' i QUINQUENNIAL CATALOGUE . OF THE SAINT LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY 1856-90 QUINQUENNIAL CATALOGUE OF THE TRUSTEES, OFFICERS AND GRADUATES AND OF STUDENTS NOT GRADUATES OF THE SAINT LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY 1856-1890 CANTON, NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1890 CONTENTS. Members of the Corporation ....... 3 Members of the Faculty ........ 6 Corporation, 1890 ......... 9 Faculty, 1890 . . . . . . . . . . 10 Alumni of the College of Letters and Science .... 11 Doctor of Philosophy, and Masters of Arts or Science . . .17 Bachelors of Laws ........ 17 Graduates of the Theological School . . . . . .18 Honorary Graduates ........ 22 Summary .......... 24 Index of Names ......... 25 The names of ordained clergymen are printed in Italics. A star (*) prefixed to a name denotes that the individual is deceased. In every case in which the year of the decease is known, except in the case of officers and members of the faculty, it is indicated at the right. All persons, who can furnish information appropriate to the future editions of the Quinquennial Catalogue or Obituary Record, are urgently requested to communicate with the Librarian of the University. It is desired especially to keep a full record of the public services, published writings, and literary and scientific work of both graduates and non- graduates ; also of their present addresses, and of the dates of death and the ages of the deceased. A book has been opened by the Librarian for the reception of notices of the Alumni. All biographical sketches, newspaper and magazine notices, and obituaries of Alumni, and notices and reviews of their works and services are desired for this record. An annual catalogue is issued by the University and may be had on application to the secretaries of' the faculties. MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION. Elected PRESIDENTS. 1856 THOMAS JEFFERSON SA WYER, D.D. 1867 *MARTIN THATCHER . 1868 RICHMOND FISK , D.D. 1871 MONAS SHELDON CONKEY, M.D. . 1888 ARTHUR GUINNESS ROGERS 1887 EDWIN ATKINS MERRITT, LL.D. SECRETARIES. 1856 Levi Bidwell Storrs 1884 George Robinson 1886 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A. TREASURERS. 1856 Barzillai Hodskin 1863 Levi Bidwell Storrs 1882 George Robinson TRUSTEES. 1856 * Jacob Harsen, M.A., M.D. 1856 *Preston King, M.A. 1856 *John Leslie Russell, M.A. 1856 Sidney Lawrence 1856 *George Corlis Sherman 1856 Francis Seger 1856 *Martin Thatcher 1856 Barzillai Hodskin 1856 Levi Bidwell Storrs 1856 *Theodore Caldwell 1856 *James Sterling 1856 Frederick Christian Havemeyer 1856 *Caleb Barstow 1856 *Thomas Wallace 1856 *Josiah Barber Retired 1867 1868 1871 1883 1887 1884 1886 1863 1882 1856 1863 1862 1857 1863 1857 1869 1878 1884 1878 1863 1859 1867 1859 1867 4 St. Lawrence University. [1890 Elected Retired 1856 *Norman Van Nostrand ...... 1867 1856 *George Ellis Baker, M.A. . . . . . 1868 1856 *Peter H Bitley 1888 1856 *H. W. Barton 1859 1856 *Augustus Caesar Moore ...... 1867 1856 Thomas Jefferson Sawyer . D.D. . . . . 1867 1856 * William Stevens Batch ...... 1869 1856 *John Mather Austin ...... 1880 1856 Lewis Crebasa Browne . . . . . . . 1873 1856 George Washington Montgomery , D.D. 1856 fPitt Morse 1860 1856 *Socrates Norton Sherman, M.A., M.D. . . . 1872 1857 *David Canfield Judson ...... 1863 1857 *Fli Ballou - . . 1869 1859 *Ainaziah Bailey Janies ...... 1871 1859 *Mart.in Lawrence Parlin ..... 1867 1859 *Nathan Crary , 1867 1860 *Ebenezer Fisher , D.D. . . . . . 1879 1863 Abel Azro Simmons ...... 1882 1863 Hartwell Jennison . . . * . . 1869 1863 *William Chase Shaw ...... 1872 1863 *Lauriston Amsden ...... 1869 1863 *Lafayette Jotham Bigelow ..... 1869 1863 *Silas Clark Herring . . . . . . 1872 1867 John Stebbins Lee , D.D. 1867 James Brayley ....... 1879 1867 * Jonas Sheldon Conkey, M.D. . . . . 1883 1867 Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D. ..... 1868 Richmond Fisk , D.D. . . . . . 1872 1868 James Minton Pullman , D.D. . . . . 1885 1868 *Horatio Robinson, M.D. 1889 1869 Benjamin Franklin Romaine ..... 1869 1869 *John Glass Bartholomew , D.D. . . . . 1872 1869 Henry Rodee ....... 1889 1869 Joseph Washington Clowes, D.D.S. . . . . 1879 1870 Washington Wheelock 1876 1871 James Henry Chapin , Ph.D. ..... 1872 1872 * Jonas Hazard Hartzell , D.D. . . . . 1873 1872 *Martin Thatcher 1881 1872 George Robinson ....... 1873 * Luther Jacob Fletcher , D.D 1881 1874 Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A., LL.B 1890 ] Trustees. 5 Elected Retired 1874 Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph.D. ..... 1879 1874 * Wheeler Truesdall ...... 1881 1876 Absalom Graves Gaines , D.D. . ... . . 1888 18,77 David William Baldwin ..... 1878 William Augustine Poste, M.A. . . . . 1889 1878 Almon Gunnison , D.D. . . . . 1879 Isaac Morgan Atwood , D.D. 1879 Charles Hazen Russell ...... 1879 Frank Howard Ransom ...... 1883 1881 Asa Saxe , D.D. 1881 Arthur Guinness Rogers ..... 1888 1881 Lyman Bickford . . . . . . 1881 *Amos Hamilton Prescott ..... 1885 1882 *Jacob Warren Hoysradt ..... 1883 1882 Vasco Pickett Abbott, M.A., LL B. .... 1883 Charles Rufus Skinner ...... 1883 *Orlando Adelbert Rounds ..... 1887 1883 Foster L Backus, M.A., LL.B. .... 1884 Led yard Park Hale, M.S., LL.B. .... 1885 John Card Craves, M.A. 1886 William Henry McGlauflin ..... 1887 1887 A Barton Hepburn ...... 1888 Richmond Fisk , D.D. 1888 Halbert Stevens Creenleaf ..... 1888 Alpheus Baker Hervey , Ph.D. ..... 1889 Daniel Magone ....... 1889 Linus Spalding Freeman ..... 1889 Daniel Ballou ....... MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY. PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE. Elected Retired 1859 JOHN STEBBINS LEE , D.D., Acting . . . 1868 1868 RICHMOND FISK , D.D. 1872 1872 ABSALOM CRAVES GAINES, D.D., Acting . . 1873 1873 ABSALOM GRAVES GAINES, D.D. . . . 1888 1889 ALPHEUS BAKER HERVEY, Ph.D. PRESIDENTS OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. 1857 *EBENEZER FISHER , D.D 1879 1879 ISAAC MORGAN ATWOOD, D.D VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE. 1883 Walter Balfour Gunnison, M.A. . . . . 1885 PROFESSORS. Dockstader , Theology and Ethics. 1857 *Ebenezer Fisher , D.D. . . . . . 1879 1879 Isaac Morgan Atwood , D.D. Chapin , Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. 1868 Richmond Fisk , D.D. . . . . . 1872 Craig , Psychology and Ethics , and Political Economy. 1872 Absalom Graves Gaines , D.D. Latin and Greek Languages. 1859 John Stebbins Lee , D.D. . . . . . 1868 1868 * Moses Marston , Ph.D 1873 1873 John Stocker Miller, M.A., LL. B. .... 1874 1874 Silas Bundy Rawson , M.A. . . . . 1875 Biblical Languages and Literature. 1861 Massena Goodrich , M.A. . . . . . 1863 Craig , Biblical Languages and Literature. 1865 Orello Cone , D.D . . . . . . 1880 1881 Henry Prentiss Forbes, D.D. . . . . [1890. Professors. 7 Elected Retired Ecclesiastical History and Archaeology. 1868 John Stebbins Lee , D.D. Mathematics. 1860 John White Clapp, M.A. . . . . . 1865 1865 Nehemiah White , Ph.D., D.D. . . . . 1871 1871 John Stocker Miller, M.A., LL.B. . . . . 1872 1872 Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A., LL.B. .... 1872 1872 Alnieron Zenas Squires, M.A., LL.B. . . . 1880 1880 Albert Elias Maltby, C.E., Acting .... 1882 1882 Frank Harrison Peck, B.S., Acting .... 1883 Hayward , Mathematics and Physics. 1883 Henry Priest, M.A. Ijatin Language and Literature. 1875 Walter Balfour Gunnison, M.A., Acting . . . 1877 1877 Walter Balfour Gunnison, M.A. .... 1885 1883 Henry Ellison Seaver, B.A., Asst. .... 1884 1890 Clement Morelle Baker, M.A. Greek Language and Literature. 1874 William Augustine Poste, M.A., Acting . . . 1875 1876 Charles Kelsey Gaines, M.A., Acting . . . 1877 1877 Charles Kelsey Gaines, M.A. Modern Languages. 1865 Nehemiah White , Ph.D., D.D. . . . . 1871 1872 Lucy Greenwood French, L.S. . . . . 1875 1875 Bernhard Jaques Pink, M.A. . . . . 1882 1882 Henry Hermann Liotard, M.A. Geology and Mineralogy. 1871 James Henry Chapin , Ph.D. Cummings, Natural History. 1888 Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph.D. ..... Practice , Pleadings , and Evidence. 1869 *William Christopher Cooke ..... 1870 Property , and Commercial and Criminal Law. 1869 Leslie Wead Russell, LL.D. ..... 1871 Domestic Relations , Personal Rights , Contracts , and Wills. 1869 *Stillman Foote, M.A. . . . . . 1871 History. 1881 Aaron Aldrich Thayer, M.A. 1882 8 St. Lawrence University. [1890 LECTURERS. Elected Retired 1870 Edwin Cortland Bolles , Ph.D., D.D., Microscopy and Zo'dlogy. 1874 1878 Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph.D., Natural Theology . . 1882 1879 William Augustine Poste, M.A. , Ecclesiastical Law . 1883 1880 Aaron Aldrich Thayer , M.A., History . . . 1881 1883 Oscar Fitzalan Safford, D.D., Preaching . . . 1885 1885 Adoniram Judson Patterson , D.D., Preaching . . 1886 1886 * William Henry Ryder , D.D., Preaching . . . 1888 1888 George Landor Perin , D.D., Preaching . . . 1889 1890 Alonzo Ames Miner , D.D., LL.D. Preaching INSTRUCTORS. 1871 * William Alexander Rich , LL.B., D.D., Greek and Latin 1872 1875 Annette Jane Shaw, M.A., M.D., Greek . . . 1876 1876 Clara Weaver, M.A., Botany ..... 1882 1881 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A., Civil Government . 1882 1882 Ledyard Park Hale, M.S., LL.B., Rhetoric . . . 1883 1884 Henry Ellison Seaver, B.A., English . . . 1885 1885 Charles Kelsey Gaines, M.A., English Literature . 1885 Clement Morelle Baker, M.A., Latin . . . 1890 1886 Frederic Schiller Lee, Ph.D., Biology . . . 1887 1887 Robert Dale Ford, M.S., Mathematics . . . 1890 TUTORS. 1869 Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A., LL.B 1870 1869 John Stocker Miller, M.A., LL.B. .... 1870 1869 Lovina Doty, B.S. ...... 1870 1870 William Augustine Poste, M.A. .... 1871 1871 Marcia Almira Davis, L.S. . . . . . 1872 1871 *Martha A Hardacker, M.A. . . . . 1872 1872 Foster L Backus, M.A., LL.B. .... 1873 1872 * Hiram Adolphus Merrell , M.S. . . . . 1873 1873 Walter Balfour Gunnison, M.A. .... 1875 1873 *Harleigh William Sheldon, M.S. . . . . 1874 1873 Annette Jane Shaw , M.A., M.D. . . . . 1875 1875 Charles Kelsey Gaines, M.A. . . . . 1876 1879 Joseph Vernon Witherbee, M.A. . . . . 1880 1881 William Llewellyn Fitzgibbons, M.S. . . . 1882 1881 Daniel Lincoln Fisher , B.A. . . . . . 1882 LIBRARIANS. 1871 * Moses Marston , Ph.D. ...... 1873 1873 Isaac Phillips Booth ...... 1874 1874 Ebenezer Everett Fisher, M.D. .... 1878 1878 Campbellina Pendleton Woods-Gaines, M.A. . . 1884 1884 Charles Kelsey Gaines, M.A. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN. 1886 Henry Prentiss Forbes , D.D. THE CORPORATION. Hon. Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D., Potsdam, President. Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A., Canton, Secretary. George Robinson, Esq., Canton, Treasurer. Rev. George Washington Montgomery, D D,, Rochester. Rev. John Stebbins Lee, D.D., Canton. Hon. Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A.,LL.B., Carthage. David William Baldwin, Esq., Watertown. Rev. Almon Gunnison, D.D., Worcester, Mass. Rev. Isaac Morgan Atwood, D.D., Canton. Hon. Charles Hazen Russell, Brooklyn. Rev. Asa Saxe, D.D., Rochester. Lyman Bickford, Esq., Macedon. Hon. Vasco Pickett Abbott, M.A., LL.B., Gouverneur. Hon. Charles Rufus Skinner, Watertown. Foster L Backus, M.A., LL.B., Brooklyn. Ledyard Park Hale, M.S., LL.B., Canton. Hon. John Card Graves, M.A., Buffalo. Hon. A Barton Hepburn, Canton. Rev. Richmond Fisk, D.D., Watertown. Hon. Halbert Stevens Greenleaf, Rochester. Rev. Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph.D., Canton. Hon. Daniel Magone, Ogdensburg. Linus Spalding Freeman, Esq., Middleport. Rev. Daniel Ballou, Utica. THE FACULTY. ALPHEUS BAKER H.ERVEY, Ph.D., President of the College of Letters and Science, and, Cummings Professor of Natural Science. ISAAC MORGAN ATWOOD, D.D., President of the Theological School , and Dockstader Professor of Theology and Ethics. JOHN STEBBINS LEE, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Archaeology . ABSALOM GRAVES GAINES, D.D., Craig Professor of Psychology and Ethics , and of Political Economy. JAMES HENRY CHAPIN, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. CHARLES KELSEY GAINES, M.A., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature , and Instructor in English Literature , Secretary of the College Faculty. HENRY PRENTISS FORBES, D.D., Craig Professor of Biblical Ijanguages and Literature , Secretary of the Theological School. HENRI HERMANN LIOTARD, M.A., Professor of the German and French Languages. HENRY PRIEST, M.A., Hayward Professor of Mathematics and Physics , Dean of the College Faculty. CLEMENT MORELLE BAKER, M.A., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature , Registrar. Ryder Professor of Pastoral Theology. ALONZO AMES MINER, D.D., LL.D., Lecturer on Preaching. CHARLES KELSEY GAINES, M.A., Librarian for the College. HENRY PRENTISS FORBES, D.D., Librarian for the Theological School. WASHINGTON WHEELOCK, Steward. CATALOGUE OF ALUMNI. Those not otherwise designated received the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The names of matriculates who left college before receiving their degrees are separated by a dash from the other members of their class. Students in the Preparatory School, which was discon- tinued in 1866, do not appear in this catalogue. 1863 Pardon Clarence Williams, 1886; M.A. 1886; Dist. Atty. Jeffer- son Co. ; Justice Sup. Ct. State of N. Y. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Leffert Lefferts Buck, 1885; M.S. 1885; Bvt. Maj. 60th N. Y. Vols. ; C.E. Rens. Pol. Ins. 1868; Member Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. ; Intercont. Railway Coin, for Peru 2 1865 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Delos McCurdy, M.S. ; District Atty. St. Lawrence Co. Hiram Henry Ryel, M.S. ; Dist. Atty. Lewis Co. 1866 LAUREATES OF SCIENCE. Mary Cordelia Herrick -Haw- kins Sarah Elmina Sprague, M.S. ; Ph.D. 1884 1867 Vasco Pickett Abbott, M.A.; LL.B. Union 1868; Trustee. Surrogate St. Lawrence Co. LAUREATES OF SCIENCE. Marcia Almira Simmons-Davis, Tutor Alma Grace Watson, M.S.; In- structor Swarthmore College Zelia Ellis Willson-Harris 1868 Almeron Zenas Squires, M.A. ; LL.B. 1870; Prof. Math.; Spe- cial Sur. St. Lawrence Co. LAUREATE OF SCIENCE. Charlotte Marion Ware-Barnum 2 1869 AllenEugeneKilby,M. A. ; LL.B. 1870; Prof. Math.; Trustee; Memb. N. Y. Assembly JohnStockerMiller,M. A. ; LL.B. 1870; Prof. Math.; Prof. Latin and Greek BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Lovina Doty-Barnum, Tutor Julius Frederick Simmons ,M. S. ; Theol. School 1872 4 1870 1871 William Augustine Poste, M.A.; Acting Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit.; Trustee; Dep. Atty. Gen. State of N. Y.; Civil Service Commissioner Albert Duane Shaw, 1886; M.A. 1886; Priv. 35th N. Y. Vols.; Col. 36th N. G. S. N.Y. ; Memb. N. Y T . Assemb.; U. S. Consul Toronto; U. S. Consul Man- chester, England Luther Dan Witherbee BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. , Elizabeth Alzina Barber-Hos- 4 ! tetter 12 St. Lawrence University. [1890 Grosvenor Swan Farmer, M.S.; M.D. N. Y. Horn. Med. Col- lege 1874 Martha Lovina Haskell Sylvester Nott Judd, LL.B. Union 1872 Sarah Rosamond Puffer -Mur- dock Fannie Matilda Wolcott- Judd *Stephen Mahlon Wolcott, M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1874 *1886 10 -*1 Jane Eloise Ingalls-Fisk-Cooper George Alexander Miller, LL.B. 1871 Janies O’Neill, B.A. Cornell 1871; LL.B. Union 1873; Mem- ber Wis. Assemb. ; Dist. Atty. Clark Co., Wis. Frank Puffer *Emma Malvina Sykes *1871 Arthur JohnWaugh, B.A. Ham- ilton 1872 Medora Williams Emma Moxley-Squires 8 -*1 1872 George James Clarke, M.A. Leslie Alexander Lee, M.A. ; Ph.D. (Zodl. and Geol.) 1885; Student Harvard Univ. ; Prof. Geol. and Biol. Bowdoin Coll. ; Memb. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ; Am. Soc. Nat.; Societe Ento- mologique Beige; Portland Soc. Nat. * James Stowell , M.A. *1873 Rollin Eugene Sumner Robert Emmet Waterman, 1887 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Daniel Bulkeley *Martha A Hardacker, M.A. 1882; Tutor *1884 Mary Louise -Traffarn- Whitney 8 -*2 Emma Chrigstrom * Arthur Warren Fisk, LL.B. 1871 *1883 Corrie Estelle Packard-Marvin William Morton Pick slag, B.A. St. Stephens 1874; Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1877 Robert Scruton 5 -*1 1873 Foster L Backus, M.A. ; LL.B. Hamilton 1874; Tutor; Trus- tee Annette Jane Shaw, M.A. ; Theo. Sch. 1876; Tutor; Instr. in Greek; M.D. Bennett Medical College 1884 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. *Eva Dolly Heaton-Pink, M.S. *1883 * Hiram Adolphus Merrell , M. S. ; Theol. Sch. 1876; Tutor *1884 *Harleigh William Sheldon, M.S. ; Tutor *1879 Charles Leslie Simmons Fremont Wayne Spicer Lois Iola Witherbee 8 -*3 Laura Baker-Gay John Cook Doty * William Henry Faulkner *1881 Emily Hesselgrave George Eadie Morris Hattie Elizabeth Wood-Forbes 6 -*1 1874 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Charles Franklin Ainsworth, LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1876; Dist. Atty. Jackson Co., Wis. Viola Austin-Griffin 2 Angeline Bullis George Harper Nellie Jennison *Henry Judson More *188;} *Cicero Eugenio Pierce *1872 Pitt Clifton Rich Charles Cornelius VanWaters, M.D. Univ. City of N.Y. 1879 7-*2 1875 Walter Balfour Gunnison, M.A. ; Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit.; Vice-Pres. Coll. Let. and Sci.; Pres. N. Y. State Teachers Association Frank McCluskey BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. John Ebenezer Cheetham, M.S. 1890\ Alumni. Lelon Ansil Doolittle, LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1879 Marshall Erwin Doolittle, M.S. ; M. D. Univ. Mo. 1880 Mary Elizabeth Mohan-Magin- nis Albertus Alonzo Smith, M.A. 1881 Abbie Squires-Martyn 8 1876 Eddy Howard Bugbee, M.A. ; Prof. Math. Penn. State Nor- mal Sell., Shippensburgh, Pa. Charles Kelsey Gaines, M.A.; Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit.; Instr. in Eng. Lit. ; Librarian John Clarence Lee , and Har- vard 1878; M. A. ; Theol. School 1880; Prof. Eng. Lit. and Rhet. and Prof. Homiletics and Bib- lical Interp. Lombard Univ. Clara Weaver-Robinson, M.A. ; Instr. in Bot. ; Student Har- vard Annex BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. John B Hagartv, LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1883 Ledyard Park Hale, M.S. ; LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1878; Instr. in Rhet.; Trustee Inez Ardie Jones Seymour Janies Merrell Emma Powell-Nutting Bessie Adams Weeks-Doolittle James Stewart White 11 Vincent Azariah Crandall, B.S. Syracuse Univ. 1876; M.D. Syracuse 1884 Morgan Percy Marion Aurilla Southworth- Ai ns worth Mary Jane Southworth-Pierce 4 1877 Frank Nash Cleaveland, M.A. Martha Augusta Hill, M.A. CliftonAdelbertNorthrop,M.A. ; M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Baltimore 1882 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, and Harvard 1881: M. A.; Instr. in Civ. Govt. ; Secretary BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Frank Harrison Peck, 1886; Graduate U. S. Mil. Academy West Point 1880; Prof. Math. ; Dist. Atty. Jefferson Co. Martha Emeline Sheldon-Mar- tin *Laura Flack-Martin Mary Flack- Wood Miles Reynolds Martin George Leslie Puffer Lewis Philip Sharp 5 1878 John Nelson Bassett, M.A. ;M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1882 Frederic Schiller Lee, M.A. ; Fel- low Johns Hopk.Univ. ; Ph.D. (Biol.) Johns Hopk. 1885 ; Student Univ. of Leipsic; Instr. in Biol.; Assoc, in Biol. Bryn Mawr Coll. Welton Claude Percy, M.A. Joseph Clarence Willson, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1880 Campbellina Pendleton Woods- Gaines, M.A. ; Librarian BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Estelle May Brees Hurlbut Arthur Levi Chapman *Mary Loretto Grace * 8 Thomas Llewellyn Botsford, M.D. N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. 1878 Rollin Edson Doolittle, LL.B. Union Univ. 1879 Anna Ellsworth-Poste Winifred Heminway-Havens Willie Eugene Lawrence Erastus Peter Matteson Christopher Carson Peck George Clark Sawyer George William Smith Fred Arthur Sykds 1879 Percy Isaac Bugbee, M. A. ; Prof. Math. State Norm. Sell. One- onta 14 St. Lawrence University. [1890 William Herbert Nickelson, M.A.; M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. Chicago 1881 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Ida Maria Farns-Bugbee, M.S. Henry Parker Gale Lucia Elizabeth Heaton, M.S. *Charles Joseph Lovell * 1886 6 -*1 Georgietta Bacheller-Hale *Adella Jerusha Church *1888 Brayton Richardson Clark Almeda Betsey Coon-Connable Ralph Emerson Crane Luman Hyde William Herbert Kendall Wilson Seeley Lewis Lovina Merrell Fred Loren Santway, M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. 1879 *Vina Sherman-Hosley *1887 Henry Bloomfield South worth 12 -*2 1880 Herbert Foster Gunnison, M.A. John Leland Heaton Byron Traver Benjamin Franklin Willson, M.A. Joseph Vernon Witherbee, and Harvard 1881; M. A.; Tutor BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Joseph L Edsall George Davis Judson Alice Gilman Mason Lilian Almeda White Caroline Submit Salls-McClus- key 10 Marshall Hastings Arnold William Ellery Barrett, B.A. Dartmouth 1880 ; Speaker Mass. Legis. Helen Eugenia Cleaveland Michael John Doyle Robert James Drake William Herbert Drury Clara Fowler Minnie Louisa Gillett Alice Hanson-Witherbee Eliza Osborne Putnam-Heaton, B.A. Boston Univ. 1880 *Holton Luther Robinson *1890 Daniel McRostie Taylor, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. Phila. 1884 Matthew Samuel Wallace 13 -*1 1881 Lawrence Clark Sawyer * William Bernard Woods *1885 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. James Edward Coloton Elihu Everett Gifford 4 -*1 Sarah Emily Bailey Hattie Champlin-Aldrich Michael Endersbee Herbert Greeley Farmer Herbert Merton Farmer Carlos W Gully George Ronald Malby, Memb. N. Y. Assembly Leslie James Robinson George Abram Russell, M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. Chicago 1882 Ira Otis Tracy, M.D. Columbia 1882 , 10 1882 Florence Josephine Lee. M.A.; Student LeipsicConserv. Mus. Irene Louese Lewis Lawson Carter Rich, M.A. ; Gen. Theol. Sem. 1889 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Addison Irving Bacheller Isabel Amelia Church Charlotte Elizabeth Dezell Harriet Anna Dezell-Malby William Llewellyn Fitzgibbons, M.S. ; Tutor Nellie Elmina Folsom Carrie Demira Jackson-Sawver Joseph Boardman Noble, M.S.; M.D. Rush Med. Coll. Chicago 1886 Anna Hepsibah Stockton-Pettit 1890 ] Alumni. 15 CERTIFICATE IN ENGINEERING. Alvin Flavel Nims, C.E. 1884 18 Benjamin Paige Sherman Jennie Pierce 2 1883 Hobart Barber Chandler George Sheldon Conkey Daniel Lincoln Fisher Alice Grace Frank Truman Post, M. A. ; Stu- dent Harvard Law School 1885-6; Lecturer on Cont. Spo- kane Univ. BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. William Leonard Caten James Edward Church Fred Alfred Sweet, M.S. ; M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1887 Richard Eddy Sykes , M.S. ; Theol. School 1885 9 Isabel Maxwell Azariah Proctor Sherwin, M.D. N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. 1885 Jennie Yenila Smith 3 1884 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Noble Henry Adsit, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Baltimore 1886 Hattie Clementina Bugbee Ellen Theresa Lynch 3 Edwin Melvin Cole, M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. Chicago 1885 *George Frederick Humphrey *1883 2-n 1885 Clement Morelle Baker, M.A. (Latin) 1888; Instr. in Lat. ; Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. Lulu Gertrude Lottie Lee Ida Jessie Phelps, Prin. Boys School, Perkins Inst, for Blind, South Boston, Mass. Lewis Leroy Roripaugh, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Balti- more 1889 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Luna Winona Finnimore Arthur Elbridge Forbes Robert Dale Ford, M.S. (Math.) 1888; Instr. in Math.; Student Johns Hopk. Univ. Edward McIntyre Haley, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1888 George Bernhard Helmle Marie Camille Liotard Chauncey White Martyn, LL.B. Union Coll. Law Chicago 1890 *Mahlon Hartwell Martyn *1888 William Lincoln Noble, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1888; Supt. Cook Co. (111.) Insane Asylum Emma Russell Emma Maria West-Crabb 15 -*1 Hugh Connely Braddock Hill Dunham May Sumner Eaton Carrie Melinda Finnimore-Sims Gilbert Albert us Foote, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1887 Patrick James Heffernan Nettie May Homer-Conkey Charles Frank Johns Fred Samuel Lovell Edson Angus McMillan James Millar Fremont Pearsons Peck, Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad. West Point 1887; 2d Lieut. U. S. A. William Washington Wheelock, LL.B. Northwestern Univ. 1889 Fred William Wilson 14 1886 Anne At wood-Church Augustus Byington Church , Theol. School 1888 BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Rodney Percy Barnes Mary Amanda Butterworth- Cheethain Mary Louise Chandler Mary Ann Daily Fred Justin Eastman Emily Lovisa Eaton-Hepburn, Student Barnard Coll. Clarence Shepard Giffin 16 St. Lawrence University. [1890 Henrietta Lake Wilburn Daniel Potter , Theol. School 1890 Holton Duncan Robinson *William Henry Seward Ruth- erford * *1888 Emma Eugenia Wall 14 -*1 Carrie Colburn John Brewer GTarvin Marilla Griffin *Frederic Aime Liotard *1883 Mary Townsend Rich *Florence Tozer *1884 6-*2 1887 Katherine Dell Burnette Charles Averell Rich, and Har- vard 1889; Asst. Physics Har- vard Univ. John Montgomery Rich, Stu- dent Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Bertha Mary Brown Michael Janies Casey John A Cranston William Thomas Crisler Thomas Edgar Dalton William Gaines Alice Josephine Harvey William Basil McGerry Warner Bonney Matteson Edgar Sanford Keen Merrell John W Rafferty Minnie Louise Sawyer 15 Rector Bartle Fish Mary Catherine Garvin Hiram Horton Royce Henry Marshall Smith Addie Estelle Spear 5 1888 Frank Yale Adams Charles William Dunn BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Francis Joseph Duffy Clarence Seymour Ferris Michael Henry Kinsley Williston Manley John O’Leary Ralph Pringle Eva Minerva Smith, M.S. (Eng. Lit.) 1890 Jacob I Tallman William John Woods 11 Cammie Gillett- Jamieson Frances Cordelia Robinson Frank Lincoln Rowland 8 1889 John Murray Atwood Everett Caldwell ' Mary Netta Walker Annie Laurie Woods BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Charles Henry Brown William Henry Carr Jessie Howe Willard Thomas McElroy Jessie Fremont Merritt Cora Morrison Halcyone Jane Morrison Matthew David Quinn George Goldie Royce 18 Henry Allen Abbott Mary Louise Atwood Charles Milton Clarke Elmer Ellsworth Dean Ernest Baker Freeman Charles Yale Fullington Carrie Taylor *Nellie Eliza Williams * 1888 8 -*1 1890 George Robert Hardie George Murray BACHELORS OF PHILOSOPHY. Jessie Yerena Stiles Allie Anna Walker BACHELORS OF SCIENCE. Henry Clay Berry Richard James Donovan Ernest Daniel Fleet-ham Richard Edward Heffernan Leon Hoage [1890. Alumni. 17 Schuyler Colfax Hodge Rose May Libby Mark Manley James Henry Martin Emmet Jeremiah Murphy William Rafferty John William Rutherford Charles Oliver Sumner Edwin James Taylor Maud Amelia Wrigglesworth Drusilla Iren6 St. Clair 19 1 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, MASTER OF ARTS, AND MASTERS OF SCIENCE, WHO RECEIVED THEIR DEGREES AFTER EXAMINATION. 1885 Ph.D. Leslie Alexander Lee, Geol. andZodl. ; B.A. 1872 1888 M.A. Clement Morelle Baker, Latin; B.A. 1885 M.S. Robert Dale Ford, Math.; B.S. 1885 1890 M.S. Eva Minerva Smith, Eng. Lit. ; B.S. 1888 BACHELORS OF LAWS. 1870 William Gipson Brown Worth Chamberlain, and Univ. Mich. 1872; Member of N. Y. Assembly Allen Eugene Kilby, B.A. 1869 John Stocker Miller, B.A. 1869 *Lamartine Zetto Remington *1884 Almeron Zenas Squires, B. A. 1867 6 -*1 1871 * Arthur Warren Fisk *\mi Gilman Lewis Johnson, First Lieut. 16th N. Y. Vols.; Capt, and Bvt. Maj. 142d N.Y.Vols.; A. D. C. Staff of Maj. -Gen. Curtis; Memb. IowaAssemb.; State Senator Iowa. George Alexander Miller Duncan MacGregor Robertson, Capt. 60th N. Y. Vols. *Levi Major Soper, Private 14th N. Y. Heavy Art. *1884 Lindon King Soper Theodore Hiram Swift, Capt. 9th N. G. S. N. Y. Charles Wentworth Thompson * Edwin Burt White *1888 9 -*3 1872 The following were members of the Class of 1872 in the Law School, but did not grad- uate owing to the discontinuance of the school : Gaines M. Allen John Clarence Keeler, M. A. (Hon.) Williams 1883; Deputy Atty. Gen. State of N. Y.; Memb. N. Y. Assembly Charles H. Kimball *Henry Judson More *1888 *Frank William Pullman, Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. *i87i> George Henry Pullman 6 -*2 GRADUATES OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. Separated from the graduates by dashes, are the names of the members of each class who were connected with the School for a year or more, but did not complete the full course of study. The classes of 1860 and 1867 did not graduate. 1860 Benjamin Warren Atwell Andrew Jackson Canfield , D.D. 1884 Frank E Healey *De Forest Porter , served in Union army; Memb. Nebraska Leg.; Assoc. Justice Arizona; Memb. Arizona Leg. *1889 Edward Smiley Henry Bedford Edwin White 7 -*1 1861 Daniel Ballou , Trustee Alpheus Baker Hervey, M. A. 1878 and Tufts 1881; Ph. D. 1885; Trustee; Lecturer Nat. Theol. and Relat. Relig. and Science; Pres. Coll. Let. and Sci. ; Cummings Prof. Nat. Hist. Mahlon Rich Leonard * William Mitchell Pattee *1862 James Minton Pullman , D.D. 1879; Trustee 5-*l * William Taylor *1866 1862 Benaiah Loomis Bennett Leiois Llewellyn Briggs Charles Fluhrer , L.D. Lombard 1887 * William Lever ett Gilman , Pri- vate 33d Mass. Vol. ; died for his country at Gettysburg *1863 Robert Campbell Lansing Oscar Fitzalan S afford, D.D. Tufts 1885; Lect. on Preach- ing Augustus Tibbetts 7 -*1 William Nelson Van de Mark 1863 Olympia Brown- Willis Everett Ijorentus Conger , B.A. Lorn b.Univ. 1861; M.A.Lomb.; Prof. Pastoral Theol. Lomb. Univ. ; D.D. Buchtel 1890 Rowland Connor Henry Clay Delong * Alfred Bassett Ellis *1870 Clarence Fowler Sylvester Cobb Hay ford Augustus Azor Leighton Frank Magwire Edward Morris 10 -*1 Charles Dwinnell Haynes Walter Scott Ralph 2 1864 * Herman Bisbee *1879 Selden Gilbert * Joseph Willard Keyes *1883 3-*2 James Henry Ballou Oliver Kimmel Crosby 2 1865 * Frederick Stanley Bacon *1873 Everett Ijevi Rexford, D. D. Buchtel 1874; Prof. Ment. and 1890 ] Graduates in Theology. 19 Moral Philosophy and Pres. Bnchtel College 2-*l Alexander Kent 1866 * Ira Adams *1869 *Henrv Lewis Bingham *1866 *2 1867 Ruth Augusta Damon-Tabor Dwight Munson Hodge Costello Weston 3 1868 Joseph Hay Amies Willis Harrison Grigsby , served in Union Army Almon Gunnison, D. D. 1883; Trustee George William Perry , State Geol. Vermont; Curator Ver- mont State Cabinet William Frank Potter James Birney Tabor 6 *John Buell Baldwin *1883 Allen Perez Folsom John Francis Gates Washington Irving Hallock George Philetus Hibbard Henry Benjamin Howell Enoch Mordecai Lester Edmund Ring Sanborn Edwin Chapin Sweetser , B.A. Tufts 1866; D.D. Tufts 1882 Fletcher Willson 10 -*1 1869 Thaddeus Clay Druley Jdbez Newton Emery James Henry Little John Patterson McLean , B.A. Nat. Norm. Univ. (Ohio) 1867 *Jotham Melzar Paine *1880 Augustus Luther Rice Jonathan Greene Truman Charles Lewis Waite Henry Kirke W hite Morris Lee Patterson Charles Edwin Tucker 2 1870 Samuel Lewis Beal William Jacob Crosley *John Stephen Fall *1390 William Henry Harrington , Scout, Hutchinson Guards, Minn.; Adjutant 11th Minn. Inf. Moses Henry Harris , M.A. 1888; D.D. 1890 Luther Franklin McKinney, Sergt. 1st Ohio Calvary; M.C. Ephraim Albee Read *Charles Edgar Sawyer *1871 Quillen Hamilton Shinn, Priv. 12th Va. U. S. Vols. Marianne Thompson- Folsom Orson Fowler Van Cise David Crystal White 12 -*2 John Arthur Dobson Charles Florien Elliott Theophilus Nichols Glover Eugene Melnotte Grant Henry Clay Munson 5 1871 * Stacy Hines Matlack Ernest Leo Senft Sanford Preston Smith James Vincent, B.A. Univ. 1870 Levi Purviance Blackford Thomas Sanders Guthrie Daniel LeRoy Libby *Elvira Jane Powers *1871 4 -*1 1872 Edwin John Chaffee Samuel Sylvester Davis Alfred Day Ransom Alphonso Greene Edgar Watson Preble , Private 3d Me. Vols. *1878 Miami 4 -*1 9-*l 20 St. Lawrence University. [1890 Julius Frederick Simmons, B.S. 1870 Anson Titus Herbert Eller son Whitney, Stu- dent Harvard Div. Sch. 8 James Cornelius Church John Watson Hinds *Selwyra Thatcher Nye * Josiah Augustus Seitz 4 -*1 1873 William Percival Burnell * Edwin Sawyer Corbin *1879 * George Edwin Forbes *1887 Henry Prentiss Forbes, M.A. Buchtel 1881; Craig Professor Bibl. Lang, and Lit.; Assoc. Lib.; D.D. Buchtel 1890 *Orlando Adelbert Rounds, Trustee *1887 John Julius Weeks Rees Williams , 1st Lieut. Ohio Vols. 7 -*3 Albert Ulysses Hutchins 1874 Isaac Phillips Booth, Librarian Luca7i Seneca Crosley John Hilton, B.D. 1875 Washington Wells Hooper, B.D. 1875 James Milford Pay son Lorenza Haynes 1875 Caroline Eliza Angell William Madison Kimmell Florence Ellen Kollock Charles Albert Lander Edwin Warren Pierce BACHELORS OF DIVINITY. John Hilton, 1874 Washington Wells Hooper, 1874 7 William Looker Gibbs, served in Union Army 1876 * Eugene Becklard Cooper *1877 * William Edward Copeland, Sergt. 41st N. Y. Yols. *1883 Leroy Frederick Fortney Joseph Smith Gledhill Jonathan Marsh Johns, Lieut. 43d Ind. Vols. * Hiram Adolphus Merrell, B.S. 1873 *1884 Nathan Rice Quackenbush, Pri- vate 22d Conn. Vols. Anette Jane Shaw, B.A. 1873 Rolla Gilmore Spafford Thomas Thompson 10 -*3 Charles Auguste Conklin, M.A. Lombard 1888 Samuel Hough 2 • 1877 Ella Elizabeth Bartlett Donald Fraser George Granville Hamilton Augustus Philip Rein Frank Skinner Rice BACHELOR OF DIVINITY. George Franklin Babbitt 6 Abbie Ellsworth Danforth 1879 Isaac Philip Coddington, B.D. 1880 1878 Thomas Bragg Gregory George William Kent James Patterson George Landor Per in, D.D. Lecturer on Preaching; sionary to Japan 1890; Mis- BACHELOR OF DIVINITY. Frederick William Bailey 5 Henry Noble Couden, Serg. 6th Ohio Yols.; 1st Miss. Marine Brigade Hiram Bliss Morgan 2 1890] Graduates in Theology. 21 Abram Conklin Everett Green Lovinzo Leroy Greene Gideon Isaac Keirn * Oliver Perry Kimmell *1880 TJre Mitchell, B.D. 1880 7-*l William Moses Barber William A ustin Pratt 2 1880 Alfred John Aubrey Gilbert Foster Barnes Carrie White Br dinar d , B.A. Lombard 1875; M.A. Lombard Edward Anthony Horton Be Witt Lamphear John Clarence Lee , B.A. 1876 George Morse Arthur Alanson Rice, B.D. Tufts 1881 Annette Gould Waltze BACHELORS OF DIVINITY. Isaac Philip Coddington , 1879 Ure Mitchell , 1879 11 1881 Lewis Beals Fisher John Charles Mclnerney Stephen Herbert Roblin Willard Chamberlain Selleck 4 Edward Kimball Milliken 1882 William Henry McGlaufiin Frederick Denison Pierce John Franklin Schindler 3 Granville Levi Fortney Richard Fletcher Gardner 2 1883 Franklin Keeler Beem Francis A lonzo Gray John Kimball Joseph Robert Roblin Francis Lyman Stone 5 Ada Mariner, B.S. Lombard 1884 Otis Fries Alvord Alonzo Chase Frank John Chase Ferdinand Temple Lathe Winfield Scott Williams 5 *Francis Lewis Thayer *1890 1885 Jesse Charles Fremont Grum- bine , B.A. Woodward Coll. 1883 Ora McFarland Hilton John Ezra June Ira Wilson McLaughlin Charles Palmatier George Washington Raeburn , B.A. St. Stephens Coll. 1875; Student Harvard Div. Sch. Richard Eddy Sykes, B.S. 1883 Daniel Lincoln Fisher, B.A. 1883 1886 James Dimond Corby John Franklin Leland C larence Fillmore McIntyre Washington Irving Towsley 4 1887 Harry Elmer Gilchrist Edward Everett Johnson, Stu- dent Harv. Div. School. Noel Spicer 3 Frederick William Betts 1888 Augustus Byington Church, B.A. 1886 Frank Lincoln Masseck Clark Leroy Paddock 22 St. Lawrence University. [1890 Thomas Stratton Robert Duke Towne BACHELOR OF DIVINITY. Ira Edgar Rider 6 1889 Frank Charles Andrews James Parsons Curtiss William Thomas Doumer George A dolph Sahlin Francis Ellsworth Webster 5 1890 William Ezra Leavitt Wilburn Daniel Potter , B.S. 1886 Harry Lewis Thornton 8 Henry Allen Abbott Frank Eugene Barton Frank Turner Crane Franklin Minturn Devoe, B.S. Coll. City of N. Y. 1886 Willard Ezra Jackson 5 HONORARY GRADUATES. 1868 *Day Kellogg Lee , D.D.; M.A. Tufts 1864' *1869 1869 Isaac Morgan Atwood , M.A. ; D.D. Tufts 1879; Pres. Theol. School; Trustee George Homer Emerson , M.A.; D.D. 1871 * Jonas Hazard Hartzell , D. D. ; M.A. Lombard Univ. 1865; Trustee *1890 Asa Saxe , D.D.; M.A. Tufts 1867; Trustee James William White, M.A. ; D.D.S. (Hon.) Penn. Coll. Dent. Surg. 1872; M.D. Univ. Penn. 1878 5 -*1 1870 Edwin Cortland Bolles , Ph.D. ; B.A. Trinity 1857; M.A. Trin- ity; Lecturer on Microscopy; Lecturer in Tufts Divinity School and Trustee Tufts Coll.; D.D. Tufts 1881 1871 *John Glass Bartholomew, D.D . ; Trustee *1874 GeorgeWashingtonMontgomery , D.D.; Trustee 2 -*1 1874 Sullivan Holman McCollester, D.D. ; B.A. Norwich Univ. 1852; M. A. Norwich 1856; Pres. Buchtel College 1875 Francis Beveridge Ainsworth, M.A. 1876 Nehemiah White, Ph.D.; B.A. Middlebury 1857; M.A. Mid- dlebury; Prof. Math, and Nat. Sci. ; Prof. Ancient Lang. Buchtel Coll. ; Pres. Lombard Univ.; D.D. Tufts 1889 * Luther Jacob Fletcher, D.D.; Trustee *1884 2 -*1 1877 Bernhard Jaques Pink, M.A. ; Univ. of Paris; Prof. Mod. Lang.; LL.B. Hamilton 1878 1890 ] 1879 Honorary Graduates. 1884 William Searles , D.D. 2 :} * Moses Marston , Ph.D.; B.A. Middlebury 1856; M.A. Mid- dlebury; Prof. Anc. Lang.; Prof. Eng. Lit. Univ. Minn. *1883 Elmer Hewitt Capen, D.D. ; B.A. Tufts 1860; M.A. Tufts; Trus- tee and Pres. Tufts. Coll. 2 -*1 1880 Charles Hall Leonard . D.D.; M.A. Tufts 1869; Trustee and Prof. Homiletics and Past. Theol. Tufts College Charles V Parsell, M.A. 2 1881 Gerhardus Langdon Demarest , D.D. Maria Parsons, M.A. ; Prof. Eng. Lit. Buchtel College 2 1882 William Rollin Shipman, D.D. ; B.A. Middlebury 1859; M.A. Middlebury; Prof. Rhet., Log- ic, and Eng. Lit. Tufts Coll. Leslie Wead Russell. LL.D.; Professor Prop., and Com. and Crim. Law; District Atty. and Co. Judge St. Law. Co.; Mem- ber N. Y. State Cons. Conv. 1867; Regent Univ. State of N. Y. ; Atty. General State of N. Y. ; Memb. Judiciary Con- stitutional Com. 1890; M.C. 2 1886 *George Ellis Baker, M.A. *1887 Stephen Crane , D.D. * William Alexander Rich. D.D . ; Magdalen Hall Oxford; LL.B. Harvard 1849; Gen. Theol. Seminary N. Y. 1857; Instr. Greek and Latin *1888 3 -*2 1887 Cyrus Hyde Fay , D.D. Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D.; Quartermaster Gen. State of N. Y.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. N. Y. Vols. ; Naval Officer Port of N. Y.; Surveyor Port of N.Y. ; Collector Port of N. Y.; U. S. Consul Gen. London; Trustee; President Corporation 2 1888 William Henry Maxwell, Ph.D. ; M.A. Queen’s (Ireland); Supt. Pub. Instruction Brooklyn Joseph Crocker Snoiv, D.D. ;B.A. Tufts 1858 2 1889 Ezekiel Hanson Cook, Ph.D., also Colgate 1889; B.A. Bow- doin 1866; M.A. Bowdoin; Prin. State Normal School, Potsdam; Prin. Rutgers Coll. Grammar School SUMMARY. Whole number of Alumni. Graduates, Non-Graduates, Bachelors of Arts, Bachelors of Science, Bachelors of Philosophy, Bachelors of Laws, Bachelors of Divinity, Civil Engineer, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Masters of Science, Graduates in Theology, Ordained Clergymen, Honorary Graduates, Dead. Living. 620 62 558 426 41 385 194 21 173 64 2 62 133 9 124 2 2 15 4 ii 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 171 19 152 219 19 200 31 7 24 INDEX. 6 indicates Officers and Trustees ; / Members of the Faculty ; h Honorary Graduates ; 1 Graduates in Law, except those who have their places in the Catalogue as Graduates in Arts or Science ; t Graduates of the Theological School, except those who have their places in the Catalogue as Graduates in Arts or Science. Abbott Vasco Pickett 1867 Henry Allen 1889 t 1890 Adams Ira t 1866 Frank Yale 1888 Adsit Noble Henry 1884 Ainsworth Charles Franklin 1874 Francis Beveridge h 1875 Allen Gaines M. I 1872 Alvord Otis Fries t 1884 Amies Joseph Hay t 1868 Amsden Lauriston o 1863 Andrews Frank Charles t 1889 Angell Caroline Eliza t 1875 Arnold Marshall Hastings 1880 Atwell Benjamin Warren t 1860 Atwood Isaac Morgan h 1868 / 1879 o 1879 Anne 1886 John Murray 1889 Mary Louise 1889 Aubrey Alfred John t 1880 Austin John Mather o 1856 Viola 1874 Babbitt George Franklin t 1877 Bacheller Georgietta 1879 Addison Irving 1882 Backus Foster L 1873 Bacon Frederick Stanley t 1865 Bailey Frederick William t 1878 Sarah Emily 1881 Baker George Ellis o 1856 h 1886 Laura 1873 Clement Morelle 1885 Balch William Stevens o 1856 Baldwin John Buell t 1868 David William o 1877 Ballou Eli o 1857 Daniel t 1861 James Henry t 1864 Barber Josiah o 1856 Elizabeth Alzina 1871 William Moses t 1879 Barnes Gilbert Foster t 1880 Rodney Percy 1886 Barrett William Ellery 1880 Barstow Caleb o 1856 Bartholomew John Glass o 1869 h 1871 Bartlett Ella Elizabeth t 1877 Barton H W o 1856 Frank Eugene t 1890 Bassett John Nelson 1878 Beal Samuel Lewis t 1870 Beem Franklin Keeler t 1883 Bennett Benaiah Loomis t 1862 Berry Henry Clay 1890 Betts Frederick William t 1887 Bickford Lyman o 1881 Bigelow Lafayette Jothamo 1863 Bingham Henry Lewis f 1866 Bisbee Herman t 1864 Bitley Peter H o 1856 Blackford Levi Purviance t 1871 Bolles Edwin Cortland h 1870 Booth Isaac Phillips / 1870 t 1874 Botsford Thomas Llewellyn 1878 Brainard Carrie White t 1880 Brayley James o 1867 Brees Estelle May 1878 Briggs Lewis Llewellyn t 1862 Brown Olympia t 1863 William Gipson 1 1870 Bertha Mary 1887 Charles Henry 1889 Browne Lewis Crebasa o 1856 Buck Leffert Lefferts 1863 Bugbee Eddy Howard 1876 Percy Isaac 1879 Hattie Clementina 1884 Bulkeley Daniel 1872 Bullis Angeline 1874 Burnell William Percival t 1873 Burnette Katherine Dell 1887 Butter worth Mary Amanda 1886 26 St. Lawrence University. \1890 Caldwell Theodore o 1856 Everett 1889 Canfield Andrew Jackson t 1860 Capen Elmer Hewitt Carr h 1879 William Henry 1889 Casey Michael James Caten 1887 William Leonard 1883 Chaffee Edwin John Chamberlain t 1872 Worth l 1870 Champlin 1881 Hattie Chandler Hobart Barber 1883 Mary Louise 1886 Chapin James Henry o 1871 f 1871 Chapman Arthur Levi Chase 1878 Alonzo t 1884 Frank John Cheetham t 1884 John Ebenezer 1875 Chrigstrom Emma Church 1871 James Cornelius t 1872 Adella Jerusha 1879 Isabel Amelia 1882 James Edward 1883 Augustus Byington 1886 Clapp John White / 1860 Clark Brayton Richardson 1879 Clarke George James 1872 Charles Milton 1889 Cleaveland Frank Nash 1877 Helen Eugenia Clowes 1880 Joseph Washington o 1869 Coddington Isaac Philip Colburn t 1879 Carrie Cole 1886 Edwin Melvin 1884 Coloton James Edward Cone 1881 Orello f 1865 Conger Everett Lorentus t 1863 Conkey Jonas Sheldon o 1867 George Sheldon 1883 Conklin Charles Auguste t 1876 Abram t 1879 Connely Hugh 1885 Conner Rowland t 1863 Cook Ezekiel Hanson h 1889 Cooke William Christopher Coon Almeda Betsey 1879 Cooper Eugene Becklard t 1876 Copeland William Edward t 1876 Corbin Edwin Sawyer t 1873 Corby James Dimond t 1886 Couden Henry Noble t 1878 Crandall Vincent Azariah 1876 Crane Ralph Emerson 1879 Stephen h 1886 Frank Turner t 1890 Cranston John A 1887 Crary Nathan o 1859 Crisler William Thomas 1887 Crosby Oliver Kimmell t 1864 Crosley William Jacob t 1870 Lucan Seneca t 1874 Curtiss James Parsons t 1889 Daily Mary Ann 1886 Dalton Thomas Edgar 1887 Damon Ruth Augusta t 1867 Danforth Abbie Ellsworth t 1877 Davis Samuel Sylvester t 1872 Day Alfred t 1872 Dean Elmer Ellsworth 1889 Delong Henry Clay t 1863 Demarest Gerhardus Langdon 7i 1881 Devoe Franklin Minturn t 1890 Dezell Charlotte Elizabeth 1882 Harriet Anna 1882 Dobson John Arthur t 1870 Donovan Richard James 1890 Doolittle Lelon Ansil 1875 Marshall Erwin 1875 Rollin Edson 1878 Doty Lovina 1869 John Cook 1873 Downer William Thomas t 1889 Doyle Michael John 1880 Drake Robert James 1880 Druley Thaddeus Clay t 1869 Drury William Herbert 1880 Duffy Francis Joseph 1888 Dunham Braddock Hill 1885 Dunn Charles William 1888 Eastman Fred Justin 1886 Eaton May Sumner 1885 Emily Lovisa 1886 Edsall Joseph L 1880 Elliott Charles Florien t 1870 Ellis Alfred Bassett t 1863 Ellsworth Anna 1878 Emerson George Homer h 1869 Emery Jabez Newton t 1869 Endersbee Michael 1881 Fall John Stephen t 1870 Farmer Grosvenor Swan 1871 Herbert Greeley 1881 Herbert Merton 1881 Farns Ida Maria 1879 Faulkner William Henry 1873 Fay Cyrus Hyde h 1887 Ferris Clarence Seymour 1888 1890 ] Finnimore Carrie Melinda 1885 Luna Winona 1885 Fish Rector Bartle 1887 Fisher Ebenezer / 1857 o I860 Ebenezer Everett n 1874 Lewis Beals t 1881 Daniel Lincoln 1*83 Fisk Richmond o 1868 o 1888 / 1868 Arthur Warren 1872 Fitzgibbons William Llewellyn 1882 Flack Laura 1877 Mary 1877 Fleetham Ernest Daniel 1890 Fletcher Luther Jacob o 1873 h 1876 Fluhrer Charles t 1862 Folsom Allen Perez t 1868 Nellie Elmina 1882 Foote Stillman / 1869 Gilbert Albertus 1885 Forbes George Edwin t 1873 Henry Prentiss t 1873 Arthur Elbridge 1885 Ford Robert Dale 1885 Fortney Leroy Frederick t 1876 Granville Levi t 18»2 Fowler Clarence t 1863 Clara 1880 Fraser Donald t 1877 Freeman Linus Spalding o 1889 Ernest Baker 1889 French Lucy Greenwood f 1872 Fullington Charles Yale 1889 Gaines Absalom Graves / 1872 o 1876 Charles Kelsey 1876 William 1887 Gale Henry Parker 1879 Gardner Richard Fletcher t 1882 Garvin John Brewer 1886 Mary Catherine 1887 Gates John Francis t 1868 Index of Names. Gibbs William Looker t 1875 Giffin Clarence Shepard 1886 Gifford Elihu Everett 1881 Gilbert Selden t 1864 Gilchrist Harry Elmer t 1887 Gillett Minnie Louisa 1880 Cammie 1888 Gilman William Leverett t 1862 Gledhill Joseph Smith t 1876 Glover Theophilus Nichols t 1870 Goodrich Massena / 1861 Grace Mary Loretto 1878 Alice 1883 Grant Gugene Melnotte t 1870 Graves John Card o 1885 Gray Francis Alonzo t 1883 Green Everett t 1879 Greene Ransom Alphonso t 1872 Lovinzo Leroy t 1879 Greenleaf Halbert Stevens o 1888 Gregory Thomas Bragg t 1878 Griffin Marilla 1886 Grigsby W illis Harrison t 1868 Grumbine Jesse Charles Fremont t 1885 Gulley Carlos W 1881 Gunnison Almon t 1868 Walter Balfour 1875 Herbert Foster 1880 Guthrie Thomas Sanders t 1871 Hagarty John B 1876 Hale Led yard Park 1876 Haley Edward McIntyre 1885 Hallock Washington Irving l 1868 27 Hamilton George Granville t 1877 Hanson Alice 1880 Hard acker Martha A 1872 Hardie George Robert 1890 Harper George 1874 Harrington William Henry t 1870 Harris Moses Henry t 1870 Harsen Jacob o 1856 Hartzell Jonas Hazard n 1869 Harvey Alice Josephine o 1872 1887 Haskell Martha Lovina 1871 H avemeyer Frederick Christian Hayford Sylvester Cobb o 1856 t 1863 Haynes Charles Dwinnell t 1863 Lorenza t 1874 Healey Frank E t 1860 Heaton Eva Dolly 1873 Lucia Elizabeth 1879 John Leland 1880 Heffernan Patrick James 1885 Richard Edward 1890 H elmle George Bernhard 1885 Heminway Winifred 1878 Hepburn A Barton o 1887 Herrick Mary Cordelia 1866 Herring Silas Clark o 1863 Hervey Alpheus Baker t 1861 Hesselgrave Emily 1873 Hibbard George Philetus t 1868 Hill Martha Augusta 1877 Hilton John t 1874 Ora McFarland t 1885 Hinds John Watson t 1872 Hoage Leon 1890 28 St. Lawrence University. [1890 Hodge Dwight Munson t 1867 Schuyler Colfax 1890 Hodskin Barzillai o 1856 Homer Nettie May 1885 Hooper Washington Wells t 1874 Horton Edward Anthony t 1880 Hongh Samuel t 1876 Howe Jessie 1889 Howell Henry Benjamin t 1868 Hoysradt Jacob Warren o 188.2 Humphrey George Frederick 1884 Hutchins Albert Ulysses t 1873 Hyde Luman H 1879 Ingalls Jane Eloise 1871 Jackson Carrie Demira 1882 Willard Ezra t 1890 James Amaziah Bailey o 1859 Jennison Hartwell o 1863 Nellie 1874 Johns Jonathan Marsh t 1876 Charles Frank 1885 Johnson Gilman Lewis l 1871 Edward Everett t 1887 Jones Inez Ardie 1876 Judd Sylvester Nott 1871 Judson David Canfield o 1857 George Davis 1880 June John Ezra t 1885 Keeler John Clarence l 1872 Keirn Gideon Isaac t 1879 Kendall William Herbert 1879 Kent Alexander t 1865 George William t 1878 Keyes Joseph Willard t 1864 Kilby Allen Eugene 1869 Kimball Charles H l 1872 John t 1883 Kimmell William Madison t 1875 Oliver Perry t 1879 King Preston o 1856 Kinsley Michael Henry 1888 Kollock Florence Ellen t 1875 Lake Henrietta 1886 Lamphear DeWitt t 1880 Lander Charles Albert t 1875 Lansing Robert Campbell t 1862 Lathe Ferdinand Temple t 1884 Lawrence Sidney o 1856 Willie Eugene 1878 Leavitt William Ezra t 1890 Lee John Stebbins f 1859 o 1867 Day Kellogg h 1868 Leslie Alexander 1872 John Clarence 1876 Frederic Schiller 1878 Florence Josephine 1882 LuluGertrudeLottiel885 Leighton Augustus Azor t 1863 Leland John Franklin t 1886 Leonard Mahlon Rich t 1861 Charles Hall h 1880 Lester Enoch Mordecai t 1868 Lewis Wiison Seeley 1879 Irene Louese 1882 Libby Daniel Leroy t 1871 Rose May 1890 Liotard Henri Hermann f 1882 Marie Camille 1885 Frederic Aime 1886 Little James Henry t 1869 Lovell Charles Joseph 1879 Fred Samuel 1885 Lynch Ellen Theresa 1884 McCluskey Frank 1875 McCollester Sullivan Holman h 1874 McCurdy Delos 1865 McElroy Willard Thomas 1889 McGrerry William Basil 1887 McGlauflin W illiam Henry t 1882 Mclnerney John Charles t 1881 McIntyre Clarence Fillmore t 1886 McKinney Luther Franklin t 1870 McLean John Patterson t 1869 McLaughlin Ira Wilson t 1885 McMillan Edson Angus 1885 Magone Daniel o 1889 Magwire Frank t 1863 Malby George Ronald 1881 Maltby Albert Elias f 1880 Manley Williston 1888 Mark 1890 Mariner Ada t 1883 Marston Moses / 1868 Martin Miles Reynolds h 1879 1877 James Henry 1890 Martyn Chauncey White 1885 Mahlon Hartwell 1885 Mason Alice Gilman 1880 Masseck Frank Lincoln t 1888 Matlack Stacy Hines t 1871 Matteson Erastus Peter 1878 Warner Bonney 1887 Maxwell Isabel 1883 William Henry h 1888 Merrell Hiram Adolphus 1873 Seymour James 1876 Lovina 1879 EdgarSanf ord Keen 1887 Merritt Edwin Atkins o 1867 Jessie Fremont li 1887 1889 Millar James 1884 Miller John Stocker 1869 George Alexander 1871 1890 \ Milliken Edward Kimball t 1881 Miner Alonzo Ames / 1890 Mitchell Ure t 1879 Mohan Mary Elizabeth 1875 Montgomery George Washington o 1856 h 1871 Moore Augustus Caesar o 1856 More Henry J udson 1874 Morgan Hiram Bliss t 1878 Morris Edward t 1863 George Eadie 1873 Morrison Cora 1889 Haley one Jane 1889 Morse Pitt 0 1856 George t 1880 Moxley Emma 1871 Munson Henrj' Clay t 1870 Murphy Emmet Jeremiah 1890 Murray George 1890 Nic kelson William Herbert 1879 Nims Alvin Flavel 1882 Noble Joseph Boardman 1882 William Lincoln 1885 Northrop Clifton Adelbert 1877 Nye Selwyra Thatcher t 1872 O’Leary John 1888 O’Neill James 1871 Packard Corrie Estelle 1872 Paddock Clark Leroy t 1888 Paine Jotham Melzar t 1869 Palmatier Charles t 18&5 Parlin Martin Lawrence o 1859 Parsed Charles V h 1880 Parsons Maria h 1881 Index of Names. Pattee William Mitchell t 1861 Patterson Morris Lee t 1869 James t 1878 Adoniram Judson/ 1885 Payson James Milford t 1874 Peck Frank Harrison 1877 Christopher Carson 1878 Fremont Pearsons 1885 Percy Morgan 1876 Welton Claude 1878 Perin George Landor t 1878 Perry George William t 1868 Phelps Ida Jessie 1885 Pickslay William Morton 1872 Pierce Cicero Eugenio 1874 Edwin Warren t 1875 FrederickDenison t 1882 Jennie 1882 Pink Bernhard Jaques / 1875 h 1877 Porter De Forest t I860 Post Frank Truman 1883 Poste William Augustine 1871 Potter William Frank t 1868 Wilburn Daniel 1886 Powell Emma 1876 Powers Elvira Jane t 1871 Pratt William Austin t 1879 Preble Edgar Watson t 1872 Prescott Amos Hamilton o 1881 Priest Henry / 1883 Pringle Ralph 1888 Puffer Sarah Rosamond 1871 Frank 1871 George Leslie 1877 Pullman James Minton t 1861 Frank William l 1872 < loorge Henry l 1872 Putnam Eliza Osborne 1880 Quackenbush Nathan Rice t 1876 29 Quinn Matthew David 1889 Raeburn George Washington Rafferty John W t 1885 1887 William 1890 Ralph Walter Scott t 1863 Ransom Frank Howard o 1879 Rawson Silas Bundy / 1874 Read Ephraim Albee t 1870 Rein Augustus Philip t 1877 Remington Lamartine Zetto l 1870 Rexford Everett Levi t 1865 Rice Augustus Luther t 1869 Frank Skinner t 1877 Arthur Alanson t 1880 Rich W illiam Alexander / 1871 h 1886 Pitt Clifton 1874 Lawson Carter 1882 Mary Townsend 1886 Charles Averell 1887 John Montgomery 1887 Rider Ira Edgar t 1888 Robertson DuncanMcGregor l 1871 Robinson Horatio o 1868 George n 1872 Nelson Lemuel 1877 Holton Luther 1880 Leslie James 1881 Holton Duncan 1886 Frances Cordelia 1888 Roblin Stephen Herbert t 1881 Joseph Robert t 1883 Rodee Henry o 1869 Rogers Arthur Guinness o 1881 Romaine Benjamin Franklin o 1869 Roripaugh Lewis Leroy 1885 Rounds Orlando Adelbert t 1873 Rowland Frank Lincoln 1888 Royce Hiram Horton 1887 George Goldie 1889 30 St. Lawrence University. [1890 Russell John Leslie o 1856 Leslie Wead / 1869 h 1882 Charles Hazen o 1879 George Abram 1881 Emma 1885 Rutherford William Henry Seward 1 QQR John William 1890 Ryder William Henry / 1886 Ryel Hiram Henry 1865 Salford Oscar Fitzalan t 1862 Sahlin George Adolph t 1889 St. Clair Drusilla Irene 1890 Sails Caroline Submit 1880 Sanborn Edmund Ring t 1868 Santway Fred Loren 1879 Sawyer Thomas Jefferson o 1856 Charles Edgar t 1870 George Clark 1878 Lawrence Clark 1881 Minnie Louese 1887 Saxe Asa h 1869 o 1881 Schindler John Franklin t 1882 Scruton Robert 1872 Searles William h 1884 Seaver Henry Ellison / 1883 Seger Francis o 1856 Seitz Josiah Augustus t 1872 Selleck Willard Chamberlain t 1881 Senft Ernest Leo t 1871 Sharp Lewis Philip 1877 Shaw William Chase o 1863 Albert Duane 1871 Annette Jane 1873 Sheldon Harleigh William 1873 Martha Emeline 1877 Sherman George Corlis o 1856 Socrates Norton o 1856 Vina 1879 Benjamin Paige 1882 Sherwin Azariah Proctor 1883 Shinn Quillen Hamilton t 1870 Shipman William Rollin h 1882 Simmons Abel Azro o 1863 Marcia Almira 1867 Julius Frederick 1869 Charles Leslie 1873 Skinner Charles Rufus o 1883 Smiley Edward t 1860 Smith Sanford Preston t 1871 Albertus Alonzo 1875 George William 1878 Jennie Venila 1883 Henry Marshall 1887 Eva Minerva 1888 Snow Joseph Crocker h 1888 Soper Levi Major l 1871 Lindon King l 1871 Southworth Marion Aurilla - 1876 Mary Jane 1876 Henry Bloomfield i 1879 Spafford Rolla Gilmore t 1876 Spear Addie Estelle 1887 Spicer Fremont Wayne 1873 Noel t 1887 Sprague Sarah Elmina 1866 Squires Almeron Zenas 1868 Abbie 1875 Sterling James o 1856 Stiles Jessie Verena 1890 Stockton Anna Hepsibah 1882 Stone Francis Lyman t 1883 Storrs Levi Bidwell o 1856 Stowell James 1872 Stratton Thomas t 1888 Sumner Rollin Eugene 1872 Charles Oliver 1890 Sweet Fred Alfred 1883 Sweetser Edwin Chapin t 1868 Swift Theodore Hiram 1 1871 Sykes Emma Malvina 1871 Fred Arthur 1878 Richard Eddy 1883 Tabor James Birney t 1868 Tallman Jacob I 1888 Taylor William t 1861 Daniel McRostie 1880 Carrie 1889 Edwin James 1890 Tedford Henry t. 1860 Thatcher Martin o 1856 Thayer Aaron Aldrich o 1872 f 1881 Francis Lewis t 1884 Thompson Marianne t 1870 Charles Wentworth Thomas l 1871 t 1876 Thornton Harry Lewis t 1890 Tibbetts Augustus t 1862 Titus Anson t 1872 Tozer Florence 1886 Towne Robert Duke t 1888 Towsley Washington Irving Tracy Ira Otis t 1886 1881 Traffarn Mary Louise 1872 Traver Byron 1880 Truesdall Wheeler o 1874 Truman Jonathan Green t 1869 Tucker Charles Edwin t 1869 Van Cise Orson Fowler t 1870 Van de Mark William Nelson t 1862 Van Nostrand Norman 0 185(5 Van Waters Charles Cornelius 1874 Vincent James t 1871 Waite Charles Lewis t 1869 Walker Mary Netta 1889 Allie Anna 1890 1890 ] Wall Emma Eugenia 1886 Wallace Thomas Matthew Samuel o 1856 • 1880 W altze Annette Gould t 1880 Ware Charlotte Marion 1868 W aterman Robert Emmet 1872 Watson Alma Grace 186T Waugh Arthur John 1871 Weaver Clara Webster 1876 Francis Ellsworth t 1889 Weeks John Julius t 1878 Bessie Adams 1876 Index of £sames. West Emma Maria 1885 Weston Costello t 1867 Wheelock Washington o 1870 W illiam W ashi ngtonl885 White Edwin t 1860 Nehemiah f 1865 James William h 1869 Henry Kirke t 1869 David Crystal t 1870 Edwin Burt l 1871 James Stewart 1876 Nehemiah h 1876 Lilian Almeda 1880 Whitney Herbert Ellerson t 1872 Williams Pardon Clarence 1863 Medora 1871 Rees t 1873 Winfield Scott t 1884 Nellie Eliza 1889 31 Willson Zelia Ellis 1867 Fletcher t 1868 Joseph Clarence 1878 Benjamin Franklin 1880 Wilson Fred William 1885 Witherbee Luther Dan 1871 Lois Iola 1873 Joseph Vernon 1880 Wolcott Fannie Matilda 1871 Stephen Mahlon 1871 Wood Hattie Elizabeth 1873 Woods Campbellina Pendleton 1878 William Bernard 1881 William John 1888 Annie Laurie 1889 Wriggles worth Maud Amelia 1890 3 01121 359 1056 .