Ltcftfm-' i m utt yW e ’* , n S!TY OF ILLINOIS 12 J/U< i ^ aO ®hr g>iatr (Hrarijera GJoIkgr nf (Holorabo BULLETIN Concerning the Care of Women Students PUBLISHT QUARTERLY BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES GREELEY, COLORADO BULLETIN OF THE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF COLORADO SERIES XIV JULY. 1914 No. 2 Entero at the Post Offis, Greeley, Colo., as Second-Clas Matter A Bulletin of Information CONCERNING The Care of Women Students IN THE State Teachers College of Colorado GREELEY, COLORADO The Care of Women Students INTRODUCTION, The institution believs that in order to make the State Teachers College of Colorado more efficient, more attention should be given to how the students liv. To this end the Pres- ident and Trustees of the institution hav selected a competent woman as Dean of Women, who wil devote her entire time to the lives of the women connected with the institution. (1) She wil kno every one of them; (2) she wil kno where and how every one lives; (3) she wil kno the fisical condition and life of each one; (4) she wil be alert to all the exigencies that may arise as regards food, helth, cases of sicknes and so on. She wil not only giv attention to all these matters per- taining to their fisical and living conditions, but she wil giv time and thought to the conventionalities of life which women ar expected to conform to. These conventionalities civilize, and ar marks of civilization and culture. Courses wil be given by the Dean of Women along these lines. The management of the institution expects to increas this line of activity by having competent assistants help the Dean of Women in a way that there wil be individuals detaild to be companions, as it were, of groups of yung women. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND PRESIDENT OF THE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF COLORADO. e Cl IvuTc. Illustrations of How Women Students Liv at The State Teachers College of Colorado Much interest has been developt this year at the Colorado State Teachers College in the varius groups of students who Tiav been able with plesure and profit to manage their living in ways different from those wel known in college life. One group of five girls has livd very comfortably in three rooms, with bath room shared with the family, and the use of the basement for washing, etc. In this case a neat and conven- ient little kitchen has been arranged upstairs by their hostes without any expens. A gas plate, a table, cupboard, dishes and a few cooking utensils hav been installd, and as the bathroom is near at hand, the problem of hot and cold water is solvd. The girls cook and eat in the kitchen. One large bed room, with two windows, contains a double bed and a sanitary cot. Three girls occupy this room with comfort. The other bed room accommodates two girls. The price of the rooms, including the use of the parlors and piano, is $20 per montn, entirely furn- isht for light housekeeping. Heat and light ar supplied, but cooking gas is extra. Some months the entire expense of each of the five girls has been only $8. At these times some of the provisions, such as egs, potatoes, or preservs, hav been sent from some of the homes. At no time has the expense of any girl been over $12 per month. The food has been wel and carefully chosen by Domestic Sience students, two of whom ar in the group. A money box, to which eacn members con- tributes her extra pennies, helps with the amusement fund of the party. This plan can very easily be carried out by girls coming to the Teachers College from the same town, and the Dean of Women, Mrs. Gilpin-Brown, wil be glad to assist in locating such groups properly and comfortably. Representa- tiv bils of fare obtaind from the five girls spoken of above ar given belo: Brekfast usually consists of toast or cereal, coffee or cocoa. 4 BULLETIN concerning the care of women students Friday: Luncheon — Creamd salmon, bread and butter, left- overs. Dinner-Coddled egs, bred and butter, picles, masht po- tatoes, corn starch pudding, cookies, tea. Wednesday: Luncheon — Creamd chipt beef, fried potatoes* bred, preservs. Dinner — Stuft steak, gravy, baked potatoes, picles, bred and butter, tapioca pudding. Another group of three girls has an apartment of two rooms and an outside porch, with a bath room, which they share in common with the occupants of the next apartment For this they pay $12.50 per month, which does not include coal, gas, nor electric light. One of these girls is a Domestic Sience student She has drawn up a set of rules and regulations about the shar- ing of the work, which has been found very convenient, and* has been cheerfully adhered to. The little apartment is plainly but comfortably furnisht. All three girls sleep in the well-ventilated front room, which contains two sanitary couches, and can be used for a sitting room as wel as a sleeping apartment The kitchen is provided with a coal range, a gas plate, sink, kitchen-cabinet, table, etc. There are accommodations for washing on the back porch. The expenses for March were as folloes: Rent $12.50 Lights 1.25 Gas 50 Coal 1.50 Groceries 18.00 Total $33.75 Making for each girl an expenditure of $11.25. Several mothers with daughters hav establisht temporary homes near the Teachers College, so as to be able to send their daughters to scool, while they themselvs perfect their educa- tion at the same institution. This opportunity, long wisht for but not feasible while family cares required the mother’s whole THE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF COLORADO attention, has often ment the making over of a woman in helth and mentality. The tone of the scool is hightend by these devoted mothers, who while providing for their daughters, ar also companions and fello students with them. Their helpful influence is much felt by the entire student body, and it is to be hoped that more women in middle life wil avail themselvs of this excellent opportunity. A schedule of the expenses of a mother and two daughters is appended belo: These persons livd very comfortably in a modern house, where all improvements and conveniences were found. They had two large bedrooms, and a private parlor downstairs, in which they had their own piano. For these rooms and privil- eges they paid $25 per month, heat, light, hot water, telephone and laundry conveniences supplied. Their board, which was obtained next door, was at the rate of $3.75 per week each. With the aid of an electric iron, for the use of which they paid 10 cents per hour, they were able to do their own laundry work. These people found that the profit and plesure of the scool life amply repaid them for the money output. The mother continued thru the entire college course, and at present has a respon- sible and remunerativ position in a similar institution, while each of the daughters is perfecting herself in the special work with a view to a good position in the future. For those girls who wish to work for a part of their ex- penses good positions may be obtaind. Many of the best students of this institution hav workt their way thru college, and ar at present in excellent positions. Girls in couples often obtain a good and comfortable room in which they may get one or two of their meals, with the use of a small gas plate (provided by the landlady) or by the use of a chafing dish, thereby very materially lessening the cost of board. In all cases it is expected that the girls in the rooming houses shal hav a reasonable use of the parlor, so that they may enter- tain their frends in a becoming manner. Very pleasant little cottages may be rented furnisht, in which a party of girls, with a chaperone and helper, a mother, sister, or older friend, may" keep house cheaply and comfortably. 6 BULLETIN CONCERNING THE CARE OF WOMEN STUDENTS A very satisfactory experiment has been successfully carried out in the family of a leading citizen of Greeley, in which two girls, students of the college, were given a plesant, wel-furnisht bed room, and all the privileges of a most comfortable home, with board of the very best sort to be obtaind. These two yung ladies agreed to do the entire work of the household, and by a careful arrangement of hours, they hav been able to do wel and thoroly the work for this family, and also to hav time to pursue their studies, so that both have obtaind their degrees. As an experiment this plan reflects much credit upon the family and the yung ladies consernd. A great many variations of these few examples of the ways that girls liv at Colorado State Teachers College may be thought out and successfully carried thru by bright girls who hav the ambition to become teachers. The following pictures will give a notion as of the type of boarding and rooming houses of the city, adjoining the campus, in which the women students ar accorded genuin home life. Table board may be secured from $3.75 to $4 per week; rooms with modern conveniences, such as bath, furnace heat, electric light, etc., may be had at from $8 to $10 per month, one or two in a room. Where the room is occupied by two students, each student pays $4 or $5 per month for her share of the room. Rooms without all the modern conveniences, but entirely fur- nisht for sleeping purposes may be had at a charge of $5 to $8 per month. Housekeeping rooms may be had from $6 to $10 per month. These rooms ar all equipt with cooking utensils, etc. There ar some small cottages to be had at a reasonable cost for house- keeping purposes. For definite information as to location, etc., address VERNON McKELVEY, Secretary to the President. Greeley, Colorado. INSPIRATION POINT, LIBRARY AND POOL ^GlRLsS CLVB HOV3C STATE 1 TEACHERS COLLEGE ■»*6RCE'LCY**COLO(?ADO p. E>AC?8PR . ADCHITrCT-^ AN ATTRACT1V ROOMING HOUSE ONE OF THE PLESANT HOMES WHEPvE STUDENTS DXY A PLESANT GROUP A COZY BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSI^ LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN OF HOUSEKEEPING SUITE STUDENT LODGING HOUSE HIGH SCOOL cottage; THE NOON HOUR A GOOD TYPE OF ROOMING HOUSE A CORNER IN A HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT AFTER LUNCHEON ONE OF THE POPULAR BOARDING PLACES