c U7zeH Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/fiftyseventhannuOOholl 699=' 1 900. oUtns fhstitute. "fTtrgmia, E5TAPL15HEb 164-2. "^^2 ■'■ i aj"'-i5i, -w'"'' "'«?^- •m ^'m -'-l*VV:--%i ' v.r..,t^.'"^Mhlif' FIFTY-5EVEMTH ANNUAL REQISTER AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF HOLLINS INSTITUTE VIROINIA. SESSION 189©-l©00. Roanoke, Va. : The Stone Printing and Manufacturing Company. 1900. Calen&ar for Seeeion 1900:^1901, WEDNESDAY, September 19th— Opening Day. THANKSGIVING DAY— Holiday. TUESDAY, December 25th, to MONDAY, December 31st— Christmas Recess. FEBRUARY 2ist (Birthday of Charles E. Cocke)— Holiday. FRIDAY and MONDAY— Easter Recess. JUNE loth to 14th — Commencement. Contents. PAGE Board of Trustees 5 Historical 6 Full Graduates 8 Graduates in Special Courses 11 Medalists 16 Change of Charter and Organization .... 19 Principles which Govern this School 20 Suggestions 24 Faculty and OflScers 25 Register of Students 27 Summary 32 Certificates of Proficiency 33 Graduates in Departments 34 Medalists 37 The Eclectic Degree 37 The Classical Degree 37 The Literary Degree . . . . 38 The Full Degree 38 Introductory 39 HoUins Institute — Location 43 Premises and Buildings 44 Organization 4.5 Discipline 46 Religious Privileges 46 Health and Recreation 47 Admission of Pupils 47 Courses of Instruction 49 School of English 50 English Language 51 School of Ancient Languages 53 School of Modern Languages 55 Post-Graduate Course in Modern Languages and Literature 56 School of History and Political Economy .... 57 School of Mathematics 58 School of Physics 59 School of Chemistry 60 School of Moral Science 61 Physiology 62 School of Music 62 School of Art 67 School of Elocution, Dramatic Action and Physical Culture . . 68 Preparatory School 70 CONTENTS. Bookkeeping 70 Stenography and Typewriting 71 The Holy Bible and the Lord's Day 71 Examinations, Certificates, Diplomas, Medals, Etc. — Examinations 71 Keports 72 Golden Keports 72 Medals 72 Certificates and Diplomas 73 Degrees 74 The Degree of Full Graduate 75 Sessions, Terms, Etc 75 Kates for Board, Tuition, Etc 76 Special Students 76 Art and Elocution 77 Stenography, Typewriting and Bookkeeping 77 Cottages for Rent 78 Boarding Department 78 Information for Patrons 79 Commencement 81 Literary Societies 81 The Euzelian Scholarship 82 The Euepian Classical Degree 83 The Young Women's Christian Association 83 Alumnae Association 84 The Keading Room and Alumnse Library 85 Faculty Concert 8G Students' Concert 87 Students' Concert 89 Piano Recital— Mr. Bodell's Class 91 Piano Recital— Mr. Elwell's Class 92 Piano Recital — By Misses Thorpe and Estes 93 Organ Recital 94 Commencement Recital 95 Commencement Concert 96 The Final Day 97 Special Notice to Southern Girls 98 36oarb of ^ru6tee6^ Judge W. W. MOFFETT, President. Judge W. B. SIMMONS, Vice-President. Prof. WM. H. PLEASANTS, . . Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM A. MILLER, Esq., Lynchburg, Virg Hon. W. G-. EVANS, Roanoke, Virg Colonel THOMAS LEWIS, Roanoke, Virg E. H. STEWART, Esq., Roanoke, Virg A. R. LONG, Esq., Lynchburg, Virg ^C. H. COCKE, Esq., Roanoke County, Virg JOHN O. MYERS, Esq., Roanoke County, Virg M. GRAYBILL, Esq., Botetourt County, Virg Judge H. E. BLAIR, Salem, Virg Dr. J. L. STEARNES, Salem, Virg J. P. SAUL, Esq., Salem, Virg fj. W. COON, Esq., Roanoke, Virg S. W. JAMISON, Esq., Roanoke, Virg Hon. henry S. TROUT, Roanoke, Virg Captain JOHN H. WRIGHT, Roanoke, Virg Ret. J. M. LUCK, Roanoke County, Virg JAMES C. LANGHORNE, Esq., ...••• Salem, Virg WILLIAM R. WHITESCARVER, Esq., Salem, Virg PRANK P. HARMON, Esq., Glenvar, Virg A. J. PRESTON, Esq., Botetourt County, Virg Rev. T. J. SHIPMAN, Roanoke, Virg nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia nia Biecutfve Committee. Judge W. W. MOFFETT, President, ex officio. J. P. SAUL, Esq. Prof. WILLIAM PLEASANTS. *Died May 3d, 1900. tDied June 11th, 1900. Fifty-Sevknth Annual Register and IbtetoricaL This school opened its first session in the spring of 1842, under no distinctive name. It was known as the " School at Botetourt Springs," and was conducted in the interest of both sexes. Subsequently, as it continued to grow in strength and numbers, it was called " The Valley Union Seminary." For ten years it prospered on the original plan, and during that period sent forth many young men who became prominent in business and professional life. It was under the control of a joint stock company. In the year 1851, both departments being filled with pupils, the company determined, from various considerations, the controlling one being inadequacy of accom- modations, to suspend the department of males, or transfer it to another locality. The most potent reason for continuing this school for girls exclusively, arose from the fact that there was at that time no chartered institution for girls in all Vir- ginia, city or country — no institution with elaborate and sys- tematic courses of study. The session 1852-53 opened for girls only, with broad and elevated courses of study. The accommodations were very soon all filled, and since that time the school has continued to prosper. The fact that girls from many parts of Virginia eagerly entered the school and took advanced courses of study, many of them coming from uncultured homes, had a startling effect ; for it demonstrated the fact that the people were in advance of their leaders on the question of the higher educa- tion for women. The time had come for the higher education for girls, and that fact having been made palpable by the unlooked-for suc- cess of this Institution, numerous Christian schools were soon inaugurated in the State. This school continuing to overflow with pupils, in 1855 Mr. John Hollins, of Lynchburg, a gentleman of wealth, inspired by his pious wif'j, Mrs. Anne Hollins, proposed to the Announcement of Hollins Institute. 7 company having charge of the property to place the entire enterprise in the hands of a self-perpetuating Board of Trus- tees. The company acceded to this proposition, and Mr. HoUins placed at their disposal the sum of five thousand dol- lars for further improvements. Having performed this noble deed of philanthropy, Mr. Hollins returned to his home and was soon stricken with paralysis, from which attack he never recovered. Mrs. Hollins, however, continued to be the fast and liberal friend of the school. She subsequently made sev- eral handsome donations, and would doubtless have heavily endowed it at her death but for the fact that her investments were totally swept away by the results of the war. Under its new charter, with corporate name of '' Hollins Institute," it is empowered to hold funds and property to the amount of three hundred thousand dollars. Extensive and costly improvements have been recently made — wholly, how- ever, by private means — and the school is finely equipped. Until 1870 the school was sustained by Virginia patronage alone. It did not make itself known (and had no occasion to do so) beyond the limits of the State. Since that time it has drawn pupils from a much larger area; about twenty States are represented each session. Besides the numerous cultivated characters it has given to society at large, its contributions to the teaching profession have been numerous and most creditable. Its graduates are found in the faculties of many public and Christian schools of various denominations in this and other States. Its represen- tatives also stand on nearly every foreign mission field. We give on the following pages a list of full graduates, medalists, etc., it has sent forth during the fifty-seven years of its existence. Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and FULL GRADUATES. SESSION 1855-'56. SUSAN V. WILLIAMS (Mrs. East) Virginia SESSION 1859-'60. ELLEN C. MATHEWS (Mrs. Snyder) Virp-ini. ♦SUSAN J. RICHARDS (Mrs. Barnes) .'•**.'.'.'.'.".'." .Virginia SESSION 1862-'63. KATE A. MILLER (Mrs. Hardy) Virginia SESSION 1863. SALLIE LEWIS COCKE Virginia SESSION 1865-'66. MARY S. COCKE (Mrs. Hayward) Vir^ir,,-o P. PAGE ROBINSON , '^"^ ^- Virginia. SESSION 1866-'67. ♦ROBERTA C. HALL (Mrs. Ayre).... Vir.o-ir,-o ♦NANNIE V. HUDGINS (Mrs. Lightfoot) ^'i**!!.'.'!.'!";! vSia SESSION 1867-'68. BETTY A. CHANDLER (Mrs. Snead) Vir^ir.-o MARY E. ABELL (Mrs. Peake) Z ] ■ ' Virginia. SESSION 1868-'69. JULIET A. MILLER Virginia. SESSION 1869-'70. NANNIE P. ARMISTEAD (Mrs. Crumn) tt- • • *ROSAP. COCKE (Mrs. Smith) ^!^^!'^!^- HARRIET L. CAMPBELL Virginia. EDwiNA B. CHANDLER (Mrs. jonesj::::::.*::::::;: virSn!«' ELIZABETH H. JORDAN (Mrs. Painter) .' v Sn « ' MARY M. PLEASANTS Virginia. Virginia. SESSION 1872-'73. SARAH B. LOOK (Mrs. Dickinson) ^j. . . VIRGINIA E. SIMS Virginia. Virginia. SESSION 1873-'74. BETTIE BONSACK (Mrs. Hillyer) ^.., MATTY L. COCKE Virginia. Virginia. ^,, . ^ SESSION 1874-'75. EVA N. GARNETT (Mrs. Tyler) ^r- ■ • ELLEN H. KENT Virginia. ANNIE M. PHILLIPS (Mrs.' Peag"in).\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-X;;;^^^^^^^ SESSION 1875-'76. BESSIE F. BAGBY (Mrs. Dickinson) Virp-,-.,-. *ELizABETHP. SMITH (Mrs. Meiien) :::::::::::::::::::::::New Yo;k T t:,t ^ . „ SESSION 1876-'77. LELIA P. COMER (Mrs. ) LUCYR. CHAMBLISS (Mrs. Radford)*. ■.■.■:.■;:;;; vlSnit ELLA R. MCVEIGH (Mrs. Vann).. X^^?".^^- MARY w. RANDALL (Mrs. Mansonr.::::::::::::::::::::;:;;::::::TexT^* *Tt,r*r,^^ SESSION 1877-'78. ♦MARY C. DICKINSON... ♦MARY W EDMONDSON (Mrs.' Massey)" ^^'^ Virginia. •ROSA C. TATE (Mrs. Wren).... '^^ ^,"^f ', ^ Virginia, Announcement of Hollins Institute. 9 SESSION 1878-'79. CALLIE BRADLEY (Mrs. Ransom) Texas. MARY T. GORDON (Mrs. Briggs) Virginia. SALLY M. SEAGO (Mrs. Calender) Georgia. AGNES C. TERRELL Virginia. SESSION 1879-'80. MAY FIELD (Mrs. Whitescarver) Virginia. *E. FRANCES GARY Texas. BETTY GORDON Virginia. ♦EMMA MERTINS (Mrs. Thorn) Alabama. MARY V. QUAIFE (Mrs. Bixby) Tennessee. M. LILLIAN WRIGHT (Mrs. Chastain) Virginia. NANNETTE HOPKINS Virginia. SESSION 1880-'81. BESSIE BROWN (Mrs. Vass) Virginia. HATTIE B. MAXWELL (Mrs. Ruffner) Tennessee. MARY P. MOSES (Mrs. Bronson) Tennessee. KELSIC B. HUNDLEY Virginia. SESSION 1881-'82. NATTIE B. BOWMAN Virginia. BESSIE COCKE (Mrs. Barbee) Virginia. SUSIE FERGUSON (Mrs. Branch) Virginia. MAGGIE M. FINLEY (Mrs. Griffith) Florida. LEDA KENNERLY South Carolina. LILLIAN LYLBS (Mrs. Bryan) Alabama. MATTY A. MORGAN (Mrs. Miles) Virginia. M. LOUELLA PALMER (Mrs. Ford) New York. *E. FLORINE O'BRIEN (Mrs. Hunden) Virginia. SESSION 1882-'83. JULIA L. CARNEY (Mrs. Nottingham) Virginia. SESSION 1883-'84. MARY C. BAGB Y Virginia. BLANCHE DUNLAP Virginia. VIRGINIA L. EDWARDS (Mrs. Abrams) South Carolina. BLANCHE GOODMAN (Mrs. Brazzleton) Virginia. BLANCHE A. NORTHAM (Mrs. Wyatt) Virginia. MARGARET U. QUINBY (Mrs. Franklin) Virginia. FANNY EASLEY RAGLAND (Mrs. Slate) Virginia. SESSION 1884-'85. PASCHAL B. HALL Virginia. SESSION 1885-'86. BETTIE H. BAILEY (Mrs. Burt) Virginia. MARY E. JONES (Mrs. Scrimgeour) Texas. MINNIE JEFFRIES Virginia. BESSIE P. MILLER (Mrs. Thom) Maryland. RE LEWIS SMITH (Mrs. Wilmer) Pennsylvania. VIRGINIA STRICKLER (Mrs. Milbourne) Virginia. SESSION 1886-'87. V. MAY BAGBY (Mrs. Rudd) Virginia. CORRINNE A. BUSH (Mrs. Cook) Mississippi. NELLIE T. DICKINSON Virginia. LUCY C. DUNNAWAY (Mrs. Ninde) Virginia. LILLIAN B. FRANKLIN Virginia. ORA R. GRAVES Virginia. CHERTSE Y HOPKINS Virginia. E. LILIAN PETERS Virginia. SESSION 1887-'88. THALIA HAYWARD Louisiana. EDNA MOFFETT Virginia lo Fifty-Seventh Annuai^ Register and SESSION 1888-'89. ELIZABETH P. CLEVELAND Virginia. IRENE C. GOODMAN (Mrs. Brown) Virginia LILLIE G. GRANDY North Carolina. EUNICE C. MILLER (Mrs. Lockwood) Mississippi. ANNIE M. OLCOTT Virginia. JANEY P. STEEL Virginia. SESSION 1889-'90. ♦CARRIE F. CHRISTIAN Virginia. MOLLIE M. TURNLEY (Mrs. Dolly) Virginia. BETTIE S. WISE Virginia. SESSION 1890-'91. MAY B. B ASKERVILLE Virginia. ELIZABETH A. CRAIG (Mrs. Wiggs) Arkansas. LENA M. FRAZER Virginia. SUSIE Q. HUNDLEY (Mrs. McCoy) Virginia. ROSA B. HURT (Mrs. Barton) Virginia, LEILA M. TURNER (Mrs. Rath) Virginia. NETTIE M. WYSOR Virginia. SESSION 1891-'92. ELIZABETH C. ANDERSON North Carolina. MARY M. DANIEL (Mrs. Scott) Virginia. LILLIAN M. MARTIN Virginia. MARY M. SNEAD Virginia. SESSION 1892-'93. LOTTIE M. KING North Carolina. JULIA PILCHER Virginia. ELIZABETH LEROY PUR YEAR Virginia. SESSION 1893-'94. ISABELLE HUNTER GOSS Virginia. M. ELIZABETH JONES (Mrs. Whitehead) Virginia, LILLIE A. JONES Virginia. LUCY M. JONES (Mrs. Lankford) Virginia. MARY LAMAR TURPIN Virginia. SESSION 1894-'95. LOUELLA DOROTHEA GARY Florida. SADIE CASON HANDY Louisiana. ANNIE B. JOHNSON Virginia. ROBERTA CECIL MILLER Virginia. KATHARINE GRAVES WHITEHEAD Virginia. SESSION 1895-'96. No applicant, SESSION 1896-'97. SIBYL PORTIA DILLARD Virginia. KATELOU NEEL South Carolina. MARY WILLIAMSON Virginia. SESSION 1897-'98. FLORENCE WALL KIRVEN Georgia. ELIZABETH CHARLES HARMON Virginia. SESSION 1898-'99. MARY SUSAN DEW Virginia. MAUDE DARGAN FORRESTER South Carolina. SESSION 1899-1900. ELLA S. PURMAN Tqxas. ELIZA A. GEORGE Virginia Announcement of HoIvLins Institute. ii GRADUATES IN SPECIAL COURSES. SESSION 1879-'80. Literary Course. BESSIE C. ANDERSON (Mrs. Millet) Texas. SESSION 1880-'81. Classical Course. BETTIE C. JOHNSON (Mrs. Wright) Virginia. EOLINE SHEFFIELD (Mrs. Stoddard) Virginia. Scientific Course. M. LOUELLA PALMER (Mrs. Ford) New York. Literary Course. NANNIE DAVIDSON (Mrs. Wolff) Maryland. SESSION 1881-'82. Classical Course. ♦KATE R. FOX Virginia. Literary Course. MARY NOEL ESTES Tennessee. SESSION 1882-'83. Classical Course. SALLY B. EASLEY (Mrs. Roller) Virginia. MAGGIE M. WILLIAMS Virginia SESSION 1883-'84. Classical Course. BETTY H. BAILEY (Mrs. Burt) Virginia. *A. HAY BATTAILE (Mrs. Harmonson) Virginia! ANNIE E. CREW (Mrs. Simons) Virginia! RE LEWIS SMITH (Mrs. Wilmer) Pennsylvania. MARY C. WALKER (Mrs. Leach) Virginia. Literary Course. ELLA M. BALLARD (Mrs. Corr) Virginia. MARY C. CABELL Virginia. AGNES M. HARRISON Virginia! Scientific Course. MARY E. EDWARDS South Carolina. SESSION 1884-'85. Classical Course. EURA L. PARRISH (Mrs. Gray) Virginia. VIRGINIA STRICKLER (Mrs. Milbourne) Virginia! Literary Course. *IDA B. GIBSON (Mrs. Hundley) Virginia. Scientific Course. AGNES L. GRIMSLEY Virginia MINNIE BOOTON Georgia. 12 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and SESSION 1885-'86. Classical Course. NELLIE T. DICKINSON Virginia. MARION DURHAM South Carolina. NANNIE E. EARLE (Mrs. Bomar) South Carolina. MATTY A. GOODE Virginia. ORA GRAVES Virginia. LILIAN PETERS Virginia. Literary Course. M. WALTER CLAGETT Maryland. OLIVE DIBERT South Carolina. SESSION 1886-'87. Classical Course. ELLEN Z. BATTAILE (Mrs. Hiden) Virginia. BETTIE P. CLEVELAND Virginia. Literary Course. SAM G. ADAMS (Mrs. Tait) Virginia. MARY McMICKING Virginia. Scientific Course. IDA MAY MASON (Mrs. Clarkson) Texas. SESSION 1887-'88. Literary Course. ELIZABETH U. QUINBY (Mrs. Smith) Virginia. MARY P. ROOT (Mrs. Kirkland) Texas. Classical Course. JANE Y P. STEEL Virginia. SESSION 1888-'89. Classical Course. MARY M. EARLE South Carolina. LEILA M. TURNER (Mrs. Rath) Virginia. MOLLIE M. TURNLEY (Mrs. Dolly) Virginia. BETTIE S. WISE Virginia. Literary Course. ANNA HEYE Texas. LULU PITTS South Carolina. Scientific Course. ROSA BELL HURT (Mrs. Barton) Virginia. *CARRIE F. CHRISTIAN Virginia. P. MAY ELLISTON Kentucky. SESSION 1889-'90. Classical Course. BESSIE C. ANDERSON North Carolina. LENA M. FRAZER Virginia. SUSIE Q. HUNDLEY (Mrs. McCoy) Virginia. M. WILLIS JACKSON Virginia. A. OTIS JONES (Mrs. Bird) Texas. MAMIE STEVENS Maryland. Scientific Course. ELIZABETH A. CRAIG (Mrs Wiggs) Arkansas. MARGUERITE HAMPTON (Mrs. Brugh) Tennessee. Literary Course. MAY B. B ASKERVILLE Virginia. BESSIE BUXTON (Mrs. Shaw) North Carolina. REBECCA HUDGINS Virginia. Announcement of HoIvLins Institute. 13 SESSION 1890-'91. Classical Course. LUCIE JONES (Mrs Lankford) Virginia. CLARA POWERS Virginia. MARY BYRD SCOTT Virginia. MARY M. SNEAD Virginia. BETTIE M. WILLCOX Virginia. Scientific Course. LILLIAN M. MARTIN Virginia. Philosophical Course. M. ELIZABETH McNEA L Colorado. Literary Course. MARY M. DANIEL (Mrs. Scott) Virginia. SADIE McCOMB (Mrs. Ingram) Virginia. LENA MYERS (Mrs. Stratton) Virginia. SESSION 1891-'92. Classical Course. MARY IMOGEN COLEMAN Virginia. MARY BROWNING GRIMSLEY (Mrs. Barbour) Virginia. JANET MAXWELL HARRIS (Mrs Gaines) Virginia. LOTTIE MARY KING North Carolim MARY ELISE MAULDIN (Mrs. Paget) South Carolina. JULIA PILCHER Virginia. ELIZABETH LE ROY PURYEAR Virginia. Literary Course. *WORTLEY SCOTT EMBREY Louisiana. SESSION 1892-'93. Classical Course. TILLIE ALEXANDER Pennsylvania. LILLIAN ALICE JONES Virginia. ANNIE MALONE Florida. Literary Course. EDNA ELIZABETH HARRIS Virginia. MARY LAMAR TURPIN Virginia. EARLE ROY WEAVER Virginia. SESSION 1893-'94. Classical Course. RUBY BUXTON North Carolina. CORA DILLARD Virginia LOUELLA V. GARY Florida. SADIE G. GOSS Virginia. LOUISE D. HARDESTY Virginia! CARRIE B. TAYLOR (Mrs. Carver) Tennessee. KATE G. WHITEHEAD Virginia. GENEVIEVE B. WILLIS Virginia. Scientific Course. IRENE GARNETT Virginia. Philosophical Course. LEONA FISCHER Louisiana. Literary Course. F. MAY EMBREY (Mrs. Rowlett) Virginia. ELIZABETH JONES (Mrs. Falvy) Maryland. BERTA C. MILLER Virginia. NELLIE V. WILLIS Virginia! 14 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and SESSION 1894-'95. Classical Degree. BELLE BIDGOOD Virginia. MARY M. WHALEY Virginia. MARY LYNE WILSON Virginia. MAY PAXTON Alabama. BLANCHE HINTON West Virginia. Scientific Degree. MARY BELLE DUNBAR (Mrs. Carter) Texas. FRANCES K. HOUSER Nebraska. ROSA BELLE SNYDER Georgia. MARY WILLIAMSON Virginia. Literary Degree. ELIZA A. GEORGE Virginia. SESSION 1895-'96. Classical Degree. HARRIET A. BATTAILE Virginia. SIBYL PORTIA DILLARD Virginia. LILLIAN CLINT GANG Texas. DAISY EVELYN KING North Carolina. ELIZABETH CHARLES HARMON Virginia. MYRTLE AYRES SPINDLE Virginia. Eclectic Degree. EDNA LOUISE DUNCAN West Virginia. BLANCHE FUQUE Indiana. FRANCES E. LONG West Virginia. Literary Degree. JESSIE LEAKE PETERS Virginia. SESSION 1896-'97. Classical Degree. LUCY CLIFTON BIGGS Virginia. BESSIE KENDRICK PEYTON Virginia. LUCY GREEN TURNER (Mrs. Browning) Virginia. Scientific Degree. MARGARET WOODRUFF KNIGHT Texas. SESSION 1897-'98. Classical Degree. ROSA PLEASANTS COCKE Virginia. MARIA CALHOUN EATON Kentucky. Literary Degree. MARY SUSAN DEW Virginia. SARAH BRICE DUNNINGTON Virginia. NONA DeVOR Texas. MAUDE DARGON FORRESTER South Carolina. Eclectic Degree. FRANCES ELIZABETH CARTER Virginia. ELLA DAGLEY Indiana. OTELIA LEE GAY Virginia. MAUDE TROTTER Mississippi. SESSION 1898-'99. Classical Degree. LOUISE WARD South Carolina. NANCY BROADUS POOL South Carolina. TINIE KIK Virginia. Announcement of HoIvLins Institute. 15 Literary Degree. MARY STAIGE WOODFIN Virginia. Eclectic Degree. MINNIE T. FREEMAN Tennessee. ELIZABETH B. GRIMSLEY Virginia. IMOGEN HICKS Texas. MARY CATHERINE KUSIAN Virginia. MAUDE MARGARET JOHNSON Missouri. SESSION 1899-1900. Eclectic Degree. ELLIE MARCUS Virginia. ANNA TROTTER Mississippi. Classical Degree. SARAH COKER South Carolina. ETHEL DILLARD Virginia. ANNIE LAMKIN Virginia. LILLIAN NELSON Virginia. ROSA WINSTEAD North Carolina. Literary Degree. MARY C. KUSIAN Virginia. MARY SHELL Virginia. FLORA WEBSTER Texas. CORAL WRIGHT Virginia. Besides the above, hundreds of girls have secured one, two, or three department diplomas. •Dead. i6 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and MEDALISTS. (Medals were introduced Session 1871-'72.) SESSION 1871-'72. SCHOLARSHIP: Sallie A. Turpin (Mrs. St. John) Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Nannie L. Wtatt (Mrs. Hundley). .Georgia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Jennie Burks (Mrs. Williams) Virginia. SESSION 1872-'73. SCHOLARSHIP: Annie M.Phillips (Mrs. Feagin) Alabama. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Fannie E. Scott (Mrs. Bagby) Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Nannie L. Wyatt (Mrs. Hundley).. Georgia. VOCAL MUSIC: Eva N. Garnett (Mrs. Tyler) Virginia SESSION 1873-'74. SCHOLARSHIP: Bettie Bonsack (Mrs. Hillyer) Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: /Annie M. Phillips (Mrs. Feagin) .Alabama. (Kate L. Barbee (Mrs. ) West Virginia INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Kate W. Woolset (Mrs. ) New Jersey. VOCAL MUSIC: Annie M. Phillips (Mrs. Feagin) Alabama. READING: Annie M. Phillips (Mrs. Feagin) Alabama" SESSION 1874-'75. SCHOLARSHIP: Bessie F. Bagby (Mrs. Dickinson) Virginia ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Elizabeth P. Smith* Mrs. Mellen)..New York. MUSIC (instrumental): Jessie H. Cleveland (Mrs. Washington) . Texas. SESSION 1875-'76. SCHOLARSHIP: Lillian Elsom (Mrs. Harrison) Virginia INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: M. Loula Heck (Mrs. Pace) North Carolina. VOCAL MUSIC: Maude Edmundson (Mrs. Bannister) Tennessee. SESSION 1876-'77. SCHOLARSHIP: Ella R. McVeigh (Mrs. Vann) Virginia INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Mary W. Randall (Mrs. Manson).. Texas. VOCAL MUSIC: M. Loula Heck (Mrs. Pace) North Carolina. SESSION 1877-'78. SCHOLARSHIP: E. Francis Gary* Texas ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Marian S. Bayne !..!!..!!!!District of Columbia INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Callie Bradley (Mrs. Ransom).... Texas. VOCAL MUSIC: Callie Bradley (Mrs. Ransom) Texas. SESSION 1878-'79. SCHOLARSHIP: Emma A. Mertins (Mrs. Thom) Alabama ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Lizzie Meriwether (Mrs. Gilmer). Tennessee INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC : E. Frances Gary* Texas. VOCAL MUSIC: Mart T. Gordon (Mrs. Briggs) Virginia SESSION 1879-'80. SCHOLARSHIP: May Field (Mrs. Whitescarver) Virginia ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Emma Mertins* (Mrs. Thom) Alabama INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Georgia Snead (Mrs. Bashaw) Virginia.' VOCAL MUSIC: Bessie C. Anderson* (Mrs. Millett) Texas READING: Mary P. Moses (Mrs. Bronson) Tennessee Announcement of Hollins Institute. 17 SESSION 1880-'81. SCHOLARSHIP: Nattib B. Bowman Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION : E. Florinb O'Brien* (Mrs. Hunden) .Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Leda Kennerlt South Carolina. TT^r^AT A/TTTGTn. (Mary McMillan (Mrs. Henegar) Tennessee. VOCAL MUSIC . I Marion Thomas (Mrs. Garnett) Texas. READING: Anna P. Chambliss (Mrs. Caperton) South Carolina SESSION 1881-'82. SCHOLARSHIP: Lillian Lyles (Mrs. Bryan) Alabama. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Nattie B. Bowman Virginia. SESSION 1882-'83. SCHOLARSHIP: Hattie C. Lyles (Mrs. Taylor) Alabama. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Lillian Lyles (Mrs. Bryan) Alabama. VOCAL MUSIC: Bessie Cocke (Mrs. Barbee) Virginia. SESSION 1883-'84. TMary C. Bagby .Virginia. SCHOLARSHIP:^ A. Hay Battaile (Mrs. Harmonson)* .Virginia. ( Mary C. Cabell Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Fanny E. Ragland (Mrs. Slate)... .Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Leonora Walmsley (Mrs. Shieb)... Virginia. VOCAL MUSIC: Ella M. Ballard (Mrs. Corr) Virginia. READING: Kate A. Roberts (Mrs. Madden) Tennessee. SESSION 1884-'85. SCHOLARSHIP: Bessie P. Miller (Mrs. Thom) Maryland. ENG. COMPOSITION: Virginia Strickler (Mrs. Milbourne).. Maryland. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Lucy T. Spillman (Mrs. Triplett).. Virginia. VOCAL MUSIC: Nina W. Cousins (Mrs. Latham) Texas. READING: Jassamine Irvine Louisiana. SESSION 1885-'86. SCHOLARSHIP: Re Lewis Smith (Mrs. Wilmer) Pennsylvania. T^xrr-T TGTT nnTv/r-pncjTT-TriM- J Bessie P. Miller (Mrs. Thorn)... Maryland. ENGLISH COMPOSITION. I -^^ Lewis Smith (Mrs. Wilmer)... Pennsylvania. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Bessie P. Miller (Mrs. Thom) Maryland. ■Mr^nxT TVTTTaT/--. J Nannie E. Earle (Mrs. Bomar) South Carolina. VUL.AL MUbiL.. -j jgggjg WOFFORD (Mrs. Rathbone) Texas. SESSION 1886-'87. SCHOLARSHIP: Bettie P. Cleveland Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: E. Lillian Peters Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Eunice C. Miller (Mrs. Lockwood). Mississippi. READING: Mary P. Root (Mrs. Kirkland) Texas. SESSION 1887-'88. SCHOLARSHIP: Elizabeth U. Quinby (Mrs. Smith) Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Elizabeth U. Quinby (Mrs. Smith). Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: { ^^^^^^^eM^^J^^ <^_^«;Ta^^^ -^rrtn a t TVTTTaTn • / Thalia Hayward Louisiana. vu«^Ai^ iViUfeiU. JLALA B. Terrell (Mrs. McDavitt) Mississippi. SESSION 1888-'89. SCHOLARSHIP: Susie Q. Hundley (Mrs. McCoy) Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Annie M. Olcott Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Mary M. Lee (Mrs. Jennings) Virginia. SESSION 1889-'80. SCHOLARSHIP: Leila M. Turner (Mrs. Rath) Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Leila M. Turner (Mrs. Rath) Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Lena M. Frazer Virginia. TT-T nr-TTT-Tr^-M. / Jessica L. Coleman (Mrs. Romain) Louisiana. ELOCUTION. I Nellie Garrett Texas. SESSION 1890-'91. SCHOLARSHIP: Lillian M. Martin Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Carrie K. Jones North Carolina. VOCAL MUSIC: Sallie Knight South Carolina, ELOCUTION: L. May Dunn (Mrs. Halsell) Texas. 1 8 Fifty-Seventh Annuai. Register and SESSION 1891-'92. SCHOLARSHIP: Lottie M. King North Carolina, ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Mary B. Grimslet (Mrs. Barbour). Virginia. instrumental MUSIC: Jennie Louise Hurlbutt Mississippi. VOCAL MUSIC: Mattie B. Wood Florida. ELOCUTION: M. Elise Mauldin (Mrs. Paget) South Carolina. SESSION 1892-'93. SCHOLARSHIP: Elizabeth L. Purtear Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Elizabeth L. Purtear Virginia. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: Bertha A. Freeman (Mrs. Lewis).. Texas. VOCAL MUSIC: Lena Louise Fletcher Virginia. ELOCUTION: Reba Callawat (Mrs. Hulen) Texas. SESSION 1893-'94. SCHOLARSHIP: M. Elizabeth Jones (Mrs. Whitehead) Virginia, ENG. COMPOSITION: M. Elizabeth Jones (Mrs. Whitehead).. Virginia. PIANO MUSIC: Lily Ford Snead Virginia VOCAL MUSIC: No award. ELOCUTION: No award. SESSION 1894-'95. SCHOLARSHIP: Katharine Graves Whitehead Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Mary Williamson Virginia." PIANO : Ola Park Texas. VOICE: Mary Ashley Bell Virginia. ELOCUTION: Mary Mumford Whaley Virginia. SESSION 1895-'96. SCHOLARSHIP: Harriet A. Battaile Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Myrtle Ayres Spindle Virginia! PIANO: Frances K. Houser Nebraska. VOICE : Annie Moomaw Virginia. ELOCUTION: Maude Virgilia Walker South Carolina. SESSION 1896-'97. SCHOLARSHIP: Lucy Green Turner (Mrs. Browning) Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Sarah B. Dunnington Virginia. PIANO: No award. VOICE: No award. ELOCUTION: May Clendenin Texas. SESSION 1897-'98. SCHOLARSHIP: Sarah B. Dunnington Virginia. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Mary Keller Tennessee. PIANO- 1 Bettie H. Wilson Virginia ^'lEuLA P. Jamar (Mrs. Ellison) Virginia! VOICE : Ethelyn Mills Texas. ELOCUTION: No award. SESSION 1898-'99. SCHOLARSHIP: Ella S. Furman Texas ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Louise Ward South Carolina. PIANO: Nina Esther Block Arkansas. VOICE: No award. ELOCUTION: No award. SESSION 1899-1900. SCHOLARSHIP: Sarah Coker South Carolina. ENGLISH COMPOSITION: Ella S. Furman Texas. PIANO : Mabel Sims Virginia VOICE: No award. ELOCUTION: Aimee Reed Mississippi. Announcement of HolIvIns Institute. 19 Cbange of Cbarter an& ©rganlsatlon* At the regular annual meeting of the Trustees, held on June 2d, 1900, the Superintendent reported that the session (fifty-seventh) then about to close, was, all things considered, the most prosperous in the history of the School. He urged, as he had repeatedly done for years, the necessity of expansion and advance ; that the premises were not adequate to meet the pressure from without, nor for affording the facilities de- manded in a first-class school for young ladies in the present conditions and demands of society. The Board, after due deliberation, determined to reorganize the corporate organiza- tion under which the School has been conducted from its origin and by unanimous vote, a full Board being present, passed the following resolution : " That the President and Secretary of the Board of Trus- tees of Hollins Institute are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to Charles L. Cocke and the legal repre- sentatives of Charles H. Cocke, or to such corporation as they may designate, a deed with apt words of conveyance, and with covenants of general warranty, to, all and singular, the real estate and premises now owned and controlled by this Board, or to which it may be entitled, either in law or equity. That the said officers are also further authorized to transfer to the grantee, in the deed above mentioned, the right to use the name ' Hollins Institute ' as the title and name for an institution of learning for the education of young women, and also the good will of the institution known as ' Hollins Institute,' which has been for many years conducted under the auspices of this Board, as well as all the rights and franchises now held by this Board under the various acts of the General Assembly of Virginia incorporating this Institution.'* 20 Fifty-Seventh Annuai. Register and prtnciplee Mbicb (Bovern tble ScbooL This school closed its fifty-seventh annual session on the sixth day of June, 1900. During its history it has accom- plished a great work. Thousands of young women have gone forth into life bearing its training and impress, and have filled, and many of them still fill, elevated positions in society, and, in many instances, places of high responsibility and influence. The following general principles have been recognized as of prime importance and have controlled its management : I. Culture. All true culture must come from within. The heart, the mind, the moral principles, the Christian virtues must have true training under pure and elevated stand- ards in order to develop high culture and character. II. Daily Life. The every-day life of a boarding-school for young ladies must be kept up to true standards. The principles and habits, the ways and manners of girls during the scholastic period, are likely to cling to them through life and determine their positions, their success and their des- tiny. In all the daily and hourly contacts and associations of school-life, high-toned principles of honor and integrity, pleas- ant and tasteful manners, neat and appropriate attire, cleanli- ness of person, pure speech and high aspirations, should be recognized and inculcated. III. Health. The physical health and development of girls at school is a matter of supreme importance. This school affords ample facilities for the preservation and development of physical health and vigor. In addition to a regular physical culture department, our campus is most beautiful, attractive and extensive, embracing about thirty acres of land, with hill and dale, springs and brooks, and cov- ered with hundreds of shade trees, all inviting the outdoor sports and j)leasures so necessary to the health of student girls. We enjoy, further, the advantages of springs of sulphur anrl clialybcate water immediately on the grounds, one in close Announcement of Hollins Institute. 21 proximity to the buildings. This water possesses valuable medicinal properties and affords a fine tonic for weakly girls. For cases of delicate health or serious sickness ample and com- fortable rooms are provided away from the noise and bustle of the school, and presided over by a superior resident phys- ician and an experienced trained nurse. Our atmosphere is pure and invigorating at all seasons, and many girls who come to us in feeble health gain strength, vigor and bloom. IV. Comfort in accommodations, free social intercourse with each other, with officers and their families, and such persons as are knozvn to he proper parties to admit to the precincts of the school, wholesome and well prepared food in abundance, and amusements such as engage both mind and body — all these com- bined induce contentment, cheerfulness, and a condition of restful satisfaction. A girl whose normal condition is one of unrest, peevish- ness, dissatisfaction with herself and her surroundings, is not likely to make progress in moral, literary or aesthetic culture. Every girl should be made to feel that she is in a home per- vaded by the most generous and tender sympathies. V. An institution having charge of girls and young ladies wlw come from distant homes, must be pervaded with the conscious recognition of the grave and delicate responsibilities assumed, or it is unfitted for a true and high mission. This school has always realized its high obligation to the parents and guardians of those committed to its temporary guardianship. It feels that in committing their daughters and wards to its training and guidance, they have imposed a most sacred trust, which it must fulfill at any cost of anxiety and care. The school being really one large family, composed of its teachers, its officers with their children and the pupils, all on perfect social equality, the moral and social principles which hold sway must not be left to chance or doubtful precedent, but must be founded in truth and right, as determined by intelligent and wise authority. VI. Personal contact with the outside world, and especially with strangers, must be carefully guarded, and must be under the supervision and direct control of judicious officers. Parents, at their distant homes, are in no position to pass judgment in such cases. 22 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and The neglect, or total ignoring, of such a provision, has brought ruin to many a school. Under this principle this school has preserved a record untarnished by a single social scandal for fifty-seven years — the period of its existence. VII. To meet the wants of a large school for girls great variety of talent and a wide range of scholarship must concenter in the Faculty. This institute usually provides eight male professors and ten or twelve lady teachers. When others are needed they are provided. Again : Scholarship is by no means the only requisite in a teacher ; experience, " aptness to teach," and personal adaptedness in character, habits and manners are of first importance. Great care is taken to provide professors and teachers not only of superior scholarship, but possessed of all those gifts and qualities which combine to make a true teacher and an accomplished officer. VI I I. The safe passage of pupils from their homes to school and their return, is a matter of concern to us, as it is to their parents and guardians. When several come together from the same section we often send a special escort to meet them at some designated point. Of course this can not be done, except in special cases, but the friends of young ladies should take special care to have them under reliable protection en route to and from school. IX. Patriotism and religion, in their true essence, above party and sect, shotdd be inculcated in every school, whether for males or females, or for both. In this school the pupils are encouraged to appreciate and love their country in all its vast domain, to cherish respect for and admiration of its great government, its great institutions, and its great people. Daily, and especially on Sunday, are they impressed, by precept and example, with religious truth and principles and practice. They enjoy the privilege of hearing able ministers of the gospel of different communions, alternately every Sun- day, and they are also thoroughly taught in Christian truths Announcement of Hoi.i.ins Institute. 23 by special lessons. The Bible is our only text-book in religion. A boarding-school for girls, of all places, is the most inappropriate arena for the discussion of party politics and sectarian tenets and distinctions, cussions. We discourage all such dis- 24 Fifty-Skvknth Annuai. Register and Suggeettone^ 1. Many parents suspend the scholastic training of their daughters just when they have reached a degree of mental dis- cipline preparatory to a successful advance to those studies which fit them for entrance into society. They should con- tinue in school at least another year. 2. The command of an unnecessary amount of money while at school to satisfy imaginary wants is a great evil. It diverts from studies and other duties, and engenders and fos- ters wasteful or extravagant habits. 3. Parents should beware of allowing their daughters to form the acquaintance of gentlemen, strangers to themselves and strangers to the authorities of the school. This is done by prescribing unnecessary and often very improper visits beyond the limits of ofificial supervision. 4. At a place so fully occupied as this, employing many servants and entertaining many visitors, we can not be respon- sible for the loss of valuables by pupils. Money, jewelry, etc., should be deposited for safe keeping with the officer appointed and employed for this purpose. 5. This school does not interfere with, or supervise, the correspondence of its pupils, except in cases where grave improprieties become known. In such cases the facts are promptly reported to parents or guardians. Instructions should always be given as to what correspondence is allowed and approved by parents or guardians. 6. Pupils should not leave before the closing exercises of the session have been completed. These exercises constitute an important part of the training of the school. And, more- over, we make special arrangements for the proper escort of girls to their homes on the day after commencement. We can make no such provision on an earlier dav. CHARLES L. COCKE. Announckment of HoIvIvIns Institute. 25 Jfacult)? an& ©fficere* 1899-1000, CHAKLES L. COCKE, A. M., Superintendent. MRS. E. S. CHILDS, Associate Principal, Emeritus. MISS MARIA F. PARKINSON, Lady Principal. *CHARLES H. COCKE, Business Manager. JOSEPH A. TURNER, Assistant Business Manager. Xanguages, Xlterature anD Science. J. M. McBRYDE, Jr., Ph. D., (Johns Hopkins), English Language, English Literature. WILLIAM H. PLEASANTS, (University of Virginia), Latin, Moral Science, Chemistry. A. T. L. KUSIAN, LL. D., (Germany), French, German. fM. ESTES COCKE, M. A., (University of Virginia), Mathematics, Physics. G. W. DRAKE, M. D., (Vanderbilt), Resident Physician, Physiology. MISS A. C. TERRELL, (Hollins), History, Political Economy. MISS E. N. NEWMAN, B. A., (McMasters), Acting Professor ot Mathematics and Physics. MISS BETTY P. CLEVELAND, English, French. MISS ELIZABETH PURYEAR, Latin, German. MISS MARIAN S. BAYNE, English Composition. MISS THALIA HAYWARD, French. MISS GENEVIEVE RUDD, Preparatory Department. MISS W. M. SCOTT, Book-keeping, Stenography and Typewriting. MISS MATTY L. COCKE, Librarian and Registrar. MISS ELIZA A. GEORGE, Assistant Librarian. ^U0ic. LOUIS ALBERTI, A. M., Ph. B., (Copenhagen), Director, Voice Culture, Theoretics. CARL BODELL, (Stockholm, Leipsic, and Paris), Concert Pianist, Piano. CHARLES H. ELWELL, (New England Conservatory), Piano, Organ. MISS MARY M. PLEASANTS, Piano, History of Music. MISS THALIA HAYWARD, Piano. MISS EDITH L. WINN, (New England Conservatory, Berlin), Violin and kindred instruments. Piano. *Died May 3d. 1900. tAbsent for cue session. 26 Fifty-Se:venth Annual Register and Brt anO ;6locutlon. MISS LUCIE P. STONE, (American Schools and Paris), Drawing, Painting. MISS PAULINE S. TOWNSEND, (New England Conservatory), Elocution, Physical Culture. 2)ome0tfc 2)epartment. MRS. CHARLES L. COCKE, Head of the Department. MRS. A. M. KONE, Assistant. MISS ANNIE COLE, Assistant. MISS BELLE LESTER, Assistant. Cbaplains* REY. FURMAN H. MARTIN, Baptist. REY. E. Y. HUBARD, Episcopalian. REY. W. C. CAMPBELL, Presbyterian. REY. H. C. Y. CAMPBELL, Presbyterian. REY. W. H. H. JOYCE, Methodist. Other ministers occasionally. Announcement of Holuns Institute. 27 1Reg(6ter of Stu&ente* Session 1899*1900. Bbbreviations. E.— English. E. Iv.—English Literature. C. — Composition. Gr.— Greek. L.— Latin. F.— French. G.— German. H.— History. Math.— Mathematics. M. S.— Moral Science. Ph.— Physics. Phy.— Physiology. Ch.— Chemistry. Eloc— Elocution. A.— Art. B. K. — Bookkeeping. T. S.— Typewriting and Stenography. P.— Piano. O.— Organ. v.— Violin. V. M.— Vocal Music. Th. M.— Theory of Music. Harm.— Harmony. Gu. — Guitar. M.— Mandolin. P. D.— Preparatory Department. NAME Aldridge, Lulu, e., c, e. l , f., v. M., i Allen, Cornelia, e. l., l., c, p., a. Allen, Marguerite, e. l., c, f., h., v., a. Allen, M. Julia, e. l., c, m. s., h., p. PARENT OR GUARDIAN STATE F. M. Aldridge^ Esq. Miss. H. B. Allen, Esq. Texas. H. B. Allen, Esq. Texas. Rev. S. 0. Christian. Virginia. Bassett, Mabel, e.,c., l., f., math,, p., harm. Bell, Laura, e. l., c, f., p., v. Bennett, Edith, e. l., c, f., p., v. m. Binkley, Anne, a. Biscoe, Keatts, e. l., c, p., v. m., a. Blanchard, Emmie, e.l., c, l., f., math., p. Blanehard, Etta, e.l., c, l., f., math., eloc. Boone, Janet, e., c, h. Booth, Florence, e. l., c, f., h. Bower, Mabel, e. l., c, math., h. Bramlitt, Lydia, e. l., c, f., math., h. Bransford, Caroline P., F., c, math., h., p. Braswell, Margaret, e.l.,c.,l.,f.,p.,v.,harm. Breeden, Annie, e. l., c, math., h., p., v. m. Brock, Fearl, e., c, f., math., p. Dr. G. W. Bassett. Florida. F. L. Bell, Esq. Texas. E. T. Bennett, Esq. Tenn. J. E. Binkley, Esq. Texas. J. E. Biscoe, Esq. Arkansas. Wm. R. Blanchard, Esq. Ga. Wm. R. Blanchard^ Esq. Ga. Dr. O. A. Boone. Virginia. H. J. Booth, Esq. Ohio. H. M. Bower, Esq. Virginia. T. L. Bramlitt, Esq. Miss. Mrs. S. C. Bransford. Virginia. W. T. Braswell, Esq. N. C. W. K. Breeden, Esq. Texas. Wm. Brock, Esq. Tenn. 28 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and NAME Camp, Lucy, e. l., c, l., f., math., p. Campbell, Valerie, e., c, r., h., p. Carney, Eliz., e.l., c, i'.,math., v. m.,eloc. Carter, Lucile, e., c, e. l., g., math., p. Cavitt, Sadie G., c, p., harm. Cecil, Lillie, e., c, l., f., math., eloc. Chenault, Carlisle, e. l., c, l., f., p., v. m. Chenault, Eleanor, e., c, l., math., a. Cocke, Anita A., e., c, l., math., p., a. Cocke, Matty L., c, l., g., math., p. Cocke, Leonora, c, l., g., math., p., a. Cocke, C. L., Jr., e.,c ,l.,math., eloc, p. d. Cocke, Margaret, p. d. Coker, Sarah, c, l., g., m. s., p. Coker, Lavinia, e. l., c, l., math., p., a. Cosby, Edith, e. l., c, p., a. Cox, Susie, E. L., c, f., p , v. m. Cutchin, Nannie, e. l., c, f., math., eloc, qu. Banner, Kosa L., e., c, l., math., h. Danner, Maude, p. d. Davidson, Eva, e., c, f., h., p. Dekle, Pallie Elaine, e., c, e. l., l., p. Denman, Archie, E., c, math., h,, p., a. Denny, Mary A., E. L., c, f., m. s., h., a. Deyerle, Julia, e., c, e. l., math., h., p, Dickinson, Hallie, c, l., g., math., p. Dill, Mary H., e. l., c, f., h., p. Dillard, Ethel, e. l., n. s., p. Dillard, Pembroke, p. d. Dinwiddle, Eleanor, c, L., Q., p., v.m.,harm. Dodd, Mary, e. l., c, p., a. Douglas, Lillian, E.L.,c.,L.,r.,MATH.,P.,ELOC. Duke, Lucy, c, l., f., m. s., h. Eakin, Elizabeth, e. l., c, l., f., math. Edens, Edwina, E. L., c, g., p. Edrington, Teddie, e. l., c, f., h., p., v. m. Ellis, Grace, e., c, b. l., g., math., eloc. Estes, Daisy Belle, e.l., c, f., p., o.,harm. Estes, Marie, p., v. m. Fisher, Anna, e. l., c, f., a. Eitzputrick, Roba, e. l., c, l., G., n. s. Fitzpatrick, Eunice, e. l., c, h., p., eloc Floyd, Carrie, p. d. Freas, Alice, e., c, e. l., p., b. k. Freeman, Minnie, p., v. m., harm. Freeman, Lucile, e.,c,e.l.,f.,math.,p.,v.m. parent or guardian STATE W. N. Camp, Esq. Florida. J. F. Campbell, Esq. Texas. W. B. Carney, Esq. Virginia. A. Fletcher, Esq. Virginia. Dr. J. W. Cavitt. Texas. C P. Cecil, Esq. Kentucky. L. D. Chenault, Esq. Kentucky. L. D. Chenault, Esq. Kentucky. J. J. Cocke, Esq. Texas. C. H. Cocke, Esq. Virginia. C. H. Cocke, Esq. Virginia. C. n. Cocke, Esq. Virginia. C. H. Cocke, Esq. Virginia. W. C. Coker, Esq. S. C. W. C. Coker, Esq. S. C. W. G. Cosby, Esq. Virginia. S. H. Cox, Esq. Texas. . Mrs. A. Cutchin. Virginia. Mrs. M. mil. Virginia. A. J. Danner, Esq. Virginia. Mrs. E. P. Davidson . Virginia. M L. Dekle, Esq. Florida. Dr. A. M. Denman. Texas. R. A. Denny, Esq. Georgia. H. S. Deyerle, Esq. Virginia. Rev. A. E. Dickinson, D. D. Va. John W Dill, Esq. Missouri. P. B. Dillard, Esq. Virginia. P. B. Dillard, Esq. Virginia. Dr. B. A. Dinwiddle. Texas. S. L. Dodd, Esq. Mississippi. Howard Douglas, Esq. Alabama. F. J. Duke, Esq. Virginia. Mrs. L. D. Eakin. Tenn. Judge A. Rainey. Texas. Captain H. C. Edr-ington. Texas. Dr G. S. Ellis. Arkansas. J. W. Estes, Esq. Florida. /. M. Estes, Esq. Georgia. R. M. Fisher, Esq. Kentucky. Mrs. S. H. Fitzpatrick. Virginia. Mrs. S. H. Fitzpatrick. Virginia. Charles Floyd, Esq. Virginia. Mrs. E. A. Freas. New Jersey. M. T. Freeman, Esq. Tenn. Mrs. H. E. Freeman. Texas. Announcement of Hoi^uns Institute. 29 NAME PARENT OR GUARDIAN STATE Fuller, Mahel, i. l., c, f., h , P. J. T. Fuller^ Esq. Tennessee. Fuller, Carrie, e. l., c, f., h., v. m. W. A. Fuller, Esq. Tennessee. Funk, Pauline, k.l.,c.,matii.,h.,p.,v.m.,har. W. C. Funk, Esq. Virginia. Funk, Nellie, e., c, math., h., p., eloc. J. R. Funk, Esq. Virginia. Furraan, Ella, e., c, n. s., m. s., h. Samuel Furman, Esq, Texas. Furman, Sadie, e. l., c, l., n. s. Jiulge John M. Furman. Texas. Garrison, Carrie, m., e. l., c, l., qu., p. Gathright, Eleanor, e., c, e. l., g., p. George, Eliza, ch. George, Nellie, e. l., c, l., f., math., p. Gibson, Annie May, b. l., c, f., h., p. Gill, Ethel E., e. l., c, g., p. Girard, Frances, p., v. m., harm., bloc. Glenn, Rebecca, e. l., c, f., h., p. Godell, Kathryn L., v., harm. Hale, Lillie Rulh, l., c, math., h., a. Harmon, Mary, e., c, f., math., h., p. Henderson, Mildred, e. l., c, f., math., p. Hinton, Ethel, e., c, math., p., a. Hobday, Annie, e. l., c, l., math., t. s. Hodges, Ina, c, p., v. m., harm., eloc. Horner, Sadie, e. l., c, p., v. m. Hudgins, Fay, e. l., c, l., h., a. Hudson, Mary, e. l., c, l., math., h., eloc. Huflf, Junia, p. d. Hume, Anne Wilmer, c, l., f., math., p. Jamison, Mary, e. l., c, f., h. Jasper, Davie, e. l., c, l., f., h. Jones, Sallie, e. l., c, p., harm. Jones, Anna Paul, e. l., c, f., h., p., a. Jones, Sara, e. l., c, l., math., h., v. Kefauver, Boyd, e. l., c, math., eloc. Kelly, Telette, e. l., c, f., p., v. m. Keyes, Elizabeth, e., c, f., eloc, p. d. Kidder, Edith, e. l., c, math., h., p. King, Bonham, c, f., h., p., c, harm., eloc. Kirk, Nellie, e. l., c, f., n. s., e. Kirven, Annie, e. l., c, f., h., a. Kone, Fay, e., c, l., math., h. Kusian, Mary C, ch., m. s., a. Kusian, Anna Louise, E., c , l., math., h., p. W. 0. Garrison, Esq. N. J. W. H. Gathright, Esq. Virginia. R. F. George, Esq. Virginia. R. F. George, Esq. Virginia. C. W. Gibson, Esq. Alabama. John A. Gill, Esq. Virginia. Alex. F. Girard, Esq. Texas. R. B. Glenn, Esq. N. C. Mrs. W. O. Godell. N. Y. Mrs. Annie R. Hale. Tennessee. Frank P. Harmon, Esq. Va. Mrs. J. L. Henderson. Texas. Silas Hinton, Esq. W. Va. Rev. George J. Hobday. Virginia. H. C. Hodges, Esq. Alabama. Mrs. R. H. Horner. Virginia. W. T. Hudgins, Esq. Texas. Dr. Taylor Hudson. Texas. Lewis Huff, Esq. Virginia. Rev. Thomas Hume, D. D. N. C- S. W. Jamison, Esq. Virginia. T. C. Jasper, Esq. Texas. Mrs. H B. Jones. Virginia. William H. Jones, Esq. Texas. Paul T. Jones, Esq. Miss. D. E. Kefauver, Esq. Virginia. Solon Kelly, Esq. Alabama. Mrs. F. E. Keyes. Ohio. Mrs. L. A. Stainback. Arkansas. J. King, Esq. Georgia. Dr. J. D. Kirk. Virginia. J. A. Kirven, Esq. Georgia. Mrs. Anna M. Kone. Virginia. Dr. A. T. L. Kvsian. Virginia. Dr. A. T. L. Kusian. Virginia. Lamb, Elizabeth, e.l., c.,L., G., math., eloc. Mrs. W.B.Lamb. Virginia. Lamkin, Annie, e., c, l. , f. G. Lamkin, Esq. Virginia. Lankford, Ora, e., p. d. T. H. Lankford^ Esq. Virginia. 30 Fifty-Skvknth Annual Register and NAME Lankford, Talmage, p. d. Levy, Rosamond, E. l., c, y. m., a., eloc, p. Linn, Mary, e. l., c, l., g., h., p. Lipscomb, Ethel, e. l., c, f., m. s., p. Lloyd, Bertha, e. l., c, math., h., p., harm. Loeb, Sadie, e. l., c, f., g., p. Love, Elouise, e. l., c, g., p., a. Luck, Cora, e., c, e. l., p. Luck, Julia, e., c, l., math., h. Luck, Eugene, e., c, l., math., p. d. Luck, Loula, P. d. McLaughlin, Mabel, e.l., c.,l., q., math., p. McLaughlin, May, e., c, l., math., p. d. McLaughlin, Edith, p. d. Mallory, Edith, e. l., c, f., p., v. m. Marcus, EUie, e. l., c, g., ch., m. s. Masters, Mary, e., c, l., math., h., a. Mays, Rosa, i. l., c, math., m. s., h. Miller, Marjorie, e. l., c, v. m , v., harm. Mills, Mary, e. l., c, m. s., y. m., eloc. Monroe, Louise, e., c, l., math., p., v. Moomaw, Annie, v. m., p. Morrow, Fanny, e. l., c, f., math., p., eloc. Moss, Elizabeth, e.l.,c.,f.,p.,v.m.,har.,blo. Murray, Eva., e. l., c, l., g., h. Myers, Sallie Lou, e. l., c, l., h. Myers, JDaisy, a. Nail, Eva, e. l., c, h., p., eloc. Neff, Katie, e. l., c, f., math., p., a. Nefl', Rob., E. L., c, L., F. Nelson, Lillian, e., c, l., math., ch., m. s. Numsen, Ethel, e., c, math., h., p., eloc. Parkinson, Olive, e., c, l., math., h. Parramore, Rose, e. l., c, h., a. Patterson, Mary, e., p. d. Patterson, Lula, i., p. d. Pearson, Mary, e., C. l., M. s. Pearson, Sadie, E. L., c. l., math., h. Penn, Anita, e. l., c. f., eloc, b. k. Phelps, May, e. l., c. f., V. Porter, Ilalford, E. L., c, L., G., H., eloc. Rainey, Marian W., e. l., c. f., h., b. Rainey, Edna Scott, e., c, l., h., p. Ranson, Mary, e. l., c, f., math., eloc. parent or guardian T. H. Lankford, Esq. M. Levy, Esq. R. O. Linn, Esq. W. H. Lipscomb, Esq. L. W. Lloyd, Esq. S. Loeh, Esq. J. L. Love, Esq. Rev. J. M. Luck. Rev. J. M. Luck. Rev. J. M. Luck. Rev. J. M. Luck. S. McLaughlin, Esq. S. McLaughlin, Esq. S. McLaughlin, Esq. W. B. Mallory, Esq. S. Marcus, Esq. M. V. Masters, Esq. Joseph Mays, Esq. D. J. Miller, Esq. Felham Mills, Esq. E. R. Monroe, Esq. Mrs. J. C. Moomaw. M. D. Wheeler, Esq. Wm. H. Moss, Esq. Mrs. E. S. Murray. John 0. Myers, Esq. John 0. Myers, Esq. STATE Virginia. Texas. W. Va. Virginia. Nebraska. Georgia. Louisiana. Virginia. A^irginia. Virginia. Virginia. Virginia. Virginia. Virginia. Tennessee. Virginia. Virginia. Mississippi. Texas. Mississippi. Virginia. Virginia. Virginia. Texas. S. C. Virginia. Virginia. C. H. Nail, Esq. Kentucky. Milton L. Neff, Esq. Virginia. Milton L. Neff, Esq. Virginia. S. R. Nelson, Esq. Virginia. Mrs. J. B. Numsen. Texas. Wm. C. Parkinson, Esq. Va. Dr. T. H. Parramore. Virginia. David Patterson, Esq. Virginia. David Patterson, Esq. Virginia. Rev. W. A. Pearson. S. C. Rev. W. A. Pearson. S. C. F. R. Penn, Esq. N. C. Lieut. H. Phelps, ll.S.N.,1^. Y. Mrs. Chas. Bondurant. Md. Charles Rainey, Esq. Louisiana. Charles Rainey, Esq. Louisiana. 2y(,os. D. Ranson, Esj. Virginia. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 31 NAME PARENT OR GUARDIAN STATE Reaves, Etta, k., c, l., math., p. C. K. Reaves, Esq. Texas. Reed, Aimee, e. l., c, m. s., kloc. J. R. Reed, Esq. Mississippi. Reeves, Mary, e. l., c, h., p., v. m., v. Mrs. Willie Reeves. Texas. Reeves, Mills, e., c, l., math., h. Mrs. Willie Reeves. Texas. Reynolds, Elizabeth, e. l., c, f., h.,v., eloc. Maj. A. Reynolds^ U.S.A. Kan. Rigsbee, Rosa, e., c, e. l., h. A. M. Rigsbee, Esq. N. C. Roberts, Ellen, e., c, f., math., p., m. Charles Roberts, Esq. Texas. Robertson, Julia, c, l., f., math., h. Judge Wm. G. Robertson, Va. Samuels, Josephine, e. l., c , l., p. Mrs. W. T. Samuels, Kentucky. Schmelz, Ethel, e. l., c, math., h., v. Henry L. Schmelz, Esq. Va. Seago, Annie Myrtle, e.l.,c.,l. , p., V.M., harm. Wm. K. Seago, Esq. Louisiana. Shell, Mary, c, r., h., p. J. R. Shell, Esq. Virginia. Simmons, Hattie G., e. l., c, f., m. s., h. Judge W. B. Simmons. Va. Sims, Mabel, p., o. H. C. Sims, Esq. Virginia. Smith, Janet, E. l., c, f., h., p. Mrs. Nannie T. Smith, N. C. Surface, Mary Lucy, p. d. W. R. Surface, Esq. Virginia. Sykes, Lois, e. l., c, f., eloc. T. C. Sykes, Esq. Virginia. Thornhill, Madeleine, e. l., c, l., g., p. Rev. R. L. Thornhill. Virginia. Thorpe, Kate, e. l., c, p., harm. Dr. F. J. Thorpe. N. C. Tinsley, Lillie, e. l., c, l., h., p. W. H. Tlnsley, Esq. Kentucky. Townsend, Eugenia, e. l., c, l., p., eloc. F. H. Townsend, Esq. Alabama. Travis, Alma, e., c, l., math., h., p. Dr. B. F. Travis. Tennessee. Trotter, Anna, e. l., c, f., h. Walter Trotter, Esq. Miss. Tupper, Allene, e. l., c, a., eloc. Rev. H. A. Tapper, D. D. N. Y. Tupper, Katherine, e., c, e. l., f., h., eloc. Rev. H. A. Tupper, D. D. N. Y. Turner, Isabel, e. l., c, f., m. s. Mrs. C. B. Turner. Virginia. "Wait, Francis, e. l., c, l., f., math., p. Prof. Chas. E. Wait. Tenn. Walrond, Laban, p. d. Mrs. S. Walrond. Virginia. Warn, Lila, e. l., c, h., p., v. m. Frank Bates, Esq. Texas. "Watson, Eugenia Gay, e. l., c, l., f., a. Mrs. Otway W. Watson. Ohio. Watts, Ethel, e. l., c, f., h., p., v. m. W. D. Watts, Esq. Kentucky. Watts, Leta, e., c, math., h , p., eloc. N. C. Watts, Esq. Virginia. Webster, Flora, e., c, f., m. s., v. m. F. P. Webster, Esq. Texas. Whitefield, K. G., e. l., c, math., h., p., v. Mrs. W. G. Whitefield. Ky. Wilkinson, Agnes, e.l.,c., l., math.,h., b.k. Mrs. Bettie Wilkinson. Va. Williams, Susie, e. l., c, p., v., harm. W. C. Williams, Esq. D. C. Willingham, Mildred, e.,c.,f.,math.,p.,v.m. A. B. Willingham, Esq. Va. Wilson, Sophia, e. l., c, f., h., eloc. J. L. Wilson, Esq. Texas. Winstead, Rosa, e., c, l., m. s. Mrs. Pattie K. Winstead. N. C. Winstead, Iva, e. l., c, math,, p., b. k., t. s. Mrs. Pattie K. Winstead. N. C. Witherspoon, Ethel, c, f., ch., a. Lister Witherspoon, Esq. Ky. Wootters, Frances, E. l.jC, math., H., P., v.m. Mrs. J. H. Wootters. Texas. Wright, Coral L., e., c, l., f., m. s. William H. Wright, Esq. Va. Wright, Nan, e., c, math., h., p. William H. Wright, Esq. Ark. Day Pupils, 22 ; Boarders, 175— Total, 197. 32 Fifty-Skventh Annuai. Register and Summary. Virginia 81 Texas 34 Tennessee 10 Kentucky 10 North Carolina 9 Mississippi 8 Georgia 7 South Carolina 5 Alabama 5 Florida 4 Arkansas 4 Louisiana 4 New Jersey 2 Ohio 3 "West Virginia 2 New York 4 Missouri , .... 1 Maryland 1 Nebraska 1 Kansas 1 Washington City 1 IFlumber Bttending Bacb Department. English 52 English Literature 117 Latin 70 Erench 81 German 22 Mathematics 71 Chemistry 11 Moral Science 18 History 77 Preparatory Department ... 18 Piano 104 Voice Culture 39 Pipe Organ 3 Violin and Kindred Instruments . . 13 Harmony 17 Theory of Music 86 Art 31 Elocution 3 Bookkeeping 5 Stenography and Typewriting ... 2 Announcement of Holuns Institute. 35 Ccrtificatee of iproftcienQ ContccreO 5une 6, 1900, 1bf6tori2 KOSE C. PARRAMORE, Virginia. /Ilbatbematics CARRIE GARRISON, New Jersey. IPescboloa^ MARY DENNY, Georgia. Btbics HATTIE SIMMONS, Virginia. MARY DENNY, Georgia. pianotorte /iDustc Junior (5raOe ETHEL NUMSEN, Texas. JANET SMITH, North Carolina. ANNIE MAY GIBSON, Alabama. ITntermeDfate (3raDe MATTIE COCKE, Virginia. INA HODGES, Alabama. SARAH COKER, South Carolina. BERTHA LLOYD, Nebraska. SADIE CAVITT, Texas. MABEL McLAUGHLIN, Virginia. MARY DILL, Missouri. SALLIE JONES, Virginia. EDWINA EDENS, Texas. ANNIE M. SEAGO, Louisiana. ELEANOR GATHRIGHT, Va. FRANCES WOOTTERS, Texas. Senfoc (BraDe ELEANOR DINWIDDIE, Texas. ZbCOX^ Ot /tr>U6lC DAISY ESTES, Florida. SADIE CAVITT, Texas. KATE THORPE, North Carolina. ELEANOR DINWIDDIE, Texas SALLIE JONES, Virginia. 34 Fifty-Sevknth Annuai, Rejgistbr and IDoice Culture 5unior (5ra&e MAKIE ESTES, Georgia. Senior 6raDe MINNIE FKEEMAN, Tennessee. ©rgan jflDusic IFntcrmcOlate (BraOc DAISY ESTES, Florida. pbigstcal Culture KEATTS BISCOE, Arkansas. (Brabuatee in Departmente I. Bnglisb language ELLA FUEMAN Texas ANNIE LAMKIN Virginia MARY PEARSON . . . * South Carolina FLORA WEBSTER Texas ROSA WINSTEAD North Carolina CORAL WRIGHT Virginia II. JBrxQiieb Xiteraturc JULIA ALLEN Virginia MARY DENNY Georgia ETHEL DILLARD Virginia REBA FITZPATRICK Virginia CARRIE FULLER Tennessee MABEL FULLER Tennessee SADIE FURMAN Texas NELLIE GEORGE Virginia MARY JAMISON Virginia SALLIE JONES Virginia CORA LUCK Virginia ELLIE MARCUS Virginia MARY MILLS '. Mississippi EVA MURRAY South Carolina SALLY LOU MYERS Virginia SADIE PEARSON South Carolina MARION RAINEY Louisiana Announcbmknt of HoIvI^ins Institute. 35 AIMEE REED Mississippi HATTIE SIMMONS Virginia LOIS SYKES Virginia MADELINE THOKNHILL Virginia EUGENIA TOWNSEND Alabama ANNA TROTTER Mississippi ALLENE TUPPER New York in. xatfn SARAH COKER South Carolina ELEANOR DINWIDDIE Texas ANNIE HUME North Carolina ANNIE LAMKIN Virginia ROBERTA NEFF Virginia LILLIAN NELSON Virginia MADELINE THORNHILL Virginia ROSA WINSTEAD North Carolina CORAL WRIGHT Virginia IV. 3Frcncb FLORENCE BOOTH Ohio NELLIE GEORGE Virginia ANNIE HUME North Carolina MARY JAMISON Virginia ANNIE LAMKIN Virginia JULIA ROBERTSON Virginia MARY SHELL Virginia ANNA TROTTER Mississippi FLORA WEBSTER Texas V. (3erman MATTY L. COCKE, Jr Virginia SARAH COKER South Carolina REBA FITZPATRICK Virginia ELLIE MARCUS Virginia VI. ^atbematfcs EMMA BLANCHARD Georgia ETTA BLANCHARD Georgia MATTY L. COCKE, Jr Virginia NELLIE GEORGE Virginia ANNIE HUME North Carolina LILLIAN NELSON , Virginia FRANCES WOOTTERS Texas VII. lPb^0tC6 No Candidate. 36 Fifty-Skvknth Annuai, Registkr and VIII. Cbcmigtrs ETHEL DILLARD Virginia REBA FITZPATRICK Virginia ELLA FURMAN Texas SADIE FURMAN Texas ELIZA GEORGE Virginia MARY KUSIAN Virginia ELLIE MARCUS Virginia LILLIAN NELSON Virginia IX. /Dboral Science SARAH COKER South Carolina ELLA FURMAN Texas MARY KUSIAN Virginia ELLIE MARCUS Virginia MARY MILLS Mississippi LILLIAN NELSON Virginia MARY PEARSON South Carolina AIMEE REED Mississippi FLORA WEBSTER Texas ROSAWINSTEAD North Carolina CORAL WRIGHT Virginia X. ibi6tor^ FLORENCE BOOTH Ohio MABEL FULLER Tennessee CARRIE FULLER Tennessee ELLA FURMAN Texas MARY JAMISON Virginia EVA MURRAY South Carolina MARION RAINEY Louisiana MARY SHELL Virginia ANNA TROTTER Mississippi AGNES WILKINSON Virginia FLORA WEBSTER Texas XI. /IBUSiC Piano. DAISY ESTES Florida KATE THORPE North Carolina Organ. MABEL SIMS Virginia XII. Elocution MARY MILLS Mississippi AIMEE REED Mississippi LOIS SYKES Virginia EUGENIA TOWNSEND Alabama Announcemknt of H0L1.1NS Institute. 37 flDet)ali0t0 Scbolargblp SAKAH COKEK South Carolina Bngllsb Compo0(tfon ELLA S. FURMAN Texas Piano MABEL SIMS Virginia IDolce No Award. Blocutfon AIMEE KEED Mississippi Zbc jeclectic Degree ELLIE MARCUS, Virginia, (English Literature, German, Chemistry, Moral Science). ANNA TROTTER, Mississippi, (English Literature, French, Mathematics, History). ^be Claeeical Degree SARAH COKER, South Carolina, (Latin, German, Mathematics, Moral Science). ETHEL DILLARD, Virginia, (English Literature, Latin, French, Chemistry). ANNIE LAMKIN, Virginia, (English, English Literature, Latin, French). ROSA WINSTEAD, North Carolina, (English, English Literature, Latin, German, Moral Science). LILLIAN NELSON, Virginia, (English Literature, Latin, French, Mathematics, Chemistry, Moral Science). 38 Fifty-Skve:nth Annual Register and Hbe Xiterari? Decree MAKY C. KUSIAN, Virginia, (English, English Literature, French, History, Chemistry, Moral Science). MARY SHELL, Virginia, (English, English Literature, Latin, French, History). FLORA WEBSTER, Texas, (English, English Literature, French, History, Moral Science). CORAL WRIGHT, Virginia, (English, English Literature, Latin, History, Moral Science). ^be jfuU WcQvcc ELLA S. FURMAN, Texas, (English, English Literature, Latin, French, Mathematics,? History, Chemistry, Moral Science). ELIZA GEORGE, Virginia, (English, English Literature, Latin, German, Mathematics, Chemistry, History, Moral Science). Announcement of Hoi^lins Institute. 39 llntro&uctori?* 1. The question as to the best location of boarding- schools for girls is one to which much attention has been given in recent years. After an experience of two centuries on this continent, the general conclusion has been reached that country localities, easily accessible to cities, are decidedly pre- ferable from many considerations. Many of the largest and best equipped of such schools of recent origin, have been so located, notably Vassar College of New York, Wellesley Col- lege of Massachusetts, and Bryn Mawr College of Pennsyl- vania. This school now enjoys these advantages; it is just seven miles from Roanoke, which is rapidly advancing to the proportions of a large city, and afifords facilities for meeting all the various wants of a school like this. Our railroad and tele- graph facilities are also complete, connecting us with all parts of the country. 2. I am constantly reminded of the superiority of this locality as a place for the education of girls, as I witness from year to year their physical development, and the effect, on character and conduct, of the exclusion of those scenes and associations which so demoralize girls when exposed to them. Stringent rules, rigidly enforced, in the presence of tempta- tions, and idle attractions, may save from damaging scandal; but is this the best influence under which to develop character? At the tender and impressionable age of school-life a system of espionage and unnatural restraints, so annoying and irritating to girls, tends to sour dispositions, to foster the spirit of suspi- cion, and to develop artificial and deceptive character. Unques- tionably, girls at boarding-schools should be tenderly guarded and carefully restricted in their associations, but not by an inexorable code of " blue laws." Location and surroundings should be such as to allow great freedom of daily life and great variety of social intercourse, while dangers and temptations 40 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and are so far removed as neither to give serious apprehension, and thus lead to oppressive regulations, nor to forbid pleasures and pastimes, away from the public gaze, so necessary to a true physical and moral development. The school which has not the resources within itself — the personal examples, the moral and aesthetic influences, the variety of exercises and sources of enjoyment, the comforts and social life — but has to seek these in associations beyond its precincts, is certainly not in a condition to do a permanent and successful work in giving to society the best type of women. In location and surround- ings, in internal resources and facilities, this Institution com- mands rare combinations for doing a great work in its chosen sphere. The locaHty further enjoys the exceptional advantages of mineral waters — white sulphur and chalybeate — and a healthful, bracing atmosphere at all times. 3. The every-day life of this school is beautiful, pleasant and impressive. Contentment, cheerfulness and vivacity are features so marked as to excite surprise in visitors, and uni- formly become a subject of remark by those who sojourn with us. School-life should be made pleasant and happy; discon- tent, irritation of feeling, constant homesickness, are alike opposed to successful progress in educational training and the development of sweet and smooth dispositions. The sur- roundings of this school are not objects and scenes which con- stantly excite hopes and wishes which it would not be best to gratify, and consequently a source of dissatisfaction, nor such as to invite to irregularities and improprieties of conduct ; but in every direction the school looks out upon beautiful natural scenery, with its ever-varying shades and hues, and hence never monotonous. In the absence of improper external attractions, interest and sympathy center in school exercises and home associations, and the associations of the place itself are ample — nearly all the pupils are boarders, the officers and teachers, with their families, reside on the premises, together with several families in separate buildings, who may be here for educational purposes. No indiscriminate association is allowed with the outside public, and all who are admitted to the grounds must observe those proprieties which appertain to premises appropriated almost exclusively to the gentler sex. Announcement of HolIwIns Institute. 41 When a girl enters this school the sympathies of all go forth to her, and hence she finds that she has been made a member of a large harmonious family, and soon becomes contented and happy. " Whenever I meet a Hollins girl I find her devoted to the place and the people," is a remark often made by gentlemen and ladies from distant parts. In this paragraph the explanation is given. 4» Fair Repute^ — No institution in which large numbers of young ladies have their homes for educational purposes can afford a manag-ement which gives rise to damaging criticism or unfavorable rumor. Its reputation affects that of every pupil, while the conduct of its pupils casts a reflex influence on its own. At every cost of labor and vigilance, good gov- ernment must be maintained — a prudent, wise, generous and effective supervision must be exercised over every pupil and at all times. 5* Religion^— In the development of a true and high type of character religious influences, not sectarian, must play an important part. The Christian graces, harmoniously blended and carefully cultured and exhibited in all the asso- ciations of life, give to ladies a charm and a power which no adornment of person or culture of intellect in their absence can produce. The pupils of this school must, and do, enjoy supe- rior religious privileges. While separated from their parents, pastors and other spiritual guides, it would be a grave omis- sion not to make ample provisions for their spiritual wants and religious development. Hence, in addition to daily worship and weekly Bible lessons, ministers of high repute in their respective communions conduct services alternately in the chapel of the Institute for the special benefit of the pupils, officers and families that reside at the place. 6. Teaching. — The most satisfactory results can only be secured by the concentration of ability and great variety of talent and adaptedness in the Board of Instruction. The education and training of girls have in recent years received a degree of attention beyond that of any period in our history. In every section of our country standards of scholastic attain- ment have advanced, the equipments of schools have been greatly enlarged, and the subjects taught have multiplied. To 42 Fifty-Seventh Annuai. Register and meet these varied and increasing demands this Institute em- ploys a large number of teachers of varied attainments and great versatility of talent. Courses of instruction are multi- plied and arranged to suit individuality of talent and endow- ment and the peculiar and ever-modifying preferences of pupils and parents. Our pupils are not compelled to pursue a single stereotyped course, but may select such studies as will best fit them to fill successfully and creditably their contemplated spheres in future life. The mastery of any school or branch of study, secures from that school a diploma which ranks the pupil in that department with a full graduate of the Institute. But such selections must always be made under the advice of the Faculty, unless positive instructions are given by parents or guardians. 7. Apparel. — Expensive dressing while in school is objectionable from many considerations. A girl whose mind is absorbed in external adornment is not likely to cultivate and develop those virtues which constitute the chief and perma- nent ornament of female character, nor will she aim to secure those mental acquirements which are to give to her influence and success in the better spheres and associations of life. Money spent in gorgeous and costly attire or jewelry while in school is worse than squandered. Far better would it be to reserve funds thus used for travel and other sources of im- provement after school days are over. This school prescribes no uniform dress for its pupils on ordinary or public occasions, because it is not necessary to do so with present surroundings. Those who take lessons in Physical Culture use a cheap uniform when engaged in the exercise, and I would here suggest that all pupils be required to take these exercises, so eminently promotive of health and vigor, no less than of elasticity and grace of motion. Young ladies are expected to observe simplicity, good taste and neat- ness in dress and personal habits in every-day life, and to be ready at any moment to be called into the presence of friends, or even of strangers, should calls be made on them. This has been the habit of this school for many years. Without effort on the part of officers, all our pupils conform to this require- ment, simply because it is the habit of the school and the style Announcement of Hoi^lins Institute. 43 of every-day life with us. At no time during the session are elaborate evening dresses appropriate. For commencement a simple white dress is all that is required. All young ladies attending this Institute must be provided with walking-shoes, rubber overshoes, warm cloaks or shawls, and caps or hats for every-day wear. They must have also warm clothing, especially underzvear. We live in a bracing climate and spend much time in the open air. This Institute employs no special agents, open or secret, to invite patronage. Parents and guardians are requested to make direct application to the Superintendent. CHARLES L. COCKE. HoLLiNS, May, 1900. The fifty-eighth session will open on the 19th of Septem- ber, 1900, and close on the first Wednesday in June, 1901. Post and telegraph office : HoUins, Va. Station : HoUins, Norfolk and Western Railway, Virginia. The opening of the next session is deferred until the ipth of September, on account of improvements in progress. IboUins Unstitute. Parents and guardians who, from choice or necessity, place their daughters and wards in schools far distant from their homes, naturally wish to know the facilities and advan- tages which such establishments command, and their capaci- ties for giving the training, culture and general impress of character most desirable for young ladies. With the view of imparting such information in regard to this Institution, the following paragraphs are published : I.— Xocatlon. HoLLiNS Institute is located in Roanoke County, Vir- ginia, seven miles from the city of Roanoke. This county lies in the extreme southwestern section of the great Valley of Virginia, between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains. The entire region abounds in picturesque mountain scenery; the soil is exceedingly fertile, and the country abundant in 44 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and fruits, vegetables, grain and grasses. Probably no region on the continent is more beautiful in its general aspects, and none so well adapted in climatic influences to schools and school life. Its uniform, invigorating atmosphere throughout the seasons, the extremes of cold and heat never reaching their maxi- mum — gives to the pupils vigor and bloom, and develops elasticity of mind even amidst exhausting labors. Hence, in this comparatively limited territory numerous colleges, high schools and other institutions exist and flourish. Thousands of pupils are gathered annually in these schools from all parts of the United States. The salubrity of the climate, the beauty and fertility of the country, its freedom from malarial diseases, its invigorating atmosphere, its limpid streams of water, all combine to render this section peculiarly adapted to the suc- cessful establishment and permanent prosperity of large insti- tutions of learning. II —premises anD JSuilOings. About eighty years ago the premises now held by Hollins Institute were improved and equipped with a view to render available valuable mineral waters. In the year 1842 the whole property was purchased for educational purposes, and since that time has been so used. All the original buildings have been removed, and others erected better adapted to school pur- poses. The main buildings (of which there are six) are of brick, with slate and tin roofing, and afford accommodations for a full faculty and one hundred and seventy boarding pupils. For many successive sessions, and often in the history of the School, the accommodations have been filled at the opening of the session, and other applicants declined. When more than the prescribed number actually arrive, the overflow is provided for in the families of officers and other residents on the grounds as far as practicable. The buildings contain ample lecture- rooms, a beautiful chapel, spacious and elegant dining-room, society halls, parlors, rooms for music and art, etc., all arranged with special reference to health, comfort and convenience. These buildings are warmed throughout by steam, and they are so connected by covered ways that all parts of the premises are safely accessible even in the most inclement season. The Announckmbnt of HoIvLins Institute. 45 grounds around the buildings are beautiful and extensive, embracing many acres, and are adorned with walks, shade trees and shrubbery. In close proximity to the buildings are springs of mineral waters of valuable medicinal properties. The grounds and buildings are too extensive to be represented in a single picture. The engraving gives only a partial view of the premises. m— ®r0ani3ation. This Institute is held by an independent Board of Trus- tees, with self-perpetuating power. The Superintendent is chosen by the Corporation for a term of years, and on him is devolved the appointment of professors, teachers and other officers, subject to the approval of the Trustees. Each profes- sor conducts the more important classes of his department, and is aided in other classes by competent assistants. All profes- sors and teachers reside permanently on the premises and give their whole time to the interests of the School. They, with their families, board with the pupils, intermingling in all the relations of social life. The Domestic Department is arranged with special refer- ence to health and comfort, as well as to the inculcation of those habits and tastes which mark the true refined lady. It is presided over by the Lady Principal, a lady of culture and refinement, whose whole time is given to the supervision of the pupils. Connected, also, more especially with this depart- ment are several other ladies, who, from long experience, are admirably adapted to their positions, and give constant atten- tion to the health and wants of the pupils. In this Institute most of the bed-rooms are intended for two pupils only ; a few are large enough for three. The young ladies connected with the Collegiate Department occupy their own private apartments during study-hours. Here they prepare their exercises and repair to the lecture-rooms for recitation. The younger pupils occupy a large study-room fitted for the purpose, and are superintended from 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 p. m. by a lady officer. Of this latter class but few attend, as the School is designed especially for advanced pupils. 46 Fifty-Skvknth Annual Register and Pupils study more successfully in their quiet rooms than when crowded together in a large study-hall and kept sitting in the same posture for hours in succession, while the physical exercise in going to and from recitation throughout the day proves highly conducive to health, vigor and bodily develop- ment. IV— Discipline. Pupils committed to our care and training are watched over and cared for in health or in sickness, in school or out of school, as our own children. The development of character and private habits, the exhibition of morals and manners in all the associations they form, a fair name in school and with the general public, give us the same soHcitude as in the case of those bound to us by ties of kindred. Indeed, when they leave school our anxieties do not cease until we know they are again at home and under the care of their friends. The School is not governed by minute specific rules ; the authority is parental rather than official. We do not, however, allow pupils to leave the premises unless attended by an offtcer, nor to make visits unless positively instructed by parent or guardian to do so, and even then we reserve the right to decide upon the propriety of such visits. All the training — literary, moral and disciplinary — of this School looks beyond girlhood to the future woman, bearing the responsibilities and sustaining the relations appropriate to her sex in society. v.— IReligious IPrivilCQcs. Evening devotions are regularly held by the Superintend- ent, or some other officer, in the spacious chapel of the Insti- tute, accompanied by the organ and singing by the pupils and teachers. On Sunday regular Sabbath-school exercises are held at 9 a. m., in which the Bible alone is made the text- book; at 8 p. m., lectures on the Scripture or preaching by evangelistic ministers of approved qualifications and standing. At II a. m. every Sunday there are services at churches of difterent communions in the immediate vicinity, which pupils at their option may attend. Teachers and pupils are expected to contribute a small sum to the expenses of ministers who oMciate in our chapel. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 47 VI — Ibealtb anO IRecreation. Pupils of this School usually enjoy vigorous health during the session, and even after its protracted and exhausting labors are over, return to their homes with the bloom of youthful vigor and freshness. This is due to the effects of climate, the use of mineral waters, and to free, unrestrained outdoor exer- cises, to which ample and pleasant surroundings invite. In- door exercises are also instituted, so that at no season are they deprived of the means of proper physical development and those delights which give elasticity to the spirits and healthful mental recreations. An experienced physician resides on the premises, who attends promptly to cases of serious sickness- and exercises a general oversight of the health of the entire establishment. In cases of serious illness parents and guar- dians are promptly informed by telegraph, or otherwise, of the true condition of their daughters or wards. Dr. F. L. Wood, an efficient dentist, of Roanoke, makes professional visits to the Institute whenever necessary. VII — BOmission of pupils. As this Institute is a delightful home for girls during the entire period of scholastic training, pupils are received at any time, either during the session or vacation, and are charged at regular rates from the day of their entrance. It is most desirable, however, that they enter promptly at the opening, or the middle, of the scholastic term. While courses of instruction are provided for every age and every degree of. advancement, the internal arrangements of the school are best adapted to boarders over the age of twelve years. No one is received for a shorter period than the entire session, or the remaining portion thereof, at the time of entrance. Precaution is used to prevent the admission of any pupil whose example and influence might prove injurious to others. Instead of returning annually to their homes, pupils may remain at the Institute throughout the period of their school days. Ample facilities are afforded for their comfort and proper supervision, as well as for the accommodation of their parents and friends during the vacation months. This arrange- ment is well adapted to that class of pupils who come from 48 Fifty-Skvknth Annuai. Register and distant states and sultry climes ; more especially as they, and their friends who may visit them, will enjoy all the advantages of a mountain clime and mineral waters during the summer and early fall. Young ladies who enter this Institute are treated with the respect and attention which their sex ever receives at the hands of good society in Virginia. No disgraceful penalties are inflicted, nor are they subject to any long catalogue of minute regulations, which, so far from inducing correct, lady- like deportment, often prove but a source of constant annoy- ance and irritation. General principles, as to those proprieties of life, which should ever be recognized and observed by all of their sex and age, whether in or out of school, are made prominent, and the necessity for more stringent and more specific laws seldom arises. Parents and guardians may rest in the confident assur- ance that their daughters and wards, while connected with this Institute, whether in sickness or in health, will receive every attention, supervision and comfort which they enjoy at their homes. It is our sole business in life to take care of and train those committed to our temporary guardianship, and we hope to discharge the delicate and responsible office faithfully and in a manner acceptable to those at least who desire high standards of mental and moral discipline for their daughters. Having maintained an uninterrupted and prosperous career for more than a half-century, and having sent forth a greater number of that class of girls that seek the higher order of educa- tion than any school in the State of Virginia, the Institute points to its past history as the most satisfactory assurance and guarantee of future efficiency. SUSANNA V. COCKE. Announcement of Hoi^lins Institute. 49 Couuses of Ifnstruction. I 2 3 4 5' 6 ?• 8 9 10, II School of English. School of Ancient Languages. School of Modern Languages. School of History and Political Economy. School of Mathematics. School of Physics. School of Chemistry. School of Moral Science. School of Music. School of Art. School of Elocution. Several of the schools named above embrace two or more departments, in each of which a diploma is awarded : 1. School of English. — English Language and English Literature. 2. School of Ancient Languages. — Latin and Greek. 3. School of Modern Languages. — French and German. 9. School of Music. — Pianoforte, Voice Culture, Organ, Violin. The eleven schools are separate and distinct, each con- ducted by a Professor, with such assistants as the department may demand. Each school being distinct, the pupil may, at her option, become a candidate for graduation in any one or all of them, though it is not possible for her to pursue more than four at the same time. Diplomas are not conferred indis- criminately upon all members of a class who have passed through a prescribed course of study, but on those only who at the examinations give evidence of a thorough acquaintance with the subjects embraced in the courses upon which they propose to graduate. These courses of study, conducted under the standards long maintained in this Institute, afiford a training and a scope of attainment equivalent to that usually prescribed for the 50 Fifty-Sevknth Annual Register and A. B. degree in colleges for young men. Certainly very few young ladies under the age of twenty years can go farther without detriment, often permanent, to both physical and mental health and vigor. But as some young ladies propose to continue their studies beyond the period usually allowed to scholastic training, we give advanced courses in all the depart- ments named above, corresponding to those usually required for the A. M. degree in the better class of colleges for young men. For scholastic honors conferred in this school see Pages 71-74. I. Scbool of jenglieb. Professor McBryde. Miss Cleveland. Miss Bayne. This school includes English Grammar, Rhetoric, Compo- sition, and English Literature and Language. Classes meet daily unless otherwise stated. I. Bnglfsb Grammar an5 IRbctorfc. Miss Cleveland. (a) Junior Class.'— English Grammar and Elements of Rhetoric. Thorough drill in the principles of English Gram- mar, followed by class-room exercises in Rhetoric. Fort- nightly Compositions. Selections from American Prose and Poetry. Text-Books : Davenport & Emerson's Principles of Grammar, Part I ; Kiverside Literature Series. (d) Intermediate Class.— Rhetoric, Composition and Ele- mentary studies in Literature. Special attention is given to the mastery of Rhetoric, and the principles of expression there acquired are applied to the criticism of standard selections from American and English prose and poetry, as well as to practical composition work in and out of class, as in the preced- ing year. Text-Books: Davenport & Emerson's Princijdes of Grammar, Part IT ; Lockwood's Lessons in English: Kiverside Literature Series. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 51 The work of these two classes is preparatory to the study of hterature. Before entering any class in literature, pupils must give satisfactory evidence of familiarity with the ordi- nary principles of grammar and composition. II. JBrxQlieb Xitcraturc. Professor McBryde. Miss Cleveland. (^) Junior Literature* — American Literature ; its rise and development. Selected readings from John Smith, Cotton Mather, and Benjamin Franklin, noting the gradual growth of style. Careful and systematic study of Irving, Cooper, Bryant, Hawthorne, and Longfellow, supplemented by parallel read- ing. Text-Books : Painter's Introduction to American Literature ; Hiver- side Literature Series ; Historical Classic Readings ( Maynard, Merrill & Co.) ; Astor Edition of Bryant ; Alden's Studies in Bryant. (d) Senior Literature* — During the past session the class made an exhaustive study of Tennyson and Browning. The course for next session will consist in a critical study of several of the plays of Shakspeare for the first term, and Mil- ton's minor poems and Paradise Lost for the second term. Text-Books: Pancoast's Introduction to English Literature; The Arden Shakspeare ; Paradise Lost, Editions by Sprague and by Verity. HI. Bnglisb Xan^uagc. Professor McBryde. This course consists of Anglo Saxon and Middle English. The first term is devoted to Anglo-Saxon alone. Metrical and prose selections are read, with studies in metre and observa- tions on the manners, customs, and religious and social life of the Early English. The class-work of the second half-year is confined solely to Chaucer. The entire Prologue and at least five complete tales are read, together with selections from others, and collateral reading of the Parlement of Foules. Lectures are given on Chaucer's times and on his contem- poraries and imitators, especially John Barbour and King James I of Scotland. 52 Fifty-Skventh Annual Register and Parallel with this the pupil is constantly drilled in tracing the changes in the forms and meanings of words from Anglo- Saxon to Modern English, and in setting forth the laws under- lying such changes. Text-Books : Smith's Old English Grammar and Exercise Book. Parallel: Stopford Brooke's Early English Literature; Gummere's Germanic Origins] Garnett's Translations of -EZe^ze and Judith; Pancoast's English Literature ; Corson's Selections from, the Canterbury Tales. Parallel : Lowell's Essay on Chaucer. This class is open only to those who have completed the courses in English Literature. Upon the completion of the Courses II (a) and II {h), the pupil is granted a diploma in English Literature. Upon the completion of Course III, the pupil is awarded a diploma in English Language. Pupils who successfully pass the exami- nation in Course II (a) receive a certificate. Candidates for a diploma or for a certificate in any course in Literature or Lan- guage are required to write an essay on some line of work assigned by the Professor. Should the pupil at the same time be an applicant for a diploma as graduate in several depart- ments, this same essay may be presented as the essay for graduation. IV. composltlom Miss Bayne. {a) Juniof and Senior Composition, — All pupils, whether students of English or not, are required to write compositions. At the opening of the session, the teacher will form classes based upon test papers assigned to the pupils. Meetings will be held at least once a week, and students will have regular and systematic instruction in the art of composition. Professor McBryde. (b) Advanced Composition. — In this class it is assumed that the pupil has already acquired moderate facility in expres- sion, and hence special attention is given to the development and logical arrangement of thought. By the study of good models, a systematic investigation is made of the principles Announcement of HolIvIns Institute. 53 underlying description, narration, and exposition. The pur- pose of the course is twofold. In the first place, to give the pupil an appreciation of good literary workmanship; and, in the second, to teach her to apply to her own writings the prin- ciples derived from such study. Four essays and fortnightly themes throughout the year are required. With each pupil, individually, private consultations are held, in which her work is carefully criticised, and full explanations given of each cor- rection. Text-Books: Genung's Rheto7'ical Analysis and Practical Rhetoric; Baldwin's Specimens of Fj^ose Description; Brewster's Specimens of Narra- tion. lP06ts(3raDuate Couree, As a continuation of the course in English Language des- cribed above, there was given, during the session 1899-1900, a more extensive and intensive course in Middle English litera- ture. Class meetings were held three times a week, and dur- ing the first term special attention was devoted to the period immediately preceding Chaucer. In the second term a study was made of the Early English Miracle Plays. Text-Books and Keference Books : Morris & Skeat, Specimens of Early English, Part II. ; Pollard, English Miracle Plays; Bates, English Religious Drama ; ten Brink, Early English Literature ; Publications of the Early English Text Society. II. Scbool of ancient Xanguagee* Xatin. Professor Pleasants. Miss Puryear. In this department there are four classes, viz : Intro- ductory, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. The Introductory Class is designed for beginners and is, therefore, mainly employed in mastering the forms and ele- mentary syntax of the language. Text-Books: First Book in Latin (Tuell and Fowler); Viri Komse. 54 Fifty-Sevknth Annual Register and The Junior Class takes up the study of the easier Latin writers, carrying on the study of the grammar and impressing its principles by written exercises. Text-Books : Csesar ; Ovid ; Grammar and Exercises (Gildersleeve). The studies of the Intermediate Class are a continuation and enlargement of those of the Junior, using more difftcult authors and exercises. Text-Books : Virgil ; Cicero ; Grammar and Exercises. The Senior Class by its previous studies well-grounded in the principles of the language, makes, as far as can be made in the time, a practical acquaintance with the literature of the language. In this class also, there are regular written exer- cises in translating from Latin to English and from EngHsh to Latin. Text-Books : Livy ; Horace ; Tacitus ; Harrison's and Gildersleeve's Latin Grammars ; Roman History. (5reeft. Professor Pleasants. In this language there are, for the present, three classes, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. The aims and methods are the same as those pursued in teaching the Latin, viz. : to give the pupil a practical and useful knowledge of the language by reading portions of the best authors and by writing exercises with constant grammatical analysis. ^cit*J8oofts. Junior Class: The Beginner's Greek Book ("White); Xenophon's Anabasis. Intermediate Class : Goodwin's Greek Grammar; Xenophon's Memo- rabilia ; A play ot Euripides ; Written Exercises. Senior Class : Selections from Sophocles ; Plato and Demosthenes. Announcement of Holi^ins Institute. 55 lPo0t5(5raOuate %ntin anD (5recft. This course is intended for those who are candidates for the higher degree, or it may be advantageously pursued by those who wish to quahfy themselves for teachers of Latin and Greek. It is open to all graduates in Latin and Greek of this Institute, and to others who can, by examination, show their ability to profit by this grade of instruction. The scheme of instruction is as follows : 1. Critical reading of the usual Latin and Greek authors, to be fol- lowed by an essay by the pupil upon some assigned author or period. 2. Sight reading from the simpler Latin and Greek authors. 3. Further practice in writing the languages. 4. Lectures on general philology, with special reference to the etymology of Latin and Greek. 5. Lectures on Grecian and Roman History, introductory to lectures on the Literature. in. Scbool of flDobern XanguaQe0* The languages taught in this department are French and German. There are three classes in French and three in Ger- man. Strict attention is given to grammatical analysis. Idioms are carefully noted and compared with the correspond- ing English forms. Pupils are required to write exercises and original compositions throughout the course, and are, by their daily associations with a foreign teacher, afforded the best opportunities for acquiring precision and fluency in speaking French and German. JFrencb, Professor Kusian. Miss Cleveland. Miss Hayward. Text-Books : Junior Class : Chardenal's Complete Course ; Super's French Eeader ; Exercises. Parallel: Etude Progressive, etc. (Stern). Intermediate Class : Edgren's Grammar ; George Sand's La Mare au Diable ; Ohnet's La Fille du Depute ; Le Koi des Montagnes ; La Poudre aux Yeux ; Paul Bercy's English into French ; Conversation. Parallel reading for 1900; Le Consent de 1813; Dumas's La Question d'Argent, Contes et Saynetes, 56 Fifty-Seventh Annuai. Register and Senior Class: Corneille's Le Cid, Moliere's Le Misanthrope; Racine's Athalie ; Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac ; Compositions; Conversations; Fasnacht's Grammar ; Lamartine's Meditations. Parallel reading for 1900 : Cinq Mars ; Quartre-vingt-Treize ; Histoire de la Litterature rran9aise (^ Duval). (3erman. Professor Kusian. Miss Puryear. ^ext=Boofts. Junior Class: Joynes-Meissner's Grammar; Exercises; Geschichten Vom Rliein. Intermediate Class : Joynes-Meissner's Grammar; Harris's German Compositions ; L'Arrabiata ; Schiller's Wilhelm Tell ; Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm ; Die Hochzeitsreise ; Conversation. Parallel reading for 1900 ; Irrfahrten ; Der Rittmeister von Alt- Rosen ; Aus meinem Konigs- reich. Senior Class : Jageman's Syntax and Composition ; Lessing's Nathan der Weise ; Schiller's Gedichte ; Goethe's Hermann und Dorothea ; Con- versation. Parallel reading for 1900 : Heine's Harzriese, Scheffel's Ekke- hard and Trompeter von Sakkingen ; Deutsche Litteraturgeschichte ( Wenke- bach) ; Meisterwerke des Mittelalters (Wenkebach). lp05t*GraDuate Course in /IDot)ern languages anb literature* afrencb. Graduates in French of Hollins Institute and other accepted candidates are admitted to this course. Students must possess ability to translate standard modern French at sight, write easy prose in French, to follow a recitation conducted in French, and to answer in that language questions asked by the instructor. The course of study embraces the following : Critical readings and studies in French Prose and Poetry, critical study of the different periods of French Literature, lectures on the history of the French Language, translating of English into French, conversation, extensive collateral pri- vate reading, on which examinations will be held and concerning which criticisms written in Freiiob will borequirod. Announcement of Hoi^uns Institute. 57 (3ecman, Graduates in German of Hollins Institute and other accepted candidates are admitted to this course. Students must possess abihty to translate standard modern German at sight, to write easy prose in German, to follow a recitation conducted in German, and to answer in that language ques- tions asked by the instructor. The course of study embraces the same scheme as in the French department. IV. Scbool of 1bl0tori? anb political jEconom^^ Miss Terrell. In the Department of History there are three classes : Junior, Intermediate and Senior. The Junior Class studies some elementary History of England, and of the United States, and Virginia. The aim of this class is to give the student a thorough training in the best methods of study and to forcibly show the difference between reading and studying History. Charts and maps are extensively used in this class. Text-Books: Short History of England (Gardiner) ; United States (Fiske). Parallel: Guerber's Histories (Greece and Kome). The Intermediate Class pursues a general outline of Uni- versal History and some elementary book on Government. Every effort is made to enable the student to acquire a thor- ough knowledge of the development of present conditions by studying those of the past. Lectures are frequently given, independent work required, and contemporaneous literature read. Text-Books : Myers's General History ; Government Class Book (Thorpe). The Senior Class makes a more thorough study of Greece, England and France, with special reference to the rise and establishment of liberal governments and the growth of litera- 58 Fifty-Skvknth Annual Register and ture and art. Lectures are given and parallel reading exacted. Political Economy is studied in this class. Text-Books: History of Greece (Botsford) ; The Greek Poets (Synionds) ; Old Greek Life (Mahafiy) ; Outline of Sculpture (Clement) ; The French Revolution (Morris) ; Short History of the English People (Green); Leading Facts of English History (Montgomery); Political Economy (Jevons) ; Civil Government (Fiske). Each History Class devotes one hour a week to the dis- cussion of topics of the day and general information. To accomplish the best results the student must spend much time in the Library and Reading-Room. Students are admitted to the Senior Class if prepared for it, but for graduation must stand the examination upon the Intermediate course, as well as the Senior. |post*0ra&uate Course. In this class periods of special interest and importance are investigated, and effort is made to accomplish what is so much to be desired in this day of enlightened progress and grave issues — that women shall bring to the question of the living present the quickened interest and intelligent appreciation derived from a wise apprehension of the problems of the past. ( Text-Books : Guizot's History of Civilization ; Emerson and Macaulay on History ; Political Economy ; Library Work, principally upon the questions of the day. V. Scbool of flDatbematice. Miss E. N. Newman, Acting Professor, Session 1899-1900. In this department there are four classes, as follows : (i) Junior I. Elementary Algebra. Text-Book : New School Algebra (Wentworth). (2) Junior II. This class continues and completes the work begun in the preceding year. Text-Book: New School Algebra (Wentworth). Announcemknt of H01.1.1NS Institute. 59 (3) Intermediate. Plane and Solid Geometry. Text-Book : Phillips and Fisher's Elements of Geometry. (4) Senior. Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry. Text-Books : Wells' Platie and Spherical Trigonometry^ Wentworth's Analytic Geoinetry. For admission into the Senior Class the student must give satisfactory evidence of a thorough preparation for it. lPost*(5caDuate Course. In addition to the above, more advanced courses are ofifered in Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry, Theory of Equations, Determinants, Differential and Integral Calculus, and Higher Algebra. VI. Scbool of pbi?6iC0. Professor M. Estes Cocke. (i) Physiography. — The object of this class is to intro- duce the student into the study of the laws and phenomena of the material world. It includes the study of the earth, or Phys- ical Geography, some elementary Physics, and a short course in Astronomy. A certificate of proficiency will be given upon satisfactory attainments. Text-Books : Thornton's Elementary Physiography ; Todd's Astron- omy. (2) A course in General Physics, including the study of Mechanics, Sound, Heat, Light, Electricity, and Magnetism. For entrance into this class a working knowledge of Arith- metic and Elementary Algebra is required. The mode of instruction is by the study of approved text-books, with lec- tures and experimental illustration, supplemented by labora- tory work. The aim is to make the work in this class about parallel to that in the School of Chemistry, and a diploma is given upon its satisfactory completion. Text-Book : Carhart and Chute's Physics. 6o Fifty-Skventh Annual Register and lI>O0t5=©raDuatc Course. This course is designed to meet the v/ants of those who desire to pursue the study further than is possible in the class in General Physics. The subjects taken up and the amount of time devoted to each will be varied from year to year so as to suit, as far as possible, the wants and needs of the individual student. The work is largely theoretical in character, and to accomplish the best results it is necessary that the student have a knowledge of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and desirable that she be trained in the mehods of Analytical Geometry and the Calculus. Laboratory work is given as in the General Course. VI I. Scbool of Cbemtetr^, Professor Pleasants. The aim of the instructor will be to thoroughly ground his students in the doctrines of Chemical Philosophy in accord- ance with the latest and most approved views of the atomic theory. The non-metallic and the metallic elements, with their most important compounds, will be studied theoretically and practically, followed by a brief treatment "of the more important of the Organic Compounds. The mode of instruc- tion will be by study of approved text-books, with lectures and experimental illustrations, supplemented, as far as possible, by laboratory work. Text-Book : Williams. Ipo0t*(3raj)uate Course. This course is designed for those who wish to make a specialty of Chemistry in their general education, or to pre- pare themselves as teachers in that science. It can be taken only by those who have graduated in the general course. The work is done in the Laboratory under the supervision of the Professor, and consists of a full course of experimentation, instruction in the use of instruments, practice in the preparing of different chemical substances and in the methods of qualita- tive and quantitative analysis, and a fuller treatment of the industrial application of chemistry. Announcement of Hoi^IvIns Institute. 6i JBotan^. The course of study embraces (i) Morphology, (2) Veg- etable Physiology, (3) Systematic Botany or Classification. The method of instruction is by study of approved text-books, supplemented by lectures, by constant study of living forms and by experiment in which the student is made to observe for herself. Text-Books : Bergen's Elements ; Gray's Structural Botany. viii. Scbool of floral Science^ Professor Pleasants. Students applying for this work should have completed at least the equivalent of the intermediate courses in Mathe- matics and History, and should be reasonably familiar with the facts of Physical Science, including an elementary knowl- edge of the human body and its nervous physiology. The course embraces work in Psychology, in Logic, and in Christian Ethics as the standpoint for an introduction to the History of Philosophic Thought. By means of exper- iment, of lecture, of reading and of discussion, so far as is possible in the time allotted, the requisite methods, facts, prin- ciples, and theories are learned. As educational, however, the aim is to foster and develop that balanced self-activity which is the goal of all education, since it is the only true preparation for life. Text-Books (used present session) : In Psychology, Halleck ; in Logic, Jevons ; in Ethics, Peabody, lPo0t*(5caOuate. Work in this course will embrace the History of Philoso- phy, and more advanced work in Psychology, Logic, and Gen- eral Ethics, supplemented by discussion and written criticisms of the authors read. 62 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and Dr. Drake. Great emphasis is given to the importance of a knowledge of physiology and hygiene as constituting an indispensable part of the education of young ladies. The method of teaching is by lectures and text-books, with quizzing on previous lessons assigned. Demonstrations are made of the forms and functions of the various tissues and organs of the human body by dissection of parts of the lower animals, and are supplemented by the use of charts and models. At intervals during the session, the resident physician delivers public lectures in the chapel on subjects of scientific and practical interest pertaining to physiology and hygiene. Tkxt-Book : The Human Body (Martin); supplemented by lectures, etc. IX, Scbool of flDueic Professor Alberti, Director, Voice Culture, Theoretics. Professor Bodell, Piano. Professor Elwell, Piano, Organ. Miss Pleasants, Piano, History of Music. Miss Hayward, Piano. Miss Winn, Violin and kindred instruments, Piano. The School of Music has for its object the foundation and the diffusion of a high musical education, which, based on the^ study of classic masters, embraces whatever is good in modern art. The school endeavors to attain this end by well-grounded instruction, imparted not only to amateurs whose object it is to acquire a correct knowledge of music, but also to those who wish to devote themselves to music as artists and teachers. Most of the members of the Music Faculty have had the advantages of instruction in the Conservatories of Europe. There are over thirty (including three grand) pianos, two organs and other instruments in the Institution appropriated to the use of the School. Announcement of Hoi^lins Institute. 63 Fortnightly soirees are given throughout the session, at which the pupils acquire the ease and self-possession necessary to creditable performance before an audience. Lectures on musical topics and recitals are given from time to time by members of the Music Faculty. Diplomas anD Certificates. Graduation in any branch of music is made to depend on the knowledge and ability of the pupil rather than on the length of time she has studied. A Diploma, with the title of Graduate in Piano Music, will be conferred upon any student who, after having accomplished the course of the Senior Class, gives proof of her qualifications by a public recital before the school in classical and modern Pianoforte Music. The can- didate must also pass a successful examination in Theory and History of Music. The pupil giving proof of fair ability and success in any class of music study is entitled to a Certificate of Distinction. A Certificate of Proficiency is given for satisfactory final examination in the Senior Class of any single branch of music study. XLbc Course of Stu^s. embraces Pianoforte, Organ, Voice Culture, Violin, Theory of Music, History of Music, Chorus Singing and Ensemble Playing. B,— {pianoforte. Preparatory Qass: Urbach, Damm (Piano Schools'); Koehler, op. 218 ; Czerny, op. 139 ; Lemoine, op. 37 ; Bergmueller, Zwintzscher, etc. Easiest pieces of classic and modern composers. Jtinior Class: Lebert & Stark, I; Loeschorn, Technic and op. 52; Herz's Gammes ; Easier Studies by Krause, Doering, Bertini, Kcehler and others. Sonatinas by Clementi, Kuhlau, Krause, Gurlitt, Loeschorn : pieces of Modern Music. Intermediate Class: Czerny, Behrens, Velocity; Loeschorn, op. 66; Bertini, op. 29, op. 32 ; Heller, Studies ^or Rhythm and Expression ; Cramer-Bulow ; Octave Studies by Kullak, Loeschorn or Lceew ; Bach, Inventions, Preludes, and Fuguettas ; Sonatas by Hadyn, Mozart ; Selec- tions from Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Schumann, Weber, Chopin, Field and modern masters ; Heller, Gade, Grieg, Reinecke, Godard, Saint- Saens, Scharwenka, Rubinstein, Raff, Moskowski, etc. 64 Fifty-Sevknth Annual Register and Senior Class: dementi's Gradus ad Parnassum ; Czerny ; Studies by Henselt, Moscheles, Jensen, Chopin, Liszt; Bach Well-Tempered Clavi- chord; Sonatas and other compositions by Beethoven, Mozart, Hadyn, Bach, Handel, Schubert, Schumann, Weber, Chopin ; Works of Liszt, Raflf, Kheinberger, Gade, Henselt, Paderewski, Brahms, Dvorak and others. Piano Concertos of classical and modern composers. :fi3.— ©rgati. Students of this instrument must have good attainments in piano playing, and ought to join the classes of Harmony, Counterpoint and Musical Form, as these studies are of special importance to organists. Special course is provided for those who wish to become professional church organists. All pupils will have opportunity for playing in public, either in concerts or during the chapel services. The student of exceptional technical abilities, who has passed through the theoretical ex- aminations successfully, will be entitled to a Diploma, with the title of Graduate in Organ Music. We have a pipe organ, built by Labaugh & Kemp, New York, of two manuals and two octaves, pedal with twelve registers and three couplers ; also a reed organ, built by Story & Clark, Chicago, with nineteen stops. The reed organ is taught as an independent instrument for home and church purposes. Junior Class : Dunham, Organ School ; Schneider, Pedal Studies ; Bach, easy Fugues ; Shelley, Gems for the Organ ; Selections and pieces of medium difficulty by classic and modern composers. Senior Class: J- S. Bach's Organ Works; Preludes, Fugues, and pieces by Handel, Mozart, Merkel ; Sonatas by Mendelssohn, Merkel, Rheinberger, etc. ; Works of Thiele, Hesse, Warren, Guilmant, Buck, Batiste, Sairit-Saens, and others. Practical instruction is given in Improvisation, Registra- tion, Modulation, Transposition, and in the art of accompany- ing other instruments or the voice. C— \Doice Culture. The method taught is such as to develop and strengthen the voice, the first aim being beauty of tone and proper breath- control — then facility of execution. Exercises and studies by Concone, Vaccai, Panofka, Marchesi and others are used. Announcement of Hoi^lins Institute. 65 Songs are given as soon as the pupil has formed some idea of correct tone-production, and she is gradually made familiar with the best Italian, German, French and English composers. In the selection of songs, not only proper regard as to the vocal abilities of the pupil is taken, but also their individuality of character and temperament is considered. Pupils of sufficient advancement will have the advantage of training in concerted numbers. Quartets and choruses will be organized and drilled by the music director. A vocal pupil who has successfully passed through the last course of Vocal Instruction, passed her examinations in Theory and History of Music, and given proof of her qualifica- tions as a singer by a pubhc recital, embracing all styles of vocal composition, is entitled to a Diploma as Graduate in Vocal Music. A special course has been arranged for those wishing to prepare themselves to teach voice culture. The final test of ability in this course will be a public examination on all vocal topics and methods of voice culture. Sigbt Singing* Instruction is given in Sight Singing and Chorus Singing twice a week. This class is obligatory upon all vocal pupils, and open, without extra charge, to all pupils of the Music Department. 2).-lt)iolin. The plan of study in this department is designed to create a taste for music of a high order and to arouse enthusiasm for an instrument which is constantly growing in favor with young ladies. The method of bowing used is that of the Royal High School, Berlin, and the plan of work aims at thorough prepa- ration for foreign study, at the same time adapting itself to the needs of students who are not preparing to be artists or teachers. The following is the plan of study : Preparatory Class : Eicliberg's Method for Violin ; Duos by Pleyel op. 8 ; Gibduer op. 10 ; Mozart — Duos, Sonatinas. 66 Fifty-Skvknth Annual Register and Junior Class: Schradieck's Scales; Eichberg, Duos of Pleyel op. 48; Sonatas of Mozart ; Schubert Sonatinas ; Sonatas of Haydn ; Modern Classics ; Ensemble Work. Intermediate Class: Schradieck's Scales ; Kayser's 36 Etudes ; Dont's School of Mechanism; Sonatas of Haydn, Handel, Mozart; Best Modern Classical Compositions ; Orchestra "Work. Senior Class: Schradieck's Scales and Arpeggios; Kreutzer's 40 Etudes ; Fiorillo ; Casorti's Bowing Studies ; Tartini's Art de I'Archet ; Duos of Viotte ; Sonatas by Tartini, Handel, Beethoven ; Concertos by Bach, Viotte, Spohr, Rode ; Modern Classics ; Orchestra Work. Bnacmblc IPlai^ing. All students of the Intermediate and Senior Grades will be required to enter the orchestra, which has two rehearsals weekly. Students are required to play solos with orchestra, and members of the Senior Class to play the concertos of Rode, Bach, Spohr, with orchestra before graduation. To meet the growing demands of the department, two ensemble classes for students of the Introductory and Junior Grades will be organ- ized. These students will be transferred to the orchestra when prepared. ^be Zbcox^ of /iRuefc. The study of Music Theory Comprises General Music Knowledge, History of Music, Harmony, Musical Form, Analysis, Counterpoint and Composition. It is obligatory upon all Instrumental and Vocal Students who wish to receive a Diploma. The class in General Music Knowledge is obliga- tory upon all Instrumental pupils, until successful examina- tion has been passed. The study of Theory greatly facilitates a student's under- standing and rendition of piano and organ music, and is indis- pensable for one who wants to make a specialty of music. Junior Class: General Music Knowledge and History of Music. Intermediate Class: Harmony and History of Music. Senior Class: Modulation, Analysis, Form, Counterpoint and Com- position. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 67 Ip06t*(5ra0uate Courec. This course has as its object the further development of graduates and other accepted candidates. The branches taught in this class are (besides an advanced course in technics and theory of music): Theory and Practice of Teaching; Reading at Sight ; Playing Accompaniments ; Transposing Music. Students who pass through this course successfully are entitled to a Teacher's Certificate. X. scbooi of art. Miss Stone. In this department Drawing and Painting are taught. A knowledge of the principles of drawing is essential to the suc- cessful study of any branch of Art ; and accuracy of drawing is to be desired above all things. From the first lessons a few simple principles are taught ; these form the basis for all work. By studying from objects, still-life, and nature, the pupil creates pictures and does not simply copy those made by some one else. It is the aim of the course so to train the mind and hand that the pupil becomes able to appreciate the highest and best in Art, and to produce, unaided, pictures which will be elegant and pleasurable ornaments for home. Course ot Hrt StuDi^. Class I. Elementary Drawing— Outline drawing from objects ; out- line drawing, details of human figure from casts ; drawing from still-life, shaded in charcoal. Class II. Figure Drawing and Painting — Heads from casts, still-life groups from objects, landscapes from an approved model or from nature. History of Art. Class III: Painting in Oil and Drawing from the Antique in Char- coal. — Figures from the antique ; still life groups ; portrait heads from life shaded in charcoal ; history of art and study of lives of eminent artists. Pupils will be given test studies, on which will depend their advancement into a higher class. A Distinction of Proficiency in Drawing will be given to 68 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and the student whose work admits her to the Art Students^ League of New York, to which institution her drawings will be sent for examination. Applicants for a Proficiency in Painting must pass the examination for a Proficiency in Draw- ing, as well as for that in Painting. An Advanced Course will be furnished those students who desire to fit themselves for teaching and for European art study. An exhibition of the students' work is held at the close of each school year. XI. Scbool of leiocution, dramatic action an^ iPbijeical Culture* Miss Townsend. Blocution. The purpose of this department is to make natural readers by means of the most thorough and comprehensive instruction for the development of effective delivery in all forms of expres- sion. It is intended for a school of training and personal cul- ture, and its object is to develop correct action of the mental and emotional natures, as well as the control of every outward manifestation, and to realize, as far as possible, a well-poised, harmonious individuality, capable of giving artistic expression to thought and feeling. The system is based upon the principles of physiology, psychology, and art, aiming directly at the development of the student's native powers, and so giving full expression to the latent natural talent. The necessity for developing the tech- nical skill for expression, as well as the mental and emotional powers, is recognized. Much attention is paid to the careful analysis of selected specimens of literature. This embraces the study of the pur- pose of any composition to be rendered ; its natural divisions of thought ; the relation of these divisions to the underlying purpose of the whole and to each other; the climax of the whole and of each division ; the thought of each sentence, and its comparative value. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 69 The interpretation of literature requires not only imagina- tive power and emotional energy, but also the ability to direct this energy at will. Course of fnstruction. 1. Vocal Technique: (a) Kespiration, (b) location and quality of tone, (c) flexibility of voice, (d) range and strength in delivery, (e) vocal hygienic principles, (f) defects of speech and remedies. — Lectures. 2. Vocal Expression : (a) Articulation, (b) emphasis, pitch, quantity, movement, (c) analysis, (d) emotions, (e) recitations. — Lectures, sight reading from classics and current magazines and papers. 3 Dramatic Art: (a) Application of gesture, (b) facial expression, (c) analysis of emotions, poses, plastiques, analysis of recitations for action, studies in pantomime from Shakspeare, Tennyson, and Browning. Lectures on action, as demonstrated by Booth, Salvini, Jefferson, and Irving, with sketches from biographies, not as stage art, but as applied to art of reading. Recitals before the Elocution Class by selected pupils. Each member •of class not taking part is required to give criticism on the numbers. Study of Selections from Shakspeare, Tennyson, Euskin, Eliot, the Brownings and recent writers, embracing studies in fiction, pathos, adven- ture, and dialect. Special Work in arranging readings and plays — platform technique. Recitations : Descriptive, Logical, Poetic, Dramatic, and Humorous. Ipbissical Culture. (a) Movements of Body : (b) limbs and feet, (c) muscular development, {d) health-giving exercises, (e) lectures, (f) practice in gymnasium. Text-Book: Vo%?,%^& Special Kinesiology of Educational Gymnastics. B Ucacbers' Course For training of those who wish to prepare for professional work as teachers. During this course the pupil is trained from the foundation in natural, practical work. Defects of body, voice, and action are first over- come. Pupils are taught by lectures and practical application. In- dividuality is insisted upon. The examinations are rigid, and certificates given only when creditable examinations are passed and practical work done. This certificate admits to New England Conservatory College of Oratory, Boston. Special Course : For those who wish to become pleasing readers. yo Fifty-Skvknth Annual, Register and Iprcparatori? ScbooL Miss Rudd. The Instruction in the Day School connected with this department embraces all subjects usually taught in common schools, commencing with the lowest grade of studies : Spell- ing, Defining, Reading; Primary and more Advanced History; Primary and Reasoned Arithmetic; Civil, Descriptive, and Physical Geography ; English Grammar ; Penmanship ; Com- position. From 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m. the pupils of this School sit together in a room, properly fitted for the purpose, under the constant supervision of a teacher, two recesses being allowed during this time. The aim of the teacher in this school is not only to teach the contents of text-books, but also to quicken the perceptive and reasoning powers of pupils. Baldwin's Readers ; Stepping-stones to Literature ; Webster's Dic- tionary ; Gilbert's Studies in Words ; Frye's Geographies ; Frye's Brooks and Brook Basins ; Southworth's Arithmetics ; Histories of France and England (Yonge) ; Physiology (Pathfinder No. 2) ; History of United States (Mrs. Lee) ; Sheldon's Language Lessons. Miss Scott. The science of accounts is taught by a course of instruc- tion — theoretical and practical — in Bookkeeping by single and double entry. If the student does not write a fair, legible hand, it will be the aim of the instructor first to remedy this defect. She will be practised in commercial forms and calculations. Mean- while, the principles of the science of Bookkeeping will be gradually developed by study of the text-book, by lectures of the teacher and by practical exercises. This study, besides the direct practical application, affords a mental discipline equal to that afforded by most branches of study. Text- Hook : Bryant and Stratton. Announcement of Holi^ins Institute. 71 StenoQrapbi? an5 ^^pewrlting. Miss Scott. A thorough course in Typewriting and Stenography is pursued, and the student is given practical instruction in writing business letters, reporting addresses, etc. Text-Book : Phonography (Munson). Zbc Iboli? Bible anb tbe %ov^'e W^^. The sacred Scriptures are read daily before the whole school, and this exercise is accompanied with appropriate devotions. The school is also divided into classes, each of which recites on the Sabbath day a Bible lesson to some one of the officers or to more advanced pupils. The pupils of the Institute enjoy, moreover, the advan- tages of religious exercises most frequently twice every Sun- day. The exercises consist of sermons by approved ministers of different denominations ; lectures and addresses by officers of the school, and other services. All sectarian influences, from whatever quarter, are posi- tively forbidden. In addition to regular Bible lessons for the whole school on Sundays, provision is made for a more scholastic and critical study of the Word of God during the week by such young ladies as may elect to do so. jexaminatione, Certificatee, Biplomaa, flDet)al6, Etc. :6iamlnationg. Pupils coming to this school are subjected to no rigid examinations before entering the different classes. To subject them to such examination would place them at disadvantage, more especially those from distant sections, on their first entrance among strangers. Hence, they are at first placed in such classes as their own statement as to degree of advance- 72 Fifty-Skventh Annual Register and ment indicates they are prepared to enter, and changes are made after actual test in the daily recitations, if necessary. Long experience has convinced us that two examinations (Intermediate and Final) only during the session subject girls to a degree of mental tension and physical fatigue injurious to health and not productive of best results. It has, therefore, been determined to increase the number of examinations, making each less taxing to the energies of both mind and body, but not less effective in determining the true standard of each pupil. The examinations will occur at the completion of specific portions of the course in each department of study. IReports. Daily records of the attendance, deportment, and scholar- ship of the pupils are kept, from which quarterly reports are made and forwarded to parents and guardians. The value of each recitation or exercise is marked by numbers, one hun- dred being the maximum, and signifying perfect. The stand- ing of the pupil for the quarter is the average of her daily marks. In these reports a general average of the grades attained in all her studies is also made. As a means of excit- ing to diligence and emulation, these reports are read in the presence of the whole school. tlbe Golden IReport. Reports in which the general average of scholarship is as much or more than 87J (one hundred being the highest grade) are called " Golden Reports," and by way of distinc- tion are printed in golden type. This honor is attainable by any pupil in the school, whether in the highest or lowest classes. To attain this distinction the pupil's mark in deport- ment must be perfect. Five medals are offered in this Institution as rewards of diligence, and as acknowledgments of excellence in certain arts and accomplishments not properly embraced in a diploma. Announcement of Hoi.i.ins Institute. 73 1. pce8iJ)ent'0 flJc&al for Scbolarsbfp. This is offered by Charles L. Cocke, Superintendent, to that young lady who, in the regular Collegiate Department, has maintained throughout the session the highest standard in daily recitations and in examinations. 2. /B>e^al for Eicellencc (n EngUsb Composition. This medal is offered by Dr. F. L. Wood, of Roanoke, and is awarded, without special contest, to that young lady who, in the judgment of the Professor, is the best writer of English. As an evidence of her work she is required to write, upon some subject assigned by the Professor, an essay to be read on Commencement day, and to be published in The Semi- Annual. 3. Aebal for ipiano iDusic. This medal is awarded to the young lady graduate or post- graduate, who, in the judgment of the Musical Faculty, is the best exponent of piano music. 4. Ube IRosalie jparisb peigton iprise for Docal flftusic. This medal is offered by Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Fitz, of Staunton, Va., and is awarded to the young lady who, in the judgment of the Musical Faculty, is the best exponent of voice culture. 5. flBc^al for Elocution. This is awarded by the Instructor to the best elocutionist. These medals indicate not merely relative, hut abso- lute excellence in the studies, or arts, for which they are conferred. No medal will he conferred unless the young lady has attained a high degree of merit zvorthy of such recognition. (Tertiftcates anb Diplomas. The degrees awarded as the result of examination are the following, viz : 74 Fifty-Skventh Annuai, Register and Certificate of Distinction. Certificate of Proficiency. Diploma in Single Departments. Diploma for Special Degrees. Diploma for Full Graduates. A Certificate of Distinction is given at each Examination when the student has passed successfully upon the studies pur- sued up to that time. IL A Certificate of Proficiency is given after satisfactory examination upon certain special studies, either not included in the course for a diploma or upon certain portions of the regular departments. IIL A Diploma will be awarded, after satisfactory examination, in each department named on Page 37. IV. Decrees. The Eclectic Degree will be conferred when the student has received four diplomas — two from the Collegiate departments ; the other two optional. The Classical Degree will be conferred when the student has received four diplomas — Latin or Greek and French or German essential ; the other two optional. The Philosophical Degree will be conferred when the stu- dent has received four diplomas — Moral Science and History essential ; the other two optional. The Scientific Degree will be conferred when the student has received five diplomas — Physics, Chemistry and Mathe- matics essential; the other two optional. The Literary Degree will be conferred when the student has received five diplomas — English Language, English Lit- erature and History essential ; the other two optional. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 75 V. Xlbe Degree ot jfull Graduate. This degree, the highest honor of the school, will be con- ferred when the student has received diplomas in the follow- ing departments : English Language, English Literature, Latin, French or German, History, Mathematics or Physics, Chemistry and Moral Science. Candidates for any one of the degrees mentioned in Sections IV and V must submit to the Board of Instruction an Essay of approved merit, composed by herself, upon some literary or scientific subject. This Essay must be submitted to the Faculty by the first day of May. The Annual Sessions of this Institute open in the month of September, on Wednesday, and continue until the following June. The particular day of the month is announced from year to year. The fifty-eighth session will open on the nineteenth day of September, 1900, and continue to the first Wednesday in June, 1 901. Students should be present on or before the first day of the session. No deduction from regular charges will be made for absence previous to the first day of October. Those who register after that date are charged from the day of entrance to the close of the session. No deduction is made for tempo- rary absences during the session. Students who leave for other than afiflictive providential causes are charged at regular rates to the close of the session. This requirement is made for the obvious reason that the absence of a pupil does not diminish at all the expenses of a school ; her teachers and all employes are paid in full to the end of the session, and every provision is made for her as though she were present. Moreover, by her absence a vacancy is made which another applicant might have filled, not for a single session only, but perhaps for several. Hence such a regulation in this and in all schools of the better class. 76 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and IRates tor :fi3oart), tTuition, JEtc. (for session of nine months.) For Full Board and Tuition in Literary Studies (two or more) . . 5250 00 The term Board includes furnished bed-room, public rooms, table fare, servants' attendance, physician's fee, infir- mary attention, laundry and lights. Pupils furnish only towels and napkins. The term Tuition includes instruction in all Languages and Sciences. No extra charge made for any branch of study in the regular Literary and Scientific Courses. For a partial course in literary studies, combined with special courses in Music, Art, etc., charges are adjusted to suit each case. When two pupils come from the same family a deduction of six per cent, is made on the charge for board and tuition in literary studies ; but no deduction is made on fees for special studies. The daughters of ministers of the gospel pay $i86.oo for board and tuition in literary courses. No further deduction, however, is made in such cases when two or more come from the same family. For special studies they pay the regular fees. Special StuMea, /iftuslc. Ample provision is made, both as to equipment and instruction, for the study of music. We employ six, or more, accomplished and experienced teachers trained in the best European and American schools. Under their instruction students may reach the highest stand- ards to which the best conservatories take their pupils, pro- vided the same time is given to the study as in such conserva- tories. Cbarges, (FOR session of NINE MONTHS.) Piano $550 00 to $75 00 Pipe Organ 75 00 Voice Culture 60 00 Violin 50 00 Mandolin 45 00 •Guitar 4.5 00 Intermediate Class of Theory 15 00 Senior Class of Theory 25 00 Announcement of Hollins Institute. 77 Brt anD ^Elocution. These schools are presided over by ladies of the best equipment for their work, and results are satisfactory. (LbatgcB. (Drawing ") ^^^ • • t Painting, (Oil, China, Water Colors, Tapestry) . J ' ' • ^^^ ^^ Elocution (class) 20 00 Elocution (special) 40 00 Physical Culture 10 00 Stenograpb^r Q:^pewr(tfng anD :©ooftftceplng. Each, |30 00 Any Two, 40 00 All Three, 50 00 3fee0. Library and Reading Room, $2 00 Ministers, 1 00 Single Diploma, 1 00 Degree Diploma, 3 00 Full Diploma, 5 00 Payments are made, one-third on day of entrance, one- third on fifteenth of December, and one-third on fifteenth of March. Special studies are allozved only with permission of parents or guardians. When begun, however, they can not he discon- tinued without payment to the close of the current half session. Regular lessons in Music and Elocution are given twice weekly. When students devote their whole time to such studies more lessons are given and at extra cost. The charges given above are for regular lessons, and in music one hour daily practice, in addition to lessons. Text-books, sheet-music, stationery, etc., are furnished at city prices for cash or quarterly payments. Pupils boarding with families on the premises or in the neighborhood make their own terms for board, and pay only tuition fee — for regular collegiate course, sixty dollars, and for preparatory course, thirty dollars ; no extra charge is made to them for use of public rooms. For all extra lessons in special studies a charge at regidar rates is made, and when in the Department of Music extra hours 78 Fifty-Skvknth Annual Register and for practice are demanded, for each such hour of daily practice a charge of ten dollars per session is made for piano and -fifteen dollars for pipe organ. No charge is made for transportation of pupils and their baggage from and to our railroad station at the opening and close of the session. For all other transportation, however, a reasonable charge is made. Cottages tor IRent. There are two well constructed cottages of eight and ten rooms respectively on the Institute grounds. They are rented from year to year by parties who prefer to be with their daughters while at school. Those who rent them may receive boarders at their own charges, provided such boarders are subject to the regulations of the school. These cottages are of recent construction and are well finished, commodious and comfortable. Both are supplied with water. One is heated by steam and the other by open grates. Apply to the Business Manager for terms. :fiSoarDing 2)epartment. All pupils connected with the Collegiate Department, boarding on the premises, occupy their own private rooms during study-hours, except when attending lectures or other exercises. These rooms are kept comfortably warm by steam- heat from early dawn till lo o'clock p. m. The bed-rooms are furnished with all needed articles for comfort and convenience, and the pupils are constantly supervised by the offtcers. Pupils connected with the Preparatory School, both boarders and day scholars, study together in a large and properly fitted room, always kept at a comfortable temperature and properly ventilated. The Boarding Department is conducted by the Superin- tendent, aided by competent sub-officers. The Dining-Room is on the second story, connected with the other buildings by covered ways. It is commodious and attractive, with ample culinary attachments. Young ladies who wish to enjoy the salubrity of a moun- tain climate and the benefit of mineral waters during the Announcement of HolIvIns Institute. 79 summer months, are boarded at twenty dollars per month during vacation, under proper supervision, and when they desire it their relatives are also boarded during vacation months at twenty-five dollars per month. When patrons of the school and friends of the young ladies visit in the school, they will be charged at the rate of one dollar a day for visits protracted longer than twenty-four hours. Ilnformation for patrone^ 1. This Institute owns a tract of land of one hundred and fifty acres in the county of Roanoke, and one and a half miles from HoUins Station, on the Norfolk and Western Rail- way. Near the center of the tract its buildings are located, thus excluding them from the annoyance of close proximity to public thoroughfares. All persons living in the buildings, whether pupils and officers or others, are under the supervision and regulations of the Institute. These premises are beautiful and attractive, but are kept posted according to law, and are not allowed to become a resort for the indiscriminate public. 2. Parents are asked not to give permissions which conflict with the regulations of the School. All permissions as to taking up and dropping studies, visiting, going home, etc., etc., should he communicated directly to the Superintendent. Parents at a distance do not always understand the conditions involved and sometimes give permissions which they would zvithhold were they cognizant of the facts in the case. They are advised to acquaint themselves with the views of the School before giving such per- missions. 3. In cases of sickness, as soon as symptoms of serious disease manifest themselves, the friends of the patient are informed by telegraph or letter, every attention in the mean- time being given which could be bestowed were they present. Comfortable and pleasant rooms are provided for those who may become sick, or even slightly indisposed, that they may 8o Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and be avv-ay from the hurry and bustle of school exercises and under the care of the matron for the sick. It must not be inferred that when a pupil is taken to these rooms she is necessarily very sick; for it often happens that girls are removed to the infirmary merely to give them mental rest and quietude. 4. When, in case of sudden emergency, pupils are called home, instructions should be sent, not to the pupil, or some third party, but to the Superintendent, who will make ample provision to meet the case, whatever it may involve. When pupils are committed to others than officers of the school, or authorized to make visits, or to go home at the close of the session with other parties, written instructions should be sent to the Superintendent ; and in such cases the Institute is released from responsibility as soon as such instructions shall have been fulfilled. The Institute does not allow its pupils to be absent from the premises during the night, except with immediate relatives. 5. Absence from Examinations is highly injurious to the good order and success of the school ; for these examinations are not only a test of scholarship and an important means of mental training, but they constitute a powerful incentive to diligence and successful study. 6. Some parents do their children a zvroiig by calling them from school before the closing exercises of the session. As soon as such permission reaches the student she is not only inclined to neglect her ozvn studies, and thus fail to pass successfully her Unal examinations, but she becomes a disturbing element in the school. Moreover,zvhena pupil leaves before the closing exercises a general unfavorable impression is made as to the cause of her leaving. 7. This Institute does not allow its pupils to receive the attentions of gentlemen, whether such attentions are approved by the parents, or guardians, or not. When it is absolutely necessary for calls to be made by gentlemen, whether relatives or friends, they should invariably present letters of introduc- tion and instruction to the Superintendent, and even then such calls must not be too frequently repeated. We can not assume the responsibility of supervising such associations of young ladies committed to our care — it is the province of immediate relatives. The proper social culture of the pupils, however, is Announcement of Hollins Institute. 8i not neglected. All the teachers and their families reside on the premises, and, under proper regulations, the freest social intercourse is enjoyed. On frequent occasions, also, the par- lors of the Institute are open for social entertainments, at which none other than the teachers and their families are expected to attend, save by special invitation of the Superin- tendent. Commencement The closing exercises of the session are held annually in the month of June. On this occasion diplomas and certifi- cates awarded to successful students, are conferred, and ad- dresses are made by distinguished invited speakers. Xiterar? Societies^ Of these there are two connected with the Institute, the Euzelian and the Euepian. Their weekly meetings are of great interest and profit to the members. The exercises are varied ; reading from standard authors and from the leading magazines of the day are a potent means of improvement, but the center of power and of interest lies in the original work of the members themselves — in essays, written debates, and in the general discussion of questions practical and literary. Thus not only training is secured, but no inconsiderable store of information. Best of all, the student, bringing to bear upon the subject under consideration what she has learned in difficult lines, discovers for herself something of that unity and harmony of knowledge which so fires the mind to further search. Though the Faculty show their interest by visits and occasional suggestions, yet the control and conduct of the societies liewhollywith the members themselves. This encour- ages a freedom of thought and a zest for action which is most broadening, and which is counterbalanced by the recognition 82 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and on the part of the girls of the responsibiUty devolving upon themselves to do and be only what is worthy of this Institute. The societies send out two publications, "The Semi- Anmial," which appears in February and June, and ''The Spinster," which appears about the close of each session. These publications are well conducted and are sources of great pleasure and profit to the students having them in charge, as well as to the school at large. With rare exceptions, those who have attained marked success as students in this school have been members of one or the other of these organizations. Therefore, parents who desire to secure for their daughters breadth of culture would do well in urging them to avail themselves of this means of growth. Each society has a commodious hall appropriately fur- nished. Zhe jEu3cUan ScboIar6bip< This scholarship, founded in 1896 by the Euzelian Society, is designed to assist deserving but needy students in the attainment of higher training in English and other branches of a liberal course of instruction. It entitles the incumbent to free tuition in the full collegiate course for one session. The conditions of incumbency are that the beneficiary shall be a member of the EuzeHan Society, or shall become so immediately upon receiving the appointment; that she shall be of such maturity of mind and character, and shall have reached such a stage of advancement in collegiate work, as shall qualify her to enter Senior or Graduate classes in Hollins Institute ; and that the Senior course in either English Litera- ture or English Language, unless both have already been completed, shall be one of the courses elected. The appointment of this scholarship is to be made at the close of each session for the session following, and by a com- mittee consisting of the Superintendent of the Institute, the Professor of English, and the final President of the Euzelian Society. In making the appointment, the committee will be Announcement of Hoi^lins Institute. 83 guided, not by scholarship alone, but also by other evidences of peculiar fitness ; and more especially by a consideration of the need, on the part of the applicants, of the assistance applied for. XLbc JEuepian Claeeical Beerce Scbolarebip* This scholarship, founded in 1900 by the Euepian Society, is designed to assist deserving students in the securing of the Classical Degree of Hollins Institute. It entitles the incum- bent to free tuition in the full collegiate course for one session, or two, if necessary. The conditions of incumbency are that the beneficiary shall be a member of the Euepian Society, or shall become one immediately upon receiving the appointment; that she shall be of excellent character, and shall be sufficiently mature in mind to qualify her to enter Senior classes in Hollins Institute ; and that the Senior course in Latin, one of the Modern Lan- guages and English Literature be among the four courses elected for the degree. The appointment of this scholarship is to be made at the close of each session for the session following, and by a com- mittee consisting of the Superintendent of the Institute, the professors of Ancient Languages, Modern Languages and English Literature, and the four final officers of the Euepian Society. ^be l^ounQ TKIlomen'e Cbrietian aeeociation. This association has as its object the promotion of the religious interests of the students. Though the privilege of membership is extended to the Faculty, the active work and the direction of the association are entirely in the hands of the students themselves. A short service is held weekly in the chapel, and also a monthly missionary meeting; and the fund 84 Fifty-Seventh Annual Register and raised by voluntary contributions and small monthly dues, is employed in educating a Christian Chinese girl. The associa- tion works in various ways to promote right living, and is a prominent and powerful factor for good in the Institute. alumnae H00ociation< This organization meets annually during Commencement. Due notice is given each year by the executive committee as to the day and hour of meeting. The object of the Associa- tion is to foster among the Alumnae sentiments of affection for their Alma Mater and of regard for each other. All ex-pupils are eligible to membership. The ofBcers are as follows : President : Mrs. W. H. Wilmer, of Washington City. Vice-Presidents : Mrs. C. W. Scrimgeour, of Galveston, Texas; Miss Ella H. Miller, Lynchburg, Va. Recording Secretary : Miss Marian S. Bayne, Hollins Institute. Corresponding Secretary : Miss Thalia S. Hayward, Hol- lins Institute. Treasurer: Miss Hallie Battaile, Boggs, Va. Executive Committee : Mrs. E. E. Shieb, Blacksburg, Va. ; Miss E. Charles Harmon, Mossy Creek, Va. ; Mrs. W. C. Williams, Washington, D. C. ; Mrs. D. H. Scott, Roanoke, Va. ; Miss Sarah Dunnington, Charlottesville, Va. ; Miss Eliza- beth Puryear, Hollins, Va. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 85 ITbe TReaMng^'lRoom anb Hluinnae Xibraru. These rooms, adjoining each other, are two of the most attractive within the precincts of Hollins. T)ic reading-room is large, bright, comfortably furnished, thoroughly heated, and finely equipped with a most valuable collection of current literature. The Alumnae Library, while not large, is well selected; it contains the best standard works in prose and poetry, histories, and a number of well-chosen reference books, ency- clopaedias, dictionaries and mythologies. These rooms are self-supporting; the fee is $2.00, which must be paid to the Assistant Librarian at the opening of the session. 86 Fifty-Sevknth Annuai. Register and jfacultp Concett. ©ctobcr 7tb, 1899. PROGKAIM. 1 Organ — " Theme with Variations " Lux Mr. Charles H. Elwell. 2 Violin — " Introduction and Gavotte " Ries Miss Edith Lynwood "Winn. 3 Aria — "It is Enough" (Elijah) Mendelssohn Mr. Louis Alberti. 4 Pianoforte — "Novelette, op. 21, No. 1." Schumann Miss Mary M. Pleasants. 5 Recitation—" The Soul of the Violin" Merrill (Violin Accorapaniment by Miss Winn.) Miss Pauline Sherwood Townsend. 6 Pianoforte — (a) "Mazurka." Chopin (b) " Venezia Barcarole " Liszt (The tide rising from the Adriatic Sea. The strain of a barcarole sung by two voices. The moon spreading her silvery light over the water. The hours of the midnight chime from Sant Marcus, mingling into the dying sounds of the music.) (c) " Paraphrase de Concert " Raff Mr. Carl Bodell 7 Violin — (a) "Berceuse" Godard (b) "Perpetuum Mobile" Bohm Miss Winn. 8 Pianoforte — " Two Love Songs " Ethelbert Nevin Miss Pleasants. 9 Studies With Dove — Original Work. The Salute An Easter Thought At Rest The Flight The Message Affection The Caress At Play Protection Salute Miss Townsend. 10 Pianoforte — " Polonaise Brilliante " Weber-Liszt Mr. Bodell. 11 Vocal Solo— " Will-o'-the-Wisp " Cherry Mr. Alberti. 12 Pianoforte — " Concerto in D Minor " Rubinstein (a) Andante. (b) Allegro. Solo Piano: Mr. Elwell. Piano 11 (orchestra) : Mr. Bodell. Announckmknt of HolIvIns Institute. 87 Students' Concert. SaturDa^, December 16tb, 1899, 7:30 ip. /IR. PEOGKAM. 1. Overture to " Marriage of Figaro " Mozart Piano Quartette and Orchestra. Piano I— Misses Mary M. Pleasants and Ethel Lipscomb. Piano II— Misses Teddie Edrington and Mabel McLaughlin. Orchestra. First Violins — Misses Edith Lynwood Winn, Kosa Cocke, Susie Williams. Second Violins — Misses Kathryn Goodell, Marguerite Allen and Margaret Braswell. Viola — Miss Margie Miller. 'Cello — Mr. Charles H. Elwell. Contra-Bass — Miss Edwina Edens. Timpani — Miss Annie Myrtle Seago. 2. Piano Duo — "Titania," Fantasie de Concert . . . . Lefebvre-Wely Piano I — Miss Annie May Gibson. Piano II — Miss Julia Deyerle. 3. Vocal Trio — "Laughing Song" Martini Miss Marie Estes, Miss Edith Mallory and Mr. Louis Alberti. 4. Piano Solo — "Nocturne" Chopin Miss Mattie Cocke. 5. Kecitation — " Eescue of Lucknow " Chapman Miss Mary Margaret Mills. 6. Violin Solo — " Scene de Ballet " De Beriot Miss Kathryn Goodell. 7. Piano Solo — Concerto in G Minor (First movement) . . Mendelssohn Miss Edwina Edens. Orchestral Parts on Second Piano, Mr. Charles H. Elwell. 8. Morning Hymn from " La Vestale " Spontini Soli, Chorus and Orchestra. High Priestess Miss Edith Mallory Julia Miss Thalia Hayward Piano I — Miss Daisy Estes. Piano II — Miss Kate Thorpe. 9. Petticoat Perfidy Sir Charles Young (A Comedietta in One Act, Produced at Court Theatre, London.) 88 Fifty-Skventh Annual Register and Characters. Mrs. Montrevor Miss Eugenia Townsend Mrs. Norwood Jones (a widow) Miss Mills Juliette (French Maid) Miss Keed 10. Piano Solo — Introduction et Valse Lente Sieveking Miss Mary Dill. 11. Organ Solo — Offertoire in E flat Batiste Miss Mabel Sims. 12. Piano Solos — (a) "Morning Song" (Pastorale) .... Carl Bodell (Summer Morning in th« Black Forest — The Angelus— Sun.shine— Birds Singing.) (b) "Mazurka" Schulhoff Miss Annie Myrtle Seago. 13. Poses Plastiques (Copyrighted) . Kelly Salute, The Vase, The Leper, The Fountain, Antiope carried off by Theseus, The Kevel, Niobe, Song of the Minstrel, Laocoon, Sculptor's Atelier, Fight for Standard, America and the Nations. Pantomime Class — Misses Mills, Kefauver, Keed, E. Townsend, K. Tupper, Webster, Moss, Porter, Sykes, Hodges, Nail, and Hudson. Announcement of Hollins Institute. 89 Students' Concert, Bprd 7tbt 1900. PROGRAM. Overture of '* Masaniello" Auber Orchestra. Piano Solo — Nocturne in F Minor Chopin , Miss Janet Smith. Vocal Solo — Berceuse ( Jocelyn) Godard Miss Minnie Freeman. Violin Obligate by Miss Rosa Cocke. Piano Quartette — King's Hussars' March Leonard Piano I. Misses Cornelia Allen and Lucile Carter. Piano II. Misses Hallie Dickinson and Sadie Horner. Duke Deodonato's Decree Anthony Hope Dramatized by Senior Class in Elocution from story "Marriage by Compulsion." Scene I and II. The Duke's Council Chamber. characters. Duke Deodonato Miss Lois Sykes Dulcissima Miss Mary Mills President of Council Miss Anita Penn Dr. Fusbius, Ph. D., -»^° It^'cTpl^S"^" Miss Katherine Tupper Crown Lawyers, Judges and Courtiers are : Misses Moss, Porter, Blanchard, Hodges, Booth, Nail, King, Watts. Piano Solo— The Spring Blumenthal Miss Frances Girard. Solo and Chorus — The Water- Nymph Rubinstein Soloist, Miss Edith L. Winn. At the piano, Mr. Charles H. Elwell. Piano Solos— (a) Ondine Etude Rubinstein (b) Valse Chopin Miss Frances Wootters. Duos for Violins Wohlfahrt Allegro, Andante, Allegro Vivace. Misses Winn and May Phelps. At fhe piano, Miss Annie Myrtle Seago. Organ Solo— Christmas Offertory Lemmens Miss Daisy Estes. 90 FlFTY-Sl^VENTH AnnUAL REGISTER AND Piano Solos — (a) Nocturne Chopin (b) Pierette Chaminade Miss Mary Shell. Christ is Kisen Hammerel (Arranged for Solo and Chorus by I,. Alberti.) Soloist, Miss Edith Mallory. At the organ, Mr. Elwell. Piano Solo — Tremolo Etude Gottschalk Miss Ina Hodges. Narrow Escape — Comedietta Ke Henry CHARACTERS. Miss Steele, A. B M. A., D C. L Ph. D., 1 ^.^^ j, j^ ^^^^^^^^ who has passed with honors, J ° Miss Amy Lorrimer, her volatile friend, who "loves | Miss Aimee Reed men better than books." J Announcement of Hollins Institute. 91 piano IRecitaL (Mr. Bodell's Class.) ^ag lltb, 1900. PKOGKAM. 1. Polonaise Lack Louise Monroe, 2. Hungarian Sthiel Anna Kusian. 3. Barcarole and Yalse Binet Ethel Numsen. 4. Fantasik — (Les Adieux) Weber Sallie Jones. 5. BouRRE Bach Sallie Coker. 6. GuiTARRE Caprice Cecile Chaminade Lily Tinsley. 7. Valse Brillante Schulhoff Bertha Lloyd. 8. Les Hirondelles (the Swallows) Teddie Edrington. 9. En Yalsant Bonnie King. 10. Berceuse Keatts Biscoe. 11. Bolero Mabel Fuller. 12. "Shepherd's Tale " and "Shepherds All and Maidens Eair " From " In Arcady " Nevin Mabel Bassett. 13. Witches' Dance McDowell Margaret Braswell. 14. (a) Song Without Words Mendelssohn (b) Mi Teresita Teresa Carreno Lenora Cocke. 15. Persian March Strauss- Griinfeld Frances Wootters. 16. Spanish Serenade Ina Hodges. 17. A Dream n i t> ^ n Sadie Cavitt. \ ' ' ^^'^ ^^^^^^ 18. Moorish Patrol Mary Reeves. 19. Pastorale Yariee '. . . . Mozart Anna Myrtle Seago. 20. Sonata (first movement) Beethoven Martha Cocke. 21. Faust Yalse Gounod-Jaell Mabel Sims. Godard 92 Fifty-Seventh Annuai. Register and piano IRecital. (Mr. Elwell's Class.) /iBas i2tb, 1900. PEOGKAM. 1 Organ Solo — Andante Dunham Miss Daisy Estes. 2 Concerto, D Minor — First Movement Mozart Miss Minnie Freeman. 3 Sonata — Op. 27, No. 1 — Andante, Allegro Beethoven Miss Mar}^ Shell. 4 Norwegian Bridal Procession Grieg Miss Pauline Funk. 5 Spring Flowers — No. 2 Gade Miss Katie Neflf. 6 SiciLiENNE — Caprice \ Miss Ethel Gill. Cabaletta Miss Lucy Camp. ) Lack GONDOLINA Miss Annie Hume. \ Caprice — Redowa | Miss Janet Smith. / 7 Organ Solo — Berceuse Guilmant Miss Bonnie King. 8 Arabesque Chaminade Miss Mary Harman. 9 Duet — Midsummer Night's Dream Mendelssohn Miss Carrie Garrison. 10 Air de Ballet Bachmann Miss Lila Warn. 11 Improvisation Mendel Miss Edwina Edens. 12 (a) Valse — C sharp Minor Choipin (b) Etude A. Lambert Miss Eleanor Gathright. 13 Concerto — C Minor (First Movement) Beethoven Miss Mary Dill. (II Piano) Miss Edwina Edens. Announcemknt of H01.1.1NS Institute. 93 piano IRecitaL By Misses Kate Thorpe and Daisy Kstes. /IRa^ i9tb, 1900. PKOGRAM. 1. SoNATE Grieg Allegro, Andante, Menuetto, Allegro con fuoco. Miss Daisy Estes. 2. Ballade and Polonaise Vieuxtemps Miss Rosa Cocke. 3. SoNATE (Moonlight) Beethoven Miss Kate Thorpe. 4. Reading — Act II, Scene 2, Henry VIII Shakspeare Queen Catherine's Defense. Miss Townsend. 5. (a) Sarabande Raft (b) Allegro Beethoven (c) Chanson Bretonne Chaminade Miss Daisy Estes. 6. (a) ^iNON Tosti (b) Le sais tu? Massenet Mr. Louis Alberti. 7. Rhapsodie d'Auvergne Saint-Saens Piano and Orchestra. Orchestral Part for a Second Piano, Miss Kate Thorpe. Piano Second, Mr. Carl Bodell. 94 Fifty-Skvknth Annual Register and ©roan IRecttaL By Miss Mabel Sims. ^ai2 26tb, 1900. PKOGKAM. Duet — Fantasia, op. 76 Dr. Volckmar Miss Sims. Mr. Elwell. Quartet for Violins — Nocturne from "Midsummer Night's Dream " Mendelssohn Toccata and Fugue — D Min J. S. Bach Pastorale G. Merkel Fanfare J. Lemmens Eeading — (a) "Swing High, Swing Low " \ Field (b) " The Kockabye Lady " i Miss Townsend. (Violin Obligate . . . . Miss "Winn . . . Music by DeKoven) Offertory — D flat Salome Offertory on Christmas Hymns Guilmant Vocal Solo — " The Two Grenadiers " Schumann Finale from Suite for Organ and Strings Rheinberger Announcement of Hollins Institute. 95 Commencement IRecttaL By Elocution and Physical Culture Departments. 5une 2D, 1900. PROGKAM. PART I. 1. Studies in Strength and Grace .... Class A, Physical Culture Leaders — Misses Porter and Biscoe. 2. Overture — to Masaniello Auber Orchestra. 3. PtEADiNG— " A Judith of '64 " Cavanaugh Miss Lois Sykes. 4. Reading — " Doom of Claudius and Cynthia " Thompson Miss Eugenia Townsend. 5. Studies with Sword Miss Moss. 6. Reading — " Jack, the Fisherman " E.S.Phelps Miss Aimee Reed. 7. Reading — " A Peculiar Attack " Pall Mall Magazine Miss Mary Mills. 8. (a) Fairy Dance— (Midsummer Night's Dream) . . . Mendelssohn Misses Phelps, Reynolds, Braswell, Allen. (b) Morris Dances— (Henry YIII) E.German Orchestra. part II. Julius C^sar Udner stage direction of Miss Townsend 96 Fifty-Sevknth Annual Register and Commencement Concert. 5une 5tb, 1900. PROGRAM. PART I. Overture to " Coriolan " Beethoven Piano I — Misses Cornelia Allen and Frances Girard. Piano II — Misses Sadie Horner and Mary Pleasants, and Orchestra. Piano Solos— (a) Butterfly Grieg (b) Mazurka Godard Miss Mary Dill, Chorus — Spring Song Chadwick Choral Class. Piano Duo — Grand Caprice Hongrois Ketterer Piano I — Miss Ethel Lipscomb. Piano II — Miss Mabel McLaughlin. Vocal Solo — Divine Redeemer Gounod Miss Marie Estes. (Violin obi., Miss Kathryn Goodell ; Piano, Miss Kate Thorpe ; Organ, Miss Mabel Sims.) Piano Solo — Valse de Juliette (Romeo et Juliette) Gounod-Raff Miss Annie Myrtle Seago. Organ Solos — (a) Offertory on Christmas Hymns Guilmant (b) Fanfare . . Lemmens Miss Mabel Sims. Orchestra — Romance Svendsen Solo Violin, Miss Rosa Cocke. Piano Solo— Polka de la Reine Raff Miss Mary Reeves. Vocal Duets — (a) I Would That My Love ) M ^ V V. (b) The May-bell and the Flowers . . j " ' Misses Mildred Willingham and Ina Hodges. Organ Solo — Grand Chorus Dubois Miss Daisy Estes. Piano Solos — (a) Arlequinc Chaminade (b) Liebestraum, No. 3 Liszt Miss Edwina Edens. Chorus — Cheerfulness Gumbert Choral Class. Okchkstra — Concerto No. 8 (first movement) Rode Solo Violin, Miss Edith Lynnwood Winn. Announckmknt of H01.1.1NS Institute. 97 Ube final 2)a^, 5une 6tb, 1900. PROGRAM. Hymn— " Holy, Holy, Holy '■ John B. Dykes Prayer. Delivery of Department Diplomas. Overture — " Midsummer Night's Dream " Mendelssohn Piano I. Misses Coker and Wootters. Piano II. Misses Gathright and Garrison and Orchestra. Address to the School Hon. A. J. Montague, of Richmond Piano Solo — Faust Valse Gounod-Jael Miss Mabel Sims, Virginia (Medalist) Reading op Medal Essay Miss Ella Furman, Texas Delivery of Medals. Chorus — " Christ is Risen " Hammerel (By Request. ) Miss Edith Mallory and Choral Class. Conferring of Degrees Supt. Charles L. Cocke I. Special Degrees, II. The Full Degree. Finale from Suite for Organ and Strings Rheinherger Miss Sims and Orchestra. Special IRottce to Soutbcrn (Blrle^ As many young ladies from the Southern States attend this Institute, one or more of its officers is annually deputed to take charge of them en route. Due notice of the movements of the officer will be given through the press or by letter. Young ladies from States along the lines of travel, when application is made in due time, will be informed by letter on what day and at what hour the train will pass prominent points, so that they may be able to join the party. The route from Houston, Texas, will be via New Orleans, over the Southern Pacific, Southern, and Norfolk and Western Railways. The route from Fort Worth will be via Cotton Belt, Mem- phis and Charleston, Southern, and Norfolk and Western. A circular letter will be issued and sent to all patrons before the opening of the school. For pupils from Kentucky, Ohio, and other States, West and Northwest, the best and most direct route is via Columbus, Ohio, Chillicothe, Ohio, or Kenova, W. Va., at which points they can connect with the Norfolk and Western Railway and come to Hollins without change. Agents. — This school has always looked with disfavor upon the agency system of inducing the attendance of pupils. This system often places girls in schools which their friends would wholly disapprove were they fully informed of the social and moral influences which work in them, to say nothing of their facilities and standards. We regard the education of girls as too delicate and important a matter to be placed on a com- mercial basis. A father may, on false representation, purchase inferior goods and sufifer temporary loss, but when he places his daughter under influences which give an impress to her character he may inflict a wrong which neither time nor effort can remove. From these considerations, we do not encourage the agency system, but would request those who desire infor- mation in addition to what is given in our publications to write for references. Prominent parties in all the Southern States know from observation and experience the character and standards of this Institute. •:^ Southern Railway, GREATEST SOUTHERN SYSTEM. BEFORE CONCLUDING ARRANQEHENTS TO GO TO COLLEGE, Parents or guardians should confer with or write to the nearest Southern Railway representative in regard to rates, Pullman accommodations, etc. THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY operates THREE FAST LIMITED TRAINS, Pullman cars, and dining- car service, from principal commercial centres in the South and Southwest to Washington, D. C, and New York, thus offering unparalleled accommodations and comforts for students to reach the various points where schools and colleges are located in Virginia and the Carolinas. Special attention is Paid to Young Ladies traveling With or Without Escorts. S. H. HAEDWICK, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. C. A. BENSCOTER, A. G. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. WM. H. TATLOE, A. G. P. A., Lonis?ille, Ky. C. A. DeSAUSSUEE, D. P. A., Memphis, Tenn. L. S. BEOWN, General Agent, 705 Fifteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. M. E. POWEES, D. P. A., 704 Common Street, New Orleans, La. J. C. ANDEEWS, S. W. P. A., 213 Main Street, Houston, Texas. M. H. BONE, W. P. A., Dallas, Texas. R. W. HUNT, T. P. A., 212 West Bay Street, Jacksonville, Fla. E. W. HUNT, T. P. A., 789 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. RANDALL CLIFTON, D. P. A., Savannah, Ga GEOEGE B. ALLEN, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. W. A. TURK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 110189591 4