Univ.of ill. Library 51 2884 V r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/bluebookforuseof00sons_0 BLUE BOOK FOR THE USE OF SUBORDINATE DIVISIONS, OF THE ORDER OF THE No part of the Blue Book shall be altered or printed, except at the expressed direction of the National Division. Any Officer or Member who shall retain the same, in whole or in part, after the expiration of their term of service, or who shall directly or indirectly permit any part to be copied or exposed, shall be re- garded as violating one of the most solemn Obligations of the Order, and shall be disciplined accordingly. The National Division direct that the contents of the third page — ‘' Our Em- blem’— and the Odes and Responses used in the Ceremonies contained in this Blue Book, may be printed at the direction of Subordinate Divisions. Subordinate Divisions may omit such portions of the Ritual as they may think proper, except the forms for Examining Candidates* and administering the Obli- gations of the Order. THE NATIONAL DIVISION OF NORTH AMERICA. P. G. W. A. John Davies. Printer, 183 William St., New York. 1868. REVISED EDITION OF THE RITUAL. The admission of Females to Membership in the Order of the Sons of Temperance called forth many requests- for a new Ritual, or a change in the present one. Ac the Twenty-fourth Session of the N. D., the M. W. Scribe was instructed to make the necessary alterations, and publish a new edition of the Ritual for the use of Divisions admitting both sexes to membership. The present volume is the result of that revision. Samuel W. Hodges, M. W. Scribe. Boston, October %±th , OUR EMBLEM. The Star represents the light which Temper- ance has shed upon the world in darkness : a Pole Star to the wandering and tempest-tossed — a Morning Star to a brighter day — one of the brightest luminaries in the constellation ot Virtues. The Triangle , in allusion to the unalterable truth of mathematical and geometrical figures and quantities, is intended to represent the car- dinal principles of the Order Love, Purity, and Fidelity ; — Love, the inspiring motive to do good to all men, and especially to the Broth- erhood ; Purity in heart and conduct, and free- dom from all base and selfish motives and views ; and Fidelity in redeeming every vow and pledge, and in promoting the interest of the Order in the world. PASSWORDS. I. All the general Passwords of the Order emanate from the M. W. Patriarch of the National Division of North America. II. The general Passwords are : 1. An Annual Password for Grand Divisions. 2. A Quarterly Password and Explanation for Subordinate Division Members, and also for Lady Visitors. 3. An Annual Traveling Password and Explanation for Subor- dinate Divisions, to be accompanied by the Traveling Card. III. All Annual Passwords shall be changed at the first meeting in October. IV. In changing the Quarterly Password and Explanation, the W. Patriarch shall direct the Financial Scribe to call the roll; each member, as the name is called, will step up and receive it from the W. Patriarch, in a low whisper. V. Members shall not be allowed to visit Divisions, other than those to which they are attached, without the Quarterly Password and its Explanation, and the Salutation; or the Traveling Pass- word and its Explanation, with the Card, and the Salutation ; unless vouched for by a member in good standing. TRAVELING MEMBERS. I. The Traveling Password and Explanation shall be given by the W. Patriarch to members going abroad, who may be in regular standing at the time of making application for the same. II. When a member wishes to visit by the Traveling Password, Explanation, and Card, he shall announce his name, the Division of which he is a member, and that he desires admittance by the Traveling Password and Explanation, to the Outside Sentinel — the Outside Sentinel shall announce it to the Inside Sentinel, who shall announce it to the Division. The W. Patriarch shall then direct him to be admitted to the ante-room. The Acting P. W. Patriarch retires, examines him in the Traveling Password and Explanation, in a whisper, and obtains the Card. If the P. W. Patriarch is GAVEL. RITUALS. CUSTODY OF BLUE BOOK. 5 satisfied, he will re-enter, report the applicant correct in the Pass- word and Explanation, and present the Card to the W. Patriarch, who, on finding the same correct, shall order the member to be admitted — observing, however, that the Salutation is given. III. A traveling member may be admitted on the Traveling Pass- word and Explanation in use at the date of the Card. IY. It shall be proper for a W. Patriarch to communicate the Traveling Password and Explanation to a P. W. Patriarch, and vice versa. GAVEL. One Rap of the Gavel calls to order, and seats the Division. Two Raps call up the Officers. Three Raps call up the Division. Four Raps call up the Division to form the Circle of Fraternity, and in Salutation. RITUALS. A set of Rituals for members consists of one Blue Book and one set of Officers’ Cards ; and a set of Ladies’ Rituals consists of eight books. No Grand Scribe shall furnish to a Subordinate Division a second set, or duplicate parts thereof, unless their old ones are returned, or satisfactory assurance given that they are destroyed. CUSTODY OF BLUE BOOK. The Blue Book and Cards should be kept by the W. Patriarch, who is responsible for them. They will be more carefully pre- served by being kept in a suitable box. The W. Patriarch expecting to be absent, should place the box containing them in possession of the W. Associate, with the key. The W. Patriarch may allow any Officer to take a Card for the purpose of learning it — requiring it to be returned within a reason- able time. After Initiation, the Conductor should collect the Cards and deliver them to the W. Patriarch. REGALIA. To preserve uniformity, all Subordinate Divisions of the Sons of Temperance shall be known by their Badge : White Collar, White Tassels, and Rosette of Red, White, and Blue, correspond- ing with the Motto, “ Love, Purity, and Fidelity.” To distin- guish the members tilling the various stations, the following Em- blems shall be added to their Badge : Acting Past Worthy Patriarch — Flat Silver Star, six points, about three inches from point to point, on a ground of Red Velvet, circular form, trimmed with Silver Cord and Blue Ribbon, worn on left breast. Worthy Patriarch — Crossed Silver Mallets to correspond, same ground and trimmings, worn as above. Worthy Associate — Miniature Collar, as above. Recording Scribe — Crossed Pens and Scroll, as above. Assistant Recording Scribe— Single Pen, as above. Financial Scribe — Crossed Pens, as above. Treasurer-^ Crossed Keys, as above. Chaplain — Open Book, as above. Conductor — Crossed Wands, as above. Assistant Conductor — Goblet, as above. Inside Sentinel — ‘Crossed Swords, as above. Outside Sentinel — An Eye, as above. Past Worthy Patriarch, and Members of a Grand Division — Red Collar, Rosette of Blue, White, and Red; Silver Button in the center, Silver Tassels, and Silver Lace half inch wide around the outside and inside edges. Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarch — A gilt six-pointed Star and Triangle, suspended by a blue ribbon from Regalia, on left breast. Past Grand Worthy Patriarchs, and Members of the National Division — Blue Collar, Rosette of Red, Blue, and White, Gold Button in the center, Gold Lace and Tassels, in style correspond- ing with the above. The Conductor , Assistant Conductor, Inside Sentinel, and Outside Sentinel, shall each be also distinguished by an appropriate wand or staff. OPENING SERVICE. [ Precisely at the appointed time , the W. P. should take the chair , and give one rap with the gavel. The Con on hearing the rap , rises and makes pro- clamation as follows ;] Con. The Worthy Patriarch being now about to open Division No. — , in accordance with the established Usages of the Order of the Sons of Temperance, if there be any present not justly privileged to remain, they will please retire. The Officers and Members will clothe themselves in appropriate Regalia, and take their places. W. P. The Conductor will see if the Officers are at their appointed stations, and report. \_The Con. begins with the 0. /S', examining each station up to the W. P., and reporting all vacancies. The W. P. fills vacancies , and the names of mem- bers so appointed shall be entered on the minutes . ] [One rap.] 8 OPENING SERVICE. W. j P. Let no members leave their places, un- less directed, till after the Examination. The Assistant Conductor will now take charge of the outer door, and desire the Outside Sentinel to enter for Examination. The Inside Sentinel will pass the Assistant Conductor. [ The 0. S. enters .] O. S. I await your pleasure, Worthy Patriarch. W. P. Your duty ? O. /S'. To guard well the outer door — admit no one without the Quarterly Password, unless directed by the Worthy Patriarch through the Inside Sentinel — and forewarn members not to disturb the Opening, Initiatory, or Closing Cere- monies. W. 1 *. You will now advance and give the Password. ( Does so.) Correct — Your station requires, and we expect it will receive, your strict attention. The Inside Sentinel will pass you to your post. [ The O. S. and A. O. resume their stations.] W. _P. The Conductor and Assistant Conduc- tor will now advance and give the Explanation to the Quarterly Password. [They do so, in a whisper.] OPENING SERVICE. 9 W. P. Correct. Your next duty ? Con. To satisfy ourselves that all present are equally qualified — and if any give more or less than this, to report to you. W. P. You will now carefully perforin that duty. [The Con. takes the right , and the A. C. the left , of the W. P., and carefully examine every one present. If any give more or less than the Explanation , the Con. or A. C. reports the n me , and Division , of the mem- ber incorrect. \ W. P. Can any one vouch that this person is a member of our Order in regular standing? [If there he no voucher , the person must retire , unless in possession of the Traveling Password , Explanation , and Card.] Con. Worthy Patriarch — All correct on the right. A. C. Worthy Patriarch — All correct on the left. W. P. The Inside Sentinel will now explain the duty of that office. I. S. To allow none to enter or retire during the Opening, Initiatory, or Closing Ceremonies — to admit no one at any time without the Enter- ing Signal and the Explanation to the Quarterly Password, unless by your direction. 10 OPENING SERVICE. W . P . An important duty — faithfully perform it. [ Three raps. W. P. rises .] W . P . Officers and Members : We meet to interchange the greetings of an exalted friendship ; to counsel, admonish, and strengthen one another in the discharge of duty ; and to deliberate on the means best adapted to promote the objects for which we are asso- ciated. It is but reasonable to expect that matters will be introduced which will strike your minds in different forms. To discuss such matters with freedom, is our equal privilege ; and to yield a cheerful compliance to the constituted majority, is our equal duty. In this an opportunity is af- forded to manifest our love for the Order, by guarding against every ungenerous sentiment or dishonorable action. Our mission is one of benevolence — to destroy the destroyer of millions — to conquer the enemy of our people, and promote the virtue and hap- piness of mankind. Let us, therefore, be strong and temperate in our cause — prompt in the transaction of business — courteous in debate (ever keeping in mind that he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruloth his own spirit than he OPENING SERVICE. 11 that taketh a city), careful to avoid all wrangling and vain dispute, charitable in our judgment of others, and faithful to our vows. Thus shall we most surely advance the inter- ests of our Order, and illustrate how sweet and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. [. Division sing:] Yes, we in those principles join, And such shall our actions display ; Our hands and our hearts shall combine To extend their beneficent sway. Our laws we will ever respect, Arise all contention above — And stand by each other erect, • In Purity, Friendship, and Love \One rap.] [. Prayer by the Chaplain, or reading of the Scriptures.] W. JP. I now declare this Division open for the transaction of its appropriate business, and the propagation of the principles of Temperance, Benevolence, and Brotherly Love. The Recording Scribe will now read the Minutes. [Proceed according to the Order of Business.] Note. — No Retiring Password is to be used. The W. P. may, under important circumstances, direct the Inside Sentinel to permit no member to leave the room. ORDER OF BUSINESS RECOMMENDED BY THE NATIONAL DIVISION. 1. Opening of the Division. 2. Roll of Officers called. 3. Services of the Chaplain. 4. Reading of the Minutes. 5. Dues and other Moneys collected. 6. Reception of Communications. 7. Reports of Investigating Committees. 8. Balloting for Candidates. 9. Initiation of Candidates. 10. Are any "of the Members sick ? 11. Has any Member violated his Pledge? 12. Has any Member a friend to propose as a proper person to become a Son of Temper- ance ? 13. What have you done during the past week to advance the interests of the Order, and save your fellow-men from the evils of In- temperance ? 14. Reports of Visiting Committees. 15. Reports of Standing Committees. 16. Reports of Special Committees. 17. Election of Officers. 18. New Business. 19. Has any Member anything to offer for the good of the Division? 20. Adjournment. i # CEREMONY OF INITIATION. [One rap.] W. P. The Assistant Conductor will see if there are any Candidates to be initiated. W any—] A. C. Worthy Patriarch, 1 — is in waiting. W. JP. You will now conduct our Worthy As- sociate to make the necessary examination. The Member who proposed the Candidate will retire and make the necessary introduction to the Worthy Associate and Assistant Conductor. [If the Member ivho proposed the Candidate should be absent , any other Member who can .vouch for the Candidate may perform the introduction. After the introduction , the Member may return to the Division . While the examination is going on in the Ante-room , the Con. should see that the Members are arranged to the best advantage , and that the Water, Goblets , Regalia , etc., are in readiness, so that nothing shall occur to mar the Ceremony . ] 14 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. W. A. My Friend — You are at the threshold of an Institution whose central principle is Total Abstinence from all Intoxicating Drinks, and whose prominent characteristic is a self-denying devotion to the good of Mankind. On entering our Order, you will be required to take a solemn Obligation to abstain from the manufacture, traffic, and use, as a beverage, of all Spirituous and Malt Liquors, Wine, and Cider. Your religious and political opinions we leave with your conscience and your country. As a protection from idle curiosity, and the intrusion of unsuitable persons, certain Rites have been established, which will neither harm your person nor offend your self-respect— and we assure you that there is no shield thrown over the guilty, no snare laid for the innocent. With this understanding, is it your desire to become a member of our Order ? [ The Candidate, if willing, replies: It is.] W. A. * What is your age ? f Are you exempt from disease of a serious nature ? [ Candidate replies .] \ At any point in the Examination the Candidate may retire, or be rejected if disqualified . and the W. A. will * Not to be asked unless doubt arises as to the Candidate being 14 years old. f This question is to be asked only, in the case of beneficiaries. CEREMONY OF INITIATION. 15 report accordingly. In either case . the Initiation Fee , if paid, shall he refunded .] W. A. Please be seated until I report to the Worthy Patriarch. [The A. C. remains with the Candidate. The TP A. re-enters the Division .] W. A. Worthy Patriarch — I have attended to my duty, and find the Candidate qualified and willing to proceed. . W. P. Let every Member observe the utmost decorum during the Ceremony of Initiation. [. Perfect order should prevail.'] W. P. Let the Signal be given. [The I. S. gives one knock on the door. The A. C., hearing the Signal , leads the Candidate to the door , and directs him [or her] to give two knocks.] I. S. Who knocks ? A. C. A stranger. I. S. Why cometh the stranger ? A. C. To enter the gates of our Order. I. S. Is the stranger worthy ? A. C. It has so been found. I. S. Our doors are closed only to the unworthy. [The door is thrown open — the Con. receives the Candidate hy the hand.] 16 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. Con. Welcome to the worthy ! [ Three raps. Division sing , ] Traveler through a world of danger, Welcome to a refuge here ; Safety to the trusting stranger, Safety from the tempter’s snare. [, During the singing the Candidate is led around the room , the Con. on the left , and A. C. on the right — {if there are several Candidates , it is best to walk single file, the Con. in front, A. C. behind.) When the singing is finished , the Con., Candidate, and A. C. should be about the center of the room, facing the ( 7taplam.\ [One rap.] Chap* Who hath woe ? Who hath sorrow ? Who hath contentions? Who hath wounds without cause ? P.TF.P. They that tarry long at the wine ! They that seek strong drink ! Chap. Look not upon the wine when it is red, When it giveth its color in the cup — For at the last it biteth like a serpent And stingeth like an adder. Div. respond. Look not upon the wine ! * Divisions having no Chaplain may assign this part to any suitable Member, CEREMONY OF INITIATION. 17 A. C. Behold another Who renounces the wine, And turns away from strong drink ! Div. respond. Welcome ! Welcome ! Con. Yes, welcome ! Here you are safe From the all-pervading Destroyer ! He comes in the mask of kindness — He whispers, “Be merry, be social,” And proffers the cup of enchantment. Div. respond. Dash it down ! Con. Y es, dash it down ! Touch but a drop with your lips, And behold a vast ocean surrounds you, To whelm and sink you forever ! Trust not the perfidious Destroyer Wherever he cometh, he smiteth ! He spares not the high nor the humble ; He withers the vigor of youth, And dishonors the gray hairs of age ! A. C. One circle he never can enter — - One place is secure from his ravage — That glorious refuge is here! Div. respond. It is here ! It is here ! 18 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. Con. Then, welcome again to the stranger, Who heeds not the voice of the Tempter — But turns from the snares of the enemy To enter this Circle of Honor — - Where each is a shield to the other , And all to the world an example ! I will now introduce you to our Worthy Patriarch. [ Three raps. Division sing.] Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in purest love ; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. [During the singing the Candidate is conducted around the room , to the front of the W. Pi] Con. Worthy Patriarch, I have the pleasure of introducing , who has been duly proposed and accepted as a suitable Candidate for Initiation into our Order. W. P. Every Member will place the right hand on the heart, and the Candidate will do the same, as a token of Fidelity. [. Addressing the Candidate.] You are about to take upon yourself an im- portant and solemn Obligation, which, as you have been informed, will not interfere with your religious or political opinions. Do you, without reserve, solemnly pledge your honor, in the presence of these Witnesses, that CEREMONY OF INITIATION. 19 you will neither make, buy, sell, nor use, as a bev- erage, any Spirituous or Malt Liquors, Wine , or Cider ? Do you furthermore pledge yourself faithfully to observe the Constitution and By-Laws of this Division, and the Buies and Usages of the Order ; and never to divulge any Password, Ceremony, or other Private Matter of the Order, except to those legally authorized to receive them — and whether your connection with the Order shall continue or not, to consider your Obligation in this respect binding to the end of life ? Do you furthermore pledge yourself to pro- mote the harmony, advance the interest, and preserve nsullied, on your part, the reputation of the Sons of Temperance ? Do you thus solemnly promise ? If so, answer, I do. L Candidate replies. After the Obligation , the, Mem- bers drop their hands.] [The W. A. steps down , and the Con. pours water into a glass goblet for the Candidate (if more than one Candidate , a goblet for each), and in another for the W. P., during which the W. A., pointing to the water , addresses the Candidate.] W. A. This which you now behold is sparkling water — The beverage prepared by God himself 20 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. To nourish and invigorate his creatures And beautify his footstool. As thus you see its countless drops unite And blend in one, so may we blend together In one unruffled stream, Whose purity shall wash away the stains Of black Intemperance. YTJie W. A. resumes his place. The Con. hands a gob- let of water to the W. P. and another to the Candidate .] W. P. And as one stain would discolor this whole element of purity, so would one unworthy Member bring reproach upon our whole Order. {Addressing the Division.) Bearing this in mind, let us be faithful to our Obligations. \Each Member places the right hand on the heart, and says : I will.] W. P. {Addressing the Candidate ) In this pure element, then, an emblem of our Order, we sol- emnly pledge Fidelity to each other. [ W. P. and Candidate drink.) Chap. May the blessing of Heaven rest upon this Initiate and upon our Order forever. [ Division sing.] Father of mercies ! condescend To hear our fervent prayer, While now our Order we commend To thy paternal care. CEREMONY OF INITIATION. 21 [The W. P. steps forward .] W. 2V* Confiding in your integrity. I now in- vest you with this badge, and proclaim you a Member of our Order. Wear it as an emblem of Virtue — wear it proudly ! In the name of this great Brother- hood, I charge you, defend it ! By the recollec- tion of the past, the dignity of the present, and the solemnity of the future, I invoke you to guard it from dishonor ! [ W. P. resumes his place.'] [The W. A. steps forward^] W. A. Welcome to this great Brotherhood, And may it prove thy glory and thy shield. High now is thy position Among the sons of men — Responsible and great The duties it involves. The foes of Temperance, and the friends Will look to your example, [alike, And judge the Cause by you : Be faithful to the Cause, the cause of all Be faithful to yourself, [mankind. For all our laws require, Tend to your lasting good. [One rap.] * The Worthy Patriarch may appoint a Lady to perform this duty. 22 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. [The Con. leads the Initiate to the P. W. P.] Con. Past Worthy Patriarch, I here present , who. having been obligated and in- vested with the badge of our Order, is respect- fully referred to you for further instruction. [The P. W. P. rises . ] P. W. P. From a favorable opinion enter- tained of you by the Members of this Division, you have been admitted to the privileges of our Order. It is a mark of our esteem and confi- dence that we thus extend to you a fraternal hand, and welcome you among us. You will be expected to attend regularly our stated meetings ; and are bound to observe our Laws and Usages by the strongest cf human ties — YOUR SACRED HONOR. In the Division, let your conduct exhibit frank: ness and courtesy. Above all, be careful to cul- tivate a forgiving spirit. Write the errors of these your associates in sand ; but engrave their virtues on the tablets of enduring memory, that you may learn to imitate them. In defense of our principles, remember that unwavering Fidelity is a better advocate than violent denunciation. No imprudence should excite a suspicion of your constancy. Associate with the votaries of folly only to reform them. CEREMONY OF INITIATION. 23 Let no consideration of personal regard mis- lead you into recommending unsuitable persons. Neither wealth, influential position in society, nor the most commanding talents, can entitle them to approach our Circle, if, with all these they are wanting in integrity ; but the upright and honest, however humble their position, shall be welcome ; for integrity with us is of more price than silver and gold. Finally, ever bear in mind the Motto charac- teristic of our Order, as portrayed in the colors of the Badge — the Red, the White, the Blue — expressive of Love, Purity, and Fidelity : — Love for your associates in sickness and in health ; Purity of heart and life ; and Fidelity to the solemn and binding Obligation you have this night voluntarily taken upon yourself. And may the Great Patriarch above direct us to that haven of rest where Sorrow is never known, and where Love and Harmony shall reign forever ! [Three raps. Division sing ;] Spirit of Love ! — benign and mild — Inspire our hearts — our souls possess ; Repel each passion rude and wild — And bless us, as we aim to bless. [One raj).] [ While singing, the Con. leads the newly initiated Member to the center of the room, facing the Chaplain .] 24 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. Chap. Of all things, Wisdom is profitable to man. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of W isdom. Tribulation and anguish shall come upon every son of man that doeth evil ; but glory, and honor, and peace to him that worketh good. Go not in the way of evil men, for it is as darkness ; they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence ; but the way of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Therefore, be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. If thine enemy hunger, feed him — if he thirst, give him drink. There is no vice, which, in one black and aw- ful gulf, swallows up so much of hope and hap- piness as Intemperance. It prostrates all that is great, and blights all that is good, in humanity. The man of honor it betrays into infamy — the man of virtue into sin. It touches the manly frame, and it is clothed with corruption. It seizes the intellect, and its divine lineaments are blotted out forever. It breathes upon the holy affections, and they are blasted. It destroys the tenderest ties of social life, exiles the sweet en- dearments of home, and robs the earth of its loveliness. Your name is enrolled among the champions of Temperance. Her cause is to be your cause, Sons of Temperance. of Z/oA/A B/v* P A // £/ > Blue book for the use of subordinate divisions of the or*der of the Sons of Temperance. New York, -N ation a l D1 vi e ion o f -Worth America-* 1868. CEREMONY OF INITIATION. 25 her honor is confided to your keeping, and your rewards are to be gathered from her triumphs. “ In her right hand is length of days ; in her left hand, riches and honor.” She touches with her magic wand the delicate frame-work of the human body, and it is clothed with new vigor and beauty. She sheds her mild radiance over the intellect, and its light and glory beam forth with increasing brightness. She breathes upon man’s social nature, and it blooms with a fresher and more charming fra- grance. She receives under her holy guardian- ship the loveliness of woman 'and the innocence of childhood, and they are protected from a sea of evils. At her approach the fountain of do- mestic affection sends forth its streams more joy- ously, spreading the music of rippling waters among the green vales of home. The light of a pure life is a beacon star of salvation — but a base example leads to death. Therefore, I charge you to do nothing whereby a Member is made weak, or stumbleth. In conclusion, remember that life is brief. Whatever your hands find to do for the good of man, do quickly ; for the night cometh when no man can work. * May your course be full of joy to others — and when your own star shall set at life’s close, 26 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. may it set as sets the Morning Star, which goeth not down behind the darkened West, but melts away into the brightness of heaven ! [Four raps.'] [The Officers (except the Sentinels and Con.) and Members form the Circle of Fraternity around the Con . and Initiate , as follows : during which the Division sing :] Once more we here the Pledge renew Of strict Fidelity ; Still to our maxims ever true, To Love and Purity. CEREMONY OF INITIATION. 27 No unkind words our lips shall pass, No envy sour the mind ; But each shall seek the common weal, The good of all mankind. [At the close of the singing the W. P. steps into the Circle.] W. JP. While we rejoice at our own deliver- ance, let us remember that the world has claims upon us. Intemperance is peculiarly a social evil. We therefore resist its terrible power by a social and fraternal combination. We join hand in hand, and heart to heart, in this Institu- tion, to protect ourselves and meet a common foe with the victorious power of Combination. In the Brothers and Sisters here assembled, you behold a type of our mission’s fulfillment. This is a sober world in miniature ; and we seek to enlarge this circle of sobriety until it shall embrace the entire Brotherhood of Man. Our Order is sight to the blind, strength to the weak, a shield to the innocent, and a comfort, and blessing, and hope to all. Relying, therefore, upon the greatness and justice of our Cause, and the purity of our motives, we must move steadily forward until our purposes are accomplished. Brother [or Sister : or Brothers and Sisters ], I now give you the Password for the current Quarter ( given in a whisper). This Password is 28 CEREMONY OF INITIATION. given to the Outside Sentinel, who will permit you to pass You then advance to the inner door, and give one rap, which is the Entering Signal ; the Inside Sentinel will open the wicket, to whom you give the Explanation, which I now give you {given in a whisper). This Explanation will admit you to the Division. After you have entered, advance to the front of the Past Worthy Patriarch, and salute thus {right hand on the heart) : it will be acknowledged by a slight bow, after which you will take your seat. Should you wish to retire while the Division is in session, you will salute the Past Worthy Patriarch in the same manner as when you en- tered. The Password, with its Explanation, and the Entering Signal and the Salutation, will insure your welcome, during the present Quarter, to any Subordinate Division of our Order. A new Password and Explanation are given quarterly. These words and Salutation are never to be given out of a Division. This is to prevent imposition. And here I will remind you, that you are not to speak of the private affairs of our Order, nor mention aught that is spoken in the confidence of the Division Doom, in the presence of those who are not Members, for they are under the sacred seal of your honor. CEREMONY^ of initiation. 29 In conclusion ( taking the Initiate by the hand), I congratulate you most cordially on your acces- sion to our Fraternity, and, with the best wishes for your prosperity, I commend you to their friendship. {Addressing the Division.) Brothers and Sisters, receive your friends. [The Members all shake hands vnth the Initiate while marching past , still preserving their places in the line and following the lead of the W. P. An appropriate Ode should be sung during the march , and continued until every Member has returned to the position first occupied in the circle. The W. P. resumes his station and says ;] W. P. The Con. will introduce the Initiate to the Financial Scribe to sign the Constitution. [ One rap.) CLOSING SERVICE. W. P. Worthy Financial Scribe, I will thank you to name the receipts of the evening. [ The F. S. announces the receipts , which the II. S. enters on the Minutes . ] ' {Three raps . ] W. P. Officers and Members : I thank you for your attention this evening, and bespeak your continued presence as the best safeguard of your own happiness, the interests of the Division, and the vows of those who look to you for an example. The business we have transacted, and the sym- oathies and resolves we have cherished, will con- tribute, I trust, to our individual and mutual ad- vantage, and to the prosperity of our noble Order. Let us retire with kindly feelings toward each other. • Remember the Pledge, be faithful to your duties, and zealous in doing good. We will now sing No. — of our Closing Odes. CLOSING SERVfOE. 31 1 . — CLOSING* ODE. A goodly thing it is to meet In Friendship’s circle bright, Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet Nor dims the radiant light. No happier meeting earth can see Than where the joy we prove, Of Temperance and Purity, Fidelity and Love. 2.— CLOSING ODE. Good-night, good-night to every one ; Be each heart free from care ; Let every Brother seek his home, And find contentment there. May joy beam with to-morrow’s sun, And every prospect shine ; While wife and friends laugh merrily Without the aid of Wine. W. -P. I now declare this Division closed. [One rap.] INSTALLATION SERVICE. Divisions are authorized to use either this or the Installation Service commencing on page 56. [The Installation Service should be performed by the G. W. Patriarch and G . Conductor , or a Deputy G . W. Patriarch and a Deputy G. Conductor . If this can not be done , let the senior P. W. Patriarch of the Division present officiate as Deputy G. W. Patriarchy appointing a Deputy G. Conductor . The Distalling Patriarch is authorized to decide ob- jections , subject to the approval of the Grand Division ; or , if thought proper , may allow the Officers to hold over until a decision shall be made . The Installation Service may be performed publicly, but the Salutation must then be omitted.\ [At the appointed time the G. C. approaches the inner door and , after giving the Entering Signal and Expla- nation and his title , is announced (as G. C.) by the /. S. to the W. P., who directs • admission . On enter- ing, the G. C. salutes the P. W. P. in the usual form, and then addresses the W. Ph\ G. C . Worthy Patriarch, the Grand Worthy Patriarch (or Deputy G. W. P.) is prepared to Install the Officers of this Division ; are you ready for this service ? INSTALLATION SERVICE. 33 W. P. We are, Grand Conductor. [The G. C. retires after saluting the P. W. P. The G. W. P. and G . C. approach the door , give the Entering Signal , aw 6? announce themselves to the I. S.] I. S. Worthy Patriarch, the Grand Worthy Patriarch and Grand Conductor are in waiting. W. P. The Inside Sentinel will admit them. [Four raps.] [As they enter , the W. P. gives four raps . The Di- vision rises , and the G . W. P. and G . C. advance to the center of the room and salute theW. P ., wA<9, together with all the Members , return the Salutation . The fol- lowing verse will be sung while the G. G. escorts the G. W. P. to the W. P.’s chair • ^TT. P. taking station on his right. The G. C. takes the Con’s seat.\ [Division sing.]* Thrice welcome, Brother ; here we meet, In Friendship’s close communion join’d ; Ye Sons of Temp’rance loud repeat Your triumphs with one heart and mind. No angry passions here should mar Our peace, or move our social band, For Friendship is our beacon star, Our motto, 44 Union, Hand-in-hand.’’ [One rap.] * The singing may be omitted when the Installation is per- formed by a Deputy. 2 * u INSTALLATION SERVICE. G. C . {Rising.) Brothers and Sisters : Ac- cording to usage, we meet you here this evening to Install your Officers. Have the'y been consti- tutionally elected ? Div. respond. They have. G. C. The Recording Scribe will please an- nounce them. [The R. S. announces the names of the Officers , and the Offices to which they have been elected.'] G. C. {Addressing the W. P .) Has the Worthy Patriarch elect reached the age which our Con- stitution requires to render him [or her ] eligible to that station ? W. I*. He [or she ] has. G. C . If any Member is aware of just reason why these persons should not be inducted into the offices assigned to them, there is now an op- portunity to announce it. {If no reply.) Then do I proclaim them eligible for Installation. [The G. W. P. appoints two Members to act as 0. S. and I. S.] G. W. P. The Officers will now vacate their stations in order, and deliver up their books, im- plements, and badges of office. [The W. P. delivers the Charter , Blue Booh, and other documents in his [or her] 'possession, and lastly the badge , to the G. Tf r . P.] INSTALLATION SERVICE. 3j G. W. _P. The Grand Conductor will escort the Past Worthy Patriarch to the station of Plonor. [The G. C. does so , and then returns . The W. A . then delivers to the G. C. the badge — the R. S. the boohs and badge — the A. R. S. the badge — the F. ,S. the books and badge — the Treas. the books and badge — the Chap . the Book and badge — the Con. the staff and badge — the A. C. the staff and badge — the I, S. the staff and badge — and the O. S. the staff and' badge.\ Go IK jF. The Officers elect will now divest themselves of Regalia, and, in company with the Grand Conductor, retire to the ante-room.. The Inside Sentinel will allow them to pass. [They retire . The G. C. arranges them as follows : W . P . with IF. A. on the left. — li. S. and A. R. 8. — F. 8. and Treas.— Coni and A. C. — I. S. and 0. 8 . — arm-in-arm. The G. C. then directs the 1. S . to an- nounce it. The G. IF. P. orders them to be admitted. The G. C., with Officers elect, enter and walk around the room ; at the close of the singing let it be so man- aged that they will be in front of seats on the right and left, so that they may be seated when called down.] [Three raps. Division sing:] Whatever station we may fill In this exalted band, Our plighted duties we shall still Achieve, with heart and hand ; And evermore, through good and ill, By one another stand — Whatever station we may fill In this exalted band. [One rap.] 36 INSTALLATION SKliVIGE. OUTSIDE SENTINEL. G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Outside Sentinel elect to the Past Worthy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present , Outside Sentinel elect of this Division, and request you to administer the Obligation of that Office. P. W. P. You will place your right hand on your heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to guard faithfully the outer door — admit no one without the Quarterly Password, unless by permission of the Worthy Patriarch, com- municated through the Inside Sentinel — and perform all other duties belonging to the office of Outside Sentinel during the term of your election ? O. 8. I do. [6’. C. leads to the G. W. P.) G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Outside Sentinel has been obligated. INSTALLATION SLIiVICE. 37 G. W. P. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Outside Sentinel of — — Division, No. — , for the present term. Receive your staff of Office. (6r. C. presents it.) The faith- ful Sentinel is always a valiant soldier ; be as ac- tive in promoting our glorious cause, as you are watchful in guarding the Division from intrusion. (. Resumes his chair.) G. C. Before you take your station, it is neces- sary to see that you are properly instructed in the Password. You will please give it to the Grand Worthy Patriarch. \0. S. gives the Password.] G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. INSIDE SENTINEL. G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Inside Sentinel elect to the Past Worthy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present , Inside Sentinel elect of this Division, and request you to administer the Obligation of that Office. 38 INSTALLATION" SERVICE. P. W. P. You will place your right hand on your heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to guard the inner door of this Division — to allow no one to enter or retire during the Open- ing, Initiatory, or Closing Ceremonies — to . admit no one at any time without the En- tering Signal, and the Explanation to the Quarterly Password, nor allow any to retire without giving the Salutation, unless direct- ed so to do by the Worthy Patriarch — and faithfully to perform all other duties belong- ing to the Office of- Inside Sentinel during the term of your election ? 1. S. I do [6r. C. leads to the G. IF. _P.] G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Inside Sentinel has been obligated. G. Wo P. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Inside Sentinel of Division, No. — , for the present term. Receive your staff of Office. (G. C. presents it.) Vigilant at your post, be equally vigilant in your conduct. You will please give me the Explanation of the Password. [/. 3. gives the Explanation. \ INSTALLATION SERVICE. 39 G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. ASSISTANT CONDUCTOR. G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Assistant Conductor elect to the Past Worthy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present , Assistant Conductor elect of this Division, and request you to administer the Obligation of that Office. P. TV. _P. You will place your right hand on your heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to render timely assistance to the Conductor in the discharge of his (or her) duties — to carefully examine all on the left at the opening of the Division, and report those incorrect to the Worthy Patriarch — that you will never expose, or cause to be exposed, to any per- son not a Member of our Order, any part of the Ceremonies to you intrusted — that you will not keep a copy of them, nor allow 40 INSTALLATION SERVICE. any other person so to do — that you will promptly deliver them up to the Worthy Patriarch when called upon so to do — and that you will faithfully perform all other duties belonging to the office of Assistant Conductor during the term of your election ? A. C. I do. [tr. C. leads to the G. W. A*.] G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Assistant Conductor has been obligated. G. W. P. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Assistant Conductor of Division, No. — , for the present term. Re- ceive your staff of Office. (6r. C. presents it.) Always keep the radiant Star of our Order in view, that those who follow your steps may be led within the influence of its benignant beams. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. CONDUCTOR. G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Conductor elect to the Past Worthy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present , Conductor elect of this Division, and re- INSTALLATION SERVICE. 41 quest you to administer the Obligation of that Office. JP. W. P. You will place your right hand on your heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to examine with circumspection every person on the right at the opening of the Division, and report any incorrect to the Worthy Patri- arch ; that you will never expose, or cause to be exposed, to any person not a member of our Order, any part of the Ceremonies to you intrusted • that you will not keep a copy of them, nor allow any other person so to do ; that you will promptly deliver them up to the Worthy Patriarch when called upon so to do ; and that you will faithfully perform all other duties belonging to the office of Conductor during the term of your election ? Con. I do. \ (r. C. leads to the G. W. /'.] G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Conductor has been obligated. G. W. JP. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Conductor of Di- 42 INSTALLATION SERVICE. vision, No. — , for the present term. Receive your staff of Office. (6% G. presents it.) Let your demeanor be such that you may always be con- sidered a trustworthy guide, not only here, but through the paths of life. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. CHAPLAIN. G. W. -P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Chaplain elect to me for Installation and Investiture. G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Chaplain elect. G. W. j P. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Chaplain of Di- vision, No. — , for the present term. Receive this Book ( presenting the Bible), the Book of books, within whose pages are found lessons of wisdom and words of sympathy eminently adapt- ed to meet every degree of hope, joy, or sorrow, and fitted to reach every nation and every sta- tion in life. May its teachings purify our minds and strengthen our virtues, and prepare us for admission to that heavenly kingdom where Love and Harmony shall reign forever. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. INSTALLATION SERVICE. 43 TREASURER. G. W. JP. The Grand Conductor will now present the Treasurer elect to the Past Worthy- Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present — — , Treasurer elect of this Division, and re- quest you to administer the Obligation of that Office. -P. W. _P. You will place your right hand on youf heart. {Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Sou of Temperance, to hold in trust all moneys of this Division until the expiration of your term, unless otherwise ordered by the Division ; to pay promptly therefrom all orders drawn by the Worthy Patriarch, attested by the Recording Scribe ; to keep a full and correct account of all moneys received and expended ; give the Division a monthly statement of the funds ; deliver up to your successor in Office, or any other person duly authorized to receive them, at the close of your term, or earlier if called upon so to do, all moneys, books, u INSTALLATION SERVICE. papers, and other property of the Division in your possession or under your control ; and to perform such other duties as Treas- urer as the Constitution, By-Laws, and Reg- ulations of this Division require ? Treas. I do. [ G. C. leads to the G. W. P.] G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Treasurer has been obligated. G. W. JP. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Treasurer of Di- vision, No. — , for the present term. Receive the books and documents belonging to your Office {they are presented). In confiding to you the treasure of the Division, your associates con- fide in the treasure of your honor. Let their confidence be fully justified by your integrity. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. FINANCIAL SCRIBE. G. TV. IP. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Financial Scribe elect to the Past Wor- thy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present INSTALLATION SERVICE. 45 , Financial Scribe elect of this Division, and request you to administer the Obligation of that Office. P. W. P. You will place your right hand on your heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to keep just and true accounts between this Division and its Members ; credit the amounts paid, and pay the same over to the Treasurer imme- diately — perform faithfully and promptly, to the utmost of your ability, all other duties belonging to the Office of Financial Scribe — and deliver up at the expiration of your term, all books, papers, and other docu- ments belonging to the Division in your possession ? P. S. I do. [ G. C. leads to the G. W. P.] G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Financial Scribe has been obligated. G. JV. P. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Financial Scribe of Division, No. — , for the present term. You will now receive the books and documents belonging to your Office (they are presented). It is the pecu- 46 INSTALLATION SERVICE. liar privilege of your station to illustrate most conspicuously our cardinal principle, Fidelity. Let it be the motto of your conduct and the or- nament of your life. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. , ASSISTANT RECORDING SCRIBE. 6r. W. P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Assistant Recording Scribe elect to the Past Worthy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch -to present , Assistant Recording Scribe elect of this Division, and request you to administer the Obli- gation of that Office. _P. TF.jP. You will place your right hand on your heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to render such proper and timely aid to the Record- ing Scribe in the performance of the duties as that officer or the Division may require of you ? A. B. 8. I do. [6-'. C. leads to the G. W. P .] INSTALLATION SERVICE 47 G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Assistant Recording Scribe has been obligated. G. W. 1 > . I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Assistant Recording Scribe of Division, No. — , for the present term. Your Office requires an attentive ear, a prompt and ready hand. Be constant in season and out of season. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. RECORDING SCRIBE. G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Recording Scribe elect to the Past Wor- thy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present -, Recording Scribe elect of this Division, and request you to administer the Obligation of that Office. P. W. P. You will place your right hand on your ‘heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to keep a fair and impartial record of the proceedings of this Division — notify all Subordinate Di- 48 INSTALLATION SERVICE. visions not more than ten miles from this place, within four weeks after, of the name, occupation, and residence of every person suspended, rejected, or expelled from this Division — make out at the end of your term, for the Division, a full report of the pro- ceedings during your term, and also the Quarterly Returns for the Grand Division — perform all other duties belonging to the Office of Recording Scribe — and deliver up at the expiration of your term, all books, papers, or other property in your posses- sion belonging to your office ? M. S. 1 do. [ G. C. leads to the G. W. P.~\ G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Recording Scribe has been obligated. G. W. jP. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Recording Scribe of Division, No. — , for the present term. You will now receive the books and documents belonging to your Office (they are presented ) . Bo diligent, faithful, and impartial — that your repu- tation may remain, like your record, without blot or blemish. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. INSTALLATION SERVICE. 49 WORTHY ASSOCIATE. G . W. JP. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Worthy Associate elect to the Past Wor- thy Patriarch, to receive the Obligation of the Office. G. C. Past Worthy Patriarch, I am directed by the Grand Worthy Patriarch to present , Worthy Associate elect of this Division, and request you to administer the Obligation of that Office. P. W. P. You will place your right hand on your heart. ( Does so.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as a Son of Temperance, to counsel and support the Worthy Patriarch in the discharge of his (or Tier) duties, and in his (or her) absence officiate in his (or her) place — that you will never expose, or cause to be exposed, to any person not a Member of our Order, the Ceremonies intrusted to your care, nor any part thereof — that you will not keep a copy of them, nor allow any person so to do — that you will promptly deliver them up when requested by the Worthy Patriarch, or the Deputy — and that you will perform all other duties belonging 50 INSTALLATION SERVICE. to the office of Worthy Associate, to the best of your judgment and ability, during the term of your election ? W. A . I do. [fr. C. leads to the G. IF. P.\ G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Worthy Associate has been obligated. G. W. P. I now invest you with the badge of Office, and proclaim you Worthy Associate of Division, No. — , for the present term. May you indeed prove a Worthy Associate, not only in honors, but in those qualities that adorn the highest station. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. WORTHY PATRIARCH. G. W. JP. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent to me the Worthy Patriarch elect. G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, , having been constitutionally exalted to the honor- able station of Worthy Patriarch of this Division, is here respectfully presented for Installation. G. W. JP. Worthy Brother (or Sister), you are now about to be inducted as the head of this Division — a station of trust, honor, and respon- INSTALLATION SERVICE. 51 sibility ; and when viewed as the free-will offer- ing of your Division, it indeed affords a gratify- ing illustration of the position you hold in their confidence and esteem. You will place your right hand on your heart, while I administer the Obligation of the Office. You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your sacred honor as a Son of Temperance, in presence of the Members here assembled, that you will promptly and justly perform the duties of Worthy Patriarch of this Di- vision, to the best of your judgment and ability, for the term of your election ; during which you will not permit any infringement on the Constitution of the Grand Division, the Constitution and By-Laws of this Di- vision, or the Rules, Ceremonies, and Usages of the Order of the Sons of Temperance — and that you will at all times, to the ut- most of your power, support the dignity of the Grand Division? You furthermore pledge yourself to allow none to visit this Division but Members thereof, without the Quarterly Password and Expla- nation,* — unless vouched for by a Member * This shall not exclude Members of other Divisions present at the opening of a Division, and able to give the Explanation to the Quarterly Password . — Proceedings of Nat. Div June , 1847. 52 INSTALLATION SERVICE. in good standing — or the Traveling Pass- word and Explanation, and the Entering Signal and Salutation, — and that you will not countenance, directly or indirectly, or be present at the opening or session of any Di- vision purporting to be Sons of Temperance, unless you are fully satisfied they are in possession of a legal and unforfeited Charter ? You furthermore pledge yourself never to ex- pose, or cause to be exposed, to any person not a Member of our Order, any part of the private books or papers intrusted to your care — that you will not take a copy of them, nor allow any other person so to do — and that you will promptly deliver up the same, with all other property belonging to this Division in your possession or under your control, to your successor in Office, the Grand Worthy Patriarch, or the Deputy, when called upon so to do ? w. r. I do. [Three raps.] G. W. P. Sharing the confidence in your in- tegrity and worth, of which the suffrage of your Division has given so distinguishing an instance, it is with great satisfaction that I formally invest INSTALLATION SERVICE. 53 you with the badge of Office ; and I now pro- claim you Worthy Patriarch of Division. No. — , for the present term. I also place in your possession the Charter of your Division ( presents it), together with the Blue Book and other papers containing the private Forms and Ceremonies ( presents them), and the Book of Constitutions (presents it), with a desire that you will make yourself thoroughly ac- quainted with each of them, to the end that in- novation may be avoided, and the solemn Obli- gation you have this night, of your own free-will and accord, taken upon yourself, sacredly main- tained. Lastly, Worthy Patriarch, I present you with the Gavel ( presents it), an emblem of your au- thority, which it is hoped you will ever exercise with due prudence and fraternal regard. While decision and energy are highly desirable to your station, dignified and courteous demeanor is abso- lutely necessary to a proper and harmonious ad- ministration of the affairs of your Division. Feeling assured that the direction of this Di- vision is intrusted to good hands, I will now con- duct you to your seat, and you will at once enter upon the arduous and responsible, yet honorable, duties of your Office. 54 INSTALLATION SERVICE. [ Division sing :] Whatever station we may hold Among the sons of earth— If high in honor, rich in gold, Or humble from our birth — In virtue only we behold The standard of our worth, Whatever station we may hold Among the sons of earth. [Qne rap by W. P.] [The W. P. can, if desirable, address the Division. The G. W. P. gives the W. P. the new Password, etc . If there is anything else to be communicated to the W. P. or to the Division , the G. W. P. does it here .] G. C. Worthy Patriarch, you will please call up the Officers. [ Two raps.] G. TV. P. Officers : Into your keeping are intrusted matters of serious and weighty import — and a proper discharge of your respective duties will require the fullest exercise of your wisdom and vigilance. Your example can not fail to exert a powerful influence upon those around you, and it is therefore highly necessary that Candor, Uprightness, and Honor should dis- tinguish your actions, not only toward your associates, but toward the whole human race. INSTALLATION SERVICE. 55 Let the sentiment of the Ode we have just sung in harmony together be impressed upon your minds : whatever station we may be called upon to fill, in Virtue only we behold the standard of our worth. [ Three raps.'] Brothers and Sisters : The Officers of your choice are now in their places, and it is hoped and expected that their efforts to maintain good order and decorum will receive your cheerful and prompt co-operation. Never lose sight of the solemn Obligation you have taken to promote the harmony, advance the interest, and preserve unsullied the reputa- tion of the Sons of Temperance. Let the Em- blem of our Order ever recall to your minds the three cardinal principles upon which our Institu- tion rests, that the Star of Temperance may shine the brighter in the light of your virtues ! Officers, Brothers, and Sisters, thanking you for your attention, we now take our leave. [ Th e G. W. P. and G. C. proceed to the center of the room and salute the W. P. The Salutation is returned by the W. P. and all the Members. The Division re- main standing until the Grand Officers have passed the Inside Sentinel.] \One rap.] INSTALLATION SERVICE. Divisions are authorized to use either this or the Installation Service commencing on page 32. [ The Installation Service should he performed hy the G . W. Patriarch and, G. Conductor , or a Deputy G. W. Patriarch and a Deputy G. Conductor . If this can not he done , let the senior P. W. Patriarch of the Division present officiate as Deputy G. W. Patriarch , appointing a Deputy G. Conductor . The Installing Patriarch is authorized to decide ob- jections, subject to the approval of the Grand Division ; or, if thought proper, may allow the Officers to hold over until a decision shall he made . The Installation Service may he performed publicly , hut the Salutation must then he omittedi] [At the appointed time the G> C. approaches the inner door, and, after giving the Entering Signal and Expla- nation and his title, is announced (as G. C.) hy the 1. S. to the W. P., who directs admission . On enter- ing, the G. C. salutes the P. W. P. in the usual form, and then addresses the W. Pi] Go C. Worthy Patriarch, the Grand Worthy Patriarch (or Deputy G. W. P.) is prepared to Install the Officers of this Division ; are you ready for this service ? INSTALLATION SERVICE. 57 W. P. We are, Grand Conductor. [The G. C. retires after saluting the P. W. P. The G. W. P. and G. C. approach the door , give the Entering Signal , and announce themselves to the I. /S'.] I. S. Worthy Patriarch, the Grand Worthy Patriarch and Grand Conductor are in waiting. W. P. The Inside Sentinel will admit them. [Four raps.] [As the G. W. P. and G. C. enter and advance to the center of the room , the following Ode will be sung . At the close of the singing , the Grand Officers salute the W. P who. together with all the Members , return the Salutation .] [ Division sing :]* Thrice welcome, Brother; here we meet, In Friendship’s close communion joined : Ye Sons of Temp’rance loud repeat Your triumphs with one heart and mind. No angry passions here should mar Our peace, or move our social band, For Friendship is our beacon star, Our motto, “ Union, Hand-in hand.” G. C. Brothers and Sisters : According to usage, we meet you here this evening to Install your Officers. Have they been constitutionally elected ? IHv. respond. They have. * The singing may be omitted when the Installation is per- formed by a Deputy. 3 58 INSTALLATION SERVICE. G. C. The Recording Scribe will please an- nounce them. [The Ji. S. announces the names of the Officers , and the Offices to which they have been elected.~\ G. C. ( Addressing the W. P.) Has the Worthy Patriarch elect reached the age which our Con- stitution requires to render him (or her) eligible to that station ? If . P. He (or she ) has. G. C . If any Member is aware of just reason why these persons should not be inducted into the offices assigned to them, there is now an op- portunity to announce it. (If no reply .) Then do I proclaim them eligible for Installation. [ The G. W. P . and G. C. step forward to the W. P.’s station . The G. W. P. receives f rom the W. P. the Charter , Blue Book , and other Documents in his (or her) possession , and lastly the Badge . The G . IF. P. calls down.] [One rap.] [The G. W. P. appoints two Members to act as 0. S. and I. $.] G. W. j P. The Grand Conductor will escort the Past Worthy Patriarch to the station of Honor. [The G. C. does so.] INSTALLATION SERY IC E. 59 G. W. P. The Officers will now vacate their stations in order, and deliver up their books, im- plements, and badges of office. [The W. A. then delivers to the G . C. the badge — the 12. S. the books and badge — the A. R. S. the badge — the F. S. the books and badge — the Treas. the books and badge — the Chap, the Book and badge — the Con. the staff and badge — the A. C. the staff and badge — the /, S. the staff and badge — and the O. S. the staff and badge .] G. TV. JP. The Officers elect will now divest themselves of Regalia, and, in company with the Grand Conductor, retire to the ante-room. The Inside Sentinel will allow them to pass. [They retire . The G. C. arranges them as follows : W. P . with W. A. on the left. — 12. S. and A. 12. S. — F. S. and Treas. — Con. and A. C . — I. S. and O. S. — arm-in-arm. When ready , the G. C. directs the I. S. to announce it. The G. W. P. orders them to be admitted .] [Three raps. Division sing:] Whatever station we may fill In this exalted band, Our plighted duties we shall still Achieve, with heart and hand ; And evermore, through good and ill, By one another stand — Whatever station we may fill In this exalted band. 60 INSTALLATION SERVICE. \The G. C., with Officers elect , enter and walk, around the room ; at the close of the singing let it be so managed that they will be in front of seats on the right and left , so that they may be seated when called down.\ [ One rap.] G. W. P. The Grand Conductor will now pre- sent the Sentinels elect. G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, the Sentinels elect. G. W. P. You will please place yourselves in a position for obligation. ( Each places the right hand on the heart.) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as Sons of Temperance, that you will faithfully keep and carefully guard your re- spective doors ; that you will allow no one to enter or retire during the session of this Division without the proper Password, Sig- nal, and Explanation, or the permission of your Worthy Patriarch ; and perform such other duties as the Constitution, By-Laws, and Division may require of you during your term of Office. Sentinels. I do. INSTALLATION SERVICE. 61 G. TV. P. I now invest you with your official Badges. Outside Sentinel : It is your duty, while at your post, to admit no one to the ante-room without the Quarterly Password, except at the direction of your Worthy Patriarch, through the Inside Sentinel. Receive your Staff of Office. {G. C. presents it.) Inside Sentinel : It is your duty to admit no one to the Division without the Entering Signal and the Explanation to the Quarterly Password ; and to allow no one to retire without giving the Salutation, unless directed so to do by the Worthy Patriarch. Receive your Staff of Office. ( G . C. presents it.) Be vigilant ! Remember that you are Senti- nels in the army of Temperance. The Grand Conductor will now escort you to the Past Worthy Patriarch for examination, and thence to your respective stations. \Tlie G. 0. escorts them to the P. W. P., who exam- ines , and, if necessary, corrects them in the Password and Explanation ; after which they are placed on duty . ] G. TV. P. The Grand Conductor will present the other Officers elect, with the exception of the Worthy Patriarch. 62 INSTALLATION SERVICE. G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, I here present the Worthy Associate, Recording Scribe, Assist- ant Recording Scribe, Financial Scribe, Treas- urer, Chaplain, Conductor, and Assistant Con- ductor elect for Obligation and Investiture. Go W. I \ Please place yourselves in a posi- tion for Obligation. {Each places the right hand on the hearth) You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your honor as Sons of Temperance, that you will faithfully perform the duties of the several stations to which you have been elected, as prescribed by our Constitution, Ceremonies, Rules, and Usages ; that you will never ex- pose, or cause to be exposed, to any person not a member of our Order, in good and regular standing, any part of the Ceremonies to you intrusted by virtue of your Offices ; that you will- not keep a copy of them, no.r allow any other person so to do ; that you will promptly deliver up to your successors in Office, or to any other person authorized to receive them, at the close of your term, or earlier, if required by this Division, or the Grand Division of , all ceremonies, books, papers, cards, moneys, or other prop- erty belonging to this Division, in your pos- INSTALLATION SERVICE. 63 session, or under your control, and perform such other duties as the Constitution, By- Laws, and Division may require of you durinc - vour term of Office. Each respond. I do. \The O. W. P. ( being furnished by the G. G. with the badges as needed ) says ;] G. W. P. I now invest you with your Official Regalia, and confirm you in the Offices to which you have been severally elected. ( Invests each with the appropriate Regalia .) Assistant Conductor : Receive your staff of Office. {G. C. presents it.) Be affable ! Always keep the radiant star of our Order in view, that those who look upon you for an example may be drawn under the influence of its benignant beams. Conductor : Receive your staff of Office. (G. C. presents it.) Let your conduct be such that you may always be esteemed a trustworthy guide ! The Grand Conductor will escort the Con- ductors to their stations. Chaplain: Receive this Book ( G . W. P. pre- sents the Bible), the Book of books, within whose pages are found lessons of wisdom and vrords of sympathy eminently adapted to meet every de- 04 INSTALLATION SERVICE. gree of hope, joy, or sorrow, and fitted to reach every nation and every station in life. May its teachings purify our minds and strengthen our virtues, and prepare us for admission to that heavenly kingdom where Love and Harmony shall reign forever. The Grand Conductor will escort you to your station. Treasurer : Receive the books and documents belonging to your Office. ( . W. P. presents them.) In confiding to you the treasure of the Division, your associates confide in the treasure of your honor. Let their confidence be fully justified by your integrity ! Financial Scribe : Receive the books and documents of your Office. ( G - . W. P. presents them.) It is the peculiar privilege of your sta- tion to illustrate most conspicuously our cardinal principle, Fidelity. Let it be the motto of your conduct and the ornament of your life. The Grand Conductor will now escort the Treasurer and Financial Scribe to their stations. Assistant Recording Scribe: Your Office re- quires an attentive ear, a prompt and ready hand. Be constant in season and out of season. Recording Scribe : I now place in your pos- session the books and documents of your Office. I INSTALLATION SERVICE. 65 ( G. 0. presents them.) Be impartial and correct, diligent and punctual. Let your record and your conduct both appear without blot or blemish ! And, Brothers and Sisters of the Division, I trust that your proceedings will be so ordered, that the Record will never show the slightest deviation from the cherished principles and cus- toms of our extended and beneficent Order. The Grand Conductor will now escort the Scribes to their stations. Brother (or Sister) : The Division has con- ferred upon you the dignity of Worthy Associ- ate. It is your privilege to counsel and assist the Worthy Patriarch, and in his (or Aer) absence, perform the duty. Qualify yourself for the trust ! So act your part, as to prove yourself a Worthy Associate , not only here, but in all the walks of life. The Grand Conductor will now escort you to your station. G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch. , having been constitutionally exalted to the honor- able station of Worthv Patriarch of this Division. 4 / ' is respectfully presented for Installation. G. W. JP . Worthy Brother (or Sister) : You are about to assume a station of trust, honor, 66 INSTALLATION SERVICE. and responsibility ; and when viewed as the free- will offering of your Division, it affords a grati- fying illustration of the position you hold in their confidence and esteem. You will place your right hand on your heart, and give your assent to the following Obligation : You solemnly and unreservedly pledge your sacred honor as a Son of Temperance, in presence of the Members here assembled,' that you will promptly and justly perform the duties of Worthy Patriarch of this Di- vision, to the best of your judgment’ and ability, for the term of your election ; during which you will not permit any infringement on the Constitution of the Grand Division, the Constitution and By-Laws of this Di- vision, or the Rules, Ceremonies, and Usages of the Order of the Sons of Temperance — and that you will at all times, to the ut- most of your power, support the dignity of the Grand Division? You furthermore pledge yourself to allow none to visit this Division but Members thereof, without the Quarterly Password and Expla- nation,*— unless vouched for by a Member * This shall not exclude Members of other Divisions present at the opening of a Division, and able to give the Explanation to the Quarterly Password . — Proceedings of Nat. Div ., June, 1847. INSTALLATION SERVICE. 67 in good standing — or the Traveling Pass- word and Explanation, and the Entering Signal and Salutation, — and that you will not countenance, directly or indirectly, or be present at the opening or session of any Division purporting to be Sons of Temper- ance, unless you are fully satisfied they are in possession of a legal and unforfeited Charter ? You furthermore pledge yourself never to ex- pose, or cause to be exposed, to any person •not a Member of our Order, any part of the private books or papers intrusted to your care — that you will not take a copy of them, nor allow any other person so to do — and that you will promptly deliver up the same, with all other property belonging to this Division in your possession or under ymur control, to your successor in Office, the Grand Worthy Patriarch, or the Deputy, whenever called upon so to do ? W. JP. I do. [Three raps.] G. W. P. Sharing the confidence in your in- tegrity and worth, of which the suffrage of y T our Division has given so distinguishing an instance, it is with great satisfaction that I formally invest 68 INSTALLATION SERVICE. you with the badge of Office ; and proclaim you Worthy Patriarch of Division, No. — , for the present term. I now place in your possession the Charter of your Division ( presents it), together with the Blue Book and other papers containing the private Forms and Ceremonies ( presents them), and the Book of Constitutions (presents it), with a desire that you will make yourself thoroughly ac- quainted with each of them, to the end that in- novation may be avoided, and the solemn Obli- gation you have this night, of your own free-will and accord, taken upon yourself, sacredly main- tained. Lastly, Worthy Patriarch, I present you with the Gravel (presents it), an emblem of your au- thority, which it is hoped you will ever exercise with due prudence and fraternal regard. While decision and energy arc highly desirable to your station, dignified and courteous demeanor is absolutely necessary to a proper and harmo- nious administration of the affairs of your Di- vision. Feeling assured that the direction of this Di- vision is intrusted to good hands, I will now con- duct you to your seat, and you will at once enter upon the arduous and responsible, yet honorable, duties of your Office. INSTALLATION SERVICE. 69 [. Division sing ;] Whatever station we may hold Among the sons of earth — If high in honor, rich in gold, Or humble from our birth — In virtue only we behold The standard of our worth, Whatever station we may hold Among the sons of earth. [ One rap by W. P.] [The W. P. can , if desirable, address the Division . The G. W. P. gives the W. P. the new Password , etc . If there is anything else to be communicated to the W. P. or to the Division , the G. W. P. does it here.] G. C. Worthy Patriarch, you will please call up the Officers. [Two raps.] G. W. JP. Officers : Into your keeping are intrusted matters of serious and weighty import — and a proper discharge of your respective duties will require the fullest exercise of your wisdom and vigilance. Your example can not fail to exert a powerful influence upon those around you, and it is therefore highly necessary that Candor, Uprightness, and Honor should dis- tinguish your actions, not only toward your associates, but toward the whole human race. Let the sentiment of the Ode we have just sung in harmony together be impressed upon your 70 INSTALLATION SERVICE. minds : whatever station we may be called upon to fill, in Virtue only we behold the standard of worth. [ Three raps.] Brothers and Sisters : The Officers of your choice are now in their places, and it is hoped and expected that their efforts to maintain good order and decorum will receive your cheerful and prompt co-operation. Never lose sight of' the solemn Obligation you have taken to promote the harmony, advance the interest, and preserve unsullied the reputa- tion of the Sons of Temperance. Let the Em- blem of our Order ever recall to your minds the three cardinal principles upon which our Institu- tion rests, that the Star of Temperance may shine the brighter in the light of your virtues ! [The ceremony may end here , or the G. W. P. may add ;] G. W. P. Officers, Brothers, and Sisters, thanking you for your attention, we now take our leave. [The G. W. P. and G. C. proceed to the center of the room, and salute the W. P. The Salutation is returned by the W. P. and all the Members. The Division re- mainstanding until the Grand Officers have passed the Inside Sentinel.'] [One rap.] INSTITUTING A NEW DIVISION. c-C^o [New Divisions should be opened by the Grand Of- ficers when practicable . Sometimes , however , they are opened by a single Member , in which case the Delegate will administer the Obligation , and then proceed to the election of Officers. If the Grand, Officers officiate , they should be ad- dressed by their proper titles. If not , those who offi- ciate should be addressed as Officers of a Subordinate Division. Open as a Subordinate Division , making such alter- ation as the circumstances require, and omitting the W. Patriarch's charge to the Officers and Members .] [ Three raps.'] G. W. P. We have met at this time for the purpose of diffusing the principles of Temperance and Benevolence. [Division sing ;] Yes, we in those principles join, And such shall our actions display ; Our hands and our hearts shall combine To extend their beneficent sway. Our laws we will ever respect, Arise all contention above — And stand by each other erect, In Purity, Friendship, and Love. [One rap.] 72 INSTITUTING A NEW DIVISION. G. W. P. I now declare this meeting of the Sons of Temperance open for the purpose of In- stituting Division, No. — , of the Grand Division of the State of . The Grand Conductor will see if the Appli- cants are ready. [The G. C. retires, and after ascertaining , returns and reports the names of those in waiting. If all cor- rect, the G. IF. P. says ;] G. TV. P. Some Member will retire and intro- duce the Applicants to the Grand Conductor- after which let them be presented. [After the introduction , the Member may return to the Division. When ready, the G. G. gives one knock on the door, and directs the G. S. to announce that the Applicants are ready.] G. TV. jP. Admit them. [Three raps.] f The G. C. leads the Applicants to the G. IF. P.~\ G. C. Grand Worthy Patriarch, in obedience to your instructions, I here present ( read the names), being the Applicants to the Grand Di- vision of the State of , for a Charter to Division, No. — , of the Sons of Tern- open — pe ranee. INSTITUTING A NEW DIVISION. 73 G. W. P. Gentlemen and Ladies (or Brothers and Sisters, or both, as may be) : I have the pleas- ure of announcing that your application has been granted — a'nd we are now here for the purpose of organizing you as a Division. I will claim your attention while the Grand Scribe reads the Charter, which will define your rights and privileges. [One rap.) [The G. S. reads the Charter. If there are any who have not been Initiated , the G. W. P. says:) G. W. P. Under this Charter we will now proceed to Initiate those who are not Members of our Order. [The G. C. leads the Applicants who have not been ^initiated to the Ante-room. The Initiation follows , omitting the introduction to the A. Ca they having already been vouched for to the G. C., and making such other alterations as may be necessary. After Initiation , let all the Applicants be presented] [Three raps.) G. W. P. By authority in me vested, I pro- claim Division, No. — , of the Sons of Tem- perance, of the Grand Division of the State of , legally constituted ; and I now dedicate it to the cause of Love, Purity,. and Fidelity. 4 74 INSTITUTING A NEW DIVISION. [ Division sing :\ Our Cause when first to light it burst. Rear’d by a dauntless few, Appear’d so small, its early fall Our foes prepared to view ; But more and more, from shore to shore, Its influence shall extend Our flag unfurl’d around the world, Triumphant to the end. Another band is reared to stand Among the brave array, Before whose might, though hard the fight, Intemp’rance dies away ; Our glorious plan to rescue man From sorrow, vice, and shame, Still gathers strength, until at length May it the world reclaim ! G. W. P. Brethren and Sisters, you are now fully empowered under this Charter, to perform all the Duties and Ceremonies of a Subordinate Division — and the Grand Division feels assured that in your keeping the Purity and Character of our Order will be fully sustained. [One raj).] [Proceed to the election of Officers. Installation of Officers , according to form, with such alterations as may be necessary .] Note. — In the Addresses for the Opening of a Division, the presiding Officer is not confined strictly to those laid down, so long as the spirit is given. FORMS FOR RECEIVING OFFICERS. PAST OR ACTING MOST WORTHY PATRIARCH OR GRAND WORTHY PATRIARCH. 1. The Visitor directs the Inside Sentinel to make the announcement. 2. The W. Patriarch directs the acting P. W. Patriarch to retire and introduce the Visitor. As they enter, call up. They advance to the center of the room, the Visitor salutes the W. Patriarch (right hand on the heart), which is returned by the W. Patriarch. 3. The Division sing “ Thrice welcome, Bro- ther,” or some other appropriate verse ; during which the P. W. Patriarch escorts the Visitor to the P. W. Patriarch’s chair, that being the post of honor. 4. After the singing, the P. W. Patriarch says: Worthy Patriarch, Officers, and Members : I have the pleasure of presenting , etc. 5. All place the right hand on the heart, after which call down. 6. Should the Visitor retire before the Di- 76 FOKMS FOR RECEIVING OFFICERS. vision is regularly closed, he (or she) will ad- vance to the center of the room and salute the W. Patriarch ; the Division is called up, and the salute is returned by the whole. The Division remains standing until the Visitor passes the In- side Sentinel. 7. A Deputy simply visiting, or any other Of- ficial Visitor from the National, or a Grand Di- vision, will be received in the same way — omit- ting to sing ; but in the case of a Deputy visiting as an Installing Officer, the Division may sing, or not, at its option. T. PATRIARCH, OR P. W. PATRIARCH, FROM ABROAD. 1. On being announced, send out the Con- ductor to introduce the Visitor. They enter by the usual form. As they salute the P. W. Pa- triarch, call up the Division, and if thought proper, a verse may be sung. 2. The Conductor leads the Visitor to the front, and introduces to the W. Patriarch, who extends a hand of welcome ; the W. Patriarch then introduces to the Division — after which the Visitor is invited to a seat. Call down. Note. — Perhaps nothing will tend to strengthen onr union more than paying suitable attention to visiting Members. It is therefore very desirable that those visits should be frequent, and rendered as agreeable and interesting as possible. MUSIC OF THE ORDER It is important, and pleasing as important, to have our Brotherhood everywhere use the same tunes. The Committee, therefore, respectfully recommend the following airs to be sung : OPENING. (Old Tune:) “ Yes, we in those principles join.” INITIATION. {Sicilian Mariner’s Hymn :) “ Traveler through a world of danger.” {Shirland :) Blest be the tie that binds.” (Mear :) “ Father of Mercies ! condescend.” (Old Hundred :) “ Spirit of love, benign and mild.” (Auld Lang Syne :) “ Once more we here the Pledge renew.” CLOSING. (Old Tune:) — No. 1. “ A goodly thing it is to meet.” (Auld Lang Syne :) — No. 2. “ Good-night, good -night to every one.” Note. — When Initiation has preceded, it is suggested that No. 1 of the Closing Odes be sung, in order to vary the airs. KEY. 29 27 34 15 A B C D 1 3 5 7 19 20 56 91 E F G Ii 9 2 4 6 41 13 16 48 I J K L 8 JO 12 17 25 32 22 37 M N 0 P 21 23 24 26 18 11 62 75 Q R S T 28 30 31 33 88 99 14 61 U V W X 35 36 3S 40 85 39 Y ' Z 42 43 Note. — The above is the plan for transmitting the Passwords, etc. Each letter is represented by the figures immediately above and below it. For instance : Suppose the Password to be “ Order/’ it would be written thus — 22. 11, 15, 19. 30— and by searching out the letter under or above each of these figures, the word is found. DIAGRAM OF A DIVISION ROOM. This page is intended to give an idea of the form of a Division, etc. The Room sometimes will not allow the Officers to be placed as they are here, particularly the Sentinels. It is desirable, however, to conform as nearly as practicable. *9 ■ ■ ■ 3 0112 098551093