Chicago Street Railway Lines LISTS OF FRANCHISES GRANTED. MARCH 4, 1837, TO APRIL I, 1897. COMPILED BY CHARLES E. LUND. CHICAGO: CAMERON, AMKERG & Co., PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, 1897. 31 MAPS OF CHICAGO STREET RAILWAY LINES with list of franchises granted to the various Street Railway Com- panies, including- surface and elevated roads, covering- a period com- mencing- March 4, 1837, and ending- April 1, 1897, and also complete index of streets occupied by street car lines. Compiled from official data, taken from public records in City Hall, by CHARLES E. LUND. CALUMET ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Pag-e 2.) For railway on South Chicag-o avenue, from Seventy-fifth street to Ninety-fifth street ; also on Ninety-third street. Ninety-fifth street and Washing-ton avenue; also to the "Nickel Plate" shops, and on Cottag-e Grove avenue, Michig-an avenue, Kensing-ton avenue, Howard street, One Hundred and Fifteenth street and Stony Island avenue ; also on Madison avenue, Sixty-seventh street, Cottag-e Grove avenue, alley in Block 9, Cornell, and on Michig-an avenue, One Hundred and Sixteenth street. Passed January 18th, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : Street railway on Seventy-fifth' street, from Chicag-o, Rock Island & Pacific Railway to Stony Island avenue. Passed July 25th, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : Street railway on Ninety-first street, Stony Island avenue, One Hundred and Nineteenth street, One Hundred and Fifteenth street, Kensing-ton avenue, Noble court, Michig-an avenue, Woodlawn avenue, Drexel avenue, and for subway under the I. C. R. R. at Ninety-third street. Passed March 6, 1893 ; twenty years. Same : To extend railway on One Hundred and Nineteenth street, from Emerald avenue west to Halsted street, thence south on Halsted street to One Hundred and Twenty-first street. Passed Feb- ruary 18, 1895 ; twenty years. Same ; Passed November 11, 1895, to continue during life of ordinances heretofore granted to said Company, for extending-. Com- mencing- at South Chicago avenue and Eig-hty-third street, east on Eig-hty-third street to Bond avenue, north and northwest on Bond THE CALUMET ELECTRIC |\ STREET - RY. avenue to Cheltenham place, northeast on Cheltenham place to Lake avenue (extended), northwest to Lake avenue (extended) 840 feet to Seventy-eighth street, southeast on Seventy-eighth street to Railroad avenue, northwest on Railroad avenue to Seventy-third street, on Seventy-third street to Stony Island avenue ; also begin- ning- at Ninety-third street and Erie avenue, thence north on Erie avenue to Eighty-seventh street, thence northwest on Baltimore avenue to Eighty-third street, making connection with tracks herein provided for, etc. Same : Erie avenue, from Ninety-third street to South Chicago avenue. Ordinance passed June 29, 1896, p. 558; twenty years. Same: Beginning at the intersection of South Chicago avenue and Seventy-fifth street, thence southeasterly along South Chicago avenue to Ninety-fifth street, thence east along Ninety-fifth street to Avenue K. Also commencing at the intersection of Ninety-third street with Stony Island avenue, thence west on Ninety-third street to its inter- section with Washington avenue, thence south on Washington avenue to the right of way of the Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad Com- pany, thence westerly along and across the alleys in Block ten (10) of the Calumet and Chicago Canal & Dock Company subdivision of that part of the southeast quarter (S. E. %) of Section two (2), Town- ship 37 north, Range 14 east, to the east line of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad and north of Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad, thence on private property to west line of New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company's shop grounds, thence northwesterly to Ninety-third street, thence west on Ninety-third street to Cottage Grove avenue, thence north on Cottage Grove avenue to Seventy-second street. Also south on Cottage Grove avenue from Ninety-third street to Ninety-fifth street, and west on Ninety-fifth street from Cottage Grove avenue to South Park avenue, extended. Also commencing at the corner of Ninety-third street and -Cottage Grove avenue, thence west on Ninety-third street to South Park avenue, extended. Thence southerly on property of the Calumet and Chicago Canal & Dock Company to Ninety-fifth street, thence west on Ninety-fifth street to State street, and also commencing at the intersection of Ninety-fifth street and Michigan avenue, thence south on Michigan avenue to Kensington avenue, thence east on Kensing- ton avenue to Howard street, thence north on Howard street to One Hundred and Fifteenth street, thence west on One Hundred and Fifteenth street to Michigan avenue. Also commencing at the inter- section of Ninety-third street and Stony Island avenue, south on MAP Showing the Street Car Lines of the CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY CD. Stony Island avenue to One Hundred and Third street. Also com- mencing- at the intersection of South Chicago avenue with Madison avenue, thence north on Madison avenue to Sixty-seventh street, thence east on Sixty-seventh street to Stony Island avenue. Also from Cottage Grove avenue across Lot forty-one (41), in Block nine (9), Cornell, to an alley south of and parallel to the right of way of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railway Company in said Block nine (9), Cornell, thence along- said alley to lot one (1), Block nine (9), Cornell. Also commencing at the corner of Michigan avenue and Kensing- ton avenue, thence south on Michigan avenue to One Hundred and Nineteenth street, thence west on One Hundred and Nineteenth street to Wentworth avenue, thence north on Wentworth avenue to One Hundred and Sixteenth street, thence east on One Hundred and Sixteenth street to Michigan avenue. CALUMET ELECTRIC AND SOUTH CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANIES. ( See Map, Page 2.) For street railway on Stony Island avenue, Sixty-seventh and Seventy-ninth streets. Passed October 10, 1892 ; twenty years. CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Pag-e 4.) First incorporated February 14, 1859, for twenty-five years. Charter renewed February 6, 1865, for ninety-nine years. First fran- chise granted August 16, 1858, to Henry Fuller, Franklin Parmalee and Liberty Bigelow, et al. ; on State street, Ringgold place, Cottage Grove avenue, Archer road and Madison street, for twenty-five years. May 23, 1859, ordinance for railway in the South and West Divisions, viz. ; Lake street to the present or future City limits ; Randolph street (or Park street) to intersect the Lake street track at Union Park ; Desplaines street, from Lake street to Milwaukee avenue ; on Milwaukee avenue from Desplaines street to City limits (present or future); Canal street, from Lake street to Polk street; Harrison street, from Canal street to Southwestern plank road and Blue Island ave- nue ; Market street, from Lake street to Madison street ; Wells street or Fifth avenue (south) from Randolph street to Polk street, thence west on Polk street to Canal street ; Van Buren street, from State street to Southwestern plank road; Blue Island avenue, from Harrison street to Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad ; Twelfth street, from State street east to Wabash avenue, south on Wabash avenue to Old street, east on Old street to Indiana avenue, south on Indiana avenue to Cottag-e Grove avenue, also in Twelfth street from State street to Blue Island avenue. Passed May 23, 1859. Franchise g-ood for twenty-five years from date of incorporation. Act of Legislature, February 14, 1859. Same : By ordinance passed July 30, 1883 (as amended August 6, 1883). This Company is granted twenty years extension of fran- chise upon all existing- street railway lines. (Sec. 2902 M. C. of 1890.) Same : Railway on Wabash avenue, from Twenty-second to Madison street, and west on Madison to State. Passed December 21, 1894 ; no time limit. Same : On East Van Buren street, from State to fifty feet east of Wabash avenue. Passed March 26, 1877 ; twenty years. Same : Halsted street, from Thirty-ninth street to South branch Chieag-o river. Passed July 9, 1877 ; twenty years. Same: (Cable power.) Authorizing- chang-e to cable. Trains to be not more than two cars and the grappling- car. Passed Janu- ary 17, 1881. Same : On Wabash avenue, from Madison to Lake street, and north to connect with Chicag-o West Division Railway at Randolph street and Lake street. Cable permitted. Passed July 11, 1881. Grant twenty years, and until the Council grant privileg-e to some other person. Same : On Archer avenue to Western avenue; Pitney avenue, from Archer avenue to Thirty-first street, thence on Thirty-first street to Lake Park avenue ; Hanover street, from Archer avenue to Twenty-ninth street, on Twenty-ninth street to Wallace street, thence south to Thirty-ninth street ; Ashland avenue, from Archer to Thirty-ninth street ; Thirty-fifth street, from Cottag-e Grove avenue to Stanton avenue, thence south on Stanton avenue to Thirty-ninth street. Cable power permitted. Passed May 26, 1884 ; twenty years. Same : On Twenty-second street, from State to the river ; Twenty-sixth street, from Cottag-e Grove to Halsted ; Thirty-fifth street, from State to Ullman ; Ullman, from Thirty-first to Thirty- fifth ; Pitney avenue, from Archer avenue to Chicag-o & Alton Rail- road. Cable permitted. Passed February 25, 1887 ; amended Octo- ber 8, 1888 ; twenty years. Same : On Wallace street, from Twenty-sixth to Thirty-first. Passed October 24, 1887 ; twenty years from June 13, 1887. Same : On Dearborn street, between Twentieth and Twenty- first streets, and on Twenty-first street from Dearborn to State. Passed February 25, 1889 ; twenty years from July 30, 1883. Same : On Halsted street, from Sixty-ninth to Seventy-ninth streets. Extending 1 time for construction until sixty days after sewer shall have been completed. Passed May 19, 1890. Same : On Jefferson avenue, upon the removal of existing- tracks, between Jefferson and Lake avenues ; Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh streets ; eight feet farther south, permitting it to connect with pres- ent tracks on Jefferson and Lake avenues. Passed November 10, 1890. Same : On Seventy-fifth street, from Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway to South Chicago branch of Illinois Central Railroad. Passed March 24, 1891 ; twenty years. Same : Additional tracks on Thirty-ninth street, between Went- worth avenue and Halsted street. Passed October 19, 1891 ; ending February 5, 1907. Same : "Loop" on Madison street, Michigan avenue, Randolph street and Wabash avenue. Passed March 21, 1892 ; ending July 30, 1903. Same : On Seventy-fifth street, from Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway to Greenwood avenue. Passed March 21, 1892; twenty years. Same : On Halsted street, from Sixty-ninth street to Summit avenue, and on Summit avenue to Eighty-seventh street. Passed March 21, 1892, and May 2, 1892; each twenty years. (See later ordinance passed July 16, 1894, for twenty years, reading "On Hal- sted street, from Sixty-ninth street to Seventy-ninth street.") Same : On Thirty-fifth street, from State street to Rhodes ave- nue. Passed March 21, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : On Thirty-fifth street, from Ullman street to California avenue. Passed March 21, 1892 ; twenty years. Same: For a "Loop" on Sixty-second street, Sixty-third street, Sixty-fourth street, Grace avenue and Stony Island avenue. Passed March 14, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : On Forty-seventh street, from Cottage Grove avenue to State street, from State street to Ashland avenue, and from Ashland avenue to Southwestern boulevard. (Two Ordinances.) Passed March 21, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : For " Loop" on Sixty-first street, Madison avenue, Sixty- first court, South Park court and Stony Island avenue. Passed March 21, 1892 ; twenty years. 8 Same : Permit for electricity on Halsted street, Archer avenue, Thirty-eig-hth street, Thirty-fifth street, Forty-seventh street, Sixty- first street, Cottag-e Grove avenue, Sixty-third street, Sixty-fourth street, Madison avenue, Grace avenue, Indiana avenue (from Thirty- ninth to Fifty-first), and on Fifty-first street. Passed March 21, 1892. Same : On South Park court, from Sixtieth to Sixty-first street. Passed July 21, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : Permit to conduct electric power from power-house at Fifty-second street and Wabash avenue to sundry points ; also permit to operate cars by overhead trolley on State street, from Sixty-first street to the viaduct, and over the viaduct to Wentworth avenue to Sixty-third street, and on Sixty-third street to west terminus of tracks. Passed February 23, 1893. Same : Railway on Sixty-third street, from Cottag-e Grove avenue to State street. Passed April 4, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : For underground conduit at Wabash avenue and Twenty- first street. Passed April 4, 1894. To extend during- the life of the street railway ordinances at these points. Same : Permit for electricity "trolley" on Twenty -sixth street, Thirty-first, Thirty-ninth, Fifty-first, Sixty-ninth and Seventy-ninth streets, Archer avenue, Forty-third street, Halsted street, Wentworth avenue, Ashland avenue, Hanover street, Wallace street, State street from Sixty-third street to Vincennes avenue, and thence on Vincennes avenue to terminus of the railway. Passed April 4, 1894 ; ten years. Same : Railway .on Wallace street from Thirty-ninth to Root street. Passed April 4, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : July 16, 1893, changing- to electricity on Twenty-sixth, Thirty-first, Thirty-ninth, Fifty-first, Sixty-ninth and Seventy-ninth streets. Same : Archer avenue from river west to Thirty-eig-hth street, thence to terminus in Thirty-eig-hth street. Same : Forty-third street from eastern terminus on that street west to State street, thence on State street to Root, thence on Root street to terminus on said Root street. Same : Halsted street, from Archer avenue to southern terminus of tracks on said Halsted street. Same : Wentworth avenue, from Archer avenue to southern terminus. Same : Ashland avenue, from Archer avenue to southern terminus. Same : South Chicago avenue, from Seventy-first to Seventy- fifth street. Same : Hanover street (now South Canal), Butler and Wallace, respectively. Same : State street, from Sixty-third street to Vincennes avenue, and thence to terminus on said Vincennes avenue. Same : Eighteenth street and Indiana avenue (upon consent being- obtained from majority of property owners), $100,000 to be paid by said Company for electric street lighting and $150,000 to be paid in connection with the elevation of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway tracks and subways at various streets. Same : On Sixty-third street, from Cottage Grove avenue to State street. Passed July 16, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : On Centre avenue, from Forty-seventh to Sixty-third street, to connect with present tracks on Forty-seventh and in Sixty- third streets. Passed July 16, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : On Wallace street, from Thirty-ninth to Root street. Passed July 16, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : On Halsted street, from Sixty-ninth to Seventy-ninth street, to connect with present line on Halsted street (Electric). Passed July 16, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : Conduit in Twenty-first street. Rights to cease when rights and privileges to Chicago City Railway Company shall cease upon State street and Wabash avenue at Twenty-first street. For conduit in Twenty-first street, from tracks of Chicago City Railway Company in State street to tracks of said company in Wabash avenue. Passed July 16, 1894. Same : For tracks on Forty-seventh street, Kedzie avenue, Archer avenue, Western avenue, Sixty-ninth street, Seventy-ninth street, Thirty-eighth street, Fifty-ninth street. Passed July 8, 1895 ; twenty years. Same : For electricity on Archer avenue, from river east to State ; Clark street, from Adams to Twenty-second, thence east to Wentworth avenue, and thence south ; Ullman street, Halsted street, Twenty-second street, Dearborn street and Thirty-ninth street. Passed July 15, 1895. Same : Trolley on Clark street to Washington street. Amending ordinance of July 15, 1895, so as to read "Washington street," in place of "Adams street." Passed November 11, 1895. 10 CHICAGO ELECTRIC TRANSIT CD. 11 Same : Extending- the time for the completion of the tracks on Sixty-third street, from Cottage Grove avenue to State street. Passed April 8, 1896. Same : Fifty-first street, from State street to Western avenue. Ordinance passed July 6, 1896. P. 632. Same*: Wentworth avenue, from Thirty-ninth to Twenty-second street ; Wentworth avenue, from Twenty-second street to Archer avenue. Ordinance passed June 11, 1896. P. 404 ; twenty years. CHICAGO AND ENGLEWOOD HORSE AND DUMMY R. R. Co. Ordinance extending- time for construction to six months alter a sewer shall have been constructed in Wentworth avenue. Passed July 23, 1877. Same : For railway on Wentworth avenue, from Thirty-ninth street to Twentieth street. For animal power only, street improve- ments (8 feet or 16 feet), speed, rate of fare, commutation tickets, etc., funeral cars, limit of charge for, etc. Passed July 31, 1876 ; twenty years. CHICAGO ELECTRIC TRANSIT COMPANY. ( See Map, Page 10.) Commencing at the southwest line of Milwaukee avenue, thence east to Belmont avenue to northwest line of Elston avenue ; in Belmont avenue, from Western avenue to Robey street ; in Belmont avenue, from Ashland avenue to North Halsted street. Passed February 11, 1895 ; twenty years. Same : On Irving Park boulevard and Graceland avenue, be- tween west line of Milwaukee avenue and east line of Ashland avenue. Passed October 21, 1895 ; twenty years. CHICAGO ELECTRIC TRANSIT COMPANY. (Successor to Jefferson Street Railway Company.) Ordinance passed November 23, 1896. P. 1149, Section 1. That providing the said Chicago Electric Transit Company shall lay any tracks on that portion of Irving Park boulevard between the west line of Milwaukee avenue and westerly City limits before the sewer is placed in the center of the street by the City authorities, the sewer shall be laid on either side of the street so as not to disturb or inter- fere with the railroad tracks heretofore and hereby authorized. 12 ottirj re* SHOWING LINES DF THE CHICAGD NORTH 5HDRE 5T. HY. CD. N 13 CHICAGO AND EVANSTON ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Street railway on Lawrence avenue, from Clark street to Evans- ton avenue, and thence on Evanston avenue to north City limits, and on Church street from Evanston avenue to Clark street. Animal power prohibited. Passed April 11, 1892 ; twenty years. Same: Ordinance amending- above by eliminating- "Lawrence avenue," and permitting- railway on Evanston avenue, from Grace- land avenue to north City limits, and on Church street between Evanston avenue and Clark street. Passed April 25, 1892 ; twenty years. Note : See Chicagro & North Shore Street Railway Company. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Page 12.) Amending- ordinance of April 11 and April 25, 1892, striking- out the name " Chicago and Evanston Electric Street Railway Company," etc., and for franchise in connection with the North Chicag-o City Railway Company, and the North Chicago Street Rail- road Company. Passed April 5, 1893 ; franchise extends to April 1, 1912. Same : Franchise of Chicago and Evanston Street Railway Company, confirmed in this company. Passed March 20, 1893. CHICAGO AND JEFFERSON URBAN TRANSIT COMPANY. (See Map, Pag-e 14.) Street railway on Monroe street, from Canal street to Morgan street, on Morgan to Fulton, and on Fulton to Western avenue. To pa}' the City $7,143 per mile, for the twenty -year privilege, for each mile of railway permitted. Passed April 11, 1892; twenty years. Same: Railway on Fulton street, between Western and Kedzie avenues ; Kedzie avenue, between Fulton street and North avenue ; Chicago avenue, between Kedzie avenue and Crawford avenue ; Crawford avenue, between Chicago avenue and Grand avenue, and on Grand avenue between Crawford avenue and Armitage avenue. Passed July 14, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : Passed February 18, 1895 ; amending ordinance of April 11, 1892, by changing mode of propulsion to electricity. 14 15 CHICAGO WEST DIVISION RAILWAY COMPANY. ( See Map, Page 16.) Incorporated February 21, 1861. Tracks on Halsted street, from Lake street to Milwaukee avenue, in lieu of railway on Desplaines street. Passed March 28, 1864 ; no time limit. Same: B} r ordinance passed June 30, 1883 (as amended August 6, 1883), this compan} 7 is granted twenty years extension of franchise upon all existing street railway lines. (Sec. 2902, M. C. of 1890.) Same: On Clinton street, from Madison street to Twelfth street (double t^ack to Harrison street and single to Twelfth street). Passed August 17, 1864; no limit. Same : Meagher street, from Canal street to Jefferson street. Passed August 17, 1864; no limit. Same : On Chicago avenue, from the river west to present or future City limits. Passed August 17, 1864 ; no limit. Same : On Indiana street, from Milwaukee avenue to present or future west City limits. Passed August 17, 1864; no limit. Same: On Indiana street, same as above. Passed August 9 and 11, 1875; twenty years. Same : On Catherine street, from Blue Island avenue to Robey street. Passed August 17, 1864; no limit. Same : On Polk street, from Canal to Jefferson street. Passed August 17, 1864; no limit. Same : On Desplaines street, from Van Buren to Sebor street. Passed August 17, 1864; no limit. Same : On Sebor street, from Desplaines street to Halsted street. Passed August 17, 1864 ; no limit. Same : On Halsted street, from Harrison street south to the river. Passed August 17, 1864. Same : On Van Buren street, from Ogden avenue to Western avenue. Passed November 13, 1871; no limit. Same : On Madison street, permit to extend on Madison street from Rockwell street to Central park, instead of on Lake street, if the Company wish. Passed April 9, 1872, and June 24, 1878 ; twenty years, or until sold to other parties. Same : On North avenue, from Milwaukee avenue to present or future City limits. Passed March 8, 1875 ; amended April 19, 1875 ; franchise to October 1, 1894, and until City buys it. Same : On Blue Island avenue, from Rebecca street to Twenty- second street. Passed February 28, 1876 ; for twenty years and until the City buys it. 16 .fjn I j r MAP SHOWING LINES Or THET WEST CHICAGO STREET R R 17 Same : On Ogden avenue, from Madison street to Western avenue. Passed February 28, 1876 ; twenty years. Same : On Halsted street, from Harrison street south to the river. Passed September 25, 1876 ; twenty years, and until the City Council shall elect to grant the privileges to some other party to purchase this franchise. Same : On O'Neil street, from Halsted street to its car house. Passed November 27, 1896 ; no limit. Same : On Harrison street, from Clinton street to Canal street. Passed March 26, 1877 ; for twenty years, and until sold to other parties. Same : On Canal street, from Harrison street to Canalport avenue. Passed March 26, 1877 ; twent}^ years and until sold to other parties. Same : On Canalport avenue, from Canal street to Halsted street. Passed March 26, 1877 ; twenty years, and until sold to other parties. Same : On Twelfth street, from Canal street to Ashland avenue. Passed March 26, 1877 ; twenty years, and until sold to other parties. Same : On Lake street, from present tracks (Western avenue or Rockwell street), to Central park (now Garfield park). Passed April 9, 1877. Same : On Twelfth street, from Ashland avenue to Ogden avenue. Passed August 26, 1878 ; twenty years. Same : On Blue Island avenue, from present terminus (Twenty- second street) to Western avenue. Passed October 14, 1876 ; twenty years. Same : On Western avenue, from Van Buren street to Madison street, and to connect with car house on Western avenue at Wash- ing-ton street. Passed December 23, 1878 ; twenty years, or until sold to other parties. Same : On Chicago avenue, from Milwaukee avenue to Western avenue. Passed October 20, 1879; twenty years, and until franchise is sold to other parties. Same : On Lake street, from Rockwell street to Central Park, and from Union Park east and over Lake street bridg-e to State street, and from State street, a single track to Wabash avenue. Passed November 29, 1880 ; twenty years ; Company to pay one-half cost of new bridge at Lake street, and pay $1,000 annually to maintain, etc. Same : On Milwaukee avenue, to make connection at Clinton and Lake streets. Passed November 29, 1880 ; twenty years. 18 Same : On Leavitt street, from Chicago avenue to Indiana street. Passed July 17, 1882 ; twenty years. Same : On Ogden avenue, from Western avenue to west City limits. Passed February 7, 1881 ; twenty years. Same on North avenue, from Holt street to Ashland avenue. Passed May 11, 1885 ; twenty years. Same : On Division street, from Milwaukee avenue to 200 feet west of California avenue. Passed December 7, 1885 ; twenty years. Same : On Van Buren street, from Western avenue to Kedzie avenue. Passed December 7, 1885 ; twenty years. Same : On Ogden avenue, from Madison street to Randolph, street. Passed December 9, 1885 ; twenty years. Same : Authorized by ordinance of March 30, 1888. Company to pay one-half costs of new Lake street bridge and $1,000 to maintain. Same : For removal of tracks on Twelfth street from center of street, and lay tracks on each side of street. Passed September 3, 1888. CHICAGO PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. For railway on Harrison street, from Desplaines street east to- State street, over Harrison street bridg-e. Company to pay all dam- ages to abutting 1 property owners. Passed December 31, 1885 ; twenty years. Same : Center avenue line on Adams street, from Desplaines. street to Center avenue, on Center avenue from Adams street to Twenty-first street, and on Twenty-first street, from Center avenue to Western avenue. Passed January 11, 1876 ; twenty years. Same : On North Ashland avenue, from North avenue to Erie street ; Erie street, from Ashland to Center avenue ; Center avenue, from Erie street to Austin avenue ; Washington street, from Des- plaines street to Michigan avenue, and through the Washington street tunnel, etc. Passed February 1, 1886 ; twenty years. Amended in re care and improvement of the Washington street tunnel. February 8, 1886. Same : Michigan avenue, from Adams to Washington street. Passed February 1, 1886 ; twenty years. Same : On Austin avenue, from Center avenue to Desplaines street ; Desplaines street, from Austin avenue to Adams street ; Frank- lin street, from Harrison street to Washington street. Passed Feb- ruary 1, 1886 ; twenty years. 19 Same : On Adams street, from Clark street to Michigan avenue. Passed April 8, 1886 ; twenty years. Same : On Sangamon street, between Austin avenue and Adams street. Passed March 22, 1886 ; twenty years. Same : Cable power authorized, and use of Washing-ton street tunnel, the latter to be repaired and maintained, construct roadway, light, ventilate, free from water, keep walls whitened, keep so ve- hicles may pass through, speed no greater than four miles per hour, etc., all this at company's expense. Passed March 30, 1888. Time limit governed by prior ordinances. Same : Franchise granted the Chicago Horse and Dummy Rail- way Company, changed to "Chicago Passenger Railway Company,',' confirmed by ordinance passed March 21, 1887. CHICAGO HORSE AND DUMMY RAILWAY COMPANY. Changed to the "Chicago Passenger Railway Company," and change confirmed by ordinance. Passed March 31, 1887. CHICAGO PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. (Chicago Horse and Dummy Rail-way Company.) For street railway on Adams street, from Clark street to Des- plaines ; Desplaines street, from Adams to Harrison ; Harrison street, from Desplaines to Western avenue ; Western avenue, from Harrison street to Twelfth street ; Twelfth street, from Western avenue to Crawford avenue ; for new bridge at Adams street, Street Railway Company to pay one-half of all costs for same, including piers, abutments, machinery, etc., and to pay $1,000 annually for maintenance, etc., to pay cost of widening or building new viaduct at Adams street. Passed April 21, 1884 ; twenty years. Same : Use of Washington street tunnel and cable authorized. Passed March 30, 1888. CHICAGO PASSENGER TRACTION COMPANY. On Fullerton avenue (commencing at intersection of Milwaukee avenue), Central avenue, Maynard avenue and Tanner road. Passed June 20, 1895 ; twenty years. 20 MAP SHDWINB ROUTE DF THE 7 CHICAGO & SOUTH SIDE RAPID TRANSIT RY t n s nni i n|nnni ir IDDDD _JOOOO 21 22 _Z 9 .J*-. .VU-. ROUTE OFTHE ENGL.EWOOD A CHICAGO ELECTRIC ST.RAILWAV. 23 CHICAGO & SOUTH SIDE RAPID TRANSIT R. R. COMPANY. {"Alley .") ( See Map, Page 20.) Franchise for elevated railroad commencing 1 at the north side of Van Buren street, south between Dearborn street and Wabash avenue to Thirty-ninth street, east to Forest avenue ; right of way not to exceed thirty feet, except at curves, etc. ; not more than three tracks allowed ; locomotive or other engines or motors and cars allowed ; for passenger traffic and mails only; City may regulate speed ; City may erect viaducts, change grades, etc., with liability to the railway; $50.00 car license fee. Passed March 26, 1888 ; fifty years. Same: Above ordinance is amended April 2, 1891, permitting extension of the line south from Thirty-ninth street ; east to Jackson Park ; west to a point between Wentworth avenue and Wallace street, and south to Seventy-first street ; also to pa} r $4,000 per mile, annual!}-, for the part of the road in the alley, from Congress street to Twelfth street. Same : An ordinance amending ordinance of March 26, 1888, and for extension on Sixty-third street. Passed April 7, 1892. CICERO & PROVISO STREET RY. COMPANY. (See Map, Pag-e 21.) Along West Forty-eighth street, from West Lake street to West Chicago avenue, and on West Chicago avenue, from Forty-eighth to Forty-second street. Passed July 23, 1894 ; twenty years. ENGLEWOOD AND CHICAGO ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY. (See Map, Pag-e 22.) For street railway on Vernon avenue, Sixty-seventh street, Vin- cennes avenue, South Chicago avenue, Keefe avenue, Sixty-ninth street, Calumet avenue, Clement avenue, Seventy-first street, Evans avenue, Seventy-second street, Cottage Grove avenue, State Street, Ninety-fifth street, Seventy-ninth street, Vincennes road, Eighty- seventh street, Eighty-sixth place, Sangamon street, Eighty-sixth street, Loomis street, Ninety-fifth street, Front street, Ninety-ninth street, Winston avenue, One Hundred and Third street (Tracy avenue), Wood street, and One Hundred and Eleventh street. Passed (over veto ) May 2, 1895 ; twent}- years. 24 SHOWING PROPOSED ROUTE OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC IK CO. AS PASSED BY THE COUNCIL ON JAN 1896 AND JAN. 1897. GENERAL ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Page 24.) Beginning- at Twenty-third street and Dearborn street, north on Dearborn street to Fourteenth street, east on Fourteenth street to Plymouth place, north on Plymouth place to Jackson street ; also on Custom House place from Jackson street to Fourteenth street ; east on Fourteenth street from Custom House place to Dearborn street ; also beginning- at Twenty-third street and Dearborn street, south on Dearborn street to Thirty-seventh street ; west on Thirty-seventh street to Fifth avenue (formerly Atlantic street); south on Fifth avenue to Forty-third street ; west on Forty-third street to Princeton avenue, south on Princeton avenue to Forty-seventh street ; also beginning- at Wabash avenue and Fifty-seventh street, west on Fifty- seventh street to Morg-an street, north on Morgan street to Fifly-sixth street, west on Fifty-sixth street to Western avenue, with right to connect, etc. With right for a viaduct at Twelfth street. Passed January 13, 1896 ; twenty years. Same : Ordinance passed January 25, 1897, p. 1501. Twenty- third street, from South Park avenue to Canal street ; Canal street, from Twenty-second to Twenty-third street ; Princeton avenue, from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth street; Twenty-fourth street, from Princeton avenue to Butler street ; Butler street, from Twenty-fourth street to Twenty-eighth street; Union avenue, from Twenty-sixth street to Fifty-seventh street; Thirty-seventh street, from Wabash avenue to Dearborn street; Thirty-seventh street, from Fifth avenue to Union avenue ; Forty-third street, from Princeton avenue to Halsted street ; Fifty-seventh street, from Wabash avenue to South Park avenue; Wabash avenue, from Twenty-third to Sixty-third street; South Park avenue, from Twenty-second to Twenty-third street; Forty-third street, from Dearborn street to Fifth avenue; Dearborn street, from Forty-third street to Forty-fifth street ; Forty- fifth street, from Princeton avenue to Ellis avenue. GRAND CROSSING AND WINDSOR PARK RAILWAY COMPANY. For street railway on Seventy-fifth street, from the Illinois Central Railroad to Railroad avenue. Passed July 14, 1892; twenty years. JEFFERSON STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. For street railway on Elston avenue, Beltnont avenue, Crawford avenue, Peterson avenue, Lawrence avenue, Montrose boulevard, Stewart avenue, Jefferson avenue, Irving Park boulevard, Warner avenue, Ridgeland avenue, Western avenue, and California avenue. Passed April 4, 1893; twenty years. See Chicago Electric Transit Co. 26 anf/jsis =i t= a u e a ffi en H 01 27 LAKE STREET ELEVATED RAILROAD COMPANY. ( See Map, Page 26.) For "L" road on Lake street, from Canal street to west City limits. Exclusive grant to this company, and not transferable. Passed December 28, 1888 ; grant twenty-five years, and until the City may purchase. Same: For "L" road on Lake street, from Canal street to Crawford avenue, with like terms and conditions, except that the franchise is for forty years and may be sold or assigned, or that the City may purchase the road after twenty-five years. Passed Novem- ber 24, 1890. Same: For " L" road on Lake street (west end of) from Craw- ford avenue to west City limits ; and on Lake street and over the Lake street bridge to Market street. Passed November 24, 1890 ; forty years, or City may purchase the road after twenty-five years. Same : Ordinance to return to the railway company $100,000 deposit. Passed November 30, 1891. Same : Ordinance confirming- transfer of the Lake Street Ele- vated Railway Company to the Lake Street Elevated Railroad Com- pany. Passed December 19, 1892. Same : For additional lines of " L " road as follows : From the main line on Lake street at a point between La Salle street and Jefferson street north of Fullerton avenue, between Sheffield avenue and Larrabee street, and thence northerly to City limits ; also a branch on Market street, from Lake street to Madison street ; also a line from main line on Lake street to Canal street, east and across the viaduct and bridge to Market street ; also a line commencing 1 at the main line near Halsted street, thence southerly to the City limits; also a line commencing- on the main line, Lake street, at a point between Hamlin avenue and West Forty-first street, thence south to Madison street ; also a line commencing- at the main line, Lake street, at a point between Rockwell street and California avenue, thence north to Diversey street and northwesterly to City limits. Passed May 15, 1893 ; fifty years. (See chang-e of route of this last named line by ordinance, passed November 27, 1893.) Same : Ordinance in re use of streets, change of car license fee, etc. Passed May 22, 1893. Same : Ordinance changing- the northerly and northwesterly route as named in ordinance of May 15, 1893, so that the route shall be from a point on Lake street, between Western and California avenues, north to a point between Chicago avenue and Potomac 28 29 avenue, thence west to a point between Rockwell street and California avenue, thence north to near Diversey street and thence northwesterly to City limits. Passed November 27, 1893. Same : For "L" road on East Lake street, from Market street to Wabash avenue. Passed October 1, 1894 ; fifty years. METROPOLITAN CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Pag-e 28.) Franchise for Lake street, from Michigan avenue to Canal street; Canal street, from Lake street to Fourteenth street; Fourteenth street, from Canal street to California avenue. Passed April 30, 1895 ; to 1900, or until sold to other parties. METROPOLITAN WEST SIDE ELEVATED R. R. COMPANY. Ordinance passed April 7, 1892 ; fifty years. NORTH CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Page 30.) Corporation recognized and franchise and powers conferred upon it by an Act of Legislature. Approved February 14, 1859. (See Sec. 2939, M. C. of 1890.) Sa'me : By ordinance passed July 30, 1883 (as amended August 6, 1883), this company is granted twenty years extension of franchises upon all existing street railway lines. (Sec. 2902, M. C. of 1890.) Same : Street railway on Clark street, from North Water street to Green Bay road, and thence in Green Bay road to present or future City limits. On Division street, from Clark street to Clybourn avenue, thence in Clybourn avenue to Racine road, and thence in same direct line to northern City limits. On Michigan street, from Canal street to Rush street, thence north on Rush street to Chicago avenue, hence on Green Bay road to Wolcott street, thence on Wolcott street to Elm street, and thence on Elm street to Clark street. On Wells street, from North Water street to Division street, thence west on Division street to Sedgwick street, and thence north on Sedg- wick street to Green Bay road. On Chicago avenue, from Rush street west to the Chicago river. Passed May 23, 1859 ; twent}~-five 3'ears. 30 MAP SHOWING LINES DF THE NORTH CHICAGO ST. R. R. CO. INDEX. ELECTRIC LINES COMPLETED. TD BE BU1UT. CABLE LINES. HOUSE CAH LINES. 31 Same : For railwa} 7 on Wolcott street, from Michigan street to center of the Chicago river, to connect with the Chicago City railway. Passed January 18, 1864. Same : Railway on Larrabee street, from Chicago avenue to Little Fort road, and thence on Little Fort road to present or future City limits. On Linden street and Kugenie street, from Larrabee street to Wells street, and thence on any street that ma.y be laid out later, to Green Bay road. Passed August 11, 1864. Same : Railway on Center street, from Clark street to Lincoln avenue, and thence on said avenue to present or future City limits. Passed May 8, 1871. Same : Railway on Clark street, from North Water street to the center of the river, to connect with the Chicago City railway. Passed November 20, 1871. Same : Railway on Fifth avenue, from Randolph street north, over and across the Wells street bridge, thence north to Illinois street and east to Clark street. Passed October 26, 1874. Granted until October 1, 1894, and until the City may purchase. Same : Railway on Division street, from Clark street to State street, thence north on State street to Michigan street. Passed March 22, 1880 ; twenty years. Same : Railway on Sedgwick street, from Division street to Chicago avenue. Passed October 26, 1881 ; twenty years. Same : Railway on Fullerton avenue, from Lincoln avenue to Racine avenue, and thence on Racine avenue to Webster avenue. Passed April 21, 1884 ; twenty years. Same : Railway on Halsted street, from Clybourn avenue to Fullerton avenue. Passed December 9, 1885 ; twenty years. Same : Railway on North Halsted street, from Clybourn avenue to center of the North branch of the Chicago river, to connect with the Chicago West Division Railway Company's tracks. Transfers required from either of these companies, if necessary, for continuous trip from North Halsted street south, or from South Halsted street north. Passed March 1, 1886 ; twenty years. Same : Railway on Market street, from Chicago avenue to Illinois street, and a single track from Illinois street to Michigan street ; thence on Michigan street to Wells street ; also a single track on Illinois street, from Market to Wells street. Passed March 15, 1886 ; twenty years. 32 Same : Cable power authorized by ordinance passed June 7, 1886. Same : Must have consent of property owners for cable on Divi- sion street, between Clark and State streets, and on State street, between Division street and Kinzie street. Passed June 14, 1886. NORTH CHICAGO STREET R. R. COMPANY. Railway on Illinois street, between Clark and Wells streets, and on La Salle avenue, through La Salle street tunnel, and on La Salle street, from Illinois street to Jackson street. Cable permitted. The company to pay $25,000 per year for the use of the tunnel, or in lieu construct and maintain new four-track iron bridges at Wells street, and at Clark street (as amended by ordinance passed October 5, 1888.) Passed July 19, 1886 ; twenty years. Same : Railway on Division street, from Clybourn avenue to Milwaukee avenue. Restricted to single track only, over Division street bridges and approaches. If new bridges are built, the railway company to pay one-half of cost of construction and maintenance. Passed December 20, 1886 ; 20 years. Same : Company granted use of Dearborn street bridge in con- nection with their Dearborn street line to Polk street, and to pay the cost of removing the old Wells street bridge to Dearborn street. Passed March 14, 1887. Same : Providing for a single track only on La Salle street from Randolph street to Monroe street, and to postpone laying 1 of tracks south of Monroe street, but confirming 1 in the company their rights under ordinance above, for double track from Randolph street to Jackson street. Passed July 6, 1887. Same : Railway on Monroe street, from La Salle street to Dear- born street. Single track. On Randolph street, from La Salle street to Dearborn street. Single track. On Dearborn street and Dearborn avenue, from Polk street to Michigan street. On Fourth avenue, from a point 100 feet to a point 350 feet north of Polk street. Single track. On Market street, from Illinois street to Michigan street (single track), and connecting with double track from Michigan street to Kinzie street. On Kinzie street, from Market street to State street. Double track. 33 On Division street, from Clybourn avenue to Milwaukee avenue. Single track only across the bridges at the river or at the North branch canal. On North avenue, from Clark street to Milwaukee avenue. Single track only over bridge and approaches. The compan}' to pay after ten years from the acceptance of this ordinance, one-half of the cost of bridges at Division street and at North avenue, and to pay annually $250 each for maintenance of above bridges. Passed March 14, 1887 ; twenty years. Same : Ordinance construing the two above ordinances of March 14, 1887 ; in re the Wells street bridge removal to Dearborn street, etc. Passed March 1, 1887. Same : Permit for cable on Clybourn avenue, from Pullerton avenue to Belmont avenue. Passed June 26, 1890. Same : Permit to extend railway on Chicago avenue, from Larrabee street to Milwaukee avenue. Shall pay $500 annually for Chicago avenue bridge. Passed March 16, 1891 ; extends to July 30, 1903. Same : Authorizing use of any motor or motive power they may wish. Ordinance passed March 21, 1892, April 30, 1894. Same : Railway on Southport avenue, between Clark street and Clybourn avenue. Amended May 14, 1894, striking out "U. S. Let- ter Carriers free." Passed May 7, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : Railway on Fullerton avenue, from Lincoln avenue to Milwaukee avenue. Passed May 11, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : In Southport avenue, between Lincoln avenue and Cly- bourn place. Passed March 11, 1895 ; twenty years from May 21, 1894. Same : On Indiana street, from State street across Indiana street bridge to west side of Chicago river (North branch) on Grand avenue west, thence to Halsted street. Passed February 4, 1895 ; twenty }*ears. Same : Pipe Line. Ordinance expiring when present franchise of said railway expires. For pipe two inches in diameter in Larrabee street, or in alley near thereto, thence north to Fullerton avenue, to Orchard street, to Wrightwood avenue, etc., for lighting with gas the street cars of said company. Passed October 15, 1894. Same : A single or double track (loop) on and on part of public alley lying west of Clark street, between Clark and Orchard streets, and where same alley runs northerly from Sherman place and inter- sects, at its north end, another alley which runs westerly, etc. Passed February 24, 1896 ; twenty years. 34 35 NORTH CHICAGO ELECTRIC RAILWAY. ( See Map. Page 34.) Street railway on Lincoln avenue, between Wrightwood avenue and North Fifty-ninth street, and on Milwaukee avenue, between Armitage avenue and Lawrence avenue. Passed November 12, 1894; twenty years. Same : Robey street, from Lincoln avenue and Irving- Park boulevard to Bryn Mawr avenue; Bryn Mawr avenue, from Robey street to East Ravenswood Park avenue; East Ravenswood Park avenue, from Br} r n Mawr avenue to Rosehill station; Balmoral avenue, from Robey street to East Ravenswood Park "avenue; East Ravenswood Park, from Balmoral avenue to Bryn Mawr avenue; Lawrence avenue, from Evanston avenue to Milwaukee avenue; Montrose boulevard, from Evanston avenue to Milwaukee avenue. Passed July 23, 1896, page 762; and again passed under amended ordinance July 27, 1896, pag-e 767. NORTHERN ELECTRIC RAILWAY. On West Forty-seventh street, from Lake street to Thomas street ; on Thomas street, from West Forty-seventh street to Fort^y-eig-hth street; on West Forty-eighth street, from Thomas street to North avenue; on Jefferson avenue, from North avenue to Armitag-e avenue; on North avenue, from West Forty-eig-hth street to Central avenue ; on Central avenue, from North avenue to Grand avenue ; on Leyden avenue, from Grand avenue to Belden avenue ; on Belden avenue, from Leyden avenue to Poland avenue; on Poland avenue, from Grand avenue to Belden avenue. Passed July 23, 1894 ; twenty years. NORTH SIDE ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ( See Map, Page 36.) Beginning- at south line of Kinzie street, at intersection of Franklin street, thence north along Franklin street to north line of Division street ; also commencing- at intersection of Erie street and Franklin street, thence westerly on Erie street to west line of North branch of Chicag-o river ; also commencing- at intersection of Elm and Franklin streets, thence west on Elm street to west line of Crosby street ; also commencing- at intersection of Kingsbury and Erie streets, thence north on King-sbury street to intersection of Wesson 36 MAP BhoTarinn Lines of 1STDRTH SIDE ELECTRIC ST. HT. CD. 37 street and Chicago avenue ; also commencing- at intersection of Wesson street and Chicago avenue, thence north on Wesson street to 200 feet south of Oak street ; also commencing at Wesson street at not less than 200 feet south of Oak street, thence west and across north and south alley lying between Wesson and Larrabee streets to east line of Larrabee ; thence northwesterly along Crosby street, from the west line of Larrabee street to intersection of Grace street with Division street ; also commencing at south line of Division street at intersection of Grace street, thence north on Grace street to Vedder street, thence northerly across Gardner street and east and west alleys lying between Vedder and Gardner streets, and between Gard- ner and Rees streets, to north line of Rees street to point 300 feet east of Halsted street ; on Rees street west to Dayton street ; on Day- ton street to Weed street ; on Weed street to Sheffield avenue ; on Sheffield avenue to Mary street ; on Mary street to Clybourn place ; on Clybourn place easterly to Elston avenue. Passed July 16, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : On Clybourn place, from Marcy street to Clybourn avenue, relinquishing all rights under ordinance of July 16, 1895. Passed October 21, 1895 ; twenty years. NORTHWESTERN ELEVATED RAILROAD COMPANY. (See Map, .Page 38.) Franchise for "L" road, with acceptance of ordinance, etc. Passed January 8, 1894; fifty years. Same: (Amending ordinance of January 8, 1894.) Amending Clause 1 of Sec. 1. The route for that portion of the main line of said railroad south of north line of Institute place, shall be as follows: Beginning at a point on Institute place, between Market and North Franklin streets, thence southeast to Chicago avenue, to North Franklin street, to Michigan street ; thence east to Wells street, over and across Chicago river, thence southerly on Fifth avenue to north line of Harrison street, etc. Passed June 24, 1895. NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. For railway in Southport avenue, Jones avenue, Hawthorne avenue, Larrabee street, Robert street and Kingsbury street to Kinzie street. Passed February 5, 1866 ; no time limit. 38 MAP SHOWING ROUTE DF NORTHWESTERN ELEVATED R. R. CD. 39 Is S UNION-LOOP-ELEVATED B-.R. 41 OGDEN STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Page 39.) For street railway on West Forty-eighth street (Hyman avenue), from Madison street to Twelfth street ; on West Twelfth street, from West Fortieth street (Crawford avenue) to West Forty-eighth street on Ogden avenue, from West Fortieth street to West Forty-sixth street ; on West Twenty-sixth street, from West Fortieth street to West Forty-sixth street ; on Thirty-first street, from West Fortieth street to West Forty-sixth street. Passed February 18, 1895 ; twenty years. UNION ELEVATED R. R. Co. (See Map, Page 40.) For elevated railway on Wabash avenue, from L/ake street to Harrison street. Passed October 14, 1895 ; 50 years. UNION CONSOLIDATED ELEVATED RAILWAY COMPANY. On Van Buren street, from Wabash avenue to a point about 200 feet east of Halsted street ; also on Market street, from Van Buren street to right-of-way of the Metropolitan West Side Elevated Com- pany. Ordinance granted for a period of 50 years from October 7, 1895. Passed June 29, 1896. P. 579. SOUTH CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Page 42.) For street railway on Commercial avenue, Seventy-ninth street, Cheltenham place, Buffalo avenue, Eighty-seventh street, Superior avenue, Eighty-third street, Ontario avenue, Coles avenue, Seventy- first street, Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Sixth street. Passed November 2, 1891 ; twenty years. Same : On Seventieth street, Addison avenue, Seventy-first street, Sevent}'-fifth street, Ninety-fifth street, Indiana boulevard, Avenue K, Torrence avenue, One Hundred and Fourteenth street, Sheridan avenue, Chittenden road, South Chicago avenue and Howard avenue. Passed March 4, 1895 ; twenty }-ears. Same : On Sixty-fourth street, from Stony Island avenue to Madison avenue ; Madison avenue, Sixty-fourth street to Sixty-third street. Passed June 8, 1896, page 387, and amended June 29, 1896, page 557 ; twenty years, dating from October 10, 1892. 42 43 SOUTHWEST CHICAGO RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY. For street railway on Sixty-third street, from Ashland avenue to Central Park avenue. Passed July 20, 1891 ; twenty years. Another ordinance for same thing-, passed March 20, 1893 ; twenty years, and re-enacted June 19, 1893. Same : An amendatory ordinance, passed February 24, 1896, permitting- overhead trolley; also permitting sale, lease or transfer of the franchise, and eliminating the requirements for carrying United States letter carriers free, etc. WEST CHICAGO RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY. For an elevated railroad in the West Division of the City. Passed February 17, 1890 ; twenty years. WEST CHICAGO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Also lessee of the Chicago West Division Railway Company. (See Map, Page 16.) For extensions of street railway on Fifth avenue, from Polk street to Taylor street; on Polk street, between Fifth avenue and Canal street; and on Twelfth street, from State street to the east end of the approach to the Twelfth street viaduct. Passed June 11, 1888. Same : On West North avenue, between California avenue and Kedzie avenue, and from Kedzie avenue to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway right of way. Passed July 2, 1888 ; fifteen years. Same : On West Chicago avenue, between Leavitt street and California avenue, and on California avenue between West Chicago avenue and Division street. Passed July 2, 1888, and May 13, 1889 ; fifteen years from first named date. Same : On Milwaukee avenue, from Armitage avenue to Fuller- ton avenue (as an extension of the Chicago West Division railway on Milwaukee avenue). Passed February 4, 1889 ; fifteen years. Same : On West Twelfth street, from Ogden avenue to Western avenue, as an extension of the Chicago West Division railway on Twelfth street east of Ogden avenue, under ordinance of August 26, 1878. Passed May 27, 1889 ; to August 26, 1898. Same : Required to pave between tracks the Twelfth street line, from Ashland avenue to Ogden avenue, and the Ogden avenue line, from Twelfth street to California avenue. Passed July 25, 1889. 44 Same : Taylor street, between Fifth avenue and Western ave- nue. The Company to relinquish all claims to the Adams street bridge, and to pay to the City $100,000 towards the construction of piers, abutments, etc., at Taylor street, and removal of the present Adams street bridge to Taylor street, such portion of the $100,000, if any, remaining- unexpended for the above, to be returned to the street railway company (as per Ordinance of January 20, 1890). Passed December 23, -1889 ; twenty years. Same : On Armitage avenue, between California avenue and Kedzie avenue (or Simons avenue). Passed January 20, 1890 ; twenty years. Same : On Western avenue, between Lake street and Milwaukee avenue, and between Twelfth street and Twenty-sixth street. Passed April 3, 1890 ; twenty years. Same : On Lawndale avenue, between Ogden avenue and Thirty-third street. Passed November 17, 1890; twenty years. Same : On West North avenue, between California avenue and Crawford avenue (West Fortieth street) ; to pay annual mileage charge of S800 per mile from and after the first Tuesday of December, 1893, in addition to the $50 car license fee. Passed April 9, 1891 ; twenty years. Same : A later ordinance passed for the above, September 28 r 1891, and expiring July 30, 1911, omitting the $800 mileage charge. Same : On Lake street, from Crawford avenue to West Forty- eighth street. Passed December 28, 1891 ; twenty years. Ordinance passed January 11, 1892, eliminating '.'letter carriers free." Same : On Milwaukee avenue, from Armitage avenue to Law- rence avenue. Passed February 29, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : On Ashland avenue, between Blue Island avenue and Twelfth street, and between Lake street and Erie street; on Paulina street, between Twelfth street and Lake street (the Company to pay cost of setting curbs four feet back on each side between Madison and Polk streets) ; on Robey street, between Blue Island avenue and Milwaukee avenue ; on Western avenue, between Twelfth street and Twenty-sixth street, and between Harrison street and Van Buren street, and between Lake street and Milwaukee avenue; on Milwaukee avenue, between Armitage avenue and Lawrence avenue ; on Kedzie avenue, between Madison street and Twelfth street; on Colorado avenue, between Madison and West Forty-eighth street; on West Chicago avenue, between California avenue and Grand avenue; on 45 Grand avenue, between Chicago avenue and Crawford avenue, and between Indiana street and Chicago avenue; on Kighteenth street, between State street and Halsted street ; on Fourteenth street, between Canal street and Robey street ; on State street, between Madison and Washington streets; on Dearborn street, between Adams and Van Buren streets ; repeals part of section 1 of an ordinance of March 14, 1887, requiring them to grant use of Dearborn street tracks to the Chicago City Railway Company. Passed March 14," 1892 ; twenty years. Another ordinance passed March 21, 1892, for twenty years, covering all the above streets, permitting a single track on Robey street, or a double track, if they pay for setting the curb back four feet, etc., prohibiting more than two tracks on Dearborn street; also an agreement supplemental to the above ordinance by the Company, where, on any of the above streets of a thirty-foot improved roadway, they lay two tracks, they will set back the curbs four feet on each side and pay for all improvements of the added space, etc. Same : On Crawford avenue (West Fortieth street), from North avenue to Grand avenue. Passed July 21, 1892; twenty years. Same : On Armitage avenue, from California avenue to Kimball avenue. Passed September 12, 1892; twenty years. Another ordi- nance for above passed May 14, 1894 ; twenty years. Same : (Together with the North Chicago Street Railroad Company.) By ordinance passed March 21, 1892, permitting use of "Belgian compressed air, gas, electricity or any other motive power they shall see fit to adopt " on their several respective lines of rail- roads owned or leased by them, providing that the electric power shall be placed underground." Above ordinance amended April 30, 1894, by striking out the " Belgian pattern" and " gas," and permit- ting "overhead trolley," in lieu of the underground requirement. In consideration of the above, the railway companies to pay the City $10,000 at expiration of the first year, $15,000 the second year, $20,000 the third year, and $25,000 yearly thereafter. Such sums to be used for extending the electric light system ; the North Chicago Street Railroad Company further agreeing to pay the City the amount of certain judgments for damages against the City arising out of the Dearborn street bridge and viaduct, etc. Above ordinance amended May 7, 1894 (two ordinances), /';/ re City police and firemen, and striking out the prohibition against trolley wires under elevated railroads. 46 Same : On Harrison street, between Western avenue and Kedzie avenue ; on Twenty-sixth street, between Blue Island avenue and Crawford avenue ; on Wood street, between Blue Island avenue and Milwaukee avenue ; on Lincoln street to Western avenue ; on Laurel street, between Thirty-first street and Thirty-ninth street, from Laurel to Main street ; on Main street, northeasterly from Thirty- fifth street to (over the bridg-e) Throop street ; on Throop street, between Twenty-first street and Taylor street ; on private property, from the south end of Throop street to a connection at Twenty-first street and Main street ; on Sangamon street, between Austin avenue and Erie street ; on Erie street, from Sanganaon street to the east bank of the North branch of the Chicag-o river ; on Twenty-first street, between Western avenue and Doug-las boulevard, and between Center avenue and Halsted street. Passed February 4, 1895; twenty years. Same : On West Chicago avenue, between Grand avenue and Kedzie avenue. Passed May 6, 1895 ; twenty years. Same : On Western avenue, from Milwaukee avenue to Belmont avenue. Passed October 21, 1895 ; twenty years. Same : Ashland avenue, from Blue Island avenue to Thirty- first street ; California avenue, from Ogden avenue to Kinzie street ; California avenue, from Division street to North avenue ; California avenue, from Armitage avenue to Belmont avenue ; Kedzie avenue from Madison street to Chicago avenue ; Kedzie avenue, from Ogden avenue to Twelfth street ; Armitage avenue, from Elston avenue to Milwaukee avenue ; Augusta street, from Elston avenue to North Fortieth avenue ; Roby street, from North avenue to Elston avenue. Original ordinance passed July 2", 1896, page 737, and vetoed by the Mayor July 27, page 791, and passed as amended July 27, 1896, page 792 ; twenty years. Same : Armitage avenue, from North Forty-fourth avenue to Grand avenue ; Grand avenue, from Armitage avenue to Central avenue. Ordinance passed November 9, 1896 ; page 1080. NORTH CHICAGO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY AND WEST CHICAGO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Ordinance for operating their respective railway lines with elec- tricity as a motive power, in and along each and all of the streets and avenues in the South division of the City of Chicago. Passed July 20, 1896, page 742 ; vetoed by the Mayor, July 27, 1896, page 795 ; and again passed under amended ordinance July 27, 1896, page 796. 47 WEST AND SOUTH TOWN HORSE RAILWAY COMPANY, WEST AND SOUTH TOWN STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, CHICAGO GENERAL RAILWAY COMPANY. (See Map, Page 48.) Street railway on Twenty-second street, from Grove street to Johnson street, and from May street to Crawford avenue, and for a connecting- line over private property between Johnson street and May street ; also on Lawndale avenue, from Twenty-second street to Thirty-fifth street. To pay in addition to a $50 car license, $500 annually per mile after December 1, 1895. Passed February 8, 1892 ; twenty years. Same : (West and South Towns Street Railway Company.) On Twenty-fifth street, from Lawndale avenue to Rockwell street ; on Kedzie avenue, from Twenty-second street to Thirty-first street ; on Homan avenue, from Twenty-second street to Twenty-third street ; $500 mileag-e not required under this ordinance. Passed April 5, 1893 ; to February 8, 1912. Same : (Chicago General Railway Company.) On Homan ave- nue, from Twenty-third to Twenty-fifth streets. Passed December 10, 1894 ; to February 8, 1912. 48 INDEX TO MAPS. PAGE Calumet Electric Street Railway, The ./. 2 Chicago and Jefferson Urban Transit Co., The. .Y. 14 Chicago & South Side Rapid Transit Railway 20 Chicago City Railway Co . . /. 4 Chicago Electric Transit Co . . .Y. 10 Chicago General Railway Co 48 Chicago North Shore Street Railway Co 12 Cicero & Proviso Street Railway Co . . .Y. 21 Englewood & Chicago Electric Street Railway . , 22 General Electric Railway Co 24 Lake Street Elevated R. R. Co 26 Metropolitan West Side Elevated R. R., The 28 North Chicago Electric Street Railway Co . . .S. 34 North Chicago Street R. R. Co 30 North Side Electric Street Railway Co 36 Northwestern Elevated R. R. Co . . . y 38 Ogden Street Railway Co V. 39 South Chicago City Railway Co 42 Union Loop Elevated R. R 40 West Chicago Street R. R 16 50 INDEX TO STREETS OCCUPIED BY STREET CAR LINES. Adams st Center to Michigan ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Addison ave.* Western ave. to N. 64th st Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Armitage ave Elston ave. to N. 44th st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Archer ave State to S. 44th st Chi. City Ry. Co. Ashland ave Graceland to Belmont ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Ashland ave Clybourn pi. to Lake st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Ashland ave 12th to 31st st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Ashland ave 31st to 69th st Chi. City Ry . Co. Augusta st Elston to N. 40th ave . . . . W. Chi. St. Ry Co. Austin ave Desplaines st. to Center ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Avenue F 103d to 108th st Calumet Elec. St. Ry. Avenue K Ewing ave. to 108th st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. Avenue L 98th to 108th st Calumet Eiec. St. Ry. Avenue N 95th to 98th st Calumet Elec. St. Ry. Balmoral ave Robey st. to E. Ravenswood Pk N. Chi. Elec. St. Ry. Baltimore ave 83d st. to Erie ave Calumet Elec. St. Ry. Belmont ave Ashland av. to Robey st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Belmont ave Halsted st. to Milwaukee ave Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Blackhawk st Noble to Holt st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Blue Island ave Halsted st. to Western ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Bond ave 83d st. to Cheltenham pi Calumet Elec. St. Ry. Bryn Mawr ave Robey st. to E. Ravenswood Pk. . . N. Chi. Elec. St. Ry. Buffalo ave 87th to 92d st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. Butler st 24th to 28th st General Elec. Ry . Canal st 18th to Harrison st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Canal st 22d to 23d st Gen. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Canal st Archer ave. to 29th st Chi. City Ry. Co. Canalport ave . . Halsted to 18th st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Calif ornia ave Belmont to Chicago ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. California ave Kinzie st. to Ogden ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Calumet ave 67th to 69th st Englewood & C. E. St. Center st Clark st. to Racine ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Center ave 21st to Adams st W. Chi. St. Ry . Co. Center ave Erie st. to Austin ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Center ave 31st to 35th st Chi. City Ry. Co. Center ave 47th to 63d st Chi. City Ry. Co. Cheltenham pi Bond to Lake ave Cal. Elec. St. Ry. Chicago ave Clark st. to Milwaukee ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Chicago ave Milwaukee ave. to N. 40th st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Chicago ave Crosby to Erie st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Chicago ave N. 40th to Kedzie ave C. & J. U. Trans. Co. Chicago ave N. 48th to N. 52d ave Cic. & Pro. St. Ry. 51 Clemens ave 7lst to 72d st E. & Chi. Elec. St. Ry. Clark st Washington to 22d st Chi. City St. Ry. Co. Clark st Washington to Devon st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Clinton st Harrison st. to Milwaukee ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Clybourn ave Clybourn pi. to Halsted st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Clybourn ave Division st. to Western ave N. Chi. St. R. R. Co. Clybourn pi Robey st. to Elston ave N. Chi. St. R. R. Co. Clybourn pi . . / Elston to Clybourn ave . . N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Colorado ave Madison st. to W. 40th ave W. Chi. St. R. R. Co. Coles ave 71st to 79th st S. Chi. St. R. R. Co. Commercial ave 79th to 104th st S. Chi. St. R. R. Co. Cottage Grove ave. . 22d to S. Chicago ave Chi. City St. Ry. Co. Crawford ave Chicago to Grand ave Chi. & J. U. Trans. Co. Crosby ave Division to Larrabee st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Custom House pi. . . Jackson to 14th st . . General Electric. Dearborn st 43d to 45th st General Electric. Dearborn ave and st. Kinzie to Polk st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Dearborn st Van Buren to Adams st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Dearborn st 20th to 21st st Chicago City Ry . Dearborn st 14th to 37th st General Electric. Devon ave Evanston ave. to Clark st Chi. N. S. St. Ry. Co. Desplaines st Harrison to Adams st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Desplainesst Madison st. to Austin ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Division st Milwaukee to California ave -. . W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Division st Halsted to Crosby st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Division st . State st. to Milwaukee ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 83d st S. Chicago to Bond ave Calumet Electric. 83d st Ontario to Superior st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. 18th st Leavitt to River st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 18th st Indiana to Wabash ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 86th st Sangamon to L,oomis st Eng.& Chi. Elec. St. Ry. 86th pi 87th st Cottage Grove ave. to Vincennes rd. Eng.&Chi. Elec.St. Ry. 87th st Superior ave. to Buffalo st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. 87th st Stony Island to Cottage Grove ave. . Calumet Electric. . 89th st The Strand to Mackinaw ave Calumet Electric. Elston ave Milwaukee to Chi. ave. City limits. . Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Elmst Crosby to Franklin st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Erie ave Baltimore to S. Chi. ave Calumet Electric. Erie st Center to Ashland ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Erie st River to Franklin st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Escanaba ave 78th to 83d st Calumet Electric. Evans ave 71st to 72d st Eng.& Chi. Elec.St.Ry. Evanston ave Clark st. to Graceland ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Evanston ave Graceland & Halsted to Devon ave. C. N. Shore St. Ry. Ewing ave 92d to S. Chi. City Ry. 52 Fifth ave Twelfth to Randolph st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Fifth ave Lake to Van Buren st Union Loop. Fifth ave 37th to 43d st General Electric. 51st st Grand blvd. to Western ave Chi. City Ry. Co. 55th st Cottage Grove to Lake ave Chi. City Ry. Co. 56th st Morgan st. to Western ave General Electric. 57th st Wabash ave. to Morgan st General Electric. 57th st Wabash to S. Park ave General Electric. 59th st State st. to Western ave Chi. City Ry. Co. 14th st Canal to Robey st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 14th st Plymouth to Custom House pi General Electric. S. 40th ave Madison to 31st st Ogden St. Ry. Co. 40th st Alley E.of State to alley E.of Prairie C. & S. S. Rapid T. Co. N. 40th ave Irving Pk. blvd. to Peterson ave. . . Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. 43d st State st. to the Lake Chi. City Ry. Co. 43d st Fifth to Princeton ave General Electric. 45th st Princeton to Ellis ave General Electric. 46th ct Montrose to Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. 47th st The Lake to Archer ave Chi. City Ry. Co. S. 48th ave Madison to 26th st Ogden St. Ry. Co. . 48th ave Warren ave Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. 48th ave Madison st. to Chicago ave Cicero & Proviso St.Ry. Franklin st Elm to Kinzie st N. W. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Front st 95th to 99th st Eng.& Chi. Elec.St.Ry. Fulton st Morgan st. to Kedzie ave Chi. & Jeff. U. T. Co. Fullerton ave Halsted st to Milwaukee ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Garfield ave Lincoln to Racine ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Graceland ave Ashland ave. to River Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Graceland ave Evanston to Ashland ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Grand ave Western ave. to Halsted st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Grand ave 40th st. to Western ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Grand ave Crawford to Armitage ave Chi. & Jeff. U. T. Co. Halsted st Archer ave. and River to 79th st . . Chi. City Ry. Co. Halsted st Clybourn ave. to Division st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Halsted st N. Branch to S. Branch W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Halsted st N. Branch to Graceland ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Halsted st 119th to 121st st Calumet Elec. St. Ry . Harbor ave 93d to Makinaw ave Calumet Elec. St. Ry. Harrison st Kedzie to Wabash ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Holt st Blackhawk to North ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Homan ave 22d to 25th Chi. Genl. Ry . Co. Honore st 75th to 76th sts Calumet Elec. St. Ry. 53 Indiana ave .-. 18th to 51st st Chi. City St. Ry. Co. Indiana st Halsted st. to Grand ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Indiana st Milwaukee ave and Halsted to State N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Indianapolis ave ... K to State line S. Chi. City Ry. Co. Irving- Park blvd. . . River to City Limits Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Jeff erson ave Jefferson ave 62d to 63d st Chi. City Ry. Co. Kedzie ave Fulton st. to North ave Chi. & Jeff. U. T. Co. Kedzie ave 38th to 63d st Chicago City Ry. Co. Kedzie ave 22d to 31st st Chi. Genl. Ry. Co. Kedzie ave Ogden to Chicago ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Kedzie ave Division st. to North ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Kingsbury st Chicago ave. to Erie st N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Kinzie st Market or Orleans st. to Wells st. . . N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Kimball ave North to Armitage ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Lake ave 78th st. to Cheltenham pi Calumet Elec. Lake ave 56th st. to alley S. of 55th st Chi. City Ry. Lake st N. 48th ave. to W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Lake st Wabash ave. to 52d st Lake St. Ele. Ry. Co. Lake st Wabash ave. to State st Chi. City Ry. Co. Lake st 48th to 52d ave Cicero & Proviso St.Ry. Lake st 5th to Wabash ave Union Loop . Lake st 5th to 52d ave Lake St. Elevated . La Salle st Michigan ave. to Monroe st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. La Salle st Madison to Michigan st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Larrabee st Chi. to Clybourn ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Larrabee st Crosby st. to Chicago ave N. S. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Lawndale ave Ogden ave. to 33d st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co Lawndale ave 22d st. to S. of River. Chi. Genl. Ry. Co. Lawrence ave Elston to Evanston ave N. C. Elec. St. Ry. Co. Lawrence ave Elston to Milwaukee ave Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Leavitt st 18th st. to Blue Island ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Lincoln ave Belmont to Center ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Lincoln ave Loomis st 86th to 95th st Eng. & Chi.Elec.St.Ry. Madison st State st. to Michigan ave Chi. City Ry. Madison st State st. to 40th ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Madison st 40th to 52d ave Cicero & Prov. St. Ry. Madison ave 63d to 64th st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. Madison ave 63d to 64th st Chi. City Ry . Co. Mackinaw ave Harbor ave. to 89th st Calumet Electric. Market st. (Orleans) Kinzie to Division st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Market st. (Orleans) Lake to Madison st Lake St. Elevated. Michigan ave Adams to Washington st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Michigan ave Madison to Randolph st Chi. City Ry. Co. Michigan ave 95th to 124th st Calumet Electric. 54 Michigan st Market (Orleans) to Clark st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Milwaukee ave L,ake st. to L/ogan sq N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Milwaukee ave Milwaukee ave Lawrence to City limits Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Monroe st L,a Salle to Dearborn st.: N. Chi. St. Ry. Monroe st Morgan to Canal st Chi. & Jeff. U. T. Co. Montrose blvd Milwaukee to Evanston ave N. Chi. Elec. St. Ry. Morgan st 57th to 56th st General Electric Ry . Morgan st Monroe to Fulton st Chi. & Jeff. U. T. Co. 91st st S. Chicago ave. to Mackinaw ave. . Calumet Electric. 91st st Stony Island to Cottage Grove ave. Calumet Electric. 92d st Commercial to Ewing ave S. Chi. City Ry. Co. 93d st S. Chicago to Stony Island ave .... Calumet Electric. 93d st S. Chicago to Harbor ave Calumet Electric. 93d st Washington to Cottage Grove ave. . Calumet Electric. 94th st Stony Island to Washington ave. . . Calumet Electric. 95th st S. Chicago to Avenue N Calumet Electric. 95th st Cottage Grove to Michigan ave. . . . Calumet Electric. 95th st Looniis to Front st. Eng. & Chicago. 98th st Avenue N to Avenue L Calumet Electric. 99th st Front to Winston st Eng. & Chicago. Noble ave Blackhawk st. to Milwaukee ave . . W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. North ave Milwaukee to 40th ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. North ave Ashland to Holt ave W. Chi. St. Ry . Co. North ave Milwaukee ave. to Clark st. N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Ogden ave S. 40th to S. 48th ave Ogden St. Ry. Co. Ogden ave Randolph to S. 40th st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 103d st Michigan ave. to Vincennes rd Calumet Electric. 103d st Avenue L, to Avenue F Calumet Electric. 103d st Michigan ave. to Wood st Eng. & Chi. Elec. St. 104th st Torrence to Commercial ave S. Chi. City Ry. Co. 108th st Torrence to Indianapolis ave S. Chi. City Ry. Co. 108th st Avenue L, to Indiana State line. . . . Calumet Electric. lllth st Indiana to Ashland ave Eng. & Chi. Elec. 115th st Michigan to Prairie ave Calumet Elec. St. Ry. 116th st Wentworth to Prairie ave Calumet Elec. St. Ry. 119th st Michigan ave. to Halsted st Caluniet Elec. St. Ry. 119th st Halsted st. to Ashland ave Eng. & Chi. Elec. Ontario ave 79th to 83d st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. Orleans st. (Market) Kinzie to Division st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Paulina st L,ake to 12th st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Peterson ave Kedzie to N. 40th ave Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Pitney ct 31st st. to Archer ave Chi. City Ry. Co. Plymouth pi Jackson to 14th st General Elec. R3'. Co. Polk st Canal st. to 5th ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 55 Prairie ave 115th to 116th st Calumet Elec. St. Ry. Princeton ave 23d to 24th st General Electric. Princeton ave. . . . 43d to 57th st . . General Electric. Randolph st Wabash ave. to State st Chi. City Ry. Co. Randolph st Lake to State st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Randolph st La Salle to Dearborn st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. E. Ravenswood prk. Balmoral to Rosehill station N. Chi. Elec. St. Ry. East Racine ave Center st. to Fullerton ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Railroad ave 73d to 78th st Calumet Electric. Rhodes ave 35th to 39th st Chi. City Ry. Robey st Lincoln to Bryn Mawr ave N. Chi. Elec. St. Ry. Robey st Elston to Blue Island ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Robey st Belmont ave. to Rpscoe st N. Chi. St. Ry. Rockwell st 19th to 26th st Chi. Genl. Ry. Co. Root st State to Halsted st Chi. City Ry. Co. Roscoe st Robey st. to Western ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Sang-amon st Erie to Adams st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Sangamon st 68th to 95th st Eng. and Chi. Elec. 70th st . : Stony Island to Yates ave S. Chi. City Ry. 71st st Yates to Coles ave S. Chi. City Ry. 71st st State st. to Cottage Grove ave Calumet Elec. 72d st Cottage Grove to Evans ave Calumet Elec. 73d st Stony Island to Railroad ave Calumet Elec. 75th st Stony Island ave. to Honore st .... Calumet Elec. 75th st Illinois Cent, tracks to the Lake. . . S. Chi. City Ry. 76th st Halsted to Honore st ... Calumet Elec. 78th st Railroad ave. to the Lake Calumet Elec. 79th st Stony Island to Ontario ave S. Chi. City Ry. 79th st Vincennes rd. to Halsted st Chi. City Ry. Co. 79th st Vincennes rd. to State st Eng. & Chi. Elec. Ry. 61st st Washington to Wentworth ave Chi. City Ry. Co. 62d st Stony Island to Jefferson ave Chi. City Ry. Co, 63d st Stony Island to Ashland ave Chi. City Ry. Co. 63d st Alley E. of Prairie to Stony Island. C. & S. S. R. Trans. Co. 64th st Stony Island to Madison ave Chi. City Ry. 64th st -... Stony Island to Madison ave S. Chi. City Ry . North 64th ave Addison ave. to Irving Park Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. North 66th st South Park to St. Lawrence ave . . . Calumet Elec. 67th st Cottage Grove to Stony Island ave. Calumet Elec. 67th st Cottage Grove ave. to State st Eng. & Chi. Elec, 69th st Calumet to Vincennes ave Eng. & Chi. Elec. 16th st South 46th ave. to South 48th st Ogden St. Ry. 16th st State st. to Western ave Chi. City Ry. Co. Sedgwick st Chicago ave. to Center st N. Chi. St. Ry. Sheffield ave Lincoln ave. to Clark st N. Chi. St. Ry. Southport ave Clybourn pi. to Clark st N. Chi. St. Ry. 56 South Park ave 22d to 23d st General Elec. South Park ave 63d to 67th st Calumet Elec. South Chicago ave . Woodlawn ave. to 59th st Calumet Elec. South Chicago ave . Vincennes to Cottage Grove ave. . . Eng. & Chi. Elec. South Chicago ave . Cottage Grove to Woodlawn ave . . . Chi. City Ry. Co. State st 68th to 69th st Eng. & Chi. Elec. State st Lake to Division st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. State st Lake to 69th st Chi. City Ry. State st Madison to Lake st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Stony Island ave . . . 62d to 64th st Chi. City Ry. Co. Stony Island ave . . . 64th to 97th st Calumet Elec. Stony Island ave . . . 64th to 79th st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. St. Lawrence ave . . 66th to 75th st Calumet Elec. Sunnyside ave North 46th ct. to North 48th ave Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Superior ave 83d to 87th st S. Chi. City Ry. Co. Taylor st Western ave. to River W. Chi. St. Ry. Torrence ave 104th to 108th st S. Chi. City Ry. 12th st South 40th to South 48th ave Ogden St. Ry. Co. 12th st Wabash to South 40th ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 21st st Halsted st. to California ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 22d st River to Indiana ave Chi. City Ry. 22d st River to Ogden ave Chi. Genl. Ry. Co. 23d st Canal st. to S. Park ave Genl. Elec. Co . 24th st Princeton ave. to Butler st Genl. Elec. Co. 25th st Rockwell to Lawndale ave Chi. Genl. Ry . Co . 26th st Cottage Grove ave. to Halsted st. . . Chi. City Ry. Co. 26th st S. 40th ave. to S. 48th ave Ogden St. Ry. Co. 26th st Western to S. 40th ave W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. 27th st Lawndale to S. 46th ave Chi. Genl. Co. 28th st Butler to Union st Genl. Elec. Co. 29th st Canal to Wallace st Chi. City Ry. Co. 31st st Pitney ct. to the Lake Chi. City Ry. Co. 31st st S. 40th to 44th ave Ogden St. Ry. Co. 31st st Kedzie to Lawndale ave Chi. Genl. Co. 35th st Cottage Grove to California ave . . . Chi. City Ry. Co. 37th st Wabash to Union ave Genl. Elec. Ry . Co. 38th st Archer ave. to Central Park ave . . . Chi. City Ry. Co. 39th st Halsted st. to Cottage Grove ave. . . Chi. City Ry. Co. Union ave 26th to 57th st Genl. Elec. Ry. Co. Van Buren st Wabash ave. to a point between Union ave. and Halsted st Union Con. Loop Co. Van Buren st Kedzie ave. to State st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Vernon ave 63d to 67th st Eng. & Chi. Elec. Co. Vincennes ave 67th to 71st st Eng. & Chi. Elec. Co. 57 Vincennes rd State to 79th st Chi. City Ry. Co. Vincennes rd 79th st. to City limits Eng. & Chi. Elec. Co. Wabash ave Lake to 22d st Chi. City Ry. Co. Wabash ave 23d to 63d st Genl. Elec. Co. Wabash ave Lake to Harrison st Union Loop Co. Wallace st 29th to Root st Chi. City Ry. Co. Washington ave. . . 60th to 61st st Chi. City Ry. Co. Washington ave. . . . Michigan ave. to Tunnel W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Washington ave. . . . Desplaines st. to Tunnel W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Webster ave Racine to Lincoln ave N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Wells st Michigan to Clark st N. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Wentworth ave 116th to 119th st Calumet Elec. Co. Wentworth ave Archer ave. to Vincennes rd Chi. City Ry. Co. Western ave Archer ave. to 7lst st . Chi. City Ry. Co. Western ave Armitage ave. to 26th st W. Chi. St. Ry. Co. Western ave Elston ave. to Church rd Chi. Elec. Trans. Co. Wood st 103d to 107th st Eng. & Chi. Elec. Co. Yates ave 68th to 71st st S. Chi. City Ry. 8K THE RIETH RAIL BOND. THE BEST RAIL BOND MADE ELECTRICALLY AND MECHANICALLY, PATENTED. Strictly One Piece. Drop Forged-Pure Lake Copper. Machine-Finished Terminals. RIETH ELECTRIC COMPANY, 945 Old Colony Building, CHICAGO.