LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Report No. 379 (Ui. Z^ PROCEDURES IN THE TRANQUIL COMPILER Martin Ozga April 30, 1970 ILLIAC IV Document No. 209 Report No. 379 PROCEDURES IN THE TRAI^UIL COMPILER^ Martin Ozga April 30, 1970 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urtana^ Illinois 618OI ■X- This work was supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency as administered by the Rome Air Development Center under Contract No. USAF 30(602)-4l44 and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science, January 1970* ABSTRACT A description is given of the procedure structvire in the TRANQUIL compiler, which allows external and internal procedures which may or may not return a single value. Also, for the benefit of those who may have to change the compiler, a description is given of the current implementation. Ill ACKNOWLEDGEiyEEM' The author wishes to thank Professor Robert S. Northcote of the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois for his suggestions and criticisms on the design and implementation of procedures in TRAIJQUIL, and also on the writing of this thesis. Also, the author is indebted to Norma Abel, Paul Budnik, Yoichi Muraoka, and Robert Wilhelmson for their suggestions and aid during the implementation of procedures in TRANQUIL. Finally, the author wishes to express his thanks to Mrs. Kay Flessner for typing this manuscript. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE SPECIFICATION OF PROCEDURES IN TRAIJQUIL 5 2.1 Placement of the Procedure Declaration 5 2.2 The Procedure Heading 5 2.2.1 Simple Arithmetic and Boolean Variables 6 2.2.2 Arrays 7 2.2.3 Sets 8 2.2.4 Labels 9 2.2.5 Procedures 9 2.3 The EXTERNAL ENTRY Declaration 11 2.k The Procedure Body 12 2.U.1 General Description ' 12 2.U.2 The RETURN Statement 12 2.4.3 Use of Labels 13 2.5 External Procedure Declarations l4 2.6 ROW Procedures 15 2.7 The Procedure Call 15 3. IMPLEMENTATION I8 3.1 Pass 1 Tables I8 3.1.1 Use of IDTAB I8 3.1.2 EXTTAB 19 3.1.3 PARTAB . . , / • • • 20 V Page 3.2 Pass 2 Actions 20 3.2.1 Passing Parameters 20 Simple Arithmetic and Boolean Variables 22 Sets 22 Arrays 22 3.2.1.i+ Labels 23 Procedures 23 3.2.2 The Procedure Body 23 Returning from a Procedure 25 3.2.3 The Procedure Call 26 3.2.4 Linking Procedure Calls to Expressions 27 h. M EXTENSION 28 4.1 Introduction to Array Procedures 28 4.2 Proposed Specifications for Array Procedures 29 4.3 Applications 31 4.3.1 Mapping Functions 31 4.3.2 Input/Output 32 5. CONCLUSION 33 APPENDIX A. THE SYNTAX OF PROCEDURES 3^ B. SAMPLE TRANQUIL PROGRAM USHJG PROCEDURES 37 LIST OF REFERENCES 39 VI LIST OF FIGLTRES Figiire Page 1. The relationship between Pass 1 tables for handling procedures. . 21 2. The structure of a procedure body as generated by the TRANQUIL compiler . . 2U 1. INTRODUCTION TRANQUIL is a high-level algorithmic language for ILLIAC TV pro- grajraning. The TRANQUIL compiler is currently being written to run on the B65OO and produce ILLIAC IV assembler code which will then be input to the assembler (ASK), also to run on the B65OO. The latter will output executable ILLIAC IV machine code. This report describes the procedure facility in TRANQUIL and assimes that the reader has a knowledge of other parts of TRANQUIL (Abel, Budnik, Kuck, Miiraoka, Northcote and Wilhelmson [l] provide a good in- troduction to TRANQUIL) and of ILLIAC IV. Syntactically, TRANQUIL resembles the major block structure lan- guages now in use, i.e., ALGOL and PL/1, and is particularly modelled after ALGOL. In creating a procedure facility for TRANQUIL, the procedure facil- ities provided in ALGOL and PL/1 have been used as a model. Since ILLIAC TV is structured such that all processing elements execute the same instruction in parallel, about the only difference that might be expected from the pro- cedure structure of languages designed for conventional machines would be the ability to return an array of values. However, since TRANQUIL arrays often contain more elements than can be operated on in parallel simultaneously, this would mean finding storage for the array of values. Since the same effect can always be achieved by passing an array as a parameter and since, in many cases, the array thus created would be immediately substituted into another array thus making poor use of storage, and since the storage/ computing power ratio is quite low in ILLIAC TV, such array procedures have not been implemented in TRANQUIL. However, iinder certain restrictions, TRANQUIL may communicate with procedures written in assembly language which return differ- ent values in each processing element. In this regard, it is interesting to note that PL/1, which does allow array operations, does not allow user defined functions to return more than a single value. ALGOL, of course, also does not allow functions to return an array of values. Between ALGOL and PL/1, three ways of passing parameters to proce- dures may be discerned: passing parameters by value, by address, and by name. When a parameter is passed by value, its value is available to the procedure, but not its address. In B5500 ALGOL and System /360 PL/1, a parameter passed by value causes a dummy location to be initialized to that value so that the formal parameter may be manipulated within the procedure without affecting the actual parameter. When a parameter is passed by address, its address is made available to the procedure so that any changes in the formal parameter are re- flected in the actual parameter. When a parameter is passed by name, each use of the formal parameter within the procedure causes a subroutine (often referred to as a thunk, see Ingerman [2]) to be called which evaluates the actual parameter. In PL/1, parameters may be passed by value or by address. Passing by value is implicit since it occurs whenever an expression is recog- nized in the calling sequence. In ALGOL, parameters may be passed by value or by name. Passing by value is explicit since certain parameters to a pro- cedure may be declared in the procedure heading as being passed by value. Placement of an expression in a calling sequence causes generation of a thunk to evaluate that expression. In TRANQUIL parameters may be passed by address or by value. Both explicit and implicit passing by value are allowed since parameters may be explicitly declared to be passed by value in the procedure heading or parameters may be implicitly passed by value by placing an expres- sion as an actual parameter in the calling sequence. It should be emphasized that only sijnple variables may be passed by value. Passing parameters by name has not been implemented in TRANQUIL since it is felt that the benefits to be gained are marginal (and, in fact, passing parameters by name has been known to create some bizarre error conditions in ALGOL programs) compared to the difficulty in implementation and the extra execution time required to evaluate the thunks on ILLIAC IV. Another important topic is external (i.e., separately compiled or assembled) procedures. PL/1 explicitly allows external procedures whereas formal ALGOL and B5500 ALGOL do not. TRANQUIL does allow external procedures for several reasons. First, since ILLIAC IV was not designed with TRANQUIL (or any other higher level language) in mind, it is to be expected that some routines may be more efficiently coded in assembly language than in TRANQUIL. However, particularly in lengthy programs, users would find it too tedious to code an entire program in assembly language and could, therefore, code as ex- ternal procedures those routines which they consider absolutely crucial in timing. The approach of formal ALGOL in allowing internal procedures to be written in code other than ALGOL would not be sufficient since it is expected that many of the high speed routines would be part of a subroutine library, possibly maintained by different people than the users writing TRANQUIL pro- grams and, therefore, it would be difficult if not impossible for each user to update code procedures in his program. Another reason for having external procedures is to cut down compilation time when a change is made to a long program. Experience has proven that the necessity to recompile an entire long program in order to insert even a small change, as must be done in B5500 ALGOL, is highly undesirable. Since the TRANQUIL compiler will, due to the complex analysis which must be performed in order to make efficient use of the parallelism of ILLIAC IV, run. more slowly than many compilers, the bene- fits derived from being able to break a TRANQUIL program into several inde- pendently compilable procedures should be quite substantial. h Finally, there is the question of recursion. ALGOL allows all pro- cedures to be recursive. PL/1 allows only procedures which have the attribute "recursive" to be recursive. In B5500 ALGOL, recursion is quite easy to mple- ment due to the stack structure of the machine. In System/360 PL/1, recursion involves pushing back all core used by the procedure for data with an appro- priate pointer so that it may be recalled and recursion is, therefore, very time consuming. In TRANQUIL recursion is not allowed, at present, due to stor- age allocation problems and the extra execution time which would be required to keep track of either a programmed stack or links to blocks of storage from earlier calls to the procedure. In summary, then, the procedure facility in the TRANQUIL compiler allows typed (returning a single value) and non-typed procedures. Procedures may be external or internal (to the main program). External procedures may be written in TRANQUIL, or ASK, or any other language which is now, or may in the future be, implemented for ILLIAC IV, provided that TRANQUIL conventions are followed. Any type of variable allowed in TRANQUIL may be passed as a parameter, i.e., parameters may be simple variables (arithmetic or boolean), arrays, sets, labels, switches, or procedures. Of these, simple arithmetic and boolean variables, may be passed either by value or by address while the others may be passed by address only. Recursion and passing parameters by name are not implemented. 2. THE SPECIFICATION OF PROCEDURES IN TRANQUIL 2.1 Placement of the Procedure Declaration As in ALGOL, a procedure is considered to be a declaration. Since TRANQUIL has the same block structure as ALGOL, internal TRANQUIL procedures must be placed in a block head. Also, a procedure declaration, or an EXTER- NAL ENTRY declaration, must occur before any call on that procedare. A dec- laration for an internal procedure consists of the procedure heading followed by the procedure body. The procedure heading contains the specification for the parameters while the procedure body consists of a block (which, of course, may contain nested blocks) of code which is to be executed when the procedure is invoked. The declaration for an external procedure consists of optionally listing the type of the procedure (if it is to return a value) along with the specification of the parameters. Since it is not possible to access an ex- ternal procedure at compile time to determine agreement between actual and formal parameters, the agreement is checked and the proper call is set up by checking the declaration (known as an EXTERNAL ENTRY declaration) which occurs in the calling program. In order to create an external procedure written in TRANQUIL, the entire TRANQUIL program is set up as an EXTERNAL PROCEDURE dec- laration (not to be confused with an EXTERNAL ENTRY declaration) which is simply a procedure declaration preceded by the word "EXTERNAL." 2.2 The Procedure Heading The procedure heading consists of specifying the name of the pro- cedure, its type (if it returns a value), and the names and types of the para- meters, if any. For example, a procedure P which returns a REAL (6U-bit floating point) value and has no parameters would have the heading: REAL PROCEDURE P; If P did not return a value it would have as a heading simplj: PROCEDURE P; The parameter specifications are quite similar to the declarations for the same type of variables. They will now "be described for the various types of variables which may be passed as parameters. 2.2.1 Simple Arithmetic and Boolean Variables The specifications for simple arithmetic and boolean variables are exactly the same as the declarations for these kinds of variables. These vari- ables may be passed by value in which case the interpretation, as in B5500 ALGOL, is that a local variable in the procedure is initialized to the value of the actual parameter but may then be changed arbitrarily by computations within the procedure without affecting the actual parameter. The VALUE specification is the same as in ALGOL, namely, "VALUE" followed by the identi- fier list. If VALUE specifications are used, they must appear before all other specifications in the procedure heading. If the formal parameter is boolean, then the actual parameter must be a boolean expression or a boolean variable. If the formal parameter has an arithmetic type (i.e., REAL, INTEGER, etc.), then the actual parameter must be an arithmetic variable or an arithmetic expression returning a single value. If the actual and formal parameters disagree as to arithmetic types, then type conversion will be performed on entry to the procedure and, in the case of call by address, type conversion in the opposite direction will be performed on exit from the procedure in order to return the updated value of the variable in the form required by the attributes of the actual parameter in the calling block. 7 If axi expression (arithmetic or boolean) is passed by address, then the parameter, for that one particular call, is treated as being passed im- plicitly by value and is handled in the same fashion as if it were explicitly passed by value. At present an array element given as the actual parameter for an arithmetic formal parameter is treated as an arithmetic expression and is, therefore, implicitly passed by value. As an example of a procedure heading using boolean and arithmetic variables, consider: PROCEDURE VTEST (A, B, C, D); VALUE B, C; INTEGER A, C; BOOLEAN B; REAL D; The procedure VTEST is a non-typed procedure with four parameters. A, B, C, D of which two, B and C, are passed by value. A and C are handled as type INTEGER within the procedure, B as type BOOLEAN and D as type REAL. If the actual parameters corresponding to A, C, or D are of a different arithmetic type, type conversion will be performed at the procedure call. 2.2.2 Arrays Arrays may be passed by address only. The formal and actual para- meter arrays must agree as to mapping function, type, and number of dimensions. In specifying an array in the procedure heading, the mapping function, formal parameter identifier, and dimension information must be given. The dimension information may, for each dimension, be either an asterisk ("■>«■") or an integer. If an asterisk is used, then the formal parameter array takes on the same lower bound in the corresponding dimension as the actual parameter array. If an integer is used, then the formal parameter array, in that dimension, takes on the given integer value as the lower bound. In either case, the size of each dimension remains the same in the formal parameter array as in the actual par- ameter array. Also, in the specification of any one array, the use of aster- isks and integers may be mixed in any fashion. For example, if PROCEDURE ATEST (A, B, C); REAL SKEWED ARRAY A[*, *, *]; INTEGER STRAIGHT ARRAY B[10, *]; REAL STRAIGHT ARRAY C[3]; is written, then the procedure ATEST has three parameters. The first para- meter (a) is a three dimensional REAL SKEWED array, all of the dimensions of which are to have the same lower bound as in the actual parameter array. The second parameter (b) is a two-dimensional INTEGER STRAIGHT array. The first dimension is to have a lower bound of 10, regardless of the first dimension of the actual parameter array, but will have the same size as the first dimen- sion of the actual parameter array. The second dimension will have the same lower bound as the actual parameter array. The third parameter (C) is a one- dimensional REAL STRAIGHT array and that one dimension will have a lower bound of 3. 2.2.3 Sets Sets passed as parameters must agree as to type of set and nimiber of dimensions (the present implementation supports only one-dimensional sets, however). Sets may be passed by address only. In the example: PROCEDURE STEST (Sl, S2, S3); INCSET SI; GENSET S2; MONOSET S3;, the procedure STEST has three parameters, the first being an INCSET, the second a GENSET, and the third a MONOSET. 2.2.U Labels Labels may be passed as parameters. The only requirement on the actual parameter is that the label be defined at the point of procedure call. The action on transferring to a label passed as a parameter is to jump to the end of the procedure, then to the point of call, and finally to the specified label. For example, in PROCEDUEE LTEST (L1); LABEL LI; the procedure LTEST is an untyped procedure with one parameter, a label. 2.2.5 Procedures Procedures may be passed as parameters to other procedures. Unlike the\ case in ALGOL, the parameters of a proced\ire passed as a parameter must be fully specified. The fomial and actual parameter procedures must agree as to type (if they are both typed procedures), or both must be untyped pro- cedures, and both must have the same number of parameters. In addition, the 10 parameters to the actual and formal parameter procedures must agree. That is, if a parameter in one is an arithmetic simple variable, then the corresponding parameter in the other must be a simple arithmetic variable of the same type. If the parameter to one is a boolean variable, then the parameter to the other must also be a boolean variable. In addition, in the case of simple arithmetic and boolean variables, if the parameter in one of the procedure parameters is specified by VALUE, then the parameter in the other must also be specified by VALUE. In the case of arrays, the parameters must agree as to mapping func- tions, type, and number of dimensions. For sets, the parameters must agree as to type of set. For labels or switches, both parameters must be either labels or switches, respectively. For procedures, the parameters must agree as to type (or be both untyped) and, in addition, the parameters of the two must agree as outlined above. In specifying the parameters of a procedure passed as a parameter, the attributes only (not identifier names since these are given in the heading of the actual parameter procedure) are listed in parentheses following the name of the procedure. If the procedure which itself is a parameter has another procediire as a parameter, then the attributes of the parameters of the latter procedure are listed in parentheses following the word "PROCEDURE." Consider, for example, the following procedure heading: PROCEDURE PTEST (Pl, P2); REAL PROCEDURE PI (VALUE REAL, INTEGER, INCSET, REAL SKEWED ARRAY [*, *]); IIWEGER PROCEDURE P2 (BOOLEAN, PROCEDURE (real)); 11 Here, procedure PTEST has two parameters, PI and P2. PI is a REAL procedure which has four parameters. The first is of type REAL passed by value. The second is INTEGER passed by address. The third is a set which is defined as an INCSET (increment set). The fourth is a two-dimensional REAL SKEWED array (note that only "*" is used to describe a dimension. If an integer is to appear as the lower bound, it will appear in the procedure heading of the actual parameter procedure) . The second parameter of PTEST is P2, an INTEGER procedure. The first parameter of P2 is a BOOLEAN variable and the second parameter is an untyped procedure which has a single parameter, a REAL simple variable. 2.3 The EXTERNAL ENTRY Declaration When an external procedure is to be called from a TRANQUIL program, an EXTERNAL ENTRY declaration which specifies the type both of the procedure (if the external procedure is to return a value) and the parameters must be provided. The parameters are specified in exactly the same fashion as for a procedure passed as a parameter (see Section 2.2.5 above), only the attributes of the parameters, in parentheses, follow the procedure identifier in the EXTERNAL ENTRY statement. The agreement between formal and actual parameters is the same as for any other proced\ire. As an example, consider EXTERNAL INTEGER ENTRY ETEST (REAL, VALUE INTEGER, REAL STRAIGHT ARRAY [*,*], INCSET) ; 12 Then the program in which the above declaration occiirs will expect to have access to an external procedure ETEST which has foiir parameters, a REAL para- meter passed by address, an INTEGER parameter passed by value, a two dimen- sional REAL STRAIGHT array, and an INCSET. 2.4 The Procedure Body 2.U.1 General Description The procedure body is a TRANQUIL block, if it is programmed in TRAIT- QUIL- The parameters are treated as being declared in a block external to the procediore body (and are, therefore, global to the procedure body) but internal to the block in which the procedure declaration resides (so that the para- meters may not be used anywhere outside the procedure) . Therefore, in partic- ular, identifier names the same as those of the parameters may be redeclared in a block internal to the procedure and, when used in that block, will be accessed as variables local to that block rather than as parameters to the procedure which contains that block. In other respects, the body of a TRAJNIQUIL procedure is like any other block in a TRAUQUIL program with the exception of the use of the RETURN statement and jumping to labels, in certain cases. 2.U.2 The RETURN Statement The RETURN statement is used to exit from a procedure. If a value is to be returned, then the RETURN statement must be used to return the value. If no value is to be returned, then the use of the RETURN statement is optional since a procedure is also exited when the flow of control passes through the end of the procedure body. RETURN statements may occur anywhere in a procedure body and any number of RETURN statements may be used. 13 In order to return a value from a procedure, the value (which may be a constant or an expression which returns an appropriate value) is placed in parentheses following the word "RETURN"." Execution of such a RETURN statement causes an exit to be made from the procedure body and the value generated to be the value returned from the procedure. A RETURN with value may be used only in a typed procedure and the value returned must be arithmetic if the type of the procedure is arithmetic and boolean if the type of the procedure is boolean. An arithmetic value is converted to the type of the procedure if it is not already that type. A RETURN without a value may be made from a typed procedure, in which case a default of zero is assigned if the type of the procedure is arithmetic and FALSE is assigned if the type of the procedure is boolean. As an example, the statement RETURN (A+B); causes exit to be made from a procedure and the value of A+B to be returned. The statement RETURN; causes exit to be made from a procedure without returning any value and thus may be used in a typed or untyped procedure. 2.U.3 Use of Labels Within a procedure, transfer may be made to other labels also within the procedure body, subject to the usual rules and restrictions for TRANQUIL lU programs. However, transfer may not be made to a label occurring outside the procedure body unless that label is passed as a parameter to the procedure and the label is accessible at the procedure call. 2 . 5 External Procedure Declarations An EXTERNAL PROCEDURE declaration is sijnply a procedure declaration preceded by the word "EXTERNAL." An external procedure is intended to permit separate compilation (and assembly) from other TRANQUIL programs. Therefore, the heading for the external procedure must be the first compilable code sub- mitted to the TRANQUIL compiler when an external procedure is desired and an EXTERNAL PROCEDURE declaration may, therefore, occur at most once in a single compilation (this should be distinguished from the EXTERNAL ENTRY declaration which may occur as often as desired and may occur wherever a declaration is permitted) . In all other respects, an external procediore is like an internal procedure. As an example, consider the following trivial EXTERNAL PROCEDURE declaration. EXTERNAL INTEGER PROCEDURE ETEST (A,B); VALUE A, B; INTEGER A, B; BEGIN RETURN (A+B); END. Procedure ETEST would return the integer sura of its two integer parameters. Procedure ETEST would be separately compiled from the calling program, which may not even be written in TRANQUIL. 15 2.6 ROW Procedures Row procedures are a special type of external procedure which must be written In ASK. The function of a row procedure Is to take values In RGA, perform some computation on these values, and return the result to RGA. The returned results should occur only In those PE's which were enabled at the time of the call and the setting of the mode bits should thus be the same at the return as at the call. A row procedure has a single parameter, which is specified as a simple arithmetic variable (in order to allow type conversion). The chief use of row procedures will be to do parallel computations on arrays within SIM loops. The EXTERNAL ENTRY declaration for a ROW procedure is like the EXTERNAL ENTRY declaration for any other procedure except that the word "ROW" precedes the word "ENTRY." A ROW procedure should be typed in order that proper conversion may be performed on the returned values. For example, EXTERNAL REAL ROW ENTRY RTEST(REAL); RTEST is then assumed by the calling program to be a ROW procedure which operates on real values from RGA in all enabled PE's and returns (computed) real values in RGA in these same PE's, while not changing other PE's or the mode bit setting. 2 -7 The P roced\ire Call As in ALGOL, the procedure call consists of the name of the pro- cediire followed by the list of actual parameters, in parentheses. If there are no actual parameters, then the procedure call consists simply of the 16 procedirre Identifier. The number of formal and actual parameters must be the same. Additional required agreements for various kinds of parameters are as specified in Section 2.2 above. If the formal parameter is an arithmetic simple variable, then the actual parameter may be an expression returning a single arithmetic value. If the formal parameter is a boolean variable, then the actual parameter may be an expression returning a single boolean value. In all other cases, the actual parameter must be an identifier and its specifications must agree with those of the corresponding formal parameter. A procedTore call (except to a ROW procedure which should be used in an expression within a SIM loop) may occur as a distinct statement whether or not the procedure is typed (if the procedure is typed, the value returned will be lost). In addition, a call to a typed procedure returning an arithmetic value may appear in an arithmetic expression and a call to a typed procedure returning a boolean value may appear in a boolean expression. Any other com- bination of type of expression and type of procedure is not permitted. Consider, for example, the procedure heading INTEGER PROCEDURE CTEST(A, B); REAL A; INCSET B; Let X and Y be declared as REAL simple variables and let J be an IWCSET. Then the following two statements represent permissible calls to procedure CTEST : X: = CTEST.(X+Y,J); CTEST(X,J); 17 In the second case, the value of CTEST is lost, but side effects may have occurred. 18 3 . IMPLEMENTATION This section is intended primarily to document actual work done on the TRANQUIL compiler for the benefit of those who may have occasion to modify those portions of TRANQUIL concerned with procedures. However, certain parts of Section 3-2 dealing with PASS 2 implementation will be useful to persons writing programs in other languages which will commiinicate with TRANQUIL pro- grams via the EXTERNAL PROCEDURE facility. Finally, as a brief clarification of what has been said here, the TRANQUIL compiler is basically divided into two passes [3]* In the first pass, the source code is parsed, tables are built up, and the intermediate language code (which is far simpler than the source code) is generated. The second pass reads the intermediate language code and takes actions on the various operators, using also the tables con- structed in the first pass, to generate assembly code. 3.1 Pass 1 Tables 3.1.1 Use of IDTAB Two principal new tables, PARTAB and EXTTAB, have been created in the TRANQUIL compiler for use in handling procedures. In addition, the already existing table IDTAB is used. IDTAB is used (in connection with procedures) to provide an entry for each type of variable (procedure identifiers or para- meters) for which the user supplies a name and thus allows TRANQUIL to access the correct entry every time that the name appears within a program. EXTTAB is used to save the name assigned by the user to an EXTERNAL PROCEDURE or EXTERNAL ENTRY identifier so that this name may be used during assembly code 19 generation in PASS 2. The external name will be needed, of course, so that the loader may properly link together the various segments to make the com- plete program required by the user. PARTAB is used to store parameter infor- mation for parameters which are not assigned names. These parameters may occur in two places: the EXTERNAL ENTRY declaration and, within the procedure heading, as the parameters of a procedure passed as a parameter. For any given procedure identifier, there is a field in its IDTAB entry known as NPARS or PARPTR (this is one field, but the name used in the coding depends on the usage of the field) . There are also two one bit fields which are of interest here, EXTERML and PARAM. One or neither (but not both) of these bits may be set in the IDTAB entry for a procedure. If the EXTERML bit is set, then the PARPTR field points to EXTTAB. If the PARAM bit is set, the PARPTR field points to PARTAB. If neither of these bits is set, then the field is known as NPARS and it contains a value for the number of parameters each of which will have an entry in IDTAB since, in this case, the user will have assigned an explicit name to each formal parameter. 3.1.2 EXTTAB The table EXTTAB is used to hold the external (user assigned) name so that it may be output during PASS 2 generation of assembly code. The lengths of entries in EXTTAB vary depending on the length of the external name, but all entries are at least two words long. The first word of each entry contains the number of characters in the external name, a pointer to the first word in the next entry in EXTTAB, and a pointer to PARTAB. Entries in EXTTAB always end on a word boundary with any extra characters in the last word being filled with trailing blanks. 20 3.1.3 PARTAB The table PARTAB, as mentioned before, is used to hold parameter information for parameters which are given attributes only (instead of ex- plicit names) by the user. The type of information stored varies with the type of parameter (set, array, etc.) and is similar to the information stored in IDTAB for the same tjrpe of variable except that only sufficient infonnation is stored to allow complete comparison between formal and actual parameters. However, since procedures used as parameters may themselves have procedures as parameters and since the parameters of the latter procedures must also be completely specified, PARTAB must, in that case, have a tree structure. Since the tree, once set up, is not changed and since traversal is always top down, a sequential structure devoid of any threads or other backward pointers is sufficient. However, for convenience, at each entry for a procedure a pointer to the next parameter on the same level as the procedure is maintained (the pointer is zero if the procedure is the last parameter). The first word of an entry in PARTAB is a control word. This word contains the number of first level parameters (allowing the check on number of parameters to be made before the parameters are actually compared) and also the number of words in the entry and a pointer back to the IDTAB entry which points to the PARTAB entry, either directly or through EXTTAB. 3.2 Pass 2 Actions 3.2.1 Passing Parameters Standard methods, as specified in the operating system, are to be used in passing parameters and in addressing parameters in procedures. There- 21 u 3 > 0) -p ^ C! •n d) V 9 o M ft M H aJ 4«i QJ -P •H O ft W 0) ^ b 5 -p 0) o w •H ^ CO (P w rQ 'd -p a in a p O 0) fl IS CD ft lM»4 OJ ft 0) (U P 0) ft O Tli QJ ■P •H O ft -P 0) X -P (D CD H H CO Eh K Ph CM <; p:^ <; S WXEhWcc;^ LENGTH (B,II) THEN BEGIN FOR (J) SEQ (II) DO 34M (A, B, C, M, J); END ELSE BEGIN FOR (J) SEQ (II) DO SMM (B, A, C, y[, J); END; END. 39 LIST OF REFERENCES [1] Abel^ Norma E., Budnik, Paiil P., Kuck, David J., Muraoka, Yoichi, Northcote, Robert S., Wilhelmson, Robert B., "TRANQUIL: A Language for an Array Processing Computer", Proc . SJCC (I969) PP« 57-73 • [2] Ingerman, P. Z., "THUNKS", CACM , k (Jaji., I961) pp. 55-58. [3] Budnik, Paul P., "TRANQUIL Arithmetic", Report No. 296, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Jan., I969) [U] Wilhelmson, Robert B., "Control Statement Syntax and Semantics of a Language for Parallel Processors", Report No. 298, Department of Com- puter Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Jan., I969) • [5] Miiraoka, Yoichi, "Storage Allocation Algorithms in the TRANQUIL Com- piler", Report No. 297^ Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Jan., 1969)* [6] Trout, H. R. G., "A BNF Like Language for the Description of Syntax Directed Compilers", Report No. 300, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urfeana-Champaign (Jan., 1969)' UNCLASSIFIED Security Cl«»»ific«tion DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA -R&D (S0curily clmtain^mtlon ot lltl; body ol mbtttmet mnd Ind^Mlng anHolmllan mu«< b» mnfr^ wh»n tff onrmll rmport I* clammiUmd) I. ORiSiNATINa ACTIVITY fCorporal* autfior) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urt ana- Champaign UrT^ana. Illinois 6l8ni a«. NEPONT SECURITY CL A isi Ft C A TIOKI UNCLASSIFIED 26. aROu^ S. REPORT TITLE PROCJEDURES IN THE TRANQUIL COMPILER 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Trp» o/ raporl mnd htelualrm dmtmm) Research Report B. AUTHOR(S) (FirmI nmB—, middle InlUal, Immt nmma) Martin Ozga «. REPORT DATE April 30, 1970 7«. TOTAL NO. OF PACES k7 7b. NO. OF REFS •«. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. USAF 30(602)-lflifi|- b. PROJECT NO. 46-26-15-305 •a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S> DCS Report No. 379 Bb. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any othmr nimben dtmt mmy be mamlgned thim rmport) ILLIAC IV Document No. 209 10. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Qualified requesters may ohtain copies from DCS, II. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES None t2. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Rome Air Development Center Griffiss Air Force Base Rome, New York 134^0 13. ABSTRACT A description is given of the procedure structure in the TRANQUIL compiler, which allows external and internal procedures which may or may not return a single value. Also, for the "benefit of those who may have to change the compiler, a description is given of the current implementation. FORM • NOV as 1473 UMCLASSIFrED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Cla««ification ^?^ \^ u,