II Gat alo^ue of R ooks I a the Peni< entiary Lili rary. A CATALOGUE of Books in the Penitentiary Library. July I, 1905. STATE PRINTING OFFICE, TOPEKA. 1 a/ 0 T"|, lol 1 £ l q *S ‘^7 ► * ■ ? f 1-4 General Index. Religious: • jr Fiction, l to 36 Biography, 37 to 77 History, 78 to 118 Sermons and lectures, 119 to 207 Reference works, 208 to 251 Miscellaneous, 252 to 446 Catholic, 447 to 475 Christian Science, 476 to 482 Legal and Political, 483 to 605 History, 606 to 933 Science and Art: Agriculture, horticulture, and care of live stock, 934 to 956 Architecture, 957 to 961 Astronomy, 962 to 967 Botanv, 968 to 973 jh Biology, 974 to 978 Chemistry, 979 to 982 Ethnology, 983 to 986 Electricity, 987 to 994 Entomology, 995 to 1C00 Geology, 1001 to 1011 Logic, 1012 to 1014 Mechanics, 1015 to 1021 Medical, 1022 to 1026 Natural history, 1027 to 1036 f Physiology and hygiene, 1037 to 1040 Psychology, 1041 to 1048 Physics, 1049 to 1054 Philosophy, 1055 to 1085 Sociology, 1086 to 1094 Zoology, 1095 to 1097 Miscellaneous, 1098 to 1126 Educational : Army tactics, 1127 to 1133 Bookkeeping, 1134, 1135 Civil government, 1136, 1137 Elocution, 1138 to 1141 ( 3 ) 4 Penitentiary Library. Educational : French, 1142 to 1144 Grammar and composition, 1145 to 1149 Greek, 1150 to 1152 German, 1153 to 1158 History, *1159 to 1166 Latin, 1167 to 1179 Literature, 1180 to 1185 Mythology, 1186 to 1196 Pedagogy, 1197 to 1207 Physiology and hygiene, 1208 to 1213 Rhetoric, 1214 to 1220 Miscellaneous, 1221 to 1247 Reference Works, 1248 to 1287 Statistics, 1288 to 1550 Biography, 1551 to 1889 Essays, Lectures, and Belles-lettres, 1890 to 2095 Poetry, 2096 to 2225 Wit and Humor, 2226 to 2271 Fiction, 2272 to 3430 Travel, Adventure, and Description, 3431 to 3602 Juvenile, 3603 to 3814 German Fiction, 3815 to 3838 Authors of Fiction, and the catalogue numbers of their works. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Religious. Fiction. Ayesha, a Tale of Mohammed. Emma Leslie. By Still Waters. Edward Garrett. Cecily, a Tale of the English Reformation. Emma Leslie. Chosen Vessels. P. B. Chamberlain. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family. Julia M. Olin. Conrad, a Tale of Wiclif and Bohemia. Emma Leslie. David Todd. David Maclury. Elfreda, a Sequel to Leofwine. Emma Leslie. Father Fervent. Fiery Trials. Rev. R. H. Crozier. Forewarned, Forearmed. Thain Davidson. Gates Ajar. E. Stuart Phelps. Gates Wide Open. George Wood. Genevieve. Gerald. Emma Leslie. Heavenward Led. Jane R. Somers. Home Harmonies. Mark M. Pomeroy. How to Get On. Rev. Bernard Feeney. In His Steps. Chas. M. Sheldon. Leofwine, the Saxon. Emma Leslie. Light on Shadowed Paths. T. S. Arthur. Margarethe. Emma Leslie. Mercy Deering. Bartley. Minnie Herman. Geo. T. Ferris. Pillar of Fire. Rev. J. H. Ingram. (5) 6 Penitentiary Library. Fiction. 26 Prince of the House of David. Rev. J. H. Ingram. 27 Pilgrim’s Progress. John Bunyan. 28 Pulpit and Easel. Mary B. Sleight. 29 Quadratus. Emma Leslie. 30 Saxby. Emma Leslie. 31 Sister Ridnor’s Sacrifice. Mrs. C. F. Wilder. 32 Stella and the Priest. Laurie Loring. 33 Throne of David, The Rev. J. H. Ingram. 34 Valeria, Martyr of the Catacombs. Withrow. 35 Walter. Emma Leslie. 36 Young Preacher, The Biography. 37 Abbott. Rev. Beoj., Experiences of 38 Bates, Jos., Experiences and Labors of James White. 39 Beeson, Rev. Dr., a Dominican Artist. 40 Bunyan, John Anthony Froude. 41 Christ, Life of 42 Christ, Life and Works of Cunningham Geikie. 43 Christ, Life of, and History of the Jews. Rev. Jno. Fleetwood. 44 Curtis, Jos., Memoir of C. M. Sedgwick. 45 David, King of Israel. F. W. Krammacher. 46 De la Flecher, Life of Jos. Benson. 47 Fox, George Wm. Tallack. 48 Luther, Martin Chas. Adams. 49 Luther, Martin, Life of Chas. Adams. l Guyon. Madame. Vols. 1 and 2. 51 ) Thos. C. Upham. 52 Hamline, Leonidas Walter C. Palmer. 53 Moody, his Words and Work. 54 Nelson, John, Journal of Penitentiary Library. 7 Biography. 55 Paliasy, the Potter. C. L. Brightwell. 56 Smith, Elder John Williams. 57 St. Bernard. Ratisbonne. 58 Stearns, Samuel H. l St. Paul, Life and Epistles. Vols. 1 and 2. 60 ) Conybeare and Howson. 61 Taylor, Father 62 Trafton, Mark, Autobiography. 63 Seneca, Life of 64 l Wesley, Life of. Vols. 1 and 2. 65 ) Robt. Southey. | Wesley, John, Journal of. Vols. 1 and 2. 68 Wesley, John, Life of John Telford. 69 Whitefield, Rev. Geo. Jno. Gillies. 70 Willis, H. O. 71 Wilson, Geo. B D. C. Knowles. 72 Winchester, Rev. E. Edward M. Stone. Biography, Miscellaneous. 73 Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. Headly. 74 Divines of New England. 75 L'ghts of the World. 76 Lives of the Patriarchs and History of Jesus Henry Hunter. 77 Lives of the Popes (A. D. 100 to A. D. 1046). Sacred History. 78 Beauty Crowned, or The Story of Esther. Fredenburg. 79 Bible, History of, illustrated. John Kitto. 80 Bible, History of, illustrated. Dr. I. Schuster. 81 Catacombs of Rome. Withrow. 62 / Christianity, History of 83 ) Milman. 84 Christian Life in England in the Olden Times. 85 Christ’s Trial and Crucifixion. Braden. 8 Penitentiary Library. 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 to 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 to 115 116 117 118 Sacred History. Church of God, History of Spalding. Church History, Sketches of Wharey. Church History (third period). God in History. I Israel, Women of. Vole. 1 and 2. ) Grace Aguilar. Land and the Book, The l Latin Christianity. Vols. 1 to 8. ^ Milman. Medieval Church, The Hurst. Methodist Episcopal Church, The Coril. New Testament, Historic View of Gardner. Palestine / Quakers, History of. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. ^ Wm. Sewell. Rationalism, History of Reformatory Movements, History of Rowe. Reformation, History of the l Reformation, History of the. Vols. 1 to 5. C D’Aubigne. [ Sacred History of the World. Vols. 1 and 2. ) Sharon Turner. Story of the Bible, The (300 illustrations). Chas. Foster. Sermons and Lectures. 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 129 130 Analogy of Religion. Bishop Butler. Beecher’s Sermons. Beginning Life. John Tullock. Bible Characters. D. L. Moody. Bible, Evenings with the. (Vols. 1, 2, and 3. Isaac Errett. Bible Illustrations. John Kitto. Bible of To-day, The Jno. W. Chadwick. Penitentiary Library. 9 Sermons and Lectures. 131 Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans. Dr. G. Weil. 132 Chart of Life. Rev. Jas. Porter. 133 Christian Baptism. Alexander Campbell. 134 Christianity, Supernatural H. C. Minton. ) Christianity, Evidences of 136 ) Archibald Alexander. 137 Christianity, Evidences of W. Paley. 138 Christ and Humanity. Henry M. Goodwin. 139 Church Polity of the Pilgrims. 140 City Youth, The J. T. Davidson. 141 Commandments, Discourses on the Rev. Homihold. 142 Crumbs Swept Up. T. De Witt Talmage. 143 Discourses of Father Hyacinthe. L. W. Bacon. 144 Divine Force in the Life of the World. Alexander McKenzie. 145 Entering on Life. Cunningham Geikie. 146 Epistle of Jesus Christ, An Lanspergius. 147 Every day Religion. T. De Witt Talmage. 148 Fox, Geo., Passages from his Life and Writings. 149 Genuineness of the Gospels. B. A. Hinsdale. 150 Golden Grains from Life’s Harvest-field. T. S. Arthur. 151 Good News. Sam Jones. 152 Hands Full of Honey. C. H. Spurgeon. 153 Heaven, Where it is and How to Get There. D. L. Moody. 154 Heretics of Yesterday. S. E. Herrick. 155 Holy Spirit in Missions. A. J. Gordon. 156 Homilist, The 157 Hours among the Gospels. 158 Immortality of the Soul, The 159 Inebriety, its Source, Prevention, and Cure. Chas. F. Palmer. 160 Is Christianity from God ? 161 Jehovah’s War against False Gods. J. M. Atwater. 10 Penitentiary Library. Sermons and Lectures. 162 Jesus as a Teacher. B. A. Hinsdale. 163 Lectures on Bishop Paddock’s Scientific Evidences. Shields. 164 Lectures and Addresses. Alexander Campbell. 165 Lectures. T. A. Morris. 166 ) Letters and Sermons. Vols. 2 and 3. 167 ) Jno. Murray. 168 Letters to the Joneses. Holland. 169 Life that Now Is. Robert Collyer. 170 Living Way, The Jno. Atkinson. . 171 Model Preacher, The Rev. Wm. Taylor. 172 Moses, the Man of God. D. R. Demgan. 173 Our Bible and Ancient Manuscripts, illustrated. F. G. Kenyon. 174 Pentateuch, Lectures on the Alexander Campbell. 175 Pointed Papers. T. L. Cuyler. 176 Religion, The True Christian Swedenborg. 177 Revivals of Religion. Porter. 178 Rhetoric, System of Christian Geo. W. Hervey. 179 Roman Empire, Converts of the Chas. Merivale. 180 Royal Truths. Henry Ward Beecher. 181 Saints’ Everlasting Rest. Jno. Wesley. 182 Salvation. D. S. Warner. 183 Seeking Old Paths. Robert Moffitt. 184 Sermons. Wm. H. Murray. 185 Sermons. Sam Jones. 186 Sermons. T. De Witt Talmage. 187 Sermons. T. L. Cuyler. 188 Sermons F. W. Robertson. ) Sermons, four volumes. -j ^2 \ C. H. Spurgeon. Penitentiary Library. 11 Sermons and Lectures. 193 Sermons out of the Church. Miss Mulock. 194 Sermons. 195 Sincere Christian, The Dr. Geo. Hay. 196 Spiritualism on Trial. F. W. Evans. 197 Sunrise of tbe Soul. H. S. Carpenter. 198 Testament, The Better Wm. G. Schell. 199 Theater, The J. W. Leeds. 200 Things New and Old. 201 Truths of To-day. David Swing. 202 Twelve Lectures to Young Men. Henry Ward Beecher. 203 Types and Emblems. C. H. Spurgeon. 204 Way to God, The D. L. Moody. 205 What Shall I Do to Be Saved ? E. E. Byron. 206 Wondrous Work of Christ. Willitts. 207 Work. D. L. Moody. Reference Works. 208 Acts of the Apostles. W. R. Nicoll. 209 Acts of the Apostles. Rev. Albert Barnes. 210 Acts and Romans. D. D. Whedon. 211 Colossians, Philemon, and Thessalonians. W. R. Nicoll. 212 Concordance. Cruden. 213 Corinthians, First Barnes. 214 Corinthians and Galatians. Barnes. 215 Corinthians aDd Galatians. W. R. Nicoll. 216 Deuteronomy and Joshua. W. R. Nicoll. 217 ) Dictionary of the Bible, 2 volumes. 219 Ecclesiastes. Samuel Cox. 220 Ephesians. G. G. Finley. 12 Penitentiary Library. Reference Works. I 221 Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Barnes. 222 Exodus. Barnes. 223 Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Adeney. 224 Ezekiel. Skinner. 225 Genesis. Dodds. 226 Hebrews. Barnes. 227 Isaiah. Smith. 228 James. 229 Joshua. 230 Jeremiah, Prophecies of C. J. Ball. 231 Job, Book of J. K. Burr. 232 Judges, Book of R. A. Watson. 233 Kings to Esther. Milton L. Terry. 234 Kings, The First Book of F. W. Farrar. 235 Leviticus, Book of S. H. Kellogg. 236 Luke’s Gospel. Barnes. 237 Luke to John. D. D. Wheedon. 238 Pastoral Epistles, The Alfred Plummer. 239 Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. C. G. Moule. 240 Paul’s Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and the Thessa- lonians. Barnes. 241 Prophets, The Twelve Geo. A. Smith. 242 l Psalms, the Book of. Vols. 1 and 2. 243 ) a. Maclaren. 244 Samuel, First Book of W. G. Blaikie. 245 St. James and St. Jude. A. Plummer. 246 St. John, Epistle of Wm. Alexander. 247 St. John, Gospel of Marcus Dodd. 248 St. Mark, Gospel of G. A. Chadwick. 249 St. Matthew, Gospel of J. M. Gibson. 250 Thessalonians, Epistle to the Barnes. 251 Titus, Epistle to Weldon. 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 Penitentiary Library. 13 Miscellaneous. Alone with God. J. H. Garrison. An Earnest Life. Elizabeth Deaton. Apocalypse Revealed. Swedenborg. Apology for the Christian Divinity. Robert Barclay. Appeal to the People. Catherine E. Beecher. Appeal to Life, The Theo. T. Munger. Appeal to Matter of Fact and Common Sense. J. Fletcher. Archaeological Writings of the Sanhedrin. W. D. Mahan. Atonement and Personality. R. C. Moberly. Autumn Leaves. Win. Prottsman. Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Ezra P. Gould. Biographers of Christ. Emerson K. Young. Bishop England’s Works. Boston to Bareilly. Wm. Butler. Campaner Thai, The J. P. Richter. Chart of Life, The E. Otherman. Character. John McCunn. Character Sketches. Lofton. Christian Martyrology. Rev. C. Sparry. Christian Doctrine of Marriage. Hall Harrison. Christian Evidences. George Park. Christian Martyrs. D. W. Clark. Christianity, its Sunny Side. C. H. Parkhurst. Christianity Defended. Christ in Modern English Literature. Geo. H. Combs. City without a Church. Common Sense in Religion. Counsels to Converts. A. C. George. Country Pastors. Mrs. H. C. Gardner. _2 14 Penitentiary Library. Miscellaneous. 281 Criticism of the Old Testament. McFayden. 282 Culture and Religion. J. C. Sharp. 283 Daily Meditations. Grace W. Hinsdale. 284 Daily Bible Readings. Rev. Jas. Smith. 285 Daily Bible, illustrated. John Kitto. 286 Daily Commentary. 287 Defense of Bible Revelations. D. S. Margolouth. 288 Debt and Grace, the Doctrine of a Future Life. C. F. Hudson. 289 Destiny of the Wicked. Jno. Hugh. 290 Divine Pursuit, The J. E. McFadden. 291 Divine Providence; Shall We Believe in It? D. W. Fannell. 292 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan. Julia M. Olin. 293 Doing and Not Doing. Wm. M. Thayer. 294 Dolorous Passions of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Ann C. Emerich. 295 Early Piety. Rev. John Griffin. 296 Elizabeth Benton. 297 End of Controversy. Jno. Milner. 298 Episcopal Methodism. Rev. P. D. Gorrie. 299 Essays on Analogy of Religion. Bishop Butler. 300 Evening by Evening. C. H. Spurgeon. 301 Evidences of Christianity. Alexander. 302 Evolution of the English Bible. H. W. Hoare. 303 Examples of Holiness. T. E. Noonan. 304 Existence of Deity. Robert Shaw. 305 Extract from Mr. Laws’ Serious Call. John Wesley. 306 Faith and Sight. Wm. P. Merrill. 307 Faith and Its Effect. Mrs. Palmer. 308 From the Ball Room to Hell. T. A. Faulkner. Penitentiary Library. 15 Miscellaneous. 309 From Ocean to Ocean. 310 Genius of Christianity. Chateaubriand. 311 Geography of the Bible. E. V. Zollars. 312 Gleanings by the Way. Rev. Stewart Sheldon. 313 Glimpses of Pleasant Homes. 314 God’s Way of Peace. H. Bonar. 315 Golden Censer, The Jno. McGovern. 316 Golden Net, The 317 Gold Foil. Titcomb. 318 Good Morals and Manners. Alex M. Gow. 319 Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. Mrs. E. G. White. 320 Great Religions of the World. 321 Half Hours. 322 Half Hours with the Saints. Chas. Kinney. 323 Half Hour Studies at the Cross. J. H. Garrison. 324 Helm, Sword, and Cross. J. H. Garrison. 325 Here a Little, There a Little. 326 Hidden Way across the Threshold. J. C. Street. 327 His Glorious Appearing. Jas. White. 328 Historical Memories of the Society of Friends. 329 Home Beyond. Samuel Fellows. 330 Home Truths. 331 Home of God’s People. Wm. L. Gage. 332 How to be Saved. Taylor. oo? I Hymes of the Ages. Vols. 1 and 2. 334 ) F. D. Huntington. 335 Hymns, Spirit of Praise. P. Huntley. 336 Hymns and Tunes. 337 Infidelity or Deism. 338 Interior Christian, The 339 l International Lessons, 1881 and 1887. 340 ) Peloubet. 341 Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost. Henry Edwards. 342 Israelites, Manners of the 16 Penitentiary Library. Miscellaneous. 343 Israel’s Messianic Hope. G. S. Goodspeed. 344 Jesus Christ (His Conversations). Wm. Adams. 345 Kingdom of God. H. M. Riggle. 346 Know Thyself. T. F. Campbell. 347 Lamps and Paths. Theo. T. Munger. 348 Leaves from the Tree of Life. Alex. Maclaren. 349 Lessons in Life. Titcomb. 350 Letters of Love and Counsel for Our Girls. Jennie C. Rutty. 351 Life of Faith. T. C. Upham. 352 Life of Lives, The F. W. Farrar. 353 Light on Life’s Highway. Wayland Hoyt. 354 Liquor and its Consequences. Annie Nells. 355 Literature of the Bible. Rev. W. Trail. 356 Loss and Gain. Newman. 357 Magic of Kindness. 358 Manners, Eastern Robt. Jameson. 359 Man and His Motives. George Moore. 360 Men All Immortal. 36 L Martyrs. Chateaubrand. 362 Man’s Value to Society. Newell Dwight Hillis. 363 Minutes of Conference, 1897. 364 Missions in the Tonga and Feejee Islands. Rev. Walter Lowry. 366 i Millennial Dawn. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. ggry ^ Drummond. 368 Missing Sense, The C. W. Woolridge. 369 Moral and Religious Essays. 370 Moral Recovery, Examples of 371 Moral Science, Elements of Porter. 372 Moral Feelings, Philosophy of the Abercrombie. 373 Morals, Elements of Paul Janet. 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 39 L 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 Penitentiary Library. 17 Miscellaneous. Moral Reforms. A. C. Cox. Mormonism, its Doctrines and Dogmas. D. H. Bays. Mothers’ Counsel to their Sons. Jennie C. Rutty. Musings over the Christian Year. Charlotte Young. Musings and Memories. Nature and the Supernatural. Horace Bushnell. Natural Law in the Spiritual World. Drummond. New Atmosphere, A New Age, The H. C Moule. No Cross, No Crown. Oats and Wild Oats. J. M. Buckley. Old Faith in a New Light. Newman Smith. Our Girls. Path of Life, The Personal Religion. Persuasive to Unity. Jos. Bancroft. Pearl9 from Many Seas. J. B. McClure. Plain Talks to Young Men. Peter Ainslie. Piety. J. G. Pike. Power of the Soul over the Body. George Moore, Praise and Principle. Practical Thoughts. Wm. Nevine. Prodigal Son, The Michael Muller. Prodigal Son and Other Parables. Michael Muller. Presbyterianism. Samuel Miller. Psalmist for the Church (hymns). Reasons Why We Should Believe. Peter Burnett. Reasonableness of Faith. W. S. Rainsford. Red Cross, The Redemption, Scheme of R. Mulligan. Religious Society of Friends. Thos. Evans. 18 Penitentiary Library. Miscellaneous. 405 Religions, All, illustrated. 406 Religions of Latter Days. G. H. Combs. 407 Religious Denominations, History of I. D. Rupp. 408 Religion, Pleasures of Henry F. Burder. 409 Religious Affections. Jonathan Edwards. 410 Resurrection of Christ. E. Knott. 411 Rome, Church of Father Chiniquy. 412 Rum and Ruin. D. R. Dungan. 413 Sabbath, the Original and General Design. 414 Saints’ Everlasting Rest. John Wesley. 415 Saracens, The Arthur Gilman. 416 Skirmishes and Sketches. 417 Stage Coach and Pulpit. H. K. Stinson. 418 Steps to Christ. Mrs. E. G. White. 419 Story of the Bible. 420 Street Preaching. Wm. Taylor. 421 Strait Gate. The John Bunyan. 422 Summer Driftwood. Rose Porter. 423 Sun and Shield Gustav Gotthail. 424 Sword and Garment. L. T. Townsend. 425 Ten Great Religions. Jas. F. Clark. 426 Texts Explained. F. W. Farrar. 427 Theological Trilemma J. N. Pettingell. 428 Theological Institutes Defended. Jno. Levington. 429 They Two Shall Be One. Jas. B. Brown. 430 Thought Hives. 431 Thoughts on the Revelations. M. Smith. 432 Through Science to Faith. Newman Smith. 433 Titcomb’s Letters. J. G. Holland. Penitentiary Library. 19 Miscellaneous. 434 Trial of the Rev. David Swing. Peter Ainsley. 435 Truths for To-day. David Swing. 436 Turning Points in Life. Frederick Arnold. 437 Ultimate Conception of Faith. Geo. A. Gordon. 438 Universalism against Itself. A. W. Hall. 439 Walks about Jerusalem. Isaac Everett. 440 Walks and Words of Jesus. M. N. Olmstead. 441 Watchwords for the Warfare of Life. Martin Luther. 442 Why Weepest Thou ? 443 Wilford’s Microcosm. 444 World’s Religious Conference, The L. P. Mercer. 445 Young Christian Series. Jacob Abbott. 446 Young Ladies’ Guide to Christian Character. Harvey Newcomb. Catholic. 447 Apostolical Succession. S. V. Ryan. 448 ) to [■ Catechism, seven volumes. 454) 455 Catechism, Doctrinal Keenan. 456 Catholic Christianity and Modern Unbelief. J. D. Richard. 457 Confessions of St. Augustine. 458 Dictionary, Catholic Addie and Arnold. 459 'l I Faith of the Catholic. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. 401 j Chapelle. 462 Legends, Catholic 463 ) Lives of the Saints, two volumes. 464 ) Butler. 465 Notes on Ingersoll. Lambert. 466 Preparation for Death. 467 Protestantism and Catholicism Compared. Blames. 468 Roman Catholicism. Chas. Elliott. 469 Roman Catholic Religion, Debates on Campbell and Purcell. 20 Penitertiary Library. Catholic, 470 Sacrament, The Blessed 471 Spiritual Struggles. Louis M. Baldry. 472 St. Teresa. Rev. Jno. Dalton. 473) 474 [ World Catholic (Magazine) 475) Christian Science 477 / Divine Healing of Soul and Body, three volumes. * 1 1 ( U’ t>_ E. E. Byron. 479 Journal of Christian Science. 480 Miscellaneous Writings. Mary Baker Eddy. 481 Science and Health. Mary Baker Eddy. 482 Secret of Salvation, The E. E. Byron. Penitentiary Library. 21 Ledal and Political. 483 American Law. James Kent. 484 Among Law-makers. Edmund Alton. 48£>) American Commonwealth. Vols. 1 and 2. 486 ) Bryce. 487 America, Labor Movements in R. T. Ely. 488 American Politics, Dictionary of Everit Brown. 489) American Government for Thirty Years (1820 to 490 ) 1850). Vols. 1 and 2. By a Senator. 491 ) Bench and Bar, two volumes. 492 ) H. S. Foote. 493 Behind the Scenes in Washington. ^ | Calhoun, John C., Works of. (Vols. 1 and 2.) ^g^ | Calhoun, John C., Speeches of. Vols. 3 and 4. 498 Calhoun, John C., Public Letters of. Vol. 5. 499 Calhoun, John C., Reports of. Vol. 6. 500 Civilization’s Inferno. B. O. Flower. Congress, History of, 501 Vllth, second session, Dec., 1802, to Mar., 1803. 502 VUIth, first session, Oct., 1803, to Mar., 1805. 503 VUIth, second session, Nov., 1804, to Mar., 1805. 504 IXth, first session, Dec., 1805, to Mar., 1807. 505 IXth, second session, Dec., 1806, to Mar., 1807. 506 Xth, first session, Oct., 1807, to Apr., 1808. 507 Xth, second session, Nov., 1808, to Mar., 1809, 508 Xlth, first and second sessions, 1809-1810. 509 Xlth, third session, Dec., 1810, to Mar., 1811. 510 Xllth, second session, Nov., 1812, to Mar., 1813. 511 Xlllth, third session, Sept., 1814, to Mar., 1815. 512 XIVth, Dec., 1815, to Apr., 1816. 513 XIVth, second session, Dec., 1816, to Mar., 1817. 514 XVth, Dec., 1817, to Apr., 1818. 515 XVth, second session, Nov., 1818, to Mar., 1819. 516 XVIIth, first ssssion, Dec., 1821, to Mar,, 1822. 22 Penitentiary Library. Congressional Globe. 517 Part 1, 1863-1864. 518 Part 2, 1863-1864. 519) to f XLIst Congress, second session, 1869-1870, parts 1-6* 524 ) 525 Same, part 7, with Appendix. 526 ) ^27 [ XLIst Congress, third session, parts 1 and 2. 528 Same, part 3, with Appendix. 529 XLIst Congress, first session, part 1. 530 Same, part 2, with Appendix. Congressional Record. 531) to [ Volume 21, 1890, parts 1 to 11, inclusive. 541) 543 Index to volume 21, parts 1 to 11. 544 ) to £• Volume 25, 1893, parts 1, 2, 3, and 3. 547 ) 548 ) £ Index to parts 1 to 3, volume 25. 550 Davis, Henry Winter, Speeches and Addresses. 551 Digest of the Federal Court. 552 ) Diplomatic Correspondence. Vols. 4 and 5. 553 ) Wharton. 554 English Constitution. E. S. Creasy. 555 Everybody’s Lawyer. Vandersloot. 556 Federalist (commentary). Edited by John C. Hamilton. 557 First Battle. Wm. J. Bryan. 558 Garfield’s Great Speeches. 559 Government Revenue. Ellis H. Roberts. 560 Government Class Book. Andrew W. Young. 561 Grange Movement. Edward W. Martin. 562 Handbook for Kansas. Admire. 563 Law of Evidence. James F. Stephen. 564 Laws of Business. Parsons. 565 Laws of England. Blackstone. 566 Legal Counselor and Form Book. Hawkins. 567 Lincoln and Douglas Debates, etc. Penitentiary Library. 23 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 Messages and Papers of Presidents. Message Relating to War in South America. Messages, volume 1, 1789-1817. “ volume 2, 1817-1833. “ volume 3, 1833-1841. “ volume 4, 1841-1849. “ volume 5, 1849-1861. “ volume 6, 1861-1869. “ volume 7, 1869-1881. “ volume 8, 1881-1889. “ volume 9, 1889-1898. Index to Messages and Papers. National Revenues. Shaw. Parliamentary Rules. Reed. Political Economy. Wayland. Political Economy. Potter. Political Economy. Patten. Political Economy. Champlin. Political Economy. Thomas De Quincey. Politics of Labor. Thompson. Political Questions. Political Manual. Hiatt. Principles of Political Economy. Laughlin. Progress and Poverty. Henry George. Protection or Free Trade. Henry George. Problems of To-day. R. T. Ely. Presidential Candidates (republican party). B. F. Hall. Science of Wealth. Amasa Walker. Social Problems Henry George. Sophisms of Protection. Frederic Bastiat. Statesman Manual. Edwin Williams. True Republican, The Jonathan French. Treaty of Washington. Cushing. 24 Penitentiary Library. Messages and Papers of Presidents. 600 Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith. 601 Wealth and Commonwealth. Lloyd. 602 Webster, Daniel, Speeches of 603) 604 f Webster, Daniel, Works of 605) Penitentiary Library. 25 History. 606 Africa, Colonization of, 1899. Sir Harry H. Johnston. 607 American History, 1492 to 1610. Jacob Abbott. 608 American History, 1610 to 1660. Jacob Abbott. 609 American History, 1660 to 1775. Jacob Abbott. 610 American Revolution. Geo. W. Greene. 611 American Historical Incidents. J. W. Barber. 6*12 America not Discovered by Columbus. R. B. Anderson. American Revolution. Vols. 1 and 2. John Fiske. 615 American Conflict, The (civil war). Vol. 2. 616 America, Colonization of Francis Parkman. 617 America, Discovery and Settlement of Wm. Robertson. 618 Ancient America. John D. Baldwin. l Ancient History. Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4. 622 ) Cbas. Rollin. 623 ) Ancient History. Vols. 1 and 2. 624 ) Chas. Rollin. 625 Ancient History, Gentile Nations. 626 Ancient History. Rev. F. Gazeau. 627 ) Ancient Cities, Ruins of. Vols. 1 and 2. 628 ) Chas. Bucke. 629 ) Ancient Cities, Ruins of. Vols. 1 and 2. 630 ) Chas. Bucke. 631 Ancient Cities of the World. Buckley. 632 Arizona as It Is. Hiram C. Hodge. 633 ) Army of the Cumberland. Vols. 1 and 2. 634 ) T. B. Van Horne. 635 Army of the Cumberland. Vol. 1. T. B. Van Horne. 636 Assyria, Story of Ragozin. 637 Athenian Empire. Geo. W. Cox. 638 Building the Nation. Coffin. —3 26 Penitentiary Library. History. 639 Carthasre, Story of Alfred J. Church. Chambers’s Miscellany, eight volumes. W. and R. Chambers. 648 Chinese History. Vol. 1 . John T. Davis. 649 l Chinese History. Vols. 1 and 2. 650 ) John T. Davis. 651 Chivalry, History of 652 Civilization, History of. Vol. 3. F. Guizot. 653 Civil War on the Border. Wiley Britton. 654 Connecticut, History of Theodore Dwight, jr. 655 Connecticut General History. McCormack. 640 ) to £ 647 656 Creation. Sketches of Alex. Winchell. 657 ) to £ Crimea, Invasion of the. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 . 662 ) A. W. Kinglake. 663 ) 664 £ Crusades, History of. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. 665 ) J- F. Michaud. 666 ) 607 £ Decisive Battles of the World. 66g ) E. S. Creasy. 669 Drum-beats of the Nation. C. C. Coffin. 670) 671 £ 672) 673 674 ) to £ 677) 678 ) to [ 681) 682 ) 683) Dutch Republic, Rise of the. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. John L. Motley. Eastern Question, Three Years of English People, History of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4. John R. Green. English Prople, History of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4. John R. Green, England, Hi-tory of. Vols. 1 and 3. Macaulay. 684 j England, History of. Vol. 4, two copies. 685 ) Macaulay. 686 ) England, History of. Vol. 5, two copies. 687 ) Macaulay. 688 ) England, History of 689 ) James Burke. 690 English History, Handbook of Underwood. 691 English History, Beauties of J. Frost. Penitentiary Library. 27 History. \ England, History of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 696) Keisbtl6) '- 697 England, History of 1 Europe, History of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4. 704 f Alison. 705 ( Europe during the Middle Ages. Vols. 1 and 2. 706 ) Hallam. 7071 . 708 1 Europe, History of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4 709 | Alison. 800 J 801 Egypt, History of 802 Florida, Exiles of Joshua R. Biddings. 803 Florida, History of Geo. R. Fairbanks. 804 Forts Sumter and Moultrie. Doubleday. 805 Four Years of Fighting. Coffin. 806 France before Europe. Jules Michelet. 807 French History, Beauties of 808 France and England in North America. Parkman. ' 809 Germany, History of Baring-Gould. 810 / Germany, History of 811 ) Sime. 812) 8L3 f Girondists, History of. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. 814 ) 815 Greeks and Persians. G. W. Cox. 816) 817 l Greece, History of g^g \ Leonhard Schmitz. 819 Granada, Conquest of Washington Irving. 820 Great Republic, The Peck. 821 Grand Army of the Republic. Beath. 822 Heroines of History. 823 Hungary, History of (A. D. 376-1853). 824 Hungary, Story of Arminius Vambery. 825 Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. 28 Penitentiary Library. History. 826 Indian Wars, History of, Brant and Red Jacket. Eggleston. 827 Indian Wars, History of, Montezuma. Eggleston. 828 Indian Wars, History of, Pocahontas. Eggleston. 829 Indian Wars, History of, Red Eagle. Eggleston. 830 Indian Wars, History of, Tecumseh. Eggleston. 831 Irish Confederates and Rebellion of 1798. Henry M. Field. 832 Ireland, Kingdom of Geo. Walpole. 833 I Ireland, History of. Vols. 1 and 2. 834 S John Mitchell. 835 Italy, from Earliest Time to B. C. 32. Wm. Spalding. 836 Italy, A. D. 476 to 1789. Wm. Spalding. 837 Italy, A. D. 1789 to 1814. Wm. Spalding. 838 Italy. Hunt. 839 Jewish Nation, The 8^0 l Jews, Antiquities of the 841 S Flavius Josephus. 842 Jews, Storv of the Jas. K. Hosmer. 843 l Jews, History of the. Vols. 1 and 2. 844 ) Henry Hart Milman. 845 Kansas, History of, 1681 to 1865. Chas. R. Tuttle. 846 Kansas, Annals of, 1542 to 1874. Daniel W. Wilder. 847 Macedonian Empire, The Arthur M. Curtis. 848 Making of the Great West, 1512 to 1883. S. A. Drake. 849 Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1500 to 1572. 850 Mesopotamia and Assyria, B. C. 2566 to A. D. 1860. 851 'l oi^o / Mexico, Conquest of. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. 853 ) Wm. ^ >rescott * 854 Modern History, 1453 to 1789. A. Potter. 855 Modern History, B. C. 31 to A. D. 1847. Peter Fredet. 856 Modern History, A. D. 1492 to 1821. Chas. Duke Yonge. 857 Modern History, Arnold’s Lectures on Thomas Arnold. 858 Moors of Spain, The M. Florian. Penitentiary Library. 29 History. 859 Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion. Geo. W. Williams. 860 Netherlands, The. Vol. 1, 1584 to 1586. John L. Motley. 861 Netherlands, The. Vol. 2, 1586 to 1590. John L. Motley. 862 Netherlands, The. Vol. 3, 1590 to 1600. John L. Motley. 863 Netherlands, The. Vol. 4, 1600 to 1609. John L. Motley. 864 New York, History of Washington Irving. 865 Normans, Story of the Sarah Orne Jewett. 866 Northwest, Early History of the S. P. Hildreth. 867 Norway, Story of Boyesen. 868 Nubia and Abyssinia. 869 Oregon and California, 1848. J. Q. Thornton. 870 Origin of Nations. Geo. Rawlinson. 871 Our Campaigns (civil war). E. M. Woodward. 872 Our Own Times, 1837 to 1855. Justin McCarthy. 873 Our Own Times, 1855 to 1879. Justin McCarthy. 874 Peloponnesian War, The Henry Dale. 875 ) Peru, Conquest of. Vols. 1 and 2. 876 ) Wm. H. Prescott. 877 Persia. Jas. B. Fraser. 878 Persia, Storv of S. G. W. Benjamin. 879 Poland. Jas. Fletcher. 880 Prehistoric Nations. John D. Baldwin. 881 882 Republic, Battles of the Henry W. Harrison. Revolutionary War, The 883 ) gg'^ Revolution, Diary of the. Vols. 1 and 2. 885 Revolution, Battles of the Coffin. 886 ) to (- 890 ) Roman Empire, its Rise and Decline, v Gibbon. Vols. 1-6. 891 Roman Republic, The Ferguson. 30 Penitentiary Library. History. 892 Roman Empire, The W. W. Capes. 893 Rome, History of, B C. 753 to A. D. 476. Chas. Merwale. 894 Rome, History of R. F. Leighton. 895 Rome, Story of Arthur Gilman. | Russo Turkish War, The 898 Russians and the Knout. Ger. De Lagny. 899 l Scandinavia. V lor. Arkwright. Burke. Burns. Byron. Canning. Chatham. Clarke. Clive. Cook. Cowper. Crabbe. Davy. Eldon. Erskine. Fox. Franklin. Grey. Goldsmith. Grattan. 60 Penitertiary Library. Harper’s Biographical Library. 1814 Distinguished Men, vol. 1, by W. C. Taylor. Dante. Wiclif. Chaucer. Erasmus. Copernicus. Cortez. Loyola. Tasso. Cervantes. Shakespeare. Raleigh. Bacon. Kepler. Coke. Adolphus. Galileo. Hampden. Grotius. Descartes. Pascal. De Witt. Milton. Hale. 1815 The same, vol. 2. Sobieski. Bossuet. Locke. Fenelon. Defoe. Penn. Newton. Handel. Chatham. Linnaeus. Euler. Buffon. Del ’Epee. Mozart. Sir W. Jones. Burke, Schwartz. Cowper. Pitt. Fox. Kosciusko. Jenner. Wilberforce. Cuvier. Scott. 1816 Men of Action, by John G. Edgar. Washington. Milner. Wren. Burke. Hume. Hunter. Necker. Southey. Black. Pitt. Moore. Brindley. Erskine. Reynolds. Watt. Collingwood. Tergnmouth. Chantrey. Smith. 1817 Female Sovereigns, volume 1, by Mrs. Jameson. Cleopatra. Zenobia. Joanna I and II. Isabella. Mary. Elizabeth. 1818 The same, vol. 2. Christina. Anne. Maria Theresa. Catherine II. Great Men and Famous Women. 1819 Soldiers and Sailors, vol. 1. Attila. Clovis the First. Charles Martel. Hernando Cortez. Julius Csesar. Miles Standish. Pepin the Short. Saladin. Alexander the Great. Bertrand Du Gueschin. Edward III of England. Godfrey De Bouillon. Henry V of England. Warwick, the King Maker. Gaspard De Coligni. Belisarius. Cyrus the Great. Diocletian. Hannibal. John Huniceder. Nebuchadnezzar. Sir Francis Drake Trajan. Charlemagne. Caius Marius, Francisco Pizarro. Hermann. Mark Antony. Ol of Tryggveson. Walter Raleigh. Alric the Bold. Albrecht Von Wallenstein. Edward I of England. Edward, the Black Prince. Henry IV of France, Scipio Africanus Major. William the Conqueror. Gustavus Adolphus. Penitentiary Library. 61 Great Men and Famous Women. 1820 Soldiers and Sailors, vol. 2. Anthony Wayne. Francis Marion. Israel Putnam. James Lawrence. Paul Jones. Stephen Decatur. Tecumseh. Winfield Scott. Arthur, Duke of Wellington. Charles XII of 8weden. David Glasgow Farragut. Frederick the Great. John, Duke of Marlborough. Napoleon Bonaparte. Prince Eugene of Savoy. Robert, Lord Clive. Thomas Jonathan Jackson. William Tecumseh Sherman Francois Kellermann, Marshal of France. Field Marshal Count Von Moltke. Michel Ney, Marshal of France. Letter from Lee to his Son on the Subject of Duty 1821 Statesmen and Sages: Alfred the Great. Augustus Caesar. Diogenes. Francis Bacon. Isabella of Castile. John Calvin. John Knox. Louis XIV. Lycurgus. Martin Luther. Moses. Oliver Cromwell. Saint Patrick. Socrates. Themistocles. Wm. Bradford. Charles I of England. Charles V of Germany. 3822 1823 George Dewey. Marshal Turrene. Sam. Houston. David Dixon Porter. Guiseppe Garibaldi. Lord Horatio Nelson. Oliver Hazard Perry. Philip Henry Sheridan. Robert Edmund Lee. Ulysses Simpson Grant. Archimedes. Aristotle. Cardinal Richelieu. Demosthenes. Galileo Galilei. John Huss. Justinian the Great. Mahomet. Pericles. Solomon. Wm. Penn. David, King of Israel Elizabeth, Queen of England. Frederick, the Great Elector. Marcus Tullius Cicero. Nicholas Copernicus. Saint Augustine of Canterbury. Saint Augustine of Hippo. Louis XI of France. Letter of Affection from Luther to his little Son Hans. Letter Written on the Eve of his Execution by Charles I to his Son. The same, continued: Andrew Jackson. Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Franklin. Charles Darwin. Daniel O’Connell. Daniel Webster. Grover Cleveland Isaac Newton. Leon Gambetta. Peter the Great. Alexander Hamilton. Charles Stewart Parnell Louis Adolphus Thiers. Prince Von Bismarck. William McKinley. George Cuvier. Jean Francois. Maria Theresa. Simon Bolivar. Benjamin Disraeli. Count de Mirabeau. Edmund Burke. George Washington. Louis Agassiz. Patrick Henry. Thomas Jefferson. Alexander von Humboldt. Jean Henri Pestalozzi. Maximilien Robespierre. Wm. Ewart Gladstone. Wm. Henry Seward. Letter from Adams to a Friend on the Destiny of America. Letter from Washington to his Adopted Daughter on the Subject of Love. Letter from Webster to his Friend Brigham on the Choice of a Profession. William III of England. Workmen and Heroes: iEneas. Ethan Allen. Hercules. King Arthur. Roland. Saint Louis. The Cid. Ulysses. Wm. Harvey. Arnold von Winkelried. Frederick Barbarossa Capt. James Cook. Capt. John Smith. Mary, Queen of Scots. The Chevalier Bayard. Saint Francis of Assisi. Gustavus Vasa. John Howard. Leif Ericsson. Rolo the Gauger. Siegfried. The Gracchi. Vasco De Gama. Xenophon. Christopher Columbus. Harold, King of England. Hans Gutenberg. Joan of Arc. Marco Polo. Saint Bernard. Sir Wm. Wallace. Theseus. Wm. Caxton. Prince Charles Stuart. Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra. -6 62 Penitentiary Library. Great Men and Famous Women. 1824 Workmen and Heroes, continued. Benedict Arnold. Charlotte Corday. Cyrus W. Field. David Livingstone. Dr. Edward Jenner. Gen. Sam Martin. Elisha Kent Kane. Gen. Geo. A. Custer. Henry M. Stanley. Geo. Stephenson. John Ericsson. James Watt. Louis Kossuth. Marie Antoinette. Madame Roland. Nathan Hale. Queen Victoria. Robert Fulton. Ferdinand De Lesseps. Florence Nightingale. Gen. John C. Fremont. Gen. Charles Geo. Gordon. Marquis De Lafayette. Queen Louise of Prussia. Sir Humphrey Davy. Samuel F. B. Morse. Thomas Alva Edison. Thaddeus Kosciusko. Wm. Lloyd Garrison. Wm. Wilberforce. Letter of Affection and Advice from Livingstone to his Chil¬ dren. Letter to Marie Antoinette from Maria Theresa on the Duties of a Sovereign. 1825 Artists and Authors. 1826 Alexander Pope. Charles Dickens. Dean Swift. Homer. John Milton. Plato. Samuel Johnson. Thomas Carlyle. Virgil. Wm. Shakespeare. Alfred Tennyson. Dante. Geoffrey Chaucer. Horace. Moliere. Robert Browning. Schiller. Victor Hugo. Voltaire. Wm. Wordsworth. Cervantes. Daniel Defoe. Goethe. John Bunyan. Petrarch. Robert Burns. Sir Walter Scott. Torquato Tasso. Thomas Chatterton. Washington Irving. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Ralph Waldo Emerson. James Fenimore Cooper Oliver Wendell Holmes. Wm. Cullen Bryant. Letter from Carlyle on the Choice of a Profession. Letter from Emerson to his Children on the Subject Health. Letter of Advice from Scott to his Son. The same, continued. Albert Durer. Adelina Patti. Benjamin West. David Garrick. Edwin Booth. Edwin Forrest. Gerome. Hayden. Meissonier. Mozart Rosa Bonheur. Rembrandt. Sara Bernhardt. Gustave Dore. Handel. Michael Angelo. Mendelssohn. Phidias. Raphael. Richard Wagner. Titian. Dante Gabriel Rossetti Sir Joshua Reynolds. Letter from Miss Cushman to of Self-conquest. of Beethoven. Charlotte Cushman. Franz Liszt. Guiseppi Verdi. Joseph Jefferson. Leonardo Da Vinci. Paganini. Rachel. Rubens. Tborwaldsen. William Hogarth. Jean Francois Millet. Young Friend on the Subject 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 Howell’s Biographies. Frederica Wilhelmina, Margravine of Baireuth. Vols. 1 and 2. Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, and Thomas Ellwood. Indian Biographies. Vols. 1 and 2. Thatcher. Penitentiary Library. 63 Irvine’s Biographies. 1832 ) 1833 f Columbus, Life and Voyages of. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. 1834 ) 1835 Mahomet and his Successors. 1836 ) to [■ Washington, George, Life of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1840 ) Some Other Biographies. 1841 1842 to 1846 1847 1848 1849 t.o 1853 1854 Kings of Fortune, Girard. Lawrence. Longworth. Field. Cyrus Field. Fulton. Howe. Morse. Bonner. West. Swing. Hawthorne. (by Walter L. Houghton.) Astor. Stout. Peabody. Vanderbilt. W. H. Vanderbilt. Goodyear. Hoe. McCormick. Marshall. Rogers. Cartwright. Booth. Stewart. Chickering. Armour. Pullman. Gould. Whitney. Colt. Bennett. Brady. Powers. Longfellow. Jefferson. Painters and Sculptors. Allen Cunningham. Queens of England. Doran. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Vols. 1 and 2. Queens of England. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Agnes Strickland. Queens of England, Students’ Series. Agnes Strickland. 1855 1856 1857 Stewarts of England. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. John H. Jessie. Stoddard’s Bric-a-brac Series. 1858 Personal Reminiscences. Charley, Planche, and Young. 1859 Anecdote Biographies Thackeray and Dickens. 1860 Prosper M6rim6e’s Letters. Lamartine and Sand. 1861 Personal Reminiscences. Barham, Harmes, and Holder. 1862 Greville Memoirs. 1863 Personal Reminiscences. Moore and Jordan. 1864 Personal Reminiscences. Knight and Raikes. 1865 Personal Reminiscences. Kelley, O’Keeffe, and Taylor. 1866 Personal Reminiscences Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. 1867 Personal Reminiscences. Constable and Gillies. 64 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 Penitentiary Library. Miscellaneous Biography. American Mechanics. Henry House. American Humorists. H. R. Hawies. Biographical Sketches. Harriet Martineau. Biographical and Critical Miscellany. Prescott. Byron, Lord, and Other Sketches. Castelar. Carlyle, Thomas, Reminiscences of English Radical Leaders. Hinton. English Statesmen. Higginson. French Political Leaders. Edward King. German Political Leaders. Herbert Tuttle. Greeley, Horace, Life of Lives of the Candidates of 1888. J. G. Carlisle. Old Pioneer. Peter H. Burnett. Popes, Lives of the, A. D. 100 to 1046. Philosophers, Eminent C. D. Yonge. Recollections of Seventy Years. John Farrar. Self-made Men. C. C. B. Seymour. Shoemakers, Illustrious Wm. E. Winks. Soldiers, Illustrious James G. Wilson. Twelve Americans, their Lives and Times. Howard Carroll. Woman’s Work in Civil War. Xenophon. Vols. 1 and 2. Edward Spelman. Penitentiary Library. 65 Essays, Lectures, etc. Arranged alphabetically as to authors. 1890) 1891 £ Burke, Works of Edmund. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 1892) 1893 Discourses on the Life and Writings of James F. Cooper. Wm. C. Bryant. 1894 Orations and Addresses. Wm. C. Bryant. 1895 Biology, with Preludes on Current Events. Joseph Cook. 1896 Conscience, with Preludes on Current Events. Joseph Cook. 1897 Labor, with Preludes on Current Events. Joseph Cook. 1898 Orthodoxy, with Preludes on Current Events. Joseph Cook. 1899 Socialism, with Preludes on Current Events. Joseph Cook. 1900 Transcendentalism, with Preludes on Current Events. Joseph Cook. 1901 Ancient History and Antiquities. Essays. De Quincey. 1902 Biographical and Historical Essays. De Quincey. 1903 Christianity, Paganism, Superstition. Essays. De Quincey. 1904 Eighteenth Century in Scholarship and Literature. Essays. De Quincey. 1905 Literary Criticism. De Quincey. 1906 Literary Reminiscences. ' De Quincey. 1907 Miscellaneous Papers. De Quincey. 1908 Philosophy. Essays. De Quincey. 1909 Romance and Extravaganzas. De Quincey. 1910 l Annals of the English Stage. Vols. 1 and 2. 1911 ) Doran. 1912 ) 1913 ) 1914) 1915 £ 1916) 1917 Monarchs Retired from Business. Vols. 1 and 2. Emerson, Prose Works of. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. Emerson. Essay on Improvement of Time. Foster. 1918 Essay on Evils of Popular Ignorance. Foster. 66 Penitentiary Library. Essays, Lectures, etc. 1919 1 to / Introduction to the Literature of Europe. Vols. 1-4. 1922) Hallam ' 1923 English Poets. Lectures. Hazlett. 1924 Plain Speaker. Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. Hazlett. 1925 The Round Table. Northcote’s Conversations. Hazlett. 1926 Sketches and Essays, and Wintershow. Hazlett. 1927 Table Talk. Original Essays. 1928 ) 1929 \ friends * n Council. Vols. 1 and 2 (two copies). 1930 ) Every-day Topics. 1931 ) J. G. Holland. 1932 ) The Poet at the Breakfast Table. 1933 5 O. W. Holmes. 1934 ) The Professor at the Breakfast Table. 1935 ) O. W. Holmes. 1936 Soundings from the Atlantic. O. W. Holmes. 1937 Crayon Miscellany. Washington Irving. 1938 The Paris Sketch-book. Washington Irving. 1939 Salmagundi. Washington Irving. 1940 Sketch-book of Geoffrey Crayton, Gent. Washington Irving. 1941 Spanish Papers. Washington Irving. 1942 Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow. Jerome K. Jerome. 1943 Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow. Jerome K. Jerome. 1944 ) Fireside Studies. Vols 1 and 2. 1945 ) Henry Kingsley. 1946 l Imaginary Conversations. 1947 ) Walter S. Landor. 1948 Selections from Writings of Walter S. Landor. Charles Lamb. 1949 Elia, Essays of Wm. Matthews. 1950 Elia, Last Essays of , Wm. Matthews. 1952 j ^ ours Men and Books. 1953 Literary Style and Other Essays. 1954 Monday Chats, Sainte Beuve. j- Macaulay’s Miscellanies. Vol. 2. Penitentiary Library. 67 Essays, Lectures, etc. 1957 ) 1958 - Macaulay’s Miscellanies. Vols. 4, 5, and 7. 1959 ) I Modern Painters. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1964 \ John Ruskin. 1965 Mornings in Florence. John Ruskin. 1966 Seven Lamps of Architecture. John Ruskin. 1968 ^ Stones of Venice. Vols. 1, 2, and 3. 1969 \ John Ruskin. 1970 Time and Tide. John Ruskin. 1971 True and Beautiful. John Ruskin. 1972 Character. Samuel Smiles. 1973 Duty. Samuel Smiles. 1974 Life and Labor. Samuel Smiles. 1975 l Self Help. 1976 \ Samuel Smiles. 1977 ) Thrift. 1978 ) Samuel Smiles. 1979 Cape Cod. Henry D. Thoreau. 1980 Concord and Merrimac River. Henry D. Thoreau. 1981 Early Spring in Massachusetts. Henry D. Thoreau. 1982 Excursions. i Henry D. Thoreau. 1983 Letters to Various Persons. Henry D. Thoreau. 1984 Maine Woods. Henry D. Thoreau. 1985 Walden. Henry D. Thoreau. 1986 A Yankee in Canada. Henry D. Thoreau. 1987 Characters and Character Sketches. Edwin P. Whipple. 1989 Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. Edwin P. Whipple. 1990 Literature and Life. Edwin P. Whipple. 1991 Success and its Conditions. Edwin P. Whipple. 1992 Character Building. Booker T. Washington. 1993 A New Negro for a New Century. Booker,T. Washington. 1994 / Back-log Studies. 1995 ) Charles Dudley Warner. 68 Penitentiary Library. Miscellaneous. 1996 Advice to Young Men. Arthur. 1997 American Literature, Compendium of 1998 Anecdotes of Public Men. Forney. 1999 Attic Philosopher in Paris, An 2000 Authors and Publishers. 2001 Battle with the Slum, The Jacob A. Riis. 2002 Border Reminiscences. 2003 Bacchus Dethroned. Frederick Powell. 2004 ) Chimney Corner. 2005 ) C. Crowfield. 2006 Conversations of Goethe. 2007 Critical Essays and Literary Notes. Bayard Taylor. 2008 Caper-sauce, a Volume of Chit-chat. F. Fern. 2009 Chesterfield’s Letters to his Son. 2010 Chesterfield’s Letters, Lord 2011 Celebrities, French Jules Clartie. 2012 Christmas, Book of T. K. Hervey. 2013 ) 2014 s Demosthenes, Orations of 2015 English Literature, A Compendium of Cowper. 2016 Eliot, George, Works of 2017 Eugenie De Guerin, Journal of 2018 English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century. 2019 ) English Literature, History of 2020 ^ H. A. Taine. 2021 Essays by Hugh Miller. 2022 European Acquaintance. De Forest. 2023 Evolution, Popular Lectures on 2024 Festivals, Games, and Amusements. 2025 Field Paths and Green Lanes. Jennings. 2026 Friendship, Cicero, Bacon, and Emerson’s 2027 French Home Life. 2028 Getting on in the World. 2030 ( Grandfather, Tales of a 2031 Greatest Things in the World. Northrop. 2032 Great Speeches, Colonel Ingersoll’s 2033 Haphazard. Kate Field. Penitentiary Library. 69 Miscellaneous. 2034 Half a Century. Jane G. Swisshelm. 2035 Heads and Tails. Grace Greenwood. 2036 Hendricks, Thomas A., A Memorial Address on 2037 Home Sketches in France. H. M. Field. 2038 Horace, Works of C. Smart. 2039 Hood’s Works. Vol. 1. 2040 Inner Life of the Court of Tuileries. Carette. 2041 Is Life Worth Living? Wm. H. Mallock. 2042 Journey Round my Room. De Maistre. 2043 Kings of the Platform and Pulpit. Landon. 2044 Letters on Clerical Manners. Miller. 2045 Literature, Science, and Art. 2046 Locusts and Wild Honey. Burroughs. 2047 Masters of the Situation. Wm. T. Tilley. 2048 Modern Ships of War. Sir Edward Reed. 2049 Merrie England. 2050 Money Market, The Walter Bagehot. 2051 Music in America. Ritter. 2052 Natural Magic, Letters on 2053 New Republic. W. H. Mallock. 2054 Novels and Novelists of the Eighteenth Century. Wm. Forsyth. 2055 Old Story Tellers. Mitchell. 2056 Order of Studies, True Rev. Hill. 2057 Our Wasted Resources. Wm. Hargreaves. 2058 Palmetto Leaves. H. B. 8towe. 2059 Paths to Wealth. John D. Knox. 2060 Poets’ Poet, The 2061 Premiums Paid to Experience. Garrett. 2062 Prenticeana. Geo. D. Prentice. 2063 Prison Life in the South. O. O. Abbott. 70 Penitentiary Library. Miscellaneous. 2064 Programme of Christianity. Drummond. 2065 Property and Labor, Essays on Lieber. 2066 Remarkable Customs. 2067 Reply to “A Fool’s Errand, by One of the Fools.” Wm. L. Royal. 2068 Roundabout Papers (lectures). W. M. Thackeray. 2069 Sarah Martha in Paris. Sadie Bourgoin. 2070 Sayings of Doctor Bushwhacker. Cozzens. ( School and Army, Germany and France. 2072 ) General Hazen. 2073 Scottish Life and Character. Ramsey. 2074 Silent South, The G. W. Cable. 2075 Simple Life, The Chas. Wagner. 2076 Sketches of Leech, Thackeray, and Others. 2077 Smith, Works of Rev. Sidney 2078 Solitude of Nature and Man. Alger. 2079 Sparrowgrass Papers. 2080 Tales, Essays, and Poems. Jane and Ann Taylor. 2081 Temperance Anecdotes. G. W. Bemgoy. 2082 Temperance Reform. Rev. D. Burns. 2083 Theological and Literary Essays. Everett. 2084 Thoughts and Things. Burritt. 2085 Topics of the Times. James Parton. 2086 ) Turning Points. 2087 ) J. S. Brandt. 2088 Twelve Miles from a Lemon. Gail Hamilton. 2089 Venetian Life. Howells. 2090 Veteran and his Pipe, The 2091 Warwick Woodland. Frank Forester. 2092 War and General Culture, Conversations on 2093 Wet Days at Edgewood. 2094 What Can a Woman Do? 2095 Wonders of Bodily Strength and Skill. 2096 2097 2098 2099 2 LOO 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 Penitentiary Library. 71 Poetry. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Cloth of Gold and other Poems. Flower and Thorn. Will Carleton. City Ballads. City Festivals. City Legends. Farm Ballads. Farm Festivals. Farm Legends. Paul Laurence Dunbar. Candle Lightin’ Time. Li’l Gal (illustrated). Lyrics of the Hearthside. Lyrics of Lowly Life. Lyrics of Love and Laughter. Poems of Cabin and Field. When Malindy Sings. Eugene Field, A Little Book of Western Verse. Love Songs of Childhood. Lullaby Land. Poems of Childhood, illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Second Book of Verse. Songs and other Verse. With Trumpet and Drum. J. G. Holland. Bitter-sweet. Kathrina, her Life and Mine. The Marble Prophecy. Mistress of the Manse. Rudyard Kipling. Ballads and Other Verse. Barrack-room Ballads. The Seven Seas. 72 Penitentiary Library. Henry W. Longfellow. 2126 Golden Legand. 2127 Lyrics and Ballads. 2128 The Hanging of the Crane. 2129 Song of Hiawatha, The Owen Meredith. 2130 Lucile. 2131 Poetical Works, Complete Janies Whitcomb Riley. 2132 Afterwhiles. 2133 Armazindy. 2134 A Child World. 2135 The Flying Islands of the Night. 2136 Green Fields and Running Brooks. 2137 His Pa’s Romance. 2138 Home Folks. 2139 Neighborly Poems. 2140 Pipes o’ Pan at Zekesbury. 2141 Sketches in Prose. 2142 Rhymes of Childhood. William Shakespeare. Volume 1, English Drama and Stage, History of Volume 2, Measure for Measure; Much Ado About Nothing. Volume 3, As You Like It; Taming the Shrew. Volume 4, King John; King Richard II; King Henry IV. Volume 5, King Henry VI ; King Richard III; King Henry VIII. Volume 6, Troilus and Cressida; Coriolanus. Volume 7, Julius Caesar; Macbeth; Hamlet; King Lear; Othello. Volume8, Anthony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Peri¬ cles. Volumes 1 and 2. Volumes 3 and 4. Volumes 5 and 6. Volumes 7 and 8. Complete Works (two copies). Bayard Taylor. 2157 Poems of the Orient. 2158 Poetical Works. 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 l 2156$ Penitentiary Library. 73 J. G. Whittier. 2159) 2L60 ! Complete Poetical Works (two copies.) 2161 Songs of Labor. 2162 Songs of Three Centuries. William Wordsworth. 2163 Poems. 2164 Poetical Works. Miscellaneous Poetry. 2165 Arnold’s Poetical Works. 2166 Brooks, Chas. 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Hans Christian Andersen. Stories from Greek Tragedians. Church. Stories of War. E. E. Hale, Stories of English and Foreign Life. William and Mary Howitt. Story of an Enthusiast, The Mrs. Jamison. Story of an Untold Love, The Paul Liecester Ford. Story of the Gadsbys, The Rudyard Kipling. St. Philip’s. Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, The Wm. Black. Strange Story, A Bulwer-Lytton. String of Pearls, A Stringtown on the Pike. John U. Lloyd. Strollers, The Isham. St. Ronan’s Well. Sir Walter Scott. Strong-minded Woman, A W. A. Hammond. Study in Scarlet, A A. Conan Doyle. Subtle Adversary, A Schofield. Summer Idyl. Christian Reid. Surly Tim and Other Stories. Frances H. Burnett. Sutherlands, The Mrs. Sidney Harris. Swiss Family Robinson. “ Uncle Philip.” Sybil. Lord Beaconsfield (jDisraeli). Sylvie’s Betrothed. Henry Greville. Taken Alive. E. P. Roe. Tale of Two Cities, A Chas. Dickens. Tale of a Traveller. Washington Irving. Tale of Two Nations, A W. H. Harvey. Tales from the German. Victor Hugo. 112 Penitentiary Library. Fiction. 3271 Tales of Mean Streets. Arthur Morrison. 3272 Tales of the Peerage and the Peasantry. 3273 Tales of the Argonauts. Bret Harte. 3274 Talisman, The, acd Anne of Geierstein. Sir Walter Scott, 3275 Tancred, or the New Crusade. Disraeli ( Lord Beaconsfleld). 3276 Tangier’s Vacation. E. E. Hale. 3277 Taina’s Peril. Henry Greville. 3278 Temperance Tales. T. S. Arthur. 3279 Tenants of Wildfell Hall. Annie Bronte. 3280 Tennessee Judge, A Opie Read. 3281 Ten Nights in a Bar Room. T. S. Arthur. 3282 Tenting on the Plains. Elizabeth Custer. 3283 That Printer of Udell’s. Harold Bell Wright. 3284 That Terrible Man. 3285 Theophrastus Such. George Eliot. 3286 Things that are Caesar’s, The R. W. Kaufman. 3287 Thorn Apples. Emily H. Miller. 3288 Thorpe Regis. 3289 Those Boys. Faye Huntington. 3290 Those Delightful Americans. Mrs. Everard Coates. 3291 Thrall of Lief the Lucky, The Ollie A. Liljencrantz. 3292 Thread of Gold, The Mrs. Wilbur. 3293 Three Beauties, The Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. 3294 Three Guardsmen, and Twenty Years After. Alexandre Dumas. 3295 Three Musketeers, The Alexandre Dumas. 3296 Three Men in a Boat. Jerome K. Jerome. 3297 Three People. Pansy. 3298 Throstlethwaite. Susan Morley. 3299 Through a Needle’s Eye. Hesba Stretton. Penitentiary Library. 113 Fiction. 3300 Through One Administration. Frances H. Burnett. 3301 Through the Dark to the Day. Mrs. Jennie F. Willing. 3302 ) Titian. Vols. 1 and 2. 3303 ) Jean Paul Richter. 3304 To-day, a Romance. Richard B. Kimball. 3305 To Have and to Hold. Mary Johnston. 3306 Toilers of the Sea. Victor Hugo. 3307 Tom Brown’s School Days. Hughes. 3308 Tom Burke of “Ours.” Charles Lever. 3309 Tom Grogan. F. H. Smith. 3310 Tommy & Co. Jerome K. Jerome. 3311 Tommy and Grizel. J. M. Barrie. 3312 Tony Butler. Charles Lever. 3313 Tony, the Maid. Blanche Howard. 3314 Tour of the World in Eighty Days, A Jules Verne. 3315 Tracy Diamonds, The Mary J. Holmes. 3316 Traffics and Discoveries. Rudyard Kipling. 3317 Treasure Island. R. L. Stevenson. 3318 Tried for her Life. 3319 Trooper Galahad. Charles King. 3320 True to the Old Flag. G. A. Henty. 3321 Trumpeter Fred. Charles King. 3322 Turk. Opie Read. 3323 Turning of the Wheel, The Mary Cleltis. 3324 Twenty Thousand Leagues. Jules Verne. 3325 ) Twice Told Tales. Vols. 1 and 2. 3326 ) Nathaniel Hawthorne. 3327 Two Circuits, The J. L. Crane. 3328 Two Dianas, and a Page of the Duke of Savoy. Alexandre Dumas. ■ 3329 Two Little Wooden Shoes. “Ouida.” 114 Penitentiary Library. 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 Fiction. Two Vanrevels. Booth Tarkington. Uncle Terry, a Story of the Maine Coast. Chas. C. Munn, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncommercial Traveler, The Charles Dickens. Under Dog, The F. Hopkinson Smith. Under Fire. Charles King. Under the Deodars. Rudyard Kipling. Under the Red Robe. Stanley J. Weyman. Under Two Flags. “ Ouida.” Up Terrapin River. Opie Read. Usurper, The Judith Gautier. Vagabondia. Frances H. Burnett. Vain Fortune. Goorge Moore. Valentine, the Countess. Detlef. Valley of Decision, The Edith Wharton. Van Bibber and other Stories. Richard Harding Davis. Vanity Fair. Wm. M. Thackeray. Vascenselos, a Romance of the New World. Gilmore Simms. Vashti. Augusta E. Wilson. Vergiliue. Irving Bacheller. Vestigia. Geo. Fleming. Via Crucis. F. M. Crawford. Vicar of Wakefield, The Oliver Goldsmith. Vicomte de Bragelonne, and Ten Years Later. Alexandre Dumas. Victorious Defeat, A Walcott Balestier. Victory Deane. Cecil Griffith. Victory of the Vanquished, The Eliza Charles. Penitentiary Library. 115 Fiction. 3357 Vineta, the Phantom City. Francis Shaw. 3358 Virginian, The Owen Wister. 3359 Virginians, The Wm, M. Thackeray. 3360 Viva. Mrs. Forrester. 3361 Vivia, or the Secret of Power. Mrs. E. D. E. N. South worth. 3362 Vivian, the Beauty. 3363 Vultures, The H. S. Meriman. 3364 Wandering Jew, The Eugene Sue. 3365 Warrior Gap. Charles King. 3366 Warwick. Mansfield Walworth. 3367 Was he Wise? J. K. Ludlum. 3368 Watchers‘of the Trails. C. D. G. Roberts. 3369 Waters of Caney Fork, The Opie Read. 3370 Water Witch, and The Two Admirals. J. Fenimore Cooper. 3371 Water Witch. J. Fenimore Cooper. 3372 Waverly, and Guy Mannering. Sir Walter Scott. 3373 Waverly, or Sixty Years Since. Sir Walter Scott. 3374 Ways of the Hour, The J. Fenimore Cooper. 3375 Wept of Wish-ton-wish, The J. Fenimore Cooper. 3376 Westerners, The Stewart Edward White. 3377 West Lawn. Mary J. Holmes. 3378 What Can She Do ? E. P. Roe. 3379 What Fide Remembers. Faye Huntington. 3380 What Nobody ever Told Me. Mrs. Filley. 3381 What’s to be Done ? 3382 What Will he Do with It ? Bulwer-Lytton. 3383 When Knighthood was in Flower. “Edwin Caskoden” (Chas. Major). 3384 Where the Battle was Fought. C. E. Craddock. 116 Penitentiary Library. Fiction. 3385 White Company, The A. Conan Doyle. 3386 White Lies. Charles Reade. 3387 Whom the Gods Destroyed. Josephine Daskam. 3388 Who Saved the Ship ? “ Jak.” 3389 Whose Hand ? Wills and Green. 3390 Whosoever Shall Offend. F. M. Crawford. 3391 Who Was He ? 3392 Wide, Wide World, The Susan Warner. 3393 Widow Lerouge, The Emil Gaboriau. 3391 Wife of a Vain Man, The Marie S. Schwartz. 3395 Wife in Name Only. C. Braeme (Bertha M. Clay). 3396 Wigwam and Cabin, The Gilmore Simms. 3397 Wild Animals I Have Known. E. Seton-Thompson. 3398 Wild Man of the West, The R. M. Ballantyne. 3399 Wilfrid Cumbermede. George MacDonald. 3400 Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship. Goethe. 340 L Winifred Bertram. Eliza Charles. 3402 Winning Side, The Mary Cleltis. 3403 Witch’s Head, The H. R. Haggard. 3404 With Fire and Sword. Henry Sienkiewicz. 3405 Without a Home. E. P. Roe. 3406 Wives of the Prophet, The Opie Read. 3407 Woman in Armor, A Mary Hartwell. 3408 Woman of To-day, A Margaret Jackson. 3409 Wooing of Wistaria, The Onoto Watanna. 3410 Woodcraft. Gilmore Simms. ’ 3411 Woodstock, and St. Ronan’s Well. Sir Walter Scott. 3412 Words and Ways. Sarah Jones. 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 Penitentiary Library. 117 Fiction. Wounded Name, A Charles King. Woman’s Rights and Wrongs, A Wrong Man, The D. M. Kelsey. Wyandotte, and The Monikins. J. Fenimore Cooper. Wych Hazel. Susan and Anna Warner. Xenie’s Inheritance. Henry Greville. Yankee from the West, A Opie Read. Year Worth Liviner, A William M. Baker. Yemasse, The Gilmore Simms. Young Girl’s Wooing, A E. P. Roe. Young Duke, The Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfleld). Young Knight of the Cross, A Wise. Youth of Washington, The S. Weir Mitchell. Zanona. Bulwer-Lytton. Zit and Zoe. Zitka. Henry Greville. Zoroaster. F. Marion Crawford. Zury, Meanest Man in Spring County. Kirkland. 118 Penitentiary Library. Travel, Adventure, and Description* 3431 Abode of Snow. Wilson. 3432 Ab-sa-ra-ka. Colonel Carrington. 3433 Abyssinia, 1861. 3134 A Day’s Ride. 3435 Africa, Missionary Adventures in, 1860. 3436 Africa, Views in, 1895. Anna B. Badlam. 3437 Africa, Stanley and the White Heroes in, 1900. D. M. Kelsey. 3438 Africa, Travels in South, 1881. Taylor. 3439 Africa, Christian Adventures in South, 1867. Taylor. 3440 Africa, A Yankee’s Adventures in South, 1897. Chas. Simpson. 3441 Africa, Travels in West, 1897. Mary Kingsley. 3442 Along Alaska’s Great Rivers, 1898. Schwatka. 3443 Alaska, A Summer in, 1894. Schwatka. 3444 American Adventures, 1710. 3445 American Explorations in the Ice Zones. J. E. Nourse. 3446 American Note-books, 1868. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 3447 Americans, Among the, 1881. Holyoke. 3448 Ararat. Journey to, 1842. Doctor Parrot. 3449 Arctic Boat Journey, 1854. Hayes. 3450 Arctic Discovery, Nineteenth Century. 3451 Arctic Voyages, 1818. 3452 Armenia, 1854. Robert Curzon. 3453 Around the Capitol, 1902. Thomas Fleming. 3454 Around the World, Voyages, 1870. 3455 Around the World, 1872. E. D. G. Prime. 3456 Around the World, 1768 to 1771. Captain Cook. 3457 Around the World, Our New Way, 1866. C. C. Coffin. 3458 Around the World, A Tour, 1885. Ramm. Penitentiary Library. 119 Travel, Adventure, and Description. 3459 Around the World, 1887. Richardson. 3460 Around the World, 1872. E. D. G. Prime. 3461 Around the World. 1884. Andrew Carnegie. 3462 Around the World, 1870. Seward. 3463 Around the World with Grant. L. T. Remlap. 3461 Asia, Travels in Central, 1864. Vamberg. 3465 Asia, Land of the White Elephant, 1881. Vincent. 3466 Beyond the Sea, Sketches, 1879. Franc Wilkie. 3167 Bible Lands during Nineteenth Century, Explorations in. •. Hilprecht. 3468 Borneo, Expedition to, 1846. 3469 Brazil, Journey in, 1867. Mrs. Agassiz. 3170 California and Oregon Trail, 1846. Parkman. 3471 California of the South, 1888. Lindley and Widney. 3472 California, Southern, 1886. Van Dyke. 3473 California, Two Years in, 1876. Cone. 3474 Camp, Court, and Siege, 1877. Hoffman. 3475 Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 1841. Stevens. 3476 China, Travels in, 1887. Jas. Wilson. 3477 Chinese Empire, 1854. M. Hue. 3478 l Chinese, Social Life of the, 1865. Vols. 1 and 2. 3479 \ Doolittle. 3480 Congo, and Founding of its Free State, 1885. Henry M. Stanley. 3481 Crest of the Continent, 1885. Ernest Ingersoll. 3482 Cruise of the “Challenger,” 1872. W. J. J. Spry. 3483 Cruise of the Brooklyn, 1884. W. H. Beehler. 3484 Cuba and Back, To, 1859. R. H. Dana, jr. 3485 Due South, 1885. M. M. Ballou. 3486 Due West, 1884. M. M. Ballou. 3487 Early English Voyages. 120 Penitentiary Library. Travel, Adventure, and Description. 3438 Egypt. Journal of a Visit to, 1869. Grey. 3489 Egypt and Iceland, 1874. Taylor. 3490 Egypt and the Levant, 1876. Warner. 3491 Egypt, The Khedive’s, 1875. Edwin De Leon. 3492 Eldorado, 1850. Bayard Taylor. 3493 England, Scotland, and Germany, 1880. 3494 English Note-book, 1870. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 3495 English Travelers and Italian Brigands, 1865. J. C. Moens. 3496 Eothen, Traces of Travel, 1860. Alex. W. Kinglake. 3497 Europe and America, 1850. W. C. Bryant. 3498 Europe, By-ways of, 1869. Taylor. 3499 Europe, 1864. C. C. Felton. 3500 Europe Seen with Knapsack and Staff, 1846. Bayard Baylor. 3501 Explorations^ the World. Jules Verne. 3502 Fankwei, 1859. W. M. Wood. 3503 Far East, The, 1867. N. C. Burt. 3504 Forest and Jungle, 1896. P. T. Barnum. 3505 Four Years in the Saddle, 1865. Colonel Gilmor. 3506 France, Impressions of a Traveler, 1867. Miss Muloch. 3507 “From Dan to Beersheba,” 1864. J. P. Newman. 3508 ) From Sea to Sea. Vols. 1 and 2. 3509 ^ Rudyard Kipling. 3510 Germany, American Family in, 1877. J. R. Browne. 3511 Goethe, Travels of, 1815. J. W. Schmidt. 3512 Great Cities of the Modern World, 1887. 3513 Greater Britain, 1868. C. W. Dilke. 3514 Great Fur Land, The, 1880. 3515 Greece and Russia, 1850. Bayard Taylor. 3516 Greenland, 1871. 1.1. Hayes. Penitentiary Library. 121 Travel, Adventure, and Description. 3517 How I Found Livingstone, 1871. H. M. Stanley. 3518 Iceland, 1870. Lord DufEerin. 3519 Iceland, the Island of Fire. Headley. 3520 India, China, and Japan, 1855. Bayard Taylor. 3521 India, Winter in, 1881. W. E. Baxter. 3522 Italy and Old Rome. Emilio Castelar. 3523 Italy, Goethe’s Travels in, 1786. 3524 Italian Note-book, 1858. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 3525 Italian Sights aDd Papal Principles, 1855. J. J. Jarvis. 3526 Japan in our Day, 1870. Bayard Taylor. 3527 l Japan. Unbeaten Tracks in, 1878. Vols. 1 and 2. 3528 ) Isabelle Bird. 3529 Kansan Abroad, A, 1877. Noble L. Prentis. 3530 Kansas at the World’s Fair, 1893. 3531 Kingdom. My Apingi, 1870. Du Chaillu. 3532 Knight Templar Abroad, 1883. Cord. 3533 Land of Moab, The, 1873. H. B. Tristram. 3534 Lands of the Saracen, The, 1852. Bayard Taylor. 3535 La Salle and his Companions, Adventures of J. S. C. Abbott. 3536 Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1830. 3537 Life and Travels of Mungo Park, 1795. 3538 Life in the Highlands, 1842. 3539 Lotus Eatina p , 1852. G. W. Curtis. 3540 Malay Archipelago, 1854. A. R. Wallace, 3541 Marco Polo, Travels of, 1300. 3542 Mardi and a Voyage Thither, 1849. Mellville. 3543 Miracle in Stone, or the Great Pyramid of Egypt. J. A. Seiss. 3544 Mummies and Moslems, 1876. C. D. Warner. 3545 New Colorado and the Santa F6 Trail, 1880. A. A. Hayes, jr. 3546 l Niger, Journal of an Expedition to the 3547 ) Vols. 1 and 2. Landler. —11 122 Penitentiary Library. Travel, Adventure, and Description. 3548 Nile Notes, 1856 G. W. Curtis. 3549 Nile, My Winter on the, 1876. C. D. Warner. 3550 Ninevah, Discoveries at, 1851. A. H. Layard. 3551 Ninevah, or the Buried City, 1863. 3552 Orient Sunbeams, 1882. S. S. Cox. 3553 Painter’s Camp, A, I860. 3554 Palestine, 1159 to 1699. Thomas Wright. 3555 Persia, By Caravan through, 1875. Arthur Arnold. 3556 Philippines, Yesterday in the, 1898. Stevens. 3557 Polar and Tropical World, The, 1874. Hartwig. 3558 Polar Sea and Regions, 1868. 3559 Polynesia, Australia, and India, 1875. Frank Vincent. 3560 Polynesian Life in a Valley of the Marquesas. H. Mellville. 3561 Ranch Life, and the Hunting Trail. Theo. Roosevelt; illustrated by Frederick Remington. 3562 Rhine, The, a Tour from Paris to Mayence, 1888. Victor Hugo. 3563 Ride to Khiva, 1870. Fred Burnaby. 3564 Romance of Adventure. 3565 Round Trip by Way of Panama, 1879. John Codman. 3566 San Domingo, 1869. 3567 Santo Domingo and Hayti, 1872. ' Hazzar. 3568 Saunterings, 1872. C. D. Warner. 3569 Schwatka’s Search, 1880. William Gilder. 3570 Seasons with the Sea Horse, 1858. 3571 Seven Months' Run around the World, 1871. Brooks. 3572 Siberia, Oriental Lands and Western 3573 Siberia, Tent Life in, 1865. George Kennan. 3574 Some Strange Corners of our Country, 1891. C. F. Lummis. 3575 Spain and the Spaniards, 1873. Thieblin. 3576 Spain and Portugal, 1870. Anderson. 3577 Spain, Life in, 1860. Walter Thornbury. 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 Penitentiary Library. 123 Travel, Adventure, and Description. Spanish, Americans among the, 1867. F. Hassaurek. Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England, 1858. Robert Carter. Syria, The Howadji in, 1856. G. W. Curtis. Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe. J. MacGregor. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a New World, 1840. Through and Through the Tropics, 1875. Frank Vincent, jr. Through Cities and Prairie Lauds, 1876. Through the Lands of Scott. Tour to the Hebrides, Journal of a, 1785. James Boswell. Travels and Adventures. Horace C. Fry. Turkey, Diversions of a Diplomat in, 1887. 8. S. Cox. Turkish and Greek Waters, 1854. Felton. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback, 1867. James Meline. Two Years in the Jungle, 1876. Hornaday. Underground. Under the Southern Cross, 1888. Ballou. Voyage Alone in the Yawl Rob R >y, 1880. Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1876. Mrs. Brassy. Waikna, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, 1850. S. A. Bard. West from a Car Window, The, 1892. R. H. Davis. Wild Indians and their Daring Deeds. Ella Stratton. Woman’s Experience in Europe, A E. D. Wallace. Wonders of the Tropics, 1890. Stanley and others. Yellowstone Park, 1877. E. J. Stanley. Yusef, Journey of the Frangi, 1853. J. R. Browne. 124 Penitentiary Library. Juvenile. Educational. 3603 About Common Things. Jacob Abbott. '3604 Boy’s Book of Science. J. H. Pepper. 3605 Child’s Health Primer. 3606 Claws and Hoofs, Neighbors with James Johonnot. 3607 Friends in Feathers and Furs. James Johonnot. 3608 Flyers, Creepers, and Swimmers. James Johonnot. 3609 Hygiene for Young Folks. 3610 Picture Lessons in English. Barnes. 3611 Rollo’s Philosophy. Jacob Abbott. 3612 Rollo at Play. Jacob Abbott. 3613 Rollo at School Jacob Abbott. 3614 Rollo at Work Jacob Abbott. 3615 Rollo’s Correspondence. Jacob Abbott. 3616 Rollo’s Experiment. Jacob Abbott. 3617 Rollo’s Philosophy — Fire. Jacob Abbott. 3618 Rollo Learning to Read. Jacob Abbott. 3619 Rollo’s Museum. Jacob Abbott. 3620 Rollo’s Philosophy — Sky. Jacob Abbott. 3621 Rollo’s Travels. Jacob Abbott. 3622 Rollo’s Vacation. Jacob Abbott. 3623 Rollo’s Philosophy — Water. Jacob Abbott. 3624 Science for the Young. Jacob Abbott. 3625 Things Indoors. Jacob Abbott. 3626 Wings and Fins, Neighbors with. 3627 Wonders of Science. Henry Mayhew. Penitentiary Library. 125 Juvenile — History. 3628 Ancient History. Jacob Abbott. 3629 Annals of the Nations of Modern Europe. John G. Edgar. 3630 Building the Nation. C. C. Coffin. 3631 Child’s History of England. Charles Dickens. 3632 England, Young Folks’ History of Yonge. 3633 England, History of Mrs. Pierson. 3634 France, History of Mrs. Pierson. 3635 Germany, History of Mrs. Pierson. 3636 Indian History for Young Folks. 3637 Ireland, History of Agnes Sadieir. 3638 Japan, History of Helen Smith. 3639 Old Times in the Colonies. C. C. Coffin.- 3640 Roman Empire, History of Shepard. 3641 Russia. History of Helen Smith. 3642 Story of Liberty. 3643 Stories of Our Country. James Johonnot. 3644 Ten Great Events in History. James Johonnot. 3645 United States, Child’s History of John Bonner. 3646 Youth’s History of the Rebellion. Thayer. Adventure. 3647 Africa, Boy Travelers in Central 3648 Bible Lands, Youthful Explorers in 3649 Congo, Boy Travelers on the Knox. 3650 Cross and Crescent; Young Americans in Turkey and Greece. Adams. 3651 Down the Rhine, Germany. 3652 Egypt and the Holy Land, Boy Travelers in Knox. 3653 Egypt and Holy Land, Adventures of Two Youths in Knox. 3654 Ireland and Scotland. 3655 Isles of the Sea. 3656 Lost in the Jungle. 126 Penitentiary Library. Juvenile — Adventure. 3657 Northern Lands, Russia and Prussia. Adams. 3658 Palace and Cottage, France and Switzerland. 3659 Redburn, his First Voyage. Melville. 3660 Rifle, Rod and Gun in California. 3661 Rollo in Naples. Jacob Abbott. 3662 South America, Boy Travelers in Knox. 3663 Sunny Shores, Italy and Australia. Adams. 3664 Up the Baltic, Norway and Sweden. Adams. 3665 Vine and Olive, Spain and Portugal. Adams. 3666 Vivian. Voyage of the, North Pole and Beyond. T. W. Knox. 3668 Young Nimrods around the World. T. W. Knox. Miscellaneous. 8669 All Around a Palette. Lizzie Champ^ey. 3670 Bible History, Aunt Charlotte’s Stories of C. M. Yonge. 3671 Boy Life in the United States Navy. H. H. Clark. 3672 Boys of Other Countries. Taylor. 3673 Fireside Reading. 3674 Golden Opportunities in Every day Life. Metcalf. 3675 Lady of the Lake. Sir Walter Scott. 3676 Men who Have Risen. 3677 Notes for Boys — Morals, Mind, and Manners. 3678 Original Poems for Infant Minds. 3679 Pastimes with my Little Friends. Martha Benaett. 3680 Poor Boys who Became Famous. Sarah Bolton. 368L Riverside, or Winning a Soul. Marie Butler. 3682 Sabbath day Book for Boys and Girls. 3683 Sherman, Wm. T., Life and Battles of 3684 Ten Years among the Newsboys. Alex. Hogdan. Penitentiary Library. 127 Juvenile —Fiction. 3685 All Taut, or Rigging the Boat. Oliver Optic. 3686 Ben’s Nugget, a Boy’s Search for a Fortune. Horatio Alger, jr. 3987 Blount Family, The 3688 Boat Club, or Bankers of Rippleton. 3689 Boy’s Froissart. Sidney Lanier. 3690 Brake Up, or the Young Peacemaker. 3691 Bread and Beer. Mary Cleltis. 3692 Breaking Away, Fortunes of a Student. Oliver Optic. 3693 Broken Pitcher, or Ways of Providence. 3691 Building Stones. Julia P. Ballard. 3695 Byrne Ransom’s Building. Pardoe. .3696 Camping Out, as Recorded by “Kit ” C. A. Stephens. 3697 Camp at Surf Bluff. E. A. Rand. 3698 Camp Tabor, Child Life in the Woods. 3699 Carl and Jocko. 3700 Charlie Codman’s Cruise, Story for Boys. Horatio Alger, jr. 370L Coming to the Light. Mrs. Newbury. 3702 Coming Wave, The Oliver Optic. 3703 Contradictions, or High Life at Edgerton. A. K. D. 3704 Cringle and Cross Tree, or the Sea Washes of a Sailor. Oliver Optic. 3705 Daisy Seymour. L. A. F. 3706 Dear Daughter Dorothy. A. G. Plymton. 3707 Dikes and Ditches, Holland and Belgium. 3708 Dorcas Club, The; Our Girls Afloat. Oliver Optic. 3709 Down the River, Buck Bradford and his Tyrants. 3710 Dream Children. Horace Scudder. 3711 Ellen Linn. 3712 Enchanting and Enchanted. Mrs. Wister. 3713 Engineer, The 3714 Evening Rest, or Under the Shadow of the Great Shepherd. l. L. 3715 Eyebright. Susan Coolidge. 128 Penitentiary Library. Juvenile — Fiction. 3716 Ferry Boy and the Financier. 3717 Field and Forest. Oliver Optic. 3718 Flag of Distress, The 3719 Flowers of Fable. 3720 Frank among the Rancheros. Harry Castleman. 3721 Frank in the Mountains. Harry Castleman. 3722 Frank in the Woods. Harry Castleman. 3723 Frank on the Lower Mississippi. Harry Castleman. 3724 Freaks of Fortune. Oliver Optic. 3725 Fussbudgets Folks. Anna Burnham. 3726 Gibraltar Gallery. Jacob Abbott. 3727 Glimpses Through. 3728 Gold Hunters, Adventures in Australia. Wm. H. Thomas. 3729 Gone to Texas. Thomas Hughes. 3730 Grandfather’s Stories. James Johonnot. 3731 Great Elm, The Jacob Abbott. 3732 Handie. 3733 Harper Establishment. 3734 Harry Bradford’s Cruise. Mathews. 3735 Hector’s Inheritance. Horatio Alger, jr. 3736 Helping Himself. Horatio Alger, jr. 3737) to [- Home Twilight Stories. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 3740) 3741 Horseshoe Robinson. Kennedy. 3742 John True. Harper. 3743 Judge Justin. Harper. 3744 Jungle Book. Rudyard Kipling. 3745 Knockabout Club. F. A. Ober. 3746 Left on Labrador, C. A. Stephens. 3747 Lightning Express. Penitentiary Library. 129 Juvenile — Fiction. 3748 Little by Little. Oliver Optic. 3749 Lost on an Island. 3750 Louis’s School Days. E. J. May. 3751 Lynx Hunting. 3752 Make or Break, Rich Man’s Daughter. Oliver Optic. 3753 Marco Paul on the Erie Canal. 3754 Marble Preacher. Mrs. Clarke. 3755 Marooners’ Island. Goulding. 3756 Mary Erskine. 3757 Master and Pupil. 3758 Ministering Children. 3759 Midshipman Easy. 3760 Money Maker, Victory of the Basilisk. Oliver Optic. 3761 Nimrod of the Sea. Wm. Davis. 3762 Now or Never. 3763 Ocean Born, Cruise of the Clubs. Oliver Optic. 3764 Ocean Waifs. Captain Reid. 3765 Off to the Geysers. C. A. Stephens. 3766 Old Horseshoe, Sammy’s First Cent. 3767 One Little Rebel. Julia Smith. 3768 One Year of My Life. Mrs. Middlebrook. 3769 Out West. Oliver Optic. 3770 Out of the Breakers. Oliver Optic. 3771 Phil and His Friends. Oliver Optic. 3772 Queer Stories. 3773 Ready About. Oliver Optic. 3774 Recollections of Auton House. Hopkins. 3775 Round Top and Square Top. 3776 Royal Service, the King’s Seal. Kate Hamilton. 3777 Rufus and Rose. Horatio Alger. 3778 Sailor Boy Bob. 3779 Sailor Boy, The Oliver Optic. 130 Penitentiary Library. Juvenile — Fiction. 3780 Satinwood Box. J. T. Trowbridge. 3781 Seek and Find. Oliver Optic. 3782 Starry Flag, The 3783 Speaking Likenesses. Thomas Hughes. 3784 Square and Compass, Building the House. 3785 Starboard and Port. Geo. Hepworth. 3786 Stories from Famous Ballads. 3787 Stories from the French. Mrs. Speed. 3788 Stories of Heroic Deeds. 3789 Stories of Discovery. E. E. Hale. 3790 Stories of the Island World. 379 L Stories of Olden Times. 3792 Stories of the Old World. Church. 3793 Stories of the Sea. E. E. Hale. 3794 Striking for the Right. Julia Eastman. 3795 Susie’s Spectacles. 3796 Switch Off, War of the Students. Oliver Optic. 3797 Tales from Ariosto. 3798 There She Blows, Log of the Arethusa. Captain Macy. 3799 The Three Pines. 3800 Tinkham Brothers’ Tide Mill. 3801 Torch Bearers. 3802 Trapper’s Niece. 3803 Trifles. 3804 Twice Lost, Adventures in Australia. 3805 Up the Ladder Club. 3806 Up the River. Oliver Optic. 3807 Walter MacDonald. 3808 Wrecked, not Lost. 3809 Yacht Club, The, Young Boat Builders. 3810 Yard Stick and Scissors. 3811 Young Adventurers. Horatio Alger, jr. 3812 Young Miner. Horatio Alger, jr. 3813 Young Surveyor. Horatio Alger, jr. 3814 Young Voyagers. Captain Reid. Penitentiary Library. 131 German Books. 3815 Angela. 3816 Andersen’s Saemmtliche Maerchen. 38 L7 Der Vogul der Wildness. Der Siebentaegige Kreig. 3818 Erster Band. 3819 Zweiter Band. 3820 Dritter Band. Die Schicksalsbraut. 3821 Erster Band. 3822 Zweiter Band. 3823 Dritter Band. Das Vermaechtness des Praesidenten. 3824 Erster Band. 3825 Zweiter Band. 3826 Die Regulatoren in Arkansas. 3827 Geschichte der Sklaverei. 3828 Goettliche Heilung. 3829 Hueben und Drueben. 3830 Im Eckfenster. 3831 Ja in Naepel. Katharina II. 3832 Erster Band. 3833 Zweiter Band. 3834 Dritter Band. 3835 Sennor Aguila. Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke. 3836 Zweiter Band. 3837 Dritter Band. 3838 General Franco. 132 Penitentiary Library. Authors of Fiction, With the Catalogue Numbers of their Works. Adams, Mary, Ade, George, Allen, James Lane, Aldrich, Thos. Bailey, Aguilar, Grace, Alcott, Louisa M., Andersen, Hans C., Arthur, A. J., Arthur, T. S., Atherton, Gertrude, Auerbach, Austen, Jane, Bartley, Bacheller, Irving, Baylor, F. C., Baker, William M., Ballantyne, R. M., Balzac, Honore de, Barr, Amelia E., Balestier, Walcott, Barrie, J. M., Barrett, Wilson, Beaconsfield (Disraeli), Benedict, Bell, Lillian, Bellamy, C. J., Bellamy, Edward, Beloit, Adolphe, Bentzon, Benning, Besant, Walter, Benson, E. F., Billings, Josh, Bingham, Black, William, Blackmore, R. D,, Bowles, Emily, Bourget, Paul, 2457 2591 2436 3050 2518, 3161, 2734, 2630 21 , 2462, 3041 3091 23 3349 2340 2416, 2543, 2286, 2961, 2671, 3354 2849, 3208 2861, 2771 2718 2384 2855 2987 2467, 3034 2344 3179 2260 2296 2508, 2484 2745 2481 2712, 2973 3202 3243 2499, 2820, 3278, 3281 3168 3420 3398 2437, 2478, 2589, 2865 3067 2765, 3234 3190, 3311 3264, 3275, 3423 3142 3251 Penitentiary Library. 133 Authors of Fiction. Braddon, Miss, 2803 Brady, Cyrus T., 2469, 2611, 3229 2614, 2664, 3215 Bridges, Harold 2615 Broughton, Rhoda, 2658 Bronte, Anna, 3279 Burdette, 2262 Burnett, Frances H., 2594, 2684, 2703, 2737, 2746 2808, 2848, 2864, 2880, 2937 3261, 3300, 3341 Bulwer-Lytton, 2417, 2529, 2530, 2581, 2588 2678, 2784, 2816, 2818, 2821 2992, 3010, 3052, 3057, 3059 3062, 3063, 3426 3085, 3252, 3382 Bunyan, John, 24 Byrum, 2341 Cable, George W., 2372 Caine, Hall, 2373, 2438, 2588, 2890, 3103 Chandler, Mrs. C. W., 2301 Chamberlain, P. B., 4 Church, 3244 Churchill, Winston, 2420, 2487, 2491, 3145 Charles, Eliza, 2444, 2463, 2556, 2569, 2774 2795, 2815, 3401 3018, 3039, 3356 Charles, Francis, 2748 Cholmondeley, Mary, 2972 Clay, Bertha M., 2352, 2707, 3395 Claretie, Jules, 2287 Cleltes, Mary, 3323, 3402 Clifford, Mrs., 2899 Coates, Mrs. Everard, 3290 Connor, Ralph, 2360, 2650, 2885, 3105, 3219 Conklin, Mrs. S. M., 2756 Conway, Hugh, 2502, 2503 Cobb, S., 3181 Cooke, Rose Terry, 2554, 3012 Collins, Wilkie, 2279, 2298, 2883, 3016 Cooper, J. Fenimore, 2380, 2381, 2424, 2485, 24 B 6 2686, 2694 2713, 2819, 2837 2934, 2944, 3019, 3077, 3078 3083, 3090, 3370, 3371, 3139, 3184, 3185 3374, 3375, 3416 Cordelia, 2791 Corbett, Julian, 2610 —12 134 Penitertiary Library. Authors of Fiction. Coulter, John, Corelli, Marie, Cowles, M. L., Crayon, Geoffrey, Crane, J. L., Crozier, Rev. R. H., Crockett, S. R., Crawford, F. Marion, Craddock, Charles Egbert, Custer, Elizabeth, Damon, Sophie, Davidson, Thain, Daskam, Josephine, Davis, Richard Harding, De Mille, Jas., De Gobineau, De Liefde, J. B., Des Chesney, Defoe, Daniel, Detlef, Dickinson, Dickson, Harris, Dickens, Mary A., Dickens, Chas., Dixon, Thos., jr., Dillon, Mary, Donaldson, Marion, Doyle, A. Conan, Dowie, Muriel, Dumas, Alexandre, Dunbar, Paul Laurence, Duchess, The, Dupoy, Eliza, Du Boisgobey, F., 2975 2327, 2376, 2651, 2921, 2911 3227, 3228 3133 2377 3327 11 2370, 2773, 2833, 3122, 3132 3241 2418, 2688, 2751, 3058, 3175 3351, 3390, 3429 2526, 2709, 2747, 2753, 2777 2995, 3384 3282 3030 12 3387 2330, 2403, 2635, 2750, 2836 3097, 3L26, 3222, 3345, 3597 2290, 2853 3155 2877 2805 2933, 3150 3343 2291 3204 2956 2324, 2325, 2326, 2363, 2364 2439, 2440, 2514, 2548, 2847 2913, 3009, 3024, 3032, 3049 3075, 3217, 3267, 3333 2446, 2824, 3037 3160 2903 2723, 2938, 3140, 3197, 3198 3258, 3385 2982 2465, 2466, 2468, 2472, 2474 26 L9, 2620, 2772, 2863, 2902 3114, 3226, 3294, 3295, 3328 3353 2607, 2741 2683, 3074 3082 3195 Penitentiary Library. 135 Authors of Fiction. Edwards, 2749 Eggleston, Geo. Cary, 2550 Eggleston, Edward, 2445, 2564, 2577, 2596, 2661 2716, 2717, 2996, 3163 Eliot, George, 2275, 2276, 2500, 2501, 2603 2940, 2947, 3158, 3180, 3285 Elliott, Francis, 3134 Eustis, Edith, 2907 Evans, Augusta. (See Augusta Evans Wilson.) Fawcett, Edgar, 2292, 2644, 2646 Feeney, Rev. Bernard, 18 Ferris, Geo. T., 24 Fitzgerald, 3157 Filley, Mrs., 3380 Flandrau, 2682 Fleming, Geo., 3350 Fox, John, jr., 2442, 2851 Ford, Paul Leicester, 2714, 2764, 3248 Forrester, Mrs., 2778, 2991, 3033, 3360 Franzois, 2614 Franesmantel, 2891 Garrett, Edward, 2, 2489, 2492, 2599, 2655 2720, 3021 Garland, Hamlin, 2404 2567, 3089 Gath, 2579 Gaboriau, Emil, 2528, 2967, 3393 Gardner, Mrs., 2928 Gautier, Judith, 3340 Gift, Theodore, 2874 Giles, Ella A., 2875 Goethe, 3400 Goldsmith, Oliver, 3200, 3352 Glasgow, Ellen, 2331 Grand, Sarah, 2691 Greville, Henry, 2553 2555, 2628, 2882, 2911 3073, 3099, 3100 3176, 3225 3265, 3277, 3418, 3428 Griffith, Cecil, 3355 Guerzzi, F. D., 2884 Hay, Mary Cecil, 2985 Hayner, 2546 Hale, Edward Everett, 2622, 2705, 2889, 3245, 3276 Harraden, Beatrice, 2313. 3201 Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 2320 Harris, Mrs. Sidney, 2625, 3146, 3262 136 Penitentiary Library. Authors of Fiction. Hawthorne, Julian, Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Haggard, H. Rider, Harland, Henry, Hardy, Thomas, Hamilton, Gail, Hammond, Wm. A., Harp, Harriett, Harvey, W., Harte, Bret, Harland, Marion, Hartwell, Mary, Habberton, John, Henderson, Isaac, Herman, Murray, Henry, S. M., Henty, G. A., Hentz, Caroline Lee, Heyse, Paul, Horton, Geo., Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Holt, Emily, Hoyt, Elynor, Hough, Emerson, Holley, Marietta, Hosmer, Mrs., Holland, Clive, Holland, J. G., Holding, Carlisle B., Howells, Wm. Dean, Howitt, Wm. and Mary, Hope, Anthony, Holmes, Mary J., Howard, Blanch, Hugo, Victor, Hughes, Hughes, Mary, 2383 2366, 2547, 2893, 2894, 2971 3191, 3221, 3325, 3326 2385, 2516, 2793, 3103 2407, 2986 2533, 2929 2493 2977, 3257 2460 3269 2397, 2606, 2752, 2868, 3040 3273 2289, 2316, 2811 3407 2265, 2392, 2767, 3183 2281 2358 2339 3320 2477, 2580, 2582, 2896 2743 2832 2665 2876 2952 2954 2226, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2230 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234, 2235 2310, 2970 2988 2304, 2333, 2334, 3008, 3192 2410 2422, 2950 3246 2754, 3102, 3170 2321, 2348, 2429, 2443, 2479 2488, 2496, 2504, 2537, 2571 2576, 2586, 2600, 2663, 2711 2725, 2822, 2872, 2901, 2936 2942, 2945, 2980, 3L12, 3143 3162, 3315, 3377 3313 2396, 2638, 2675, 2710, 2729 2825, 2826, 3011, 3270, 3306 3307 3044 Penitentiary Library. 137 Authors of Fiction. Hudson, Mrs., 2584 Hume, Etta Louise, 2573 Huntington, Fay, 2632, 3289, 3379 Ingram, Rev. J. H., 25, 26, 33 Isham, Frederick S., 3255 Jackson, Margaret, 3408 Jack, 2647, 3388 Jamison, Mrs., 3247 James, G. P. R., 2430, 2449, 2470, 2471, 2505 2506, 2521, 2527, 2643, 2698 2727, 2829, 2917, 3035 2918, 2969 Jenkins, Mrs., 3107, 3218 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 2475 Jerome, Jerome K., 1942, 1943, 3020, 3296, 3310 Johnson, Virginia, 2597 Jones, Sarah, 3412 Johnston, Mary, 2317, 3101, 3214, 3305 Johnston, Richard M., 3028 Kavanagh, Julia, 2335, 2999, 3113, 3196 Kaufman, R. W., 3286 Kelsey, D. M.. 3415 Kimball, Richard B., 3304 King, Gen. Chas., 2303, 2353, 2400, 2401, 2402 Kingsley, Chas., Kingsley, Henry, Kipling, Rudyard, Kirkland, Lane, Leslie, Emma, Lee, F. W., Lewis, C. B., Lester, Helen, Lever, Charles, 2453, 2454, 2509, 2612, 2621 2636, 2639, 2740, 2744, 2755 2794, 2908, 3013, 3017, 3128 3319, 3321, 3335, 3365, 3413 2730 3127, 3130 2405, 2519, 2831, 2949, 3070 3081, 3224, 3236, 3249, 3316 3336 3430 2302 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 20, 22, 29 30, 35, 2315 3189 2267 2904 2308, 2329, 2378, 2458, 2459 2497, 2498, 2510, 2511, 2541 2542, 2616, 2679, 2680, 2761 2762, 2797, 2798, 2858, 2869 2914, 2915, 2925, 3023, 3036 3152, 3153, 3213, 3216, 3308 3291 Liljencrantz, Ollie A., 138 Penitentiary Library. Authors of Fiction. Lloyd, John Uri, Logan, London, Jack, Loring, Laurie, Long, John Luther, LoEgfellow, Henry W., Lorimer, Geo. Horace, Ludlum, J. K., Lyall, Edna, Lytton (see Bulwer-Lytton). Maclury, David, Maclaren, Ian, MacDonald, Geo., Marlitt, E., Marvel^ Ik, Maitland, Edward, Major, Chas., Manning, Mary, Magruder, Julia, Marryat, Capt., Mallock, W. H., Mason, A. E. W., McKean, May, McGrath, Harold, McCutcheon, Geo. Barr, McDonnell, Wm., McCarthy, Justin H., Meritnan, Henry Seton, Melville, Melegard, Eliza, Mead, Leon, Mitchell, Donald G., Mitchell, S. Weir, Miller, Emily, Morley, Susan, Morrison, Arthur, Moore, Geo., Muhlbach, Louisa, Murray, Chas. Theo., Mulock, Miss, Munn, Chas. C., Noble, Anette, 3254 2924 2399, 3187 32 3001 273 L 2827, 2923, 3027 3367 2796 7 2319 2311, 2881, 3087, 3399 2312, 2812 3144 2395 2551, 3383 2766, 2856 2873 2763, 2792, 3068, 3071, 3079 3006 2623 2909 3109 2355, 2413, 2660, 3199 2690 2733, 2817, 3076 2878 2261 2538, 2726, 3165, 3298 2806, 2910, 3106 3363 2539, 2558, 2566 3425 3287 3271 3342 2294, 2295, 2346, 2507, 2627 2653, 2862, 2871, 2905, 2935 3026, 3092, 3111 2957 2769, 2830, 3031 3331 2512 Penitentiary Library. 139 Authors of Fiction Norris, Frank, Nye, Bill, Olin, Julia M., O’Meara, Osborne, Ouida (Louise de la Rame), Payne, Jas., Parker, Gilbert, Page, Thos. Nelson, Pansy, Paury, Parrish, Randall, Peck, Geo. W., Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, Pidgin, C. F., Pomeroy, Mark M., Prentis, Noble L., Rathbone, Geo., Ralph, Julian, Reid, Christian, Reade, Chas., Reid, Capt. Mayne, Read, Opie, Reese, Rockwell, Remington, Frederick, Rice, Alice Hegan, Richter, Jean Paul, Rives, Hallie E., Robinson, Roberts, Roberts, C. G. D., Roe, J. R., Roe, E. P., 2367, 2520, 2887, 2927, 3022 3080 2236, 2237, 2238 5 2998 3148 2280, 2336, 2419, 2629, 2659 2735, 2974, 3054, 3098, 3108 3207, 3329, 3338 3094 2332, 2549, 2802, 2814, 3147 3186 2742, 2912, 3138 2534, 2583, .2624, 2631, 2673 2722, 2834, 2960, 2981, 3005 3083, 3104, 3125, 3171, 3233 3297 2432 2989 2239, 2240, 2241, 2242, 2243 2244 13, 2692, 2732, 3209, 3212 2365, 3120 17 2318 2997 2946 3117, 3260 2754, 3211, 3386 3124 2371, 2409, 2455, 2575, 2677 2775, 2776, 2787, 2823, 2978 2993, 3025. 3038, 3238, 3280 3322, 3339, 3369, 3406, 3419 2657, 3164 2490, 3086 2867, 2983 3302, 3303 2411, 2689 2783 2524 2323, 2789, 3368 3003 2328, 2517, 2562, 2568, 2592 2633, 2693, 2708, 2719, 2801 2955, 3000, 3002, 3042, 3043 3266, 3378, 3405, 3422 _ 140 Penitentiary Library. Authors of Fiction. Roche, Roy, George, Runkle, Bertha, Sargent, Sangster, Margaret, Sand, George, Sage, Wm,, Saltus, Edgar, Sells, Schofield, Schwartz, Marie Sophie, Scott, Sir Walter, Sewell, Shaw, Francis, Sherwood, Mary N., Shackleton, Robert, Sheldon, Chas. M., Sheldon, Mrs., Shriner, Olive, Shoat, Lowell, Simms, Gilmore, Sienkiewicz, Henry, Sinnett, Sleight, Mary B., Slick, Sam, Smith, F. Hopkinson, Somers, Jane, 2434 2640 2696 3061 2574 2297, 2421 2448 2593 2293 3259 2357, 2645, 2654, 3394 2272, 2299, 2300, 2359, 2669 2687, 2759, 2785, 2786, 2964 3029, 3069, 3115, 3116, 3137 3151, 3256, 3274, 3372, 3373 3411 2897, 2898 3357 2760 2892 19 2962 2278 3154 2342, 2375, 2426, 2427, 2428 2456, 2587, 2609, 2670, 2781 2931, 3053, 3182, 3230, 3347 3396, 3410, 3421 2522, 2523, 2672, 2799, 2800 3051, 3121, 3404 2779 28 2268 2398, 2451, 2452, 2617, 3046 3309, 3334 16 Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N., 2288, 2305, 2306, 2379, 2387 2388, 2423, 2598, 2602, 2618 2648, 2700, 2809, 2860, 2866 3014, 3072, 3093, 3188, 3293 3361 Spottswood, 2685 Sterns, C. M., 2269 Stevenson,R. L., 2513, 2563, 2565, 2788, 2922 3004, 3237, 3317 2343, 2857, 3141, 3223 Stephens, Mrs. Ann S., Penitentiary Library. 141 Authors of Fiction. Stockton, Frank R , Stowe, Harriet B., Stretton, Hesba, Sturgis, Julian, Sue, Eugene, Swift, Dean, Swan, Anna S., Taylor, Taylor, Bayard, Tarkiugton, Booth, Thackeray, Wm. M., Thompson, Maurice, Thompson-Seton, Ernest, Thurston, Cecil, Tourgee, Albion W., Tolstoi, Count Leo, Topelius, Towosend, Geo. Alfred, Trollope, Anthony, Trowbridge, J. T., Trafton, Adeline, Twain, Mark, Vance, Wilson, Van Dyke, Henry, Verne, Jules, Von Glumer, C., Von Hutton, Baroness, Ward, Artemus, Ward, Mrs. Humphry, Walworth, Mansfield, Wallace, Lew, Warner, Susan and Anna, Warren, Warner, Chas. Dudley, Warfield, Mrs. C. A., Watana, Onoto, Wetherby, Alfred, 2406, 2412, 2649, 2662. 2780 2810, 2979, 3084, 3166 , 3167 2282, 2283, 2559, 2560, 2561 2926, 2951, 3060, 3332 2337, 2408, 2450, 2699, 3299 2273 2994, 3364 2667 2274, 2284, 2319, 2386, 2535 2552, 2637, 2666 2351 2674, 2768 2433, 2641, 2966, 3330 2277, 2374, 2441, 2697, 3065 3346, 3359 2285, 2715, 2790, 3159 2356, 2852, 2963, 3397 2919 2393 2482 2668 2782 2347, 2361, 2906, 3123, 3220 2483, 2706 2704 1801, 2247, 2248, 2249, 2250 2251, 2252, 2253. 2254, 2255 2256, 2257, 2258, 2544 2652 2368, 2604, 2850, 3169 2447, 2572, 2634, 2939, 3314 3324 3015 3048 2259 3149 3366 2345, 2595, 3095, 3096 2494, 2531, 2545, 2578, 2702 2930, 2984, 3129, 3392, 3417 2590 2656 2804, 2965 3409 2676 142 Penitentiary Library. Authors of Fiction Wellington, Westcott, Edward N., Weyman, Stanley J., Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T., White, Stewart Edward, Wharton, Edith, Williams, Martha, Willing> Jennie F., Wilder, Mrs. C. F., Winslow, Margaret, Withrow, Witherell, Wilson, Augusta Evans, Wilbur, Mrs. C. F., Wilson, H. L., Wister, Mrs. A. L., Wister, Owen, Wise, Wiggin, Kate D., Wood, Mrs. Henry, Woods, Wood, Geo. Woolson, Constance, Wright, Mrs., Wright, Harold Bell, Yates, Young, R. E., Yonge, Charlotte M., Zangwill, Israel, Zola, Emil, 2394 2515 3203, 3337, 2414, 2642, 2721 2854, 2990, 3135 3047, 3205, 3206 2362, 2369, 2461, 2476, 3210' 3376 2525, 3174, 3344 2948 330 31 3196 34 3110 2314, 2354, 2738, 2739, 2870' 2895, 3231, 3239, 3348 3292 3232 2322, 2473, 2900, 3007, 3066- 3118, 3194, 3242 2835, 3358 3424 2532 2570, 2943, 3045 2536 14 2415 2350 2736, 3283 2390 3172 2338, 2425, 2495 2435, 2557, 2888, 2920 2464 3 0112 044903968