library SCHOOL I The Texas State Library Association (ORGANIZED JUNE 10 , 1902) OFFICERS 1901-1902 PRESIDENT WILLIAM L. PRATHER Austin VICE-PRESIDENTS MISS ROSA M. LEEPER Dallas MRS. J. C. TERRELL Fort Worth TREASURER A. C. READ Ed Paso SECRETARY BENJAMIN WYCHE Austin CONSTITUTION OF THE TEXAS STATE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. I First. The name of this organization ! shall be “The Texas State Library As- sociation.” Second. The purpose and object of this Association shall be the promotion of library interests in Texas. Third. The home and headquarters of the Texas State Library Association shall be at the city of Austin, Texas. Fourth. The membership of the Texas State Library Association shall con- sist of the undersigned, who are hereby declared to be its charter members, and of such other reputable persons as may hereafter from time to time be elected to membership by the Executive Board to be hereinafter created, or by the Association itself. Members shall be classed as active or general, and as honorary members. The dues of active or general members are fixed at $1 per year. The dues of honorary members are fixed at $10, the payment of which sum, once made, entitles such honorary member to a life membership in the Texas State Library Association. It shall also be competent to the Association when in session to elect honorary members without dues, when, in the judgment of the Association, such persons have rendered the State of Texas or this Association such distinguished public services as to clearly en- title them to this honor. Fifth. The administration and control of the affairs of this Association (when the Association itself is not in session) is vested in an Executive Board of the Association, consisting of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer, serving ex officio (all of which officers are to be chosen by the Association only), and one representative from each congressional district; these congressional district members of the Executive Board, for the first year of this Association, shall be appointed by the President of this Association; thereafter such members of the Executive Board shall be chosen by the As- sociation at its annual meetings; but by special resolution at such regular meet- ings the President may, from time to time, be empowered to appoint such congressional district members. Five members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The usual parliamentary rules shall apply in the conduct of this Association, and its officers shall pos- sess and exercise the usual common law and statutory powers of their respec- tive offices and be charged with the usual duties and responsibilities of their several positions, subject, however, to such by-laws of the Association as may be adopted by the Executive Board and to such resolutions as may be passed by the Association itself. Sixth. The annual meetings of this Association shall be held in the city of Austin, Texas, on the third Tuesday of November of each year, save and ex- cept that the Association itself by resolution upon adjournment, or the Exe- cutive Board, when the Association is not in session, may fix the annual meet- ings of the Association at such other times and such other places in Texas as they may from time to time order and appoint. Annual meetings of the Exe- cutive Board shall be held on the day before, and at the place of the regular annual meeting of the Association. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President of the Association when in his judgment the vital interests of the Association so require. And it is hereby made his duty to call a special meeting of said Executive Board when so requested in writing by three or more members of said Board. Seventh. The provisions of this charter and such by-laws as the Executive Board may provide, and it is made their duty to frame a system of by-laws by the next annual meeting of this Association, can be altered, amended or annulled at any regular meeting of this Association, provided such proposed change in this charter or in the by-laws of this Association is submitted in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Association at least thirty days before the next annual meeting of the Association thereafter. ORIGIN. In response to a call issued by nine library people from different parts of the State a representative meeting was held in Austin, June 9-10, 1902, for the purpose of organizing a State Library Association. At this meeting an inter- esting program was rendered (see University of Texas Record, July, 1902) and organization was perfected by the election of officers and the adoption of the foregoing constitution. The President w£ on legislation, with A. P. Wooldridge women’s clubs, the State Teachers’ As:s libraries. ; authorized to appoint a committee as chairman, on Co-operation with ociation and on Information about OBJECT. As stated in the constitution, the purpose of this Association shall be the promotion of library interests in Texas. The occasional meetings of this As- sociation for the discussion of plans, the exchange of ideas and experiences will undoubtedly greatly aid in the accomplishment of this end. There is a great field for fruitful work in this State in the way of establish- ing free local and traveling libraries, securing the proper recognition and en- largement of the State library, arousing the public schools to the importance of good reading, by the observance of library day in all the schools or otherwise, and by gathering and distributing library information. At the June meeting it was the consensus of opinion of those present that these results could best be accomplished by means of a State Library Com- mission, whose business it shall be to secure needed library legislation, and promote the establishment and furtherance of free public libraries in every wiy possible. These commissions have done most effectual work in other States; but before one can be appointed in this State it will be necessary to secure the passage of a bill for that purpose by the Legislature. Such a bill, it is hoped, will be presented to the new Legislature, and in securing its passage the Asso- ciation counts on the co-operation of the women’s clubs, the teachers, the press — all who believe in providing “the best reading for the largest number at the least cost.” A MEMBERSHIP. All who are interested in the cause which this Association represents are invited to become members and lend a hand. Applications for membership, with the membership fee of one dollar ($1.00), may be sent either to the Secretary or the Treasurer. Circular 3. 15 Oct., 1902.