. L’esprit public en Allemagne vingt ans apres Bismarck. Paris. 1911. 2824.37 Mueller, H. von. Geschichte des Festungskrieges von 1885- 1905 einschliesslich der Belagerung von Port Arthur. Ber- lin. 1907. Illus. 3955*125 8 Mun, A. A. M., Comte de. Pour la patrie. Paris. 1912. 26193.40 Munro, H. H. When William came. A story of London under the Hohenzollerns. London. 1914. *4559*89 Naval annual, The. Portsmouth. 1886-1913. 27 v. Illus. 395°a.55 Noussanne, H. de. The Kaiser as he is: or the real William II. (Le veritable Guillaume II.) Translated by Walter Littlefield. New York. 1905. 28493.100 Pan-Germanic doctrine, The. Being a study of German po- litical aims and aspirations. London. 1904. 2815.80 Partsch, J. F. M. Central Europe. [Translated by Clemen- tine Black.] New York. 1903. B.H.Ref.283.8 Peters, C. Zur Weltpolitik. Berlin. 1912. 3567.339 Picard, L. A. L’armee en France et a l’etranger. Tours. 1897. Illus. 3950-99 Pinon, R. France et Allemagne, 1870-1913. Paris. 1913. 2619.105 Plunkett, E., 16th Baron Dunsany. Gaul or Teuton? Con- siderations as to our allies of the future. London. 1873. 4512-7 Poincare, R. N. L. How France is governed. Translated by Bernard Miall. London. [1913.] 2611.83 Regamey, J., and F. L’Allemagne ennemie. Paris. 1913. 4627.87 Reuleaux, Major. Die geschichtliche Entwickelung des Befestigungswesens. Leipzig. 1912. Illus. 73893.569 Reventlow, Graf E. zu. Deutschland zur See. Ein Buch von der deutschen Kriegsflotte. Leipzig. 1914. Illus. 5956.124 Roberts, F. S., Earl Roberts of Kandahar. A nation in arms: speeches on the requirements of the British army. New York. 1907. 65293.85 Rohrbach, P. Der deutsche Gedanke in der Welt. Diissel- dorf. [1912.] 3567-332 — Deutschland unter den Weltvolkern. Berlin. 1903. 2214.7 Rose, J. H., and others. Germany in the nineteenth century. Five lectures. Manchester. 1912. 2824.40 Rouen, Colonel. L’armee beige. Expose historique de son organisation. Bruxelles. [1896.] Illus. *Cab.59.i2.4 Routier, G. Guillaume II. a Londres et 1’ union franco-russe. Paris. 1894. 22293.58 Rumbold, Sir H. Francis Joseph and his times. New York. 1909. Illus. 4844-47 9 Sarolea, C. The Anglo-German problem. London. [1912.] 2309.107 Schalk, E. Der Wettkampf der Volker mit besonderer Bezug- nahme auf Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Jena. 1905. 3654.37 Schiemann, T. Deutschland und die grosse Politik anno 1901-1913. Berlin. 1902-1914. 13 v. 2833.77 Schierbrand, W. von. Germany: the welding of a world power. New York. 1902. 2814.80 — Russia: her strength and her weakness. New York. 1904. 3067.192 Schoeningen, H. Kaiser Wilhelm und seine Zeit in Wort und Bild. Hamburg. [1913.] Illus. *Cab.28.2i.9 Schumacher, R. Kiautschou und die ostasiatische Frage. Berlin. 1898. 3013.132 Scudamore, C. Belgium and the Belgians. Edinburgh. 1901. Illus. B.H.Ref.284.17 Serrigny, B. L’evolution de Tempire allemand. Paris. 1914. 2818.75 Shaw, S. William of Germany. New York. 1913. 2819.72 Sloane, W. M. The Balkans, a laboratory of history. New York. [1914*] 3089.231 Stael von Holstein, L. F. W., Friherre. La reglementation de la guerre des airs. La Haye. 1911. 3616.67 Stead, A., compiler. Servia by the Servians. London. 1909. 3085.165 Steed, H. W. The Hapsburg monarchy. New York. 1913. 2828.29 Stoffel, E. G. H. C., Baron. De la possibilite d’une future alliance franco-allemande. Paris. 1890. 2629.100 Sueter, M. F. The evolution of the submarine boat, mine and torpedo. Portsmouth. 1907. Illus. 5953.118 Suttner, B. F. S., Freiin von. Lay down your arms. The autobiography of Martha von Tilling. Translated by T. Holmes. New York. 1906. 2876.133 Tardieu, A. P. G. A. Le mystere d’Agadir. Paris. [1912.] 3053-340 Torngren, A. L’evolution de la Russie. Paris. 1914. 3069.357 Tower, C. Germany of to-day. New York. [1914.] 225ga.i72 Ueberseeische Deutschland, Das. Die deutschen Kolonien in Wort und Bild. Stuttgart. [1903.] Illus. 3053.287 Die Kolonie Kiautschou, etc. 10 Underwood, F. M. United Italy. 3 0112 072632950 London. Ligiz.j 2714 Unser Kaiser. Fiinfundzwanzig Jahre der Regierung Kai Wilhelms II. 1888-1913. Bearbeitet von Adolf v. Ach bach . . . Berlin. [1913.] 2821 Usher, R. G., the Younger . Pan-Germanism. Boston. 19 2817.85; 2817, Van Bemmel, E. La Belgique illustree, ses monuments, paysages, ses oeuvres d’art. Bruxelles. 1880-83. Illus. 2861 Veritas, pseud. The German Empire of to-day. Lond 1902. 2818. Voiker Europas! Der Krieg der Zukunft. Von * * *. Berl [1906.] 2309a.; War manual, The. The World's Work, September, 19 New York. Illus. 2305 Watson, R. W. S. Racial problems in Hungary. By Scotj Viator [pseud.]. London. 1908. Illus. 4825. Wendell, B. The France of to-day. New York. 1907. 2614, Werner, R. Bilder aus der deutschen Seekriegsgeschic von Germanicus bis Kaiser Wilhelm II. Miinchen. 18 Illus. 2822 Whitman, S. German memories. New York. 1912. Ill 2829a, — Imperial Germany. A critical study of fact and charact New York. [1901.] Illus. 2829a. — The realm of the Habsburgs. London. 1893. 28293.]'] — Teuton studies. London. 1895. 2866 Wicker, C. F. Neutralization. London. 1911. 7578. Wile, F. W. Men around the Kaiser: the makers of mod Germany. Philadelphia. 1913. Illus. 2819, William II. The Kaiser’s speeches, forming a character p trait of Emperor William II. Translated by Wolf v Schierbrand. New York. 1903. 4846 Wislicenus, G. Kaiser Wilhelm II. und die Marine. Berl [1912.] Illus. 3950T Woeste, C. La neutrality beige. La Belgique et la Fran Bruxelles. 1891. 2812;] Xenier, T. R. A motor tour in Belgium & Germany. N York. [1913.] Illus. 2868j Zeryn, Comte. La debacle de l’Allemagne dans la gue prochaine. Paris. [1905.] 2819