636 It61r 1908 ILLINOIS BOARD OF LIVESTOCK COMMISSIONERS fjj! 13 r i «•£ ii J < H iii t. HISHlP 1 1 til tuu RULES AND REG- ULATIONS l ; _ . ■ . ‘ V. ,f - <•' j ■ r . *f 4 . j-.Jr' -- ■ ; amro s V,.‘ I « . ■■ sr* s-lfc UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS LIBRARY agriculture- , a p \i j 3 * Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library 5 1 /U70 J f } L161 — 0-1096 RULES and REGULATIONS I ' % % OF TI T»X k-Bk* % % Board&of % \ \ Live Stock Commissioners OF THE 7 / 7 f: j : •7 n I- 1 /> i/ /,< STATE OF ILLINOIS With Extracts from the Law in Relation to Live Stock Sanitation, Cruelty to Animals, Meat Inspection and Other Matters Relating to Live Stock Interests 1908. Springfield, III. Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers 1908 ^ • X^Cpl r \<\^ UNIVERSITY OF it ,w ■ Mam. s »LtiiV(J/S * library COMPILED AND ISSUED By Authority of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners of the STATE OF ILLINOIS. W. E. Savage, Secretary. Phil S. Haner, Henry J. Beer, A. W. Sale, Commissioners. o o 5 RULES. (Adopted October 31, 1908.) RULES GOVERNING THE ACTION OF ASSISTANT STATE VETERINARIANS. Rule 1. When a case of supposed contagious or infec- tious disease among domestic animals comes to the knowl- edge of an Assistant State Veterinarian, he shall at once notify the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, giv- ing the location of the animals and premises, name and postoffice address of the owner, supposed nature of the disease, and all facts in his possession concerning the case, including the correspondence in relation thereto and the substance of any statements made to him in connec- tion therewith. The secretary shall at once notify the State Veterinarian, who shall, if he be assured that the disease is one which under the law the board is required to investigate, make such investigation or order the same to be made by one of his assistants. And if the disease is found to be a dangerously contagious or a dangerously infectious malady, the veterinarian conducting the investi- gation shall place all diseased animals, and all exposed animals, together with the premises which they occupy, in quarantine, and at once forward a true copy of the Notice of Quarantine, with his endorsement of service thereon, to the secretary of this board, together with an explicit report of all proceedings in the case and any suggestions for future proceedings that he may deem advisable. Every quarantine established under this rule will re- main in force until released by order of the board. Rule 2. When detailed to make an investigation as provided in rule 1, the veterinarian shall, without unnec- essary delay, proceed to the locality by the shortest and most direct route usually traveled, taking with him a supply of blanks that he may have occasion to use. Should he be unable to respond to the call, he will so notify the State Veterinarian (by wire, if the case seems urgent), who shall thereupon put the case in the hands of another Assistant State Veterinarian. Upon arriving at the premises the veterinarian will ex- amine the patient and make his diagnosis. If no con- 6 tagious or infectious disease exists, inform the owner as to the nature of the disease, giving him such gratui- tous advice in regard to treatment, etc., as may seem proper, and promptly report his findings to the board. If it should be a case of glanders, or any other danger- ously contagious or dangerously infectious disease, -the first step to be taken is to place the diseased animal and all exposed animals, and the premises, in quarantine, which *n all cases must be done by serving upon the owner or occupant of the premises a written notice pre- pared upon blanks furnished by the board for that pur- pose. The law provides that notice of quarantine may be given by leaving with the owner or occupant of any premises in person, or delivering to any member of his family, or any employe over the age of 10 years found on the premises so quarantined, notice thereof, written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, and at the same time explaining the contents thereof ; and care must be taken to comply in every particular with the require- ments of the law in this matter. Before delivering the notice to the owner an exact copy must be made, upon the back of which the veterinarian will certify over his signature the manner in which it has been served, and forward the same to the secretary of the board, with his report of the case, which must always be made out and mailed immediately. Delay in making reports is not only annoying, but sometimes gives rise to complications which are not easily corrected. Promptness in all official duties is a virtue that will be highly appreciated by the board. Rule 3. In cases of glanders the veterinarian shall, after service of notice of quarantine, as provided in rule 2, endeavor to agree with the owner Qf the diseased animal or animals upon a fair market valuation of the same, not exceeding $100.00 on each animal. This limita- tion is fixed by law and cannot be altered. Explain to the owner that under the rules of the board he will be allowed one-third of the appraisement as compensation for the destruction of the diseased animal, upon receipt of proof of such destruction and of the burial, burning or tanking of the carcass and the disinfection of the prem- ises in accordance with the directions given on the back of the Notice of Quarantine. Blanks for making this proof (which consists of the affidavit of the owner and the affidavits of two disinterested freeholders) will be mailed him by the secretary upon receipt of report. Attention should be called to the nature of the proof re- quired, so that the owner may have his witnesses present when the work is done. If an appraisement is agreed 7 upon with the owner, it then becomes his duty under the law to cause such animal or animals to be destroyed, the alternative being to hold the diseased animal and all the exposed animals in close quarantine. No attempt should be made to compel the destruction of any animal, but at the request of the owner the veterinarian may destrDy the animal, acting as his agent. If an appraisement cannot be agreed upon, or if after appraisement the owner refuses to allow the destruction of the diseased animal, he should be notified that the dis- eased animal and all exposed animals must be kept in close quarantine pending further proceedings, which, under the law', may be the appointment of a board of appraisers and the possible destruction of the diseased animals with- out any compensation. Notice should also be given the owner that should any of the animals die in quarantine or be killed without having been appraised, no compensa- tion will be allowed. Such compensation is only paid for animals’ that are diseased with glanders that are slaughtered by direction of the board in accordance with its rules. Under the rules of the board no compensation is paid for the destruction of any animal brought into this State which shall develop glanders within six months from the date of importation, unless it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the board that the disease was contracted within this State. • Rule 4. The establishment of a quarantine means that ncne of the animals included in such quarantine, either diseased or exposed, shall be removed from the quaran- tined premises, or be permitted to leave such premises, nor shall any other animals susceptible to the - disease with which the huarantined animals are affected or to which they have been exposed, be brought on to such quarantined premises, except under such rules and regula- tions as the Board of Live Stock Commissioners may pre- scribe. Under this provision of the law', upon recommendation of the veterinarian in charge, written permits may be issued to the owners of quarantined animals exposed to glanders, under which such quarantined animals may be used off from the premises of the owner, subject to the following conditions : a. The animals included in the permit must not be W'orked with nor allow'ed to come in contact with other animals of the equine species not in quarantine. b. They must not be tied to trees or racks or posts used as public hitching places. c. They must not be fed nor watered in troughs, buckets or other receptacles used for feeding or watering other animals of the equine species. 8 d. They must not be put up in barns or stables where other animals of the equine species are kept. e. They must be examined weekly at the expense of the owner by a competent veterinarian named in the per- mit, unless in the opinion of the veterinarian recommend- ing- such permit such examination is impracticable and may be safely dispensed with, in which case he shall so state in his report and recommend that the weekly ex- aminations be waived, giving- his reasons for such recom- mendation. This provision should be brought to the attention of the owner of the quarantined animals, and if he desires to use any or all of them off from his own premises, and signifies his willingness to comply with the requirements of the rules, and no special reason exists for not granting a permit, the veterinarian should embody in his report of the case a recommendation that such permit be granted him and name a competent veterinarian to make the weekly examinations. The owner should understand that the permit is issued as a favor to him, and that without it he would not be permitted to move his quarantined ani- mals from his premises for any purpose. The veterinarian who is to conduct the weekly examina- tions should be informed that the examinations are to be made at the expense of the owner and that weekly re- ports of the condition of the animals must be mailed promptly to the board at Springfield, and that the veterin- arian in charge must be notified immediately if clinical symptoms of glanders appear. He should also understand that his appointment confers no authority upon him be-’ yond the duty of making the weekly examinations and reporting the results promptly. Permits may also be issued for the removal of quaran- tined animals to other premises, where they will be quar- antined, upon the recommendation of the State Veterinar- ian or the veterinarian in charge of the case. Rule 5. In cases of anthrax, black leg and hemorrhagic septicemia, after the establishment of quarantine the owner should be instructed to burn all carcasses, or bury them at least six feet below the surface of the ground, well covered with quick lime. So far as possible the car- casses should be disposed of where they fall, but should it be absolutely necessary to move any carcass it should be loaded on a sled with a tight board bottom, which should afterwards be thoroughly disinfected, and the track over which the sled was drawn should be covered with a thick layer of straw, which should be burned. The surface of the ground where the carcass lay should be scraped to a depth of several inches, if near the pit where the carcass is to be buried, and the scrapings thrown in 9 with the carcass ; or the ground where the carcass lay may be covered with straw and the straw burned. In cases where animals die in barns or other buildings, after the removal of the carcasses all loose litter and ma- nure should be carefully removed and burned and the interior of the buildings should be thoroughly disinfected. Under no circumstances should the hide be allowed to be removed from the carcass of an animal dying of an- thrax. Rule 6. In cases of Texas fever, after placing all dis- eased and exposed animals in quarantine, get as com- plete a history of the outbreak as can be obtained in the locality. Ascertain the point from which the cattle re- sponsible for the outbreak were brought ; date of ship- ment from point of origin ; route over which they came ; whether they w'ere unloaded in transit, and if so, at What point, and date of such unloading ; also whether they were reloaded into the same cars in which they were originally shipped; date of arrival at destination-; number and initials of cars in which they were shipped, and any other information that may be of value in tracing the origin of the infection. Rule 7. In default of any appropriation for making investigations of reported cases of tuberculosis, work in this direction, including the tuberculin test, can only be done at the expense of the owners. Rule 8. Any person desiring to ship any animal or ani- mals from this State to another state, the authorities of which require health certificates to accompany such ani- mals, may call upon the State Veterinarian or any Assist- ant State Veterinarian, and request him to make such in- spection. It shall thereupon be the duty of the veterin- arian applied to, to at once make such inspection as may be required under the rules and regulations of the author- ities of the state to which it is desired to ship such ani- mal or animals, and to certify the result of such inspec- tion to the party requesting the same, and to transmit a copy thereof to the secretary of this board. For such services the veterinarian shall be entitled to receive from the owner the same compensation as is allowed him by the State for like services, together with his necessary ex- penses in going from and to his regular place of business. In no case shall the State be liable for the cost of such services. Rule 9. Assistant State Veterinarians shall be entitled to receive for their services while engaged in the per- formance of any public service to which they are assigned by the board or by the State Veterinarian, the sum of 10 $1.00 per hour for parts of a day less than eight hours; but in no case shall they receive more than $8.00 per day for their services; nor shall they be, permitted to make any charge nor receive any compensation from a private individual during- the time they are actually employed and paid by the State. Rule 10. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the State Veterinarian, or any Assistant State Veterin- arian, that animals have been brought into his locality from a district scheduled against by proclamation of the Governor restricting the movement of such animals from such district into this State, or from one point to another within this State, in violation of such proclamation, or of the movement of any domestic animals within the State in violation of any quarantine, or of any regulation of the board, he shall immediately notify the secretary of the board at Springfield, giving him full information in regard to the matter. Rule 11. Immediately upon the completion of each investigation, a full and complete report of his doings in connection with the case shall be made out and signed by the veterinarian and mailed to the secretary of the board at Springfield. The report shall be made out on the blank furnished by the board for the purpose and shall give the name and postoffice address of the owner of the animals, plainly written, date of investigation and location of premises. The report must be accompanied by an exact duplicate of any notice of quarantine served, with endorsement on the back thereof of the manner and date of service, and all correspondence concerning the case. A statement of per cliem and expenses in connection with the case, and receipts for -all expenses except rail- road and car fare should also be sent in with the report, and near the end of the month an itemized statement of traveling expenses covering the whole month, on the yellow blank furnished for the purpose, signed by the veterinarian, must be sent to the secretary, to be attached to the voucher to be presented to the Governor and State Auditor. A full history of the case should also be entered in the veterinarian’s record book for future reference. If the report contains a recommendation for the issu- ance of a permit for the use of quarantine animals, the name of the veterinarian who is to conduct the weekly examinations must also be given. If more than one case is to be reported, make a separ- ate report for each, using a separate blank. Boarding stables where norses belonging to different owners are kept, may be included under one quarantine, notice of 11 which may be served on the owner of the barn or the person in charge, and a single report is sufficient in such cases ; but where animals occupying different premises are included in the same investigation they must be quarantined separately and a separate report made for each of the several premises. CLAIMS. Upon receipt of the report of an inspector of this board, of the condemnation of any animal affected with glanders, the secretary shall mail to the owner of such animal a blank with which to make proof of his claim against the State arising from the slaughter of such animal, which proof shall consist of his affidavit to the effect : 1. That the condemned animal has been destroyed, giving date of destruction. 2. That the carcass was immediately burned, properly buried or consigned to the rendering tank, giving date upon which it was so disposed of. 3. That the premises occupied by the condemned ani- mal and all things with which it had come in contact while diseased and in his possession, had been thoroughly disinfected in accordance with the instructions contained in the notice of quarantine served upon him, giving date of such disinfection. 4. That the animal had been in this State, at least six months prior to the development of the disease. Which affidavit shall be supported by the affidavits of two disinterested freeholders to the effect that the state- ments set forth in the affidavit of the owner of such con- demned animal are, to their personal and individual knowledge, true in every respect. Upon the return of such blank, properly executed, it shall be placed on file in the records of the case, and at the next meeting of the board thereafter, it being satisfactory, a voucher for the amount of compensation clue the owner will be approved. The amount to be paid in each case to the owner of animals slaughtered that are affected with glanders, shall be one-third of the agreed fair cash market value (which fair cash market value shall not exceed $100 per head), or in case a board of appraisers is appointed by this board, one-third of the valuation fixed by said appraisers, which valuation shall not exceed $100 per head: Provided, that no compensation shall be allowed for any animal brought into this State which shall develop the disease within six months from the date of importation, unless it shall be shown to the satisfaction of this board that the disease was contracted within this State. PERMITS The secretary and assistant secretary shall have au- thority to issue permits and releases from quarantine when the conditions herein provided for in any case have been complied with. PERMITS TO USE QUARANTINED ANIMALS. Permits for the use of animals under quarantine on account of exposure to glanders, or any other contagious or infectious disease, or on account of having reacted to the mallein test, may be issued on the recommendation of the State Veterinarian or the Assistant State Veter- inarian in charge of the case, subject to the following conditions : a. They must not be worked with, nor allowed to come in contact with other animals of the equine species not in quarantine. b. They must not be tied to trees or racks or posts used as public hitching places. c. They must not be fed or watered in troughs, buckets or other receptacles used for feeding or watering other animals of the equine species. d. They must not be put up in barns or stables where other animals of the equine species are kept. e. They must be examined weekly at the expense of the owner by a competent veterinarian named in, the permit unless, in the opinion of the veterinarian recom- mending such permit, such examination may be dispensed with, in which case he shall so state in his recommenda- tion. •The veterinarian conducting the weekly examinations shall make prompt report to the secretary of the board of thfe condition of the animals at the conclusion of each examination, and upon the appearance of any clinical symptoms of glanders he shall report the same to the veterinarian through whose recommendation he was ap- pointed. PERMITS TO MOVE. Whenever it shall become necessary to remove quaran- tined animals to other quarters, a permit for such re- moval may be issued upon recommendation of the State Veterinarian or of the Assistant State Veterinarian in charge of the case, which recommendation shall also in- clude a description of the premises to which the owner desires to move them ; and the animals shall be requaran- tined, together with the premises to which they have been removed. 14 PERMITS FOR THE SHIPMENT OF CATTLE Oil SHEEP AFFECTED WITH SCABIES, OR THAT HAVE BEEN EXPOSED THERETO. Permits for the shipment of cattle or sheep affected with scabies, or exposed thereto, direct to market, for immediate slaughter, may be issued upon the written ap- plication of the owner or consignor of such cattle or sheep, upon condition that such owner or consignor shall notify the agent of the railroad company receiving such cattle or sheep for shipment that they are diseased with scabies, or have been exposed thereto, and that the cars in which they are shipped and the pens and chutes used in loading them must be disinfected in accordance with the regulations of the board ; that the owner or consignor shall fasten securly in a conspicuous place on each side of each car in which such cattle or sheep are shipped by him, before such car leaves the point of shipment the placard provided for in the regulations of this board for such shipments, and shall see that the way bill or bill of lading accompanying the shipment is properly stamped by the agent of the transportation company receiving the ani- mals for shipment, in accordance with the regulations of the board, and shall immediately notify the Inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry at point of destination of such shipment, giving the initials and numbers of the cars in which the shipment is made. PERMITS TO IMPORT CATTLE FROM THE SCHEDULED DISTRICT. Permits for the importation of cattle from the district scheduled by the Governor in his proclamation with refer- ence to splenic, Texas or tick fever, into this State which permits are authorized by the regulations contained in said proclamation, may be issued upon the written ap- plication of the party desiring such permit, upon the recommendation of a member of this board, or a duly authorized representative thereof, (or in case a similar permit shall have been held by the same party during the preceding year, the premises remaining unchanged, with- cut such recommendation) which permits shall be subject to the following conditions : 1. The premises to ’which such cattle are to be shipped shall be so situated that the cattle may be unloaded di- rectly thereon from the cars or boats in which they are transported. 2. Such cattle shall not be permitted to leave such premises while living for any purpose except for imme- diate slaughter, during the quarantine season, and the 15 same prohibition shall apply to any other cattle that may pass through or enter the chutes used in unloading cattle from the scheduled district or that may be ad- mitted to premises occupied by such cattle, unless the chutes and portions of the premises to which they have been admitted shall have been thoroughly cleansed and disinfected after their use or occupancy by such cattle from the scheduled district, and before the admission of such other cattle thereon, in accordance with the rules for such disinfection hereinafter set forth. 3. The person, company or corporation to whom such permit may be granted shall be required to assume re- sponsibility for all loss or damage that may occur, by ac- cident or otherwise, directly or indirectly, as the result of any shipment of cattle under such permit, and shall agree to observe the quarantine regulations and all rules and regulations established or that may be established by this board concerning the handling of cattle from the scheduled district, and to have all cars in which such cattle are shipped under any such permit, placarded with a card on each side thereof, in a conspicuous place, stating that such car contains Southern cattle, the letters of which placard shall be plain and not less than one and one- half inches in height, and which placard shall be made of material sufficiently durable to withstand the action of the elements, and shall be so attached to the car as to retain its position thereon until the car shall have reached its destination and been unloaded and disinfected as hereinafter provided, after which disinfection such pla- cards shall be removed ; and to have such cars, or boats, (if shipped by boat) thoroughly cleansed and disinfected, immediately after being unloaded and before such cars or boats are taken away from the place of unloading, in accordance with the following directions, to-wit : First — Remove all litter and manure, thoroughly, inside and out. • (a) Destroy by burning. (b) Disinfect by mixing it with quick lime or, by saturating it with a five per cent solution of a one hundred per cent solution of carbolic acid, or (c) Deposit it where no native cattle can come in con- tact with it, from which point it shall not be allowed to be removed without disinfection until the close of the quarantine season. Second — Wash the cars, and all portions of the boats occupied by such cattle from the scheduled district, and the feeding and watering troughs, with water until clean. Third — Saturate the entire interior surface of the cars, and all portions of the boats occupied by cattle from the scheduled district, to the height of at least five feet, and the troughs and unloading chutes, with a mixture of one and one-half pounds of quick lime and one-fourth pound of one hundred per cent straw colored carbolic acid to each gallon of water ; or a solution made by dissolving four ounces of chloride of lime to each gallon of water, with enough freshly burnt quick lime added to make the wash show where applied. On completion of the work of disinfection, the holder of such permit shall remove from the car any placard .that is attached indicating that such car had contained Southern . cattle and shall promptly notify the secretary of the board of the fact, giving the initials and numbers of the cars, or name of boat, and date of disinfection 16 This permit may be revoked at any time, by order of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, when in its judg- ment the safety of the live stock interests of the State demands it, and shall expire at the close of the current quarantine season. RULES FOR DISINFECTION. IN CASES OF GLANDERS. 1. Remove and burn all bedding' in stalls the contents of the mangers, feed boxes and hay racks and all rotten woodwork. 2. Thoroughly scrape and cleanse the floor of the stalls, the mangers, feed boxes and hay racks, and scrub the walls of the stalls and the mangers and feed boxes with a solution of permanganate of potash (one ounce of permanganate of potash to each gallon of boiling water.) After it dries, wash all these surfaces with a wash com- posed of one pound of chloride of lime to each four gal- lons of- water, adding enough quick lime to make the wash white. 3. The harness, bridles, halters and blankets worn by the quarantined animals, and the poles, shafts and neck yokes of all vehicles and implements to which they have been hitched must be thoroughly washed with hot water and soap and afterwards sponged over with the solution of permanganate of potash described in Rule 2, which operation should be repeated at intervals of one week. 4. The watering troughs and buckets must be thor- oughly washed and rinsed with hot water. IN CASES OE SCABIES IN CATTLE. Cars and Railroad Premises. First remove all bedding and litter from the cars, yards, pens and chutes and disinfect or destroy by burning; then thoroughly saturate the interior of the cars and the fences and woodwork of the pens and chutes, using for the purpose the following formula : Unslaked lime, thirty pounds ; water, nineteen gallons ; ciude carbolic acid, one gallon. Farm Premises. First remove all bedding and litter from stables man- gers, feed boxes, yards and pens that have been occupied by scabby cattle, or by cattle that have been exposed to the infection, and destroy the same by burning ; then IS thoroughly whitewash all woodwork with which such cattle may have come in contact, and sprinkle the floor or ground thickly with the preparation described above for the disinfection of cars, etc. If the lime-and-sulphur dip provided for in the regulations has been used upon the cattle, the residue can be used in disinfecting by the addition of crude carbolic acid in the proportion of one gallon of the acid to nineteen gallons of the dip. IN CASES OF SCABIES IN SHEEP. Cars and Railroad Premises. First remove all bedding and litter from the cars, yards, pens and chutes, and disinfect, or destroy the same by burning ; then thoroughly saturate the interior of the cars, and the fences and woodwork of the * pens and chutes, using for the purpose the following formula : Unslaked lime, thirty pounds ; water, nineteen gallons ; crude carbolic acid, one gallon. Farm Premises. First remove all bedding and litter from stables, man- gers, feed boxes, yards and pens that have been occupied by scabby sheep, and destroy the same by burning ; then thoroughly whitewash all wood work with which such sheep may have come in contact, and sprinkle the floor or ground thickly with the preparation described above for the disinfection of cars, etc. If the lime-and-sulphur dip provided for in the regulations has been used upon .the sheep, the residue can be used in disinfecting by the addition of crude carbolic acid in the proportion of one .gallon of the acid to nineteen gallons of the dip. IN CASES OF TEXAS FEVER. First — Remove all litter and manure thoroughly from the floors and sides of the cars or boats or other pemises to be disinfected, inside and out, and, either, • a. Destroy the same by burning, or b. Disinfect by mixing it with quick lime, or by sat- urating it with a five per cent solution of a one hundred per cent solution of carbolic acid, or c. Remove it to some point where no cattle can come in contact with it, from which point it shall not be allowed to be removed without disinfection until the close of the quarantine season. 19 Second -— Wash the cars ancl feeding and watering troughs with water until clean. Third — Saturate the entire interior surface of the cars, and of all portions of the boats, or other premises oc- cupied by cattle from the scheduled district, to the height of at least five feet, and the troughs and unloading chutes, with a mixture of one and one-half pounds of quick lime and one-fourth pound of one hundred per cent straw colored carbolic acid to each gallofi of water ; or a solu- tion made by dissolving four ounces of chloride of lime to each gallon of water, with, enough freshly burnt quick lime added to make the wash show where applied. RELEASES FROM QUARANTINE. Releases from quarantine may be issued by the Secre- tary or Assistant Secretary upon recommendation of the State Veterinarian, the Assistant State Veterinarian in charge of the case, or by direction of any member of the board. Upon receipt of proof of the destruction of all diseased animals upon any premises, and the proper disposition of the carcasses thereof and the disinfection of such prem- ises, there being no quarantined exposed animals remain- ing thereon, it shall be the duty of the Secretary or As- sistant Secretary, to release such premises from quaran- tine, and to immediately notify the owner of such release.' 21 REGULATIONS REGARDING SCABIES AMONG CATTLE. Rule 1. Any cattle affected with scabies, or which have been exposed to the contagion thereof, destined for shipment to any point in this State, to be fed or grazed, discovered in any stock yards in this State, by any mem- ber, officer or agent of this board, or by the State Veter- inarian or any Assistant State Veterinarian, shall be placed in quarantine, and shall not be permitted to be shipped to any point in this State for the purpose of feeding’ or grazing 1 until they have been satisfactorily dipped or hand dressed, as hereinafter prescribed, and said cattle shall remain in quarantine at their destina- tion until released by order of this board. Rule 2. No cattle affected with scabies, or which have been exposed to the contagion thereof, shall be shipped from any point in this • State to any market or public stock yard in this State, or from one public stock yard to another within this State, or from one point to another within this State, except under a special permit issued by this board, upon the application of the owner or consignor, to ship such cattle direct to market for imme- diate slaughter ; one of the conditions of such permit being 1 that a placard shall be conspicuously and securely fas- tened on each side of every car containing such cattle, and shall be maintained thereon so long as any of said cattle remain in such car, and until such car shall have been disinfected in accordance with the directions con- tained in Rule 4 of these regulations ; which placard shall be furnished by this board, upon application, and shall read as follows : , For cars containing cattle affected with scabies : “Scabby Cattle/-’ '"this car must be disinfected immediately upon being unloaded/-’ “This placard must not be removed until the cattle are unloaded at their destination and the car is disinfected / as provided in the regulations of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Illinois regarding scabies among cattle, under penalty.” / 22 For cars containing- cattle that have been exposed to the contagion, the same placard shall be used, except that the words “ Exposed Cattle’ ’ shall be substituted for the words “ Scabby Cattle Rule 3. All railroad, steamboat - and transportation companies in this State receiving any cattle that are affected with scabies, or that have been exposed to the contagion thereof, shall stamp, or cause to be stamped, across the face of the way-bill or bill, of lading accom- panying each shipment, in large letters, the words, “Scabby Cattle ” or the words, “Exposed to Scabies,” as the case may be. Rule 4. All cars in which cattle affected with scabies, or cattle that have been exposed to the contagion thereof, are shipped to any market, or to any point within the State, whether under these regulations or under a permit issued by this board, or otherwise, and all yards and pens which have been occupied by such scabby cattle or ex- posed cattle during their transportation, and all chutes through which they have been driven, shall be promptly and thoroughly disinfected by the railroad company re- ceiving or delivering such cattle, immediately, and before being occupied by other cattle, iri accordance with the following directions : First remove all bedding and litter from the cars, yards, pens and chutes, and disinfect, or destroy the same by burning, then thoroughly saturate the interior of the cars, and the fences and woodwork of the pens and chutes, using for the purpose the following formula: Unslaked lime, thirty pounds ; water, nineteen gallons ; crude car- bolic acid, one gallon. Rule 5. Whenever upon investigation by this board, or any veterinarian acting under its direction, any cattle on any farm, or on any premises in this State, are found to be infected with scabies, or have been exposed to the contagion thereof ; they shall be placed in quarantine, together with the premises occupied by them, and any other premises recently occupied by them, and shall be maintained in quarantine until released by order of this board ; and the owner, or the person in charge thereof, shall be required to treat such cattle, either by dipping or hand dressing, using one of the following formulae approved by the United State Bureau of Animal Indus- try, to-wit : 1. The lirne-and-sulphur dip; made in the proportion of twelve pounds of unslaked lime and twenty-four pounds of flowers of sulphur to one hundred gallons of water. Weigh both the lime and the sulphur. Place the un- slaked lime in a mortar box or some suitable vessel and add enough water to slake the lime and form a lime paste or lime putty. Sift into this lime paste the flowers of sulphur, and stir the mixture well. To make one hundred, gallons of the dip, place the sulphur-and-lime paste in a kettle or boiler with about thirty gallons of .boiling water and boil the mixture for two hours at least, stirring the liquid and sediment ; add enough water when necessary to maintain the quantity. Draw the mixture and. sedimdfrt into a large tub or barrel placed near the dipping vat and provided with a bunghole about four inches from the bottom, and allow ample time to settle — from two to three hours or more if necessary. When, fully settled, draw oft the clear liquid into the dipping vat and add enough warm water to make one hundred gallons. The same directions apply to larger quantities of dip, proportionate amounts of ingredients being used. 2. The tobaceo-and-sulphur ' dip ; made with sufficient extract of tobacco or nicotine solution to give a mixture containing not less than five one-hundredths of one per cent of nicotine and two per cent flowers of sulphur. Or other formula that may be approved by this board, until they are pronounced free from scabies by a com- petent veterinarian recognized by this board ; and shall thoroughly disinfect the infected portions of such prem- ises before other cattle are allowed to be placed thereon, in the following manner : First remove ill bedding and litter from stables, man- gers, feed boxes, yards and pens that have been occupied by scabby cattle, or by cattle that have been exposed to the infection, and destroy the same by burning ; then thoroughly whitewash all woodwork with which such cattle may have come in contact, and sprinkle the floor or ground thickly with the preparation described in Rule four, for disinfecting cars, etc. If the lime-and-sulphur dip has been used upon the cattle, the residue can be used in disinfecting by the addition of crude carbolic acid in the proportion of one gallon of the acid to nineteen gal- lons of the dip. These regulations shall apply to feeding stations, load- ing pens and chutes at all railroad stations, as well as to the premises of private individuals. 24 REGULATIONS REGARDING SCABIES AMONG SHEEP. Rule 1. Any sheep affected with scabies, or which have been exposed to the contagion thereof, destined for ship- ment to any point in this State, to be fed or grazed, dis- covered in any stock yards in this State, by any member, officer or agent of this board, or by the State Veterinarian or any Assistant State Veterinarian, shall be placed in quarantine, and shall not be permitted to be shipped to any point in this State for the purpose of feeding or • grazing, until they have been satisfactory dipped, and said sheep shall remain in quarantine at their destination until released by order of this board. Rule 2. No sheep that are known to be affected with scabies, or which have been exposed to the contagion thereof, shall be shipped from any point in this State to any market or public stock yards in this State, or from one public stock yards to another, within this State or from one point to another within this State, except under a special permit, issued by this board, upon the appli- cation of the owner or consignor, to ship such sheep direct to market for immediate slaughter ; one of the conditions of such permit being that a placard shall be conspicuously and securely fastened on each side of every car contain- ing such sheep, and shall be maintained thereon so long as any of said sheep remain in such car, and until such car shall have been disinfected in accordance with the directions contained in Rule 4 of these regulations ; which placard shall be furnished by this board, upon application, and shall read as follows : For cars containing sheep affected with scabies : “Scabby Sheep.” "this car must be disinfected immediately upon being UNLOADED.” “This placard must not be removed until the sheep are unloaded at their destination and the car is disinfected as provided in the regulations of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Illinois, regarding scabies among sheep under penalty.” For cars containing sheep that have been exposed to the contagion, the same placard shall be used, except that the 25 words “Exposed Sheep” shall be substituted for the words “Scabby Sheep.” Rule 3. All railroad steamboat and transportation companies in this State receiving any sheep that are affected with scabies, or which have been exposed to the contagion thereof, shall stamp, or cause to be stamped across the face of the way bill or bill of lading accom- panying each shipment, in large letters, the words, “Scabby Sheep” or the words, “Exposed to Scabies ” as the case may be. Rule 4. All cars in which sheep affected with scabies or sheep that have been exposed to the contagion thereof, are shipped to any market, or point within this State, whether under these regulations or under a permit issued by this board, or otherwise, and all yards and pens which have been occupied by such scabby sheep, or exposed sheep, during their transportation, and all chutes through which they have been driven, shall be promptly and thor- oughly disinfected by the railroad company receiving or delivering such sheep, immediately, and before being oc- cupied by other sheep, in accordance with the following directions : First remove all bedding and litter from the cars, yards, pens and chutes, and disinfect, or destroy the same by burning ; then thoroughly saturate the interior of the cars, and the fences and the woodwork of the pens and chutes, using for the the purpose the following formula : Unslaked lime, thirty pounds ; water, nineteen gallons ; crude carbolic acid, one gallon. Rule 5. Whenever, upon investigation by this board, or any veterinarian acting under its direction, any sheep on any farm, or on any premises in this State, are found to be affected with scabies, or have been exposed to the contagion thereof, they shall be placed in quarantine, to- gether with the premises occupied by them, and any other premises recently occupied by them, and shall be main- tained in quarantine until released by order of this board, and the owner, or the person in charge thereof, Shall be required to dip said sheep, using one of the following for- mulae recommended by the United States Bureau of Ani- mal Industry, to-wit : 1. The tobacco and sulphur dip, made with sufficient extract of tobacco to give a mixture containing not less than five one-hundredths of one per cent of nicotine, and two per cent flowers of sulphur. 2. The lime and sulphur dip, made with eight pounds of unslaked lime and twenty-five pounds of flowers of sulphur to one hundred gallons of water. The lime and sulphur should be boiled together for not less than two hours, and all sediment allowed to subside before the liquid is placed in the dipping vat. Or other formula that may be approved by this board, until they are pronounced free from scabies by a compe- tent veterinarian recognized by this board ; and shall thoroughly disinfect the infected portions of such prem- ises before other sheep are allowed to be placed thereon, in the following- manner : First remove all bedding and litter from stables, man- gers, feed boxes, yards and pens that have been occupied by scabby sheep, or by sheep that have been exposed to the infection, and destroy the same by burning ; then thoroughly whitewash all wood work with which such sheep may have come in contact, and sprinkle the floor or ground thickly with the preparation described in Rule 4, for disinfecting cars, etc. If the lime and sulphur dip has been used upon the sheep, the residue can be used in disinfecting by the addition of crude carbolic acid in the proportion of one gallon of the acid to nineteen gallons of the dip. These regulations shall apply to feeding stations, load- ing pens and chutes at all railroad stations, as well as tc the premises of private individuals. * < REGULATIONS REGARDING TUBERCU- LOSIS AMONG CATTLE AND SWINE. Rule 1. No cattle or swine affected with tuberculosis, or which have been exposed to the contagion thereof, shall be shipped from any point in this State to any market or public stock yard in this State, or from one public stock yard to another within this State, except under a special permit issued by this board, upon applica- tion of the owner or consignor to ship such cattle or swine to market for immediate slaughter under State or Federal supervision ; the conditions of such permit being that the way bill accompanying such shipment shall be plainly marked, “ Tuberculous Cattle ” or “ Tuberculous Swine ” or “Exposed Cattle ” or “Exposed Swine ” as the case may be ; that the car or cars in which such cattle or swine are transported shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected immediately after being unloaded, and such other special conditions as may be found necessary to impose from time to time by the inspector in charge. Rule 2. All railroad, steamboat and transportation companies in this State receiving any cattle or swine for transportation that are affected with tuberculosis, or that have been exposed to the contagion thereof, shall* stamp, or cause to be stamped, across the face of the way bill or bills of lading accompanying each shipment, in large letters, the words, “Tuberculosis Cattle ” or “Tuber- culous Swine,” or “Exposed Cattle ” or “Exposed Swine as the case may be. Rule 3. All cars in which cattle or swine affected with tuberculosis, or that have been exposed to the contagion thereof, are shipped to any market, or to any point within this State, whether under these regulations or under any permit issued by this board, or otherwise, and all yards and pens which have been occupied by such tuberculous or exposed cattle or swine during their trans- portation, and all chutes through which they have been driven, shall be promptly and thoroughly disinfected by the raiload company receiving or delivering such cattle or swine, immediately after they are unloaded and before being used for other cattle or swine. :\s Rule 4. Whenever upon investigation by this board or by any veterinarian acting under its direction, any cattle or swine on any farm, or on any premises in this State, are found to be diseased with tuberculosis, or to have been exposed to the contagion thereof, they shall be placed in quarantine, together with the premises oc- cupied by them, and shall be maintained in quarantine until released by order of this board. Rule 5. These regulations shall apply to feeding sta- tions and loading pens and chutes at all ’railroad stations in this State, as well as to the premises of private indi- viduals. 29 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE MOVE- MENT OF CATTLE FROM SCHE- DULED DISTRICT. First — Cattle from any portion of said scheduled district may be admitted to the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and the National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, at any time of the year: Provided, that cattle originating at any point below the then existing special quarantine line established by the United States Department of Agriculture, shall be unloaded only in pens set apart exclusively for such cattle, and shall not be allowed to leave such pens for points in Illinois, except in accordance with the provisions of the fifth paragraph of these regulations. Second — Cattle from localities below the quarantine line hereby established, from which the unrestricted movement of cattle is permitted, at the time of shipment of such cattle, by the United States Department of Agriculture, to points above said quarantine line, may enter the State of Illinois at any time of the year, subject to the provisions of paragraph eight of these regulations : Provided , this rule shall not be construed to permit the admission* into this State, of cattle originating below any quarantine line established by any modifying order of the United States Department of Agriculture in force at the time of ship- ment, nor from localities from which the movement of cattle to uninfected points is permitted only after the same have been inspected by a duly authorized inspector of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry and found free fom infection. Third — Cattle from localities below said quarantine line hereby established, from which the movement of cattle is permitted, at the time of shipment of such cattle, by the federal authorities, io points outside of the scheduled dis- trict, only upon inspection by a duly authorized inspector of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, may enter the State of Illinois at any time of the year, subject to the provisions of the eighth paragraph of these regula- tions, when accompanied by a certificate of inspection, signed by such inspector, showing the place and date of inspection, number and description of cattle, place and time of shipment, name and address of owner or con- o *) 0 signor, name and address of consignee, point of destina- tion and route of shipment ; a copy of which certificate, so signed, shall be mailed to the secretay of this board at Springfield, Illinois, at t lie time such cattle are loaded for shipment. Fourth — Cattle from the scheduled district may be ad- mitted into this State at any time of the year, subject to the provisions of the eighth paragraph of these regula- tions, when accompanied by a certificate signed by a duly authorized inspector of the United States Bureau of Ani- mal Industry, or a duly designated officer or agent of this board, stating that they have been dipped under the supervision of such inspector or officer or agent, in a dip approved and prescribed by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry for the destruction of the southern cattle tick, and giving the place and date of dipping, the num- ber and description of cattle, place and time of shipment, name and address of owner or consignor, name and ad- dress of consignee, point of destination and route of ship- ment ; and railroad, steamboat and transportation com- panies may receive and transport such cattle to this State, or from stock yards in this State where dipping vats shall be established, when destined to points within this State, subject to the provisions of the eighth paragraph of these regulations, when such shipments are accompanied by such aforesaid' certificates of dipping, duly signed. When the shipment of such dipped cattle originate -outside of this State, the aforesaid certificate of dipping shall be attached to the bill of lading accompanying such shipment, and shall be delivered to all connecting lines receiving such cattle en route. In either case, a copy of said certifi- cate so signed shall be mailed to the secretary of this board at Springfield, Illinois, at the time such cattle are loaded for shipment. Fifth — Permits for the importation of cattle from the scheduled district into the State of Illinois, or for the movement of such cattle from one point to another within the State, for immediate slaughter, or for feeding or graz- ing purposes, may be issued by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, in its discretion, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by said board. Sixth — All railroad, steamboat and transportation com- panies that shall receive for shipment, or ship into or through this State, or from one point to another within the State, cattle originating in said scheduled district at localities below any quarantine line established by any modifying order of the United States Department of Agriculture in force at the time of such shipment, shall by their way bill or bill of lading in each case, state 31 explicitly the point from which said cattle were originally shipped or derived, and shall stamp on said way bill or bill of lading in large letters, the words, “ from the Sched- uled District ” and shall place on each side of every car carrying such cattle a placard stating, that such car con- tains southern cattle, the letters of which card shall be plain and not less than one and one-half inches in height ; such placard shall be made of material sufficiently dur- able to withstand the action of the elements, and shall be so attached to the car as to retain its position thereon until the car shall have reached its destination and been disinfected as hereinafter provided, after which disinfec- tion the placards shall be removed. Seventh — All railroad, steamboat and transportation companies that shall so receive and ship such cattle, shall, immediately after such cattle are unloaded, and before said cars or boats in which any such shipment may have been made are used for any other purpose, cleanse and disinfect such cars or quarters in the following manner : First — Remove all litter and manure thoroughly from the floors and sides of the cars or boats, inside and out, and, either (a) Destroy the same by burning, or (b) Disinfect by mixing it with quick lime, or by saturating it with a five per cent solution of a one hundred per cent solution of carbolic a'cid, or (c) Remove it to some point where no cattle can come in contact with it, from which point it shall not be al- lowed to be removed without disinfection until the close of the quarantine season. Second — Wash the cars and the feeding and watering troughs with water until clean. Third — Saturate che entire interior surface of the cars, including the inner surface of the doors and the unload- ing chutes, with a mixture made of one and one-half pounds of quick lime and one-fourth pound of one hun- dred per cent carbolic acid to each gallon of water, or a solution made by dissolving four ounces of chloride of lime to each gallon of water. Eighth — All railroad, steamboat and transportation companies receiving cattle for shipment under paragraphs two, three and .four of these regulations, shall permit them to be loaded only in cars that are known to be free from infection at the time the cattle are loaded therein, and such cattle shall not be unloaded en route except for rest, feed and water, and for that purpose only in pens that are known to be free from infection and that have not been occupied by infectious cattle ; and if wuthin the scheduled district, only at such points as may be desig- nated in the regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture, where special provision has been made for the yarding of uninfected cattle, and in uninfected pens, from which the? shall be reloaded into the same cars in which they were originally shipped, or in other cars that are known to be free from infection. Ninth — All railroad, steamboat and transportation com- panies that shall unload any infectious' cattle in any yards along their road or routes of travel, within this State, shall unload such cattle only in pens set apart exclusively for such cattle, ^nd shall allow no other cattle to enter into or be placed in such. pens. Tenth — All stock yard companies in the State of Illinois receiving cattle shall set apart certain portions of their yards for cattle from the infected district, and shall con- spicuously mark the same, and shall provide separate chutes, alleys and scales for such cattle, and where the way bills or bills of lading show that they are from the infected district, they shall be placed in that portion of the yards set apart for such cattle, and in no case shall such cattle be unloaded by any railroad, steamboat or transportation company in yards or pens other than those set apart for the exclusive receiving and yarding of such cattle. Eleventh — All stock yard companies in the State of Illinois receiving cattle from the infested district shall yard such cattle only in pens set apart for their ex- clusive use, and shall not permit the driving of such cattle through any alleys or over any scales other than those exclusively set apart for that kind of cattle ; and said stock yard companies shall not permit any cattle that have been imported from localities below any quarantine line established by any modifying order of. the United States Department of Agriculture, in force at the time of the loading of such cattle for shipment to such yards, to leave the yards to be driven into, upon, over or across any public street, highway, alley or common, nor shall any railroad, steamboat or transportation company receive such cattle for shipment to any other point within this State, except upon a written permit issued by the Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Illinois, as provided in the fifth paragraph of these regulations. Twelfth — Any cattle which are infected with the southern cattle tick ( Bcopliilus annulatus ) shall be con- sidered as infectious cattle and as having originated in the infected district, and shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the movement of cattle from the infected district. Thirteenth — All cattle coming into this State in viola- tion of any of the foregoing rules and regulations shall be liable to quarantine at the expense of the owner or consignee, to be disposed of in accordance with the law. 33 RULES PROVIDING FOR THE INSPEC- TION AND SLAUGHTER AT THE UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO. Rule 1. The board shall appoint as Chief Veterinary Inspector at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, an Assist- ant State Veterinarian, who shall act under the direction of the board or any member thereof. The board shall appoint such assistants and agents as it shall deem proper, who shall hold themselves subject to the order of the Chief Veterinary Inspector above provided for. Rule 2. The board shall establish an office in the Ex- change Building at the Union Stock Yards. Rule 3. There shall be established by the Chicago Live Stock Exchange, in the Union Stock Yards, a quar- antine pen, conveniently situated, to be known as the “State Quarantine Pen,” in which shall be placed all animals failing to pass ante-mortem inspection. Rule 4. Any person, firm or corporation doing busi- ness at the Yards, who shall have any animal or ani- mals apparently affected with actinomycosis, commonly called “lumpy jaw,” or having any lump or swelling upon the head or neck, or any animal apparently affected with tuberculosis, cancer, emaciation or any other affec- tion or disease which might render the carcass of the animal unfit for human food, shall immediately notify the Secretary of the Live Stock Exchange or the Chief Veterinary Inspector or his assistant. Rule 5. Upon receiving any notice as provided for in Rule 4, it shall be the duty of the Chief Veterinary In- spector, or his assistant to inspect such animal or ani- mals as soon as possible. Rule 6. The Chief Veterinary Inspector, or his assist- ant, or a State agent, shall place in the ear of each animal examined a tag indicating whether it has passed or has been held for post-mortem examination. A round tag for “passed” and a square tag for “held for post-mortem.” Rule 7. The Chief Veterinary Inspector, or his assist- • ant, shall keep a record of all animals inspected, which record shall show : 34 First — Date of inspection. Second — For whom the animal is inspected. Third — The description of the animal. Fourth — Tag 1 number of the animal. Fifth — Weight of the animal. Sixth — The result of the inspection. And he shall furnish to the Secretary of the Live Stock Exchange each day, at the close of business, a copy of such record signed by him ; and he shall also file, at the end of each month, with the Secretary of this board, a copy of the record for that month. Rule 8. It shall be the duty of the State agents to place in the “State Quarantine Pen” each day, all animals held for post-mortem examination. Rule 9. When any animal is held for post-mortem ex- amination, and the owner thereof, or his agent, refuses to accept for such animal the amount fixed by any contract made for the slaughter of condemned cattle by the Live Stock Exchange, then such animal shall be held in quarantine until the same shall be duly appraised, as provided for in section two of “An act to amend an act entitled, ‘An act to revise the la.w in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals,’ ap- proved June 27, 1 885, in force July 1, 1885,” (Approved and in force April 20, 1887.) This appraisal shall take into consideration the price obtainable for such an ani- mal if condemned and to be converted into material not used for human food. If such an appraised animal is passed by the duly authorized veterinarian, after slaugh- ter, as fit for human food, then this appraisal shall be void and the carcass revert to the owner, who shall pay for the cost of slaughter. Rule 10. All animals held for post-mortem examina- tion shall be delivered by the Chicago Live Stock Ex- change, at least once a week, at a special slaughter house to be provided by them, and slaughtered. The slaughter of said animals and the disposal of their carcasses, shall be held under the supervision of a committee of three, consisting of the State A^eterinarian, or one of his assist- ants to be designated by this board, an officer appointed by the Board of Health of the City of Chicago, and a representative of the Chicago Live Stock Exchange. All condemned carcasses shall be immediately tanked and rendered unfit for food, under the supervision of a State Agent of the board, 'who shall report to the State Veter- inarian, or Assistant Veterinarian, and also to the Sec- retary of the Chicago Live Stock Exchange, the num- ber of carcasses tanked. All carcasses found after slaughter to be healthy shall be held subject to the order of the owner or his agent. Rule 11. Nothing’ in the above rules shall be construed as abrogating the right of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, or its agents, to make such inspection of- the yards as they may desire, for the purpose of ascer- taining whether all cattle afflicted with actinomycosis or other diseases that might render the flesh of the animal unfit for human food, are duly reported to the Chief Veterinary Inspector and subsequently rendered unfit for food. RULE XXVI — ADOPTED BY THE CHICAGO LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE TO TAKE EFFECT SEPTEMBER 14, 1908. CATTLE INSPECTION. Section 1 . No member or members of this Exchange shall buy, sell or dispose of, or weigh to any purchaser thereof, or^ cause to be bought, sold or disposed of,' or weighed to any purchaser thereof, any animal apparently affected with actinomycosis, commonly called lump-jaw, or having any lump or swelling upon the head or neck, or any animal affected with tuberculosis, cancer, emac- iation, or any affection or disease which would apparently render it unfit for food, until the said animal has been inspected by the State Veterinarian or an Assistant State Veterinarian ; and such inspection shall be made prior to the time when such animal is weighed, or, if not weighed, then before it is. delivered. Only such animals as the Veterinarian shall pronounce to be free from the said disease shall be accepted and paid for by any member who may have purchased the same. In case of failure of purchaser, seller, or veterinarian to note such diseased animal or animals before or at the time of weighing, then such animal or animals shall be at purchaser’s risk. § 2. Members of this Exchange having possession or control of any animal or animals apparently affected with the said disease, or having any lump or swelling upon the head or neck, or any animal affected with tuberculosis, cancer, emaciation, or any affection or dis- ease which would apparently render it unfit for food, shall call on the State Veterinarian for inspection of such animal or animals, and if upon such inspection such animal is found to be free from the disease the member or members having such possession or control may pro- ceed to sell or deliver said animal in the regular course 36 of business ; and said animal shall be accepted by any member purchasing-, or who may have purchased the same. If such animal shall not be so passed nor found free from disease, but either shall be condemned by said Veterinarian or Assistant State Veterinarian, or shall upon such inspection, alive or upon foot, be deemed doubtful by him, such animal shall not be bought, sold, nor otherwise disposed of by any member of this Ex- change, on foot or alive, nor shall the carcass of such animal, nor any part thereof, be bought, sold, or in any wise disposed of by any member of this Exchange, un- less and until there has been a post-mortem examination thereof by said veterinarian, and the said carcass has been by said veterinarian, after such examination, deemed and declared to be healthy and fit for food. § 3. Any member convicted of a violation of this rule shall be fined $50 for each animal so bought, sold or disposed of by nim or his agents before inspection. § 4. The board of directors are authorized to provide, arrange and agree that this exchange shall pay or pro- vide the salary, not to exceed $ per month, of such person, as the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners shall designate, who is acceptable to the board of direc- tors to have charge of all animals affected or apparently affected with said disease and of the quarantine thereof, pursuant to the statutes of Illinois in such case made and provided ; provided such person shall make a daily report of the business of his station, and perform such other duties in the premises as may from time to time be required of him by said board of directors not in- consistent with the statutes aforesaid. § 5. The secretary of this exchange shall keep a set of books showing the number and disposition of every animal inspected as aforesaid, and shall provide and ac- count for two sets of metal tags duly numbered and stamped, to-wit : Of square tags stamped “condemned” for condemned cattle, and of round tags stamped “passed” for passed cattle, with a devise for fastening same in the ears of all inspected animals; and also a like num- ber of blank paper receipts bearing the same number as the tags, both of which he shall issue as may be re- quired to the duly appointed State Veterinarian. § 6. A private telephone system connecting all cattle scale houses, the quarantine pen and the secretary’s office shall be maintained by this exchange. § 7. It shall be the duty of one member of the board of directors of this exchange (who shall perform this duty in rotation) to be present at all times when any 37 infected animal or diseased animal is slaughtered, to re- port to the secretary the results of such killing, and per- sonally to see that all portions of condemned animals — except the hide — goes into the tank and is rendered unfit for food, and that all the provisions of this system of in- spection are rigidly adhered to. § 8. The board of directors is hereby charged to take all necessary steps to make the provisions and intent of this rule effective, and the directors may appoint a com- mittee of three members of • this exchange for that pur- pose. % ?s PROCLAMATION. Scheduling Certain Localities on Account of Splenic, Texas or Tick Fever. State of Illinois — Executive Department. \ \ ' ' zJ. 'jC Whereas,, I have received from the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, the following - communica- tion : To His Excellency , Charles S. Deneen, Governor of Illi- nois. Sir — Pursuant to the terms of an act of the General Assembly, entitled “An act to amend an act entitled, ‘An act to revise law in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals,’ approved June 27, 1885, in force July 1, 1885,” approved and in force April 20, 1887, the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners reports to your Excellency that the condition of cattle coming into the State of Illinois from that portion of the United States hereinafter described and set forth in a resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof, is such as to render them liable to convey splenic, or Texas, or tick fever to cattle in this State when shipped into this State between the first day of February and the first day of November of any year, and respectfully re- quests your Excellency to issue a proclamation in pur- suance of the terms of the above entitled act, scheduling such described territory and prohibiting the importation of cattle therefrom into the State of Illinois between the dates above mentioned, except in accordance with the reg- ulations adopted by this board and herewith submitted for your approval, and except in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled “An act to define the duties of railroad, steam- boat, transportation and stock yard companies under proclamations of the Governor, scheduling territory on account of splenic or Texas fever among cattle,” ap- 39 proved and in force May 28, 1889. We have the honor to be. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, W. P. Smith, John Juneman, A. W. Sale, Commissioners. Attest : H. E. Wadsworth, l Secretary . Now Therefore, I, Charles S. Deneen, Governor of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby make proclamation of the foregoing facts and schedule the following territory, to-wit : All that country lying south of, or below, a line begin- ning at the northwest corner of the State of California ; thence east, south and southeasterly along the boundary line of said state ; thence southerly along the western boundary lines of Arizona and New Mexico to the south- eastern corner of New Mexico ; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of New Mexico to the southern line of the State of Colorado ; thence along the southern boundary lines of Colorado and Kansas to the south- eastern corner of Kansas ; thence southerly along the western boundary line of Missouri to the southwestern corner of Missouri ; thence easterly along the southern 'b boundary line of Misouri to the western boundary line of Dunklin county ; thence southerly along the said western boundary to the southwestern corner of Dunklin county ; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of Missouri to the Mississippi river ; thence northerly along the Mississippi river to the northern boundary line ..of Tennessee at the northwest corner of Lake county ; thence easterly along said boundary line to the northeast corner of Henry county ; thence in a northerly direction along the boundary of Tennessee to the northwest corner of Stewart county ; thence in an easterly direction along the- northern boundary of Tennessee to the southwestern corner of Virginia ; thence northeasterly along the wes- tern boundary line of Virginia to the northernmost point of Virginia ; thence southerly along the eastern boundary line of Virginia to the northeast corner of Virginia, where it joins the southeastern corner of Maryland, at the At- lantic ocean. Also the following described territory, to-wit : The counties of Clinton, Wayne and Pulaski, in the State of Kentucky. And prohibit the importation of cattle from the above described territory into the State of Illinois from the first day of February to the first day of November of 40 each year, except under the regulations hereto attached and made a part hereof, that have been prescribed by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Illinois and approved by me, which said regulations are as follows, to-wit : First — Cattle from any portion of said scheduled dis- trict may be admitted to the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and the National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, at any time of the year : Provided , that cattle originating at any point below the then existing special quarantine line established by the United States Department of Agricul- ture, shall be unloaded only in pens set apart exclusively for such cattle, and shall not be allowed to leave such pens for points in Illinois, except in accordance with the provisions of the fifth paragraph of these regulations. Second — Cattle from localities below the quarantine line hereby established, from which the unrestricted move- ment of cattle is permitted, at the time of shipment of such cattle, by the United States Department of Agricul- ture, to points above said quarantine line, may enter the State of Illinois at any time of the year, subject to the provisions of paragraph eight of these regulations : Provided,, this rule shall not be construed to permit the admission, into this State, of cattle originating below any quarantine line established by any modifying order of the United States Department of Agriculture in force at the time of shipment, nor from localities from which the movement of cattle to uninfected points is permitted only after the same have been inspected by a duly authorized inspector of the United States Buerau of Animal Industry and found free from infection. Third — Cattle from localities below said quarantine line hereby established, from which the movement of cattle is permitted, at the time of shipment of such cattle, by the federal authorities, to points outside of the scheduled district, only upon inspection by a duly authorized in- spector of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, may enter the State of Illinois at any time of the year, subject to the provisions of the eighth paragraph of these regulations, when accompanied by a certificate of inspec- tion, signed by such inspector, showing the place and date of inspection, number and description of cattle, place and time of shipment, name and address of owner or consignor, name and address of consignee, point of des- tination and route of shipment ; a copy of which certifi- cate, so signed, shall be mailed to the secretary of this board at Springfield, Illinois, at the time such cattle are loaded for shipment. 41 Fourth — Cattle from the scheduled district may be ad- mitted into this State at any time of the year, subject to the provisions of the eighth paragraph of these regula- tions, when accompanied by a certificate signed by a duly authorized inspector of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, or a duly designated officer or agent of this board, stating that they have been dipped under the supervision of such inspector or officer or agent, in a dip approved and prescribed by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry for the destruction of the southern cattle tick, and giving the place and date of dipping, the number and description of cattle, place and time of shipment, name and address of owner or con- signor, name and address of consignee, point of destina- tion and route of shipment ; and railroad, steamboat and transportation companies may receive and transport such cattle into this State, or from stock yards in this State where dipping vats shall be established, when destined to points within this State, subject to the provisions of the eighth paragraph of these regulations, when such shipments are accompanied by such aforesaid certificates of dipping, duly signed. When the shipment of such dipped cattle originates outside of this State, the afore- said certificate of dipping shall be attached to the bill of lading accompanying such shipment, and shall be de- livered to all connecting lines receiving such cattle en route. In either case, a copy of said certificate so signed shall be mailed to the secretary of this board, at Spring- field, Illinois, at the time such cattle are loaded for shipment. Fifth — Permits for the importation of cattle from the scheduled district into the State of Illinois, or for the movement of such cattle from one point to another within the State, for immediate slaughter, or for feeding or grazing purposes, may be issued* by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, in its discretion, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by said board. Sixth — All railroad, steamboat and transportation com- panies that shall receive for shipment, or ship into or through this State, or from one point to another within the State, cattle originating in said scheduled district at localities below any quarantine line established by any modifying order of the United States Department of Agriculture in force at the time of such shipment, shall, by their way bill or bill of lading in each case, state explicitly the point from which said cattle were originally shipped or derived, and shall stamp on said way bill or bill of lading in large letters, the words, “From the 12 Scheduled District,” and shall place on each side of every car carrying such cattle a placard stating that such car contains southern cattle, the letters of which card shall be plain and not less than iy 2 inches in height; such placard shall be made of material sufficiently durable to withstand the action of the elements, and shall be so attached to the car as to retain its position thereon until the car shall have reached its destination and been disinfected as hereinafter provided, after which disin- fection the placards shall be removed. Seventh — All railroad, steamboat and transportation companies that shall so receive and ship such cattle, shall, immediately after such cattle are unloaded, and before such cars or boats in which any such shipment may have been made are used for any other purpose, cleanse and disinfect such cars or quarters in the following man- ner : First — Remove all litter and manure thoroughly from the floors and sides of the cars or boat, inside and out, and either (a) Destroy the same by burning, or (b) Disinfect by mixing it with quick lime, or by saturating it with a 5 per cent solution of a 100 per cent solution of carbolic acid, or (c) Remove it to some point where no cattle can come in contact with it, from which point it shall not be al- lowed to be removed without disinfection until the close of the quarantine season. Second — Wash the cars and the feeding and watering troughs with water until clean. Third — Saturate ,the entire interior surface of the cars, including the inner surface of the doors and the unloading chutes, with a mixture made of iy 2 pounds of quick lime and y± pound of 100 per cent carbolic acid to each gallon of water, or a solution made by dissolving 4 ounces of chloride of lime to each gallon of water. Eighth — All railroad, steamboat and transportation companies receiving cattle for shipment under paragraphs two, three and four of these regulations, shall permit them to be loaded only in cars that are known to be free fiom infection at the time the cattle are loaded therein, and such cattle shall not be unloaded en route, except for rest, feed and water, and for that purpose only in pens that are known to be free from infection and that have not been occupied by infectious cattle ; and if with- in the scheduled district, only at such points as may be designated in the regulations of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, where special provision has been made for the yarding of uninfected cattle, and in unin- fected pens, from which they shall be reloaded into the same cars in which they were originally shipped, or in other cars that are known to be free from infection. 43 Ninth — All railroad, steamboat and transportation com- panies that shall unload any infectious cattle in any yards along - their roads or routes of travel within this State, shall unload such cattle only in pens set apart exclusively for such cattle, and shall allow no other cattle to enter into or be placed in such pens. Tenth — All stock yard companies in the State of Illi- nois receiving cattle, shall set apart certain portions of their yards for cattle from the infected district, and shall conspicuously mark the same, and shall provide separate chutes, alleys and scales for such cattle, and where the way bills or bills of lading show that they are from the infected district, they shall be placed in that portion of the yards set apart for such cattle, and in no case shall such cattle be unloaded by any railroad, steamboat or transportation company in yards or pens other than those set apart for the exclusive receiving and yarding of §uch cattle. Eleventh — All stock yards companies in the State of Illinois receiving cattle from the infected district shall yard such cattle only in pens set apart for their exclusive use, and shall not permit the driving of such cattle through any alleys or over any scales other than those exclusively set apart for that kind of cattle ; and said stock yard companies shall not permit any cattle that have been imported from localities below any quarantine line established by any modifying order of the United States Department of Agriculture, in force at the time of the loading of such cattle for shipment to such yards, to leave the yards to be driven into, upon, over or across any public street, highway, alley or common, nor shall any railroad, steamboat or transportation company re- ceive such cattle for shipment to any other point within this State, except upon a written permit issued by the Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Illinois, as pro- vided in the fifth paragraph of these regulations. Twelfth — Any cattle which are infested with the south- ern tick ( Boophilus annul citns ) shall be considered as infectious cattle and as having originated in the infected district, and shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the movement of cattle from the infected dis- trict. Thirteenth — All cattle coming into this State in viola- tion of any of the foregoing rules and regulations shall be liable to quarantine at the expense of the owner or consignee, to be disposed of in acordance with the law. This proclamation shall • go into effect and be in force from and after April 1, 1905, and all former proclamations 44 with reference to splenic or Texas fever are hereby an- nulled. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and cause the great seal of the State of Illinois to be affixed. [seal.] Done at the City of Springfield, this first day of April, A. D. 1905. By the Governor, Charles S. Deneen, James A. Rose., Governor. Secretary of State. 45 LIVE STOCK STOCK SANITARY LEGIS- LATION. FOR THE SUPPRESSION AND PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD OF CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES AMONG DOMESTIC ANIMALS. “AN ACT to revise the law in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infec- tious diseases among domestic animals ” approved June 27, 1885, in force July 1, 1885, as amended by an Act approved and in ' force April 20, 1887, and an Act approved June 15, 1887 , in force July 1, 1887. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly : That the Governor shall, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint three practical stock breeders, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same politi- cal party, who shall constitute a Board of Live Stock Commissioners, who shall hold their office in the order in wiiich they are named, the first for one year, the second for two years, and the third for three years, and their successors in office shall be appointed for three years each. Before entering on the duties of their office they shall take and subscribe to an oath of office for the faithful performance of their duties as such commis- sioners, and shall file the same with the Governor. § 2. It shall be the duty of the said Board of Com- missioners to cause to be investigated any and all cases, or alleged cases, coming to their knowledge of contag- ious or infectious diseases among domestic animals, and to use all proper means to prevent the spread of such diseases, and to provide for the extirpation thereof ; and in the event of reasonable ground for the belief that any such contagious or infectious disease has broken out in this State, it shall be the duty of the person owning or having in charge any animal or animals infected with disease, or any other person having knowledge or reason to suspect the existence of such disease, to immediately notify said Board of Commissioners, or some member thereof, by communication to said board, of the exis- 46 tenee of such disease, and thereupon it shall be the duty of said board, or some member thereof, or author- ized agent of the board, immediately to cause proper examination thereof to be made, and if said disease shall be found to be a dangerously contagious or dan- gerously infectious malady, said board or. any member thereof, or the State Veterinarian or any Assistant Vet- erinarian, shall order said diseased animals, and such as have been exposed to contagion, and the premises in which they are, to be strictly quarantined for such time as the board, or any member thereof, or such veterinarian may deem necessary, in charge of such person as the board, or any member thereof, or such veterinarian shall designate ; and they shall have power to order any premises and farms where the disease exists, or has recently existed, as well as exposed premises and farms, to be put in quarantine so that no domestic animal which has been, or is so diseased, or has been exposed to such contagious or infectious disease, be removed from the places so quarantine, nor allow any healthly animal to be brought therein, except under such rule or regulation as the said board may prescribe ; and said board shall prescribe such regulations as they may deem necessary to prevent such disease from being communicated in any way from the places quarantined. In all such cases of contagious and infectious diseases, the said board, or, in case the number of animals shall not exceed five, any member thereof, shall have power to order the slaughter of all such diseased and exposed animals. The said board shall have power to cause to be destroyed all barns, stables, premises, fixtures, furniture and personal prop- erty infected with any such' contagious or infectious dis- ease, so far as in their judgment may be necessary to prevent the spread of such disease, and where the same cannot be properly disinfected. When the board, upon the written report of the State Veterinarian, or any of his assistants, determine that any animal is affected with, or has been exposed to, any dangerously contagious or in- fectious disease, the board, or any member thereof, may agree with the owner upon the value of such animal or property, and in case such agreement cannot be made, said board, or the member acting in behalf of the board, may appoint three disinterested citizens of the State to appraise such diseased animal or exposed animals or property. Such appraisers shall subscribe to an oath in writing to fairly value such animal in accordance with the requirements of this act, which oath, together with the valuation fixed by said appraisers, shall be filed with 47 the board, and be preserved by them. Upon such ap- praisement being made it shall become the duty of the owner to immediately destroy such animal and dispose of the same in accordance with the order of said board, or member thereof, and upon failure to so do, said board, or any member thereof, shall cause such animal or ani- mals or property to be destroyed and disposed of, and thereupon the said owner shall forfeit all right to re- ceive the compensation allowed by said appraisers and provided for by this act. When the board, upon the written opinion of the State Veterinarian, determines that any barns, stables, outbuildings or premises are so in- fected that the same cannot be disinfected, they may quarantine such barns, stables, outbuildings or premises from use for the animals that may be infected by such use, and such quarantine shall continue until removed by the board, and a violation of such quarantine shall be punished as is provided for violations of other quar- antine by this act. § 3. The Governor shall appoint a competent veterin- ary surgeon, who shall be known as the State Veterin- arian, who, together with his assistants, shall act under the direction of said board in carrying out the pro- visions of this act. In the event of the inability of the said State Veterinarian to perform all the work which he may be directed to do by said Board of Commis- sioners, he may, by and with the advice and consent of said board, appoint such other necessary assistant veter- inarians upon terms not exceeding that paid the State Veterinarian. The State Veterinarian shall receive for his services the sum of $8.00 per day for each day actually employed under the provisions of this act, to- gether with his necessary traveling expenses, to be cer- tified -to by said Board of Commissioners. § 4. Whenever said Board of Commissioners shall re- port to the Governor that such diseases have become epidemic in certain localities in other states, or that their condition would render such domestic animals liable to convey such diseases, he may, by proclamation, sched- ule such localities and prohibit the importation of any live stock of the kind diseased into the State, except under such regulations as may be prescribed by the said board and approved by the Governor. Any corporation which shall knowingly transport, receive or convey such pro- hibited stock, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $1,000.00 nor more than $10,000.00 for each and every offense, and shall become liable for any and all damage 48 or loss that may be sustained by any party or parties, by reason of such importation or transportation of such prohibited stock. Such penalty shall be recovered in any county in this State into, or through which such stock is brought, upon information filed in the circuit or county court of any such county or the superior court of Cook county. Any person who, knowing that any such con- tagious or infectious disease exists among his domestic animals, shall conceal such fact, or knowing of the ex- istence of such disease, shall sell the animal or animals so diseased, or any exposed animal, or knowing the same, shall remove such diseased or infected animals from his premises to the premises of another, or knowing of the existence of such disease or exposure, shall drive or lead or ship the same by any car or steamboat to any other place in or out of this State, and any person or persons who shall bring any such diseased, or knowingly, shall bring any such exposed animal or animals into this State from another state ; and any person or persons who shall knowingly buy, receive, sell, convey or engage in the traffic of such diseased or exposed stock ; and, any per- son who shall violate any quarantine regulations estab- lished under the provisions of this act, shall, for each, either, any and all acts above mentioned in this section, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, or of any one of said acts, shall be fined in any sum not less than $25.00 or more than $200.00, and imprisoned in the county jail until the fine and costs are paid, and shall forfeit all right to the compensation for any animal or property destroyed under the provisions of this act. Any veterinary practitioner having information of any such contagious or infectious disease in this State, and who shall fail to promptly report such knowledge to the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, shall be fined not exceeding $500.00, oy be imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year for each offense. § 5. Whenever said board shall become satisfied that any dangerously contagious or infectious disease among domestic animals exists throughout any municipality or geographical district within this State, and in their judg- ment it is necessary to quarantine such municipality or geographical district in order to prevent the spread of such disease into contiguous territory, they shall report the same to the Governor, who may thereupon by proc- lamation schedule and quarantine such district, prohibit- ing all domestic animals of the kind diseased within such district from being moved from one premises to another or over any public highway or any unfenced lot or piece 49 of ground, or from being brought into, or taken from such infected district, except upon obtaining a special permit, signed by the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, or member thereof, or agent or officer of the board duly authorized by it to issue such permits ; and such proc- lamation shall from the time of its publication bind all persons. After the publication of the aforesaid procla- mation, it shall be the duty of every person who owns, or is in charge of animals of the kind diseased within the scheduled district to report to said board within one week the number and description of such animals, loca- tion, and the name and address of the owner, and during the continuance of such quarantine to report to said board all cases of sickness, deaths or births among such animals. It shall also be the duty of any and all per- sons within the scheduled district receiving, having and purchasing cattle for slaughter, to delay the killing of such animals until a veterinary surgeon, with authority from said board, is present to make a post-mortem exam- ination of the carcasses. Any violation of the aforesaid quarantine regulations and prescribed duties shall be visited with like penalties, which may be recovered in like manner, as is provided for the violation of other quarantine as provided in section 4 of this act : Provided , that nothing contained in this section shall be so con- strued as to prevent the movement of any animals of the kind diseased through such territory under such regula- tions as the Board of Live Stock Commissioners may pre- scribe, and the Governor approve: And, provided, fur- ther, that all cattle within the scheduled district, slaugh- tered by order of the board, shall not be taken from said district for slaughter. § 6. Nothing contained in this act, or any section thereof, shall be interpreted so as to prevent the re- moval or shipment of diseased or exposed animals, under the orders of the board created by this act, from one place to another by said board or its agents, hy driving along the public highway or shipment on cars or steam- boats, when, in the opinion of said board, such removal is necessary for the suppression of such contagious and infectious disease. § 7. Whenever quarantine is established in accord- ance with the provisions of section 2 of this act, valid notice of the same may be given by leaving with the owner or occupant of any premises in person, or deliver- ing to any member of his family, or any employ^ over the age of 10 years found on the premises so quarantined, notice thereof, written or printed* or partly written and partly printed, and at the same time explaining the contents thereof. Such quarantine shall be sufficiently proven in any court by the production of a true copy of such notice of quarantine with a return thereon of the service of the same in the manner above required. Any person violating said quarantine shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as is provided for in section 4 of this act, and, on conviction, shall be liable for all damage that may result to other persons in consequence of such violation : Provided, that any one feeling himself aggrieved by such quarantine may appeal to the full board of commissioners, who shall there- upon sustain, modify or annul said quarantine, as they deem proper. § 8. All fines recovered under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the county treasury of the county in which the suit is tried, by the person collecting the same, Mil the manner now provided by law, to be used for county purposes ; and it shall be the duty of the State’s Attorneys in their respective counties to prosecute for all violations of this act. § 9. All claims against the State arising from the slaughter of animals, as herein provided for, shall be made to said board of commissioners, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe, and it shall be the duty of said board of commissioners to determine the amount which shall be paid in each case on account of animals so slaughtered, which, in cases of animals of the bovine species, shall be based on the fair cash market value thereof for beef, or for use for dairy purposes, not to exceed $75.00 per head; and in cases of animals of the equine species, on their fair cash market value, not to exceed $100.00 per head, and report the same to the Govrnor ; and the Governor shall endorse thereon his crder to the State Auditor, who shall thereupon issue his warrant on the State Treasurer for the same. § 10. Said board of commissioners, or any member thereof, and the State Veterinarian and his assistants, in the performance of their duties under this act, shall have power to call on sheriffs and their deputies, con- stables and peace officers, mayors of cities, city and town marshals and policemen to assist them in carrying- out its provisions, and it is hereby made the duty of all such officers to assist in carrying out the provisions of this act when ordered so to do ; and said commissioners and the State Veterinarian and his assistants shall have, while engaged in carrying out the provisions of this act, the same powers and protection that other peace officers 51 have, and any such officer who fails or refuses to en- force the lawful orders and quarantine of said board, or any member thereof, or any veterinarian acting- under them, in the proper execution of the powers conferred by this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided in section 4 of this act. § 11. The said board shall cooperate with any com- missioner or other officer appointed by the United States for the suppression of contagious diseases among domes- tic animals, so far as the provisions of this act and the appropriations made in accordance therewith will allow', In suppressing and preventing the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals in this State. §*12. It shall be the duty of said board of commis- sioners to keep a record of all their acts and proceedings and report the same to the Governor annually, or oftener, if required, for publication. The annual report shall include an itemized statement of all sums expended by them under this act, including a statement of all dam- ages recommended by them to be paid for all animals slaughtered, and the amounts paid therefor. § 13. The members of said board shall each receive the sum of $5.00 per day for each day necessarily em- ployed in the discharge of their duties, their necessary tiaveling expenses and other incidental expenses neces- sarily incurred in the performance of their duties under this act, to be paid on certified and itemized vouchers to be approved by the Governor. § 14. All acts auid parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. DUTIES OF TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES CON- CERNING THE HANDLING OF . CATTLE ORIGINATING IN THE SCHEDULED DISTRICT. AN ACT to define the duties of railroad , steamboat, transportation and stock yard companies under procla- mations of the Governor , scheduling territory on ac- count of splenic or Texas fever among cattle, approved and in force May 28, 1889. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly : That during the time specified by any proclamation of the Governor of this State, restraining the importation of cattle from any territory therein scheduled, on account of 52 splenic or Texas fever, all railroad, steamboat and trans- portation companies in this State transporting- such cattle into or through this State, or that shall receive or ship such cattle that have, prior to such shipment, been shipped or driven out of such scheduled territory to the point where they are received by such railroad, steam- boat or transportation company, for transportation into or through this State, shall., by their way bill or bill of lading, state explicitly the point from whence said cattle were originally shipped or derived. § 2. That all railroad, steamboat and transportation companies that shall so receive and ship such cattle, shall immediately after the said cattle are unloaded, and before the said cars are used for any other purpose, cleanse and disinfect such cars, or quarters in which the same are shipped, in accordance with the rules and regulations that may hereafter be presented by the Board of Live Stock Commissioners of the State of Illinois and approved by the Governor. § 3. That all railroad, steamboat and transportation companies that shall hereafter unload any such cattle in any yards along the line of their said roads or routes of travel, shall unload such cattle in pens set apart espec- ially for such cattle, and shall allow no other cattle to enter into or be placed in such pens. § 4. All stock yard companies in the State of Illinois receiving cattle, shall set apart certain portions of their yards for the cattle described in the above sections, and shall conspicuously mark same, and shall provide separ- ate chutes, alleys and scales for such cattle, and where the way bills or bills of lading of the railroads delivering the same show that they are the kind of cattle before described, they shall be placed in that portion of - the yards set apart for such cattle, and in no case shall such cattle be unloaded by any railroad, steamboat or transportation company in yards or pens other than those set apart for the exclusive receiving and yarding of such cattle. § 5. Any railroad, steamboat, transportation or stock yard company violating any of the provisions of this act, or any of the rules of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, referred to herein, or relating to the transportation of cattle from territory scheduled by the Governor, on account of splenic or Texas fever, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. 53 PROHIBITING THE IMPORTATION OF DISEASED SHEEP OR OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS INTO THE STATE OR PERMITTING THEM TO RUN AT LARGE. AN ACT to revise the Jaw in relation to criminal juris- prudence, approved March 27, 187 h in force July 1 , 187 If. § 258. Any person who shall hereafter knowingly and wilfully bring or cause to be brought into this State any sheep or other domestic animals infected with contagious disease, or who shall knowingly and wilfully suffer or permit sheep or other domestic animals infected with contagious disease to run at large, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00, and shall be liable in a civil action for all damages occasioned thereby. TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES AMONG SYvINE. AN ACT to prevent the spread of contagious and infec- tious diseases among swine, approved June 21, 1895, in force July L 1895. Sectiox.1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly : That whoever, being the owner of, or having charge of any swine, shall suffer the same to run at large shall • be fined not less than three dollars ($3) nor more than ten dollars ($10) for each offense, and for every day he shall allow the same to run at large after having been once convicted under this act. The herding of any swine upon the grounds of another without the consent of the owner or person having control of such grounds shall be deemed a running at large under this act. The law providing for holding elections to vote upon the question of allowing domestic animals to run at large, shall not be construed to apply to swine. ' § 2. It shall be the duty of the owner or person having charge of any swine and having knowledge of, or reasonable grounds to suspect the existence among them of the disease known as “hog cholera.” or of any contagious or infectious disease, to use all reasonable means to prevent the spread of the same, and upon its coming to his knowledge that any of such swine has died of, or been slaughtered on account of any such disease to immediately burn or bury the same to a depth of two (2) feet. § 3. No person shall convey upon, or along any public highway or other public grounds or any private lands any diseased swine, or swine known to have died of, or been slaughtered on account of any contagious or in- fectious disease. § 4. Any person convicted of a violation of sections two ( 2 ) or three ( 3 ) of this act shall be fined in any sum not less than five (5) dollars nor more than fifty (50) dollars, and shall be held liable in damages to the person or persons who may have suffered loss on account of such violation. MEAT INSPECTION. AN ACT to provide for the inspection of any animal in- tended for human food, appearing to he diseased, and for the disposition of the carcass; in force July 1, 1907. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly : That for the purpose of preventing the use of meat or meat food products for human food which are unsound, un- liealthful, unwholesome or otherwise unfit for human food, the Board of Live Stock Commissioners may, at their discretion, make or cause to be made, by the State Veterinarian or his assistants, or any duly authorized live stock inspector in the employ of the State of Illinois, an examination of any animal intended for human food which he or they believe is afflicted with any contagious or infectious disease, or any disease or ailment- which would render the carcass of said animal unfit for human food. § 2. In event any animal shall be inspected by any person herein authorized to make said inspection, and in his judgment found to be afflicted with any disease or ailment which would render said animal unfit for human food, it shall be the duty of the person making said examination to forthwith take possession or control of said animal, and notify the owner or person or cor- poration in control or possession of such animal that such animal is unfit for human food ; whereupon said animal shall immediately be killed and the carcass exam- ined by some person or. persons authorized to make in- spection of such animals. If, upon examination of the carcass, it shall appear to the examiner that the same is suitable for human food, he shall allow the person or corporation from whom said animal was taken to DO make disposition of the carcass, or such examiner shall cause the same to be sold ; but if in the opinion of such inspector any such carcass is unwholesome or unfit for human food, then the same shall be by him stamped, marked, tagged or labeled “inspected and condemned,” and every such condemned carcass shall be destroyed for the purposes of human food and such examiner shall cause the offal thereof to be sold : Provided, that if such carcass shall be disposed of for food purposes by such inspector and the offal sold, the proceeds thereof shall be accounted for as the Board of Live {Stock Commis- sioners may provide. § 3. Any person, firm or corporation who shall, in any manner, fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any pro- vision in this act contained, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, be .punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or confined in the county jail not exceeding one year, or both. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. AN ACT to amend section 51 of division 1 of an Act entitled , “An Act to revise the law in relation to crim- inal jurisprudence ” approved March 27, 187 li, in force July 1, 187 J Approved May 17, 1907, in force July 1, 1907. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the .State of Illinois, represented -in the General Assembly : That section 51 of division 1 of an act entitled, “An Act to revise the law in relation to criminal jurisprudence,” approved March 27, 1874,. in force July 1, 1874, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 51. No railroad or other common carrier, in the carrying or transportation of any cattle, sheep, swine or other animals shall allow the same to be confined in any car more than thirty-six consecutive hours, unless delayed by storm or accident, when they shall be so fed and watered as soon after the expiration of such time as may reasonably be done. When so unloaded they shall be properly fed, watered and sheltered during such rest by the owner, consignee or person in custody thereof, and in case of their default, then by the railroad company transporting them, at the expense of said owner, con- signee or' person in custody of the same ; and such com- pany shall have a lien upon the animals until the same is paid. A violation of this section shall subject the offender to a fine of not less than $3.00 nor more than $ 200 . 00 . INDEMNITY TO OWNERS OF SHEEP KILLED OR INJURED BY DOGS. AN ACT providing for the payment of damages done by dogs. Approved February 11, 1853, in force Febru- ary 11, 1853. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the owner of any dog or dogs shall be liable in an action on the case for all damages that may accrue to any person or persons in this State by reason of such dog or dogs killing, wounding or chasing any sheep or other domestic animal, belonging to such other person or persons ; and when the amount of such damages does not exceed $100.00, the same may be recovered by an action before a justice of the pace. § 2. If any person shall discover any dog or dogs in the act of killing, wounding or chasing sheep in any portion of this State, or shall discover any dog or dogs under such circumstances as to satisfactorily show that such dog or dogs had been recently engaged in killing or chasing sheep, for the purpose of killing them, such person is authorized to immediately pursue and kill such dog or dogs. WTioever wilfully and maliciously kills, wounds, maims, disfigures or poisons any domestic animal, or exposes any poisonous substance with intent that the life of any such animal should be destroyed thereby, such animal being the property of another, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one, nor more than three years, or fined not exceeding $1,000, or both: Provided, that this section shall not be construed to apply to per- sons owning sheep or other domestic animals who may, in the exercise of reasonable care and good intentions put out poison on his own premises where sheep are kept, to kill sheep-killing dogs. AN ACT to indemnify the ' owners of sheep in cases of damage committed by dogs, approved May 29, 1879, in force July 1 , 1879. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly : That 57 each county and township assessor in this State, when making- the assessment, shall annually make a list of the names of all persons who own or keep a dog or dogs, and set opposite the name of such owner or keeper the number of dogs he or she has in his or her possession, or that is or are kept on his or her premises ; which list shall be returned by such assessor to the county clerk of the county in which said list is taken as soon as the assessment is completed. § 2. The county clerk shall charge upon the collec- tor’s book against the name of each person reported and returned as the owner or keeper of a dog or dogs, as a license fee, the sum of one dollar. for each dog owned or kept by such person, which fee shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as taxes upon personal property. In counties not under township organization, the collector shall pay the amount received from the licenses aforesaid to the treasurer of his county, and in counties under township organization the sum so col- lected in each town shall be paid by the collector to the supervisor of his town : Provided such supervisor shall not be required to give any new bond for such license fee, but such supervisor and his sureties shall be liable on his original bond as supervisor in the same manner and to the same extent as they now are for other moneys received by such supervisor by virtue of his office. § 3. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer and supervisors, having the custody of the funds collected, as aforesaid,- to pay the same out in the manner follow- ing: First — By such county treasurer to the owners of sheep in their respective counties, and by the supervisors to the owners of sheep in their respective towns, who shall make proof to them before the first Monday of March in each year, of loss or injury to sheep by dogs, other than their own, the full amount of the loss or injury so proved, if there are funds sufficient to pay the same ; if there be not sufficient funds to pay such loss or in- jury in full, then the owners of sheep so sustaining in- jury as aforesaid, and making proof thereof, as in this act provided, shall be paid out of such fund in propor- tion to his loss or injury on his or her pro rata share thereof. Second — Three years after the collection of such license fund, if there shall remain in the hands of the town supervisor in counties under township organization, an unexpended balance, such balance shall annually be 5S turned into the general fund of the county, or town- ship, as the case may be, and shall be used for the same purposes as money raised by general taxation : Provided, that in townships in which there are no sheep, as shown by the assessor’s return for that year, the license fund collected for the preceding year shall be turned into the general fund of the township on the first of April. § 4. The payment to any owner of sheep of money for damages resulting from loss or injury to his or her sheep, shall not be a bar to an action by such owner against the owner or keeper of the dog or dogs committing such injury or causing such loss, for the recovery of damages therefor. The court or jury before whom such action is tried shall ascertain from evidence what portion, if any, of the damages sought to be recovered in such action has been' paid to the plaintiff in such action by the county treasurer or supervisor of the proper county or town ; and in case the plaintiff in such action recovers damages, the court shall enter judgment against the defendant, in the name of the plaintinff, for the use of the proper county or town as the case may be, for the amount which the plaintiff has received on account of such damages from the county treasurer, or town supervisor of the proper county or town, if such recovery shall equal or exceed the amount so received by such plaintiff from the county treasurer or town supervisor of his county or town ; and the residue of such recovery, if any there be, shall be entered in the name of the plaintiff in such action to his own use ; if the amount of the recovery in such action shall not equal the amount pre- ciously paid to the plaintiff on account of such damages by the county treasurer or the town supervisor of the proper county or town, then the judgment shall be entered as aforesaid, for the use of such county or town, for the full amount of such recovery. Writs of execution issued upon such judgments shall show on their face what portion of the judgment is to be paid to the proper county or town, and what portion is to be paid to the plaintiff in such action, and the judgment when collected shall be paid over to the parties entitled thereto, in their proper proportions. § 5. No person having sheep killed as aforesaid shall be entitled to receive any portion of the fund herein provided for unless he appear before the supervisor of the town in which the sheep are killed or injured or before a magistrate in counties not under township organization, within not less than ten nor more than forty days after 59 the sheep were killed or injured, and make affidavit statin? the number of sheep killed or injured, the amount of damages and owner or owners of dog or dogs if known. All damages shall be proven by not less than two witnesses, who shall be freeholders of the county, and such supervisor or magistrates are hereby authorized to administer oaths in such cases, and shall keep a record in each case of the names of the owners and the amount of damage proven and the number of sheep killed or injured. And in case the owner of the dog or dogs is solvent, the county or town, as the case may be, shall not pay such damages out of such fund. Provided, the damages allowed in no event shall exceed five dollars per head for such sheep killed or injured. § 6. The supervisor or county treasurer, as the case may be, shall allow not to exceed fifty cents to each witness, which shall be paid out of the fund created by this act prior to its disposition by the third section of this act. § 9. The word “dog,” as used in this act, shall be held and construed to mean all animals of the canine species, both male and female. TO PROTECT STOCK BREEDERS. AN ACT to protect stock breeders within the State of Illinois. Approved June 10, 1887, in force July 1, 1887.. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois , represented in the General Assembly : That in order to protect farmers in this State against dam- age resulting from breeding to sires advertised with bogus or fraudulent pedigrees, and to secure to the owners of sires payment for service, the following provisions are enacted : That every owner of a sire charging a service fee, in order to have a lien upon the' get of any such sire under the provisions of this act for said service, shall file a statement, verified by oath or affirmation to the best of his knowledge and belief, with the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, giving the name, age, description and pedigree, as well as the terms and con- ditions upon which such sire is advertised for service. § 2. The Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, upon the receipt of the statement as specified in section one of this act, duly verified by affidavit, shall issue a certificate to the owner of said sire, a copy of which certificate shall be forwarded to the clerk of the county 60 court in which said sire is stationed or located, and an- other copy furnished the applicant, which shall be posted by the owner in a conspicuous place where said sire may be stationed, which certificate shall state the name, age, description, pedigree and ownership of said sire, the terms and conditions upon which the sire is advertised for service, and that the provisions of this act so far as relates to the filing of the statement aforesaid have been complied with. • § 3. The owner or owners of any sire receiving such certificate, by complying with section one . of this act, shall obtain and have a lien upon the get of any such sire for the period of one year from the date of birth of get. § 4. No get of any such sire shall be exempt from levy and sale under execution issued upon a judgment obtained in any court of competent jurisdiction for said service : Provided 3 that the court rendering such judgment shall find and certify in the record of the same that the plaintiff or plaintiffs have complied with the provisions of. this act, and that the progeny sought to be levied upon is subject to the lien herein created: And, provided farther , that said finding, together with a description of the dam of the progeny so liable to such lien, shall be endorsed upon the execution. § 5. For filing certificate, making copy of such affi- davit or affirmation, or certificate of the date of such filing, the clerk or recorder shall be entitled to the same fees as are provided by law for like service in regard to chattel mortgage. § 6. The Illinois Board of Agriculture is authorized to make a charge for such certificate, not to exceed two dollars, as may be necessary to cover the expense inci- dent to the executing the provisions of this act. § 7. The Commissioners of State Contracts shall have such a number of the annual reports printed and bound in third class binding as may be deemed advisable by the State Board of Agriculture to obtain the greatest benefits to the breeders of improved stock in this State, under the provisions of this act, said reports to contain copies of certificates issued, and such other data of es- pecial interest to live stock breeders as said Board of Agriculture may designate for publication therein. 61 TO PUNISH FALSE PRETENSES IN OBTAINING CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION. AN ACT to punish false pretenses in obtaining certifi- cates of registration of cattle and other animals, and to punish giving false pedigrees, approved May IS, 1887, in force July 1, 1887. Section 1. Be it enacted \ by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly : That any person, who by any false pretense, shall obtain from any club, association, society or company for improving 1 the breed of cattle, horses, sheep, swine, or other domestic animals, a certificate of registration of any animal in the herd register, or other register of any such club, associa- tion, society or company, or a tansfer of any such reg- istration, and every person who shall knowingly give a false pedigree of any animal, upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding $1,000, nor less than $25, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceed- ing one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. MUTILATION OF HORSES. AN ACT to prevent the mutilation of horses, approved June 17, 1891, in force July 1, 1S91. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That whoever cuts the solid part of the tail of any horse in the operation known as docking, or who by any other operation performed for the purpose of shortening the tail, and whoever shall cause the same to be done, or assist in doing such cutting, unless the same is proved to be a benefit to the horse, shall be punished by imprison- ment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not les than $25, nor more than $200. Attest : W. E. SAVAGE; Secretary. Phil. S. Haner, Henry J. Beer,, A. W. SALE; Board of Live Stock Commissioners of Illinois. / INDEX Animals — PAGE Appraisement of . Compensation for destruction of Condemned Destruction of Disposition of carcasses of Limit of compensation for Diseases of . .2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Inspection for export Permits to remove Permits to ship * Permits to use Quarantine of ... 6 , 7, 46, 50 6, 7, 12, 46, 50 6, 7 ... 6, 8. 1 2, 53 . . . 6, 7. 12, 50 , 27, 29, 31, 40, 53 9 1 3 lV. ’21V 2 4,’ 27, 30 7, 13 . . . 5, 6, 7, 20, 49 Anthrax 8 Appraisement of diseased animals 6, 46, 50 Failure of owner to agree upon 6, 46, 50 Blackleg 8 Carcasses, disposition of Anthrax 8 Blackleg 8 Glanders 6, 12 Hemorrhagic septicemia 8 Hog cholera 53 Claims, proof of 6, 12, 50 Compensation for destruction of animals Amount to be paid 6, 12, 50 For appraised animals diseased with glanders only . . 7 None paid for animals in State less than 6 months 7 Cruelty to animals *....55, 61 Dips — Cattle 23 Sheep 25 Disinfection — Anthrax 8,9 Blackleg 8, 9 Car pens and chutes 22, 25, 27, 31 Glanders 17 Hemorrhagic septicemia 8^.9 Scabies in cattle 17, 22, 23 Scabies in sheep 18, 25 Texas fever 15, 18, 31, 42 Duties of transportation companies ...30, 42, 51 Destruction of diseased animals 6 Compensation for 6, 7, 12, 50 Duty of owner to destroy 7 Veterinarian may destroy at request of owner. . . . 64 Glanders — page Appraisers, board of 6 , 50 Appraisement 6 , 7, 46, 50 Destruction of animals diseased with .-.6,12 Disinfection 17 Disposition of carcasses 6,12 General instructions 6 Permit for removal 8,13 Permit for use of animals exposed 8, 13 Hemorrhagic septicemia 8 Inspection for export 9 Legislation — Certificates of registration 60 Cruelty to animals 55 Contagious diseases among swine 53 Duties of transportation companies 51 Importation of diseased animals into State 53 Indemnity for sheep killed by dogs 56 Meat inspection 54 Mutilation of horses 61 Protetction of stock breeders 50 Suppression and prevention of spread of diseases 45 Permits — To ship Cattle affected with scabies 14, 21 Cattle from the scheduled district 14, 30 Cattle quarantined on account of tuberculosis ... 27 Sheep affected with scabies 14, 24 Swine quarantined on account of tuberculosis ... 27 To remove quarantined animals 13 To use Animals exposed to glanders 7, 8- Examined weekly at the expense of owner 8, 15 Recommendations for 8,15 Veterinarian to examine 8,15 Veterinarian to report appearance of disease 8,15 Quarantine — Definition of 7, 46 Disinfection • 5 Duration of 55 Method of establishing 6,49 Notice of quarantine, how served 6,49 Notice, copy to be sent secretary 6 Releases from 20 Regulations — Cattle from scheduled district . . .* 29, 40 Scabies in cattle 21 Scabies in sheep . . . . 24 Tuberculosis in cattle and swine 27 Reports of Assistant State Veterinarians General instructions 10 To be made promptly 6 \ 63 Rules — PAGE Chicago Rive Stock Exchange . . 35 Governing assistant State Veterinarians 5 Meat inspection 33 Texas fever 9 Permits 14 Proclamation' 38 Regulations 29, 40 Tuberculosis 9 Tuberculosis in cattle and swine 27 Veterinarians, instructions to 5, 6, 10 Compensation 9,47 x -/