;<.•- • -^vegj;;-^* : :xx;>N^\«5jjwsfsaKi*a*a»<««i • -' LIBRARY OF THE U N IVLR.5ITY or ILLI NOIS S25 THE MASTER OF RIVERSWOOD. l fiml BY MRS. ARTHUR LEWIS IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. 1. SAMUEL TINSLEY, 10 SOUTHAMPTON STREET, STRAND. 1876. (-4// I^t'^/i^s Reserved.) THE MASTER OF MVERSWOOD. CHAPTER I. ^-) One wild, wet evening, at the end of May, 185 — , a closed carriage, with a pair of im- ^ patient, steaming greys, drew up at the lodge-gates of a great park, and the old ::::, lodge-keeper came out to open them with a ^ horse-cloth over his shoulders, and a singu- ^larly grave and anxious visage. This he ^ directed, as well as the driving rain would J let him, towards the two men in white .^aterproof coats who sat on the box seat. \ " Come all right, eh V he inquired. v