I 254 HAl rr t ' III STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS 195 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON PORTLAND CEMENT MATERIALS IN ILLINOIS BY J. E. LAMAR, J. S. MACHIN, W. H. VOSKUIL, and H. B. WILLMAN PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1956 STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTOX, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. SINKS, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS 195 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON PORTLAND CEMENT MATERIALS IN ILLINOIS J. E. LAMAR, J. S. MACHIN, W. H. VOSKUIL, and H. B. WILLMAN PRINTED BY AUTHORTTY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1956 ORGANIZATION STATE OF ILLINOIS HON. WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION HON. VERA M. BINKS, Director BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION HON. VERA M. BINKS, Chairman W. H. NEWHOUSE, Ph.D.. Geology ROGER ADAMS, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemistry ROBERT H. ANDERSON. B.S., Engineering A. E. EMERSON, Ph.D., Biology LEWIS H. TIFFANY, Ph.D., Pd.D., Forestry W. L. EVERITT. E.E.. Ph.D., Representing the President of the University of Illinois DELYTE W. morris, Ph.D., President of Southern Illinois University GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION JOHN C. FRYE, Ph.D., D.Sc. Chief (32274—2500—2-56) CONTENTS Page Economic aspects of the cement industry 5 Cement technology and chemistry 6 The manufacturing process 6 Chemical constitution 7 Cement raw materials 7 Illinois materials for portland cement making 9 Definitions 9 District 1 12 District 2 14 District 3 18 District 4 20 District 5 . . 24 References 34 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Generalized columnar section of the bedrock formations in Illinois 10 2. Generalized geologic map of Illinois 11 3. Districts discussed 13 TABLES Page 1. Shipments and production of cement 6 2. Cement manufacturing plants 6 3. Sources and chemical analyses of samples 26 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/preliminaryrepor195lama PRELIMINARY REPORT ON PORTLAND CEMENT MATERIALS IN ILLINOIS BY J. E. LAMAR, J. S. MACHIN, W. H. VOSKUIL, and H. B. WILLMAN ABSTRACT Many parts of Illinois contain limestone and clay or shale that may be of suitable chemical composition for cement making. The importance of these resources depends on the location of deposits satisfactory for commercial development in areas having a favorable market outlet. This report discusses the economic situation of the manufacture of portland cement in Illinois, with special reference to the manufacturing process, the chemical constitution, and the nature of the raw materials. The geology, occurrence, and suitability of cement raw materials are listed by geographic district. Sources and chemical analyses of about 125 samples are given. This report has been prepared in response to repeated requests for information relat- ing to the possibility of establishing addi- tional Portland cement plants in Illinois. It includes a discussion of the economics of the cement industry in Illinois and adjacent states and of cost factors relating to new plants. The manufacture of portland ce- ment and the character of the raw mate- rials used in cement making are described briefly. The rock formations of Illinois, their areas of outcrop, and their chemical character are also broadly indicated. To- gether these data permit an evaluation of the general possibilities for cement plants in various parts of the State. W. H. Voskuil prepared that portion of the report on the economic aspects of the cement industry, J. S. Machin the discus- sion of cement technology and chemistry, and J. E. Lamar and H. B. Willman the description of the earth materials of Illi- nois. Other members of the Survey staff have also contributed to the report — espe- cially D. H. Swann, C. W. Collinson, M. E. Ostrom, and J. A. Simon. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE CEMENT INDUSTRY The manufacture of cement is the fourth- largest mineral industry in Illinois. In 1953, the latest year for which detailed data are available, output exceeded all previous records and was 4 percent above the 1952 output. Capacity of Illinois plants in 1953 was rated at 9,752,230 barrels (376 pounds per barrel). The industry operated at 92.9 percent capacity. Producers, in decreasing capacity, are Marquette Cement Manufac- turing Co., Oglesby; Medusa Portland Cement Co., Dixon; Alpha Portland Ce- ment Co., LaSalle; and Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Oglesby. Consumers of large quantities of cement — for instance, the Federal Government — buy directly from the producer on a con- tract price. Users of smaller amounts buy from local dealers, who stock the commod- ity for the convenience of the locality and will sell as small a quantity as a single bag. The industry is highly competitive in the many localities where there are a number of mills within shipping radius. The manufacture of cement is a large- scale operation involving a heavy invest- ment in plant and quarry. Capacities of plants in Illinois and neighboring states range from 1,120,000 barrels to more than 7 million barrels. An individual plant, therefore, appears to have a capacity of from one-sixth to nearly one-half of Illinois' ce- ment consumption. In 1951, for example, 155 plants in the United States had an av- erage production of 1,600,000 barrels and shipped an average of $4,000,000 of cement. [5] ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY "The cost of constructing new plants has risen steeply in recent years, and estimates of cost of a new plant now range from $9 to $12 per annual barrel capacity, with the minimum annual economic capacity in the neighborhood of 1 million barrels. Most Portland cement producers have expanded capacity by improving and enlarging their crushing, grinding and kiln departments wherever possible in preference to erecting new plants" (North, 1954). The success of a plant depends upon the market outlet obtainable for its product when the plant is operating near capacity. As transportation is an important element in the delivered cost of cement, the success of a plant depends upon a large market in its vicinity, or upon having available to it low-cost transportation facilities (e.g., bulk water transportation by barge), which gives it a competitive advantage over rival plants. Cement is both exported from Illinois to neighboring states and imported from neigh- boring states. The net balance in 1953 was an import of 2 percent. The principal sources of cement from outside Illinois are the mills in northern Indiana and eastern Missouri. The principal outlets for Illinois cement to neighboring states are Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, in the order named. Shipments from mills in Illinois and two important competing states, together with estimated consumption and surplus or de- ficiency are given in table 1. The principal mode of transportation is by rail although barge shipments on the Table 1. — Shipments and Production of Cement* (barrels) Estimated Surplus or Shipments consumption deficiency Illinois 1951 . . 1952 . . 8,377,387 8,710,621 12,286,321 13,324,065 -3,908,934 -4,613,444 Iowa 1951 . . 1952 . . 8,024,492 9,336,727 4,948,576 4,976,010 +3,075,906 +4,360,717 Missouri 1951 . . 1952 . . 10,217,421 10,086,850 5,663,459 6,319,588 +4,553,962 +3,767,262 Illinois-Mississippi Waterway also are sig- nificant. Truck transportation is increasing for local or short-haul markets. Table 2. — Cement Manufacturing Plants in Illinois and Bordering States in 1956* Illinois Dixon: Medusa Portland Cement Com- pany LaSalle: Alpha Portland Cement Com- pany Oglesby: Marquette Cement Manu- facturing Company Oglesby: Lehigh Portland Cement Company Indiana Buffington: Universal Atlas Cement Company Limedale: Lone Star Cement Company Mitchell: Lehigh Portland Cement Company Speed: Louisville Cement Company Kentucky Kosmosdale: Kosmos Portland Cement Company Missouri Cape Girardeau: Marquette Cement Manufacturing Company . . . . Hannibal: Universal Atlas Cement Company Prospect Hill: Missouri Portland Ce- ment Company St. Louis: Alpha Portland Cement Company Iowa Davenport: Dewey Portland Cement Company Capacity (barrels) 2,500,000 1,600,000 4,250,000 1,120,000 7,000,000 2,600,000 1,700,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,800,000 t 5,000,000 1,900,000 2,750,000 ^Minerals Yearbook, U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1952. *Pit and Quarry, v. 48, no. 8, p. 176, February, 1956, and map, "Portland cement plants in the United States and Mexico," Pit and Quarry Publications, 1956. tFigures not available. CEMENT TECHNOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY Portland cement has been defined in va- rious ways. One definition states that it is a finely pulverized material consisting of certain definite compounds of lime, alumina, and silica, vrhich when mixed with water has the property of combining slowly with the water to form a hard, solid mass. The Manufacturing Process Cement is made by crushing and grind- ing to a fine (200 mesh) powder a mixture MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT of a calcareous material (limestone) and an argillaceous material (shale or clay), plus relatively small amounts of other ma- terials, usually some form of iron oxide, and heating the mixture until certain chemical interactions have taken place. The chemi- cal composition of the mixture must be con- trolled within narrow limits or the cement will not meet specifications. The burning is done in rotary kilns, which range up to 12 feet in diameter and 500 feet in length. The fuel may be pow- dered coal, gas, or oil. Its ash must be con- sidered in the calculation of the composition of the kiln feed. The product of the kiln is sintered gray-to-black lumps called clinker. The clinker is cooled and ground to the re- quired fineness with the addition of small amounts of gypsum. Sometimes other ma- terials are added, as, for instance, when the cement is to be used for air-entrained con- crete. The resulting powder, which must meet definite chemical and physical speci- fications, is called portland cement. Chemical Constitution An inspection of a number of chemical analyses of American-made cements shows oxide content about as follows: Range Average SiOz .... 19.4% to 25.5% 22.45 CaO .... 60.2 65.0 62.6 AI2O3 .... 3.4 9.2 6.3 FezOg ... 1.2 5.0 3.1 MgO 3 3.4 1.85 SO3 4 2.3 1.35 Ign. loss ... .7 2.5 1.6 The following analysis is probably fairly typical of a type I cement intended for gen- eral concrete construction when no special properties are required. SiOa 21.3 CaO 63.2 AI2O3 6.0 FesOs 2.7 MgO 2.9 SO3 1.8 Ign. loss 1.3 99.2 Cement Raw Materials As in most industrial-type chemical proc- esses, many factors must be carefully consid- ered in order to engineer the process not only so that the best product will result, but so that the cost will permit the product to compete in the market. Ideally, raw material sources should meet a host of requirements. Practically, some compromises must usually be made depending on materials available, location with respect to mill and market, and similar considerations. It is not enough that the selected raw materials be such that on calcination or burning there will result a material meeting the specifications. A most important requisite for a raw material for a cement mill is that it be available in large amounts and that it be as uniform in compo- sition as possible. If it is not uniform, fre- quent chemical analysis will be required and readjustment of the proportions of raw ma- terials in accordance with these analyses will be necessary. These analyses are expensive, and the adjustments are apt to result in op- erating troubles and production losses. The raw materials, in the order of im- portance as judged by quantity consumed in this country, are limestone, cement rock, clay and shale, gypsum, blast-furnace slag, sand and sandstone, iron materials (ore and millscale), and small amounts of other m.a- terials. Some types of raw materials, even though they are suitable from the chemical- analysis viewpoint, may contain constituents that have physical or chemical characteris- tics that make them unacceptable. A com- mon example of this is material that con- tains considerable quantities of chert, which chemically is much like sand or sandstone but which is hard to grind and does not react easily with other constituents at the temperatures prevalent in commercial ce- ment kilns. Limestone (including oyster shells, which can be used) constitutes approximately three-fourths of the total raw material that goes into the average cement. To produce a barrel of cement (376 pounds) approxi- mately 655 pounds of raw materials, ex- cluding fuel, are required. To determine whether a limestone is suitable for making cement, consideration must be given not only to the properties of the limestone itself, but to those of supplementary materials available. The principal supplementary material will in all probability be some type 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of shale or clay. As the finished cement will analyze 60 to 65 percent calcium oxide, the limestone must have sufficient calcium car- bonate to supply this. This means that to produce a thousand pounds of cement, enough limestone to yield 600 to 650 pounds of calcium oxide must be blended in the mix, assuming that all the calcium oxide comes from the limestone and none from the other raw materials, which is essentially the case. If the limestone is 97 percent cal- cium carbonate, i.e., if it is a good grade of high-calcium limestone, 1100 to 1200 pounds of limestone will be needed. If the limestone is lower in calcium carbonate, proportionately more will be needed. The most critical specification from the chemical viewpoint is low magnesium oxide. As the specifications require that the mag- nesia content of the finished cement shall not exceed 5 percent by weight, the average magnesia content of the raw material blend must be 3 percent or less. Because limits are set in the specifications on SO., content, the amounts of pyrite and/or gypsum that can be tolerated in the limestone are limited. Although A.S.T.M. specifications make no mention of phosphate, it has been reported to be harmful because it caused burning difficulties and erratic setting qualities in the finished cement. Alkalies, like phos- phates, are not mentioned in the specifica- tions, but are reported to react with some types of concrete aggregate in such manner as to cause harmful expansion. The limits of impurity that can be toler- ated depend on the nature of the impurit>'. The range of oxide content of cement given above indicates that the calcium oxide/silica ratio ranges from 2.55 to 3.10. This would mean that if the total impurity were silica, the limestone would need to be at least 77 percent calcium carbonate in order to main- tain the lime/silica ratio required. Actu- ally it would need to be considerably higher than this because of the dilution necessary in the addition of other materials to meet the requirements for Fe20.^ and Al,03. If the impurity is argillaceous in character, the situation is better because in this case the im- purities would contribute AL>03 and Fe203 and relatively less silica. To summarize the characteristics to be looked for in a limestone that is to be used as the basic raw material in the manufac- ture of cement, some questions to be asked are: Is the amount available sufficient for a reasonable period of operation? Is the de- posit sufficiently uniform ? Is the magne- sium oxide content below 3 percent? Is the lime/silica ratio high enough so that the ratio will be between 2.5 and 3.0 after the necessary additions of alumina and iron- bearing materials? Is the nature of the im- purities such that the burning character- istics will be satisfactory? If the impuri- ties are argillaceous (i.e., clayey), the chances are that the answer to this last ques- tion will be yes ; if they are highly siliceous, the deposit is probably not usable. Cement rock is impure limestone, usually argillaceous, which can be burned as it is, or with minor alterations, to make cement. In the early days of the industry such mate- rials were used almost without addition. The character of the impurities may rule out the use of the rock because it may af- fect adversely the burning characteristics of the blend. The lime/silica ratio may be such as to make it useless, especially if suita- ble high-calcium materials are not available for blending to adjust this ratio. Sometimes under favorable circumstances an impure limestone may be beneficiated by mineral dressing methods in such a way that it be- comes an acceptable cement raw material, but this is done only in exceptional cases. Clay and shale, and in special instances sand and sandstone, are used to adjust the composition and control the burning char- acteristics of the blend. A mixture of lime alumina and silica probably could be burned to make good cement clinker, but the com- bination of temperature and time required would make it uneconomical. If the blend is too refractory, the time of retention in the kiln and/or the temperature required to bring about formation of the essential chem- ical compounds will be too great. If it is not sufficiently refractory, too large a part of the blend will fuse or become liquid. This will result in operating troubles and exces- sive wear on the kiln lining. The critical question about a clay or shale is whether or MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT not its composition is such that it will lend itself to combination with the limestone or cement rock so as to produce the desired analysis in the clinker. If used in combina- tion with high-calcium limestone it should have, ideally, a silica/alumina ratio of about 3.5. Iron materials may or may not be used in the blend depending on the character of the other raw materials used and the prop- erties desired in the finished cement. Vari- ous types of iron ore or millscale are used. The latter is an oxide of iron and, as is sug- gested by its name, is the material that scales off steel during the hot rolling proc- ess. The material used in any given case will be determined mainly by availability and price. Occasionally it may be advan- tageous to use fly ash from a steam power plant. Iron blast-furnace slag is an attractive material for cement making for several rea- sons. First, it has already been heated, so that the volatile constituents have been driven off; hence it is economical from the standpoint of fuel consumption. Second, it contains all the necessary constituents. The composition of slag in the United States is usually higher in silica and lower in lime than is required for good cement clinker. It is therefore common to blend the slag with high-calcium limestone. ILLINOIS MATERIALS FOR PORT- LAND CEMENT MAKING Rock materials occur in Illinois in great diversity and crop out at many places. The following discussion is intended to give gen- eral information regarding the nature of these formations, the general area wherein they crop out, and their chemical composi- tion. A considerable variety of materials exists in many areas, which makes possible a number of combinations. These combina- tions are so numerous in Illinois that it is impractical to discuss them individually. However, a preliminary evaluation of their cement-making potential is possible on the basis of the data that follow and previous discussions of the economics and composition of materials for cement making. The earth materials fall into two general categories — the bedrock and the surficial materials. The former include limestone, dolomite, dolomitic limestone, sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal, underclays, chert, and other high-silica rocks. The surficial ma- terials include clay, silt, sand, and gravel. Certain types of some of these materials are called loess, glacial till, alluvium, and resid- ual clays. Of the bedrock materials, limestone, shale, the underclays of coals, and some silt- stones are of principal interest as portland cement raw materials. The other bedrock materials listed can be eliminated, except in special instances, because they contain too much magnesia or silica. Sandstone is used in some places as a com- ponent of the mix for cement making. Illi- nois sandstone formations are listed subse- quently but not described because sandstones are normally a relatively minor component of the mix, if used at all, and are available in many parts of Illinois. Among the surficial materials, some resid- ual and other clays, some clayey alluvium, and the clay-enriched weathered zones on loess and till may be useful, but many of these materials probably do not have a suit- able chemical composition. Definitions A number of terms are used in describing the rocks of Illinois, which, although gen- erally understood, are defined to indicate their usage herein. Limestone — rock consisting largely of the mineral calcite. This mineral is com- posed of calcium carbonate. Dolomite — rock similar in appearance to limestone but consisting largely of the min- eral dolomite. This mineral is composed of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbon- ate. The latter may comprise a maximum of about 46 percent of the rock. Dolomitic limestone — rock intermediate in composition between limestone and dolo- mite. Chert — rock consisting principally of mi- crocrystalline silica; often popularly called flint. 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SYSTE M .QUATERNARY. TERTIARY CRETACEOUS SILURIAN PRE- CAMBRIAN SERIES, GROUP, OR FORMATION PLEISTOCENE SERIES - GLACIAL DRIFT PLIOCENE SERIES- LAFAYETTE GRAVEL EOCENE SERIES - WILCOX SAND PALEOCENE SERIES - PORTERS CREEK CLAY GULF SERIES - McNAlRY SAND McLEANSBORO GROUP CARBONDALE GROUP TRADEWATER GROUP CASEYVILLE GROUP CHESTER SERIES MER AMEC GROUP OSAGE GROUP STE GENEVIEVE LIMESTONE ST LOUIS LIMESTONE SALEM LIMESTONE WARSAW SHALE KEOKUK LIMESTONE BURLINGTON LIMESTONE FERN GLEN LIMESTONE KINOERHOOK GROUP NEW ALBANY SHALE ALTO LIMESTONE LINGLE LIMESTONE GRAND TOWER LIMESTONE CEDAR VALLEY - WAPSIPINICON LS CLEAR CREEK CHERT BACKBONE LIMESTONE BAILEY LIMESTONE NIAGARAN SERIES ALEXANDRIAN SERIES MAOUOKETA SHALE GALENA (KIMMSWICK) DOLOMITE PLATTIN (PLATTEVILLE ) LIMESTONE ST PETER SANDSTONE PRAIRIE du CHIEN SERIES SHAKOPEE DOLOMITE NEW RICHMOND SANDSTONE ONEOTA DOLOMITE TREMPEALEAU DOLOMITE FRANCONIA DOLOMITE GALESVILLE SANDSTONE EAU CLAIRE SHALE MT SIMON SANDSTONE CRYSTALLINE ROCKS m 2EJ TTT I I i I S^ ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I S I 1 I I Z3 V^.'/- ■'/■ /A Fig. 1. — Generalized columnar section of the bedrock formations in Illinois. Thickness figures are approximate averages for areas in which the formations form the bedrock surface. The formations beneath the Franconia do not crop out. From Lamar, J. E., and Willman, H. B., 1955, Illinois building stones: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 184, fig. 2. MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 11 O 20 H M M T= LEGEND Eoooooi Tertiary '°°°°l Cretaceous I ■ . . J Pennsylvanian I •//.•.•; I Basal Pcnnsylvanian- *^ ' '•'•'•'•'' ' Caseyville ISM Chester Z^Z^j^ Mcramcc— Osage — l ^^wyfl Kinderhook ^^m Devonian Y///A Silurian \ ■ I Maquoketa Galena- Platteville-St. Peter Prairie du Chien Cambrian 5CALE 40 60 100 MILES Fig. 2.— Generalized geologic map of Illinois (1945) showing the distribution of bedrock formations as they would appear if surficial materials were removed. From Horberg, Leland, 1950, Bedrock topography of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 73, fig. 7. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Silt — unconsolidated earth material com- posed of particles of intermediate size be- tween clay and sand ; largely silica in com- position although many deposits contain lesser amounts of clay and/or carbonates. Silfstone — consolidated rock composed principally of silt. Shale — consolidated rock, usually in thin layers, composed largely of clay, but com- monly containing much silt; the clay is a complex mixture of hydrous aluminum sili- cates. Loess — wind-deposited silt, usually brown ; largely a calcareous and dolomitic silt where fresh and a clayey silt where weathered. Till — silt or silty clay containing sand grains, pebbles, and boulders in varying amounts. Till is a deposit made by glaciers which once covered most of Illinois. The fresh material is highly variable but com- monly contains dolomite. Alluvium — deposits bf clay, silt, sand, or gravel made by streams. The chemical composition of these deposits is highly varia- ble. Forffiation — term used to describe a se- quence of rock layers mostly of similar com- position, constituting an extensive natural unit. Numerous formations crop out in Illinois and have been given identifying names. Throughout most of central Illinois these formations are principally sandstone, silt- stone, shale, and clay with a lesser number of coal and limestone formations. Many of the latter are comparatively thin. Lime- stones are not common in the northern one- fifth of the State, but dolomite, sandstone, shale, or clay crops out at many places. In the marginal areas along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers in western Illinois, the Mississippi River in southwestern Illinois, and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers in ex- treme southern Illinois, a great diversity of limestones, shales, clays, siltstones, and sandstones are exposed in places. Figure 1 gives generalized information on the se- quence of bedrock formations and figure 2 shows their general distribution. The large- scale Geologic Map of Illinois (Weller et al., 1945) shows the distribution of the formations in much greater detail. No attempt is made in this general report to discuss in detail all the outcropping for- mations in Illinois. The State has been di- vided into five districts (fig. 3) ; for each a brief description is given of the approxi- mate areas of outcrop of the formations of interest for portland cement. In connection with the discussion of outcrop areas, it should be recognized that exposures are not continuous throughout the areas. In some areas exposures are widely scattered ; in others they are relatively abundant. The presence of an outcrop of material that appears to have possibilities for cement does not itself necessarily demonstrate the existence of a deposit of suitable character as a commercial source of cement raw ma- terials. Information regarding the extent of the deposit, its compositional variations, thickness, the thickness of overburden, and other factors must be determined to evalu- ate fully its possibilities. Table 3 (p. 22) gives location and thickness, as well as chemical analyses, of the samples of various rock formations. It is not feasible to list all the Geological Survey reports that bear on the distribution, nature, and composition of the rock forma- tions of Illinois, but they include: Bulletin 17, Portland-Cement Resources of Illi- nois, 1912. Bulletin 46, Limestone Resources of Illinois, 1925. Bulletin 38D, Further Investigations of Illinois Fireclays, 1921. Bulletin 61, Rock Wool from Illinois Mineral Resources, 1934; contains much information, especially on the less pure limestones of Illi- nois; out of print but can be consulted in li- braries. Report of Investigations 104, Illinois Surface Clays as Bonding Clays for Molding Sands — An Exploratory Study, 1945. Report of Investigations 128, Clay and Shale Re- sources of Extreme Southern Illinois, 1948. Geologic Map of Illinois, 1945. Map of the Mineral Industries of Illinois, 1955. District 1 Outcrops of dolomite are numerous in northern Illinois (fig. 3) but because of their high magnesia content are not of in- terest for Portland cement making. Lime- stone outcrops are much less common. MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 13 DISTRICT Fig. 3.— Index map of districts used in this report. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The formations in district 1 are named below from oldest to youngest. Those for- mations believed to have possibilities for the manufacture of portland cement are dis- cussed. CAMBRIAN FORMATIONS Francohia dolomite Trempealeau dolomite ORDOVICIAN FORMATIONS Oneota dolomite New Richmond sandstone Shakopee dolomite St. Peter sandstone Platteville formation. — Contains lime- stone in some places but is mostly dolomitic limestone or dolomite. The amount of mag- nesia is sufficiently low in some beds, as at Dixon, that they can be used for making Portland cement. The Platteville forma- tion crops out principally in northern Lee, Ogle, northeastern Stephenson, and north- ern Winnebago counties, especially in the vicinity of the Rock River and/or some of its tributaries. It has a thickness of 75 to 125 feet. Analyses are given in table 3, sam- ples S46c, d, and e. A major consideration relating to the use of the formation as a source of cement rock is likely to be that of finding deposits having adequate thick- ness, satisfactory vertical and lateral uni- formity, low magnesia content, and a suita- ble location with respect to transportation. Convenient sources of clay or shale may be a problem also. Galena formation. — Crops out widely in the western and central parts of district 1. Throughout most of the district it consists of about 200 feet of dolomite, but in an area northwest of Galena in Jo Daviess County, in extreme northwestern Illinois, the lower 20 to 40 feet of the formation is limestone. Near Central in Grundy County, as much as 40 feet of the formation is lime- stone, although a few beds contain some dolomite. These beds are only locally ex- posed in this area, and the extent of the limestone has not been determined. Maquoketa formation. — Consists princi- pally of shale and impure limestone. It crops out or underlies areas in northwest- ern Ogle County, southwestern Stephenson County, and Jo Daviess County. It is be- tween about 100 and 200 feet thick. Avail- able information suggests that the magnesia content of the formation is generally in ex- cess of 3 percent. However, careful search might reveal deposits with less magnesia. Samples DS71S and H18. In the vicinity of Wilmington, Channa- hon, Minooka, and Oswego in Will, Grun- dy, and Kendall counties, low outcrops of Kankakee (Silurian) and Maquoketa lime- stone are present. The analysis of sample NF394 indicates the composition of one of these limestones. Some of the limestones are only a few feet thick; others are inter- bedded with shale. One outcrop In Grundy County is limestone at the surface but at a shallow depth changes to dolomite. The limited nature of the outcrops does not per- mit an adequate evaluation of their possi- bilities for cement. SILURIAN FORMATION Niagaran dolomite PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS Glacial till and loess. — Till occurs In all but the northwestern part of district 1 but is believed to be too high In magnesia (an- alysis DS71D). Loess also Is present and commonly Is less than 15 feet thick, except near the Mississippi River, where It Is much thicker. Some of the loess, as well as the weathered zone on the till, may be suit- able. District 2 District 2* in western Illinois (fig. 3) has cropping out within it many limestone, shale, and clay formations. They are de- scribed below from oldest to youngest, and analyses are given In table 3. Some of the limestones are overlain or underlain by shale, and deposits may exist where the materials can be obtained together. Some formations, not believed to be of Import- ance in connection with cement making, are named but not discussed. *Much of the information regarding the rock formations in district 2 is from Krey (1924), Rubey (1952), Savage and Udden (1921), Wanless (1929), and Workman and Gillette (1956). MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 15 ORDOVICIAN FORMATIONS Cotter (f) dolomite St. Peter sandstone Joachim dolomite Plattin formation. — Crops out for a dis- tance of about 5 miles in the bluffs of the Mississippi River in Calhoun County. It is about 150 feet thick and is mostly lime- stone and/or dolomitic limestone. Sample R19. Decorah limestone. — Crops out in the same general area as the Plattin limestone and consists of 5 to 15 feet of brown lime- stone with thin beds of shale. The brown color is caused by organic material. Sam- ple NF403. Kimmswick limestone. — Crops out for about 6 miles in the bluffs of the Mississippi River and tributary valleys in western Cal- houn County and in a limited area in south- western Jersey County. It is about 90 feet thick. Much of it is high-calcium lime- stone. Sample R29. Maquoketa formation. — Crops out in places in southwestern Jersey County and in western Calhoun County from Batchtown north for about 12 miles. It ranges in thick- ness from 100 to 200 feet. Shaly dolomite and calcareous mudstone occur in the lower 25 feet of the Maquoketa formation. Above this there is a gradual change to massive and thin-bedded shale. Sample R7 is from the upper part of the formation. SILURIAN FORMATIONS Edgewood formation. — Crops out in Cal- houn County and southwestern Jersey County. Consists primarily of dolomite and dolomitic limestone, although some parts of the formation are limestone. Reaches a thickness of 50 feet in an area north of Batchtown. Brassfield formation. — Crops out in Cal- houn and southwestern Jersey counties. Varies in thickness from place to place but reaches 30 feet near Hamburg. In some areas the formation is limestone; in others it is dolomitic limestone or dolomite. It contains small chert nodules. Sample R13. Joliet limestone. — Crops out in Calhoun, southern Pike, and southern Jersey coun- ties. It is about 16 feet thick near Ham- burg in northern Calhoun County. A chem- ical analysis of sample R4, from 16 feet of Joliet limestone and 16 feet of the under- lying Brassfield limestone, is given in table 3. Near Grafton the Joliet formation is as much as 60 feet thick but is dolomite. DEVONIAN FORMATIONS Wapsipinicon — Cedar Valley formations. — Crop out in limited areas in Rock Island, Calhoun, Pike, and Jersey counties. These beds are used in the manufacture of port- land cement near Davenport, Iowa. Near Rock Island they consist of a basal 70-foot unit of limestone, some of it quite pure, a middle 35-foot unit of mostly shaly lime- stone, and an upper 30-foot unit of dolo- mite and limestone, shaly in places. The Cedar Valley limestone crops out farther south, principally in Calhoun, western Jer- sey, and southern Pike counties. It is gen- erally thin, but about 2 miles south of Gil- ead in Calhoun County there is a narrow zone where it reaches a thickness of about 40 feet. Parts of the formation are sandy and cherty. The Cedar Valley limestone crops out in the vicinity of Grafton but is thin and dolomitic. Samples A, Bui 5, DS69, and R14. MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS Grassy Creek — Saver ton shales. — The dark gray to black Grassy Creek shale and the overlying greenish-gray Saverton shale crop out in the Mississippi and Illinois river bluffs in Pike, Calhoun, Greene, and Jer- sey counties. Their thickness is variable, but near Rockport and Atlas in Pike County they are about 50 feet thick. These beds are used with the Louisiana limestone in the manufacture of cement near Hannibal, Mo. Louisiana limestone. — Crops out princi- pally in Calhoun and western Pike coun- ties but is generally less than 10 feet thick, although in northern Calhoun County it reaches 20 to 30 feet thick. It is generally fine-grained relatively pure limestone and is the same formation as that used in the manufacture of portland cement at Hanni- bal, Mo. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Hannibal group. — Crops out in the Illi- nois Valley bluffs in Jersey County, in the uplands of Calhoun County, and at inter- vals in the bluffs of the Mississippi River and its tributary valleys north to the north- ern part of Pike County. Limited outcrops also occur in the northwestern part of War- ren County. This group consists princi- pally of shale and siltstone and ranges be- tween about 30 and 100 feet thick. Sample R5. North Hill group. — Crops out princi- pally in the Mississippi River bluff area in southern Adams County and the northern- most part of Pike County. It consists mostly of siltstone and limestone. A lime- stone of varying thickness known as the McCraney limestone occurs at the base of the group. It is similar in character to the Louisiana limestone but is dolomitic in places. It reaches a thickness of about 30 feet near Seehorn, south of Quincy. Sam- ple NF387. Chouteau limestone. — A formation com- posed of cherty argillaceous limestone. It crops out extensively in the Illinois and Mississippi river bluffs in Calhoun, western Jersey, and southern Greene counties and reaches a maximum thickness of betw^een 55 and 60 feet. Sample R20. Fern Glen formation. — Crops out only near Chautauqua and Grafton in Jersex' County, where it consists of about 25 feet of thin-bedded greenish shaly cherty lime- stone. Burlington limestone. — Crops out at in- tervals in the bluffs of the Mississippi River or along its tributaries from near Beechville in Calhoun County north to the northern boundary of Henderson County. Through most of this area it forms prominent cliffs in the bluffs of the river. Outcrops of the Burlington limestone also occur in the bluffs and tributaries of Illinois River from near its mouth to northern Pike and Scott coun- ties. In the region between the outcrop areas along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, outcrops of the Burlington formation occur along some of the major streams. The for- mation also crops out in northwestern War- ren County. The Burlington formation is generally between 100 and 150 feet thick and con- sists of more or less cherty light gray or white crystalline limestone. At or near the base is a 20- to 25-foot essentially chert-free zone. This bed is a source of high-calcium limestone in the vicinity of Quincy. Sam- ples R15, B, C15, and SL26-30. Keokuk limestone. — Crops out in lim- ited areas in southern Calhoun, western Greene and Jersey, northern Adams, and western Hancock counties. The formation is similar to the Burlington, but it is some- what more finely crystalline and is bluish gray as compared to the light gray or white of the Burlington. A few beds are dolomitic limestone but the formation is largely lime- stone. Parts of it, especially the upper half, contain shaly layers up to about 2 feet thick. The formation is ordinarily cherty ; parts of it are very cherty, especially the basal por- tion. It ranges between 70 and 100 feet thick. Samples C35b and R200. Jf arsaiv and Salem formations. — These formations are not easily differentiated in some areas, and, therefore, are discussed to- gether. Much of the Salem is a relatively pure granular limestone which grades down- ward to Warsaw beds consisting of shaly limestone, limy shale, and shale. The Salem formation is a sandy dolomitic limestone in some places in Hancock County. The for- mations total 175 to 200 feet thick. Both formations are exposed along the Cap au Gres flexure in southern Calhoun and Jer- sey counties and are well exposed in the Mis- sissippi River bluffs from Grafton almost to Alton. The Salem formation crops out east of the Illinois River in Jersey, western Greene, and central Scott counties. It crops out locally west of the river in northern Pike and eastern Brown counties and scat- tered points along the LaMoine River. It also appears in places in western Adams County, in western, northern, and eastern Hancock County, and locally along the Spoon River near Seville in Fulton County. The Warsaw formation is exposed near Warsaw and Nauvoo and elsewhere in Han- cock County, especially in the bluffs of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 17 Scattered outcrops of the Salem and War- saw formations occur low in the western bluffs of the Illinois River and some of its tributaries, roughly from Chambersburg in Pike County north to Sheldons Grove in Schuyler County. On the east side of the Illinois River, the Salem-Warsaw begins to crop out low in the bluffs and tributaries about at Oxville in Scott County and is exposed at places northward to a point about 6 miles west of Arenzville in Cass County. Samples NF170b, R122, and C20. St. Louis lirnestone. — Commonly 150 to 250 feet thick in the southern part of dis- trict 2 but thins to the north as it is trun- cated by younger beds. It is absent in some places. Much of it is relatively pure lime- stone, but parts of it are cherty, and im- pure beds are present in many places. Dolo- mitic beds are present locally. St. Louis limestone forms the river bluffs at Alton and continues as a conspicuous unit in the bluffs northwestward for several miles. However, the formation rises to the west, so the underlying Salem limestone gradu- ally assumes prominence, and the St. Louis disappears from the bluffs near the western boundary of Madison County. Outcrops occur along some of the valleys tributary to the Mississippi River. In that part of Calhoun County lying roughly south of Beechville, St. Louis lime- stone crops out in the bluffs of the Missis- sippi River and adjacent tributaries. It is also present in the river bluffs in south- western Jersey County. The St. Louis lime- stone appears as outcrops low in the western bluffs of the Illinois River and in the val- leys of some tributaries from a point about 6 miles north of Chambersburg in Pike Coun- ty to Sheldons Grove in Schuyler County. The outcrops are relatively small and scat- tered. Outcrops of similar character appear in the bluffs on the east side of the river and in its tributaries about at Oxville in Scott County and continue north to a point about 6 miles west of Arenzville in Cass County. Other scattered outcrops occur along the LaMoine River and adjacent areas in Schuyler, McDonough, and Han- cock counties and along the Spoon River near Seville in Fulton County. It occurs in a small area in western Hancock County. Samples R33, C, and R143. Ste. Genevieve limestone. — This forma- tion is exposed only in the vicinity of Alton, where it is generally less than 50 feet thick. It is largely pure oolitic limestone, but some beds are sandy. PENNSYLVANIAN FORMATIONS Pennsylvanian rocks underlie the uplands in many areas in district 2. Because the older rock formations were subjected to ero- sion before the Pennsylvanian strata were deposited, the latter rest directly on many of the older formations. The Pennsylvanian rocks consist of shale, sandstone, siltstone, clay, limestone, and coal. The limestones are rarely more than 20 feet thick and most of them are less than 10 feet thick. They range from relatively pure to impure. Many of them are the "caprocks" of coal. The clays occur principally below the No. 2 coal of western Illinois although other coals also are underlain by clay. The clays are generally less than 20 feet thick and vary from plastic refractory clays to calcareous clays. Some of the shales are clayey, others relatively silty or sandy. One of the thicker shales occurs in the vicinity of Gilchrist in Mercer County and varies from 20 to more than 100 feet thick. Samples R34 and C46 are limestones; Rll and L7b are shales; MD5 and D are clays. PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS Glacial till. — This clayey material is present in the upland areas throughout dis- trict 2, but in general the magnesia content is believed to be too high for cement mak- ing. However, the upper few feet of some deposits has been leached of its carbonate." and thus may have a reduced magnesia con- tent. Loess. — This material mantles the coun- ties and rests on the glacial till or on the bedrock where the till is absent. It is brown silt except for the upper few feet, which is weathered and clayey. Commonly it is 50 feet or more thick in the bluffs of the major river vallevs, but it thins back from the 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY bluffs. Except for that in the weathered zone, the loess is generally too high in mag- nesia to be used in cement. Alluvium. — Gravel, sand, silt, and some clayey silt or silty clay are present in the alluvium of the major rivers. The magnesia content is generally moderately high in these deposits. District 3 District 3* in southw^estern Illinois (fig. 3) contains many rock outcrops including limestone, shale, and clay. These are de- scribed below from oldest to youngest, and analyses are given in table 3. In the case of limestones overlain or underlain by shale or clay formations, there is a possibility that deposits may exist from which both mate- rials can be obtained. In the vicinity of Valmeyer in Monroe County, an upfold in the bedrock strata causes the appearance in a limited area of several formations that are not exposed else- where in the district. ORDOVICIAN FORMATIONS Kimmswick lifnestone. — Crops out in a limited area near Valmeyer, Monroe Coun- ty. About 100 feet thick. Most of the for- mation is a limestone of high purity. The deposit is being commercially developed. Maquoketa shale. — Exposed in a roughly 1 -square-mile area east of Valmeyer in the bluffs and tributaries of the Mississippi Valley. About 100 feet thick. The lower part of the formation is more or less dolo- mitic. Sample S22. MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS Fern Glen formation. — Crops out only in a limited area in the bluffs and tribu- taries of the Mississippi River near Val- meyer, Monroe County. Consists of red and green shaly limestone and interbedded shale. The upper part of the formation is cherty. About 30 feet thick. Burlington-Keokuk limestone. — Crops out in places in an area about three-quarters of a mile wide extending from Valmeyer *Much of the information regarding the rock formations of district 3 is from Weller and Weller (1939). southeast for about 4 miles and in a tract of roughly similar size extending south and a little east from a point 21/2 miles southeast of Columbia. A very cherty limestone 150 feet or more thick. Sample NF90. Warsaw formation. — Occurs in a zone about three-quarters of a mile wide extend- ing southeast from Valmeyer for about 41/2 miles, in valleys of the Mississippi River bluff southwest of Renault, Monroe Coun- ty, and in a narrow zone surrounding the Burlington-Keokuk limestone area south of Columbia. This zone extends southward to Waterloo. In St. Clair County upper War- saw strata underlie a small area in Cement Hollow in the NE1^ sec. 33, T. 1 N., R. low. A 6- to 8-foot bed of dolomitic lime- stone was the source of stone used in mak- ing "natural" cement about 1865 (Wor- then, 1866, p. 310). The lower half of the formation is shale and calcareous shale with thin strata of limestone. The upper part of the formation is shaly impure limestone which is cherty in places. The formation is about 60 feet thick. Sample S21. Salem limestone. — Crops out conspicu- ously at many places in the bluffs and tribu- tary valleys of the Mississippi River in western Monroe County from Fountain south to the southern boundary of the county. It also underlies a sizable upland area 'east of Valmeyer with an elongate tongue extending southeast to a point about 1 mile east of Maeystown. An elongate oval-shaped band extending roughly from the vicinity of Columbia in St. Clair Coun- ty to south of Waterloo in Monroe County is also underlain by the Salem limestone. Scattered areas underlain by the limestone occur between Columbia and the Missis- sippi River bluffs; the outcrops terminate in sec. 33, T. 1 N., R. 10 W., a little over a mile north of the boundary of Monroe County. Much of the Salem limestone is of high purity. Some parts of the formation are oolitic; parts of the formation contain nodules of chert. Thickness from 100 to 300 feet. Samples NF167A, NF332A, NF332E, and L70. St. Louis limestone. — Exposed in the bluffs and tributary valleys of the Missis- MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 19 sippi River from near Stolle in St. Clair County, southeast of Cahokia, more or less continuously to 1 mile southeast of Prairie du Rocher in Randolph County, except for an area around Valmeyer. It underlies much of the western half of Monroe Coun- ty and crops out at many places. The char- acter of the formation is variable ; upper and lower portions are likely to be some- what cherty, the middle portion less so. Beds of dolomitic limestone occur in the middle portion. Thickness about 200 feet. Samples NF163D, NF163P, NF162K, and NF331F. Ste. Genevieve limestone. — Beginning at a point in the Mississippi River bluffs about 1 mile north of the boundary of Monroe County, this limestone crops out in places in the river bluffs southward for about 6 miles and also underlies an elongate area roughly one-half to 2 miles wide extending south- east to Burksville in Monroe County. It also is present in a narrow zone about one- eighth of a mile wide extending roughly from a point about a mile west of Waterloo north to Columbia and in a generally elon- gate north-south area extending northward for about 4 miles from Rodemich, which is roughly 3 miles west and 1 mile south of Millstadt in St. Clair County. It also oc- curs near Prairie du Rocher in Randolph County. Much of the Ste. Genevieve is oolitic limestone. The lower part of the forma- tion has a few chert beds. Thickness about 100 feet. Samples L66 and NF330A. Chester series. — Consists of a sequence of formations from the Aux Vases sandstone at the base to the Kinkaid limestone at the top of the series. One or more of the Ches- ter formations underlie a small area in southwestern St. Clair County, most of east- ern Monroe County, the uplands of north- western Randolph County, and in a band roughly 4 to 6 miles wide in and adjacent to the Mississippi River bluffs from Chester southeast to the southern boundary of dis- trict 3. The formations are discussed briefly below and some of the better outcrop areas noted. Details of distribution are dis- cussed by Weller and Weller (1939). Aux Vases sandstone Renault formation. — A variable forma- tion consisting of sandstone, shale, and lime- stone. Thickness commonly 40 feet or more. The formation is well exposed in valleys northeast of Renault. Yankeetoivn chert Paint Creek formation. — Shale, clay, and limestone. The limestone is locally as much as 50 feet thick. Thickness of formation 50 to 100 feet. Exposed southeast of Modoc, Randolph County. Ruma formation. — Principally shale with some sandstone. Thickness 60 to 70 feet. Good exposures in the vicinity of Ruma. Okaw limestone. — Underlies and crops out in places in a part of eastern Monroe County in the general vicinity of Hecker, underlies much of western Randolph Coun- ty, and occurs in the Mississippi River bluff from 2 miles south of Modoc almost to Mary's River. Consists of the following units in ascending order : a basal dark lime- stone about 20 feet thick, 50 to 70 feet of shale containing limestone lenses up to 10 feet thick, about 50 to 60 feet of limestone including some oolite, 20 to 40 feet of shale, and (at the top) 40 to 50 feet of limestone with interbedded shales up to 5 feet thick. Thickness totals about 200 feet. Samples L67, W254, SI, K23, and K8 are lime- stone. Sample S3 is shale. Baldwin formation. — Shale, sandy shale, sandstone, and a few feet of limestone. Thickness 60 to 75 feet. Crops out near Chester. Menard formation. — Limestone and shale interbedded. Good exposures in the Mississippi River bluff between Chester in Randolph County and the mouth of Mary's River. Thickness 70 to 85 feet. Samples S7 and K13B are limestone. Samples Sll and S14 are shale. Palestine sandstone Clore formation. — Shale, limestone, and sandstone 50 to 60 feet thick. Crops out southeast of Chester on Mary's River and south of Chester in the Mississippi River bluff. Sample S9. Degonia sandstone 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Kinkaid limestone. — Limestone with some shale beds a few feet thick. Cherty beds present in places, especially in the up- per part of the limestone. Maximum thick- ness about 60 feet. Good exposures on Kin- kaid Creek about 6 miles east and a little north of Rockwood, Randolph County. Also crops out in the Mississippi River bluff from Mary's River south of Chester almost to Grimsby in western Jackson County. PENNSYLVANIAN FORMATIONS Pennsylvanian formations underlie and locally crop out in much of the eastern por- tion of district 3, especially western St. Clair, central Randolph, and western Jack- son counties. Consist of shale and sand- stone with coal and thin limestones in some places. Limestones occur in the bluff of the Mississippi River east of East St. Louis and reach a thickness not known to exceed 10 feet and usually less. The possibilities of the limestone caprock of coal No. 6 are men- tioned in district 5. Pennsylvanian sand- stone crops out in the Mississippi bluffs near Grimsby in Jackson County, along Big Muddy River near Murphysboro, and at other places. Samples NF80 and NF84 are limestone. PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS Glacial till. — Rests on the bedrock at many places. Much of it may be too dolo- mitic to be significant as a cement raw ma- terial. Thickness 25 to 50 feet. Loess. — Rests on the glacial till or di- rectly on the bedrock where the till is ab- sent. Thickness 50 feet or more in the Mississippi River bluffs but thins away from the valley. Samples S4 and L9. Alluvium. — Probably mostly silt, clayey silt, or sand along major streams. District 4 District 4* in extreme southern Illinois (fig. 3) has within it many different lime- stone formations and a number of shale for- mations. These are discussed below from *Much of the information regarding the rock formations of district 4 is from Butts (1925). Lamar (1925), Weller (1940), Weller and Ekblaw (1940), Weller and Krey (1939), Weller et al. (1920), and Weller, et al. (1952). oldest to youngest. Sandstone and chert for- mations are listed but not described because they generally are not used for cement making. Chemical analyses are given in table 3. The geology of southern Illinois is lo- cally quite complicated, especially in Hardin County, where faulting is complex. In that area an eroded dome in the bedrock, known as Hicks Dome, centering in sec. 30, T. 11 S., R. 8 E., about 5 miles north of Rosi- clare, adds to the diversity of the geology and rock exposures. Igneous rock occurs in a few places on and near the dome. Because of the varied geology of the district, the dis- tribution of the rock formations can be in- dicated only in a general way. ORDOVICIAN formations Kimmswick limestone. — Crops out in a small area in the Mississippi River bluff about 1 mile south of Thebes, Alexander County. About 100 feet thick. Much of the limestone is high purity. Sample E. Thebes sandstone SILURIAN FORMATIONS Orchard Creek shale. — Crops out in the vicinity of Thebes and Gale, Alexander County. It is silty and contains thin lime- stone layers. Thickness about 20 feet. Girardeau limestone. — Limestone in thin layers separated by thin shale partings. Contains scattered nodules of chert. Crops out in bluffs of the Mississippi River and tributary valleys south of Thebes, Alexan- der County, and along Harrison Creek east of Reynoldsville, Union County. Thick- ness about 30 feet. Sample L37. Edgewood formation. — Crops out near Gale and Thebes, Alexander County. Prin- cipally silty limestone. Thickness 10 feet or less. Sexton Creek limestone. — Crops out in a bluff of the Mississippi River and tributary valleys east and southeast of McClure, Union County, and near Gale and Thebes in Alexander County. A cherty limestone as much as 40 feet thick. Bainbridge limestone. — Crops out in the Mississippi River bluff east of McClure, MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 21 Union County, along valleys east of Rey- noldsville in Union County, and east of Gale and Thebes in Alexander County. The lower part of the formation, to a thick- ness of about 25 feet, is relatively pure red and green limestone. Sample NF449. The upper part of the formation is mostly red and green shaly limestone and calcareous shale and is about 100 feet thick. DEVONIAN FORMATIONS Bailey limestone. — Crops out as prom- inent cliffs in the Mississippi River bluffs east of McClure in Alexander County and at Reynoldsville and Aldridge in Union County; also exposed in Alexander County southeast of Thebes. It is generally very cherty; the upper part is largely chert in places. It is about 400 feet thick. Samples NF93, 94. Backbone limestone, — Crops out in a small area at Grand Tower in Jackson County, in the Mississippi River bluff east of Grand Tower, along Hutchins Creek, and in the uplands to the west of the creek in an area north of Wolf Lake in Union County. The limestone is gray-white to white and much of it is pure. The forma- tion has a maximum thickness of about 80 feet. Samples L53 and NF444. Clear Creek chert. — Crops out widely in western Union and northern Alexander counties. Consists principally of chert. The formation includes cherty siliceous limestone north of Jonesboro in Union County. The formation is 300 or more feet thick. Dutch Creek sandstone Grand Tower, Lingle, and Alto lime- stones. — These closely related Devonian limestones crop out in a limited area near Grand Tower in Jackson County and in a narrow belt extending south from near Mountain Glen to near Ullin in Pulaski County. Largely relatively pure limestone, but the basal part is sandy and the upper part is shaly. Shale predominates south of Jonesboro. Thickness varies from 400 feet north to 50 feet south. Part of this sequence is exposed in the central part of Hicks Dome in Hardin County, where it is limestone. Sample S5 is Grand Tower limestone. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATION New Albany shale. — The New Albany shale, also sometimes called the Chatta- nooga or Mountain Glen shale, underlies an 0-shaped band around Hicks Dome about 8 miles north of Rosiclare in Hardin County. The shale is dark gray or black and may be as thick as 400 feet at Hicks Dome, although outcrops are generally small. The shale also crops out in Alexan- der, Pulaski, and Union counties, where it is generally less than 50 feet thick. It un- derlies a narrow north-south zone roughly between a point a few miles west of Ullin in Pulaski County to Mountain Glen in Union County. Sample \. MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS Springville shale. — Crops out in about the same area as the Mountain Glen shale. It is about 60 feet thick and consists of greenish shale, the upper part of which is siliceous — locally highly siliceous. A sim- ilar ten-foot shale bed overlies the New Al- bany shale in Hardin Countv. Samples LM14 and W286. Burlington-Keokuk (Osage) rocks. — Crop out on Hicks Dome in Hardin Coun- ty, in a small area southwest of Equality in Gallatin County, and in a belt extending from near Mountain Glen to Ullin in Un- ion, Alexander, and Pulaski counties. The rocks in the eastern area are highly siliceous limestone that weather to chert and are as much as 550 feet thick. The rocks in the western area consist principally of limestone with chert beds; in places they are largely chert. The formation is as thick as 300 feet. IVarsaw and Salem limestones. — Begin- ning at a point midway between Ullin and Wetaug in Pulaski County, these lime- stones underlie an elongate zone extending north and west to near Mountain Glen. The zone is about one-half to 2 miles wide in Pulaski County and the adjacent part of Union County, but to the north it becomes narrower; its exact width has not been de- termined. The lower part of the Warsaw- Salem is a dark limestone that contains a small amount of chert in some places. It is 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY exposed in the hills north of UUin and at other points. The upper part of the forma- tion crops out east and southeast of Mill Creek in Union County and north to near Jonesboro. It is a light-gray granular lime- stone of high purity. The thickness of the Salem-Warsaw in Pulaski and Union coun- ties is probably about 400 feet. Samples W285, LIO, LI, and NF443. Warsaw-Salem beds underlie an 0-shaped band, about half a mile wide, around Hicks Dome in Hardin County. The formation is estimated to be about 250 feet thick. The lower three-quarters is dark-gray lime- stone, locally cherty; the upper quarter is light-gray granular limestone, some of which is quite pure. A relatively small outcrop of Warsaw- Salem limestone occurs in Walker Hill at Grand Tower in Jackson County. Some of the limestone is cherty. St. Louis limestone. — Beginning at a point about 2 miles south of Alto Pass, Un- ion County, St. Louis limestone underlies a southeast-trending zone, which is half a mile wide initially, broadens to about a mile at Jonesboro in Union County, and then ex- pands to about 3 miles and continues so to beyond Dongola in Union County for about 3 1/2 miles to the flats of the Cache River in Pulaski County. A small outcrop is re- ported southwest of Perks, Pulaski County, in the uplands south of the Cache River flats. The thickness of the limestone ranges roughly between 200 and 350 feet. Its com- position varies from moderately impure to relatively pure limestone. Chert occurs in parts of the formation. The St. Louis limestone in Hardin Coun- ty underlies an 0-shaped band roughly half a mile to 1 mile wide around Hicks Dome north of Rosiclare. An elongate tract, one- quarter to three-quarters of a mile wide, un- derlain by the St. Louis limestone, extends along the south side of Hogthief Creek from Pankey's store, 4 miles north of Eliza- bethtown, northeast for about 3 miles. An- other area of St. Louis limestone extends along the Ohio River roughly from Cave in Rock west to within 11/^ miles of Eliza- bethtown. The maximum width of the area is about 2 miles. The character of the St. Louis limestone in Hardin County is similar to that in Union County, but some of it is very dark gray or black. It is be- lieved to be 500 feet thick. Good outcrops occur in the Ohio River bluffs. Two small areas underlain by St. Louis limestone occur in Saline County at the base of Cave Hill, roughly 4 miles southwest of Equality in Gallatin County. A small area of St. Louis limestone occurs in Walker Hill near Grand Tower, Jackson County. Ste. Genevieve formation. — This forma- tion consists of the Fredonia limestone mem- ber, about 175 to 200 feet thick (the thick- est unit), above which lies the Rosiclare sandstone. This in turn is overlain by the Levias limestone, which is similar to parts of the Fredonia and reaches a maximum thickness of about 50 feet in the eastern part of southern Illinois. In the western part, the upper Ste. Genevieve consists of oolitic limestone and much shale and sandstone. These members have not been mapped sep- arately in much of southern Illinois, so they are discussed together, although the data relate largely to the Fredonia limestone. The principal zone of outcrop of the Ste. Genevieve formation in Union County be- gins roughly at Mountain Glen and ex- tends to the southeast in a band that reaches a width of 2 or 3 miles at Anna and con- tinues to the northern edge of the Cache River flats near Perks in Pulaski County. From there it extends to the east, gradually decreasing in width to Belknap in Johnson County. In the uplands bordering the southern edge of the Cache River flats, rela- tively small areas of Ste. Genevieve lime- stone occur south and southeast of Perks in Pulaski County and in Massac County north of Boaz and northeast of Grinnell. Samples D2, U66, and W304. Small outcrops believed to be Ste. Gene- vieve limestone occur in or near the Ohio River bluffs at Hamletsburg and Bay City in Pope County. The Ste. Genevieve limestone in Hardin County underlies a roughly U-shaped area around Hicks Dome about 8 miles north of Rosiclare with the open end of the U to the southeast. At each end of the U the area of the Ste. Genevieve is several miles wide, MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 23 but towards the curved part of the U the area narrows to about 1 mile. The south- west side of the U extends to a little east of Shetlerville, where the Ste. Genevieve is ex- posed in the Ohio River bluffs for a short distance. Farther east the limestone crops out in the Ohio River bluff east of Cave in Rock for about a mile. From there, the area underlain by the formation forms an arch about 2 miles wide, extending northwest for about 4 miles, from there southwest to the river bluffs about 11/2 miles east of Elizabethtown, and continuing to Rosiclare. Samples NF177B and NF177C. Small outcrops of Ste. Genevieve lime- stone occur in the northern slopes of Wild- cat Hills and Cave Hill south and south- west of Equality in Gallatin County and in Walker Hill east of Grand Tower in Jack- son County. The character of the Ste. Genevieve lime- stone varies from relatively impure to pure, although the purer rock is believed to be more common. Much of the formation is oolitic; some of it is cherty. Chester series. — This series of rocks is composed of limestone or limestone and shale formations alternating with sandstone or sandstone and shale formations. The distribution pattern of the formations is too complex to discuss in detail. However, con- sidering the Chester series as a whole, it un- derlies an area a few miles wide beginning in the Mississippi River bluffs east of Grand Tower in southwestern Jackson County and extends southeastward to Vienna, where it underlies an area about 10 miles wide about equally divided north and south of Vienna. From there the band of Chester rocks proceeds with some interruptions east to central Pope County and into the north- western corner of Hardin County, where the outcrop band narrows to about 3 miles. From the corner of Hardin County the band makes an arc, broadening somewhat and interrupted locally, to the southeastern corner of the county at the large bend in the Ohio River. Other relatively small areas underlain by Chester rocks are present in Wildcat and Cave Hills south and south- west of Equality in Saline and Gallatin counties, about 3 miles southeast of Rudi- ment in Saline County and an adjoining part of Pope County, at places in the up- lands of southern Pope County, at the south- ern end of Fountain Bluff north of Grand Tower in Jackson County, and at a few other places. The Chester rocks are discussed below, beginning with the oldest formation. Renault formation. — Alternating lime- stone and shale strata, the limestone pre- dominating. Well exposed near Belknap in Johnson County. Thickness 60 feet or less to about 90 feet. Samples D16, D17, Lll, and L16. Bethel sandstone Paint Creek forjnation. — Shale or shale and sandstone; in places contains limestone in its upper part. Thickness 40 feet or less to 60 feet. Sample L20. Cypress sandstone Golconda formation. — Limestone and shale. Limestone is most common in the up- per and lower parts of the formation, shale in the middle part. Thickness 110 to 180 feet. Samples W308, W319, Bu20, Bu23, and probably Bu22. Hardinsburg sandstone Glen Dean formation. — Limestone at places in upper or lower part of formation. Middle part usually shale. Thickness 30 to 90 feet. Tar Springs sandstone Vienna formation. — Limestone and shale. Thickness about 20 feet. Sample LI 00. Waltersburg sandstone Menard formation. — Limestone and shale interbedded, the former predominat- ing. Thickness 70 to 120 feet. Samples Tl, T2, T5, and probably D48. Palestine sandstone Clore formation. — Shale and sandstone with thin limestone beds near top and bot- tom. Thickness 50 to 100 feet. Degonia formation. — Largely sandstone in west ; includes much shale with limestone beds up to 5 feet thick in the east. Thick- ness 30 to 140 feet. Kinkaid limestone. — Principally lime- stone with lesser amounts of shale. Thick- ness up to 200 feet but usually 50 to 150 feet. Samples K29, CHl-2, Wl-6. 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PENNSYLVANIAN FORMATIONS Pennsylvanian rocks occur chiefly in Gal- latin, northeastern Hardin, northern Pope, northern Johnson, northeastern Union, and Jackson counties. Principally sandstone, shaly sandstone, sandy shale, shale, con- glomerate; in places, relatively thin coals and, rarely, thin limestones. POST-PENNSYLVANIAN ROCKS Small outcrops of igneous rocks are found in western Hardin and eastern Pope coun- ties. Most or all of the outcrops are be- lieved to be too small to be important as a source of cement raw materials. CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY FORMATIONS The Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks con- sist of sand, silt, clay, and gravel. They are exposed in places in southern Pope, central and southern Massac, and north-central Pu- laski counties, at the southern end of the up- lands of Alexander County and in the vi- cinity of Fayville and Unity, and at a few places in Union County. Kaolin clay exists near Mountain Glen in Union County. Samples AK and B4. The Porters Creek formation, from which clay for fuller's earth has been pro- duced, is well developed near Olmsted in Pulaski County and Unity in Alexander County. It reaches a thickness of about 125 feet. Sample FE116 is fuller's earth; sam- ple La3 lies below the fuller's earth. PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS Residual clay. — At various places in dis- trict 4 the limestone deposits are overlain by a residuum of red clay from the leaching of the limestones. The thickness of the clay varies greatly but may not average more than 10 feet. Sample B21. Terrace clays and silts. — Silty clay and silt occur in terraces in the flood plains of many of the major streams. Loess. — A brown clayey silt reaching a thickness of 75 feet or more in the Missis- sippi River bluffs and 20 feet or more along the Ohio River. Its thickness decreases in- land from the rivers. It may rest on any of the previously described formations. Sam- ples DS4 and LIO. Alluvium. — Clay, silt, sand, and gravel |in the flood plains of streams. District 5 The bedrock of district 5 (fig. 3) is all of "Coal Measures" or Pennsylvanian age except in limited areas around LaSalle, where older rocks, chiefly sandstone and dolomite, are exposed. The Pennsylvanian rocks consist principally of sandstone and shale with lesser amounts of limestone and coal. Many of the limestones are less than 10 feet thick, but in places the limestone is as much as 30 feet thick. Quarries producing agricultural lime- stone or road rock are located in many out- crops of the thicker Pennsylvanian lime- stones. Usually the overburden is glacial clay (till), but in places shale is also pres- ent above the limestone. Most of the lime- stones are underlain by shale. Many coals in Illinois have a caprock of limestone either directly on or only a few feet above the coal. In southern and west- ern Illinois, some of these limestones are well exposed in coal strip mines. It is impossible to discuss in this general report all the Pennsylvanian limestones and their areas of outcrop. However, a number of the thicker or otherwise-important lime- stones are mentioned briefly below. Chem- ical analyses are given in table 3. ROCKS OLDER THAN THE PENNSYL- VANIAN STRATA These rocks are principally sandstone, dolomite, or dolomitic limestone, include the Shakopee dolomite, the St. Peter sand- stone, and the Galena-Platteville dolomite, and occur in LaSalle County. However, the latter formation locally contains lime- stone strata, as near Lowell, where there are two limestone units, 14 and 20 feet thick, containing 52 percent lime (CaO) and less than 3 percent magnesia (MgO). PENNSYLVANIAN ROCKS Following are brief notes on some of the major outcropping Pennsylvanian lime- stones that are not caprocks of coals and are being worked commercially. MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 25 LaSalle limestone. — Crops out at La- Salle, west of LaSalle, and at Oglesby in LaSalle County. The limestone is used ex- tensively by three large plants to make port- land cement. Thickness about 20 to 25 feet. The limestone contains interbedded shale. Samples C2ad, C3abd, and Dxl7B. Pontiac limestone. — Crops out in the vi- cinity of Pontiac, McDowell, and Ocoya in Livingston County. Thickness 10 to almost 25 feet. Samples P3 and P8. Livingston limestone. — Exposed at Fair- mount in Vermilion County, in the vicinity of Marshall and Casey in Clark County, and east of Charleston in Coles County. Usually consists of a lower limestone stratum 10 to 15 feet thick separated by 3 to 15 inches of shale from an upper lime- stone stratum up to about 8 feet thick. The shale apparently is absent in places, and the two limestone strata are in contact. At other places the upper limestone and shale have been removed by erosion. Samples S51ac, S9, and S3. Millersville limestone. — Exposed in southern Christian County north of Noko- mis and near Ramsey in northwestern Fay- ette County. Consists of 10 to 25 feet or more of limestone ; in most places there is a shaly parting up to 18 inches thick in the upper portion. Lonsdale limestone. — Exposed near Princeville, Peoria, Trivoli, and Cramer in Peoria County, east of Petersburg in Men- ard County, and near Lincoln in Logan County. The limestone ranges from about 10 feet to about 25 feet thick. Its compo- sition varies. Samples Bu8, DS55, NF455. Shoal Creek limestone. — Exposed near Radom in Washington County, Carlyle in Clinton County, Litchfield in Montgomery County, Sorento in Bond County, and east of Carlinville in Macoupin County. The limestone is roughly between 6 and 20 feet thick. Where the limestone is thickest it contains a shale parting. Sample L425. Omega limestone. — Exposed south and southeast of lola in Clay County, near Gil- more in Effingham County, and near Tower Hill in Shelby County. Thickness ranges between 5 and 15 feet; purity also varies. Usually the thicker limestone is more or less impure. Most of the deposits near Tower Hill are believed to be relatively impure; some reach a thickness of 25 feet. CAPROCKS OF COALS Coal No. 6 is produced by strip mining in Saline, Williamson, Randolph, Perry, Jackson, and St. Clair counties and coal No. 5 in Williamson, Saline, and southern Gallatin counties. The caprock of No. 6 coal varies from to about 25 feet thick, and where the caprock is well developed, a common thickness is 10 to 15 feet. The caprock limestone of No. 5 coal is usually less than 5 feet thick and is absent at many places. Samples NF79, NF69, NF73, and NF76. In Fulton, Peoria, and Knox counties in western Illinois, coals No. 5 and No. 6 are also stripped and have limestone cap- rocks that rarely exceed 5 feet and are gen- erally less thick, especially the limestone above No. 5 coal. Shale is interbedded with the limestone in places. Sample NF245. SHALES District 5 contains many shale forma- tions, some of which are used for making structural clay products. The analyses in table 3 show the locations and compositions of a number of these shales. Samples W79, R215, K2, K3, K4, K6, K7, and K14. PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS Glacial till. — A pebbly or stony clay (gla- cial till ) occurs in deposits from a few feet to over 100 feet thick at many places in dis- trict 5. It lies above the bedrock. It usu- ally contains more than 3 percent magnesia, although locally the weathered and leached parts of the till may contain less magnesia. Usually such clays are not more than 5 feet thick. Samples B18 and DSIOI. Loess. — Loess or loess-like silt overlies the till in many parts of district 5. It is thickest in those areas near the Illinois and Mississippi rivers but thins rapidly inland from the rivers and is only 2 to 10 feet thick over much of the district. Sample R216. Alluvium. — Gravel, sand, silt, and silty clay in the flood plains of streams. 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. — Sources and Chem- County Near Thick- ness ft. Formation Lee Lee Lee Will Whiteside Jo Daviess Lee Dixon Dixon Dixon Wilmington Sterling Rice Dixon DISTRICT 1 Limestones 22N 9E 27 5 22N 9E 27 10 22N 9E 27 9 33N lOE 31 NE NE 12 Clays and Shales 27N 22N IE 9E 14 27 NW SE SE NW 40 30 Platteville Platteville Platteville Kankakee Maquoketa Maquoketa Glacial till DISTRICT 2 Limestones Calhoun Calhoun Calhoun Jersey Calhoun Batchtown Batchtown Batchtown Nutwood Hamburg Rock Island Rock Island Rock Island Milan Rock Island Milan Jersey Adams Nutwood Seehorn Calhoun Calhoun Adams Adams Henderson Hardin Hardin Quincy Quincy Gladstone Schuyler Brown Madison Scott Brown Camden Gilbirds Alton Winchester Versailles Calhoun Madison Brown Calhoun Schuyler Golden Eagle Alton Cooperstown Brussels Browning 12S 12S 12S 8N 9S 2W 2W 2W 13W 3W 19 6 17 29 35 NE SE NW SE NW SE NE SE NE SE 50 7 37 8 16 17N 2W 25 20 17N 2W 25 SE NW 14 8N 3S 13W 7W 29 31 NE SW NE NE 13 29 lOS lOS 2W 2W 27 28 EH SE SE 15 70 2S ION 9W 5W 11 11 NW SE 30? 16 2N IS 5N 14N 2S 3W 2W low 13W 3W 17 31 4 27 26 NW NW SE NE NW NW SE 11 12 22 26 13 14S IW 6 NE SW 39 IS 13S 2N IW 2W IE 20 14 32 NW SW NW NW SW SW 13 8 15 Lower Plattin Decorah Kimmswick Brassfield Joliet and Brassfield Probably Wapsi- pinicon Probably Cedar Valley Probably Cedar Valley Cedar Valley McCraney Chouteau Burlington Burlington Burlington Burlington Keokuk Keokuk Salem Salem Salem St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian Clays and Shales R7 Calhoun Gilead lis 2W 17 NE SW 16 Maquoketa h R5 Calhoun Hamburg 9S 3W 36 SW NE 40 Hannibal h RU Calhoun Golden Eagle 14S 2W 1 NE SE 30 Pennsvlvanian h L7b Schuyler Frederick 10 Pennsylvanian b MD5 Madison Alton 6N low 35 SE 4 Pennsylvanian c D Calhoun Belleview 8S 3W 6 NE SW Pennsylvanian k *See notes at end of table. tSamples that do not have numbers In their *R203. ^Includes both FcaOa and FeO. source publications have been assigned capital letters. MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 27 iCAL Analyses of Samples SiO.> AloOs AI2O3 and FeoOs FeaOs MrO CaO Loss on ignition Sample No. 7.56 5.10 4.78 4.24 39.91 48.93 45.91 21 16.43 10.43 13.62 3.54 2.58 4.44 DISTRICT 1 Limestones 71 .60 4.58 2.40 4.83 Clays and Shales 4.80 3.68 4.03 5.08 6.80 6.60 48.48 45.84 47.04 47.20 7.57 10.85 12.06 40.54 41.94 41.92 41.77 21.02 16.71 16.96 S46c S46d S46e NF394 H18 DS71S DS71D DISTRICT 2 Limestones 2.19 9.80 .74 2.10 2.71 1.66 6.98 13.42 9.92 14.90 2.64 .21 19.78 2.79 15.80 9.82 3.79 4.07 16.90 3.23 1.00 10.34 1.53 3.10 .72 .83 .28 .48 .38 5.13 .54 2.02 .14 .04 32 .67 .42 1.42 .44 .43 ,22 1.16 4.32 1.94 5.88 3.06 2.14 .46 .41 .62 .32 .62 2.41 .46 1.24 .46 .10 .22 .77 .32 1.65 .62 Tr. 1.30 .62 5.35 67 ,42 60 ,42 .58 2.64 3.75 .50 5.53 1.31 .73 .61 .84 .64 6.84 .51 2.93 7.95 .54 .59 .65 .48 .63 .44 48.41 45.24 55.52 53.93 53.36 54.18 45.98 39.30 49.57 46.62 44.23 53.79 55.17 43.42 53.90 36.00 48.84 50.99 42.30 43.88 53.21 54.81 48.50 54.29 53.12 43.01 41.04 42.67 42.70 41.82 43.38 40.00 36.06 39.23 42.70 36.28 42.17 35.10 42.34 36.92 39.18 42.28 42.42 35.98 41.98 38.12 42.80 42.22 R19 NF403 R29 R13 R4 Bul5 DS69 R14 NF387 R20 R15 B C15 SL26-30 C35b R200 NF170b R122 C20 R33 C R143 R34 C46 Clays and Shales 56.69 69.20 58.04 73.66 56.92 23.31 15.38 24.40 16.37 26.80 6.05 4.18 6.66 2.06 2.51 2.81 2.50 2.04 2.10 .51 1.80 1.35 1.05 .63 .17 7.92 5.90 7.61 4.85 10.41 R7 R5 Rll L7b MD5 57.24 30.74 1.74 .30 Tr. 10.03 D 28 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. County Near T. R. Thick- ness ft. Formation DISTRICT 3 Limestones Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe St. Clair St. Clair St. Clair Randolph Monroe Randolph Monroe Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph St. Clair St. Clair Monroe Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Randolph Valmeyer Fults Columbia Prairie du Rocher Prairie du Rocher Valmeyer Dupo Dupo Dupo Prairie du Rocher Columbia Prairie du Rocher Red Bud Red Bud Chester Roots Chester Cora Chester Rockwood P>ench Village Centerville Valmeyer Chester Chester Chester Chester Prairie du Rocher 2S 12W 35 SW 35 4S low 36 SE SE 95 IS low 14 SW SW 35 5S 9W 44 5S 9W 28 3S IIW 15 NW SE IN low 21 IN low 25 IN low 14 5S 9W 16 IS low 17 SE SW 35± 5S 9W 14 3S 8W 21 WH 13 4S 8W 4 NW 8 7S 7W 23 NW NE 73 6S 8W 12 NW 7S 7W 28 8S 5W 17 NW SE 17 7S 6W 30 NW 40 8S 5W 18 NW SE 19 2N 9W 24 NW NE 5 IN 9W 3 NW NW 6 Clays and Sh ales 3S IIW 10 NE NW 22 7S 7W 23 NW NE 3 7S 7W 15 NE NW 10 7S 7W 15 NE NW 29 7S 7W 23 NW NE 20 5S 9W 20 Burlington- Keokuk Warsaw-Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Okaw Okaw Okaw Okaw Okaw Menard Menard Clore Caprock No. 6 coal St. David Maquoketa Okaw Menard Menard Loess Loess DISTRICT 4 Limestones Alexander Alexander Alexander Union Jackson Union Jackson Union Pulaski Union Union Union Union Johnson Hardin Thebes Thebes McClure Reynoldsville Grand Tower Wolf Lake Grand Tower Jonesboro Ullin Mountain Glen Mill Creek Anna Anna Cypress Shetlerville 15S 3W 17 15S 3W 21 NE NW 25 14S 3W 12 SE NW 24 13S 2W 20 NH NH 130 lOS 4W 23 W2 EK 45 lis 3W 23 SW NE 40 lOS 4W 25 NE 15 13S 2W 1 NE SE 40 14S IW 14 SW NE 40 12S 2W 2 Wi^ 60 13S IW 17 SW SW 50 12S IW 17 SE 20 12S IW 17 SE 37 14S 2E 1 58 12S 7E 35 22 Kimmswick Girardeau Bainbridge Bailey Backbone Backbone Grand Tower Warsaw-Salem Warsaw-Salem Salem Salem Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 29 AI2O3 AI2O.S and FeoOs FeaOs MgO CaO Los.s on ignition Sample No. DISTRICT 3 Limestones .05 1.01 .79 1.23** .90 .36 .12 .22 1.5 1.06 .51 .37 .63 40.2 50,13 54.56 54.80 54.13 32.5 40.38 43.26 42.71 42.38 NF90 S21 NF167A NF332A NF332E .70 .04 .26 1.54 .62 .41 .64 .44 .06 1.24 3.68 1.89 .62 .53 53.35 45.60 52.50 54.53 54.50 40.18 42.23 43.62 43.07 L70 NF163D NF163P NF162K NF331F .35 1.28** .85 2.00 2.39 .18 1.20 .49 1.20 .52 1.01 51.30 55.30 53.63 54.04 48.77 43.47 42.72 39.65 L66 NF330A L67 W254 SI 2.78 1.00 3.31 2.84 3.00** 2.39 .89 1.31 1.42 1.02 49.09 52.33 48.83 52.23 48.88 36.60 39.19 K23 K8 S7 K13B S9 4.8** 3.1** 2.9 .6 46.5 45.4 38.9 36.1 NF80 NF84 Clays and Shales 7.09 17.84 24.33 18.30 12.02 4.46 8.24 5.33 6.39 4.05 2.38 3.61 2.12 2.29 1.22 15.18 3.76 1.61 1.52 1.85 14.36 8.81 7.62 5.94 S22 S3 Sll S14 S4 11.96 3.48 2.04 2.01 6.05 L9 DISTRICT 4 Lim estones .47 .19 .17 .24 54.50 E 4.42 .11 .37 .47 49.97 L37 2.82 .90 .35 .69 53.23 41.95 NF449 31.75 2.71 1.59 2.61 33.52 NF93, 94 2.12 .21 .47 .75 51.16 L53 .68 .30 .10 1.81 53.77 43.60 NF444 3.08 1.12 1.26 52.24 42.62 S5 3.30 1.48 1.42 51.82 42.32 W285 1.66 .35 .23 .72 53.04 LIO .72 .20 .10 .35 54.15 LI .29 .26 .11 .70 55.53 43.23 NF443 1.99 .36 3.74 51.30 D2 1.76 .92 1.02 53.60 43.28 U66 2.04 1.22 1.50 52.72 43.34 W304 .59 .32 .26 .11 55.80 43.42 NF177B 30 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. — Sample No. County Near T. R. Sec. H M Thick- ness ft. Formation Refer- ence* NF177C Hardin Shetlerville 12S 7E 35 32 Ste. Genevieve c D16 Johnson Belknap 14S 2E 1 18 Renault a D17 Johnson Belknap 14S 2E 1 15 Renault a L20 Union Anna 12S IW 8 N3^ NE 18 Paint Creek c W308 Johnson Vienna 13S 3E 16 mA 30 Golconda a W319 Pope Golconda 13S 7E 9 15 Golconda a Bu20 Pope Golconda 13S 6E 26 Golconda a LlOO Johnson Flatwoods 13S 4E 12 E^ 20 Vienna c D48 Pope Reevesville 13S 5E 31 NE 32 Menard (?) a T5 Johnson Flatwoods 13S 4E 1 SE NW 32 Menard f Tl Johnson Flatwoods 13S 4E 1 SE NW 7 Menard f K29 Johnson Bloomfield 12S 3E 16 Kinkaid J CHl-2 Saline Equality lOS 7E 3 SW NW 10 Kinkaid c Wl-6 Johnson Simpson 12S 4E 23 SW NE 9 Kinkaid c Union Union Union Union Union Pope Pope Johnson Union Pulaski Pulaski Pulaski Hardin Alexander Union Jonesboro Mill Creek Jonesboro Anna Cobden Golconda Golconda Flatwoods Mountain Glen Grand Chain Olmsted Olmsted Eichorn Gale Anna Clays and Shales 12S 2W 23 NW NE 20 13S 2W 26 SE NE 10 13S 2W 1 NE SE 40 12S IW 9 NE SW 16 12S IW 6 10 13S 6E 26 53^ 13S 6E 26 6y2 13S 4E 1 SE NW 4 lis 2W 35 SW NW 14S 2E 27 SW SW 13 15S IE 27 NE SE 10 15S IE 26 NW NW 15 lis 7E 26 SW SE 7 15S 3W 4 SE NW 48 12S IW 17 SE 8 Mountain Glen Springville Springville Renault Renault (?) Golconda(?) Golconda Menard Cretaceous- kaolin Cretaceous-clay Porters Creek Porters Creek Residual clay Loess Loess DISTRICT 5 Limestones LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle Livingston Livingston Clark Clark Coles Peoria Peoria Logan Montgomery Knox St. Clair Perry LaSalle Oglesby Spring Valley Pontiac McDowell Marshall Casey Charleston Princeville Peoria Lincoln Litchfield Farmington Freeburg Sunfield 33N IE 15 15 32N 2E 6 18 16N HE 33 NW SW 12 28N 5E 16 11 27N 5E 1 NW NE 15 UN IIW 6 NW 14 ION 14W 28 NE 15 12N lOE 5 NW 18 UN 7E 5 SE 15 8N 7E 3 NW SW 15 19N 3W 7 10^ 8N 5W 2 SW 10 9N 4E 31 SW 3 2S 7W 4 SE 5 5S IW 32 7 LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle Pontiac Pontiac Livingston Livingston Livingston Lonsdale Lonsdale Lonsdale Shoal Creek Caprock No. 6 coal Caprock No. 6 coal Caprock No. 6 coal MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 31 Si02 AI2O, AI2O3 and Fe203 Fe-^Oa MgO CaO Loss on ignition Sample No. 4.84 1.59 1.04 2.44 49.76 41.03 NF177C 6.00 1.32 1.75 50.53 D16 5.33 .83 .96 52.17 D17 7.34 .42 .64 1.91 49.06 L20 .96 1.76 .74 53.56 43.20 W308 7.04 2.36 1.60 48.44 40.46 W319 7.66 2.02 .93 49.74 39.85 Bu20 16.04 4.14 4.40 38.96 LlOO 10.45 1.14 1.28 48.88 D48 12.30 1.53 1.79 2.73 43.42 T5 5.50 3.19 1.53 1.79 48.90 Tl 4.74 .74 1.48 51.25 K29 4.17 .73 .48 1.51 51.29 41.38 CHl-2 6.56 1.44 .73 1.80 48.87 39.90 Wl-6 13.85 11.38 17.85 18.17 21.00 20.27 16.20 34.01 26.48 15.99 11.87 23.47 13.76 13.45 Clays and Shales 13.74 5.72 2.33 .43 6.74 7.15 6.80 5.28 1.41 2.37 4.50 4.36 8.84 3.27 5.33 1.83 .79 1.50 2.01 1.69 1.58 1.66 2.82 .37 .77 2.00 1.79 .82 5.11 2.18 .70 .10 5.32 14.06 1.43 .60 1.14 3.66 .15 .44 .86 .85 .53 5.17 2.12 [5.90 3.38 7.66 5.62 5.54 6.70 11.95 8.03 13.36 10.21 7.92 8.82 2.86 1 LM14 W286 L16 Lll Bu22 Bu23 T2 AK B4 FE116 La3 B21 DS4 LIO DISTRICT 5 Limestones 7.23 6.05 26.4 5.44 1.12 4.8 .28 .29 3.82 3.25 2.7 .90 .65 1.39 .91 2.4 .13 .19 47.85 49.69 32.1 50.11 53.40 39.83 40.35 C2acd C3abd Dxl7B P3 P8 1.90 4.04 3.91 13.36 15.27 2.26 1.97 2.94 1.56 3.24 1.04 .60 .66 1.00 .42 .78 53.06 51.26 52.49 46.74 45.15 43.17 41.92 37.94 35.86 S51ac S9 S3 Bu8 DS55 4.21 1.76 1.15 .28 .78 .43 .45 .36 51.75 54.02 41.42 NF455 L425 12.51 4.38 2.84 2.07 42.41 34.41 NF245 28.5 6.18 2.92 1.1 32.4 27.3 NF79 9.8 4.7** 1.3 47.1 38.3 NF69 32 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3.- Sample No. County Near T. Thick- ness ft. Formation Refer- ence* NF73 NF76 Perry Williamson DuQuoin Fordville 6S 8S 2W 2E 29 32 NW sw NE SE 15 4 Caprock No. 6 coal Caprock No. 6 coal aBleininger, A. V., Lines, E.F., and Layman, F. E., 1912, Portland-cement resources of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 17, table I, p. 97-100, and text, p. '77-96. bBleininger, Lines, and Layman, table II, p. 104, and text, p. 106-113. ^Analyses by Geochemistry Section, Illinois State Geological Survey. dRolfe, C. W., et al., 1908, Paving brick and paving-brick clays of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 9, table I, p. 284, and text, p. 280-282. eLamar, J. E., et al., 1934, Rock wool from Illinois mineral resources: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 61, table 1, p. 57-64, and text. ^Lamar et al., table 12, p. 142-155. SLamar et al., table 6, p. 118, and text. Clays and Shales W79 LaSalle Ottawa 33N 3E 18 NE NE 12 Francis Creek shale f R215 Fulton Canton 5N 5E 7 SE NW 8 Canton shale f K2 Madison Glen Carbon 30± McLeansboro shale d K3 Edwards Albion 30± McLeansboro shale d K4 Sangamon Springfield 50± Trivoli shale d K6 Knox Galesburg 60 Purington shale d K7 LaSalle Streator 30 Shale above No. 7 coal d K14 Vermilion Danville 50d= McLeansboro shale d B18 Clay Louisville 5N 6E 35 SW NE 23^ Till (weathered) n DSlOl Ford Paxton 23N lOE 17 NW NW 23 Till f R216 Peoria Bartonville 8N 9E 26 SE NE 9 Loess f MATERIALS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT 33 (concluded) SiOs AI2O3 AI0O3 and Fe^Os MgO CaO Loss on ignition Sample No. 26.9 1.1 4.92 3.9 2.08 2.1 5.8 34.0 43.0 29.8 39.8 NF73 NF76 Clays and Shales 55.64 68.25 23.67 15.36 4.70 4.52 1.77 1.69 .31 .65 7.10 4.56 W79 R215 63.35 16.27 7.56 1.33 1.01 4.75 K2 59.34 60.31 15.36 17.74 7.101 7. 00 J 1.82 1.96 .76 .41 7.89 6.71 K3 K4 63.62 16.28 5.92$ 1.44 .63 5.88 K6 59.86 17.43 6. SIX 2.32 1.05 6.35 K7 64.09 79.04 51.03 14.16 11.04 12.95 5.81J 3.47 4.90 1.64 .72 5.92 1.69 .39 7.35 6.47 3.18 13.56 K14 B18 DSlOl 61.70 9.16 3.10 4.46 6.98 11.46 R216 bRubey, W. W., 1952, Geology and mineral resources of the Hardin and Brussels quadrangles (in Illinois): U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 218, p. 156-158. iLamar, J. E., 1937, in Contributions of the fifth annual mineral industries conference in 1937: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 23, p. 228. JKrey, Frank, and Lamar, J. E., 1925, Limestone resources of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 46, table 17, p. 312-323. kLamar, J. E., 1931, Refractory clays in Calhoun and Pike counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 22, p. 22. 'Lamar, J. E., 1948, Clay and shale resources of extreme southern lUinois: lUinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 128, p. 18. ™Lamar, J. E., 1929, The limestone resources of the Pontiac-Pairbury region: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 17, p. 12, 13, and 19. nGrogan, R. M., and Lamar, J. E., 1945, Illinois surface clays as bonding clays for molding sands — an exploratory study: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 104, p. 12. 34 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REFERENCES Butts, Charles, 1925, Geology and mineral re- sources of the Equality-Shawneetown area: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 47. Krey, Frank, 1924, Structural reconnaissance of the Mississippi Valley area from Old Monroe, Missouri, to Nauvoo, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 45. Lamar, J, E., 1925, Geology and mineral resources of the Carbondale quadrangle: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 48. North, O. S., 1954, Cement; a chapter from Mineral Facts and Problems: preprint from U. S. Bureau of Mines Bull. 556. RuBEY, W. W., 1952, Geology and mineral re- sources of the Hardin and Brussels quadrangles (in Illinois): U, S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 218. Savage, T. E., and Udden, J. A., 1921, Geology and mineral resources of the Milan and Edgington quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 38C. Wanless, H. R., 1929, Geology and mineral re- sources of the Alexis quadrangle: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 57. Weller, J. M., 1940, Geology and oil possibilities of extreme southern Illinois-Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Alexander, Pulaski, and Massac counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 71. Weller, J. M., and Ekblaw, G. E., 1940, Prelimi- nary geologic map of parts of the Alto Pass, Jonesboro, and Thebes quadrangles in Union, Alexander, and Jackson counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 70. Weller, J. M., et al., 1952, Geology of the fluor- spar deposits of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 76. Weller, Stuart, and Krey, Frank, 1939, Pre- liminary geologic map of the Mississippian formations in the Dongola, Vienna, and Brownfield quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 60. Weller, Stuart, and Weller, J. M., 1939, Pre- liminary geological maps of the pre-Pennsyl- vanian formations in part of southwestern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 59. Weller, Stuart, et al., 1920, Geology of Hardin County and the adjoining part of Pope County: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 41. Workman, L. E., and Gillette, Tracey, 1956, Subsurface stratigraphy of the Kinderhook series in Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 189. Worthen, a. H., 1866, Geological Survey of Illi- nois, V. I: Illinois Geol. Survey. Illinois State Geological Survey, Report of Investigations 195 34 p., 3 figs., 3 tables, 1956