Rec(iri ornmissioners. I conditaAd. i^Sjb. 1630. ^ iFCOf^DS OF -BOSTON SE'.LEGTMEN. W36 TO 1742. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume My 08-1 5M (' 1 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library JUL m Jli! niM! HOV 2 0 NOV 0< FEB 2 7 2t S23 r I3S9 1989 ) 1989 00 L16]— H41 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume My 08-1 5M A REPORT Eecord Commissioners CITY OF BOSTON, EECOKDS OF BOSTON SELECTMEN, 1736 TO 1742. BOSTON: ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, CITY PRINTERS, No. 39 AEOH STREET. 188 6. [Document 87 — 1886.] CITY OF BOSTON. A EEPORT OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS. The Fifteenth Report of the Record Commissioners being the acts of the Selectmen from September 15, 1736, to December 29, 1742. Although few matters of special importance are therein recorded, the reader will observe the space given to sanitary matters as connected with the visitation of small-pox. The assigning of tombs in the Granary Burying Ground was a natural accompaniment to the increase of deaths, and the repeated enforcement of quarantine regulations and restric- tions on immigration are noticeable. The Sunday laws, then as now, were a matter of conten- tion between the conservative and progressive elements of the population. A careful study of the volume will doubt- less confirm the public belief in the wisdom of this continu- ance of the publication of our records. William H. Whitmore, For the Record Commissioners. City Hall, Boston, December 1, 1886- 151251 SELECTMEN'S MINUTES. [BEGINNING OF THE FIFTH BOOK OF MANUSCRIPT.] [1.] At a Meeting of the Select-Men Sept. 15*^. 1736. Present Capt. Jonathan Armitage Davin Collson Capt. John Eastwicke Gapt. Caleb Lyman Mr. Jonas Clarke Upon Information That the Watch House adjoining to the Town house, and also that near the North Market, want some Repairs. Voted That m^ Savell be directed to see the said Repairs Ef- fected. According to Order, m''. Jonathan Bowman Attended, and Sig- nified his desire to Resign his Care and Charge of the North Engine. And at the same time Recommended m'". Anthony Underwood, as a Suitable Person to take the Care and Charge of the same. Mr. Underwood being present and [2.] Manifesting his Willing- ness to Accept the said Charge. Voted, That rar. Anthony Underwood be and hereby is Admitted in the Room of the said mr. Bowman, And that the Charge of the said Engine be and hereby is Committed to him. And that he Attend next Wednesday with a List of his Company, And also that such Persons as desire to be Admitted, who were not before Enlisted, do Appear with him. That the Select Men may Approve of them, if they see Cause, That the Orders for them may be drawn Accordingly. At a Meeting of His Majestys Justices of the Peace within the Town of Boston, together with the Gentlemen the Select Men of said Town, at the Council Chamber, Sept. 9'^. and 15*^. 1736. Present Edward Hutchinson Esq^ Joseph Wadsworth Esq''. The Hon?'^ \ Jacob Wendell Esq^ Samuel Welles Esq'. [ Anthony Stoddard Esq''. [3.] Samuel Sewall Esq"". Joshua Winslow Esq'. 2 City Document No. 87. John Fayerweather Esq"". Justices of the Peace. And Capt. Jonathan Armitage Mr. David Collson Capt. John Eastwicke Capt. Caleb Lyman Mr. Jonas Clarke, Select Men Whereas the said Justices and Select Men are Informed of the frequent Profanation of the LORD'S Day, by lose vain Persons, Isegro's &c. Unnecessarily Travelling, or Walking to, or from Rox- bury, with neglect of Attending the Publick Worship of GOD in either Place. It is therefore Ordered, by the said Justices, and Select Men, That from and after the Date hereof, and until the Seventeenth Day of October next ensuing. The Constables of, and within the Town of Boston, and every of them by turns, [4.] Do Warn and appoint Six Meet and Sober Persons, Inhabitants of the said Town, On each Lord's Day within the said Term, To Ward on the Neck or High-Way between Boston and Roxbury, at some Convenient place near the Line of Defence, Three of the said Persons are to give their Attendance there from Seven o'Clock in the morning, until half an hour after Twelve at Noon, and then to be relieved by the other Three, Who are there to Continue upon Duty, until the Dusk of the Evening. And such Constables respectively in their Turns as aforesaid, are to attend also with their Staves, And to give in Charge to such Ward, That the}' take due Care to prevent and Suppress such Dis- orders ; to Examine all Passengers ; to Restrain all Persons from Disporting, Idle Walking, or Unnecessary Travel, on the Lord's Day. And if any Person be refractory, rude or refuse to give a Satis- factory Account of the Occasion of their Travelling, or other wise Misbehave the mselves, to take them [5.] up, and Carry 'em be- fore the next Justice of the Peace, Or return their Names to such Justice, that so they may be proceeded against. According to Law, as profaners of the LORD'S Day. By order of the said Justices and Select Men Samuel Gerrish, Town Clerk. It was then (also) Agreed by the said Justices and Select Men, That they would by turns Walk by Night, as formerly, to Inspect the Watches, and to Suppress or prevent Disorders within the Town, for Eight Weeks next following, According to the Assort- ment then made. At a Meeting of the Selectmen, Sept. 22, 1736. Present, Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lyman [6.] Martin Hughes Informs that he is come into this Town with his Wife and One Child, that he brought with him the Value Selectmen's Minutes, 1736. 3 of Two TTundred Pounds, lialf of that Sum being in Money, and desires Liberty to open a Shop and follow his Occupation, being a Printer of Linnens &c. Accordingly he was Directed to Attend next Wednesday, and to bring Security for his Wife and Child. Liberty is Granted to Theophilus Shove to Open a Shop in this own, and to Exercise his Calling of a Glazier and Jo^'ner. Hav- ing given Satisfaction to the Select Men. Mr. Timothy Thornton Proposes and offers to Pave one each Side of the Mill Bridge to the Satisfaction of the Select Men, for the Sum of Six Pounds, Which was AccordingJy Consented to and Voted. [7.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 27, 1736. Present, Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke. Mr. John Savell promises to give Bond for a Servant, Im- ported from Ireland in Capt. Arnold, If required. Mr. James Wimble Informs that George Lucas, and his Wife and Child, have Lodged at his House Nineteen Days, They came from Ireland with Capt. Carrall. The following Persons, Imported lately from Ireland by Capt. Carall in the Brigantine Salutation are admitted Inhabitants. Mr. Samuel Waldo and the said Capt. John Carrell having given Bond for them to Indemnify the Town as the Law Directs. September, 18, 1736. Viz*. [8.] Elizabeth Lamb, Wife of William Lamb. Sally Lnmb, Daughter of Ditto. Betty Lamb ^ Nancy Lamb I o • . c- ^ ^ r t i_ Nellie Lamb I '^P^^^^ters, Sisters to m^ Lamb. Beckee Lamb J Agnes Procter, Wife of Thomas Procter. Mary Burton, Single woman Thomas Howard, Son of William Howard. Honora Cinae, Wife of Dinish Cinae. Peter^ } ^^^^^ their Children Twelve Persons in all. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 29, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Eastwicke Ca[)t. Lyman Mr. Clarke Martin Ilnghes Attending According [9.] to Order, (but with- 4 City Document No. 87. out Bondsmen) He was directed to procure a Bonds man for his Wife and Child, and to Attend next Wednesday. Mr. Joseph Kent being Notified to Attend the Select Men, came accordingly, And having given Satisfaction for his Omitting to wait on them, for their Approbation, of his Opening a School for the Mathematicks, Upon his Application therefor, the 28"\ July past. Voted, That m^ Kent be desired to Attend again next Wednes- day, And in the meantime. That John Jeffries Esq"", and Mr. CoU- son, be desired to Enquire of The Rev. m'. Foxcroft and m"". Chauncey (to whose Church the said Mr. Kent belongs) Concern- ing his life and Conversation. Upon Information, That Sarah Marshall, Who has lived for Three years past at Milton, is come into this Town and resides here, being Big with Child, having Nothing whereupon to Sub- sist, and is likely to become a Town Charge, if care be not taken to prevent il, where [10.] fore, Voted, That m'. Savell be and hereby is directed and Ordered, to give Warning to the said Sarah Marshall to depart the Town. Joshua Winslow Esq"". Engaged to Indemnify the Town, from any Charge that may Arise or happen by means of William Stew- ard, his Wife and Two Children, Inliabiting in the Town, Who were lately Imported from Ireland by Capt. Boyd. A Petition of Hugh Hall Esq', tor Licence to Erect a Chaise house, with Timber, as Entred the 28, July past, being Read and Considered, And the Question put. Whether the Prayer of the Petitioner Should be Granted. Voted, In the Negative. October 5, 1738 (sic) Liberty is Granted to m'". George Monk to Dig up the Ground in Orange Street in Order to lay a Drain from his Cellar in Bennets Pasture so Called into the Common [11.] Shore in said Street, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground, and keep the same in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, October 6. 1736. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage M^ CoUson Capt. Eastwicke M"". Clarke Mr. Joseph Kent Attending According to Order ; And the Select Men having maturely Considered of his Request, made the 28"^. July last past. Voted, That the said Mr. Joseph Kent have Liberty to keep a School in this Town, for the Teaching and Instructing Youth &c. in Mathematical Arts and Sciences ; Whilst he continues to behave himself to the Approbation of the Select Men of the Town for tlie time being. [13.] Mr. Josiah Baker, Master of the Copper Engine by the Selectmen's Minutes, 1736. 5 North Meeting house, Informing That m"". Joseph Pearson (One of the Men belonging to the said Engine) is removed to the East- ward. And Proposing m"". Joseph Roberts, as a Sutable Man to be put in his Room, said Roberts being also Present. Voted, That M^ Joseph Roberts be Admitted into Mr. Bakers Company in the Room of m"". Joseph Pearson. Mr. Baker further Proposed, That 'twould be of Service to the said Engine to have a Sled made and fixed at the bottom of it for the more easy and Convenient transporting it from place to place. Voted, That be desired to take that Affair into Considera- tion, and that they would give proper Directions about it. Mr. Benjamin Russell Attending According to Order, And having Signified his Desire to Continue in the Gun house in the Common. [13.] Voted, That the said Russell have liberty to Improve the Southerly half part of the Gun-house so Called, in the Common, Upon his Paying into the Town Treasurer for the time being, for the Use of the Town of Boston, the sum of Thirty Shillings every Quarter of a Year, the said Rent to Commence from the first Day of September last past, He the said Russell to mend the Shingles of the whole House and to deliver up Posses- sion of the Premises at a Quarters Warning. At the same time M'. Russell made a Motion for Purchasing a Peice of Land belonging to the Town, formerly Leased to m''. Joseph Belknap Deceased, at the Rent of Eight Shillings p. annum, which Peice of Land adjoins to Lands of the said Belknap and is Nigh the School house in Queen Street, there yet remaining about Sixty Years before the said Lease expires. Mr. John Bartlet Master of the Sloop Ann, from Philadelphia, is Ordered to Attend next Wednesday, And to give Bond as the Law [14,] directs for Sundry Passengers by him Imported. Ordered, That m"'. Anthony Underwood have the Charge of the Engine which is kept in a House Adjoining to the Old North Meet- ing house, and he is allowed Sixteen men, besides himself Viz*. Anthony Underwood John Smith Benjamin Snelling John Brown Richard Kent James Dowell John Beer Thomas Kyllyng Thomas Bentley Thomas Nowell John Low William Marshall Edward Edes James Clark John Baker Joseph Harley, and Joseph Wakefeild [15.] And in Case, there should happen any Difference at any 6 City Document JS^o. 87. time among them, That they Should want to put out, or take in any Man, Anthony Underwood that has the Charge of the Engine, shall give an Account of the same to the Select Men, for their Allowance, And Orders for their proceeding. And at any time, If a Fire should break out,- the said Underwood is Ordered to Improve the said Engine where he thinks he may do the most Service ; And to take Care, That at no time, the Doors of the Engine house be Obstructed by Snow &c. And to Work the said Engine, Once ever}' Month from the first of April to the first of October ; And to See that the Engine and Pails be kept in good Order. And for their Care and Diligence in the same, the Town at their Meeting March 9'^. 1735, have by a Vote freed them from all other Officers, in the Town for this Year. At a Meeting of the Select Men, October. 13, 1736. [16.] Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage M'. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Eastwicke M'. Clarke The Select Men took into Consideration the affair of the Rails on Boston Neck, which Need Repair, And it Appearing from the Records of the General Court of this Province, August 10. 1723. That the said Posts and Rails were at first Set up at the Province Charge, And that the same is to be effectually maintain'd and kept up, for the future, at the Cost and Charge of the County of Suffolk. Voted, That a Remonstrance, relating to this Affair, be presented to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace next to be holden for the County of Suffolk. Mrs. Marshall Appearing, Informs That her Daughter Sarah Marshall (Single woman) Removed [17.] to Milton about Three Years ago. Where she has lived (with Nathanael Blake) until the July last past, when She return'd to Boston, big with Child. Voted, That m'. Savell be and hereby is directed to Send the said Sarah Marshall back to the Town of Milton again. She being properly an Inhabitant of said Town. Whereas Mehetabel Hatch from Charlestown, lodging at Nathaniel Packer's, being Warned to depart the Town of Boston, Saith She is an Indented Servant to said Packer, Wherefore Voted, That m'. Savell, direct m'. Packer to Attend upon the Select Men at their Meeting next Wednesday. Mr. Treasurer Wadsworth being Present Informs That the Treasury is Empty, and that near Seven Hundred Pounds remain unpaid of the late Draughts made upon him, And Whereas he Expects no Money to be paid in to the Treasury until the New Tax be Collected, He Prays that some [18.] Provision may be made to Enable him to Pay off the said Arrears. Voted, That the Collectors of the Taxes be Notified and Ordered to Appear next Wednesday, In Order to give Bond with Suretya Selectmen's Minutes, 1736. 7 for the faithful Discbarge of their Trust in Collecting the Taxes of the present Year, And that they be Enquired of, relating to any Moneys they may have remaining in their Hands of the last Years Tax. Voted, That John Jeffries Esq'", be desired to Enquire of Col". Edward Hutchinson, If he can favour the Town with the Loan of Four or Five Hundred Pounds, for the Space of Six Months, and to Report thereon. The Town Clerk is directed to give m^ Treasurer Wadsworth a Copy of the Votes for Letting half the Gun House in the Common to m'. Benjamin Russell. ri9.] Upon Information, That John Tuckerman Jun'. has brought into this Town, from Attleborough, a Young Woman with a Molatto Bastard Child. Voted, That m'. Savell be directed to Enquire into that Affair, and to Order said Tuckerman to Attend on the Select men next Wednesday. M'. John Savell being Enquired of, relating to a Servant lately Imported from Ireland, P Capt. Arnold, And for whom said Savell promised to give Bond when required. As Entr'ed Sept. 27. last past. He now Informs the Select Men that the said Young Man is become a Servant to him, as by Indenture exhibited. Appears. At a Meeting of the Select Men, October. 20. 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage M^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lyman M^ Clarke [20.] Mr. John Darrell Coroner, Appearing Informs That One Francis Allen a Sailor Who lately came in from North Carolina with Capt. Wait, was Drowned the last Night at the lower end of the Long Wharf, — Praying, That Care might be taken for his Burial ; And Whereas It Appears That the said Allen had before his Death Receiv'd his Wages and his Discharge from the Sloop to which he belonged. And further that he had nothing left to defray the Charge of his Burial, either here, or at Plimouth, where he was an Inhabitant. Voted, That m^ Savell be, and hereby is directed to take Care that the said Allen be Buried, in the most prudent and frugal manner. At the Province Charge. Mr. Bartholomew Sutton, Master of the Water Engine in Queen Street, Informs That M'. Green who was One of his Company is Dead, and that M^ Peter Ver- [31.] goose is gone to Sea, And Proposing Mess" William Weare and Isaac Vergoose, as Suitable Persons to be put in their Room. The said Weare and Vergoose were Accordingly Approved, and Admitted. 8 City Document No. 87. Mr. Speakman Informs That the Price of Wheat is risen Thirteen Shillings P. Bushell, Praying that the Assize of Bread may be Altered Accordingly. The Petition of the Rev. Samuel Checkley of Boston Clerk, for Licence to Erect a Dwelling house (for his own Use; with Timber in South Street, of the Dimensions of Forty two, and Thirty Six feet and about Stud with a Cambering Roof — Read and Considered, And the Question put. Whether the Prayer of the Peti- tioner should be Granted. Voted, in the Affirmative [22.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, October. 25, 1736. • Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth ^ Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lvman M^ Clarke Mr. Savell Informing That Two Great Gui)S belonging to this Town, now lye on Wentworth's Wharf. Mr. Savell was Ordered to make further Enquiry about them, and to Report thereon to the Select Men. Complaints being made, That the Fence on Boston Neck is out of Repair, the Rails being, many of them, broken, &c. whereby Travellers may be exposed to danger. And it Appearing to the Select Men, by the Records of the Great and General Court, That the said Fence should be kept up, and Maintained [23,] by the County of Suffolk. Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed to Wait upon the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the said County, now Sitting, and in the Name and by Order of the Select Men, Enform the Honourable Court thereof, and to desire they would please to take the same under Consideration. Who Return'd, That he had Accordingly deliver'd the Message. Ordered, That the assize of Bread be now Stated at the Rate of 13/ P. Bushell for Wheat and 3/6 P. Bushell Allow'd for Charges, Which is as follows. Viz*. 01. dr. Of penny White loaf 2/" 13 Wheaten 4/'' 3 Household 5/'' 9 Six pennv Wheaten Loaf l.£ 9/" 4. Nov. 2. 1736 Liberty is Granted to M'. Andrew Tyler to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Ann Street, in Order to lay a [24.] Drain from his Cellar into the Common Shore in said Street, Upon Con- dition, that he forthwith make good the same, and keep it in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. Selectmen's Minutes, 1736. 9 At a meoting of the Select Men, Nov. 3. 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt Eastwicke Capt. Lyman Clarke Capt. Daniel Pecker One of the Collectors of Taxes for the Cur- rent Year, being Sworn before the Select Men, by Anthony Stod- dard Esq'', gave Bond to the Town Treasurer together with Capt. Bartholomew Cheever and m*". Richard Buckley as Sureties in the Sum of £8720. for the said Peckers faithful Discharge of that Office and trust, [25.] as the Law directs. And a Certificate thereof was delivered him, directed to the Assessors of Boston. Mr. Nathaniel Barber, another of the Collectors as above hav- ing been Sworn, Also gave Bond together with M^ David Farnum, and Capt. Caleb Lyman as Sureties, in the Sum of £11452. to the Town Treasurer as aforesaid, Whereof a Certificate was also de- livered, directed as above. Mr. William Rand, another of the Collectors for the Year Cur- rent, having been Sworn as above, gave Bond to the Town Treas- urer, together with M"". Samuel Rand and M^ Thomas Salter, as Sureties, in the Sum of £.4472. And a Certificate thereof delivered directed to the Assessors as above. Whereas the Warehouse belonging to the Town, now in the Occupation of the Mess''*. Dunlop and Crauford will be to be Let from the 11**^. instant. Voted, That M"". Savell be directed to post up [26.] a Notifica- tion thereof over the Door directing Persons to Enquire of the Town Treasurer for further Information. Mr. Savell is directed to Notify M^ Richard Avery to Attend next Wednesday in Order to give Security for his Daughter who came a Passenger with Capt. Crocker from London. At a meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 10, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage M^ Collson Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lyman M^ Clarke Mary Steward, the Wife of William Steward Cooper, and Two Children lately Imported from Ireland in the Brigantine Bootle Capt. Robert Boyd master, are admitted Inhabitants, Upon Con- dition that [27.] Peter Curtice, Carter and Robert Dunlop Labourer enter into Bond in One Hundred and fifty Pounds to In- demnify the Town, as the Law directs. (Which was Accordingly Executed the 12. instant.) Capt. George Beard being present According to Order, Informed the Select Men, That M"". Samuel Waldo, who was now gone to the 10 City Document No. 87. Eastward, had promised him that upon his return home, he would join with him in giving Security to Indemnify tlie Town from Charge by reason of Passengers Imported from Ireland lately by him the said Beard. Accordingly Capt. Beard was directed to Attend at the Town Clerks Office on Fryday next, in Order to Ex- ecute a Bond for that end, on his part. Mr. Tuckerman Appearing According to Order, upon a Motion made to him he readily promised to enter into Bond with One other person, to Indemnify the Town from Charge on Account of a Woman and her Child, he hath lately bro't into his Family [38.] from Swanzey. He was Accordingly Directed to Attend at the Town Clerks Office on Fryday next in Order to Execute the same in a Sum of One Hundred Pounds. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 17., 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage M'. Collson. Capt. Forsyth Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lyman M^ Clafke Mr. Collson made a Motion, Viz*. That M''. Williams be desired to Attend next Wednesday, about the Price of Grain Sold out of the Granary. Ordered, That the assize of Bread be Stated at the rate of 14/ p. Bushell for Wheat and 3/6 p. Bushel Allow'd [29.] for Charges, Which is as follows, Viz*. oz. dr. Of Penny White loaf 2. 10. Wheaten 3'* 15. Household 5" 5. Six penny Wheaten Loaf ll" 7" 13. The Select Men having received Information relating to the High Way in Rumney Marsh which w^ants repair. Voted, That m"^. Jacob Hasey be and hereby is desired to Effect the repair of the said High Way and Bridge near the Meeting house, in the best manner he can for Thirty Shillings, and not ex- ceeding. Capt. George Beard, present, Executed a Bond on his part, of the Penalty of One Thousand l^ounds to Indemnify the Town from Charge on Account of Thirty Seven Passengers Imported by him from Ireland in the Sloop Hannah. Mem°. Nov. 18. 1736 Mr. Stephen Kent, Collector for Rumney Marsh, being Sworn, before Samuel Watts [30.] Esq'', gave Bond to the Town Treas- urer together with Samuel Watts Esq"", and M^ John Brintnall as Sureties, in the Sum of £.500. And a Certificate thereof delivered him, directed to the Assessors of the Town of Boston. Selectmen's Minutes, 1736. 11 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 22, 1736. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lyman Upon Advice of the Small Pox prevailing at Philadelphia, and a Motion made and Seconded for Addressing His Excellency the Governour upon this Occasion, The Question being put ; Voted in the Affirmative. Accordingly, An Address was drawn up, in Order to be presented to His Excellency, as follows Viz*. [31,] To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq"". Captain General and Governour in Chief in and over His Majesties Prov- ince of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. The Petition of the Selectmen of Boston Humbly Sheweth. That Your Petitioners having Advice, That the Small Pox is very prevalent at Philadelphia, and being Appre- hensive the said Distemper may be brought into this Town by Vessells that are hourly expected from thence. We humbly pray your Excellency would please to give Orders, That every Vessel} coming from that port, may be Stopt at the Castle, until the Master and Men have been Examined ; that so all proper Care may be talien to prevent the same from coming amongst us. And your Petitioners as in Duty Bound, [3^,] shall Pray &c. John Jeffries ^ Jon*^. Armitage Alex'". Forsyth [ Select Men. John Eastwicke Caleb Lyman J Boston, Nov. 22. 1736 Copy of His Excellency's Endorsement on the fore going Petition. Sir, I have read the Petition on the other Side, and desire you to Conform to it, by not Suffering any Vessell coming hither from Philadelphia to pass the Castle, till they have been duly Examined and Approved to come up to Town. I am Sir, yo"". most Humble Serv'. J. Belcher To the Hon Lieu*. Governour Phipps, Command"^, of His majes- ties Castle William. At a meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 24, 1736. Present [33:] The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage M-". Collson Capt. Forsyth \ Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lyman M^ Clarke Mr. Savell is directed to warn Thomas Fisher, Master of a 12 City Document No. 87. Sloop, when he shall Arrive from the Eastward, to Attend upon the Select Men at their next meeting after his Arrival, to give Account of One John Lashley, whom he bro't into this Town from Georges. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to Enquire after the Fire Hooks which now are in the Town, See what Condition they are in, And forthwith to Order more to be made and prepared for Use (if there should be Occasion) And it is hereby Ordered, That One of the said Hooks be lodged with each Fire Engine belonging to the Town, for the Towns use as need shall require. Agreeable to a Motion made and Entred [34.] the 29*'\ July, and 11**^. August last past. Capt. Nathanael Oliver, Present, Informed, That he had finished the makmg a New Road or High Way, According to an Agreement entred into with the Select Men, the 4"\ June. 1735. and since, near the County Bridge so Called in Rumney Marsh ; Praying that the Select Men, or some of them would come over and view the same, in Order for his having a Draught on the Treasurer for what remains unpaid for that Work, if they see cause. Accordingly Voted, That Capt. Armitage, M''. Collsou, Capt. Forsyth, Capt. Eastwicke, Capt. Lyman, and M"^. Clarke, be desired as a Commit- tee to repair to Rumney Marsh, as soon as ma}^ be with Conven- ience. That they view the said High Way or Road, See if Capt. Oliver has fully Comply'd with his proposals. And make Report thereon, at the next Meeting of the Select Men. [35.] Voted, That Capt. Armitage be desired to make Sale of the Old Led of the Balcony of the Town House, to those who will give the most for it. Mem°. Nov. 26. 1736 Capt. James Williams together with Gershom Keyes and Josiah Flagg gave Bond of the Penalty of Eleven Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from any Charge on Account of Forty three Passengers by the said Williams Imported from Ireland in the Sloop Two Molly's At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 29, 1736. Capt. Armitage Reported, That According to the desire of the Select Men, As Entred the 24*^. Instant, he had Sold the Old Sheet Led, belonging to the Town house to M"". Henry Gibbs at the rate of £4. 2. 6. p. cw*. The Weight of the whole was S^^'K 2''\ IK [36.] Mr. Savell is to Order Martin Hughes to Attend the Select men at their Meeting next Wednesday. At a meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 1, 1736. Present Capt. Armitage M'. Collson I Capt. Forsyth Capt. Eastwicke Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Martin Hughes Appearing According to Order, but failing to Selectmen's Minutes, 1736. 13 bring Sureties to Indemnify the Town, as he was enjoined to do tho 29*''. Sept. last, and Whereas also Several Complaints have been Exhibited against him, as keeping a Disorderly House. Wherefore, Ordered, That M"". Savell be, and hereby is directed to Cause the said Martin Hughes and his Family to be Carried out of the Town, forthwith, having had Warning to depart According to Law. [37.] Voted, That M^ Savell be, and hereby is directed to prosecute Eobert Kelly for Entertaining One William Jones, in his House, (which said Jones is a Stranger lately come from Connect- icut with Capt. John Hedge and is a poor and Sickly Man) with- out giving Account thereof to the Select Men, or Town Clerk, as the Law, in that Case provided, directs. Mr. Savell is to Inform M"". Rix that the Select men desire him to make some needful Repairs to the Engine House at the Dock, that so the Engine may not receive Damage from the Weather &c. At a meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 6, 1736. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage M^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Eastwicke Cap*. Lyman Mr. Clarke [38.] The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^, Presented to the Select Men an Order of the Great and General Court, Dated Dec. 2, 1736 which is as follows Viz'. In the House of Representatives, Dec. 2, 1736. Ordered, That the Sum of Five Hundred and Seventy Pounds be Granted and Paid out of the Publick Treasury to the Honoura- ble John Jeffries and other Select Men of the Town of Boston by them to be dis[)Osed of for the Consideration Purchase, of a Cer- tain Island in the Harbour of Boston called Raynsford's Island, being between Long Island and the Main Land, near the Town of Hull, to be Used and Improved as a Hospital for the Province, And that the said Select Men 'take Care to have a good and lawful Deed of Sale of the said Island made to William Foye Esq"". Treasurer and Receiver General of this Province, and his Successor and Suc- cessors in said Office from the Owners of the said Island [39.] To and for the only proper Use Benefit and Behoof of the said Prov- ince, to be Improved for a Hospital as aforesaid, and the said M^ Treasurer Foye is hereby fully Authorized and Impowered in the Name and Behalf of this Province to Pass and Execute in due form of Law, a Deed of Sale to Richard Bill of Boston Esq"", of All the Right Title and Estate of the Province to that part of Specta- cle Island with the Buildings and Appurtenances, where the Hos- pital is at present On the Receipt of One Hundred and Thirty Pounds which the said Richard Bill is willing to Pay for the same. And that M'. Treasurer be further directed to Reimburse the sa'd Sum of One Hundred and Thirty Pounds part of the Sum of Five 14 City Document No. 87. Hundred and Seventy Pounds the Consideration Purchase of Raynsfords Island aforesaid Sent up for Concurrence J. QUINCY Sp^^ In Council, Dec. 3. 1736. Read and Concurr'd Consented to, J. Belcher. Simon Frost Dept. Seer''. [40.] Joshua Henshaw Esq', being present Informed the Select Men, That the Owners of the Island called Raynsford Island are come up to Town in Order to Execute a Deed of the same &c. Wherefore, Voted, That John Jeffries Esq''. M^ Collson, Cap*. Eastwicke and Clarke be a Committee to Transact the said Affair with them as above, And the said Committee thereupon Appointed to meet this Afternoon at Two O'Clock at the Exchange Tavern in King Street And gave Order to M^ Savell to Acquaint M'. Henshaw with the same. At a meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 15, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage M^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman M^ Clarke Voted, That M^ Savell be, and hereby [41.] is Directed to Prosecute Daniel Dupee, for taking in William Smith his Wife and Children into his House and not Reporting the same to the Select Men or Town Clerk, as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 22, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage M'. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman M"-. Clarke John Lashly is Admitted an Inhabitatit of this Town upon Thomas Fisher's giving Bond in the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. A Motion being made relating to M'. Samuel Banister, Viz*. That he had not fulfill'd his Promise made to the Select [42.1 Men, and Entred Aug. 25. last past, of Filling up the Holes, by his Order, made in the Common, which is Prejudicial to the said Common. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Lyman, and M'. Clarke be a Committee fully Irapowered to take some Effectual Method to have the same Comply'd withal. The said Committee are also desired to Enquire into the Trespass made in Davie's Lane so Call'd, Consider what is proper to be done relnting thereto And to make Report thereon. Capt. Lyman Reported, That he bad let the Town's Warehouse Selectmen's Minutes, 1736. 15 (late in the Occupation of Mess" Dunlop and Crawford) lo M^ Thomas Perkins, for Six Months Certain, from the 18"\ Day of November last past. After the Rate of Forty Pounds p. Annum. Mr. Clarke Informs, That M'. Solomon Hewes Acquainted him that M"". Ludgate (in their Passage from the [43.] Eastward) In- formal him of a Law Suit, he with others had depending in August Court with the Town, and that If he would get himself put up for a Jury Man to Serve in the Cause, he would give him a Reward of some Land he had at the Eastward. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 27, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage M^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. L^man M^ Clarke Samuel Adams Esq^ and M"". Edward Gray, Appearing, In- formed the Select Men, That they, together with Others, had lately made a Purchase of Bartons Rope- Walk, so Called with de- sign to lay open the same for a Publiek High Way, or Street, for the Use of the Inhabitants Proposing to [44,] Offer the same to the Town for their Acceptance, And also desired the Select Men would please to take a time to View it, in Order thereto. At a meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 29. 1736. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman M^ Clarke James Bowler, Upholder, Who Works with M"". Paine, Appeared According to Order, And Informed the Select Men. That Some- time in the Summer past While he was at work wnth M"". Lucas he Saw M''. Samuel Banister with Several Labourers Diging up Stones in the Common to which he is ready to give his Oath when called thereto. [45.] At a meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 30. 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lvman M^ Clarke Joseph March, Mate of the Sloop Ann and Abigail John Bartlet Master, being present, And Sworn by The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq^ Was Examin'd upon Oath, Who Informs as follows. Viz'. That the said Sloop came from Philadelphia in November last, at which time the Small Pox was very rife in that Place tho' not 16 City Document No. 87. very Mortal ; That her Loading Consists of Iron, Flower and Hemp, which Loading was taken on board about the middle of November last ; That the Number of Persons on board are Twelve, Seven of which are Passengers ; That Seven of the said Persons never had the Small Pox ; And that to the best of his Knowledge, they never were [46.] near any Infected place ; That they were all in health, and had been so all the Passage ; That the Distemper was not nearer than a quarter of a Mile of the place where the said Sloop lay. At a meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 31, 1736. Doctor Davis being present by desire of the Select Men, and being Enquired of relating to the Sloop above mentioned gave it as his Opinion, That there may be danger of Infection from them, if they Should be permitted to come up to the Town at present. Whereupon Voted, That the said Sloop Ann and Abigail be not permitted to come up to this Town 'till further order. But that the said Master be careful to Air the said Sloop, to put his Hemp, Bedding and Cloaths on Shore to be aired, and that he Strictly Observe and Conform to the Laws of the Province in this Case made and provided. [47.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, January 5, 1736. Present, The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Upon a Motion made by m^ Benjamin Bagnall &c. Owners and Freighters of the Sloop Ann and Abigail John Bartlet master from Philadelphia. Voted, That the said Sloop Ann , and Abigail may be permitted to come up into this Harbour without any danger of Communicat- ing any Infection to the Inhabitants ; Provided the Passengers and Sailors, with their Bedding and Cloaths, and also the Hemp on Board, be all put on Shore below, and not Suffered to be brought up in the said Vessell. Whereupon the following Certificate was given, Viz'. Boston sc. [48,] These may Certify, That We the Subscribers, are of Opinion, That the Sloop Ann and Abigail, John Bartlet master lately arriv'd from Philadelphia, may be permitted to come up to this Town without danger of Communicating the Infection of the Small Pox to the Inhabitants, Provided the Passengers and Sail- ors with their Bedding and Cloaths, together with the Hemp on board, be all put on Shoar below, and be not Suffered to be brought up in the said Vessell. William Pepperell | Just. Samuel Welles j Pads. Selectmen's Minutes, 1736-7. 17 John Jeffries JoN*^. Armitage I Select Men Alex^. Forsyth [- of Boston. Caleb Lyman Jonas Clarke J Endorsed. Suffer the above Vessel to pass to Town. Jan. 6. 1736. To the Commanding officer at Castle William. J. Belcher. [49.] Whereas, some Inconveniences have arisen by means of Persons who have been sent to the Alms house on the Province Charge. For Remedy whereof, Voted, That hence forward no Person be sent (by the Select Men) to the Alms-house before the Consent and Approbation of Two of them at least, be first had and obtained ; And that the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to keep a particular Account of the Names of the Persons so sent from time to time their Cir- cumstances, the Place from whence they came, and by whom Sent. At a Meeting of the Select Men, January 6*^. 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman \ Mr. Clarke [50.] Mr. John Pulley, Brass-founder lately arrived from London, Desires he may have Liberty Granted to Open a Shop in this Town to hang out a Sign, and follow his said Employment. Voted That the said John Pulley have and hereby has Liberty Granted him to open a Shop in this Town, and to Exercise his Calling of a Brass founder and hang out a Sign before his Shop if he see cause. accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 12, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Ricks, master of the Fire Engine at the Dock, appearing, Signified his desire to be dismiss'd from that Service [51.] And Recommended m'. Ichabod Rogers or m"". Joseph Urau as Suit- able Persons to Supply his Place. Mr. Collson making a Motion Concerning the Town's Marsh, on the Neck, Leased to Col°. Lamb. The said CoP. Lamb ap- 18 City Document No. 87. peared with his Lease, and Infoiims that he Improves no more of the said Marsh than his Pred'jcessor did. The Rev. m". Benjamin Allin of Falmouth in Casco Bay Informs that One Henry Kerby (Who Sometim*^ Since was maintain'd at the Alms house in Boston, where hi^ also Died) had an Interest in the Town of Scarborough, which he thinks might be obtained if proper means were used therefor, He offers his Service in that affair, if the Select Men see fit to Employ him therein for one half, or otherwise to do the best he can to recover the same for the Town, Or offers to buy out the Towns Claim thereto and will give Fifteen Pounds for it, and if it shall be obtained without a Law Suit, [52.] he is willing to allow Twenty Pounds. Whereupon, Voted, That Capt. Lyma«u be desired to make En- quiry of the Overseers of the Poor, What Charges the Town has been at on said Keby's account, during the time of his Abode and Maintenance in the Alms house, as before mentioned. Francis Curtis Master of the Brig*. Sarah, being Sworn before the Select Men by the Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq'', and being Ex- amin'd upon his Oath declared. Viz^ That he Sailed from Philadelphia for this Port the 8*^. Dec. last past, that the Small Pox was then in that Place, that his Men, are all in health. That his Lading Consists of Flour, Rice Indian Corn, Butter, and Iron, and that tlie greater part of his Provisions were taken on board by Water, out of another Vessell. Whereupon the following Certificate was given, Viz*. These may Certify, That We the Subscribers are of [53.] opinion, That the Brigantine Sarah, Francis Curtis Master lately Arrived from Philadelphia (in which Place the Small Pox is) may be per- mitted to come up to this Town, without danger of Communica- ting that Infection to the Inhabitants ; Provided the said Master and Sailors belonging to the said Brigantine (Who have never had the Small Pox) with their Bedding and Cloaths, be all put on Shoar below and not Suffered to be brought up in the said Vessel. Samuel Welles } t ^ -o • T I Tvr 4. 1* r Just. Pacis John Metcalfe j John Jeffries ""i Jon^. Armitage Jan. 12, 1736. David Collson Alex^. Forsyth Caleb Lyman y Select Men of Boston At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 19, 1736. ^ Present ♦ The Hon. John Jefiries Esq'". Capt. Forsyth Capt. Armitage Mr. Clarke [54.] Mr. William Lee appearing According to Order Agreed with the Select men to pay Rent for the Town Slip at the lower end of Cross Street, until May last past. Selectmen's Minutes, 1736-7. 19 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 26, 1736. Present Capt. Arnnitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Orange Street being Presented to the Court of General Sessions, and the Select Men Summon' d to appear before the said Court next Monday to answer to the same. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, m"*. Collson, Capt. Lyman and m'". Clarke Attend upon the Court of Sessions on Monda}^ next at 9 O'clock, Accordingly. Mr. John Dennie desires to Hire the Towns Ware house, in tlie present Occupation of [55.] m"^. Thomas Perkins, when the said Perkin's time in it Expires, which will be May 18*^. next ensuing. Capt. Lyman Informing That Sundry Hooks &c. which were Used at the Dock Market, were now in the Hands of the Widow Eastwicke. Voted, That Capt. Lyman be desired to go to m""'. Eastwicke's with m"^. Savell and receive the said Hooks, and Secure them in the Town Clerks Office, for the Towns Use. Whereas one Catharine Drillingwater alias Davis, is lately come into this Town from Rhode Island. Voted, That m'" Savell be, and hereby is directed to Warn the said Drillingwater alias Davis to depart the Town. Voted, That m"". Savell be, and hereby is directed to prosecute in the Law John Osgood for receiving and entertaining the said Drillingwater alias Davis, and not reporting the same to the Select Men or Town Clerk as the Law directs. [56.] Mr. Savell is Ordered to Receive of m"". Andrew Lane the money which he received of Capt. William Pattin by Order of the Select Men and to pay the same to Doctor Kennady for the Care of the said Pattin's Servant. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 31, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt, Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Jonathan Loring Informs that m^ Onesiphorus Tilestone has obstructed the Water course in Long lane so Called Whereby the Cellars in the Neighbourhood are fiU'd with Water, and that lane made unpassable without great Difficulty, Praying the Select men's direction in that Affair. [57.] Voted. That Capt. Armitage, m^ Collson, Capt. Lj- man and m^ Clarke be a Committee to View the same, and Report what they think may be proper to be done therein. 20 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 2, 1736. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt Lyman Mr. Clarke Upon Information, That John Boyd and his Wife, are lately come to reside in Rumuey Marsh and are at the House of John White ; and also Samuel Breeden with his Wife and Children at the House of Thomas Douglass, Which Persons have not given Security to Indemnify the Town of Boston — Wherefore Voted, That m"". Stephen Kent the Constable of Rumney Marsh be desired to warn the said Persons to depart the Town in Fourteen Days, as the Law directs. [58.] Hannah Lamson the Wife of Joseph Lamson and Ben- jamin Lamson their Son, are admitted Inhabitants, Upon Condi- tion that Richard Surcomb and Thomas Barnard give Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds to Indem- nify the Town of Boston as the Law directs Stephen Minot Esq^ Appeared and Proposed to take a Lease of the Town's Tenement and Lands on the Neck which were formerly Leased to his Father, At the Annual Rent of Fifty Pounds. Mr. John Harris appeared also on the same Account offering Forty Pounds Annual Rent for the said Tenem*. and Lands. A Motion was made and Seconded, Viz. That the Gentlemen the Overseers of the Poor be desired to Exhibit the Acco*'. of the Province Poor maintained in the Alms house, unto the Great and General Court for their Allowance an- nually. [59.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 9, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Whereas the Annual meeting for the Choice of Town officers draws near, and by a late Law of this Province, the assessors of each Town and District are required to lodge with the Clerk of their respective Towns and Districts, An Attested Copy of their List and Valuations of Estates and Faculty s, in Order to determine any Disputes which may happen to arise, respecting the Qualifica- tions of Persons offering their Votes at the said meeting. Voted, That the Town Clerk be, and hereby is directed to Wait upon the Gentlemen the assessors of this Town, and desire them Seasonably to deliver him [60.] an attested Copy of such their List and Valuation for the year currant, as the Law directs, to be produced for the Purpose aforesaid, as there shall be occasion. Upon a Motion made and Seconded, The Town Clerk was di- rected to Cause Advertisements to be posted in Several places. Viz*, at the Corner near the Swing Bridge, Colo. Wendell's Ware- Selectmen's Minutes, 1736-7. 21 house, m^ Faneuil's Warehouse, and at m". Skinner's at the North end, Notifying such Persons as are desirous to be admitted Porters in the Town of Boston, to attend upon the Select Men, Who will meet upon AVednesday in the afternoon for that purpose, accord- ins: to an Act of the Great and General Court in that Case made and provided. Voted, That m'". Savell be directed to Wait upon His Majesties Justices of the Peace within this Town, and inform them. That the Select Men desire a meeting with them at the Council Chamber, on Fryday next at Five o'Clock in the Evening, [61.] in Order to Agree upon, and appoint the time for a General Visitation of the Town, According to Custom. Voted, That the Select Men do go over and View the Towns house and Land on the Neck, in order to their Leasing out the same a New, and also to See whether the Late Lessee has left the said House, Fences Ditches &c. in good repair, According to the Tenor of the Lease and that this Service be attended Tomorrow at Three O'clock afternoon. An Acco'. of the Province Poor Maintained in the Alms house to the 15^^. of May last, was this Day Examined by the Select Men, Signed and P^xhibited to the Hon^^®. Committee of Council. Voted, That William Shirley Esq"", be Allow'd and paid the Sum of Three Pounds in Consideration of his Attendance on the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, at the desire of the Select Men, to defend the Town Against [62.] a Presentment Exhibited relating to a Nusance at the Town Dock ; And That Capt. Lyman be desired to advance the money to m^ Shirley accordingly. Mr. Uran, accompanied m^ John Hood, and propos'd him as a Proper Person to be Enlisted in the Company belonging to the Dock Engine, if the Select Men should approve of him for that Service, and in order thereto the said Hood was directed to seek for a Dismission from the Company of Trained Bands under Command of Capt. John Wendell. Whereas m"". Savell has been ordered to Prosecute Robert Kelly, Daniel Dupee and John Osgood, for receiving and Entertaining Persons in their Houses as Inmates without informing the Select Men or Town Clerk thereof Contrary to an Act directing the admission of Town Inhabitants, made in the 4"^. & 5*^. of George the Second. Which Law expired the Tenth [63.] of November la«t past, Therefore Voted, That m^ Savell be and hereby is Directed to drop the said Prosecutions, for the reasons aforesaid. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 16, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke James McCollogh presenting an acco*. for Diet and Nursing One William Jones, who died at his House ; The Town Clerk is 22 City Document No. 87. hereby directed to Certify to the overseers of the Poor, that ^he said William Jones was a Stranger. Mr. Savell is ordered to go to m\ Draper and desire him to forward the Printing off The Acts for Regulating the Choice of Petit Jurors, and for Regulating the Porters within the [64.] Town of Boston, with all Convenient Speed. Whereas by a Law of this Province, made and passed in the late Session of the Great and General Court. The Select Men of Boston are Impowered to State the Wages of Porters to be admitted and Employ'd as such within the said Town. Voted, That m"". Savell be and hereb}^ is directed to Wait upon the following Gentleman and others, desiring them to favour the Select Men with Mem°. of the Wages they usually Pay the Porters they employ, for their Labour, as particularly as they can and that he make a report to the Select Men next Wednesday. The Hon. William Clark Esq"-. The Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq^ The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq^ The Hon. John Osborne Esq'. Samuel Sewall Esq*". Joshua Winslow f^sq'. Henry Deriug Esq^ Mr. John Wheelwright Mr. Henry Caswall Mr. Thomas Hubbard Mr. Tho^ Cushing Jun^ Mr. Edw*^. Bromfield Mr. John Traill Mr. Jon*". Simpson Mr. Thomas Boucher. [65.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 23, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq*". Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke The Select Men having taken into Consideration the Offer made by Stephen Minot Esq^ as Entred the 2. Feb. instant of Hiring the House and Lands on the Neck belonging to the Town, lately Leased to Simon Rogers Deceased, which Lease Expired the 28'^. Day of January last past ; The Leasing out of said House and Land having been duly advertised according to Order. Voted, That the said House and Lands be Leased to Stephen Minot Esq"", for the Term of Seven years Commencing the 28'^'. of January last past, at the Annual Rent of Fifty Pounds, to be paid half yearly, in Bills of Credit on the Province of the Mass*^. Ba}*. [66.] To the Treasurer of the Town of Boston for the time being. The said Minot to uphold and keep the said Tenement, Fences Ditches and Drains, in good tcnantable repair ; and also to keep Selectmen's Minutes, 173G-7. 23 the High Way from the little house, on the South east Side of the Way, to the Boundary line between Boston and Roxbury in good repair the whole term of Seven years aforesaid. And to pay all the Taxes, And to make no Alteration, nor take any under tenants without the Approbation of the Select Men for the time being, And at the Expiration of the said Term quietly and peacea])ly to deliver up the Possession of the Premisses in good tenau table repair, without Stroy or Demolishment, ExtraordinaryCas uallies Excepted, unto the Select Men for the time being. And the Town Clerk is Ordered to prepare Indentures accordingly. Capt. Nathanael Oliver informing that he had fulfill'd his agree- ment relating to the Making a New Road thro' some part of his Farm, and desiring the Select Men [67.] would please to appoint Day to come over and view the same. Voted, That the Select Men Attend that Service on Fryday next if the Weather prove Suitable, and if not on Saturday if the Weather be fair. John Jeffries Esq"*, informs That it is the desire of m"". John Gibbins to have Liberty to build a Tomb in the South Burying place. John Jeffries Esq'', desires to hire the Herbage of the Old bury- ing place, Capt. Armitage Signifying his Willingness to resign it in May next.* William Felsted Ironmonger lately arrived from Jamaica, Prays Liberty to open a Shop and to Exercise his said Calling in this Town, having bro't Considerable Effects with him. It happening that His Majesties Justices of Peace could not Conveniently meet with [68.] the Select Men according to their desire as Entred the 9'^. instant. Voted, That m*". Savell be and hereby is directed to Wait upon them again and to Signify to them, that the Select men desire they would meet with them on Monday next in the Evening, at the Council Chamber, in order to agree upon and Appoint a time for a general Visitation of the Town if they see Cause. Upon a Motion made. The Question was put, Whether the Badges of the Porters shall be made upon the Town's Cost and Charge ? It was Voted in the Affirmative. Voted, That a Committee be Chosen out of the Select Men to provide Badges to be made for the Porters to be admitted and Em- ployed in the Town. Accordingly. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Jonathan Armitage & Mr. Jonas Clarke be a Committee for that End. [69.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 28*^. 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth 24 City Document No. 87. Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. John Phillips appearing, desired Liberty to put up a Post before his House in Cornhill Street, in order to hang a Sign thereon, which was left for Consideration 'till the Select men had view'd the place Mr. Elias Parkman Appearing desired that he with m'". Thomas Stoddard might Hire the Ferry between Boston and Winisimet, the late Lease expiring this Day. Ordered, That the assize of Bread be Stated at the Rate of 14/ p. Bushell for Wheat, and 3/6 p. Bushell Allow'd for [70.] Charges, Which is as follows, Viz*. oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 2 10 Wheaten 3 15 Household 5. 5 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1^^. 7. 13. At a Meeting of the Honourable His Majesties Justices of the Peace, with the Select Men (at their Desire) in the Council Chamber. Feb. 28. 1736. A General Walk, or Visitation of the Town was then Agreed upon According to the following Order or Sortment Viz'. In Twelve W^ards, according to the late Division of the Town, as follows. Ward, Number One The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq'. John Ruck Esq^ Capt. Alexander Torsyth Mr. Richard Buckley Mr. John Ludgate Constable [71.] Ward, Number Two The Hon. Joseph Wads worth Esq'. Samuel Greenwood Esq"". Mr. Peter Thomas Mr. William Phillips, Constable Ward, Number Three John Fayerweather Esq'". Capt. Joshua Cheever Capt. Daniel Pecker Mr. Ralph Hart, Constable Ward, Number Four William Tyler Esq'. Jacob Royall Esq'. Capt. Caleb Lyman Dr. William Rand Mr. Harbottle Dorr, Constable Ward, Number Five The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq'. Capt. Jonathan Armitage Capt. Daniel Henchman Mr. Henry Price, Constable [72.] Ward, Number Six William Stoddard Esq'. Selectmen's Menutes, 1736-7. 25 Mr. Thomas Hubbard Mr. John Staniford Mr. Thomas Phillips, Constable Ward, Number Seven Hugh Hall Esq"-. Capt. Jeffery Bedgood Mr. Joshua Blanehard Mr. Thomas Clark, Constable Ward, Number Eight Henry Bering Esq"" John Walley Esq''. Mr. Daniel Loring Mr. Samuel VVeutworth, Constable Ward, Number Nine Samuel Sewall Esq"". Joshua Winslow Esq''. John Hunt Esq*". Mr. Jonas Clarke [73.] Ward, Number Ten The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq'. Francis Borland Esq'. Mr. Andrew Eliot Mr. Edward Bulkley, Constable Ward, Number Eleven The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Major Samuel Sewall P^sq^'. Mr. Edward Bromfield Mr. Benjamin Goldthwait, Constable Ward, Number Twelve The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'. Timothy Clarke Esq'. Samuel Adams Esq'. Mr. David Collson Mr. James Gibson, Constable The Time Appointed for this Visitation is Fryday next, the 4th. of march, if the Weather be fair at 9 O'Clock in the Morning, And to meet together in the Evening of the said Day, at the Council Chamber. The Town Clerk is desired to give forth Copies [74.] of the above Order or Sortment accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 2**. 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Jonathan Williams desires the Select Men to meet at His House tomorrow afternoon, in order to Examine the Granary account. 26 City Document No. 87. Voted, That m''. John Phillips have Liberty to set up a Post before his House in Cornhill Street in order to bang a Sign there- upon, According to the direction of Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Ly- man, When they Shall have Viewed the place. As Entred the 28'\ Feb. last past. [•75.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 4, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Voted, That Monday the 14'^. of March instant, be appointed for the Town's meeting, for the Choice of Town officers &c. The Meeting to begin at 9 o'Clock, in the Morning, and m'. Savell is ordered to Speak to the Sextons to Ring the Bells accordingly. Voted, That Doctor Sewall be desired to Open the said Meeting with Prayer. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq', and Capt. Armitage be a Committee to Wait upon Dr. Sewall and to desire he would Attend that Service. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Lyman and [76.] m'. Clarke, be a Committee to Provide a Dinner for Fifty Persons, on the 14*^. instant, at m'. Wardells, Who are desired to give Orders Accord- ingly. Vot d. That Eight Shillings a peice be and hereby is allowed to the Constables of the Town of Boston, to provide a Dinner for themselves, on Monday the 14*^. instant. At a meeting of the Honourable His Majesties .Justices of the Peace, with the Select Men of Boston, March 4. 1736 It was then Agreed by the said Justices and Select Men, that they would once a month or oftner Walk by Night in the Twelve Wards of the Town, as it is now Divided, to Inspect the Watches, and Suppress or prevent Disorders, According to the order or Sortment then made. [77.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 7, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants to the Con- stables of Boston. In His Majesties Name requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants Qualified as the Law directs to Convene at tlie Town House on Monday next the 14'^ Current at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon, Then and there to N<'minate Selectmen's Minutes, 1736-7. 27 and Chuse meet Persons to Serve the Town the Year ensuing, As, Select Men, Town Clerk, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, and other Town Officers, as the Law directs. To Grant such Sura or Sums of money as shall be judged Needful for the Relief of the Poor, and defraying other necessary [78.] Charges ; To Consider what may be proper to do relating to One of the Tracts of Land Granted to this Town by the Great and General Court, not as yet Compleated ; As also of some more Effectual method lor prevent- ing the Danger of Fire by Chimneys ; Providing the Town with Wood ; And further to Consider the Affair of Erecting a Work house ; and to Receive the Reports of Several Committees. To agree upon, Conclude and finish such other matters and things, as were under Consideration at former meetings. And Continued to be further debated at this and also such other matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this meeting. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Lyman, be a Committee to project and provide a Convenient Box to hold the Tickets, or Names of the Inhabitants, qualified to Serve on the Petit Jury, Agreeable to an Act of the Great and General Court, for the Regular [79.] appointment of Petit Jurors, made and passed in their late Session. At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 9, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke The Select Men Executed a Lease of the Towns Tenement and Several Peices of Land upon Boston Neck, to Stephen Minot Esq^ for the Term of Seven Years Commencing the 28"\ of Janu- ary last past, At the Rate of Fifty Pounds p. annum, to be paid at Two equal Payments, VizK Twenty five Pounds part thereof on the 28"\ Day of July, and Twenty five Pounds residue thereof upon the 28*. Day of January, Yearly and every Year during the said Term. [80.] Jane Dyer the Wife of Christopher Dyer with her Daughter about Eight years old (from Brookline) are admitted Inhabitants. Upon Condition that Mr Cornelius Waldo become their Bondsman, in the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds, to In- demnify the Town, as the Law directs Mrs. Catherine Davis* from Newport appearing According to Order, informed that Robert Auchmuty Esq'', would become her Bondsman to Indemnify the Town According to Law, accordingly Ordered to attend, next Wednesday. [81 .] At a Meeting of the Select Men, March, 16, 1736. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq . Capt. Jonathan Armitage 28 City Document No. 87. Mr. David Collson Capt. Alexander Forsyth Capt. Caleb Lymau Mr. Jonas Clarke Mr. Thomas Hutchinson Juu^ Agreeable to an Order of the Select Men, made and Entred the 13'^ Day of July, 173G. Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to give forth to the Constables, Lists of the Names of those that have lately been Chosen to Serve the Town in Several Offices the year ensuing, And that they be Ordered to Summon and Warn each and every of the said officers. Of whom an Oath is by Law re- quired to Appear before One of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, at the Town Clerks Office, Upon Monday next the 2r*. of March Currant [82.] at Four O'Clock afternoon. In order to their being Sworn to the faithful Discharge of their respective offices and Trusts, as the Law directs. And that Major Samuel Sewall Esquire, be desired to Administer the Oaths to them accordingly. William Felsted Iron monger from Jamaica desiring Liberty to Open a Shop and Exercise his said Calling in this Town, As Entred the 23^. February last, Having bro't Effects of Con- siderable Value with him, to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. Liberty was Granted him Accordingly. Whereas the Lease of the Ferry between Boston and Win- nisimet Expired the first instant. And that so it happens the same has not been Advertised, Nor any Publick Notice given thereof according to the Order of the Town in that Case provided. Therefore, Voted, That the Town be Informed hereof, at their Meeting by adjournment the 29'^^. Currant, That so they may give direction in the Affair, as to them shall seem best. [83.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 23, 1736. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Samuel Adams Esq'", being Present, desiring the Select Men to run the line, in Order to Ascertain the breadth of Summer Street, at the lower end thereof, near the Sign of the Bull ; It was agreed. That the Select Men would meet at the said Place, Tomorrow Morning, at half an hour after Eight t)'Clock, to Attend that Service. Colonel William Ward of Southborough being Present, In- formed that he with his Associates were desireous of making a Purchase from the Town of Boston, Of the Three Tracts of Land lately Granted to them by the Great and General Court. And accordingly Offered to give the Sum of Twenty One Hundred Poimds [84.] for the said Three Tracts, if the Town should See Cause to accept thereof. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 29 Mr. Andrew Lane Also appearing Informed, That lie wjis desirous to Purchase the Three Tracts of Land lately Granled to the Town of Boston, And Accordingly Offered to give Fifteen Hundred Pounds for the same. Upon a Motion made, It was Ordered, 'l hat the Town Clerk be AUow'd to deliver to the Scavingers of the Town, the By-Law whicli relates to the Duty of their Office, Gratis, If he has any number of the said Laws lying in tlie office. Whereas Upon the Petition of Sundry Persons as Entred at Several times. Liberty was Granted for the Erecting a Number of Tombs in the South Burying place, Which Work being Compleated and finished ; The Tombs Allotted and drawn, and a List of them presented to us for Confirmation. [85,] Voted, That the Thirteen Tombs lately Erected in the South Burying place. Numbered from Sixty Eight to Eighty, inc lu- sive be and hereby are Granted and Confirmed unto the Persons hereafter named, their Heirs and Assigns respectiveh' forever, Upon the following Conditions, Viz^ That they, and each of them, their Heirs and Assigns, Do from time to time forever here- after, at their own proper Costs and Charges [86.] Uphold maintain and keep in good repair, the Brick Wall or Fence with Carts on the Top of the same, as it is now built, and of the full Breadth of each of their respective Tombs, to the Satisfaction of the Select Men of the Towns for the time being, Paying each his Proportion for the Benefit of the Drain as has been Custom arj-. Mem^ March, 25. 1737 Liberty is Granted to Mess'*'. Friswell andTorrey to take up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Water Street in Order to Clear their Drain, Upon Condition that they fortiiwith make good the Ground again, and lay the Pavement, keeping the same in good repair from time to time, to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, March, 28, 1737. — Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq*". Viz^ No. Sixty Eight Sixty Nine Seventy Seventy One Seventy Two Seventy Three Seventy Four Seventy Five Seventy Six Seventy Seven Seventy Eight Seventy Nine Eighty^ Mr. Richard Checkley Mr. Jonathan Williams Jun"". Mr. Thomas Hubbard Mr. Benjamin Emmons Mr. John Indicott Mr. Joshua Blanchard Mr. EiVard Gray The Hon. John Osborne Esq"". Mr. P'dmund Quincey Mr. Thomas Jackson Mr. Isaac Walker Mr. John Buttolph Mr. Joseph Green Capt. Armitage^ Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth 30 City Document No. 87. Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [87.] Upon Information that Grover's Bridge so Called, in Riimney Marsh, near the Entrance upon Capt. Olivers Farm, is much out of repair by means of the late great Freshets. Voted, That Capt. Nathanael Oliver be and hereby is desired to take Care that the said Bridge be Speedilj" Repaired in the best and most frugal manner that he can. Whereas some evil Minded Persons have Saw'd Assunder Sev- eral of I he Posts of the North Market house, whereby the same is much Weakned, and in danger of falling whereby Persons passing by, or Children playing therein may be hurt, or their lives lost. Voted, That Care be Speedily taken to Secure the same, by Nail- ing on Some Peices of Plank, for the present necessity, and to prevent the danger aforesaid. [88.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, March, 30, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants to the Con- stables of Boston, In His Majestie's name Requiring them forth- with to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town qualified as the Law directs to Convene at the Town House, on Tuesday the 5'^. of April next, at Nine of the Clock in the fore- noon, In order to Chuse a Suitable Person to Succeed m^ Jona- than Williams (Deceased) in the Care and Oversight of the Gran- ary. To Consider what may be proi)er for the Town to do, relating t > tlie Removal of the said Granary ; as also what may be further necessary to be done towards the Ere( tinii: and Settling a Work house. To Consider also the Desire of [89.] Sundry In- habitants for appropriating the markets to some other Use ; and to Receive the Reports of the Select Men, on Several Affairs. To agree upon. Conclude and finish such other Matters and things as were under Consideration at former meetings, and Continued to be fuither Debated at this, As also such other matters as ma}' be proper for their Consideration at this meeting. Mrs. Elizabeth Ilincke, dt^siring Liberty to keep a School in this Town, for the Teaching and Instructing Children in Sewing, in Philligiee and Writing. Liberty was Granted Accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 6"\ 1737 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Cai)t. Armitage ^Ir. CoUson . Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 31 Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [90.] Voted, That nV. 8avel be directed to Wait upon the Gentlemen, hereafter Named, desiring them to favour the Select Men with their Company tomorow at Five O'Clock, at the Town house, In Order to give their Thoughts relating to the Pay, or Wages of Porters to be Admitted and Employed in this Town which by Law. is to be Stated by the Select men. Viz*. The Hon. William Clark Esq'. The Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq"^. The Hon. Jacob Wendall Esq'. The Hon. John Osborne Esq'. Samuel Sewall Esq'. Joshua Wiuslow Esq'. Mr. John Wheelwright Mr. Thomas Hubbard Mr. Thomas Cushing Jun'. Mr. Edward Bromfield Mr. John Trail Mr. Jonathan Simpson Mr. Thomas Boucher Mr. Jeremiah Rhodes informing, That one Tomlinson, a Passenger from Eustatia [91.] in the Sloop Capt. Rhodes Master, came to lodge at his House about Fourteen days since, and that the said Tomlinson died Suddenly Yesterday, leaving noth- ing to Defray the Charge of his Funeral ; Whe eupon Capt. Rhodes was sent for and acquainted therewith. Who Promised to pay the said Expence, and m'. Savell was directed to take Care that it be done accordingly. Voted, That the Town Clerk draw up an Advertisement to be Publish'd in the News Papers next Monday, Giving notice. That the Select Men are appointed and Impowered to I'reat with any Person or Persons Who may be Encxined to Undertake the Settle- ment of Three Tracts of Land lately Granted to the Town of Boston, Upon such Conditions as may be agreed upon ; Or to Purchase the Grant, And that they meet on Wednesdays in the afternoon from Three to Five O'Clock for that End, and that he lay the same before the Select Men for their Approbation on Fryday next. [9'i.] Whereas m'. Frances Willoughby was Chosen, at a Publick Town meeting the o'^\ Currant, Overseer of the Granary, and Informing that tlie Hon. John Osborne and Jacob Wendell Esq'^ Offer to become Sui-eties for his faitti\ul Discharge of the said Trust, in such Sum as shall be to the Satisfaction of the Select Men, According to order of the Town at the said Meet- ing. Voted, That upon the said ni'. Willoughby's giving Bond, with the Hon. John Osborne and Jacob Wendell Esquires as Sureties, unto the Town Treasurer, in the Sum of Two Thousand, Six Hundred Pounds, the Care and Oversight of the said Granary and the Stock of Grain therein, be Committed to him Agreeable to the Town's Order. 32 City Document No. 87. April 12. 1738 (sic) Liberty is Granted to Capt. Samuel White to dig up the Pave- ment and open the Ground in Charter Street, in Order to lay a Drain from his House into the Common Shore in said Street, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Giound and Pavement again, [93.] and keep the same in good repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 13. 1737 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Ljman Mr. Clarke Complaint being made, That some part of the Fence about the North Burying place is lately blown down. Voted. That Capt. Forsyth be desired to take Care that the same be forthwith Repaired. Voted. That John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armit.ige, Capt. Forsyth, Capt. Lyman, and m''. Clarke, be a Committee to Treat with the Gentlemen the Attorneys for the Town in the Case now depending in the Law, between the Town and James Everills heirs, In Order to a Review [94.] of those Actions, at the Superiour Couit, in August next. Whereas the Town at their Meeting in March last have desired the Select Men to take into Consideration, Several Petitions for Paving in Several Streets, View the Places mentioned in them, Compute the Charge, and Report thereon. Voted, to View the Several places or Streets mentioned as above, on Fiyday next the lo*'^. Currant at 9 O'Clock in the Morn- ing, and that m^ Savell be directed to notify m"". Thornton of this Appointment, And desire him to Attend the Select men upon this Business, and to meet them at the said time. It was further Agreed to meet the (jrcntlemen the Mill Owners, to View the High Way to the Mills at the Noith which wants Repair, and after wards View the Market places, Agreeable to the Town's order the 5'^\ instant. Mr. Constable Nathanael Hasey Complaining that he wants a Staff, and that he has made [95.] Enquiry of the late Constable m". Wentworth, in whose Ward he Succeeds, for one, who Ans- wered that he never had One in his Possession. Voted, That m''. Savell be directed forthwith to make Enquiry after the said Staff that is missing, and upon finding it that lie deliver the same to m"". Constable Hasey. Henry Bering Esq"", appearing Informs That m". R-bekah North is come from Piscataqua with a desire to Dwell in this Town, and that She desires Liberty to Open a School for the In- struction of Children in Reading, and the Use of the Needle Offer- ing to give his Bond to Indemnify the Town for five years next coming as the Law directs. Voted, That m". Rebekah North have and hereby has Liberty Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 33 Granted her to open a School for the teaching of Children in- Reading, and the Use of the Needle, Upon Condition that Capt. Dering give Bond in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to indemnify the Town, as above. [96,] At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 15. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Whereas One Nicholas Buddy an Idle and Poor Man has resided in this Town for Several Years past, and is in danger of becoming a Charge to the Town in a Short time, if not Transported. And there being now an Offer made by some of his Friends of Sending him to Jersey (his Native Countrey) Provided they might be Al- lowed the Sum of Five Pounds towards defraying the Charges of his Passage thither. Wherefore Voted, That Capt. Armitage, and m"". Clarke be desired to Treat with the Person or Persons making the said offer, and to pay them a Sum, not Exceeding Five Pounds, Upon Condition that they forthwith [97.] Cause the said Nicholas Buddy to be Transported as above. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April, 15. 1737. present Thereon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lj'man Mr. Clarke Mr. Christopher Kilby being present, offer'd a Letter from Capt. Samuel Waterhouse, directed to William Clark P^sq"". dated at Nantasket, April 15*^. Informing That he had been Twelve Weeks from London, and Seven from Cork; lhat they had been Visited with the Small Pox, Four of his Company having had it. One of whom he put on Shore in the Downes, Another Died at Sea, and Two were recovered. And that they have all been well for Four Weeks past, Since which he had taken all Possible care to Cleanse his Ship, tlirowing overboard all the Bedding and Cloathes [98.] which belonged to the Persons that had been Sick ; That he had Three Passengers and his Loading was of English Goods and Hemp. Voted, That the Ship be brought up from Nantasket to Spectacle Island, and come to Anchor as near the Hospital there as they can. That the Select Men will visit the Ship Tomorrow and make further Enquiry relating to t!iis Affair. And Gave order for the Master in the mean time throiigly to Smoke his L^'tters, in Order to their being bro't up. 34 City Document No. 87. April 16, 1737. Upon Inf()rm:itiou of the arrival of Capt. Watcrhouse, as Entred Yesterday, The vSelect Men this Day Visited the Ship in Company with Joshua Winslow Esq^ Who Administred the Oath lo Capt. Waterhouse in Order to his Examination. Which is as follows, Viz*. Off Spectacle Island, Apr. 16, 1737. Capt. Samuel Waterhouse of the Ship Sarah Galley from London Declares That [99.] he left the Downes the 29*^. of January List ; That two or three Days before he Sail'd he Sent a Man ashore at Deal who was Sick of the Small Pox; and about the 10'^. Feb- ruary, his Boy was taken Sick, and about Three Days afterwards, the Small Pox came out upon him ; And on the 17"'. another Person was taken ill of the said Distemper, both which Recovered in about Three Weeks, and are now very well, That about the 14*^. February, George Sherburn was taken 111, and Died the 11*^. of March ; and the next Day the Ship was throughly Clean'd, And all the Cloathes belonging to the Sick Persons that were Used by them in thek Sickness were thrown overboard ; And further. That the lower Hfttches of the Ship are well Caulk'd and had not been opened since they came out. That there is Stow'd between Decks, Nine Bags of White oakham, about Twenty Chests of Lemmons, and one Case of Goods. Left Directions with the Captain, to get his Cables on Deck and Cleanse them very well ; And ordered him and his Company to [100.] Continue here till further Orders and Suffer no Person to come ou board. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 20, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. L37man Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Stephen Norwood (with his Wife and Child) being come from Lynn, to dwell in this Town, and desiring Liberty to Open a Shop and to Exercise his Calling of a Blacksmith, in the Town. Voted, That Libei ty be Accordingly Granted hhn upon Condition that before he Open his said Shop he enter into Bond to the Town Treasurer with Two Sureties, Viz^ His Grandfather and Father both of said Lynn, or either of them with m'. Henry Giblton [101.] of Boston, in the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, to In- demnify the Town for Five Years, as the Law directs. Mr. Anthony Underwood, Master of the Engine kept near the Old Norih Meeting house being present, Informed that one of his Company w;is dead, Naniely John Smith and at the same lime recommended William Stone as a Suitable Person to be put in the llooin of the said Smith, if the Select Men should See cause to approve t.iereof. m"". Stone being also present. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 35 Voted, That^P. William Stone be, and hereby is Admitted One of ni"". Anthony Underwood; Company, in the Hoom of m^ Joliii Smith, Deceased. Mr. William Maccarty bein'j: Present desires Liberty to remove a Chaise house to the East rly Corner of m^ Thompsons L;ind in King Street, under the Care of m". Thomas Gushing Jun^ In Order to Use the same for a Butchers Shop. Which motion being Maturely Considered [103.] The Ques- tion was put. Whether the Prayer be Granted? Voted, In the Negative. Mr. Charles Coffin appeared, desiring Liberty to Set up a Post in Ann Street before his House there in order to hang a Sign thereon, proposing the same to Stand about Six feet off, from hi.s said House. Accordingly the Motion being Considered, and the Question being put. Whether the Prayer of the Petitioner Should be Granted? In Consideration of the TSTarrowness of the said Street, and that the Setting up a Post there would much incommode it. Voted, In the Negative. Upon a Representation of the Insufficiency of the Pound. Voted, That the same be forthwith put into good repair. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, m''. Collson and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to See the said Repairs Effected in the best man- ner. [103.] Complaint being made, That the Windows and Case- ments of the South Writing School house. Stand in need of Re- pair ; And also that some Alterations in them would very much accommodate the said School. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, m"". Collson, and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to Effect the Repairs and Alterations needful in said School house, in such manner as they shall think most proper and Convenient. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, m"". Collson and Capt. Lyman be desired to take Care of the Trees planted in the Common, to Sup- ply the Vacancies, if any be, to have them Water'd, &c. as need shall require for the Year ensuing. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, m''. Collson and Capt. Lyman be a Committee, to take the Care of Repairing the High Way on Boston Neck, and Also One of the Posts of the Fortification Gate. It being Represented, That sjreat Numbers of Persons daily repair to the South end of [104.] The Town Forestalling and Engrossing Provisions ])efore it is brought into the Town Contrary to a By-Law in that Case made and provided. . And although Matthias Cowdrey is already Appointed to take Care to prevent the same, and Also to See that the other By-Laws of this Town nre duly put in Execution, Yet we find by m*". Cow- drey's Information tliat it's a very Difficult thing for him to Con- vict any Persons transgressing the said By-Laws for wi nt of sufficient evidence and where by Offenders often Escape Punish- ment. Wherefore Apprehending it might be for the Service < f the Town in general, and a means to prevent the forementioned inccn- 36 City Document No. 87. venience in particular if some Suitable Person were Appointed join with m''. Cowdrey in the said Business. Voted. That Ebenezer Wiuburne be and hereby is appointed to join with and Assist m'". Cowdrey in taking Care, that the By-Laws of this Town are duly [105.] put in Execution, For the Space of One Month next coming. Whereas Catharine Davis from Newport has for some time past been under Warning to Depart this Town, which Still She neglects to do ; And it also appearing to us that the said Davis is a Person of ill fame. Voted. That m'". Savell be and hereby is directed and Ordered to Cause the said Catharine Davis to be forth with Carried out of this Town. Mr. Christopher Kilby Appearing on behalf of Capt. Mulbery, Capt. Barlow, and m"". Lawrence, Three Passengers in the Ship Sarah Galley, Capt. Waterhouse Commander from London (now detained at Spectacle Island, on Account of the Small Pox having been on Board her, in the Passage) Praying they may have Liberty Granted them to come up to Town. The Select Men having Consider'd the said Motion, Are of Opinion that they the said Mulbery, Barlow, and Laurence may be permitted [106.] to come up to Town without danger of Com- municaliug that Distemper ; Provided They have fresh Apparel both of Linnen and Woolen Sent from hence to Shift them, and that they in no Wise, bring up any of their Clothing or Bedding from said Ship, Or any other thing likely to retain Lifection. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 22<^. 1737. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lvman . Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Upon a motion of m^ Christopher Kilby, Praying the Ship Sarah Galley, Capt. Samuel Waterhouse Commander may be per- mitted to come up to Town from [10*7.] Spectacle Island, where she has been detain'd for some time past. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, Capt. Lyman and m"". Clarke be a Committee to go on board the said Ship, to En- quire into her present Circumstances to give such Directions as they Shall think further Necessary ; and to report their Opinion to the Select Men, as soon as Conveniently they May. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 25, 1737. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Sejlectmen's Minutes, 1737. 37 ~ Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson This Day the Select Men receiv'd a Precept from the Sheriff \)f the County of Suffolk, for Assembling the [108.] Free holders And other Inhabitants for the Choice of Representatives to Serve at the Great and General Court or Assembly, appointed to be held and kept at Boston upon Wednesday the 25*''. of May next. Voted, That the Consideration and Appointment of a Day for the Town Meeting for this Purpose, be left till Wednesda}^ next. Voted, That the Sum of Eighty Pounds be drawn out of the Town Treasury, to be paid into the Hands of the Hon. John Jeffries Esq\ by him to be given to the Attorneys for the Town, in the Review of the Actions between the Town and m'. Everills heirs, about the Town Dock. Mr. Savell Reports, That James Peirce, One of the Watchmen at the Town Dock being Infirm and not able to attend his Duty desires to be released therefrom. Voted, That the said James Peirce be accordingly Discharged, And that Jabez Tuttle be Admitted a Watchman in his Room. [109.] Mr. William More desires time until Wednesday next for Consideration, in Order then to malte an Offer for Pur- chasing One of the Townships Granted to the Town of Boston, and laid out near Deerfield ; Which is accordingly allow'd. Mr. John Clough (Leatherdresser) Prnys for Liberty to Build a Tomb in the South Burying place, next adjoining to the Tomb, Number 80, lately Erected there. Mr. John Earle, of the Engine, kept near the New North Meeting house, Informs that Benjamin Brown One of his Compan}' is Removed to Charlestown ; and Presented David Newell as a proper Person to Supply his place. Provided the Select Men approve thereof. Voted, That m"". David Newell be Accordingly admitted into m"". Earle's Company in the Room of said Brown. Capt. Armitage from the Committee appointed the 22^. Current, to repair on board [110.] the Sarah Galley, riding off Spectacle Island, to Examine into the Circumstances of said Ship. Report as follows. Viz*. That they had attended that Service this Day, and find that Capt. Waterhouse has taken all prudent Care in Cleaning his Ship, taking everything from between Decks, and Scouring the Ship, that he had carried the Oakum he had there, on Shore, and had Spread it. As likewise the Lemmons, But that there remains still on board Two large Cases of Merchandize that h-ive been between Decks during the Voyage ; And that it is their opinion, the Ship may be permitted to come up to Town with Safe'y. Provided the said Two Cases are put on Shore at Spectacle Island, there to remain with the Oakum, And also That the two 1-ersons who have lately had the Small Pox Continue at the Hos- pitnl on said Island until further Order. Voted, to take the above Report under Consideration, at the Meeting on AVednesday next. 38 City Document No. 87. [111.1 Upon Information, That the Extraordinary Rains of late, have damnified the High Ways in liumney Maish, in Several Places. * Voted, That Capt. Nathanael Oliver be and liereby is desired to take under his Care the Necessary Repairs of the said High Way in the best manner he can, to the Value of about Three Pounds. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 27. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Ordered. That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesties Name, Requiring tliem forthwith lo Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston (within [112.] their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. Annum, Of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territority at the least. Or other P^state to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, to Convene at the Town house upon Tuesday the Third of May next, at Nine O'Clock in the forenoon ; then and there to Elect and Depute One, or more Per- sons (being Freeholders and Resident in the Town) according to the number set and limited by an Act of the General assembly To Serve, and Represent tliem in a Great and General Court, Appointed to be Convened held and kept lor His Majesties Service at the Court house in Boston, Upon AVednesday the Twenty fifth Day of May next ensuing, and so De Die in Diem, during their Session and Sessions According to a AVarrant under the Hand and Seal of Edward Winslow Esq"". Sheriff of the County of Suf- folk, bearing Date the 21^*. Day of April Current, In the Tenth Year of His' Majesties Reign. They are alike required to Warn all [113.] the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town duly qualified as the Law directs, to Meet at the same time and place, To Grant such Sum or Sums of Money as may be thought needful for the Relief of the Poor, and Defraying other Necessary Charges ; To Consider some Pro- posals to be made by the Committee for Erecting the Work house relating to that Affair ; As also the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants for laying a Drain from the South burying place into the Common Shoar in Winter Streel ; To Consider also the desire of Sundry Inhabitants, for reviewing the merchants Watch; To Receive the List of such Inhabitants as are qualified to Serve on the Petit Jury, and the Ri'ports of the Select Men, on Several affairs. Voted, That the Rev. m"". John Webb be desired to open the said Meeting with Prayer. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, and Cai)t. Lyman, be a Committee to Wait upon m"". Webb and Inform him of the desire of the Select Men, that he would Attend that Service. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 39 [114.] Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, and Capt. Lymao, be a Committee to Provide a Dinner on the Third of May, at mrs. Wardells for Forty GeDtlemen, Who are desired to give Ordeis accordingly. William Moore, John Harper, William Knox and David Browne in behalf of themselves and Forty or Fifty others, their associates, Presented their Propo-als in Writing for the Purchasing one of the Townships, lately Granted to this Town and laid out near the Town of Deerfield, as follows Viz*. To Give the Sum of Fifteen Hundred Pounds for One of the said Townships (which they Shall Chuse) Paying in hand Five Hundred Pounds ; Five Hundred Pounds more the next year, and the remaining Five Hundred Pounds the Year after ; And to Give Personal Security to the Satisfaction of the Town, for the Payment of the Two last Sums mentioned, at the Time, but without Interest. [115.] And Provided the Town Shall see Cause to Accept the offer, they Propose with all Convenient Speed to View the said Townships and will give their final answer thereon by the last Day of June next. Mr. Andrew Oliver being about to Build a Brick Wall on his Land, Abutting on Oliver Sti-eet desires the Select Men would run the Line between him and the said Street. Mr. John Painter Master of the Sloop Humbird, being Sworn before m''. Justice Fayerweather, Deposetli as follows. Viz'. That he left Philadelphia the Second of April Currant, And that when he came away from thence the Small Pox was much abated And that there were but few ill with it, That he and his three men have formerly had it, as also Two Passengers that came with him Viz^ Ambrose Vincent and John Miffey ; and that his Loading Consists of Bread, Flour and Iron. [116.] Mr. Joseph Spear, Master of the Sloop Friend Ship, being Svvorn before m''. Justice Fayerweather, Deposeth as fol- lows. Viz'. That he left Philadelphia the Third of April Currant, and that the Small Pox was reported to be almost gone ; That he not hav- ing had the Small Pox himself was not in the City, Nor, Three more of his People who never have had it. The other Two had that Distemper formerly ; That his Cargo Consists of Bread, Flour Pork and Iron ; And that while he lay there, and on his Passage, they have all been hearty and well, and so remain. The above Declarations of m'. John Painter, and m"". Joseph Spear, having been Considered and We apprehending no Danger can happen to the Town by reason of their coming up. Voted, That a Certificate, of Our Opinion that they may be Per- mitted to come up to Town, be accordingly given to each of them. Which [117.] was accordingly done as follows. Viz'. Boston sc. These may Certify, That We the vSubscribers, are of Opinion, That the Sloop Ilumbird John Painter Master, from Philadelphia, may be permitted to come up to Town without danger of Communicating the Small Pox to the Inhabitants. April, 27.1737. John Faykrweatheii ) Justices Joshua Winslow | of the Peace. 40 City Document No. 87. John Jeffries ^ David Collson | A LEx^. Forsyth [Selectmen Caleb Lyman [ of Boston Jonas Clarke j Tho^. Hutchinson Jun^. J A Certificate of the same Tenor was Signed and delivered also to m'". Spear. According to Order as Entred the 25*^. instant. Having taken into Consideration the Committees Report j'elating to the Ship [118.] Sarah Galley, Capt. Waterhouse Commander, now at Spectacle Island Voted, That Upon Condition the said Captain put on Shoar and leave at said Island the Oakum and Five Cases which he brought between Decks, with the Two Persons latel}' Visited with the Small Pox, namely Silvanus Dogget and Charles Ward, there to remain till further order. That the Ship and rest of the Company may come up to Town without danger to the Inhabitants from the said Distemper; And that a Ceitificate of Our Opinion, be given to Capt. Waterhouse Accordingly. VViiich was done, and is as follows. Viz*. Boston sc. These may Certify, That We the Subscribers are of Opinion, That the Ship Sarah Galley, Capt. Samuel Waterhouse Commander lately from London, now riding off Spectacle Island may be permitted to come up to Town without danger of Com- municating the Small Pox to the Inhabitants. Provided, [11 9.] tlie Two Persons, Namely Silvanus Dogget and Charles Ward, who were Visited with the Small Pox in their Voyage hither, to- gether with the Five Cases, and the Oakum, which were brought between Decks, be left to remain at the Hospital on Spectacle I^iland, and not Suffered to be brought up to Town until further Order. April, 27, 1737. John Fayerweather ) Justices of Joshua Winslow j the Peace John Jeffries ^ David Collson | Alexander Forsyth ! Select Men Caleb Lyman (of Boston Jonas Clarke | ♦ Tho^. Hutchinson Jun^. J Libertj' is Granted to m'. John Welch to Open the Ground in Green lane, in the Westerly part of the Town and to lay a Drain fiom his Cellar into the Common 8hoar in said Street, Upon Con- dition That he forthwith make good the Ground, and keep the same in Repair from time to time, to the Satisfaction of the Select men. [130.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 29, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Selecimen's Minutes, 1737. 41 Capt. JoDatban Armitage Capt. Alexander Forsyth Capt. Caleb Lvmaii Mr. Jouas Clarke Mr. Thomas Hutchinson Pursuant to the Vote, and desh-e of the Town at their Annual Meeting the 14"\ March last. We ha\ing taken the Several Petitions for Paving into Consideration. Viewed and measured the Places and Computed the Charge, in Order to make Report thereof to the Town. First, on the Petition for Paving Wood Lane &c. Voted, That is Our Opinion, It may be adviseable that the said Lane be Paved anew. The Town bearing One third pai t of the Chaige Provided the abutters bear the charge of Paving the other Two '1 birds and keep the same in Repair from time to time ; [121.] And it is Our Opinion also that the Petitioners have Liberty Granted them to Build an Open Wharf across the Town's Slip at the lower end of said Lane, to lye open for the use of the Inhab- itants, about Eighty or an Hundred feet below the High Way, as the Town shall du'ect. • Secondly, on the Petition for Beer Lane. Voted. That it is Our Opinion, It is not Adviseable for the Town to be at the Charge of Paving said Lane for the present, It lying on a good Descent, and the Passing therein more Commodious than many other parts of the Town. Thirdly, on the Petition for Love Street. Voted, That in Our Opinion, It is not Adviseable for the Town to be at Charges in Paving said Street at present, it being but little Improved in Comparison with others in the Town. Fourtlily, on the Petition for Green Lane. Voted, [122.] That Whereas it does not appear to us, that the Proprietors of Land abutting on said Lane are fully come in to Pave their Proportioned parts, respectively according to Custom, and the Boundarys of some rendering the said Street or Lane Ir- regular, We are of Opinion, In Consideration hereof together with the heavy Charge it will be to the Inhabitants, It ma}' be advisea- ble to defer the Paving thereof for the Present. Fifthly, on the Petition for Orange Street, Having taken this Petition under Consideration, and Viewed the said Street, We find the Southerly half there of to be very much out of Repair, and therefore. Voted, That in Our Opinion It is Adviseable for the Town to Expend Three Plundrcd and Fifty Pounds in Paving the same. Which sum by Computation AVe tind will pay the Towns part of Paving Sixteen Hundred Yards thereof. Upon Condition nevertheless. That some Sufficient [123.] Person or Persons shall appear to Engage for and in behalf of the Proprietors and Abutters on the said Street, bearing their Propor- tionable part of Paving the same. On the Petition of Samuel Adams Esq*". &c. abutters on Bartons Rope Walk. Pursuant to the Vote of the Town at their Annual Meeting the 14"^ March last, Having Attended the Service desired 42 City Document No. 87. of us, Considered the Prayer of the Petitioners Viewed the Place and Enquired into the Circumstances of it. Voted, That in Our Opinion, It is not Necessary for the Town to Act any thing thereon, and therefore that the Petition be Dis- mist. On the affair of the Markets. Pursuant to the Vote of the Town the 5*^. April last desiring us to take under Consideration, What other uses the Market place may be put to, so as may best serve the [134.] Interest of the Town. And to Report hereon at the General Town meeting in may next. Having attended the Service desired of us. Voted, To Report to the Town as follows Viz'. First, As to the South Market, That Whereas, Improving the said Market, by turning it into Shops, may be most for the Interest of the Town. We are of opinion. It may be Adviseable for the Town to let it out, during the time of their Lease therein, to such Person or Persons as may appear to hire it for that End. Secondh^, As to the North Market. We Apprehend it can't Conveniently be Improved to any other Use, in the Place where it now Stands, than by turning it into Shops, But Inasmuch as that would greatly incommode, and might prove inconvenient on Sev- eral accounts. Not only to the Neighbourhood but also to One of the Publick Meeting houses for the Worship of God, which Stands [135.] Very near to it. We can't think it Adviseable to do it; but rather that the said Building be removed to some more Conven- ient Place, and Converted to such other Use as the Town shall think fit. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 3. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Voted. That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ be the moderator of the Select Men, this Day, And that he be, and hei'eby is desired to Act as such, in the name and behalf of the Select men during the Election of Representatives According to the Laws in that Case made and provided. [126.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 4, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Benjamin Russell being present, Desired the Select Mens Direction for Placing the Pound. Voted, That We are of Opinion the most Convenient place for Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 43 Erectiog the Pound, is on the North east Corner of a Pasture belonging to the Heirs of the late Hon. Thomas Fitch Esquire, And order that the same be placed there Accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 6, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarice Mr. Hutchinson [127.] Capt. Jonathan Clarke Appearing desired Leave to bring up from Spectacle Island Two Cases of Hats, and one Case of Small Arms belonging to him and lately Imported from London in the Sarah Galley Capt. Samuel Waterhouse Commander. The Consideration whereof is refer'd to Wednesday next. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May. 10, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Capt Edward Sunderland Master of the Sloop Beginning, being Sworn before m'". Justice Sewall ; Deposeth as follows Viz*. That he left Philadelphia Fifteen Days ago, and when he came away the Small Pox was very much Abated there, and was m but a few houses. That his Company Consists of [138»] Six, with Two Passengers, Eight in all. That they are all in good health. That every One on board have had the Small Pox formerly Except- ing One Young Man, That none of the Company, to the best of his Knowledge were in any of the Houses where any Sick Person was. That the Young Man above mentioned has been from Phila- delpliia Thirty Days, That his Cargo Consists of Flour and Wine. The above Declaration of Capt. Sunderland on Oatli, being Considered, And apprehending there can be no Danger in their Coming up to Town. Voted, That a Certificate of Our Opinion, that the said Vessell may be permitted to come up to Town be given accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 11, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Capt. Armitage Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [139.] Upon Information that Silvanus Dogget and Charles Ward, wrre gone off, from Spectacle Inland Contrary to the Order of the Select Men, as Entred the 27'*". Ai)ril last. Ordered. That m'. Savell h? directed to make Strict Enquiry 44 City Document No. 87. after the said Persons, and that he Report his doings therein, to the Select Men. Upon the Motion of m*". Cowdrey, Voted, That the Town Clerk deliver Two Copies of the By-Laws respecting Forestalling and Engrossing Provision to the said Cowdrey to be posted up in some Convenient places. Mr. Jonathan Williams desiring the Select Men to Appoint a time for Examining and Settling the Granary account, since his Fathers Death. Voted. That the Select Men will Attend that Service on Friday next, at half an hour after Two o'Clock, at the Town house and that m*". Suvell give Notice hereof to m'". Williams accordingly. [130.] Mr. Savell Informing That Capt. James Gold offers his Bond lor Security on accot. of Edward Salter, a Lad under his Care for Education, Imported in the Sloop Dolphin, Michael Coii- tanch. Master from North Carolina. Ordered that m^ Savell ac- cordingly Notify Capt. Gold that the Select Men Accepting the same, desire it may be done. Upon the Motion made by Capt. Jonathan Clarke Entred the 6***. of May Cun-ent and Consideration thereon. Voted, m''. Savell wait upon Capt. Clark and other Gentlemen the Owneis of Goods left at the Hospital on Spectacle Island by Capt. Waterhouse, and Inform them he is ready to go down to said Island with them in Order to See the said Goods taken out of the Cases &c. and the Oakum out of the Bags, and to See them all aired if they see Cause Without which the Select Men can't permit them to be brought up to 'J'own for fear of Infection from them, m^. Savell to lleport to the Select Men his Doings therein, as soon as may be. [131.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 13, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq' Capt. Arniitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Savell having Attended the Service Ordered, as Entred the 11*^. instant Reported as follows. Viz'. Pursuant to the above Order, Informed Capt. Clarke and Capt. Waterhouse of the Select Mens directions respecting the Goods left at Spectacle. The said Capt. Clarke and Waterhouse ac- cordingly sent down Two Men with me in the Light house boat to Spectacle Island, Where we opened Two Cases of Hats, which We spread and aired on the Ground in the Sun. and afterwards pack'd them up in the Cases again, and left them at the Hospital. May 13, 1737. John Savkll [133.] Upon the Report of ra''. Savell, that he had been at Spectacle Island Accoiding to Order, and had Aired Two Cases of Hatts which were Imported in the Sarah Galley Capt. Waterhouse from London, belonging to Capt. Jonathan Clarke. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 45 Voted, That We do not Apprehend any danger of Infection from the said Cases of Hatts, and therefore that they may be permitted to be brought up to Town. According to Order, nl^ Jonathan Williams attended with the Books of account respecting the Granar}", Which accounts being Examin'd by the Select Men the ballance remaining in the said Williams's hands due to the Town is found to be One Thousand Two Hundred and Seven Pounds, Six Shillings and Two pence. The said Williams left m"". AVilloughby's Receipt for Forty Bushels of Indian Meal and One Hundred and Seventy three Bushels of Indian Corn. Mr. John Darrell with Several other [133.] of the Inhabitants being present. Informed That Capt. Bissell in a Sloop is now bound for Annapolis Royal, and lyes ready to Set Sail, and that She has laden on board a Considerable Quantity of Indian Corn in Order to carry the same out of this Province notwithstanding the Town Stands in great need of it ; Praying the Select Men to Report the same, and to make a proper Application to the Govern- ment in order to have the same prevented. In Consideration of the Motion and desire of m'*. John Darrell & others as above. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and Capt. Forsyth be a Committee to Wait upon His Excellency and to present the Petition of the Select Men to His Excellency respecting the said affair. And that a Petition be drawn accordingly. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", be and hereby is de- sired to take the Care of Drafting the advertisement to be Publish'd in the News papers relating to the Sale of the Three Townships, as Ordered by the Town at their meeting the 3*^. Instant. Mr. Savell is ordered to Enquire after One Cooke who is lately come into this Town from Bradford & to Report thereon. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 18, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mrs. Mary Hamilton being present Informs That one Margery Macklure, who is lately come into this Town from North Carolina did formerly live with her as an Indented Servant, that She bought her of m^ Clark, that while she lived with her, which was Several Months, She was guilt}' of many Crimes for which She was by m'. Justice Savage Comitled to to Bridewell, where she remained until She Sold her time to m'. Hope who carried her awa}' to Carolina, Mrs. Hamilton represents her as a dangerous Person particularly [135.] with respect to herself, the said Macklure being so well acquainted with her House, and now residing in the Neighbourhood, on Wentworths Wharf. Mr. Clarke Informs that One Ross is lately come into this Town from Rhode Island by Land with his Wife, That he is a Journey Man Barber, and Works some where at the North end. Ordered 46 City Document No. 87. that m''. Savell make Enquiry after the said Ross, & Report thereon. Mr. Constable Hickling was sent for, to whom was delivered the Sheriffs Precept for Choice of Representatives, with the Select JMens Return thereon, Who was directed to Notify and Summon rthe Gentlemen therein named to attend Accordingly and to return ,the said Precept into the Hands of the Town Clerk, Who is directed ; to deliver the same to m^ Sheriff Winslow. Margery Macklure Appearing, but without Bonds Men, She was Ordered to procure Bonds Men Against next Wednesday i[136,] And then to Attend with them Unless She Should be gone to Sea before that time. Mr. SayeJl is Ordered to take Care to put the Scales and Weights belonging to the Town, into the Hands of the Clerks of the Market taking their Receipts for the same According to Custom and in Order thereto, that the Town Clerk deliver the Old Receipts to m^ Savell. Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be Stated at the Rate of 14/ p. Busliell and 3/6 AUow'd for Charges, Which is as follows, Viz^ oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 2. 10. Wheaten 3. 15. Household 5. 5. Six penny Wheaten Loaf l^**. 7. 13. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 25, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [137.] Mr. Benjamin Whitney with his Wife and Eight Children, being lately come into this Town from Marlborough Prays for Liberty to Open a Shop in the Town. He was Accord- ingly Directed to Attend next Wednesday in Order to give Security to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs, in the Penalty of One Thousand Pounds, ra^ Jonas Clarke offering to become Bound with the said Whitney. A Bond was Ordered to be prepared accord ingl}'. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May. 30, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hut(;hinson Capt. John Wendell being about to Erect a Brick Wall, where he dwells, Prays the Select Men would please to run the Line Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 47 [138.] Upon Information that the Swing Bridge is broken down, &c. Voted, That m^ Clarke be desired to take Care to have the same Repaired, forthwith. CoP. Hatch Presented an account of Carting Street Dirt. Order'd That m". Savell notify m'". monk the Scavenger to Attend on Wednesday next, and that the said Account lye for further Consideration until m^ monk be Spoken with. Mr. Willoughby Informing that the Corn in the Granary Cost 9/ p. Bushell It is ordered that he Sell the Meal out at the rate of Ten Shil- lings p. Bushell. Voted, That the Select Men Meet on Saturday next at Ten O'clock in the fore noon in order to proceed in the Affair of tbe Porters. Hugh Hall Esq'". Informs that Katharine Davis dwells in One of his Houses. [139.] At a Meeting of the Select Men June 1, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. L3'man Mr. Clarke Gabriel Wayne Master of the Sloop Two Brothers Arrived from Philadelphia, having been fifteen Days froan thence, Imported a Woman into this Town as a Passenger but did not Report her at the Impost Office, as the Law directs, The said Wayne was ordered to procure Sufficient Bonds Men to Indemnify tbe Town according to Law, and to Attend with them. Roger Deriug Master of Sloop Sally, from Bristol having Im- ported One Mary Cook and her Child w^as required to give Security as the Law directs. The said Dering naming Joshua Winslow Esq^ and m^ Isaac Wiuslow for Bonds Men, It is accepted, if either of those Gentlemen [140.] join with the Master in giving Bond as aforesaid, and was Ordered to attend at the Clerks Office Accordingly tomorrow. Which he also Promised. Capt. Armitage Reports that he had Discoursed with m^ Perkins and m'". Deunie and that it was Mutually Agreed. That m"". Dennies Rent should Commence the 18"\ of May last past, for tlie Towns Ware house late in the Occupation of the said m"*. Perkins, At the Annual Rent of Forty Pounds p. annum until further agreement. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be desired as a Committee to View the Ware house belonging to the Town now in the Occupation of m^ John Dennie, and see what Repairs of Alterations are needful and to Report as soon as Conveniently they can. Voted, That an advertisement be printed in the Publick News Papers for the Leasing of Winisimet Ferry Agreeable to a Vote of the Town tlie 3'^ May last. 48 City Document No. 87. [141.] Mr. Cowdre}^ Informs of Several Persons that are come lately into the Town and have Opened Shops. Viz*, m'. Hin'Mey from Brantrey, near m''. Aliens at the South end. m''. Boylst07i from Brookline at the South end, in m"". Haleys house. An Irish Family at the Widow Caless. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 3, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"^. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lvman Mr. Clarke John Bartlet Master of the Sloop Sarah from Philadelphia, being present and Sworn before Anthony Stoddard Esq"". Deposeth, That he came from Philadelphia the 15*^. of May last. That m^ Joseph March was the Master of the said Sloop, Who being taken III the 12*''. of May and Appreliending his Illness to be the Small Pox he was Carry'd on Shoar at Philadelphia and left there, That the Small Pox had been there for some time but that very few, if any were Visited with it when he was there, That his Company Consist of Five Sailors and Two Passengers, that one only of the Sailors have had the Small Pox, That they have been all Well during the Voyage, and are now so, That the Cargo Consists of Flour, Wheat, Iron, and Beer. Voted, That the said Bartlet be and hereby is directed and Ordered to go with his said Vessell to Spectacle Island, and that all the said Company and Passengers take care there to Air them- selves, their Cloathing Bedding &c. And that they there remain until further Order. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 4, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [143.] Charles Jeff res Mariner; Informs That he was born at South Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight ; That he came to this Town from Philadelphia, in quality of a Sailor, in the Sloop Hunibird, John Painter Master about Six Weeks ago ; That about Three Weeks after his Arrival he was taken ill with the Rheu- matism. That he remains in a very weak State, by no means able to provide for himself, and has nothing to Support him, Capt. Painter Carrying away his Cloaths, and paying him no Wages — That he resides at One Passmore's in King Street. The Select Men having Considered the Premises, Apprehend the said Jeffries a proper Ol)ject for a Province Charge, and Accord- ingl}^ sent him to the Alms house, Recommending him to the Care of the Overseers of the Poor. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 49 Upon a Motion made, Voted, That a Plan of the Town of Boston be provided, for the Use of the Select Men. [144.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 6, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Upon a Motion made by m"". Solomon Isaac desiring the Sloop Sarah John Bartlet Master from Philadelphia (now detained below) may be permitted to come up to Town. In Order thereto, Voted, That m*". Savell be and hereby is directed to go on board the said Sloop (m"*. Isaac providing a Boat) and that he make Enquiry what State of Health they are in, and Whether they have Aired themselves, their Cloathing and Bedding, according to Order, as Entred on Fryday last the 3^. instant. And that he Report thereon to the Select Men, as soon as possible. [145.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 7, 1737. Present The Hon . John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Savell reported According to Order Yesterday as follows. Viz*. That he had Visited the Sloop Sarah Capt. Bartlet Master, That he found the Sloops Company and the Passengers all in good health, and upon Enquiry was informed That they had taken Care to Air themselves their Cloathing and Bedding, and had also Scoured and Aired the said Sloop, according to Order. The Select Men having Considered the Circumstances of the said Sloop, and m"". Savells Report, Are of Opinion, that She may be permitted to come up to Town without any Hazard of Com- municating the Small Pox to the Inhabitants, And Ordered a Certificate to be drawn Accordingly. [146.] Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesties Name requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the said Town, Qualified as the Law directs, To Convene at the Town house, on Saturday the 11**^. of June, Currant at Three O'clock in the afternoon ; In order to take under Consideration a Vote pass'd at a Publick Town Meeting the 4'^. of May last, relating to the Sale of the Three Tracts of Land, lately Granted by the Great and General Court, to the Town of Boston, and to do what may then be tho't proper referring thereto. To Chuse Seven Grand Jurors for the Several Courts of General Sessions of the Peace to be held at Boston, Successively for One Year ; And Also to be present at the Drawing the Tickets for Ten Petit 50 City Document No. 87. Jurors for July Court, According to the Direction of an Act for the regular Appointuient of Petit Jurors, made in the Tenth Year of his present Majesties Reign &c. &c. [147.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 8, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"*. •Capt. A^initage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Liberty is Granted to m"". Benjamin Whitnej^ lately come into this Town, from Marlborough, to be an Inhabitant, and to Open a Shop, According to his desire as Entred the 25'^. May last. He having given Security to Indemnify the Town, to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. As the Law directs. Upon a Motion " made. Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed, to keep an Account of Such Persons as shall from time to time hereafter be Warned to depart the Town, by Order of the Select Men and of the return of their Officer for the time being, made thereon. [148.] Liberty is Granted to Susanna Jackson lately Im- ported from Martha's Vineyard with Two Children, to be an In- habitant, Having giving Security by Capt. David Lupton and Alexander Fullerton's Bond in the Penalty of Three Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from all Charge, As the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 9. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson The Select men having desired a Meeting of the Committee of the General Court for admitting Settlers in the Three Townships lately Granted by the said Court to the Town of Boston, The fol- lowing Gentlemen met them accordingly, Viz*. [149.] The Hon. Elisha Cooke Esq^ The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq''. The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'". Mr. Thomas Cushing Jun"". Mr. Timothy Prout And after some Discourse, It was Unanimously agreed, as most adviseable. Viz'. That the Sale of the Three Tracts of Land by Auction on the 30*''. instant be not proceeded in. But that when the Select Men shall have made an Agreement with a Sufficient Number of Per- sons to Undertake the Settlement of the Three Townships, According to the Conditions of the Grant, They appl}' to the Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 51 Committee of the Court, as aforesaid, to admit the said Persons as Settlers Accordingly. June 10. 1737. Liberty is hereby Granted to Mess". Thomas Foster and John Indicott to Dig up the Pavement in Marlborough Street, and to open the Ground in Order to lay a Drain from their House in said Street, into the Common Shoar in Summer Street ; Upon Con- dition, That [150.] Tbey forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement, and keep the same in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 15, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be and hereby is set and Stated, at 15/ p. Bushell for Wheat, And is as follows, Viz'. oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 2. 7. Wheaten 3. 11. Household 4. 15. Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1.6. 4. Ordered, That m"". Savell take Care Speedily to Collect and receive the Scales and [151,] Weights belonging to the Town and lately made Use of in the Several Markets, and that he bring them to the Town Clerk's office, and lodge them there, till further Order. Mr. Joseph Brandon and m''. Loriug Appear'd with m''. Sweetser One of the Scavingers, Complaining That the W^ater Standing makes a very bad Slough before their W^arehouses in Merchants Row, on the Dock, which is become a Nusance Praying some Care may be taken for a remedy. Accordingly, Capt. Armitage was desired to take Care to Remedy the said inconvenience as soon as may be. Liberty is hereby Granted to m"". Daniel Johonnot to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Union Street, in Order to Clear his Drain ; Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the same again and keep it in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. Liberty is Granted to m'. Robert Gutteridge [^152.] To Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Fish Street, in Order to open and Clear his Drain, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement, keeping the same in Hepair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. Thomas Howard Locksmith with his Wife, were lately bro't into this Town, by Capt. Vittery, from Georges River (at the Eastward) . The said Howard appearing Desires Liberty to Open a Shop and follow his said Calling in Battery March. In Order therdo, lie was Ordered to appear next Wednesday, with Sufficient Bondsmen 52 City Document No. 87. to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs, in the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 18, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Ca[)t. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [153,] Nathanael Freeman, Master of the Sloop Yarmouth from Philadelphia, being Sworn before the Hon. Edward Hutchin- son Esq', and Examin'd Informs as followeth, Vizt. That he left Philadelphia the 11*''. of June Currant arriving here this Day, The Sloops Company Consist of Flour. That he brought Two Passen- gers, That himself and his Three men have never had the Small Pox, but that the Two Passengers have had it formerly ; That he was at Philadelphia about Three Weeks, and when he left that City he Did not hear of One Person that was then Sick of the Small Pox, That his Loading Consist of 250 Barrells of Flour, and 3 Tons of Barr Iron. Voted, That the said Master repair on board his said Sloop and there remain with his Men until further order. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 20, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hancock and Capt. Freeman Appearing [154.] and In- forming, That he the said Freeman with his Company had Obey'd the orders of the Select Men, as Entred last Saturday, And now pray'd he might have Libert}^ to come to the Wharf and Unlade his Cargo. Upon which the Question being put. It was Voted in the Affirmative. Upon Condition that the said Sloop and hands be as soon as Conveniently may, dismistand Sent to the Cape where she belongs. At a Meeting of the Select Men June 22, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lvman Mr. Clarke Voted, That the Visitation of the Publick Schools be Attended on Tuesday next, the 28*''. of June instant And that the following Gentlemen be desired to Accompany the Select Men, on that Occasion, Viz'. [155.] The Hon. Elisha Cooke Esq"". The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq'. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 53 The Hon. Richard Bill Esq'. John Read Esq'. The Rev. m'. Nathanael Williams The Rev. m'. Thomas Prince The Rev m'. John Webb The Rev. m'. Samuel Checkley The Rev. m'. William Welsteed The Rev. m'. Joshua Gee and Mr. Thomas Gushing Jun'. And that m'. Savell be and hereby is directed and Ordered to Wait on the Gentlemen aforenamed, and Acquaint them of this Appoint- ment, and the Select mens desire that they would please to Afford their Company, and to meet at the Town house, at 10 o'Clock in the Morning of said Day, and Also that he Inform the School Masters of this Appointment. Voted That Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to provide a Dinner at the Oiange tree, for about Twenty Gentlemen, on the Day of the Visitation. Mr. Henry Gibbon Prays the Select Men would Appoint [156.] a time to run the line betwixt the High Way on the Neck, and the Salt Ponds &c. Voted That ra'. CoUson and m'. Hutchinson be added to the Committee of the Select Men appointed the 13^^. April last, to Treat with the Gentlemen, the Attorneys for the Town, in the Case between the Town and James Everill's Heirs, and that they be desired to Meet at the House of John Jeffries Esq', tomorrow at P^leven o'Clock upon that Affair. Upon a motion of m'. James Townsend Praying for Liberty to Erect a Tomb in the Old burying place, where are two brick Graves belonging to his Family. Voted That Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be desired to View the Place, Consider the Motion and Report thereon. Capt. Armitage is also desired to take the Care of some neces- sary Rei)airs in the Towns Wall in Queen Street, adjoining to the Towns house in the tenure of Mess". Henley and Moulin. [157.] Mr. Edward Bromfield, Appearing, Recommended John Hooker and Thomas Moulin jun'. as proper Peisons to be Emjjloy'd in the Watch call'd the Merchants Watch, Revived by the Vote of the Town at their Meeting the 3*^. of May last past, and desiring the said Hooker and Moulin may l)e Approved and Admitted Accordingly, if the Select Men shall see meet. Voted, That m'. Savell notify the said Hooker and Moulin to attend upon the Select Men, at their Meeting next Wednesday. Mr. Martin Unwin Stationer and Book binder from London desir- ing Liberty to Open a Shop in the Town and to follow his said Calling, And it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Select Men that tiie said Unwin hath brought with him Effects Sufficient to Indemnify the Town according to Law. Liberty to open a Shop &c. is Accordingly Granted. Jonathan Star from Natomy in the Township in Cambridge hav- ing resided in this Town ever Since last March was Twelve month, with his Wife and One Child, Informs that they liv'd first [158.] 54 City Document No. 87. with m^ Grainger, and that they live at present in the House for- merly the fStar Tavern in Union Street with Richard Goldsmith. The said Star Prays for Liberty to Dwell in the Town and to Open a Shop in Order to Carry on his Business, Viz*, of a Taylor. He was Ordered to Procure Bondsmen for his Wife and Child to Attend next Wednesday. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 24, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Whereas by a List of Passengers from the Impost Office, It appears that Bryan Karrick (a Transport) and Catharine Driscoll (Spinster) were Imported in the Ship Catharine Robert Waters Master from Ireland. The said Capt Waters appear'd, together with m'^. Thomas Gunter Merchant. When m"". Gunter Promised the Select Men that he would Sufficiently Scare and Indemnify the Town [159.] From all Charge by reason of the said Karrick and Driscoll, but as to giving Bond, he pray'd to be Excused for a few Days. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 27, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman Reporting upon the Motion and desire of m"". James Townsend as Entred the 22*^. of June instant. It was Accordingly Voted, That Liberty be Granted to m^ James Townsend to Erect a Tomb in the Old Burying place, where there are Two Brick Graves belonging to the Family of Towmsend and Devenport. Mr. Thomas Fleet being Sent for, Attended Accordingly, and after some Discourse with him. It was. [100.] Voted, That the said m\ Fleet be Employed as the Auctioneer in the Sale of the Three Tracts of Land, Appointed to be sold by Auction, on Thursday the 30"\ of June Currant. Tuesday, June 28"\ 1737 This Day the Select Men Visited the Publick Schools within the Town-, Accompanied by the following Gentle men. Viz*. The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq*". The Hon. Richard Bill Esq"-. John Read Esquire The Rev. m'r Nathan ael Williams The Rev. m^ Thomas Prince The Rev. m*". John Webb The Rev. m''. Samuel Checkley Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 55 The Rev. m\ William Welsteed The Rev. Joshua Gee and Mr. Thomas Gushing, Jun^ Agreeable to a Vote of the Town at a Publick Meeting the 14*^. of March, last past ; And found the said Schools under a good regulation. [161.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 29, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsy th Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson According to Order, John Hooker, and Thomas Moulin Jun"". Attended, Who were named and recommended by m"". Edward Brom- field as Suitable Persons to be Emplo3-ed as Watchmen in the Merchants Watch so Called, as Entred the 22*^. instant. After some Discourse with the said Hooker and Moulin, They were Accordingly Approved of, and Admitted Watchmen on the said Watch, Called the Mercliants Watch on the Town Dock. Voted, That the Fifty Pound Allowed by the Town at a Publick Meeting of the Inhabitants the 3"^. of May last past for and towards the Support of the Merchants Watch, be drawn for Quarterly, According to former Custom, and [16^.] The Drafts be made on the Treasurer Payable to m'. Edward Bromfield, for that use. Voted, That m'*. Andrew Lane be desired and Impowered in behalf of the Town of Boston to Prosecute an Affair formerly put into his Hands (as appears b}^ the Select Mens Minutes, as Entred the 5*'\ Feburay 1734) Viz^ For the recover}^ of a Debt due to the Town from the Estate of Edward Alley n, lying in Wings Lane, for the Maintenance of Martha Alley n, at the Almshouse for many- years at the Town's Charge and that he take what Steps he may think proper in Order thereto, as soon as may be. Deacon Josias Byles Informs that One Nicholas Blnncher with his W^ife and 3 or 4 Childien lately come into this Town from North Carolina with Christopher Filden, no'w live in a Certain Tenement of His in the Westerly part of the Town. Whereas according to Order of the [163.] Town at a Publick Meeting, on Tuesday the Third of May last, The Sale of the Three Townships by Publick Auction, is this Day to be Attended. The Conditions of the Sale being drawn up, and Voted, are Ordered to be here recorded as follows. Viz'. The Conditions of the Sale of the Grants made by the Great and General Court, to the Town of Boston, of Three Tracts of Land, each of the Contents of Six miles Squares, as follows, Viz'. 1. That each of the said Tracts of Land be set up to Sale Single. 56 City Document No. 87. 2. That the Townships called Number One, be set up at one Thousand Pounds. 3. That the Township called Number Two, be set up at Thir- teen Hundred Pounds. 4. That the Township which is not yet laid out, be set up, at one Thousand Pounds. 5. That the Bidders advance Twenty Pounds at each Bid. 6. That if two Persons shall happen to Bid together the Tract then upon Sale, to be put up again. 7. The Highest Bidder to be the Buyer Provided [164,] He Complys with the Conditions of the Courts Grant, respecting the Settlement of the Lands &c. 8. That the Highest Bidder for each Township, Pay down the Sum of Fift3^ Pounds as Earnest money, into the Hands of the Select Men, which Sum of Fifty Pounds is to be Accounted as part of Payment ; Provided One third part of the Purchase Considera- tion (inclusive thereof) be paid at the time of Executing the Deed, Which shall be performed within the Space of Fourteen Days, from the Day of Sale, upon the Forfeiture of the said Fifty Pounds paid as Earnest. That the Buyer also Pay One third part more of the Purchase Consideration, within the Space of Six Months, Commencing from the Day of Sale ; and the Residue or remaining third part of the money within Twelve months from the Day of Sale, as above. 9. That the Buyer give Bonds for the said Payments to the Approbation of the Select Men, Or, if the whole Sum be paid upon the Executing the Deed or Deeds, then in that Case the Buyer shall receive by way of Discount, so much Money, as the Interest would come to, [165,] at the times of Payment aforementioned. Boston, June 30, 1737. Upon the forementioned Conditions, The said Sale was pro- ceeding in, as follows, Viz^ 1. The (^rant of the Tract of Land, not yet laid out was Sold, to the Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq^ (he being the highest Bidder) for the Sum of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Pounds. 2. The Township called Number One, laid out near the Town of Deerfield, was Sold to John Read Esq"", (he being the highest Bidder) for the Sum of One Thousand and Twenty Pounds. 3. The Townships called Number Two, laid out also near the Town of Deerfield, was Sold to Joseph Heath Esq^ of Roxbury, (He being the highest Bidder) for the Sum of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Pounds. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 4, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke [166.] Capt. John Painter Master of the Sloop Humbird from Philadelphia, being present, and Sworn before m*". Justice Sewall, Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 57 Inforra'cl the Select Men, That he left that place about a Fortnight ago ; That According to the best Information he had. The City had been free from the Small pox for a Considerable time ; That his Pussengers were Five, Viz^ Three men aiid Two women That liis Loading Consists of Flour and Two Cases of Linnens. Upon Consideration whereof, the Select Men Signed a Certificate, Signifying that in their opinion the said Sloop might be permitted to come up to Town, witijout any Danger to the Inhabitants. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 7, 1737. Present Tiie Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Capt. Samuel Everton Master of the Schooner Betty from Philadelphia, being present [107.] Informs That he came from thence the 25^^. of June last, and that he made particular Enquiry relating to the Small l^ox, and Informs That he understood the City had been free from that Distemper for a Considerable time. That his Company Consists of Flour, and he has Bro't one Passenger and that they are all in good health. Accordingly, Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be desired to Wait upon His Excellency, the Gov- ernour, and to Inform His Excellency That it is their opinion there is no necessity that the Vessells coming from Philadelphia should any longer be Stop'd by the Castle on account of the Small Pox. Liberty is Granted to m'. James ScoUay to take up the Pave- ment and Dig up the Ground in Water Street, in Order to lay a Drain into the Common Shoar from his House in said Street, Upon Condition tiiat he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in Kepair from time to time to the Satis- faction of the Select Men. [168.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 7, 1737. Present Tlie Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. John Johnson Gunsmith from London appearing accom- panied by m^ John Smith Merchant Desired Liberty to Open a Shop, in this Town, in order to follow his said Calling. The Motion being Considered. Voted, That Liberty be Granted Accordingly. Liberty is Granted to Peter Boylston late of Brooklin to become an Inhabitant of this Town, and to Open a Shop, According lo his Desire ; Upon Condition that his Brethren, Dr. Zabdiel Boylston and nr. Thomas Boylston enter into Bond with him in the Sum 58 City Document No. 87. [169,] of Five Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs, on account of his Wife and Four Children. Mr. Henry D3^re by order of the overseers of the Poor, Informs that by their order he has Warned Samuel Dixon and Elizabeth Paul (on the 6*^. of July Currant) to depart this Town. Deacon Cornelius Thayer appearing, Pray'd That the Select Men would please to Employ Andrew Coffin the Sexton of the Old Church, in Ringing the Bell at Five, Eleven, and Nine o'Clock, in the room of m^ Chambers, who now performs that Service, Offering some reasons, and then with drew. The said Motion being refer'd for Consideration, Ordered, That m*". Savell notify John Chambers to Attend next Wednesday. Upon a Motion made for Viewing the New Road in Rumney Marsh, In order thereto, Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed to Write a Letter to Capt. Oliver, Signifying That the Select Men desire to know whether he has compleated [170.] that Work, and if he has not, That they desire he would Speedily finish it, and upon Information of it's being so done, they are ready to appoint a Day to View the same, in order to Conclude the whole of that affair. Upon a Motion made and Seconded, Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage and m'. Hutchinson be a Committee to Consider what is to be done in order to the perfecting the Sale of the Grants of Tlu'ee Townships by Auction, the 30*^ of June last, and passing proper Instruments of Conveyance of the Towns right in them, to the respective Pur- chasers, and other matters relating thereto ; and to Report thereon next Wednesday. At a Meeting of the Select Men July 13. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [171.] The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ from the Committee appointed the 7*^. instant, to Consider what was to be done in order to the perfecting the Sale of the Grants of the Tlirce Town- ships and passing proper Instruments of Conveyance &c. Reported as follows, Viz^ That they had Discoursed with John Read Esq', who was the Purchaser of one of the said Townships, on that affair ; Who in- form'd them. That by reason of the Court's Sitting he was full of Business, and therefore could not attend at the time Ap[)ointed ; But that he would prepare the Draft of a Deed, and wait upon the Select Men with it, within a few Days, for their approbation. The Committee further Reported, That in their opinion it might be advise;ible to Inform, The Honourable Jacob Wendell Esq"". John Read Esq"", and Joseph Heath Esq'. That the Select Men Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 59 are now ready to do their part, respecting the Executing Deeds of Conveyance to each of them respectively, according to the Condi- tions of the Sale. Which Report being accepted ; Voted, That Richard Hubbard be desired [172.] To Wait upon The Flon. Jacob Wendell P^scf., John Read Escf., and Joseph Heath Esq^ and Inform them, in the name of the Select Men, That they are ready to Execute Deeds of Conveyance to etich of them respectively, of the Tract of Land by them Purchased by way of Auction, on Thursda}^ the 30^^. of June last past. According to the Conditions of the said Sale. And that the Select Men desire the said Gentlemen to meet them at the To^in house. Tomorrow Afternoon at Six o'Clock in order thereto. Liberty is hereby Granted to m"". Matthew Leeky, Wool Comber from London in the New England Galley Capt. Stephen Hall Com- mander, to Inhabit within this Town and to Open a Shop, in order to follow his said Calling, It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Select Men that the said Leeky has brought with him Sufficient Effects, to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. John Chambers Attending According to order, was Inform'd of the motion made [173.] In favour of Andrew Coffin, the Sexton of the Old Church, Praying that he might be Employed in Ringing the Bell at Five, Eleven, and Nine o'Clock. Mr. Chambers accordingly Signified to the Select Men. his Will- ingness to resign that Office, when the Quarter was Expired, which would be upon the first of September next. Several Petitions for Licence as Taverners or Retailers were Read. Voted, That the Select Men will take the Petitions for Licences under Consideration, in order to the passing upon them, tomorrow, at Three o'Clock afternoon. Upon a Motion made and Seconded. Voted, That Monday next the 18*^ instant be and hereby is Appointed to Consider further of, in Order to State the Wages of the Ticket Porters to be Employed in the Town of Boston, Accord- ing to a Law of this Province in that case provided, and to transact other matters relating to that affair. [174.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 14, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson According to the Desire of the Select Men, as Entred the 13^^. instant. The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq"". John Read Esq'', and Joseph Heath Esq^ were Present. And m^ Read having prepared a Deed in order to its being Executed, According to his Promise yesterday, Presented it to the Select Men for their Consideration, Which 60 City Document No. 87. being Read and approved, the same was Executed by all the Select Men, and Acknowledged before The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'., m"" Read at the same time making the first Payment, according to the Conditions of the Sale, Viz*, the Sum of Three Hundred and Forty Pounds; And gave [1.75.] Two Bond Viz^ one Bond for the Payment of Three Hundred and forty Pounds, on or before the 30'''. Day of December next ; and another Bond for the Pay- ment of the remaining Sum of Three Hundred and Forty Pounds, on or before the 30*^. Day of June next. In the whole making the Sum of One Thousand and Twenty Pounds, the Purchase Consideration, for the Township Number One. Tiie Select men at the same time directed the Town Clerk to Draw a Deed for the Township Number Two to Joseph Heath Esq', (of the same tenor with m". Read's) in Order to its being Executed on Wednesday next. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 20, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Liberty is Granted to m'. Walsingham Turner [176.] Peruke maker from London, in the Ship Industry, Capt. Shepardson Commander, to Inhabit within this Town, and to Open a Shop in Order to follow his said Calling, It Appearing to the Satisfaction of the Select Men, thnt the said Turner brought with him Effects to a Value Sufficient to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. The List of Licences for the year 1730, Exhibited by the Clerk of the Peace for Suffolk to the Select Men for their approbation, having been duly Considered, and the Select Men making no Ex- ception to any as Unfit to hold and Exercise their said Licences, and having noted against the Names of Persons since married. Removed or Dead, Voted That a Copy of the said List be transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace aforesaid, with a proper Certificate, Endorsed. The form of the Certificate as follows Viz*. Boston sc. A List of the names of Pesons Licensed to Sell Drink according to [177,] Their Several Licences in the year 1736. being trans- mitted to the Select Men of Boston, by the Clerk of the Peace of the County of Suffolk, for their approbation (Whereof the fore- going is a true Copy) The Select Men having Considered tlie same, They Except to none but such as are noted as Married, Removed or Dead By Order of the Select Men July 20, 1737. " Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 22. 1737. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 61 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchhison The Select Men receiving a Venire for the Choice of Jurors, to Serve at the Superior Court ; to be holden at Boston, for the County of Suffolk the Second Tuesday of August next, m^ Con- stable Farnum being also present, It was agreed, That [178.] The meeting of the Inhabitants (or the Choice of Jurors, should be on Tuesday next, the 26*^. Currant at Three o'Clock Afternoon, And the Venire was delivered to m". Constable Farnum, in order to have the Town Warned, and he was also directed to take Care that the District of Rumney Marsh be duly Warned also. Joseph Heath Esq'", being present according to appointment, and a Deed being drawn according to order, was Read and ap- proved, and accordingly Executed by all the Select Men, for the Township Number Two, Sold to the said Heath by Auction the 30^. of June last, and acknowledged befor m^ Justice Sewall at the same time, CoP. Heath made the first Payment Viz*, the Sum of Four Hundred and Forty Pounds, according to the Conditions of the Sale, and Executed Two Bonds for the other Two Payments, Viz*. One Bond for the Payment of Four Hundred and Forty Pounds on or before the 30"\ Day of December next, and another Bond for the Payment of the remaining Sum of Four Hundred and Forty Pounds [179.] on or before the 30*^. Day of June next, In the whole, making the Sum of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Pounds, the Purchase Consideration for the said Township. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 25, 1737. Present Capt. armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. ClaVk Mr. Hutchinson Ordered, That ra'. Jose[)li Uran have the Charge of the Water Engine, kept in the Engine house at the Dock, and that he be Allowed Twelve Men (beside himself) Viz*. (Joseph Uran) Ichabod Rogers John Homer John Durham Joseph Louden Jun'. Thomas Atkins Jun'. William Peck / Nathanael Brewer William Snoden Benjamin Barnard 62 City Document No. 87. \ Benjamin Eustiis William Eustas and John Hood [180.] And in Case there Should happen any Diference at any time among them, that they Should want to put out, or take in a Man, Joseph Uran, who has the Charge of the Engine, shall give an Account of the same to the Select Men for their allowance or approbation, and Orders for their Proceeding. And at any time, if a Fire should break out, the said Uran is Ordered to Improve the said Engine, Where he thinks he may do the most Service ; And to take Care that at no time the Doors of the Engine house, be obstructed by Snow &c. and to Work the said Engine, Once every month from the first of April, to the first of October, And to See that the Engine and Paisl be kept in good order. And for their Care and Diligence in the same, the Town at their Meeting the \4:^^. of March last have by a Vote, freed them from all other Offices in the Town for this year. Mr. Moulin Complaining that the House which he rents of the Town, in Queen Street is become Leaky, and wants some Repairs accordingly. Voted, That Capt. Armitage [181.] and m*". CoUson be and hereby are desired to take Care that the Necessary repairs of the said House be Effected as soon as may be. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 27, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Richard Baily, Clothier, late of Stoughton, with bis Wife Esther and Seven Children, namely, Esther, Mary, James, Edward, Richard, Hannah and Henry, are admitted Inhabitants of this Town, the said Baily having given Bond with Two Suretys, Viz'. Mess". John Procter and Benjamin Loudon in the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs, And he has Liberty Granted to set up and follow his said Calling. Thomas Howard, Locksmith, lately come into this Town from Georges River with his Wife Ehz^. are [1 82.] admitted Inhabi- tants, And he has Liberty Granted to Open a Shop and Exercise his said Calling, Upon Condition that he procure Mess". James Gordon i\nd John Poyntz to become Bound with him in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs. Mr. Joshua Child of Brookliu Appeared and Signified his Desire to Hire a Peiee of Marsh on Boston neck, belonging to the Town, which for some time past has been Improved by Col°. Joshua Lamb, Accordingly in Order thereto. Voted, J hat Capt. Armitage, m\ Collson and Capt. Lyman be and hereby are Desired to View the said Peice of Marsh, on Fryday next, at 5 o'Clock in the Afternoon, and m'. Child is desired to meet them at the same time and place. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 63 Capt. Lyman Informs that John Colman Esq', has lately made an p]ncroachment upon a Certain Slip or Highway which was formerly given to Sundry Proprietors by Major Thomas Clark, which Slip runs from Fish Street near m'. Jonathan Mountforts. [183,] Ordered, That the Town Clerk Search the Towns Records as also the Records of the County in order to find how the Conveyance was made to the Select Men of Boston either by the said Major Clark, or by m". Keayne. August 3, 1737. Liberty is hereby Granted to Mess'"'. Joseph Green and Isaac Walker to Dig up the Ground in Brattle Street in order to lay a Drain into the Common Shore, from a House they are Building in the said Street Upon Condition that they forthwith make good the Ground again, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug*. 3. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq', Capt. armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [184.] The Widow Calef Informs (by m'. Collson) That One Lovet with her Child lately from Groton in Connecticut at present reside at her House Ordered, That m"". Savell give Warning to Nicholas Blancher to Depart the Town, with his Wife and Children the said Blancher came from North Carolina with one Tilden, and lives in a Tene- ment of m^ Josias Byles as Entred June 29*^. past. M"". Collson from the Committee Appointed to Let the Marsh on Boston Neck, as Entred the 27. July past. Reported, That the Committee had Viewed the said Peice of Marsh, and had agreed with m^ Joshua Child of Brooklin, That for Four Pounds he is to have the Crop of Grass growing thereon for this Year. Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Lyman being sometime since desired to Wait on the Rev. m^ Gee, and to desire him to give them what Information he can, relating to the High Way [185.] to the North Mills ; Reported, That they had Accordingly Waited on m'. Gee, Who informed them that he had no Writings relating to that Affair ; But that he would wait on them upon the Spot, and shew them the bounds of the said High Way as he had been Informed by his Father, Which he accordingly did. Upon a Motion made. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq', be desired to take Care, That a Petition be prepared and seasonably presented to His Excellency the Governour and the Honourable Council in order to obtain the appointment of a Special Judge for the Supe- 64 City Document No. 87. rior Court to be held in Boston the Second Tuesday of August Currant, upon the Review of the Actions depending, and then to be tried, between the Town of Boston and the Heirs of James Everill, In the room of the Hon. Paul Dudley Esq"". Upon Complaint, that some Repairs are necessary at the North Schools, more Especially the Windows of the North Grammar School. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and m'-. Hutchinson [186.] Be desired to take Care that the said Repairs be P^ffected in the best manner they can. Complaint being made of a Nusance at the lower end of Cross Street at the Town's Slip there. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Lyman be desired to take all Necessary Care that the same be Speedily remedied. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug*. 10, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Whereas m'". Richard Shute was return'd as Removed in the List of Licences transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace and it happen'd thro' a Misinformation, The Town Clerk is Order'd to Certify, That the Select men do approve of the Renewing, his Licence as a Re- tailer for the year ensuing. [187.] Mr. Joseph Grant Informs That One m^ Campbell has his Wife and Child come into the Town from New York, and that tbey now live in a part of said Grants house. Ordei ed That m'. Savell Enquire about them and make report next Wednesday. Voted, That m"". Willoughby Sell Rye meal, out of the Granarj', after the rate of 12/ p. Bushel. William Ames a Sawyer with his Wife and One Child is come inio this Town from Roxbury, and desires to be Admitted an In- habitant, and in Order there to he was Ordered to procure Bonds- men and to attend again next Wednesday with them. Mr. Jonathan Williams Prays the Select Men would appoint a time for the Settling the Granary account with him as soon as may be. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 17, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson [188.] Mr. Solomon Kneeland is appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cord wood, within the Town of Boston, and to take his Oath to the faithful Discharge of his said office or Trust, He to be Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 65 Allow'cl Two pence p. Cord for so much "Wood as he shall View and Seal, and the same to be paid by the Buyer. The said Kneeland's Prechict to be from the South Battery to the Fortification, and he is carefully to see to it, That the Laws in that Case made and provided, be duly Observed and kept. The Regulation of the High Way near Brattle Street Church, according to the Direction of Several of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, and the Gentlemen the Select men of the Town of Boston, is here Recorded, By Order of the said Select men, and is as follows Viz*. Boston, Aug. 11, 1737 Whereas, Mess". Joseph Green and Isaac Walker are about Erecting a Brick house in Brattle's Close adjoining to a Building [189.] of Doctor Zabdiel Boylston's and have apply'd to us to State and lay out the Street or Way Pursuant to an Act of this Province made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of William and Mary. We the Subscribers the Justices for the County of Suffolk residing in Boston, as also the Select men of said Town, Do think it most Convenient and best Accomodated for the Neighbourhood and the Inhabitants of the Town, to have it Stated and laid out as follows. Viz*. A Strait line to be run from said Boylston's Building now Im- proved as a Stable, Ranging with Doctor Colman's South West Corner of the Steeple, there measuring Thirty five feet West which will make a Street of Thirty three feet between said Corner and Captain Pollard, and from thence running easterly on a Streight line to the Buildings called Boylston's Row, Which We think will not only Regulate said Street or Way, but Enlarge the same on that part leading to the Town Dock, and be of [190.] General advantage. Thomas Palmer Edward Hutchinson Samuel Sewall Justices for Habijah Savage the County William Tyler of Suffolk H. Hall . Residing Abiel Walley ( in Boston John Fayerweather Samuel Adams Joshua Winslow William Stoddard Jacob Royall I David CoUson ^ Jon"^. Armitage | Select men of Jonas Clarke Alex*. Forsyth Caleb Lyman the Town of Boston. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 24, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage 66 City Document No. S7. Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Whereas the Committee for Erecting a Work house in the Town of Boston, have [191.] Presented to the Selectmen, a Subscrip- tion made by a Number of Gentlemen to Encourage and assist the Carrying on that Work, desiring that the same may be entred with the Publick Records of the Town. And Whereas We also are of opinion. That the Recording the said Instrument of Subscription is Necessary and Convenient. Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to Record the same at large with the Publick Records of the Town of Boston, accordingly. Memorandum, That the Bonds given by John Read, and Joseph Heath Esquires, to the Select Men, (for their Second and Third Payments, amounting to one Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Pounds) are deposited in the Hands of the Hon. John Jeffries Esquire, Together with the Sum of Seven Hundred and Eighty Pounds in Bills of Credit, being the first Payments made by the said Read and Heath, in part of the Purchase Consideration, for the Townships Number One and Two, Sold by auction on Thurs- day the 30*^. of June last past, as Entred [193.] The 14**^. and 22'^. of July last. Mr. Treasurer Wadsworth Complaining That Charles Henley, who dwells in the Town's house in Queen Street is in Arrears, for Rent of the said Tenement. Wherefore, Voted, That Capt. Lyman and m*" Clarke be and hereby are desired forthwith, to give a Quarters Warning to the said Henley to remove from the said Tenement. Voted, That the renewing Leases of Two Tenements and Lands belonging to the Town, Situate in Water Street, in the present Occupation of m"". Samuel Bass, and the Widow Harvey be ad- vertised in the News Paper next Week, agreeable to a Vote of the Inhabitants, in Publick Town Meeting the 12*. March 1732. And also That an advertisement be Publish'd relating to the South market, agreeable to a Vote of the Town the 4*^ of May last past. [193.] Upon a Motion made. Voted, That Capt. Lyman and m"". Clarke be and hereby are desired to wait upon Colonel Checkley, with the Town Clerk, and to Enquire if he has none of the Towns Deeds or Leases still re- maining in his Hands ; there being some of them, not to be found, in the Offices of the Town Treasurer or Town Clerk, and to desire him to deliver them (if he has any) to the present Town Clerk. Boston, Aug. 24, 1737. Whereas the Petitions of Sundry Persons for Licence to Sell Strong Drink either as Innholders or Retailers, have been Pre- sented to the Select Men, and at Several Meetings Considered by them, A List of their names, and the streets where each Person Dwells, with the actings of the Select men upon them, is here Re- corded as follows, Viz'. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 67 Innholders, Approved and Recommended Viz*. Elizabeth Austin King Street Elizabeth Co well Newbury Street Alexander Cochreau Common Street [194.] Joseph Pierce Scarlet's Wharf George Pemberton Ann Street Jonathan Salter Battery march Nathanael Shepard Orange Street John Tuckerman Union Street Retailers Approved and Recommended Viz*. [195.] [196.] Jonathan Bowman Samuel Green Joseph Goldthwait James Green Elizabeth Kellyng William Lackey Stephen Minot Esq'. Joshua Pratt Ruth Paige John Potter Nathanael Peirse John Ridgaway Benjamin Storer Thomas Worth John Whittemore Sendall Williams Thomas WalUs Edward Masters Lynn Street Ship Street Marlborough Street School Street Battery march Cambridge Street Boston Neck Lynn Street Battery alley Orange Street Fish Street Middle Street North Street Union Street Sheaf Street Cold Lane Cambridge Street Newbury Street Innholders Disallowed, Viz*. John Ashley Dock Square William Ireland Newbury Street Nathanael Wheeler Battery March Retailers Disallowed, Viz*. Nicholas Boone George Bridge Margaret Casno Charles Dupee John Fulton John Grainger Theodosia Hay William Ireland Ebenezer Leadbetter Elizabeth Neal Hannah Piercy Joseph Stocker William Stedman Jonathan Whitney Elihu WardeU Mary Winter Cornhill Street King Street Scottows Alley Newbury Street Essex Street School Street Barttle Street Newbury Street Cambridge Street Newbury Street North Street Fish Street Union Street Water Street Middle Street Marlborough Street Green Lane Sarah Ranger Retailer of Beer & Ale AUow'd Jonathan Chandler for ) Beer, Cyder, Ale &c. | South Street 68 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 29, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Liberty is hereby Granted to m"". William Maccarty to dig up the Pavement and to Open the Ground in Milk Street, in order to lay a Drain into the Common Shore in said Street from his House, which formerly belonged to Capt. Robert Saunders. Upon Con- dition that he forthwith make good the same again, and keep it in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. [197.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 31, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage M^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman M"-. Clarke Upon a Motion made relating to the present Improvement of Winisimet Ferry for the Year Currant According a Vote of the Town the 3*^. May last past. Voted, That m"". Savell be directed to Notify m'^. Elias Parkman and others who at present are in the Improvement of said Ferry to Attend the meeting of the Select Men next Wednesday. Voted. That Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be desired, and are hereby Impowered to Agree with m"". John Dennie for the rent of the Towns Ware house in his Occupation, Since the Repair thereof. Agreeable to order as Entred June 1. last past. [198.] Capt. Lyman and m"". Clarke Reported That on the 24^^. of August Currant, according, to the Vote of the Select Men, then Entred, They went to Charles Henley One of the Towns Ten- ants in Queen Street, And gave him Warning to remove from the Tenement wherein he now dwells, within Three Months from the said 24^'\ of August. Voted, That the advertisement Ordered the 24*^. instant be printed in the Weekly News Letter, n^. Boydell's Gazette, the Evening Post, and the Weekly Journal, and that the same be repeated in each of said Papers for Three Weeks Successive!}'. The form of which advertisement to be as follows, Viz*. Whereas the Inhabitants of Boston at a publick Town Meeting the Third of May last, Impowered the Select Men to Let the South Market in said Town, during the Town's Lease therein, or to Dis- pose thereof in the best Way and Manner [199,] they can for the advantage of the Town. These are therefore to Inform any Person or Persons, who may be inclined cither to Purchase or hire the same. According to the said Order, That the Select men are ready to transact such Agree- ment with them, and may be Spoken with at the Town house every Wednesday from Three to Five O'clock in the Afternoon. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 69 These are also to Inform, That two Certain Peices of Land (with the Buildings thereon) Situate in Water Street Boston, in the present Occupation of m^ Samuel Bass and the Widow Harvey, are to be Leased by the Select Men, the Leases to Commence the 3P*. of August 1738, When the present Leases will Expire ; such Persons as are desireous of hiring the same may apply to the Select Men for further Information. Boston, Aug. 31, 1737 By Order of the Select men Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk. Whereas it has been Represented to us, That the Indexes, or Tables of Contents of the Books of Publick Records of the Town of Boston, have not been carried on for above Thirty Years [200.] last past, which proves a great Inconvenience and hindrance in Searching the said Records, which there is frequent Occassion for. Wherefore, Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is di- rected to Carry on and Compleat the Indexes of the said Books of Record, in the best manner and as soon as may be. Upon Information that One Baker, Master of a Sloop lying at Graters Wharf, has bro't into this Town a Certain Crazie Man froni Casco Bay, And further that Two Ancient infirm Men are lately come into the Town by Land, from Connecticut and New York. Voted, That m"". Sevell be and hereby is directed and Ordered to make Enquiry after the said Three Persons, and to Report there- on next Wednesday. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 7, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke [201.] Samuel Watts Esq"", being present with his Lease of the Ferry betwixt Boston and Winnisimet, which Lease expiring the first of March last past, desired the Select Men to Exchange the same for the Counter part, at the same time Shewing a Receipt under the Hand of the Town Treasurer for the full Payment of Rent for said Ferry to the said 1^'. of March — the Leases were Accordingly Exchanged. The said m'. Watts Informs that Mess". Elias Parkman and Thomas Stoddard have Improved the said Ferry from the said first of March to the Sixteenth of June last, and that from the said Sixteenth of June to this Time he the said Watts has Improved it. Mr. Watts further Informs, That the Perquisites of the said Ferry for some time past have not been Sufficient to Support the Charge, But is of opinion. If the Ferriage of Single Persons might be raised to Six pence it might Answer, without augmenting the Ferriage of Horses, Chaise &c. Doctor Nazro Informs that William Berry from Ireland, A Printer of Painted Paper &c. lives in his House, and that he is an Able Bodied Man, and Single. 70 City Document No. 87. [303.] Samuel Adams Esq'. Informs That his neighbour m'. Dorby has taken down a Chimney even with the Roof of his House, where a Fire is kept notwithstanding. Praying the Select men would please to View the same, and give Orders Concerning it, to prevent the Danger which may ensue. Capt. Daniel Gibbs Commander of the Ship Sagamore, (with m"". Ramsey who Charter'd the said Ship) from Ireland, being present were Examined, and Inform, That during the Voyage, Several of the Passengers were sick with the Measles, but that they were sick with the Measles, but that they were all healthy at present, and had been so for a Month past. Upon which, it was tho't proper to advise with some of the Physicians of the Town, Several of whom, by the desire of the Select men, being present, Examin'd the said Gibbs and Ramsay relating to the Sickness they had had on board, upon which the said Physicians Unanimously Gave it as their Opinion, That it would be very dangerous to the Inhabitants if the said Passengers or Ships Company were permitted to Come [303.] into the Town before they had for some time Aired them selves, and Cleansed the Ship. Where upon the Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq^ and Hugh Hall Esq', upon the desire of the Select men, met with them, and Capt. Gibbs being call'd before them, He was directed and Ordered to go with his said Ship to Spectacle Island, and to carry his Passengers thither in Order to their Airing themselves, their Bedding Clothes &c. and to Continue there until further Order. Sept. 10, 1737. Liberty is hereby granted to m^ Joseph Belcher to Dig up the Pavement and open the Ground in North Street, in Order to Repair the Drain from his House into the Common Shore in said Street, Upon Condition, That he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 14, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman ■ Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [304.] Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants directed to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesties Name re- quiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. annum of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territory at the least, or other Estate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, To Convene at the Town house upon Wednesday the Twenty-first of September Currant, at two of the Clock in the afternoon, Then and there to Elect and Depute (if they sec cause) one Person being a Freeholder and resident in the Town, To Serve for and Represent them in the Great and General Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 71 Court or assembly to be holdcn at Salisbury for His Majesties Service, Upon Wednesday the Twelfth of October next ensuing in the Room of I he Honourable Elisha Cooke Esq^ Deceased, accord- ing to a Precept under the Hand and Seal of the Honourable John Quincy Esquire Speaker of the Honourable House of Representa- tives bearing date at Salisbury in the County of Essex, the 3P'. Day of August 1737. In the Eleventh Year of His Majesties Reign. [305.] They are alike Required to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town, duly Qualified as the Law directs, to meet at the same time and place, To Consider the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants respecting the Charge of this Town, in the Pay of the Representatives ; The Proposal of m''. Thomas Hubbard, relating to the Cellar under the Granary ; as also a Proposal for Erecting an Engine for Weighing of Hay And to receive the Select Mens Report of the Sale of the Three Townships. &c. &c. Capt. Gibbs Informs That according to Order He carried his Ship to Spectacle Island with his Passengers &c. and that they have Cleansed the Ship and Aired themselves, as they were directed to do, and humbly moves for Liberty to come up to Town with his said Ship &c. In Order to which m"". Savell. is Ordered to go down with Capt. Gibbs on board the said Ship tomorrow Morning, to see what Condition they are in, and Report to the Select Men as soon as Possible that so they may give direction Accordingly. [306.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 15, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Capt. Gibbs being present Informs That b/ reason of the bad Weather to day he was not able to go on board his Ship at Spec- tacle Island with m^ Savell, as was Ordered last Evening, and de- sires notwithstanding, he may have Liberty to bring up his Ship to Town, Upon Consideration of which Motion and upon further Examination of the said Master, The following Certificate was drawn and Signed, Viz*. Boston sc. These may Certify, That We the Subscribers are of Opinion That the Ship Sagamore Capt. Daniel Gibbs Com. lately from Ireland and now lying near to Spectacle Island (by reason that some Passengers in the said Ship were Sick with the Measles in the Voyage) may be permitted to [207.] come up to this Town, without Danger of Communicating the said Distemper to the In- hal)itants. Sept. 15. 1737. W^. Dudley ) j Anth^ Stoddard |J"«tices Jon*^. Armitage Caleb Lyman i 4. Jonas Clarke "^^^ Tho^ Hutchinson J Capt. Gibbs was Ordered to give Bond, with SuflScient Sureties 72 City Document No. 87. in the Penalty of One Thousand Pounds, to Indemnify the Town, on Acco*. of his Passengers. Mr. Samuel Todd appearing, Offers to give Bond for Passengers from Ireland, in the Brigantine Elizabeth, William Mills Com- mander, and Proposes Robert Aucbmuty Esq^ m'. Gershom Keyes and m"". William Hall for his Sureties, Accordingly, Voted, To Accept of the said Todd, with Two of the said Gen- tlemen, to Indemnify the Town, on Acco^ of the said Passengers, by their Bond, of the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds. Memorandum, That m^ Watts's Motion [208.] Respecting augmenting the Ferriage, for Single Persons, over Winnisimet Ferry, as Fntred the 7"\ Currant, be mentioned at the Opening of the Town Meeting on Wednesday the 21^* instant, for the Towns Consideration thereof. The Select Men according to Appointment Having been at Rumney Marsh, View'd and Surveyed the New road there made, and lately finished by Capt. Nathanael Oliver, Report thereon as follows Viz'. That they find the said Road to be made Eighteen feet Wide, and in all other Respects finished to their Satisfaction According to former Agreement. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 21, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ be the [309.] mod- erator of the Select Men this Day ; and that he be and hereby is desired to Act as such in the Name and behalf of the Select Men during the Election of a Representative, According to the Laws in that Case provided. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 23, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage ^ Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Whereas the Town at a Publick Meeting the 11*^. June, 1736. Granted Liberty to m^ Thomas Hancock to level the Ground in Beacon Street (with Gravel) of the breadth of Thirty feet &c. The said m"". Hancock appearing and desiring he may have Liberty also Granted him further to level and Gravel the same to the Eastward of that he has already done, for the better Accomodation of said Street, Which Motion being considered. Voted,, Tiiat Liberty be and hereby is Accordingly Granted him to level and Gravel the said Street as [210.] Far as Century Street, of the breadth of Thirty feet ; Upon Condition That he do at his own Cost and Charge well and Sufllciently Secure the same ; Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 73 and prevent the Gravel from Washing down upon the Common and Spoiling the Herbage thereof. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 26, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jefifries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Whereas Capt. Nathanael Oliver, (by his agreement entered into, in Writing, lying on file) was Obliged to make a New Road in Rumuey Marsh near the County Bridge so Called, of the breadth of Twelve feet, and to mend the Old Road to the Northward of said Bridge &c. for the Sum of Eighty Pounds, as by his said agreement may appear. And whereas the said Oliver has lor the Better fSll.] accomo- dation of the New road aforesaid made it Eighteen feet broad, and finished the same to our Satisfaction, Therefore, Voted, That upon Condition, that the said Capt. Oliver together wiih his Sou m"^. Nathanael Oliver Jun'". shall and do Execute a proper Instrument in Writing for the Confirmation of the said Road to the Town of Boston for the use of a Publick Road Ibrever, and to keep the same in good repair to the Satisfaction of the Select Men of said Town for the time being for the Space of Five Years next coming after the said Work was finished, according to said Agree- ment, That then the said Oliver be allow'd and Paid for his Addition of the said Six feet in the breadth of the said Road in the same proportion as was agreed upon for the Twelve feet ; making up the Sum of One Hundred and Twenty Pounds in the whole lor the said Work. And Whereas the Sum of Ninety Pounds has been (at Several times) already paid to Capt. Oliver. Voted, That the further Sum of Thirty Pounds be Allow'd and Paid out of the Town Treasury to the said Capt. Oliver, in full Payment for the said Work, upon the Conditions aforesaid. [212.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 28''^. 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Richard Wattford a Disbanded Soldier from Pemaquid, being Weak in Body and extream Poor, Sent to the Almshouse Recom- mended to the Overseers of the Poor, there to be kept at the Prov- ince Charge. Upon Consideration of the Vote of the Town the 21". Instant directing and Impowering the Select Men to Lease out the Cellar under the Granary to m'. Thomas Hubbard. 74 City Document No. 87. Voted, That m'. Savell Inform m^ Hubbard That We are ready to give him a Lease thereof agreeable to the Towns Direction, and desire him to Attend us next Wednesda}" at 4 o'Clock in Order thereto. Mr. Joseph St. Lawrence from Ireland Merchant, [213.] having imported upwards of Fifty Pounds Sterling, Prays he may be Allow'd to Carry on his Business in this Town. On the Petition of Samuel Kneeland Presented to the Town and refer'd to the Select Men, Voted, That Capt. Lyman and m^. Clarke be a Committee to Enquire into the State of said Kneeland's Debt to the Town, County and Province, and what Security he can give, and Report to the Select Men at their next Meeting. Mr. Nathanael Wardell Appear'd and desired to be Excus'd from Engaging any further in the Scheme laid before the Town for Weighing of Hay, and that no Advantage may be taken from his Proposals lately exhibited to the Town relating thereto. Voted, That m'". Hasey of Rumney Marsh be Employ'd to repair the High Ways in that District exclusive of the High Ways thro' Capt. Olivers Farm. [214.] At a Meeting of the Select Men Sept. 30, 1737. Present s • Capt. armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Ordered, That the assize of Bread be, and hereby is Set and Stated at 16/ P. Bushell for Wheat, and 3/6 p. Bushell Allow'd for Charges, Which is as follows Viz'. oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 2. 6 Wheaten 3. 9 Household 4. 12 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1'^. 5. 6 October 5, 1737. Liberty is hereby Granted to m'. Daniel Johonnot to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Union Street in Order to Clear the Drain belonging to a Dwelling house in the present Tenure of George Hughes, and running into the Common Shore in said Street [21i5.] Upon Condition That he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, October 5'^. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Selectmen's Minutes, 1777. 75 Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Thomas Hubbard being present According to Order It was agreed upon, That his Lease from the Select Men, for the Granary Cellar, for the Space and term of Sixteen Years, should Commence the first Day of December next. It is further Agreed that the said Cellar is to be lathed and Plaistered by m^. Hubbard Mr. Willoughby Informs that the Windows of the Granary need some repair, that there are two Keyes to the Granary, one of which remains [216.] in the hands of m^ Henry Dyre the Master of the Alms house, He also Prays to be Allow'd some Charcoal for the ensuing Winter, accordingly, Ordered, That m'". Willoughby take Care for the Mending the Granary Windows, and that he be Allow'd to provide himself with Coal, And the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", is desired to direct and Order a Convenient and Safe place for keeping of Coal for the Use of the Granary And m"". Savell is directed to Notify m*". Henry Dyre to Attend upon the Select Men next Wednesda3\ Mr. Clarke from the Committee appointed to Enquire into the State of Samuel Kneelands Debt to the Town &c. as Entred the 28*^. of Sept. past. Reported, That the said Kneeland Offers as Security, a Tract of Unimprov'd Land in Lancaster, which he Says, he has been Offered Eighty Pounds for, But the Committee Appre- hend the Value of it to be very Uncertain Voted, That the Rent of the Towns Ware house in the present Possession of m^ John Dennie [217.] Shall Commence the 18*^. of November next at Fifty Pounds p. annum, m"". Dennie being present was made Acquainted with this Order Accordingly. Capt. Oliver Informs that a Bridge call'd County Bridge, and another call'd Clap Bridge in Rumuey Marsh are much out of Repair, and will need about Three Pounds to put them in Order. Accordingly Capt. Oliver is desired to take Care to have the said Bridges repaired and Also to amend the High Way at Shrimptons Hill. Capt. Oliver Prays for further Allowance of Twenty Pounds for his Extraordinary Charge and Care in Building the Causway at Rumnev Marsh. October 6*^. 1737. Elizabeth Ray Widow living in Battery March Informs That Thomns Roach a Sailor, has been ab*. Fourteen Days at her House, That he came from Virginia with Capt. Cross, as a Sailor, but the Capt. Says he came a Passenger, That he is now very Sick of a Fever, and has no Effects that she knows of, [218.] she there- fore Prays the Select Men would please to give Orders concerning him. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 12, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth 76 City Document No. 87. Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Jonathan Hartshorn Informs That One Robert Williams a Sailor, who lately came into this Town with Capt. Amos Wadlaiid from the Bay, is fallen Sick in his House ; That he is destitute of Friends ; that his Apparel may be Worth about Ten or Twelve Pounds, besides which he has no Effects, that he knows of; and therefore Prays the Select Men to give orders concerning him, if they see canse ; Whereupon It is Ordered, That the Town Clerk Certify the Overseers of the Poor, That they esteem the said Robert AVilliams a proper object to be Maintained at the Province Charge, and therefore that they recommend [219.] him to their Care to be received into the alms house. (Which was done accordingly) Upon the Information of Elizabeth Ray, as Entred the 6^^. Currant, m"". Savell was directed lo Notify Capt. Cross, that the Select men desired to Speak witii him, Who accordingly came, and being Questioned concerning Thomas Roach, He Inform'd the Select men that he was a Passenger with him, from Virginia ; and it being demanded of him to give Security on Acco\ of said Roach, He proposed m"". Thomas Hubbard for a Bondsman with him, Which is accepted, and he was directed to give Bond accordingly. Mr. Henry Dyre Appear'd according to Order, and being de- sired, he delivered the Key of the Granary (which he has had for some time in his Keeping) into the Hands of the Town Clerk, (afterwards delivered to m'". Willoughby by order of the Select Men.) Upon a Motion made and Seconded, Voted, That the Rent of the Ware house [230.] belonging to the Town, now in the Occupation of m^ Harrison Gray, be raised to Fifty Pounds p. annum, from the First Day of November next; And that Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be desired to Acquaint m"". Gray with this Order ; and they are also hereby desired to Secure the Corner of said Ware house from Damage by Carts, Trucks &c. and to order such Repairs as may be Necessary. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 19, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke A Report being Spread in the Town that a great Quantity of Provisions, Especially Flower, has been laden on board the Ship Venus, Capt. Joshua Pickman Commander, now lying in Boston Harbour; Which Report has Occasioned Uneasiness in the minds of many People, in the Town, at such a Time as this is, as appears by their Complaints [221.] against such proceedings. AYhere fore In order to come at the Knowledge of the Truth relating to that Affair, the said Capt. Pickman was desired to Attend upon the Select Men, with Several of the Labourers who had all along been Employed in Lading and Stowing the Goods on board to give Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 77 Information in this Matter, Accordingly the following Persons Attended, Viz'. Capt. Joshua Pickman, Commander of the Ship Venus Mess" John Turner ") Who have Constantly John Bovey >■ Lodg'd on board in the Robert Harwood ) Night. Richard Hobbs John Wat kins, and William Moorin The Persons abovenamed being Sworn before Joshua Winslow Esq'", in the Presence of the Select Men upon their Examination, Do Severally Depose That there has been no more Provisions laden on Board the said Ship Venus (to the best of their Knowl- edge) than Thirty Six Barrels of Flour, and Twenty four Barrels of Beef and Pork. John Turner, John Bovey, and Robert Har- wood, (who have Constantly lodg'd on board) do further upon their Oath, declare. That (to the best of [222.] Their Knowledge) there has no manner of Lading, or Provisions of any kind what- soever, been put on board the said Ship in the night time ; but in the Day time only. Mr Yardly Lewis, lately from Cork, appearing, desires that Liberty may be Granted him to set up a Small Still, in the House of late belonging to m"". Robert Howard Dec'd in Clarks Square. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and m'. Clarke be a Committee to View the place, and Report their Opinion, what may be proper to be done thereon. Samuel Watts Esq'". Appearing According to the desire of the Select Men, They Discoursed with him relating to Winnisimet Ferry, Who agreed as follows, Viz^ That if he the said Watts should take a New Lease of the said Ferry commencing from March next then in that Case he will pay the rent of said Ferry for the current Year, since the Expiration of the late Lease, at the rate of Twenty Pounds p. annum. [223.] Mr. Chambers reporting that some small Repairs are Necessary at the Watch house in King street, He was directed and ordered to cause the same to be Effected Accordingly. Oct. 25, 1737. Liberty is Granted to Mess" William Speakman and Frederick Hamilton to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Marl- borough Street for about One Hundred and Fifty feet, in order to lay a Drain or Common Shore from their Cellars, Upon Conditions that they forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in Repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 26, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson 78 City Document No. 87. Mr. William Rand, One of the Collectors [334.] For the Year 1735. Appeared and Shew'd his Receipts from the Several Treas- urers of the Province, the County, and the Town for the Sum of Six Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty One Pounds, Eleven Shillings and Three pence in the whole. And Prays the Select Men would please to draw upon the Town Treasurer for his Premium for Col- lecting the same, according to the Towns Vote. Capt. Armitage and m"^. Clarke being desired to View a place propos'dby m'. Yardly Lewis for Setting up a Still, as Entred the 19'^. instant, Having accordingly Viewed the place, Report, That in their Opinion it is no wise safe or convenient to set up a Still there. And the Question being thereupon put, Whether the Prayer of m^ Lewis be granted. Voted in the Negative. Upon a Motion made. Voted That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq''., Capt. Armitage and m'. Clarke be a Committee [235.] to View the Drain which runs from the South Burying place into the Common, which has been Obstructed by Building the Cellar under the Granary, and to Re- port What they shall think best to be done in that Affair. Thomas iJoach lately from Virginia Mariner is admitted an In- habitant, Capt. William Cross and m"". Thomas Hubbard, being Bound in the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 31, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Capt. Nathanael Oliver presented a Memorial relating to the extraordinary Work by him done at Rumney Marsh in [336.] making the New road there. Praying for a Consideration and further Allowance therefor. The Consideration where of is refer'd to Wednesday the 9*^. of November next ; And the Instrument for him and his Son to Sign, to Confirm the same to the Town is to be drawn against that Day. Capt. Walmsley attending according to order. The Select men inform'd him. They expected he should give Security to Indemnify the Town from Charge which may arise on Acco*. of One Daniel Cannoe, one of his Sailors, Who receiv'd a Wound in his Legg, in their Passage hither, by which he is in danger of lossing it. And who is now in the Alms house in Order to obtain a Cure. Ca|3t. Walmsley propos'd Mess". Joseph Gerrish and John Barrel as Bondsmen, Who being present Consented to it, and being accepted by the Select Men, the Town Clerk was directed to draw a Bond Accordingly. [337.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 2, 1737. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 79 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr Savell Informs that two Young Men, who were lately cast awa}^ at the Isle of Sables, having foond means to get to Scituate, have travel'd from thence by Land to Boston, in their Way to Nutfield, ab'. Londonderry ; that one of them was taken ill at m". Wardells so that he could not then proceed on his Journey, and being destitute of Moue}^ He has taken Care for his Entertainment at Cramshaws for the present. And has engaged to defray the Charge of it. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Informs that m'^. Gorham is arriv'd from Connecticut, that he bro't about Eighty Bushels of Wheat which was bought up by m^ Coffin in order to send the same to Piscataqua. Wherefore Voted, That m^ Savell be directed and ordered [238.] from time to time to repair on board the Coasting Vessels upon their arrival here. And in the Name of the Select Men to Desire them to Dispose of theii" Wheat and Rye in small Quantities to the Inhabi- tants of this Town fur the Supply of their Families ; And not to Sell it to Such as would carry or send it out of the Town. Whereas at a Meeting of the Select Men, the 26*''. of September last, it was Voted, That the Sum of Thirty Pounds be allowed and Paid out of the Town Treasury to Capt. Nathanael Oliver ; which Sum together with ninety Pounds paid him before makes the Sum of One Hundred and Twenty Pounds, and was to be in full for making a New road in Ruraney Marsh ; and npon such Condi- tions as were then Entred, as by the Record of said Votes may appear. Since which he hath presented a Petition for a further Allow- ance, on acco*. of the Extraordinary Charge he was at, in per- forming that Work, and in Enlarging the Road, on the north side of the County Bridge so Called, at least Four feet in Wedth, which is greath" for [239. J The Service and Accomodation of the Town, and without which allowance (as he says) he shall be a great Suf- ferer. The Select men having Maturely Considered Capt. Olivers Me- morial, and made Enquiry into that aff'air and it appearing to them, that One Hundred and Twenty Pounds is not an Adequate recom- pence for the said Work. Therefore, Voted, That the further Sum of Twenty Pounds be allowed and Paid out of the Town Treasury to Capt. Nathanael Oliver, in full for that Work Upon his performing the Conditions mentioned in the fore recited Vote, past the 26*''. of September last. Capt. Gibbs and m^ Ramsey being sent for, appeared, and were directed to give Security for the Passengers Imported in the Ship Sagamore from Ireland in September last, m^ Ramsey Promised to give Bond with Sureties in One Thousand Pounds and Capt. Gibbs with m'. Waldo in Two Hundred Pounds, to In- 80 City Document No. 87. demnify the Town according to Law, which was accepted, and the Bonds Ordered to be drawn Accordingly. Nov. 7, 1737. [230.] Liberty is Granted to m^ John Vintenon to Dig up the Pavement in Sudbury Street and to Open the Ground in order to lay a Drain from his Cellar into the Common Shore in said Street. Upon Condition That he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and from time to time keep the same in repair to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 7, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Upon a Motion made and Seconded, Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^., Capt. Armitage, and m*". LIutchinson be a Committee to wait upon John Head Esq"". [331.] to advize with him on the Affair depending with Capt. Oliver relating to the New road or Causey in Rumney Marsh, That they inform him of the State of the Case, and desire him to pre- pare the Draft of a proper Instrument for Capt. Oliver and his Son to Sign, whereby to Convey and Confirm the said High Way to the Town &c. as soon as may be. And that the Town Clerk be directed to write a Letter to Capt. Oliver to Inform him that the Select men cannot get ready to Attend him on Wednesday next According to Appointment, and therefore to desire him to defer his coming to Town upon that Affair till Wednesday the 1 6'^\ instant. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Informs That the Gentlemen the Committee for Erecting the Work house are willing to be at the Charge of Carrying the Drain (which Conveys the Water from the Tombs in the South Burying place) to the Westward of the Granary, the same Number of feet as they would be Obliged to do, in order to meet again with the Drain, which has been obstructed by removing the Granary and diging the Cellar under the same. "Wherefore |_233.] Apprehending it may be mo^t Convenient and advautagous to have the Drain carried according to the pi oposal above mentioned, as it will remove a Nusance, which was Occa- sioned by its venting itself in the street or High Way, and be of Service to the Herbage of the Common. Voted, That the said Drain be Accordingly Carried along on the Westward Side of the Granary. And that the Extraordinary Charge which may accrue by carrying it further than the said Committee are Obliged to do in Order to the Spreading the Water upon the Herbage, be defray'd out of the Town Treasury. Voted, Th;it the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. m\ Collson and Capt Lyman be a Committee on the part of the Town to Agree for, and to see the same Effected. Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 81 Voted, That m^ Savell be directed to take Effectual Care to pre- vent Spoil and Damage to the Trees and Fencing in the Common this Night for making Bonfires &c. Nov. 8, 1737. [333.] Liberty is Granted to the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^. to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground before his House in Treamount Street in order to clear his Drain ; Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. Hugh Ramsey, John Weire, and William Moore, Executed a Bond, of the Penalty of one Thousand Pounds to Indemnify the Town from Charge on acc°. of Three Hundred and Eighty One Passengers Imported by Capt. Daniel Gibbs in the Ship Sagamore from Ireland, Sept. 15. 1737. Capt. Daniel Gibbs and Samuel Waldo Executed another Bond of the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town on acco*. of Twenty Seven Passengers Imported by the said Gibbs from Ireland in the said Ship Sagamore. Capt. James Finne}' Mess". John Karr and William Hall Exe- cuted a Bond of the Penalty of Six Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town on Acco'. of One Hundred and Sixty two Passengers [234.] Imported by the said Finney in the Snow Charming Molly from Ireland, Nov. 7. 1737. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 9, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Voted, That m"". Savell be and hereby is directed to Notify the Gentlemen Chosen Collectors of Rates and Taxes for the Current year, of the Choice so made, and to desire them to Attend upon the Select men at their Meeting next Wednesday, in order to qualify themselves for the Execution of that Office and Trust, as the Law directs. Solomon Davis Master of the Sloop Neptune from Philadelphia, and m'. Prince Sturgis a Passenger in the said Sloop, being Sworn by the Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq*", before the Select men, and by them Examin'd [335.] on Oath, Do Depose as follows, Viz^ That they Sail'd from Philadelphia in the Sloop Neptune the 21"'. of October last, bound for Boston, Loaden with about Two Hundred and Eighty Barrels of Flower, Tiiirty firkins of Butter, Seventy Bushells of Wheat, Fifteen Hundred Weight of Hemp, Six Barrels of Linseed oyle, with some Iron The Company Consist- ing of Five Persons (Sailors) with Two Passengers, That they know not of the Small Pox being in Philadelphia ; but about a Week before they Sail'd from thence a Bilander arrived there with Palatine Passengers, of whom Thirty Persons had died of the Small Pox during the Voyage as the Master inform'd them, That 82 City Document No. 87. the Bilander lay along side the Sloop One night, in which time the People were often on board the Sloop, but that all their Company continued very well until a Day or two before they arrived at Martha's Vineyard (which was the 3VK of October last) When a Boy named Francis Craft complain'd of a Pain in his Head and Back, Upon their arrival at the Vineyard the Boy went on Shore and the Small Pox appearing and breaking out upon him he was sent on board again. Since which time [336,] neither they the Deponents, nor (to their knowledge any of the Sloops Company have been on board, having never had the Small Pox, That the Boy lay in the Fore Castle, That before they came away from the Vin- yard, the Master procured a Pilot and Three Hands who had all had the Small Pox, to bring the Sloop round to Boston, and had given Order to them to come to Anchor near the Province Hospital at Spectacle Island. Capt. Davis was directed to See that his People took Lodging together where the Famil}^ had had the Small Pox, and to give Notice at the Clerks Office, where they are lodg'd and if any of them should Complain of Disorder or Sickness, immediately to give information thereof also, and m"". Savell hereby is directed daily to See them. Capt. Davis afterward return'd to the Office, and Informs of his and his Companys Lodgings According to the above Order, as follows, Viz*. Mr^^St^rgi^ | *^^^^P^ Green's in Queen Street. Benj''. Haws') Jabez Bacon V at m'". Eleazar Flagg's at the Town Dock. John Taylor 3 [237,] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 11, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Cole of Martha's Vinyard, Pilot of the Sloop Neptune from thence, Solomon Davis Master now at Anchor near Spectacle Island, being present Informs that he came up to this Town from the said Sloop Yesterday, and that one John came up with him in the Boat and bro't his Chest with him also, he further In- forms that the said John was the Person who Attended the Boy on board the said Sloop who has been Sick of the Small Pox, on whose Acco'. the Sloop is now detained below. The Select men Apprehending there may be great danger of the said John Communicaling the Small Pox to such as he may convene with by means of his residing in the Town made their Application to the Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'. [238.] and John Fayerweather Escf . to Obtain a Warrant for taking up the said John and Sending him down on board the Sloop Neptune with his Chest and whatsoever else might retain Infection, Who Granted Selectmen's Minutes, 1737. 83 a Warrant for that end, Accordingly, m'". Savell was directed to take Care and see that the same be duly Executed. The Hon. Jacob. Wendell Esq^ Appearing, desires he may have Liberty to take the Flour, Wheat, Butter, and a few Loaves of Sugar, out of the Sloop Neptune, now detained at Spectacle Island on Account of the Small Pox, as above, and the Select men taking the same into Consideration are of Opinion that Col*^. Wen- dell may have Liberty Accordingly, Provided the Paper &c. which covers the Loaves of Sugar, be first taken off and burnt. A Cer- tificate whereof was given, beiug Signed by the Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ and John Fayerweather Esq^, as Justices of the Peace and by the Select Men. Whereas the Hon. Benjamin Prescot Esq"", is appointed by His Exellency the Governour [339.] And the Honourable the Council, to be a Special Justice of the Superiour Court of [ndica- ture, in the County of Suffolk, on an Action of Review of a Case now depending between the Town of Boston and the Heirs of James Everill, and m"". Savell is going to Groton with a Letter from m*". Deputy Secretary to inform him thereof. Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed to Write a Letter to CoP. Prescot also ; And in the Name of the Select Men, earnestly to desire he would not fail of attending that Service ; And also to Inform him that they will readily defray the Charges of his Journey on that Occasion. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 16, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. ClaVke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Eleazar Flagg being present. Informs That Jabez Bacon, (a Lodger at his House, one of the [340.] Sailors belonging to the Sloop Neptune Solomon Davis Master, lately from Philadel- phia) was taken ill the last Night, Complaining of Pain m His Head and Back, Which he is Apprehensive may be the Symptoms the Small Pox, Praying the Select men would please to give Speedy Orders concerning him. Whereupon, Dr. Davis, Dr. Cutler, and Dr. Bultinch were de- sired to Visit the said Jabez Bacon, and Report their Opinion thereon. The Gentlemen above mentioned having Visited the Sick man, According to the desire of the Select men, Reported, That it was their Opinion the said Jabez Bacon was Sick of the Small Pox, according to the best Judgment they could at present make Irom the Symptoms that are on him. They also gave it as their opinion, that he might with Safety be removed to the Province Hospital, or else where without endangering his Life. Voted, That the said Jabez Bacon be removed to m*". William Waters at Rainsford Island ; and that Capt. Lyman and m'. Clarke 84 City Document No. 87. be desired to See that he be sent thither Accordingh^ [241.] With all his Cloathing and Bedding ; And that they provide neces- sarys for him. Mr. Flagg was also directed and Ordered to Confine his Children to their Chamber, to keep his Lodgers within, and his Doors shut, And that he suffer no body to come into his House, or to go out of it until further Order ; and Upon an}' Complaint of Sickness or disorder, that he forthwith give Notice thereof to the Select men, that they may give necessary Orders thereon. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 16, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Samuel Danforth Esq', from the Select men of Cambridge In- forms us that the Rev. m''. John Adams is come to reside in that Town that they apprehend he is an Inhabitant of Boston, and desire to know if We will Indemnify the Town of Cambridge [243.] Pro- vided any Charge should happen to arise by reason or means of his Continuing there. William Beauford alias aged about Sixty Years Informs That he was born at Blanford in from whence he went to Newfoundland and follow'd the Fishery, that about Five years ago he came into this Town with Capt. Giles Hall, that he tarried here about a Week, and then went into the Countrey where he has wrought for his living whilst he was capable of Working, some- times at One place, sometimes at another ; but that he is now fallen Lame in his Hands whereby he is rendered unable to Support him- self by Labour any longer ; That he came into this Town the last Night from where he had been about One month, He fur- ther Says that about Two years ago he was eutertain'd in the Alms h- the Peace Samuel Adams Esq'*. ) Mr. David Collson Capt. Alex"". Forsyth | Capt. Caleb Lyman [► Select men Mr. Jonas Clarke IMr. Thos. Hutchinson Jun^. J A General Walk or Visitation of the Town was then Agreed upon, to be the Twenty first of February Currant to Meet at Nine o'Clock in the Morning if the AVeather be fair. According to the Order or Sortment then made. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 8, 1737. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth .Mr. Clarke"^ Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson [377.] The Town Cleik is directed to write a Letter to the Hon. Judge Prescott, in the Name of the Select men, to put him in mind of the Sitting of the Superiour Court next Tuesday, When the Case is to be Tried between the Town and m"". Everills heirs, and to desire he would not fail of being in Town on that Occa- sion. And by the same Messenger to write a Letter to CoP. Tyng at Dunstable, in the Nnme of the Select men, desiring the favour of him to Search the Papers of his Grand father, in his Hands, for any papers that may give light in the Case depending between the Town of Boston, and m*". Everills heirs; and if he finds any to Send 'em to them. Who will readily pay all Charges that may arise there by, and cheerfully Satisfy him for. his time and trouble. 98 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 10., 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Arraitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [278.] The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Informs, That upon the Motion and According to the desire of the Select men. He had pre- sented m^ Andrew Lane with the Sum of Ten Pounds as a Fee fiom the Town in the Trial of the Cause depending between the Town and James Everills heirs, which is to come on at the Supe- riour Court the 14'^. Current. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 13, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Whereas the Sum of Fifty Pounds has been lately given to John Read and William Shirley Esq", as a Fee from the Town in tlie Trial of the Cases depending in the Law between the Town and the Heirs of James Everill, which is to come on at the next [379.] Superiour Court, As Entred the 7'^. of December last. Voted, That the further Sum of Thirty Pounds be presented to the said Gentlemen in equal halves to make their Fees for this Trial equal to the Fees given them at the Former Trial, which was Forty Pounds apeice ; And the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"^. is desired to advance the said Sura of Thirty Pounds out of the Moneys lying in his Hands belonging to the Town, received for the Townships Sold the 30^^^. of June last. And that the said Sum be drawn out of the Town Treasury and put into the Hands of m"". Jeffries again, in the next draught made upan the Treasury. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 15, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeff'ries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Capt. Armitage Infoi^ms That m'. William [380.] Waters came Yesterday from Rainsford Island and informs that the People there are all in good health, and that m^ Winboru desires 0 Selectmen's Minutes, 1737-8. 99 the Select men to give Orders for his coming up to Town, if they see meet. Voted, That m''. Ebeuezer Winburn be directed to come up to Town by the first Opportunity, taking all possible Care of his Clothes, and everything else that may retain Infection, and that he be Notified of this Order as soon as may be. And also Voted, That the Town Clerk be desired to write to m^ Waters at the Hospital on Rainsford Island, and to inform him that the Select men he would exhibit to them an acco^ of the Wearing Apparel and other Effects now in his Hands of late belonging to Jabez Bacon lately Deceased of the Small Pox at said Island- At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 16. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [281.] The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Informs that according to the Vote pass'd by tlie Select men, as Entred the 13*^. instant he had presented to Mess". Read and Shirley the Sum of Thirty Pounds, in addition to what was Ordered to be given them the 1^*. of December last past. Viz*. Fifteen Pounds to John Read Esq^ and Fifteen Pounds more to William Shirley Esq^ At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 20. 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Whereas on the late Trial had between the Town and Everills heirs the Jury found a Special Verdict, which of Necessity will require further pleading, or arguing on a point of Law, Therefore in Consideration thereof. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ be [283.] And hereby is desired to present the Attorneys, Viz*. John Read and William Shirley Esq", with the further Sum of Forty Pounds, (out of the Money lying in his Hands received for Townships Sold &c.) to be equally divided between them for their Encouragement in prosecuting the said Affair, And that a Draft be made on the Town Treasurer for the said Sum, to be repaid to the Hon. John Jeffries Esqr. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 22, 1737. 100 City Document No. 87. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Ebenezer Winburn Informs, That m"". Jabez Bacon who lately died of the Small Pox, at the Hospital on said Island has left in the Hands of One Francis Craft [^83.] Servant to Capt. Davis, One pair of Silver Shoe Buckles, one pair of Gold buttons, a Small parcel of Silver and Gold, and Sundrys of Wearing Apparel. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 27, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Upon Consideration of the Services of m'. Gerrish the Town Clerk in Attending the Select men's Meetings the Year past, and his other Service in the Town Affairs. Voted, That he be Allowed the Sum of Twenty five Pounds. March 1, 1737. Whereas the Pipes Conveying Water from the Orange Tree to the Conduit in Ann Street [^84.] Are Stopt and Application is made to the Select men for liberty to Open the Ground where it may be Necessary, in Order to remove the said Obstruction. Liberty is Accordingly Granted to Habijah Savage and William Tyler Esq"", to Dig up the Pavement, and to Open the Ground in Hanover Street, Wings Lane or Ann Street as Occasion shall require. Upon Condition that they Open the Ground for the length only of Two pipes at the same time, and that they then forth- with make good the Ground again, before they open in another place, that so the Inhabitants may not be incommoded thereby, And that they keep the same together with the Pavement in good repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men for the time being. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 1, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Selectmen's Minutes, 1737-8. 101 [285.] Whereas another Trial is to come on tomorrow by Review, between the Town and Evei ills Heirs. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", be and here by is desired to present the Sum of Forty Pounds to the Two Attorneys for the Town, Y'lzK Twenty Pounds to John Read Esq\ and Twenty Pounds to William Shirley Esq^ in addition to the Fees Already given them. That he Advance the same out of the Moneys lying in his Hands received for Townships Sold, and that the said Sum of Forty Pounds be drawn out of the Town Treasury payable to m"". Jeffries in the next draught made thereon. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 6, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants to the Constables of Boston [286,] In His Majesties Name requiring them forth with to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants Qualified as the Law directs, to Convene at the Town house on Monday next the Thirteenth of March Current, at Nine o' Clock in the forenoon, Then and there to Nominate and Chuse meet Persons to Serve the Town the Year ensuing, as Select men. Town Clerk, Overseers of the Poor, Constables and other Officers as the Law directs ; To Grant such Sums of Money as shall be judg'd Needful for relief of the Poor and defraying other Necessary Charges ; To receive a further list of Persons qualified to Serve on the Petit Jury, as also the Reports of Several Committees. To Agree upon, Conclude and finish such other Matters and things as were under Consideration at former Meetings, and Continued to be further debated at this, and also such other Matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this Meeting. Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to Wait upon the Assessors for an Attested Copy of their List and Valua- tion of Estates and faculties for the Currant Year [287.] To be lodg'd with the Town Clerk as the Law directs. To be produced if occasion shall require to determine any disputes which may happen to arise respecting the Qualification of Persons offering their Votes at Publick Town Meetings. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 13, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson 102 City Document No. 87. This Day the Select men Executed a Deed to the Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq', of a Tract of Land of the Contents of Six Miles Square, not as yet laid out, but to be laid out in some Suitable place in the Unappropriated Lands of this Province, Agreeable to a Grant made by the Great and General Court the 28. May 1735 to the Town of Boston, Sold at a Publick Auction the 30'^. of June last past, to the said [288.] Wendell, The DeeJ was Acknowl- edged the same Day before Samuel Sewall Esq\ Justice of Peace. The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq*", at the same time Executed Two Bonds to the Select men. Viz'. One for the Payment of the Sum of on or before the . The other for the Payment of the Sum of on or before the . Which said Two Bonds are deposited in the Hands of the Hon. John Jeffries Esq*". [*^89.] At a Meeting of the Select men, March 15, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Jonathan Armitage Mr. David CoUson Capt. Alexander Forsyth Capt. Caleb Lyman Mr. Jonas Clarke Mr. Thomas Hutchinson Whereas the Inhabitants in Town Meeting Assembled the 14'^. Instant, Voted and Ordered that the Openings or Gaps which lead into the Common be made up with Posts and a Rail on the Top, to prevent Carts &c. from going over it, and spoiling the Herbage. Voted, That m^ Collsou be and hereby is desired to cause the same to be forthwith Effected, leaving only One Gap or inlet near the Granary to go up along by the Work house to Beacon Street, Agreeable to the said order. Mr. Samuel Smith, Informs, That Henry [390.] Lindsey a Sailor, has been Sick for the Space of Six or Seven Weeks at his House, at the lower end of Summer Street that the said Lindsey's Father lives at Saco, that having been at Considerable Charges already for his Subsistence, He now prays the Select men would please to ease him of such a burden and charge if the}^ see Cause. Upon Consideration thereof, Voted, That m^ Savell be directed to inform the said Smith, that they Apprehend they cannot According to Law, lay the Charge upon the Town, for that he should have given seasonable Notice thereof, but Neglected so to do. At a Meeting of the Select men. Mar. 16, 1737. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. ' Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Selectmen's Minutes, 1737-8. 103 Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Whereas another Trial of the Causes [291.] Between the Town and m'". Everills Heirs, is to come on tomorrow. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", be desired to present the iSum of Twenty Pounds to the two Attorneys for the Town, Viz*. Ten Pounds to John Read Esq"", and Ten Pounds to William Shirley Esq"", in Addition to the Fees already given them ; That he be desired to Advance the said Money, out of the Moneys lying in his Hands which is received for the Townships Sold, and that the said Sum of Twenty Pounds be drawn out of the Town Treasury, payable to m*". Jeffries, in the next draught. At a Meeting of the Select men, March 27, 1738 Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson A Venire being Issued out from the Clerks Office, for returning Ten Petit Jurors to Serve [292.] At the Inferiour Court of Com- mon pleas, and Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be holden at Boston for the County of Suffolk on the first Tuesday of April next. It is here by Ordered that the Tickets be drawn Ac- cordingl}-, on Wednesday next the 29'^. Currant, at Three o'Clock Afternoon, And m'. Savell is directed to deliver the Venire to One of the Constables of Boston, that he may Notify the Inhabitants in the Way and Manner as is by Law prescribed, that so they may be present, if they see cause. At a Meeting of the Select men, March 29, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Thomas Inches, bro't before the Select men One John M°. Neal, a Young [293.] Man blind, Who had been at his House for about a fortnight past, M"^. Neal Says that he came from Scotland to Philadelphia about Three Years aijo, and from Philadelphia came to New York, and from New York travel'd to this Town by Land. The said M°. Neal was Ordered to Depart the Town, within Ten Days, or else that he must expect to be sent out of the Town, in manner as the Law directs. The Select men having perused an acco*. of the Overseers of the Poor, of Charges on Sundry Persons not belonging to any Town in this Province. 104 City Document No. 87. Ordered That the Town Clerk draw Two Copies of said acco*. in Order to have the same presented for payment out of the Province Treasury, Exclusive of the Articles respecting John Lashley, for whom Bond was given to the Town Treasurer (to indemnity the Town) by Thomas Fisher, who imported him. Complaint being made that the Fence of the South burying place at the North [294.] End of the Alms house is broken down, whereby the Tombs &c. are in danger of receiving damage by Horses &c. which get into the Burying place. Voted, That Capt. Armitage be desired to cause the said Fence to be forthwith repaired. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 5, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Thomas Baker being present Signified his intention of Open- ing a School in the Town, for Reading, Writing and Arithmetick, Praying the Select men to Allow and Approve of him for that Ser- vice ; Which Motion being Considered ; Voted, That the said Baker be and [295,] Here by is approv'd of, and has Liberty Granted him Accordingly to keep a School within this Town for Teaching Reading Writing and Arithmetick, so long as he Continues to behave himself to the Approbation of the Select men of the Town for the time being. Liberty is hereby Granted to Doctor William Douglass to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Hanover Street, in order to Clear the Drain from his Cellar, into the Common Shore in said Street. Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Selectmen. Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to draw an Order to m'". Eleazar Flagg. in the Name of the Select men desiring him to deliver to nV. John Savell, the Flour and Butter remaining in his Hands, belonging to the Estate of Jabez Bacon, Who lately died of the Small pox at Rainsfords Island. [290,] Mr. Increase Blake, Sealer of Weights and Measures Informs, That One half Hundred Weight, and a Nest of Troy Weights wiih Beam and Scales are Wanting, and that without them he cannot perform the Duty of his Office, required in the Law, And therefore Prays the Selectmen would please to give Order that so he may be provided with them. He likewise Informs that he has in his Hands belonging to the Town, and Old Brass Half Bushel, but being broken is of no service. Upon Consideration of m''. Blake's Motion, Voted, That m^ Blake be and hf^reby is desired and impowered to dispose of the Old Brass Half Bushel, for the most he can get. for it, And that he also procure One half Hundred Weight at the Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 105 best and cheapest rate that he can, and One Wooden Biishcll, and get them proved & Sealed by the Standards in the hands of the Province Treasurer, and that he keep the same for the Use of the Town as the Law directs, and that he report his Doings herein to the Select men. Whereas upon a report made by the [297.] Select men to the Town, at the Annual fleeting the 13. of March last past, relating to present State of the Ferry between Boston and Winnisimet, The Inhabitants did by their Vote then past, Desire and Impower the Select men to Lease out the said Ferry for a Term of Years, or from Year to Year in the best manner they can for the Advantage of the Town. Pursuant to the said recited Order. Voted, That the Town Clerk cause the same to be Speedily Ad- vertised in the Publick News Papers, that so it may be Effected as soon as may be. Mr. Collson and Capt. Lyman a Committee Appointed the 29*^. March last to make Enquiry after a Suitable place whereon to Set the South Engine &c. Reported, That they had treated with the Trustees of Trinity Church in Summer Street for liberty to Set the Engine house on the back side of said Church land, near to m"". Gooch's Barn, and that they had Obtained Liberty accordingly, upon Condition the same should be removed again when the said Church should desire the same [398.] and at the Town's Charge. And Presented a Copy from the Record thereof made in the said Churches Book. Attested by m'^. Thomas Greene One of the Trustees. Thereupon, Voted, That m'". Collson and Capt. Lyman be and hereby are further desired and Impowered to Cause the said Engine House to be removed from the place where it now stands, and to fix it upon the Place mentioned in their Report, The same being accepted by the Select men upon the Condition propos'd. Capt. Jonathan Armitage Desires Liberty to Erect a Tomb in the South burying place, on the North line. His former desire made in the Year 1734. being Omitted Eutring at time. Capt. Beekman appearing according to order, Informs That one Smith and his Wife came as Passengers with him from New York in Order to their getting a Passage to London, lie also Prom- ises that in Case they do not go for London in a short time. He will give Security for them to the [399.] Satisfaction of the Select men as the Law directs. He further informs, That the other Persons who came Passengers with him also, are already gone to the Eastward, where they live. The Selectmen have Nominated and Chosen The Hon. John Jeffries Esquire, Capt. Jonathan Armitage, m'. David Collson, Capt. Alexander Forsyth, Capt. Caleb Lyman, m'. Jonas Clarke, m\ Thomas Hutchinson Jun^ (Select men) with Samuel Watts Esq'". Capt. Nathanael Oliver, Mess". John Floyd, Jacob Hasey, Thomas Berry, Thomas Pratt, and Samuel Floyd, or any Two of them, to Run the lines and renew the Bound Marks betwixt the Town of Boston, and the Towns of Maiden, Lynn and Reading, in Conjunction with such Persons as shall be Chosen and appointed 106 City Document No. 87. to that Service by the Selectmen of each of the said Towns re- spectively, The said Work to be Attended and performed, on Monday the Seventeenth of April Currant. And the said Select men do propose and direct, that those Gentlemen, Who for and in the behalf of the Town of Boston shall join in running the line next to the Town of Maiden [300.] Do meet at the House of m"". John Rachel at Eight of the Clock in the Morning of said Day. That those who are to run the line next to the Town of Lynn, do meet at the House of the late Capt. Elisha Bennet, at Nine O'Clock in the Morning, And that those who are to run the line next to the Town of Reading, do meet at the Three County-heap of Stones, at Two O'clock in the Afternoon of said Day. But, if the Weather on the said Seventeenth of April should prove wet, and apparently Unsutable for the performance of this Work, Then and in that Case, the Select men do propose and appoint the same to be Attended and performed on Tuesday the Twenty fifth of April current, and to meet at the Hours before mentioned. It is also hereby Ordered That the Town Clerk do by Letters (in the name of the Select men) give notice here of to the Select men of the Towns of Maiden, Lynn, and Reading, Accordingly. And further. That m"". Savell do seasonably notify the Gentelmen of the Committee, Who live at Rumney Marsh, to meet at the House of m'". John Rachel at [301.] Half an hour after Seven o'Clock in the Morning, of the said Day, In order to Consider and determine how to Divide. N.B. Letters were accordingly written, and sent sent (sic) to the Select men of the Towns of Maiden Lynn and Read- ing, of which the following is Copy, Viz*. The Select men of Boston To The Select men of Maiden Boston, April 5^^. 1738. Gentlemen These are to give you notice that this present Year is the Time wherein, according to Law, We are required to Run the Boundary line betwixt this Town and the Town of Maiden. You are therefore desired to Appoint and Impower a Committee to Join with that of Ours for the Performance of the said Service ; and that they meet us at the House of m^ John Rachel, on Monday the Seventeeth Day of April Current, at Eight o'Clock in the Morn- ing. The Persons Appointed in [303.] Behalf of this Town, are as follows Viz'. The lion. John Jeffries Esquire, Capt. Jonathan Armitage, m^ David Collson, Capt. Alexander Forsyth, Capt. Caleb Lyman, m'. Jonas Clarke, m*". Thomas Hutchinson Jun^ (Selectmen). Samuel Watts Esq'. Capt Nathanael Oliver, Mess". John Floyd, Jacob Ilasey, Thomas Berry, Joshua Pratt and Samuel Floyd, and they, or any Two of them are Impowered to vim the line and renew the Bound marks, between the Towns of lioston an I Maiden, But if the weather, on the said Seventeenth of April should prove wet, and apparently unsutable for the perforraanco of this Work, Then and in that case, We do propose and appoint tj Attend the same Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 107 on Tuesday the Twenty fifth of April current, to meet at the Hour and Place above mentioned By Order of the Select men of Boston Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk. The same Letters were sent to Lynn and Reading changing only the time and place of Meeting. [303.] At a Meeting of the Select men, April 12, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Cupt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson M'. John Harris One of the Constables of Boston, Informs That by Order of lawful Authority he lately carried down to Rainsford Island Two Men belonging to the Brig*. Sarah, Richard Williams INlaster, namely Benjamin Cook and Cradock Charito who came from Barbadoes, where the Small pox is very rife. And that m"". Waters who lives at the Hospital there, desired him upon his return to Boston to inform the Selectmen that his Provision was expended, so that he could not Subsist the Persons so sent to him, unless some care be taken to Send them Supplies, And Prays the Select men to take it into Consideration, and give Orders there on as they shall think meet ; The Selectmen Accordingly [304.] taking said Message into Consideration. Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to write a Letter to m"". Waters in the Name of the Select men, Desiring him to take Care to provide for the Subsistence of the Two Men lately sent down to him, during there Stay there, and to inform him that he shall be Allow'd and Paid after the rate of Twenty Shillings p. Week for each Man, for the same. Mr. Samuel Bass and the Widow Harvey Appearing, Informed the Select men, That as they are the present Occupants of the Lands in Water Street belonging to the Town, which were formerly Leased to Mess". John Joyliffe and Jonathan Bridgham, and as ihose Leases are near upon expiring, and New Ones to be made. They desire they may have the preference, in taking Leases, each One for the past they are in Possession of, provided they can agree as to the Rent. Mr Francis Willoughby the Overseer of the Granarys, Informs, that there is now in [305.] the Granary a Considerable Quantit}' of Old Corn, that lies upon Spoil, That the Price of Indian Corn at the Granary (as last Stated by the Select men) is Ten Shillings the Bushel, and of Rye Sixteen Shillings, And further, that the Price of Indian Corn as Sold at the Mill, is Nine vShillings the ' Bushel, and Rye Fifteen Shillings, Praying the Select mens Con- sideration and Order thereon. In Consideration of m\ Willoughby's Motion, It is Voted, that he be, and is hereby directed to Sell the Indian Corn at Nine Shillings p. Bushell ; and provided, it does not go 108 City Document No. 87. off at that price, then to lower it to Eight Shillings and Six pence ; and Also that he have Liberty to dispose of Two or Three Bushels of said Corn at One lime, to any of the Inhabitants of the Town. Whereas frequent Complaints are made by the Inhabitants, that in several parts of the Town, the Pavements before the Houses are pitch'd so stee[) that People passing upon them often fall down, and are in great danger of breaking their Limbs &c. [306.] Particularly in Fish Street at the North end near before Capt. Nicholas Davis's house in Cornhill, and Major Mascarene's in School Street. The wSelect men taking the said Complaints into Consideration, Voted, That the Pavements at the several places aforementioned, are an Nusance. Voted, That the said Pavements be forthwith taken up and regulated. Voted, That the Select men do all join as a Committee to see the said regulation, as soon as may be. Effected. The Select men taking into Consideration a Motion made by m"". John Ilooton, Complaining of a Nusance in Fish Street. Voted, That the Select men do meet upon the Spot next Fryday at Eleven o'Clock in order to View tbe same. Upon a Motion made. Voted, That m'. Savell be and hereb}^ is directed to go to Dor- othy Watson and to Enquire whether She is upon removing out [307 .] Of the Town with her Child, and if not. That then he take the Course the Law prescribes to send them out of Town forthwith. And Further, Mr. Savell is hereby directed to take the same Course with Martin Hughes and his Wife, and Children. They having been warned to depart According to Law. Whereas m"". William Lorkin is lately come into this Town, And has Open'd a Shop, not having had the Approbation of the Select men for his so doing. Which is Contrary to the Law in that Case provided, Therefore, Voted, That m"*. Savell be, and he is hereby directed and Ordered to prosecute the said Lorkin for the same, according to Law. Voted, That the Select men will meet upon Tuesday next at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon upon the. Affair of regulating the Porters. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 19, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Lyman Capt. Armitage Mr. Clai-ke [308 .] Mr. James Thompson a Taylor from London (in Capt. Shepardson) Prays for Liberty to Open a Shop in this Town for the carrying on his said Calling and for the Sale of English Goods. He informs that he has brought with him Sufficient Effects to In- demnify the Town, as the Law directs. Mr. Richard Hall, late of Roxbury has been in this Town about Two Months, and now lives at m"". Jenkins's lately the Widow Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 109 How, He desires Liberty to Open a Shop and to carry on his Calling and Offers to give Security to Indemnify the Town as the Law- directs. He was Accordingly Ordered to Attend next Wednesday, and to bring his Suretys A7ith him. Mr. Patrick Fitz-Gibbou, Victualler in behalf of himself and his Partner Henry Dun worth, Desires Liberty to Open a Butchers Shop, in Cornhill, where m"". Dcbuke lately kept his Shop, He was also Ordered to attend next Wednesday. Mr. Savell is directed to take up the [309.] Receipts given by the Clerks of the Market, who serv'd in that Office the last Year, and to receive of tliem the Scales and Weighte, belonging to the Town and that he deliver to the Clerks of the Market newly chosen, the said Scales and Weights for the Towns service, taking their Receipts for the same, as is customary. Ordered, That the assize of Bread be, and hereby is Stated at the rate of Sixteen Shillings p. Bushell for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushell AUow'd for Charges, which is as follows, Viz*. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 26, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsylh Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [310.] Richard Hall Cordwainer and Sobiah his Wife are Admitted Inhabitants, upon Condition that Capt. Samuel Stevens and m"". Thomas Cobbet, both of Roxbury, do give Bond in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs Upon Consideration of the Motion or desire of James Thompson, Taylor, for Liberty to Open a Shop, in Order to carry on his Call- ing, and for Sale of English Goods, as Entred the 19"\ of April current. Liberty was accordingly Granted William Wallace a Pedlar, and his Wife, being lately come into this Town from Philadelphia, Appearing, He infornis That he has resided for about Three Weeks last past at One James M'^.Cul- lough's, and before that, he Says He lodg'd at One Craig's for about One Month. He was directed to Appear next Wednesday with Sufficient Sureties to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. [311.] At a Meeting of the Select men, May, 3, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Of Penny White Loaf Wheaten Household Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1 lb. 2. 3. 4. 5. oz. dr. 6. 9. 12. 6. 110 City Document No. 87. Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Capt. Armitage and m^ Clarke Appointed a Committee to treat with Jonas Mace, Who desires to Hire the Shop Adjoining to the South Market. Report, That they have accordingly attended that Service And have Agreed with the said Mace, to Let the said Shop to him for One Year Commencing the 27^'\ of April last past, at the Rent of Eight Pounds p. annum, the same to be paid Quarterly. Voted, That this Report be Accepted. Mr. Harrison Gray being present. The Select men, discoursed with him respecting the Rent of the Towns Warehouse in Mer- chants Row now in his Occupation, and It was mutually agreed between the Select men and the said Gray as follows, Viz'. That the said Ware house [313.] Be Let to him the said Gray, for the term of One Year to Commence the first Day of May Current, at the Rent of Fifty Pounds p. annum, to be paid to the Town Treasurer, at Four Quarterly Payments. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants directed to the Constables of Boston. In His Majesties Name Requiring them forthwith to warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. annum, of Free hold in Land within this Province or Territory at the least, or otlier Estate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, To Convene at the Town house, upon Wednesday the Tenth of May Current, at Nine o'clock in the forenoon Then and there to Elect and Depute, One or more Persons (being Free holders and resident in the Town) According to the number Set and limited by an Act of the General Assembly, To Serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court, appointed to be Convened held and kept for His Majesty's Service at the Court house in Boston, Upon [313.] Wednesday the Thirty-first of May Current, and so De Die in Diem during their Session and Sessions, according to a Warrant under the Hand and Seal of Edward Winslow Esq"". Sheriff of the County of Suffolk, bearing Date the 24*''. Day of April anno Domini 1738. In the Eleventh Year of His Majesties Reign. They are alike required to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of said Town duly Qualified as the Law directs, to Meet at the same time and place. To Grant such Sum or Sums of Money as may be thought needful for the relief of the Poor, and defraying other Necessary Charges ; To Chuse Two Assessors, and Two Constables, with such other Officers as may be wanting ; and to receive the Reports of Several Committees, &c. &c. At a Meeting of the Select men, May. 9, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman , Mr. Hutchinson Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. Ill The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ made a Motion [314.] That some Loads of Dirt or Mould might be Carried into the Common, to fill up several large holes that are there made, and also to Dig a small Trench to draw off the Water in a Pond at the bottom of the Common, below the Powder house. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'", be desired to see the same Effected. Memorandum. May 13, 1738. Upon Information that Capt. Spear who lately Arriv'd from Philadelphia, is taken ill with the Small Pox, at m^ Warden*s house, on Poole's Wharff, — The Hon. Jacob Wendell and An- thony Stoddard Esq'■^ Two of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, and Capt. Armitage and m'". Hutchinson, Two of the Select men of Boston, Signed the following order. Viz'. Suffolk sc. Boston, 13. May. 1738. Whereas We have received Information that Capt. Joseph Spear lately arrived from Philadelphia is now Sick of the Small Pox in this Town. For preventing the Spreading [315,] Of the said Infectious Distemper. You are hereby Required forthwith to Cause the said Joseph Spear, together with his Bed and Bedding, and all his Cluathing, and whatever else belongs to him, from whence any Danger of Spreading said Infection may arise to be removed to the Hospital at Rainsfords Island, there to remain until further Order shall be given by proper Authority for his removal thence. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Increase Blake the Sealer of Weights and Measures, In- forms that One of the Brass [316.] Half Hundred belonging to the Town, is wanting, in its Weight, and that it cannot be re- paired, unless it be new Cast. Voted, That m"". Blake, be directed and desired to get the said Weight cast a new, as soon as may be, and in the best Way, he can, apd that he get the same proved by the Province Standard, in the hands of m". Treasurer Foye. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Desires he may have the Herbage of the Old Burying place for the Year Current. Upon Complaint that the Pavements in many parts of the Town are broken, and want some repair. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Lyman and m'. Clarke be a Jacob Wendell Anth^. Stoddard To m'". Rich". Hubbard At a Meeting of the Select men, May, 24. 1738. Present 112 City Document No, 87. Committee to View the said Pavements, and cause the necessary repairs to be made Accordingly. Mr. James Nichols Barber, who has for some time past hired a ^hop of Charles Henley, which belongs to the Town, Situate in Queen Street. Prays he may have Liberty [317.] To hire the said Shop of the Town. Voted, That m"". Collson, Capt. Lyman, and m'. Hutchinson be desired to treat with the said Nichols about the same, and are hereby Impowered to Let the said Shop to him, or to any other Person with whom they may Agree, for the best advantage of the Town And they are also Desired to make Enquiry into the Circumstances of the said Charles Henley, and know what Arrears are due to the Town, and what prospect their is of his Discharging the same, and to report thereon as soon as Conveniently they can. Mr. Constable Boardman being sent for Appeared to whom was delivered the Sheriffs Precept for the Choice of Representatives, with the Select mens Return thereupon, Who was Directed to Notify and Summon the Gentlemen Elected, and therein named, to attend accordingly, and to return the Precept to the Town Clerk, who is directed to deliver the same to m"". Sheriff Winslow. [318.] At a Meeting of the Select men. May, 29, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"*. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq'", appearing in behalf of himself and others, the Proprietors of the Long Wharf, Prays that Liberty may be Granted them to Erame a Crane in the Common where the Timber lyes for that Use. Voted, That Liberty be and hereby is Granted them Accord- ingly. The Orders for regulating and Ascertaining the Wages of Com- mon Porters, being several times Read, Voted, That the same be Accepted. Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed to prepare and post up Advertisements, Notifying all such Persons as are inclined to [319.] Undertake the Business of Porters within the Town of Boston, to attend upon the Selectmen, at their Meeting, upon Wednesday the 7"\ of June next. Andrew Coffin being present desires to be Admitted a Watchman, in the room of John Clark. Deceased. The said Coffin being well recommended. Voted, That Andrew Coffin be and here by is Admitted a Watch- man, at the South Watch house in the room of John Clark lately Deceas'd. Upon the Motion of the Hon. John Jefferies Esq'". Entred, may 24*^. Voted, That the Herbage of the Old Burying place be, and hereby Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 113 is Let to the said John Jeffries Esq', at the rent of Thirty Shillings p. Annum. At a Meeting of the Select men, June, 2. 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [320.] Mr. Hutchinson Informs that 'tis the Desire of some of the Members of the Hon. House of Representatives, that the Select men would not yet take off the Guard from m"". Warden's House, which has been Ordered there, on Account of the Small Pox. It was Accordingly Order'd that m'. Winburn be continued to Guard the said House a few Days longer. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 6, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Mr. Clarke Whereas m'. Savell Informs that m". Warden, who was feared to be taken ill of the Small pox, is now again recovered of her illness, and no S3'mptoms of that Distemper remaining, it is tho't not necessary to continue a Guard at m^ Wardens house any longer — Accordingly m"". Savell is here by Directed and ordered to Dismiss m"^. Winborn from any further Attendance on that Service. [321.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 7, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke M'. Erasmus Stevens being present Informs that m*". John Charnock who is Appointed a Sealer of Cord Wood at the North end of the Town, is often out of Town, or by reason of other Business, does not Attend upon that Employment so constantly as is Necessary and therefore Prays the Select men would please to place some other suitable Person in his room and Recom- mends m'". John Courser as a proper Man for that Office, if the Select men shall think fit. Upon a Motion made, relating to the Nusance in Fish Street, Complain'd of by m*". John Hooton. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, Capt. Lyman, and m'". Hutchinson do meet upon the Spot tomorrow Morning at Eight O'clock, in order to View the same and Consider what [322.] may be best to do in that Affair, and that m^ Savell be directed to notify m^ Hooton to be present, and likewise order m'". Thornton the Pavier to Attend upon the Select men there, at the time • 114 City Document No. 87. And the Committee are desired to report thereon, as soon as may be. According to Order, Several Porters appeared before the Select men And the Orders agreed upon by the Select men for their regulation, and the Wages for their Labour as Stated were Read to them Who proposed some Amendments therein ; Which were Minuted for Consideration And they were Ordered to appear again next Wednesda}^ and to propose their Bondsmen for the Select men's Approbation, that so their Bonds may be prepared &c. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 14, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson [323,] Mr. Hubbard Informing that the Corners of the Town house at the Westerly end, are broken by Carts or otherwise * Voted That Capt. Armitage be desired to Order a good and sub- stantial Post to be set at each of the said Corners of the Town- House, in Order to prevent the like Damage for the future. The Committee Appointed the 24*^\ of May last to Enquire into the Circumstances of Charles Henley, Report, That they have made Enquiry accordingly and find that the said Henley has clear'd his Arrearages .of Rent with the Treasurer, within Five Pounds, or thereabouts. Whereupon Voted, That the Committee be desired, and are' hereby Im- powered to Let the House and Shop in Queen Street, in the present Occupation of the said Charles Henley, either to him, or to any other Person, so as may be most Advantagous to the Town and they are desired to report their doings thereon, to the Select men. The same Committee also Report, That [334.] They have according to Order treated with m"". James Nichols Barber, about the Shop in Queen Street adjoining to the Shop in the present Occupation of Charles Henley, and that they have let the said Shop, to the said James Nichols for the term of One Year Commencing the first of May last past at the Annual Rent of Fourteen Pounds, to be Paid Quarterly, accordingly. Voted, This this (sic) report be Accepted. Upon a Motion made and Seconded, Voted, That the Visitation of the Publick Schools within this Town be Attended on Monday the 2G^^. of this Instant June, And that the following Gentlemen be desired to Accompany the Select men upon that Occasion, Viz'. The Hon. Thomas Hutchinson Esq^ The Hon. Adam Winthrop Esq^ The Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq^ The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq'. The Rev. Joseph Sewall D.D. Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 115 The Rev. m"*. Charles Chauncy The Rev. m"". William Hooper The Rev. m'. Samuel Mather The Rev. m'. Mather Byles [335.] And that m"". Savell be, and hereby is directed and Ordered to Wait on the said Gentlemen, and to Acquaint them of this Appointment, and that the Select men, desire the}' would please to Afford their Company, and to meet at the Town-house at Ten O'clock in the forenoon of said Day. Mr. Savell is also directed to Inform the School master of this Order. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 21, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson The Committee Appointed the 7'^. of June to View the Nusance in Fish Street Complained of b}' m'". John Hooton Having met upon the Spot, Viewed the same, and Considered the Circumstances of it, Report thereon as follows, Viz^ That it is their Opinion, the said [336.] Nusance can no otherwise be removed, than by car- rying the Water to the Northward into the Towns Slip at the lower end of Wood Lane, And having Advised with m^ Thornton the Pavier respecting the Charge of doing it, find it will Cost Forty Pounds or thereabouts Which Charge the Committee Appre- hend ought to be born by the Town. Daniel Rea (late of Salem Vilage) with his Wife Rebekah and Six Children, Namely Nathan, Eunice, Elizabeth, Emma, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, are admitted Inhabitants, upon Condition that his Son Daniel Rea and Jacob Griggs become Bound in a Bond of Four Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. Hugh Hall Esq*". Presented a Petition for Liberty to Erect a Timber Chaise house in Hanover Street whicn being Read Voted, That the Select men will View the Place propos'd, to- morrow Morning at Eight O' Clock, that so they may be better able to determine what ma}^ be proper to [337.] Be done thereon. Upon a Motion made and Seconded, Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esquire and Capt. Lymin be desired to Wait upon His Excellency the Governour, and to Inform him. That the Select men desire His Excellency would please to favour them with his Company, Upon their Visitation of the Publick Schools in the Town, next Monday. Voted, That the Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esquire, be also de- sired to Accompany the Select men on the same Occasion. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, and Capt. Forsyth be desired to take care, that a Dinner be provided for about Thirty Gentlemen, at the Orange Tree next monday. Voted That the Town Clerk be directed to give a List of the 116 City Document No. 87. Clerks of the Market Chosen for the Current Year, to m*". Savell, and that he be directed to Notify the Gentlemen so Chosen to enter upon the Dut}" of their office [3^8.] and that he, in Order thereto, see that the Scales and Weights be deliver'd to them, taking their Receipt for the same and lodge them with the Town Clerk. Deacon Parker and m'. Blanchard Appear'd and desired that Liberty might be Granted for Building Four New Tombs in the South Burying place in the same manner, and adjoining to those which were built there in the year, 1736. being Thirteen in Number, on the Northerly side of the said Burying place. Votecl, That Liberty be Granted accordingly to the said Mess". Parker and Blanchard to Open the Ground in the said Burying place for the Erecting Four Tombs, to be disposed of by the Select men as they shall think fit. Upon a Motion made for Erecting a Brick Wall on the North- westerly line of the Old Burying place with Tombs under the same. Voted to meet upon the Spot tomorrow morning at Seven o'Clock, to View the same, in order to Consider and determine what to do on the Affair. [339.] At a Meeting of the Select men, June 23, 1738. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson Upon the Motion and Desire of m'". David Collson to Hire the Towns peice of Marsh on Boston Neck which was Let the last Year to m''. Joshua Child. Voted, That the said Peice of Marsh be and hereby is Let unto m\ David Collson for the Current year, at the Rent of Four Pounds p. annum. Pursuant to Writts of Venire Facias for the Choice of Grand Jurors, and the Return of Petit Jurors to Serve at the Inferiour Court of Common Pleas and Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be holden at Boston the first Tuesday of July next. The Select men have Appointed Tuesday the 27"*. of June Cur- rent at Three o'Clock afternoon [330.] For the same, — And the Constables are to Warn the Town to meet at the Usual place for that End, as the Law directs. The following Order of the Great and General Court was pre- sented to the Select men, by m*". Secretary Willard, Viz'. In the House of Representatives, June 21. 1738. Ordered, That the Select men of the Town of Boston be, and hereby are fully Authorized and Impowered to Agree with some Suitable Person to keep the Hospital lately Built by Order of this Court at Rainsfords Island for the Reception of Sick and Infeclious Persons, and that the said Person be desired and impowered to take all proper Care of such Persons as may be sent ta the said Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 117 Hospital, and that the said Selectmen be Impowered to Agree with the Person who may take Care of the Sick &c. for his time and Service therein by the Year. Sent up for Concurrence J. QuiNCY, Spk'. [331.] In Council, June 21, 1738. Read and Concur'd. J. WiLLARD, Secry Consented to, J. Belcher Copy Examin'd, p. J. Willard, Secry. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 24, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson The Select men having Considered the Petition of Hugh Hall Esq^ for Liberty to Erect a Chaise House upon Laud belonging to His House in Hanover Street, and view'd the Place propos'd in the said Petition, Do approve and Allow thereof and do order a Certificate of their approbation to be Endorsed thereon Accord- ingly. The Selectmen at their Meeting Yesterday taking under Con- sideration the Qualifications [33^.] of Sundry Persons Offering to take up the Business of Carrying Goods Wares and Merchan- dizes for Pay or Wages as Common Porters, And also their Rec- ommendation, under the Hands of Several Principal Merchants. The following Persons were approved of, and accordingly ad- mitted to be Common Porters. Viz'. Samuel Sharp James Gardner John Legg Joshua Williams George Bickmore John Fling Joshua Cross Peter Curtice Hugh Andersen Ebenezar Hayward Timothy Harney Who were directed to Appear at the Town Clerks Office on Tues- day next, in Order to give in Bond as the Law directs. [333.] At a Meeting of the Select men, June 28, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman 118 City Document No. 87. Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be and is Set and Stated, at Fifteen Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushel is allow'd for Charges, and is as follows, Viz'. oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf .... 2. 7 Wheaten .... 3. 11 Household . . . . 4. 15 Six penny Wheaten Loaf . . . I'*. 6. 4. Capt. Armitage made a motion, Viz'. That the Herbage of the South and North Burying places ought to be set at a higlier Rent. Ordered That m"^. Savell Notify the Gentlemen who hire the same, to meet the Select men at the Town house, next Wednes- day. [334.] Mr. John Earle, Master of One of the Fire Engines Informs, That Isaac Russell desires to be dismiss'd from his Com- pany, being unable to perform the Service Expected from him — And at the same time presented Phillip Howell and Recommended him as a Suitable Person to Supply the said Russell's place — Ac- cordingly, Voted, That m"". Phillip Howell be and is hereby Admitted into the Company of ni''. John Earle in the room of Isaac Russell, who is also hereby Dismiss'd from that Service, and that the Town Clerk Certify the same accordingly. Mr. Earle also informs that it will be much for the service of the Engine under his Care to have Three new Screws made for it, Whereupon, Mr. Earle was desired to procure the said Screws to be made for the Use and Service of said Engine in the best manner he can. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 12, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Mr. CoUson Mr. Clarke Capt. Forsyth Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Hutchinson [335.] The Select men taking into Consideration the Report of a Committee, respecting the Nusance ni Fish Street, Com- plain'd of by m"". John Ilooton, EnLred the 2VK of June last, and after some Debate thereon. Voted, That the Pavement in Fish Street, at the Place where the said IS usance is, be forthwith taken up, and new laid and mended that so the said Nusance mary be thereby removed, and that Capt. Armitage, Capt. Lyman and m'". Clarke be a Committ'.^e to take Care to See the same Effected Who are also hereby desired and Impowered to Vindicate and Defend the Town of Boston against i\ny PresenUnent now lying before the Court of General Sessions of the Peace on Account of said Nusance — And Report then- Doings on this affair, to the Select men. Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 119 The Committee Appointed the 14*^. of June last to Let the Town's House and Shop Situate in Queen Street in the Occupation of Charles Henle}', Report, That they have Let, the said House and Shop to Charles Henley Cordvvainer, for One Year, Commencing the First Day of May^last past, at the Rate of Thirty [336.] Pounds p. annum to be paid to the Town Treasurer Quarterly. Voted, That this Report be Accepted. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 14, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Whereas a Committee of the Select men were Appointed the 12"*. Currant to Cause the Pavement in Fish Street (where there has been a N usance for some time past) to be dug up and new laid and mended, since which some Debate has arisen respecting the said Vote, — and upon a Motion made. The following Question was put. Viz*. Whether the said Committee should be desired to Repair the Pavement in Fish Street where the said Nusance is, so as to carry the Water as heretofore ? [337.] It appeared a Tye, — Three being for and Three against it, — Whereupon The following Question was put. Viz*. Whether the Body of the Select men would go immediately upon the Spot — View the said Nusance, Consider of the Affair — and give direction for further proceeding therein, as they should think fit? Voted in the Affirmative. And m*". Savell is Ordered to desire m'". Hutchinson to Meet the Select men at the place imme(3i-ately, if his Business will Admit of it. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 19, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Thomas Hancock he'iwr present Prays he may have liberty Granted him (under [338.] The direction of the Select men) to take away the Mould or Mud at the bottom of the Pond in the Common, by which the said Pond is become Miry and dangerous to the CattL'l and Horses in Watering there — He proposes to do it at his own Charge, And Whereas the said Pond is now almost Dry, he thinks it a Convenient time to do it, before it fills again 120 City Document No. 87. with Water — And therefore Prays the Select men would soon Consider his Motion, if they see meet — Accordingly Voted, That the Motion of m^ Hancock be Accepted ; And that Liberty be and is hereby Granted him to remove and tnke away for his own Use and at his own Chaige the Mud or Mould from the bottom of the said Pond — And the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", and Cap*. Armitage, are hereby desired to give such Directions for the doing it, as to them shall seem Meet. AVhereas John Pierpont of Roxbiiry is come into this Town, and has resided for some time at Alexander Cochreans at the Three Horse iShoes in Common Street, And there being danger [339.] of his becoming a Charge to the Town, if he should Continue in it — Therefore — Voted That m^ Savell be and here by is directed and Ordered, to Warn the said John Pierpont to Depart the Town, and to proceed therein as the Law directs. Upon a Motion made, Voted, That m'". Collson be desired to Order some Iron hooks to be lastned on the Gates at the Fortification to keep them Open, to prevent their being Damaged by Carts &c. passing thro' tliem. Whereas it is Notorious that the High Way upon the Neck near the Fortication, and the Herbage near the Gallows is Annoy'd and Encumber'd by the laying of Great Quantities of Timber there. Contrary to the Law in that Case provided ; Therefore Ordered, That the Town Clerk cause Notifications to be posted up at Several places hereafter mentioned Directing and Warning the Owner or Owners of the said Timber, to remove the same with- in Fourteen Days next after [340.] The Date of the said Notifi- cations — And also to warn all Persons against Encumbering the said High way or Common in like manner for the future, upon pain of prosecution in the Law for their so doing. Two of said Notifications to be posted at the Fortification Gate, One at the Sign of the Lamb in Boston, One at m^ Jeremiah Richards's in Eoxbury, One at m'. Goddard's in Dorchester. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 20, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth » Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Upon a Motion made, and for reasons mention'd. Voted, That the Town Clerk defer posting up Notifications respecting the Tim- ber that Encumbers the High Way on the neck &c. until further Order. [341.] Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ and Capt. Jonathan Armitage be and hereby are desired to take Care that the Easterly Stairs of the Town house, be Repaired. The List of Licensed Persons in the Year. 1737. Transmitted to the Selectmen by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 121 having been Consiclerecl by them, They have noted in the Margin thereof, against the Names of such as are since Removed or Dead — And they Except to James CoUison's renewing his Licence, as being a Person not of sober Conversation. At a Meeting of the Select men July 21, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Voted, That the following Orders relating to the Porters, the Rates for their Work and [343.] Service, the Number of their Tickets, and the Names of such as are Admitted and have given Bond, according to Law, be here Recorded. Boston, 21, July 1738 Pursuant to an Act of the Great and General Court, Author- izing and Impowering Us, the Select men of the Town of Boston, to Order Who, and wliat Number of Persons shall be Employed as Common Porters in the said Town, and also to Order, limit and Rate the Allowance for their Work and Service. We have Ordered and Appointed the Twelve following Persons to be Porters as aforesaid, and have taken Security According to Law for their good behaviour in said office, Viz*. No. of Ticket. Samuel Sharp One James Gardner ...... Two John Legg ....... Three John Fling Four Hugh Anderson . . . . . . Five Ebenezer Hayward Six Joshua Cross . . . ... . . Seven Rowland Power Eight [343 ] Peter Curtice Nine Joshua Williams ...... Ten Langdon Baker ...... Eleven James Fairservice ...... Twelve And the Rates for their Work and Service, which they may Demand, and shall not Exceed, shall be as follows, Viz*. For Carrying a Trunk or Barrell, or Wheelbarrow load of Goods, from any Ware house or place on the Dock or Long Wharfe, to any other Ware house or place on said Dock or Wharfe or to, and from any other place, of any less Distance than Ten Rods. — One Shilling. From the Dock or Long Wharf, to Milk Street, School Street, Treamount and Hanover Street, and Northward as far as Cross Street, and all places of like Distance — One Shilling and Six pence. From the Dock or Long Wharfe, to Pond Street, West Street, T22 City Document No. 87. and to the West and North ends of the Town ; and other places like of [344.] Distance — Two Shillings. And From the Dock or Long Wharf, aforesaid, Southward beyond Pond Street — Two Shillings and Six pence. For Porterage of Powder to, or from the Powder House — Two Shillings for a Single Half Barrell, and for Two or more — One Shilling and Six pence, Each. For Housing and Stowing away Barrels in any Ware house or Cellar — Sixteen pence p. Ton. For Unhousing, or removing the same — Sixteen pence p. Ton. For Housing Iron, and Coils of Cordage — One Shilling and Six pence, p. Ton. For Porterage and Housing Salt — Two Shillings p. Ton. For measuring Salt — One Shilling p. Ton. [345.] For Lowering down, and Stowing away Wine in any Cellar — Twelve pence, p. Pipe. For Unstowing and Hauling up the same — Twelve pence, p. Pipe. For Housing Rum, Molasses and other Liquors — Sixteen pence p. Hogshead. For Housing Sugar — Nine pence p. Hogshead. For Weighing Turpentine, and marking if required — Two Shillings and Eight pence p. Ton. For Weighing a Hogshead of Sugar, above Twelve Hundred — Two Shillings. For Weighing a Teirce from Five Hundred upwards — One Shilling and three pence. For Weighing all Barrels — Four pence p. Barrel. For Weighing Iron, and Coils of Cordage — One Shilling [346.] and Six pence p. Ton. For Weighing Logwood, Fustick and Lignum Vitae — Two Shil- lings p. Ton ; For Braziletto — Three Shillings p. Ton. Which Rates and Allowances shall continue as long as they are found reasonable, and until it shall be order'd otherwise. And as a Badge of their Office, And in order to Distinguish the said Porters from other Labourers, they each of them wear upon their upper Garment, A round White Mettal Plate or Ticket, Number'd, with a Pine Tree for the Device, and this Inscription round it, Viz*. Massachusets Bay. Boston N. England. And AYhereas the Select men have Power by virtue of said Act to remove such and any of said Porters, Who shall Misbehave in said office. We do hereby give Notice, That We shall not only look upon their Refusal to Undertake any Jobb, when not before Em- ploy'd, and all Unfaithfulness [347.] in the Performance and Discharge of their office, when Euiploy'd, to be a Sufficient Cause for their removal ; But likewise all Profane Cursing and Swearing, Drunl^enncss, Gaming, Fighting, Quarrelling and other Rude and Disorderly Carriage, on the Dock and wharves, or in any of the Streets of the Town ; of which the Common Porters have here- tofore been too Notoriously Guilty — And th^'refore, If tliey Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 123 Expect a Continuance in said Office, they must demean themselves Accordingly. Voted, That Three Hundred Copies of the foregoing Orders relating to the Porters be forthwith Printed for tlie Service of the Town, and that they be Distributed as the Select men shall direct. [348.] At a Meeting of the Select men, July 26. 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Mess". Green & Walker appeared. Praying the Selectmen would please to View and to give Direction for their placing some Posts before their Ware house lately Erected near Brattle Street Church, Accordingly. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to Attend that Service. Mr. John Compton appear'd, Praying the Select men would please to View the Street before His House in Fish Street, and give Direction relating to the Pavement thereof — Accordingly. Voted That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Lyman and m"". Hutchinson be a Committee for tliat Service. [349.] Mr. William Lorkin, appeared Praying Liberty may be granted him to Open a Shop in Orange Street at the South end of the Town . Voted, That Liberty be and hereby is given him to Open a Shop in this Town Accordingly. Ordered, That the assize of Bread be and hereby is Stated and Set, at the rate of Fourteen Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushel is allow'd for Charges, which is as follows. Viz'. John Jeffries Jonathan Armitage David Collson Alexander Forsyth Caleb Lyman Jonas Clarke Thomas Hutchinson Jun^. oz. dr. Of Penny White loaf Wheaten Household Six penny Wheaten Loaf 2. 3. 5. 7. 10 15 5 13 At a Meeting of the Select men, July 31, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage 3Ir. Collson 124 City Document No. 87. Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [350.] Mess". John Eliot and Jonathan "Wilhs Informs that m'. John Clough Obstructs a New High Way, lately laid open at the South end of the Town, Praying the Select men would Afford them Direction and Assistance in the affair, if they shall see meet. A Venire Facias Issuing from the Clerks Office, for the return of Sixteen Jurors to Serve at the next Superiour Court to be holden at Boston the Second Tuesday of August Viz*. Six on the Grand Jury, and Ten on the Jury of Trials. The Select men direct and Appoint Fryday next the 4"\ of August at Three o'Clock Afternoon at the Town liouse to Attend the same, and m"". Savell is directed to deliver the said Venire to the Constables of Boston, that so they may seasonably Warn the Inhabitants to meet at the time and place Accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, August 2, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [351.] Mr. Willoughby being present Informs, That he Apprehends the Tarr under the Granary heats the Grain that lyes on the lower floor, and damnifies it. — Also that the Wevils have taken the Corn — That the Mice annoy the Corn much, being very Numerous — And further that the lines for Opening and Shutting the Windows of the Granary want repair — Humbly Praying the Select men would pleace to take the same under Con- sideration. Accordingly, Voted, That Capt. Armitage, m'". CoUson, Capt. Lyman, and m"". Clarke be a Committee to Consider of these Matters, and to take a View, and give Orders to m^ Willoughby as Occasion shall require. Mr. AYilliam Haislup Appearing Informs that he is ready, to Undertake the Business of Sweeping of Chimneys, and to give Security, as the Law directs. And Prays he may Qualify himself Accordingly, If the Select men shall see meet to Admit him, and that he has several hands ready to enter upon thdt Employment. Mr. Haislup was directed to bring his Bondsmen next Wednes- day. Mr. Ichabod Higgins appearing Informs That [353.] He has paid m'. William Waters Twelve Pounds for him self and three others, Who have been for some time past kept and detained at the Hospital on Rainsford Island, in full of his acco*. as Appears by m'. Waters Receipt — But thinks it Unreasonable that they should be Obliged to pay Three Pounds, part of the Twelve Pounds, aforesaid which m\ Waters has Charged for the Nurse, for Three Weeks, after She was Dismiss'd from the Hospital and came up to Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 125 Boston (She being sent back again to the said Hospital Notwith- standing) . Whereupon the following Question was put, Viz' Whetlier it be reasonable that m^ Waters refund to the said Ichabod Higgins Three Pounds, which he received for the Attend- ance of a Nurse, Three Weeks after she had been Dismiss'd from any Service for them? And it Pass'd in the Affirmative. The Committee Appointed the 26'^. July last on the Motion of Mess". Green & Walker for placing Posts &c. ■ — Reported, That they had attended the Service they were Appointed to, and were of Opinion that it might be Con- [353.] venient to Grant Liberty to the said Green and Walker to Set up Two posts, Viz*. One of each Side of their Warehouse door, fronting Brattle Street Church, not exceeding Three foot from the Wall of the said House, and another at the North Corner of the said Ware house, to prevent Carts, Trucks, &c. from Damnifying the Wall. The Committee Appointed the 26*^. of July last on a Motion of Capt. Compton, Praying the Select men to View and give Direc- tion respecting the jPavement before his House in Fish Street. — Reported, That they had Viewed the place, and are of Opinion, That there is no need of Altering the said Pavement by raising it, According to Capt. Comptons desire. At a Meeting of the Select men, August 4, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson The Committee Appointed the 2^. Instant [354.] To repair to the Granary and consider the Complaints of m'". Willoughby as then Entred — and give Orders thereon as Occasion should require — Report Tliat they have Accordingly Attended that Service this Day, And finding the Corn in a Perishing Condition, have given Direction to m*". Willoughby to procure a Sufficient Number of Hands to Winnow the said Corn out of Doors, and to procure a Sail and Spout for that purpose — the Charge thereof to be born by the Town. The Committee Apprehending the Corn on the lower floor is heated and Damnified by the Tarr in the Cellar — have also given Orders to m^ Willoughby to get the Corn removed from thence to an Upper room — And the mouse holes to be Stop'd with Mortar — and to wait on Capt. Armitage for lines for the Windows, who offers to Supply him with them. Several of the Constables of Boston appearing with the Venire for the return of Jurors for the Superiour Court — But the Inhab- itants of the District of Rumney Marsh having not had any Warn- ing, by the [355.] Neglect of the Constables, the Meeting could not be regular — Wherefore the Constables were directed to Warn the Inhabitants to meet for the purpose abovementioned. On Mon- day next the Seventh of August Currant, at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon. 126 City Document No. 87. Upon the Sorrowful Tidings of the Death of the Hon. CoP. Prescott, one of the Justices of the Superiour Court, Appointed Specially for the Trial of the Causes depending between the Town of Boston and the Heirs of James Everiil, John Read and William Shirley Esquires were desired to meet with the Select men — Who being present Accordingly, It was Proposed to Petition to His Ex- cellency the Governour m order to have the Vacancys in the Bench of Judges fill'd up — Which Proposal being advised to, and agreed upon — m'". Read was desired to draw up a Petition to His Ex- cellency Accordingly, to be ready tomorrow at Ten O'Clock in the Forenoon. Memorandum, On Saturday, Aug. 5, 1738. The Hon. John Jeffries Esquire, Capt. Lyman and m^ Hutchin- son being present together with John Read and William Shirley Esquires [356.] m". Rand presented the draft of a Petition to His Excellency Agreeable to the Vote and desire of the Select men as Entred Yesterday, which is as follows, Viz*. Province of the Massachusetts Bay. To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esquire, Captain General and Governour in Chief of this Province. The Select men of Boston, Humbly Shew, That they have Five Actions of great Importance depending be- tween the said Town, and the Heirs of James Everiil Deceased, and to be finally tried and Issued upon Writs of Review at the Seperiour Court in Boston next Week, That two of the Judges of that Court, Viz*. Paul Dudley Esq'", and Thomas Greaves Esq*", by reason of their Interest in the Causes cannot Sit as Judges therein, and CoP. Benjamin Prescot heretofore Appointed specially for the Trial of these Causes is lately Deceased, so that now there remains but a bare Quorum to try these Causes of such Importance. Wherefore they humbly Pray your [357.] Excellency with the advice and Consent of the Council to Nominate and Appoint Two other Judges to make a full Court for the Trial of these Causes as soon as may be in this Term. And Your Petitioners, as in Duty Bound shall ever Pray &c. John Jeffries Caleb Lyman Thomas Hutchinson Jun*. in behalf of themselves and the Rest of the Select men. Boston, Aug. 5. 1738 At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 9, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Mr. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson William Brown from London, Cordwainer desires Liberty to Open a Shop in this Town and to follow his said Calling — The said Brown being present — And it Appearing to the Satisfaction Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 127 [398.] of the Select men that he brought into this Town with him Effects of Value Sufficient to Indemnify the Town, According to Law. Liberty was Granted him to Open a Shop as he Desires. The By-Law of the Town of Boston " For making Effectual Provision for the regular and seasonable Sweeping the Chimneys of this Town " having had the Allowance Approbation and Con- firmation of His Majesties Justices in Quarter Sessions. Voted, That 200 Copies of said By-Laws be, and hereby are Ordered to be forthwith Printed. The Select men receiving a Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Honourable Josiah Willard Esquire Judge of Probate &c. Desiring & Impowering them to Enquire into the State of the Mind of John Snelling, Blockmaker, Represented Non Compos Mentis The Select men Agreed to Attend that Service forth with, in order to report thereon. Which being Accordingly done, The following Report was En- dorsed on the said Warrant Viz*. [359.] Boston, sc. Pursuant to the within Direction, We have made P^nquiry into the State of the Mind of the within named John Snelling — And do Report it as Our Opinion, That the said Snelling is so far wanting of reason and understanding as to beUn- capable of Managing his own affairs. C * d! &c. } Selectmen At a Meeting of the Honourable His Majesties Justices of the Peace, and the Select men of the Town of Boston, Thursday the 10 August 1738 Present The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq^ The Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq'. Habijah Savage Esq^ Justices ^ Abiel Walley Esq'". Samuel Sewall Esq''. William Tyler Esq'". ^ John Fayerweather Esq''. f Capt. Jonathan Armitage Select men \ ^apt. Alexander Forsyth Capt. Caleb Lyman 1^ Mr. Jonas Clarke [360.] Whereas by an Act of the Great and General Court, Pass'd in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William III Intitled An Act for keeping of Watches in Towns — It is therein Enacted — That from time to time, When and so often as a Military Watch shall not be ordered and Appointed to be kept, The Justices of Peace together with the Select men of each Town within this Province, are Impowered and Autliorized to direct and Order a Suitable Watch or Watches to be set up and kept &c. — And also a Ward to be kept every Lords Day and other Days, as they shall think needful ; and to Appoint the Members 128 City Document No. 87. whereof such Watch and Ward shall Consist, and the time for the beginning and Continuance of the same, And the Constable or Constables of the Town, having orders accordingly given him or them in Writing by the Justices and Select men are hereb}^ Im- powered and required from time to time to Warn such Watch and Ward respectively, and to see that all Persons so Warned by them do attend and Observe their duty in that regard. And Whereas the said Justices and Select men are Infoi'med of frequent Profanations of the [361,] Lords Days especially at this Season of the year, by loose, vain Persons, Servants, Negroes &c. Unnecessarily Travelling or Walking to and from Boston and Roxbury, with Neglect of Attending the Publick worship of GOD in either place — And bringing from the Neighbouring Towns, Corn, Apples, and other Fruits of the Earth, to the great Disturbance of the Publick peace, and Scandal of our Christian Profession. It is therefore Ordered By the said Justices and Select men, That from and After the Date hereof, and until the Fifteenth Day of October next ensuing, The Constables of and within the Town of Boston, and every of them by turns Do W^arn and Appoint Eight meet and sober Persons Inhabitants of the said Town on the Lords Days to Ward on the Neck or Highway between Boston and Roxbury, at some Convenient place near the Line of Defence, Four of the said Persons, are to give their Attendance there, from Seven O'Clock in the Morning, until half an hour after Twelve at Noon, and then to be relieved by the other four who are there to Continue upon Duty until the Dusk of the Evening. [363.] And such Constables are to give in Charge to such Ward, to take due Care to prevent and Suppress such Disorders, And to Examin all Passengers and restrain them from Disporting, Idle Walking, or Unnecessary Travel on the Lords Day. And if any Person or Persons be Rude, Refractory, or shall refuse to give a Satisfactory Account of the Occasion of their Travelling — Or otherwise misbehave themselves, to take them up and carry them before the next Justice of the Peace — or otherwise to return their Names to such Justice that they may be Convented and proceeded against according to Law, as Profaners of the Lord's Day. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 11, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson A Venire Facias for the return of Six Petit Jurors to Serve at the Supcriour Court [363.] of Judicature now holden at Boston, being read. It is hereby Ordered that the Tickets be drawn Accordingly, Tomorrow at Eleven O'Clock ^ And that the Inhabi- tants be Notified hereof as the Law directs. Liberty is hereby Granted to m"". John Dolbeare to dig up the Pavement and Oi)en the ground before his Shop at the lower en;] of Cornhill, in Order to Clear his Drain — Upon Condition that Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 129 he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, August 14, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson Upon a Motion made Mr. Cowdrey is Ordered to take proper Care [364.] To prevent any Damage being done to the Trees in the Common (it being Training Day) and to Watch them in the Evening. At a Meeting of the Select men, August 16, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage Mr. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lvman . Mr. Clarke ^ Mr. Hutchinson Mr. Ebenezer Swan appearing, Prays that Liberty may be Granted him to Open a School in this Town, for Teaching Writing, Arithmetick and Merchants Accounts — Which Motion being Considered and Approved, Voted, That Liberty be Granted Accordingly. Boston, August 17, 1738. Whereas the Petitions of Sundry Persons for Licence to Sell Strong Drink, either as [365.] Innholders or Retailers, have been Presented to the Selectmen and at Several Meetings by them Considered — A List of their Names and the Streets where each Person Dwells, with the Acting of the Selectmen on said Petitions, is here Recorded As follows, Viz'. Innholders, Approved and Recommended, Viz*. Abigail Boyes Fish Market Jonathan Brown Prince Street George Gray Ship Street Andrew Halyburton Dock Square Richard Hunniwell North Street Edward Lutwyche King Street Susanna Pemberton Ann Street Nathanael Wheeler King Street Retailers Approved and Recommended, Viz*. Abijah Adams George Street John Arbuthuot Essex Street Benjamin Bickner Middle Street Edward Ball Henchman's Lane 130 City Document No. 87. Nicholas Boone [360.] Joseph Bill Philadelphia Boardman Anthony Caverley Thomas Child Priscilla Clark Abigail Deal Charles Dupee Grace Dudding Jeremiah Green Elizabeth Grimes Richard Gridley .John Hill Thomas Hill James Hodgson John Helyer Kezia Harvey Samuel Henshaw Nathanael Holmes John Hamock Thomas Jackson Jun'. William Jepson Ebenezer Lowell Lawrence Lutwyche Stephen Lapiere Hannah Martin [367.] Ann Norman James Oliver & John Wendell Grace Pitcher Mehetabel Robie William Eandle Tamsen Rogers Mary Sharrow Elizabeth Townsend Joshua Thomas Cornhill Clarks Wharflfe Dock Square Orange Street Essex Street North Street Middle Street Newbury Street King Street Atkinsons Street Sudbury Street (near) Merchants Row Essex Street South Street Wings Lane Allen Street Water Street Essex Street Back street Shrimptons Lane Sudbury Street (near) Paddeys Alley King Street Union Street Hanover Street Cambridge Street Cross Street Battery March Charter Street Union Street Hanover Street Pierces Alley Wentworths Wharf King Street King Street Anne Street Essex Street Sudbury Street (near) Charter Street Fish Street Newbury Street Mary Timberlake Gilbert Warner P'rancis Wells Esq'. & Cord Cordis Isaac White Martha Winter Elizabeth Waldo One Innholder Disallowed Viz'. Jemima Debuke Cornhill Retailers Disallowed Viz'. John Ashley Newbury Street Thomas Butler Battery march David Belcher Orange Street [368.] Elizabeth Edwards Anne Street Rebekah Foster Wentworths Wharf Samuel Green Johu Harper Hill's Wharf Elizabeth Haislup Newbury Street Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 131 Mary Leverage William Lorkin Sarah Marshall Jeffr}^ Milward John Haldain Queen Street Beacon Street Orange Street Cambridge Street Cambridge Street David Snoden John Wass Elizabeth Randal Newbury Street Salem Street Orange Street Mary Ward Dorothy Wheeler Barton's Rope Walk Orange Street At a Meeting of the Select men, August 22, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman Mr. Clarke Mr. Hutchinson [369.] Whereas the Trial of Five Actions, depending be- tween the Town of Boston and the Heirs of James Everill, is coming on, at the Superiour Court now sitting. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", be desired to present the Sum of Fifty Pounds to the two Attorneys for the Town — Viz^ Twenty five Pounds to John Read Esq"", and Twenty five Pounds to William Shirley Esq"". — That he be desired to Advance the said Sum out of the Moneys lying in his Hands receiv'd for Townships Sold, And that the same be drawn out of the Town Treasury in the next Draught, payable to m"". Jeffries. SIXTH BOOK OF THE SELECTMEN'S MINUTES. [1.] At a Meeting of the Select men, August, 30, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Jonathan Armitage m^ David CoUson Capt. Alexander Forsyth Capt. Caleb Lyman m"^. Jonas Clarke m"". Thomas Hutchinson Jun^. Complaint being made by m^ Hutchinson of Sundry Persons Carrying Ballast from Deer Island — . Ordered That the Town Clerk in the name of the Select men do Notify (by nn Advertise- ment in the Publick Papers) All Lightermen and others to desist from Carrying any Stones from said Island, Or they must ex- pect to be prosecuted for the same. Mr. John Checkley Jun'. Paid the Select men, in part of the Bond of John Read Esq"". [3,] To the Town, One Hundred and Seventy Pounds, Principal and Two Pounds as Interest for the said Sum to this Day — Which Sum of £.172, was delivered into the Hands of the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ and is part of the Pur- chase Consideration for the Town ship Number One Sold the said Read by auction the 30"\ June 1737. Capt. Armitage Reports that the Committee on the Affair of Charles Henleys Chimney, had been with the said Henley and or- dered him to desist from Carrying up said Chimney, and to Cover the roof of his House again — AVhich Orders he promised to Com- ply with. Upon a Motion made, Voted, That m"*. Cowdrey be and is hereby directed and Ordered to take a List of the Free Negro's, Indians, and Molatto's in the Town that are capable of Service, and to lay it before I he Select men, in order to their being Employ'd in the Service of the [3.] Town, according to Law. Upon a Motion made. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage, m"". CoUson, Capt. Lyman and m"". Hutchinson be a Committee to treat Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 133 with m'. Waters or other suitable Person to take Care of the Hos- pital at Rainsfords Island, on the most advantageous Terms to the Province, as soon as conveniently may be, and Report their doings therein James Bryant from New York, a Sailor now belonging to a Vessell of m^ Perkins, has broke his Leg, is in a Miserable Condition, having no Friends and Poor, at the House of Roger Passmore — Said Passmore's AVife desiring he may be taken Care of as the Select men shall direct. Voted, That the said Bryant is a proper Object of Charity, to be relieved at the Province Charge according to Law — And the Town Clerk is order'd to Certify the Gentlemen the overseers of the Poor Acordingly. [4.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 5, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m*". Clarke m^ Hutchinson Upon a Motion made in the name and behalf of m''. Peleg Wiswall, Master of the North Grammar School, Praying the Select men would please to Appoint an Usher in said vSchool, for that the number of Scholars are lately increased &c. Voted That m"". Wiswall be desired to Attend upon the Select men on Thursday next in the afternoon. At a Meeting of the Selectmen, Sept. 7, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ m'. Collson Capt. Lyman m"^. Hutchinson [5,] Mr. Peleg Wiswall, Master of the North Grammar School, appear'd and Recommended m' Jonathan Helyer as a suitable Per- son for an Usher in the said School — The Select men accordingly sent for the said Helyer and being Satisfied of his Capacity, they approved of him, and appointed him to be Usher of the said School for One Year next ensuing — Agreeable to the Power given them by the Town, at their Meeting the ]:7"\ of May last past. Voted, That the Sura of Ninety Pounds p. annum be Allow'd and paid to m"" Jonathan Helyer, for his Salary as Usher of the North Grammar School ; To Commence the 28"^ of September Curiant. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 8, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esqf Capt. Armitage 134 City Document No. 87. Capt. Lyman m^ Clarke m^ liatchinson The Hon. John Jeffries Esq', is desired to [6.] Pay Five Pounds out of the Money received for Townships 6o\d — being towards defraying the Charges of the last Tryal of the Cause between the Town and the Heirs of James Everill — the said Sum to be drawn for, the next Draught Day. At a meeting of the Select men, Sept. 13. 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m''. Collson ra"". Clarke m'. Hutchinson Upon Information tliat the Gentlemen to whom was Granted the last Thirteen Tombs, built in the South Burying phice, and Number'd from G8 to 80 inclusive, have not yet paid their Money for the Use and Benefit of Drain, according to Custom and the Condition of the Grant — Therefore, Voted, That m"" Joshua Blanchard be and hereby is desired and impower'd to Collect the said Money from the said Proprietors, and [7.] That part thereof be applied to and for the Building a small peice of Brick Wall, at the ^sorth Corner of the said Burying place, against which part of m'" Joseph Green's Tomb stands, Viz* Number 80. and that the Over plus of the said money so to be Collected be by him paid into the Town Treasury. It being Represented to the Select men that the Draw Bridge (so called) in Ann Street is much ont of repair. Voted, Tl'at Capt. Armitage and m"". Collson .be desired to view the same and Report thereon at the next Meeting. Vide Sept. 16**^ Whereas this Year is the time appointed by Law for Perambulat- ing the Bounds betwixt Town and Town. It is therefore Agreed upon and ordered, That Fryday the Twenty second of September Current be the time for running the Line, and renewing the Bound marks between the Town of Boston, and the Town of Koxbuiy. And That the Select men. Viz* The Hon. [8.] John Jeffries Esq\ Capt. Jonathan Armitage, m'". David Collson, Capt. Alexander Forsyth, Cnpt. Caleb Lyman, m"". Jonas Clarke and m"". Thomas Hutchinson Jnn'. or any Two of them be a Committee for, and in behalf, of the Town of Boston fully author- ized and Impowered to join with such Persons as the Select men of Roxbury shall appoint and Impower to Attend and Perform the same. And that all Persons concerned therein be, and here by are desired to meet, at the House of m^ Richard Sniiih, at the Sign of the Grey hound, in Roxbury, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon of the said Day, in order to attend the said Business — And the Town Clerk is hereby Directed to give seasonable Notice (by a Letter) to the Select men of Poxbur^^of this Ai)pointment, Desiring them to appoint and Jm[)owcr a Committee in bi'half of the Town of Koxbuiy to join with us in that service accordingly. But if the Weather should prove wet and apparently unsuitable Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 135 for the performance [9.] of the said Work on the Day above mentioned, Then the same to be attended and performed the next Day, Viz' On Saturday the Twenty third of September Current to meet at the Place and Time above mentioned. (Copy of the Letter to the Select men of Roxbury). The Select men of Boston ] to [- Boston, Sept. 13. 1788 The Select men of Roxbury J Gentlemen, These are to give You No; ice that this Year is the time wherein, according to Law, We are required to run the Boundary Line betwixt this Town and the Town of Roxbury. You are therefore desired to Appoint and Impower a Committee to join with that of Ours for the performance of that Service, and that they meet us at the House of m^ Richard Smith, at the Sign of the Grey-Hound in Roxbury, on Fryday the Twenty Second Day of September Current, at Ten O'Clock in the forenoon. [10.] The Persons appointed in behalf of this Town are the Select men. Viz^ The Hon. John Jeffries I^sq^ Capt. Jonathan Armitage, m"". David CoUson, Capt. Alexander Forsyth, Capt. Caleb Lyman, m^ Jonas Clarke and m"". Thomas Hutchinson Jun^ and they, or any Two of them, are Impowered to run the Line, and renew the Bound murks between the said Towns of Boston and Roxbury, accordingly. But if the Weather on the said Twenty second Day of Septem- ber should prove wet, and apparently Unsuitable for the Perform- ance of this Work, then We do propose and appoint to Attend the same on the next Day following, Viz^ On Saturday the Twenty third of this instant September, to meet at the place and hour above mentioned. By Ord'. of the Select men, Samuel Geurish Town Clerk Purusuant to the Directions of a Law of this Province For the regulating of Free Negroes &c. [11.] The Select men do Order and require the Free Male Negroes or Molattoes within the Town of Boston hereafter named each one of them to give their Attendance faithfully and dili- gently to Work ill repairing the High Ways, Cleansing the Streets, or other service for the common benefit of the Place, at such time and place as the Select men, or such Person or Persons by them Appointed and imployed therein shall direct and Order for the Space of so many Days, as is hereafter set against each of their Names respectively, as an Equivalent to the Services performed by others in Trainings, Watchings, &c. for the present year. Names. N. of Days John Beard 2 James Lancashire 2 Charles Cole 2 ' Prince Holmes 2 Mingo 2 Primus Dyer 2 ^ TuUy Saul 2 136 City Document No. 87. [13.] John G randy Thomas Grandy Onesimus Mather 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 John Wood by Felix Doctor Anthony Black John Leasenby Walley Harris Brackets Indian Peter Melrose Fortune Baker Robin Saco Thorn. C'ulley Titus Rumney Marsh At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 16, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m^ CoUson Cnpt. Forsyth Capt. Lynifin m"". Hutchinson Capt. Armitage and m^ CoUson Report [13.] That they have View'd the Drawbridge, so Cnll'd, according to Order as Eutred the 13"\ instant, and that they find the said Bridge gone to decay and incapable of a good repair it being so late in the Year. — They Judge it will be best to prepare Timber for a New Bridge, to be Built in the Spring. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 20, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m*". Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m*". Hutchinson Mr. Hutchinson, Informs that Henry Metcalfe a Yorkshire man having a Dangerous P^ever Sore in his Breast, applying for Relief — Was by him sent to the almsliouse the 14*^\ inst. At the Prov- ince Charge. Mr. Daniel Bell Desires Liberty of a Tomb [14.] In the Old Burying i)lacc, amongst the New Tombs there to be made and also that he may have liberty of Building it hims 'lf. Mr John Jennings latel3"from London Sadler, appear'd, Praying for Liberty to Open a Shop in order to follow his Calling — Upon his Informing that he bro't his wife and One Child with him, he was directed first to appear at the Office on Monday next in the afternoon, with Sufficient Sureties to IndeuHiify the Town as the Law directs. Upon Report respecting the Repairs at the North Writing School, ^ Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 137 Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and m'". Hutchinson be desired to Cause the Cellar Doors and Platform at the said Scho(;l house to be repaired. Capt. Armitage and m'". Collson, (upon a Motion made) are desired to View, nnd to give Order for the necessary repair of the Cellar Doors and Stairs, of the Towns [15.] Mouse where m^ John Lovell now dwells in School Street. A Petition of m*". Isaac Greenwood, Pra3 ing leave to open a School in this Town for the Instructing of Youth and others in the Mathematicks, and other parts of Learning, Read, approved and accordingly. Voted, Tiiat m^ Isaac Greenwood have, and hereby has Liberty Granted him to keep such a School — Whilst he continues to regu- late the same in Conformity to the Laws of this Province in that Case made and provided, and to the approbation of the Selectmen for the time being. Upon a Representation made by m"". — Warden that in a Deed of Sale for a Certain house and Land in Beacon Street, made and Executed the 20*^\ may 1723, by the then Selectmen, to Francis Warden, there is a Manifest Omission of the Bounds on One Side of said Land, and Praying for Relief in that affair. Voted, That the Hon, John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. [16.] Armi- tage, m"". Collson and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to View the said Land, and that they desire the Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq', to accompany them, who was one of the Select men in the Year, 1723, and that they Report thereon. Boston, Sept. 21. 1738 Liberty is Granted to Habijah Savage Esq^ Henry Dering Esq', mess''. William Price, Peter Faneuil and others, to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Cornhill Street, in order to re- pair and mend the Common Shoar in said Street, and to Clear their Drains which run in it. — Upon Condition, that they forth with make good the Ground and Pavement, and keep the same in re- pair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 22, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ m"^. Collson Capt. Lyman Capt. armitage Capt. Forsyth m'". Hutchinson [17.] The Select men of Boston in Concert with the Select men of Roxbury, attended the Perambulation betwixt the Two Towns, this Day ; A Report whereof is here Recorded, as follows. Viz*. Pursuant to agreement, ^Ye the Subscribers met at the time and i)lace appointed and run the line and renewed the Ancient Bound marks between the Town of Boston and the Town of Rox- bury — Beginning at the Mouth of the Creek which opens into the Bay leading to Cambridge, and so goes as the Creek runs, until it 138 City Document No. 87. comes in a range with the Fence and Trees which parts between John Richardson Esq'''^ Land, formerly m^. Nathanael lirewers, And Samuel Welles Esq''^ Land, formerly called m"". Minots, then cross the Street or High Way till it comes to a Stump with a heap of Stones, about Eighty feet from the High Way, and from thence Streight to a little Nowl upon the Edge of the Creek, a Corner of the Bounds, and from thence F^asterly as the Creek runs, till it comes to a Stake with a heap of Stones in Colonel Lamb's Dam, and from thence as the Creek runs into the Bay between Boston and Dor- chester. Dated the 22 [18.] Day of September, 1738 John Jeffries ^ Jon*". Armitage j David CoUson ! Select men Alexander Forsyth [ of Boston Caleb Lyman Thom^ Hutchinson Jun'". J Joseph Heath \ Ebenezer Pierpont o i i. u Joseph Weld I Select men of JobaHolbrook I ^'"""^"'^ Nathanael Brewer ) At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 25, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m"". Clarke Mr. Henry Howell Master of the Water Engine in Summer Street, appearing Informs, That One of his Company Viz'. William Cowell is lately Dead, and another of them Viz^ Eleazar Dorby is abroad at Sea. And Prays the Select men would please to appoint [19.] Two men to Succeed them ; at the same time recommended Joseph Birch and Thomas Foster Jun"^. as sutable Persons, if the Selectmen, think fit — Accordingly the Selectmen approving of them, Voted, That m^ Joseph Birch and m'^. Thomas Foster Juu'". be and hereby are admitted into m"". Howells Company in the room of mess'^ William Cowell and Eleazar Dorby. Upon a Representation that the South Grammar School house in School Street wants some Repairs — Voted, That Capt. Armi- tage and m'*. Collson be a Committee to View the said School house, and Consider what repairs arc needful, and cause the same to be done in the best and most frugal manner they can. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 4, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth m''. Clarke Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 139 Colson Capt. Lyman m'. Hutchinson [20.] Mr. Holyoke Complaining that part of the Fence about the School house in Queen Street is blown down. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and m'". Colson, be desired to cause the same to be repaired. Upon Information that a certain Woman named Fuller is come in this town from Newton, and at present resides at the South end, in Gibbins's Court so Called, m'". Savell is ordered to make Enqiiiry after her and to give her Warning to depart the Town as the Law directs Mr. Collson informs that One Jane Jusey, from Roxbury is come into this Town, and resides at Hewes's in Frog lane, who is also reputed a disorderly Person, m"". Savell is Ordered to give her Warning to depart the Town, as the Law directs. Mr. Hutchinson in behalf of m". Alice Norwood, informs that a Certain Woman belonging to Marshfield whose Name is [21.] Sarah McLucas is lately come into this Town, and now lyes Sick at the said m". Norwood, at the Sign of the Dolphin, Praying the Select men would please to give Directions concerning her. Voted, That the said Sarah mcLucas be recommended to the Overseers of the Poor, as a proper Object of their Care, at the Province Charge. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 11, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m"". Collson Capt. Lyman m"". Clarke Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be, and hereby is set and Stated after the rate of Thirteen Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence Allow'd for Charges, Which is as follows, Viz'. Of Penny White Loaf 2'. 13 Wheaten 4. 3 Household 5. 9. Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1] 9. 4. [22.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 25, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m"". Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lvman m^ Clarke Whereas the Select men of Boston, Anno 1678. Did Let unto m*" J<)!m Joyliffe a Parcel of Land, formerly Let unto Thomas Batt, and by said Batt Assigned and made over to the said Joyliffe, lying 140 City Document No. 87. near the Spring in Boston Butted and Bounded as by the said Lease appears, for the full Space and Term of Sixty Years, Com- mencing the last Day of August 1G78, He Paying the annual Rent of 7V0. and at the Expiration of said Lease the Land with what Buildings should be Erected thereon, to be left free for the Town of Boston, Which said Lease, or term of Sixty Years expired the 31'*. of August, last past. [33.] As Also another Peice or Parcel of Land, Adjoining to the Land aforementioned, was by the said Select men Leased unto Jonathan Bridgham for the same Term of Years, at the Annual Rent of 20/ at the Expiration of which Term the said Land with the Buildings which should be Erected thereon to be left free for the Town, Which Lease also Expired the oVK of August last. Voted, That the Select men on Fryday next at Three O'Clock Afternoon, will go and take Possession of the Premisses for the Town of Boston. Voted, That m'". Savell be and hereb}^ is directed to go to Kath- arine Davis (who came into this Town from Rhode Lsland some time since) [24.] And Inform her, that it is the Direction and Order of the Select men, that Unless She shall appear to give Suf- ficient Security to Indemnify the Town by the first Wednesday in November next, she be sent forth of the Town, as the Law in that case made and provided, does direct. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 27, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m''. Clarke m*". Hutchinson The Select men according to Appointment as Entred the 25*^. instant Went to m^ Samuel Bass, and view'd and measured the Peice of Land belonging to the Town in Water Street in the said Bass's Possession, and on part whereof he has lately set part of his Kitchen, Viz*. About Five feet in Breadth and about Twenty feet in length — And the ancient [25.] Lease being Expired, Viz*, on the 3V\ of August last past, m"". Bass did then and there Yield and deliver Possession of the said Peice of Land &c. unto the Select men of Boston, in Presence of John Savell and Samuel Gerrish, Witnesses. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 1, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries, Esq^ Capt. Armitage m^ CoUson Capt. Lyman m'. Clarke Mr. William Haislup appearing, He was informed, that some Complaints had been made against him, for not giving due Attend- Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 141 ance on the Business of Chimney Sweeping which he had un- dertaken. Mr. Haislup Answers and Says, That when he has had any Information of any Persons wanting to have their Chimnies Swept, he has never yet failed of Attending and doing the Work accord- ing to Law. lie further Informs that he [26.] Has now Five Persons constantly ready to be Kraploy'd in that Service, and if it be found they are not sufficient for the Business of the Town, he will Augment the Number. Mr. Winborn Complains that the Watch house at the South end of the Town is so out of repair, that he can't take in his Coles &c. Voted, That m"". CoUson be and hereby is desired to view the said Watch house, and to direct and Order the necessary repair thereof, as soon as ma}' be. Mr. Savell is directed to go to Capt. Sigourney and inform him the Select men desire he would send them an acco*. of what may be due from him to the Estate of William Holland, one of his Sailors who lately Died at the Province Hospital, in order to have the Debt which is due to Doctor Rand on his acco*. Discharged as the Law directs. Memorandum, Nov. 2, 1738. Capt. Charles Sigourney appearing in [27.] The Office, Exhib- ited an Account with WiUiam Holland, One of his Sailors who lately Died of the Small Pox at the Province Hospital, b}^ which Account there remained due to the said Holland the Sum of Nine- teen Pounds Ten Shillings and Seven pence, which he paid into the Hands of the Town Clerk, in the presence and by Order of the Select men then present — AVhich money is to be paid to Doctor William Rand in part of his Bill for his Attendance &c. on the said Holland during his Sickness at the Hospital — Capt. Sigourney knows of nothing further due to said Holland, but informs that his Chest and Cloaths of some Value were left at Rainsford Island. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 6*^. 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ m^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m"-. Clarke Ordered, That m'. Savell take care, for the preservation of the Trees in the Common this Night. [28.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 8, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m'. Collson m'. Clarke m"". Hutchinson Mr. Savell is ordered to acquaint Catharine Davis that unless She appears to give Bond to Indemnify the Town as the Law 142 City Document No. 87. directs, with Sufficient Sureties on or before next Wednesday, that She must depart the Town, and m'". Savellis enjoined to See this Order Complied with, or in default, to cause her to be sent out Accordingly. Voted, That the Selectmen do meet tomorrow at Three O'Clock p. m. in order to go and take Possession of the Towns Land &c. formerly Leased to Jonathan Biidgl^am, now in the Occupation of the Widow Harvey, the Lease being expired. Mr. Sheriff Winslow informs that one [29.] Richard Still has Undertaken the Business of a Wliipper for the County, for which reason his Landlord has turn'd liim out of Doors, and that he is destitute of Shelter and Lodging, being very Poor ; Praying the Select men to take his Case under Consideration, he being an In- habitant of the Town. Voted, That m"". Savell be and hereby is directed to go to the Towns house on Fort Hill, and see if there be an Empty room there, and if there be, he is to put the said Still and his Wife into it, until further Order. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 9, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth » m'^. Clarke m^ Hutchinson According to Appointment as Entred Yesterday the Select men attending, They went and measured the Towns Land in Water Street, in [30.] The present Possession of the Widow Harve}^ and find One Pelce of Land formerly Let to Matthew Coy and then to John Joyliffe as p. Lease in the Town Clerks office, bearing Date the 28*''. February 1G69, appears, Containing as follows. Viz*. Westerly, on Joyliffs lane, . 27 feet in length Northerly, on Water Street, 2G feet. Front Easterly 25 feet, in length Southerly 32 feet, Kear. Another Peice of Land let formerly to John Joyliffe, as p. Lease in the Town Clerks Office, bearing Date the 4"\ July 1678, Appears, measuring Easterly 29 feet Southerly 38} feet Westerly 25 feet Northerly on Water Street - - - - 42 feet Which Peices of Land with the Buildings thereon were delivered up to the said John Jeffries Esq*". Jonathan Armitage, Alexander Forsyth, Jonas Clarke, and Thomas Hutchinson Select men for the Town, in the Presence of, John Savage, and Ebenezer Win- born, [31«] Mrs Harvey at the same time desiring to Hire the Premisses. P^lizabeth Eliot alias Manning with her Child has Liberty to Im- prove a room in tlie House at Fort Hill, until further order. Mr. Waters Attending according to Order, The Select men Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 143 treated with him about his keeping the Hospital at Rainsford Island, Who proposes that Upon Condition the Province will Allow him one Hundred Pounds p. annum with the Improvement of the Island and Use of the House — He will allow the Use of his House hold Goods for the accommodation of the Sick from time to time as Occnsion shall require — But that Dyet, Nursing &c. be found at the Charge of the Province, And that he will not under- take it upon any other Terms — and as for the time he has been at the Island already, he leaves the Consideration thereof to the Select men. The above Proposals not being Approved by the Select men, They acquainted him that he might Continue at the Island until further [33 o] order And that they should look out for some Per- son or Persons to live on said Island on more easy and reasonable Terms. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 15, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. L3'man m"". Hutchinson Whereas the Town Clerk lately received of Capt. Charles Sigourney the Sura of Nineteen Pounds Ten Shillings and Seven pence as the Ballance of an Account between the said Sigourney and William Holland, One of his Sailors, who lately Died of the Small Pox at the Province Hospital, by means of whose Sickness considerable Charges have arisen — Voted, That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to pay the said Sum of Nineteen Pounds Ten Shillings and seven pence into the Town Treasury, to be towards the defraying the said Charges — taking the Treasurers [33,] Receipt for the same. Mr. Hutchinson is desired to cause the Water Course before the Ware houses in Merchants Row, to be Cleared Complaint being made that it is at present a nusance. Upon a Motion made — Voted, That the Select men at their next Meeting will Consider of some methods to prevent the firing of Chimneys in this Town. Ordered That the Town Clerk Issue forth Warrants directed to the Constables of Boston. In His Majesties Name requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of said Town duly Qualified as the Law diieets to Convene at the Town house, on Tuesday next the Twenty-first Day of November Currant, at Two O'Clock Afternoon, then and there to take under Consideration A Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of the District of Rumney Marsh, to the Great and General Court, to be set off, and Erected a District and Separate [34.] Township ; And also to do what may be tho't further necessary, relating to the Affair between the Town and the Heirs of m'. James Everill, &c. &c. 144 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 20, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman m'. Hutchinson Upon a Motion made, Voted, That n/. Savell be directed to wait upon the Gentlemen the Overseers of the Poor for an Account of the Expences on John Lashley who was sent to the Alms house where he Died — that so the Town may be reimbursed by Thomas Fisher his Bonds- man. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 23, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman m"". Clarke m"". Hutchinson [35.] Doctor Douglass informs that One Jonathan Wilkins, a Journey man with Jonathan Foster, Cordwainer, living near the Green Dragon has got the Small Pox very full, which has been out upon him Three Days, that he apprehends it will be at the utmost hazard of his Life to remove him out of the House where he is, he is apprehensive also, that the Distemper may be communicated to several in the Family who have never had it Viz*, m". Foster's Sister, and Child, who has constantly been in the room with, and attended the said Wilkins, Wherefore, Voted, That a Guard be forthwith set upon the said Fosters House, in Order to prevent any Persons from coming out or going into it without Order Accordingly m*". Winborn was sent for and proper Orders and Instructions given him for this end. The Select men took into Consideration what might be proper to do with the Woman and Ciiild at m"". Fosters in danger of having receiv'd the Infection of the Small Pox — and it being tho't neces- sary for the preservation of the Town that they be removed to some Convenient place [36.] Application was made to the Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq"". Samuel Sewell Esq*", and Joshua Winslow Esq"", three of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, for a Warrant to remove them accordingly. They declared it to be their opinion, That they had no power by the Law to do it. Whereupon Application was made to His Excellency the Gov- ernoiir for farther direction with the advice of His Majesties Coun- cil, upon this emergency. Upon which His Excellency appointed a Council the 24*^. — Who pass'd the following Vote, Viz'. Read and Voted That it be recommended to Edward Hutchinson, Jacob Wendell, Anthony Stoddard and Samuel Welles Esquires, Justices of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, or any two of them to assist the Select men in pursuing the Law of this Province for the County of Suffolk, or any two of them to assist the Select men Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 145 in pursuing the Law of this Province for the safety of the Town in the Case above mentioned [37.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 24, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman m"*. Clarke m^ Hutchinson Whereas the Small Pox is broke out on Jonathan Wilkins, in the House of Jonathan Foster near the Mill bridge — and there being in said House a Sister and Child of said Foster who have been constantly in the room with the said Wilkios, by reason where of its very probable they may have taken the Distemper. It is therefore tho't Necessary for the pi eservation of the Town that tlie said Woman and Child — together with James and Thomas Hudson who have attended the said Sick Person, be removed to a House of m"". Benjamin Clough at the Westerly part of the Towu — Wherefore, Voted, That Application be made to Two of His Majesties Jus- tices of the Peace, for their Assistance according to Law. [38.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 25, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m'". Clarke >. m"*. Hutchinson Whereas the Select men have taken up a House of m^ Benjamin Clough's at the Westerly [)art of the Town to be improved as an Hospital, and are going to remove the Persons from m"". Fosters who are Apprehended in danger of being infected with the Small Pox, into it. Voted, That m'". Clarke be and hereby is desired to Order Wood, and other things Necessary for their Comfortable Subsistance there, to be forthwith sent up to the said House. Mr. Sheriff Winslow came before the Select men (the Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq^ [39.] being present with them) and bro't with him his Deputy m^ Nath^ Hasey, and then he delivered to the Select men the Warrant for removing the Persons from Fosters House, which had been left with him, and withal told them, m^ Hasey was there present. Who would Obey their Orders — And then Spake to m"". Hasey to take the Select mens direc- tions in the Affair. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 28, 1738. Present The Hon John Jeffries Esq'. 146 City Document No. 87. Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Lvruan m'". Clarke m'^. Hutchinson Voted, That m^ Savel be directed to hang a red Flag at the House now taken up for an Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town — According to Law. m^ Savell is further Ordered to Send up half a Cord of Wood more to the said House. [40.] Memorandum, The Select men took Possession of m'. Benj^. Cloughs House, for an Hospital, on Saturday the 25*^. Nov. Current. Nurse Maccoy was sent to the said Hospital on Monday the 27*^ Current, and a Girl sent to Assist m". Foster in nursing at her House, the same Day. And a Jersey man was ap- pointed as a Watchman at the Hospital on the Lords Day, Nov. Mr. Richard Buckley One of the Assessors Appeared and in the name of the Assessors desires the Select men would take speedy Care*that the Collectors of Taxes for the Year Current, be Quali- fied to Officiate io the said Office, the Books being near ready to be delivered to them, Whereupon, Mr. Savell is directed to notify the said Collectors to attend the Select men tomorrow, at Three O'Clock. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 30, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth m^ Clarke m'. Collson Capt. Lyman m"". Hutchinson [41.] Mr. Savell having According to Order visited Mortimer Mac Kan Sick at Robinsons in Wii^gs lane, And Reporting there- on to the Select men — They apprehend him to be a proper Person to be taken Care of at the Province Charge, And Accordingly Ordered the Town Clerk to Certify the same to the Overseers of the Poor, and recommend him to be received into the Alms house. Capt. Daniel Pecker being present, Who was Chosen One of the Collectors of Taxes for the Year Currant took his Oath to the faithful Discharge of said Office before m^ Justice Sewall. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 1, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Lyman m^ Clarke m*". Hutchinson Memorandum, The Select men having Signed the Answer of the Town of Boston to the Rumney [42.] Marsh Petition, it Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 147 was delivered with the several Copies refer'd to therein, to the Representatives of the Town, in Order to their presenting it to the General Court according to the Vote of the Town the 27'^. of Nov. Current. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 6, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m^ Clarke m'". Hutchinson Mrs. Kezia Harvey being present — The Selectmen then agreed with her as follows, Viz*. To Let to her upon Lease for Seven Years, the Land belonging to the Town with the Buildings Erected thereon Situate in Water Street, and lately in the Occupation of her Husband John Harvey Deceased which was taken into the Towns [43.] Possession by the Select men as entred the 9*^. ult. (and there described). The said Lease to Commence the first Day of September last past, at the Annual Rent, of Twenty Pounds to be paid Quarterly, She to be Prohibited from assigning her Lease, without the Approbation of the Select men, and upon Failure of Payment of the Rent for the Space of Ten Days after the same becomes due as above, the Select men may Re-enter the Premisses, and hold the same for the Town — And at the Expira- tion or other determination of the Lease mrs. Harvey to deliver up the Premisses to the Selectmen of the Town — quietly and peaceably and in goodt enantable repair, Jonathan Chandler Appearing presented a Certificate Signed by the Select men of Dorchester Signifying that they had received the said Chandler and his Family, and shall look upon them as Inhab- itants of the Town of Dorchester, According to their Promise made to the Town of Boston the 26*^. August 1736. Whereas Jonathan Wilkins who was taken [44.] With the Small Pox at Jonathan Fosters House near the Mill bridge, is in a good measure recovered, A Motion was made for removing him with his Bedding &c. to the Hospital in the Westerly part of the Town, Accordingly Doctor Douglass was sent for. Who being present, upon the desire of the Select men, He gave it as his Opinion that the said Wilkins, with Care, might be removed safely to the said Hospital, without an}' danger to him as he apprehends — And further he reports That the said Wilkins is free and willing to be removed thither, if the Select men think fit — Whereupon, Voted, That m''. Savell be and hereby is directed to cause the said Jonathan Wilkins to be removed and carried with all possible Care in the best manner he can, with his Bedding &c., tomorrow night, if the Weather be suitable and to do the same in the Dead of the Night to prevent Danger to the Inhal^itants. Whereas m". Obadiah Ayres, has been [45.] In this Town for some time, and may perhaps become Chargeable should he con- tinue here, Therefore, 148 City Document No. 87. Voted, That m^ Savell be and hereby is directed according to Law to give Warning to the said m"". Ayres to depart the Town. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 13, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m"^. Clarke m"". Hutchinson Capt. Nathanael Montgomery and m"*. Nath^ Bethune Executed a Bond, of the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds, to the Town Treasurer, Conditioned to Indemnify the Town from Charge on A ceo*, of Eighty two Passengers imported in the Ship Eagle, William Acton Master from Ireland. James Fitzgerald appearing, Informs tliat he came from Phila- delphia in March last, that he has travelled from thence to this Town by Land, [46.] that he came hither about Four months ago, that for Six Weeks or more next after his coming to Town he lodg'd at the House of John Keeffe, that he is by Trade a Leather breeches maker But being fallen Sick he is not able to work as he did formerly for his living, that he has no Friends to help him, and has expended what money he earned in the time of his Health — Praying the Select men to take his distressed Circum- stances into their Compassionate Consideration — Which being Accordingly done — Voted, That We apprehend the said James Fitzgerald is a proper Object of Publick Charity, and that he be recommended (by a Certificate) to the Overseers of the Poor, to be entertained in the Alms house at the Charge of the Province. W^hereas William Thorp was lately a Tenant in a House belong- ing to m"". Ben3^ Clough at the Westerly part of the Town which House was taken up by the Select men for an Hospital — That for the accomodation of the Town, he readily removed his Family [47.] out of said House, for which he was promised some Con- sideration by the Select men. The said Thorp now appearing Informs that his Child M'ho was Sick when he removed, is since Dead, and Prays the Select men would please to advance a small matter to him, in his present Necessity to Assist him in its decent burial — Accordingly. Ordered, That m"*. Savell pay to the said Thorp Forty Shillings, towards what may be hereafter Allow'd him in Consideration of his removing as above. Whereas the Town Clerk represents to us, that the Papers be- longing to the Town in his Office, are very numerous, that the files have been of late put out of Order, and are mix'd, so that the Searching them, as Occasion calls for, is render'd tedious and un- certain, and that at present there are no Convenient places pre- pared in the Ofiice to receive and hold them, they being at present kept in Chests — Praying the Select men would please to give directions (if they see Cause) for the making a Case or two with Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 149 Partitions in them, salable to hold the said Files [48.] upon Con- sideration of the said motion, Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed to procure such Case or Cases to be made, as may be Sufficient and Sutable for the Service and end above mentioned. Ordered, That the Town Clerk prepare the Leases from the Selectmen to the Widow Harvey of the Laud &c. in Water Street, according to the agreement made with her, as Entred the Sixth instant. The Bounds and measures are as follows. Viz*. Fronting Northerly on Water Street and there measuring Sixty Eight feet. Easterly on other Land belonging to the Town late in the Occupa- tion of Samuel Bass, and there measuring Tiventy-nine feet. Southerly on Land of the said Widow Harvey and there measur- ing Seventy feet and One half foot. Westerly on Joyliff's Lane, and there measuring Twenty Seven feet. Capt. Daniel Pecker Collector Appearing proposes Capt. Bar- tholomew Cheever [49.] And m"". Nathanael Hay ward, for his Sureties, Who was Accepted. Capt. Nathanael Bnrber proposes Joshua Win slow Esq"*, and Capt. Lyman for his Sureties, Who are also Accepted. Ordered, That the Town Clerk take care to have the said Bonds duly Executed, as soon as may be. Memorandum, December, 14. 1738 Capt. Daniel Pecker one of the Collectors of Taxes for the Year Current, appeared in the office, and having been Sworn to the faith- ful Discharge of his office — Gave Bond to the Hon. Joseph Wads- worth Esq*". Town Treasurer, together with Bartholomew Cheever and Nathanael Hayward as Sureties, in the Sum of Eleven Thou- sand Six Hundred and Fifty four Pounds ; And Accordingly a a Certificate thereof was given him directed to the assessors. Capt. Nathanael Barber One of the Collectors of Taxes for the year Current appeared also, and hav [50.] ing been duly Sworn — Gave Bond to the Town Treasurer, together with Joshua Wins- low Esq"", and Capt. Lyman, as Sureties in the Sum of Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Six Pounds. A Certificate thereof as usual was also given him, directed to the assessors. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 20, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries, Esq"^. Capt. Armitage m^ CoUson Capt. Lyman m'. Clarke Mr. Jacob Sheafe, One of the Collectors of Pates, and Taxes within the Town of Boston for the Year Current, Appeared, and having been Sworn to the faithful performance of that Office, Gave Bond to the Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq'. Town Treasurer, together with mess'^ Robert Pattoshali and Rowland Houghton as Sureties in the Sum of Thirteen Thousand Seven [51.] Hundred 150 City Document No. 87. and Twenty two Pounds — A Certificate whereof was deliver'd him, directed to the Assessors of Boston. Capt. Armitage in the name and Behalf of m'". John Dennie, Informs that he is greatly incommoded by the Smoke of the Chimney belonging to the Warehouse he Hires of the Town, And Prays it may be remedied if possible. In answer to his Motion, Voted, That Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be and hereby are desired to take P^flectual Care that the inconveniency Com- plain'd off be remedied, as scon as may be. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 21, 1738. Present The Hon. .John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage m'". Collson Capt. Forsyth ' Capt. Lyman m'". Clarke m'. Hutchinson The Select men this Day Executed the Lease of the Town's [52.] Land in Water Street with the Buildings thereon, late in the occupation of John Harvey Deceased unto m". Kezia Harvey Widow, for the Term of Seven Years, Commencing the first of September last past, at the Annual Rent of Twenty Pounds, to be paid Quarterly to the Town Treasurer or his Successors, Viz*. The Sum of Five Pounds upon the first Day of December, March, June and September, in each and every Year during the said Term &c. Whereas m"*. Treasurer Wadsworth has represented to us, that thro' the Deficiency of the Collectors, the Treasury is in great want of money to answer the Draughts that are from time to time made on it — Where by the School masters. Watchmen and other OflScers are put to great straits and a motion being made and Seconded, The following Question was put, Viz^ Whetlier a Certain Sum of money, part of what has been receiv'd by the Select men for the Townships Sold, and now lying in the Hands of the Hon. John [53.] Jeffries Esq^ Shall be Lent to the Town Treasurer for the Use of the Town under its present diflTiculties, and to be re- funded to the Select men out of the first Moneys receiv'd in to the Treasury. Voted, In the Afl[h"mative. Voted, That the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, part of the said money belonging to the Town, lying in the Hands of the Hon. John Jeffries Esq*", be accordingly Lent to the Hon. Joseph Wads- worth Esq"". Town Treasurer, for the present use and Service of the Town of Boston, the said Sum to be return'd again into the Hands of the Select men or their Successors, out of the first moneys received into the Treasury, as above. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ be, and hereby is desired to deliver the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds (part of the Towns Money lying in his Hands which has been I'cceiv'd for Townships Sold) unto the Hands of the Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Selectmen's Minutes, 1738. 151 Esq'. Town Treasurer Accordingly, Taking his Receipt for the same. [54.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 25, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Lj'man m'. Clarke m'. Hutchinson The Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq'. Town Treasurer being present, the Hon. John Jeffries Esq', delivered to him the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, pursuant to the Votes of the Select men, Entred the 21^*. of December currant. Mr. Constable Read presenting a Venire Facias for the return of Ten good and lawful men to serve on the Petit Jury for Tryals at the next Inferiour Court of Common pleas and Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be holdeu at Boston for the County of Suffolk on the first Tuesday of January next. The Select men do Appoint Wednesday next the [55.] 27*^. of December at Three O'Clock afternoon, to be the time for drawing the Tickets, and the Constable is hereby ordered to Notify the Inhabitants thereof as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 27, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m'. Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m'. Clarke Mrs. Kezia Harvej^ Appeared and Executed the Counterpart of the Lease of Land and Buildings in Water Street which She has Hired of the Select men as Entred the 21st instant — Mr. Samuel Bass being present — It is mutually Agreed between the Select men, and the said Bass, and there is Accord- ingly Let unto the said Samuel Bass, A Certain Peice [56.] or Parcel of Land in Water Street Adjoining to the said Bass's Land, late in his Occupation (and of which he delivered Quiet and peace- able Possession to the Select men, as Entred the 27'^ of October last past) for the Space and Term of One Year Commencing the first Day of September last past, At the Annual Rent of Six Pounds, to be paid to the Town Treasurer for the time being at four equal Qnarterly Payments, That is to Say the Sum of Tbiriy .Shillings on the first Day of December, March, June and Septem- ber, yearly. Mr. Savell is directed and Ordered to Notify m'. Samuel Floyd Collector of Taxes for the District of Rummey Marsh to Appear next V/ednesday at the Clerks Office in order to his being Sworn, and to give Secnrity as the Law directs. Mr. Josiah Baker Appearing Informs that m'. Richard Goodwin 152 City Document No. 87. desires to [57,] Be Dismiss'd from the Service of the Engine under the said Bakers Care and m'". Baker recommends m"". New- man Greenoiigh as a suitable Person to be put in his room if the Select men see fit. Accordingly the said Newman Greenough was accepted, and Ad- mitted into ra^ Bakers Company — And Upon a Motion made by m"". Baker, that the Town Clerk might be directed to give a new List of his Company and Orders thereon, because his former Orders were Obscured by the many Erasements that were already made thereon. The Town Clerk was Ordered to give a New List of the Com- pany and orders of the Select men accordinglv. Which is as follows, Viz*". Boston sc. At a Meeting of the Select men, December, 27, 1738. Ordered, That m"". .Josiah Baker have the Charge of the Copper Engine by the [58.] North Meeting House — and he is allow'd Ten men (besides himself) Viz*. (Josiah Baker) Joseph Roberts Elias Robinson Samuel Pousley John Waters Newman Greenough Jonathan Tarbox Hucstable Baker Joseph (^lidden Walter Edmonds and Zephaniali Basset and in Case there should happen any Difference at any time among them, that they should want to put out or take in any Man, Josiah Baker that has the Charge of the Engine Shall give an ac- count of the same to the Select men for their Allowance, and orders for their proceeding. And at any time. If a Fire breaks out, the said Josiah Baker is Ordered to Improve tiie said Engine, where he thinks [59.] He may do the most Service, And to take care that at no time the Doors of the Engine House be Obstructed by Snow &c. And to Work the said Engine Once every month from the first of April to the first of October and to see that the Engine and Pails be kept in good Order. And for their Care and Diligence in the same the Town of Boston at their annual Meeting the 13"' of March Anno Domini 1737. have by a Vote Freed them from other Town offices for the Year Currant By order of the Select men &c. At a meeting of the Select men, Jan. 3, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m'". Collson Capt. Lyman m^ Clarlvc m'. Hutchinson Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 153 Capt. Armitage and m'". CoUson, appointed a Committee to view the Draw Bridge so called in Ann Street, And to make an Esti- mate of [60.] the Charge of Eebuilding the same. — Reported, That they had attended that Service, advized with Skilful Workmen, Computed the Quantity of Timl)er and other materials necessary &c. and find that the Charge for Timber and other materials with the Labour of Workmen &c. Will be about One Hundred and Twenty two Pounds as appears by an Estimate on file — The Select men having Maturely Considered the Necessity of proceeding in the said Work, and the foregoing Report of the Charge &c. Voted, That the same Committee, Viz*. Capt. Armitage and m'". Collson be and hereby are Desired and Imix>vvered to proceed therein. Viz*. Capt. Armitage and m'". Collson be and hereby are Desired and Impowered to proceed therein, Viz*, in Rebuilding the said Bridge as soon as may be with Convenience, That they Agree with and Employ Skilful Workmen, and undertake the Oversight thereof until it shall be finished — And that they give direction for Cutting the Timber to be used in said W^ork in the best Season. Ordered, That the assize of Bread be [61,] and hereby is Set and Stated after the Rate of Thirteen Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence Allow'd for Charges, The Computation of which is as follows, Viz*. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 6, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m''. Collson Capt. Lyman m"". Clarke m". Hutchinson Memorandum, That m^ Coroner Morey did this Day, by Virtue of Writs of Execution, to him directed, Issuing from the Clerks OflBce of the Superiour Court, deliver Possession unto the Select- men of Boston, as they are Agents [63.] for the said Town, Viz*. Two Third parts of Three Brick Messuages Situate in Dock Square in Boston aforesaid in the present Occupation (P*.) of m". Abbot, (2'y.) of mess". Samuel Butler and Thomas Bromfield ; and (3'^.) of m^ Thomas Hubbard. One Third part of Eight Wooden Shops Situate in Dock Square aforesaid, Ad- joining to the Shop or Messuage of the said Hubbard. and One Third part of the Market House and Land, in Dock Square aforesaid, and one Third part of another Peice of Land, whereon oz- dr. Of Penny White Loaf Wheaten Houshold Six penny W^heaten Loaf 2. 13. 4. 3. 5. 9. 9- 4. 154 City Document No, 87. lately stood Three Old Warehouses or Shops With all Priviledges and appurtenances to the Premisses belonging. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 10, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m'". Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m'*. Clarke m'". Hutchinson [63.] Mr. Samuel Floyd Appearing According to Order, Major Sewall administred the Oath of Collector of Taxes within the District of Rumney Marsh for the current Year, to him ; and he was directed to procure Sureties, and to appear to give Bond as soon as may be. Whereas, upon the Motion and request of Sundry Persons, as entred at several times, — Liberty was Granted by the Select men, for Erecting Five Tombs in the South Burying place. Which Work being finished the Tombs Allotted and drawn, And a List presented for Confirmation. Voted, That the five Tombs lately Built in the South Burying place, Number'd from 81. to 85. inclusive, be and hereby are Granted to the Persons hereafter named their Heirs and assigns respectively forever, — Viz*. N^. Eighty One, to Deacon Jacob Parker Eighty two, to Deacon John Clough Eighty three, to the Heirs of Sam\ Greenleaf Deced. Eighty four, to Capt. Jonathan Armitage Eight}^ five, to Doctor John Gibbins [64.] Upon the Conditions following, Viz^ That they, and each of them, their Heirs and assigns. Do, from time to time forever hereafter, at their own proper Cost and Charge, Uphold, Maintain, and keep in good repair, the Brick Wall or Fence, with Cants on the Top of the same, as it is now built, and of the full breadth of each of their respective Tombs to the Satisfaction of the Select men of the Town for the time being Paying each his Proportion for the Benefit of the Drain, as has been Customary. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 17, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m'". Collson Capt. Forsyth Capt. Lyman m'". Clarke Mr. Samuel Floyd Chosen Collector of the Taxes in the District of Rumney Marsh [65.] for the Current year, appeared in the office, And having been Sworn to the faithful Discharge of that Office, Gave Bond to the Hon. Joseph Wads worth E8q^ Town Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 155 Treasurer, together with Thomas Pratt as Surety, in the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds — And a Certificate thereof, directed to the Assessors, was deliver'd him accordingly. Upon a Motion made — Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, Capt Lyman, and m"". Clarke be a Committee to Repair to the Hospital in the West- erly part of the Town, And to Inquire into the Circumstances of the Persons, who have lately been Visited with the Small Pox there, and Report thereon next Fry day. Upon Reading the Petition of James Barnard, recommended by a Number of Inhabitants in the Neighbourhood, respecting the making some Alteration at the lower end of Snow Street, as the same runs into Prince Street, for better a(;commodation of the said Street. [66.] Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, Capt. Lyman and m"". Clarke be a Committee to View the same, to Con- sider what may be proper to be done in the affair, and to Report thereon, next Fryday. Mr. Collson Desires to Hire, for the Year ensuing, A Certain Peice of Marsh on Boston Neck, formerly Improved by CoF. Lamb and which he hired of the Select men the last Year, and offers to pay Ten Pounds for the same. Major Hill Informs that Sarah Squire from New York has been for some time past in this Town, that her Husband is gone to Sea, and left her with One Child, and big with another, that She is very poor and in a Suffering Condition, having no friends to re- lieve and help her. — The Select men Considering the above Information Are of Opin- ion that the said Sarah Squire and her Child are proper Objects of the Publick Charity — and accord [67.] ingly directed the Town Clerk in their Name and by Order, to recommend her to the Care of the Overseers, to be Supported in the Aims-House at the Province Charge. Upon a Motion made — Ordered That the Assize of Bread be Stated after the Rate of Twelve Shillings p. Bushell for Wheat, And Three Shillings and Six pence Allow'd for Charges, the Computation whereof is as follows, Viz^ oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 2. 15 Wheaten 4. 8. Household 6. Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1^ 10. 15 At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 19, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries P:sq'. Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Foi/syth m^ Clarke The Committee Appointed the 1 V^. Current [68 .] To View Snow 156 City Document No. 87. Hill Street, &c. Having Attended that Service — Report as follows, Viz*. That it is their opinion, It may be Convenient to Allow the Alteration (Proposed by m'". Barnard) to be made, at the lower end of said Snow Street, ns the same enters into Prince Street, between the lands of m". James Barnard, and Thom:is Jones — Provided the said Street be left of the full breadth of Twenty feet, upon a Square at the lower end of it, and to Continue the same breadth, the whole length of the said liarnard's Land. The Committee to repair to the Hospital in the Westerly part of Boston, HMving Attended that Service, Report, That the Per- sons who have oeen Utjely Visited with ihi Small Pox, are all well recovered, and that they have been so for above a Month passed. Whereupon it is, Ordered, That the same be Certified in the Several News Papers, for the [69.] Information of the Publick. (Which was done as follows. Viz*.) For the Information of the Publick, These mixy Certify, That the Persons who were lately Visited with the Small Pox in Boston, And have been kept in a remote House in the Westerly part of the Town, are all well recovered, and in good health, and have been so, for above a Month past. By order of the Select men Jan. 20. 1738 Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk Ordered, That the following Advertisement for Letting Win- nisimet P^erry be Printed in the several News Papers, Viz*. To be Let, upon Lease for Years or otherwise, the Ferry be- twixt the Town of Boston and Winnisimet — Any Person or Persons Inclined to Hire the same, may treat with the Select men, every Wednesday in the Afternoon, with whom they may Agree upon reasonable Terms. By Order of the Select men of Boston Jan. 20. 1738 Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk [70.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 24, 1738. Present Capt. Armitage m'". Collson Capt. Lyman m"". Clarke Whereas Jonathan Chandler from Dorchester often resides in this Town, and may be likely to become a Charge if care be not taken to prevent it. Ordered, That m'. Savell give Warning to the said Chandler to depart the Town. Jan. 26, 1738. Memorandum, m^. Benjamin Babbidge Deputy Sheriff, Notified the Select men, of the Desire of William Wilson, now detain'd in His Majesties Gaol, upon Execution — to take the benefit of the Act for the Relief of poor Pi isoners for Debt — Agreeable to a Notification under the Hands and Seals of Ilabijah Savage and William Tyler [71.] Esquires Two of His Majesty's Justices of Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 157 the Peace, this 26, Jan. 1738. NB.— 41 Days end the 8. March next. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 29, 1738. a.m. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq. Capt. Arraitage Caleb Lyman Esq', m"". Clarke m^ Hutchinson A Venire Facias Issuing from the Clerks office, for the return of Sixteen Jurors to Serve at the Superiour Court to be hoiden at Boston the Second Tuesday of February next Viz'. Six on the Grand Jury, and Ten on the Jury of Tryals — The Select men direct and appoint Fryday next, the Second of Feb- ruary, at three O'Clock afternoon, at the Town-house, to Attend the same, And m''. Savell is directed to deliver the Venire to the Constables of Boston, that so they seasonably Warn the Inhabi- tants to meet at the time and place Accordingly. [73,] At a Meeting of the Select men Jan. 29, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m*". Collson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ m^ Clarke Mr. Savell Report, that the following things, which were bought for the use of the Sick Persons at the Hospital in the Westerly part of the Town, were deliver'd by him, at the Alms house, to m*". Henry Dyre — And are as follows, Viz'. 2 Blankets, 1 Coverlet, 1 Tubb, rPail, 2 Pans, 1 Earthen Dish, 1 Earthen Plate and Por- ringer, 18 Course Towells, 1 Frying Pan, 2 Chairs, 1 Chamber Pot. Whereas m"". John Kneeland has exhibited an Account of Dis- bursements for the Use of the Persons lately Visited with the Small Pox at the Hospital in the Westerly [73.] part of the Town, and their Nurses, and other Attendants. Ordered, That the Sum of One Hundred Pounds be now drawn upon the Treasury payable to the said Kneeland in part of Pay- ment of the said Account — And that the accompt lye for farther Consideration until the next Draft Day. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 31, 1738, Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m'. Collson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hutchinson 158 City Document No. 87. Whereas m". Katharine Ellard is already come from New London to dwell in this Town, with four Children, namely John, Mary, Elizabeth and Helen with a Servant named Patrick Lane — and Says She expects her [74:.] Husband m"". Benj*. Ellard also in a Short time — Praying for Liberty to open a Shop at the Southerly part of the Town — The Select men inform'd her that they expected Security to be given to indemnify the Town as the Law directs. Accordingly, She proposed, either Joshua Winslow Esq"", or m''. Joseph Gerrish, as Bondsmen, which was approved by the Select men, and She was directed to get the same Exe- cuted. The Select men taking under Consideration the Report of the Committee, relating to the Alteration to be made at the lower end of Snow Street, as propose'd by m^ James Barnard — Entred the 19*^. instant — and after some Debate thereon — It was Agreed by the Select men, that they will take the first convenient Oppor- tunity to regulate the same. [75.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 6, 1738. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries, Esq^ Capt. Arraitage Caleb Lyman, Esq'", m*". Clarke Upon Information that the Court of General Sessions had Approved and Confirmed a Town Order or By-Law for Weighing of Hay bro't to Market Ordered, That the Town Clerk, Obtain an Attested Copy thereof from the Clerks OflSce. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 7, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries, Esq^. Capt. Armitnge Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman, Esq'", m"". Clarke Capt. William Pattin, Appearing Prays [76.] For Liberty to Open a Shop in Coruhill — Liberty is Granted to him to Open a Shop accordingly. Mr. Read being present the Select men desired he would take care that the Towns Causes with Evcrills heirs might be Entred as the first Actions for Tryal at the Superiour Court to be holden next Week. Who Promised that he would take the Care of it, according to their Desire. Upon a Motion made and Seconded, Ordered, That the Town Clerk write Letters to the Hon. Seth Williams Esq', and William Ward Esq', the Two Special Superiour Judges in the Towns Causes with Everills Heirs, to put their Honours in mind of the said Courts Sitting next Week, And that those Cases were Entred to come upon Tryal first, after the Open- Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 159 mg of the Court and in the Name and by order of the Select men to desire earnestly the}- would not fail of Attending on that Occa- sion [77.] And ra"". Savell is ordered to take Care seasonably to Convey the said Letters accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 14, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m*". Hutchinson Upon Consideration of the Motion and desire of m'. Ephraim Turner, for Liberty to keep a School for Dancing, in the House where m'. Brownell lately kept his School, who is since Deceased, and his Widow remov'd, the said Turner being well recom- mended. Voted, That Liberty be accordingly Granted to m'. Ephraim Turner to open a School in Treamount Street, for the Instructing of Children and others in Dancing — While he Continues to Govern and regulate the said School in an Orderly manner to the approba- tion of the Select men of the Town for the time being. [78.] Upon the Petition of m^ James Barnard for regulating Snow Street, as Entred the 17 Ult. The Selectmen having Con- sidered said Petition and View'd the Street, find that it ought to be Twenty feet Wide thro'out, and that m'". Barnards House on the , Stands so far back that it renders the Street irregular — . And the said Barnard being now about to repair his House, proposes and Offers to procure a Strip of Land on the for the Accommodation of the said Street, to bt laid out, and Confirmed to the Town forever, from the Corner Four feet and half wide at the to run. Twenty four feet until it come to a point; Pro- vided he may have Liberty to bring forward his House on the Street so far as to make the same streight. Voted, That Liberty be Accordingly Granted to the said Barnard to set his House forward so far as to make the Street Strait upon Condition that he first procure a good Deed from the said Jones to the Town of Boston, of the aforementioned [79.] Strip of Land, to the Satisfaction of the Select men, and Provided also, that the said Street be left full Twenty feet Wide, upon a Square. Ordered, That the Town Clerk desire the assessors to exhibit to the Select men, a List of such Persons as are become Qualified and lyable to Serve on the Petit Jury, since the last List was given, in Order to have the same approved by the Town at their Approach- ing Annual Meeting, that their Names may be put into the Jury Box, as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Honourable His Majesties Justices of the Peace, and the Gentlemen the Select men of the Town of Boston, in the Council Chamber in Boston, upon Thursday the 15. Feb. 1738. 160 City Document No. 87. Present The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq"". ^ The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq\ The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq"". The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'. [80.] Habijah Savage Esq^ Samuel Sewall Esq'. Major Samuel Sewall ^Justices of the Peace. Hugh Hall Esq^ William Stoddard Esq'. Joshua Winslow Esq^ John Payer weather Esq'. Caleb Lj^man Esq'. Daniel Henchman Esq'. * The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. S Capt. Alexander Forsyth >■ Selectmen m'. Jonas Clarke ) A General Walk or Visitation of the Town was then Agreed upon according to the following Order, Viz*. Ward, Number, One. The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq'. John Ruck Esq'. Overseer of Poor Capt. Alex'. Forsyth, Select man m'. Richard Buckley, Assessor m'. John Flowers, Constable [81.] W^ard, Number Two The Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq'. Abiel Walley Esq'. Samuel Greenwood Esq'. Overseer of Poor, m'. Thos. Hutchinson Jun'. Select man Capt. William Thomas, Assessor m'. John Jenkins, Constable Ward, Number Three Habijah Savage Esq'. John Fayer weather Esq'. Joshua Clieever Esq'. Overseer of Poor Mr. Peter Thomas, Assessor m'. Benj^. Babbidge, Constable W^ard, Number Four William T3 ler Esq'. Overseer of Poor Jacob Royall Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Select man m'. John Harris, Constable Ward. Number Five The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq'. Daniel Henchman Esq'. Overseer of Poor [82#] Capt. Jonathan Annitage, Select man Capt. Daniel Pecker, Collector m'. John Pullin, Constable Ward, Number Six William Stoddai-d Esq'. Thomas Hubbard Esq'. Overseer of Poor Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 161 m', John Staniford, Assessor m'. William moo re, Constable Ward, Number Seven Hugh Hall Esq^ Capt. Jeffery Bedgood, Overseer of Poor m''. Joshua Blanchard, Assessor m"". Thomas Valentine, Constable Ward, Number Eight Henry Dering Esq'. Overseer of Poor Joshua Winslow Esq"". m^ William Salter, Assessor m"^. Edward Winter, Constable Ward, Number Nine Samuel Sewall Esq^ Capt. William Downe, Overseer of Poor m'. Jonas Clarke, Select man Mr. Aaron Boardman, Constable Ward, Number Ten The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq^ Overseer of Poor Francis Borland Esq^ m^ Jacob Parker, Assessor m^ Henr}^ Dyre, Master of the Almshouse m"". Jonathan Read, Constable Ward, Number Eleven The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Select man Major Samuel Sewall m^ Edward Bromfield, Overseer of Poor m'. Jacob Sheafe, Collector m'. Moses Eayres, Constable Ward, Number Twelve The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ Samuel Adams Esq^ m"". David CoUson, Select man Major John Hill, Overseer of Poor m^ John Barker, Constable [84.] The time Appointed for this Visitation is Monday the Twenty Sixth of February Currant, at Nine O'Clock in the Morn- ing, if the Weather be fair — And if not then to be Attended the next fair day — And it is Also Agreed to meet together in the Evening of said Day at the Council Chamber, to Report the State of the Town. &c. Memorandum Feb. 19. 1738 Pursuant to Writ of Venire Facias issuing from the Clerks Office, for the return of Six Petit Jurors, to serve on the Jury of Tryals, at the Superiour Court of Judicature, Court of Assize and General Goal Delivery, now holden at Boston for the County of Suffolk. The Select men direct that the Inhabitants be duly Notified as the Law directs to meet and to be present if they see Cause at the drawing the Tickets for Jurors Accordingly, on Tuesday the Twen- tieth Instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon. 162 City Document No. 87. [85.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 21, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"", m"". Clarke m^ Hutchinson Mr. William Br3'ant Blacksmith his Wife, two Children, two White Servants and a Negio Servant, are admitted Inhabitants, Upon Condition that he the said Bryant together with Joseph Fitch give Bond to tlie Town Treasurer in the Sum of Three Hun- dred Pounds, to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs, (which is done.) Mr. Nathanael Wardell Attending — after some Discourse with him relating to the Erecting an Engine near to the Fortification at the South end of the Town for Weighing of Hay bro't to Market in Carts and other Land Carriages — The said Wardell proposed and Offered to P>ect a proper Engine for that end, and keep it, [86.] In good repair to the Approbation of the Select men for the time being, at his own proper Cost and Charges, and Attend upon the Duty and Office of Weighing of Hay, from Sun rising to Sun setting. Conformable to the Order or By-Law of the Town of Boston in that case lately made and provided. Upon Condition, That he the said Wardell and his Heirs (be- having well in that Office, to the Approbation of the Select men) may have the benefit and Improvement of the said Engine for the space and term of Seven Years, Commencing from the P>ectiDg said Engine and his being appointed and approved as the Weigher of Hay according to the said By-Law. And the said Wardell further Covenants and agrees That at the end of the said Seven Years He or his Heirs will quietly and peaceably Surrender and deliver up the said Engine and the Appurtenances to the same be- longing unto the Select men of the Town of Boston for the time being [87.] for the Use and improvement of the said Town for- ever. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 26, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m"". Collson Capt. Forsyth m--. Clarke m'. Hutchinson Whereas Doctor William Rand in liis Acc*. of his Attendance on sundry Persons Passengers &c. Sick of the Small Pox at the Province Hospital on Rainsfords Island (in or about the Month of August last. Who came in the Sloop Dove) Capt. Charles Sigour- ncy Master) amongst other Charges the Sum of Twenty Six Pounds fifteen Shillings for Modecine and attendance on the Family of ra'. Joshua Scottow of Charlestown. The said Scottow appearing Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 163 before the Select men according to Order several times together with his Father, Declares, That he is not able to [88.] Discharge the said Debt, being poor &c. accordingly, Voted, That the said Charges on the said Scottows Family ought to be defray'd by the Province, as in such Cases is, by Law, provided — But if in any time hereafter m'*. Scottow be enabled and does pay the said Sum of Twenty Six Pounds Fifteen Shillings into the 'Ircasury of tlie Town of Boston that in that Case, the Town Treasurer ought to pay the same into the Province Treasury, the Province being now made Debtor for it. Whereas Doctor William Douglass has Exhibited an Acco*. amounting to the Sum of £. 41. 9. G. for Medecine and Attendance on Sundry Persons lately Visited with the Small Pox, amongst whom he has Charged for Jonathan Wilkins the Sum of £. 9. 17. 6. And Whereas the said Wilkins was his Patient before the Select men took the Care of the other Persons, at the Hospital in the Westerly part of the Town, Therefore, Voted, That the Sum of Nine Pounds [89.] Seventeen Shil- lings and Six pence, be according deducted, and struck off from the said acco*. and that the same ought to be paid him by the Person or Persons employing him, — Voted, Also that the Charge in said Acco*. for Thomas Hudson, being a Stranger from Newfoundland and Poor, is according to Law a province Charge, and that the Draft on the Town Treasurer be made accordingly. In Consideration of m"". Savell's Extraordinary Services in the Year past. Occasioned by the Small Pox in the Town with many and long Journyings, and Attendance on Courts in the Causes between the Town and m"". Everills Heirs. Voted, That he be Allowed the Sum of Forty Six Pounds in full for the same. Voted, That the Trees in the Common which are Dead be re- moved, and others Planted in their room in the Spring, and Capt. Armitage and m^ Collson are desired to Agree with some proper Person to f^ffect the same in the fittest Season. [90.] Upon a Motion made — And in Consideration of the Extraordinary Service of the Town Clerk in the Year past, in his Attendance on the Courts from time to time in the Tryals had between the Town of Boston and the Heirs of m^ James Everill with the Books of Record both of Town and County. Voted, That the Sum of Fifteen Pounds be Allowed and paid to m'. Samuel Gerrish in full for the Services before mentioned. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 28, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m'. Collson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hutchhison 164 City Document No. 87. Ordered, That m'. Savell receive of the Several Persons to whom the Scales and Weights lately Used in the Market houses [91.] were Lent, the said Scales and Weights, and bring them there — and that he Report his Doings therein, to the Select men. Ordered, That the Sum of Nineteen Pounds Ten Shillings and Seven pence. Paid unto the Hands of the Town Clerk by Capt. Charles Sigourney, on acco*. of William Holland One of his Sailors, who Died of the Small Pox at the Province Hospital on Rainsfords Island, And by the Town Clerk put into the Hands of the Hon. Joseph Wads worth Esq"*. Town Treasurer, by Order of the Select men be now paid by the Town Treasurer to Dr. William Rand in part of Payment of the said Rands acco*. ex- hibited and pass'd upon the 26 Feb. current, Exclusive of the Sum of Thirty Seven Pounds Twelve Shillings and Six pence then drawn for, And that the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to Certify the Town Treasurer of this Order accordingly. [93.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Mar. 1, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m''. Collson m'. Clarke m'". Hutchinson The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ informing That the Commission which was granted the 2P'. of August last past to the Hon. Seth Williams and William Ward Esq'^^ Constituting and appointing them Special Justices of the Superiour Court, for the Tryal of the Causes then depending in the Law between the Town of Boston and the Heirs of James Everill, did not Comprise, include or take in, an Action of Review, between the said partys, for the recovery of a small part of a Certain Wooden Shop or Shops on the Town Dock in the Possession of John and Richard Billings ; leave for which was Granted by the Great and General Court at their Session in November last, [93.] and Intended to be bro't to Tryal in this Town, Wherefore — Voted, That a Petition be presented to His Excellency the Governour, and the Hon. His Majesties Council Praying that the said Special Justices may be farther Impowcred for the Determina- tion of this last mentioned Writ of Review also — or such other Provission in this Case be made, as His Excellency and their Hon^ in their Wisdom and Goodness shall see meet. Which Petition is as follows. Viz*. To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq*". Captain General and Governour in Chief of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, and the Hon. the Council of the said Province. The Petition of John Jeffries Esq^ and others the Selectmen of the Town of Boston, and agents for the Inhabitants of the said Town. Humbly Sheweth That Whereas Your Excellency with [94.] The Advice and Consent of the Council, on the Twenty first of August last, was Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 165 pleased to nominate and appoint Seth Williams and William Ward Esq", to be Two of the Justices of the Superioiir Court of Judica- ture of this Province to be held for the County of Suffolk for hear- ing, trying and determining Several actions in Our said Court then depending by Review between the Inhabitants or Proprietors of the said Town of Boston in the County aforesaid and the Heirs of James Everill Deceased, being Actions of Ejectment of Houses and Shops Lands and Tenements in said Town Originally Commenced by the Heirs of said James Everill against divers Inhabitants or Proprietors of the said Town of Boston to be in the room of Paul Dudley and Thomas Greaves Esq", two of the Standing Justices of the said Court. And since that time Your Petitioners finding that they had Casually Omitted to bring one Writ of Review for a Moiety of a Third part of two small Shops recovered [95.] Of them by the Heirs of the said James Everill Prefer'd their Petition to the General Court in their last Session on the 29*^ of November, last and obtained Liberty and Power to Review that action at the Su- periour Court of Judicature now sitting in Boston aforesaid — And have thereupon brought their Writ of Review Accordingly. But Altho this Writ of Review is between the same Parties and for a small part of the same Premisses in dispute between them. Yet not being depending at the time of the Nomination and appointm*. aforesnid is not Comprised within the Terms and Provission of that Commission. Wherefore, Your Petitioners humbly Pray they may be farther Impowered for the determination of this last mentioned Writ of Review also, or such other Provission in this Case made as Your Excellency and Honours in Your great Wisdom and Goodness shall think fit ; and your Petitioners, as in Duty bound shall ever pray &c. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq', and [96.] m^ Clarke be a Committee, Who are here by desired to wait upon His Excel- lency and present the same. At a Meeting of the Select men. Mar. 2, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeff'ries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq', m"". Clarke m"^. Hutchinson Whereas a Petition to the Governour and Council, was last night drawn, in Order to be presented this Morning ; And the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ making the following motion — That Whereas it is probable, when the said Petition of the Select men comes to be Read in Council it may be moved there, to Notify the adverse party thereof — Whether it may not be best in that Case to crave Liberty to with draw the same? Which Motion being Con- sidered and the Question [97.] Accordingly put — Voted in the Negative. After a Short time. 166 City Document No. 87. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", returning Informed That the Select men's Petition to the Governour and Council was Granted ; And there upon made a Motion that it might be proper to acquaint the Hon. Scth Williams and William Ward Esq", of the same, and to desire tliem, if they please, to Attend next Tuesday in order to Qualify themselves upon this new Commission for that the Jury were to be Impannell'd in the Afternoon of that Day And the Tryal to be proceeded in the next Day. Which Motion being agreed to, the Town Clerk was directed by a Letter in the Name and by Order of the Select men to give Notice Accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Mar. 6, 1738. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ Capt. Armitage m'. Clarke m"". Hutchinson [98.] Order'd, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of the Town of Boston, and every of them, In His Majesties Name Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston duly qualified. Rateable at Twenty Pounds Estate to a single Rate (besiile the Poll) to Convene at the Town House on Monday the Twelfth of March current, at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon. Then and there to Nominate and Chuse meet Persons to Serve the Town the year ensuing, as Select men. Town Cleric, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, and other Town officers, as the Law directs; To Consider the Ways and means for recovering any Donations to the Poor of the Town ; To Grant such Sums of Money as shall be judg'd needful for the relief of the Poor, and defraying other Necessary Charges ; To receive a further List of Persons qualified to serve on the Petit Jury; As also the Reports of several Com- mittees. To agree [99.] Upon Conclude and finish such other matters and things as were under Consideration at former Meet- ings, and continued to be further Debated at this, As also such other matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this Meeting. Voted, That the Rev. m^ Welsted be desired to Open the Town Meeting with Prayer. On Monday next ; And Capt. Forsyth and m^ Hutchinson are desired to wait on him, and desire He would Attend that Service. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and Caleb Lyman Esq'', be a Com- mittee to take care that a Dinner be provided f()r Forty five Gentlemen on Monday next at the Orange tree. Who are desired to give directions Accordingly. Ordered, That m^ Savell give seasonable Notice to the several Sextons, to Ring the Bells of the Town for the Town Meeting on Monday next, at the Hours of Eight and Nine O'Clock in the morning. [100.] Voted, That Eight Shillings a peice be and here by Selectmen's Minutes, 1738-9. 167 is Allow'd to the Constables of the Town of Boston, in order to provide a Dinner for themselves, on Monday next, the Day Ap- pointed for the Town Meeting. Voted, That the Town Clerk be desired to wait npon the Assesors for an Attested Copy of their list and valuation of Estates and Faculties, for the Current Year to be lodg'd with the Town Clerk as the Law directs ; To be produced if Occasion snail require to determine any Disputes which may happen to arise respecting the qualifications of Persons offering their Votes at Publick Town meetinos. [101.] At a Meeting of the Select men, March 19, 1738 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Jonathan Armitage m'. David Collson Capt. Alexander Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^. m". Jonas Clarke m'". Thomas Hutchinson Jun''. Major Hill Informs that Andrew Williamson a vSailor from North Carolina, having been Cast away was taken up and bro't hither by George Bishop — that he now resides in M"". Gibbon's Buildings at the South end, that he is poor and sick, and a Stranger having no Friends to reheve him. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Certify the Overseers of the Poor, That the Selectmen recommend the said Andrew William- son to be received into the Almshouse, at the Charge of the Province, apprehending him a proper Object of such a Charity. [102,] At a Meeting of the Select men, March 21, 1738. Present The Hon. John JefCries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m^ Colson Caleb Lyman Esq"". m''. Clarke m"*. Hutchinson Ordered, That the Assize of Bread now Stated for Direction to the Bakers and Clerks of the Market be as follows. Viz*. Computed at Eleven Sliillings p. Bushell for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushell Allow'd for Charges ; and the seveial Bakers within this Town are Ordered to mark their Bread which they bake for Sale, with the first letters of their Christian Names and with the first and [103.] last letters of their Sur- names ; And the Clerks of ' the Market are directed to make oz. dr. Of Penny White loaf Wheaten Household Six penny Wheaten loaf r\ 12. 12. 3. 3. 4. 13. 6. 6. 168 City Document No. 87. allowance for Bisket well baked, three quarters of an Ounce for each Bisket. Ordered, That m^ Savell Notify and Warn Rowland Power One ■ of the Ticket Porters to Appear before the Select men next Wednesday, Complaint being made of his disorderly Carriage. Upon the Petition of John Keeffe to be Admitted One of the Ticket Porters, he being also Recommended by sundry merchants, as a proper Person, and Offering Security to the Satisfaction of the Select men. Ordered, that he be and hereby is accordingly Approved, and Admitted One of the Ticket Porters He giving Bond with m"". John Savell, in the Sum of Fifty Pounds, according to Law. And Whereas Langdon Baker, was admitted One of the Ticket Por- ters (giving Bond with m^ Nicholas Boylston) and is since gone out of the [104.] Country. Ordered, That upon m''. Boylston's returning the said Bakers Ticket, Viz*. Number 11 that the Town Clerk deliver up his Bond, and that the Ticket Number 11, be deliver'd to the said Keeffe. Whereas a Petition of sundry Inhabitants was presented to the Town, at their Annual Meeting, the 12*'^. of March currant — Prayinromfield and Acquaint them of the Selectmens desire, And that he be directed to Notify the Several Schoolmasters of the time appointed for the Visitation, and that he Invite the 186 City Document No. 87. said Schoolmasters and Ushers to dine with the Select men on that Day. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and Capt. L3'man be desired to provide a Dinner for about Thirty Gentlemen at the orange tree on Monday next. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 21, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt Armitage m'. Collson m\ Clarke [160.] Capt. Nathanael Richards Master of the Sloop Young Club from New York, being present was Sworn b}^ m". Justice Henchman, and Declares, That he Sail'd from New York about Eleven Days ago ; That the Small Pox was then in the City in some places ; That his Company are Eight men and a Boy, Who have all had the Small Pox formerly, and are all in good health, That his Cargo Consists of Cotton Wool, Rice Bread Flour, Pease, Plunk, Brazilleto and Mehogony Wood, That all the Cotton came out of a Vessel which arriv'd there from St. Thomas's, Two Days before he took it on board. Ordered That Capt. Richards lye off in the Road, and keep his Men on Board until further Order, and attend on the Select men on Saturday next at Ten o'Clock, in the Forenoon. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 23, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitfige m'". Collson Caleb Lyman Esq'". m^ Clarke m'^. Hutchinson [161.] Capt. Nathanael Richards appearing according to Order, and desiring Liberty to come to the AVharf in order to Unlade — The Selectmen not apprehending any danger — Gave Liberty accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jnne 27, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m''. Collson Capt. Forsj'th Daniel Henchman Esq'", in behalf of the Overseers of the Poor, desires Liberty to open the Ground in the Common, in order to lay a Drain from the Alms house. Memoradum July 2, 1739. Mary Fisher Widow of Benjamin Fisher late of Maiden, Miller Deceased, is admitted an Inhabitant with Six Children, namely, Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, John and Mercy, Joseph Wilson Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 187 of Maiden, and Jonathan Chandler of [16^,] Boston, having given Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 5, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'". m". Clarke m''. Hutchinson Upon a Motion made by Daniel Henchman Esq^ as Entred the 27 June last. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage, m^ Collson, Caleb Lyman Esq^ and m^ Clarke be a Committee, to Consider what may be proper to be done in answer to the said Motion, and Report thereon. Mess""'. Parker and Blanchard appear'd and Informs That Deacon Samuel Bridgham desires Liberty to Erect a Tomb within the [163.] Old Burying place, in Order to Interr therein his Relatives which now lye buiied near together in said Burying place. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage, m'". Collson, and m^ Clarke be a Committee to Consider of this affair, to View the place, and to give Liberty therefor, Provided they do not see any inconvenience therein. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 10, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'^. m^ Clarke John Robinson, Master of the Schooner Mermaid from the Coast of Guinea, being sent for appear'd, and was Sworn by m'". Justice Lyman and being Examin'd, on oath, Declares, as follows. That he came from the River Gambo, Two and Forty Days ago, with Eleven White men on board, and Fifty Slaves ; That they had the [164.] Small Pox, on board, five Months ago, for about Ten Weeks, one Hundred and Forty leagues up the River Gambo ; that he buried Two Whites and One Black ; that afterwards he burnt Brimstone in the Vessel and Cleansed her with all possible care Viz^ in February last, Since which no Person has been Sick of that Distemper, but that they have had the Measles, and Flux on board, that the Flux continues among the Slaves, but the measles is not now among them. That they have lost Fifteen Slaves of the Flux, in said River and in their Passage and that they buried two in Sight of Cape Cod, Yesterday ; That 3 Whites and 4 Blacks have had the Small Pox, that all the White men on board have had the Small Pox ; That the negroes are all 188 City Doctoent No. 87. youDg under Twenty years of age ; That he took out all his Water Casks and Cleansed them, but the Ballast had not been Shifted. The Select men having Considered the above Declaration, are of Opinion it is [165.] Convenient the said Vessell bs visited, and, Therefore Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, Caleb Lyman Esq^ and m'. Clarke be and hereby are desired to take a Doctor, with them, and to go on board said Schooner, Now in the Road, and to make a Strict Enquiry into the Circumstances of » said Vessel, and Slaves, and that they Report thereon as soon as may be. The Gentlemen above named, accompanied by Doctor Davis and Doctor Rand having Visited the said Schooner, They Report as follows, Viz'. That they found about Twelve of the Slaves on board Sick of the Fever and Flux, and that there is a very dangerous Stench on board, and 'tis theii* Opinion, It is necessary for the safety of the Town, that the said Vessell be not permitted to come to the Wharf, for the present, but that she be sent down to IJainsford Island, or some other Convenient place, in order for the Airing and Cleansing the vessell, and Shifting her Ballast, and for airing and taking Care of the Slaves, and that they put on Shore all their Casks. Accordingly a Number of His Majesties Justices [166.] being present, a Warrant was drawn for carrying the said Schooner down to Rainsfords Island &c. there to remain until further order from lawful Authority; Signed by the Hon. William Dudle^y and Anthony Stoddard Esq". Samuel Sewall, Samuel Adams, Caleb Lyman and Daniel Henchman Esq", with the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 11, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage Cnpt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ m^ Clarke Mary Mordock lately from Brunswick being present according to Order, She was directed to appear again next Wednesday, with sufficient Bondsmen, to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. July 16, 1739. [167.] Liberty is granted to Thomas Smith Esq^ to Dig up the Pavement and open the Ground before his House in Dock Square, in order to repair the Boxing and Stop the Tides from flowing into his Cellar — Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 20, 1739. * Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 189 Capt. Armitage m'. CoUson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m''. Clarke Capt. Armitage, m'. Colison, Capt, Lyman and m'. Clarke being de'^ired by m''. James Hornby to inspect and view a defective Chimney in Fish Street, in a House adjoining to him belonging to Gwin, in the present Tenure [168.] and Occupa ion of John Brewster, — They having attended that Service, Accom- panied by m^ John Wells a Mason, Report thereon as fol- lows, That they found the said Chimney, very defective and in danger of falling — and therefore Ordered that the same be forthwith taken down or Repair'd and amended if it may be done, and Warned the occupier m^ John Brewster against making or keeping Fire therein upon Penalty of the Law in that Case made and pro- vided. The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq'. Major Sewall and Capt. Henchman, tiiree of the Gentlemen appointed a Committee for building the Work house, appeared, and Inform that the said Work house is now Compleatly finished, and ready to be offered to the Town, for the Use intended and m'. Edward Bromfield also One of the Overseers of the Poor, appearing with them Informs that there is also prepared a Body of By Laws or orders for regulating said House [169. J drawn up which they are ready to lay befoie the Town for their Consideration, and approbation, if they see cause — And the said Gentlemen desire that these Two Articles may be inserted in the next Warrant for Calling a Town Meet- ing. As Also the Choice of one overseer of the Poor, in the room of Henry Dering Esq', who has declined serving in that office. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant, directed to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesty's Name, Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the said Town, duly Qualified as the Law directs, to Convene at the Town house, on Fryday the Twenty Seventh of July Current, at Three O'Clock Afternoon, then and there to Chuse one Overseer of the Poor, and Two Collectors of Taxes, to Receive a Report of the Committee for Building the Work house ; to Consider of orders for Regulating the same, and to do what may then be thought Necessary and proper to be done thereupon ; to receive the Reports of Committees on other affairs; and to agree upon [170.] Con- clude and finish such other matters and things as were under Con- sideration at former Meetings, and Continued to be further debated this, and also such other Matters as may be proper for their Con- sideration at this meeting, &c. &c. The List of Licensed Persons within the Town of Boston in the year, 1738, transmitted to the Select men by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, having been Considered by them, They have noted in the margin thereof, against the Names of such as are since Removed, married and Dead. 190 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 25, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m''. CoUson Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke Colonel Joseph Heath being present [171.] Informs, That he is ready to pay part of the Money due to the Town of Boston, for the purchase of one of the Townships, and that Joshua Winslow Esq"", is also ready to pay a part of the said money, with the Inter- est due to this Day. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", be desired to Receive the Money they are ready to Pay, and Endorse the same on Col. Heath's Bond, in his Keeping. Samuel Adams Esq', and m'. Edward Gray appeared and pre- sented a Petition to the Select men, that they would please (by vertue of the authority vested in them by Law) to lay out Bar- ton's Rope Walk formerly so Called, for a High Way for the Town, for reasons mentioned. Read. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 27, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke [172.] Upon application made by George Cradock Esq'. Praying the Select men to view a Building he had Erected on his Wharf at the South end of the Town, near Orange Street, with design of using and Improving the same for Distilling Rum &c. Desiring they would approve thereof, and assign it for that use, Agreeable to the Law, in that Case provided, Whereupon, The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq', and Samuel SewallEsq'. Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, together with the Select men, having View'd the said place — Do approve of and Allow the same. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 30, 1 739. Present Capt. Armitage m'. Collson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke Pursuant to the Vote and order of the [173.] Town at a Pub- lick Town Meeting, on Fryday last, the 27'^. Current, Impowering the Select men thereunto — .The following Advertisement was this Day Printed in the Publick News Papers, by order of the Select viz^ Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 191 " Whereas Sundry Tenements belonging to the Town of Boston, Situate in Dock Square, are to be Let — Notice is hereby given that the Select men of said Town, will meet at the Town house every Wednesday between Three and Six o'Clock afternoon, until the Twentieth Day of August next, in order to agree with such Persons who shall appear to hire the same." By order of the Select men " Dated the 28*^. July 1739." " Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk." Upon Publishing the foregoing advertisement m"". Joseph Brandon, appear'd and Desired to Hire the Two Shops next adjoining to the Tenements in the Occupation of Thomas Hub- bard Esq^ [1*74:.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 1, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ m'. Clarke Sundry Persons who are in the present Possession of the Towns Shops on the Dock, being sent for. Several of them appear'd — and they were inform'd of the Arrears of Rent which are due to the Town, from them respectively — and they were Notified and desired to appear again next Wednesday, and to pay the same to the Town Treasurer — That the Select men might seasonably treat with such of them as desired to take Leases of any of the said Shops. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 8. 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'", m"". CoUson m^ Clarke [175.] Mr. Samuel Butler Sadler, Desires to hire upon Lease the Brick Tenement in his present occupation in Dock Square, Viz^ N^ 2. Mr. Robert Browning Brazier, Desires to hire One of the Towns Shops in Dock Square, Viz*. N^. Mr. Richard Cotta Peruke maker. Desires to hire one of the Town's Shops in Dock Square in his present Occupation, Viz*. N^ 5 Mr. John Davis Taylor, Desires to hire One of the Towns Shops in Dock Square, Viz*. N**. 6. Whereas Several Butchers in this Town have put up Rails on the Tops of Posts before their Shops, to which they have fastned Hooks for hanging out their Meat, which the Select men deem a nusauce and dangerous, Especially, in the Night Season. Ordered, That m'. Cowdrey inform them that 'tis the Select mens Order that they forthwith Remove the said Rails and Hooks. [176.] Mr Cowdrey returning Reported, that according to 192 City Document No. 87. order he had Notified and Warned the following Persons, accord- ing to the Select men's Directions as above, Viz*. Mess"^'. John Johnson, Thomas Webb, Francis Marshall, Henry Dun worth and Patrick Fitz Gibbons. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 11, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lj^man Esq'", m*^. Clarke Upon Information made to the Selectmen, by Doctor Cutler and Doctor Douglass, that the Small Pox was broke out upon a young man in the Family of Capt. Edward Tyng (in Milk Street) Namely Thomas Lawrence, who lately came into this Town from New York. It is therefore thought Necessary, for the [177.] Preservation of the Inhabitants, and for preventing the Spreading the said Con- tagious Distemper, that the said Laurence be forthwith Removed from the said Tyng's House, to the House of m"". Benjamin Clough at the Westerly part of the Town, and that suitable preparation be there made for his reception, and also for the Safe and Con- venient Transporting him thither. Accordingly. Mr. Clough was sent for. Who readily gave his Consent, for using his House for an Hospital on the present occasion. The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq^ and Caleb Lyman Esq^ Two of His Majesties Justices of the Peace Grranted a Warrant for set- ting a Guard upon tbe said Hospital — Upon the application of the Select men. Also, A Guard was set at Capt. Tyng's House, for preventing Persons passing in and out of it, 'till further order. And the said Law- rence was accordingly removed from Capt. Tyng's to the said Hospital. [178.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 15, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m^ Clarke Mr. Thomas Hancock being present. Informs, That since the Common or Training Field has been Rail'd in, the Street or High- way leading along before his House, Called Beacon Street has been so much Used by Carts, Horses &c. passing in it (which use and Improvement is likely to be Continued) that he Apprehends what he has done to make the said High Way Convenient, and for securing the same, will be greatly damnified, & the said High Way- Spoiled and soon become a Nusauce, unless some means be taken to prevent the same ; And Whereas he is Willing to do what may be thought proper on his part to be done — He Humbly Prays the Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 193 Select men would [179.] Please to View the same, and to give such directions relating thereto, as they shall judge meet and Con- venient. Mr. John Nichols appear'd and Proposes Deacon Solomon Town- send as a proper Person to be appointed a Sealer of Cord Wood, at the Westerly part of the Town (where one is wanted) if the Select men think fit. The Widow Boylstone desires to Hire the Shop which her late Husband Leased of the Town, Viz*. N^. 4 in Dock Square. Mr. Richard Billings, in behalf of himself and his Brother John Billings, Desires to hire the Two Shops in Dock Square, in their prei^ent occupation, Viz^ N''. 10 and 11. Whereas the laying of Timber in the High-Way on the Neck &c. is a Nusance — Upon a motion made. Voted That the following advertisement be Published in the Boston News Piipers — and [180.] That two of them be posted at the Fortification Gate Viz'. Whereas the High Way of Boston neck has of late been incumber'd and annoy'd by the laying of Timber there, whereby Travellers are endunger'd, especially in the Night, and great Quantities are also Spread upon the (Trass between the Rails and the water, on each Side of the said High Way where by the Herbage is Spoiled and much damage done — Contrary to the Law in that Case made and provided. These are therefore to Notify and Warn all Persons whom it ma^' Concern, speedil}' to Cause the said Timber to be removed out of the High Way, and from off the Feeding places above men- tioned, and also to Caution all Persons against the like Practice for the future, as they would avoid the Penalty s by Law Annexed to such Offences. Dated in Boston the 20*^ Aug. 1739. By Order of the Select men Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk. [181.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug 22, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"^. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq*". m^ Clarke Upon a Motion made, for a Meeting to be had with His Majesty's Justices of the Peace wdthin the Town, in order to Consider and agree upon Setting a Ward upon the Neck on the Lords Days, as the practice has here to fore been. Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq^ be desired to mention the same to Ihe said Justices, now Sitting in Quarter Sessions, and in the name of the Select men, to Desire them to aflbrd their Company, in the Council Chamber, at Six O'Clock, this Evening, if they see fit. Mr. Anthony Underwood Master of the Fire Engine at the Old North Meeting house. Informs that Thomas Kelling One of his Company is gone out of the County and proposes Elijah Double 194 City Document No. 87. day as an able and Sutable Person to Supply his [182.] Place, if the Select men shall think proper ; at the same time informs that Capt. Rand has released him from his Attendance on Military dutys for this Service — and the said Doubleday appearing was by the Select men admitted, accordingly. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Informs, That according to the Vote and desire of the Select men as Entred the 25, July last — He had receiv'd of Col. Heath the Sum of £440 — Principal and the Sum of .28. 12 Interest In the whole 468. 12 At a Meeting of the Honourable His Majesties Justices of the Peace, and the Selectmen of the Town of Boston, Wednesday, August, 22. 1739. Present The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq'. The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq'. Samuel Adams P^sq''. John Fayerweather Esq'. [183.] Caleb Lyman Esq'. Daniel Henchman Esq'. Justices of the Peace The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Jonathan Armitage m'. Jonas Clarke Select men Whereas by an act of the Great and General Court, Pass'd in the Eleventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty King William, III. Intitled, an Act for keeping of Watches in Towns — It is Enacted — That from time to time, when and so often as a Military Watch shall not be Ordered and appointed to be kept. The Justices of Peace together with the Select men of each Town within this Province, are Impowered and authorized to direct and Order a Suitable Watch or Watches to be set up and kept &c. — and also a Ward to be kept every Lords Day, and other Days, as they shall think Needful ; and to appoint the number, whereof such Watch and Ward shall Consist, and the time for the beginning and Continuance of the same, and the Constable or Constables of the Town having Orders accordingly [184.] Given him or them in Writing by the Justices and Select men are thereby Impowered and Required from time to time to Warn such Watch and Ward respectively and to see that all Persons so Warned by them do attend and observe their Duty in that regard. And whereas the said Justices and Select men are informed of frequent Profanations of the Lord's Days (especially at this Sea- son of the Year) by loose, vain Persons, Servants, Negroes, &c. unnecessarily Travelling, or Walking to and from Boston, and Rox- bury with Neglect of Attending on the Publick Worship of God in either place — and bringing from the Neighbouring Towns, Corn, Apples and other Fruits of the Earth, to the great disturbance of the Publick Peace, and Scandal of our Christian Profession. Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 195 It is therefore Ordered, b}' the said Justices and Select men, That from and after the Date hereof, and until the Twenty first Day of October next ensuing (inclusive) the Constables of and within [185.] The Town of Boston and every of them by turns do Warn and appoint Eight meet Sober Persons, Inhabitants of the said Town on the Lords Days to Ward on the neck or High Way between Boston and Roxbury, at some Convenient place near the Line of Defence ; Four of the said Persons are to give their Attendance there, from Seven o'Clock in the Morning until half an hour after Twelve at noon, and then to be Relieved by the other Four, who are there to Continue upon Duty, until the Dusk of the Evening. And the Constable or Constables are to take Care in Warning thereof, that such Ward, do not Consist of, all, or the greatest part, youths, but that some able House holders, or other sufficient Persons be joined with them, and the said Constables are hereby Enjoined to give in Charge to such Ward, to prevent and suppress such Disorders, to Examin all Passengers, and restrain them from Disporting, Idle Walking, or Unnecessary Travel, on the Lords Day. And if any Person or Persons be Rude, Refractory, or shall refuse to give a Satisfactory account of the Occasion of their Travelling or [186.] otherwise misbehave themselves, to take them up and carry them before the next Justice of the Peace, or return their names to such Justice, in order to their being Exam- ined and proceeded against, according to the Nature of their of- fence, as profaners of the Lords Day. Edvtard Hutchinson Joseph Wadsvtorth Anthony Stoddard Habijah Savage Samuel Welles Samuel Sewall Hugh Hall John Fayerw^eather Joshua Winslow Samuel Adams William Tyler Daniel Henchman Thomas Hubbard Abiel Walley John Jeffries Alex"*^. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Jonas Clarke Just. Pacis 1 Select men At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 27, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Capt. Armitage m''. Clarke 196 City Document No. 87. [187.] Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread at the rate of Eleven Shillings p. Bushel, for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence allow'd for Charges, which is as follows oz dr Of Penny White loaf 3 3 Wheaten 4. 13 Household 6. 6. Six penny Wheaten loaf 1^ 12. 12. August 28, 1739. Liberty is Granted to m\ William Bant, and ra". Abigail Gregory to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Cross Street, iu Order to Clear their Drain, running from their Cellars into the Common Shoar there — Upon Condition that they forth- with make good the same, and keep it in repair to the Satisfaction of the Select men from time to time. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 29, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'', m"". Clarke [188.] Mr. Mark Trecothick, Desires to Hire of the Select men, The Townships in Dock Square N''. 4. where he has been a Tenant for some time past under m^ Thomas Boylston, Deceas'd. Upon the Representation and Motion of m^ Thomas Hancock, as Entred Aug. 15, relating to Beacon Street, and no by him revived. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq\ and Capt. Armitage be and hereby are desired to view the said Street, Consider his Motion and give direction thereon accordingly. Mr. Josias Byles Appeared, Informing that the Pavement in Union Street near his House wants to be repaired. Voted, That Capt. Lyman and m^ Clarke be desired to View the same, and Report thereon. [189,] At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 5, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Collson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke Capt. Edward Tyng appear'd, and Prays the Select men would please to Consider the present state of Thomas Laurence (a Young Man lately Visited with the Small Pox, and who was removed from his House to the Towns Hospital in the Westerly part of the Town) and Whether they judge it proper to dismiss him from the said Hospital. Upon a Motion made and seconded, Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 107 Voted, That the Sum of Eight Pounds be Allowed and paid out of the Town Treasury, to m''. Mary Sharrow, for a Feather Bed, with which She furnished the Town, the last Fall, when the Small pox broke out in her House, [190.] In full, and that a Draft on the Treasury be made accordingly the next draft Day. Whereas Caleb Lyman Esq^ stands Obliged by a Note under his Hand, to pay to m'". Samuel Tyley, Clerk of the Superiour Court the Sum of Eighteen Pounds Three Shillings for Sundry wrftings &c. in the Service of the Town; Ordered, That the said Sum of £.18. 3, be drawn upon the Town Treasurer, the next Draft Day in Discharge thereof. The Select men having adjusted the Accounts of Several of the Town's Tenants on Dock Square. It appears the following Sums are owing to the Town upon the Ballance of their Several Accounts, unto the first Day of this instant September, Viz^ From m"". Samuel Butler - - - - W m^ Thomas Bylstone Deced. m^ Richard Cotta 17. 1. 8 | m^ Timothy Barron 19. 11. 8 J [191.] From m^ John Edwards N*' m"*. Isaac Casno m^ John Welch 10. 16. 8 m'". Peace Casno 10. m\ Benj^ Bunker 21. 13. 4 m"". John Welch mess". John & Richard \ Billings j 2. — 68. 6. 8 4 — 53. 6. 8 5. 36. 13. 4 6 — 48. 6. 8. 7 — 53. 6. 8 8. 42. 10. 9 43. 6. 8 10 11. 66. 13. 4 £.412. 10. Total Sura Ordered, That the Town Clerk deliver to the Hon. Joseph Wads- worth Esq*". Town Treasurer, a Copy of the above, together with the Accounts which have been drawn out, and adjusted, by which it appears, the severall Ballances above mention'd are justly due and owing to the Town, that so he may demand, and receive the respective Sums into tlie Town Treasury accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 6, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq^ m''. Collson m^ Clarke [199.] The Petition of William Tyler, and sundry others presented to the Select men, Read, Representing That the Work- men or those who have the Management of Repairing the Bridge, formerly called the Draw bridge, in Ann Street, are raising the Bridge near about the same height it was last made — which has been found by Experience to be too high for Carts and Trucks to pass over conveniently, and that considerable Loss has hap'ned by means thereof in the oversetting and Staving of Molasses &c. and that 'twill be more commodious for the passing of Carts, Trucks 198 City Document No. 87. &c. over the said Bridge to have the same laid lower — Praying the Select men to Consider the Premisses, and that they would be pleased to Remedy the inconvenience &c. The Select men having Maturely Consider'd this Petition, and also the Convenience of the Bridge, with respect to the Town in General, and the abutters on the Creek above the Bridge, in par- ticular, and finding upon Examination that the Bridge is laid some [193.] Inches lower than it was before, and the Work being so far proceeded in. Therefore, Voted, That it is not for the Service of the Town to have any Alteration made as to the Height of the said Bridge, but that the Work be carried on, as it is begun, and finished with all convenient speed. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 7, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq^ m"". Clai ke Upon Information that Nathan Bangs from Rhode Island was come up to Town with his Sloop, and was not Stop'd by His Majesty's Castle, as other Vessels from thence have of late been — And the said Bangs being sent for before the Select men, Appear'd, with his Pilot, and upon Examination Says, that when he pass'd by the Castle, they hail'd him, and asked them, Of whence your Sloop? and that he answer'd of Casco Bay, and further [194.] Declare that the following Usual Question, Viz*. Whence came you now? was not put to him at all. Whereupon Capt. Armitage was desired to write a Letter to Capt. Larrabee to make Enquiry into the Truth hereof, and to Report to the Select men, that so they may Consider what may be proper to done, to prevent the inconvenience which may ensue such practices for the future. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 10, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth m^ Clarke Whereas Information is made that several of the French Nation are lately arriv'd into this Town from Foreign parts, and do reside here, having had no Licence therefor, from the Governour and Council — which is Contrary to an act of this Province in that [195.] Case provided — It is therefore. Ordered, That ra^ Savell make strict Enquiry after them, and Notify them to attend upon the Select men next Wednesday, at four o'clock afternoon, and that he then Report their names, and from whence they came ; that so proper Information or Complaint may be made thereupon as the Law directs. Selectmen's Minutes, 1789. 199 At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 12, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m^ Collson m"". Clarke Upon a Motion made by Capt. Edward Tyng, and Entred the 5*^. instant the Select men visited the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town, and find the young man, namely Thomas Lawrence, to be well recovered from the Small Pox that he has been Physick'd, and the House well Cleansed and Aired, and therefore are of Opinion the said Lawrence (upon Condition that [196.] He shift his Cloaths) may be removed to some other Convenient House, in a remote part of the Town. Mr. Robert Hewes, Tanner, Desires Liberty to put up a Stall, on the Towns Land, in Water Street (where the Tan heap formerly was) for the Sale of Meat, as formerly, if the Select men, see cause — refer'd for Consideration. Whereas on Fryday last the 1^^. Current, a Petition Signed by a Number of the Inhabitants, directed to the Select men of the Town of Boston, was presented to them by m"*. Shem Drowne, Request- ing them forthwith to Warn the Inhabitants of the Town to Con- vene — To Consider what may be most proper for the Town to act in order to Fortifying the same, on Monday the 10'^. Current, at a Meeting of the Select men, the said Petition was read — and they took the same under Consideration, and thereupon were of Opinion — That Whereas, the Calling a Town Meeting, whilst there is One Subsisting by adjournment, was New, [197.] and without a Precedent — it was adviseable to desire the Petitioners, if they saw fit, to insert in the said Petition, in the 6'^. line, after the Word Enemy (as the Session of the General Court is near at hand) We &c. the which m^ Clarke offered to get done — But on the 11*^. in- stant, m^ Clarke informed the Select men, he had indeavoured to have those Words inserted, but that it was refused — and this Day m"". Drowne appearing, desires the Select men would please to let him know their Resolution in the affair. The said Petition was Read again and after Considerable Debate thereon. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston. In His Majesties Name, Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the said Town duly Qualified as the Law directs, to Convene at the Town House on Fryday the Fourteenth of September Current at Three o'Clock in the afternoon. To Consider the Petition of sundry of the Inhabi- tants, relating to the Defenceless State of the Town, and what may be proper [198,] for their Consideration at tliis Meeting, &c. &c. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 14, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage 200 City Document No, 87. m'". Collson m"". Clarke Whereas Thomas Laurence, lately Visited with the Small Pox, is recover'd and has been Physick'd &c. as Entred the 12*^. in- stant — In order to prevent his being further Chargeable — The Select men Consent to his Removal from the Hospital, to m'. Sam- uel Banisters, in Beacon Street, at the lower part of the Common, Shifting his Cloathes according to Order. The Select men have this Day let the Towns Shop in Dock Square, late in the Tenure of Thomas Boylston Deceased, Called [199.] Number Four, to m'. Joseph Brandon, for the Term of Five Years, Commencing the first of September Current, at the annual Rent of Thirty Pounds, to be paid Quarterly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 13, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m*". Collson m"". Clarke Whereas Several of the French Nation are lately come into this Town, and Orders were given to m'. Savell to Notify them to at- tend upon the Select men as Entred the 10*^. instant — They ac- cordingly Attended this Day in the Council Chamber where were present by the Select men's desire Viz'. The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq^ Samuel Sewall E^q^ and Daniel Henchman Esq^ Three of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, and m'". Daniel Johnnot, who was desired to be the Intei preter — The said French men were accordingly [300.] Examin'd, and severally declare as follows Viz*. John Toulon — That he came from Cape Breton, about Two Months ago, that his Business was to recover a Considerable Debt due to him from m"". Beauchamp — but found the said Beauchamp gone to Sea ; has tarried in expectation of his return home ; but he not coming, he now intends to return to Cape Breton by the first opportunity — that he lodges at m". Bonyet's Soudvier Roher. The he came from Cape Breton, has been here about Six Weeks, the End of his coming was to get into acquaintance with some Gentlemen here in order to Carry on a Trade with them ; That about Ten Weeks ago, he was at Quebeck, and came from thence to Cnpe Breton by Water ; He now waits for an opportunity to return to Cape Breton again, and lodges at m". Bonyets. James Gaston^ That he came from Cape Francois to Rhode Island, where he staid only Two Days, and from thence he came to [201.] this Town about Twelve Days ago, intending to go from hence to Cape Breton the first Opportunity — He says there was another Person who came with him from Cape Francois to Rhode Island, whom he left there — that he was at Cape Breton about Three years ago, and now lodges at m". Bonyots. Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 201 Henry Judevine^ That he came from St. Eustatia, by the Way of Rhode Island, that he was here about Three Years ago, and came hither now, in Order to perfect himself in the English Tongue, and has no other Business, He lodges at ra". Bonyot's. (NB. These four are Roman Catholicks). Christopher Courprie (a Protestant) That he has been here about Fifteen Days, came from Cape Breton, That his end in Coming was to get his Passage to London, He lodges also at m". Bonyot's The Select men (by the Interpretor) Tnform'd them of the Law relating to the Residence of any of the French Nation within this Province, and advised them if they should have occasion to tarry here longer, that [^02.] They would obtain Licence there for of ttie Governour and Council, as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 15, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m*". Collson m"". Clarke Upon Information that the Small Pox is rife at the Island of St. Thomas, The Select men Address'd, His Excellency, to Order all Vessels coming from thence to be Stop't from coming up to Town before they have been Examin'd according to Custom. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 24, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage m''. CoJlsou Capt. Forsyth m"". Clarke [303.] Whereas on the 5*i\ of September Current the Select men directed and ordered that the Sum of Eight Pounds should be allow'd and Paid out of the Town Treasury, to m'"'. Mary Shar- row for a Feather Bed, which was made Use of at the Town's Hos- pital at the Westerly part of the Town, among those who were sick of the Small Pox there the last Fall — m^ Savell now Informs that She is Willing to receive the said Feather Bed again, upon some allowance to be made her for the Use of it, Wherefore, Voted, That Forty Shillings be allow'd and paid out of the Town Treasury to m". Sharrow for the Use of the said Feather Bed as aforesaid, in full — and that the Clerk make a draft accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 26, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m"*. Collson m''. Clarke The Select men have this Day let the Towns [204.] Two Shops in Dock Square in the present Tenure and Occupation of mess". 202 City Document No. 87. John and Richard Billings, Called Number Ten and Eleven, Unto the said John and Richard Billings for the Term of Five years, Commencing the first of September Current, at the Annual Rent of Sixt}' Pounds, to be paid to the Town Treasurer, in four equal Payments Quarterly. Ordered, That the Town Clerk prepare the Leases accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 27, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m'^. Collson Caleb Lyman Esq', m"". Clarke Upon a Motion made, that in as much as the Small Pox is wholly abated at South Carolina — it may be proper to address His Ex- cellency the Governour, that he would [205.] please to take off the Embargo which for some time past has been laid on Vessells coming from thence to this Town — accordingly, A Petition was drawn, and Signed by the Select men, for that end. Boston, Sept. 28, 1739. Whereas the Petitions of Sundry Persons for Licence to Sell Strong Drink, either as Inhabitants or Retailers, have been pre- sented to the Select men, and at several Meetings considered by them. A List of the names of the Petitioners, and the Street where each Person dwells, with the Actings of the Selectmen upon them respectively is here Recorded as follows Viz*. Innholders, approv'd and Recommended, Viz*. Joseph Lowden - - - - Barton's Rope Walk John Maylem School Street Nathanael Shepard Orange Street Anne Seward King Street John Tuckerman Union Street Nathanael Wheeler Kins: Street [206] Retailers, approv'd and Recommended, Viz*. Hannah Boone Cornhill Street Thomas Butler Brattle Street Joseph Brisco Queen Street Joseph Blake Middle Street Mehetable Buttolph Leverett's Lane John Buttolph Shippen's Crane in Dock Square George Cradock Esq'. Orange Street Grace Dudding King Street Susanna Dechezeau Newbury Street Jonathan Farnum Clark's Wharf Sarah Fisher Sea Street Isaac Gamberto Short Street Kezia Harvey Water Street Elizabeth Jarvis Fish Street • Daniel Johonnot Long lane Samuel Marshall Jun'. Mackeral lane Selectmen's MiNtJTES, 1739. 203 Hannah Orange Hannah Pitson John Parker William Rand Sarah Randal Joseph Savell [307.] Soloman Townsend Abigail Whitney Elias Williamson Jonathan Williams Cornelius Waldo Abigail Wheeler Innholders, Disallowed, Viz*. Joseph Bill John Charnock Eleazar Flagg William Smalledge Retailers Disallow'd, Viz'. Ann Ashley Elizabeth Clements Joseph Curtis Peter Cotta Elizabeth Fisher Content Gordon John Grainger Joseph Harris John Henshaw [208.] Mary Jenkins Elias Langs ford Joseph Lewes Jeffry Milward Benjamin Neal Jonathan Neal Grace Pitcher Abigail Potts Elizabeth Spurrier Mary Stewart John Sowersby Samuel Sharp Alice Weaver Eleoner Wells Rachel Welch Allen Wilde Fish Street Long Wharf Fish Street Essex Street Ship Street King Street Allen Stfeet Newbury Street Orange Street Cornhill Street Bartons Point Frog Lane Clark's Wharf Fish Street Corn Market Battery March Brattle Street Essex Street Newbury Street Shippen's Crane in Dock Square Cow Lane Marlborough Street School Street Back Street Wentworth's Wharf Union Street Cow Lane Dock Square Cambridge Street Orange Street Orange Street Charter Street Cambridge Street Back Street Fish Street Cross Street Marlborough Street Ann Street Round Lane Essex Street Green Lane At a Meeting of the Select men, October 3, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m^ CoUson Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke [809.] Mr. William Wheeler is hereby appointed a Viewer 204 City Document No. 87. and Sealer of Cord Wood within the Town of Boston, and has been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said office as the Law directs — And he is to be allow'd Two pence p. Cord for so much Wood as he shall View and Seal, and the same to be paid by the Buyer. The said Wheeler's Precinct to be from the South Battery to the Fortification, and he is carefully to see to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided, be duly observed and kept. Mr. Treasurer Wadsworth, Informs that Stephen Minot Esq"", who hires the Towns messuage with several peices of Marsh land, on Boston neck, is behind hand in the Payment of his Rent — That he has already Sued him, and obtain'd Judgment and taken out Execution for the Sum of Fifty Pounds &c. Since which, Twenty five Pounds more is become due, which he can't get of hirn — and therefore desires the Selectmen to give Direction what to do in the affair. The Select men have this Day Let the Towns Shop [310.] in Dock Square, called Number Six to m"". John Davis, Taylor for the Term of Five years, Commencing the first Day of September last past, at the Annual Rent of Thirty Pounds, to be paid Quarterly. Upon a Motion made and seconded, Voted, to Settle the Affair relating to the Hospital at Rainsfords Island on Tuesday next, at Three o'Clock afternoon — and m'. Savell is order'd to Notify the Select men absent, of the intended meeting accordingly. October 9, 1739. Liberty is hereby Granted to the Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'", mess". Ephraim Wheeler, John Gridley and William Butler and John Blake to dig up the Pavement and to Open the Ground in Orange Street, in order to lay a Drain across the said Street from Walkers Street — Upon Condition, that they don't obstruct or hin- der the passing and repassing of Carts &c. and do forthwith make good the same again and keep it in repair from time to time, to the Satisfaction of the Select men. [211.] At a Meeting of the Select men, October 9, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Caleb Lyman Esq^ ' m'". Clarke Whereas the Great and General Court, at their Session, the 2VK June 1738. Did b}- their Order, Authorize and Impower the Select men of Boston, to agree with some suitable Person to keep the Hospital lately built by order of the said Court at Rainsfords Island, for the reception of Sick and Infectious Persons, and for their time and service, in taking Care of the Sick &c. who may be sent to the said Hospital, by the Year. Pursuant to the said order. The Select men, have this Day agreed with m^ William Waters, to keep the Province Hospital on Rainsford's Island, accordingly ; Who is to take all proper Care Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 205 of such Sick Persons as may from time to time be sent [312.] To the said Hospital, finding and providing, Nurses, Assistance and all things necessary for their Comfort and Relief, to save the Province harmless from nil Charges that may arise on Account of any poor and indigent Persons — who may be sent to the said Hospital, Doctors Bills Excepted, and to follow the Orders of the Select men respecting Persons and Goods coming on or going off the said Island, and he is not to take off, or suffer to be taken off from the said Island any Stones or Ballast whatsoever. In Consideration whereof. He the said Waters is to have the use and Improvement of the Island and Housing thereon, for Two Years, Commencing the Twenty first Day of June 1738. And to be allow'd and paid out of the Province Treasury the Snm of Fifty Pounds p. annum, and is also Intitled, as by Law is provided, to demand and Keceive Pay from such sick Persons, as may from time to time be sent thither, as aforesaid, for his attendance and Expences on them during their being at the said Hospital. And it is further agreed, that the Select men, shall [213.] And Will afford their assistance to the said Waters in the Premisses from time to time, as need shall require. At a Meeting of the Select men, October 10, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lvman Esq'. m^ Clarke The Select men Executed a Lease of Two Shops on Dock Square, Viz'. Number Ten and Number Eleven to mess". John and Richard Billings Taylors, for the Terra of Five Years, Com- mencing the first of September last past, for the annnal Rent of Sixt}^ Pounds to be paid to the Town Treasurer at four Payments Quarterly, and upon such other Conditions, as in the said Lease is Expressed. The Select men Executed another Lease of Two Shops in Dock Square aforesaid, Viz*. Number Eight and Number Nine to m'. John Welch Carver [214.] For the Term of Five Years Commenc- ing the first of September last past, for the annual Rent of Sixty Pounds, to be paid to the Town Treasurer at four Payments Quarterly — and on such other Conditions as are Expressed in the said Lease. The Select men also Executed another Lease to m^ John Davis Taylor, of one Shop in dock, aforesaid Viz*. Number Six for the Term of Five Years, Commencing the first of September last past, for the annual Rent of Thirty Pounds, to be paid to the Town Treasurer at four Quarterly Payments in each Year, and on such other Conditions as in the said Lease is Expressed. Mr. James Brintnal Informs that he remov'd out of Boston about Two years ago, to Charlestown, where he has been kept under Warning — and being now return'd to Boston with his Wife and 206 City Document No. 87. Three Children, lives in a House of Samuel Huntings — Where he has been about Fourteen Days. Mr. John Dakin Informs that Laurence Clee [215.] who came from Jamacia about Six Years ago, and Work'd with him as a Journey man for Four years last past excepting about Ten Months that he was gone to Rhode Island, from whence he came hither again, has lost the use of his Limbs, and has not where withal to Support himself — and Praying the Select mens direction in the affair, that Care may be taken of him. Mr. Samuel Holyoke informs that the Towns House wherein he dwells, wants Repairs — And Prays the Selectmen would please to Consider and give Orders thereon. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and m'*. Collson be desired to View the same, and Consider what is proper to be done, and Report accordingly. Mr. Carter Cowell, the Haward for the Current Year Complains that in the night between the 7*^. and 8*^. instant, the Pound was broken open, and two Horses belonging to m^ Samuel Banister, then in the Pound were loosed. [216,] At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 11, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'^. m'". Clarke Capt. Thomas Cornuch, and Capt. Hoar from Bristol, accom- panied by m^ James Griffin Merchant appeare'd before the Select- men — and the said masters having Imported a number of Con- victs, they and also m"". Griffin to whom they are Consigned did Promise that none of the said Convicts should be permitted to come on Shoar, but that they should all of them be Ship'd off to the Ba}' or North Carolina, as soon as possible may be. Liberty is hereby Granted to m"". Thomas Salter to Dig up the Pavement and open the Ground in Leverett's Lane in order to Clear his Drain running into the Common Shoar in said Lane ; and also to repair the said Common Shoar if need be, upon [217.] Condition, that he do forthwith make good the Ground and Pave- ment again, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 12, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'^ . m*". Clarke Ordered That several Copies of the following advertisement be drawn, and posted up at the Granary, Horse shoe Tavern &c. Viz^ Whereas the Town of Boston at a Publick Meeting the 1 1"\ of March 1738, did commit the Care of the Trees, then planted, or Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 207 which should afterwards be planted in the Common, to the Select men, and also gave direction for the Setting up of Posts and Rails there ; and in order to prevent the Cutting down or despoiling any of the said Trees. Voted, That there should be allow'd and paid out of the Town Treasury [218.] A Rewaid of P'orty Shillings to any Person that should inform against and Convict any Person or Persons of Cutting down or despoiling any of the said Trees — and also the same Reward of Forty Shillings to those who should Convict any Person or Persons of breaking any of the Posts or Rails that should be put up in the Common as aforesaid ; Notwith- standing which, several of the said Rails have lately been broken, by some evil minded Persons. These are therefore to give Notice, that Whosoever shall Inform the said Select men, of an}' of the Persons, who have already, or may hereafter Offend as aforesaid (so as that they may be Con- victed thereof) they shall be Intitled to, and receive out of the Town Treasury, the Rewards above mentioned. Dated, in Boston the 15*^. of October, 1739. By Order of the Select men Samuel Gerrish Town Clerk. [219.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 17, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ m"^. Clarke Benjamin Bailey appeared and Prays he may be Admitted an Inhabitant, and have liberty to Open a Shop in this Town ; Informs that he has lived at Rhode Island about Three Years past — In order to which the Select men inform'd him he must procure suffi- cient Security to Indemnify the Town from all Charge on Acco*. of his Wife and Three Children, and was directed to appear again next Wednesday for that end. Whereas the Select men, on the 14"^. of Sept. last, did let the Towns Shop in Dock Square Called Number Four, to m"". Joseph Brandon, the Leases being also drawn and ready for Execution, m"". Brandon appearing Prays he may be [120.] Released there from, for that he has no Occasion at present to Occupy the same himself — Which motion of m^ Brandon's being Consider'd was agreed to, by the Select men. Whereas m"". Mark Trecothick Enter' d his Desire of hiring the Town's Shop, Number Four, the 29*"^. of August last — He was sent for, and appearing. Informs that he has Alter'd his mind, being Bound to Sea, and therefore relinquishes his Claim to the said Shop. Mr. Increase Blake Appearing desires to Hire the Town's Shop in Dock Square Called Number Four — Accordingly, The Select men have this Day Let the Town's Shop in Dock Square, Called Number Four, to m'. Increase Blake, for the Term 208 City Document No. 87. of Five Years, Commencing the first Day of September last past, at the Annual Rent of Thirty Pounds to be paid Quarterly. The Select men Executed a Lease to [221.] m^ Richai-d Cotta, Peruke maker, of One Shop in Dock Square, Viz*. Number Five, for the term of Five years. Commencing the first Day of Sep- tember last pnst, for the Annual Rent of Thirl}' Pounds to be paid to the Town Treasurer, at four Quarterly Payments in each year, and on such other Conditions as in the said Lease is Expressed. Mr. Samuel Butler Informs that the Towns Tenement in his Occupation, is out of repair. — and that he Apprehends the Rent which is proposed for it, in the new Lease, is out of proportion with other of the Towns Tenements — and Prays the Select men would view the same, if they see cause. Voted, That the Select men, will Attend that Service tomorrow in the Forenoon, at Ten O'Clock — and at the same time take a View of the Shop Leased to m"". Cotta, upon his desire. Upon a Motion made by Samuel Adams Esq\ and others — The Select men took into Consideration their Petition, presented to them (as Entred the 25*'^. of July last past) Relating to a High- way from Slimmer [222 o] Street to Fort liill, part of which was Bartons Rope Walk, for the Purchase whereof the Petitioners have raised and paid the Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Praying the Select men (by vertue of the Authority which the Law in such Cases gives them) would lay out the aforesaid Passage, from Sum- mer Street to Fort hill, as a Way that the Town, and the Inhabi- tants the owners of the Lands adjoining and abutting there on may securely enjoy the full benefit of it. And Whereas the Petitioners did, on the 14*''. March 1736. lay this affair before the Town at a General Meeting then had. Setting forth, that the laying open the said High Way or Street would accomodate the Inhabitants in Geneial, and Praying the Town would please to assist them in the Payment of the Two Hundred Pounds then behind and unpaid — notwithstanding — which, the Town tho't it not necessary to Act any thing thereon. And whereas it does not appear to the Select men, that any thing further has [223.] been since done by the Petitioners re- lating to that Affair — and the Select men Apprehending it will be Attended with great Charge, are of opinion its not Convenient for them to transact an affair of such Importance before the same has been laid before the Inhabitants at a general Town meeting, for their Consideration and orders thereon — Which the Select men are ready to do, upon proper application to them made, for that end. October, 19, 1739. Liberty is hereby Granted to m"". John Potter to dig open the Ground in Orange Street, in order to Clear a Drain, run- ning from his House, in said Street, to Bennets Pasture so Called. Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the same again, and keep it in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 209 At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 19, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Capt. Armitage m'. Clarke [234.] Whereas the Committee Appointed by the Great and General Court for Building an Hospital on Rainsford's Island, upon tiuishing the same, did on the 27"\ of October 1737. place m'. William Waters on the said Island, Appointing him to take Care of the said Hospital until further order — and no further orders did pass the General Court relating thereto, until the 2VK of June, 1738. when the said Couit Authorized and Impowered the Select men of Boston to agi ee with some suitable Person, by the Year, to keep the said Hosi)ital, and to take care of such Persons as may from time to time be sent thither. Wherefore, the said Select men of Boston, having had Experi- ence of the Care and Conduct of the said m\ Waters, and approv- ing of the same, have agreed with the said Waters to keep the Hospital as aforesaid for the Sum of Fifty Pounds p. annum, Commencing the 2P'. June 1738. as by the said agreement entred the y"\ of October Current may appear And for as much as his Care and Trouble [225.] there for the Space of Eight months before, was Extraordinary — It is agreed, to Allow him for the same, the Sum of Thirty Pounds. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 24, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage m"". CoUson Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'", m^ Clarke Mr. John Davis appearing Desires he maj' have leave to admit m"^. Robert Bonning Pewterer. an under tenant, in the Shop he heath lately Leased from the Select men. Viz'. Number Six in Dock Square who desires to hire of him the Chamber over the same, and, Mr. Bonning appearing also at the same time Desires the Select men would please to give him leave at his own Cost and Charge, to raise the Front part of tbe Roof of said Shop, the better to a- comodate him in setting up his Wheel [226.] for carrying on his said Business, He proposing to do the same according to the Diiection of the Select men, and to leave the same in good repair when he shall remove there from. The Select men taking into Consideration the Proposals before menti(med, and Approving them. Voted, That Liberty be Granted to the said Davis to admit m'. Bonning a Tenant under him according. — and that the said Bonning have Liberty Granted to raise the roof of the said Shop for his better Accomodation ; Provided he follow the direction of 210 City Document No. 87. mess". Collson and Clarke therein, and Oblige him self to leave it in good repair, when he shall remove. Capt. Armitage and m^ Collson being desired, upon the motion of m^ Holyoke Entred the 10'^. instant to View the School house in Queen street — Report, that they have done so, and find some Repairs necessary, particularly in the Window frames &c. accord- ingly, Voted, That Capt. Armitage and m'". Collson be desired to Cause the necessary [227.] Repairs to be made, in as frugal a manner as may be. Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Forsyth, Capt. Lyman and m"". Clarke be desired to acquaint Pease Casno Hat maker that the Shop N°. 8. where he now exercises his Calling, is Leased by the Select men to m'. John Welch and they are desired to see that Possession be deliver'd by the said Casno, to m'. Welch accord- ingly. The same Committee are also hereby desired to Acquaint Timo- thy Barron Cordwaiuer, that the Shop 5. where he exercises his Calling, is Leased by the Selectmen to M'' Richard Cotta — And they are desired to see Possession thereof given to M'. Cotta accordingly. Mr. David Collson, having paid the Town Treasurer for the hire of some Peices of Marsh which he hired of the Select men the last year Viz*. 1739. Prays he may have it also the next year. Voted, That the Marsh on Boston Neck, formerly Improved by Col. Lamb and which was the Year Current, let to m''. David Col- son, be [328.] and hereby is Let to the said Collson until the 17*^. Day of January, which will be in the year 1740, He paying to the Town Treasurer, the Sum of Ten Pounds for the same. Mr. Joseph Savell Desires to Hire the Two Cellars under the Town house, which have for several years past been in the occupation of Deacon Jonathan Williams, and m"". James Town- send, both Deceased, their Executors having resigned them, and paid the Rent to the Treasurer to the 20*''. of October Current. Upon the Motion made by m"". Samuel Butler as Entred the 17*^. instant — The Select men have View'd the tenement in his Posses- sion, Viz*. N°. 2. in Dock Square, and having Considered his motion. Voted, That in new Leasing the said Tenement the annual Rent be set at Fifty Pounds and no more. The Select men Executed a Lease to m'". Isaac Casno Sadler, for One Shop in Dock [229.] Square Viz*. Number Seven, for the term of Five Years, Commencing the first of September last past, for the annual Rent of Thirty Pounds to be paid to the Town Treasurer, at four Quarterly Payments in each year, and on such other Conditions as in the said Lease is Expressed. Tlie Select men also Executed another Lease to m"". Increase Blake, Tin plate Worker, for one Shop in Dock Square, Viz*. Numl)er Four, for the Term of Five years, Commencing the first of Septeml)er last past, for the annual Rent of Thirty Pounds to be paid to the Town Treasurer, at four quarterly Payments in each Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 211 Year, and on such other Conditions, as in the said Lease is Ex- pressed. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 29, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage m^ Collson Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m*". Hutchinson [230.] Whereas the Hon. Benjamin Prescot Esq'. Seth Wil- liam Esq^ and William Ward Esq', were appointed Special Jus- tices of the Superiour Court of Judicature, for the Tryal of several Causes between the Town of Boston, and the Heirs of James Everill, Who were put to considerable Expences in their Journey- ing from time to time to Boston, to Attend the said Tryals and spent much time therein. Ordered, That the Sum of Fifty-five Pounds be drawn upon the . Town Treasury, Payable to the Hon. John Jeffries Esq', to be by him presented to the said Gentlemen or their Heirs, towards de- fraying their Charges as above, in the Name of the Select men, Viz*. To the Heirs of Benjamin Prescot Esq'. ) Deceased, the Sum of J To Selh Williams Esq'. 10. To William Ward Esq'. 15. £.55. - - At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 31, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hutchinson [231.] The Select men Executed a Lease to m'. Samuel But- ler, Sadler, for a Certain Brick Tenement in Dock Square, Viz*. Number Two, for the Term of Five Years, Commencing the first of September last past, for the Annual Rent of Fifty Pounds, to be paid to the Town Treasurer, at four quarterly Payments in each year, and on such other Conditions as in said Lease is Expressed. The Select men have Let to m'. Joseph Savell Wine Cooper, Two Cellars under the Town house, which were lately in the Occu- pation of mess". Jonathan Williams and James Townsend, Viz*, one at the South West Corner, and the other the North east Cor- ner of the Town house at the Rent of Thirty Pounds p. annum, to be paid to the Town Treasurer to Commence the Twentieth Day of October Current, for the term of One Year. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread, at the rate of Eleven Shillings p. Bushell for Wheat, and Three 212 City Document No. 87. Shillings and Six pence p. Bushell, allow'd for Charges, Which is Computed as follows, Vi2*. oz- dr. [332.] Of Penny White Loaf 3. 3. Wheaten 4. 13. Household 6. 6. Six penny Wheaten Loaf l^**. 12. 12. November, 3. 1739. Liberty is hereby Granted to m''. Barrat Dyre to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Marlborough Street, in order to Clear his Drain, running from the Cellar of his Plouse in said Street into Milk Street upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in re- pair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 7, 1739. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'', m'. Clarke m''. Hutchinson [233.] Capt. Artnitage and m'*. Clarke having Viewed the Well on Fort hill, and making Report thereon — They were de- sired to See the said Well put into such Repair, as that there may be no danger to Children, or others. Mr. Savell is directed to see the Bed at the Hospital on Rains- fords Island bro't up to Town, to be disposed of as the Select men shall direct. Capt. Lyman and m'^. Hutchinson are desired to adjust the Rent, with m^ Dolbeare and m". Abbot. Whereas Odrian Dupee (or Dupue) came into this Town in April last fi'om New York, and being before the Select men, he was directed to procure sufficient Bondsmen to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs — Which he has neglected to do, since which his Wife and her mother, and his Daughter, have been Imported by Capt. Albertus Bosch. Ordered That m''. Savell take care that Security be given, before Capt. Bosch departs the Town, in the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds. [234.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 8, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq"", m''. Clarke m^. Hutchinson Whereas Four Persons that are Convicts have been Imported from Bristol in the Snow Unity William Dennison Master — the said Master was sent for — Whoappear'd, togetlier with m'". James Griffin (to whom they are Consigned) who Promised the said Con- Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 213. victs should be sent to Piscataqua by the first Opportunity, and that they should not be permitted to Land here. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 14, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage m'". CoUson Caleb Lyman Esq'', m''. Clarke m"". Hutchinson [235.] Mr. Hutchinson Reported on the affair of m^ Dol- beare's Rent, Viz*. That they had discoursed with m"". Dolbeare, and m". Abbot and find the Rent wr.s paid tom'". Ludgate for Two years and half, Viz*, from Sept. 20, 1 735. to the 20'\ March 1737/8. That m". Abbot paid m'". Dolbeare the Rent of the House and Laud, from the said 20*"^. of March, to the 20'^. of December next, in their Presence, — and the Committee agreed with m"". Dolbeare, that instead of making him Allowance for the time m"". Ludgate receiv'd the Rent, His Lease shall Continue Two years and half beyond to term mentioned therein — Which, Considering the present pressing difficulties of the Town, they Apprehend most for their Advantage. Voted, that this Report be accepted. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 26, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'", m'^. Clarke m'^. Hutchinson [236.] Margaret Russ who came into Piscataqua about Four months ago, and lives in a Tenement of Dr. Boylston's Complains that her Husband Benjamin Russ, a Person of ill fame, and a Vagabond, whom She was Obliged to quit at New Hampshire is now come to her House in this Town ; Whereupon m''. Savell was di- rected to Warn the said Russ out of Town, and also to require Security of his Wife that She and her Family shall be no Charge to the Town. November 28, 1739. Liberty is Granted to m''. Thomas Wallis to Dig up the Ground in Pond Street, in order to lay a New Drain across the Street, from his House there ; Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the same again, and keep it in repair from time to time to the Satisfac- tion of the Select men, and that he do not obstruct or hinder the Passage in said Street, while the Work is doing. [237.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 28, 1739. Present, The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'", m"". Clarke m"". Hutchinson ^214 City Document No. 87. Upon a Motion made — Ordered, That m'. Savell Notify the several Constables of the Town to meet the Selectmen, next Wednesday, in order to Confer with them, relating to their Col- lecting the Taxes of the Current year &c. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 5, 1739. Present Capt. Aimitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'". m^ Clarke The Constables Attending according to order, the Select men discoursed with them relating to their Collecting the Taxes for the year Current [238.] Who Say, they had no apprehension, when they accepted of the Office of Constables, to be Charg'd with the Collecting of Rates, because the Town came into a Vote to Chuse Collectors of Taxes distinct from them. And Altho' the Select men propos'd to them to Undertake it as Collectors, and to re- ceive the Premium upon their giving Bond — yet they severally refused to accept of that Office on any terms proposed to them. Ordered, That m^ Savell warn margaret Russ to depart the Town with her Children. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread, at the Rate of Twelve Shilling p. Bushell, and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushell, allow'd for Charges — which is as follows, Viz*. oz- dr. Of Penny White Loaf - 2. 15 Wheaten 4. 8 Household 6.-- Six Penny Wheaten Loaf - - - - l'^ 10. - 15 [239.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 6, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Capt. Armitage \ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'*, m'. Clarke Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant, directed to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesty's Name, Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. annum of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territory at the least, or other Estate to the value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, to Convene at the Town house upon Monday the Tputh Day of December Current, at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon, Then and there to make Choice of and Depute (if the}' see cause) One Person being a Free holder and Resident in the Town, to Serve for and Represent them in the Great and General Court or Assembly, now Convened, [240.] held and kept for His Maj- esty's Service, at the Court house in Boston, in the room of m^ Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 215. Christopher Kilby, who is gone Agent for the House of RepreseD- tatives to the Court of Great Britain, According to the Precept under the Hand and Seal of the Hon. John Qiiincy Esq"". Speaker of the Honourable House of Representatives, bearing Date the Fifth Day of December, In the thirteenth Year of His Majesties Reign. — A. D. 1739. Also, Requiring them to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town, duly Qualified as the Law directs, to meet at the same time and place to receive the Report of the Select men relating to the Collectors of Taxes, and to do what may be thought proper to be done thereon. To Agree upon, Conclude and finish such other Matters and things as were under Consideration at former meetings, and Continued to be further debated at this, as also such other Matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this meeting. [241.] Voted, That Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to wait upon the Rev. m"". William Hooper, and in the Name of the Select men to Desire him to open the Town Meeting on Monday next with Prayer. Ordered, That a Report be drawn to be presented to the Town at their Meeting the 10'^. Current relating to the Conferrence had Yesterday with the Constables about their Collecting the Taxes. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 12,1739. Present Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq^. m^ Clarke m'^. Hutchinson Mrs. Salter, the Wife of Malachy Salter Informs that One William Weymouth a Sailor has lodg'd for Fourteen Days past at her House that he was Sick when he first came there that he was bro't into this Town from [242.] Nantucket by Daniel Paddock, that he was Cast away with One Bryant, in Coming from North Carolina — And Whereas the said Weymouth is a Stranger, and as she Apprehends, not likely to live — She prays the Select men would take Order for his Removal, if they see fit. The Select men having Maturely Considered the above Informa- tion, and Apprehending the said Weymouth to be a proper Object of Publick Charity. Ordered, That he be recommended to the Overseers of the Poor, to be received into the Alms house at the Province Charge and that the Town Clerk Certify the overseers of the same Accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 13, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'. m^ Clarke Whereas m". Bryant and her Child [243.] Imported from Philadelphia to Martha's Vinyard in the Sloop Dolphin John 216 City Document No. 87. Welch Master as appears by the Examination of Elias Dilarue the mate of the said Vessel, taken on Oath the 10*. instant, are since bro't into this Town from Martha's Vinyard by m^ Thomas Beney ; and the Small Pox breaking out upon the said Child, in a House near the Mill Creek, where the said Bryant had taken lodging The Select men, in order if possible to prevent the Spreading of Infection, have this Day caused the said Bryant and her Child to be removed from thence to the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town, Viz*. A House of m^ Benj''. Clough ; And have ordered a Guard to be set on the said House, to prevent People going out and in at the said House. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 14, 1739, Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'^. m"". Clarke [244.] One Wou'dbe a Negro Woman appear'd who lives in the House taken up for an Hospital — And the Select men pro- posed to her, that her Husband should take lodging elsewhere for the present, and might follow his Business abroad as Usual — And that she should keep her House, do her own Business, and find her own provisions &c. and not be suffered to go forth of her House, until further Order — In Consideration whereof She should be allow'd and paid after the rate of Fifteen Shillings p. Week during her Confinement as aforesaid — Which agreement She Consented to. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 18, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'^. m^ Hutchinson Whereas some evil minded Person or [345.] Persons the last Evening set fire to a House belonging to the Town, on Fort hill which was burnt down. Ordered, That m\ Savell and m''. Cowdrey make diligent Enquiry after the Actors therein, or any of them — or after any Person or Persons who have taken and Carried away any of the Timber — or where it is laid and that they Report to the Select men to- morrow. At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 19, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq', m'". Clarke Information is made that Richard Walkins and his Wife Katharine are come into this Town from New York by Land — Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 217 that they lodg'd first at one Leggs — and since that, at m". Deshons, where they have lodg'd near Five Weeks. Ordered, That m". Deshon be notified to [24G.] attend next Wednesday. Memorandum, December 20, 1739. John m'^. Guire Appear'd in the office and Informs tliat he hns four Persons who have lodg'd at his Mouse for some time past, Viz'. Daniel Griffith Mariner, belonging to Capt. m^Kevv — about Fourteen Days. John Welch Mariner belonging to Capt. m'^.Kew — about Eigh- teen days. James Murfey Mariner and Joyner, from Newfoundland, about Fourteen Days. Cornelius Fling Victualer from Philadelphia or V^irginia, about Fourteen Days. They have no Effects in his House that he knows of, but their Cloaths At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec. 31. 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"", m^. Clarke m'. Hutchinson [247.] Upon a Motion made by m^ Thomas Hancock. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage and Capt. Lyman be a Committee to View the Bank lately made near m'". Hancocks house in Beacon Street — Consider what may be proper to be Allow'd by the Town towards the defraying the Charge thereof — and Report thereon, before the next Draft Day. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 2, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'", m". Clarke m". Hutchinson Mrs. Deshon appear'd according to Order and Says, That Rich- ard Walkinsand his Wife from New York had lodg'd at her House Three Weeks and Three Days before She gave an}' Information thereof to the Select men, or any of them, as the Law directs. A Petition of John Baker Sugar Baker for [248.] Liberty to Erect a small Building, adjoining to his Sugar house in Back Street, of the Dimensions therein mentioned, with Timber. Read, and Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Lyman, m'. Clarke, and m^ Hutchinson be a Committee to View the place propos'd by m'. Baker for the said Building tomorrow at 10 O'Clock a.m. Consider 218 City Document No. 87. the Circumstances thereof and Report what may be proper to be done thereon. At a Meeting of the Selectmen, Jan. 9, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hutchinson The Committee appointed last Wednesday, on the Petition of . m'. John Baker for Liberty to Erect a Building adjoining to his [349.] Sugar house in Back Street, with Timber — Report as follows, Viz^ That they have View'd the place propos'd to Erect the said Tim- ber Building upon, and Considered the Circumstances thereof — and are of Opinion, it will be very dangerous to have a Wooden Building P>ected there, and therefore tliat 'twill be in no wise proper to Grant the Prayer of the said Petition. Voted, That this Report be Accepted, and the Petition be accord- ingly dismiss'd. Whereas m'. Treasurer Wadsworth Informs that Stephen Minot Esq^ is in Arrears for Rent due to the Town for the House and Lands on Boston neck Leased to him. And Whereas it is appre- hended, that it will be most Convenient and agreeable to m'. Minot to Surrender the Premisses to the Select men, and to put an End to the Lease. Order'd, That the Town Clerk write a Letter to m'. Minot in the Name of the Select men, to make the Proposal to him, and to de- sire his answer thereto, as soon as may be. [350.] Ordered, That an advertisement be prepared and Printed, in three of the News letters, for Four Weeks succesively, for Leasing out, A Certain Island, Commonly Called and known by the name of Deer Island, lying within the Massachusetts Bay, belonging to the Town of Boston, and that notice be therein given that the Select men will attend at the Town house every Wednes- . day until the 27^^. of Feb. next, from Three to Five o'Clock in the afternoon &;c. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 16, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hutchinson Upon a Motion made and Seconded, Ordered, That m''. Savell Notify and Warn the Watchmen who were assaulted and Wounded on Saturday Night, the Instant [351.] to Attend the Select men next Wednesday afternoon. Whereas Capt. Timothy m*^. Daniel lately from London Imported Selectmen's Minutes, 1739-40. 219 into this Town Ann Levingston and has not attended his Duty in giving Bond to Indemnify the Town from Charge on her acco*. altho' he has been several times Notified and warned so to do, Therefore, Ordered, That m'. Savell be and hereby is directed forthwith to prosecute the said m*=. Daniel, for his said neglect or refusal, as the Law directs, and to Report to the Select men his doings tliereon. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 23, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq"". m^ Clarke m'". Hutchinson Ann Levingston from London in the Ship Mary, Timothy m*=. Daniel, Master, is admitted [252,] an Inhabitant of this Town, the said m^Daniel together with m"*. Charles Apt horp having giving Bond, to Indemnify the Town of Boston, as the Law directs. Ordered, That the Guard at the Hospital in the Westerly part of Boston — and the Negro Confined to his House there, be Dis- charged from any further Service, or pay after this Day, — And that m'^. Savell Notify them hereof, accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 28, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hutchinson Voted, That the Herbage of the Old Burying place be Let to the Hon. John Jeffries Esq', for the year ensuing. Viz*. 1740. [253.] At the price it was let for the last year, Viz*. Thirty Shillings. Voted, That the Herbage of the South Burying place be not Let for less than Six Pounds for the next year. Viz*. 1740, and m'. Savell is directed to Inform the Gentlemen who hired the same the last year with this order. Voted, That the Sum of Fifteen Pounds be allowed and paid out of the Town Treasury to Phillip Quonyear, for himself and his Wife's attendance for Six weeks at the Hospital, Viz*, to him at 30/ p. Week, and his Wife at 20/. And to — — Woodbe (negro) for Six Weeks at Fifteen Shillings p. Week, which makes the Sura of Four Pounds Ten Shillings — and that a Draft be made upon the Town Trea^ accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Jan. 30, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. 220 City Document No. 87. Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'. Capt. Fors3'tli m'". Clarke " m'. Hutchinson [254.] Upon a motion made by the Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq^ be desired to Inform the Justice of the Peace within the Town of Boston, in the Name of the Select men, that it is their desire that they would give Ihem a Meeting, at the Council Chamber, next Monday in the Evening after their Sessions are ended — In order to Consult together and agree upon a Walk or General Visitation of the Town as has been Customary. Voted, That the time for Choice of Jury men for the Superiour Courts in February be Wednesday next, at Three O'Clock after- noon, and m"". Savell is to Notify the Constables accordingly, and take Care that the Bells be rung as usual. Mr. Jacob Sheafe Collector, appearing Proposes m^. Robert Patteshal and m''. Rowland Houghton for his Sureties, if the Select men shall accept of tliem aud [255.] Mr. John Staniford, another of the Collectors Pro- poses m^ Francis Righton and m''. Jacob Parker for his Sureties, and Mr. John Goldthwait another of the Collectors proposes m''. Thomas Hutchinson, and m"". Joshua Blanchard, for his Sureties. Voted, That the Sureties abovenamed, be accepted, and that Bonds be given Accordingly. Memorandum That on the Thirty first of Jan. 1739. m^ Jacob Sheafe One of Collectors of Taxes for the Year current. Appeared in the office. And having been Sworn to the faithful Discharge of his said office, Gave Bond to the Town Treasurer, together with mess". Robert Patteshall and Rowland Houghton as Surety's in the Sum of Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Pounds. And a Certificate thereof was given him directed to the Assessors of the Town of Boston. Mr. John Staniford, another of the Collectors of Taxes for the Year Current, appeared, and [256.] having been Sworn to the faithful discharge of his said Office, Gave Bond to the Town Treasurer together with mess". Francis Righton and Jacob Parker, as Suretys in the Sum of Thirteen Thousand Two hundred Pounds, Certificate whereof was also given him directed to the assessors of the Town of Boston. Also, Mr. John Goldthwait, another of the Collectors of Taxes for the Current Year appear'd. And having been Sworn to the faithful Discharge of his said Office, Gave Bond to the Town Treasurer, together with mess". Thomas Hutchinson and Joshua Blanchard as Suretys in the Sum of Five Thousand vSeven Hundred and a Certificate thereof was given him directed to the Assessors of the Town of Boston, as usual. At a Meeting of the Honourable His Majesties Justices of the Peace, the Gentlemen the Select men, and Overseers of the Poor, Selectmen's Minutes, 1739. 221 within the Town of Boston, at the Council Chamber, Monday the of February, 1739. Present l25K.Ji The Tlon. Edward Hutchinson Esq^ The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ •Samuel Sewail Esq^ Samdt'l Adams Ksq"". William Tyler Esq"". Major Samuel Sewall John Fayerweather Esq"". Daniel Henchman Esq'". Caleb Lyman Esq"". Justices of the Peace The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Jonathan Armitage Capt. Alexander Forsyth m'. Jonas Clarke Select men- m"". Edward Bromfield Capt. Jeffry Bedgood Andrew Oliver Esq''. m'^. Samuel Hunt Overseers of the Poor. A General Walk or Visitation of the Town was then agreed upon, to be Attended on Fryday [258.] The Eighth of Febiaiary Current, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, if the Weather be fair ; If not then on Monday following the 11"'. instant. And it is also Agreed to meet at the Council Chamber in the Evening of the said Day of Visitation, to Report the State of the Town &c. The Order is as follows, Viz*. Ward, Number One The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq^ Capt. Alexander Forsyth m"". Samuel Hunt m''. Richard Buckley m^ Ebeuezer Simpson, Constable Ward, Number Two. The Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq"". Abiel Walley Esq'". Samuel Greenwood Esq^ m'. Hutchinson Capt. William Thomas m''. Joseph Greenwood, Constable Ward, Number Three [259.] Habijah Savage Esq^ John Fayerweather Esq'. Joshua Cheever Esq"", m'. Peter Thomas m*". John Baker, Constable Ward, Number Four William Tyler Esq"". Jacob Royall Esq**. 222 City Document No. 87. m'. Jacob Goldthvvait John Tudor, Constable Ward, Number Five The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq'. Daniel Henchmen Esq"". Capt. Jonathan Arm itage Capt. Daniel Pecker m^ Jonathan Hartshorn, Constable Ward, Number Six. William Stoddard, Esq"". Thomns Hubbard, F^'. m'. John Staniford m''. John Russell, Constable [260.] Ward, Number Seven Hugh Hall Esq^ Capt. JefFery Bedgood m'. Joshua Blanchard m'^. Cord Cordis, Constable Ward, Number Eight Joshna Winslow Esq''. Capt. William Downe m"". WilHam Salter m^. Joseph Lewes, Constables Ward, Number Nine Samuel Sewall Esq"". Andrew Oliver Esq'', m"". Jonas Clarke m^ Joseph Gale, Constable Ward, Number Ten Caleb Lyman, P^sq''. Francis Borland Esq'', m^. Jacob Parker m''. Henry Dyre m''. Francis Betsilke, Constable [361.] Ward, Number Eleven The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Major Samuel Sewall m". Eward Bromfield m". Jacob Sheafe m"". John Wheatley, Constable Ward, Number Twelve The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ Samuel Adams Esq^ m"*. David CoUson Major John Hill m*". John Clear, Constable The Town Clerk is desired to give forth Copies of the above Order or Sortment accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 6, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage Selectmen's Minutes, 1739-40. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ m''. Clarke m''. liutcbinson [263.] Mr. Benjamin Clough, Appearing, Desires the Select men would please to Consider what may be proper to b-e allow'd him in Consideration of his House being take-n for an IIosi)ital in the Westerly part of the Town, for some time past, and of the Damages he has Sustained there by. Wliereupon, Voted, That the Sum of Six Pounds be Allow'd and paid out of the Town Treasury to m'. Benjamin Clough in full for the Use of his said House as an Hospital to this Day ; and that a Draft be made on the Treasury accordingly. John m''. Guire is admitted a Ticket Porter upon Condition, that he gives Bond to the Town Treasurer, as the Law directs and m^ Laurence Lutwyche Distiller, is Approved and Accepted as his Surety. The Town Clerk is also directed to deliver to him the Ticket, Number 17 upon their Executing a Bond accordingly. Memorandum, Mr. Dolbeare paid his last Rent, to [263,] Sometime in May, 1735. mr. Ludgate took Possession in September, 173o. and kept till Mar. 1737/8. Two 3'ears and half; In Consideration thereof, the Select men Agree, that m'^. Dolbeare's Lease shall Continue Two Years and half beyond the Term first Leased. The Ground Rent due from m^ Dolbeare December, 20. 1739. Amounts to Thirty Pounds, besides what was due when Ludgate took Posses- sion ; But in Consideration of Sundry Repairs and Additions, m*". Ludgate promised the Tenants, but never perform'd, and for other reasons, the Select men have received Fourteen Pounds only of mrs. Abbot, in full of the Ground Rent due to the said 20"\ of December, Except what was due before Ludgate had Possession ; and from the 20'^\ December mr. Dolbeare's Kent again goes on, at Twenty Pounds p. year. The Tovvn Clerk is directed to Certify the Overseers of the Poor, that Richard Tupbell is in their Opinion a proper object of Publick Charity, And that they Recommend him to be receiv'd into the Alms house, to be maintained at the Province Charge accordingly. [264.] Whereas m^ William. Parkman pays a Quit Rent to the Town of Boston of Twelve pence p. annum, for the priveledge of a Shed near, the North Battery and desires the same may be transfcried to Alexander Parkman, who is ready to undertake the Payment thereof. Voted, That the said Quit Rent be transferr'd to the said Alex- ander Parkman, and that the Town Treasurer be Notified there of accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 13, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage m'*. Collson Caleb Lyman Esq', m'". Clarke m'. Hutchinson 224 City Document No. 87. The Widow Le Moine lately come into this Town from Dedhara Appeared Desiring to be admitted an Inhabitant — and proposes her Son Capt. Charles Le Moine [265o] for Secnrity — Wlio is Accepted, and the Town Clerk is directed to prepare a Bond ac- cordingly, of the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds. Mr. Richard Billings Informs that the Shop Windows, of the Tenements which he and his Brother Leases of iheTown are out of Repair, and prays the Select men would please to View and give Orders thereon. Voted, That Capt. Armitage and m'. CoUson be a Committee to view the same, and to give Orders for such Repairs to be made as they shall think necessary. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 20, 1739. Present Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsylh Caleb Lyman Esq'", m''. Clarke m'". Hutchinson Capt. Armitage Reports, that the Committee Appointed last Wednesday to view & to give [206] Oiders, for the Necessary Repairs to be made at mess""'. Billings's Shop, as then Entred — Have agreed with the said Billings's that they get the said Repairs effected ; for which the Town is to Allow them Fifty Shillings. John Whalan is Admitted a Ticlcet Porter in the room of James Gardner, Upon Condition that he give Bond, to the Town Treasurer, as the Law directs — and m*". James Pitts is Accepted as his Surety ; The Town Clerk is also directed to receive the Ticket N**. 2. of said Gardner, and to deliver the same to Whalan, upon his giving Bond as aforesaid. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 25, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"", m"". Clarke m"". Hutchinson [20*^0] Capt. Armitage Informs, that a Ship is lately set upon the Stocks near the South Sconce, on Land Suppos'd to beloniy to the Town of Boston, AVhere upon Voted, That Capt. Armitage, Capt. Lyman, m''. Clarke and m*". Hutchinson be a Committee to Enquire into that Affair, and to Repoit thereon next Wednesday. At a meeting of the Select men, Feb. 27, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage m''. Collson Selectmen's Minutes, 1739-40. 225 Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'^. m'". Clarke m^ Hutchinson This Day the Select men Executed a Lease of a Certain Island, Commonly Called or known by the Name of Deer Island, lying within the Massachusetts Bay, and belonging to the Town of Boston, lor the full term of Seven Years [268.] Commencing the first Day of March next, unto mess". Josiali Langdon and Na- thanael Langdon of Boston Victuallers They Paying to the Town Treasurei', for the time being, the full Rent or Sum of I^ghty Six Ounces, Eighteen Pennyweight of Coined Silver, Troy Weight of Sterling alloy, p. annum — or so much in Bills of Credit on the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, as is p]quivalent to, and will Purchase the same Quantity of Silver at the respective time of Payment. Viz'. Forty three Ounces Nine pennyweight of said Coined Silver of Sterling alloy, or so much in said Bills of Credit as is Equiva- lent thereto, on every first Day of September and March Yearly and in every Year Successively during the said Term ; and upon such other Conditions as in the said Lease is Expressed. Bernard Clements from New York appeared. And informs that he has brought with him a Horse which he has (with [369.] great labour) taught to perform many Uncommon Actions, which are not taught Horses in this Counti-ey. — As also a Dog, whom he has taught to ride the said Horse — Praying the Select men would please to permit him to Shew the said Horse and Dog, for the diversion of the Inhabitants, as is Customary in other ji)arts of the World — And having produced a Certificate under the Hands of Certain Gentlemen in Authority in New York of the said Clements good Behaviour while he was in that City, The Select men Granted hihi Libert}^ Accordinprly. Mrs. Curtis the Wife of Capt. William Curtis Mariner, now at Sea, Appear'd, and informs that She has lived in this Town five months, and desires she may have the Priviledge of Educating her Childi en in the Free Schools of the Town — In Order to which she was directed to procure Bondsmen to Indemnify the Town, According to the Law, in that Case provided, in the Sum or Pen- alty of Two Hundred Pounds. [270.] It being mov'd that Considerable Inconveniences arose to the Common, from tlie Country People's laying great Quantises of the Street Dirt there. Voted, That m"^. CoUson be d; sired to cause the said Dirt to be removed from time to time in such manner as he thinks most for the Town's Advantage. The Committee appointed the 25"\ instant, to Enquire into the Encroachments made on or near the Sconce, having Attended that Service, Report that they found Considerable Quantit3^s of Timber, Plank &c there. And further that m^ Brattle Oliver being present with them, said, that he Owned the said Timber, and Also that the Land whereon it lays is his — and this in the Presence of Daniel Ingersole and John Savell, Witnesses. 226 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select men, Feb. 29, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth m"". Clarke Capt. Armitage Caleb Lyman Esq'', n?/. Hutchinson [271.] Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant, directed to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesties Name, Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of said Town, duly Quali- fied, Rateable at Twenty Pounds Estate to a Single Rate (beside the Pole) to Convene at the Town house on Monday the Tenth of March next, at Nine O' Clock in the forenoon ; Then and there to make Choice of meet Pei sons to Serve the Town the Year ensuing. As Selectmen, Town Clerk, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, and otiier Town officers, as the Law directs ; To Grant such Sum or Sums of Money, as shall be judg'd Needful for the Relief of the Poor, and Defraying other necessary Charges ; To Consider the State of the north and South Batterys ; and also what may be thought proper to be done in Order to Securing and maintaining the Towns Right on and about Fort-hill, and to receive the Re- ports of several Committees. To agree upon Conclude and finish such other matters and things as weie under Consideration at former meetings [372.] and Continued to be further Debated at this, and also such other matters as may be proper for their Con- sideration at this meeting. Ordered, That the Town Clerk deliver the Deed of Rainsfords Island to m'. Treasurer Foye. At a Meeting of the Select men. Mar. 5, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Armitage Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hutchinson Voted, That the Rev. m'. AVillinm Hooper be desired to Open the Town meeting on Monday next, with Prayer, And that Capt. Forsyth and m*". Hutchinson wait on him, and Desire he would Attend that Service. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and m'. [273.] Hutchinson be a Committee to t»ke Care that a Dinner be provided for Forty-live Gentlemen on Monday next at the Orange tree — Who are desired to give directions accordingly. Voted, That Eight Shillings a peice be and hereby is allowed to the Constables of the Town of Boston, in order to provide a Din- ner for themselvi'S on Monday next, the Day Appointed for the Town meeting. Voted, That it be reported to the Town at the next Town Meet- Selectmen's Minutes, 1739-40. 227 ing, That the Select men are of Opinion that Considering our present Circumstances, the Moneys which the Townships Sold for, cannot be Apply'd to a more necessary use, than Repairing the Fortifications of the Town. [274.] At a Meeting of the Select men, March 12, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Alexander Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'', m'". Jonas Clarke m'". Thomas Hutchinson m^ Thomas Hancock m*". middlecot Cooke Whereas Matthias Cowdrey was several Years past Appointed by the Select men, to prevent the forestalling the Market, and to See that the other By-Laws of this Town are put in Execu- tion. Upon a Motion made and Seconded, The Question was put. Whether m^ Cowdrey should be Contin- ued in that Service, after the Thirty first Day of March Current? And it Pass'd in the negative. And that he be seasonably Notified hereof. Whereas the Inhabitants of this Town at their Meeting the 10'^. Currant, Did desire [375.] the Select men to give it in Charge to their oflScer, to prosecute all such Persons who shall be found Sell- ing of Coals, by other measures than such as are known and Ap- pointed in the Law. Voted, That the following advi rtisemont be Printed, posted up, and also distributed, in Order to prevent the abuse which this Town suffers in the measure of Coals, Viz'. Whereas the Inhabitants of tliis 'I'ownfor many Years past have suffered great Abuse by r(;ason of the Country People's Selling Coal in Baskets commonly called Two Bushel Baskets, Which is not onl3' Contrary to Law, but also the said Baskets are .Seldom found to Contain two Bushels ; And the said^ Abuse having a long time prevailed. Publick notice is therefore given, Thnt the Select men have now appointed an Officer, and have t^iven him Directions, that from and after the Twenty fifth Day of this instant, he strictly observe and prosecute all Persons whatsoever, who shall Sell any Coal or other Commodit}', except in a Bushel, Half lUishel, or such other measures as is known and Appointed [276.] in the Law. Dated in Boston, iSlar. 12. 1379. By Order of tlie Select men, Samuel Gerrisii Town Clerk Ordered, That the Printers be desired to publish the foregoing advertisment in their News Papers, and mr. Huucock is desired to see the same effected. Upon a Motion made by m^ Savell for putting into Repair, A Sedan, or ( hair belonging to the Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq^ whicli the Town has had the loan of for a considerable time. Voted, That m^ Hancock and m"". Cooke be desired to take care 228 City Do'cument No. 87. that the same be effectually Repaired, and made fit for Use, in the best and most frugal maner they can. Whereas the Select men did agree with m'*- Thomas Pain, to Let to him the North Granary or meal house, for One year, Commencing the Eleventh of August last past, at the Rent of Four Pounds p. annum to be paid to the Town Treasurer — but no Entry was made thereof [377.] in the Season of it — It is therefore Ordered to be made here Entred, and that the Town Treasurer be Certified accordingly. Upon a Motion made, The Select men View'd the Fire Arms be- longing to the Town and finding they want Cleansing &c. Voted, That Capt. Lyman and m'. Clarke be Desired to take care of that matter, and to see they are put into good Order, and fitted for Service — And also to Order them to be Stamped with Boston on the Stock of each of them. Complaint being made that the Rails about the Common are fre- quently thrown down, m"". Hancock is desired to take care to see them put up again, as there shall be Occasion. At a Meeting of the Select men, March 19, 1739. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ m"^. Clarke m'^. Hancock m'*. Hutchinson m'^. Cooke [378.] Whereas m'". Jonathan Foster, Cordwainer some time since built a Small Shop upon the Platform in Dock Square at his own Charge, Whilst the Suit in Law was depending between the Town, and the Heirs of James Everill, and is now in Possession of it. Upon a motion made by said Foster, and his desire to Continue in it, at such a rent as the Select men shall judge meet. The Select men accordingly Agreed to Let the said Shop to him for One Year Commencing the first Day of September next at the Rent of Eight Pounds p. annum, to be paid to the Town Treasurer. Mrs. Nelson, the Wife of William Nelson, Informs that She has lived in this Town about Seven months with Children, that she came hither from Glocester, and it Appearing that she brought no Substance with her, she was directed to procure Sufficient Bondsmen to Indemnify the Town from all Charge on Acco*. of herself and Children as the Law directs. [379,] Information being given by Capt. Bedgood, That One John Sharp Mariner, lately from the Bay, is now Sick, that he is a Stranger, having no Relations to lake care of him — As also that he has about Twenty Pounds due to him for Wages, The Select men Considering hereof, Apprehend the said Sharp to be an Object [)roper to be Maintained at the Province Charge — and therefore Order that the Town Clerk by a Certificate recom mend him to the Overseers of the Poor, to be receiv'd into the alms house on the Province Charge accordingly. Selectmen's Minutes, 1739-40. 229 Upon a Motion made, Voted, That m'. Hancock and m'". Cooke be and hereby are desired to take care, that m*". Griggs seasonably phint Trees in the Common, where they are wanting, ngreeable to his Engage- ment on file. Mr. Anthony Underwood appearing Informs Ihnt m"". Benjamin Snelllng, One of the Company belonging to the Fire Engines, under his Care [280.] is lately Dead — and proposes m'. Ei-ancis Mar- shall, ns a Suitable person to be admitted in his room if tlie Select men shall think fit. Which Motion was Approved, and m'". marshall accordingly Ad- mitted. And the Town Clurk ordered to Certify the same, on the List or Orilers belon^^ing to said Company — the said marshall having had a dismission from the Captain to whose Company he belonged, for the Service aforesaid. March 20, ll^^d. Liberty is Grnnted to m"". Josinh Langdon to dig up the Pave- ment and Open the Ground in Ship Street, in Order to Clear the Drain running from the Salutation tavern to the Common Shore in said Street — upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavemont again and keep it in repair fro-m time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. March 25, 1740. [281.] Liberty is Granted to John Hunt Esq'', to Dig up the Pavement, and Open the Ground in Lynn Street, in Order, to Clear the Drain running frcmi his Mouse, across the said Street — Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep it in repair from time to lime, to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, March, 26, 1740. Present The lion. Jeffries Esq"*. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ m'". Claike m"". Hancock m'". Cooke Mess". Edward Pichards and Edward Moberly Two of the Surve3^ors of Shingles, being present. Inform that a Quantity of Shingles have lately been bro't into this Town from Ilingham by Thomas Loring and offered to Sale — That being call'd to survey them, they found them not Merchantable [282.] altho' branded by Josiah Beale a Sworn Surveyor for said Town, as is said And "Whereas they have formerly met with difficulty in the Execution of their office, in Seizing Unmerchantable Shingles — Thej^- desire the Select men would please to Advize them what they had best to do in the affair. The Select men Considering this Complaint and Motion, are of Opinion, That it is Convenient and most adviseable, that the Sur- vevors of Shingles strictly adhere to, and follows the steps of the Law of this Province, in this Case made and provided. 230 City Document No. 87. Mr. William Salter, the keeper of the Powder bouse, Informs that some time ago, the Fire Wards Seised Six half Barrels of Gun Powder in the House of m"". Obndiah Cookson Jun"". -and Three half Barrels in the House of m"". John Carnes. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That the Town Clerk write a Letter to Stephen Minot Esq', in the name [283.] of the Select men. Informing him that they are determined to proceed with him as the Law directs, at the Court in July next, in Order to Eject him off the Premisses Leased to him, Unless he shall prevent such a procedure by delivering Possession quietl}^ according to tenor of his Lease — and also by paying the Rent now due, or which shall become due — to the Town Treasurer — And m"". Savell is directed to Carry the Letter to m^ Minot, and to bring his Answer. At a Meeting of the Select men. Mar. 31, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'^. m^ Clarke m"". Hutchinson m''. Hancock m^ Cooke Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be now Stated for Direction to the Bakers and Clerks of the Market, as follows, ^Viz*. Computed at Ten Shillings p. Bushell for Wheat and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushel allow'd for Charges ; and the several Bakers within this Town are Ordered to mark their Bread which they Bake for Sale, with the first letter of their Christian Names, and with the first and last Letters of their Surnames And the Clerks of the Market are directed to make Allowance for Bisket well baked, three quarters of an Ounce for each Bisket. Complaint being made that Sundry Persons mak'e it their Practice to bring the Street Dirt, and lay it in heaps along by the Rails in the Common whereby the same is become a Nusan^e, — Therefore, Voted, that m''. Hancock and m"^. Cooke be desired to cause the said henps of Dirt to be Carried on the Common and Spread there, or to fill up holes. [S85.] Voted, that Wednesday next at Nine O'Clock in the forenoon, be appointed to View the High Ways, Consider of a Suitable Place for a Burying place &c. Upon Information that the Fence about the North Burying place wants some Repair. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and m*". Hutchinson be desired to cause the necessary repairs to be made Accordingly. oz - dr. [284.] Of penny White Loaf 3. 7 5. 2. G. 14 14- 14 Wheaten Household Six penny Wheaten Loaf Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 231 April 2, 17 U). Liberty is Granted to m^ Zachaiiah Johnniiot to Dig up the Pavement in Orange Street, in Order to lay a Drain from his Laud lately Purchased on the Westerly ^ide of said Street, to run across the same, into a Common Shore in IloUis Street Upon Condition that he forthwith made good the Ground and Pavement, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men — And does not Obstruct the Passage in the said Street, while the same is performing. [286.] At a Meeting of the Select men, April 2. 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq"". m^ Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Upon the Petition of mr. William Salter keeper of the Powder hoase — The Consideration whereof was left to the Select men, and having Discoursed with mr. Salter on that Affair. The Select men are of Opinion that 'tis adviseable to Allow the said Petitioner mr. Salter, the Sum of Twelve Pounds, in full for his Service in taking Care of the Towns Stock of Powder in the Powder house for the time past, And that a Report be diawn accordingly. ]\P. Joseph Flood Jun"". Desiring to Purchase the Bricks which remain at Fort hill [287.] of the House that was there lately burnt down, which belongs to the Town. Voted, That mr. Clarke and mr. Cooke be desired and are hereby Impowered to Dispose of the said Bricks for the most they will fetch, and of whatsoever else may be still remaining thei'c, of the said House. JNP". Savell is directed to Order Andrew Coffin and John Stringer, to Attend the Select men next Wednesday, being two of the Watchmen and two of the Sextons of this Town, to answer some Complaints made against them. M^. Savell is also directed to Order John Chambers and the other Grave diggers to Attend at the same time. Upon some Com- plaints exhibited against them. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 4, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq'. m^ Clarke m*". Hutchinson mr. Cooke [288.] M"-. Hutchinson, IJeported, That he had View'd Love Lane, Several of the Abutters, and mr. Thornton the Pavier benig present, and is Opinion, that the Paving of it is Necessary, otherwise the Town must be at a great Charge in Gravelling or Repairing it, in order to save themselves from a presentment, It 232 City Document No. 87. measures about Six Hundred Square yards to the West end of the School house, but it will be much more Convenient to Pave as far as the Street which goes across into Bennet Street, and then the whole will Contain near Six Hundred and Ninety ; Tbe Schools part of tlie Abutment is about Tliirty three Square Yards, And the Water can be Conveyed no other Way, but thro' the Yards of the two Schools, into Bennet Street, the whole Charge of a Gutter may be Fifteen Pounds, the abutters Expect the Town pay a third of It. Ordered, That a Report be Accordingly prepared to lay before the Town, on Tuesday next. Ordered, That the following Report be made to [289.] the In- habitants at the Meeting by adjournment on Tuesday next. Viz'. Pursuant to the Vote of the Town, upon the Petition of Samuel Kneeland — We the Subscribers have Attended the Service of us — Have seen mr. Kneeland the Petitioner — and his Father, who is Surety for the Debt. And are of Opinion. That Sufficient Estate can bo found to Satisfy ; And that this AtTair has been Carried on with so much Obstinacy on their part, that they do not deserve the Compassion of the Town, but, that they ought by all lawful Ways to be Compel'd to Discharge the Debt. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 5, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'^. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock mr. Cooke [290.] Upon Complaint, that the Road or High way over Boston ISeck is much out of Repair — Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'"., Caleb Lyman Esq^ and m'". Middlecott Cooke be and hereby are desired to take Speedy Care to have the Necessary made, in the most prudent manner they can. Liberty is Granted to m^ Joseph Flood Jun'". to Dig up the Pavement, and Open the Ground in Summer Street, at the lower end, thereof, in Order to lay a new Drain from his Cellar, to run into the Common Shore in said Street — Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 9, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq*", mr. Hutchinson Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 233 mr. Clarke mr. Cooke [291.] M"". Iliitchinsuii Informs that the Chains belonging to the Great Fire Engine (under the Care of mr. Underwood) are too short for the drawing it, and Prays that Orders may be given to have them longthued — Aceordingly, M'. Ilutc^hiuson is desired to take care that the same be effected. Upon reading the Votes of the Town at their Meeting Yesterday Api)oiDting a Committee to wait upon the Captain General, relating to the Battery near Fort hill. Voted, to wait upon the Captain General on Fryday next, at Ten O'clock in the forenoon, — and that mr. 8a veil be directed to Notify the Gentlemen of the Committee, not hvve present, with this Appointment, Desiring them to meet at the Town house, at that Hour, io order to Attoud the Service. Upon the Vote of the Town Yesterday, relating to the Ejecting off and Prosecuting in the Law, such Person or Persons as shall be found Trespassers, and have made Encroachments on the Towns Eights in the Lands on and about Fort hill [292.] Voted, That mr. Hutchinson and mr. Cooke be a Committe to Enquire into the Circumstances of that Affair — And to get what hght they can therein, nnd Report to the Select men, in Order to fa-rther Proceedure. JMr. Chnmbers One of the Grave Diggers appeal d according to Order, and was Inform'd that Complaints had been made that tliey neglect their Duty in the Burying of Negroes Indians &c. and having given answer to the said Complaints to the Satisfaction of the Select men — They gave him Orders for the time to Come, Strictly to observe the Laws relating to the Burying of Negroes &c. M"". Nathanael Gay of Dedham Appear'd and Informs that he has several large Peices of Oak Timber lying on the neck of Boston, about which he has a Suit now depending in the Law, that by reason of their largeness it is very difficult removing them — and therefore Prays the Select men would please to indulge him [293.] So far as to let them lye there three or four Months longer, in which lime he hopes the Affair will be determined. Voted, That this request be Granted, Provided he turns them within the Fence, and lays them Close together. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 16. 1740. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"^. mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Cooke ]NP. Joseph Hubbard Complains that the High Way, from the upper end of Bartons Rope Walk so Called, leading up Fort hiU is so miry at some Seasons of the Year, as it is impracticable for loaden Carts Trucks &c. to pass and repass, that for many Years past he has been at Considerable Charges thereon, And Prays that 234 City Document No. 87. the Select men would now lend their Assistance in mending the said Wa}', that so he may not lose the benefit of [294.] Lettiog his Ware house, Building Yard and Wharf lying near the same which he is in danger of, while the said Way lyes in the Condition it is now in — And therefore Prays the Select men would please to View the place, Consider his Motion and Act thereon, as in their Goodness they shall think Convenient. Voted, That the Select men will View the said High Way, and Consider what may be proper to be done in the Affair. Mr. Speakman &c. appear'd and Informs that the Wheat, that is now, and of late has been Sold, is lighter than Usual, Upon which Consideration they humbly apprehend the Assize of Bread last Stated is too large. Praying the Select men to Consider thereof, and Order the assize to be altcr'd if they see fit. Upon a Motion made by mr. John Earle, Master of the Fire Engine Praying that m"". Gibbins Sharp may be Admitted into his Company in the room of [295.] mr. Thomas Listen Deceased, ;uid recommends him as a Suitable Person if the Select men shall Approve of him. The said Sharp appearing also, and Informing he had obtained a Dismission from Capt. Lyman, for this Service. Voted, That he be approved of, and admitted accordingly. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That mr. Savell Notify the Original Grantees, of Land and Flatts near the Fortification on Boston neck, or their Succes- sors that the Select men, desire they would give them a Meeting next Wednesday, on the affair of their Engagement to keep off the Sea from Damnifying the High Way. According to the Vote of the Town, the Select men and Com- mittee, Appointed to wait upon the Captain General, Attended that Service on Monday last the H**". April, Requesting His Excellency to Give Order for removing the Encumbrances on the Battery Ground near Fort hill, that so the Artillery and Stores may be preserved and put in a proper Condition for Service. [29<3o] To which His Excellency was pleased to Answer that he would give an Order to the Select men concerning the same, the next morning. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 18. 1740. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Cooke Whereas in Answer to the Request of the Select men, in behalf ■J and by Order of the Town, Praying His Excellency the Govcrnour to Give Order for removing the Encumbrances on the Battery Ground on Fort hill, and putting the Artillery and Stores in a proper Condition for Service, His Excellency has been pleased to direct Capt. Edward Tyng to See the same Effected, And to Attend the Select men for their Assistance, and for defraying the Charge, Therefore, Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 235 Voted, That the Select men will be Assisting [297.] to the said Capt. Edward Tyng, and will defray all such Charges as he shall expend therein, with Our Advice and Consent. Upon a Motion made by Capt. Tyng for some Powder to Scale the Guns &c. Voted, That an Order be drawn upon mr. William Salter, keeper of the Powder house, to deliver One Barrel of Gun Powder to Capt. Edward Tyng and another to Lieut. Isaac White, Out of the Stock belonging to the Town of Boston, for the Use above mentioned. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 23, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke Esq'', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be Stated at Eleven Shil- lings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings and Six pence allow'd for Charges, Computed as follows, Viz*. oz- dr [298.] Of Penny White Loaf 3. 3. Wheaten 4. 13. Household 6. 6. Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1'^. 12. 12 Upon the Complaint of Major Hill, and others, respecting South Street. The Select men having View'd the same. Voted, That mess". Jonas Clarke and Thomas Hancock be and hereby are desired to take care to have the Necessar}- repairs made in South Street in the most prudent manner they can. Voted, That mess". Clarke and Hancock be and hereb}^ are also desired to take care for Repairing the High Way, at the Upper end of Bartons Rope Walk, leading up Fort hill the same being Complain'd of, by mr. Joseph Hubbard, as Entred the 16^^. instant, and that they do it in the most prudent manner they can. Major John Hill one of the Overseers [299.] Of the Poor, Appeared and Informs, that the Overseers, about the Month of September last, Received for the Use of the Work house. Fifteen Cord of Fire Wood, at Forty two Shillings p. Cord, amounting to Thirty One Pounds Ten Shillings, That they received it of Thomas Fisher, who became Bound to Indemnify the Town, on Acco'. of John Lashley, whom he Imported into this Town, and who Died in the Almshouse. At a Meeting of the Select men, April, 28, 1740, Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock m'. Cooke 236 City Document ^""0. 87. Whereas Mary Boyd from Rhode Island has for some time past been under warning to Depart tlie Town which as yet she refuses to do — and now lodges at mr. Kents the Carpenter. Ordered, Tliat mr. Savell be and hereby is directed^ to follow the Steps of the Law in [300.] that Case matle and provided. Upon Sundry Complaints exhibited against John Stringer — according to order he Appear'd before the Select men. But not being able to give Satisfaction to them concerning the faults AUedgcd agninst him. Voted, That the said John Stringer be and hereby is Discharged and Dismissed from any further Service ds a )Vatch man of the Town . Ordered, That mr. Savell take care to Supply his place for the present ; until a Suitable Person Appear, and be Approved by the Select men to be put in his room. At a Meeting of the Select men, April 30, 1740. Present. Caleb Lyman Esq^ mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a [301.] Warrant directed to t'se Constable of Boston. In His Majesties Name Requiring them forth with to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. annum of Free hold in Land within this Province or Territory at the least ; Or other Estate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, to Convene at the Town house, upon Wednesday the Seventh of May next at nine o'Clock in the forenoon, then and there to Elect and Depute One or more Persons (being Freeholders and resident in the Town) according to the Number Set and limited by an Act of the General Assembly, to Serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court or Assembly, appointed to be Convened held and kept for II is Majesties Service at the Court house in Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty eighth Day of May next ensuing ; and so De Die in Diem during their Session and Sessions, accord- ing to a Precept under the Hand and Seal of Edward Winslow Esq^ Sheriff of the County of Suffolk bearing Date tlie Twenty Ninth Day of April [303.] In the Thirteenth Year of His Majesties Reign annoq Domini 1740 And in like manner, Requiring them to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town qualified as the Law directs, to meet at the same time and place, to Chuse One Clerk of the Market ; to Consider the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants for Liberty to Inclose a part of the Towns Land on Fort hill, for a Bowling Green, during the Towns Pleasure; and to receive the Reports of Several Committees. To Agree upon Conclude and finish such other Matters and things as were under Consideration at former Meetings and Con- Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 237 tinued to be further debated at this, and also such other matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this meeting. Voted, That the Rev. mr. Samuel Mather be desired to Open the Town Meeting on Wednesday next, with Prayer ; and mr. Hutchinson is desired to wait on mr. Mather to Inform him hereof. [303.] Voted, Tliat mr. Hancock and mr. Cooke be Desired to give Necessary directions and orders to mrs. Wardell to provide a Dinner for Thirty-five Gentlemen, on Wednesday next. Upon the Complaints of mr. Savell and others against Andrew- Coffin , One of the Watchmen of the Town, for his Unfaithfulness and negligence in that office &c. the said Coffin having made his appearance before the Select men according to Order, but not giving them Satisfaction. Voted, That the said Andrew Coffin he and hereby is dismiss'd and Discharged from any further Service as a Watchman. Voted, That Abia Holbrook be admitted a Watchman in the room of Andrew Coffin — and that mr. Savell take care that a Suitable Person Supply m^ Holbrooks place, until One shall be approved of and Admitted by the Select men. Mr. Underwood appeared and Informs that the P^ngine under his Care was bro't to Work first at the Fire which broke out last Week at the House of mrs. Rawlings — and [304.] mr. Earl Informs that the Engine under his Care was fii st bro'l to Work on the Fire which broke out the same Day at the House of mr. Jacob Holyoke. and they desire that the Premium Granted by the Town at their Meeting the 10*^\ of March last, may be drawn for accordingly. Voted, That the Drafts be accordingly made on the Town Treasury the next Draft Day. Mr. Haislup appeared and Desires the Select men, would please to Appoint a Person to inform of the bieach of the By-Law, re- specting the seasonable Sweeping of Chimnies. Mrs. Dyre appear' d and Prays the Select men would please to Appoint a time to run the line between the Town and her Land at Bull's Wharf so Called. Voted, to Attend that Service next Frj^day at Ten o'Clock in the forenoon. [305.] At a Meeting of the Select men, May. 14, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mary Glasire and her Child, from Newport Rhode Island, are Admitted Inhabitants, mr. John Breck, having given Bond to In- demnify the Town from all Charges on their account as the Law directs. Mr. Nathanael Gardner is hereby Appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cord Wood within the Towm of Boston ; and has been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said Office, as the 238 City Document No. 87. Law directs ; And he is to be Allowed, Four pence p. Cord for so much Wood as he shall View and Seal, the same to be paid by the Byer. The said Gardner's Precinct to be the Long Wharf mi\ G-eorge Tilley's and mr. Israel [306.] Hearsey's Wharves. And he is Carefully to see to it, that the Laws in that Case made and pro- vided, be duly Observed and kept. Mrs. Mary Glasire has Liberty Granted her to Open a Shop in this Town. Mr. Josiah Baker, Master of the Small North Engine informs that the Horse of said Engine is rotten and unfit for Use, Praying for a new one. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth be desired to View the same, and if it be Needful to have a New One, that he give directions and orders therefor, that the same be done in the best manner, as soon as may be. Mr. William Maccarty being about to take down an Old Wooden house in half Square Court (formerly the Estate of the Hon. Isaac Addington Esq'".) Prays for Liberty to set his new House which he intends to Build there, further into the Street, in Order to make it more uniform with [307.] his other Brick house, and proposes that he will in Exchange therefor, give in some part of his Land where a Barber's Shop now Stands, into the said High Way, both which lines to run according to a Draft or Plan Exhib- ited to the Select men. And having taken the affair into Consideration and also Dis- coursed with mr. Thomas Gushing Jun*". Attorney to mr. Thompson of London whose Land is on the other Side of the Street Who Opposes the Motion, as it will be a great Damage to mr. Thompson's Estate — The Select men are of opinion. That what Land is offered by mr. Maccarty by way of Exchange is in no wise equal to what he desires to have given to him ; And fur- ther that the Street will be much Straitned thereb}'. And there- fore. Voted, That mr. Maccarty's Petition, as above -mentioned, be mot Granted. Upon Complaint that mr. Alexander Hunt has Stop'd the High Way leading from Fort hill to his Ship Yard. Voted, That mr. Clarke and mr. Hancock be [308.] a Com- mittee to See that the said High be laid open again, and that they Report thereon, next Wednesday. At a Meeting of the Select men. May 21, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Flancock mr. Cooke Mr. Samuel Butler, Desires Liberty to admit a Taylor, as an Under tenant to him, in the Chamber of tlie Tenement which he Leases of the Town, Viz*. Number Two in Dock Square. Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 239 Voted, That the Select men will Consider this Motion when mr. Butler informs them of the Person to be so Admitted. The Select men having Signed the Return on the Sheriffs Pre- cept for Choice of Representatives — Deliver'd the same to mr. Constable [309.] Hastings, in Order to his Notifying the Gentle- men Elected, and to Summon them to Attend that Service, and to return the Precept to the Town Clerk, by him to be delivered to the Sheriff. The Petition of Thomas OBryan, to be Admitted a Ticket Por- ter—Read, together with a Recommendation from Several Mer- chants — the said Bryan being also present. Voted, That the said Thomas OBryan be and hereby is approved, and admitted one of the Ticket Porters within the Town of Bos- ton Upon Condition that he give Bond with Sufficient Surety as the Law directs. And that he have the Ticket Number 8. Whereas frequent Complaints have been made against Rowland Power (a Ticket Porter N'*. 8) as being Disorderly and given to Drink. And Whereas he has been Once and Again Admonished there- of, but no Reformation appearing — Therefore, Voted, That the said Rowland Power be and hereby is dismiss'd from that Employment [310.] and that mr. Savell be directed to receive his Ticket and lodge the same with the Town Clerk — and that his Bond be delivered up, if desired. Mr. Josias Byles Jun^ is hereby appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cord Wood within the Town of Boston, And having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said office as the Law di- rects. He is to be Allowed Four pence p. Cord for so much Wood, as he shall View and Seal, to be paid by the Buyer, — The said Bj^es's Precinct to be Wentworths Wharf and the Town Dock. And he is Carefully to see to it, that the Laws ki that Case made and provided, be duly Observed and kept. Mr. Nathanael Barber is hereby appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cord wood within the Town of Boston, And has been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said Office as the Law directs — And he is to be allowed Four pence p. Cord for so much Wood [311.] As he shall View and Seal, — and the same to be paid by the Buyer — The said Barbers Precinct to be mr. Hutch- insons, mr. Halsey's and mr. Colman's Wharves. And he is Care- fully to See to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided, be duly Observed and kept. At a Meeting of the Select men, may 26, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock mr. Cooke. 240 City DoctnviENT No. 87. Florentia the Wife of Odrian Dupee, Dorothy Butler and Agnes Fettes. lately Imported into this Town from New York by Albertus Bosch in the Sloop Wheel of Fortune — Are admitted Inhabitants, m"". Benjamin Bagnall having given Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Three Hundred Founds to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs [312.] Whereas Several Gentlemen, who are Original Grantees or Froprietors of Land and Flatts near the Fortification on Boston Neck, upon the Desire of the Select men, did give them a Meeting some time since, At which time it was Represented them, that it was Expected of them, to fulfill the. Conditions of the Original Grant of the Town, by keeping out the Sea &c. Whereupon the Gentlemen promised they would speedily en- deavour a Meeting of the said Proprietors, in Order to come into some measures to prevent the Damage Complain'd of — Since which nothing has been done there in — Wherefore. Voted, That mr. Clarke and mr. Hancock be a Committee to wait upon the said Proprietors, or some of them, and in the Name of the Select men to move them — that something effectually may be done therein, as soon as may be — And that they Report there- on, at the next Meeting. According to Order, as Entred the 2VK Instant, mr. [313.] Savell having received of Rowland Power his Ticket N''. 8. and lodg'd the same with the Town Clerk — Ordered that the Bond given by him and the Hon. William Clark Esq'*, be delivered up to mr. Claik who became Surety for him. Mr. Joseph Claike is hereby Appointed a Viewer or Sealer of Cord wood within the Town of Boston and having been duh' Sworn to the faithful Discharge of his Office as the Law directs, He is to be allowed Four pence p. Cord for so much Wood as he shall View and Seal, to be paid by the Buj'cr. The said Cl-irke's Precinct to be Clarkes Wharf and Scarlets Wharf, at the Northerly end of the Town. And he is carefully to See to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided be duly observed and kept. Mr. Jonathan Chandler is hereby Appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cord wood, within the Town of Boston, nnd having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said office, he is to be Allowed Four pence p Cord for so much Wood as he shall View and Seal, to be paid by the Buyer [314.] The said Chandler's Precinct to be the Wharves of Major John Hill, mr. Thomas Hill and mr. William Wheeler Jun^ at the Southerly end of the Town. And he is Carefully to See to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided, be duly observed and kept. Mr. Solomon Townsend is hereby Appointed a Viewer nnd Sealer of Cordwood, within the Town of Boston, And having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said Office, he is to be allowed Four pence p. Cord for so much Wood as he shall View and Seal, to be paid by the Buyer. The said Townsend's Precinct to be the Wharves of mess". Lee, Waldo, Byles and Blanchard, at the Westerly part of the Town. Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 241 And he is Carefully to See to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided, be duly observed and kept. Mr. John Nichols is hereby appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cordwood, within the [315.] Town of Boston, and having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of his Office, he is to be allowed Four pence p. Cord, for so much Wood as he shall View and Seal, to be Paid by the Buyer. The said Nichol's Precinct to be from Verins Wharf at the North end of the Town and so round to the North Mills, inclusive. And also the Wharves not as yet assigned to any Sealer from Colmans Wharf to Wentworths Wharf exclusive. And he is Carefully to See to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided, be duly Observed and kept. Mr. Hopestill Foster, Ilousewright, is hereby appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cordwood within the Town of Boston, And having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said Office, he is to be Allowed Four pence p Cord, for so much Wood, as he shall View and Seal, to be paid by the Buyer. The said Foster's Precinct to be the Wharves Southward from Major John Hill's Wharf to the Fortification on Boston neck. And he is Carefully to See to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided be duly observed and kept. [316.] At a Meeting of the Select men, June 2, 1740. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Doctor Douglass and Dr. Clarke Informs that One Elizabeth Quonyear, at the Sign of the Hawk in Summer Street near mr. Checkley's Meeting house is Sick of the Small Pox, according to the best of their Judgment — And further gave it as their Opin- ion, that if the Select men inclin'd to remove her to the West part of the Town, it might be done with Safety, provided it be done immediately'. Wherefore, Voted, That it is Necessary for preservation of the Town from the paid Infection, that the said Quonyear be removed to the Ho*fse of mr. Benjamin Clough, at the Westerly part of the Town, formerly used as an [317.] Hospital on like Occasions. And that Capt. Forsyth, mr. Clarke, mr. Hancock and mr. Cooke be and hereby are desired, to take Order for her Safe re- moval thither, with all Convenient Speed. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 4, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq*". 242 City Document No. 87. mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Upon Complaint that the Negroes, Indians &c. take Liberty to Walk the Streets, after Nine O'Clock at Night, and often behave in a rude and disorderly manner. — Contrary to the Laws of this Province in that Case made and provided. The Heads of the several Watches were sent for and appeared accordingly — And were directed and Ordered to take Care that their Several Companys should Attend, and [318.] the Watch be Set at Nine o'Clock in the Evening until further Order, and that they exert themselves to restrain the Disorders among the Negroes &c. Complain'd of, following the Steps of the Law therein. Mr. Stephen Greenleaf, Blacksmith, is admitted One of the Company belonging to the Fire Engine under the Care of mr. Henry Howell, m Summer Street, in the room of mr. John Taylor, who has the Charge of the Work house. Capt. Josiah Sheldon, latel}' come from Suffield with his Family Appeared before the Select men, and made known his Desire to Dwell in this Town, and be admitted to the Priviledges of other Inhabitants. Voted That Capt. Sheldon be and hereby is Admitted accord- ingly with his Family upon giving Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs, and mr. Ebenezer Hinsdell of Deerfield, and mr. Benja. Sheldon of Northampton are [319o] Accepted as Bonds men. Mess". Clarke & Hancock being Appointed a Committee to wait upon the Proprietors of the Land and Flatts near the Fortification, as Entred the 26*. may Inst — Reported as follows. That they had attended that Service — and that the Gentlemen have Promised, that the High way, Shall be Secured from Damage by the Tides, according to their Obligation by the Original Grant of the Town, as soon as was possible. Michael Turpin, A Tenant of mr. Benjamin Cloughin the House lately taken up for an Hospital — Appeared and Informs that upon the Desire of Several of the Select men, and for the Accomoda- tion of the Town in the present necessity, he had removed from his Family, and had taken Separate Lodgings, for which he had agreed to Pay Thirty Shillings p. Week. [320.] At a Meeting of the Select men, June 11, 1740. Present — The Hon. John Jeffries, Esq*". Caleb Lyman Esq^ mr. Clarke mr. Cooke John Theobald being Ordered to be present, appeared accord- ingly, and Informs that he carne into this Town from some time in February last, with his Wife and One Child, and his Wive's Mother, he was ordered to procure Bondsmen to Indemnify tlie Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 243 Town as the Law directs, in the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, & to appear with them next Wednesday. Upon Information that the Platform at the Town Dock is in danger of falling if something be not Speedilj' done to prevent it, and the Shops now Standing thereon. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke and mr. Hancock be a Committee to View the same, and to [321.] Order the doing what they may think proper to be done, for the Security of the said Platform and Shops. Upon a Motion made and Seconded Voted, That the Visitation of the Piiblick Schools within the Town, Pursuant to the Vote, and Order of the Inhabitants, at their Annual meeting the 10*''. of March last, be Attended on Monda}' the Twenty third of June Current — and that the follow- ing Gentle men be desired to accompany the Select men in the S^. Visitation, Viz'. The Hon. Adam Winthrop Esq"". The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq"". The Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq''. The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'". The Rev. mr. John Webb The Rev. mr. Joshua Gee The Rev. mr. Mather Byles The Rev. mr. Jeremy Condy The Rev. mr. Ellis Grey mr. Thomas Cushing Jun*". mr. Edward Bromfield mr. James Allen [332.] Ordered That mr. Savell give Seasonable Notice to the Reverend Ministers of his appointment, and that they be desired to meet at the Council Chamber on said Day, at Ten o'clock in the fore noon. Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq""., and mr. Cooke be desired to give directions to mrs. Wardell to provide a Dinner for Twenty Gentlemen on that Day. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 18, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman P^sq'". mr. Clarke mr. Hutchinson mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Upon the Motion of mr. Samuel Butler, as Entred the 2P*. of May last, mr. Jeffries Esq''. & mr. Cooke having View'd the Tene- ment in the occupation of the said Butler, & Consider'd his Motion, They Report it as their opinion [323.] That it is adviseable to Grant Liberty to the said mr. Butler, at his own Charge, to make an Entry and Door, thro' his Shop to go to his Chamber for the accomodation of an Under Tenant. — Upon Condition, that at the end and expiration of his Lease, he leave the Partition and Door 244 City Document No. 87. &c. which he shall make as aforesaid stancliDg — Or else take them away, and put the Shop &c. in the same State and Condition as it is now in, as shall be judg'd most Convenient by the Select men, for the time being. And that upon these Conditions he may admit an Under Tenant, provided he be first Approved by the Select men. Voted, That this Report be Accepted. Abraham Tuckerman is Admitted a Watch man, in the room of John Stringer, w^ho was lately dismissed from that Service. Upon Information that the Doctors, are of Opinion, Tliat it may be probable that mrs. took the Small Pox from a Bed in the House of mrs. Bryant, which was [324.] In use at the Hospital last Winter, when that Distemper was there. Voted, That it is for the Safety of the Town that the said Bed and Quilt be removed from said Bryants to the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town, and that another Bed be sent to her in lieu thereof — And that mr. Hancock be desired to take care the same be affected forth with. John Wood'by a free Negro man, appear'd and Complains, that on the 10 Instant, he was taken up in the Street by John Rice One of the Watchmen as he was going from his Day labour in the Evening to his Lodging, was Bound and Imprisoned, and Obliged to pay Thirteen Shillings before he could gain his Liberty, and all without any legal process — Which he humbly Apprehends is against Law and Justice, and Prays the Select men would advise him how to act in the affair. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to Notify and Warn John Rice, to attend on the Select men, [325.] next Wednesday, in the afternoon, to make answer to the Complaints exhibited against him as above. John Thebault Weaver from Dedham, with his Wife and Daughter, and his Mother in Law Ann Le Moyne are admitted Inhabitants, Samuel Foster and William Wardell having given Bond with the said Thebault to the Town Treasurer to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs. Paul Bryan is hereby Approved & Admitted One of the Ticket Porters within the Town of Boston, mr. Richard Gridley and mr. John Clarke, having given Bond according to Law. Ordered That the Ticket Number 18, be delivered him. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 20, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Cooke [326.] Mr. Savell Informs that Mrs. wife of a Tenant of mr. Benj*. Clough in the House now Used for an Hospital, is Dead, and that it is humbly desired the Select men would assist in giving her decent Burial. — being very poor. Voted, That mr. Savell be Im[)owered and directed to take Care of her Burial, And that he give an Acco*. of the Charge of digging Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 245 a Grave, and of the Porteis in Carrying the Corps — That the same may be paid out of the Town Treasury'. At a Meeting of the Select men, June 25, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ mr. Clarke mr. Cooke Mr. Joseph Birch is hereby appointed a Viewer and Sealer of Cord Wood within the Town of Boston, and having been [337. ) duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said office, He is to be AUow'd Four pence p. Cord, for so much Wood as he shall View and Seal, to be paid by the Buyer. The said Birch's Precinct to be the Bull Wharf so Called at the lower end of Summer Street, and mess". Grays & Parkers Wharves, at the Southerly end of the Town. And he is Carefully to See to it, that the Laws in that Case made and provided, be duly Observed and kept. Benjamin Llatch and Mary his Wife, and their Daughter Ruth Hatch, lately from Harwich are admitted Inhabitants, mess". Samuel Sturgis and Enoch Freeman having given Bond to the Town Treasurer together with the said Hatch to Indemnify the Town, as the Law directs, in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds. John Rice One of the Watchmen appear'd upon the Comj)laint exhibited against him by John Woodby a free Negro Man, as Entred the 18 June Current, and gave the Select men an acco*. of his proceedings in that Affair [338.] But Woodby not appearing according to Order, the said Rice was dismiss'd, with a Caution to Act prudently in all such matters for the future. Major John Hill Appear'd, and made a Proposal praying the Select men to take the same into Consideration — Which is as follows Viz'. That if the Select men think fit. He will hire the Salt Marsh belonging to the Town, on Boston Neck (which for Several years past has been let to mr. David Collson) for the term of Five years, at the Rent of Fifteen Pounds p. annum and that he will Drain the said Marsh Ground, which he apprehends will be of great advantage to the Town hereafter. On Monday last the Twenty third Currant The Select men Visited the Publick Schools in the Town, Pursuant to the Vote of the Inhabitants at their annual meeting, in March last, being accompanied by [339.] The following Gentlemen Viz'. The Hon. Adam Winthrop Esq^ The Hon. Edw^. Hutchinson Esq^ The Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq"". . The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ The Rev. Doctor Sewall The Rev. mr. Welsteed The Rev. mr. Byles The Rev. mr. Condy mr. Thomas Cushing mr. Edward Brom field and mr. James Allen 246 City Document No. 87. And found the said School unc ber of Scholars in each School w In the South Grammar School In the North Grammar School In the middle Writing School In the South Writing School In the North Writing School a good Regulation ; the Num- found as follows Viz*. in School Street — - 85 in Bennet Street — 60 in Queen Street — 83 in Common Sf* — - 58 in Love Lane — - 270 551 At a Meeting of the Selectmen, June 30, 1740. . Caleb Lyman Esq''. Thomas Hutchinson Esq*", mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke [330.] On Fryday last the 27*^. of June Current, The Select men met at Bulls Wharf, the lower end of Summer Street, upon the Desire of mrs. Dyre and run the line between the Town and Said Dyre, and Staked out the High Way, taking the Meas- ure from the Well on the North Side of the said High Way, which is agreeable to the Record thereof made in the Year, 1G83. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 2, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq'", mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. Joseph Savell Informs that the Steps of the Cellar under the Town house in his Improvement are out Repair. Whereupon, mr. Cooke is Desired to get them Repaired. Ebenezer Winborn who has Attended [331,] at the Hospital in the West part of the Town — during the Sickness of Eliz*. Conyer, of the Small Pox, informs that mrs. Swane, said Conycr's Mother, Desires to be released from her Confinement there — Whereupon, Ordered, that mrs. Swane be accordingly dismiss'd, taking Care to be well Cleansed, & go forth with fresh Cloaths, and that She keep with her Sister Neal in Long Lane until further Orders. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 4, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke The Petition of a Considerable Number of the Inhabitants of this Town, presented to the Selectmen, Setting forth the Generous offer made by Peter Faneuil Esq"", of Erecting a Market house at his own Cost and Charge, if the Town [332.] Shall give leave Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 247 therefor — And Desiring that a Meeting of the Inhabitants may be Speedily Warned, in order to Consider of and determine upon that matter — Read and Accordingly Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a "Warrant directed to the Constables of the Town of Boston, In His Majesty's Name Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the said Town, duly Qualified as the Law directs to Convene at the Town House, on Monday the fourteenth of July Current, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, then and there to Consider the Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants, that the Town would give leave for the Erecting a Market house on Dock Square, for the Town's Use and Service, at the Cost and Charge of Peter Faneuil Esq"", (who, as is repre- sented in said Petition, has generously Offered to Erect the same) And that the By Law Establishing a market, so far as it respects Buying [333.] Provissions out of the Market, may be repealed, that so, all Persons may be at Liberty at all times to Buy in any part of the Town ; And also to do what may be thought proper to be done thereon. &c. &c. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 11, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries 'Ksq^. mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. Clarke and mr. Cooke having been at the Hospital at the West part of the Town this Day — finding that Elizabeth Conyer w^ho has lately had the Small Pox there, is well recovered — Report as follows. That they think it Adviseable that Ebenezer Winborn and Phillip Conyer who have attended at the Hospital be dismiss'd from further Service there — and that the said Elizabeth Conyer Continue there, under the Care of Betty Woodby, who lives in the House, until further Order, the [334.] Said Woodby having offered to Board her for Thirty Shillings p. Week. Voted that this Report be accepted. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 16, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke Thomas Hutchinson Esq', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Hugh Hall Esq'. Desires Liberty to Rebuild a Tomb in the South Burying place, and to bring in his Bricks &c. by the Alms- house, Whereupon, The Question was put, And it pass'd in the Affirmative — Provided he takes Care for putting up the Fence again in good Order. 248 City Document No. 87. [335.] At a Meeting of the Select men, July, 23. 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq*". Caleb Lyman Esq"^. mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. Speakman and others, Bakers, Appeared, Informing that the Price of Wheat is risen, & therefore pray the assize of Bread may be Alter'd accordingly. Upon Consideration of the Petition of Richard Bill Esq'. Hugh Hall Esq^, and Sundry others, Inhabitants of the West part of the Town of Boston, presented to the Town at their annual Meeting in March last, for placing a Fire Engine in that part of tlie Town, — and the Vote of the Town thereon. Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq'., Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Hancock and mr. Cooke be a Committee to View an Engine that is offered to Sale in the hands of mr. Jonas Clarke [336.] Enquire into the Circumstances thereof, and the price of it, or of any other and Report thereon. Mr. Savell Informs he has Warned Mary Baker to Depart the To7/u, the said Mary coming lately into this Town by Land from Long Island. At a Meeting of the Select men, July 28. 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke Thomas Hutchinson Esq', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Elisha West Appeard and Informs that Jane Gibbs Single Woman is come lately from Sandwich, and Resides at his House. Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be Stated at Thirteen Shil- lings p. Bushel [337.] for Wheat and Three Shillings & Six pence allow'd for Charges ; Computed as follows, Viz*, of oz Penny White Loaf 2. 13. Wheaten 4. 3. Household 5. 9. Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1^^ 9. 4. At a Meeting of the Select men, July, 30, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke Thomas Hutchinson Esq^ mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Upon Application made by mr. William Maccarty Praying the Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 249 Select men to Reconsider their Vote, pass'cl the 14*'^. of Maj'last — Den3'ing him the Liberty of Setting his new Building further on the Street than the Old house stood in half Square Court, which he has lately taken down, for Rensons mentioned — The Select men [338.] went again upon the Spot, & Vicw'd the same, and have agreed with the said Maccarty as follows. Viz*. That in Considera- tion of his going Back, Two feet and Eight Inches at the Corner of his Brick Shop or Office, and leaving the same for an High Way, he should have Liberty to Stretch a line from the South West Coiner of his House tronting on King Street, where mr. Henry Lnughton now Dwells, to the North East Corner of his Brick house fronting on said half Square Court, where the said Maccarty now Dwells, and that the said Line shall be the bounds of said new Building upon the Street or High Way Mr. James Stevens Mariner, from Glocester with his Wife Elizabeth, and Two Servants Namely John Ware and William Nason, are admitted Inhabitants, the S^. Stevens together with Joseph Hiller and Btmjamin Bickner having given Bond to the Town Treasurer, in the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds to In- demnify the Town, as the Law directs. [339.] INIr. Clarke is Desired to See the Bridge at Olivers Dock Repaired as soon as may be. Mr. William Scolt desires leave to Set up a Shop of Eight feet Square, on the Platform at the Town Dock — which being (.'on- sider'd, It's thought inconvenient to Let out any p:irt of said Plat- form at present. Mr. Savell is Ordered to Notify John M*'. Guire One of the Ticket Porters to Attend next Wednesday, to make Answer to a Complaint ma le against him for Abusing mr. Wendell &c. Whereas John Fling and Peter Curtice Two of the Ticket Porters having Inlisted themselves as Volun tiers, and James Fair Service, another of them following other Business. Mr. Savell is Order'd to demand and receive their Tickets, and return them to the Clerks Office. [340.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 6, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke mr. Cooke Mr. Richard Smith Wheelwright from Roxburv with his Wife Sarah, and four. Children, namely Luke, Edward, Lucretia, and Mary Smith, are admitted Inhabitants ; The said Smith, together with mess". Joseph Marion and Henry Laughton having given Bond, to the Town Treasurer in the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds, to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. Mr. Winborn Informs that William Rillow One of the Watch men, in the South Watch house, has left that Service, and Desires some proper Person may be put in his room — Ordered That mr. Savell be and hereb}^ is directed to remove Abia Holbrook from the Dock Watch, and put him into the 250 City Document No. 87. [34:1.] South Watch in the room of said Rillow — and that he place some proper Person in the Dock Watcli to Supply said Hol- brooks place, till further Order. Betty Woodby the Negro Nurse at the Hospital at the West part of the Town, Informs that Eliz^. Quonyear who lately had the Small Pox there has been well for Five Weeks past, and being thoroughly Cleansed and Aired Desires Liberty now to return home. Voted, That the said Eliz*. Quonyear have Liberty to go home accordingly. She leaving behind her the Cloaths she had on when she was Sick. Mr James Nicols who hired the Towns Shop in Queen Street desires to quit it, his Quarter ending the first Instant, to which Day he had paid the Treasurer his Rent in full. And mr. Daniel Tuckerman Taylor being present Desires to hire the same. Where upon Voted, That the Shop belonging to the Town, in Queen Street late in the Occupation [342.] of James Niccols Barber, be and hereby is Let to Daniel Tuckerman Taylor, for the Space of One Year Commencing from the first of August Current, He Paying to the Town Treasurer Fourteen Pounds p. annum, at four Quarterly Payments clear of all Charges. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 13. 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Cnpt. Forsyth Caleb Lj^man Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Cooke Mr. Savell is Ordered forthwith to take Care that Capt. Benj*. Kent give Bond to Indemnify the Town from any Charges that may arise on Acco*. of One mrs. Ann Brown, whom he Imported lately from Jamaica. Complaint being made of a Breach in the Pavement in King Street before the [343.] Bunch of Grapes — mr. Savell is directed to take Care the same be repaired, at the Charge of the Proprietors. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 20. 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq*", mr. Clarke Thomas Hutchinson Esq', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. William Waters the keeper of the Province Hospital on Rainsfords Island, Appeared and Informs that the time of his liv- ing on said Island according to his Agreement with the Select men expired the 2P'. June last ; And Desires to know the Mind of the Select men relating to his Continuance there longer — at the same time upon Discourse had with him — He the said Waters Declared Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 251 that he would not Continue on said Island, unless he had the same Allowance which was formerly agreed upon, Viz'. Fifty Pounds p. annum [344.] With the Improvement of the Island. Mr. Samuel Holyoke vSchool master in Queen Street Informs that the Town House wherein he lives and keeps his School, is leaky and wants repair. Voted, That mr. Clarke and mr. Hancock be a Committee to View the same, & to Cause the Necessary Repairs to be made ac-cordingly. Mr. Cooke made a Motion that the free Negroes and Indians might be Warned to Work on the High Ways according to Law, Wherefore, Ordered, That mr. Savell Notify and Warn the said Free Negroes and Indians to attend at Boston Neck accordingly next Tuesday being the 2G*^. of Aug. Current At a meeting of the Honourable His Majesties Justices of the Peace, and the Select men of the Town of Boston, Aug. 19, 1740. Present The Hon. Joseph Wads worth Esq'. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq". [345.] The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ Hugh Hall Esq--. John Fayerweather Esq^ Jacob Royall Esq''. Caleb Lyman Esq''. Daniel Henchman Esq'". Thomas Hubbard Esq". mr. Thomas Hancock A Ward on Boston Neck, upon the Lords Days, was then Ordered and Appointed, from and after the Date hereof, until the nineteenth Day of October next ensuing, inclusive — As has been Customary heretofore — and a W^arrant was Issued accordingly directed to the Constables of the Town of Boston. At a Meeting of the Select men, Aug. 25, 1740. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'^. mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke [346 . ] Mr. Joseph Uran , Appeared & Informs that the Engine whereof he is Master, (call'd the Dock Engine) was first at Work on the Fire which broke out near the Mill Bridge — And Prays the Premium or Bounty allow'd by the Town may be accordingly drawn for on the Town Treasury. Voted, That a Draft be made upon the Treasury payable to the Baid Joseph Uran, for himself and his Company, for the Sum of Five Pounds. Ordered, That the Assize of Bread be Stated at the Rate of Fifteen Shillings p. Bushel, for Wheat, and Three Shillings and 252 City Document No. 87. Six pence is allow'd for Charges. The Computation is as follows, Viz oz- dr. Of Penny White Loaf 2. 7. Wheaten 3. 11. Household 4. 15 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1\ 6. 4 Mr. Middleeot Cooke is Chosen Moderator for the month ensu- ins:. [347,] At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 2, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke Thomas Hu'chinson Esq^ mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. Joshua Blanchard presenting a Plan, from Peter Faneuil Esq^, of a House for a market, to be built on Dock Square, (Agreeable to his Proposal to the Town at their Meeting on Monday the 14"\ of July last, and their Votes thereon) Desiring the Select men w^ould lay out the Ground in Order to begin the Foundation ; The Select men accordingly met, went on the place in Order to View the same, Mark'd and Stak'd out a Peice of Ground for that use, measuring iu length from the lower or East- erly end fronting the Ware houses in Merchants Row, One Hundred feet, and in Breadth Forty feet, which leaves a Passage AVay of Thirty feet Wide [348.] Between the Town's Shops and the Market House to be built. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 10, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke A Petition was brought by mess". Jacob Parker, William Fair- field & David Cutler, Signed by One Hundred and Ninety two, of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, Prnying that a meeting of en id Town may be duly Called to Consider Whether they will ad- here to their former Vote (on the 14*''. of July last) for the Erecting of a market house on the Conditions then proposed. The Select men having Several times [34:9,] Discoursed with nir. Benj*. Clongh about Hiring his House at the Westerly part of the Town, which has often been made Use of for an Hospital — It is now agreed to Hire the s'^. House and Land Shop and Appurte- nances thereto belonging, at the Rate of Twenty five Pounds, p. annum, beginning from the Eighth Day of August 1740 Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 253 Upon a Motion made, Voted, That no more Petitions for Granting Licences be Con- sidered by the Select men for this Year. Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq"", with mr. Jonas Clarke wait on the Gentlemen the Proprietors of the Land and Flattson each Side the High Way, leading to Roxbury withiu the Fortification, and Inform them, that unless they immediately repair the same accord- ing to the Original Agreement with the Town, the Select men will bo Obliged to prosecute the Affair in the Law. [350.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 24, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lvman Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. Sutton Byles Informs that m''. Warner, the Distiller, by Building a House at the South end, of the Town, has obstructed a Water Course, which Occasions a great annoyance to the High Way, Where upon, mr. Clarke and mr. Cooke were desired to View the same, & to Report thereon. At a Meeting of the Select men, Sept. 29, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke Thomas Hutchinson Esq', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke [351.] Upon Considering the Petition brought by Jacob Parker and others, Signed by Joseph Grant and One Hundred and Ninety One Inhabitants desiring a Town meeting may be Called, to Consider Whether they will Adhere to their former Vote on the fourteenth of July last for the Erecting a Market house on Dock Square — The Question was put. Whether the Sc^lect men will now Order a Warrant for a Special meeting in answer to said Petition ? And it pass'd in the Negative. Mr. Chambers Informing that John Russell One of the Watch men is Uncapable of the Offlce, by reason of some Infirmity — and Clement Parchard appearing, and being Recommended by Baid Chambers as a proper Person to be admitted in his room — He was admitted accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 8, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke 254 City Document No. 87. [352.1 ^^r- Cooke informing, that Sundry Inhabitants of this Town desire Liberty ma}^ be Granted for Planting Trees on Boston Neck on both Sides of the High Way, at the Cost and Charge of the said Inhabitants and others who may be inclined to Encourage the same by further Subscription^ to be under the Direction of the Select men. Voted, That Liberty be Granted accordingly. Upon a Motion made by mr. Drowne for Setting a Post before his Shop Door in Cornhill, The Committee, Viz*. John Jeffries Esq'', and mr. Cooke, having View'd the place, Keport, that; it will much Straiten the Street, and therefore Inconvenient to Grant his Request. Where upon the Ques,*tion was put, And it pass'd in the Negative. Mr. Timothy Thornton informs that the Paving of Love Street, and Prince Street, is finished, And therefore Prays the Select men, [353.] would please to See the same measured, in Order to know the Towns part thereof, — Voted, That the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", mr. Clarke and mr. Hancock be a Committee to See the Measure thereof on Fryday next at 10 o'Clock, a. m. and to Report thei e on Mr. Savell is ordered to go to the Masters of the Fire Engines, and direct them to give in to the Town Clerk, perfect Lists of their respective Companj^s, that so a list of all Persons in that Service may be produced upon all Occasions, that they may be Excused from Serving as Jury men. Boston, October, 13, 1740. Whereas the Petitions of Sundry Persons for Licence to Sell Strong Drink, either as Innholders or Retailers have been presented to the Select men, and at Several meetings Considered by them. — A List of the names of the Petitioners, and the Street where each Person dwells, with the actings of the [354.] Select men upon them respectively, is here Recorded as follows, Viz*. Innholders, approved & Recommended, Viz*. Joseph Bill Clarks Wharf Increase Blake Merchants Row Jonathan Dwight ' Newbury Street Abigail Jarvis Lynn Street Samuel May Fish Street Richard Smith King Street Josiah Sheldon Newbury Street James Stevens Fish Street (Dolphin) Retailers, Approved & Recommended, Viz*. John Bell Ann Street Edward Burt Lynn Street Susanna Dechezeau Shrimptons Lane Susanna Deschares . Wood Lane Elizabeth Fisher Cow Lane Joseph Gilbert Hanover Street Mary Hayes Ship Street Thomas Inches Marlborough Street Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 255 [355.] Dorothy Kicldcr Rn'lph Mayar Mary Nazro Haunah Orange Katharine Peartree Nathaniel Pearse William Rillow John Ridgaway John Simpson Mary Souther Mary Winter Dorothy Wharton William AVinter Retailers, Disallowed. Viz*. Peter Boylston John Holt Richard Kent Robert Kenton Thomas Lawlor Phillip Marlow John Nicols John Nicholson [356.] Elizabeth Pothecary Tamson Rogers Moses 8 h alley William Smalledge Wigglesworth Sweetzer Alice Weaver Elihu WardeU John West Retailer of Beer, Cyder &c., Viz*. Phillip Marrett Lynn Street Lynn Street Fish Street Fish Street Middle Street Fish Street Summer Street Shrimptons Lane Middle Street Winter Street Marlborough Street Orange Street Orange Street Orange Street Bartons Rope Walk Middle Street Queen Street Ship Street Hawkins Street Cambridge Street Orange Street Newbury Street Peirces alley Battery March Battery March King Street Shrimptons Lane Middle Street Middle Street Approved and Recommended, Hanover Street At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 15, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jefferies Esq'. Capt. Forsyth mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Arthur Noble and his Wife and their Two Children, From George Town, are admitted Inhabitants, upon Condition that [357.] He with John Noble give Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds to Lidemnify the Town from any Charge on their Account, according to Law. Mr. John Morey, Appearing, Prays a Consideration of Twelve Pounds, may be allowed him, for his Serving the Executions and delivering Possession of the Shops &c. on Dock Square to the Town. Voted, That the Consideration thereof, be ref er'd to Wednesday next. 256 City Document No. 87. Voted, That mr. Treasurer "Wads worth be desired to render a List of all the Houses Lands &c. with an Account of all the Rents belonging to the Town. Upon the Petition of mr. Cornelius Linch, Praying that Liberty may be Granted him to Open a School in this 'lown, for the teaching of Reading, Writing, Aritlimetick Navigation &c. Voted, that this Petition be refer'd for furtlier Consideration. [358.] Mr. Savell is Ordered to direct Mrs. CoUings to Attend the Select men next Wednesday, in Order to give Infor- mation concerning a Blind Man She has taken into her House as a Lodger. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 20. 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'', mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Upon Reading a Letter from Capt. John Aves, Master of Ship Olive Branch to Tho'. Hubbard Esq^ acquainting him of his arrival from New Castle in about Nine Weeks, and that they have had the Small Pox on board in the Passage, One man Died, another recovered who has been Well Six Weeks, And that there is no Person on board now to have it — And further that he has Cleansed the Ship &c. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth, mr. Hancock & mr. [350.] Cooke be a Committee, to Visit the said Ship, this afternoon Examine into the Circumstances thereof, and Report thereon as soon as may be. At a Meeting of the Select men, October 22, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. Bowdoin presented a Letter from James Fluker, Master of the Ship from New Castle, Informing that he left New Castle the 2G"\ of July last, and that the Day after, his Mate was taken Sick with the Small Pox and Died in Nine Days, And that he has Pour men on board, that has not had it, that he threw over board all the Bedding &c. belonging to his mate, and that they have all Continued well ever Since, and Prays that some Order may be given for his coming up with liis Vessell. . [360.] Voted, That mr. Clarke and mr. Cooke be desired to go on board at the Charge of the Owners and Enquire into the Circumstances of the Vessell and Company and Report thereon as Boon as may be, that further Orders may be given. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 24, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 257 Capt. Forsyth mr. Clarke mr. Cooke The Committee appointed the 22^. Instnnt, to Visit Capt. Flukers Ship, Report that they Ijave Attended lhat Service and Exarain'd Capt. Fhiker upon Oath, & find tiiat on the 4*'''. of August last, he Buried his Mate of the Small Pox, and with him all his Bedding, And had throughly Cleansed the Ship by Smoak- ing &c. And that since lhat time, and now, all are well on board. Voted, That the Select men don't apprehend [361.] Any Danger will Accrue to the Inhabitants of the Town by the Ship's coming up & that a Certificate be given accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Oct. 27, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Clarke mr Hancock mr. Cooke Voted, That Eight Pounds be allowed and Paid out of the Town Treasury, towards Thomas Kerby's Passage to Jersey, as Entred 3^. of Sept. last, in Case he goes. At a meeting of the Select men, Oct. 29, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Caleb Lyman Esq"" mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Upon Represent ation made that the [362.] Eight Pounds, Voted the 27"\ Instant, towards the Carrying Thomas Kerby to Jerse3Ms not Sufficient to Obtain that end, and being Apprehensive if he should not go he would become a great Charge to the Town, Therefore, Voted, Tliat Forty Shillings more be Allowed to make it Ten Pounds, to be p^. after his Sailing. Upon a Motion made by mr. Clarke — that mr. William Mer- chant, Desires to hire or Lease the Building Yard near the North Battery. Voted, That mess". Waters & Glidden to whom it was Let, Sept. 10, 1735. be desired to attend the Select men next Wednes- day. Mr. Josiah Baker, Master of the Copper Engine at the North end, Appearing Informs That one of his Company, Viz*. John Waters is a broad at Sea, and another. Viz*. Newman Greenough has loft them — and Prays the Select men would please to Appoint Two Persons to Succeed them ; at the same time recommended John Newell & Henry Newell [363.] as Suitable Persons, if the Select men think fit, they hnving Obtained a Dismission from their respective Captains. Voted, That mr. John Newell and mr. Henry Newell be & 258 City Document No. 87. hereby are admitted into mr. Baker's Company in the room of mess". John Waters & Newman Greenongh. Mr. Anthony Underwood Master of the Fire Engine at the Old North meeting house, Informs that Richard Kent, One of his Com- pany is lately Dead, and another Viz'. Joseph Ilarlcy is uncapable of Service — And Prays the Selectmen would please to Appoint Two men to Succeed them, at the same time recommended Timothy Brown and Oliver Luckis Jun"". as Suitable Persons if the Select men think fit. Voted, That mess". Timothy Brown & Oliver Luckis Jun"". be admitted in to mr. Underwoods Company in the room of mess". Richard Kent and Joseph Harley. Upon Consideration of a Petition of Richard Bill Esq', and Eighty Six others to the Town [364,] At their Meeting in May last, Praying that they may have an Engine for the Extinguishing of Fire at the AYesterly part of the Town, representing that mr. Jonas Clarke had One to Dispose of. And that the Select men may be Impowered to Purchase the same — And tlie Tovf n Voting the Select men to be a Committee for that end, And that they are desired to Act and do thereon as they shall think most for the Interest of the Town. The Select men having Considered the affair and Viewed and Tryed the Engine of mr. Clarke's and being of Opinion that it may be of Benefit to the Town to have an Engine placed there, and that mr. Clarke's is a Suitable One for that Use. Voted, That, if it may be Purchased for One Hundred & Thirty Pounds, it be procured & placed there as the Select men shall direct. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 5, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'", mr. Hancock mr. Cooke [365.] Mr. Savell Informing that Capt. Joseph Hubbard was arrived below from Bristol and had the Small Pox on board, & that One Pasmore, & others Passengers in him was come up to Town — Ordered, That mr. Pasmore be sent for. Roger Pasmore being Sworn by mr. Justice Lyman declares. Viz*. That he came Passenger in the Ship Industry Joseph Hubbard Master from Bristol, & that they left that place, Sept. 20'^^. last, that Capt. Cowley, be with Fourteen of the Shii)'s Company, were all that came in her and that in Five or Six Days after they came out One Jon'^. Underwood was taken down with the Small Pox & recovered, & about Fourteen Days since John Rocket a Serv*. to the Captain was taken ill about a Week or Ten Days since the Small Pox came out full upon him & that he lyes in the Steerage, & that he the s^. Pasmore lay in the Cabin, & that Bowman is now Complaining, Farther Says that the Captain the last Night came to anchor off of Si)ectacle Island as he the Declarant Appre- Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 259 bends on account of the [366»] Distemper, And that the Captain he & two Sailors namely, Duraore & Thompson, came up last night from the Vessell. Roger Pasmore. Voted, That a Wairaut be f(jrth with taken out in order to Send them on board again, which was accordingly done. Signed by Samuel Sewall and Caleb Lyman Esq". Justices of the Peace. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 5, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mr. Glidden Appearing According to Order, presented an Account of Charge that he had been at, on the Wharf, hired Sept. 10, 1735. of the Town, and now in his Possession, Praying that the Select men would View the same and Allow him what they may think proper — and now desires to resign it to the Town. [36 T.] Voted, That the Select men will View the same, on the morrow at 3 o'Clock in the afternoon. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to Send a Watch into the Common this Evening to prevent any Damage to the Rails & Trees there — it being the of Nov"", when large Numbers of Persons meet there. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 7, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Caleb Lyman Esq^ mr. Hancock nn\ Cooke Mr. Jacob Wendell Jun"". Informs that Capt. Lothrop is arrived below from New Castle (with Thirty Souls on board) but has the Small Pox on board, And Prays that a Doctor and Nurse may be permitted to go down to him — Voted, That Dr. Clarke be permitted to go down he taking all possible Care (by Changing his Cloaths at the Island) to prevent bringing [368.] The Distemper into tho Town — And that Mary Flood go down as a Nurse. Voted, Tiiat a Petition be presented to His Excellency, that he would please to give Orders for the Stopping Capt. Hubbard from Bristol, & Capt. Lothrop from New Castle who have the Small Pox On board & all other Vessels coming from those parts that may have had the Small Pox or any other Malignant Distemper in their Passage — And that Capt. Forsyth and mr. Hancock be desired to present the same, (Which was done accordingly.) Whereas Several Ships are Stop'd at Rainsfords Island, having the Small Pox on board by reason of which Sundry People must be put on Shoar, & to prevent t'leir co-ning off the said Island, or others coming to the Island. Voted, That Henry Gibbins and — be sent down there 260 City Docu31ent No. 87. to prevent the same, and that application be made [369.] to the Justices of the Peace, for a Warrant therefor — Which was Accordingly Granted, Signed by Samuel Sewall and Daniel IJench- n)an Esq", with the Select men. Whereas Capt. Joseph Hubbard Master of the Ship Industry oa the 4*''. Instant, arrived from Bristol at Spectacle Island, & having the Small Pox on board. Contrary to the Law, — made & provided in that Case came up to Town & brought up One of his Passengers, Viz'. Roger Pasmore, & two Men more to the en- dangering of the Town. Voted, That the said Hubbard be prosecuted according to Law, And that mr. Savell Inform the Province Treasurer thereof, be being Appointed by the Law to prosecute the same. The Hon. John Osborne Escf . Presented a Letter from Stephen Hall Commander of the Ship New England Galley from London, Informing that on the 7*''. of October he Buried John Barker, with theSmali Pox, & that [370.] on the 24"\ Capt. Bei»j\ Wanton, Died with the same Distemper, And that Samuel Rose's Pox turned the 24"\ of October, that he had Cleans'd his Ship &c. — The Pilot also Informs that he had bro't up in his Boat Two Bags of Letters from on board Capt. Hall. Voted, that the Letters be Carried to the Hospital at the West- erly part of the Town and there thoroughly Smoak'd & air'd, and that Caleb Lyman Esq"", and mr. Cooke be desired to See the same done. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 11, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ mr. Hancock Information being given that Capt. William Hinckley in the Schooner Charlestown from South Carolina, brought James Hen- derson with him who now lyes Sick [317.] In the House of John Hinds at Pitts's Wharf, & that the master is now going away & leave said Henderson on the Town. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to Notify Capt. Hinckley to Attend the Select men, To morrow at 3 o'Clock afternoon. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 12, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Fors}'th Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke The Rev. mr. Samuel Osborne, Appeared according to Order, & Informs that he his Wife & One Child came to this Town with Sylvaiius Snow, and has hired part of a House of mrs. Jenkins where he now lives. Selecimen's Minutes, 1740. 261 The Select men Informed h\m that he must in Conformity to the Law give Bond with Suret'ys to Indemnify the Town for Five [37^.] Years from any Charge that may arise by their residing here — Fourteen Days was Allowed him to procure the same. The Committee Appointed Yesterday to go down to Rainsford's Island, Reported, that they found Capt. Cowley and mr. Willard well Cleansed with Change of Raiment and bro't them up. — and Capt. Hubbard Informed them that he had sent his Goods from between Decks on Shoar & Cleans'd & Aired his Vessel, & that his Passengers were on Shoar — and that on board Capt. Hall they found Capt. Stanney, Capt. Gibbs & his Sister, Capt. Cramp & Passengers — that between Decks there was Hemp, And the Steeridge and between Decks in a very Nasty Condition, that they advised the Captain to Send his Passengers on Shoar to Air them- selves & put the Hemp on Shoar & Cleanse between Decks, — That they found the Hospital in good order but that they wanted Fire Wood. Accordingly, mr. Savell [373.] was directed to Send down Four Cord of Wood in a Lighter going on board Capt. Hall, to be put on Shoar at the Island. Mr. John Hinds, Informs that John Henderson came to his House Sick with the Fever & Ague & that he came in Capt. Hinckley from So. Carolina. The Committee appointed to View the Engine of mr. Clarke's Report that they have Viewed the same & finding it in good Order, are of Opinion That it may be adviseable for the Town to give One Hundred and Thirty Pounds for it — mr. Clarke being present Accepted the same. Voted, That One Hundred and Thirty Pounds be given for the same, and that the Select men. Acquaint the Petitioners with the same & that Ihey will Attend on Fryda}' next in order to appoint a proper place to put it in, which when done it be removed there accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 14, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman P^sq'. mr. Hancock mr. Cooke [374.] Mr. Jones, appearing on acco*. of Capt. Hoar and Acquaints that Capt. Hoar has on board Sixteen Convicts from Bristol, but promisetli that not One of them Shall be Suffered to come on Shoar, but that he wdll keep them in Irons until an oppor- tunity offers to Transport them to Virginia. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 17 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke 262 City Document No. 87. The Committee appointed to Enquire into the Circumstances of the Vessels & Passengers at Rainsforcls Island, Report, that they have Visited the Sliip Industry, Joseph Hubbard Master, & find that he hath put John Rocket Bowman and Jon''. Underwood on Shoar with all the Glass &c. between Decks, on the Island, & that he had thoroughly Wash'd and Cleansed the Vessell by Smoaking &c. & [375.] That all his men on board had Cleans'd and Aired themselves, ISo that they Apprehend, that he leaving Rocket Bowman and Underwood with the Glass &c. on the Island he may be permitted to come to Town with his Vessell without any danger to the Inhabitants At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 19, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'^, Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"^. nir. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Mrs. Rebekah Young, Appearing Informs that She with One Child is lately come into this Town, from Harwich to Visit her Sister, that She intends to return in the Spring, & that She hath brought with her to the Value of Two Hundred Pounds in Money and Household Goods. Liberty is Granted her to tarry until the Spring and then to return to Harwich with her [Sl'O.] Child, or give Security to Inderanif}' the Town. Mess". Speakman & Furnass, appearing Informs that mr. Thomas Green hath bought up Twelve Hundred Bushels of Wheat in Order to Ship off, mr. Speakman Says that he hath but Seven Hundred Bushel by him, which is more than all the rest of the Bakers have And if this Wheat i-; Ship'd off the Town will Suffer thereby — And Also Inform that they are willing to give the money for it at the rate it was Purchased. Capt. Osborne Complains that it is Impracticable for Capt. Hall to put his Hemp on Shoar at Rainsfords Island, by reason there is ' no AVharfe to Land it on, nor Shed to receive it in, and therefore proposes to have it hoisted on Deck, in Order to have it Aired .- s much as possible they can in that place. Voted, That the Select men do by turns, Inspect the Several Watches within this Town. [37 T-] Whereas by an Act of the Province made at their Sessions in May, 1738. Obliging all Vessels coming from Sea, where an}' Infectious Distemper is or hath lately been to come to anchor as near Rainsfords Island as may be, in Order to put the Sick Persons and infected Goods on Shoar — and it being imprac- ticable to get any Bulky Goods on Shoar for want of a Wharf e to Land them on & what may be grrt on Shoar- is liable to receive Damage for want of a Shed to House them in. Voted that John Jeffries Esq', be desired to draw up a Petition to lay before the General Court, Praying that a Wharfe & Shed Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 263 may be Erected there — and that he lay the same before the Select men at Iheir next Meeting. Upon the Petition of mr. Corn Linch — Praying as Entrcd the 15*^. of Oct. last, being fully Considered — Voted, That the said Linch bo & hereby is approved of, & has Liberty granted him accordingly, lo keep a School within this Town for teaching Reading Wi iting Arithmetick [378.] Naviga- tion &c. so long as he Continues to behave himself to the Appro- bation of the Select men for the time being. At a Meeting of the Select men, Nov. 21, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq^ mr. Clarke mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Thomas Hubbard Esq^ Appearing made Application on behalf of Capt. Hubbard that his Vessel may be permitted to come up to Town — and the Select men taking into Consideration the Com- mittees Report, as entred the 17^^. instant, having fully Con- sidered the same. Voted, That upon leaving John Rocket & Jon'^. Underwood the Persons that have been Visited with the Small Pox, and also Joseph Bowman w*'\ their Bedding Cloths &c. & all the Glass that was between Decks, behind at the Island, the Vessel may be permitted to come up to Town without any danger to the Inhabi- tants. A Certificate was given Accordingly. [End of the Sixth Book of the Selectmen's Minutes. — W. H. W.] SEVENTH BOOK OF THE SELECTMEN'S MINUTES. [1.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 22, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq"". m'". Jonas Clarke m''. Thomas Hancock m"". middlecott Cooke Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant, directed to the Constables of Boston — In His Majesty's Name, Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. annum of Free hold in Land within this Province or Territory at the least, or other Est ite, to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling to Convene at the Town house upon Tuesdaj^ the Twenty fifth Day of November C'urrent, at Nine [3.] o'Clock in the forenoon. Then & there to make Choice of & Depute (if they See Cause) One Person being a Free holder & Resident in the Town, to Serve for & Represent them, in the Great & General Court or assembly, now Convened held & kept for His Majesty's Service, at the ( ourt House in Boston in the room of Thomas Hutchinson P^sq"". who is Sail'd for Great Britain According to a Precept under the Hand & Seal of the Hon. John Quincy Esq^ Speaker of the Honourable House of Representatives, bearing Date the Twenty first Day of November, In the Fourteenth Year of His Majesties Reign A.D. 1740 Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq', be desired to Wait upon the Rev. mr. Mather Byles & in the Name of the Select Men to Desire him to Open the Town Meeting with Prayer on Tuesday next. The John Jeffries Esq', according to [3.] Order presented a Draft of a Petition to the General Court, Praying that a Wharfe & Shed may be Erected on Rainsfords Island for the Conveniency of Landing Goods which was Accepted and Signed by the Select Men and Ordered to be delivered to the Representatives of Boston to present. It being represented that the Cloaths of the Persons that was bro't up from Rainsfords Island are thoroughly air'd (Except Capt. Forbes's) Voted, That mr. St^vell be directed to deliver them they Paving the Charge — and that the Watchman be Dismissed. 264 Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 205 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 24, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq"^. • m'". Clarke Tn^ Hancock Cooke [4.] Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread, at the Rate of Sixteen Shillings p Bushel for Wheat, & Three Shillings and Six pence p Bushell Allow'd for Charges, which is Computed as following Viz*. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ Capt. Forsyth m"". Claike m'". Hancock m'". Cooke. The Committee Appointed to Visit the Circumstances of the Vessels & People below, Reported, that they went down to Rains- fords Island, cS: on board the Ship King George, [5.] Capt. Thomas Lothrop, and the New England Galley, Capt. JStephen Hall that at the Hospital, there is the Five Per.rons that have had the Small Pox, Viz'-. Jon*. Underwood, & John Rocket that came in Capt. Hubbard are well Clean'd & Physick'd, that said Rocket wants Change of Raiment. & that Joseph Bowman who was put on Shoar is Clcans'd & Aired. A Certificate was given for the Said Underwood & Bowman to come np to Town. And from on board Capt. Lothrop. the Captain & Benj'^. Lam- bert who have been Clean'd & Physick'd but not thoroughly Cleans'd from the Scabs, & that Walter Edwards One of his hands (whose Wife is v/ith him) has never had the Small Pox, & that they have Visited Capt. Lothrops Vessel, & the Sailors Chests, & find that the}' have been thoroughly Clcans'd & Aired, So that they don't Apprehend any danger by the Vessels coming up to Town, Provided they put the Captains Desk with the Linnen & Books & a Picture that hung near where the Captain lay, on Shoar, [6.] and leave the Capt. Lambert & Edwards with his Wife at the said Island. Voted, That a Certificate be given accordingly. And on boaid Capt. Hall find that he has sent Samuel Rose on Shoar, & that between Decks they found Eight Bundles of Hemp, Several Cases of Linnen & Casks, & that the Capt. had taken four Bundles of the Hemp upon Deck, and air'd them as much as the Conveniency he bad would allow of, & had Cleans'd the Steerage oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf Wheaten Household Six penny Wheaten Loaf P^ 5. 6. 2. 6 3. 9. 4. 12. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 1, 1740. 266 City Document No. 87. & Cabin & put the Bed that Capt "Wanton Dyed on, a Slioar, & the other Beds that the Sick Persons lay on he threw over at Sea, and that they Apprehend it Impracticable to put the Hemp on Shoar at the Island to be air'd — as it ought to be, for want of a wharfc to Land it on and a Shed to put it in. Dr. Clarke being present & being asked his opinion respecting the Infection being Conveyed by the Hemp if it should be Landed in the Town — Answered that he Apprehended there would be danger — mr. Justice Stoddard [7.] and Henchman being present & the Affair being Considered it was proposed that the Ship be permitted to come up to Bird Island, upon Condition that the Capt. take his Hemp out there as soon as possible and Carry it by water to the ^Vesterly part of the Town to a place Called the Copper Works & there Land & Air it, until further order, & that the Capt. Suffer no Persons to come on board the mean while & after the Hemp is removed, he take Care, thoroughly to Smoak & Cleanse the Vessel — Capt. Osborne being present engaged that the above should bo Comply ed with — Thereupon. Voted — Tiiat a Certificate be given for permitting the Vessel up as far as Bird Island ; upon the Conditions aforesaid, & that Samuel Rose be permitted to come up in the Vessell at the same time. The Rev. mr. Samuel Osborne, appearing according to Order, as Entrcd Nov. 12'^\ last, and offers mr. John Dairell for his [8.] Bondsman which being Accepted, Voted, That the said Osborne, his Wife & one Child be ad- mitted Inhabitants, Upon Condition that he with the said John Darrel give Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Tw o Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from any Charge, on their account for Five Years according to Law. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 3, 1740. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. m^ Clarke m^ Hancock m^ Cooke Mr. Oliver Luckis Appearing, Desires Liberty to Build a Fiflh house of about Ten foot long and four feet Wide on the Towns High Way, near the New Ferry place at the North end, to Stand there, during the pleasure of the Select Men for the time being. [9.] Voted, That Capt. Forsyth, Caleb Lyman Esq^ and mr. Cooke be desired to View the place proposed & Report thereon, next Wednesday. A Motion being made concerning the Convicts Imported from Bristol by Capt. Dennison & Capt. Hoar & for whom as yet they have not given Bond. Ordered, That mr. Savell be directed to Notify the said Capt. Dennison & Capt. Hoar to Attend the Select Men, & that that he also be directed to go on board the s*^* Dennisons Vessell & See Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 267 what Number of Convicts he hath now on board, having Imported Thirteen in Number. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 5, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jefifries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Clarke m'. Hancock m'. Cooke [10.] Capt. Hall, Informed that ho had Landed his Hemp (fee. & in all other respects Compl3^ed with the directions given him — And there fore desires Liberty that his Vessell may be permitted to come up to Town — The Select Men Apprehending there will be no danger thereby. Voted, That a Certificate be given for his Ship to come up accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. G, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Hall, Informing that according' to Orders he had carried his Hemp to the Westerly part of the Town to the Copper works, but that mr. Benjamin Colman who hires the House there refuseth to take it in. [11.] Mr. Beuj'^. Colman being Sent for, gave Liberty for the Housing of it in said Store. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 10, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Mr. Treasurer Wadsworth, presented an Account of Stephen Minot Esq', where by it Appears that there will be due to the Town for Rent of the House & Lands on Boston Neck Leased to him. One Flundred & Fifty Pounds the 28"\ Jan. next — Which Jonas Clarke Esq' gave his Promise to Pay. Samuel Sellou Blacksmith from London Appearing Desirea Liberty to Open a Shop in Marlborough Street. It Appearing to the Satisfaction of the [IS.] Select Men that the said Sellon brought with into the Town, Effects Sufficient to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. Voted, That Liberty be granted accordingly. Doctor Clark Informs that it is now near Three Months Since the Small Pox broke oat on board Capt. Lothrop & Twenty One City Document No. 87. Days Since the Capt. who was last taken was Sent on Shoar, & that Walter Edwards who came in the 8hip Supposfd not to have had the Small Pox has been kept below nnder an Apprehension that he might have it, he now Offers it as his Opinion that tliere may be no danger from his coming up to Town with his Wife. Upon v/hich with the Consideration of the loss of time & Charge it has been to said Edwards whilst there. Voted, That the said Edwards & his Wife & Benj'". Lambert, the Person who was Visited with the said Distemper, & Henry Gibbins the Person Sent down to keep Guard there, may be permitted to come up to [13 «] Town without any danger to the Inhabitants — A Certificate was given Accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 18, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq', Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq*". Jonas Clarke Esq^ m*". Hancock m". Cooke Upon Consideration of the Desire of Capt. Lothrop, that he may be Admitted up to Town, And also the Report of Dr. Clark who gave it as his Opinion, that the said Lothrop was free from any Infection, & might be permitted to come up to Town — without any danger to the Inhabitants. Voted, That Capt. Lothrop, & Mary Flood the Person Sent down for a Nurse, be permitted to come up to Town accordingly. A Certificate was given accordingly. [14,] Isaac Peirce Appearing according to Order, upon Com- plaints made against him for Disorderly Ringing the North Bell, & being Reprimanded, promised reformation in that Matter. , Upon a Motion made & Seconded, Voted, That Application be made to the next Quarter Sessions, that the Paragraph in the By-Law forbidding Selling any Provi- sions out of the Market may be repealed, that so all Persons, ma}^ be at Liberty to Carry their Marketing wheresoever they please about the Town, in order to dispose of the same in Conformiiy to a Vote of the Town of the 14''\ July last, in accepting the Pro- posal of Peter Faneuil Esq"", for Erecting a Market on Dock Square. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 22, 1740, Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^. m^ Hancock m'. Cooke [15.] Mr. Joseph Hubbard, One of the Owners of the Ship Industry Joseph Hubbttrd Master from Bristol desires that the Glass &c. landed at Rainsford Island may be permitted to be brought up to Town, And Also desires that John Rocket who was Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 269 put on Slioar at the snicl Ishmcl the 17"\ of Nov. last, by reason of his having been Visited with the Small Pox may have leave to come up, being impaired in his Health by reason of the Difficulties he there Undergoes — Dr. Clarke who has Visited the Persons put on Shoar there, being Sent for & Acquainted with the Circum- stances of the said Rocket, gave it as his opinion that he may come up to Town without any danger to the Inhabitants. Voted, that the Glass be permitted to be brought up to Town, & also the said Rocket, Upon Condition that he put fresh Cloaths on & leave those he has Wore at the Island until further Order. [16.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 24, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq\ Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq'", m'". Hancock m'". Cooke Richard Furnace is Admitted a Ticket Porter, upon Condition that he gives Bond to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs, and mess'"'. Joseph Calef & Patrick Burck is Approved & Accepted to deliver him the Ticket Number, 20. upon their Executing a Bond accordingl3\ M^ John Buttolph, Appeared & renewed his Request for hiring the Cellar under the Town house which was in the Occupation of his late Father as Entred the 4"\ of June last — Voted, That the said Cellar be & here by is Let to the said John [17,] Butt(Jph for the Space of One Year, Commencing the 7"'. of April last, at the Rate of Fourteen Pounds p. annum. M*". George Beekmore, Informs that about Fourteen Days since he took into his House as Tenants Gershom Holden his Wife & One Child who lately came from Dorchester, that the}' brought no Effects with them (except House hold Goods) to his know- ledge. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to make Careful enquiry about them, & Report thereon next Wednesday. M". Grace Lewes, Informs that about Eleven or Twelve Days Since, She took into her House as an Inmate a Young Man who came from Mary land with Capt. Kidder, that he is Sick, & hath Nothing to Support himself. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to make enquiry about him, & Report thereon next Wednesday. Capt. Nath\ Cunningham, Informs that [18.] One Adam Dixon was a Tenant in his House at Bartons point, that about a Week or Ten Days since, he with his Wife went off, (& hath not been heard of, since) & left two Small Children in the House with- out the least Subsistence, & also Informs that the said Dixon & bis Wife some Years ago came into this Town in Capt. Orrok Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed to See if there was any Bond given to Indemnify the Town from any Charge by the said Dixon & his Wife, when they came first into this Town. '270 City Document No. 87. Robert IVP.Millian & his Wife Jane lately from Hopkinton, are Admitted Inhabitants, Upon Condition that mr. John M^.Clelan with him, give Bond to the Town Treasurer to Indcmnif}' the Town from any Charge upon their Account for Five Years, in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds. Robert M^MilUon is Admitted a Ticket Porter [19.] upon Con- dition that he gives Bond to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs, and mr. lSam\ Gerrish Jun^ is Approved & Accepted as his Surety — The Town Clerk is directed to deliver to him the Ticket N°. 19, upon their Executing a Bond accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 29, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"", m'. Hancock m'". Cooke Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to Order the Butchers to take down the Rails the^^ Use in the Streets to hang their Meat upon, the Lihabitants being much incommoded there by in Walk- ing the Streets — and if any should persist so to do, that he Prose- cute them in the Law. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 31, 1740. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq''. Jonas Clarke Esq', m"". Hancock m'^. Cooke Capt. Forsyth Informs of One Abiah vSherborn from Maiden, & one mrs. Crosman, that they have lately come into this Town, and now dwell in a House of mr. Thomas Goodwin. Information being also given of One Downing with his Family, in Wings Lane, And also Abigail Ri(thardson a Woman, said Do wing hath taken into his House with him. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to Warn all the above Per- sons to depart the Town according to Law. Capt. Forsyth, Caleb Lyman Esq'', and [21.] mr. Cooke being Appointed a Com*''®, to View the place proposed by mr. Oliver Luckis to build a Fish house upon, as I^ntred the 3"^. of Dec. instant — Report that they are of Opinion, that Liberty may be Granted to the said Luckis accordingly, he Paying to the Town Treasurer for the time being. Ten Shillings p annum for the Use of the said Ground, to Commence the 1'^ of January next, the said Shed to Stand there during the pleasure of the Select men for the time being. Voted, That this Report be accepted, & that the said Luckis have Liberty accordingly, he Paying the Rent & performing the Conditions above mentioned Selectmen's Minutes, 1740. 271 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 7, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq^ m"". Hancock ' m"". Cooke [33.] M^ Savell Informs of One Abigail Richardson, who came Passenger in Capt. Camel last August & is now with One Downing in Wings Lane, that she is said to be now in Travel & is likely to be come a Charge to this Town — mr. Savell is directed to look out for said Masters Return. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread, at the rate of Twenty Shillings p. Bushel for wheat, and Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushel, AUovv'd for Charges, which is Computed as follows. Viz*. oz. dr. Of Penny white Loaf 2. 0. Wheaten 2. 15 House hold 3. 15 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1^^. 1. 12 Major John Hill, Appeared & renewed his Proposal for Hiring the Salt Marsh belonging to the Town on Boston Neck, as Entred the 25*^. of June last, & Prays that it may be Speedily Considered & Determined. [23.] Ordered, That mr. John Peirce, have the Charge of the Copper Engine, at the Westerly part of the Town — & he is al- lowed nine men — besides himself — Viz'. (John Peirce) Samuel Sprague Ebenezer Messinger Thomas Crafts John Brown William Russell Samuel Emmes Thomas Kimball Richard Surcomb and Thomas Barnard And in Case there should happen any differences at any time among them — that they should want to put out, or take in any man, John Peirce that has the charge of the Engine, shall give an acco*. of the same to the Select men for their Allowance & Orders for their proceeding — And at any time if a Fire should break out the said Peirce is Ordered to Improve the said [24.] Engine, where he thinks he may do the most Service, and to take Care, That at no time, the Doors of the Engine House be Obstructed by Snow &c. And to Work the said Engine, Once ever}" month, from the first of April to the first of October ; and to See that the Engine and Pails be kept in good Order. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 8, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. 272 City Document No. 87. Caleb Lyman Esq^. Jonas Clarke Esq^ m'^. Hancock m'*. Cooke Joseph Peirce, Informs that there is an Indian Man belonging to Capt. Underwood, Sick with the Small Pox, at Rainsfords Island, tliat there is another Indian Man & Henry Carter a Boy there, which never had the said Distemper. There- fore, Voted, that Application [25.] be made for a Warrant to Im- power Eben Winborn to be Sent down as a Guard to keep Persons from coming on or going off said Island, which being granted by Edw'*. Hutchinson & Antli^. Stoddard Esq^ Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, & Signed by the Select Men, said Winborn was Sent down accoidingly, also Voted, That Mr. Savell or lis Son, go down to the said Island, & enquire into the Circumstances of the People there. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 10, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq'*. Jonas Clarke Esq', m''. Hancock m"". Cooke. M^ John Savell Jun''. who was Sent down to Rainsfords Island to inquire into the Circumstances of the People there, as entred the 8"' instant. Reports, That there was an [26 r] Indian Man, named Josiah, Sick with the Small Pox who is very bad, also that there is a Boy who did belong to Capt. Underwood, but now belongs to Capt. William Minck, Mr. Savell also Informs that they want Provissions Wood Physick &c. for the People there. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to procure & Send down to the said Island all Necessaries for them Accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 14, 1740. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Complaint being made that the Engine lately Erected at the Southerly part of the Town, for the Weighing of Hay, is not true, that thereby the Buyer is much. [27,] Wronged — Mr. Nath'^ Warden Jun'. the Officer appointed for the weighing of Hay being Sent for & Informed thereof, he desired that a time might be Appointed when the Select Men or Some of them might be present to see the s^. Engine tryed. Therefore — Voted, That Jonas Clarke Esq'., & mr. Cooke be a Committee to See the said Engine tryed as aforesaid. Selectmen's Minutes, 1740-41. 273 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 21, 1740. Present. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq*", m'^. Hancock m'". Cooke M'. John Earle, Master of the Fire Engine near the New North Meeting house. Informs that Jeremiah Cashing One of his Com- pany is Uncapable of Service & desires to be Dismissal therefrom — Frays the Select Men, would please to appoint One Person to [38.] Succeed him — at the same time recommended Sam'. Brown as a Suitable Person, if the Select Men think fit. Voted, That mr. Samuel Brown be & hereby is admitted into mr. Earle's Company in the room of mr. Jeremiah Gushing At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 26, 1740. Present. Caleb Lyman Esq^. Jonas Clarke Esq"*, m^. Hancock m"*. Cooke Thomas Hubbard Esq"^. his Acco*. relating to the Ware house on the Town Dock in his Occupation, by which it Appears there is due to the Town for the Ground Rent, Ninety four Pounds to the first of January, 1740, being Examined by the Select Men, was Accordingly Allowed. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an [29.] assize of Bread, at the rate of Twenty Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat, and Three Shillings Six pence p. Bushel Allow'd for Charges, which is Computed as follows, Viz*. oz. Of Penny White Loaf 2. 0. Wheaten 2. 15. House hold 3. 15. Six penny White Loaf 1'^. 1. 12. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 28, 1740. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"*, m'". Hancock m'^. Cooke Information being given that Reuben Higgins with his family, are lately come into this Town, from Truro in Order to reside here — Ordered, that mr Savell Notify the said Higgins to be here next Wednesday. [30.] Mr. Phillip Abbot Painter, Prays he may be Admitted a Tenant to the Town in the Small Shop, lately Occupied by m''. Jonathan Foster on the Town Dock, when the same is to be Let again. The Several Collectors of Taxes for the Year Current, Viz*. 274 City Document No. 87. mess". Jacob Sheafe, John Staniford and John Goldthwait, Ap- peared and Proposed to the Select Men for their respective Bonds- men, the following Persons, who was Approved of by them ac- cordingly, Viz*. JSP. Jacob Sheafe, for the Sum of Nine Thousand Pounds, mr. Robert Patteshall and Thomas Lambert Esq"^. Sureties. M*". John Staniford, for the Sum of Seven Thousand Pounds, mr. Francis Pighton & Deacon Jacob Parker Sureties. M''. John Goldthwait, for the Sum of Five Thousand Pounds, mr. Joshua Blanchard, and mr. Thomas Goldthwait, Sureties. [31 •] Memorandum, M"". Jacob Sheafe One of the Collectors of Taxes for the Current Year, having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said Office, Appeared & gave Bond together with mr. Robert Patteshall & I'homas Lambert Esq"". Sureties to the Town Treas- urer, in the Penal Sum, of Eighteen Thousand Pounds A Certifi- cate thereof was given him, directed to the assessors of the Town of Boston. M"". John Staniford, another of the Collectors of Taxes for the Year Current, having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said office. Appeared & gave Bond together with mess". Francis Righton and Jacob Parker Sureties, to the Town Treasurer in the Penalty of Fourteen Thousand Pounds — A Certificate thereof was given him, directed to the Assessois accordingly. M"". John Goldthwait, the other Collector of Taxes for the Year Current, having been [33.] Also duly Sworn to the faith- ful Discharge of the said office, appeared, & gave Bond together with mess". Joshua Blanchard and Thomas Gold- thwait Sureties, to the Town Treasurer in the Penalty of Ten Thousand Pounds — A certificate thereof was given him, directed to the Assessors of the Town of Boston. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 4, 1740. Present. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq^ m'". Hancock m'". Cooke Ordered, That mr. Savell wait on His Majesties Justices of the Peace, & the Gentlemen the Overseers of the Poor, within the Town, and acquaint them that the Select Men Desire they would please to give them a Meeting at the Council Chamber on Fr3Tlay next, at five o'Clock in the Afternoon, in Order to agree upon a Visitation of the Town, [33.] And upon a Motion made, Voted, That it be desired, that the Vacancys in the Fire Wards, might be filled up at the same time. At a meeting of the Honourable His Majesties Justices of the Peace, the Gentlemen the Select men and Overseers of the Poor within the Town of Boston, at the Council Chamber, Fryday, February, 1740. Selectmen's Minutes, 1740-41. 275 Present. The Hon. Edw^. Hutchinson Esq'. The Hon. Auth*'. Stoddard Esq^ The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq^ John Fayerweather Esq"". Joshua Winslow Esq*". Jacob Royall Esq'". Justices of the Peace The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m^. Thomas Hancock m^ Middlecott Cooke Select Men [34.] The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq'. William Tyler Esq^ Joshua Cheever Esq'. Andrew Oliver Esq'", m"". Edward Bromfield Major John Hill Capt. William Downe m"". Samuel Hunt m'. Isaac White Overseers of the Poor A General Walk or Visitation of the Town was then Agreed upon to be Attended on Monday the Ninth of February Current, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, if the Weather be fair, If not then on Wednesday following the 11'"^. instant, and it is also agreed to meet at the Council Chamber in the Evening of the said Day of Visitation, to Report the State of the Town &c. The order is as follows, Viz'. [35.] Ward Number, One The Hon. Edw^. Hutchinson Esq'. Capt Alexander Forsyth m'. Samuel Hunt m'. Richard Buckley Ward, Number Two The Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq'. Abiel Walley Esq^ m'. Isaac White Capt. Nathanael Barber m'". Samuel Holland, Constable Ward, Number Three, Habijah Savage Esq*". John Fayerweather Esq'. Joshua Cheever Esq"", m'. Peter Thomas m'. Benj''. Babbidge Ward, Number Four William Tyler Esq"". Jacob Royall Esq''. 276 City Document No. 87. [36 . ] Caleb Lyman Esq'. Capt. Daniel Pecker in'. Andrew Sj^mmes Constable Ward, Number Five The Hon. Anth*^. Stoddard Esq'. Daniel Henchman Esq'. m'. Middlecott Cooke m'. John Staniford m'. John Sailler, Constable Ward, Number Six Thomas Hubbard Esq'. Ozenbridge Thacher Esq'. Deacon John Phillips • m'. Robert Duncan, Constable Ward, Number Seven Hugh Hall Esq'. Capt. Jeffery Bedgood Deacon Jacob Parker m'. Thomas Elyre, Constable [37.] Ward, Number Eight Joshua Winslow Esq'. Capt. William Downe m'. Jacob Sheafe m'. Samuel Hastings, Constable Ward, Number Nine Samuel Sewall Esq'. Andrew Oliver Esq'. m'. Joshua Blanchard m'. William Crowell, Constable Ward, Number Ten The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq'. Francis Borland Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq'. m'. Henry Dyre m'. John Decoster, Constable Ward, Number Eleven The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Major Samuel Sewall m'. Edward Bromfield [38.] m'. William Salter m'. Stephen Winter, Constable Ward, Number Twelve The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'. m'. Thomas Hancock Major John Hill m'. John Taylor m'. Stephen Rogers, Constable The Town Clerk is desired to give forth Copies of the above Order or Sortment accordingly. Mr. Henry Berry, Capt. Bcnj*. Pollard and mr. John Carnes, were Chosen Fire Wards within the Town of Boston, in the room of Stephen Minot Esq', mr. Andrew Tyler, and mr. John Lee. Selectmen's Minutes, 1740-41. 277 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 11. 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq"", m'. Hancock m'. Cooke [39.] Information being given that Elins Trask with his Wife and Three Children are lately come into this Town from Brantrey, in Order to reside here. Ordered, That mr. Savell, Notify the said Trask to be here next Wednesday. Information being given hy Thomas Hubbard Esq'", that Abigail Richardson lately Imported from Ireland by Capt. Carnell, is now Sick at James Downings in Wings Lane & near her time of Tra- vail, that She is a Stranger, & hath neither Fiiends nor Money to Support her. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Certify to the Overseers of the Poor, That the Selectmen Apprehending her to be a proper object of Publick Charity Recommend her to be taken Care of at the Charge of the Province. [40.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 18, 1740. , Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq^. m''. Hancock m"". Cooke Mr. Hancock, Informs, That there is a Negro Man, who is very Poor & now Sick belonging to Grover at the South end, that the said Grover hath freed the said Negro, & will now take no Care of him. Ordered, That mr. Savell Notify the said Grover to Attend next Wednesday. Mr. William Merchant Appearing & Renewing his Request for Hiring the Ship Yard formerly in the Occupation of mess""'. Glid- den & Waters near the North Battery, as Entred Jan. 28"^. last — The SelectMen not knowing but that the Town at their Meeting in March next may have Occasion to Improve part [41.] Of it — think it may be Convenient to defer the Affair until that Meeting is over. And that if the Town d.oth not Improve it, he Shall then have it, as the}' shall Agree, and in the meantime mr. merchant have Liberty to Improve part of said Yard so as to put the Town under no Inconveniency if they want it. Mr. William Salter, Informs that some time since the Fire Wards within this Town, Seized Nine half Barrels of Powder, Viz*. Six half Barrels from mr. John Cookson and three half Bar- rel from mr. John Cams, and that the Money arising for the Fines, part of which belongs to the Town, is in the hands of mr. Sheriff Winslow. Voted, That the Town Treasurer be desired to wait on CoL Winslow in Order to Obtain the Towns part thereof of him. 278 City Document No. 87. [42,] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 19, 1740, a.m. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq'". Hancock m"". Cooke Information being made by mr. Isaac Griclley, That Henry Nickerson a Servant in his House, was taken with the Small Pox, & desired there might be Suitable Provission made for his removal to a proper place — And Dr. Clarke, Dr. Cutler, & Dr. Bulfinch upon Visiting, the said Person gave it, as their opinion, that it was the Small Pox. Voted, That said Henry Nickerson be directly with all prudent Care removed to the House at the Westerly part of the Town, hired by the Town for that purpose, and that mess'■^ Hancock and Cooke be desired to see the same effected &c. [43.] February, 19, 1740, p m. Mr. Hancock and mr. Cooke, Reported that the Person Visited with the Small Pox as above, was Accordingly Removed to the said House, And that they had agreed with Betty Wou'dbe a Negro Woman in s*^ House, to be there as a Nurse for liim. And that mro Gridley Informed them, that there is about Three Hundred Weight of Hemp, (the remains of all that was betwixt Decks which came in Capt. Hall) in his Hands, Which he promised to keep in a private place by it self, & take all proper Care about it. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 23, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'". Jonas Claike Esq"", mr. Hancock mr. Cooke mr. Grover, appearing according to [44.] Order relating to a Negro Man, named Primus by him freed without giving Security to the Town, as the Law directs, (which Negro is now very Sick & Infirm.) The Select Men read over to mr. Grover the Law in that Case made & provided, upon which he Promised to take Care of & Provide for said Negro, so as to Save the Town harmless from any Charge by him. Information being given, that Remick Cole lately from London, is now Sick, And that he hath neither Friends nor Money to Sup- port him, being a Stranger. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Certify to the Overseers of the Poor, that the Select men Apprehend him to be a proper Object of Publick Charity — and Recommends him to be taken Care at the Alms-house at the Charge of the Province. The Select men Agreed wiLh John Wou'dbe, a [45.] Negro Man to Attend as a Watchman at the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town for Thirty Shillings p. Week And Thirty Shil- Selectmen's Minutes, 1740-41. 279 lings p. Week for Betty his Wife as a Nurse for the Young man now Sick of thie Small Pox there. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 25, 1740 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq"^. Jonas Clarke Esq^ m*". Hancock m"". Cooke Whereas rar. March, some time a^o, bought the Bricks on Fort hill, & was to give an Acco'. of Work done for the Town Amountiug to Four Pounds fifteen Shillings Therefore Voted, That the acco*. be Ballanced therefor. [46.] Andrew Coffin Appearing according to Order upon Complaints made against him for his Neglect in Ringing the 5 & 9 o'clock Bell, and being Reprimanded therefor Promis'd ref- ormation in that Matter upon which the Select Men agreed to Continue him sometime longer in that Service Voted, That the Select Men meet on Fryday next, in Order to Grant a Warrant for the Annual Meeting for the Choice of Town Officers for the Year ensuing. Voted, That the Town Clerk be desired to wait on the Assessors for an Attested Copy of their List and Valuation of Estates and Faculties for the Current Year, to be lodg'd with the Town Clerk, as the Law directs ; to be produced, if Occasion shall require, to determine any disputes which may happen to Arise, respecting the Qualification of Persons offer- [47.] ing their Votes at Publick Town Meetings. Mr. Savell Informs that upon enquiry after Capt. Hoar who bro't into the Town a Number of Convicts, the said Hoar had carried Two Women away with him to South Carolina. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 27, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"", m". Cooke Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston In His Majesty's Name, Re- quiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other In- habitants of said Town, duly Qualified, Rateable at Twenty Pounds Estate to a Single Rate [48.] (Beside the Poll) to Convene at the Town House on Monday the Ninth of March next, at Nine o'clock in the forenoon, Then and there to make Choice of meet Persons to Serve the Town the Year ensuing, as Select Men, Town Clerk, Overseers of the Poor, Constables and other Town officers, as the Law directs ; To Grant such Sum or Suras of Money as shall be judg'd Needful for the Relief of the Poor, & Defraying Other Necessary Charges ; To Consider of some proper Method for 280 City Document No. 87. Supplying the Town with Fire Wood ; And to receive the Reports of Several Committees. They are alike Required to Warn all the Freeholders to meet at the same time and place in Order to give their Votes for a Reg- ister of Deeds for the County of Suffolk — &c. &c. Voted, That the Rev. mr. Mather Byles be desired to Open the Town Meeting on Monday the 9'^. of March, with Prayer — and that [49.] Caleb Lyman and Jonas Clarke Esq^ Wait on him, & desire he would Attend that Service. Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq'". & mr. Cooke be a Committee to take Care that a Dinner be provided for Forty five Gentlemen on Monday the 9*^. of March next at the Orange Tree, who are desired to give Directions accordingly. Voted, That Eight ShiUings a peice, be and hereby is Allowed to the Constables of the Town of Boston In order to provide a Dinner for themselves on the Day — appointed for the Town meeting. At a Meeting of the Select men, March 5, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'". Jonas Clarke Esq^ m''. Hancock [50.] The Select Men, having Examined Mr. Francis Wil- loughby's Acco*. of the Granary, hud by the Adjustment of the same, that there remains due to the Town for Ballance Nine Hun- dred and Ten Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Ten pence. Consist- ing of Seven Hundred Eighty Seven Bushels of Corn Thirty one Bushels of Rye and Five Hundred Forty One Pounds, One Shilling and ten pence in Cash, which they have Agreed to Report to the Town accordingly. Mess'^ John ludicott & William More having made application for Liberty to frame two Stores for Admiral Vernon at the bottom of the Common near Banisters Wharf, Promising not to hurt the Herbage & to Clear off the Chips. Voted, That Liberty be granted them accordingly. [51.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 11, 1740. Present Caleb Lyman Esq*". Jonas Clarke Esq*". m^ Thomas Hancock m'^. middlecott Cooke Capt. John vSteel Mr. James Townsend Informs that he hath removed his Wife Rachel to Roxbury on acco^ of her Health, & that the Select Men of Roxbury will not Suffer her to refe»lde there, unless the Select Men of Boston will Certify to them, that She is an Inhabitant of this Town, & will receive her as such when thereto required — and I Selectmen's Minutes, 1740-41. 281 therefore desires the Select Men would give a Certificate accord- ingly- At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 18, 1740. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq*". Jonas Clarke Esq^ Hancock ^l^ Cooke Capt. Steel [53.] Major John Hill Appeared & renewed his request for hiring the Marsh on the Neck, and according to the Vote of the Town, at their Meeting the 9"\ instant Impowering the Select Men to Lease tLie same, the Vote of the Town the 13"\ Mar. 1732. re- quiring the Advertising any Lands Let to any Persons Twelve Months before hand Notwithstanding. Voted, That the said Marsh be Accordingly Leased to Major John Hill, for the term of Seven Years Commencing the 25"\ of March Current, at the annual Rent of Fifteen Pounds, to be Paid half Yearly to the Town Treasurer, he well & Sufficiently to Drain, the said Marsh to the Satisfaction of the Select Men, for the time being, and leave the same at the Expiration thereof, according to their Directions, and the Town Clerk is Ordered to prepare Indent- ures accordingly. M''. John Earle Informs that the Engine [53.] under his Care was first bro't to Work on the Fire which broke out in Love Street the 12'^. instant. And desires that the Premium granted by the Town, may be drawn for accordingly. Voted, That a Draft be made on the Town Treasury the next Draft Day accordingly. According to the Desire of mr. James Town send as entred the 11"\ instant, to give a Certificate to to the Select Men of Roxbury, that his Wife Rachel whom he hath removed there for her Health is an Inhabitant of this -Town and that they will receive her as such when desired. Voted, that the following Certificate be given him accordingly. Boston, mar. 18, 1740. Whereas mr. James Townsend represents to us the Subscribers Select Men of the Town of Boston, that he hath removed Rachel his W^ife to Roxbury for her Health, & that the [.54.] Select Men of Roxbury not being Willing to receive he^, least She be iook'd upon as an Inhabitant there We therefore hereby Cer- tify that We will at any time receive said Rachel as an Inhabitant belonging to this Town. A. B. C. D. &c. Select Men. A Letter from Nath^. How of Pembroke, Informing that his Sister Elizabeth Starr who is an Inhabitant of this Town, is now under his Care, and Uncapable of Supporting herself — Desiring that the Select Men would take some Care that he may not come to any Charge by reason thereof. 282 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 25, 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lymau Esq*". Jonas Clarke Esq"", m'. Hancock m'". Cooke ' Capt. Steel [55.] Information being given that a Child of about Six years of Age, of mr. Harmon's living near Scarletts Wharf in Bakers Alley has got the Small Pox, Dr. Douglass, Dr. Rand, and Dr. Clarke having Visited the said Child, Are of Opinion that it may be removed to the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town, with Safety, provided it may be done immediately — as also the two other Children who are in the same House which they apprehend have taken the Infection. Voted, That it is Necessary for the preservation of the Town that the s^. Children be removed to the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town, accordingly Voted, That application be made to Two of His Majesties Jus- tices of the Peace for their assistance according to Law upon which Edward Hutchinson Esq", and Joseph Wadsworth Esq', granted a Warrant for their Removal accordingly. [56.] Voted, That mr. Hancock, mr. Cooke, and Capt. Steel be a Committee to See the said Persons removed accord- ingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 26, 1741. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lymau Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock , m'. Cooke Capt. Steel The Committee Appointed Yesterday to remove the Child, Visited with the Small Pox, at Harmans, Report that accord- ing to the Directions in the Warrant they have removed the Child taken with the Small Pox with the Mother and two other Chihlren to the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town with the Bed and Bedding, and Shut up the Doors of the House, where the Child was [57.] Taken — and have agreed with John Wou'dbe as a Watchman there for Thirty Shillings p. week, & Thirty Shillings p. Week, for Betty his Wife as a Nurse at said Hospital. Voted, That the Woman who tended mr. Gridley's Young Man that was Visited with the Small Pox be discharged from the said Hospital, the Select Men Apprehending there is no danger by her going. She putting on Fresh Cloaths and leave her Old Cloath3 at the House to be well aired. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 283 At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 30*, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq''. Jonas Clarke Esq^ Hancock m''. Cooke - Capt. Steel Ordered, That the Town Clerk lay [58.] Before the Select men at their Weekly Meetings, an acco*. of what Bonds are from time to time by them ordered to be taken, & what of them liath been Com ply ed with. Upon the Petition of mr. John Morey presented to the Town at their last Meeting, Priiying an allowance for delivering Possession of the Shops &c. on the Dock to the Town & other Services • which was refer'd to the Select Men to do therein as they shall think proper. Voted, That the Sum of Twelve Pounds be allowed him in full for his said Services, he Discharging the Town from any further Demands. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 1 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq'. m'. Hancock m'. Cook Capt. Steel [59.] The Town at their last fleeting having refer'd the Petition of mr. Zachariah Hicks Usher of the North Writing School, for raising his Salary, to the Select Men to make enquiry into the Circumstances of the same, and Report at the next Gen- eral Town meeting. Order'd, That mr. Savell, desire mr. Hicks to be here next Wednesday at 5. p.m. Order'd, That mr. Savell, direct John Chambers, Isaac Peirce and John Hooker to Attend the Select Men next Wednesday. Whereas for many Years past there has been Erected a Beacon on Beacon hill, whicli in the Winter past was blown down, Tlie Question was put. Whether it would not be for the benefit of the Town to have a New One Erected on the same place ? It pass'd in the Affirmative, Therefore Voted, That Jolm Jeffries Esq', mr. Hancock & mr. Cooke be desired to treat with some proper Persons about doing the same, & Report thereon. [60.] Ordered, That mr. John Peirce, have the Charge of the Copper Engine, at the Westerly part of the Town, and he is allow'd Nine Men besides himself, Vis'. mess'^ (John Peirce) Samuel Sprague Ebenzer Messinger 284 City Document No. 87. Thomas Crafts John Brown William Russell Samuel Emmes Thomas Kimball Richard Surcomb and Thomas Barnard And in Case there should happen any Difference at any time among them, that they should want to put out, or take in any Man, John Peirce, that has the Charge of the Engine, shall give any account of the same to the Select Men for their Allowance, and Orders for their proceeding — And at anytime, if a Fire should break out, the said Peirce is order'd to Improve [61.] The said Engine, where he thinks he may do the most Service ; and to take Care That at no time the Doors of the Engine House be Obstructed by Snow &c. and to Work the said Engine, Once every Month, from the first of April, to the first of October ; And to See that the Engine & Pails be kept in good Order, and when at any time it shall happen that any thing is out of Order or wanting for the Engine, they apply directly to the Select Men for their direction in the Affair. And for their Care and Diligence in the same, the Town, at their Meeting March, 9*^. 1740, have by a Vote freed them from all other Offices in the Town, for this Year, and Also granted a Premium of Five Pounds to the Engine that shall be first brouo^lit to Work at a House or other Building that shall be on Fire, to be paid out of the Town Treasury. [62.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 8, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Caleb Lyman Esq'^. Jonas Clarke Esq'", m'". Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel Caleb Lyman Esq'", from the Committe to View the place desired by Capt. Cowley to Set up Two Posts before his House in Cambridge Street, &c. Reports, That they are of Opinion, it will be of no Damage to the Town if Liberty be granted him, Provided he Set them at the end of his lower Step. Voted, That this Report be Accepted, & that Liberty be granted him accordingly. Ordered, That mr. Savell, desire rar. Joshua Blanchard & Com- pany, who Undertook the Building of the Tombs in the Old Burying place, in Trea mount Street to [63.] be here next Wednes- day in Order to the Settling and disposition of the Tombs. John Chambers &c. Grave Diggers Attended according to Order, & having been heard fully on the Affair, as to the prices of Digging Graves &c. were Ordered to attend again on Wednesday next, the which time the Select Men have taken to Consider of the affair. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 285 Major John Hill, Complains that this Day he Employed Thomas Pheland, a Ticket Porter, N"*. 16, who he Apprehends imposed upon him for carrying a Quintal of Fish from Dyers Wharf as far as the Golden Bail for which he made him Pay Eighteen pence, which is more than the price Allow'd by the Select Men. Ordered, That mr. 8avell direct the said Phelanr! to Attend the Select Men next Wednesday. The Select men Executed a Lease [64.] of the Salt Marsh upon Boston Neck, to John Hill Esq"", for the term of Seven Years, Commencing the 25"\ of March last, at the Rate of Fifteen Pounds p. annum, to be paid at Two equal Paj^ments, Viz^ Seven Pounds Ten Shillings on the Twenty-fifth of September and March, Yearly and every Year during the said Term. mr. Zechariah Hicks, Attended according to Orders, and having- been fully Discoursed cn the matter of his Petition. Voted, That mr. John Procter be directed to be here next Wednesday at 5 p. m. The Rev. mr. Spear Informs that he with his Wife and One Servant, hath lately removed from Cape Cod into this Town, and Desires he may have Liberty to tarry here for some time. Mr. Joseph Shed, Appealing, Informs that for some Years past, he has Carted the Grain [65.] Purchased by the Town for the Granary, for which he has been allowed Two pence p. Bushel car- rying to Mill, and two pence carrying it back, at which price he can't longer attend that Service, and therefore Prays a further Allowance of One penny p. Bushel, or that some other Person may be provided and employed therein. Whereas the Season of the Year being now Advanced for the Cows going on the Common but there being no Cow keeper, pro- vided, and it being represented that John Warrick now in the Work house may be a proper Person for that Service. Voted, That mr. John Tayler, the keeper of the Work house be desired to be here next Wednesday in Order to treat with him upon the affair. Ordered, That mr. Henry Howell have the Charge of the Engine, which is kept m a House near Trinity Church — [66.] He is Allowed Twelve men besides himself. Viz*. mess". (Henry Howell) John Beaudre (Beimdry) Johnson Jackson William Wheeler Jun'. John Lawson Jonathan Chandler Joseph Wheeler SoP. Kneeland Jun'. George Ray Jonathan Wheeler Joseph Birch Thomas Foster Jun'. and Stephen Greenleaf And in Case there should happen any Difference at any time among them, that they should want to put out, or take in any Man, 28(5 City Document No. 87. Henry Howell tbat has the Charge of the Engine, shall give an account of the same to the Select Men, for then- Allowance and Orders for theh' proceeding — And at any time if a Fire should break out, the said Howell is [67.] ordered to Improve the said Engine, where he thinks he mav do the most Service, And to take Care, That at no time, the Doors of the Engine house be Obstructed by Snow &c. And to Work the said Engine, Once every Month from the first of April to the first of October ; And to See that the Engine & Pails be kept in good Order, And when at any it shall happen that any thing is out of Order or wanting for the Engine, they Apply directly to the Select Men for their direc- tion in the Affair. And for their Care and Diligence in the same the Town at their Meeting March, 9'^. 1740. have by a Vote freed them from all other offices in the Town for this Year, And also Granted a Premium of Five Pounds to the Engine that shall be first brought to Work at a House or other Building that shall be on Fire, to be paid out of the Town Treasury. [68.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, April, 15, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq"*, m*". Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel Matthew Campbell, Tobacconist from Nuffield, Appearing, De- sires Liberty to Open a Shop and Exercise his Calling in this Town. Voted, That Liberty be Granted, upon Condition that he with William More, give Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Fifty Pounds, to Indemnify the Town from any Charge for Five Years. The Select Men taking into Consideration the Petition of John Hooker and Abia Holbrook, desiring to be Admitted as Grave Diggers, together with the Proposals and [69.] Petition of Thomas Moulin, Isaac Peirce and John Chambers in answer there- to, presented to the Town at their Meeting in March last, which was refer'd to the Select Men for their Consideration, and by them Impowered to Appoint such further obligations Restrictions and Regulations about the Premisses as they shall think Convenient and having heard them fully thereon. Voted, That Three meet Persons be Appointed to take Care of the Old and South Burying places ; and that the Perquisites there- of be equally divided among them. Voted, That Thomas Moulin John Chambers and Nathanael Band be appointed for that Service, at the prices and under the Re- strict'ous & Regulations hereafter mentioned, during their good behaviour in that Office Viz'. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 287 I. That one of the said Three Persons with One Assistant at the least, do Always attend the Funeral of every White Person [70.] at the Gate of the Burying place to Conduct the Corps to the Grave, and to See the same Covered up. II. That the Gates of the Burying places be kept Constantly lock'd. Excepting at such times as the}^ are Opened to receive the Corps, And in the Winter time that the Passage to the Burying places, and to the Graves be kept clear of Snow — And that in Digging the Graves, they so perform it as that the Top of the Coffins, be Three feet under Ground at the least. III. That they take Care that the By-Law of the Town made 29'^. July 1723. respecting the Burial of Negroes be Strictly Observed, And that they acquaint the Persons by whom they are Employed to Dig the Graves for, and Carry the Corps, of the By- Law of the Town made in 1701, that the time for Carrying out the Corps shall not exceed, one hour from the Tolling of the Second Bell, upon Penalty of Twenty Shillings. [71.] IV. That the Prices for Opening Tombs & Digging Graves, be as follows, Viz*. For Digging a Grave for a white Person, man or woman, Nine Shillings. For Ditto, for Children carried by Hand, Four Shillings. For Ditto for a Negro Man or Woman, Six Shillings. For Ditto, to Twelve Years of age, Five Shillings. For Opening the New or Wall Tombs, Twelve Shillings. For opening the Old Tombs, or those that Stand in the midst of the Burying places. Fourteen Shillings. For Carrying the Corps of a grown Person, and Attendance from Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, to the return from the Grave, Five Shilliugs a peice. Mr. John Earle, Master of one the Five Engines, Informs that the Axel-tree and Wheels, with the Spear of the said Engine is [7S.] Wore and broke, so that the same is render'd useless. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Steel be desired to View the same and give directions for the repairs thereof, in the best manner they can. Mr. John Taylor is appointed to take the Charge of looking after the Cows on the Common and to drive them on the neck by Eight o'clock in the Morning and there to keep them until Six o'Clock in the Evening and then to drive them off the Common to the head of School Street from the first of April to the first of Novem- ber — , and to receive Eleven Shillings of the Owner of each Cow going on the Common, Viz'. Six Shillings and Six pence, towards providing Bulls, and Three Shillings and Six pence for the Cow keeper and one Shilling for giving a Certificate to the Persons Paying the same. Mr. Isaac Gridley, Applying for [73.] leave for his Servant Charles Nickerson and the Nurse (who was Sent the 19^^. of Feb. last, to the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town, to Nurse him with the Small Pox) may now have Liberty to return, he hav- ing been well about Five Weeks. Voted, That the said Charles with the nurse, be permitted to 288 CiTr Document No. 87. return home, provided they bo first thoroughly wash'd & Cleansed and have fresh (loaths to Shift them with and leave their other Cloaths &c. behind at the said House until further Order, to be Complied with to the Satisfaction of mr. Hancock. Mr. John Procter, Master of the' North Writing School, Appear- ing at the Desire of the Select Men and being fully Discoursed with upon the Complaint of his refusing to take Children of some Families of low Circumstances in the World, and insisting on large Demands for Firing & Entry [1'4o] money &c. — to which he Informed that as to Firing, he had not more than Five Shillings a peice, one with another (some Paying and some not Paying) and as to the Entry Money, he has not Demanded any of the Town Inhabitants, but of Strangers, of which he has now about Ten in his School, And that he has refus'd none of tlie Inhabitants Children, but such as could not Read in the Psalter ; and being Discoursed with relating to his Ushers having some part with him in his Perquisites, especially that of Fire Wood, he utterly refus'd it, Saying if he had not the whole of the Perquisites, he could not keep the School, being now at the Charge of One Hundred Pounds p. annum, for one to Assist him therein. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 22, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forysth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel [75.] There being want of Compleat Books of the By-Laws, that so the Inhabitants of the Town may bo Acquainted with them. Voted, That John Jeffries Esq', and mr. Hancock be desired to treat with m'. Benj"^. Eliot in Order to get reprinted those Laws that are wanting to Compleat the Books at the best rate they can. Andrew Craigie and his Wife Elizabeth and Elizabeth Wood- bury lately from Charlestown are Admitted Inhabitants, upon Con- dition that Capt. Alexander Forsyth with him, give Bond to the Town Treasurer to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon their account for Five Years in the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds. Capt. Forsyth, Informs that Capt. Farrington has bro't a Woman from Bermudas which is likely to be a Charge to the Town — mr. Savell is directed to Notify him to attend ['76.] next Wednesday — Mr. Savell is also directed to Notify mr. Mitchel who bro't a Number of Men Women and Children from Casco Bay. Elias Trask from Brantrey with his Wife and Three Children Appearing, was directed to Attend next Wednesday with a Bonds- man to Save the Town from any Charge upon their Account for Five Years, as the Law directs. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 289 Information being given that William Haislup who was Ad- mitted the Chimney Sweeper for the Town, is Negligent of his Duty, and not provided with SuflScient help to Serve the Town. Savell is directed to Notify him to Attend next Wednesday to Answer to the Complaint, and at tiie same time its proposed to Consider of some proper Persons to Prosecute the Persons who Suffer their Chimnies to Fire. [7'd'o] Voted, That the Cellar under the Town House be and hereby is Let to mr. John Buttolph for the Space of One Year, Commencing the 7'^'. of April Instant, at the rale of Twenty two Pounds p. annum to be paid Quarterly. It being represented that the Cellar Doors are out of Re- pair. Voted, That mr. Hancock and Capt. Steel bo desired to get the same repaired in the best and Cheapest manner they can. Capt. Forsyth Informing that the Fence of the North Burying place is broken down in some places. — Voted, That Capt. Forsyth and Capt. Steel be desired to get the same repaired as soon as may be. Liberty is Granted to mr. Richard Salter to dig up the Pave- ment and 0[)en the Ground, in Fish Street in Order to repair his Drain which runs across the [78.] Said Street, or lay a New One if need be, upon Condition that he doth it with as Little In- conveniency to the Town as possible and that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again, and keep the same in re- pair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April, 29,' 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m"". Hancock Capt. Steel M*". Jacob Parker desires the Select Men would View his House at the Westerly part of the Town and give direction for carrying his Water, so as may be least prejudicial to the Neighbours. Capt. William Farrington, Appearing on the acco*. of his bring- ing Sarah [79,] Landon a Widow (of low Circumstances) with him from Bermudas and offers to give Bond with mr. James Rus- sell in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to the Town Treasurer to Save the Town harmless from all manner of Charge upon her acco'. for Five Years as the Law directs, which being Accepted, a Bond was given accordingly. Thomas Pheland one of the Ticket Porters, appearing according to Order upon the Complaint of Major Hill as entred April 8"*. and declares that he carried the Fish for Major Hill from Pitts's Wharf to Coffins Ware house for which he Apprehends the Law entitles him, to Eighteen pence, the Price which he took of Major Hill. M^ John Brown belonging to the Engine kept near the Old North Meeting house under the Care of mr. Anthony Underwood, Informs that Thomas Nowell One of the Company is Dead — and 290 City Document No. 87. [80.] Recommended Eleazer Newhall as a Suitable Person to Succeed him if the Select Men think fit, he having a Dismission from Trainings by Capt. Henchman. Voted, That the said Eleazer Newhall be Admitted into mr. Underwood's Company accordingly. William Haislup, appearing according to Order upon the Com- plaint of his not being provided with SuflScient help to Sweep Chimnies, by reason of which Several Chimnies have lately Fired ; in Answer to which he Saith he has Always punctually attended all that have sent to him, and that he has not Work Sufficient for the hand he Employs — and if the Business requires more help he'l get it, and he Apprehends the best method to prevent Chimnies taking Fire will be to appoint a proper Person to prosecute those, whose Chimneys catch on Fire. Voted, That mr. Savell be directed to See the By-Laws of the Town prosecuted [81.] Respecting Chimneys Firing. Jonas Clarke Esq^. made a Motion in behalf of mr. Collson, that the A^^atch house at the South end of the Town, Standing on his Ground may be removed, he wanting to Improve his Ground. The Select Men taking into Consideration the Motion made by mr. Joseph Shed relating to the price of Carting Grain. Voted, That he be Allowed for this Year Two pence half penny p. Bushel for Carting Grain to the Mill &c. and back again. Mr. Joseph Uran, Master of the Dock Engine Informs that one of the Hoses belonging to the Engine is unfit for Service, prays that he may be provided with a New One. Voted, That mess". Clark & Hancock be desired to View the same and Report what may be proper to be done thereon. Mr. Treasurer Wadsworth Informs that mr. [82.] Charles Hen- ly One of the Town Tenants is very backward in his Rent — and that mess'^ Waters & Glidden has not Paid nor Settled their acco*^ for the Hire of the Wharf at the North Battery. M"*. Cooke Informs that • m*^. Gregor with his Wife and Two Children have lately come into this Town from Bruns- wick. M^ Savell is directed to Notify him to be here next Wednes- day. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 1, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clark Esq*", m'. Hancock m^ Cooke Capt. Steel Ordered, That the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant, directed to the Constables of Boston — In His Majesty's [83,] Name Re- quiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other In- habitants of the said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. Annum of Free hold in Land within this Province or Territory at the least, or other Estate to the Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 291 Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling ; To Convene at the Town House upon Fryclay the Eight of May instant at Nine o'Clock in the Fore- noon, Then and there to Elect and Depute One or more Persons (being Free holders and resident in the Town) according to the Number set and limited by an act of the General Assembly, To !Serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court or As- sembly, appointed to be Convened hold and kept for His Majesty's Service at the Court house in Boston, upon Wednesday the Twenty Seventh Day of May Currant, and so De Die in Diem, during their Session and Sessions, according to a Precept under the Hand & Seal of Edward Winslow Esq^ Sheriff of the county of Suffolk bearing Date the [84.] Twenty Seventh Day of April, In the Fourteenth year of His Majesties Reign, Annoq Domini, 1741. And in like manner, Requiring them to Warn all the Free- holders and other Inhabitants of tlie said Town, Qualified as the Law clii ects, to meet at the same time and place ; To Grant such Sum or Sums of Money as may be needful for the Relief of the Poor, and defraying other Necessary Charges, to Choose such officers as maybe wanting, and to do what may be thought Neces- sary for providing a Suitable house, for the reception of Persons that may be Visited with any Malignant Distemper, As also to receive the Reports of Several Committees. To agree upon Conclude and finish such other Matters and things as were under Consideration at former Meetings, and Continued to be further Debated at this, and Also such other Matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this Meeting. [85 o] Mem^ Boston, May 5, 1741. Liberty is hereb}^ Granted to mr. David Collson, to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Orange Street, in Order to lay a Drain from his Land in said Street, to the Common Miore, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again & keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satis- faction of the Select Men, & does not Obstruct the Passage in the S*^. btreet, while the same is performing. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 6, 1741. Present The Flon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Smith, appearing on the Acco*. of bringing with him from London Robinson and his Wife with her Mother and [86,] Martha Smith, Wife to a Coachman of Peter Faneuil Esq"", they having bro't no Effects with them — -he was Informi^d of the Law made in that Case to Save the Town harmless, and was Ordered to attend next Wednesday in Order to Comply there with. Capt. Cunningham appearing, was directed to attend next Wednesday, in Order to give Bond for Daniel Dickey his Wife and Two Children. M'. William Merchant, Appearing Desires that the Bounds of 292 City Document No. 87. the Land, he is about to Hire of the Town, by the North Battery, may be described to him, in order to his agreement for the Rent of it. Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Cooke and Capt. Steel be a Committee for that purpose. M*". John Buttolph being acquainted with the Vote of the Select Men of the 22*^. [87.] May last, that the Rent of the Cellar under the Town house now in his Occupation, is Set at Twtiuty two Pounds p. annum, has agreed to take the same at that Rent, to begin the 7*^. of April last, to be paid half Yearly. A Petition of mr. Abia Holbrook Jun^ desiring Liberty to Open a School, to teach Writing and Arithmetick (he being bro't Up thereto by M*". John Proctor and by him Recommended) — Read. Voted, That the said Holbrook be & hereby is Approved of, and has Liberty granted him accordingly, to keep a School within this Town for teaching Writing and Arithmetick so long as he Continues to behave himself to the approbation of the Select men, for the time being. M"". Savell, Liforming that the Three Children of mr. Harman's at the Hospital at the Westerly part of the Town, have been Phys- ick'd and are now well [88.] Enough to go home, but they have no Cloathing to Charge nor can get nor borrow any — the Charge of their tarrying t)eing great. Voted, That mr. Hancock be desired to provide some Cloathing for them, that they may go home not to exceed Five Pounds, and that John Wou'dbe the Watchman there, be Dismissed from any further Attendance. At a Meeting of the Select Men, may 18, 1741. Present Jonas Clarke Esq"", m'". Hancock m"*. Cooke Capt. Steel Ordered, That the Select Men Issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston In His Majesty's Name Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the said Town, duly Qualified [89.] Rateable at Twenty Pouuf^s Estate to a Single Rate (beside the Poll) to Convene at the Town house, on Fryday the Twenty Second Current, at nine o'clock in the forenoon. To Choose a Town Clerk for the year en- suing in the room of mr. Samuel Gerrish Dec*^. To Consider what may be proper to be done about Erecting a Writing School in the Center of the Town, as also to Consider that part of the Commit- tee's Report relating to an Additional Building at the alms house, and the Granting of Land, whereon to Erect the same, To Re- ceive the Reports of vSeveral Committees, and to Choose Jurors for -luly Court. To agree upon Conclude and finish such other mat- ters and things as were under Consideration at former Meetings, ai d Continued to be further debated at this ; and also such other Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 293 matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this Meet- ing. And in like manner requiring them to Warn all the Free holders of the s*^. Town to meet at the same time and place, in order [90.] To proceed to the Choice of some meet Person qualified as the Law directs to be Register of Deeds, &c. for the County of Suffolk, Pursuant to a Warrant under tlie Hands and Seals of \^'illiam Dudley and Anthony Stoddard Esq". Two of His Majes- ty's Justices of the Quorum for the said County, bearing Date t the Twelfth Day of May, anno Domini, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty one, In the Fourteenth Year of His Majesties Keign. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 20, 1741. Present Jonas Clarke Esq^ m^ Hancock ' m"". Cooke Capt. Steel Information being given that Josias Byles One of the Sealers of Wood, now follows the Business of a Wharfinger. Ordered, That mr. Savell Notify him to Attend the Select Men next Monday. rOl.] Voted, That mr. John Staniford have a Draft on the Town Treasurer the next Draft Day, for Collecting £. G826. 8. 5. at Five p. Cent, being £ 341. 6. 5. for the year, 1739 it appear- ing by his Receipts that he had made up with the Several Treas- urers according to his Warrants from the Assessors. It is Proposed that a Suitable Person be appointed to Enquire after vStrangers that comes into Town with Effects, in Order to their being Assessed. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 25, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^ m^. Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel M'. Josiah Byles Appearing according to [93<,] Order, and declares that he is not, nor has any tho'ts of being Concerned as a Wliai'finger of any Wood Wharf whatever. Andrew Lane Esq'", appearing Informs that Crooked Lane lead- ing from the Town house to Cornhill is much out of Repair in the Pavement, by means of which the said Lane is render'd almost Useless, And Praying that it may be mended, the abutters being willing to Pay their Proportionable part of the Charge. Voted, That Jonas Clarke Esq^ mr. Cooke and Capt. Steel be desired to draw up some proper Method for Regulating the Charges of the Town Clerk in Writing in said office, for the Town. 294 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Hancock Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Cooke Capt. Steel ♦ [93.] Capt. Steel, Informs that Capt. Mitchell bro't into this Town, Daniel Orr his wife and Six Children from North Yar- mouth ab'. Two months ago, & that they are now at the House of mr. Clark the Nailer at the North end — and that there is an other Family lately come from Maiden, living at mrs. Blewets near the North Burying place — mr. Savell is directed forthwith to Warn the said Persons to depart the Town, as the Law directs. Mr. William Waters appearing Informs — that he did not Charge the People that was at Rainsfords Island the last Fall, with the Four Cord of Wood that was Sent down to him, Altho' by them Used, and therefore desires that he may not be Charged therewith. Mrs. Mary Hamilton, appearing according to Order, upon a Complaint made of her being about to Set up a Tallow Chandlers Work house at the Southerly part of the [94.] Town, without Liberty so to do, The Laws of the Province relating to that affair was Read to her, and the Select Men forbid her proceeding there- in. Ordered, That mr. Savell, Notify Nehemiah Wilkins the present Occupier of the Shop on Dock Square, which was Let to mr. Jon*. Foster to be here next Wednesday — As also mess". Glidden and Waters in order to Settle their acco*. about the North Battery and also Notify mr. Merchant to be here next Wednesday. Capt. Steel Informs that mr. Corsser is about to Build a House or Shed with a large oven in it for a Bake house near the North Writing School which will much darken the said School. Voted, That the Select Men View the same tomorrow Morning at Nine o'Clock a. m. [95.] At a meeting of the Select men, June 10 — 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel The Select Men on Thursday last, according to Appointment, Viewed the place where mr. Corsser was about to Build a Shed — with a large Oven under it for a Bake house near the North Writ- ing School, & judg'd it would be very Inconvenient & much prejudice the said School, And therefore forbid his proceeding therein. M'. John Perry, appearing, Desires Liberty to Set a Fish house Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 295 on the Town High Way near the New Ferry place at the North end, to Stand there, during the pleasure of the Select Men for the time being, and Informs that mr. Oliver Luckis [96.] h;ith removed his Fish house from the place where the Se- lect Men order'd it to be placed. Voted, That John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq''., and Capt. Steel be desired to View the said Fish houses from the places where they now Stand. Mess". Waters & Glidden appearing according to Order, pre- sented an acco'. of Charge on the Wharf, they hired of the Town, near the North Battery amounting to £. 130. 16 — for making an addition to the same &c. which being tho't very large. It was agreed to refer it to mess". Joshua Thornton and John Demerry to Value the same, who are desired to Attend there for that end to- morrow at 3 p. m. and that the above Committee be desired to be with them at the same time. M"". John Peirce, Informs that the Engine under his Care, was first bro't to Work on the Fire which lately broke out [97.] at mr. Box's Rope Walk, And desires the Premium granted by the Town may he drawn for the next Draft Day. Voted, That a Draft be then made on the Town Treasurer, ac- cordingly. M"". Nehemiah Wilkins, Appear'd accordingly to order, and In- forms that he hath Occupied the Shop Let to mr. Jon*. Foster on Dock Square, since the fir^t of Sept. 1740, time said Foster left it and desires he may be Continued therein still. Voted, That the said Shop be and hereby is Let to the said Wilkins for the Space of One year, Commencing Sept. 1. 1740, he Paying to the Town Treasurer, Eight Pounds p. annum for the same. M"". David Collson Informs that he is about Building on his Land fronting to Orange Street at' the South end, & desires the Select Men would run the line. Voted, That John Jeffries Esq^ Jonas Clark Esq^ and Capt. Steel be desired to Attend that Service. Order'd, that the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread, at the rate of Twenty Four Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushel, Allowed for Charges, which is Computed as follows, Viz'. Ordered, That mr. John Brown have the Charge of the Engine which is kept in a House adjoining to the Old North Meetinghouse — And he is allowed Sixteen men besides himself, oz. dr. of Penny white Loaf Wheaten House hold Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1. 2. 3 15 11 8 6 3 Viz». John Brown James Dowell John Beer William Marshall City Document No. 87. Thomas Bentley Edward Edes James Clark John Baker William Stone Elijah Doubleday Francis Marshall Timothy Brown Oliver Luckis Jun''. Eleazar Newhall Daniel Barker Benj'^. Luckis and Ebenzer Brown And in Case, there should happen any Difference at any time among them, that they should want to put out, or take in any Man, John Brown that has the Charge of the Engine, shall give an Account of the same to the Select Men, for their Allowance and Orders for their proceeding. — and at any time if a Fire should break out, the said Brown is Ordered to Improve the said Engine, where he think she may do the most Service ; And to take Care, That at no time, the Doors of the Engine house be Obstructed by Snow &c. And to Work the said Engine Once every Month, from the first of April to the first of October. And to See that the En- gine and Pails be kept in good Order — And when at an}- time it shall happen that any thing is out of Order, or [100 . ] wanting for the Engine, they apply directly to the Select Men for their direction in the Affair And for their Care and Diligence in the same, the Town at their Meeting, March 9*^. 1740. have by a Vote freed them from all other offices in the Town for this Year, and also granted a Premium of Five Pounds to the Engine, that shall be first brought to W^ork at a House or other Building that shall be on Fire to be paid out of the Town Treasury. Ordered, that the Town Clerk Issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston — In His Majesty's Name, Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabi- tants of the said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Es- tate of Forty Shillings p. annum of Free hold of Land within this Province* or Territory at the least, or other Estate to the Value of Fifty y Pounds Sterling ; to Convene at the Town [101 »] house upon Tuesday the Sixteenth of June Currant at Three o'Clock in the afternoon. Then and there to Elect and Depute One or more Persons (being Free holders and Resident in the Town) according to the number Set and limited by an Act of the General Assembly, to Serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court or Assembly, Appointed to be Convened held and kept for his His Majesty's Service at the Court house in Boston upon Wednesday the Eight Day of July next, and so De Die in Diem, during their Session and Sessions, according to a Precept under the Hand and Seal of Edward Winslow Esq^, Sheriff of the County of Suffolk, bearing Date the Ninth Day of June In the Fourteenth Year of His Majesties Reign, Annoq Domini, 1741. 296 [99.] Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 297 Voted, That the Visitation of the Publick Schools within this Town, Pursuant to the Vote and order of the [10^,] Inhabitants, at their Annual Meeting the 9^'\ of March last, be attended on Wednesday tbe 17"\ of June Currant and that the following Gen- tlemen be desired to accompany the Select Men in the said Visita- tion — Viz'. The Hon. Josiah Willard Esq'. The Hon. Jacob AVendell Esq^ The Hon. William Foye Esq'. The Hon. John Read Esq^ Peter Faneuil Esq^ The Rev. mr. Thomas Prince The Rev. mr. John Webb The Rev. mr. William Cooper The Rev. mr. Thomas Foxcroft The Rev. mr. Joshua Gee The Rev. mr. Ellis Gray Docf. William Douglass m''. Thomas Cushing m'". Timothy Prout m'". Edward Bromfield m"". James Allen Ordered, That mr. Savell give Seasonable Notice [103.] to the Gentlemen Of this appointment, and that they be desired to Meet at the Council Chamber on said Day, at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon . Voted, That Jonas Clarke Esq"*, and m'". Hancock be desired to give directions to mrs. Wardell to provide a Dinner for Twenty- five Gentleman on that Day. Mem°. * June 16, 1741. Liberty is hereby Granted to mr. Henry Price to Dig up the Pavement & Open the Ground in Queen Street in Order to lay a Drain from his Land in s^. Street to the Common Shore, upon Con- dition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satis- faction of the Select men, and does not Obstruct the Passage in the said Street while the same is performing. [104.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 17*^^. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq^ m"". Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread, at the Rate of Twenty Six Shillings p. Bushel, for Wheat, and Three JShillings and Six pence p. Bushel, allow'd for Charges, which is Computed as follows, Viz^ 298 City Document No. 87. oz- dr. * Of Penny white Loaf 1- 9- Wheaten 2- 5| Household 3- 2- Six penny Wheaten Loaf 14- 2 At a Meeting of the Select Men June 24, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m'". Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel [105.] Voted, That the Town Clerk be directed to make an Alphabetical Book or Index to enter the Names of all Persons giving Bond to the Town Treasurer for Persons Admitted In- habitants, for Five Years past, with the Dates of the Bonds & the Names of the Persons for whom given. Robert Henry, Appearing Informs that about Six Months ago, he came into this Town in Capt. Blacklock from Ireland, and desires to be Admitted an Inhabitant & have Liberty to Open a Shop and Exercise the Calling of a Blacksmith & Farrier in this Town and proposes mess'^ Green and Walker for his Bondsmen. Voted, That he be Admitted an Inhabitant Accordingly and & have Liberty to open a Shop & Exercise his said Callings Upon Condition that he with mess". Green and Walker give Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum .of One Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon his acco*. for Five Years as the Law directs [100.] Mr. Cooke in behalf of Major John Hill, Desires that the Select Men would View the Mash on the Neck which is Let to the said Hill, & give directions for Draining the same according to his Lease. Voted, That John Jeffries Esq'". Caleb Lyman Esq'", mr. Hancock mr. Cooke & Capt. Steel be a Committee for that purpose The Select Men on Wednesday last the 17'^. instant. Visited the Publick Schools within the Town, Accompanied by the following Gentlemen Viz'. The Hon. Joshia Willard Esq^ The Hon. Jacob Wendell Esq^ The Hon. Richard Bill Esq^ The Hon. William Foye Esq^ Major Samuel Sewall The Rev. Joseph Sewall D.D. The Rev. mr. Thomas Prince The Rev. mr. John Webb The Rev. mr. William Welsted m*^. Edward Bromfield & m'. James Allen. [107.] And found the said Schools under good regulation. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 299 The Number of Scholars in each School were as follows, viz*. la the South Grammar School, Eighty Seven, In the Writing School in Queen Street, Seventy four; In the North Grammar School, Sixty five ; and in the North Writing School Two Hundred. Mem\ July 8, 1741. Mr. WilUam Waters appeared and Informs that he will not longer keep the Hospital on Rainsfords Island, for Fifty Pounds p. Annum, finding Nurses Utensils &c. as in his former agreement, and therefore shall quit the same unless the Province allow him One Hundred Pounds p. annum. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 15 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeferies Esq'- Caleb Lyman Esq^ Capt. Fors3 th m^ Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel [108 o] The Select Men Agreed with mr. William Metchant Shipwright, and let unto him the Ship Yard near the North Battery (lately Improved by mess'"'. Glidden & Waters) for the Term of Seven Years Commencing the 1''. of April last, at the Annual Rent of Thirty five Pounds, to be paid half Yearly to the Town Treasurer, he to keep the same in Tenantable Repair during said Term (Extraordinary Casualties Excepted.) Whereas William Waters, keeper of the Hospital at Rainsfords Island, Declines keeping the same any longer on moderate terms — Therefore Voted, That the same be advertised in the Publick News Papers in order to Settle some Suitable Person thereon. Liberty is Granted to mr. Richard Smith to Set down a Sign Post before his House in King Street. [109.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 22, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq'. m^ Hancock m"*. Cooke M^ John Dabney, Informs, That Joseph Dogan a Taylor and Mary his Wife, were lately Imported from Annapolis by Benj** Donill, and about Ten Days Since came to lodge at his House. Alexander Muitt his Wife and Three Children and Ann Anderson, who were lately Imported from Scotland by David Wallace, are admitted Inhabitants, the said W^allace together with mr. Benj^- Colman having given Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon their Acco*. for Five Y^'ears ; as the Law directs. [110.] The Committee to whom was refei'd the Erecting of a Beacon on Beacon hill, Report that they have Agreed with William 300 City Document No. 87. Bowcn and others to do the same the Pole to be Inches thick and feet in length, the Cells to be Inches of White Oak, And the to be of white Oak, the Worknaen to be paid by the Days Work. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 27 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman, Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m'*. Hancock m"*. Cooke Capt. Steel Complaint being made, that the Pavement at the upper end of the Long Wharf is out of Repair, and also at the bottom of Cross Street, and [111,] near the Mill Bridge. Vot'3d, That mr. Thornton forthwith Repair the said Pavements in the best & Cheapest manner he can. At a meeting of the Select men, July 29. 1741. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke, Esq^ m^ Hancock Capt. Steel Ordered That mr. Savell Notify Robert Henry to give Bond to the Town Treasurer with mess". Green & Wallier, as directed June 24"^. latit, M'. George Til'ey Ap[3eared & Declared that he Designs to Open an High Way or Sti eet of Thirty five or Foity feet in VVedth thro' his Land at the Bottom of the Common in said Boston, the same l)egiuning at the End of the Land that is opened [112.] In mr. Bennetts Land & from thence to rim & Continue thr6 his the said George Tilleys Lnnd till it comes into the Common being about Eight or Nine Hundred feet in Length, & that he was willing to give the same to the Town for their Use forever — and desired that his Motion may be inserted in the next Warrant for a Town Meeting. Ordered, That mr. Savell Notify Thomas Robinson to Appear S'^l'^ctMen Tho^. Hancock J To each & every of the Constables of the Town of Boston. [131.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 12, 1741. Present Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq', m'". Hancock m"". Cooke Voted, That mr. Savell make Enquiry after Ann Davis, Wife to a Ship Carpenter, whom Capt. Hoar lately Imported into this Town from Bristol, and Report their Circumstances next Wednes- day. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 18, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Voted, That mr. Savell forthwith Remove or cause to be re- moved, AH mr. Welch's Timber, [123.] lying before the Market house on Dock Square. Ordered, That mr. Haislup be Notified to attend on Wednesday next, in order to answer some Complaints made against him, that he hath not a Sufficiency of Hands for the sweeping of Chim- nies. 304 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 19, 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq''. Jonas Clarke Esq"", m''. Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel M^ William Waters appearing, offers to keep the Province Hospital upon Rainstbrds Island for Fifty Pounds p. annum as p. former agreement bearing [123o] Date October, 9. 1739, he Ex- pecting the Province provide for the Poor & Indigent as the Law directs. It appearing to the Select Men that upon the arrival of Gov- ernour Belcher to this Government they Addressed His Excellency in behalf of the Town to Congratulate him upon that Occasion. Therefore, Voted, That the Select Men wait upon His Ex- cellency William Shirley Esq'', to Congratulate him upon his ad- vancement to the Government, and that the Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", and mr. Cooke be desired to prepare an address to His Excellency upon the Occasion, and that the Select Men meet tomorrow at Three o'Clock to receive the same. m''. George Featherston Appearing, Informs that he hath lately come into this Town with his AVife from Holland, in order to reside here, and desires to be admitted, [124,] an Inhabitant and have Liberty to Open a Shop. It Appearing to the Select Men that he hath brought with him Effects SutRcient to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. Therefore, Voted That the said Featherston and Wife be and hereby are admitted Inhabitants and he hath Liberty Granted him to Open a Shop in this Town. Capt. Norwood appeared according to order upon acco*. of John Kirkland — whom he Imported from Barbadoes, and Informs that he Ship't him not above an hour before he Sailed, after which he fell Sick in a few Days and was not able to do his Duty on board during the Voyage. It Appearing to the Select Men that the s^. Kirkland is a Stran- ger and very Poor and Indigent, apprehend him to be a proper object of Publick Charity — They Directed the Town Clerk in their [125.] name to Recommend him to be received into the Alms house at the Charge of the Province. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 20. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^ m^ Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 305 The Select Men Executed a Lease of the North Battery Wharf to mr. William Merchant for the term of Seven Years commencing the 1*'. of April last, at the Rate of Thirty live Pounds p. annum to be paid at two equal Payments, Viz'. Seventeen Pounds Ten Shillings on tlie first Day of October and April Yearly and every Y^ear during the said Term [126.] mr. William Merchant, Desires that the Select Men would run the Line between the North Battery Wharf and mr. Parkmaus Land — Voted, That the Select Men meet on Tuesday next in order to run the said Line, and that mr. Park- man be Notified hereof. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"", from the Committee appointed to Draw up an address to be presented to His Excellency Gov''. Shirley — Presented the Draft prepared, which was Read & is as follows, Viz^ To His Excellency W'". Shirley Esq''. Captain General Governour and Commander in Chief in & over His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. May it Please Y^our Excellency We the Select Men of the Town of Boston now wait on Your, [127.] Excellency to Congratulate you on your advancement to the Head of this Government. We look upon it as a Special Smile of Providence, that our most Gracious Sovereign has placed over us a Person who has among us, so many Pledges of his Attachment to Our Welfare and whose long abode with us has given him such a Knowledge of Our Laws Liberties and Interests, of whose affection and Integrity this Town h^ith had such Strong Proofs while in a private Station, and whose Personal Accom- plishments for Government are such lhat We can't but Reflect on Your advancement with Singulnr Joy and Satisfaction, & Esteem it as an happy Presage of our future Welfare. That Your Excel- lency may always have the Divine Assistance and Blessing through Your whole administration, and be greatly instrumental in pro- moting Religion, good Order and Trade, among us, and that [128.] this Town (the Metropolis of the Government) may be under Your Paternal Smiles in all its Interests is the hearty desire of Your Excelleucys Most Obedient Servants. Voted, That the same be accepted, and that the Select Men wait on His Kxcellency and present the same, tomorrow at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon and that the Town Clerk wait on His Excellency to Acquaint him with the Select Men's Intentions. Mem^ Aug. 21 1741 According to the Vote of the Select Men as entred Y'esterday, they Waited upon His Excellency William Shirley Esq"", to Con- gratulate him upon his advancement to the Government, with the Address as then Entred, To which His Excellency was pleased to make the following Answer viz*. [129.] Gentlemen, J return you thanks for this Obliging Address ; It gives me a Singular Pleasure that I have had it in my Power to give the Town of Boston Proofs of my Affection for it, and you may ever 306 City Document No. 87. depend upon my best Endeavours to promote Religion, good Order and Trade among You, and that I will Consult the Towns Interest upon all Occasions W. Shirley Boston, Aug. 21. 1741 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 26 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Es(j'". m'. Cooke Capt. Steel After some Discourse upon the State of [130.] VVinnisimet Ferry, a Motion was made that Samuel Watts Esq*", who has the Improvement of it be desired to Attend the Select Men upon that Aft'air, who Accordingly came & S:iid he does not Expect to Pay any Rent to the Town for the same, from the time his Lease expired. A Motion made by John Jeffries Esq'', that a List of the Pumps and Wells &c. belonging to the Town, be taken that so those of the Inhabitants who improve them, may Pay some acknowledg- ment to the Town for the same. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Aug. 31. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq"", m'". Hancock m"*. Cooke [131.] Mr. Matthias Cowdrey Appearing Informs that James Frazier, one of the Persons belonging to the Dock Watch hath been taken of from his Duty for some time past by Sickness and that he is not likely ever to recover his llealtli, And therefore desired some proper Person might be put in his room, and recom- meudod Joseph Policy as a Suitable Person if the Select Men think fit. Voted, That the said Joseph PoUey be Admitted into the said Watch, in the room of the said James Frazier. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 2^. 1741 Present The Hon, John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq'", m"". Hancock m^ Cooke Capt. Steel Mr. Jonathan Dwight Informs that [13^.] He is in Posses- sion of the Ground at the White horse Tavern & is willing Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 307 to give a place for the Watch house at the Southerly Corner of his Land. Voted That John Jeffries Esq"", mr. Hancock and mr. Cooke be a Committee to agree with mr. Dwight ab*. removing the Watch house there. Daniel Ruddock Informs that he came into this Town from Phihidelphia sometime in June last, & hath lodg'd at CoUops at the South end of the Town ever since. Ordered, That mr. Savell Prosecute the said Collop for Enter- taining the said Ruddock in her House, without giving Notice thereof to the Select men as the Law directs. Whereas Information is given to the Select Men that the Yellow Fever is very brief in Philadelphia, therefore [133.] Voted, That Advice be Asked of the Physicians of the Town, Whether that Distemper is of such a Nature as will require the Vessells coming from thence to be Stop'd from coming up to Town until Examined for the Safety of the Town. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread, at the rate of Twenty four Shillings p Bushel, for Wheat and Three Shillings & ^iix pence p. Bushel, Allowed for Charges, and which is Computed as follows, Viz*. Liberty is hereby Granted to mr. Benjamin Babbidge to Dig up the Ground in Hull Street in order to lay a Drain from his House in said Street [134:.] To the Common Shore, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground again and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 9*^. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m^ Hancock m"". Cooke Mr. William Waters Appearing this Day, Offered to keep the Province Hospital on Rainsfords Island for Fifty Pounds p Annum as p. a former Agreement made October 9*^. 1739. for the Space of One Year Commencing from the 29*^. of June last, and to receive Orders from tlie Select Men to keep a Sufficient Guard to [135.] Hinder all Persons fromcoming or going off the said Island without their leave and to receive from all Persons conjing on Sliore whether Sick or well after the Rate of Twenty five Shillings p. Week According to the Information given to the Select Men respecting the 3^ellow Fever being very brief in Philadelphia as entred on Wednesday last, having Asked the Advice of Several of the Physi- oz - dr. Of Penny White Loaf Wheaten House hold Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1- 11 2- 8 3- 6 15- 3 Sept. 8. 1741. Mem°. 308 City Document No. 87. cians they think it adviseable to take all proper Care that the said Distemper be hindred from coming among us, Therefore, — Voted, That Application be made to his Excellency the Gov- ernour for an Order to the Commanding officer at Castle William to carefully Examine all Vessels coming from thence, and to hin- der them from coming up to Town until further Order. Accordingly a Petition was drawn Signed [130.] & presented by the Select Men Mr. Chambers Informs that the Watch house by the Town house is much out of repair. Voted, That John Jeffries Esq"", mr. Hancock, & mr. Cooke be desired to See the same repaired as soon as possible. Whereas the Law for regulating of Porters in the Town of Boston made in the Year 1736. is now expired, and a New One made at the Session of the General Court in July last. Voted, That Notifications be posted up to direct all Persons willing to be Employed as Porters on the Dock and else where in the Town that they make Application to the Select Men at the Town house, on the three Succeeding Wednesdays at three o'Clock in the Afternoon, in Order to be under the Regulation the Law re- quires. [137.] Boston, Sept. 10, 1741 Whereas the Petitions of Sundry Persons for Licence to Sell Strong Drink, either as Innholders or Retailers have been presented to the Select Men and at Several Meetings by them Con- sidered, A List of their Names & the Street where each Person Dwells, with the actings of the Select Men, on s^. Petitions is here Recorded, as follows, Viz*. Innholders, Approved and Recommended, Viz*. Mary English Fish Street Pelatiah Glover Common Street Joseph Hiller Fish Street Mary Lambert Cross Street Samuel Wethered King Street Retailers, Approved & Recommended Viz'. Elizabeth Bettesly Sudbury Street Margaret Clark Milk Street [138.] John Downing Fish Street Mary Flagg Back Street Susanna Grainger Orange Street Katharine Harratt Orange Street James Hughes & Sam\ Sloan West of Boston Isaac Herault Sudbury Street Samuel Hunstable Sudbury Street William Ivers Back Street Sarah Kimball Cambridge Street William Lackey Cambridge Street Benjamin Mason Dock Square Samuel May Newbury Street James Nelson Fish Street on Clark Wf *. Hannah Orange Middle Street Margaret Rush Black horse Lane Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 309 Samuel Smith Elizabeth Shepard Mary Soper John Watkins Abigail Willis Purchase Street Newbury Street Sun Street Fleet Street Ship Street Retailers, Disallowed, Viz*. Margaret Allen [139.] Dorcas Campbell Merchants Row Cold Lane Days Lane Fish Street Elizabeth Everton Thomas Eyre William Haislup Abigail M^CoUo Tamson Rogers Wigglesworth Sweetser Ship Street Peines Alley King Street Union Street At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 16. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Fors3'th Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq"", m"^. Hancock m^ Cooke Capt. Steel Whereas Wilsons Lane is much out of repair, & the Pavement wanting to be new laid, and the Proprietors being willing to Pay their proportionable part It is therefore Voted, That Caleb Lyman [140.] Esq'', and mr. Cooke be a Committee to treat with some Workmen about Paving the same in the best & Cheapest way they can. Upon Condition the Workmen take the Abutters for to Pay their Two third parts. Edward Cowell Informs that he with his Wife and three Children — came into this Town from Cape Cod, about three Months past & hired a House of James Halsey, and keeps Boarders he not being Acquainted with the Law pleaded Ignorance thereof, other- wise he would have followed the Steps therein prescribed, and now desires to be admitted an Inhabitant & to Open a Shop in this Town. Whereas the Pavement in Back Street and many other places in the Town are very much out of repair. Voted, That the Select Men, View the [141.] Several places and Report what is proper to be done. John Wetherell Informs that he with his Wife and two Children came into this Town fromEastham the 23"^. of July last, lives at a House in Minots Court which he hires of mr. Butler and keeps Lodgers — and that Mercy Clark his Daughter with Two Children came into Town last Spring, he desires to be Admitted an Inhabi- tant. Mr. Savell is directed to Notify some of the Neiglibours to appear next Wednesday in order to Say what they know concern- ing the Order kept by the said Wethrell in his House. Whereas, the Select Men are Impowered by a Law of this Town 310 City Document No. 87. to Appoint Suitable Persons to be Chimney Sweepers and agree with them for Sweeping the same. — Voted, That advertisements [14^.] be Printed in the Publick News Papers to inform any Person or Persons inclining to Undertake that Business that they Appear at the Town House on the three Succeeding Wednesdays that they may have an opportunity of Agreeing with the Select Men. The Committee Appointed to View the Watch house at the South end of the Town and find a proper place in Order to Set the same on, Reported That they had Attended that Service and Treated with mr. Dwight who was willing to have the same put on his Ground, provided they would take it away when he should desire it. And also remove a Shed which is now Standing thereon, and build it again, which they Apprehend would be so Uncertain as to time & the Charge of removing the Shed and building it again so great, that they are of Opinion [143,] that it will not be proper to place it there. The Select Men having endeavoured to find a Suitable place to move the Watch house at the South end to, and not finding any Convenient, made Application to John Jeffries Esq"" for leave to Set it, on his Land at the South end, which he Consented to upon Condition that it be placed as he shall direct, and that no Dirt or Trash be thrown into his Ground, & that it be removed, when he shall desire the same, & the Fence be put in repair. Therefore Voted, That the said Watch house be placed on the said Peice of Land, and that the Hon. John Jeffries E^q^ mr. Hancock and mr. Cooke be n Committee to See the same removed agreeable to the Leave given by mr. Jeffries. Whereas this Year is the time Appointed by [144.] Law for Perambulating the Bounds betwixt Town and Town. It is therefore Agieed upon & Ordered, That Fryday the Twenty fifth of Sept. Current be the time for running the Line and renew- ing the Bound marks between the Town of Boston, & the Town of Roxbury. And that the Select Men, Viz*. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Alexander Forsyth, Caleb Lyman Esq''. Jonas Clarke Esq^ mr. Thomas Hancock, mr. Middlecott Cooke and Capt. John Steel, or any two of them be a Committee for and in behalf of the Town of Boston, fuU}^ authorized and Impowered to join with such Per- sons as the Select Men of Roxbury shall Appoint and Impower to .Attend & perform the same, and that All Persons concerned — therein be & hereby are desired to meet at the House of mr. John Graton at the Sign of the Greyhound in Roxbury, at Two of the Clock in the afternoon of the [145«] said Day, in Order to Attend the said Business — And the Town Clerk is here by Directed to give Seasonable Notice (by a Letter) to the Select Men of Rox- bury of this Appointment, Desiring them to Appoint and Impower. a Committee in behalf of the Town of Roxbury, to join with Us in that service accordingly. But if the Weather should prove Wet & apparently Unsuitable for the performance of the said Work on the Day above mentioned, then the same to be Attended & performed the next Day, Viz*. On Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 311 Saturday the 26*^. of September Current to meet at the s*^. place at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. (Copy of the Letter to the Select Men of Roxbury) Boston, Sept. IG. 1741 The Select Men of Boston to The Select Men of Roxbury, Gentlemen, These are to give You notice [146.] that this Year is the time wherein according to Law, We are required to run the Boundary line betwixt this Town & the Town of Roxbury. You are therefore desired to appoint & Impower a Committee to join with that of Ours, for the performance of that Service, and that they meet us at the House of mr. John Graton at the Sign of the Gre}' hound in Roxbury, on Fryday the Twenty-fifth Day of September Current, at Two o'Clock in the afternoon — The Persons Appointed in behalf of this Town are the Select Men, Viz*., The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Alexan ler Forsyth, Caleb Lyman & Jonas Clarke Esq^^ mr. Thomas Hancock, mr. Middlecot Cooke and Capt. John Steel, & they, or any two of them, are Impowered to run the Line & renew the Bound Marks between the said Towns of Boston and Roxbury accordingly. But if the Weather on the said Twenty fifth Day of Sept. [147.] Should prove Wet & apparently Unsuitable for the Performance of this Work, then We do propose and Appoint to Attend the same on the next Day following. Viz*, on Saturday the Twenty Sixth of this instant September, to meet at the said place at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon — — By order of the Select men EZEK^- GOLDTHWAIT ToWU Clcik. This Day the Select Men & mr. William W^aters interchange- ably Signed an agreement for keeping the Province Hospital on Rainsfords Island, which is as follows. Viz*. Whereas the Great & General Court at their Session, the 2VK of June, 1738. Did by thf'ir Order, Authorize and Impower the Select Men of Boston to agree with some Suitable Person to keep the Hospital — lately Built by Order of the said Coui t at Rains- fords Island, for the reception of Sick and Infectious Persons & for their time & Ser [148.] vico in taking Care of the Sick &c. who may be sent to the said Hospital by the Year. Pursuant to the said order, the Selectmen have this Day agreed with mr. William Waters to keep the Province Hospital on Rains- fords Island accordingly ; who is to take all proper Care of such Sick Persons as may from time to time be Sent to the said Hos- pital, finding & providing Nurses Assistance and all things Neces- sary for their Comfort and Relief, to Save the Province, harmless from all Charges that may arise on Account of any Poor & Indigent Persons who may be Sent to the s*^. Hospital (Doctors Bills Excepted) and to follow the Orders of the Select Men respecting Persons (and Goods) coming on or going off the said Island, And to keep a Sufficient Guard to hinder all Persons from coming on or going off said Island, without the leave of the Select men ; and he is not [149.] To take off or suffer to be 312 City Document No. 87. taken off from the said Island any Stones or Ballast whatso- ever. In Consideration whereof, he the said Waters is to have the Use & Improvement of the said Island & Housing thereon, for One Year, Commencing the Twenty-first Day of June last, & to be Allowed and Paid out of the Province Treasury the Sum of Fifty Pounds p. annum, and is also to Demand & receive Pay from such Persons as may from time to time be Sent thither, as afore- said for his Attendmce and Expences on them during their being at the said Hospital, after the Rate of Twenty five Shillings p. Week, and it is further Agreed that the Select Men shall and will Afford their Assistance to the said Waters in the Premisses from time to time as Need shall require. [150.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 23 1741 Present The* Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^. Jonas Clarke Esq'", m''. Hancock Cooke Capt. Steel Mr. Edward Cowell Appeared and renewed his request to be ad- mitted an Inhabitant of the Town, and to have Liberty to Open a Shop. Voted, Tliat the Consideration thereof be refer'd till Wednes- day next. Voted, That mr. Benj'^. Albuoy be Prosecuted in the Law for Importing into this Town One Ocane Briant from Bermudas, & not giving Bond to the Town Treasurer to Indemnify the Town for Five Years from any Charge upon [151.] his Acco*. as the Law directs & that nn\ Goldthwait make out a Writ, against him. Vot.'d, That mr. James Halsey and mr. Samuel Butler be Prosecutad for receiving Persons into their Houses as Tenants & not informing the Select Men thereof as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 25. 1741. according to Order as Entred the 16*^. Current — Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq*", m''. Hancock Capt. Steel The Select Men of Boston in Concert with the Select Men of Roxbury Attended the Perambulation betwixt the two Towns [152.] this Day; A Report whereof is here Recorded, as fol- lows. Viz*. Pursuant to agreement, We the Subscribers Met at the time and Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 313 place appointed, and run the Line, & renewed the ancient Bound marks between the Town of Boston & the Town of IJoxbury. Beginning at the Mouth of the Creek which Opens into the Bay leading to Cambridge and so goes as the Creek runs, until it comes in a range with the Fence and Trees which parts between John Richardson Esq". Land, formerly m"". Nath'. Brewers, and Samuel Welles Esq". Land, formerly culled mr. Minots, then cross the Street or High Way till it comes to a Stump with a heap of Stones about Eighty feet from the High Way and from thence Streight to a little Knowl upon the Edge of the Creek, a Corner of the Bounds, & from thence Easterly as the Creek runs, till it comes to a Stake with [153.] a heap of Stones in Col''. Lamb's Dam, and from thence as the Creek runs into the Bay between Boston & Dorchester. Dated the 25*^. Day of September, 1741. John Jeffries Alex. Forsyth Caleb Lyman [ Select Men of Jonas Clarke f Boston Tho^ Hancock John Steel Joseph Weld Joseph Ruggles c i i. tit ^« Samuel GR.DLEY ^Select Men of John Ruggles | Joseph Williams J Mem", on the Day above mentioned the Select Men fixed a Stake on the West Side of the Creek running into the Dam marked B, on the one Side & 11 on the other. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 28. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m"*. Hancock m'". Cooke [154.] Ordered, That a Draught be made on the Town Treasurer for Three Pounds to each of the Watch houses in Order to Purchase Charcoal. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 30. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Whereas Several of the French Nation are now about Town, & having no Licence from the Governor & Council therefor, which is Contrary to a Law of this Province, Therefore, 314 City Document No, 87. Ordered, That mr. Savell make Enquiry after them & Notify them to Atteiid the Select Men next Wednesday at four o'Clock in the Afternoon in order to be Examined as to the reason of [155.] their residing here. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread, at the rate of Twenty four Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat, and Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushel allow'd for Charges which is Com- puted as follows, Viz'. oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 1. 11. Wheaten 2. 8 House hold 3. 6 Six penny W beaten Loaf 15. 3 Ordered, That the Town Clerk Deliver mr. John Staniford, the Bond given by him to the Town Treasurer, for his faithful Collect- ing & Paying in the Taxes for the Year, 1739, he having performed the same & gotten Discharges from the Several Treasurers. [156.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 7. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". (;apt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'*. Jonas Clarke Esq'', m''. Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel Mr, Alexander Hnnt Appeared & Desires to Hire the Flatta Fronting & adjoining to the South Battery. Voted, That the Select Men View the same Tomorrow at Nine o'clock in the forenoon & then give him his answer. Lovis Demon I'ne & John De lauire of the French Nation, Ap- peared according to Order & upon Examination, Declare that they came from St. Christophers a few Days past in Capt. Mirick in Ord'v r to get a Passage from hence to Lewis burg and that they lodge at the Widow Bonyats & [157.] that they had been with His Excellency the Governour, acquainting him of their Arrival here, & had Obtained his verbal Permission, to Endeavour to get their Passage Malachiah Woodward appeared according to Order, & Informs that he came from Truro, last April that he lives at Went worths Wharfe, has a Wife and Three Children and is a Labouring man. Ordered, That mr. Savell Notify Capt. John Seymour & Capt. William Palmer to Appear & give Bond to the Town Treasurer for the Passengers they have Imported from Ireland. Voted, That Twelve Pounds be Allowed to mr. William Bowen & Comp". for Expence at raising the New Beacon on Beacon hill on Fry day next. [158.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Octob'. 10, 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq'. I Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 315 Jonas Clarke Esq', m''. Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel Whereas Sundry of the Merchants & Inhabitants of Boston having Complained to the Select Men that Notwithstanding the Advertisement Published by Capt. Edward Hawke Commander of His Majestys Ship the Portland soon after his arrival here, that he would not Impress any Sea Men or Land Men for His Majesty's Service during his Stay here, Yet he hath Impressed several Sea men & Continues so doing, which greatly Terrifyes the Coasters and other Vessells bringing Grain, Wood &c. to this Town. Voted, That the Select Men forthwith Wait [159.] upon His Excellency the Governour desing his Assistance in this affair, and Protection of all Coasters & Vessells that Import Grain Provision Wood &c. for the Support of the Town, from the Impress of the Comander of any of His Majesty's Ships in this Harbour which the Select Men accordingly did & His Excellency was pleased to Answer that he would take effectual Care to prevent any such farther Impress of men, & that if any men were wanting on board His Majesty's Ships for His Majesty's Servi js they should be immediately found and Supplyed by the Government. Mem«. October, 13. 1741. Liberty is hereby Granted to rars. Love Rawlings to Dig up the Pavement & Open the Ground in Wood Lane in Order to repair her Drain running from her House into the Common Shore, Upon Condition that She forthwith make good the Grouwd & Pavement again & keep the [160.] same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. Mem". October, 16. 1741. Liberty is here by Granted to mr. Thomas Wallis to Dig up the Pavement & Open the Ground in Summer Street in Order to lay a Drain from his House into the Common Shore there Upon Con- dition that he forthwith make good the Ground & Pavement again & keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satis- faction of the Select Men & doth not Obstruct the Passage of Carts &c. while the same is performing. Liberty is here by Granted to John Hunt Esq'', to Dig up the Pavement & open the Ground in Lynn Street in Order to lay a Drain from his House into the Common Shore, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground & Pavement again & keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select men. [161.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 21. 1741 Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke 316 City Document No. 87. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread at the rate of Twenty Six Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat & Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushel allow'd for Charges which is Computed as follows, Viz*. of Penny White Loaf 1- 9* Wheaten 2- 5| House hold 3- 2 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 14- 2 Mr. James Read, Appearing, Desires Liberty to Set up a Fish house at Olivers Bridge, to Stand there during the Town's Pleasure. Voted that mess". Clark Hancock & Cooke be desired to view the place & report thereon. [162.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 28. 1741. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq'^. m"*. Hancock m'". Cooke The Select men this Day taking into Consideration the affair of Admitting a Number of Persons to be Employed as Porters with- in the Town of Boston to Carry Goods Wares & Merchandize for Pay or Wages. The following Persons were approved of and accordingly admit- ted to be Common Porters, Viz*. Samuel Sharp Suretys Andrew Frizwell John Whaland James Pitts Paul Bryan Richard Gridley Robt. m''. Million Samuel Gerrish Thomas O'Bryan Jos*. Laurence Peter Curtice " Wilfred Fisher Richard Furnace Joseph Calef John KeefFe John Savell Thomas Pheland Edw**. Langdon [163.] Jon^ Neley Alexander Forsyth James Collins John Wood house who were directed to appear at the Town Clerk's office, in order to give in Bond as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 31. 1741 Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'^. Jonas Clarke Esq'^. m''. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Whereas a Sloop from Ireland with a number of Passengers on board being arrived in this Harbour & apprehending danger may Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 317 acme to the luhabitants by reason of the Hardships the People have Suffered in their Passage being obliged to Eat some of their People to Sustain Life, Voted That the Select Men View the State [164.] of the Persons on board with Docf. Clarke & Re- port what Circumstances they are in. Whereas the Sloop Sea-flower this Day arrived into this Har- bour from Belfast, Kbenezar Clark late Master with Sixty five Passengers on board, & being Informed that many Persons Died on board said Vessell in the Voyage by Hunger, The Select Men went on board the said Vessell, & by Enquiry found that the said Vessell on the Tenth Day of July last, Sail'd from said Belfast with One Hundred & Six Passengers on board, bound to Philadel- phia on the 25^^. of July the Master Died, soon after which the mate was taken Sick, & tliey having Sprung their Mast, & Expended all their Provisions & Water, were reduced to such Miserable Circumstances that they were Obliged in Order to Sustain Life to feed upon the Bodys of Six Persons that Died in the Passage that as they were Cutting up the Seventh, they Espied the Suc- cess. [165.1 Man of War Capt. Thompson Commander who came up to them & Supplyed them — with Men & Provisions sufficient to bring 'em into this Port they having been out Sixteen Weeks Forty Six People having Died on the Passage The Select Men also find that there is now about Thirty Persons that are in ver}^ low Circumstances and not Capable of taking Care for themselves but require the Speediest Care to be taken of them to preserve Life, & they earnestly Pray suitable Provision may be made for them or Else they must Perish. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 2*^, 1741 Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq"". m^ Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel The Select Men taking the affair of the Sloop [166.] Sea-flower from Ireland into Consideration relating to the deplorable Condi- tion of the Passengers now on board, thought proper to wait on the Governour & Council & acquaint them with the State of the Vessell & Passengers & wait their Directions ; whereupon the Governour with the advice of the Council gave the following Orders, Viz*. At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Boston upon Mon- day, Novem'". 2. 1741 Whereas the Select Men of Boston have informed His Excellency & this Board that the Sloop Sea flower of New haven in the Colony of Connecticut Ebenezer Clark late Master from Belfast in Ireland having lost the Master & other Officers of the said Vessell & about Forty Passengers by Hunger & want of Provision in their Voyage Arrived at this Port of Boston the Thirty first of October last with Sixty five Passengers most of them in a Sickly & weak Condition 318 City Document No. 87. who [167.] Desire suitable Provision to be made for them & Praying to advisement of tlis Excellency & this Board thereon. Jt is there fore Ordered by His Excellency the Governonr by and with the advice & Consent of the Council that the Select Men afore- said immediately Secure the Papers belonging to the Owners & late Master with the Goods on board said Vessell, dispose of the Servants & Passengers aforesaid in the Hospital at Rainsfords Island in Boston aforesaid to Support Nurse & recover them to a State of Health & also to Secure them for the Use & Service of the Owners of the said Sloop & thereof speedily Advise the said Owners that they may immediately repair to Boston pay the Charges herein expended & take all further Care in the Premisses as shall be Necessary & upon the refusal and Neglect of the Owners then to receive their Satisfaction of the Charge aforesaid of the Passengers aforesaid or Sell their Service for a reasonable time for the Payment thereof or [168.] Seasonably Advise this Board for further direction herein. W. Shirley. Copy, Exam*^. p. J. Willard Secry. In Consequence whereof the Select Men ordered an Express to be immediately dispatched to mr. Thompson the Owner of the Vessell to desire he would as soon as possible come to Town & take the Charge of his Vessell & Servants & directed the Town Clerk to Write a Letter to him to Inform him thereof. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth & Capt. Steel be a Committee to go on board the Sloop & take an Account of the Papers &c. belong- ing to the Capt. lately Deced & Secure them according to the directions of the Governour & Council, and also that mr. Savell take Care that the People on board be Supplied with all things Necessary & Comfortable till the Vessell be carried to Rainsfords Island and [169o] that mr. Ball be directed to Transport the Ves- sell to the said Island as soon as possible. Voted, That Capt. Forsyth mr. Cooke & Capt. Steel be desired to See the said Vessell carried down tomorrow Morning & the Passengers taken Care off in the best manner the}^ can for their 'Comfortable Support while there. Accordingly on Tuesday Morning the Vessel with all the Pas- sengers were Carried down to Rainsfords Island with the help of Capt. Tyng & his People who came in the long Boat & other Persons, the Committee Saw the Passengers all carried on Shore & lodged in Several Rooms in the Hospital & Doct^ Clark gave m""'. Waters particular directions how to manage with the Sick People, and as to the Charge of the Vessell & Stores belonging to her they left in Charge to Fereton & Jackson two men who Capt. Tyng recommended to them to be honest and Care- ful & not to Suffer any thing to be taken out, nor any of the People to go from off the Island till further Order. [I'^O,] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov'. 4. 1741. Present Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq'. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 319 m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Whereas Several Complaints have been made that the lower end of Milk Street is much out of Repair & wants to be new Paved. Therefore Votscl, That Fifteen Pounds bo Allowed to Pay the Towns part thereof, Provided the abutters Pay the rest of the Charge. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov'. 11. 1741. Present Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Mrs. Lewis appearing Complains that mess". Alex'. Park- man and Alex'. Hunt [171.] have Obstructed the Street called Battery March leading from IJallowells Corner to the lower end of Gibbs's Lane so Called, so that she hath not a Convenient Wa}' to the Front of her House, & Desires the Select Men would grant her some relief in the Premisses. Joseph Brown Informs that he came into this Town about a Month ago, from North Carolina in Capt. Bunn that in July last he was taken by the Spaniards off of the Capes of Virginia, & was by them sent on Shoar to Carolina where he lay exposed to the Weather Several Days & Nights & endured great Hard ships for want of Provisions &c. & thereby got a great Cold which hath fell into one of his Leggs & renders him unable of getting a Main- tenance, that he hath no Money nor Friends to Support him — The Selectmen Considering the Premisses Apprehend the said Brown a proper object of Publicli Charity & Directed the Town Clerk in their Name to Recommend him to the Overseers of the Poor to be taken Care [17^.] of in the Almes-house at the Charge of the Province. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov'. 16*^. 1741. — Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq'. Capt. Steel Mr. Joseph Thompson of Newhaven Appearing & Informing that he was Owner of Three Quarters of the Sloop Sea flower and Ebenezer Clark Deced the late Master Owner of the other Quarter part and Desired that the Papers &c. that was Committed by Order of the Governour & Council to the Care of the Selectmen the 2^. instant, until he appeared might be delivered up to him, which was accordingly done, he the said Thompson & Capt. John Steel giving under their Hands to Pay to the Select men', all the Charges that they had been or should be at on the said Vessell & People. 320 City Document Ncr. 87. [173.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov^ 18. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'". Caleb Lyman Esq^. Jonas Clarke Esq*", m''. Cooke Mr. Samuel Butler Informs that Carr a Passenger in the Sloop Sea-flower Eben"". Clarke Master from Belfast in Ireland is come to Work with him in his Shop as a Journe^^ man. Application having been made by Capt. John Goldthwait & mr. William Merchant in behalf of Sundry Inhabitants of the North part of the Town for Liberty for mr. Samuel Mather to Preach on the Lords Days at the North Writing School. Liberty was accordingly granted by the Selectmen. [174.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec. 2. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq"^. Jonas Clarke Esq'". m^ Hancock m"". Cooke Mr. Hezekiah Barber from Dorchester Informs that he came into this Town with his Wife Two Children a White Servant and Four Negroes and has taken a House of Capt. Josiali Sheldon at the Sign of the Lamb at the South end. Mr. Barber was directed to Attend again next Wednesday. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec^ 9. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lvman Esq"^. Jonas Clarke Esq"", m''. Hancock m"". Cooke [175.] Mrs. mc. Daniel Informs that One Alexander Ross with his Wife and three Ciiildren are lately come into this Town from Andover, that they lived sometime at her House, but are now removed to a House at the North end, near the Sign of the Globe & that they are very poor. Mr. Savell is directed to make enquiry after them and Warn them to depart the Town as the Law directs. Voted, That Martha Hooker with her two Children who were lately Imported into this Town in the Ship Leghorn Thomas Templer Master from London be admitted Inhabitants, Upon Con- dition that mr. Roger Hardcastle give Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon their Acco*. lor Five years. Ordered That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread at the Rate of Twenty Eight Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three [176.] Shillings and Six pence [). Bushell AUow'd for Charges, which is Computed as follows, Viz*. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 321 oz- dr. Of Penny White Loaf 1- 7J. Wheaten 2- 3. House hold 2- 15. Six Penny Wheaten Loaf 13- 4. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec'. 16. 1741. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Capt. Haslom Appeared according to Order to give an Account of two Women Passengers lately by him Imported into this Town from New Castle, He was directed to Attend again the 30'^. instant in Order to give Bond or other Satisfaction to the Select men. [177.] Mr. Joseph Savell Appeared & gave up the Keyes of the two Cellars under the Town House which he Hired of the Town, his Year being up the Twentieth of October last. mem°. Dec^ 21. 1741. Liberty is hereby Granted to mr. Ebenezer Storer to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Union Street in Order to repair his Drain running from his House into the Common Shore Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satis- faction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec'. 23. 1741 Present Caleb Lyman Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel [178.] Upon a Motion made by the Assessors of this Town that the Select Men would appoint some Suitable Person to Enquire after Strangers coming into this Town and doing Business & In- form the Assessors thereof that so they may be Taxed according to Law. Voted, That there be such a Person Appointed who shall be paid for his Trouble & Service therein as the Selectmen shall think fit. Voted, That mr. John Staniford be desired to perform the Service before mentioned & that he bring from the Assessors a Certificate of what he shall so Inform them off. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec'. 30. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jefii'ies Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke 322 City Document No. 87. [179.] The SelectMen have Let to mr. Samuel Wentworth, One Cellar under the Town House at the South west Corner, lately in the Occupation of mr. Josepli Savell at the Rent of Twenty-five Pounds p. annum to Commence the Twent}' fifth Day of December Current for One Year to be paid half Yearly. The Select Men have Let to mr. John Gooch One Cellar under the Town house at the North east Corner, lately in the Occupa- tion of mr. Joseph Savell at the Rent of Twelve Pounds Ten Shil- lings p. Annum to Commence the Twenty fifth Day of December Current, for One Year to be paid half Yearly. At a Meeting of the SelectMen, Jan. G. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock [ISOoJ Wliereas mr. John Staniford is Appointed to Enquire after Strangers coming into Town and doing Business here, that so they may be assessed according to Law. Voted, That the Town Clerk give a Certificate to mr. Staniford of his Appointment Agreeable to the Select Mens Vote of Dec'. 23 last. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 13. 1743. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock Jane Leeds is Admitted an Inhabitant Capt. Benj*. Harslom & Elkauah Leonard Esq', having given Bond to the Town Treasurer to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon her Account for Five Years as the Law directs in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds. [181.] Phillip Jones is Admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Condition that mr. Peter Stone becomes Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs. Mr. Savell is directed to Warn Wright Bartlet to Attend next Wednesday, who lately came into this Towli from Bridgewater and now lives in Gibbins's house at the South end with One Elizabeth Basset. Samuel Watts Esq', in behalf of the Select Men of Chelsea In- forms that Martha Willis an Inhabitant of the Town of Boston about Six Weeks past came to dwell at Chelsea aforesaid, And therefore desires the Select Men of Boston would Secure them from any Charge upon her Account. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 18. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741-42. 323 Jonas Clarke Esq'", m''. Hancock m*". Cooke [18^ •] Mr. Savell is directed to Warn Matthew Adlinton his Wife and three Children who lately came into this Town from Rehoboth, and now live in Gibbins's Court to depart the Town as the Law directs. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 19. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m*". Hancock m'^. Cooke The Collectors of the Taxes for the Year Current Viz*, mess". Jacob Sheaf e John Staniford and John Goldthwait — appeared and proposed to the Select Men for their respective Bonds Men, the following Persons who were Approved of by them accordingly, Viz^ Mr. Jacob Sheaf e for the Sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, mess". Robert [183.]Patteshall and Samuel Foster Sure- ties. Mr. John Staniford for the Sum of Five Thousand Two Hun- dred Pounds, mess". Francis Righton and Jacob Parker Sure- ties. Mr. John Goldthwait for the Sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred Pounds Thomas Hutchinson Esq"". & mr. Joshua BUui- chard Sureties. Memorandum Jan. 20. 1741 Mr. Jacob Sheafe One of the Collectors of Taxes for the Cur- rent year, having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said Office Appeared and gave Bond together with mess". Robert Patteshall and Samuel Foster in the Penal Sum of Thirteen Tliousand Pounds. A Certificate tlicreof v/as given him directed to the Assessors of the Town of Boston. Mr. John Staniford, another of the Collectors of Taxes for the Year Current having been duly Sworn to the faithful Discharge of the said Office Appeared [184,] and gave Bond together with mess". Francis Righton and Jacob Parker Sureties to the Town Treasurer in the Penalty of Ten Thousand Four Hundred Pounds. A Certificate thereof was given him directed to the Assessors accordingly. Mr. John Goldthwait, the other Collector of Taxes for the Year Current, having been also duly Sworn to the faithful Dis- charge of the said Office, Appeared and gave Bond together with Thomas Hutchinson Esq"". & mr. Joshua Blanchard Sureties to the Town Treasurer in the Penalty of Eight Thousand Six Hundred Pounds. 324 City Document No. 87. A Certificate thereof was given him directed to the Assessors of Boston. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 20*^^. 1741 — Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq"". Caleb Lyman Esq"", m"". Cooke Capt. Steel [185.] Mr. Peleg Wis wall Master of the North Grammar School, Appearing Informs that mr. Jonathan Helyer, who has for some time past been an Usher with him in the said School, hath now resigned that place, And there fore desires the Select Men would appoint some proper Person to Supply that place if they think fit. And upon Reading the Petiton of mr. Samuel White, desiring the Select Men would please to appoint him as an Usher for the said School in the room of mr. Jonathan Helyer, and mr. Wiswell Rec- ommending the said White as a Suitable Person for that Service. Therefore Voted, That the said mr. Samuel White be and here- by is appointed an Usher of the School in the room of mr. Jon*. Helyer who halh resigned that Service. Robert Wood is admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Con- dition that mr. [186.] Benj'^. mason becomes Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs. Edward Kelly is admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Con- dition that mess". Timothy murfey & martin Kelly become Bound with to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs At a meeting of the Selectmen, Jan. 25, 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^ mr. Hancock mr. Clarke mr. Ebenezer Winborn in behalf of the Watchman Appearing Prays a farther Allowance for Coal for the Watch houses to make up the usual Allowance of Four Pounds Ten Shillings each. [187.] Voted, That Thirty Shillings more be allowed to each Watch house for Coal. mr. Samuel Weutworth Informs that Capt. Thomas Blower lately brought into this Town as a Passenger with him, One Penny money, who is now Sick at a House upon the Long Wharf where mr. moberly lately dwelt, And therefore desires the Select men would Recommend him to the Overseers of the Poor to be taken into the Alms-house at the Charge of the Province. mr. Savell Informs that William Tyler Esq^ One of the Over- seers of the Poor, on the Sixth instant, Sent One George Berry Selectmen's Minutes, 1741-42. 325 who came from the Bay, to the alms-house on the Province Charge And desires the Select men would give a Certificate of his being a proper Object of - Tublick Charity. [188.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Jan. 27. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread at the Rate of Twenty four Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushell Allow'd for Charges, which is Computed as follows, Viz'. It being the Usual time for Visiting the Town, Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq', be desired to acquaint His Majesties Justices of the Peace within this Town, that the [189, J Select Men desire the}' would please to give them a Meeting at the Council Chamber on Monda}^ next, at five o'Clock in the after- noon, in order to agree upon a Visitation of the Town. At a Meeting of the Honourable His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, the Genilemen the Select men and Overseers of the Poor within the Town of Boston at the Council Chamber on Monday, February 1, 1741. Present The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq'. The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Justices of the Peace The Hon. John Jeffries Esq', m'. Thomas Hancock m'. middlecott Cooke Select Men mr. Edward Bromfield CoP. John Hill Capt. William Downe Andrew Oliver Esq', m'. Samuel Hunt Overseers of the Poor. [190.] A General Walk or Visitation of the Town was then agreed upon to be Attended on Tuesday the Ninth Day of February Current at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, if the Weather be fair if not then on Wednesday following the Tenth instant. And it is also Agreed to meet at the Council Chamber in the Evening of the s*^. Day of Visitation to Report the State of the Town &c. The order or Sortment is as follows, Viz*. oz- dr. Of Penny White Loaf Wheaten House hold Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1- 11 2- 8 3- 6 15- 3 326 City Document No. 87. Ward, Number One The Hon. Edward Hutchinson Esq'. Capt. Alexander Fors3'th m'. Samuel Hunt m^ Richard Buckley m"". Astar Stoddard Constable Ward, Number Two The Hon. Joseph Wadsworth Esq'. John Fayerweather Esq"*, m'. Isaac White m"^. Nathan ael Barber m'. John Ruddock, Constable [191.1 Ward, Number Three Habijah Savage Esq"". Abiel Walley Esq^ Joshua Cheever Esq', m'. Peter Thomas m"^. Richard Gooding, Constable Ward, Number Four William Tyler Esq^ Jacob Royall Esq^ Capt. John Steel Capt. Daniel Pecker m'. Jonathan Lowder, Constable Ward, Number Five The Hon. Anthony Stoddard Esq', m'. Thomas Hancock m^ John Staniford m'. Joseph Lasonby m"". Henry Wethered, Constable Ward, Number Six Thomas Hubbard Esq''. Oxenbridge Thacher Esq'. Deacon, John Phillips m"". Sendall Williams, Constable [193.] Ward, Number Seven Hugh Hall Esq'. Capt. Jeffery Bedgood m"". Jacob Pai ker m'. William Menzies, Constable Ward, Number Eight Caleb Lyman Esq'. Capt. William Downe m'. Jacob Sheafe m'. Richard Gridiey, Constable Ward, Number Nine Jonas Clarke Esq'. Andrew Oliver Esq', m'. Joshua Blan chard m'. Alexander Young, Constable Ward, Number Ten The Hon, Jacob Wendell Esq'. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741-42. 327 Francis Borland Esq', m"*. Nathanael Gardner m''. Henry Dyre m'. John Tucker, Constable [193,] Ward, Number Eleven The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Samuel Sewall Esq', m'. Edward Bromlield m'. William Salter m'. John Davis, Constable Ward, Number Twelve The Hon. Samuel Welles Esq'. Joshua Winslow Esq', m'. Middlecott Cooke CoP. John Hill m'. John Taylor m'. John Smith, Constable The Town Clerk is desired to give forth Copies of the above Orders or Sortment accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 3"*. 1741. ■Present Tlie Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel [194.] Application being made by mr. Samuel Wentworth, that Robert Penny money a Sailor lately Imported by Capt. Blow- ers into this Town from Jamacai who is a stranger and very Sick & Infirm might be taken care of at the Province Charge. The Select Men apprehending him a proper Object of Publick Charity. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Certify the Overseers of the Poor here of & that they Recommend him to be taken Care of in the Alms house at the Charge of the Province. Voted, That mr. James Curley who lately came into this Town from Marlboro' have Liberty to Open a Shop and Exercise the Calling of a Butcher in this Town, and to attend again upon the Select Men when his Family comes to Town in Order to give Bond that they shall be no Charge to the Town for Five years. [195.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 10. 1741. Present Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq"", m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Patrick Bourke is Admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Condition that mr. John Wheelwright becomes Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs. 328 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 22^. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jefedes Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq"", m''. Hancock m^ Cooke Capt. Steel Mr. Bartholomew Sutton Appeared & Informed that the Engine under his Care was first brought to Work on the Fire — which broke out the 30'^. of Jan. last in mr. [196.] Deacons Work house, and desired that the Premium granted by the Town therefor may be allowed to him and Company. Voted, That a Draft be made on the Town Treasurer accord- ingly. The Select Men Apprehending the Persons hereafter named (who were lately Imported into this Town from Ireland in the Sloop Seaflower & were in their Passage hither, brought into very great Distress for want of Provisions &c. which brought many of them into much Weakness and Sickness) to be proper Objects of Publick Charity and therefore Ordered that the Several Draughts hereafter mentioned be made on the Town Treasurer, for their Nursing Diet &c. on the Charge of the Province. For Boarding & Nursing Nathaniel M*'. Kenley, Six Pounds. To Ebenezer Lawrence for Boarding & Nursing Rob'. M°. Cor- mick, Eleven Pounds. [197.] For Burying Thomas Trowbridge who Died on board the said Sloop, after her arrival here, and also for Burying Robert M°. Cormick who Died at Laurences, Four Pounds Eight Shillings. Samuel Greenwood Esq"". Capt. John Goldthwait & others, their Petition for Licence to Erect a Meeting house at the head of Ben- nit Street at the Northerly part of Boston with Timber, was Read and Approved by the Select Men. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread, at the rate of Twenty two Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat, and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushell AUow'd for Charges, which is Computed as follows Viz*. [198,] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Feb. 24. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^ m'". Hancock m"". Cooke Whereas November 21, 173G by Order of the Select Men there was provided for and delivered to each Engine, a Fire hook to bo Carried with the Engine in Order to pull down any House or other Of Penny White Loaf Wheaten Household Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1. 2. 3. 0. 13 Selectmen's Minutes, 1742-42. 329 Building that sliall be found Necessary to put a Stop to the Fire, which has been found of Excellent Service, but of late the Carry- ing of them has been Neglected, which has proved prejudicial. Therefore Voted, That from this time forward every Engine carry with them to the Fh'e which may at any time happen to brake out the Fire Hook so provided And that the Care of it be [199.] Committed to One of the Company and as by Experience it has been found very Necessary to have an axe to cut down Buildings on Fire to put a Stop to the same. It is hereby Ordered, That a good axe be provided for and delivered to each Engine marked with the Letter B, on the Eye, which they are obliged to carry with them as above, and that two men be added to each Engine for the said Services — And Jonas Clarke Esq'", and mr. Cooke are desired to take Care that it be done, as shall be Approved of by the Select Men. Ordered, That the Town Clerk issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesties Name, Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of said Town, duly Qualified Rateable at Twenty Pounds Estate to a Single Rate (besides the Poll) to Convene the Town House on Monday the Eight of March next at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon ; [20D.] Then and there to make Choice of meet Persons to Serve the Town the Year ensuing, as Select Men Town Clerk Overseers of the Poor, Constables and other Town officers as the Law directs ; To Gi'ant such Sura or Sums of Money as shall be judg'd needful for the relief of the Poor and defraying other Necess-ary Charges and to receive the Reports of Several Committees &c. &c. Voted, Tliat the Rev'^. Dr. Joseph Sewall be desired to Open the Town meeting on Monday the Eight of March next, with Prayer, and that John Jeffries and Caleb Lyman Esq''', wait on him and desire him to attend that Service. Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq'', mr. Hancock and mr. Cooke be a Committee to take Care that a Dinner be provided for Forty five Gentlemen on Monda}^ [201.] tlie Eight of March next at the Orange Tree, who are desired to give directions accordingly. Voted, That Eight Shillings a peice be & hereby is allowed to the Constables of the Town of Boston in Order to provide a Dinner for themselves on Monday the Eight of March next, the Day ap- pointed for the Town Meeting. Complaint being made to the Select Men that John Deacon was about to Erect a Building with Timber at the uppor end of School Street, Contrary to the Law in that Case provided, Voted, That mr. Savell go forthwith to the said Deacon and forbid him to Erect the said Building without following the Steps of the Law respect- ing the same, mr. Savell accordingly Reported that he went to the said Deacon & forbid his proceeding any further in Erecting the said Building. [30^.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 3^. 1741 ^ Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ 330 City Document No. 87. Jonas Clarke Esq'. m\ Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Voted, That Forty Shillings be Allowed to mr. John Savell in order to carry out of Town One Bryan Collon}^ and Wife they being poor People and Nothing to help th'jmselves with. At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 10. 1741 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq'", m'". Thomas Hancock m^ Micldlecot Cooke Capt. John Steel Asbal Grimes appeared & Desired that he with [203 o] his Family may be admitted Inhabitants of this Town, and that he may have time until Wednesday next to procure i3onds men to In- demnify the Town from any Charge upon their acco*. for Five Years as the Law directs. Jeremy Maccarty is Admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Condition that mess". Peter Oliver and John Savell becomes Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Lav/ directs. Voted, That the Masters of the Several Fire Engines within this Town be informed of tho Vote of the Town for providing of axes and Fire hooks and the addition of Two men for each Engine to take Care of the same, and that they attend the Select Men on Wednesday next with such Persons as they shall think Recom- mendable for that Service. Complaint being made that Nath^ Wardell Jun^ [304.] the Officer appointed for the Weighing of Hay, neglects his Duty in that Office — Oidered that mr. Savell Notify him to attend the Se- lect Men on Wednesda}' next, in Order to answer to the said Com- plaint. At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 15. 1741. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"", m'". Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq^ mr. Hancock and Capt. Steel be desired to wait upon John Read Esq"", and mr. William BoUan and give unto each of them Ten Pounds as a retaining Fee in all Causes wherein the Town shall be hereafter Concerned. [305.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Mar. 17. 1741. Present The Hon. Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^ Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 831 m'. Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel Mr. Josiali Baker, One of the masters of the Fire Engines, Ap- peared according to Order, and Offered for the Acceptance of the Select Men mess". William Burbank & Nath^ Woodward as Suit- able Persons to be Admitted as Engine Men (being Discharged from Military Exercises by their respective Officers). Voted, That the said William Burkank and Nath'. Woodward be admitted Engine Men in mr. Bakers Company accordingly. Mr. John Broun, Master of One of the Fire Engines, Appeared & Recommended to the Select Men mess". William Edes [306.] and John Ballard as Suitable Persons to be admitted Engine men (they having a Dismission from their Military Officers. Voted, That the sa d William Edes and John Ballard be admit- ted Engine Men into mr. Browns Company accordingly. Mr. John J\av\e Mnster of One of the Fire Engines Appeared & Recommended mess". John Tliwing & Thomas Lawlor as Suitable Persons to be Admitted Engine men (if the Select Men shall think fit) in the said Company (they having a Dismission from their Military officers). Voted, That the said John Twing and Thomas Lawlor be admitted Engine men into mr. Earles Company accord- ingly. Patrick Goffe is admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Con- dition that mr. William Nichols becomes Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs. [207.] Patrick Bourke is admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Condition that mess". John Bright and Patrick Burke become Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs. Mr. John Holliman (who lately with his Family came fiom Salem to Dwell in this Town) having not given Security to Lidem- nify the Town as the Law directs. Ordered, That mr. Savcll Warn the said Holliman and Family to depart the Town according to Law. Mr. Nathaniel Wardell appeared according to Order, and being Examined as to the Complaints made against him in Neglecting his Duty in Weighing of Hay, gave Satisfaction to the Select Men about the same. Abraham Shaw Appearing Informed that he had lately brought into this Town from Weymouth his Wife & Three Children [208 o] In Order to reside and dwell here — He was Ordered to give Bond with Sufficient Suretys to Save the Town harm less from any Charge upon their acco*. for Five Years or depart the Town in Fourteen Days as the Laws directs. Caleb Lyman Esq^ from the Committee appointed to Engage mess". Read and Bollan as Stated Lawyers ior the Town Reported, that they had treated with the said Gentlemen, who Informed them, that they were engaged some time past to Jacob Wendell Esq^ respecting the Difference between the Town and the said Wendell. Voted, That the said Committee wait on John Overing Esq'. & 332 City Document No. 87. mr. Jeremy Gridley and engage them as Lawyers for the Town in the said Case. Mr. John Shaw Appeared & Informed that he had lately come into this Town [209.] with his Wife and Two Chihh-en from Weymouth in Order to dwell here, and has taken a House of W™. Wheeler Jun'". He was directed to attend again next Wednesday. At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 29'\ 1742 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^ m'*. Hancock m^ Cooke Capt. Steel Mr. Jonathan Salter is Admitted master of the Marlborough Engine kept under the Town house, in the room of mr. James Read who being present Desired to be Dismist from that Service. Mr. Thomas Crafts Appeared and presented a Petition, Praying Libert}^ to Erect a Wooden Building in Back Street, — [^lO,] which being Read. Voted, That Jonas Clarke Esq', mr. Hancock and Capt. Steel be a Committee to View the place and Report thereon next Wednesday. Ordered, That the assize of Bread now Stated for direction to the Bakers and Clerks of the Market be as follows Viz*. Computed at Twenty Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings and Six pence p. Bushel Allow'd for Charges, and the Several Bakers within this Town are Ordered to mark their Bread vvhicli they Bake for Sale with the first letters of their Christian Names & with the first and last Letters of their Sir Names, And the Clerks of the Market are directed to make Allowance for Bisket well Baked. [211.] The Select Men this Day Settled the acco*. of John Waters & Company, for Work and Stuff done on the North Battery Wharf wliich they hired of the Town and Mutaally Agreed to Allow them Fifty Pounds in full Discharge of tlie same. Mr. Henry Howell, Master of One of the Five Engines Appeared and Recommended mess". Jon^. Simpson Henry Allen and William Beairsto as Suitable Persons to be admitted Engine men (if the Select Men yhall think fit) having a Dismission from their Military officer. Voted, That the said Jon*. Simpson, Henry Allen and William Beairsto be admitted Engine Men into Mr. Howell's Company accordingly. Gabriel Police a Stranger, who lately came into this Town, and is likely to be a Town Charge, and having been Warned March 3*^. Of Penny White Loaf Wheaten House hold Six penny Wheaten Loaf V\ 1. oz. 2- 2- 3- dr. 0 L5 15 12 Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 333 to give Security to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon his Acco*. [212.] or depart the Town in Fourteen Days as the Law directs whicli he having not done. Voted, That mr. Savell Acquaint him with the Vote of the Town for his being Sent out and that he See the same effected. Mem«. March, 30*^. 1742 Liberty is hereby Granted to mr. John Tuckerman to Dig ap the Paveiy. and Open the Ground in Orange Street in Order to lay a Drain from his House into the Common Shore, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again & keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, March 31. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq''. Caleb Lyman Esq"*, m''. Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel [213.] The Committee appointed to Consider of the Petition of Thomas Crafts for Erecting a Wooden Building in Back Street, Report that they had Viewed the place (on which Stands a large Shed) And are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition may be Granted, the Neighbours having Consented thereto, Provided that the Building be Set Two feet from the Street to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. Voted, That this Report be accepted & that Lil)erty be grantad accordingly. Memorandum. On the Fifth Day of April, 1742 — the Select Men gave a Cer- tificate to the Province Treasurer that there had been paid out of the Town Stock to Sundry Persons for Three Thousand F^our Hundred & Fifty Rats killed in or near this Town since the Tenth Day of April last. Fifty Seven Pounds & four pence & desired him to Pay. the same to Joseph Wadsworth Esq"". Town Treasurer. [214.] At a Meeting of the Select Men April 7'^ 1742. Present Caleb Lyman Esq'". Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m'". Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel Mr. Cooke made a Motion that the Trees that are wanting in the- Common might be recruited. Voted, That mess". Hancock & Cook be desired to See that the Trees wanting in the Common be filled np accordingly. Voted, That the Committee appointed to run the Line betweea the North Buttery Ground and mr. Parkmans Land be desired to Attend that Service on Monday "next the Twelfth instant at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. t 334 City Document No. 87. Information being given that mrs. Mortimore [215.] and Hooper, two Women of a bad Character have lately come into this Town from Ehode Island. Ordered, That mr. Savell Warn the said Mortimore & Hooper to Attend the Select men next Wednesday. Mr. Thornton the Paver, Appeared and Informed that he and mr. Fosdick had Compnted the Charge of Paving orange Street from tlie End of the present Pavement to that which joins to the Fortification and found the Towns part to Measure Two Thousand Six Hundred & Eighty Yards, And if they found Work & Stuff, they could not do it under Seven Shillings p. yard which will amount to Nine Hundred and Thirty Eight Pounds, And if they did the Work only at Three Shillings and Six pence, amounts to Four Hundred & Sixty Nine Pounds, and for Pitching of the Pave- ment at Two Shillings amounts to Two Hundred and Sixty Eight Pounds. [216.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 21. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq"^. Jonas Clarke Esq^ m'". Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel Voted, That the following Orders relating to the Porters, the Rat(>s for their Work and Service, the Number of their Tickets, and the Names of such as are admitted, and have given Bond ac- cording to Law, be here Recorded. Boston, April 21. 1742 Pursuant to an Act of the Great and General Court Authorizing & impowering the Select Men of the Town of Boston to Order who and what number of Persons shall be Employed as Common Portors in the said Town, and also to Order Limit and Pate the Allowance [217.] for their Work and Service. The Select Men have Ordered and Appointed the Seventeen fol- lowing Persons to be Porters as aforesaid and have taken Security accoiding to Law for their good Behaviour in said Office, Viz*. Number of Tickets. Samuel Sharp ------ One John Whaland ------ Two Robert m^ Million Three Patrick Goffe Four Richard Furnace ----- Five Robert Wood - - - - - - Six Paul Bryan ------ Seven Thomas O Bryan ----- Eight Patrick Bourke ----- Nine Patrick Bourke ----- Ten John Keeffe ------ Eleven Phillip Jones - - - • - - - Twelve Jeremiah Maccarty - - • - - Thirteen Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 335 Number of Tickets. Timothy Harney ----- Fourteen Edward Kelly ------ Fifteen Thomas Pheland ----- Sixteen James Collins - - - - - Seventeen [218.] And the Rates for their Work & Service which they may Demand in Lawful Money of tliis Province & Shall not exceed, shall be as follows, Viz^ For Carrying a Trunk or Barrell or Wheelbarrow Load of Goods from any Warehouse or place on the Dock or Long Wharf to any other Warehouse or place on said Dock or Wharf or to and from any other place of any less Distance than Ten Rods, Three pence. From the Dock or Long Wharf to Milk Street Treamount & Hanover Street & Northward as far as Cross Street and all places of like Distance, Five pence. From the Dock or Long Wharf to Pond Street, West Street and to the AYest and North Ends of the Town, and other places of like Distance, Six pence. And from the Dock or Long Wharfe aforesaid Southward beyond Pond Street, Eight pence. For Porterage of Powder to or from the Powder house Six pence for a Single [^19.] Half Barrell and for two or more, Five pence each. For Housing and Stowing away Barrells in any Warehouse or Cellar, Four pence p. Ton. For Unhousing or removing the same Four pence p. Ton. For Housing Iron and Coils of Cordage Six pence p. Ton. For Porterage & Housing Salt, Six pence p. Ton. For Measuring Salt, Three pence p. Tonn. For Lowering down and Stowing away Wine in any Cellar, for a Single Pipe Nine pence, for Two pipes Six pence, each Pipe, and for rhree or more. Three pence p. Pipe. For Unstowing & Hawling up a Single Pipe Nine pence, for Two Pipes, Six pence each, & for Three or more Three Pence p. Pipe. For Housing Rum Molasses & other Liquors Two pence p. Hogs- head. For Housing Sugar, Two p. pence p. Hogshead. For Weighing Turpentine & Marking if required, Eight pence p. Tonn Weight. For Weighing a Hogshead of Sugar above [220.] Twelve Hundred Weight, Six pence. For, Weighing a Teirce from Five Hundred upwards, Four pence. For Weighing all Barrells, One penny p. Barrell. For Weighing Iron and Coils of Cordage Eight pence p. Tonn. For Weighing Logwood Fustick & Lignum Vita, Six pence p. Tonn, For Braziletto, One Shilling p. Tonn. For Housing a Cask of Nails or Shot, One penny. For Housing Loose Cables Viz', from Five Hundred Weight to 336 City Document No. 87. Eight Hundred, One Shilling, from Eight Hundred to Twelve Hundred One Shilling and three pence, from Twelve Hundred to Sixteen Hundred, One Shilling and Six pence, from Sixteen Hun- dred to Two Thousand, Two Shillings, from Two Thousand to Three Thousand Two Shillings and Six pence. Which Rates & allowances shall Continue as long as they are found reasonable and until it shall be ordered otherwise. And [321.] as a Badge of their office, and in order to distinguish the said Porters from other Labourers, they each of them Wear upon their upper Garment a round White metal plate or Ticket Num- ber'd, with a Pine tree for the Device, and this Inscription round it, Viz*. Massachusetts Bay, Boston, N. England. And Whereas the Select Men have power by virtue of said act, to remove such and every of said Porters, who shall misbehave in said office. They do therefore hereby give Notice, that they will not only look upon their refusal to Undertake any Jobb when not before P^mployed and all Unfaithfulness in the performance & Discharge of their office, when Employed to be a Sufficient Cause for their removal ; But likewise all Pi ophane Cursing & Swearing, Drunk- enness, Gaming, Fighting, Quarrelling and other Rude and Dis- orderly Carriage on the Dock and Wharves or in any of the Streets of the Town of which the Common Porters have lieretofore [332.] been too Notoriouslj- Guilty, and therefore if they expect a Con- tinuance in said office they must demean themselves accordingly. By Order of the Select Men P^ZEK^. GoLDTiiwAiT Towu Clerk Voted, That Three Hundred Copies of the foregoing Orders about the Ticivcts be forthwith Printed and that the Town Clerk See that the same be done accordingly. Mr. Cooke (in behalf of himself and several others) Desires Liberty at their own Charge to Build a Seat at each End of the Walk between the Trees in the Common — Voted, That Liberty be granted accordingly. The Committee appointed to run the Line between the North Battery Ground and mr. Parkmans Land, Reported that they had Attended that Service and measured the said Battery Ground as follows. Viz*. Westerly on the High Way [233.] From the Cor- ner of Mears's House measuring Forty Eight feet running Nortlt- erly and there they marked the Bounds and continuing the same Breadth down to Low water mark, mess""'. Parkman & Shute on the Northerly Side owning Four feet in breadth of the said Forty Eight feet and that they accordingly run the Line and made Bound Marks in Several places between the Battery Ground and the said Parkman's Land, and that they found that the said Parkmans Shed Stands about Eighteen Inches on the Towns Laud, and from a Stump of a Post Standing on the North Side of the Passage Way going to the Battery is Twelve feet and four inches to Paikman's Land. Liberty is hereby Granted to mr. Nathl^ Woodward to Dig up the Pavement and Open the Ground in Charter Street in Order to repair his Drain running from his House into the Common Shore, Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 337 Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground & Pave- ment again and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 26*^ 1742 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"" Caleb Lymon Esq"" Jonas Clarke Esq"* m^ Hancock m'. Cooke At the Desire of His Excellency the Governour,' the Select Men waited on him, Who acquainted them that he had been informed that Several of the French Nation were now in this Town upon some illegal Trade &c. which he apprehended to be greatly to the hurt of the Town and Navigation, Desiring that they would Use their best Endeavors to enquire after those of the French Nation in the Town & their Business & inform him of the same. Voted, That rar. Savell make careful Enquiry of the Names & Circumstances of the French Nation in the Town & make Report next Wednesday And that the Select Men likewise make Enquiry. Voted, That the Town Clerk desire the Assessors to Let the Select Men have their Books next Wednesday in order to See what Persons are Qualified to Serve as Jury Men according to a late Act of the Province. Ordered, That mr. Henry Howell have the Charge of the Engine, which is kept in a House near Ti inity Church — And he is Allowed Fourteen men besides himself Viz* Henry Howell John Beaudry Johnson Jackson Will°^. Wheeler Jun^ John Lawson. Joseph Wheeler SoP. England Jun'. George Ray Jonathan Wheeler Joseph Birch Thomas Foster Jun'. Stephen Greenleaf Jon*^ Simpson Henry Allen & William Bearsto [326.] And in Case there should happen any Difference at any time among them that they should want to put out, or take in a Man, the said Henry Howell that has the Charge of the Engine shall give an acc* of the same to the Select Men, for their Allow- ance & orders for their proceeding. — And at any time if a Fire should break out, the said Howell is Ordered to Improve the said Engine where he thinks he may do the most Service, And to take Care, That at no time the Doors of the Engine House be 338 City Document No. 87. Obstructed by Snow &c. And to Work the said Engine Once every month from the first of April to the first of October ; and to See that the Engine and Pails be kept in good order, And when at any time it shall happen that any thing is out of order or wanting for the said Engine, they apply directly to the Select Men for their Direction in the affair. And that at all Fires they bring with them an axe and Fire Hook and Commit the same to the Charge [237.] of two of their Company who shall be appointed to Man- age the same by the Select Men, And in Case cither the Hook or axe be not brought they are not to be Entitled to the Bounty of Five Pounds, as by the Towns Vote — And for their Care & Diligence in the same the Inhabitants of the Town at their Meeting the Eighth of March last, have by a Vote freed them from all other oflSces in the Town for this Year, and also Granted a Premium of Five Pounds to be paid out of the Town Treasury to the Engine that shall be first brought to Work at a House or other Building that shall be on Fire. Orders of the same Tenour were given to the following Persons, Viz^ To mr John Earle to have the Charge of the Engine which is kept near the New North Meeting house in mr. Hutchinsons Build- ings, and he is Allowed Twelve Men besides himself, Viz* [228.'] John Earle Joshua Atwood Joseph Belcher Daniel Merrett Edw^ Dumaresq Nathaniel Brown William Clark David Newhall Phillip tlowell Gibbon Sharp Samuel Brown John Thwing Thomas Lawlor To mr Josiah Baker to have Charge of the Copper Engine by the North Meeting house, and ne is allowed Twelve Men beside himself, Viz* Josiah Baker Joseph Roberts Elias Robinson Samuel Ponsley John Newhall Henry Newhall Jon" Tarbox Joseph Glidden Walter Edmunds Zephaniah Basset William Richards William Burbank Nath' Woodward To mr John Brown to have the Charge of the Engine which ia Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 339 kept in a House Adjoining to the Old North Meeting House, And he is Allowed Eighteen Men besides himself, Viz*. [339.] John Brown James Dowell John Beers Will'" Marshall Thomas Bentley Edward Edes James Clark John Baker William Stone Elijah Doubleday Francis Marshall Timothy Brown Oliver Luckis Jun'. Eleazer Newhall Daniel Barker Ebenezer Brown Benj* Luckis William Edes John Ballard To m'^. Jonathan Salter lo have the Charge of the Engine which is kept in the Cellar under the Town House, And he is allowed Fourteen Men besides himself, Viz*. Jonathan Salter Eobert Price Edward Potter Anthony Bracket Samuel Hallowell John Foster Jun^ Samuel Ellis John Wise Thomas Read Ebenezer Knap Petter Cotta Brackley Read Thomas Hartley Edward Potter J un^ Thomas Palfrey [330* ] To mr. Joseph Uran to have the Charge of the En- gine kept in the Engine House at the Dock, and he is allowed Fourteen Men, beside himself Viz^ Joseph Uran Ichabod Rogers Joseph Putnam John Durham Joseph Lowder Jun''. Thomas Atkins Jun"^. William Peck Nathaniel Brewer William Snoden Benj*. Barnard 340 City Document No. 87. Benj*. Eustus William Eustus John Hood To mr John Peirce to have the Charge of the Engine at the Westerly part of the Town, and he is allowed Eleven Men besides himself, Viz*. John Peirce Samuel Sprague Ebenezer Messinger Thomas Crafts John Brown William Russell Samuel Emmes Thomas Kimball Richard Surcomb Thomas Barnard [331.] To mr Bartholomew Sutton to have the Charge of the Engine kept by tlie Prison in Queen Street, And he is allowed Men besides himself Viz*. Bartholomew Sutton (Names of men not given.) At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 28*^. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^. Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m^ Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel Information being given that mrs. Dyar had [232.] removed her Fence Three fe'et into Sea Street near Bulls Wharf She being sent for appeared & Promised to remove the same back again to the place where it Stood before. Mr. Samuel Allen Master of the South Writing School Appeared & Informed that he was very much impaired in his Health and could no longer serve the Town as Master of the said School, and Desired that some Suitable Person might be Appointed' to Supply his place. Voted, That Tuesday the Eleventh of May next, be the Town meeting for the Choice of Representatives, according to the Precept under the Hand of Edward Winslow Esq'. Sheriff of the County of Suffolk, Dated the Twenty Sixth instant. Voted, That Caleb Lyman Esq"", mr. Hancock & mr. Cooke be desired to agree with mrs. Wardell to provide a Dinner [233.] For Forty-five Gentlemen on the Day appointed for the Town Meet- ing. Mr. Savell Reported, That upon enquiry he found that the fol- lowing Persons of the French Nation were now residing in this Town, Viz*, mess". Le Port, Le Dwiet, Josatt Monveile and Con- oneie. Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 341 Mr. Savell is directe(> to Warn the said Persons to attend the Select Men tomorrow Morning in the Council Cliamber. The Select Men taking into Consideration the Petition of Joseph Simpson & John Hooker two of tlie Sextons of the Town, Praying Liberty to Dig Graves for tlie Persons of tlieir respective Congre- gations as refer'd to them by the Town in March last, thought it would not be for the Interest of the Town, to grant the Prayer thereof. Therefore Voted, That the same be Dismissed. [334.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, April 29^^ 1742. Present The Hon. John Jefferies Esq'^. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq^ m"". Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel Ordered That the Town Clerk issue forth a Warrant, directed to the Constables of Boston. In His Majestys Name Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Forty Shillings p. annum of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territory at the least, or other Estate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling. To Convene at the Town House upon Tuesday the Eleventh of May next, at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon, then and there to Elect and Depute Oue or more Persons (being Freeholders & Resi- dent in the Town) [335.] According to the Number Set & Limited -by an Act of the General assembly. To Serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court or assembly Appointed to be Convened held and kept for His Majesty's Service at the Court House in Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty Sixth Day of May next ensuing, and so De Die in Diem, during their Session and Sessions, according to a Warrant under the Hand and Seal of Edward Winslow Esq'". Sheriff of the County of Suffolk bearing Date the Twenty Sixth Day of April In the Fifteenth year of His Majesty's Reign Anno Domini, 1742. And in like manner. Requiring them to Warn all the Free holders & other Inhabitants of the said Town, qualified as the Law directs, to meet at the same time & j)lace, To Grant such Sum or Sums of Monej' as may be needful for the relief of the Poor and defray- ing other Necessary Charges ; To Consider of the Grant made b}^ the General Court for Erecting a Brest Work of Twenty Guns, And a List of Persons qualified [333.] for Jurors, ai d also a Peti- tion of John Lovel's ; To Chuse a Master for the South Writing School, One Constable and One Clerk of the market ; To Receive the Reports of Several Committees as also Sundry Petitions — To agree upon Conclude & finish such other matters & things as were under Consideration at former Meetings and Continued to be fur- ther debated at this, And also such other matters as may be proper for their Consideration at this Meeting. 342 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Apr. 30. 1742. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq'', m"". Hancock m'". Cooke Several French Gentlemen Attended according to Order & mr Lovell being Interpreter, they were Examined as foUoweth [^37.] Peter Cossett being Asked from whence he came. Answered, That he came from New York has been in town about Six Weeks, that he was bound from St. Domingo to France, and in the Passage the Vessell founder'd, they were taken up by a Vessell bound to New York & there, Carried and so came here, and did design to return home as soon as he could, the reason he came here from New York was because he was in a bad State of Health and being informed that the Air in these parts was very Agreeable and Healthy he came in hopes to recover his Health that he designed to tarry here not more than a Month or Six Weeks, that when he came he waited upon His Excellency the Governour who gave him Leave to tarry a while provided he behaved well that he was no Trader but lived upon his own Estate. Mons''. Leport Exam**, was Asked how long he had been here, and from whence he came. Answered that he had been here about a month, that he came from Eustatia [338.] To Rhode Island, and so here for his Health that he brought SufBcieut in Money to Maintain, that he was here about Fourteen months since, and went home to St. Eustatia (where he lives ^ by the Way of St. Chris- tophers as a Passenger being asked Whether he had Waited on the Governour since he came. Answered that he had not, but should have done it, if he had known the Laws of the Province, that he carrys on no Trading but brought only some Moneys for his Expences. Mons" Morwoyle Exam^. — He was Asked how long he had been here answered that he had been here about Four Months that he came from Lewisburgh in an English Vessell, the Masters Name, he forgot that he came with a Design only to Learn the English Tongue, that he Waited upon the Governour when he firs^ came, who permitted him to tarry a while which he thought Sufficient that he designs to tarr}^ about Three or Four [239.] months till he has learnt the English Tongue, that he brought Sufficient in Money to Maintain him — that he is an Inhabitant of St. Domingo, & Carrys on no Trade here. Mons"". Dudwoit Exam'', being asked how long he had been here, answered a Fortnight, that he came as a Passenger from St. Eu- statia by the way of St. Kitts to Cape Ann in One Capt. Baker and so to Town, his design in coming is to perfect himself in the English Tongue that he was here about Ten Months ago & went from hence to Canso and so to Cape Breton in Capt. Lefavre as a Passenger, that he had not yet been to wait on the Governour but designed to do it — The Law of the Province was then Read to him in English (which he Understood) he said thereupon that he did Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 343 not know the Law before, if he had, he should have Comply'd with it, that he now lodges at mrs. Bonyats that he brought with him some mone^' for his Support, and when he wants more [340.] he draws Bills on some Gent at Bourdeaux, that he designs to go to the West Indies in about a fortnight, that he has not been any Ways Concerned in Business since he has been here, but only Purchased a few Small things for himself. Being asked who he left his affairs with when he went away last time he was here, answered, that he finished all his AflTairs himself and was not then, nor is now Concerned with any Person whatsoever in any Trading or Business. They were then all told that they must Wait upon His Excel- lency the Gov"", for leave to tarry here Agreeable to the Law, that had been Read & Interpreted to tliern — They said they would do it immediately and then were Dismissed. Notwithstanding the afore Declarations the Select Men are very Apprehensive that mess". Le port & Dudwoit came with a design to Trade, and do now carry on some private Trade. [241.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 3\ 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esq"*, m"". Hancock m'^. Cooke Mess". Le port & Dudwoit appeared — according to order, & were told that they must Depart the Province by Thursday next, agreeable to the Act of this Province. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 5*^^. 1742 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq"", m"^. Hancock Mess". Thornton & Fosdick the Pavers appeared & after some Discourse with them as to Paving Orange Street, they agreed to Pave the Towns part of the said Street for One Shilling & Nine pence Bills of the late Emission p. yard, and to take the Abutters for their Pay for Nine feet of each [342.] Side of the Way, and the Town Clerk was directed to prepare a Writing accord- ingly. Mem''. May 6. 1742. Liberty is hereby Granted to mess". Jon"*. Loring & John Lawson to Dig up the Pavement & and Open the Ground in Water Street in Order to repair their Drain running into the Common Shore upon Condition that they forthwith make good the Ground & Pavement again & keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. 344 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 12. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'- Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m'^. Hancock m"". Cooke Mr. Cowdrey Informs that Joseph Policy One of the Watchmen with liim at the [243.] Town Dock, is removed out of the Town, and offers John Scott as a Suitable Person to Supply his place if the Select Men think fit. Richard Eliston Master of the SloOp Dolphin being Prosecuted for bringing into this Town from Maryland One Mary Harvey & not giving Bond according to Law — appeared and Said that the said Mary Harvey had Indented herself as a Servant for Four Years to One Richard Evans who will carry her out of the Prov- ince within a fortnight or give Bond to the Satisfaction of the Select Men, & Desired the Prosecution might be drop'd. Voted, That the said Prosecution be drop'd he the said Eliston paying the Charge thereof. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread at the Rate of Twenty two Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings and Six pence p Bushel allow'd for Charges, which is Computed as follows [24:4.] Viz', oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 1 - 13 Wheaten 2- 11 J Household 8- 10 Six Penny Wheaten Loaf 1^ 0. 5J Memorandum, On the 13''*" of May instant The Select Men put mr. Zechariah Ilicks into Possession of the South Writing School as Master thereof according to the Vote of the Town the Eleventh instant. At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 19'^^. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq-', m''. Hancock m'^. Cooke Ordered, That the Town Clerk issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston. In His Majesty's Name Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders & other Inhab- itants of said Town, duly qualified Rateable at Twenty Pounds Estate [245.] to a Single Rate (besides the Poll) to Convene at the Town House on Monday the Twenty fourth instant at Three o'clock in the afternoon to Consider of a Petition of Abraham Francis & John Jones & Hannah His Wife to His Majesty in Council, for an Appeal from a Judgment Obtained by the Town of Boston against James Everills' Heirs, To Choose Jury Men for Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 345 July Court ; & do such other Matters as arc refcr'd to said meet- ing &c. Jemima Smith & Ijcr Child was Sent to the Almshouse to be taken Care of at the Charge of the Province, by the Consent of the Select Men. The Select Men received a Venire for the Choice of Grand Jurors & Petit Jurors to Serve at the Inferioiir Court of Common pk-as & Court of General Sessions of the Peace on the first Tues- day of July next. Ordered, That Monday the Twenty fourth instant at Three o'Clock afternoon be the time for the Choice of the said Jurors. [346.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 27. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Jonas Clarke P^sq''. m''. Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel Ordered That the Town Clerk issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston. In His Majesty's Name — Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders & Other Inhabitants of the said Town (within their Precincts) that have an Estate of Fort}' Shillings p. annum of Free hold in Land within this Prov- ince or Territory at the least,. or other Estate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling lo Convene at the Town House upon Monday the Thirty first of May Current, at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon, Then & there to make Choice of aad Depute (if they see cause) One Person being a Free holder and Resident in the Town to Serve for and Represent them in the Great and General Court [34:7.] or Assembly now Convened held and kept for His Majesty's Council According to a Precept under the Hand & Seal of the Honourable Thomas Cushing Speaker of the Honourable House of Represen- tatives bearing Date the Twenty Seventh Day of May, In the Fifteenth Year of His Majesties Reign, A.D. 1742 At a Meeting of the Select Men, May 31. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq' Caleb Lyman Esq'" Jonas Clarke Esq'" m'. Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel Complaint being made that George Featherston had Set up a large Sign Post in Marlborough Street, where he lives in Capt. Blairs Buildings and carried out his Cellar Doors so far as to Dis- commode [348.] the Street — Ordered, That mr. Savell Notify him to Attend next Wednes- day 346 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 2^. 1742 — Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq\ Jonas Clarke Esq'', m'". Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel Joshua Cross is Admitted One of the Ticket Porters, Upon Condition that mr. Shem Drowue become Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs. Michael Molineaux is Admitted One of the Ticket Porters Upon Condition that mr. James Gardner become Bound with him to the Town Treasurer as the Law directs. Ordered, that the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread at the Rate of Twenty three Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushell [34:9,] Allow'd for Charges which is Computed as follows Viz*. of Penny White Loaf Wheaten Household Six penny Wheaton Loaf oz. dr. 1- 10 2- 3 3- 7 15- 7 At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 4. 1742. Present Caleb Lyman Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq'^. m'. Hancock m^ Cooke . One James W^illiaras a Stranger, that is very poor & Sick & lately released from Captivity from the Spaniards was Sent to the Almshouse by the Select Men, at the Charge of the Province. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 9*^ 1742. Caleb Lyman Esq'", m'". Hancock m'^. Cooke Capt. Steel [350.] Eobcrt Williams Appearing Informs that some time in May last he came into this Town with his AVife from & has lived in a House of mr. Gibbins's this Ten Days — He was Ordered to give Bond to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs or Depart the Town within Fourteen Days. Voted, That the Visitation of the Publick Schools within the Town pursuant to the Vote & Order of the Inhabitants at their Annual Meeting the Eighth of March last, be Attended on Wednes- day the Twenty third of June Curr*. And that the following Gentlemen be desired to Accompany the Select Men in the said Visitation — Viz*. His Excellency William Shirley Esq''. The Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq^ Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 347 The Hon. John Read*Esq^ The Hon. Samuel Waldo Esq^ The Rev*^ Charles Chauncy D.D. The Rev. mr. William Cooper The Rev. rar. Samuel Checkley The Rev. mr. Joshua Gee. The Rev. mr. William Hooper The Hon. Thomas Cushing Thomas Hutchinson Esq'. m''. Timothy Prout m'". Edward Eromfield Peter Faueuil Esq"". Doct^ William Bulfinch m''. Charles Apthrop & m"". Jeremiah Grid ley Ordered, That mr Savell give Seasonable notice to the Gentle- men of this appointment & that they are desired to meet at the Council Chamber on each Day at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon, and thiit he give Notice hereof to the Several School Masters. Voted, That mr. ( ooke & Capt. Steel be desired to give Direc- tions to mrs. Wardell to provide a Dinner for Twenty five Gentle- men on that Da3^ At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 16. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m' Hancock m' Cooke f Capt. Steel [253.] Mr. George Featherston Appearing according to Or- der to make Answer to the Complaint against him about putting up a Sign Post before his Door in Marlborough Street without Leave, And after some Discourse with him, he Promis'd to take the said Post down immediately. Ordered, That mr. Savell warn William Higgins who lately came into this Town from Medfield with his Family to depart the Town as the Law directs. •Mr. Savell Informs that mrs. Norton near Olivers Bridge has Entertained in her House a Woman & two Children that are not Inhabitants of this Town for a Considerable time without giving Notice thereof to the Select Men as the Law directs — Ordered, That the said mrs. Norton be prosecuted in the Law for Entertaining the said Woman and Children without Informing the Select Men thereof. Information was given that James Robins Master of the Sloop Experiment [253.] Brought Stephen Eastwick Mariner & a Mo- latto Woman called Mary & two Children into this Town in the said Vessell & never Reported them at the Impost Office. The Rev^- mr Samuel Mather with the Committee of the New meeting house lately Erected for the said mr. mather, Appeared 348 City Document No. 87. and returned the Thanks of that Society for the Use of the North Writing School to meet in for the Pubhc Worship on Lords Days, in the Words following, Viz*- mr Moderator We the Minister & some other members of the North Church & Congregation revived, wait on yon the Select Men of the Town as a Committee from Our Brethren, to thank you for the Use of the Publick School house, which you so readily allowed & have Con- tinued so long unto us. Little did that Honourable & Worthy good Gentleman mr. Hutchinson think, when he advanced such a Sum of Money towards Building that School house, that it, [354.] would prove an Assylum or City of Refuge to no inconsiderable part of his Family, from them that Troubled them ; But We See herein such a Retali- ation of Providence as is Worthy of some Regard and Notice with us. We hope, Sirs, You will go on, and as you have Opportunity relieve & help the Sorrowful & Oppressed, and never be Weary in Well doing, for in due Season you shall reap if you faint not. We heartily pray for your doing so ; We Wish with all Our Souls that the Blessing of Almighty God may descend & rest on You, and your Families also ; And We pray that the Town may alwa3'S be Served with such honest, faithful, prudent & kind Offi- cers as your Solves ; for whom We have & hope We always shall have the most becoming. Respect & Affection. inasmuch as We are & acknowledge Our Selves Your most Obliged Friends & humble Servants. In Our own Name & in the beh?ilf of the [355.] Society who have Sent on this G^'ateful & Acceptable Errand. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 24. 1742—. Present. Caleb Lyman Esq^. Jonas Clarke Esq^ m'". Hancock m'*. Cooke Yesterday the Select Men according to their Vote Visited the Publick Schools in this Town, accompanied by the following Gen- tlemen, Viz*. His Excellency William Shirley, Esq^ The Hon. Ezekiel Lewis Esq*". The Hon. Nath^ Hubbard Esq^ The Hon. John Head Esq^ The Hon. Samuel Waldo Esq^ The Rev. Joseph Sewall, D.D. The Rev. mr. Samuel Checkley The Rev. mr. William Hooper Jeremiali Gridley Esq"". & Dr. William Bulfinch [350.] And found the said Schools under good Regulation, The Number of Scholars in each School were as follows, Viz*. Selectmen's Minutes, 1741. 349 In the South Grammar School, Ninety four, In the South Writing School, Seventy three, In the Writing School in Queen Street Seventy three In the North Grammar School Sixty five, And in the North Writing Scliool, Two Hundred & Thirty. Mr. Richard IJunuewell Desires Liberty to Build a Tomb in the North Burying place for mr. Samuel Clark on the North east Side ot* the s"^ Burying place Adjoining to mr. Cooksons Tomb. Voted, That Liberty be accordingly Granted, they performing the Conditions enjoined in former Grants. At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 28*'*, 1742. Present. The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Caleb Lyman Esq"". Jonas Clarke Esqr^ m^ Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel [257.] Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread at the Rate of Twenty Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat & Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushel Allowed for Charges,, which is Computed as follows, Vizt'. oz. dr. Of Penny White Loaf 2-0 Wheaten 2- 15 Household 3- 15 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1^ 1- 12 At a Meeting of the Select Men, June 30*^ 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'^. Jonas Clarke Esq'', m"". Cooke m"". Hancock Capt. Steel Mr. John Osborn Appeared & Informed that he had lately come into this Town from Rowley with his Wife Two Children & Two Negro Servants & a Wliite maid & Desires they ma}^ be admitted Inhabitants of this Town. [258 . ] Mr. John Procter, Master of the North Writing School Appeared & Informed that the Business of the said School was so great that he could not carry it on without an Usher in the room of mr. Hicks, & that mr. Abia Holbrook was willing to Undertake that Service. Ordered, That mr, Savell Notify mr. John Grover to Attend next Wednesday to answer a Complaint that he has Set Free his Negro Man named Primus (who is now in the Almshouse) & hath not given Security to the Town as the Law directs. 350 City Document No. 87. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 2^ 1742. Present Caleb Lyman Esq*". Jonas Clarke Esq'", m'". Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Benj'^ Hatch Informs that he has taken into his House One William Guy [259,] And Wife who lately came into this Town from Philadelphia. Capt. Steel is desired to procure Three New Leather Buckets for the Engine at the Old North. Meeting house, mr. Brown Master. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 9*^ 1742 — Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq"*. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Liberty is hereby Granted to Capt. John Comrin & Capt. John Hamock to Dig up the Pavement & Open the Ground in Shrimp- tons Lane in order to repair their Drain running into the Com- mon Shore there, Upon Condition that they forthwith make good the Ground and Pavement again and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. [260.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 1742. Present Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Katharine Watt who was lately Imported into this Town in the "Snow, Ogleby Master from Scotland is admitted an Inhab- itant, mr. Robert Watt having given Bond to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon her Acco'. for Five years as the Law directs. Imported in the Brigantine Mary, Hugh Hill Master from Phila- delphia, Samuel Deshee his Wife and One Child, Ordered, That the said Hugh Hill give Bond to the Town Treas- urer with Sureties, to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon their acco'^ for Five years as the Law directs. [261.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 16. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 351 Mr. Hezehiah Barber Appeared & Informed that he had lately with his Wife, Two Children & Several Servants, came into this Town from Dorchester, in Order to Dwell here & Desires they may be admitted Inhabitants, & Informs that he has an Estate in Dorchester which he Values at Two Thousand Pounds. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 19*^. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Upon the Motion made by mr. John Procter for an Usher with him in the North Writing School [363.] Voted, that mr. Abia Holbrook be Usher in the said School under mr. Procter, to Enter the first of August next & that he be paid at the rate of mr. Hicks's Salary when an Usher there, until he be further fixed by the Town. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 21. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Mr. Hezekiah Barber & his Family who lately came from Dor- chester, Are admitted Inhabitants of this Town, they having brought Efi'ects with them Sufficient to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. Caleb Lyman Esq'. Informs that Edward Stone a Stranger, who came as a Sailor from Lon [363.] don in Capt. Prince, was taken with Distraction therefore by him Committed to Bridewell to be taken care of. Seth Cushing and his Family, Vis*, his Wife & Three Children who lately came from llingham are Admitted Inhabitants. Adam Cushing of Weymouth Esq^ having become Bound with him to the Town Treasurer in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds ; to In- demnify the Town as the Law directs. Samuel Sever, Informs that he with his Wife have lately Re- moved into this Town from Dorchester & hired a House the 22'^ of June last of mr. Benj*. Russell. Ordered, That mr. Savell prosecute in the Law Capt. Hugh Hill for Importing into this Town One Samuel Deshee his Wife & Child & not giving Security to Indemnify the Town from any Charge upon their Acco*. for Five years as the Law directs. Mr. Ezekiel Goldthwait the Town Clerk Informing that he was invited to wait upon [364.] His Excellency the Governour to the Eastward & desired the Leave of the Select Men therefor. 352 City Document No. 87. Voted, That Leave be given accordingly provided he leave some Person to take Care of his Business as Tov^n Clerk in his Ab- sence. Meni^ July 22. 1742. Liberty is hereby Granted to mr. Thomas Pearson to Dig up the Pavement & Open the Ground in Wings Lane in Order to repnir his Drain running into the Common Shore, Upon Condition that he forthwith make good the Ground & Pavement again & keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, July 28, 1742. Present Capt. Foroyth Caleb Lyman Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq", m'. Han cock > m"". Cooke Capt. Steel [265.] This Day the Select Men & mr William Waters inter- chargeably Signed an agreement for keeping the Province Hospital on Rainslord Island, which is in the Words following, Viz*. Whereas the Great & General Court at their Session the 21^* of June 1738, Did by their Order, Authorize & Impower the Select Men of Boston to Agree with some Suitable Person to keep the Hospital lately Built by Order of the said Court at Eainslords Island, for the reception of Sick & Infectious Persons & for their time & Service in taking Care of the Sick &c. who may be Sent to the said Hospital by tlie Year. Pursuant to the said Order the Select Men have this Day Agreed with mr. William Waters to keep the Province Hospital on Rains- fords Island accordingly who is to take all proper Care of such sick Persons as may from time to time be Sent to the said. Hos- pital, finding & providing Nurses Assistance &all things necessary for their Comlbrt & Relief to Save the Province harmless from all Charges that may arise on acco* of any Poor & Indigent [260.] Persons who may be Sent to the said Hospital (Doctors Bills Excepted) And to follow the Orders of the Select Men respecting Persons {& Goods) coming on or going off the said Island, And to keep a Sufficient Guard to hinder all Persons from coming on or going off said Island without the Leave of the Selcc: Men ; And he is not to take off or Suffer to be talt manner they can Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 359 [384:.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 6. 1742 Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m*". Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel The Select Men having been informed by a Letter from mr. Kilby directed to mr. Hancock that mr. Faneuil was desirous of Seeing them — accordiogly they Awaited on him at his House where he Signified that the House designed for a Market was now finished excepting a Small addition which would not hinder the Improve- ment of it & desired that they would now receive it & put it under some proper regulation, Upon which they Acquainted him that they would call the Town together & inform them of his Generous Donation & Desire and accordingly, Ordered, [285.] That the Town Clerk issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston. In His Majesty's Name Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston duly Qualified as the Law directs to Convene at the Market House lately Erected by Peter Faneuil Esq"", on Dock Square on Monday next the Thirtieth of September Current at Nine o'Clock in the forenoon in Order to Consider of some proper Method for Settling & Improving the said House being the G-eneroiis & free Gift of Peter Faneuil Esq'', to the Town, and to Choose Jurymen for October Court &c. &c. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 8. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq'", m''. Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel [286,] Mr. Jeremiah Allen Informs that he has taken into his House as a Tenant William Spencer from Berwick with his Wife & Three Children. Mr. Josias Byles who was Sealer of Wood on Wentworths Wharf & the Town Dock, has now hired a Wharf & Carts Wood, Upon which the Selectmen think him not a proper Person for Sealer of Wood and is therefore Dismist from said office. And mr. Thomas Pembertou is appointed in his room the said Perabertons Precinct to be from the Southward of Colmans Wharf to the Town Dock — And he is to See that the Laws relating to Wood be duly Observed & kept. Mr. Thomas Cradock of Milton who has hired One Thomas Skinner to Work with him Says that the Man came from this Town near a Twelve Month ])ast & was Warned to Depart the Town of Miltoa he therefore Desires ihe Select men would Indem- B60 City Document No. 87. nify the Town of Milton from any Charge that may arise to them from the said [287.] Skinner — Voted That a Certificate be given to the Select men of Milton to Inform them, We will receive the said Person any time within a Twelve month. Mr. Cowdrey who had the Charge of the Dock Watch being Dead — nir. Thomas Williston appearing & Desiring to be a Watchman in the Town. Voted, That the said Williston be Improved as a Watchman, and have the charge of the Dock Watch. John Lucas, a Stranger, who came from Rhode Island by Land, & being Bound lo the Bay in Capt. Davis hurt his Leg on board by a fall, was by the ♦k'lect Men Recommended, to the Overseers of the Poor to be taken into the Almshouse on the Province Charge. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 10. 1742. Present Jonas Clarke Esq"^. m"". Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel [288 Mr. Samuel Ruggles who was Employed in Building the Market house this Day Waited on the Select men by order of Peter Faneuil Esq^ & delivered theiu the Key of said House which tliey accordingly received. Boston Sept. 10. 1742. Whereas the Petitions of Sundry Persons for Licence to Sell Strong Drink, either as Innholders or Retailers have been presented to the Select Men & at Several Meetings by them Considered — A Li-t of their Names & the Street where each Person Dwells, with the Acting of the Select men on said Petitions is here Recorded, as follows. Viz*. Inn holders. Approved & Recommended Viz*. Hezekiah Barber Newbury Street William Clear Newbuiy Street John Osborne Cross Street Thomas Shepard Newbury Street [S89o] Retailers Approved & Recommended Viz*. John Arbuthnott Essex Street James Collms North Street Anthony Caverly Orange vStreet Edward Cowell Fish Street James Day Orange Street Benj'^ Emmons Jun^ Town Dock Mary Flagg Ann Street Joseph Goldthwait Marlboro' Street Robert G utter idge • Fish Street Mary Graham Salutation Alley Johnson Jackson Orange Street Gyles Jeffries Brattle Street Dorothy Kidder Orange Street Abel Kedgell Orange Street Selectmen's Minutes, .1742. 361 William Lytherland Sarah Peako Elizabeth Ray Wiggles worth Sweetzer Rachel Sowcrsby Sampson Sheaf e William Taylor Mary West [290.] Innholder, Disallowed, Viz* Piiillip Gatcomb Retailers, Disallowed, Viz*. Ann Brown Thomas Bonus Elizabeth Carver Mary Foreland Richard Barnard Richard Knox Daniel Heal Margaret Ruth Joanna Stroud George Wells Sarah Wharton Cambridge Street Shif) Street Newbury Street King Street Cross Street Marlboro' Street Middle Street Middle Street Marlboro* Street Cambridge Street Summer Street Milk Street Milk Street Sheafe Street Hanover Street Newbury Street Clarks Square Fish Street JMackcrel Marshalls Lane At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 15. 1742. Present Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq', m"". Cooke Capt. Steel Ordered, That Hickman with his Family be Warned out of ' Town. [291.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 22. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq'', m"". Hancock m^ Cooke Capt. Stoel The Law for Appointing Measurers of Grain in the Town begin- ning the first of October next, the Sessions have Nominated Several Persons for that Service, who have Desired that measures may be provided for them — accordingly, Mr, Blake is desired to provide One Dozen of half Bushels ac- cording to the Directions of the Law. Mess". Jon^. Davis & Moses Davis appeared & desired they might have Stalls fixed for them in the market house. Mess". Clark & Hancock who were desired to enquire into the Character of mr. Hovcy, Report that the Gentleman is of a good Character & Reputation and Qualified [292.] to keep a School as Petitioned for & be Admitted an Inhabitant. 362 City Document No. 87. Voted, That this Report be accepted, & that the said mr. Hovey be admitted an Inhabitant & liave Leave to keep a School accord- ingly. Complaints being made of Posts Set up Contrary to Law in Shrimptons Lane & one before mr. Hortons House near Olivers Bridge. Ordered, That mr. Savell make enquiry into the Affair & Prose- cute the Person who put up the Post in Shrimptons Lane & Order the Owner of the House at Olivers Bridge to Appear next Wednes- day. Voted, That the Select Men meet at Faneuil Hall on Fryday next at Ten o' Clock before noon. Information being made of a man from Marblehead who is like to prove a Charge — Ordered, That mr. Savell forthwith Send him to his Home. [293.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Sept. 29. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Voted, That the Town Clerk acquaint the Proprietors of Land on each Side of the Way leading to the Fortification that as the Town have now Carried on the Pavement from the End of the former Paving unto that which extends to the Fortification of the same Breadth with the former The Select Men Expect they Speedily Comply with their agreement to Pave the Remainder of the said Street on each Side of the Way. Voted, That John Jeffries & Jonas Clarke Esq", be desired to Older the Mending of the Posts at the Gate leading out of the Town at the Fortification. [294.] Ordered That the Town Clerk post up an assize of Bread at the Rate of Seventeen Shillings p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushel 1 Allowed for Charges, which is Computed as follows. Viz*. oz. dr. of Penny White Loaf 2. 4 Wheaten 3. 6 House hold 4. 8 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1^ 4. 5 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 6. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 363 Mr. Fosdick Informs that he has finished the Paving at the South end & Prays that the Select Men would See it measured. Voted, That the Select men Attend that Service on Wednesday next, at Nine o'Clock before noon. [395.] In Conformity to a Vote of the Town for removing the Towns Books & Papers to Faneuil Hall. Voted, That the Town Clerk remove said Books & Papers belonging to the Town directly & that mr. Savell provide Coal &c. for the Select Men at their meeting there on Wednesday next. At a Meeting of the Select Men in Faneuil Hall Oct. 13, 1742. (being the first time of Meeting there) Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'- Capt. Forsyth m*". Hancock Capt. Steel Mr. Thomas Jackson Appearing & being Acquainted of his being Chosen Clerk of the Market & the Votes of the Town relating to the same being Read to him he desired a Weeks time to Consider of the same in Order to give his Answer, The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'^- Acquainted the Select [396.] men that he had received of Jacob Wendell Esq^' Five Hundred Pounds old Tenor, in part of his Bonds given for the Township he bought of the Town. Voted That Capt Steel be desired to Pay the same to Treasurer Wadsworth and take his Receipt for the same for the Use of the Fortifications. Voted, That mr. John Savell Strictly observe the Province Law page 22. for warning Persons out of Town. Thomas Hubbard Esq"^- Informs that on the Sixth of August last he Warned mr. Nathan Prince out of Town (as one of the Over- seers of the Poor) As also on the 13*^ of February last Wetherell from Cape Cod. Information being given that William Pelsne a Painter from Salem is come into this Town from thence being a Person of a Bad Character. Ordered That mr. Savell Warn him out of Town. [397.] Eleazer Higgins with his Wife & Two Children being come into this Town from Truro — Ordered That mr. Savell Warn them out of Town, unless he gives Security. As Also Eleazer Vickery & five Children from the same place. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct. 20. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'- m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel ^Ir. Joseph Uran Informing that he & Company with their En- gine was the first at the Fire the last night in Ann Street with the 364 City Document No. 87. Axe & Hook, Desired he might have the Premium allowed by the Town. Mr. Lovell Master of the South Grammar School Informing that the Stove belonging to the School Tvants repairing. Mr. Cooke is desired to See that such Repairs be made to it as is necessary. ^[298.] John Jeffries Esq""- Informing that with mr. Hancock & some Genllemen, they Visited the Town & Watch houses, & found the Watchmen in most of them very Negligent of their Duty especially the Merchants Watch on the Long \\ hai f where they found there had been for Several niglits only One Arthur Hill who they found a Sleep in his Cabbin. Voted, That mr. Savell Order all the Watchmen to Send in (on monday next) their Names & the acco* of the Methods they pro- ceed in, in their Watching. Voted, That Capt. Haslom give Bond to the Town Treasurer for Jane the Wife of William Taylor who he brought from S*. Christ", in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to Indemnify the Town from any Charge for live years as the Law directs (and mr. Peter Cade is Accepted for his Bondsman. (a Bond was given accordingly.) Voted, That mr. Savell provide Two pair of Brass Candlesticks with Steel [299,] Snuffers and a Poaker for the Town Use. Whereas the Select Men are Impowered by a Law of this Town to appoint Suitable Persons to be Chimney Sweepers in the Town & agree with ihem for Sweeping the same. Therefore Voted, That the Town Clerk put an Advertisement in the Publick news Papers to inform any Person or Persons inclining to Undertake that Business that they appear at the Select Mens Chamber at Faneuil Hall, on either of the Three Succeeding Wednesdays in order to agree with them Concerning the same. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Ocf 25. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq^ m''. Hancock Capt. Steel Mr. Thomas Jackson having been Acquainted with the Vote of the Town, appointing him Cleik of the Market until March next, having Considered of the same [300o] Desires Liberty until monday next to finish some affairs of his own & then he will Undertake that Service. William Pelsne, Informs that he came into this Town from Watcrtown last June, and took Lodging at the Widow Rush's & about Fourteen Days since, removed to mr. Haycock's, has left his Wife & Children at Salem, He was directed to Attend next Wednesday. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Oct'. 27. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. / Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 365 Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq', m'. Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Complaint being made by mr. Cooke that the Pavement before Capt. Jos. Henderson's new House at the South end, being much Sunk Occasioned by the Drain of his Cellar, which makes it very Dangerous [301.] for Carts &c. to pass — Ordered, That mr. Savell Warn him to Repair it immediately. Mr. Francis Wardell, Appeared Desired that the Select Men would appoint some of their Brethren to Run the Line betweea the Towns Land in Beacon Street and his. Voted, That messrs. Jeffries Hancock & Cooke be desired to Attend that Service. Capt. David Vickery Appeard & Said he had lately come from Truro on Cape Cod & Desired to be Admitted an Lihabitant of this Town, he informed he had brought to the Value of Five Hundred Pounds Old Tenor with him in Household Goods Chiefly, and that he is Employed as a Master of a Vessell out of this Town in the Virginia Trade and hired a House about Sixteen Days ago in mr. Stamfords Buildings at New Boston. Refer'd to next Wednesday for Consideration. Thomas Gibson appearing Said he came from Jamaica in a Scow Four Days past, has been a Soldier there about Three years was [302.] Born at Long Island, & being very Sick & Weak Desires some Assistance, he has no knowledge of the Masters name he came in being Sick all the Passage. The Select Men Apprehending him an object of Charity, ordered that he be Recommended to the Overseers of the Poor to be taken Care of in the Almshouse at the Charge of the Province. Ordered, That the Town Clerk Post up an Assize of Bread at the Rate of Seventeen Shillings p. Bushell for Wheat & Three Shil- lings & Six pence p. Bushell Allowed for Charges which is Com- puted as follows. Viz*. Of Penny White Loaf 2. 4 Wheaten 3. 6 Household 4. 8 Six Penny Wheaten Loaf 1^ 4. 5 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 3. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq^ m^ Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel [303.] William Pelsnc a Painter from Salem appeared to know if he might be Admitted an Inhabitant of this Town, Upon which it was Voted in the Negative And Ordered that mr. Savell Warn him out of Town according to Law. 566 City Document No. 87. Capt. Vickery Appeared accordiDg to Appointment last Wednes- day to know if he might be Admitted an Inhabitant of this Town, And it was Voted in the affirmative, Provided he gave Bond with Sufficient Suretys to Indemnify the Town as the Law directs. Voted, That the Town Clerk Copy out the Towns Vote for Removing all the Papers &c. belonging to the Town & give it to the assessors, and acquaint them that the East most Chamber in the upper Story in Faneuil Hall is appointed for them. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 10, 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq"". Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq'", m"". Hancock m'". Cooke Capt. Steel [304:.] Capt. Eleazer Darby appeared & Desired that the Select Men would View his Fence near Bull Wharf which is now down and is going to be P>ected anew. Voted, That mess". Jeffries Clarke & Cooke be a Committee to View the same and make Report thereon. Complaint being made by mr. Cooke that mr. Samuel Coolidge formerly Chaplain at the Castle, is now in this Town & in a Dis- tracted Condition & very likely to be a Town Charge. Voted, That mr. Savell Warn him out of Town according to Law. The Select Men taking into Consideration that the Watch of the Town requires some Alterations for the Benefit of the Town. Voted, T^hat mr. Jeffries be desired to draw up some Instructions for the Watch men against next Wednesday. The Watch houses at the Dock & Town House being out of Repair — Voted that mess". Jeffries & Cooke be desired to get them repaired. [305.] David Watts Wife & Two Children from Topsham at the Eastward have been in Town about a Month, keeps at mr. Glins a Taylor is like to become a Town Charge. Voted That mr. Savell Warn the said Watts and family to Depart the Town, And that he Prosecute the said Glin for not in- forming of his receiving them into his House according to Law. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 15. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq', m"". Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel His Excellency the Governour informing the Select Men that One Leport a French man, that was formerly here is Returned to Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 367 this Town again, and has no Liberty from him. Desired that he might be taken up upon [306.] The Law of the Province. Mr. Justice Hall & Hubbard being Compkiined to of the same issued out tlieir Warrant for Apprehending him to answer thereto. This Day was Sent to the Ahns house by mr. Cheever, by Order of the Select men Anthony La Craw a Spainard, who came from New found land in Capt. Tripe — having no Substance being Lame to be taken Care of at the Province Charge. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov. 17. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeferies Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq'', m'". Hancock m''. Cooke Capt. Steel Mr. Joseph Treat Gunsmith Appeared & Informed that Eleazer Higgins with his Wife and Six Children came from Truro about Five Weeks past and Live in Capt. Dowricks House, that he has no Substance but House hold Goods [307.] and desired that he might be admitted an Inhabitant, and the said Treat would be his Bondsman. Information being given that Capt. Nath^ Welch Master of the Brig*. Eagle from Newfoundland had lately Imported Several Pas- sengers from thence among whom One William English was One & had not Reported them at the Impost office. Voted, that the said Welch be Prosecuted for not Reporting his Passengers according to Law. Mem°. Nov. 15. 1742. Liberty is hereby Granted to mr. Peter Pelham to Dig up the Pavement & open the Ground in Leveretts Lane in Order to repair the Drain running from the House wherein he Dwells into the Com- mon Shore, Upon Condition that he forth with make good the Ground & Pavement ngain and keep the same in repair from time to time to the Satisfaction of the Select Men. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov^ 24. 1742. Present 1 The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq'", m'*. Hancock m"". Cooke Capt. Steel [308.] Mr. Thomas Jackson Clerk of the Market Appeared & presented Joseph Gray for the Acceptance of the Select men to Sweep the Market, who was willing to do that Service for Ten Pounds until that time. The Select Men left it to the said Jackson to agree with him on the best terms. Mr. Ebenezer Winborn appeared in behalf of the Widow Dyer & Desire A he might be Impowered in her behalf to receive the Bull money of the Inhabitants of the Town. 3()8 City Document No. 87. Ordered, That the Town Clerk give him a Certi6cate to receive the same. James Hamilton a Soldier from Rhode Island came from there about Twenty Days since is very poor, & not, able to help himself has been a Soldier Twenty years. Ordered, That mr. Savell procure him a pair of Shoes & Thirty Shillings Old Tenor upon Condition that he depart the Province. [309.] At a Meeting of the Select Men, Nov'. 29. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq^ Jonas Clarke Esq"". m^, Hancock m'. Cooke Capt. Steel Capt. Tripe appeared according to appointment & Said that the Spaniard named Le Craw Sent to the Almshouse the 15*^. instant on the Province Charge by Capt. Cheever was Ship'd by him here in Boston to go to Newfoundland & back to Boston again the 10*^. of July last, & on his Return here, paid him his Wages. Mr. John Peirce Master of the Engine at the Westerly part of the Town Informs that he & his Company was only the Engine at the Fire at mr. Sigourney's Distill House & Desired that they might have the Bounty Allowed by the Town Mr. Andrew Halyburton by his Petition to the Selectmen, Ac- quainting them that he was Obliged to remove from the Sun Tavern where he was Licenced, Praying their Recommendation [310.] To the Justices of the County of Suffolk for Liberty of keeping a Tavern in the House the late Docf. Boylston lived, until the time of Granting Licences by Law — They having Considered the same with the Pet". Circumstances make no Objection to its being Granted. Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up as Assize of Bread at the Rate of Nineteen Shillings Old Tenor p. Bushel for Wheat and Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushell Allowed for Charges, which is Computed as follows. Viz*. Of Penny White Loaf 2- 1 Wheaten 3-1 Household 4- 2 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1*- 2-8 At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec'. 8. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq', mr. Hancock 'mr. Cooke Capt. Steel [311.] The Representatives of this Town, having Acquainted the Select men with the Desire of the Ilonouiabic IIo;ise of Rep- resentatives, that the Town would «'ive them Selectmen's Minutes, 1742. 369 Number of Houses Ware houses Negroes Horses and Cows in the Town the doing of which its thought will be of Service to the Town in the present Valuation. Voted, That the Assessors & Collectors of the Town be desired to take a List of the same as soon as they can and return it to the Town Clerk, At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec'. 14. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Jonas Clarke Esq', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Capt. Steel The Assessors & Collectors according to Desire having taken an Exact View of the Town [313,J Have presented the following acco*. Viz*. Souls. Houses. Wharves. Negroes. Horses. Cows. N°. 1 1028 106 44 44 8 7 2 1483 147 0 76 5 5 3 1255 127 11 105 16 4 4 1135 110 0 84 21 4 5 1328 132 12 109 31 4 6 1363 142 15 115 31 5 7 1204 127 8 124 37 21 8 1216 146 99 136 45 7 9 1264 139 8 165 47 9 10 1857 197 4 167 61 26 11 1365 138 5 115 40 15 12 1884 208 0 134 76 34 16382 1719 166 1374 418 141 Mem*. The Negroes are Included in the Number of 16382, Souls but not 110 in the Alms house & 36, in the Work house. And the Town Clerk was directed to make out a fair Copy which was accordingly done & the Assessors & Collectors Signed the underwritten acco*. thereof. Viz*. We the Subscribers have taken an Acco*. of all the Souls, Houses, Ware houses, Negroes [313.] Horses & Cows within the Town of Boston & find they amount in Number as is respectively Set in the above Columns including the familys of His Excellency the Governonr & the Ministers & Grammar School Masters in the Town. We also Apprehend there is about 1200 370 City Document No. 87. Widows included in the above number of Souls One Thousand whereof are in low Circumstances & a great Number of other Persons so poor that thev are not Taxed. Witness Our hands Dec^ 14. 1742 Signed Jacob Sheafe John Staniford Richard Buckley Joshua Blanchard William Salter Jacob Parker Daniel Pecker John Goldthwait Nath^. Barber* Nath^. Gardner William Fairfield Which was given to the Representatives who with the Assessors, W^aited on the Com*^^ of Valuations & laid it before them for their Information. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec^ 22. 1742. Present The Hon. John Jeffries Esq'. Capt. Forsyth mr. Hancock Jonas Clarke Esq'^. mr. Cooke [314.] Mr. Anthony Hodgson appearing Praying Liberty to Improve One Stall in the Market for Selling Cheese Butter & ' Flour Three Days in the Week in Order to Supply the Inhabitants of the Town in Small Quantitys as Cheap as they can Buy by Whole sale The Select men having Considered the same & Ap- prehending it may be of Service to the Town Voted That Liberty be & hereby is Granted to the said Anthony Hodgson to make a tryal of the above Commodities for one month provided they be Imported by him or his Friends so as not to break in on the Laws of the Market, Paying Twenty Shillings Old Tenor to the Town p month, & that he Improve Number Eight. CoP. Hill Informs that a Negro man belonging to mr. John Grover of Pullen point but now of this Town, whom the said Grover has freed, hath been in the Alms house for a year past at the Towns Charge, The Select men advise that the said Grover be Prosecuted in the Law for the Charges that hath Arisen upon the said Negro in the Almshouse [315.] Eliz". Young who came into this Town about Three Weeks past, from Rhode Island & belongs to New York being very poor & big with Child and her Husband gone to Sea — Voted That She be Recommended to the Overseers of the Poor to be taken into the Almshouse at the Charge of the Province being a Stranger. Mr. Samuel Wethered presented a Petition to the Select men. Praying that they would Recommend him to the Governour & Council for Licence to keep a Tavern in the House of Gillam Phillips Esq^ on the North Side of the Town House (being Obliged Selectmen's IiIinutes, 1742. 371 to remove from the place wliere he was last Licenced) until the Usual time for G ranting of Licences — The Select men having no Objection thereto. Voted That a Certificate be given accordingly. At a Meeting of the Select Men, Dec^ 24. 1742. Present Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq"*, mr. Cooke Capt. Steel [316.] Upon Reading the Petition of Peter Faneuil Esq'. & Thirty five others received this Day Desiring a Town Meeting to be called to farther Represent to the Hon^^*". House of Representa- tives now Setting the Distressing Circumstances of the Town & Iheir inability to Pay the Tax now Apportioned by them in Order to obtain some Relief in the Affair. Ordered, That the Town Clerk issue forth a Warrant directed to the Constables of Boston, In His Majesty's name Requiring them forthwith to Warn all the Free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston duly Qualified as the Law directs to Convene at Faneuil Hall upon Monday the Twenty Seventh Day of December instant at Two o'Clock in the afternoon then & there to Consider of a Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of said Town for making a further Representation of the Distressing Circumstances of the Town & their Inability to Pay the Tax now laid on them by the Hon*"^^. House of Representatives in Order to Obtain some Redress in the Affair. [317.] At a Meeting of the Select men, Dec^ 29. 1742. Present Capt. Forsyth Jonas Clarke Esq', mr. Hancock mr. Cooke Capt. Steel Ordered, That the Town Clerk post up an Assize of Bread at the Rate of Nineteen Shillings Old Tenor p. Bushel for Wheat & Three Shillings & Six pence p. Bushell allowed for Charges, which is Computed as follows, Viz*. Of Penny White Loaf 2- 1 Wheaten 3- 1 House hold 4- 2 Six penny Wheaten Loaf 1^- 2- 8 [The printed volume is closed at this point for convenience. — W. H. W.] I » \ INDEX OF NAMES. Abbot, 153, 312, 213, 223, 273. Acton, 148. Adams, 15, 25, 28, 41, 65, 70, 84, 97, 129, 161, 188, 190, 194, 195, 208, 221, 222. Addington, 238. Adlington, 323. Albuoy, 312. {Allen, 7, 48, 243, 245, 297, 298, 309, 332, 337, 340, 356, 359. Alleyn, 55. AUin, 18. Alley, Bakers, 282. Battery, 67. Paddeys, 130. Peines, 309. Peirces, 255. • Pierces, 130. Salutation, 360. Scottows, 67. Alleyn, see Allen. AUin, see Alleyn. Ames, 64. Angler, 93, 94. j Andersen, 117. / Anderson, 121, 299. Andover, 320. Annapolis, 299. Annapolis Royal, 45. I Apthorp, 178, 219. I Apthrop, 347. { Arbuthnot, 129. I Arbuthnott, 360. Arraitage, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91,92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117,118,119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 1-25, 12t), 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 140, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226. Arnault, 355. Arnold, 3, 7. Ashley, 67, 130, 203. Atkins, 61, 339. Attleborough, 7. Atwood, 338. Auchmuty, 27, 72. Austin, 67, 183. Avery, 9. Aves, 256. Ayres, 147, 148. Babbidge, 156, 160, 275, 307. Bacon, 82, 83 85, 86, 89, 93, 90, 100, 104. Bagnall, 10, 172, 240. ( Bailey, 207. \ Baily, 62. Baker, 4, 5, 69, 104, 121, 151, 152, 168, 217, 218, 221, 238, 248, 257, 258, 296, 331, 338, 339, 342. Ball, 129, 818. Ballard, 331, 339. Band, 286. Bangs, 198, Banister, 14, 15, 200, 206. Bant, 196. Barbadoes, 91, 107, 304. Barber, 9, 87, 114, 149, 239, 275, 320, 326, 361, 360, 370. Barker, 161, 260, 296, 339. Barlow, 36. Barnard, 20, 61, 155, 156, 158, 159, 179,271, 284, 339, 340, 361. Barrel, 78. Barron, 197, 210. Barllet, 5, 15, 16, 48, 49, 322. Bass, 66, 69, 107, 140, 149, 161. Basset, 152, 322, 338. Batt, 139. Battery, The, 234. North, 223, 226, 257, 277, 290, 292, 294, 295, 299, 333, 336. South, 65, 204, 226, 314. Bay Casco, 18, 69, 85, 198, 288. Massachusetts, 122, 218, 225, 336. Beairsto, 332. Bearsto, 337. Beale, 229. Beard, 9, 10. Bearsto, see Beairsto. Bcauchamp, 200. \ Beaudre, 285. } Bcaudry, 285, 337. Beauford, 84. Bcdgood, 25, 161, 221, 222, 228, 276, 326. Beekman, 105, 174. Beokraore, 269. ) Beer, 5, 295. ) Beers, 339. Belcher, 11, 14, 17, 70, 95, 117, 126, 130, 164, 304, 338. Belfast, 317, 320. Belknap, 5. Bell, 136, 254. Beney, 216. Bennet, 106. Bennett, 300. Bentley, 5, 296, 339. Bernaudas, 288, 289, 312, Berry, 09, 105, 106, 276, 324. Berwick, 359. Bethune, 148. Betsilke, 222. Bcltesly, 308, Bickmore, 117. Bickncr, 129, 249. Bill, 13, 53, 54, 130, 203, 248, 254, 258, 29», Billings, 164, 193, 197, 202, 205, 224. Birch; 138, 245, 285, 337. Bisby,92. Bishop, 167. Bissell, 45. Blair, 345. Blake, 6, 104, 111, 202, 204, 207, 210, 254, 361. 374 City Document No. 87. Blanchard, 25, 29, 116, 134, 161, 168, 187, 220, 222, 240, 252, 274, 276, 284, 323, 326, 370. Blanchcr, 55, 63. Blauchard, 323. Blanford, 84. Blewets, 294. Blowers, 324, 327. Boardman, 112, 130, 161. Bollao, 330, .331. Bouning, 209. Bonus, 361. Bonyat, 314, 343. Bonyet, 200. Bonyot, 200, 201. Boone, 67, 130, 202. Borland, 25, 161, 222, 276, 327, 355. Bosch, 212, 240. Boston, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 37, 38, 40, 49, 50, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, •116, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135, 147, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 166, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175. 179, 181, 185, 187, 189. 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 199, 202, 214, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 211, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 238, 227, 228, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 247, 248, 251, 252, 254, 264, 274, 270, 279, ?80, 281, 290, 291, 292, 296, 300, Soi, 302, 303, 305, 306, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 322, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329, 334, 336, 341, 344, 357, 359, 345, 352, 353, 354, 355, 360, 368, 369, 371. New, 365. Boucher, 22, 31. Bourdeaux, 343. Bourke, 327, 331, 334. Bovey, 77. Bowdoin, 256. Bowen, 300, 314. Bowler, 15. Bowman, 1, 67, 258, 262, 263, 265. Boyd, 4, 9, 20, 178, 236. Boydell, 68. Boves, 129. Boylslou, 48, 57, 65, 168, 196, 20O, 213, 255, 368. Boylstone, 193. Bylstone, 197. Bracket, 339. Bradford, 45. Brandon, 51, 191, 200, 207. Brantrcy, 48, 277, 288. Breck, 237. Brceden, 20. Brewer, 01, 138, 313, 339. Brewster, 189. Briant, 312. Bryant, 133, 162, 215, 216, 244. Bridewell, 45, 351. Bridge, 67. Clap, 75. County, 12, 73, 75, 79. Draw, 134, 136, 153, 197. O rover's, 30. Mill, 3, 145, 147, 173, 251, 300. Oliver's 310, 347, 362. Swing, 20, 47. Bridgewater, 322. Bridgham, 107, 140, 142, 187. Bright, 331. Brintnal, 205. Brintnall, 10, HO. Brisco, 202. Bristol, 47, 173. 206, 212, 258, 259, 260, 261, 266, 268, 303, 358. Bromfield, 22, 25, 31, 53, 55, 153, 161, 185, 189, 221, 222, 243, 245, 275, 276, 297, 298, 325, 327, 347. Brookline, 27, 48. Brooklin, 57, 62, 63. Brown, 5, 37, 126, 129, 250, 258, 271, 273, 284, 289, 295, 296, 319. 331, 338, 339, 340, 350, 361. Browne, 39. Browning, 191. Browneil, 159. Brunswick, 188, 290. Bryan, 244, 316, 334. Bryant, see Briant. Buddy, 33. Buckley, 9, 24, 148, 160, 221, 275, 326, 370. Bulhnch, 83, 278, 347, 348. Bulkley, 25. Bunker, 197. Burbank, 331, 338. Burck, 178, 269. Burke, 331. Burlington, 85. Burnell, 88. Burt, 254. Burton, 3. Buryingplace, North. 32, 118, 173, 179, 230, 289, 294, 349, 355. Old, 23, 53, 54, 111, 112, 116, 136, 168, 187,219,284,286. Bouth, 23, 29, 37, 38, 78, 80, 104, 105, 116, 118, 134, 154, 170, 172, 219, 247, 286. Bushel, 356. Butler, 130, 153, 191, 197, 202, 204, 208, 210, 21 1, 238, 23H, 240, 243, 309, 312, 320, 356. Buttolph, 29, 202, 269, 289, 292. Byles, 55, 63, 115, 185, 196,1.39, 240, 243, 245 253, 264, 280, 293, 355, 358, 359. Bylestone, see Boylston. Cade, 364. Calef, 63, 178, 269, 316. Caless 48. Cambridge, 53, 84, 137, 313. Campbell, 64, 286, 309. Cannoe, 78. Canso, 342, 355, 356. Cape Ann, 342. Breton, 200, 201, 342, 356. Cod, 187, 285, 309, 363, 365. Francois, 200, 356. Capen, 185. ( Carall. 3. { Carrall, 3. ( Carrell, 3. < Carnel, 271. I Carnell, 277. Carnes, 230, 276. I Cams, 277. Carolina, 45, 319. Carolina, North, 7, 44, 45, 55, 63, 90, 92, 167, 206, 215, 319. South, 202, 260, 261, 279. Carr, 320. Carrall, see Carall. Carrell, sec Carrall. Carter, 85, 272. Carver, 361. Casno, 67, 172, 197, 210. Castle, William, 11, 17, 308. Caswall, 22. < Caverley, 130. I Caver ly, .360. Chambers, 58, 59, 77, 180, 231, 233, 253, 283, 284, i;88, 308. Chamberlain, 87. Chandler, 67, 147, 156, 182, 187, 240, 285. Charito. 107. Charlostown, 6, 37, 162, 205, 288. Charnock, 113, 203. Index of Names. 375 i Chauncey, 4. ) Chauncy, 115, 185, 347. Checkley, 8, 29, 53, 54, G6, 132, 171, 185, 241, 347, 348. Cheevcr, 0, 24, 87, 149, 160, 170, 221, 275, 326, 367, 3G8. Chelsea, 171, 172, 322. Child, 62, 63, 116, 130. Church, Brattle Street, 123, 125. Church, Morlh, 348. CM, 58, 59. Trinity, 105, 170, 285, 337. Cinae, 3. r Clark, 5, 22, 25, 31, 33, 44, 45, 61, 63, 112, 130, 172, 174, 240, 207, 268, 290, 294, 295, i 296, 308, 309, 316, 317, 318, 319, 338, 339, 349, 355, 358, 361. I Clarke, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 9), 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123,124, 125, 126,127,128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155,156,157,158,160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 163, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189,190,191, 1U2, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, i;00, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212,213, 214, 215,216,217,218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224,225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233,234, 235,237, 238, 239, 240,241,242,243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260,261,262,263, 264, 265, 266, 267,268, 269, 270,271,272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 288, 289, 290. 291, 292, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301,302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 309, 310,311, 312,313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 32S, 329,330,332, 333, 334, 337, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353,354, 355 356, 337, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371. Clear, 222, .360. Clee, 206. Clements, 203, 225. Clough, 37, 124, 145, 146, 148, 154, 180, 182, 192, 216, 223, 241, 242, 244, 252. Cobbet, 109. Cochreans, 120. Cochreau, 67. Coffin, 35, 58, 59, 79, 112, 231, 237, 279, 289. Cole, 82, 278. Coliings, 256. Collins, 316, 335, 360. fCoUison, 121. Collson, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 129, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 15;3, 154, 155, 156, 157, 161,162, 163, 164, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 201, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 213, 222, 223, 224, 22£;, 245, 290, 291, 295. .Colson, 139, 167,210. Collony, 330. Collop, 307. Colinau, 63, 65, 239, 267, 299. Colson, Bee Colison. Common, The, 5, 7, 14, 15, 35, 73, 78, 80, 81, 102, HI, 112, 119, 129, 141, 163, 170, 176, 180, 186, 192, 200, 207, 225, 228, 229, 230, 259, 280, 285, 287, 300, 333, 336, 353. Compton, 123, 125. Corarin, 350. Condy, 243, 245. Connecticut, 13, 63, 69, 79, 317. Couoneie, 340. Conyer, 246, 247. Cook, 47, 107, 283, 333. Cooke, 45, 50, 52, 71, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 2.38, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256,257,258,259, 260, 261 262, 263, 264, 205, 26G, 267, 268, 2G9, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274,275,276,277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 2S3, 284, 286, 238, 290, 291, 222, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299,300, 301, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308,309,310,311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317,318,319,320, 321 , 323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336, 337, 340, 341 , 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, :'47, 348, 349, 350, 35 1 , 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 559, 300, 361, 362, 363, 364, 3G5, 366, 367, 368, 369,370, 371. Cooksou, 230, 277, 349. Coolidge, 3GG. Cooper, 185, 297, 347. Cordis, 130, 222. Cork, 33, 77. Corner, Haliowell's, 319. Cornhill, 108, 109, 128, 130, 158, 254, 293. Cornuch, 206. Corsser, 294. Cossett, 342. Cotta, 191, 197, 203, 208, 210, 339. County of Essex, 71. Suffolk, 6, 8, 37, 38, 60, 61, 65, 83, 92, 103, 110, 120, 144, 151, 161, 165, 169, 175, 178, 179, 189, 236, 280, 291, 293, 296, 340, 341, 368. Courprie, 201. Courser, 113. Court Gibbins's, 139, 323. half Square, 238, 249. Mitiot's, 309. Coutanch, 44. Cove, Tarqualin, 85. Cowdroy, 35, .36, 44, 48, 129, 132, 169, 173,180, 185, 191, 216, 227, .306, 344, 360. Cowell, 67, 138, 206, 309, 312, 360. Cowley, 258, 261, 284. Coy, 142. Cradock, 190, 202, 359. ( Craft, 82, 89, 100. } Crafts, 271, 284, 332, 333, 340. Craig, 109. Craigie, 288. Cramp, 261. Cramshaw, 79. Crauford, 9. Crawford, 15. Creek Mill, 216. Crocker, 9, Crosman, 270. Cross, 75, 76, 78, 117, 121, 346. Crowell, 276. Cunningham, 269, 291. Curley, 327. Curtice, 9, 117, 121, 249, 316. Curtis, 18, 203, 225. Cushing, 22, 31, 35, 50, 53, 55, 185, 238, 243, 245, 273, 297, 347, 351. Cushman, 93. Cutler, 83, 192, 252, 278. Dabney, 299. Dakin, 206. Danforth, 84. 376 City Document No. 87. Darby, 368. Darnard, 356. \ Darrel, 268. I Darrell, 7, 45, 266. Davis, 16, 19, 27. 36, 47, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 100, 108, 140, 141, 188, 191, 204, 205, 209, 303, 327, 361. Day, 179, 360. Deacon, 328, 329. Deal, 34, 130. Debuke, 109, 130. Dcchczeau, 202, 254. Decoster, 276. Dedhara, 224, 233, 244. Deerfield, 37, 39, 56, 242. l)e iauire, 314. Demeiry, 295. Demoul'ne 314. Dennie, 19, 47, 68, 75, 150, 358. Dennison, 212, 266. Deling, 22, 25, 32, 33, 47, 137, 161, 189, 357. Deschares, 254. Desbee, 350, 351. Desbons, 217. Devenport, 54. Dickey, 291. Dilarue, 2 1 6. Dixon, 58, 269. Dock, Tbe, 13, 17, 51, 61, 121, 122, 182, 191, 283, 308, 335, 339, 358, 366. Oliver's, 249. Town, 21, 37, 55, 65, 82, 164, 172, 182, 184, 239, 243, 249, 273, 344, 359, 360. Dogan, 299. Dou'get, 40, 43. Dolbcaro, 128, 181, 212, 213, 223. Donill, 299. Donneval, 96. Dorby, 70, 138. Dorebcster, 120, 138, 147, 156, 180, 185, 269, 313, 320, 351. Dorr, 24. Doubleday, 193, 194, 296, 339. Douglass, 20, 104, 144, 147, 163, 192, 241, 282, 297. Dowell, 5, 295, 339. Dowing, 270. Dovvnc, 161, 222, 275, 276, 325, 326. Downcs, The, 33, 34. Downing, 270, 271, 277, 308. Dowrick, 367. Dowse, 181. Draper, 22. Drilliugwater, 19. Driscoll, 54. Drowne, 199, 254, 346. Dudding, 130, 202. Dudley, 64, 71, 126, 165, 188, 293. Dudwoit, 342, 343. Dumarcsq, 338. Dummer, 184. Dumore, 259. Duncan, 276. Dunham, 88. Dunlop, 9, 15. Dunstable, 97. Dunworth, 109, 192. Dupeo, 14, 21, 67, 130, 172, 212, 240. Duquc, 212. Durh.-ira, 61, 339. Dwight, -254, 306, 307, 310. Dyar, 340. Dyer, 27, 177, 367. Dyre, 58, 75, 76, 157, 161. 171, 212, 222, 237, 246, 276, 327. Earl, 237. Earle, 37, 118, 234, 273, 281, 287, 331, 338. Ea8tham,309. ( Eastwick, 347. { Eastwickc, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ( 14, 19. Eayres, 161. Kdcs, 5, 296, 331, 339. Edgar Town, 88, 93. Edmonds, 152. Edmunds, 338. Edwards, 130, 197, 265, 288. Eliot, 25, 124, 142, 288. Eliston, 344. Ellard, 158. Ellis, 339. Emroes, l71, 284, 340. Emmons, 29, 360. England, 181. English, 308, 367. Eustatia, 31, 342. Eustus, 62, 340. Evans, 344. Everill, 32, 37, 53, 64, 83, 86, 88, 89, 97,08,99, 101, 103, 126, 131, 134, 143,158, 163,164, 165, 171, 182, 211, 228, 344. Everton, 57, 309. Eyre, 276, 309. Fairfield, 252, 370. Fairscrvice, i21, 249. Falmouth. 18. Faneuil, 21, 137, 246, 247, 252, 268, 291, 297, 347, 336, 359, 360, 371. Farnura, 9, 01, 87,202. Farrington, 288, 289. Fayerw eather, 2, 24, 39, 40, 65, 82, 83, 94, 127, 160, 194, 195, 221, 251, 275,301, 303, 326, 353. Featherston, 304, 345, 347. Felsted, 23. 28. Fereton, 318. i Ferry, Winisimet. 47, 68. i Winnisimet, 72, 77, 156, 306. Fettcs, 240. Feveryear, 88. Filden, 55. Finney, 81. Fisher, 11, 14, 104, 144, 182, 186, 202, 203, 235, 254, 316. Fitch, 43, 162. Fitzgerald, 148. Fitz-Gibbon, 109, 192. Flagg, 12, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 93. 104, 203, 308, 360. Fleet. 54. Fling. 117, 121, 217, 249. Flood, 231, 232, 259, 268. Flowers, 160. Floyd, 105, 106, 151, 154. Fluker, 256, 257. Folke, 332. Forbes, 264. Foreland, 361. Forst, 183. r Forsyth, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39 , 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 6.3, 54, 55, 56, 53, 59, 60, 61, 62, 03, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, «0, 82,83, 84, 8.3, 86, 87,88,90,91,92,93,95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102. 103, 104. 105, 100, 107, 109 110, 111, 113,115,116,117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124,120, 1J7, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 13'>, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 166, 167, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, ^ 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 195, 196, 198, 201, 205, 207, 20D. 210, 214, 217. 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227. 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239. 241, 245, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 238, 239. 260. 262, 265, 266, 2G8, 269, 270, 272, 27 <, 275, 277, 278, 280, 282, 287. 283, 289, 290, 297, 298, 299, 300, 30:?, :>04, 306, .309, 310, 311, 312, 313, ^ 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 321, 323, 324, 326, 340, 341, 343, 350, 331, 352, 355, 356, 337, 358, 359, 361, 362, 363, 365, 366, 368. 370, 371. .Forsythe, 174. Index of Names. 377 Foedick, 334, 343, 363. Foster, 51, 130, 138, 144, 145, 146, 147, 228, 241, 244, 273, 285, 294, 295, 323, 337, 339. Foxcroft, 4, 297. Foye, 13, 111, 228, 297, 298. France, 342. Francis, 90, 344. Frazier, 306. Freeman, 52, 245. < Friswell, 29. ( Frizu-cll, 316. Frost, 14, 94, 95. Fuller, 139. Fullerton. 50. Fulton, 07. ( Furnace, 269, 316, 334. } Furuass, 262. Gale, 222. Garaberto, 202. Gardner, 117, 121, 224, 237, 238, 327, 346, 370. Gaston, 200. Gatcomb, 361. Gay, 233. Gee, 5 :;, 55, 03, 88, 176, 243, 297, 347. Georges, 12. George Town, 255. Gerrish, 2, 60, 69, 78, 100, 107, 135, 140, 156, 158, 103, 191, 193, 207, 227, 270, 292, 316. Gibant, 92. Gibbina, 23, 154, 259,218, 322, 346. Gibbon, 34, 53, 167. Gibbs, 12, 70, 71, 79, 81, 248, 261. Gibson, 25, 365. Gilbert, 254. Glasire, 237, 238. Gliddcn, 152, 257, 259, 277, 290, 294, 295, 299, 338. Glin, 366. Glocester, 228, 249. Glover, 308. God.lard, 120. Goffc, 331, 334. Gold, 44, 182. Goldsmith, 54. Goldthwnit, 25, 67, 220, 222, 274, 311, 312, 320, 323, 32S, 330, 351, S56, 360, 370. Gooch, 105, 170, 322. Gooding, 326. Goodw ill, 355. Goodwin, 151, 270. Gordon, 62, 203. Gorham, 79. Graham, 360. Graingt-r, 54, 67, 203, 308. Granary, The, 10, 25, 30, 31, 44, 45, 47, 64, 71, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80, 94, 97, 102, 107, 124, 125, 169,206, 280, 285. North, 169, 228. Grant, 64, 253. Graton, 310, 311. ( Gray, 15, 29, 76, 90, 110, 129, 185, 190, 297, I 358, 367. ( Grey, 243. Great Britian, 215, 264. Greaves, I2t5, 165. ( Green, 7, 29, 63, 65, 67, 82, 123, 125, 130, { 134, 262, 298, 300. ( Greene, 105. Greenleaf, 154, 242, 285, 337. Greenough, 152, 257, 258. Greenwood, 24, 137, 160, 221, 328. Gregory, 196. Grey, sec Gray. Gridley, 130, 204, 244, 278, 282, 287, 313, 316, 320, 332, 347, 348. Griffin, 206, 212. Griffith, 217. Griggs, 115, 229. Grimes, 130, 330. Groton, 03, 83. G rover, 277,278, 349, 370. Guadalupa, 855. Guinea, 187. Gunter, 54. Gutteridge, 51, 380. Guy, 350. Gwin, 189. Haislup, 124, 130, 140, 141, 237, 289, 290, 303, 309. Haldain, 131, 169. Haley, 48, 179. Hall, 4, 25, 47, 59, 65, 70, 72, 81, 84, 108, 109, 115, 117, 16it, 161, 195, 222, 247, 248, 251, 260, 261, 262, 265, 267, 276, 278, 301, 303, 326, 367. Hall, Faneuil, .362, 363, 364, 366, 371. Hallowell, 339. Halsey, 87, 239, 309, 312. Haly burton, 129, 308. Hamilton, 45, 77, 294, 358. Hamock, 130, 350. Hancock, 52, 72, 119, 120, 172, 173, 192, 198, 217, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 235, 238, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 2 ,0, 251, 252,253, 251,255,256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 28 ), 281, 232, 283, 284, 286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301,302,303,304,306, .307, 308, 309, 310, 311,312,313,314,315, 316, 317 , 319 , 320, 321, 322 , 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 3 ;4, 337, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, ,345, 346, 347, 318, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371. Hardcastlc, 320. Harley, 5, 25S. Harman, 282, 292. Harmon, 282. Harney, 117, 178, 335. Harper, 39, 130. Harratt, 308. Harris, 20, 107, 160, 203. Harslora, 322. Haslom, 321, 364. Hart, 24. Hartley, 339. Hartshorn, 76, 222. Harvey, 66, 69, 107, 130, 142, 147, 149, 150, 151, 202, 344. Harwich, 245, 262. Harwood, 77. Hasey, 10, 32, 74, 85, 105, 106, 145. Haslom, see Harslom. Hastings, 239, 1:76. Hatch, 0, 47, 245, 350. Hawke, 315. Haws, 82. Hay, 67. Haycock, 364. Hayes, 254. Hay ward, 117, 121, 149. Head, 348. Heal, 301. Hcarsey, 238. Heath, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 87, 138, 175, 190, 194. Hedge, 13. Hclyer, 130, 133, 324. Henchman, 24, 160, 186, 187, 188, 189, 194, 195, 200, 221, 251, 260, 266, 276, 290, 301, 303, 353. Henchmen, 222. Henderson, 260, 261, 365. Henley, 53, 66, 68, 112, 114, 119, 132, 169. Henly, 290, 353. Henry, 298, 300, 301. Hcnshaw, 14, 130, 203. Hcrault, 303 Howes, 15, 139, 199. Hicks, 283, 285, 344, 349, 351. Hickling, 46, 92. Uickmaa, 361. 378 City Document No. 87. Higgins, 124, 125, 273, 347, 363, 367. Highway, The, 2, 10, 12, 23, 32, 35, 38, 41, 63, 63, 65, 74, 75, 80, 85, liiO, 138, 180, 234. Hill, 130, 155, 161, 167, 222, 235, 240, 245, 271, 275, 276, 281, 285, 289, 298, 325, 327, 350, 351, 364, 370. Hill, Beacon, 283, 299, 314. Fort, 142, 171, 174, 208, 212, 216, 226, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 279. Shrimptons, 75. Hillcr, 249,308. Hincke, 30. Hinckley, 48, 260, 261. Hinds, 260, 261. Hiiigham, 229, 351. Hinsdell, 242. Hoar, 206, 261, 266, 279, 303. Hobbs, 77. Hodgson, 130, 370. Holbrook, 138, 237, 249, 250, 286, 292, 349, 351. Holden, 269. Holland, 141, 143, 164, 275, 304. HoUiraau, 331. Holmes, 88, 130. Holt, 255. Holyoke, 88, 139, 206, 210, 237, 251. Homer, 61. Horaes's Hole, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93. Hood, 21, 6-', 340. Hooker, 53, 55, 283, 286, 320, 341. Hooper, 115, 215, 226, 334, 347, 348. Hooton, 108, 113, 115, 118. Hope, 45. Hopkiuton, 270. Hornby, 189. Horton, 302. Hospital, Province, 82, 83, 141, 143, 162, 164, 204, 250, 304, 307, 311, 352. Houghton, 149, 220. House, Almes, 319. Alms, 17, 18, 20, 21, 48, 55, 73, 75, 76, 78, 84, 96, 104, 136, 144, 146, 148, 155, 157, 167, 170, 181, 182, 186, 215, 223, 228, 235, 247, 278, 292, 304, 324, 325, 327, 345, 3.J6, 349, 360, 365, 367 , 368, 369, 370. Court, 38, 110, 175, 214, 236, 264, 291, 296, 341. Gun, 5, 7, 353. New Meeting, 347. New North Meeting, .37, 273, 338. North Market, 30. Meeting, 5, 152, 338. Old North Meeting, 5, 34, 193, 258, 289, 295, 339, 350. Powder, 111, 122, 176, 177, 230, 231, :^35, 335. Town, 1, 12, 26, 30, 31, 38, 44, 49, 53, 59,68,70, 101, 110, 114, 115, 118, 120, 124, 143, 157, 166, 175, 189, 191, 199, 210, 211, 214, 218, 226, 233, 2 56, 246, 247, 264, 269, 279, 28r», 291, 292, 293, 296, 308, 310, 329, 341, 344, 345, 366, 370. Watch, 1, 77, 141, 290. South, 112, 177, 249, 250. Work, 38, 66, 80, 102, 189, 235, 242, 28), 369. Hovey, 358, 301, 362. How, 109, 231. Howard, 3, 51, 62, 77. Howell, 118, 138, 170, 242, 285, 286, 332, 337, 333, Hubbard, 22, 25, 29, .31, 59, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 94, 97, 111, 114, 153, 160, 191, 195, 222, 233, 235, 251, 256, 258, 259, 26u, 261, 262,263,265,268, 273, 276, 277, 301, 303, 326, 348, 353, 363, 367. Hudson, 145, 163. Hus^heP, 2, 3, 12, 13, 74, 108, 308. Hull, 13. J Hunnewell, 349. I HuDDiwell, 129. Hunstable, 803. Hunt, 25, 221, 229, 238, 275, 314, 315, 319, 325, 326. Hunter, 92. Hunting, 206. Hutchinson, 1, 7, 24, 28, 30, 31, 34, 86, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72. 73. 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96. 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 1.34, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153. 154, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 194, 195, 211,212,213, 215 , 216, 217 , 218, 219 , 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230,231, 232,233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 252. 253, 264,272,275,282, 301, 303, 323, 325, 326, 338, 347, 348, 353. Inches, 103, 254. Indicott,29, 51,280, 357. Indies, West, 343. Ingersole, 225. Ireland, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 54, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 79, 81, 148, 181, 277, 298, 314, 316, 317, 320, 328. Isaac, 49. Island, Bird, 266. Deer, 132, 218, 225. Long, 13, 248, 365. of Spanish Town, 181. St. Thomas, 201. Rainsford, 83, 85, 86, 89, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 104, 107, 111, 116, 124, 133, 141, 143, 162, 164, 183, 188, '204, 209, 212, 226, 250, 259, 261, 262, 264, 265, 268, 272, 294, 299, 304, 3U7, 311, 318, 352. Raynsford's, 13, 14. Spectacle, 13, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 43, 44, 48, 70, 71, 82, 83, 86, 94, 95, 258, 260. St. Christopher's, 183. Islands, Leeward, 356. Isle of Sables, 79. Wight, 48. Ivers, 308. Jackson, 29, 50, 130, 181, 285, 318, 337, 360, 363, 364, 367. Jamaica, 23, 28, 92, 93, 174, 206, 250, 327, 365. Jarvis, 202, 254. f Jefferies, 112, 255, 341. { Jeffres, 48. ( Jeffries, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 31, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 63, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119,120, 123, 125, 126, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,136,137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 153,154, 155,157, 158,159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197,198, 199, 200, 201, 202 , 203, 204, 205,206,207, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,216,217,218,219, 220, 221, 222, 224,226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242,243,244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261,262.284, 265, 267,263, 269, 270, 271, 275, 2i6, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 232, 233, 284, 286, 288, Index of Names. 379 280, 290, 291 , 293, 294, 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 306,307,308,309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314,319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 33:!, 333, 334, 337,340,342,343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 349, 350, 351, 356, 357, 358, 359, 3fi0, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366,367, 368,369, 370. Jenkins, 108, 160, 203, 260. Jennings, 136. Jcpson, 130. Jersey, 33, 257. ( Johnnot, 200. I Johonnot, 51, 74, 202, 231. Johnson, 57, 192. Jones, 13, 21, 22, 156, 159, 261, 301, 322, 334, 344. Joylifle, 107, 139, 142. Judevine, 201. Jusey, 139. Karr, 81. Karrick, 54. Keayne, 63. Keby, 18. Kedixell, 360. Keeffe, 96, 148, 168, 316, 334. ( Kelhng, 193. Kellyng, 67. Kelly, 13, 21, 324, 335. Kellyng, see Kelling. Keiinady, 19. Kent, 4, 5, 10, 20, 236, 250, 255, 258. Kenton, 255. Kerby, 18, 257. Keyes, 12, 72, 92. Kidder, 255, 269, 360. Kilby, 33, 36, 215, 359. Kimball, 271, 284, 308, 340. Kirkland, 304. Knap, 339. Kneeland, 64, 65, 74, 75, 157, 168, 173, 179, 232, 285, 337. Knox, 39, 361. Kyliyng, 5. Lackey, 67, 308. La Craw, 367, 368. Lamb, 3, 17, 62, 138, 155, 185, 210, 313. Lambert, 265, 268, 274, 308. Lamson, 20. Lancaster, 75. Landon, 289. Lane, 19, 29, 55, 88, 98, 158, 293. Lane, Beer, 41. Black horse, 308. Cold, 67, 181, 309. Cow, 203, 254. Crooked, 293. Davie's, 14. Days, 309. Frog, 139, 203. Gibbs's, 319. Green, 40, 41, 67, 203. Henchman's, 129. Joyliffs, 142, 149. Leveretts, 202, 206, 367. Long, 19, 182, 202, 246. Love, 231, 246. Mackeral, 202. Mackerel, 361. Marshalls, 361. Round, 203. Shriraptons, 130, 254, 255, 350,358, 362. Wilsons, 309. Wings, 55, 100, 130, 146, 270, 271, 277, 352. Wood, 41, 115, 254, 315. Langdon, 180, 225, 229, 316. Langsford, 203. Lapiere, 130. Larrabee, 198. Lascnby, 326. \ Lashley. 12, 104, 144, 182, 235. ) Lasbly, 14. Lathrop, 92. Laughton, 249. I Laurence, 36, 192, ire, 200, 316, 328. } Lawrence, .36, 192, 199, 328. Lawlor, 255, 331, 338. Lawrence, sec I^aurence. Lawson, 285, 337, 343. Leadbelter, 67. Leddel, 172. Le Dwiet, 340. Lee, 18, 240, 276. Leeds, 322. Leeky, 59. Lcfavre, 342. Legg, 117, 121, 217. Le Moiue, 224. Le Moyne, 244. Le Port, 340, 342, 343, 366. Leonard, 322. Levingston, 219. Lewes, 203, 222, 269. Lewis, 22, 31, 77, 78, 114, 137, 172, 243, 245, 319, 346, 348. Lewisburg, 314. Lewisburgh, 342. Linch, 256, 263. Lindsey, 102. Listen, 234. London, 9, 17, 33, 34, 36, 40, 43, 44,53, 57,59, 60, 105, 108, 126, 136, 201, 218, 219, 238, 260, 267, 273, 291, 300, 320, 351. Londonderry, 79. Loring, 19, 25, 51,229, 343. Lorkin, lOH, 123, 131. Lothrop, 259, 265, 267, 268. \ Louden, 61. I Loudon, 62. Lovell, 137, 341, 342, 364. Loverage, 131. Lovet, 63. Low, 5. Lowden, 202. Lowtler, 326, 339. Lowell, 130. Lucas, 3, 15, 360. Luce, 178. Luckis, 266, 270, 295, 296, 339. Ludgate, 15, 24, 213, 223. Lukis, 258. Lupton, 50. Lutwyche, 129, 130, 223. Lyman, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 , 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, U7, lis, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, l54, 155, 156, 157, 158, 169, 160. 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 1.81, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209,210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,216,217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261. 262, 263, 204, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 268, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, .331, 332, 333, 334, 337, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356. 380 City Document No. 87. Lynn, 34, 105, 106, 107. Lytherland, 361. Maccarty, 35, 68, 233, 248, 249, 330, 334. Maccoy, 146. Mace, 110. MacKan, 146, Macklure, 45, 46. Maiden, 105, 108, 182, 186, 187, 270, 204. Manning, 142. Marblehcad,91, 362. March, 15, 48, 279. Marion, 249. Market Corn, 184, 203. Dock, 19. Fish, 129, North, 1, 42. South, 42, 66, 68, 110. Marlboro, 327. Marlborough, 46, 50. Mario ^v, 255. Marrett, 255. Marshall, 4, 5, 6, 131, 178, 192, 202, 229, 295, 296, 339. Marsh field, 139. Marsh, Kumney, 10, 12, 20, 30, 38, 58, 61, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 91, 106, 125, 143, 146, 151, 154, 171, 172, 173. Martin, 130. Maryland, 269, 344. Mascarcne, 108. Mason, 308, 324. Masters, 67. Mather, 115, 237, 320, 347. Matthews, 88. May, 254, 308. Mayar, 255. Mayes, 301. Maylera, 202. McClclan, 270. ( McCollo, 309. { McCollogh, 21. ( McCuUough, 109. McCormick, 328. McCulIough, see McCollogh. McDauiel, 218, 219, 320. McQown, 177, 178. McGreuor, 290. McGuife, 217 , 223, 249. McKenley, 328. McKew, 217. McLucas, 139. ( McMillian, 270. I McMiilion, 270, 316, 334, 353. McN"eai, 103. Mvjars, 336. Mcdfleld, 347. Mcnzics 326. Merchant, 257, 277, 291, 294, 299, 305, 320. Merrctt, 338. Messinger, 271, 283, 340. Metcalfe, 18, 136. Miffoy, 39. Mills, 72. Milton, 4, 6, 359,360. Miiward, 131, 203. Mlnck, 272. Minot, 20, 22, 27, 67, 138, 204, 218, 230, 267, 276, 313. Mitchel, 288. Mitchell, 294. Moberly, 229, 324. Molineaux, 346. Monk, 4, 47. Montgomery, 148. Monveile, 340. Moore, 39, 81, 161. More, 37, 280, 286. Moorin, 77. Mordock, 188. More, see Moore. Morey, 153, 255, 283. Moitimore, 334. Morwoyle, 3t2. Moulin, 53, 55, 62, 286. Mountfort, 63. Mucil, 356. Muitt, 299. Mulbcry, 36. Murfey, 217, 324. Nantasket, 33. Nantucket, 215. Nason, 249. Natomy, 53. Nazro, 09, 255. Neal, 67, 203, 246. Neck, The 2, 17, 20, 21, 22, 53, 120, 128, 192, 195, 233, 281, 287, 298, 301, 302. 353, 354. Boston, 6, 8, 27, 35, 62, 63, 67, 116, 155, 173, 185, 193, 204, 210, 218, 232, 234, 240, 241,245, 251, 254, 267, 271, 285, 302, 354. Neley, 178, 316. Nelson, 228, 308. New Castle, 256, 259,321. Newell, 37, 92, 257. New Ent?land, 11, 122, 164, 305, 336. Newfoundland, 84, 163, 217, 367, 368. Newhall , 290, 296, 338, 339. \ New Hampshire, 213. Haven, 317, 3 19. London, 92,158. Newport, 27, 36, 183,237. Newton, 139. New York, 64, 69, 103, 105, 133, 155, 172, 174, 186, 192. 212, 216, 217, 225, 240, 342, 370. Niccols, 250. Nichols, 112, 114, 193, 241, 331, 355. Nicols, 250, 255. Nicholson, 255. Nickerson, 278, 287. NicoU, 169. Nicols, 800 Nichols. Noble, 255. Norman, 130. North, 32. Northampton, 242. Norton, 347. Norwood, 34. 139, 304. Nowell, 5, 289. Nutfield, 79, 286. O'Bryan, 239, 316, 334, 356, 357. Ogleby, 350. Old Town Harbour, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93. Oliver, 12, 23, 30, 38, 39, 58, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 91, 103, 106, 130, 221, 222, 225, 275, 27G, 325, 326, 330. Orange, 203, 255, 308. Orr, 294. Orrok, 269. S Osborn, 349. } Osborne, 22, 29, 31, 1«4, 260, 282, 268, 860. Osgood, 19, 21. Ovcring, 331. Owen,l79. Packer, 6. Packnets, 172. Paddock, 182, 215. Paige, 67. Pain, 228. Paine, 15. Painter, 39, 48, 58. Palfrey, 339. Palmer, 65, 184, 314. Parch ard, 253. Parker, 116, 154, 161, 168, 187, 203, 220, 222, 252, 253, 274, 276, 289, 323, 326, 370. Parkman, 24, 68, 69, 223, 305, 319, 333, 836. ( Pasmore, 2:)8, 259, 260. I I'assraorc, 48, 133. Pasture, Bennet's, 4, 208. Patlcshal, 220. I'alteshall, 149, 220, 274, 323. Pallia, 19, 158. Index of Names. 381 Paul, 53. Peakc, ;;gi. I'carsc, 255. Pcircc, 37, 90, 268, 271, 272, 283, 284, 286, 2D5, 340, 368. Pcirsc, 07. Picfcc, 07. Pearson, 5, 352. Pcartrco, 255. Peck, 01, 333. Pecker, 9, 24, 87, 146, 149, 160, 222, 276, 320, o70. Peirce, see Pcnrse. Pcirse, see Pcircc. Pclham, 91, 367. Pclsnc, 3(53, 3G1, COS. Peraaquid, 73. Pemberton,' 37, 129, 358, 359. Pembroke, -iSl. Pennymoney, 327. Pepperell, lb. Perkias, 15, 19, 47, 133. Pea-v, 204. Phclau, 180. Phclaud, 2S5, 289,316, 335- Philadelphia. 5, 11, 15, 16, 18, 39, 43, 47, 48, 49, 52, 56. 57, 81, 83, 85, 88, 103, 109, ill, 148, 215, 217, 307, 317. 350. Phillips, 24, 25, 23, 276, 326, 370. Phipps, 11. PicUman, 76, 77. PiLice, sec Pcirse. Picrcy, 67. Pierpoiit, 120, 133. Piscataqna, 32, 79, 213. Pitcher, 130, 203. Pitts, 118,224, 316. Pitson, 203. Plimoulh, 7. Point, Barton's, 203, 269. Pullcn,370. Pollard, 05, 276. PoLley, :iOG, 344. Pond. Mill, 179. Wheelers, 171,177. Ponsley, 3o8. I'othccary, 255. Potter, 07, 208, 339. l'ott5, 203. Pouslcy, 152. Power, 121, 168, 170, 239, 240. Poyntz, 62. Pr.-ill,o7, 105, 106, l.=)5, 170. \ Prcscot, 83, 126, 211. j Prescott, 97, 128. Price, 24, 137, 297, 339. Prince, 53, 54, 185, 297, 298, 36^. 4 Procter, 3, 02, 285, 288, 349,351. } I'roctor, 292. Proiit, 50, 297, 347. Province of the Massachusetts Bay, 11, 22, 120, 104, 225, 305. Pulloy, 17. Puliin, 100. Putmao, 3S9. Quebeck, 200. \ Quinccy, 29. ) Qiiincy, 14, 71, 117, 215, 264. Quoaycar, 219, 241, 250. Uachel, 106. Ramsay, 70. Ramsey, 70, 79, 81. Rand, 9, 24, 78, 87, 89, 126, 141, 162, 164, 188, 194, 203, 282. Randal, 131, 177, 203. Handle, 130. Ranger, 67. Rawlings. 237, 315. Ray, 75, 70, 285, 337, 361. Kca, 115. Read, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 66, 80, 87, 90, 96, 98, 99, lOi, 1U3, 126, 131, 132, 151, 158, 161, 297, 301, 316, 330, 331, 33 J, 339, 347. Reading, 105, 106, 107. Helioboth, :;23. Rhode Island, 19, 45, 90, 140, 183, 198, 200, 201, 206, '^07, 230, 237, 334, 342, 360, 368, 370. Rhodes, 31. Rice, 244, 245. Richards, 120, 186, 229, 338. Richardson, 13S, 270, 271, 277, 313. \ Ricks. 17. ) Hix, 13. Ridgaway, 67, 255. Rigiiton. 220, 274, 323. Billow, 219, 250, 255. River, Gambo, 187. Georges, 51, 62. Ri.^, 8ce Ricks. Roach, 75, 70, 78. Rober, 200. Roberts, 5, 92, 152, 338. Robie, 130. Robins, 347. Robinson, 14G, 152, 187, 291, 300, 338. Rocket, 258, 262, 203, 205, 2t:S. 269. Rogers, 17, 22, 61, 130, 25.'), 276, 309, 339. Rope- Walk, Barton'ii, 15, 41, 131, 190, 202, 208. 233, 235, 255. Box's, 295. Rose, 260, 265, 206. Ross, 45, 46, 320. Row, I5uylston's, 05. Merchants, 51, 110, 130, 143, 184, 252, 254, 309. Rowley, 349. Roxbury, 2, 23, 50, Cl, 93, 94, 108, 109, 120, 12S, 1.34, 135, 137, 139, 194, 195, 249, 253, 280, 231, 302, 310, 311, 312, 313, 354. Royall, 24, 05, 100, 221, 251, 275, 326. Ruck, 21, &7, 160. Ruddock, 307, 320. Rugglea. 313, 360. Rush, 303, 361. Russ, 213, 214. Russell, 5,7, 42, 118, 222, 253, 271, 284, 28ff, 340. 351, 353. Ruth, 301. Saco, 102. Sailler, 276. Salem, 3 Jl, 363, 354, 365. Salisbury, 71. Salter, 9, 44, 07, 87, 161, 206, 215 , 222.230, 231, 235, 276, 277, 289, 327, 332, 339, 370. Sample, 177. Sandwich, 248. Saunders, 08. Savage, 45, 05, 100, 127, 137, 142, 156, 160, 195, 221, 275, 326. I Savel, 31, 146. I Savell, 1, 3, 4, G, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 23, 20, 31, 32, 36, .37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 53, 63, 04, 68, 71, 74, 75, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83. 85, 86, 88, 93, 102, 103, ll4, 106, 103, 109, 113, 115,110, 118, 119, 120, 124, 139,140, 141,142, 144,146, 147, 143, 151, 156, 157, 159, 163, 164, 166, 168, 170, 171, 180, 198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 210. 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, -zlb, 227, 230, 231, 233, 234, 236, 2.37, 239, 240, 243, 244, 240, 248, 249, 250, 251, 254, 256. 258, 259, 260, 261, 264, 266,269, 270,271, 272, 273, 274, 277, 279, 283, 284, 285, 288. 289, 290. 292, 293, 294, 297, £0 », 3 .1, 303, 307, 309, 314, 316,318, 320, 321, 322,323, 324, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 337, 340, 341, S45, 347, 349, 351, 353, 355, 350, 357,362, 363, 364, 3r;5, 366, 368. Scamrael, 88. Scarborough, 18. School, Middle Writing, 246. North, 60. North, 64, 133, 248, 299, 324, 34i>. 382 City Document No. 87. School, North Writing, 136, 246, 2«3, 2S8, 294, 299, 320, 348, 349, 351. South Grammar, 138, 246, 299, 349, 364. Writiug, 35, 246, 340, 341, 344, 349. Writing, The, 299, 349. Scituate, 79. Scollay, 57. Sconce, The, 225. South, 93, 224. Scotland, 103, 299, 350. Scott, 249, 344. bcottow, 162, 163. Seiew, 90. Sellon, 267. Seven, 69. Sever, 351. iSewall, 1, 22, 25, 26, 28, 31, 43, 56, 61, 65, 87, 90, 94, 96, 97, 102, 114, 127, 146, 154, 160, 161, 185, 188, 189, 190, 195, 200, 221, 222, 245, 259, 260, 276, 298, 301, I 303, 327, 329, 348. tSewell, 144. Seward, 202. Sewell, see Sewall. Seymour, 314. Shailey, 255. Sharp, 117, 121, 203, 228, 234, 316, 334, 338. Sharrow, 130, 197, 201. Shaw, 331, 332. Sheafe 149, 161, 220, 222, 274, 276, 323, 326, 361, 370. Shed, 285, 290. Sheldon, 242, 254, 320. Shepard, 67, 202, 309, 360. Shepardsou, 60, 108. Sberborn, 270. cherburn, 34. Shirley, 21, 87, 93, 99, 101, 103, 126, 131, 304, 305, 306, 318, .346, 348, 357. Shove, 3. Shute, 64, 336. Sigourney, 141, 143, 162, 164, 368. Simpson, 22, 31, 221, 255, 332, 337, 341. Bkiimer, 21, 359, 360. Sloan, 308. Smalledge, 203, 255. Smith, 5, 14, 34, 35, 57, 102, 105, 134, 135, 181, 183, 249, 254, 291, 299, 309, 327, 345. Snelling, 5, 127, 229. Snoden, 61, 131, 339. Snow, 260. Soper, 309. Soutbborough, 28. Souther, 255. Sowersbv, 203, 361. Speakman, 8, 77, 234, 248, 262, 300. Spear, 39, 40, 111, 285. Spencer, 359. Sprague, 271, 283, 340. Spurrier, 203. Square, Clarks, 77, 361. Dock, 67, 129, 130, 153, 179, ISl, 188, 191, 193, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 228, 238, 247, 252, 253, 255, 268, 294, 295, 303, 308, 359. Squire, 155. Stanbury, 173. St. Christophers, 314, 342, 364. Domingo, 342. Eustatia, 201, 342.. Georges, 182. Kitta, 342. Lawrence, 74. Thomas's, 172, 186. Staniford, 25, 161, 220, 222, 274, 276, 293, 314, 321,322,323,326, 365, 370. Stanney, 261. ) Star, 53, 54. ( Starr, 281. Stedman, 67. Steel, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 304, 306, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 324, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 340, 341, 345, 346, 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 361, 366, 366, 367, 368, 369, 371. ^ Stevens, 109, 113, 249, 254. Steward, 4, 9. Stewart, 203. Stuart, 176. Still, 142. Stocker, 67. Stoddard, 1, 9, 15, 24, 48, 65, 69, 71, 93, 94, 111, 115, 144, 146, 160, 188, 190, 192, 194, 195, 200, 222, 266, 272, 275, 276, 293, 301, 303, 326, 353. Stokes, 182. Stone, 34, 35, 296, 322, 339, 351. Storer, 67, 321. Stoughton, 62. Street, Allen, 130, 203. Ann, 8, 35, 07, 100, 129, 134, 153, 197, 203, 254, 360, 363. Anne, 130. Atkinson, 130. Back, 88, 130, 203, 217, 218, 308, 309, 832, 333. Barttle, 67. Battery March, 51, 67, 75, 130, 203, 255, 319. Beacon, 72, 102, 131, 137, 170, 176, 180, 192, 196, 200, 217, 365. Bennet, 232, 246. Bennit, 328. Brattle, 63, 65, 125, 202, 203, 360. Cambridge, 67, 130, 131, 203, '^55, 284, 308, 361. Century, 72. Charter, 32, 130, 203, 336. Common, 67, 120, 170, 180, 246, 308. Cornhill, 24, 26, 67, 137, 202, 203. Cross, 18, 64, 121, 130, 196, 203, 300, 308, 335, 360, 361. Essex, 67, 129, 130, 203, 360. Fish, 51, 63, 67, 108. 113, 115, 118, 119, 123, 125, 130, 172, 189, 202, 203, 254, 255, 289, 308, 309, 360, 361. Fleet, 309. George, 129. Hanover, 84, 100, 104, 115, 117, 121, 130, 254, 255, 335, 361. Hawkins, 255. HoUis, 231. Hull, 179, 307. King, 14, 35, 48, 67 , 77, 129, 130, 202, 203, 249, 250, 254, 255, 299, 308, 309, 361. Love, 41, 254, 281. Lynn, 67, 229, 254, 255, 315. Marlboro, 360, 361. Marlborough, 51, 67, 77, 203, 212, 254, 255, 2o7, 301, 345, 347. Middle, 67, 129, 130, 202, 255, 308, 361. Milk, 68, 121, 192, 212, 308, 319, 335, 361. Newbury, 67, 130, 131, 202, 203, 254, 255, 308, 309, 360, 361. North, 67, 70, 129, 130, 360. Orange, 4, 19, 41, 67, 123, 130, 131, 178, 179, 180, 190, 202, 203, 204, 208, 231, 255, 291, 295, 308, 3-33, 334, 343, 360. Oliver, 39. Pond, 121, 122, 171, 213, 335. Prince, 129, 155, 156, 254. Purchase, 309. Queen, 5, 7, 53, 62, 66, 68, 82, 112, 114, 119, 131, 139, 169, 202, 210, 246, 250, -251, 255, 297, 299, 340, 349, 357. Salem, 131. School, 67, 108, 121, 137, 138, 180, 202, 203, 246, 287, 329. Index of Names. 383 Street, 8ea, 202, 340. Sheaf, 67. Sheaf e, 361. Ship, 67, 129, 203, 229, 254, 25o, 309, 361. Short, 202. Snow, 155, 156, 158,159. Snow Hill, 155. South, 8, 67, 130, 235. Sudbury, 80. 130, 308. Summer, 28, 51, 102, 105, 138, 170, . 208, 232, 241, 242, 245, 246, 255, 315, 361. Sun, 309. Treamount, 81,121,159, 168, 284, 335. Union, 51, 54, 67, 74, 130, 181, 196, 202, 203, 309, 321. Walkers, 204. Water, 29, 57, 66, 67, 69, 107, 130, 140, 142, 147, 149, 150, 151, 199, 202, 343. West, 121, 335. Winter, 38, 176, 255. Stringer, 231, 236, 244. Stuart, see Stewart. Sturgis, 81, 82, 245. Stroud, 361. Suffield, 242. Suffolk, 60, 95, 111, 179. Sumner, 93. Sunderland, 43. Surcomb, 20, 271, 284, 340. Sutton, 7, 175, 328, 340. Swan, 129. Swane, 246. Swanzey, 10. Sweeteer, 51, 309. Sweetzer, 255, 361. Symmes, 276. Tarbox, 152, 338. Tavern, Dolphin, 254. Exchange, 14. Horse-shoe, 206. Orange Tree, 53, 100, 115, 166, 176, 186, 226, 280, 329. Salutation, 229. Star, 54. Sun, 184, 368. White horse, 306. Tayler, 285. Taylor, 82, 89, 242, 278, 287, 327, 361, 364. Templer, 320. Thacher, 276, 326. Thayer, 58. Thebault, 244. Theobald, 242. The Bunch of Grapes, 250. Golden Ball, 285. • Green Dragon, 144. Shippen'a Crane, 202, 203. Sign of the Bull, 28. Dolphin, 139.' Globe, 320. Greyhound, 134, 135, 310, 311. Hawk, 241. Lamb, 120, 320. Three County-heap of Stones, 106 . Horse Shoos, 120. Theobald, see Thebault. Thomas, 24, 130, 160, 221, 275, 326. Thompson, 35, 108, 109, 238, 259, 317, 318, 319. Thornton, 3, 32, 113, 115, 231, 254, 295, 300, 334, 343. Thorp, 148. Thwing, 331, 338. Tilden, 63. Tilestone, 19. Tilley, 238, 300. Timberlake, 130. Todd, 72. Tomlinson, 31. Topsham, 368. Torrey, 29. Torsyth, 24. Toulon, 200. Townsend, 53, 54, 130, 193, 203, 210, 211, 240, 280, 281. Town's Slip, 18, 41, 64, 115. { Trail, 31. } Traill, 22. Training Field, 192. Trap, 93. . ' Trask, 277, 288. Treat, 367. Trc'COthick, 196, 207. Tripe, 368. Trowbridge, 328. Truro, 273 , 314, 363, 365, 387. Tucker, 327. Tuckerman, 7, 10, 67, 202, 244, 260, 333. Tudor, 222. i Tupboll, 223. Turner, 60, 77, 159. Turpin, 242. Tuttie, 37. Twing, 331. Tyler, 8, 24, 65, 100, 127, 156, 160, 195, 197, 221, 275, 276, 324, 326. Tyley, 182, 197. Tyng, 97, 192, 196, 199, 234, 235, 318. Underwood, 1, 5, 6, 34, 35, 193, 229, 233, 237, 258, 262, 263, 265, 272, 289, 290. Unwin, 53. Uran, 17, 21, 61, 62, 251, 290, 339, 363. Valentine, 161. Vergoose, 7, 175. Vernon, 280. Verserse, 356. Vickery, 363, 365, 366. Vilage, Salem, 115. Vincent, 39. Vineyard, Martha's, 50, 82, 88. Vinyard, Martha's, 82, 88, 89,90,91, 92,93, 95, 215, 216. Vintenon, 80. Virginia, 75, 76, 78, 217, 261, 319. Vittery, 51, 90, 91. Wadland, 76. Wadsworth, 1, 6, 7, 24, 66, 81, 84, 87, 94, 127, 149, 150, 151, 154, 160, 164, 182, 195, 197, 204, 218, 221, 251, 256, 267, 275, 282, 290, 326, 333, 353, 358, 363. Wait, 7. Wakefeild, 5. Waldo, 3, 9, 27, 79, 81, 130, 203, 240, 347, 348. Walker, 29, 63, 65, 123, 125, 298, 300, 353. Walkins, 216, 217. Wallace, 109, 299. Wallis, 67, 213, 315. Walley, 25, 65, 84, 94, 127, 160, 195, 221, 275, 326. Wallis, see Wallace. Walmsley, 78. Wanton, 260, 266. Ward, 28, 40, 43, 131, 158, 164, 165, 166, 211. ' Warden, 26, 39, 67, 74, 79, 162, 178, 180, 237, 243, 244, 255, 272, 297, 330, 331, 340, 347, 365. Warden, 111, 113, 137. Ware, 249. Warner, 130, 253. Warrick, 285. Wass, 131. Watch, Dock, 249, 250, 306, 360, Merchants, 38, 53, 55, 364. South, 250. Waterhouse, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 43, 44. Waters, 54, 83, 98, 99, 107, 124, 125, 133, 142, 152, 183, 204, 205, 209, 250, 257, 258, 277, 290, 294, 295, 299, 304, 307, 311, 312, 318, 332, 352, 353. Watertown, 364. 384 City Document No. 87. Walking, 77, 309. Watson, JOS. Wattofrd, 73. Wall, ;350. Watts, 10, 69, 72, 77, 87, 105, 108,. 306, 322, 33G. Wayne, 47. { Wcare, 7. ) Wcire, 81. Weaver, 203, 255. Webb, 38, 53, 54, 192, 243, 297, 298. Week!?, 180. 1S5. Wcire, sec Weave. Welch, 40, 85, 197, 203, 205, 210, 216, 217, 303, 3t57. Weld, 138, 313. f Welles, 1, 16, 18, 25, SO, 60, 82, 83, 84, 93, 13i, 144, 100. 161, 184, 194. 195, 201, 221, I 222, 213, 245, 251, 275, 276, 313, 325, i 327. 353. L Wells, 130, 189, 203, 361. Wclsted, 166, 293. Welstecd, 53, 55, 245. Wendall, 31. Wendell, 1, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 31,46, 50, 56, 68, 59, 83, 85, 102, 111, 112, 114, 130, 144, 160, 161, 174, 175, 249, 25D, 275, 276, L 297.298,301,303,326,331,363. Wentworih, 25, 32, 322, 324, 327. West, 88, 248. 255, 361. Wethered, 308, 326, 370. J Wethcrcll, 3J9, 363. I Wctbrell, 3U9. Wovraouth, 215, 331, 332, 351. Wbalan, 224. Whalaud, 316, 334. Wharf, Banisters, 280. Bulls, 177, 237, 245, 246, 340, 366. Clarkcs, 240. Clark's 202, 203, 254, 308, 355. Colmans, 241, 359. Dyers, 285. Graters, 69. Gray, 245. Hill's, 130, 241. Long, 7, 112, 121, 122, 203, 238, 300, 324, 335, 364. North Battery, 305, 332. Parkers, 245. Pitt's, 260. 289. Scarlet's, 67, 240. Scarlctts, 282. Verin's, 241. Weutworth's, 8, 45, 130, 203, 239, 241, 359. Wharfe, Long, 121. Wentworth's 314. Wharff, Pool's, 111. Wharffe, Clark's, 130. Wharton, 255, 361. Wheatley, 222. Wheeler, 67, 129, 131, 202, 203 , 204, 240, 285,. 332, 337. Wheelwright, 22, 31, 327. White, 20, 32, 130, 235, 275, 324, 326. Whiting, 181. Whitney, 46, 50, 67, 203. Whitteraoro, 67, 87. Wilde, 203. Wilkina, 144, 145, 147» 163, 294, 295. Willard, 116, 117, 127, 184, 261, 297, 298. 318. Williams, 10, 12, 25, 29, 30, 44, 45, 53, 64. 64, 67, 76. 107, 117, 121, 158, 164, 165, 166, 18 f, 203, 210, 211, 313, 326, 346 Williamson, 167, 203. Willis, 124, 309, 322. Williston, 300. Willou4jhby, 31, 45, 47, 64,75, 76, 107, 124, 125, 169, 280. Wilson, 15G, 186. Wimble, 3. Winborn, 95. 98, 113, 141, 142,144, 177, 180, 246, 247, 249, 272, 324, 367. Winburn, 85, 83, 96, 99, 100, 113. Winburne, 36, 95. Winisimet, 24. Winiiisimet 28, 69, 105, 156. Wiuslow, 1, 4, 22, 25, 31 , 34, 38, .39,40, 46, 4T, 65, 77, 110, 112, 142, 144, 145, 149, 158, 160, 161, 175, 190, 195, 222, 236, 275, 270, 277, 291, 206, 327, 340, 341, 368. Winter, 67, 130, 161, 255, 276. Winthrop, 114, 243, 245. Wise. 339. { Wiswali, 133, 32t. } Wiswcll, 324. Wood, .324, 334. Woodbury, 288, Woodhouse, 316. Woodward, 314, 331, 336, 338. Worth, 67. Wright, 85. Yarmouth, North, 294. youth, 48. Young, 262, 326, 370. NBOROKS. Baker, 136. Board, 135. Black, 136. Cole, 135. Culloy, 136, Doctor, 130. Dyer, 1-35, 278, 349. Grandy, 136. Harris, 130. Hohacs, 135. Indi.m, 136. James , 83. Lancashire, 135. Lcasenby, 135. Mather, 136. Melrose, 136. Mingo , 135. Primus, 278, 349. Rumncy Marsh, 138. Saco, 136. Saul, 135. AVoodbe, 219. Woodby, 136, 245, 247, 250. Wood'by, 244. Wou'dbe, 216, 278, 282, 292. SURNAMES OMITTED. John , 82. INDIANS. Josiab, 272. INDEX TO PLACES AND SUBJECTS. ATisence, leave of, petition of town clerk for, 170, 331, 352. Act for relief of poor prisoners for debt, 15G. limitingnumberjof representatives, 175. for keeping watches, 127-8, 194-5. concerning habitation, violation of, 198. concerning vessels from ports where infectious diseases prevail, 2G2. A^ent to Court of G-reat Britain, 215. Aliens or foreigners, 3, 4. 5, G, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 198, 200, 321, 322, 342-3, 355-G, 357, 367-S. Allen street, 203. Almshouse, 17, 18, 48, 55, 73, 76, 78, 84, 96, 101, 136, 144, 146, 148, 155, 157, 167,170,181, 182, 183, 215, 223, 228, 235, 27S, 292, 304, 3lf , 324, 325, 345, 346, 349, 360, 365, 367, 363, 369, 370. also Work- house.) accounts of, to be examined, 20, 21. additional buildingto, proposed, 292. master of the, 75, 76, 157, 161. Andover, 320. Ann and Abigail (sloop), 5, 15. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Anne | ^^'^^^^^ 8' ^5. 07, 100, 129, 130, 203, 254, 360. draw-bridge in, 134, 136, 153, 197-8. {See aUo Bridge.) Annapolis Royal, 45, 299. Armories, 235. gun house on the Common, 5, 7, 111, 353. powder-house, 122, 176, 177, 230, 335. keeper of the, 231. Arms, ammunition, etc., 43, 176-7, 234, 335. to cleanse, 228. to stamp, ■.;28. Arts and Sciences, Mathematical. {See Schools.) Aasembly or Court, General, 6, 8, 13, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 37, 33, 49, 50, 61, 55, 68, 70-1, 89, 102, 110, 116, 121,127, 143, 164, 165, 173, 175, 194, 199, 204, 209, 214,236, 262, 261, 291,296,302,308,334, 341, 345, 352, 354. petition to, to prepare draft, 173. to present, 174. ABBessora, 10, 20, 87, 101, 146, 149, 150, 160, 161, 220, 274, 2«3, 321, 323, 324, 337, 366, 369-70. list, 101, 167, 279, 369. {See also Census, Statistics of.) books, 146, 837. Assize of Bread. {See Breadatuffa.) Atkinson's street, 130. Attlcborough, 7. Back street, 88, 130, 203, 217, 218, 308, 30d, 332, 333. Baker's aliey, 282. Ballot-boxes, to provide, 27. Banister's wharf, 280. {See also Wharfs.) Barbadoes, 91, 107, 304. {See also Islands.) Barber, 45. {See also Trades.) Barton's Point, 203, 269. Barton's liopcwalk, 15, 41, 131, 190, 202, 208, 233, 235, 255. Barwick (ship). 181. {See also Ships, Ves- scls, etc.) Battery alley, 07. Battery March, 51, 67, 75, 130, 203, 255, 319. Battery, 233, 234, 330. south, G.-), 204, 224. 225, 226, 314. north, 223, 226, 257, 277, 290, 292, 294, 299. wharf near, 290, 295, 305, 332. grounds, 233, 234. {See also For. tifications.) " Bay, The," 76, 20G, 228, 325, 360. Beacon, the, 283, 299, 300, 314. hill, 283, 299, 300, 314. street, 102, 131, 137, 170, 176, 180, 192, 196, 200, 217. 365. to level, 72. Beer, 48. Beer lane, 41. Beginning (sloop), 43. Belfast, 317,320. Bells, ringing of, 26, 58, 59, 166, 220, 268. tolling of, 287. ringers, 268, 279. Bennel's I'asture, 4, 208. i^-f^'i street. 232, 328 school in, 246. {See also Schools.) petition to erect meeting- house on, 328. {See also Meeting- houses.) Bermudas, 288, 289, 312. ( See also Islands.) Berwick, 359. Betty (schooner), 57. {See also Ships, Vat- fiels, etc.) Bills of credit, 22, 06, 225. tho last emission, 343. Bird Island, 2GG. {See also Islands.) Black Horse lane, 308. Blacksmith, 34, 162, 207, 298. {See alto Trades.) Blanchard's wharf, 240. {See aUo Wharves.) Blanford, 84. Blockmaker, 127. {See also Trades.) Bonds. {See Sureties.) Book binder. {See Stationer and Book binder.) Bootle, 9. (brigantine.) {See also Shipa, Vessels, etc.) 386 City Document No 87. Boston, 1 , 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 31, 34, 37, 38, 49, 50, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89-90, 92, 94, 95, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 110, 116, 118, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 128, 131, 134, 135, lil-8, 139, 140, 143, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 179, 181, 185, 187, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 199, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 211, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 235, 236, 237, 2:^9, 240, 241, 245, 243, 251, 252, 264, 274, 276, 279, 280, 2S1, 290, 291, 292, 296, 300, 302, 303, 305, 312, 313, 315, 317, 318, 322, 323, 324, 325, 329, 334, 336, 341, 344, 345, 352, 354, 355, 357, 359, 368, 369, 371. boundary line between Roxbury and, 23, 134-5, 310, 311. (See also Per- ambulations or Surveys.) Boston Harbor. Harbor, the.) Boston Neclj. (See Neck, the) Bounds. (See Perambulations or Surveys.) Bordeaux, 343. Bowling green. (See Fort Hill.) Box's liopewalk, 295. Boylston's row, 65. Bradford, 45. Brantrey (Braintree), 48, 277, 283. Brassfounder, 17. (Sec. also Trades.) Brattle street, 63, 202, 203, 360. church, 65, 123, 125. (See also Meeting-houses.) Brazier, 169, 191. (See also. Trades.) Brazilletto, 122, 186, 335. (See also Wood, Mechanical.) Breadstuffs, 16, 39, 43. 47, 48, 52, 57, 64, 81, 83, 89, 93, 107, 108, 124, 125, 186, 230, 235, 248, 280, 285, 302, 307, 314, 315, 316. 321, 325, 328, 332, 344, 346, 349, 353, 354, 358, 362, 365, 368, 370, 371. assize of bread, 8, 10, 24, 46, 51, 74, 109, 118, 123, 139, 15r>, 155, 167, 181,211,212,214, 230, 234, 248, 251-52, 265, 271, 273,295, 297-8, 300,307,314, 316, 320-1, 325, 328, 332, 344, 346, 349, 353, 358, 362, 365, 368, 371. to prevent removal of, from town, 45, 76-7, 79, 262. Bridewell. (See House of Correction.) Bridge, mill, 145, 147, 173,251, 300. to pave, 3. at Rumnoy Marsh, to repair, 10, 171. county, 12, 73, 75. swing, 20, 47. Grover's, 30. Clap, 75. draw, in Ann street, 134, 136, 153, 197-8. at Oliver's dock, 249, 316, 347, 362. Bridgewater, 322. Brimstone, 187. (See also Disease, infec- tious, prevention of.) , Bristol, 47, 173, 206, 258, 259, 260, 266, 268, 30*i, ,358. Brookliu. (See Brookline.) Brookline, 27, 48, 57, 62, 63. Brunswick, 188. Building, petition to erect, 115, 2(7, 266, 294, 332, ,333. rejected, 4, 218, 329. allowed, 8, 117, 270, 280, 328, 333. additional, at Almshouse, 292, Bull, Sign of the, 28. ( See also Taverns.) Bulls. Cattle) Bull's wharf, 177, 237, 245, 246, 366. (See also Wharves.) Bunch of Grapes, 250. (See also Taverns.) Burial places, 23, 86, 111, 118, 2'j7, 289. 294. Old, 23, 53, 54, 111, U2, 113, 116, 136, 168, 187, 219, 284, 286. South, 23,29, 37, 38, 78,80,104, 105, 116, 118, 134, 154, 170, . 172,247,286. . North, 32, 173, 179, 230, 289, 294, 349, 355. herbage of, to lease. 111, 112, 113, 118,170, 172, 219. site for, to select, 230. price for digging graves in, 287. charges for burying sundry persons, 328. Burlington, 85. Butchers, 191, 270, 327. (See also Trades.) Butter. (See Dairy Produce.) By-laws. (56(5 Orders, town.) Byles' wharf, 240. (See also Whai-ves.) Cambridge, 53, 84, 137. ' bay leading to, 313. street, 67, 130, 131, 203, 255, 284, 308, 361. Canso, 342, 355, 356. Cape, the, 52. Capo Ann, 342. Cape Breton, 200, 201, 342, S56. Cape Cod, 187, 285, 309, 363, 365. Cape Francois, 200, 356. Capes of Virginia. {See Virginia.) Carpenter, 236. (See also Tr-ades.) Carts, trucks, etc., 76, 114, 120. 125. 162, 170, 177, 178, 192, 197, 204, 233, 365. Casco Bay, 18, 69, 85, 198, 288. Castle, the, 11, 17, 89, 9J, 174, 183, 308. (Se« also Fortifications.) former chaplain of, 366. Castle William. (See Castle, the.) Catherine (ahip), 54. (See also Ships, Ves- sels, etc.) Catholics, 200, 201. Cattle, 119 , 285 , 287 , 369. prices for care of, 287. bulls, 287. money, for, 367-8. horses, 369. Census, statistics of, 369-70, Century street, 72. Charcoal, for use of granary, 75. {See alto Granaries) . for use of Watch-houses, 313. (See also Watch ) Cbarlestown, 6, 37, 162, 205, 288. Chariestowu (schooner), 260. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Charter street, 32, 130, 203, 336. Cheese. (See Dairy Produce.) Chelsea, 171, 172, 322. Chimnies, 27, 132, 150. sweepers, 124, 140, 289, 290, 310, 364. sweeping of, 124, 127, 141, 303. concerning dangerfrom, 70, 189. firing of, to prevent, 143. to prosecute, 289, 290. law concerning sweeping of, breach of, to inform against, 237. (See also Orders, town.) Clap bridge, 75. (See also Bridge.) Clark's square, 77, 3ol. wharf, 130, 202, 203, 240, 254, 308, 355. (See also Wharves.) Clerk of the Peace, 60, 64, 120, 185, 189. Clothier, 62. (See also Trades.) Coal, for use of granary, 75. safe place for keeping same, to provide, 75. (See also Granaries.) for Watch-houses, 324. (See also Watch.) Index to Places and Subjects. 387 Coal, selling of, otherwise than according to law, to prosecute, 227. for use of Faneuil Hall, 363. Cold lane, 67, 181, 309, Collateral, ofter of land as, for debt of Samuel Kneelaud to towu, 75. Collectors. Taxes.) Colman's wharf, 239, 241, 359. (See alw Wharves.) Committees, reports of, to receive, 27, 189, ?26, 236, 280^ 291, 292, 329, 341. Common, the, 78, 112, 180, 186, 192, 225, 259, 280, 285, 300. trees on, 35, 81,129, 141, 163, 206-7, 229, 254, 259,333, 33^ gun-house on, 5, 7, 353. ^ herbage, 73, 80, 102, 1 70, 280. repairs on, 14, 102, 111. trespass on, 15, 81, 228, 230. pond on, 111, 119, 120. seats in, to build, 336. powder-house on. 111. {See also Armories.) •water from, to prevent run- ning through Winter street, 176. to raise ground in the, to pre- vent water running into Winter street, 176. posts and rails to set up, 207. shore, i.e., sewer. (See Drains.) street, 67, 120, 170, 180, 308. school in, 246. (See also Schools.) Connecticut, 13, 63, 69, 79. colony of, 317. Convicts, 279. imported, not to be allowed to land, 206, 261, 266-7. to send away, 212, 213. Copper works, 266, 267. Cordage, 122, 335. Cordwainer, 126, 144, 210, 228. (See also Trades.) Corners : — Halloweirs, 319. Cork, 33, 77. Cornhill, 108, 128, 1-30, 158, 254, 293. street, 24, 26, 67, 137, 202, ' 03. Corn market, 184, 203. ( See also Market.) Couniy, debt of Samuel Kneeland to the, 74. bridge, 12, 73, 75. (See also Bridge.) treasurer of the, 78. Council, the, 83, 90, 94, 96, 144, 198, 201, 317, 318, 319, 344,355. members of, 164, 370. petition to, 63, 164-6. chamber, 1, 21, 23, 24, 25, 94, 97, 159, 161, 193, 200, 220,221, 243, 274, 297, 301, 317, 325, 341, 347, 3.53. Court, General, (5^'e Assembly.) of general or quarter sessions, 19, 21, 49, .t03, 118, 127, 151, 158, 169, 178, 193, 268, 345. house, 38, 110, 175, 214, 2^.6, 291, 296, 341. superior, 32, 61, 63-4, 83, 86, 89, 97, 98, 124, 125, 128, l:il, 153, 157, l.')8-9, 161, 164, 165, 171, 182, 197, 211, 220. clerk of the, 197. inferior, 92, 103, 116, 151, 169. 179, 345. of Assize and General Gaol Deliv- ery, 161. Cow-keepers, 260. appointed, 206, 285, 287. Cow lane, 203, 254. Crooked lane, 293. Cross street, 18, 121, 130,196, 203, 300, 308, 335, 360, 361. nuisance at lower end of, to abate, 64. Dairy produce, 370. Dancing, school for. (See Schools.) Dave's lane, 14. Day's lane, 309. Debt, prisoners for, 156. Dedham, 224, 233 , 244. Deeds, 56, 102. of sakj, 13, 14,137. of conveyance, 58, -59, 60, 61. register of. (See Register of Deeds.) town's, 66. oragreement by writing, 73, 78,80, 91- of release, 171. Registry of, 179. of Rainsford Island, 226. Deer Island, 132, 218, 225. (See also Islands.) Deertield, 242. township laid out near, 37, :'6. Defence, line of. (See Fortifications.) Disease, infectious, prevention of, 11, 10, 18, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 44, 48, 49, .52. 70, 71, 81-2, 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90, U3, 94, 95, 99, 111, 113, 114, 145, 147, 173, 174, 183, 186, 1.^7, 188, 192, 216, 241, 244, 246, 2 .0, 259, 260', 265,282,287, 307-8. (See aUo Small-pox, Measles, Yellow Fever, etc ) to provide liouse for per- sons afflicted with, 291. Distilleries and distilling, 77, 78, 88, 1[)0, 253, 368. Dock, the, 13, 21, 37, 51, 65, 82, 121, 122, 184, 243, 249, 306, 308, 335, 336, 359, 366. engine at, 17,21, 61, 290, 339. men, 61-2, 339. orders concerning, 62. watchmen at, 37, 53, 55, 3U6, 344, 306. (See also shops, etc., at, 1&4, 165, 172, 182, 191,243, 273,283, 294, 295, 358. Dock Square, 67, 129, 130, 153, 179, 184, 188, 193, 200, 201, 202, 203, 228, 268, .303, 308. tenements to lease, 191. town's shops at, 196, 200, 204, 205, 207-8, 209-10, 211, 238, 255. accounts of tenants of, 197. market-house in. Peter Faneuil to erect, 246-7, 25^. plan of, 252. completion of, 356-7, 359. delivered to. town, 360. (See also Mar- ket.) Dolphin (sloop), 44, 85, 215. Master of, 344. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Dolphin, Sign of the, 139, 254. (See also Taverns ) Dorchester, 138, 147, 156, 180, 269, 313, .320, 351. Dove (sloop), 162. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Downes, the, 33. Drains, 4, 8, 22, 29, 38, 51, 57, 63, 68, 70, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 84, 104, 128, 137, 172, 179, 181, 186, 196, 204, 2o8, 212, 213, 229, 2.J1, 232, 2S9, 291, 297, 301, 307, 315, 321, 336, 343, 350, 352, 365, 367. Dunstable, 97. Dyer's wharf, 285. (See also Wharves.) Dye-woods, 122,335. Eagle (brigantine), 367. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Eagle (ship), 148. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) 388 City Document No. 87. Eastham, 309. Edgar Town, 88, 89, 90, 02, 93. Elizabeth (brigantinc), 72. {See also Ships, VcssclSj etc.) Emigranta, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, G9, 81, 148, 181, 277, 314-18, 3-:0, 3-J8, 347. reception of, town notified, 3. names of, admitted as inhabi- tants, 3, 6, 9. {See also Ire- land ) England, 181. Entertainment, for town officials, public dinner to provide, 20. 39, 53, 115, ICtj, 167, 176, 183, 226, 237, 243, 280, 297, 329, 340, 347. Essex street, 07, 129, 130, 203, 360. Eustatia (St.) (See tfaint Eustatia.) ■'livening Post, 68. {See also Newspapers.) Exchange Tavern, 14. (See also Tavernu.) Experiment (sloop), 347. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Exports, 45, 76-7. Falmouth, 18. Faneuil Hall, 362, 363, 364, S63, 371. coal for, to provide, 363. first meeting held in, 363. Fees, retaining, 37, 88,98, 99, 101, 103, 131, 330, 331-32. Ferries, 47, 68, 63, 77, 105, 156. improvement of, 69, 306. pc^rquisites, OD. ferriage to augment, 72. {See also Winnisimet.) Fevers. (S'cc Disease, infectious.) Fines, 277. Fire, water engines, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 21, 105, 138, 171, 2-29, 233, 234, 237, 238, 248, 253, 231, 271, 2S I, 28:;-4, 285, 287, 239, 295, 296, 328, 329, 330, 331, 337-40, 330, 3GS. men, 1, 4, 5, G, 7. 17, 21, 34, 35, 37, 61, 118, 138, 152, 175, 193-4, 229, 234, 238. 242, 251, 254, 257-S, 271, 270, 281, 283- 4, 285, 283-90, 328, 329, 330, 331, 382, 337-40, 333-4, 368. list of, 152, 254, 271, 283-4, 285, 295-6, 331, 337-40. to be free from other town offi- ces, 6, 21, 62, 152, 284, 286, 331, 332 338. allowance, 0, 271,284,296, 337. premiums, 237, 284, 286, 328, 338, 864, S6i. houses, 6, 01, 105, 170, 171, 337. orders, 271, 328-9, 837-8. prevention of, 70. town's building on Fort Hill consumed by, 216. Fire wards, 230, 277. vacancies in, to fill, 274. appointed, 2.' 6. Fish, 285, 289. market, 129. bouse at Oliver's bridge. (iSefJB ridge.) {See also Market.) street, 51, 67, lOS, 113, 115, 118, 123, 125, 130, 172, 189, 202, 203, 254, 255, 23 J, 303,309, 3G0-1. slip running from, encroachment on, 63. Fisheries, 84. Fleet street, 309. Flour. (6'e« Breadstuff's.) Fort Hill, 142, 171, 174-5, 208, 212, 233, 234, 236, 2 {8. town's house on, 142, 171. consumed by fire, 231. well on, to repair, 212. town's rights on, 226. bricks at, to purchase, 231. infringement of town's rights at, to prosecute, 233. bowling green at, 236. Fortifications, 11, 65, 89,90, 120, 162, 173, 174, 183, 193, 204, 233, V34, 240, 241, 242, 253, 314, 334. 362, 3G3, 366. line of defence, 2, 128, 195, 302, 354. repairs at, 35. moneys received for townships to bo used in repairing, 227. or breastwork, to erect, 341. Franco, 342. Frenchmen. (See Inhabitants.) {See also Aliens vr foreigners.) Friends Adventure (sloop), 92. {See also f Ships, Vessels, etc.) rog lane, 139, 203. Fustick, 122, 336. {See also Dye-woods.) Gallows, the. {See Neck, the.) Gaol or jail, 353. imprisoned in, for debt, 156. in Queen street, engine by, 340. Gambo River, 187. {See also Slave traffic.) Gazette, Mr. Boydell's, 68. {See a/so News- papers.) Georges, 12. Georges River, 51, 62. George street, 129. George Town (Georgetown), 255. Gibbins' court. 139. Gibbs' lane, 319. Glass, 268, 269. {See also Imports.) G la-zier and joiner, 3. ( See also Trades.) Globe, Sign of the, 320. {See also Taverns.) Glocester (Gloucester), 223, 249, Glover, 173. {See also Trades.) Golden Ball, the, 285. {See also Taverns.) Governor, 11, 83, 96, 115, 184, 198, 201, 202, 233, 234, 314, 317, 318, 319, 337, 342, 351, 355, 356, 357, 306, 369, 370. petition to, 45, 63, G4, 90, 126, 164-5, 163, 183, 259. address to, 11, 89, 174, 304, 305. reply, 305-6. application to, concerning quaran- tine, and prevention of spread of disease, 5/, 94, 144-3, 308. application to. to prevent impress- ment of sailors, etc., 315. Order Irom concerning the "Sea- flower," 3 '8 Grain, 10, 31, 124, 285, 315, 361. {See alao Breadstufts.) injury to the, 124. price of carting, 290. measurers of, 361. Granaries, 10, 47, 64, 76, 80, 102, 107, 124, 169, 285. accounts of, to examine, 25, 44. 45, 64. choice of keeper of, SO, 31. removal of, to consider 30. cellar under, 71, 73-4, 75, 78, 94, 97. repairs of, 75, 124, 125. charcoal for, 75. coal", 75. safe place for same, to pro- vide, 75. overseer of, 107, 169. accounts, 280. North, 169. to lease, 228. Notice to be posted at, 206. Gray's wharf, 245. {See also Wharves.) Great Britain, 215. Green Dragon, the, 144. {See also Taverns.) Green lane, 67, 203. paving of, to defer, 41. Greyhound, sign of (he, 134, 135, 310, 311. '{Sec also 'I'averns.) Grolon,0:i, 8;!. Grover'B Bridge, 30. {See also Bridge.) Index to Places and Subjects. 389 GuadaUipa, 355. Guinea, coast of, 1S7. (See aluo Slave trafSc). Guusmiih, 57, 3G7. {See also Trades.) Hairdrepscr, 60,191, 208. (5'<;ca/so Trades.) Half Square court, 238, 249. Halaey's wharf, 282, 2y2, 311. nurses, 146, 173, 250, 259,268,278, 279, 2n2, 287-8, 299, 311, 352. House of Correction, 45, 351. Hull, 13. Hull street, 179, 307. Humbird (sloop), 39, 43, 56. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Hutchinson's wharf, 239. {See also Wharves.) Imports, 16, 18, 34, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44-5, 48, 52, 57, 77, 70, 81, 83, 85, 86, 93, 186, 268. Impost Office, 47, 54, 347, 367, list of passengers at, 54. Impressment, 315. Incendiarism, 216. {See also Fire.) Indexes for public records. {See Records.) Indian meal or corn (See BreadstutFs.) Indians, 272. free, list of, to take, 132, 251. law concerning bnrial of, neglect of by sextons, 233. Industry (brig), 181. (/See a^so Ships, Ves- sels, etc.) Industry (ship), 00, 258, 260, 262, 268. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Inhabitants, 280, 315. 320. admitted a<>, 3, 14, 20. 27, 50, 57, 59, GO, 62, 78, 85, 92, 109, 115, 162, 185, 186-7, 2 9, 224,237, 240, 24.', 244. 245, 249, 255, 266, 270, 288, 301, 304, 320, 222, 350 , 351, 362, 306. {See also Emigrants.) Inhabitants, transferred from Boston to Dor. cheater, 147. petition to bo admitted as, 207, 312,330, 340, 3')i,3rjl, 307. index of names of persons giv- ing bonds for inliabitants ad- mitted, to make, 298. French, not qualifcd as, 198, 200-1, 313-14, 337, 340-1, 342, 355, 356. law concerninji;- ndraission as, to obse rve, 201. Innholders, licenses as, petition for,.59, .370-1. allowed, GO, 04, G7, 129-30, 202-3, 254, 308, 300-1. disallowed, 67, 130-1, 255, 309, 361. list of, 129-31, 185, 189, 202-3, 254-5, 308-9. {See also Li- censes.) Insane, 69, 127, 351, 366. Intemperance, immorality, profanity, etc., 2, 4, G, 13, 36, 122, 128, ^i, 170, 194, 213, 242, 334, 336, 354, 355, 357, 3G3. Ireland, 71, 72, 74, 298, 314, 316-18, 320. emigration from, 3,4,7, 10, 12, 54, 69. 70, 79, 81, 148, 181, 277, 314, 316-18, 320, 328. {See also Emi- grants.) Iron, 16, 39, 48, 52, 81, 122, 335. Ironmonger, 23, {See «i;.«o Trades.) Islands. ( See the following) : — Rainsford's, Spectacle, Isle of Sables, Isle of Wight, Martha's Vineyard, Barbadoes, Deer, St. Thomas, Span- ish Town, St. Christopher's, Nan- tucket, Long, Bird, Bermudas, Santo Domingo o?" Uayti, West Indies, Lee- Avard. Isle of Sables, 79. {See also Islands.) Isle of Wight, 48. {See also Islands ) Jamaica, 23, 92,93, 174, 206, 250, 327, 365. Jersey, 33, 257. Joiner, 217. (5ee a/so Trades.) Joylift''8 lane, 149. Jurors, 125, 157, 160, 292, 341, 344-5. petit, choice of, 22, 27, 38, 49-50, 92, 101, 103, 128, 151, 161, 345, 3,59, grand, choice of, 49, 61, IIG, 124, 157, 220, 345. on trials, 124, 157, 161. list of persons eligible as, to Bubmit» 159, 166. Justices, 1, 2, 21, 23. 24, 23, 28, 39, 40, 65, 71, 83, 93, 94, 95, 93, 97, 102, 111, 126, 127. 128, 144, 145, 1-j6, 159-60, 164-5, 183, 185, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 200, 211, 220, 251, 272, 274, 275, 282, 293, 301-2, 303, 325, 353, 354, 355, 363. King George (ship), 265. {See c /so Ships, Vessels, etc.) King street, 14, 35, 48, 77, 129, 130, 202, 203, 249, 250, 254, 255, 299, 308, 309, 361. Lamb, Sign of the, 120, 320. (See also Tav- erns.) Lancaster, offer of land iri, as coll.ateral for debt of S. Kneoland to town, 75. Lands, etc., lease of, by town, 5, 9, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 47, 02, 6J. 73, 75, 107, 110, 112, 114, 119, 130-40, 147, 148, 151, 179, 190, 200, 202. 204, 205, 207, 218, 224, 225, 223, 235, 305. purchase of, by town, 13. sale of, by town, 13, 39. 54, 55-6, 58, 59, CO, 61, 71, 96, 132. to settle, 31, 50, 56. lease of herbage of Old burying place, 23. 390 City Document Xo. 87. Lands, granted to town, 27, 28, 29, 37 49, 50, 55-6, 58, 66, 102. list of leases of to wn's estate, 185, 207-8. to submit, 185. lease of, to advertise, 218. quit-rent for, 223. grant of, to Almshouse, 292. marsh on the Neck, 62, 116, 185, 210, 245, 271, 281, 285, 298. cellar under the granary, 71, 73, 75, 94, 97, in Lancaster. (-See Lancaster.) Lands or buildings, town's, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 31, 37, 39, 47, 49, 50, 53-54, 58, 59, 62, 66, 68, 69, 71, r 73-4,75, 76,87,90,98,99,101,103, 107, 110, 114, 116, 119, 124, 131, 137, 139-40, 142, 150, 151, 153-4 164, 165, 109, 171, 172, 174-5, 179, 184, 196, 197, 199, 201 , 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 216, 218, '230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 242, 243-4, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 257, 267, 269, 270, 271, 273, 277, 283, 289, 290, 292, 294, 295, 299, 314, 336, 353, 356, 358, 365. list of all, to submit, 256, 369. Lands or Buildings — Owners : — Adams, Samuel, 1. (Barton's Kopc walk), 15. Allen, Jeremiah, h., 359. Allen, , h., 48. Alleyn, Edward, 1., 55, Bubbidge, Benjamin, b., 307. Baker, John, s. h., 217. Banister, Samuel, h., 200. Bant, William, 196. Barnard, James, 1., 156, 159, h., 159. Barnard, Richard, h., 179. Bass, Samuel, 1., 151. Beekmorc, George, h., 269. Belcher, Joseph, h., 70. Belknap, Joseph, 1., 5. Bennet, Capt. Elisha, h., 106. Bennet, , 1., 4, 208. Benuett, ,1., 300. Bill, Richard, 1., 13. Blair, Cai}t. , b., 345. Bonyat, Widow, , h., 314, 343. Boston Neck, grantees of lands & flats at, 1., 234. Box, , r. w., 295. Boylston, Dr. Zabdiel, b., 65 213. Bryant, 3rrs. , h.^ 244. Butler, , h., 309 312. Byles, Josias, b., 55, 63, 196. Calef, Widow, , h., 63. Caless (Calef?) ; Widow , h.,48. Carnes, Jolin, h., 230 Clark, Dr. John, b., 172. Clark, , h , 294. Clough, Benjamin, h., 145, 148, 180, 192, 216, 223, 241, 242, 252. CXou^h, Deacon, ,h.,180. Cochrean, Alexander, h.,120. Coffin, Charles, h., 35. Coffiu, , w., h., 289. Collings, , h., 256. CoUson, David, h., 291, 295. Colson, 1., 290. Compton, John, h., 123, 125. Comrin, Ca/>i. John, h., 350. Cookson, Obadiah, jr., h., 230. Cowley, Capt. , h , 284. Cunningham, Capt. Nathl. h.,269. Lands or Buildings — Owners: — Davis, Capt. Nicholas, h., 108. Day, James, 1., 179. - Deacon, , sh.,-328. Deriug, Henry, h., 137, 357. Dolbeare, James, h., 181. Dolbeare, John, sh., 128. Douglass, Thomas, h., 20. Douglass, Dr. William, h , 104. Dowrick, Capt. ,b., 367. Drowne, , sh., 254. Dupee, Daniel, h., 21. Dwight, Jonathan, 1., 307, 310. Dyre, Barrat, h., 212. Dyre, \ Mrs. , 1., 237, 246. Dyar, i 340. Faneuil, Peter, h., 359. Faneuil, Peter, et al., h., 137. Faneuil. , b., 21. Fitch, /Jon. Thomas, heirg of, 1., 43. Flood, Joseph, jr, h., 232. Foster, Jonathan h., 144-5, 146, 147. Foster, Thomas, h., 51. Friswell, , h., 29. Gibbins, , h., 322, 346. Gibbons, , b., 167. Glin, , h., 366. Goddard, , h., 120. Gooch, , b., 105, 170. Goodwin, Thomas, h., 270. Grant, Joseph, h., 64. Graton, JoLn, h., 310, 31L Gray, Edward, 1., (Barton's Rope Walk), 15. Green, , h., 63, 123, w. h., 125. Gregory Mrs. Abigail, h., 19b. Gutteridge, Robert, h., 51. Gwin, , h., 189. Haley, Samuel, h. & b., 179. Haley, , h., 48. Hall, Hugh, h.&l., 117. Hallowell, , I., 319. Halsey, James, h., 309, 312. Hamilton, Frederick, b., 77. Hamock, CV/p^. John, h., 350. Hancock, Thomaa, M., 192, 217. Hartshorn, Jonathan, h., 76. Harvey, Widow, , 1., 149. Hatch, Benj., h., 350. Heath, Joseph, 1., 66, 59, 60, 61. Henderson, Capt- Jos., h., 365. Hinds, John, h., 260. Holyoke, Jacob, h., 237. , Horton, , h., 362. Howard, Robert (late), h., 77. Hubbard, Joseph, 1. & whf., 234. Hunt, Alexander, sh. yd., 238. Hunt, John, h., 229, 315. Hunting, Samuel, h., 206. Hutchinson, , b., 338. Inches, Thomas, h., lO.j. Indicott, John, h., 61. Jeffries, John, h., 53, 81, 1., 310. Jenkins, Mrs. , h.,260. Jones, Thomas, 1., 156. Johounot, Daniel, h., 61. Johonoot, Zachariah, l.,231. Kelly, liobert, h., 21. Index to Places and Subjects. 391 Lands or Buildings — Owners: — Kneeland, Solomon, 1., 179. Larab, Col. , 1., 138, 313. Lewes, 3fr8. Grace, h., 269. Lewis. 3rrs. , h., 319. Maccarty, William, h., 68, 238, 1., 238, 249. Mascarene, Major , h., 108. McDaniel, Mrs. , b.,320. Monk, George, h., 4. Mountfort, Jonathan, h., 63. Nazro, Dr. '• , h., fi9. Norton, Mrs. , b., 347. Oliver, Andrew, 1., 39. Oliver, Brattle, 1., 225. Oliver, Capt. Natbanael, 1., 23, 30, 74, 91. Osgood, Jobn, b., 21. Palmer, Hon. Thoriias etal.., w. h., 184. Parker, Jacob, h., 289. Parkman, , 1., 305, 333, 336. Phillips, Gillam, h., 370. Phillips^ John, h., 24, 26. Potter, John, h.,208. Price, Henry, 1., 297. Price, William, h., 137. Rachel, John, h., 106. Pawling, Love, h., 315. Pawling, Mrs. , b., 237. Ray, Elizabeth, h., 75. Read, John. 1., 56, 59, 60. Richards, Jeremiah, h., I JO. Richardson, John, 1., 138, 313. Russell, Benj., h., 351. Salter, Richard, b., 289. Salter, Thomas, h., 206. Savage, Habijab, h., 137. ScoUey, James, b., 57. Sheldon, Capt. Josiah, h., 320. Shute, , ]., 336. Sigourney, , d., h., 368. Skinner, Mrs. , h., 21. Smith, Richard, h., 134, 135, 299. Sniitb, Samuel, h., 102. Smith, Thomas, h., 188. Speakman, William, b., 77. Btaniford, , b., 365. Storer, Ebenezer, h., 321. Thompson, , 1., 35, 238. Tilley, George, 1., 300. Torrey, , h., 29. Trinity Church, 1., 105. Tuckerman, John, h., 333. Tyler, Andrew, b., 8. Vintenon, Jobn, h., 80. Walker, , h., 63, 123, w. h., 125. Walley, Abiel, b., 84. Wallis, Thomas, b., 213, 315. Warden, Francis, h., 365. W^arden, Francis, heirs of, 1. & b., 137. Warden, , h., 113. Welch, John, h., 40. Welles, Samuel, 1., 138, h., 313. Wendell, Hon. Jacob, 1., 56, 59, 102. Wendell, Capt. Jobn, 1., 46. Wendell, Col. , b., 20, 21, l.,174. West, Elisba, h., 248. Wheeler, William, jr., h., 332 White, John, h., 20. While, Ca^ii. Samuel, h., 32. Lands- or Buildings — Owners : — Williams, Jonathan, h., 25, 181. Wimble, James, b., 3. Language, English, to study, 201, 342. Laws, breach oi, 217, 278, 301, 343. to prosecute, 2, 170, 189, 193, 227, 233, 290, 303. to suppress, 26, 35, 207, 242. to be enforced, 36, 183, 195, 201, 204, 207, 227, 236, 238, 239, 241, 287, 294, 321, 322, 331, 333, 355, 356, 357, 359, 363, 367. Leases. {See Lands.) Leather-breeches maker, 148. {See also Trades.) Leatherdresser, 37. ( See also Trades.) Lee's wharf, 240. (,S'ee a/«o Wharves.) Leeward Islands, 356. {See also Islands.) Leghorn (fihip), 320. {See also Ships, Ves- sels, etc.) Lemons, 34, 37. Letters, 260. written or to write — town clerk to Hon. Judge Benja- min Prescott, 83. to Mr. Waters, 183. to Col. Tyng, 97. to selectmen of Lynn, Maiden, and Read- ing, 106. to Hon. Setb Wil- liams and William Ward, 158-9. to Joseph Tompson, 318. from Capt. William Beekman to Hon. Col. Wendell, 174. Capt. Armitage to Capt. Larrabee, 198 clerk to selectmen of Rosbury, 135, 310, 311. to town clerk, 166. clerk to Stephen Minot, 218, 230. Capt. John Aves to Thomas Hubbard, 256. Capt. Fluker to Mr. Bowdoin, 256. Stephen Hall to Ho7i. John Os- borne, 260. Mr. Kilby to select- men, 359. Leverett's lane, 202, 206, 367. Lewis burg (Louisbourg), 314, 342. Licenses, 368. petition for, as taverners or re- tailers, 59, 370-1. allowed, 60, 64, 129-30, 202-3, 254, 308, 360-1, 368, 371. disallowed, 121, 130-1, 255, 309, 361. list of, 60, 121, 185, 189, 202-3, 254-5, 208-9. form of, 60. names of persons granted, 67, 129-30. * of persons refused, 130-1. no more, to allow for the year, 253. Lightermen, 132. Lignum Vitae, 122, 335. {See also Wood, mechanical.) Linen, printer of, 3. {See also Trades.) cases of, 57, 265. Linseed oil, 81, 86. Locksmith, 51, 62. {See also Trades.) Logwood, 122, 335. {See also Dyewoods.) 392 City Document No. 87. London, 9. 17, 33, 36, 40, 43, 53, 57, 59, 60, lOj, 103, 12G, 130, 201, 218, 219, 250, 207, 278, 291, 3U0, 320. Londonderry, 79. Loni,' Island, 13, 248, 365. {See also Islands.) Long lane, 182, 202, 246. Long whirf, 7, 112, 203, 238, 300, 324, 335, 364. (6'ce al-io Wharves.) Lord's Day, 194-5, 348, 353. concerning profanation of, 2, 128, 194-5, 302, 303, 354, 355. Watch on the, 127-8, 193, 194-5, 251,301, 302, 353, 354, 355. at hospital, on, 146. traffic upon the, 128, 194, .302, 303. to preach on, at North Writing School, 320. Love lane, 231. school in, 240. (See also Schools.) otrcct. 41, 254, 281. Lynn, 34, 105, 100. 107. street, 67, 229, 254, 255, 315. Mackeral lane, 202, 361. Mail matter, 260. to fumigate, 260. Maiden, 105, 103, 107, 182, 180-7, 270, 294. Maps and Plans, 49, 252. Mariict, 30, ;i2, 42, 240-7, 268, 370. property of, 19. North, i, :0. South, 42, 03, €8, 110, 357-8. to lease, 42. weights and scales at, 109, 116. to collect, 51, 164, 171. fish, 129. clcrka of, 116, 167-8, 171, 176, 230, 236, 33i, 841, 363, 361, 367. in Dock Square, 153, 240, 252, 253, 263, 30J, 3U6-7, 359. corn, 154, 203. forestalling the, 227. bouse, I'cicr Fanouil to erect, 246-7. plan of, 252, 268. completion of, 356-7, 359. delivered to the town, 360. Gtalls in, 301,370. Marbleht ad. 91, 302. Marlborough, 40, 50, 327. engine. (See Fires.) street, 51, 07, 77, 203, 212, 254, 255, 267, ."01, 315, 347, 360-61. Marshall'ii laae, 331. Marshlield. 139. Martha'3 Vineyard, 50, 82, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 215. 213. Mary (brigantine), 350. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Mary (sship), 219. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Maryland, 269, 344. Mason, 18.'. (See also Trades.) Massachusetts Bay, 122, 218, 225, 336. Province of, G, 11, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 59, 05, 70, 91, 9J, 93, 102, 110, 126, 133, 137, 144-5, 104-5, 175, 201, 205, 225, 229, 230, 242, 262, 234, 299, , 305, 337, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 351, 355, 356, 357. records of general court of, 6. debt of Samuel Kneeland to, 74. treasurer of, 78. May Flower (sloop), 92. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Measles, 70, 187. (See also Disease, infec- tious.) Meat, dealer in, 199. (See also Trades.) Mcdfield, 347. Meeting houses, 10, 347-8. Rev. Messrs. Foxcroft's and Chauncy's, 4. North, 5, 152, 338, 348. Old North, 34, 258, 289, 295, 339. New North, 37, 273, 338. Old church, 58, .59. Brattle street, 05. 123, 125. Trinity church, 105, 170, 337. Mr. Checkley's (Summer street), 241. petition to erect, on Bennet street, 328. Mehogony (Mahogany) Wood. (See Wood, mechanical.) Merchants and Inhabitants. (See Inhab- itants.) Merchants' Row, 51, 130, 143, 184, 254, .309. town's warehouse in, 110, 252. watch. (See Watch.) Mermaid (schooner), 187. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Middle utrcet, 07, 129, 130, 202, 255. 308, 361. Milk street, 08, 121, 192, 212, 308, 319, 336, 361. Mill bridge, 145, 147, 173, 251, 300. to p.ave, 3. (See also Bridge.) pond, 179. creek, 216. Mills, North, 241. owners, 32. highway at, 63. to survey, 32. Milton, 4, 6, 359, 360. Minoi's court, 309. Molasses, 122, 197, 335. Nantasket, 33. Nantucket, 215. (See also Islands.) N.itoray (in township of Cambridge), 53. Neck, the, 07, 233, 234, 240, 241, 251, 254. walch at, 2, 128, 1U3, 195, 251,301, 302, 353, 354. rails on, 6. fence, etc., 8. land, etc., leased, 20, 21, 22, 27, 63, 110, 218, 207. highway on, 301. to repair, 35, 232. lino between highway and salt l)onds at, 53. marsh on, 62, G"., 116, 155, 185, 204, 245, 271. 231, 285, 295. gallows on, 120. fortifications on, 173, 195. highway at, incumbrance to re- move, 193. herbage at, damage to, 193. Needle-work, school tor. (Sec Schools.) Negroes and Mulattocs, 2, 7, S3, 94, 95, 12% 194, 210, 219, 242, 251, 277, 278, 302, 320, 347, 349, 354, 370. laws concerning, 2. emancipation of a, 83, .349. free, 244, 245, 370. list of, to take, 132, 135. to act as Bcaven- gcrs, 135, 136. law concerning buiial of, neg- lected by sex- tons, 233. list of cattle be- longing to, 36J). Index to Places and Subjects. 393 Neptune (sloop), 81, 82, 83, 85, 83. (See also Shipe, Vcseels, etc.) Newbury street, G7, 130, 131, 202, 203, 254, 255, 308, 309, 360, 361. New Boston, 3G5, New Castle (Newcastle), 256, 259, 321. New England, 11, 12-', 164, 305, 336. New Enaland Galky, 59, 260, 265. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Newfoundland. 84, 163, 217, 367, 368. New Hampshire, 213. New Haven, 317,019. New London, 92,158. New North Meeting house, 273. engine near, 333. men, 37. 273, 338. (See also Meeting houses.) Newport, 27, 36, 183, 237. Newton, 13v). New York, 64, 69, 103, 105, 155, 172, 174, 186, 192, 212, 216, 217, 225, 342, 370. Newspapers. See the folloioing: — Evening Post, Gazette, Mr. Boydell's, Weekly Journal, Weekly News Letter. Northampton, '242. North burying place, 32, 173, 179, 230, 289, 294, 349, 3o5. herbage of, to lease, 118. (See also Burial places.) North Carolina, 7, 44, 45, 55, 63, yo, 92, 167, 206, 215, 319. End. 21, 45, 88, 108,122, 178, 179,257, 266, 204, o20, 335. Market, 1. trespass at, 30. to remove, 42. (See also Market.) Meeting house, 348. engine by, 5, 152, 338. (See also Meeting houses.) street, 67, 70, 129, 130, 360. Yarmouth, 294. Nurses and nursing. (See Hospitals.) Nutfield, 79, 286. Oakum, .34. 37, 40, 44. Oath, administrated, 34. Old burying place (Tremont street), 23, 53, 54. 112, 116, 136, 168, 187, 219, 284, ■:86. herbage of, to lease. 111, 112-13, 219. (See Burial places.) Old church, 58, 59. (See also Meeting houses.) Old North Meeting house, engine near, 34, 253, 289,295, 339, 350. (See also Meeting houses). Old Town Harbour. (See Edgar Town.) Olive Br-mch (ship), 250. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Oliver's dock, bridge at. (See Bridge.) street, line of to run, 39. Orange street, 19,67,123,130, 131,178,180,190, 202, 203, 204, 208, 231, 255, 201. 235, 308, o33, 334, 360. drain in, 4. paving of, 41, 343. Oranco Tree, the, 53, 100, 115, TOO, 176, 186, 220, 280, 329. (See also Taverns.) Orders, town, 35. books of, to reprint, 288. concerning fires, 152, 2T1, 32S-9. enlistment of fire- men, 1, 6. profanation of the Lord's Day, 2, Hi, 193. Orders, town, concerning duties of scaven- gers, 29. forestalling pro- visions, 35, 227. copies of, to post, 44. to print, 127. concerning prevention of spread of infectious disease, 94-5. to be enforced, 36, 194. for regulating and ascertain, ing the wagcH of common porters, 112, 114, 121-3, 308, 334. concerniDg keeper of hospital on liain sfo rd Island, 116, 117. encumbering high. w;iy .ittheNeck, 120. sweeping of chim- neys, 127, 237. firing of, 2'.»0. weighing of hay, 158, 162, 178. iransgression of lav/ concerning selling of meat by . steelyards, 170. for rules to bo observed in transporting powder, 176-7. regulation of the Workhouse, 189. concerning watch upon the Lord's Day, 1£7- 8, 194. burying of negroes and Indians, 233, 287. buying provisions out of market, to repeal, 247, 268. visitation of town, by wards, 275-6. Ordnance, 8, 234, 235, 341. Paddey's alley, 130. Painter, 273, 363, 364, 365. ( See also Trades.) Painting, school for. (Sec Schools.) Papers, etc. (See Records.) Parker's wharf, 243. (Sec also Wharves.) Pease, 186. (See also Imports.) Pedlar, 109. (See also TradcB.) Pemes alley, 303. Fen broke, 281. Pemaquid, 73. Penalties. (See Laws, breach of.) Perambulations or Surveys, 53, 63, 65, 72, 105-6, 134-5. between Boston and Rox- bury, 134, 3i0, 311. between Boston .-^ud the towns of Maiden, Lynn, and Reading, to run, 105-6. of land in Beacon street be- longing to Warden, 137. bounds of land in Water street, 149. bounds of laud at the South End, 179. line between Mrs. Dyrc's land and that of town, to run, 237, 240. Maccarty'a land, 249. land laid out for market- house, 252. lino of Love and Princo streets, 234. of land near North Battery, 292, 305, n33. 336. laud fronting Orange street, 295. 394 City Document No. 87. Perambulations, town's land and that of Fran- cis Warden, 365. Philadelphia, 5, 11, 15, 16, 18, 39, 43, 47, 48, 49, 52, 56, 57, 81, 83, 85, 88, 103, 109, 111, 148, 215, 217, 307, 317, 350. Pierce's alley, 130, 255. Pilots, 88, 93. Piscataqua, 32, 79, 213. Piits' wharf, 260, 2S9. {See also Wharves.) Plank. {See Wood.) Plans. {See Maps and Plans.) Plimouth, 7. Pond street, 121, 122, 171, 213, 335. Poor, 17, 18, 21, 33. 48, 69, 73, 75, 76, 84, 93-4, 96, 133, 142, 146, 148, 155, 163, 167, 171, 205, 244-5, 277, 304, 311, 319, 320, 324, 325, 327, 329, 330, 346, 352, 360, 370. to prevent pauperism, 4, 6, 33, 205. reimbursement to obtain for, 18, 19, 55, 144, 182. appropriation for, 27, 38, 85, 101, 110, 166, 226, 279, 291, 329, 341. Poor, Overseers of, 18, 20, 22, 27, 48, 58, 73, 76, 96, 101, 103, 133, 139, 144, 146, 148, 155, 160, 161, 106, ler, 181, 182, 186, 189, 215, 220, 223, 226, 228, 235, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 319, 324, 325, 327, 329, 360 363, 365, 370. Pork , 39 . {See also 'PTOvisXons.) Porters, common, 22, 23, 31, 59, 112, 114, 117, 121-23, 168, 170, 180, 223, 224, 239, 240, 244, 249, 269, 270, 285, 308, 316, 322, 324, 327, 330, 331, 334, 335, 346, 353, 356. allowance or rates of charge, 121-22, 335-6. , hadges for, 122, 336. disorderly conduct of, 168, 170, 357. number of, insufficient, 175. Portland (Man-of-war), 315. {See alao Ships, Vessels, etc.) Pound, the, 206. Powder, 235, 335. house. Armories.) seizure of, 230, 277. stock of, town's, 231. porterage of, 335. Prince street, 129, 155, 156, 254. Printers. {See Printing, etc.) {See also Trades.) Printing, advertisements, 88, 132, 315. to be posted, 20, 21, 112, 120, 169, 193, 206, 207, 227. of Acts, 22. tickets, 123, 336. sale of townships, 45. in public newspapers, 31, 47, 66, 68, 105, 156, 190-1, 193, 218, 227, 299, 364. printers, 227, 356. {See also Trades.) 300 copies of orders concerning por- ters, to print and distribute 123. 200 copies of order concerning sweeping of chimnies, to print and distribute, 127. 100 copies of order concerning weighing of hay, to print and dis- tribute, 178. expiration of leases to advertise, 185, Prisoti. {See Gaol or Jail.) Probate, Judge of, 127. Province, the. {See Massachusetts Bay, Province of.) Treasury, 104, 163 174, 205, 352. charge, 6, 17, 21, 73, 76, 133, 136, 139, 146, 148, 155, 16?, 167, 181, 215, 223, 228, 277, 278, 304, 319, 3 '4, 325,327,328, 345, 346, 360, 365, 367, 368, 370. Province, Treasurer. {See Treasurer, Prey" ince.) hospital, 82, 83, 141, 162, 164, 204-5, 250, 299, 304, 307,311,352. keeper of, 116-17, 133, 142-3, 204-5, 250, 307, 311, 352. {See al^o Hospitals.) warning to depart the, 343, 368. law for, to enforce, 363. Provisions, 39, 76-7, 81, 83, 89, 93, 104, 107, 128, 272, 315, 317, 319, 328. 354. forestalling and engrossing, 35. out of the market, 247, 268. {See also Imports.) Pullen Point, 370. Pumps and Wells, 306. Purchase street, 309. Quarantine. (5ee Disease, prevention of.) Quebec, 200. Queen street, 7, 82, 112, 131, 202, 255, 297, 357. school house in, 5, 139, 210, 246, 251, 299. {See also Schools.) town's wall in, to repair, 53. house in, 62,68,114,119. shop in, 260. nuisance in, to abate, 169. engine near Gaol in, 340. Rainsford Island, 13-14, 83, 85, 86, 89, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 104, 107, 111, 116-17, 124, 133, 141, 142-3, 162, 183, 138, 204, 212, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 268-9, 272, 294, 299, 307, 311-12, 318, 352. nurses at, 124-5, 311, 352. watchman at, 272. keeper of hospital at, 142-3, 250-1, 299, 307. to appoint, 116-17, 133, 142-3, 299, 304, 307, 311 352. guard at, *95, 307, 311, 352. deeds of, 226. {See alao Deeds.) {See also Islands.) Rates, 9, 23, 371. collectors of, 10, 81, 87, 146, 149, 150, 151,154, 160,161,180, 189, 215, 220, 273-4, 323, 369. to qualify, 146. {See alao Taxes.) conceraing the collecting of, 214. Rats, extermination of, 333, 358. Raynsford Island. (*See Rainsford Island.) Reading, 105, 106, 107. Records, 86, 105, 163, 171-2. of general court, 6, 8. town's, 63, 66, 148-9, 163, 171-2. to remove to Faneuil Hall, 363, 366. indexes, to resume, 69. County, 63, 163. and papers belonging to Col. Tyng's grandfather, hearing on case in court, 97. index of names of persons giving bonds for persons admitted as in- habitants, to make, 298. ships' papers. {See Ships, etc.) . Register of Deeds, choice of, 280, 293. Rehoboth, 323. Rents, records of lands, etc., 5, 15, 22, 27, 47, 68, 69, 75, 77, 90, 110, 114, 116, 119, 140, 147, 150, 205, 206, 210, 211, 213, 223, 228, 250, 252, 267, 269, 270, 273, 281, 285, 289, 292, 295, 299, 305, 306, 322, 353. Index to Places and Subjects. 395 Rents, arrears in, 66, 191, 204, 218, 230, 290. of warehouse (town's) increased, 76. of stall in market, 370. {See also Market.) quit-rent, 223. list of all, to submit, 256. Representatives, 37, 38, 113, 147, 368. choice of, 37, 38, 42, 46, 70-1, 72, 110, 112, 175, 179, 214, 236, 239, 264, 291, 340, 341, 34.5, 370. allowance, 71. House of, 113, 116, 215, 264, 345, 368-9, 371. agent, to Coui-t of Great Britian, 215. epeakerof the, 71, 215, 264, 345. Rhode Island, 19, 45, 90, 140, 183, 198, 200, 201, 206, 207, 236, 237, 334, 342, 360, 368, 370. Rice bread flour. ( (See Breadstuff's.) River Gambo. ( See Gambo river.) Round lane, 203. Rowley, 349. Roxbury, 2, 56, 64, 93-4, 109, 120, 128, 139, 195, 249, 253, 280, 281, 302, 310, 311, 354, boundary line between Boston and, 23, 134-5, 137-8, 310, 311, 312, 313. Rum, 122, 335. Rumney Marsh, 20, 61, 85, 87, 106, 125, 146-7, 151, 154, 171, 172-3, highway, to repair, 10, 38. bridges at, to repair, 30, 75. ( See alf)o Bridge.) new road at, 58, 72, 73, 78, 91. causeway at, 75, 80. petition of, to be set off, 143. Rye meal. (See Breadstuff's.) Saco, 102. t-adler, 191, 210, 211, (See aho Trades.) Sagamore (ship), 70, 71, 79, 81. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Sailers, lodging in town, notice of, 217. Saint Christopher's, 183, 314,342, 364. (See also Islands.) Eustatia, 31, 201, 342. Georges, 182. Thomas, 172, 186, 201. (See also Islands.) Salaries or allowance- allowed Copt. Nathaniel Oliver, 73. Mr. Jonathan Helyer, 133, John Kneeland, 157. 3Ir. Saveil, 163. Mr. Samuel Gerrish, 163. Dr. William Rand, 164. Mrs. Mary Sharrow, 197, 201. William Waters (keeper of Province Hospital), 205, 209. William Shirley, 21. Nathaniel Oliver, 73, 79. Mr. Gerrish, 100. Mr. Belcher Hancock, 173. Ifon. Beniarain Prescott (heirs of), 211, Seth Williams, 211. William Ward, 211. Philip Quonyear, et ux., 219. Woodbe, (negress) , 219. Benjamin Clough, 223. William Salter, 231. for Thomas Kerby's pas- sage, 257. John Morey, 283. Salaries or allowance — allowed William Bowcn, ei at., 314. Ebcnczer I>awrence, 328. ' John SavelJ, 330. John Waters ct al., 332. Joseph Wadsworth, 333, 358. Salem, 115, 331, 363, 364, 365. Salem street, 131. Salem Vilage (Village). (See Salem.) Salisbury, general court held at, 71. Sally (sloop), 47. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Salt, 122, 335. Salt Ponds. (*See Neck, the.) Salutation (brigantine) , 3. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Salutation alley, 360. Tavern, 229. (See also Taverne.) Santo Domingo, 342. (See also Islands.) Sandwich, 248. Sarah (brigantine), 18, 107. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) , Sarah (sloop), 48, 49. See also Shii)8, Vessels, etc.) Sarah Galley, 34, 36, 37,40, 43,44. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Scarborough, 18. Scarlet's wharf, 67, 240. (See also Wharves.) Scavengers, Avork and duties of, 29, 47, 51, 225. free negroes to act as, 135, 136. School street, 67, 108, 121, 137, 138, 180, 202, 203, 329. school In, 246. (See also Schools.) Schools, 129, 172, 256, 263, 292, 358, 361, 369. for mathematioks, 4, 88, 137. for teaching Merchants' accounts, 129. in Queen street, 5, 139, 210, 246, 299, 349. for sewing, " Pbilligree " and writ- ing, 30. reading and sewing, 32, 33. Writing, 30, 35, 91, 104, 246, 292, 299. middle, 246. south, 246, 340, 341, 344, 349. north, 246, 283, 288 294, 299, 320,348, 349,351. in School street, 246. • Bennet street, 246. Common street, 246. Love lane, 246. wood for, 288. Visitation of the, 52-3, 54, 65, 114, 115, 184, 185, 243, 245-6, 297, 298, 346-7, 348. statistics, 246, 299, 348. masters, 53, 115, 133, 150, 171, 172-3, 185-6, 251, 324, 340, 341, 344, 349, 351,369. ushers, 133, 283, 324, 349, 351. North, repairs at, 64, 136-7. grammar, 64, 133, 246, 299, 324, 349. dancing, 91, 159. needlework, 91. painting on glass, 91. South Grammar, 246, 299, 349. repairs, 138, 364. in Treamount street (dancing), 159. free, 225. Scituate, 79. Sconce, South. (See Battery, south.) Scotland, 103, 299, 350. Scottow's alley, 67. Sea.flower (sloop), 317,319, 820,328. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) (See alsoBvik' igrants.) Sea street, 202, 340. Sedan, repair of, 227-8. 396 City Document No. 87. Belectmon, meetings of, 1,2, 3, 4, r>, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, l i, 15, la, 17, 18, ID, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 23, 27, 23, 20, 30, 32. 3 5, 3 1, Gr>, 33, 40, 42, 43, 44, 4.>, 4'J, 47, 43, 43, 00, 51, 52, 51, 55, 57, 5S, 50, GO, Oi, 03, Gl, 05, 63, G3, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 70, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, t 6, 87, 83, S'J, 00, 01, 92, 03, 91, 0.5, CO, f/7, 03, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 103, 107, 103, 100,110, 111, 112, 313, 114, 115, UG, 117, lis, 119, 120, 121, 125, 124, 125, 12G, 127, 123, 120, 13i, 132, 133, 131. 130, 137, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 141, 145, 14G, 147, 1-18, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, i:,5, 156, 157, 158, 150, 1G2, 1G3, 1G4, 165, 103, 137, 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 183, 187, 183, 190, 191, 192, 193, 191, 195, 190, 197, 198, 190, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 203, 207, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 210,217,218,219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 221, 225,220, 227, 2-.'8, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 23G, 237, 23^, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 215„213, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 253, 257, 258, 259, 260, 231, 262, 263, 234, 265, 20 !, 267, 26'^, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 230, 281, 282, 23 5, 2S4, 233, 288, 289. 200, 291, 292, 203, 291,297, 293, 290, 300, 301,303, 304, 3J6, 307, 309, 312, 313, 314, 315, 31G, 317,318, 319,320, S.'l, 322, 323, 321, 325, 327, 323,329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 337, 340, 341, 342, 3-!3, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 3-19, 350, 351, 352, 35:'-, 355, S5G, 357, 358, 359, 360,301,302,363, 364, 3^5, 33G, 3G7, 368, 369, 370, 371. Sextons or grave-disrgers, 26, 58, 59, 86, 166, 231, 233, 281, 286, 287, 341. Sheaf Ktreet, 07, 3G1. Ship carpenter, 303. (See also Trades.) Ship street, 07, 12D, 203, 229, 254, 255, 309. 361. Shippcu's Crane, ia Dock square, 202, 203. Shipping. (Sec Ships, Vessels, etc.) Ships, vessels, etc.. 3, 5, 7,9,11, 12,15,16, 18, 3i, 33, 37, 30, 40, 43, 44, 47, 48, 4u, 56, 57, .59, GO, 70, 71, 72, 76,7?, 79, 81 , 82,83, 85,83, 89, 90, 91, 92,93,107, 148, 102, 1-4, 17G-7, 181, 183, 180, 187, 188, 198, 201, 202, 212, 215-16, 240, 258, 257, 253. 259, 260, 261, 26 ', 233, 265, 20G, 267, 238, 304, 307, 303, 314, 315, 316-18, 319, 320, 328, 342, 347, 350, 351, 360, 365, 367. building, 224. yard, 238, 277, 299, papers, 318, 319. Shops, permits to open. (See Trade.) Short street, 202. Shows, travelling, permit to exhibit, 225. Shrimptoii's hill, hiijhvv^ay at, to repair, 75. lane, 130, 25 i, 255, 350. 358, 362. Slave traffic, 187. (See also Guinea, coast of.) Slaves, 45, 187. Slip, town's, 18, 41. running from Fish street, 63. (See also Wharves.) Small-pox, 11, 15, 16, 13, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 43, 52, 57, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 100, 104, 105, 113, 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 155, 156, 16J-3, 161, 173, 174, 183, 180, 187,192, 195, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 216, 241, 244, 243, 2i7, 250, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 263, 235, 267, 288, 269, 272, 278, 270, 282, 287. Snow (vessel), 350. (See also Ships, Ves- sels, etc.) Snow (also called Snowhill) street, lower end of, 155, 156, 158, 159. Snow charming VIolly (vessel), 81. (See also Ships, Vossela, etc.) Snow Unity (vessel), 212. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Soldiers, 73. eent to .Mmshousc, 73. South burying place, 23, 2 i. 37,38, 73, 80, 104, 105, IK-, 134, 170,286. lonibj in 29, 37, 80, 310,134,154,247,287. drain in, 29, 38, 78, 334, 354. permit to erect tombs, 305, 116. herbage of, to lease, 318, 170, 372, 219. brick wall in, to build, 1 14. to koepia repair, 154. South Carolina, 202. 200, 231, 279. End, 35, 48, 123, 339, 167, 177, 179, 180, 19 253, 277, 307, 320, 322, 363, 335. highway at, 124. tire engine for, to provide, 171. watch 1-ouse at, 141, 290, 310. (See also Watch.) engine for weighing hay at, 162, 178. land at, to view, 173, 295. market, 66, 110. to lease, 42, C8. (See also Market.) Sconce. (Sec, I3attery, South.) street, 8, 07, 235. Yarmouth, 48. Southborough, vS. Spanish Town, 181. (See also Islands.) Specie, coined eilver, 225. Spectacle Island, 13. S3, 30, 37, 40. 70, 71, 82, 83, 86,94, 95, 258,260. escape from, 43. to convey goods from, 43,44, 43. (Sec a lf.0 Islands.) Star Tavern (formerly), 54. (See also Tav- erns.) Stationer aiid hook-binder, 53. (See also Trades.) Stocks, the, 173. Stoughton, G2. St. Christophers. (See Saint Christophers.) St. Domingo. (See Santo Domingo.) St. Eustatia. (See Eu'^tatia.) St. (Jeorgcs. (See Saint (ieoigcs.) St. Kitt's. (6'(?e Saint Christopher's.) St. Thomas. (Sec Saint 'J'homaa.) Strangers, appointment of person to inquire as to, 321, 322. (See also Aliens or for- eigners.) Streets, 163, 170, 176, 180,202-1,235, 242, 270, 308-0, 321, 332, 333, 335, 336, 340, 343, 350, 352, 360-1. lino of, 39. to cleanse, 1-35, 225. pavement of, 32, 41, 74, 108, 111-12, 119, 137, 184, l'.i6, 231,250, 254, 300, 301, 309, 319, 334, 313, 358, 362, 363. common sewers, 4, 32, 38, 51,57, 70, 77, 80, 84, 104, 172, 179, 18t, 184, 396, 2:jr., 210, 231, 232, 307, 315, 321, 333. 333, 313, 350, 352. refuse, 225, 230. 367. (See o/.vo the following): — Ann, Atkinson's, Back, Baker's alley, Battery alley. Beacon, Beer lane, Black horse lane. Brattle, Cambridge, Century, Charter, Clark's square. Cold lane. Com- mon, Cornhill, Cow lane. Crooked lane, Cross, Day's lane. Dock square, Esses, Fish, Fleet, Frog lane, George Gibbin's court, Gibb'ii lane. Half Square court, Hanover, HawUin's, Henchman's lane, Hollis, Hull, JoyUft''fl lane, King, Lev erett'fl lane, Long lane, Lovo lane. Love, I^ynn, Mackcral lane, Marlborough, Marshall's lane, Middle, Milk, Minot's court, Newbury, North, Oliver, Orange, I'addey's alley, I'oino's alley, Pierce'* Index to Places and Subjects. 397 alley, Pond, Prince, Purchase, Queen, Round lane, Salem, Salutation alley. Sea, School, Scottow's alley, Sheaf, Ship, Snow, South, Sudbury, Summer, Sun, Treamount, Union, Walker's, Water, West, Wilson's lane, Wing's lane, Win- ter, Wood lane. Success (Man of- war), 317. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Sudbury street, 80, 130, 308. Suffield, 242. Suffolk county, 6, 8, 37, 38, 60, 61, 65, 83, 92, 103, 110, 120, 144, 151, 161, 165, 169, 175, 178, 179, 189, 236, 280, 291, 293, 296, 340, 341, 368. sheriff of, 37, 38, 46, 110, 112, 175, 179, 236, 239, 291, 296, 340, 341. Sugar baker, 217. {See also Trades.) Suits, 330, 344. va. Robert Kelly, 13, 21. Daniel Dupee et ux., 14, 21. Ludgate, et al., 15. John Osgood, 19, 21. CoUop, 307. James Everill's heirs, 32, 37, 53, 64, 83, 86, 88, 89-90, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103, 126, 131, 134, 143, 158-9, 163, 164, 165, 171, 182, 211, 228, 344. William Lorkin, 108. Estate of Edward Alleyn, 55. Ichabod Paddock, 182. Stephen Minot, 204. Capt. Timothy McDaniel, 219. Nathaniel Gay, 233. Capt. Joseph Hubbard, 260. Benj. Albuoy, 312. James Halsey, 312. Hugh Hill, 351. Samuel Butler, 312. Jacob Wendell, 331-2. Mrs. , Norton, 347. , Glin, 366. Nathl. Welch, 367. vs. Town, concerning Fish street nui- sance, 118. Summer street, 28, 51, 102, 105, 138, 170, 208, 232, 241, 242, 245, 246, 255, 315, 361. Sun Tavern, 184, 368. (See also Taverns.) Sun street, 309. Sureties, bonds to be given as, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 20, 27, :.l, 32, 33, 34, 39, 44, 46, 47, 50, 51-52, 54, 56, 57-8, 60, 61, 62, 64, 71-2, 76, 78, 79-80, 81, 85, 87, 88, 92, 102, 104, 109, 115, 117, 121, 124, 132, 136, 140, 141-2, 148, 149-50, 151, 154-5,158, 162, 1 68, 172, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 188, 190, 207, 212, 213, 219, •220, 223, 224 , 225 , 228, 235, 237, 240, 242, 244, 245, 249, 250, 255, 261, 262, 266 269, 270, 274, 278, 286, 288, 289, 291, 298, 299, 300, 301, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 327, 330, 331, 334 , 346, 349, 350, 351, 364, 366, 367. Index of names of persons acting as, to make, 298. names of persons acting as, 316, 323. Surveys. (See Perambulations or Surveys.) Swanzey, 10. Swine, regulating of, hogreves, choice of, 176. Swing bridge, 20. to repair, 4T. (See also Bridge.) Tailor, 54, 108, 109, 191, 238, 299, 366. (See also Trades. ) Tarpaulin Cove, 85. Taverns : — Bunch of Grapes, 250. Exchange, 14. Taverns : — Golden Ball, the, 285. Green Dragon, the, 144. Horse Shoe, the, 206. Orange tree, the, 53, 100, 115, 166, 176, 329. Salutation Tavern, 229. Sign of the Bull, 28. Sign of the Dolphiu, 139. Sign of the Globe, 320. Sign of the Greyhound, 134. Sign of the Hawk, 241. Sign of the Lamb, 120, 320. Star (formerly) Tavern, 54. Sun Tavern, 184, 368. Three Horse Shoes, the, 120. White Horse, the, 306. Taxes, 6, 23, 171, 371. collectors of, 6, 7, 9, 10, 78, 81, 87, 146, 149, 150, 151, 154, 160, 161, 180, 189, 215, 220, 273-4. to qualify, 146. concerning collecting of, 214. (See also Rates.) Tliree Horse Shoes, the, 120. (See also Tav- erns.) Tilley's wharf, 238. (See also Wharves.) Tobacconist, 286. (See also Trades.) Tombs, 134, 168. drain from, 29. brick wall, to erect, 29, 168. permit to build, 23, 29, 37, 54, 116, 136. 186, 247, 349. petition to erect, 53, 105, 116, 154, 168. injury to, 104. list of tombs, 154. rules to be observed in building. price for opening, 287. (See also Burial places.) Topeham, 366. Town, houses or lands belonging to. (See Lands.) House, 1, 12, 26, 30, 31, 38, 44, 49, 53, 59, 68, 70, 101, 110, 114, 115. 118, 120, 124, 143, 157, 166, 175, 189, 191, 199, 210, 211, 214, 218, 226, 233, 236, 246, 247, 264, 279, 291, 292, 293, 296, 308, 310, 329, 332, 341, 344, 345, 366, 370. cellars under, leased, 210, 211, 269, 289, 292, 321, 322, 339. meetings, 6, 26, 30, 110, 166, 170, 176, 190, 340. officers, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13,14, 19,20, 22, 23, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 38, 46,47, 49, 50,51, 58, 60, 63, 66,69, 70, 76, 78, 86, 87, 90, 94, 96, 99, 100, 101, 104, 107, 110, 112, 115, 116, 117, 119, 124, 125, 134, 141, 142, 143, 146, 148,149, 150, 152,155, 158, 160-62, 164, 166, 175, 176, 179, 181, 182, 185, 189, 191, 197, 202, 205, 208, 210, 211, 220, 221, 222, 224, 226, 239, 242, 244, 245, 249, 250, 275-6, 279, 283, 292, 293, 299, 300, 302, 303, 313, 316, 319, 324, 325-7, 329, 340. public dinner to provide, 26, 39, 53, 115, 166, 167, 176, 186, 226, 237, 243, 280, 329, 340, 347. allowance, per hexd, to constables for a dinner, 26, 226, 280, 329. warn inhabitants to attend meetings, 26, 30, 49, 70-1, 110, 116, 124, 125, 143, 151, 157, 166, 175-6, 189, 199, 214, 218, 226, 236, 247, 264, 279 , 280, 290-1, 292, 293, 296, 329, 341, 344, 345,359, 371. fire-arms, to cleanse, 228 stamp, 228. (See also Arms, Ammunition, etc.) 398 City Document No. 87. Town, warning to depart the, 4, 6, 13, 19, 20, 36, 58, 63, 103, 108, 120, 139, 148, 156, 213, 214, 236, 248, 270, 294, 320, 323, 331, 333, 347, 357, 361, 363, 365, 366. list kept of persons warned to depart the, 60. visitation of, 21, 24, 25, 97, 160, 161, 220, 221, 274, 275, 325-7. defenceless state of, 199. debt of Samuel Kneeland to the, 74, 75, 173. loans to, 7. dock. ( See Dock.) slips, 18, 41. pound, 42, 43. supply of wood for the, 27. stock of powder, 231. candlesticks, etc., for use of, 364. Townships, 27, 28, 29, 31, 37, 39, 45, 49, 65, 58, 87, 98, 99, 101, 103, 131, 143, 150-1, 172, 173, 190, 363. No. One, 56, 60, 66, 96, 132. No. Two, 56, 60, 61, 66, 175. conditions of sale, 56, 60. report of the sale of, 71. (See also Lands.) money received for, 194, 227. Trade, 343. petition to ho allowed to exercise, 2, 3, 17, 23, 34, 51, 74, 207. liberty to exercise trade, 3, 17, 28, 34, 50, 53, 54, 57-8, 59, 60, 62. liberty to open shop, 123, 127, 158, 173, 178, 199, 238, 267, 286, 298, 301, 304, 309, 327. Trades, 2, 3, 17, 23, 28, 34, 45, 51, 53, 54, 57, 69, GO, 62, 74, 108, 109, 126-7, 148, 162, 169, 172, 173, 189, 191, 208, 209, 210, 211, 217, 225, 228, 236, 267, 273, 286, 298, 299, 303, 327, 366, 367. Traffic, 128, 194. ( See also Lord's Day, the.) Training field. (See Common, the.) Travel, late and unseasonable, 2, 128, 194, 195, 302, 303, 354, 355. Treamount (Trcmont) street, 81, 121, 168, 284, 335. dancing-school in, 159. (See also Schools.) Treasurer, Province, 105, 182, 312, 333. Treasury, depleted condition of, 6. Trees on the Common, 35, 81, 129, 141, 163, 259, 333, 336. notice concerning, to post, 206-7. to plant, 229, 254. Trial (sloop), 90, 92. (See also Ships, Ves- sels, etc.) Trinity church, 105, 170, 285, 337. (See also Meeting houses.) Truro, 273, 314, 363, 365, 367. Turpentine, 122, 335. Two Brothers (sloop), 47. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Two Mollys (sloop) 12. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Union street, 51, 54, 67, 74, 130, 181, 202, 203, 309, 321. Unity (schooner), 93. (See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Valuation. (See Census, statistics of) Valuations, committee of, 370. Venus (ship), 76-7. (See also Ships, Ves- sels, etc.) Verin's wharf, 241. (See also Wharves.) Victuallers, 109, 217, 225. (See also Trades.) Virginia, 75, 78, 217, 261, 365. capes of, 319. Voting, concerning. assessors to prepare list of real es- tate, etc., affecting, 101, 167, 279. Waldo's wharf, 240. (See also Wharves.) Walker's street, 204. Wards or Precincts, division of town into, 24, 25. Justices and selectmen to patrol, 26, 160-1, 221-2, 275-6, 326-7. Warrants, 95-6, 127, 143, 144-5, 168, 175, 188, 192, 259, 260, 272, 282, 293, 302, 354, 367. Watch, 366. houses, 1, 77, 112, 141, 249-50, 306, 307, 310, 313, 366. near North Market, 1. charcoal for, 313. inspection of, 26, 262. at the Neck, 2, 128, 193, 195, 251, 301, 302, 353, 354. on the Lord's Day, 2, 127-8, 193, 194- 5, 251, 301, 302, 353, 354, 355. selectmen and justices to form a, 26. private (called Merchants'), 364. to review, 38. persons chosen on, 53. at Rainsford Island, 95, 96. at hospital (Clough's house), 216, 219, 282, 292. men, 112, 150, 177, 180, 218, 231, 236, 237 , 242, 244, 245, 249-60, 253, 259, 364, 366. at Mr. Warden's house, 113. military, 127, 194, 302, 354. house adjoining Town House, to re- pair, 1, 308. house in King street, to repair, 77. in Milk street, 192. south, 112, 249-50, 290. at Jonathan Foster's house, 144. at hospitals, 146, 192, 264, 268, 278. houses, coal for, 324. at Dock, 249-50, 306, 344. on Long wharf, 364. Watch-maker, 172. (See also Trades.) Water from the Common. (See Common, the.) Water street, 29, 57, 199, 202, 343. town's houses in, 66, 69, 147, 150, 151. lands in, 107, 140, 142, 147, 149, 150, 151, 199. Watertown, 364. Ways, mill bridge, to pave, 3. to cleanse, 135. Ways, high, 251. to view, 230. Orange street, drain, 4. to pave, 41. Rumney marsh, to repair, 10, 12, 38, 58, 73, 74, 85, 171. Davie's lane, trespass on, 14. Barton's Ropewalk, 15, 41, 190, 233, 235. Long lane, obstructions, 19. highway on Neck, 23, 35, 53, 232, 234, 301. Summer street, to ascertain breadth, 28. Water street, to clean drain, 29. Charter street, drain in, 32. to the Mills, 32. Oliver street, line of, to run, 39. Wood lane, to pave, 41. Fish street, slip running from, en- croachment, 63. nuisance in, 108, 113, 115, 118. to North Mills, 63. Cross street, nuisance to abate, 64. Brattle street church, highwaj' near, 65. Beacon street, to level, 72. encroachments, 192-3. Union street, to repair drain, 74. highway at Shrimpton's Hill, 75. Humnev Marsh to con- firm," 8J, 91. Index to Places and Subjects. 399 Ways, pavements at North End, to improve, 108. highway on Neck, encumbrance to re- move, 120, 193. new highway at South End, obstruc- tion to remove, 124. Merchants' Row, nuisance in, to abate, 143, 184. Snow street, lower end of, to alter, 155, 156, 158, 159. . Queen street, nuisance in, to abate, 169. Common street to Beacon, line of posts, etc., to set, 170, 180. ^ Dock square, nuisance in, to abate, 179. Corn market, nuisance in, to abate, 184. highway from Summer street to Fort hill, to lay out, 208. battery ground, to recover from en- croachments, 225, 233, 234. Highway at Fort Hill, incumbered, 238. Half Square Court, land in, 249. highway at South End, obstruction at, 253. town's highway near new ferry place, 266, 295. market house, before, incumbrance to remove, 303. Milk street, to pave, 319. Battery March, obstruction of, 319. Orange street, to pave, cost of, 334. Weekly Journal, 68. {See also News- papers.) Weekly News Letter, 68. {See also News- papers.) Weights, measures, etc., 46, 51, 104, 105, 109, 111, 164, 171. weighing of hay, 74, 158, 162, 178, 179, 180, 330, 331. engine for, 71, 162, 272. sealer of, 104, 105, 111, 272, 330,331. weighing, etc., 122, 178,335. Wells. {See Pumps and Wells.) Wentworth's wharf, 8, 45, 130, 203, 239, 241, 314, 359. {See also Wharves.) West (End) of Boston, 308. West End, 122, 335. engine at, 340. men, 340. West Indies, 343. ( See also Islands.) West street, 121,335. Weymouth, 331, 332. Whale (sloop), 90. {See also Ships, Ves- sels, etc.) Whalefin (schooner), 183. {See also Ships, V^gssgISj etc.) Wharves, 238, 259, 290, 300, 336, 369. Long, 7, 112, 121, 122, 324, 364. Wentworth's, 8, 45, 130, 203, 239, 241, 314, 359. town's slip, 18, 41, 64, 115. slip near Ifish street, 63. near North Battery, 290, 295, 305, 332. Scarlet's, 67, 240, 282. Grater's, 69. Clark's, 130, 202, 203, 240, 254, 308, 355, 361. Hill's, 130, 240, 241. Bulls, 177, 237, 245, 340, 366. Cradock's, 190. Tilley'e, 238. Wharves, Hearsey's 238. Hutchinson's, 239. Halsey'fl, 239. ■^^'^leeler's, 240. Lee's, 240. Waldo's, 240. Byles', 240. Blanchard's, 240. Verin's, 241. Colman's, 239, 241, 350. Gray's, 245. Parker's, 245. Pitts', 260, 289. Banister's, 280. Dyer's, 285. wharfinger, 293. Wheat. {See Breadstuffs.) Wheel of Fortune (sloop), 240. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Wheeler's Pond, to lill, 171, 177. wharf, 240. {See also Wh^TvoB.) Whitehorse Tavern, 306. {See also Taverns.) Wigmaker. Hair dresser.) Wilson's lane, 309. Wing's lane, 55, 100, 146, 270, 271, 277, 352. Wine, pipes of, 335. cargo of, 43. {See also Imports.) cooper, 211. ( See also Trades.) carriage of, 122. Winnisimet Ferry, 24, 63, 105. leasing of, 47, 69, 77, 106, 156, 306. Winter street, 38, 255. common sewer in. {See Drains.) to prevent water running into, from Common, 176. Wood, 315. cord, 145, 146, 182, 235, 261, 272, 280, 288, 294. viewer and sealer of, 293, 358. choice of, 64, 113, 193, 203-4, 237, 239, 240, 241, 245, 355, 359. allowance, 65, 204, 238, 239, 240, 241, 245. precincts of, 65, 204, 238, 239, 240, 241, 245, 359. laws concerning, 65. shingles, surveyors of, 229. damaged, to reject, 229. barrels, 122, 335. (timber) for building, 153, 225, 233, 303. dye. {See Dye-woods.) for mechanical purposes, 122, 188, 335. Wood lane, 41, 254, 315. to pave, 115. Wool comber, 59. (^ee a /.50 Trades.) Wool, cotton, 186. {See also Imports.) Workhouse, 102, 242, 285, 369. to erect a, 27, 30, 38, 66. keeper of, 285. completion of, 189. wood for, 235. Writs, 126, 165, 301, Yarmouth (sloop), 52. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Young Club (sloop), 186. {See also Ships, Vessels, etc.) Yellow fever, 307-8. {See also Disease, infectious.) \