> V Univ.of in. 54 S*tte ibrary The Burning W^heel Revival Eight Towns Swept With Revival Fire Seven Hundred Souls Saved Fifty Deaf People Healed Price Twenty'five Cents Published By WM. G. SCHELL 1088 South Poplar Street FOSTORIA, OHIO The Burning Wheel Revival Eight Towns Swept With Revival Power 700 Souls Saved 50 Deaf People Healed Vs \/ , Author of Sanctification and Holiness; The New Book of Psalms; Primitive Church Government; The Primitive Baptismal Formula, etc. Published by Wm. G. Schell 1088 S. Poplar St. FOSTORIA, OHIO Copyright 1924 by Wm. G. Schell I JUN13 *25 ©Cl A85878 ey / 'LQ c },3 < /o 9 7 7, Jf S^L 2.&Jr~ S~ INTRODUCTION I was baptized in the Holy Ghost Oct. 11, 1914. I had expected to receive the enduement with power from on high mentioned in Luke 24:29 with my baptism,, and was disappointed when I found that I did not have it. I continued in evangelistic work for a time, and then became a Jonah for five years. In March, 1921, I received a second call to the ministry while working on a gas producer in Tiffin, Ohio. There was not much of the grace of God in me at that time, and it took much fasting and prayer to reinstate me in the favor of God. In July, 1921, while praying in the prophet’s room in the house of Sister Johnson at To’edo, Ohio, the Lord told me that I was a glutton. I have eaten every meal since that time in the fear of God, and my weight has decreased fifty pounds. My weight is yet above normal but that is because I have not fasted enough. In January, 1922, at Parma, Mo, Bro. S. B. Drew told me a story that changed the entire course of my life. He told me about a Pentecostal preacher in the early days of Pentecost, who had the greatest degree of the power of the Holy Ghost in his min¬ istry that he had ever witnessed. He told me also that this man prayed two hours every day, an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. When I had heard this story, I said in my heart, “The two hours with God every day is what gave this man such great power, and if it gave him great power with God it would give me great power with God; that is just what I need.” From that time I tried to get into the prayer life, but it took me fcur months to get it started. At Creal Springs, Ill., in May, 1922, I began to pray two hours a day for an endue¬ ment with power from on high. At this place the Lord spake to me saying, “You have a puffed up spirit, you are seeking to have your own way; you are praying for the gifts, but they do not come that way.” I have prayed for a humble spirit every day since that time. In Louisville, Ky., the Lord said unto me, “I knew when I called you that you would go through to the end no matter how narrow the way. The way on which you will have to walk will be rough; but the way on which your Lord walked was rough.” In this same city the Lord also said unto me, “Thou hast not yet attained unto my fulness. If I were to throw thee cut into the ocean of my power thou couldst not endure its mighty waves. I must strengthen thee first. Put away from before thy face the things which thou has planned.” When I had bewailed my uselessness before the Lord many days, saying unto the Lord many times in my prayers, “What have I done for thee?” the Lord said unto me -in Toledo, Ohio, “You have said unto me many times ‘What have I done for thee?’ You have done many things for me, but without me you have done nothing. I called you, and you went not forth to the work. Many souls will have to abide in darkness because you went not forth. Keep on worshiping me and when you walk the streets of heaven —Keep plodding on.” 4 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL THE GREAT REVIVAL AT PERCY, ILL. I sat all night in the Union Depot in St. Louis, being tempted of the devil. For some time everything had proven a dis¬ appointment to me. I was in great finan¬ cial straits. My temptation seemed more than I could bear, and for the first time in my life I decided to leave the ministry for gcod. I reasoned that my children had just as good a right to a square liv¬ ing as any body’s else. God had prom¬ ised to supp’y the needs of His ministers, and the fact that my needs had not been supplied I considered ample proof that I was mistaken in my call. So I made what seemed at the time a firm decision to go home and work with my hands the rest of my life to support my family. For a long time I had believed that there was an enduement of power, sub¬ sequent to the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, promised in the Word; and for sixteen months I had been endeavoring to spend at least two hours a day in secret prayer with the purpose in view of obtaining the enduement cf power promised in the Word. A thousand hours, or more, of wrestling with God had broken my stiff spirit. A stiffer spirit I think was never possessed by man. Secret communion with God had uncovered many things in my life and nature that was displeasing to God. I do not have reference to wilful sin. There was noth¬ ing of this kind in my life. Many of the things of God had become more real to me in the place of secret prayer, but all this was forgotten in the hour of tempta¬ tion. After my decision to leave the ministry for good the Lord commanded me to go to Percy, Ill., and start revival services. I had no call from Percy to come and hold a revival, so I refused to go. Both Percy and Chester, Ill., were laid on my heart at that time, but I refused to go to either place, because I had decided to leave the minist^ for good. With this rebellious purpose in my heart I fell asleep and dreamed I was in one of these towns praying for the sick and they were getting healed. When I awoke I said, “Lord, I will go and preach the gospel in these towns, but to which of these towns shall I go first?” And he said, “Go to Percy first.” I went to Percy and met with the saints and to’d them that God made me come to their town to hold a meeting, and that I was going to preach in their place of worship unless they fired me. No one forbade me, but my story was so strange that I think none of them believed it. I had been forced to come to Percy, and I think I felt about as independent of man as Jonah did while he was preaching in Ninevah. In the first service a sinner was saved. During the first week of the revival ten persons received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The revival continued nearly eight weeks, during which time about one hundred and twenty persons received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Twice dur¬ ing the revival when the saints met at 9:30 A. M. on the Lord’s day for Sunday School, it was impossib’e to have Sunday School. Both times the Sunday School broke up into an altar service. The first time this occurred the service continued without intermission until 10:00 P. M. during which time twenty-three persons were baptized in the Holy Ghost. A good degree of God’s healing power was present in the meetings. An old man 88 years old who was blind in one eye and deaf in one ear, received his hearing instantly and the sight came into his eye about an hour after he was prayed for. Another man who was deaf in one ear re¬ ceived his hearing instantly. He had heard no sound in this ear for eight months. A woman who had been very hard of hearing for years, received the Lord’s healing touch and could hear a watch tick in both ears. Another woman who had been deaf for eighteen years received the Lord’s healing touch. Dur¬ ing all these years she heard no sound, not even the thunder. And she says that during all these years there was a dis¬ agreeable roaring in her head. She had also a great impediment in her speech. The roaring ceased when the deaf spirit was cast out of her, and she immediately began to hear sounds. She testifies that her hearing is improving every day al¬ though it is not yet perfect. Also the impediment is leaving her speech. Be¬ sides these there were a good many other hea'ings of different kinds. Numerous visions were given to the saints during these meetings. Many saw the Lord Jesus. Two persons saw the Lord coming in a cloud to receive the saints. They both describe the cloud as of a beautiful light-blue color. Many saw angels. One sister who had fasted five days for the salvation of her husband, THE GREAT REVIVAL AT PERCY, ILL. 5 while he was at the altar repenting, fell into a trance and saw the heavens opened and the angels shouting and dancing be¬ fore the throne of God. A little girl eight years old saw the saints depart for heaven on a train made of Gold. The track also was pure gold. Jesus was the engineer. All the saints were dressed in white, and as the train departed for heaven, the saints were seen waving good bye to the sinners down upon the earth This same child played the organ in the Spirit; and whi’e her little hands that were unskilled in man’s art of music, interested us so wonderfully, her spirit was up in heaven playing an accompaniment on one of heaven’s organs to the singing of a throng of angels gathered about her. Other towns were shaken by the power of the Spirit. About a dozen persons in Willisville received the Holy Ghost. Several persons from Chester (17 miles away) received the baptism of the Hoy Ghost. One of these, it might be said, received the baptism by telephone. A sister in Chester called up a sister in Percy to ask how the revival was pro¬ gressing. While she was hearing the good news over the wires the power of the Spirit fell upon her. She hung up the receiver and went into the kitchen of her own home (fc r she was in the house of a neighbor) where a Baptist lady was at the w r ash-tub doing a washing. Here the Pentecostal sister became uncon¬ scious. When consciousness returned, she was dancing in the Spirit and the Baptist lady was lying on the floor talk¬ ing in tongues. Dancing in the Spirit was a prominent factor in these meetings from the begin¬ ning to the end. In one of the services a brother counted thirty-two dancing at one time and every one was dancing a different step. In one of the services at a time of great quietness, the Spirit sud- den'y fell upon the saints and eight or ten of the saints were simultaneously lifted to their feet and began to dance in the Spirit. In the first part of the meeting only the women and girls danced, and a man who was opposed to the dancing sa : d, “It is only the women, the weaker vessels, that dance. Why,” said he, “do not some of the men dance?” After this I asked the Lord to make some of the men dance just to show that Pie could make the men dance, too. Immediately after this some of the men began to dance in the Spirit, and before the revival closed there were about as many men as women dancing in some of the services. A remarkable feature of the dancing in this revival was the visable fact that in most cases it seemed that the power of God took hold of their bodies and just made them dance. In one instance the Spirit fell upon a young woman who had been saved in the revival causing her to dance. She made repeated efforts to stop dancing and could not. Finally she ex¬ claimed with a loud voice, “This is real, people, for I want to quit and I can’t.” Her testimony brought a number of her friends to the altar. Messages by tongues interpreted and by prophecy became a prominent factor in the meetings. On the last day of the revival a little girl eight years old was the leading factor in the service. She was in the Spirit for several hours, dur¬ ing which time she signified many things to us by the. Spirit. Among the numer¬ ous things she did were the following: She laid the pulpit down on its back and danced all around it and upon it. Then she lifted it up and set it in its place again and wept over it. She also grasped the B:ble and in the Spirit pointed out to the writer thirteen texts of Scripture to read to the audience. The first text she pointed out describes a famine for three years. Others describe mobs, imprison¬ ments and persecution of the saints unto death. Some of them describe also great miracle power. We were led to believe as we read these Scriptures that such things are coming upon us. The foTowing is the list of Scriptures pointed out to us by the Holy Spirit, in the way described above: 2 Sam. 21:1; Acts 17:1-9; John 16:1-7; Luke 1:1-4; Mark 2:1-7; Psa. 14; Acts 12:1-6; 2 Sam. 12:1-5; 1 Sam. 16:1-3; Num. 20:3-4; Judges 14:1-3; Gen. 16:1-5; 2 Sam. 21:17. The eyes of this child remained closed all the time while these things were tak¬ ing place. After these Scriptures were pointed out to us, the child found a card and a pencil in the Bible. She made a tiny cross at the beginning and end of the 20th and the 22nd chapters of Second Samuel, turned a leaf down between these two chapters, then wrote on the card the words, “Talk about this to-night,” and then handed me the card and the Bible. It was no easy matter for me to frame a sermon out of the things contained in these chapters, nevertheless I obeyed the Sp rit and did the best I could and seven persons came to the altar. Another remarkable feature of this re¬ vival is the fact that nearly all the seekers received the baptism of the Holy Ghost the same night they were converted, be¬ fore they left the altar. The revival was continued at Percy until the Holy Spirit told me to go to another town. We then went to Willis¬ ville. three miles south of Percy, rented the largest empty store-room in the town 6 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL and began revival services. The room was packed full of eager listeners from the beginning, and six or seven persons came to the altar in the first service. The revival in Willisville has been going on two weeks. About twenty-five persons have received the Holy Ghost. Several remarkable healings have also been wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost, which will be described in our next re¬ port. Written at Willisville, Ill., Dec. 25, 1923. THE REVIVALS AT WILLISVILLE AND CUTLER The revival at Willisville continued for more than a month during which time about fifty persons received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Bro. Alex. Ferguson was in charge of this revival during the holiday week, while the writer visited his family at Fostoria, Ohio. A good degree of God’s healing power was manifested in this revival. A woman who was very hard of hearing in one year was healed so that she could hear as well in one ear as in the other. A young man who had heard no sound in one ear for sixteen years was instantly healed. Another man who had heard no sound in one ear for thirty years was perfectly healed. All these persons heard the watch tick through their restored ears. I thank the dear Lord that through His power the gospel may be preached also to the deaf. There were some marvelous manifesta¬ tion of the power of the Holy Spirit. In one of the evening services the Spirit gave a wonderful message by tongues interpreted through two little girls nine and eleven years old. They told the sinners many things about the birth of Jesus, His manger-cradle, the star of Bethlehem, the wise men worshiping the infant Jesus, and the vision of the shep¬ herds at the time of Jesus’ birth. They told the sinners also that Jesus was com¬ ing soon upon a light blue cloud, and they told them to look out for this cloud. They told them also that Jesus was going to set up a great white throne upon the earth, but that none of the sinners should see this great white throne unless they repented. They told the sinners that un¬ less they repented they shou’d become ashes, and that the fire which should con¬ sume them should start in the ocean. “When you see the flames arising out of the sea,’’ said the Spirit through these children, “know that your destruction is at hand.” These messages in tongues came sometimes through one of these children, and sometimes through the other, and the interpretations likewise. At the last powerful appeals came from the mouths of these children to the sin¬ ners urging them to repentance, an altar call was given and fourteen sinners came to the a'tar. A few days before the re¬ vival at Willisville closed, the revival power lifted. I tarried many hours be¬ fore the Lord to find out the reason why, but received nothing from the Lord ex¬ cept the command to get quickly out of that town. I preached a farewell sermon to the church and left Willisville not knowing whither I was going. I went to Cutler, a little town four miles east of Percy, where Bro. Williams, a brother from St. Louis, had opened a mission. Six persons had already received the bap¬ tism under the labors of Bro. Williams. When I arrived at Cutler I found that Bro. Williams had been praying to the Lord to send me to Cutler to help him. I had received the message which he had sent to me via heaven and had come to help him. During the revival at Percy the Holy Spirit told us by prophecy that we should have a greater revival than the one at Percy, in another town. This prophecy has already been fulfilled at Cutler. About fifty persons received the Holy Ghost in the first week of the re¬ vival. Others are coming through at every service. There are manv wonderful manifesta¬ tions of the Spirit in this revival. Some dance in the Spirit and afterwards re¬ member nothing about it. Many are fall¬ ing into trances and see wonderful vis¬ ions. Seme see visions which they are forbidden to relate. Many have seen the Lord Jesus. Angels have appeared unto many. A boy fourteen years old has seen several scenes in the life of Chr.st. He saw Jesus riding the ass into Jerusa¬ lem, while people spread their garments in the way before Him. He saw also Jesus in Gethsemane. He saw Him leave three men standing under some trees and wa.k a short distance from them and kneel down to pray. He heard Jesus say unto the Father, “Father, if I must be taken away, let it be so now.” Then he saw an angel appear to Jesus and he heard the angel say to Jesus, “You must be taken away ” After this he saw Jesus and the two thieves nailed to their crosses. The cross was lying on the ground and they stretched Jesus upon it. His hands were made fast to the cross by means of spikes driven through His hands, one through each hand; then His feet were placed on some kind of a foot- THE REVIVALS AT WILLISVILLE AND CUTLER 7 rest, one foot was placed on the other and a large spike was driven through both His feet. The blood ran down upon the ground from all these wounds. The nails in His hands were not driven down tight and Jesus several times raised His hands up to the heads of the nails, but the skin on the backs of His hands, hav¬ ing been dragged into the wood by the nails, stuck to the cross. Then the sol¬ diers picked up the cross on which Jesus had been fastened and stood it up and let the foot of the cross drop into a hole. Another brother had a visian of the battle of Armageddon. He saw an im¬ mense army from a right flank position. He could see down between the lines of so'diers. The army was marching down a broad valley between two ranges of mountains, covering the entire valley from mountain to mountain. The army was so many lines deep that the brother could not see the rear end of the army. The soldiers all had guns with bayonets fixed on them, and they seemed to be rushing forward to make a bayonet charge. Then the vision moved to the right and the brother saw an army of saints reaching across the valley in front of the great army to resist them. The saints were all dressed in white, and held no weapons in their hands. Hosts of angels were hovering over the army of the saints, which looked like a white streak across the valley. When the front ranks of soldiers were about two hundred yards from the army of the saints, some of the saints clapped their hands, others pushed out their hands towards the ad¬ vancing army and the soldiers in the front ranks of this great army fell dead by the thousands. The rest of the sol¬ diers who were not slain in the mighty blast of God’s power, became confused and began to slay one another. Soon the ground was covered with blood: but where the army of the saints stood there was no blood. Then appeared above this terrible scene in letters of fire the word ARMAGEDDON. See Rev. 16:16. I believe this revival will spread into many other towns for the Holy Spirit has said, “There will be many open doors.” Written at Cutler, Ill., Jan. 20, 1924. THE REVIVALS AT WILLISVILLE AND CUTLER (continued) The writer came to this town and open¬ ed revival services, after remaining with Bro. Williams in Cutler two weeks, dur¬ ing which time about ninety persons re¬ ceived the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Sinners fell from their seats under the power of God in this meeting. One sin¬ ner on his way to the altar, fell when he was within about 10 feet of the altar and we had to drag him the rest of the way. Another sinner, who had told his little girl that if she came to the altar he would stamp all the clothes off of her, fell from his seat under the power. We laid him beside the altar. He came to after about three hours weeping and confessing his s:ns. He is now filled with the Holy Ghost. In some instances the power of God was so great in those who were in the Spirit, that those who touched them re¬ ceived powerful shocks by God’s power. A brother who attempted to lift up his sister who had fallen under the power, was knocked down, falling in a heap. For a little time he could not arise. He had touched a live wire from heaven. A little girl twelve years old, whose mother is dead, received the baptism in one of the night services. After talking in tongues for a time, she began to dance beautifully in the Spirit, spinning around like a top. Then she fell into a trance. When she awoke I asked her if she had seen any thing. She said, “Yes, I saw God and He was holding my mother in His arms.” But she did not know that she had danced. A woman seventy-six years old re¬ ceived the baptism and danced in the Spirit. Two persons saw a pair of Golden steps reaching from earth to heaven. In both these visions Jesus was descending the steps. In one of these visions, which was given to a boy fourteen years old, Jesus had descended to the bottom step and was in the act of laying his hands upon the boy’s head when the vision end¬ ed. In the other vision Jesus had taken the first step downward. The same boy who saw the golden steps, saw also an ancient mansion. Then he saw Jesus come out of this mansion and when he had descended the beautiful front steps, He started to walk toward a mountain. Then he saw a crowd of vir¬ gins all dressed in white, each carrying a palm leaf, come out of this mansion and descend the steps. Then he saw them running to overtake Jesus. When they had overtaken Him they entirely sur¬ rounded Him, some walking before Him, some on each side of Him, and some be¬ hind Him; and thus they walked on with Jesus. An aged Baptist sister, who passed into eternity about two years ago, through whose prayers many sick people had re¬ ceived healing, was seen in heaven by a brother when in a trance. 8 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL Some of the visions given by the Holy Spirit in these meetings are as sealed books, only to be unlocked by time. It was almost impossible to make room at the altar for all the seekers in some of the night services. The Lord wrought two noted miracles at Willisville, which were net mentioned in the previous re¬ port. When that extreme cold spell come early in January, we were engaged in the revival at Willisville. Our meeting was greatly hindered because we could not make the mission room warm enough to hold altar services. In one of the after¬ noon services we all knelt in prayer and asked the Lord to send the south wind and blow all the cold back mto the north¬ ern regions. By the following morning the south wind had arrived and the cold was quickly blown away so that we could go on with our meetings. A few days later the newspapers an¬ nounced that a cold wave would arrive the next morning which would push the mercury down to 10 below zero. We all knelt in prayer in the afternoon service that day and asked the Lord to turn this cold wave off to some other part of the country where it would not hinder re¬ vival services. The cold wave never ar¬ rived. Many people supposed that the weather bureau had made a mistake; but when they heard that the cold wave had been turned away through the prayers of the saints they wondered at the power of our God. This revival resembles a great burning wheel. It is moving in a circle around Percy, the starting point, establishing the altar of God in every town. At all these altars the fire is still burning. Souls are being saved at about every service. The revival fire is breaking out anew in Willisville. Bro. Ferguson is in charge there. Another remarkable thing, that hap¬ pened at Cutler, was the dividing of the money by the Lord’s own hand. Near the beginning of the revival Bro. Wil¬ liams suggested that I should have about 60 per cent of the offerings since I had a family to support. I said, “I will leave that up to vou.” Then I said, “You just give me every other offering,” and sug¬ gested that each should keep account of the money he received, and that we should compare accounts in the end and make such changes as seemed good to us. At the end of two weeks we com¬ pared accounts and found that the Lord had given me 60 per cent of the money, for I had $42 00 and Bro. Williams had $28.00. Two sinners at Cutler were brought to the Lord through a dream. A miner went to sleep in the mine one day and dreamed that he had received the Holy Ghost. The sweet memories of this dream creat¬ ed a hunger in his heart for the experi¬ ence he had dreamed about. He related his dream to his wife, and they both came to the altar and received the ex¬ perience the husband had dreamed of. A woman requested us to ask the Lord to locate her boy who had run away from home several months before, and had never written to her. We asked the Lord to lay his hand upon the heart of that boy, and to trouble him night and day until he wrote to his mother. A couple days later this mother came to us with smiles, saying, “I received a letter from my boy.” Written at Sparta, Ill., Feb. 1, 1924. THE FIRST REVIVAL AT SPARTA, ILL. The revival at Sparta was a continual fight of faith from the beginning to the end, but we were conquerors through the power of the Holy Ghost. This revival continued for eight weeks during which time more than a hundred persons re- ce.ved the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We went to Sparta with but one pur¬ pose in view, that was to set up a burn¬ ing altar unto the Lord in that town, where sinners could receive salvation and where God’s people could worship Him in the Spirit. Our time is very much like the time of the prophet Elijah. The modern pulpit has torn down God’s altars. Very few of the churches have altars in them and on the few altars that remain the fire has almost ceased to burn. God wants a burning altar set up in every town. We had heard before we went to Sparta that the Miners’ Union would let us have their hall to preach in. While on our way to Sparta I said to Bro. Thomas, ‘When we arrive at Sparta let us not go out and try to find a hall ourselves to preach in, but let us first spend two hours in prayer and let us ask God to procure a hall for us.” We spent the two hours in prayer and then went out on the street. We did not go far before we met a stranger who came up to Bro. Thomas and said to him, “I am the man you are looking for. I am a trustee of the miners’ hall, you men are to hold meeting in our hall. I have a key, follow me and I will show you the hall.” He led us across the street and up into a large sec¬ ond story room, furnished ready for serv¬ ices, and told us we could have the room THE FIRST REVIVAL AT SPARTA, ILL. 9 as long as we needed it for our revival services for merely paying for the light¬ ing and heating of the room. He told us, however, that the hall was rented out for a dance every Friday night. I did not like the thought of stopping the re¬ vival one night in the week for the dance, but the Lord told me to accept whait was given to us, and we did so and set a night to begin the revival. By the third night of the revival the hall was filled wilth peop’e. Soon the Holy Ghost had creat¬ ed such an awakening among the people that our hall would not hold the people that wanted to attend the services. At some of the services many were turned away after the hall was packed until no standing room was left. The revival did not continue long be¬ fore we saw that the dance was a great hinderance to the rervival, so we asked God to burst up the dance and take it out of the way, so we could have the continual use of the hall. The next time the dancers met the dance broke up with a rough house. About twenty-five per¬ sons engaged in a free for all fight. The man in charge of the dances said he would not conduct any more dances, and the union at their next meeting passed a resolution that the hall should not be let for dances any more; and I received word from the union that no more dances would interfere with the revival services. I publicly announced when I opened revival services that we had come to Sparta to set up a burning altar unto the Lord, and that if any church in Sparta wanted this altar we would set it up in their church, if they, clergy and laity, would accept the Holy Ghost. But I told them plainly that if none of the churches would accept the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost would set up His burning altar outside of all of them, and a new church organization would spring into existance. And so it came to pass. I have made this offer to the churches in every town where we have gone to set up the altar of God. But as yet, no church has asked to have God’s burning affar set up in their midst, nor offered to accept the Holy Ghost, consequently, three new assemblies have sprung into existence. And it seems that God is go¬ ing to supply these altars with attend¬ ants, for four preachers have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in these re¬ vivals, one at Willisville, one at Cutler and two at Sparta. The fire continues to burn on all these altars. At Willisville the number of the Spirit-filled saints has about doubled since the revival closed. About 450 per¬ sons have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in all these places this winter. When I went to Sparta I told the peo¬ ple to got their Bibles and read the Act of the Apo'stles through while they were attending the revival, and assured them that if they did so they would believe in Pentecost, for they would see the Acts of the Apostles reproduced before their eyes. God backed up this statement with the power of His Holy Spirit, and many signs and wonders were wrought before the peOp’e. The people became so deeply interested that the eyes of all were con¬ tinually fixed upon the altar to see what wonder the Holy Ghost would do next. A goodly number of people were healed of divers ailments. Eleven deaf people were healed, ten during the revival and one a week after the revival closed. Two of these deaf people were healed without prayer. 1 merely laid my hand on their heads and the power of God immediately healed them. One of these was a woman who had been entirely deaf in her right ear for a year and a half; the other a little girl eight years old who was en¬ tirely deaf in her left ear. Two of the other healings of deafness were wrought in such a manner as to throw light on God’s way of doing things. O'ne of these was a woman who did not believe in Pentecost nor in divine healing. She had come to the meeting and some of the saints tried to persuade her to come forward for healing. She refused and started to leave the room. A brother persuaded her to come for heal¬ ing by promising her that he would do the talking. She said, “I will go and try it,” but she did not expect to receive her healing. She had heard no sound in her left ear, she said, for four or five years. When I closed my eyes and laid my hands upon her head I felt that the human spirits of certain brethren sitting near was a hinderance to the healing, so I moved the deaf woman a few feet away from everybody. When the deaf spirit was commanded in the name of Jesus to come out of her, it came out and in¬ stantly her hearing was restored. When the woman found that she could hear the tick of the watch in her deaf ear she burst into tears, and was so overcome that for some time she could not speak. As soon as she was able to speak, I said to her, “Now sister praise the Lord for unstopping your deaf car.” “I cannot praise the Lord,” said she, “for I am a sinner.” “Then get down at the altar,” said I, “and give your heart unto the Lord.” “I don’t understand your kind of religion,” said she. “You understand how to confess your sins to God, don’t you.” said 1. “Yes,” said she. “Then,” 10 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL I said, “kneel at the altar and confess your sins to God, and I will send some one to help you, and you will soon be saved. She knelt at the altar and in a few minutes was saved. And immediate¬ ly after she had received God’s peace in her heart, the Holy Ghost fell upon her without prayer. She fell backwards on the floor as if she were dead. In a few minutes she awoke speaking with ton¬ gues. Then she confessed to the saints that she had spoken evil of them and had made fun of them. Another sister who came for healing of deafness was prayed for three times be¬ fore she was healed. She was partly deaf in her right ear. I fully anticipated her healing the first time she came for heal¬ ing and was greatly disappointed when I saw that the deaf spirit refused to come out of her. She claimed to be saved and said she wanted her baptism. Several weeks later she came for healing again, but the deaf spirit again refused to come out of her. Then it came to me that the deaf spirit was fortified in another spirit that was in her and I told her so. It was a deceiving devil that was in her. When this spirit was commanded in Jesus’ name to come out of her, it stiffened her body and came out of her. She fell at the altar and confessed that she was not saved. On the last night of the revival she was one of ten persons that received the bap¬ tism of the Holy Ghost. A week later she asked me if I would pray again for her healing. I said, “Yes, sister, and I am sure that everything is out of the way now and that you will receive your heal¬ ing.” This time the deaf spirit came out of her and she was instantly and perfect¬ ly healed. The visions given in trances at Sparta were wonderful. One young man was caught up to heaven and took a walk with Jesus along one of the streets of heaven. A young woman came out of a trance weeping and saying, “I have been in heaven and O! it is such a clean place. There is not one bit of dirt there. I don’t want to miss heaven. And if I thought the Lord would miss me when He comes I would want to go back to heaven right now, this very minute.” A little girl eight years old saw Jesus coming in a light blue cloud. She said God was with Jesus on the cloud. She said also that there were many angels with God and Jesus on the cloud. From this vision it appears that God is going to come with Jesus. This fact the Bible most certainly teaches, for it says, “Look¬ ing for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Sav¬ iour Jesus Christ.”—Tit. 2:13. A little twelve-year-old girl was caught up to heaven and saw God sitting on his throne and Jesus sitting by the side of God on His (God’s) throne. She said* Jesus was sitting on the right hand side of God. A young man saw also this same vision. A little boy six years old received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fell into a trance, seeing, apparently, the vision that John the Revelator saw under the opening of the sixth seal. See Rev. 6:12. The child said the moon was red like blood and the sun was not bright. Other visions were given in these meetings but we have not space to relate them all. Five persons received the Holy Ghost during the Sparta revival without seeking for it. God just poured out His Spirit on them. A miner who lived in Coulterville, several miles from Sparta, was working in a mine in Sparta. After he had been attending our meetings dur¬ ing the week, he went home on Saturday night and related to his wife the wonder¬ ful things which he had seen and heard in our meetings. They were both saved and the wife as well as the husband at once became deeply interested in Pente¬ cost. When they arose the next morn¬ ing, while the woman was dressing her¬ self, the Holy Ghost fell upon her and she began to talk in tongues and dance in the Spirit. Up to this time this woman had never attended a Pentecostal meet¬ ing. The husband who carried the glad tidings of Pentecost home to his wife, afterwards received the Holy Ghost wffile sitting in our meeting. He said a few minutes before the Spirit fell upon him that he wanted his baptism but was not ready to seek it yet. The dancing in the Spirit continued during the Sparta revival very much the same as in the former revivals. A little girl ten years old danced for a long time in one of the services. On the way home that night she said to her mother, “I wonder why they did not have any prayer in the meeting tonight.” She had danced during the prayer service and knew noth¬ ing about it. After this I asked this child to describe her experience to me when she began to dance. She said, “Bro. Schell, I never know when I com¬ mence to dance. The first I know about it is when the power leaves me and I find n^self out on the floor.” God gave the people of Sparta a proof that the dancing in the worship of the Pentecostal people w T as of Him. One night while I was preaching in the hall, a stranger came to the door and called for Bro. Thomas The stranger said to Bro. Thomas, “The two Shaw girls that are rooming at my house were making fun of you people and the power has THE FIRST REVIVAL AT SPARTA, ILL. 11 fallen upon both of them, one of them is dancing and cannot stop, and the other is lying on the floor and can’t get up. The Holy Ghost would not release these girls until some of the saints went down to them and prayed for them. These girls came to the meeting that night and came to the altar and confessed their sins. Then the power fell upon the one that had danced down at home, and she danced in our meeting. She had been brought up strictly in the Presbyterian faith and had never been to a worldly dance, but the Holy Ghost made her dance like an experienced dancer. The experience of the Shaw girls caused the fear of God to fall upon all the people of Sparta, and they became afraid to make fun of the Pentecostal people. The speaking with tongues was greatly used of the Lord during this revival as a soul-winning factor. A Baptist preacher was brought into pentecost by a single sentence spoken in tongues by one of the sisters, although he did not understand what had been spoken. The preacher said, “That sounded a little too smooth to be a fake.” He came back to the serv¬ ices the following night and received his baptism. In one of the night services a young man who came through into the baptism spoke in tongues for two hours and a half. On his way home the power fell upon him again and he talked in tongues all the way home and continued to talk in tongues until 1:30 at night. The next day the power fell on him again at 8:30 A. M. and he spoke in tongues again till 12:30 P. M. The neighbors were called in to hear him speaking in tongues .and one of the neighbors fell under conviction and got saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in tongues also. In another night service another young man who received the baptism spoke in tongues for more than two hours. A young man present said he was speaking in the French tongue and interpreted what he was saying. The message fore¬ casted many things that were fulfilled afterwards in our services. On the last night of the revival a sister who came to the altar to receive her bap¬ tism, said to those kneeling by her, “I am going to stay here until I come through.” She praised the Lord for four hours before the power fell. About thirty minutes before she came through her tongue stiffened and stuck out of her mouth about two inches. She made re¬ peated efforts to put her tongue back into her mouth but could not. When the power fell she was changed into a real foreigner. She talked in tongues, count¬ ed her fingers and her money in the for¬ eign language that had been given to her, danced in the Spirit, took down her hair and put it up in an old-fashioned twist like the foreign women wear and acted in every way like a foreigner. She started down the street singing and talking in tongues. She is a widow and lives with another lady. She went into her home acting like a foreigner and talking her foreign language to the lady who lived with her. The lady was frightened for she thought the sister had gone crazy while she was at church. The sister was unable to speak English again until the next morning. Some of the sinners who witnessed this baptism said, “Surely this is the power of God.” While the revival at Sparta was in progress, news reached us that the New Issue had broken into the church at Cutler. This greatly added to the bur¬ den of our hearts. I went to the Lord in prayer and said to Him, “God you made me come down into this part of the coun¬ try and preach the gospel, and now that some fine flocks of sheep have been raised up, I cannot believe that you are going to let the wolves devour them. I cannot consent for the wolves to have a single one of these lambs. I therefore ask you to chain these wolves and ship them out cf Cutler immediately.” I asked a brother to agree with me in this prayer. The wolves left Cutler on the next train. O'ther New Issue preachers went to Cutler immediately and endeavored to devour the flock of God. These also were chained and shipped out of Cutler in an¬ swer to prayer. Then I asked God to break up the wolf’s nest entirely for the New Issue had captured the mission in Cutler. Im¬ mediately the New Issue lost the building which they were using for a mission. Soon after this all the saints in Cutler came together in orthodoxy and unity. While the New Issue spirit was work¬ ing in Cutler, I asked God to show the saints in Cutler, by a vision that the New Issue doctrines were wrong. About the time this prayer was offered up, a sister in Cutler fell into a trance, and saw Jesus hanging upon the cross. She saw Cod also above Jesus. Then she saw God turn His back upon Jesus. Then she said to God, “God, why did you turn your back upon Jesus?” In answer to this question, God said to her, “I could not look upon Christ while He was being crucified.” After the close of the revival at Sparta the writer spent several weeks visiting in several places. At Alton, Ill., the Lord opened a deaf ear for a sister who had been totally deaf in one ear since she was LIBRARY 12 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL twelve years old. The sister said she spent much of the next day with her other ear closed, listening to the singing of her canary bird through her restored ear. At Cutler, Ill., the Lord opened partial¬ ly deaf ears for a child without prayer. At Willisville, Ill., the Lord healed two deaf people without prayer. At Chester, Ill., the Lord healed two deaf people. One of these a sister seventy-five years old, was kept awake the first night after she was healed, for two hours, by the ticking of the clock. The clock had to be removed from the room before she could go to sleep. At Fostoria, Ohio, the Lord put a new ear-drum in a woman’s ear. The drum of her ear had been bursted in an opera¬ tion. After visiting the saints in the above mentioned towns, and in others not men¬ tioned, the Lord led me back to Sparta to hold another revival. Our next report will give an account of the second re¬ vival at Sparta. Written at Cutler, Ill., June 25, 1924. THE SECOND REVIVAL AT SPARTA The second revival at Sparta continued for about eight weeks, during which time about fifty persons received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Our tent leaked and the continual rains during the months of May and June greatly hindered our meetings. In some respects the manifestations of the power of the Holy Ghost were greater than in any of the former revivals. Danc¬ ing in the Spirit, although there was a great deal of this by times, was not the principal manifestation of God’s power. The visions given in trances were, won¬ derful. A little boy was caught up to heaven, in the very presence of God, and was permitted to bow before the throne of God and worship Him. A boy thirteen years old was caught up to heaven and saw Jesus sitting on a very high throne, and all the angels, a great host of them, were dancing around His throne. The boy went up to Jesus and asked Him if he might remain up in heaven. Jesus gave him a kind look and said to him, “No, it is not time for you to remain up here now, you must go back to the world.” Several persons saw the lake of fire mentioned in the book of Revelation. A young lady who was saved and bap¬ tized in the Spirit in the same service, after she had spoken in tongues for some time, fell into a trance and was carried to the brink of the lake of fire. She stood so close to the fire that her skirts were already on fire. Then Jesus came down in a cloud and picked her up and carried her to a place of safety. A young man saw the lake of fire and when the devil was about to throw him into it, Jesus came to his rescue, took him by the hand, led him away from the lake of fire, and through a narrow gate, and then disappeared. Prophecies were also given during this meeting; some of them have already been fulfilled, and others pertain to the future. One brother had a vision of our tent blowing down. Three weeks after he re¬ lated this vision, the tent was blown down by a gale just as the brother had seen in the vision. This same brother, in another vision, saw something like a dragon come down from heaven, and blow its breath upon four countries, and immediately the people in these four countries all arose and began to fight one another. Then a very large man came near the dragon and slew him with a sword. Then all the people in these countries stopped fighting and fell upon their knees and began to worship. Then some one slew the big man.. The soldiers in this war were described as short, heavy set, dark complectioned men, wearing black gowns, with white cuffs and collars, and black crosses on their foreheads. This brother has seen armies in his vis¬ ions of several nationalities. In one vis¬ ion he saw an American army which seemed to have been hurriedly collected, for some of the soldiers had no uniforms. In another vision he saw a battleship sink. The prophecy was given in one of the night services that ever}*- nation in the world will be in war before the Lord comes. During this revival some of the saints got into what I would call walking trances. They were entirely unconscious of their surroundings. In some instances their spirits were up in heaven seeing marvelous things, while the Holy Ghost was using their bodies to do strange and wonderful things in our meetings. At one time the interest dwindled, be¬ cause of the almost continuous rainfall. For several nights no one had been at the altar. There was a poor outlook for fur¬ ther success. Under such conditions we started our worship one night with only a couple dozen of the sinners present. Our tent stood on the main street of the town, and there was a continuous string THE SECOND REVIVAL AT SPARTA 13 of automobiles loaded with pleasure seek¬ ers running both ways past our tent. Soon after the song service began the Spirit began to work wonderfully in the saints. Some began to dance in the Spirit, and one little girl eleven years old, led the saints by the hand one by one until she had seated us all in a large circle. Then one by one she led us by the hand into the middle of the circle and told us to dance. She led me out twice. I felt provoked, but knowing that the child was being controked by the Holy Spirit I felt afraid to oppose it. I said to the child the second time she told me to dance, “I can’t dance.” “Sit down, then,” said the child. Then the child placed the saints into a line, single file, and placing herself at the head of the line ordered us to march. She was dancing all the while. She marched us out of and into the tent, and in circles outside the tent for about thirty minutes. The brethren say that every automobile that passed while the march continued stopped and unloaded its occupants. Our tent was filled with peo¬ ple, and a great crowd stood around the tent that could not have gotten into it. I gave an altar call and six persons came to the altar. One of these was led to the altar by the little girl while she was under the power. The one she led to the altar was saved and filled with the Spirit, and arose from the altar talking in tongues. When the child awoke from her trance she said she had been up in heaven, and that we had all been up in heaven with her, dancing and flying through heaven. She remembered that I had refused to dance, and she said the Lord had told her that He was going to punish me. After this service we had large con¬ gregations to the close of the revival. On the following Lord’s day we held a cottage meeting in the home of one of the brethren, who lived on a farm two miles from town. The little child was in the Spirit again. This time she asked us all to dance again, and then marched us out of the house, and then around the house seven times. Then we went into the house, and had an altar service, and two souls were saved. The Lord gave uj some precious heal¬ ings during this revival. A few deaf peo¬ ple were healed. In one instance I was called to the bedside of an old woman who was under the care of a doctor. Her children had all been called to her bed¬ side. They were despairing of her life. She was instantly healed, and arose and ate her supper. The order in our services during this revival was bad. I appealed to the Mayor to quell the rowdies and he flatly refused to assist us in any way, and threatened to arrest me himself if I came to him any more for protection. He told me a'so that the best thing I could do was to pull down my tent and leave the town. The Prosecuting Attorney for the state also threatened to arrest me under the charge of conducting a public nuisance. These men seemed not to know that under the constitution of the United States the free exercise of religion cannot be hindered. I did not want God to see a yellow streak in me, so I continued my meeting until I felt that my work in that place was finished. THE FIRST REVIVAL AT MARISSA While the news of the revival at Percy was spreading through all the towns, eight automobile loads of the Salvation Army people from Marissa attended that revival. They were interested and one of the girls raised her hand for prayer. Soon after this an Armenian brother came to Marissa and he and Brother Lloyd started a meeting in Marissa. Soon the power began to fall just like it was falling at Percy. In a short time more than fifty persons received the Holy Ghost. All the members of the Salvation Army in Marissa received the Holy Ghost during this revival. The name of the Armenian brother who was the principal figure in this revival is hard for the American people to speak; everybody, therefore, calls him by his first name, Brother Tony. THE REVIVALS AT COULTERVILLE AND TILDEN About the time that the second revival at Sparta started, Brother Tony opened a revival at Coulterville, and Brothers Lirely and Thomas opened a revival at Tilden. The power of God fell in these revivals just as it had fallen in all the other towns. There was dancing in the Spirit and many other manifestations of the power of the Holy Ghost. In one in¬ stance two little girls were dancing in the Sp rit at the time when Bto. Tony wanted to preach. He tried to stop them, but they were so completely under the power of the Holy Ghost that he could not arouse them. For this act God turned His face away from Bro. Tony and he 14 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL had to pray several days to get back into full fellowship with God. While this re¬ vival at Coulterville was going on, several children were playing together one day. Some of these children had received the Holy Ghost. They decided to stop play¬ ing and have a meeting. They sang and prayed and had an altar service. Two of the children were saved and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking with tongues. Sev¬ eral of the children danced in the Spirit. The meeting at Tilden was a hard fight. Some New Issue preachers had set up a tent and was conducting a rival meeting. We all asked God to chain them and ship them out of town, and He did it. After their departure all the souls which had been deceived by them turned to orthodoxy. The New Issue preachers having been driven out of Til¬ den by the Holy Ghost, came to Sparta and prepared to start a rival meeting in that town. I asked God to ship them out of that town also and immediately they fell to jangling among themselves and left the town. At Tilden as well as at Coulterville there were marvelous manifestations of the power of the Holy Ghost. A deaf man was healed at Tilden, whose ear drum had been destroyed by a stroke of lightning. One hundred and twenty-five persons received the Holy Ghost in the revival at Tilden and more than fifty at Coulterville. THE SECOND REVIVAL AT COULTERVILLE At the close of the second revival at Sparta, the writer went to Coulterville where he held revival services for three weeks During this time about twenty more persons received the Holy Ghost. The healing power manifested in this meeting was the greatest that the writer has ever witnessed. About fifteen deaf persons were healed. All the deaf per¬ sons who came for healing received their healing, except one woman who came to the house where I was stopping and re¬ quested me to tell no one that she had come to me for prayer. She even re¬ quested me to pray in an undertone so none of the neighbors, who might be sitting on their porches, would hear. The Lord would not heal her. I believe that if she had come openly and without shame she would have been healed. Two persons who had lost the sense of smell by catarrhal troubles were instantly healed so that they could smell perfect^. Two were healed of bad eyes. Others were healed of lame backs, consumption and other troubles. The dancing in the Spirit was wonder¬ ful. It was no uncommon thing to see twelve or fifteen persons dancing at a time, and nearly all of the dancers were in a kind of trance while dancing. They were in a state of perfect unconscious¬ ness, and retained no recollection of any¬ thing that took place in the meeting, while they were dancing. Sometimes they were even caught up into heaven and saw marvelous visions, while their bodies were dancing in our meetings. Some were in a state of semi-conscious¬ ness, and testify that their eye-lids were transparent, so that they could see per¬ fectly with their eyes shut. At the beginning of this revival the saints were afraid the dancers would hurt one another. When one of them would fall, the saints would throw a guard line about them to keep others from hurting them. They also guarded them from dancing back among the sinners. I told them not to do these things, and ex¬ plained to them that they were hindering the Holy Ghost from working some of His greatest miracles. They kept hands off after this, and from that time the real power of the meeting began. Some of the dancers would fall on the floor and the rest would dance all around them and over them, stepping over them every way, but never touching them. I feel safe in saying that I have witnessed such scenes a hundred times in the past few months. Nearly all the seekers during this re¬ vival were brought to the altar by those who were dancing in the Spirit. They would dance back into the audience, lead them forward, and make them kneel. In one instance I saw a woman led to the altar, in this way, four times in one serv¬ ice. The first three times she immediate¬ ly arose from the altar, and returned to her seat, laughing; but the fourth time she burst into tears as she fell upon her knees at the altar. Before she arose from the aUar this time she was saved. At another time I saw two little girls who were under the power, have hold of a man, one of each hand, trying to pull him to the altar. He refused to follow them, and while they were tugging at him, the Holy Ghost knocked him down, and he fell head’ong in a trance. When he came to he was weeping and confess¬ ing his sins. He had seen a vision which caused him to give his heart to God. At the beginning of this revival the people of Coulterville were filled with prejudice against the Pentecostal people, consequently the congregations were THE SECOND REVIVAL AT COULTERVILLE 15 small. To make matters worse a carnival came to town the second week of the revival. Very few beside our own people attended our services any more. I asked God one day to fill our hall with people, and that night He did it. There was no more than a dozen at our service that night at the beginning. We began to sing and soon the power began to fall on some of the children, and they began to dance and lead one another around by the hand. Finally a little girl twelve years old who was under the power caused all the children and young people to join hands. Then placing herself at the head of the procession she pulled them towards the door. She led them down the steps to the sidewalk. She danced upon every step as she descended, with her eyes closed, while she was in a state of perfect unconsciousness. When the procession reached the sidewalk they were broken up by several others falling under the power and beginning to dance. Eventually the Spirit divided them into three companies with a little girl at the head of each company. These companies following their leaders began to parade the. streets in different directions, dancing and leaping and shouting the praises of God. The people from all directions came running to see what was going on. The people all left the carnival to follow the paraders. We that were left in the hall continued the services. We could hear the paraders shouting in different directions. The parade lasted about an hour; then all the com¬ panies returned to the hall bringing so many people with them, that our large hall was filled. There was also a great crowd in the streets around our hall. We had large crowds after this until the revival closed. While the parade was going on the leaders of the parties, who continued in their trances until the parade was ended, when they met a sinner would invite him to join hands with them and take part in the march. Usually they fled from them in fear, but three sinners accepted the invitation, and marched with them until they returned to the hall. One of these went to the altar that night and gave his heart to God. There were some beautiful visions given in this revival. A young woman fifteen years old fell into a trance and saw the coming of the Lord, and the rap¬ ture. She saw the dead saints arise from their graves and the living saints caught up with the resurrected saints to meet the Lord in the air. She was herself a member of the raptured company. They then went with the Lord Jesus to heaven, While the saints w’ere passing through the gate into heaven, some of the angels were playing music on their harps, and the rest were singing. And when all the saints had passed through the gate into heaven all the angels arose and began to dance. On the night of the parade a little girl, while in a trance took up the offering for us. She passed the offering box to every body in the hall, and when she awoke from her trance she had no recol¬ lections of any thing she had done while in the Spirit. The child that took up the offering was the one through whom the parade was started. This child was danc¬ ing outside the hall, on the sidewalk, when the pastor arose and announced that we would now take up the offering. After he made this announcement, he made a speech for a few minutes, during which time the little girl danced up the steps into our second story hall and up to the pulpit, and picking up the offering box, proceeded to pass it before the peo¬ ple. There were present in one of the serv¬ ices a man and his wife; both of whom had bpen healed by the Lord in our meet¬ ings. The man had had his sense of smell restored and the woman had had a bursted ear-drum healed. They both lent strongly towards Pentecost. A young woman in a trance got a Testament from the pulpit, danced over to these people, opened the testament, and pointed out to them Acts 26:28, for them to read. “Al¬ most thou persuadest me to be a Christ¬ ian.” The woman took the Testament out of the girl’s hand, closed it and hand¬ ed it back to her. She again with her eyes closed and the book upside down to herself, opened the book and pointed out to them the same verse again. The man then said, “That is enough to con¬ vince anybody.” During this revival little children, from eight to twelve years of age, while under the power, frequently led me out on the floor and told me to dance. But of course I did not dance. One night a little girl under the power, after trying in vain to make me dance, said to me, in a firm tone, “God will punish you.” I believed that God had spoken to me by the mouth of this child, but how could I dance? I had never danced in my life. I was in a trial. It seemed hard for God to com¬ mand me to do something that I did not know how to do, and then threaten to punish me for not doing it. A couple days after this, I became af¬ flicted with a very bad affliction in my right knee. It was the return of an old affliction, which the Lord had healed me of, about a year and a half before, and which had been caused by an injury re- 16 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL ceived in a shop, several years ago. I was lame all forenoon. But in the after¬ noon I said to God in my prayer, “God, why did you let that affliction come back on me?” Then the thought occurred to me that this was the punishment I was to receive for refusing to dance. Then I prayed to God saying, “God if this is the punishment with which you are going to punish me for refusing to dance, take it away and the very next time you ask me to dance, at it I go.” The night follow¬ ing, a little girl got into a trance, and danced over to where I was sitting, took hold of my hand and said to me, “Dance! Dance!” There was no getting out of it. I just had to try it. So I closed my eyes and hopped with one foot. The other foot seemed to hop by itself. After a few hops, I got up against a post. I took hold of it and stopped myself. I opened my eyes and took my seat. I felt ashamed of myself. I knew by this time that I was not humble enough to “praise the name of the Lord in the dance.” Psa. 149:3. During this revival, while in. secret prayer, I had an experience that was sublime. My income had been small, be¬ cause of the fact that the mines were not working. I had received no more than $15.00 a week in any revival I had held during the summer, and in one revival my salary was as low as $5.00 per week. I was running behind in living expenses. So I said to myself, “I believe that I can get a prayer through to God for money, as well as for anything else.” So I com¬ menced to pray for money. When I had continued my prayer for three hours, God said to me, “Which would you sooner have, plenty of money or my power?” I at once realized the importance of the decision I was about to make, so I made my decision quickly, and said to God, “Oh God, give me your power!” Captain Combs of the Salvation Army, who received his baptism in the first re¬ vival at Coulterville, is now in charge of the church in that town. He continued the revival for one week after I left and souls continued to come to the Lord. The revival power is still falling in Coulter- ville. Souls are being saved in nearly every service. THE REVIVAL AT EDEN About the same time that I started the second revival at Coulterville Brothers Lirely and Thomas started a tent meet¬ ing at Eden, a suburb of Sparta. They continued this meeting for three weeks, during which time twenty persons were saved and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The brethren suffered great persecution at this place. A man who lived across the street from the tent thought that he could use the law to make the brethren pull down their tent and leave the town, so he had them arrested under the charge of disturbing the peace. They were placed under bonds, and a day was set for their hearing. When the day arrived the hearing was put off until a later date. We sent a fifty-two word night letter to Governor Small, asking him to adjust this matter for us. On the arrival of the next hour set for the trial, the case w r as thrown out cf court. About sixty days after this the man who had Brothers Lirely and Thomas ar¬ rested took sick suddenly and died about three days after he took sick. THE TENT MEETINGS AT STEELVILLE AND CAMPBELL HILL From Coulterville I went to Steelville, where I pitched a tent and began to preach Pentecost to the people of that town. At the same time Brothers Fer¬ guson and Thomas started a tent meeting at Campbell Hill. I continued the meeting at Steelville for three weeks. A few received healing and five persons were filled with the Holy Ghost. None of those who received sal¬ vation lived in Steelville. At the close of the last service some of the people gathered around me and urged me to stay longer, but I felt that I had to go for the time. About the time that I left Steelville, Bro. and Sister Lirely came to Campbell Hill and relieved Bro. Ferguson who re¬ turned to Percy to attend to his pastoral work, and Bro. Lirely continued the meeting at Campbell Hill a few weeks longer. Fifteen persons received the Holy Ghost during this meeting, and a sister who had been deaf in one ear for 35 years, received healing. THE THIRD REVIVAL AT MARISSA 17 THE SECOND REVIVAL AT MARISSA While the writer was at Steelville Bro. Gililand came to Marissa and held meet¬ ings for two weeks. But there was a dangerous schism in the church at Marissa, and because of th:'s Bro. Gili¬ land departed. Nevertheless a few souls were saved in his meetings. After one of the night services, held by Bro. Gilliland, had been dismissed, some of the saints got into trances on their way home. They began to shout and dance in the streets. A crowd of saints and sinners gathered around them. Followed by a large crowd, those who were under the power marched up and down the streets dancing and shouting the praises of God. Some of the sinners arose from their beds and followed the crowd. The dancers, being led by the Holy Ghost, returned to the brush arbor in which the services were held, where an altar call was given and five seekers came to the altar. THE THIRD REVIVAL AT MARISSA At the close of the meeting at Steelville, the writer went to Marissa to hold revival services, and continued the services there for mere than seven weeks. Near the bginning of the services souls began to come to the altar, but later the soul¬ saving work almost ceased, so that there was only an occasional seeker at the altar. I am not certain that I understand fully the schism at Marissa. Some did not receive fully Bro. Lloyd, who had acted as pastor since the first revival. There was also a dissension about mani¬ festations brought in among them by cer¬ tain persons who taught them that they should bring the Spirit under control. A strange doctrine truly that man should control the Holy Ghost. Such a doc¬ trine might do for a heathen, who has a little god that he can carry in his pocket, but it will never do for the worshipers of the living God. The manifestations of God’s power were wonderful during this meeting. The dancing in the Spirit was wonderful throughout the meeting. Some wonder¬ ful visions were given. One sister was caught up into heaven and saw God sit¬ ting upon His throne and Jesus standing beside the throne of God. Another sister was caught up into heaven, in the midst of a great throng of angels. Some of the angels were playing beautiful music on harps and the rest were dancing to the music. Healing power was also present. Four were healed of partial deafness. A tongue-tied baby was also healed, and some of other afflictions. The writer was called to Coulterville to pray for a boy, about twelve years old, who was suffer¬ ing with appendicitis. He was in the doctor’s care, and was in great suffering. I put my hands upon his head and prayed fer his healing. But the Lord would not heal him. Then I asked all the folks to leave the room and leave me alone with the s : ck boy. They left the room and I closed the door behind them. I put my hands again upon the boy and asked God to heal him. But still the Lord would not heal him. Then I asked the boy if he was saved. He said, “No.” I asked him if he would get saved if the Lord healed him. He said, “Yes.” Then I put my hands again upon him and asked God to heal him, and the power of God fell upon h’m and healed him instantly. The boy arose and ate a large dinner. That night he went to the service in Coulterville and got saved. The Spirit continued to tell me to dance during this meeting. Persons who were so comp’etely under the power of the Holy. Ghost that they knew nothing about what they were doing, kept com¬ ing to me and telling me to dance. The first time I disobeyed but I feared pun¬ ishment from God. At another time a sister in a trance, placed all the saints in a circle and com¬ manded us to march around the circle a few times. Then we were commanded to come towards the center of the circle Then the command came for us all to dance. Instantly the power of God fed upon many who began to dance in the Spirit. But there was no power upon me, yet I feared to disobey the Holy Ghost, so I shut my eyes and tried to dance. I began to hop. Some say that I began to spin, but I do not know in myself that I did. Soon I was lying on the floor trying to sober up. I felt ashamed of this attempt to dance. I never knew that I was so proud before I made these at¬ tempts to dance. After this the Spirit again commanded me to dance, in the way previously de¬ scribed. I shut my eyes and began to hop again. After a few hops my feet suddenly shifted into a step like an auto¬ mobile shifting into gear. It was easy now. My feet just wanted to dance. I was not unconscious but I saw nothing and did not know what part of the hall 18 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL I was in. The dancing power has come into my feet several times since that ex¬ perience but I do not feel as much shame afterwards as I did at first. I do npt know what others may think of my ex¬ perience at dancing but it is entire’y satis¬ factory unto me. I had been praying for months for God to make me dance but I did not think He would make me dance in the way He did. The walking trances, as I call them, were common during this meeting. While in this state the saints are entirely un¬ conscious. They walk, talk, sing, dance, write and do many wonderful things. Through persons in this state the Holy Ghost showed us many object lessons. The Crucifixion scene; God sitting upon His throne and Jesus standing by God’s throne, and the angels worshiping God and dancing before His throne; The Rock of Ages; The Gate of Heaven; Exchang¬ ing the cross for the crown; lifting a fallen brother; and supporting the weak were all acted out before our eyes. The rock of ages w T as a most impres¬ sive scene. -A sister under the power led another sister out on the floor and made her kneel. Then she lifted her arms to a horizontal position so as to form the cross. Then she placed about fifteen saints in a circle around her, made them join hands and march around her a few times. Then she made them all kneel and place their hands in a supplient posi¬ tion for a time Then the leader still in a trance began to sing Rock of Ages. We ail joined her in the singing of this hymn. In one of the night services two sisters under the power locked arms and walked across the floor to the altar conversing in tongues as if they were about to do something mutually understood between them. The one helped the other up on the altar, which stood against the stage, made her turn around and sit down on the edge of the stage, with her feet upon the altar. Then the sister on the floor lifted the arms of the sister sitting on the stage to a horizontal position to form the sign of the cross. Then the sister on the floor led the writer before the one sitting on the stage and said to him, “Bow at the feet of my lamb and ask whatso¬ ever thou wilt and it shall be revealed unto thee.” Others were led forth and told the same thing. We all knelt but none of us caught the inspiration of the hour. Evidently the Holy Ghost had in¬ tended to answer questions for us by the lips of the sister sitting before us. From this time I began to understand that the Holy Ghost would answer questions for us. The writing of letters in the Spirit be¬ came a prominent factor in this meeting. One service was largely given to it. Many doubted this. I also doubted. Those under the power began first to write in the air. A pencil and writing tablet were placed in their hands, and they began to write letters. Some of these bore the signature of Jesus and some the signature of The Father. Some were addressed to the saints, some to the sinners and some to individuals. The doubts were largely removed when the Lord Jesus appeared in our hall one night, just over two little girls who were lying on the floor, on their backs, writing in the Spirit. He was dressed in a white robe and was looking down upon the writers. Two sisters saw Him. But why should not we receive letters from Jesus as well as the seven angels of the seven churches of Asia. If Jesus wrote seven letters to those seven preachers by the hand of John, sixty years after His as¬ cension, He can write letters to us 1900 years after His ascension. The following are specimens of the messages given in writing. “My lambs, keep saved, pray more.” “He gave His only Son for you, sin¬ ners, so some.” “Come and be with my lambs.” “When I come I am going to take you home, my lambs, and give you all a crown.” “Jesus loves you, come and be saved.” “Come sinners, come and be saved.” “Jesus is coming soon, be ready.” “Pray for sinners, tell them that I am coming sooner than they think.” “One accord, one mind.” “This message is to be read to sinners: Come and be saved for I am coming back to earth once more. For saints: Get ready saints for I am coming soon. Some say they are saved, but they are not. I know you dear ones.” “Pray for power and you will get it.” “Trust and obey if you want victory.” “Pray for more power.” “All saints pull one way and hold on.” “Be faithful: do not do what you would not want me to see, or hear.” “My lambs are going with me when I call.” 1 he following are personal letters re¬ ceived by the writer: “My son, there is victory ahead for you; don’t doubt my work. Your Saviour.” “My son, after you leave this town you are going to win victory.” “Let my power work my lamb. Your Father above.” “My Dear Son, I am talking to you. You are my faithful child. You must THE THIRD REVIVAL AT MARISSA 19 cbey and do my will and soon souls will come in to be saved.” “He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. My son, read this at altar call.” There was an extraordinary manifesta¬ tion of God's power in one of the night services, near the beginning of this re¬ vival. We had given the altar call but no one had come to the altar. A little girl about twelve years old was under the power, so according to my rule I could not close, for out of reverence to the Holy Ghost I never close a service while the power is on any one. So I asked the congregation to be seated until we should see what the Spirit was going to do. The child arose, took another girl about her size hy the hand, and led her out upon the sidewalk. We could hear her shouting as she went dancing along the sidewalk. A few minutes later she returned to the pavilion leading a little girl by the hand who was a backslider. She brought her to the altar. The little backslider was re¬ claimed. The child who led her to the altar had no recollection of anything she had done when she came out from under the power. The manifestations of God’s power have been becoming greater and more wonderful in every revival since the re¬ vival at Percy. The walking trances ap¬ peared first at Percy and have been be¬ coming more numerous and more power¬ ful until it has developed into what is evidently the apostolic gift of prophecy. A few prophecies were put forth by per¬ sons in this state at Percy, which have been meeting their fulfillment ever since. At one of the night services at Marissa, several of the girls fell into the walking trances. Through one of them a pro¬ phecy was put forth to a young brother in the audience that God was going to give him healing power. They led him to a crippled child sitting on her mother’s lap, placed his hands on her and told him to pray for her. The crippled child was Dorothy Combs, a two-year-old daughter of Captain Combs. After the prayer these girls took the child out of her mother’s arms, prayed over her, wept over her, rubbed her joints and tried to make her walk on the floor. These things continued for fully a half hour. The child was not healed but we all took this for a sign that God was going to heal her. When the mother had again taken the child, one of the young sisters who is a prophet came to me with the following message from the Lord which she delivered verbally: “My Dear Son: You are my faithful child. I will give you a crown of glory in heaven. I have a crown of righteous¬ ness laid up for you You have faith in me; pray for this child, that it may be healed.” The next night, by the hand of a prophet, the Lord sent me the following letter: “My Dear Sen: Obey my command, I will answer your prayer. Thou shouldst preach from the 2nd chapter of Acts. From Jesus.” I had preached from this chapter twice before during this revival, nevertheless, I obeyed the command and preached from it with the greatest power that was given me during this revival. I thought the command referred to in this letter was the one contained in the message given the night before to pray for the healing of Dorothy Combs. So I went to her home, took her into a room by myself and prayed fervently for her heal¬ ing; but the Lord did not heal her. On the last night of the revival the Holy Ghost again took up the subject of Dorothy Combs’ healing. A young sister fell upon the floor in a trance and began to pray and weep before the Lord in the Spirit for her healing. Then the Spirit sent us the following letter: “If we all have faith He will heal when we do; but if not, God said he could not heal. No faith!” Then two of the brethren laid their hands on Dorothy and prayed for her healing. She was not healed. Then the Holy Ghost wrote the following letter to Captain Combs. “Jesus has already come half way to heal and He went back because just as He was ready to heal, someone doubted.” Then Jesus sent me the following letter: “Dear Son: This is not to be read among my saints, but there are two peo¬ ple who are doubting. I will revea to you later. Pray for them and obey my command. Pray my faithful child. Jesus.” Then the following letters were re¬ ceived by certain parties present by the hand of the prophetess: “You pray, my Dear Lamb, and tell other lambs to pray for it takes prayer for me to heal. I can heal instantly, but I want you all to pray. From Saviour.” “But He is going to heal. Do not get discouraged but pray more and have faith in me always. Do you trust me or not? I know you will.” When the prophetess came out from under the power, I asked her if she had seen a vision. She said, “Yes, I saw Jesus coming down from heaven, accom¬ panied by a company of very large angels, 20 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL to heal Dorothy Combs. He came part of the way and then stopped and said, ‘There! somebody doubted! But I will come again.’ Then He turned and went back to heaven.” She knew nothing about the things that had taken place in our meeting. In one of the Sunday afternoon serv¬ ices, two gir’s, the one a young woman, the other a child about twelve years old, wrought a marvelous work in the Spirit. They worked together as if by mutual understanding, yet both were in a state of perfect unconsciousness and knew nothing about the things they were doing. They lined all the saints up in a straight line across the hall, and then came along and removed from the person of every one all jewelry, such as necklaces, beads, finger rings, tie-pins, etc. I was wearing an ornamental tie-pin. Th ; s was removed and handed to me to put in my pocket. I broke the ornamental part off and put the plain pin back into my tie. The Spirit has not objected to this pin since. While the inspection continued, the Holy Ghost said by the mouth of the child, ‘‘You must put away all extra ap¬ pearances.” The child herself wore a golden neck¬ lace. She took hold of it, broke it and threw it aw r ay. She would never have known what had become of it had not others told her w r hat she had done. Some in the line, when they saw what was coming, tried to hide their jewelry, but the Spirit found all of it. When the inspection was ended, the Lord said by the mouth of the child, ‘‘Now you can worship me better since you have laid aside your jewels.” In another service a sister in a trance went about wiping the powder off the faces of the sisters. One sister denied saying, ‘‘I did not put powder on my face tonight.” ‘‘Did I not see you?” said the Spirit by the mouth of the prophet¬ ess.” “Oh, yes!” said the other, “I for¬ got. I did put powder on my face before I started to church.” Then the Spirit wrote by the hand of a prophetess, “Powder is not for the saints.” One of those who received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in this revival was Almira Hutson, a Salvation Army girl. She is called into the ministry and feels that her place is in the Pentecostal work. The Holy Ghost told her that she should not go back to St. Louis, the divisional headquarters. But she heeded the super¬ ior officers and went to headquarters. Letters from her to saints in Marissa showed that she was dissatisfied and felt that her place was in the Pentecostal work. THE SECOND REVIVAL AT TILDEN About the time that I started my re¬ vival at Marissa Sister West started a revival at Tilden. For several weeks the meeting went on with apparently little success. In the meantime strange mani¬ festations were developing in their midst. Some of the saints would get into trances and begin to do strange things sometimes when the minister was just ready to be¬ gin his sermon, so some of them were set down. One of the sisters who had those strange manifestations and who because of her strange manifestations was a sub¬ ject of ridicule in the mouths of the saints at Tilden, came to Marissa and helped us in cur services. She went to the Tilden meeting at a time when Sister West was becoming discouraged. There she went into a trance and wrought wonderful works through the power of the Hoy Ghost. The altar was filled with seekers, and Sister West decided to continue the revival. The Ploly Ghost has now full liberty at Tilden and marvelous gifts are develop¬ ing in their midst. In one cf the services in Tilden the Holy Ghost through the prophets lined up all the brethren and took all the to¬ bacco, pipes, cigarettes, cigarette papers and matches out of their pockets. The pipes were thrown into the stove, and the rest of these things were taken outside and scattered to the winds. One sister put a piece of tobacco in her pocket and went to church to see if the Holy Ghost would find it. The Holy Ghost through a prophet told her about the scheme she had concocted. Preachers are being sent out from Til¬ den and Marissa according to Acts 13:1-3. A VISIT TO TILDEN I had heard that there were prophets in the church at Tilden, so I visited that place. The saints came together quietly. Each found a seat and kept his place to the end of the service. We tasted first of prayer. Then we sang a hymn. During the singing the power of the spirit fell upon three of the sisters. Two soon came out from under the power and took their seats. The other began to teach us A VISIT TO TILDEN 21 deep lessons. Her eyes were closed. She walked into a bed-room (for we were in a cottage meeting,) picked up a baby that lay upon the bed, brought it before us and said, “When all the saints become as this child Sister Franklin will be healed.” (Sister Franklin is a lame sis¬ ter who is filled with the Holy Ghost.) The prophetess exhorted us for a time and then took her seat. Just as she was in the act of sitting down she came out from under the power. At the same instant the power fell up¬ on another sister who at once arose, with eyes closed, and began to prophecy. She continued her prophecies for about two hours. The prophecies were great and the sayings deep and wonderful. The secrets of many hearts were revealed. Many of the saints were led before me one at a time. While the prop'hetess held each by the hand, the Holy Ghost by her lips gave me accounts of the difficulties He had encountered in making believers cut of them. Each stood smiling and nodding assent to the things the Holy Ghost was telling me about him. The Holy Ghost by the lips of this sister told us that there were five of the saints who hindered Sister Franklin’s healing, three women and two men. These the Holy Ghost told us were not true. He repeated to us many of the sayings of these prsons when not in the presence of the saints. Then the Holy Ghost referred to one of the persecutors of the saints and told us that one of the two unfaithful men was hindering him from becoming a be¬ liever. Then the Holy Ghost pointed out to me the wife of an aged blind man, for whose healing I had prayed twice, with¬ out results. The Holy Ghost said, “She is a faithful wife and mother, but her daughter is wicked. Her husband also is wicked. He says, ‘Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!’ in the presence of the saints, but behind their backs he cusses them.” Then the Holy Ghost said unto me, “You prayed for that man twice, but he had no faith in your prayers, and be¬ hind your back he cusses you.” The wife nodded assent to all the things that the Floly Ghost said about her husband. Then the Holy Ghost said unto me. “My Son: Ycu have been very patient in Marissa. You have been both faithful and patient, but they will not hear you. They sit back and make fun of you while you are preaching. They have stolen y r our lights, broken up your organ and acted dirty in the hall when you were not present.” “Yes, Lord,” said I, “too dirty to talk about.” And the Holy Ghost answered, “Yes, but go back to Marissa and stay until the last of the week, and then go to New Athens. Souls are going to destruction in that town every day. There are men in that town who do not believe in heaven or hell. The young girls in that town, and the young boys are going to destruc¬ tion. Go quickly to that town.” Then I exclaimed in the earnestness of my soul, “Lord may I not go home?” (I had not been home for six months and had planned a visit with the loved ones at home. It seemed to me at this mo¬ ment that the Lord was going to require me to defer my trip home. It seemed hard, but I quickly decided that I would obey God’s command.) The Holy Ghost deferred His answer until I had decided in my heart to defer my visit if God told me to, then He said, “You may go home, but don’t visit long. Lose no time in getting to New Athens.” Then I said to the Holy Ghost, “May I take some one along with me to New Athens?” “Don’t take your companion,” said He, “she might get hurt. Go by yourself, and pray much that you do not get hurt, but I will be with you and see you through. You will have a hard time get¬ ting anything started there, but you will win the victory.” Then the Holy Ghost told the saints at Tilden that when I got my meeting start¬ ed in New Athens they should go up and help me out. Then the Holy Ghost told me to tell the saints at Marissa to go up to New Athens also and help me out. The Holy Ghost said also to me, “Go back to Marissa and warn the saints that the wolves are coming.” He said also, “Tell the saints at Marissa that there are wolves among them.” Then I said to the Holy Ghost, “Why is it that I cannot receive a full endue- ment with power from on high?” He said to me, “Go into your upper room with me alone and read the Bible and ask me, and I will reveal unto you things that I do not want the saints to hear.” He said also to me, “You pray much, but pray more. Give me all the time that you can spare.” “The Floly Ghost also gave me the fol¬ lowing instructions: “You are too harsh with the sinners who do not obey you. Use more kindness. Kindness will win them. The saints take too much liberty. They laugh and talk and whisper to one another and move about when you are preaching. This hinders me from work¬ ing. The sinners talk about the way the saints are doing. Put the saints where 22 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL they belong and make them stay there and keep quiet until the service closes. And when the power falls on some one while you are preaching, stop and let the Holy Ghost preach, and believe in mani¬ festations, and if anyone gets up who is not of me I have power to set him down.” "Shall I believe in every manifesta¬ tion?” inquired I. "Yes,” said the Spirit, "and if any one gets up who is not of me, I will set him BACK AT The four nights at Marissa were great¬ ly blessed of God. The Holy Ghost was in charge. I faithfully warned the saints that the wolves were coming to that place as the Holy Ghost had commanded me. In one of these services a sister was lying on the floor in a trance. Suddenly a voice from her lips said, "If you will all pray I will bring Almira back. Pray! Pray!” We all prayed. Then the voice said, "Almira is coming back. Jesus will bring her back. Shout! Shout!” Some praised the Lord but not very loud. The voice said again, "Shout! Shout aloud! Are you not happy?” Then we all shouted praises to God aloud. Then the voice from the prophetess’ lips said, "I will write her a letter and that will bring her.” Then the finger of the prophetess pointed towards Almira’s mother and her face turned towards her as if she were looking at her (but her eyes were shut tight) at the same time the voice from her lips said, "If I write a letter will you send it to her?” With a nod the mother answered, "Yes.” Then by the hand of the prophetess, as she lay upon the floor, the following letter was written: "My dear Lamb: I am Jesus. I am sending you this letter. I am wanting you back to your home town. I am tell¬ ing you that you must obey me and not man. Do you still love your Saviour? I want to always be in your heart. I will go with you everywhere if you will let me lead you; but I am your leader, your Sav¬ iour and guide. I do not want you there, it is against my will. Your dear friends and dear saints love you and always will. I am asking you to come back where you belong. Oh, how I love you! You have been a means of souls, I through you. Be faithful my lamb. I love you still. Obey my call. Jesus.” down.” I testify to every one who reads this book that every word spoken to me through the prophetess that pertains to the past and present, is true. This meeting in Tilden was held on Wednesday evening. I had closed my meeting at Marissa the night before. In obedience to the command of God I re¬ turned to Marissa and held services again from Thursday night until Sunday night. MARISSA The letter was folded and on the out¬ side was written, "Almira Hutson from Jesus.” In another night service a young woman was lying on the floor under the power of the Holy Ghost in a state of perfect unconsciousness. By her hand was written the following: "Drink from the water of life freely.” Then she lifted both hands straight up¬ wards, locked her fingers under her double first so as to form a sort of cup in her double first to resemble a drinking fountain, then came from her lips the words, "Drink, drink.” One at a time we all stooped and went through the motion of drinking out of the fist-fountain. Then the Lord wrote us the following letter by the hand of the prophetess: "I just wanted to see if you would but obey me. Each time you do my will you climb a golden step towards heaven. Be faithful and pray hard. Obey. Thou art my faithful few.” In this same service I was twice com¬ manded by the lips of the prophets to dance. Each time I closd my eyes and hopped around a little but did not dance from my heart. I did not allow my feet to go into the step which the Lord had given me. Then the Lord wrote me the following letter: "My Blessed Lamb: You are so true to me. Be more faithful, more humble. Do whatever I command: dance, shout, sing or any of my commands that I order you to do. You must obey, because al¬ ready I have for you and all the rest a starry crown.” Almira Hutson’s mother attended this service. She is badly afflicted with an internal growth which if the Lord does not heal, may mean the knife, or death. Time after time she has been commanded by the lips of the prophets to "praise the Lord in the dance.” See Psa. 149:3. She always disobeys because she says she cannot dance. I have prayed for this sister’s healing, but something always A DAY IN THE SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS 23 hindered her healing. At this service she was again commanded to dance. She again refused to obey. Then the Lord sent her a letter in which he said to her, “If you will obey me and dance when I tell you to I will heal you.” A DAY IN THE SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS The saints in Tilden have an all day fast every Monday, which has been ap¬ pointed by the Holy Ghost. On this day they literally worship God all day. The service begins at 6:00 A. M. and ends at 6:00 P. M. No one is to eat or drink until after six in the evening. This also is the appointment of the Spirit. The Spirit has asked all the saints to obey this order, and has promised the men that if any of them lose their jobs by obeying His commandments he will give them a better one. But only a few of the saints literally obey these orders. They are coming and going all day. These prophets fall into a state in which the action of the mind is entirely suspended. While in this state the prophecies come forth from their lips usually with a stammering lip. God and the Lord Jesus are impersonated in these prophecies and sometimes the speaker refers to Himself as the Holy Ghost. By means of these prophets community secrets are revealed, family secrets also, and in many instances the very secrets of the heart are divined. Through them unfaithfulness is pointed out in the lives of the saints, the names of criminals are divulged and their crimes are described. The arrivals of ministers are forecasted and the exact time of their arrival is given in the prophecies. I am told by the pastor that every one of these pro¬ phecies have been fulfilled. Oftimes when young saints begin to wander from the fold, their blunders are pointed out through the prophets. The writer witnessed the preaching of a sermon through one who is not a preacher. The speaker impersonated Jesus. It contained deep and wonderful sayings. I was intensely interested. Yet, notwithstanding this fact, and although it was but yesterday, I am unable to recall a single word of this sermon. Through these prophets one can con¬ verse with the Holy Ghost as if he were a man. He literally teaches the saints all things according to Jno. 14:26; I Jno. 2:27. One of the prophets arose and said, “I see 7, 10, 4 and 5, figure this out as men figure and see what it means.” After a little hesitancy, I suggested that these numbers stood for the 7th, 10th, 4th and 5th letters of the alphabet. A voice from the lips of the prophet said, “That is right.” We counted and found that the num¬ bers stood for G, J, D and E. Then I said, “But what do these letters stand for?” The voice from the prophet’s lips said, “G stands for God; J stands for Just; D stands for Doubt, and E stands for Easy.” Then I said, “I do not yet understand the meaning.” The voice answering said unto me, “The meaning is this: God will judge the just. Some saints doubt because the devil puts it in them. If they will only believe me, I will make the way easy.” There is a young Pentecostal preacher in Tilden whose mother, living in Iowa, recently planned to pay her son a visit. The Holy Ghost had promised the brother through a prophet that his mother would get saved when she came to Tilden. She came and attended the all day meeting yesterday. In the fore part of the day the Holy Ghost suddenly fell upon her. She began to shake with the power and fell from her chair. She received salvation and the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues be¬ fore she got up off of the floor. At the same time the Spirit fell on a woman from Marissa, who had sought for the baptism but had never spoken freely in tongues. She suddenly began to speak fluently in tongues. By the mouth of one of the prophets the Holy Ghost said, “I am going to send my faithful ones out of Tilden. I will send them to places where the people want to hear my word, and I will give my ministers enough means to get by on. At another time the Lord said by the mouth of a prophet, “Do not murmur when you have to endure hardness for me.” In the forenoon also I received the fol¬ lowing letter from the Lord, “You go to New Athens and preach. Two religions will be against you; but preach my Word.” Then the prophetess by whom the letter was sent said, “One of the religions that will be against you goes like this: [kneeling and bowing so low that her forehead touched the floor, then lifting her heard she made upon her breast the sign of the cross] and the other is the German Lutheran.” Later I received the following letter from the Lord, “Go see family, My Son, 24 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL then go preach. Make your visit short.” At another time the Holy Ghost said to me, “I am going to heal Sister Frank¬ lin. If the saints here will not believe I will take her away from here and heal her. After I have healed her I will call her out in my work.” In another letter the Lord said, “But I do this to my own glory and no un¬ believer shall see this performed.” In the afternoon the Spirit said to me by the lips of a youthful prophetess, fourteen years old, “You tell the saints that if they ail had as much faith as you have, I would heal Sister Franklin to¬ day.” “I don’t like to tell that,” said I. The prophetess gave me a slap on the left cheek and said, “Tell it!” I then told the saints what the Spirit had said, but I did not think to ask the Spirit if He would heal Sister Franklin for me, if I put all the rest of the saints out of the House. By the mouth of the same youthful prophetess the Holy Ghost said unto me, “Go to New Athens and preach my Word. The people of that town need the full gospel. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have much success at first. There will not be many saints. You may not be able to get a hall at first, but if you can’t get a hall preach on the streets, and preach as hard to one man as you would to a million.” Then I asked the Spirit, “Will there be a mob?” And He said, “There will be a mob to start trouble but you will win the victory. They will not want to be- live but I will make them believe. They will not have a chance to come to the altar for I will take them out of their seats.” Then my mind began to wander. I wondered if the prophecy contained in the last sentence was really to be ful¬ filled at New Athens, so I said to the Spirit, “Where shall these things take place?” And the Spirit said, “Every¬ where.” Then the Holy Ghost continued to speak unto me saying, “Some of the saints in Tilden and in Marissa do not like you. They say they do not like to hear you preach. They say about you, ‘He is no preacher, he is a teacher.’ They say ‘He is out for the money.’ Some of them don’t want to come to New Athens to help you, but I am going to make them come whether they want to, or not. And when you come back they will all want to hear you preach.” I felt hurt when I learned that some thought that I was out for the money, because I have passed through such great financial straits in the past year. Then I said to the Lord, “How am I going to pay my debts?” The prophetess walked across the floor, picked up a Bible and came back to me. with the Bible in her left hand, and the finger of her right hand pointing to it, while the Spirit spake to me from her lips, saying, “Do you believe that book?” I said, “Yes Lord, I believe that book.” Then she opened the Bible and holding the open Bible up before me, she passed her hand down over the 5th chapter of James while the Holy Ghost said by her lips, “Read this. Read it to yourself.” When I had read this chapter carefully I understood that my debts were to be payed by the prayer of faith. The little prophetess brought the Bible to me the second time. Then the Spirit said unto me, “You believe that Book?” I said, “Yes Lord.” “Then read it,” said the Spirit, “Read it more.” The Lord said unto me by the mouth of this prophetess, “Never say that you are perfect. No man is perfect. Even I was not perfect. We must glorify the Father. Many preachers say that they are perfect, but they are above my head and they are above my Father's head.” Again the Holy Ghost said, “Bro. Joe [Robinson] has a doubt. I am going to take it out of him. He has secrets which he thinks nobody knows. I am going to tell him about them.” The Holy Ghost said unto me. by the mouth of another prophetess, “You have doubted my power.” I said, “Yes, Lord.” Continuing the Holy Ghost said, “When my power begins to work you begin to think. You say in your heart, ‘Is this God?’ I have only begun to work. I am going to show you things far greater than the things you have seen; and when you see them you will doubt them, and then I will make you believe them.” What manner of times are these, that even the secrets of our hearts should be revealed? The Lord spake unto me again by the mouth of the little prophetess, saying, “When you begin your services always rebuke the devil in my name and tell all the saints to ask God to rebuke the devil. If all the preachers would do this they would have more power in their meet¬ ings.” The Holy Ghost sent the little prophet¬ ess unto me saying unto me, “Give me your tablet.” We placed a pencil and tablet in her hands thinking that the Spirit wanted to write. The Spirit shook the head of the prophetess saying from her lips, “No, I 25 A DAY IN THE SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS want your tablet.” I reached in my pocket and drew out my note book and handed it to the prophetess. “That is it,” said the Spirit. The Spirit opened it by the hands of the prophetess and referred to the letter, copied in it, which the Lord Jesus had written at Marissa to Alm'ra Hutson and said unto me, “Put this in your book and print the address with it so it can be investigated.” Then I said to the Holy Ghost, “May I publish my secret letter?” And the Spirit answered, “Yes.” Then I asked the Holy Ghost concern¬ ing raising the money to pay for the printing of my book and He said to me, “Tell Bro. Nance to take up a special offering in the meeting tonight. Tell them that those who have money shall give and that those who have no money need not give. And when you have re¬ ceived the offering don’t say, ‘This is not enough to publish my book.’ This is what makes the saints think you are out for the money. Tell Bro. Lloyd to take up such an offering at Marissa.” “Shall I give the saints books for the offering?” I inquired. The Spirit answered, saying, “After you have taken up the offering, then ask the saints if they want any of the books and if they want them send them to them.” Then I said to the Spirit, “Shall I con¬ tinue to take up the dollar offering as I have purposed?” And the Spirit answered me, saying, “That will be all right in the churches where you have preached, but not in other churches, lest the people think that you are out for the money.” I said also unto the Spirit, “How much shall I pray?” He said unto me, “Not very long, if you pray with faith ” The Lord also showed us that we should not trust in man for order in our services, saying by the mouth of a prophetess, “You don’t need [drawing short lines across one center on the breast to signify the officer’s star] and [passing both hands from the waist down over the hips to signify the pistols in the holsters] and [passing the finger around both wrists to signify the hand¬ cuffs] for I am the Law.” The Holy Ghost said also, “I am going to take Bro. Nance [the pastor] away from Tilden, and because I said this sor¬ row has filled your hearts, I will take him away because they will not receive his words. I will take him to a p.ace where they want to hear My Word.” Again the Holy Ghost spake unto me saying, “I am going to take Bro. Nance away from here, and send them a stronger man than he, (they need a strong man here,) and if they will not hear that man, this church will go down. Tell this to Bro. Nance.” After the service had closed at 6:00 P. M. I went to Bro. Nance and delivered the message I had received for him. He had already received it through a prophet who was not in the service when the message was delivered to me. The Holy Ghost through one of the prophetesses lined up all the sisters in two lines facing each other. He placed the women with shingled hair in one line and the women with long hair in the other. The long hair was approved by the Spirit but the women with bobbed hair and shaved necks were pointed out as examples of shame. The Spirit said to them that they should not do these things any more, because they were fol¬ lowing a style of the world. The prophetess herself had her hair bobbed and her neck shaved. When she came out from under the power another prophetess was filled with the spirit of prophecy and led her out before us all and pointed her out also as an example of shame. In the forenoon the Holy Ghost told us that Bro. Rose who is in prison in Chester, for a crime he is accused of having committed before he was saved had let down. The Spirit said the pris¬ oners had been making fun of him and that this caused him to let down. The Spirit repeated to us through the prophet the exact words the prisoners had said to him. The Spirit commanded that some of the saints should go immediately to Chester and pray for Bro. Rose, and bring him back to the fold. Three car¬ loads cf saints went immediately to Chester and found all things as the Lord had said. And, notwithstanding the fact that it was Monday, and visitors are not allowed to see the prisoners on that day cf the week, the sheriff allowed the saints to take the prisoner out to his garage and hold a prayer meeting with him. He was reinstated. At a time when the spirit of prophecy was silent, (a prophet was lying on the floor under the power,) our minds began to wander. Some one remarked, “Would it not be nice if we could find a church with every member in it trying to obey God in everything.” “If I could find such a church,” said I, “I would feel like staking down and stay- 26 THE BURNING V/HEEL REVIVAL ing with it.” “I can make such a church,” said “There is no such church upon earth,” the Spirit by the lips of the prophet lying said another. on the floor. A VISIT TO THE CHURCHES I left Tilden with no intention of re¬ turning to that town before I went home. I visited the churches at Sparta, Chester, Percy, Willisville, Cutler and Coulter- ville, for the purpose of raising money to print my book as the Holy Ghost had directed me. I also visited Bro. Lirely at Ava. At Chester the Lord made a deaf ear hear the tick of a watch which had never heard a watch tick before. The deaf woman was 57 years old. At Coulterville during the afternoon service, the spirit of prophecy fell upon two girls and they began to prophecy. THE SECOND DAY IN THE A prophetess touched the hot stove several times with her fingers. Then she led several others to the stove and made them touch it to show them that it was hot. Then by the mouth of the prophet¬ ess the Holy Ghost said unto me, “You are going to have a test. You are going to have a test. When you get through the fire you will gain the victory. When you get through there you will not doubt so much. Others will go through the fire, and when they go through the fire they will not doubt so much. If you go through with me you will have to go through the fire.” Then the Spirit said to all, “Many will go through the fire. I will send them where they will go through the fire. I wfiil send Bro. Schell to that place and he will have to go through the fire.” Then to me He said, “Pray that you may be able to go through the fire.” Continuing the Spirit said, “Sister West will have to go through the fire here before she wins victory. The fire is already kindled. I sent her here, and she must stay until she wins victory. For this purpose I sent her here. You think you don’t have to suffer for me, but you are going to have to suffer for me to win the victory over satan. Them that do not believe will have more than fire to go through. If they will humble themse ves at the foot of the cross, I will start them on the straight and nar¬ row way, but they won’t humble them¬ selves.” Again the Spirit said unto me, “I have f'"m" 'kings the devil don’t want you to he'r. Pray and I will speak.” I prryed earnestly in secret and then In the first message the Holy Ghost said, “I will not ask them to come to the altar any more, I will take them out of their seats. They say they can’t understand but I will make them understand.” At this service I met a brother from Tilden to whom I said, “I have decided to take in another all day meeting at Tilden Monday.” “I heard today,” said he, “that you were coming back to Tilden.” “How did you hear that?” I asked. “The Holy Ghost told us in our morn¬ ing service at Tilden,” said he, “that you were coming back to Tilden.” SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS the Spirit continued, saying, “Jesus says you shall go and preach my Word to that town and tell them to turn from that old way and come to the foot of the cross where their sins will be washed away, and that my Spirit will guide them through life. They cannot harm our souls and they shall not harm thee.” A brother who had never prophecied before fell upon the floor under the Spirit of prophecy. Lying on his back he held up seven fingers. We counted them. Then the Holy Ghost spake by his mouth, saying, “There are seven evil spirits coming this way. They are com¬ ing to fight against you. Saints pray! Pray! Pray!” We prayed and then the prophet held up ten fingers and then the Spirit said by his lips, “The Lord has given you ten good spirits to fight against the seven evil spirits.” The spirit of prophecy fell upon a sister from Sparta who had never pro¬ phesied before. By her mouth the Holy Ghost said, “There are seven legions of devils but the Lord has given you ten legions and thousands to fight against them.” The Lord had told me by a letter that He would give me a crown of Glory. He said also that He had a crown of right¬ eousness laid up for me. I thought that the Lord had spoken to me of two crowns and conjectured that the price of the crown of g’ory might be martyrdom. I w r as worried, so I asked the Holy Ghost, “What is the price of the crown of glcrv?” He answered me saying, “It earn, t be purchased with money. If you are righteous you will keep my com- OTHER SAYINGS FROM THE LIPS OF THE PROPHETS 27 mandments and you shall have a crown of glory. Some say that they are right¬ eous but they do not keep my command¬ ments; these shall not wear the crown of glory. Obedience is better than sacri¬ fice.” Again I asked, “Lord is the crown of glcry and the crown of righteousness the same thing?” The Spirit held up one finger of the little fourteen-year-old prophetess and answered me by her lips, saying, “There is but one crown. If you obey all my commandments you shall have a crown of righteousness which is a crown of glory.” Near the close of the twelve-hour service the little prophetess led four of us out on the floor and by her lips the Holy Ghost said unto us, “Pray for Bill that he may be saved.” She had a brother Bill who was unsaved and the other three sup¬ posed that he was the one alluded to. Then the Spirit said to me, “Talk to him to n : ght. He would have been saved before now if the boys had not talked to him. Pray for him. Pray hard for him. If you pray for him he will not sleep at night. I can bring him down. I can shut men’s mouths.” Feeling uncertain as to who the party was that I was to pray for I asked, “Who is it, Lord?” The three persons standing by me said, “It is her brother Bill.” But the Spirit by the mouth of the child said, “I will reveal to you who he is. If you trust me you will know him.” At the service that night I inquired about her brother Bill. He was not at church. A doubt arose in my mind. When the altar call was given I saw a young man falling down at the altar. I did not recognize him. The Spirit said, “This is the one you are to pray for.” By inquiry I learned that he was Bill Calvert from Marissa. The Holy Ghost said again to the saints at Tilden, “Pray for Bro. Schell while he is at New Athens. Hold special prayer every Wednesday night and fast every Thursday.” OTHER SAYINGS FROM THE LIPS OF THE PROPHETS “My coming is near, but before I come I will test my children. If you cannot stand my Spirit you cannot go with me.” “Pray for the third person.” “I say to you children doubt not and stay humble before me and ye shall see signs and wonders.” “Stay humble before me and I will make all things clear.” “I say to you believe all things; take my Word for it and believe me first of all.” “You must become more humble You must pray more. There is too much foolishness. Get more serious. It is time to cast out all foolishness. Be more humble. Be more prayerful.” “They shall take them from the altars and slay them.” “The devil goes that he may devour the saints. Plold on to me. Hold on to me and you will win the victory.” “When my children get lifted up they think that they can sit down and not read my Word nor pray. But thev must humble themselves and pray and then they can follow me. If they will humble themselves the way is clear before them; it is shining. See? the light is shining.” “Many souls desire to come unto me but some one is blocking the way. You must pray and believe and then you will see souls saved.” “I saw him coming and then darkness overtook him. I saw him start but he was stopped. I saw him start on the narrow way but he didn’t go far. Now he is troubled and when it is removed he is coming on. There is a stop. Pray and he will come on. He can’t stand it. He can’t stand the fire and he can’t be¬ lieve. See? You pray, pray, pray, pray and the way is opened.” “The saints must be tried by fire.” “There are too many doubts in my children’s hearts sometimes.” “My children when danger approaches I will warn you. See that you take my warning.” “Fear not, I will lead you into all truth if you stay humlble and pray.” “The saints doubt my children and that makes them quench my Spirit. They doubt my works in them, that makes them quench the Spirit.” “Don’t doubt my * prophets, any o: them. If they are not of me I will set them down. If these things were not of me I would not have allowed them to have been spoken.” “I say to you, My Son: You must all be tried. You all make mistakes. There is none perfect. When you get perfect you are too good for this world.” 28 THE BURNING WHEEL REVIVAL SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS On the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as Subsequent to the Pardon of Sins “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.”—Mat. 3:11. ‘‘For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.”—Acts 1 :5. “Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had re¬ ceived the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John: who, when they came down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (for as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Ho'y Ghost.”—Acts 8:14-17. “And finding certain disciples, he said unto them, Plave ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?”—Acts 19:1, 2. “After that ye believed ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.”—Eph. 1:13. On Tongues as the Evidence of “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utter¬ ance.”—Acts 2:4. “While Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circum¬ cision which believed were astonished as many as came with Peter, because that On the Signs to “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devks; they shall speak with new ton¬ gues; they shall take up serpents; and if On Praising the “And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.”—Ex. 15:20. “And Jephtha came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances.”—Judgs 11:34. “There is a feast of the Lord in Shiloh .Therefore they commanded the children of Benjamine, saying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards; and see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in the dances, then come ye On Visions “Your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.”— Acts 2:17. “There appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.”—Acts 2:3. “He saw in a vision evidently about the rinth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to Him, and saying unto him.”—Acts 10:3. “He fell into a trance, and saw heaven the Baptism of the Holy Ghost on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.”—Acts 10:44-46. “And when Paul bad laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.”—Acts 19:6. Follow Believers they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”—Mark 16: 17, 18. Lord in the Dance out of the vineyards, and catch every man his wife.And the children of Benjamine did so, and took them wives, according to the number of them that danced, whom they caught.”—Judges 21:19-23. “And David danced before the Lord with all his might.”—2 Sam. 6:14. “Let them praise his name in the dance.“—Ps. 149:3. “Praise him with the timbrel and dance.”—Ps. 150:4. “Rejoice ye in that day, and leap [Gk. dance] for joy.”—Luk. 6:23. and Trances opened.”—Acts 10:10-22. “While I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance; and saw him saying unto me, make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusa’em; for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.”—Acts 22:17, 18. “Such an one caught up to the third heaven.”—2 Cor. 12:2. “He was caught up into paradise.”— V. 4. SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS 29 On Shaking With the Power “And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the camp of Dan.” —Judges 13:25. “I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself.”—Judges 16:20. “All my bones shake, I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine hath overcome.”—Jer. 23:9. “A great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.”—Dan. 10 : 10 . Falling Under the Power “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.”—Rev. 1:17. “While they made ready, he fell into a trance.”—Acts 10:10. “I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?"—Acts 22:7. “And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me.” —Acts 26:14. “And when I saw it I fell upon my face.”—Ezek. 1:28. “And I fell on my face.”—Ch. 2:23. On the New Testament Prophets “Behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city.”— Mat. 23:34. “God hath set some in the church, first apoltles, secondarily prophets.”—I Cor. 12:28. “And he gave some apostles; and some, prophets.”—Eph. 4:11. “As it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.”— Eph. 3:5. “Now there was in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Nigar, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Man- aen, which had been brought up with Herod the Tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.”—Acts 13:1, 2. “And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them.” —Acts 15:32. “There came down from Judaea a cer¬ tain prophet, named Agabus.”—Acts 21: 10 . “To another prophecy.”—I Cor. 12:10. “And the same man had four daugh¬ ters, virgins, which did prophesy.”—Acts 21:9. “Despise not prophesyings.”—I Thess. 5:20. See also I Cor. 14:1-5, 24, 25, 29-32, 39. On the Voice of the Spirit in the Churches - “He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.”— Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22. “Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia, After they came to Mys’a, they assayed to go into Bithy- nia: but the Spirit suffered them not.”— Acts 16:6, 7. “The Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying, Bonds and afflictions abide me.”—Acts 20:23. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith.”—I Tim. 4:1. On Persons Under the Power “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.” —Rev. 1:10. “He came by [Gk. in] the Spirit into the temple.”—Luk. 2:27. “And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he edrded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jez- reai.”—I Kings 18:46. “Behold a young lion roared against him. And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have sent a kid, and he had noth¬ ing in his hand.”—Judges 14:5, 6. See also Judges 14:19; 15:14, 15. OUR BOOK LIST Sanctification and Holiness, the False and the True. Paper cover .$ .25 Primitive Church Government. Paper .15 Primitive Baptismal Formula. Paper .05 The New Book of Psalms. This is a book of Christian songs com¬ posed in the first century .25 The Burning Wheel Revival.25 Quantity Rates. We will send postpaid to any address, five copies of any of our 25c books for $1.00; one dozen for $1.80; one hundred copies for $12.50. Address all orders to WM. G. SCHELL, 1088 S. Poplar St., Fostoria, Ohio.