FINDING LIST OF THE A. Herr Smith and E. E* Smith PUBLIC LIBRARY, ^ LODA, ILLINOIS. ^ July, J899. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates B. BubUc Xibrar^ Xoba, miinots 1899 PAXTON, ILL., RECORD ELECTRIC PRINTING HOUSE. 1899. JBoar^ of Xlrustees Dr. T. N. BOUE, President, NATHAN P. GOODELL, Vice-President, FRANK F. BUTZOW, Secretary and Treasurer. CHARLES J. ADDEMS, WILLIAM J. WEST, MRS. LUCY W. GOODELL, • MISS NANCY E. SLOCUM, MRS. LAURA J. KINSMAN, MRS. MAMIE F. HUNGERFORD. Ibonorar^ trustees. MISS E. E. SMITH, Lancaster, Pa., HON. ADDISON GOODELL. Ap 03 ) I ^ \ e r V 'o vn'u i I'' ■=« L.H .'bmrlVi Po.V>. V-'Vd. Q" 4 Js IjF.O. A. HERR SMITH AND E. E. SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY, LODA, ILL. 3 HISTORICAL SKETCH, On May 1st, 1896, Miss Eliza E. Smith, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, sent twenty- five hundred dollars to Hon. Addison Goodell for the purpose of erectinj^ and furnish- ing a free public library building in the village of Loda, Illinois, to be known as The A. Herr Smith and E. E. Smith Public Library, and on May I8th, 1896, executed a formal deed of gift of this amount to nine library trustees. For many years Hon. A. Herr Smith had extensive business interests in Iroquois county, and upon his death it was the desire of his sister. Miss E. E. Smith, to erect a building that would be a lasting monument to his memory, and be an instrument of good in the community. On June 2d, 1896, a certificate of incorporation was issued by the Department of State of the State of Illinois to “The A. Herr Smith and E. E. Smith Public Library Asso- ciation,” under an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act concerning Incorporation of Free Public Libraries,” approved June 17, I89i, and all acts amendatory thereto. The Loda Hall Association having deeded the Library Trustees a lot, centrally located in the village, a contract was entered into for the erection of a brick and stone library building, to cost twenty-seven hundred dollars, with Fred E. King, of Chicago, Illinois, on plans prepared by Paul O. Moratz, of Bloomington, Illinois, August 3lst, 1896. The building was completed and turned over to the trustees about January 1st, 1897. In addition to the contract price, the trustees expended $4\‘S.S7 for mantel, hardware, furnace, grading and excavating, making the total original cost of the build- ing, $3,118.57. The building was dedicated on Saturday, July 3lst, 1897, with appropriate exercises at the Loda Hall. The presentation of the building to the library trustees on behalf of Miss E. E. Smith was made by Hon. Addison Goodell and accepted by T. Newton Boue, President of the Library Association. An address was delivered by John W. Cook, President of the State Normal University, of Normal, Illinois. An endowment fund has been provided by the donation by Miss E. E. Smith, of $2,000, in the name of Michael B. Herr, of $2,000 by Addison Goodell, 6 shares of Loda Hall stock by Charles E. Slocum, 3 shares Loda Hall stock by Edward S. Slocum, 1 share by Frank Schaetzle and 10 shares by the Loda Literary Society. The income derived from this fund is to be used in maintaining the library and keeping the build- ing in repair. Miss Smith has given $500 at different times in addition to the original gift of $2,500, making a total of $5,000 to the building, endowment and book funds. The Loda Literary Society donated its library of some 500 volumes, and the fol- lowing catalogue of books represents the library of the Association up to the present date. The library Association is now in good financial condition; has purchased a steel book rack to accommodate 1,500 volumes, and has expended $200 for new books. The total liabilities will not exceed $50.00 and this amount will be paid in full be- fore the close of the year. 4 A. HERR SMITH AND E. E. SMITH The library trustees extend thanks to Miss Eliza E. Smith, to whose generosity the people of Loda are indebted for their beautiful library building, to Addison Goodell, our fellow-citizen, who has so ably seconded the efforts of Miss Smith and given so bountifully to the endowment fund; and to all of our citizens and others who have given of their time and means to this worthy object. It is the earnest desire of the trustees to work with the citizens in making the library an institution of education, culture and refinement, and one that will reflect honor on the founders. To this end, they invite the public to avail themselves of the privileges granted by the Association in its reading rooms, furnishing the current maga- zines and periodicals, and in its well selected library. These privileges are absolutely free, subject to such rules and regulations as the trustees have deemed best to enforce. PUBLIC LIBRARY, LODA, ILL. 5 Rules of the A, Herr Smith and E. E- Smith Public Library. No person shall draw from, or have in his or her possession outside of the library, more than one book at any one time — except where a work is in two or more volumes, when two consecutive volumes may be taken out by the same person. No person shall keep any book from the library for a longer space than two weeks, nur any magazine for a longer space than one week unless renewed, and no book shall be credited unless returned to the library by the borrower. Books may be renewed for a space of two weeks by presenting the book to the librarian and having such renewal duly entered. Books of recent purchase cannot be renewed. The cost of any book must be paid into the hands of the treasurer by the person losing the same or rendering it worthless by careless usage — within twenty days after such person is notified of the amount due. No person under ten years of age shall be permitted to draw books from the library. Any person who shall keep a book longer than the space of two weeks, or a magazine longer than the space of one week shall be fined at the rate of two cents per day for each day the book or magazine is over-due, not counting Sundays or holidays. Any willful violation of these regulations or failure to pay tines or penalties im- posed upon any person, will be held to justify the directors in debarring such persons from the use of the library, directly or i-ndirectly. All teachers teaching in the town of Loda shall be entitled to draw more than one book when making a special study of a subject, or for class work. LIBRARY DAYS. Library is open every Saturday and Tuesday from 2 o’clock F. M. to 5 o’clock F. M. and from 7 o’clock F. M. to 9 o’clock F. M. Sunday, reading room only, from 2:30 o’clock F. M. to 4:30 o’clock F. M. CONTAGIOUS DISEASE. No person having any form of contagious disease in his residence or family, shall be permitted to receive books. And any person having books in his or her possession belonging to the library and on whose premises contagious disease exists, must report the same to the trustees before returning them and abide by their instruction as to their disposal. All borrowers and the parents of minors are required to sign the following agree- ment: I, the undersigned, hereby agree to care for the books and periodicals received by me in a careful manner and to pay the cost of replacing such book or periodical should the same be lost or damaged, and I hereby agree to submit to all the rules and regula- tions of this Library Association concerning fines and penalties imposed for the viola- tion of any regulations of this library. 6 A. HERR SMITH AND E. E. SMITH PUBLIC LIBRARY, LODA, ILL. Information for Readers. Classification. — The books are classed under ten heads. All cyclopedias, pe- riodicals, etc., so i^eneral in character as to belong to no special class are marked 0, followed by some number with first letter or letters of author’s name. All books on sociology are found in the 300’s; all on religion in the 200’s; all books on science in the 500’s; all books on literature in the 800’s, and is divided in three classes: essays, poetry and miscellaneous. All biography is marked with the letter B followed by au- thor’s letter and number; books of useful arts in the 600’s; of fine arts in the 700’s; travel description and history in the 900’s; fiction is included in the author and title list. Finding List.— Is divided in two divisions: First, a classed list, in which the books are arranged according to the divisions of the classification. Second, an alpha- betical author and title list of all books of fiction or books for young people in the library. To Find a Certain Book. — If the author or title of a given book is known, con- sult the alphabetical list. If books on a given subject are required, consult the class list of the subject desired. Books Must be Applied For by the number given at right of column in finding list. Books Marked * are in reference department and do not circulate. Current Periodicals in Reading Room. Advance. Birds. Christian Science Journal. Christian Science Sentinel. Congregationalist. Golden Days. Harper’s Monthly. Harper’s Round Table. Little Men and Women. Munsey’s Magazine. Northwestern Christian Advocate. St. Nicholas. Success. Scribner’s Magazine. Scientific American. Watseka Republican. Youth’s Companion. Classes. General Works. Religion. Sociology. Natural Science. Biography. Travel and Description. History. Fiction. Books for Young People. Literature Miscellaneous. GENERAL WORKS, RELIGION, SOCIOLOGY. 7 General Works. *Annual Cyclopedia, 1876, ’9l. l6v..03lAn *American Cyclopedia, l6v and Index 031 Am American Reviews. 1845, ’46, ’47, V 4, 5, and 5 05l Am American Whig Review, v8 05lW Antiquarian 05l An8 Atlantic Monthly, v 17, 18 OSlAt Century, v 30. 31 , 05lC Eddy, M. B. G. Retrospection and Introspection. l30Ed2 Science and Health 2v l30Ed2s Golden Rule, v 4, 5 05lG Rayne, M. L. Gems of Deportment l7lRl9 Walker. A. Anthropological, 3v 130W 15 *Webster’s Dictionary .._423W3 *Webster’s Encyclopedic Diction- ary 423W3e Religion. Beadles, J. H. Life in Utah 298B35 Burnaps. Lectures on Unitarianism_288B93 Channing. W. E. Works 204C36 D’Aubigne, J. H. M. History of the Reformation. 3v 270D26 Destruction of Jerusalem 204D46 Dick. Thomas. Works 204D54 Dods. Spirit Manifestations 289.9D66 Drummond, Henry. Natural Law in the Spiritual World 215D84 Madeley, Rev. Edward. Science of Correspondence Elucidated 204M26 Parker, Joseph. Ecce Deus 232P22 Redford, R. A. Vox Dei ...230R24 Rice, N. L. Romanism not Chris- tianity . ._282R36 Smiles. Samuel. Huguenots in France after the Revocation 284Sm4 Smith’s Lectures, 2v 204Sm9 Smyth. Old Faiths in New Light. _204Sm9 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Compendium of Theological Writings, lOv. 289Sw3 Conjugal Love 289Sw3c Divine Providence 289Sw3d Four Leading Doctrines 289Sw3f Heaven and Hell 289Sw3h Miscellaneous Theological Works 289Sw3m True Christian Religion 289Sw3t Townsend, L. T. The Intermedi- ate World. ..236T66 Tuttle, Hudson. Arcana of Nature 230T88 Unitarian Tracts, 2v 288Un3 Sociology. Cairnes, J. E. Political Econo- my, 2v 330C12 Chandler, J R. Freemason’s Mon- itor 336C36 Cobden, Richard. White Slave of England 331C63 French, Jonathan. True Repub- lican 304F88 George, Henry. Social Problems . .330G29 Illinois. Adjutant General Report, l86l- ’66, 8v 353.9116 Constitutional Convention De- bates, 1872, 2v 342.77116 Journal, 1870 342.771116 General Assembly Laws of Illi- nois, 1877, 83, 85, 87, 91, 98 345116 Report, 1890, 5v 328.77116 Geological Survey, v5, 8 557.7116 Labor Statistics, Bureau of Re- port, 1894 3311162 Public Charities, Board of Re- port, 1884 360116 University Report, 1888 379116 Massachusetts. Records, 1628-41 345M Matthews, William. Getting on in the world 374M42 Nordhotf, Charles, Communistic Societies of U. S 335N75 Quaker Laws. Witchcraft l33.4Qu2 Smiles, Samuel. Self Helps 374Sm4 U. S. Agricultural. Department of Report, 1892 630Un3 Year Book 630Un3y Census Office, ninth census 3l7Un3 Eleventh Census 3l7Un3e Compendium and Abstract, 3v__.3l7Un3 Congress Joint Committee. Re- port on Reconstruction 973.8Un3 Geological Survey of Montana.. _557Un3 U. S Senate. Report on Conduct of the War 973.7Un3 Treasury Department. Report on Commerce and Navigation 380Un3 8 SOCIOLOGY, LITERATURE. War Department, Revised regula- tions for the Army of the U. S ._355Un3 Wilson, Elizabeth. Woman’s Rights and Duties 396W69 Natural Science- Agassiz, Louis. Methods of Study in Natural History 590A:3l Baile J. Wonders of Electricity 537Bl5 Comstock, J. L. Comstock’s Mineralogy 549C73 Darwin, Charles. Origin of the Species : 575D25 Donnelly, Ignatius. Ragnarok 55lD7l Dunglinson, Richaad J. Physiol- ogy 535D68 Flammarion, Camille. Wonders of the Heavens 523F61 Guillemin A. V. Wonders of the Moon 523G94 Huxley, Thomas. The Crayfish 595H98 Marion Fulgence. Wonders of the optics 6l7M Miller, Hugh. Old Red Sandstone _55iM6i Philbrook, H. B. Works of Elec- tricity in Nature 537P53 Pileur, A. Le. Wonders of the Hu- man Body 611L55 Proctor, R. A. Other Worlds than Ours 523P94 Raymond, W. Mineral Resources of the States and Territories 557R19 Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report, 1896 506Sm6 Annual Report, 1897 506Sm6 Stockhardt, Charles. Chemistry .__540St6 Tenny, Sandborn. Geology 550T25 Tissandier. Wonders of the Water 55lT5l Wilson. Alexander, and Bonaparte Prince, C. L. American Orni- thology 598.2W69 Youmans, E. L. New Chemistry 540Y8 Literature. ESSAYS. Addison, Joseph and Others. Spectator 824 Ad2 Burroughs, John. Birds and Poets. _824B94 Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Pres- ent Chartism and Sartor Resartus.824Cl9 DeQuincy, Thomas. Confessions of an Opium Eater 824D44 Emerson, R. W. Representative Men 824Em3 Society and Solitude 824Em3s Fiske, John. Unseen World 824F54u Hallam, Henry. Literature of Eu- rope, 2v 809H15 Holland, J. G. Gold Foil 824H71 Lowell, J. R. Among my Books.. 824L95 Macaulay, T. B. Essays ___.824Mll Italy... 824Mlli Macaulay’s Miscellaneous, 2 cop 824Mllm Mathews, William. Hours with men ana Books 824M42 Plato. Plato's Best Thoughts 824P69 Sainte Beuve. Monday Chats 824Sa2 Whipple, E. P. Character and Characteristic Men 824W57 Success and its Conditions 824W57s MISCELLANEOUS. Abbott, J. L, Outlines for the Study of Art 702Ab2 Bailey. Principles of Agriculture. .63lBl5 Burroughs, John. Wake Robin Winter Sunshine, 2 cop 828B94w Clarke, E H. Visions 612C55 Clemens, S. L. Stolen White Ele- phant _.827C59 Codman and Wharton. House Decoration 740C64 Combe, Foster, Mcnish. Treatise on Self Knowledge 612C71 Cumnock’s. Choice Readings 808C91 Dowden, Edward. French Litera- ature 840.9D84 Half Hours with Great Story Tellers 824W Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 827H73 Poet at the Breakfast Table 827H73p Over the Teacups 827H73o Hugo, Victor. William Shakes- peare 822.33Dhu Irving, Washington. Alhambra 827Ir8 Bracebridge Hall 828Ir8b Sketch Book 827Ir8s Jerome K. Jerome. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow _.827J48 Three Men in a Boat 827J48t Landon, M. D. pseud. Eli Perkins. Wit, Humor. Satire 827L23 Long and Buel. Cadet Engineer 621 L85 Mathews, William. Oratory and Orators 808M42 Words, their Uses and Abuses.. 808M42w Men are what Women make Them_.827m4 LITERATURE, POETRY, BIOGRAPHY. 9 Mitchell, D. G. Reveries of a Bach- elor 828M69 Roosevelt, Theod"re. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman 799R67 Rurkin, John. Modern Painters, 5v 750R89 Taine, H. A. History of English Literature, 2v 820Tl3 Poetry, Bailey, P. J. Festus_.y 82iBl5 Barlow. The Voices 821B24 Blackhawk and Scenes in the West_ _82lB56 Browning, Mrs. E. B. Poems, v8_-82lB82 Bryant, W. C. Library of Song and Poetry 821B84 Byron, G. G. N. Lord. Poetical Works - 821B99 Carleton, Will. Farm Festival 82lCl9 Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Poems.'_-82lC25 Chaucer, Geotfry Poetical Works_82lC39 Coleridge, S. T. Poetical Works.. 821C67 Dryden, John. Poetical Works, 2v 821D84 Field, Eugene. With Trumpet and Drum 821F45 Goethe. Marlowe’s Faustus and Goethe Faust 822G71 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems 821G57 Harris. Epic of the Starry Heaven. 821 H24 Heine, Heinrich. Poems 821H36 Hemans, Mrs. F. D. Poetical Works 821H37 Holland, J. G. Kathrina 821H71K Homer. Iliad 821H8 Odessey 821H80 Howitt, Millman and Keats. Col- lection of Poems 821H84 Ingelow, Jean. Poems 82iln4 Khayyam, Omar. Rubiat 821K12 Longfellow, H. W. Poems, 2v 821L86 Meredith, Owen, pseud. Lucile 2 cop 821M54 Milton, John. Paradise Lost 821M64 Moliere, J. B. P. Plays 822M73 Pope, Alexander. Poetical WorkS--82lP8l Rostrand, Edmond. Cyrano De Bergerac 822R73 Scott, Walter. Scott’s Complete Poetical Works 82lSco8 Lady of the Lake 82lSco81 Marmion 82lSco8m Shakespere, William. Complete Works. 822Shl Taylor, Bayard. Prince Deukalion_822T2l The Forgei-me-not 821F76 Truesdale, Mrs. Helen. Poems 821T76 Tupper, M. F. Complete Works.. .821T83 Whittier, J. G. Poems, 2v 821 W61 Winter, Wm. Poems 821W73 Young. Poems.... ._..._.82lY8 Biography. Abbott, J. S. C. Napoleon, 2v. BNl6a Allen. Allen and Witter Families. . .920A15 ^Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Amer- ican Biography, 6v 920Ap Barnard, Charles. Tone Masters. . -920B25 Boone, Daniel. Hartley, C. B BB64 Brown, John. Holst, Hermann Von..BB8l Burr, Aaron. Parton, James BB94 Calhoun, J. C. Holst, Hermann Von.BCl2 Campbell Biographical Sketches.. 920C15 Clay, Henry. Obituary Addresses. ..BC57 Columbus, Christopher. Irving, Washington, 3v BC72 Cromwell, Oliver. D’Aubigne BC88 Custer, Mrs. E. B. Boots and Saddle BC96 Douglass, Frederick. My Bondage and My Freedom BD74 Dow, Lorenzo. Life and Writings. . .BD75 Farragut, D. G. Farragut Loyall BF24 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with Au- thors 920F46 Franklin, Benjamin. Parton, James 2v BF85 Gough, J. B. Autobiography BG72 Grant, U. S. Memoirs. 2v BG76 Harney, W. S. Reavis, L. U BH22 Johnson, Samuel. Boswell. James, 3v BJ63 Josephine, Empress of France BJ77 Kossuth, Louis. Memories of my Exile ...BK84 Lincoln, Abraham. Holland, J. G. ..BL63 Lincoln, Abraham. Putnam.. jBL63 Luther, Martin .._...._..BL97 Lyndon, Mary, Autobiography BL99 Marie Antoinettee . . BM33 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiogra- phy, 2v .BM36 Miller, Hugh. Life and Letters, 2v..BM6l Moody. Granville. Autobiography.. BM77 Parley, Peter, pseud,. Parley’s Panorama j P23 Prentiss, S. S. Memoirs, 2v BP9l Plutarch’s Lives _..-_BP74 10 BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL and DESCRIPTION, HISTORY. Robertson, Williams. History of the Reign of Emporor Charles V.. 3v BC38 Sanderson. Biography of Signers of Declaration of indepen- dence 920Sa5 Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Personal Memoirs, 2v BShS Sherman. Gen. W. T. Memoirs, 2v__BSh55 Stael, Madam de. Stevens. Abel, 2v_.BSt] Stephenson, George and Robert. Smiles, Samuel BSt4 Thomas, Gen. G. H. VanHorne TB_BT36 Voltaire. F. M. A. de. Parton, James, 2v BV88 Washington, George, Bancrofts BW27 Irving, Washington, 5v BW27i Marshall, John BW27m ScLidder BW27s Wife nineteen. Young Y85 Wilkie, F. B. Great Inventions.. 920BW65 Wright, H. C. Autobiography BW93 Young. A. E. Wife nineteen Y85 Travel and Description. A Run Rround the World 910R87 Ballou, M. M. Alaska 917.98B21 Bartlett, David W. Paris with Pen and Pencil 917B28 Barrow. A World Pilgrimage _910B24 Bullen, F. T. The Cruise of the Cachelot 910B87 Burton, R. F. A Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medinah 9t5.3B95 Butler, W. F. Wild Northland.. .917. 1B97 Dana, R. H. Two Years Before the Mast 9l0Dl9 DuChaillu, P A. Land of the Mid- night Sun, 2v 914.8D85 Eames, Jane, Anthony. Another Budget 9l4Eal Budget of Letters... 9l4Eaib Farnham, T. J. Life in California 917.9F23 Fremont, J. C. Fremont’s Explor- ing Expedition 917.3F88 Finley, J. B. Life Among the In- dians, 2 cop 917F49 Hall, Charles F. Arctic Researches 919. 8H32 Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Bits of Trav- el, H. H 914.5J12 Jackson, Lady. The Old Regime. 914.4J13 Johnson, Richard M. Old Times in Middle Georgia 917.5J65 King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada... ..917.94K58 Lathrop, G. P. Vistas of Spain. 914.6L34 Livingstone and Stanley. Explo- rations in Africa 916L76 Lummis, C. F. Some Strange Cor- ners of our Country 9l7,3L97 Mackay, Charles. Life and Liberty in America 9l7Ml9 Marcy, R. B. Border Reminiscen- ces 917.8M33 Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border 9l7.8M33t Millard, D. Egypt and the Holy Land ...9l5M6l Incidents of Travel, 2v 9l5M6li Myers, P. V. N. Remains of Lost Empires 913.3M99 Nansen, F. Farthest North, 2v ..9l9.8Nl5 0’Rell,Max,p8en(7,and Ally n, Jack, Jonathan and his Continent 9l7.30r3 Orton, James. Andes and the Am- azon 9l80r8 Prometheus in Atlantis 901C19 Riley, W. W. Sequel to Riley’s Narrative 910R45 Seiss, Joseph A. Miracle in Stone 9l3.32Se4 Seward, O. R. Travels Around the World 9l0Se7 Warner, C. D- A Round About Journey 9l5W24 In the Levant 9l5.6W24i Winter, William. Shakespeare’s England 914.2W73 Young, J. R. Around the World with Gen. Grant 910Y8 Young Husband. Major, G. J. The Philippine Islands and Round About 9l5Y8l History. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Prussia 942.2Ab2 Kings and Queens 940Ab2 Bancroft, George, Bancroft’s United States History, lOv 973.2B22 Becks. Cuba’s Fight for Free- dom 972.91B38 HISTORY, FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. 11 Benton, T. H. Thirty Years in U. S. Senate, 2 cop. v. I 973.5B44 Blaine, J. G. Twenty Years of Congress, 1861-81, 2v 973.7B57 Carlyle, Thomas. French Revolu- tion, 2v 944C19 Clarke, W. History of England... _942C54 Creasy, E S. Fifteen Decisive Bat- tles of the World .... 904C86 Draper, J. W. The Intellectual De- velopment of Europe, 2v 901 D79 Fiske, John. American Revolu- tion, 2v 973.3F54 Beginnings of New England 974F54b Frost, John. Illuminated history of North America 970F92 Gibbon, Edward. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6v 937G35 Green, J. R. History of the Eng- lish People, 4v 942G8 Harrison, Benjamin. This Coun- try of Ours 973H24 History of Greece 949.5 Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Ger- mans 943H79 Story of the Jews 933H79S Hume, Smallett & Burke. Histo- ry of England; v-2-6 942H88 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, 2v 973.8J13 Jay, William. Review of the Mex- ican War 973.6J33 Johnson, W. T. My Country Tis of Thee 973J62 Josephus, Flavius .933J77 Latimer, Mrs. E. W. Spain in the XIX Century 946L34 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial Field Book of the War of 1812 973. 5L8 Macaulay, T. B. History of Eng- land, 5v 942M11 Machiavelli, Nicolo. The Prince. ..945M18 McMaster, J. B. History of the People of the U. S., 2v 973M22 Motley, J. L History of the United Netherlands, 4v 949.2M85 Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3v. 949. 2M85r Murray, Amelia M. United States, Canada and Cuba 970M96 Myers, P. V. N. Ancient History. _930M99 Parmelee, Mary Pratt History of Spain 946P22 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mexico, 3v.. 972P92 Conquest of Peru, 2v 985P92C Ferdinand and Isabella, 3v 946P92f Philip, the Second, 3v 946P92p Pratt. Colonial Children j973.2P88 Plutarch’s Lives 930P74 Robertson. Charles, the Fifth, 3v.943R54 Smiles, Samuel. Huguenots in France after the Revocation 944Sm4 Tacitus History of Germania 943T21 Taylor, W. C. Manual of Ancient History 930T21 U. S. War Department. *Atlas of the Union and Con- federate Armies 973.7Un3a U. S. War Department. *War of the Rebellion, Official Records of the Union and Con- federate Armies, v. 1-12. l5-2i, 23-53. Ward, R. P. Essays on the Revo- lution, 1688, 2v 942W21 Webster. The Short Line War 972W39 Wheeler, C. G. Course of Empire 909W56 Williams, Thomas. Fiji and Fi- gians 919.61W67 Willson. American History 973W68 Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Ancient Egyptians, 2v 913.32W65 Fiction. AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. A Adam Bede. Eliot E14 Adams, W. T. Living too Fast Adi Adventures of Rob Roy. Grant G58 Aftermath. Allen A154a Aldrich, T B. Marjorie Daw AI26 Prudence Palfrey Al26p A Genuine Lady. Thurston T42 Alexander, .Mrs. pseud., see Hec- tor, Mrs. A. F. Crooked Path AI2 Allen, Mrs. Josiah, pseud, see Holley. Marietta. Allen, James Lane, Choir Invisible A154 Aftermath A154a Kentucky Cardinal A154k 12 FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. Amelia. Fielding, 2v F46 American Claimant. Clemens C59 American Politician. Crawford C85 Amorel of Lyonesse.. Besant B46 Anglomaniacs. Harrison H24 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi T58 Anne. Woolson WaS Annne of Geierstein, Scott Sco8 Ardath. Corelli C8l Around the World in Eighty Days. Verne V59 Arthur, T. S. Orange Blossoms Ar7 A Terrible Temptation. Reade R22 At the Mercy of Tiberius. Wilson W69 Auerbach, Berthold. On the Heights. -Au3 Auld Licht Idyls. Barrie B275 Austen, Jane. Emma Au7 B Baines, M. W. His Cousin, the Doctor.Blb Balestier, C. W. and Kipling, Rudyard. Naulahka K62 Balzac, Honore de. Eugenie Grandet__B21 Fere Goriot B21p Pierrette B2lpi Banned and Blessed. Werner W49 Barabbas. Corelli C8lb Barnaby Rudge. Dickens D55 Barr, Mrs. A. E. Border Shepherdess. _B27 Bow of Orange Ribbon B27b Barrie, J. M. Auld Licht Idyls B275 Little Minister B2751 Margaret Ogilvy B275m Sentimental Tommy B275s Window in Thrums B275w Barriers Burned Away. Roe R62 Barry Lyndon. Thackery T32 Battle of the Strong. Parker P22 Bay ley. A. E., see Lyall, Edna, pseud. Beecher, H. W. Norwood B39 Bell, Currer, pseud., see Bronte, Charlotte Bell, Lillian, Little Sister to the Wilderness .._B4l Berger, E., pseud., see Sheppard. E. S. Charles Anchester B45 Berlin Sans-Souci. Muhlbach M89 Besant, Walter. Amorel of Lyonesse.. B46 Beside the Bonny Brier Bush. Watson W33 Between the Lines. King K58 Beyond the City. Doyle D77 Beyond the Gates. Ward W2i Black, William. McLeod of Dare B56 Yolande B56y Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone B565 Bleak House. Dickens D55b Blessed St. Certainty. Tourgee T64 Bondman. Caine Cl2 Bonnyburough. Whitney W6l Border Shepherdess. Barr B27 Bow of Orange Ribbon. Barr B27b Braeme, C. M. Dora Thorne B73 Bread Winners. Hay H33 Bremer, Fredrika. The Neighbors, ...B75 Bride uf Lammermoor. Scott Sco8b Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre B78 Shirley B78s Villette B78v Brown, John. Rab and his Friends... B8l Buchanan, Robert. Matt B85 Bulwer, Lytton, E. G. E., see Lytton E. G. E., Bulwer Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress B88 Burgomaster’s Wife. Ebers Eb3 Burnett, F. H. That Lass 0’Lowries...B93 By Order of the King. Hugo H87 C Cable, G. W. Old Creole Days Cll Caine. Hall. Bondman Cl2 Christian Cl2c Manxman Cl 2m Carey, Rose N. Lover or Friend Cl8 Nellie’s Memories Ci8n Our Bessie Cl8o Search for Basil Lyndhurst Cl8s Sir Godfrey’s Grand-daughters Cl8si Caskoden, Edward, pseud., see Major, Charles. When Knighthood was in Flower C26 Cathedral Courtship. Wiggin W63 Catherwood, Mrs. M. H. Story of Tonty C28 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop W73 Cervantes, L. M. de. DonQuixote C33 Charles, Mrs. E. R. Chronicles of Schonberg Cotta Family C38 Charles, Auchester. Berger B45 Charles, O’Malley. Lever L57 Christian. Caine Cl2c Christians Mistake. Craik C84 Clemens, S. L. American Claimant C59 Stolen White Elephant- 827C59 Clouds and Sunshine. Reade R22 FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. 13 Collins, Wilkie. Moonstone C69 I New Magdalen, 2v C69n Woman in White -C69w Cooper, J. F. Deerslayer C78 Last ot the Mohicans, 2 cop_ C781 Pathfinder C78p Pilot C78pi Pioneer C78pio Prairie, 2 cop. C78pr Spy ■ C78s Wing and Wing C78w Corelli, Marie, pseud, see Mackay, Marion. Ardath C8i Barabbas C8ib Romance of Two Worlds C8lr Thelma C8lt Cousin Maude. Holmes H732 Cousin Phillis Gaskell G21 Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas D89 Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. (formerly D. M. Mulock). Christian’s Mistake C84 John Halifax, Gentleman C84J Woman’s Kingdom CS4w Crawford, F. M. An American Politician C85 Mr. Isaacs C85M Roman Singer C85r Rose of Yesterday C8 .m'o Crooked Path. Alexander Al2 | Cross, Mrs M. A. E. see George Eliot, pseud. Crown from a Spear C83 Cummins, M. S. Lamplighter C9l D Daisy Chain. Yonge Y8 Daniel Deronda, 2 v 2 cop Eliot El4d j Dairy mples. Giberne .. G35 David Copperfield. Dickens D55d David Harrum. Wescott W5l j Davis, R. H. Soldiers of Fortune D29 Days of Auld'Lang Syne. Watson W33 ^ DeMille, James. Lady of Ice ... D39 Deerslayer. Cooper C78 Deephaven. Jewett Dickens, Charles. J55 Barnaby Rudge D55 Bleak House D55b David Copperfield. D55d Dombey and Son ....D55do Little Dorritt D551 Martin Chuzzlewit D55m Nicholas Nickleby D55n Old Curiosity Shop D55o Oliver Twist, 2 cop D55ol Pickwick Club D55p Tale of 1 wo Cities D55t Dix, Marie, Beulah. Hugh Gwyeth D64 Dr. Grimshaw’s Secret. Hawthorne. _H314 Dr. Jeykel and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson. . .St4 Dombey and Son. Dickens D55do Don Quixote. Cervantes C33 Donovan. Lyall L98 Dora Thorne. Braeme B73 Downfall. Zola Z74 Doyle, A. Conan. Beyond the City D77 Micah Clarke D77m Study in Scarlet D77s Dred. Stowe St7 Dumas, Alexander. Count of Monte Cristo.. D89 Forty-five Guardsmen D89f Queen’s Necklace D89q Three Guardsmen D89t Twenty Years After. D89tw Twin Lieutenants D89twi E East Angles. Woolson W88e Ebers, Georg Burgomaster's Wife.. Eb3 Egyptian Princess, 2v Eb3e Serapis Eb3s Thorny Path, 2v Eb3t Uarda Eb3u Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Point of Honor Ed9 Eggleston, Edward. Graysons. Eg3 Hoosier School-master Eg3h Egyptian Princess, 2v. Ebers Eb3e Elder, William. Enchanted Beauty El2 Eliot, George, pseud. Adam Bede E14 Daniel Deronda, 2v., 2 cop El4d Felix Holt . El4f Impressions of Theophrastus Such...El4i Middlemarch El4m Romola E14r ; Ellis, A. C. Unforgiven _.E15 14 FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. Elsie Venner. Holmes H73 Emma. Austin Au7 Enchanted Beauty. Elder El2 Eugene Aram. Lyttpn L99 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac B2l Evans, Augusta J , see Wilson, Mrs Augusta, J. Evans F Fair God. Wallace Wl5 Fair Maid of Perth Scott ScoSf Faith Gartney’s Girlhood. Whitney__W6l Family Pride. Pique P68 Fathers and Sons. Turgenietf. T84 Felix Holt Eliot El4f Fellowe and His Wife. Howard & Sharp H83 Field, Eugene. Little Book of Profitable Tales F45 Fielding, Henry. Amelia, 2v F46 First Families of the Sierras. Miller. __M6l First Violin. Fothergill F82 Fool’s Errand. Tourgee T64f Ford, Paul, Lester. Honorable Peter Sterling F75 Story of an Untold Love F75s Fothergill, Jessie. First Violin F82 Forty-five Guardsmen. Dumas D89f Frederic, Harold. In the Market Place. F87 From Jest to Earnest. Roe R62 Foul Play. Reade R22f Fuller, Anna. Literary Courtship F95 Peak and Prairie F95p G Garth. Hawthorne H3l Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Cousin Phillis G2l Gates Ajar. Ward W2lg Gates Wide Open. Wood W85 Gayworthys. Whitney W6lg Giberne, Agnes. The Dalrymples G35 Gold Elsie. Marlitt M34 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield G57 Golden Gossip. Whitney W6lgo Grant, James. Adventures of Rob Roy G58 Graysons. Eggleston Eg3 Guy Mannering. Scott Sco8g H Haggard, H. R. Jess H12 Mr. Meeson’s Will Hl2m Hard Cash. Reade. R22h Hardy Norseman. Lyall L98h Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Anglomaniacs. _H24 Harte, Bret. Maruja H25 Hawthorne, Julian. Garth.. H3l Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Dr. Grimshawe’s Secret H3l4 House of Seven Gables. H3l4ii Marble Faun H3l4m Scarlet Letter H3l4s Hay, John. Bread Winners H33 Heart of ^Hdlothian. Scott Sco8h Hector, Mrs. A. F., see Alexander, Mrs., pHCvd. Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge Y8 Hereward. Kingsley K6l Hilda. Smith Sm6 His Cousin, the Doctor. Baines B16 His Majesty, Myself. Tourgee T6fh Hitherto. Whitney W6lh Holland, J G. Nicholas Minium H7l Seven Oaks H7lo HoLey, Marietta. Sweet Cicely H42 Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Cousin Maude.. H732 Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner H73 Honorable Peter Sterling. Ford F75 Hoosier School-master. Eggleston... Eg3h House of Seven Gables. Hawthorne. H3l4h House of the Wolf. Weyman W54 Howard, B. W. & Sharp, W. Fellowe and His Wife H83 Howard, B. W., One Summer H83o Howells, W. D. An Imperative Duty .H835 Ragged Lady H835r Hugo, Victor. By Oraer of the King H87 Les Miserables, 2 cop H87I Ninety Three H87n Notre Dame H87no Toilers of the Sea HS7t Hugh Gwyeth. Dix D64 Hugh Wynne. Mitchell M696 Hunt, Helen, see Jackson, H. H. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. Roosevelt 799R67 Hypatia. Kingsley K6lh Hyperion. Longfellow L86 I An Imperative Duty. Howell H835 FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. 15 Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Eliot EI4 In His Steps Sheldon Sh4 In the Golden Days. Lyall L98i In the SchillingscoLirt. Marlitt M34i Ingelow, Jean. Off the Skelligs In4 Ingraham, J. H. Prince of the House of David In45 An Inheritance. Spoff'ord Sp6 Iota, f>seu(l. Yellow Aster Io4 t Irving, Washington. Astoria 9l7.8Ir8 Ivanhoe. Scott ScoSi J Jack Hinton. Lever L57j Jackson, .Mrs H. H. Ramona Ji2 Jacob Faithful. Marryatt M347 Jerome. Louise The Gap in the Fence J483 Jess Haggard Hl2 Jewett, S. O. Deephaven J55 John Brent. Winthrop W73j John Halifax Gentleman. Craik C84j Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas J63 K Kate Carnegie. Watson W33k Kenilworth. Scott Sco8k Kentucky Cardinal. Allen A154k Kidnapped. Stevenson St4k King, Capt. Charles. Between the lines K58 Warrior Gap K58w Kingsley, Charles. Hereward K6l Hypatia. K6lh Westward Ho! K6lv/ Kingsley, Florence. Stephen, a Soldier of the Cross K6l3 Kipling, Rudvard. Light that Failed__K62 The Days Work K62t Kipling and Balestier, C. W. Naulahka K62n L La Rame, Louise de (Ouida pseud.) Wanda L32 Lady with the Rubies. Marlitt M341 Lady of the Ice. DeMille D39 Last American. Mitchell M69 Last Days of Pompeii. Lytton L991 Last of the Barons. Lytton. _L991a Last of the Mohicans, 2 cop. Coc»per_C781 Leighton, Robert. Olaf, the Glorious. .L53 Les Miserables, 2 cop. Hugo H871 Lever, Charles. Charles O’Malley L57 Jack Hinton L57j I ight that Failed. Kipling K62 Literary Courtship. Fuller... F95 Little Book of Profitable Tales. Field. .F45 Little Classics, ed by Rossiter Johnson. Authors. Heroism. Love Childhood. Humanity. Mysteiy. Comedy. Intellect. Narrative Poems Exile. Laughter. Nature. Fortune. Life. Tragedy. Little Dorritt. Dickens D551 Little Journey in the World. Warner. W24 Little Minister. Barrie B2751 Little Sister to the Wilderness. Bell...B4l Living too Fast. Adams Adi Lorna Doone. Blackmore B565 Love Me Little, Love Me Long. Reade R22l Lover, Samuel. Rory O’More L94 Lover or Friend. Carey Cl8 Lyall, Edna, pseud, see A. E. Bayley. Donovan L98 Hardy Norseman L98h In the Golden Days L98i We Two L98w Won by Waiting L98wo Lytton, E. G E., Bulwer. Eugene Aram L99 Last Days of Pompeii __L991 Last of the Barons L9vla Rienzi L99r Zanoni L99z M MacDonald, George. Marquis of Lossie Ml4 Robert Falconer Mi4r Weighed and Wanting, 2 cop Mi4w McFadden. Seamstress of Stettin Ml6 MacKay, Marion, see Corelli, Marie, MacLaren, Ian, pseud, see Watson, J. M. Macleod of Dare. Black B56 Major, Charles, see Edwin Casko- den, pseud. Manxman. Caine.. Cl2m Marble Faun. Hawthorne H3l4m Marcella. Ward W2l3 Margaret Ogilvy. Barrie B275m Marjorie Daw. Aldrich Al26 16 FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. Alarlitl, E. (pi^eiul of Eugenie John.) Gold Elsie M34 In the Schillingscourl M34i Lady With the Rubies M341 Princess of the Moor M34p Second Wife_^ M34s Marquis of Lossie. MacDonald Ml4 Marryatt, Frederick. Jacob Faithful M347 Mr. Midshipman Easy M347m Marse, Chan. Page Pi4 Martin tdiuzzlewit. Dickens D55m Maruja. Harte H25 Matt. Buchanan B85 Micah Clarke. Doyle D77m Middleinarch. Eliot ElJm Miller, Joaquin, pseud of C. H Miller. First Famiiies of the Sierras M6l Mr. Meesoii’s Will. Haggard Hl2m Mr. Midshipman Easy. Marryatt M347 Mitchell, J. A. Last American, M69 Mitchell, S. W. Hugh Wynne M696 Mohammed Ali and his House. Muhlbach MS9m Moonstone. Collins C69 Muhlbach, Louise, (pseud, of Mrs. Mundt.) Berlin and Sans Souci M89 Mohammed and his House M89m Mulock, D. M., see Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Mysterious Island. Verne, V59 N Naulahka. Kipling and Balestier. K62 Neighbors. Bremer B75 Newberry, Fanny E. A Son’s Victory _N42 New Magdalen, 2 cop. Collins C69n Newcomes. Thackery T32n Nicholas Minturn. Holland H7l Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens D55n Ninety Three. Hugo H87n Noble, Lucretia. Reverend Idol N66 Norwood. Beecher B39 Notre Dame. Hugo. .._H87no O Odd or Even. Whitney W6lo Otf the Skelligs. Ingelow In4 Olaf, the Glorious. Leighton .._L53 Old Creole Days. Cable Cil Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens D55ol Old Ebenezer. Read R222 Old Mortality. Scott ScoSo Oliver Twist, 2 cop. Dickens D55a On the Heights. Auerbach Au3 One Summer. Howard H83o Orange Blossoms Arthur Ar7 Other Girls. Whitney W6lot Ouida, pseud see La Rame, Louise de. Our Bessie. Carey Cl8o P Page, T. N. Marse Chan Pi4 Pan, Michael, Sienkiewicz Sil Pansy, pseud, see Alden, Mrs. I. M. Parker, Gilbert.' Battle of the Strong__P22 Seats of the Mighty P22s Pathfinder. Cooper C78p Patience Strong’s Outings. Whitney W6lp Pendennis. Thackery T32p Penelope’s Progress. Wiggin W63p Pere Goriot. BalzacC B2lp Phelps, E. S . see Ward, Mrs. E. S. P. Pickwick Club. Dickens D55p Pierette. Balzac B2lpi Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan B88 Pilot. C’ooper .C78pi Pioneer. Cooper C78pio Pirate. Scott Sco8p Point of Honor. Edwards Ed9 Polly Oliver’s Problem. Wiggins W63p Porter, Jane. Scottish Chief P83 Thaddeus of Warsaw P83t Prairie, 2 cop. Cooper C78pr Prentiss, Elizabeth. Stepping Heavenward P9l Prince of the House of David. Ingraham ln45 Princess of the Moor. Marlitt M34p Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich Al26p Put Yourself in His Place. Reade R22p Q Queen’s Necklace. Dumas D89q Quo Vadis. Sienkiewicz Sit R Rab and His Friends. Brown B8l Ragged Lady. Howells H835 Ramona. Jackson Ji2 Rasselas. Johnson J63 Reade, Charles. A Terrible Temptation R22 Clouds and Sunshine R22c Foul Play... .R22f FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST. 17 Hard Cash R22h It is never too Late to Mend R22i Love me Little, Love me Long R 22 I Put Yourself in His Place R22p Read, O P. Old Ebenezer R 222 The Jucklins R222t Real Folks. Whitney W6lr Reverend Idol. Noble N66 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W., see Wiggin. Rob Roy. Scott, 2 cop Sco8r Robert Falconer. MacDonald Ml4r Roe, E. P. Barriers Burned Away R62 From Jesi to Earnest R62f Roman Singer. Crawford C85r Romance of Two Worlds. Corelli C8lr Romola. Eiiot _.El4r Rory O’More. Lover L94 Rose of Yesterday. Crawford C85ro Roosevelt, Colonel Theodore. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman 799R67 Story of the Rough Riders R67s S Saint Ives. Stevenson St4s Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne ._H3l4s Schonberg, Cotta Family. Charles C38 Scott, Walter. Annie of Geierstein Sco8 Bride of Lammermore Sco8b Count Robert of Paris ScoSc Fair Maid of Perth Sco8f Guy Mannering Sco8g Heart of Mid Lothian Sco8h Ivanhoe Sco8i Kenilworth Sco8k Monastery Sco8m Old Mortality Sco8o Pirate Sco8p Rob Roy, 2 cop Sco8r Tales of my Landlord __Sco8t Waverley Sco8w Wuodstock ScoSwo Scottish Chiefs. Porter P83 Seamstress of Stettin, McFadden M 16 Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey. _.Cl8s Seats of the Mighty. Parker P22 Second Wife. Marlitt M34s Sentimental Tommy. Barrie B275s Serapis. Ebers Eb3s Seven Oaks. Holland H7ls Sheldon, C. M. In his Steps Sh4 Sheppard, E. S., see Berger, E. pneud. Shirley. Bronte. B78 Sienkiewicz, Henry K. Pan Michael Sil Quo Vadis Sil Cl Singular Life. Ward W2is Smith, W C. Hilda Sm6 Smith, J. Hopkinson. Tom Grogan.. Sm5 Soldiers of Fortune. Davis D29 Sons Victory. Newberry N42 i Spofford, H. P. An Inheritance. Sp6 Spy. Cooper C78s Stepping Heavenward. Prentiss P9l Stevenson, R. L. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.... St4 Kidnapped St4k Saint Ives St4s Treasure Island St4t Stephen, a Soldier of the Cross. ! Kingsley K6l3 i Stolen White Elephant. Clemens. 827C59S Story of the Rough Riders. Roosevelt.. R67s , Story of an Untold Love. Ford F75 j Story of Tonty. Catherwood C28 i Stowe, H. B. Dred St 7 Uncle Tom’s Cabin .....St7u Study in Scarlet. Doyle. D77s Swan, A. S. Ursula Vivian Swl Sweet Cicely. Holley. H72 T Tale of Two Cities. Dickens D55t Tales of My Landlord. Scott Sco8t Ten Thousand a Year. Warren W25 Teutfel, Mrs. B. W. H., see Howard. Thackeray, W. M. Barry Lyndon T32 Newcomes T32n Pendennis T32p Vanity Fair T32v Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter P83t That Lass O’Lowries. Burnett B93 The Days Work. Kipling K62t The Gap in the Fence. Jerome J483 The Jucklins. Read R222j Thelma. Corelli C8lt Thompson, D. P. Green Mountain BoyS T37 Thorny Path, 2v. Ebers Eb3t Three Guardsmen. Dumas D89t I Thurston, I. T. A Genuine Lady.. .T42 18 FICTION, AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST, Toilers of the Sea. Hugo H87t Tolstoi, L. N. Anna Karenina.: T58 War and Peace, 6v T58w Tom Grogan. Smiih Sm5 Tourgee, A. W. Blessed Saint Certainty T64 Fools Errand T64f His Majesty Myself T64h Treasure Island, Stevenson St4t Turgenietf, Ivan. Fathers and Sons.._T84 Twain, Mark, pseud, see Clemens, S. L. Twenty Years After. Dumas DSPtw Twin Lieutenants, Dumas D89twi U Uarda. Ebers Eh3u Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Stowe St7u Unforgiven. Ellis E15 Ursula Vivian. Swan Swl V Vanity Fair. Thackeray T32v Verne Jules. Around the World in Eighty Days...V59 Mysterious Island _-V59m Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith. G57 Villette. Bronte B78v W Wallace, Lew. Fair God Wi5 Wanda. LaRame.. L32 Warrior Gap. King K58w War and Peace. Tolstoi, 6v T58w Ward, Mrs. E. S. P. Beyond the Gates W2i Gates Ajar W2ig Singular Life W2ls Ward, Mrs. Humphery. Marcella ___W2l3 Warner, C. D. Little Journey in the World W24 Warren, Samuel. Ten Thousand a Year ._.W25 Watson, J. M., pseud Ian Maclaren. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush W33 Days of Auld Lang Syne W33d Kate Carnegie W33k Waverley. Scott ScoSw Weighed and Wanting. MacDonald. Ml4w W'e Two. Lyall. L98w We Ten. Yechton jY7 Werner, Elizabeth, (pseud of Elizabeth Burstenbinder.) Banned and Blessed W49 Wescott, D. N. David Harrum W5l Westward Ho! Kingsley K6lw Weyman, S. J. House of the Wolf_..W54 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Bonnyborough W6l Faith Gartney’s Girlhood W6lf Gayworthy's W6l g Golden Gossip W6‘go Hitherto ' W6ih Odd or Even. W6lo Other Girls W6lot Patience Strong’s Outings W6ip Real Folks W6lr Wiggins, Mrs. K. D. Cathedral Courtship W63 Polly Oliver’s Problems W63po Penelope’s Progress W63pe Wilson, Mrs. A. J. E. At the Mercy of Tiberius W69 Window in Thrums. Barrie B275w Wing and Wing. Cooper C78w Winthrop, Theodore. Cecil Dreeme W73 John Brent W73j Woman in White. Collins C69w Woman’s Kingdom. Craik C84w Won by Waiting. Lyall L98w Wood, George. Gates Wide Open W85 Woodstock. Scott ...ScoSwo Woolson, C. F. Anne W88 East Angels W88e Wycoff, W. A. Workers East W99 Workers West .W99w Y Yellow Aster. Iota... .Io44 Yolande. Black -.B56y Yonge, C. M. Daisy Chain Y8 Heir of Redclyffe Y8h Z Zanoni. Lytton L99z Zola, Emile. (The) Downfall Z74 AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST OF BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 19 Books for Voung People. A Abbott, Jacob. Alexander the Great jBAl2 Charles the First jBCJSl Charles the Second iBC3S2 Cleopatra. ... iBC59 Cyrus tlie Great.. jBC99 Hannibal iBHl9 Julius Caisar jBCl l Mary, Queen of Scots jBM36 Nero jBN35 Peter the Great jBP44 Richard the First jBR38l Romulus jBR66 William the Conqueror jBW67 Xerxes jBX2 Young Christian j243ab2 Abbott, John S. C. Empress Josephine jBJ77 Hernando Cortez jBC8l Joseph Bonaparte jBB64 Louis Fourteenth jBL92 Louis Philippe jBL922 Madam Roland iBR64 Marie Antoinette jBM333 Queen Elizabeth jBE14 Queen Hortense jBH78 History of Prussia j943.1ab2 Adams, W. T. In the Saddle jAdi Make or Break jAdim On Time jAdto Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Raspe jRi8 African Cruiser. Sadler jSai Alcott, Louise M. An Old Fashioned Girl... jAlt Eight Cousins jAlle Little Men jAlll Little Women jAllli Rose in Bloom jAllr Silver Pitcher jAlls Alden, Mrs. I. M. Julia Reid jAl2 Alden, W. L. Moral Pirates jAl25 Alexander the Great. Abbott jBAl2 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Carroll _.jC23 Amicis, Edmondo de. The Heart of a Boy jAmS An Old Fashioned Girl. Alcott jAll Andrews, Jane. Each and All jAn25 Seven Little Sisters jAn25s Sturies Mother Nature Told Her Children j.S04An25st I'en Boys who Lived on Road from Long Ago to Now An25t Arabian Nights Entertainments, 2cop.jArl Ashley, B. F. Dick and Jack’s Adventures on Sable Islands jAs3 Tan Pile Jim jAs3t B Babb, Hattie. Little Princess jBii Ballantyne, R. M. Martin Rattler jB2t Bear Worshipers of Yezo. Greey jG8l Betty Leicester. Jewett jJ55 Birds Christmas Carol. Wiggin jW63 Birdways. Miller jM6l Black Beauty. Sewell, 2 cop jSe8 Boyd. Mrs. E- E. Jack Bryson jB68 Boys of ’76. Coffin j973.3C65 Brewery at Taylorville. Chellis iC4l Brownies. Cox jC83 Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy jB93 Little Saint Elizabeth jB931 One I Knew Best of All jB93o Two Little Pilgrims Progress jB93t Butterworth, Hezekiah. Wampum Belt jB98 Knight of Liberty jB98k C Carroll, Lewis, pseud, see Dodgon, C. L. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.. .jC23 Through the Looking Glass jC23t Champney, Mrs. E. W. Paddy O’Leary and his Learned Pig.jC35 Chance for Himself. Trowbridge iT75 Charles the First. Abbott jBC38l Charles the Second. Abbott jBC382 Chellis, M. D. Brewery at Taylorville jC4t Child’s History of England. Dickens j942D55 Christmas Stories. Dickens D55c Clemens, S. L. Tom Sawyer jC59 Cleopatra. Abbott iBC59 Coffiin, C. C. Boys of ’76 j973.3C65 Daughters of the Revolution C65d 20 AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST OF BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Old Times in the Colonies C65o Winnini^ his Way C65w Condemned as a Nihilist. Henty jH39 Colonial Children. 'Pratt j973.2P88 Cox, Palmer. The Brownies jC83 Craik, Mrs. D. M M. Little Lame Prince iC84 Cyrus the Great. Abbott )BC99 D Daddy Jake, the Runaway. Harris iH24 Daughters of the Revolution. CoffinJCbSd Davis, R. H. Soldiers of Fortune D29 Stories for Boys jD29s Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe jD36 Dick. Ray jR21 Dick and Jack’s Adventures on Sable Island. Ashley jAs3 Dickens. Charles. Child’s History of England j942D55 Christmas Stories jD55c Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker jD66 Dodgson, C. L., see Carroll, Lewis Doing His Best. Trowbridge iT75d Dorothy Deane. Kirk jK63 DuChaillu, P. B. Wild Life under the Equator.. _j9l6.7D85 Dwarf’s Tailor. Underhill Un2 Dyson. Stories from the Trees iD99 E H Hale, E, E. Stories of Adventure... .jHl3 Hale, L. P. Peterkin Papers jHl33 Half Dozen Boys. Ray jR2lh Half Dozen Girls. Ray jR2lha Hans Brinker. Dodge ..jD66 Hannibal. Abbott jBHl9. Happy Six. Shirley.. jShb Harris, J. C. Daddy Jake, the Runaway jH24 Free Joe jH24f Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather’s Chair j973 2H31 Tanglewood Tales jH3it Wonder Book jH3lw Heart of a Boy. Amicis jAmS Heart of Oak. Norton, 6v jN8l Held Fast for England. Henty jH39h I Henty, G. A. 1 Condemned as a Nihilist jH39 ' Held Fast for England jH39h ' In Freedom’s Cause jH39i I Through Russian Snows jH39t I True to the Old Flag iH39tr I Hernando Cortez. Abbott jBCSl Hope Benham Perry iP42h Howard, B. W. No Heroes ..iH83 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford jH87 Tom Brown’s School Days jH87t Each and All. Andrews jAn25e Eight Cousins. Alcott jAlle Empress Josephine. Abbott jBJ77 Evans, Thomas. Youthful Piety jEvl Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Jan of the Windmill jEw5 Lob-Lie by the Fire jEwSl F Fairy Tales. Grimm jG88 Free Joe. Harris jH24f G Grandfather’s Chair. Hawthorne j973.2H3l Greey, Edward. Bear Worshipers of Yezo jG8t Greek Heroes. Kingsley jK6l Green Mountain Boys. Thompson jT3 7 Grimm, J. L. and W. K. Fairy Tales jG88 I In Freedom’s Cause. Henty iH39i In the Saddle. Adams jAdi J Jack Bryson. Boyd jB68 Jack Hazard and his Fortunes. Trowbridge jT75j Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Letters from a Cat jjl2 Nelly’s Silver Mine jJl2n Jan of the Windmill. Ewing jEwS Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester jJ55 Joseph Bonaparte. Abbott, J. S. C .jBB64 Julia Reid. Alden jAl2 Julius Caesar. Abbott .jBCll Jungle Book. Kipling jK62 K Kaler, J. O. King, Capt. Charles. Trumpeter Fred_jK58 AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST OF BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 21 Kingsley, Charles. Greek Heroes jK6l Water Babies jKblvv Kirk, Ellen O. Dorothy Deane jK63 Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle Book jK62 Knights of Liberty. Butterworth ]E98k L Laurence’s Adventure. Trowbridge jT751 Lee. Albert. Tommy Toddles jL5i Letters from a Cat. Jackson ]J 12 Life of Lincoln. Putnam jBL63 Little Lame Prince. Craik jC84 Little Men. Alcott jAlll Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett jBV3 Little Princess. Babb jBll Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett ]B931 Little Women. Alcott jAltli Lob-Lie-by-the Fire. Ewing jEwSl Louis Fourteenth. Abbott jBL92 Louis Philippe. Abbott. ]BL922 M Macy, W. H. There she Blows jM25 Madam Roland. Abbott jBR64 Make or Break. Adams ...jAdim Marie Antoinette. Abbott jBM333 Martin Rattler. Ballantyne jB2i Mary Queen of Scots. Abbott jBM36 Meade, L. T. Polly, a New-fashioned Girl jM46 World of Girls jM46w Miller, O. T. Birdways jM6l Moral Pirates. Alden jAl25 Moore, N. Pilgrims and Puritans jM78 N Nelly’s Silver Mine. Jackson jji2n Nero. Abbott jBN35 No Heroes. Howard I_.jH83 Norton, C. E. Heart of Oak, ov jN8l O One 1 Knew Best of All. Burnett jB9jo On Time. Adams, jAdlo Optic, Oliver, pseud., see Adams, W. T. Otis, James, pseud., see Kaler, J. O. Silent Pete jOt4 Toby, Tyler jOt4t P Paddy O’Leary and his Learned Pig. Champney jC35 Perry, Nora. Three Little Daughters of the Revo- lution jP42 Hope Benham P42h Peterkin’s Papers. Hale jHl53 Peter the Great. Abbott jBP44 Phelps, E. S. (afterward) Mrs. Ward. Trotty Book jP5l Phil and his Friends Trowbridge. OT75p Pilgrims and Puritans. Moore jM78 Plympton, A. G. The Black Dog jP74 Polly, a New-fashioned Girl. Meade jM46 Pratt, M. L. Colonial Children 973. 2jP88 Q Queen Elizabeth. Abbott jBE14 Queen Hortense, Abbott jBH78 R Raspe, R. E. Adventures of Baron Munchausen ._jRl8 Ray, Anna Chapin. Dick jR21 Half Dozen Boys jR2lh Half Dozen Girls.. jR21ha Teddy, Her Book jR2lt Richard the First. Abbott jBR38l Richard, Laura E. Three Margarets .-jR39 Robinson Crusoe. Defoe jD36 Romulus. Abbott jBR66 Rose in Bloom. Alcott jAllr S Sadler, S. W. African Crusier jSal Scott, Walter. History of Scotland j94lSco8 Search for Andrew Field. Tomlinson. .jT59 Seawell, M. E. Paul Jones jSel Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty, 2 cop jSe8 Seven Little Sisters. Andrews jAn25s Shirley, Penn. Happy Six jSh6 Silent Pete. Otis jOt4 Silver Pitchers. Alcott jAlls Stockton, F. R. Ting-a-ling Tales jSt6 Stories for Boys. Davis jD29s Stories From the Trees. Dyson jD99 Stories of Adventure. Hale jHl3 Stories Mother Nature told her Children. Andrews j504An25st T Tan Pile Jim. Ashley jAs3t Tanglewood Tales. Hawthorne jliJlt 22 AUTHOR AND TITLE LIST OF BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Teddy, Her Book. Ray jR21t Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road From Lono^ Ayo to Novy. Andrews An25t Throu'.rh Russian Snows Henty jH39t Throui(h the Lookin^j Glass. Carroll_jC23t The Black Dog. Plympton jP74 There She Blows. Macv jM25 Three Little Daughters of the Revolution. Perry jP42 Three Margarets. Richards jR39 Timothy’s Quest. Wiggin jW63t Ting-a-ling Tales. Stockton jSt6 Toby Trafford. Trowbridge jT75t Toby Tyler. Otis jOt4t Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes jH87 Tom Brown’s School Days. Hughes_jH87t Tomlinson, E. T. Search for Andrew Field jT59 Tom Sawyer. Clemens jC59 Tommy Toddles. Lee j'LSl Trowbridge, J. T Chance for Himself jT75 Doing his Best jT75d Jack Hazard and His Fortunes jT75j Laurence’s Adventure jT751 Phil and his Friends -jT75p Toby Trafford jT75t Young Surveyor jT75y True to the old Flag. Henty jH39tr Trumpeter Fred. King jK58 Two Little Pilgrim’s Progress. Burnett jB93t U Underhill, Mrs. Z. D. Dwarf’s Tailor. rjUn2 W Wampum Belt. Butterworth jB98 Water Babies. Kingsley jK6lw We Ten. Yeckton jY7 William the Conquerer. Abbott jBw67 Wiggins, Mrs. K. D. (afterwards Mrs. Riggs) Birds Christmas carol jW63 Timothy’s Quest jW63t Wild Life Under the Equator. DuChaillu j9l6.7D85 Winning his Way. Coffin jC65 Wonder Book. Hawthorne jH3lW World of Girls. Meade jM46w Wyss, J. D. Swiss Family Robinson. _jW99 X Xerxes. Abbott jBx2 Y Yechton, Barbara. We Ten jY7 Young Surveyor. Trowbridge jT75y Young Christian. Abbott j243Ab2