LIST OF BOOKS Added to the Public Library from April, 1904 to July, 1905 Books marked R are for reference only; those marked P circulated by permission; those starred (* *) are gifts. Abbot, W. J. Carter Henry Har- rison 923.273:55 Abbott, Lyman. Great companion 231:4 Personality of God 231:5 Abrams, LeRoy. Flora of Los Angeles and vicinity 580.979:7 Adams, Andy. Outlet A 210-2 Texas matchmaker A 210-1 Adams, Brooks. New empire.. 320:6 Alden, W. L. Jimmy Brown trying to find Europe xA 359-6 Aldrich, T. B. Sea turn (short stories) A 365-7 Alexander, M. W. The table and how to decorate it 640:10 Allen, Grant. European tour... 914:44 Allen, J. H. Christian history in its three great periods. 3v. 270:8 Anthony, G. C. Elements of me- chanical drawing 744:2 Arnim, M. A. B. Adventures of Elizabeth in Rugen 824:73 Atherton, G. F. Rulers of kings A 869-10 Bell in the fog, etc A 869-12 Splendid idle forties A 869-11 Audubon, Lucy. John James Audubon 925.9:3 Austin, Alfred. English lyrics.. 821:73 Austin, Mary H. Basket woman x398.3:12 Isidro A 397-1 Bacheller, I. Virgilius B 121-5 Baedeker, Karl. Italy from the Alps to Naples 914.5:21 Bailey, L. H. Evolution of our native fruits 634:10 Horticulturist’s rule-book .... 630 : 7 Lessons with the plants x 580:10 Principles of vegetable-garden- ing 635:4 Pruning book 634:9 Baldwin, Mrs. A. Pedlar’s pack xB 182-1 Baldwin, J. Hero tales x291:6 Baldwin, J. M. Fragments in philosophy and science 104:3 Ballard, F. Miracles of unbelief. 239:23 Balzac, H. de. Le pere Goriot. . 843:11 “Barbara.” People of the whirl- pool G 218-2 Woman errant G 218-3 Barbour, R. H. On your mark. . xB 2396-4 Weatherby’s inning xB 2396-5 Barnard, F. P. Companion to English history (Middle ages) 942:11 Barr, Robert. Chicago princess. B 2686-14 Behring, E. von. Suppression of tuberculosis 616.24:1 Bell, Lilian. Hope Loring B 434-7 Interference of Patricia B 434-8 Bennet, R. A. For the white Christ B 472-1 *Besant, Annie. Ancient wisdom 212:7 Birth and evolution of the soul 212:14 Death — and after? 212-18 Esoteric Christianity 212:19 In the outer court 212:8 Karma 212:13 Man and his bodies 212:6 Reincarnation 212:17 Theosophy and the new phychology 212:16 Thought power 212:15 Besant, Walter. Autobiography 928.2:88 London in time of Tudors Reference Beveridge, A. J. Russian ad- vance 915:14 ♦Elaine, J. G. Political discus- sions 320.8:1 Blanchard, A. E. Janet’s college career xB 639-13 Eland, E. Nesbit. Phoenix and the carpet xB 642-3 Red house B 642-4 Blomfield, R. Renaissance archi- tecture in England 720.92:1 Blumner, Hugo. Home life of the ancient Greeks 913.38:3 Blundell, M. E. S. Manor farm. B 659-5 Bolton, C. E. Harris-Ingram ex- periment B 694-1 Benner, Geraldine. Pioneer ... B 716-3 Bookkeeping. Accounting for retail business 657:3 Detroit book-keeper’s balance sheet 657:4 How to do without a trial balance 657:5 Twentieth century book-keep- ing 657:2 Botsford, G. W. History of Rome 937:11 Brady, C. T. Border fights and fighters 970:37 Hohenzollern B 812-12 John Paul Jones 923.573:48 Midshipman in the Pacific. ... xB 812-10 Sir Henry Morgan buccaneer. . B 812-9 Two captains B 812-11 ♦Bridge, J. H. Inside history of Carnegie Steel Co 338.7:2 Briggs, C. A. Ethical teaching of Jesus 232:2 Messianic prophecy 220.1:2 Brinkley, F. China its history, arts and literature, 4v 951:6 Japan its history, arts and lit- erature, 8v 952:5 r 2 — Brooks, Geraldine. Dames and daughters of the young re- public 920.7:30 Brooks, Phillips. Candle of the Lord 252:22 Light of the world 252:23 Brown, A. F. Flower princess.. x398.4: 1 Brown, Alice. High noon B 878-6 Mannerings B 878-7 Brown, W. G. Stephen Arnold Douglas 923.273:57 Browne, Frances. Granny’s won- derful chair xB 883-1 Bruce, A. B. Providential order of the world 214:1 Bryant, Sara C. How to tell stories to children 371:5 Bullen, F. T. . Denizens of the deep 639:6 Bunner, H. C. Love in old cloathes B 942-10 Poems 811:94 Burdick, A. J. Mystic mid-region 917.94:15 Burdick, F. M. Essentials of business law 347.7:1 Burkett, C. W., and others. Agriculture for beginners 630:8 Burnham, C. L. Jewel B 966-16 Burroughs, J. Far and near.... 814:117 Burton, C. P. Boys of Bob’s Hill xB 9745-1 Burton, E. D. & Mathews, S. Principles and ideals for the Sunday school 268.4:1 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy 828:23 Butterworth, H. Story of Ma- gellan x923 .9:9 Caballeria, Juan. History of San Bernardino valley 979.4:10 Caine, Hall. Prodigal son C 135-11 Calderwood, H. Handbook of moral philosophy 171:2 California — its products, re- sources, industries and at- tractions 917.94:16 California, Scenes of wonder and curiosity in 917.94:17 Call, A. P. Freedom of life 170:46 Carman, Bliss. Friendship of art 814:109 Carpenter, W. B. Popular his- tory of Church of England. 283:2 Carrington, F. ed. Shepherd’s pipe (poems) 821:66 Carryl, G. W. Far from the mad- dening girls C 321-1 ♦Carter, A. C. ed. Kingdom of Siam 915.93:3 Carter, M. H. ed. Bear stories.. x590:19 Cat stories x636.8:5 Lion and tiger stories x590:20 Panther stories x590:21 Stories of brave dogs x590:25 Castle, A. & E. Rose of the world C 353-10 | Cavendish, G. Life and death of Thomas Wolsey 922.2:9 | Chambers, R. W. In search of the unknown C 445-14 Iole C 445-15 Chance, Lulu M. Little folks of many lands x428.6:13 Chestnut, Mary B. Diary from Dixie 917.53:3 Child, F. J. ed. English and Scottish popular ballads ... 821:65 Church, A. J. Heroes of chivalry and romance x398.2:15 Chittenden, H. M. Yellowstone national park 917.8:27 Christian, E. & M. G. Uncooked foods and how to use them. 613.2:2 Churchill, W. Crossing C 563-5 Clark, S. H. Handbook of the best readings :.. 808.5:6 Clark, W. N. Study of Christian missions 266:14 Clarke, H. B. First Spanish reader and writer 465:1 Clay, Mrs. Virginia. Belle of the fifties 920.7:29 Clemens, C. L. (Mark Twain). Dog’s tale C 625-6 Extracts from Adam’s diary.. C 625-7 Clement, C. E. Heroines of the Bible in art 755:5 Women in the fine arts 927:3 Cleveland, Grover. Presidential problems 304:25 Clodd, E. Story of “primitive” man 571:4 Cockerell, D. Bookbinding and care of books 686:2 Cody, S. ed. World’s greatest short stories C 671-1 Coe, G. A. Religion of a mature mind 240:10 Colquhoun, A. R. Mastery of the Pacific 919:5 Compendium of drawing, 2v.... 740:3 Comstock, J. H. Insect life .... 595.7:10 Connelly, J. B. On Tybee Knoll C 753-3 Seiners C 753-2 Cook, James (Captain) Voyages round the world 910.4:32 Cooke, G. M. & MacGowan, A. Huldah C 7725-1 Cooke, R. T. Sphinx’s children. C 773-4 Coppee, Francois. Conte en prose 843:13 Couch, A. T. Quiller. Fort Amity C 853-9 Hetty Wesley C 853-10 Historical tales from Shakes- peare 822.33:16 Shining ferry C 853-11 Westcotes C 853-12 ed. Oxford book of English verse 821:70 Coues, E. On the trail of a Span- ish pioneer, 2v 917.9:12 Coulter, J. M. Botany of the Rocky Mountain region.... 580.978:1 Cowan, R. E. Spanish press of California (1833-1844) 979.4:12 Cox, M. M. (C.) Home thoughts 1st series 173:9 Craigie. P. M. R. (John Oliver Hobbes). Vineyard C 886-4 Crawford, F. M. Whosoever shall offend C 899-38 —3 Crissey, F. Tattlings of a re- tired politician Crockett, S. R. Dark o’ the moon Loves of Miss Anne Strong Mac Cross, A. K. Freehand drawing. Cross, M. I. & Cole, M. J. Modern microscopy Crothers, S. M. Gentle reader. . Cumnock, R. M. comp. School speaker Cutting, M. S. Heart of Lynn.. Little stories of courtship . . . Little stories of married life . . Cuyler, T. L. Recollections of a long life Darrow, C. S. Farmington Daskam, J. D. Her fiance Memoirs of a baby Davidson, A. B. Theology of the Old Testament Davis, Rebecca H. Bits of gos- sip Davis, Richard H. Ranson’s folly Dawson, T. C. South American republics, 2v Deland, E. D. Josephine Deland, Margaret. Common way Dr. Lavendar’s people Dellenbaugh, F. S. Breaking the wilderness North Americans of yesterday Romance of the Colorado river Deniker, J. Races of man Denney, James. Atonement and the modern mind Denton, C. J. Little people’s dialogues Deutsch, Leo. Sixteen years in Siberia Dillon, Mary. Rose of old St. Louis Dobson, Austin. Collected poems 2v Eighteenth century vignettes, 3v Dole, N. H. Young folks’ his- tory of Russia Doubleday, R. Stories of in- ventors Doyle, A. C. Return of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, M. P. Calendar stories.. Drake, S. A. Young vigilantes. . Drummond, R. J. Relation of apostolic teaching to teach- ing of Christ Dunbar, P. L. Lyrics of lowly life Duncan, Norman. Dr. Grenfell’s parish Doctor Luke of the Labrador. Earle, A. M. Colonial days in old New York Ebers, G. Homo sum Egan, P. Life in London Life of an actor 818:54 C 938-28 C 938-27 C 938-26 741:7 578:3 814:107 808.5:7 xC 991-1 C 991-2 C 991-3 922.5:12 818:57 D 229-8 D 229-7 230:12 818:56 D 264-14 980:2 xD 336-7 170:45 D 337-8 978:7 970.6:3 917.91:4 572:5 232.3:2 x793 : 14 915.7:8 D 579-1 821:69 824:77 x947 : 3 x608:7 D 753-26 x398 .3:15 xD 763-1 232.04:4 811:102 917.19:2 D 912-1 917.47:1 833:1 828:20 828:21 Eggleston, E. Stories of Ameri- can life and adventure Eggleston, G. C. Dorothy South Evelyn Byrd . . ; ed. American war ballads and lyrics, 2v Einhard. Life of Charlemagne.. Ellwanger, H. B. The rose Elson, Arthur. Modern com- posers of Europe Elson, L. C. History of Ameri- can music Encyclopedias Encyclopedia Americana, 16v. Chambers Encyclopedia, lOv. Chambers Encyclopedia of English literature, 3v. Everett, C. C. Psychological ele- ments of religious faith.... Fairbairn, A. M. Place of Christ in modern theology. Field, Eugene. Love-songs of childhood With trumpet and drum Fiske, John. Century of science Fitzgerald, O. P. California sketches Fcote, M. H. Desert and the sown Forest congress, American, Pro- ceedings of Forman, J. M. Journeys end... Foster, C. Story of the Bible. . Foster, J. W. American diplo- macy in the orient Fowler, Ellen T. Kate of Kate Hall Fox, J. jr. Blue-grass and rho- dodendron Christmas eve on Lonesome . . Francis, J. G. Cheerful cats. . . . Fraser, L. G. Dancing with musical examples Fraser, Mary C. (Mrs. Hugh). Letters from Japan Stolen emperor Fraser, W. A. Brave hearts .... French, Alice (Octave Thanet). Otto the knight Freeman, E. A. Western Europe in the eighth century Western Europe in the fifth century Fresenius, C. R. Manual of qual- itative chemical analysis . . . Friedman, I. K. By bread alone Fromentin, E. Old masters of Belgium and Holland Fuller, Anna. Bookful of girls. . ^Fuller, G. E. Reminiscences of James A. Garfield Fulton, R. I. & T rueblood, T. C. Choice readings Gairdner, James. Henry VII.... Galdos, B. P. Dona Perfecto... Gardner, E. G. Florence Garland, Hamlin. Light of the star Tyranny of the dark x428 .6:14 E 30-10 E 30-11 811:97 923.144:36 716:4 927.8:24 780.9:6 Reference 204:33 209 : 5 811:92 811:93 814:112 917.94:14 F 689-11 634.9:5 F 724-1 x220: 4 327:4 F 786-8 917.6:4 F 792-6 x636.8:4 793:16 915.2:24 F 842-2 F 8425-4 F 873-7 940.3:2 940.2:1 544:1 F 910-2 759.3:2 xF 965-7 920.07:6 808.8:43 923.142:21 863:1 945.5:3 G 233-8 G 233-9 — 4 — Gayley, C. M. Classic myths in English literature Genung, J. F. Words of Ko- heleth Ghent, W. J. Mass and class... Giberne, Agnes. Mighty deep and what we know of it. . . . Gilder, J. L. Tom-boy at work. . Giles, H. A. & others. Great re- ligions of the world Gilman, C. P. The home Glentworth, M. L. Tenth com- mandment Goethe, J. W. von. Gedichte... Goodloe, A. C. At the foot of the Rockies Goodwin, M. W. Four roads to Paradise Gordon, C. W. (Ralph Connor). Prospector Gordon, G. A. Christ of today. Immortality and the new the- odicy Ultimate conceptions of faith. Granger, Edith, ed. Index to poetry and recitations .... Grant, Robert. Orchid Undercurrent Gray, Arthur, ed. Toasts and tributes Grey, Robin, ed. Studies in music Greene, S. P. M. Deacon Lysan- der Griffis, W. E. Religions of Japan Grinnell, G. B. Jack in the Rockies Grove, G. Beethoven and his nine symphonies Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Virgin and Christ Gulick, S. L. White peril in the far east Gwynn, S. Masters of English literature Hadden, J. C. Chopin Hadow, W. H. Studies in mod- ern music. 2v Haeckel, Ernst. Wonders of life Haggard, H. R. Pearl-maiden.. Hains, T. J. Black barque ♦Haley, W. D., ed. Philip’s Washington described Hall, H. M. Botanical survey of San Jacinto mountain Hall, Hubert. Society in the Elizabethan age ♦Halstead, Murat. Galveston . . Hancock, H. I. Physical train- ing for women by Japanese methods Hare, C. Most illustrious ladies of the Italian renaissance. . Harkins, E. F. & Johnston, C. H. L. Little pilgrimages among the women who have writ- ten famous books Harland, Henry. My frienl Prospero 291:7 229.4:1 330:11 551.46:1 920.7:31 290:5 173:11 G 558-2 831:4 G 653-2 G 657-5 Lr 662-5 232:1 218:7 230:14 Reference G 763-13 G 763-12 808.8:31 780.4:5 G 812-9 299.2:1 xG 8681-2 785.1:2 244:7 915.2:23 820.9:18 927.8:23 780.4:6 570:1 H 145-24 H 152-4 975.3:3 580.979:8 942.05:3 917.64:1 613.7:9 945.06:1 928.1:55 H 283-6 Harper, W. R. Trend in higher education Harper’s cook book encyclo- pedia Harris, J. C. Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann Little Union scout Hart, A. B. Foundations of American foreign policy. . . . Harte, F. Bret. Barker’s luck.. From sand hill to pine Condensed novels, 1st series. Condensed novels, 2nd series. Drift from two shores Openings in the old trail Tales of the Argonauts Hartmann, S. Japanese art Haskins, C. W. How to keep household accounts Hatfield, H. R., ed. Lectures on commerce Hawkins, Anthony Hope. Double harness Hawthorne, J. Hawthorne and his circle Hearn, L. Japan Hegan, Alice. Sandy Heidenstam, O. G. von. Swedish life in town and country... Henderson, Peter. Practical flor- iculture Henderson, W. J. How music developed Henley, W. E. Poems Henry, Arthur. House in the woods Unwritten law Henry, O. Cabbages and kings. Hepworth, G. H. Hiram Golf’s religion Herrick, C. T. In city tents.... Herrick, Robert. Common lot. . Herrmann, W. Faith and morals Hervey, A. French music in the XIXth century Hewlett, Maurice. New Canter- bury tales Hichens, Robert. Garden of Allah Higgins, C. A. & Keeler, C. A. To California and back Hill, F. T. The .web Hiscox, G. D. Gas, gasoline and oil vapor engines Horseless vehicles, automo- biles, motor cars operated by steam, hydrocarbon, electric and pneumatic motors Hodgson, F. T. Modern carpen- try Holbrook, Florence. Book of na- ture myths Holden, E. S. Primer of her- aldry for Americans Holm, Adolf. History of Greece, 4v Holt, A. Fancy dresses de- scribed Hooker, K. Wayfarers in Italy. . Hopkins, A. A. comp. Magic ... 370.4:4 641:16 H 314-12 H 314-11 327:3 H 327-37 H 327-43 H 327-42 H 327-38 H 327-39 H 327-40 H 327-41 70.52:2 640:9 380:2 H 393-22 928.1:54 915.2:22 H 462-3 914.85:1 716:5 780.1:6 821:71 H 521-2 H 521-3 H 523-1 H 529-1 640:11 H 566-2 261.4:1 782.4:1 H 612-5 H 626-4 917.94:12 H 646-2 621.4:3 621.4:2 694:2 x398.3: 14 929.6:1 938:8 391.1:1 914.5:25 791:1 Hopkins, W. J. Telephone 537.82:1 Hornaday, W. T. American nat- ural history 590:26 Hornung, E. W. Denis Dent ... H 816-12 Stingaree H 816-13 Hosie, A. Manchuria 951.8:1 Hough, E. Law of the land.... H 838-3 Houston, E. J. & Kennelly, A. E. Alternating electric currents. 537.3:1 Electric street railways 621.33:1 Howe, M. & Hall, F. H. Laura Bridgman 920.7:28 Howells, W. D. Flight of Pony Baker xH 859-39 Son of Royal Langbraith ... H 859-38 Huckel, O. Parsifal 782.2:2 Hudson, T. J. Evolution of the soul 128:4 Hughes, E. California of the Padres 979.4:11 Hughes, R. W. General John- ston 923.573:47 Hughes, Rupert. Contemporary American composers 927.8:25 Real New York 917.4:25 Hulbert, W. D. Forest neigh- bors 590:23 Hume, H. H. Citrus fruits and their culture 634:11 Hunter, R. Poverty 339:2 Hutten, Bettina von. Pam H 982-3 Violett H 982-2 Hutton, C., trans. Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy, 4v 510:2 Hutton, Laurence. Literary land- marks of London 914.2:35 Huxley, T. H. Discourses biolog- ical and geological 570.4:1 Hyde, W. D. From Epicurus to Christ 187:1 God’s education of man 230:15 lhlseng, M. C. & Wilson, E. B. Manual of mining 622:2 Illingworth, J. R. Personality human and divine 204:35 Imperator et rex 923.143:8 Isham, F. S. Black Friday I 79-2 Jackson, G. E. Three Graces... xJ 13-4 Three Graces at college xJ 13-3 Jacobs, W. W. Dialstone lane. J 175-8 Lady of the barge J 175-9 James, C. C. Practical agricul- ture 630:9 James, G. W. Traveler’s hand- book to Southern California 917.94:18 James, Henry. Golden bowl.... J 28-27 James, W. Varieties of religious experience 204:34 Jenks, Tudor. Boy’s book of ex- plorations x910:9:4 Captain John Smith x923.973:14 Jepson, Edgar. Admirable Tinker xJ 555-1 Jepson, W. L. Flora of western middle California 580.979:6 School flora for the Pacific coast 580.979:5 Jerome, J. K. Tommy & Co J 56-4 Johnson, B. T. General Wash- ington 923.573:44 Johnson, C. Along French by- ways 914.4:27 Among English hedgerows... 914.2:32 Highways and byways of the south 917.5:7 Land of heather 914.1:2 Johnson, Owen. In the name of liberty J 67-2 Johnson, W. G. & Brown, G. O. Poultry book, 3v 636.5:3 Johnston, A. F. Little Colonel in Arizona xJ 723-3 Johnston, Mary. Sir Mortimer. J 73-4 Johnstone, P. D. Muhammed and his power 922.9:3 Jones, H. A. Renascence of the English drama 822:8 Jordan, D. S. Footnotes to evo- lution 575:12 — & Evermann, B. W. American food and game fishes 597:1 Jordan, Elizabeth. May Iverson — her book J 825-1 Tales of the cloister J 825-2 Kaler, J. O. Defending the island xK 14-52 “Katherine.” Letters from an Oregon ranch 917.95:1 Keeler, C. Simple home 690:5 Keep, J. West American shells 594:2 Keltie, J. S. ed. Statesman’s year-book 1905 Reference Kemp, J. F. Handbook of rocks 552:2 Kennedy, S. R. Lodestar K 327-1 Kidd, B. Principles of western civilization 320:5 King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada 917.9:11 King, F. H. Physics of agricul- ture 631:6 The soil 631:7 King, H. C. Theology and the social consciousness 233.6:1 King, Pauline. American mural painting 729.4:1 Kingsland, Mrs. B. Book of in- door and outdoor games... x793:13 Kingsley, Charles. Poetical works 821:72 Kipling, R. Traffic and discov- eries K 57-14 Knox, G. W. Japanese life in town and country 915.2:21 Kobbe, Gustav. Famous actors and actresses and their homes 927.92:21 Landon, Perceval. Opening of Tibet 915.15:6 Landor, A. H. S. Gems of the east 919.1:8 Landor, W. S. Shorter works.. 824:74 Lane, E. M. Nancy Stair L 265-2 Lang, Andrew. Alfred Tenny- son 928.2:89 Historical mysteries 904:5 Brown fairy book xL 269-13 Story of the golden fleece.... x292:7 Latimer, E. W. Judea 933:9 Last years of 19th century... 909.8:2 - 6 — Laughlin, J. L. & Willis, H. P. Reciprocity Laut, A. C. Heralds of empire.. Pathfinders of the west ♦Leadbeater, C. W. Clairvoyance Dreams Outline of theosophy Some glimpses of occultism . . Learned, W., ed. Treasury of American verse LeCcnte, Joseph. Autobiography Lee, R. E. Recollections and let- ters of General Robert E. Lee Legouve, Ernest. Reading as a fine art Le Row, C. H. Pieces for every occasion Leupp, F. E. Man Roosevelt... Lewis, A. H. President Sunset trail Library for young people, 20 vols. 1 First book of song and story 2 Bible stories and religious classics 3 Alice’s adventures in Won- derland 4 Fairy tales 5 Oriental fairy tales 6 Gulliver’s travels 7 Heroes of myth and legend. 8 Great men and famous deeds 9 Life out of doors 10 Robinson Crusoe 11 Travellers and explorers... 12 Authors and inventors 13 Adventures by land and sea l~t Sports and games 15 School days and college life 16 Tom Brown’s school days.. 17 Poems for young folks 18 Sketches and humor 19 Short stories 20 Ivanhoe Liljencrantz, O. A. Vinland champions Lincoln, J. C. Cap’n Eri Partners of the tide Lindsay, T. M. Church and the ministry in the early centuries Lingard, J. History of England (abridged) Lippman, J. M. Every-day girls. Lisle, S. D. Teddy and Towser. Litchfield, G. D. Letter D Lloyd, Nelson. Soldier of the valley London, Jack. Cruise of the Dazzler Faith of men Sea-wolf The game ... Long, J. L. Little Miss Joy-Sing Naughty Nan Sixty Jane Loomis, C. B. More cheerful Americans 337.9:1 L 389-2 978:8 212:10 212:11 212:9 212:12 810.8:2 925.5:2 923.573:42 808:11 808.5:8 923.173:29 L 673-6 L 673-7 x808 .8:33 x244 : 6 xD 64±-lb x398 .4:2 > xA 658-la j 827:6b ; x398.2:16 x920: 4 j x910: 26 j xD 314-2e x923 .9:10 x920.02:12 x910:25 x796 : 12 i x808.3: 4 j xH 894-2a x808.1:8 x808 .7:4 x808.8:3 S 431-15b xL 728-4 | L 738-1 281:1 942:12 xL 766-1 xL 771-1 L 776-2 L 7935-1 xL 847-5 L 847-6 L 847-7 L 847-8 xL 848-4 L 848-5 L 848-3 L 863-5 Lorimer, C. H. Old Gorgon Gra- ham Lothrop, H. M. (Margaret Sid- ney). Five little Peppers and their friends Low-cost houses with construct- ive details Lubbock, Basil. Round the Horn before the mast Lubbock, J. (Lord Avebury). Scenery of England and its causes Luther, M. L. Mastery Lynde, F. Grafters Mabie, H. W. Backgrounds of literature Norse stories retold from the Eddas Parables of life William Shakespeare Mabry, J. C. Legal view of the trial of Christ McCall, Sidney. Breath of the gods McCarthy, J. H. Lady of Loy- alty House McConnell, S. D. Evolution of immortality MacCoun, T. Holy land in geog- raphy and history, 2v McCracken, Elizabeth. Women of America ♦McCurdy, W. D. Eating to live McCutcheon, G. B. Beverly of Graustark Brewster’s millions Day of the dog Purple parasol McCutcheon, J. T. Bird Center cartoons MacDonald, J. A. Successful ad- vertising McDougall, I. Little royalties.. MacGowan, A. & Cooke, G. M. Return MacGrath, H. Man on the box. . Mackay, M. (Marie Corelli). God’s good man McKenzie, A. Divine force in life of the world Maclaren, A. Beatitudes and other sermons Christ’s musts and other ser- mons McLeod, M. J. Earthly discords and how to heal them Heavenly harmonies for earth- ly living Macleod, Mary. King Arthur and his noble knights Maeterlinck, M. Buried temple. Double garden Treasure of the humble Maginnis, C. D. Pen drawing. . Marshall, N. L. Mushroom book Martin, E. S. Courtship of a careful man Luxury of children Martin, G. M. House of fulfil- ment L 872-2 xL 883-14r 692:1 910.4:30 554.2:1 L 973-1 L 988-2 814:116 293:1 814:115 822.33:17 239:24 M 122-2 M 1231-3 218:5 220.9:17 296:12 613.2:1 M 133-5 M 133-6 M 133-4 M 133-7 741:5 659:1 x923 .1:3 M 146-1 M 147-4 M 153-9 204:36 252:21 252:20 240:9 252:24 x398 .2:17 839.34:3 839.34:5 839.34:4 741:6 589.2:3 M 379-1 814:114 M 381-2 - 7 — Martin, Helen R. Tillie Marvin, W. L. American mer- chant marine Mason, A. E. W. Truants Mathews, F. S. Familiar flowers of field and garden Meadows.. Italian and English dictionary Mellone, S. H. Leaders of re- ligious thought in the 19th century Merriman, C. E. Letters from a son to his self-made father. . Merwin, S The Merry Anne... Michelson, Miriam. In the bishop’s carriage Madigans Mighels, P. V., Bruvver Jim’s baby Miller, Elizabeth. Yoke Miller, O. T. Kristy’s queer Christmas Mitchell, J. A. Pines of Lory.. Villa Claudia Mitchell, S. W. Constance Trescot New Samaria Youth of Washington Moberly, R. C. Atonement and personality Modern dwelling with construct- ive details Moore, N. H. Old china book.. Morgan, G. The issue Morris, C. American historical tales. 2nd series Spanish-American historical tales Morris, Clara. Left in charge.. Morris, G. Aladdin O’Brien.... Morrison, A. Green diamond. . . Morse, T. V. Basket making. . . Moulton, R. G. Moral system of Shakespeare — & others. Bible as literature — ed. Modern reader’s Bible 21v. Biblical idyls Chronicles Daniel and minor prophets. . Duteronomy Ecclesiastes and Wisdom of Solomon Ecclesiasticus Exodus Ezekiel Genesis Gospel, Epistles and Revela- tion of St. John Isaiah Jeremiah Job Judges Kings Proverbs Psalms and Lamentations, 2v. St. Luke and St. Paul, 2v St. Matthew and St. Mark . . . M unger, T. T. Essays for the day M 3.15-1 387:2 M 399-6 x580:9 Reference 922:12 M 570-1 M 577-4 M 623-1 M 623-2 M 634-1 M 648-1 xM 650-1 M 681-3 M 681-4 M 682-14 M 682-13 923.173:31 232.3:1 692:2 738:8 M 848-1 970:31v.2 972:5 M 875-1 M 8755-1 M 878-3 689:1 822.33:15 220.8:3 223.9:1 222 . 6:1 224.5:2 222.15:1 223.8:1 229.4:2 222.12:1 224.4:1 222.11:2 226.5:3 224.1:1 224.2:1 223.1:1 222.3:1 222.5:1 223.7:1 223.2:1 226.4:1 226.2:2 Munk, J. A. Arizona sketches. . M unroe, K. Blue dragon Munsterberg, Hugo. Eternal life Murfree, M. N. (C. E. Craddock). Storm centre Nason, F. L. Vision of Elijah Berl Blue goose Nevius, J. L. Demon possession Nicholson, M. Zelda Dameron.. Norman, H. All the Russias. . . . Norris, W. E. Nature’s comedian North America, History of, ed. by Guy Carleton Lee. Discovery and exploration.... Indians in historic times Colonization of the south Colonization of the middle states Colonization of New England. Revolution Formation and development of constitution Louisiana purchase Canada and British North America Growth of nation 1809 to 1837 Growth of nation 1837 to 1860 Civil war from southern standpoint Norwegian ramble One hundred choice selections No. 35 One hundred choice selections No. 36 One hundred choice selections No. 37 One hundred choice selections No. 38 Opal, The Oppenheim, E. P. Anna the ad- venturess Mysterious Mr. Sabin Yellow crayon Orr, James. Christian view of God and the world Osier, W. Science and immor- tality Overton, Gwendolen. Captains of the world Page, T. N. Among the camps. . Bred in the bone The negro The old south Palgrave, F. T. Golden treas- ury Palmer, F. H. E. Russian life in town and country Palmer, Frederick. With Kuroki in Manchuria Parker, Gilbert. Ladder of swords Parrish, R. My lady of the north When wilderness was king. . . Parsons, F. New Zealand Paston, George. Little memoirs of 18th century Little memoirs of 19th century Pattee, F. L. Mary Garvin 814:110 Payne, W. Mr. Salt. 917.91:5 xM 969-31 215:7 M 975-16 N 263-1 N 263-2 235:1 N 627-2 914.7:13 N 861-13 970:46 v.J 970:46 v.2 970:46 v.3 970:46 v.4 970:46 v.5 970:46 v.6 970:46 v.7 970:46 v.8 970:46 v.ll 970:46 v.12 970:46 v.13 970:46 v.ll 914.81:2 808.8:39 808.8:40 808.8:41 808.8:42 O 61-1 O 62-6 O 62-8 O 62-7 204:32 239.8:4 O 96-4 xP 133-13 P 133-12 320.4:2 917.5:8 808.1:9 914.7:12 915.18:1 P 239-16 P 261-2 P 261-1 993.1:1 920.02:10 920.02:11 P 315-1 P 346-2 — 8 — Peake, E. F. House of Hawley. Peattie, E. W. Edge of things. . Phillips, D. G. Cost Plum tree Phillpctts, E. American prisoner Farm of the dagger Secret woman Striking hours Pier, A. S. Boys of St. Timothy’s Pierson, C. D. Among the farm- yard people Plutarch, Lives, 5v. trans. called Dryden’s Pocock, Robert. Curly Pond, J. B. Eccentricities of genius Porten-Schwartz, J. M. W. van der (Maarten Maartens). Dorothea Porter, G. S. Freckles Potter, M. K. Art of the Louvre Art of the Vatican Powell, Frances (pseud). By- ways of Braithe House on the Hudson Price, G. M. Handbook of sani- tation Pryor, Mrs. Roger A. Reminis- cences of peace and war. . . Pyle, Howard. Robin Hood (abridged) Ralph, Julian. American with Lord Roberts Rawson, E. K. Twenty famous naval battles, 2v Rawson, W. W. Success in mar- ket gardening Renan, Ernest. Letters from the Holy Land Repplier, Agnes. Compromises. Rhodes, J. F. History of United States from compromise of 1850 Riggs, K. D. (Wiggin). Affair at the inn Riis, J. A. Theodore Roosevelt the citizen Ritchie, D. G. Plato Rives, Hallie E. Castaway .... Roberts, G. C. D. Poems Prisoner of Mademoiselle.... Watchers of the trails Roche, J. J. Sorrows of Sap’ed. Rohlfs, A. K. G. Lost man’s lane Millionaire baby Roosevelt, Theodore. Hunting the grisly etc Presidential addresses and state papers — & others. Deer family Rouse, A. L. Letters of Theodora Rowland, H. C. Sea scamps . . . To windward Wanderers Royce, Josiah. Conception of immortality Runk, E. J. Washington (epic poem) Russell, E. comp. Readings from California poets P 357-2 P 363-5 P 559-1 P 559-2 P 564-7 P 564-8 P 564-9 P 564-10 xP 615-4 x590:24 920.03:1a P 741-1 920:3 P 824-8 P 8454-2 708.4:1 708.5:1 P 883-2 P 883-1 614:2 917.53:2 xP 996-8 916.8:8 909:5 635:5 846:4 814:111 973 . 6 : 2v.5 R 569-15 923.173:30 921.9:2 R 623-2 811:95 R 643-8 590-18 R 672-1 R 738-15 R 738-16 799:18 815:12 799:17 R 863-2 R 883-2 R 883-1 R 883-3 218:6 811:91 808 .1:7 Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools St. Nicholas book of plays and operettas Saint-Pierre, J. Paul et Virginie Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of the 17th century 2v Sanborn, F. B. New Hampshire Sand, George. Consuelo Sanday, W. Inspiration Savage, M. J. Religion for to- day Out of Nazareth Sawyer, J. C. All’s fair in love. Sayce, A. H., ed. Records of the past 2v Schelling, F. I. Elizbethan lyrics Seventeenth century lyrics . . . Scherer, W. History of German literature, 2v Schiller, J. C. von. Dramas.... Schley, W. S. Forty-five years under the flag Schurer, Emil. Jewish people in time of Christ, 5v Scott, G. F. From Franklin to Nansen Scott, H. S. (H. S. Merriman). Barlasch of the guard Last hope Sedgwick, W. T. Sanitary sci- ence and public health . . . Seely, Mrs. L. Cook book Selous, F. C. Sport and travel. . Seton, E. T. Monarch the big bear Severy, M. L. Darrow enigma.. Shafer, S. A. Beyond chance of change Day before yesterday Shoemaker, Mrs. J. W. Best se- lections No. 23 Best selections No. 24 Best selections No. 25 Best selections No. 26 Little people’s speaker Silberrad, Una L. Petronilla Heroven Success of Mark Wyngate... Wedding of the Lady of Lovell Sill, E. R. Poems Prose Simonds, W. E. American date book Sinclair, May. Divine fire Singleton, Esther, ed. Venice as seen and described by famous writers Sloane, T. O’C. Arithmetic of electricity Smith, Alice P. Off the highway Smith, Bertha H. Yosemite legends Smith, F. H. At close range... Smith, Goldwin. United States Smith, M. C. Life in Asia Smith, Sydney. Wit and wisdom Smith, W. H. Promoters Smyth, Newman. Through sci- ence to faith x750: 6 x793 : 15 843:12 920.044:1 974.2:1 843:10 220.1:1 252:25 232.8:2 S 271-2 913.32:7 821:74 821:75 830.9:2 832:3 923.573:34 933:8 x919.8:13 S 426-12 S 426-13 614:1 641:17 910:24 590:22 S 499-1 xS 525-2 xS 525-1 808.8:35 808.8:36 808.8:37 808.8:38 x808.8:34 S 582-2 S 582-4 S 582-3 811:96 814:113 Reference. S 616-1 914.5:22 537:8 S 6421-1 398.2:14 S 647-10 973:21 x372.8:2 v.6 824:78 S 664-2 213.5 — 9 — Snyder, Harry. Chemistry of soils and fertilizers Spearman, F. H. Close of day. . Spencer, Herbert. Autobiography 2v Philosophy of style Stalker, James. John Knox.... Life of St. Paul Stanley, C. A. Order No. 11.... Stead, W. T. Americanization of the world Stedman, E. C. ed. Victorian anthology Steevens, G. W. Land of the dollar Stephens, C. A. Ark of 1803. . . . Stevenson, B. E. Holladay case Stevenson, M. I. From Saranac to the Marquesas Stevenson, Robert Louis. Across the plains Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy Stewart, C. D. Fugitive black- smith Stimson, F. J. Jethro Bacon. . . Stockton, F. R. John Gayther’s garden Stoddard, C. W. In the foot- prints of the padres Stoddard, W. O: Errand boy of Andrew Jackson Fight for the valley Long Bridge boys Zeb Story, A. T. Swiss life in town and country Stratemeyer, E. At the fall of Port Arthur Streeter, J. W. Fat of the land. Strong, J., ed. Social progress year book for 1904 Struthers, J., ed. Mineral indus- try 1901 Mineral industry, 1902 Stuart, Ruth McEnery. Moriah’s mourning River’s children Second wooing of Salina Sue. Surtees, R. S. Mr. Sponge’s sporting tour Taine, H. A. Ancient regime... Tarkington, Booth. In the arena Taylor, C. M. jr. Touring Alaska and the Yellowstone Why my photographs are bad Taylor, J. H. Taylor on golf... Thackeray, W. M. Letters to an American family Third tour of Dr. Syntax in search of a wife Thorne, W. W. Twentieth cen- tury book-keeping Thurston, K. C. Masquerader. . Thwaites, R. G. Down historic waterways Father Marquette How George Rogers Clark won the northwest 631:8 S 740-2 925:5 824:75 922.5:13 922.1:5 S 7875-1 973:22 821:68 917.3:21 xS 832-8 S 847-3 826:17 824:76 531:2 S 849-1 S 860-6 S 866-37 917.94:13 xS 869-36 xS 869-37 xS 869-38 xS 869-39 914.94:9 xS 898-9 630.4:4 Reference. 669:3 v. 10 669:3 v . 11 S 932-9 S 932-8 S 932-10 828:22 944.03:2 T 188-5 917.98:13 770:8 796:11 826:16 828:19 657:2 T 5455-2 917.7:2 922.2:8 Tolstoi, L. N. Anna Karenina. . Childhood, boyhood, youth... Cossacks, etc Ivan Ilyitch Essays, letters, etc Invaders, etc Kingdom of God is within you Life, etc Long exile, etc Master and man, etc My confession, etc Resurection Russian proprietor, etc What is art? Tomlinson, E. T. Cruising on the St. Lawrence In the camp of Cornwallis... Rider of the black horse .... Towers, Alton. Little one’s Hans Andersen Tozier, Josephine. Among Eng- lish inns Tracy, Louis. Great mogul Pillar of light Train, G. F. My life in many states Trent, W. P. & Wells, B. W. eds. Colonial prose and poetry, 3v. Trollope, F. M. Domestic man- ners of the Americans Trowbridge, J. T. Drummer boy Poetical works Tschudi, Clara. Marie An- toinette Upton, G. P. Maid of Orleans.. William Tell Woman in music Valdes, D. A. P. Jose, etc Valentine, E. U. Hecla Sand- with Van Dyke, H. Gospel for a world of sin Van Dyke, J. C. Italian paint- ing Meaning of pictures Van Tyne, C. H. Loyalists in American revolution Van Vorst, Marie. Amanda of the mill Viele, H. K. Myra of the pines. Villard, Henry. Memoirs, 2v... Vi I lari, Luigi. Italian life in town and country Vincent, M. R. Word studies in the New Testament, v.4.... Voynich, E. L. B. Olive Latham Waddington, M. K. Italian let- ters of a diplomats’s wife.. Letters of a diplomat’s wife Wagner, C. Better way By the fireside Youth Waliszewski, K. Ivan the Terri- ble Wallace, A. R. Studies scientific and social Walker, F. A. General Hancock 977:5 Wallace, D. Lure of the Labra- dor wild T 654-la T 654-12 T 654-4a T 654-11 891.74:1 T 654-10a 240:8 120:1a T 654-9a T 654-7a 230:13 T 654-8a T 654-6a 701:6 xT 659-22 xT 659-23 xT 659-24 xT 739-1 914.2:36 T 762-3 T 762-2 920.07:6 810.8:3 917.3:20 xT 863-33 811:90 923.144:30 x923 . 544 : 11 x923. 549:1 927.8:21 863:2 V 157-1 239:25 759.5:3 750:7 973.3:20 V 284-1 V 659-3 920.5:7 914.5:24 Reference. V 975-2 816:10 816:9 170:44 170:42 170:43 947.04:1 504:20 923.573:46 917.19:1 3 0112 077847603 10 Waller, M. E. Daughter of the rich Sanna Wood-carver of ’Lympus . Ward, M. A. (Mrs. H.) Mar- riage of William Ashe . Warde, M. Betty Wales, fresh man Warner, Anne. Susan Clegg. . xW 198-2 W 198-3 W 198-1 W 261-10 xW 265-1 W 280-1 VV LM-LUXli. O will Washington, B. T. Working with the hands 371.94:2 Wilcox, L. M. Irrigation farming Wilkin, G. F. Control in evolu- Watanna, Onoto. Nijo Daughters of W 324-4 tion Wilkins, M. E. Givers Waterhouse, P. building .... L. Art of 720:4 -x trees : . . . . Wilkins, W. H. Love of an un- Watson, H. B. M. Hurricane crowned queen Island Watson, T. E. Napoleon Watterson, H. Compromises of life Webster, H. K. Traitor and loyalist Weistock, H. Jesus the Jew... Wells, Carolyn. In the reign of Queen Dick — & Taber, H. P. Gordon elopement Matrimonial bureau Wells, H. G. Food of the gods. Westlake, J. W. How to write letters Weyman, S. J. Abbess of Vlaye Wharton, Edith. Descent of man Valley of decision Wheeler, Candace. How to make rugs Principles of home decoration Wheelock, I. G. Birds of Cali- fornia White, Andrew D. Autobiogra- phy, 2v White, S. E. Blazed trail stories Mountains Silent places W 339-7 923.144:35 815:11 W 381-3 232.04:3 xW 4531-6 W 4531-5 W 4531-7 W 455-8 808.6:1 W 549-19 W 554-5 W 554-6 677:1 645:1 598.2:21 923 .'273:56 W 5885-7 799:16 W 5885-6 Whiting, Lilian. World beautiful in books Whitney, A. D. T. Biddy’s epi- sodes Whitson, J. H. Courier of em- pire With Fremont the pathfinder Whittier, J. G., ed. Child life in prose Wilkinson, W. C. Epic of Moses 2v Epic of Paul Epic of Saul Poems Willeby, C. Masters of English music Williams, M. M. Next to the ground ♦Williams, W., ed. State of Missouri Williamson, C. N. & A. M. Princess passes Wilson, H. L. Seeker Wilson, H. M. Topographical surveying Wilson, J. G. General Grant... Winship, G. P., ed. Journey of Coronado Winter, Alice. Prize to the hardy Wister, Owen. Ulysses S. Grant Wither, George. Poems Woodberry, G. E. America in literature Wright, Mary T. Aliens Zangwill, I. Grey wig 814:108 xW 617-17 xW 623-1 xW 623-2 808.8:32 Reference. 626.8:4 300:3 W 685-15 W 685-16 923.142:20 811:98 811:100 811:99 811:101 927.8:22 630.4:3 977.8:2 W 729-2 W 749-3 620:4 923.573:45 973.1:1 W 785-1 923.573:43 821:67 810.9:7 W 9521-1 Z 29-9