II B R.AFLY OF THE UN IVLRSITY OF 1LLI NOIS 621.365 Ii655te no. 40-49 cop. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/numericalanalysi45tang ANTENNA LABORATORY Technical Report No. 45 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EIGENVALUE PROBLEM OF WAVES IN CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDES by C.H. Tang and Y.T. Lo 11 March 1960 Contract AF33 (616) -6079 Project No. 9-Q3-6278) Task 40572 Sponsored by; WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory Engineering Experiment Station University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois ^n ^^^ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to express their gratitude to Professors G. A. Deschamps P E. Mayes for their helpful suggestions and comments and to Professor r Scott for suggesting this investigation. CONTENTS Page 1, Introduction 1 1.1 Equivalent Network Approach 1 1.2 Numerical Methods 3 1.2.1 Variational Method 3 Finite Difference Method 5 2.1 Approximations 8 2.2 Higher Order Formula 9 2.3 Approximation in Neumann Boundary Condition 11 2.4 Computational Procedure 12 2.5 Study of Convergence 15 2.6 Ridge Waveguide 15 3. Computations Based upon Various Boundary Condition Approximation 30 3.1 Results Obtained from Improved Approximation for Wave Equation 30 3.2 Results Obtained from Improved Approximation for Neumann Boundary Condition 30 4. Conclusion and Discussion 33 References 36 Appendix A 37 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Pag 1. Ridged Waveguide and Its Equivalent Network 2 2. Equivalent Circuit in the Transverse Plane of a Ridged Waveguide 2 3. Window in a Rectangular Guide and Its Equivalent Circuit 2 4. Mesh Pattern for Finite Difference 5 5 Mesh Pattern with a Curved Boundary 6 6. Mesh Points in a Given Cross-Section 7 7. Relation of Interior, Exterior and Boundary Point 11 8 Computation Procedure Diagram 12 9. Convergence Curves for TE 10 and TE 20 17 10. Convergence Curves for TEn and TM^ 18 11 . Comparison between Approximated Cut Off Wavelength (n = 21) and Exact Cut Off Wavelengths of a Rectangular Guide for Various TE Modes 21 12. Comparison between Approximated Cut Off Wavelengths (n = 78) and Exact Cut Off Wavelengths of a Rectangular Guide for Various TE Modes 13. Mode Designations 11. Mode Designations 15. Field Distribution in Ridged Guide 16. Field Distribution in Ridged Guide 17. Field Distribution in Ridged Guide 18. Comparison between Sets (n = 9 and n = 57) of Approximate Cut Off Wavelengths of a Ridged Guide Convergence Curves of Cut Off Wavelength of a Ridged Waveguide nvorgence Curves for Neumann Problem with Different Orders ol Approximation on Wave Equation but with Same Order 0(h) on Boundary Condition nvergence Curves for Neumann Problem with Different Orders of Approximation on Boundary Condition but with the Same Order on < I 1 OILS rgence Curves for Various Approximations for Wave Equation and Th.it for Boundary Condition (Neumann Problem) 34 1 . INTRODUCTION The waves in a cylindrical waveguide are found from solutions of the two dimensional differential equation 2 2 V u + k u = (1) where u is a function of the coordinates in the transverse plane and k is a constant. The Dirichlet boundary condition, u = on the boundary of the cross- section, corresponds to Transverse Magnetic modes and the Neumann boundary condition, 9u/3n = on the boundary, corresponds to Transverse Electric modes. In (1) k is the wave number and the function u, which is independent of the longitudinal coordinate z, represents the component of electric (TM-case) or magnetic (TE-case) field intensity along longitudinal direction. The time dependence is assumed to be of the form e ' in this formulation. The permissible values of k are also called eigenvalues of the differential Equation (1) and u is the eigenfunction. Since the wave is confined to a finite region, the spectrum of the eigenvalues jk I is a discrete set. Accord- ing to mode theory, these eigenvalues k determine the cut off frequency of each mode propagating along the waveguide. It is necessary only to find the resonant frequency of the two dimensional problem defined by the guide boundary since there is no axial variation at cut-off; all energy does propagate back and forth in the transverse plane. The exact solution of (1) with prescribed boundary condition can be obtained only when the given boundary constitutes a (or a set of) coordinate surface of the separable coordinate system. It has been shown only few regular cross sections can be treated by the method of separation of variables. Wave- guides with odd cross section, yet valuable in practical use (such as folded waveguide and ridged waveguide), demand the result for engineering design. 1 .1 Equivalent Network Approach Some of the "non-separable" problems can be treated by using the equiva- lent circuit representation of the cross-section . For ridged waveguide, the approximate equivalent circuit is obtained by considering region I (Figure 1) as a capj L A = pib as a capacitor of capacity C = £S/h and regions II as inductances of value B f c = ar Jc b l a /2 (2) 1 b 1 r E i - — / — ~\ -* m f ■» - a — * A, ^_ U ±c* iL •B 3H Figure 1. Ridged Waveguide and Its Equivalent Network It is seen that it applies only for the case of b » h. More accurate equivalent representation for cut off calculation has beei 2 obtained by considering the ridges as two step discontinuities (Figure 2) where the step susceptance B is approximated by using that of a capacitive window (Figure 3). 8 = Y = 3 X Jt Figure 2. Equivalent Circuit in the Transverse Plane of a Ridged W.-iveguide Figure 3 ±B Y Window in a Rectangul: Guide and Its Equivali Circuit 3 Then by symmetry, the resonant input function at the center is either zero or infinity. Thus we have b 3s B cot (3i - - tan -*- - - — = For TE n = odd (3) a * c\\ no R„ b P S B cot Pi + - cot — - - — = For TE m = even (4) d ^ Y mo v ' Wh6re Y 01 = ^ i Y 02 = ^ \ Numerical solutions of above transcendental Equations (3) and (4) can be obtained by tabulation. It is again restricted to the wavelength range of 2bA < 1 for the single ridge and b/\ < 1 for the double ridges. 1.2 Numerical Methods The approximate solution of (1) with "non-separable" boundary can also be obtained from numerical analysis; such as the variational and finite dif- 4 rerence methods or the analogue method of a network analyzer . 1.2.1 Variational Method The approximate eigenvalue of the wave equation can be obtained by using the approximated Rayleigh-Ritz formula , ,2 y (o) 2 (o) (o) _ Sju Vu (5) 1 T (o) 2 2j u We start with the unperturbed eigenfunction u in the given cross-section (which corresponds to the eigenfunction of the rectangular guide of same aspect ratio, but without ridge) . After obtaining the first approximation value of (o) k , the wave equation in finite difference form can be used as a formula to obtain the higher order value of the eigenfunction u (the formula will be derived later) . Hence the iterative process consists of successive corrections between the value k and eigenfunction u It has been shown that the formula (5) always converges to the lowest eigenvalue. For higher order eigenvalue, say the second, the first term of the orthogonal expansion 2c u must be eliminated from the assumed function n n u . By using the orthogonality properties of these normal functions, C can be determined, and (u - C u ) is then used for the computation of tb second eigenvalue. A combination of variation and relaxation methods has been used by Blacl 3 and von Rohr to calculate the cut off wavelength of semicircular ridges in 2 rectangular waveguide. A typical sequence of values for k has been given 2 2 2 as ll.l./a , 8.3/a and 7.7/a for nets containing respectively 19, 97 and 42 pts, (where a is the broad face demension of the guide), with the error clai to be less than 2 percent. e FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD Another way of solving this particular boundary value problem is by the use of finite differences The differential operator is first approximated by a finite difference formula. Then by setting up a finite number of mesh points, we transform, approximately, the wave equation and the boundary con- dition into a matrix eigenvalue problem. From the matrix we get a set of approximate eigenvalues corresponding to a set of cut-off frequencies of the particular waveguide structure. The study reported here was initiated to investigate the practicality of using a general purpose, high speed digital computer to perform the calcu- lation of cut-off frequencies for cylindrical waveguides with irregular cross- section. 2 The Laplacian V operating on a function u as in the scalar Helmholtz equation, can be replaced by a set of finite difference approximations relat- ing the values of the function at the nodes of a mesh pattern such as shown in Figure 4 . -I-Z -r- h o L -A Figure 4. Mesh Pattern for Finite Difference ' The application of the finite difference method to ridge waveguide problems was initiated in this laboratory by Professor E. J'. Scott. From a Taylor's series expansion we have /8u\ u 1 /9 2 u\ 2 1 /9 3 u\ 3 n , 4, = u o + (ax)o h + 2\K^2j h + 3\\^2j h + 0(h } /8u\ . i /a 2 u\ 2 i /a u \ 3 adding these two equations and neglecting the terms after the third gives: r fl 2 o u Ldx J = u, + u„ - 2u + 0(h ) 13 o Similarly ft 2 ' o u a 2 Ldv -I u n + u. - 2u + 0(h ) 2 4 o Hence 2 2 4 h [V u] = u. + u„ + u_ + u A - 4u + 0(h ) o 1 2 3 4 o (6) For a curved boundary we have h 2 u„ 2 u_ 2 u„ 2 u B 6d+fe) n( U C ; U 3 ; U 4 /2 2N i+n) " d+fe) + d+n) U + n/ u ° (7) Mesh Pattern with a Curved Boundary Thus for an ordinary point the wave equation becomes u + u + u + u + (a-4) u = 1 *s o 4 o (8) In terms of mesh pattern, V can be expressed as 2 1 h 1 1-4 1 1 and 2 2 o = h k (9) (10) Setting up a suitable number of meshes for a given cross section, and applying the above procedure for each point, we would have as many simultaneous equations as the number of points in the cross section: 1 1 1 T" l 1 i i T l — >- 1 i 1 — > 1 1 1 i i i I 1 Figure 6. Mesh Points in a Given Cross-Section The difference equations corresponding to points 1, 2, and 5 with Dirichlet boundary condition are respectively (a-4) u + u + u =0 u 1 + (a-4) u 2 + u g + u =0 u 2 + u 4 + (a-4) u 5 + u g + u g = (11) Point 1 is a corner point, point 2 is an ordinary boundary point and point 5 is an interior point. Writing in matrix form, we get the general formula A u = a ii (12) where A is the matrix with its element a. . corresponding to the coefficient of u. at ith equation, u is the eigenvector (u n u n . . . u ) . In order to get J _ 1 2 n the non-zero eigenvector U, we set det (A - a I) = (13) where I is the identity matrix. This equation leads to the set of eigenvalues, a n , corresponding to the roots of the nth order polynomial derived from (13 The relative cutoff wavelength \ /a, of the ith mode, in terms of the eigenvalues will be ^i = 2^- (i4> & ; a a. v i 2.1 Approximations The approximations involved in the finite difference method are M) Finite mesh size, h (2) Truncation error in Taylor series expansion ('}) Approximation Ln Neumann boundary condition which will be discussed i n 2 . 3 2.2 Higher Order Formula In order to improve the accuracy of the result, especially in the TE case more terms in the Taylor series expansion may be taken into account. The point pattern representation (see Figure 4) of the Laplacian when neglecting the terms after the third is 2 1 V = — 1 1-4 1 1 (9) that for neglecting the terms after the fifth is* 2 V = 840 h - 3 -16 - 32 -16 - 3 -16 176 800 176 -16 -32 800 -3636 800 -32 -16 176 800 176 -16 - 3 -16 - 32 -16 - 3 (15) Due to the complexity of (15) and the fact that it results in an unsymmetrical matrix in the Neumann problem, the derivation of an alternative formula is desired . Define the following operators: E f(x) = f(x + h) D f(x) = f'(x) 6 f(x) = f(x + |) - f(x - |) hence f(x) = f(x + nh) 6 = E a - E" 2A E 2 = (1 + 4 6 ) By Taylor series expansion E f(x) = f(x+h) = 2 2 3 3 hD h D h D 1 + T7 + ^T~ + TT + f(x) we obtain E = e hD hD = log E = 2 log ., 1 .2,2 lc (1 + - 6 ) + -6 -1 6 = 2 sin h — 2 2 2 2 2 2 j- 1 K 3 1 -3 j-5 1 -3 -5 ,-7 - — o + - o + 2 2 .3 2 4 -5! 2 6 -7 t^ 2 « 1 r R 2 1 A 4 1 A 6 1 A 8 i hence D u = u = — [6 -— 6 + — 6 -— 6 +...]„ h 1 c2 r 1 .2, 1 .2 1 h h 1 + - 6 (16) The approximate formula is thus obtained h 2 [1 + \- 2 6 2 ] u" = 6 2 u (17) For the one dimensional wave equation u + k u = (18) we get *2 2 2 r 6 2 . 6 2 6 u = - h k [l + — ] u = - a [l + — ] u hence u , - 2 u + u n + 1 n n-1 Q r r, 1 au -- u , - 2 u +u n J n 12 n+1 n n-l J oi (1 + 75 } u ,.i " (2 " I a > u + (1 + ts) u . = 1 h 2 " \ (27) For a set of data which increases monotonically \ > \ if h 2 > h l the extrapolated value \ obtained by dropping the higher order terras in (27), becomes .1 *_< (28) If h — ^o then X. approaches \_ which in turn approaches the exact value \ 2 ' e A o as seen from (27). On the other hand, for a set of data decreasing monotonically \>\ if h Q < h <& 1 \ I \ l 2 h 2 ) < \ e I 2 , 2 , 2 u 2 2 h l " h 2 / (29) As h — ^ o, the same conclusion as before is reached. In many cases, this methoc shows a great improvement with practically no further labor added in the over- all computation. By using two data \ , \ , we can eliminate the necessary knowledge of 4 coefficient c; therefore, the result is accurate to 0(h ). By generalizing this idea with a set of a data \ X. ... \ , it seems that n coefficients be '•! i mi nated and the result will be accurate to 0(h ). This is probably ter than repeatedly using the same formula for just a pair of data at a i Lme as has been done later. This may also explain why the extrapolated value II h (such as h = 1/12, and 1/14) is better than that from all the h's iwn 1 a t < ii 15 2.5 Study of Convergence The convergence of the above methods has been tested by the application to a rectangular guide where the exact solution is available for comparison. When the first approximation formula (9) is applied to the wave Equation (1), it shows a better result for the TM case than that for the TE case (Figures 9, 10) . It is believed that this is a result of poor approximation in the boundary condition for the TE case. In fact, in the TM case there is no approximation for the boundary condition. Table I and Figure 9 and 10 show the results (from ILLIAC) for a particular rectangular waveguide (b/a = 0.5) as compared with exact solution. Table II shows results obtained by repeatedly using the extrapolation Formula (27). They show a remarkable improvement over the results of Table I. Figures 11 and 12 show the difference between exact relative cut off wavelength and the calculated value where \ /a are obtained from the finite set of eigenvalue < a. ? . 2.6 Ridge Waveguide 7 8 Many authors ' have shown that the insertion of rectangular ridges have the following effects 1. A decrease in the lowest cut off frequency. 2. An increase in mode separation. 3. An increase in attenuation. 4. A concentration of electric field intensity at corners of the ridges. The results obtained in our calculation have shown good agreement with the data in existing literature. A typical example shows, for - = 0.625 - = 0.375 — = 0.4 with net point = 22 a a b mode TE 1Q TE Q1 TB n TE^ TM^ TM^ TM^ TM^ \ /a. 2,541 1,059 1.051 1.038 0.675 0.638 0.468 0.466 c where the ridge guide modes are given the same designation as the corresponding modes in the rectangular guide. Figures- 13 and 14 show the method of mode desig- nations for ridge guide where the boundary condition are shown for only 1/4 16 of the cross section. The eigenfunctions for this particular ridge guide have also been obtained. Figure 15, 16, and 17 indicate that the largest cut-off wavelength (i.e., dominant mode which corresponds to smallest eigenvalue) are increased due to the distortion of the field distribution. Sets of higher order mode cut-off wavelength are given in Table III. Figure 18 shows the difference between two sets of cut-off wavelength obtained by using different numbers of mesh points, namely 9 points and 57 points . Figure 19 shows the} convergence curve for a particular ridge size. 17 1 o H SI * 8S ivl h ^ 1 k Vi 5 I v. 9 h. 54 (41 hi viv. P ^ l ^\ ,yf 2-n- c c y HJ.SN31 3AVM J JO j. '.no . 3 ( 1 CO 1 T?Z hUCNW-l WAW1 *J0-Js>3 MJJtiJd TABLE I Set of Approximated Cut Off Wavelengths For a Rectangular Waveguide 19 -4pXq) X. /a\ c Exact Solution \ c 2 (3X7) (4x9) (5X11) (6X13) a Vm 2 A 2 +4n TE TM TE TM TE TM TE TM TE TM m, n OO OO CO CO OO * 0,0 1.765 1.82 1.84 1.861 2 1,0 0.905 0.919 0.931 0.938 1 2,0 0,1 0.785 0.915 0.822 0.908 0.848 0.904 0.867 0.901 0.895 1,1 0.718 0.726 0.748 0.72 0.77 0.716 0.787 0.714 0.708 2,1 0.63 0.628 0.631 0.637 0.667 3,0 0.594 0.583 0.613 io.573 0.626 0.567 0.633 0.564 0.555 3,1 0.503 0.499 1 0.507 0.511 0.5 4,0 0,2 0.491 0.535 0.49 0.517 0.485 0.507 0.483 0.501 0.488 1,2 0.454 0.488 0.445 0.473 0.446 0.465 0.449 0.46 0.448 2,2 4,1 0.44 0.437 0.433 0.423 0„433 0.416 0.437 0.412 0.4 3,2 5,0 0.436 0.429 0.407 0.396 0.389 0.372 5,1 0.424 0.416 0.382 0.371 0.366 0.354 4,2 0.405 0.333 6,0 0,3 0.403 0.393 0.378 0.365 0.355 0.329 1,3 0.381 0.373 0.363 0.349 0.339 0.316 2,3 6,1 0,368 0.365 0.312 5,2 0.358 0.36 0.298 3,3 0.346 0.285 7,0 0.314 0.338 0.278 4,3 6,2 0.301 \ 0.325 t \ 1 \ f 1 r 0.274 7,1 (21) (36) (55) (78) * There is no field corresponding to this particular eigenvalue, 2C TABLE II Results Obtained by Extrapolation *• ^lO Exact \ /a value 2 h a c 1/3 2,0 1 ,48 1.84 1/4 1 .0 l r 57 1.925 1 .88 1 .91 1/5 0,585 1,641 1.965 1 .945 1 .942 1/6 0,381 1.695 1 ,94 1 .953 1 .97 1/7 0,269 1,73 2.01 1 .975 2 .008 1/8 0,198 1.765 2.04 2 ,03 1 .994 1/10 0.1206 1 ,82 1.94 1 .99 1 .989 1/12 0.081 1,84 1.987 1 .961 1/14 0,0581 1 .861 2 > ^20 Exact \ /a value' 1 h a c 1/8 753 0,905 0.977 1/10 0,468 0,919 0.991 .983 .982 1/12 317 931 0,98 .967 1.918 1.936 1.96 1.96 1.984 1.947 1.999 ' 1.975 1.966 1.98 1.977 1.995 .1.983 1.987 1.992 1/14 229 ,938 21 Figure 11 Comparison between Approximated Cut Off Wavelength (n = 21) and Exact Cut Off Wavelengths of a Rectan- gular Guide for Various TE Modes Sequences of Relative Cut- off Wave Length on- SsQUENoe. of Relative Cut- of t Wavelength £ II II c Ph 4v ^2r § K tf s o a n a Q 0) Cm -IT - n J£°te UJ R — ^ ^ II ^k- to K H I .a. K £ =»|ci\ !|C N 8 d ti I [> ft <0 w il o 2 did sic n ^" * $ \ S < c? 1 1 5 ^ * n ri J 1 ii o ■^*^ ? F>r* a a hJO •H tfl "M 4 \& O i ^ U 3 ■A <1 -Q $ K "SB" 5 <^ 3j" j> ft 25 ■o •H 3 O •o hJ3 •H OS o •H 4-> 3 J2 •H -H CD U 3 faD 5> H P ^ II 2( ns •o •H D O •a 0) T3 C •H O •H 4-> 3 •H ■H Q (0 (1) )h 3 bo 27 CD 73 •H O "3 CD bD ■O -H OeJ C o •H -P 3 .Q •H CO •H Q T3 r-i CD •H CD Sh 3 bC 28 29 ^ 00 S > ^ ^ \£ ^ ^ C^ c\4 N n^ ^o > <\j ^ ^ C\j tO *C5 K l| II He ^ Qo •H 3 bfi 5 •a TS •H « O ■S +J hD 3 iH > 3 O O fan > 3 O u 'C5 u 3 hfl 3C 3 COMPITATIONS BASED T PON VARIOUS BO' MDARY CONDITION APPROXIMATION 3 1 Results Obtained from Improved Approximation for Wave Equation When Formula (20) was applied to the rectangular guide (with b/a = 5), considerable improvement was obtained for the Dirichlet problem, but the result for the Neumann problem becomes even worse than the first approximation (Figure 20) It seems to indicate that Formula «20) received more propagation error from approximation in Neumann boundary condition than that of first approximate Formula (9) and it is probably also true that, in our case, the error due to boundary approximation predominates over that of wave equation approximation. !n short, we can sav that merely improving the wave equation approximation but not the boundary condition does not guarantee better results, In our first calculation, the wave equation has been approximated with 3 the formula which takes 0(h > into account with the boundary approximation only up to 0(h),, while in the second computation a higher order approximation 5 to the wave equation up to 0(h ) is considered but with boundary approximation still t 0th' . ft happened in our case, that the higher order approximation is only an improvement for the wave equation and is a worse formula when it combines with 0'h) Neumann boundary approximation. The above argumpnt is ^trengthpned by the fact that for Dirichlet boundary condition u = o. we do get better results for higher order approximation It thus seems likely that the approximation for the wave equation and the boundary condition should be of the same order, 3.2 Re 0b1 m ne d f rom Improved Approximation for Neumann Boundary Cond i tior Owing to the above undesirable results, the application of the improved jpproxi mat i on for Neumann boundary condition (22), (23) becomes necessary ■r'.x obt nn<-d bv using 'he boundary approximation b (see (22)) and wave equation approximation (9> becomes non- symmel ri c, a case which is difficult Howevei for a small matrix, computations can be done by a desk cal- Clllator The results are plotted in Figure 21, It is seen that not only is ipproximatlon greatly Lmproved bu1 the direction of convergence is changed 31 3 <^. oq ^ '^ k> N4~ en rJ -■* <^ c o •H +-> <& s •H X o u a a < o o ■H w +-> ^ -H 0) "3 73 C Sm O o u +-> >> c u OS S-i T3 C C Sh O 3 -H O +J a 3 o o* c w bfl ?h > as > Ss 3 O C u o o D 3A/J*~!Zy 33 4, CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION To connect the differential equation of a boundary value problem to a difference equation one must replace the differential operator by a different operator wherein a truncation of the series representing the operator is involved. Unless the rigorous solution to the problem is known the actual error committed in truncation is unknown, although the upper bound of the truncation error can be determined. A higher order approximation in this process results only in a decreased upper bound of the error, but does not necessarily guarantee lower actual error in a particular computation. Improving the approximate formula for the wave equation does not necessarily give better results; it will depend also on the order of approximation for the boundary condition. In the present investigation, it turns out that the later approximation is of even greater importance. In our analysis, two different orders of approximations have been con- ' sidered for the wave equation and two for the boundary condition. 3 For the wave equation (I) 0(h ) (II) 0(h 5 ) For the boundary condition (a) 0(h) (b) 0(h 2 ) It turns out that different combinations give results in the following order of accuracy: lib (best, lb, la, Ila (worst). Convergence curves show that the Dirichlet boundary problem converges faster than that of the Neumann boundary problem. Furthermore, they converge in different directions, i.e., in Dirichlet boundary problem, the exact value is the lower bound of the set of approximated results -j (\ /a)^ L where n indicates the number of points used in the approximation while in Neumann boundary problem the exact value is the upper bound of the set of approxima- tion results. This method can be applied to both TE and TM cases. The approximate cut- off wavelength and field distribution have been obtained. However, only the data of a limited range for TE case is available in literature. They are found in good agreement with the present results. 3' 35 This investigation indicates that better results for ridge waveguide might be obtained by the following considerations. (a) Apply better approximation for boundary condition. It is probably preferable to use the same order of approximation for the boundary condition as for the wave equation. Since these higher order approximation formula always result in non-symmetric matrix, it is thus desirable to investigate the properties of the eigenvalues of a non-symmetric matrix. In general a non-symmetric matrix has complex eigenvalues; however, the computation which has been done for a few small matrices, as indicated in Figure 22, with a desk calculator shows that they possess only real eigenvalues. Therefore, it may infer that in our present problem the non-symmetric matrices could have only real eigenvalues. If this is the case the computation procedure could be simplified somewhat. (b) An alternative method to solve this ridge guide problem may be sug- gested as follows: To consider ridged cross section as composed of a few simple regions where their eigenfunction expansion are known, by matching the eigen- function at the common boundary we may arrive at a set of integral equations. These equations may be solved approximately, (c) In one-dimension problems, as demonstrated in the Appendix, the fields at interior mesh points can be expressed in terms of those at boundary points only. It is not known whether it is possible to achieve the same goal in a two-dimensional problem. If it can be done, the problem will be solved. 3( REFERENCES 1. S, Ramo and J„ R, Whinnery, Fields and Waves in Modern Radio , Second Editic, p , 409 , 2 N„ Marcuvitz, Waveguide Handbook , Radiation Laboratory Series, Vol. 10, p. 399, 3, J. Van Bladel and 0. von Rohr, Jr„, Semi -Circular Ridges in Rectanguler Waveguides," IRE Transactions , MTT-5 , No 2, April 1957, p. 103. 4. G, Swenson and T c J Higgins, A Direct-Current Network Analyzes for Solving the Wave-Equation Boundary Value Problem, Journ. Appl . Phys . , Vol. 23, 1952 pp. 126-131. 5 W, E, Milne, Numerical Solution of Differential Equation, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1953, pp. 133, 6 . L Fox, The Numerical Solution of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems , Oxf o] Press, 1957, p. 332. 7. SB, Cohn, "Properties of Ridge Waveguide, 1 Pro c . IRE, Vol. 35, August 1957, p. 783-788. 8. Sammel Hopfer, "The Design of Ridge Waveguides," IRE Transactions , MTT-3 , No , October 1955, p. 20. 9 F B, Hi Idebrand, Introduction to Numerical Analysis , McGraw-Hill, 1956. 37 APPENDIX A Closed Form for One-Dimensional Case For the lowest mode of a rectangular guide as discussed previously, the problem is essentially one dimensional. In order to see how the eigenvalue varies with n, the number of mesh points, their difference equations are studied and solved. Applying (8), we have the approximate wave equation i-1 i+1 N a-2 u. n + (a-2) u. + u. = l-l i l+l (Al) Similarly from (19) we have i-1 i+1 a 5 a 1 + 12 6 Q " 2 l + 12 a-2 u i-l + ~ a "I "i+1 u - + u , .i = ° 1 + 12 (A2) Equations (Al) and (A2) can be generalized as u - 2m u . + u . , = i-1 i i+l (A3) where m = 1 - | For (Al) m' = 1 — , For (A2) *♦! (A4) (A5) Let m = m , hence a 2 + a 3, Therefore a < a Since . 27T 27Th (A6) Va we have that \ /a obtained from (Al) is always greater than that from (A2) irrespective of boundary approximation, (21) or (22). This also agrees with the numerical results obtained previously. Therefore, for TM case we have better results by applying improved Formula (20), yet the same formula gives worse results for TE case since they converge to their exact value in different directions as shown in Figure 22. The general solution of Equation (A3) is u. = a z, + b z„ i 1 2 (A7) where z and z are the roots of the quadratic equation z - 2mz +1=0 (A8) Applying the boundary conditions 21, 22, 23 respectively we would have the following cases (a) o 1 N-l N From (7) we obtain a + b = a z, +bz 1 l N-l . N-l N , N a z + b z = a z + b z (A9) In order to get a non-trivial solution for (29) we set (1-z^ (l-z 2 ) (1- Zi ) z 2 (l-z 2 ) z 2 = (A10) (1-Z.) ( L-Z.) (z 2 - 2 ) = 39 The solutions z = z = 1 lead to trivial solution a = for (z N_1 - z N_1 ) = i a z 1 ' ' we get \ N -\li2fm 2p7T N-l p = 0, 1, 2, ... N-2 (All) From (A8) z = m + v m -1 z 2 = m -/^ Substituting in (All) and solving for m from ,p7T Vl-m 2 tan (itt) = N-l m we have m = + cos pit N-l Following the same routine, we obtain for the other two boundary approximations (22), (23) (b) U -l = U l U N-1 " U N+1 m = + cos pn N (c) = (1 - 2 O m = + cos N-l N (1 " V u n for the lowest normal mode, p = 1, thus we have the lowest cut off wavelength for (21), (22), (23) respectively, (a) fY ir N ]/l - cos 7T/N-1 (b) c a \[~2 7T N |/l - cos ff/N (c) 2 7T a N v/l " cos 7T/N It can be shown that the value of cut of wavelength Formula (a) is always less than 2, while those of (22) and (23) are always greater than 2. Again this ■— >iMi uij-£L -*- 1 .W+ r^ •; ~ ^.^4 ««/M.-{/Min1» ^ Pi /rtivi^ Oil ANTENNA LABORATORY TECHNICAL REPORTS AND MEMORANDA ISSUED Contract AF33 (616 )-310 "Synthesis of Aperture Antennas/' Technical Report No. 1 , C.T.A. Johnk October, 1954.* ,r A Synthesis Method for Broad-band Antenna Impedance Matching Networks " Technical Report No. 2 , Nicholas Yaru, 1 February 1955.* "The Asymmetrically Excited Spherical Antenna," Technical Report No. 3 , Robert C. Hansen, 30 April 1955.* "Analysis of an Airborne Homing System, " Technical Report No. 4, Paul E. Mayes, 1 June 1955 (CONFIDENTIAL). "Coupling of Antenna Elements to a Circular Surface Waveguide," Technical Report No. 5, H. E. King and R. H. DuHamel, 30 June 1955.* "Axially Excited Surface Wave Antennas, " Technical Report No. 7, D.E. Royal, 10 October 1955.* "Homing Antennas for the F-86F Aircraft (450-2500mc) , " Technical Report No. 8, P.E. Mayes, R. F. Hyneman, and R. C. Becker, 20 February 1957, (CONFIDENTIAL). "Ground Screen Pattern Range," Technical Memorandum No. 1 , Roger R. Trapp, 10 July 1955.* Contract AF33 (616) -3220 "Effective Permeability of Spheroidal Shells," Technical Report No. 9 , E. J. Scott and R. H. DuHamel, 16 April 1956. "An Analytical Study of Spaced Loop ADF Antenna Systems," Technical Report No. 10 D.G. Berry and J.B. Kreer, 10 May 1956. "A Technique for Controlling the Radiation from Dielectric Rod Waveguides," Technical Report No. 11 , J. W. Duncan and R. H. DuHamel, 15 July 1956.* "Directional Characteristics of a U-Shaped Slot Antenna," Technical Report No. 12 , Richard C. Becker, 30 September 1956.** "Impedance of Ferrite Loop Antennas," Technical Report No. 13 , V. H. Rumsey and W. L. Weeks, 15 October 1956. "Closely Spaced Transverse Slots in Rectangular Waveguide," Technical Report No. 14, Richard F. Hyneman, 20 December 1956. "Distributed Coupling to Surface Wave Antennas," Technical Report No. 15 Ralph Richard Hodges, Jr., 5 January 1957.** "The Characteristic Impedance of the Fin Antenna of Infinite Length," Technical Report No. 16 , Robert L. Carrel, 15 January 1957.* "On the Estimation of Ferrite Loop Antenna Impedance," Technical Report No. 17 Walter L. Weeks, 10 April 1957.* ~ '' ' "A Note Concerning a Mechanical Scanning System for a Flush Mounted Line Source Antenna," Technical Report No. 18 , Walter L. Weeks, 20 April 1957. "Broadband Logarithmically Periodic Antenna Structures," Technical Report No. 19 R.H. DuHamel and D.E. Isbell, 1 May 1957. "Frequency Independent Antennas," Technical Report No. 20, V.H. Rumsey, 25 October 1957. "The Equiangular Spiral Antenna," Technical Report No. 21 , J.D. Dyson, 15 September 1957. "Experimental Investigation of the Conical Spiral Antenna," Technical Report No. 22 , R.L. Carrel, 25 May 1957.** "Coupling Between a Parallel Plate Waveguide and a Surface Waveguide," Technical Report No. 23 , E.J. Scott, 10 August 1957. "Launching Efficiency of Wires and Slots for a Dielectric Rod Waveguide," Technical Report No. 24 , J.W. Duncan and R.H. DuHamel, August 1957. "The Characteristic Impedance of an Infinite Biconical Antenna of Arbitrary Cross Section," Technical Report No. 25, Robert L. Carrel, August 1957. "Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas," Technical Report No. 26 , R. J. Tector, 30 October 1957. "Coupled Waveguide Excitation of Traveling Wave Slot Antennas," Technical Report No. 27 , W. L. Weeks, 1 December 1957. "Phase Velocities in Rectangular Waveguide Partially Filled with Dielectric," Technical Report No. 28 , W.L. Weeks, 20 December 1957. "Measuring the Capacitance per Unit Length of Biconical Structures of Arbitrary Cross Section," Technical Report No. 29 , J.D. Dyson, 10 January 1958. "Non-Planar Logarithmically Periodic Antenna Structure," Technical Report No. 30 , D.W. Isbell, 20 February 1958. "Electromagnetic Fields in Rectangular Slots," Technical Report No. 31 , N.J. Kuhn and P,E. Mast, 10 March 1958. "The Efficiency of Excitation of a Surface Wave on a Dielectric Cylinder," Technical Report No. 32, J. W. Duncan, 25 May 1958. "A Unidirectional Equiangular Spiral Antenna/' Technical Report No. 33 J.D. Dyson, 10 July 1958. "Dielectric Coated Spheroidal Radiators," Technical Report N o. 34 W.L. Weeks 12 September 1958. "A Theoretical Study of the Equiangular Spiral Antenna," Technical Report No. 35, P.E. Mast, 12 September 1958. Contract AF33 (616)-6079 "Use of Coupled Waveguides in a Traveling Wave Scanning Antenna," Technical Report No. 36, R. H. MacPhie, 30 April 1959. "On the Solution of a Class of Wiener-Hopf Integral Equations in Finite and Infinite Ranges," Technical Report No. 37 , Raj Mittra, 15 May 1959. "Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions for Electromagnetic Theory," Technical Report No. 38 , W. L. Weeks, 5 June 1959. "Log Periodic Dipole Arrays," Technical Report No. 39, D.E. Isbell, 1 June 1959. "A Study of the Coma-Corrected Zoned Mirror by Diffraction Theory," Technical Report No. 40 , S. Dasgupta and Y.T. Lo, 17 July 1959. "The Radiation Pattern of a Dipole on a Finite Dielectric Sheet," Technical Report No. 41 , K. G. Balmain, 1 August 1959. "The Finite Range Wiener-Hopf Integral Equation and a Boundary Value Problem in a Waveguide," Technical Report No. 42 , Raj Mittra, 1 October 1959. "Impedance Properties of Complementary Multiterminal Planar Structures," Technical Report No. 43, G. A. Deschamps, 11 November 1959. "On the Synthesis of Strip Sources," Technical Report No. 44, Raj Mittra, 4 December 1959. * Copies available for a three week loan period ** Copies no longer available AF 33(616) -6079 DISTRIBUTION LIST One copy each unless otherwise indicated 'Commander Wright Air Development Center Attn: E.M. 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