L I B R.ARY OF THE UN IVER.SITY OF ILLINOIS 016.071 0e5o C6p. Z **. «BT. SURWY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/guidetowisconsinOOiloehl Guide to Wisconsin Newspapers 1833- 1957 Compiled by Donald E. Oehlerts STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN Madison 1958 Copyright © 1958 by The State Historical Society ot Wisconsin All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Catalogue Number: 58-62501 Manufactured in the United States of America by The North American Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin &. ^ Preface THE NEWSPAPER in America occupies a singular place in our civilization. With the church, school, and general store, it has served as arbiter of men and events; it uniquely serves as scribe to the passing scene. Its value as a primary source for social history has been obscured by such faults as nostrum promotion, syndicated columns, and inaccurate reporting. But for thousands of lonely communities, untouched by greatness or importance, the local newspaper is the best and only historical record. The fourth estate in America was of decidedly British antecedents, was nurtured in provincialism, and matured in the cult of editorial personality. America's first newspaper was established in Boston on April 24, 1704, and during the eighteenth century the institution spread throughout the colonies. But it was only after the American Revolution that this urban institution began to appear in the smaller towns, marking the beginnings of the country weekly. The weekly was the pioneer of the journalistic family, and it traveled light as it moved west. Its garb was a four-page format until well after 1865, when mechanical improvements and presump- tions to precedence inflated them to eight pages. Their layouts were monotonously similar: the first page was devoted to advertising and ponderous attempts to cultivate literary taste; biased editorials and slanted news of national politics appeared on the second page; the third page was reserved for local gossip and legal notices; the entire fourth page was covered with advertising. The westward expansion of the press depended only on the establishment of mail routes as lines of communication with the East. A pretension to culture and stability, the newspaper frequently appeared on the raw edge of the frontier before it was economically justified. The pattern of premature establishment— and rapid failure —was repeated across the entire West under the stimulus of im- proved communications and local pride. Except for papers of the metropolitan areas, the American press developed by multiplication of titles and constriction of circulation. This growth was dictated by the explosion of population, the flood of immigration, and the expansion of democracy and public education. It was made possible by cheaper newspapers, techno- logical advances, and a spirit of business enterprise with more vision than practicality. Wherever people settled— on lakes, at railroad junctions, or on rivers— the editor, his type, and his green eye shade were not far behind. True to the pattern of earlier frontiers, newspapers in Wisconsin were not far behind the first settlers. The first printing press was brought into the territory from Detroit about 1826 by Albert G. Ellis. His initial effort to found a newspaper at Navarino, as Green Bay was then called, was premature. But in December, 1833, Ellis and John V. Suydam successfully launched the Green Bay Intelli- gencer. The prototype of Wisconsin newspapers was cast in the same mold as the innumerable weekly sheets struggling, with their proprietors, for a place in the American scene. Two years after the establishment of the first paper in the territory, competition developed: a rival political group started a second newspaper in Green Bay. Though bitter enemies, both papers promoted settlement, statehood, and internal improvements for the area. Green Bay dreamed of becoming the terminus of an elaborate system of waterways connecting West and East. Both papers died with their dream. The muddy village of Milwaukee caught the vision of destiny from the wavering flame in Green Bay. Solomon Juneau and Byron Kilbourn had each established a site for future greatness and a paper to promote their civic schemes. Kilbourn favored the west bank, Juneau the east side of the Milwaukee River. The journalistic agitation left the village no alternative but to grow up to the size of its press. In many other communities the activities of the two political parties, Whig and Democratic, resulted in the establish- ment of rival newspapers to represent each group where only one paper was economically justified. The country editor was often as concerned with politics and community promotion as with news reporting, and his editorials were a reflection of his politics. The great wave of immigration in the 1840's washed into Wiscon- sin settlers from New York, New England, Scandinavia, and Ger- many. But whatever their origin, these immigrants brought with them a common belief in the efficacy of law, the gospel of social reform, and the doctrine of theoretical democracy. These volatile concepts were distilled into an ideological crusade against slavery, which predestined sectional crisis and made Wisconsin Republican. The abolitionist crusade in Wisconsin was led by Sherman M. Booth, editor of the Waukesha American Freeman and later of the Milwaukee Free Democrat. With his fellow abolitionists Booth directed his agitation against the despised Fugitive Slave Law, and fate gave him legal immortality in the case of Ableman v. Booth. VI In 1854 Joshua Glover, a fugitive slave from Missouri, was captured near Racine and brought to Milwaukee for return to his owner. Booth formed a committee to insure a fair hearing for Glover, but the ensuing mob took immediate action to free Glover from jail, and then aided his escape to Canada. Booth was arrested, tried, and convicted in the federal district court for conspiracy to thwart return of the slave. At this juncture the case became a test of constitutional supremacy when the Wisconsin Supreme Court over- turned the federal conviction, declaring the Fugitive Slave Act unconstitutional. The federal Supreme Court, in turn, set aside the state infringement upon federal sovereignty. But neither sover- eignty nor slavery could be maintained by judicial decree. With the outbreak of the Civil War many papers suspended publication as their editors enlisted in the Union army. Those remaining behind continued publication under great difficulties. Material shortages and a war psychosis had a serious and lasting effect on the Northern press. The War, and Ansel N. Kellogg of the Baraboo Republic, gave a new production technique to the weekly press which transformed its soul as well as its appearance. To overcome the inflated printing and reporting costs, Kellogg had the Madison Wisconsin State Journal print one side of his paper with national news. The sheets were then shipped to Baraboo where Kellogg ran off the opposite side with local news and advertising. The process of buying ready- made matter became common after the War; it marked the birth of the modern newspaper syndicate and the death of the personal weekly. Kellogg's initial concept of stereotyped material was a child of convenience, but Andrew J. Aikens of the Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin refined it into a profitable business by the inclusion of advertising. By 1864 Aikens was supplying almost 300 weeklies and reaping a harvest of profits. After the War both Kellogg and Aikens founded national syndicates in Cincinnati and Chicago to distribute their "patent insides." The Wisconsin press was practically unanimous in its ideological opposition to slavery and its political support of the Union in the dedicated days of 1861. But military reverses shattered the hope of an easy victory and tragic losses bred discontent. Some of the more strident voices in Wisconsin were George H. Paul of the Milwaukee Daily News and Marcus "Brick" Pomeroy of the La Crosse Democrat. During the early part of the War Pomeroy only mildly questioned its goals, but later he became the most famous of the Wisconsin "Copperheads." After the Emancipation Procla- mation he visited the front with the Army of the Southwest and became convinced that the South could not be defeated in a war to free the slaves. Pomeroy urged a quick peace. Because of his defeatist views, he was banished from the battlefront by the com- manding general. Upon Pomeroy 's return to La Crosse, he began writing articles violently opposing the War, emancipation, and Abraham Lincoln. His attacks culminated in the publication of Lincoln's picture with the caption, "The Widow-Maker of the 19th Century." He also composed an epitaph for the President: Beneath this turf the Widow-Maker lies, Little in everything, except in size. But Pomeroy did not speak for his state or his city. Local opposition to his paper grew, advertising dwindled, and circulation declined. Only swift action by local authorities preserved the newspaper office from mob violence. Pomeroy left the malevolence in La Crosse in 1868 to publish newspapers in Chicago and New York. The popular appeal and intense drama of the War spawned a new brand of journalism and a new breed of correspondent. Battlefield copy brought home the War to the readers of even the most remote country weekly, and it shifted the emphasis from the editorial to the news columns. The graphic dispatches by Sylvanus Cadwallader, who covered Grant's army for the Milwaukee Daily News, set a new standard of journalism for Wisconsin. The postwar adjustment to the new nationalism and expanding economy was flavored by the arrival of new waves of immigrants. In 1870 approximately half of the population of Wisconsin was foreign-born. Their conflicting traditions and aspirations begot a sociological epic of integration; its journalistic aspect was the foreign language press. The immigrant newspaper successfully accomplished the difficult feat of perpetuating national traditionalism while helping to Americanize its patron. In fact, it served its purpose so well that in one generation it destroyed its reason for being. The German language papers were the most numerous and most skillfully edited of the foreign press in America. Beginning with the Milwaukee Wiskonsin-Banner in 1844, some 220 German papers have been published in Wisconsin. The number of papers and their geographical distribution suggest the scope and pattern of German settlement in the state. Other immigrant groups were served by their own national presses patterned on the German model. In 1847, when over half of the Norwegians in America lived in southeastern Wisconsin, the Nord- lyset was established in Racine County, the first American newspaper in the Norwegian language. The first Dutch language newspaper in the United States appeared in Sheboygan in 1849. At a later date, Polish, Italian, Yiddish and other immigrant groups read their own national papers, giving the Wisconsin press an international flavor rivaling even the largest urban centers. The technological improvements in printing equipment and paper manufacture during the later nineteenth century revolution- ized newspaper publication in America. An unwieldy flat-bed press was standard equipment in most offices until after the Civil War, when the more rapid Campbell Cylinder Press was introduced. The higher speed steam presses enabled publishers to increase circula- tions with no proportionate increase in personnel. But the limited market for the country weekly gave the urban daily the greater advantage in utilizing the new equipment. Likewise, typesetting was a hand operation in almost all weekly offices until well after 1900, for the linotype machine, invented in 1884, paid for itself more rapidly in volume production. The alliance of the linotype and the rotary press soon produced metropolitan papers of such complexity as to require an index for each daily edition. The revolution in newspaper stock was no less complete than that of typographical mechanics. Newsprint before 1880 was made from rags; thereafter pine log pulp captured the market. The cheaper stock made for more newspapers, larger circulations, and larger formats— but poorer preservation of files. Only the recent introduction of microfilming has saved the older papers from com- plete disintegration. Huge tracts in northern Wisconsin that had been denuded to fill the ravenous demand for paper and lumber testified to the expansion of the press and the diminution of forest resources. At the turn of the twentieth century Wisconsin was a state of lumber fortunes, obdurate railroads, discontented farmers, and political ferment. Many of the country weekly and foreign language papers joined the popular agitation and became unofficial organs of the agrarian movement as it developed through successive stages: Greenback, Granger, Populist, and Progressive. La Follette's program of direct democracy, governmental reform, and regulation of business plucked responsive chords in the idealis- tic tradition of Wisconsin, and the press echoed the melody. Strident discord, however, was offered by some of the conservative metro- politan dailies. To drown the opposition, the progressive Republi- cans established their own daily paper, the Milwaukee Free Press, with the anomalous aid of millionaire Isaac Stephenson. Progres- sivism also met opposition from the Socialist Left. Victor Berger's Vorwaerts and Social Democratic Herald were influential in pre- venting the German population of Milwaukee from being solidly progressive. The First World War put an unusual strain on Wisconsin's conscience, and the press was compelled to pick a tortuous path through the cross fire of blood-ties, ideological neutralism, and repressive patriotism. Most of the German papers broke under the burden. Many of them paid for their opposition to America's entry into the war with their mailing rights or padlocks on the plant door. All foreign language papers were suspect and were required to deposit translations with the postmaster until issued certificates of loyalty. Confined in a political vacuum, German papers ceased to run editorials or controversial news items. Anemic shadows of their former selves, they offered nothing more stimulating than society news and syndicated features. Fatally ill, the surviving members of Wisconsin's once proud and vigorous German press were absorbed by National Weeklies, Inc., a foreign language syndicate in Winona, Minnesota. The early years of the twentieth century marked high water in newspaper publication in America; the flood began to ebb in Wisconsin after 1905. In that year 61 daily papers and 591 weeklies were issued in the state. Since then, higher postal rates, rising costs, and shifting social and economic patterns have forced many weeklies to choose between suspension and consolidation. They have found no successful way to compete with the professionalized city daily, or to capture a proportionate share of advertising revenue. Successful newspaper publication has always depended on suffi- cient advertising, but the small-town merchant has regarded an "ad" in his local paper as a form of tribute rather than a retailing technique. He was confident that his townsmen knew what was available; besides, they had no means to trade elsewhere. When in- sufficient advertising was not fatal, it forced many editors to seek supplementary income outside the newspaper office. The urbanization, standardization, and complexity of modern American life has made the country weekly of a previous generation hopelessly obsolete and without appeal to contemporary subscribers. The means of rapid delivery of city dailies removed the last vestige of the weekly's hold on the country reader. Those weeklies which have survived do so by sufferance of sentiment or by adopting the professional and business techniques of the daily wherever possible. The American weekly in its old age suffers the afflictions of stand- ardization and the rising competition of the impertinent juveniles of mass communications. Its files are its own monument to its greatness and its folly. Even some city dailies have fallen victim to the same afflictions that felled their country cousins. One of the features of American journalism since 1890 has been the rise of large newspaper chains, such as the Scripps-Howard and Hearst enterprises. The movement was extended to Wisconsin when William Randolph Hearst pur- chased the Milwaukee Wisconsin News in 1918 and the Milwaukee Sentinel in 1924. Even when deliberate effort is made for originality, an impersonal and organizational paper cannot develop the per- sonality of a country weekly whose editor is responsible only to his conscience and the mores of his community. The cavalcade of the Wisconsin press is a colorful scene, stretching from the struggling Intelligencer to the mighty Milwaukee Journal. The parade includes the reportorial Times, the crusading Free Press, the vigilant Sentinel, the promotional Advocate, the preten- tious Aegis, the political Democrat and Republican, and the prag- matic Zeitung. But they have not all marched into oblivion. The most extensive collection of Wisconsin newspapers is held by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. This collection was begun in 1854 by Lyman C. Draper, but for almost 100 years, until 1943, only a portion of the state's press was collected and preserved. However, since the Second World War a more ambitious collecting program includes almost all Wisconsin papers, now numbering 275 weeklies and 41 dailies. The Society's collections contain some 35,000 bound volumes and 20,000 reels of microfilm. In addition to the State Historical Society, many public libraries and county historical societies have collected and preserved newspaper files for their respective areas. The Guide lists all newspapers published in Wisconsin from December 1833 to August 1957. Publications appearing in news- paper format, but which were primarily organs of agrarian organi- zations, educational institutions, religious groups, or trade unions have been excluded. Newspapers are herein listed alphabetically: (1) by county, (2) by locality, and (3) by masthead title. In all cases, papers are listed under the current or last place of publication and in conformity with contemporary geographical designation. Under a given locality, papers are arranged alphabetically by the scheme established by Winifred Gregory in her American Newspapers, 1821-1936, the listing being governed by the first significant word of the masthead title, ignoring the place and frequency of publication. For example, xt under the City of Ashland the order would be: Ashland Journal, Weekly Leader, and Ashland Mirror. Consecutive entry numbers, to which the index refers, have been assigned to all listed titles. Cross-references have been made to all variant titles and publication localities, and such variants are noted in the main entry. Newspapers that transferred publication into, or outside of, the state have been listed under the last place of issue in Wisconsin. The term "editors" has been used to apply to either editors or publishers. Whenever several names were carried on the masthead, those who significantly determined editorial policy have been se- lected for inclusion in the Guide. All newspapers published in a foreign language have been so noted. I am grateful for suggestions and encouragement to: Clifford L. Lord, Director of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin; Donald R. McNeil, Associate Director of the Society; Benton H. Wilcox, Librarian of the Society; John C. Jacques, Assistant to the Director; and to Rachel K. Schenk, Director of the University of Wisconsin Library School. My special thanks are due to O. Lawrence Burnette, Jr., Book Editor of the Society, whose criticism and suggestions have made the volume a more useful reference work. I also wish to thank the many librarians who submitted lists of newspaper files in their respective libraries. Donald E. Oehlerts State Historical Society of Wisconsin Madison Contents Page Abbreviations and Symbols 1 Listings by Counties Adams 3 Ashland 4 Barron 7 Bayfield 11 Brown 13 Buffalo 19 Burnett 21 Calumet 22 Chippewa 24 Clark 29 Columbia 34 Crawford 41 Dane 44 Dodge 60 Door 65 Douglas 66 Dunn 71 Eau Claire 74 Florence 79 Fond du Lac 80 Forest 87 Grant 89 Green 96 Green Lake 101 Iowa 105 Iron 109 Jackson 110 Jefferson 112 Juneau 118 Kenosha 121 Kewaunee 125 La Crosse 127 Lafayette 134 Langlade 138 xiii Page Lincoln 140 Manitowoc 142 Marathon 146 Marinette 151 Marquette 154 Milwaukee 156 Monroe 177 Oconto 182 Oneida 184 Outagamie 186 Ozaukee 190 Pepin 193 Pierce 195 Polk 199 Portage 203 Price 206 Racine 209 Richland 215 Rock 218 Rusk 227 St. Croix 229 Sauk 234 Sawyer 238 Shawano 240 Sheboygan 243 Taylor 248 Trempealeau 250 Vernon 255 Vilas 258 Walworth 259 Washburn 265 Washington 267 Waukesha 270 Waupaca 277 Waushara 282 Winnebago 284 Wood 291 Index 295 Abbreviations and Symbols IaDeL Luther College, Decorah, Iowa ICMILC Midwest Inter-Library Center, Chicago, 111. IRA Augustana College, Rock Island, 111. KHi Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kan. MnHi Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn. MnSL Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. WA Appleton Public Library, Appleton, Wis. WAn Antigo Public Library, Antigo, Wis. WAs Vaughn Public Library, Ashland, Wis. WBr Brodhead Public Library, Brodhead, Wis. WCh Chippewa Falls Public Library, Chippewa Falls, Wis. WCu Cumberland Public Library, Cumberland, Wis. WCud Cudahy Public Library, Cudahy, Wis. WDu Durand Public Library, Durand, Wis. WE Eau Claire Public Library, Eau Claire, Wis. WEI Matheson Memorial Library, Elkhorn, Wis. WF Fond du Lac Public Library, Fond du Lac, Wis. WGb Kellogg Public Library, Green Bay, Wis. WHi State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. WK Gilbert M. Simmons Library, Kenosha, Wis. WKHi Kenosha County Historical Society, Kenosha, Wis. WKi Kiel Public Library, Kiel, Wis. WLc La Crosse Public Library, La Crosse, Wis. WM Milwaukee Public Library, Milwaukee, Wis. WMS Salzmann Library, St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. WMa Manitowoc Public Library, Manitowoc, Wis. WMen Elisha D. Smith Library, Menasha, Wis. WMeno Mabel Tainter Free Library, Menomonie, Wis. WMer T. B. Scott Library, Merrill, Wis. WN Neenah Public Library, Neenah, Wis. WO Oshkosh Public Library, Oshkosh, Wis. I WOC Oshkosh State College, Oshkosh, Wis. WP Portage Public Library, Portage, Wis. WR Racine Public Library, Racine, Wis. WRh Rhinelander Public Library, Rhinelander, Wis. WR1 Rice Lake Public Library, Rice Lake, Wis. WS Superior Public Library, Superior, Wis. WSh Mead Public Library, Sheboygan, Wis. WSp Sparta Public Library, Sparta, Wis. WSt Stanley Public Library, Stanley, Wis. WSteC Central State College, Stevens Point, Wis. WTr Joseph Mann Library, Two Rivers, Wis. WVi Viroqua Public Library, Viroqua, Wis. WWa Watertown Public Library, Watertown, Wis. WWak Waukesha Public Library, Waukesha, Wis. WWakHi Waukesha County Historical Society, Waukesha, Wis WWap Waupaca Public Library, Waupaca, Wis. WWas Wausau Public Library, Wausau, Wis. WWb West Bend Public Library, West Bend, Wis. WWd Public Library, Wisconsin Dells, Wis. WWe West Allis Public Library, West Allis, Wis. WWhC Whitewater State College, Whitewater, Wis. WWr T. B. Scott Library, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (bm) bi-monthly (bw) bi-weekly (d) daily (irreg) irregular (m) monthly (sm) semi-monthly (sw) semi-weekly (tw) tri-weekly (w) weekly [?] information uncertain Adams County ADAMS 1. ADAMS COUNTY TIMES (w) Jan. 22, 1914 to date. Title varies: Adams Advertiser, 1914-1922; Adams times, 1923-July 1929. Editors: J. G. Willis, 1914-May 1917; Joseph W. Haughton, May 1917-May 1921; Charles Elliott, May 1921-Oct. 1937; Ralph E. Klinefelter, Nov. 1937-1943; J. E. Solma and H. B. Johnson, 1943-July 1944; Klinefelter, Aug. 1944-June 1949; Laura Klinefelter, June 1949-May 1954; Virgil L. Tobin, June 1954 to date. WHi Dec. 2, 1943 to date. 2. ADAMS HERALD (w) 1916-1917 [?]. Editors: C. R. Eaton. FRIENDSHIP 3. ADAMS COUNTY INDEPENDENT (w) May 1857-May 1864. Editors: Julius C. Chandler. 4. ADAMS COUNTY PRESS (w) July 1861-Feb. 16, 1918. Editors: Solon W. Pierce, 1861-Aug. 1864; Frank O. Wisner, Aug. 1864-Aug. 1865; Pierce, Sept. 1865-Sept. 1905; Harry S. Pierce, Sept. 1905-1918. WHi June 30, 1865-Feb. 16, 1918. 5. ADAMS COUNTY REPORTER (w) 1898-1908. Editors: Platon G. Collipp, 1898-1906; Elmer Layer and S. S. Forest, 1906-1908. 6. FRIENDSHIP REPORTER (w) 1901 to date. Title varies: Dells Reporter, 1901-1911. Editors: William Sweet, 1901-1918; Harry S. Pierce, 1918-May 1940. Published by Adams County Times (Adams) : May 1940 to date. Ashland County ASHLAND ASHLAND APPEAL, see Ashland Commonwealth. 7. ASHLAND BLADET (w) 1900-1907. Title varies: Ashland Posten, 1900-1901. Editors: James M. Engstrom, 1900-1903; Carl Friberg, 1903-1906; Uno Lindstrom, 1906-1907. In Swedish. Merged with Svenska Amerikanska Tribunen (Superior) . IRA 1902-1907. 8. ASHLAND CALL (w) 1918-1919. Editors: Fred W. Haislet. 9. CHEQUAMEGON CRITIC (w) 1890-1908. Editors: James S. Duket. CHEQUAMEGON TIMES, see Ashland Times. 10. ASHLAND CHRONICLE (w) Apr. 11, 1913-Sept. 23, 1916. Title varies: Odanah Star, 1913-Aug. 1916. Editors: H. C. Ashmun. WHi May 9, 1913-July 7, 1916. 11. ASHLAND COMMONWEALTH (w) Aug. 15, 1894-Jan. 12, 1895. Title varies: Ashland Appeal, Aug.-Oct. 1894. Editors: John O. Hall and John F. Miles, Aug.-Oct. 1894; Chalmers S. Baird, Nov. 1894-1895. WHi complete. 12. FREIHEIT (w) 1891-1894. Editors: O. Elander. In Swedish. 13. ASHLAND HEROLD (w) 1887-Oct. 1903. Editors: W. Bangemann, 1887-1888; A. Sadlowsky, 1888-1889; Emil Gerth, 1889- 1890; Rudolph Voll, 1892-1903; Herman Roethig, 1903. In German. 14. ASHLAND INDEPENDENT (w) 1891-1892 [?]. Editors: James Anderson. 15. ASHLAND JOURNAL (w) 1922-1924. Editors: Hubert H. Peavy, 1922-1923; W. C. Kautenberg, 1923-1924. 16. WEEKLY LEADER (w) Feb. 11-July 29, 1899. Editors: Arthur W. Bowron and D. E. Richter, Feb.-Apr.; Richter, Apr.-June; George Schlecht, July. WHi complete. 17. ASHLAND MIRROR (w) Dec. 31, 1906-1908 [?]. Editors: D. A. McCune, 1906-1907; W. M. Tompkins, 1907-1908; S. A. Miller, 1908. 18. ASHLAND WEEKLY NEWS (w) May 13, 1885-1906 [?]. WHi May 13, 1885-May 2, 1888. WAs May 13, 1885-Apr. 30, 1890; May 20, 1891-June 1, 1892; Jan. 2, 1895-Dec. 25, 1901; Jan. 7, 1903-Dec. 27, 1905. 19. ASHLAND DAILY NEWS (d) Sept. 25, 1887-May 21, 1915. Editors: John S. Saul, 1885-1890; Clarence Snyder, 1890-1895; J. C. Williams, 1895-1900; Burt Williams, 1900-1915. Merged with Ashland Daily Press. WHi complete. WAs Sept. 25, 1887-Dec. 31, 1893; Oct. 2, 1894-Mar. 31, 1906. ASHLAND POSTEN, see Ashland Bladet. 20. ASHLAND WEEKLY PRESS (w) June 22, 1872-Oct. 7, 1916. WHi complete. WAs June 22, 1872-June 9, 1877; June 11, 1881-May 26, 1888. 21. ASHLAND DAILY PRESS (d) Mar. 5, 1888 to date. Editors: Samuel S. Fifield, 1872-1888; Joseph M. Chappie, 1888-1898; John C. Chappie, 1898-May 1946; John B. Chappie, May 1946-Sept. 1956; Clough Gates, Oct. 1956 to date. WHi Jan. 12, 1898-Mar. 22, 1906; May 24, 1915 to date. WAs Mar. 5, 1888-May 31, 1889; Jan. 1, 1901-Dec. 31, 1902; Sept. 1, 1903 to date. 22. SVENSKA FORPOSTEN (w) 1897-1898 [?]. Editors: John Litonius. In Swedish. 23. ASHLAND TIMES (w) 1882-1894 [?]. Title varies: Chequamegon Times, 1882-[?]. Editors: John A. Monger, 1882-1892; Iver Anderson, 1892-1894. BUTTERNUT 24. BUTTERNUT BULLETIN (w) Feb. 2, 1922 to date. Editors: W. K. Currie, 1922-Sept. 1923; Paul J. Fauteck, 1924-1925; Matthew J. Hart, 1925 to date. WHi Feb. 2, 1922-Jan. 24, 1924; Feb. 26-Dec. 31, 1925; Jan. 5, 1928- Dec. 28, 1933; Jan. 2, 1936 to date. 25. BUTTERNUT EAGLE AND PIONEER (w) 1895- 1921 [?]. Editors: Iver Anderson, 1895-May 1898; Ferdinand C. Friedrichs, May 1898-1913; Carl F. Friedrichs, 1914-1921. 26. BUTTERNUT TIMES (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: A. F. Geraghty. GLIDDEN 27. ASHLAND COUNTY HEROLD (w) Nov. 1, 1903-1906. Editors: Emil Bentley, 1903-1905; Herman Roethig, 1905-1906. In German. 28. BERICHTERSTATTER (w) Apr. 10, 1897-Oct. 1903. Editors: Emil Bentley. In German. Followed by Ashland County Herold. 29. GLIDDEN ENTERPRISE (w) June 10, 1904 to date. Editors: William H. Sibley, 1904-May 1905; H. A. Veeder, June 1905-May 1906; Matthew J. Hart, May 1906 to date. WHi complete. 30. PIONEER (w) Nov. 29, 1884-Mar. 16, 1889. Suspended: Nov. 1888-Feb. 1889. Editors: Robert M. Williams and F. A. Healy, 1884-Feb. 1887; Williams, Feb. 1887-June 1888; Williams and M. Scallon, June 1888-Mar. 1889; Edward Fennelly, Mar. 1889. WHi complete. MELLEN 31. MELLEN RECORD (w) May 28, 1925-Nov. 25, 1926. Editors: I. A. Kenyon. Merged with Mellen Weekly. WHi complete. 32. MELLEN WEEKLY-RECORD (w) Dec. 26, 1901 to date. Title varies: Mellen Weekly, 1901-Nov. 1926. Editors: James E. Pratt, 1901-Feb. 1904; Fred T. Yates and E. G. Hedquist, Feb.- June 1904; Harold A. Veeder, June 1904-Nov. 1906; J. P. Fitzgerald, Nov. 1906- Nov. 1926; I. A. Kenyon, Dec. 1926-Mar. 1940; Harriet V. Kenyon, Mar. 1940-Aug. 1946; Jasper Landry, Aug. 1946 to date. WHi Dec. 26, 1901-Dec. 29, 1921; Dec. 2, 1926 to date. ODANAH ODANAH STAR, see Ashland Chronicle. Barron County ALMENA 33. ALMENA BROADCASTER (w) Apr. 22, 1937-1939. Published by Turtle Lake Times. 34. CLOVERLAND STAR (w) Apr. 1908-Aug. 1909. Editors: John J. Wearne. Merged with Cumberland Advocate. BARRON 35. BARRON COUNTY GAZETTE (w) June-Sept. 2, 1874. Editors: C. W. Carpenter and W. L. Abbott. Followed by Barron County Chronotype (Rice Lake) . 36. BARRON COUNTY INDEPENDENT (w) Aug. 1886- May 24, 1889. Published at Cumberland: Aug.-Sept. 1886. Published at Cameron: Oct. 1886-Feb. 1888. Editors: S. S. Hull, 1886-Feb. 1888; Claude B. Dodge, Feb. 1888-1889. Followed by Amery Echo. WHi Apr. 26, 1888-May 24, 1889. 37. BARRON COUNTY NEWS (w) 1900-Oct. 24, 1918. Title varies: Weekly Call, 1900-1903. Editors: Fred W. Haislet, 1900-1903; C. W. Andrews, 1903-Feb. 1904; George C. Elwood, Feb.-June 1904; Newton S. Gordon, June 1904-1918. Merged with Barron County Shield. 38. BARRON COUNTY NEWS-SHIELD (w) Oct. 6, 1876 to date. Title varies: Barron County Shield, 1876-Oct. 1918. Editors: A. Dewey, 1876-Nov. 1879; Walter Speed and Charles Taylor, Nov. 1879- July 1883; Taylor, July 1883-Jan. 1894; Thomas Dovery, Jan. 1894-Jan. 1905; Wil- liam R. Hotchkiss, Jan. 1905-Oct. 1908; Frank B. Gesler, Oct. 1908-Oct. 1909; W. F. Durnal and A. F. Dretze, Oct. 1909-Oct. 1912; Durnal, Nov. 1912-Oct. 1915; August F. Ender, Oct. 1915-Oct. 1918; Newton S. Gordon, Nov. 1918-July 1923; Franklyn Curtiss- Wedge, Aug. 1923-Sept. 1926; R. C. Peck and J. W. Grant, Oci. 1926-Aug. 1936; Peck and Roy Holman, Aug. 1936-May 1940; E. H. Stern, June 1940-Feb. 1943; Peck, Feb.-July 1943; Stern and Clarence A. Seidl, July 1943 to date. WHi complete. 39. BARRON COUNTY TRIBUNE (w) Sept. 15, 1926-Nov. 14, 1929. Editors: M. W. Sowaske and Hollis D. Babcock, 1926-Aug. 1927; Sowaske and Leroy A. Goodrich, Aug. 1927-1929. Merged with Barron County News-Shield. WHi complete. WEEKLY CALL, see Barron County News. BARRON REPUBLICAN, see Dallas Index. CAMERON BARRON COUNTY INDEPENDENT, see under Bar- ron. 40. MIDWEST REPUBLICAN (w) 1931-Sept. 8, 1956. Title varies: Cameron Echo, 1931-June 1951; Barron County Leader, June 1951— June 1956. Editors: Walter F. Erickson, 1931-Aug. 1936; Merton Martenson, Sept. 1936-1941; Lewis P. Charles, 1941-1944; Lynn A. Mason, 1944-1956. WHi Apr. 18, 1946-Sept. 8, 1956. 41. CAMERON PRESS (w) 1928-1930. Editors: Hollis D. Babcock. 42. CAMERON RECORD (w) 1916-1917. Editors: George C. Elwood. Merged with Barron County Shield (Barron) . 43. CAMERON REVIEW (w) 1897-1916 [?]. Editors: Amos Babcock, 1897-1898; William C. Lyons, 1898-1904; E. V. Nevins, 1904-1906; M. C. Martin, 1906-1910; H. C. Swetland, 1910-1913; Theodore C. Surdson, 1913-1916. Followed by Rice Lake Journal. CHETEK 44. CHETEK ALERT (w) Sept. 15, 1882 to date. Editors: Walter Speed, 1882-Feb. 1901; George C. Elwood, Feb. 1901-Feb. 1904 Lewis P. Charles and J. W. Bell, Feb. 1904-Feb. 1915; Charles, Feb. 1915-Aug. 1931 Lewis J. Charles, Sept. 1931-Apr. 1932; Stewart H. Robinson, May 1932-July 1934 Merton Martenson, July 1934-Jan. 1941; Lewis P. Charles, Jan. 1941-May 1944 Lynn A. Mason, May 1944 to date. WHi Sept. 29, 1882 to date. CUMBERLAND 45. CUMBERLAND ADVOCATE (w) May 22, 1881 to date. Title varies: Cumberland Herald, 1881-Mar. 1885. Editors: Charles H. Clark and M. P. Morris, June-Sept. 1881; Morris and Clarence A. Lamereaux, Sept. 1881-Dec. 1883; Morris, Dec. 1883-Mar. 1884; L. L. Gunder- son, Mar. 1884-Mar. 1885; S. S. Hull, Apr. 1885-June 1887; H. S. Comstock, July 1887-Aug. 1888; T. F. Ball and F. F. Morgan, Aug. 1888-Sept. 1889; Morgan, Sept. 1889-Sept. 1900; Thomas O. Mason, Oct. 1900-Oct. 1906; H. S. Comstock, Oct. 1906-Apr. 1912; G. Gunderson, Apr. 1912-1914; R. B. Hart, 1915-Aug. 1936; Alvin Serkland, Sept. 1936-Jan. 1946; Curtis George, Feb. 1946 to date. WHi Aug. 14, 1890 to date. WCu Oct. 8, 1908-May 1910; May 26, 1911 to date. 8 46. BARRON COUNTY FREE PRESS (w) 1891-1893 [?]. Editors: H. A. Pease, 1891-1892; G. Gunderson, 1892-1893. Merged with Cumberland Advocate. 47. CUMBERLAND EYE (w) 1909-1910. Editors: G. Gunderson. 48. CUMBERLAND FREE PRESS (w) 1903-1906. Editors: H. P. Petersen, 1903-1905; G. Gunderson, 1905-1906. 49. CUMBERLAND JOURNAL (w) May 26, 1911-Jan. 1, 1915. Editors: R. B. Hart and George B. Cook. Merged with Cumberland Advocate. 50. NEW WISCONSIN (m) Mar. 1896-Mar. 1897. Editors: H. S. Comstock. WHi complete. DALLAS 51. DALLAS INDEX (w) 1888-Dec. 1917. Suspended: Apr.-Oct. 1911. Published at Barron: 1888-1903. Title varies: Barron Republican, 1888-1903; Republican, 1903-Mar. 1911. Editors: J. H. Williams, 1888-1897; William A. Coe, 1897-1903; Williams, 1903- 1904; Harvey Erickson, 1904-Aug. 1905; L. E. Joppa, Aug. 1905-Apr. 1917; Newton S. Gordon, Apr -Dec. 1917. Merged with Barron County News (Barron) . HAUGEN 52. HAUGEN PRESS (w) 191 7-1918 [?] Editors: R. E. La Fortune. PRAIRIE FARM 53. PRAIRIE FARM BREEZE (w) Nov. 23, 1909-Nov. 1 1920. Editors: Guy W. Van Vuren, 1909-May 1918; Roy Holman, May 1918-1920. Merged with Barron County News-Shield (Barron) . RICE LAKE 54. RICE LAKE BULLETIN (w) Jan. 3, 1936-Aug. 1, 1940. Editors: L. M. Lindvig, 1936-June 1937; A. L. Buzzell, June 1937-1938; George W. Erickson, 1939-1940. RICE LAKE CALL, see Union Herald. 55. RICE LAKE CHEEK (w) 1889-1890 [?]. Editors: H. H. Dunn. 56. RICE LAKE CHRONOTYPE (w) Sept. 9, 1874 to date. Title varies: Barron County Chronolype, 1874— July 1882. Editors: C. W. Carpenter, 1874-June 1875; A. Dewey, June 1875-July 1876; Charles Nunn, Aug. 1876-Mav 1877; Ferdinand Peachman, May-Nov. 1877; Charles F. Bone, Nov. 1877-Mar. 1885; W. P. Swift and D. M. Monteith, Apr .-Nov. 1885; P. H. Swift, Nov. 1885-Apr. 1891; P. H. and Ward L. Swift, Apr. 1891-1894; H. M. Hillikcr, 1895-Dec. 1896; Edgar N. Bowers, Dec. 1896-Sept. 1905; E. C. McClel- land, Sept. 1905-June 1923; August F. Ender and Warren D. Leary, June 1923— July 1937; Leary, Aug. 1937 to date. WHi Sept. 30, 1874 to date. WR1 July 1897 to date. 57. RICE LAKE INDEPENDENT (w) Sept. 17, 1931-May 11, 1933. Editors: Ted P. Schreiber, 1931-Apr. 1932; Kenneth Jacobson, Apr. 1932-1933. Merged with Rice Lake Chronolype. WHi complete. 58. RICE LAKE JOURNAL (w) 1906-Feb. 1917. Editors: Theodore C. Surdson. 59. RICE LAKE LEADER (sw, w) July 2, 1896-Feb. 26, 1909. Editors: Ward L. Swift and Harry W. McCourt, July-Dec. 1896; Swift, Dec. 1896- Jan. 1899; Ward L. and P. H. Swift, Jan. 1899-Aug. 1904; George C. Elwood, Aug. 1904-May 1905; R. C. Peck, May 1905-May 1906; Peck and E. E. Campbell, May 1906-1909. Merged with Rice Lake Chronotype. WHi complete. 60. RICE LAKE TIMES (w) 1883-1923. Editors: Charles W. Angel, 1883-1886; Charles F. Bone, 1886-1907; Charles F. and Harry L. Bone, 1907-1909; E. E. Campbell, 1909-1923. Merged with Rice Lake Chronotype. 61. UNION HERALD (w) 1912-1918. Title varies: Rice Lake Call, 1912-1917. Editors: Fred W. Haislet, 1912-1917; Walter F. Erickson, 1917-1918. TURTLE LAKE 62. BUGLE (w) Jan. 1898-Dec. 25, 1913. Title varies: Turtle Lake Advance, 1898-June 1899. Editors: Amos Babcock, 1898-June 1899; M. A. Frissell, June 1899-1901; S. A. Averill, 1901-Sept. 1902; William C. Lyons, Sept. 1902-Feb. 1903; A. H. Nuesse, Mar. 1903-1911; Fred W. Haislet, Jan.-Oct. 1912; C. B. McCormack, Oct. 1912- Jan. 1913; Nuesse, Jan.-Oct. 1913; Albert G. Huhn, Oct.-Dec. 1913. Followed by Turtle Lake Times. 63. TURTLE LAKE TIMES (w) Jan. 1, 1914 to date. Editors: Albert G. Huhn, 1914-Feb. 1925; Lester L. Arnold, Feb. 1925- June 1929; Roy Holman, July 1929-Sept. 1936; Alton T. Grimsrud, Sept. 1936-Sept. 1945; Harold A. Lange and R. A. Pederson, Sept. 1945-Apr. 1948; Lange, May 1948 to date. WHi July 7, 1943 to date. 10 Bayfield County BAYFIELD 64. BAYFIELD COUNTY PRESS (w) June 13, 1877 to date. Title varies: Bayfield Press, 1877-Nov. 1882. Editors: Samuel S. Fifield and Morris Edwards, 1877-May 1879; D. L. Stinchfield, May 1879-Jan. 1880; W. W. Whitney, Jan.-May 1880; Stinchfield and Isaac H. Wing, May 1880-May 1881; Wing and Daniel H. Pulcifer, May-Oct. 1881; Wing and A. C. Stevens, Oct. 1881-Sept. 1882; Currie G. Bell, Sept. 1882-Apr. 1908; Donald C. Bell, May 1908-July 1927; Glenn F. Scott, July 1927-Aug. 1933; Joseph J. Dreven, Sept. 1933-Nov. 1934; William G. Reque, Dec. 1934-Aug. 1944; Frank G. Dexter, Aug. 1944 to date. WHi June 13, 1877-Jan. 8, 1879; May 31, 1879-July 3, 1880; Jan. 15, 1881 to date. 65. BAYFIELD GAZETTE (w) 1902-1903. Editors: Charles E. Hunt. 66. BAYFIELD MERCURY (w) Apr. 18-Oct. 1857. Editors: Hamilton and Hatch. MnHi Apr. 18-Sept. 5, 1857. 67. BAYFIELD PRESS (w) 1859-1861. Editors: Joseph H. Campbell and William B. McKce. 68. BAYFIELD PRESS (w) 1866-1868 [? J. 69. BAYFIELD PRESS (w) Oct. 13, 1870-June 15, 1872. Editors: Samuel S. and Henry O. Fifield. Followed by Ashland Press. WHi complete. 70. BAYFIELD PROGRESS (w) June 3, 1909-Mar. 30, 1927. Editors: Louis Wachsmuth and Winslow H. Holmes, 1909-Sept. 1914; C. E. Pat- terson, Sept. 1914-Feb. 1915; G. W. Boutin, Feb.-Oct. 1915; Wachsmuth and Irwin R. Nye, Oct. 1915-Feb. 1918; Wachsmuth, Feb. 1918-1927. WHi complete. IRON RIVER 71. IRON RIVER PIONEER (w) Sept. 29, 1894 to date. Title varies: Homestead, 1894-Apr. 1895. Editors: Byron Ripley, 1894-1898; Peter J. Savage, 1898-July 1952; Chester Brown Aug. 1952-Feb. 1955; Carl Richards, Mar. 1955 to date. WHi Sept. 29, 1894-Apr. 28, 1932; May 4, 1933 to date. 72. IRON RIVER TIMES (w) Mar. 10, 1892-Apr. 4, 1895. Editors: John A. Monger, Mar .-Aug. 1892; Byron Ripley, Aug. 1892-1895. Merged with Washburn Times. WHi June 2, 1892-Mar. 1, 1894; Sept. 27, 1894-Apr. 4, 1895. 11 WASHBURN 73. WASHBURN BEE (w) Mar. 14, 1885-Sept. 10, 1887. Editors: Frank S. Dunbar and Allan T. Williams, Mar-May 1885; Williams, May 1885-June 1886; A. M. Warden, July 1886-1887. WHi complete. 74. WASHBURN BULLETIN (w) Apr.-Oct. 1892. Editors: James A. Barager. 75. WASHBURN ITEMIZER (w) Oct. 16, 1884-Dec. 25, 1896. Editors: James A. and Elijah R. Barager, 1884-1891; Elijah R. Barager, 1891-1896. Merged with Washburn News. WHi Oct. 16, 1884-Oct. 11, 1888. 76. WASHBURN NEWS (w) Oct. 1, 1887-July 5, 1924. Editors: Fred T. Yates, 1887-1907; Yates and M. S. Hull; 1908-1919; Hubert H. Peavy, 1919-1924. Merged with Washburn Times. WHi Oct. 1, 1887-Dec. 28, 1894; Jan. 1, 1897-Dec. 28, 1903; Jan. 3, 1908-Dec. 25, 1914. 77. WASHBURN TIMES (w) Mar. 1892 to date. Editors: Byron Ripley, 1892-Apr. 1895; James E. Jones, Apr. 1895-Dec. 1905; Nels M. Oscar, Dec. 1905-Aug. 1910; George E. Plant, Aug.-Oct. 1910; W. A. Robinson, Oct. 1910-1932; Paul L. Robinson, 1932 to date. WHi Apr. 10, 1895 to date. 12 Brown County DENMARK 78. DENMARK ENTERPRISE (w) 1912-1914 [?] . Editors: E. F. Maertz. 79. DENMARK PRESS (w) Apr. 16, 1914 to date. Title varies: Dairyland Review, July 1948-May 1953. Editors: R. T. Solensten, 1914-1917; Adolph B. Suess, 1917-1919; Joseph R. Satran, 1919-May 1952; Charles E. Swanson, May 1952-Jan. 1953; Frank A. Wood, Feb. 1953 to date. WHi Oct. 7, 1943-Dec. 19, 1946; Jan. 1, 1948 to date. DE PERE BROWN COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see De Fere Journal- Democrat. 80. BROWN COUNTY JOURNAL-NEWS (w) Nov. 10, 1916-Mar. 13, 1919. Title varies: Brown County Journal, 1916-Apr. 1918. Editors: John A. Kuypers. Merged with Brown County Democrat. WHi complete. DE PERE FACTS, see Twin City Index. 81. DE PERE JOURNAL-DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 1877 to date. Title varies: Brown County Democrat, 1877-Mar. 1919. Editors: Fred Meyer, 1877-1890; John B. Heyrman and John A. Kuypers, 1890- May 1916; Adolph B. Suess, June 1916-Nov. 1917; Harold T. Shannon, Nov. 1917- July 1918; John L. Schnitzler, Aug. 1918-Mar. 1919; John A. Kuypers, Mar. 1919- May 1940; Harold M. Kuypers, May 1940-Apr. 1943; John A. Creviere, Apr. 1943 to date. WHi Jan. 9, 1896 to date. 82. DE PERE NEWS (w) Apr. 8, 1871-Apr. 11, 1918. Editors: P. R. Proctor, 1871-June 1883; Charles Proctor and Edward S. White, June 1883-1884; Proctor and J. C. Hill, 1885-Mar. 1886; Proctor and Paul L. Hal- line, Apr. 1886-1890; Halline and H. H. Proctor, Jan.-May 1891; Halline and H. S. Marvin, May 1891-Apr. 1892; Halline and F. C. Hase, May 1892-Apr. 1898; Hal- line, May 1898-1918. WHi Jan. 4, 1873-Nov. 17, 1883; Jan. 24, 1885-Apr. 11, 1918. 83. ONZE STANDAARD (w) 1878-1907. Title varies: De Pere Standaard, 1878- [?]. Editors: Edward Van de Casteele and John B. Heyrman, 1878-1889; Van de Cas- teele, 1889-1907. In Dutch. 13 84. RECHT DOOR ZEE (w) Nov. 1881 -May 1882. Editors: P. J. Cautereels and Anton Boex. In Dutch. DE PERE STANDAARD, see Onze Standaard. 85. TWIN CITY INDEX (w) Jan. 1877-1886. Title varies: De Pere Facts, 1877-Nov. 1883. Editors: J. A. Comerford, Jan.-Feb. 1877; D. E. Hickey, Mar. 1877-Nov. 1883: Steele and W. J. Bates, Nov. 1883-1884; P. P. Walsh, 1885-1886. WHi Feb. 6, 1879-Dec. 8, 1881. 86. VOLKSSTEM (w) Mar. 14, 1890-July 1, 1919. Editors: John B. Heyrman and John A. Kuypers, 1890-1915; Adolph B. Suess, 1915-1919. In Dutch. Publisher's files destroyed. Merged with Gazette Van Moline (Moline, 111.). WHi Mar. 14, 1890-Feb. 25, 1891; Mar. 8, 1893-Feb. 27, 1895; Mar. 4, 1896-Feb. 22, 1899; Jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1911. ICMILC Apr. 3, 1918-June 24, 1919. FORT HOWARD (see Green Bay) GREEN BAY 87. SUNDAY ADVANCE (w) Jan. 1883-Mar. 15, 1885. Editors: Joseph Maurer and John H. Nevins, 1883-1885; Nevins and W. J. Bates, 1885. 88. GREEN BAY ADVOCATE (w, sw, tw) Aug. 13, 1846-Dec. 18, 1906. WHi Aug. 13, 1846-Dec. 23, 1897; Jan. 3, 1899-Dec. 18, 1906. WGb Aug. 13, 1846-Dec. 1867; Apr. 4, 1889-Dec. 16, 1897. 89. GREEN BAY ADVOCATE (d) Oct. 1894-Dec. 31, 1898; Jan. 1902-Dec. 15, 1906. Editors: Charles D. and Albert C. Robinson, 1846-July 1885; Charles D. Robinson, July 1885-Sept. 1886; Edward Decker, Sept. 1886-June 1889; Decker and Albert Hoppe, June 1889-1893; Decker and W. C. Jenkins, 1894-Mar. 1899; J. E. Harris and H. S. Marvin, Mar. 1899-Mar. 1901; Decker and Harris, Mar. 1901-Aug. 1902; Francis R. Singleton, Aug. 1902-1906. Merged with Green Bay Gazette. WHi Jan. 1, 1897-Dec. 31, 1898; Nov. 19, 1903-Dec. 15, 1906. WGb Sept. 16, 1896-Dec. 31, 1898; Oct. 8, 1902-Dec. 15, 1906. 90. ADVOCATE DAILY BULLETIN (d) Apr. 21, 1861- Aug. 1862. Published by Green Bay Advocate. WHi Apr. 24-Sept. 10, 1861. 91. GREEN BAY BANNER (w) 1858-1859. Editors: A. Jacobi. In German. WGb Nov. 19, 1858-Oct. 21, 1859. 14 92. BAY CITY PRESS (w) June 30, 1860-Apr. 19, 1862. Editors: John D. La we and Porter Jones, June-Aug. 1860; Lawe and Harry E. Eastman, Aug. 1860-1861; Lawe and W. J. Green, Jan -Apr. 1862. WHi complete. WGb July 7, 1860-Apr. 12, 1862. 93. BROWN COUNTY HERALD (w) Nov. 1872-Sept. 26, 1878. Title varies: Fort Howard Herald, 1872-Mar. 1878. Editors: Charles J. Pratt, Nov. 1872-Jan. 1877; Pratt and William Munroe, Jan. 1877-Mar. 1878; P. R. Proctor and John H. Nevins, Mar.-Sept. 1878. Merged with De Pere News. WHi Jan. 13, 1874-Sept. 29, 1875; Mar. 7-Sept. 26, 1878. 94. GREEN BAY COURIER (w) Oct. 1874-July 1883. Published at Manitowoc: 1874-July 1875. Title varies: Concordia, 1874-Dec. 1881. Editors: James Fessler, 1874-July 1875; Friedrich Burkard, Aug. 1875-Mar. 1880; H. A. Burkard, Apr. 1880-Dec. 1881; Louis Bender and Andrew Rummel, Dec. 1881-1883. In German. Followed by Landsmann. WHi Aug. 5, 1875-Dec. 1, 1881. 95. GREEN BAY DATA (d, tw) Dec. 26, 1881-Jan. 11, 1883. Title varies: Daily Data, 1881-Dec. 1882. Editors: John H. Nevins. Followed by Green Bay Advance. WHi Jan. 6, 1882-Jan. 11, 1883. FORT HOWARD HERALD, see Brown County Herald. 96. FORT HOWARD JOURNAL (w) Nov. 22, 1878-Oct. 1880. Suspended: May-July 1880. Editors: Alexander Sutherland. WHi Nov. 22, 1878-Apr. 24, 1880. WGb Nov. 22, 1878-Apr. 24, 1880. 97. FORT HOWARD MONITOR (w) Oct. 10, 1872-Jan. 4, 1877. Editors: William Humphreville, 1872-Feb. 1873; David McCartney and Daniel Camp, Feb. 1873-1875; McCartney, 1876-1877. Merged with Fort Howard Herald. WHi Jan. 27, 1876-Jan. 4, 1877. FORT HOWARD REVIEW, see Green Bay Review. 98. FORT HOWARD SENTINEL (w) 1882-1890 [?]. Editors: Darwin C. Pavey, 1882-1883; William Humphreville, 1883-1890. 99. FREE PRESS (d) May 14, 1914-June 28, 1915. Editors: Victor I. Minahan. Followed by Green Bay Press-Gazette. WHi complete. 75 100. GREEN BAY SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE (w, sw) Mar. 3, 1866-Oct. 15, 1915. Title varies: State Gazette, Aug. 1870-Aug. 1894. WHi complete. WGb Mar. 2, 1872-Feb. 19, 1876; Jan. 7, 1891-June 29, 1915. 101. GREEN BAY GAZETTE (d) Mar. 4, 1871-June 28, 1915. Title varies: Daily State Gazette, 1871-Aug. 1894. Editors: George C. Ginty and Dwight I. Follett, Mar -Sept. 1866; Ginty, Sept. 1866-1867; Ginty and William B. Tapley, Jan-Apr. 1868; Tapley and Follett, Apr. 1868-1869; Follett and George E. Hoskinson, 1870-Oct. 1883; Follett, Oct. 1883-June 1888; Mrs. D. I. Follett, June 1888-July 1894; Walter E. Gardner, July 1894-Jan. 1899; N. C. Pickard, Jan. 1899-June 1915; John K. Kline, June-Oct. 1915. WHi Nov. 6, 1871-Mar. 8, 1872. WGb Mar. 4, 1871-Apr. 30, 1872; Aug. 31, 1889-Dec. 31, 1914. 102. GREEN BAY GLOBE (w) Feb. 1875-Aug. 22, 1883. Editors: Mather D. Kimball. WHi Apr. 12, 1875-June 27, 1876; May 1, 1877-Aug. 22, 1883. WGb Feb. 8, 1875-Aug. 22, 1883. 103. GREEN BAY DAILY HERALD (d) Jan. 12, 1900-1901. Editors: Fiedler and Hollister. WGb Jan. 12, 1900-Feb. 5, 1901. 104. GREEN BAY HERALD (w) 191 1-1916 [?]. Editors: Louis A. Sogey. 105. GREEN BAY INTELLIGENCER (irreg) Dec. 11, 1833- June 1, 1836. First newspaper published in Wisconsin. Editors: John V. Suydam and Albert G. Ellis, 1833-Jan. 1834; Ellis, Jan. 1834- June 1835; Ellis and C. P. Arndt, June 1835-1836. Followed by Wisconsin Democrat. WHi complete. 106. DAILY JOURNAL (d) 1894-Apr. 1895. Merged with Green Bay Advocate. 107. LANDSMANN (w) Nov. 1883-1923. Editors: George Schleyer, 1883-1885; Schleyer and A. C. Lehmann, 1885-1886; Lehmann and Robinson, 1886-1900; Lehmann and Joseph Mies, 1900-1908; Mies, 1908-1923. In German. 108. GREEN BAY NEWS AND SOCIAL MIRROR (w) 1898- 1899[?]. Editors: Fenton S. Fox. 109. PHOENIX (w) Aug. 20-Dec. 23, 1841. Editors: John V. Suydam. 110. GREEN BAY POST (w) 1857-1858. Editors: Jacob Fuss. In German. 16 111. GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE (d) June 29, 1915 to date. Editors: Victor I. Minahan and John K. Kline, 1915-Oct. 1930; Minahan, Oct. 1930-1955; Leo B. Gannon, 1955 to date. WHi complete. WGb complete. 112. GREEN BAY REPUBLICAN (w) Oct. 2, 1841-Nov. 5, 1844. Editors: Henry O. Sholes. Followed by Wisconsin Republican (Fond du Lac) . WHi Oct. 17, 1843-Nov. 5, 1844. 113. GREEN BAY REVIEW (m, w, sw) Sept. 1875-Jan. 25, 1919. Title varies: Fort Howard Review, 1875-June 1895. Editors: D. M. Burns, 1875-Nov. 1876; James Kerr, Nov. 1876-July 1913; Charles S. Kerr, July 1913-1919. WHi Feb. 13, 1877-Mar. 30, 1895; Jan. 4, 1896-Jan. 25, 1919. WGb Jan. 2, 1897-Dec. 14, 1918. 114. RURAL TIMES (w) 1898-1902. Published by Green Bay Daily Times. 115. GREEN BAY SPECTATOR (w) July 1851-Nov. 30, 1853. Editors: Samuel Ryan, Jr., July-Oct. 1851; Ryan and A. E. Cooley, Oct. 1851-1853. STATE GAZETTE, see Green Bay Gazette. 116. GREEN BAY SUN (w) 1894-1896 [?] . Editors: Sun Pub. Co. 117. GREEN BAY DAILY TIMES (d) Nov. 1899-1902. Editors: Paul D. and Henry M. Peterson, 1899- Mar. 1900; Hans J. Rieg, Mar. 1900-1902. WHi Nov. 26, 1899-June 8, 1900. WGb Nov. 26, 1899-June 8, 1900. 118. GREEN BAY VOLKS ZEITUNG (w) 1874-1879 [?]. Editors: J. H. Schuette. In German. 119. WISCONSIN DEMOCRAT (w) Aug. 1836-Mar. 31, 1840. Editors: Henry O. and Charles C. Sholes, Aug.-Nov. 1836; Charles C. Sholes, Nov. 1836-1840. Followed by Southport Telegraph (Kenosha) . WHi Nov. 11, 1837-Mar. 24, 1840. 120. WISCONSIN FREE PRESS (w) Aug. 1, 1835-Mar. 30, 1836. Editors: William Stevenson and Joseph Dickinson. Merged with Green Bay Intelligencer. WHi Jan. 9-Mar. 30, 1836. 121. WISCONSIN STAATS-ZEITUNG (w) July 1868-Feb. 1878. 17 Editors: Fred Burkard, 1868-Apr. 1875; B. G. Grunnert, Apr. 1875-Feb. 1876; J. H. Schuette, Feb. 1876-Oct. 1877; Henry Schuette, Oct. 1877-1878. In German. Followed by Green Bay Zeitung. WHi Jan. 15-Apr. 2, 1874. 122. WISCONSIN STAATS-ZEITUNG (w) July 16, 1874-July 29, 1875. Fditors: Valentine Burkard. In German. Merged with Concordia. WHi complete. 123. GREEN BAY ZEITUNG (w) June-Nov. 1879. Editors: H. J. Lohmar. In German. NAVARINO (see Green Bay) PULASKI 124. PULASKI HERALD (w) 1925-1929 [?] . Editors: William Comstock. 125. TRI-COUNTY NEWS (w) 1937-1942 [?]. Editors: Ray J. Riordan, 1937-1941; Dale C. Hickok, 1941-1942. WRIGHTSTOWN 126. WRIGHTSTOWN NEWS (w) 1918-1919 [?] Editors: W. P. Smith. IS Buffalo County ALMA 127. ALMA BLAETTER (w) Nov. 30, 1888-June 9, 1910. Published by Buffalo County Republikaner (Fountain City) . Issued as a section of that newspaper from Sept. 1892 to Nov. 1894. In German. WHi complete. 128. BUFFALO COUNTY JOURNAL (w) Apr. 27, 1861 to date. Title varies: Alma Journal, June 1863-July 1869; Alma Weekly Express, July 1869- June 1879. Editors: James M. Brackett, 1861-June 1862; R. H. Copeland, June 1862-June 1864; Brackett, June 1864-Apr. 1865; Copeland and John Hunner, Apr. 1865-1867; Hunner and C. Moser, 1867-June 1868; A. D. Perkins and Perry P. McBride, June 1868-1869; George W. Gilkey and John E. Stillman, 1869-Jan. 1871; Hunner and John W. DeGroff, Jan. 1871-Dec. 1872; DeGroff and A. Rockwell, Dec. 1872-Oct. 1873; DeGroff and George A. Edes, Nov. 1873-Apr. 1875; DeGroff, Apr. 1875-1890; E. F. Ganz, 1891-June 1913; Frank F. Stroebl and Theodore Buehler, July 1913- July 1924; Buehler, July 1924-Nov. 1943; Arthur M. Amlund, Nov. 1943-Apr. 1944; E. Frank Cooper, May 1944-May 1945; Clarence E. Cronick, May 1945-June 1951; Gerald C. Rassback, July 1951 to date. WHi Apr. 27, 1861-Dec. 1, 1864; July 29, 1869-Dec. 15, 1870; Jan. 15, 1874 to date. 129. ALMA MIRROR (w) 1891-1895 [?]. Editors: Frank J. Kempter. BUFFALO CITY (see Fountain City) COCHRANE 130. LANDSMANN (w) Jan. 1900-Aug. 28, 1914. Editors: John Schlosstein, 1900-1904; John Meili, 1904-1914. In German. 131. COCHRANE RECORDER (w) Dec. 10, 1914 to date. Editors: David I. Hammergren, 1914-Jan. 1915; Leroy F. Schwenneker, Feb. 1915- Aug. 1916; Oliver R. Weinandy and Emil Utermoehl, Aug. 1916-Jan. 1920; David I. Hammergren, Feb. 1920-1923; Leland L. Quimby, 1924-July 1927; David I. Hammergren, July 1927-May 1945; Larry E. and David J. Hammergren, June 1945-Nov. 1956; Louis Schuth, Nov. 1956 to date. WHi Dec. 9, 1943 to date. 19 FOUNTAIN CITY 132. FOUNTAIN CITY ADVOCATE (w) Sept. 1857-Mar. 1858. Editors: Joseph K. Averill. 133. FOUNTAIN CITY BEACON (w) July 25, 1856-Oct. 18, 1858. Editors: Louis M. Rose and Fred A. Wheelock, July-Nov. 1856; Joseph K. Averill, Nov. 1856-Aug. 1857; Charles G. Peterson, Aug. 1857-1858. 134. BUFFALO COUNTY ADVERTISER (w) 1860-1861. Editors: Martin Pierce and C. Bohri. 135. BUFFALO COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) Mar. 15, 1861 to date. Suspended: July-Oct. 1861. Title varies: Buffalo County Republikaner , 1861-Jan. 1924. Editors: Charles Lohmann, Mar .-July 1861; G. G. Oppliger, Oct. 1861-Apr. 1869; John F. Hauser, Apr. 1869-Nov. 1871; Joseph Leicht, Nov. 1871-May 1882; Fred- erich Hepp and John L. Utermoehl, June 1882-Aug. 1887; Hepp and Jacob Meili, Sept. 1887-Nov. 1888; John Schmitz and Paul F. Mueller, Nov. 1888-Nov. 1890; Mueller, Nov. 1890-Mar. 1896; Utermoehl, Mar. 1896-June 1898; Emil Wittzack, July 1898-June 1910; Justin Landwehr, June 1910-July 1928; David I. Hammer- gren, July 1928-May 1930; Mahlon H. Johnson, May 1930 to date. In German: 1861-Jan. 1924. WHi Apr. 16, 1870 to date. MONDOVI 136. BUFFALO COUNTY NEWS (w) July 1898-July 6, 1923. Editors: H. E. Browne, 1898-July 1901; Harry H. Scott, July 1901-1921; James M. Scott, 1921-1923. Merged with Mondovi Herald. 137. MONDOVI HERALD-NEWS (w) Feb. 4, 1876 to date. Title varies: Buffalo County Herald, 1876-June 1890; Mondovi Herald, June 1890- July 1823. Editors: Walter L. Houser and George E. Gilkey, Feb -Nov. 1876; Houser, Nov. 1876-Mar. 1877; Gilkey, Mar. 1877-July 1878; W. H. and C. E. Edes, Aug. 1878- May 1879; Gilkey, May 1879-1881; Houser, 1881-Jan. 1882; J. C. Rathbun, Feb. 1882-May 1885; Houser, May 1885-1893; Houser and W. H. Smith, 1894-1907; Smith, 1908-May 1911; Charles White and A. W. Van Wormer, May 1911-Apr. 1912; E. F. Hohmann and Frank L. St. John, May 1912-Aug. 1913; St. John, Aug. 1913-Aug. 1946; T. R. Kosmo, Aug. 1946 to date. WHi Oct. 5, 1876-Aug. 30, 1879; Jan. 13, 1882 to date. 20 Burnett County GRANTSBURG 138. BURNETT COUNTY SENTINEL (w) Feb. 12, 1875- Jan. 27, 1910. Editors: M. Westcott, Feb. 1875-Mar. 1876; W. E. Talboys, Mar. 1870-1888; G. A. Olson, 1889-1891; Anton M. Anderson, 1892-Sept. 1896; William Hoff stead, Oct. 1896-Apr. 1901; Herbert Ahlstrom and A. J. Myrland, Apr. 1901-May 1905; Myr- land and Charles L. Fisher, May 1905-1908; Fisher, 1909-1910. Merged with Journal of Burnett County. WHi Jan. 14, 1876-May 24, 1894; Jan. 17, 1895-Jan. 27, 1910. 139. JOURNAL OF BURNETT COUNTY (w) Aug. 7, 1895 to date. Editors: Edward L. Peet, 1894-Dec. 1904; Fred R. Huth, Dec. 1904-Aug. 1951; D. E. Carlsen and Maurice Crownhart, Aug. 1951-July 1952; Crownhart, July 1952 to date. WHi complete. SIREN 140. BURNETT COUNTY LEADER (w) Nov. 26, 1937-Mar. 31, 1955. Editors: Bennie Bye, 1937-Aug. 1947; Mrs. L. B. Dolan, Sept. 1947-1955. Merged with Inter-County Leader (Frederic) . WHi Jan. 6, 1944-Mar. 31, 1955. 141. SIREN MESSENGER (w) 1928-1931 [?]. Editors: C. A. Babcock, 1928-1930; Irving Swanson, 1930-1931. 142. SIREN PROGRESS (w) 1916-1917 [?]. Editors: George C. El wood. WEBSTER 143. BURNETT COUNTY ENTERPRISE (w) 1913-Sept. 13, 1951. Editors: George C. Elwood, 1913-1916; Hugh Jeffries, 1916-June 1917; M. D. Hinshaw, June 1917-May 1919; W. A. Pursel, June 1919-Jan. 1929; George C. Gil- ford, Jan. 1929-1930; R. A. Banta, 1930-1933; Floyd L. Lantz, 1933-1941; Fred R. Huth, 1941-1951. Merged with Journal of Burnett County (Grantsburg) . WHi June 7, 1917-Nov. 7, 1929; Jan. 4, 1946-Sept. 13, 1951. 21 Calumet County BRILLION 144. BRILLION NEWS (w) Sept. 7, 1894 to date. Editors: W. W. Stoddard, 1894-Aug. 1895; H. W. Buckle and Eugene Bing, Aug. 1895-July 1897; Bing, July 1897-Sept. 1898; Harry Jones, Sept. 1898-June 1899; Jay Matthews, June-July 1899; Otto J. Zander, July 1899-Aug. 1944; Elliot T. Zander, Aug. 1944 to date. WHi complete. CHILTON 145. CHILTON CALUMET (w) 1898-1902[?]. Editors: A. J. Leighton. 146. CALUMET COUNTY NEWS (w) 1880-1884 [?]. Editors: H. D. Wing, 1880-1883; Dankoler Bros., 1883-1884. 147. CALUMET COUNTY REFLECTOR (w) Sept. 1867- 1870[?]. Editors: E. N. Sweet. 148. CHILTON GUARDIAN (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: William B. Minahan. 149. INDEPENDENT JOURNAL (w) Dec. 7, 1916-Feb. 23, 1933. Editors: W. H. Heath and Joseph Grassold, 1916-Nov. 1917; Grassold, Nov. 1917- 1933. Merged with Chilton Times. WHi complete. 150. CHILTON TIMES-JOURNAL (w) Sept. 26, 1857 to date. Title varies: Chilton Times, 1857-Feb. 1933. Editors: C. W. Fitch, 1857-May 1858; John P. Hume, May 1858-Aug. 1881; Wil- liam A. and John P. Hume, Jr., Aug. 1881-Nov. 1891; William A. Hume, Nov. 1891-Sept. 1930; William J. McHale, Sept. 1930-July 1953; Alan M. Ohde, July 1953-July 1955; Edward W. Robb and Chester P. Holway, July 1955 to date. WHi complete. 151. VOLKSBOTE (w) 1877-1883 [?]. Editors: George Schleyer. In German. 152. WISCONSIN DEMOKRAT (w) 1873-1917. Editors: Henry Arnold, 1873-1900; Joseph Grassold, 1900-1917. In German. WHi Dec. 13, 1877-Nov. 21, 1890; May 5, 1893-Sept. 22, 1899; July 1, 1904-Dec. 27, 1912. 22 GRAVESVILLE 153. CALUMET REPUBLICAN (w) Aug. 4, 1859- Dec. 1861 Editors: John N. Stone. WHi Aug. 4, 1859-July 29, 1861. HILBERT 154. HILBERT FAVORITE (w) 1908 to date. Editors: F. G. Shirley, 1908-1911; Frank E. Pieper, 1911-1941; Leonard J. Suttner 1941 to date. WHi Oct. 31, 1943 to date. NEW HOLSTEIN 155. NEW HOLSTEIN REPORTER (w) 1902 to date. Title varies: Calumet County Reporter, 1902- [?]. Editors: T. H. McElroy, 1902-1908; B. A. Roate, 1908-1928; Mrs. B. A. Roate, 1928-1932; E. A. Minton, 1932-1933; R. P. Cooley, 1933-1935; R. P. and Everett M. Cooley, 1935 to date. WHi Dec. 9, 1943 to date. STOCKBRIDGE 156. STOCKBRIDGE ENTERPRISE (w) 1873-1874 [?]. Editors: Friedrich A. Biffmann. 157. STOCKBRIDGE UNION (w) Apr. 10, 1873-1874 [?] . Editors: Friedrich A. Biffmann. In German. WHi Apr. 10-July 23, 1873. 23 Chippewa County BLOOMER 158. BLOOMER ADVANCE (w) July 1886 to date. Editors: Henry C. Schultz, 1886-July 1887; Frank O. Wisner, July 1887-July 1889; H. L. Van Dalsen, July 1889-Jan. 1890; Edgar N. Bowers, Jan. 1890- July 1896; Frank E. Andrews, July 1896-Nov. 1900; A. O. LeBell, Nov. 1900-May 1901; An- drews, May 1901-June 1946; William A. Ender, July 1946-May 1947; Alfred Bauer, June 1947 to date. WHi Mar. 21, 1895 to date. 159. BLOOMER ADVOCATE (w) Feb. 12, 1897-1909. Editors: E. J. Morrison, 1897-Jan. 1899; W. N. Priddy, Feb. 1899-1909. 160. BLOOMER FREE PRESS (sm) Sept. 1, 1923-June 18, 1925. Editors: George W. Deuel. 161. BLOOMER SIGNAL (w) 1882-Apr. 14, 1883. Editors: Frank A. Cole. 162. BLOOMER WORKMAN (w) July 27, 1880-May 1886. Editors: George L. Jones. Followed by Chippewa Falls Workman. WHi May 5, 1881-Mar. 1, 1883. BOYD 163. BOYD LEADER (w) 1898-1902[?]. Editors: Clarence E. McKee. 164. BOYD TIMES-HERALD (w) Oct. 2, 1897-1921. Editors: George W. Deuel, 1897-1906; Elmer Trickey, 1906-1907; Guy Cooper, 1907-1909; Archie Mohr, 1909-1911; John P. Hayden, 1911-1916; T. B. Guthrie, 1916-1917; J. W. Grant, 1917-1920; August Fank, 1920-1921. 165. BOYD TRANSCRIPT (w) 1922 to date. Editors: B. J. Fuller, 1922-1927; Charles Newton, 1927-Oct. 1929; H. W. Broch- trup, Oct. 1929 to date. WHi Jan. 15, 1937 to date. 166. BOYD WEEKLY (w) 1921-1922. Editors: P. R. Schultz. 24 CADOTT 167. CADOTT BLADE (w) 1890-Apr. 1914. Editors: James A. Barager, 1890-May 1895; William R. Munroe, May 1895-1909; F. D. and A. W. Calway, 1909-Sept. 1912; John P. Hayden, Sept. 1912-Mar. 1913; Dale C. Hickok, Mar. 1913-1914. Followed by Cadott Sentinel. 168. CADOTT RECORD (w) Nov. 1881-Oct. 1889. Editors: William S. and Allan C. Munroe. 169. CADOTT SENTINEL (w) Apr. 10, 1914 to date. Editors: M. R. Stewart, 1914-Apr. 1919; Earl W. Bates, Apr. 1919-May 1922; A. T. Nabbefeld, May 1922-May 1954; Walter H. Brovald, May 1954 to date. WHi Oct. 8, 1943 to date. CHIPPEWA FALLS 170. AVALANCHE (w) 1873-1876. Editors: Theodore F. Hollister. 171. CATHOLIC SENTINEL (w) July 1889-June 1919. Title varies: Chippewa Sentinel, July-Dec. 1889. Editors: Rev. C. F. Goldsmith, 1889-1890; Arthur Gough, 1891-1919. WHi Jan. 21, 1892-May 25, 1916. WCh Jan. 1902-Dec. 1916. 172. CHIPPEWA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (w) Apr. 1881- Dec. 11, 1889. Title varies: Chippewa Valley Independent, 1881- [?]. Editors: Josiah N. Phillips, 1881-May 1888; T. J. Cunningham and L. A. Ingersoll, May 1888-1889. Merged with Chippewa Times. WHi Dec. 29, 1881-Apr. 17, 1884. 173. CHIPPEWA VALLEY PIONEER (w) July 1859-Dec. 1860. Editors: Arthur W. Delany. Merged with Eau Claire Free Press. CHIPPEWA VALLEY UNION, see Chippewa Union and Times. 174. CHIPPEWA CURRENT (d, w) Sept. 28, 1893-June 1895. Editors: Henry C. Schultz and C. F. Trogner. 175. CHIPPEWA FALLS DEMOCRAT (w) May 6, 1869-Dec. 1872. Editors: George W. Lambert, May-Dec. 1869; Lambert and Gus O. Austin, 1870- Nov. 1871; Lambert, Nov. 1871-1872. WHi June 3, 1869-Nov. 14, 1872. CHIPPEWA DAILY GAZETTE, see Chippewa Telegram. 25 176. WEEKLY HERALD (w) Jan. 29, 1870-1918. WHi Feb. 19, 1870-Aug. 31, 1917. WCh Jan. 29, 1870-Feb. 19, 1892; Jan. 1900-Dec. 1918. 177. CHIPPEWA HERALD-TELEGRAM (d) June 25, 1894 to date. Title varies: Chippewa Herald, 1894-1926. Editors: George C. Ginty, 1870-Dec. 1890; Mrs. G. C. Ginty, Dec. 1890-Feb. 1892; Frank L. Perrin, Feb. 1892-May 1893; James Hovey, May 1893-July 1898; George E. Dee, July 1898-Mar. 1923; Charles D. Hunter, Mar. 1923-1926; William H. Gharrity, 1926-1949; Milo E. Nickel, 1949 to date. WHi Aug. 11, 1936 to date. WCh Jan. 1919 to date. EVENING INDEPENDENT, see Chippewa Telegram. 178. CHIPPEWA JOURNAL-TRIBUNE (d) Oct. 24, 1912- Aug. 5, 1913. Editors: William R. Dobbyn and M. S. Cheatham. WCh complete. 179. CHIPPEWA OBSERVER (w) May 1896-Oct. 4, 1899. Editors: E. C. Taylor. WHi Jan. 5, 1898-Oct. 4, 1899. 180. PEOPLE'S PAPER (w) Aug. 11, 1894-1895. Editors: R. L. Thornton. WHi Aug. 11-Nov. 17, 1894. CHIPPEWA SENTINEL, see Catholic Sentinel. 181. CHIPPEWA TELEGRAM (d) Oct. 2, 1887-Dec. 4, 1926. Title varies: Daily Independent, 1887-Mar. 1916; Evening Independent, Mar. 1916-Dec. 1919; Chippewa Daily Press, Dec. 1919-Sept. 1920; Wisconsin Daily Press, Oct. 1920-Oct. 1921; Chippewa Daily Gazette, Nov. 1921-Nov. 1924. Editors: William Irving, Jr., 1887-1896; T. J. Cunningham, 1896-Sept. 1919; Au- gust F. Ender, Sept. 1919-Oct. 1921; Wilbur H. Bridgman, Nov. 1921-Nov. 1924; Victor Fowler and Charles D. Hunter, Nov. 1924-1926. Merged with Chippewa Herald. WCh Oct. 2, 1900-Dec. 4, 1926. 182. THALBOTE (w) Jan. 31, 1895-1906. Editors: F. W. Grumm, 1895-1897; Theodore Brockmann, 1897-1906. In German. 183. CHIPPEWA FALLS TIMES (w) May-July 1866. Editors: W. J. Whipple. Merged with Chippeiva Valley Union. 184. CHIPPEWA TIMES (w) Oct. 6, 1875-Aug. 15, 1916. Title varies: Chippewa Times and Independent, Dec. 1889-Apr. 1892. Editors: T. J. Cunningham, 1875-Nov. 1876; Cunningham and Horace J. Hoff- man, Nov. 1876-Dec. 1889; Josiah N. Phillips, Dec. 1889-1890; W. F. Boland, 1890-1897; Cunningham, 1897-1916. WHi Dec. 1, 1875-Aug. 15, 1916. 26 185. CHIPPEWA UNION AND TIMES (w) Sept. 1861-Dec. 7, 1869. Title varies: Chippewa Valley Union, 1861-July 1866. Editors: Andrew K. Gregg, 1861- Jan. 1862: James M. Brackett, Apr. 1865-Jan. 1869; Brackett and Henry Kelsey, Jan.-Dec. 1869. Merged with Chippewa Falls Democrat. WHi Jan. 12, 1867-Nov. 27, 1869. WISCONSIN PRESS, see Chippewa Telegram. 186. CHIPPEWA FALLS WORKMAN (w) June 1886-1890. Editors: George L. Jones, 1886-1887: H. A. Van Dalsen, 1887-1888; Edgar N. Bowers, 1888-1890. Merged with Chippewa Times. CORNELL 187. CHIPPEWA VALLEY COURIER (w) July 1, 1911 to date. Editors: George W. Deuel, 1911-1915; Albert J. Hartley, 1915-1918; M. W. Stone, Jan.-June 1919; Howard W. Sims, June 1919-Oct. 1924; W. H. Howard, Nov. 1924-Apr. 1938; Mrs. W. H. Howard, Apr. 1938-1942; R. W. Howard, 1942-July 1948; Lyle R. Howard, July 1948-Oct. 1952; Thomas M. Hurlburt, Oct. 1952- Sept. 1954; Leonard Freid, Oct. 1954-Mar. 1956; Arnott S. Widstrand, Apr. 1956 to date. WHi Oct. 7, 1943 to date. 188. CORNELL FREE PRESS (w) 1915-1916 [?]. Editors: Georjje W. Deuel. HOLCOMBE 189. HOLCOMBE JOURNAL (w) 1906-1917. Editors: William R. Munroe and E. H. Burnham, 1906-1908; Burnham, 1908- 1917. 190. HOLCOMBE TRIBUNE (w) Mar. 10, 1921-Apr. 23, 1925. Editors: George R. Ranow, Mar-May 1921; Howard W. Sims, May 1921-Nov. 1924; W. H. Howard, Nov. 1924-1925. NEW AUBURN 191. NEW AUBURN TIMES (w) Mar. 12, 1902-1919. Editors: T. G. Cummings, 1902-1903; H. Gordon Goddard, 1903-1915; C. B. Lod- gaard, 1915-1916; L. H. Stefflre, 1916-1917; George W. Deuel, 1917-1919. STANLEY 192. STANLEY CHRONICLE (w) 1899-1900 [?]. Editors: Richard T. Yundt. 27 193. STANLEY JOURNAL (w) May 26, 1894-Apr. 18, 1897. Editors: William R. Munroe, 1894-May 1895; C. B. Culbertson, May-Sept. 1895; T. J. Cunningham, Sept. 1895-1897. 194. STANLEY REPUBLICAN (w) May 16, 1896 to date. Editors: Wilbur H. Bridgman, 1896-Oct. 1943; H. R. Johnson, Nov. 1943-1947; C. F. Bridgman, 1947-1952; Walter H. Brovald, 1952-1954; Earl W. Bates, 1954 to date. WHi complete. WSt Jan. 1918 to date. 195. STANLEY TIMES (w) 1906-1907. Editors: W. A. Kinney. 28 Clark County ABBOTSFORD 196. ABBOTSFORD CLARION (w) 1900-1919 [?]. Editors: Roy G. Taylor, 1900-1903; Fred A. Pier, 1903-1911; E. A. Egery, 1911- 1912; Herman L. Kronschnabl, 1912-1916; William Manners, 1916-1918; Henry E. Ryberg, 1918-1919. 197. ABBOTSFORD TRIBUNE (w) Jan. 11, 1923 to date. Editors: Ervin C. Clark, 1923-1927; Otis C. Adams, 1927-Mar. 1934; Robert J. Janda, Mar. 1934 to date. WHi Jan. 11, 1923-Dec. 30, 1925; Jan. 5-Dec. 27, 1928; Jan. 2, 1930 to date. COLUMBIA 198. COLUMBIA GAZETTE (w) 1895-1898 [?] Editors: James A. Phillips. CURTISS 199. CURTISS ADVANCE (w) June 20, 1923-Mar. 14, 1934. Published by Abbortsford Tribune. WHi June 25, 1924-July 14, 1926; Jan. 5-Dec. 27, 1928; Jan. 2, 1930- Mar. 14, 1934. 200. CURTISS RECORD (w) 191 1-1912 [?] . Editors: Vernon P. Barager. DORCHESTER 201. CLARK COUNTY HERALD (w) Mar. 1905-1918 [?] . Editors: Herman L. Kronschnabl, 1905-Mar. 1909; William Manners, Apr. 1909- 1914; B. F. Manners, 1914-1916; A.P. Gessert, 1916-1918. 202. DORCHESTER CLARION (w) 1919 to date. Suspended: Jan.-Nov. 1937. Editors: Ray W. Hugoboom, 1919-1936; Bert Amacher, Dec. 1937-1938; B. Dayton Merriman, 1939-June 1945; Walter P. Lehnertz, June 1945 to date. WHi Oct. 7, 1943 to date. 203. DEUTSCHE VOLKSZEITUNG (w) 1892-1894 [? J. Editors: William Evers. In German. 29 204. DORCHESTER HEROLD (w) 1904-1906 [?] . Editors: B. J. Fuller. In German. 205. NEW ERA (w) 1898-1900[?]. Editors: Clarence J. Zook. 206. DORCHESTER REPORTER (w) Sept. 7, 1900-1904 [?] Editors: Ray W. Hugoboom. GRANTON 207. GRANTON HERALD (w) 1923-1938 [?]. Editors: W. E. Clough, 1923-1926; W. F. Phillips, 1926-1927; Glenn D. McKee, 1927-1937; August F. Ender, 1937-1938. 208. GRANTON NEWS (w) 1904-May 6, 1921. Editors: F. J. Baer. Merged with Republican and Press (Neillsville) . 209. GRANTON SENTINEL (w) 1938-1940[?]. Editors: A. Reinert. GREENWOOD 210. GREENWOOD GLEANER (w) Jan. 1891 to date. Editors: J. E. Noyes, 1891-July 1908; H. H. Hartsori, July 1908-1916; William F Neuenfeldt, 1916-June 1946; Albert P. Neuenfeldt, June 1946 to date. WHi Feb. 2, 1900 to date. 211. GREENWOOD HEADLIGHT (w) 1887-1889[?]. Editors: George B. Begley. HUMBIRD 212. HUMBIRD ENTERPRISE (w) Oct. 15, 1904-1950. Editors: G. H. Horrell, Oct.-Dec. 1904; E. T. Hale, 1905-1949; H. J. Quartemont, 1949-1950. WHi Oct. 7, 1905-Jan. 29, 1949. LOYAL 213. CLARK COUNTY CHRONICLE (w) 1899-1902 [?]. Editors: George W. Meacham. 214. LOYAL TRIBUNE (w) Feb. 16, 1894 to date. Editors: B. M. Fullmer and D. V. Richardson, 1894-1903; J. E. Noyes, 1903-Oct. 1905; Harry V. Ross, Oct. 1905-Apr. 1906; Frank D. Brown, Apr.- June 1906; Rav G. Taylor, June-Oct. 1906; A. A. Roessler, Oct. 1906-Mar. 1914; Roessler and William F. Neuenfeldt, Apr.-Aug. 1914; Neuenfeldt, Sept. 1914-May 1916; Hattie 30 Richardson, June 1916-Mar. 1923; Leon F. Thelken, Apr. 1923-Mar. 1925; Law- rence Cowles, Mar. 1925-1928; Cowles and Jacob R. Steiner, 1929-Nov. 1951; Lee Favreau, Nov. 1951 to date. Publisher's files destroyed: 1894-1929. WHi Jan. 19, 1905-Apr. 19, 1906; Oct. 11, 1906 to date. NEILLSVILLE 215. NEILLSVILLE BLADE (w) 1890-1892 [?]. Editors: Albert Calway and George W. Meacham. 216. CLARK COUNTY ADVOCATE (w) 1862-1867. Editors: William C. Tompkins, 1862-Apr. 1863; C. W. Carpenter, Apr. 1863-1 866; Andrew J. Manley and Frank Cooper, 1866-1867. 217. CLARK COUNTY COURIER (w) June 1879-1881. Editors: M. W. Parker. WHi Jan. 27, 1880-Feb. 1, 1881. 218. CLARK COUNTY JOURNAL (w) Jan. 31, 1867-Nov. 1872. Editors: John S. Dore. 219. CLARK COUNTY JOURNAL (w) Oct. 17, 1935-Oct. 8, 1936. Editors: P. C. Lubovic. 220. CLARK COUNTY PRESS (w) June 27, 1873-Apr. 18, 1876. Editors: Horace J. Hoffman. Merged with Clark County Republican. WHi complete. 221. CLARK COUNTY PRESS (w) Oct. 25, 1867 to date. Title varies: Clark County Republican, 1867-1878; Republican and Press, 1879- May 1921; Neillsville Press, May 1921-Sept. 1938. Editors: Edward Merritt, 1867-Mar. 1874; Charles J. Cooper, Mar. 1874-Mar. 1875; James Hewett and Jones Tompkins, Mar. 1875-Apr. 1876; Horace J. Hoff- man, Apr. 1876-Nov. 1884; I. T. Carr, Nov. 1884-Apr. 1889; J. H. Tifft and Milton F. Satterlee, Apr. 1889-Mar. 1891; Tifft, Mar. 1891-Mar. 1900; Tifft and George E. Crothers, Mar. 1900-Feb. 1920; Crothers, Mar. 1920-1931; Crothers and Jesse A. Leeson, 1931-Aug. 1937; August F. Ender, Aug. 1937-Sept. 1938; Wells F. Harvey, Sept. 1938 to date. WHi Sept. 6, 1871 to date. 222. DEUTSCH-AMERIKANER (w) Oct. 7, 1880-Oct. 7, 1920. Editors: Noah Schultz, 1880-1883; Horace J. Hoffman, 1883-1885; Herman Schuster and Carl Rabenstein, 1885-1889; Rabenstein, 1889-1918; Emma Roessler, 1918-1920. In German. WHi Feb. 17, 1916-Oct. 7, 1920. 223. ENTERPRISE (w) Feb. 12, 1876-May 4, 1878. Title varies: Langlade Enterprise (Colby) , 1876-Feb. 1878. Editors: James A. Parkhurst, 1876-Feb. 1878; T. J. Cleaver, Mar.-May 1878. Merged with Republican and Press. WHi Mar. 25-June 17, 1876; Dec. 30, 1876-May 4, 1878. n 224. GOOD CITIZEN (w) Mar.-Oct. 1909. Editors: L. B. Ring. 225. NEILLSVILLE NEWS (w) 1900-1903. Editors: Robert E. Boehm. NEILLSVILLE PRESS, see Clark County Press. REPUBLICAN AND PRESS, see Clark County Press. 226. NEILLSVILLE TIMES (w) Dec. 1881-May 5, 1921. Editors: James O'Neill and L. A. Doolittle, 1881-Aug. 1885; Milton F. Satterlee and William N. Wells, Aug. 1885-Feb. 1886; Satterlee and George U. Ure, Feb. 1886-Apr. 1888; J. D. Brothers, Apr. 1888-Apr. 1889; L. B. Ring, Apr. 1889-Nov. 1905; V. A. McGillivray, Nov. 1905-Nov. 1906; Levy Williamson, Nov. 1906-1921. Merged with Republican and Press. WHi Mar. 21, 1882-Dec. 20, 1887; Jan. 7, 1897-May 5, 1921. 227. TRUE REPUBLICAN (w) July 1879-Dec. 15, 1887. Editors: L. B. Ring. Merged with Neillsville Times. WHi Mar. 18, 1880-Dec. 15, 1887. 228. UNION FLAG (w) Oct. 14, 1861-1862 [?]. Editors: John S. Dore. OWEN 229. OWEN ENTERPRISE (w) Jan. 18, 1906 to date. Title varies: Owen Advertiser, 1906-1908. Editors: George W. Deuel, 1906-1908; Harvey Erickson, 1908-1909; J. T. Flint, 1909-1911; F. J. Sherry, 1911-Feb. 1914; Vernon R. Barager, Feb. 1914-1937; Vernon R. and James R. Barager, 1937-Nov. 1955; James R. Barager, Nov. 1955 to date. WHi Dec. 9, 1943 to date. THORP 230. THORP COURIER (w) Nov. 23, 1883 to date. Editors: William Wagner, 1883-May 1943; William S. Wagner, May 1943-1950; Wagner and Robert E. Elkins, 1950 to date. WHi June 18, 1891 to date. 231. THORP LEADER (w) July 20-Nov. 16, 1888. Editors: W. M. Hotchkiss. 232. THORP REPUBLICAN (w) Aug. 21, 1897-Mar. 12, 1898. Editors: Clarence E. McKee. 32 WITHEE 233. WITHEE JOURNAL (w) Mar. 1902-Mar. 8, 1934. Title varies: Withee Sentinel, 1902-1914; Clark County Journal, 1914- [?]. Editors: James A. Barager, 1902-1906; Mrs. A. L. Barager, 1906-1914; A. K. Stan- ning, 1914-1916; A. W. Lang, 1916-1918; Peter Lang, 1918-1920; James W. LeBell, 1920-1922; Ervin C. Clark, 1923-1927; Otis C. Adams, 1927-Mar. 1934. WHi Jan. 1, 1915-Dec. 28, 1917; Jan. 4, 1923-Dec. 31, 1925; Jan. 5- Dec. 27, 1928; Jan. 2, 1930-Mar. 8, 1934. n Columbia County CAMBRIA 234. CAMBRIA JOURNAL (w) Mar. 1882-Apr. 1883. Editors: W. M. Shirk. Followed by Cambria News. 235. CAMBRIA NEWS (w) Apr. 1883-May 26, 1949. Editors: P. F. McMahon and G. H. Beyer, 1883-1884; George J. King, 1884-Sept. 1887; Peter and O. C. Williams, Sept. 1887-Sept. 1889; O. C. Williams, Sept. 1889- Sept. 1893; John F. Streeter, Sept. 1893-July 1912; O. G. Stiles, July 1912-Mar. 1913; Ernest F. Krueger, Mar. 1913-June 1926; B. W. Hughes, June 1926-Oct. 1932; Mrs. B. W. Hughes, Oct. 1932-Aug. 1945; Peter Vander Meulen, Aug. 1945-Nov. 1947; S. J. Cupery, Dec. 1947-June 1948; Harry P. Thompson, June 1948-1949. Merged with Pardeeville-Wyocena Times. WHi Oct. 27, 1893-Dec. 28, 1922; Jan. 4, 1924-May 26, 1949. COLUMBUS 236. COLUMBIA REPORTER (w) May- [?], 1853. Editors: Carr Huntington. COLUMBUS DEMOCRAT, see Columbus Journal-Re- publican. 237. COLUMBUS ECHO (w) 1905-1909 [?]. Editors: H. Kramer. In German. 238. COLUMBUS WEEKLY JOURNAL (w) June 6, 1881- Nov. 6, 1864. Editors: Daniel H. Pulcifer and J. F. Hazelton, 1861-Apr. 1862; Hazelton, Apr.- Oct. 1862; Daniel Mallo, Oct. 1862-1864. WHi June 6, 1861-Dec. 30, 1863. 239. COLUMBUS JOURNAL-REPUBLICAN (w) Sept. 10, 1868 to date. Title varies: Columbus Democrat, 1868-1937; Columbus Journal, 1938-Oct. 1939. Editors: Henry D. Bath, 1868-Nov. 1880; George Schlosser and Newton H. Inger- soll, Nov. 1880-Aug. 1881; H. D. James, Aug. 1881-Sept. 1887; C. C. Eaton, Sept. 1887-Nov. 1890; Eaton and A. C. Parkinson, Nov. 1890-May 1892; Eaton, June 1892-Oct. 1899; Henry and Fred Berner, Oct. 1899-Sept. 1901; Frank J. Weiler and W. C. Thompson, Sept. 1901-Apr. 1904; L. T. Davis, Apr. 1904-May 1907; George E. Bunsa, May 1907-Jan. 1913; Frank D. Goodwin, Jan. 1913-June 1936; Lowell S. Larson, June 1936 to date. WHi Mar. 3, 1871-Nov. 6, 1880; Aug. 20, 1881-Dec. 30, 1903; Jan. 6, 1939 to date. 34 240. COLUMBUS REPUBLICAN (w) Oct. 7, 1868-Oct. 6, 1939. Editors: John R. Decker, 1868-Apr. 1908; Robert C. Leitsch, Apr. 1908-May 1920; Leitsch and John B. Roberts, June 1920-July 1938; Roberts, July 1938-1939. Merged with Columbus Journal. WHi complete. 241. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL (w) Feb. 27, 1855-May 30, 1861. Editors: Daniel Mallo and Delancey L. Thayer, 1855-Feb. 1857; Mallo, Feb. 1857- 1861. Followed by Columbus Weekly Journal. WHi complete. 242. COLUMBUS TRANSCRIPT (w) Jan. 1865-Aug. 1868. Editors: Valentine Baltuff. Followed by Columbus Democrat. 243. COLUMBUS UNION BANNER (w) June 19, 1862- 1863[?]. Editors: Daniel H. Pulcifer. WHi June 26-Aug. 7, 1862. FALL RIVER 244. NEW ERA (w) Dec. 29, 1905-Mar. 1, 1912. Editors: Lemuel H. Doyle, 1905-Nov. 1910; Edward J. Doyle, Nov. 1910-1912. Merged with Columbus Republican. WHi Jan. 5, 1906-Mar. 1, 1912. FORT WINNEBAGO (see Portage) KILBOURN (see Wisconsin Dells) LODI 245. LODI ENTERPRISE (w) Feb. 16, 1894 to date. Editors: E. B. Yule and G. I. Richmond, 1894-1897; Yule, 1897-Sept. 1902; Cas- sius L. Coward, Sept. 1902-Nov. 1943; Arnie F. Betts, Nov. 1943-Apr. 1953; Alfred Johnson and Elvert Heft, May 1953 to date. WHi Feb. 16, 1894-Mar. 13, 1896; Nov. 25, 1898 to date. 246. LODI WEEKLY HERALD (w) Feb. 25, 1863-Nov. 9, 1864. Editors: Valentine Baltuff. 35 247. LODI WEEKLY JOURNAL (w) Oct. 20, 1870-Apr. 16, 1873. Editors: Charles H. Fullerton. Merged with Jefferson County Union (Fort Atkinson) . WHi complete. 248. LODI VALLEY NEWS (w) Apr. 22, 1874-Apr. 7, 1904. Editors: Peter Richards. WHi complete. NEWPORT (see Wisconsin Dells) PARDEEVILLE 249. BREEZE (w) Feb. 1884-1885 f?] . Editors: John E. Shirk. 250. CRANK (w) Mar. 30, 1898-Oct. 9, 1901. Editors: Robert M. Williams. WHi complete. 251. MID-COUNTY TIMES (w) Dec. 1888 to date. Title varies: Independent Times, 1888-Apr. 1889; Pardeeville Times, Apr. 1889- June 1921; Pardeeville-Wyocena Times, June 1921-1949. Editors: Charles H. Williams, 1888-Nov. 1889; Fred A. Brown, Nov. 1889-Dec. 1890; Lester Woodard, Dec. 1890-June 1898; S. L. Lang, July 1898-Mar. 1899; James T. MacDonald, Apr. 1899-1901; J. V. Davis and Harry P. Thompson, 1901-July 1905; Thompson, July 1905-Oct. 1928; Edward Taylor, Oct. 1928-May 1932; Eu- gene Thompson, June-Sept. 1932; Clifton B. Webb, Sept. 1932-Apr. 1934; J. Lewis White, May 1934-1936; R. T. Barr, 1937-Feb. 1939; Harry P. Thompson, Feb. 1939-Sept. 1946; Richard H. Thompson, Oct. 1946 to date. WHi Oct. 19, 1889-June 7, 1890; Nov. 25, 1892-Dec. 29, 1900; Jan. 8, 1904 to date. PORTAGE PORTAGE ADVERTISER, see Monroe County Repub- lican (Sparta). 252. BADGER STATE (w) Oct. 1, 1853-Dec. 10, 1859. Editors: John A. Brown, 1853-Apr. 1855; Brown and Chauncey C. Britt, Apr. 1855-Feb. 1857; Britt and Joseph M. Doty, Feb. 1857-Jan. 1858; Doty and William K. McHugh, Jan. 1858-1859. WHi Mar. 11, 1854-July 2, 1858. WP complete. 253. COLUMBIA COUNTY WECKER (w) Sept. 9, 1874- 1906. Editors: Gustavus A. Selbach, 1874-1886; Mrs. G. A. Selbach, 1886-1906. In German. Merged with Wisconsin Rundschau. 36 254. PORTAGE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT (w) Mar. 23, 1877- Apr. 4, 1919. WHi Apr. 13, 1877-Apr. 4, 1919. 255. PORTAGE DAILY DEMOCRAT (d) May 14, 1886- Apr. 4, 1919. Editors: Henry D. and W. E. Bath, 1877-May 1878; Irving Bath, May 1878-Nov. 1881; James E. Jones, Nov. 1881-1919. Merged with Portage Daily Register. 256. PORTAGE HERALD (w) Sept. 1885-Sept. 6, 1888. Editors: Jay R. Hinckley. Merged with Portage Advertiser. HERALD-ADVERTISER, see Monroe County Republi- can (Sparta). 257. INDEPENDENT (w) Feb. 3, 1855-Apr. 14, 1857. Editors: John A. and Julius C. Chandler, 1855-Jan. 1856; Julius C. Chandler, Jan. 1856-1857. Followed by Portage City Record. WHi complete. WP complete. NORTHERN REPUBLIC, see Republic. 258. PORTAGE CITY RECORD (w) Apr. 29, 1857-Apr. 17, 1861. Editors: Robert B. Wentworth and Andrew J. Turner. Merged with Wisconsin State Register. WHi Aug. 31, 1859-Apr. 17, 1861. WP complete. 259. PORTAGE DAILY REGISTER (d) Mar. 1, 1886 to date. Title varies: Portage Register-Democrat, Apr. 1919-1940. Editors: B. F. Goodell and S. S. Rockwood, 1886-July 1892; James H. Waggoner, July 1892-July 1894; Maurice Goodman, July 1894-Jan. 1908; Arthur A. Porter, Feb. 1908-Oct. 1917; F. E. Pinkerton, Oct. 1917-Apr. 1919; John G. Cary, Apr. 1919-May 1920; Porter, May 1920-Sept. 1942; W. T. Comstock, Oct. 1942 to date. WHi Mar. 1, 1886-July 11, 1892; Sept. 18, 1894-June 30, 1940; Jan. 1, 1941 to date. WP complete. 260. REPUBLIC (w) Dec. 20, 1851-Dec. 1854. Title varies: Northern Republic, 1851- [?]. Editors: W. W. Noyes. 261. RIVER TIMES (w) July 4, 1850-Sept. 17, 1853. Editors: John and James Delany, 1850-May 1853; John and Joseph Delany, May- Aug. 1853; Joseph Delany and John A. Brown, Aug.-Sept. 1853. WHi complete. WP complete. 262. WESTERN ADVANCE (w) 1872-Mar. 26, 1879. Editors: Elias W. Stevens. Merged with Independent (Madison) . WHi Jan. 7, 1874-Mar. 26, 1879. 37 263. WISCONSIN RUNDSCHAU (w) 1885-Mar. 1920. Title varies: Rundschau und Wecker, 1906- [?]. Editors: Frank Heidt, 1885-1911; Eric Kurths, 1911-Apr. 1912; Julius Schnell, Apr. 1912-1920. In German. 264. WISCONSIN STATE REGISTER (w) Mar. 16, 1861- Feb. 8, 1946. Editors: Samuel S. Brannan and Andrew J. Turner, 1861-Feb. 1878; John T. Clark and B. F. Goodell, Feb. 1878-Feb. 1885; Goodell and S. S. Rockwood, Feb. 1885- 1886. Published by Portage Daily Register, 1886-1946. WHi July 4, 1863-May 16, 1919; Apr. 16, 1920-Feb. 8, 1946. POYNETTE 265. POYNETTE PRESS (w) Apr. 1884 to date. Editors: John E. and W. M. Shirk, 1884-Sept. 1885; I. C. Sargent, Sept. 1885-Dec. 1889; George L. Schwartz, Dec. 1889-Jan. 1911; C. M. Butler, Jan. 1911-July 1945; Butler C. Delany, Aug. 1945-June 1952; E. I. Wilson, June 1952-June 1953; Dessa M. Wilson, June 1953-Mar. 1956; Loren M. Koch, Mar. 1956 to date. WHi Nov. 5, 1885 to date. 266. POYNETTE REPORTER (w) June 4, 1875-May 26, 1876. Editors: Fred A. Brown. RANDOLPH 267. RANDOLPH ADVANCE (w) Nov. 11, 1893 to date. Editors: T. A. Cummings, 1893-June 1914; Gilford D. Browne and Clarence A. Forbes, June 1914-Oct. 1915; Browne and Cummings, Oct. 1915-Sept. 1918; Browne and Louis E. Williams, Sept. 1918-Feb. 1919; Williams, Mar. 1919-Oct. 1948; Stephen L. McNamara, Nov. 1948 to date. WHi Jan. 6, 1944 to date. 268. ENTERPRISE (w) Oct. 1882-1884. Editors: W. M. Shirk. 269. LIVELY TIMES (w) Jan. 3, 1873-Dec. 15, 1877. Title varies: Randolph Enterprise, 1873-1876. Editors: J. S. Lightner and G. A. Hacston, 1873-Nov. 1874; Lightner, Nov. 1874- Jan. 1876; Elias W. Stevens, Jan.-Dec. 1876; Fred A. Brown and Arthur G. Foster, Jan.-Dec. 1877. WHi complete. 270. RANDOLPH RADICAL (w) June 1882-1887 [?]. Editors: John Hotchkiss. 271. RANDOLPH REVEILLE (w) 1893-1898 [?]. Editors: D. W. Kutchin, 1893-1897; T. A. Cummings, 1897-1898. 38 RIO 272. BADGER BLADE (w) Mar. 13, 1902-Oct. 23, 1925. Editors: Lemuel H. Doyle, 1902-Nov. 1906; Frank D. Goodwin, Dec. 1906-Dec. 1912; Wilkie Collins, Dec. 1912-May 1920; S. J. Lang, June 1920-Nov. 1921; Arthur A. Porter, Nov. 1921-1925. WHi complete. 273. COLUMBIA COUNTY REPORTER (w) Sept. 10, 1886- Dec. 28, 190G. Editors: Lemuel H. Doyle, 1886-Apr. 1895; A. M. Jordon, May-Oct. 1895; J. W. Bathgate, Oct. 1895-1906. WHi complete. 274. RIO JOURNAL (w) Apr. 9, 1925 to date. Editors: E. A. Hull, 1925-Aug. 1926; Alvin F. Johnson, Aug. 1926-Mar. 1932; Victor L. Stroebel, Aug. 1940 to date. WHi July 31, 1930 to date. WISCONSIN DELLS 275. DELLS REPORTER (w) 1879-1880 [?]. Editors: A. C. Tuttle. 276. DELLS REPORTER (w) 1901-1908 [?]. Editors: R. L. Booher. 277. WISCONSIN DELLS EVENTS (m, w) Nov. 1903 to date. Title varies: Illustrated Events, 1903-May 1905; Kilbourn Weekly Events, June 1905-Apr. 1931. Editors: James E. Jones, 1903-Nov. 1906; Bert E. Tollaken, Nov. 1906-May 1928; William A. Drumb, May 1928-Mar. 1943; Isabelle Drumb, Mar. 1943-Mar. 1956; Allen P. and James E. Walch, Mar. 1956 to date. WHi complete. WWd complete. 278. KILBOURN CITY GUARD (w) Nov. 15, 1876-Apr. 30, 1879. Editors: Wesley Moran. WHi complete. 279. KILBOURN GAZETTE (w) Jan. 1882-Apr. 1885. Editors: W. W. Woodruff, 1882-1884; Charles B. Adams, 1884-1885. KILBOURN WEEKLY EVENTS, see Wisconsin Dells Events. 280. MIRROR-GAZETTE (w) Oct. 1884-Mar. 2, 1911. Title varies: Wisconsin Mirror, 1884-Apr. 1885. Editors: Frank O. Wisner, 1884-Apr. 1885; Wisner and James E. Jones, Apr. 1885- July 1887; Jones, July 1887-Sept. 1902; E. J. Wheeler, Sept. 1902-Nov. 1909; Russell J. Jouno, Nov. 1909-Mar. 1910; Theodore Freer, Mar. 1910-1911. WHi Apr. 7, 1887-Mar. 2, 1911. WWd Jan. 1898-Dec. 1902. 39 281. WISCONSIN MIRROR (w) Jan. 1, 1856-June 20, 1859; May 14-Nov. 12, 1860. Editors: Alanson Holly. WHi Jan. 1, 1856-Feb. 14, 1859; May 14-Nov. 12, 1860. 282. WISCONSIN MIRROR (w) June 17, 1868-Sept. 29, 1876. Editors: Alanson and H. O. Holly, 1868-Sept. 1869; Thomas O. Thompson, Sept. 1869-Nov. 1870; D. L. and E. B. Davis, Nov. 1870-1871; Frank O. Wisner, 1872- June 1876; William N. Cole, June-Sept. 1876. Followed by Kilbourn City Guard. WHi complete. WISCONSIN MIRROR (1884-1885), see Mirror-Gazette. WYOCENA 283. WYOCENA ADVANCE (w) July 1, 1910-June 28, 1918; Mar. 7, 1919-July 30, 1920. Editors: Lemuel H. Doyle, July-Dec. 1910; L. Hobart Doyle, Dec. 1910-Mar. 1911; J. M. Bushnell, Apr -May 1911; B. L. Bierce, May 1911-May 1912; Bushnell, May 1912-June 1918; Ross C. Woodhead, Mar. 1919-1920. WHi complete. 40 Crawford County GAYS MILLS 284. CRAWFORD COUNTY INDEPENDENT (w) 1903 to date. Editors: F. O'Neil, 1903-1915; W. F. Jameson, 1915-1920; Charles E. Bellows, 1920- 1932; Bellows and Henry W. Stuckey, 1932-Apr. 1937; Leonard E. Wetmore, Apr. 1937-Sept. 1945; James P. Kegel, Sept. 1945-Apr. 1947; Glenn L. Hagar, Apr. 1947 to date. WHi Oct. 21, 1943 to date. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN 285. COURIER-PRESS (w) May 19, 1852 to date. Title varies: Crawford County Courier, 1852-1853; Prairie du Chien Courier, 1853-1868; Courier, 1868-1955. Editors: Buell E. Hutchinson and Judson Hurd, 1852-May 1854; D. H. Johnson, May 1854-Apr. 1856; V. A. Merrell, Apr. 1856-Dec. 1858; William D. Merrell, Dec. 1858-Mar. 1911; W. H. Thompson and Henry E. Howe, Mar. 1911-Sept. 1912; Howe, Sept. 1912-July 1939; Henry E. and Lyman J. Howe, Aug. 1939-Oct. 1944; Lyman J. Howe, Nov. 1944-1950; E. B. Howe, 1951 to date. WHi May 19, 1852-May 24, 1853; May 22, 1856-Dec. 20, 1866; Jan. 25, 1870 to date. 286. CRAWFORD COUNTY PRESS (w) Jan. 1870-May 23, 1873. Title varies: Crawford County Democrat, 1870-Aug. 1871. Editors: Horace J. Hoffman. WHi Sept. 8, 1871-May 23, 1873. 287. CRAWFORD COUNTY PRESS (w) Jan. 13, 1904-Sept. 2, 1954. Editors: Wallace E. Martner and Frank A. Campbell, Jan.-Apr. 1904; Manner and Herbert A. Beach, May 1904-Nov. 1911; Martner, Nov. 1911-Feb. 1920; John H. Frazier, Feb. 1920-June 1935; J. Alvin Druyor, July 1935-1954. Merged with Courier. WHi complete. 288. CRAWFORD COUNTY STANDARD-BEARER (w) Apr -June 1864. Editors: L. R. Train and Nelson B. Moody. Merged with Prairie du Chien Union. 289. INTER-COUNTY GAZETTE (w) Tune 5, 1878-Apr. 2, 1880. Suspended: Feb.-Mar. 1880. Title varies: Grant County Gazette (Lancaster) . Editors: A. Reifsteck and Lewis C. Martin, Tune-July 1878; Martin, Aug. 1878- 1880. B WHi complete. 41 290. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN LEADER (w) July 18, 1857-Apr. 1861. Editors: William Hill and James H. Greene, 1857-Mar. 1859; Greene, Mar. 1859- 1861. WHi July 18, 1857-June 28, 1860. NATIONAL BROAD-AXE, see Boscobel Broad- Axe. 291. NORTHWESTERN DEMOCRAT (w) Sept. 1868-Dec. 1869. Published at Black River Falls: 1868- [?]. Editors: Horace J. Hoffman. Followed by Crawford County Press. 292. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN PATRIOT (w) Sept. 15, 1846- Aug. 13, 1851. Editors: Henry A. and O. J. Wright, 1846-Nov. 1847; Henry A. Wright, Nov. 1847-1851. WHi complete. 293. PEARL CITY RECORD (w) 1902-1904[?]. Editors: G. A. Fairfield. 294. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN UNION (w) Mar. 18, 1864-Jan. 1, 1914. Editors: L. M. Andrews and James H. Greene, 1864-1868; Waldo Brown and Joseph Smethurst, 1868-1870; Smethurst and Nicholas Smith, 1870-1871; Smith 1872-Oct. 1874; Fred J. and Frank M. Bowman, Oct. 1874-Mar. 1876; Byron J. Castle, Apr. 1876-Mar. 1877; John W. Berryman, Mar. 1877-1878; Berryman and Thurlow W. Lacy, 1879-1883; Ira D. Hurlbut and Alex M. Beach, 1884-Feb. 1885; Beach, Feb. 1885-Aug. 1886; Beach and O. G. Briggs, Aug. 1886-Aug. 1887; Beach, Aug. 1887-1888; George L. Miller, 1889-Dec. 1890; Ira D. Hurlbut, Dec. 1890- Nov. 1903; Ernest L. and A. P. Messer, Nov. 1903-Feb. 1908; H. L. Johnson, Feb.- Sept. 1908; Hurlbut, Sept. 1908-1914. WHi Jan. 27, 1871-Jan. 1, 1914. SOLDIERS GROVE 295. CRAWFORD COUNTY ADVANCE (w) Jan. 1894-Dec. 25, 1902. Editors: Cole Bros., 1894-Jan. 1897; P. A. Glick and D. Bachenkirdher, Jan.-Sept. 1897; G. E. Anderson, Sept. 1897-Aug. 1899; George L. and Charles Miller, Aug. 1899-Mar. 1902; C. A. Cryderman, Apr.-Dec. 1902. Followed by Kickapoo Valley Journal. WHi July 4, 1894-Dec. 25, 1902. 296. CRAWFORD COUNTY JOURNAL (w) Jan. 1, 1882- Dec. 31, 1888. Editors: William Borgen, Jan.-May 1882; Ira D. Hurlbut and J. E. Patten, May 1882-May 1883; Patten, May 1883-Apr. 1884; Charles N. Chapman, Apr.-July 1884; James Dinsdale, July 1884-1888. Followed by Kickapoo Transcript. WHi Apr. 4, 1883-Dec. 31, 1888. 42 297. KICKAPOO SCOUT (w) Oct. 17, 1907 to date. Editors: L. B. Nagler and A. C. Rasmussen, 1907-July 1913; Leonard G. Jeglum, July 1913-Feb. 1916; A. C. Rasmussen, Feb. 1916-Sept. 1936; Roy H. Snyder, Oct. 1936-July 1937; H. R. Portmann, July 1937 to date. WHi complete. 298. KICKAPOO TRANSCRIPT (w) July 19, 1889-Jan. 1894. Editors: Frank A. Carr, 1889-1892; George D. McDowell, 1893-1894. Followed by Crawford County Advance. WHi Aug. 23, 1889-Oct. 19, 1892; Jan. 6-Sept. 1, 1893. 299. KICKAPOO VALLEY JOURNAL (w) July 24, 1903- Oct. 10, 1907. Editors: John W. Blake, July-Aug. 1903; Warren Babcock, Aug. 1903-Dec. 1904; Blake, Dec. 1904-1907. Followed by Kickapoo Scout. WHi complete. WAUZEKA 300. WAUZEKA CHIEF (w) Dec. 1, 1894 to date. Title varies: Kickapoo Chief, 1894-1915. Editors: Henry E. Howe, 1894-1897; Riley Thomson, 1897-1898; James O'Neill, 1898-1914; G. H. Pearce, 1914-1918; Howe, 1918-1921; F. J. Broadbent, 1921-1923; G. W. Van Alten, 1923-1924; Harry C. Craig, 1924-1951; D. J. Craig, 1951 to date. WHi Jan. 1, 1925 to date. 43 Dane County BELLEVILLE 301. BELLEVILLE NEWS (w) Jan. 24-Oct. 18, 1895. Editors: C. R. Marks. Followed by Albany Journal. WHi complete. 302. BELLEVILLE RECORDER (w) Mar. 1886-July 4, 1924; June 10, 1926 to date. Title varies: Sugar River Recorder, 1886-Oct. 1902. Issued as a section of New Glarus Post, July 1924-June 1926. Editors: J. M. Williams, 1886-Mar. 1898; J. M. and Humphrey L. Williams, Mar. 1898-Jan. 1904; Humphrey L. Williams, Jan. 1904-Mar. 1905; Sydney A. Wheel- wright, Mar. 1905-May 1907; Earl R. Adamson, May 1907-July 1924; Etta Babler, June 1926-Sept. 1931; James J. Sullivan, Oct. 1931-July 1939; Herbert L. Adams, July 193&-Feb. 1945; Mrs. H. L. Adams, Mar. 1945-Apr. 1947; John P. Adams, Apr. 1947 to date. WHi Dec. 20, 1889-July 4, 1924; June 10, 1926 to date. BLACK EARTH ADVERTISER, see News- Advertiser (Madison). 303. DANE COUNTY NEWS (w) 1901 to date. Title varies: Black Earth Times, 1901-1913; Black Earth News, 1914-Aug. 1915. Editors: Edmund J. Browne, 1901-1911; Felix A. Kremer, 1911-1912; W. J. Miller, 1912-1914; C. S. Kennedy, 1914-Apr. 1916; F. S. and R. H. Zintz, Apr. 1916-May 1918; Arthur W. Pickering, May 1918 to date. WHi June 4, 1915 to date. 304. HOME NEWS (w) 1888-1895 [?]. Editors: Bestor Bros., 1888-1894; George Roemhild, 1894-1895. MONTHLY BUDGET, see News-Advertiser (Madison). 305. BLACK EARTH MONITOR (w) 1889-1893 [?]. Published by Mount Horeb Sun. BLACK EARTH NEWS, see Dane County News. 306. BLACK EARTH PHONOGRAPH (w) 1891-1893 [?]. Editors: Samuel K. Adams. BLACK EARTH TIMES, see Dane County News. 44 BLUE MOUNDS 307. MOUNDS REPORTER (w) 1885-1886 [?]. Editors: Leopold Sommers. BLUE MOUNDS WEEKLY NEWS, see Mount Horeb Weekly News. 308. BLUE MOUNDS PRESS (w) 1887-1894 [?]. Published by Mount Horeb Sun. CAMBRIDGE 309. CAMBRIDGE GAZETTE (w) July 20, 1867-1869 [?]. Editors: Henry S. Ehrman and A. H. Porter. 310. CAMBRIDGE NEWS (w) Feb. 1, 1886 to date. Published at London: 1886-1888. Editors: Elmer L. Howe, 1886-1888; C. M. Page, 1888-1892; A. E. Olson, 1892- Aug. 1893; Otto Lund, Aug. 1893-Nov. 1894; Jessie G. Patterson and W. H. Banks, Nov. 1894-1906; Edward F. Kramer, 1907-1909; H. C. Stair, 1910-1926; Stair and Gordon W. Crump, 1927-1937; Crump, 1938 to date. WHi Jan. 2, 1942 to date. CROSS PLAINS 311. CROSS ARROW (w) 1890-1891 [?]. Editors: Robert B. Frederick. DALEYVILLE 312. DALEYVILLE STAR (w) 1887-1892 [?] . Published by Mount Horeb Sun. DEERFIELD 313. ENTERPRISE-LEADER (w) Apr. 30, 1892-1905. Title varies: Deerfield Enterprise, 1892-1898. Editors: Walter Mayer, 1892-July 1893; E. S. Holman, Aug. 1893-Nov. 1894; Nels Holman, Nov. 1894-Feb. 1896; I. A. and W. T. Hoxie, Feb.-Dec. 1896; W. T. Hoxie, 1897-Dec. 1898; Charles H. Milnes, Dec. 1898-Feb. 1900; W. W. Powell, Feb. 1900-1905. WHi May 21, 1892-Feb. 23, 1900. 314. DEERFIELD INDEPENDENT (w) Apr. 1926 to date. Editors: Harry D. Easton, 1926-1929; E. T. Schultz, 1929-Dec. 1945; James E. Gabriel, Dec. 1945-Sept. 1946; Russell Gunderson and Hal Trestemjak, Oct. 1946- Oct. 1947; Harland E. Everson, Nov. 1947-1951; Daniel L. Royle, 1952 to date. WHi Jan. 14, 1944 to date. 45 315. LEADER (w) June-Dec. 22, 1898. Editors: Charles H. Milnes. Merged with Deerfield Enterprise. 316. DEERFIELD NEWS (w) 1899-1926. Editors: Nels Holman, 1899-1918; Ivan C. Lake, 1918-1920; L. E. Joppa, 1920- 1924; George Stoffregen, 1924-1926. 317. DEERFIELD TOBACCO HERALD (w) Sept. 18, 1885- Apr. 6, 1888. Editors: C. L. Hubbs. Merged with Lake Mills Leader. WHi complete. 318. TOBACCO JOURNAL (w) July 1891-Apr. 1892. Editors: J. S. Callahan. Followed by Deerfield Enterprise. DE FOREST 319. DE FOREST TIMES-TRIBUNE (w) Aug. 23, 1895 to date. Title varies: De Forest Times, 1895-Oct. 1948. Editors: Anthon N. Meland, 1895-Feb. 1903; E. C. Meland, Feb. 1903-Mar. 1913; Theodore Meland, Mar. 1913-Mar. 1918; William Keegan, Apr. 1918-Apr. 1920; Alvin F. Johnson, May 1920-Oct. 1921; Leonard O. Inland, Oct. 1921-July 1923; Johnson, July 1923-1932; Earl N. Emerson, 1932 to date. WHi Jan. 1, 1897 to date. LONDON LONDON-CAMBRIDGE NEWS, see Cambridge News. 320. TIMES AND TOBACCO JOURNAL (w) 1885-1886. Editors: Elmer L. Howe. Followed by Cambridge News. MADISON 321. AMERIKA (w) Jan. 1884-July 28, 1922. Published at Chicago: 1884-Apr. 1896. Title varies: Amerika og Norden, Oct. 1897-1898. Editors: Peer O. Stromme, 1884-Oct. 1898; Rasmus B. Anderson, Oct. 1898-1922. In Norwegian. WHi Apr. 30, 1890-July 28, 1922. IaDeL complete. MnHi Jan. 1885-July 28, 1922. 322. ANDERSONS MADISON SERVICE (w, m) Jan. 1922- Feb. 1927. Title varies: Bulletin of Official Information, 1922-Apr. 1924. 46 Editors: William J. Anderson. Continued as section of Wisconsin State Journal. WHi complete. 323. TRI-WEEKLY ARGUS (tw) Oct. 19, 1847-Mar. 11, 1848. Published by Weekly Wisconsin Argus. WHi complete. 324. DAILY ARGUS (d) Jan. 8-Apr. 20, 1852. Editors: Stephen D. Carpenter and Horace A. Tenney. WHi complete. 325. ARGUS AND DEMOCRAT (w) June 15, 1852-June 28, 1859. Published by Wisconsin Daily Argus. WHi June 15, 1852-Jan. 4, 1853; Jan. 2, 1855-June 28, 1859. DAILY ARGUS AND DEMOCRAT, see Wisconsin Daily Argus. MADISON BOTSCHAFTER, see Wisconsin Botschafter (Monroe). CAMPAIGN EXPRESS, see Wisconsin Express. 326. CAPITAL AREA RURALIST (w) Sept. 1935-Aug. 10, 1950. Editors: Marshall F. Browne. WHi Jan. 28, 1943-Aug. 10, 1950. 327. CAPITAL TIMES (d) Dec. 13, 1917 to date. Editors: William T. Evjue. WHi complete. 328. DANE COUNTY ADVOCATE (w) Oct. 2, 1902-1903. Editors: L. C. and C. H. Sharpe. WHi Oct. 2-Dec. 19, 1902. DANE COUNTY POPULIST, see Wisconsin Populist. 329. DAILY DEMOCRAT (d) Jan. 10-Mar. 17, 1851; Jan. 14- June 11, 1852. Editors: Beriah Brown. Merged with Daily Argus. WHi complete. 330. MADISON DEMOCRAT (w) May 21, 1868-1900. 331. MADISON DEMOCRAT (d) May 21, 1868-Feb. 27, 1921. Editors: A. E. Gordon, 1868-Apr. 1871; J. B. Parkinson and George Raymer, Apr. 1871-Apr. 1876; Raymer and L. M. Fay, Apr. 1876-June 1877; H. W. Hoyt, June 1877-May 1883; Edwin E. Bryant, May 1883-July 1890; O. D. Brandenburg, July Merged with Wisconsin State Journal. WHi complete. 47 332. MADISON DEMOKRAT (w) Feb. 2, 1858-Nov. 2, 1860. Editors: F. A. Pfaff and Simon Sekles, 1858-Jan. 1859; Sekles, Jan. 1859-Oct. 1860; Charles J. Palme, Oct.-Nov. 1860. In German. Merged with Wisconsin Staats-Zeitung. WHi complete. 333. EAST SIDE NEWS (w) Oct. 12, 1912-1913 [?]. Editors: A. W. Larson. 334. EAST SIDE NEWS (w) Dec. 4, 1924 to date. Editors: Marshall F. Browne. WHi July 15, 1926 to date. 335. EMIGRANTEN (w) Jan. 23, 1852-Aug. 24, 1868. Suspended: July-Sept. 1854. Published at Inmansville: 1852-Apr. 1857. Editors: James D. Reymert and K. J. Fleischer, 1852-June 1854; T. J. Widvey and C. S. Clausen, Oct. 1854-1856; Fleischer and G. F. Dietrichson, 1856-Apr. 1857; C. F. Solberg, Apr. 1857-1868. In Norwegian. Merged with Faedrelandet (La Crosse) . WHi complete. WLc complete. MnSL complete. IaDeL complete. MADISON EXPRESS, see Wisconsin Express. 336. TRI-WEEKLY EXPRESS (tw) Dec. 16, 1847-Feb. 3, 1848. Published by Wisconsin Express. WHi complete. 337. FOLKETS VEN (w) July 1850-1851 [?]. Title varies: Norskes Ven, 1850- [?]. Editors: Ole Torgensen. In Norwegian. 338. FORWARD (w) May 16, 1917-Dec. 1918. WHi complete. 339. INDEPENDENT (w) Feb. 29, 1878-Dec. 11, 1879. Published at Evansville: Feb.-July 1878. Editors: J. A. Sawin, 1878-Feb. 1879; Sawin and Elias W. Stevens, Feb.-Oct. 1879; Stevens, Oct.-Dec. 1879. WHi May 2, 1878-Dec. 11, 1879. 340. LA FOLLETTE'S MAGAZINE (w, m) Tan. 9, 1909-Sept. 1929. Editors: Robert M. La Follette, 1909- June 1925; Robert M. La Follette, Jr.. Time 1925-1929. Followed by Progressive. WHi complete. 341. LIBERAL DEMOKRAT (w) 1874-1875 [?] . Editors: M. Wesenberg. In Norwegian. 48 342. WEEKLY MADISONIAN (w) June 23, 1894-Nov. 9, 1920. Editors: Leopold Sommers, 1894-Dec. 1916; Clarence M. Sommers, Dec. 1916-July 1918; Mathew J. Puetz, Aug. 1918-1920. WHi complete. MANDT'S WEEKLY, see Scandinavian American (Stoughton). 343. SATURDAY EVENING NEWS (w) 1887-Sept. 16, 1888. Published by Madison Evening News. Merged with Advertiser (Black Earth) . 344. MADISON EVENING NEWS (d) July 16, 1887-Aug. 19, 1889. Editors: Clarence Burnett, 1887-Sept. 1888; William H. Bennett, Sept. 1888-1889. WHi complete. 345. NEWS-ADVERTISER (w) Mar. 1, 1868-Aug. 23, 1889. Published at Black Earth: 1868-Sept. 1888. Title varies: Monthly Budget, 1868-1869; Monthly Advertiser, 1869-Mar. 1870; Black Earth Advertiser, Mar. 1870-1882; Advertiser, 1883-Sept. 1888. Editors: Clarence Burnett. WHi Aug. 11, 1870-Aug. 23, 1889. 346. NORDSTJERNEN (w) June 10-Dec. 1857; Aug. 1858- Oct. 10, 1860. Editors: H. Borschenius. In Norwegian. IaDeL complete. 347. NORDVESTEN (w) Sept. 17, 1875-Dec. 15, 1876. Editors: L. G. Grinde. In Norwegian. WHi complete. 348. NORSKE AMERIKANER (w) Dec. 1854-May 27, 1857. Editors: Elias Stangeland. In Norwegian. Followed by Nordstjernen. IaDeL Feb. 2, 1855-May 27, 1857. 349. NORSKE IMMIGRANT (w) Jan. 19-May 11, 1871. Editors: Edward Larssen. In Norwegian. WHi Jan. 26-May 11, 1871. OLD DANE, see State. 350. WEEKLY PATRIOT (w) Apr. 22, 1876-Mar. 10, 1877. WHi complete. 351. DAILY MADISON PATRIOT (d) Apr. 19, 1876-Mar. 8, 1877. Editors: Stephen D. Carpenter and Horace A. Tenney. Merged with Commercial Times (Milwaukee) . WHi complete. 49 352. PROGRESSIVE (w) Dec. 7, 1929-Oct. 6, 1947. Editors: Robert M. La Follette, Jr., and William T. Evjue, 1929-June 1940; La Follette and Morris H. Rubin, June 1940-1947. WHi complete. 353. MADISON DAILY RECORD (d) Sept. 19-Nov. 1871. Published by Soldiers' Record. WHi Sept. 19-Oct. 12, 1871. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN, see under Stoughton. 354. SKANDINAVISK TRIBUNE (w) 1887-1892 [?]. Editors: T. T. Rustone. In Swedish. 355. SOLDIERS' RECORD (w) Jan. 1866-Dec. 1875. Editors: S. W. Martin. WHi June 19, 1869-Dec. 30, 1873. 356. WEEKLY STAR (w) July 1877-Aug. 3, 1878. WHi Dec. 8, 1877-Aug. 3, 1878. 357. DAILY STAR (d) Mar. 19-Nov. 17, 1877. Editors: Eugene B. Bolens. WHi complete. 358. MADISON STAR-TRIBUNE (w) Feb. 4, 1937-June 28, 1938. Editors: Bert W. Neu. WHi complete. 359. STATE (w) Jan. 22, 1897-1920. Title varies: Old Dane, 1897-Mar. 1898. Editors: G. G. Mandt, 1897-1898; Roger A. Andrews, 1898-July 1899; William H. Bennett, Aug.-Dec. 1899; H. C. Winter, 1900-1906; Byron J. Castle, 1906-1914; Winter, 1914-1920. WHi Jan. 22, 1897-Jan. 5, 1917. 360. DAILY STATESMAN (d) Jan. 14-Apr. 16, 1852. Published by Wisconsin Statesman. WHi complete. 361. SUBURBAN POST (w) Nov. 13, 1931-Mar. 25, 1932. Editors: C. N. Atwood. WHi complete. 362. MADISON TIMES (w) June 22, 1892-July 19, 1893. WHi complete. 363. MADISON TIMES (d) June 7, 1892-July 23, 1893. Editors: Clarence Clark and W. C. Donovan. Followed by Milwaukee Times. WHi complete. 364. TRUE AMERICAN (w) Apr. 28-Oct. 1855. Editors: J. A. Somerby. WHi Apr. 28-July 14, 1855. 50 365. UNCENSORED NEWS (w) Feb. 10-Nov. 2, 1932. Editors: William Dawson, Jr. WHi complete. WM complete. MADISON DAILY UNION., see Wisconsin Daily Union. 366. VIKINGEN (w) Aug. 11, 1888-June 1, 1889. Editors: Ole A. Troan. In Norwegian. WHi Aug. 18, 1888-June 1, 1889. 367. WEST SIDE NEWS (w) Feb. 9, 1928-Feb. 21, 1929. Editors: Frederic Cranefield. WHi complete. 368. WESTERN FIRESIDE (w) Jan. 31, 1857-Jan. 8, 1858. Editors: Stephen H. Carpenter. WHi complete. 369. WESTSIDER (w) Oct. 4, 1940-May 30, 1941. Editors: Victor H. Schoen. WHi complete. 370. WINGRA PARK BOOSTER (irreg) Dec. 18, 1926-Feb. 28, 1927. Editors: Robert N. Cool. WHi complete. 371. WEEKLY WISCONSIN ARGUS (w) Aug. 22, 1844-June 9, 1852. Editors: Simeon Mills and Benjamin Holt, 1844-1846; Holt and Horace A. Ten- ney, 1847-Apr. 1851; Tenney and Stephen D. Carpenter, Apr. 1851-1852. Merged with Wisconsin Democrat. WHi complete. 372. WISCONSIN WEEKLY ARGUS (w) Apr. 10, 1860-June 10, 1862. Title varies: Wisconsin Argus and Democrat, 1860-Oct. 1861. WHi complete. 373. WISCONSIN DAILY ARGUS (d) June 15, 1852-June 28, 1859; Apr. 2, 1860-Jan. 4, 1862. Title varies: Daily Argus and Democrat, 1852-Oct. 1861. Editors: Stephen D. Carpenter and Beriah Brown, 1852-Apr. 1853; Brown, Apr. 1853-July 1854; Brown and Elias A. Calkins, July 1854-Apr. 1855; Calkins and James K. Proudfit, Apr. 1855-May 1857; Calkins and George Webb, May 1857- June 1859; Calkins and M. Cullaton, Apr. 1860-June 1861; Cullaton and John Y. Smith, June 1861-1862. WHi complete. WISCONSIN WEEKLY BLADE, see Wisconsin Enter- prise-Blade (Milwaukee). WISCONSIN BOTSCHAFTER, see under Monroe. 51 \ UBR 374. WEEKLY WISCONSIN CAPITOL (w) Apr. 28, 1865- Apr. 10, 1866. WHi complete. 375. WISCONSIN DAILY CAPITOL (d) Apr. 17, 1865-Apr. 5, 1866. Editors: W. J. Park and Elias A. Calkins. Merged with Wisconsin Democrat. WHi complete. 376. WISCONSIN DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 18, 1842-Mar. 14, 1844. Editors: J. Gillett Knapp and John Delany, 1842-Feb. 1843; John P. Sheldon and George Hyer, Feb. 1843-1844. WHi complete. 377. WISCONSIN DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 10, 1846-June 8, 1852. Editors: Beriah Brown. Merged with Weekly Wisconsin Argus. WHi Jan. 10, 1846-Jan. 11, 1851. 378. WISCONSIN WEEKLY DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 13, 1865- Apr. 7, 1866. WHi complete. 379. WISCONSIN DAILY DEMOCRAT (d) Oct. 5, 1865- Apr. 5, 1866. Editors: Dudley W. Fernandez and George Hyer. Merged with Wisconsin Daily Capitol. WHi complete. WISCONSIN ENQUIRER, see Wiskonsan Enquirer. 380. WISCONSIN EXPRESS (w) Dec. 2, 1839-June 3, 1852. Suspended: May-Oct. 1848. Title varies: Madison Express, 1839-Apr. 1842, May 1844-May 1848; Madison City Express, Apr. 1842-May 1844; Campaign Express, Oct.-Nov. 1848. Editors: William W. Wyman, 1839-May 1848; David Atwood and Royal Buck, Oct. 1848-1852. Merged with Wisconsin Statesman. WHi Dec. 2, 1839-Nov. 17, 1847; Oct. 12, 1848-June 3, 1852. 381. WISCONSIN DAILY EXPRESS (d) Jan. 12-Apr. 17, 1852. WHi complete. WISCONSIN GRANGER, see Wisconsin Statesman. 382. WISCONSIN LEADER (w, m) Apr. 24, 1920-1926. Editors: Chester C. Piatt. WHi Apr. 24, 1920-Aug. 1922. 383. WISCONSIN NEWS DIGEST (bm) Sept. 17, 1944-Mar. 2, 1946. 52 Editors: J. S. Mabry and Mary B. Hopkins. Published for the Armed Forces. WHi complete. 384. WISCONSIN NORDMANDEN (w) 1884-1897. Published at Stoughton: 1884-Oct. 1895. Title varies: Gauken, 1884-1889; Normannen, 1890-Oct. 1894; Wisconsin Norman- nen, Oct. 1894-Oct. 1895. Editors: O. O. Melaas and John Oftelie, 1884-1890; Hans J. Allberg and David M. Schoyen, 1890-Aug. 1893; Allberg, Aug. 1893-Sept. 1894; Allberg and O. A. Buslett, Oct. 1894-June 1895; Buslett and John Olafsson, July 1895-1897. In Norwegian. Merged with Amerika. WHi Jan. 7, 1891-Mar. 6, 1896. IaDeL Aug. 29, 1890-July 22, 1891. 385. WISCONSIN DAILY PALLADIUM (d) June 21-Aug. 16, 1852. Editors: David Atwood and Royal Buck. Followed by Wisconsin Daily Journal. WHi complete. 386. WEEKLY WISCONSIN PATRIOT (w) June 17, 1854- Nov. 14, 1864. WHi July 2, 1859-Dec. 26, 1863. 387. WISCONSIN DAILY PATRIOT (d) Nov. 1, 1854-Nov. 14, 1864. Editors: J. T. Marston and Horace A. Tenney, June-Nov. 1854; Stephen D. Car- penter, Nov. 1854-Mar. 1859; Carpenter and George Hyer, Apr. 1859-Feb. 1864; Carpenter, Feb.-Apr. 1864; J. B. Hyer and W. W. Bird, Apr.-Nov. 1864. WHi complete. 388. WISCONSIN POPULIST (w) Sept. 10-Nov. 8, 1892. Title varies: Dane County Populist, Sept.-Oct. Editors: C. H. Potter and O. L. Callecod. WHi complete. 389. WISCONSIN STAATS-ZEITUNG (w) Aug. 1854-1861. Editors: August Kruer, 1854-1860; Edward Rullman, 1860-1861. In German. 390. WISCONSIN STAATS-ZEITUNG (w) Dec. 4, 1878-July 23, 1918. Suspended: Feb.-June 1912. Editors: H. Kleinpell and Carl G. Schmidt, 1878-Jan. 1882; Schmidt, Jan. 1882- May 1888; Bernard Esser, May 1888-Aug. 1889; Gustav Lyser and George Dein- inger, Aug. 1889-Mar. 1891; Carl Gebhardt, Mar. 1891-Feb. 1912; F. C. Blied, June 1912-1918. In German. WHi Dec. 4, 1878-Sept. 11, 1889; Apr. 15, 1891-July 23, 1918. 391. WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL (w) Sept. 1852-1909. WHi Jan. 1855-Dec. 1906. 392. WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL: V-MAIL EDITION (w) Mar. 22, 1943-Oct. 31, 1945. WHi complete. 53 393. WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL (d) Sept. 30, 1852 to date. Editors: David Atwood, 1852-May 1854; Atwood and Horace Rublee, May 1854- May 1869; Atwood and J. O. Culver, May 1869-1876; Atwood, 1877-Feb. 1890; Horace A. Taylor, Feb. 1890-Apr. 1901; Amos P. Wilder, Apr. 1901-Mar. 1906; August Roden, Mar. 1906-1911; Richard L. Jones, 1911-1919; Aaron M. Brayton, 1919-1942; Don Anderson, 1942 to date. WHi complete. WSteC Jan. 1880-Dec. 1930. 394. WISCONSIN STATE PALLADIUM AND STATES- MAN (w) June 10-Sept. 28, 1852. Published by Wisconsin Daily Palladium. WHi complete. 395. WISCONSIN STATESMAN (w) Aug. 1, 1850-June 1, 1852. Editors: William W. and W. H. Wyman. Merged with Wisconsin State Palladium. WHi complete. 396. WISCONSIN STATESMAN (m, w) Apr. 1873-Oct. 28, 1876. Published at Beaver Dam: 1873-Sept. 1874. Title varies: Wisconsin Granger, 1873-June 1875. Editors: Eugene B. Bolens. WHi July 3, 1875-Oct. 28, 1876. 397. WEEKLY WISCONSIN UNION (w) Apr. 17, 1866-Feb. 5, 1868. 398. WISCONSIN DAILY UNION (d) Apr. 17, 1866-Feb. 5, 1868. Title varies: Madison Daily Union, Apr.-Sept. 1867. Editors: George Hyer and Elias A. Calkins, 1866-Feb. 1867; Calkins and I. V. Montanye, Feb.-Sept. 1867; J. Gillett Knapp and Stephen D. Carpenter, Oct. 1867-1868. Followed by Madison Democrat. WHi complete. 399. WISKONSAN ENQUIRER (w) Nov. 8, 1838-June 15, 1843. Title varies: Wisconsin Enquirer, 1838-June 1842. Editors: Josiah A. Noonan, 1838-July 1840; Noonan and Charles C. Sholes, July- Nov. 1840; Sholes, Dec. 1840-Apr. 1841; George Hyer, Apr. 1841-Feb. 1842; J. Gillett Knapp, Feb.-July 1842; Harrison Reed and Davis Lambert, July-Dec. 1842; Lambert, Jan.-June 1843. WHi complete. WM Nov. 8, 1838-June 15, 1842. 400. DAILY WORKER (d) Jan. 12- [?], 1875. Editors: Stephen D. Carpenter. WHi Jan. 12-Mar. 1, 1875. 401. MADISON ZEITUNG (w) 1872-1875 [?]. Editors: F. Massing. In German. 54 MARSHALL 402. MARSHALL EFFORT (w) 1879-1880 [?]. 403. MARSHALL RECORD (w) Sept. 1, 1895 to date. Editors: F. C. King, 1895-1903; Charles H. Lake, 1903-1934; C. Victor Lake, 1934 to date. WHi May 23, 1952 to date. MAZOMANIE 404. MAZOMANIAN (w) Apr. 1866-1867 [?]. Editors: W. H. Brainard and Henry R. Boardman. 405. MAZOMANIE SICKLE (m, w) Feb. 1874 to date. Editors: D. W. and S. E. Bronson, 1874-Aug. 1880; S. E. Bronson, Sept. 1880-Nov. 1882; Fred W. Johns, Nov. 1882-1891; Myron M. Adams, Jan.-July 1892; R. C. Evans, Aug. 1892-Feb. 1893; G. A. Smith, Mar .-Dec. 1893; Harold L. Swan, Dec. 1893-1933; Bertha J. Swan, 1933-July 1938; Marshall F. Browne, Aug. 1938-Sept. 1945; Arthur W. Pickering, Oct. 1945 to date. WHi Feb. 1874-Feb. 22, 1940; Dec. 23, 1943 to date. 406. WALKER'S WEEKLY (w) 1860-1861 [?]. Editors: Henry Walker. MIDDLETON 407. MIDDLETON TIMES-TRIBUNE (w) June 8, 1893 to date. Title varies: Middleton Times, 1893-Aug. 1898. Editors: Thomas A. Everill, 1893-June 1924; Thomas R. Daniels, June 1924 to date. WHi Feb. 5, 1897 to date. MORRISONVILLE 408. MORRISONVILLE TRIBUNE (w) Dec. 5, 1903-Oct. 1948. Editors: Charles Eldredge. Merged with De Forest Times. MOUNT HOREB BLUE MOUNDS WEEKLY NEWS, see Mount Horeb Weekly News. 409. DAGEN (w) 1891-1892 [?] . Editors: Gunder G. Mandt. In Norwegian. 55 410. MOUNT HOREB GRIT (w) 1894-1895 [?] . Editors: A. G. Paulsen. 411. MOUNT HOREB MAIL (w) Nov. 13, 1901 to date. Editors: O. M. Eidsmore, 1901-1904; A. C. Krohn, 1904-June 1951; Elmer Krohn, June 1951 to date. WHi June 16, 1932 to date. 412. MOUNT HOREB WEEKLY NEWS (w) May 1881-June 8, 1887. Title varies: Blue Mounds Weekly News, 1881-July 1885. Editors: E. R. Breen, 1881-1882; H. G. Elliott, 1882-Jan. 1884; P. Kenney, Feb.- July 1884; Elliott and John N. Dahlen, July 1884-1887. Merged with Black Earth Advertiser. WHi July 31, 1883-June 8, 1887. 413. MOUNT HOREB PROGRESS (w) Mav 3, 1892-June 1, 1893. Editors: John N. Dahlen and T. G. Lingard, 1892-Mar. 1893; Dahlen and J. N. Risjord, Mar .-June 1893. Merged with Mount Horeb Sun. 414. MOUNT HOREB SUN (w) Mar. 1887-1893 [?]. Editors: Gunder G. Mandt. 415. MOUNT HOREB TIMES (w) May 1887-June 7, 1932. Editors: John N. Dahlen and J. N. Risjord, 1887-Sept. 1895; Dahlen, Sept. 1895- Feb. 1922; F. S. Zintz, Mar. 1922-Oct. 1929; Claude Sullivan and R. H. Foss, Oct. 1929-May 1930; William G. Ihland, June 1930-1932. Merged with Mount Horeb Mail. WHi Aug. 8, 1895-June 7, 1932. MOUNT VERNON 416. MOUNT VERNON ENTERPRISE (w) 1891-1895[?] Title varies: Mount Horeb Independent, 1891- [?]. Editors: Thomas K. Everill. OREGON 417. OREGON OBSERVER (w) Sept. 22, 1880 to date. Editors: Horace G. Urie, 1880-1882; C. J. Rollis, 1882-Mar. 1884; Rollis and H. D. Hanson, Mar -Dec. 1884; Hanson, Dec. 1884-Feb. 1910; Edward F. Kramer, Feb. 1910 to date. WHi June 28, 1883 to date. 418. VILLAGE RECORD (w) Oct. 29, 1875-1876. Editors: I. A. Hoxie and H. D. Morgan. WHi Nov. 4, 1875-May 16, 1876. 56 STOUGHTON 419. STOUGHTON COURIER (w) Dec. 30, 1954 to date. Editors: Harold W. Quirt, 1954-Aug. 1956; Dorothy A. Miedema, Sept. 1956 to date. WHi complete. 420. STOUGHTON WEEKLY COURIER-HUB (w) Feb. 2, 1876-May 2, 1924. Title varies: Stoughton Courier, 1876-July 1909. WHi Jan. 21, 1877-May 2, 1924. 421. STOUGHTON COURIER-HUB (d) Oct. 20, 1906-Dec. 24, 1954. Title varies: Stoughton Daily Hub, 1906-July 1909. Editors: George W. Currier, 1876-Apr. 1877; Currier and C. E. Parish, Apr. 1877- May 1878; Parish, May 1878-Nov. 1894; J. M. Hibbard, Nov. 1894-June 1925; Walter K. Mickelson, June 1925-Apr. 1930; Harold W. Quirt, Apr. 1930-1954. WHi July 1, 1909-Dec. 24, 1954. GAUKEN, see Wisconsin Nordmanden (Madison). 422. STOUGHTON WEEKLY HUB (w) Nov. 9, 1881-July 2, 1909. Editors: T. G. Mandt and T. C. Lund, 1881-Apr. 1885; C. J. Rollis, Apr. 1885- Nov. 1889; Charles S. Crosse, Nov. 1889-1909. Merged with Stoughton Courier. WHi complete. 423. STOUGHTON HUB (sw) Sept. 3, 1886-May 2, 1887. WHi complete. 424. STOUGHTON HUB (w) Dec. 28, 1954 to date. Editors: Harold W. Quirt, 1954-Aug. 1956; Dorothy A. Miedema, Sept. 1956 to date. WHi complete. STOUGHTON INDEPENDENT, see Wisconsin Signal 425. STOUGHTON JOURNAL (w) Oct. 1879-1880 [?]. Editors: W. C. Cotes. NORMANNEN, see Wisconsin Nordmanden (Madison). 426. STOUGHTON REPORTER (w) Feb. 14, 1863-1875. Editors: L. Winthrop Powell, 1863-May 1865; Frank Allen and C. D. Wells, May 1865-Apr. 1866; Allen, Apr. 1866-1872; A. C. Croft, 1872-1875. WHi Mar. 2, 1863-Sept. 28, 1869; Jan. 22-Aug. 20, 1874. 427. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN (w) Dec. 10, 1898-1905. Published at Madison: 1898-Nov. 1903. Title varies: Mandt' s Weekly, 1898-Oct. 1902. Editors: Gunder G. Mandt. WHi Dec. 10, 1898-Aug. 17, 1905. 57 428. STOUGHTON SIGNAL (w) Sept. 1873-Jan. 1876. Editors: Frank Allen. Followed by Stoughton Courier. WISCONSIN NORMANNEN, see Wisconsin Nordman- den (Madison). 429. WISCONSIN SIGNAL (w) Sept. 22, 1857-June 10, 1858. Title varies: Stoughton Independent, Sept.-Dec. 1857. Editors: Henry J. Walker, Sept.-Dec. 1857; W. A. Giles, Jan.-June 1858. WHi Sept. 29, 1857-June 10, 1858. SUN PRAIRIE SUN PRAIRIE COUNTRYMAN, see Sun Prairie Star- Countryman. 430. DANE COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Sept. 19, 1894-Aug. 27, 1896. Editors: George R. Bull. WHi Sept. 19, 1895-Aug. 27, 1896. 431. SUN PRAIRIE ENTERPRISE (w) Apr. 10, 1868-1869[?]. Editors: Dake and Smith. 432. SUN PRAIRIE LEDGER (w) Dec. 24, 1868-1869. Editors: Henry S. Ehrman. WHi Jan. 14-Feb. 25, 1869. 433. SUN PRAIRIE NEWS (w) Dec. 12, 1903-Oct. 29, 1904. Editors: George R. Bull. WHi complete. 434. SUN PRAIRIE STAR (w) Mar. 7, 1940-Aug. 17, 1944. Editors: James J. Sullivan. Merged with Sun Prairie Countryman. WHi Nov. 11, 1943-Aug. 17, 1944. 435. SUN PRAIRIE STAR-COUNTRYMAN (w) Dec. 6, 1877 to date. Title varies: Countryman, 1877-Sept. 1882; Sun Prairie Countryman, Sept. 1882- Aug. 1944. Editors: Charles S. Crosse, 1877-Feb. 1889; Walter S. Hidden, Feb. 1889-Aug. 1896; Walter R. Dunphy and George R. Bull, Sept. 1896-Nov. 1900; Dunphy, Nov. 1900- Feb. 1907; Theron G. Stone, Feb. 1907-Aug. 1944; James J. Sullivan, Aug. 1944 to date. WHi complete. 436. SUN PRAIRIE SUN (w) 1900-1901 [?]. Editors: William W. Hammond. 58 VERONA 437. VERONA HERALD (w) Oct. 1894-Aug. 1898. Published by Middleton Times. 438. VERONA ENQUIRER (w) 1891-1894 [?] . Editors: Thomas A. Everill. 439. VERONA RECORD (w) 1912-1919 [?]. Editors: A. H. Bell, 1912-1916; Earl R. Adamson, 1916-1919. WAUNAKEE 440. WAUNAKEE INDEX (w) Dec. 6, 1907-Dec. 20, 1918. Suspended: May-Nov. 1914. Editors: J. M. and Humphrey L. Williams, 1907-1911; Charles E. McWatty, Jan.- June 1912; T. H. Campion, June-Dec. 1912; J. Lewis White, 1913-May 1914; W. D. Lambert, Nov. 1914-June 1915; A. H. Bell, June 1915-1918. WHi complete. 441. WAUNAKEE NEWS (w) Mar. 20, 1896-1901. Editors: C. R. Marks, 1896-Aug. 1898; N. M. Nelson, Sept. 1898-Feb. 1900; Marks, Feb. 1900-1901. WHi Mar. 20, 1896-Aug. 17, 1900. 442. WAUNAKEE POST (w) 1901-1906 [?]. Editors: Otto W. Sprecher. 443. WAUNAKEE TRIBUNE (w) 1936 to date. Editors: A. A. Roessler, 1936-1937; A. F. and F. J. Roessler, 1937 to date. WHi Feb. 10, 1944 to date. WINDSOR 444. WINDSOR HERALD (w) Jan. 4, 1899-1900. Published by Waunakee News. WHi Jan. 4, 1899-Feb. 9, 1900. 59 Dodge County BEAVER DAM 445. BEAVER DAM ARGUS (w) Dec. 7, 1860-July 12, 1956. Editors: Benjamin W. Curtis, 1860-Feb. 1863; Benjamin F. Sherman and D. C. Gowdy, Feb. 1863-June 1884; Sherman and F. A. Hutchins, July 1884-Jan. 1891; Benjamin F. and William H. Sherman, Feb. 1891-1915; James B. Sherman, 1915- 1956. WHi complete. 446. WEEKLY BADGER (w) Sept. 14-Oct. 1848. Editors: A. G. Hoag. 447. BEAVER DAM DAILY CITIZEN (d) Feb. 21, 1911 to date. Editors: E. E. and H. H. Parker, 1911-1927; J. E. Helfert, 1927 to date. WHi Jan. 2, 1919 to date. 448. BEAVER DAM DAILY (d) May 22, 1887-May 22, 1891. Editors: Orland F. and Ray Weaver. BEAVER DAM DEMOCRAT, see Whig of Seventy-Six (Juneau). 449. DEMOCRATIC POST (w) Mar. 12-May 1857. Editors: Charles S. and H. B. Phelps. Merged with Dodge County Citizen. 450. DODGE COUNTY CITIZEN (w) Apr. 10, 1856-May 30, 1861; Oct. 8, 1862-1929. Editors: M. Cullaton, 1856-Nov. 1858; G. H. Wells, Nov. 1858-May 1861; Thomas Hughes and Hiram A. Reid, Oct. 1862-Oct. 1868; Hughes, Oct. 1868-Oct. 1869; Hughes and S. B. Allen, Oct. 1869-Oct. 1876; Hughes, Oct. 1876-Mar. 1910; E. E. and H. H. Parker, Mar. 1910-1927; J. E. Helfert, 1927-1929. WHi Apr. 10, 1856-May 30, 1861; Nov. 6, 1862-Apr. 16, 1924. 451. DODGE COUNTY EXCELSIOR (w) Sept. 5-Dec. 1860. Editors: John A. Farrel. Followed by Beaver Dam Argus. 452. BEAVER DAM ECHO (d) July 1, 1930-Jan. 1, 1931. Editors: Granville Lyon and Thomas F. Moore. 453. BEAVER DAM REPUBLICAN AND SENTINEL (w) Feb. 10, 1853-Mar. 5, 1857. Title varies: Beaver Dam Republican, 1853-Apr. 1855. Editors: Edgar C. Hull. Merged with Dodge County Citizen. WHi complete. 60 454. BEAVER DAM SENTINEL (w) Nov. 1854-Apr. 1855. Editors: N. V. Chandler, Nov.-Dec. 1854; George C. Haddock, Dec. 1854-Feb. 1855; Edgar C. Hull, Feb.-Apr. 1855. Merged with Beaver Dam Republican. 455. BEAVER DAM WEEKLY (w) June 2, 1887-May 23, 1889. Editors: Orland F. and Ray Weaver. WHIG OF SEVENTY-SIX, see under Juneau. WISCONSIN GRANGER, see Wisconsin Statesman (Madison). DODGE CENTER 456. DODGE COUNTY GAZETTE (w) May-June 9, 1852. Editors: Robert B. Wentworth. Followed by Dodge County Gazette (Juneau) . FOX LAKE FOX LAKE BREEZE, see Fox Lake Representative. 457. FOX LAKE GAZETTE (w) Mar. 24, 1858-Mar. 8, 1865. Editors: James V. Fitch. WHi Apr. 20, 1858-Mar. 8, 1865. 458. FOX LAKE JOURNAL (w) July 1856-Mar. 1858. Editors: John R. Shallow, 1856-July 1857; B. C. Golliday, July 1857-1858. 459. FOX LAKE RECORD (w) May 14, 1865-Aug. 1, 1866. Editors: Chase A. Stevens and Curtis F. George, 1865-Mar. 1866; George, Mar- Aug. 1866. 460. FOX LAKE REPRESENTATIVE (w) Oct. 5, 1866 to date. Title varies: Fox Lake Breeze, Oct. 1885-Oct. 1887. Editors: John Hotchkiss, 1866-July 1875; John Hotchkiss and H. L. Stafford, July 1875-Apr. 1879; John and Carl W. Hotchkiss, Apr. 1879-Oct. 1882; John and Dean J. Hotchkiss, Oct. 1882-1883; Curtis F. George, 1884-Sept. 1885; W. M. and John E. Shirk, Sept. 1885-Oct. 1887; Dean J. Hotchkiss, Oct. 1887-1913; Frank H. Baker, 1914-1951; James R. Schwartz, 1951 to date. WHi June 16, 1871-Apr. 29, 1881; Aug. 7, 1930-Jan. 6, 1943; May 7, 1953 to date. 461. FOX LAKE TIMES (w) Dec. 1854-July 1856. Editors: H. C. George. HORICON 462. HORICON ARGUS (w) Sept. 7, 1854-Nov. 30, 1860. Editors: William E. Croft and W. H. Butterfield, 1854-Mar. 1857; Marcus M. 61 Poraeroy, Apr. 1857-Dec. 1858; Benjamin W. Curtis, Dec. 1858-1860. Followed by Beaver Dam Argus. WHi complete. 463. HORICON FLAG (w) 1882-1883. Editors: A. M. Clinton. Followed by Dodge County Reporter. 464. HORICON GAZETTE (w) Jan. 9, 1861-Jan. 1, 1862. Editors: Henry W. Phelps. Followed by Green Lake Spectator (Berlin) . WHi complete. 465. HORICON REPORTER (w) Feb. 1884 to date. Title varies: Dodge County Reporter, 1884- [?]. Editors: John C. Clinton, 1884-1886; Charles A. Pettibone, 1886-1887; Pettibone and C. S. Adams, 1887-1890; W. S. Adams, 1890-1891; J. Edward Sawyer, 1891- 1897; W. D. Powell, 1898-1899; Powell and Andrew A. Washburn, 1899-Aug. 1900; Washburn, Aug. 1900-July 1919; Harry E. Roate, Aug. 1919-Apr. 1946; Lloyd W. and Harold L. Wright, May 1946-Jan. 1952; O. L. Newcomer, Jan. 1952-May 1955; Donald W. and Robert N. Kearney, June 1955 to date. WHi Feb. 9, 1900 to date. 466. HORICON VOLKSFREUND (w) 1885-1886 [?]. Editors: Henry Spiering. In German. HUSTISFORD 467. HUSTISFORD JOURNAL (w) Dec. 10, 1909-1911 [?]. Editors: Henry Bramer and Charles Pabst. 468. HUSTISFORD NEWS (w) Nov. 1908 to date. Editors: William Kaul, 1908-Aug. 1954; Lyle L. Sielaff, Sept. 1954-Sept. 1955; Eldred Staab, Oct. 1955 to date. WHi Apr. 15, 1949 to date. JUNEAU 469. BURR OAK (w) Oct. 7, 1853-Dec. 29, 1854. Editors: Charles Billinghurst. WHi complete. 470. DODGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) June 1869-Feb. 5, 1879. Editors: Eugene B. Bolens, 1869-Sept. 1874; Bolens and Frank Lowth, Sept. 1874- 1876; Lowth, 1877-1879. Merged with Juneau Telephone. WHi Jan. 5, 1876-Feb. 5, 1879. 471. DODGE COUNTY GAZETTE (w) June 16, 1852-Sept. 23, 1853. Editors: Robert B. Wentworth. Followed by Burr Oak. WHi complete. 62 472. INDEPENDENT (w) Dec. 15, 1893 to date. Editors: John Clifford, 1893-1946; Eugene R. Clifford, 1946 to date. WHi June 9, 1899 to date. 473. JUNEAU TELEPHONE (w) July 27, 1877-Mar. 15, 1918. Published at Mayville: 1877-Feb. 1879. Title varies: Telephone, 1877-Nov. 1880. Editors: Charles A. Pettibone and John A. Barney, 1877-Feb. 1879; Pettibone, Feb. 1879-June 1886; John Kelley, July 1886-1918. WHi complete. 474. VOLKSBOTE (w) 1893-Sept. 27, 1896. Published at Mayville: 1893-Feb. 1894. Published at Theresa: Mar.-Oct. 1894. Editors: Otto Benz, 1893-1895; J. C. Lienhard, 1895-1896. In German. 475. WHIG OF SEVENTY-SIX (w) Nov. 1858-Sept. 15, 1863. Published at Beaver Dam: 1858-Feb. 1863. Title varies: Beaver Dam Democrat, 1858-1861. Editors: Carr Huntington. WHi Apr. 16, 1859-Sept. 15, 1863. 476. WISCONSIN GRANGER (w) 1872-1874[?]. Editors: Eugene B. Bolens. LOMIRA 477. LOMIRA NEWS (w) 1895-1900 [?]. Editors: William Spiering. 478. LOMIRA REVIEW (w) Oct. 20, 1903-1942 [?]. Editors: C. L. Parduhn, 1903-1906; Clarence A. Forbes, 1906-1908; Wolf and Gardner, 1908-Oct. 1915; John A. Miller, Nov. 1915-July 1916; A. A. Roessler, Aug. 1916-Dec. 1920; Ervin E. Kinkel, Dec. 1920-1930; Victor R. Kinkel, 1930-1933; Raymond E. Bump, 1933-1942. Publisher's files destroyed. 479. LOMIRA WIND (w) 1894-1895. Editors: George W. Sommers. In German. MAYVILLE 480. DODGE COUNTY BANNER (sw, w) 1897-Dec. 4, 1919. Title varies: Dodge County Post, 1897-1901. Editors: F. W. Grumm, 1897-1903; E. Schwartz, 1903-Mar. 1907; Schwartz and Hans H. Forkmann, Mar. 1907-Sept. 1915; August A. Hahne, Oct. 1915-1916; Carl M. Diederichs, 1917-May 1918; Clarence L. Powers, May 1918-1919. In German: 1897-Mar. 1918. WHi Feb. 24, 1903-Feb. 19, 1904; Feb. 1, 1907-Dec. 4, 1919. 481. DODGE COUNTY PIONIER (w) Mar. 10, 1876-1941. Editors: R. B. Bogisch, 1876-1881; Henry Spiering, 1881-July 1884; Jacob Mueller, July 1884-July 1920; Conrad Mueller, July 1920-1941. In German. 63 482. MAYVILLE NEWS (w) Feb. 9, 1892 to date. Editors: Henry Spiering, 1892-Dec. 1907; O. A. Gehrke, Dec. 1907-1952; Leo Gehrke, 1952 to date. WHi Jan. 26-Dec. 31, 1904; July 24, 1906 to date. 483. MAYVILLE VOLKSFREUND (w) 1885-1892 [?]. Editors: Henry Spiering. In German. NEOSHA 484. NEOSHA STANDARD (w) Apr. 25, 1900-1908. Editors: W. C. Blaisdell, 1900-1903; Jesse A. Clason, 1903-1906; George W. Moul- ton, 1906-1907; C. R. Marks, 1907-1908. WHi May 19, 1905-June 26, 1908. REESEVILLE 485. REESEVILLE REVIEW (w) Feb. 16, 1889-1942 [?]. Editors: Harry L. Snow, 1889-1899; John F. Hughes, 1900-Apr. 1915; Emil Klentz, Apr. 1915-Aug. 1939; Robert D. Hutto, Aug. 1939-1942. THERESA VOLKSBOTE, see under Juneau. 64 Door County STURGEON BAY 486. DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 24, 1873-Mar. 7, 1895. Title varies: Expositor, 1873-Feb. 188G; Independent, Mar. 1886-June 1890; Re- publican, July 1890-1892. Editors: George Pinney, 1873-May 1877; Charles I. Martin, May 1877-1884; W. B. Carr, 1885-Feb. 1886; A. W. Lawrence, Mar. 1886-Mar. 1888; Dudley Crandall, Mar. 1888-June 1890; Joseph Harris, Jr., July 1890-July 1891; J. Edward Harris, July 1891-Sept. 1894; Charles M. Whiteside, Sept. 1894-Feb. 1895; Hugh E. O'Don- nell, Feb.-Mar. 1895. Merged with Door County Democrat. WHi complete. 487. DOOR COUNTY ADVOCATE (w) Mar. 22, 1862 to date. Title varies: Advocate, Feb. 1897-Oct. 1912; Sturgeon Bay Advocate, Oct. 1912- July 1918. Editors: Joseph Harris and Myron H. McCord, 1862-Mar. 1863; Harris, Mar. 1863-Oct. 1865; Joseph and Henry Harris, Oct. 1865-Apr. 1875; Frank Long, Apr. 1875-1912; Dudley S. Long, 1913-July 1918; Herbert J. Sanderson and Arthur T. Harris, July 1918-Mar. 1945; Sanderson and Seymour J. Harris, Mar. 1945-Mar. 1947; Seymour J. Harris, Mar. 1947-1953; Chandler F. Harris, 1953 to date. WHi complete. 488. DOOR COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 28, 1893- July 26, 1918. Editors: John J. Pinney and George W. Allen, 1893-Sept. 1895; Pinney, Sept. 1895- Sept. 1909; Herbert J. Sanderson, Oct. 1909-1918. Merged with Door County Advocate. WHi Mar. 16, 1895-July 26, 1918. 489. DOOR COUNTY NEWS (w) July 1, 1914-1942. Editors: Earl M. La Plant. Merged with Door County Advocate. WHi Dec. 14, 1922-Aug. 31, 1939. 65 Douglas County BRULE 490. BRULE ENTERPRISE (w) 1891-1892 [?] Editors: F. B. Hand and B. F. Goodell. LAKE NEBAGAMON 491. NEBAGAMON ENTERPRISE (w) Oct. 15, 1898-Nov. 30, 1907. Editors: Warner S. Carr, 1898-1899; Carr and F. B. Hand, 1900-Aug. 1905; Carr. Aug. 1905-1907. Merged with Solon Springs Star. WHi Dec. 3, 1898-Nov. 30, 1907. 492. NEBAGAMON ENTERPRISE (w) 1916-1917 [?]. Editors: S. Marsh. 493. STAR-ENTERPRISE (w) Dec. 7, 1907-Oct. 30, 1909. Published at Solon Springs: 1907-Sept. 1908. Editors: N. Dan Simpson, 1907-Apr. 1909; Warner S. Carr, Apr.-Oct. 1909. WHi complete. SOLON SPRINGS 494. SOLON SPRINGS STAR (w) 1906-Nov. 30, 1907. Editors: N. Dan Simpson. Merged with Nebagamon Enterprise. STAR-ENTERPRISE, see under Lake Nebagamon. SUPERIOR 495. SUNDAY MORNING CALL (w) July 31, 1887-July 27, 1890. Editors: M. C. French and Joseph B. Perkins. WS July 31, 1887-Sept. 16, 1888. 496. SUPERIOR DAILY CALL (d) Mar. 17, 1890-Feb. 21, 1894. Editors: W. F. Boland. WS complete. 66 497. SUPERIOR CHRONICLE (w) June 12, 1855-Aug. 29, 1863. Editors: Washington Ashton and John C. Wise, 1855-Mar. 1858; Ashton, Mar. 1858-1863. WHi June 12, 1855-May 11, 1861; Sept. 10, 1861-Aug. 29, 1863. WS June 12, 1855-May 11, 1861; Sept. 10, 1861-Aug. 29, 1863. 498. SUPERIOR CITIZEN (w) Jan. 2, 1892-July 1901. Editors: John A. Monger. Merged with Clarion. WS July 16, 1892-Dec. 2, 1899. 499. CLARION-CITIZEN (w, sw) July 4, 1897-Aug. 1903. Title varies: Clarion, 1897-July 1901. Editors: Joseph S. Konkel. WHi Apr. 6, 1901-Dec. 21, 1902. WS Apr. 6, 1901-Dec. 21, 1902. 500. SUNDAY MORNING FORUM (w) Sept. 16, 1894-June 1900. Editors: M. C. French, 1894-1895; French and Alfred M. Flagg, 1895-1897; A. C. Harmon and W. J. Whipple, 1897-1899; R. A. Haste, 1899-1900. 501. SUPERIOR GAZETTE (w) Jan. 30, 1864-Feb. 5, 1870. Editors: Thomas Clark and Richard Relf, Jan.-June 1864; Relf and Washington Ashton, June 1864-1866; Ashton, 1866-Oct. 1868; Mrs. W. Ashton, Nov. 1868- July 1869; R. C. Mitchell, July 1869-1870. Merged with Superior Tribune. WHi Jan. 30, 1864-Jan. 27, 1866. WS Jan. 30, 1864-Jan. 27, 1866. 502. SUPERIOR GAZETTE (w) 1877-1878 [?]. Editors: Richard Relf. 503. INLAND OCEAN (w) Nov. 8, 1891-Aug. 16, 1903. Editors: W. F. Street, 1891-1892; A. H. Scott and C. A. Ward, 1892-Apr. 1900; W. E. Chandler and O. E. Dunn, Apr. 1900-Aug. 1902; Ralph C. Colburn, Aug. 1902- 1903. WHi Dec. 3, 1893-Dec. 7, 1895; Mar. 28, 1896-Aug. 16, 1903. WS Nov. 8, 1891-June 7, 1902. 504. SUPERIOR INTER-OCEAN (w) Mar. 1882-Nov. 1, 1891. Title varies: Wisconsin Inter-Ocean, June 1886-1888. Editors: W. J. Whipple, 1882-Jan. 1884; Josiah Bond, Jr., Feb.-Nov. 1884; Whip- ple and Lute A. Taylor, Nov.-Dec. 1884; C. E. Foote, Dec. 1884-May 1885; C. C. Knappen, June 1885-May 1886; M. C. French, June 1886-July 1887; W. F. Street, July 1887-1891. WHi July 19, 1883-Aug. 7, 1886. 505. SUPERIOR DAILY JOURNAL (d) 1888-1889. Published by Superior Sentinel. SUPERIOR JOURNAL, see Wisconsin Journal. 506. LAKE SUPERIOR GUIDE (w) May 1, 1861-1862 [?]. Editors: James S. Ritchie. 67 507. LAKE SUPERIOR MINER AND TELEGRAM (w) 1889-Feb. 15, 1899. Published by Evening Telegram. WHi Jan. 1, 1898-Feb. 15, 1899. LAKE SUPERIOR SENTINEL, see Superior Sentinel 508. LEADER (w) 1919-1921. Editors: R. E. and J. W. McKeague. 509. LEADER-CLARION (d) May 1, 1890-Dec. 31, 1903. Title varies: Superior Leader, 1890-Aug. 1903. Editors: Alfred P. Swineford, 1890-1891; Frank A. Flower, 1891-1895; A. C. Har- mon and S. E. Middleton, 1895-1899; Middleton, 1899-Apr. 1903; Joseph S. Konkel, Apr.-Dec. 1903. WHi Feb. 15, 1891-Dec. 31, 1903. WS Feb. 15, 1891-Dec. 31, 1903. 510. LEADER-CLARION (w) Aug. 1903-1919. Editors: Joseph S. Konkel, 1903-Apr. 1912; Fred W. Konkel, Apr. 1912-May 1914; W. H. Kelley, May 1914-1919. WHi Jan. 4, 1904-Oct. 25, 1913. WS Aug. 26, 1903-Dec. 30, 1905; Apr. 18, 1908-Nov. 29, 1913; Oct. 22, 1914-Nov. 30, 1918. 511. SUNDAY MERCURY (w) Mar. 5, 1892-1893f?]. Title varies: New Northwest, Mar -May 1892. Editors: Alfred P. Swineford and George H. Teague. WHi Mar. 5-June 26, 1892. 512. DAILY NEWS (d) Mar. 1-Aug. 27, 1894. Editors: Edward L. Whitty. WS complete. 513. NORDVESTERN-HAROLD (w) 1903-1920. Published by Svenska Amerikanska Posten. In Swedish. POSTEN, see Superior Tidende. 514. SUPERIOR REPUBLICAN (w) Sept. 10, 1857-1858 [?]. 515. SUPERIOR SANOMAT (w) 1892-1893 [?]. Editors: Jurva and McLean. In Finnish. 516. SUPERIOR SENTINEL (w) May 9, 1888-Dec. 11, 1889. Title varies: Lake Superior Sentinel, 1888-July 1889. Editors: Morris B. Kimball, 1888-Jan. 1889; G. L. Rice, Feb.-Mar. 1889; A. L. Davidson and L. G. Brewster, Apr.-May 1889; C. W. Wheeler, June 1889; A. F. McKay and George D. Moulton, July-Dec. 1889. WHi complete. 517. SENTINELLE (w) 1891-1892 [?]. Editors: Jean L. Harquall. In French. 68 518. DAILY SHORT LINE (d) 1890-Oct. 1892. Editors: Phillips and Buell. MnHi Dec. 31, 1891-Sept. 8, 1892. 519. SOUTH SUPERIOR PRESS (w) 1929-1930. Editors: A. A. Asplund. SOUTH SUPERIOR SUN, see Superior Sun. 520. SUPERIOR STAR (w) 1904-1905. 521. SUPERIOR SUN (w) July 21, 1891-Feb. 22, 1907. Title varies: South Superior Sun, 1891-July 1902. Editors: R. E. Kenyon. WS July 9, 1904-Feb. 22, 1907. 522. SVENSKA AMERIKANSKA POSTEN (w) 1883-1940 [?]. Published at Minneapolis: 1919-1940. Title varies: Wisconsin Svenska Tribunen, 1883-1903; Svenska Amerikanska Tri- bunes 1904-1920. Editors: N. L. Bendz, 1883-1903; Martin P. Ackerson, 1903-1906; Uno Lindstrom, 1906-1919. In Swedish. 523. SUPERIOR WEEKLY TELEGRAM (w) May 31, 1892- 1893. WHi May 31, 1892-Apr. 18, 1893. 524. EVENING TELEGRAM (d) Apr. 21, 1890 to date. Title varies: Superior Telegram, 1890-Nov. 1922. Editors: J. T. Murphy, 1890-1932; Morgan Murphy and Clough Gates, 1932 to date. WHi May 7, 1890 to date. WS May 7, 1890 to date. 525. SUPERIOR TIDENDE (w) Sept. 1888 to date. Title varies: Posten, 1888-July 1893. Editors: Charles Largo and Adolph Rydal, 1888-1890; O. M. Skinvik, 1890-Sept. 1892; Peer O. Stromme, Oct. 1892-1893; Nathan Mortenson, 1893-1894; Simon Klovdahl, 1894-Jan. 1896; Henry P. Peterson, Jan. 1896-Sept. 1901; John L. Erick- son, Oct. 1901-1906; George A. Pettersen, 1907-1919; J. J. Fuhr, 1920-1933; Anna D. Fuhr, 1933-Feb. 1956; Sigurd Tanem, Mar. 1956 to date. In Norwegian. WHi Oct. 6, 1892-June 29, 1893; Nov. 7, 1895 to date. MnHi Mar. 12, 1909 to date. 526. SUPERIOR TIMES (w) Sept. 8, 1870-1912. Editors: Edward W. Anderson, Jr., 1870-Feb. 1875; Charles S. Douglas and D. H. Pryor, Feb.-July 1875; Douglas, July 1875-1876; Thomas and James Bardon, 1877- 1881; Thomas Bardon and J. Lute Christie, 1882-July 1888; Christie, Aug. 1888- 1895; Alluna C. Christie, 1896-1898; E. E. Brownell, 1898-Feb. 1901; Herman H. Brinsmade, Feb. 1901-Apr. 1902; C. L. Day, May 1902-1912. WHi Sept. 8, 1870-Dec. 30, 1899. WS Sept. 8, 1870-Dec. 31, 1910. 527. SUPERIOR TRIBUNE (w) July 3, 1869-Apr. 7, 1870. Editors: R. C. Mitchell. 69 528. SUPERIOR DAILY TRIBUNE (d) Mar. 1888-1889 [?]. Editors: W. E. Downing. 529. TYOMIES-ETEENPAIN (w, tw, d) 1903 to date. Published at Hancock, Mich.: 1903-Oct. 1914. Title varies: Tyomies, 1903-Aug. 1950. Editors: Tyomies Pub. Co., 1903-Oct. 1914; Emil Parras, Oct. 1914-1921; George Halonen, 1921-1923; Henry Koski, 1923-1926; Knut E. Heikkinen, 1926-1928; Henry Puro, 1928-1929; David Heino, 1929-1931; Leo Mattson, 1931-1935; Richard Pesola, 1935-1937; Matt Wiitala, 1937-1944; Mattson, 1945-Aug. 1950; George M. Wastila, Aug. 1950 to date. In Finnish. WHi Nov. 23, 1909-Dec. 31, 1935; July 1, 1936 to date. 530. SUPERIOR VOLKSFREUND (w) 1888-1901. Editors: W. G. Joerns. In German. WHi Jan. 5-Oct. 5, 1899. 531. SUPERIOR WAVE (w) June 24, 1886-May 31, 1902. Title varies: West Superior Wave, 1886-Mar. 1888. Editors: Morris B. Kimball, 1886-Feb. 1888; Frank B. Gregg, Feb. 1888-1902. WHi complete. WISCONSIN INTER-OCEAN, see Superior Inter-Ocean. 532. WISCONSIN JOURNAL (w) 1920-1942. Title varies: Superior Journal, 1920-1931. Editors: Martin M. Krieps, 1920-1931; S. A. Buchanan, 1931-1935; L. G. Ross, 1935-1937; Marshall Finstad, 1937-1940; Buchanan, 1940-1942. WISCONSIN SVENSKA TRIBUNEN, see Svenska Ameri- kanska Posten. 533. WISCONSIN SUNDAY TIMES (w) Apr. 4, 1920-Nov. 1924. Published by Evening Telegram. WHi Apr. 4, 1920-Feb. 11, 1923. 534. SUPERIOR ZEITUNG (w) 1890-1894[?]. Editors: Ernst Mussgang, 1890-1893; Frank Luetterick and Francois Martin, 1893- 1894. In German. 70 Dunn County BOYCEVILLE 535. BOYCEVILLE PRESS (w) Aug. 12, 1910-May 17, 1957. Editors: Edgar E. Conry, 1910-Feb. 1912; Herman K. Halvorson, Feb. 1912-1957. WHi June 26, 1953-May 17, 1957. 536. PRESS-REPORTER (w) Apr. 19, 1957 to date. Editors: Donald A. Halvorson. WHi complete. COLFAX 537. COLFAX MESSENGER (w) Apr. 30, 1897 to date. Editors: A. C. Chase, 1897-Feb. 1917; Ward L. Swift, Feb. 1917-June 1929; P. H. Swift, June 1929-May 1952; Kenneth D. Reed, June 1952 to date. WHi Feb. 5, 1948 to date. 538. COLFAX RECORD (w) June 30-Dec. 1896. Editors: August Kjelstorp and George W. Deuel. DOWNING 539. DOWNING HERALD (w) 1910-1922 [?]. Editors: Daniel M. Merrill, 1910-1918; James A. Neill, 1918-1922. 540. DOWNING OBSERVER (w) 1921-1936 [?]. Title varies: Downing Enterprise, 1921-1929. Editors: L. L. Litchfield, 1921-1923; Newton S. Little, 1923-1924; D. W. Lowster, 1924-1929; W. A. Drake, 1929-1936. 541. DOWNING REVIEW (w) 1891-1897 [?]. Editors: W. M. Hotchkiss, 1891-1893; W. H. Park, 1893-1895; Amos Babcock, 1895-1897. ELK MOUND 542. ELK MOUND BUILDER (w) 191 3-1916 [?] . Editors: Edgar E. Conry. 543. ELK MOUND JOURNAL (w) 1 919-1920 [?] . Editors: P. F. Van Opens. 71 KNAPP 544. KNAPP ENTERPRISE (w) 1887-1890 [? J. Editors: W. M. Hotchkiss, 1887-1888; Edmund J. and H. E. Browne, 1888-1890. 545. KNAPP ENTERPRISE (w) 1922-1923 [?]. Editors: George L. Ellsworth, Jr. 546. KNAPP NEWS (w) Oct. 2, 1902-1911. Editors: Robert A. Axtell, 1902-May 1905; C. Rockwell Fletcher and George L. Carpenter, May 1905-July 1906; Carpenter, July 1906-1908; A. Williams, 1908- 1909; E. N. Reed, 1909-1911. WHi Oct. 2, 1902-Dec. 6, 1906. MENOMONIE 547. COMMUNITY REMINDER (d, sw) Mar. 6, 1931- 1932[?]. Editors: Hugh L. McGowan. 548. DUNN COUNTY HERALD (w) 1887-1903 [?] . Editors: F. T. Vasey. 549. DUNN COUNTY JOURNAL (w) 1909-1912 [?]. Editors: Elmer O. Trickey, 1909-1911; William R. Dobbyn, 1911-1912. 550. DUNN COUNTY NEWS (sw, w) Apr. 5, 1860 to date. Title varies: Dunn County Lumberman, 1860-Apr. 1866. Editors: Knapp, Stout & Co., 1860-1865; E. G. Benjamin, 1865-Aug. 1867; William Wilson and A. J. Messenger, Aug. 1867-Aug. 1871; Rockwell J. Flint and E. H. Weber, Aug. 1871-Sept. 1898; Flint, Sept. 1898-Nov. 1900; Flint and Fred F. Mor- gan, Nov. 1900-May 1908; William R. Hotchkiss, June 1908-Apr. 1909; Hotchkiss and Malcolm C. Douglas, Apr. 1909-Dec. 1912; Hotchkiss and Paul F. Hunter, Dec. 1912-Oct. 1913; J. T. Flint and Douglas, Oct. 1913-Oct. 1923; J. T. Flint, Nov. 1923 to date. WHi Apr. 19, 1862-Aug. 10, 1867; Aug. 12, 1871 to date. WMeno Apr. 19, 1862-Dec. 1866; Jan. 1871 to date. 551. LEAN WOLF (w) Oct. 1869-July 1870. Published at Durand: 1869-Feb. 1870. Editors: George Van Waters. Merged with Dunn County News. 552. MENOMONIE NORDSTERN (w) Dec. 1887-Feb. 5, 1904. Editors: Carl Pieper, 1887-Jan. 1902; Frank and Antonio Pieper, Jan. 1902-1904. In German. WHi Nov. 2, 1894-Feb. 5, 1904. 553. NORDWESTERN (w) 1888-1898 [?]. Published by Menomonie Nordstern. In German. WHi May 28, 1895-Feb. 8, 1898. 554. PEOPLE'S PRESS (w) 1869-1871 [?]. Editors: Eugene Thompson. 72 555. MENOMONIE TIMES (w) Jan. 1876-Jan. 1, 1909. Suspended: July-Oct. 1879. Editors: Flavius J. Mills, Jan.-Apr. 1876; Charles N. Relph, May 1876-July 1879; D. H. Decker, Oct. 1879-Oct. 1888; A. P. Davis, Oct. 1888-Feb. 1908; Ole M. Oleson, Mar. 1908-1909. WHi Feb. 21, 1877-June 25, 1891; Jan. 6, 1898-Jan. 1, 1909. 556. WISCONSIN SIGNAL (w) 1891-Nov. 17, 1898. Editors: Carl Pieper, 1891-1892; Leona Windsor, 1892-Mar. 1894; Signal Pub. Co., Apr. 1894-1898. WHi Jan. 3, 1895-Nov. 17, 1898. RIDGELAND 557. RIDGELAND RECORD (w) 1901-1906 [?]. Editors: Howard M. Freer. WHEELER 558. WHEELER NEWS (w) 1 91 2-1913 [?]. Editors: Jessie C. Brothers. 73 Eau Claire County ALTOONA 559. ALTOONA TRIBUNE (w) 1945-1946 [?] Editors: H. V. Albrecht. AUGUSTA 560. COOPERATIVE NEWS-BUDGET (w) Oct. 18, 1918- Nov. 28, 1919. Editors: E. J. Wilson and C. W. Warner. WHi complete. AUGUSTA EAGLE, see Union. EAU CLAIRE COUNTY UNION, see Union. AUGUSTA HERALD, see Herald (Eau Claire). 561. AUGUSTA TIMES (w) Aug. 1886-Aug. 1888; Jan. 1889- Nov. 28, 1919. Editors: J. H. Williams, 1886-1891; Frank L. Clarke, 1891-1892; Clarke and Wal- lace H. Howard, 1892-1898; Clarke, 1898-1906; E. G. Herrell, 1906-1919. Merged with Augusta Eagle. 562. UNION (w) July 11, 1874 to date. Title varies: Augusta Eagle, 1874-Nov. 1919; Eau Claire County Union, Dec. 1919- Jan. 1927; Augusta Eagle-Times, Jan.-Mar. 1927. Editors: Griff O. Jones, 1874-1900; E. J. Wilson, 1900-1919; E. G. Herrell, 1919- 1943; E. M. Herrell, 1943 to date. WHi complete. EAU CLAIRE ARBEIDEREN, see Reform. 563. EAU CLAIRE ARGUS (w) May 7, 1879-Feb. 23, 1881. WHi complete. 564. EAU CLAIRE DAILY ARGUS (d) May 5, 1880-Mar. 1, 1881. Editors: R. H. Copeland. 565. CHIPPEWA ANZEIGER (w) 1873-1888 [?]. Editors: Theodore Friedlander. In German. 74 CHIPPEWA VALLEY NEWS, see Eau Claire News. 566. CHIPPEWA VOLKSSTIMME (w) 1877-1879 [?]. Editors: William Bersh. In German. 567. COMMERCIAL INDEX (m) Dec. 1871-1872. Editors: Stocking and Austin. 568. DEMOKRAT (w) 1883-1884 [?]. Editors: Peter Rupp. In German. 569. EAU CLAIRE COUNTY HERALD (w) Sept. 24, 1953 to date. Title varies: Fall Creek Tribune, 1953-Mar. 1957. Editors: H. V. Albrecht. WHi complete. 570. SUNDAY MORNING FORUM (w) 1891-1894. Editors: M. French. WE Jan. 3, 1892-July 9, 1893. 571. EAU CLAIRE FREE PRESS (w) Sept. 23, 1858-Dec. 5, 1901. WHi complete. WE complete. 572. EAU CLAIRE FREE PRESS (d) Jan. 1, 1873-Dec. 7, 1901. Editors: Charles G. Patterson, 1858-May 1859; Gilbert E. Porter, May 1859-May 1864; John B. and H. M. Stocking, June 1864-1869; James M. Brackett, 1870-1879; Charles L. James, 1879-1880; J. A. Whitmore, 1880-1881; Julius H. Keyes and James H. Waggoner, 1881-1887; Waggoner, 1887-Mar. 1890; H. C. Ashbaugh, Mar. 1890-1901. Merged with Daily Telegram. WHi complete. WE complete. 573. FREIE PRESSE (w) May 1873-1874 [?]. Published by Eau Claire Free Press. In German. 574. GAZETTE (w) Feb. 26, 1885-July 15, 1898. Title varies: Workman's Gazette, 1885-Sept. 1896. Editors: George W. Williams, 1885-1891; George W. Gilkey, 1891-1895; Horace L. Whittier, 1895-May 1898; Whittier and A. J. Carmack, May-July 1898. WHi Oct. 2, 1896-July 15, 1898. 575. EAU CLAIRE HERALD (w) Feb. 25-Dec. 1862. Editors: James C. Coon. 576. HERALD (w) Apr. 3, 1869-Nov. 8, 1873. Published at Augusta: 1869-July 1873. Title varies: Augusta Herald, 1869-Mar. 1872. Editors: George W. Brown, 1869-Feb. 1873; J. M. Smith and Julius C. Chandler, Feb.-Nov. 1873. WHi Sept. 23, 1871-Nov. 8, 1873. 75 577. HEROLD (w) 1886-1917. Editors: Leopold Kortsch, 1886-1891; Joseph Weiss, 1891-1892; Weiss and J. J. Auer, 1892-1898; Auer, 1898-1917. In German. 578. EAU CLAIRE WEEKLY LEADER (w) Apr. 27, 1881- 1913. Title varies: Sunday Leader, Aug. 1892-1894. WHi May 16, 1889-Aug. 12, 1894; Mar. 30, 1895-June 24, 1905. 579. EAU CLAIRE LEADER (d) Apr. 27, 1881 to date. Editors: W. H. Lamb, 1881-1882; E. M. Bartlett, 1882-Nov. 1884; A. W. Saunders and A. J. Stone, Nov. 1884-Nov. 1885; William K. Atkinson, Nov. 1885-1922; Percy C. Atkinson, 1922-1941; M. B. Atkinson, 1941 to date. WHi July 24, 1883-Nov. 28, 1885; Nov. 23, 1905 to date. WE Jan. 1896-Dec. 1947. 580. EAU CLAIRE NEWS (w) Oct. 23, 1869-Dec. 2, 1892. Title varies: Chippewa Valley News, 1869-Mav 1875. WHi May 15, 1875-Dec. 2, 1892. 581. EAU CLAIRE DAILY NEWS (d) Aug. 1884-1892 [?]. Editors: Flavius J. Mills, 1869-1870; George O. Mills and R. H. Copeland, 1871- 1875; Mills and Sylvester S. Kepler, 1875-May 1881; Kepler, May 1881-1887; Kepler and Fred W. Pauly, 1887-May 1889; Fred W. and M. A. Pauly, May 1889-1892. WHi Aug. 30-Nov. 15, 1884. 582. EAU CLAIRE NEWS (w) Mar. 19, 1937-1940 [?]. Title varies: Chippewa Valley Commonwealth- Advocate, Mar.-Sept. 1937; Eau Claire Advocate, Sept. 1937-Oct. 1938. Editors: Richard Pugh, Mar.-Sept. 1937; Ivan D. Long, Sept.-Dec. 1937; Reuben E. Strand, Dec. 1937-Aug. 1938; Frank W. Yambrick, Aug. 1938-Sept. 1939; Val T. Kuechenmeister, Oct. 1939-1940. WHi Mar. 19, 1937-Jan. 4, 1940. 583. PROGRESS (w) 1886-1889 [?]. Editors: Beckman and Jackson. 584. REFORM (w) Feb. 9, 1886-Dec. 1941. Title varies: Arbeideren, 1886-July 1888. Editors: Ole B. Olsen, 1886-1903; Waldemar T. Ager, 1903-1941. In Norwegian. WHi Oct. 29, 1895-Aug. 4, 1896. WE Jan. 1901-Dec. 1941. IaDeL July 23, 1889-Dec. 1937. 585. SUNDAY SENTINEL (w) June 27, 1883-1884. Editors: C. C. Knapping. 586. WEEKLY TELEGRAM (w) Dec. 16, 1894-1906. WE Sept. 1, 1898-Dec. 29, 1905. 587. DAILY TELEGRAM (d) Dec. 16, 1894 to date. Editors: William Irving, 1894-1895; William P. Welch and Charles W. Fiske, 1895-1913; Fiske, 1913-May 1929. Published by Eau Claire Leader: May 1929 to date. WHi Feb. 3, 1895-Oct. 31, 1937; Jan. 1, 1951 to date. WE Jan. 1896-Dec. 1897; Jan. 1903-Dec. 1905; Jan. 1944 to date. 76 588. EAU CLAIRE CITY TELEGRAPH (w) May 25, 1857- Mar. 3, 1859. Editors: Arthur W. and Joseph Delany. Merged with Eau Claire Free Press. 589. TIDNING (w) 1883-1886[?]. Editors: Emil Hirsch. In Swedish. 590. EAU CLAIRE TIMES (w) May 16, 1857-Jan. 2, 1858. Editors: Newton D. Spencer. Merged with Eau Claire City Telegraph. 591. WEST EAU CLAIRE ARGUS (w) Nov. 9, 1865-June 1869. Editors: R. H. Copeland. Followed by Chippewa Valley News. WHi Dec. 14, 1865-Dec. 23, 1868. 592. WESTERN TRIBUNE (w) May 1879-Apr. 1880. Editors: C. S. Ellison. Merged with Eau Claire Free Press. WORKMAN'S GAZETTE, see Gazette. FAIRCHILD 593. FAIRCHILD GRAPHIC (w) June 1890-Oct. 21, 1895. Title varies: Friday Evening Post (Black River Falls), 1890- [?]. Editors: Ellis Rogers. 594. FAIRCHILD OBSERVER (w) Dec. 23, 1897-Oct. 10, 1918. Editors: W. E. Forbes and James E. Pratt, 1897-1900; Pratt and Robert Ewald, 1900-1903; C. C. Nettlesheim, 1903-1904; A. C. Harmon, 1904-May 1906; Jessie K. Harmon, May 1906-May 1907; Richard B. Swarthout, May 1907-1915; Christopher Aanstad, 1915-1918. WHi Aug. 3, 1905-Oct. 10, 1918. 595. FAIRCHILD OBSERVER (w) Jan. 13-Mar. 10, 1927. Editors: Mrs. H. W. Shaw. WHi complete. FALL CREEK 596. FALL CREEK JOURNAL (w) Dec. 21, 1910-Feb. 22, 1918. l ' Title varies: Fall Creek Cultivator, 1910-Aug. 1914; Eau Claire County Journal. Sept. 1914-1916. Editors: Walter J. Brueske. WHi Dec. 24, 1915-Feb. 22, 1918. 77 597. FALL CREEK JOURNAL (w) Jan. 13-Mar. 10, 1927. Editors: G. H. Muenchow. WHi complete. 598. FALL CREEK TIMES (w) Dec. 3, 1931-Apr. (3, 1933. Editors: Walter J. Brueske. FALL CREEK TRIBUNE, see Eau Claire County Herald (Eau Claire). 78 Florence County FLORENCE 599. FLORENCE MINING NEWS (w) Jan. 1881 to date. Editors: James F. Atkinson, 1881-1882; Claude M. Atkinson, Jan.-May 1883; Chase S. Osborn and James I. Toner, May 1883-May 1884; Osborn, May 1884-Apr. 1887; George C. Youngs and Henry C. Campbell, Apr. 1887-Aug. 1888; George C. and Fred M. Youngs, Aug. 1888-Feb. 1904; George C. and Chase O. Youngs, Feb. 1904- 1914; Chase O. Youngs, 1915 to date. WHi Dec. 3, 1881 to date. 79 Fond du Lac County BRANDON 600. BRANDON TIMES (w) July 9, 1865 to date. Editors: George M. West, 1865-Nov. 1871; Martin C. Short, Nov. 1871-Mar. 1894; Ida J. Yorty, Apr. 1894-Dec. 1896; R. W. Woolverton, Dec. 1896-1897; Martin C. Short, Jr., 1898-July 1899; Yorty and R. Jenkinson, Aug. 1899-June 1919; Jenkin- son, June 1919-June 1920; George A. Moormann, June 1920-May 1923; Clarence A. Forbes, June 1923-Oct. 1925; Gordon Hamley, Nov. 1925 to date. WHi Mar. 9, 1867 to date. CAMPBELLSPORT 601. CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS (w) 1903 to date. Editors: Charles E. Broughton, 1903-1907; W. C. Oviatt, 1907-Apr. 1910; W. J. Sullivan, May 1910-1936; Harlow L. Roate, 1936 to date. WHi June 11, 1908-Sept. 7, 1916; Jan. 29, 1948 to date. 602. TWIN VILLAGE NEWS (w) 1898-1902 [?]. Editors: G. W. Johnson. FAIRWATER 603. FAIRWATER REGISTER (w) Apr. 24, 1903-1905. Editors: Elmer L. Howe. WHi Apr. 24, 1903-July 1, 1904. FOND DU LAC 604. AUS DER HEIMAT (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: Charles A. Bruederle. In German. 605. DAILY BULLETIN (d) 1905-1908 [?]. Editors: F. E. Edwards and W. E. Smith. Merged with Fond du Lac Daily Reporter. 606. FOND DU LAC COMMERCIAL (w) 1897-1903 [?]. Editors: William F. Weber. Merged with Daily Commonwealth. 607. FOND DU LAC COMMONWEALTH (w) Nov. 9, 1852 1920. Title varies: Fountain City Herald, 1852-Sept. 1856. WHi Nov. 9, 1852-Dec. 25, 1902. WF Nov. 9, 1852-Oct. 24, 1854. 80 608. FOND DU LAC COMMONWEALTH-REPORTER (d) Sept. 8, 1866-June 20, 1868; Aug. 22, 1870 to date. Title varies: Daily Commonwealth, 1866-Sept. 1926. Editors: Royal Buck, 1852-Sept. 1856; J. A. Smith, Sept. 1856-Apr. 1859; Thomas Bryant, Apr. 1859-Oct. 1860; Bryant and Smith, Oct. 1860-Sept. 1861; Smith, Oct. 1861-Aug. 1869; Jerome A. Watrous, Aug. 1869-Aug. 1871; Watrous and Howard M. Kutchin, Aug. 1871-Apr. 1877; Kutchin, Apr. 1877-Feb. 1885; P. B. Haber, Feb. 1885-1891; A. T. Glaze, 1891-1894; Nicholas Smith, 1894-1899; E. M. Jenison, 1899-Sept. 1926; Charles F. Coffman, Sept. 1926 to date. WHi Sept. 8, 1866-June 20, 1868; Feb. 26, 1872-Sept. 20, 1899; Feb. 27, 1902 to date. WF Sept. 8, 1866-June 20, 1868; Feb. 26, 1872-Sept. 20, 1899; Oct. 1, 1910-Dec. 31, 1913; Oct. 1, 1926 to date. 609. DAHEIM (w) Oct. 1884-Aug. 4, 1918. Published by Nordwestlicher Courier. In German. WHi Nov. 25, 1917-Aug. 4, 1918. 610. FOND DU LAC DEMOCRAT (w) 1867-1868 [?]. 611. DEMOCRATIC PRESS (w) May 29, 1858-Nov. 3, 1866. Editors: Samuel M. and V. B. Smead, 1858-1859; Samuel M. Smead, 1859-Nov. 1861; Timothy F. Strong, Jr., Nov. 1861-May 1862; Edward Beeson, June 1862- Jan. 1864; Alfred P. Swineford, Jan. 1864-1866. 612. DEMOKRAT (w) 1880-1885 [?]. Editors: Peter Rupp and P. F. Warus. In German. 613. DEUTSCHE VOLKSZEITUNG (w) 1888-1890 [?]. In German. 614. FOUNTAIN CITY (w) Nov. 12, 1844-Apr. 23, 1851. Published at Green Bay: 1844-1847. Title varies: Wisconsin Republican, 1844-July 1850. Editors: Samuel Ryan, Jr. Followed by Patriot. FOUNTAIN CITY HERALD, see Fond du Lac Common- wealth. 615. FOUNTAIN CITY DAILY HERALD (d) July 25, 1854- Sept. 2, 1856. Editors: Royal Buck. WHi July 25-Oct. 20, 1854; Mar. 31-Sept. 2, 1856. 616. FREI VOLKS PRESSE (w) Oct. 1, 1878-Oct. 1879. Editors: Charles A. Bruederle and T. C. Kumlau. In German. 617. FOND DU LAC GAZETTE (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: James L. Thwing. 81 618. FOND DU LAC JOURNAL (w) Oct. 1, 1846-June 15, 1853. Editors: John O. Henning and Eli Hooker, 1846-Mar. 1847; Edward Beeson, Mar. 1847-Mar. 1849; John A. Eastman and Alfred A. White, Mar -Oct. 1849; Eastman and Beeson, Oct. 1849-May 1851; Beeson, June 1851-1853. Merged with National Democrat. WHi complete. WF complete. 619. FOND DU LAC JOURNAL (w) Feb. 21, 1857-May 22, 1858. Editors: John J. Beeson and Van B. Smead, Feb.-May 1857; Smead, May 1857- 1858. Merged with Fond du Lac Union. WHi Feb. 21-Oct. 10, 1857. 620. FOND DU LAC JOURNAL (w) May 2, 1867-June 1894. Editors: Edward Beeson, 1867-Dec. 1870; Beeson and Michael Bohan, Dec. 1870- Nov. 1871; Bohan, Nov. 1871-Sept. 1873; Timothy F. Strong and James Russell, Sept. 1873-Nov. 1874; Russell, Nov. 1874-Aug. 1880; Edward and E. B. Beeson, Aug. 1880-1892; Jacob R. Bloom, 1892-1894. Merged with Saturday Reporter. WHi May 2, 1867-Feb. 22, 1872; Sept. 25, 1873-Dec. 29, 1892. WF May 2, 1867-Feb. 22, 1872; Sept. 25, 1873-Dec. 29, 1892. 621. NATIONAL DEMOCRAT (w) Apr. 30, 1851-June 23, 1853. Title varies: Patriot, 1851-Jan. 1852. Editors: John D. Hyman, 1851-Jan. 1852; Amos Reed, Jan. 1852-1853. Merged with Fond du Lac Journal. 622. FOND DU LAC NEWS (w) 1898-1902 [?]. Editors: William F. Weber. 623. NORDWESTLICHER COURIER (w) May 4, 1871-1920. Editors: Carl Haas, 1871-May 1875; Frank Haas, May 1875-Apr. 1878; William F. Weber, Apr. 1878-1920. In German. WHi Jan. 29, 1874-Oct. 14, 1875. PATRIOT, see National Democrat. PEOPLE'S CHAMPION, see under Appleton. 624. DAILY FOND DU LAC PRESS (d) Feb. 7, 1865-Nov. 3, 1866. Editors: Alfred P. and James Swineford. WHi Sept. 25-Nov. 3, 1866. 625. REFORM (w) 1865-1869 [?]. Editors: D. Klintworth. 626. SATURDAY REPORTER (w) Aug. 25, 1860-1913. WHi Jan. 26, 1861-Jan. 5, 1889. WF Aug. 23, 1862-Dec. 27, 1879. 82 627. FOND DU LAC DAILY REPORTER (d) Mar. 1883- Sept. 30, 1926. Editors: John J. Beeson, 1860-Nov. 1873; James L. Thwing and H. R. Farnum, Nov. 1873-July 1875; Thwing and C. D. Pillsbury, July 1875-Sept. 1878; Thwing, Sept. 1878-1882; Thwing and Louis A. Lange, 1883-1884; Lange, 1885-1917; Charles F. Coffman, 1917-1926. Merged with Daily Commonwealth. WHi June 8, 1894-Sept. 30, 1926. WF June 8, 1894-Sept. 30, 1926. TRIBUN, see under Sheboygan. 628. FOND DU LAC UNION (w) June 24, 1853-May 20, 1858. Editors: M. J. Thomas and Edward Beeson, 1853-June 1854; Thomas and Andrew J. Reed, July 1854-Feb. 1856; Thomas, Feb. 1856-Jan. 1858; Augustus L. Smith, Jan.-May 1858. Followed by Democratic Press. WHi complete. WF June 24, 1853-June 14, 1855. 629. VOLKSZEITUNG (w) 1878-1879 [?]. Editors: Charles A. Bruederle. In German. 630. VOLKSZEITUNG (w) 1886-1887 [?]. In German. 631. WESTERN FREEMAN (w) Oct. 1853-Sept. 3, 1856. Published at Sheboygan Falls: 1853-Sept. 1854. Title varies: Free Press, 1853-Sept. 1854. Editors: J. A. Smith. Merged with Fountain City Herald. WHi Dec. 6, 1854-Sept. 3, 1856. WF Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1855. 632. FOND DU LAC WHIG (w) Dec. 14, 1846-Nov. 22, 1847. Editors: James M. Gillett. WHi complete. WISCONSIN REPUBLICAN, see Fountain City. 633. FOND DU LAC ZEITUNG (w) Dec. 1860-1861 [?]. Editors: Theodore Friedlander. In German. OAKFIELD 634. OAKFIELD EAGLE (w) 1900-1908 [?] Editors: Ernest D. Susan. 635. OAKFIELD HERALD (w) 1910-1913 [?]. Editors: F. C. Klebs. 636. OAKFIELD HERALD (w) 1928-1937 [?]. Editors: Walter Cox, 1928-1929; T. A. Cummings, 1929-1937. 83 RIPON 637. RIPON ADVANCE (w) 1894-Nov. 18, 1896. Editors: R. L. Morse and C. H. Dunbar. Merged with Ripon Free Press. RIPON ADVANCE-PRESS, see Ripon Weekly Press. 638. RIPON ADVERTISER (w) 1863-1864[?]. Editors: C. P. Swain. 639. RIPON ADVERTISER (w) Sept. 2, 191 1-1912 [?] . Editors: Russell L. Howe. 640. RIPON COMMONWEALTH (w) Jan. 22, 1864 to date. Editors: J. A. Smith and A. T. Glaze, 1864-Feb. 1867; Glaze, Feb. 1867-Apr. 1874; N. H. Bailhache, Apr. 1874-Oct. 1875; Edward L. Scofield, Oct. 1875-1881; George D. Herron, 1882-1883; John C. and A. E. Thompson, 1883-Sept. 1884; Clarence H. Ellsworth and A. C. Harmon, Sept. 1884-June 1889; Ellsworth, July 1889-Nov. 1910; Ellsworth and O. A. Luck, Nov. 1910-June 1917; Luck, July 1917-Mar. 1920; Luck and Charles J. Inversetti, Apr. 1920-1945; Inversetti, 1946 to date. WHi Jan. 22, 1864-Dec. 28, 1866; July 29, 1887-Jan. 12, 1940; Jan. 2, 1942 to date. 641. DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (w) 1899-1904[?]. Editors: William F. Weber. In German. RIPON FREE PRESS, see Ripon Weekly Press. 642. RIPON HERALD (w) Dec. 14, 1853-July 28, 1855. Editors: Addison P. Mapes and Irving D. Root, 1853-Apr. 1854; Mapes, Apr -Nov. 1854; Clarence J. Allen, Nov. 1854-1855. Followed by Ripon Spur. WHi Dec. 21, 1853-July 28, 1855. 643. RIPON HOME (w) Aug. 4, 1855-Aug. 12, 1857. Title varies: Ripon Spur, 1855-Oct. 1856. Editors: E. L. Runals, 1855-Jan. 1857; James V. Fitch, Jan.-May 1857; N. W. Fuller and George W. Parker, May-Aug. 1857. Followed by Western Times. WHi Aug. 4, 1855-Apr. 4, 1856; Jan. 9-Aug. 12, 1857. 644. OPEN DOOR (m) 1871-1872 [?]. Editors: Olmsted and Anstead. 645. RIPON PILOT (sm) 1868-1869 [?]. Editors: A. T. Glaze. 646. DAILY POST (d) June 1, 1881-1882 [?] . Editors: George D. Herron. 647. RIPON POST (w) 1885-1886 [?]. Editors: William F. Weber. In German. 84 648. PRAIRIE CITY LOCAL (w) 1869-1870 [?]. Editors: H. B. Baker. 649. PRAIRIE CITY RECORD (w) May 7-Dec. 24, 1863. Editors: Nelson Bowerman. Followed by Ripon Commonwealth. WHi May 14-Dec. 24, 1863. 650. RIPON WEEKLY PRESS (sw, w) Apr. 1870-Dec. 25, 1884; Aug. 1, 1885-Apr. 18, 1957. Title varies: Ripon Free Press, 1870-Nov. 1896; Ripon Advance -Press, Nov. 1896- Apr. 1900. Editors: George C. Duffie, 1870-Mar. 1874; T. D. Stone, Mar. 1874-Nov. 1889; W. B. Hazeltine, Dec. 1889-Jan. 1891; E. H. Merrell, Jan. 1891-1894; E. S. Knox and William E. Glover, 1895-Nov. 1896; R. L. Morse and C. H. Dunbar, Nov. 1896- Oct. 1897; Morse, Oct. 1897-Jan. 1898; Elmer L. Howe, Jan. 1898-1915; Randall E. Howe, 1915-1934; R. S. Howe, 1934-1942; Russell L. Howe, 1942-Sept. 1953; Law- rence F. Jones, Sept. 1953-1957. WHi Jan. 7, 1875-Dec. 25, 1884; Aug. 1, 1885-Apr. 18, 1957. 651. RIPON SEMI-WEEKLY PRESS (sw) Dec. 4, 1905-Feb. 28, 1908. Editors: Elmer L. Howe. WHi complete. 652. RIPON REPRESENTATIVE (w) Aug. 30, 1866-1867 [?]. Editors: George W. Peck. 653. RIPON REPUBLICAN (w) Jan. 8-July 25, 1885. Editors: Ira C. Edwards. WHi complete. RIPON SPUR, see Ripon Home. 654. RIPON STAR (w) Mar. 31-May 12, 1857; Jan. 1859-Nov. 1861; Mar.-Dec. 1862. Editors: T. J. Mapes, 1857; Addison P. Mapes, 1859-1862. WHi Mar. 31-May 12, 1857. 655. STONE'S FREE PRESS (d) May 28-July 29, 1885. Editors: T. D. Stone. WHi complete. 656. RIPON WEEKLY TIMES (w) Oct. 30, 1857-Apr. 17, 1863. Title varies: Western Times, 1857-1858. Editors: G. B. Christy and G. W. Fishier, Nov.-Dec. 1857; George W. Parker, 1858; Clarence J. Allen, Jan.-Nov. 1859; Allen and George Burnside, Nov. 1859-July 1861; Nelson Bowerman, July 1861-1863. Followed by Prairie City Record. WHi Oct. 30, 1857-Aug. 27, 1858; Apr. 29, 1859-Apr. 17, 1863. 657. RIPON TIMES (w) June 18, 1901-1902[?]. Editors: Elmer L. Howe. WHi June 18-Aug. 6, 1901. WESTERN TIMES, see Ripon Weekly Times. 85 ROSENDALE 658. ROSENDALE JOURNAL (w) May 15, 1903-1918. Editors: Elmer L. Howe. WHi May 15, 1903-July 1, 1904. WAUPUN WAUPUN DEMOCRAT, see Waupun News. 659. WAUPUN WEEKLY ITEM (m, w) Aug. 1858-Sept. 1861. Title varies: Euen's Prison City Item, 1858-June 1861. Editors: William Euen. WHi Aug. 1858-Aug. 14, 1861. 660. WAUPUN LEADER-NEWS (w, sw) Aug. 28, 1866 to date. Title varies: Prison City Leader, 1866-Sept. 1870; Waupun Leader, Sept. 1870- Jan. 1929. Editors: J. W. Oliver and Martin C. Short, 1866-Oct. 1871; J. W. and R. H. Oliver, Oct. 1871-1902; R. H. Oliver, 1903-July 1908; Wilford A. Sanborn, July 1908-July 1916; A. P. Andrews, July 1916-1923; J. Earl Fladeland, Jan.-Oct. 1924; George W. Greene, Oct. 1924 to date. WHi Dec. 19, 1866 to date. 661. LITTLE BADGER (w) Feb. 18, 1860-1861 [?]. Editors: S. H. Salverda. WHi Feb. 18-Mar. 17, 1860. 662. WAUPUN NEWS (w) Mar. 9, 1900-Jan. 31, 1929. Title varies: Waupn Democrat, 1900-Feb. 1923. Editors: William A. Wells, 1900-Sept. 1901; W. D. Powell and Wilford A. San- born, Oct. 1901-May 1908; Powell, May 1908-1910; H. B. Hubbell and William F. Spiering, 1911-Feb. 1913; Adelaide King, Feb. 1913-May 1923; D. V. Nickerson and Gordon Hamley, May-Aug. 1923; Hamley, Sept. 1923-Aug. 1925; George W. Greene, Aug. 1925-1929. Merged with Waupun Leader. WHi Oct. 12, 1901-June 24, 1926. WOC Oct. 12, 1901-June 24, 1926. PRISON CITY LEADER, see Waupun Leader-News. 663. WAUPUN TIMES (sw, w) Sept. 17, 1857-Feb. 10, 1903. Editors: J. H. Brinkerhoff, 1857-July 1860; Brinkerhoff and George E. Jennings, July 1860-1865; D. A. Wagner, 1865-1866; Eli Hooker, 1866-Sept. 1867; John R. Decker, Sept. 1867-Sept. 1868; Philip M. Pryor, Sept. 1868-July 1880; Eli and Culver E. Hooker, July 1880-Apr. 1894; Cassius L. Coward, May 1894-Apr. 1897; Adelaide King, May 1897-1901; John R. Putnam, 1902-1903. WHi Sept. 17, 1857-Sept. 26, 1860; June 7, 1861-May 27, 1862; Oct. 4, 1870-Sept. 24, 1872; Jan. 13, 1874-Feb. 10, 1903. 664. WARE BURGER (w) Jan.-Oct. 4, 1859. Published at Holland: Jan.-Sept. 1859. Editors: C. G. Van Altena and S. H. Salverda. In Dutch. WHi Sept. 13-Oct. 4, 1859. 86 Forest County CRANDON 665. FOREST COUNTY NEWS (w) 1927-1933 [?]. Editors: L. M. Wicklander, 1927-1931; J. R. Lowell, 1931-1932; H. F. Pueschner, 1932-1933. 666. FOREST COUNTY TRIBUNE (w) 1916-1939. Editors: J. W. Shanahan, 1916-1918; T. B. Guthrie, 1918-1920; C. B. Boulet and John Kennedy, 1920-1921; P. F. Van Opens, 1921-1939. 667. FOREST ECHO (w) Aug. 28, 1906-1915. Editors: Fred Smith, 1906-Sept. 1907; Edward Laird, Sept. 1907-Aug. 1908; D. L. Stinchfield, Aug. 1908-1915. WHi Aug. 28, 1906-Dec. 25, 1914. FOREST LEAVES, see under North Crandon. 668. FOREST REPUBLICAN (w) Oct. 14, 1886 to date. Editors: Samuel Shaw, 1886-1906; J. H. Brady, 1906-1909; Frank H. Brady, 1909- 1917; Harold E. Brady, 1917-1924; C. J. Hansen, 1924-1925; Herman L. Kron- schnabl, 1925-1940; Jack Kronschnabl, 1940 to date. WHi Oct. 14, 1886-Dec. 28, 1905; Mar. 16, 1944 to date. LAONA 669. LAONA CHIEF (w) 1907-1909 [?]. Editors: Chief Pub. Co. NORTH CRANDON 670. FOREST LEAVES (w) Apr. 8, 1885-1912. Published at Crandon: 1885-Aug. 1891. Published at Three Lakes: Sept. 1891-1897. Editors: Samuel Shaw, 1885-Oct. 1886; M. A. Fay, Oct. 1886-1888; Mrs. M. A. Fay, 1888-Nov. 1889; William J. Neu, Nov. 1889-1908; H. L. Roe, 1908-1912. WHi Apr. 8, 1885-Aug. 20, 1891; Jan. 13-Aug. 25, 1898. 671. NORTHERN CITIZEN (w) Jan. 1911-1918. Editors: Henry S. Anderson. WHi Dec. 8, 1911-Apr. 12, 1918. 672. NORTH CRANDON REPORTER (w) Sept. 1892-Tuly 1893. Editors: I. G. Champion, 1892-Feb. 1893; L. M. Sylvester, Feb.-July 1893. WHi Jan. 26-June 29, 1893. 87 WABENO 673. NORTHERN WISCONSIN ADVERTISER (w) 1898- 1934[?]. Editors: Cordial G. Himley, 1898-1903; John E. Himley, 1903-1924; R. L. Cook, 1924-1925; J. W. Norris, 1925-1931; A. J. Fehrenbach, 1931-1933; Norris, 1933- 1934. J 88 Grant County BLOOMINGTON 674. BLOOMINGTON RECORD (w) July 15, 1880 to date. Title varies: West Grant Record, Sept. 1881-Aug. 1882. Editors: Charles J. Glasier, 1880-Sept. 1881; Castello N. Holford, Sept. 1881-1882; L. C. McKenney, 1883-Sept. 1886; Ernest Brooks, Sept. 1886-1900; Harry C. Craig, 1901-Feb. 1905; A. C. Bishop, Feb. 1905-Mar. 1929; Charles E. Stowe and Orla P. Vaughan, Mar. 1929-1931; W. D. Vaughan, 1931-July 1935; C. J. Slaats, Aug. 1935- 1951; Leonard L. Pritchett, 1952 to date. Publisher's files destroyed: 1880-1896. WHi July 29, 1880-Dec. 14, 1882; Aug. 5, 1897 to date. 675. REVEALER (w) July 31, 1894-1895. Editors: W. H. Holford. WHi Aug. 28-Oct. 30, 1894. 676. WEST GRANT ADVOCATE (w) June 18, 1873-Sept. 9, 1874. Editors: Castello N. Holford. Followed by Grant County Advocate (Lancaster) . WHi complete. BLUE RIVER 677. BLUE RIVER INFORMER (w) 1912-1921 [?]. Editors: J. E. Rockhill, 1912-1919; F. J. Broadbent, 1919-1921. BOSCOBEL BOSCOBEL APPEAL, see Boscobel Journal 678. BOSCOBEL BROAD-AXE (w) Dec. 18, 1862-May 31, 1866. Title varies: Boscobellian, Dec. 1862; National Broad- Axe, Dec. 1862-July 1864; Boscobel Hatchet, July 1864. Editors: L. R. Train and L. M. Andrews, 1862-Aug. 1863; Train, Sept. 1863-Feb. 1864; Train and Nelson B. Moody, Mar-July 1864; Moody and Samuel S. Train, July 1864-Oct. 1865; Samuel S. Train, Oct. 1865-1866. WHi June 25, 1863-May 31, 1866. 679. BOSCOBEL WEEKLY DEMOCRAT (w) Dec. 1859-1860. Editors: George W. Limbocker and A. J. Partridge. Followed by Boscobel Express. 89 680. BOSCOBEL DIAL (w) Dec. 25, 1872 to date. Title varies: Dial-Enterprise, Oct. 1895-Aug. 1919. Editors: John and C. B. Walworth, 1872-1873; Iden L. Stuart and C. Burton, 1874-Sept. 1875; H. D. Farquharson, Sept. 1875-1881; Louis P. Lesler, 1882-May 1883; Mrs. L. P. Lesler, June 1883-Jan. 1888; George W. Goldsmith and L. C. McKenney, Jan. 1888-Apr. 1889; Goldsmith, Apr. 1889-May 1895; W. G. Palmer, May-Oct. 1895; Fred Meyer and Harlan Johnson, Oct. 1895-1899; Meyer, 1900- July 1903; John W. Blake, July 1903-Aug. 1908; Verne S. Pease, Aug. 1908-Dec. 1909; Joseph Seftenberg and Orin L. Stinson, Dec. 1909-1910; Stinson, Jan.-Mar. 1911; Harlan J. Johnson, Mar. 1911-June 1940; Mrs. H. J. Johnson, June 1940- 1943; Mildred Lawrence, 1944-Jan. 1946; Henry E. Howe, Feb. 1946-June 1956; Ralph D. Goldsmith, June 1956 to date. WHi Dec. 26, 1873 to date. 681. ENTERPRISE (w) May 1893-Oct. 9, 1895. Editors: Fred Meyer and Harlan J. Johnson. Merged with Boscobel Dial. WHi Jan. 3, 1894-Sept. 28, 1895. 682. BOSCOBEL EXPRESS (w) Oct. 1860-Jan. 2, 1862. Editors: J. P. Hubbard and S. P. Dempsey, 1860-June 1861; Dempsey and Horace Norton, June 1861-1862. 683. GRANT COUNTY LEADER (w) May 1892-May 1893. Editors: L. G. Blair. BOSCOBEL HATCHET, see Boscobel Broad-Axe. 684. BOSCOBEL JOURNAL (w) Mar. 5, 1867-Sept. 16, 1870. Title varies: Boscobel Appeal, 1867-Feb. 1869. Editors: William H. Bennett, 1867-Oct. 1868; T. W. Bishop, Nov. 1868-1870. WHi complete. NATIONAL BROAD-AXE, see Boscobel Broad-Axe. 685. BOSCOBEL SENTINEL (w) Dec. 19, 1900-Aug. 6, 1919. Editors: George W. Goldsmith, 1900-1905; Harry C. Craig, 1906-1909; Emil L. Sanger, 1909-1919. Merged with Boscobel Dial. WHi Jan. 30, 1901-Aug. 6, 1919. CASSVILLE 686. CASSVILLE AMERICAN (w) Nov. 14, 1941 to date. Editors: Michael Angelo, 1941-Aug. 1942; John B. Simmons, Aug. 1942-Sept. 1946; Ralph Molm, Sept. 1946-1952; S. A. Bakke, 1953 to date. WHi complete. 687. CASSVILLE CURRENT (w) 1885-1886 [?]. Editors: Walter W. Pollock. 688. CASSVILLE INDEX (w) Mar. 8, 1888-Aug. 9, 1917. Editors: Charles A. DeWitt, 1888-Aug. 1889; John Foley, Aug. 1889-1917. Merged with Bloomington Record. WHi complete. 90 689. CASSVILLE RECORD (w) 1901-1924 [?]. Editors: J. M. Klauer, 1901-1912; Herbert J. Scheibl, 1912-1914; C. F. Budworth, 1914-1916; Klauer, 1916-1924. CUBA CITY 690. CUBA CITY HERALD (w) 1903-1905. Editors: Herman Gold and Thomas C. Snyder, 1903-Mar. 1904; Gold, Mar. 1904- 1905. Merged with Cuba City Nezus. 691. CUBA CITY NEWS-HERALD (w) Sept. 21, 1894 to date. Title varies: Cuba City News, 1894-1905. Editors: Thomas C. Snyder, 1894-Sept. 1902; William H. Goldthorpe, Sept. 1902 to date. WHi Sept. 23, 1943 to date. FENNIMORE 692. FENNIMORE INDEPENDENT (w) 1880-1882 [?]. Editors: Jay Lewis. 693. FENNIMORE JOURNAL (w) 1944 to date. Editors: Harry A. Thompson. WHi Apr. 29, 1954 to date. 694. FENNIMORE TIMES (w) Sept. 6, 1889 to date. Title varies: Times-Review, May 1893-1900. Editors: Elmer L. Howe, 1889-Mar. 1893; Howe and Henry E. Roethe, Mar. 1893- 1894; Roethe, 1894-Dec. 1900; Henry E. and Edward J. Roethe, Dec. 1900-1939; Edward J. Roethe, 1939-1951; Charles and Donald Roethe, 1951 to date. WHi Oct. 2, 1895 to date. HAZEL GREEN 695. HAZEL GREEN TRIBUNE-REPORTER (w) 1914-1919. Title varies: Hazel Green Tribune, 1914-1915. Published by Cuba City News-Herald. LANCASTER 696. GRANT COUNTY ADVOCATE (w) Oct. 14, 1874-Dec. 19, 1877. Editors: Castello N. Holford and P. Bartley, 1874-May 1875; A. Reifsteck, May 1875-1877. Merged with Grant County Argus. WHi Jan. 13, 1875-Dec. 19, 1877. 697. GRANT COUNTY ARGUS (w) Tuly 31, 1876-Apr. 15, 1878. Editors: Castello N. Holford. Merged with Grant County Gazette. WHi complete. 91 698. GRANT COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 7, 1870-Apr. 28, 1873. Editors: R. B. Rice and T. W. Bishop, 1870-Aug. 1871; Rice, Aug. 1871-1873. WHi complete. GRANT COUNTY GAZETTE, see Inter-County Gazette (Prairie du Chien). 699. GRANT COUNTY HERALD (w) Mar. 18, 1843 to date. Suspended: Apr -June 1849. Title varies: Wisconsin Herald, Oct. 1844-1849. Editors: L. O. Shrader and Charles Mallett, Mar .-June 1843; Mallett and H. A. Wiltse, July-Oct. 1843; J. D. Spalding, Oct. 1843-July 1845; Spalding and James M. Goodhue, Aug.-Sept. 1845; Goodhue, Sept. 1845-Apr. 1849; Jerome L. Marsh, June 1849-June 1851; Joseph C. Cover, June 1851-1877; Edward Pollock, 1878- 1880; H. D. Farquharson, 1881-Jan. 1885; Walter G. Chandler, Jan. 1885-July 1888; William B. Miner, July 1888-May 1892; Charles L. Harper, May 1892-1894; Clyde R. Showalter, 1895-Apr. 1900; Harlan J. Johnson, Apr. 1900-Oct. 1907; B. J. Lowrey, Nov. 1907-Apr. 1915; A. L. Sherman, Apr. 1915 to date. WHi Mar. 18, 1843-Apr. 1, 1849; Oct. 22, 1859-Nov. 17, 1863; May 22, 1866-July 17, 1918; May 6, 1953 to date. 700. GRANT COUNTY INDEPENDENT (w) Feb. 24, 1927 to date. Title varies: Muscoda Leader-Press, 1927-Oct. 1935. Editors: Harvey W. Schermerhorn, 1927-1941; Harry C. Spears, 1941-Sept. 1944; Norman M. Clapp, Sept. 1944 to date. WHi Oct. 21, 1943 to date. GRANT COUNTY WITNESS, see Platteville Witness. 701. LANCASTER REGISTER (w) Oct. 5-Dec. 1923. Editors: William J. Kurneman. 702. LANCASTER REPORTER (w) 1 895-1896 [?]. Editors: Elmer L. Howe. 703. LANCASTER TELLER (w) Feb. 17, 1883-Sept. 29, 1923. Editors: Edward Pollock, 1883-June 1915; A. H. Kessler, June 1915-Mar. 1918; C. M. Du Hamel, Apr. 1918-Feb. 1921; Samuel A. Cousley, Mar. 1921-1922; Robert P. Ahern, Jan.-Sept. 1923. WHi Feb. 17, 1883-May 16, 1923. WISCONSIN HERALD, see Grant County Herald. LIVINGSTON 704. LIVINGSTON LEADER (w) 1924-Feb. 1927. Editors: Thomas C. Snyder, 1924-1925; Harvey M. Schermerhorn, 1925-1927. MONTFORT 705. MONTFORT INDEPENDENT (w) Mar. 31, 1881-Apr. 1882. Editors: William A. Thompson. 92 706. MONTFORT MAIL (w) Feb. 2, 1899 to date. Editors: W. H. Irvine and Rufus D. Quick, 1899-June 1901; Quick, June 1901- May 1954; Dennis Novinski, May 1954 to date. WHi complete. 707. MONTFORT MONITOR (w) May 17, 1882-Feb. 1894. Editors: C. T. Stone, 1882-Nov. 1884; I. G. DeWitt and J. W. Taylor, Dec. 1884- 1887; DeWitt, 1888-May 1890; W. B. Greene and A. R. Palmer, May 1890-June 1891; John F. Streeter, June 1891-Sept. 1892; Abijah and Frank Bresee, Sept. 1892- 1894. Followed by Belmont Bee. WHi May 17, 1882-Dec. 23, 1892. 708. MONTFORT SENTINEL (w) 1881-1882 [?]. Editors: Joseph M. Conley. SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN, see under Linden. MUSCODA 709. GRANT COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 1895- [an. 10, 1919. Title varies: Muscoda Watchman, 1895-1904; Valley Voice, 1904-Jan. 1906. Editors: A. J. Hood, 1895-1903; Henry E. Howe, 1903-1905; William Victora, 1905-Nov. 1906; L. M. Dixon, Nov. 1906-Nov. 1909; Dixon and Harry C. Craig, Nov. 1909-1911; Craig, 1912-1915; Edwin Williams, 1915-1919. Merged with Muscoda Progressive. WHi Oct. 18, 1906-Jan. 10, 1919. MUSCODA LEADER-PRESS, see Grant County Inde- pendent (Lancaster). 710. MUSCODA NEWS (w) Dec. 19, 1874-1892. Suspended: May-Sept. 1877. Editors: H. W. Glasier and Charles H. Darlington, 1874-Jan. 1876; Darlington, Jan. 1876-1882; S. C. McDonald, 1882-1885; Donald McDonald, 1885-1892. WHi Dec. 19, 1874-Mar. 4, 1876; Jan. 18, 1879-Dec. 18, 1880. 711. MUSCODA PROGRESSIVE (w) 1913 to date. Editors: William Victora, 1913-1926; Ellis A. Lee, 1926-1931; Carl E. Webb, 1931- May 1933; W. G. Barry, May 1933-1934; Frank E. Brown, 1935-June 1937; William W. Fuller, June 1937-1938; Kenneth Galer, 1938-1939; M. B. Victora, 1939-May 1940; Paul Kratochwill, May 1940-Oct. 1950; Joseph F. Rut, Oct. 1950-July 1953; Warren Hill and Norman M. Clapp, July 1953-1955; Bruce Estlund, 1956 to date. WHi Jan. 16, 1919 to date. VALLEY VOICE, see Grant County Democrat. MUSCODA WATCHMAN, see Grant County Democrat. PLATTEVILLE 712. CORRESPONDENT (w) Oct. 19, 1879-1885 [?]. Editors: Herman Melster. In German. 93 713. PLATTEVILLE EXAMINER (w) Dec. 17, 1857-June 10, 1858. Editors: D. T. Lindley. WHi Feb. 11-May 27, 1858. GRANT COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see Grant County News. 714. GRANT COUNTY NEWS (w) Sept. 26, 1884-July 31, 1952. Title varies: Grant County Democrat, 1884-Jan. 1890. Editors: William H. Peck, 1884-May 1889; L. C. McKenney, May 1889-July 1894; Roy C. Huntington, July 1894-May 1896; W. L. Washburne, June 1896-May 1897; R. I. Dugdale, May 1897-1952. Merged with Platteville Journal. WHi July 16, 1885-Dec. 29, 1939; Jan. 1, 1942-July 31, 1952. GRANT COUNTY WITNESS, see Platteville Witness. 715. INDEPENDENT AMERICAN (w) Jan. 11, 1845-Jan. 6, 1849; Sept. 13, 1851-Oct. 23, 1857. Title varies: American, Jan. 1845. Editors: Jerome L. Marsh, 1845-Sept. 1854; Harlan M. Page, Oct. 1854-1857. Followed by Platteville Examiner. WHi complete. 716. PLATTEVILLE JOURNAL (w) Feb. 25, 1899 to date. Editors: B. F. Huntington, 1899-July 1902; Roy C. Huntington, July 1902-1903; C. H. Gribble, 1904-Aug. 1933; H. A. Brockman, Sept. 1933 to date. WHi Sept. 18, 1912-June 15, 1938; Oct. 4, 1939 to date. 717. MOUND CITY ADVOCATE (w) 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: Joseph M. Conley. 718. NORTHERN BADGER (w) July 30, 1840-Sept. 1841. Editors: Thomas Eastman. Followed by Wisconsin Whig. 719. PLATTEVILLE TIMES (w) Oct. 27, 1881-1883 [?]. Editors: William A. Thompson. 720. WISCONSIN REGISTER (w) Apr. -May 1844. Editors: Charles Mallett. 721. WISCONSIN WHIG (w) Sept. 22, 1841-1843. Editors: Alonzo Piatt, 1841-Aug. 1842; Jerome L. Marsh and L. C. McKenney, Aug. 1842-1843. 722. WISKONSAN STANDARD (w) Aug. 4, 1843-1844[?]. 723. PLATTEVILLE WITNESS (w) May 26, 1859-Dec. 29, 1937. Published at Lancaster: Mar .-July 1859. Title varies: Grant County Witness, 1859-Feb. 1906. Editors: Israel Sanderson, 1859-May 1862; George K. Shaw and Daniel E. Bockius, May 1862-Oct. 1863; Shaw, Nov. 1863-Feb. 1867; Martin P. Rindlaub, Mar. 1867- 1902; William M. Rindlaub, 1903-1937. WHi complete. 94 POTOSI 724. GRANT COUNTY BULLETIN (w) 1908-1911 [?]. Editors: H. T. France. 725. POTOSI NEWS (w) 1902-1903 [?]. 726. POTOSI NEWS (w) 1921-1923 [?]. Editors: M. Rickey, 1921-1922; James A. Murphy, 1922-1923. 727. POTOSI PILOT (w) 1882-1883 [?]. Editors: Willey Bros. 728. POTOSI REPUBLICAN (w) May 27, 1847-Aug. 1852; May 1853-Aug. 14, 1855. Editors: John W. Barnfield, May-Sept. 1847; Lucien B. Leach, Sept. 1847-Aug. 1848; James W. Seaton, Aug. 1848-Aug. 1852; Seaton and Edwin R. Paul, May 1853-May 1855; Paul, May-Aug. 1855. WHi Sept. 2, 1847-Dec. 28, 1848; Apr. 29, 1854-Aug. 14, 1855. 729. POTOSI SIGNAL (w) July 13-Dec. 1852. Editors: David and Robert McKee. 95 Green County ALBANY 730. ALBANY HERALD (w) Nov. 1883 to date. Title varies: Albany Vindicator, 1883-1924. Editors: H. A. McChesney, 1883-1885; Osborne and Howard, 1885-May 1887; S. S. Hills and E. E. Atherton, May 1887-Mar. 1888; Atherton, Mar. 1888-July 1913; O. G. Briggs, July 1913-May 1930; J. F. Simpson, June-Sept. 1930; Thoral Reese, Sept. 1930-Sept. 1933; Joseph N. Blackbourn, Sept. 1933-Apr. 1940; Ralph Molm, Apr. 1940-Feb. 1946; Laurence L. Arnold, Feb. 1946-1949; Lester L. Arnold, 1950-Sept. 1951; Stanton P. Steuri, Oct. 1951 to date. WHi Jan. 8, 1885 to date. 731. ALBANY WEEKLY JOURNAL (w) Oct. 12, 1865-May 3, 1866. Editors: C. W. Osgood and John E. Bartlett. WHi complete. 732. ALBANY JOURNAL (w) June 1878-July 20, 1889; Oct. 18, 1890-Oct. 31, 1891. Editors: Brundage and Bullock, June-Dec. 1878; John E. Bartlett, 1879-July 1889; A. W. Thorp, Oct. 1890-1891. WHi Feb. 12, 1879-July 20, 1889; Oct. 18, 1890-Oct. 31, 1891. 733. ALBANY JOURNAL (w) Nov. 7, 1895-Feb. 27, 1896. Editors: C. R. Marks. Followed by Waunakee News. WHi complete. 734. ALBANY TIMES (w) June 1858-Aug. 1862. Editors: I. S. Dexter and Yates T. Lacey, 1858-Apr. 1860; Joseph Baker, Apr. 1860- Apr. 1861; Dexter and Gustave Klaesy, Apr. 1861-1862. Followed by Albany Weekly Journal. ALBANY VINDICATOR, see Albany Herald. BRODHEAD 735. BUSY CITIZEN (w) May 1893-Dec. 29, 1898. Editors: Albert E. Pauley. WHi Oct. 10, 1893-Dec. 29, 1898. 736. INDEPENDENT-REGISTER (w) Mar. 1, 1860 to date. Title varies: Brodhead Independent, 1860-July 1909. Editors: I. F. Mack, 1860-1866; I. F. Mack, Jr., 1866-Nov. 1868; D. W. Tyrrell and E. O. Kimberly, Nov. 1868-Nov. 1869; Kimberly, Nov. 1869-July 1873; Willis J. Stone and Charles M. Morse, July 1873-July 1875; Kimberly, July 1875-Oct. 1878; Burr Sprague, Oct. 1878-May 1879; Edwin A. Charlton, May 1879-July 1892; Charlton and I. L. Hanford, July 1892-June 1904; B. E. McCormick, June 1904- 96 Aug. 1907; George L. Winegar, Aug. 1907-May 1908; George E. Dixon, May 1908- July 1909; Charles Steele and William F. Schempp, July 1909-Apr. 1923; Schempp, Apr. 1923-Jan. 1929; Daniel S. Markham, Feb. 1929-Sept. 1933; Markham and Merlin Matzke, Oct. 1933-July 1942; Markham, July 1942-Dec. 1954; Marshall D. Markham, Dec. 1954 to date. WHi Mar. 5, 1867-Dec. 25, 1868; May 15, 1885 to date. WBr Jan. 1861 to date. 737. BRODHEAD NEWS (w) Sept. 16, 1909-Nov. 27, 1930. Editors: George E. Dixon. Merged with Independent-Register. WHi Dec. 9, 1909-Nov. 27, 1930. WBr Sept. 16, 1909-Dec. 1920. 738. REGISTER (w) Nov. 1, 1883-July 14, 1909. Editors: Louis A. Sprague, 1883-1893; George E. Dixon, 1893-1895; William R. Hotchkiss, 1895-1897; Dixon, 1897-Sept. 1900; Dixon and Charles Steele, Sept. 1900-Jan. 1903; Steele and William F. Schempp, Feb. 1903-1909. Merged with Brodhead Independent. WHi Jan. 5, 1898-July 14, 1909. WBr complete. 739. BRODHEAD WEEKLY REPORTER (w) Apr. 26, 1859- Nov. 6, 1861; Apr. 1, 1862-1863 [?]. Editors: L. Winthrop Powell, 1859-Nov. 1861; T. J. Johnson, Apr. 1862-1863. WHi June 24, 1859-Nov. 6, 1861. BROOKLYN 740. DANE COUNTY TOBACCO JOURNAL (w) 1885- 1886[?]. Editors: C. W. Page. 741. BROOKLYN NEWS (w) Feb. 1897-Nov. 1, 1905. Editors: Joseph W. Haughton, 1897-1898; I. A. Hoxie, 1898; W. Z. Dumond, Nov. 1898-1905. WHi Oct. 14, 1898-Nov. 1, 1905. 742. BROOKLYN RECORD (w) Sept. 1881-1885 [?]. Editors: Christian J. Rollis. 743. BROOKLYN TELLER (w) Nov. 1912-Aug. 3, 1956. Editors: M. V. Adamson, 1912-Aug. 1918; H. D. Hanson, Sept. 1918-Sept. 1946; James L. Dawalt, Oct. 1946-1948; James P. Green, 1949-1956. Merged with Evansville Review. WHi Jan. 13, 1915-Aug. 3, 1956. JUDA 744. JUDA HOME NEWS (w) July 26-Nov. 14, 1907. Editors: H. Lyndon Williams. WHi complete. 745. JUDEAN (w) July 13, 1877-Mar. 31, 1878. Editors: J. B. Stair and Henry C. Witmer. Followed by Latest News. 97 746. LATEST NEWS (w) Apr. 3, 1878-Sept. 13, 1884. Editors: J. B. Stair and Henry C. Witmer, 1878-July 1879; Witmer, July 1879-1884. WHi Feb. 15, 1879-Sept. 13, 1884. 747. JUDA NEWS (w) 1924-1931 [?]. Editors: Carl W. Moser, 1924-1928; George E. Dixon, 1928-1931. MONROE COUNTY JOURNAL, see Journal-Gazette. 748. EVERY SATURDAY (w) Apr. 1879-May 22, 1880. 749. MONROE GAZETTE (w) July 23, 1879-July 17, 1896. Title varies: Jefferson Independent, 1879-July 1881. Editors: John W. Odell, 1879-Nov. 1888; W. T. Giles, Nov. 1888-1896. Merged with Monroe Sun. WHi Mar. 3-Nov. 30, 1882. 750. GREEN COUNTY HEROLD (w) Sept. 15, 1877-Aug. 29, 1940. Published at Winona, Minn.: 1939-1940. Editors: R. Lowenbach and G. L. Engelke, 1877-Mar. 1879; Lowenbach, Mar. 1879-1888; H. W. Frick, 1888-1889; Robert Kohli, 1889-Feb. 1920; Fred L. Kohli, Mar. 1920-1939. In German. WHi Oct. 3, 1877-Sept. 17, 1879; Feb. 1, 1881-Aug. 29, 1883; Sept. 7, 1892-Aug. 29, 1940. 751. GREEN COUNTY REFORMER (w) Jan. 1870-May 6, 1880. Title varies: Green County Republican, 1870-Jan. 1874. Editors: A. W. Potter, 1870-Dec. 1873; Flavius J. Mills, Dec. 1873-Apr. 1874; G. J. Patton, Apr. 1874-Feb. 1875; I. T. Carr and William Bullock, Mar. 1875-Mar. 1876; Carr, Mar. 1876-Dec. 1877; F. E. Fillmore and W. D. Mathews, Dec. 1877- May 1878; Mathews, May 1878-1880. WHi July 25, 1871-May 6, 1880. 752. GREEN COUNTY UNION (w) Apr. 16, 1850-Apr. 1851. Editors: John W. Snow. Followed by Monroe Sentinel. DAILY INDEPENDENT, see Evening Times. 753. INDEPENDENT PRESS (w) Oct. 1857-May 1858. Editors: S. P. Condee and E. C. Moulton. Followed by Albany Times. 754. JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRAT (w) Aug. 14, 1856-Apr. 1857. Editors: George C. Baker. Followed by Independent Press. WHi complete. 98 755. MONROE DAILY JOURNAL (d) 1898-June 15, 1927. Editors: Leroy A. Woodle. Merged with Monroe Evening Times. WHi Jan. 4, 1899-June 15, 1927. 756. JOURNAL-GAZETTE (w) 1888-July 15, 1927. Title varies: County Journal, 1888-July 1898. Editors: Leroy A. Woodle and F. F. Turner, 1888-1897; Woodle, 1897-1927. WHi July 26, 1898-July 15, 1927. 757. LIBERAL PRESS (w) Sept. 1872-Sept. 1873. Editors: Flavius J. Mills. Merged with Green County Republican. 758. RUNDSCHAU (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: J. G. Probst. In German. 759. MONROE SENTINEL (w) May 14, 1851-Nov. 2, 1912. Editors: John W. Stewart, May-Sept. 1851; John Walworth, Oct. 1851-May 1855; N. L. Stout and George W. Tenney, May-Sept. 1855; Tenney, Sept. 1855-Aug. 1860; James Bintliff and Edwin E. Bryant, Aug. 1860-June 1861; Bintliff, June- Nov. 1861; Bintliff and Egbert E. Carr, Dec. 1861-July 1865; Charles A. Booth and A. J. High, July 1865-Dec. 1870; Booth and S. E. Gardner, Dec. 1870-Feb. 1874; Booth, Feb. 1874-1912. WHi May 10, 1854-Nov. 2, 1912. 760. MONROE SUN (w) Jan. 23, 1875-1876. Editors: George R. South. 761. MONROE SUN-GAZETTE (w) Nov. 4, 1881-July 26, 1898. Title varies: Monroe Sun, 1881-July 1896. Editors: George R. South, 1881-Jan. 1893; Miles T. Getting, Jan. 1893-July 1894; South, July 1894-July 1896; Getting and A. C. Clarke, July 1896-1898. Merged with County Journal. WHi Mar. 4-Nov. 18, 1882; Mar. 24, 1883-July 26, 1898. 762. MONROE WEEKLY TIMES (w) Sept. 1888-1890 [?]. Published by Evening Times. 763. EVENING TIMES (d) June 22, 1889-Dec. 31, 1895. Title varies: Daily Independent, 1889-Jan. 1892. Editors: John W. Odell. 764. MONROE EVENING TIMES (d) Oct. 13, 1898 to date. Editors: John W. Odell, 1898-1899; Emery A. Odell, 1899-1952; Edmund C. Ham- ilton, 1953 to date. WHi Jan. 3, 1899 to date. 765. WISCONSIN BOTSCHAFTER (w) May 4, 1869-June 9, 1927. Published at Madison: 1869-Oct. 1926. Title varies: Madison Botschafter, May-July 1869. Editors: Richard Porsch, 1869-Oct. 1891; Mrs. R. Porsch, Oct.-Dec. 1891; F. S. Blied, 1892-Oct. 1926; Fred L. Kohli, Oct. 1926-1927. In German. Merged with Green County Her old. WHi Jan. 16, 1874-June 9, 1927. 99 WISCONSIN STATES RIGHTS, see under Stevens Point. MONTICELLO 766. MONTICELLO ITEMS (w) 1874-1875. Editors: J. B. Stair. 767. MONTICELLO MESSENGER (w) 1896 to date. Editors: John Richards, 1896-1899; John and S. Earle Richards, 1899-1916; S. Earle Richards, 1916-1936; C. M. Wittenwyler, 1936 to date. WHi Apr. 18, 1946 to date. 768. MONTICELLO NEWS (w) 1888-1908 [?]. Editors: J. A. Smith. NEW GLARUS 769. DEUTSCH SCHWEIZERISCHER COURIER (w) Apr. 12, 1897-Apr. 3, 1917. Title varies: New Glarus Bote, Apr .-Aug. 1897. Editors: John Theiler, 1897-Jan. 1915; Arthur J. Theiler, Jan. 1915-1917. In German. WHi Jan. 4, 1916-Apr. 3, 1917. 770. NEW GLARUS ECHO (w) 1889-1890 [?]. 771. NEW GLARUS POST (w) Sept. 6, 1912 to date. Editors: John Theiler, 1912-Jan. 1915; Arthur J. Theiler, Jan. 1915-1949; Ray M. Wurgler and Warren E. Ruesch, 1950 to date. WHi Apr. 12, 1917 to date. 100 Green Lake County BERLIN 772. BERLIN AMERICAN (w) Oct. 10, 1917-June 1918. 773. BERLIN COURANT (w) June 1854-Jan. 27, 1916. Title varies: Berlin City Courant, 1854-May 1864. Editors: James G. Tracy, June-Oct. 1854; Tracy and T. L. Terry, Oct. 1854-Mar. 1855; Terry and S. S. Richards, Mar. 1855-1858; Terry and W. B. Arnold, 1858- Apr. 1871; Arnold and D. P. Blackstone, Apr. 1871-Aug. 1872; David Junor, Sept. 1872-Aug. 1875; Griff J. Thomas, Aug. 1875-Sept. 1876; Frank F. Livermore, Sept. 1876-Sept. 1879; Junor, Sept. 1879-1887; L. E. Davis, 1888-1905; Ernst Greverus, 1905-1916. Merged with Berlin Journal. WHi Aug. 25, 1859-June 26, 1873; Aug. 29, 1874-June 16, 1887; Jan. 5-Dec. 13, 1888; Mar. 23, 1911-Dec. 23, 1915. 774. BERLIN DAILY COURANT (d) July 2, 1885-Jan. 1887. 775. GREEN LAKE DEMOCRAT (w) 1858-1860 [?]. Editors: L. H. Drury. 776. BERLIN JOURNAL (d, sw) Jan. 1, 1881 to date. Title varies: Berlin Evening Journal, 1881-Mar. 1942. Editors: Lyman B. Everdell and David A. Williams, Aug -Nov. 1870; Charles G. Starks, Nov. 1870-Mar. 1916; R. S. Starks, Mar. 1916-May 1928; John W. Carroll, June 1928-Dec. 1931; Julius C. Milliken, Dec. 1931-June 1932; Fred Leroy, June 1932-Feb. 1934; Norman E. Wood and T. L. Doyle, Feb.-May 1934; Albert M. Marshall, Jr., June 1934-Apr. 1939; William H. Patey, May 1939-Sept. 1952; Robert R. Pierce, Oct. 1952 to date. WHi Jan. 2, 1883-Feb. 28, 1899; Mar. 15, 1917-Dec. 31, 1941; Jan. 7, 1943 to date. 777. BERLIN JOURNAL-COURANT (w) Aug. 30, 1870-June 29, 1922. Title varies: Berlin Journal, 1870-Jan. 1916. WHi Sept. 20, 1876-June 29, 1922. 778. MARQUETTE MERCURY (w) Nov. 1850-June 1854. Suspended: Feb.-Apr. 1853. Editors: Jabez H. Wells, 1850-July 1852; Wells and George C. Gifford, July 1852- Feb. 1853; Wells, Apr. 1853-1854. Followed by Berlin Courant. 779. BERLIN MESSENGER (w) 1852-1853. Editors: William A. Bugh. 780. BERLIN NEWS (w) Feb. 1860-1861 [?]. Editors: Frank Hyde. 101 781. TRI-COUNTY NEWS (d, w) Oct. 14, 1926-May 13, 1938. Title varies: Berlin Daily News, Nov. 1926-Mar. 1927. Editors: John J. Berry, 1926-Feb. 1932; Berry and Gilford H. Rothfuss, Feb. 1932- 1938. 782. NORTHERN WISCONSIN (w) Feb.-Mar. 1853. Editors: George P. Gifford. DARTFORD (see Green Lake) GREEN LAKE 783. DARTFORD ADVANCE (w) 1902-1907 [?]. Editors: M. S. Carpenter. 784. GREEN LAKE COUNTY REPORTER (w) Dec. 1894 to date. Editors: M. S. Carpenter and E. A. Long, 1894-1896; Carpenter and I. R. Nash, 1896-1907: R. A. Ellinger, 1907-1918; I. G. Lytle, 1918-July 1928; Elmer L. Howe, July 1928-Dec. 1933; Armand Falk, Dec. 1933-Dec. 1934; Herbert F. Heidel, Dec. 1934-Sept. 1945; Clair H. Little, Sept.-Dec. 1945; H. H. and William W. Hobart, Dec. 1945-Sept. 1949; J. Philip Norman, Sept. 1949-May 1955; Robert E. Francis, May 1955 to date. WHi Jan. 9, 1919 to date. 785. GREEN LAKE SPECTATOR (w) Oct. 1860-Aug. 22, 1866. Editors: Uri Carruth, 1860-July 1864; Ebenezer Warner, July-Oct. 1864; James M. Phinney, Oct. 1864-Jan. 1866; J. W. Oliver and Martin C. Short, Jan.-Aug. 1866. WHi Oct. 12, 1864-Oct. 11, 1865; Jan. 17-Aug. 22, 1866. 786. LIVE WIRE (w) 1908-1909 [?]. Editors: Huberetta Randall. KINGSTON 787. KINGSTON TRIBUNE (w) 1879-Aug. 29, 1946. Title varies: Kingston Spy, 1879-Jan. 1946. Editors: William E. Williams, 1879-1905; Ernest F. Krueger, 1905-Dec. 1907; Otto Stiles, Dec. 1907-1912; A. G. Stiles, 1912-Oct. 1935; Mrs. A. G. Stiles, Nov. 1935- 1941; E. W. Warnke, 1941-June 1946; Bruce C. Druliner, June-Aug. 1946. Merged with Montello Express. WHi Oct. 21, 1943-Aug. 29, 1946. MARKESAN 788. MARKESAN ENTERPRISE (w) 1871-1874 [?]. 789. MARKESAN ENTERPRISE (w) 1896-1900 [?]. Editors: J. W. Rogers, 1896-1898; W. P. Bidwell, 1898-1900. 102 790. GREEN LAKE COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) July 1876- 1886. Published at Princeton: 1876-June 1881. Title varies: Independent, July-Sept. 1876. Editors: S. D. Goodell and H. A. Myers, July-Sept. 1876; Goodell and L. S. Trues- dell, Sept. 1876-May 1879; Goodell, May 1879-Sept. 1884; D. C. Gowdy, Sept. 1884- 1886. WHi Feb. 13, 1879-Sept. 16, 1885. 791. MARKESAN HERALD (w) July 22, 1881 to date. Editors: George H. Larke, 1881-1885; Charles Ware, 1885-1887; Curtis Wray, 1887-1889; John L. Millard, 1889-1893; George H. Lawrence, 1893-1895; C. W. Ludtke, 1895-1906; C. W. Ludtke, Jr., 1906-1920; Roy P. Van Vuren, 1920-1947; Roland W. Pieper, 1947-July 1951; Pieper and Verle E. Evans, July 1951-May 1953; Evans, June 1953 to date. Publisher's files destroyed: 1881-1919. WHi Oct. 27, 1949 to date. 792. MARKESAN JOURNAL (w) Nov. 1859-Oct. 26, 1861; Feb. 1862-1863. Editors: W. Chapel, 1859-Apr. 1860; George S. Shepherd, Apr.-Nov. 1860; James B. Pond, Nov. 1860-Oct. 1861; John Parker and O. F. Bardwell, Feb. 1862-1863. WHi Feb. 1-Oct. 26, 1861. PRINCETON GREEN LAKE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see under Mark esan. INDEPENDENT, see Green Lake County Democrat (Markesan). 793. PRINCETON MERKUR (w) June 1876-1878 [?]. Editors: Gustav Tesch. In German. PRINCETON REPUBLIC, see Princeton Times-Repub- lic. 794. PRINCETON STAR (w) Mar. 5, 1902-July 12, 1905. Editors: E. R. Beebe and F. E. Clark. Merged with Princeton Republic. WHi complete. 795. PRINCETON TIMES (w) July 18, 1935-May 27, 1937. Editors: H. H. Hobart. Merged with Princeton Republic. WHi complete. 796. PRINCETON TIMES-REPUBLIC (w) Feb. 21, 1867 to date. Title varies: Princeton Republic, 1867-July 1905; Mar. 1906-May 1937; Princeton Republic-Star, July 1905-Mar. 1906. Editors: Thomas McConnell, 1867-Mar. 1870; John C. and A. E. Thompson, Mar. 103 1870-Jan. 1878; O. N. Russell, Jan.-Nov. 1878; John C. and A. E. Thompson, Nov. 1878-Mar. 1883; E. R. Beebe and Charles P. Rawson, Mar. 1883-Jan. 1886; Beebe and J. P. Viel, 1886; Beebe, 1887-Oct. 1894; W. P. Harmon, Oct. 1894-Nov. 1896; Beebe and F. E. Clark, Nov. 1896-Mar. 1899; W. R. Harmon and W. F. Currie, Mar. 1899-Mar. 1900; R. W. Harmon, Mar. 1900-Mar. 1902; George V. Kelley, Mar. 1902-Apr. 1903; Kelley and Fred N. Harmon, Apr. 1903-July 1905; Harmon, July 1905-1911; A. H. Rimpler, 1911-1930; H. H. Hobart, 1930-Sept. 1949; J. Philip Norman, Sept. 1949-May 1955; Robert E. Francis, May 1955 to date. WHi Mar. 21, 1867-Dec. 4, 1913; Jan. 14, 1915-Dec. 31, 1925; Jan. 6, 1927-Dec. 27, 1928; Jan. 2, 1930 to date. 797. PRINCETON ZEITUNG (w) 1902-1908 [?]. Editors: German Pub. Co. In German. 104 Iowa County ADAMSVILLE 798. ADAMSVILLE ARGUS (w) 1889-1892 [?] Published by Mount Horeb Sun. ARENA 799. ARENA GLEANER (w) 1894-1895 [?]. Editors: Harold L. Swan. RURAL EYE, see under Dodgeville. ARENA STAR, see New Star (Dodgeville). BARNEVELD 800. BARNEVELD BANNER (w) 1892-Oct. 13, 1899. Published at Ridgeway: 1892-1899. Editors: Robert J. Roach. Merged with Mount Horeb Times. WHi June 25, 1897-Oct. 13, 1899. 801. NEW ERA (w) 1898-1903 [?]. Editors: J. W. Pryor. 802. BARNEVELD REGISTER AND FRIEND (w) 1881- 1911. Title varies: Barneveld Friend, 1881-1882. Editors: Hugh J. Jones, 1881-1882; Jones and Anthony A. Emmel, 1882-1883; Emmel, 1883-1911. DODGEVILLE 803. DODGEVILLE CHRONICLE (w) Sept. 1862 to date. Editors: John Cowan, 1862-July 1863; Rufus Crosby and W. J. Wrigglesworth, July 1863-Sept. 1865; Wrigglesworth, Sept. 1865-Feb. 1874; Albert S. Hearn, Feb. 1874-Sept. 1907; T. Emery Bray and John M. Reese, Sept. 1907-May 1910; Reese and Merton D. Peavy, May 1910-Jan. 1919; Reese, Jan. 1919-1927; L. P. Kessler and Edward T. Mundy, 1928-Jan. 1944; Mundy and Mrs. L. P. Kessler, Feb. 1944- June 1956; Mrs. L. P. Kessler and Kenneth Holt, July 1956 to date. WHi Sept. 17, 1863 to date. EYE AND STAR, see New Star. J 05 804. WEEKLY HERALD (w) Mar. 16, 1861-1862 [?]. Editors: Henry Madden and P. D. Wigginton. 805. INDEPENDENT (w) 1895-1897. Editors: Frank A. Carr. Merged with Dodgeville Chronicle. 806. IOWA COUNTY ADVOCATE (w) Aug. 19, 1858-Sepr. 1862. Editors: Frank J. Rowe, 1858-Sept. 1860; E. Wood Comes, Sept. 1860-May 1861; W. J. Wrigglesworth, May 1861-Apr. 1862; John Cowan, Apr .-Sept. 1862. Followed by Dodgeville Chronicle. IOWA COUNTY REPUBLIC, see Weekly Republic. 807. NEW STAR (w) June 1874-Apr. 27, 1900. Published at Arena: 1874-Nov. 1883. Title varies: Star, 1874-June 1878; Arena Star, June 1878-Nov. 1883; Dodgeville Star, Nov. 1883-Sept. 1889; Eye and Star, Sept. 1889-1895. Editors: W. H. Goodlad, June-Dec. 1874; W. C. Meffert and Merton D. Peavy, Dec. 1874-July 1877; Peavy and W. H. Jones, July 1877-June 1878; John T. Shum- way, June 1878-Jan. 1880; David H. Williams, Jan. 1880-Sept. 1881; George E. Ward, Sept.-Nov. 1881; S. R. Bentley, Nov. 1881-Nov. 1883; Oliver C. Smith, Nov. 1883-1889; Peavy, 1889-Dec. 1895; Charles Halvorson and Charles Owens, Dec. 1895-Apr. 1896; Peavy, Apr. 1896-1897; Archibald McArthur, 1897-Jan. 1899; E. Kemsley Golden, Jan. 1899-1900. Followed by Iowa County Republic. WHi Jan. 12, 1877-Mar. 12, 1886; Sept. 5, 1889-Apr. 27, 1900. 808. WEEKLY REPUBLIC (sw, w) May 2, 1900-Feb. 28, 1906. Title varies: Iowa County Republic, 1900-Nov. 1904. Editors: E. Kemsley Golden, 1900-Aug. 1902; Mark A. Richardson, Aug. 1902- 1906. Merged with Dodgeville Sun. WHi complete. 809. RURAL EYE (w) Dec. 1886-Aug. 29, 1889. Published at Arena: 1886-Nov. 1888. Editors: Merton D. Peavy. Merged with Dodgeville Star. WHi Jan. 1, 1887-Aug. 29, 1889. 810. DODGEVILLE SUN-REPUBLIC (w) July 4, 1881-May 7, 1931. Title varies: Dodgeville Sun, 1881-Mar. 1906. Editors: J. Wilson Frost, 1881-July 1882; Oliver C. Smith, July 1882-1883; Thomas W. Parr, 1883-Apr. 1891; Frank A. Carr, Apr. 1891-Oct. 1895; J. T. Boyle and W. E. Holt, Oct. 1895-Aug. 1902; Mark A. Richardson and Frank W. Hadden, Aug. 1902-Sept. 1904; Hadden, Sept. 1904-Mar. 1911; R. M. Vordale, Mar. 1911-Sept. 1912; C. C. Pearce and E. D. Sargent, Sept. 1912-Oct. 1913; Ellsworth E. Elder, Oct. 1913-Oct. 1914; James A. Orrock, Oct. 1914-Aug. 1915; Granville Trace, Sept. 1915-Nov. 1927; Charles S. Bonynge, Nov. 1927-June 1930; Lawrence E. Perry, June 1930-1931. Merged with Dodgeville Chronicle. WHi Feb. 23, 1882-July 6, 1888; Nov. 22, 1895-May 7, 1931. 106 HIGHLAND 811. HIGHLAND PRESS (w) 1894-Sept. 6, 1946; Mar. 14, 1947-Sept. 21, 1956. Suspended: Feb.-Sept. 1949. Editors: A. G. Roethe and Henry E. Howe, 1894-1898; Howe, 1898-1913; George W. Dilley, 1913-Feb. 1949; Warren L. Hill, Sept. 1949-Sept. 1955; Harry Johnson, Sept. 1955-1956. WHi Dec. 3, 1943-Sept. 6, 1946; Mar. 14, 1947-Sept. 21, 1956. HOLLANDALE 812. HOLLANDALE HERALD (w) 1888-1892 [?]. Published by Mount Horeb Sun. 813. HOLLANDALE NEWS (w) 1894-1895 [?]. Editors: George Swenson. 814. WEEKLY REVIEW (w) Jan. 21, 1898 to date. Published at Blanchardville: 1951 to date. Editors: James W. Laughlin, 1898-1908; C. R. Marks, 1908-1911; Ferdinand Steens- land, 1911-1912; G. H. Pearce, 1912-1914; W. A. Skinner, Jr., 1914-1924; Bert Day, 1924-May 1948; Albert W. Kirchoff, May 1948-May 1950; Ronald C. Gander, June 1950-Apr. 1951; W. F. McGuigan, Apr. 1951 to date. WHi Jan. 13, 1944-Apr. 20, 1951. LINDEN 815. CONSERVATIVE (w) Nov. 1908-Feb. 9, 1911. Editors: Harlan J. Johnson, 1908-Apr. 1909; J. W. Taylor, Apr. 1909-1911. Followed by Linden Reporter. WHi Apr. 22, 1909-Feb. 9, 1911. 816. LINDEN LEADER (w) Apr. 1909-1911 [?]. Editors: Harlan J. Johnson. 817. LINDEN REPORTER (w) Feb. 16, 1911-1912. Editors: J. A. Connaughton. Followed by Reporter (Mineral Point) . WHi Feb. 16-Dec. 28, 1911. 818. SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN (w) Feb. 21, 1894-Oct. 11 1907. Published at Montfort: 1894-Nov. 1895. Editors: I. G. DeWitt and J. W. Taylor, Feb.-Dec. 1894; Taylor, Dec. 1894-1907. WHi complete. MINERAL POINT 819. MINERAL POINT DEMOCRAT (w) Apr. 11-Dec. 10, 1845. Editors: Chauncey C. Britt. WHi complete. 107 820. MINERAL POINT DEMOCRAT (w) July 27, 1852- 1853[?]. Editors: O. J. Wright. 821. MINERAL POINT DEMOCRAT (w) July 1855-1856 [?]. Editors: Edmund R. Otis. 822. MINERAL POINT FREE PRESS (w) Dec. 28, 1841-1843. Editors: Henry Plowman. 823. HOME INTELLIGENCER (w) May 26, 1859-June 22, 1865. Editors: John Herron and John D. Lemmon, Mav-Sept. 1859; Herron, Sept. 1859— 1865. WHi complete. 824. IOWA COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Sept. 1, 1866 to date. Title varies: National Democrat, 1866-Dec. 1877. Editors: John Herron and William H. Peck, 1866-1867; Herron, 1867-Aug. 1868; T. Scott Ansley, Sept. 1868-Aug. 1869; Peck, Aug. 1869-Jan. 1874; Peck and George Crawford, Jan!-Nov. 1874; Crawford, Nov. 1874-May 1877; George and Robert M. Crawford, May 1877-1921; Charles W. Burghardt, 1922-Mar. 1930; Levy William- son, Mar. 1930-Mar. 1937; F. M. Shea, Mar. 1937-Dec. 1938; D. M. Morgan, Dec. 1938 to date. WHi Sept. 1-Nov. 3, 1866; Jan. 11-Nov. 18, 1868; Aug. 25, 1869 to date. 825. MINERS' FREE PRESS (w) June 16, 1837-Mar. 1838. Editors: M. D. Holbrook, June-Sept. 1837; William S. Hamilton, Sept. 1837-1838. 826. MINER'S FREE PRESS (w) July 24, 1838-Aug. 21, 1841. Editors: Henry B. Welsh and Henry Plowman, 1838-Apr. 1841; John Delany and Samuel G. Knapp, Apr -Aug. 1841. Followed by Mineral Point Free Press. WHi complete. NATIONAL DEMOCRAT, see Iowa County Democrat. 827. REPORTER (w, sw) Apr. 18, 1912-1913. Editors: J. A. Connaughton. WHi Apr. 18-Dec. 16, 1912. 828. MINERAL POINT TRIBUNE (w) Sept. 3, 1847-Dec. 8, 1938. Title varies: Wisconsin Tribune, 1847-Feb. 1854. Editors: George W. Bliss, 1847-Jan. 1852; Bliss and Josiah B. Chaney, Jan. 1852- Sept. 1854; George and Edward U. Bliss, Oct. 1854-June 1869; William H. Ben- nett and J. B. Teasdale, June 1869-Mar. 1871; Bennett, Mar. 1871-1874; George D. Clive, 1875; William H. and B. J. Bennett, 1876-1906; B. J. Bennett, 1906- 1937; D. M. Morgan and A. V. Jacobs, 1937-1938. Merged with Iowa County Democrat. WHi Sept. 3, 1847-Sept. 1, 1848; Aug. 10, 1849-Oct. 23, 1851; Apr. 20, 1854-Dec. 27, 1859; Jan. 1, 1861-Dec. 8, 1938. RIDGEWAY 829. ENTERPRISE (w) 1882-1893. Editors: D. T. Jarvis. WHi June 7-Dec. 6, 1889. 108 Iron County HURLEY 830. GOGEBIC IRON TRIBUNE (w) May 8, 1886-Dec. 2, 1893. Editors: F. B. Hand. Merged with Montreal River Miner. WHi complete. 831. IRON COUNTY CITIZEN (w) Jan. 7, 1905-Apr. 1910. Editors: W. L. Lennon. Merged with Montreal River Miner. 832. IRON COUNTY MINER (w) Oct. 8, 1885 to date. Title varies: Montreal River Miner, 1885-Mar. 1950. Editors: D. C. Gowdey and S. D. Goodell, 1885-Oct. 1893; Goodell, Oct. 1893-Mar. 1896; F. B. Hand, Mar. 1896-Jan. 1909; Martin Vickers, Jan. 1909-Nov. 1940; Alvin E. O'Konski, Dec. 1940-Apr. 1948; Richard A. Hemp, Apr. 1948-Jan. 1954; Armand F. Cirilli, Jan. 1954 to date. WHi Oct. 8, 1885-Dcc. 26, 1940; Mar. 14, 1941 to date. 833. IRON COUNTY NEWS (w) Sept. 27, 1913-Mar. 31, 1950. Editors: F. A. Emunson. Merged with Montreal River Miner. WHi complete. 834. IRON COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) June 8, 1894-Oct. 31, 1903. Editors: Wilbur H. Bridgman, 1894-1898; Bridgman and Charles Strandberg, 1899-1901; W. O. Strandberg, 1902-Aug. 1903; F. B. Hand, Aug.-Oct. 1903. Merged with Montreal River Miner. WHi complete. MONTREAL RIVER MINER, see Iron County Miner. 835. NOSTRA TERRA (w) Jan. 23, 1904-Sept. 20, 1913. Editors: Frank Marta. In Italian and English. Followed by Iron County News. WHi Jan. 4-Sept. 20, 1913. MERCER 836. MERCER NEWS (sm) July 16, 1954-1955 [?] Editors: Ella K. Beierle. 109 Jackson County ALMA CENTER 837. ALMA CENTER HERALD (w) Feb. 2, 1898-Sept. 20, 1899. Editors: Henry Russell. WHi complete. 838. NEW COMMONWEALTH (w) May 5-Sept. 15, 1932. Editors: Mrs. Louis Duxbury. 839. ALMA CENTER NEWS (w) Dec. 7, 1901-Aug. 17, 1933. Editors: C. M. Peabody, 1901-June 1924; C. M. Potter, June 1924-Sept. 1926; Leona West, Sept. 1926-Oct. 1930; Alvin M. Amundson, Oct. 1930-May 1932; Leona West, May 1932-1933. WHi July 6, 1906-Aug. 17, 1933. BLACK RIVER FALLS 840. BANNER-JOURNAL (w) Aug. 14, 1856 to date. Title varies: Jackson County Banner, 1856-Mar. 1868; Badger State Banner, Apr. 1868-Mar. 1926. Editors: Charles R. Stewart and M. V. Young, 1856-1857; F. O. Brainerd, 1857- July 1865; Brainerd and Jerome A. Watrous, July 1865-Mar. 1866; Watrous and George W. Brown, Mar-Dec. 1866; Watrous and Frank Cooper, Dec. 1866-Nov. 1869; Frank and Charles J. Cooper, Nov. 1869-Mar. 1874; Frank and George F. Cooper, Mar. 1874-Feb. 1888; George F. Cooper, Feb. 1888-Mar. 1926; Merlin Hull, Mar. 1926-1953; Perry M. Hull, 1953 to date. WHi Jan. 25, 1868 to date. 841. JACKSON COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 2, 1880-Oct. 1881. Editors: J. F. Hollister. 842. JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL (w) Feb. 1886-Mar. 3, 1926. Editors: C. C. Chandler, 1886-1889; C. M. Dykins, 1889-1891; William N. Wells, 1891-1893; George W. Meacham, 1893-1896; D. C. Menefee and M. V. Frazier, 1896-1897; C. H. Hill, 1897-Sept. 1898; Hill and Frank A. Parsons, Sept. 1898- June 1899; Parsons and J. J. McGillivray, June-Nov. 1899; Clark Smith, Nov. 1899- Apr. 1900; Charles H. Buck, May 1900-Apr. 1904; Merlin Hull, Apr. 1904-1926. Merged with Badger State Banner. WHi July 27, 1898-Mar. 3, 1926. NORTHWESTERN DEMOCRAT, see under Prairie du Chien. FRIDAY EVENING POST, see Fairchild Graphic, no 843. WISCONSIN INDEPENDENT (w) July 26, 1872-Nov. 7, 1888. Published at Viroqua: 1872-1875. Editors: T. C. Ankeny, 1872-Nov. 1877; Fred J. Bowman, Nov. 1877-July 1878; Byron J. Castle, July 1878-Nov. 1882; Castle and P. O'Brien, Nov. 1882-Nov. 1883; O'Brien, Dec. 1883-July 1884; C. C. Chandler and J. R. Ogden, Aug. 1884-Jan. 1886; O'Brien and C. M. Hobart, Jan.-Apr. 1886; O'Brien, May 1886-Feb. 1887; Castle, Feb. 1887-June 1888; Clement J. Strong, June-Nov. 1888. Followed by Fairchild Graphic. WHi complete. MELROSE 844. MELROSE CHRONICLE (w) Oct. 3, 1896 to date. Editors: Elmer E. Gilbertson and Frank Robinson, 1896-Nov. 1897; Elmer E. Gilbertson, Nov. 1897-May 1924; C. P. Thompson, May 1924-1934; Helmer L. Gilbertson, 1935-1955; Florence S. Gilbertson, 1956 to date. WHi complete. MERRILLAN 845. WISCONSIN LEADER (w) May 5, 1877-Aug. 16, 1929. Editors: Byron J. Castle, 1877-Feb. 1878; Castle and R. H. Gile, Feb.-June 1878; R. H. Gile, June 1878-1907; J. M. Axtell, 1908-May 1910; H. C. Warren, May-Oct. 1910; Paul J. Fauteck, Oct. 1910-Feb. 1911; R. H. Gile and Clarence J. Johnson, Feb. 1911-1928; Johnson and Ray E. Gile, Jan.-Aug. 1929. Merged with Banner-Journal (Black River Falls) . WHi complete. TAYLOR 846. TAYLOR ENTERPRISE (w) Dec. 1903-Dec. 27, 1906. Editors: W. A. Young, 1903-July 1905; Frank Merrill, July 1905-1906. 847. TAYLOR HERALD (w) 1920-Dec. 25, 1931. Editors: O. O. Kjome. Ill Jefferson County FORT ATKINSON 848. FORT ATKINSON CHRONICLE (w) Oct. 31, 1895-Dec. 19, 1899. Editors: M. S. Parker, 1895-July 1898; G. H. Landgraf, July-Sept. 1898; E. G. Farlin, Sept. 1898-July 1899; Charles G. Farlin, July-Dec. 1899. WHi complete. 849. FORT ATKINSON DEMOCRAT (sw, d) Dec. 6, 1923- 1926[?]. Editors: C. C. Nettlesheim. 850. FORT DAILY NEWS (d) Jan. 12, 1942-Feb. 2, 1948. Editors: Ray Breitweiser. Merged with Daily Jefferson County Union. WHi Oct. 18, 1943-Dec. 31, 1947. 851. FORT ATKINSON HERALD (w) Aug. 25, 1866-Sept. 4, 1873. Editors: Henry S. Ehrman, 1866-Nov. 1867; Howard M. Kutchin, Nov. 1867- Oct. 1870; George W. Burchard, Oct. 1870-July 1871; Kutchin, July-Sept. 1871; J. C. Keeney, Sept. 1871-1873. Followed by Sharon Inquirer. WHi June 20, 1872-Sept. 4, 1873. JEFFERSON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see Fort Atkinson News. 852. JEFFERSON COUNTY UNION (w) Mar. 17, 1870-Feb. 21, 1946. Published at Lake Mills: 1870-May 1873. WHi complete. 853. DAILY JEFFERSON COUNTY UNION (d) Mar. 1, 1946 to date. Editors: William D. Hoard, 1870-Aug. 1884; William D. and Halbert L. Hoard, Aug. 1884-1918; Halbert L. Hoard, 1918-1933; Thomas Reay, 1934-Mar. 1935; Gordon Warnke, Apr. 1935-1938; Leo W. Roethe, 1938-1941; Hal C. Kestler, 1941- 1942; E. J. Byrne, 1942-1944; Leroy Gore, 1944-1948; Ray E. Hansen, 1948-1952; Robert L. Angus, 1952 to date. WHi complete. 854. FORT ATKINSON NEWS (w, sw) Apr. 1903-Feb. 2, 1942. Title varies: Jefferson County Democrat, 1903-1926. Editors: Alva D. Merrill, 1903-Oct. 1905; Merrill and C. C. Nettlesheim, Oct. 1905-1923; Nettlesheim, 1923-1927; E. A. Shmied, 1927-1933; D. W. Clark, 1933- 1934; E. L. Hartman, 1934-1939; A. F. Mueller, 1939-1941; Ray Breitweiser, 1941- 1942. 112 855. OUR FLAG (w) 1884-1885 [?]. Editors: Clinton and Whitaker. 856. FORT ATKINSON STANDARD (w) Sept. 1, 1859-1863. Editors: J. Aland Shepherd, 1859-Sept. 1860; J. C. Keeney, Sept. 1860-1863. WHi Sept. 1, 1859-Aug. 13, 1863. 857. WISCONSIN CHIEF (sm, m) Jan. 4, 1849-Mar. 1889. Title varies: Cayuga Chief (Auburn, N. Y.) , 1849-July 1856. Editors: Thurlow W. Brown, 1849-May 1866; Emma Brown, May 1866-1889. WHi Jan. 28-Aug. 5, 1857; Oct. 26, 1859-May 1, 1861; Nov. 1862-Jan. 4, 1889. JEFFERSON 858. JEFFERSON BANNER (w) July 6, 1860 to date. Title varies: Jefferson County Republican, 1860-Sept. 1863. Editors: John W. Blake, 1860-Feb. 1861; J. E. Atwater and George W. Peck, Mar.- Sept. 1861; Peck and Robert Tompkins, Sept. 1861-Sept. 1862; Peck, Sept. 1862- Sept. 1863; W. H. Tousley, Sept. 1863-May 1873; Alden Sanborn and George W. Bird, May 1873-Nov. 1878; I. T. Carr, Nov. 1878-Nov. 1884; O. F. Roessler, Nov. 1884-Jan. 1916; A. A. Roessler, Feb.-July 1916; C. J. Mueller, Aug. 1916-Apr. 1933; N. K. Strobush, Apr. 1933-1937; Horace L. Buri, 1937 to date. WHi Jan. 7, 1864 to date. JEFFERSON INDEPENDENT, see Monroe Gazette. 859. JEFFERSON COUNTY JOURNAL (w) 1888-1918 [?]. Editors: Albert Goerz, 1888-1912; C. J. Mueller, 1912-1918. In German. 860. JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORD (w) 1897-1906 [?]. Editors: John E. Morgan. 861. JEFFERSON COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) Oct. 16, 1855-1856. Editors: Alden Sanborn. JEFFERSON COUNTY REPUBLICAN (1860-1863), see Jefferson Banner. 862. JEFFERSON COUNTY WAECHTER (w) 1885-1886 [?]. Published by Jefferson Banner. In German. 863. WEEKLY JEFFERSONIAN (w) May 5, 1853-Apr. 18, Editors: W. M. Watt, 1853-Aug. 1855; Watt and C. T. Clothier, Aug. 1855-July 1860; Watt, Aug. 1860-1861. LAKE MILLS 864. BUGLE BLAST (irreg) Oct. 1863-1865. Editors: Henry H. Colt. WHi Oct. 1863-Apr. 1865. 113 865. LAKE MILLS DISPATCH (w) 1867-1868 [?]. JEFFERSON COUNTY UNION, see under Fort Atkin son. 866. LAKE MILLS LEADER (w) Nov. 12, 1878 to date. Title varies: Lake Mills Spike, 1878-Sept. 1882. Editors: A. G. Bernard, 1878-Aug. 1882; Charles L. Hubbs, Sept. 1882-Aug. 1909 C. J. Fuller and F. E. Parsons, Sept. 1909-Sept. 1910; Hubbs, Sept. 1910-1934 Donald H. Keithley, 1935-July 1936; Robert J. Walker, July 1936-Apr. 1938 William Haight, Apr. 1938-1939; Willis J. Erlandson, 1939 to date. WHi Feb. 4, 1879 to date. 867. ROCK LAKE JOURNAL (w) 1932-1933 [?]. Editors: A. W. Jorgensen. LAKE MILLS SPIKE, see Lake Mills Leader. PALMYRA 868. PALMYRA ENTERPRISE (w) Mar. 25, 1874 to date. Editors: O. P. Dow, 1874-Apr. 1893; Charles E. Badger and Henry H. Tubbs, Apr.-Sept. 1893; Grant H. Lawton, Oct. 1893-Oct. 1894; Andrew Rood, Oct. 1894- Oct. 1903; Lura Dow, Oct. 1903-Aug. 1925; Lura Dow and William H. Ziegler, Sept. 1925-Apr. 1928; Lura Dow, May 1928-Sept. 1929; George Ehrlich, Oct. 1929- Dec. 1931; George A. Moorman, Dec. 1931-Oct. 1938; Kenneth Elwood, Oct. 1938- Aug. 1942; James H. La Chance, Sept. 1942-Aug. 1951; C. B. Coe, Sept. 1951 to date. WHi complete. 869. PALMYRA PRESS (w) 1 889-1 89 1 [ ? ] . Editors: John S. Meldeen. SULLIVAN 870. SULLIVAN NEWS (w) 1915-1921 [?]. Editors: Agnes F. Buth. WATERLOO 871. WATERLOO COURIER (w) Mar. 21, 1885 to date. Title varies: Waterloo Democrat, 1885-Nov. 1922. Editors: Charles B. Mead, 1885-1889; P. H. Bolger, 1890-1902; P. E. Prink, Jan.- Oct. 1903; L. J. Davis, Oct.-Dec. 1903; H. A. Whipple, 1904-Apr. 1908; Whipple and E. P. Winkleman, Apr. 1908-Nov. 1922; J. Lewis White, Nov. 1922-Nov. 1931; Harry P. Thompson and L. E. Perry, Dec. 1931-Jan. 1933; Perry, Jan. 1933-June 1951; W. Davis and R. Wilund, July-Oct. 1951; Daniel L. Royle, Nov. 1951 to date. WHi June 9, 1905 to date. 872. WATERLOO ENTERPRISE (w) Jan. 4, 1917-Nov. 16, 1922. Editors: Alex Archie. Merged with Waterloo Democrat. 114 873. WATERLOO JOURNAL (w) Dec. 4, 1870-Apr. 16, 1908. Editors: A. F. Booth, 1870-Dec. 1871; A. B. Griffin and Frank Streeter, Dec. 1871- 1872; Streeter, 1873-Feb. 1874; E. F. and S. J. Conklin, Mar. 1874-Sept. 1878; S. J. Conklin, Sept. 1878-May 1879; Currie G. Bell, May 1879-Sept. 1882; D. O. Bennett, Sept. 1882-Aug. 1884; H. M. Knowlton, Sept. 1884-1908. Merged with Waterloo Democrat. WHi Sept. 1, 1871-Apr. 16, 1908. WATERTOWN 874. ANZEIGER (w) Aug. 3, 1853-Feb. 1858. Editors: David Blumenfeld, 1853-Aug. 1857; Joseph Engelmann, Aug. 1857-1858. In German. Merged with Watertown Weltburger. WWa Aug. 3, 1853-Feb. 24, 1855. 875. WATERTOWN CHRONICLE (w) June 23, 1847-Nov. 1857. Editors: J. A. Hadley, 1847-Sept. 1853; Theron Minor and E. W. Skinner, Sept. 1853-July 1854; Minor, Aug. 1854-Aug. 1855; M. Cullaton and Lucius M. Rose, Aug. 1855-1857. WHi June 23, 1847-Mar. 7, 1855. 876. WATERTOWN DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 26, 1854-Mar. 1883. Suspended: Aug.-Oct. 1882. Editors: D. W. Ballou, 1854-July 1876; Thomas C. Jones, Aug. 1876-Sept. 1881; John E. Mawson and R. E. Farrar, Oct. 1881-May 1882; James Holland, June- Aug. 1882; A. B. Barney, Oct. 1882-1883. Merged with Watertown Gazette. WHi Oct. 26, 1854-Feb. 22, 1883. WWa Oct. 26, 1854-July 13, 1876. DEMOCRATIC STATE REGISTER, see Watertown Weekly Register. 877. WATERTOWN GAZETTE (w) June 24, 1879-Mar. 18, 1937. Editors: George P. Mathes, 1879-Nov. 1880; James W. Moore, Nov. 1880-1937. WHi July 22, 1879-Feb. 3, 1880; May 6, 1881-Mar. 18, 1937. 878. HARGERS TIMES (w) Jan. 5-Sept. 7, 1878. Editors: Ashley D. Harger. WWa complete. 879. JEFFERSON COUNTY JOURNAL (w) 1888-1912 [?]. Editors: William Reber, 1888-1890; Reber and Albert Goerz, 1890-1895; Goerz, 1895-1912. In German. 880. WATERTOWN DAILY LEADER (d) Sept. 19, 1906-Tuly 11, 1908. Published by Watertown News. 115 881. WATERTOWN NEWS (w, tw) June 15, 1860-Jan. 15, 1919. Title varies: Watertown Republican, 1860-Apr. 1906; Watertown Weekly Leader, Apr. 1906-May 1917. Editors: J. W. Lawton, 1860-Mar. 1862; D. T. Lindley, Mar. 1862-Apr. 1864; Rob- ert Tompkins and G. W. Howland, Apr. 1864-Aug. 1865; Charles R. Gill, Aug. 1865-1867; Julius H. Keyes, 1867-Aug. 1881; William L. Norris, Aug. 1881-Apr. 1894; G. W. Norris, Apr. 1894-May 1901; Charles A. Pettibone, June 1901-Jan. 1902; R. C. McUmber, Jan. 1902-Nov. 1903; C. W. Lechleidner, Dec. 1903-Aug. 1904; C. C. Nettlesheim, Aug. 1904-June 1905; P. H. Swift, July 1905-June 1911; Ward L. Swift, July 1911-July 1913; E. W. Feldschneider, July 1913-1914; Ward L. Swift and Emil Doerr, Jan -Oct. 1915; Doerr and H. A. Rogers, Oct. 1915-Mar. 1917; James P. Holland, Mar. 1917-1919. Merged with Watertown Daily Times. WHi Apr. 24, 1867-Jan. 15, 1919. WWa June 15, 1860-June 6, 1862. 882. WATERTOWN WEEKLY REGISTER (w) Mar. 5, 1850-Nov. 4, 1854. Title varies: Democratic State Register, 1850-Sept. 1853. Editors: Edwin B. Quiner. WHi complete. 883. REPORTER (w) Apr. 11, 1931-July 14, 1932. Editors: John J. Jansky. 884. REPRESENTATIVE (w) Sept. 1857-Feb. 1858. Editors: M. Cullaton. WATERTOWN REPUBLICAN, see Watertown News. 885. ROCK RIVER JEFFERSONIAN (w) Oct. 13, 1847-Feb. 1850. Title varies: Rock River Pilot, 1847-1849. Editors: George Hyer and Nelson Whitney, 1847-Jan. 1848; Whitney and William T. Butler, Jan. 1848-1850. Followed by Democratic State Register. WHi Oct. 13, 1847-Oct. 4, 1848. 886. WATERTOWN TIMES (w) Mar. 22-Sept. 1855. Editors: William T. Butler and George Hyer. 887. WATERTOWN DAILY TIMES (d) Nov. 23, 1895 to date. Editors: James P. Holland, 1895-1932; John D. Clifford, 1932 to date. WHi Jan. 15, 1919 to date. 888. WATERTOWN TRANSCRIPT (w) Jan. 15-Mar. 16, 1859. Editors: M. Cullaton. Followed by Waukesha Freeman. 889. WATERTOWN TRIBUNE (w) Oct. 12, 1934-1936. Editors: William J. Raue, Oct.-Dec. 1934; Carl A. Winther, Jan.-Aug. 1935; M. J. Rich, Sept. 1935-1936. WHi Oct. 26, 1934-Dec. 20, 1935. 116 890. VOLKSZEITUNG (w) Sept. 1857-1860. Editors: Carl Schurz and Herman von Lindermann. In German. 891. WATERTOWN WELTBURGER (w) Aug. 27, 1857- Dec. 2, 1932. Published at Winona, Minn.: Mar. 1930-1932. Title varies: Weltburger und Anzeiger, Feb.-Oct. 1858. Editors: Emil Rothe, 1857-1858; Rothe and David Blumenfeld, 1859-1862; Blum- enfeld, 1862-Sept. 1905; Miller and Schroeder, Sept. 1905-June 1906; Otto R. Krueger and Gustav Schwendke, June 1906-1930; Emil Kehl, 1930-1932. In German. WHi Sept. 7, 1901-Dec. 2, 1932. WWa Aug. 4, 1860-Dec. 24, 1904. 117 Juneau County ELROY ELROY CHRONICLE, see Juneau County Chronicle (Mauston). 892. ELROY HEADLIGHT (w) Apr. 30, 1874-May 11, 1876. Editors: M. F. Stookey and L. M. Conn, Apr-Dec. 1874; Stookey and Jewett P. Cooper, Dec. 1874-Aug. 1875; Cooper, Aug. 1875-1876. WHi Feb. 4, 1875-May 11, 1876. JUNEAU COUNTY CHRONICLE, see under Mauston. JUNEAU COUNTY PLAIN TALKER, see Plaintalker. 893. ELROY LEADER-TRIBUNE (w, sw) Sept. 1, 1898 to date. Title varies: Elroy Leader, 1898-May 1922. Editors: Cassius L. Coward, 1898-Sept. 1900; E. T. Hale, Oct. 1900-Jan. 1903; Wil- liam C. Showers, Feb. 1903-June 1917; O. L. Whitehill, June 1917-May 1922; Whitehill and Leslie P. Shear, May 1922-1941; John B. Hanson, 1941-May 1943; Oliver R. Witte, May 1943-Nov. 1951; Philip J. Egan, Dec. 1951 to date. WHi Sept. 1, 1898-Aug. 21, 1913; Sept. 11, 1915-Dec. 31, 1940; Nov. 5, 1943 to date. 894. PLAINTALKER (w) Oct. 4, 1876-Sept. 27, 1883. Title varies: Juneau County Plain Talker, 1876-Jan. 1878. Editors: E. C. Kibbe, 1876-Apr. 1881; N. B. Wilkinson and D. C. Talbot, Apr. 1881-Oct. 1882; Talbot, Oct. 1882-1883. Merged with Elroy Leader. WHi Jan. 3, 1877-Sept. 27, 1883. 895. STATESMAN (w) 1881-1894. Editors: D. C. Talbot. Merged with Union Center Herald. 896. ELROY TRIBUNE (w) Nov. 2, 1881-May 4, 1922. Editors: C. M. Hobart and D. T. Lindley, 1881-May 1882; D. T. Lindley, May 1882-July 1883; T. Lindley, July 1883-May 1884; T. K. Dunn, June 1884-Apr. 1905; Maude V. Dunn, Apr. 1905-1908; D. E. Williams, 1908-1909; H. H. Dunn, 1909-1922. Merged with Elroy Leader. WHi Nov. 16, 1881-Dec. 30, 1920. 897. ELROY UNION (w) Jan. 11, 1873-Jan. 8, 1874. Editors: Peter Richards and John H. Powers, Jan.-Sept. 1873; Richards, Sept. 1873-1874. WHi complete. 898. WISCONSIN STATESMAN (w) Oct.-Dec. 1875. Editors: D. C. Talbot. 118 MAUSTON 899. JUNEAU COUNTY CHRONICLE (w) Mar. 19, 1890 to date. Title varies: Elroy Chronicle, 1890-Nov. 1892. Editors: M. S. Parker, 1890-Sept. 1895; Willard Temple and E. S. Wetherby, Sept. 1895-1899; Temple, 1900-Sept. 1901; A. J. Cammack, Sept. 1901-May 1902; Cam- mack and Temple, May 1902-1904; Temple, 1905-May 1917; Temple and S. H. Brown, June 1917-May 1923; Brown, June 1923-Apr. 1924; Temple, May 1924- Apr. 1928; Robert J. Temple, Apr. 1928-1950; Oliver R. Witte, 1951-July 1956; Witte and Richard E. Hansen, July 1956 to date. WHi complete. 900. JUNEAU COUNTY RUNDSCHAU (w) 1885-1893 [?]. Editors: Frank Heidt. In German. 901. JUNEAU COUNTY SUN (w) Jan. 28, 1885-Nov. 19, 1890. Editors: William C. Brawley and E. S. Wetherby, Jan -Nov. 1885; Brawley and Oscar W. Parker, Nov. 1885-Jan. 1887; Brawley, Jan. 1887-1889; D. T. Lindley, Jan.-Nov. 1890. Merged with Mauston Star. WHi Mar. 13, 1885-Nov. 19, 1890. 902. MAUSTON STAR (w) June 10, 1857 to date. Editors: David McBride, 1857-June 1858; B. E. Stevens, June 1858-June 1860; Stevens and John Turner, June 1860-Dec. 1861; Turner, Dec. 1861-Aug. 1878; J. T. and C. G. Sprague, Sept. 1878-Oct. 1897; Turner, Nov. 1897-Aug. 1917; Frank H. and B. D. Hanson, Aug. 1917-Jan. 1919; B. D. Hanson, Jan. 1919-1934; John B. Hanson, 1934-May 1946; W. K. Daetwyler, May 1946-1950; Delbert C. Du Mez, 1951 to date. WHi June 17-Nov. 20, 1857; June 22, 1859 to date. NECEDAH 903. NECEDAH MARQUEE (w) June 25, 1953 to date. Editors: June McDonald. WHi complete. 904. NECEDAH PRESS (w) 1879-1881 [?]. Editors: Press Pub. Co. 905. NECEDAH REPUBLICAN (w) Aug. 23, 1884-May 29, 1952. Editors: Clarence M. Hutchinson, 1884-Apr. 1909; Roy L. Ware, Apr. 1909-Mar. 1939; Leroy Eaton, Apr. 1939-1952. WHi Sept. 6, 1884-May 29, 1952. 906. YELLOW RIVER LUMBERMAN (w) Oct. 13, 1881- Dec. 1884. Title varies: Necedah Signal, 1881-Jan. 1883. Editors: Thomas McConnell, 1881-May 1882; William C. Brawley, June 1882- Jan. 1883; Brawley and Clarence M. Hutchinson, Jan-May 1883; Brawley and E. S. Wetherby, May 1883-1884. Followed by Juneau County Sun (Mauston) . WHi Oct. 13, 1881-Oct. 25, 1883. 119 NEW LISBON 907. JUNEAU COUNTY ARGUS (w) 1856-Nov. 6, 1862; Mar. 1863-Dec. 16, 1908. Editors: Jabez H. Wells, 1856-Feb. 1862; N. V. Chandler, Feb.-Nov. 1862; E. Miller and John M. Stowell, Mar.-Oct. 1863; Wells, Oct. 1863-June 1864; M. F. Carney, July 1864-Jan. 1883; A. A. Young, Jan.-Apr. 1883; A. C. Wilkinson, Apr. 1883-May 1884; Jay R. Hinckley, May 1884-1890; Charles A. Leicht, 1890-1894; A. J. Shrake, 1894-1900; E. N. Hurd, 1900-1908. Merged with New Lisbon Times. WHi Jan. 1-Dec. 17, 1859; Feb. 22-Nov. 6, 1862; Sept. 28, 1864-Jan. 5, 1888. 908. NEW LISBON NEWS (w) 1887-1889 [?]. Editors: H. H. Dunn. 909. NEW LISBON REPUBLICAN (w) June 1855-Jan. 1863. Editors: R. B. Rice, 1855-1857; J. W. Bright, 1857-1858; Rice, 1858-1863. 910. NEW LISBON TIMES (w) Mar. 13, 1895 to date. Editors: Charles A. Leicht, 1895-Dec. 1908; Donald M. Leicht, Dec. 1908-Aug. 1914; Charles A. Leicht, Jr., Sept. 1914-1949; Laurence L. Arnold, 1950 to date. WHi complete. UNION CENTER 911. HERALD-STATESMAN (w) 1882-Mar. 1895. Title varies: Union Center Herald, 1882-1894. Editors: H. H. Dunn. WONEWOC 912. WONEWOC ENTERPRISE (w) Oct. 5, 1881-Oct. 29, 1885. Editors: Duane Mowry, 1881-Oct. 1884; Oscar W. Parker, Oct. 1884-1885. Merged with Juneau County Sun (Mauston) . WHi complete. 913. WONEWOC GAZETTE (w) Oct. 17, 1894-Dec. 13, 1900. Editors: H. H. Dunn. Merged with Wonewoc Reporter. WHi Feb. 6, 1895-Dec. 13, 1900. 914. WONEWOC REPORTER (w) Apr. 1876 to date. Editors: George Schlosser, 1876-1881; T. K. Dunn, 1881-1885; W. F. Hill, 1885- 1886; Grant H. Lawton, 1886-1887; John Price, Jr., 1887-1890; Hill, 1890-1894; A. Carter, 1894-1900; Hill, 1900-Apr. 1901; Seymour E. Bronson, Apr. 1901-Apr. 1902; H. H. Dunn, Apr. 1902-June 1904; Osman D. Whitehill, July 1904-Apr. 1917; Leslie P. Shear, May 1917-May 1922; Russell B. Colman, June 1922-June 1927; Louis B. Colman, June 1927-Apr. 1928; V. O. Fuller, Apr. 1928-Mar. 1941; Dorothy Fuller, Apr. 1941-Jan. 1946; Walter S. Cary, Feb. 1946 to date. WHi Sept. 6, 1900 to date. 915. WONEWOC SANDWICH (w) 1893-1894[?]. 120 Kenosha County KENOSHA 916. KENOSHA AIGREDOUX AND ILLUSTRATED DIME (irreg) Dec. 18, 1857-1861 [?]. Published by Kenosha Tribune and Telegraph. 917. KENOSHA BLADE (w) 1890-1894 [?]. Editors: H. W. Marden. 918. CHRONICLE (w) Dec. 16, 1877-1878. 919. KENOSHA COURIER (w) Oct. 18, 1879-Sept. 27, 1888. Title varies: Kenosha Democrat, 1879-Dec. 1880. Editors: Ben A. Cole and George W. Warvelle, 1879-May 1882; Cole and W. B. Martindale, May 1882-Feb. 1883; Martindale and E. S. Cook, Feb. 1883-1885; Martindale, 1885-Sept. 1887; Levi A. Cass, Sept. 1887-1888. Merged with Kenosha Telegraph. WHi Oct. 18, 1879-Jan. 31, 1884. WKHi Oct. 18, 1879-Sept. 23, 1880; Dec. 9, 1881-Sept. 27, 1888. 920. KENOSHA DEMOCRAT (sw, w) Apr. 23, 1850-Nov. 26, 1856. Suspended: Feb.-June 1851. Editors: James T. Hildreth, 1850-Jan. 1851; George H. Paul, June 1851-May 1854; John M. Coe, May 1854-Apr. 1856; Thomas H. Hodder, Apr.-Nov. 1856. WHi complete. 921. KENOSHA DEMOCRAT (w) Sept. 9, 1859-Aug. 30, 1861. Editors: S. Cadwallader. WHi complete. KENOSHA DEMOCRAT (1879-1880), see Kenosha Cour- ier. 922. KENOSHA TRI-WEEKLY EXPERIMENT (tw) Jan. 1850-1851 [?]. Editors: Charles C. Sholes. 923. KENOSHA FREE PRESS (w) 1925-1931 [?]. Editors: C. E. Murphy. 924. KENOSHA GAZETTE (w) 1887-1902 [? J . Editors: Rudolph and Frank C. Culley, 1887-1892; Frank C. Culley, 1892-1902. 925. KENOSHA GAZETTE (d) 1890-1902 [?]. WKHi May 1890-Nov. 1891; Mar.-Dec. 1892. 121 926. KENOSHA EVENING HERALD (d) Feb. 22, 1919-Sept. 24, 1921. Editors: J. E. Hansell. WKHi complete. 927. INDEPENDENT (w) Dec. 25, 1893-1896. Editors: H. W. Marden. 928. KENOSHA JOURNAL (w) 1909-1911 [?]. Editors: William L. Odett and A. F. Leopold. 929. KENOSHA COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) Jan. 24, 1872- July 9, 1873. Editors: Henry O. Sholes. WHi complete. 930. KENOSHA KICKER (w) 1898-1900[?]. Editors: H. W. Marden. 931. KENOSHA LEADER (w) 1887-1891 [?]. Editors: H. L. Hackett, 1887-1889: Hackett and H. W. Marden, 1889-1891. WKHi June 24, 1887-Dec. 27, 1889. 932. DAILY LEDGER (d) Jime-Oct. 1849. Editors: Henry O. Sholes and Myron S. Barnes. 933. DAILY LEDGER (d) Oct.-Nov. 1851. 934. KENOSHA EVENING NEWS (d) Sept. 22, 1894 to date. Editors: F. H. Hall, 1894-Oct. 1896; Eugene R. Head, Oct. 1896-Nov. 1897; Head and G. P. Hewitt, Nov. 1897-Sept. 1901; Head and Samuel S. Simmons, Sept. 1901- Sept. 1915; Walter T. Marlatt, Sept. 1915-1926; Ernest F. Marlatt, 1926-1947; R. S. Kingsley, 1947 to date. WHi Jan. 12, 1895 to date. WK Sept. 1900 to date. WKHi Oct. 22, 1894 to date. 935. SOUTHPORT AMERICAN (w) Sept. 23, 1841-Oct. 10, 1849. Editors: J. B. Jilson and N. P. Dowst, Sept.-Dec. 1841; Wallace Mygatt, 1842-June 1843; Louis P. Harvey, June 1843-Sept. 1845; Harvey and Alvin B. Tobey, Sept. 1845-Nov. 1846; Tobey, Nov. 1846-Sept. 1847; Mygatt, Sept. 1847-Mar. 1848; Henry O. Sholes, Mar. 1848-May 1849; Sholes and Myron S. Barnes, June-Oct. 1849. WHi Sept. 30-Dec. 30, 1841; June 29, 1843-Oct. 10, 1849. WKHi Oct. 4, 1845-Sept. 26, 1846. SOUTHPORT TELEGRAPH, see Telegraph-Courier. 936. KENOSHA DAILY TELEGRAPH (d) Feb. 14-Dec. 29, 1854. Editors: Christopher L. Sholes and James Densmore. WHi complete. WKHi complete. 122 937. TELEGRAPH-COURIER (w) June 16, 1840-Dec. 26, 1946. Title varies: Southport Telegraph, 1840-Mar. 1850; Kenosha Telegraph, Mar. 1850-1854; June 1860-Sept. 1888; Kenosha Tribune and Telegraph, 1855-June 1859; Kenosha Telegraph and Tribune, June 1859-June 1860. Editors: Charles C. Sholes, June-July 1840; Christopher L. Sholes and Michael Frank, July 1840-June 1842; Frank, June 1842-Aug. 1843; Christopher L. Sholes, Sept. 1843-Apr. 1857; S. S. Schoff and John A. Butts, Apr. 1857-Mar. 1858; Butts and Frank, Mar .-Sept. 1858; Leander Stone and S. C. Winegar, Sept. 1858-Oct. 1860; Schoff and Winegar, Oct. 1860-Aug. 1862; Schoff, Aug. 1862-Aug. 1867; Frank and Charles C. Sholes, Aug. 1867-Oct. 1868; Hays McKinley, Oct. 1868-Jan. 1880; John A. Killeen, Feb. 1880-Oct. 1888; Levi A. Cass, Oct. 1888-Aug. 1891; F. H. Hall, Aug. 1891-Oct. 1896. Published by Kenosha Evening News: Oct. 1896-1946. WHi June 16, 1840-June 23, 1843; Sept. 5, 1843-Nov. 12, 1891; Jan. 3, 1895-Dec. 26, 1946. WKHi Oct. 4, 1845-Sept. 26, 1846; June 30, 1847-Jan. 5, 1855; June 16, 1859-Dec. 26, 1946. 938. KENOSHA TIMES (w) July 2, 1857-Jan. 29, 1863. Editors: D. Cassius McVean and Isaac D. George, July-Sept. 1857; George, Sept. 1857-Apr. 1859; John A. Butts, May 1859-Jan. 1861; Butts and McVean, Jan -Sept. 1861; Butts, Sept. 1861-Feb. 1862; J. A. Harrison and Josiah Bond, Feb.-May 1862; Bond and S. A. Taylor, May 1862-1863. WHi complete. WKHi July 2, 1857-Apr. 29, 1859. 939. KENOSHA TRIBUNE (w) July 8, 1852-Dec. 28, 1854. Editors: John A. Butts and George R. West, 1852-Oct. 1853; Butts and S. S. Schoff, Oct. 1853-1854. Merged with Kenosha Telegraph. WHi complete. KENOSHA TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAPH, see Tele- graph-Courier. 940. KENOSHA UNION (w) June 28, 1866-Apr. 30, 1909. Editors: Isaac W. Webster and George Hutchinson, 1866-June 1867; Webster, July 1867-Aug. 1875; John A. Killeen, Sept. 1875-1909. WHi complete. WKHi June 28, 1866-June 1, 1876; June 16, 1881-Dec. 1908. 941. KENOSHA VOLKSFREUND (w) Feb. 1892-1919. Editors: Adolph Fischer, 1892-Sept. 1894; John Haug, Oct. 1894-Feb. 1895; N. J. Buchmann, Feb. 1895-June 1896; George Giegold, July 1896-1900; Lewis Ewe, 1900-1915; Tillie Holmes, 1915-1919. In German. WHi Apr. 6, 1893-Oct. 1, 1896. SILVER LAKE 942. SILVER LAKE CLIPPER (w) 1889-1892 [?]. Published at Antioch, 111. 123 SLADES CORNERS 943. MUGWUMP (w) Sept. 9, 1892-1941. Editors: Paul E. Sauer, 1892-1910; Paul J. Sauer, 1910-1941, SOUTHPORT (see Kenosha) TREVOR 944. TREVOR TREVORITE (w) 1889-1892 [?] Published at Antioch, 111. TWIN LAKES 945. WESTERN KENOSHA COUNTY REPORTER (w) 1934-1955 [?]. Title varies: Twin Lakes Reporter, 1934-Mar. 1955. Editors: Albert L. Johnson, 1934-Aug. 1949; Albert H. Hagerty, Aug. 1949-1955. WHi Apr. 25, 1946-Apr. 14, 1955. WILMOT 946. AGITATOR (w) Jan. 11, 1901-Feb. 8, 1913. Editors: R. B. Swenson. WHi complete. 947. WILMOT JOURNAL (w) 1890-1891 [?]. Published at Antioch, 111. 948. WILMOT WITNESS (w) 1 888-1890 [?]. Published at Antioch, 111. 124 Kewaunee County AHNAPEE (see Algoma) ALGOMA 949. ALGOMA HERALD (w) Nov. 1913-Jan. 31, 1918. Editors: G. I. McDonald, 1913-Nov. 1915; F. J. Walters and Harry H. Heidmann, Nov. 1915-1918. Merged with Algoma Record. WHi Nov. 5, 1914-Jan. 31, 1918. 950. DAILY NEWS (d) Sept.-Nov. 1878. Published by Ahnapee Record. 951. ALGOMA PRESS (w) Oct. 6, 1897-Sept. 19, 1901. Editors: Michael McDonald. WHi complete. 952. ALGOMA RECORD-HERALD (w) June 12, 1873 to date. Title varies: Ahnapee Record, 1873-Sept. 1897; Algoma Record, Sept. 1897-Feb. 1918. Editors: George W. Wing and Charles W. Borgman, 1873-Sept. 1874; William H. Seymour, Sept. 1874-May 1876; George W. Wing and DeWayne W. Stebbins, May 1876-May 1877; Hiram D. Wing, May 1877-Aug. 1879; Charles J. Barnes, Aug. 1879-Sept. 1881; M. T. Parker and Henry Overbeck, Jr., Sept. 1881-May 1884; Stebbins, May 1884-Oct. 1897; Joseph E. Harris, Oct. 1897-Oct. 1898; Herbert J. Sanderson and W. H. Machia, Nov. 1898-Mar. 1902; Machia and Edward Decker, Jr., Apr. 1902-Sept. 1904; Machia, Sept. 1904-June 1907; Frank I. Elliott, June 1907-Feb. 1918; F. J. Walters and Harry H. Heidmann, Feb.-Nov. 1918; Heid- mann, Nov. 1918-1951; Harold F. Heidmann, 1952 to date. WHi Jan. 8, 1874 to date. KEWAUNEE 953. KEWAUNEE ENTERPRISE (w) June 22, 1859 to date. Title varies: Kewaunee County Enterprise, Oct. 1859-1868. Editors: Edward Decker and D. D. Garland, 1859-1862; Decker, 1863-1868; John M. Read, 1869-Mar. 1881; Caroline M. Read and John M. Shea, Mar. 1881-July 1882; H. W. Hamilton, Jr., Aug.-Dec. 1882; August C. Voshardt, 1883-Feb. 1901; George C. Garland, Feb. 1901-Apr. 1902; William Rogers and Frank J. Clark, Apr.-Dec. 1902; Hamilton F. Masse, 1903-Aug. 1918; James H. Kampo, Aug. 1918- Feb. 1928; Charles H. Schneider, Feb. 1928-July 1934; Charles F. Temby and John R. Karel, Aug. 1934-May 1943; Temby, June 1943 to date. WHi complete. J 25 954. KEWAUNEE COUNTY BANNER (w) 1887-1926. Editors: Lynch and Bruemmer, 1887-1888; Bruemmer and Haney, 1889-1890; L. H. Maring, 1891-1893; Werner Hager, 1894-1895; Otto J. Ahnert, 1895-1926. In German. WHi Feb. 1, 1906-Aug. 20, 1925. 955. KEWAUNEE COUNTY PRESS (w) July 1, 1918-Feb. 1928. Editors: W. H. Johns, 1918-1919; Charles Hoffman, 1919-1924; Charles H. Schneider, 1924-1928. 956. KEWAUNSKE LISTY (w) Jan. 27, 1892-1917. Editors: J. V. Lunak, 1892-1895; Lunak and Joseph H. Janda, 1895-1904; Janda, 1905-1917. In Bohemian. WHi Jan. 27, 1892-Apr. 11, 1917. 957. NEW ERA (w) Aug. 19, 1881-1895. Editors: D. B. Harrington, 1891-Apr. 1893; Benjamin F. Fagg, Apr.-July 1893; Charles Brenner, July 1893-Mar. 1894; A. Landgraf, Jr., Mar. 1894-1895. WHi Aug. 19, 1891-Dec. 19, 1894. 958. KEWAUNEE STAR (w) Oct. 1934-1935 [?]. Editors: Carl Schneider. 959. TIMES (w) Jan. 30, 1883-Jan. 24, 1884. Editors: John M. Shea. WHi complete. LUXEMBURG 960. LUXEMBURG NEWS (w) Feb. 26, 1909 to date. Editors: John Famerlee and August J. Salmon, Feb.-Aug. 1909; Famerlee and Benjamin F. Fagg, Aug. 1909-Mar. 1910; Famerlee and Frank J. Salmon, Mar- June 1910; Salmon, June 1910-1916; G. I. McDonald, 1917-July 1919; Earl A. Balza, Aug. 1919-Oct. 1920; John R. Karel, Oct. 1920-Oct. 1921; Balza, Oct. 1921- Nov. 1937; Charles F. Temby, Nov. 1937 to date. WHi complete. 961. LUXEMBURG TIMES (w) 1908-Feb. 1909. Editors: G. I. McDonald. 126 La Crosse County BANGOR 962. BANGOR INDEPENDENT (w) Nov. 1887 to date. Editors: John A. Haines, 1887-Oct. 1890; Richard W. Davis, Nov. 1890-Aug. 1896; Frank B. Gesler, Aug. 1896-Oct. 1908; W. F. Durnal, Oct. 1908-Nov. 1912; Gesler, Nov. 1912-Jan. 1933; Gertrude Gesler, Jan. 1933-Aug. 1948; John Bosshard and Mrs. E. A. Meier, Sept. 1948-1951; Mrs. Meier, 1951 to date. WHi Oct. 7, 1943 to date. 963. BANGOR NEWS (w) 1 897-1 898 [ ? ] . Editors: Richard W. Davis. HOLMEN 964. HOLMEN TIMES (w) Dec. 19, 1946-Oct. 31, 1952. Editors: Everett B. Lund, 1946-Apr. 1950; Neil E. Nelson, May 1950-Jan. 1952; D. W. Griswold, Feb.-Oct. 1952. Merged with La Crosse County Record (Onalaska) . WHi complete. LA CROSSE 965. ABEND STERN (d) Sept. 1892-1912. Published by Nordstern. In German. 966. AMERIKA (w) June 18, 1868-Dec. 30, 1872. In Norwegian. IaDeL Aug. 27, 1868-Dec. 30, 1872. 967. LA CROSSE ARGUS (w) Apr. 4, 1896-Sept. 26, 1913. Editors: Frank Geisenheimer and Elias A. Calkins, 1896-Apr. 1902; Geisenheimer and Fred A. Hartwell, Apr. 1902-Mar. 1904; Geisenheimer, Mar. 1904-Oct. 1908; John L. Utermoehl, Oct. 1908-June 1910; George B. Frederick, July 1910-Feb. 1911; Frederick and Wenzel M. Dvorak, Feb. 1911-1913. WHi Apr. 4, 1896-Mar. 27, 1897; Jan. 1, 1898-Sept. 26, 1913. 968. LA CROSSE WEEKLY APPEAL (w) Mar. 13-Apr. 1861. Editors: Theodore Rodolf and A. P. Blakeslee. 969. LA CROSSE DAILY BADGER (d) Dec. 11-31, 1895. Editors: F. S. Nash. 970. BOOSTER (w) 1892-1893 [?]. Editors: J. M. Momeny. 127 971. BOYCOTTS NEWS BUDGET (w) Nov. 1892-1902. Editors: Walter J. Boycott, 1892-1895; John Baenziger, 1895-1899; Boycott, 1899- 1902. 972. LA CROSSE SUNDAY CHRONICLE (w) Nov. 8, 1878- Jan. 14, 1917. Title varies: Chronicle, 1878-June 1906. WHi Feb. 14, 1879-Dec. 27, 1906; July 7, 1912-Jan. 14, 1917. 973. LA CROSSE MORNING CHRONICLE (d) Aug. 1, 1878- June 30, 1912. Editors: Ellis B. Usher and Robert F. Howard, 1878-Nov. 1879; Usher, Nov. 1879- Mar. 1901; Charles K. Lush, Mar. 1901-Nov. 1902; W. E. Barber, Nov. 1902-Apr. 1906; Roland B. Gelatt, Apr. 1906-1917. Merged with La Crosse Leader-Press. WHi complete. WLc complete. 974. LA CROSSE COURIER (w) 1885-1894. Title varies: La Crosse, 1885- [?]. Editors: C. H. Brown. 975. LA CROSSE DEMOCRAT (w) Apr. 26, 1853-May 1, 1854. Editors: Chase A. Stevens and William C. Rogers. Followed by La Crosse National Democrat. WHi complete. WLc complete. 976. LA CROSSE DEMOCRAT (w) Nov. 1859-July 1872. Title varies: Union and Democrat, 1859-Mar. 1861. Followed by Liberal Democrat. WHi Sept. 6, 1861-Mar. 5, 1866. WLc Sept. 6, 1861-Mar. 5, 1866. 977. LA CROSSE DEMOCRAT (d, tw) Oct. 15, 1859-July 1872. Title varies: La Crosse Daily Union, Oct.-Nov. 1859; Daily Union and Democrat, Nov. 1859-May 1860; La Crosse Tri- Weekly Union and Democrat, May-Nov. 1860; La Crosse Tri-Weekly Democrat, Dec. 1860-1862; Daily Democrat, 1862-Sept. 1869; La Crosse Evening Democrat, Sept. 1869-1872. Editors: C. P. Sykes and Alfred P. Swineford, 1859-May 1860; Marcus M. Pome- roy and Fred A. Moore, May-Nov. 1860; Pomeroy, Dec. 1860-Nov. 1868; John Symes and Alfred E. Haven, Dec. 1868-Aug. 1871; Symes and George W. Peck, Aug. 1871-1872. Followed by Morning Liberal Democrat. WHi Oct. 15, 1859-June 2, 1862; June 2, 1863-Dec. 30, 1865; July 2, 1866-Dec. 30, 1871. WLc Oct. 15, 1859-June 2, 1862; June 2, 1863-Dec. 30, 1865; July 2, 1866-Dec. 30, 1871. 978. LA CROSSE DAILY DEMOCRAT (d) Apr. 1879-Apr. 1880. Editors: Marcus M. Pomeroy and A. S. Foote. Followed by La Crosse Daily News. WLc May 27-Aug. 31, 1879. 128 979. LA CROSSE DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL (w) Jan. 1- Dec. 30, 1863. Editors: A. P. Blakeslee and G. W. Walrath, Jan.-June; A. P. and J. P. Blakeslee, July-Dec. Merged with La Crosse Democrat. WHi June 17-Dec. 30, 1863. 980. DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (w) 1878-1879 [?]. Editors: Henry Krumme. In German. 981. FAEDRELANDET OG EMIGRANTEN (w) Jan. 14, 1864-Dec. 28, 1892. Published at Minneapolis: 1885-1892. Title varies: Faedrelandet, 1864-Aug. 1868. Editors: Johannes Schroeder and F. Fleischer, 1864-1870; Fleischer, 1870-1878; F. A. Husher, 1879-1892. In Norwegian. WHi complete. IaDeL complete. MnSL complete. 982. FOLKEVENNEN (w) Aug. 11, 1893-Feb. 9, 1895. Editors: Martin Bergh and A. C. Tosterud. In Norwegian. IaDeL complete. 983. LA CROSSE FREE PRESS (w) Nov. 5, 1876-Sept. 1877. Title varies: Sunday Morning Free Press, 1876-Feb. 1877. Editors: A. S. Foote and A. C. Smith, 1876-Feb. 1877; William M. Doty, Feb.-Sept. 1877. Followed by Northwestern Teetotaler. WHi Feb. 25-July 21, 1877. 984. GATEWAY CITY REVIEW (w) 1891-1892 [?]. Editors: Charles H. Morrison. 985. HEROLD UND VOLKSFREUND (w) Dec. 22, 1876-Oct. 16, 1920. Published at Reedsburg: 1876-1891. Published at Winona, Minn.: Oct. 1918-1920. Title varies: Sauk County Herold, 1876-1891. Editors: Wilhelm Raetzmann and Richard Porsch, 1876-1891; Raetzmann and John Baenziger, 1891-May 1898; Baenziger, May 1898-Aug. 1902; Maximilian Hahn, Aug. 1902-May 1903; Gerhard A. Kuehn, May 1903-1920. In German. WHi Jan. 15, 1898-Oct. 16, 1920. LA CROSSE INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN, see Re- publican and Leader. 986. LA CROSSE EVENING JOURNAL (d) Mar. 14-Apr. 16, 1904. V Editors: Arthur J. Schaus and A. K. Johnson. WHi complete. LA CROSSE, see La Crosse Courier. 129 987. LA CROSSE COUNTY NEWS (w) 1902-1909 [?]. Editors: H. E. Wheaton. 988. LA CROSSE LEADER (w) Aug. 14, 1869-Aug. 11, 1871. WHi complete. 989. LA CROSSE MORNING LEADER (d) Aug. 10, 1869- Aug. 5, 1871. Editors: Lute A. and Horace A. Taylor. Merged with La Crosse Daily Republican. WHi Aug. 10, 1869-Apr. 30, 1871. 990. LA CROSSE LEADER-PRESS (d) Oct. 25, 1859-June 8, 1860; Aug. 1, 1864-Jan. 20, 1917. Title varies: La Crosse Daily Republican, 1859-Aug. 1871; Daily Republican and Leader, Aug. 1871-June 1903. Editors: Charles Seymour and Joseph S. Elwell, 1859-Oct. 1867; Seymour and E. A. Andrews, Oct. 1867-Oct. 1870; Seymour and William R. Finch, Oct. 1870-Aug. 1871; Leonard Lottridge and Lute A. Taylor, Aug. 1871-Mar. 1873; William Nel- son, Mar. 1873-1874; William R. Finch, 1874-June 1903; Roland B. Gelatt and Frank W. Leahy, June 1903-1917. Merged with La Crosse Tribune. WHi July 5, 1866-Dec. 23, 1870; Aug. 15, 1871-Dec. 30, 1873; Jan. 2, 1875-June 30, 1890; Jan. 2, 1891-Jan. 20, 1917. WLc Jan. 2, 1891-Jan. 20, 1917. 991. LIBERAL DEMOCRAT (w) July 1872-Aug. 1878. 992. MORNING LIBERAL DEMOCRAT (d) July 11, 1872- July 31, 1878. Editors: John Symes and George W. Peck, 1872-1874; Ellis P. Usher, 1874-1878. Followed by La Crosse Morning Chronicle. WHi July 1, 1873-Apr. 28, 1874; Apr. 1, 1875-July 31, 1878. WLc complete. 993. LA CROSSE WEEKLY MIRROR (w) Sept. 3, 1860- Mar. 4, 1861. Editors: Harry Hayden. 994. MORGENSTERN (w) Mar. 10, 1891 -Sept. 13, 1921. Title varies: Nordstern Blaetter, 1891-Feb. 1914. Published by Nordstern. In German. WHi complete. 995. LA CROSSE NATIONAL DEMOCRAT (w) July 1854- Oct. 25, 1859. Editors: Cyrus K. Lord and Iheodore Rodolf, July-Oct. 1854; Lord and Fred A. Moore, Oct. 1854-Nov. 1855; Moore and A. P. Blakeslee, Nov. 1855-1859. Followed by Union and Democrat. WHi Oct. 27, 1855-Oct. 25, 1859. WLc Oct. 27, 1855-Oct. 25, 1859. 996. LA CROSSE DAILY NEWS (d) July 13, 1880-Dec. 31, 1881. Editors: J. J. Shuart and Alexander Nevins, June-Dec. 1880; Nevins, Dec. 1880- 1881. WHi Oct. 27, 1880-Dec. 31, 1881. WLc July 13, 1880-June 4, 1881. 130 997. LA CROSSE NEWS (w) Mar. 26, 1882-Apr. 11, 1891. Title varies: Sunday Morning News, 1882-1883; Sunday News, 1884. Editors: George M. Read, 1882-Feb. 1886; E. M. Read, Feb. 1886-Feb. 1888; P. W. and Fred Z. Alexander, Mar. 1888-Dec. 1889; Paul W. and D. O. Mahoney, Dec. 1889-Mar. 1891; Carl Dalton, Mar.-Apr. 1891. Merged with La Crosse Sun. WHi complete. 998. NORDSTERN (w) Nov. 29, 1856-Sept. 23, 1921. Editors: Theodore Rodolf and C. Holbroecks, 1856-Mar. 1857; John Ulrich, Mar. 1857-Nov. 1883; Adolph Candrian, Nov. 1883-1921. In German. WHi Dec. 6, 1856-Sept. 23, 1921. WLc Dec. 6, 1856-Sept. 23, 1921. NORDSTERN BLAETTER, see Morgenstern. 999. NORTH LA CROSSE BOMBERANG (w) 1890-1891 [?]. Editors: George L. Powell. 1000. NORTH LA CROSSE STAR (w) Oct. 28, 1875-Oct. 29, 1876. Editors: Joseph B. Beach, 1875-1876; B. W. Reynolds, 1876. 1001. NORTHWESTERN TEETOTALER (w) Sept. 15, 1877-Sept. 14, 1878. Fditors: William M. Doty and John Allison, Sept-Dec. 1877; Allison, Dec. 1877- 1878. WHi complete. 1002. LA CROSSE PATRIOT (w) 1 888-1902 [?]. Editors: Alfred Steckel, 1888-1897; John M. Schultheis, 1897-1902. In German. PECK'S SUN, see Peck's Sun and Saturday Star (Milwau- kee). 1003. LA CROSSE DAILY PRESS (d) Oct. 24, 1889- June 13, 1903. Editors: Frank O. Smith and Fred W. Burke, 1889-Mar. 1890; Smith and Walter S. Luce, Mar.-Dec. 1890; Luce, Dec. 1890-Feb. 1901; Roland B. Gelatt and W. R. Nimrocks, Feb. 1901-Feb. 1902; Gelatt and Fred Cowles, Feb. 1902-1903. Merged with Daily Republican and Leader. WHi Oct. 24, 1889-May 19, 1892; Jan. 28, 1893-June 13, 1903. 1004. LA CROSSE PRESS-DEMOCRAT (w) 1 898-1902 f?] . Editors: John A. Kendall. 1005. LA CROSSE TRIWEEKLY REPUBLICAN (tw) June 6, 1860-July 1864. Published by Republican and Leader. DAILY REPUBLICAN AND LEADER, see La Crosse Leader-Press. 131 1006. REPUBLICAN AND LEADER (w) Aug. 16, 1854-June 13, 1903. Title varies: La Crosse Independent Republican, 1854-1861; La Crosse Weekly Republican, 1861-Aug. 1871. Editors: William C. Rogers, 1854-Feb. 1860; Charles Seymour and Leonard Lot- tridge, Feb. 1860-May 1862; Seymour, May 1862-Aug. 1871; Lottridge and Lute A. Taylor, Aug. 1871-Mar. 1873; William Nelson, Mar. 1873-1874; William R. Finch, 1874-June 1903. WHi Aug. 16, 1854-Dec. 28, 1859; July 15, 1863-Aug. 17, 1864; Sept. 18-Dec. 25, 1867; Aug. 19, 1871-Dec. 29, 1899. 1007. LA CROSSE WEEKLY REVIEW (w) May 10, 1917-May 10, 1923. Editors: Arthur A. Bentley. WLc complete. SAUK COUNTY HEROLD, see Herold Und Volksfreund. 1008. SKANDINAVISKE DEMOKRAT (w) June 18, 1868- 1871[?]. Editors: C. F. Johnson. In Norwegian. IaDeL June 18-Aug. 20, 1868. 1009. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES (w) Apr. 1852-Apr. 1853. Editors: Albert D. and J. La Due. Followed by La Crosse Democrat. 1010. EVENING STAR (d) 1885-1886. Editors: Frank O. Smith and Samuel A. Wilder. 1011. LA CROSSE SUN (w) Feb. 22-July 11, 1891. Editors: Carl Dalton. WHi Apr. 18-July 11, 1891. 1012. LA CROSSE TIDENDE (sw) Sept. 4, 1895-Oct. 20, 1897. Editors: Sigvard Sorensen and J. L. Hjort. In Norwegian. WHi Oct. 16, 1895-Oct. 20, 1897. 1013. LA CROSSE TIMES (w) 1928-1929 [?]. Editors: Joseph K. Kidder. 1014. LA CROSSE TRIBUNE (d) May 16, 1904 to date. Editors: Aaron M. Brayton, 1904-1922; Frank H. Burgess, 1922-July 1939; W. T. Burgess, July 1939 to date. WHi May 16, 1904-Dec. 30, 1905; July 1-Dec. 31, 1906; Mar. 25, 1907- Dec. 30, 1910; May 1, 1911 to date. WLc Jan. 1, 1905 to date. UNION, see La Crosse Democrat. UNION AND DEMOCRAT, see La Crosse Democrat. 1015. VARDEN (w) Aug. 10, 1881 -Apr. 10, 1883. Editors: T. J. Widvey. In Norwegian. IaDeL complete. 132 1016. VARDEN (w) 1888-1894 [?]. Editors: P. O. Evanson, 1888-1893; O. A. Buslett, 1893-1894. In Norwegian. 1017. VLASTENEC (w) Sept. 1898-1927 [?]. Editors: John Soukup. In Bohemian. WHi Sept. 4, 1903-Aug. 20, 1909; Jan. 6-July 28, 1927. WLc Sept. 4, 1903-Aug. 20, 1909; Jan. 6-July 28, 1927. 1018. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE (w) 1894-1897 [?]. Editors: Fred Wehre. 1019. LA CROSSE VOLKSFREUND (w) Jan. 22, 1891-Oct. 23, 1918. Published by Herold und Volksfreund. In German. WHi Jan. 6, 1898-Oct. 23, 1918. ONALASKA 1020. RECORD-TIMES (w) Nov. 6, 1885 to date. Title varies: La Crosse County Record, 1885-Oct. 1952. Editors: Alexander Moran, 1885-Sept. 1888; W. J. Showers, Sept. 1888-1904; Mrs. W. J. Showers, 1904-June 1912; J. G. and Ewart G. Showers, June 1912-Mar. 1917; Ewart G. Showers, Mar. 1917-1940; Thomas G. Madigan, 1941 to date. WHi complete. WEST SALEM 1021. WEST SALEM JOURNAL (w) Sept. 9, 1886 to date. Title varies: Nonpareil- Journal, 1900-Aug. 1945. Editors: Leonard Lottridge and Andrew McEldowney, 1886-1887; George M. Read, 1887-1888; S. W. Brown, 1888-1900; Derwood Trimbell, 1900-Nov. 1912; A. M. Ivey, Nov. 1912-1913; George E. Sanford, Jan.-Sept. 1914; Glenn W. Garlock, Sept. 1914-June 1939; Mrs. G. W. Garlock, June 1939-Aug. 1945; D. W. Griswold, Sept. 1945 to date. WHi Aug. 1, 1913 to date. 1022. NONPAREIL (w) 1895-1900. Editors: William M. Pryse, 1895-1896; George W. Hall, 1896-1899; Derwood Trimbell, 1899-1900. Merged with West Salem Journal. 133 Lafayette County ARGYLE 1023. ARGYLE ATLAS (w) Dec. 16, 1884 to date. Editors: Charles F. Trevitt, 1884-Jan. 1885; George G. Gaskill, Jan. 1885-1936; Mrs. G. G. Gaskill, 1936-1937; Edwin S. Schober, 1937-June 1940; James A. McGin- nity, July 1940 to date. WHi May 29, 1903-Aug. 28, 1920; Jan. 1-Dec. 28, 1939; Oct. 1, 1943 to date. BELMONT 1024. BELMONT BEE (w) Mar. 1, 1894-Aug. 22, 1901. Editors: Joseph M. Conley and H. A. Bresee, 1894-1895; Conley, 1895-June 1898; John M. Chambers, June 1898-1901. WHi Mar. 1-Aug. 30, 1894; May 26, 1898-Aug. 22, 1901. 1025. BELMONT GAZETTE (w) Oct. 25, 1836-Apr. 12, 1837. Editors: James Clarke and John B. Russell. WHi complete. 1026. BELMONT SUCCESS (w) May 20, 1903 to date. Editors: Thomas C. Snyder, 1903-1926; Donald Benedict, 1926-Mar. 1947; B. C. Druliner, Mar. 1947-May 1956; E. Bowden Curtis, June 1956 to date. WHi June 18, 1903-Dec. 29, 1905; Feb. 22, 1907-Dec. 30, 1910; Jan. 9, 1914-Dec. 28, 1917; Jan. 17, 1919-Sept. 7, 1923; Oct. 14, 1943 to date. BENTON 1027. BENTON ADVOCATE (w) Sept. 12, 1901 to date. Editors: John M. Chambers, 1901-Sept. 1904; Claude M. Vail, Sept. 1904 to date. WHi complete. 1028. MINING TIMES (w) Dec. 6, 1894-Sept. 1901. Editors: H. A. Bresee, 1894-Dec. 1898; J. A. Edwards, Dec. 1898-1901. Followed by Benton Advocate. WHi Dec. 6, 1894-Dec. 28, 1900. BLANCHARDVILLE 1029. BLANCHARDVILLE BLADE (w) 1887 to date. Editors: T. J. Rostad, 1887-1892; F. A. Deam, 1892-1894; S. L. Vickers, 1894- 1895; W. H. Dudley, 1895-1896; Carl Chandler, 1896-Aug. 1918; D. R. Kellogg and W. F. McGuigan, Aug. 1918-1919; McGuigan, 1920 to date. WHi Nov. 25, 1943 to date. 134 1030. BLANCHARDVILLE POST (w) 1887-1892 [?]. Published by Mount Horeb Sun. 1031. BLANCHARDVILLE TIMES (w) May 1876-1877 [?]. Editors: Charles F. Trevitt. DARLINGTON DARLINGTON DEMOCRAT, see Lafayette County News. DEMOCRAT AND REGISTER, see Lafayette County News. 1032. DEMOCRATIC REGISTER (w) Nov. 5, 1885-May 4, 1888. Editors: Frank A. Lewis and James R. Rose, 1885-Mar. 1886; Rose, Mar. 1886- 1888. Merged with Democrat. WHi Nov. 12, 1885-May 4, 1888. 1033. DARLINGTON JOURNAL (w) Dec. 2, 1885-Jan. 3, 1900. Editors: Henry L. Brown, 1885-Feb. 1898; Briton S. Brown, Feb. 1898-1900. Merged with Darlington Republican. WHi Sept. 28, 1887-Jan. 3, 1900. LAFAYETTE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see Lafayette County News. 1034. LAFAYETTE COUNTY INDEPENDENT (w) May 11, 1861-Jan. 1865. Editors: Hamilton H. Gray and J. E. Duncan, 1861-1863; Gray and J. C. Rutledge, 1863-Mar. 1864; F. S. Haughawout, Apr. 1864-1865. Followed by Lafayette County Union. 1035. LAFAYETTE COUNTY NEWS (w) Nov. 1, 1865 to date. Title varies: Lafayette County Democrat, 1865-Oct. 1882; Democrat, Oct. 1882- May 1888; Democrat and Register, May 1888-Dec. 1893; Darlington Democrat, Dec. 1893-May 1947. Editors: James R. Rose, 1865-Jan. 1866; James G. Knight, Jan. 1866-Mar. 1888; Edward T. and Henry W. Barnes, Mar. 1888-1893; F. J. McConnell, 1894-Jan. 1901; L. B. Howery, Jan. 1901-1915; John W. Riley and C. H. McGinley, 1916- 1936; Riley, 1937-Nov. 1945; Mrs. J. W. Riley, Nov. 1945-1947; C. V. and G. M. Howery, 1948 to date. WHi complete. 1036. LAFAYETTE COUNTY UNION (w) Jan. 1865-Apr. 5, 1869. Editors: F. S. Haughawout, Jan.-Mar. 1865; A. F. Dickinson, Apr.-Aug. 1865; Dickinson and J. E. Duncan, Aug. 1865-Apr. 1867; Duncan, Apr. 1867-1869. Followed by Darlington Republican. 1037. REPUBLICAN FARMER (w) July 25, 1902-Oct. 30, 1912. Editors: C. A. Smith. WHi complete. 135 1038. REPUBLICAN-JOURNAL (w) Apr. 12, 1869 to date. Title varies: Darlington Republican, 1869-Jan. 1900. Editors: J. E. Duncan, Apr.-Sept. 1869; W. L. Abbott and Charles R. Hamstreet, Sept. 1869-June 1870; Abbott and W. J. Wrigglesworth, June 1870-Apr. 1872; Wrigglesworth, Apr. 1872-Apr. 1878; James and Edward H. Bintliff, Apr. 1878- May 1883; James Bintliff and James G. Monahan, May 1883-May 1885; Monahan, June 1885-1899; Monahan and Martin, 1900-May 1903; Frank A. Greene and R. E. Van Matre, May 1903-1914; Monahan, 1914-1918; Merton D. Peavy, 1919-July 1948; E. Bowden Curtis, Aug. 1948 to date. WHi Feb. 4, 1871 to date. GRATIOT 1039. GRATIOT REPORTER (w) 1903-1915 [?]. Editors: W. A. Warner, 1903-1906; J. C. Johnson, 1906-1912; A. L. Howery, 1912- 1915. WHi May 22-Oct. 9, 1913. SHULLSBURG 1040. SHULLSBURG DEMOCRAT (w) 1865-1866 [?]. 1041. SHULLSBURG FREE PRESS (w) July 1881-Apr. 11, 1884. Editors: N. E. McClellan. Merged with Pick and Gad. WHi Mar. 3, 1882-Apr. 11, 1884. 1042. LAFAYETTE COUNTY HERALD (w) Feb. 1, 1855-Mar. 19, 1858. Editors: James R. Rose and Hamilton H. Gray, 1855-Feb. 1856; Jonathan J. Marvin, Feb. 1856-Mar. 1857; Edwin Pickard, Mar. 1857-1858. Followed by South Western Local. WHi Apr. 10, 1856-Dec. 25, 1857. 1043. LAFAYETTE REPUBLICAN (w) May-Aug. 1848. Editors: Cleveland. Followed by Telegraph. 1044. SHULLSBURG PATRIOT AND FLAG (w) Mar. 27- Aug. 29, 1855. Editors: Charles F. Trevitt. 1045. PICK AND GAD (w) June 28, 1853-Dec. 1854. Editors: Walter Nimocks and Samuel G. Bugh, 1853-Oct. 1854; Hamilton H. Gray, Oct.-Dec. 1854. Followed by Lafayette County Herald. 1046. PICK AND GAD (w) July 1882 to date. Editors: T. J. Law, 1882-Apr. 1884; Law and Henry Jane, Apr. 1884-Sept. 1888; T. J. Law, Sept. 1888-Feb. 1906; Abe W. Law, Feb. 1906-Feb. 1912; Humphrey L. Williams, Feb. 1912-Mar. 1915; John W. Blackstone, Apr. 1915-Mar. 1919; A. F. Gratiot, Mar. 1919-1922; Abe W. Law, 1923-May 1936; H. T. Law, May 1936 to date. WHi Apr. 17, 1884 to date. 136 1047. SOUTH WESTERN LOCAL (w) Mar. 26, 1858-Mar. 17, 1865. Editors: Edwin Pickard and Egbert E. Carr, 1858-Sept. 1861; Pickard, Sept. 186J- May 1862; Patrick F. Duffy and Moses Campbell, June 1862-Aug. 1864; Duffy, Aug. 1864-1865. Followed by Lafayette County Democrat (Darlington) . WHi Jan. 21, 1859-Mar. 17, 1865. 1048. SOUTHWESTERN LOCAL (w) Feb. 1886-Nov. 28, 1902. Editors: Thomas H. McElroy, 1886-Sept. 1895; John W. Blackstone, Sept. 1895- 1902. WHi Jan. 16, 1887-Jan. 27, 1889; Jan. 1, 1895-Nov. 28, 1902. 1049. TELEGRAPH (w) Aug. 1848-1850. Editors: James Delany and O. J. Wright. WHi Mar. 13-Aug. 16, 1849. SOUTH WAYNE 1050. SOUTH WAYNE HOMESTEAD (w) Feb. 16, 1905-Dec. 27, 1956. Editors: S. Gordon Morse, 1905-Sept. 1906; Ray E. Stuart, Sept.-Dec. 1906; Sydney C. Heindel, Dec. 1906-Oct. 1909; C. V. and L. B. Howery, Oct. 1909-Jan. 1918; Harry Hough, Jan. 1918-June 1938; Hough and J. Louis Smith, July 1938-Oct. 1947; Smith, Oct. 1947-Aug. 1949; Frank W. Thomas, Aug. 1949-1956. WHi complete. 1051. SOUTH WAYNE MESSENGER (w) 1895-1903. Editors: Otto P. Lund, 1895-1896; Francis C. Marble and C. A. Pember, 1896- 1900; Harry Hough, 1900-1903. Followed by South Wayne News. 1052. SOUTH WAYNE NEWS (w) Nov. 1903-Feb. 9, 1905. Editors: Harry Hough. Followed by South Wayne Homestead. 137 Langlade County ANTIGO 1053. ANTIGO BANNER (w) Dec. 5, 1919-July 15, 1937. Editors: Edward Goebel. In German. WHi complete. 1054. FARMERS' JOURNAL (w) Aug. 1909-1926. Published by Antigo Daily Journal. WHi Oct. 3, 1911-Dec. 25, 1923. FORWARD, see Antigo Republican. 1055. ANTIGO HERALD (w) Oct. 1888-Dec. 28, 1923. Title varies: Antigo Herold, 1888-Nov. 1919. Editors: Edward Goebel, 1888-Nov. 1919; William C. Brawlev. Dec. 1919-1923. In German: 1888-Nov. 1919. WHi Sept. 13, 1901-Dec. 21, 1923. 1056. ANTIGO JOURNAL (w) Sept. 18, 1898-Dec. 28, 1923. WHi Sept. 29, 1911-Dec. 28, 1923. 1057. ANTIGO DAILY JOURNAL (d) Sept. 1, 1904 to date. Editors: James H. Fitzgibbon, 1898-1899; George W. Hill, 1899-1901; Henry and Fred L. Berner, 1901-1940; Henry Berner, 1940-1945; Artemas F. and Henry L. Berner, 1945-1956; Artemas F. Berner, 1957 to date. WHi Jan. 3, 1924 to date. WAn Jan. 2, 1929 to date. 1058. ANTIGO KURIER (w) 1894-1895 [?]. Editors: Julius Gieger. In German. LANGLADE COUNTY REPUBLICAN, see Antigo Re- publican. 1059. LANGLADE COUNTY SPECIAL (w) 1887-Aug. 13, 1898. Published at Phlox: 1887-1890. Editors: John Menting, 1887-1892; W. H. Dawley, 1892-1898. Merged with Weekly News Item. NEW COUNTY REPUBLICAN, see Antigo Republican. 1060. WEEKLY NEWS ITEM (w) Aug. 26, 1882-Nov. 7, 1935. Editors: Arthur B. Millard, 1882-Aug. 1898; W. H. Dawley, Aug. 1898-Dec. 1933; L. W. Mourer, Dec. 1933-1935. WHi complete. 138 1061. ANTIGO PIONEER (w) May 8, 1884-1885. Editors: Hugo Grosser and Henry Berner. In German. 1062. ANTIGO REPUBLICAN (w) Jan. 3, 1880-Sept. 14, 1911. Title varies: New County Republican, Jan.-Feb. 1880; Langlade County Repub- lican, Mar. 1880-Aug. 1884; Forward, Aug. 1884-Mar. 1886. Editors: George D. Ratcliffe, 1880-1881; G. Lind, 1881-Aug. 1884; C. A. Martin, Aug. 1884-Mar. 1886; John A. Ogden, Mar. 1886-Aug. 1899; C. O. Marsh, Aug. 1899-Sept. 1906; Charles E. Loper, Oct. 1906-Mar. 1907; C. A. Stedman, Mar. 1907- 1908; Loper, Jan.-Apr. 1909; John T. Brown, May 1909-1911. WHi Feb. 7, 1889-Sept. 14, 1911. PHLOX LANGLADE COUNTY SPECIAL, see under Antigo. 139 Lincoln County JENNY (see Merrill) MERRILL 1063. MERRILL ADVOCATE (w) Feb. 6, 1875-Aug. 10, 1909. Title varies: Lincoln County Advocate, 1875-Oct. 1893. Editors: A. D. Gorham and Myron H. McCord, 1875-Mar. 1884; Van R. Willard, Mar. 1884-Dec. 1885; Alexander Black, Dec. 1885-Dec. 1886; M. E. Northrup and C. H. Cummer, Dec. 1886-Mar. 1887; L. A. Harrison, Mar. 1887-Oct. 1889; C. F. Hanson, Oct. 1889-Apr. 1890; George M. Patchen, Apr.-Sept. 1890; F. Geisler, Sept. 1890-1892; C. N. Johnson, 1892-May 1904; Andrew C. Thompson, June 1904- 1909. Merged with Merrill Star. WHi complete. 1064. MERRILL DAILY HERALD (d) May 5, 1908 to date. Editors: William R. Jaeger, 1908-1909; C. N. Johnson and Walter B. Chilsen, 1909-1913; Chilsen, 1913 to date. WHi Jan. 3, 1916 to date. WMer Jan. 3, 1916-Aug. 31, 1955. 1065. HOME WORLD (w) 1893-1894 [?]. Editors: Dorn and Mews. LINCOLN COUNTY ADVOCATE, see Merrill Advocate. 1066. LINCOLN COUNTY ANZEIGER (w) Feb. 4, 1888-Nov. 13, 1900. Editors: C. W. Honigmann, 1888-July 1894; Friedrich W. Sallet, July 1894-1900. In German. WHi complete. 1067. MERRILL NEWS (w) Feb. 1879-1918. Title varies: Northern Wisconsin News, 1879-1894. Editors: R. F. Vaughan and David Finn, 1879-June 1881; W. H. Cannon and H. C. Hetzel, June 1881-Jan. 1884; Cannon and J. N. Cotter, Jan. 1884-Apr. 1885; Cannon, Apr. 1885-Dec. 1888; A. G. Christenson, Dec. 1888-June 1889; Ernest A. Dunn, June 1889-1895; Alfred T. Curtis, 1895-1897; Thomas N. Locke, 1897-1902; D. S. Johnson, 1902-Sept. 1903; E. E. Curtis, Oct. 1903-1906; A. G. Christenson. 1906-1911; Edward D. Mohan, 1911-1918. WHi July 20, 1883-Jan. 30, 1890; Sept. 18, 1903-Nov. 25, 1904. 1068. MERRILL STAR-ADVOCATE (w) 1898-July 2, 1935. Title varies: Merrill Star, 1898-Aug. 1909. Editors: William M. Allen, 1898-1929; Walter B. Chilsen, 1929-1935. WHi Aug. 25, 1909-July 2, 1935. 140 1069. MERRILL WEEKLY TIMES (w) 1887-1888. Editors: A. G. Christenson, 1887-1888; Norman Black, 1888. Merged with Northern Wisconsin News. 1070. MERRILL TRIBUNE (w) 1897-1898 [?]. Editors: . William M. Allen. WEST MERRILL HERALD, see Rhinelander Herald. 1071. WISCONSIN THALBOTE (w) Sept. 21, 1900-Aug. 27, 1920. Editors: Friedrich W. Sallet, 1900-Sept. 1902; Otto Susehihl, Sept. 1902-Nov. 1917; Gustav Belling, Nov. 1917-1920. In German. WHi Sept. 21, 1900-July 26, 1918. 1072. WISCONSIN VALLEY POSTEN (w) 1894-1895. Published by Lincoln County Anzeiger. In Swedish. TOMAHAWK 1073. TOMAHAWK BLADE (w) Sept. 7, 1887-1896 [?]. Editors: Jed W. Coon, 1887-1895; Ward L. Swift, 1895-1896. 1074. TOMAHAWK LEADER (w) July 4, 1896 to date. Editors: Charles Deming and W. M. Shirk, 1896-1899; H. D. Bliefernicht, 1899- 1903; Mrs. H. D. Bliefernicht, 1903-1906; Robert G. Lee, 1906-Apr. 1915; C. Everett Dozer, Apr. 1915-Feb. 1917; L. M. and L. W. Osborne, Feb. 1917-Nov. 1949; Ken- neth J. Keenan, Nov. 1949 to date. WHi June 24, 1904 to date. 1075. TOMAHAWK (w) June 1887-Sept. 17, 1913. Editors: W. M. and John E. Shirk, 1887-1894; P. H. Swift, 1894-1895; John P. Hughes, 1895-Oct. 1903; W. D. Lambert, Oct. 1903-1913. Merged with Tomahawk Leader. WHi Feb. 9, 1895-Sept. 17, 1913. HI Manitowoc County KIEL 1076. KIEL TRI-COUNTY RECORD (w) Jan. 1, 1893 to date. Title varies: National Zeitung, 1893-Sept. 1918. Editors: Haenel and Laudon, 1893-1898; Henry Arnold and Joseph Grassold, 1898-Feb. 1900; Herman A. Kuenne, Feb. 1900-Sept. 1928; Richard H. Lauson, Sept. 1928-Aug. 1941; Bradford A. Cox, Sept. 1941-Apr. 1944; Martin J. Smith, Apr. 1944-June 1949; Kenneth L. Larson, July 1949 to date. In German: 1893-Sept. 1918. WHi Oct. 10, 1918 to date. WKi Apr. 30, 1925 to date. 1077. KIEL WOCHENBLATT (w) 1892-1893. Editors: Emil Fromme. In German. MANITOWOC 1078. MANITOWOC CITIZEN (w) Apr. 24, 1879-1909. Title varies: Manitowoc Tribune, 1879-Sept. 1898. Editors: Henry Sandford, 1879-Mar. 1897; Edwin R. Barrett, Mar. 1897-Sept. 1898; C. W. Roberts, Oct. 1898-1903; John McFarlane, 1903-1909. WHi Apr. 24, 1879-July 29, 1909. WMa Mar. 29, 1900-May 30, 1908. CONCORDIA, see Green Bay Courier. 1079. MANITOWOC HERALD (w) Nov. 30, 1850-Mar. 26, 1863. Title varies: Manitowoc County Herald, 1850-Mar. 1854. Editors: Charles W. Fitch. Merged with Manitowoc Tribune. WHi complete. 1080. MANITOWOC HERALD-TIMES (d) Oct. 19, 1898 to date. Title varies: Manitowoc Daily Herald, 1898-Sept. 1918; Manitowoc Herald-News, Oct. 1918-Apr. 1932. Editors: William T. Brandt, 1898-July 1903; H. G. Kress and E. W. Mackey, July 1903-1931; W. F. Ohde, 1931-Apr. 1932; R. T. Bayne, May 1932 to date. WHi Jan. 2, 1899-Mar. 31, 1952; Jan. 2, 1955 to date. WMa complete. 142 1081. JOURNAL (w) Oct. 1853-Aug. 1864; Jan. 1866-1877. Title varies: Wisconsin's Demokrat, 1853-1861; Union Demokrat, 1861-Aug. 1864; Zeitung, Jan. 1866-June 1875. Editors: Carl Roeser, 1853-Jan. 1861; Adolph Wallich, Jan. 1861-Aug. 1864; Otto Troemel, 1866-Feb. 1873; Carl Wedelstedt, Feb. 1873-July 1875; Fred Heinemann, July 1875-1877. In German. WHi July 4, 1854-Dec. 3, 1855; Dec. 19, 1856-Jan. 11, 1861. WMa Mar. 13, 1862-May 1, 1864. 1082. LAKE SHORE TIMES (w) Oct. 4, 1881-Sept. 24, 1889. Editors: Emil Baensch and Fred Haukohl, 1881-Jan. 1884; J. E. and Edward M. Anderson, Jan. 1884-Aug. 1887; H. G. Kress, Aug. 1887-1889. WHi complete. MANITOWOC COUNTY HERALD, see Manitowoc Herald. 1083. MANITOWOC DAILY NEWS (d) May 12, 1900-Sept. 30, 1918. Editors: John McFarlane, 1900-1914; George McFarlane, 1914-1918. Merged with Manitowoc Daily Herald. WMa complete. 1084. NORD-WESTEN (w) Sept. 8, 1855-1860; Feb. 1865-1910. Editors: Carl H. Schmidt, 1855-Jan. 1888; C. Otto Schmidt, Jan.-May 1888; Carl G. Schmidt, May 1888-1910. In German. WHi Jan. 15, 1874-Dec. 30, 1909. 1085. MANITOWOC PILOT (w) June 14, 1859-June 9, 1932. Editors: Jere Crowlev, 1859-July 1869; Ellery B. Treat, July 1869-July 1870; J. C. Bollmeyer, July 1870-Mar. 1871; T. G. Olmstead, Mar. 1871-Apr. 1878; John Nagle and Edward Borchert, Apr. 1878-Sept. 1888; Nagle, Sept. 1888-Mar. 1900; Sidney T. Pratt, Mar. 1900-Apr. 1903; A. C. Schmidt, Apr. 1903-May 1904; E. S. Crowe, June 1904-1932. WHi June 14, 1859-Dec. 30, 1875; Feb. 3, 1877-June 9, 1932. WMa June 14, 1859-July 21, 1865; Aug. 1, 1872-Aug. 6, 1874; Mar. 7, 1878-June 14, 1928. 1086. MANITOWOC POST (sw, w) July 2, 1881 -Nov. 29, 1924. Editors: Adolph Wittman, 1881-1896; Emil Baensch, 1896-1922; Walter Wittman, 1923-1924. In German. WHi Jan. 26, 1899-Nov. 29, 1924. WMa July 2, 1881-June 11, 1896; June 16, 1898-June 7, 1900; Jan. 4, 1908-June 10, 1910. MANITOWOC PRESS, see Manitowoc Times-Press. 1087. SUN-MESSENGER (w) Aug. 19, 1932-June 28, 1940. Editors: C. A. Brandt. WMa complete. 1088. EVENING TIMES (d) Jan. 7, 1920-Apr. 30, 1932. Title varies: Manitowoc Times, 1920-Feb. 1931. Editors: Kenneth M. Ellis, 1920-1922; A. O. Trippler, 1922-1930; O. J. Bouma, 143 1930-1931; R. T. Bayne, 1931-1932. Merged with Manitowoc Herald-News. WMa complete. 1089. MANITOWOC TIMES-PRESS (w) 1893-1913. Title varies: Manitowoc Press, 1893-1899. Published by Manitowoc Herald-Times. 1090. MANITOWOC TRIBUNE (w) Apr. 25, 1854-Apr. 18, 1878. WHi Apr. 25, 1854-July 12, 1865; Mar. 21, 1867-Apr. 18, 1878. WMa Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1869. 1091. MANITOWOC TRIBUNE (d, tw, sw) May 31, 1858-Aug. 7, 1863. Title varies: Daily Tribune, 1858-Nov. 1861. Editors: S. W. Smith, 1854-1867; O. B. Smith and Julius Enert, 1867-June 1869; Edward Borchert, June 1869-Sept. 1874; Borchert and John B. Miller, Sept. 1874- Apr. 1875; Borchert, Apr. 1875-1878. WHi complete. MANITOWOC TRIBUNE (1879-1898), see Manitowoc Citizen. 1092. DAILY TRIBUNE (d) 1905-Apr. 7, 1910. Editors: C. M. Wright, 1905-1909; Henry Bruins, 1909-1910. WHi June 26, 1909-Apr. 7, 1910. UNION DEMOKRAT, see Journal. 1093. WAHRHEIT (w) June 2, 1896-July 19, 1921. Editors: C. Otto Schmidt, 1896-Feb. 1907; Adolph Baier, Feb. 1907-May 1910; Alexander M. Dusold, May 1910-1921. In German. Merged with Manitowoc Post. WHi Nov. 10, 1896-July 19, 1921. WMa Apr. 27, 1897-July 5, 1921. WISCONSIN'S DEMOKRAT, see Journal. ZEITUNG, see Journal. REEDSVILLE 1094. REEDSVILLE REPORTER (w) 1909-1921. Editors: Edward F. Maertz, 1909-1912; Otto J. Zander, 1912-1921. WHi Mar. 13, 1913-Oct. 12, 1916. SAINT NAZIANZ 1095. SAINT NAZIANZ WEEKLY (w) May 11, 1895-Sept. 1898. Editors: H. C. Olson. Merged with Manitowoc Tribune. 144 TWO RIVERS CHRONICLE, see Reporter-Chronicle. 1096. FREE PRESS (w) 1942-1943 [?]. Editors: David A. Bensman. MANITOWOC COUNTY CHRONICLE, see Reporter- Chronicle. 1097. TWO RIVERS REPORTER (w) 1899-1900 [? | . Editors: R. E. Boehm. 1098. TWO RIVERS REPORTER (w) Mar. 1905-Apr. 15, 1927. Editors: Fred M. Althen, 1905-Mar. 1913; Arthur Baetz, Mar. 1913-1927. Merged with Chronicle. WHi Jan. 6, 1906-Apr. 15, 1927. WTr Apr. 1, 1905-Apr. 15, 1927. 1099. TWO RIVERS REPORTER (d) Aug. 15, 1928 to date. Editors: Mark R. Byers, 1928-1937; Seymour Althen, 1937 to date. WHi complete. WTr complete. 1100. REPORTER-CHRONICLE (w) Apr. 30, 1872-Aug. 9, 1928. Title varies: Manitowoc County Chronicle, 1872-June 1899; Chronicle, July 1899- Apr. 1927. Editors: H. S. Pierpont, 1872-Apr. 1875; William F. Nash, May 1875-1916; Noel Nash, 1916-Apr. 1927; Arthur Baetz, Apr. 1927-1928. WHi May 14, 1872-Aug. 9, 1928. WTr Jan. 1, 1901-Aug. 9, 1928. VALDERS 1101. VALDERS JOURNAL (w) Aug. 22, 1940 to date. Editors: F. H. Brockman. WHi complete. 145 Marathon County ATHENS 1102. ATHENS RECORD (w) Oct. 10, 1901 to date. Editors: James M. Alden, 1901-Nov. 1902; Alden and Levi Williamson, Nov. 1902- July 1903; Williamson, July 1903-1906; D. O. Thompson, 1906-1911; J. W. Con- way, 1911-July 1914; J. I. Scott, July 1914-1916; A. H. Dorner, 1916-1917; G. A. Wasserberger, 1917-Aug. 1918; M. Wozniak, Aug. 1918-Apr. 1919; A. H. Dorner, Apr. 1919-Dec. 1921; O. W. Dorner, Dec. 1921-May 1923; Adolph Neuenschwan- der, Nov. 1923-Oct. 1946; Dale Tromanhauser, Oct. 1946-Mar. 1955; William C. Schroepfer, Mar. 1955-May 1956; Tromanhauser, June 1956 to date. WHi Oct. 10, 1901-Aug. 22, 1907; Jan. 23, 1913-Apr. 15, 1945; Apr. 18, 1946 to date. COLBY LANGLADE ENTERPRISE, see Enterprise (Neillsville). 1103. COLBY PHONOGRAPH (w) Sept. 11, 1878 to date. Editors: Samuel J. and Joel J. Shafer, 1878-May 1903; Joel J. Shafer, May 1903- Oct. 1916; Harry V. and Robert O. Harvey, Oct. 1916-Jan. 1918; A. P. Gessert and L. R. Buchholz, Jan. 1918-Apr. 1919; Gessert, Apr. 1919-Feb. 1920; Mrs. A. P. Gessert, Feb. 1920-Feb. 1921; Spellman Bros., Mar. 1921-1922; Harry V. Harvey, 1922-1923; R. H. Markus, 1923 to date. WHi Feb. 19, 1879 to date. EDGAR 1104. EDGAR ENTERPRISE (w) May 14, 1901-Sept. 1907. Editors: George Meacham. 1105. EDGAR NEWS (w) 1905-Jan. 8, 1948. Editors: W. M. Meyer, 1905-1909; William R. Jaeger, 1909-1911; Earl B. Craw- ford, 1911-1923; I. Townsend, 1923-1925; E. D. Seekins, 1925-1926; F. E. Guinan, 1926-Sept. 1930; Cletus J. Greisch, Sept. 1930-June 1944; H. W. Robinson, July 1944-1945; Raymond A. Schroeder, 1946-1948. WHi Jan. 14, 1944-Jan. 8, 1948. 1106. EDGAR PRESS (w) 1902-1908 [?]. Editors: John L. Hutchins, 1902-1906; Leonard A. Drown, 1906-1908. 1107. EDGAR WEEKLY REVIEW (w) July 1, 1954 to date. Editors: Willard J. Willner. WHi complete. 146 MARATHON 1108. ANZEIGER (w) 1898-1899 [?]. Editors: Mauson. In German. 1109. MARATHON TIMES (w) Jan. 28, 1909 to date. Editors: Charles A. Leicht, Jan-Mar. 1909; Ben E. Manning, Mar. 1909-July 1910; Frank Leuschen, July 1910-Apr. 1922; E. W. Peterson, May 1922-Jan. 1923; Omer Amundson, Feb. 1923-Jan. 1924; Amundson and Alex P. Gertschen, Jan. 1924- Aug. 1925; Gertschen, Aug. 1925 to date. WHi complete. MILAN 1110. MILAN NEWS (w) 1921-1922 [?] . Editors: A. H. Dorner. 1111. MILAN SENTINEL (w) July 11, 1923-Mar. 14, 1934. Published by Abbotsford Tribune. WHi July 11, 1923-July 14, 1926; Jan. 4-Dec. 26, 1928; Jan. 4, 1930- Mar. 14, 1934. MOSINEE 1112. MOSINEE NEWS (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: George D. Single and W. N. Daniels. 1113. MOSINEE TIMES (w) Dec. 27, 1895 to date. Editors: S. L. Smith, 1895-1899; Willis V. Silverthorn, 1900-Mar. 1906; D. W. Baker, Mar. 1906-Jan. 1908; Bert E. Walters, Feb. 1908-Sept. 1919; Lyman K. Osborne, Sept. 1919-Dec. 1932; Francis F. Schweinler and Richard A. Hemp, Dec. 1932-May 1938; Schweinler, May 1938 to date. WHi Dec. 27, 1895-Jan. 6, 1899; Jan. 6-July 15, 1904; Feb. 14, 1908- Mar. 11, 1910; Mar. 11, 1911 to date. SPENCER 1114. SPENCER ADVANCE (w) Jan. 20-July 14, 1881. Editors: Elias W. Stevens. WHi complete. 1115. SPENCER RECORD (w) 1914 to date. Editors: Elijah R. Barager, 1914-1918; Robert O. Harvey, 1918-1923; E. W. Bates. 1923-1924; James W. LeBell, 1924-1925; L. L. Messer and C. H. Johnson, 1925- 1928; LeBell, 1928-June 1929; L. L. Quimby, June 1929-June 1941; C. B. Spicher, June 1941-Feb. 1946; C. J. Neuenfeldt, Mar. 1946 to date. WHi Nov. 14, 1940 to date. 1116. SPENCER TRIBUNE (w) Sept. 9, 1881-1894. Editors: A. B. Barney, 1881-Oct. 1882; Thomas S. Norton, Oct. 1882-May 1885; E. M. and Gilbert E. Vandercook, May 1885-1889; Gilbert E. Vandercook, 1889- 1894. WHi Apr. 7, 1882-June 11, 1886. 147 STRATFORD 1117. STRATFORD JOURNAL (w) 1913 to date. Editors: William J. MacQueen, 1913-1916; E. A. Bahr, 1916-1921; J. L. Schermer- horn, 1921-1922; Grant H. Lawton, 1922-1924; A. E. Way, 1924-1925; W. E. Stoot- hoff, 1925-1926; Earl B. Crawford, 1926-1934; D. D. Hale, 1934 to date. WHi Mar. 30, 1917-Nov. 29, 1918; June 21, 1956 to date. 1118. STRATFORD REPORTER (w) 1910-1914 f? J . Editors: Erank J. Curtin. UNITY 1119. MARATHON COUNTY REGISTER (w) 1902 to date. Editors: Levi H. Cook, 1902-1909; John H. White, 1909-1911. Published by Spencer Record: 1911 to date. WHi Jan. 7, 1944 to date. WAUSAU BEHIND THE CREEK, see Wausau News. CENTRAL WISCONSIN, see Wausau Sun. 1120. WAUSAU SUNDAY CITIZEN (w) 1887-1888 [? J. Editors: George D. Single. 1121. DEUTSCHE PIONIER (w, sw) Apr. 1882-Jan. 6, 1917. Editors: Anson W. Young, 1882-Nov. 1897; Gustav Stolze, Nov. 1897-1899; Paul F. Stolze, 1900-1917. In German. Merged with Wausau Wochenblatt. WHi Oct. 18, 1884-Oct. 1, 1887; Apr. 13, 1889-Jan. 6, 1917. 1122. FREIE PRESSE (w) Sept. 1861-1867 [?]. Published by Central Wisconsin. In German. 1123. WAUSAU HERALD (w) Mar. 3, 1893-Nov. 30, 1907. 1124. WAUSAU DAILY HERALD (d) 1906-Nov. 30, 1907. Editors: R. E. Powers. Merged with Wausau Daily Record. 1125. MARATHON COUNTY RECORD (w) Jan. 9, 1862-Feb. 1863. Editors: Eli R. Chase, Jan.-July 1862; Clarence Jenkins, July 1862-1863. WHi Jan. 9-Mar. 27, 1862. 1126. WAUSAU NEWS (w) June 4, 1901-1905 [?]. Title varies: Behind the Creek, 1901-May 1902; North Wausau News, June 1902- Mar. 1903. Editors: William R. Jaeger, 1901-1904; Ernest A. Dunn, 1904-1905. WHi June 4, 1901-June 2, 1904. 148 1127. WAUSAU PILOT (w) Dec. 1865-Oct. 31, 1940. Title varies: Wisconsin River Pilot, 1865-Aug. 1884; Pilot and Review, Aug. 1884- June 1886; Pilot Review, June 1886-July 1896. Editors: Valentine Ringle, 1865-Aug. 1884; Eugene B. Thayer, Aug. 1884-July 1920; Eugene B. Thayer, Jr., July 1920-1940. WHi July 6, 1867-May 18, 1915; Apr. 3, 1917-Dec. 3, 1918; July 8, 1919-Oct. 31, 1940. 1128. WAUSAU DAILY PILOT (d) July 25-Nov. 7, 1896. WHi complete. 1129. DAILY PILOT AND REVIEW (d) Sept. 1-Nov. 8, 1884. WHi complete. 1130. WAUSAU RECORD (w) Aug. 1877-Dec. 27, 1907. Title varies: Torch of Liberty, 1877-Apr. 1895. WHi Mar. 14, 1878-Dec. 31, 1906. WWas Aug. 9, 1877-Sept. 6, 1894. 1131. WAUSAU DAILY RECORD (d) Mar. 14, 1895-Nov. 30, 1907. Editors: Mark H. Barnum, 1877-Sept. 1894; Edgar T. Wheelock, Sept. 1894-Feb. 1901; Ernest A. Dunn, Feb. 1901-Feb. 1902; Dodge and Martin, Mar. 1902-1907. Followed by Wausau Daily Record-Herald. WHi complete. 1132. WAUSAU RECORD-HERALD (w) Dec. 1907-1914. 1133. WAUSAU DAILY RECORD-HERALD (d) Dec. 2, 1907 to date. Editors: J. L. Sturtevant, 1907-1939; John C. Sturtevant, 1939 to date. WHi complete. WWas complete. 1134. WAUSAU WEEKLY REVIEW (w) 1882-Aug. 11, 1884. Editors: Eugene B. Thayer. Merged with Wisconsin River Pilot. WHi Mar. 26, 1883-Aug. 11, 1884. 1135. WAUSAU SUN (w) Apr. 22, 1857-1867; Oct. 1868-1917. Title varies: Central Wisconsin, 1857-Feb. 1910. Editors: Jerome W. Chubbuck and John Foster, 1857-Aug. 1858; Chubbuck and Alden Sanborn, Sept. 1858-Sept. 1859; Chubbuck, Sept. 1859-Jan. 1861; Francis A. Hoffman, Jan. 1861-1867; Robert H. Johnson, Oct. 1868-Feb. 1910; William C. Brawley, Feb. 1910-1914; John H. Gehre, 1914-1916; Mathew P. Simonson, 1916- 1917. WHi Apr. 22, 1857-July 19, 1862; Mar. 29, 1870-Mar. 23, 1917. WWas Oct. 14, 1868-Dec. 11, 1909. TORCH OF LIBERTY, see Wausau Record. 1136. WAUSAU DAILY TRIBUNE (d) Nov. 5, 1921-Apr. 22, 1922. Editors: A. A. Taylor. 1137. URWALD (w) 1872-1874[?]. Editors: Robert H. Johnson. In German. 149 WISCONSIN RIVER PILOT, see Wausau Pilot. 1138. WAECHTER AM WISCONSIN (w) 1878-1881 [?]. Editors: Mark H. Barnum and C. H. Mueller. In German. 1139. WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE (sm) Oct. 22, 1892-1893 [? J. Editors: Edward L. Eggers. 1140. WISCONSIN WOCHENBLATT (w) Jan. 1871-Nov. 28, 1924. Published at Winona, Minn.: Mar. 1919-1924. Title varies: Wausau Wochenblatt, 1871-Oct. 1920. Editors: Valentine Ringle, 1871-1887; G. Lohmar, 1887-1888; Gustav Tyler, 1888- 1890; H. J. Heise, 1890-1917; Charles Spychalla, 1917-1921; Herman Reimann, 1921-1924. In German. WHi Mar. 3, 1876-Dec. 12, 1879; Apr. 6, 1917-Nov. 28, 1924. WWas Apr. 6, 1917-Jan. 24, 1919. 150 Marinette County COLEMAN 1141. COLEMAN BEACON (w) 1939- [?]. 1142. COLEMAN CITIZEN (w) 1922-1925 [?]. Editors: A. Egley. 1143. COLEMAN-POUND HERALD (w) 1917-1919 [?]. CRIVITZ 1144. CRIVITZ ADVOCATE (w) 1912-1919 [?] . Editors: J. F. Bowan, 1912-1916; George E. Bogrand, 1916-1919. MARINETTE 1145. MARINETTE ADVERTISER (w) 1905-1907 [?]. Editors: Thomas W. McLain, 1905-1906; Joseph Maurer, 1906-1907. 1146. ARBEIDERNES BLAD (w) 1885-1886 [?] . Editors: Albert Larsen. In Swedish. 1147. WEEKLY EAGLE-STAR (w, sw) June 24, 1871-1909. Title varies: Marinette and Peshtigo Eagle, 1871-May 1885; Eagle, June 1885-Mar. 1901. WHi Sept. 9, 1871-July 2, 1907. 1148. MARINETTE EAGLE-STAR (d) May 1892 to date. Title varies: Daily Eagle, 1892-Aug. 1903. Editors: Luther B. Noyes, 1871-June 1875; Henry Harris, June 1875-1879; Luther B. Noyes, 1880-Apr. 1894; Frank E. Noyes, Apr. 1894-Aug. 1903; Frank E. Noyes and Edward W. Leroy, Aug. 1903-1922; Frank E. Noyes, 1922-1940; Linwood I. Noyes, 1940-1941; Fred G. Sappington, 1941 to date. WHi Dec. 27, 1894 to date. 1149. FORPOSTEN (w) 1892-June 25, 1909. Editors: James M. Engstrom, 1892-Oct. 1899; Gustav L. Forsen, Oct. 1899-1909. In Swedish. Merged with Marinette Tribunen. WHi Dec. 5, 1894-June 25, 1909. IRA 1892-1902. 1150. MARINETTE FREMAD (w) 1891-1892 [?] . Editors: Hans Juhl. In Norwegian. m 1151. INDEPENDENT (w) Aug. 14-Nov. 4, 1886. Editors: E. E. and J. B. Payne. WHi complete. 1152. MARINETTE COUNTY ARGUS (w) 1889-1902 [?] . Title varies: Peshtigo Argus, 1889-1892. 1153. MARINETTE EVENING ARGUS (d) 1895-1896 [?]. Editors: Philip A. Badour and C. J. Noel, 1889-1900; Noel, 1900-1902. 1154. NORDMANNEN (w) 1887-1889 [?] . Editors: Axel G. Burman. In Norwegian. NORTH STAR, see Marinette Star. 1155. SEARCHLIGHT (w) Mar. 26, 1909-1924[?]. Editors: Albert E. Schwittay, 1909-Jan. 1913; Mrs. A. E. Schwittay, Jan. 1913- 1921; D. Larin, 1921-1924. WHi Mar. 26, 1909-Mar. 28, 1913. 1156. MARINETTE STAR (w) Oct. 1880-July 30, 1903. Title varies: North Star, 1880-1901. WHi Feb. 24, 1882-Feb. 6, 1885; Aug. 29, 1901-July 30, 1903. 1157. MARINETTE DAILY STAR (d) May 1895-Aug. 5, 1903. Editors: James Russell and Jere C. Murphy, 1880-June 1881; Murphy, June 1881-June 1883; George W. Bauder, July 1883-1885; C. M. Fairchild, 1885-1898; Fred T. Lincoln, 1898-1901; R. G. Hutchinson, 1901-Dec. 1902; Edward W. Leroy, Dec. 1902-1903. Merged with Daily Eagle. WHi Oct. 1, 1901-Aug. 5, 1903. 1158. MARINETTE TIMES (w) May 27, 1893-1894. Editors: A. D. Pergoli and J. Larsen. 1159. MARINETTE TIMES-UNION (w) June 9, 1916-1943. Title varies: Twin City Laborer, 1916-Sept. 1918; Union Laborer, Sept. 1918- [?]. Editors: Werner N. Schomaker, 1916-1939; F. J. Dillet, 1939-1941; Edward C. Cochrane, 1941-1943. WHi June 9, 1916-June 4, 1920; Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1930. 1160. MARINETTE TRIBUNEN (w) 1894-Sept. 28, 1917. Editors: Emil Lund, 1894-1895; O. B. Olsen, 1895-1898; Olsen and Jacob Nystrom, 1898-1903; Gustav L. Forsen, 1903-1917. In Swedish. WHi July 2, 1909-Sept. 28, 1917. IRA 1896-Sept. 28, 1917. 1161. TWIN CITY LUMBERMAN (w) May 1895-1 898 [?] . Editors: Francis R. Singleton. 1162. MARINETTE VOLKSBOTE (w) 1898-1916[?]. Editors: Herman Schumacher. In German. 152 NIAGARA 1163. NIAGARA ENTERPRISE (w) 1902-1906 [? J. Editors: D. E. Thompson, 1902-1903; George F. Storey, 1903-1904; Donald Mc- Donald, 1904-1906. 1164. NIAGARA JOURNAL (w) 1920-1924[?]. Editors: Philip J. McCarthy, 1920-1921; R. R. Elliott, 1921-1924. 1165. NIAGARA JOURNAL (w) Dec. 12, 1930 to date. Editors: Martin Boerner. 1166. NIAGARA NEWS WEEKLY (w) June 1946 to date. Title varies: Niagara Advertiser, 1946- [?]. Editors: George Collinson. WHi May 6, 1954 to date. PESHTIGO PESHTIGO ARGUS, see Marinette County Argus (Mari- nette). 1167. PESHTIGO HERALD (w) 1877-1878 [?] . Editors: Joseph W. Hall. 1168. PESHTIGO TIMES (w) Apr. 20, 1894 to date. Title varies: New Peshtigo Times, Aug. 1929-1938. Editors: A. D. Pergoli and Herman Schauer, 1894-May 1897; Thomas Barrett, May 1897-Mar. 1908; Lawrence and Charles Barrett, Mar. 1908-Aug. 1909; Law- rence Barrett, Aug. 1909-Oct. 1912; P. O. Winther, Oct. 1912-May 1918; Thomas S. Greer, May 1918-May 1922; Arthur Egley, June 1922-Sept. 1923; Mrs. A. Egley, Sept. 1923-June 1924; V. L. Dahlen, June 1924-1927; John N. Dahlen, 1927-July 1929; Milan J. Smith and Leo J. Pesch, Aug. 1929-Apr. 1931; Pesch, May 1931 to date. WHi Nov. 3, 1894-Oct. 31, 1918; Feb. 13, 1919 to date. WAUSAUKEE 1169. WAUSAUKEE INDEPENDENT (w) Oct. 20, 1895 to date. Editors: A. F. Douville, 1895-1896; P. O. Winther, 1896-1900; George E. Bogrand, 1900-1934; George E. Bogrand, Jr., 1935-1945; Daly, 1945-June 1956; E. D. Ran- dall, June 1956 to date. 1170. WAUSAUKEE INDEX (w) 1904-1905 [? J. Editors: E. F. McElroy. 153 Marquette County ENDEAVOR 1171. ENDEAVOR JOURNAL (w) Apr. 1-Sept. 9, 1926. Editors: George E. Fuller. 1172. MARQUETTE COUNTY EPITOME (w) Dec. 1900- 1926[?]. Editors: R. E. Helms, 1900-July 1906; Gilford D. Browne, July 1906-Sept. 1909; J. E. Browne, Sept. 1909-1914; Hubert E. and Warren L. Cotton, 1914-1918; Browne, 1918-1921; Warren L. Cotton, 1921-1923; Browne, 1923-1926. MONTELLO 1173. MONTELLO EXPRESS (w) Mar. 1859-Aug. 29, 1946. Published at Oxford: 1859-June 1862. Title varies: Republican-Express, 1859-Mar. 1861; Oxford Express, Mar .-May 1861; Marquette Weekly Express, June 1861-1872. Editors: S. A. Pease and C. M. Comstock, 1859-Oct. 1860; Pease and H. L. Stone, Oct. 1860-Sept. 1861; Pease, Sept. 1861-Apr. 1863; Pease and James B. Cogan, Apr. 1863-May 1865; Pease and B. F. Goodell, June 1865-Jan. 1874; Goodell and Cogan, Jan. 1874-Mar. 1877; Charles H. Bissell and Cogan, Mar. 1877-May 1879; Bissell, May 1879-Feb. 1902; Charles W. Barry, Mar. 1902-1941; Jack Kronschnabl, 1941- 1942; Victor F. Hayden, 1942-1946. WHi Sept. 23, 1859-Dec. 26, 1940; Jan. 6, 1944-Aug. 29, 1946. 1174. MARQUETTE COUNTY TIMES (w) 1890-1891 [?]. Editors: Charles W. Barry. MARQUETTE WEEKLY EXPRESS, see Montello Ex- press. 1175. SUN (w) Dec. 31, 1881-Nov. 2, 1883. Editors: James B. and John T. Cogan, 1881-Sept. 1882; L. W. Chapman, Sept. 1882-1883. Followed by Sun (Plainfield) . WHi complete. 1176. MONTELLO TRIBUNE (w) Sept. 5, 1946 to date. Editors: B. C. Druliner, Sept.-Oct. 1946; A. H. Englund, Oct.-Dec. 1946; Walter E. Gleason, Dec. 1946-Mar. 1950; Ira A. Nichols, Apr. 1950-Mar. 1951; R. T. Wright, Apr. 1951 to date. WHi complete. NESHKORO 1177. NESHKORO ENTERPRISE (w) 1911-1913[?J. Editors: Enterprise Pub. Co. 154 OXFORD OXFORD EXPRESS, see Montello Express. MARQUETTE WEEKLY EXPRESS, see Montello Ex- press. REPUBLICAN-EXPRESS, see Montello Express. 1178. OXFORD TIMES (w) Nov. 23, 1911-Oct. 28, 1920. Editors: E. J. Wheeler, 1911-May 1915; A. R. Poohl, June 1915-Jan. 1916; D. A. Christenson, Jan. 1916-Dec. 1917; George E. Fuller, Dec. 1917-1920. Merged with Central Union (Westfield) . WHi Dec. 7, 1911-Oct. 28, 1920. PACKWAUKEE 1179. PACKWAUKEE INDEPENDENT (w) 1900-1906[?] Editors: Charles Richards. 1180. PACKWAUKEE NEWS (w) 1 895-1 896 [?]. Editors: James Duff. WESTFIELD 1181. CENTRAL UNION (w) June 1877 to date. Editors: S. D. Forbes, 1877-1899; W. E. Forbes, 1899-Oct. 1911; S. E. Hicks, Oct. 1911-Mar. 1917; John C. Harris, Mar. 1917-Oct. 1920; George E. Fuller, Nov. 1920- Nov. 1937; Charles D. Fuller, Nov. 1937-Mar. 1942; H. C. Kirkpatrick, Apr. 1942- Feb. 1943; Victor F. Hayden, Feb. 1943-Mar. 1952; Justin Schmiedeke, Apr. 1952 to date. WHi Feb. 13, 1879-Nov. 16, 1882; Jan. 9, 1919 to date. 1182. MARQUETTE EXPRESS (w) Feb. 1858-Feb. 1859. Editors: Frank Hyde. Followed by Oxford Weekly Express. 1183. MARQUETTE INDEPENDENT (w) Aug. 1871-June 2, 1874. Editors: Edward S. Kilbourne, 1871-1872; Griff O. Jones, 1872-1874. WHi Jan. 15-June 2, 1874. 155 Milwaukee County BAY VIEW (see Milwaukee) CUDAHY 1184. CUDAHY COURIER (w) 1896-1902 [?] . Editors: Thomas L. Everett. 1185. CUDAHY ENTERPRISE (w) Oct. 17, 1908-Feb. 14, 1952. Editors: Thomas H. and E. F. McElroy, 1908-Feb. 1913; George O. Bauman, Feb. 1913-July 1925; Bauman and Floyd J. Gonyea, July 1925-1932; Bauman, 1932-Mav 1937; Bauman and George P. Dunn, May 1937-1945; Dunn, 1945-Mar. 1951; Pat E. Murphy, Apr.-Aug. 1951; Frank J. Gargulak, Aug. 1951-1952. Merged with Reminder- Regional Press. WHi Sept. 6, 1912-Nov. 9, 1918; Jan. 6, 1944-Feb. 14, 1952. WCu Sept. 23, 1948-Dec. 28, 1950. WM June 13, 1918-Jan. 24, 1920. 1186. REMINDER-ENTERPRISE (w) Aug. 7, 1930 to date. Title varies: Reminder, 1930-Feb. 1949; Reminder Press, Feb. 1949-Dec. 1950; Reminder-Journal Press, Dec. 1950-Mar. 1951; Reminder-Regional Press, Mar. 1951-Feb. 1952; Reminder-Enterprise Press, Feb. 1952-1954. Editors: Leo R. Stonek. WHi Jan. 6, 1944 to date. WCu Sept. 23, 1948 to date. 1187. CUDAHY SUN (w) 1892-1893 [?| . 1188. CUDAHY TIMES (w) Oct. 29, 1893-1894. Editors: William H. McElroy. WHi Oct. 29, 1893-Mar. 21, 1894. 1189. CUDAHY TIMES (w) Apr. 11, 1906-1909. Editors: Henry Towell. GLENDALE 1190. GLENDALE HERALD (w) Nov. 1950-1956[?j Title varies: Glendale Town-Times, 1950-Aug. 1955. Published by Shorewood Herald. WHi Sept. 18, 1953-Nov. 22, 1956. GREENDALE 1191. GREENDALE REVIEW (bw) 1939 to date. Editors: John P. Schroeter, 1939-1944; Ray Getter, 1944-1948; Carl L. Yoss, 1948 to date. 156 HALES CORNERS 1192. TRI-TOWN TIMES (w) May 5, 1927 to date. Editors: Maurice R. Jackson, 1927-1931; Jackson and Richard H. Crosse, 1931- 1932; Crosse, 1932-1941; Carl Johnson, 1941-July 1949; Philip G. Nickerson, July 1949 to date. WHi Mar. 19, 1942 to date. MILWAUKEE 1193. ABEND POST (d) Feb. 1, 1879-May 16, 1897. Title varies: Milwaukee Freie Presse, 1879-June 1890. Editors: Richard Michaelis, Feb.-July 1879; Richard Guenther, July 1879-May 1880; Herman Sigel, May 1880-Jan. 1894; Henry Wehn, Jan. 1894-1897. Merged with Germania. In German. WHi Feb. 1, 1879-Mar. 30, 1885; Sept. 22, 1892-Apr. 30, 1897. MILWAUKEE ADVANCE, see National Advance. 1194. MILWAUKEE ADVERTISER (w) July 14, 1836-Mar. 20, 1841. Editors: Daniel H. Richards. Followed by Milwaukee Courier. WHi July 14, 1836-Mar. 20, 1841 (incomplete) . 1195. MILWAUKEE DAILY ADVERTISER (d) Oct. 12, 1874- Mar. 18, 1875. Editors: Alexander M. Thomson and W. G. Cutler. Merged with Daily Commercial Times. WHi complete. 1196. MILWAUKEE AMERICA (w, sw) June 18, 1873-Nov. 25, 1924. Title varies: Germania, 1873-Sept. 1918. Editors: George Koeppen and George Brumder, 1873-1896; George Brumder, 1896-May 1910; William C. Brumder, May 1910-1924. In German. WHi Feb. 5, 1879-Nov. 25, 1924. WM complete. 1197. MILWAUKEE AMERICAN (w) July 1855-Nov. 1857. WHi Aug. 12-Oct. 28, 1857. 1198. MILWAUKEE DAILY AMERICAN (d) [uly 1855-Nov. 1857. Editors: David A. Gillies, 1855-Oct. 1856; Andrew J. Aikens and A. Wellington Hart, Oct. 1856-1857. WHi Sept. 10, 1855-Oct. 11, 1856. 1199. AMERICAN COURIER (w) Jan. 1939-1940[?]. Published by Kuryer Polski. AMERICAN FREEMAN, see Wisconsin Free Democrat. 157 1200. AMERIKANISCHE TURNZEITUNG (w) Jan. 4, 1885- Dec. 30, 1917. Published by Freidenker. In German. WHi Jan. 4, 1885-Dec. 26, 1909. WM complete. 1201. ANSIEDLER (w) 1880-1882 [?]. Editors: Joseph Brucker. In German. 1202. ARBEITER (w) 1854-1855 [?]. Editors: H. Loose. In German. 1203. MILWAUKEER ARBEITER-ZEITUNG (tw, d) May 1886-Dec. 1889. Editors: Paul Grottkau, 1886-July 1888; Simon Hickler. July-Dec. 1888; Valentine Blatz, Dec. 1888-May 1889; Jacob Hunger, May-Dec. 1889. In German. Followed by Milwaukee V olkszeitung. 1204. ARMINIA (m) Jan. 1882-May 1886. Editors: Michael Biron. In German. Followed by Milwaukee'r Arbeiter-Zeitung. 1205. ATLAS (w) Apr. 1856-Apr. 1861. In German. WHi Nov. 15, 1856-Oct. 17, 1857. 1206. ATLAS (d) Nov. 29, 1858-Apr. 1861. Editors: Bernard Domschcke. In German. Followed by Her old. WHi Nov. 29, 1858-Nov. 28, 1860. 1207. BANNER UND VOLKSFREUND (d) Jan. 15, 1850-May 11, 1880. Title varies: Wisconsin Banner, 1850; Banner, 1851-Apr. 1855. Published by Wisconsin Banner und Volksfreund. In German. WHi Mar. 11, 1850-Dec. 31, 1852; Apr. 10, 1855-June 29, 1860; July 1, 1861-Dec. 31, 1862; Feb. 12, 1879-May 11, 1880. WM Sept. 2, 1863-Dec. 31, 1864; Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1866. WMS Mar. 11, 1850-Apr. 7, 1855; Jan. 3, 1859-June 30, 1861; Jan. 3, 1862-Dec. 31, 1879. 1208. BAY VIEW HERALD (w) 1882-1891 [?]. Editors: D. B. Starkey, 1882-1890; Henry Towell, 1890-1891. 1209. BAY VIEW OBSERVER (w, sm) Jan. 1932 to date. Editors: Erwin F. Zillman. WHi Jan. 14, 1937-Dec. 21, 1939. 1210. BAY VIEW PRESS (w) Apr. 14, 1933-June 26, 1941. Editors: Andrew R. Campbell. WM complete. 158 1211. BAY VIEW WAVE (w) 1889-1892[?]. Editors: J. L. Rohr. BIRON UND BRUCKER'S SONNTAGSBLATT, see Freidenker. BODOCNOST, see Vestnik. 1212. CAS (w) Apr. 8-Oct. 14, 1893. Editors: Anton Novak. In Bohemian. WM complete. 1213. CECHOSLOVAK (w, sm) Aug. 1, 1918-Apr. 3, 1948. Editors: John V. Klabouch. In Bohemian. WHi Dec. 4, 1943-Apr. 3, 1948. WM Jan. 7, 1933-Apr. 3, 1948. 1214. MILWAUKEE EVENING CHRONICLE (d) July 24, 1879-Nov. 16, 1881. Title varies: Evening Signal, 1879-May 1880. Editors: Charles J. Pratt, 1879-Mar. 1880; George Godfrey, Mar.-May 1880; C. C. Bowsfield and Peter J. Somers, May-Aug. 1880; Bowsfield and Frank A. Flower, Sept.-Dec. 1880; Thomas H. McElroy, Jan.-Nov. 1881. WHi Aug. 4, 1879-Nov. 16, 1881. 1215. COLUMBIA (w) Jan. 1873-Dec. 21, 1938. Published at Winona, Minn.: Sept. 1922-1938. Editors: George Schleyer, Jan-Dec. 1873; John Gmeiner, 1874-1875; Bruno Ritter, 1876-Apr. 1878; Alfred Steckel, May 1878-Feb. 1880; John M. Schultheis, Feb. 1880-Apr. 1897; Joseph C. Hoffman, May 1897-Sept. 1922. In German. WHi Jan. 15, 1874-Feb. 26, 1930; Oct. 3, 1934-Dec. 21, 1938. WMS Jan. 15, 1874-Feb. 26, 1930. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, see Milwaukee Weekly News. MILWAUKEE DAILY COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, see Milwaukee Daily News (1848-1881). 1216. MILWAUKEE COMMERCIAL HERALD (tw) May 17- Nov. 17, 1843; Mar. 21-Dec. 27, 1844. Editors: Elisha Starr. Merged with Milwaukee Sentinel. WHi July 3-Nov. 17, 1843; Mar. 21-Dec. 27, 1844. 1217. DAILY COMMERCIAL TIMES (d) 1870-May 2, 1878. Title varies: Evening Times, 1870-1874. Editors: J. R. Hunter, 1870-May 1874; H. S. Wicks and J. W. Ryckman, May 1874- Jan. 1875; O. W. Wright and H. A. Chittenden, Jan. 1875-1878. Merged with Milwaukee Daily News. WHi Jan. 2, 1875-May 2, 1878. WM Jan. 2, 1875-June 30, 1876; July 2-Dec. 31, 1877. 159 1218. COMMUNITY PRESS (w) 1935 to date. Editors: A. Schaefer. 1219. MILWAUKEE COURIER (w) Mar. 27, 1841-June 2, 1847. WHi complete. WM Mar. 27, 1841-Mar. 4, 1846. 1220. MILWAUKEE DAILY COURIER (d) Mar. 19-July 14, 1846. WHi complete. 1221. EVENING COURIER (d) Feb. 22-May 18, 1847. Editors: Josiah A. Noonan, 1841-Sept. 1842; Noonan and George Hyer, Sept. 1842- Feb. 1843; Noonan, Feb.-Aug. 1843; John A. Brown, Aug. 1843-May 1845; Brown and William H. Sullivan, May 1845-1847. Followed by Daily Wisconsin. WHi complete. 1222. MILWAUKEE COURIER (w) Nov. 7, 1868-1869[?]. Editors: Augustus Murphy. CREAM CITY COURIER, see Milwaukee Gazette (1872- 1880). DELAVASKA SLOVENIJA, see Vestnik. 1223. MILWAUKEE DEMOCRAT (w) Aug. 11, 1843-Feb. 23, 1844. Editors: Charles C. Sholes and J. M. Kimball, Aug.-Nov. 1843; Sholes and C. L. McArthur, Nov. 1843-1844. Followed by American Freeman. WHi complete. 1224. MILWAUKEE DEMOCRAT (w) Dec. 25, 1897-Apr. 2, 1898. Editors: A. R. Flanders. WHi complete. 1225. DEUTSCHE WARTE (sw) 1877-Oct. 28, 1914. Published at Chicago: 1877-1889. Editors: George Brumder. In German. WM Dec. 25, 1889-Oct. 28, 1914. 1226. MILWAUKEE DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (d) Jan. 24, 1933 to date. Published at Chicago: Mar. 1950 to date. Editors: Helmuth Falk, 1933-1939; William Schnabel, 1939-1950. In German. WHi Nov. 17, 1933-Mar. 10, 1950. WM complete. 1227. DEUTSCHES VOLKSBLATT (sw, w) 1877-Dec. 30, 1902. Editors: George Brumder. In German. WM Oct. 15, 1889-Dec. 30, 1902. 160 1228. DISPATCH (w) 1953 to date. Editors: M. Cleveland Colbert. 1229. DOMACNOST (sw) Mar. 3, 1879-Dec. 24, 1930. Editors: Anton Novak, 1879-Sept. 1917; Frank Cemus, Sept. 1917-1922; J. V. Kubis, 1922-1930. In Bohemian. WM Oct. 4, 1916-Dec. 24, 1930. 1230. DZIENNIK POLSKI (d) 1887-June 1888. Editors: Michael Kruszka. In Polish. Followed by Kuryer Polski. 1231. MILWAUKEE DAILY ENQUIRER (d) July 18, 1860- 1861[?]. Editors: A. G. Ellis and Alfred P. Swineford. MILWAUKEE ENTERPRISE (1872-1873), see Milwau- kee Gazette. 1232. MILWAUKEE ENTERPRISE (w) 1923-Jan. 1925. Editors: S. H. Lane. Merged with Wisconsin Weekly Blade (Madison) . 1233. EVENTS (w) Apr. 5, 1885-Dec. 25, 1897. Title varies: Yenowine's News, 1885-Nov. 1895; Yenowine's Illustrated News, Dec. 1895-Jan. 1897; Illustrated News, Jan.-Oct. 1897. Editors: George H. Yenowine and T. W. Haight, 1885-1890; Yenowine, 1890-Nov. 1895; Mark Forrest and Fred P. Tibbits, Nov. 1895-1897. WHi Aug. 2, 1885-Dec. 25, 1897. WM Apr. 5, 1885-Jan. 9, 1897. 1234. EXCELSIOR (w) Sept. 8, 1883-Sept. 5, 1946. Published at St. Paul: Nov. 1929-1946. Editors: Joseph Britz, 1883-1888; Joseph Springob, 1888-1889; Alfred Steckel, 1889-1898; Joseph M. Schultheis, 1898-1929. In German. WHi Oct. 3, 1895-Sept. 5, 1946. WMS Sept. 8, 1883-Aug. 27, 1885; Aug. 24, 1893-Dec. 30, 1897; Jan. 5, 1922-Sept. 26, 1946. 1235. FARMERS' SENTINEL (w) Jan. 2, 1902-Dec. 28, 1905. Published by Milwaukee Sentinel. WM complete. 1236. FRAM (w) July 1894-Sept. 4, 1897. Editors: A. C. Tosterud. In Norwegian. Merged with La Crosse Tidende. WHi Nov. 6, 1895-July 2, 1897. 1237. MILWAUKEE DAILY FREE DEMOCRAT (d) Sept. 16, 1850-Oct. 1861. Published by Wisconsin Free Democrat. Merged with Daily Wisconsin. WHi Sept. 16, 1850-Feb. 29, 1860. WM Sept. 16, 1850-Feb. 29, 1860. 161 1238. MILWAUKEE FREE PRESS (d) June 18, 1901-Dec. 1, 1918. Editors: Harry P. Myrick, 1901-1906; Myrick and J. J. Harvey, 1906-1916; Ernst H. Kronshage, 1916-1918. Merged with Wisconsin News. WHi complete. WM complete. 1239. FREIDENKER (w) Apr. 1, 1872-Oct. 25, 1942. Published at Minneapolis, Minn.: May 1916-Sept. 1918. Published at New Ulm, Minn.: Sept. 1918-1942. Title varies: Biron und Brucker's Sonntagsblatt, Apr. 1874-Jan. 1875. Editors: Michael Biron, 1872-Apr. 1874; Biron and Joseph Brucker, Apr. 1874- Jan. 1875; Brucker, Jan. 1875-Nov. 1876; Carl Doerflinger, Nov. 1876-1878; C. Hermann Boppe, 1879-1899; Heinrich Huhn, 1899-Feb. 1908; J. Barandun, Feb. 1908-Mar. 1910; Willibald Fleck, Apr. 1910-Feb. 1913; Martin L. Bunge, Feb. 1913-Apr. 1916. In German. WHi Apr. 1, 1872-Dec. 26, 1909; Jan. 4, 1914-Oct. 25, 1942. WM Apr. 1, 1872-Dec. 31, 1876; Jan. 5, 1879-Dec. 30, 1917. MILWAUKEE FREIE PRESSE, see Abend Post. 1240. FREMAD (w) Oct. 29, 1868-Dec. 20, 1871. Published at Chicago: 1869-1871. Editors: S. Beder. In Norwegian. IaDeL complete. 1241. MILWAUKEE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE (sw) Oct. 22, 1845-Feb. 17, 1846. WHi Nov. 26, 1845-Feb. 17, 1846. 1242. MILWAUKEE DAILY GAZETTE (d} Oct. 21, 1845- Feb. 14, 1846. Editors: William D. Wilson and Elisha Starr. Merged with Milwaukee Sentinel. WHi complete. 1243. MILWAUKEE GAZETTE (w) Dec. 1872-July 24, 1880. Title varies: Milwaukee Enterprise , 1872-July 1873; Cream City Courier, July 1873-Sept. 1879. Editors: A. P. Colby, 1872-May 1873; A. E. Vanderpool, May 1873-July 1878; Vanderpool and J. C. Pollard, July 1878-May 1879; Pollard, May-Dec. 1879; Michael W. O'Ryan, Jan.-July 1880. WHi Jan. 17, 1874-July 22, 1876; June 15, 1878-July 17, 1880. GERMANIA (w), see Milwaukee America. 1244. MILWAUKEE GERMANIA ABEND POST (d) Nov. 8, 1873-Aug. 31, 1878; Sept. 15, 1891-Dec. 31, 1912. Title varies: Germania, 1873-Apr. 1897; Germania und Abend Post, May 1897- Nov. 1901. Published by Milwaukee America. In German. Merged with Herold und Seebote. WHi May 17, 1897-Dec. 31, 1912. WM Nov. 8, 1873-Sept. 19, 1874; Nov. 12, 1877-July 31, 1878; Sept. 15. 1891-Dec. 31, 1912. 162 GERMANIA-HEROLD, see Milwaukee-Herold. 1245. SUNDAY GOSSIP (w) 1873-1874 [?]. Editors: Upham and Fuller. 1246. HEROLD (w, sw) Sept. 21, 1861-Dec. 28, 1917. In German. WHi Oct. 19, 1866-Oct. 8, 1868; Mar. 2, 1871-Feb. 9, 1906. WM Sept. 19, 1863-Sept. 29, 1866; May 7, 1907-Dec. 28, 1917. 1247. MILWAUKEE-HEROLD (d, sw) Sept. 21, 1861-Aug. 1862; Oct. 12, 1866 to date. Published at Winona, Minn.: Oct. 1932 to date. Title varies: Herold, 1861-July 1899; Herold und Seebote, Aug. 1899-1912; Ger- mania-Herold, 1913-May 1918. Editors: William W. Coleman and Bernard Domschcke, 1861-Aug. 1862; Coleman, Aug. 1862-June 1865; Coleman and Domschcke, June 1865-Apr. 1869; Coleman and Carl J. Palme, Apr. 1869-1879; Coleman, 1879-Oct. 1888; Edgar W. Coleman, Oct. 1888-1896; Otto Luedicke, 1896-June 1912; Emil von Schleinitz, June 1912- May 1917; Gustav Haas, May 1917-Oct. 1932. In German. WHi Oct. 12, 1866-Dec. 14, 1867; Jan. 1, 1886-June 30, 1890; Apr. 1, 1899 to date. WM Oct. 1, 1897 to date. 1248. HUMANIST (w) Sept. 1851-1854. Editors: E. Schroeter. In German. Followed by Arbeiter. ILLUSTRATED NEWS, see Events. 1249. INDEX (w) Dec. 22, 1877-1878. Editors: George W. Godfrey and W. G. Cutler. WHi Dec. 22, 1877-Feb. 9, 1878. 1250. IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT (w) Jan. 1 1, 1860-1861 [?]. Editors: B. E. Hale. 1251. ITALIAN LEADER (m, sm) Dec. 1933-1937. Editors: Theodore T. Canepa, 1933-1936; Frank Fontanazza, 1936-1937. WHi Dec. 1933-Mar. 1, 1936; Jan. 2-Apr. 9, 1937. 1252. JEWISH DAILY PRESS (d) 1919-1923. Published by Milwauker Wochenblat. In Yiddish and English. 1253. MILWAUKIE JOURNAL (w) Aug. 27, 1841-Feb. 16, Editors: Elisha Starr. Followed by Workingman's Advocate. WM complete. 1254. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL (d) 1850-1851 f?]. Editors: William Wilson. 163 1255. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL (d) Jan.-Mar. 1856. Editors: Bernard Domschcke. In German. Followed by Atlas. 1256. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL (d) 1881-1882. Editors: Michael Biron. In German. Merged with Milwaukee Freie Presse. 1257. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL (d) Nov. 16, 1882 to date. Editors: Peter V. Deuster and Michael Kraus, Nov .-Dec. 1882; Kraus and Lucius W. Nieman, Dec. 1882-June 1890; Nieman, June 1890-1936; Harry J. Grant, 1936 to date. WHi complete. WM complete. 1258. JOURNAL OF COMMERCE (w) Nov. 14, 1866-Dec. 22, 1880. Editors: Harrison Hayden, 1866-May 1867; Eugene S. Elliott, May 1867-July 1871; Elliott and H. A. Chittenden, July 1871-Feb. 1873; Chittenden and W. H. Bishop, Feb. 1873-1874; Chittenden and O. W. Wright, 1875-Nov. 1878; E. W. Magann, Nov. 1878-1880. WHi July 10, 1872-Dec. 30, 1874; Jan. 29, 1879-Dec. 22, 1880. WM Nov. 21, 1866-Dec. 6, 1871; Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1873. 1259. JUGOSLOVENSKI OBZOR (w, sm) Jan. 10, 1929-Dec. 15, 1946. Editors: Frank R. Staut. In Slovenian. WHi Jan. 15. 1943-Dec. 15, 1946. WM complete. 1260. KORSAR (w) Oct. 7, 1854-Jan. 1856. Editors: Bernard Domschcke. In German. Followed by Milwaukee Journal. 1261. KRYTYKA (w) Nov. 1885-June 1888. Editors: Michael Kruszka. In Polish. Followed by Kuryer Polski. 1262. KURYER POLSKI (d) June 23, 1888 to date. Editors: Michael Kruszka, 1888-1918; S. J. Zowski, 1919-1939; Peter F. Piasecki, 1939 to date. In Polish. WHi Jan. 1, 1894-Jan. 4, 1932; Nov. 18, 1943 to date. WM complete. MILWAUKEE LEADER, see Milwaukee Post. 1263. DAILY LIFE (d, w) Aug. 17, 1861 -Apr. 1, 1865. Editors: Sherman M. Booth. Merged with Daily Wisconsin. WHi complete. WM complete. 164 1264. MILWAUKEE MAIL (w) May 26-Aug. 18, 1894. Editors: Walter W. Pollock. WHi complete. 1265. MARINE ADVOCATE (w) Feb. 1, 1919-1920. Editors: Dudley S. Long. WM Feb. 8, 1919-Jan. 17, 1920. 1266. MILWAUKEE COUNTY NEWS (w) 1946 to date. Editors: Fritz Rathmann. 1267. MILWAUKEE COUNTY NORTHWESTERN (w) 1896- 1902[?]. Editors: E. C. Evans. 1268. MILWAUKIEAN (w) Oct.-Nov. 1844. Editors: George M. Shipper. Merged with Milwaukee Commercial Herald. 1269. DAILY NATIONAL (d) Sept. 10-Nov. 6, 1859. Editors: Flaven Bros. WHi complete. 1270. NATIONAL ADVANCE (w) Jan. 5, 1890-1909. Title varies: Milwaukee Advance, 1890-June 1894. Editors: Robert Schilling. WHi Jan. 5, 1890-July 13, 1901. 1271. NATIONAL BUREAU (w) 1879-1880 [?]. Editors: A. E. Vanderpool. 1272. NATIONAL REFORMER (w) 1879-1906 [?]. Editors: Robert Schilling. In German. 1273. MILWAUKEE WEEKLY NEWS (w) Sept. 1848-Jan. 1, 1881. Title varies: Commercial Advertiser, 1848-May 1852. 1274. SEMI-WEEKLY MILWAUKEE NEWS (sw) May 1852- Jan. 1, 1881. 1275. MILWAUKEE DAILY NEWS (d) Sept. 1848-Nov. 1853; Aug. 1854-Jan. 1, 1881. Title varies: Milwaukee Daily Commercial Advertiser, 1848-May 1852; Daily Peo- ple's Press and News, Dec. 1860-July 1861. Editors: Lucas Seaver, 1848-Mar. 1851; Bushnell B. Cary and Sterling P. Rounds, Mar-Dec. 1851; George Hyer, Dec. 1851-May 1852; Hyer and David Shaw, May 1852-1854; G. W. Clason, 1854-Apr. 1856; J. R. Sharpstein and Joseph Lathrop, Apr. 1856-1860; C. H. Orton and Beriah Brown, Jan.-July 1861; Sharpstein and Lathrop, July 1861-Sept. 1862; George H. Paul, Sept. 1862-May 1874; Elias A. Calkins, May 1874-Aug. 1876; Alexander M. Thomson, Sept. 1876-June 1877; E. W. Magann, June 1877-1879; James S. White, 1880-1881. Followed by Daily Republican and News. WHi Feb. 15, 1855-Jan. 1, 1881. WM Feb. 15, 1855-Jan. 1, 1881. 165 1276. MILWAUKEE DAILY NEWS (d) Mar. 3, 1887-Oct. 15, 1918. Title varies: Daily Review, 1887-May 1889. Editors: William H. Park, 1887-1889; Melvin A. Hoyt, 1889-1918. Merged with Evening Wisconsin. WHi May 30, 1889-Oct. 15, 1918. WM complete. 1277. MILWAUKEE NEWS (d) Nov. 25, 1918-Jan. 14, 1939. Title varies: Wisconsin News, 1918-Sept. 1937. Editors: Arthur Brisbane, 1918-Feb. 1920; William Randolph Hearst, Feb. 1920- Sept. 1937; John H. Black, Sept. 1937-May 1938; H. H. Fris, May 1938-1939. WHi complete. WM complete. 1278. NORDWESTLICHE POST (w) Dec. 1891-May 1897. Published by Abend Post. In German. WM Dec. 6, 1892-Dec. 31, 1896. 1279. NORTH GREENFIELD MAIL (w) 1889-1890[?]. Editors: J. L. Rohr. 1280. NORTH MILWAUKEE GAZETTE (w) 1893-1894 [? J . Editors: C. J. Brown. 1281. NORTH MILWAUKEE NEWS (w) Jan. 14, 1898-1908. Editors: A. E. Chase, 1898-Nov. 1901; George Towell, Nov. 1901-1908. 1282. NORTH MILWAUKEE POST (w) 1927-1928 [?]. Editors: Oliver E. Remey. 1283. NORTH MILWAUKEE PRESS (w) Mar. 16, 1928-1929. Editors: A. J. Peck. WM Apr. 20-Dec. 29, 1928. 1284. NORTH MILWAUKEE RECORD (w) 1904-1908 [?]. Editors: A. E. Chase. 1285. NORTH MILWAUKEE REVIEW (w) Mar. 9, 1917- Feb. 22, 1918. Editors: A. E. Chase. WM complete. 1286. NORTH MILWAUKEE TIMES (w) Aug. 8, 1918-1931. Editors: S. E. Hicks. WM Aug. 8, 1918-Jan. 30, 1920. 1287. NORTHWEST REPORTER (w) 1955 to date. Editors: Herbert R. Schaefer. 1288. NORTHWESTERN RECORDER (w, m) Apr. 1892- Mar. 1893. Title varies: Wisconsin Afro-American, Apr.-Nov. 1892. Editors: George A. Brown and Thomas H. Jones. WHi Aug. 13, 1892-Mar. 1893. 166 1289. NOWINY POLSKIE (d) Dec. 19, 1906-Feb. 14, 1949. Editors: B. E. Goral, 1906-1909; M. S. Paruch, 1909-1920; T. A. Jasiorkowski, 1920-1940; B. Snella, 1940-1949. In Polish. WHi Nov. 1, 1943-Feb. 14, 1949. WM Jan. 2, 1929-Feb. 14, 1949. 1290. PECKS SUN AND SATURDAY STAR (w) May 1874- 1900. Published at La Crosse: 1874-Mar. 1878. Title varies: Peck's Sun, 1874-Dec. 1894. Editors: George W. Peck, 1874-1890; George W. Peck, Jr., 1890-Sept. 1894; Harry E. Dankoler, Sept. 1894-1900. WHi Jan. 2-Mar. 27, 1886; Dec. 29, 1894-Mar. 20, 1897. 1291. DAILY PEOPLE'S PRESS (d) Aug. 16-Dec. 14, 1860. Editors: Beriah Brown. Merged with Milwaukee Daily Neivs. WM complete. DAILY PEOPLES PRESS AND NEWS, see Milwaukee Daily News (1848-1881). 1292. PHOENIX (w) 1854-1863. Published at West Bend: 1854-1860. Editors: Gustav Grahl. In German. 1293. MILWAUKEE POST (d) Dec. 7, 1911-Apr. 28, 1942. Title varies: Milwaukee Leader, 1911-Apr. 1938; Milwaukee New Leader, Apr. 1938-Jan. 1939; Milwaukee Evening Post, Jan. 1939-Sept. 1940. Editors: Victor L. Berger, 1911-Aug. 1929; E. J. Costello, Aug. 1929-1932; John M. Work, 1932-1936; Leo Wolfsohn, 1936-1938; Elmer A. Krahn, 1939-1942. WHi complete. WM complete. 1294. MILWAUKEE DAILY RECORD (d) Oct. 28, 1895-Mar. 23, 1897. Published by Peck's Sun and Saturday Star. WHi Nov. 11, 1895-Mar. 23, 1897. 1295. MILWAUKEE REFORMER (w) 1890-1902 [?]. Editors: Robert Schilling. In German. 1296. DAILY REPORTER (d) 1898 to date. Editors: Reporter Pub. Co. Official city and county news. WHi Nov. 3, 1943 to date. WM Mar. 2, 1936 to date. 1297. DAILY REPUBLICAN AND NEWS (d) Jan. 3, 1881- May 20, 1882. Editors: Horace Rublee. Merged with Milwaukee Sentinel. WHi Mar. 27, 1881-May 20, 1882. WM complete. 167 DAILY REPUBLICAN-SENTINEL, see Milwaukee Sen- tinel. DAILY REVIEW, see Milwaukee Daily News (1887-1918). 1298. ROVNOST (d) Sept. 7-Dec. 21, 1892. Editors: P. V. Schissler. In Bohemian. WHi complete. 1299. ROVNOST (w) 1896-1919 [?]. Editors: Edward A. Krall. In Bohemian. 1300. RUNDSCHAU (w) 1880-Apr. 9, 1929. Published at Chicago: 1880-1903. Published at Winona, Minn.: Dec. 1924-1929. Editors: George Brumder. In German. WM Jan. 6, 1904-Apr. 9, 1929. 1301. MILWAUKEE SEEBOTE (w, sw) Dec. 1851-Nov. 29, 1924. Published at Winona, Minn.: Sept. 1922-1924. In German. WHi Jan. 4, 1865-Nov. 29, 1924. WM Jan. 1, 1892-Dec. 29, 1899. WMS Feb. 1, 1854-Jan. 24, 1855; Jan. 30, 1856-Dec. 26, 1860; Jan. 1, 1862-Dec. 25, 1889. 1302. MILWAUKEE SEEBOTE (d) Jan. 27, 1852-May 1, 1898. Editors: Amond de St. Vincent, 1851-Jan. 1854; August Greulich and Philip Rickert, Jan. 1854-June 1857; Peter V. Deuster. June 1857-Nov. 1906; Joseph C. Hoffman, Nov. 1906-1922. In German. Merged with Herold. WM Jan. 1, 1864-Dec. 31, 1866; July 1, 1890-May 1, 1898. WMS Jan. 3, 1853-Dec. 30, 1854; Jan. 2, 1862-Dec. 31, 1889. 1303. MILWAUKEE SENTINEL (w) June 27, 1837-Dec. 26, 1901. Title varies: Milwaukie Sentinel and Wisconsin Farmer, Oct. 1841-Jan. 1842; Sentinel and Farmer, Feb.-June 1842; Milwaukie Sentinel, July 1842-Feb. 1846; Milwaukee Sentinel and Gazette, Mar. 1846-Oct. 1851. Followed by Farmers' Sentinel. WHi Jan. 23, 1838-Aug. 11, 1847. WM June 27, 1837-Dec. 27, 1854; Jan. 3, 1895-Dec. 26, 1901. 1304. MILWAUKEE SENTINEL (d) Dec. 4, 1844 to date. Title varies: Milwaukie Daily Sentinel, 1844-Feb. 1846; Daily Sentinel and Ga- zette, Feb. 1846-Oct. 1851; Daily Republican-Sentinel, May-Dec. 1882. Editors: J. O'Rourke and Philo White, June-Sept. 1837; Harrison Reed, Sept. 1837-May 1842; Elisha Starr, May 1842-Dec. 1844; David M. Keeler, Dec. 1844- Feb. 1845; John S. Fillmore and Jason Downer, Feb. 1845-Mar. 1846; Rufus King, Mar. 1846-Apr. 1861; T. D. Jermain and H. Brightman, Apr. 1861-1870; A. N. Thomson, 1870-1873; A. C. Botkin, 1874-1877; J. L. Kaine, 1877-1880; Amos Wright and Theron W. Haight, 1880-1882; Horace Rublee, 1882-1896; Harry P. 168 Myrick, 1896-1901; George H. Clemons, 1902-1903; Malcolm C. Douglas, 1903- 1908; John Poppendieck, Jr., 1908-1918; E. G. Johnson, 1918-1922; George F. Lounsbury, 1922-1925; A. C. Backus, 1925-Oct. 1929; Paul C. Block, Oct. 1929- 1938; H. H. Fris, 1938-1943; Frank L. Taylor, 1943-1955; Robert C. Bassett, 1955 to date. WHi complete. WM complete. EVENING SIGNAL, see Milwaukee Evening Chronicle. SLOVENIJA, see Vestnik. 1305. SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC HERALD (w) July 9, 1898- Sept. 20, 1913. Editors: A. S. Edwards, 1898-Nov. 1901; Edwards and Victor L. Berger, Nov. 1901- May 1902; Frederic Heath and Berger, May 1902-1913. WHi complete. 1306. SOCIAL MIRROR (w) May-Nov. 1895. Editors: Mark Forrest and Fred P. I ibbits. 1307. MILWAUKEE'R SOCIALIST (d) Nov. 15, 1875-Sept. 3, 1878. Title varies: Socialist, 1875-1876. Editors: Joseph Brucker, 1875-1877; Richard Michaelis, 1877-1878. In German. Followed by Vorwaerts. WHi Nov. 15, 1875-Oct. 31, 1876; Aug. 1, 1877-May 31, 1878. WMS Dec. 18, 1876-June 30, 1877. 1308. SONNTAGSBOTE (w) Mar. 11, 1906-Sept. 3, 1922. Published by Milwaukee Seebote. In German. WHi complete. WMS Jan. 1914-Dec. 1916. 1309. MILWAUKEE-SONNTAGSPOST (w) Sept. 19, 1897- Oct. 1932. Title varies: Germania Sonntagspost, 1897-1905. Published by Milwaukee Germania Abend Post, 1897-1905. Published by Milwaukee-Herold, 1906-1932. In German. WHi complete. 1310. SOUTH SIDE HERALD (w) 1890-1891 [?]. Editors: Henry Towell. 1311. SATURDAY STAR (w) May 18, 1889-Dec. 22, 1894. Editors: Ernest W. and Harry E. Dankoler, 1889-Jan. 1894; Harry E. Dankoler, Jan.-Dec. 1894. Merged with Peck's Sun. WHi complete. 1312. MILWAUKEE STATE JOURNAL (w) Feb. 0, 1879- 1880. V Editors: Charles J. Pratt and Andrew J. Langsworthy. WHi Feb. 6-Dec. 6, 1879. 169 1313. SUBURBAN NEWS (w) 1893-1902 [?]. Title varies: Suburbanite, 1893- [?]. Editors: E. H. Mosher, 1893-1899; Thomas L. Everett, 1899-1902. 1314. MILWAUKEE SUN (m, sm) Jan. 4, 1924-July 1930. Editors: Albert C. Kalmback. WM complete. 1315. MILWAUKEE TELEGRAPH (w) Dec. 1, 1878-Nov. 25, 1899. Editors: Elias A. Calkins and C. C. Bowsfield, 1878-July 1879; Calkins and Jerome A. Watrous, July 1879-Apr. 1884; Jerome A. Watrous, Apr. 1884-Apr. 1891; Jerome A. and R. B. Watrous, Apr. 1891-1899. WHi complete. WM complete. 1316. TELEPHON (w) Feb. 1886-May 1, 1898. Published by Milwaukee Seebote. In German. WM July 6, 1890-May 1, 1898. WMS complete. EVENING TIMES, see Daily Commercial Times. 1317. MILWAUKEE TIMES (w) 1888 to date. Editors: Henry Towell, 1888-1926; Harold Towell, 1926 to date. 1318. MILWAUKEE TIMES (d) Oct. 10-Nov. 14, 1893. Editors: Times Pub. Co. WHi complete. 1319. TRIBUNA ITALIANA (w, m) 1933 to date. Editors: Joseph Cacchione, 1933-May 1955; Guiseppe Cacchione, June 1955 to date. In Italian. WHi Jan. 1941 to date. 1320. SUNDAY TRUTH (w) 1895-1900 [?] . Editors: William J. Kendrick. 1321. UNION SIGNAL (w) Aug. 1892-1907. Editors: Fred W. Stearns. WHi Nov. 3, 1894-Dec. 27, 1902. 1322. UNIONIST (w) Mar. 27, 1846-1847 [?]. Editors: Abram D. Smith. 1323. VESTNIK (w) Mar. 21, 1913-Jan. 3, 1929. Title varies: Bodocnost, 1913-Oct. 1915; Slovenija, Nov. 1915-Dec. 1921; Delavaska Slovenija, Dec. 1921-Dec. 1926. Editors: Leo Zakrajsek, 1913-Oct. 1915; Frank X. Veranick, Nov. 1915-1921; Frank Novak, 1922-1929. In Slovenian. 1324. VLASTMIL (w) Mar. 7, 1896-1897 [?]. Kditors: Anton Novak. In Bohemian. 170 1325. VOLKSBLATT (w) 1859-1860. Editors: Ernst F. Herzog. In German. 1326. MILWAUKEE VOLKSBLATT (w) 1882-1890. Editors: Robert Schilling. In German. 1327. VOLKSFREUND (w) Feb. 1847-Apr. 11, 1855. In German. WHi July 15, 1847-Feb. 13, 1850. WMS Jan. 7-Dec. 10, 1851. 1328. VOLKSFREUND (d) Feb. 11, 1850-Apr. 9, 1855. Editors: Ruftis King, Feb.-June 1847; Friedrich Fratny, June 1847-1855. In German. Merged with Banner. WHi Feb. 11-Dec. 31, 1850; Feb. 13-Dec. 31, 1852. 1329. MILWAUKEE VOLKSZEITUNG (d) Dec. 1889-Dec. 1892. Editors: Simon Hickler, 1889-June 1891; Michael Biron, July 1891-1892. In German. Followed by Wisconsin Vorwaerts. 1330. VORWAERTS (d) Sept. 1878-Jan. 1879. Editors: Richard Michaelis. In German. Followed by Milwaukee Freie Presse. 1331. VORWAERTS (w) Jan. 1, 1893-Dec. 31, 1932. Editors: Victor L. Berger, 1893-1904; Jacob Hunger, 1904-Oct. 1911; Heinrich Bartel, Oct. 1911-1932. In German. WHi Jan. 1, 1893-Dec. 30, 1900; Jan. 5, 1902-Dec. 31, 1932. WM Jan. 1, 1893-Dec. 31, 1905. 1332. WAHRHEIT (w) Jan. 7, 1893-June 25, 1910. Published by Vorwaerts. In German. WHi complete. 1333. WEEKLY WISCONSIN (w) June 2, 1847-Dec. 29, 1900. WHi June 9, 1847-May 13, 1857; July 25, 1883-Apr. 17, 1886. WM June 9, 1847-July 26, 1848; Jan. 5, 1881-Dec. 29, 1900. 1334. SEMI-WEEKLY WISCONSIN (sw) Nov. 4, 1862-Aug. 9, 1882. WHi complete. 1335. EVENING WISCONSIN (d) June 8, 1847-Nov. 23, 1918. Title varies: Daily Wisconsin, 1847-May 1868. Editors: William E. Cramer and Joseph Curtis, 1847-Sept. 1850; Cramer and C. S. Hurley, Sept. 1850-Oct. 1852; Cramer, Oct. 1852-1854; Cramer and A. J. Aikens, 1854-1892; Cramer, 1892-1905; John F. Cramer, 1905-June 1918; Arthur Brisbane, June-Nov. 1918. Followed by Wisconsin-News. 171 VVHi Apr. 21, 1848-Apr. 18, 1851; Jan. 11-Dec. SI, 1855; May 15, 1857- Dec. 31, 1858; Sept. 1, 1859-June 28, 1867; Jan. 3-Dec. 31, 1870; Oct. 7, 1881-Nov. 23, 1918. WM Oct. 1, 1847-Nov. 23, 1918. 1336. WISCONSIN WEEKLY ADVOCATE (w) May 7, 1898- 1915. Editors: Richard B. Montgomery. WHi May 7, 1898-Sept. 19, 1908. WISCONSIN AFRO-AMERICAN, see Northwestern Re- corder. WISCONSIN BANNER (d), see Banner und Volksfreund. 1337. WISCONSIN BANNER UND VOLKSFREUND (w, sw) Sept. 7, 1844-Sept. 13, 1922. Title varies: Wiskonsin- Banner, 1844-Apr. 1845; Wisconsin-Banner, Apr. 1845- Apr. 1855. Editors: Moritz Schoeffler, 1844-Mar. 1851; Schoeffler and F. W. Orban, Apr. 1851- Nov. 1870; Schoeffler, Nov. 1870-Sept. 1877; B. H. Gueterbock, Sept. 1877-May 1880; Herman Sigel, May 1880-1885; Peter V. Deuster, 1885-1906; Joseph C. Hoffman, 1906-1922. In German. WHi Mar. 15-Aug. 30, 1845; Mar. 7, 1846-Aug. 28, 1847; Sept. 15, 1849-Sept. 1, 1858; Feb. 1, 1879-Oct. 14, 1913. WMS Sept. 15, 1849-Sept. 8, 1852; Mar. 16, 1853-Aug. 3, 1882; Jan. 1, 1885-Dec. 25, 1889. 1338. WISCONSIN BARNBURNER (tw) Aug.-Sept. 1848. Published by Wisconsin Free Democrat. 1339. WISCONSIN BULLETIN (m) Mar. 1, 1912-Dec. 1916. Editors: A. D. Campbell. WHi complete. 1340. WISCONSIN ENTERPRISE-BLADE (w) June 8, 1916 to date. Published at Madison: 1916-Jan. 1925. Title varies: Wisconsin Weekly Blade, 1916-Jan. 1925. Editors: J. Anthony Josey. WHi June 8, 1916-Jan. 15, 1920; Jan. 10, 1925-Sept. 11, 1926; Sept. 3, 1927-Nov. 10, 1928. 1341. WISCONSIN FREE DEMOCRAT (w) Mar. 6, 1844-Feb. 1862. Published at Waukesha: 1844-May 1848. Title varies: American Freeman, 1844-Aug. 1848; Wisconsin Freeman, Aug. 1848- Feb. 1849. Editors: Charles C. Sholes, 1844-July 1846; C. C. Olin and T. D. Plumb, July- Dec. 1846; Olin and Ichabod Codding, Dec. 1846-May 1848; Sherman M. Booth, May 1848-Mar. 1859; L. L. Crouse, Mar. 1859-May 1860; Olin and Christopher L. Sholes, May-Dec. 1860; Abram D. Smith and G. W. Chapman, Dec. 1860-Oct. 1861; William Euen, Oct. 1861-1862. WHi Mar. 20, 1844-June 19, 1845; June 11, 1846-Apr. 28, 1852; Dec. 6, 1854-Nov. 26, 1856; Dec. 9, 1857-Mar. 23, 1859. WM Mar. 20, 1844-June 19, 1845; June 11, 1846-Apr. 28, 1852; Dec. 6, 1854-Nov. 26, 1856; Dec. 9, 1857-Mar. 23, 1859. 172 WISCONSIN GREENBACK, see under Sparta. 1342. WISCONSIN JEWISH CHRONICLE (sw, w) Dec. 16, 1921 to date. Editors: Nathan J. Gould, 1921-Oct. 1941; Irving G. Rhodes, Oct. 1941 to date. WHi complete. 1343. WISCONSIN LEADER (w) May 12, 1934-May 15, 1936. Editors: Andrew J. Biemiller. WHi complete. 1344. WISCONSIN LEGAL NEWS (d) Oct. 11, 1878-July 3, 1884. Editors: C. D. Kendrick. Official city and county news. WHi complete. WM complete. WISCONSIN NEWS, see Milwaukee News (1918-1939). 1345. WISCONSIN PATRIOT (w) May 1893-June 1898. Editors: A. C. Macrorie. WHi Aug. 11, 1894-Apr. 23, 1898. 1346. WISCONSIN STANDARD (w) Feb. 16, 1878-1882. Published at Oshkosh: 1878-Sept. 1881. Title varies: Greenback Standard, Feb.-Oct. 1878; Oshkosh Standard, Oct. 1878- July 1880. Editors: Thomas C. Levy and A. D. Ryckman, Feb.-Oct. 1878; Hiram and Edward B. Morley, Nov. 1878-Jan. 1880; Edwin Petersilea, Jan. 1880-1881; E. H. Benton and W. C. Powell, 1881-1882. WHi Mar. 22, 1878-Aug. 11, 1881. 1347. WISCONSIN STATESMAN (w, m) 1926-Feb. 1952. Published at Port Washington: 1926-1928. Editors: Albert D. Bolens. WHi Mar. 1933-Feb. 1952. 1348. WISCONSIN VORWAERTS (d) Jan. 3, 1893-Aug. 17, 1898. Published by Vorwaerts. In German. WHi complete. WM complete. 1349. WISCONSINI MAGYARSAG (w) Feb. 14, 1924 to date. Editors: Alex Dessewffy, 1924-1934; Saudor Oessewtty, 1934-1939; Charles Klein, 1939 to date. In Hungarian. WHi Dec. 3, 1943 to date. 1350. WISCONSINSKY SLOVAK (w, m) Sept. 1929-1940[?]. Editors: Henry Kusick, Jr., 1929-1939; Michael Holasek, Jr., 1939-1940. In Bohemian. 173 WISKONSIN BANNER, see Wisconsin Banner und Volks- freund. 1351. MILWAUKER WOCHENBLAT (w) Mar. 6, 1914 to date. Editors: Isador S. Horwitz. In Yiddish. WHi Mar. 8, 1917-Mar. 1, 1918; Apr. 18, 1928 to date. WM complete. 1352. WORKINGMAN'S ADVOCATE (w) Apr. 1 842-1843 [?]. 1353. MILWAUKEE WORLD (w) 1884-1896 [?]. Editors: J. L. Rohr. YENO WINE'S NEWS, see Events. 1354. ZGODA (w) 1882-1888 [?]. Editors: Zbigien Brodowski. In Polish. SHOREWOOD 1355. SHOREWOOD HERALD (w) June 28, 1929 to date. Title varies: Suburban Herald, 1929-June 1933. Editors: John Clifford, 1929-June 1933; Claude V. Sullivan, June 1933-May 1940; Harvey J. Kitz and Harold R. Murphy, May 1940 to date. WHi Mar. 27, 1953 to date. 1356. SHOREWOOD RADIO (w) Oct. 19, 1923-June 14, 1929. Editors: E. G. Henkel. Followed by Suburban Herald. SOUTH MILWAUKEE SOUTH MILWAUKEE JOURNAL, see Voice-Journal. 1357. SOUTH MILWAUKEE NEWS (w) 1896-1900 [?]. Editors: J. C. Smith, 1896-1898; William W. Scott, 1898-1899; Edward Whalen, 1899-1900. 1358. SOUTH MILWAUKEE STAR (w) Nov. 26, 1892-Dec. 1894. Editors: John E. Holmes. 1359. SOUTH MILWAUKEE TIMES-NEWS (w) 1900-1907. Editors: Henry Towell. 1360. VOICE (w) Mar. 16, 1933-June 21, 1951. Editors: F. P. Neumann and Arthur M. Huebner, 1933-1941; Huebner, 1941-May 1947; Gordon R. Lewis, May 1947-1951. Merged with Journal Press. WHi Jan. 6, 1944-June 21, 1951. 174 1361. VOICE-JOURNAL (w, sw) Jan. 28, 1893 to date. Title varies: South Milwaukee Journal, 1893-Nov. 1950; Journal Press, Nov. 1950- June 1951. Editors: T. J. Russell and L. A. Miner, 1893-Sept. 1903; Miner, Sept. 1903-May 1904; F. M. Lemmers, June-Dec. 1904; Frank Atkin, Dec. 1904-June 1906; Fred L. Hook, July 1906-Apr. 1950; Leo R. Stonek, May 1950-June 1951; Gordon R. Lewis, June 1951 to date. WHi Jan. 28-Dec. 30, 1893; May 27, 1899 to date. WAUWATOSA 1362. WAUWATOSA INDEPENDENT (w) 1895-1908 [?]. Editors: E. C. Evans, 1895-1903; W. H. Goodall, 1903-1908. 1363. WAUWATOSA NEWS (w) 1885-1890 [?] . Editors: News Pub. Co. 1364. WAUWATOSA NEWS-TIMES (w) Mar. 1899 to date. Title varies: Wauwatosa News, 1899-Apr. 1948. Editors: John R. Benoy, 1899-Mar. 1921; C. L. Benoy, Mar. 1921-Sept. 1942; W. R. Jaeger, Sept. 1942-Aug. 1943; Lee Perry, Aug. 1943-June 1955; Arthur L. Grede and Jack Cory, June 1955 to date. WHi Mar. 24, 1900 to date. WM Jan. 7, 1916-Apr. 4, 1919. 1365. NORTHWESTERN (w) 1895-1896 [?]. Editors: Lloyd Skinner. 1366. WAUWATOSA TIMES (w) 1890-1894 [?]. Editors: E. H. Mosher. 1367. WAUWATOSA TIMES (w) Jan. 5, 1939-Apr. 1, 1948. Editors: R. A. Erdman, 1939-Feb. 1940; Harvey J. Kitz, Feb. 1940-1947; Charles S. Williston, 1947-1948. Merged with Wauwatosa News. WHi May 18, 1945-Jan. 24, 1940. WEST ALLIS 1368. WEST ALLIS ENTERPRISE (w) Sept. 21, 1901-1902 [?] . Editors: Henry Towell. 1369. SATURDAY GRAPHIC (w) Mar. 19-Aug. 6, 1955. Editors: Margaret Benson. WHi complete. 1370. WEST ALLIS INDEPENDENT (w) 1908-1913 [?]. Editors: Frank D. Sullivan, 1908-1911; James E. Ballard, 1911-1913. 1371. WEST ALLIS NEWS (w) 1920-1921 [?]. Editors: S. E. Hicks and T. W. McLain. 1372. WEST ALLIS PRESS (w) 1912-1919. Editors: William Koontz, 1912-1916; J. D. Koontz, 1916-1918; Henry Towell, 1918-1919. WM Jan. 5, 1917-July 4, 1919. 175 1373. WEST ALLIS STAR (w, sw) Dec. 14, 1916 to date. Editors: E. W. Feldschneider, 1916-1921; Adolph F. Sells, 1921-Oct. 1928; Lester J. Krebs, Oct. 1928-1942; Krebs and Arnold H. Klentz, 1942-Apr. 1944; Krebs and Carroll T. Benson, Apr. 1944-1947; Benson, 1948 to date. WHi Nov. 18, 1943 to date. WM Dec. 28, 1916-July 3, 1919. WWe Nov. 9, 1933 to date. WHITEFISH BAY 1374. WHITEFISH BAY HERALD (w) June 12, 1930 to date. Published by Shorewood Herald. WHi Sept. 17, 1953 to date. 1375. WHITEFISH BAY PIONEER (w) Jan. 1892-1893 [?] . Editors: G. A. Rogers. 176 Monroe County CASHTON 1376. CASHTON ENTERPRISE (w) Apr. 1895-July 1896. Editors: E. H. Briggs, Apr.-Aug. 1895; E. H. Brown and Joseph W. Haughton, Aug. 1895-1896. Followed by Cashton Record. 1377. CASHTON INDEPENDENT (w) Aug. 1903-Oct. 1905. Editors: Jay R. Hinckley, 1903-1904; J. A. Norris, 1904-1905. Merged with Cashton Record. 1378. CASHTON RECORD (w) Aug. 1896 to date. Editors: Frank R. Haines, 1896-1897; P. J. McManamy, 1897-1899; O. G. Briggs, 1899-Oct. 1905; E. H. Brown, Oct. 1905-June 1935; Carl O. Larson, June 1935- June 1937; Evelyn Steinbrecker, June 1937-Feb. 1938; Martin E. Hagen, Feb. 1938 to date. WHi Jan. 2, 1903 to date. 1379. CASHTON STAR (w) Dec. 1893-Apr. 1895. Editors: J. A. Haines, 1893-1894; Frank R. Haines, 1894-1895. Followed by Cashton Enterprise. 1380. CASHTON SUN (w) 1900-1901 [?]. Editors: Frank R. Haines. KENDALL 1381. KENDALL KEYSTONE (w) Jan. 28, 1904 to date. Editors: Clarence S. Dodge, 1904-July 1905; Alex R. McCleneghan, Aug. 1905- June 1925; Henry H. Francisco, Aug. 1925-1932; Oliver R. Witte, 1933-Nov. 1951 Philip J. Egan, Dec. 1951 to date. WHi Jan. 28, 1904-Dec. 25, 1919; Jan. 5, 1922 to date. NORWALK 1382. NORWALK SENTINEL (w) Jan.-June 1888. 1383. NORWALK STAR (w) Nov. 1903-Dec. 6, 1929. Editors: Otto W. Sprecher, 1903-1907; E. G. Hesselgrave, 1907-1929. Merged with Wilton Herald. STAR HERALD NEWS, see under Wilton. 1384. NORWALK TIMES (w) 1888-1899 [?]. Editors: H. C. McGary. 177 SPARTA SPARTA ADVERTISER, see Monroe County Republican. 1385. SPARTA DEMOCRAT (w) June 29-Nov. 9, 1859. Editors: George Babcock and Richard H. Copeland. WHi complete. SPARTA DEMOCRAT (1867-1869), see Sparta Herald. SPARTA DEMOCRAT (1885-1895), see Monroe County Democrat. DEMOCRAT ENTERPRISE, see Monroe County Demo- crat. SPARTA EAGLE, see Monroe County Democrat. 1386. SPARTA HERALD (w) Aug. 1855 to date. Title varies: Sparta Watchman, 1855-June 1856; Monroe County Freeman, June 1856-1858; Sparta Democrat, 1867-Apr. 1869. Editors: Milton Montgomery and James D. Condit, 1855-June 1856; Lucius M. Rose, June 1856-1858; David McBride, 1858-1867; William J. Whipple, 1867-Apr. 1869; David and Wilfred McBride, Apr. 1869-1884; Wilfred McBride, 1884-Aug. 1920; James W. Spradling, Sept. 1920-Aug. 1930; Thoedore C. Radde, Sept. 1930- May 1947; Theodore C. and Donald P. Radde, June 1947 to date. WHi July 11, 1861-Dec. 10, 1862; Apr. 13, 1869 to date. WSp Jan. 1903 to date. HERALD-ADVERTISER, see Monroe County Republi- can. 1387. SPARTA INDEPENDENT (w) July 5, 1890-June 30, 1894. Editors: H. E. Kelley, 1890-Jan. 1894; L. S. Humphrey, Jan.-June 1894. Merged with Sparta Herald. WHi Nov. I, 1890-June 30, 1894. 1388. MONROE CITIZEN (irreg) 1854-1855. Editors: L. P. Rising. 1389. MONROE COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) May 9, 1863- 1865. Editors: Henry R. Hayden. WHi May 9, 1863-Dec. 5, 1864. 1390. MONROE COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) June 1861 to date. Title varies: Sparta Eagle, 1861-May 1871; Monroe County Republican, May 1871-Aug. 1879; Democrat Enterprise, Jan.-Nov. 1885; Sparta Democrat, Nov. 1885-June 1895. Editors: William H. Farnham, 1861-Aug. 1867; George Redway, Aug. 1867-1868; R. E. Redway, 1868-May 1869; D. B. Priest and Malcolm Graham, June 1869-Feb. 1870; William R. Finch, Feb.-May 1870; H. G. Rising, May-Nov. 1870; R. C. Bierce and D. W. Wilson, Nov. 1870-Feb. 1871; Wilson and Theodore F. Hollister, Feb. 1871-May 1872; Wilson, May 1872-Jan. 1879; F. A. Brown, Jan. 1879-Sept. 178 1883; Guy Whitney, Oct. 1883-May 1884; B. W. Perry, May 1884-Oct. 1885; B. E. McCoy, Oct. 1885-Sept. 1895; D. C. and S. E. Streeter, Sept. 1895-Oct. 1897; D. W. Cheney and Clark S. McCoy, Oct. 1897-Sept. 1898; D. C. and S. E. Streeter, Oct. 1898-Aug. 1902; D. C. Streeter and Clark S. McCoy, Sept. 1902-Dec. 1903; George S. Ellicott, Dec. 1903-Sept. 1904; J. P. Rice, Sept. 1904-Nov. 1907; Rice and James W. Spradling, Nov. 1907-1911; William N. Wells, 1911-1913; Spradling, 1914- 1917; W. C. Showers, 1917-1938; Theodore C. Radde, 1938-May 1947; John D. Rice, May 1947-Apr. 1954; Z. S. Rice, Apr. 1954 to date. WHi July 11, 1866-Sept. 19, 1867; Jan. 13-May 12, 1871; Jan. 14, 1876 to date. WSp Jan. 1904 to date. MONROE COUNTY FREEMAN, see Sparta Herald. MONROE COUNTY REPUBLICAN (1871-1879), see Monroe County Democrat. 1391. MONROE COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) Mar. 1885- Oct. 26, 1911. Published at Portage: 1885-1892; Published at Tomah: 1892-Jan. 1894. Title varies: Portage Advertiser, 1885-Sept. 1888; Herald-Advertiser, Sept. 1888- Jan. 1894; Sparta Advertiser, Jan. 1894-1901. Editors: Lemuel H. Doyle, 1885-June 1886; E. H. Hughes, June-Oct. 1886; S. S. Newton and Edward J. Doyle, Oct. 1886-1887; Newton and F. A. Brown, Jan.- Aug. 1888; Jay R. Hinckley, Aug. 1888-June 1889; J. W. Chancellor, June 1889- 1894; Albert C. Hinckley, 1894-1895; Jay R. Hinckley, 1895-1906; Robert A. Merrill, 1906-1908; John W. Dorrington and Harry V. Ross, 1908-1911; J. M. Ax tell, 1911. WHi Nov. 10, 1886-June 12, 1890. 1392. SPARTA TRIBUNE (w) May 1882-Feb. 1884. Editors: Theodore F. Hollister. Merged with Monroe County Democrat. SPARTA WATCHMAN, see Sparta Herald. 1393. WISCONSIN GREENBACK (w) June 29, 1876-Sept. 18, 1879. Suspended: May-Sept. 1879. Editors: Arthur B. and J. Lamborn. WHi complete. TOMAH BADGER STATE MONITOR, see Tomah Monitor- Herald. 1394. TOMAH CHIEF (w) May 28, 1859-Jan. 14, 1860. Editors: Joseph K. Averill. WHi complete. 1395. TOMAH DEMOCRAT (w) 1867-1868 [?]. Editors: Joseph K. Averill. 1396. TOMAH ENTERPRISE (w) Apr. 1885-July 1887. Editors: E. A. Alderman. 179 1397. HERALD (w) 1894-1904. Editors: Jay R. Hinckley, 1894-1898; Albert G. Hinckley, 1898-1900; Briggs Bros., 1900-1903; Robert G. Lee, 1903-1904. Merged with Tomah Monitor. HERALD-ADVERTISER, see Monroe County Republi- can (Sparta). 1398. TOMAH JOURNAL (w) July 24, 1867 to date. Editors: James A. and Charles D. Wells, 1867-1883; Fred Kibbe, Jan.-July 1884; S. L. Chase, July 1884-Jan. 1885; L. B. Squier, Jan. 1885-June 1929; L. W. Kenny, July 1929 to date. WHi Nov. 20, 1867 to date. 1399. TOMAH MONITOR-HERALD (w) July 1, 1880 to date. Title varies: Badger State Monitor, 1880-1888; Tomah Monitor, 1889-1904. Editors: Jay R. Hinckley, 1880-1888; James A. Wells, 1889-1893; James A. and C. J. Wells, 1893-Nov. 1920; C. J. Wells, Nov. 1920-Jan. 1927; R. A. Wells, Jan.- May 1927; L. W. Kenny, June 1927 to date. WHi Jan. 3, 1894-Dec. 30, 1929; Feb. 11, 1947 to date. 1400. MONROE COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 5, 1878- Jan. 4, 1879. Editors: F. A. Brown. WHi complete. 1401. MONROE COUNTY LEADER (w) 1934-1935 [?]. Editors: Robert Brayton. 1402. TOMAH REMINDER (w) 1934-1935 [?]. Editors: F. W. Walcup. 1403. TOMAH STAR (w) 1880-1881 [?]. Editors: Fred Kibbe. VALLEY JUNCTION 1404. VALLEY ADVOCATE (w) Mar. 3, 1898-Sept. 13, 1900. Editors: E. T. Hale. Merged with Warrens Index. WHi complete. 1405. WISCONSIN VALLEY SETTLER (sm) Apr. 1, 1905- Nov. 1907. Editors: William C. Brawley. WHi Apr. 1-June 3, 1905. WARRENS 1406. WARRENS INDEX (w) Oct. 2, 1896-Sept. 1910. Editors: W. G. Evans, 1896-1898; I. S. Dunn, 1898-Nov. 1901; Guy W. Small, Nov. 1901-1908; L. F. Waggoner, 1908-1909; F. R. Barber, 1909-1910. WHi Jan. 13, 1899-Nov. 15, 1901. 180 WILTON 1407. WILTON HERALD (w) 1894-Dec. 1929. Editors: C. H. Brown, 1894-1900; J. E. Gruber, 1900-1924; V. O. Fuller, 1924-1927; Alex R. McCleneghan, 1927-1928; Raymond E. Bump, 1928-1929. Followed by Star Herald News. 1408. STAR HERALD NEWS (w) Dec. 13, 1929-Aug. 29, 1957. Published at Norwalk: 1929-Feb. 1948. Editors: E. G. Hesselgrave, 1929-1935; Anna Hesselgrave, 1935-1939; Lloyd D. Hesselgrave, 1939-1941; W. L. Dayne, 1941-1942; Martin Hagen, 1942-Sept. 1943; B. S. Norton, Oct. 1943-May 1944; William J. Norton, June 1944-Aug. 1945; Hel- mer L. Gilbertson, Aug -Dec. 1945; E. Lynn Finch, 1946-1947; E. A. Bergemann, 1947-Jan. 1949; C. W. Spalthoff, Feb.-Aug. 1949; Frank E. Wendt, Sept. 1949-1957. WHi Oct. 1, 1943-Aug. 29, 1957. 1409. WILTON TIMES (w) Sept. 19, 1930-Nov. 13, 1931. Editors: Joseph M. and Guy E. Cooksey. 181 Oconto County CLAYWOOD 1410. MAPLE VALLEY EDUCATOR (w) Mar. ] 893-1894 f?] Editors: Haybert Holm. GILLETT 1411. GILLETT TIMES (w) 1900-Dec. 27, 1951. Editors: Lewis P. Perry, 1900-1922; George Stoffregen, 1922-1926; A. E. Wray, 1926-1928; Oliver L. Halsted, 1928-1933; W. E. Clough, 1933-Nov. 1944; Ernest J. Shellman, Nov. 1944-1951. Merged with Oconto Falls Herald. WHi Nov. 4, 1943-Dec. 27, 1951. LENA 1412. LENA NEWS (w) 1908-1909[?]. Editors: G. W. Van Vuren. OCONTO 1413. ENQUIRER (w) July 30, 1881-Aug. 29, 1924. Editors: Francis C. Sharp and Alex Brazeau, 1881-Apr. 1883; Sharp, Apr. 1883- Feb. 1890; Rose A. Sharp, Mar. 1890-1924. Merged with Oconto County Reporter. WHi July 30, 1881-Julv 5, 1901; July 7, 1905-July 28, 1911; July 25, 1913-July 16, 1915. HERALD, see Oconto County Times-Herald (Oconto Falls). 1414. OCONTO LUMBERMAN (w) Mar. 1864-1920. Editors: Joseph W. Hall. WHi Nov. 22, 1873-Dec. 19, 1874. 1415. OCONTO COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Aug. 1859-Jan. 1860. Editors: T. A. Harney. 1416. OCONTO COUNTY ENTERPRISE (w) 1898-Apr. 2, 1920. Editors: Philip A. Badour, 1898-1916; R. H. Downie, 1916-1918; Stephen Bolles, 1918-1920. Merged with Oconto County Reporter. 182 1417. OCONTO COUNTY REPORTER (w) Nov. 10, 1871 to date. Editors: A. R. Bradbury, Nov.-Dec. 1871; A. Reinhart and H. W. Gilkey, 1872- Sept. 1873; Cyrus S. Hart, Sept. 1873-July 1881; P. H. Swift, July 1881-Nov. 1885; Hart, Nov. 1885-Mar. 1895; J. H. Waggoner, Mar. 1895-Nov. 1900; W. M. Corn- stock and Ernest J. McCall, Nov. 1900-Nov. 1904; Comstock, Nov. 1904-Mar. 1938; Raymond G. Hyde, Apr. 1938-Mar. 1939; W. M. Comstock, Apr. 1939-1947; Duane S. McCall, 1948 to date. WHi Jan. 13, 1872 to date. 1418. OCONTO PIONEER (w) June 25, 1859-Nov. 1875. Editors: George C. Ginty, 1859-Feb. 1864; Henry D. Ginty and Cyrus S. Hart, Feb. 1864-1875. Merged with Oconto Lumberman. WHi June 25, 1859-Oct. 12, 1865. 1419. OCONTO REPUBLICAN (w) 1880-July 1881. Editors: P. H. Swift. Followed by Enquirer. 1420. OCONTO TIMES (w) 1873-1875 [?]. Editors: A. Reinhart. OCONTO FALLS 1421. OCONTO FALLS LEADER (w) 1898-1900. Editors: C. D. Perkins. 1422. OCONTO COUNTY TIMES-HERALD (w) July 1898 to date. Published at Oconto: 1898-Sept. 1899. Title varies: Herald, 1898-July 1902; Oconto Falls Herald, July 1902-Mar. 1912; Union Farmer-Herald, Mar. 1912-Apr. 1916; Farmer- Herald, May 1916-May 1920; Oconto Falls Herald, May 1920-1951. Editors: R. P. Smith, 1898-June 1920; W. M. Comstock, June 1920-Mar. 1921; Smith, Apr. 1921-1926; A. E. Wray, 1926-1928; Smith, 1928-1929; Ernest J. Shell- man, 1929-1953; Ernest J. and Robert Shellman, 1954 to date. WHi Jan. 6, 1899 to date. 1423. UNION FARMER (w) June 1911-Mar. 22, 1912. Editors: Robert H. Wright. Merged with Oconto Falls Herald. WHi Aug. 19, 1911-Mar. 22, 1912. SURING 1424. SURING SUN (w) 1915-1926 [?] . Editors: Joseph Thielke, 1915-1925; Gilbert W. Thielke, 1925-1926. Merged with Oconto County Reporter (Oconto). 183 Oneida County MINOCQUA 1425. LAKELAND TIMES (w) Apr. 1891 to date. Title varies: Minocqua Times, 1891-1939. Editors: Henry C. Morrill, 1891-Nov. 1892; Charles W. Hooper, Nov. 1892-Aug. 1911; F. A. Lowell, Aug. 1911-1914; William H. and S. M. Fisher, 1914-1927; Enos E. Fisher, 1927-June 1952; William Clothier and David A. O'Conner, June 1952- May 1955; Clothier, May 1955-1956; Jessie W. Todd, 1957 to date. WHi Jan. 1, 1896-July 27, 1911; Oct. 29, 1943 to date. MONICO 1426. FOREST COUNTY SPY (w) 1885-1888 [?]. Editors: Millard Bros., 1885-1887; George H. Hastings, 1887-1888. RHINELANDER 1427. RHINELANDER HERALD (w) Apr. 1885-Aug. 1912. Published at Merrill: 1885-June 1886. Title varies: West Merrill Herald, 1885-June 1886; Oneida County Herald, July 1886-Aug. 1893. Editors: D. S. Johnson, 1885-Apr. 1891; Johnson and George M. Patchen, Apr. 1891-Apr. 1892; James R. Howe, Apr. 1892-Mar. 1893; A. W. Shelton, Apr. 1893- Oct. 1908; H. E. Osborne, Oct. 1908-1912. WHi Oct. 24, 1891-Oct. 2, 1909. WRh Sept. 1892-Dec. 1911. 1428. NEW NORTH (w) Dec. 7, 1882-Sept. 10, 1947. Editors: Charles F. Barnes, 1882-1888; George W. Bishop, 1888-1898; William C. Ogden, 1898-1906; F. A. Lowell, 1906-1927; Harry E. Slossen, 1927-Nov. 1946; Joseph E. Bloom, Dec. 1946-1947. Merged with Rhinelander Daily News. WHi Jan. 4, 1912-Dec. 28, 1939; Jan. 1, 1942-Sept. 10, 1947. WRh Jan. 1884-Sept. 10, 1947. 1429. RHINELANDER NEWS (w) Dec. 30, 1886-1920 [?]. Title varies: Eagle River Vindicator, 1886-July 1890. WHi Jan. 20-July 21, 1887; July 24, 1890-Apr. 20, 1920. WRh Jan. 1905-Apr. 20, 1917. 1430. RHINELANDER DAILY NEWS (d) Mar. 1, 1917 to date. Editors: P. O'Brien, 1886-Sept. 1887; O. B. Moon, Oct. 1887-July 1890; Samuel Shaw, July 1890-Aug. 1899; W. H. Trumbull, Sept. 1899-Aug. 1910; Edward E. Payne, Aug. 1910-June 1914; Morris H. Barton, July 1914-1920; William R. Jaeger, 1921-1925; Clifford G. Ferris, 1925 to date. WHi Dec. 8, 1943 to date. WRh complete. 184 1431. RHINELANDER TIDENDE (w) 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: C. J. Ogden. In Norwegian. THREE LAKES 1432. THREE LAKES ECHO (w) 1889-1890 [?]. Editors: Iver Anderson. 1433. THREE LAKES ENTERPRISE (w) 1896-1903[?] Editors: Frank Steiner. 1434. FOREST ADVANCE (w) 1904-1912. Editors: William J. Neu. WHi May 4-Dec. 28, 1911. FOREST LEAVES, see under North Crandon. 1435. THREE LAKES NEWS (w) Dec. 3, 1931 to date. Published by Vilas County News-Review (Eagle River) . WHi Mar. 9, 1933 to date. 185 Outagamie County APPLETON 1436. WEEKLY ADVERTISER (w) Apr. 1902-1903. Editors: Charles Nelson and Millard Greulich, 1902-1903; R. H. Henry, 1903. Merged with Fox River Journal. 1437. APPLETON CRESCENT (w) Feb. 10, 1853-1919. WHi Feb. 10, 1853-Dec. 29, 1906. 1438. APPLETON CRESCENT (d) Oct. 1890-Jan. 31, 1920. Editors: Samuel Ryan, Jr., 1853-1907; Samuel J. Ryan, 1907-1918; R. J. Meyer, 1918-1920. Merged with Appleton Daily Post. WHi Apr. 16, 1897-Jan. 31, 1920. WA July 1899-Jan. 31, 1920. 1439. DEMOCRATIC FREE PRESS (w) May 15, 1856-1857 [?] . 1440. FOX RIVER JOURNAL (w, d) 1903-1917. Editors: R. H. Henry, 1903-Jan. 1904; Edward J. Westphal, Jan. 1904-1917. WHi Feb. 27, 1905-Mar. 1, 1917. 1441. DAILY FREE PRESS (d) July 12, 1856-1857 [?]. 1442. GEGENWART (w, sw) June 1889-June 12, 1916. Editors: J. C. Kaiser and Theodore Marsh, 1889-1891; Marsh and H. Ellermann, 1891-1895; Carl Seegar, 1895-1916. In German. WHi Nov. 7, 1898-June 12, 1916. 1443. MONTAGS-BLATT (w) Mar. 1890-Sept. 13, 1920. Title varies: Volksfreund und Haus-Schatz, 1890-Oct. 1894. Published by Appleton Volksfreund. In German. WHi Dec. 22, 1891-Sept. 13, 1920. 1444. PEOPLE'S CHAMPION (w) Sept. 12, 1877-July 24, 1880. Published at Fond du Lac: 1877-Oct. 1879. Editors: J. O. Barrett and I. R. Sanford, 1877-Jan. 1879; Sanford and Eugene B. Bolens, Jan.-Aug. 1879; Sanford, Aug.-Dec. 1879; Sanford and J. N. Wait, Jan.- July 1880. Merged with Oshkosh Standard. WHi Dec. 5, 1877-July 24, 1880. 1445. APPLETON WEEKLY POST (w) Aug. 18, 1859-1914. Title varies: Appleton Motor, 1859-Sept. 1866. WHi Aug. 18, 1859-Dec. 26, 1912. 186 1446. APPLETON POST-CRESCENT (d) May 1883 to date. Title varies: Appleton Daily Post, 1883-Jan. 1920. Editors: Frank A. Ryan and F. C. Meade, Aug.-Oct. 1859; Ryan and E. D. Ross, Oct. 1859-July 1863; Ross, July 1863-Sept. 1866; Henry Pomeroy and Clarence W. Baker, Oct. 1866-May 1867; Baker, May 1867-Apr. 1868; A. J. Reid and E. I. Grumley, Apr .-Sept. 1868; R. Buchanan, Sept. 1868-Oct. 1869; A. J. Reid, Oct. 1869-Dec. 1881; A. J. and T. B. Reid, Dec. 1881-Jan. 1910; T. B. Reid and E. P. Humphrey, Jan. 1910-1920; John K. Kline, 1920-1930; John R. Riedl, 1930-Feb. 1931; Victor I. Minahan, Feb. 1931-1954; Victor I. Minahan, Jr., 1954 to date. WHi Jan. 3, 1913 to date. WA July 1899 to date. 1447. APPLETON REVIEW (sw) Jan. 16, 1930-Jan. 15, 1932. Editors: Erik L. Madisen. 1448. WEEK-END REVIEW (w) Oct. 24, 1930-May 15, 1931. Published by Appleton Review. 1449. SAMSTAG-BOTE (w) 1902-1918 [?]. Published by Wecker. In German. 1450. APPLETON CITY TIMES (w) Feb. 26, 1870-1871 [?]. Editors: John N. Stone. 1451. APPLETON VOLKSFREUND (w) Jan. 8, 1870-1932. Published at Winona, Minn.: 1930-1932. Editors: Herman Erb and Gustav Selbach, 1870-June 1871; Selbach and H. W. Meyer, June 1871-1872; Meyer, 1872-1881; Meyer and Gustav Commentz, 1881- Sept. 1883; Meyer and Franz Stummer, Oct. 1883-Oct. 1890; H. W. and George Meyer, Nov. 1890-Apr. 1892; H. W. Meyer and H. Ellerman, Apr. 1892-Nov. 1895; H. W. Meyer and Carl Seegar, Nov. 1895-1912; Seegar and R. J. Meyer, 1912-1929. In German. WHi Jan. 7, 1874-Dec. 26, 1929. VOLKSFREUND UND HAUS-SCHATZ, see Montags- Blatt. 1452. WECKER (w) 1878-1918. Editors: J. Klinker and Christian Roemer, 1881-1885; Christian Roemer, 1885- 1908; Herman C. Roemer, 1908-1909; Englebert Schneller, 1909-1913; N. G. Hoen- mann, 1913-1914; M. E. Roemer, 1914-1918. In German. BEAR CREEK 1453. WEEKLY ECHO (w) Apr. 5, 1917-May 9, 1918. Editors: Lloyd W. Wright. WHi Sept. 6, 1917-May 9, 1918. BLACK CREEK 1454. BLACK CREEK JOURNAL (w) 1875-1876[?] Editors: George L. Loope. 187 1455. BLACK CREEK TIMES (w) Jan. 1, 1904-Apr. 12, 1928. Editors: Martin Bros., Jan.-May 1904; F. H. Colburn, May 1904-1928. WHi Jan. 1, 1904-Dec. 28, 1922; July 10-Dec. 18, 1926; July 7, 1927- Apr. 12, 1928. DALE 1456. DALE RECORDER (w) Aug. 3, 1899-July 26, 1918. Editors: Frank H. Voshardt, Aug.-Nov. 1899; Joseph Sentenberg. Nov. 1899-Oct. 1903; Harry H. Mollon, Oct. 1903-1918. WHi complete. HORTONVILLE 1457. WEEKLY REVIEW (w) 1890-Dec. 26, 1935. Editors: Gerald P. Nye, 1890-1915; Robert H. Wright, 1915-Dec. 1918; Lloyd W. Wright, Dec. 1918-May 1921; J. W. Haughton, May 1921-Sept. 1931; Charles J. Augustin, Sept. 1931-Sept. 1932; W. T. Comstock and Arthur W. Strieker, Sept. 1932-1933; Comstock and David W. Hodgins, 1934-Sept. 1935; Comstock and George Hess, Sept.-Dec. 1935. WHi May 6, 1915-Dec. 26, 1935. KAUKAUNA 1458. CITIZEN (m) Jan. 1 904-1905 [?]. Editors: F. H. Brigham. 1459. OUTAGAMIE COUNTY CHIEF (w) Jan. 25-Nov. 1, 1894. Editors: John B. Flanagan. 1460. KAUKAUNA POSTBOTE (w) 1886-1890 [?]. Editors: Schneider and Emmers. In German. 1461. KAUKAUNA SUN (w) June 16, 1885-Dec. 6, 1917. Editors: Henry D. Wing, 1885-Sept. 1891; Wing and I. N. Stewart, Oct. 1891-May 1894; James I. Toner, May 1894-July 1908; Edwin T. O'Brien, July 1908-Apr. 1915; Albert B. Schimberg, May 1915-1917. Merged with Kaukauna Times. WHi June 30, 1888-Dec. 6, 1917. 1462. KAUKAUNA TIMES (w, sw) Sept. 16, 1880 to date. Editors: H. Hopkins and L. B. Cates, 1880-May 1881; H. A. Stone, May 1881-June 1883; E. C. Bidwell, June 1883-Apr. 1886; Bidwell and C. E. Raught, Apr. 1886- 1887; Raught, 1888-Nov. 1917; John McCoy, Dec. 1917-July 1925; C. J. Hansen, Aug. 1925 to date. WHi Nov. 15, 1889 to date. 1463. KAUKAUNA ZEITUNG (w) Mar. 23, 1894-Sept. 1 1, 1896. Editors: Charles G. Brenner. In German. Merged with Appleton Volksfreimd. WHi complete. 188 LEDYARD LEDYARD TIMES, see Kaukauna Times. LITTLE CHUTE 1464. LITTLE CHUTE NEWS (w) 1915-1918 [? J. Editors: Jessie C. Brothers. 1465. VALLEY ADVOCATE (w) 1910-1913 [?]. Editors: F. G. Shirley. 1466. VILLAGE TATLER (w) Jan. 5, 1939-Sept. 5, 1940. Editors: Lester Driessen. SEYMOUR 1467. SEYMOUR PRESS (w) 1886 to date. Editors: H. J. Van Vuren, 1886-1929; Clyde A. Van Vuren, 1929-Feb. 1953; Keith C. Van Vuren, Feb. 1953 to date. Publisher's file destroyed: 1886-1945. WHi Nov. 11, 1943 to date. SHIOCTON 1468. SHIOCTON NEWS (w) June 11, 1897-1928. Editors: F. H. Colburn, 1897-1925; George L. Burghart, 1925-July 1927; Dale C. Hickok, July 1927-1928. WHi June 11, 1897-Aug. 29, 1924; May 5, 1927-Apr. 12, 1928. WELCOME 1469. WELCOME INDEPENDENT (w) Aug. 25, 1905-June 21, 1912. Editors: C. W. Andrews, 1905-Mar. 1906; B. A. Roate, Mar. 1906-1908; Harry E. Roate, 1908-1912. WHi complete. 189 Ozaukee County CEDARBURG CEDARBURG ENTERPRISE, see Ozaukee County En- terprise. 1470. CEDARBURG NEWS (w) Jan. 7, 1883 to date. Editors: Frederick W. Horn, 1883-Jan. 1893; Alexander W. Horn, Jan. 1893-Sept. 1918; Adlai S. Horn, Oct. 1918 to date. WHi complete. 1471. OZAUKEE COUNTY ENTERPRISE (w) May 1879-May 31, 1881. Title varies: Cedarburg Enterprise, 1879-1880. Editors: J. H. Hilgen and Fred Meyer, 1879-1880; Meyer, Jan.-May 1881. Whi Mar. 10, 1880-Apr. 20, 1881. GRAFTON 1472. GRAFTON ENTERPRISE (w) July 27, 1927-Apr. 18, 1928. Editors: A. D. Bolens. Merged with Port Washington Pilot. 1473. OZAUKEE AN (w) 1895-1896 [?]. Editors: A. D. Bolens. PORT WASHINGTON 1474. ADLER (w) Jan. 4, 1860-1861 [?]. Editors: Jacob Werle. In German. 1475. PORT WASHINGTON HERALD (w) Apr. 1, 1896 to date. Title varies: Port Washington Herold, 1896-Oct. 1917. Editors: W. B. Krause, 1896-1947; A. W. Strieker, 1947 to date. In German: 1896-Oct. 1917. WHi Mar. 3, 1948 to date. 1476. MODERN PRESS (sm) Nov. 5, 1935-1936 [?]. Editors: A. D. Bolens. 190 1477. OZAUKEE COUNTY ADVERTISER (w) May 1854-Jan. 1913. Editors: Richard L. Gove, 1854-June 1858; J. R. Bohan and Seymour G. Wait, June 1858-1866; Bohan and Flavius J. Mills, 1866-1869; J. R. Bohan, 1869-Nov. 1886; M. G. Bohan, Nov. 1886-1913. Merged with Port Washington Star. OZAUKEE COUNTY BLADE, see Ozaukee County Times. 1478. OZAUKEE COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) July 25, 1857- June 1858. Editors: Adolph Heidkarap. Merged with Ozaukee County Advertiser. WHi Sept. 19-Dec. 19, 1857. 1479. OZAUKEE COUNTY EAGLE (w) Jan. 4, 1860-1861 [?). Editors: Jacob Werle. 1480. OZAUKEE COUNTY JOURNAL (w) July 1 848-1849 [?"|. Editors: Rhenodyne A. Bird. 1481. OZAUKEE COUNTY TIMES (w) Apr. 1849- June 29, 1854. Title varies: Washington County Blade, 1849-Feb. 1853; Ozaukee County Blade, Mar .-Sept. 1853. Editors: Rhenodyne A. Bird, Apr -Nov. 1849; Bird and Flavius J. Mills, Nov. 1849-1850; Bird and J. W. Vail, 1851-Mar. 1853; Bird, Mar. 1853-1854. 1482. OZAUKEE COUNTY TIMES (w) Mar. 17, 1859-1860 [?] . Editors: Richard L. Gove. 1483. OZAUKEE PRESS (w) 1940 to date. Editors: William F. Schanen, Jr. WHi Apr. 25, 1946 to date. 1484. PORT WASHINGTON PILOT (w) Aug. 4, 1898 to date. Editors: Henry Schoensigel, 1898-Apr. 1934; Norbert A. Sauer, May 1934 to date. WHi Apr. 26, 1928 to date. 1485. PORT WASHINGTON STAR (w) Nov. 1, 1879-Apr. 20, 1928. Editors: Eugene B. Bolens, 1879-Apr. 1886; A. D. Bolens, Apr. 1886-1893; H. W. Bolens and M. B. Krause, 1894-Mar. 1895; A. D. Bolens, Mar. 1895-Nov. 1902; George Cannon, Nov. 1902-1914; H. W. Bolens, 1914-1925; Albert D. Bolens, 1925- 1928. Merged with Port Washington Pilot. WHi Nov. 1, 1879-Feb. 16, 1889; Feb. 9, 1895-Apr. 20, 1928. WASHINGTON COUNTY BLADE, see Ozaukee County Times. 191 1486. WASHINGTON COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) May 1847- 1850. Title varies: Washington Democrat, 1847-1848. Editors: Flavius J. Mills, 1847-1849; J. W. Vail, 1849-1850. Merged with Washington County Blade. WISCONSIN STATESMAN, see under Milwaukee. 1487. PORT WASHINGTON ZEITUNG (w) Jan. 1, 1855 Sept. 6, 1928. Editors: Adolph Heidkamp, 1855-June 1881; Carl Fehlandt, June 1881-1928. In German. WHi Feb. 14, 1895-Sept. 6, 1928. 192 Pepin County DURAND ALEMBIC, see Durand Weekly Times. 1488. COURIER-WEDGE (w) Dec. 22, 1877 to date. Title varies: Pepin County Courier, 1877-1878, 1880-Apr. 1918; Pepin County Times and Courier, 1879; Entering Wedge and Pepin County Courier, May-July 1918. Editors: W. H. Huntington, 1877-1884; J. D. Eldridge and E. F. Morsbach, 1885- 1889; Huntington and Morsbach, 1890-Jan. 1892; Huntington, Jan. 1892-1898; Eldridge and B. E. Barton, 1899-Aug. 1902; Eldridge, Aug. 1902-Mar. 1908; Mrs. J. D. Eldridge, Mar. 1908-July 1914; Bardill Bros., June 1914-Apr. 1918; B. E. Barton and A. C. Crippen, Apr. 1918-1935; B. E. and C. A. Barton, 1935-1939; August F. Ender, 1939 to date. WHi Dec. 29, 1877-July 18, 1918; Jan. 4, 1940 to date. WDu Dec. 22, 1877-Dec. 1892; May 1918 to date. 1489. ENTERING WEDGE (w) July 6, 1893-Apr. 25, 1918. Editors: C. A. Ingram and John N. Kirk, 1893-Mar. 1894; Ingram and James W. Lloyd, Apr. 1894-Apr. 1895; Ingram and Leroy A. Goodrich, Apr. 1895-Jan. 1902; Goodrich, Jan. 1902-Mar. 1904; Goodrich and B. E. Barton, Mar. 1904-Sept. 1909; August F. Ender, Sept. 1909-Nov. 1914; Barton and A. C. Crippen, Nov. 1914-1918. Merged with Pepin County Courier. WHi July 6, 1893-Dec. 1, 1904; Aug. 17, 1905-Apr. 25, 1918. WDu Jan. 1904-Apr. 25, 1918. HOME MIRROR, see Durand Weekly Times. LEAN WOLF, see under Menomonie. PEPIN COUNTY COURIER, see Courier-Wedge. 1490. PEPIN COUNTY NEWS (w) Sept. 14, 1884-July 4, 1906. Published at Pepin: 1884-Mar. 1904. Title varies: Pepin Star, 1884-Mar. 1904. Editors: Leo E. Kirkpatrick, 1884-Aug. 1885; Robert A. Axtell, Aug. 1885-Oct. 1896; J. M. Axtell, Oct. 1896-Mar. 1904; J. M. Axtell and E. F. Morsbach, Mar. 1904-May 1905; J. M. Axtell, June 1905-1906. Merged with Pepin County Courier. WHi Sept. 3, 1885-Aug. 23, 1888; Aug. 27, 1891-Aug. 9, 1894; Apr. 4, 1895-June 26, 1906. PEPIN COUNTY TIMES, see Courier -Wedge. 193 1491. DURAND WEEKLY TIMES (w) Oct. 1861-Dec. 13, 1878. Title varies: Home Mirror, 1861-Oct. 1862; Alembic, Nov. 1862-1863. Editors: Myron A. Shaw, 1861-Oct. 1862; George Van Waters, Nov. 1862-June 1869; Sidney A. Foster, June 1869-Oct. 1873; W. H. Huntington, Oct. 1873-May 1876; W. H. Matteson, May 1876-1878. Merged with Pepin County Courier. WHi Mar. 19, 1870-Dec. 13, 1878. WDu Jan. 1865-Dec. 1874. 1492. DURAND ZEITUNG (w) 1888-1902 [?]. Editors: R. Morsbach. In German. PEPIN 1493. ERA OF PROGRESS (sm) Dec. 25, 1861-1862 [?]. Editors: John Sterling. 1494. PEPIN HERALD (w) Feb. 13, 1908 to date. Editors: Lloyd A. Axtell, 1908-1936; R. E. Portmann, 1936-Aug. 1946; Harold L. Klinger, Sept. 1946 to date. WHi Nov. 18, 1943 to date. 1495. PEPIN INDEPENDENT (w) Dec. 24, 1856-Aug. 29, 1857; Feb. 1858-Oct. 25, 1859. Title varies: North Pepin Independent, 1856-Aug. 1857. Editors: U. B. Shaver, 1856-Aug. 1857; E. W. Gurley and C. W. Wheaton, Feb. 1858-July 1859; Wheaton and N. E. Stevens, July-Oct. 1859. WHi Dec. 24, 1856-Aug. 29, 1857; Apr. 16, 1858-Oct. 25, 1859. 1496. LAKE PEPIN GAZETTE (w) 1882-1 885 [?]. Editors: W. F. Jamieson. NORTH PEPIN INDEPENDENT, see Pepin Independ- ent. 1497. PEPIN COUNTY PRESS (w) June 2, 1860-May 17, 1862. Editors: U. B. Shaver. WHi complete. PEPIN STAR, see Pepin County News (Durand). VIVIAN 1498. VIVIAN STAR (w) 1896-1897 [?] Editors: J. M. Axtell. 194 Pierce County BELDENVILLE 1499. REPORTER (w) Sept. 19, 1941-June 21, 1945; Feb. 21 1946 to date. Editors: Clayton E. Helmer. WHi Nov. 20, 1941-June 21, 1945; Feb. 21, 1946 to date. ELLSWORTH 1500. ELLSWORTH EAGLE (w) 1891-1893 [?]. Editors: Douglas Ross. ELLSWORTH GLEANER, see Ellsworth Record. 1501. PEOPLE'S CHAMPION (w) 1883-1884 [?]. Editors: M. B. Kimball. 1502. PIERCE COUNTY HERALD (w) Jan. 16, 1868 to date. Editors: Morris B. Kimball, 1868-July 1871; Kimball and C. R. Morse, July 1871— Nov. 1872; Kimball, Nov. 1872-Sept. 1875; Kimball and E. F. Case, Oct. 1875-Feb. 1877; Case and Eugene S. Doolittle, Mar. 1877-Apr. 1890; Eugene S. Doolittle, Apr. 1890-1931; H. F. Doolittle, 1932-1955; Stanley E. and H. F. Doolittle, 1955 to date. WHi Jan. 16, 1868-Dec. 28, 1871; Aug. 21, 1872-Dec. 29, 1886; Jan. 29, 1890 to date. 1503. ELLSWORTH RECORD (w) Sept. 1, 1894 to date. Title varies: Ellsworth Gleaner, 1894-Jan. 1899. Editors: F. B. Saxton, 1894-Jan. 1895; Albert E. Quinn, Jan. 1895-Mar. 1898; Roland Eisley, Apr.-Aug. 1898; Frank Taplin and J. E. Wightman, Aug.-Dec. 1898; J. F. Shaw, 1899-Sept. 1911; Oscar A. Halls, Sept. 1911-June 1955; John R. Halls, June 1955 to date. WHi Jan. 7, 1897-Apr. 18, 1912; Jan. 1, 1925 to date. ELMWOOD 1504. ELMWOOD ADVANCE (w) 1908-1911 [? J. Editors: Edgar E. Conry. 1505. ELMWOOD ARGUS (w) Dec. 8, 1921 to date. Editors: James A. Neill, 1921-1940; John Cory, 1940-1944; Forrest Johnson, 1944 to date. WHi Nov. 3, 1949 to date. 1506. ELMWOOD PRESS (w) 1912-1920 [?]. Editors: David I. Hammergren, 1912-1913; W. E. Cullord, 1913-1917; Robert Moser, 1917-1920. 195 MAIDEN ROCK 1507. MAIDEN ROCK NEWS (w) 1899-1903 [?]. Editors: R. A. Axtell. 1508. WEEKLY PRESS (w) Sept. 24, 1892-Sept. 16, 1897. Editors: Alfred E. Roese and W. Walsingham. Followed by Osceola Sun. WHi complete. 1509. MAIDEN ROCK PRESS (w) 1902-1918 [?]. Editors: H. J. Keeler, 1902-1908; C. Dickerson, 1908-1911; Lloyd A. Axtell, 1911 1914; W. C. Tufts, 1914-1916; L. G. Decker, 1916-1918. PLUM CITY 1510. TRI-COUNTY NEWS (w, sw) July 9, 1931 to date. Title varies: Plum City News, 1931- [?]. Editors: Kenneth F. Neill. 1511. PLUM CITY TRIBUNE (w) 1930-1941. Editors: Ralph Peterson. PRESCOTT 1512. PRESCOTT ARIEL (w) 1884-1885 [?]. Editors: John M. Pryse. PRESCOTT WEEKLY CLARION, see Prescott Journal 1513. PRESCOTT DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 26, 1858-Nov. 14, 1860. Title varies: North-Western Democrat, 1858-Apr. 1860. Editors: Pembroke V. Wise and D. M. Lusk, 1858-1859; W. J. Whipple and W. R. Gates, Jan.-Nov. 1860. WHi July 27, 1859-Nov. 7, 1860. MnHi Dec. 14, 1858-Aug. 1859. PRESCOTT JOURNAL (1861-1871), see River Falls Journal. 1514. PRESCOTT JOURNAL (w) Apr. 4, 1874 to date. Title varies: Prescott Weekly Clarion, 1874-June 1875; Pierce County Plain-Dealer, June 1875-1893; Prescott Tribune, 1893-Dec. 1923. Editors: Morris B. Kimball, 1874-June 1875; E. C. Kibbe, June 1875-July 1876; E. H. Ives, July 1876-1893; George G. Price, 1893-1898; James Goldsworthy, 1899- 1901; H. P. Hurlburt, 1902-Sept. 1905; C. Dickerson, Oct. 1905-Aug. 1906; Law- rence Barrett, Sept. 1906-May 1907; W. C. Zander, May 1907-May 1910; R. B. Frederick, June 1910-1912; George Chapin, 1912-1916; Loren D. Meade, 1916- 1917; James A. Orrock, 1917-1918; A. A. Taylor, 1918-Mar. 1921; G. C. Lewis, Apr. 1921-1924; Gale E. Marvin, 1924-1927; Harold E. Randolph, 1927-1928; W. H. Hansen, 1928-Oct. 1949; George E. Masters, Nov. 1949-Sept. 1953; Keith M. Thaves, Sept. 1953-1955; Jerome L. Harper, 1955 to date. WHi Apr. 4, 1874-Jan. 6, 1893; Feb. 14, 1896-July 14, 1910; July 17, 1919-Dec. 27, 1923; Aug. 14, 1930 to date. 196 NORTH-WESTERN DEMOCRAT, see Prescott Demo- crat. PRESCOTT PARACLETE, see Prescott Transcript. 1515. PRESCOTT PATRIOT (w) Sept. 20, 1871-1872 [?] . Editors: Lemen and Burk. PIERCE COUNTY PLAIN-DEALER, see Prescott Jour- nal. 1516. PRESCOTT TRANSCRIPT (w) Feb. 14, 1855-Sept. 14, 1861. Title varies: Prescott Paraclete, Feb.-Sept. 1855. Editors: Charles E. Young. Merged with Prescott Journal. WHi complete. PRESCOTT TRIBUNE, see Prescott Journal. RIVER FALLS 1517. RIVER FALLS ADVANCE (w) July 1, 1874-Jan. 31, 1876. Published by River Falls Journal. WHi complete. 1518. CITIZEN'S REPORTER (w) 1 863-1 864 [?]. 1519. RIVER FALLS JOURNAL (w) Apr. 1857-July 12, 1871; Aug. 23, 1872 to date. Suspended: Mar-May 1861. Title varies: Prescott Journal, May 1861-July 1871. Editors: Lute A. and Horace A. Taylor, 1857-Aug. 1858; Lute A. Taylor, Aug. 1858-Nov. 1868; Rockwell J. Flint and E. H. Weber, Nov. 1868-July 1871; Abner and Calvin R. Morse, Aug. 1872-Nov. 1876; Calvin R. Morse and J. L. Moody, Nov. 1876-Feb. 1881; Calvin R. Morse, Feb. 1881-Feb. 1911; Stanley R. Morse, Feb. 1911-Jan. 1925; Mrs. S. R. Morse, Jan. 1925-Sept. 1926; Clarence E. White, Sept. 1926-Mar. 1945; C. E. Chubb, Apr. 1945 to date. WHi June 29, 1859-July 12, 1871; Aug. 23, 1872 to date. 1520. PIERCE COUNTY NEWS (w) 1887-1888 [?]. Editors: Albert R. and Douglas H. Taudy. 1521. RIVER FALLS PRESS (w) July 30, 1874-June 14, 1883. Editors: George B. Merrick. WHi complete. 1522. RIVER FALLS RECORDER (w) 1871-1872 [?]. Editors: R. B. Conover. 1523. RIVER FALLS SENTINEL (d, w) Oct. 14, 1939-Nov. 1942. Editors: James A. and Kenneth F. Neill, 1939-1941; D. E. Cuppernull, 1941-1942. Merged with River Falls Journal. 197 1524. RIVER FALLS TIMES (w) Mar. 1894-Mar. 1933. Editors: A. T. Churchill, 1894-1906; Smith, 1906-1910; Percy A. Roberts, 1910- 1916; Alfred E. Roese, 1916-1919; Charles E. Nelson, 1919-Mar. 1932; Harry Roese, Mar. 1932-1933. Merged with River Falls Journal. SPRING VALLEY 1525. SPRING VALLEY SUN (w) Dec. 15, 1892 to date. Editors: T. J. Rostad, 1892-1895; Charles Lowater, 1895-1944; Donald Lowater, 1945-July 1948; Leroy Gore, July 1948-May 1952; Alden H. Munson, June 1952 to date. Publisher's files destroyed: 1892-1942. WHi Jan. 5, 1905 to date. 198 Polk County AMERY 1526. AMERY ECHO (w) June 14, 1889-July 30, 1891. Editors: Claude B. Dodge. WHi complete. 1527. AMERY FREE PRESS (w) 1891 to date. Editors: M. A. Frissell, 1891-1899; G. Gunderson, 1899-1906; W. E. Harding, 1906- 1908; B. R. Atwood, 1908-Apr. 1935; Robert A. Broad, Apr. 1935-1943; Palmer Sondreal, 1943 to date. WHi Oct. 7, 1943 to date. 1528. POLK COUNTY JOURNAL (w) 1916-1918 [?]. Editors: Barr Moses. 1529. WISCONSIN JOURNALEN (w) 1896-1897 [?]. In Swedish. BALSAM LAKE 1530. BALSAM LAKE COURIER (w) 1895-1897 [?]. Editors: John K. Kavanaugh. 1531. BALSAM LAKE MIRROR (w) 1893-1895 [?]. Editors: E. H. Briggs. 1532. POLK COUNTY LEDGER (w) Aug. 1897 to date. Editors: S. H. Bradbury, 1897-1899; W. H. Hooper, 1900-1906; N. E. Johnson. 1906-1908; E. E. Husband, 1908-Aug. 1939; Curtis P. Gaylord, Sept. 1939 to date. WHi Aug. 18, 1921 to date. CENTURIA INTER-COUNTY LEADER, see under Frederic. 1533. CENTURIA OUTLOOK (w) Feb. 14, 1902-Oct. 8, 1909. Editors: J. R. Lowe. WHi complete. 1534. CENTURIA TRIBUNE (w) Jan. 24-Dec. 25, 1930. Editors: Bennie Bye. CLAYTON 1535. CLAYTON ADVANCE (w) Feb. 1910-Apr. 1940. Editors: W. H. Babcock, 1910-1913; Earl R. Speed, 1913-1916; V. B. Smead, 1916- 1927; Frank A. Smead, 1927-1930; Howard E. Bitney, 1930-1940. Publisher's files destroyed. 199 CLEAR LAKE 1536. COURIER (w) Aug. 1897-Nov. 1898. Editors: J. B. Densmore. Merged with Polk County Ledger (Balsam Lake) . 1537. CLEAR LAKE HERALD (w) 1884-1891 [?]. Editors: A. T. Churchill. CLEAR LAKE MIRROR, see Balsam Lake Mirror. NORTH WISCONSIN NEWS, see under Hayward. 1538. CLEAR LAKE STAR (w) 1900 to date. Editors: W. E. Harding, 1900-1903; Andrew S. Wallace, 1903-1908; David I. Ham- mergren, 1908-1913; W. G. Zander, 1913-Apr. 1917; Fred L. Rothgeber, Apr. 1917- July 1932; Carl K. Towley, July 1932-1940; Roy Holman, 1940-Sept. 1950; James Locke, Sept. 1950 to date. WHi Jan. 18, 1912-Sept. 25, 1929; Oct. 14, 1937 to date. DRESSER JUNCTION 1539. POLK COUNTY REPORTER (w) 1916-1918 [?]. Editors: H. W. Roberts. FREDERIC 1540. INTER-COUNTY LEADER (w) Nov. 2, 1933 to date. Published at Centuria: 1933-Apr. 1939. Editors: Bennie Bye, 1933-Aug. 1953; Romain C. Brandt, Aug. 1953 to date. WHi Sept. 27, 1934 to date. 1541. FREDERIC STAR (w) Feb. 26, 1903-July 26, 1951. Editors: J. W. Blackstone, 1903-Feb. 1913; M. D. Hinshaw, Mar.-Dec. 1913; M. G. Sower, Dec. 1913-Mar. 1915; W. H. Hansen, Mar. 1915-1925; Harvey J. Oleson, 1925-1951. Merged with Inter-County Leader. WHi complete. 1542. FREDERIC TIMES (w) 1906-1908 [? J. Editors: C. W. Folsom. LUCK 1543. ENTERPRISE-HERALD (w) Oct. 14, 1904 to date. Title varies: Luck Enterprise, 1904-1940. Editors: Oscar W. Lund, 1904-July 1923; Richard Pugh, July 1923-1930; Vern R. Jensen, 1931 to date. WHi Oct. 21, 1943 to date. 1544. LUCK LEDGER (w) 1897-1898 [?]. Editors: L. B. Nagler and G. B. Louden. 200 MILLTOWN 1545. MILLTOWN ADVERTISER (sm) 1946 to date. Published by Inter-County Leader (Frederic) . WHi Aug. 19, 1954 to date. 1546. MILLTOWN HERALD (w) Aug. 4, 1910-1940. Title varies: Milltown Newsman, 1923-Apr. 1926. Editors: A. W. Tracy, 1910-June 1911; Glen D. Arnold, June 1911-May 1913; John Tygeson, May 1913-July 1914; Clarence O'Brien, July 1914-Apr. 1915; J. D. Nichol- son, Apr. 1915-1918; L. J. Walker, 1918-Feb. 1920; M. D. Hinshaw, Feb. 1920- 1922; George Cook, 1923-Apr. 1926; Richard Pugh, May-Sept. 1926; Arnold Jor- genson, Oct. 1926-Apr. 1934; Vern R. Jensen, Apr. 1934-1940. Merged with Luck Enterprise. WHi May 29, 1919-Apr. 13, 1922; Jan. 11, 1923-Feb. 14, 1929. OSCEOLA 1547. NEW ERA (w) 1874-1875 [?]. Editors: A. C. Jordan. POLK COUNTY PRESS, see under Saint Croix Falls. 1548. OSCEOLA SUN (w) Oct. 6, 1897 to date. Editors: A. E. Roese, 1897-Apr. 1910; Fred O. Barrett and Robert E. Truax, May 1910-Apr. 1911; Barrett, Apr. 1911-Nov. 1918; Harry L. Smith, Nov. 1918-July 1919; Barrett, Aug.-Dec. 1919; H. Y. Buchanan, Dec. 1919-Dec. 1920; Barrett, Dec. 1920-Nov. 1922; William Larson, Dec. 1922-June 1926; F. C. Letch, July 1926- 1943; Grace P. Bloom, 1943-Nov. 1948; Frederick B. Leighton, Dec. 1948-May 1950; Leighton and James H. Sims, May-Nov. 1950; Sims, Nov. 1950-July 1957; Larry E. and David J. Hammergren, July 1957 to date. WHi complete. SAINT CROIX FALLS 1549. DALLES OF ST. CROIX (w) Jan. 21, 1881 -Nov. 28, 1884. Editors: D. A. Caneday. WHi complete. 1550. PEOPLE'S ADVOCATE (w) Oct. 18, 1884-1885 [?]. POLK COUNTY NEWS, see Standard-Press. 1551. POLK COUNTY PRESS (w) Dec. 1860-Apr. 19, 1907. Published at Osceola: Dec. 1861 -Aug. 1904. Editors: Junius A. Bartlett, 1860-Apr. 1862; Samuel S. Fifield and Charles E. Mears, Apr. 1862-Aug. 1864; Fifield, Aug. 1864-May 1872; Mears, May 1872-Apr. 1903; Paul Vander Eike, Apr. 1903-Aug. 1904; L. M. Catlin, Aug. 1904-1907. Merged with St. Croix Valley Standard. WHi Dec. 6, 1862-Aug. 13, 1906. 1552. STANDARD-PRESS (w) May 7, 1885 to date. Title varies: Polk County News, May-Dec. 1885; St. Croix Valley Standard, 1886- Aug. 1910. 201 Editors: George Ely, May-Oct. 1885; Luther A. Ingersoll, Oct. 1885-July 1888; J. H. McCourt, July 1888-Feb. 1893; H. W. and C. H. McCourt, Feb. 1893-Apr. 1894; Fred Hudson, Apr. 1894-June 1898; John A. Blackwell, June 1898-Jan. 1899; A. C. Arveson, Jan.-Sept. 1899; Carrie F. Cole, Oct. 1899-Sept. 1903; C. W. Folsom, Sept. 1903-1909; Francis P. Roets, 1909-1911; George C. Elwood, 1911- 1912; G. W. Thompson, 1912-June 1919; Lois O'Brien, July 1919-Jan. 1920; Frank E. Harris, Jan. 1920-Mar. 1921; G. R. Puckett, Mar. 1921-Apr. 1927; W. R. Vezina, May 1927-May 1937; David Hammergren, Jr., June 1937-May 1940; W. R. Vezina, June 1940-Jan. 1956; Howard and Jack Vezina, Jan. 1956 to date. WHi May 7, 1885-Mar. 13, 1908; Jan. 1, 1909 to date. 202 Portage County ALMOND 1553. PORTAGE COUNTY PRESS (w) Aug. 7, 1901-1924 [? J. Editors: Winfield Smart, 1901-1902; Lillian G. Phillips, 1902-1908; David E. Thompson, 1908-1913; Ernest E. Ingle, 1913-1924. 1554. ALMOND PRESS (w) Nov. 21, 1924-Oct. 30, 1931. Editors: J. Leonard Moberg, 1924-June 1931; E. J. Scott, June-Oct. 1931. WHi Nov. 21, 1924-June 12, 1931. AMHERST 1555. AMHERST ADVOCATE (w) Feb. 22, 1893 to date. Editors: Harriet B. Moberg, 1893-1904; L. A. Moberg, 1904-1905; J. Leonard Moberg, 1905 to date. WHi Apr. 17, 1919 to date. BANCROFT 1556. BANCROFT NEWS (w) 1908-1909 [?]. Editors: Ash and Thompson. JUNCTION CITY 1557. COMMUNITY PRESS (w) Dec. 12, 1947 to date. Editors: Irwin M. Denkmann. WHi Oct. 27, 1949 to date. PLOVER PLOVER HERALD, see Plover Times. 1558. PORTAGE COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) 1860-Jan. 1861. Editors: Andrew J. Lawson. Merged with Stanton Weekly Times. 1559. PLOVER TIMES (w) Aug. 7, 1856-Oct. 1881. Published at Stanton: 1857-1864. Title varies: Plover Herald, 1856-1857; Stanton Weekly Times, 1857-Feb. 1861; Stanton Times and Republican, Feb. 1861-1864. Editors: James S. Alban, 1856-May 1858; H. G. Ingersoll, May 1858-Feb. 1861; Andrew J. Lawson, Mar. 1861-1864; Ingersoll, 1864-1881. WHi Mar. 3, 1866-Apr. 29, 1881. 203 1560. WISCONSIN LEADER (w) 1899- 1 900 [?]. Editors: Mollie Bahner. ROSHOLT 1561. ROSHOLT COMMUNITY PRESS (w) Nov. 25, 1926 Jan. 1, 1931. Editors: William M. Schwartze. WHi complete. 1562. ROSHOLT JOURNAL (w) 1913-1918 [?]. Editors: O. F. Meyer, 1913-1915; H. T. Ravlin, 1915-1918. 1563. ROSHOLT RECORD (w) 1910-1914 [?]. Editors: Edward L. Look. 1564. ROSHOLT REVIEW (w) Oct. 22, 1920-Oct. 31, 1924. Editors: R. C. Woodhead. WHi Dec. 3, 1920-Oct. 31, 1924. STANTON STANTON WEEKLY TIMES, see Plover Times. STEVENS POINT 1565. CENTRAL WISCONSIN HERALD (w) Mar. 22, 1935- Apr. 1, 1938. Editors: Walter S. Worzalla. WHi Mar. 22, 1935-Mar. 11, 1938. 1566. STEVENS POINT DEMOCRAT (w) Feb. 21, 1880-Aug. 1885. Editors: H. W. Lee. WHi Feb. 21, 1880-July 4, 1885. 1567. GAZETTE (w) July 17, 1878-Mar. 21, 1923. Title varies: Portage County Gazette, 1878-1885. Editors: Edward D. Glennon and H. W. Lee, 1878-Jan. 1880; Glennon and Clay C. Cooper, Jan. 1880-May 1883; Glennon, June 1883-Mar. 1915; John W. Glennon, Mar. 1915-1918; Guy W. Rogers, 1918-1923. WHi complete. 1568. GWIAZDA POLARNA (w) Oct. 23, 1908 to date. Published by Rolnik. In Polish. ICMILC Dec. 8, 1917-Nov. 25, 1933. 1569. STEVENS POINT JOURNAL (w) Mar. 8, 1870-Jan. 14, 1921. Title varies: Point, 1870-1871. WHi July 5, 1871-Dec. 26, 1896. WSteC Jan. 1897-Dec. 1919. 204 1570. STEVENS POINT DAILY JOURNAL (d) Oct. 23, 1895 to date. Editors: E. B. Northrop, 1870-Aug. 1873; Edward McGlachlin, Aug. 1873-Feb. 1876; McGlachlin and T. J. Simons, Feb. 1876-Apr. 1894; McGlachlin, Apr. 1894- Feb. 1917; Frank W. Leahy, Mar. 1917-1941; Guy W. Rogers, 1941-1955; Weldon C. Leahy, 1955 to date. WHi complete. WSteC Jan. 1924-Dec. 1940. POINT, see Stevens Point Journal. PORTAGE COUNTY GAZETTE, see Gazette. 1571. STEVENS POINT POST (w) 1892-1899 [?]. Editors: Stephen von Szinunen, 1892-1893; Julius H. Gerlich, 1893-1899. In German. 1572. ROLNIK (w) 1892 to date. Editors: Stephen H. Hutter, 1892-1900; Victor Karlowicz, 1900-1903; Stephen H. and Joseph H. Worzalla, 1903-1924; Walter S. Worzalla and Paul Klimowicz, 1924- 1955; Adam Bartosz, 1955 to date. In Polish. WHi Jan. 1, 1899 to date. 1573. SENSATION (m) June 1, 1873-1874 [?]. Editors: "Slim Jim" and "M. Quad." 1574. WISCONSIN EAGLE (w) Nov. 3, 1884-Nov. 2, 1885. Editors: A. G. Ellis. WHi complete. 1575. WISCONSIN LUMBERMAN (w) Dec. 16, 1863-1868. Editors: Frank H. Stout and L. D. Conery, 1863-Feb. 1866; Stout, Feb. 1866-1868. WHi Dec. 16, 1863-July 17, 1868. WSteC Dec. 16, 1863-July 17, 1868. 1576. WISCONSIN PINERY (w) Jan. 14, 1853-July 8, 1893. Editors: A. G. Ellis and N. V. Chandler, 1853; Ellis, 1854-Nov. 1857; Ellis and Caleb Swayze, Nov. 1857-Aug. 1859; Swayze, Aug. 1859-1893. WHi Jan. 14, 1853-Dec. 25, 1873; Dec. 29, 1882-Dec. 10, 1886. WSteC Jan. 14, 1853-Dec. 25, 1873; Dec. 29, 1882-Dec. 10, 1886. 1577. WISCONSIN STATE PRESS (w) 1894-1896 [?]. Editors: Olaus Bendixen, 1894-1895; Anna E. Clark, 1895-1896. 1578. WISCONSIN STATES RIGHTS (w) Mar. 16, 1859-Dec. 5, 1860; Apr. 9, 1861-1862. Published at Monroe: 1859-1860. Editors: Nathan L. Stout. WHi Mar. 23, 1859-Dec. 5, 1860; Apr. 9-Dec. 4, 1861. 205 Price County CATAWBA 1579. CATAWBA REGISTER (w) 1910-1911 [?]. Editors: Mark R. Bell. 1580. CATAWBA REVIEW (w) Aug. 3, 1923-1924. Published by Prentice News-Calumet. FIFIELD 1581. FIFIELD ADVOCATE (w) Oct. 25, 1883-Nov. 1893. Editors: George E. Sackett. Merged with Phillips Times. 1582. FIFIELD TRIBUNE (w) 1904-1912 [?]. Editors: Mark R. Bell. KENNAN 1583. KENNAN BANNER (m) Aug. 1890-Apr. 1891. Editors: William W. Yarham. WHi complete. 1584. KENNAN FREE PRESS (w) Apr. 6, 1916-1925. Published by Prentice News-Calumet. 1585. KENNAN NEWS (w) 1902-1906 [?]. Editors: Elijah R. Barager. 1586. KENNAN PRESS (w) 1910-1911 [?]. Editors: Mark R. Bell. OGEMA 1587. OGEMA RECORD (w) Mar. 1917-1925. Published by Prentice News-Calumet. PARK FALLS 1588. PARK FALLS HERALD (w) Sept. 21, 1900 to date. Editors: H. J. Smith, 1900-Mar. 1901; Richard E. Smith, Mar. 1901-1902; G. D. Young, 1903-Oct. 1912; J. L. McGregor, Oct. 1912-Sept. 1922; L. J. Melrose, Sept. 206 1922-1924; W. K. Currie, 1925-May 1926; M. D. Hinshaw, May 1926-June 1927; William B. Antes, July 1927-1929; Currie, 1929-1930; Edwin Coe, 1930-1936; Alan M. Young, 1936-1944; J. L. McGregor, 1944-1949; Donald D. McGregor, 1949 to date. WHi May 28, 1926 to date. 1589. PARK FALLS LEADER (w) Sept. 16, 1915-Sept. 20, 1934. Title varies: Independent, 1915-Aug. 1927. Editors: Richard E. Smith, 1915-June 1927; M. D. Hinshaw, July 1927-1933; M. L. Jackson, 1933-1934. WHi Aug. 28, 1930-Sept. 22, 1932. PHILLIPS 1590. PHILLIPS BADGER (w) July 6, 1881-May 21, 1884. Editors: Charles H. Darlington. Merged with Phillips Times. WHi complete. 1591. BEE (w) Oct. 1884 to date. Editors: Charles H. Darlington, 1884-Oct. 1885; P. E. Prink, Oct.-Dec. 1885; George J. Osterman, Dec. 1885-1890; Rowland, 1890-1893; Rowland and Durkee, 1893-Jan. 1895; Durkee and Messer, Jan. 1895-Feb. 1897; Messer Bros., Mar. 1897- Aug. 1903; J. H. Waggoner, Aug. 1903-Aug. 1905; George R. Foster, Aug. 1905- Aug. 1951; F. W. Heath, Aug. 1951 to date. WHi Nov. 25, 1884-Dec. 29, 1885; Aug. 8, 1894 to date. 1592. ELKBOTE (w) 1900-1901 [?]. Editors: George M. Hotschik. In German. 1593. PHILLIPS TIMES (w) Jan. 6, 1877-Apr. 22, 1932. Editors: F. W. Sackett, Jan-June 1877; Sackett and W. H. Wilson, June 1877- Mar. 1879; Wilson, Mar. 1879-May 1886; F. W. Sackett, June 1886-Nov. 1893; F. W. and George E. Sackett, Nov. 1893-1913; George E. Sackett, 1913-1932. Merged with Bee. WHi complete. PRENTICE 1594. PRENTICE CALUMET (w) June 1892-Sept. 29, 1911. Editors: W. W. Stoddard, 1892-1894; G. E. Vandercock, 1894-1895; Frank H. Bell, 1895-1901; Mark R. Bell, 1901-1911. Merged with Prentice News. WHi Jan. 25, 1895-Sept. 29, 1911. 1595. PRENTICE JOURNAL (w) 1891-1892 [?]. Editors: A. C. Munroe. PRENTICE NEWS (1902-1911), see Price County News. 1596. PRENTICE NEWS (w) Oct. 29, 1931 to date. Editors: Ralph E. Nehls. WHi complete. 207 1597. PRICE COUNTY NEWS (w) 1902-Mar. 7, 1929. Title varies: Prentice News, 1902-Sept. 1911; Prentice News-Calumet, Oct. 1911- May 1927. Editors: Elijah R. Barager, 1902-Oct. 1915; L. C. Prentice and A. L. Grimm, Oct. 1915-June 1919; Grimm, July 1919-May 1927; Lynn C. Peavy, June 1927-1929. WHi Oct. 6, 1911-Jan. 11, 1918; Mar. 28, 1919-Mar. 7, 1929. Racine County BURLINGTON 1598. BURLINGTON FREE PRESS (w) Nov. 1879-May 24, 1955. Title varies: Burlington Democrat, 1879-Feb. 1881. Editors: Levi K. Alden, 1879-Jan. 1881; William A. Colby, Feb. 1881-Dec. 1891; William R. Devor, Dec. 1891-Feb. 1920; Albert C. Kirchner and Paul G. Koch, Mar. 1920-Nov. 1947; Elmer H. Ebert, Dec. 1947-1955. Merged with Standard-Press. WHi Feb. 22, 1881-May 24, 1955. 1599. BURLINGTON GAZETTE (w) May 14, 1859-Dec. 11, 1860. Editors: H. W. Phelps. WHi complete. 1600. BURLINGTON INDEPENDENT (w) 1874-1875 [?]. Editors: C. M. Whitman. 1601. STANDARD-DEMOKRAT (w) Dec. 12, 1896-1911. Published by Standard- Democrat. In German. WHi Jan. 2, 1897-Mar. 25, 1905. 1602. STANDARD-PRESS (w) Oct. 14, 1863 to date. Title varies: Burlington Standard, 1863-Apr. 1886; Standard-Democrat, Apr. 1886- May 1955. Editors: Lathrop E. Smith, 1863-Aug. 1866; Henry L. Devereux, Aug. 1866-June 1883; Michael Wagner, Jr., June 1883-Apr. 1886; James I. Toner, Apr. 1886-Jan. 1889; H. E. Zimmerman, Feb. 1889-Oct. 1923; Louis H. Zimmerman, Oct. 1923- 1955; Charles H. Zimmerman and William Branen, 1955 to date. WHi June 22, 1864 to date. NORWAY 1603. NORDLYSET (w) July 29, 1847-May 18, 1850. Editors: James D. Reymert and Evan H. Heg, 1847-Sept. 1849; Knudson Lange- land and Ole J. Hatlestad, Sept. 1849-1850. In Norwegian. Followed by Democraten (Racine and Janesville) . IaDeL complete. MnSL complete. 209 RACINE 1604. RACINE ADVOCATE (w) Nov. 23, 1842-May 24, 1888. Editors: Thomas J. Wisner, 1842-Aug. 1843; Marshall M. Strong, Sept. 1843-Jan. 1845; Philo White, Jan. 1845-Mar. 1846; J. C. Bunner and J. W. Trowbridge, Mar. 1846-1851; Bunner and J. A. Harrison, Jan.-Dec. 1852; Harrison, Dec. 1852-1853; Charles Clement, 1853-1854; A. C. Sandford and John Tapley, 1855-Jan. 1863; A. C. and E. H. Sandford, Jan. 1863-Sept. 1884; A. C. Sandford and Eliza E. Batch - elor, Sept. 1884-Mar. 1888; Batchelor and Albert F. Ransom, Mar .-May 1888. WHi Nov. 23, 1842-Sept. 24, 1844; June 24, 1845-Mar. 24, 1847; Jan. 8, 1851-Dec. 29, 1858; June 22, 1859-Feb. 10, 1877; June 15, 1878- May 24, 1888. WR Nov. 23, 1842-Mar. 17, 1846; Jan. 4, 1860-Dec. 26, 1866; Apr. 22, 1882-Apr. 17, 1884. 1605. RACINE ADVOCATE (d) May 9, 1853-Dec. 30, 1854. WHi complete. WR complete. 1606. AMERIKAN (w) Apr.-Dec. 1872. Published by Slavie. In Bohemian. 1607. RACINE ARGUS (w) Feb. 14-Oct. 6, 1838. Suspended: Aug.-Sept. 1838. Editors: Marshall M. Strong. WHi complete. 1608. RACINE ARGUS (w) Sept. 1, 1868-Dec. 23, 1880. Title varies: Racine County Argus, 1868-1877. Editors: William I. Martin, 1868-Feb. 1869; Zebulon C. and H. M. Wentworth, Feb. 1869-July 1873; Zebulon C. Wentworth, July 1873-May 1877; C. F. George, May 1877-Mar. 1878; E. A. Egery, Apr. 1878-1880. WHi Feb. 25, 1869-Dec. 23, 1880. WR Feb. 25, 1869-Sept. 30, 1872; Mar. 28, 1876-Dec. 23, 1880. 1609. RACINE DAILY ARGUS (d) Aug. 1-Dec. 31, 1880. Followed by Racine Daily Journal. WHi Aug. 1-Dec. 11, 1880. WR Aug. 9-Dec. 11, 1880. 1610. RACINE BANNER (w) 1880-1881 [?]. Editors: George P. Rothe. In German. 1611. SUNDAY BULLETIN (w) 1929 to date. Published by Racine Journal-Times. WHi Jan. 5, 1947 to date. WR Jan. 5, 1947 to date. 1612. RACINE DAILY CALL (d) Aug. 6, 1913-Nov. 20, 1915. Editors: Leslie M. Fowler. Merged with Racine Daily Times. 1613. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER (w) 1849-1852. Editors: W. H. Butterfield, 1849-Sept. 1850; William R. Perry, Sept. 1850-1852. 210 1614. RACINE CORRESPONDENT (w) 1883-June 29, 1918. Editors: W. F. Weber, 1883-1886; Charles Schaupand, 1886^-1888; A. T. Falb, 1888-1894; Emil Wittzack, 1894-1899; Henry Bonn, 1899-1918. In German. WHi July 21, 1900-June 29, 1918. 1615. DANNEBROG (w) 1876-1877 [?]. Editors: T. Sornson. In Danish. 1616. RACINE DEMOCRAT (w) Apr. 1852-Sept. 1, 1861. Title varies: Racine County Democrat, 1852- [?]. Editors: H. M. Hulett and Lucius C. Cary, 1852-1853; Cary, 1853-Aug. 1854; O. A. Stafford, Aug. 1854-1856; Zebulon C. Wentworth, 1856-1858; A. C. Sandford and John Tapley, 1858-Apr. 1859; Wentworth, Apr. 1859-1861. WHi May 11, 1857-May 17, 1858; Apr. 20, 1859-Aug. 21, 1861. WR May 11, 1857-May 17, 1858; Apr. 20, 1859-May 16, 1860. DEMOCRATEN, see under Janesville. 1617. DEMOCRATIC UNION (w) 1849-1850. Editors: B. B. Cary. 1618. DOLLAR WEEKLY (w, sw) Apr. 24, 1884-Aug. 18, 1911. Title varies: Utley's Dollar Weekly, 1884-June 1901; Semi-Weekly Times, July 1901-Jan. 1909. Editors: W. L. Utley, 1884-1889; Hamilton Utley, 1889-1900; Walter S. Goodland, 1900-1911. 1619. RACINE EXAMINER (w) Apr. 6, 1934-1935 [?]. Editors: E. Luedke. 1620. RACINE EXPRESS (w) 1852-1853 [?]. 1621. EXPRESS (w) 1881-1883 [?] . Editors: Samuel Richie, 1881-1882; Peter Rupp, 1882-1883. In German. 1622. FOLKETS AVIS (w) 1876-1919. Editors: William Haestrup, 1876-1877; Hans Olsen, 1877-1881; Louis Pio, 1881- 1886; T. Elberg, 1886-1896; Edward Jensen, 1896-1906; Andrew Dahlstrom, 1906- 1919. In Danish. WHi Jan. 4, 1900-Dec. 31, 1903. RACINE DAILY HERALD, see Racine Daily News. 1623. RACINE HEROLD (w) 1870-1871 [?]. Published by Milwaukee Herold. In German. 1624. RACINE INDEPENDENT (w) Nov. 1877-Apr. 1879. Editors: Zebulon C. and H. M. Wentworth. 1625. INDEPENDENT NEWS (w) Sept. 2, 1932-1933 [?]. Editors: W. H. Armstrong. 211 1626. INDEX (m) Sept. 1907-1908 [?]. Editors: W. A. Jacobs. 1627. RACINE JOURNAL (w) Nov. 1856-Feb. 18, 1913. WHi Dec. 11, 1856-Dec. 25, 1861; Jan. 25, 1865-Feb. 18, 1913. WR Sept. 29, 1858-Dec. 31, 1912. 1628. RACINE JOURNAL-TIMES (d) Nov. 25, 1856-Oct. 3, 1857; Dec. 1858-Dec. 1864; Jan. 3, 1881 to date. Title varies: Racine Daily Journal, 1856-Jan. 1912; Racine Journal-News, Jan. 1912-June 1932. Editors: Henry M. Hulett and John A. Harrison, 1856-Mar. 1857; Harrison, Mar. 1857-1858; Charles Clement, 1858-May 1863; Charles W. Fitch, May 1863-July 1865; William M. and Hamilton Utley, July 1865-1873; Hamilton Utley, 1873- 1875; F. W. Starbuck, 1875-1932; F. R. Starbuck, 1932-1953; Harry R. LePoidevin and J. D. McMurray, 1953 to date. WHi Nov. 25, 1856-Oct. 3, 1857; May 9, 1859-Apr. 27, 1861; Jan. 2, 1900-Dec. 31, 1904; July 26, 1932 to date. WR Nov. 25, 1856-Oct. 3, 1857; May 9, 1859-Apr. 27, 1861; Jan. 3, 1881 to date. 1629. NATIONAL DEMOKRAT (w) May 1859-June 1860. Editors: C. Lohmann and G. Grahl, 1859-1860; Fred Krahe, 1860. In German. WHi Sept. 1-Oct. 20, 1859. 1630. NEW DEAL (w) June 1, 1878-1879 [? J. Editors: William L. Utley. 1631. RACINE DAILY NEWS (d) Mar. 8, 1858-Jan. 29, 1859. Editors: John S. Hawks, Mar.-Sept. 1858; Charles Clement, Sept. 1858-1859. WHi complete. WR complete. 1632. RACINE DAILY NEWS (d) May 3, 1878-1879[?]. Editors: William J. Anderson. 1633. RACINE DAILY NEWS (d) Dec. 16, 1878-1883. Title varies: Racine Daily Herald, 1878-Apr. 1879. Editors: Levi K. Alden, 1878-Mar. 1879; Curtis M. Treat, Apr. 1879-1881; Treat and Frank M. Reed, 1881-1882; Reed, 1882-1883. WHi Feb. 6-Mar. 19, 1879. 1634. RACINE NEWS (d) 1895-Jan. 6, 1912. Editors: J. Milliken, 1895-1900; E. M. Shupe, 1900-1912. Merged with Racine Daily Journal. WHi July 1, 1902-Dec. 31, 1903. WR July 19, 1900-June 11, 1904. 1635. OMNIBUS (w) 1869-1870. Editors: Henry Bonn. 1636. RACINE POST (w) 1876-1877. Editors: Ludwig Schramm. In German. RACINE COUNTY ARGUS, see Racine Argus. 212 RACINE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see Racine Democrat. 1637. RACINE COUNTY WHIG (w) Apr. 1846-1847 [?]. Editors: Edward Bliss. 1638. SLA VIE (w) Oct. 30, 1861-July 5, 1918. Published at Chicago: June 1912-1918. Editors: Frank Korizek, 1861-June 1863; Charles Jonas, June 1863-1868; Charles and Fred Jonas, 1868-1895; J. J. Krai and Joseph Stehlik, 1895-1909; Stehlik, 1909-1912. In Bohemian. WHi Oct. 30, 1861-Apr. 30, 1862; Jan. 12-Sept. 13, 1865; June 8, 1870-July 5, 1918. 1639. SLOVAN AMERIKANSKY (w) Jan. 1, 1860-Oct. 23, 1861. Editors: Frank Korizek. In Bohemian. Followed by Slavic SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES, see Dollar Weekly. 1640. RACINE TIMES-CALL (d) Oct. 30, 1883-June 25, 1932. Title varies: Racine Daily Times, 1883-Nov. 1915. Editors: William L. Utley, 1883-Mar. 1887; Hamilton Utley, Mar. 1887-Feb. 1900; Walter S. Goodland, Mar. 1900-Mar. 1912; Walter L. Haight, Mar. 1912-Nov. 1915; Goodland, Nov. 1915-1932. Merged with Racine Journal-News. WHi Apr. 10, 1884-June 25, 1932. WR Jan. 2, 1890-June 30, 1906; Mar. 1, 1923-June 25, 1932. 1641. RACINE TRIBUNE (w) July 19, 1888-1889 [?]. Editors: W. D. Thompson. UTLEY'S DOLLAR WEEKLY, see Dollar Weekly. 1642. RACINE VOLKSBLATT (w) 1855-1858 [?]. Editors: Erdmann, 1855-1856; Henry F. Hilgard, 1856-1857; Samuel Richie, 1857-1858. In German. 1643. RACINE VOLKSFREUND (w) Dec. 8, 1860-1863. Editors: W. Schirmacher, 1860-Jan. 1861; J. B. Warling, Jan. 1861-1863. In German. WMS Dec. 15, 1860-May 1, 1862. 1644. WISCONSIN AEGIS (w) Dec. 1843-1844 [?]. Editors: N. W. Fuller and S. W. Hill. 1645. WISCONSIN AMERICAN (w) Aug. 1, 1836. Editors: J. O'Rourke and H. Barnes. Only one issue published. WHi complete. 1646. WISCONSIN RODE (w) 1850-1851. Editors: Kohlmann Bros. In German. 213 1647. WISCONSIN VOLKSBLATT (w) 1860-1861 [?] Editors: A. Winter. In German. UNION GROVE 1648. UNION GROVE ENTERPRISE (w) Oct. 11, 1877-Mar. 29, 1923. Editors: A. P. Colby, 1877-Sept. 1913; J. C. Colby, Sept. 1913-1923. WHi Feb. 13, 1879-Mar. 29, 1923. 1649. UNION GROVE NEWS (w) 1924-1927 [?]. Editors: John Pinze. 1650. UNION GROVE SUN (w) Feb. 12, 1931 to date. Editors: William H. Banninger, Feb.-Nov. 1931; Charles P. Hackett, Dec. 1931- June 1933; James J. Page, June 1933 to date. WHi Aug. 21, 1935 to date. WATERFORD 1651. WATERFORD POST (w) Nov. 21, 1877 to date. Editors: C. M. Whitman, 1877-Sept. 1880; Edward Malone, Sept. 1880-1906; Malone and Ernest H. Miller, 1907-Oct. 1917; Miller and L. M. Merrill, Oct. 1917- Sept. 1927; Stewart E. Hicks, Sept. 1927-Sept. 1934; M. J. Chapman, Oct. 1934 to date. WHi complete. 214 Richland County CAZENOVIA 1652. CAZENOVIA LEADER (w) Jan. 1938-Dec. 5, 1940. Editors: Carl C. Webb. WHi Nov. 3, 1938-Dec. 5, 1940. 1653. CAZENOVIA REPORTER (w) Oct. 1910-Jan. 22, 1937. Editors: O. D. Whitehill and J. S. Herlihy, 1910-Nov. 1915; Herlihy, Nov. 1915- Apr. 1924; Mrs. J. S. Herlihy, Apr. 1924-June 1925; Edward W. Kredl, July 1925- June 1934; Carl C. Webb, June 1934-Jan. 1935; Alfred R. and Arthur A. Schu- mann, Jan. 1935-1936; Charles Kredl, 1936-1937. WHi Mar. 3, 1911-Jan. 22, 1937. EXCELSIOR 1654. EXCELSIOR (w) 1877-1878 [?]. Editors: Ira D. Hurlbut. LONE ROCK 1655. LONE ROCK HUSTLER (w) 1895-1896. Editors: S. E. Richards. 1656. LONE ROCK JOURNAL (w) Oct. 29, 1931-Aug. 2, 1956. Editors: F. J. Moffatt, 1931-Feb. 1933; Einar O. Hammer, Feb. 1933-Mav 1945; Donald E. Turrell, May 1945-1956. WHi Oct. 21, 1943-Aug. 2, 1956. 1657. LONE ROCK PILOT (w) 1875-1876. Editors: J. W. Fuller, 1875-1876; M. F. Satterlee, 1876. 1658. LONE ROCK REPUBLICAN (w) May 15, 1886-May 28, 1887. Editors: N. B. Hood. WHi Oct. 2, 1886-May 28, 1887. 1659. LONE ROCK STAR (w) Feb. 28, 1885-1886. Editors: H. O. Hall. 1660. TRI-COUNTY REVIEW (w) 1899-1921 [?]. Editors: W. Babcock, 1899-1903; P. C. Pitkin, 1903-1920; A. B. Miller, 1920-1921. 215 RICHLAND CENTER 1661. DAILY ADVERTISER (d) Oct. 23, 191 1-1912 [?]. Editors: G. O. Marschalette. RICHLAND DEMOCRAT (1880-1881), see Richland Rustic. 1662. RICHLAND DEMOCRAT (w) Sept. 21, 1892 to date. Editors: Wilbur G. Barry, 1892-Apr. 1923; A. P. Andrews, Apr. 1923-Mar. 1936; Mrs. Lela Andrews, Mar. 1936 to date. WHi Dec. 9, 1943 to date. 1663. INDEPENDENT (w) Mar.-Dec. 13, 1872. Editors: M. F. Satterlee and John Walworth. WHi Aug. 3-Dec. 13, 1872. 1664. LIVE REPUBLICAN (w) Dec. 13, 1866-Aug. 8, 1867. Editors: J. H. Waggoner and I. S. Hazeltine. Merged with Richland County Observer. WHi complete. 1665. OBSERVER (w) Dec. 21, 1876-Dec. 30, 1880. Editors: J. H. Waggoner. Merged with Richland County Republican. WHi complete. 1666. RICHLAND PRESS (w) Nov. 1, 1860-1861 [?]. 1667. REPUBLICAN OBSERVER (w) Nov. 20, 1855 to date. Title varies: Richland County Observer, 1855-Aug. 1867; Richland County Re- publican, Aug. 1867-1888. Editors: Israel Sanderson, 1855-July 1858; John Walworth, July 1858-Nov. 1863; William J. Waggoner, Nov. 1863-May 1864; J. H. Waggoner, May 1864-Aug. 1865; Waggoner and Samuel C. Hyatt, Aug.-Oct. 1865; John Walworth and W. M. Fogo, Oct. 1865-July 1867; J. H. Waggoner, July 1867-Mar. 1868; Waggoner and George E. Stevens, Mar. 1868-1872; Waggoner, 1873; Waggoner and W. M. Fogo, Jan.-Sept. 1874; Fogo and G. L. Laws, Oct. 1874-Apr. 1876; Fogo and Oliver G. Munson, Apr. 1876-1885; Fogo, 1885-1902; Stephen W. Fogo, 1902 to date. WHi Nov. 20, 1855-Apr. 12, 1859; Jan. 1, 1861-Feb. 22, 1866; Aug. 15, 1867 to date. 1668. RICHLAND COUNTY RECORDER (w) Mar. 1868- Dec. 1871. Title varies: Richland County Sentinel, 1868-Mar. 1871. Editors: W. M. Fogo and John Walworth, Mar.-Aug. 1868; Walworth, Aug. 1868- Mar. 1871; Edwin Pickard, Mar.-Dec. 1871. Followed by Independent. 1669. RICHLAND RUSTIC (w) Aug. 13, 1880-1924. Title varies: Richland Democrat, 1880-June 1881. Editors: Otis H. Brand, 1880-Jan. 1881; Jerry A. Smith, Jan. 1881-1890; Fred A. Smith, 1890-Mar. 1895; D. H. Richards, Mar. 1895-Nov. 1898; G. S. Moody and Harry Bailey, Nov. 1898-July 1900; L. D. and Harry Bailey, Aug. 1900-June 1906; L. D. Bailey, June 1906-Apr. 1911; Harry Bailey, May 1911-1924. WHi Oct. 15, 1880-Dec. 13, 1918. 216 1670. SATT'S PINE RIVER PILOT (w) Sept. 1880-Apr. 1881. Editors: M. F. Satterlee. 1671. RICHLAND UNION DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 3, 1884- 1885. Editors: P. Flickner and L. H. Cook. 1672. RICHLAND ZOUAVE (w) Sept. 14, 1861-Sept. 1862. Editors: G. W. Gregory and Sophia E. Bloomer. WHi Sept. 14, 1861-July 17, 1862. VIOLA 1673. INTELLIGENCER (w) Oct. 1890-Oct. 25, 1911. Editors: Clifford M. Wells, 1890-1891; Gertrude Wells, 1891-July 1893; John H. Frazier, July 1893-1911. Merged with Viola News. WHi Oct. 30-Dec. 26, 1891; Jan. 13, 1893-Oct. 25, 1911. 1674. VIOLA NEWS (w) 1897 to date. Title varies: Wisconsin Leaf Tobacco News, 1897-1908. Editors: George E. Sanford, 1897-Oct. 1911; Walter B. Van Winter, Nov. 1911- May 1948; Jack E. Vermeul, June 1948-July 1951; Floyd W. Griffin, Aug. 1951 to date. WHi Nov. 2, 1911 to date. 217 Rock County BELOIT BELOIT ARGUS, see Beloit Citizen. 1675. BELOIT EVENING ARGUS (d) Mar -Sept. 1886. Published by Beloit Citizen. 1676. BELOIT CITIZEN (w) Feb. 7, 1880-1893. Title varies: Beloit Weekly Outlook, 1880-1884; Beloit Argus, 1885-May 1888. Editors: J. A. Truesdell, 1880-Nov. 1881; Stephen Bowers and E. Prouty, Nov. 1881-Apr. 1882; Prouty, Apr. 1882-May 1883; F. F. Livermore, May 1883-Jan. 1885; W. F. Palmer, Jan. 1885-July 1886; H. H. Swain, July 1886-Jan. 1887; H. C. Brown, Jan.-July 1887; Livermore, July 1887-1890; Wallace C. Brown, 1890-1891; F. A. Marsh, 1891-1892; T. S. Morgan, 1892-1893. WHi Feb. 7, 1880-Sept. 10, 1886. 1677. DAILY CITIZEN (d) June 1887-1888 [?]. Editors: F. F. Livermore. MORNING CITIZEN, see Beloit Daily News. 1678. CITIZENS ADVANCE (w) 1907-1908 [?]. Editors: William C. Dean. 1679. BELOIT WEEKLY COURIER (w) Nov. 1856-Apr. 1860. Title varies: Beloit Herald, 1856-Apr. 1859; Beloit Herald and Times, May-Dec. 1859. Editors: D. Anson Pratt, 1856-Apr. 1857; DeLorma Brooks and D. P. Hickling, Apr. 1857-May 1859; N. O. Perkins, May 1859-1860. Merged with Beloit Journal. 1680. BELOIT CRESCENT (w) June 27, 1872-1873 [?]. Editors: H. F. Hobart. 1681. DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (w) 1894-1906 [?]. Editors: Charles F. and Fred L. Renich, 1894-1900; H. W. Frick, 1900-1906. In German. 1682. BELOIT FREE PRESS (w) June 22, 1848-Dec. 25, 1902. Title varies: Beloit Journal, 1848-Mar. 1860; June 1864-Mar. 1871; Beloit Journal and Courier, Apr. 1860-June 1864. WHi Jan. 3, 1856-Jan. 26, 1865; Jan. 12, 1871-Dec. 25, 1879. 1683. BELOIT DAILY FREE PRESS (d) Feb. 1, 1879-Mar. 15, 1915. Editors: J. R. Briggs, 1848-Sept. 1849; Briggs and C. G. Foster, Sept. 1849-May 218 1854; Foster and J. A. Brewster, May 1854-July 1855; H. L. Devereux, Aug. 1855- May 1856; B. E. Hale, May 1856-Apr. 1859; Horatio Pratt, Apr. 1859-Apr. 1860; Barrett H. Smith, Apr. 1860-Apr. 1864; A. Paine, Apr. 1864-1866; T. O. Thomp- son and E. D. Coe, 1866-Mar. 1867; Chalmers Ingersoll, Apr. 1867-1908; M. C. Hanna, 1908-1911; J. S. Hubbard, 1911-1915. Merged with Beloit Daily News. WHi complete. 1684. BELOIT GRAPHIC (w) Jan. 13, 1877-July 28, 1880. Editors: F. E. Fillmore and W. D. Mathews, 1877-May 1878; Fillmore, May-Dec. 1878; Otis H. Brand, 1879-1880. Merged with Beloit Weekly Outlook. WHi complete. GRIT, see Beloit Daily News. 1685. BELOIT HERALD (d, tw) Dec. 1856-Feb. 1858. Published by Beloit Weekly Courier. BELOIT HERALD AND TIMES, see Beloit Weekly Courier. 1686. BELOIT INDEPENDENT (sw) 1923-1934. Editors: Blaine Hansen. 1687. BELOIT MESSENGER (w) Sept. 4, 1 846-1 847 f? | . Editors: Cooley and Civer. 1688. BELOIT DAILY NEWS (d) May 1888 to date. Title varies: Morning Citizen, 1888-1891; Grit, 1891-1892. Editors: Wallace C. Brown, 1888-Sept. 1892; Clay W. Metzker, Sept. 1892-1896; David B. Worthington, 1897-1925; Edwin S. and Dean B. Worthington, 1925-Apr. 1940; Mason H. Dobson, Apr. 1940-1949; Walter A. Strong, 1949 to date. WHi Mar. 16, 1915 to date. 1689. DAILY OUTLOOK (d) Dec. 20, 1881 -Dec. 1, 1882. Published by Beloit Citizen. BELOIT WEEKLY OUTLOOK, see Beloit Citizen. 1690. DAILY PHONOGRAPH (d) Aug. 7, 1878-Jan. 31, 1879. Editors: H. F. Hobart and George E. Farrar. Followed by Beloit Daily Free Press. 1691. BELOIT MORNING POST (d) 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: Howell and Dixon. 1692. BELOIT RECORD (d) 1878-1879. 1693. ROCK COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) 1859-1860. Editors: Hamilton Reigart and George Pratt. 1694. BELOIT TIMES (w) 1857-Apr. 1859. Editors: N. O. Perkins. Merged with Beloit Herald. 219 CLINTON 1695. CLINTON ADVERTISER (w) 1914-1915 [?]. Editors: A. A. Cleveland. 1696. CLINTON ENTERPRISE (w) 1868-1870 [?]. Editors: N. D. Wright and H. Coleman, 1868-1869; Wright and G. Davis, 1869- 1870. 1697. CLINTON HERALD (w) Nov. 12, 1874-Oct. 1, 1907. Title varies: Independent, 1874-Feb. 1880; Rock County Republican, Mar -Aug. 1880. Editors: Chester M. Whitman and Curtiss M. Treat, 1874-July 1875; Treat, July 1875-Nov. 1878; P. H. and H. S. Swift, Nov. 1878-Sept. 1880; Stephen Bowers, 1880-Nov. 1881; C. C. Marston, Nov. 1881-May 1882; Wallace C. Brown, May 1882-May 1883; R. W. Cheever, May 1883-1907. WHi Jan. 13, 1875-Nov. 23, 1881; Aug. 2, 1882-Oct. 1, 1907. 1698. CLINTON HERALD (w) May 7-Dec. 31, 1942. Editors: Stanley R. Broshar. WHi complete. INDEPENDENT, see Clinton Herald. 1699. CLINTON NEWS (w) Nov. 5, 1925-1926 [?]. Editors: H. J. Kent. 1700. ROCK COUNTY BANNER (m, w) Mar. 1888-Aug. 13, 1925. Editors: George Wilcox, 1888-Jan. 1902; William Moore, Jan. 1902-July 1903; F. R. Helmer, July 1903-1925. WHi Apr .-July 1888; Sept. 29, 1900-Aug. 13, 1925. 1701. ROCK COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) 1873-1874. ROCK COUNTY REPUBLICAN (1880), see Clinton Herald. 1702. CLINTON TIMES-OBSERVER (w) Sept. 7, 1923-1941. Editors: William A. Mayhew, Jr., 1923-Apr. 1927; Mrs. W. A. Mayhew, Jr.. Apr. 1927-June 1932; Mary Mayhew, June 1932-1941. WHi Aug. 21, 1925-Jan. 16, 1941. 1703. CLINTON TOPPER (w) Apr. 28, 1938 to date. Editors: C. A. McMullen, 1938-1948; William C. Rust, 1948 to date. WHi Jan. 20, 1955 to date. 1704. CLINTON WASP (w) 1915-1922 [?]. Editors: A. A. Cleveland. 1705. WEEKLY WITNESS (w) May 19, 1893-June 22, 1894. Editors: W. L. Springer and H. C. Rustad, 1893-Jan. 1894; Springer. Jan.-June 1894. WHi complete. 220 EDGERTON 1706. EDGERTON EAGLE (w) Nov. 1901-1925. Editors: Edwin G. Dean, 1901-1908; William W. Hammond, 1908-1914; Durant C. Gile, 1914-1923; F. J. Broadbent, 1923-1924; Sanford Onsgard, 1924-1925. Merged with Wisconsin Tobacco Reporter. EDGERTON INDEPENDENT, see Edgerton Reporter. 1707. EDGERTON INDEX (w) June 26, 1886-1896. Title varies: Tobacco Index, 1886- [?]. Editors: Jessie G. Patterson, 1886-1891; W. H. Bennett, 1891-1896. 1708. EDGERTON REPORTER (w) Dec. 4, 1874 to date. Title varies: Edgerton Independent, 1874-Apr. 1877; Wisconsin Tobacco Reporter, Apr. 1877-Oct. 1950. Editors: W. F. Tousley, 1874-June 1882; Frederic W. Coon, July 1882- July 1919; D. G. Ristad, Aug. 1919-1931; C. A. Hoen, 1931-Aug. 1949; George H. Bozich, Aug. 1949-June 1951; Harland E. Everson, July 1951 to date. WHi May 19, 1876 to date. TOBACCO INDEX, see Edgerton Index. 1709. EDGERTON UNION (w) Apr. 26, 1866-1871. Editors: J. A. and C. D. Wells. 1710. WESTERN STAR (w) 1871-1874. WISCONSIN TOBACCO REPORTER, see Edgerton Re- porter. EVANSVILLE 1711. BADGER (w) Oct. 13, 1894-Apr. 7, 1906. Editors: Marilla Andrews, 1894-Nov. 1905; E. C. Fish, Nov. 1905-1906. Merged with Evansville Review. WHi complete. 1712. CITIZEN (w) Jan. 3, 1866-Dec. 30, 1868. Editors: I. A. Hoxie, 1866-Oct. 1868; C. W. Baker, Oct.-Dec. 1868. WHi complete. 1713. CITIZEN (w) Jan.-Apr. 1870. Editors: H. S. Ehrman. Merged with Evansville Review. 1714. ENTERPRISE (w) June 1881-Jan. 18, 1911. Title varies: Pudding-Stick, June-Nov. 1881. Editors: C. A. Libby, 1881-Aug. 1895; W. T. Hoxie, Aug. 1895-Jan. 1896; C. A. Libby and H. A. Heise, Jan. 1896-July 1898; C. A. Libby, July 1898-Dec. 1906; A. M. Libby, Dec. 1906-Mar. 1908; George Meacham, Apr. 1908-1911. WHi Feb. 28, 1882-Jan. 18, 1911. INDEPENDENT, see under Madison. 221 1715. EVANSVILLE JOURNAL (w) 1874-1875 [?] . Editors: G. S. Bradley. PUDDING-STICK, see Enterprise. 1716. EVANSVILLE REVIEW (w) Mar. 15, 1870 to date. Editors: I. A. Hoxie, 1870-Apr. 1879; J. Boyd Jones, Apr. 1879-Apr. 1880; Hoxie, Apr. 1880-Feb. 1883; Clifford M. Wells, Feb. 1883-Mar. 1884; Hoxie, Mar. 1884- Oct. 1893; George Magee and W. C. Lawton, Oct. 1893-Dec. 1895; Magee and R. M. Antes, Dec. 1895-Mar. 1903; R. M. Antes, Mar. 1903-June 1920; J. I. Scott, June 1920-1929; William B. Antes, 1929-1942; P. D. Pearsall, 1942-1950; William Sumner, Jr., 1950 to date. WHi Mar. 15, 1870-May 17, 1894; Mar. 28, 1895 to date. 1717. TRIBUNE (w) Apr. 17, 1886-May 12, 1908. Editors: H. B. Blackmun and Charles F. Pullen, 1886-Apr. 1887; C. A. Libby, Apr. 1887-Dec. 1906; A. M. Libby, Dec. 1906-1908. Merged with Enterprise. WHi Aug. 5, 1886-May 12, 1908. FOOTVILLE 1718. FOOTVILLE HUSTLER (w) Feb. 8, 1912-1915[?] Editors: Spencer C. Fish. INMANSVILLE EMIGRANTEN, see under Madison. JANESVILLE 1719. BADGER STATE (w) Aug. 1846-Dec. 1851. Title varies: Rock County Democrat, 1846-Nov. 1848; Free Soil Democrat, Dec. 1848-Feb. 1849; Rock County Badger, Mar. 1849-Oct. 1850. Editors: George W. Crabb, 1846-Sept. 1848; C. S. Jordan, Sept. 1848-Nov. 1849; A. T. Gray, Dec. 1849-Mar. 1850; Gray and John A. Brown, Apr.-Oct. 1850; Brown and Crabb, Nov. 1850-1851. Merged with Democratic Standard. JANESVILLE DEMOCRAT (1860), see Rock County Republican. 1720. JANESVILLE DEMOCRAT (w) Dec. 22, 1866-1 867 [?]. Editors: E. B. Bolens. 1721. DEMOCRATEN (w) June 8, 1850-Oct. 29, 1851. Published at Racine: 1850-June 1851. Editors: Knut Langeland. In Norwegian. MnSL complete. IaDeL complete. 222 1722. DEMOCRATIC STANDARD (w) Oct. 11, 1851-Oct. 7, 1858. WHi complete. 1723. DEMOCRATIC STANDARD (d) Apr. 1856-Mar. 1858. Editors: George W. Crabb and John Mitchell, 1851-Mar. 1852; Mitchell, Apr. 1852-May 1853; Daniel C. Brown, May 1853-Nov. 1857; James Armstrong, Nov. 1857-Mar. 1858; Godfrey H. Bishop, Mar .-Oct. 1858. FAMILY MESSENGER, see Walworth County Journal (Delavan). 1724. JANESVILLE WEEKLY FREE PRESS (w) Jan. 6, 1853- Mar. 3, 1857. WHi Jan. 24, 1854-Mar. 3, 1857. 1725. JANESVILLE FREE PRESS (d) Feb. 1855-Mar. 4, 1857. Editors: Joseph Baker, Jan.-Oct. 1853; Baker and William M. Doty, Oct. 1853- Nov. 1855; Thomas F. Withrow and E. C. Sackett, Dec. 1855-1857. WHi Apr. 10, 1856-Mar. 4, 1857. FREE SOIL DEMOCRAT, see Badger State. 1726. JANESVILLE GAZETTE (w, sw) Aug. 14, 1845-1916. Title varies: Weekly Gazette and Free Press, Mar. 1857-Jan. 1864. WHi Jan. 3, 1850-Mar. 14, 1857. 1727. JANESVILLE DAILY GAZETTE (d) July 11-Oct. 7, 1854; Mar. 9, 1857 to date. Editors: Levi Alden, 1845-Nov. 1848; Alden and Charles Holt, Nov. 1848-Mar. 1855; Holt, Mar. 1855-1863; A. M. Thomson and W. G. Roberts, 1864-June 1870; James Bintliff and R. L. Colvin, July 1870-1877; Nicholas Smith, 1878-June 1890; James C. Wilmarth, June 1890-1895; Barton F. Nowlan, 1895-1901; H. F. Bliss, 1901-1915; David Atwood, 1915-1918; H. V. Ross, 1918-1920; Stephen Bolles, 1920- 1939; Sidney H. and Robert W. Bliss, 1939 to date. WHi complete. 1728. JANESVILLE INDEPENDENT (w) Oct. 26, 1901- 1935[?]. Editors: S. A. Cooper. 1729. IRISH-AMERICAN STAR (w) 1900-1902 [?]. Editors: J. L. Mahoney. 1730. JOURNAL (w) 1889-1920 [?]. Editors: H. W. Frick. In German. 1731. MONITOR (w) June 21, 1862-Jan. 21, 1864. Editors: Andrew and G. D. Palmer. 1732. JANESVILLE PRESS (w) 1918-1919 [?]. Editors: W. K. Davis. 223 1733. JANESVILLE DAILY RECORDER (d) Mar. 11, 1878- Sept. 21, 1913. Editors: Garret Veeder and S. S. St. John, 1869-July 1872; Veeder, July 1872-July 1873; Veeder and W. H. Leonard, July 1873-1881; T. S. Nolan, 1882-Nov. 1885; Joseph B. Doe, Nov. 1885-Apr. 1886; A. O. Wilson, Apr. 1886-1894; Peter J. Monat, 1895-1911; Benjamin Fuelleman, 1911-1913. Merged with Janesville Daily Gazette. WHi July 21, 1879-May 1, 1887; Mar. 27-Sept. 21, 1913. 1734. RECORDER AND TIMES (w) Sept. 1, 1869-Mar. 20, 1913. Title varies: Rock County Recorder, 1869-Oct. 1885; Janesville Weekly Recorder, Nov. 1885-Apr. 1886. Published by Janesville Daily Recorder. WHi Jan. 15-Aug. 27, 1870; Jan. 23, 1874-Mar. 20, 1913. 1735. EVENING REPUBLICAN (d) 1893-1900. Editors: E. M. Hardy and E. O. Kimberly, 1893-1894; Hardy, 1894-1900. ROCK COUNTY BADGER, see Badger State. ROCK COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see Badger State. 1736. ROCK COUNTY MIRROR (w) Dec. 16, 1894-Feb. 1895. Editors: J. L. Mahoney. ROCK COUNTY RECORDER, see Recorder and Times. 1737. ROCK COUNTY REPUBLICAN (d, w) Sept. 7, 1860- Dec. 1861. Title varies: Janesville Democrat, Sept -Dec. 1860. Editors: W. H. Bristol and James C. Mann, Sept.-Nov. 1860; Mann, Nov. 1860- May 1861; Joseph Baker, June-Dec. 1861. WHi Sept. 7, 1860-Sept. 24, 1861. 1738. ROCK COUNTY TIMES (w) 1928-1929 [?]. Editors: Robert K. Drew. 1739. SIGNAL (w) Sept. 5, 1886-Oct. 1892. Editors: Garret Veeder, 1886-1891; L. O. Smith, 1891-1892. 1740. SATURDAY MORNING SUN (w) May 1881-June 8, 1889. Title varies: Janesville Weekly Sun, 1881-1885. Editors: J. H. Nicholson, 1881-May 1882; J. B. Silsbee, May 1882-1889. WHi June 17, 1882-June 8, 1889. 1741. JANESVILLE WEEKLY TIMES (w) Feb. 8-Dec. 22, 1859. Suspended: July-Oct. Editors: Charles and C. E. Wright. WHi Feb. 15-Dec. 22, 1859. 1742. JANESVILLE CITY TIMES (w) Aug. 1869-Nov. 1870; Mar. 1871-Apr. 22, 1886. WHi Jan. 2, 1873-Apr. 22, 1886. 224 1743. JANESVILLE CITY TIMES (d) Oct. 1878-Nov. 1880. Editors: A. O. Wilson, 1869-May 1877; Wilson and W. H. Tousley, May 1877 May 1883; Wilson, May 1883-1886. Merged with Janesville Daily Recorder. 1744. WISCONSIN TOBACCO LEAF (w) 1889-1899 [?]. Editors: J. F. Willey. MILTON MILTON EXPRESS, see Milton Junction Courier. 1745. MILTON JOURNAL (w) May 24, 1894-July 25, 1912. Editors: W. K. Davis. Merged with Milton Junction Telephone. WHi complete. 1746. MILTON NEWS (w) Aug. 1925-1936. Editors: Clark M. Todd and O. H. Frantz, 1925-1928; Frantz, 1928-1936. WEEKLY TELEPHONE, see Milton Junction Courier. MILTON JUNCTION 1747. MILTON JUNCTION COURIER (w) July 1879 to date. Published at Milton: 1879-Aug. 1899. Title varies: Milton Express, 1879-June 1882; Telephone, July 1882-June 1912; Journal-Telephone, July 1912-Aug. 1927; Milton Junction Telephone, Sept. 1927- 1946. Editors: Wallace C. Brown, 1879-June 1882; J. C. Bartholf, July 1882-Aug. 1886; E. L. Spence, Sept. 1886-Nov. 1894; Alice S. Blount, Nov. 1894-Oct. 1896; Mark A. Richardson, Oct. 1896-June 1902; W. C. Oviatt, June 1902-Oct. 1907; H. E. Miles and E. M. Hoslton, Oct. 1907-Jan. 1909; Holston, Jan. 1909-June 1919; Orlando H. Frantz, July 1919-June 1946; Francis A. Bowen, July 1946-Aug. 1954; Melvin A. Meyer, Sept. 1954 to date. WHi Mar. 17, 1880 to date. 1748. INDEPENDENT (w) Feb. 12-Nov. 20, 1878. Title varies: Merchant, Feb.-July. Editors: C. E. Wing, Feb.-July; Wing and F. W. Tousley, July-Nov. JOURNAL-TELEPHONE, see Milton Junction Courier. MERCHANT, see Independent. 1749. MILTON JUNCTION MESSENGER (w) 1870-1872. Editors: Mary Spencer. 1750. MILTON JUNCTION NEWS (w) May 6, 1886-1900 [?j . Editors: F. R. Morris, 1886-1896; E. M. Holston, 1896-1898; William B. West, 1898-1899; F. M. Palmiter, 1899-1900. 1751. MILTON JUNCTION REGISTER (w) 1878-1879. Editors: J. S. Badger. 225 MILTON JUNCTION TELEPHONE, see Milton Junc- tion Courier. ORFORDVILLE 1752. ORFORDVILLE HERALD (w) 1900-1902. Editors: L. C. Grundeland. 1753. ORFORDVILLE JOURNAL (w) 1907 to date. Editors: H. A. Gibbs, 1907-1908; S. H. Graves, 1908-1911; Norval Hendrickson, 1911-Feb. 1916; Ward A. Stewart, Feb. 1916 to date. WHi Aug. 5, 1925 to date. 1754. ORFORDVILLE NEWS (w) 1903-1906. Editors: L. C. Grundeland. TIFFANY 1755. NEWS (w) June 2-Nov. 5, 1925. Editors: H. J. Kent. Followed by Clinton News. WHi complete. 226 Rusk County APOLLONIA WEEKLY BUDGET, see Ladysmith News. 1756. APOLLONIA CAUSE (w) 1904-1906 [?]. Editors: John A. Blackwell. 1757. APOLLONIA REVIEW (w) 1902-1906 [?]. Editors: John A. Blackwell, 1902-1903; G. G. Gobar, 1903-1906. BRUCE 1758. BRUCE NEWS-LETTER (w) Oct. 1900 to date. Editors: A. W. McCormack, 1900-1905; O. G. and Louis A. Briggs, 1905-Aug. 1908; Amos Babcock, Sept. 1908-1910; Floyd A. Kneeland, 1910-1911; A. P. An- drews, 1911-1916; L. W. Ham, 1916-June 1921; Victor Valiquette, June 1921-1924; Ham, 1924-1937; Gordon McConnell, 1937-Feb. 1949; Gerald C. Rassback, Mar.- Sept. 1949; Ralph W. Peters, Sept. 1949 to date. WHi Oct. 27, 1905-Oct. 1, 1909; Feb. 5, 1920-Oct. 20, 1921; Oct. 14, 1943 to date. GLEN FLORA 1759. GLEN FLORA STAR (w) 1901-1921 [?]. Editors: D. W. Maloney, 1901-1911; R. W. Richardson, 1911-1914; R. W. and E. W. Richardson, 1914-1921. HAWKINS 1760. HAWKINS CHRONICLE (w) Feb. 3, 1922 to date. Editors: C. W. Perry, 1922-1924; Orin Garwood, 1924-1925; Jessie C. Brothers, 1925-1926; R. W. Richardson, 1927-1932; E. W. Richardson, 1932-1939; Woodrow Wilson, 1939-1941; Lyle Speed, 1941 to date. WHi Nov. 12, 1943 to date. 1761. HAWKINS REPORTER (w) 1908-1922 [?]. Editors: R. W. Richardson, 1908-1914; R. W. and E. W. Richardson, 1914-1922. INGRAM 1762. INGRAM RECORD (w) 1904-1905 [?] Editors: William Bowman. 227 LADYSMITH WEEKLY BUDGET, see Ladysmith News. GATES COUNTY JOURNAL, see Rusk County Journal WEEKLY JOURNAL, see Rusk County Journal 1763. LADYSMITH NEWS (w) Apr. 19, 1895 to date. Published at Apollonia: 1895-July 1902. Title varies: Weekly Budget, 1895-1907; Ladysmith News-Budget, 1907-Apr. 1927. Editors: W. E. Tubbs and F. E. Munroe, 1895-1897; Munroe, 1897-1903; M. C. Martin, 1903-1908; A. A. Hadden, 1908-1912; Mark R. Bell, 1912 to date. WHi Apr. 16, 1926 to date. 1764. LADYSMITH NEWS (w) Mar. 11, 1905-1907. Merged with Weekly Budget. 1765. RUSK COUNTY JOURNAL (w, sw) May 5, 1900-Jan. 27, 1927. Title varies: Weekly Journal, 1900-Dec. 1901; Gates County Journal, Dec. 1901- Nov. 1905. Editors: Dell H. Richards, 1900-Aug. 1908; Philip S. Reed, Aug. 1908-May 1912; D. W. Maloney, Mar. 1912-Aug. 1920; R. W. and E. W. Richardson, Aug. 1920- 1927. Merged with Ladysmith News-Budget. WHi complete. 1766. RUSK COUNTY REPORTER (w) Sept. 5, 1935-Feb. 11, 1949. Editors: Lee Martin and Alvin F. Johnson, 1935-Oct. 1936; Chester P. Burt, Oct. 1936-1949. WHi complete. TONY 1767. TONY ENTERPRISE (w) 1899-1912 [?]. Editors: C. E. McKee, 1899-1903; J. S. Starks, 1903-1906; R. W. Richardson, 1906- 1912. 1768. TONY TRIBUNE (w) 1917-1922 [?]. Editors: Nicholas J. Christman. WARNER (see Ladysmith) WEYERHAEUSER 1769. WEYERHAEUSER NEWS (w) 1906-1908 [?] Editors: O. G. and Louis A. Briggs. 228 St. Croix County BALDWIN 1770. BALDWIN BULLETIN (w) Nov. 11, 1873 to date. Title varies: Independent, Nov. 1879-Jan. 1881. Editors: Edward Borchert, 1873-Aug. 1874; Joseph H. Montefiore, Aug. 1874- June 1879; D. R. Bailey, June-Aug. 1879; H. A. Clapp, Sept.-Nov. 1879; Ira C. Edwards and P. J. Byrne, Nov. 1879-Apr. 1880; Byrne, Apr.-June 1880; W. D. Ackerman, June 1880-Jan. 1881; Bailey and Ferdinand Peachman, Jan. 1881-Dec. 1882; Peachman, Dec. 1882-1891; Orestes K. Hawley, 1892-May 1923; William E. Hawley, May 1923 to date. WHi Jan. 7, 1874 to date. BALDWIN INDEPENDENT (1900-1901), see St. Croix Observer (Hudson). 1771. ST. CROIX REFORMER (w) Jan.-Feb. 1876. Editors: W. S. Lauder. Merged with Hammond Independent. EMERALD 1772. EMERALD REVIEW (w) 1921-1922 [?]. Editors: James A. Neill. GLENWOOD CITY 1773. GLENWOOD CITY TRIBUNE (w) Dec. 3, 1889-Oct. 4, 1956. Title varies: Glenwood Gleaner, 1889-July 1892; Glenwood Tribune, July 1892- Jan. 1912. Editors: Edward Huntington, 1889-1891; Charles J. Augustin, 1891-1893; Frank L. Perrin, 1893-1895; W. M. and J. E. Shirk, 1895-1898; A. R. and William Towner, 1898-1899; Charles J. Augustin, 1899-Aug. 1903; Fred Yates and Marion S. Hull, Sept. 1903-Nov. 1907; Charles J. Augustin, Nov. 1907-Oct. 1917; Allen B. Augustin, Nov. 1917-Apr. 1926; Charles J. Augustin, May 1926-1928; William G. Reque, 1929-Aug. 1934; Charles J. Augustin, Sept. 1934-Jan. 1938; Ross De Witt, Jan. 1938-Sept. 1940; Cornelius W. Lofgren, Sept. 1940-May 1947; Frank R. Neu, May 1947-Aug. 1952; Ross De Witt, Aug. 1952-1956. WHi Aug. 6, 1903-July 18, 1918; Jan. 20, 1921-Dec. 28, 1939; Jan. 1, 1942-Oct. 4, 1956. 229 HAMMOND 1774. HAMMOND INDEPENDENT (w) July 23, 1875-Oct. 19, 1877. Editors: Samuel Beal, July-Dec. 1875; John MacMahon, Dec. 1875-Jan. 1876; MacMahon and W. S. Lauder, Feb.-Dec. 1876; MacMahon and James Ross, Jan- Oct. 1877. WHi complete. 1775. HAMMOND INDEPENDENT (w) Dec. 1875-Jan. 1876. Editors: Samuel Beal. 1776. HAMMOND NEWS (w) Aug. 17, 1894 to date. Editors: W. F. Bostian, 1894-May 1895; Frank W. Bixley, May-Oct. 1895; Charles E. Nelson, Oct. 1895-Mar. 1896; Clarence S. Dodge, Mar-May 1896; Charles S. Florance, May 1896-Apr. 1899; William H. Towner, May 1899-June 1902; F. N. Barry, July 1902-Oct. 1903; Jonathan Boothby, Oct. 1903-Aug. 1904; Barry, Sept. 1904-Oct. 1905; F. E. Hartwig, Nov. 1905 to date. WHi complete. 1777. HAMMOND REVIEW (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: H. L. Frost. HUDSON 1778. HUDSON BROADCASTER (bw) Feb. 15-Mar. 1, 1927. Editors: Warren R. Patten. WHi complete. HUDSON CHRONICLE, see Hudson City Times. 1779. HUDSON DEMOCRAT (w) Oct. 1868-Dec. 30, 1874. Editors: O. F. Jones and C. D. Sibley, 1868-Jan. 1869; Jones, Jan. 1869-1874. Merged with True Republican. WHi Jan. 10, 1872-Dec. 30, 1874. HUDSON JOURNAL, see Hudson Republican. NORTH STAR, see Hudson Star-Observer. PATHFINDER, see Hudson City Times. 1780. HUDSON REPUBLICAN (w) Aug. 4, 1853-Mar. 1855. Title varies: Hudson Journal, 1853-July 1854; St. Croix Republican, July-Aug. 1854. Editors: U. B. Shaver, 1853-July 1854; James Hughes, Aug. 1854-1855. WHi Aug. 10, 1853-Aug. 3, 1854. 1781. ST. CROIX COUNTY FORUM (w) Mar. 10, 1927-Mar. 29, 1928. Editors: Gordon and Bonkrud, Mar -May 1927; Franklyn Curtiss- Wedge, June 1927-1928. Merged with Hudson Star-Observer. WHi complete. 230 1782. ST. CROIX INQUIRER (w) Aug. 29, 1850-1851 [?]. Editors: C. Sexton and C. Johnson. 1783. ST. CROIX OBSERVER (w) Aug. 1900-Feb. 1909. Title varies: Baldwin Independent, 1900-Mar. 1901. Editors: C. W. Henke, 1900-1903; L. B. Nagler, 1903-1909. Merged with Hudson Star-Times. ST. CROIX REPUBLICAN (1854), see Hudson Repub- lican. ST. CROIX REPUBLICAN (1869), see New Richmond News. SHIELD AND BANNER, see Hudson City Times. 1784. HUDSON STAR-OBSERVER (w, sw) Nov. 30, 1854 to date. Title varies: North Star, 1854-Sept. 1864; Star and Times, Sept. 1864-May 1898; Hudson Star-Times, May 1898-Feb. 1909. Editors: Edmund R. Otis, 1854-June 1855; Otis and U. B. Shaver, June-Sept. 1855; Shaver, Sept. 1855-July 1856; Edward Thwing, Aug.-Nov. 1856; Allan Daw- son, Dec. 1856-Apr. 1857; Otis Hoyt, June-Sept. 1857; S. A. Clewell and J. S. Elwell, Sept. 1857-Aug. 1860; Elwell and Sidney S. Starr, Aug. 1860-July 1862; Clewell and I. N. Van Slyke, Aug. 1862-Sept. 1864; Clewell and Horace A. Taylor, Sept. 1864-Nov. 1878; Taylor and Byron J. Price, Dec. 1878-1888; Price, 1889- Feb. 1905; W. E. Webster and Spencer Haven, Mar. 1905-Oct. 1907; F. T. Condit, Nov. 1907-Feb. 1909; L. B. Nagler, Feb. 1909-Sept. 1910; A. E. Roese, Sept. 1910- July 1912; Francis A. Van Meter and Frank H. Welch, July 1912-Nov. 1915; J. F. Shaw, Dec. 1915-Feb. 1917; Percy A. Roberts, Feb. 1917-Mar. 1928; Clarence J. Reiter, Apr. 1928-Aug. 1952; Willis H. Miller, Aug. 1952 to date. WHi Nov. 30, 1854-July 2, 1856; May 24, 1866 to date. 1785. HUDSON CITY TIMES (w) Aug. 1856-Sept. 1864. Title varies: Shield and Banner, Aug.-Oct. 1856; Pathfinder, Oct.-Nov. 1856; Hudson Chronicle, Dec. 1856-July 1860. Editors: John S. Beal. Merged with North Star. 1786. TRUE REPUBLICAN (w) Nov. 6, 1871-July 27, 1916. Editors: David C. Fulton, 1871-Mar. 1872; Fulton and George L. Sharretts, Mar. 1872-1874; Sharretts and John E. Glover, 1875-Feb. 1876; Sharretts and George D. Cline, Feb. 1876-Dec. 1878; Cline, Dec. 1878-1916. WHi Jan. 3, 1872-July 27, 1916. NEW RICHMOND 1787. NEW RICHMOND DEMOCRAT (w) Aug. 1878-Apr. 11, 1881. Title varies: New Richmond Greenbacker, 1878-Sept. 1879. Editors: M. P. Stephens. WHi Feb. 7, 1879-Dec. 30, 1880. 1788. NEW RICHMOND LEADER (w) 1914-1918 [?]. Editors: Thomas A. Ryan, 1914-1917; Grover F. Posz, 1917-1918. 231 1789. LEADER (w) Sept. 17, 1937-Apr. 26, 1951. Title varies: St. Croix County Leader, 1937-Mar. 1940. Editors: Grace P. Bloom, 1937-Dec. 1948; Frederick B. Leighton, Dec. 1948-Mav 1950; James H. Sims, Jr., May 1950-1951. WHi complete. 1790. NEW RICHMOND NEWS (w, sw) Aug. 14, 1869 to date. Published at Hudson: Aug.-Dec. 1869. Title varies: St. Croix Republican, 1869-June 1899, Republican-Voice, July 1899- 1907. Editors: Abe C. Van Meter and Charles Seymour, 1869-Aug. 1872; Abe C. Van Meter, Aug. 1872-1898; Claude H. and Francis A. Van Meter, 1899-Dec. 1903; Claude H. Van Meter, Dec. 1903-1907; Francis A. Van Meter and Frank M. Welch, 1908-1918; Francis A. Van Meter, 1918-1946; John A. Van Meter, 1946 to date. WHi Feb. 24-June 7, 1870; Jan. 24-May 5, 1874; Feb. 10, 1875-Sept. 20, 1876; Feb. 26, 1879-Dec. 28, 1938; Jan. 5, 1940 to date. MnHi Aug. 14, 1869-Nov. 1870. 1791. NEW RICHMOND NEWS (w) 1904-Dec. 1907. Editors: A. L. Evans. Merged with Republican-Voice. 1792. NEWS OF THE WEEK (w) 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: A. F. Ingalls. REPUBLICAN-VOICE, see New Richmond News. ST. CROIX COUNTY LEADER, see Leader. ST. CROIX REPUBLICAN, see New Richmond News. 1793. NEW RICHMOND TIMES (w) Jan. 12-Feb. 2, 1944. Editors: H. A. Lotz. WHi complete. 1794. NEW RICHMOND TOWN CRIER (w) Nov. 21, 1946- June 10, 1948. Published by Doughboy Industries. WHi complete. 1795. NEW RICHMOND VOICE (w) 1886-June 27, 1899. Editors: E. P. Huntington, 1886-1893; L. J. Adgate, 1893-1894; E. J. Scott, 1894- 1899. Merged with St. Croix Republican. WHi Jan. 4, 1898-June 27, 1899. ROBERTS 1796. ROBERTS REVIEW (w) 1903-1906 [?]. Editors: George and R. C. Andrus. SOMERSET 1797. SOMERSET POST (w) 192 1-1924 [?] Editors: F. H. Parker. 232 1798. SOMERSET REVEILLE (w) Mar. 29, 1928-1942 [?] . Editors: R. S. Tucker, 1928-Jan. 1929; F. C. Letch, Jan. 1929-1934; Leo J. Murphy, 1934-1939; Donald La Grandeur, 1939-1942. WILLOWRIVER (see Hudson) WILSON 1799. WILSON PIONEER (w) Aug. 1875-1877. Editors: Joseph H. Montefiore and W. N. Vilas, 1875-1876; Montefiore, 1876-1877; Edward Murphy, 1877. WHi Jan. 15-Sept. 24, 1877. WOODVILLE 1800. WOODVILLE LEADER (w) Jan. 1929 to date. Editors: Newton Little, 1929-1938; Arthur M. Best, 1939 to date. WHi Nov. 19, 1943 to date. 1801. WOODVILLE TIMES (w) Nov. 20, 1913-Nov. 14, 1929. Editors: Charles Lowater. WHi complete. 233 Sauk County BARABOO 1802. BARABOO BULLETIN (w) Dec. 23, 1879-Mar. 24, 1883. Title varies: Sauk County Republican, 1879-Oct. 1880; Wisconsin Prohibitionist and Baraboo Bulletin, June-July 1882. Editors: Walter Noyes and C. W. Dykins, 1879-Feb. 1880; C. W. and James Dylans, Feb.-Oct. 1880; H. C. Hansbrough and J. S. Briscoe, Oct. 1880-May 1882; S. W. Horner and W. J. McKay, June-July 1882; E. A. Carter, July-Nov. 1882; H. T. Haskins and H. T. Willey, Dec. 1882-1883. Merged with Ford's Sauk County Democrat. WHi Jan. 6, 1880-Dec. 22, 1882. FORDS SAUK COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see Sauk County Democrat. 1803. INDEPENDENT (w) July 16, 1866-June 1869. Editors: D. K. Noyes, 1866-July 1867; Peter Richards and Julius C. Chandler, July-Oct. 1867; W. H. Canfield, Oct. 1867-Nov. 1868; Fred E. Everett, Nov. 1868- 1869. Followed by Sauk County Herald. WHi July 16, 1867-Dec. 9, 1868. 1804. BARABOO WEEKLY NEWS (w) May 1884 to date. WHi Feb. 7, 1906 to date. 1805. BARABOO NEWS-REPUBLIC (d) June 4, 1894 to date. Title varies: Baraboo Daily News, 1894-Feb. 1929. Editors: J. F. Kartack, 1884-May 1894; H. E. Cole and A. D. Dorsett, May 1894- 1906; Cole, 1907-Jan. 1910; Cole and H. K. Page, Jan. 1910-1928; Page, 1928 to date. WHi June 4, 1894-Dec. 30, 1905; Oct. 6, 1943 to date. 1806. BARABOO REPUBLIC (w) Feb. 18, 1855-Sept. 6, 1923. WHi May 5, 1855-Sept. 6, 1923. 1807. BARABOO DAILY REPUBLIC (d) 1892-Feb. 1929. Editors: D. K. Noyes, 1855-Oct. 1856; Henry A. Perkins and Ansel N. Kellogg, Oct. 1856-1859; Kellogg, 1860-May 1862; Charles E. Stuart and John W. Blake, June 1862-Aug. 1863; Blake, Aug. 1863-Apr. 1865; William Hill, Apr. 1865-Aug. 1872; Joseph I. Weirich, Sept. 1872-Mar. 1874; Weirich and Edwin E. Woodman, Mar. 1874-1877; Woodman, 1878-Dec. 1879; Woodman and John H. Powers, Dec. 1879-Oct. 1881; Powers, Oct. 1881-Apr. 1891; W. H. Bennett, Apr. 1891-Apr. 1892; Nicholas Smith, Apr. 1892-Apr. 1893; Powers and Joseph S. Briscoe, Apr.-Oct. 1893; Powers, Oct. 1893-1895; Hood Bros., 1895-1929. Merged with Baraboo Daily News. 1808. SAUK COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) June 25, 1850-Nov. 1856. Title varies: Sauk County Standard, 1850-July 1855. Editors: James H. Wells and Victor E. Peck. 234 1809. SAUK COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 31, 1880-Dec. 30, 1920. Title varies: Ford's Sauk County Democrat, May 1883-June 1886. Editors: Josiah G. Ford, 1880-June 1886; E. A. Runge, June 1886-July 1891; Runge and Edward L. Luckow, Aug. 1891-Feb. 1895; Luckow, Feb. 1895-June 1914; Louis Winnie and R. J. Osborne, June 1914-Mar. 1915; Osborne, Apr. 1915-1920. WHi Mar. 6, 1880-Dec. 30, 1920. 1810. SAUK COUNTY HERALD (w) Jan. 6-July 1870. Editors: Julius C. Chandler. SAUK COUNTY REPUBLICAN, see Baraboo Bulletin. SAUK COUNTY STANDARD, see Sauk County Demo- crat. 1811. BARABOO TIMES (w) 1888-1890 [?j . Editors: George L. Conklin. WISCONSIN PROHIBITIONIST AND BARABOO BULLETIN, see Baraboo Bulletin. LA VALLE 1812. LA VALLE BOOSTER (w) Oct. 18, 1933-Mar. 16, 1934. Editors: Carl C. Webb. Merged with Wonewoc Reporter. WHi complete. 1813. LA VALLE LEADER (w) 1905-1909 [?]. Editors: H. H. Dunn. 1814. LA VALLE PLAINDEALER (w) 1885-1888 [?]. Editors: S. P. Barney, 1885-1886; C. T. Leonard, 1886-1887; Miller and Hawks, 1887-1888. 1815. LA VALLE SENTRY (w) Dec. 16, 1949-Dec. 19, 1950. Editors: Ralph Peterson. WHi complete. 1816. LA VALLE TIMES (w) 1881-1883 [?]. Editors: H. C. Douglass, 1881-1882; H. T. Willey, 1882-1883. 1817. LA VALLE WEEKLY (w) Apr. 24, 1940-Mar. 18, 1943; Aug. 24, 1945-Apr. 12, 1946. Editors: Carl C. Webb. WHi complete. LAKE DELTON 1818. MIRROR LAKE ECHO (w) 1882-1883[?J. Editors: Levi H. Cook. 235 MERRIMAC 1819. FARMERS' FORUM (w) 1894-1895 |?1 Editors: G. A. Martin. NORTH FREEDOM 1820. NORTH FREEDOM JOURNAL (w) 1903-June 1912. Editors: Joseph Seftenberg, 1903-1906; J. C. Jetter, 1906-1908; Seftenberg, 1908- 1912. 1821. NORTH FREEDOM LEADER (w) June 1912-1913. 1822. NORTH FREEDOM PRESS (w) 1913-1936. Editors: Joseph Seftenberg. PLAIN 1823. PLAIN CITIZEN (w) Feb. 15-Dec. 20, 1950. Editors: Ralph Peterson. WHi complete. PRAIRIE DU SAC 1824. SAUK COUNTY NEWS (w) Oct. 21, 1876-Sept. 11, 1953. Editors: W. G. Ashton, 1876-Nov. 1877; S. W. Corwith, Nov. 1877-1884; Charles E. Whelan, 1885-June 1886; George L. Conklin, June 1886-1887; Fred W. Johns, 1888-1892; G. A. Smith, 1892-1894; E. J. Browne, 1894-1899; Bert Giergerich. 1899-1953. Merged with Sauk City Star. WHi Feb. 24, 1877-Aug. 13, 1889; Jan. 25, 1900-Dec. 18, 1902; Apr. 16, 1903-Dec. 31, 1908; Jan. 5, 1911-Sept. 11, 1953. REEDSBURG 1825. REEDSBURG FREE PRESS (sw, w) June 25, 1860-Sept. 7, 1861; Mar. 22, 1872-Sept. 1, 1939. Editors: N. V. Chandler, 1860-July 1878; John W. Blake, July 1878-Mar. 1893; W. F. Hill, Mar. 1893-Nov. 1899; George J. Seamans, Dec. 1899-May 1938; Ina Seamans, May 1938-1939. Merged with Reedsburg Times. WHi complete. 1826. REEDSBURG HERALD (w) Oct. 21, 1856-Feb. 1858. Editors: C. Lowman, 1856-1857; J. Mackey and E. G. Wheeler, Jan.-Feb. 1858. WHi Oct. 21, 1856-Jan. 23, 1858. 1827. REEDSBURG OBSERVER (w) Mar. 11, 1881-1883 [?]. Editors: C. W. Ford and P. Byrne, 1881-1882; N. V. Chandler, 1882-1883. 1828. SAUK COUNTY COURIER (w) Oct. 1876-1877 f?]. Editors: A. DeLacy Wood. 236 SAUK COUNTY HEROLD, see Herold und Volksfreund (La Crosse). 1829. REEDSBURG TIMES-PRESS (w) 1888 to date. Title varies: Reedsburg Times, 1888-Sept. 1939. Editors: George L. Conklin, 1888-1891; Charles S. Smith, 1891-1895; B. J. Hager, 1895-1900; T. C. Ninman, 1900-Nov. 1926; Max F. Ninman, Nov. 1926 to date. WHi Oct. 28, 1904-Sept. 8, 1916; Nov. 9, 1917 to date. ROCK SPRINGS 1830. TOWNSMAN (w) Dec. 16, 1949-Dec. 19, 1950. Editors: Ralph Peterson. WHi complete. SAUK CITY 1831. PIONEER PRESS (w) July 9, 1890-June 28, 1951. Title varies: Sauk City Presse, 1890-June 1897; Sauk City Pionier Presse, July 1897-Sept. 1929. Editors: Charles F. Ninman, 1890-May 1904; Max H. Ninman, May 1904-Sept. 1929; Elliott K. Hayes, Sept. 1929-June 1933; William H. Murray, July 1933-Aug. 1936; Charles F. Ninman, Jr., Aug. 1936-Aug. 1950; Karl Ganzlin, Sept. 1950-1951. In German: 1890-Sept. 1929. Merged with Sauk County News (Prairie du Sac) . WHi July 9, 1890-June 11, 1904; June 21, 1906-June 20, 1912; June 8, 1916-June 28, 1951. 1832. PIONIER AM WISCONSIN (w) Sept. 1853-Oct. 1854; Apr. 1855-June 24, 1897. Editors: C. Duerr and L. Joachim, 1853-Oct. 1854; C. C. Kuntz, Apr. 1855-Apr. 1857; Julius Kohn, Apr. 1857-Sept. 1858; L. Crusius and H. Kleinpell, Oct. 1858- Mar. 1878; Crusius and H. Muehlberg, Mar. 1878-1880; Kuntz, 1881-1897. In German. Merged with Sauk City Presse. WHi Jan. 14, 1865-June 24, 1897. 1833. SAUK-PRAIRIE STAR (w) Oct. 22, 1952 to date. Title varies: Sauk City Star, 1952-Aug. 1953. Editors: Leroy Gore, 1952-Feb. 1955; Robert Anderson, Mar. 1955 to date. WHi complete. SPRING GREEN 1834. DOLLAR TIMES (w) Nov. 28, 1877-May 4, 1880. Title varies: Inter-County Times, 1877-Sept. 1878. Editors: J. F. Morrow. WHi complete. 1835. WEEKLY HOME NEWS (w) Oct. 14, 1881 to date. Title varies: Times, Oct. 1881; Spring Green News, Nov. 1881-Feb. 1884. Editors: J. A. Smith, 1881-Nov. 1882; P. W. Meehan, Nov. 1882-Nov. 1888; W. R. Purdy, Nov. 1888-1927; H. C. Purdy, 1927-Jan. 1939; Mrs. R. H. Purdy, Jan. 1939- July 1942; Carl Spalthoff, July 1942-1944; Vernon E. Hill, 1945 to date. WHi complete. 237 Sawyer County HAYWARD 1836. HAYWARD ENTERPRISE (w) 1906-1908 [?]. Editors: J. H. Williams. 1837. HAYWARD HUSTLER (w) 1890-1891. Editors: J. P. Cox. 1838. HAYWARD JOURNAL-NEWS (w) Oct. 1889-June 1895. Title varies: Hayward Journal, 1889-May 1890. Editors: E. J. Scott, 1889-May 1890; Scott and Theodore Bunker, May 1890-June 1894; Scott and H. C. Flagg, June 1894-1895. WHi May 30, 1890-Dec. 29, 1894. 1839. NORTH WISCONSIN NEWS (w) Jan. 8, 1878-May 23, 1890. Published at Clear Lake: 1878-June 1883. Editors: E. O. Johnson and E. P. Huntington, 1878-Apr. 1879; Johnson and Alex- ander Russell, Apr. 1879-1881; Johnson, 1882-1890. Merged with Hayward Journal. WHi complete. 1840. HAYWARD REPUBLICAN (w) 1893-1914. Editors: J. H. Williams, 1893-1906; R. C. Pugh, 1906-1909; R. J. Hennessey, 1909- 1914. Merged with Sawyer County Record. 1841. SAWYER COUNTY RECORD (w) 1904 to date. Editors: A. C. Williams, 1904-1909; W. W. Rogers, 1909-1914; Oscar J. Nusser, 1914-Feb. 1917; J. P. Williams, Mar. 1917-Oct. 1918; Frank J. Schweger, Nov. 1918-June 1945; Harold Severson, June 1945-1948; Julien C. Gingras, 1949 to date. WHi Dec. 30, 1915-Dec. 26, 1940; Jan. 7, 1943 to date. OJIBWA 1842. OJIBWA COURIER (w) 1909 to date. Editors: J. B. Spaulding, 1909-1931; Lyle Speed, 1931-1941; Melvin Dahl, 1941- 1942; Frank T. Bro, 1942-1943; Harold Erickson, 1943-July 1948; Roy Martin, Aug. 1948 to date. WHi Nov. 18, 1943 to date. RADISSON 1843. RADISSON COURIER (w) Nov. 1910-1921 [?]. Editors: H. C. LeBeau. WHi Apr. 26, 1918-Jan. 24, 1919. 238 STONE LAKE 1844. STONE LAKE SUN (w) May 1916-1918. Editors: Wilfred R. Merwin. WINTER 1845. SAWYER COUNTY GAZETTE (w) Mar. 8, 1908 to date. Editors: William H. and Thomas E. Noyes, 1908-1915; Thomas E. Noyes, 1915- Mar. 1949; Roy Martin, Mar. 1949 to date. WHi Feb. 17, 1916 to date. 239 Shawano County BIRNAMWOOD 1846. BIRNAMWOOD NEWS (w) 1900 to date. Editors: S. K. Adams, 1900-1920; Mrs. S. K. Adams, 1920-Feb. 1927; Marcus M. Keller, Feb. 1927 to date. WHi Sept. 26, 1951 to date. BONDUEL 1847. BONDUEL TIMES (w) Mar. 5, 1909 to date. Editors: Harry C. Van Vuren, 1909-Dec. 1943; Mrs. H. C. Van Vuren, Dec. 1943- Feb. 1946; Donald C. Van Vuren, Feb. 1946-Mar. 1950; Alvin E. Ericson, Mar. 1950 to date. WHi complete. ELAND 1848. COUNTY LINE JOURNAL (w) 1909-1912 [?]. Editors: John H. Wolehka. 1849. ELAND TELEPHONE (w) 1906-1908 [?]. Editors: Ben E. Manning. GRESHAM 1850. GRESHAM SPIRIT (w) 1909-1917 [?]. Editors: Elmer Byers, 1909-1913; J. E. Neumeier, 1913-1917. MATTOON 1851. MATTOON HERALD (w) 1900-1906 [?]. Editors: J. H. Fitzgibbon, 1900-1904; Charles E. Soper, 1904-1906. 1852. SHAWANO COUNTY PRESS (w) Nov. 6, 1919-Apr. 1, 1920. Editors: N. F. Browning. WHi Nov. 13, 1919-Apr. 1, 1920. 1853. MATTOON TIMES (w) 1905-1918 [?]. Editors: H. J. Pollard, 1905-1908; Russell J. Jouno, 1908-1911; G. A. Farrington, 1911-1912; Clark S. Thomas, 1912-1918. 240 SHAWANO SHAWANO ADVOCATE-DISPATCH, see Shawano Evening Leader. 1854. SHAWANO DISPATCH (w) Nov. 17, 1897-Dec. 29, 1898. Editors: Louis C. and Charles F. Bold, 1897-Feb. 1898; Louis C. Bold and William M. Barnum, Feb.-Dec. 1898. Merged with Shawano County Advocate. 1855. FREIE PRESSE (w) 1882-1883 [?]. Editors: August F. Klunder. In German. 1856. SHAWANO EVENING LEADER (w, d) Dec. 8, 1881 to date. Title varies: Shawano County Advocate, 1881-Dec. 1898; Shawano Advocate- Dispatch, Dec. 1898-Feb. 1903; Shawano County Advocate, Feb. 1903-Jan. 1929; Leader- Advocate, Jan. 1929-Aug. 1934. Editors: August F. Klunder and C. R. Klebesadel, 1881-May 1882; Klebesadel, May 1882-Aug. 1884; K. M. Phillips, Aug. 1884-Nov. 1890; Otto O. Wiegand and F. L. Ames, Nov. 1890-July 1891; Wiegand, July 1891-Dec. 1898; Louis C. Bold and William M. Barnum, Dec. 1898-Feb. 1903; E. J. Scott, Feb. 1903-June 1927; Byron F. Heal, June 1927-Mar. 1940; J. P. Heal, Mar. 1940-June 1952; J. P. Donald, June 1952 to date. WHi Dec. 8, 1881-Dec. 1, 1898; Dec. 29, 1904-Aug. 16, 1934; Nov. 15, 1943 to date. SHAWANO COUNTY DEMOKRAT, see Shawano County Wochenblatt. 1857. SHAWANO COUNTY JOURNAL (w) July 23, 1859- Aug. 30, 1951. Suspended: Jan-Mar. 1861. Editors: John Wiley, 1859-May 1860; George B. Edmonds, May 1860-Jan. 1861; A. G. Rockwell and C. M. Upham, Mar. 1861-July 1868; Upham and Myron H. McCord, July 1868-Oct. 1871; Elias W. Stevens, Nov. 1871-Feb. 1872; McCord, Feb.-Nov. 1872; A. F. Worcester and A. D. Gorham, Nov. 1872-Jan. 1874; McCord, Jan.-Aug. 1874; H. M. Loomer, Aug. 1874-Feb. 1879; William M. Rogers and Angenette J. Peavy, Feb. 1879-Oct. 1881; Peavy, Oct. 1881-Oct. 1882; Joseph M. Rogers, Oct. 1882-Jan. 1883; D. Gorham, Jr., Jan. 1883-Nov. 1884; Rogers, Nov. 1884-Apr. 1886; Gorham, Apr. 1886-1906; S. L. Perry, 1907-Nov. 1912; Milton R. Stanley, Nov. 1912-1935; Harold A. Meyer, 1936-1951. WHi July 30-Oct. 15, 1859; Mar. 9, 1865-July 26, 1888; Sept. 26, 1889- Dec. 29, 1898; Aug. 7, 1930-Aug. 30, 1951. 1858. SHAWANO COUNTY LEADER (w) May 6, 1920- Jan. 3, 1929. Editors: N. F. Browning, 1920-1922; R. L. Fairbrother, 1922-1929. Merged with Shawano County Advocate. WHi May 6, 1920-Dec. 16, 1926. 1859. SHAWANO COUNTY WOCHENBLATT (w) Jan. 15, 1885-June 7, 1901. Title varies: Shawano County Demokrat, 1885-1886. Editors: H. S. Grosser, 1885-1886; Louis C. Bold, 1886-1901. In German. Merged with Shawano Volksbote. 241 1860. SHAWANO TRANSCRIPT (w) 1893-May 1894. Editors: D. and J. R. Graham. Merged with Shawano County Journal. 1861. SHAWANO VENTURE (w) Aug. 1858-July 1859. Editors: William C. Tompkins. Merged with Shawano County Journal. WHi Oct. 8, 1858-Jan. 21, 1859. 1862. VOLKSBOTE-WOCHENBLATT (w) Jan. 1897-Jan. 3, 1935. Title varies: Shawano Volksbote, 1897-June 1901. Editors: John C. Esser and Otto O. Wiegand, 1897-Dec. 1898; Esser, Dec. 1898- June 1900; Henry V. Eickholt, June-Sept. 1900; F. A. Jaeckel, Oct. 1900-Apr. 1904; James L. Alexander, Apr. 1904-1911; Arthur Mathwig, 1911-1935. In German. WHi Nov. 12, 1897-Jan. 3, 1935. TIGERTON 1863. TIGERTON CHRONICLE (w) 1902-May 21, 1957. Editors: George Meacham, 1902-1906; E. O. Dent, 1906-1912; E. O. and H. R. Dent, 1912-1920; E. W. Cleveland, 1920-1933; Frederick Schweppe, Jr., 1933-1936; O. R. Weygand, 1936-1940; Lester W. Bowker, 1940-1957. WHi Nov. 19, 1943-May 21, 1957. 1864. TIGERTON NEWS (w) 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: P. C. Pitkin. WITTENBERG 1865. WITTENBERG ENTERPRISE (w) Nov. 16, 1893 to date. Editors: I. R. Nye, 1893-1908; John Englund and Edward A. Ketcham, 1908-July 1910; Englund, July 1910-Sept. 1948; Luther Englund, Sept. 1948 to date. WHi Nov. 16, 1893-May 4, 1906; Nov. 17, 1907-Nov. 9, 1911; Nov. 21, 1912 to date. 1866. WITTENBERG HERALD (w) 1896-1898. Editors: William Homme. 1867. WITTENBERG LEADER (w) May 17, 1892-Sept. 1893. Editors: Frank H. Brady. 1868. WITTENBERG NIGHTINGALE (w) 1888-1889 [?]. Editors: E. A. King. 242 Sheboygan County CEDAR GROVE 1869. CEDAR GROVE TRIBUNE (w) 1916-1918 [?] Editors: L. A. Posekany. GLENBEULAH 1870. ELEVATOR (w) Oct. 4, 1865-1866 [?]. HOLLAND WARE BURGER, see under Waupun. PLYMOUTH 1871. PLYMOUTH CORRESPONDENT (w) 1890-1893 [?]. Published by National Demokrat (Sheboygan) . In German. 1872. NORDWESTLICHE POST (w) 1886-Jan. 1940. Editors: C. F. and H. F. Wandersleben. In German. 1873. PLYMOUTH REPORTER (w) Oct. 8, 1872-Jan. 21, 1927. Editors: C. D. Wells, 1872-July 1875; A. F. Warden, July 1875-1879; Warden and H. W. Hostman, 1879-Aug. 1890; Hostman and Otto Gaffron, Aug. 1890-Mar. 1892; Gaffron, Apr. 1892-Oct. 1895; A. J. Strassburger, Oct. 1895-Mar. 1900; R. C. McUmber, Mar .-July 1900; John H. Matthews, Aug. 1900-Oct. 1901; E. J. Scott, Nov. 1901-Dec. 1904; Gus W. Schiereck, Dec. 1904-Aug. 1920; S. A. Mellen, Aug. 1920-May 1923; C. F. Wehrwein, May 1923-Feb. 1925; G. A. Moormann, Feb. 1925-1927. Merged with Plymouth Review. WHi complete. 1874. PLYMOUTH REVIEW (w, sw) Nov. 6, 1895 to date. Title varies: Review-Herald-Reporter, 1927-1930. Editors: Carroll and Bowers, 1895-Aug. 1900; Otto Gaffron, Aug. 1900-1925; Mrs. Otto Gaffron, 1925-1926; Howard W. Quirt, 1926-Mar. 1928; John J. Hooper, Mar. 1928-Apr. 1930; I. C. Kartack, Apr. 1930-Jan. 1932; Merrill C. Dionne and Chester P. Holway, Jan. 1932-May 1933; Ben L. Harper and Rex H. Burnham, June 1933- Mar. 1942; Harper, Mar. 1942-July 1947; Albert L. Petermann, July 1947-1952; C. Marshall Gabriel, 1953 to date. WHi complete. 243 1875. PLYMOUTH SENTINEL (w) 1868-1869 [?]. 1876. PLYMOUTH SUN (w) 1 879-1882 [?]. Editors: L. K. Howe. RANDOM LAKE 1877. RANDOM LAKE RECORD (w) 1895-1898 [?]. Editors: Record Pub. Co. 1878. RANDOM LAKE RECORD (w) 1915-1918 [?]. Editors: Albert F. Hock. 1879. RANDOM LAKE TIMES (w) May 1, 1918 to date. Editors: H. C. Scholler. WHi Nov. 25, 1943 to date. SHEBOYGAN 1880. SHEBOYGAN AMERIKA (d, w) Feb. 21, 1903-1940. Editors: A. O. Heyer, 1903-1904; Oscar F. Huhn, 1904-July 1933; Walter Knippel, July 1933-1940. In German. WHi July 15, 1932-Jan. 4, 1936. WSh Feb. 21, 1903-Feb. 28, 1917; Jan. 2, 1924-Dec. 31, 1934. ICMILC Dec. 7, 1917-Jan. 30, 1936. 1881. ARBEITER-ZEITUNG (w) 1908-1909 [?]. Published by Sheboygan Zeitung. In German. 1882. WEEKLY CHRONICLE (w) Jan. 1853-Jan. 1854. Editors: Henry F. Eastman. Followed by Evergreen City Times. 1883. SHEBOYGAN DEMOCRAT (w) July 1849-June 1851. Editors: Albert D. and Joshua La Due. Followed by Sheboygan Lake Journal. 1884. DEMOCRATIC SECRETARY (w) Oct. 7, 1853-June 1854. Editors: Jacob Quintus and C. E. Morris. EVERGREEN CITY TIMES, see Sheboygan Times. FREE PRESS, see Western Freeman (Fond du Lac). 1885. SHEBOYGAN GAZETTE (w) Oct. 1845-1846 [?]. Editors: Thomas C. Horner. 1886. SHEBOYGAN HERALD (w) Sept. 11, 1867-Jan. 10, 1927. Title varies: Sheboygan County Herald, 1867-Apr. 1871; Sheboygan Sun and Herald, Nov. 1882-1884. 244 Editors: Luther B. Noyes, 1867-1869; Noyes and J. L. Marsh, 1869-May 1870; J. L. and George Marsh, May 1870-May 1881; A. R. Marschner, May 1881-Nov. 1882; L. K. Howe, Nov. 1882-1906; A. O. Heyer, 1906-1916; Otto Gaffron, 1916-1927. WHi July 16, 1869-Nov. 24, 1871; Oct. 17, 1873-Oct. 26, 1882; Jan 2, 1892-Jan. 10, 1927. WSh Sept. 11-Dec. 31, 1867; Jan. 1, 1878-Dec. 29, 1882; Mar. 6, 1885- Dec. 30, 1916. 1887. SHEBOYGAN JOURNAL (w) July 10, 1851-Oct. 1868. Title varies: Sheboygan Lake Journal, 1851-June 1856. Editors: Flavius J. Mills, 1851-Dec. 1856; Mills and E. E. Sharpe, Dec. 1856-Dec. 1858; Mills, Dec. 1858-July 1865; Sharpe, Aug. 1865-1868. WHi Jan. 26, 1853-July 13, 1865. WSh July 10, 1851-Jan. 27, 1860. 1888. SHEBOYGAN JOURNAL (d) July 1886-1918 [?]. Title varies: Daily Review, 1893-1894. Editors: H. W. Bolens, 1886-1892; Stokes and Heyn, 1892-1893; G. F. Cook, 1893- 1895; W. M. Root, 1895-1898; Root and Frank R. Daugherty, 1898-1903; Daugh- erty, 1903-1906; L. E. Reed, 1906-1918. WHi Sept. 14-Dec. 31, 1891. 1889. LAKE SHORE ADVOCATE (w) Mar. 15, 1859-Feb. 1860. Editors: Carl Zillier. WHi Sept. 7-Oct. 5, 1859. WSh Mar. 15-Oct. 12, 1859. 1890. SHEBOYGAN MERCURY (w) Feb. 1847-Nov. 1852. Editors: J. M. and G. W. Gillett. Followed by Weekly Chronicle. WHi Feb. 24-Aug. 11, 1849. WSh Feb. 19, 1848-July 17, 1852. 1891. NATIONAL DEMOKRAT (w, sw) Sept. 1857-July 14, 1932. Editors: Carl Zillier, 1857-1889; Franz Gottsacker, 1889-1916; William Gottsacker, 1916-Feb. 1927; Oscar F. Huhn, Feb. 1927-1932. In German. Merged with Sheboygan Amerika. WHi Aug. 31, 1901-July 14, 1932. WSh Feb. 16, 1861-Feb. 15, 1862; May 29, 1873-May 11, 1882; May 15, 1884-June 9, 1898. 1892. NIEUWSBODE (w) Oct. 16, 1849-May 8, 1861. Editors: Jacob Quintus, 1849-May 1859; August Pott, May 1859-1861. In Dutch. WHi Mar. 21, 1854-May 8, 1861. MiG Oct. 16, 1849-Jan. 19, 1858. 1893. SHEBOYGAN PRESS (d) Dec. 17, 1907 to date. Title varies: Sheboygan Press-Telegram, Aug. 1921-1924. Editors: A. H. Friese, 1907-Feb. 1912; Roland R. Rathbone, Mar. 1912-Jan. 1913; Charles E. Broughton, Feb. 1913-1952; A. Matt Werner, 1952 to date. WHi complete. 1894. SHEBOYGAN REPUBLIKANER (w) Oct. 1851-1857. Editors: Alfred Marschner. In German. Followed by National Demokrat. 245 DAILY REVIEW, see Sheboygan Journal (1886-1918). SHEBOYGAN COUNTY HERALD, see Sheboygan Her- ald. SHEBOYGAN COUNTY NEWS, see under Sheboygan Falls. SHEBOYGAN LAKE JOURNAL, see Sheboygan Journal. 1895. SHEBOYGANDER (d) 1894-1895 [?]. Editors: Meggett Bros. 1896. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES (w) May 1848-Apr. 1849. Editors: Frank L. Goodrich. Followed by Sheboygan Democrat. 1897. SHEBOYGAN STAR (w) 1893-1911 [?]. Published by Sheboygan Journal. SHEBOYGAN SUN AND HERALD, see Sheboygan Her- ald. 1898. SHEBOYGAN TELEGRAM (d) Sept. 6, 1887-Aug. 2, 1921. Editors: Charles Ware, 1887-1903; Frank A. Zufelt, 1903-Jan. 1921; George C. Hille, Feb.-Aug. 1921. Merged with Sheboygan Press. WHi Jan. 2-Mar. 31, 1894; Apr. 29, 1897-Aug. 2, 1921. WSh Sept. 6, 1887-June 30, 1902; Jan. 2, 1917-Dec. 31, 1919. 1899. SHEBOYGAN TIMES (w) Feb. 4, 1854-Oct. 22, 1898. Title varies: Evergreen City Times, 1854-Jan. 1869. Editors: Hector N. Ross. Merged with Sheboygan Herald. WHi Mar. 24, 1854-Oct. 22, 1898. WSh Feb. 24, 1854-Dec. 1862; Jan. 1865-Mar. 13, 1897. 1900. TRIBUN (w) Aug. 14, 1874-Dec. 1881. Published at Fond du Lac: 1874-Apr. 1875. Editors: Alfred Marschner. In German. Merged with Sheboygan Zeitung. 1901. SHEBOYGAN VOLKSBLATT (sw) 1893-1906 [?]. Editors: Oscar Loebel. In German. WHi Apr. 14, 1900-June 20, 1903. 1902. SHEBOYGAN VOLKSFREUND (w) 1866-1867 [?]. In German. 1903. SHEBOYGAN ZEITUNG (w) June 1860-Sept. 1872. Editors: August Pott. In German. 246 1904. SHEBOYGAN ZEITUNG (w, sw) June 1880-June 1927. Title varies: Zeitung und Tribun, 1882-1887. Editors: August W. Pott, 1880-Dec. 1904; Oscar F. Huhn, Dec. 1904-1927. Merged with National Demokrat. WHi Sept. 10, 1901-Apr. 29, 1927. WSh July 23, 1880-June 30, 1916. SHEBOYGAN FALLS 1905. NORTHWESTERN RECORD (w) Mar.-Aug. 1867. Editors: S. D. Littlefield and J. A. Straub. 1906. SHEBOYGAN COUNTY NEWS (w) 1876-Feb. 28, 1957. Published at Sheboygan: 1876-Apr. 1878. Editors: Flavius J. Mills, 1876-Sept. 1878; John E. Thomas, Sept. 1878-June 1883; John E. and William C. Thomas, June 1883-Jan. 1901; William C. Thomas, Feb. 1901-1924; Robert A. and Lawrence E. Perry, 1925-Oct. 1930; Robert E. Perry, Oct. 1930-July 1933; R. E. Lindner, Aug. 1933-Apr. 1937; W. H. Haight, May 1937-Mar. 1938; N. J. Hennen, Mar. 1938-1941; Fred Beisser, 1941-1957. WHi Jan. 29, 1879-Apr. 21, 1938; Oct. 21, 1943-Feb. 28, 1957. 247 Taylor County GILMAN 1907. GILMAN HERALD (w) May 14, 1937 to date. Published by Boyd Transcript, 1937-1951. Published by Thorp Courier, 1951 to date. WHi Dec. 10, 1943 to date. 1908. HOMECRAFTER (w) 1919-1 920 [?]. Editors: Jessie C. Brothers. 1909. GILMAN TIMES (w) 1916-1919 [?]. Editors: Jessie C. Brothers. MEDFORD 1910. MEDFORD DEMOCRAT (w) 1898-1911 [?]. Editors: John R. Shattuck, 1898-1899; Frank Markus, Jr., 1899-1909; Max Bach, 1909-1911. 1911. DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (w) 1884-1889[?]. Editors: Wilhelm Ihne, 1884-1886; F. Perl and H. Matt, 1886-1888; Matt, 1888- 1889. In German. 1912. HERR VETTER (w) 1902-1903[?]. Published by Med ford Democrat. In German. 1913. REFORM (w) June 1885-1886. Published by Waldbote. In German. 1914. MEDFORD REPUBLICAN (w) 1898-1900. Editors: Claude W. Semmes. 1915. MEDFORD SENTINEL (w) 1895-1900. Editors: J. A. Barager. 1916. SENTINEL AND REPUBLICAN (w) 1900-1902 [?]. Editors: A. J. Barager. 1917. STAR NEWS (w) Mar. 1876 to date. Title varies: Taylor County Star, 1876-1877; Taylor County Star and News, 1878- 1944. Editors: G. L. Loope, Mar-May 1876; Edward Gordon and George M. Patchen, May-Dec. 1876; S. A. Corning, Dec. 1876-June 1877; E. B. Morley, June-Dec. 1877; 248 Morley and Singleton B. Hubbell, Dec. 1877-1878; Hubbell and Edgar T. Wheel- ock, 1878-Sept. 1879; Wheelock, Sept. 1879-Jan. 1895; Peter Danielson, Jan. 1895- Nov. 1901; J. H. Waggoner and J. E. Harris, Nov. 1901-Sept. 1902; Waggoner and W. S. Withers, Sept. 1902-Oct. 1904; Withers, Oct. 1904-June 1908; Arthur J. Latton, June 1908-1919; Latton and William H. Conrad, 1920-Mar. 1921; Conrad, Apr. 1921-Mar. 1951; Mrs. Virginia Amacher and Frank Hirsch, Mar. 1951 to date. WHi Feb. 16, 1878 to date. WMe Aug. 1916-Dec. 1933. 1918. MEDFORD SUN (w) 1914-1918 [?]. Editors: W. G. Liebig, 1914-1916; P. J. Fauteck, 1916-1918. 1919. TAYLOR COUNTY LEADER (w) Jan. 1, 1883-July 11, 1929. Title varies: Waldbote, 1883-June 1919. Editors: Joseph Brucker, 1883-1890; Frank Markus, 1890-Nov. 1915; Otto Bau mann, Nov. 1915-May 1919; J. W. Wheelock and Olga Andresen, May 1919-1929. In German: 1883-June 1919. Merged with Taylor County Star and News. WHi Feb. 16, 1895-July 4, 1929. WMe July 20, 1916-Dec. 1928. 1920. TAYLOR COUNTY NEWS (w) Mar. 31, 1875-Apr. 27, 1881. Editors: John A. Ogden, 1875-Mar. 1877; Ogden and George M. Patchen, Mar- Sept. 1877; Ogden and Herman K. Pitcher, Sept.-Dec. 1877; G. W. Adams and Edgar T. Wheelock, Jan.-May 1878; T. B. McCourt, May 1878-1881. WHi Apr. 7, 1875-Apr. 27, 1881. TAYLOR COUNTY STAR, see Star News. WALDBOTE, see Taylor County Leader. 1921. MEDFORD ZEITUNG (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: Joseph Brucker. In German. RIB LAKE 1922. RIB LAKE HERALD (w) Dec. 10, 1897-Feb. 2, 1945; Apr. 26, 1946 to date. Editors: J. J. Voemastek, 1897-Feb. 1940; L. L. Arnold, Feb. 1940-Feb. 1945; Floyd R. Nehls, Apr. 1946-Apr. 1949; Eugene R. Clifford, Apr. 1949 to date. WHi Nov. 12, 1943-Feb. 2, 1945; Apr. 26, 1946 to date. 249 Trempealeau County ARCADIA 1923. ARCADIA ANZEIGER (w) Jan. 1899-Feb. 4, 1916. Editors: J. L. Utermoehl, 1899-1903; Emil Schulz, 1903-1916. In German. 1924. ARCADIAN (w) May 23, 1895-Aug. 9, 1907. Editors: E. G. Farlin, 1895-Oct. 1897; S. G. Wheeler, Oct. 1897-May 1899; David J. Steevens, May 1899-1907. WHi complete. 1925. ARCADIA LEADER (w) July 1, 1875-Nov. 29, 1877. Editors: C. E. Hollenbeck, 1875-Mar. 1877; Noah D. Comstock, Apr .-Nov. 1877. Merged with Trempealeau County Republican (Trempealeau) . WHi complete. ARCADIA LEADER (1890-1939), see Arcadia News- Leader. 1926. ARCADIA NEWS (w) June 8-Oct. 26, 1939. Editors: Albert H. Gauger. Merged with Arcadia Leader. 1927. ARCADIA NEWS-LEADER (w) Mar. 14, 1873 to date. Published at Trempealeau: 1873-1877. Title varies: Trempealeau County Republican, 1873-Dec. 1877; Republican and Leader, Dec. 1877-Jan. 1890; Arcadia Leader, Feb. 1890-Oct. 1939. Editors: Charles A. Leith, 1873-Nov. 1883; F. F. Morgan, Dec. 1883-Jan. 1887; Morgan and Truman F. Ball, Jan.-Mar. 1887; Ball, Mar. 1887-May 1888; George Z. Heuston, June-Dec. 1888; George and Leonard Mathys, Dec. 1888-Jan. 1890; George Mathys and John G. Faulds, Feb. 1890-July 1891; Faulds and A. J. Cowie, July 1891-1892; Faulds, 1893-Feb. 1894; P. J. and L. G. Barth, Feb. 1894-Apr. 1896; P. J. Barth, Apr. 1896-Oct. 1902; John J. Maloney and Henry Theurer, Oct. 1902-Jan. 1904; Albert Hess, Jan. 1904-Sept. 1939; William A. Ender, Sept.-Oct. 1939; Albert H. Gauger, Nov. 1939-Sept. 1955; Gauger and H. J. Blaschko, Oct. 1955 to date. WHi complete. 1928. ARCADIA RECORD (w) Nov. 24, 1911-May 9, 1913. Editors: Milton Leininger. WHi complete. REPUBLICAN AND LEADER, see Arcadia News-Leader. 1929. TREMPEALEAU COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) 1879- 1880[?]. Editors: N. P. Tucker. 250 BLAIR 1930. BLAIR BULLETIN (w) 1878-Apr. 1879. Merged with Independence Weekly News. 1931. BLAIR PRESS (w) 1896 to date. Editors: W. A. Asmus, 1896-1898; S. E. Bersing, 1898-1903; E. F. Hensel and O. B. Borsheim, 1903-1906; A. T. Lokken, 1906-1912; Martin Amundson, 1912-1914; P. J. Fauteck, 1914-1915; H. C. Kirkpatrick, 1915-1941; M. A. Jensen, 1941-1953; Donald Huibregtse, 1954 to date. Publisher's files destroyed: 1896-1915. WHi Oct. 7, 1943 to date. ELEVA 1932. ELEVA GAZETTE (w) July 14, 1921-Aug. 2, 1923. Editors: W. E. Clough. 1933. ELEVA HERALD (w) Mar. 1914-1916 [?]. Editors: H. H. Scott. 1934. ELEVA RECORDER (w) 1 890-1 895 [ ? ] . Editors: Edmund J. Browne, 1890-1894; H. E. Browne, 1894-1895. ETTRICK 1935. ETTRICK ADVANCE (w) Oct. 3, 1919-Nov. 9, 1956. Editors: Elmer E. Gilbertson, 1919-Nov. 1920; Gilbertson and Arthur G. Soren- son, Nov. 1920-Mar. 1931; Sorenson, Mar. 1931-Oct. 1947; E. Lynn Finch, Oct. 1947-Apr. 1952; Helmer L. Gilbertson, Apr. 1952-July 1954; Selmer S. Saeter, Aug. 1954-May 1955; Donald Huibregtse, May 1955-1956. WHi Oct. 15, 1943-Nov. 9, 1956. GALESVILLE 1936. GALESVILLE INDEPENDENT (w) Oct. 1874-1908. Editors: William M. Doty, 1874-Apr. 1877; Samuel S. Luce, Apr. 1877-May 1881; Samuel S. and W. S. Luce, May 1881-1889; Truman F. Ball, 1889-1890; H. L. Vandervort, 1890-1895; W. A. Tower, 1895-1898; Bunsen Bros., 1898-1905; R. E. Smith and C. C. Gwynne, 1905-1908. Merged with Galesville Republican. WHi Jan. 13, 1876-Feb. 10, 1887. 1937. JOURNAL AND RECORD (w) May 6, 1870-Aug. 7, 1874. Title varies: Galesville Journal, 1870-Jan. 1873. Editors: G. S. Luce and J. H. Powers, 1870-Jan. 1871; Luce and Julius C. Chan- dler, Jan.-Apr. 1871; G. S. and Samuel S. Luce, Apr. 1871-May 1872; G. S. Luce, May 1872-1874. Followed by Trempealeau County Messenger (Whitehall) . WHi complete. 251 1938. GALESVILLE REPUBLICAN (w) Sept. 30, 1897 to date. Editors: Bert A. Gipple, 1897-Sept. 1941; Ward J. Risvold, Oct. 1941-Feb. 1943; Hugh Ellison, Mar. 1943 to date. WHi Oct. 28, 1897-Aug. 20, 1908; Aug. 31, 1911-Aug. 15, 1918; Apr. 3, 1919 to date. GALESVILLE TRANSCRIPT, see Trempealeau County Record (Trempealeau). INDEPENDENCE 1939. INDEPENDENCE NEWS-WAVE (w) Mar. 9, 1878 to date. Title varies: Independence Weekly News, 1878-Apr. 1879, Apr. 1880-Mar. 1892; Weekly News-Bulletin, Apr. 1879-Apr. 1880. Editors: George E. Gilkey, 1878-Dec. 1879; W. R. Allison, Dec. 1879-Apr. 1880; H. I. Turnbull, Apr.-Aug. 1880; James R. and William B. Faulds, Aug. 1880-1887; George A. Markham, 1887-July 1909; Ada R. Markham, July 1909-1921; G. L. Kirkpatrick, 1921-June 1957; O. J. Evenson, July 1957 to date. WHi Mar. 9, 1878-Oct. 25, 1879; Apr. 2, 1892 to date. 1940. WAVE (w) May 1888-Mar. 26, 1892. Editors: A. A. Mclntyre and George A. Markham, 1888-Apr. 1889; Markham and C. G. Simpson, Apr. 1889-Aug. 1891; Markham, Aug. 1891-1892. Merged with Independence Weekly News. WHi Mar. 23, 1889-Mar. 26, 1892. OSSEO 1941. OSSEO BLADE (w) July 4, 1887-1894[?]. Editors: Daniel L. Camp, 1887-1888; William C. Thomas, 1888-1892; James D. Matheson, 1892-1894. 1942. OSSEO ENTERPRISE (w) 1894-1895 [?]. Editors: Wallace H. Howard and Frank L. Clarke. 1943. OSSEO-ELEVA JOURNAL (w) June 25, 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: E. G. Farlin. WHi June 25-Sept. 3, 1896. 1944. OSSEO RECORDER (w) 1890-Aug. 25, 1914. Editors: Henry E. Browne, 1890-1898; W. S. Gilpin, 1898-1910; Harland E. Carpenter, 1910-1912; E. J. Matchett, 1912-1914. 1945. TRI-COUNTY NEWS (w) May 3, 1912 to date. Title varies: Osseo News, 1912-Aug. 1933. Editors: William S. Gilpin, 1912-Aug. 1926; J. T. Quimby, Sept. 1926-Aug. 1933; Rex N. Fuller, Sept. 1933-1936; G. H. Koenig, 1936-Apr. 1938; J. H. Smith, May 1938 to date. WHi complete. 252 TREMPEALEAU 1946. FREE PRESS (w) 1878-1879 [?]. Editors: S. S. Tucker. 1947. TREMPEALEAU GAZETTE (w) Oct. 5, 1890-1910. Editors: Clarence S. Utter, 1890-June 1903; Bohen, June 1903-1909; F. J. Pearson, 1909-1910. WHi July 17, 1903-Aug. 20, 1909. 1948. TREMPEALEAU HERALD (w) Dec. 1885-Apr. 30, 1920. Editors: Jacob Tenney, 1885-1887; C. V. Stewart, 1887-1889; E. N. Goodhue, 1889- 1896; Alletta D. Goodhue, 1896-1920. WHi Feb. 8, 1895-Apr. 30, 1920. 1949. TREMPEALEAU PIONEER (w) Oct. 1858-1859 [?] . Editors: Joseph K. Averill. 1950. TREMPEALEAU REPRESENTATIVE (w) July 29, 1859-1861. Editors: Francis W. Newland. WHi July 29, 1859-Dec. 28, 1860. 1951. TREMPEALEAU COUNTY GRAPHIC (w) Apr. 26, 1883-1884[?]. Editors: Clarence S. Utter. 1952. TREMPEALEAU COUNTY RECORD (w) Mar. 16, 1860-Jan. 1873. Title varies: Galesville Transcript, 1860-Nov. 1867. Editors: Samuel S. Luce, 1860-Oct. 1865; Charles A. Leith and H. R. Gale, Oct. 1865-Nov. 1867; Leith and A. F. Booth, Nov. 1867-July 1869; Booth, Aug. 1869- 1873. Merged with Galesville Journal. WHi Mar. 16, 1860-Sept. 17, 1869. TREMPEALEAU COUNTY REPUBLICAN, see Arca- dia News-Leader. 1953. TREMPEALEAU COUNTY SENTINEL (w) Apr. 26, 1883-1884[?1. Editors: F. Kribs. 1954. TREMPEALEAU TRIBUNE (w) 1902-1904. Editors: Clarence S. Utter. 253 WHITEHALL 1955. WHITEHALL TIMES (w) Aug. 14, 1874 to date. Title varies: Trempealeau County Messenger, 1874-Jan. 1880; Whitehall Times- Banner, 1916-Jan. 1924. Editors: Bert E. Clarke, 1874-June 1875; Daniel Camp, June 1875-Sept. 1876; George A. Edes, Sept. 1876-July 1878; E. B. Waggoner, July 1878-Sept. 1879; B. F. Wing, Sept. 1879-Jan. 1880; Fred E. Beach, Jan.-Nov. 1880; Fred E. and J. B. Beach, Dec. 1880-1885; J. B. Beach, 1885-1921; Fred E. Beach, Jr., 1921-Mar. 1923; Beach and Scott B. Nichols, Apr. 1923-May 1929; Nichols, May 1929-Oct. 1952; Robert O. Gauger, Oct. 1952 to date. WHi Jan. 12, 1876-Aug. 17, 1882; July 26, 1883-Sept. 4, 1884; Sept. 22, 1921-Dec. 31, 1939; Jan. 1, 1942 to date. 254 Vernon County COON VALLEY 1956. COON VALLEY HERALD (w) 1910-1916 [?] . Editors: A. J. Ferguson, 1910-1913; Arthur Skar, 1913-1916. 1957. COON VALLEY JOURNAL (w) 1921-1922 [?]. Editors: Julius T. Hage. 1958. COON VALLEY NEWS (w) 1905-1918 f?]. Editors: W. M. Kommerstad, 1905-1909; H. A. Owen, 1909-1916; O. O. Kjome, 1916-1918. DE SOTO 1959. BI-COUNTY ARGUS (w) Dec. 4, 1902-1939. Title varies: De Soto Argus, 1902- PI- Editors: O. Byron Cooper, 1902-1917; Louis E. Williams, 1917-1919; Edmund Buehler, 1919-1923; M. H. Galer, 1923-1926; L. W. Jensen, 1926-1929; Buehler, 1930-1939. Publisher's files destroyed. 1960. DE SOTO CHRONICLE (w) June 12, 1886-Aug. 16, 1889. Editors: Clemence A. Comstock and Elmer Dunlap, June-July 1886; Fred Z. Alexander, July 1886-Oct. 1888; Daniel J. Kalhar, Oct. 1888-Mar. 1889; Frank A. Carr, Mar .-Aug. 1889. WHi complete. 1961. DE SOTO ENTERPRISE (w) 1877-1878. Editors: B. F. McKay. 1962. DE SOTO HERALD (w) 1895-1900 [?]. Editors: F. W. Gluck, 1895-1898; J. F. and I. E. Cooley, 1898-1899; G. L. Miller, 1899-1900. 1963. DE SOTO REPUBLICAN (w) Dec. 15, 1870-1880[?]. Editors: T. C. Medary, 1870-1878; George C. Burdick, 1878-1879; G. L. Miller, 1879-1880. WHi Dec. 15 ; 1870-Jan. 18, 1872. 1964. VERNON COUNTY LEADER (w) Apr. 1872-Apr. 8, 1876. Title varies: De Soto Leader, 1872-June 1875. Editors: Byron J. Castle and C. L. Ingersoll, 1872-1873; Castle, 1873-Sept. 1875; Castle and Parker, Sept. 1875-1876. WHi Feb. 13, 1875-Apr. 8, 1876. 255 HILLSBORO 1965. HILLSBORO ENTERPRISE (w) Mar. 13-June 13, 1902. Editors: W. O. Shear. Merged with Hillsboro Sentry. 1966. HILLSBORO SENTRY-ENTERPRISE (w) Feb. 1885 to date. Title varies: Wisconsin Sentry, 1885-1896; Hillsboro Sentry, 1896-June 1902. Editors: Charles W. Heath, 1885-1891; Charles H. Dunn, 1891-July 1896; Wesley W. Shear, July 1896-Aug. 1899; M. V. Frazier, Aug. 1899-Julv 1902; W. O. Shear, July 1902-1932; W. O. and Edwin W. Shear, 1932 to date. WHi Mar. 12, 1895-Mar. 30, 1900; Jan. 3, 1929 to date. LA FARGE 1967. LAFARGE ENTERPRISE (w) Jan. 7, 1898 to date. Editors: W. J. Robinson, 1898-July 1901; Bennett R. Moyle, Aug. 1901-May 1905; A. B. Fetty, June 1905-Jan. 1908; Percy S. Sanford, Feb. 1908-Feb. 1914; M. N. Perkins, Mar. 1914-1920; F. J. Broadbent, 1921-Feb. 1922; J. E. Rockhill, Mar. 1922-Apr. 1936; Carl Spalthoff, May 1936-July 1937; Clara Spalthoff, July 1937- Sept. 1938; John E. Herman, Sept. 1938-June 1940; Arnott S. Widstrand, July 1940-1948; Arnott S. Widstrand, Jr., 1949 to date. WHi complete. ONTARIO 1968. ONTARIO HEADLIGHT (w) 191 1-1914 [?] . Editors: P. J. Fauteck. 1969. ONTARIO OBSERVER (w) 1900-1903 [?]. Editors: W. J. Robinson. 1970. ONTARIO SENTINEL (w) 1891-1895 f?]. Editors: D. W. Kutchin, 1891-1893; Charles H. Dunn, 1893-1895. 1971. ONTARIO SUNRISE (w) 1867-1868. Editors: Milton F. Satterlee. READSTOWN 1972. READSTOWN HERALD (w) 1897-1906 [?]. Editors: Maiben and Hutchinson. 1973. READSTOWN TRIBUNE (w) 1906-1907 [?] Editors: M. V. Frazier. STODDARD 1974. STODDARD BUGLE (w) 1899-1902 [?]. Editors: James Blaha. 256 1975. STODDARD TIMES (w) 1905-1918 [?] Editors: Charles G. Dudley. VIROQUA 1976. VIROQUA EXPOSITOR (w) Aug. 28, 1858-May 9, 1863. Editors: O. C. Jesse and Justus Smith. Merged with Northwestern Times. WHi Jan. 15-Dec. 24, 1859; Jan. 5, 1861-Jan. 11, 1862; Aug. 30, 1862- Apr. 18, 1863. NORTHWESTERN TIMES, see Vernon County Censor. 1977. VIROQUA REPUBLICAN (w) Aug. 7, 1894-Mar. 2, 1911. Editors: M. L. Snodgrass and Fred E. Hart, 1894-July 1895; Hart and E. H. Briggs, July 1895-Apr. 1896; Briggs, Apr. 1896-Jan. 1903; W. J. Robinson, Jan. 1903-Feb. 1904; Glen P. Wood, Feb.-Oct. 1904; I. S. Griffin, Oct. 1904-Dec. 1906; Harry Bailey, Dec. 1906-1911. WHi complete. 1978. VERNON COUNTY BROADCASTER (w) 1931 to date. Editors: R. L. Graves. WHi Apr. 13, 1933 to date. 1979. VERNON COUNTY CENSOR (w) June 7, 1856-Nov. 3, 1955. Title varies: Western Times, 1856-1857; Northwestern Times, 1858-Aug. 1865. Editors: Joseph A. Somerby, 1856-Dec. 1859; Somerby and R. C. Bierce, Dec. 1859- Sept. 1861; Somerby, Sept. 1861-Aug. 1865; Daniel V. Priest and William Nelson, Aug. 1865-May 1869; Nelson, May 1869-Jan. 1874; Henry Casson, Jr., Jan. 1874- Oct. 1885; Oliver G. Munson, Oct. 1885-1920; Harlow E. Goldsmith, 1920-1950; George A. Hough, 1950-1955. Merged with Vernon County Broadcaster. WHi complete. WVi June 7, 1856-Dec. 1866. 1980. VERNON COUNTY HERALD (w) 1878-1882 [?]. Editors: Jacob Tenney, 1878-1879; D. A. Moody, 1879-1881; I. W. Gill, 1881-1882. 1981. VERNON COUNTY LEADER (w) Aug. 20, 1880-1923. Editors: D. W. Wilson, 1880-1885; F. H. Graves, 1886-1921; H. Y. Buchanan, 1921- 1923. WHi Aug. 15, 1884-July 19, 1889; Jan. 11, 1918-July 18, 1919. 1982. VIDETTE (w) 1875-1876 f?]. Editors: Hartwell and Allen. WESTERN TIMES, see Vernon County Censor. WESTBY 1983. WESTBY TIMES (w) 1900 to date. Editors: F. R. Haines, 1900-1903; F. C. Bunn, 1903-1909; H. A. Owen, 1909-1911 J. W. Haughton and Julius T. Hage, 1911-1916; Hage, 1916 to date. WHi Dec. 8, 1943 to date. 257 Vilas County EAGLE RIVER EAGLE RIVER DEMOCRAT, see Vilas County News. 1984. EAGLE RIVER REVIEW (w) 1887-June 23, 1927. Editors: O. B. Moon, 1887-1906; O. E. Bowen, 1906-1916; Charles Richards, 1916- 1917; Verne Richards, 1918-Feb. 1927; Walter Gander, Jr., Feb.-June 1927. Merged with Vilas County News. WHi Jan. 28, 1916-June 23, 1927. 1985. VILAS COUNTY NEWS (w) Apr. 22, 1893-June 23, 1927. Title varies: Eagle River Democrat, 1893-Aug. 1896. Editors: James R. Howe, Apr -Sept. 1893; G. W. Small and H. B. Carpenter, Sept. 1893-Feb. 1894; Carpenter, Feb.-June 1894; R. G. Sherwood, June 1894-Jan. 1895; C. F. Coleman, Jan. 1895-Oct. 1897; D. E. Riordan, Oct. 1897-May 1901; O. E. Bowen, May 1901-1904; Frank A. Murphy, 1905-1908; D. C. Menefee, 1908-1926; Ernest A. Stewart, 1926-1927. Merged with Eagle River Review. WHi Apr. 22, 1893-Dec. 25, 1905. 1986. VILAS COUNTY NEWS-REVIEW (w) June 30, 1927 to date. Editors: Walter Gander, Jr. and C. F. Fredrichs, 1927-July 1938; Joyce Larkin, July 1938-May 1952; Dan and Robert Satran, May 1952 to date. WHi complete. 1987. VILAS REPUBLICAN (w) 1897-1899[?]. Editors: Frank Steiner. EAGLE RIVER VINDICATOR, see Rhinelander News. 258 Walworth County DARIEN 1988. DARIEN BANNER (w) 1883-1884 [?]. Editors: Wilbur G. Weeks. 1989. DARIEN DISPATCH (w) 1897-1902 [?]. Editors: Leroy Willoughby, 1897-1898; Charles F. Dixon, 1898-1902. 1990. DARIEN NEWS (w) Aug. 3, 1858-1859. Editors: John Hotchkiss and O. H. Gilbert, Aug -Dec. 1858; Hotchkiss and Frank Leland, Dec. 1858-1859. DELAVAN 1991. DELAVAN BADGER (sw) Dec. 1900-1901. Editors: E. S. Sprague. 1992. DELAVAN ENTERPRISE (w) Mar. 1878 to date. Title varies: Delavan Tribune, Mar -Aug. 1878. Editors: Frank P. Howard, Mar -Aug. 1878; Clarence R. and E. W. Conable, Aug. 1878-June 1880; E. W. Conable, June 1880-May 1883; H. T. Sharp, May 1883- Sept. 1893; Grant D. Harrington, Sept. 1893-Apr. 1898; F. M. Stevens, Apr. 1898- Aug. 1900; E. J. Scott, Aug. 1900-Nov. 1901; W. C. Dean, Dec. 1901-Mar. 1903; Dean and W. T. Passage, Apr. 1903-Mar. 1907; Passage, Mar. 1907-Mar. 1915; G. S. Easton, Mar.-Dec. 1915; H. S. Saylor, Dec. 1915-Sept. 1933; A. L. Saylor, Sept. 1933-May 1936; Chester Dorschner, June 1936-May 1952; Robert F. Rogan, May 1952-Nov. 1955; Albert L. Petermann, Dec. 1955 to date. WHi Aug. 15, 1878-May 26, 1938; Jan. 5, 1939 to date. 1993. NORTHRON (w) Aug. 27, 1856-May 1860. Title varies: Wisconsin Messenger, 1856-Feb. 1857; Delavan Messenger, Feb. 1857- Mar. 1858. Editors: Joseph Baker and William M. Doty, 1856-Apr. 1857; Baker and J. W. Lawton, Apr. 1857-Mar. 1858; Lawton and Henry L. Devereux, Mar. 1858-1859; Lawton, 1859-1860. Followed by Walworth County Journal. WHi Aug. 27, 1856-June 3, 1857. 1994. DELAVAN PATRIOT (w) Dec. 1861-1864. Editors: E. G. Wheeler, 1861-Sept. 1863; John Hotchkiss, Sept. 1863-1864. Merged with Delavan Republican. 1995. DELAVAN REPORTER (w) 1889-1890 [?]. Editors: William Wright. 1996. DELAVAN REPUBLICAN (w) Sept. 25, 1863 to date. Title varies: Republican and Patriot, 1864- [?]. Editors: J. W. Lawton, 1863-Oct. 1867; N. D. Wright, Oct. 1867-Sept. 1874; Frank 259 Leland, Sept. 1874-Apr. 1875; G. B. Tallman, Apr. 1875-Mar. 1881; Wilbur G. Weeks, Mar. 1881-July 1908; Maurice Morrissey, Oct. 1909-Nov. 1924; Edward Morrissey, Nov. 1924-July 1956; Katharine Morrissey, July 1956 to date. WHi Apr. 23, 1868 to date. DELAVAN TRIBUNE, see Delavan Enterprise. 1997. WALWORTH COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 7, 1888- 1889[?]. Editors: Milton A. Brown. 1998. WALWORTH COUNTY JOURNAL (w) Nov. 1852- 1853 [?]. Editors: J. C. Bunner. 1999. WALWORTH COUNTY JOURNAL (w) May-Oct. 1860. Editors: L. T. Guernsey. WISCONSIN MESSENGER, see Northron. EAST TROY 2000. EAST TROY GAZETTE (w) Aug. 1879-1883. Editors: F. D. Craig, 1879-July 1880; C. A. Cook and H. W. Metcalf, July 1880- June 1881; Craig, June 1881-May 1882; William Habernicht, May 1882-1883. WHi Jan. 21, 1880-Aug. 9, 1882. 2001. EAST TROY NEWS (w) Feb. 1, 1893 to date. Editors: S. K. Adams, 1893-May 1896; O. R. Kurzrok, May 1896-Oct. 1944; Glenn A. Kurzrok, Oct. 1944-May 1951; Floyd W. Zimmerman, June 1951 to date. WHi Sept. 2, 1931 to date. 2002. EAST TROY STAR (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: Myron E. Keats and Wilbur G. Weeks. ELKHORN 2003. ELKHORN BLADE (w) Apr. 17, 1891-Nov. 28, 1905. Editors: Charles E. Badger, 1891-Sept. 1892; Badger and Curtis, Sept-Dec. 1892; Badger and Henry H. Tubbs, Dec. 1892-Nov. 1896; Tubbs, Dec. 1896-Feb. 1899; Albert E. Pauley, Feb. 1899-Jan. 1900; W. C. Taylor, Jan. 1900-Jan. 1901; L. R. Willoughby, Jan.-May 1901; Tubbs, May 1901-Aug. 1905; Levi K. Alden, Sept.- Nov. 1905. WHi complete. 2004. CONSERVATOR (w) June 28, 1859-1860 [?] . Editors: O. Preston. 2005. ELKHORN INDEPENDENT (w) May 1854 to date. Title varies: Walworth County Independent, 1854-1855, June 1868-Feb. 1892. Editors: Edgar J. Farnum, 1854-May 1855; James Densmore, June 1855-1856; Densmore and John Hotchkiss, 1856-June 1857; Hotchkiss and Frank Leland, June 1857-Feb. 1861; Leland, Mar. 1861-July 1874; John D. Devor, July 1874- 260 Feb. 1878; J. W. Sankey, Feb. 1878-June 1879; M. T. Park, June 1879-Apr. 1882; S. S. Rockwood, Apr. 1882-Apr. 1883; Park and Eugene Kenney, Apr. 1883-May 1899; Park and Francis H. Eames, May 1899-Mar. 1904; Eames and J. H. Snyder, Mar. 1904-Apr. 1913; Francis H. Eames, Apr. 1913-Sept. 1918; Claude F. Eames, Sept. 1918 to date. WHi June 1, 1855-May 23, 1856; June 19, 1857-Dec. 16, 1875; Feb. 23, 1882 to date. WEI Jan. 1927 to date. 2006. ELKHORN LIBERAL (w) Oct. 18, 1873-Jan. 7, 1876. Title varies: Walworth County Liberal, 1873-July 1875. Editors: Isaac B. Bickford, Oct.-Dec. 1873; Albert C. Beckwith and Eugene Ken- ney, Dec. 1873-July 1875; Albert C. and E. S. Beckwith, July 1875-1876. WHi Dec. 20, 1873-Jan. 7, 1876. 2007. WALWORTH COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) May 26, 1847-1849. Editors: E. A. Cooley, 1847-1848; Cooley and Cowdrey, 1848-1849. WALWORTH COUNTY INDEPENDENT, see Elkhorn Independent. WALWORTH COUNTY LIBERAL, see Elkhorn Lib- eral. 2008. WALWORTH COUNTY REPORTER (w) Aug. 8, 1845-Nov. 1856. Title varies: Western Star, 1845-Mar. 1853. Editors: George Gale and Francis A. Utter, 1845-1846; Francis A. Utter, 1846- Sept. 1849; Charles Utter, Sept. 1849-1851; E. R. and Francis A. Utter, 1851-1856. Merged with Elkhorn Independent. WHi Mar. 30, 1849-Mar. 15, 1850. 2009. WALWORTH COUNTY TRIBUNE (w) 1906-1908 [?]. Editors: W. J. Miller and J. P. Blanck. WESTERN STAR, see Walworth County Reporter. GENOA CITY GENOA CITY BROADCASTER, see Lake Geneva Broadcaster. 2010. GENOA JUNCTION COURIER (w) 1914-1916 [?]. Editors: Foster and Kimball. 2011. GENOA JUNCTION GAZETTE (w) 1916-1918 [?]. Published at Richmond, 111. 2012. GENOA JUNCTION JOURNAL (w) Dec. 1890-Sept. 4, 1895. Editors: Luther G. Riggs, 1890-1894; E. L. Spence, 1894-1895. Merged with Lake Geneva News. WHi Feb. 22-Sept. 4, 1895. 261 2013. GENOA JUNCTION TIMES (w) 1900-1912 [? J. Editors: Charles F. Dixon, 1900-1906; C. A. Swenson, 1906-1909; Ben Davenport, 1909-1912. 2014. GENOA CITY MARQUEE (w) Dec. 1948-Oct. 13, 1955. Editors: June McDonald, 1948-1954; Albert H. Hagerty, 1954-1955. WHi Oct. 15, 1953-Oct. 13, 1955. GENEVA LAKE (see Lake Geneva) LAKE GENEVA 2015. LAKE GENEVA BROADCASTER (w) 1924-Apr. 18, 1957. Title varies: Genoa City Broadcaster, 1924-May 1954. Editors: H. B. Gaston and H. N. Marsh, 1924-1930; Albert L. Johnson, 1930-Aug. 1949; Albert H. Hagerty, Aug. 1949-1957. WHi Jan. 20, 1944-Apr. 18, 1957. 2016. LAKE GENEVA CISCO (w) June 1879-Sept. 1894. Published during summer months by Lake Geneva Herald. 2017. GENEVA WEEKLY EXPRESS (w) Sept. 22, 1855-Apr. 25, 1857. Editors: Alonzo L. and Edgar J. Farnum, 1855-Mar. 1856; Frank Leland and George S. Utter, Mar. 1856-1857. Merged with Elkhorn Independent. WHi Oct. 20, 1855-Aug. 9, 1856. GENEVA LAKE HERALD, see Lake Geneva Herald. 2018. GENEVA LAKE MIRROR (w) Feb. 1, 1860-Mar. 1861. Editors: George S. Utter and J. T. Wentworth. WHi Feb. 9, 1860-Feb. 14, 1861. 2019. GENEVAN (w) June 3, 1858-1859. Editors: J. W. Lawton and H. L. Devereux. 2020. LAKE GENEVA HERALD (w) Apr. 20, 1872-Apr. 11, 1919. Title varies: Geneva Lake Herald, 1872-May 1879. Editors: John E. Burton and George S. Utter, 1872-1873; Burton, 1873-Dec. 1875; Burton and A. D. Waterbury, Dec. 1875-Apr. 1876; Waterbury and James E. Heg, Apr. 1876-Nov. 1877; Heg, Nov. 1877-Sept. 1878; Heg and John E. Nethercut, Sept. 1878-July 1895; Nethercut, July 1895-1919. Merged with Lake Geneva News-Tribune. WHi Jan. 10, 1874-Apr. 11, 1919. 2021. HERALD (w) Aug. 5-Nov. 7, 1941. Editors: Charles G. Lind and B. F. Anderson. WHi complete. 262 2022. LAKE GENEVA REGIONAL NEWS (w) July 18, 1879 to date. Title varies: Lake Geneva News, 1879-Dec. 1924; Lake Geneva News-Tribune, Dec. 1924-Sept. 1933. Editors: C. H. Burdick and G. E. Early, July-Oct. 1879; J. S. Badger, Oct. 1879- 1882; A. K. Owen and C. H. Burdick, 1882-Apr. 1892; A. K. and Dale Owen, Apr. 1892-Aug. 1894; N. W. Smails, Aug. 1894-1901; W. J. McAfferty, 1901-1903; F. M. Higgins, 1903-Jan. 1917; B. O. Reynolds and H. N. Aldrich, Feb. 1917-May 1920; Reynolds, May 1920-Aug. 1923; Milton S. Hart, Aug. 1923-Dec. 1924; Arthur R. Todd, Dec. 1924-Feb. 1927; W. R. Meyer, Feb. 1927-1928; Paul A. Lindenmeyer, 1929-Mar. 1931; F. M. Higgins, Mar .-Dec. 1931; E. S. Wightman, 1932-Nov. 1934; Herbert L. Krueger, Nov. 1934-1936; R. M. Noll, 1937-Nov. 1939; Noll and Eugene Cour, Nov. 1939-1945; A. M. Bearder, 1945 to date. WHi Dec. 3, 1891-Dec. 29, 1898; Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1903; Jan. 5, 1905 to date. 2023. LAKE GENEVA TRIBUNE (w) Apr. 1923-Dec. 4, 1924, Editors: James T. Dawson. Merged with Lake Geneva News. 2024. WISCONSIN STANDARD (w) July 1848-July 14, 1849. Editors: David M. Keeler. WHi Apr. 21-July 14, 1849. SHARON 2025. SHARON GAZETTE (w) 1868-1873 [?]. Editors: George F. Brigham. 2026. SHARON INQUIRER (w) Sept. 25, 1873-Aug. 8, 1878. Editors: J. C. Keeney, 1873-Sept. 1876; Clarence R. Conable, Sept. 1876-1878. Followed by Delavan Enterprise. WHi Oct. 23, 1873-Aug. 8, 1878. 2027. SHARON MIRROR (w) June 1868-1871 [?]. Editors: M. L. Schaefer, 1868-1869; C. C. Hanford, 1869-1870; S. P. Ballard, 1870- 1871. 2028. SHARON REPORTER (w) Aug. 29, 1878 to date. Editors: J. H. Phelps and George Ziegaus, 1878-1887; Phelps and R. B. Howell, 1887-Apr. 1889; Howell, May 1889-Aug. 1891; Ziegaus, Sept. 1891-Aug. 1907; Fred C. Fessenden, Aug. 1907-July 1915; J. Luverne Howell, July 1915-June 1945; Roy E. Ruehlman, July 1945 to date. WHi Aug. 29, 1878-Aug. 16, 1883; Dec. 6, 1888 to date. WALWORTH 2029. WALWORTH PRESS (w) June 1886-1887 [?]. Editors: M. G. Stillman. 2030. WALWORTH TIMES (w) Oct. 27, 1904 to date. Editors: Levi K. Alden, 1904-Mar. 1905; W. A. McAfferty, Mar. 1905-Oct. 1906; H. E. Miles, Nov. 1906-Dec. 1907; F. J. Perrin and J. W. Haughton, Dec. 1907- 1909; Perrin, 1910-Oct. 1914; G. S. Easton, Oct. 1914-Feb. 1915; George W. Sowles, Mar. 1915-1917; Mrs. G. W. Sowles, 1918-Sept. 1919; Frank J. McCay, Sept. 1919 to date. WHi Sept. 20, 1928 to date. 263 WHITEWATER 2031. WHITEWATER CHRONICLE (w) June 18, 1879-1884. Title varies: Puddingstick, June 1879. Editors: Pitt N. Cravath. WHi June 18-Dec. 17, 1879. 2032. WHITEWATER GAZETTE (w) July 31, 1854-Jan. 1, 1857. Editors: Henry J. Curtice, 1854-Dec. 1855; Joseph A. Leonard and Addison Emer- son, Dec. 1855-1857. WHi Nov. 22, 1855-Jan. 1, 1857. 2033. WHITEWATER GAZETTE (d, w) Mar. 1889-Sept. 26, 1918. Editors: John C. Clinton, 1889-Feb. 1891; Charles F. Sheriff, Feb.-May 1891; W. W. Hall and A. E. Cowles, May 1891-1892; Hall and F. W. Millar, 1892-1893; Millar, 1893-Dec. 1894; Willis Wilton and Grant H. Lawton, Dec. 1894-Feb. 1898; F. R. Bloodgood, Feb. 1898-1918. Merged with Whitewater Register. WHi July 13-Nov. 30, 1892; Aug. 3, 1894-Sept. 26, 1918. 2034. WHITEWATER NEWS (w) 1880-1889. Editors: Homer S. Saxe, 1880-1886; Russell and Smith, 1886-1887; Talmadge and Maxon, 1887-1888; Jessie N. Converse, 1888-1889. 2035. PANTAGRAPH (w) 1877-1878 [?]. 2036. WHITEWATER PRESS (w) Jan. 1, 1924-Dec. 26, 1940. Editors: F. R. Bloodgood, 1924-Oct. 1936; William C. Hearst, Oct. 1936-1940. PUDDINGSTICK, see Whitewater Chronicle. 2037. WHITEWATER REGISTER (w) Mar. 25, 1857 to date. Editors: H. L. and L. H. Rann, 1857-May 1866; L. H. Rann and S. G. Parsons, May 1866-Apr. 1870; E. G. Benjamin, Apr. 1870-Oct. 1871; Edwin D. Coe, Nov. 1871-Nov. 1902; Edwin D. and Robert K. Coe, Nov. 1902-Feb. 1910; Robert K. Coe, Feb. 1910-July 1952; Ellsworth S. and Charles B. Coe, July 1952 to date. WHi Mar. 25, 1857-Mar. 25, 1870; Jan. 25, 1871 to date. WILLIAMS BAY 2038. OBSERVER (w) Mar. 19, 1896-Sept. 23, 1898. Editors: William C. Dean. Merged with Delavan Enterprise. WHi Jan. 7-Sept. 23, 1898. 264 Washburn County BIRCHWOOD 2039. BIRCHWOOD BULLETIN (w) 1916-1919. Editors: Allen A. Taylor. WHi Feb. 8-Sept. 27, 1918. 2040. BIRCHWOOD INDEPENDENT (w) 1908-1911 [?]. Editors: Frank J. Pearson. 2041. BIRCHWOOD NEWS (w) 1910-1913 [?]. Editors: Neil F. Weston. 2042. BIRCHWOOD PRESS (w) 1903-1911 [?]. Editors: William H. Noyes, 1903-1906; Peter Unger, 1906-1908; Frank J. Pearson, 1908-1909; W. H. Babcock, 1909-1911. MINONG 2043. MINONG STAR (w) Aug. 1909-1911. Editors: John J. Wearne. SHELL LAKE 2044. RADTKES WEEKLY (w) Aug. 30, 1933-Nov. 27, 1935. Editors: Carl Radtke. WHi complete. 2045. WASHBURN COUNTY REGISTER (w) 1889 to date. Editors: Andrew Ryan, 1889-1920; Roger W. Ryan, 1920-Dec. 1935; Walvin M. Kommerstad, Dec. 1935-Aug. 1939; Francis M. Shea, Sept. 1939-Apr. 1952; A. L. Stouffer, Apr. 1952-June 1953; Mrs. Raymond Haremza, June-Sept. 1953; Lee A. Saless, Sept. 1953 to date. WHi Feb. 15, 1896 to date. 2046. SHELL LAKE WATCHMAN (w) June 1882-July 21, 1910. Editors: William Irle, 1882-May 1890; G. L. and J. E. Jones, May 1890-1896; G. L. Jones, 1896-Feb. 1900; Blair E. Hoar, Mar. 1900-Sept. 1904; Andrew E. Kennedy, Oct. 1904-1910. Merged with Washburn County Register. WHi Mar. 5, 1891-July 21, 1910. 265 SPOONER 2047. SPOONER ADVOCATE (w) July 19, 1901 to date. Editors: Ida May Goss, 1901-Apr. 1904; Frank Hammill, Apr. 1904-Mar. 1922; Horace A. Bresee, Mar. 1922-Nov. 1924; E. M. Bardill, Nov. 1924-Sept. 1950; William W. Stewart, Oct. 1950 to date. WHi June 27, 1902-June 15, 1923; June 27, 1924-June 12, 1930; June 18, 1931-June 8, 1933; Nov. 18, 1943 to date. 2048. SPOONER REGISTER (w) May 1893-1896 [?]. Editors: H. A. Pease, 1893-1895; Fred T. Kitchen, 1895-1896. WHi May 6, 1899-Apr. 28, 1900. 2049. WASHBURN COUNTY LEADER (w) May 25, 1938- 1941 [?]. Published by Inter-County Leader (Frederic) . TREGO 2050. TREGO STAR (w) 1912-191 3 [?]. Editors: A. L. Downing. 266 Washington County ALLENTON 2051. ALLENTON TRIBUNE (w) 1905-1908 [?] Published by Hartford Press. HARTFORD 2052. HOME LEAGUE (w) Aug. 11, 1860-Mar. 5, 1864. Editors: A. M. Thomson. WHi complete. 2053. HARTFORD PRESS (w) May 30, 1867-1868 [?]. Editors: W. K. Barney and Robert Tompkins. 2054. HARTFORD PRESS (w) Sept. 13, 1872-Oct. 23, 1933. Title varies: West Bend Republican, 1872-July 1876; Washington County Repub- lican, July 1876-Jan. 1883. Editors: S. S. Barney, 1872-Jan. 1874; G. F. Hunt, Jan.-July 1874; William George, July 1874-1882; J. M. Le Count and H. K. Butterfield, 1883-Jan. 1887; J. M. Lc Count, Jan. 1887-1902; Fred L. Le Count, 1902-Apr. 1926; Clarence R. Hathaway, May 1926-1933. Merged with Hartford Times. WHi Sept. 27, 1872-Oct. 14, 1932. 2055. HARTFORD TIMES-PRESS (sw, w) Sept. 13, 1894 to date. Title varies: Hartford Times, 1894-Oct. 1933. Editors: Timothy Foley and A. J. Hemmy, 1894-Apr. 1898; Hemmy, Apr. 1898- June 1914; Hemmy and Clarence R. Hathaway, July 1914-1917; Hathaway, 1918- Oct. 1933; John J. Shinners, Oct. 1933 to date. WHi Sept. 13, 1894-Sept. 8, 1911; July 25, 1913-Sept. 5, 1919; Sept. 10, 1920 to date. 2056. HARTFORD TRIBUNE (w) Sept. 5-Oct. 24, 1929. Editors: Belson. WASHINGTON COUNTY REPUBLICAN, see Hart- ford Press (1872-1933). KEWASKUM 2057. KEWASKUM STATESMAN (w) Oct. 5, 1895 to date. Editors: George Nugent and C. E. Krahn, 1895-1899; Krahn, 1899-June 1909; George H. Schmidt, June 1909-Nov. 1916; D. J. Harbeck, Nov. 1916-1937; D. J. and William J. Harbeck, 1937-Apr. 1955; William J. Harbeck, Apr. 1955 to date. WHi Jan. 21, 1944 to date. 267 RICHFIELD 2058. RICHFIELD JOURNAL (w) 1905-1908 [?] Published by Hartford Press. SCHLEISINGERVILLE (see Slinger) SLINGER 2059. BOTSCHAFTER (w) Mar. 27, 1897-Aug. 9, 1917. Editors: H. Kramer, Mar.-Dec. 1897; Otto Sandmahr, 1898-1900; Gustav Meister, 1900-1917. In German. WHi complete. 2060. SCHLEISINGERVILLE SCOUT (w) 1889-1893 [?]. Editors: J. L. Rohr. WEST BEND 2061. BEOBACHTER (w) Jan. 1879-Oct. 12, 1917. Editors: William F. Weber, 1879-1888; Walter Wittman, 1888-1891; Arthur Franckenberg, 1891-1903; Carl Quickert, 1903-1917. In German. 2062. WEST BEND ECHO (w) 1895-1896 [?]. Editors: J. M. Sevenich. In German. 2063. WEST BEND NEWS (w, sw) Jan. 1855 to date. Title varies: Washington County Organ, 1855-1856; Washington County Demo- crat, 1856-1860; West Bend Post, 1861-1874; West Bend Democrat, 1874-1902. Editors: E. O. Wentworth, 1855-Jan. 1856; Josiah T. Farrar, Jan. 1856-1860; Charles D. Waldo and Jacob E. Mann, 1861-Sept. 1862; John E. Mann and Erastus W. Root, Oct. 1862-Feb. 1863; Jacob E. Mann and Waldo, Feb. 1863-Aug. 1864; Waldo, Sept. 1864-Apr. 1866; John E. and Jacob E. Mann, May 1866-1868; Max Hirsch and Paul A. Weil, 1868-1869; Hirsch and Abraham L. Baer, 1869-Sept. 1875; Arthur Franckenberg and William M. Walters, Sept. 1875-Nov. 1879; Walters and John Murtha, Nov. 1879-Nov. 1880; Michael Bohan, Nov. 1880-June 1884; E. August Runge, June 1884-Mar. 1886; Walter Wittman and Franckenberg, Mar. 1886-Jan. 1892; Franckenberg, Jan. 1892-July 1902; Joseph F. Huber, July 1902-Nov. 1922; Joseph J. Huber, Nov. 1922-May 1937; Mrs. J. J. Huber, May 1937-1954; Mark Huber, 1954 to date. WHi June 27, 1859-June 8, 1867; Sept. 15, 1875 to date. WWb Jan. 1904 to date. PHOENIX, see under Milwaukee. 2064. WEST BEND PILOT (w, sw) Feb. 24, 1892-June 30, 1954. Title varies: Washington County Pilot, 1892-Jan. 1907. Editors: C. E. Robinson, 1892-May 1893; D. T. Keeley and Henry B. Kaempfer, 268 May 1893-July 1897; Henry B. Kaempfer, July 1897-1945; Henry C. Kaempfer, 1945-Feb. 1949; Kenneth B. Seitz, Mar. 1949-1950; Arthur J. Laack, 1950-Sept. 1951; Paul L. Mueller, Sept. 1951-1954. Merged with West Bend News. WHi complete. WWb Jan. 1903-Dec. 1947. WEST BEND POST, see West Bend News. WEST BEND REPUBLICAN, see Hartford Press. 2065. WEST BEND TIMES (w) June 3, 1880-Oct. 27, 1887. Editors: B. S. Potter and Clarence L. Powers, 1880-June 1881; Powers, June 1881- 1887. Merged with West Bend Democrat. WHi complete. 2066. WASHINGTON COUNTY BANNER (w) 1868-1872 [?]. Published by West Bend Post. In German. WASHINGTON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, see West Bend News. WASHINGTON COUNTY ORGAN, see West Bend News. WASHINGTON COUNTY PILOT, see West Bend Pilot. 269 Waukesha County BROOKFIELD 2067. BROOKFIELD NEWS (w) Aug. 18, 1955 to date. Editors: Jack Cory. WHi complete. DELAFIELD 2068. DELAFIELD GAZETTE (w) 1938-Dec. 30, 1953. Editors: Albert P. Nelson, 1938-Oct. 1941; Frank D. Boyd, Oct. 1941-1952; Thomas Evans, 1953. Followed by Lake Country Reporter (Hartland) . WHi July 4, 1946-Dec. 30, 1953. 2069. YOUNG AMERICA (w, sm) Mar. 1859-Mar. 15, 1860. Editors: N. C. Hawks. WHi Nov. 8, 1859-Mar. 15, 1860. DOUSMAN 2070. DOUSMAN INDEX (w) Mar. 22, 1907 to date. Editors: Fred C. Krueger, 1907-Jan. 1929; George T. Ehrlich, Jan.-Nov. 1929; Krueger, Nov. 1929-Mar. 1945; Ehrlich, Mar. 1945-July 1952; E. Ruth Howard, Aug. 1952 to date. WHi Mar. 22, 1907-Mar. 11, 1910; Mar. 17, 1911-Mar. 14, 1941; Oct. 17, 1941 to date. WWakHi Aug. 8, 1918-Oct. 24, 1919. 2071. DOUSMAN LEADER (w) 1886-1887 [?]. Published by Oconomowoc Herald. EAGLE 2072. EAGLE NEWS (w) 1888-1892 [?] . Editors: Francis G. Parks, 1888-1889; G. A. Rogers, 1889-1892. 2073. EAGLE QUILL (w) 1880-Aug. 29, 1952. Editors: W. E. Hennessey, 1880-1894; Grant H. Lawton, 1894-July 1898; Henry M. Loibl, July 1898-Jan. 1947; Isabelle Engelbretsen, Jan. 1947-1952. Merged with Palmyra Enterprise. WHi Jan. 21, 1898-Sept. 8, 1916; Jan. 7, 1920-Dec. 30, 1938; Jan. 3, 1941-Aug. 29, 1952. 2074. EAGLE SUN (w) 1889-1892 [?]. Editors: W. E. Hennessey. 270 2075. EAGLE ZEITUNG (w) 1888-1889 [?]. Editors: R. Morsbach. In German. ELM GROVE 2076. ELM LEAVES (w) Feb. 1, 1946 to date. Editors: Marilyn Franke, 194&-July 1947; Nancy Jaeger, Aug. 1947-June 1955; Jack Cory, June 1955 to date. WHi complete. HARTLAND 2077. HARTLAND INDEX (w) 1886-1889 [?]. Published by Oconomowoc Herald. 2078. LAKE COUNTRY REPORTER (w) Jan. 7, 1954 to date. Editors: Hughitt H. Hinderaker. WHi complete. 2079. HARTLAND NEWS (w) Dec. 15, 1893-Dec. 30, 1953. Title varies: News and Dairyman, 1893-Nov. 1897. Editors: H. W. Goodwin, 1893-Sept. 1895; G. F. Ramsey, Sept. 1895-Oct. 1898; George W. Schwantes and Mabel V. Hansen, Oct. 1898-Mar. 1905; Mabel V. Han- sen, Mar. 1905-1925; Carl B. Hansen, 1925-Oct. 1945; Hughitt H. Hinderaker, Nov. 1945-1953. Followed by Lake Country Reporter. WHi Sept. 22, 1894-Dec. 30, 1953. WWakHi Apr. 20, 1918-Sept. 13, 1919; Sept. 14, 1945-Dec. 30, 1953. MENOMONEE FALLS 2080. MENOMONEE FALLS NEWS (w) 1889 to date. Editors: Frank L. Nehs, 1889-1895; Cameron W. Frazier, 1895-1930; W. H. Rintle- man, 1930-1935; C. Marvin Rintleman, 1935-Oct. 1953; Robert D. Anderson, Oct. 1953-July 1954; Philip F. Buchanan, Aug. 1954-Aug. 1955; Guy G. Fuller, Jr., Aug. 1955 to date. WHi Nov. 4, 1943 to date. WWakHi Apr. 26, 1918-Sept. 5, 1919. 2081. MENOMONEE FALLS TIMES (w) 1888-1889. Editors: Frank L. Nehs. 2082. WISCONSIN AGITATOR (w, m) Apr. 19, 1 899-1900 [?]. Editors: W. D. Cox and W. H. Rintleman. WHi Apr. 19, 1899-Sept. 1900. MERTON 2083. DAIRY-BELT REVIEW (w) 1914-1921 [?]. Editors: Lewis J. Mahoney. WWakHi Aug. 31-Oct. 5, 1918. 271 MUKWONAGO 2084. MUKWONAGO CHIEF (w) Jan. 2, 1889 to date. Editors: Daniel L. Camp, 1889-Aug. 1901; F. R. McNulty, Aug. 1901-1926; James L. Small, 1926-Jan. 1938; Mary D. Small, Jan. 1938-Nov. 1945; Cecil B. and Melvin L. Titus, Nov. 1945-Dec. 1950; Robert R. McLoughlin, Dec. 1950-Apr. 1954; Marvin A. Schwersenska, Apr. 1954-Feb. 1957; Dale Dettmann and William Newton, Jr., Feb. 1957 to date. WHi Jan. 2, 1889-Dec. 31, 1920; Jan. 6, 1927 to date. WWakHi Aug. 16, 1918-Sept. 5, 1919. 2085. MUKWONAGO MAIL (w) Apr. 1887-Dec. 1888. Editors: James I. Toner. Followed by Mukwonago Chief. 2086. MUKWONAGO WHAT-NOT (w) June 1879-1880 [?]. Editors: Francis D. Craig. OCONOMOWOG 2087. OCONOMOWOC BADGER (w) May 11, 1866-June 25, 1869. Editors: T. B. and A. J. Reid, 1866-Oct. 1867; E. G. Benjamin, Oct. 1867-1869. Followed by Belle Mirror. WHi May 18-Oct. 12, 1866; May 17, 1867-June 25, 1869. BELLE MIRROR, see Oconomowoc Times. 2088. OCONOMOWOC CLARION (w) Oct. 1933-1934. Editors: George C. Ilstrup. WHi Jan. 18-Sept. 27, 1934. OCONOMOWOC DEMOCRAT, see Oconomowoc Re- publican. 2089. OCONOMOWOC ENTERPRISE (w) Oct. 26, 1900 to date. Editors: Grove E. Palmer and A. C. Hathaway, 1900-Mar. 1907; Palmer, Mar. 1907-Dec. 1930; Thomas P. Collins, Dec. 1930-Feb. 1935; Palmer, Feb. 1935-July 1936; C. W. Brown, Aug. 1936 to date. WHi Oct. 26, 1900-Dec. 30, 1938; Jan. 5, 1940 to date. 2090. FREE PRESS (w) Oct. 14, 1858-Aug. 16, 1862. Editors: N. C. Hawks and Abraham Small, Oct.-Dec. 1858; D. W. Small and John S. Rockwell, Dec. 1858-Feb. 1861; D. S. Curtiss, Feb. 1861-1862. WHi Oct. 14, 1858-Oct. 25, 1860; Feb. 15, 1861 -Aug. 16, 1862. 2091. OCONOMOWOC FREE PRESS (sw, w) May 15, 1875- Dec. 1, 1910. Title varies: Wisconsin Free Press, 1875-Oct. 1908. Editors: C. C. Bowsfield, May-Oct. 1875; R. B. Rice, Oct. 1875-Apr. 1876; C. M. Smith, Apr .-Oct. 1876; Edwin Hurlbut, Oct. 1876-Dec. 1905; Mrs. Edwin Hurlbut, Dec. 1905-Mar. 1907; Arthur C. Hathaway, Mar. 1907-1910. Merged with Oconomowoc Enterprise. WHi complete. 272 2092. OCONOMOWOC HERALD (w) 1885-1888 [?]. Editors: George A. Rogers. 2093. OCONOMOWOC LOCAL (w) Sept. 4, 1874-Feb. 6, 1885. Editors: F. W. Coon and A. C. Macrorie, 1874-July 1875; Coon, July 1875-Nov. 1883; I. A. Hoxie, Nov. 1883-Nov. 1884; Ward E. Dutcher, Nov. 1884-1885. WHi complete. 2094. OCONOMOWOC NEWS (w) 1885-1891 [?]. Editors: George A. Rogers. 2095. OCONOMOWOC REPUBLICAN (w) 1888-Mar. 2, 1901. Title varies: Oconomowoc Democrat, 1888-1895. Editors: J. H. Rector, 1888-1892; M. G. Fallon, 1892-1895; C. P. Smith, 1895- 1896; C. A. Pettibone, 1896-1901. Merged with Oconomowoc Enterprise. WHi June 6, 1896-Mar. 2, 1901. 2096. OCONOMOWOC TIMES (w) June 30, 1869-1877. Title varies: Belle Mirror, 1869-Aug. 1870. Editors: A. McGregor, 1869-Aug. 1870; Ashley D. Harger, Aug. 1870-1877. WHi June 30, 1869-June 30, 1875. WISCONSIN FREE PRESS, see Oconomowoc Free Press. PEWAUKEE 2097. PEWAUKEE BREEZE (w) 1903-1910. Editors: R. G. Frackelton, 1903-1906; F. H. Best and E. Towell, 1906-1908; Towell, 1908-1910. Merged with Waukesha Freeman. 2098. PEWAUKEE JOURNAL (w) 1915-1918 [?]. Editors: Joseph W. Hoffman. 2099. PEWAUKEE LAKE NEWS (w) June 1938-Aug. 22, 1940. Editors: Earl J. Nelson. 2100. NORTHWESTERN (w) 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: Lloyd Skinner. 2101. PEWAUKEEAN (w) 1943-Jan. 5, 1950. Editors: Earl J. Nelson. 2102. PEWAUKEE POST (w) June 1950-Dec. 31, 1953. Editors: Lorraine Redfield. Followed by Lake Country Reporter (Hartland) . Publisher's files destroyed. WHi Feb. 12-Dec. 31, 1953. 2103. PEWAUKEE STANDARD (w) 1877-May 27, 1880. Editors: C. P. Smith. Merged with Waukesha Freeman. WHi Feb. 20, 1879-May 27, 1880. 2104. PEWAUKEE TIMES (w) 1897-1899 [?] . Editors: Leighton and McCarthy. 273 2105. PEWAUKEE TRIBUNE (w) 1887-1888 [?]. Published by Oconomowoc Herald. PRAIRIEVILLE (see Waukesha) WAUKESHA 2106. WAUKESHA ADVOCATE (w) Mar. 16, 1846-1847 [?]. Editors: A. W. Randall. AMERICAN FREEMAN, see Wisconsin Free Democrat (Milwaukee). WAUKESHA CHRONOTYPE, see Waukesha Plain- Dealer (1848-1857). WAUKESHA DEMOCRAT, see Waukesha Plain-Dealer (1848-1857). 2107. WAUKESHA DISPATCH (w, sw) Feb. 1891-Oct. 30, 1920. Editors: M. T. Stokes, 1891-1893; W. C. Donovan, 1893-1894; A. F. Warden, 1895- May 1904; G. W. Norris, May 1904-1920. Merged with Waukesha Freeman. WHi Jan. 4, 1894-Oct. 30, 1920. WWakHi Apr. 23, 1918-Aug. 23, 1919. 2108. WAUKESHA FREEMAN (w) Mar. 29, 1859-1930. WHi Mar. 29, 1859-July 4, 1929. WWak Mar. 29, 1859-Dec. 1921. 2109. WAUKESHA DAILY FREEMAN (d) Nov. 1, 1920 to date. Editors: M. Cullaton, Mar.-Sept. 1859; L. B. Wright, Oct. 1859-Nov. 1867; Wright and T. B. Reid, Nov. 1867-Dec. 1868; Reid and Nicholas Smith, Dec. 1868-Aug. 1869; Smith, Aug. 1869-Apr. 1870; T. W. Haight, May 1870-Feb. 1872; Haight and H. M. Youmans, Feb. 1872-Sept. 1874; H. M. Youmans, Oct. 1874-May 1929; Henry A. Youmans, May 1929-1945; Josephine H. Youmans, 1945 to date. WHi Jan. 23, 1930 to date. WWak complete. 2110. WAUKESHA DAILY HERALD (d) Feb. 23, 1919-Oct. 30, 1920. Editors: A. D. Campbell, 1919-May 1920; B. A. Hoffman, May-Oct. 1920. Followed by Waukesha Daily Freeman. 2111. INDEPENDENT PRESS (w) July 20, 1853-Feb. 15, 1854. Editors: E. H. Baxter and S. A. Bean. Followed by Waukesha County Democrat. WHi Oct. 12, 1853-Feb. 15, 1854. WWhC Oct. 12, 1853-Feb. 15, 1854. WWakHi complete. 274 2112. WAUKESHA JOURNAL (w) May 1886-1893. Editors: Harvey H. Rust. Merged with Waukesha Freeman. 2113. WAUKESHA PLAIN-DEALER (w) July 20, 1848-Jan. 13, 1857. Title varies: Waukesha Democrat, 1848-July 1853; Waukesha Chronotype, July 1853-July 1854. Editors: George Hyer, 1848-Aug. 1851; Henry D. Barron, Aug. 1851-July 1854; Alexander F. Pratt and J. M. Doty, July 1854-Mar. 1856; Pratt, Mar. 1856-1857. Merged with Waukesha Republican. WHi complete. WWhC complete. WWakHi Jan. 1, 1849-Oct. 4, 1854. 2114. WAUKESHA PLAIN-DEALER (w) July 25, 1865-Sept. 19, 1876. Editors: Alexander F. Pratt, 1865-Dec. 1874; Clarence N. Jones, Dec. 1874-1876. Merged with Waukesha County Democrat. WHi complete. WWhC complete. WWakHi July 25, 1865-July 12, 1870. 2115. WAUKESHA PRESS (w) Dec. 1898-May 30, 1906. Editors: G. T. Ramsey, 1898-July 1903; George L. and Edward L. Weiss, July 1903-July 1905; Evan L. Thomas and Rex A. Warden, July 1905-1906. Merged with Waukesha Freeman. WHi Jan. 7, 1903-May 30, 1906. 2116. WAUKESHA REPUBLICAN (w) Jan. 20, 1857- Jan. 4, 1859. Editors: A. Emerson and J. A. Leonard, Jan.-Mar. 1857; Emerson and A. A. Griffith, Mar.-Sept. 1857; Emerson and H. J. Curtice, Sept. 1857-1859. WHi complete. WAUKESHA COUNTY COMMERCIAL, see Waukesha County Tribune. 2117. WAUKESHA COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Mar. 1, 1854- July 1865. Editors: D. Casey, Mar-Apr. 1854; Casey and Patrick H. Carney, Apr. 1854-Apr. 1856; Carney, Apr. 1856-May 1865; J. B. Hunt, May-July 1865. Followed by Waukesha Plain-Dealer. WHi Mar. 1, 1854-Jan. 3, 1865. WWhC Mar. 1, 1854-Jan. 3, 1865. WWakHi Sept. 5, 1855-Sept. 10, 1861. 2118. WAUKESHA COUNTY DEMOCRAT (w) Jan. 6, 1872- 1900. Editors: Edward L. Spence and J. A. Gaynor, 1872-Aug. 1873; Spence, Aug. 1873- June 1877; Patrick H. Carney, June 1877-Apr. 1879; F. A. Eastman, Apr. 1879- Jan. 1881; Carney, Feb. 1881-1900. Merged with Waukesha Freeman. WHi Jan. 13, 1872-Mar. 31, 1894. 2119. WAUKESHA COUNTY FAIR (w) Oct. 13, 1949-Apr. 5, 1951. Editors: Edward H. Heth. WHi complete. 275 2120. WAUKESHA COUNTY TRIBUNE (w) Sept. 29, 1932- Jan. 8, 1950. Title varies: Waukesha County Commercial, 1932-1933. Editors: Carl E. Riblet, Jr., 1932-1938; Leo J. Miller, 1938-1945; Earl J. Nelson, 1945-1950. WHi Jan. 29, 1948-Jan. 5, 1950. 2121. WAUKESHA WORLD (w) Apr. 1887-1893. Editors: R. E. Labar and Walter P. Needham. Merged with Waukesha Freeman. 276 Waupaca County CLINTONVILLE 2122. DAIRYMAN-GAZETTE (w) June 5, 1919-July 11, 1940. Title varies: Clintonville Gazette, 1919-Feb. 1923. Editors: Robert H. Wright, 1919-Mar. 1921; Andrew A. Washburn, Apr. 1921- 1940. Merged with Clintonville Tribune. WHi complete. DUAL-CITY TRIBUNE, see Clintonville Tribune-Ga- zette. 2123. CLINTONVILLE HERALD (w) Sept. 5, 1878-Oct. 10, 1879. Editors: George Ratcliffe and Mark Waite. WHi Mar. 14-Oct. 10, 1879. 2124. LAKE SHORE WAECHTER (w) 1 887-1890 [?] . Editors: F. H. Brady. In German. 2125. CLINTONVILLE SUN (w) 1898-Oct. 1901. Editors: Daugherty Bros., 1898-1900; William M. Barnum, 1900-1901. 2126. CLINTONVILLE TIMES (w) 1889-1892 [?]. Editors: E. A. King. 2127. CLINTONVILLE TRIBUNE-GAZETTE (w) Aug. 11, 1881 to date. Title varies: Tribune, 1881-1885; Clintonville Tribune, 1886-Aug. 1888, Mar. 1891-July 1940; Dual-City Tribune, Aug. 1888-Mar. 1891. Editors: Burnham and Fuller, 1881-Nov. 1882; Frank H. Brady, Nov. 1882-Sept. 1901; Brady and William M. Barnum, Oct. 1901-Apr. 1903; Barnum and Joseph D. Cotton, Apr. 1903-June 1913; Barnum and F. A. Moldenhauer, June 1913-1918; W. H. Johns, 1918-Apr. 1920; F. A. and Earl F. Moldenhauer, Apr. 1920-Jan. 1939; F. A. Moldenhauer, Feb. 1939-July 1940; C. F. Fredrichs, July 1940-Nov. 1945; Carl L. Turner and Ward J. Risvold, Nov. 1945-July 1951; Walter E. Gleason, July 1951 to date. WHi Nov. 4, 1882-Sept. 21, 1900; Aug. 2, 1901-July 14, 1916; May 17, 1918 to date. FREMONT 2128. FREMONT PIONEER (w) Nov. 1857-Nov. 1858. Editors: John M. Dewey. 277 IOLA 2129. IOLA HERALD (w) Nov. 1891 to date. Editors: F. H. Johnson, 1891-1893; Charles E. McCullough, 1893-1894; B. L. Bierce, 1894-Aug. 1916; L. A. Drown, Aug. 1916-1918; Paul B. Corr, 1919-Mar. 1920; H. E. Cotton, Mar. 1920-1922; M. M. Keller, 1923-1924; H. Y. Buchanan, 1924-1928; Perry A. Norby, 1928-1934; John Burnham, 1934-1943; Firman E. Cooper, 1943 to date. Publisher's files destroyed: 1891-Aug. 1898. WHi Sept. 1, 1898 to date. 2130. IOLA MESSENGER (w) 1884-1886 [?]. Editors: H. J. Van Vuren, 1884-1885; J. M. Hatch, 1885-1886. MANAWA 2131. MANAWA ADVOCATE (w) Apr. 18, 1895 to date. Editors: William M. Barnum and C. P. Smith, 1895-July 1896; Smith, July-Sept. 1896; Andrew C. Walch, Sept. 1896-1931; Allen P. Walch, 1931-Feb. 1940; James E. Walch, Feb. 1940-Jan. 1956; Francis Byers, Feb. 1956 to date. WHi Feb. 5, 1947 to date. 2132. MANAWA TIMES (w) Nov. 1885-Mar. 1887. Published by New London Times. MARION 2133. MARION ADVERTISER (w) Apr. 1884 to date. Editors: S. L. Perry, 1884-Nov. 1912; Elmer Byers, Nov. 1912 to date. WHi Feb. 21, 1948 to date. NEW LONDON 2134. NEW LONDON ENTERPRISE (w) 1890-1891. Editors: Johnson and Ransom. 2135. INTER-COUNTY NEWS (w) May-Nov. 1908. Editors: William H. Sibley. 2136. NEW LONDON NEWS (w) July 1874-1876. Editors: C. A. Pettibone. Merged with New London Times. WHi Aug. 11, 1875-July 19, 1876. 2137. NEW LONDON NEWS (w) June 10-Aug. 14, 1885. Editors: D. L. Stinchfield. WHi June 24-Aug. 14, 1885. 2138. NEW LONDON DAILY PRESS (w, sw, d) July 20, 1893 to date. Title varies: New London Press, 1893-Sept. 1928; Neu> London Press-Republican, Sept. 1928-July 1955. Editors: Charles F. Carr, 1893-Sept. 1920; L. A. Drown, Sept. 1920-Oct. 1921; 278 Carr, Nov. 1921-Jan. 1922; Monas Boland, Jan. 1922-Sept. 1928; Harold W. Quirt, Sept. 1928-Feb. 1929; W. T. Comstock, Mar. 1929-Oct. 1942; Comstock and H. D. Smith, Oct. 1942-Apr. 1951; Charlotte C. Clark, May 1951-1953; Cordon Culver, 1954 to date. WHi complete. 2139. NEW LONDON REPUBLICAN (w) June 17, 1897-Sept. 7, 1928. Editors: C. P. Smith, 1897-June 1898; I. R. Nye, June 1898-1915; I. E. Cooley, 1915-1928. Merged with New London Press. WHi June 17, 1897-Jan. 7, 1915; July 19, 1917-June 23, 1927. 2140. NEW LONDON TIMES (w) Oct. 3, 1856-Apr. 1858. Suspended: Nov.-Dec. 1857. Editors: A. J. Lawson, 1856-Nov. 1857; Robert Perry, Jan-Apr. 1858. Followed by Waupaca County Register (Waupaca) . WHi Oct. 3, 185&-Sept. 18, 1857. 2141. NEW LONDON TIMES (w) Nov. 1870-Sept. 11, 1891. Title varies: New London Times and Tribune, Mar. 1881-1882. Editors: John A. Ogden, 1870-Apr. 1871; E. E. Gordon, Apr. 1871-Feb. 1879; Gordon and George M. Patchen, Feb. 1879-Feb. 1880; Patchen, Feb. 1880-Mar. 1881; H. S. and H. W. Pickard, Mar. 1881-Oct. 1882; Patchen, Oct. 1882-June 1888; F. Cleary, June 1888-Aug. 1889; W. E. Hannaford and W. G. Le Count, Sept. 1889-Feb. 1890; Le Count, Mar.-Aug. 1890; E. A. King, Sept. 1890-1891. WHi July 9, 1874-May 11, 1875; Jan. 1, 1876-Sept. 11, 1891. 2142. NEW LONDON TRIBUNE (w) Dec. 1880-Mar. 1881. Editors: H. S. Pickard. Merged with New London Times. 2143. NEW LONDON TRIBUNE (w) Apr. 1891-Jan. 1900. Editors: Frank H. Brady, 1891-Nov. 1892; William M. Barnum, Nov. 1892-Apr. 1897; Clark and Chase, Apr. 1897-Apr. 1899; Haase, Apr. 1899-1900. WHi Jan. 18, 1895-Jan. 17, 1896. OGDENSBURG 2144. OGDENSBURG LEADER (w) 1872-1873 [?] . Editors: George Ratcliffe. 2145. NEW EPOCH (w) 1 898-1 899 [?]. Editors: George Ratcliffe. WAUPACA 2146. WAUPACA CRITERION (w) 1865-1866. Editors: Leslie J. Perry. Merged with Waupaca County Republican. EXCELSIOR, see Waupaca County Post. 2147. WAUPACA LEADER (w) Nov. 15, 1911-Sept. 18, 1912. Editors: Loren W. Krake. Merged with Waupaca Record. 279 2148. WAUPACA POST (w) Jan. 19, 1878-Dec. 24, 1908. Editors: John A. Ogden and Herman K. Pitcher, 1878-Apr. 1879; Pitcher, Apr. 1879-Feb. 1880; E. E. Gordon, Feb. 1880-Aug. 1887; Jeffrey Woodnorth, Sept. 1887- 1899; J. L. Sturtevant, 1899-1908. Merged with Waupaca Republican. WHi complete. 2149. WAUPACA RECORD-LEADER (w) Mar. 1894-May 31, 1917. Title varies: Waupaca Record, 1894-Sept. 1912. Editors: D. L. Stinchfield and Jeffrey Woodnorth, Mar-June 1894; Woodnorth, June 1894-Sept. 1895; Woodnorth and Willard E. Carpenter, Sept. 1895-Dec. 1896; Carpenter, Dec. 1896-Aug. 1904; Mrs. A. R. Carpenter, Aug. 1904-Sept. 1912; Loren W. Krake, Sept. 1912-June 1914; Charles P. Stanley, June 1914-May 1915; Edward E. Payne, May 1915-1917. Merged with Waupaca Republican-Post. WHi Dec. 1, 1894-May 31, 1917. WAUPACA REPUBLICAN, see Waupaca County Post. WAUPACA REPUBLICAN-POST, see Waupaca County Post. WAUPACA SPIRIT, see Waupaca County Post. 2150. WAUPACA COUNTY NEWS (w) Sept. 1, 1921-Nov. 11, 1926. Editors: Robert H. Wright. WHi Sept. 22, 1921-Nov. 11, 1926. 2151. WAUPACA COUNTY POST (w) Nov. 1853 to date. Title varies: Waupaca Spirit, 1853-May 1858; Excelsior, June 1858-1859; Waupaca Spirit, 1860-1866; Waupaca County Republican, 1867-Sept. 1891; Waupaca Repub- lican, Sept. 1891-Dec. 1908; Waupaca Republican-Post, Dec. 1908-May 1917. Editors: C. E. and J. B. Redfield, 1853-Mar. 1856; J. H. and J. S. Jones, Mar. 1856- 1857; C. E. Redfield, 1857-1866; C. S. Ogden, 1867-1872; Charles M. Bright, 1872- Oct. 1879; A. T. Glaze, Oct. 1879-Aug. 1881; C. N. Hodges and L. A. Cates, Aug. 1881-May 1882; Hodges, June-Dec. 1882; W. H. Holmes, Dec. 1882-Dec. 1908; D. F. Burnham, Dec. 1908-Feb. 1946; K. D. and F. A. Warner, Mar. 1946-Aug. 1948; Carl L. Turner and Ward J. Risvold, Sept. 1948-1951; Turner, 1951 to date. WHi Aug. 27, 1874 to date. WWap Jan. 1909 to date. 2152. WAUPACA COUNTY REGISTER (w) May 28, 1858- July 1860. Editors: A. J. Lawson. WHi May 28-Sept. 17, 1858. WAUPACA COUNTY REPUBLICAN, see Waupaca County Post. WEYAUWEGA 2153. WEYAUWEGA CHRONICLE (w) May 17, 1877 to date. Editors: J. C. Keeney, 1877-June 1882; H. S. Keeney, June 1882-Aug. 1886; A. L. Hutchinson and J. F. Corbett, Aug. 1886-Aug. 1889; Hutchinson, Aug. 1889-Aug. 280 1893; H. S. Keeney, Aug. 1893-June 1894; Frank H. Voshardt, June 1894-Jan. 1906; Charles F. Crane, Jan. 1906-1929; A. J. Rieck, 1929-Feb. 1940; Allen P. VValch, Feb. 1940-Jan. 1956; Richard Prideaux, Feb. 1956 to date. WHi Mar. 17, 1877-Dec. 29, 1905; July 30, 1930 to date. 2154. DEUTSCHE CHRONIK (w) Jan. 28, 1898-1910. Published by Weyauwega Chronicle. In German. WHi Jan. 28, 1898-Dec. 29, 1905. 2155. WEYAUWEGA ENTERPRISE (w) 1871-1872 [?] . Enterprise Pub. Co. 2156. WEYAUWEGA HERALD (w) May 4-Oct. 5, 1859. Editors: William C. Tompkins. WHi complete. 2157. WEYAUWEGA TIMES (w) Feb. 1869-Dec. 16, 1876. Editors: F. W. Sackett. Merged with Waupaca Republican. WHi Sept. 3, 1870-Dec. 16, 1876. 2158. WEYAUWEGIAN (w) July 26, 1855-May 19, 1858. Editors: William C. Tompkins. WHi complete. 2159. WOLF RIVER HERALD (w) Oct. 22, 1858-Jan. 13, 1859. Editors: William C. Tompkins. WHi complete. 281 Waushara County HANCOCK 2160. HANCOCK NEWS (w) Sept. 27, 1894-Nov. 1897. Editors: Moncena Dunn and Edward Ferguson, 1894-Sept. 1895; Ferguson and J. A. Rozell, Sept. 1895-1897. 2161. HANCOCK-COLOMA NEWS (w) Dec. 3, 1897 to date. Title varies: Hancock News, 1897-Mar. 1943. Editors: William H. Fields, 1897-Apr. 1898; Roy L. Thompson, Apr. 1898-Apr. 1942; Orson C. Adams, Apr. 1942-May 1954; Charles Webster, June 1954 to date. WHi complete. PINE RIVER (see Wautoma) PLAIN FIELD 2162. PLAINFIELD PRESS (w) 1877-1878 [?]. Editors: D. W. Kutchin. 2163. SUN (w) Nov. 23, 1883 to date. Editors: L. W. Chapman, 1883-May 1907; Buchanan Johnson and William H. Fields, May 1907-1915; Fields, 1916-May 1951; Edoardo Marolla, May 1951 to date. WHi complete. 2164. PLAINFIELD TIMES (w) 1877-1 Editors: S. Bardwell, 1877-1881; J. T. Ellarson, 1881-1882; A. Bardwell, 1882- 1883. RED GRANITE 2165. RED GRANITE HERALD (w) 1905-1926 [?|. Editors: D. S. Johnson, 1905-1916; C. A. Forbes, 1916-1924; J. B. Crouch, 1924- 1926. 2166. RED GRANITE HERALD (w) Apr. 5, 1939-1940. Editors: Charles E. Maynard. 2167. RED GRANITE TIMES (w) Sept. 15, 1927-Feb. 1, 1937. Editors: H. H. Hobart, 1927-1936; L. J. Nash, 1936-1937. Merged with Berlin Journal. 282 WAUTOMA 2168. INDEPENDENT (w) 1882-1883 [?]. Editors: S. A. Jewell. 2169. WAUTOMA JOURNAL (w) Aug. 19, 1856-May 8, 1860. Suspended: Mar.-June 1859. Editors: C. J. Allen and George Burnside, 1856-May 1858; W. H. Mitchell, May 1858-1860. Merged with Waushara County Argus. WHi Sept. 2, 1856-Aug. 15, 1857; May 25, 1858-May 1, 1860. KHi Aug. 19, 1856-Sept. 19, 1857; Dec. 1, 1858-May 8, 1860. 2170. WAUSHARA ARGUS (w) Mar. 10, 1859 to date. Title varies: Pine River Argus, Mar-May 1859; Waushara County Argus, June 1859-Mar. 1863. Editors: D. H. Pulcifer, Mar.-Sept. 1859; J. W. Rist and W. C. Webb, Sept. 1859- June 1860; Webb and Charles H. Stowers, June-Dec. 1860; Stowers, 1861-Apr. 1865; William S. Munroe, Apr. 1865-Aug. 1866; Munroe and R. L. Potter, Aug. 1866-Dec. 1867; Potter, Dec. 1867-Aug. 1872; Munroe, Aug. 1872-Aug. 1880; J. T. Ellarson, Aug. 1880-Mar. 1905; W. Berray and A. G. Holt, Mar. 1905-May 1916; T. M. Risk, May 1916-Apr. 1923; R. W. Harmon, Apr. 1923-Feb. 1946; Gordon O. Culver, Feb. 1946-Sept. 1953; Richard I. Matthews, Oct. 1953 to date. WHi July 9, 1859 to date. KHi Mar. 10, 1859-Aug. 3, 1860. 2171. WAUSHARA COUNTY REPUBLICAN (w) Aug. 11, 1860-1861 [?]. Editors: A. J. Lawson and H. J. Curtice. WILD ROSE 2172. WILD ROSE TIMES (w) 1901-Nov. 20, 1919. Editors: I. R. Nash, 1901-1902; Claude Colby, 1902-1906; Jesse Ethridge, 1906- 1908; Adelbert S. Collins, 1908-1917; William D. Beaver, 1917-1918; Hubert E. Cotton, 1918-1919. WHi Apr. 3-Nov. 20, 1919. 2173. WILD ROSE TIMES (w) 1929-1932[?]. Editors: A. J. Stevens, 1929-1931; E. J. Scott, 1931-1932. 283 Winnebago County EUREKA 2174. EUREKA JOURNAL (w) May 10, 1867-May 6, 1868. Editors: Horace E. Rounds. VVHi complete. MENASHA 2175. MENASHA ADVOCATE (w) Oct. 1853-Oct. 1856. Editors: Jere Crowley, 1853-July 1856; Edgar P. Morehouse, July-Oct. 1856. WHi June 12, 1854-Sept. 25, 1856. 2176. BEOBACHTER AM WINNEBAGO (w) 1873-1881 [?]. Editors: John Klinker. In German. MENASHA EVENING BREEZE, see Menasha Record. 2177. MENASHA WEEKLY BREEZE (w) Mar. 30, 1895-May 21, 1898. Editors: Jacob R. Bloom. WMen complete. 2178. MENASHA CITIZEN (d) 1904-1905. Editors: George Banta. WMen May 18, 1904-Feb. 25, 1905. 2179. MENASHA CONSERVATOR (w) May 14, 1856-Mar. 17, 1860. Published at Neenah: 1856-Aug. 1858. Title varies: Conservator, 1856-Sept. 1859. Editors: Harrison Reed, 1856-July 1858; B. S. Heath, July 1858-1860. WHi complete. ISLAND CITY TIMES, see Menasha Press. 2180. WEEKLY MANUFACTURER (w) June 6, 1 861-1862 [?] . Editors: William M. Watt. WHi June 6, 1861-July 24, 1862. 2181. MENASHA OBSERVER (w) 1874-1875 [?] . 2182. MENASHA PRESS (w) Oct. 22, 1863-1898. Title varies: Island City Times, 1863-Jan. 1870; Winnebago County Press, Jan. 1870-1871; Saturday Evening Press, Dec. 1886-July 1896. 284 Editors: J. N. Stone, 1863-July 1866; Stone and John M. Read, July 1866-1867; Stone, 1867-Jan. 1870; W. G. Ritch and W. B. Tapley, Jan.-Aug. 1870; Ritch, Aug. 1870-Sept. 1871; T. B. Reid, Sept. 1871-Aug. 1877; George B. Pratt, Aug. 1877-June 1881; Arthur J. Dodge, June 1881-Aug. 1882; Lewis A. Cates, Aug. 1882-Oct. 1883; C. F. and C. J. Augustin, Oct. 1883-1890; C. F. and G. E. Augustin, 1890- 1898. WHi May 15-Dec. 25, 1866; Jan. 22, 1870-July 3, 1896. WMen Jan. 1870-Dec. 1893. 2183. MENASHA RECORD (d) June 20, 1894-Sept. 17, 1949. Title varies: Menasha Evening Breeze, 1894-1903. Editors: Jacob R. Bloom, 1894-1904; S. Elmer Smith and Charles W. Lamb, 1904- 1906; A. Duane Clinton and S. H. Clinedest, 1906-1914; Ira H. Clough, 1914-1949. Merged with Daily News-Times (Neenah) . WHi Mar. 31, 1897-Nov. 27, 1900; Aug. 18, 1930-Sept. 17, 1949. WMen June 20, 1894-Mar. 1902; Nov. 1903-Sept. 17, 1949. TWIN CITY DAILY NEWS, see Twin City News-Record (Neenah). 2184. WINNEBAGO ANZEIGER (w) 1881-1909. Editors: Henry Cornelius, 1881-1888; John C. Klinker, 1888-1909. In German. Merged with Appleton Volksfreund. WINNEBAGO COUNTY PRESS, see Menasha Press. NEENAH NEENAH BULLETIN, see Neenah and Menasha Exam- iner. CONSERVATOR, see Menasha Conservator. 2185. DANSKEREN (w) June 1892-1899. Editors: John Guscholl, 1892-1893; J. S. Jersild, 1893-1899. In Danish. WHi Oct. 11, 1894-Dec. 29, 1898. 2186. NEENAH AND MENASHA EXAMINER (w) May 14, 1856-May 1857. Title varies: Neenah Bulletin, May-Oct. 1856. Editors: W. H. Mitchell. WHi May 21-Sept. 17, 1856. 2187. NEENAH GAZETTE (w) Dec. 23, 1871-1898. Editors: Charles H. Boynton, 1871-Apr. 1874; Boynton and Gustavus A. Cunning- ham, Apr. 1874-Sept. 1875; Cunningham, Sept. 1875-May 1878; H. L. Webster, May 1878-Sept. 1880; L. F. Cole, Sept. 1880-June 1882; H. A. Stone, June 1882- 1898. Merged with Neenah City Times. WHi Jan. 10, 1874-Sept. 4, 1880; Feb. 19, 1881-June 17, 1882. WN Dec. 23, 1871-Dec. 15, 1877. ISLAND CITY TIMES, see Menasha Press. 285 NEENAH NEWS, see Twin City News-Record. DAILY NEWS-TIMES, see Twin City News-Record. 2188. NYE DANSKER (w) 1899-1902. Editors: Harold Schmidt. In Danish. 2189. NEENAH CITY TIMES (w) Oct. 15, 1875-May 17, 1919. WHi Feb. 24, 1916-Nov. 7, 1918. WN Oct. 15, 1875-Dec. 30, 1876; Jan. 1878-Dec. 1883. 2190. NEENAH DAILY TIMES (d) Aug. 8, 1882-May 17, 1919. Editors: John N. Stone, 1875-Mar. 1918; John A. Studley, Mar. 1918-1919. Merged with Twin City Daily News. WHi Mar/25, 1912-Oct. 24, 1913; Feb. 21, 1916-May 17, 1919. WN Aug. 8, 1882-Dec. 30, 1893. 2191. TWIN CITY NEWS-RECORD (d) June 1880 to date. Title varies: Neenah News, 1880-June 1881; Twin City Daily News, June 1881- May 1919; Daily News-Times, May 1919-Sept. 1949. Editors: Bowron and Potter, 1880-1883; L. H. Kimball, 1883-1902; Jacob R. Bloom, 1902-1919; John A. Studley, 1919-1922; Clara A. Bloom, 1922-1943; Ed- ward C. Cochrane, 1943 to date. WHi Feb. 11-May 14, 1895; May 19, 1919 to date. WMen Sept. 19, 1949 to date. OMRO 2192. DAY'S DOINGS (w) 1886-Sept. 1890. Editors: H. M. Hollembaek. Merged with Omro Journal. 2193. OMRO ENTERPRISE (w) 1891-1893 [?]. Editors: C. B. Walker. 2194. OMRO HERALD (w) May 11, 1894 to date. Editors: C. H. Slocum and F. B. Hand, 1894-June 1895; Slocum, June 1895-Feb. 1916; Russell S. Howe, Mar. 1916-Aug. 1918; H. M. Howe, Aug.-Nov. 1918; F. A. Siebensohn, Nov. 1918-July 1953; P. K. Williams, Aug. 1953-July 1954; Charles R. Vander Kooi, July 1954-Sept. 1955; Paul M. Kimbel, Oct. 1955 to date. WHi complete. 2195. OMRO JOURNAL (w) Oct. 20, 1865-Jan. 20, 1916. Title varies: Omro Union, 1865-1872. Editors: S. H. Cady, 1865-1871; George S. Kaime, 1871-1874; J. W. Reynolds and A. F. Worcester, 1874-Apr. 1875; Revnolds, Apr.-Sept. 1875; Kaime and M. H. Gibbs, Sept. 1875-Feb. 1876; Kaime' and P. M. Wright, Feb. 1876-Apr. 1879; Wright, Apr. 1879-1916. WHi Aug. 6, 1874-Jan. 20, 1916. 2196. STALWART (w) 1880-1885 [?]. Editors: C. E. Carter, 1880-1884; Chester Smith, 1884-1885. OMRO UNION, see Omro Journal. 286 OSHKOSH 2197. ANZEIGER DES NORDWESTENS (w) May 1852-1854. Editors: Charles and Valentine Kohlmann. In German. 2198. OSHKOSH CHIEF (w) 1889-1890 [?]. Editors: E. R. Patrick. 2199. OSHKOSH COURIER (w) May 1852-Aug. 6, 1864. Title varies: Fox River Courier, 1852-1853. Merged with Weekly Northwestern. WHi May 3, 1854-Dec. 19, 1863; June 18-Aug. 6, 1864. WO Aug. 17, 1853-May 23, 1864. 2200. OSHKOSH DAILY COURIER (d) Feb. 10, 1854-Dec. 1857. Editors: J. H. McAvoy, May-June 1852; Jere Crowley, June 1852-Aug. 1853; George H. Read and Charles R. Nevitt, Aug. 1853-Aug. 1857; Read and Marcellus M. Strong, Aug. 1857-1862; Hiram Morley and B. F. Davis, 1863-1864. WHi May 17-Nov. 11, 1854. WO May 11-Nov. 21, 1854; Sept. 1855-June 16, 1857. 2201. OSHKOSH DELEGATE (w) Aug. 1850-Sept. 1851. Title varies: Oshkosh Republican, Aug.-Sept. 1850. Editors: M. P. Shipper, Aug.-Sept. 1850; G. W. Washburn and Dudley Blodgett, Sept.-Oct. 1850; J. D. Hyman, Oct.-Nov. 1850; Hiram Morley, Nov. 1850-1851. 2202. OSHKOSH DEMOCRAT (w) Feb. 9, 1849-Oct. 3, 1860. Title varies: Oshkosh True Democrat, 1849-Feb. 1850. Editors: James Densmore, 1849-Apr. 1853; George Burnside and Jonathan Dough- erty, May 1853-Mar. 1855; Burnside, Mar. 1855-May 1856; J. A. Smith and Martin Mitchell, May-Aug. 1856; C. W. Felker, Aug. 1856-Apr. 1858; C. G. Finney and B. F. Davis, Apr. 1858-Feb. 1860; George Gary, Feb.-Oct. 1860. Merged with Weekly Northwestern. WHi Feb. 9, 1849-Feb. 15, 1850; May 31, 1850-Feb. 25, 1853. WO Feb. 9, 1849-Feb. 15, 1850; May 31, 1850-Feb. 25, 1853. 2203. OSHKOSH DEMOCRAT (w) Feb. 3, 1865-Sept. 21, 1867. Followed by Oshkosh City Times. WHi May 5-Nov. 3, 1865; June 1-Dec. 8, 1866; Mar. 9-Sept. 21, 1867. 2204. OSHKOSH DAILY DEMOCRAT (d) June-Oct. 25, 1865. Editors: Robert V. Shurly. 2205. OSHKOSH DEMOCRAT (w) 1906-1909 [? J . Editors: R. B. Pixley, 1906-1908; Vader and Moes, 1908-1909. 2206. DEUTSCHE VOLKSBLAETTER (m, w) Feb. 1858-Oct. 1866. Title varies: Waechter am Winnebago, 1858-Sept. 1860. Editors: Charles and Valentine Kohlmann, 1858-Sept. 1860; Carl Rose, Oct. 1860- 1866. In German. Followed by Wisconsin Telegraph. WO Mar. 12, 1858-May 25, 1860. 287 2207. OSHKOSH DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG (w) Feb. 1857-1860. Editors: Theodore Frentz, Feb.-Nov. 1857; Charles W. Erb and Charles A. Weis- brod, Nov. 1857-Apr. 1858; H. Mades, Apr.-July 1858; Theodore Friedlander, July 1858-1860. In German. WHi Sept. 5, 1857-Dec. 28, 1859. 2208. DIENSTAGS-BLATT (w) Nov. 14, 1905-Nov. 13, 1917. Published by Wisconsin Telegraph. In German. WHi complete. 2209. ENTERPRISE (d) 1897-Jan. 1899. Editors: E. H. Leonard. WO Jan. 1898-Jan. 1899. FOX RIVER COURIER, see Oshkosh Courier. 2210. FREE PRESS (w) Dec. 19, 1931-1942. Title varies: Fox Valley Square Dealer, 1931-1936; Fox Valley Free Press, 1936- 1940. Editors: Lynn Peavey, 1931-1936; Kenneth Purdy, 1936-1939; W. J. Van Allen, 1939-1940; Donald Dornbrook, 1940-1942. 2211. OSHKOSH GAZETTE (w) 1894-1898 [?] . Editors: W. F. Memmler and R. L. Harney, 1894-1897; Charles F. Hart, 1897- 1898. GREENBACK STANDARD, see Wisconsin Standard (Milwaukee). 2212. OSHKOSH INDEPENDENT (w) Nov. 1874-Apr. 28, 1875. Editors: G. S. Kaime and F. F. Livermore. WHi Dec. 26, 1874-Apr. 28, 1875. 2213. OSHKOSH JOURNAL (w) Aug. 8, 1868-Apr. 12, 1873. WHi complete. WO Aug. 8, 1868-July 30, 1870. 2214. OSHKOSH JOURNAL (d) 1870-1871. Editors: Horace E. Rounds and Hiram Morley. WO Feb.-Dec. 1870. 2215. OSHKOSH NEWS (w) July 11, 1868-1869. Editors: C. G. Finney and B. F. Davis. WHi July 11-Oct. 10, 1868. 2216. WEEKLY NORTHWESTERN (w) May 18, 1860-1909. WHi May 18, 1860-June 13, 1862; Aug. 18, 1864-Dec. 6, 1866; Oct. 20, 1870-May 23, 1872; May 13, 1875-Dec. 28, 1876. WO May 18, 1860-Sept. 1, 1864; Jan. 6, 1870-May 23, 1872; June 10, 1875-Mar. 18, 1877. 288 2217. OSHKOSH DAILY NORTHWESTERN (d) Jan. 12-Aug. 28, 1861; Jan. 6, 1868 to date. Editors: D. C. Felton and Charles R. Nevitt, May-Oct. 1860; Nevitt, Oct. 1860- Aug. 1864; George Gary and B. F. Davis, Aug. 1864-Mar. 1866; Davis and C. G. Finney, Mar. 1866-June 1870; Thomas S. Allen and John Hicks, June 1870-June 1884; Hicks, June 1884-1919; O. J. Hardy, 1919-Sept. 1950; Samuel W. Heaney and A. Thomas Schwalm, Oct. 1950 to date. Publisher's files destroyed: 1868-Sept. 1875. WHi Sept. 1, 1875 to date. WO Jan. 12-Aug. 28, 1861; Sept. 1, 1875 to date. 2218. OBSERVER (w) Dec. 1929-1939. Editors: Elmer H. Evans. 2219. PHOENIX (w) Apr. 1855-Apr. 1857. Editors: Gustav Grahl. In German. 2220. OSHKOSH RECORD (w) May 1887-1889. Editors: R. F. Kellogg. Merged with Signal. 2221. OSHKOSH REFORMER (w) Jan. 1898-Dec. 28, 1900. Editors: Robert Schilling. In German. WHi Oct. 28, 1899-Dec. 28, 1900. OSHKOSH REPUBLICAN (1850), see Oshkosh Delegate. 2222. OSHKOSH REPUBLICAN (w) Jan-May 1861. Editors: B. F. Davis. 2223. OSHKOSH REPUBLICAN (w) Oct. 23, 1925-1927. Editors: Paul F. Dehnel. 2224. SIGNAL (w) 1884-1897. Title varies: Signal-Record, 1889-1890. Editors: B. E. Van Keuren, 1884-July 1886; Hull Bros., July 1886-1887; M. B. McNeil, 1887-1897. OSHKOSH STANDARD, see Wisconsin Standard (Mil- waukee). 2225. SUN (d) Nov.-Dec. 1889. 2226. OSHKOSH WEEKLY TIMES (w) Oct. 1, 1867-Apr. 15, 1905. Title varies: Oshkosh City Times, 1867-May 1872. WHi Oct. 1, 1867-Jan. 27, 1883; Jan. 3, 1891-Apr. 15, 1905. WO Jan. 1889-Dec. 1893. 2227. OSHKOSH TIMES (d) 1883-Apr. 15, 1905. Editors: D. W. Fernandez and George Hyer, 1867-Apr. 1872; Fernandez and S. D. Carpenter, Apr.-Aug. 1872; Fernandez, Sept. 1872-Sept. 1883; Charles M. Bright, Sept. 1883-Sept. 1884; Edgar W. Viall, Sept. 1884-1905. WO Jan. 28, 1885-Dec. 31, 1886; Jan. 1, 1889-June 30, 1890; Jan. 1, 1891 -June 30, 1894; Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1896; Mar. 1, 1898-Mar. 31, 1901. 289 2228. OSHKOSH TRANSCRIPT (w) Mar. 1860-Aug. 1861. Editors: Thomas A. Harney, 1860-June 1861; John A. Ferrell, June-Aug. 1861. OSHKOSH TRUE DEMOCRAT, see Oshkosh Democrat (1849-1860). 2229. OSHKOSH UNION (w) Oct. 7, 1864-Jan. 27, 1865. Editors: Robert V. Shurly. Followed by Oshkosh Democrat. WHi complete. WAECHTER AM WINNEBAGO, see Deutsche Volks- blaetter. 2230. WINNEBAGO TELEGRAPH (w) Dec. 20, 1849-1851. Editors: B. S. Henning and Hiram Morley, 1849-Sept. 1850; Morley and E. Ed- wards, Sept. 1850-1851. 2231. WISCONSIN TELEGRAPH (w) Oct. 1866-Apr. 1920. Editors: Charles Kohlmann and Carl Rose, 1866-Oct. 1885; Rose and Thomas S. Allen, Oct. 1885-Mar. 1910; W. F. Weber, Mar. 1910-1920. In German. WHi Jan. 9, 1874-Dec. 26, 1919. WINNECONNE 2232. ENTERPRISE (w) 1883-1884 [?]. Editors: Chester Smith and O. A. Parks. 2233. WINNECONNE GLOBE (w) Mar. 10, 1921-May 18, 1922. Editors: F. M. Hough. WHi complete. 2234. WINNECONNE HERALD (w) Sept. 26, 1874-1879. Editors: F. F. Livermore. 2235. WINNECONNE ITEM (w) Jan. 1871 -Aug. 28, 1874; Apr. 1876-Mar. 29, 1879. Editors: Thomas McConnell, 1871-Aug. 1872; W. H. Walker, Aug. 1872-Aug. 1874; Frank S. Verbeck, Apr. 1876-1879. WHi Sept. 26, 1871-Aug. 28, 1874; Jan. 13, 1877-Mar. 29, 1879. 2236. WINNECONNE LOCAL (w) 1886-1928. Editors: George H. Larke, 1886-1888; R. R. Crowe, 1888-1909; D. O. Thompson, 1909-1911; J. A. and B. L. Pierce, 1911-1912; Harry E. Roatt, 1912-1914; Martin C. Flanagan, 1914-1923; Harvey T. Kitz, 1923-1927; F. M. Murphy, 1927-1928. WHi July 4, 1912-Dec. 2, 1920. 2237. WINNECONNE NEWS (w) 1928 to date. Editors: William Larson, 1928-1948; Alpheus W. Larson, 1948-1950; Ivan C. Kaste, 1951-1952; Clarence O. Rogers and Albert H. Otto, 1953-June 1954; Rogers, June 1954 to date. WHi Dec. 9, 1943 to date. 290 Wood County CENTRALIA (see Wisconsin Rapids) GRAND RAPIDS (see Wisconsin Rapids) MARSHFIELD DEMOKRAT, see Marshfield Journal. 2238. MARSHFIELD GAZETTE (w) June 17, 1882-June 1883. Editors: A. E. Deming and Isaac W. Hanna. Merged with Marshfield Times. 2239. MARSHFIELD HERALD (w) May 6, 1911-Aug. 4, 1927. Editors: John H. and Willard G. White. Merged with Marshfield News. WHi complete. 2240. MARSHFIELD JOURNAL (w) 1884-Mar. 29, 1951. Title varies: Demokrat, 1884-Jan. 1920; Wochenblatt, Jan. 1920-Nov. 1927. Editors: H. J. Pankow, 1884-1903; H. J. and A. G. Pankow, 1904-Apr. 1914; A. G. Pankow and John Witt, Apr. 1914-Nov. 1915; Witt, Nov. 1915-Jan. 1919; Witt and Jacob Rebsteck, Jan. 1919-Apr. 1922; Rebsteck, Apr. 1922-Jan. 1931; Albert Gauger, Jan. 1931-May 1940; Frank J. Hunn, May 1940-1943; John Witt, 1943- 1951. In German: 1884-Nov. 1927. WHi Oct. 28, 1943-Mar. 29, 1951. 2241. MARSHFIELD NEWS (w) Aug. 1889-Oct. 5, 1927. WHi Dec. 20, 1920-Oct. 5, 1927. 2242. MARSHFIELD NEWS-HERALD (d) Mar. 7, 1921 to date. Title varies: Marshfield Daily News, 1921-Aug. 1927. Editors: John Hume and Adam Paulus, 1889-1894; Paulus, 1894-1904; T. F. Lyons, 1904-1905; J. H. White, 1905-1910; E. S. Bailey, 1910-Feb. 1921; Bailey and G. V. Kraus, Mar. 1921-July 1927; Howard A. Quirt, Aug. 1927 to date. WHi complete. 2243. MARSHFIELD TIMES (w) Nov. 1879-Mar. 31, 1920. Title varies: Times and Gazette, June 1883-May 1885. Editors: C. H. Clark, 1879-Sept. 1882; C. A. Coon, Sept. 1882-May 1885; Thomas S. Norton, May 1885-July 1891; John W. De Groff, July 1891-May 1895; J. H. White, May 1895-May 1899; Robert R. De Groff and Ray R. Williams, May 1899- Jan. 1900; Williams and White, Jan. 1900-Jan. 1901; P. A. Williams and Edgar A. 291 Bailev, Jan. 1901-Aug. 1909; Ray R. Williams, Aug. 1909-1913; Edward B. Barr, 1913-1917; Michael and Leo H. Berg, 1917-1920. Followed by Wisconsin Hub. WHi Feb. 11, 1882-Mar. 31, 1920. 2244. WISCONSIN HUB (w) Apr. 7, 1920-Feb. 23, 1921. Editors: G. V. Kraus. Merged with Marshfield News. WHi complete. WOCHENBLATT, see Marshfield Journal. 2245. WOCHENBLATT (w) 1 882-1885 [?] . Editors: H. C. Herr. In German. NEKOOSA 2246. NEKOOSA TRIBUNE (w) 1895-July 1, 1922. Published at Pittsville: 1895-Sept. 1905. Title varies: Yellow River Pilot, 1895-Feb. 1903; Pittsville Wisconsin Times, Feb. 1903-Sept. 1905; Wood County Times, Sept. 1905-Dec. 1906. Editors: R. N. Kerningham, 1895-1897; Ernest C. Kirk, 1897-1898; James R. Howe, 1898-June 1899; B. E. Walters, June 1899-Dec. 1900; H. H. Dunn, Dec. 1900-Nov. 1901; C. E. Nowatney, Nov. 1901-Jan. 1902; Pitt Bros., Jan. 1902-Feb. 1904; Perl B. Pitts, Mar. 1904-Jan. 1905; P. O. Winther, Jan. 1905-Apr. 1911; S. L. and L. A. Good, Apr. 1911-Apr. 1914; Leon G. Schaar, Apr. 1914-1922. WHi Nov. 5, 1897-Oct. 13, 1921. PITTSVILLE 2247. PITTSVILLE INDEPENDENT (w) Nov. 1883-1892 [?]. Editors: Charles H. Clark, 1883-1884; F. S. Woodsworth and Mark P. Pomeroy, 1884-1886; A. E. Germer, 1886-1887; D. W. Baker, 1887-1891; Germer, 1891-1892. 2248. PITTSVILLE RECORD (w) Aug. 1908 to date. Editors: Clarence E. McKee, 1908-Dec. 1929; Mrs. C. E. McKee, Dec. 1929-Jan. 1939; D. M. McKee, Jan. 1939 to date. WHi July 31, 1930 to date. PITTSVILLE WISCONSIN TIMES, see Nekoosa Trib- une. YELLOW RIVER PILOT, see Nekoosa Tribune. VESPER 2249. VESPER PIONEER (w) 191 1-1919 [?]. Editors: K. C. Hoenneveld. 2250. STATE CENTER (w) Oct. 5, 1911 to date. Editors: Elmer Trickey. WHi Apr. 25, 1946 to date. 292 WISCONSIN RAPIDS 2251. CENTRALIA ENTERPRISE (w) May 22, 1879-May 28, 1887. Editors: Charles H. Clark, May-Sept. 1879; Harriet Hayden, Oct. 1879-Jan. 1880; E. B. Rossier, Jan. 1880-1887. Merged with Grand Rapids Tribune. CENTRALIA ENTERPRISE AND TRIBUNE, see Wood County Tribune. 2252. GRAND RAPIDS INDEPENDENT (w) 1872-1873 [?]. Editors: A. C. Macrorie. GRAND RAPIDS LEADER, see Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. 2253. GRAND RAPIDS PILOT (w) June 20, 1863-1864 [?]. Editors: E. Miller and J. H. Wells. GRAND RAPIDS TRIBUNE, see Wood County Tribune. GRAND RAPIDS DAILY TRIBUNE, see Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune. 2254. DAILY REPORTER (d) Oct. 1, 1906-May 31, 1917. Editors: A. L. Fontaine. Merged with Grand Rapids Leader. WHi July 7, 1914-May 31, 1917. WWr Oct. 1, 1906-Dec. 1909; Jan. 1911-May 31, 1917. 2255. WISCONSIN RAPIDS DAILY TRIBUNE (d) May 25, 1914 to date. Title varies: Grand Rapids Leader, 1914-Feb. 1920; Grand Rapids Daily Tribune, Mar.-Aug. 1920. Editors: John E. Cooley, 1914-Oct. 1919; William F. Huffman, Oct. 1919-Sept. 1949; Carl E. Otto, Sept. 1949 to date. WHi complete. WWr Jan. 1922 to date. 2256. WISCONSIN NATIONAL ZEITUNG (w) 1896-1897 [?]. Editors: Francois Martin. In German. 2257. WISCONSIN VALLEY LEADER (w) Mar. 6, 1902-Feb. 21, 1918. Editors: John E. Cooley and N. E. Emmons. 2258. WOOD COUNTY REPORTER (w) Nov. 28, 1857-Nov. 1, 1923. Editors: J. N. Brundage, 1857-Sept. 1864; J. E. Ingraham and H. Benton Philleo, Sept. 1864-Feb. 1880; Philleo, Feb.-Apr. 1880; Paul and A. L. Fontaine, Apr. 1880- Apr. 1886; A. L. Fontaine, Apr. 1886-1923. WHi Feb. 17-Oct. 27, 1858; Jan. 8-May 7, 1859; Jan. 28, 1860-Dec. 29, 1864; Jan. 2, 1873-Nov. 1, 1923. WWr Jan. 1871-Dec. 1875; Nov. 23, 1876-Nov. 1, 1923. 293 2259. WOOD COUNTY TRIBUNE (w) Aug. 30, 1873-Dec. 27, 1923. Title varies: Grand Rapids Tribune, 1873-May 1887, May 1900-Feb. 1920; Cen- tralia Enterprise and Tribune, June 1887-Apr. 1900. Editors: John N. Brundage and L. P. Powers, 1873-Apr. 1880; Arthur A. Brun- dage, Apr. 1880-Apr. 1881; John N. and Edward B. Brundage, Apr. 1881-Jan. 1883; Edward B. Brundage, Jan. 1883-June 1887; Edward B. Brundage and E. B. Rossier, June 1887-Nov. 1892; Edward B. Brundage and W. H. Luehr, Nov. 1892-1895; Edward B. and John N. Brundage, 1896-Apr. 1900; W. A. Drumb and A. B. Sutor, Apr. 1900-Feb. 1920; William F. Huffman, Mar. 1920-1923. WHi Aug. 30, 1873-May 9, 1891; Nov. 5, 1892-Jan. 3, 1903. WWr Jan. 1897-Dec. 1900; Jan. 1908-Dec. 1912. 294 Index All references are to entry numbers, not to pages. Aanstad, Christopher, 594 Abbotsford (Wis.), 196-197 Abbott, W. L., 35, 1038 Ackerman, W. D., 1770 Ackerson, Martin, 522 Adams, C. S., 465 Adams, Charles B., 279 Adams, G. W., 1920 Adams, Herbert L., 302 Adams, Mrs. H. L., 302 Adams, John P., 302 Adams, Myron M., 405 Adams, Orson C, 2161 Adams, Otis C, 197, 233 Adams, Samuel K., 306, 1846, 2001 Adams, Mrs. S. K., 1846 Adams, W. S., 465 Adams (Wis.), 1-2 Adams County, 1-6 Adamson, Earl R., 302, 439 Adamson, M. V., 743 Adamsville (Wis.), 798 Adgate, L. J., 1795 Ager, Waldemar T., 584 Ahern, Robert P., 703 Ahlstrom, Herbert, 138 Ahnapee (Wis.), see Algoma Ahnert, Otto J., 954 Aikens, Andrew J., 1198, 1335 Alban, James S., 1559 Albany (Wis.), 730-734 Albrecht, H. V., 559, 569 Alden, James M., 1102 Alden, Levi K., 1598, 1633, 1727, 2003, 2030 Alderman, E. A., 1396 Aldrich, H. N., 2022 Alexander, Fred Z., 997, 1960 Alexander, James L., 1862 Alexander, P. W„ 997 Algoma (Wis.), 949-952 Allberg, Hans J., 384 Allen, 1982 Allen, Clarence J., 642, 656, 2169 Allen, Frank, 426, 428 Allen, George W., 488 Allen, S. B., 450 Allen, Thomas S., 2217, 2231 Allen, William M., 1068, 1070 Allenton (Wis.), 2051 Allison, John, 1001 Allison, W. R., 1939 Alma (Wis.), 127-129 Alma Center (Wis.), 837-839 Almena (Wis.), 33-34 Almond (Wis.), 1553-1554 Althen, Fred M., 1098 A 1 then, Seymour, 1099 Altoona (Wis.), 559 Amacher, Bert, 202 Amacher, Virginia, 1917 Amery (Wis.), 1526-1529 Ames, F. L., 1856 Amherst (Wis.), 1555 Amlund, Arthur M., 128 Amundson, Alvin M., 839 Amundson, Martin, 1931 Amundson, Omer, 1109 Anderson, Anton M., 138 Anderson, B. F., 2021 Anderson, Don, 393 Anderson, Edward M., 1082 Anderson, Edward W., Jr., 526 Anderson, G. E., 295 Anderson, Henry S., 671 Anderson, Iver, 23, 25, 1432 Anderson, J. E., 1082 Anderson, James, 14 Anderson, Rasmus B., 321 Anderson, Robert, 1833 Anderson, Robert D., 2080 Anderson, William J., 322 Anderson, William J., 1632 Andresen, Olga, 1919 Andrews, A. P., 660, 1662, 1758 Andrews, C. W., 37, 1469 Andrews, E. A., 990 Andrews, Frank E., 158 Andrews, L. M., 294, 678 Andrews, Lela, 1662 Andrews, Marilla, 1711 Andrews, Roger A., 359 Andrus, George, 1796 Andrus, R. C, 1796 Angel, Charles W., 60 Angelo, Michael, 686 Angus, Robert L., 853 Ankeny, T. C, 843 Ansley, T. Scott, 824 Anstead, 644 Antes, R. M„ 1716 Antes, William B., 1588, 1716 295 Antigo (Wis.), 1053-1062 Apollonia (Wis.), 1756-1757 Appleton (Wis.), 1436-1452 Arcadia (Wis.), 1923-1929 Archie, Alex, 872 Arena (Wis.), 799 Argyle (Wis.), 1023 Armstrong, James, 1723 Armstrong, W. H., 1625 Arndt, C. P., 105 Arnold, Glen D., 1546 Arnold, Henry L., 152, 1076 Arnold, Laurence L., 730, 910 Arnold, Lester L., 63, 730, 1922 Arnold, W. B., 773 Arveson, A. C, 1552 Ash, 1556 Ashbaugh, H. C, 572 Ashland (Wis.), 7-23 Ashland County, 7-32 Ashmun, H. C, 10 Ashton, W. G., 1824 Ashton, Washington, 497, 501 Ashton, Mrs. W., 501 Asmus, W. A., 1931 Asplund, A. A., 519 Athens (Wis.), 1102 Atherton, E. E., 730 Atkin, Frank, 1361 Atkinson, Claude M., 599 Atkinson, James F., 599 Atkinson, M. B., 579 Atkinson, Percy C, 579 Atkinson, William K., 579 Atwater, J. E., 858 Atwood, B. R., 1527 Atwood, C. N., 361 Atwood, David, 380, 385, 393 Atwood, David, 1727 Auer, J. J., 577 Augusta (Wis.), 560-562 Augustin, Allen B., 1773 Augustin, Charles F., 2182 Augustin, Charles J., 1457, 1773, 2182 Augustin, G. E., 2182 Austin, 567 Austin, Gus O., 175 Averill, Joseph K., 132-133, 1394-1395, 1949 Averill, S. A., 62 Axtell, J. M., 845, 1391, 1490, 1498 Axtell, Lloyd A., 1494, 1509 Axtell, Robert A., 546, 1490, 1507 Babcock, Amos, 43, 62, 541, 1758 Babcock, C. A., 141 Babcock, George, 1385 Babcock, Hollis D., 39, 41 Babcock, W. H., 1535, 2042 Babcock, Warren, 299, 1660 Babler, Etta, 302 Bach, Max, 1910 Bachenkirdher, D., 295 Backman, 583 Backus, A. C, 1304 Badger, Charles E., 868, 2003 Badger, J. S., 1751,2022 Badour, Philip A., 1153, 1416 Baensch, Emil, 1082, 1086 Baenziger, John, 971, 985 Baer, Abraham L., 2063 Baer, F. J., 208 Baetz, Arthur, 1098, 1100 Bahner, Mollie, 1560 Bahr, E. A., 1117 Baier, Adolph, 1093 Bailev, D. R., 1770 Bailey, Edgar S., 2242-2243 Bailey, Harry, 1669, 1977 Bailey, L. D., 1669 Bailhache, N. H., 610 Baird, Chalmers S., 11 Baker, Clarence W., 1446, 1712 Baker, D. W., 1113 Baker, David W., 2247 Baker, Frank H., 460 Baker, George C, 754 Baker, H. B., 648 Baker, Joseph, 734, 1725, 1737, 1993 Bakke, S. A., 686 Baldwin (Wis.), 1770-1771 Ball, Truman F., 45, 1927, 1936 Ballard, James E., 1370 Ballard, S. P., 2027 Ballou, D. W., 876 Balsam Lake (Wis.), 1530-1532 Baltuff, Valentine, 242, 246 Balza, Earl A., 960 Bancroft (Wis.), 1556 Bangemann, W., 13 Bangor (Wis.), 962-963 Banks, W. H., 310 Banninger, William H., 1650 Banta, George, 2178 Banta, R. A., 143 Baraboo (Wis.), 1802-1811 Barager, A. J., 1916 Barager, Mrs. A. L., 233 Barager, Elijah R., 75, 1115, 1585, 1597 Barager, James A., 74-75, 167, 233, 1915 Barager, James R., 229 Barager, Vernon P., 200, 229 Barandun, J., 1239 Barber, F. R., 1406 Barber, W. E., 973 Bardill, Edward M., 2047 Bardill Bros., 1488 Bardon, James, 526 Bardon, Thomas, 526 Bardwell, A., 2164 Bardwell, O. F., 792 Bardwell, S., 2164 Barnes, Charles F., 1428 Barnes, Charles J., 952 Barnes, Edward T., 1035 Barnes, H., 1645 296 Barnes, Henry W., 1035 Barnes, Myron S., 932, 935 Barneveld (Wis.), 800-802 Barney, A. B., 876, 1116 Barney, John A., 473 Barney, S. P., 1814 Barney, Samuel S., 2054 Barney, W. K., 2053 Barnfield, John W., 728 Barnum, Mark H., 1131, 1138 Barnum, William M., 1856, 2125, 2127, 2131,2143 Barr, Edward B., 2243 Barr, R. T., 251 Barrett, Charles, 1168 Barrett, Edwin R., 1078 Barrett, Fred O., 1548 Barrett, J. O., 1444 Barrett, Lawrence, 1168, 1514 Barrett, Thomas, 1168 Barron, Henry D., 2113 Barron (Wis.), 35-39 Barron County, 33-63 Barry, Charles W., 1173-1174 Barry, F. N., 1776 Barry, Wilbur G., 711, 1662 Bartel, Heinrich, 1331 Barth, L. G., 1927 Barth, P. J., 1927 Bartholf, J. C, 1747 Bartlett, E. M., 579 Bartlett, John E., 731-732 Bartlett, Junius A., 1551 Bartley, P., 696 Barton, B. E., 1488-1489 Barton, C. E., 1488 Barton, Morris H., 1430 Bartosz, Adam, 1572 Bassett, Robert C, 1304 Batchelor, Eliza E., 1604 Bates, Earl W., 169, 194, 1115 Bates, W. J., 85, 87 Bath, Henry D., 239, 255 Bath, Irving, 255 Bath, W. E., 255 Bathgate, J. W., 273 Bauder, George W., 1157 Bauer, Alfred, 158 Bauman, George O., 1185 Baumann, Otto, 1919 Bay View (Wis.), see Milwaukee Bayfield (Wis.), 64-70 Bayfield County, 64-77 Bayne, R. T., 1080, 1088 Beach, Alex M., 294 Beach, Fred E., 1955 Beach, Fred E., Jr., 1955 Beach, Herbert A., 287 Beach, Joseph B., 1000, 1955 Beal, John S., 1785 Beal, Samuel, 1774-1775 Bean, S. A., 2111 Bear Creek (Wis.), 1453 Bearder, A. M., 2022 Beaver, William D., 2172 Beaver Dam (Wis.), 445-455 Beckman, 583 Beckwith, Albert C, 2006 Beckwith, E. S., 2006 Beder, S., 1240 Beebe, E. R., 794, 796 Beeson, E. B., 620 Beeson, Edward, 611, 618, 620. 628 Beeson, John J., 619, 627 Begley, George B., 211 Beierle, Ella K., 836 Beisser, Fred, 1906 Beldenville (Wis.), 1499 Bell, A. H., 439-440 Bell, Currie G., 64, 873 Bell, Donald C, 64 Bell, Frank H., 1594 Bell, J. W., 44 Bell, Mark R., 1579, 1582, 1586, 1594, 1763 Belleville (Wis.), 301-302 Belling, Gustav, 1071 Bellows, Charles E., 284 Belmont (Wis.), 1024-1026 Beloit (Wis.), 1675-1694 Belson, 2056 Bender, Louis, 94 Bendixen, Olaus, 1577 Bendz, N. L., 522 Benedict, Donald, 1026 Benjamin, E. G., 550, 2037, 2087 Bennett, B. J., 828 Bennett, D. O., 873 Bennett, William H., 344, 359, 684, 828, 1707, 1807 Benoy, C. L., 1364 Benoy, John R., 1364 Bensman, David A., 1096 Benson, Carroll T., 1373 Benson, Margaret, 1369 Bentley, Arthur A., 1007 Bentley, Emil, 27-28 Bentley, S. R., 807 Benton, E. H., 1346 Benton (Wis.), 1027-1028 Benz, Otto W., 474 Berg, Leo H., 2243 Berg, Michael, 2243 Bergemann, E. A., 1408 Berger, Victor L., 1293, 1305, 1331 Bergh, Martin, 982 Berlin (Wis.), 772-782 Bernard, A. G., 866 Berner, Artemas F., 1057 Berner, Fred L., 239, 1057 Berner, Henry, 239, 1057, 1061 Berner, Henry L., 1057 Berray, W., 2170 Berry, John J., 781 Berryman, John W., 294 Bersh, William, 566 297 Bersing, S. E., 1931 Best, Arthur M., 1800 Best, F. H., 2097 Bestor Bros., 304 Betts, Arnie F., 245 Beyer, G. H., 235 Bickford, Isaac B., 2006 Bidwell, E. C, 1462 Bidwell, W. P., 789 Biemiller, Andrew J., 1343 Bierce, B. L., 283, 2129 Bierce, R. C, 1390, 1979 Biffmann, Friedrich A., 156-157 Billinghurst, Charles, 469 Bing, Eugene, 144 Bintliff, Edward H., 1038 Bintliff, James, 759, 1038, 1727 Birchwood (Wis.), 2039-2042 Bird, George W., 858 Bird, Rhenodyne A., 1480-1481 Bird, W. W., 387 Birnamwood (Wis.), 1846 Biron, Michael, 1204, 1239, 1256, 1329 Bishop, A. C., 674 Bishop, George W., 1428 Bishop, Godfrey H., 1723 Bishop, T. W., 684, 698 Bishop, W. H., 1258 Bissell, Charles H., 1173 Bitney, Howard E., 1535 Bixley, Frank W., 1776 Black, Alexander, 1063 Black, John H., 1277 Black, Norman B., 1069 Black Creek (Wis.), 1454-1455 Black Earth (Wis.), 303-306 Black River Falls (Wis.), 840-843 Blackbourn, Joseph N., 730 Blackmun, H. B., 1717 Blackstone, D. P., 773 Blackstone, John W., 1046, 1048, 1541 Blackwell, John A., 1552, 1756-1757 Blaha, James, 1974 Blair, L. G., 683 Blair (Wis.), 1930-1931 Blaisdell, W. C, 484 Blake, John W., 299, 680, 858, 1807, 1825 Blakeslee, A. P., 968, 979, 995 Blakeslee, J. P., 979 Blanchardville (Wis.), 1029-1031 Blanck, J. P., 2009 Blaschko, H. J., 1927 Blatz, Valentine, 1203 Blied, F. C, 390 Blied, F. S., 765 Bliefernicht, H. D., 1074 Bliefernicht, Mrs. H. D., 1074 Bliss, Edward U., 828, 1637 Bliss, George W., 828 Bliss, H. F., 1727 Bliss, Robert W., 1727 Bliss, Sidney H., 1727 Block, Paul C, 1304 Blodgett, Dudley, 2201 Bloodgood, Fred R., 2033, 2036 Bloom, Clara A., 2191 Bloom, Grace P., 1548, 1789 Bloom, Jacob R., 620, 2177, 2183, 2191 Bloom, Joesph E., 1428 Bloomer, Sophia E., 1672 Bloomer (Wis.), 158-162 Bloomington (Wis.), 674-676 Blount, Alice S., 1747 Blue Mounds (Wis.), 307-308 Blue River (Wis.), 677 Blumenfeld, David, 874, 891 Boardman, Henry R., 404 Bockius, Daniel E., 723 Boehm, Robert E., 225, 1097 Boerner, Martin, 1165 Boex, Anton, 84 Bogisch, Rudolph B., 481 Bogrand, George E., 1144, 1169 Bogrand, George E., Jr., 1169 Bohan, J. R., 1477 Bohan, M. G., 1477 Bohan, Michael, 620, 2063 Bohemian language newspapers, 956, 1017, 1212-1213, 1229, 1298-1299, 1324, 1350, 1606, 1638-1639 Bohen, 1947 Bohri, C, 134 Boland, Monas, 2138 Boland, W. F., 184, 496 Bold, Charles F., 1854 Bold, Louis C, 1854, 1856, 1859 Bolens, Albert D., 1347, 1472-1473, 1476, 1485 Bolens, Eugene B., 357, 396, 470, 476, 1444, 1485, 1720 Bolens, Harry W., 1485, 1888 Bolger, P. H., 871 Bolles, Stephen, 1416, 1727 Bollmeyer, J. C, 1085 Bond, Josiah, 938 Bond, Josiah, Jr., 504 Bonduel (Wis.), 1847 Bone, Charles F., 56, 60 Bone, Harry L., 60 Bonkrud, 1781 Bonn, Henry, 1614, 1635 Bonynage, Charles, 810 Booher, R. L., 276 Booth, A. F., 873, 1952 Booth, Charles A., 759 Booth, Sherman M., 1263, 1341 Boothby, Jonathan, 1776 Boppe, C. Hermann, 1239 Borchert, Edward, 1085, 1091, 1770 Borgen, William, 296 Borgman, Charles W., 952 Borschenius, Hans, 346 Borsheim, Ole B., 1931 Boscobel (Wis.), 678-685 Bosshard, John, 962 298 Bostian, W. F., 1776 Botkin, Alexander C, 1304 Boulet, C. B., 666 Bouma, O. J., 1088 Boutin, G. W., 70 Bowan, J. F., 1144 Bowen, Francis A., 1747 Bowen, Oscar E., 1984-1985 Bowerman, Nelson, 649, 656 Bowers, 1874 Bowers, Edgar N., 56, 158, 186 Bowers, Stephen, 1676, 1697 Bowker, Lester W., 1863 Bowman, Frank M., 294 Bowman, Fred J., 294, 843 Bowman, William, 1762 Bowron, 2191 Bowron, Arthur W., 16 Bowsfield, C. C, 1214, 1315, 2091 Boyceville (Wis.), 535-536 Boycott, Walter J., 971 Boyd, Frank D., 2068 Boyd (Wis.), 163-166 Boyle, J. T., 810 Boynton, Charles H., 2187 Bozich, George H., 1708 Brackett, James M., 128, 185, 572 Bradbury, A. R., 1417 Bradbury, S. H., 1532 Bradley, G. S., 1715 Brady, Frank H., 668, 1867, 2124, 2127, 2143 Brady, Harold E., 668 Brady, J. H., 668 Brainard, W. H., 404 Brainerd, F. O., 840 Bramer, Henry, 467 Brand, Otis H., 1669, 1684 Brandenburg, O. D., 331 Brandon (Wis.), 600 Brandt, C. A., 1087 Brandt, Romain C., 1540 Brandt, William T., 1080 Branen, William, 1602 Brannan, Samuel S., 264 Brawley, William C., 901, 906, 1055, 1135, 1405 Bray, T. Emery, 803 Brayton, Aaron M„ 393, 1014 Brayton, Robert, 1401 Brazeau, Alex, 1413 Breen, E. R., 412 Breitweiser, Ray, 850, 854 Brenner, Charles G., 957, 1463 Bresee, Abijah, 707 Bresee, Frank, 707 Bresee, Horace A., 1028, 2047 Brewster, J. A., 1683 Brewster, L. G., 516 Bridgman, C. F., 194 Bridgman, Wilbur H., 181, 194, 834 Briggs, E. H., 1376, 1531, 1977 Briggs, J. R., 1683 Briggs, Louis A., 1758, 1769 Briggs, O. G., 294, 730, 1378, 1758, 1769 Briggs Bros., 1397 Brigham, F. H., 1458 Brigham, George F., 2025 Bright, Charles M., 2151, 2227 Bright, J. W., 909 Brightman, H., 1304 Brillion (Wis.), 144 Brinkerhoff, J. H., 663 Brinsmade, Herman H., 526 Brisbane, Arthur, 1277, 1335 Briscoe, Joseph S., 1802, 1807 Bristol, W. H., 1737 Britt, Chauncey C, 252, 819 Britz, Joseph, 1234 Bro, Frank T., 1842 Broad, Robert A., 1527 Broadbent, F. J., 300, 677, 1706, 1967 Brochtrup, H. W., 165 Brockman, F. H., 1101 Brockman, H. A., 716 Brockmann, Theodore, 182 Brodhead (Wis.), 735-739 Brodowski, Zbignien, 1354 Bronson, D. W., 405 Bronson, Seymour E., 405, 914 Brookfield (Wis.), 2067 Brooklyn (Wis.), 740-743 Brooks, DeLorma, 1679 Brooks, Ernest, 674 Broshar, Stanley R., 1698 Brothers, J. D., 226 Brothers, Jessie C, 558, 1464, 1760, 1908-1909 Broughton, Charles E., 601, 1893 Brovald, Walter H., 169, 194 Brown, Beriah, 329, 373, 377, 1275, 1291 Brown, Briton S., 1033 Brown, C. H., 974, 1407 Brown, C. J., 1280 Brown, C. W., 2089 Brown, Chester, 71 Brown, Daniel C, 1723 Brown, E. H., 1376, 1378 Brown, Emma, 857 Brown, F. A., 1390-1391, 1400 Brown, Frank D., 214 Brown, Frank E., 711 Brown, Fred A., 251, 266, 269 Brown, George A., 1288 Brown, George W., 576, 840 Brown, H. C, 1676 Brown, Henry L., 1033 Brown, John A., 252, 261, 1221, 1719 Brown, John T., 1062 Brown, Milton A., 1997 Brown, S. H., 899 Brown, S. W., 1021 Brown, Thurlow W., 857 Brown, Waldo, 294 Brown, Wallace C, 1676, 1688, 1697, 1747 299 Brown County, 78-126 Browne, Edmund J., 303, 544, 1824, 1934 Browne, Gilford D., 267, 1172 Browne, Henry E., 136, 544, 1934, 1944 Browne, J. E., 1172 Browne, Marshall F., 326, 334, 405 Brownell, E. E., 526 Browning, N. F., 1852, 1858 Bruce (Wis.), 1758 Brucker, Joseph, 1201, 1239, 1307, 1919, 1921 Bruederle, Charles A., 604, 616, 629 Bruemmer, 954 Brueske, Walter J., 596, 598 Bruins, Henry, 1092 Brule (Wis.), 490 Brumder, George, 1196, 1225, 1227, 1300 Brumder, William C, 1196 Brundage, 732 Brundage, Arthur A., 2259 Brundage, Edward B., 2259 Brundage, John N., 2258-2259 Brundage, John N., Jr., 2259 Bryant, Edwin E., 331, 759 Bryant, Thomas, 608 Buchanan, H. Y., 1548, 1981, 2129 Buchanan, Philip F., 2080 Buchanan, R., 1446 Buchanan, S. A., 532 Buchholz, L. R., 1103 Buchmann, N. J., 941 Buck, Charles H., 842 Buck, Royal, 380, 385, 608, 615 Buckle, H. W., 144 Budworth, C. F., 689 Buehler, Edmund, 1959 Buehler, Theodore, 128 Buell, 518 Buffalo City (Wis.), see Fountain City Buffalo County, 127-137 Bugh, Samuel G., 1045 Bugh, William A., 779 Bull, George R., 430, 433, 435 Bullock, 732 Bullock, William, 751 Bump, Raymond E., 478, 1407 Bunge, Martin L., 1239 Bunker, Theodore, 1838 Bunn, F. C, 1983 Bunner, J. C, 1604, 1998 Bunsa, George E., 239 Bunsen Bros., 1936 Burchard, George W., 851 Burdick, C. H., 2022 Burgess, Frank H., 1014 Burgess, W. T., 1014 Burghardt, Charles W., 824 Burghart, George L., 1468 Buri, Horace L., 858 Burk, 1515 Burkard, Fred, 121 Burkard, Friedrich, 94 Burkard, H. A., 94 Burkard, Valentine, 122 Burke, Fred W., 1003 Burlington (Wis.), 1598-1602 Burman, Axel G., 1154 Burnett, Clarence, 344-345 Burnett County, 138-143 Burnham, 2127 Burnham, D. F., 2151 Burnham, E. H., 189 Burnham, John, 2129 Burnham, Rex H., 1874 Burns, D. M., 113 Burnside, George, 656, 2169, 2202 Burt, Chester P., 1766 Burton, C, 680 Burton, John E„ 2020 Bushnell, J. M., 283 Buslett, O. A., 384, 1016 Buth, Agnes F., 870 Butler, C. M., 265 Butler, William T., 885-886 Butterfield, H. K., 2054 Butterfield, W. H., 462, 1613 Butternut (Wis), 24-26 Butts, John A., 937-939 Buzzell, A. L., 54 Bye, Bennie, 140, 1534, 1540 Byers, Elmer, 1850, 2133 Byers, Francis, 2131 Byers, Mark R., 1099 Byrne, E. J., 853 Byrne, P., 1827 Byrne, P. J., 1770 Cacchione, Guiseppe, 1319 Cacchione, Joseph, 1319 Cadott (Wis.), 167-169 Cadwallader, S., 921 Cady, S. H., 2195 Calkins, Elias A., 373, 375, 398, 967, 1275, 1315 Callahan, J. S., 318 Callecod, O. L., 388 Calumet County, 144-157 Calway, A. W., 167 Calway, Albert, 215 Calway, F. D., 167 Cambria (Wis.), 234-235 Cambridge (Wis.), 309-310 Cameron (Wis.), 40-43 Cammack, A. J., 899 Camp, Daniel L., 97, 1941, 1955, 2084 Campbell, A. D., 1339, 2110 Campbell, Andrew R., 1210 Campbell, E. E., 59-60 Campbell, Frank A., 287 Campbell, Henry C, 599 Campbell, Joseph H., 67 Campbell, Moses, 1047 Campbellsport (Wis.), 601-602 300 Campion, T. H., 440 Candrian, Adolph, 998 Caneday, D. A., 1549 Canepa, Theodore T., 1251 Canfield, W. H., 1803 Cannon, George, 1485 Cannon, W. H., 1067 Carlsen, D. E., 139 Carmack, A. J., 574 Carney, M. F., 907 Carney, Patrick H., 2117-2118 Carpenter, Mrs. A. R., 2149 Carpenter, C. W., 35, 56, 216 Carpenter, George L., 546 Carpenter, H. B., 1985 Carpenter, Harland E., 1944 Carpenter, M. S., 783-784 Carpenter, Stephen D., 324, 351, 371, 373, 387, 398, 400, 2227 Carpenter, Stephen H., 368 Carpenter, Willard E., 2149 Carr, Charles F., 2138 Carr, Egbert E., 759, 1047 Carr, Frank A., 298, 805, 810, 1960 Carr, I. T., 221, 751, 858 Carr, W. B., 486 Carr, Warner S., 491, 493 Carroll, 1874 Carroll, John W., 776 Carruth, Uri, 785 Carter, A., 914 Carter, C. E., 2196 Carter, E. A., 1802 Gary, Bushnell B., 1275, 1617 Gary, John G., 259 Cary, Lucius G, 1616 Gary, Walter S., 914 Case, E. F., 1502 Casey, Dominick, 2117 Cash ton (Wis.), 1376-1380 Cass, Levi A., 919, 937 Casson, Henry, Jr., 1979 Cassville (Wis.), 686-689 Castle, Byron J., 294, 359, 843, 845, 1964 Catawba (Wis.), 1579-1580 Cates, L. B., 1462 Cates, Lewis A., 2151, 2182 Catlin, L. M., 1551 Cautereels, P. J., 84 Cazenovia (Wis.), 1652-1653 Cedar Grove (Wis.), 1869 Cedarburg (Wis.), 1470-1471 Cemus, Frank, 1229 Centralia (Wis.), see Wisconsin Rapids Centuria (Wis.), 1533-1534 Chambers, John W., 1024, 1027 Champion, I. G., 672 Chancellor, J. W., 1391 Chandler, G G, 842-843 Chandler, Carl, 1029 Chandler, John A., 257 Chandler, Julius C, 3, 257, 576, 1803, 1810, 1937 Chandler, N. V., 454, 907, 1576, 1825, 1827 Chandler, W. E., 503 Chandler, Walter G., 699 Chaney, Josiah B., 828 Chapel, W., 792 Chapin, George, 1514 Chapman, Charles N., 296 Chapman, G. W., 1341 Chapman, L. W., 1175, 2163 Chapman, M. J., 1651 Chappie, John B., 21 Chappie, John G, 21 Chappie, Joseph M., 21 Charles, Lewis J., 44 Charles, Lewis P., 40, 44 Charlton, Edwin A., 736 Chase, 2143 Chase, A. G, 537 Chase, A. E., 1281, 1284-1285 Chase, Eli R„ 1125 Chase, S. L., 1398 Cheatham, M. S., 178 Cheever, R. W., 1697 Cheney, D. W., 1390 Chetek (Wis.), 44 Chilsen, Walter B., 1064, 1068 Chilton (Wis.), 145-152 Chippewa County, 158-195 Chippewa Falls (Wis.), 170-186 Chittenden, H. A., 1217, 1258 Christenson, A. G., 1067, 1069 Christenson, D. A., 1178 Christie, Alluna G, 526 Christie, J. Lute, 526 Christman, Nicholas J., 1768 Christy, G. B., 656 Chubb, C. E., 1519 Chubbuck, Jerome W., 1135 Churchill, A. T., 1524, 1537 Cirilli, Armand F., 832 Civer, 1687 Clapp, H. A., 1770 Clapp, Norman M., 700, 711 Clark, 2143 Clark, Anna E., 1577 Clark, Charles FL, 45, 2243, 2247, 2251 Clark, Charlotte G, 2138 Clark, Clarence, 363 Clark, D. W., 854 Clark, Ervin G, 197, 233 Clark, F. E., 794, 796 Clark, Frank J., 953 Clark, John T., 264 Clark, Thomas, 501 Clark County, 196-233 Clarke, A. G, 761 Clarke, Bert E., 1955 Clarke, Frank L., 561, 1942 Clarke, James, 1025 Clason, G. W., 1275 Clason, Jesse A., 484 Clausen, C. S., 335 301 Clayton (Wis.), 1535 Clay wood (Wis.), 1410 Clear Lake (Wis.), 1536-1538 Cleary, F., 2141 Cleaver, T. J., 223 Clement, Charles, 1604, 1628, 1631 demons, George H., 1304 Cleveland, 1043 Cleveland, A. A., 1695, 1704 Cleveland, E. W., 1863 Clewell, S. A., 1784 Clifford, Eugene R., 472, 1922 Clifford, John, 472, 1355 Clifford, John D., 887 Cline, George D., 1786 Clinedest, S. H., 2183 Clinton, 855 Clinton, A. Duane, 2183 Clinton, A. M., 463 Clinton, John C, 465, 2033 Clinton (Wis.), 1695-1705 Clintonville (Wis.), 2122-2127 Clive, George D., 828 Clothier, C. T., 863 Clothier, William, 1425 Clough, Ira H., 2183 Clough, W. E., 207, 1411, 1932 Cochrane, Edward C, 1159, 2191 Cochrane (Wis.), 130-131 Codding, Ichabod, 1341 Coe, C. B., 868 Coe, Charles B., 2037 Coe, Edwin D., 1588, 1683, 2037 Coe, Ellsworth S., 2037 Coe, John M., 920 Coe, Robert K., 2037 Coe, William A., 51 Coffman, Charles F., 608, 627 Cogan, James B., 1173, 1175 Cogan, John T., 1175 Colbert, M. Cleveland, 1228 Colburn, F. H., 1455, 1468 Colburn, Ralph C, 503 Colby, A. P., 1243, 1648 Colby, Claude, 2172 Colby, J. C, 1648 Colby, William A., 1598 Colby (Wis.), 1103 Cole, Ben A., 919 Cole, Carrie F., 1552 Cole, Frank A., 161 Cole, H. E., 1805 Cole, L. F., 2187 Cole, William N., 282 Cole Bros., 295 Coleman, Edgar W., 1247 Coleman, H., 1696 Coleman, William W., 1247 Coleman (Wis.), 1141-1143 Colfax (Wis.), 537-538 Collins, Adelbert S., 2172 Collins, Thomas P., 2089 Collins, Wilkie, 272 Collinson, George, 1166 Collipp, Platon G., 5 Colman, C. F., 1985 Colman, Louis B., 914 Colman, Russell B., 914 Coloma (Wis.), 2161 Colt, Henry C, 864 Columbia (Wis.), 198 Columbia County, 234-283 Columbus (Wis.), 236-243 Colvin, R. L., 1727 Comerford, J. A., 85 Commentz, Gustav, 1451 Comstock, C. M., 1173 Comstock, Clemence A., 1960 Comstock, H. S., 45, 50 Comstock, Noah D., 1925 Comstock, W. M., 1417, 1422 Comstock, W. T., 259, 1457, 2138 Comstock, William, 124 Conable, Clarence R., 1992, 2026 Conable, E. W., 1992 Condee, S. P., 753 Condit, F. T., 1784 Condit, James D., 1386 Conery, L. D., 1575 Conklin, E. F., 873 Conklin, George L., 1811, 1824, 1829 Conklin, S. J., 873 Conley, Joseph M., 708, 717, 1024 Conn, L. M., 892 Connaughton, J. A., 817, 827 Conover, R. B., 1522 Conrad, William H., 1917 Conry, Edgar E., 535, 542, 1504 Converse, Jessie N., 2034 Conway, J. W., 1102 Cook, C. A., 2000 Cook, E. S., 919 Cook, G. F., 1888 Cook, George B., 49, 1546 Cook, Levi H., 1119, 1671, 1818 Cook, R. L., 673 Cooksey, Guy E„ 1409 Cooksey, Joseph M., 1409 Cool, Robert N., 370 Cooley, 1687 Cooley, A. E., 115 Cooley, E. A., 2007 Cooley, Everett M., 155 Cooley, I. E., 1962, 2139 Cooley, John E., 2255, 2257 Cooley, John F., 1962 Cooley, R. P., 155 Coon, Charles A., 2243 Coon, Frederic W., 1708, 2093 Coon, James C, 575 Coon, Jed W., 1073 Coon Valley (Wis.), 1956-1958 Cooper, Charles J., 221, 840 Cooper, Clay C, 1567 Cooper, E. Frank, 128 Cooper, Firman E., 2129 302 Cooper, Frank, 216, 840 Cooper, George F., 840 Cooper, Guy, 164 Cooper, Jewett P., 892 Cooper, O. Byron, 1959 Cooper, S. A., 1728 Copeland, Richard H., 128, 564, 581, 591, 1385 Corbett, J. F., 2153 Cornelius, Henry, 2184 Cornell (Wis.), 187-188 Comes, E. Wood, 806 Corning, S. A., 1917 Corr, Paul B., 2129 Corwith, S. W., 1824 Cory, Jack, 1364, 2067, 2076 Cory, John, 1505 Costello, E. J., 1293 Cotes, W. C, 425 Cotter, J. N., 1067 Cotton, Hubert E., 1172, 2129, 2172 Cotton, Joseph D., 2127 Cotton, Warren L„ 1172 Cour, Eugene, 2022 Cousley, Samuel A., 703 Cover, Joseph C, 699 Cowan, John, 803, 806 Coward, Cassius L., 245, 663, 893 Cowdrey, 2007 Cowie, A. J., 1927 Cowles, A. E., 2033 Cowles, Fred, 1003 Cowles, Lawrence V., 214 Cox, Bradford A., 1076 Cox, J. P., 1837 Cox, W. D., 2082 Cox, Walter, 636 Crabb, George W., 1719, 1723 Craig, D. J., 300 Craig, Francis D., 2000, 2086 Craig, Harry C, 300, 674, 685, 709 Cramer, John F., 1335 Cramer, William E., 1335 Crandall, Dudley, 486 Crandon (Wis.), 665-668 Crane, Charles F., 2153 Cranefield, Frederic, 367 Cravath, Pitt N., 2031 Crawford, Earl B., 1105, 1117 Crawford, George, 824 Crawford, Robert M., 824 Crawford County, 284-300 Creviere, John A., 81 Crippen, A. C, 1488-1489 Crivitz (Wis.), 1144 Croft, A. C, 426 Croft, William E., 462 Cronick, Clarence E., 128 Crosby, Rufus, 803 Cross Plains (Wis.), 311 Crosse, Charles S., 422, 435 Crosse, Richard H., 1192 Crothers, George E., 221 Crouch, J. B., 2165 Crouse, L. L., 1341 Crowe, E. G., 1085 Crowe, R. R., 2236 Crowley, Jere, 1085, 2175, 2200 Crownhart, Maurice, 139 Crump, Gordon W., 310 Crusius, L., 1832 Cryderman, C. A., 295 Cuba City (Wis.), 690-691 Cudahy (Wis.), 1184-1189 Culbertson, C. B., 193 Cullaton, M., 373, 450, 875, 884, 888, 2109 Culley, Frank C, 924 Culley, Rudolph, 924 Culver, Gordon O., 2138, 2170 Culver, J. O., 393 Cumberland (Wis.), 45-50 Cummer, C. H., 1063 Cummings, T. A., 267, 271, 636 Cummings, T. C, 191 Cunningham, Gustavus A., 2187 Cunningham, T. J., 172, 181, 184, 193 Cupery, S. J., 235 Cuppernull, D. E., 1523 Currie, W. F., 796 Currie, W. K., 24, 1588 Currier, George W., 421 Curtice, Henry J., 2032, 2116, 2171 Curtin, Frank J., 1118 Curtis, 2003 Curtis, Alfred T., 1067 Curtis, Benjamin W., 445, 462 Curtis, E. Bowden, 1026, 1038 Curtis, E. E., 1067 Curtis, Joseph, 1335 Curtiss, D. S., 2090 Curtiss (Wis.), 199-200 Curtiss- Wedge, Franklyn, 38, 1781 Cutler, W. G., 1195, 1249 Daetwyler, W. K., 902 Dahl, Melvin, 1842 Dahlen, John N., 412-413, 415, 1168 Dahlen, V. L., 1168 Dahlstrom, Andrew, 1622 Dake, 431 Dale (Wis.), 1456 Daleyville (Wis.), 312 Dallas (Wis.), 51 Dalton, Carl, 997, 1011 Daly, 1169 Dane County, 301-444 Daniels, Thomas R., 407 Daniels, W. N., 1112 Danielson, Peter, 1917 Danish language newspapers, 1615, 1622, 2185, 2188 Dankoler Bros., 146 Dankoler, Ernest W., 1311 Dankoler, Harry E„ 1290, 1311 Darien (Wis.), 1988-1990 30) Darlington, Charles H., 710, 1590-1591 Darlington (Wis.), 1032-1038 Dartford (Wis.), see Green Lake Daugherty Bros., 2125 Daugherty, Frank R., 1888 Davenport, Ben, 2013 Davidson, A. L., 516 Davis, A. P., 555 Davis, B. F., 2200, 2202, 2215, 2217, 2222 Davis, D. L., 282 Davis, E. B., 282 Davis, G., 1696 Davis, J. V., 251 Davis, L. E., 773 Davis, L. J., 871 Davis, L. T., 239 Davis, Richard W., 962-963 Davis, W., 871 Davis, W. K., 1732, 1745 Dawalt, James L. 743 Dawley, W. H., 1059-1060 Dawson, Allan, 1784 Dawson, James T., 2023 Dawson, William, Jr., 365 Day, Bert, 814 Day, C. L., 526 Dayne, W. L., 1408 Deam, F. A., 1029 Dean, Edwin G., 1706 Dean, William C., 1678, 1992, 2038 Decker, D. H., 555 Decker, Edward, 89, 953 Decker, Edward, Jr., 952 Decker, John R., 240, 663 Decker, L. G., 1509 Dee, George E., 177 Deerfield (Wis.), 313-318 De Forest (Wis.), 319 De Groff, John W., 128, 2243 De Groff, Robert R., 2243 Dehnel, Paul F., 2223 Deininger, George, 390 Delafield (Wis.), 2068-2069 Delany, Arthur W., 173, 588 Delany, Butler C., 265 Delany, James, 261, 1049 Delany, John, 261,376, 826 Delany, Joseph, 261,588 Delavan (Wis.), 1991-1999 Deming, A. E. 2238 Deming, Charles, 1074 Dempsey, S. P., 682 Denkmann, Irwin M., 1557 Denmark (Wis.), 78-79 Densmore, J. B., 1536 Densmore, James, 936, 2005, 2202 Dent, E. O., 1863 Dent, H. R., 1863 De Pere (Wis.), 80-86 De Soto (Wis.), 1959-1964 Dessewffy, Alex, 1349 Dessewffy, Saudor, 1349 Dettmann, Dale, 2084 Deuel, George W., 160, 164, 187-188, 191,229,538 Deuster, Peter V., 1257, 1302, 1337 Devereux, Henry L., 1602, 1683, 1993, 2019 Devor, John D., 2005 Devor, William R., 1598 Dewey, A., 38, 56 Dewey, John M., 2128 DeWitt, Charles A., 688 DeWitt, I. G., 707, 818 DeWitt, Ross, 1773 Dexter, Frank G., 64 Dexter, I. S., 734 Dickerson, C, 1509, 1514 Dickinson, A. F., 1036 Dickinson, Joseph, 120 Diederichs, Carl M., 480 Dietrichson, G. F., 335 Dillet, F. J., 1159 Dilley, George W., 811 Dinsdale, James, 296 Dionne, Merrill C, 1874 Dixon, 1691 Dixon, Charles F., 1989, 2013 Dixon, George E., 736-738, 747 Dixon, L. M., 709 Dobbyn, William R., 178, 549 Dobson, Mason H., 1688 Dodge, 1131 Dodge, Arthur J., 2182 Dodge, Clarence S., 1381, 1776 Dodge, Claude B., 36, 1526 Dodge Center (Wis.), 456 Dodge County, 445-485 Dodgeville (Wis.), 803-810 Doe, Joseph B., 1733 DoerfHnger, Carl, 1239 Doerr, Emil, 881 Dolan, Mrs. L. B., 140 Domschcke, Bernard, 1206, 1247, 1255, 1260 Donald, J. P., 1856 Donovan, W. C, 363, 2107 Doolittle, Eugene S., 1502 Doolittle, H. F., 1502 Doolittle, L. A., 226 Doolittle, Stanley E., 1502 Door County, 486-489 Dorchester (Wis.), 201-206 Dore, John S., 218, 228 Dorn, 1065 Dornbrook, Donald, 2210 Dorner, A. H., 1102, 1110 Dorner, O. W., 1102 Dorrington, John W., 1391 Dorschner, Chester, 1992 Dorsett, A. D., 1805 Doty, Joseph M., 252, 2113 Doty, William M., 983, 1001, 1725, 1936, 1993 Dougherty, Jonathan, 2202 304 Douglas, Charles S., 526 Douglas, Malcolm C, 550, 1304 Douglas County, 490-534 Douglass, H. C, 1816 Dousman (Wis.), 2070-2071 Douville, A. F., 1169 Dovery, Thomas, 38 Dow, Lura, 868 Dow, O. P., 868 Downer, Jason, 1304 Downie, R. H., 1416 Downing, A. L., 2050 Downing, W. E., 528 Downing (Wis.), 539-541 Dowst, N. P., 935 Doyle, Edward J., 244, 1391 Doyle, Lemuel H., 244, 272-273, 283, 1391 Doyle, L. Hobart, 283 Doyle, T. L., 776 Dozer, C. Everett, 1074 Drake, W. A., 540 Dresser Junction (Wis.), 1539 Dretze, A. F., 38 Dreven, Joseph J., 64 Drew, Robert K., 1738 Driessen, Lester, 1466 Drown, Leonard A., 1106, 2129, 2138 Druliner, Bruce C, 787, 1026, 1176 Drumb, Isabelle, 277 Drumb, William A., 277, 2259 Drury, L. H., 775 Druyor, J. Alvin, 287 Dudley, Charles G., 1975 Dudley, W. H., 1029 Duerr, C, 1832 Duff, James, 1180 Duffie, George C, 650 Duffy, Patrick F., 1047 Dugdale, R. L, 714 Du Hamel, C. M., 703 Duket, James S., 9 Du Mez, Delbert C, 902 Dumond, W. Z., 741 Dunbar, C. H., 637, 650 Dunbar, Frank S., 73 Duncan, J. E., 1034, 1036, 1038 Dunlap, Elmer, 1960 Dunn, Charles FL, 1966, 1970 Dunn, Ernest A., 1067, 1126, 1131 Dunn, George P., 1185 Dunn, H. FL, 55, 896, 908, 911, 913-914, 1813,2246 Dunn, I. S., 1406 Dunn, Maude V., 896 Dunn, Moncena, 2160 Dunn, O. E., 503 Dunn, T. K., 896, 914 Dunn County, 535-558 Dunphy, Walter R., 435 Durand (Wis.), 1488-1492 Durkee, 1591 Durnal, W. F., 38, 962 Dusold, Alexander M., 1093 Dutch language newspapers, 83-84, 86, 1892 Dutcher, Ward E., 2093 Duxbury, Mrs. Louis, 838 Dvorak, Wenzel M., 967 Dykins, C. M., 842 Dykins, C. W., 1802 Dykins, James, 1802 Eagle (Wis.), 2072-2075 Eagle River (Wis.), 1984-1987 Eames, Claude F., 2005 Eames, Francis FL, 2005 Early, G. E., 2022 East Troy (Wis.), 2000-2002 Eastman, F. A., 2118 Eastman, Harry E., 92 Eastman, Henry F., 1882 Eastman, John A., 618 Eastman, Thomas, 718 Easton, G. S., 1992, 2030 Easton, Harry D., 314 Eaton, C. C, 239 Eaton, Carroll R., 2 Eaton, Leroy, 905 Eau Claire (Wis.), 563-592 Eau Claire County, 559-598 Ebert, Elmer H., 1598 Edes, C. E., 137 Edes, George A., 128, 1955 Edes, W. H., 137 Edgar (Wis.), 1104-1107 Edgerton (Wis.), 1706-1710 Edmonds, George B., 1857 Edwards, A. S., 1305 Edwards, E., 2230 Edwards, F. E., 605 Edwards, Ira C, 653, 1770 Edwards, J. A., 1028 Edwards, Morris, 64 Egan, Philip J., 893, 1381 Egery, E. A., 196. 1608 Eggers, Edward L., 1139 Egley, Arthur, 1142, 1168 Egley, Mrs. A., 1168 Ehrlich, George, 868, 2070 Ehrman, Henry S., 309, 432, 851, 1713 Eickholt, Henry V., 1862 Eidsmore, O. M., 411 Eisley, Roland, 1503 Eland (Wis.), 1848-1849 Elander, O., 12 Elberg, T., 1622 Elder, Ellsworth E., 810 Eldredge, Charles, 408 Eldridge, J. D., 1488 Eldridge, Mrs. J. D., 1488 Eleva (Wis.), 1932-1934 Elk Mound (Wis.), 542-543 Elkhorn (Wis.), 2003-2009 El kins, Robert E., 230 Ellarson, James T., 2164, 2170 305 Ellermann, H., 1442, 1451 Ellicott, George S., 1390 Ellinger, R. A., 784 Elliott, Charles, 1 Elliott, Eugene S., 1258 Elliott, Frank I., 952 Elliott, H. G., 412 Elliott, R. R., 1164 Ellis, Albert G., 105, 1231, 1574, 1576 Ellis, Kenneth M., 1088 Ellison, C. S., 592 Ellison, Hugh, 1938 Ellsworth, Clarence H., 640 Ellsworth, George L., Jr., 545 Ellsworth (Wis.), 1500-1503 Elm Grove (Wis.), 2076 Elmwood (Wis.), 1504-1506 Elroy (Wis.), 892-898 Elwell, Joseph S., 990, 1784 Elwood, George C, 37, 42, 44, 59, 142-143, 1552 Elwood, Kenneth, 868 Ely, George, 1552 Emerald (Wis.), 1772 Emerson, Addison, 2032, 2116 Emerson, Earl N., 319 Emmel, Anthony A., 802 Emmers, 1460 Emmons, N. E., 2257 Emunson, F. A., 833 Endeavor (Wis.), 1171-1172 Ender, August F., 38, 56, 181, 207, 221, 1488-1489 Ender, William A., 158, 1927 Enert, Julius, 1091 Engelbretsen, Isabelle, 2073 Engelke, G. L., 750 Engelmann, Joseph, 874 Englund, A. H., 1176 Englund, John, 1865 Englund, Luther, 1865 Engstrom, James M., 7, 1149 Erb, Charles W., 2207 Erb, Herman, 1451 Erdman, R. A., 1367 Erdmann, 1642 Erickson, George W., 54 Erickson, Harold, 1842 Erickson, Harvey, 51, 229 Erickson, John L., 525 Erickson, Walter F„ 40, 61 Ericson, Alvin E., 1847 Erlandson, Willis J., 866 Esser, Bernhard, 390 Esser, John C, 1862 Estlund, Bruce, 711 Ethridge, Jesse, 2172 Ettrick (Wis.), 1935 Euen, William, 659, 1341 Eureka (Wis.), 2174 Evans, A. L., 1791 Evans, E. C, 1267, 1362 Evans, Elmer H., 2218 Evans, R. C, 405 Evans, Thomas, 2068 Evans, Verle E., 791 Evans, W. G., 1406 Evanson, P. O., 1016 Evansville (Wis.), 1711-1717 Evenson, O. J., 1939 Everdell, Lyman B., 776 Everett, Fred E., 1803 Everett, Thomas L., 1184, 1313 Everill, Thomas A., 407, 416, 438 Evers, William, 203 Everson, Harland E., 314, 1708 Evjue, William T., 327, 352 Ewald, Robert, 594 Ewe, Lewis, 941 Excelsior (Wis.), 1654 Fagg, Benjamin F., 957, 960 Fairbrother, R. L., 1858 Fairchild, C. M., 1157 Fairchild (Wis.), 593-595 Fairfield, G. A., 293 Fairwater (Wis.), 603 Falb, A. T., 1614 Falk, Armand, 784 Falk, Helmuth, 1226 Fall Creek (Wis.), 596-598 Fall River (Wis.), 244 Fallon, M. G., 2095 Famerlee, John, 960 Fank, August, 164 Farber, Charles G., 848 Farlin, E. G., 848, 1924, 1943 Farnham, William H., 1390 Farnum, Alonzo L., 2017 Farnum, Edgar J., 2005, 2017 Farnum, H. R., 627 Farquharson, H. D., 680, 699 Farrar, George E., 1690 Farrar, Josiah T., 2063 Farrar, R. E., 876 Farrel, John A., 451 Farrington, G. A., 1853 Faulds, James R., 1939 Faulds, John G., 1927 Faulds, William B., 1939 Fauteck, Paul J., 24, 845, 1918, 1931, 1968 Favreau, Lee, 214 Fay, L. M., 331 Fay, M. A., 670 Fay, Mrs. M. A., 670 Fehlandt, Carl, 1487 Fehrenbach, A. J., 673 Feldschneider, E. W., 881, 1373 Felker, Charles W., 2202 Felton, D. C, 2217 Fennelly, Edward, 30 Fennimore (Wis.), 692-694 Ferguson, A. J., 1956 Ferguson, Edward, 2160 Fernandez, Dudley W., 379, 2227 306 Ferrell, John A., 2228 Ferris, Clifford G., 1430 Fessenden, Fred C, 2028 Fessler, James, 94 Fetty, A. B., 1967 Fiedler, 103 Fields, William H., 2161, 2163 Fifield, Henry O., 69 Fifield, Samuel S., 21, 64, 69, 1551 Fifield (Wis.), 1581-1582 Fillmore, F. E., 751, 1684 Fillmore, John S., 1304 Finch, E. Lynn, 1408, 1935 Finch, William R., 990, 1006, 1390 Finn, David, 1067 Finney, C. G., 2202, 2215, 2217 Finnish language newspapers, 515, 529 Finstad, Marshall, 532 Fischer, Adolph, 941 Fish, E. C., 1711 Fish, Spencer C., 1718 Fisher, Charles L., 138 Fisher, Enos E., 1425 Fisher, S. M., 1425 Fisher, William H., 1425 Fishier, G. W., 656 Fiske, Charles W., 587 Fitch, Charles W., 150, 1079, 1628 Fitch, James V., 457, 643 Fitzgerald, J. P., 32 Fitzgibbon, James H., 1057, 1851 Fladeland, J. Earl, 660 Flagg, Alfred M., 500 Flagg, H. C, 1838 Flanagan, John B., 1459 Flanagan, Martin C, 2236 Flanders, A. R., 1224 Flaven Bros., 1269 Fleck, Willibald, 1239 Fleischer, F., 981 Fleischer, K. J., 335 Fletcher, C. Rockwell, 546 Flickner, P., 1671 Flint, J. T., 229, 550 Flint, Rockwell J., 550, 1519 Florance, Charles S., 1776 Florence (Wis.), 599 Florence County, 599 Flower, Frank A., 509, 1214 Fogo, Stephen W., 1667 Fogo, William M., 1667-1668 Foley, John, 688 Foley, Timothy, 2055 Follett, Dwight I., 101 Follett, Mrs. D. I., 101 Folsom, C. W., 1542, 1552 Fond du Lac (Wis.), 604-633 Fond du Lac County, 600-664 Fontaine, Albert L., 2254, 2258 Fontaine, Paul, 2258 Fontanazza, Frank, 1251 Foote, A. S., 978, 983 Foote, C. E., 504 Footville (Wis.), 1718 Forbes, Clarence A., 267, 478, 600, 2165 Forbes, S. D., 1181 Forbes, W. E., 594, 1181 Ford, C. W., 1827 Ford, Josiah G., 1809 Forest, S. S., 5 Forest County, 665-673 Forkmann, Hans H., 480 Forrest, Mark, 1233, 1306 Forsen, Gustav L., 1149, 1160 Fort Atkinson (Wis.), 848-857 Fort Howard (Wis.), see Green Bay Fort Winnebago (Wis.), see Portage Foss, R. H., 415 Foster, 2010 Foster, Arthur G., 269 Foster, C. G., 1683 Foster, George R., 1591 Foster, John, 1135 Foster, Sidney, 1491 Fountain City (Wis.), 132-135 Fowler, Leslie M., 1612 Fowler, Victor, 181 Fox, Fenton S., 108 Fox Lake (Wis.), 457-461 Frackelton, R. G., 2097 France, H. T., 724 Francis, Robert E., 784, 796 Francisco, Henry H., 1381 Franckenberg, Arthur, 2061, 2063 Frank, Michael, 937 Franke, Marilyn, 2076 Frantz, Orlando H., 1746-1747 Fratny, Fredrich, 1328 Frazier, Cameron W., 2080 Frazier, John H., 287, 1673 Frazier, M. V., 842, 1966, 1973 Frederic (Wis.), 1540-1542 Frederick, George B., 967 Frederick, Robert B., 311, 1514 Fredrichs, C. F., 1986, 2127 Freer, Howard M., 557 Freer, Theodore, 280 Freid, Leonard, 187 Fremont (Wis.), 2128 French, M. C, 495, 500, 504, 570 French language newspapers, 517 Frentz, Theodore, 2207 Friberg, Carl, 7 Frick, H. W., 750, 1681, 1730 Friedlander, Theodore, 565, 633, 2207 Friedrichs, Carl F., 25 Friedrichs, Ferdinand C, 25 Friendship (Wis.), 3-6 Friese, A. H., 1893 Fris, H. H., 1277, 1304 Frissell, M. A., 62, 1527 Fromme, Emil, 1077 Frost, H. L., 1777 Frost, J. Wilson, 810 Fuelleman, Benjamin, 1733 Fuhr, Anna, 525 307 Fuhr, J. J., 525 Fuller, 1245, 2127 Fuller, B. J., 165, 204 Fuller, C. J., 866 Fuller, Charles D., 1181 Fuller, Dorothy, 914 Fuller, George E., 1 171, 1178, 1 181 Fuller, Guy G., Jr., 2080 Fuller, J. W., 1657 Fuller, N. W., 643, 1644 Fuller, Rex N., 1945 Fuller, V. O., 914, 1407 Fuller, William W., 711 Fullerton, Charles H., 247 Fullmer, B. M., 214 Fulton, David C, 1786 Fuss, Jacob, 110 Gabriel, C. Marshall, 1874 Gabriel, James E., 314 Gaffron, Otto, 1873-1874, 1886 Gaffron, Mrs. Otto, 1874 Gale, George, 2008 Gale, H. R., 1952 Galer, Kenneth, 711 Galer, M. H., 1959 Galesville (Wis.), 1936-1938 Gander, Ronald C, 814 Gander, Walter, Jr., 1984, 1986 Gannon, Leo B., Ill Ganz, Edwin F., 128 Ganzlin, Karl, 1831 Gardner, 478 Gardner, S. E., 759 Gardner, Walter E., 101 Gargulak, Frank J., 1185 Garland, D. D., 953 Garland, George C, 953 Garlock, Glenn W., 1021 Garlock, Mrs. G. W., 1021 Garwood, Orin, 1760 Gary, George, 2202, 2217 Gaskill, George G., 1023 Gaskill, Mrs. G. G., 1023 Gaston, H. B., 2015 Gates, Clough, 21, 524 Gates, W. R., 1513 Gauger, Albert H., 1926-1927, 2240 Gauger, Robert O., 1955 Gaylord, Curtis P., 1532 Gaynor, J. A., 2118 Gays Mills (Wis.), 284 Gcbhardt, Carl, 390 Gehre, John H„ 1135 Gehrke, Leo, 482 Gehrke, O. A., 482 Geisenheimer, Frank, 967 Geisler, F.. 1063 Gelatt, Roland B., 973, 990, 1003 Geneva Lake (Wis.), see Lake Geneva Genoa City (Wis.), 2010-2014 Genoa Junction (Wis.), see Genoa City George, Curtis F., 45, 459-460, 1608 George, H. C, 461 George, Isaac D., 938 George, William, 2054 Geraghty, A. F., 26 Gerlich, Julius H., 1571 German language newspapers, 13, 27- 28, 91, 94, 107, 110, 118, 121-123, 127, 130, 135, 151-152, 157, 203-204, 222, 237, 253, 263, 332, 389-390, 401, 466, 474, 480-481, 483, 530, 534, 552-553, 565-566, 568, 573, 577, 604, 609, 612- 613, 616, 623, 629-630, 633, 641, 647, 712, 750, 758, 765, 769, 793, 797, 859, 862, 874, 890-891, 900, 941, 954, 965, 980, 985, 994, 998, 1002, 1019, 1053, 1055, 1058, 1061, 1066, 1071, 1076- 1077, 1081, 1084, 1086, 1093, 1108, 1121-1122, 1137-1138, 1140, 1162, 1193, 1196, 1200-1207, 1215, 1225- 1227, 1234, 1239, 1244, 1246-1248, 1255-1256, 1260, 1272, 1278, 1292, 1295, 1300-1302, 1307-1309, 1316, 1325-1332, 1337, 1348, 1442-1443, 1449, 1451-1452, 1460, 1463, 1474- 1475, 1487, 1492, 1571, 1592, 1601, 1610, 1614, 1621, 1623, 1629, 1636, 1642-1643, 1646-1647, 1681, 1730, 1831-1832, 1859, 1862, 1871-1872, 1880-1881, 1891, 1894, 1900-1904, 1911-1913, 1921, 2059, 2061-2062, 2066, 2075, 2124, 2154, 2176, 2184, 2197, 2206-2208, 2220, 2222, 2231, 2240, 2245, 2256 Germer, Amos E., 2247 Gerth, Emil, 13 Gertschen, Alex P., 1109 Gesler, Frank B., 38, 962 Gesler, Gertrude, 962 Gessert, A. P., 201, 1103 Gessert, Mrs. A. P., 1103 Getter, Ray, 1191 Getting, Miles T., 761 Gharrity, William H., 177 Gibbs, H. A., 1753 Gibbs, M. H., 2195 Gieger, Julius, 1058 Giegerich, Bert, 1824 Giegold, George, 941 Gifford, George C, 143, 778, 782 Gilbert, O. H., 1990 Gilbertson, Elmer E., 844, 1935 Gilbertson, Florence S., 844 Gilbertson, Helmer L., 844, 1408, 1935 Gile, Durant C, 1706 Gile, R. FL, 845 Gile, Ray E., 845 Giles, W. A., 429 Giles, W. T., 749 Gilkey, George E., 137 Gilkey, George W., 128, 574, 1939 Gilkey, H. W., 1417 Gill, Charles R., 881 Gill, I. W., 1980 308 Gillett, G. M„ 1890 Gillett, James M., 632, 1890 Gillett (Wis.), 1411 Gillies, David A., 1198 Gilman (Wis.), 1907-1909 Gilpin, William S., 1944-1945 Gingras, Julien C, 1841 Ginty, George C, 101, 177, 1418 Ginty, Mrs. G. C, 177 Ginty, Henry D., 1418 Gipple, Bert A., 1938 Glasier, Charles J., 674 Glasier, H. W., 710 Glaze, A. T., 608, 640, 645, 2151 Gleason, Walter E., 1176, 2127 Glen Flora (Wis.), 1759 Glenbeulah (Wis.), 1870 Glendale (Wis.), 1190 Glennon, Edward D., 1567 Glennon, John W., 1567 Glenwood City (Wis.), 1773 Glick, P. A., 295 Glidden (Wis.), 27-30 Glover, John E., 1786 Glover, William E., 650 Gluck, F. W., 1962 Gmeiner, John, 1215 Gobar, G. G., 1757 Goddard, H. Gordon, 191 Godfrey, George W., 1214, 1249 Goebel, Edward, 1053, 1055 Goerz, Albert, 859, 879 Gold, Herman, 690 Golden, E. Kemsley, 807-808 Goldsmith, C. F., 171 Goldsmith, George W., 680, 685 Goldsmith, Harlow E., 1979 Goldsmith, Ralph D., 680 Goldsworthy, James, 1514 Goldthorpe, William H„ 691 Golliday, B. C, 458 Gonyea, Floyd J., 1185 Good, L. A., 2246 Good, S. L., 2246 Goodall, W. H., 1362 Goodell, B. F., 259, 264, 490, 1173 Goodell, S. D., 790, 832 Goodhue, Alletta D., 1948 Goodhue, E. N., 1948 Goodhue, James M., 699 Goodlad, W. H., 807 Goodland, Walter S., 1618, 1640 Goodman, Maurice, 259 Goodrich, Frank L., 1896 Goodrich, Leroy A., 39, 1489 Goodwin, Frank D., 239, 272 Goodwin, H. W., 2079 Goral, B. E., 1289 Gordon, 1781 Gordon, A. E., 331 Gordon, E. E., 2141, 2148 Gordon, Edward, 1917 Gordon, Newton S., 37-38, 51 Gore, Leroy, 853, 1525, 1833 Gorham, A. D., 1063, 1857 Gorham, D., Jr., 1857 Goss, Ida May, 2047 Gottsacker, Franz, 1891 Gottsacker, William, 1891 Gough, Arthur, 171 Gould, Nathan J., 1342 Gove, Richard L., 1477, 1482 Gowdey, D. C, 832 Gowdy, D. C, 445, 790 Grafton (Wis.), 1472-1473 Graham, D., 1860 Graham, J. R., 1860 Graham, Malcolm, 1390 Grahl, Gustav, 1292, 1629, 2219 Grand Rapids (Wis.), see Wisconsin Rapids Grant, Harry J., 1257 Grant, J. W., 38, 164 Grant County, 674-729 Granton (Wis.), 207-209 Grantsburg (Wis.), 138-139 Grassold, Joseph, 149, 152, 1076 Gratiot, A. F., 1046 Gratiot (Wis.), 1039 Graves, F. H., 1981 Graves, R. L., 1978 Graves, S. H., 1753 Gravesville (Wis.), 153 Gray, Alexander T., 1719 Gray, Hamilton H., 1034, 1042, 1045 Grede, Arthur L., 1364 Green, James P., 743 Green, W. J., 92 Green Bay (Wis.), 87-123 Green County, 730-771 Green Lake (Wis.), 783-786 Green Lake County, 772-797 Greendale (Wis.), 1191 Greene, Frank A., 1038 Greene, George W., 660, 662 Greene, James H., 290, 294 Greene, W. B., 707 Greenwood (Wis.), 210-211 Greer, Thomas S., 1168 Gregg, Andrew K., 185 Gregg, Frank B., 531 Gregory, G. W., 1672 Greisch, Cletus J., 1105 Gresham (Wis.), 1850 Greulich, August, 1302 Greulich, Millard, 1436 Greverus, Ernst, 773 Gribble, C. H., 716 Griffin, A. A., 2116 Griffin, A. B., 873 Griffin, Floyd W., 1674 Griffin, I. S., 1977 Grimm, A. L., 1597 Grimsrud, Alton T., 63 Grinde, L. G., 347 Griswold, D. W., 964, 1021 309 Grosser, H. S., 1859 Grosser, Hugo, 1061 Grottkau, Paul, 1203 Gruber, J. E., 1407 Grumley, E. I., 1446 Grumm, F. W., 182, 480 Grundeland, L. C, 1752, 1754 Grunnert, B. G., 121 Guenther, Richard, 1193 Guernsey, L. T., 1999 Gueterbock, B. H., 1337 Guinan, F. E., 1105 Gullord, W. E., 1506 Gunderson, G., 45-48, 1527 Gunderson, L. L., 45 Gunderson, Russell, 314 Gurley, E. W., 1495 Guscholl, John, 2185 Guthrie, T. B., 164, 666 G wynne, C. C, 1936 Haas, Carl, 623 Haas, Frank, 623 Haas, Gustav, 1247 Haase, 2143 Haber, P. B., 608 Habernicht, William, 2000 Hackett, Charles P., 1650 Hackett, H. L., 931 Hacston, G. A., 269 Hadden, A. A., 1763 Hadden, Frank W., 810 Haddock, George C, 454 Hadley, J. A., 875 Haehnel, 1076 Haestrup, William, 1622 Hagar, Glenn L„ 284 Hage, Julius T., 1957, 1983 Hagen, Martin E., 1378, 1408 Hager, B. J., 1829 Hager, Werner, 954 Hagerty, Albert H., 945, 2014-2015 Hahn, Maximilian, 985 Hahne, August A., 480 Haight, Theron W., 1233, 1304, 2109 Haight, W. H., 1906 Haight, Walter L., 1640 Haight, William, 866 Haines, Frank R., 1378-1380, 1983 Haines, John A., 962, 1379 Haislet, Fred W., 8, 37, 61-62 Hale, B. E., 1250, 1683 Hale, D. D., 1117 Hale, E. T., 212, 893, 1404 Hales Corners (Wis.), 1192 Hall, F. H., 934, 937 Hall, George W„ 1022 Hall, H. O., 1659 Hall, John O., 11 Hall, Joseph W., 1167, 1414 Hall, W. W., 2033 Halline, Paul L., 82 Halls, John R., 1503 Halls, Oscar A., 1503 Halonen, George, 529 Halsted, Oliver L., 1411 Halvorson, Charles, 807 Halvorson, Donald A., 536 Halvorson, Herman K., 535 Ham, L. W., 1758 Hamilton, 66 Hamilton, Edmund C, 764 Hamilton, H. W., Jr., 953 Hamilton, William S., 825 Hamley, Gordon, 600, 662 Hammer, Einar O., 1656 Hammergren, David I., 131, 135, 1506, 1538 Hammergren, David, Jr., 1552 Hammergren, David J., 131, 1548 Hammergren, Larry E., 131, 1548 Hammill, Frank, 2047 Hammond, William W., 436, 1706 Hammond (Wis.), 1774-1777 Hamstreet, Charles R., 1038 Hancock (Wis.), 2160-2161 Hand, F. B., 491, 830, 832, 834, 2194 Haney, 954 Hanford, C. C, 2027 Hanford, I. L., 736 Hanna, Isaac W., 2238 Hanna, M. C, 1683 Hannaford, W. E., 2141 Hansbrough, H. C, 1802 Hansell, J. E., 926 Hansen, Blaine, 1686 Hansen, C. J., 668, 1462 Hansen, Carl B., 2079 Hansen, Mabel V., 2079 Hansen, Ray E., 853 Hansen, Richard E., 899 Hansen, W. H., 1514, 1541 Hanson, B. D., 902 Hanson, C. F., 1063 Hanson, Frank H., 902 Hanson, H. D., 417, 743 Hanson, John B., 893, 902 Harbeck, D. J., 2057 Harbeck, William J., 2057 Harding, W. E., 1527, 1538 Hardy, E. M., 1735 Hardy, Oscar J., 2217 Haremza, Mrs. R., 2045 Harger, Ashley D., 878, 2096 Harmon, A. C, 500, 509, 594, 640 Harmon, Fred N., 796 Harmon, Jessie K., 594 Harmon, R. W., 796,2170 Harmon, W. P., 796 Harney, R. L., 2211 Harney, Thomas A., 1415, 2228 Harper, Ben L., 1874 Harper, Charles L., 699 Harper, Jerome L., 1514 Harquall, Jean L., 517 Harrington, D. B., 957 310 Harrington, Grant D., 1992 Harris, Arthur T., 487 Harris, Chandler F., 487 Harris, Frank E., 1552 Harris, Henry, 487, 1148 Harris, J. Edward, 89, 486 Harris, John C, 1181 Harris, Joseph E., 487, 952, 1917 Harris, Joseph E., Jr., 486 Harris, Seymour J., 487 Harrison, John A., 938, 1604, 1628 Harrison, L. A., 1063 Hart, A. Wellington, 1198 Hart, Charles F., 2211 Hart, Cyrus S., 1417-1418 Hart, Fred E., 1977 Hart, Matthew J., 24, 29 Hart, Milton S., 2022 Hart, R. B., 45, 49 Hartford (Wis.), 2052-2056 Hartland (Wis.), 2077-2079 Hartley, Albert J., 187 Hartman, E. L., 854 Hartson, H. H., 210 Hartwell, 1982 Hartwell, Fred A., 967 Hartwig, F. E., 1776 Harvey, Harry V., 1103 Harvey, J. J., 1238 Harvey, Louis P., 935 Harvey, Robert O., 1103, 1115 Harvey, Wells F., 221 Hase, F. C, 82 Haskins, H. T., 1802 Haste, R. A., 500 Hastings, George H., 1426 Hatch, 66 Hatch, J. M., 2130 Hathaway, Arthur C, 2089, 2091 Hathaway, Clarence R., 2054-2055 Hatlestad, Ole J., 1603 Haug, John, 941 Haugen (Wis.), 52 Haughawout, F. S., 1034, 1036 Haughton, Joseph W., 1, 741, 1376, 1457, 1983, 2030 Haukohl, Fred, 1082 Hauser, John F., 135 Haven, Alfred E., 977 Haven, Spencer, 1784 Hawkins (Wis.), 1760-1761 Hawks, 1814 Hawks, John S., 1631 Hawks, N. C, 2069, 2090 Hawley, Orestes K., 1770 Hawley, William E., 1770 Hayden, Harriett, 2251 Hayden, Harrison, 1258 Hayden, Harry, 993 Hayden, Henry R., 1389 Hayden, John P., 164, 167 Hayden, Victor F., 1173, 1181 Hayes, Elliott K., 1831 Hayward (Wis.), 1836-1841 Hazel Green (Wis.), 695 Hazeltine, I. S., 1664 Hazeltine, W. B., 650 Hazelton, J. F., 238 Head, Eugene R., 934 Heal, Byron F., 1856 Heal, J. P., 1856 Healy, F. A., 30 Heaney, Samuel W., 2217 Hearn, Albert S., 803 Hearst, William C, 2036 Hearst, William Randolph, 1277 Heath, B. S., 2179 Heath, Charles W., 1966 Heath, F. W., 1591 Heath, Frederic, 1305 Heath, W. H., 149 Hedquist, E. G., 32 Heft, Elvert, 245 Heg, Evan H., 1603 Heg, James E., 2020 Heidel, Herbert F., 784 Heidkamp, Adolph, 1478, 1487 Heidmann, Harold F., 952 Heidmann, Harry H., 949, 952 Heidt, Frank, 263, 900 Heikkinen, Knut E., 529 Heindel, Sydney C, 1050 Heinemann, Fred, 1081 Heino, David, 529 Heise, H. A., 1714 Heise, H. J., 1140 Helfert, J. E., 447, 450 Helmer, Clayton E., 1499 Helmer, F. R., 1700 Helms, R. E., 1172 Hemmy, A. J., 2055 Hemp, Richard A., 832, 1113 Hendrickson, Norval, 1753 Henke, C. W., 1783 Henkel, E. G., 1356 Hennen, N. J„ 1906 Hennessey, R. J., 1840 Hennessey, W. E., 2073-2074 Henning, B. S., 2230 Henning, John O., 618 Henry, R. H„ 1436, 1440 Hensel, E. F., 1931 Hepp, Frederich, 135 Herlihy, J. S., 1653 Herlihy, Mrs. J. S., 1653 Herman, John E., 1967 Herr, H. C, 2245 Herrell, E. G., 561-562 Herrell, E. M., 562 Herron, George D., 640, 646 Herron, John, 823-824 Herzog, Ernst F., 1325 Hess, Albert, 1927 Hess, George, 1457 Hesselgrave, Anna, 1408 Hesselgrave, E. G., 1383, 1408 ?// Hesselgrave, Lloyd D., 1408 Heth, Edward H., 2119 Hetzel, H. C, 1067 Heuston, George Z., 1927 Hewett, James, 221 Hewitt, G. P., 934 Heyer, A. O., 1880, 1886 Heyn, 1888 Heyrman, John B., 81, 83, 86 Hibbard, J. M., 421 Hickev, D E., 85 Hickler, Simon, 1203, 1329 Hickhng, D. P., 1679 Hickok, Dale C., 125, 167, 1468 Hicks, John, 2217 Hicks, Stewart E., 1181, 1286, 1371, 1651 Hidden, Walter S., 435 Higgins, F. M., 2022 High, A. J., 759 Highland (Wis.), 811 Hilbert (Wis.), 154 Hildreth, James T., 920 Hilgard, Henry F., 1642 (Henry Villard) Hilgen, J. H., 1471 Hill, C. H., 842 Hill, George W., 1057 Hill, J. C., 82 Hill, S. W., 1644 Hill, Vernon E., 1835 Hill, W. F., 914, 1825 Hill, Warren L., 711,811 Hill, William, 290, 1807 Hille, George C., 1898 Hilliker, H. M., 56 Hills, S. S., 730 Hillsboro (Wis.), 1965-1966 Himley, Cordial G., 673 Himley, John E., 673 Hinckley, Albert G., 1391, 1397 Hinckley, Jay R., 256, 907, 1377, 1391, 1397, 1399 Hinderaker, Hughitt H., 2078-2079 Hinshaw, M. D„ 143, 1541, 1546, 1588- 1589 Hirsch, Emil, 589 Hirsch, Frank, 1917 Hirsch, Max, 2063 Hjort, J. L., 1012 Hoag, A. G., 446 Hoar, Blair E., 2046 Hoard, Halbert L., 853 Hoard, William D., 853 Hobart, C. M., 843, 896 Hobart, H. H., 784, 795-796, 2167 Hobart, Henry F., 1680, 1690 Hobart, William, 784 Hock, Albert F., 1878 Hodder, Thomas H., 920 Hodges, C. N., 2151 Hodgins, David, 1457 Hoen, C. A., 1708 Hoenmann, N. G., 1452 Hoenneveld, K. C., 2249 Hoffman, B. A., 2110 Hoffman, Charles, 955 Hoffman, Francis A., 1 135 Hoffman, Horace J., 184, 220-222, 286, 291 Hoffman, Joseph C, 1215, 1302, 1337 Hoffman, Joseph W., 2098 Hoffstead, William, 138 Hohmann, E F„ 137 Holasek, Michael, Jr., 1350 Holbroecks, C, 998 Holbrook, M. D., 825 Holcombe (Wis.), 189-190 Holford, Castello N., 674, 676, 696-697 Holford, W. H., 675 Holland, James P., 876, 881, 887 Holland (Sheboygan County), 664 Hollandale (Wis.), 812-814 Hollembaek, H. M., 2192 Hollenbeck, C. E., 1925 Hollister, 103 Hollister, J. F., 841 Hollister, Theodore F., 170, 1390, 1392 Holly, Alanson, 281-282 Holly, H. O., 282 Holm, Haybert, 1410 Holman, E. S., 313 Holman, Nels, 313, 316 Holman, Roy, 38, 53, 63, 1538 Holmen (Wis.), 964 Holmes, John E., 1358 Holmes, Tillie, 941 Holmes, Winslow H., 70, 2151 Holston, E. M., 1747, 1750 Holt, A. G., 2170 Holt, Benjamin, 371 Holt, Charles, 1727 Holt, Kenneth, 803 Holt, W. E., 810 Holway, Chester P., 150, 1874 Homme, William, 1866 Honigmann, C. W., 1066 Hood, A. J., 709 Hood, N. B., 1658 Hood Bros., 1807 Hook, Fred L., 1361 Hooker, Culver E., 663 Hooker, Eli, 618, 663 Hooper, Charles W., 1425 Hooper, John J., 1874 Hooper, W. H., 1532 Hopkins, H., 1462 Hopkins, Mary B., 383 Hoppe, Albert, 89 Horicon (Wis.), 462-466 Horn, Adlai S., 1470 Horn, Alexander W., 1470 Horn, Frederick W., 1470 Horner, S. W., 1802 Horner, Thomas C, 1885 Horrell, G. H., 212 312 Hortonville (Wis.), 1457 Horwitz, Isador S., 135 J Hoskinson, George E., 101 Hostman, H. W., 1873 Hotchkiss, Carl W., 460 Hotchkiss, Dean J., 460 Hotchkiss, John, 270, 460, 1990, 1994, 2005 Hotchkiss, W. M., 231, 541, 544 Hotchkiss, William R., 38, 550, 738 Hotschik, George M., 1592 Hough, F. M., 2233 Hough, George A., 1979 Hough, Harry, 1050-1052 Houghton, Joseph W., 1 Houser, Walter L., 137 Hovey, James, 177 Howard, 730 Howard, E. Ruth, 2070 Howard, Frank P., 1992 Howard, Lyle R., 187 Howard, R. W., 187 Howard, Robert F., 973 Howard, Wallace H., 187, 190, 561, 1942 Howard, Mrs. W. H., 187 Howe, E. B., 285 Howe, Elmer L., 310, 320, 603, 650- 651, 657-658, 694, 702, 784 Howe, Henry E., 285, 300, 680, 709, 81 1 Howe, Henry M., 2194 Howe, James R., 1427, 1985, 2246 Howe, L. K., 1876, 1886 Howe, Lyman J., 285 Howe, Randall E., 650 Howe, Russell L„ 639, 650 Howe, Russell S., 2194 Howell, 1691 Howell, J. Luverne, 2028 Howell, R. B., 2028 Howery, A. L., 1039 Howery, C. V., 1035, 1050 Howery, G. M., 1035 Howery, L. B., 1035, 1050 Howland, G. W., 881 Hoxie, I. A., 313, 418, 741, 1712, 1716, 2093 Hoxie, W. T., 313, 1714 Hoyt, H. W. 331 Hoyt, Melvin A., 1276 Hoyt, Otis, 1784 Hubbard, J. P., 682 Hubbard, J. S., 1683 Hubbell, H. B., 662 Hubbell, Singleton B., 1917 Hubbs, Charles L., 317, 866 Huber, Joseph F., 2063 Huber, Joseph J., 2063 Huber, Mrs. J. J., 2063 Huber, Mark, 2063 Hudson, Fred, 1552 Hudson (Wis.), 1778-1786 Huebner, Arthur M., 1360 Huffman, William F., 2255, 2259 Hughes, B. W., 235 Hughes, Mrs. B. W., 235 Hughes, E. H., 1391 Hughes, James, 1780 Hughes, John F., 485 Hughes, John P., 1075 Hughes, Thomas, 450 Hugoboom, Ray W., 202, 206 Huhn, Albert G., 62-63 Huhn, Heinrich, 1239 Huhn, Oscar F., 1880, 1891, 1904 Huibregtse, Donald, 1931, 1935 Hulett, Henry M., 1616, 1628 Hull, E. A., 274 Hull, Edgar C, 453-454 Hull, Marion S., 76, 1773 Hull, Merlin, 840, 842 Hull, Perry M., 840 Hull, S. S., 36, 45 Hull Bros., 2224 Humbird (Wis.), 212 Hume, John P., 150, 2242 Hume, John P., Jr., 150 Hume, William A., 150 Humphreville, William, 97-98 Humphrey, E. P., 1446 Humphrey, L. S., 1387 Hungarian language newspapers, 1349 Hunger, Jacob, 1203, 1331 Hunn, Frank J., 2240 Hunner, John, 128 Hunt, Charles E., 65 Hunt, G. F., 2054 Hunt, J. B., 2117 Hunter, Charles D., 177, 181 Hunter, J. R., 1217 Hunter, Paul F., 550 Huntington, B. F., 716 Huntington, Carr, 236, 475 Huntington, E. P., 1795, 1839 Huntington, Edward, 1773 Huntington, Roy C, 716 Huntington, W. H., 1488, 1491 Hurd, E. N., 907 Hurd, Judson, 285 Hurlburt, H. P., 1514 Hurlburt, Thomas M., 187 Hurlbut, Edwin, 2091 Hurlbut, Mrs. E., 2091 Hurlbut, Ira D., 294, 296, 1654 Hurley, C. S., 1335 Hurley (Wis.), 830-835 Husband, E. E., 1532 Husher, F. A., 981 Hustisford (Wis.), 467-468 Hutchins, F. A., 445 Hutchins, John L., 1106 Hutchinson, 1972 Hutchinson, A. L., 2153 Hutchinson, Buell E., 285 Hutchinson, Clarence M., 905-906 Hutchinson, George, 940 313 Hutchinson. R. G., 1157 Huth, Fred R., 139, 143 Hutter, Stephen H.. 1572 Hutto, Robert D.. 485 Hvatt, Samuel C. 1667 Hyde, Frank, 780, 1182 Hvde. Ravmond G., 1417 Hver. George, 376, 379, 387, 398-399, 885-886, 1221, 1275, 2113, 2227 Hver. J. B., 387 Hyman, John D., 621, 2201 Inland, Leonard O., 319 Inland. William G.. 415 Ihne. Wilhelm, 1911 Ilstrup, George C., 2088 Independence Wis.), 1939-1940 Ingalls, A. F., 1792 Ingersoll, C. L., 1964 Ingersoll, Chalmers, 1683 Ingersoll, H. G., 1559 Ingersoll, Luther A., 172, 1552 Ingersoll, Nekton H. ; 239 Ingle. Ernest E., 1553 Ingraham, James E., 2258 Ingram, C. A., 1489 Ingram Wis. |, 1762 Inmansville Rock County), 335 Inversetti, Charles J.. 640 Iola Wis.), 2129-2130 Iowa Countv, 798-829 Irle. William, 2046 Iron Countv, 830-836 Iron River Wis.), 71-72 Irvine, W. H.. 706 Irvine, William. ' I " Irvine, William. Jr.. 181 Italian language newspapers, 835, 1319 Ives, E. EL, 1514 Lev, A. M., 1021 Jackson, 583 Jackson, M. L.. 1 5 S^ Jackson, Maurice R., 1192 Jackson Countv, 837-^47 Jacobi, A., 91 Jacobs, A. V.. 828 Jacobs, W. A.. 1626 Jacobson. Kenneth. '7 Jaeckel, F. A., 1862 Jaeger, Nancy, 2076 Jaeger, William R., 1064, 1105, 1126, 1364, 1430 James, Charles L.. 572 James, H. D., 239 Jameson, W. F., 284 Jamieson. W. F., 1496 Janda, Joseph H., 956 Janda, Robert J., 197 Jane. Henry, 1046 Janesville Wis.), 1719-1744 Janskv, John J., 883 Jarvis, D. T., 829 Jasiorkowski. T. A., 1289 Jefferson (Wis.), 858-863 Jefferson Countv, 848-891 Jeffries, Hugh, 143 Jeglum, Leonard G., 297 Jenison, E. M., 608 Jenkins, Clarence, 1125 Jenkins, W. C, 89 Jenkinson, R., 600 Jennings, George E., 663 fenny Wis.), see Merrill Jensen. Edward. 1622 Jensen, L. W., 1959 Jensen. M. A.. 1931 Jensen. Yern R., 1543, 1546 Jermain. T. D.. 1304 Jersild, J. S.. 2185 Jesse, O. C, 1976 Jetter, J. C, 1820 Jewell, S. A., 2168 Jilson, J. B., 935 Joachim, L., 1832 Joerns, W. G.. 530 Johns, Ered W.. 405. 1824 Johns, W. H., 955, 2127 Johnson, 2134 Johnson, A. K., 986 Johnson, Albert L., 945, 2015 Johnson, Alfred, 245 Johnson, Alvin F., 274, 319, 1766 Johnson, Buchanan, 2163 Johnson, C. 1782 Johnson, C. F., 100? Johnson, C. H., 1115 Johnson, C. N., 1063-1064 Johnson, Carl. 1192 Johnson. Clarence J., 84 5 Johnson. D. H„ 285 Johnson, Dewitt S., 1067, 1427, 2165 Johnson, E. G., 1304 Johnson, E. O., 1839 Johnson, F. H„ 2129 Johnson, Forrest. 1505 Johnson, G. W.. 602 Johnson, H. B., 1 Johnson, H. L., 294 Johnson, H. R., 194 Johnson, Harlan J., 680-681, 699, M 5-816 Johnson. Mrs. H. J. Johnson. Harrv, 811 Johnson, J. C.,1039 Johnson, Mahlon H., 135 Johnson, N. E., 1532 Johnson, Robert H., 1135, 1137 Johnson, T. J., 739 Jonas, Charles, 1638 Jonas, Fred, 1638 Jones, Clarence N., 2114 Jones, George L„ 162, 186, 2046 Jones, Griff O., 562, 1183 [ones, Harry, 144 Jones, Hugh J., 802 514 Jones, J. H., 2151 Jones, J. S., 2151 Jones, J. Bovd, 1716 Jones, James E., 77, 255, 277, 280, 2046 Jones, Lawrence F., 650 Jones, O. F., 1779 Jones, Porter, 92 Jones, Richard L., 393 Jones, Thomas C, 876 Jones, Thomas H., 1288 Jones, W. H., 807 Joppa, L. E., 51, 316 Jordan, A. C, 1547 Jordon, A. M., 273 Jordon, C. S., 1719 Jorgensen, A. W., 867 Jorgenson, Arthur, 1546 Josev, J. Anthonv, 1340 Jouno, Russell J., 280, 1853 Juda (Wis.), 744-747 Juhl, Hans, 1150 Junction City (Wis.), 1557 Juneau (Wis.), 469-476 Juneau County, 892-915 Junor, David, 773 Jurva, 515 Kaempfer, Henry B., 2064 Kaempfer, Henrv C, 2064 Kaime. George S., 2195, 2212 Kaine, J. L., 1304 Kaiser, J. C, 1442 Kalhar. Daniel J., 1960 Kalmback, Albert C, 1314 Kampo. James H., 953 Karel. John R., 953, 960 Karlowicz, Victor, 1572 Kartack, I. C, 1874 Kartack, J. F., 1805 Kaste, Ivan C, 2237 Kaukauna (Wis.), 1458-1463 Raul, William, 468 Kautenberg. W. C, 15 Kavanaugh, John F., 1530 Kearney, Donald W., 465 Kearnev, Robert X., 465 Keats, Myron E., 2002 Keegan. William, 319 Keeler, David M., 1304, 2024 Keeler, H. J., 1509 Keelev, D. T., 2064 Keenan, Kenneth J., 1074 Keenev, H. S., 2153 Keeney. J. C, 851, 856, 2026, 2153 Kegel.James P., 284 Kehl, Emil, 891 Keithlev, Donald H., 866 Keller. Marcus M., 1846. 2129 Kellev, George V ., 796 Kellev, H. E., 1587 Kelle\. ]ohn. 473 Kellev. W. H.. 510 Kellogg, Ansel N., 1807 Kellogg, D. R., 1029 Kellogg, R. F., 2220 Kelsey, Henry, 185 Kempter, Frank J., 129 Kendall, John A., 1004 Kendall (Wis.), 1381 Kendrick, C. D., 1344 Kendrick, William J., 1320 Kennan (Wis.), 1583-1586 Kennedy, Andrew E., 2046 Kennedy, C. S., 303 Kennedy, John, 666 Kenney, Eugene, 2005-2006 Kenney, P., 412 Kenny, L. W., 1398-1399 Kenosha (Wis.), 916-941 Kenosha County, 916-948 Kent, H. J., 1699, 1755 Kenvon, Harriet V., 32 Kenvon, I. A., 31-32 Kenvon, R. E., 521 Kepler, Svlvester S., 581 Kerningham, R. N., 2246 Kerr, Charles S., 113 Kerr, James, 113 Kessler, A. H., 703 Kessler, L. P., 803 Kessler, Mrs. L. P., 803 Kestler, Hal C, 853 Ketcham, Edward A., 1865 Kewaskum (Wis.), 2057 Kewaunee (Wis.), 953-959 Kewaunee County, 949-961 Keyes, Julius H., 572, 881 Kibbe, E. C, 894, 1514 Kibbe, Fred, 1398, 1403 Kidder, Joseph K., 1013 Kiel (Wis.), 1076-1077 Kilbourn (Wis.), see Wisconsin Dells Kilbourne, Edward S., 1183 Killeen, John A., 937. 940 Kimball, 2010 Kimball, J. M., 1223 Kimball, Leonard H., 2191 Kimball. Mather D., 102 Kimball, Morris B., 516, 531, 1501- 1502, 1514 Kimbel. Paul M., 2194 Kimberlv, E. O., 736, 1735 King, Adelaide, 662-663 King, E. A., 1868, 2126, 2141 King, F. C, 403 King, George J., 235 King, Rufus, 1304, 1328 Kingsley, R. S.. 934 Kingston (Wis.), 787 Kinkel, Ervin E., 478 Kinkel. Victor R.. 478 Kinney, W. A.. 195 Kivchner. Albert C, 1598 KirchofT, Albert W.. 814 Kirk, Ernest C, 2246 Kirk. John N., 1489 315 Kirkpatrick, G. L., 1939 Kirkpatrick, H. C, 1181, 1931 Kirkpatrick, Leo E., 1490 Kitchen, Fred I ., 2048 Kitz, Harvey J., 1355, 1367 Kitz, Harvey T., 2236 Kjelstorp, August, 538 Kjome, O. O., 847, 1958 Klabouch, John V., 1213 Klaesy, Gustave, 734 Klauer, J. M., 689 Klebesadel, C. R., 1856 Klebs, F. C., 635 Klein, Charles, 1349 Kleinpell, H., 390, 1832 Klentz, Arnold H., 1373 Klentz, Emil, 485 Klimowicz, Paul, 1572 Kline, John K., 101, 111, 1446 Klinefelter, Laura, 1 Klinefelter, Ralph E., 1 Klinger, Harold L., 1494 Klinker, John C., 1452, 2176, 2184 Klintworth, D., 625 Klovdahl, Simon, 525 Klunder, August F., 1855-1856 Knapp, J. Gilbert, 376, 398-399 Knapp, Samuel G., 826 Knapp, Stout and Co., 550 Knapp (Wis.), 544-546 Knappen, C. C, 504 Knapping, C. C, 585 Kneeland, Floyd A., 1758 Knight, James G., 1035 Knippel, Walter, 1880 Knowlton, H. M., 873 Knox, E. S., 650 Koch, Loren M., 265 Koch, Paul G., 1598 Koenig, G. H., 1945 Koeppen, George, 1196 Kohli, Fred L., 750, 765 Kohli, Robert, 750 Kohlmann, Charles, 1646, 2197, 2206, 2231 Kohlmann, Valentine, 1646, 2197, 2206 Kohn, Julius, 1832 Kommerstad, Walvin M., 1958, 2045 Konkel, Fred W., 510 Konkel, Joseph S., 499, 509-510 Koontz, J. D., 1372 Koontz, William, 1372 Korizek, Frank, 1638-1639 Kortsch, Leopold, 577 Koski, Henry, 529 Kosmo, T. R., 137 Krahe, Fred, 1629 Krahn, C. E„ 2057 Krahn, Elmer A., 1293 Krake, Loren W., 2147, 2149 Krai, J. J., 1638 Krall, Edward A., 1299 Kramer, Edward F., 310, 417 Kramer, H., 237, 2059 Kratochwill, Paul, 711 Kraus, G. V., 2242, 2244 Kraus, Michael, 1257 Krause, M. B., 1485 Krause, W. B., 1475 Krebs, Lester J., 1373 Kredl, Charles, 1653 Kredl, Edward W., 1653 Kremer, Felix A., 303 Kress, H. G., 1080, 1082 Kribs, F., 1953 Krieps, Martin M., 532 Krohn, A. C, 411 Krohn, Elmer, 411 Kronschnabl, Herman L., 196, 201, 668 Kronschnabl, Jack, 668, 1173 Kronshage, Ernest H., 1238 Krueger, Ernest F., 235, 787 Krueger, Fred C, 2070 Krueger, Herbert L., 2022 Krueger, Otto R., 891 Kruer, August, 389 Krumme, Henry, 980 Kruszka, Michael, 1230, 1261-1262 Kubis, J. V., 1229 Kuechenmeister, Val T., 582 Kuehn, Gerhard A., 985 Kuenne, Herman A., 1076 Kumlau, T. C, 616 Kuntz, C. C, 1832 Kurneman, William J., 701 Kurths, Eric, 263 Kurzrok, Glenn A., 2001 Kurzrok, O. R., 2001 Kusick, Henry, Jr., 1350 Kutchin, D. W., 271, 1970, 2162 Kutchin, Howard M., 608, 851 Kuypers, Harold M., 81 Kuypers, John A., 80-81, 86 Laack, Arthur J., 2064 Labar, R. E., 2121 Lacey, Yates T., 734 La Chance, James H., 868 La Crosse (Wis.), 965-1019 La Crosse County, 962-1022 Lacy, Thurlow W., 294 La Due, Albert D., 1009, 1883 La Due, Joshua, 1009, 1883 Ladysmith (Wis.), 1763-1766 La Farge (Wis.), 1967 Lafayette County, 1023-1052 La Follette, Robert M., 340 La Follette, Robert M., Jr., 340, 352 La Fortune, R. E., 52 La Grandeur, Donald, 1798 Laird, Edward, 667 Lake, C. Victor, 403 Lake, Charles H., 403 Lake, Ivan C, 316 Lake Delton (Wis.), 1818 Lake Geneva (Wis.), 2015-2024 316 Lake Mills (Wis.), 864-867 Lake Nebagamon (Wis.), 491-493 Lamb, Charles W., 2183 Lamb, W. H., 579 Lambert, Davis, 399 Lambert, George W., 175 Lambert, W. D., 440, 1075 Lamborn. Arthur B., 1393 Lamborn, J., 1393 Lamereaux, Clarence A.. 45 Lancaster (Wis.), 696-703 Landgraf, A., Jr., 957 Landgraf, G. H., 848 Landry, Jasper, 32 Landwehr, Justin M., 135 Lane, S. H., 1232 Lang, A. W., 233 Lang, Peter, 233 Lang, S. L., 251, 272 Lange, Harold A., 63 Lange, Louis A., 627 Langeland, Knudson, 1603. 1721 Langlade County, 1053-1062 Langsworthv, Andrew J., 1312 Lantz, Floyd L., 143 Laona (Wis.), 669 La Plant, Earl M., 489 Largo, Charles. 525 Larin, D., 1155 Larke, George H.. 791, 2236 Larkin, Jovce, 1986 Larsen, Albert, 1146 Larsen, J., 1158 Larson, Alpheus W., 333. 2237 Larson, Carl O.. 1378 Larson, Kenneth L.. 1076 Larson, Lowell S.. 239 Larson, William, 1548. 2237 Larssen, Edward, 349 Lathrop, Joseph. 1275 Latton, Arthur L. 1917 Lauder, W. S., 1771, 1774 Laughlin, James W.. 814 Lauson, Richard, 1076 La Valle (Wis.), 1812-1817 Law, Abe W., 1046 Law, H. T., 1046 Law, T. J., 1046 La we, John D., 92 Lawrence, A. W., 486 Lawrence, George H.. 791 Lawrence, Mildred, 680 Laws, G. L., 1667 Lawson, Andrew J., 1558-1559, 2140, 2152,2171 Lawton, Grant H., 868, 914, 1117. 2033. 2073 Lawton, J. W., 881. 1993. 1996. 2019 Lawton, W. C. 1716 Layer, Elmer, 5 Leach, Lucien B., 728 Leahy, Frank W., 990, 1570 Leahy, Weldon C, 1570 Leary, Warren D., 56 Le Beau, H. C, 1843 Le Bell, A. O., 158 Le Bell, James W., 233, 1115 Lechleidner, C. W., 881 Le Count, Fred L., 2054 Le Count, J. M., 2054 Le Count, W. G., 2141 Ledyard (Outagamie County), 1462 Lee, Ellis A., 711 Lee, H. W., 1566-1567 Lee, Robert G., 1074, 1397 Leeson, Jesse A., 221 Lehmann, A. C, 107 Lehnertz, Walter P., 202 Leicht, Charles A., 907, 910, 1109 Leicht, Charles A., Jr., 910 Leicht, Donald M., 910 Leicht, Joseph, 135 Leigh ton, 2104 Leigh ton, A. J., 145 Leighton, Frederick B., 1548, 1789 Leininger, Milton, 1928 Leith, Charles A., 1927, 1952 Leitsch, Robert C, 240 Leland, Frank, 1990, 1996, 2005, 2017 Lemen, 1515 Lemmers, F. M., 1361 Lemmon, John D., 823 Lena (Wis.), 1412 Lennon, W. L., 831 Leonard, C. T., 1814 Leonard, E. FL, 2209 Leonard, Joseph A., 2032, 2116 Leonard, W. H., 1733 Leopold, A. F., 928 Le Poidevin, Harry R., 1628 Leroy, Edward W., 1148, 1157 Leroy, Fred, 776 Lesler, Louis P., 680 Lesler, Mrs. L. P., 680 Letch, F. C, 1548, 1798 Leuschen, Frank, 1109 Levy, Thomas C, 1346 Lewis, Frank A., 1032 Lewis, G. C, 1514 Lewis, Gordon R., 1360-1361 Lewis, Jay, 692 Libby, A. M., 1714, 1717 Libby, C. A., 1714, 1717 Liebig, W. G.. 1918 Lienhard, J. C, 474 Lightner, j. S., 269 Limbocker, George W., 679 Lincoln, Fred T„ 1157 Lincoln County, 1063-1075 Lind, Charles G., 2021 Lind, G., 1062 Linden (Wis.), 815-818 Lindenmeyer, Paul A., 2022 Lindermann, Herman von, 890 Lindley, D. T., 713, 881, 896, 901 Lindley, Thomas, 896 311 Lindner, R. E., 1906 Lindstrom, Uno, 7, 522 Lindvig, L. M., 54 Lingard, T. G.,413 Litchfield, L. L., 540 Litonius, John, 22 Little, Clair H., 784 Little, Newton S., 540, 1800 Little Chute (Wis.), 1464-1466 Littlefield, S. D., 1905 Livermore, Frank F., 773, 1676-1677, 2212, 2234 Livingston (Wis.), 704 Lloyd, James W., 1489 Locke, James, 1538 Locke, Thomas N., 1067 Lodgaard, C. B., 191 Lodi (Wis.), 245-248 Loebel, Oscar, 1901 Lofgren, Cornelius W., 1773 Lohmann, Charles, 135, 1629 Lohmar, C, 1140 Lohmar, H. J., 123 Loibl, Henry M., 2073 Lokken, A. T., 1931 Lomira (Wis.), 477-479 London (Wis.), 320 Lone Rock (Wis.), 1655-1660 Long, Dudley S., 487, 1265 Long, E. A., 784 Long, Frank, 487 Long, Ivan D., 582 Look, Edward L., 1563 Loomer, H. M„ 1857 Loope, George L., 1454, 1917 Loose, H., 1202 Loper, Charles E., 1062 Lord, Cyrus K., 995 Lottridge, Leonard, 990, 1006, 1021 Lotz, H. A., 1793 Louden, G. B., 1544 Lounsbury, George F., 1304 Lowater, Charles, 1525, 1801 Lowater, Donald, 1525 Lowe, J. R., 1533 Lowell, F. A., 1425, 1428 Lowell, J. R., 665 Lowenbach, R., 750 Lowman, C, 1826 Lowrey, B. J., 699 Lowster, D. W., 540 Lowth, Frank, 470 Loyal (Wis.), 213-214 Lubovic, P. C, 219 Luce, G. S., 1937 Luce, Samuel S., 1936-1937, 1952 Luce, Walter S., 1003, 1936 Luck, O. A., 640 Luck (Wis.), 1543-1544 Luckow, Edward L., 1809 Ludtke, C. W., 791 Ludtke, C. W., Jr., 791 Luedicke, Otto, 1247 Luedke, E., 1619 Luehr, William H., 2259 Luetterick, Frank, 534 Lunak, J. V., 956 Lund, Emil, 1160 Lund, Everett B., 964 Lund, Oscar W., 1543 Lund, Otto P., 310, 1051 Lund, T. C, 422 Lush, Charles K., 973 Lusk, D. M., 1513 Luxemburg (Wis.), 960-961 Lynch, 954 Lyon, Granville, 452 Lyons, Thomas F., 2242 Lyons, William C, 43, 62 Lyser, Gustav, 390 Lytle, I. G., 784 "M. Quad," 1573 Mabry, J. S., 383 McAfferty, W. A., 2030 McAfferty, W. J., 2022 McArthur, Archibald, 807 McArthur, C. L., 1223 McAvoy, J. H., 2200 McBride, David, 902, 1386 McBride, Perry P., 128 McBride, Wilfred, 1386 McCall, Duane S., 1417 McCall, Ernest J., 1417 McCarthy, 2104 McCarthy, Philip J., 1164 McCartney, David, 97 McCay, Frank J., 2030 McChesney, H. A., 730 McClellan, N. E., 1041 McClelland, E. C, 56 McCleneghan, Alex R., 1381, 1407 McConnell, F. J., 1035 McConnell, Gordon, 1758 McConnell, Thomas, 796, 906, 2235 McCord, Myron FL, 487, 1063, 1857 McCormack, A. W., 1758 McCormack, C. B., 62 McCormick, B. E., 736 McCourt, C. FL, 1552 McCourt, Harry W., 59, 1552 McCourt, J. H., 1552 McCourt, T. B., 1920 McCoy, B. E., 1390 McCoy, Clark S., 1390 McCoy, John, 1462 McCullough, Charles E., 2129 McCune, D. A., 17 McDonald, Donald, 710, 1163 McDonald, G. I., 949, 960-961 MacDonald, James T., 251 McDonald, June, 903, 2014 McDonald, Michael, 951 McDonald, S. C, 710 McDowell, George D., 298 McEldowney, Andrew, 1021 318 McElroy, E. F., 1170, 1185 McElroy, Thomas H., 155, 1048, 1185, 1214 McElroy, William H., 1188 McFarlane, George, 1083 McFarlane, John, 1078, 1083 McGary, H. C, 1384 McGillivray, J. J., 842 McGillivray, V. A., 226 McGinley, C. H., 1035 McGinnity, J. A., 1023 McGlachlin, Edward, 1570 McGowan, Hugh L., 547 McGregor, A., 2096 McGregor, Donald D., 1588 McGregor, J. L., 1588 McGuigan, W. F., 814, 1029 McHale, William J., 150 Machia, W. H., 952 McHugh, William K., 252 Mclntyre, A. A., 1940 Mack, I. F., 736 Mack, I. F., Jr., 736 McKay, A. F., 516 McKay, B. F., 1961 McKay, W. J., 1802 McKeague, J. W., 508 McKeague, R. E., 508 McKee, Clarence E., 163, 232, 1767, 2248 McKee, Mrs. C. E., 2248 McKee, David, 729 McKee, Douglas M., 2248 McKee, Glenn D., 207 McKee, Robert, 729 McKee, William B., 67 McKenney, L. C, 674, 680, 714, 721 Mackey, E. W., 1080 Mackey, J., 1826 McKinley, Hays, 937 McLain, Thomas W., 1145, 1371 McLean, 515 McLoughlin, Robert R., 2084 McMahon, John, 1774 McMahon, P. F., 235 McManamy, P. J., 1378 McMullen, C. A., 1703 McMurray, J. D., 1628 McNamara, Stephen L., 267 McNeil, M. B., 2224 McNulty, F. R., 2084 MacQueen, William J., 1117 Macrorie, A. C., 1345, 2093, 2252 McUmber, R. C., 881, 1873 McVean, D. Cassius, 938 McWatty, Charles E., 440 Madden, Henry, 804 Mades, H., 2207 Madigan, Thomas G., 1020 Madisen, Erik L., 1447 Madison (Wis.), 321-401 Maertz, Edward F., 78, 1094 Magann, E. W., 1258, 1275 Magee, George, 1716 Mahoney, D. O., 997 Mahoney, J. L., 1730, 1736 Mahoney, Lewis J., 2083 Mahoney, Paul W., 997 Maiben, 1972 Maiden Rock (Wis.), 1507-1509 Mallett, Charles, 699, 720 Mallo, Daniel, 238, 241 Malone, Edward, 1651 Maloney, D. W., 1759, 1765 Maloney, John J., 1927 Manawa (Wis.), 2131-2132 Mandt, Gunder G., 359, 409, 414, 427 Mandt, T. G., 422 Manitowoc (Wis.), 1078-1093 Manitowoc County, 1076-1101 Manley, Andrew J., 216 Mann, Jacob E., 2063 Mann, James C, 1737 Mann, John E., 2063 Manners, B. F., 201 Manners, William, 196, 201 Manning, Ben E., 1109, 1849 Mapes, Addison P., 642, 654 Mapes, T. J., 654 Marathon (Wis.), 1108-1109 Marathon County, 1102-1140 Marble, Francis C, 1051 Marden, H. W., 919, 927, 930-931 Marinette (Wis.), 1145-1162 Marinette County, 1141-1170 Maring, L. H., 954 Marion (Wis.), 2133 Markesan (Wis.), 788-792 Markham, Ada R., 1939 Markham, Daniel S., 736 Markham, George A., 1939-1940 Markham, Marshall D., 736 Marks, C. R., 301, 441, 484, 733, 814 Markus, Frank, 1910, 1919 Markus, R. H., 1103 Marlatt, Ernest F., 934 Marlatt, Walter T., 934 Marolla, Edoardo, 2163 Marquette County, 1171-1183 Marschalette, G. O., 1661 Marschner, A. R., 1886 Marschner, Alfred, 1894, 1900 Marsh, C. O., 1062 Marsh, F. A., 1676 Marsh, George, 1886 Marsh, H. N., 2015 Marsh, Jerome L., 699, 715, 721, 1886 Marsh, S., 492 Marsh, Theodore, 1442 Marshall, Albert M., Jr., 776 Marshall (Wis.), 402-403 Marshfield (Wis.), 2238-2245 Marston, C. C, 1697 Marston, J. T., 387 Marta, Frank, 835 Martenson, Merton, 40, 44 Martin, 1038, 1131 319 Martin, C. A., 10(52 Martin, Charles I., 486 Martin, Francois, 534, 2256 Martin, G. A., 1819 Martin, Lee, 1766 Martin, Lewis C, 289 Martin, M. C, 43, 1763 Martin, Roy, 1842, 1845 Martin, S. W., 355 Martin, William I., 1608 Martin Bros., 1455 Martindale, W. B., 919 Martner, Wallace E., 287 Marvin, Gale E., 1514 Marvin, H. S., 82, 89 Marvin, Jonathan J., 1042 Mason, Lynn A., 40, 44 Mason, Thomas O., 45 Masse, Hamilton F., 953 Massing, F., 401 Masters, George E., 1514 Matchett, E. J., 1944 Mathes, George P., 877 Matheson, James D., 1941 Mathews, W. D., 751, 1684 Math wig, Arthur, 1862 Mathys, George, 1927 Mathys, Leonard, 1927 Matt, H., 1911 Matteson, W. H., 1491 Matthews, Jay, 144 Matthews, John H., 1873 Matthews, Richard I., 2170 Mattoon (Wis.), 1851-1853 Mattson, Leo, 529 Matzke, Merlin, 736 Maurer, Joseph, 87, 1145 Mauson, 1108 Mauston (Wis.), 899-902 Mawson, John E., 876 Maxon, 2034 Mayer, Walter, 313 Mayhew, Mary, 1702 Mayhew, William A., Jr., 1702 Mayhew, Mrs. W. A., 1702 Maynard, Charles E., 2166 Mayville (Wis.), 480-483 Mazomanie (Wis.), 404-406 Meacham, George W., 213, 215, 842, 1104, 1714, 1863 Mead, Charles B., 871 Meade, F. C, 1446 Meade, Loren D., 1514 Mears, Charles E., 1551 Medford (Wis.), 1910-1921 Meehan, P. W., 1835 Meffert, W. C, 807 Meggett Bros., 1895 Meier, Mrs. E. A., 962 Meili, Jacob, 135 Meili, John, 130 Meister, Gustav, 2059 Melaas, O. O., 384 Meland, Anthon N., 319 Meland, E. C, 319 Meland, Theodore, 319 Meldeen, John S., 869 Mellen, S. A., 1873 Mellen (Wis.), 31-32 Melrose, L. J., 1588 Melrose (Wis.), 844 Meister, Herman, 712 Memmler, W. F., 2211 Menasha( Wis.), 2175-2184 Menefee, D. C, 842, 1985 Menomonee Falls (Wis.), 2080-2082 Menomonie (Wis.), 547-556 Menting, John, 1059 Mercer (Wis.), 836 Merrell, E. H., 650 Merrell, V. A., 285 Merrell, William D., 285 Merrick, George E., 1521 Merrill, Alva D., 854 Merrill, Daniel M., 539 Merrill, Frank, 846 Merrill, L. M., 1651 Merrill, Robert A., 1391 Merrill (Wis.), 1063-1072 Merrillan (Wis.), 845 Merrimac (Wis.), 1819 Merriman, B. Dayton, 202 Merritt, Edward E., 221 Merton (Wis.), 2083 Merwin, Wilfred R., 1844 Messenger, A. J., 550 Messer, A. P., 294 Messer, Ernest L., 294 Messer, L. L., 1115 Messer Bros., 1591 Metcalf, H. W., 2000 Metsker, Clay W., 1688 Mews, 1065 Meyer, Fred, 81, 680-681, 1471 Meyer, George, 1451 Meyer, H. W., 1451 Meyer, Harold A., 1857 Meyer, Melvin A., 1747 Meyer, O. F., 1562 Meyer, R. J., 1438, 1451 Meyer, W. M., 1105 Meyer, W. R., 2022 Michaelis, Richard, 1193, 1307, 1330 Mickelson, Walter K., 421 Middleton, S. E., 509 Middleton (Wis.), 407 Miedema, Dorothy A., 419, 424 Mies, Joseph, 107 Milan (Wis.), 1110-1111 Miles, H. E., 1747, 2030 Miles, John F., 1 1 Millar, F. W., 2033 Millard, Arthur B., 1060 Millard, John L., 791 Millard Bros., 1426 Miller, 891, 1814 320 Miller, A. B., 1660 Miller, Charles, 295 Miller, E., 907, 2253 Miller, Ernest H., 1651 Miller, George L., 294-295, 1962 Miller, John A., 478 Miller, John B., 1091 Miller, Leo J., 2120 Miller, S. A., 17 Miller, W. J., 303, 2009 Miller, Willis H., 1784 Milliken, Julius C, 776, 1634 Mills, Flavius J., 555, 581, 751, 757, 1477, 1481, 1486, 1887, 1906 Mills, George O., 581 Mills, Simeon, 371 Milltown (Wis.), 1545-1546 Milnes, Charles H., 313, 315 Milton (Wis.), 1745-1746 Milton Junction (Wis.), 1747-1751 Milwaukee (Wis.), 1193-1354 Milwaukee County, 1184-1375 Minahan, Victor I., 99, 111, 1446 Minahan, Victor I., Jr., 1446 Minahan, William B., 148 Miner, L. A., 1361 Miner, William B., 699 Mineral Point (Wis.), 819-828 Minocqua (Wis.), 1425 Minong (Wis.), 2043 Minor, Theron, 875 Minton, E. A., 155 Mitchell, John, 1723 Mitchell, Martin, 2202 Mitchell, R. C, 501, 527 Mitchell, W. H., 2169, 2186 Moberg, Harriet B., 1555 Moberg, J. Leonard, 1554-1555 Moberg, L. A., 1555 Moes, 2205 Moffatt, F. J., 1656 Mohan, Edward D., 1067 Mohr, Archie, 164 Moldenhauer, Earl F., 2127 Moldenhauer, F. A., 2127 Mollon, Harry H., 1456 Molm, Ralph, 686, 730 Momeny, J. M., 970 Monahan, James G., 1038 Monat, Peter J., 1733 Mondovi (Wis.), 136-137 Monger, John A., 23, 72, 498 Monico (Wis.), 1426 Monroe (Wis.), 748-765 Monroe County, 1376-1409 Montanye, I. V., 398 Montefiore, Joseph H., 1770, 1799 Monteith, D. M., 56 Montello (Wis.), 1173-1176 Montfort (Wis.), 705-708 Montgomery, Milton, 1386 Montgomery, Richard B., 1336 Monticello (Wis.), 766-768 Moody, D. A., 1980 Moody, G. S., 1669 Moody, Nelson B., 288, 678 Moon, O. B., 1430, 1984 Moore, Fred A., 977, 995 Moore, James W., 877 Moore, Thomas F., 452 Moore, William, 1700 Moorman, George A., 600, 868. 1873 Moran, Alexander, 1020 Moran, Wesley, 278 Morehouse, Edgar P., 2175 Morgan, D. M., 824, 828 Morgan, Fred F., 45, 550, 1927 Morgan, H. D., 418 Morgan, John E., 860 Morgan, T. S., 1676 Morley, Edward B., 1346, 1917 Morley, Hiram, 1346, 2200-2201, 2214, 2230 Morrill, Henry C, 1425 Morris, C. E., 1884 Morris, F. R., 1750 Morris, M. P., 45 Morrison, Charles H., 984 Morrison, E. J., 159 Morrisonville (Wis.), 408 Morrissey, Edward, 1996 Morrissey, Katherine, 1996 Morrissey, Maurice, 1996 Morrow, J. F., 1834 Morsbach, E. F., 1488, 1490 Morsbach, R., 1492, 2075 Morse, Abner, 1519 Morse, Calvin R., 1502, 1519 Morse, Charles M., 736 Morse, R. L., 637, 650 Morse, S. Gordon, 1050 Morse, Stanley R., 1519 Morse, Mrs. S. R., 1519 Mortenson, Nathan, 525 Moser, Carl W., 128, 747 Moser, Robert, 1506 Moses, Barr, 1528 Mosher, E. H., 1313, 1366 Mosinee (Wis.), 1112-1113 Moulton, E. C, 753 Moulton, George D., 516 Moulton, George W., 484 Mount Horeb (Wis.), 409-415 Mount Vernon (Wis.), 416 Mourer, L. W., 1060 Mowry, Duane, 912 Moyle, Bennett R., 1967 Muehlberg, H., 1832 Mueller, A. F., 854 Mueller, C. H., 1138 Mueller, C. J., 858-859 Mueller, Conrad, 481 Mueller, Jacob, 481 Mueller, Paul F., 135 Mueller, Paul L., 2064 Muenchow, G. H., 597 321 Mukwonago (Wis.), 2084-2086 Mundy, Edward T., 803 Munroe, Allan C, 168, 1595 Munroe, F. E., 1763 Munroe, William R., 167, 189, 193 Munroe, William S., 93, 168, 2170 Munson, Alden H., 1525 Munson, Oliver G., 1667, 1979 Murphy, Augustus, 1222 Murphy, C. E., 923 Murphy, Edward, 1799 Murphy, F. M., 2236 Murphy, Frank A., 1985 Murphy, Harold R., 1355 Murphy, J. T., 524 Murphy, James A., 726 Murphy, Jere C, 1157 Murphy, Leo J., 1798 Murphy, Morgan, 524 Murphy, Pat E., 1185 Murray, William H., 1831 Murtha, John, 2063 Muscoda (Wis.), 709-711 Mussgang, Ernst, 534 Myers, H. A., 790 Mygatt, Wallace, 935 Myrick, Harry P., 1238, 1304 Myrland, A. J., 138 Nabbefeld, A. T., 169 Nagle, John, 1085 Nagler, L. B., 297, 1544, 1783-1784 Nash, F. S., 969 Nash, I. R., 784, 2172 Nash, L. J., 2167 Nash, Noel, 1100 Nash, William F., 1100 Navarino (Wis.), see Green Bay Nebagamon (Wis.), see Lake Nebaga- mon Necedah (Wis.), 903-906 Needham, Walter P., 2121 Neenah (Wis.), 2185-2191 Nehls, Floyd R„ 1922 Nehls, Ralph E., 1596 Nehs, Frank L., 2080-2081 Neill, James A., 539, 1505, 1523, 1772 Neill, Kenneth F., 1510, 1523 Neillsville (Wis.), 215-228 Nekoosa (Wis.), 2246 Nelson, Albert P., 2068 Nelson, Charles, 1436 Nelson, Charles E., 1524, 1776 Nelson, Earl J., 2099, 2101, 2120 Nelson, N. M., 441 Nelson, Neil E., 964 Nelson, William, 990, 1006, 1979 Neosha (Wis.), 484 Neshkoro (Wis.), 1177 Nethercut, John E., 2020 Nettlesheim, C. C, 594, 849, 854, 881 Neu, Bert W., 358 Neu, Frank R., 1773 Neu, William J., 670, 1434 Neuenfeldt, Albert P., 210 Neuenfeldt, C. J., 1115 Neuenfeldt, William F., 210, 214 Neuensch wander, Adolph, 1102 Neumann, F. P., 1360 Neumeier, J. E., 1850 Nevins, Alexander, 996 Nevins, E. V., 43 Nevins, John H., 87, 93, 95 Nevitt, Charles R., 2200, 2217 New Auburn (Wis.), 191 New Glarus (Wis.), 769-771 New Holstein (Wis.), 155 New Lisbon (Wis.), 907-910 New London (Wis.), 2134-2143 New Richmond (Wis.), 1787-1795 Newcomer, O. L., 465 Newland, Francis W., 1950 Newport (Wis.), see Wisconsin Dells Newton, Charles, 165 Newton, S. S., 1391 Newton, William, Jr., 2084 Niagara (Wis.), 1163-1166 Nichols, Ira A., 1176 Nichols, Scott B., 1955 Nicholson, J. H., 1740 Nicholson, James D., 1546 Nickel, Milo E., 177 Nickerson, D. V., 662 Nickerson, Philip G., 1192 Nieman, Lucius W., 1257 Nimocks, Walter, 1045 Nimrocks, W. R., 1003 Ninman, Charles F., 1831 Ninman, Charles F., Jr., 1831 Ninman, Max H., 1829, 1831 Ninman, T. C, 1829 Noel, C. J., 1153 Nolan, T. S., 1733 Noll, R. M., 2022 Noonan, Josiah A., 399, 1221 Norby, Perry A., 2129 Norman, J. Philip, 784, 796 Norris, G. W., 881,2107 Norris, J. A., 1377 Norris, J. W., 673 Norris, William L., 881 North Crandon (Wis.), 670-672 North Freedom (Wis.), 1820-1822 Northrup, E. B., 1570 Northrup, M. E., 1063 Norton, B. S., 1408 Norton, Horace, 682 Norton, Thomas S., 1116, 2243 Norton, William J., 1408 Norwalk (Wis.), 1382-1384 Norway (Wis.), 1603 Norwegian language newspapers, 321, 335, 337, 341, 346-349, 354, 366, 384, 409, 525, 584, 966, 981-982, 1008, 1012, 1015-1016, 1150, 1154, 1236, 1240, 1431, 1603, 1721 322 Novak, Anton, 1212, 1229, 1324 Novak, Frank, 1323 Novinski, Dennis, 706 Nowatney, C. E., 2246 Nowlan, Barton F., 1727 Noyes, D. K., 1803, 1807 Noyes, Frank E., 1148 Noyes, J. E., 210, 214 Noyes, Linwood I., 1148 Noyes, Luther B., 1148, 1886 Noyes, Thomas E., 1845 Noyes, W. W., 260 Noyes, Walter, 1802 Noyes, William H., 1845, 2042 Nuesse, A. H., 62 Nugent, George, 2057 Nunn, Charles, 56 Nusser, Oscar J., 1841 Nye, Gerald P., 1457 Nye, Irwin R., 70, 1865, 2139 Nystrom, Jacob, 1160 Oakfield (Wis.), 634-636 O'Brien, Clarence, 1546 O'Brien, Edwin T., 1461 O'Brien, Lois, 1552 O'Brien, P., 843, 1430 O'Conner, David A., 1425 Oconomowoc (Wis.), 2087-2096 Oconto (Wis.), 1413-1420 Oconto County, 1410-1424 Oconto Falls (Wis.), 1421-1423 Odanah (Ashland County), 10 Odell, Emery A., 764 Odell, John W., 749, 763-764 Odett, William L., 928 O'Donnell, Hugh E., 486 Oftelie, John, 384 Ogden, C. J., 1431 Ogden, C. S., 2151 Ogden, J. R., 843 Ogden, John A., 1062, 1920, 2141, 21^ Ogden, William C, 1428 Ogdensburg (Wis.), 2144-2145 Ogema (Wis.), 1587 Ohde, Alan M., 150 Ohde, W. F., 1080 Ojibwa (Wis.), 1842 O'Konski, Alvin E., 832 Olafsson, John, 384 Oleson, Harvey J., 1541 Oleson, Ole M., 555 Olin, C. C, 1341 Oliver, J. W., 660, 785 Oliver, R. H., 660 Olmstead, T. G., 1085 Olmsted, 644 Olsen, Hans, 1622 Olsen, Ole B., 584, 1160 Olson, A. E., 310 Olson, G. A., 138 Olson, H. C, 1095 Omro (Wis.), 2192-2196 Onalaska (Wis.), 1020 Oneida County, 1425-1435 O'Neil, F., 284 O'Neill, James, 226, 300 Onsgard, Sanford, 1706 Ontario (Wis.), 1968-1971 Oppliger, G. G., 135 Orban, F. W., 1337 Oregon (Wis.), 417-418 Orfordville (Wis.), 1752-1754 O'Rourke, J., 1304, 1645 Orrock, James A., 810, 1514 Orton, C. H., 1275 O'Ryan, Michael W., 1243 Osborn, Chase S., 599 Osborne, 730 Osborne, H. E., 1427 Osborne, L. M., 1074 Osborne, L. W., 1074 Osborne, Lyman E., 1113 Osborne, R. J., 1809 Oscar, Nels M., 77 Osceola (Wis.), 1547-1548 Osgood, C. W., 731 Oshkosh (Wis.), 2197-2231 Osseo (Wis.), 1941-1945 Osterman, George J., 1591 Otis, Edmund R., 821, 1784 Otto, Albert H., 2237 Otto, Carl E., 2255 Outagamie County, 1436-1469 Overbeck, Harry, Jr., 952 Oviatt, W. C, 601, 1747 Owen, A. K., 2022 Owen, Dale, 2022 Owen, H. A., 1958, 1983 Owen (Wis.), 229 Owens, Charles, 807 Oxford (Wis.), 1178 Ozaukee County, 1470-1487 Pabst, Charles, 467 Packwaukee (Wis.), 1179-1180 Page, C. M., 310 Page, C. W., 740 Page, H. K., 1805 Page, Harlan M., 715 Page, James J., 1650 Paine, A., 1683 Palme, Carl J., 1247 Palme, Charles J., 332 Palmer, A. R., 707 Palmer, Andrew, 1731 Palmer, G. D., 1731 Palmer, Grove E„ 2089 Palmer, W. F., 1676 Palmer, W. G., 680 Palmiter, F. M., 1750 Palmyra (Wis.), 868-869 Pankow, Adolph G., 2240 Pankow, Herman J., 2240 Pardeeville (Wis.), 249-251 Parduhn, C. L., 478 323 Parish, C. E., 421 Park, M. T., 2005 Park, W. J., 375 Park, William H., 541, 1276 Park Falls (Wis.), 1588-1589 Parker, 1964 Parker, E. E., 447, 150 Parker, F. H., 1797 Parker, George W., 643, 656 Parker, H. H., 447, 450 Parker, John, 792 Parker, M. S., 848, 899 Parker, M. T., 952 Parker, M. W., 217 Parker, Oscar W., 901, 912 Parkhurst, James A., 223 Parkinson, A. C, 239 Parkinson, J. B., 331 Parks, Francis G., 2072 Parks, O. A., 2232 Parr, Thomas W., 810 Parras, Emil, 529 Parsons, F. E„ 866 Parsons, Frank A., 842 Parsons, S. G., 2037 Partridge, A. J., 679 Paruch, M. S., 1289 Passage, W. T., 1992 Patchen, George M., 1063, 1427, 1917, 1920, 2141 Patey, William H., 776 Patrick, E. R., 2198 Patten, J. E., 296 Patten, Warren R., 1778 Patterson, C. E., 70 Patterson, Charles G., 572 Patterson, Jessie G., 310, 1707 Patton, G. J., 751 Paul, Edwin R., 728 Paul, George H., 920, 1275 Pauley, Albert E., 735, 2003 Paulsen, A. G., 410 Paulus, Adam, 2242 Pauly, Fred W., 581 Pauly, M. A., 581 Pavey, Darwin C., 98 Payne, Edward E., 1151, 1430, 2149 Payne, J. B., 1151 Peabody, C. M., 839 Peachman, Ferdinand, 56, 1770 Pearce, C. C., 810 Pearce, G. H., 300, 814 Pearson, Frank J., 1947, 2040, 2042 Pease, H. A., 46, 2048 Pease, S. A., 1173 Pease, Verne S., 680 Peavy, Angenette J., 1857 Peavy, Hubert H., 15, 76 Peavy, Lynn C, 1597, 2210 Peavy, Merton D., 803, 807, 809, 1038 Peck, A. J., 1283 Peck, George W., 652, 858, 977, 992, 1290 Peck, George W., Jr., 1290 Peck, R. C., 38, 59 Peck, Victor E., 1808 Peck, William H., 714, 824 Pederson, R. A., 63 Peet, Edward L., 139 Pember, C. A., 1051 Pepin (Wis.), 1493-1497 Pepin County, 1488-1498 Pergoli, A. D., 1158, 1168 Perkins, A. D., 128 Perkins, C. D., 1421 Perkins, Henry A., 1807 Perkins, Joseph B., 495 Perkins, M. N., 1967 Perkins, N. O., 1679, 1694 Perl, F., 1911 Perrin, F. J., 2030 Perrin, Frank L., 177, 1773 Perry, B. W., 1390 Perry, C. W., 1760 Perry, Lawrence E., 810, 871, 1906 Perry, Lee, 1364 Perry, Leslie J., 2146 Perry, Lewis P., 1411 Perry, Robert, 2140 Perry, Robert A., 1906 Perry, Robert E., 1906 Perry, S. L., 1857, 2133 Perry, William R., 1613 Pesch, Leo J., 1168 Peshtigo (Wis.), 1167-1168 Pesola, Richard, 529 Petermann, Albert L., 1874, 1992 Peters, Ralph W., 1758 Petersen, H. P., 48 Petersilea, Edwin, 1346 Peterson, Charles G., 133 Peterson, E. W., 1109 Peterson, Henry M., 117 Peterson, Henry P., 525 Peterson, Paul D„ 117 Peterson, Ralph, 1511, 1815, 1823, 1830 Pettersen, George A., 525 Pettibone, Charles A., 465, 473, 881, 2095, 2136 Pewaukee (Wis.) , 2097-2105 Pfaff, F. A., 332 Phelps, Charles S., 449 Phelps, H. B., 449 Phelps, Henry W., 464, 1599 Phelps, J. H., 2028 Philleo, Hart B., 2258 Phillips, 518 Phillips, James A., 198 Phillips, Josiah N., 172, 184 Phillips, K. M., 1856 Phillips, Lillian G., 1553 Phillips, W. F., 207 Phillips (Wis.), 1590-1593 Phinney, James M., 785 Phlox (Langlade County), 1059 Piasecki, Peter F., 1262 324 Pickard, Edwin, 1042, 1047, 1668 Pickard, H. S., 2141-2142 Pickard, H. W., 2141 Pickard, N. C, 101 Pickering, Arthur W., 303, 405 Pieper, Antonio, 552 Pieper, Carl, 552, 556 Pieper, Frank E., 154, 552 Pieper, Roland W., 791 Pier, Fred A., 196 Pierce, B. L., 2236 Pierce, Harry S., 4, 6 Pierce, J. A., 2236 Pierce, Marvin, 134 Pierce, Robert R., 776 Pierce, Solon W., 4 Pierce County, 1499-1525 Pierpont, H. S., 1100 Pillsbury, C. D., 627 Pine River (Wis.), see Wautoma Pinkerton, F. E., 259 Pinney, George, 486 Pinney, John J., 488 Pinze, John, 1649 Pio, Louis, 1622 Pitcher, Herman K., 1920, 2148 Pitkin, P. C, 1660, 1864 Pitts, Perl B., 2246 Pitts Bros., 2246 Pittsville (Wis.), 2247-2248 Pixley, R. B., 2205 Plain (Wis.), 1823 Plainfield (Wis.), 2162-2164 Plant, George E., 77 Piatt, Alonzo, 721 Piatt, Chester C, 382 Platteville (Wis.), 712-723 Plover (Wis.), 1558-1560 Plowman, Henry, 822, 826 Plum City (Wis.), 1510-1511 Plumb, T. D., 1341 Plymouth (Wis.), 1871-1876 Polish language newspapers, 1230, 1261- 1262, 1289, 1354, 1568, 1572 Polk County, 1526-1552 Pollard, H. J., 1853 Pollard, J. C, 1243 Pollock, Edward, 699, 703 Pollock, Walter W., 687, 1264 Pomeroy, Henry, 1446 Pomeroy, Marcus M., 462, 977-978 Pomeroy, Marcus P., 2247 Pond, James B., 792 Poohl, A. R., 1178 Poppendieck, John, Jr., 1304 Porsch, Richard, 765, 985 Porsch, Mrs. R., 765 Port Washington (Wis.), 1474-1487 Portage (Wis.), 252-264 Portage County, 1553-1578 Porter, A. H., 309 Porter, Arthur A., 259, 272 Porter, Gilbert E„ 572 Portmann, H. R., 297 Portmann, R. E., 1494 Posekany, L. A., 1869 Posz, Grover F., 1788 Potosi (Wis.), 724-729 Pott, August W., 1892, 1903-1904 Potter, 2191 Potter, A. W., 751 Potter, B. S., 2065 Potter, C. H., 388 Potter, C. M., 839 Potter, R. L., 2170 Poynette (Wis.), 265-266 Powell, George L., 999 Powell, L. Winthrop, 426, 739 Powell, W. C, 1346 Powell, W. D., 465, 662 Powell, W. W., 313 Powers, Clarence L., 480, 2065 Powers, John H., 897, 1807, 1937 Powers, Levi P., 2259 Powers, R. E., 1124 Prairie du Chien (Wis.), 285-294 Prairie du Sac (Wis.), 1824 Prairie Farm (Wis.), 53 Prairieville (Wis.), see Waukesha Pratt, Alexander F., 2113-2114 Pratt, Charles J., 93, 1214, 1312 Pratt, D. Anson, 1679 Pratt, George B., 1693, 2182 Pratt, Horatio, 1683 Pratt, James E., 32, 594 Pratt, Sidney T., 1085 Prentice, L. C, 1597 Prentice (Wis.), 1594-1597 Prescott (Wis.), 1512-1516 Preston, Otis, 2004 Price, Byron J„ 1784 Price, George G., 1514 Price, John, Jr., 914 Price County, 1579-1597 Priddy, W. N., 159 Prideaux, Richard, 2153 Priest, D. B., 1390 Priest, Daniel V., 1979 Princeton (Wis.), 793-797 Prink, P. E., 871, 1591 Pritchett, Leonard L., 674 Probst, J. G., 758 Proctor, Charles, 82 Proctor, H. H., 82 Proctor, P. R., 82, 93 Proudfit, James K., 373 Prouty, E., 1676 Pryor, D. H., 526 Pryor, J. W., 801 Pryor, Philip M., 663 Pryse, John M., 1512 Pryse, William M., 1022 Puckett, G. R., 1552 Pueschner, H. F., 665 Puetz, Mathew J., 342 Pugh, R. C, 1840 325 Pugh, Richard, 582, 1543, 1546 Pulaski (Wis.), 124-125 Pulcifer, Daniel H., 64, 238, 243, 2170 Pullen, Charles F., 1717 Purely, H. C, 1835 Purdy, Kenneth, 2210 Purdy, Mrs. R. H., 1835 Purdy, W. R., 1835 Puro, Henry, 529 Pursel, W. A., 143 Putnam, John R., 663 Ouartemont, H. J., 212 Quick, Rufus D., 706 Quicken, Carl, 2061 Quimby, J. T., 1945 Quimby, Lester L., 131, 1115 Quiner, Edwin B., 882 Quinn, Albert E., 1503 Quintus, Jacob, 1884, 1892 Quirt, Harold W., 419, 421, 424, 2138 Quirt, Howard A., 2242 Quirt, Howard W., 1874 Rabenstein, Carl, 222 Racine (Wis.), 1604-1647 Racine County, 1598-1651 Radde, Donald P., 1386 Radde, Theodore C, 1386, 1390 Radisson (Wis.), 1843 Radtke, Carl, 2044 Raetzmann, Wilhelm, 985 Ramsey, G. F., 2079 Ramsey, G. T., 2115 Randall, A. W., 2106 Randall, E. D., 1169 Randall, Huberetta, 786 Randolph, Harold E., 1514 Randolph (Wis.), 267-271 Random Lake (Wis.), 1877-1879 Rann, H. L., 2037 Rann, L. H., 2037 Ranow, George R., 190 Ransom, 2134 Ransom, Albert F., 1604 Rasmussen, A. C, 297 Rassback, Gerald C, 128, 1758 Ratcliffe, George D., 1062, 2123, 2144- 2145 Rathbone, Roland R., 1893 Rathbun, J. C, 137 Rathmann, Fritz, 1266 Raue, William J., 889 Raught, C. E., 1462 Ravlin, H. T., 1562 Rawson, Charles P., 796 Raymer, George, 331 Read, Caroline W., 953 Read, E. M., 997 Read, George H., 2200 Read, George M., 997, 1021 Read, John M., 953, 2182 Readstown (Wis.), 1972-1973 Reay, Thomas, 853 Reber, William, 879 Rebsteck, Jacob J., 2240 Rector, J. H., 2095 Red Granite (Wis.), 2165-2167 Redfield, C. E., 2151 Redfield, J. B., 2151 Redfield, Lorraine, 2102 Redway, George, 1390 Redway, R. E., 1390 Reed, Amos, 621 Reed, Andrew J., 628 Reed, E. N., 546 Reed, Frank M., 1633 Reed, Harrison, 399, 1304, 2179 Reed, Kenneth D., 537 Reed, L. E., 1888 Reed, Philip S., 1765 Reedsburg (Wis.), 1825-1829 Reedsville (Wis.), 1094 Reese, John M., 803 Reese, Thoral, 730 Reeseville (Wis.), 485 Reid, A. J., 1446, 2087 Reid, Hiram A., 450 Reid, T. B., 1446, 2087, 2109, 2182 Reifsteck, A., 289, 696 Reigart, Hamilton, 1693 Reimann, Herman, 1140 Reinert, A., 209 Reinhart, A., 1417, 1420 Reiter, Clarence J., 1784 Relf, Richard, 501-502 Relph, Charles N., 555 Remey, Oliver E., 1282 Renich, Charles F., 1681 Renich, Fred L., 1681 Reque, William G., 64, 1773 Reymert, James D., 335, 1603 Reynolds, B. O., 2022 Reynolds, B. W., 1000 Reynolds, J. W., 2195 Rhinelander (Wis.), 1427-1431 Rhodes, Irving G., 1342 Rib Lake (Wis.), 1922 Riblet, Carl E., Jr., 2120 Rice, G. L., 516 Rice, J. P., 1390 Rice, John D., 1390 Rice, R. B., 698, 909, 2091 Rice, Z. S., 1390 Rice Lake (Wis.), 54-61 Rich, M. J., 889 Richards, Carl, 71 Richards, Charles, 1179, 1984 Richards, Daniel H.. 1194, 1669 Richards, Dell H., 1765 Richards, John, 767 Richards, Peter, 248, 897, 1803 Richards, S. Earle, 767, 1655 Richards, S. S., 773 Richards, Verne, 1984 Richardson, D. V., 214 Richardson, E. W., 1759-1761, 1765 326 Richardson, Hattie, 214 Richardson, Mark A., 808, 810, 1747 Richardson, R. W., 1759-1761, 1765, 1767 Richfield, (Wis.), 2058 Richie, Samuel, 1621, 1642 Richland Center (Wis.), 1661-1672 Richland County, 1652-1674 Richmond, G. I., 245 Richter, D. E., 16 Rickert, Philip, 1302 Rickey, M., 726 Ridgeland (Wis.), 557 Ridgeway (Wis.), 829 Rieck, A. J., 2153 Riedl, John R., 1446 Rieg, Hans J., 117 Riggs, Luther G., 2012 Riley, John W., 1035 Riley, Mrs. J. W., 1035 Rimpler, A. H., 796 Rindlaub, Martin P., 723 Rindlaub, William M., 723 Ring, L. B., 224, 226-227 Ringle, Valentine, 1127, 1140 Rintleman, C. Marvin, 2080 Rintleman, W. H., 2080, 2082 Rio (Wis.), 272-274 Riordan, D. E., 1985 Riordan, Ray J., 125 Ripley, Byron, 71-72, 77 Ripon (Wis.), 637-657 Rising, H. G., 1390 Rising, L. P., 1388 Risjord, J. N., 413, 415 Risk, T. M., 2170 Rist, J. W., 2170 Ristad, D. G., 1708 Risvold, Ward J., 1938, 2127, 2151 Ritch, W. G., 2182 Ritchie, James S., 506 Ritter, Bruno, 1215 River Falls (Wis.), 1517-1524 Roach, Robert J., 800 Roate, B. A., 155, 1469 Roate, Mrs. B. A., 155 Roate, Harlow L., 601 Roate, Harry E., 465, 1469, 2236 Robb, Edward W., 150 Roberts, C. W., 1078 Roberts, H. W., 1539 Roberts, John B., 240 Roberts, Percy A., 1524, 1784 Roberts, W. G., 1727 Roberts (Wis.), 1796 Robinson, 107 Robinson, Albert C, 89 Robinson, C. E., 2064 Robinson, Charles D., 89 Robinson, Frank, 844 Robinson, H. W., 1105 Robinson, Paul L., 77 Robinson, Stewart H., 44 Robinson, W. A., 77 Robinson, W. J., 1967, 1969, 1977 Rock County, 1675-1755 Rock Springs (Wis.), 1830 Rockhill, J. E., 677, 1967 Rockwell, A. G., 128, 1857 Rockwell, John S., 2090 Rockwood, S. S., 259, 264, 2005 Roden, August, 393 Rodolf, Theodore, 968, 995, 998 Roe, H. L., 670 Roemer, Christian, 1452 Roemer, Herman C, 1452 Roemer, M. E., 1452 Roemhild, George, 304 Roese, Alfred E., 1508, 1524, 1548, 1784 Roese, Harry, 1524 Roeser, Carl, 1081 Roessler, A. A., 214, 443, 478, 858 Roessler, A. F., 443 Roessler, Emma, 222 Roessler, F. J., 443 Roessler, O. F., 858 Roethe, A. G., 811 Roethe, Charles, 694 Roethe, Donald, 694 Roethe, Edward J., 694 Roethe, Henry E., 694 Roethe, Leo W., 853 Roethig, Herman, 13, 27 Roets, Francis P., 1552 Rogan, Robert F., 1992 Rogers, Clarence O., 2237 Rogers, Ellis, 593 Rogers, George A., 1375, 2072, 2092. 2094 Rogers, Guy W., 1567, 1570 Rogers, H. A., 881 Rogers, J. W., 789 Rogers, Joseph M., 1857 Rogers, W. W., 1841 Rogers, William, 953 Rogers, William C, 975, 1006 Rogers, William M., 1857 Rohr, J. L., 1211, 1279, 1353, 2060 Rollis, Christian J., 417, 422, 742 Rood, Andrew, 868 Root, Erastus W., 2063 Root, Irving, 642 Root, W. M., 1888 Rose, Carl, 2206, 2231 Rose, James R., 1032, 1035, 1042 Rose, Louis M., 133 Rose, Lucius M., 875, 1386 Rosendale (Wis.), 658 Rosholt (Wis.), 1561-1564 Ross, Douglas, 1500 Ross, E. D„ 1446 Ross, Harry V., 214, 1391, 1727 Ross, Hector N., 1899 Ross, James, 1774 327 Ross, L. G., 532 Rossier, Emil B., 2251, 2259 Rostad, T. J., 1029, 1525 Rothe, Emil, 891 Rothe, George P., 1610 Rothfuss, Gilford H., 781 Rothgeber, Fred L., 1538 Rounds, Horace E., 2174, 2214 Rounds, Sterling P., 1275 Rowe, Frank J., 806 Rowland, 1591 Royle, Daniel L., 314, 871 Rozell, J. A., 2160 Rubin, Morris, 352 Rublee, Horace, 393, 1297, 1304 Ruehlman, Roy E., 2028 Ruesch, Warren E., 771 Rullman, E., 389 Rummel, Andrew, 94 Runals, E. L., 643 Runge, E. August, 1809, 2063 Rupp, Peter, 568, 612, 1621 Rusk County, 1756-1769 Russell, 2034 Russell, Alexander, 1839 Russell, Henry, 837 Russell, James, 620, 1157 Russell, John B., 1025 Russell, O. N., 796 Russell, T. J., 1361 Rust, Harvey H., 2112 Rust, William C., 1703 Rustad, H. C., 1705 Rustone, T. T., 354 Rut, Joseph F., 711 Rutledge, J. C, 1034 Ryan, Andrew, 2045 Ryan, Frank A., 1446 Ryan, Roger W., 2045 Ryan, Samuel, Jr., 115, 614, 1438 Ryan, Samuel J., 1438 Ryan, Thomas A., 1788 Ryberg, Henry E., 196 Ryckman, A. D., 1346 Ryckman, J. W., 1217 Rydal, Adolph, 525 Sackett, E. C., 1725 Sackett, Freeman W., 1593, 2157 Sackett, George E., 1581, 1593 Sadlowsky, A., 13 Saeter, Selmer S., 1935 Saint Croix County, 1770-1801 Saint Croix Falls (Wis.), 1549-1552 St. John, Frank L., 137 St. John, Stephen S., 1733 Saint Nazianz (Wis.), 1095 St. Vincent, Amond de, 1302 Saless, Lee A., 2045 Sallet, Friedrich W., 1066, 1071 Salmon, August J., 960 Salmon, Frank J., 960 Salverda, S. H., 661,664 Sanborn, Alden, 858, 861, 1135 Sanborn, Wilford A., 660, 662 Sanderson, Herbert J., 487-488, 952 Sanderson, Israel, 723, 1667 Sandford, A. C, 1604, 1616 Sandford, E. H., 1604 Sandford, Henry, 1078 Sandmahr, Otto, 2059 Sanford, George E., 1021, 1674 Sanford, I. R., 1444 Sanford, Percy S., 1967 Sanger, Emil L., 685 Sankey, J. W., 2005 Sappington, Fred G., 1148 Sargent, E. D., 810 Sargent, I. C, 265 Satran, Dan, 1986 Satran, Joseph R., 79 Satran, Robert, 1986 Satterlee, Milton F., 221, 226, 1657, 1663, 1670, 1971 Sauer, Norbert A., 1484 Sauer, Paul E., 943 Sauer, Paul J., 943 Sauk City (Wis.), 1831-1833 Sauk County, 1802-1835 Saul, John S., 19 Saunders, A. W., 579 Savage, Peter J., 71 Sawin, J. A., 339 Sawyer, J. Edward, 465 Sawyer County, 1836-1845 Saxe, Homer S., 2034 Saxton, F. B., 1503 Say lor, A. L., 1992 Say lor, H. S., 1992 Scallon, M., 30 Schaar, Leon G., 2246 Schaefer, A., 1218 Schaefer, Herbert R., 1287 Schaefer, M. L., 2027 Schanen, William F., Jr., 1483 Schauer, Herman, 1168 Schaupand, Charles, 1614 Schaus, Arthur J., 986 Scheibl, Herbert J., 689 Schempp, William F., 736, 738 Schermerhorn, Harvey M., 700, 704 Schermerhorn, J. L., 1117 Schiereck, Gus W., 1873 Schilling, Robert, 1270, 1272, 1295, 1326, 2221 Schimberg, Albert B., 1461 Schirmacher, W., 1643 Schissler, P. V., 1298 Schlecht, George, 16 Schleinitz, Emil von, 1247 Schleisingerville (Wis.), see Slinger Schleyer, George, 107, 151, 1215 Schlosser, George, 239, 914 Schlosstein, John, 130 Schmidt, A. C, 1085 Schmidt, C. Otto, 1084, 1093 328 Schmidt, Carl G., 390, 1084 Schmidt, Carl H., 1084 Schmidt, George H., 2057 Schmidt, Harold, 2188 Schmiedeke, Justin, 1181 Schmitz, John, 135 Schnabel, William, 1226 Schneider, 1460 Schneider, Carl, 958 Schneider, Charles H., 953, 955 Schnell, Julius, 263 Schneller, Engelbert, 1452 Schnitzler, John L., 81 Schober, Edwin E., 1023 Schoeder, Raymond A., 1105 Schoeffler, Moritz, 1337 Schoen, Victor H., 369 Schoensigel, Henry, 1484 Schoff, S. S., 937, 939 Scholler, H. C, 1879 Schomaker, Werner N., 1159 Schoyen, David M., 384 Schramm, Ludwig, 1636 Schreiber, Ted P., 57 Schroeder, 891 Schroeder, Johannes, 981 Schroeder, Raymond A., 1105 Schroepfer, William C, 1102 Schroeter, E., 1248 Schroeter, John P., 1191 Schuette, Henry, 121 Schuette, J. H., 118, 121 Schultheis, John M., 1002, 1215, 1234 Schultz, E. T., 314 Schultz, Henry C, 158, 174 Schultz, Noah, 222 Schultz, P. R., 166 Schulz, Emil, 1923 Schumacher, Herman, 1162 Schumann, Alfred R., 1653 Schumann, Arthur A., 1653 Schurz, Carl, 890 Schuster, Herman, 222 Schuth, Louis, 131 Schwalm, A. Thomas, 2217 Schwantes, George W., 2079 Schwartz, E., 480 Schwartz, George L., 265 Schwartz, James R., 460 Schwartze, William M., 1561 Schweger, Frank J., 1841 Schweinler, Francis F., 1113 Schwendke, Gustav, 891 Schwenneker, Leroy F., 131 Schweppe, Frederick, Jr., 1863 Schwersenska, Marvin A., 2084 Schwittay, Albert E., 1155 Schwittay, Mrs. A. E., 1155 Scofield, Edward L., 640 Scott, A. H., 503 Scott, E. J., 1554, 1795, 1838, 1856, 1873, 1992, 2173 Scott, Glenn F., 64 Scott, Harry H., 136, 1933 Scott, James M., 136 Scott, John I., 1102, 1716 Scott, William W., 1357 Seamans, George J., 1825 Seamans, Ina, 1825 Seaton, James W., 728 Seaver, Lucas, 1275 Seeger, Carl, 1442, 1451 Seekins, E. D., 1105 Seftenberg, Joseph, 680, 1820, 1822 Seidl, Clarence A., 38 Seitz, Kenneth B., 2064 Sekles, Simon, 332 Selbach, Gustavus A., 253, 1451 Selbach, Mrs. G. A., 253 Sells, Adolph F., 1373 Semmes, Claude W., 1914 Sentenberg, Joseph, 1456 Serkland, Alvin, 45 Sevenich, J. M., 2062 Severson, Harold, 1841 Seymour, Charles, 990, 1006, 1790 Seymour, William H., 952 Seymour (Wis.), 1467 Sexton, C, 1782 Shafer, Joel J., 1103 Shafer, Samuel J., 1103 Shallow, John R., 458 Shanahan, J. W., 666 Shannon, Harold T., 81 Sharon (Wis.), 2025-2028 Sharp, Francis C, 1413 Sharp, H. T., 1992 Sharp, Rose A., 1413 Sharpe, C. H., 328 Sharpe, E. E., 1887 Sharpe, L. C, 328 Sharpstein, J. R„ 1275 Sharretts, George L., 1786 Shattuck, John R., 1910 Shaver, U. B., 1495, 1497, 1780, 1784 Shaw, David, 1275 Shaw, George K., 723 Shaw, Mrs. H. W., 595 Shaw, J. F., 1503, 1784 Shaw, Myron A., 1491 Shaw, Samuel, 668, 670, 1430 Shawano (Wis.), 1854-1862 Shawano County, 1846-1868 Shea, Francis M., 824, 2045 Shea, John M., 953, 959 Shear, Edwin W., 1966 Shear, Leslie P., 893, 914 Shear, W. O., 1965-1966 Shear, Wesley W., 1966 Sheboygan (Wis.), 1880-1904 Sheboygan County, 1869-1906 Sheboygan Falls (Wis.), 1905-1906 Sheldon, John P., 376 Shell Lake (Wis.), 2044-2046 Shellman, Ernest J., 1411, 1422 Shellman, Robert, 1422 329 Shelton, Arthur W., 1427 Shepard, George S., 792 Shepherd, J. Aland, 850 Sheriff, Charles F., 2033 Sherman, A. L., 699 Sherman, Benjamin F., 445 Sherman, James B., 445 Sherman, William H., 445 Sherry, F. J., 229 Sherwood, R. G., 1985 Shinners, John J., 2055 Shiocton (Wis.), 1468 Shipper, George M., 1268 Shipper, M. P., 2201 Shirk, John E., 249, 265, 460, 1075, 1773 Shirk, W. M„ 234, 265, 268, 460, 1074- 1075, 1773 Shirley, F. G., 154, 1465 Shmied, E. A., 854 Sholes, Charles C, 119, 399, 922, 937, 1223, 1341 Sholes, Christopher L., 936-937, 1341 Sholes, Henry O., 112, 119, 929, 932, 935 Shorewood (Wis.), 1355-1356 Short, Martin C, 600, 660, 785 Short, Martin C, Jr., 600 Showalter, Clyde R., 699 Showers, Ewart G., 1020 Showers, J. G., 1020 Showers, W. C, 1390 Showers, W. J., 1020 Showers, Mrs. W. J., 1020 Showers, William C, 893 Shrader, L. O., 699 Shrake, A. J., 907 Shuart, J. J., 996 Shullsburg (Wis.), 1040-1049 Shumway, John T., 807 Shupe, E. M., 1634 Shurly, Robert V., 2204, 2229 Sibley, C. D., 1779 Sibley, William H., 29, 2135 Siebensohn, Fred A., 2194 Sielaff, Lyle, 468 Sigel, Herman, 1193, 1337 Silsbee, J. B., 1740 Silver Lake (Wis.), 942 Silverthorn, Willis V., 1113 Simmons, John B., 686 Simmons, Samuel S., 934 Simons, T. J., 1570 Simonson, Mathew P., 1135 Simpson, Charles G., 1940 Simpson, J. F., 730 Simpson, N. Dan, 493-494 Sims, Howard W., 187, 190 Sims, James H., 1548 Sims, James H., Jr., 1789 Single, George D., 1112, 1120 Singleton, Francis R., 89, 1161 Siren (Wis.), 140-142 Skar, Arthur, 1956 Skinner, E. W., 875 Skinner, Lloyd, 1365, 2100 Skinner, W. A., Jr., 814 Skinvik, O. M., 525 Slaats, C. J., 674 Slades Corners (Wis.), 943 "Slim Jim", 1573 Slinger (Wis.), 2059-2060 Slocum, C. H., 2194 Slossen, Harry E., 1428 Slovenian language newspapers, 1259, 1323 Smails, N. W., 2022 Small, Abraham, 2090 Small, D. W., 2090 Small, Guy W., 1406, 1985 Small, James L., 2084 Small, Mary D., 2084 Smart, Winfield, 1553 Smead, Frank A., 1535 Smead, Samuel M., 611 Smead, Van B., 611, 619, 1535 Smethurst, Joseph, 294 Smith, 431, 1524, 2034 Smith, A. C, 983 Smith, Abram D., 1322, 1341 Smith, Augustus L., 628 Smith, Barrett H., 1683 Smith, C. A., 1037 Smith, C. M., 2091 Smith, Calvin P., 2095, 2103, 2131, 2139 Smith, Charles S., 1829 Smith, Chester, 2196, 2232 Smith, Clark, 842 Smith, Frank O., 1003, 1010 Smith, Fred A., 667, 1669 Smith, G. A., 405, 1824 Smith, H. D., 2138 Smith, H. J., 1588 Smith, Harry L., 1548 Smith, J. A., 608, 631, 640, 2202 Smith, J. A., 768, 1835 Smith, J. C, 1357 Smith, J. H. 1945 Smith, J. Louis, 1050 Smith, J. M., 576 Smith, Jerry A., 1669 Smith, John Y., 373 Smith, Justus, 1976 Smith, L. O., 1739 Smith, Lathrop E., 1602 Smith, Martin J., 1076 Smith, Milan J., 1168 Smith, Nicholas, 294, 608, 1727, 1807, 2109 Smith, O. B., 1091 Smith, Oliver C, 807, 810 Smith, Richard E., 1588-1589, 1936 Smith, Rowland P., 1422 Smith, S. Elmer, 2183 Smith, S. L., 1113 Smith, S. W., 1091 Smith, W. E., 605 Smith, W. H., 137 330 Smith, W. P., 126 Snella, B., 1289 Snodgrass, M. L., 1977 Snow, Harry L., 485 Snow, John W., 752 Snyder, Clarence, 19 Snyder, John H., 2005 Snyder, Roy H., 297 Snyder, Thomas C, 690-691, 704, 1026 Sogey, Louis A., 104 Solberg, Carl F., 335 Soldiers Grove (Wis.), 295-299 Solensten, R. T., 79 Solma, J. E., 1 Solon Springs (Wis.), 494 Somerby, Joseph A., 364, 1979 Somers, Peter J., 1214 Somerset (Wis.), 1797-1798 Sommers, Clarence M., 342 Sommers, George W., 479 Sommers, Leopold, 307, 342 Sondreal, Palmer, 1527 Soper, Charles E., 1851 Sorensen, Sigvard, 1012 Sorenson, A. G., 1935 Sornson, T., 1615 Soukup, John, 1017 South, George R., 760-761 South Milwaukee (Wis.), 1357-1361 South Wayne (Wis.), 1050-1052 Southport (Wis.), see Kenosha Sowaske, M. W. f 39 Sower, M. G., 1541 Sowles, George W., 2030 Sowles, Mrs. G. W., 2030 Spalding, J. D., 699 Spalthoff, C. W., 1408 Spalthoff, Carl, 1835, 1967 Spalthoff, Clara, 1967 Sparta (Wis.), 1385-1393 Spaulding, Joseph B., 1842 Spears, Harry C, 700 Speed, Earl R., 1535 Speed, Lyle, 1760, 1842 Speed, Walter, 38, 44 Spellman Bros. 1103 Spence, Edward L., 1747, 2012, 2118 Spencer Mary, 1749 Spencer, Newton D., 590 Spencer (Wis.), 1114-1116 Spicher, C. B., 1115 Spiering, Henry, 466, 481-483 Spiering, William F., 477, 662 Spooner (Wis.), 2047-2049 Spradling, James W., 1386, 1390 Sprague, Burr, 736 Sprague, Clarence G., 902 Sprague, E. S., 1991 Sprague, J. T., 902 Sprague, Louis A., 738 Sprecher, Otto W., 442, 1383 Spring Green (Wis.), 1834-1835 Spring Valley (Wis.), 1525 Springer, W. L., 1705 Springob, Joseph, 1234 Spychalla, Charles, 1140 Squier, L. B., 1398 Staab, Eldred, 468 Stafford, H. L., 460 Stafford, O. A., 1616 Stair, H. C, 310 Stair, J. B., 745-746, 766 Stangeland, Elias, 348 Stanley, Charles P., 2149 Stanley, Milton R., 1857 Stanley (Wis.), 192-195 Stanning, A. K., 233 Stanton (Portage County), 1559 Starbuck, F. R., 1628 Starbuck, F. W., 1628 Starkey, D. B., 1208 Starks, Charles G., 776 Starks, J. S., 1767 Starks, R. S., 776 Starr, Elisha, 1216, 1242, 1253, 1304 Starr, Sidney S., 1784 Staut, Frank R., 1259 Stearns, Fred W., 1321 Stebbins, DeWayne W., 952 Steckel, Alfred, 1002, 1215, 1234 Stedman, C. A., 1062 Steele, 85 Steele, Charles, 736, 738 Steensland, Ferdinand, 814 Steevens, David J., 1924 Stefflre, L. H., 191 Stehlik, Joseph, 1638 Steinbrecker, Evelyn, 1378 Steiner, Frank, 1433, 1987 Steiner, Jacob R., 214 Stephens, M. P., 1787 Sterling, John, 1493 Stern, E. H., 38 Steuri, Stanton P., 730 Stevens, A. C, 64 Stevens, A. J., 2173 Stevens, B. E., 902 Stevens, Chase A., 459, 975 Stevens, Elias W., 262, 269, 339, 1114, 1857 Stevens, F. M., 1992 Stevens, George E., 1667 Stevens, N. E., 1495 Stevens Point (Wis.), 1565-1578 Stevenson, William, 120 Stewart, C. V., 1948 Stewart, Charles R., 840 Stewart, Ernest A., 1985 Stewart, Isaac N., 1461 Stewart, John W., 759 Stewart, M. R., 169 Stewart, Ward A., 1753 Stewart, William W., 2047 Stiles, A. G., 787 Stiles, Mrs. A. G., 787 Stiles, O. G., 235 331 Stiles, Otto, 787 Stillman, John E., 128 Stillman, M. G., 2029 Stinchfield, D. L., 64, 667, 2137, 2149 Stinson, Orin L., 680 Stockbridge (Wis.), 156-157 Stocking, 567 Stocking, H. M., 572 Stocking, John B., 572 Stoddard, W. W., 144, 1591 Stoddard (Wis.), 1974-1975 Stoffregen, George, 316, 1411 Stokes, 1888 Stokes, M. T., 2107 Stolze, Gustav, 1121 Stolze, Paul F., 1121 Stone, A. J., 579 Stone, C. T., 707 Stone, H. L., 1173 Stone, Herbert A., 1462, 2187 Stone, John N., 153, 1450, 2182, 2190 Stone, Leander, 937 Stone, M. W., 187 Stone, T. D., 650, 655 Stone, Theron G., 435 Stone, Willis J., 736 Stone Lake (Wis.), 1844 Stonek, Leo R., 1186, 1361 Stookey, M. F., 892 Stoothoff, W. E., 1117 Storey, George F., 1 1 63 Stouffer, A. L., 2045 Stoughton (Wis.), 419-429 Stout, Frank FL, 1575 Stout, Nathan L., 759, 1578 Stowe, Charles E., 674 Stowell, John M., 907 Stowers, Charles H., 2170 Strand, Reuben E., 582 Strandberg, Charles, 834 Strandberg, W. O., 834 Strassburger, Albert J., 1873 Stratford (Wis.), 1117-1118 Straub, J. J., 1905 Street, W. F., 503-504 Streeter, D. C, 1390 Streeter, Frank, 873 Streeter, John F., 235, 707 Streeter, S. E., 1390 Strieker, Arthur W., 1457, 1475 Strobush, N. K., 858 Stroebel, Victor L., 274 Stroebl, Frank F., 128 Stromme, Peer O., 321, 525 Strong, Clement J., 843 Strong, Marcellus M., 2200 Strong, Marshall M., 1604, 1607 Strong, Timothy F., Jr., 611, 620 Strong, Walter A., 1688 Stuart, Charles E., 1807 Stuart, Iden L., 680 Stuart, Ray E., 1050 Stuckey, Henry W., 284 Studley, John A., 2190-2191 Stummer, Franz, 1451 Sturgeon Bay (Wis.), 486^89 Sturtevant, J. L., 1133, 2148 Sturtevant, John C, 1133 Suess, Adolph B., 79, 81, 86 Sullivan, Claude V., 415, 1355 Sullivan, Frank D., 1370 Sullivan, James J., 302, 434-435 Sullivan, W. J., 601 Sullivan, William H., 1221 Sullivan (Wis.), 870 Sumner, William, Jr., 1716 Sun Prairie (Wis.), 430-436 Superior (Wis.), 495-534 Surdson, Theodore C, 43, 58 Suring (Wis.), 1424 Susan, Ernest D., 634 Susemihl, Otto, 1071 Sutherland, Alexander, 96 Sutor, A. B., 2259 Suttner, Leonard J., 154 Suydam, John V., 105, 109 Swain, C. P., 638 Swain, Henry H., 1676 Swan, Bertha J., 405 Swan, Harold L., 405, 799 Swanson, Charles E., 79 Swanson, Irving, 141 Swarthout, Richard B., 594 Swayze, Caleb, 1576 Swedish language newspapers, 7, 12, 22, 513, 522, 589, 1072, 1146, 1149, 1160, 1529 Sweet, E. N., 147 Sweet, William, 6 Swenson, C. A., 2013 Swenson, George, 813 Swenson, R. B., 946 Swetland, H. C, 43 Swift, H. S., 1697 Swift, P. H., 56, 59, 537, 881, 1075, 1417, 1419, 1697 Swift, W. P., 56 Swift, Ward L., 56, 59, 537, 881, 1073 Swineford, Alfred P., 509, 511, 611, 624, 977, 1231 Swineford, James, 624 Sykes, C. P., 977 Sylvester, L. M., 672 Symes, John, 977, 992 Szinunen, Stephen von, 1571 Talbot, D. C, 894-895, 898 Talboys, W. E., 138 Tallman, G. B., 1996 Talmadge, 2034 Tanem, Sigurd, 525 Tapley, John, 1604, 1616 Tapley, William B., 101, 2182 Taplin, Frank, 1503 Taudy, Albert R., 1520 Taudy, Douglas H., 1520 332 Taylor, Allen A., 1136, 1514, 2039 Taylor, Charles, 38 Taylor, E. C, 179 Taylor, Edward, 251 Taylor, Frank L„ 1304 Taylor, Horace A., 393, 989, 1519, 1784 Taylor, J. W., 707, 815, 818 Taylor, Lute A., 504, 989-990, 1006, 1519 Taylor, Ray G., 214 Taylor, Roy G., 196 Taylor, S. A., 938 Taylor, W. C., 2003 Taylor (Wis.), 846-847 Taylor County, 1907-1922 Teague, George H., 511 Teasdale, J. B., 828 Temby, Charles F., 953, 960 Temple, Robert J., 899 Temple, Willard, 899 Tenney, George W., 759 Tenney, Horace A., 324, 351, 371, 387 Tenney, Jacob, 1948, 1980 Terry, T. L., 773 Tesch, Gustav, 793 Thaves, Keith M., 1514 Thayer, Delancey L., 241 Thayer, Eugene B., 1127, 1134 Thayer, Eugene B., Jr., 1127 Theiler, Arthur J., 769, 771 Theiler, John, 769, 771 Thelken, Leon F., 214 Theresa (Dodge County), 474 Theurer, Henry, 1927 Thielke, Gilbert W., 1424 Thielke, Joseph, 1424 Thomas, Clark S., 1853 Thomas, Evan L., 2115 Thomas, Frank W., 1050 Thomas, Griff J., 773 Thomas, John E., 1906 Thomas, M. J., 628 Thomas, William C, 1906, 1941 Thompson, 1556 Thompson, A. E., 640, 796 Thompson, Andrew C, 1063 Thompson, C. P., 844 Thompson, D. O., 1102, 2236 Thompson, David E., 1163, 1553 Thompson, Eugene, 251, 554 Thompson, George W., 1552 Thompson, Harry A., 693 Thompson, Harry P., 235, 251, 871 Thompson, John C, 640, 796 Thompson, Richard H., 251 Thompson, Roy L., 2161 Thompson, Thomas O., 282, 1683 Thompson, W. C, 239 Thompson, W. D., 1641 Thompson, W. H., 285 Thompson, William A., 705, 719 Thomson, A. N., 1304 Thomson, Alexander M., 1195, 1275, 1727, 2052 Thomson, Riley, 300 Thornton, R. L., 180 Thorp, A. W., 732 I horp (Wis.), 230-232 Three Lakes (Wis.), 1432-1435 Thwing, Edward, 1784 Thwing, James L., 617, 627 Tibbits, Fred P., 1233, 1306 Tiffany (Wis.), 1755 Tifft, J. H., 221 Tigerton (Wis.), 1863-1864 Titus, Cecil B., 2084 Titus, Melvin, 2084 Tobey, Alvin B., 935 Tobin, Virgil L., 1 Todd, Arthur R., 2022 Todd, Clark M., 1746 Todd, Jessie W., 1425 Tollaken, Bert E., 277 Tomah (Wis.), 1394-1403 Tomahawk (Wis.), 1073-1075 Tompkins, Jones, 221 Tompkins, Robert, 858, 881, 2053 Tompkins, W. M., 17 Tompkins, William C, 216, 1861, 2156, 2158-2159 Toner, James I., 599, 1461, 1602, 2085 Tony (Wis.), 1767-1768 Torgensen, Ole, 337 Tosterud, A. C, 982, 1236 Tousley, F. W., 1748 Tousley, W. F„ 1708 Tousley, W. H., 858, 1743 Towell, E., 2097 To well, George, 1281 Towell, Harold, 1317 Towell, Henry, 1189, 1208, 1310, 1317, 1359, 1368, 1372 Tower, William A., 1936 Towley, Carl K., 1538 Towner, A. R., 1773 Towner, William H., 1773, 1776 Townsend, I., 1105 Trace, Granville, 810 Tracy, A. W., 1546 Tracy, James G., 773 Train, L. R., 288, 678 Train, Samuel S., 678 Treat, Curtis M., 1633, 1697 Treat, Ellery B., 1085 Trego (Wis.), 2050 Trempealeau (Wis.), 1946-1954 Trempealeau County, 1923-1955 Trestemjak, Hal, 314 Trevitt, Charles F., 1023, 1031, 1044 Trevor (Wis.), 944 Trickey, Elmer O., 164, 549, 2250 Trimbell, Derwood, 1021-1022 Trippler, A. O., 1088 Troan, Ole A., 366 Troemel, Otto, 1081 Trogner, C. F., 174 Tromanhauser, Dale, 1102 333 Trowbridge, J. W., 1604 Truax, Robert E., 1548 Truesdell, J. A., 1676 Truesdell, L. S., 790 Trumbull, W. H., 1430 Tubbs, Henry H., 868, 2003 Tubbs, W. E., 1763 Tucker, N. P., 1929 Tucker, R. S., 1798 Tucker, S. S., 1946 Tufts, W. C, 1509 Turnbull, H. I., 1939 Turner, Andrew J., 258, 264 Turner, Carl L., 2127, 2151 Turner, F. F., 756 Turner, John, 902 Turrell, Donald E., 1656 Turtle Lake (Wis.), 62-63 Tuttle, A. C, 275 Twin Lakes (Wis.), 945 Two Rivers (Wis.), 1096-1100 Tygeson, John, 1546 Tyler, Gustav, 1140 Tyrrell, D. W., 736 Ulrich, John, 998 Unger, Peter, 2042 Union Center (Wis.), 911 Union Grove (Wis.), 1648-1650 Unity (Wis.), 1119 Upham, 1245 Upham, Charles M., 1857 Ure, George U., 226 Urie, Horace G., 417 Usher, Ellis P., 973, 992 Utermoehl, Emil, 131 Utermoehl, John L., 135, 967, 1923 Utley, Hamilton, 1618, 1628, 1640 Utley, William L., 1618, 1628, 1630, 1640 Utter, Charles, 2008 Utter, Clarence S., 1947, 1951, 1954 Utter, E. R., 2008 Utter, Francis A., 2008 Utter, George S., 2017-2018, 2020 Vader, 2205 Vail, Claude M., 1027 Vail, J. W., 1481, 1486 Valders (Wis.), 1101 Valiquette, Victor, 1758 Valley Junction (Wis.), 1404-1405 Van Allen, W. J., 2210 Van Alten, G. W., 300 Van Altena, C. G., 664 Van Dalsen, H. A., 158, 186 Van de Casteele, Edward, 83 Vandercook, E. M., 1116 Vandercook, Gilbert E., 1116, 1594 Vander Eike, Paul, 1551 Vander Kooi, Charles R., 2194 Vander Meulen, Peter, 235 Vanderpool, A. E., 1243, 1271 Vandervort, H. L., 1936 Van Keuren, B. E., 2224 Van Matre, R. E., 1038 Van Meter, Abe C, 1790 Van Meter, Claude H., 1790 Van Meter, Francis A., 1784, 1790 Van Meter, John A., 1790 Van Opens, P. F., 543, 666 Van Slyke, I. N., 1784 Van Vuren, Clyde A., 1467 Van Vuren, Donald C, 1847 Van Vuren, Guy W., 53 Van Vuren, H. J., 1467, 2130 Van Vuren, Harry C, 1847 Van Vuren, Mrs. H. C, 1847 Van Vuren, Keith C, 1467 Van Vuren, Roy P., 791 Van Waters, George, 551, 1491 Van Winter, Walter B., 1674 Van Wormer, A. W., 137 Vasey, F. T., 548 Vaughan, Orla P., 674 Vaughan, R. F., 1067 Vaughan, W. D., 674 Veeder, Garret, 1733, 1739 Veeder, Harold A., 29, 32 Veranick, Frank X., 1323 Verbeck, Frank S., 2235 Vermeul, Jack E., 1674 Vernon County, 1956-1983 Verona (Wis.), 437-439 Vesper (Wis.), 2249-2250 Vezina, Howard, 1552 Vezina, Jack, 1552 Vezina, W. R., 1552 Viall, Edgar W., 2227 Vickers, Martin, 832 Vickers, S. L., 1029 Victora, M. B., 711 Victora, William, 709,711 Viel, J. P., 796 Vilas, W. N., 1799 Vilas County, 1984-1987 Villard, Henry (Henry F. Hilgard), 1642 Viola (Wis.), 1673-1674 Viroqua (Wis.), 1976-1982 Vivian (Wis.), 1498 Voemastek, John J., 1922 Voll, Rudolph, 13 Vordale, R. M., 810 Voshardt, August C, 953 Voshardt, Frank H., 1456, 2153 Wabeno (Wis.), 673 Wachsmuth, Louis, 70 Waggoner, E. B., 1955 Waggoner, James H., 259, 572, 1417, 1591, 1664-1665, 1667, 1917 Waggoner, L. F., 1406 Waggoner, William J., 1667 Wagner, D. A., 663 Wagner, Michael, Jr., 1602 Wagner, William, 230 334 Wagner, William S., 230 Wait, J. N., 1444 Wait, Seymour G., 1477 Waite, Mark, 2123 Walch, Allen P., 277, 2131, 2153 Walch, Andrew C, 2131 Walch, James E., 277, 2131 Walcup, F. W., 1402 Waldo, Charles D., 2063 Walker, C. B., 2193 Walker, Henry, 406 Walker, Henry J., 429 Walker, L. J., 1546 Walker, Robert J., 866 Walker, Warren H., 2235 Wallace, Andrew S., 1538 Wallich, Adolph, 1081 Walrath, G. W., 979 Walsh, P. P., 85 Walsingham, W. W., 1508 Walters, Bert E., 1113, 2246 Walters, F. J., 949, 952 Walters, William M., 2063 Walworth, C. B., 680 Walworth, John, 680, 759, 1663, 1667- 1668 Walworth (Wis.), 2029-2030 Walworth County, 1988-2038 Wandersleben, Charles F., 1872 Wandersleben, Henry F., 1872 Ward, C. A., 503 Ward, George E., 807 Warden, A. M., 73 Warden, Allen F., 1873, 2107 Warden, Rex A., 2115 Ware, Charles S., 791, 1898 Ware, Roy L., 905 Warling, J. B., 1643 Warner, C. W., 560 Warner, Ebenezer, 785 Warner, F. A., 2151 Warner, K. D., 2151 Warner, W. A., 1039 Warner (Wis.), see Ladysmith Warnke, E. W., 787 Warnke, Gordon, 853 Warren, H. C, 845 Warrens (Wis.), 1406 Warus, P. F., 612 Warvelle, George W., 919 Washburn, Andrew A., 465, 2122 Washburn, G. W., 2201 Washburn (Wis.), 73-77 Washburn County, 2039-2050 Washburne, W. L., 714 Washington County, 2051-2066 Wasserberger, George A., 1102 Wastila, George M., 529 Waterbury, A. D., 2020 Water ford (Wis.), 1651 Waterloo (Wis.), 871-873 Watertown (Wis.), 874-891 Watrous, Jerome A., 608, 840, 1315 Watrous, R. B., 1315 Watt, William M., 863, 2180 Waukesha (Wis.), 2106-2121 Waukesha County, 2067-2121 Waunakee (Wis.), 440-443 Waupaca (Wis.), 2146-2152 Waupaca County, 2122-2159 Waupun (Wis.), 659-664 Wausau (Wis.), 1120-1140 Wausaukee (Wis.), 1169-1170 Waushara County, 2160-2173 Wautoma (Wis.), 2168-2171 Wauwatosa (Wis.), 1362-1367 Wauzeka (Wis.), 300 Way, A. E., 1117 Wearne, John J., 34, 2043 Weaver, Orland F., 448, 455 Weaver, Ray, 448, 455 Webb, Carl C, 1652-1653, 1812, 1817 Webb, Carl E., 711 Webb, Clifton B., 251 Webb, George, 373 Webb, William C, 2170 Weber, E. H., 550, 1519 Weber, William F., 606, 622-623, 641, 647, 1614, 2061, 2231 Webster, Charles, 2161 Webster, H. L., 2187 Webster, Isaac W., 940 Webster, Waldo E., 1784 Webster (Wis.), 143 Wedelstedt, Carl, 1081 Weeks, Wilbur G., 1988, 1996, 2002 Wehn, Henry, 1193 Wehre, Fred, 1018 Wehrwein, C. F., 1873 Weil, Paul A., 2063 Weiler, Frank J., 239 Weinandy, Oliver R., 131 Weirich, Joseph I., 1807 Weisbrod, Charles A., 2207 Weiss, Edward L., 2115 Weiss, George L., 2115 Weiss, Joseph, 577 Welch, Frank H., 1784, 1790 Welch, William P., 587 Welcome (Wis.), 1469 Wells, C. J., 1399 Wells, Charles D., 426, 1398, 1709, 1873 Wells, Clifford M., 1673, 1716 Wells, G. H., 450 Wells, Gertrude, 1673 Wells, J. H., 2253 Wells, Jabez H., 778, 907 Wells, James A., 1398-1399, 1709 Wells, James H. ( 1808 Wells, R. A., 1399 Wells, William A., 662 Wells, William N., 226, 842, 1390 Welsh, Henry B., 826 Wendt, Frank E., 1408 Wentworth, E. O., 2063 Wentworth, H. M., 1608, 1624 335 Wentworth, John T., 2018 Wentworth, Robert B., 258, 456, 471 Wentworth, Zebulon C, 1608, 1616, 1624 Werle, Jacob, 1474, 1479 Werner, A. Matt, 1893 Wesenberg, M., 341 West, George M., 600 West, George R., 939 West, Mrs. Leona, 839 West, William B., 1750 West Allis (Wis.), 1368-1373 West Bend (Wis.), 2061-2066 West Salem (Wis.), 1021-1022 Westby (Wis.), 1983 Westcott, M., 138 Westfield (Wis.), 1181-1183 Weston, Neil F., 2041 Westphal, Edward J., 1440 Wetherby, E. S., 899, 901, 906 W r etmore, Leonard E., 284 Weyauwega (Wis.), 2153-2159 W'eyerhauser (Wis.), 1769 Weygand, O. R., 1863 Whalen, Edward, 1357 Wheaton, C. W., 1495 Wheaton, H. E., 987 Wheeler, C. W., 516 Wheeler, E. G., 1826, 1994 Wheeler, E. J., 280, 1178 Wheeler, S. G., 1924 Wheeler (Wis.), 558 Wheelock, Edgar T., 1131, 1917, 1920 Wheelock, Fred A., 133 Wheelock, J. W., 1919 Wheelwright, Sydney A., 302 Whelan, Charles E., 1824 Whipple, H. A., 871 Whipple, William J., 183, 500, 504, 1386, 1513 Whitaker, 855 White, Alfred A., 618 White, Charles, 137 White, Clarence E., 1519 White, Edward S., 82 White, J. Lewis, 251, 440, 871 White, James S., 1275 White, John H., 1119, 2239, 2242-2243 White, Philo, 1304, 1604 White, Willard G., 2239 Whitefish Bay (Wis.), 1374-1375 Whitehall (Wis.), 1955 Whitehill, O. L., 893 Whitehill, Osman D., 914, 1653 Whiteside, Charles M., 486 Whitewater (Wis.), 2031-2037 Whitman, Chester M., 1600, 1651, 1697 Whitmore, J. A., 572 Whitney, Guy, 1390 Whitney, Nelson, 885 Whitney, W. W., 64 Whittier, Horace L., 574 Whitty, Edward L., 512 Wicklander, L. M., 665 Wicks, H. S., 1217 Widstrand, Arnott S., 187, 1967 Widstrand, Arnott S., Jr., 1967 Widvey, T. J., 335, 1015 Wiegand, Otto O., 1856, 1862 Wigginton, P. D., 804 Wightman, E. S., 2022 Wightman, J. E., 1503 Wiitala, Matt, 529 Wilcox, George, 1700 Wild Rose (Wis.), 2172-2173 Wilder, Amos P., 393 Wilder, Samuel A., 1010 W T iley, John, 1857 Wilkinson, A. C, 907 Wilkinson, N. B., 894 Willard, Van R., 1063 Willey, H. T., 1802, 1816 Willey, John F., 1744 Willey Bros., 727 Williams, A., 546 Williams, A. C, 1841 Williams, Allan T., 73 Williams, Burt, 19 Williams, Charles H., 251 W'illiams, D. E., 896 Williams, David A., 776 Williams, David H., 807 Williams, Edwin, 709 Williams, George W., 574 Williams, H. Lyndon, 744 Williams, Humphrey L., 302, 440, 1046 Williams, J. C, 19 Williams, J. H., 51, 561, 1836, 1840 Williams, J. M., 302, 440 Williams, J. P., 1841 Williams, Louis E., 267, 1959 Williams, O. C, 235 Williams, P. A., 2243 Williams, P. K., 2194 Williams, Peter, 235 Williams, Ray R., 2243 Williams, Robert M., 30, 250 Williams, William E., 787 Williams Bay (Wis.), 2038 Williamson, Levy, 226, 824, 1102 Willis, J. G., 1 Williston, Charles S., 1367 Willner, Willard J., 1107 Willoughby, Leroy R., 1989, 2003 Willow River (Wis.), see Hudson Wilmarth, James C, 1727 Wilmot (Wis.), 946-948 Wilson, Agesilaus O., 1733, 1743 Wilson, D. W., 1390, 1981 W'ilson, Dessa M., 265 Wilson, E. I., 265 Wilson, E. J., 560, 562 Wilson, Wiley H„ 1593 Wilson, William, 550, 1254 Wilson, William D., 1242 Wilson, Woodrow, 1760 336 Wilson (Wis.), 1799 Wilton, Willis, 2033 Wilton (Wis.), 1407-1409 Wiltse, H. A., 699 Wilund, R., 871 Windsor, Leona, 556 Windsor (Wis.), 444 Winegar, George L., 736 Wineger, S. C, 937 Wing, B. F., 1955 Wing, C. E., 1748 Wing, George W., 952 Wing, Henry D., 1461 Wing, Hiram D., 146, 952 Wing, Isaac H., 64 Winkelman, E. P., 871 Winnebago County, 2174-2237 Winneconne (Wis.), 2232-2237 Winnie, Louis, 1809 Winter, A., 1647 Winter, H. C., 359 Winter (Wis.), 1845 Winther, Carl A., 889 Winther, P. O., 1168-1169, 2246 Wisconsin Dells (Wis.), 275-282 Wisconsin Rapids (Wis.), 2251-2259 Wise, John C, 497 Wise, Pembroke V., 1513 Wisner, Frank O., 4, 158, 280, 282 Wisner, Thomas J., 1604 Withee (Wis.), 233 Withers, Wesley S., 1917 Withrow, Thomas F., 1725 Witmer, Henry C, 745-746 Witt, John, 2240 Witte, Oliver R., 893, 899, 1381 Wittenberg (Wis.), 1865-1868 Wittenwyler, C. M., 767 Wittman, Adolph, 1086 Wittman, Walter, 1086, 2061 Wittzack, Emil, 135, 1614 Wolehka, John H., 1848 Wolf, 478 Wolfsohn, Leo, 1293 Wonewoc (Wis.), 912-915 Wood, A. Delacy, 1828 Wood, Frank A., 79 Wood, Glen P., 1977 Wood, N. B., 1658 Wood, Norman E., 776 Wood County, 2238-2259 Woodard, Lester, 251 Woodhead, Ross C, 283, 1564 Woodle, Leroy A., 755-756 Woodman, Edwin E., 1807 Woodnorth, Jeffrey, 2148-2149 Woodruff, W. W., 279 Woodville (Wis.), 1800-1801 Woodsworth, F. S., 2247 Woolverton, R. W., 600 Worcester, A. F., 1857, 2195 Work, John M., 1293 Worthington, David B., 1688 Worthington, Dean B., 1688 Worthington, Edwin S., 1688 Worzalla, Joseph H., 1572 Worzalla, Stephen H., 1572 Worzalla, Walter S., 1565, 1572 Wozniak, M., 1102 Wray, A. E., 1411, 1422 Wray, Curtis, 791 Wrigglesworth, W. J., 803, 806, 1038 Wright, Amos, 1304 Wright, C. E., 1741 Wright, C. M., 1092 Wright, Charles, 1741 Wright, Harold L., 465 Wright, Henry A., 292 Wright, L. B., 2109 Wright, Lloyd W., 465, 1453, 1457 Wright, N. D., 1696, 1996 Wright, O. J., 292, 820, 1049 Wright, O. W., 1217, 1258 Wright, Piatt M., 2195 Wright, R. T., 1176 Wright, Robert H., 1423, 1457, 2122, 2150 Wright, William, 1995 Wrightstown (Wis.), 126 Wurgler, Ray M., 771 Wyman, W. H., 395 Wyman, William W., 380, 395 Wyocena (Wis.), 283 Yambrick, Frank W., 582 Yarham, William W., 1583 Yates, Fred T., 32, 76, 1773 Yenowine, George H., 1233 Yiddish language newspapers, 1252, 1351 Yorty, Ida J., 600 Yoss, Carl L., 1191 Youmans, H. M., 2109 Youmans, Henry A., 2109 Youmans, Josephine H., 2109 Young, A. A., 907 Young, Alan M., 1588 Young, Anson W., 1121 Young, Charles E., 1516 Young, G. D., 1588 Young, M. V., 840 Young, W. A., 846 Youngs, Chase O., 599 Youngs, Fred M., 599 Youngs, George C., 599 Yule, E. B., 245 Yundt, Richard T., 192 Zakrajsek, Leo, 1323 Zander, Elliott T., 144 Zander, Otto J., 144, 1094 Zander, W. G., 1514, 1538 Ziegaus, George, 2028 Ziegler, William H., 868 Zillier, Carl, 1889, 1891 Zillman, Erwin F., 1209 337 Zimmerman, Charles H., 1602 Zintz, R. H., 303 Zimmerman, Floyd W., 2001 Zook, Clarence J., 205 Zimmerman, H. E., 1602 Zowski, S. J., 1262 Zimmerman, Louis H., 1602 Zufelt, Frank A., 1898 Zintz, F. S., 303, 415 338 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 016.071OE5G C002 GUIDE TO WISCONSIN NEWSPAPERS 1833-1957.