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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN NOV 15 iff 1 m 1 1«» L161 — O-I096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 r gg DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS .3 REPORT NO. 166 AN INCREMENTAL CHARGE METHOD FOR THE ANALYSIS OF NONLINEAR CIRCUITS Stephen John Nuspl August 6, I96I+ 'his work is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for ■he Degree of Master of Science, August, 196k, and was supported in part by he Office of Naval Research under contract Nonr-l834(l5) . ) DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS REPORT NO. 166 AN INCREMENTAL CHARGE METHOD FOR THE ANALYSIS OF NONLINEAR CIRCUITS by Stephen John Nuspl August 6, 1964 This work is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science, August, 196k, and was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under contract Nonr-l834(l5) . ) ACMOWLEDGMEOTS The author would like to express his sincerest thanks to his advisor,, Professor W„ Jo Poppelbaum^ for his good counsel, support and encouragement „ Thanks are also extended to the past and present Task 15 group at the Digital Computer Laboratory with whom the ideas in this thesis were often discussed and to Mrs. Phyllis Olson who prepared the final manuscript.. The excellent drawings in this report are a result of the good work of the Digital Computer Laboratory Drafting Department under Kenneth. Law, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page lo INTRODUCTION o ..„..,„.,....,.....„,,,, , 1 2, DEVELOPMENT OF THE INCREMENTAL CHARGE METHOD ...„,,..,, 3 2,1 Circuit Ordering and Topological Restrictions , o o « « „ » 3 2o2 The Charge Distribution Criterion , . . « = » , , . „ . » » 5 2„3 Node Voltage Calculation . o o » . . , . . » . . o , , „ „ 12 3. CALCULATION OF IMPEDANCE FACTORS . o . » . , » . » . , „ , « , „ I5 k. VOLTAGE -CONTROLLED SUBNODES .=.,=, o »,,,..„„,, „ 20 5. DISCUSSION OF CORRECTION FORMULA »,. o„o .„„.,„„., „ 26 5.1 Error Term for a Branch .0, o , o.» o .„„„„„„„ „ 26 502 Compensation of the Error « = o. = .<.„„.„.,„,„ , 28 503 A Predictor-Corrector Type Method o o = . . » « o o . . , . 30 ERRORS AND STABILITY BIBLIOGRAPHY 33 60 1 Circuit Error and Response Error , » . » » , „ „ „ » „ „ o 33 602 Stability ..,„.,„„.,,„,,..„, ^S RELAXATION OF TOPOLOGICAL RESTRICTIONS ...„.,.„,.„,„ 37 NONLINEAR AND TIME-VARYING PARAMETERS .,.,...,„.,,, kO 8.1 Sources o ,,» ..,..,„„.,..„.„.,,,„„ ^ I|.0 8.2 Nonlinear Elements ... o 00 ..,,,„ o, =,0 00 . 40 8.3 Semiconductor Diodes .,...<,, o <,,. o o , o., ,, 4l 80^ Transistors , ... o ... o,,,.„ ..^ ,,„„,„ „ ii5 8.5 Transmission Lines ...........„„„„,,„„ , 53 REALIZATION OF THE IQ METHOD . ...o ...,,,,,.„,„ , 58 9.1 The Program ..... .o,. ..... ... o., .o« =, 58 9o2 Sample Results .. .......«.„,.....,., „ 60 9.3 Efficiency .....,.......„,..,„„ „W' ° 6I CONCLUSIONS .,..........„..„„„„..,„,„„ 63 65 APPENDIX .. o o .... „.,„„.„„,„,„.„.,„„„, , 66 ■IV- AW INCREMENTAL CHARGE METHOD FOR THE ANALYSIS OF NONLINEAR CIRCUITS Stephen John Nuspl^ M.S. Department of Electrical Engineering University of Illinois, 196^^ Conventional numerical methods for nonlinear transient circuit analysis apply standard numerical procedures to the equations obtained from Kirchhoff's lawSc In this thesis is developed a method of analysis in which only one of Kirchhoff's laws is forced to hold and the other is used to make num.erlcal cor- rections » The method developed here assumes that the current law holds and the voltage law may he violated „ To obtain sufficiently simple numerical formulas;, a circuit with a tree-type topology is assumed. Relying on this the basic charge distribution and node voltage calculation formulas are derived for the general branch which may consist of a resistance, a capacitance, an inductance, a voltage source or any series combination of these „ Since this method favors current controlled nonlinear elements, an analogous but more restricted method for conveniently including voltage -controlled devices is developed, A brief discussion of errors and their compensation and of stability is included. Because of the importance of diodes and transistors, the technique by which they can be efficiently analyzed by the method is developed. The advan- tages are that the method provides for the models the means for making numerical corrections e A technique by which transmission lines can be handled is also described, A program based on this method is presented through a brief description. To illustrate the use of the method four sample circuits and the waveforms they produced are given. It is concluded that the method has some decided advantages which should prove to make it useful, but not enough experience has been had [With it to make any meaningful comparison with other efficient methods for non- linear circuit analysis. 1, INTRODUCTION In the analysis of transients in nonlinear circuits one usually attempts to obtain a first-order solution by the use of a linear transform method which relies on a piecewise linear approximation of the nonlinear elements. When this is no longer accurate enough or leads to cumbersome algebraic manipulations, a more basic approach must be used. This normally consists in the writing of the differential equations of the circuit obtained from Kirchhoff 's laws and manipulating these until a set of first-order linear equations in the form X, kjm, 1 L ^-'- = a. m, n X. 1 n,l is obtained. a is either a constant or a variable depending on any x. „ For any but the simplest of circuits a numerical integration must be used. This method has a number of disadvantages which become more and more severe as the size of the circuit increases: finding the coefficients a, . is usually a time- ki consuming job; the evaluation of the coefficients at each step requires con- siderable computer time since the coefficients in general contain some terms related to the nonlinear elements; the addition of only one more element in the circuit might require that new expressions for all coefficients be found and programmed. These inconveniences severely restrict the practical use of this technique for the solution of transients in larger nonlinear networks „ Mechanizations of the above method which essentially separate the ■ inear elements from the nonlinear are found in the literature. ^' ^^ The linear 'art of the circuit is usually described by a coefficient matrix which is auto- latically assembled and inverted by program. The linear and nonlinear portions •re then integrated separately and matched at convenient time intervals. This lass of methods is excellent in that only a description of the circuit topology ■1- -2- and elements must be supplied. However, considerable programming effort is required to make the methods functional and sometimes there are stability problems . The Incremental Charge (IQ) method described in this thesis in essence goes back one step to more basic principles. In all of the above methods it was assumed that Kirchhoff 's current and voltage laws hold and from these the differential equations were obtained. In the Incremental Charge method we impose one of Kirchhoff 's laws, allow the other to be temporarily relaxed and use the deviations from this law as a means of making numerical corrections. The process must always tend towards the reduction of the deviations. Programs for the dc analysis of circuits ty the use of these principles have been success- fully used'-^'^-' but the extension of these principles into the time domain does not yet seem to have been attempted. 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE INCREMENTAL CHARGE METHOD The basic philosophy behind the IQ, method is that one of Kirchhoff 's laws will be allowed to be violated in order to permit numerical incremental corrections o We can allow either the voltage around a circuit loop to be in error by a small amount or we can relax the requirement that the algebraic sum of the currents flowing into a node be zero„ It was found that allowing Kirchhoff 's voltage law (KVL) to be violated and strictly enforcing Kirchhoff 's current law (KCL) seemed to result in a more convenient formalization of a numerical procedure. It is therefore this principle on which the IQ method is based, 2=1 Circuit Ordering and Topological Restrictions The first task is to devise a convenient scheme for presenting the circuit topology to the computer and an order among the circuit elements which the program follows during the execution of the method. To accomplish this each aode of the circuit will be assigned a number which is also defined as the "level" of that node. This notion of levels of nodes is introduced here only for the reason that it conveys better the concept" of ordering among the nodes than the word "number," The reference node is always assigned the number 1„ Phese definitions are illustrated in Fig, 2,1, Between any two nodes there can 38 branches which may consist of a capacitance, a resistance, an inductance, a Aoltage source or any combination of these. These branches also have numbers issigned to them but since only the knowledge of which ones are under a partic- |ilar node is required, the ordering can be arbitrary. To define a sufficiently simple numerical procedure a number of j-estrictions will be placed on the circuit topology. First it will be assumed ■hat the topology is in the form of a tree as shown in Fig, 2,1, The forcing -k- $ B FORCING FUNCTION VOLTAGE SOURCE BRANCH 2 >r-^ NODE 5 B 10 B I I B 12 1— NODE L EVEL V REFERENCE NODE Figure 2a, Assumed Form of Topology for Development of Method. -5- function to which the circuit must respond is in the branch at the apex of the diagram and in the form of a voltage source. The second restriction is that there be at most one branch between two nodes of which the reference node is not one» These restrictions may seem drastic at present, but many nonlinear circuit problems fall directly into this type of topology and many others which do not conform to these assumptions can be handled but the error will be slightly larger and other conveniences of the method are forfeited „ The second restric- tion will eventually be eliminated entirely and the relaxation of the first will be discussed later, 2.2 The Charge Distribution Criterion There are essentially two steps in the numerical procedure. In the first a current is injected into the highest node and passed to successively lower level nodes via the branches under each„ When the current distribution is completed, the currents in all branches are known, enabling us to calculate the voltage across each element. The second step then consists in starting from the reference node and determining what each successively higher level node voltage will be. To develop this method, let us consider the general node of Fig„ 2.2 which is assumed to have n branches immediately below it. In a time interval At^ a current I or, equivalently, a charge is injected into node k from higher level nodes. By a distribution process which is to be developed branch j receives an amount of charge AQ.., The assumption that KCL holds implies that -6- AQ, 'i^T^" ® Iaq, I"". v^ *- O ■ — »-0 11 I ® AQ \ ^h ■H. <.R. X: -6 NODE k ,, TO LOWER LEVEL NODES Figure 2„2o The General Node „ ■7- AQ^ = ZaQ (2.1) The branches in Fig. 2.2 are not shown connected to node k to emphasize that voltage V and all v.. 's may have different values if ICVL does not hold If we K. J 1 required that it does hold, we have + + + , , V, . = V-, . = V^ . = „ „ „ = V (? p) ki li 21 ni \^'^J since the points (Y) to (n^ at the branch tops are connected to node k in the actual circuits, If we this last set of equations to be violated, we are allowing voltage differences Av . . = V, . - V . . ( 2 o ^ ) Ji ki ji v-o; If this Av approaches zero, KVL will again hold. Hence an exact solution of the circuit will be had if this condition holds over the entire network. There- fore, the object of the numerical method will be to keep this voltage difference as small as possible, or at least below a tolerable level. The problem now is to distribute the charge AQl. among the branches in such a manner that all branch voltages v. will experience an approximately equal J increase. To accomplish this we define a set of differences by AQ.. = Q.. - Q., ^ . A^Q . = AQ.. - AQ.,. . (2,^) A^Q = A^Q.. - A^Q... ^. Ji Ji j(i-l) The voltages developed across the three types of elements are then given by -8- Q.. cji V = li 2 ('A+ '> >.2 (2.5) Since we are allowing each branch to contain all three types of elements^ we see ^hat only A^Q. . can he changed arbitrarily; the other charge differences J must be determined by equations 2.k. Also define A + + + Ji Ji j(i-l) (2.6) We are now in a position to define three series impedance factors between point (T) of Figo 2,2 and the reference node: Av ^..At. cEjx 1 cj AQ. (2„7) Ji Av^„..At. Rj A^Q. (2.8) Ji Av^^. At. LEji 1 ^'j a\. (2.9) Ji where v , v and v^.^ are the voltages developed across these series impedance cE RE -LiE factors and which satisfy the relations ^ji ^ ^cEji ^ ^REji + ^LEji (2.10) and Av = Av . i- Av„^ . . + A\'-T ^, . . "ji cEji RF.J1 LEji (2.11) We can also define a total branch impedance factor -9- z . = z . + z^ . + z^ . J cj Rj Lj (2.12) and two admittance factors Y =-^ (2a3) n Y, = Z Y. (2aif) Phese factors serve as a means of predicting branch voltage increases for a 5iven change in AQ. or in one of the higher differences » Assume that the numerical procedure has been under way for a number of :ycles and that after cycle (i-l) is completed there is a residual voltage error ^^j(i-l) ^^"^^^^^ "°ds ^ ^^d branch j„ The first task is to raise the branch roltage v to the node voltage v^^^,^) ^y injecting an appropriate amount of charge which we shall define as A^Q.. into the brancho Assuming that the three -mpedance factors are known for the branch, this condition requires A^Q.. be such that AQ ^(i-D^^^Ki-D^^Si) , , ^^'S(i-i At. ^cj ^ AT ^Rj At, \.j Av . / . . ^ j(l-l) his yields (2.15) ^ At. J Av - z i^^Jiiiill rz + z ) "^hilill L j(i-l) cj \ At. )- ^^cj ^ ^Rj^ ^aE~~. (2=16) his is the basic "correction" formula in the method and will be discussed in ore detail later. After determining -10- for every branch and summing, we have distrihuted an amount of cb_arge Wi - .| Vji (2.18) This leaves an additional charge to be distributed: ^\i = ^\i - w^ ^'-^^ Since it is assumed that at this point all branch voltages are at the level V / X, this additional charge must be distributed so that all branch voltages k(i-l)' will increase the same amount. If branch j receives an additional A^Q^^ then Since by definition 4Si = ''^(i-i) * 4si ^«ji = ^'^Jd-D " 4Si (2.21) we get the result 4Si = 4Si = Vji '^■^^' -11- The usefulness of this lies in the fact that the additional charge A Q will A ji cause an increase in branch voltage of Vji ^cj At. ^ ^Rj At. ^ hj At. - At. ^^cj ^ ^Rj ^ ^Lj ^ = Y;^ J 1 (2.23) 3r A Q.. = Y.At.A.v^. (2.2^) /hich gives the amount of charge which must be injected into branch j to raise Lts voltage ^^v . We want the voltage of all n branches and that of the node :o increase the same amount : "^A^ji ^ ^A\i ^ constant for j = 1 to n (2„25) fence herefore AQ.. Y. A\i ""k ^Si=^A\iXY:^ (2.28) -12- This is the desired forimla for distributing the charge ^p9^^ among the branches, The term I \ At.Av 1 A Kx is in the form of an admittance and since the expression contains only terms related to node k^ we could define it as the "admittance factor" for node k„ A node impedance factor can therefore be defined by 2o3 Node Voltage Calculation The above criterion is used to channel the charge injected into the top node through all the branches and other nodes and into the reference node o When this is completed, all the branch currents are known and therefore the voltages across them can be calculated. The remaining step is to calculate the node voltages v, . , ^ ki Through possible errors in the impedance factors all the branch voltae-es v"^ will not have the same value „ Therefore some sort of mean value ji for V must be defined. There are a number of possible ways of determining ki this mean, the most primitive of which is the average value : V . = i Z vt. (2o30) ki n ji A second formula may be obtained by imposing the conservation of energy conditioi at node k, which implies that no energy is lost through the niMierical process o This condition states -13- ^i'^S.l = .^, ^Il-^Sl (2.31) J=l and hence we have n AQ. . ^-^5rji^ (-32) This is effective when AQ and all AQ..'s have the same sign„ But, if n |ao . I « E Iaq.. I which occurs if one of the branches under node k contains a dc source, numerical instabilities may result. A modified version of the formula is n Z vT. Iaq. . I j=i J" J" , , \^-~ (2.33) Z |aq.. I When all ^Q . • ' s have the same sign energy is again conserved; otherwise the node voltage will be the average between the branches delivering power and those receiving it. In a third method the impedance factors defined for the current distribution are used: n Z Y.vT. 1=1 J J^ k ["his has the effect of latching the node voltage to the branch with the lowest i-mpedance factor and therefore tends to stabilize the node voltage against -Ik- numerical oscillations. Because of this stabilizing effect this last criterion for the calc\ilation of the node voltages seems to he the best. However^ no detailed analysis comparing the last two methods has yet been made. 3. CALCULATION OF IMPEDANCE FACTORS In the above discussion the knowledge of the values of Z , Z and Z c"^ R L for each branch was assumed. Since there are three parameters which must be defined, we need three sets of equations for each branch. This makes impossible the redefining of a set of impedances during each step of the analysis. Though this would be desirable, it is not absolutely necessary. The initially defined impedances will never change if all the elements are linear and will be relatively constant over small ranges of voltages even if the elements are non- linear. In the latter case the impedance factors must be redefined when the actual branch voltage changes start to differ appreciably from the ones predicted with this set of impedance factors. If we adhere to the restrictions in the topology previously mentioned there are two methods which can be used to calculate a new set of impedance factors. Let us assume that we have the condition or Under this assumption it may be recalled that we will have for each branch A^Q.. = A^Q.. = A 0.. A Ji A ji A ji Therefore Av"!".At. -7^-^^Ci*hi^W'^i (3.1) ■15- -16- After a complete numerical cycle all the terms on the left are known and therefore the impedance factor Zj can be calculated. To separate the three impedance factors two more equations are needed. To obtain these we must first define an equivalent incremental capacitance, resistance and inductance which are in series between point Qj and the reference node : AQ.. ^^ (3 = 2) ^ CEji Av R^. =-^ (3»3) Ji At. 1 1^=^^ (3A) (At.)2 Combining these with the definition of Z ., Z^^. and Z we get At. ^RJ = % <3-'^ Z, • = ^ '3.7) For small changes in voltages, the equivalent elements C^ , R^ and L^ will be constant , Hence Z^. ^ At. (3-8) Cj 1 ■17- Z = constant (3»9) ^Lj " i: (3.10) From this we see that if we repeat the numerical cycle three times with three different values of time increments k-|At., k^At. and k^At . we will be able to 1 1 2 1 3 1 get three values for each Z.. By using the variation of the impedance factors J rfith At. noted in equations 3-8 to 3«10^ we are able to write three equations Z k Z^. + Z^ — -^ = Z. m = 1, 2, 3 (3oll) m Cj R. + k jm y > -J \-> J //here Z. is the impedance factor found by using time interval k At.. When jm mi <:„ = 1.0, the solution of these equations yields k k Z. = - — -^ L k^ - k3 "2 - \ VA' . 1-k^- k3-l (3^2) ^c = -^^k^ (3a3) Z^= \ -^L-^c (3.1V The condition AQ . » A. Q, . can be realized by injecting into the .op node a pulse which is much higher than the normal signal. Since this will i'esult in large changes in voltages, all nonlinear elements must be temporarily •eplaced by a linear equivalent whose parameter values are the same as the ncremental parameters of the nonlinear element during the last normal cycle » tecause of these much higher than normal responses, one of these impedance actor calculation cycles cannot be used as a normal cycle in which time is ncremented. -18- The second method of determining the impedance factors also depends on the assumed topology. If the circuit conforms to this topology, the various impedance factors are nothing more than the equivalent impedances looking from the point in question toward the reference node,, If we recall that a node impedance factor Z was already defined, we can use this formula to calculate three impedances for the th_ree time increments k-j^At^, -^t. and k At^, We can then again use equations 3.12 to 3„1^ to calculate an equivalent capacitance C J resistance R^ and inductance L^ for the node„ Since these are in series, they can be added to the corresponding elements in the branch above this node. In this way all the impedance factors may be calculated in a more direct manner than that of the first method. Since this last method is also much easier to program and much more conservative of computation time, in what follows It will be assumed that this latter method is being used to calculate the impedance factors. At this point we might also introduce the conditions required to change the time increment during the process. We must impose the condition that during the time increment change the voltages across the three impedance factor elements defined in equations 3 = 2 to 3,^4- remain constant; v,^ . = C,^ . Q . = constant AQ. V _ . = R^ . —77- = constant PZ j ^ j At 2 v^„. = Lv- . — ~^ = constant ^J ^J (At)2 Since C , R_ and L^ are also constant during the increment size change, we conclude that the terms ■19- AQ. A^Q. Q , -^ and ^ J ^^ (At)^ must also remain constant o This gives us our desired information, k. VOLTAGE- CONTROLLED SUBNODES In the previous formulation the current- controlled nonlinear element has a decided advantage since all the currents are determined before the branch and node voltages are csuLculatedo In order to allow voltage -controlled devices to be handled just as efficiently it is desirable to formulate a similar process which will be compatible with the above but in which the role of the current and the voltage are interchanged. In this case we will allow KCL to be violated. In the development of the relevant formulas we will assume that we are working with only one branch extracted from the circuit. To be as general as possible, we can postulate that this branch is made up of a series string of RLC elements as shown in Fig, k,l. The current generator beside each parallel unit represents the error current for that unit. Since the nodes between the parallel units are associated only with branch j and do not have "levels" assigned to them, we will call them 'voltage -controlled subnodes" to distinguish them from the normal nodes. To derive the necessary relations we must turn to the dual concept in which the flux is defined by cp = r v(t)dt (i^.l) Then for linear elements we have cp = LI ^ = RI (i^.2) dt 2 dfcp ^ 1 -. dt^"^ -20- -21- T- i-^iiA^o, ^ ERROR CHARGE PATH |AOl ym ^m m .i^QR m i— . SUBNODE m I '** .-^N 7- ^-^ ^'Om r I Figure 1^,1. A Branch Consisting of M Voltage-Controlled Subnodes, -22- If we go to the difference notation we get for the mth parallel unit L . „ in cp . = AQ . — — mi mi At. 1 ACp . = AQ .R (4„3) mi ml m ,2. .„ ^*1 ^ V = '"Sai -C" m where Acp . = cp . - cp . , mi mi m(,i-l; ^2, A^cp . = Acp . ~ Acp .. ^x {h.h) mi mi m(i-l; and ^22 A^cp . = A'^cp . - A cp mi mi m(,i-l; These equations suggest that we define a set of "admittance factors" in a similar manner as the impedance factors were defined: PL cp . m rai f = ^^ (4.6) PR Acp . m mi AQ, Y. m A cp . mi 'Cmi (i^„7) -23- ^Pm ~ ^PLm ^ ^PRm + ^PCm (^"^^ where AQ^, AQ^, AQ^ are the charges flowing through the parallel L^ R and C elements respectively. Also define A^Q . = AQ.. - AQ . (i+ Q) where AQ = AQ . + AO^ . + AQ^ . mi Xjini ^mi Cmi 2 A Q corresponds to Av . . in the main method. Let us suppose that during the time interval (i-l) an error of 2 ^ "^mfi-l) ^^sulted at subnode m. The condition for the compensation of this error in this step requires ^2, , , •1 The amount of flux A^cp . required to do this is given by 3 1 Pm _^ ^m(i-l) - ^PLm(%(i-l)) - (YpLm ^ ^PRm^^^fi (i-l) (^ai) This correction formula is analogous to that of equation 21-6 and hence can be treated with the same type of numerical procedure. Furthermore;, any future comments on equation 2.16 can therefore also be applied with minor changes to equation ^,11. Further derivations parallel to those of sections 2.2 and 2„3 could be continued here which would then make it possible to work directly with such strings of parallel elements as shown in Fig. 4.1. However, in our method we can be content with just being able to handle one set of parallel elements. -2k- The subscript, m will be retained to distinguish charge in the voltage -controlled subnode from the other charges. Besides equation i4-.ll we also need a method of interconnecting the voltage -controlled node with the rest of the nodes of the circuit. To obtain this let us suppose that branch j which contains the voltage- controlled subnode has a set of impedance factors Z^., Z^. and Z^^ defined for it and is regarded by the charge distribution method of section 2.2 as a normal branch. After the charge distribution cycle a charge AQ has been assigned to flow through branch j . The increase in charge ^ Si = ^Si - ^S(i-i) can therefore be treated exactly the same as the error charge A Q^^_-l) and hence the two can be summed to form a total effective error charge of ^Sn(l P 2 1-1) ^m(x-l) Ji (i^.l2) Hence the increase in
Figure 7„lo Example of a Circuit Violating the Assumed Topology.
By allowing these variations in the topology, we must also restrict the
forcing function voltage to incremental changes from one time interval to the
next since the impedance factors will no longer give the exact response to a
high pulse. In a specific circuit the amount of difficulty the method will
encounter can be predicted since it is directly related to how well the
impedance factors approximate the actual equivalent impedances.
8.1 Soiirces
A voltage source is already Included in the IQ method and a constant
current source does not present any difficiilties since this requires only that
a charge I^At be subtracted from one node and added to another before the
start of the charge distribution cycle. With constant sources there are no
problems (except possibly during the initialization) but if they are time-
dependent or proportional to currents or voltages in another part of the circuit
the method might have trouble. If a voltage soaarce, for instance, is time-
dependent and during one numerical cycle experiences a large change, this
change will not be taken into accoiint by the first charge distribution cycle
since no impedance factors are changed. When the node voltages are then cal-
ciilated there will be a large error at the branch with the voltage source.
Since this error will then be diminished by the next numerical cycle through
the error-correction mechanism, we see that the response of the circuit to all
varying voltages will be delayed one cycle, A current source will also produce
the same result, but with the slight advemtage that the node to which it is
connected will respond immediately and the delay will appear in a higher
level node. This advantage can often be put to good use. The rule in general
seems to be that only incremental changes should be allowed from one time
interval to another for varying sources,
8.2 Nonlinear Elements
In general we can specify the characteristics of a nonlinear element
-^^ = f (v) or V = g \-^^ m = 0, 1 or 2 (8,l)
(Atr \(Atr/
The second form is the one which falls naturally into the domain of the IQ
method but unfortunately it is not always the most convenient to use„ For
instance, in a tunnel diode the relation
is multivalued. In such cases the voltage-controlled node formulas developed
earlier can be used in conjunction with the first of the above form,ulas which
is in this case single valued. The important thing is that the prediction and
circuit-error correction mechanism is supplied by the method, therefore
avoiding the need of a repetitious process such as Newton's method to determine
the independent variable when the dependent variable is given. This can prove
to be an important time-saving factor during computation.
80 3 Semiconductor Diodes
Since the diode and transistor are the most important nonlinear
elements, they will be discussed here in more detail. The dc characteristics
of an ideal diode are given by
l = lQ[e^-l] A. = ^ (8.2)
The Incremental conductance is given by
^D dv X
During the transients the incremental diode capacitance given by
^ " dv
also becomes important « When in the nonconducting region the diode exhibits
a depletion layer capacitance of the form
C = -^ (8„5)
where v is the built-in potential, n is the grading constant which is usually
1 1
equal to — or - and C-. is a constant.
The diffusion type capacitance when in the conduction region is
C =^^==g ^ (8.6)
D dv ^D dl ^ ^
The term — ^ is a time constant which can usually be assumed constant as a
first approximation and equal to the diode constant T Hence
C ~ g^T^ (8.7)
Normally only one of the two capacitances will be important in a particular
application. Tn switching circuits C is most important and usually C^., is small
enough that it can be approximated by a constant.
If T cannot be considered a constant the relation Q = f (v) must be
obtained by niimerical integration during the transient:
Cj^(v)dv=j gj^(v)Tj^(v)dv (8,8)
If T can be assiimed constant we get the relation
Q = .,l/ (8.9)
When the depletion layer capacitance parameters v^ n and C can be assumed
constant, and if the diode is reverse "biased, we get the formula
Q =
n - n *-
From a programming point of view the expressions for 1, g , C and Q are in a
very convenient form since they are so highly interrelated » This gives the
very important result that no further simplifying assumptions which are usually
made in a normal analysis will be required.
To complete the model for the diode we can include the leakage
resistance R^ and if the reverse breakdown is important, a current of the form
^B =
1 - (^)-
1 - (^)-
is the multiplication factor and v_ is the reverse breakdown voltage o
Since all the above elements are in parallel and since the current
equation is in the form
we must use the voltage-controlled subnode methods The relevant parameters
are given by
♦ * 9
> ^dS
^D ^C, V
. AO:
6\ J
Figure 8.1<, Semiconductor Diode Model.
y — ^ "V —
PC At P ~ Sj- + ^ + ^
The prediction formula therefore reduces to
4^(i-l) ^PR
-i = -i-1 - ^-(i-1) - -Y^ - -f AV( ._^) (8„13)
The spreading resistance and the wiring inductance have not yet been included^
hut these present no prohlem since we can still specify a complete set of
series elements for the branch containing the diode.
Q.h Transistors
Of the different large signal models available for the transistor j, it
was found that for the IQ method the Ebers and Moll model gives the best
balance between accuracy and efficiency in computation. For this reason the
technique available to handle this model will be developed in detail.
The equations of a PNP transistor for the dc case are
I ^ T ^
^ = -r^(e- -i)..^^^(e- .1) (8.ia)
I ^ T ^
T - ry EO , kT ^ s CO , kT , . /o . n
^c - ^n 1 -a^^ (^ - 1) - r^^^ ^^ - ^^ (Q"^5)
The notation and the sign convention is that used by Ebers and Moll^^ with the
exception that the symbol 9 is replaced by v. Therefore these will not be
discussed here in detail. For future convenience let us make the following
definitions °,
X =
1 - a
^=^o(- -^'
'CFO 1 - ajXt-j-
^CF = ^CFO^^ - ^^
^ = ^r - "-^'
-■-C '^N-'-EF "^ """CF
A conductance for the emitter junction and one for the collector jiinction
are defined as follows °,
E 1 5v,
"SiF "^ "S::
V =const
gn =
C \5v.
■'"CF '^ "'"CFO
Vw= const
When the junctions are reverse biased the leakage resistance R and R for
the emitter and collector junctions respectively become important and therefore
must be included in the equivalent circuit.
During transients either a diffusion capacitance or a depletion layer
capacitance come into play at each junction, depending on whether the junction
is forward or reverse biased. The two diffusion capacitances which are char-
acterized by two time constants T^ and T^ are given bv
E C "^
C = T a;
^CE ~ ^C^C
The time constant T^ and T^ can be assumed constant as a first approximation
and therefore similar charge versus voltage relations as equation 8„9 for
diodes can be obtained. The depletion layer capacitances are given by
o - °o=
TE / v„ \n^
V /
c - 'oc
" ('-%r=
where C^^ and C^^ are constants of the transistor, v^^ and v are the built-in
potentials for the emitter and collector junctions and n^ and n are grading
Combining all of the aboA^e we have the model shown in Fig, 8,2a ,
The reason for the unusual orientation will become apparent later. We note
two important properties of this equivalent circuit: the collector and the
emitter junctions have the same configurations and similar elements as the
H 1
Rr> ^cS
'E S-> sA
E 6
(T I
E 6
Figure 8.2. IQ Model of a Transistor,
equivalent circuit for the diode except for the current generator, and the
circuit is in the exact form required by the voltage-controlled subnode method
of section k. The first of the above indicates that we could easily use the
method developed for diodes in section 8.3„ But, the second property suggests
that a m.ore general technique designed specifically for transistors can be
formulated „
Since we have no inductive element in the circuit, equation 4,11
reduces to
mi Y^
PRm „2.
.4Sr.(l-l)J - tf "^Vi-D <^-'°'
To put this in terms of voltages we invoke the relations
At ^^ = -A^ ^^ = ~^ (8-21)
^ Vi - -Y-aT- - ^7 ^%(i-l) (8»22)
Pm P ^ ^
For the transistor we have two parallel units, unit 1 at the collector junction
and unit 2 at the emitter junctiono The admittance factors for these two units
are defined by
PRl ^C R
„ Sc ^DC /ON
^PCl = -A^ -^ ^ (8-23)
Y = Y + Y
Y = a: + —
PR2 ^E Rg
PC2 At At
Y = Y + Y
P2 PR2 PC2
The voltages are given by
V-, . = V . = V, / . , N + Av-, / . .X + A V
li ex l(i-l) l(i-l) li
^2i ^ -^Ei ^ ^2(1-1) "^^2(i-l) ^^^2i
V . = -v^ . = V^ / . . \ + Av„ / . , ^ + A V^_.
The two current generators a 1 and « I can be absorbed into the
"error" current generators A^Q^/At and A^Q^/At^ It may be recalled that A Q^
was the error charge as defined in equation 4„9 and AQ was the sum of the
charges flowing through the parallel R, L and C elements. For the transistor
the relations become
a\ = AQ^^ - AQ^
A^Q^ = AQ^^ + AQ^ - AQ^
where AQ and AO^^ are defined in Fig, 8,2b and AQ^ and AQ^ are given by
v^ Av^ Av^
V Av Av
There is still one remaining inconA/enience which concerns timing.,
If the normal IQ procedure is followed, the current will first be distributed
and therefore at the transistor we get the terms
'^CTl = '^CT(l-l) + ^^%Tx
V-^(l-l) ^^\l
The error term which is to be used in equation 8„22 then becomes
^^li = ^'^Ki-D - ^'^cTi
4^i=^%(i-l) --^'Si-^^^Tl
If the new voltages v^^ and v^^ are calculated from this, there is a possibility
of a larger error in AQ^ and AQ^ since the correction formula does not take
into account the fact that OC^I^^t and aj^I^^^At will have different values in
time interval i from those in time interval (i-l)„ Consequently the two cur-
rent generators will always be lagging behind the voltages by one numerical
cycle during transients „ To compensate for this, values for v, and v can
li 2i
be predicted from errors in Interval (i-l) and these may then be used to predict
A^alues for 0!^I^.^t and Qj^IgpAt for the time interval i„ The changes from
interval (i-l) to i can then be included in the error formulas 8o28o It is
also apparent that a predictor-corrector type method such as described in
section 5,3 could be used here to further reduce this numerical lag effects
To see how the transistor equivalent is incorporated into the rest of
the circuit we must recall the assuro,ption that only one branch of the main cir-
cuit is involved when dealing with a set of voltage-controlled subnodes. Hence
the entire equivalent for the transistor except the base is included in one
branch. The collector bulk resistance R and any possible lead inductance
can, as with the diode, be specified in the series elements associated with
this branch. A second branch is required for the base and therefore it would
contain the base resistance R,-, o Since the voltage-controlled subnodes such
as that in the center of the transistor model are normally not available to
the main IQ method, a special set of nodes, one per transistor, must be
defined so that the channeling of the charge which flows through the base
branch to the internal transistor subnode can be accomplished.
The orientation of the transistor equivalent shown in Fig„ 8.2 is
mainly for purposes of being able to determine the approximately correct
impedance factors and to help prevent the current generator lags mentioned
above. The parallel admittances of the transistor equivalent can be converted
to series impedance factors by the method described in section 3« These are
illustrated in Fig. 8.3- Normally Z would be fairly small and capacitive
Node below
Figure 8.3
because of a large C^^, and Z^^ would be large except when the transistor is
in saturation „ Thus if Z^ is small the values determined by the impedance
factor calculation method of section 3 will be
^2'\*h^ "CT " ^cT (8.29)
S'^l'\' \o (8.30)
Because of the normally high Aralue of Z^^ as compared with R , the defined
impedance factors are a good approximation of the actual AQ versus Av behavior
at the transistor terminals. Therefore this orientation of the transistor
equivalent will normally be used„ As an example of how a transistor circuit
would be redrawn before analysis by the IQ method, an asymmetric flipflop
circuit is shown in Fig.. 8„4,
8„5 Transmission Lines
When working with high-speed circuitry one invariably meets a situation
in which a signal delay is involved. Since an equivalent transmission line will
usually represent the phenomenon adequately, a technique by which the IQ method
can handle transmission lines will be briefly discussed.
Consider the lossless transmission line of Figo 8.5a. It was found
that the m.ost convenient equivalent circuit is that shown in Fig, 8o5b. Z is
the characteristic im_pedance of the line and the forward and reverse currents
at the sending and receiving end are defined as follows:
I — V^
<.I.5K <,l.8
.+ R-
i* >2 5
<' 3 3K
. + 2 2>
2i •'^-/
<> <► <►
>860 "-3