STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT Whitehall Street-East River— Montague Street Rapid Transit Railroad Route No. 33 SECTION No, 2-WMtchalI Street, East River, Montague Street to Clinton Street 1914 CONTRACT DRAWINGS CONTAINED HEREIN ROUTE No. 33, A-2 to 4 B-288* 289, 298, 305 to 307 SECTION No. 2: C-1 to 38, 1001 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the, library of Harry Harknesa S'coek Professor of Mining Engineering 1909-1923 Purchased 1923. 38S W4rry. Section D-D. C-12 Turnout at South Ferry, Sections E-E and F-F. C-13 New York shaft, drift and fan chambers. Sections .A-A and B-B C-14 New York shaft, drift and fan chambers. Sections C-C, D-D, E-E, F-F, G-G, H-H and K-K. C-15 Broad Street turnout, plan. C-16 Broad Street turnout. Sections A-A and B-B. C-17 Sump and pump chamber. C-18 Feeder chamber. C-19 Brooklyn shaft, plan and part Section A-A. C-20 Brooklyn shaft, part Section A-A. C-21 Brooklyn shaft. Section B-B. C-22 Brooklyn shaft. Section C-C. C-23 Brooklyn shaft, Section D-D. C-24 Brooklyn shaft, part Section E-E. C-25 Brooklyn shaft, part Section E-E. C-26 Brooklyn shaft, Section H-H. C-27 Brooklyn shaft. Section J-J. C-28 Brooklyn shaft, Sections M-M and N-N. C-29 Brooklyn shaft. Sections K-K and O-O. C-30 Brooklyn shaft. Sections P-P, R-R, S-S, T-T, V-V, W-W and X-X. C-31 Brooklyn shaft, schedule of sizes of members. C-32 Brooklyn shaft, skin plates on inside face of north and south walls. C-33 Brooklyn shaft, skin plates on faces of center wall. C-34 Brooklyn shaft, skin plates on inside face of west wall. C-35 Brooklyn shaft, skin plates on outside face of west wall. C-36 Brooklyn shaft, skin plates on inside and outside faces of east wall. C-37 Brooklyn shaft, skin plates on outside face of north and south walls. C-38 Duct line in street. C-1001 Typical details of gratings, ladders and emergency exit covers. SEWER DRAWINGS B-288 Standard Sections of sewers and manholes. B-289 Standard receiving basins and details. B-298 Standard castings of sewers. B-305 Plan of new sewers. Broad and Whitehall Streets, at South Street. B-306 Plan of new sewers, Montague Street, Furman to Henry Street. B-307 Plan of new sewers, detail of overflow at South and Broad Streets. fractSsaCon- JO iYATER /2.80 ^1 Sea Cdn/-n7cf e/U^ C.'/—^ /S.70 J6.0S — ^ ■ — i>i P/POF/LE. 3. 'JO \\ j^,Cs. X^ir :\(r:/.^ t 7/4 ^ ^£7s.C3Cs •CS.^e<3^ i5ami>e/:s /O-O".-, ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. A-2 DATE MARCH 14. 1914 ^..yfl/jn ^^-^^.,^ /CHier^NCINEER 0 AO 80 horizontal esssbsb feet scales: 0 ;o SO K-. B aROWN PRINTING & BINDING CO N > i i i < i Digitized' by the Ihternet Archive ' in 2015 MEAN ^i3er damn STANDARD SECTIONS. SHEET •A3'- J- heA^ty lAyy-Z^c^ ' D' Afc/' Greofer /6a/> ^ '6' TVf>IC/7L SECT/OA/^ IN F/PM 6^J^OaAAI) fbr Snx^ s g/wh g Ks/o cz/e/ atvr fbrpme/es g /mg /e/. of CONTRACT DRAWING 3ECTm-MQ^ 3ECT/0// _DD SECT/ON 'HH' n^O/ => M/7////OLE OCT. ZZ, I9!3 ' /J C-^ CHIEF tNC1N'"CR I B BROWN PRINTING* a BINDING CO, N.v STANDARD SECTIONS SHEET 2. Iron Bar- M/7A//^mT/7// BQRO BRONX BO/X> -/DECEIVING Bj^3/JSI<3 - 'SECTIONS M M&^R- -INLET & B/73JN:z SEWER CROS3JN0 PyER STRUCTURE SEWER CROSSING OPER STRUCTURE CI J^JRES CROS5/JVG C/NDEIR STRUCTaRE REINFORCED CONCRETE P/PE3 CROSS/NG (///D£:R suBmy ~Sca/e- -%i CONTRACT DRAWING No B-289 SEWER ffROUND STRUCTURE SEIVER SUJ?PQRT///e STRUCTURE CROSS- qct zz i913 STRUCTUB^E moyER SEiVER_ STANDARD CASTINGS FOR SEWERS. PLflN A>L/fN MM HEffD $ OOUER FOR SfDEmfLfC itBCTIOH AfM//£/7D$ CX>VER FTOR a/DEW/JLK MM //EM) 4^ COVER STREET SECTION SEALED R/NG4 COINER EOR3mr/O^RLffTrORM SECTION MHRfNO f'Oiam POt/Sl Off COVER /NVE/TTED M,HME/r04 CO]/ER FOR STREET f'iAN Of coi/£/f /A/VE/rrero MM HEm^OOyER FOR STORM SEIVERS STEP FOR MffNHOLES •Sco/e- TOP y/EW SiOTTOAfWEW /RON GRffT/NQ FOR SND VIEW STREET 3ffS/N OiifirN Br - msrmae CONTRACT DRAWING No B-a98 FEB. 2,1914 '-'^¥>^/^h^ i i t 1 /so Drijtvn iiy ^O' Nofs :AII s.xisfin<^ servers fo be re- gained . are fo be rebuilt if elisfurbeel and no payment will be made forsa/77/! mad^ for same f^nce per //n // of seme r w/// ir/c/ude t2// mnterM/ and /a/ror gpe/'Cali'/e //lere/o, p^r.eot//)o S/ee/ rod.s and beams . vv /iicA ^/Jj tie ooid for at f/ie s//pi//a/ed /ates for ///esf / /ems. V/d /nifert ) dridis/crlxxf forP/an and Prof //e see 5f}eef.B30'^ ROUTE N° 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. B-307 DATE- MAR. 14, 19 14 1'.' - a/e.f/<^/?a'f«s j//ej for /jse of Co/?/rr?//o. £, for sfeo'r?.--qer7era'//'r^^, jfeam- us//7i^, a/r-co/rrprejj/r/f ana^ o/Aerfi/£//7f o/ro' for s/orcr^e of fT?a/er/<://'<. -/7e/, ffoufe /Vo. 4S, Jec- fion No J, for sfecr/77-<^, s/eom-ejj//7<^, a/'r COrr?/>ress/r><^ and a/Aer p/a/rf ar?c/ for jforcrip'e of f77arer/a/j. ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-1 DATE MARCH 14, 1914 ._X^6^^^^^ 0 20 40 FEET 1.B BROWN PRrNTlNG ft BINDING CO N> * ■ 1^— 1— ^M^—i — ^— — — — — — aROWN PRirfTING ft BINDING CO N v efa// c/" Secf/ons /n J?oc/c see draty/na Ab C--^ PS»'/vN BY /h/'>^sr ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO.C-3 DATE MARCH 14, IStA^^^^^vC^^T***-^ SCALt' FEET M-B BROWN PRINTING ft aiND'NS CO CH£C«tP ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-4 DATE MARCH .4. 1914 ^/UZX^^^^ scale:' M B SPOWN PRINTING SBf^DlMG" CO N S C-6-2.Z90" Sect/on B-B Deta/ls or Cast //$on /?/a/(SS /A/ /Pocyc ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C"5 DATE MARCH 14, 191* / SCALE ^^^^^^^^ I FTEE^r" egjjgai^e^aiiN cHEs " M.B BPOWN PRINTING 6 BIN'OING t--: N > 1 U ij^Jl ifli Iff — 0-II4— fljrEfl — nil (> 1 ni — £-itE H i |] \ rn im i Iff — eJ s f I ! ru — urmoi mi ii mi — or » u u ^ \ An Jn J > E ^ift « n ift aH jf ifli^ } \ 3 / * \ XJB ilrn — — mh lU lU II u om — d EtlipEI — lit j| llil 111 \ SOTTOAf \//£tV C/?055'J£CT/0A/ r-T. ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DATE MARCH 14, 1914 SCALE M.B SHOWN PRlrOINS ft BINDI~S CO, N \ to At/onfK A.e.. Brooklyn. I^MITCMALL Plan at South FEP/eY /?ErE/?E:r\/CJE /votes. /or Secf/on /l-A Jee Dran^/ng A/o CS B-B' ■ ■■ C-9 c-c ■■ C-/0 P-D C-/.' " £:-£-a:F-r- " C-/2 T'T " " " C-6 OHAWN ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-7 DATE MARCH 14, 1814 ^/^^/r^!;,;^^^^ 0 5 10 FEET M.B BROWN PRINTING ft BINTINS CO, M .> 5 r- Afe/ //ne- If poor rock or of/ier uniin^rc?^>/e concJ/t/ons are encotynf^rec/ c^esi'^n mae/ i>e c/iangec/. -/Jfe/ //ne /^///Denf //ne for Cbncrefs ra/nmec/ fo rocA. Ahf //ne a/ix^mer^ ///te cfyan^ed Nef ffrxs-i /^i/misnf //he &Concre/s.- ~ftx//rxsr)f //ns fijr '. . jExcaya/yon 3 Concre/e rA/ef //ne /Vet //ne S /i/i/men/ //ne £x-cayv//bn & OvicreAs. A/OTEI: /^rran^nO(sn/- a/^ /r/re j/tc^os //i ^/nn//ar /o //^j/?oH^n on <2^wy/fec?// ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-9 DATE MARCH 14. 1d14 0 I 2 3 IFEEr M.O BROWN PHINTINa & BINniNt CO N.V t O I- If poor rock or of^er urfavorad/e ccrio^/t/ons ore s^counterec/ /Ife/ //he- /l>ym(3n^ /'he; fy/M / AIS/-///7S ymc/p'-0 "ofsp//ces. /<3 maf jhoM^n on />>yi^. C-//. \ ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-10 DATE MARCH 14, 1S«4 Z 3. M S SROWN PPINTINS & BrNDlNS CO N V Of--- Nef //ne- /bi/menf //ne ^ If poor- /-ocA o/- of/yer unfa\/orob/s conc//f/ons CTe encounferec/ c/es/ffn mat/ i>e cfyrjnffec/ - JVef //ne /VOTE: Lon^J/uc/^hta/ roaff /o Ae /cp^e<^ ■t'-'0"a/ jp/zces. Concrete to rocAr £xc<7ira/'/on & Concnsfe 'Z Open/r^. ~S£rCT/0/y A-A. CHECKED m/iilSd^fon ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRA\^rv^^^^-1 1 i FEET OAXr MARCH 14. 19«4 0 I 2 SCALE M S BROWN PRINTtNG & B NDINS CO N .f I', /%e//r}isn/- //he i^or- £xcx7y€^/an S Ccncns/er ■/f poor rocA- or o//?sr a/ifai^ora/>/s I co/ia////ons ore er/cou/y/erec/. -/Vef ///le A /i7i//r>sn/ //ne for £ycayi7/x>nA Co/icnsis Concrs/e to roc/^ P'/f — Concre/s foroc/r 'et //he; & /^msnf //ne ^ £ycat^/bn <5 Cancre^ jscr/o/^ £-£ ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-12 DATE MARCH 14. t»t4 0(23 1 FEET M B BROWN PRINTINO 6. BINDiNG CO N 0 M.HW. /f/Ver fkrri^ House. ^ I / jns on JoL/fh PLAN. Ject/on X-X. o a a P-OFKa FE£T ■ I.J 3 °; ^1 I I Fix/TTsnf //he i . ^1 €L/00. SCHEDULE W£B \ FLANses 6/ /-/=/. ?44 Z-Cov. /4 ''f ee /-P/. ?/' 1 5/ /-PI. 6 ' % 4''S'} ' 1 5a /-n 6 ' k (i^e moaf/Z/ec/ -"^^^i^X V^. £y4i^if?* site appror/mafs on/c/ DRAWN W.^O^^^ CHECKED af.^i&P<^. /a-o J ■^ase of/fi>//\ 3ECT/ON S-3 ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-13 DATE MARCH \A, 1914 SCA1.CS:0 FTET FETET M.B BROWN PKlNTlNtt & BIND'SG CO N ' ■IT, A -S n I" frf^ffS M B SROWN PRINTING ft BINDING CO.. N.V Plan or s Broad St Tu/?nout DRAWN By.C!<5''^'?f CHECKED w /yiclhp/ao/r /?^r£R£NC£ NOTES fbrSecfyons/i-/l&B-B.jee Dratv/np /)/o C-/6 ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO 2 CONTRACT DRAWING Np. C-15 date: march 14. ,_y/My^'>2^*^_ ^ I KF^K'ci I N E ETf a° FEET M.S. SHOWN PRINTING ft BINDING CO N N I i //ne. ■ A/e/ //ne & /h'/m&i/- J/ 'ne BRAWN ii.Cafhno CHECKED Bf Mc/io/son ■ Concrefe /er un/bi^orab/e concfihbns ore encountered, design may be cfianged. 't t/nr Sxcat^/or} & CbncnsAs. *T- /Vet tine. Y-^^/Tysnt //h/i/. Section A-A ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-16 DATE MARCH 1*. 19«4 ^,,..,--^^V^~/S?^^T5'«-«- 'AA SROVVJ PRINTING 6 BiN'JlNG CO ( S£CT/OA/ ff-B /f poor rocA- or o/6er an/hyoroA/e Corxy/Z/ons ore encounrerec/. S£CT/\?/V C-C S£CT/OA/ y4v4 c^/. /?--/, g^y SUM^ ^/Va PUMP C/7l4MStff. ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-I7 DATE MARCH 14, 191* tSTTErCNCTfJEEir 64469 M.B BROWN PRINTING 6c BINDING CO, N V S£CT/0/Sf y4yf. /f poo- roc^ or o^er ap/a^oyt^^/s Co/7c//T/ons e^re encoc/nrsrec/. 1 ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 M CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-18 DATE MARCH 14. 1914. .^^yp^A^X^r-^^!^^ SCALE M.B BROWN PRINTING & BINDINS CO- N Y for parfof secf/on £ie/on'f/f/s //he ses c/ivff /Vo.CSO /5^/f*7~ y3f^CT/ON /^~A /3Er£:REMC£: notes. fbrPar/J!sc//or>A-A see c^ramna AfoC-^o ■ B-B . " .. C-£/ ' £>e/t7// of mo/n s/se/ itvi.'-^r ■■ dra^/ncfs ■■ C-^:?/oC-JJ CHECKED m.£z^Z^O ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-19 DATE MARCH 14, 19»4 scales: o__lg_3 M e &ROWN PRINTING S SINDING CO N Y jJ • -/Sv, ofsA/n p/s. r/^r par^ of ^ecfy'on c^^ot^s fh/s //he see a'ramna /Yo. C/9 I l\ \ S-3 I 3^ Zjo" o-r shn pTs. V4' ; "d DRAWN by CHECKED «i^l?ji^/?C> FcrP/^no/K^ fi7r/ SscfyonA-A see c^rumna /V0 C-/9 ■ B-S ■■ ... C-^/ ■ l?e/a// of ma/n sfee/ *^or/r ■ y/ng sizes of memdsrs - - C-J/ " Defa// of S/^/h Pb/&s jee dramngs ■■ to C-J/ DRAWN ii f)'/c;i!^/£or? CHECKED WJ^ers - ■• - C~3/ • Defa// of S/c/n PTofss ^ee dramn^ C-J:z fo C-ST o < The eyf&r/or ^A/n-p/afes s/jo// be caa/Asc/ from hcffom fo fop. T/?^ //7fer/or j/r/n -p/afes //7CJuc//r7^ daff; 3/c/es of f/7e s/r//? -/7/ares of f/je ce/7frc7/ cross wa// sAc?// Ae cau/Avfhe up- per po.s/fon of /fje a/r f^ff c/iamixsr roof rf?s cau/f- /n^ sfk7// Ae m^rf^Af ^fyerts // w// be exposecf fo wafer prsssurs on/c,', t7rK7' o/rf/^'/t jrr/s/'-? // ^r/// /Ss eypaseo' fo a/r pressi/re c/i/r/o^ Me s/rif'/n^- of Me sAaf/ c7ncf consfracf/on of fi^n/ye/s. A//cpen/nas //tfe?/ c£/nrH:)f Ae rrxxis >t^erf/^Af A^ cau//r- /n(^,ara' '-r^tyals j*t7Asr- f/ahf The BL/T/CAeaers c/bs/ry ffe ^A/isfcf oper?/r)^ aoc/ //)e cross m?/f open/ri^s, i^rxT' ff)e roo/i of f/?e j^or/c/n^^ c/TinmAisr^, m'// mf for/r^ P'^n" of fAs cornpisf&o' ivorA; oncf m//Ae oons/cferecf p/i7/7f Cro/y/^ /)o/tS5 /n sfek i i ill ifl * Nb5ft<«.\<;\^s ^ar«i> CHECKED w/iiiZ^^''^ (-/x>r parf o^jecf/dn d&b>r fhis //ne see Dramng *C- 25 UZ7 B\/?T Sect/on E-E. ELEMT/ON yVEST END kVALL. A/OTE-S/r/n ptiTfes no^shotrn /n ehyaf/on. REEE/2ENCE NOTES. For Phn anc/ fints/)ec/ sfrucfure jee dramhgis A/a C-/^ /o C-^/ " Sec/-/on C-C - ch3n//a/ cro^ss tva//, s/}a// ^>e cai//A'ea^ £>e/oir //leop- per pos/fyon of the a/rt/^hf chamber roof f The cacy/M'ha jha// l>e n^Tfert/^/ ivh)ere // ^ w/// i>eerp>a':e£/ fo M^er ansssure on/c/. ancf a/rh^h/ /there //^/// he expasea^ /o a/r pressare er>/n^ //to/ canno/ /?e mads MoAsr f/^hf hu caiy/^:7n^, are /o he p/ua^c:/ n<'/h The ffuMhec/ai- c/as//if^ /he Jh/e^f open /hgis and /he crass >va// open/r>^, and /he roo/s cf /he ;rorP/.n^ chamhers, ^/// no/ fcrm par/ of /he ccf-rp/e/sd /vor/r, and iv/// he conAdered p/an/ CJroij/ ho/es /ns/ee/ /o he proy/ded as rec^u/red /f/i/e/ spac/nff 'r7 cra^^'/Zcec/ yyor/f Ji/?a// /?o/ etrce&d -f/rrc/TS^ f/OTE-^/^'n p/bA no/ ^hoHTi /n ts/ekt7//on. ELEmr/ON yvEST end Hf^L. /a^ P/an and fln/shed s/ruc/ure see dratv/ngs A/a C-/9 /o C.2/ ■Sechon C-C ■■ draty/nq ■ C-JJZ .. p-/) .. . ^ . C'^J h/H ■■ ■ ■■ c-jze ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CHECKED «< f(C./r:/^s^e/n /SEEE/^ENCE NOTES. For Secf/on.-? /W-/I1&//-N see dremng h/o. C-^S F-JCAO-O - ■ ' C-^ Ssc//on P-P ■■ ■■ C-Jo ■ Schedu/e shomhg s/zes of noemhars • ■■ C-S/ — ^^........^ r^ts Defa,/ofS/(/npZ/es dra^>ngs C-JJZfoC-^Z CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-25 DATE MARCH t4. 1«1 4 J-^^^^^^^- O I Z 3 ! FEET M.B SBOWN PRINTING a BINDING CO.N.V I ' i 1 ■'i< 1. ■'1 ii s] i i J 7-0 /d ci/f^/np ea^e CHECKED m/xit/^^e//7 OcTy^/L or ^/P/vzr/pj I -J5 \i IN ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-26 DATE MAnCH 14. 1914 ..y^^/jy^r-^i^ M.B SHOWN PRINTING ft BINDING CO N t I D£-7>l/£. or CCNr£/f 14^LL COA/A/£Cr/ON Atofe A// cx>nnec//dns of g/rc/sr membsrs A?//-D • drai4^/ng ; Part ■ £-£ ~ - . C-^j- » S:fyec/a/e s/TOH^ing sizes of noernders see cfi*g. " Cs/ Deioi/ ofS/C/n P/afes see dramngs ■3eciion C- C C-ea ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-27 CHECKED S< /yh'i^s/s/ei/7 DATE MARCH 14, 19»4 2 M.B BROWN PRirmNG & BINDING CO, N.V < \ 1 |A *™ Lj, • i : ' ( 1 DRAWN BY'^^?<^„ A/ofs. - /i^/ connecf/ons ofg^/rc/er 1 6^r for SecM-M. ■ ■■ N-H Sect/on /yf-M ^s^/,o^n one/ nofed Sect/on N-N . for Phn one/ f/nished ^rucfure see draty/ngs Ab C-/9 fo C-^/ ^cZ-hn D-D ' c/ra)v/ha - Part ■ £-£■-' C-^^ - .Jchsdu/e s/jomng s/zes of memixsrf see C-s/ " Defoj/ ofS/c/h Phfss see 1 ■yj I except 7^/- c/za^oncp/s of cenAsrjiru^s. _ . / I ,j , ejccep/ for /ns/efi^ <::onnsaf/ons. sect/on O-O A--/r Cenfer i4<:7// 3ec/-/on O-O y5£:CT/ON O'O for 3ecf/or> O-O /r-A- fTrc/ M/cf// ^sc-fior/ O-O " " " A'- A" some except as no fee/. for P/an anc/ f/n/s/ied ^rucfure see <^ramhgis A/a. C-/9 C-^/ Secf/on D'D - dreri^/ng ■ C-^s ■■ fbr^ £-£ » ' . C-^j- " Schedj/e s/jomng s/zes of members see (fir^. ■' Os/ Defa// of SJc/n Ph/essee c/ramngs " 3ec//on C-C C-22 CHECKED tM/wfy^As/r ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWINGNO. C-29 DATE MARCH 14. 1014 ^y/,L/C^^^^r-^-vi^ S'S-d ouf to oc/f s/r/n p/s. -3i//?-?me/-/-/'ca/ i:?/:>ol//- csnfs/- //ne ^5£CT/0/V /^-/^ ^ecf/ons T-T, ly-h^ana'X-X s/m/c^r fo sect. /<*/f fhr:f^s nof .shoiwi a/mi/ar- to ■sec f /on yf/P /^rfs not ^/loi^n s/m/'/a/- seaVon /?-^ /?£:r£ysENCE notes. for P/an and fin/shed ^truc/ure see dramngs f\/oC-/9 C-JZ/ ■Section fbrf- D-D E-E EE /VOTE ^"^/l^efs ^ j^ect/c?ns X-X, a// offers £: Gussef p/atss i ■/■/h/ck tbr ssct/oos /'-/=' /fVf; .JSaoc^ T-T and ffh/ck for sec^/ons IX-IX, l/W-lVaac/X-X , All c/ip ^-.4''-3'-^' Sc/)edL//e s/iotv/ng s/zes of memderf see e/)*a ■■ Cs/ ■■ Defa// ofSk/n Phtes see dratr/ngs C-Jje to 3x1//}. C H F. CKE 0 BY f'/^A^-y/lSf^ ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-30 DATE MARCH 14, t914 ^yp^'/^^^^^-^t.t^i^^ M.B BROWN PRINTING a BINOtNS CO, N Y 5sc-/-/on d/-L/ L/2-Lz L/2-dJ 03-03 U3-Le Lz-Lz U3-U UJ-L4 J-J /-/=/. 9- i ^■l'5'3''§ /r-/r do do do do do do Af-A7 do do do do 4'- i Z-^^f.'4'k Z-L'3i'3i-]e i do Z-/!-<^'3i'i /-l.4'-3' £ /-I3j'3i'i c^o f do Z-l.'4-3'k Z-/!^'3i'}t f-L3i>3i're /■L3i'3i'^ do do i do x-x do do do do do do do f do P/a/7^'/l/7Cf/(BS Cover P'/afss G/ Ga /■p/.^S'i G3 /■P/^S'i 3'3' i Gs /-P/3(S'i Ge /-P/Z4-'i do G7 /P/30'k do Ge /-F/.3(S'i do G9 /P/.3S' i do G/o /■Pf./S'i G// hP/ 43'}e /-/sjr-33* ' d/o-L/o d/o-a/3 L/O-L/3 £///-d// L///-L// d//-Oe L//-1/Z d/2-d/S L/z-L/e L//2-l/a U/3-L/0 (//3-L//3,L/ii/i 1//3-L/3 d/4-L/3 d/s-l/^ U/s-L/s d-d Z-L'SS'i Z-^3'8'i Z-L^iS'A'i Z-^S-4^'i z-L'e-a'i Z-LiiS-'4-*i Z-L' S'3i'i Z-^'6'-4' i 4--^' 3' 3'% 4-i'3-3'k X-X z-L'e'etg z-i/'fe Z-zL'S'^'i Z-L'6'^'i ^-zw j-i Z-/.' 8'8'i ZL'S"*' i a-i^3'3-i /■ do P-P z-isa'S^J Z-L' S'3i< ji z-L'6-:e- £ Z. V' '^^ '• f t.\>.\ . ^ - - .. .. '.'■.;.J 1 . . . t ■ ••- — n <^ A ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-32 DATE MARCH 14, 1914 I FECT M.e SROwi pRiNTrNG a aiNDiNG co, n.v i"/it^s /brsJi!}n pA>^- \ i'r/t^ty for^/^'//?/'/a/»s i2 * CHECKED «<^/7A:9y^e'^ ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-33 DATE MARCH 1*. 1914 ^yU/^y^r-TP^ SCALE J FEET M.B BROWN PRINTING a BINDING ' ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-35 DATE MARCH i4.19«4 Smn Plates. OuTS/Dc f?\c£: or £a5T End Uf^LL. DRAWN iH^f^//?.,, CHECKED BV,.'^y-^f;^'^/^^'^ 6«M S/c/N Plates. Ir^s/DE /y^E or East End P^l/-. ROUTE NO, 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-36 DATE MARCH 1«. 1914 t.- SCALE I I FEET M.B BBOW.l PRINTING 8 BINDinQ CO N V CHECKED BY.'S^dS^'^'S''''^ ROUTE NO. 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING^O. C-37 1 MARCH %A. 1914 tyPCfC^ ^--J'^-.^t^ 0 12 3 ^„ DATE t ( MO/NTAQUE 3Z diKiis-^ Plan STREET ROUTE NO 33 SECTION NO. 2 CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-38 CirflEF tWGINEER DATE- MAR.. 14 19 14 SCALE As ^OWtJ M,a BROWN PRJNTING ft BINDINS CyWw. gMR? ^■^•vo/ A C) 'fo /^i /m6£^ 1 t-^>_ i Ty/='ic:/9i. S^ct/o/^ T/i/fOUGt* (S/r^T//^ m II /^'0«5/Atf P/^£ t^Cftoss g/p/TTy/ytf gg '/myi.T t./^^r SP^ce finf f T 1 ^^if 30LT TC /^IT TYPICAL OE TA I L 5. . Osr^/L OF- TjV£^d CONTRACT DRAWING NO. C-10O1 DATE- i^P'J^/L. /<5^/0/^. INEER u ^OWN PRIMTING ft BINDING CO N > 1 liiPiPiiliii^i'ipii