LI B R.AFLY OF THE UN IVERSITY or ILLI NOIS 0\6.7M4 C73e rNo. 1-20 CITY PLANNIIVG A;.0 LANDSCAPE ACCHITECTURE c/C 7//f C?^. /- ^ e^UL^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Committee of Planning Librarians EXCHilNGE BIBLIOGMPHI i /, University of Illinois list no. 3 May 1958 GREENDALE, WISCONSIN Maiy Vance, Librarian, City Planning and Landscape Architecture Library, University of Illinois American Legion Community De'vaLopment Corporation, Greendale , the Answer to th e Veterans' Housing Problem . Greendale, The Corp- oration, 19^t>. Bennett, C. B. and R. B. Fernbeck. "Greendale — the General Plan, Discussion". Planner's Journal 3^160-161, Nov, 1937. Bishop, Warren. "A Yardstick for Housing". Nations Business 2ii: 29-31, April 1936. Churchill, H. S. "America's Town Planning Begins". New Republic 87:76-98, 1936. "Comparative Architectural Details in the Greenbelt Housing". American Architect lU9:21, 30-3, Oct. 1936. Crane, Jacob. "Greendale — the General Plan". Planner's Journal 3j 89-90, July 1937. Crane, Jacob. "Let Us Build Some Garden Cities". American City 50:65, 1935. Dreir, J. "Greenbelt Planning; Resettlement Administration Goes to Town". Pencil Points 17:iiOO-la9, Aug. 1936. "Fann Security Administration Housing Projects", architectural Forum 68:U20-3, May 1938. "Greenbelt Towns". Architectural Record 80:227-30, Sept. 1936. Greendale, Wis. — Greendale Decennial Committee. This is Green - dale; a Delineation of its People and Life . Greendale, 19U8. "Greendale Being Developed ty Private Enterprise". American City 71: 133, Feb. 1956. "Greentowns all Sold by Federal Government". American City 68: 113, March 1953. Kroening, W. E. The Story of Greendale, a Government Demon - stration in Community Planning and Public Housing . Green- dale, n.d. Lansill, John S. "Metropolitan Land Reserves as Illustrated by Greendale, Wisconsin". American City 52:7, 55-58, July 1937. Mayer, Albert. "Greenbelt Towns for the Machine Age". New York Times Magazine Feb. 2, 1936, p. 8-9-/-. •I 3!!Lin:.r: tr. ^sJJJ"t:'.) T-ri/vto3.t.trio-xA iiqr-.o'! l:ftRj .«^f°i ♦J'qe^i ,' Mori^i X:-T'jjr'9cf