!lli!nifif,?;. ATE ,^ t 9!"^uRv E r 3 3051 00005 339 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/datafromcontroll77reed EGM 77 QfL#i Sc^^w*^ ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY NOTES SEPTEMBER 1976 • NUMBER 77 ILLINOIS GEOLOG'CAL SURVEY LlUR OCT 28 1978 DATA FROM CONTROLLED DRILLING PROGRAM IN BOONE AND DEKALB COUNTIES, ILLINOIS Philip C Reed ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Jack A. Simon, Chief • Urbana, IL 61801 DATA FROM CONTROLLED DRILLING PROGRAM IN BOONE AND DE KALB COUNTIES, ILLINOIS Philip C. Reed ABSTRACT Samples of earth materials were collected at one site in Boone County and at nine sites in De Kalb County, Illinois, as part of a con- trolled drilling program for ground-water exploration in north-central and northeastern Illinois. Descriptions of the character and sequence, gamma- ray logs, and tables listing relative density, moisture content, relative consistency, and size analyses are presented for the glacial materials sampled and tested in the program. The results of eight refraction seis- mograph profiles and preliminary data from two pumping tests at two test- hole sites for De Kalb County also are included. INTRODUCTION In the Belvidere area and in the De Kalb-Sycamore region, as well as in other parts of northern Illinois, the deep sources of water, the Cambrian and Ordovician sandstones, are already overpumped. To facilitate the search for new, shallow sources of ground water for the rapidly expanding metropoli- tan areas of north-central and northeastern Illinois, the Illinois State Geo- logical Survey has compiled information on the nature of glacial deposits and conducted controlled drilling programs. Data has been compiled from field and laboratory analyses of samples collected from one drill hole in Boone County and nine drill holes in De Kalb County (fig. l). The test holes were drilled in conjunction with an aquifer-evaluation study by the Illinois State Water Survey . The Geological Survey's role in the investigation was to obtain de- tailed information on the glacial deposits in the larger buried valleys in Boone and De Kalb Counties by controlled drilling, sampling, and testing of .the glacial materials. These valleys were believed to have a reasonably good - 1 - - 2 - R 3E R4E % Drilling site O Previous drilling site ® Pump test site X Seismic stotion Sect ion 9 location id 7 6 5 4 3 2 I Pig. 1 - Location of drilling sites in Boone and De Kalb Counties. potential as a source of ground water. Pre- viously, little test drilling had been done to determine the nature of the valley de- posits and their ground-water potential. The Illinois State Water Survey has made appraisals of the water-yielding po- tential of the glacial deposits at selected sites in north-central and northeastern Il- linois. The results of the controlled drilling programs conducted by the Geolog- ical Survey in 1962-1963, 1970, 1972, and part of 1971 have been reported on a coun- ty basis in earlier Environmental Geology Notes (nos. 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 53, 71, and 75). This report on Boone and De Kalb Coun- ties completes the reports of data for the controlled drilling program in a six-county area in northeastern Illinois. In subse- quent reports the Geological Survey will present geologic interpretations of the data previously published. The use of data from controlled drill- ing programs is not limited to the finding of available ground water. The information also supplements what is known of the char- acter and distribution of glacial materi- als. These materials may be useful mineral resources, may present construction prob- lems, or may affect the disposal of wastes. The drilling data can also help interpret other types of subsurface information, such as drillers logs of water wells or records of borings that are made to determine the suitability of earth materials for founda- tions. The split-spoon samples taken in the drilling program can be used to determine the physical and chemical properties of the earth materials. These properties determine the suitability of the land for specific uses. In 1971 Layne-Western Company of Aurora, Illinois, under the supervision of the Geological Survey, drilled exploratory test holes. Locations for the test holes selected by the Geological Survey were gen- erally along the rights-of-way of county roads. Landowners and utility companies were consulted about buried tiles, cables, and pipelines in the area. County and town- - 3 - ship road supervisors, county zoning and planning officials, and county health officers were apprised of the scope, progress, and results of the testing. FIELD OPERATIONS Drilling The drilling contractor was provided with a log of the anticipated thickness and character of the deposits extending to bedrock, instructions on testing procedures, and a list of depths to be sampled with a split-spoon sam- pler. A mobile Sanderson-Cyclone hydraulic rotary drill rig was used for the drilling. The support equipment consisted of an l8-foot tilt trailer, a 1000- gallon flatbed water truck, an enclosed 12- foot test site trailer, and a 1^- ton truck with a rear -mounted backhole. The crew at the rig normally was made up of a driller, a driller's helper, and a Survey geologist. During drilling, conventional rotary samples were obtained, split-spoon samples were taken at selected intervals, and a log was made of the materials penetrated. Interconnected settling and suction pits of about equal size were used during the program to keep the drilling mud at optimum viscosity and weight. The mud losses during drilling and between work periods were recorded for each boring. Natural mud alone was used to start test holes, but eventu- ally bentonite and, periodically, caustic soda were added to improve mud prop- erties. Density and viscosity of the drilling mud were determined with a standard mud balance and a Marsh funnel. Sampling Rotary samples were collected at 5-foot intervals from the open ditch near the drill hole. The drilling mud was circulated until a representative sample was collected from each interval. The samples were washed in a 5-gal- lon bucket, air dried, and then bagged. Split-spoon samples were obtained with a sampler having an outside diameter (OD) of 2 inches. The split-spoon was lowered inside a full-hole 4^-inch OD drill pipe on AW-Rod (OD 1 3 A inches) with flush-joint straight thread. The spoon was then driven 18 inches by a 1^0-pound hammer that fell 30 inches or, where noted, by a 300-pound stem and jar that fell 27 inches. The rotary cuttings and the split-spoon samples are on file at the Geological Survey. Measurements of the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive ma- terials (primarily clay till) were made on each split-spoon sample with a Soiltest (model CL-700) pocket penetrometer immediately after the sample was ob- tained. A small portion of each cohesive sample was sealed in a bottle for determination of natural moisture content. - k - The relations between descriptive terms and quantitative expressions for relative density and relative consistency are as follows: Relative density Description Very loose . Loose. . . . Medium dense Dense. . . . Very dense . Blows/ft .0-5 • 5-10 .10 - 30 .30 - 50 . 50+ Relative consistency Description Qp* ( tons/ft 2 ) Very soft 0.0 - 0.25 Soft 0.25 - 0.5 Medium 0.5 -1.0 Stiff 1.0 -2.0 Very stiff 2.0 - 4.0 Hard 4.0+ * Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. Electric Logging and Natural Gamma Logging Spontaneous potential (SP) , single-point resistivity, and natural gamma logs were run in mud-filled test holes with a Neltronic logger (IK Model D) . The logs, which are on file at the Geological Survey, were useful in the interpretation of the lithologic sequence, character, and thickness of the glacial deposits sampled and tested in the program. The natural gamma logs and depth of split-spoon sampling are shown for each site tested. Seismic Investigations Eight reversed seismic refraction profiles were run in De Kalb County to determine the depth to bedrock. Each profile, located on near-level topography, was 1200 feet long with 100-foot geophone spacing. Table 1 lists each seismic profile and corresponding surface eleva- tion, depth to bedrock, and bedrock elevation, with comparative data for one test hole and one water well. Depth to bedrock was calculated by the conven- tional time- intercept method. Bedrock depths along two of the profiles com- pared favorably with results obtained from drilling. The seismic investiga- tions were supervised by Paul Heigold of the Geological Survey staff. LABORATORY TESTS Size-Distribution Analyses Hydrometer analyses were used to determine the amount of clay (parti- cle diameter less than 0.0039 mm) present in each cohesive split-spoon sample. - 5 - TABLE 1— SEISMIC STATIONS, DE KALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS Location Surface Depth to Bedrock elevation bedrock elevation (ft) (ft) (ft) Comparative test-hole data SE£NE£ Sec. 20, T. 37 N. , R. 3 E. NW£SE£ Sec. 24, T. 37 N. , R. 3 E. NW£SW£ Sec. 25, T. 37 N., R. 3 E. SW^SEi Sec. 25, T. 37 N. , R. 3 E. NE^SEi Sec. 29, T. 37 N. , R. 3 E. NE^SEi Sec. 32, T. 37 N. , R. 3 E. SE£ne£ Sec. 35, T. 37 N. , R. 3 E. NE^SWi Sec. 35, T. 37 N« • R- 3 E. 74 720 133 225 607 495 500 ft north from test hole DEK 37N-3E-24.4c (512)* 715 183 532 700 128 572 Near domestic water well (571)* 723 206 521 714 133 581 705 164 536 700 94 606 * Numbers in parentheses are bedrock elevations (ft) from test drilling and well records, Samples of approximately 55 grams were taken, and corrections for temperature and added deflocculants were made. The amount of material coarser than silt (diameter greater than 0.0625 mm) was determined by sieving, and the amount of silt was determined by subtracting the weight of the coarser material and the weight of clay from the weight of the total sample. The rotary and split-spoon samples that were friable and noncohesive were sieved with Tyler screens. The dimensions of the sieves and the Wentworth and phi () grain-size classifications related to this study are shown in table 2. The upper size limit of the sieved material was about 30 mm in diameter. IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM The numbering system used to identify the borings is based on the location of the boring. The number of each hole consists of a county abbrevi- ation and the numbers of the township, range, section, and coordinates within the section. Sections are divided into rows of one-eighth-of-a-mile squares. Each square contains 10 acres and corresponds to a quarter of a quarter of a quarter section. A normal section of 1 square mile contains eight rows of one-eighth-of-a-mile squares, and an odd-sized section contains more or fewer rows. Rows are numbered from east to west and lettered from south to north, as shown in the grid in figure 1. For example, a well located in square lh of Section 13, Township 42 North, Range 7 East, would be numbered KNE 42N7E-13.1h. - 6 - TABLE 2— SIEVE DIMENSIONS AND GRADE SCALES Sieve number U.S. standard Tyler Tyler mesh diameter ( in. ) (mm) Wentworth grain-size classification Phi () scale 4 10 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 230 4 9 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 O.187I 4.76 O.O787 2.00 0.0394 0.0278 O.OI97 0.0139 O.OO98 0.0070 0.0049 0.0035 0.0025 1.00 O.7O7 0.500 0.354 0.250 0.177 0.125 0.088 0.0625 Hydrometer separation Granules and pebbles (gravel) 2.0 mm -1.0 Very coarse sand 1.00 mm 0.0 Coarse sand 0.500 mm 1.0 Medium sand 0.250 mm 2.0 Fine sand 0.125 mm 3.0 Very fine sand 0.0625 mm 4.0 Silt 0.0039 mm 8.0 Clay Location maps for each of the eight borings were duplicated from United States Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangle topographic maps (scale 1:24,000, approximately 2^ inches per mile).. The borings have been located within the 10-acre coordinate squares with as much accuracy as the scales per- mit. The quadrangle topographic map on which the boring is located is identified in the drill record. Elevations for each boring were estimated from contours shown on the topographic maps. Individual quadrangle maps may be purchased from the Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, or from the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Data from the drill holes appear on the following pages. DATA FROM DRILL HOLES - 8 - DRILLING RECORD FOR 3 E BNE l+5N3E-36.6a Location of test: N 30 ft, W 3800 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 36; N 30 ft from the center line and E 120 ft from the center of a field entry culvert along North Road (Belvidere North Quad- rangle, 1970). GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITH0L0GY Surface elevation: 855 ft Date started: 8-10-71 Date completed: 8-17-71 Electric log interval: 0-355.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-355.0 ft Zones of fluid loss: 61.5-67.0 ft Density: 10.0 lb /gal Loss : 135 gal 168.0-199.5 ft Density: 9.8 lb /gal Loss : 135 gal Split-spoon somple no Driller's lithology Depth (ft) Radiation increases > 5 I* Soil, clay . «=r-^ 2 " 20 ^~ 3* Till • g .- 4- -40 SL 5 * 60 i- 7* _>- 9- 'Sond, gravel -80 -Silt Till / Till fc^__ io- Till -100 ii* Sand, gravel "5-^ 12* -120 $- l3 ~ Till "^-^_I4- -140 r- ■ ■"" 15* 16- 17* -160 Sand 18- Sand, -180 - 19- gravel Vsiit j? 21- -200 >Sand = ^^3^ 22- Silt -220 ^ 23- 24- -240 Sand ^L 25 * "5^ 26- ^-_^ 27- ^^~ 28- ^Z>-29- 30- Cloy -260 280 ^Cloy Sand -300 Sand Cloy N Sand, 31- 32- gravel /Clay -320 Sand Sand, gravel ^-34- Clay -340 Sand- stone Total depth 3580 - 9 - BNE U5N3E-36.6a - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Thickness (ft) Depth (ft) Topsoil, black, sandy 0.5 Clay, brown, sandy 2.5 Clay, brown and gray, silty, sandy 5'0 Clay, gray, silty 1.5 Till, predominantly clay, brown, sandy, gravelly 9»5 Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly 42.5 Sand and gravel, gray, loose 5«5 Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly 12.0 Sand and gravel, gray 3.5 Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly 5«5 Silt, black, organic 1.0 Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly; silt layers 20.0 Sand and gravel, gray, loose 14.0 Till, predominantly clay, gray (pink cast), sand, gravelly. . 40.0 Sand, brown 15.0 Sand and gravel, brown 31.5 Silt, brown 2.5 Sand, brown 2.5 Silt, brown; thin clay and sand layers 33.5 Sand, brown, silty 13.0 Clay, gray, sandy 18.0 Sand, brown, silty 13.0 Clay, gray, sandy 2.5 Sand, brown 3.5 Clay, gray, silty, sandy 8.0 Sand and gravel, brown 14.0 Sand, brown 7.5 Clay, gray, sandy 1.5 Sand and gravel 12.0 Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy 17-0 Sandstone, gray, hard 10.0 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 8.0 8.0 - 9.5 9.5 - 19.O 19.0 - 61.5 61.5 - 67.O 67.0 - 79-0 79.0 - 82.5 82.5 - 88.0 88.0 - 89.O 89.0 - 109.0 109.0 - 113.0 113.0 - 153.O 153.0 - 168.0 168.0 - 199.5 199.5 - 202.0 202.0 - 2 04.5 204.5 238.0 251.0 269.0 282.0 284.5 288.0 296.O 310.0 317.5 319.0 331.0 348.0 238.0 251.0 269.O 282.0 284.5 288.0 296.O 310.0 317.5 319.0 331.0 348.0 358.0 Total depth 358.O ft - 10 - BNE U5N3E-36.6a - Continued SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES D epth Recovery Blows/6- inch N value (t Qp* Moisture Sample (ft) (in.) hammer drop* ons/ft 2 ) content [%) 1 10.0 - 11.5 18 3- 4- 8 12 ___ 14.9 2 20.0 - 21.5 16 41-85-90 175 4.5+ 8.0 3 30.0 - 31.5 12 9-45-52 97 4.5+ 7.0 4 40.0 - 41.5 13 4-68-80 148 4.5+ 7.8 5 50.0 - 51.5 10 7-37-58 95 4.5+ 8.1 6 60.0 - 61.5 10 1-19-86 105 4.5+ 6.5 7 70.0 - 71.5 9 25-30-28 58 4.5+ 8.9 8 80.0 - 81.5 None 25-52-52 104 — — 9 90.0 - 91.5 12 14-20-32 52 4.5+ 15.2 10 100.0 - 101.5 10 12-11-18 29 — 9-3 11 110.0 - 111.5 12 27-33-28 61 — — 12 120.0 - 121.5 22 9-15-19 34 2.3 14.9 13 130.0 - 131.5 22 10-25-31 56 4.0 14.3 14 140.0 - 141.5 19 15-68-41 109 — 22.1 15 150.0 - 151.5 18 26-45-58 103 — 17.1 16 160.0 - 161.0 12 40-135(12- -in. total drop) — — 17 170.0 - 171.5 16 25-32-44 76 — — 18 180.0 - 181.5 18 21-48-78 126 — — 19 190.0 - 191.0 8 27-57(12-: In. total drop) — — 20 200.0 - 201.0 10 32-100(12- -in. total drop) — — 21 210.0 - 211.5 20 6- 8-10 18 — 20.7 22 220.0 - 221.5 22 7- 6-12 18 — — 23 230.0 - 231.5 22 4- 4-12 16 — 21.1 24 240.0 - 241.5 16 47-64-72 136 — — 25 250.0 - 251.5 18 37-88-70 158 — — 26 260.0 - 261.5 22 16-37-52 89 4.5+ 9-5 27 270.0 - 271.0 10 30-140(12- -in. total drop) — — 28 280.0 - 281.5 17 19-69-80 146 — — 29 290.0 - 291.5 22 15-24-90 114 4.5 17.7 30 300.0 - 301.0 12 37-120( 12- -in. total drop) — — 31 310.0 - 311.0 12 75-120(12- -in. total drop) — — 32 320.0 - 320.5 6 135(6-in. botal drop) — — 33 330.0 - 330.5 6 194(6-in. 1 ;otal drop) — — 34 340.0 - 341.5 18 40-38-72 110 4.5+ 10.3 * Samples 17-23, 26-34, 300-lb hammer. t Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. f Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. - 11 - BNE 45N3E-36.6a - Continued SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm > .062 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm Sample (gravel) (sand and finer) (sand) (silt) (clay) 1 8 92 49 24 27 2 6 94 51 42 8 3 4 96 44 29 27 4 19 81 38 38 25 5 11 89 50 25 25 6 22 78 58 22 20 7 12 88 50 26 24 9 100 3 63 34 10 21 79 59 25 16 12 4 96 15 57 28 13 2 98 18 54 28 14 100 1 40 59 15 100 8 46 46 21 100 80 20 23 100 77 23 26 2 98 50 31 19 29 100 7 71 22 34 6 94 33 41 26 SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. and depth (ft) Tyler screen number 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan Sand Silt, clay 11. 110.0-111.5 0.7 7.9 13.6 16.3 23.8 59.4 79-4 86.8 91.3 95-0 — 100.0 16. 160.0-161.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 1.5 13.6 45.6 78.1 92.8 95.8 — 100.0 17- 17O.O-171.5 7-8 16.8 28.3 38.6 54.6 57-1 89.7 94.3 96.2 97-0 — 100.0 18. 180.O-181.5 2.4 3.6 6.1 10.9 25.3 56.7 77-7 86.3 91-3 94.5 — 100.0 19- 190.O-191.O 16.0 23.8 28.3 30.7 35-7 52.8 73.0 83.O 88.8 90.3 — 100.0 24. 240.0-241.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.1 8.7 27.8 — 100.0 27- 270.0-271.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.5 15-2 — 100.0 30. 300.0-301.0 4.0 5-3 5.9 7.2 7-4 12.5 32.8 60.4 86.1 93.2 — 100.0 31. 310.0-311.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 6.3 20.1 36.9 56.9 69.I — 100.0 32. 320.0-320.5 4.2 9-1 13.3 17.3 25.6 43.3 63.6 76.8 86.9 92.0 — 100.0 33. 330.0-330.5 16.0 36.4 47.3 52.4 58.7 68.5 77-8 83.5 86.1 90.9 — 100.0 - 12 - BNE U5N3E-36.6a - Concluded SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample Tyler screen number depth 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Si nl Silt, clay 60.0 - 65.O 1.5 29.4 66.1 80.4 89.6 96.1 98.2 98.9 99-2 99-3 100.0 155.0 - 160.0 0.0 0.7 1.6 3.8 11.0 32.6 62.4 81.2 91.5 96.4 — 100.0 170.0 - 175.0 2.0 10.1 24.8 34.3 46.2 68.4 87.5 95-2 98.1 99.0 — 100.0 180.0 - 185.O 0.0 3.1 6.3 8.3 13.0 28.8 55-2 76.O 88.9 95-0 — 100.0 190.0 - 195.0 0.5 15. 4 39.8 ^9-7 58.9 73.1 86.9 94.9 98.I 99.2 — 100.0 240.0 - 245.0 0.0 0.3 1.7 3.6 7-0 16.4 34.5 55-6 78.I 91.3 — 100.0 270.0 - 275-0 0.0 0.5 4.4 8.3 13.5 24.1 41.8 58.5 75-0 87.O — 100.0 300.0 - 305.0 0.3 *.9 14.0 21.0 29.5 46.5 68.2 81.8 90.6 95.2 — 100.0 310.0 - 315.0 0.0 0.4 7.2 16.1 28.2 50.6 71.6 83.3 90.5 94.2 — 100.0 325.0 - 330.0 1.1 14.3 32.6 42.9 54.8 72.7 85.4 91.2 94.6 96.5 — 100.0 - 13 - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 37N3E-19.1d Surface elevation: 7^5 ft Date started: 10-5-71 Date completed: 10-8-71 Casing: 8 in. , 0-23 ft Electric log interval: 0-268.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-260.0 ft Zones of fluid loss: 128. 0-1 Wk 5 ft Density: 10.8 lb /gal Loss: 110 gal 176.0-19^.0 Density: 9.3 lb /gal Loss: 20 gal 19^.0-212.0 Density: 9.3 lb /gal Loss: 20 gal 212.0-226.0 Density: 9.3 lb /gal Loss : 20 gal 226.0-238.0 Density: 9.3 lb /gal Loss : U0 gal Location of test: N 2000 ft , W 20 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 19; S 285 ft from the center of a con- crete bridge and W 20 ft from the center line of Goble Road (Paw Paw Quad- rangle, 1971). GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITH0L0GY Split-spoon sample no. Driller's lithology Depth (ft) Radiation increc ~ ^_ 1- —Soil, clay =-Sand, gravel -20 Clay £ 2 * -40 Till — 4- -60 "Cloy -80 Till Sand Till 5- Gravel -100 -120 Till Sand, ^^ 7* gravel -140 -Clay j£ 8- Till -160 9- lO- Sand -180 -200 Sand, ll- -220 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm > .002 mm : > .004 mm < .004 mm Sample (fi ;ravel ) (sand and finer) (sand) (silt) (clay) 1 7 93 29 51 20 2 2 98 13 61 26 3 100 24 49 27 6 6 94 39 41 20 8 8 92 33 45 22 12 100 47 46 7 - 16 - DEK 37N3E-19.1d - Concluded SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. and depth (ft) Tyler screen number Gravel 16 21 32 12 60 80 115 170 250 Pan Sand Silt, clay 5. 100.0-101.5 26.0 10.7 51.1 59.7 67.9 77.0 82.9 85.8 88.5 90.6 92.0 100.0 7. HO.O-1I1.5 23.0 36.9 50.1 55.8 63.8 72.1 80.6 81.3 86.8 88.8 90.2 100.0 9. 18O.O-181.5 0.0 0.0 0.7 2.3 5-1 16.1 12.0 71.2 88.7 93.2 — 100.0 10. 200.0-201.5 5.9 11.6 23.5 *6.5 5I.2 68.0 87.8 9I.0 96.0 96.7 97.1 100.0 11. 220.0-221.5 5-5 8.2 11.7 15.8 23.9 31.6 16. 9 67.3 83.1 89.2 — 100.0 12. 210.0-211.5 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.9 1.6 2.2 3.2 1.5 8.7 30.7 58.3 100.0 SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample Tyler screen number depth 1 9 Gravel 16 21 32 12 60 80 115 170 25 Pan (ft) Sand Silt, clay 10.0- 15.0 10.0 39.8 61.0 72.5 79-9 81.6 88.7 91.1 93.3 91.8 95-8 100.0 100.0-105.0 26.1 51.7 79-1 85.8 90.5 9I.1 96.5 97-1 98.0 98.I 98.6 100.0 135.0-110.0 28.6 52.6 73.0 78.7 85.5 91.5 96.1 98.I 98.9 99-3 99.5 100.0 180.0-185.0 0.0 0.1 2.6 6.6 17.9 11.3 76.2 90.7 96.8 98.8 99-1 100.0 190.0-195.0 0.3 1.2 10.3 19.3 33.9 51.5 83.2 91.1 98.9 99.3 99-5 100.0 200.0-205.0 7.0 21.1 12.1 53.3 68.0 79.6 91.6 96.6 98.2 98.7 99-8 100.0 210.0-215.0 1.3 12.0 22.2 29.1 17.1 68.9 87.7 95.3 98.6 99-5 99-8 100.0 220.0-225.0 0.1 0.7 2.8 5-1 18.1 16.0 75-2 91.1 97-5 99-1 99-1 100.0 230.0-235.0 3.7 7-8 11.6 21.0 39-7 65.I 85.3 91.2 97.6 98.6 98.9 100.0 210.0-215.0 0.1 0.6 2.9 5-0 13.1 12.2 80.3 92.1 97.1 98.5 98.9 100.0 250.0-255.0 0.0 0.2 1.1 2.8 8.5 50.9 81. 9 93.5 97-2 98.I 98.7 100.0 - 17 - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 37N3E-24.4c Location of test: N 1550 ft, W 2500 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 24; N 420 ft from an intermittent stream and E 25 ft from the center line of Kane Road (Shabbona Grove Quadrangle, 1971). GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITHOLOGY Surface elevation: 717 ft Date started: 9-14-71 Date completed: 9-17-71 Electric log interval: 0-233.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-224.0 ft Zones of fluid loss: 47.0-58.0 ft Density: 10.3 lb /gal Loss: 120 gal 120.0-139.0 ft Density: 9.5 lb /gal Loss : 30 gal 178.0-198.5 ft Density: 9.8 lb /gal Loss: 90 gal 208.0-216.0 ft Density: 11.0 lb /gal Loss: 485 gal - 18 - DEK 37N3E-24.4c - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Thickness (ft) Depth (ft) Topsoil, black Clay, brown with trace of gray, silty Till, predominantly clay, brown, sandy, gravelly . . , Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly. . . , Sand and gravel, gray, loose Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly. . . , Till, predominantly clay, gray, silty, gravelly. . . , Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly; some sand layers Sand and gravel, gray, loose Clay, gray, silty with thin sand layers Silt, black, organic, soft Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly. . . , Till, predominantly clay, gray with pink cast; sand layers Sand and gravel, gray; trace wood Silt, black, organic, soft Clay, dark gray, sandy, gravelly , Clay, gray with green cast, sandy, gravelly , Sand and gravel, gray with green cast Sand and gravel, gray with green cast; some boulders Sand, gray Sand and gravel, brown Silt, gray, clayey , Sand and gravel, brown Silt, gray, clayey Sand and gravel, brown Dolomite, brown; light gray residual clay 0.5 0.0 - 0.5 «*.5 0.5 - 5.0 6.0 5.0 - 11.0 2.5 11.0 - 13.5 2.0 13.5 - 15.5 11.5 15.5 - 27.0 9.0 27.0 - 36.0 11.0 36.0 - 47.0 11.0 47.0 - 58.0 18.0 58.0 - 76.0 2.0 76.0 - 78.0 15.5 78.0 - 93.5 26.5 93.5 - 120.0 19.0 120.0 - 139-0 1.0 139.0 - 140.0 3.0 140.0 - 143.0 7-5 143.0 - 150.5 6.5 150.5 - 157-0 11.0 157-0 - 168.0 10.0 168.0 - 178.0 20.5 178.0 - 198.5 1.5 198.5 - 200.0 6.0 200.0 - 206.0 2.0 206.0 - 208.0 5.0 208.0 - 213.0 14.0 213.0 - 227.0 Total depth 227.0 ft - 19 - DEK 37N3E-24.4c - Continued SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES Depth Recovery Blows/6- inch Qp* Moisture Sample (ft) (in.) hammer drop* N value"*" (tons/ft 2 ) content {%) 1 10.0 - 11.5 18 13-10-14 24 2.0 11.3 2 20.0 - 21.5 14 23-25-32 57 4.5+ 9.4 3 30.0 - 31.5 15 3- 7-10 17 '1.5 14.3 4 40.0 - 41.5 12 6-12-17 29 3.8 U.7 5 50.0 - 51.5 12 IO-57-85 142 — — 6 60.0 - 61.5 11 52-22-30 52 4.5+ 15.1 7 70.0 - 71.5 14 26-41-28 69 4.0 — 8 80.0 - 81.5 19 26-35-82 117 4.5+ 10.3 9 90.0 - 91.5 15 53-140-62 202 4.5+ 12.7 10 100.0 - 101.5 18 35-53-83 136 4.5+ 10.5 11 110.0 - 111.5 None 36-95-130 225 __ __ 12 120.0 - 121.5 18 30-69-85 154 — - — 13 130.0 - 131.5 15 70-52-42 94 — — 14 140.0 - 141.5 22 16-28-38 66 4.0 14.7 15 150.0 - 151.5 22 37-45-52 97 — — 16 160.0 - 161.5 14 60-45-34 79 _ 17 170.0 - 171.5 9 175-17-19 36 — — 18 180.0 - 181.5 15 23-41-41 82 — — 19 190.0 - 191.5 12 31-51-49 100 — — 20 200.0 - 201.5 14 26-24-19 43 — — 21 210.0 - 211.5 14 80-63-78 141 — — * Samples 15-21, 3 00- lb hammer. t Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. t Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. - 20 - DEK 37N3E-24.4c - Continued SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) Sample Distribution of all parts > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm (gravel) (sand and finer) Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm > 2.0 mm > .004- mm < .004 mm (sand) (silt) (clay) 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 14 95 97 99 96 100 96 97 96 99 41 37 22 34 48 18 16 52 32 37 33 30 64 36 38 36 26 34 41 25 40 27 33 45 27 28 SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no Tyler screen number and depth 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 40 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Sand Silt, clay 5. 50.0 - 51.5 37-2 49.1 59-1 63.1 69.I 75-5 83.4 87.7 90.4 92.2 93.5 100.0 12. 120.0 - 121.5 3.8 8.1 13.7 17.8 27.9 45.7 69.4 79-3 86.0 89.5 91.6 100.0 13. 130.0 - 131.5 21.6 32.1 41.3 46.0 59-1 72.6 82.9 87.O 89.7 91.7 93.2 100.0 15. 150.0 - 151.5 0.9 3.4 11.7 23.8 48.5 70.9 87.9 92.7 95-9 99-0 99-3 100.0 16. 160.0 - 161.5 2.8 9-3 17.9 31.5 40.4 58.5 71.8 80.8 84.6 88.1 92.6 100.0 17. 170.0 - 171.5 0.0 0.1 0.8 1.3 2.0 5.1 45.1 74.2 84.5 88.8 90.9 100.0 18. 180.0 - l8l.5 26.4 35.0 42.8 48.8 62.2 73.9 79-8 83.O 84.8 86.0 86.5 100.0 19. 190.O - 191.5 9-4 15.1 21.3 27.4 44.9 63.3 73.6 78.3 82.4 85.8 88.3 100.0 20. 200.0 - 201.5 35-2 51.9 62.3 66.0 72.2 78.2 83.7 88.0 91.6 93.8 95-1 100.0 21. 210.0 - 211.5 46.6 57-4 65.1 67.7 73.3 79-0 83.5 86.1 88.2 90.1 91.6 100.0 - 21 - DEK 37N3E-2U.Uc - Concluded SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample Tyler screen number depth 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Sand Silt, clay 50.0 - 55.0 10.0 49.8 81.3 90.0 94.6 97-3 98.7 99-1 99-3 99-5 100.0 120.0 - 125.0 0.0 0.5 7-7 17.5 31.8 58.3 80.1 90.0 96.2 98.4 — 100.0 130.0 - 135.0 0.0 0.4 2.0 5.6 18.3 47.2 77.5 90.0 95-8 97-9 — 100.0 160.0 - I65.O 19.3 27.2 45.0 61.8 79-2 92.3 96.3 96.7 98.3 99-2 — 100.0 175-0 - 180.0 1.2 7-9 24.1 37.1 54.7 74.3 88.4 96.3 98.8 99-4 — 100.0 180.0 - I85.O 2.8 6.2 20.3 37.8 55-6 70.9 83-5 93.5 98.2 99-0 100.0 190.0 - 195.0 0.8 4.9 26.3 49.5 72.8 86.5 93.0 97-1 98.8 99-3 — 100.0 200.0 - 205.0 4.8 28.4 48.0 57.4 66.7 79.3 88.7 94.2 96.6 98.1 — 100.0 210.0 - 215.0 43.7 63.0 74.3 79.5 85.5 92.1 96.6 98.5 99-2 99-4 — 100.0 - 22 - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 37N5E-5.Uh Location of test: N U850 ft, W 2000 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 5; S 375 ft from an intermittent stream, S k 1 ? ft from the center line of a field access road and 2h ft W of the center line of Howison Road (Somonauk Quadrangle, 1971). Surface elevation: 725 ft Date started: 9-10-71 Date completed: 9-lU-Tl Electric log interval: 0-105.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-105.0 ft GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITH0L0GY Zones of fluid loss : 75.0-85.0 ft Density: 10.2 lb /gal Loss: 85 gal 86.5-95.5 ft Density: 10.2 lb/gal Loss : 50 gal 96,5-100.0 ft Density: 12.0 lb /gal Loss: 20 gal - 23 - DEK 37N5E-5.4h - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Thickness (ft) Depth (ft) Topsoil, black Clay, brown, silty Clay, brown, sandy Sand and gravel, brown Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly Clay, gray, sandy Sand and gravel, gray, loose Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly Sand and gravel, gray, loose Sand and some gravel, gray, loose Sand and gravel, gray, loose Silt, gray, clayey Sand and gravel, gray, loose Silt, gray, clayey Sand and gravel, gray, loose Silt, gray, clayey, soft Sand and gravel, gray, loose Dolomite, brown; shale layers 1.0 0.0 - 1.0 2.5 1.0 - 3.5 4.5 3.5 - 8.0 2.0 8.0 - 10.0 4.5 10.0 - 14.5 2.5 14.5 - 17.0 3.5 17.0 - 20.5 3.0 20.5 - 23.5 17-5 23.5 - 41.0 19.O 41.0 - 60.0 13.0 60.0 - 73.0 2.0 73.0 - 75-0 10.0 75-0 - 85.O 1.5 85.O - 86.5 8.5 86.5 - 95.0 1.5 95.0 - 96.5 3.5 96.5 - 100.0 10.0 100.0 - 110.0 Total depth 110. ft SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES Depth Recovery Blows/6- inch Qp + Moisture Sample (ft) (in.) hammer drop N value* (tons/ft 2 ) content [%) 1 10.0 - 11.5 18 2- 2- 2 4 0.3 11.8 2 20.0 - 21.5 13 30-30- 30 60 4.5+ 11.3 3 30.0 - 31-5 14 10-14- 17 31 — — 4 40.0 - 41.5 10 9-24- 18 42 — — 5 50.0 - 51.5 6 12-20- 19 39 — — 6 60.0 - 61.5 None 25-41- 42 83 __ — 7 70.0 - 71.5 18 25-31- 50 81 — — 8 80.0 - 81.5 13 27-26- 27 52 — — 9 90.0 - 91.5 12 36-77-162 239 — — * Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. t Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. - 2k - DEK 37N5E-5.^h - Concluded SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) i D: Lstribution of portion < 2.0 mm > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm > .002 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm Sample (grave il) (sand and finer) (sand) (silt) (clay) 1 17 83 45 37 18 2 28 72 40 47 13 SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. and depth (ft) Tyler screen numb sr 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan Sand Silt, clay 3. 30.0 - 31.5 9-1 26.7 44.5 51.7 62.4 73.3 83.7 87.8 90.0 91.7 92.8 100.0 4. 10.0 - 41.5 22.1 34.3 42.9 46.2 52.6 64.0 83.3 89.5 92.8 94.4 95 .4 100.0 5. 50.0 - 51.5 0.6 2.0 3.4 5.4 13.7 32.8 69.6 87.4 94.9 97-3 98.3 100.0 7- 70.0 - 71.5 9.3 14.4 23.7 31.1 49.4 69.5 85.7 91.4 9^.3 96.O 97.0 100.0 8. 80.0 - 81.5 6.4 24.0 41.1 48.8 59-1 69.9 81.0 86.7 91.2 92.9 94.1 100.0 9- 90.0 - 91.5 8.5 12.2 16.0 19.1 27.O 31.2 68.9 73.3 80.4 85.5 89.4 100.0 SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. Tyl( ;r screen numbi 3r and depth 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Sand Silt, clay 25.0 - 30.0 4.6 9-1 15.0 22.1 41.1 64.2 86.9 9^-3 97-3 98.4 98.8 100.0 35.0 - 40.0 19.1 30.7 51.4 64.3 81.8 92.9 98.3 99-2 99-5 99.6 99.6 100.0 45.0 - 50.0 5-1 12.8 34.4 48.2 68.5 85.5 96.6 98.8 99.5 99-7 99-8 100.0 55.0 - 60.0 11.4 16.6 29.1 40.2 60.8 80.0 94.5 98.2 99-5 99.8 99-9 100.0 65.O - 70.0 24.6 30.1 40.6 49.2 65.8 80.1 93.2 97-6 99.^ 99.8 99-9 100.0 75.0 - 80.0 16.4 25.0 37-8 45.7 62.7 78.4 92.7 97.2 98.9 99-^ 99-6 100.0 85.O - 90.0 4.6 38.6 61.7 68.6 78.4 87.O 94.9 98.I 99-6 99-7 99-8 100.0 95.0 - 100.0 22.2 41.4 58.5 65.1 74.6 83.0 93.0 97-3 99-3 99-4 99.5 100.0 - 25 - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 38N3E-9.3a GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITHOLOGY Location of test: N 20 ft, W 1700 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 9; E 600 ft from the center of a concrete bridge and N 20 ft from the center line of Cemetery Road (Lee Quadrangle, 1971). Surface elevation: 895 ft Date started: 8-18-71 Date completed: 8-27-71 Electric log interval: 0-387.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-388.0 ft Zones of fluid loss: 103.0-115.5 ft Density: 88.5 lb/gal Loss: 55 gal 15U. 0-180.0 ft Density:' 10.2 lb /gal Loss: HO gal 2U0. 5-268.0 ft Density: 10.0 lb/gal Loss: 55 gal 268.0-308.0 ft Density: 10.0 lb /gal Loss: 105 gal U18.0-U22.5 ft Lost circulation and drill fluid, estimated 1500 gallons, in creviced limestone at this depth. Regained circulation after 16 hrs . Split-spoon sample no Driller's lithology Depth (ft) Radiation "^j 1* 1 — Soil.clay -~ Sand, grovel -20 Clay " < 2* -40 4- -80 r~~^^ 5 ~ -100 Sand, gravel <^ 6 ~ Till -120 — ^ 7 ~ f 8 t 9- -140 /Sond, ' grovel 160 • Sand, v^__^^ 10* grovel \- l2 ~ Sand X^ 13* -200 "*T 14* Silt -220 "Cjfe* -240 — — " 17* 18* 19* Sand, -260 20* 21- -280 22* gravel 23- -300 V 24- -^ 25- 26- Till -320 Sand, — — 27 * ■<. 28- 29- gravel -340 -360 Till 30- Sand, 31* -380 32- 33- 34- gravel -400 Total depth 4225 - 26 - DEK 38N3E-9.3a - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Thickness Depth (ft) (ft) 1.0 0.0 - 1.0 2.5 1.0 - 3.5 1.5 3.5 - 5.0 7.0 5.0 - 12.0 2.0 12.0 - 14.0 Topsoil, black Clay, brown, silty Sand and gravel, brown Till, predominantly clay, gray with pink cast in part, sandy, gravelly Sand and gravel, gray Till, predominantly clay, gray with pink cast in part, sandy gravelly; some thin sand layers; boulders at 53 and 62 ft Till, predominantly clay, gray with pink cast in part; sand and gravel layers Till, predominantly clay, gray with pink cast in part, sandy, gravelly; sand layers Sand and gravel, loose Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy; boulder at 123 ft Sand and gravel, loose; thin clay layers; boulder at 15 ft Sand and gravel, brown and gray Sand, brown, silty, tight Silt, gray; thin sand layers Silt, gray, clayey; thin clay layers Sand and gravel, brown and gray Sand and gravel, brown and gray; some boulders Till, predominantly clay, gray and brown, gravelly, hard Sand, brown with green cast, gravelly Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy; sand layers Till, predominantly clay, brown, sandy, gravelly; some boulders; hard Sand and gravel, gray, brown Dolomite, brown 54.0 5.0 14.0 68.0 68.0 73.0 30.0 73.0 - 103.0 12.5 103.0 - 115-5 33.5 115.5 - 149.0 5.0 149.0 - 154.0 26.0 154.0 - 180.0 6.0 180.0 - 186.0 27.0 186.0 - 213.0 27.5 213.0 - 240.5 27.5 240.5 - 268.0 40.0 268.0 - 308.0 15.0 308.0 - 323.0 19.5 323.0 - 342.5 3.5 342.5 - 346.0 11.0 346.0 - 357.0 61.0 357-0 - 418.0 4.5 418.0 - 422.5 Total depth 422.5 ft - 27 - DEK 38N3E-9.3a - Continued SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES Sample Depth (ft) Recovery (in.) Blows/ 6- inch hammer drop N value* Qp" 1 " ( tons/ft 2 ) Moisture content {%) 1 20.0 - 21.5 4 2 40.0 - 41.5 17 3 60.0 - 61.5 18 4 80.0 - 81.5 18 5 100.0 - 101.5 22 6 120.0 - 121.5 22 7 140.0 - 141.5 22 8 151.0 - 152.5 13 9 160.0 - 161.5 16 10 170.0 - 171.0 10 11 180.0 - 181.O 11 12 190.0 - 191.5 16 13 200.0 - 201.0 14 14 210.0 - 211.5 22 15 220.0 - 221.5 22 16 230.0 - 231.5 22 17 240.0 - 241.0 12 18 250.0 - 251.5 18 19 260.0 - 261.0 12 20 270.0 - 271.5 14 21 280.0 - 280.5 5 22 290.0 - 291.0 9 23 300.0 - 301.0 11 24 310.0 - 310.5 6 25 320.0 - 320.5 6 26 330.0 - 331.0 10 27 340.0 - 340.5 5 28 350.0 - 350.0 29 360.0 - 360.5 4 30 370.0 - 370.5 6 31 380.0 - 381.0 12 32 390.0 - 391.0 12 33 400.0 - 400.6 7 34 410.0 - 411.9 11 5- 6-10 16 1.5 9-10-14 24 4.0 4-10-38 48 4.0 26-24-15 39 1-5 7-21-33 54 4.5+ 12-23-40 63 4.5 14-29-46 75 4.5 37-63-44 107 — 63-78-100 178 — 85-100( 10- in. total drop) — 65-120( ll-in. total drop) — 11-19-37 56 1.3 15-100(l2-in. total drop) 1.0 12-18-22 40 1.3 10-13-17 30 1.5 4- 5- 7 12 1.5 5-100(l2-in. total drop) 1.0 30-70-75 145 — 50-110(l2-in. total drop) — 63-93-100 193 — 175(6-in. total drop) — 44-100(l2-in. total drop) — 64-100( 12-in. total drop) — 100(6-in. total drop) 4.5+ 100(6- in. total drop) 4.5+ 75- 100( 12-in. total drop) — 134(6- in. total drop) — 118(6- in. total drop) — 135(6-in. total drop) — 123(6-in. total drop) — 27-ll8( 12-in. total drop) — 65- 142( 12-in. total drop) — 120-66(7-in. total drop) — 60- 135( ll-in. total drop) — 10.9 11.2 8.3 10.6 11.2 11.9 17.3 22.4 20.4 22.0 * Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. t Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. - 28 - DEK 3&N3E-9.3a - Continued SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm > .002 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm Sample (grave 1) (sand and finer) ( sand) (silt) (clay) 1 3 97 34 34 32 3 9 91 32 36 32 4 21 79 38 41 21 5 7 93 32 40 27 6 11 89 30 37 33 7 5 95 32 36 32 12 100 1 84 15 14 100 58 42 15 100 55 45 16 100 59 41 24 7 93 33 42 25 25 6 94 32 42 26 SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. and depth (ft) Tyler screen number 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan Sand Silt, clay 9- 160.0 - 161.5 8-9 13.2 18.9 21.9 28.5 39-6 63.0 79-2 87.4 91.3 93.0 100.0 10. 170.0 - 171.0 0.9 2.5 5-9 8.1 13.6 25.8 52.2 71.9 82.9 88.4 90.8 100.0 n. 180.0 - 181.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.4 1.9 2.6 3.7 4.5 6.4 11.0 16.4 100.0 17. 240.0 - 241.0 8.8 14.9 21.8 25.6 34.9 49.6 70.4 80.6 86.6 89.4 91.9 100.0 18. 250.0 - 251.5 0.2 0.6 2.1 2.8 4.3 9-2 48.7 75.3 85.5 90.4 92.9 100.0 19- 260.0 - 261.0 19.5 27.0 33.8 36.9 43.2 54.6 75-7 84.8 90.1 92.6 93.8 100.0 20. 270.0 - 271.5 24.0 39.1 51.7 57-2 66.2 74.9 82.3 85.9 88.9 91.3 93.0 100.0 23. 300.0 - 301.0 4.1 9.4 15.4 19.6 32.4 53.4 73.8 82.5 87.3 89.9 91.6 100.0 26. 330.0 - 331.0 4.7 8.3 11.6 13.6 18.8 31.5 65.I 82.6 89.2 92.2 94.0 100.0 29- 360.0 - 360.5 2.3. 4.3 5-5 6.3 8.2 18.6 50.4 70.6 79-5 84.3 85.8 100.0 30. 370.0 - 370.5 0.0 0.2 2.3 4.1 8.0 22.0 65.3 81.2 87.5 90.2 91.8 100.0 31. 380.0 - 381.0 2.0 4.5 8.6 12.2 25.7 58.5 82.1 87.3 90.3 92.2 93.4 100.0 32. 390.0 - 391.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.4 9-8 49.0 69.9 80.9 86.1 88.8 100.0 33. 400.0 - 400.6 6.1 7.6 10.1 15.3 31.4 54.7 74.3 83.2 87.8 90.6 91.4 100.0 34. 410.0 - 411.9 0.0 1.8 6.4 11.5 30.9 52.5 72.6 81.6 86.4 89.5 91-5 100.0 - 29 - DEK 38N3E-9.3a - Concluded SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample Tyler screen number depth 4 9 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Gravel Sand Silt, clay 105.0- 110.0 0.4 17.1 51.2 57.0 61.8 69. 4 79.0 87.4- 94.2 98.6 99.1 100.0 150.0 - 155-0 3.5 ^2.8 76.8 84.1 88.9 92.9 95.8 97.3 98.4 98.9 99.I 100.0 160.0 - 165.O 14.8 46.0 68.4 77.3 84.6 91.8 95.8 97.4 98.4 98.8 99. 100. - 30 - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 38N3E-17.3a Surface elevation: 900 ft Date started: 7-16-71 Date completed: 7-22-71 Electric log interval: 0-283.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-283.0 ft Zones of fluid loss : lUl.O-156.5 ft Density: 8.7 lb /gal Loss : 30 gal 269.0-281.0 ft Density: 10.0 lb /gal Loss: 355 gal Location of test: N 35 ft, W 1600 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 17; N 35 ft from the center line and W 750 ft from the center of a concrete bridge under U.S. Highway 30 (Lee Quadrangle , 1971) . GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITH0L0GY Split-spoon sample no Driller's ethology Depth (ft) Radiation increc -Topsoil, clay ^Sand, grovel -20 \ x Silt <* 2- -40 s 3 * 60 \ 4 * Till -80 > 5* -100 <^~ 6- -120 -140 Sond, 8- gravel -160 9- + (t ons/ft2) content {%) 1 20.0 - 21.5 14 9-15-28 43 4.5+ 12.3 2 40.0 - 41.5 16 21-10-15 25 3.3 10.9 3 60.0 - 61.5 22 10-14-17 31 3.0 12.0 4 8o.o - 81.5 22 8-11-18 29 3.8 12.1 5 100.0 - 101.5 22 8-13-18 31 3.8 10.0 6 120.0 - 121.5 21 12-15-16 31 3.0 13.6 7 140.0 - 141.5 18 8-30-63 83 — 12.2 8 160.0 - 161.0 12 55-1^0(l2-in, . total drop) — — 9 180.0 - 181.0 12 60-125(l2-in, , total drop) — 16.2 10 200.0 - 201.5 22 58-70-103 173 4.5+ 11.8 11 220.0 - 221.5 22 28-55-86 141 4.5+ 9-5 12 240.0 - 241.5 22 13-25-42 67 4.5+ 11.7 13 260.0 - 260.7 8 76-100(8- in. total drop) — — * Samples 9, 12, 13, 3 00- lb hammer. t Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. t Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) Sample Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm >2.0mm <2.0mm > .002 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm (gravel) (sand and finer) (sand) (silt) (clay) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 3 3 8 21 3 3 4 93 92 97 97 92 100 100 79 100 97 97 96 7 21 24 32 42 26 27 45 28 30 ^5 25 27 49 24 26 59 15 82 15 3 47 37 16 78 18 4 27 53 20 24 50 20 63 13 24 - 33 - DEK 38N3E-17.3a - Concluded SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. Tyler screen number and depth Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Sand Silt, clay 8. 160.0 - 161.5 0.0 0.8 2.8 3.3 5.0 11.8 39-1 68.2 86.2 92.5 95.1 100.0 9. 180.0 - 181.5 0.0 0.5 2.8 3.2 3.7 4.8 12.6 32.5 59.4 72.3 79.8 100.0 13. 260.0 - 261.5 1.3 1.9 4.1 5.1 11.9 29-6 52.7 66.2 75.8 81.1 84.5 100.0 SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample Tyler screen number depth 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Sand Silt, clay 5.0 - 10.0 15.7 43.5 66.4 75.0 81.3 87.7 91.9 93.7 94.8 95.7 — 100.0 145.0 - 150.0 0.0 2.4 10.6 27.8 44.6 65.O 83.2 92.5 97-1 98.6 — 100.0 160.0 - 165.O 0.2 8.3 25.9 28.3 33.0 50.2 78.7 92.7 97.5 98.8 — 100.0 170.0 - 175.0 1.2 2.6 8.0 9-6 13.4 27.6 59-^ 83.3 94.9 98.2 — 100.0 180.0 - 185.O 1.2 7.2 13.4 15.3 17.6 25.2 48.7 74.4 90.7 96.5 — .100.0 260.0 - 265.0 3.4 25-1 53.2 65.I 74.8 86.0 93.3 96.3 97-8 98.3 — 100.0 265.0 - 269.O 40.5 76.1 87.6 89.6 91.1 93.3 95.0 96.O 96.8 97-2 — 100.0 - 3k - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 38N5E-1.7e Surface elevation: 775 ft Date started: 9-2-71 Date completed: 9-7-71 Electric log interval: 0-139.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-139*0 ft Location of test: N 2700 ft, Ui+00 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 1; E 125 yds from the center line of Lasher Road (Big Rock Quadrangle, 1968). GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITH0L0GY - 35 - DEK 38N5E-1.7e - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Topsoil, black Clay, brown and gray Sand and gravel, brown Till, predominantly clay, brown, sandy, gravelly Sand and gravel, brown Clay, gray, silty Sand and gravel, gray Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly; thin sand layers Sand and gravel, gray Till, predominantly clay, gray with pink cast, sandy, gravelly Sand and gravel, gray Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly. Sand and gravel, gray Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly; thin sand layers Sand and gravel, gray Shale, gray Thickness (ft) Depth (ft) 1.5 0.0 - 1.5 2.5 1.5 - 4.0 1.0 4.0 - 5.0 4.0 5.0 - 9-0 3.5 9.0 - 12.5 5-5 12.5 - 18.0 1.5 18.0 - 19.5 19.0 19.5 - 38.5 1.5 38.5 - 40.0 3.0 40.0 43.0 3.0 43.0 - 46.0 62.0 46.0 - 108.0 2.0 108.0 - 110.0 14.5 110.0 - 124.5 8.5 124.5 - 133.0 7.0 133.0 - 140.0 Total depth 140.0 ft SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES Sample Depth (ft) Recovery (in.) Blows/6- inch hammer drop N value* (t Qp + ons/f t2 ) Moisture content {%) 1 20.0 - 21.5 22 8- 6- 7 13 0.3 10.7 2 40.0 - 41.5 22 6- 9- 11 20 1.3 11.4 3 60.0 - 6l.5 13 8-15- 21 36 4.5+ 10.3 4 80.0 - 81.5 17 13-18- 29 47 4.3 10.2 5 100.0 - 101.5 22 10-19- 22 41 2.8 I6.9 6 120.0 - 121.5 20 21-66-117 183 1.5 17.1 * Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. + Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. - 36 - DEK 38N5E-1.7e - Concluded SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm > .002 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm Sample (gravel ) (sand and finer) (sand) (silt) (clay) 1 11 89 51 37 12 2 8 92 38 37 25 3 6 94 24 54 22 4 (upper 11 in. ) 7 93 40 31 29 4 ( lower 6 in. ) 3 97 70 11 19 5 1 99 16 51 33 6 100 1 65 34 SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample depth Tyler screen number 16 2k 32 k2 60 115 170 250 Pan (ft) Gravel Sand Silt, clay 125.0 - 130.0 13.9 34.1 57-7 66.3 76.7 85.O 92.5 95-9 97-7 98.5 98.8 100.0 - 37 - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 38N5E-36.Hd R 5 E SHABBONA GROVE ims^r. :s»__ ?^1§SI Location of test: N 2600 ft, W 2600 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 36; S ^20 ft from the center of an intermittent stream and E 60 ft from East Sandwich Road center line ( Piano Quadrangle, 1971). GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITH0L0GY Surface elevation: 705 ft Date started: 9-7-71 Date completed: 9-10-71 Electric log interval: 0-207.0 (1971) Natural gamma log interval: 0-197.0 at test well site (1972) Zones of fluid loss in test well (1972) : lUl. 0-173.0 ft Density: 11.3 lb/gal Loss : 55 gal 173.0-195.0 ft Density: 11.8 lb /gal Viscosity: 65 sec/qt Loss : 130 gal Remarks: Test well 100 ft east of 1971 test hole reported to pump 5^5 gpm for 2k hrs with 70.27 ft of drawdown from a static level of about 3.00 ft below ground level, Casing: 10 in. from surface to 17^.0 ft, 10-in. screen 17 i + J 0-19 1 +.0 ft. Split-spoon sample no Driller's lithology Depth (ft) Radiation ^? 2- si 4- "^ 8- j. 10- ^- II- 12- —Soil, clay -20 -40 -60 -80 """Sand, gravel -100 , Sand, gravel 120 H40 /Sand -160 ~-Sond, grovel -180 -200 Till Sand Silt Sand Cloy Till Silt Sond, gravel Sand Sand, gravel Shale Total depth 2100 - 38 - DEK 38N5E-36.i+d - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Thickness (ft) Depth (ft) Topsoil, black Clay, brown, silty Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy; thin sand layers Sand, gray, very loose Silt, gray, clayey; sand layers Sand, gray, silty; clayey silt layers Sand and gravel, gray Clay, gray, silty; thin sand layers Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly Sand and gravel, gray Silt, gray, clayey Sand and gravel, brown, loose Sand and gravel, gray, loose Sand, gray, tight Sand and gravel, gray, loose Sand, gray, tight Sand and gravel, gray, loose; trace of coal . . Shale, gray 1.5 0.0 - 1.5 2.5 1.5 - 4.0 9.0 4.0 - 13.0 27.0 13.0 - 40.0 8.0 40.0 - 48.0 5.0 48.0 - 53.0 23.5 53.0 - 76.5 7-5 76.5 - 84.0 14.0 84.0 - 98.O 7.0 98.0 - 105.0 2.0 105.0 - 107.0 30.0 107.0 - 137-0 1.5 137-0 - 138.5 22.0 138.5 - 160.5 3.0 16O.5 - 163.5 2.5 163.5 - 166.O 7-0 166.0 - 173.0 25.5 173.0 - 198.5 11.5 198.5 - 210.0 Total depth 210.0 ft - 39 - DEK 38N5E-36.4d - Continued SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES Depth Recovery Blows/ 6- inch N value ( t Qp + Moisture Sample (ft) (in.) hammer drop* ons/f t 2 ) content (%) 1 20.0 - 21.5 22 6- 9- 7 16 1.8 12.3 2 40.0 - 41.5 13 5-12- 16 28 — — 3 60.0 - 61.5 18 7- 5- 9 14 — — 4 80.0 - 81.5 14 32-70-121 191 — — 5 100.0 - 101.5 18 33-52- 50 102 3.5 8.4 6 120.0 - 121.5 22 12-18- 24 42 4.5+ 20.0 7 140.0 - 141.5 16 32-50- 80 130 — — 8 160.0 - 161.0 11 28-127(12- in. total drop) — — 9 170.0 - 171.O 12 63-119(12- in. total drop) — 10 180.0 - 18O.5 6 169(6- in. total drop) — — ll 190.0 - 190.5 1 120 (6-in. tc )tal drop) — — 12 200.0 - 200.3 4 149 (4-in. total drop) — — * Samples 6, 8-12, 3 00- lb hammer. t Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. t Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm Sample (gravel) (sand and finer) Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm > .002 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm (sand) (silt) (clay) 25 92 75 100 29 41 30 49 8 43 1 72 27 - 1*0 - DEK 38N5E-36.1+d - Concluded SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample and de (ft) no. pth Tyler screen number 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan Sand Silt, clay 2. 40.0 - 41.5 0.0 4.5 29.3 52.6 74.1 90.4 96.6 98.2 99-0 99-4 — 100.0 3- 60.0 - 61.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.3 2.8 6.4 12.8 100.0 7- If 0.0 - 141.5 7-5 8.4 9.2 10.8 22.9 47.5 73.6 83.5 88.6 91.2 92.9 100.0 8. 160.0 - 161.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.8 6.0 27.9 67.6 83.7 90.0 100.0 9- 170.0 - 171.0 6.8 8.6 11.1 12.1 13.1 14.3 22.2 49.3 77-1 85.4 89.3 100.0 10. 180.0 - 180.5 45.7 55-5 62.8 66.1 75-0 82.9 88.9 93.9 98.3 99.8 99-9 100.0 SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Samp] .e ;h 1 Tyler screen number dept 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft! Sand Silt, clay 40.0 - 45.0 0.6 1.6 3.3 4.5 7-5 13.3 58.2 86.2 95.O 98.I 99-1 100.0 60.0 - 65.O 0.4 2.4 5-7 7-7 10.7 15.3 28.4 47.2 73-1 86.5 93.8 100.0 75-0 - 80.0 32.8 51.9 58.7 60.6 63.1 65.6 69.7 77-2 84.7 89.3 92. l 100.0 140.0 - 145.0 0.9 7-6 16.3 34.5 57-6 85.8 96.I 98.6 99-3 99-6 — 100.0 150.0 - 155.0 5-9 14.7 18.7 29.9 51-1 89.O 97-5 98.9 99-3 99-7 — 100.0 160.0 - 165.O 6.8 14.5 16.7 21.3 29.8 54.3 68.8 88.9 97-6 99-2 — 100.0 170.0 - 175.0 35.3 54.0 6O.7 66.0 72.2 85.1 93.3 96.5 98.7 99.1 — 100.0 180.0 - 185.O 13.8 38.2 47.7 58.9 73-3 88.7 93.0 95.8 98.7 99-5 — 100.0 190.0 - 195-0 29.4 53.5 66.7 76.7 85.O 93.6 96.5 98.O 99-2 99-4 — 100.0 - in - DRILLING RECORD FOR DEK 40N3E-36.3a R 3 E GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITHOLOGY Location of test: N 20 ft, W 1650 ft from SE cor. of Sec. 36; N 20 ft from center line of Gurler Road and E 750 ft from concrete bridge (De Kalb Quadrangle, 1971). Surface elevation: 865 ft Date started: 7-26-71 Date completed: 8-3-71 Electric log interval: 0-399.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-399.0 ft Zones of fluid loss : 19^.0-208.0 ft Density: 8.8 lb /gal Loss: 55 gal 31^.0-333.0 ft Density: 8.9 lb /gal Loss: 95 gal Remarks: Test hole converted to an observation well 8-3-71. Test well 500 ft west reported to pump 350 gpm for 2k hrs with 98.3 ft of drawdown from a static level of about 95.05 ft below ground level. Casing: 8 in. from surface to 3^0.0 ft, 8-in. screen 3^0.0 to 360.0 ft. Split-spoon sample no Driller's lithology Depth (ft) Radiation J~ '■* ^Soil.cloy C 2- -20 > 3- \ 4- -40 < 5- J 6~ Till -60 P 7 * f 8* -80 7 9- j- 10- -100 > "■" jr? 12* S 13- -120 -140 Sand, gravel Silt — -> 15— ~~~~> 16- •q~ 17- £* 18- Clay ,Sand -160 —Sand -180 Silt Till ^"^ l9 -t 20- > 21- 22- -200 -220 Sand Silt Sand, 23 1 24- 25-< gravel -240 26- -260 v, 27- Sond ^ 28- -280 -300 -320 /Silt /Sand.gravel -340 -360 """■--j. 30-1 __^S^ > 31- 32- -- 33-^ f 34- 3 35^ 36- Silt Silt Sand, gravel Sand, gravel Silt Sand, 37- 38- grovel -380 ^Sandstone, ' shale, limestone S Total depth 400.0 - 1+2 - DEK 40N3E-36.3a - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Thickness (ft) Depth (ft) Topsoil, black Clay, brown, sandy Till, predominantly clay, brown with pink cast, sandy, silty, gravelly Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly; thin sand layers; boulder at 119.0 ft Sand, gray, silty, gravelly Silt, gray with sand layers Clay, brown, sandy Sand, gray Silt, gray, clayey Sand, brown, silty Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly. Sand and gravel, brown Silt, brown, sandy Sand and gravel, gray Sand, brown Silt, gray with sand layers Silt, gray, clayey Sand and gravel, brown with green cast Silt, brown, clayey Sand and gravel, brown Silt, clayey, gray Sand and gravel, brown, tight Silt, brown with green cast, sandy Sand and gravel, brown; boulder (360. 0-362.5 ) . . Sand and gravel with boulders Sandstone, light gray, brown, silty; thin layers of gray shale and sandy brown dolomite. . . . 0.5 0.0 - 0.5 2.5 0.5 - 3.0 6.0 5-0 3.0 9.0 112.0 9.0 - 121.0 17.0 121.0 - 138.0 12.0 138.0 - 150.0 7-0 150.0 - 157-0 2.0 157.0 - 159-0 11.0 159-0 - 170.0 4.0 170.0 - 174.0 20.0 174.0 - 194.0 14.0 194.0 - 208.0 6.5 208.0 - 214.5 32.5 214.5 - 247.0 14.0 247.0 - 291.O 13.0 291.0 - 304.0 10.0 304.0 - 314.0 19.0 314.0 - 333.0 2.0 333.0 - 335.0 2.0 335-0 - 337-0 1.0 337-0 - 338.0 10.5 338.0 - 348.5 5.5 348.5 - 354.0 31.0 354.0 - 385.O 385.0 - 390.0 10.0 390.0 - 400.0 Total depth 400.0 ft - 1*3 - DEK U0N3E-36.3a - Continued SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES De ipth Recovery Blows/6- inch Qp f Moisture Sample (ft) (in.) hammer drop* N value 1 " (t ons/f t 2 ) content (%) 1 10.0 _ 11.5 16 3- 8- 11 19 1-5 13.4 2 20.0 - 21.5 20 5- 7- 11 18 1.3 12.8 3 30.0 - 31.5 20 14-14- 20 34 3.0 10.6 4 40.0 - 41.5 22 9-19- 27 46 4.5+ 10.0 5 50.0 - 51.5 22 12-18- 34 42 4.5+ 10.9 6 60.0 _ 61.5 22 14-23- 34 57 4.5+ 9.8 7 70.0 - 71.5 18 7-13- 23 36 3.0 10.6 8 80.0 - 81.5 22 9-15- 24 39 3.0 9-9 9 90.0 - 91.5 22 10-17- 18 35 1.5 11.7 10 100.0 - 101.5 22 8-15- 20 36 1.8 11.7 11 110.0 _ 111.5 22 7-16- 21 37 1.8 12.2 12 120.0 - 121.5 22 5-18- 32 50 1.0 11.1 13 130.0 - 131.5 16 31-31- 35 66 — — 14 140.0 - 141.5 15 35-28- 32 60 — 24.7 15 150.0 - 151.5 10 15-23- 30 53 2.0 12.4 16 160.0 _ 161.5 22 12-17- 20 37 2.3 19.7 17 170.0 - 171.5 22 6- 8- 18 26 0.3 11.3 18 180.0 - 181.5 22 11-13- 18 31 1.5 U.7 19 190.0 - 191.5 17 10-15- 24 49 1.5 12.1 20 200.0 - 201.5 13 52-52- 58 110 — 13.3 21 210.0 _ 211.0 11 85-180(12- in, total drop) 17.4 22 220.0 - 221.5 17 33-65- 103 168 — — 23 230.0 - 231-5 16 52-60- 77 137 — — 24 240.0 - 241.5 12 40-31- 42 73 — — 25 250.0 - 251.5 12 28-39- 60 99 — — 26 260.0 _ 261.5 8 20-27- 50 77 — — 27 270.0 - 271.5 6 25-32- 53 85 — — 28 280.0 - 281.5 8 27-54- 53 107 — — 29 290.0 - 291.5 16 32-73- 68 141 — — 30 300.0 - 301.5 15 31-22- 36 58 4.5+ 18.6 31 310.0 _ 311.5 22 10- 7- 14 21 1.8 21.5 32 320.0 - 321.5 13 40-60- 140 200 — — 33 330.0 - 331.0 12 58-131(12- in. total drop) — — 34 340.0 - 341.0 10 38-170( 12- in. total drop) — — 35 350.0 - 350.5 6 150(6- in. total drop) — — 36 365.0 _ 365.5 4 155(6- in. total drop) — — 37 375-0 - 375-5 6 132(6- in. total drop) — — 38 385.0 - 385.2 2 200(2- in. total drop) — — * Samples 22-38, 3 00- lb hammer. t Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. f Unconfined compressive strength measurement made with pocket penetrometer. - kk - DEK 40N3E-36.3a - Continued SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm > .002 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm Sample (gravel ) (sand and finer) (sand) (silt) (clay) 1 5 95 31 38 31 2 2 98 25 46 29 3 5 95 34 38 28 4 6 94 34 41 24 5 7 93 29 38 33 6 6 94 34 33 33 7 12 88 32 41 27 8 7 93 28 43 29 9 18 82 33 36 31 10 8 92 30 40 30 ll 9 91 35 35 30 12 5 95 31 43 26 14 100 70 30 15 9 91 37 41 21 16 100 56 44 17 5 95 42 39 19 18 12 88 38 36 26 19 7 93 35 39 26 20 3 97 69 23 7 21 100 2 93 5 30 100 70 30 31 100 72 28 - U5 - DEK U0N3E-36.3a - Continued SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. and depth (ft) Tyler screen number 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan Sand Silt, clay 12. 120.0 - 121.5 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.9 1.4 2.0 3.0 3.7 9-5 31.1 55.2 100.0 13. 130.0 - 131.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.8 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.5 4.7 9-6 100.0 22. 220.0 - 221.5 3.4 4.7 6.8 8.5 15-2 33.1 65.9 80.7 86.7 89.7 91.6 100.0 23. 230.0 - 231.5 0.0 0.4 1.6 2.7 9-9 31.4 73.0 84.6 88.2 90.6 92.2 100.0 24. 240.0 - 241.5 0.5 1.8 3.3 4.5 10.9 33.0 70.6 84.2 90.9 93.6 94.8 100.0 25- 250.0 - 251.5 0.0 0.3 1.7 2.4 3.3 5-4 18.3 54.8 82.3 90.5 93.1 100.0 26. 260.0 - 261.5 0.0 0.4 0.9 1.4 2.2 12.6 62.9 83.0 90.9 93.3 94.6 100.0 27- 270.0 - 271.5 0.0 0.5 1-7 2.4 3.3 5.4 25.1 56.4 73.8 91.8 93.8 100.0 28. 280.0 - 281.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 2.1 6.3 18.8 32.8 53.1 100.0 29. 290.0 - 291.5 0.0 0.2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 1-9 2.6 7-9 24.3 43.8 100.0 30. 300.0 - 301.5 0.0 0.0 4.4 6.2 7-7 8.9 10.3 11.2 12.3 14.6 18.1 100.0 31. 310.0 - 311-5 17.2 47.5 61.0 64.6 68.1 70.6 73.1 74.6 76.1 77-4 78.3 100.0 32. 320.0 - 321.5 0.0 0.6 2.5 3.5 8.5 26.8 77.5 88.7 91.7 93.4 94.4 100.0 33. 330.0 - 331.5 5.3 21.9 35.5 43.9 59.3 74.2 84.7 88.2 90.8 92.9 94.3 100.0 34. 340.0 - 341.5 40.7 57-0 64.0 66.3 69.7 74.3 79-5 82.9 85.9 88.3 90.0 100.0 35- 350.0 - 351.5 0.0 2.9 5-6 6.8 11.5 17.4 24.5 28.2 30.9 36.0 45.1 100.0 36. 365.0 - 365.5 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.0 5-4 53.1 91.0 94.3 95-3 95-9 96.3 100.0 37- 375.0 - 375-5 0.0 0.1 1.3 1-9 14.3 52.7 76.2 82.4 86.2 88.8 90.4 100.0 - 1+6 - DEK U0N3E-36.3a - Concluded SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Samp le i ) Tyler screen number deptl 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan (ft Sand Silt, clay 130.0 - 135.0 0-9 1-5 6.4 12.0 25-3 44.1 75-7 81.9 87.2 91.2 93.7 100.0 200.0 - 205.0 2.0 9.2 21.8 28.7 42.0 60.4 83.6 92.3 96.2 97.8 98.6 100.0 220.0 - 225.0 0.5 2.0 6.7 11.0 26.9 58.5 92.7 97-5 99-2 99-5 99-7 100.0 230.0 - 235-0 0.2 2.2 6.0 9-7 26.4 63.0 94.2 98.9 99-6 99-7 99-8 100.0 240.0 - 245.0 0.4 2.1 4.9 8.5 13.3 41.3 75.3 85.2 90.8 93.5 9^.3 100.0 250.0 - 255-0 0.5 1.2 2.2 2.9 6.9 25.2 67-3 88.5 96.8 98.8 99-3 100.0 260.0 - 265.0 2.4 3.3 4.2 4.6 7-1 26.3 78.8 9^.5 98.5 99-5 99-7 100.0 270.0 - 275.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 2.6 14.0 61.1 85.4 95.0 98.O 99-1 100.0 280.0 - 285.0 0.2 0.7 2.0 2.8 4.1 7-9 14.6 20.9 51.6 67.2 78.2 100.0 290.0 - 295.0 0.5 2.8 5-9 7-3 9-4 12.1 23.2 39-1 61.8 77-9 87.5 100.0 315.0 - 320.0 0.4 8.6 24.0 34.4 52.5 76.7 90.2 94.7 96.7 98.4 — 100.0 325.0 - 330.0 1.1 10.3 26.3 36.5 54.0 79-9 93.3 96.6 97-9 98.9 — 100.0 34-0.0 - 345.0 2.3 16.9 33-7 42.5 56.4 74.6 90.3 95-9 97-9 98.9 — 100.0 365.0 - 370.0 0.5 18.9 36.4 42.0 56.7 81.0 92.1 96.2 97.7 98.8 — 100.0 375-0 - 380.0 0. 1 0.9 6.1 10.8 32.2 72.6 89.7 95-3 97.3 98.6 — 100.0 - kl - DRILLING RECORD FOP DEK *+2N3E-l8.7h Location of test: N 5250 ft, W UUOO ft from SE cor. of Sec. 18; S 20 ft from the cen- ter line and E 570 ft from the center of a concrete bridge over Kingsburg Road (Fairdale Quad- rangle, 1968). GAMMA-RAY LOG WITH DRILLER'S LITHOLOGY Surface elevation: fkQ ft Date started: 8-2-71 Date completed: 8-9-71 Electric log interval: 0-273.0 ft Natural gamma log interval: 0-273.0 ft Zones of fluid loss : 23.0-37.0 ft Density: 12 lb /gal Loss: 110 gal 62.0-70.5 ft Loss: 75 gal 8U. 0-105. 5 ft Loss: 800-1200 gal 17^.0-208.0 ft Loss: 30 gal 208.0-226.5 ft Loss: 55 gal 2Ul. 0-260.0 ft Loss: Uo gal Split-spoon somple no. Driller's litholoqy Depth (ft) Rodiation increoses- 1- -Soil Sand, 2- -20 3* 4- gravel -40 Clay, 5- 6* silt -60 Sand, 7* 8- gravel -80 Clay Sand, 9 1 r 10* 1 1* gravel -100 r Clay Sond, ^^^ 12* 13* 14* IS- 17* gravel -120 -140 -160 ^Peat Till Silt Till Sond Clay 18* -180 19* Sand, 20* -200 21* 22* gravel -220 23* 24* 25* Till -240 Sand, 26* gravel — Limestone, sandstone Total depth 275.0 - 48 - DEK l+2N3E-l8.7h - Continued DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Description Thickness (ft) Depth (ft) Topsoil, black Clay, brown, silty Sand, brown, dirty , Sand and gravel, brown, loose , Sand and gravel, gray, loose , Clay, gray, sandy, soft Silt, gray, sandy Sand, gray, silty , Sand and gravel, gray; trace of coal , Clay, gray, silty , Sand and gravel, gray, loose; boulder at 104.0 ft . . , Clay, gray, sandy , Sand and gravel, gray , Clay, gray with pink cast, sandy , Silt, gray with pink cast, clayey , Till, predominantly clay, gray with brown cast, sandy, gravelly , Sand, brown , Silt, gray; wood and organic matter , Clay, gray, silty, sandy , Sand and gravel, brown; thin silt layers Sand and gravel, brown , Till, predominantly clay, gray, sandy, gravelly . . . . Sand and gravel, brown; boulder at 247-0 ft • Dolomite, brown , Sandstone, brown, gray , 1-5 0.0 - 1.5 2.5 1.5 - 4.0 3.0 4.0 - 7-0 16.0 7-0 - 23.0 14.0 23.0 - 37.0 3.0 37-0 - 40.0 16.0 40.0 - 56.0 6.0 56.0 - 62.0 8.5 62.0 - 70.5 5.5 70.5 - 76.0 29-5 76.0 - 105.5 3.0 105.5 - 108.5 21.0 108.5 - 129.5 12.5 129.5 - 142.0 7-0 142.0 - 149.0 7.0 149.0 - 156.0 8.0 156.0 - 164.0 1.5 164.0 - 165.5 8.5 165.5 - 174.0 34.0 174.0 - 208.0 18.5 208.0 - 226.5 14.5 226.5 - 241.0 19.0 241.0 - 260.0 1.0 260.0 - 261.0 14.0 261.0 - 275.0 Total depth 275.1 D ft - 49 - DEK 42N3E-l8.7h - Continued SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES Depth Recovery Blows/ 6- inch Qp + Moisture Sample (ft) (in.) hammer drop* N value (tons/ft 2 )content {%) 1 10.0 - 11.5 15 10-13-14 27 __ __ 2 20.0 - 21.5 12 6- 9-10 19 — — 3 30.0 - 31.5 None 12-12-11 33 — — 4 40.0 - 41.5 None 15-20-45 65 — — 5 50.0 - 51.5 12 7-11-16 27 — — 6 60.0 - 61.5 13 9-30-33 66 _ __ 7 70.0 - 71-5 18 20-27-17 44 4.5+ 23.3 8 80.0 - 81.5 14 21-31-53 84 — — 9 90.0 - 91.5 12 36-34-19 53 — — 10 100.0 - 101.5 10 80-55-45 100 — — 11 110.0 - 111.5 17 27-32-46 78 — — 12 120.0 - 121.5 10 13-45-75 120 — — 13 130.0 - 131.5 19 17-27-31 58 3.0 19-7 14 140.0 - 141.5 22 15-24-24 48 3.5 13.8 15 150.0 - 151.O 12 49-100(l2-in. drop) total 4.5+ 8.4 16 160.0 - 161.5 15 53-78-80 158 17 165.O - 166.5 22 15-30-45 75 4.5+ 17.4 18 175.0 - 176.5 16 45-95-100 195 — — 19 185.O - 186.5 15 32-63-85 148 — — 20 195.0 - 196.5 18 28-42-45 87 — — 21 205.0 - 206.5 15 20-43-65 108 _ 22 215.0 - 216.5 16 53-74-55 129 — — 23 225.0 - 226.0 12 60-100(l2-in. drop) total — — 24 235-0 - 236.0 12 52-100( 12-in. drop) total "■"■ ^~ 25 245.0 - 246.0 12 51-100( 12-in. drop) total •~" ^~ 26 255-0 - 256.0 2 13-100( 12-in. drop) total " "™™ * Samples 23-26, 3 00- lb hammer. + Sum of last 12 inches of hammer drop. f Unconfined compressive strength measurements made with pocket penetrometer. - 50 - DEK U2N3E-l8.7h - Continued SIEVE AND HYDROMETER ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in percent) > 2.0 mm < 2.0 mm Distribution of portion < 2.0 mm > .002 mm > .004 mm < .004 mm Sample (gravel ) ( sand and finer) ( sand ) (silt) (clay) 7 100 49 51 13 100 65 35 14 2 98 17 51 32 15 3 97 34 42 24 17 100 2 60 38 24 6 94 37 34 29 SIEVE ANALYSES OF SPLIT-SPOON SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sample no. and depth (ft) Tyler screen number 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan Sand Silt, clay 1. 10.0 - 11.5 7-9 14.1 19.4 22.2 28.8 42.2 71.4 85.9 92.1 95.3 96.5 100.0 2. 20.0 - 21.5 27.8 45.1 55-4 59-5 67-7 76.9 86.1 90.0 92.7 94.8 95-8 100.0 3. 30.0 - 31.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.4 4.7 15-4 30.6 100.0 6. 60.0 - 61.5 13.9 15.6 18.0 19.2 21.6 25.9 33.8 44.6 59-1 71.0 79-3 100.0 8. 80.0 - 81.5 0.1 0.8 2.7 8.2 38.5 64.5 81.2 86.9 90.1 93.0 94.2 100.0 9- 90.0 - 91.5 1+5-9 62.0 75-5 81.1 85.8 89.O 91.9 93.6 95-1 96.3 97-0 100.0 10. 100.0 - 101.5 7.8 16.5 32.3 41.8 54.8 63.8 81.3 88.5 93.4 95.8 96.8 100.0 ll. 110.0 - 111.5 17.5 23.1 27.9 30.6 39-3 56.9 76.9 85.I 90.0 92.7 94.1 100.0 16. 160.0 - 161.5 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.5 2.3 10.6 68.6 82.5 90.1 93.4 94.6 100.0 18. 175.0 - 176.5 0.0 0.3 1.0 1.4 2.1 "7.8 57-8 83.0 89.3 92.2 93.8 100.0 19. 185.0 - 186.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.5 3.1 7-6 15.0 47.O 73.5 84.2 100.0 20. 195.0 - 196.5 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.5 5.0 11.1 20.7 24.3 28.0 34.7 45.9 100.0 21. 205.0 - 206.5 1.6 4.7 12.4 20.2 39.6 71.8 86.3 90.3 92.7 94.3 95-3 100.0 22. 215.0 - 216.5 4.2 9.2 16.9 28.8 54.1 70.5 83.0 86.4 88.7 90.5 91.7 100.0 23. 225.0 - 226.5 17.5 21.2 25.7 27.5 30.2 33.1 37-7 47.8 64.0 74.9 80.8 100.0 25- 21+5.0 - 246.0 14.8 31.4 49.9 61.1 76.3 81.5 88.9 91-5 93.7 95-4 96.5 100.0 - 51 - DEK 42N3E-l8.7h - Concluded ILLINOIS CEOLOGICA1 SU VE/ LURA.vY OCT 28 1976 SIEVE ANALYSES OF ROTARY SAMPLES (in cumulative percent) Sa mple pth ft) Tyler screen number de 4 9 Gravel 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 250 Pan ( Sand Silt, clay 10.0 - 15.0 1.2 3.4 9-2 13.8 25.1 46.2 78.4 91-5 96.9 98.5 98.8 100.0 20.0 - 25.0 0.0 4.5 29.3 52.6 74.1 90.4 96.6 98.2 99-0 99-^ — 100.0 30.0 - 35.0 9-0 ^9-7 79-8 88.0 9^.5 97-4 98.9 99-2 99-3 99-3 99-3 100.0 60.0 - 65.O 13.2 38.1 59.9 68.4 80.6 87.8 94.4 97-0 98.I 98.7 98.8 100.0 80.0 - 85.O 10.1 22.1 33.6 40.9 59-8 76.8 92.4 97-2 98.6 99-1 99-3 100.0 90.0 - 95.0 76.5 87.9 92.6 94.0 96.2 97-9 99-2 99-6 99-8 99-9 99-9 100.0 95-0 - 100.0 ^7-9 67.O 79-6 83.8 90.2 95-2 98.3 99-3 99-6 99-8 99.9 100.0 110.0 - 115.0 22.6 31.4 42.6 50.0 63.5 77-2 89.4 9^-7 97-3 98.5 99-0 100.0 160.0 - 165.O 1.2 2.0 «*.5 7-4 17.4 44.4 82.3 9^-7 99.3 99-5 99-7 100.0 175-0 - 180.0 0.4 1.1 6.0 10.9 21.9 44.6 80.3 93.2 97-6 98.9 99-7 100.0 185.O - 190.0 0.8 3.0 6.6 10.3 18.9 36.5 74.6 88.4 95.2 97.2 97.8 100.0 195.0 - 200.0 0.0 0.4 3.0 7-3 18.8 40.0 76.9 91.1 96.8 98.9 99-5 100.0 205.O - 210.0 1-7 5.8 15.1 22.9 40.0 62.0 85.6 94.5 97-^ 98.0 98.7 100.0 215.O - 220.0 9-6 27.3 38.9 44.9 56.9 71.7 90.0 96.7 98.9 99-5 99-7 100.0 245.0 - 250.0 0.5 3.0 8.3 13.4 26.5 48.9 77-3 90.4 96.6 98.9 99-5 100.0 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY NOTES SERIES (Exclusive of Lake Michigan Bottom Studies) * 1. Controlled Drilling Program in Northeastern Illinois. 1 965 . * 2. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Du Page County, Illinois. 1 965 . * 3. Activities in Environmental Geology in Northeastern Illinois. 1 965 . * 4. Geological and Geophysical Investigations for a Ground-Water Supply at Macomb, Illinois. 1965 . * 5- Problems in Providing Minerals for an Expanding Population. 1965 - * 6. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Kane, Kendall, and De Kalb Counties, Illinois. 1 965 - * 7- Data from Controlled Drilling Program in McHenry County, Illinois. 1965 - * 8. An Application of Geologic Information to Land Use in the Chicago Metropolitan Region. 1966. * 9. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Lake County and the Northern Part of Cook County, Illinois. 1966 . *10. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Will and Southern Cook Counties, Illinois. 1966. •11, Ground-Water Supplies Along the Interstate Highway System in Illinois. 1966. *12. Effects of a Soap, a Detergent, and a Water Softener on the Plasticity of Earth Materials. 1966. 13. Geologic Factors in Dam and Reservoir Planning. 1966. *14. Geologic Studies as an Aid to Ground-Water Management. 19^7 - *15. Hydrogeology at Shelbyville, Illinois — A Basis for Water Resources Planning. 1967. *l6. Urban Expansion — An Opportunity and a Challenge to Industrial Mineral Producers. 1967- 17. Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois. 1967. *l8. Geological Information for Managing the Environment. 1967- 19. Geology and Engineering Characteristics of Some Surface Materials in McHenry County, Illinois. 1968. *20. Disposal of Wastes: Scientific and Administrative Considerations. 1968 *21. Mineralogy and Petrography of Carbonate Rocks Related to Control of Sulfur Dioxide in Flue Gases — A Preliminary Report. 1968. *22. Geologic Factors in Community Development at Naperville, Illinois. 1968. 23. Effects of Waste Effluents on the Plasticity of Earth Materials. 1968. 24. Notes on the Earthquake of November 9» 1968, in Southern Illinois. 1968. 25. Preliminary Geological Evaluation of Dam and Reservoir Sites in McHenry County, Illinois. 1969 . *26. Hydrogeologic Data from Four Landfills in Northeastern Illinois. 1969- 27- Evaluating Sanitary Landfill Sites in Illinois. 1969- *28. Radiocarbon Dating at the Illinois State Geological Survey. 1969 - *29. Coordinated Mapping of Geology and Soils for Land-Use Planning. 1969 - *31. Geologic Investigation of the Site for an Environmental Pollution Study. 1970- *33. Geology for Planning in De Kalb County, Illinois. 1970. 34. Sulfur Reduction of Illinois Coals— Washability Tests. 1970. *36. Geology for Planning at Crescent City, Illinois. 197°- *38. Petrographic and Mineralogical Characteristics of Carbonate Rocks Related to Sorption of Sulfur Oxides in Flue Gases. 1970. *40. Power and the Environment — A Potential Crisis in Energy Supply. 1970. 42. A Geologist Views the Environment. 1971. 43. Mercury Content of Illinois Coals. 1971. 45. Summary of Findings on Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois. 197 1 - *46. Land-Use Problems in Illinois. 1971. 48. Landslides Along the Illinois River Valley South and West of La Salle and Peru, Illinois . 1971 . 49. Environmental Quality Control and Minerals. 1971 • 50. Petrographic Properties of Carbonate Rocks Related to Their Sorption of Sulfur Dioxide. 1971 - 51. Hydrogeologic Considerations in the Siting and Design of Landfills. 1972. 52. Preliminary Geologic Investigations of Rock Tunnel Sites for Flood and Pollution Control in the Greater Chicago Area. 1972. 53. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Du Page, Kane, and Kendall Counties, Illinois. 1972. *55- Use of Carbonate Rocks for Control of Sulfur Dioxide in Flue Gases. Part 1. Petrographic Characteristics and Physical Properties of Marls, Shells, and Their Calcines. 1972. 56. Trace Elements in Bottom Sediments from Upper Peoria Lake, Middle Illinois River — A Pilot Project. 1972. 57. Geology, Soils, and Hydrogeology of Volo Bog and Vicinity, Lake County, Illinois. 1972. 59. Notes on the Earthquake of September 15 , 1972, in Northern Illinois. 1972. 60. Major, Minor, and Trace Elements in Sediments of Late Pleistocene Lake Saline Compared with Those in Lake Michigan Sediments. 1973. 61. Occurrence and Distribution of Potentially Volatile Trace Elements in Coal: An Interim Report. 1973. 62. Energy Supply Problems for the 1970s and Beyond. 1973 - 63. Sedimentology of a Beach Ridge Complex and Its Significance in Land-Use Planning. 1973 - 64. The U.S. Energy Dilemma: The Gap Between Today's Requirements and Tomorrow's Potential. 1973 . 65. Survey of Illinois Crude Oils for Trace Concentrations of Mercury and Selenium. 1973. 66. Comparison of Oxidation and Reduction Methods in the Determination of Forms of Sulfur in Coal. 1973 ■ 67. Sediment Distribution in a Beach Ridge Complex and Its Application to Artificial Beach Replenishment. 1974. 68. Lake Marls, Chalks, and Other Carbonate Rocks with High Dissolution Rates in S02-Scrubbing Liquors. 19JU- . 70. Land Resource — Its Use and Analysis. 1974. 71. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Lee and Ogle Counties, Illinois. 1974- 72. Occurrence and Distribution of Potentially Volatile Trace Elements in Coal: A Final Report. 1974 . 73. Illinois Geology from Space. 1975. 75- Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Kane County, Illinois. 1975. 76. Bluff Erosion, Recession Rates, and Volumetric Losses on the Lake Michigan Shore in Illinois. 1976. * Out of print.