LI B RAR.Y OF THE UNIVLRSITY or ILLINOIS 977.3^^11 Snle cop, 2 mM^m^^ LIBRARY WM. L. SNAPP EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE OLD SETTLERS BY WILLIAM L. SNAPP SPKIXGFIELD, ILL. H. W. ROKKER CO., PKIXTERS AXD BINDERS, 1905 Copyright. 1905, by Wm. L. Snapp. INTRODUCTION Some four years ago it occurred to my mind that a history of the early days in Greenbush township would be of interest to many. So little by little I have from time to time gathered in- formation for this work. It has been no small task, as nearly all the men and women who helped to make the early history have passed away, and many of their children have moved away and are scattered about in distant localities. These early settlers braved the dangers of frontier life, en- dured hardships, toil, deprivations and the loneliness of the country at that time. Many of them lived in simple log cabins affording poor shelter from the storms of winter. But they planted civiliza- tion here, which has made possible the comfortable and luxurious homes of to-day. > It has been my constant aim to present facts in this work. But it is nearly impossible to write a work of this kind that is entirely free from errors. I am satisfied that the competent critic will find errors. I am also satisfied that the incompetent will affect to find many more, from whom I expect no mercy. To the many who have so kindly assisted me in this work, I here return my sincere thanks. A list of their names would be too long for publication here. Wm. L. Snapp. o The flowers that I sought in the wildwood Have since dropped their withering leaves; And many dear friends of my childhood Have slumbered for years in the graves." HISTORICAL The County of Warren in the State of Illinois was created by an act of the General Assembly approved January 13, 1825. At that time it was bounded as follows: Beginning at the point where the township line between seven and eight north touches the Mississippi river, thence east on said line to the Meridian; thence north on said meridian line to the northeast corner of township twelve north, range one west of the Fourth Principal Meridian; thence west on said township line to the Mississippi river, and thence down the river to the place of beginning. Warren county then extended from the Fourth Principal Meridian to the Mississippi river. The General Assembly of 1841 passed an act detaching all the territory west of range three, forming a new county with the name of Henderson. Greenbush township it situated on the southeast corner of Warren county, Illinois, being township eight north of the base line, range one west of the Fourth Principal INTeridian. James B. Atwood was the first white man that settled in what is now known as Warren county. He arrived in 1828 and located on section 27, now Kelly township. Adam Ritchie and family came the same year and located on the south end of Sugar- tree Grove on the farm afterwards owned by Mr. Quinn in Hale township. John B. Talbot with his mother and cousin, Allen C. Andrews, settled in the northeast corner of Monmouth township, on section one. The first settler in Greenbush township was Rowland Simmons. He came from Warren county, Kentucky, to Morgan county, Illi- nois. In 1830, he moved from Morgan county to what is now known as Greenbush in Warren county, Illinois. Here he camped in 6 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH the edge of the timber about one-half a mile west of where the village of Greenfield (afterwards the village of Greenbush) was located. He came in a covered wagon, driving three yoke of cattle. His mother, wife and one son came with him. This son was William Simmons, who was four years old at the time. Mr. Simmons brought in his wagon a few cooking utensils and house- hold furniture ; also a few tools. His chairs he tied on the outside of his wagon. He immediately set to work building his cabin, which was thirty-six feet long and twelve feet wide. He used mostly hickory logs. This house could not be called a hewed log house, as very little hewing was done on the logs. It contained three rooms and was made comfortable by being chinked with blocks of wood and daubed with clay. He also built a huge fireplace in the west end of the building. He found plenty of Indians here when he came. They were located on sections seven and eighteen, and spent their time hunting, fishing, making maple sugar and riding on their ponies about the country. "Uncle Roley" Simmons was a hardy pioneer and a man possessed of considerable courage, but sometimes he felt a little ticklish or nervous in regard to those Indians. They were a little too numerous for him ; so he always carried his old Kentucky rifle w^hen he went any distance from his house. Sometimes a band of thirty or forty Indians would come hooting and yelling up to him on their ponies and, after dismounting and shaking hands, would ride away. These Indians, however, proved to be peaceable. They left a few graves on the hill south of "Nigger" creek not far from a small stream called the Wash branch. Numerous flint arrow- heads have been found in this locality from time to time. When the Black Hawk war broke out in 1832, they left the country. Mr. Simmons continued to live in his cabin until the Indian trouble began in 1832. He then moved his family to Morgan EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH / county for safety and joined the "Rangers" engaged in the Black Hawk war until the Indians were driven west of the Mississippi river. After Black Hawk, who was a chief of the Sacs and Foxes, w^as defeated, he was made the ward of Keokuk, another chief, which humiliation of his pride broke his heart. He died on a reservation set apart for him in Iowa, in 1838, aged 71 years. His body is said to have been exhumed nine months after death and his articulated skeleton is alleged to have been preserved in the rooms of the Burlington, Iowa, Historical Society until 1855. when it was destroyed by fire. After the Black Hawk war, Keokuk became the chief of the Sacs and Foxes. He lived on the reservation in Iowa until 1845, when he removed to Kansas where, in June, 1848, he fell a victim to poison supposedly administered by some partisan of Black Hawk. After the Black Hawk war and the same year (1832), Mr. Simmons with his family returned to his home in Greenbush. An infant son of his (John W.) died about this time and was buried on the hill west of the village, it being the first grave in the Greenbush graveyard. In the spring of 1833, Uncle Roley took possession of the sugar camp left "by the Indians, they having left their sugar-making outfit ei:)nsisting of kettles, many small troughs and a few large ones. That same year James Simmons, a brother of Rowland's, came from Madison county, Illinois. He drove three yoke of cattle to his covered wagon and had also one horse hitched to a light wagon, some cows and three dogs. One of these dogs was a famous hunter and was the leader in many deer chases in those days. Uncle Jimmy intended to kill one of his cows for his winter's meat, but he found game so plenty that he did not need to. With his trusty rifle he Avas nearly always sure of a buck or doe when he went after them. In the spring of 1834, he took possession of the sugar camp that had been used by his brother Rowland the year previous. 8 EARLY DAYS IN GKEENBUSH At this time it was difficult to obtain breadstnlf. Rowland Simmons went to Morgan county for breadstuff at dift'erent times. His son William went with him to help yoke and unyoke the cattle. In 1834 the Bond family came. This family consisted of Jesse W. Bond and wife and their children, John Crane, Benjamin, Joel, Ruby, William Barnet, Jesse W., and Nathan. Baton A. Vaughn came in 1837 ; John Wingate and Thomas Moulton in 1838. Sarah Snapp and family, consisting of Franklin G., Robert M., William, Ezekiel M., George, Mary, Elizabeth, and Maria, came in 1837. Aaron Powers and Col. John Butler came in 1839. Charles Stice came in from what is now known as Henderson county in 1834. The same year Amos Pierce and his son Clement came from Vermont. William H. Pierce came from Vermont in 1835. Alexander AVillard and family came in 1837. For a more particular mention of these families, see biographical sketches else- where in these pag:es. The village of Greenfield was surveyed and platted by Wm. C. Butler, county surveyor, April 14, 1836, and was located on the northwest corner of section five. The first plat contained a public square and sixteen blocks. Rowland Simmons and James Simmons were the owners of the land on which the town was located. Afterwards Rowland Simmons added four blocks on the west and James Simmons four blocks on the east. The name of Green- field was changed to Greenbush in 1843. Jesse Blankenship had the first house erected in the village. John Sheffield was the carpenter and builder. It was a hewed log house containing two rooms. In the erection of the building, John Simmons notched and fitted one corner ; or, as they called it then, he "took up" one corner. William Vandiver also helped on this building. Mr. Blankenship moved into one of the rooms; the other room he used for a store house, it being the first store in the village. In after years this building was used for various purposes. Wm. H. Pierce used it as a residence and his son Almiron G. was born there July 4, 1838. Woody Alexander kept a grocery in EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH y it at one time. Philip Kariis tinally purchased it and used it for a cooper shop for many years. When Dr. Wm. Randall came to Greenbush in 1858, he used the east room for his office for some time. The old building was pulled down a few years ago and moved to the Karns farm north of Greenbush. Among the early merchants, or storekeepers as they were then called, were Crocker and IMartin, and one Mr. McMahon. Edwin A. Sheble came in the early '40 's and engaged in the mercantile business. His father, brother David, and his father-in- law Major McCormick came with him. Mr. Sheble was an energetic business man and was well liked by the pepole. After leaving Greenbush he took to steamboating on the Mississippi river : became captain, and afterwards owner in different packet lines. During the civil war, he was engaged in conveying troops and supplies for the union army. He was with General Grant at the seige of Vieksburg, and with General Canby at the surrender of Mobile. During his career he built and com- manded twenty-four steamboats. The last one owned by him was the ' ' City of Alton. ' ' He was at one time general freight and pass- enger agent for the Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis Railway Company. After amassing a considerable fortune, he died at No. 4300 McPherson ave., St. Louis, Mo., February 22, 1904. He was nearly eighty-four years old. Major McCormick is still remembered by some of the old settlers. He kept fast horses and engaged in racing here. During the '40 's he owned the horse known as "Billy "Woods" which ran against Dan Meek's horse "Big Colt." The village of Greenfield became quite a trading-point in 1839. Many newcomers had arrived and located in the vicinity. At that time coffee was 20 cents a pound; sugar, 12^/2 ; nails, 121/4; starch, 25 ; tea, $1.50 ; saleratus, 25 cents ; madder, 371/2 ; alum, 25 ; sul- phur, 25. Indigo was 20 cents per ounce; camphor, 25. Writing paper was 371,4 cents a quire; common andirons or "dog-irons," $1.50 per pair. Almanacs were 121^ cents ; calico was 37 V2 cents per yard, whisky $1.00 per gallon and brandy, $2.00. 10 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH A list of the persons given ; and while it is not names of many who then Pleasant Atkinson, John Armstrong, Eli Butler, J. W. Bond, Jr., J. W. Bond, Sr., Nathan Bond, Benjamin Bond, Isaac Bell, John Butler, Stephen Babbet, Wm. Cutherd, Lively Cay ton, David Clevinger, Joseph Craig, Otha Carr, Samuel Cochrane, Moses Doty, T. J. Defrice, Capt. John Darneal, John C. Foster, Wm. A. Fish, Wm. Gunter, Jacob Gross, Thomas Gunter, Julius A. Hill, Wm. Hewett, Reuben Holeman, Levi Heath, John M. Hoisington, John Herrington, Abraham Holeman, Levi Hedges, Polly Hedges, Edson Heath, Jacob Johnson, Wm. Johnson, John Jared, trading in Greenfield at that time is here claimed to be a complete list, it will give resided in this locality: Truman Allen, Jacob Bair, Joel Bond, John C. Bond, Wm. Barnet Bond, Wm. G. Bond, Alanson Bostwick, Wm. B. Blankenship, James Bay, Ezekiel Chambers, James F. Chambers, Asa Clevinger, S. D. Clevinger, Walter Clark, Abel Chase, James Carr, Peter Downey, Harvey Darneille, Levett Emory, John Fisher, G. Geer, Hiram Gray, Francis George, Joseph Gunter, Elijah Hanon, Mahala Herrington, Ralph Heath, Joel Hargrove, Reuben Hammond, Peter Hedges, Stephen Howard, Phebe Hedges, J. E. Heath, Sally Jones, Zack Jennings, Wm. Jared, Jr Joseph Jared, EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 11 Thomas Jones, Aaron Jennings, John Johnson, Wm. Jare'd, Sr., James Kelsey, Elijah Lieurance, B. W. Lewis, John Long, Stephen Lieurance, James JMeadows, Marlin McAdams, Henry IMcMahill, G. M. McCartney, Samuel Morse, Elijah Meadows, John McI\Iahill, David Nickerson, Daniel Perkins, Solon Powers, Aaron Powers, Samuel Russel, Lauren Rose, Jonathan Ratekin, E. Roberts, George Ratekin, Samuel Reynolds, Wm. Reed, James Robinson, Ephraim Smith, Joseph Sisson, Wm. M. Sterling, Hasadiah Smith, Robert ^l. Snapp, Ashael Sisson, John B. Spinner, Alexander Stanley, Andrew Simmons, John Simmons, F. G. Snapp, James Simmons, Sr., Ezra Jennings, Wm. Jones, Edmond Jennings, Sam. K. Kertley, Larnard Kidder, Patrick Lynch, Abijah Lieurance, Peter Lieurance, Horace Mathews, John Murphy, AVm. McMahilL Thomas JMoulton, Andrew Millstagle, Henson C. Martin, W. R. Monroe, James McMahill, John Plymate, Wm. H. Pierce, Stephen Pierce, Amos Pierce, Milton Powers, Samuel Rodgers, Joseph R-odgers, Joseph Ratekin, Thomas Rogers, John Riggs, Abijah Roberts, Thomas Reed, Joseph Robinson, Peter Simmons, James Simmons, Jr, George Simmons, N. P. Swan, Samuel Simpson, Samuel S. Smith, A. B. Smith, Rowland Simmons, Francis Staat, James D. Smith, Wm. Snapp, 12 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Nathan Sutton, James Simmons (Stiller), David Simmons, Sally Snapp, David Smith, Peter Shoemaker, Hiram Taylor, Ezekiel M. Snapp, Wm. Tally, Charles Tinker, Thomas Teeter, Wm. Trailer, Charles Vandiver, Thomas Titus, Wm. Vandiver, P. A. Vaughn, Levi Wilder, John Vandiver, Samuel Welty, Wm. Willard, John Willard. Thomas West, T. J. Willard, Alfred White, Alex. Willard, Edward White, Jesse Wollard, Joseph Wilcher, John P. AA^ood, Anna Walworth, David Young, John Young, John Young, Jr. The following named persons were also engaged in the mer- cantile business in Greenbush during the early days: F. G. Snapp, Cyrus Sisson, Hardin and Shreves, N. P. Tinsley, S. J. Buzan, Dr. Bailey Ragon, Merrill and Osborn (afterwards Merrill, Osborn and Merrill, a firm composed of Frederick H. Merrill, Alfred Osborn and Charles C. Merrill), Phelps and Shores (after- wards AA^m. Shores), Wm. Snapp, Adams, Butler and Adams (a firm composed of David Adams, AV. H. H. Butler and Riley Adams), James C. Johnson, John Terry, A. R. Harman, Wm. Randall, and John R. Snapp. Of the early blacksmiths, Thomas Rodger was about the first ; afterwards Francis Staat, Amos Pierce, Thomas Darneille, Henzie Darneille, Milton Powers, Alfred Dowdy, Alexander McGrew, Connelius Hanks, Patrick H. Woods, Edward Taylor, Henry Hains, John Watson, Thomas Carroll, Noah D. Clark, Michael Carroll, and S. C. Irving. The wagon-makers were James Fife, Joseph Parkins, Julius T. Lathrop, Lewis L. Ury, David Armstrong, Porter J. Jack, John Regan, John Brown, Isaac Fisher, James D. Simmons, Elijah Frampton, Stephen Lieurance, and Bennett AA^ood. Some of the first doctors were Abel Chase, Bailey Ragon, Reamer A. Saunders, Thomas M. Luster, Dr. Lee. Dr. Agers, EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 13 Richard Hammond, N. B. IMcKay, Dr. King, Wm. Randall, T. J. Shreves, Dr. Dow, Joim E. Alvord, Dr. Norris, W. D. Sterling, Dr. Kandelson, and Dr. Campbell. The following named persons kept hotel, or what was gener- ally called tavern in those days: Charles Stice, Abner Walker, Jane AValker, Nathaniel Wilcox, Isaac Hanks, George A. Walker, Stephen Lieurance, David Young, Jacob Emriek, and A. R. Har- man. The shoemakers were Jacob Vosberg, Julius N. Hill, Wm. H. Pierce, Wm. Palmer, Wm. Glover, John C. McCall, Benjamin Swearinger, Jacob Lambert, Mr. McLaughlin, Jacob Long, Louis Lantz, Jacob Keneval, A. R. Louder, Andrew Bowman, and H. C. Brinckmeyer, The following named persons worked at the cooper trade: Philip Karns, Lewis L. Ury, George Helterbridle, Wm. Shefler, Moses Romaine, and Thomas Kinney. The harness-makers were Daniel Chapin, Oliver Crissey, Gad Chapin, James H. Crawford, Rodney Boone, James Perdun, James M. Frantz, Mathew Campbell, James Jenks, and Samuel L. Karns. Oliver Crissey learned the trade of harness-making of Daniel Chapin and was in the business in Greenbush in 1853 and 1854. Chapin sold to Crissey and bought a house and lot in Galesburg for two hundred dollars and then moved there. Rodney Boone and James H. Crawford worked for Crissey until he sold to Isaac Hanks. James H. Crawford then went to work for Hanks. This man Crawford was a good workman and was considered honest and reliable, only he would take spells of drinking liquor. At one time he went to Burlington, got on a spree and was arrested, convicted and sent to the penitentiary at Ft. Madison, Iowa, for passing counterfeit money. It was believed by many that this counterfeit money was given him in change and that he did not know it was counterfeit. A petition for pardon with many signers was presented to the authorities in Iowa by Wm. May of Greenbush. Crawford was finally pardoned and came back to the residence of Isaac Hanks 14 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH in MeDonoiigh county, where in a short time he died. This was in 1862. He was buried in the Bond graveyard on the north side. The tailors in the earlier days of Greenbush were: James Francis, James F. Chambers, John Kramer, and Charles Rundlet. The women of Greenbush and surrounding country cut and made the most of the clothing used at that time. The carpenters and builders were: Archie Fisher, John Sheffield, Mr. Blackman, Levi Lincoln, Clinton Lincoln, Oscar Lincoln, John VV. Nance, Henry Smith, David Armstrong, Henry Kaufman, Wm. Thompson, Trumble G. Taylor, and John Bowman. The following named persons were engaged in the business of selling drugs: D. R. Hamilton, Daniel Warner, Mr. Coleman, JDr. Pyle. and James M. Frantz. '' The weavers in the village were Mary Almond, C. H. Raberd- ing, and Sarah Young. In the township there were many looms and many families did their own weaving. The old settlers passed through many hardships but they were generally stout, hearty, and rugged. They were also possessed of a kind, sympathetic nature. When any one was in trouble, his neighbors were sure to help him. Their dwellings were rude log- liouses, chinked with blocks of wood and daubed with clay. The hearth was made of stone. The roof of these cabins was made of boards rived out with a fro. These boards were held on with weight poles. The door was hung on wooden hinges and had a wooden latch which was raised by pulling a string on the outside. The floor was generally made from logs split and hewed into what was called puncheons. Very few nails were used in the construction of these cabins, as they were scarce and high in price. The wall plates were put on with wood pins. The lower part of the chimneys was built of i^od, the upper part of sticks and clay. Some of these cabins had one small window with 8 by 10 glass. After the settlers had been here some time, some of them built double log-houses. These houses contained two rooms with chim- ney in center, thus making a fireplace in each room; the logs all being hewed, this was considered an extra house. The fireplaces EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 15 generally had a pair of andirons or dog-irons as they were gener- ally called. The fireplace used for cooking was sometimes sup- plied with a crane which was placed in the fireplace on hinges with a brace-bar running across on which was suspended hooks; on these hooks the kettles and pots were hung. As a matter of fact these cabins did not always contain the same kind of household furniture, yet they generally had very much the same kind. When you pulled the latch string and went in, you found the bark-bottomed chairs ; the water bucket hanging against the wall on a wooden peg and the gourd dipper near by, also the salt gourd; the bedstead with canopy top, curtains below, and a trundle-bed under it. This trundle-bed was pulled out every night and the children slept on it. The rifle hung in a rack over the door. There was a cupboard in the corner which contained some blue-edged plates, some blue and white cups and saucers, some tin plates with letters on them, a brown stone pitcher and some pewter spoons. The coffee mill was nailed to the wall. You also found a few crocks and jars. The sop lamp was a very useful article. It was filled with lard or grease of some kind. The wick was made by twisting up a small piece of cotton cloth and placing it in the grease ; it was then ready to light and stick in the wall. Those who had candles, used japanned tin caudle-sticks and candle snuffers. Some families had tin candle-moulds and moulded their own candles from tallow. Families that did not have candle-moulds, often borrowed them. Sometimes candles were made by dipping wicks in melted tallow; but these candles did not give good satisfaction. They were likely to go out and leave you in the dark; hence the saying, "Go out like an old-fashioned dip-candle." The lantern was made of tin with holes punched in it to let the light out. You placed one- half of a candle in it, shut the door, and you were ready to go out in the dark. It is claimed that Aaron Powers brought the first cook stove into the settlement when he came in 1839 ; but all of the old settlers for many years did their cooking on the fireplace. The women would put on their sunbonnet and pull it down over their face to keep the fire from burning them ; set the iron teakettle on the fire, then put on the ovenlid ; and when it was hot, shovel some live 16 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH coals on the hearth, set the oven on them ; put in the dough, place the lid on the oven, then shovel some coals of fire on it; fry the meat in a long-handled skillet ; and make the coffee by setting the coffee-pot on a bed of coals on the hearth. Coffee they did not always have. Milk was generally used during a meal. Sometimes they had Orleans or sugar-house molasses, but these were only used on special occasions. It has been said that some of the storekeepers only kept one barrel of molasses, tapped each end of the barrel, and sold Orleans from one end and sugar-house from the other. There was nearly always a few bunches of yarn hanging on the wall in these cabins, it being the amount left over after weav- ing the jeans, linsey and blankets, and was used for stockings and socks. There were four cuts in each hank, and one hundred and twenty threads in each cut. Often the only books found in a house were Webster's Spelling-Book, Aesop's Fables, the family Bible, a hymn-book, and an almanac. These almanacs had Negro pictures in them and were on the comic order ; they cost from ten to twelve and a half cents each. The farmers had a breaking-plow, a one-horse "diamond" plow, and a single-shovel plow. After breaking up the ground in the spring, they marked it off both ways with the shovel plow for planting corn. The corn was dropped mostly by the girls and boys by hand from a small basket and then covered with hoes. These hoes were heavy and had an eye in them in which the handles were fastened. When the corn was weedy, they ploughed it with the one-horse diamond plow, running the bar next to the coi'n, then finishing with the shovel plow. The small grain was sown by hand, covered with a heavy " A " harrow or brushed in, w^as cut with a cradle and bound by hand. The threshing was sometimes done on a floor w'ith a flail or tramped out with horses; later, by eight or ten-horse power threshers. The straw was dragged away from the tail of the machine by a horse hitched to a rail or pole, after which the straw was burned to get rid of it. Occasionally a farmer would raise flax. This when ripe was pulled, stacked down, rotted, then broken with a fiax-break. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 17 scutched, haekeled, spun and twisted into hanks. It was then woven into material for towels, table-cloths, ticking, and for various other uses. Many farmers kept sheep and did their own shearing. The women picked the wool, carded it with hand cards into rolls, spun and wove it into flannel, linsey, and jeans. The men wore brown or blue jeans clothing— pants made with a flap in front, knit-yarn suspenders, and sometimes a coonskin cap. They also wore heavy cowhide boots or shoes. Overshoes were unknown at that time. The first overshoes that appeared were made from buffalo hides and w^ere large and clumsy. They attracted considerable attention and were the talk of the neighbor- hood. Some of the early settlers would buy leather and take it to the shoemaker who would measure the feet of the entire family and agree to make the shoes and have them done at a certain time. In this the shoemaker often failed and some of the family would have to wait. 18 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH THE SCHOOLS OF GREENFIELD AND GREEN- BUSH IN THE EARLY DAYS. "0, were you ne'er a school-boy, And did you never train, And feel that swelling of the heart You ne'er will feel again?" In the early days in the township there were three school- houses. These houses were made of logs and did not differ much from a common log-cabin. They had a big fireplace in one end, one door and one or two small windows. The children sat on benches made by splitting logs and facing up the pieces with an ax. Holes were then bored in them in which the legs were fastened. For writing-desks, holes w^ere bored in the wall in which were driven wooden pins or pegs on which a board was laid. Foolscap paper was used for copy-books. The teachers would write the copy for the pupils. Some of these copies would read like this : "Many men of many minds;" "Command you may your mind from play;" "The pen is mightier than the sword." Goose quills were used to make the pens, and the teacher was expected to make them and keep them in repair. The ink was often made from indigo, oak bark or poke-berries. Webster's Spelling-Book was the main book in the school and was often used as a reader. Afterw^ards came McGuffey's Readers; Ray's Arith- metics; Smith's, Kirkham's, Murray's, and Clark's Grammars; Parley's, Olney's and ^Mitchell's Geographies. The school trustees in the township in 1840 were Thomas Moul- ton, Lauren Rose, John Sargent, John Plymate, and Abel Chase, EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 19 At that time John C. Bond was treasurer. Gustavus Hills, James F. Chambers, and E. B. Stephens were the school-teachers. At that time there were only three school districts in the town- ship. The north half of the west half of the township was called Greenfield district. The sonth half of the west half of the town- ship was called Van Bnren district. The balance of the township was in one district and was cnlled String-town district. At a meeting held July 13, 1840, it was ordered that the school-house in Van Buren district be no longer used during school-hours for public worship ; also that Lauren Rose and Dr. Abel Chase should have the power to employ a teacher for the school in Greenfield on such terms as they might think proper. The school-teachers in 1841 were Isaac Bell, Gustavus Hills, Charles Tinker, Charles A. AVilliams, and Sarah Woods. The directors elected in Van Buren district were Wm. B. Bond and Harvey J. Hewett. In Greenfield district, Henson C. Martin and J. E. Heath were elected directors. Thomas Teeters, John Plymate, and Charles Plymate were elected directors in Stringtown district. Greenfield had one hundred and three persons under the age of tAventy, Stringtown eighty-nine, and Van Buren ninety-five. At a meeting held January 10, 1842, it was ordered to pay the treasurer four dollars and fifty cents for his services for the last two years. At that time all school money was loaned at twelve per cent. John Sargent was appointed school treasurer. In 1846 an election was held to determine whether the rate of interest on school money should be eight or twelve per cent. Every vote east except two was for twelve per cent. In 1848 the township was divided into districts by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and fractional 4 and 5. John Wingate was then chosen treasurer. This entry is made in the treasurer 's book : Coon Section, January 27, 1849. A very bad spell of weather, good deal of rain. Very icy and slippery, creek higher than it has been for two years. No business done by the trustees. John Wingate, Treasurer. 20 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII THE G1IEENBU8H ACADEMY. In the year 1851 the citizens of Greenbush and vicinity began to talk about erecting a building for a high school or academy, but there was nothing definite done until early in January, 1852, when notices were posted calling for a meeting. The minutes of that meeting are here given : Pursuant to notice, the citizens of Greenbush and vicinity met at the schoolhouse in Greenbush, Tuesday evening, January 27, 1852, to take measures for building a house for a high school or academy in Greenbush. On motion of J. C. Bond, Alfred Osborn was appointed chairman and F. H. Merrill secretary. When, by the request of the chairman, J. C. Bond stated the object of the meeting, enforcing its laudableness in a brief and interesting ad- dress. AA^hen Dr. N. B. McKay otfered the following, viz : Proposition for a building in Greenbush for a high school, to be from 26 to 30 feet by 40 to 48 feet or more, two story, one room, to be used by different denominations for religious meetings, when the school in not in session, subject to the same rules as observed in cases of district houses. The whole to be under the control of trustees elected by the stockholders, each share having a vote in the election. Shares to be ten dollars each. In consideration of the above we, the undersigned, agree to pay to the said trustees the sums set opposite our respective names in installments, as follows : One quarter of each share by the first day of April next, and as much at the expiration of every three months from that time, till all is paid to be offered for sub- scription. Wm. B. Bond moved that the following words be erased from the above proposition, viz: "subject to the same rules as observed in cases of district schoolhouses, " which, after an interesting dis- Photo by Moses Simmons. THE GREENBUSH ACADEMY AS IT NOW APPEARS. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 21 cussion, was carried, when the above proposition was adopted and submitted for subscribers, Elijah Lieurance advocated the building of a house worth $1,500. Stephen Lieurance motioned that we organize when $1,000 of stock should be subscribed, but not to commence building until $1,500 shall have been subscribed. J. C. Bond offered as an amendment that we commence building when $1,000 of stock is subscribed, which was carried and the original motion lost. On motion of Stephen Lieurance, the chairman appointed the follow- ing persons to solicit stock, viz: John C. Bond, John M. Hois- ington, N. B. McKay, A. W. Simmons, and Stephen Lieurance. On motion of J. M. Hoisington, the chairman appointed the following persons to draft a constitution and by-laws to present for adoption at the next meeting of the stockholders : J. C. Bond, John Butler, and N. B. McKay. Adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening at the schoolhouse at early candle light. At a meeting of the stockholders held February 3, 1852 a subscription of $1,012.50 was reported, and the constitution and by-laws were adopted and the following-named persons were elected by ballot for trustees: John M. Hoisington, Eliphalet C. Lewis, and Alfred Osborn for the term of three years; Dr. N. B. McKay, Julius Lathrop, and Andrew W. Simmons for the term of two years; Hanson H. Hewett, John C. Bond, and Stephen Lieur- ance for the term of one year ; Squire J. Buzan, treasurer ; Frederic H. Merrill, secretary. The academy building was erected in 1853. The contract was let to Levi Lincoln. He was assisted in the work by his brothers Clinton and Oscar. The building committee were N. B. McKay, J. T. Lathrop, and Alfred Osborn; John M. Hoisington Avas after- wards added to this committee. Very heavy timbers were used in the construction of the build- ing, and on the day of raising many persons gathered to assist in raising the timbers. Levi Lincoln first began to give orders but his voice was not strong enough; so David Armstrong took his place and gave orders both loud and strong. After the building was finished, it was decided to dedicate it with a grand supper. So everybody was invited and nearly ever- 22 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH body came, and they came prepared, many of them bringing baked chickens. After the tables were all set, David Young was appointed carver. Clinton Lincoln, who was present on the occasion, says David dispatched his work swiftly and dextrously. During the year of 1853, the legislature granted a charter to the school under the name of The Greenbush Academy. The first teacher employed as principal in the Academy was W. W. Plappy of Jacksonville, Illinois. lie was assisted by Miss Margaret Gaines. They received the tuition fees for their services. In January, 1854, Mr. Happy reported to the trustees that there were only about twenty students and that he wished to resign at the expiration of the term, but the school gained in attendance and was for a long time in a prosperous condition. At one time, when Daniel Negley was principal, there were nearly one hundred students attending. In 1851, the Academy had a belfry but no bell. The women of Greenbush and vicinity took an active part in procuring one. Miss Jane jMather, Mrs. Alfreda Crissey, Mrs. Mary Buzan and others were engaged in soliciting subscription. They found it a difficult business as the people had been often called on for sub- scriptions in the building of the Academy. But the women were persistent and the bell was procured. Year after year it was heard by the people, sometimes at a distance of three or four miles, as it rang for school, literary society, Sunday school, and entertain- ments of different kinds. Different religious denominations used this bell to call the people together, where the minister exhorted them to a better life. Often as the years went by, it tolled the years of departed ones in tones that were received in sadness and sorrow. In 1855, Alexander Campbell, the founder of the Christian church, preached in the Academy. It was here that Luccoc and Westfall held their debate on endless punishment. The school has been abandoned for many years, and the build- ing is going to decav. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSll 23 CHOLERA IN GREENBUSH. It was in June, 1851, that the cholera made its appearance in Greenbush and vicinity. There were about tAvelve deaths from this disease at that time. Lawson Walker was the first one. He died June 15, 1851. Abner Walker and his daughter Abigail died on the same day, June 24, 1851, making three deaths in the same family. Abner Walker lived on the north side of the square in the village and was engaged in keeping hotel. The following-named persons also died: Juliett, wife of Dr. Thomas M. Luster, June 26, 1851 ; Joseph Sisson, June 23, 1851 ; Abijah Roberts, June 23, 1851; Sullivan, son of Alfred Osborn; Lafayette Ratekin, George Tally, Jacob Perkins, and A. J. Willey. Several families left the village and did not return until after the disease disappeared. Porter J. Jack and John C. McCall took an active part m doing everthing they could for the sick and dying. Philip Karns was also very helpful in removing the dead to the cemeteries and burying them. 24 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH ELDEK 11. M. SIMMONS TELLS OF HIS TRIP TO ]SEW ORLEANS. On the 20th day of ]\Iarch, 1843, I started with F. G. Snapp from Greenbnsh, Illinois. He had fat cattle that he wanted to market at New Orleans. On that day we drove the cattle six miles to Moses T. Hand's. Here we put up for the night and here a hard blizzard and snow storm struck us, but we braved through and made our drive all the same. We arrived at St. Louis, March 30, and left there on Friday, April 7 ; arrived at New Orleans, April 13, with 51 head of cattle. We sold the cattle for $1,605.00 We left Orleans for home, April 18, 1843. Snapp engaged passage on a new steamer, "The Harry of the West." She was a fine boat and was to make her first trip from New Orleans to St. Louis. The captain swore he would make the quickest trip ever made on that river or blow the boat up. "The Alex Scott" had made the trip in four days and six hours. We went aboard "The Harry of the West," and when I saw the cords of pitch-pine and piles of bacon for fuel, I refused to take passage. I told Snapp the captain would be as good as his word, and if the machinery was able to stand the pressure he might get to St. Louis ; but if not, we should be in great danger of a wreck. This boat started on a full head of steam, full of passengers and a good cargo. Just above Vicksburg and near Memphis, she blew out her boilers and killed two passengers and had to be towed to St. Louis. AVe took passage on the "Charlotte," a fine steamer, and was ten days on the trip to St. Louis with a drunken pilot. The EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSll 25 first evening he ran the boat on a raft of logs in a fog. The pilot gave the bell to go ahead instead of back, and he ran her on the raft good. The next morning we loosed from the raft. One night afterwards he ran into a cornfield — said they wanted wood. After we passed Cairo we scraped the rocks on what is known as the "Devil's Chain," where many steamboats have been wrecked. Our boat rocked heavily, but we came out safely. The morning we reached St. Louis, the pilot ran our boat under some projecting tree branches and broke down both smokestacks. The captain paid him off and hired another. Snapp and I parted at St. Louis. The boat ran up to Peoria and La Salle. Snapp stopped at Copperas creek landing. He said the boat was a fine runner. I went out to Troy, Madison county, Illinois, and got a horse for father on the farm he sold; from there to Green county, where we had left Snapp 's horse as we went down. When I came to Beardstown the river was from Beardstown to Frederick. They crossed me over and let me out in water up to the horses' knees, and some times up to their breast; then took me on a " fiat ' ' to the next wading, and so on until I reached the bluff. I arrived at Mr. Standard's on the night of May 13. That night there came up a heavy storm of wind, thunder, lightning and rain. This was at Pennington's Point, thirty miles from Greenbush. The storm having passed over, I told Standard I would make F. G. Snapp 's by 12 o'clock noon. When I arrived they had just sat down at the table for dinner. 26 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH THE ARCHIE FISHER AFFAIR Showing the Danger of Circu:mstantial Evidence. Archie Fisher, a native of Scothmd, came to AYarren county, Illinois, about the year 1836. He was a brother of Mrs. Lachlan McGowan, and an nncle of James McGowan, and Mrs. Oliver Crissey and Mrs. D. C. Woods, who now reside at Avon, Illinois. ]\Ir. Fisher was a carpenter by trade and built the first barn in Greenbush township. This barn was built for "Wm. Trailer on the farm, a little west of the village of Greenbush, known as the Amos Seigler place. Mr. Fisher also built a barn for Col. John Butler on his farm near Greenbush. In May, 1841, Archie Fisher, in company with AYm. Trailor, started in a buggy to Springfield, Illinois. Wm. Trailor then resided on his farm west of the village of Greenfield, now Greenbush. On the way to Springfield they were joined by Henry Trailor, a brother of William. They then went to Archi- bald Trailer's, who resided in Springfield and was also a brother of William. Shortlj^ after their arrival, Fisher was missing and was reported murdered. The Trailers were arrested, and at their preliminary trial Lamborn appeared for the prosecution and Logan Baker and Lincoln defended. Ward H. Lamon, in his "Life of Abraham Lincoln," says: "In the summer of 1841, Mr. Lincoln was engaged in a curious case. The circumstances impressed him very deeply with the insuffi- ciency and danger of circumstantial evidence. So much so that he not only wrote the following account of it to Speed, but another more extended one which was printed in a newspaper published at Quincy, Illinois. L[is mind was full of it : he could EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 27 thiuk of nothing else. It is apparent that in his letter to Speed he made no pause to choose his words; there is nothing con- strained and nothing studied or deliberate about it, but its simplicity, perspicuity, and artless grace make it a model of English composition. What Goldsmith once said of Locke may better be said of this letter : ' He never says more nor less than he ought and never makes use of a word that he could have changed for a better. ' 'Springfield, June 19, 1841. 'Dear Speed: 'We have had the highest state of excitment here for a week past that our community has ever witnessed; and although the public feeling is somewhat allayed, the curious affair which aroused it is very far from being over, yet cleared of mystery. 'It would take a quire of paper to give you anything like a full account of it, and I therefore only propose a brief outline. 'The chief personages in the drama are Archibald Fisher, supposed to be murdered; and Archibald Trailor, Henry Trailor, and William Trailor, supposed to have murdered him. ' The three Trailers are brothers : the first. Arch, as you know, lives in town; the second, Henry, in Clary's Grove; and the third, William, in Warren county ; and Fisher, the supposed murdered, being without a family, had made his home with William. 'On Saturday evening, being the 29th of May, Fisher and William came to Henry's in a one-horse dearborn and there staid over Sunday, and on Monday all three came to Springfield (Henry on horseback) and joined Archibald at Myres, ' the Dutch car- penter. That evening at supper Fisher was missing, and so next morning some ineffectual search was made for him ; and on Tuesday at 1 o'clock p. m., William and Henry started home Avithout him. In a day or two Henry and one or two of his Clary Grove neighbors came back for him again, and advertised his disappearance in the papers. 'The knowledge of the matter thus far had not been general, and here it dropped entirely till about the lOtli inst.. when -3 28 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Keys received a letter from the postmaster in Warren county that William had arrived at home and was telling a very mysterious and improbable story about the disappearance of Fisher, which induced the community there to suppose he had been disposed of unfairly. Keys made this letter public, which immediately set the whole town and adjoining country agog. And so it has continued until yesterday. The mass of the people commenced a systematic search for the dead body, while Wickersham was dispatched to arrest Henry Trailor at the Grove and Jim Maxcy to Warren county, to arrest William. 'On Monday last, Henry was brought in and showed an evident inclination to insinuate that he knew Fisher to be dead and that Arch and William had killed him. He said he guessed the body could be found in Spring creek between the Beardstown Toad and Hickox's mill. Away the people swept like a herd of l)uffalo and cut doM^n Hickox's mill-dam nolens volens to draw the water out of the pond, and then went up and down and down and up the creek fishing and raking and raking and ducking and diving for two days, and after all no dead body found. In the meantime a sort of scuffling ground had been found in the brush, in the angle or point where the road leading into the woods past the brewery and the one leading in past the brick grove meets. From the scuffle ground was the sign of something about the size of a man having been dragged to the edge of the thicket where it joined the track of some small wheel carriage drawn by one horse, as shown by the road tracks. The carriage track led off toward Spring creek. Near this drag trail, Dr. Merryman found two hairs which, after a long scientific examination, he pronounced to be triangular human hair, which term he , says includes within it the whiskers, the hair growing under the arms and on other parts of the body; and he judged that these two were of the whiskers, because the ends were cut, showing that they had flourished in the neighborhood of the razor's operations. 'On Thursday last, Jim Maxcy brought in William Trailor from Warren. On the same day Arch was arrested and put in jail. Yesterday (Friday) William was put upon his examining trial before ]Mav and Lavelv. Archibald and Henry were both EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 29 present. Lamboni prosecuted, and Logan and Baker and your humble servant defended. 'A great many witnesses were introduced and examined, but I shall only mention those whose testimony seems most important. 'The first of these was Capt. Ransdell. He swore that when William and Henry left Springfield for home, on Tuesday before mentioned, they did not take the direct route which you know leads by the butcher shop, but that they followed the street north until they got opposite or nearly opposite May 's new house, after which he could not see them from where he stood; and it was afterwards proved that in about an hour after they started, they came into the street by the butcher shop from towards the brick-yard. Dr. INIerryman and others swore to what is stated about the scuffle ground, drag trail, whiskers, and carriage tracks. 'Henry was then introduced by the prosecution. He swore that when they started for home, they went out north, as Ransdell stated, and turned down west by the brick-yard into the woods and then met Archibald ; that they proceeded a small distance farther, when he was placed as a sentinel to watch for and announce the approach of any one that might happen that way; that William and Arch took the dearborn out of the road a small distance to the edge of the thicket, where they stopped and he saw them lift the body of a man into it ; that they then moved off with the carriage in the direction of Hickox's mill, and he loitered about for something like an hour, when William returned with the carriage but without Arch, and said they had put him in a safe place ; that they went somehow, he did not know exactly how, into the road close to the brewery and proceeded on to Clary's Grove. 'He also stated that some time during the day William told him that he and Arch had killed Fisher the evening before; that the way they did it was by him (AVilliam) knocking him down wdth a club and Arch then choking him to death. 'An old man from Warren called Dr. Gilmore was then introduced on the part of the defence. He swore that he had known Fisher for several years ; that Fisher had resided at his house a long time at each of two different spells — once while he built a barn for hfm. and once while he was doctored for 30 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH some chronic disease ; that two or three years ago Fislier had a serious hurt in his head by the bursting of a gun. since which he had been subject to continued bad health and occasional aberration of mind. He also stated that on last Tuesday, being the same day that Maxcy arrested William Trailor, he (the doctor) was from home in the early part of the day and on his return, about 11 o'clock, found Fisher at his house in bed and apparently very unwell ; that he asked him how he had come from Spring- field ; that Fisher said he had come by Peoria and also told of several other places he had been at, more in the direction of Peoria, which showed that he at the time of speaking did not know where he had been wandering about in a state of derange- ment. 'He further stated that in about two hours he received a note from one of Trailor 's friends advising him of his arrest and requesting him to go on to Springfield as a witness to testify as to the state of Fisher's health in former times; that he imme- diately set off, calling up two of his neighbors as company, and riding all evening and all night overtook Maxcy and William at Lewiston, in Fulton county; that Maxcy refusing to dis- charge Trailor upon his statement, his two neighbors returned and he came on to Springfield. 'Some question being made as to whether the doctor's story was not a fabrication, several acquaintances of his (among whom was the same postmaster who wrote to Keys as before men- tioned) were introduced as sort of compurgators, who swore that they knew the doctor to be of good character for truth and veracity and generally of good character in every way. 'Here the testimony ended and the Trailors were discharged, Arch and William expressing, both in word and manner their entire confidence that Fisher would be found alive at the doctor's by Calloway, Mallory, and Myres, who a day before had been despatched for that purpose; while Henry still protested that no power on earth could ever show Fisher alive. ' Thus . stands this curious affair. When the doctor 's story was first made public, it was amusing to scan and contemplate the countenances and hear the remarks of those who had been actively engaged in the search for the dead body^ Some looked quizzical, some melancholy, and some furiously angry. Porter, who had EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII 31 been very active, swore he always knew the man was not dead and that he had not stirred an inch to hunt for hira. Langford, who had taken the lead in cutting down Hickox's mill-dam and wanted to hang Hickox for objecting, looked most awfully woe- begone; he seemed the "wictem of hunrequited affection," as represented in the comic almanacs we used to laugh over. And Hart, the little drayman that hauled Molly home once, said it was too damned bad to have so much trouble and no hanging after all. 'I commenced this letter on yesterday, since which I re- ceived yours of the 13th. I stick to my promise to come to Louisville. 'Nothing new here except what I have written. I have not seen since my last trip and I am going out there as soon as I mail this letter. Yours forever, Lincoln.' " Joshua Fry Speed, to whom the foregoing letter was ad- dressed, was an intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln. He died at Louisville, Ky, May 29, 1882. The postmaster mentioned in the letter was Charles Stice who kept the office in Greenfield (now Greenbush) at that time. Archie Fisher had a large wooden chest which he kept at Wm. Traitor's during the time he resided there. It was sup- posed by some that it contained considerable money; it was also alleged that it had a secret drawer in which the money was deposited. After leaving Dr. Gilmore's, Mr. Fisher went to Col. John Butler's, where he resided until his death which occurred August 9, 1845. His property went to his sister, Mrs. Lachlan McGowan. The chest, about which so much has been said, became the property of Col. John Butler. After his death, it was given to his son Vincent W. Butler ; after the death of Vincent, his son Manley took the chest. Abyram Roberts says that he had heard so much about the Archie Fisher chest that he became anxious to see it. So he 32 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH called at the residence of Manley Butler, where it was shown to him. After examining it closely, he found where a hole had been bored in a portion of the inside of the chest and the hole had been plugged with a wooden pin. His curiosity was so aroused that he was determined to extract the wood pin and see what was in there. He finally procured a brace and bit and bored the pin out, and found a small roll of paper which, upon examination, proved to be a receipt given to Archie Fisher for money paid to some person in New York. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSIl 33 PATRICK LYNCH CRATED Patrick Lynch lived near Greenbush in the hitter part of the '30s and early '40s. He was an Irishman and spent consid- erable time riding about the country swapping horses. He traded a horse for lots eight and nine on section sixteen, after- wards known as the Henry Beam place. During the presidential campaign of 1840, when Martin Van Buren was running against Wm. Henry Harrison, Patrick rode into the village of Greenfield on a horse possessed of high mettle, of which Patrick was very proud. Some four or five men stood on the corner near a store, talking. Patrick took occasion to ride by them shouting for Van Buren. ' This did not please Harvey Darneille, who was one of the men in the group, as he was a staunch Harrison man. He told Lynch to shut up and go away from there. Patrick rode around the second time, shouting for Van Buren. Harvey again told him to go away, saying: "If you come around here again, I will fix you." In a short time Lynch made another circle, riding up nearer the group and making the same exclamations for Van Buren. As he went to pass them, Harvey stooped down and picked up an old queensware crate that happened to be there. This he swiftly threw over the head of Patrick. The crate being lengthy, when one end was over Patrick's head, the other end dropped over his horse's hips after the style of a breeching. The horse immediately became wild and frantic. Patrick in trying to hold him had no time to lift the crate off his head. Every man in town did his best to separate the crate from Patrick and his horse, but it was not an easy thing to do. But the horse was finally caught and the crate removed. No bad results followed, although Patrick was somewhat tired and said nothing more about Van Buren. 34 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH WM. PATTERSON KILLED. On the tenth day of January, 1862, William Patterson and Elza Magers went to the steam saw-mill of William 6. Bond, which was then located near the residence of Major John C. Bond. Patterson and Magers had a log there for sled crooks. When they arrived at the mill, they concluded the log was too long. So Magers went up to the residence of John C. Bond to get a cross-cut saw to use in sawing off one end. It was noon- time and all the hands had gone to dinner, except Leander Bond, who was then engineer; he was at the engine which was attached to the boiler, and William Patterson was standing in front of the furnace warming himself. A loud report was heard by those who were near the mill; and upon going there, it was found that the boiler had burst and William Patterson was found dead. The explosion had thown him about 60 feet from the boiler. He was badly burned and mangled. Patterson was a son of John Patterson who was deaf and dumb, and was a brother of Thomas and John Patterson. He left a wife and three children. His wife's maiden name was Sarah Magers. She^ was a sister of Elza Magers. Wm. Patterson was buried in the McMahill graveyard in Greenbush township. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 35 THE MURDER OF HARVEY J. HEWETT. The murder of Harvey J. Hewett, in 1850, caused great ex- citement all over the country. Everybody talked about it and everybody was anxious that the murderers should be brought to justice, Mr. Hewett was an honest, upright citizen, well known in Warren county and highly esteemed by all who loiew him. In 1850, one Mr. Hurd of Fondulac, Wis., bought some cattle of Harvey J. Hewett; he also bought some cattle of Franklin G. Snapp and some of John A. Butler. Mr. Hurd told these men they would have to go to Peoria for their money, as he had a deposit in a bank there. It was finally agreed that Hewett should go to Peoria and get the money. Snapp told Hewett he ought to be armed. Hewett took a toothpick from his pocket and jokingly replied, "This is all the arms I need." ^Ir. Hewett arrived in Peoria late in the evening, driving a small bay mare to a buggy. He put up at a hotel. During the evening he inquired of the landlord about what time the bank would open in the morning. It is supposed that some of the robbers heard this talk and commenced to set up their job for procuring the money. The next morning Hewett went to the bank to draw his money. Three men were around the bank waiting and watching for him : Thomas Gitte, whose real name is not known, and who was the leader in the matter ; Thomas Brown, and George Williams. They watched Hewett draw the money and then followed him. Hewett left the bank, got in his buggy, and drove to the foot of Kickapoo hill. Here he got out of his buggy and started 36 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH to walk up the liill, driving his mare. Brown and Williams were close to him and Gitte was a short distance behind. When Ilewett had got about half-way up the hill. Brown and Williams attacked him. In the scuffle Ilewett came very near being too much for them until one of them hit him on the head with a stone, fracturiiag the skull. They then took the money and fled. It has been said that Brown and Williams helped Hewett into his buggy. At any rate Hewett was again in his buggy and the bay mare, being very gentle, proceeded on the journey. After going some six or seven miles on the road, the mare went up to a house and stopped. Here it was found that Hewett was badly injured. He was taken in and cared for. He lived about a week and died October 18, 1850, at the age of 54 years. As soon as it was found out that ^Ir. Hewett was robbed, the alarm was given. The people turned out and finally tracked Brown and . AVilliams to Springfield, Illinois, where they were found in bed at a hotel. They Avere brought back to Peoria, tried, convicted and sentenced to be hung. The day for their execution was set in December, 1850. but Governor Ford issued a stay for fifteen days in order to get Tom Gitte from New Orleans to Peoria so that Brown and Williams might identify him as being connected with the murder of Hewett. On the day set in December for the hanging, many people had assembled in Peoria to witness the sight; and when they found the hanging had been put off, there was much dissatis- faction. Finally a mob was raised who proceeded to set up the gallows which was then framed and near the jail. This they had ready about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The mob then got long heavy timbers and battered in the front door of the jail ; they then went into the jail hall. Brown and Williams were in opposite cells, one on the north, the other on the south. They worked hard until 4 o'clock. At that time they had only succeeded in getting Williams, but somehow failed EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII 37 to get Brown out of his cell. They finally put Williams back in his cell, gave up the job and disbanded. Again the people assembled in large numbers in Janiuiry, 1851, to witness the hanging of Brown and Williams. The stage had arrived that morning, bringing Tom Gitte, who was identified by Brown and Williams as their leader. The hanging occurred in the south part of Peoria, then an open prairie. Under the bluff the platform was suspended by a rope. Brown was very anxious that the rope used in hanging him should be so adjusted that the fall would be sure to break his neck. After the arrangements were all made. Brown from some cause turned his head around, the drop fell, and Brown struggled a long time, the rope having turned under his chin. Williams seemed to die easy. Brown and Williams made a confession which was published in pamphlet form in Peoria and met with a ready sale. Gitte was convicted and sent to the penitentiary, where he died about a year afterwards. After Mr. HeWett's death, his body was brought to his home in Greenbush township, where his funeral was preached by Ben- jamin Applebee, a minister of the Methodist church. One of the hymns sung at the funeral was, "Plant ye a tree That may bloom over me, When I am gone, I am gone." His remains were laid to rest in the McMahill graveyard. Mr. Hewett was born in Waldo county, Maine. He moved with his family in 1831 to Licking county, Ohio ; came to Green- bush, Warren county, Illinois, in August, 1837, and located on section 29, where he resided up to the time of his death. 38 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH H. H. HEWETT'S LETTER. The following letter from Hanson H. Hewett was received in answer for information concerning the early days in Green- bush. Hopkins, Mo., May 11, 1902. "Will. L. Snapp — Dear Sir: Yours of April 28 received. Have been rather busy or should have answered sooner. Your letter dated at Greenbush is the first one I recollect receiving from the old township since leaving in 1880. Now first in regard to my father's death. Brother Oscar and myself were in California at the time. We returned the next spring (1851). I enclose you a newspaper slip a Mr. Bates sent to Mrs. Hewett by an old acquaintance of hers, a Mr. Barnes, a lawyer now living at La Harpe, which will give you some in- formation in regard to the affair. He has one or two mistakes — one the Christian name and the amount of money. My father was born in Waldo county, Maine; also myself and brother Oscar. The date of his birth I do not recollect. We left Elaine in 1831 ; moved to Licking county, Ohio, and left there in the spring of 1837 ; arrived at our old location in the early days of August; spent the winter in a little fourteen by fifteen foot cabin on the Livingston place ; built and moved into the old residence the next summer. I was twelve years of age in September, 1837. I recollect those early days of nearly sixty-five years ago nearly as though it was yesterday. Of the early settlers of my recollection on our side of the timber when we came there were the Ratekins and Sisson families at the head of the timber some five miles west; Moses T. Hand, AVm. McMahill, John Foster, John Sargent, P. A. Vaughn, Abraham Johnson. Jacob Bear. I think Aaron Jennings, John P. Wood, and the Bond family — EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 39 father and six sons — John C, Benjamin who died in '39 or '40, Joel, Barnet, Walter, and Nathan; all men of families except Walter who died abont 1S47, and Nathan who moved to Oregon, about 1851 or '2, and died there. Walter was the first constable that I can recollect. There was your grandfather, Alexander Willard. and son William, married with one or two children ; and 'Squire Thomas Moulton who was the first justice that I can recollect and held the office as long as he would have it. The first family to the east was the Goram family, 10 miles away. On the north side of the timber, the Snapps and James and Roley Simmons families. If there were any others I do not recollect them. The Jones and Pierces may possibly have been. Peter Cox, some six miles east of Greenbush, was the banker of the vicinity. If one wanted five or ten dollars, Peter was the man to apply to. I may have forgotten some that lived in the vicinity of Greenbush, but I think I did not know of any others. ]\Iy father and Joseph Sisson were the only Yankees of all the number, as I recollect; the balance were all southerners; the most of them had moved from Sangamon and Morgan counties. Of all the full grown persons that I knew in 1837. only two are now living— John Simmons and my old neighbor, P. A. A^aughn. Each must be over ninety years old. Greenfield was then located, afterwards changed to Green- bush. The first postmaster that I recollect was Charles Stice. He also kept hotel and saloon, with John Wingate behind the bar. Dr. Isabell was the first physician, or possibly Dr. Sovereign. Drs. Ragon and Saunders were among the early physicians. A doctor of Berwick (have forgotton his name) was the first one that I. ever knew to practice in Illinois. I recollect your father very well; recollect the day of his funeral ; also he, Mr. Doty, and myself covering corn together with the hoe. Your mother, as well as the brothers and sisters, were schoolmates of mine. Your uncle William Willard and Barnet Bond were two of the first men that I worked with in Illinois. The work was cutting slough grass with the scythe. AVe would burn our oat and wheat straw at night as soon as threshed and work hard cutting prairie 40 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH grass, when the straw was nearly or ((uite as good feed as the prairie hay; and we kept it up for years. Of the Snapp family, I will say something a little farther. Your father was a stalwart, stout man, stood some six feet two or three inches in height and rather fine looking. Your Uncle Robert had the most tenacious memory I think I ever knew. He used to say that he could tell the ages of all his brothers and sisters and their children. Perhaps not one man in a thousand could do it. Your uncle Franklin I used to think one of the shreW'dest business men we had. I recollect the first drove of cattle I ever saw going to market was one he shipped to New Orleans. He drove them, I think, to St. Louis and shipped them from there, about the year 1843. R. M. Simmons went with him. While I have my hand in I cannot help referring to Major John C. Bond. There was one of the best men I ever knew — always had a good word and in fine spirits, well read and one of the best if not the finest conversationalist I ever knew. My father used to say that if he had been educated and turned his attention to law he would have made a brilliant lawyer. His daughter. Ruby, I always considered one of the brightest intel- lectual women of my acquaintance. In the early days we had wolves and deer by the hundreds and prairie chickens by the thousands. Round Grove (first one south of us) used to be a gcod place for our hunters for game for many years. Well, I will say something of our own family. ]\Iy mother died some eleven years ago at Des Moines, Iowa. ^Nly sister Miriam, Dr. T. J. Shreve's wife, lives at Des Moines, Iowa. The doctor has a very fair practice. The youngest sister, Mrs. Blood, lives at Sioux City, Iowa. Brother Oscar died some three years ago in Colorado. Leander is farming in northern Nebraska. Of my own family, four boys and one girl, Alvin, the oldest, is living near here farming and in the dairy business; Lawrence and Ney and daughter are unmarried and living at home. Edgar, the youngest, is married and lives in New Mexico, at Las Vegas. He is president of the State Normal university; salary $2,500 per year ; has contract for five years — now on his third year. For one of his age he is probably one of the best educators in the West. ]\Iv health is tolerablv good ; mv weight is one hundred and EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 41 seventy-five poimds. AVill be seventy-seven years old next Sep- tember. Tin's would sound somewhat as if I was along in "the sear and yellow leaf." I have not answered you fully in regard to my father's death. The two men, Brown and Williams, accosted him as he was walk- ing up the hill by his horse and demanded his money. On his refusal, they clinched and they claimed that he was too much for them, and one of them seized a stone and struck him on the head, fracturing the skull. They then took his money, some seventeen hundred dollars, and helped him into his buggy; and the bay mare, being gentle, went on some seven miles and then stopped at a house. The people took him in and he died there after some seven days. From what I could learn no murder that ever took place in Illinois created the excitement that this one did. The other man that was the instigator of the two doing the deed, was sent to the penitentiary for life, and died in about one year. The money was all recovered except about two hundred dollars. Respectfully yours, H. H. Hev^'ett. 42 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH THE CALF MARKET IN 1840. About the year 1840, John A. Butler, being thirteen years old, concluded he would like to work out for wages. So he hired to F. G. Snapp for the sum of twelve and a half cents a day, and worked for him up to harvest. He then went to binding wheat for David Bay at thirty-seven and a half cents a day. He afterwards worked in harvest at the same price for Elder Peter Downey. At this time John A. was the owner of two calves, having purchased one of them from his uncle Harry Butler, paying him one dollar and twenty-five cents for it ; the other he got of J. E. Heath, giving Mr. Heath an old ax and one dollar and twenty-five cents for it. About this time Charles Vandiver, who was a Baptist preacher living west of Greenfield, took a notion to sell a black yearling steer calf he had. So he told his son Absalom to take the calf to St. Augustine and sell him to Mattingley. Abs. placed a chain around the calf's horns and started with him. AVhen he arrived at Greenfield, he stopped on the street to rest. John A. Butler saw him, went to him and questioned him about the calf, and finally asked Abs. what he would take for him. Abs. replied, "Father told me to take him to Mat- tingley and sell him for three dollars. ' ' John A. said, "I will tell you what I will do. 1 will just give you two dollars and a half for the calf and it is all he is worth." Abs. was not satisfied to take it, and told John A. he would take the three dollars or take the calf to Mattingley. About this time Andrew Stice, Henson Martin, and Aaron Holeman came up and said, "Trade, boys, trade.'' Stice and Martin then proposed that they split the difference. John A. consented to this, but Abs. held off for some time. The price was finally agreed on at two dollars and seventy-five cents. ATds. told John A. that the chain did not go with the calf. John A. said he must have the chain. So the matter was left to the by-standers who decided that the chain went with the calf. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 43 THE KILLING OF SHEFFIELD. In 1836 or '7, iu the village of Greenfield, Jerry Moles and his brother engaged in a quarrel and fight with Richard Ore and Roley Simmons. This Roley Simmons was a son of William Simmons, who was better known as "Old Billy" Simmons. Richard Ore was a son-in-law of Wm. Simmons. After the fight they separated, but the Moles brothers were not satisfied. About this time John Sheffield had come to town and was in the store, trading. As he went to pass out at the store door, one of the ]\Ioles brothers hit him on the head with a stone. j\loles was mistaken in his man ; he thought it was Richard Ore. Mr. Sheffield was taken to his home; he then resided in a cabin a short distance south of "Nigger" creek on lot 10, section 16. John C. Bond and Thomas Moulton with their wives waded through deep snow from Moulton 's house to Sheffield's cabin. They found that Sheffield was badly injured. They washed the blood from his head and did what they could for him. In the meantime a doctor was called. Sheffield died a few days afterwards. It is alleged that he was buried in what is called the lost graveyard across the creek a short distance west of the Greenbush grave- yard. Jerry ]\Ioles was arrested on a warrant issued by Moses T. Hand, justice of the peace. At his preliminary trial, Cyrus Walker appeared for the prosecution. He was bound over and sent to Monmouth jail. The Moles brothers looked very much alike and it was difficult for the witnesses to tell which one threw the stone that killed Sheffield. Moles was finally acquitted. 44 ExVRLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH THREE FATAL ACCIDENTS. About three miles west of Avon on section 22 in Greenbush township, Warren county, Illinois, on the public highway there is a covered bridge across a small stream. Up the hill, a short distance east of this bridge, AVilliam Lloyd was killed, January 21, 1862. On that day, James Marshall, who had been engaged in making .-a sleigh for himself, was going to Israel Spurgeon's to return some tools he had borrowed, and had put his shotgun in the sleigh thinking he would find some prairie chickens before he returned. He met his uncle, William Lloyd, on the hill east of the bridge, and stopped to talk with him. Lloyd, thinking he would play a joke on James, reached for the shotgun; and as he took hold of it, the horses started and the gun was discharged, kdling ;Mr. Lloyd — the whole charge striking his head and fracturing the skull. At the place where the covered bridge now stands, in C?tober, 1885, Thomas Crabb was engaged in building a bridge. H > had in his employ Stephen Balderson, who then .lived west of Avon in the edge of Warren county. They were placing the stringers or girders across the stream, and Balderson had placed a prop under one end of a long heavy stick of timber; this prop slipped out and the timber fell on Balderson, injuring him so badly that he died the same day, in the evening. In the fall of 1888, Charles West was running a steam thresh- ing-machine in Greenbush township. He had finished a job of threshing at Simon Sailor's, and on the eleventh day of Septem- ber, 1888, he started from Sailor's to Wm. Smith's to thresh for EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 45 him. George Stuckey rode on the engine with West and Harvey Gordon; Edward Long and Joseph Balderson rode on the separator. When they eanie to the bridge across the stream where the covered bridge now stands, West got oft' the engine and examined the bridge. Stuckey and Gordon also got off and crossed over the bridge. West said the bridge was dangerous and told Long and Balderson to get off. He then mounted his engine alone and started across. When the engine reached the center of the bridge, bridge and engine went down with a crash, breaking steam pipes and other por- tions of the engine. West was caught between the engine and the tank wagon. Pie was immediately enveloped in steam, so that the men could scarcely see him. They found that one of West's hands was clinched on the throttle and the other on the steering-wheel. After removing him from the engine, they placed him on bed quilts and carried him east, up the hill, to the residence of B. C. Welsh. Drs. Clayberg and Weaver were called who attended to his injuries. It was found that one leg was broken and his jaw was also broken ; he had a bad scalp wound, and also injured by in- haling hot steam. This accident occurred about noon, and West died that night about eight or nine o'clock. It is said of Charles West that he had been a good railroad engineer, and was the man that placed the locomotive vane on top of the passenger depot of the C, B. & Q. R. R., at Galesburg, Illinois. 46 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH INTERESTING STORY Recalling the Days When Coal Oil was Manufactured Near Avon. This reliable scrap of history, by W. H. Rose, is taken from The Avon Sentinel: Before the discovery of oil wells in Pennsylvania kerosene, or coal oil, as it was more commonly called, was manufactured from cannel coal in several different places in the United States, and was a very profitable business, as the product sold at a fancy price, never less than $1.00 per gallon and sometimes as high as $1.50. On account of the high price, the oil was but little used and its sale was principally confined to the larger cities. Veins of cannel coal were considered very valuable and were much sought after. In 1857 a large vein of this coal was discovered along the creek north of town by some miners from Pennsylvania who were working in the neighborhood. It had been seen by many persons before, but they supposed it to be slate stone, which it much resembles. The news of the discovery spread rapidly, and attracted the notice of George R. Clark of Chicago, who formed a company of New York and Chicago capitalists, for the manu- facture of oil, called the Avon Coal Oil Company. The capital stock was $50,000, which was afterwards increased. Mr. Clark, who was made superintendent of the company, came here and secured mining privileges and options on a large tract of land along the creek where the coal was dicovered. In the spring of 1858, a mine was opened under the direction of James Timmons as superintendent, and the company proceeded at once to erect works for the manufacture of oil. The site oc- cupied by the works was near the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 13, in Greenbush township, now known as the EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 47 Saunders farm. The entry to the mine started on the east side of the road and extended under the hill on which the Saunders house now stands. The entry was made large enough for mules to go in and haul out the cars of coal and extended under ground a dis- tance of nearly 40 rods. The apparatus employed for the manufacture of oil consisted of fifteen large cast-iron retorts, each with its cover weighing more than four tons. These retorts were set in a straight line on fire brick arches with furnaces under each and connected together by a large cast-iron pipe. Each retort held about three ton,s of coal, the oil being extracted by baking the coal until it became redhot, by which time the oil had passed off in smoke and gases, which were condensed by being passed through cold water, the oil run- ning off in crude form. At first only crude oil was made, which was shipped in casks to a refinery in St. Louis. A ton of coal would make about 15 or 20 gallons of crude oil and it reciuired about two days to work off a batch of coal. There was a certain amount of gas that could not be condensed and was allowed to escape through an iron pipe, and was kept con- stantly burning. At night the flames would light up the sur- rounding country. Many small- dwellings had been erected near the works for the accommodation of the miners and other workmen ; and at night the little village, brilliantly illuminated, presented a beautiful picture. The coal or coke, after being taken from the retorts, was used for firing the ''furnaces, a small amount of bituminous coal being mixed with it. The second year, a refinery was built near the other works. This was a large building, constructed of stone procured from quarries near by. After its completion the company did its own refining. The burning oil was much the same as the kerosene of the present day. In refining the crude oil many different products were obtained ; namely, benzine, gasoline, kerosene, lubricating oil, paraf^ine, coal tar, and asphaltum. When the works were in full operation, they furnished em- ployment for nearly 100 men. 48 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH The works, however, did not prove to be a financial success, for about this time oil wells were discovered in Pennsylvania, which reduced the price of oil to a figure much less than that for which it could be manufactured from coal. When it was found by the company that the works could no longer be carried on successfully, they were abandoned and a large number of debts contracted by the company were left unpaid. The works w^ere finally sold at sherifi^'s sale for the benefit of creditors. They fell into the hands of the Frost Manufacturing Company of Galesburg; and the outfit, comprising many carloads of old iron and machinery, was shipped to that city. The refinery building was used for a time by David ^Morse for a barn, but was finally torn down by Dr. Saunders and the stone used for diiferent purposes. Some of them may be seen at the present time in a wall along the road in front of the Saunders house. At the same time the Avon works were put in operation, similar works were constructed in Peoria county, and with like results. The work of mining the veip of cannel coal necessitated the removal of large (|uanities of fire clay underlying the coal. After the oil works had been in operation about a year, a large dump of clay had accumulated; and a company, composed of James McDougal, A. Horrocks, and George R. Clark, was formed for the purpose of manufacturing it into fire brick. The company erected quite extensive works on the land now OAvned by the James Mings estate, consisting of kilns, drying sheds, etc., and also installed the machinery necessary for grinding the clay. They manufactured a variety of wares, consisting of loco- motive fire backs, cupola brick, flue tops and many different shapes of fire brick, nearly all of the product being shipped to Chicago. But their venture, like the oil w^orks, did not prove a success financially. The works finally passed into the hands of Jerome Goodspeed, tjien a prominent merchant in Avon. It proved a profitable investment for him. He ground the clay and shipped it to Chicago by the carload, where it found a ready sale. He con- tinued the business until the dump was exhausted. W. H. Rose. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 49 BIOCtRAPHICAL. JOHN C. BOND. John C. Bond was born in Knox county, Tennessee, December 25, 1799. He was married to jMiss Polly Grimsley in 1818. To them were born five children, namely: Siisana, who was born August 10, 1819 ; married Walter John- son, November 25, 1836. This was the second marriage in Green- bush township. The ceremony was performed by Moses T. Hand, justice of the peace. Walter Johnson died December 13. 1876. Susana died at the residence of her daughter Arvie Cay ton in Youngstown, Illinois, December 26, 1902. William G., born in April, 1823; married Mrs. Elizabeth Henry, January 25, 1844. She died December 22, 1864, at the age of 45 years. WiUiam G. Bond enlisted in the army in the war for the union in 1862 ; in August of that year was mustered in as captain of Co. H, 83rd regiment Illinois Infantry; and was promoted in 1863 to the office of major, which office he held until he was mus- tered out in 1865. In December, 1874, he was appointed deputy sheriff of Warren county, Illinois. He filled this position for two years and was then elected sheriff three times in succession, closing his services as sheriff in 1882. His last marriage was to Mrs. Mary E. Moore (nee Taylor), This marriage occurred at Dayton, Ohio, in 1868. He died February 8, 1892. Jesse Walton was born in Jackson county, Alabama, Septem- ber 7, 1825; was married in Swan township, Warren county, Illi- nois, February 12, 1848, to Sarah E. Terry. She was born near 50 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Belleville in St. Clair county. Illinois, and was a daiigliter of Andrew and Xanc}^ (I. (Stice) Terry. She died in Sacramento count}', California, January 28, 185-4. Jesse AY. Bond's second marriage was to Mrs. Anna C. Smith, October 25, 1863. Her maiden name was Anna C. Harrah. She was born in Belmont county. Ohio, February 25, 1835, and was a daughter of John N. and Helen (Wharton) Harrah, and sister of Charles A. Harrah, dealer in farm implements at Bushnell, Illinois. In 1850, Jesse W. Bond crossed the plains to California in search of gold. After remaining there tw^o years, he returned. He afterwards made two more trips to the land of gold where he remained until 1862, when he came back to Warren county, 111. He died at Monmouth, Illinois, April 25, 1905. Ruby L., born June 30, 1827, in Morgan county, Illinois; was married three times. Her first husband was Andrew Stice, who died in 1848; her second marriage was to Henry Burson; her last marriage was to Andrew J. Cayton, February 15, 1873. She Avas badly bruised and injured in a wind-storm that occurred in Swan township, May 22, 1873. However, she fully recovered from this, except the bones that were broken in her arm never knit together. She died June 26, 1901. Anna, who died in infancy. Major John C. Bond's first wife died about the year 1828, in jMorgan county, Illinois. His second marriage was to Miss Mary Singleton of Morgan county, in May, 1829. To them were born three children — Fielding, Mary, and Evaline — all of whom are deceased. Fielding was a brilliant young man who graduated from Lombard University at Galesburg, Illinois, with honors, in 1857, and was shortly afterwards admitted to the bar. He went to Texas and commenced the practice of law. When the war broke out he returned to his father's house in Greenbush. He was elected county superintendent of schools in Warren county, in 1861. He died April 16, 1862, at the age of 28 years. Evaline married Joseph Hartford. She died in Neosha county, Kansas, in 1871. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 51 Mary, wife of John C. Bond, died September 1, 1842, at the age of 32 years. She was a woman highly esteemed by those who knew her. One night during her last days, she had a dream in which the words of this text came to her: "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." This dream so disturbed her that she arose from her bed. rekindled the fire in the fireplace to make a light, procured her Bible and read from Ec. 9, 10 : "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." She closed her Bible and returned to bed, and again dreamed of the same text. Rev. Peter Downey was called to see her, and by her request he administered baptism. After her death he was called to preach her funeral which he did, using the same text. Major John C. Bond's third marriage was to ]Mrs. Nancy G. Terry. Her maiden name was Nancy G. Stice. This marriage occurred in January, 1844. Two children were born of this union : Canzada S.. wife of ]\Iathew Campbell, now residing in Oklahoma ; and Cordelia, the wife of Henry Staat, now residing in Berwick township. Warren county, Illinois. Mrs. Nancy Green Bond was born in Warren county, Ken- tucky, September 23, 1807. She was a daughter of Andrew and Nancy (AVilson) Stice. Andrew Stice was born in 1768, and died October 18, 1818. They were married in 1789. Mrs. Bond's grand- father, Andrew Stice, was married to Katran Collins, in Ger- many, and emigrated to North Carolina before the Revolutionary war. ]\Irs. Bond's grandfather Wilson and wife came from Scot- land before the Revolutionary war and settled in North Carolina. He was a captain in the Revolutionary war and fought at the battle of Bunker Hill; was wounded in the right knee and made a cripple for life. His brother. James Wilson, was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Mrs. Nancy G. Bond's first marriage was to Andrew Terry, May 10, 1827. He died June 28, 1836. To them were born four children: George, Sarah, J\Iinta, and one dying in infancy. ]Mrs. Bond has been blind for over twenty years. She now resides with her daughter. Cordelia Staat. ]\Ia.jor John C. Bond, the subject of this sketch, was a son of Jesse W. and Susanna (Crane) Bond, who were married in UNIVERSITY OF ailNOIS LIBRARY 52 EARLY DxV.YS IN GREENBUSH Overton county, Tennessee, in 1798. She was born in Georgia, in 1777. Of this union, seven children Avere born : John Crane, Benjamin, Joel, Ruby, AYilliam Barnet, Jesse W., and Nathan. Jesse W. Bond, the father of Major John C. Bond, moved to Jackson county, Alabama, in 1819; from there he went to Morgan county, Illinois ; and in 1834, came to Warren county, Illinois, and settled on section 18 in Greenbush township, and resided here until his death, which occurred February 26, 1840, at the age of 65 years. His wife was blind for many years before her death. She died January 7, 1859, at the age of 85 years. Major John C. Bond was commissioner in Warren county in an early day, and was appointed with Samuel Hallam and Robert Gilmore to divide the county into townships, which they did in 1853. In 1854, Avhen township organization was adopted, he was elected supervisor in Greenbush township and served in that capacity for fourteen successive years. He was elected justice of the peace in 1835, and held his first court in a smoke-house. He married the first couple in 'the township — Moses T. Hand to Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford— December 23, 1835. Llr. Bond was assessor in Greenbush township for several years. He received his title as major in the militia, and was major in Col. John Butler's regiment. He was also a soldier in the Black Hawk war. He purchased from the other heirs the old homestead entered by his father on section 18, where he spent his last years. His hearing was very defective for several years before his death., which occurred May 20, 1882. His funeral services were held in the INIethodist church in Greenbush, on Sunday afternoon, May 21, 1882, and were conducted by Eld. Isaac N. Van Meter, a minister of the Old-School Baptist church. John C. Bond belonged to the masonic fraternity and was a member of the Christian church. In politics he was a democrat. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 53 CHARLES STICE. Charles Stice was born in North Carolina, February 11, 1795. He was a son of Andrew Stice, who was born in Germany. He was married March 9, 1815, to Patsey Whitley. She was born March 2, 1800. Mr. Stice moved from North Carolina to Kentucky; then to Madison county, Illinois. In 1833, he went to Henderson county, and in 1840 he came to Greenfield, now Greenbush, where he kept a store and the postoffice, being the first postmaster in the village. He also kept hotel. To this first union were born the following-named children: Sarah G., born August 18, 1817 ; married J. C. Jamison. She died August 8, 1879. Andrew, born March 13, 1819; married Ruby L. Bond. He died April 12, 1848. Nancy, born February 27, 1821; died September 9, 1843. Tabitha, born December 31, 1822 ; married Hanson H. Hewett. He died February 26, 1904. Diana and James C, were twins, born August 18, 1825. Diana married R. M. Simmons. She died February 1, 1893. James C. died November 7, 1875. Martha, born January 31, 1828; married Curtis Worden. Charles, born September 27, 1829 ; died September 16, 1838. George W., born July 8, 1832; married Phebe King, January 19, 1860. She was born February 14, 1841. He died June 13, 1899. Oscar, born January 27, 1837 ; never married. He died in Linn county, Missouri, February 7, 1905. Patsey, wife of Charles Stice, died February 21, 1847. Mr. Stice 's second marriage was in 1851, to ]\Irs. Arixina Wellman. Her maiden name was Arixina Andrews. She was born in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, in 1825. 54 EARLY DAYS IN GKEENBUSH To them wri'c l)nrn the f()lh)\viny-iia]ued children : Catherine E., born November 18, 1851; married Alexander Campbell, April 25, 1872. She died February 15, 1878. David A., born April 2, 1S54; married Myram H. King, December 25, 1879. She was born October 30, 1854, and died October 15. 1903. AA^arren M., born July 2. 1860 ; married Effie AVilson. Charles Stice died April 1, 1869. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 00 'SQUIRE JENKINS BUZAN. S. J. Buzan Avas born in La Rue county, Kentucky, Septem- ber 21, 1829. La Rue county was named after Jacob La Rue, who was a grandfather of S. J. Buzan. Mr. Buzan came with his parents to Monmouth. Illinois, in 1831. In 1843, he went to Macomb, Illinois, where he was engaged as clerk or salesman in the store of N. P. Tinsley until the fall of 1849, when he came to Greenbush and commenced business for himself, running a general store the most of the time up to 1862, when he went west and settled in Missouri. He was married to Mary E. Walker, August 4, 1854. She was born September 25, 1834, and was a daughter of Abner and Jane (Damron) Walker who kept hotel in Greenbush for many years. To Mr. Buzan and wife the following-named children were born : Harry Arthur, born September 4, 1856 ; died February 27, 1879. Eva, born March 10, 1860 ; married Galen B. Anderson, November 12, 1884. She died February 12, 1885. Chauncey, born June 27, 1862. Nellie, born September 1, 1866; married Charles E. Spooner, October 8, 1902. Frank, born October 6, 1870. Pearl, born October 11, 1873 ; married Frederic W. Kaster, February 10, 1894. In politics Mr. Buzan was a republican. He died at St. Joseph, Missouri, June 30, 1893. 56 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH JOHN RUBART. John Rubart was born in Kentucky, July 21, 1797. In his boyhood days he moved with his parents to Ohio ; afterwards moved to Morgan county, Illinois, where he resided for several years. He was married to Miss Phebe Arnold, July 31, 1822. To them were born the following-named children : Ann, Nancy, James F., Enos, Marion, Asenath, and Jacob,— all of whom are deceased. His wife Phebe died January 17, 1845. Mr. Rubart 's second marriage was to Nancy Lahman, which occurred May 24, 1850. She was born October 21, 1827, near Mansfield, Penn. They moved to Greenbush township, Warren county, Illinois, in 1852, where they purchased a farm on sec- tions one and two. To this union were born the following-named children : Phebe J., who married Ancil F. Griffith, in November, 1879. Joseph M., born March 16, 1856 ; married Effie Armstrong, March 18, 1887. Albert E., born December 28, 1861 ; married Nellie L. Lloyd, September 18, 1887. Abram L., m^arried Mary Crowley, July 4, 1893. Benjamin W., born January 17, 1858. John Rubart, the subject of this sketch, was a soldier in the Black Hawk war. His son Marion died in the Union army during the "War of the Rebellion. John Rubart died December 30, 1872. His wife Nancy died April 21, 1902. EARLY DAVy IN GREENBUSH 0/ WILLIAM PAL.MEK. \Vm. Pahuer was l)c)ni in Cayuga county, New York, June 25, 1820. He was a son of Lemuel and Martha (Babcock) Palmer, the fifth in decent from Walter Palmer who was born in Nottinghamshire, England, in 1585, and emigrated to America in 1627. ^ Wm. Palmer was married August 20, 1840, to Mary Ellinger. She was born in Ohio, June 20, 1823, and ^vas a daughter of Joseph and Nancy (Bowman) Ellinger, and sister of Ann Karns, Catherine Ury, Barbara Baldwin, Elizabeth Gladish, and Samuel L. Ellinger. After marriage ]\Ir. Palmer made several moves, living in Indiana, Will county, Illinois, near Joliet. and Green county, Wisconsin, near Broadhead, from which place his brother-in-law Sanuiel L. Ellinger helped him move to Warren county, Illinois, between the years of 1845 and 1847. In 1856. he moved to Chickasaw county, Iowa, near the small town of Jacksonville. His health failing, he moved to Bourbon county, Kansas, arriving there August 21, 1865. He then bought a claim on the neutral lands of a man named Cavanaugh, located near the ^Missouri line, ten miles south of Fort Scott, where his wife's sister, Catherine LTry, and family then resided. He lived here up to the time of his death, which occurred July 12, 1870. His wife died November 13, 1872. They are buried side by side in a little country cemetery in Vernon county, Missouri. To William Palmer and wife were born the following-named children : Samuel Zelotus, born in Indiana, September 18, 1841 ; died in Greenbush, Illinois, May 30, 1855. Martha Ann Elzora, born in Indiana, February 24, 1845; married William Asbury Insley, of Tippecanoe county, Indiana, near Appleton, Kansas, October 22, 1872. 58 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Mary Viola, born May 4, 1847; died at Greenbush. Illinois, December 14, 1847. Laura Jane, born in Greenbush, Illinois, August 28, 1848; married James Harvey Gulick, near Appleton, Bourbon county, Kansas, December 6, 1868. James Milo, born in Greenbush, Illinois. November 18, 1850; married Mary L. Earver, September 27, 1873, near Appleton, Kansas, where he now resides. Philip Henry, born near Jacksonville, Chickasaw county, Iowa, October 6, 1857; died April 1, 1864. Barbara Rosetta, born near Jacksonville, Iowa, January 19, I860; married George T. Insley, April 20, 1878, near Altoona, Wilson county, Kansas. He was a native of Indiana and half- brother of Wm. A. Insley. George T. Insley died October 18, 1896. Josie ^lay, born near Appleton, Kansas, May 1, 1866 ; died July 29, 1866. Wm. Palmer was a shoemaker by trade. When he was mar- ried he had a kit of tools, about twenty-dollars' worth of leather, and twenty dollars in money to begin with, and when not other- wise employed he worked at his trade. He was in the store with S. J. Buzan for a Avhile ; he also kept a small grocery store in connection with his shoe-shop when he resided in Greenbush. He bought a farm in Iowa and sold half of it to a brother. Here he farmed, working at his trade in the winter until he moved to Kansas. He lost half of his claim in Kansas; he thought this was caused by false swearing. He was at one time engaged in the mercantile business at Appleton, Kansas, with a man by the name of Stevens. This man wanted to keep Avhisky, which did not suit Mr. Palmer. So they divided up and Palmer sold his goods to William Emrick, son of Jacob Emrick who kept hotel at one time in Greenbush. Mr. Palmer was a good-templar. In religion he was a Methodist. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 59 NOAH CHABILL. Noah Crabill was born in Shenandoah county, Virginia, December 26, 1818. He was a son of John and Catherine (Hoover) Crabill who died in Ohio. About the year 1830, he went with his parents to Champaign county, Ohio ; and in 1850, he moved to Hancock county, Illinois. In the fall of 1851, he moved to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, where he settled on section ten; afterwards moved to section fifteen, where he died April 16, 1898. He was married, in 1841, to Sarah Crabill who was born in Shenandoah county, Virginia, February 23, 1824, and was a daughter of Abraham and Catherine (Keller) Crabill. To them the following-named children were born : Catherine, who married Alexander Courson, June 24, 1869. She died January 21, 1870, at the age of 27 years. Mary Jane, who married William Warren, December 31, 1868. She died January 3, 1896, at the age of 49 years. Edgar, born in Hancock county, Illinois, in 1850. James, born August 24, 1853, in Greenbush township. Emma, born May 27, 1856 ; died November 5, 1861. Aden Keller, born July 6, 1860 ; married Rosa Stombaugh, April 3, 1890. She died March 12, 1892, at the age of 22 years. His second marriage was to Ida Damitz, December 24, 1893. Samuel, born October 10, 1863 ; died September 20, 1866. Albert, born December 9, 1866; died May 7, 1867. Noah Crabill was by occupation a cooper in his younger days; afterwards a farmer. In politics he was a democrat. He joined the Christian church in 1859, and was a consistent member up to the time of his death. -5 60 EARLY DAYS ]N GREENBUSH JOHN PATTERSON, SENIOR. John Patterson was born in Edmonson county, Tennessee. In 1843, he moved to Warren county, Kentucky; and in 1852, he moved from there to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois. He was married to Jane McCoppen in Tennessee. To them the following-named children were born : William, who married Sarah Magers in Kentucky, was killed by the explosion of a boiler at Wm. G. Bond's saw-mill, January 10, 1862. Elizabeth, who married Elza Magers. Jane, Avho married Jacob Osborn, the basket-maker. Sarah, who died in May, 1879. Samuel, who married Amelia Jones. John, who married Samantha Jane Simmons. James, who married Samantha Acton. ]\Iary, who was about 16 years old, was burned to death, in 1862, at the sorghum-mill of Jacob Osborn, in Berwick town- ship, her clothing having caught on fire from the furnace where they were making molasses. John Patterson, the subject of this sketch, was deaf and dumb during his entire life. He died in 1884. His wife died August 6, 1879. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 61 SIMON SAILER. Simon Sailer was born in Weisenberg, Germany, December 8, 1831. He left his native country, and after a voyage of fifty days on the water arrived at New York, April 20, 1853. He went to the state of Michigan, where he remained until the spring of 1854, when he went to Indiana ; in the fall he went to St. Louis, and then to New Orleans. In the spring of 1855, he walked from St. Louis, Mo., to St. Augustine. Illinois, where he went to work on the Northern Cross railroad. In the fall of 1856, he moved to Greenbush township, in Warren county, Illinois. Simon Sailer was married to Matilda Jane Kelly, March 26, 1863. She was born in Hendricks county, Indiana, July 3, 1839, and was a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Weaver) Kelly. To them the following-named children Avere born: Thomas Jefferson, born April 27, 1864 ; married Alice Lillian Hendricks, February 4, 1890. She was born September 22, 1866. George John, who' was born August 31, 1866. William Henry, born July 24, 1870 ; married Agnes May Ryan, January 20, 1892. She was born May 4, 1869. Simon Sailer has been a farmer and stockman by occupation; has also been extensively engaged in the coal trade, having several coal banks on his lands. He filled the office of commissioner of highways for several years in the township. He has now retired frem active labor and resides at Avon, Illinois. In politics he is a democrat. In religion he and his family are members of the Catholic church. 62 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH JOHN PHILIP KRAMER. John P. Kramer was born in Hadem, Westphalia. Germany, December 20, 1824. After going to the public school and being confirmed in the Lutheran church, he learned the tailor trade and worked at that occupation in different towns near the Rhine river. In 1855 he started for America in company with his friend, Louis Hollenberg. They took a sail-ship from Bremen, and after a perilous journey of eight weeks, in which time all the passengers suffered from lack of a sufficient supply of food and drink, they arrived in New York city. The railroad did not extend beyond Galesburg at that time, and they came on here; and while in Galesburg they luckily came across Amos Seigler who took them with his wagon-load of merchandise on to Greenbush. They soon found Mr. Hollen- berg 's two brothers, Henry and George, who had come to this country a few years previous. ]Mr. Kramer first found work at his trade in ]\Ionmouth, where he staid about a year, and then he went back to Greenbush, where he kept a tailor-shop until 1866. He was married November 1, 1858, to Helena Meusborn, whom he had known in Germany. She was born in Vorm Wald, AA^estphalia, Germany, February 13, 1839; and came to America in 1858, in company with some friends. In 1878, in company with her oldest daughter and others, she visited her old German home. In 1866 Mr. and Mrs. Kramer moved out onto their farm, two and one-half miles southeast of the village of Greenbush, w^here by thrift and industry they built up a comfortable home for themselves and children. In politics J\Ir. Kramer was a republican. He was an earnest, quiet man, fond of his German books and papers. He died April 13. 1902. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 63 The fo]l()^vill!i'-name(l children were born to ]\Ir. and Mrs. Kramer : Louise Katrina, who married Rev. Karl Lotz, April 23, 1879. He was then pastor of the German Lutheran church at Galesburg, Illinois. Since then they have lived mostly in Kansas and Mis- souri. They have one son (adopted) — Albert. Emma, who married Rev. Karl Luecke, pastor of the German Lutheran church of Stover, Missouri, April 23, 1890. She died March 2. 1892. She was a woman of rare goodness and kindness of heart. She left a daughter, Bertha. Frederick William, who married Lena Doll, of Bushnell, Illinois, and who has always lived in Greenbush township. They have three children — Dollie, Esther, and Edith. Bertha Marie, who married Ferdinand Schoenheider, of Peoria, Illinois, May 24, 1893. They have three children — Arnold, Arthur, and Gertrude. Wilhelmina Amelia, who married John R. Armes, formerly of Nashville, Tennessee, July 27, 1897. He died the following November, leaving one son, Eugene. Alvena, who married Olof Olson, of Greenbush township, March 9, 1903. They live on the old home place. Clara Helena, who is living with her mother who moved to Peoria, Illinois, in March, 1903. Jacob, brother of John Kramer, was born August 6, 1815. He came to this country, in 1858, and made his home with his brother. He was never married. He took two trips to Germany and, in 1896, he decided to go again to pass the remainder of his life there. He died in Germany, January 16, 1905, after an illness of a few hours, in the very house in which he was born. He was quite active and strong to the last and his enjoyment was found in walking from his home to visit friends and relatives in the villages near by. 64 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII CHARLES HENRY KILLOUGH. It will be observed that the spelling of the name Kellough has been changed to Killongh, the subject of this sketch having chosen to return to the original way. Charles Henry Killough was born in Cecil county, Mary- land, March 16, 1834. He was a son of Richard and Sarah (Max- well) Killough. His father and grandfather were born in Lan- caster county, Penn. Their ancestors came from Scotland in 1648. Charles H. Killough came to Illinois w4th his parents in 1837, and settled near Brooklyn, in Schuyler county, where he grew to manhood. In April, 1855, he came to Greenbush township and settled on section 28. He cast his first vote in the fall of 1856, for John C. Fremont for president ; was a voter in Greenbush town- ship for forty years, and during all these years he continued to vote the republican ticket and never wavered from the principles of his party. He was married December 25, 1855, to Margaret Holcomb, of near Plymouth, Hancock county, Illinois. She was a daughter of Ilosea and Susan (Gilman) Holcomb. To them were born the following-named children : Martha, born April 25, 1857 ; married John M. Conley, December 6, 1877. She died April 12, 1889. Sarah, born August 15, 1859, married George E. Young, March 30, 1880. Lura, born March 8, 1863; married T. H. Eastman, January 22, 1889. Mary, born February 11, 1866; married Joseph L. Stice, January 26, 1899. Anna, born October 21, 1868; married Nathan INI. AYetzel, Januarv 10, 1889. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 65 Minnie, born April 7, 1873 ; married Harvey D. Ludden, March 8, 1898. These girls all grew to womanhood in the old home where they were born, and some of them were married there. In religion Mr. Killough is a Presbyterian, having been a member of that church for more than fifty years; and for more than twenty-five years has been a ruling elder of his church. Soon after coming to Greenbush, he transferred his membership to the Prairie City church, where it has since remained. His wife is also a member of the same church. 66 EARLY DxVYS IN GREENBUSH PETER HONTS. Peter Honts was born in Botetourt county, Virginia, Sep- tember 24, 1815. He was a son of Henry and Catherine (Kauf- man) Honts, who were natives of Pennsylvania. Mr, Honts worked with his brothers Daniel and Henry about four years in a paper-mill that was located about five miles from Fincastle, Virginia. He left Virginia, in 1836, and went to Morgan county, Indiana, where he married Martha A. Walker, in 1838. She died March 28, 1896. Peter Honts came to Greenbush in 1847, where he has resided the most of the time since. To Peter and Martha Honts were born the following-named children : Lucy A., born November 20, 1840. She married Thomas Gunter, in 1860. William Henry, born June 17, 1843 ; never married, and re- sides in Greenbush. Delphia Jane, born November 26, 1845; died of cholera July 17, 1851. John B., born June 24, 1848; married Sarah E. Montgomery. She died August 19, 1902. Isaac George, born January 6, 1854; married Alba Knight. Joel A., born June 24, 1856 ; married Alice Snare. Mary Catherine, born September 10, 1859; died April 15, 1862. George B. M., born November 13, 1864 ; died in infancy. Peter Honts was by occupation a wagon-maker and car- penter ; he was also engaged a portion of the time in farming. In politics he is a democrat. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 67 FREDERIC HENRY MERRILL. Frederic H. Merrill was born in Amherst, Mass., July 25, 1819. He was a son of Horace and Deborah (Paine) Merrill. His boyhood days were spent mostly in his home town, where he received superior educational advantages. In early manhood he removed with his parents to Orwell, Vermont, and was for some years employed in a large mercantile house at what was then known as Chipman's Point, on the shore of Lake Cham- plain. His parents having, in 1836, moved to Chardon, Geauga county, Ohio, he about one year later followed them there, where for a time he engaged in business for himself. About 1840, he came to Illinois. For several j^ears he was a prominent and successful teacher in the district schools of Warren and Henderson counties. On October 7, 1847, he was married at Denny, Warren county, Illinois, to Lucretia Paine, daughter of Charles Henry and Parthenia (Mason) Paine. She was born at Freedom, Portage county, Ohio, August 27, 1825. About 1849 or '50, he came with his wife and one child, Mary Emily (now Mrs. George Albro Johnston), to Greenbush, Illinois, and associated himself with Alfred Osborn under the firm name of Osborn & Merrill. They for years did a large general mer- chandise business, and were widely known. Their store was noted for fair-dealing, and the word of Frederic H. Merrill was always as good as his bond. He was interested in everything calculated to better the condition of his home town and the welfare of his fellow-citizens. In his religious affiliations he was a Congregational ist. but his views were broad and charitable. There were born to them eleven children, namely : Mary Emily, born July 4, 1848 ; married George Albro Johns- ton, April 26, 1868. Charles Henry, born January 11, 1850. Effie ]\Iaria, born November 19, 1853. 68 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Frederic Horace, born April 20, 1860; married Mary Alice Belding, June 2, 1892. He is now engaged in the grocery and hardware trade at Avon, Illinois. Giles Edward, born December 13, 1862 ; married Catherine M. Snyder, May 28, 1885. He is extensively engaged in the poultry and egg business at Avon, Illinois, and is a member of the firm of Merrill Brothers, doing a general merchandise business at Greenbush, Illinois. Frank, born October 6, 1867 ; married Pearl Meachum, December 14, 1893. He, in company with his brother, Giles E., is engaged in the mercantile business at Greenbush, Illinois. Arthur, born November 20, 1869; married Elizabeth Bliss, July 18, 1894. After receiving a divorce from her, he married Catherine Robey, October 12, 1898. She was a daughter cf T. A. and Emma (Baldwin) Robey. He was appointed postmaster at Avon, Illinois, July 15, 1897, which office he still holds. He is a strong advocate of the rural route system, having obtained three routes as early as November 1, 1900. Cora Eliza, born April 17, 1865 ; died May 10, 1879. Three children died in infancy. Mr. Merrill and his family removed to Avon, Illinois, in the fall of 1863, where he continued in the same line of business. He was for several years postmaster at Avon ; also school director. In his political belief he was a republican. After years of a biLsy life he transferred his store interest to his tw^o sons, Giles E. and Fredric H. Merrill. He died in Avon, Illinois, August 14, 1892. His wife followed him to the better world April 28, 1897. Both have left behind them names that will ever be honored and cherished by all who knew them. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 69 BETHUEL MERRIS. Bethuel Merris was born in the state of Ohio, July 9, 1826. He was a son of John B. and Eliza Merris, both natives of Ohio. He came to Scott county, Illinois, about the year 1845. He was married at Naples, Illinois, to Mary Crawford, July 5, 1846. She was born in Ohio, August 7, 1825. They moved to Greenbush, AVarren county, Illinois, in the fall of 1852, where they resided up to the time of their death. To them were born the following-named children : Meribah, born February 6, 1848; married Robert Barbour, February 16, 1861. John B., born October 23, 1849. Almira, born March 21, 1652; married James Garland Ray, December 3, 1871. Eliza Ellen, born January 29, 1855; married Joshua Coates Ray, April 2, 1874. Flora A., born January 5, 1859. Melissa, born February 2, 1867. Mr. Merris was by occupation a farmer. In politics he was a democrat. In religion he and his wife were members of the Christian church. He died March 7, 1891 ; his wife died December 24. 1898. 70 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH EBENEZER. WILFORD WOODS. E. W. Woods was born in Sullivan, Madison county. New York, September 16, 1818. He was a son of Asa and Mary (Wilford) Woods and a grandscn of Samuel and Phebe (Holten) Woods. His maternal grandparents were John and Anna (Black- stone) Wilford, both natives of England. ]\Ir. Woods came with his father from New York to what is now known as Avon, in Fulton county, Illinois, in 1836. He says when they arrived they found David Young and James Simmons digging a well for Ira Woods. Mr. Woods, the subject of this sketch, was married in Green- bush township, Warren county, Illinois, to Rhoda M. Butler, January 6, 1853. She was born in Gallia county, Ohio, January 6, 1830, and was a daughter of Col. John and Mary (Adney) Butler. To Mr and Mrs. Woods were born the following-named children : Mary, born October 25, 1853 ; died October 4, 1854. Ezra B., born November 27, 1854; married Carrie Lovejoy, who died March 4, 1897. His second marriage was to Kate Lester, October 14, 1899. Willis R., born March 9, 1857; married Priscilla Van Velsor, December 25, 1885. Amelia A., born March 13, 1859; married John E. Meitchel, April 4, 1877. She died March 8, 1892. Olevia E., born February 22, 1861. John A., born March 7, 1863 ; married Dora Simmons, August 14, 1886. Edwin S., born March 19, 1865; married Nettie Austin, January 19, 1887. Sarah B., born May 4, 1867 ; married Artie Lincoln, August 26, 1885. Minnie C, born November 11, 1869 ; married John E. Meitchel, July 8, 1894. By occupation Mr. Woods is a farmer. In his younger days he worked some at the carpenter trade ; he also made the first wood- work of a wagon in the country. This wagon was ironed by his cousin and traded to McMahon who then kept store in Greenbush. Politically Mr. Woods votes the republican ticket. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII 71 ISAAC CUNNINGHAM. Isaac Cunningham was born in Kentucky, July 10, 1815. In his boyhood days he went to the state of Indiana, where in 1838, he was married to Miss Sarah James. He came to Greenbush, Illinois, in 1811, and moved to Fulton county, Illinois, in 1850; was in the mercantile business at Avon for fifteen years. He filled the of^ces of supervisor, collector, and constable, and was at the time of his death deputy sheriff of Fulton county. He died of heart disease and seemed to be as well as usual the day before his death, which occurred at Avon, Illinois, April 19, 1872. He had no children. In politics he was a democrat. THOMAS CARROLL. Thomas Carroll was born in County Latram, Ireland, in 1832. He left Ireland in his younger days in company with his uncle John Fay and wife. After a voyage of fifty-two days on the water, they arrived at Quebec, Canada, where he remained with his uncle until 1842, when he went to Bakersfield, Vermont, where he learned the blacksmith trade. He then went to Massachusetts, where he worked seven years in the carriage shops of Charles Rice. He was married March 13, 1853, to Miss Elizabeth Raper ; and in June of that year they went to Monmouth, Illinois. Mr Carroll then ran a peddling-wagon over the prairies for one year. He then went to Ellisville, Illinois, on the Spoon river, where he and his wife first engaged in housekeeping. Caroline W., their first child, was born and died here. Their next move was to Greenbush, Illinois, — the date they do not remember. Mr. Carroll then went to work for Cornelius Hanks and Alexander ]\IcGrew. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, four of whom are now living; three of them are married. Mr. Carroll and wife reside at Winfield, Henry county. Iowa. 72 KARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII CHARLES CHAUNCY MERRILL. Charles C. Merrill was born iu Orwell, Vermont, September 10, 1833. He was a son of Horace and Deborah (Paine) Merrill. His boyhood days were mostly spent in Chardon, Ohio, to which place his parents had removed in 1836. In the fall of 1853, he came to Greenbnsh, Illinois, where his brother Frederic H. Merrill resided. During most of the year of 1854, he was employed in the dry goods and general store of McKinney & Co., at Oquawka, Illinois. August 27, 1855, at North Bloomfield, Ohio, he was married to Cornelia Converse Osborn, daughter of Leonard and Amanda (Smith) Osborn. The same year he became a partner in the firm of Osborn & Merrill at Greenbush, Illinois, changing the firm name to Merrill, Osborn & Merrill. In 1860, having withdrawn from the business, he removed to Galesburg, Illinois, where he still resides. For more than 35 years he was a clothing merchant in Galesburg. In religious belief he is a Methodist ; politically, a republican. They had no children. Cornelia, wife of C. C. Merrill, died October 28, 1904. She was a working member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and was noted for her Christian character. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 73 DAVID SHINGLER LINK. David S. Link was born in Augusta county, Virginia, June 5, 1832. He was a son of John and Susan (Shingler) Link. His boyhood days were spent on a farm. After arriving at manhood he engaged in teaming from Stanton to Winchester, Va. He was married July 4, 1852, to Elizabeth Ann Quick. She was a daugh- ter of Tumis and Jane (Adams) Quick. In September, 1853, Mr. Link and wife removed from Virginia to Delaware county, Ohio; and in September, 1864, they moved to Fulton county, Illinois. In 1867, they removed to Greenbush town- ship, Warren county, Illinois, where they purchased sixty-five acres of land of Thomas Cunningham on section 16 ; and resided there until 1887, when they moved to Avon, Illinois, where his wife Elizabeth died August 24, 1894. To ^Ir. and Mrs. Link were born the following-named children : Susan Jane, born March 25, 1855 ; married Arthur Lee AVin- gate, December 25, 1873. Sarah Catherine, born February 10, 1857 ; married Alvin Hewett, July 4, 1878. Elizabeth ^Margaret, born February 14, 1859 ; married James Coons, December 14, 1877. William Daniel, born November 27, 1860 ; married Carrie L. Weaver, November 8, 1883. He died February 26, 1896. Mary Emma, born March 11, 1862 ; died August 26, 1874. Eliza Ann, born ]\Iarch 18, 1864 ; married David B. Simmons, January 1, 1882. Jennetta Virginia, born January 21, 1867 ; married Frank Hathaway, I\Iarch 13, 1890. David Delbert, born February 26, 1869 ; married Mary L. Simmons, July 1, 1890. Ora Addie, born February 21, 1871 ; married Charles W. Johnson. February 26, 1889. 74 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Zenanna Auis, born April 4, 1873 ; died Ma.y 7, 1874. John Henry, born July 3, 1875 ; died July 21, 1876. Mr. Link's second marriage was to Alvernia A. Mason, May 4, 1896. She was born in Frederick county, Va., February 25, 1854. David S. Link by occupation has been a farmer. In politics he is a democrat. In religion he has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years. His first wife was a consistent member of this church for many years before her death. His present wife is also a member of the same church. They now reside at Avon, Illinois. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSll (0 ROSWELL ROSE. Roswell Rose was born in Oneida county, New York, February 2, 1801. His father was Phineas Rose, a Revolutionary soldier. He attended school but very little, but was educated by his mother, who was a scholarly woman. He taught school for a number of years when a young man. He afterward learned the carpenter's trade and worked for a time in the city of Buffalo, New York. In 1836, he came to Chicago with his family, consisting then of a wife and four children, and worked there at his trade for about a year, when he pre-empted a piece of land in Lake county, Illinois, about twenty miles northwest of Chicago, the land in that locality having but recently come into market. He improved this land and lived there about six years, when he moved to Waukegan,, Illinois, a small village, then just starting, where he worked at carpenter work and millwrighting, being interested in building the first mill erected in that place. He came to Fulton and Warren counties in the summer of 1850, and purchased a half-interest in a mill property, situated near where Swan creek crosses the Meridian line. This property had been partially improved some time before by John and Riverus Woods. A sawmill was already running and a frame put up for a gristmill. Mr. Rose returned to Waukegan in the fall of that year and moved his family, locating on the northeast quarter of section 13, in Greenbush township, now known as the Saunders farm. Here he bought a log house and some other small improvements. The house was built by Loren Woods in 1838. He resided in this house about three years, when he erected a frame dwelling on the south side of the creek and near the mill, where he resided until his death. Mr. Rose, with his partner, Riverus Woods, put the grist-mill in operation in 1851. This mill did quite a large business for a number of years, and was a great accommodation to the surround- ing country, especially Greenbush township and farther west, many customers coming there from a distance of 25 or 30 miles, -6 76 EAELY DAYS IN GREENBUSH aud sometimes they were obliged to wait two or three days to get their grist ground. AVheu this mill was built Swan creek furnished sufficient water to run the mill nearly the whole year, but as the country became improved, the water became less and steam power was added. This mill proved to be a death trap for Mr. Rose. On Sep- tember 5. 1867, he was caught in a band and instantly killed. His partner, Riverus Woods, had died the year before at the age of 62 years. " At the time of Mr. Rose's death his son, W. H. Rose, was Interested with him in the business and carried it on for some time after. Roswell Rose was married to Elizabeth Ingraham in Oneida ■county. New York. Six children were born to them, namely : Har- riet, Havilah R., Silas N., and Cyrus (twin brothers), William H., and Birney. Elizabeth, wife of R. Rose, died in Avon, Illinois, November 29, 1870. at the age of 66 years, surviving her husband a little more than three years. Harriet (Rose) Nichols died near Santa Ana, California, Sep- tember 21, 1898, at the age of 71 years. Havilah R. Rose died in Avon, 111., August 11, 1900, at the age of 70 years. Silas N. Rose died at Memphis, Mo., September 22, 1898, at the age of 66 years. His twin brother, Cyrus, died at the age of 8 years, in Lake county, Illinois. Birney Rose died in Avon, Illinois, February 2, 1877, at the age of 31 years. W. H. Rose, the only surviving member of the family, is now a resident of Avon, Illinois. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 77 PHILIP KARNS. Philip Kai'iis was boru in Baden, Germany, October 22, 1815. His father died when he was about two years old, leaving two sons, Philip and John, with their mother. AVhen Philip was twelve years old, his cousin Philip Sotman and family took passage on a vessel for America. Mr. Sotman asked Philip's mother if he could go with them to the vessel and see them oft'. To this she consented, thinking Philip would return home the next day. After arriving on board the vessel, they quietly stowed Philip aAvay in the hold, where he was found three or four days after they had started. He was brought up on deck where he created a considerable stir among the passengers and crew ; but Philip made himself useful on board, was well liked and enjoyed the trip. In 1828, he went to Lancaster, Ohio, where he was married to Miss Nancy Ann Ellinger, August 20, 1837. She was born Novem- ber 15, 1817. This marriage occurred before breakfast as there was a camp meeting in the nighborhood at the time and they wished to attend that day. In 1842, they moved to Morgan county, Indiana, near Mar- tinsville, where Mr. Karns was engaged in the cooper trade and in the business of teaming. In 1846, he moved with his family to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois. . To ]\Ir. Karns and wife the following-named children were born : Catherine, born July 3, 1839 ; married Eiley Adams. Samuel L., born September 19, 1840; married Edwina C. Bond. He died November 1, 1874. Margaret Ann, born October 27, 1842 ; married George J. Emrick. John Henry, born August 14, 1845 ; nuirried Clara Neer. He died March 5, 1877. I\Iary Minerva, born February 23, 1848 ; died March 11, 1864. 7S ELVKLY DAYS IN GREEXBUSH Philip Jacob, born Auirnst 19. 1S54: married Aramanta Johnson. Hiildah Jane, born Anirust i!o. 1S51; married Dallas Clark. She diet! February 7. 1S73. ^Villiam Kiley. born March 24. 1S57 : married Birdie Williams. Josiah C born November 20. 1S59; died May S. 1S62. Joseph E., born January 5. 1863: married Laura Harker. Philip Karns was by occupation a cooper; he was also eu- gagred in teaming, and took great pride in his hoi-ses. He hauled goods for the merchants in Greenbusli for many yeai-s from Oquawka. Burlington, Peoria, and other places. During the visitation of cholera in Greenbush. in 1S51. he was especially helpful, hauling oflt the dead, assisting in the burials. and doing ever\*thing in his power to relieve the suffering. His last yeai's were spent on his farm north of Greenbush. in Berwick township. whei*e he was engaged in farming and stock- raising. He died March 10, 1898. EARLY DAYS IN CRIOKNIUISli 79 IIKNZIIO DARNEILLE. llcnzic Diinicillc wjis boi'ii in I'.ciirlxni coutily, lv(Mit,u(;ky, April 1(), 1824. He was a son of Ilcn/ic and Elizabeth (Congle- ton) Dai'iu'illo, who were natives oT Virginia and were of French and Irish descent, llen/ie, the Father of llie snhject of this sketch, was l)oi'n Jnly 8, 1789. lie died in Kentucky, AuKUst 18, 1824. His wife Elizabeth was born December 4, 1790, and died in Adams county, Illinois, July 8, 1834. To them were born Ihe following-named children: Fielding M., born August 28, 1812; died in California. Lorinda, born November 11, 1813 ; died in Kentncky. John W. (better known as Jack Darneill(-j, born June 15, 1815. He was the first postmaster at Walnut Grove, Illinois, where he died at the residence of David P>. Keith about the year 1880. Harvey, born August 24, 1810; married Emily Vaughn, November 7, 1839. She was a sisler of P. A. Vaughn. Harvey entered the west half of the northeast (|narter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section Four, in (ireenbush township, Warren county, Illinois. He received a i)atent for it dated June 1, 1848, signed by James K. Polk, presichmt. His wife having died, he moved to Iowa, where he was married to Miss Emaline Murry. He spent his last years in Iowa. Mary, born February 13, 1820; married Paton A. Vaughn, July 18, 1834. She died in December, 1898. Thomas, born March 3, 1822; married Mrs. Lucinda Snapp, whose maiden name was Lucinda Willard. He died May 24, 1870. She died January 21, 1899. Henzie, the subject of this sketch, and the only surviving member of this family, is now living at Bushnell, Illinois. He came with his mother and family from Kentucky to Adams county, Illinois, in February, 1832. His mother purchased a farm in Adams county, about one and a half miles west of Columbus, Here he lived with his mothei- and worked on the Fai-m. After 80 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH the death of his mother, he still remained on the farm for some time with his brother Fielding, they doing their own cooking and housekeeping. In 1841, he commenced to learn the blacksmith trade with James and John Mackey at Columbus, Illinois. Here he worked about one year, then went to Missouri, where he worked at his trade. In 1843, he returned to Adams county, Illinois, and con- tinued to work at blacksmithing until 1844, when he went to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, and lived with his brother- in-law, Paton A. Vaughn, until he was married. He was married to Jane Willard, January 7, 1847. She was born August 31, 1826, and was a daughter of Alexander and Lucy (Lile) Willard. To them were born the following-named children : Georgetta, born August 27, 1849 ; married James Matthews, February 17, 1870. He died October 24, 1901. Fielding M., born July 8, 1858; died January 24, 1904. Mary Belle, born March 13, 1864 ; now resides with her father in Bushnell, Illinois. Mr. Darneille has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years. His wife was also a member of the same church. She died September 27, 1905. In politics Mr. Darneille is a republican. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 81 JOHN ALEXANDER FERDINAND COLL. John A. F. Coll was born in Germany, October 28, 1820. He emigrated to America in the spring of 1844, but returned to Germany in the fall of the same year, where he was married to Emma Maria Bruckner, May 8, 1846. Mr. Coll and wife came to America in 1847, landing at New York, where they resided about one year. From New York they moved to Chicago, from there to Jacksonville, Illinois. In 1852, they came to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, and bought a farm of John P. Wood on section 19, where they resided up to the time of their death. One child was born to this union, which died in infancy. Mr. Coll died December 15, 1875. His wife died I\Iay 24, 1880. In politics he was a republican. 82 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH COL. JOHN BUTLER. Col. John Butler was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, July '26, 1802. He moved with his parents to Gallia county, Ohio, where on April 25, 1822, he was married to Mary Adney. She was born December 15, 1805, and was a daughter of John Adney, a native of Virginia. Col. John Butler removed with his family to Greenbush, "Warren county, Hlinois, arriving October 18, 1839. Here he rented a schoolhouse and moved into it. This house stood a little southwest of the village and near the graveyard. In the spring of 1840, he removed to a house belonging to Thomas Rogers in the northwest part of the village, then called Greenfield. He afterwards bought 80 acres of land east of the village on section four. Here he resided and was engaged in farming and raising stock up to 1870, when he removed to Avon, Illinois. He was elected colonel in the 84th Illinois militia, July 26, 1844. To Col. John Butler and wife were born the following-named children : Mary, born May 1, 1823 ; died in infancy. Clara Marinda, born April 29, 1824; died in infancy. Vincent Washington, born September 20, 1825; married Rachael Swain, November 22, 1849. She died June 18, 1860. His second marriage was to Harriet Williams. She died February 7, 1905. Vincent was assessor in Greenbush township for many years ; was also commissioner of highways and justice of the peace, and a very prominent member of the Christian church. He died April 7, 1900. John Adney, born January 6, 1827; married Maria Jane Snapp, November 22, 1849. She was born in Sangamon county, Illinois, October 9, 1833, and was a daughter of Franklin and Adeline (Morse) Snapp. Rhoda, born January 6, 1830; married Ebenezer Wilford Woods, January 6, 1853. COL. JOHN BUTLER. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 83 Tacy, born February 12, 1832; married Moses Burges Threl- keld. He died June 17, 1872. She was afterwards married to Andrew Goforth, who died in Iowa. Tacy died near Chariton, Iowa, in August, 1904. William, born January 21, 1844 ; died in 1847. Thomas A., born November 9, 1846 ; married Julia Harman. He died in Oklahoma, March 4, 1899. Mary Helen, born August 9, 1850 ; married William Steele. She died May 23, 1898. Col. John Butler was run over by a team and wagon and so badly injured that he died about three days afterwards, the date of his death being May 18, 1881. His wife Mary died November 12, 1875. ) i^-^H« I 84 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH DAVID YOUNG. David Young was born in Virginia, near the Tennessee line, in 1798. He came to Greenbush, Illinois, in 1834. He was mar- ried to Sarah Simmons, April 19, 1835. She was a daughter of William Simmons, who was a brother of Rowland and James Simmons, who came to Greenbush in an early day. To David Young and wife were born the following-named children : George W., born June 30, 1836; married Mary Massengale. Abigail, born August 25, 1837 ; married Samuel Walker. She died in 1885. William, born March 1, 1839 ; married Esther Simmons. Cosby, born February 18, 1841 ; married Andrew Wigert, December 14, 1862. He was born June 24, 1833. Easter, born January 20, 1843 ; married Wm. Clark Griffin. She died in Kansas, July 21, 1892. James K. P., born January 30, 1845; married Mrs. Cynthia A. Purcell, in November, 1876. David Young was a farmer by occupation; did some team- ing; was constable at one time; also kept hotel in the village. Politically he was a democrat. In religion he was a member of the Christian church. He died July 4, 1868. His wife was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal church. She died in 1885. EAELY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 85 JOHN SIMMONS. John Simmons was born near Bowling Green, Kentucky, May 24, 1814. He was a son of George and Frances (Herring- ton) Simmons. He came with his parents to Morgan county, Illinois, in 1833. About two years later he came to Greenbush, in Warren county. He was married October 25, 1838, to Miss Ruth Jared. She was born April 16, 1817 ; and died March 23, 1902. To John Simmons and wife the following-named children were born : Eliza, born July 27, 1839 ; married James Pittman, Decem- ber 25, 1855. Andrew, born July 26, 1841 ; married Susan Bond. His second marriage was to Belle Traverse. He died September 11, 1900. Louisa, born June 6, 1843 ; married Thomas Carr. She died November 22, 1899. Thomas Carr was born August 22, 1837, and died August 18, 1904. Caroline, born August 24, 1846 ; married John F. Young. She died April 8, 1876. Mary A., born July 30, 1848 ; married Francis M. Jennings, in September, 1865. Catherine, born August 23, 1850; married W. H. Carr, December 24, 1868. He was born February 25, 1845. They reside at Roseville, Illinois. John F., born July 21, 1853 ; married Sarah Simmons. His second marriage was to Alice Peterson. Harriet, born February 6, 1855 ; inarried Riley Simmons. He was a son of James II. and Lucinda (Moulton) Simmons. They reside at Balco, Missouri. William Riley, born May 9, 1857 ; married Mary Jane Day. James Ed., born April 20, 1864; married Lucy Claycomb. 86 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH John Simmons was a hardy pioneer. Settling here in an early day, he found plenty of wild game. His greatest enjoyment was in a deer chase. He generally kept a pack of trained hounds, and with his old long rifle he rarely returned home from a hunt without one or two deer. During the spring and summer he engaged in farming ; during the fall and winter he ran a horse- poAver threshing machine and probably did more threshing than any other man in the earlier days. In politics he was a democrat. During his last days he be- came a believer in the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ and died in the faith, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. M. Jen- nings, June 28, 1904. EARLY DAYS IN GREESTBUSH 87 LEVI LINCOLN. Levi Lincoln was born in Virgil, Cortland county, New York, November 4, 1825. In 1851, he left his native state and went to Iowa, where he remained for one year. In 1852, he came to Greenbush, "Warren county, Illinois, where he worked at the carpenter trade for five years. He was united in marriage with Susan Alabama Nance, December 3, 1857. She was born April 3, 1839, and was a daughter of John AV. and Nancy (Simmons) Nance. For two years after their marriage they resided near Roseville, Illinois. In the spring of 1859, they removed to their farm in Berwick town- ship, where they resided until 1885. The next eight years were spent in the suburbs of Avon, Illinois. In 1893, Mr. Lincoln purchased a home on Main street in Avon, where he resided until his death, Avhich occurred March 30, 1901. To Levi Lincoln and wife were born the following-named children : Dora E.. born January 31, 1859; married J. E. Byram, October 13, 1881. Alva, born February 25, 1861 ; died April 27, 1861. Edwin, born Jul}" 19, 1862 ; married Nannie A. Fulton, January 1, 1885. Nela, born February 25, 1865 ; married L. Grace Johnson, Sep- tember 26, 1889. Orpha, born May 24, 1868 ; died February 16, 1869. Myrtle, born December 22, 1869. Emma, born :\Iay 23, 1872. Mr. Lincoln was a man of correct habits. As a carpenter, he was a good workman -, as a farmer, he kept everything in order. He was supervisor from Greenbush in 1855, and was assessor in Ber- wick. In religion, he was a member of the Universalist church. 88 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH DANIEL ARMSM^ORTHY. Daniel Armsworthy was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, April 9, 1804, where he grew to manhood. He learned the hatter's trade and engaged in the manufacture of wool and fur hats, and traveled over the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia with a line of samples and sold the products of his shop. He was married April 15, 1827, to Elizabeth Crump ton. In 1840, he moved from North Carolina to Tennessee ; in 1844, he moved from Tennessee to Stoddard county, Missouri. In 1846, he moved to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, and settled in the village, where he resided until 1859, when he moved on a farm ten miles west of Greenbush. On the twelfth day of September, 1866, he moved to Kansas and bought claims with some improvements on M^hat was then known as the Neutral Lands. He afterwards bought the land from the railroad company. His wife died October 5, 1868. ]\Ir. Armsworthy continued to live on the farm up to the time of his death, which occurred September 22, 1880. In politics he was a whig up to 1856 ; afterwards a democrat. To Mr. and Mrs. Armsworthy were born the following-named children : Levi, who went to Oregon in the early '50 's, where he was married and still resides, Martha L., who married Morgan Franks, in 1855 ; now re- sides with her daughter in Kansas. Sarah Anna; never married, and is now living Avith her brother Levi in Oregon, where she went shortly after the death of her father. Miles; died in Greenbush at the age of fifteen years. William W., born December 9, 1841, near IMemphis, Ten- nessee; resided with his parents until their death. He received DANIEL ARMSWORTHY. -7 EAKLV DAYS IN GREENBUSH 89 his education in Greenbnsh; taught school during the winter and farmed during the summer. He has held several responsible offices in Illinois and Kansas. He was married July 2, 1876, to Mary J. Brown. At that time he was living in Girard, Kansas, and was engaged in the mercan- tile business. In 1877 he moved back to the farm near Arcadia, Kansas. December 1, 1879, he took charge of a general store at Coal- vale for the Keith and Henry Coal Company, afterwards changed to the Keith and Perry Coal Company and later to the Central Coal and Coke Company, which now has a capital of $7,500,000. They sold out their business at Coalvale, in September, 1880, and went to Rich Hill, Missouri, and opened coal works and store. William W. Armsworthy went to Rich Hill, November 1, 1880, and took charge of the business for the coal company as manager, in which capacity he continued until August 1, 1897. His health failing him, he gave up the position, but remained living in Rich Hill until June 4, 1902, when he moved back to the farm, two and one-half miles west of Arcadia, Crawford county, Kansas, where he now resides. They have four children : Frank, who was born July 25, 1877, is married and has two children ; he now resides in St. Louis, IMissouri. Marcalina, born February 25, 1879. Myrtle, born August 9, 1881. Mary J., born June 4, 1890. These girls are living at home with their parents. 90 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH JOHN WOODS. John Woods was born in Sullivan, Madison county. New York, March 11, 1824. He was a son of Asa and Mary (Wilford) Woods. Asa was born in New York, January 2, 1792; and died August 4, 1855. His wife Mary was born in Connecticut, May 1, 1793 ; and died March 27, 1868. Samuel Woods, the father of Asa and grand- father of John Woods, came from Scotland after having married an English wife. Asa Woods, his wife and seven children — five boys and two girls — came to Illinois by wagon, in 1836, being six weeks on the way, and were the second family to locate in the vicinity in which they settled. John Woods at that time was only twelve years of age. He drove one of the teams a good portion of the way. John Woods was married to Lucy A. Chatterton, August 6, 1848. She was born in Virgil, Cortland county. New York, March 5, 1819, and was a daughter of Cornelius and Lucy (Ball) Chatterton, both natives of Virgil, Cortland county, New York. Mrs. Woods came with her parents to Illinois, in 1836. To John Woods and wife were born the following-named chil- dren: Addie, born October 10, 1849 ; now resides in Avon, Illinois. •Lewis Seldon, born February 2, 1851 ; married Elizabeth Yeo- man, October 13, 1880. He died May 13, 1881. Mary Lunette, born September 21, 1856 ; married Joseph Ross, September 15, 1880. She died June 1, 1894. Frank C, born March 8, 1858 ; married Hattie A. Holden, October 10, 1889. John Woods, the subject of this sketch, settled in Greenbush township, in 1851. He was a blacksmith, having commenced to learn the trade when he was 14 years old. He was also a farmer and stockraiser, in which business he was engaged for about thirty-eight years on his farm in Greenbush township, after which he removed to Avon, Illinois, where he was engaged as president of the Milling and Manufacturing company until the time of his death, August 4, 1894, resulting from cholera morbus. His wife, Lucy A., died March 29, 1898. All of the Woods family have been Universalists. John Woods gave the land on which the Universalist church in Avon was built. In politics Mr. Woods was a republican. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 91 JOHN MATTHEWS. John Matthews was born in Indiana county, Pennsylvania, January 11, 1801. He was a son of James and Elizabeth (Coleman) Matthews. "When he was ten years old he went with his parents to Miami county, Ohio ; after living there two or three years, they re- moved to Jeft'erson county, Indiana. He was married to Mary A. Craven at Bethlehem, Indiana, November 11, 1829. Here he was engaged in farming. On October 17, 1854, they started for Illinois, moving by wagon; and after a journey of thirty days, they arrived in Fulton county, Illinois, and located on a farm known as the Dunley farm. Here they resided until the spring of 1860, when they moved to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, and for a time occupied a house near Pumpkin Hollow. Mr. Matthews purchased the west half of the southeast quarter of section 34. Here he built his house and made some other improve- ments during the sununer and fall of 1860, and moved on the premi- ses in the fall of that year, where he engaged in farming up to the time of his death, which occurred August 19, 1869. His wife died April 25, 1898, at the age of eighty-eight years. To John IMatthews and wife were born the following-named children : Jane, born October 11, 1830 ; married A. W. Higbee, February 25, 1851. She died March 30, 1904. Samuel, born August 7, 1832 ; died July 20, 1834. James, born July 6, 1834; married Georgetta Darneille, February 17, 1870. He died October 24, 1901. John C, born February 19, 1836 ; married Melissa Rhodes, March 28, 1867. Mary Elizabeth, born June 27, 1838. Martha A., born September 1, 1840; married John Willard, August 31, 1864. Robert E., born January 31, 1844 ; married Sarah Bond, March 92 EARLY DAYS IN GKEENBUSH 15, 1868. She died November 17, 1873. His second marriage was to Louisa F. Libby, October 6, 1878. Minerva E., born December 23, 1847; married J. H. Snook, January 18, 1884. She died December 17, 1899. Margaret C, born September 28, 1849 ; married William Alex- ander, February 10, 1876. In religion Mr. ]\Iatthews and his wife were members of the Presbyterian church. In politics he was a democrat. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 93 JAMES F. HARTFORD. James F. Hartford was boru in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, May 19, 1824. His father, James Hartford, was a descendant of Scotch-Irish parentage who had settled in the state of Pennsylvania in the early years of colonial occupation. His mother, Ann Nichol- son, was of Irish descent, her parents also coming from their native land to try the fortunes of the new world and settling in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in early times. Here they were united in marriage ; and of a family of ten children, James F. Hartford was the eldest. From his father, who was a contractor and builder, he learned the carpenter trade, at which he w^orked for many years in the pioneer days when the labor of hewing the rough timbers of the forest into building material was accomplished by the hand of man, and the rude log-house was the home alike of the prosperous and those in less-favored circumstances. With the advancement of settlement, the times demanded laborers more skilled in the architectural art ; and he studied his trade to meet the demand, until his work which yet stands in Green- bush and Swan townships of Warren county, Illinois, testify to his ability as a builder of worth in the years which he spent at this Avork. As a child James F. Hartford was of a studious disposition; and although often compelled by ill-health to abandon his studies under a teacher, he availed himself of every possible opportunity to become educated, and at the age of sixteen years he was chosen as teacher for the winter term in a school not far distant from his home. From that time until the spring of 1851, he taught school during the winter months, working with his father through the vacation times. In the schoolroom, he labored during the first years of his work as a teacher for the sum of $10 per month, boarding with the patrons of the school. His wages were afterwards raised to $15 per month, and finally he was paid the sum of $18 per month, that being the highest wages ever paid to a teacher in that vicinity at that time. He was especially strong in the studies of arithmetic and grammar, and so completely had he mastered the pi-inciples of those 94 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH branches that his services were sought as assistant to teachers in schools for miles around his home and he had charge of these classes in several schools long before he had undertaken the respon- sibility of the schoolroom. In the spring of 1851 he left his home and with four associates he traveled by Avater from Pittsburgh, Pa., to Vicksburg, ]\Iiss. The journey was one of hardships; and the climatic conditions, being so vastly different from that which they were accustomed to, brought on an epidemic of malarial fever from which all suffered and one of their number died. After working four months in the lumber camps near Vicksburg, they started for the north, locating at Fair- view, 111., where Mr. Hartford was engaged to teach the school. At the close of the term, he again began working at the trade which he had mastered in his father's workshop and for several years he followed the carpenter trade during the season of the year in which he could work at it, teaching school in the winter months. In the year of 1853, he came to Swan Creek, 111., and several landmarks of his labors are still to be seen throughout that section, among which are a house in Swan Creek owned at present by Mr. Wm. Clark, a house owned by Mr. Eatekin, and a barn on the Austin Cornell farm south of Swan Creek. During the winter months he again engaged in teaching, in what was known as the Union school- house west of the McMahill corner. June 13, 1856, he was united in marriage with Ann Eliza Hand, daughter of Moses T. and Elizabeth Hand, who were among the earliest settlers of Greenbush township. Moses T. Hand and family were moving that fall to Prairie City, 111., there to engage in the mercantile business, and Mr. Hart- ford and his wife were left on the farm, residing there until the spring of 1858, when they moved to Prairie City, 111., and until the following spring Mr. Hartford clerked in the store owned by M. T. Hand. In the spring of '58, he began buying grain from the old ele- vator in Prairie City. For ten years he followed that business in Prairie City, his family residing just across the county line in Greenbush township. Then a field for greater business activities being opened for him in INTacomb, 111., in the fall of 1868, he moved EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSil 95 with his family to that city and for three years he continued buying grain from the elevator in that place. In 1871, he accepted a position in the telegraph office and baggage-room at the C, B. & Q. depot at ]\Iacomb, and soon after being given the office at Eubanks, 111., his family removed to the old home in Greenbush township, Warren county, and Mr. Hartford took up his work at Eubanks, where he labored but for a few months when ill health caused him to abandon his work and return home. After his recovery, he was again engaged in the grain office at Prairie City for several years, but poor health again caused him to give up his position, and the remaining years of his life were given up to the quiet pursuits of home life, gardening and fruit raising being the occupations which claimed most of his attention. To James and Eliza Hartford nine children were born, three of whom died in infancy; those remaining are residents of Green- bush toAvnship, Warren county, Illinois. In politics Mr. Hartford was a life-long republican, advocating earnestly and firmly teaching the principles of the party which he believed to be in the right. For eight years he held the office of justice of the peace in Greenbush township, was once the assessor; and in the years of 1880, and ten years later (in 1890), he was census officer of the to-^oiship. As school director in District No. 7, he for many years faithfully performed the duties of that office, being always interested in the education of the youth and recognizing the great advancement that was being made in the public-school system since the time in which he labored in the schoolroom. His early religious training was that of a Presbyterian home, but with the erection of the Methodist church in Prairie City, Illi- nois, he became a member of that denomination. As a reader and student of all questions of interest and re- search, he became more active as age began to tell upon his physical powers. Endowed with a mind capa])le of retaining much that he read, he enjoyed the quiet persual of the topics of the day, or the deeper study of subjects upon which public interest centered, and was well-posted on all the happenings of the time. After a serious illness of but a few short days, James F. Hart- ford died February 27, 1902, at his home in Greenbush township, Warren county, Illinois, and IMarch first, he Avas lovingly laid to rest, near the old home, in the cemetery in Prairie City, Illinois. 96 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII ALFRED CLAYCOMB. Alfred Clay comb was born in Knox county Indiana, November 16, 1832. He came to Warren county, Illinois, in 1847, and worked for Robert McKindley on the farm in Swan township, for about five years. He afterwards lived with "William Thomas until he was uni- ted in marriage with Miss Mary Bruce Taylor, May 31, 1854. She was born near Berwick in Warren county, Illinois, June 5, 1837. Mr. Claycomb engaged in farming. He finally moved on a farm west of the village of Greenbush, known as the Isaac Butler place, where they resided until 1880, when they moved west. He now resides about thirteen miles northeast of Maryville, in Noda- way county, Missouri. To Alfred Claycomb and wife were born the following-named children : Agnes Elizabeth, born February 26, 1855. She died March 14, 1857. Hiram, born March 4, 1857 ; died March 21, 1857. George Elias, born February 14, 1858 ; died March 14, 1858. William Oscar, born March 4, 1859 ; died November 27, 1865. Lucy Jane, born February 26, 1862; married November 14, 1886, to James E. Simmons. He was born April 20, 1864, and was a son of John and Ruth (Jared) Simmons; They have one son, Dale C, born September 10, 1888. James Otha, born January 27, 1864 ; married to Florence Smith, March 26, 1884. To them were born the following-named children : Floyd, May 17, 1886; Goldie September 19, 1887; Lorenza A., September 21, 1889; Naomi G., September 6, 1903; James 0.. March 4, 1905. Frederic Marion, born January 22, 1866 ; married November 29, 1885, to Anna Device. She was born June 4, 1868. They have EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 97 two children— Earl, born August 8, 1892; and Helen B., born November 12, 1903. Henry, born December 1, 1868 ; died in March, 1869. Annetta born August 17, 1870; died March 14, 1871. Randall, born May 21, 1873 ; died April 11, 1874. Orlando, born July 25, 1875 ; died February 25, 1876. Harvie, born March 25, 1877 ; died November 9, 1879. Mary B., wife of Alfred Claycomb, died March 26, 1903. 98 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH JULIUS T. LATHROP. J. T. Lathrop was born in Livingston county, New York, December 7, 1818. He was a son of Colby and Polly (Terry) Lathrop, natives respectively of New York and New Hampshire. Colby, the father of the subject of this sketch, came to Ashtabula county, Ohio, in 1823, where he resided up to the time of his death, which occurred March 12, 1857. Later, his wife went to Michigan, where she died in 1874. Julius assisted his father on the farm, attended district school, and remained under the influence of his parents until he was twenty- five years old. In 1846, after leaving home, he was engaged for a short time as carpenter in a shipyard in Ohio. This same year he emigrated to Greenbush, AVarren county, Illinois, where he was engaged as carpenter and wagon-maker about two years. A portion of this time he worked at wagon-making in the shop with James Fife. Mr. Fife was a Mormon and left Greenbush about this time or shortly after- wards. Mr. Lathrop went to Berwick, where he worked at his trade during one winter. In 1851, he removed to his farm in Roseville township, where he remained until 1871, when he built a house in Roseville, Illinois, and moved into it, where he now resides. He was married to Miss Almira Light, February 22, 1843. She was born in Pomport, Chautauqua county. New York, March 25, 1818. She died October 19, 1874. To them were born the fol- lowing-named children : Amos Edwin, born January 24, 1847 ; died August 12, 1847. Sarah Maria, born October 10, 1849; married Jesse Shepard, February 8, 1866. Julius Edgar, born March 31, 1853 ; died September 1, 1853. Edwin Walto, born July 22, 1856 ; died October 17, 1856. Mr. Lathrop 's second marriage was to Mrs. Vurlinder T. Byarly. She was bom near Seymour, in Jackson county, Indiana, August 9, 1837, and was a daughter of Joseph and Susana (Turn- bull) Crane, both of whom died in Indiana, in 1844. Mrs. Lathrop is a member of the Missionary Baptist church. In religion, Julius T. Lathrop is a member of the Christian church, and has been since his boyhood days. In politics, he was a whig up to 1856 ; since then a republican. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 99 THOMAS HENDRICKS. Thomas Hendricks was born in Pulaski county, Kentucky, June 24, 1817, where he spent his younger days and where he was mar- ried to Mary Burk in 1840. She was born November 3, 1813, in Pulaski county, Kentucky. She was a member of the Methodist church in her younger days ; afterwards joined the Christian church. She was noted for her rare Christian character and for her patience and kindness. She died March 26, 1885. Mr. Hendricks moved to Hendricks county, Indiana, in 1841; and in 1849, they moved to Fulton county Illinois, and settled near Avon. About the year 1854, they moved to Greenbush township, in Warren county, where they remained until the fall of 1866, when they removed to Kansas; and returned to Greenbush, Illi- nois, in 1876. To Thomas Hendricks and wife were born the fol- lowing-named children : Margaret Jane, born in 1840 ; married William T. Boydston. He died in July, 1880. Sarah E., born in May, 1842; married DeKalb Morris. They reside near Arcadia, in Crawford county, Kansas. James M., born February 4, 1844; married Barbara Beam, in Monmouth, Illinois, August 29, 1865. He was a soldier during the war for the Union in company D, 64th regiment, Illinois infantry ; was mustered in in October, 1861, and discharged in July, 1865. He was principal musician during the last two years he was in the service. He holds the office of jus- tice of the peace, having served in that capacity for several years. He is also notary public and school treasurer. In religion he is a prominent member of the Christian church. In politics he is a republican. John T., born in August, 1847 ; married Austa Wheeler, in De- cember, 1867. Mary A., born in 1849 ; died in 1865. Thomas J. and William G. were twins, born July 7, 1851. 100 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Thomas J. married Mary Cunningham. He died in Kansas, in February, 1874. William G. married Eliza Mitchell. Elois M., born in 1854 ; died in 1856. Thomas Hendricks, the subject of this sketch, was for many years a member of the Christian church. In politics he was a democrat up to the time of Lincoln 's first nomination for president ; afterwards a republican. He went to Kansas to visit his children, in 1886, where he died January 17, 1886, aud was buried at the Arcadia cemetery in Crawford county, Kansas. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 101 AV ALTER JOHNSON. Walter Johnson was born in 1805, in Hawkins county, Ten- nessee. He was a son of James and Polly Ann Johnson. James Johnson the father of Walter Johnson, at one time owned and worked a plantation consisting of 1,300 acres of land in Carter Val- ley, Tennessee. He died during the civil war. Walter Johnson came to Warren county, Illinois, about the year 1831. He was married November 25, 1836, to Susanna Bond. She was born in Overton county, Tennessee, August 10, 1819, and was a daughter of Major John C. and Polly (Grimsley) Bond. She died at the residence of her daughter Arvie Cayton, in Youngstown, Illinois, December 26, 1902. To Walter Johnson and wife the following-named children were born : James Grossman, born in Wisconsin, June 30, 1839. He mar- ried Emily R. Pittman, May 16, 1861. She was born in Austin, Scott county, Indiana. September 24, 1844, and was a daughter of John B. and Susan (Cunningham) Pittman. Her father died Octo- ber 18, 1863 ; her mother died January 22, 1880. James C. Johnson enlisted in the civil war, in 1862, and was second lieutenant in company IT, 83rd regiment Illinois volunteer infantry. On account of failing health he resigned and returned home in April, 1863. He moved to the village of Greenbush, January 15, 1864, where in October, 1866, he bought the interest of W. H. H. Butler in the stock of goods then owned by David Adams, W. H. H. Butler, and Riley Adams. He continued in the mercantile business with the Adams brothers about two years, when he purchased their interest and engaged in the business alone until January 1, 1891. He was supervisor in Greenbush township for four years. He 102 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII moved to Avon, Illinois, April 7, 1891, where he is now engasied in buying and shipping live stock. Mary Ellen, born in 1840 ; died April 5, 1855. Joseph Paine, born in 1842 ; married Phebe Buzan. Eva, born March 13, 1843 ; married George Howard Hoisington, September 23, 1868. He was born February 28, 1840. They have two sons : Robert Lee, born December 29, 1870 ; married Casey Tipton. Walter J., born October 19, 1873 ; married Helen Martin. Susanna, born June 9, 1846 ; married James Thomas Vaughn. She died February 9, 1886. Caridan, born April 4, 1848 ; married Ella Wingate. Sarah L., born April 1, 1853 ; married Charles Thomas, March 20, 1873. He was born May 8, 1848. She died April 28, 1878. Kate, born April 15, 1854 ; married John C. Bond, Jr., Decem- ber 25, 1872. He was born January 10, 1853. Charlie, born in 1856 ; died November 4, 1866. Arvie, born March 9, 1858 ; married Clarence Cayton, Novem- ber 3, 1882. He was born January 14, 1859 ; and died October 30, 1898. Ruby B., born February 20, 1865 ; married Harry B. Hoover, November 3, 1886. He was born September 16, I860; and died October 1, 1890. Her second marriage was to John Brothers, No- vember 22, 1891. Walter Johnson, the subject of this sketch, was a soldier in the Black Hawk war, in 1832 ; having gone to the state of Wisconsin, he enlisted there. Later he returned to Greenbush, Illinois. In 1852, he went to California in company with a party driving ox-teams. Shortly after his arrival in the golden state, he met a man to whom he became strongly attached, whose name is not now known, as Mr. Johnson always spoke of him as "Old Dad." They entered into a partnership and engaged in buying groceries and provisions in Sacrajnento and conveying them over the mountains EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 103 ■with pack mules or burros. The sale of these goods to the miners proved a profitable business. At one time Avhen their stock of provisions and groceries had grown low. Old Dad took the pack animals and cash on hand and started to Sacramento to replenish stock. Johnson waited long for his return and finally started to hunt him. After going a short dis- tance, he found where Old Dad had sold a part of the animals and afterwards he found that all the animals had been sold. Johnson had hopes of his return for several weeks ; but as time went on, he gave it up. Old Dad had skipped the country. Mr. Johnson returned home in 1853. He had a great love and strong attachment for good horses. He in company with F. G. Snapp OAvned the noted horse Humbolt in his last days. Mr. Johnson took the world easy, had great faith in humanity, and was a man who had many friends. He died December 13, 1876. 104 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH ROWLAND SIMMONS. Rowland Simmons was born in Virginia, in 1794. He removed with his parents in early life to Warren county, Kentucky. After living there several years, he moved to Morgan county, Illinois. In 1830. he moved to what is now known as Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, and settled on section five. He was the first settler in Greenbush township. His brother James folloM'ed him in 1833, and after living in the to^vnship a short time, settled on lands now adjoining the village of Greenbush ,on the east, where he died, in 1873. AVilliam Simmons, another brother, came later and located in the northeast part of the township. He afterwards moved to -Galena, where he was engaged in hauling mineral ore ; and later he moved to Iowa where he died. This William Simmons was the father of James Simmons, who died at the residence of his son James Edmond Simmons, on section two, September 25, 1900. William was also the father of Sarah, who married David Young. Charles Simmons, who was also a brother of Rowland, resided in Stoddard county, Missouri, in 1845. During that year James and Rowland made him a visit and induced him to move to Illinois. His family, household goods and one sorrel mare were placed on board a boat at Cape Girardeau, and they all started for Copperas Creek, Illinois. Some place on the route the boat landed and James took the mare and rode home across the country. When he arrived, he sent some of his and Rowland's boys to Copperas Creek after the party. So they came across the country in wagons, arriving at Greenbush, April 27, 1845. John W. Nance and family were members of this party, he having married Nancy, a daughter of Charles Simmons. Charles Simmons was married two or three times, his last wife being Miss Levicy Boydston. He was the father of the following- named children : EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 105 James D., (sometimes called "Pumpkiu-Hook Jim'') who mar- ried Clarrissa jMorris. After his death, she married Robert M. Siiapp. John R., who married Nancy Strain ; and after her death, was married to the widow of James Taylor. ^[adison, who died while in service in the Union army during the civil war. Sarah, who married Benjamin Gray. ]\Iary, who married Philip Davis Hedges. Jane, who was never married. Joanna, who married David Edie. Harriet, who married a ]\Ir. Kidoo of Iowa. Rowland Simmons, the subject of this sketch, was married to Miss Julia A. Jones. To them were born the following-named children : William, born April 16, 1826, married Margaret Morris, in October, 1849. She died June 15, 1873, at the age of 46 years. Francis Marion, (better known as Tim), married a daughter of James D. Smith. They moved to Oregon. James H., married Lucinda Moulton. She died April 17, 1874, at the age of 43 years. Jasper, born in 1842, was throwTi from a wagon and killed November 3, 1851. ]\Iary. married Thomas Joiner Willard. Both died in Kansas. Harriet, married Joshua Rhodes. Emily, married Alexander Willard. John W., an infant, died in 1832, and was buried in the Green- bush graveyard, it being the first grave in this yard. Some time during the early '30', Rowland Simmons planted some apple seed with the intention of grafting the trees after they had grown to sufficient size. One of the trees, when it came to 106 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH bearing, produced a large yellow apple of the fall variety. This tree sprouted and the sprouts, when dug up and set out. produced the same kind of apple. James Simmons was among the first to procure sprouts from this tree, having quite an orchard of them at one time. They are known as the "Simmons Pippin," and are generally considered the best fall apple in this country. During the last days of Rowland Simmons, he suffered with a cancer on his face from which he died May 23, 1858. His wife Julia Ann died January 8, 1845. Sarah Simmons, mother of Rowland Simmons, died at the resi- dence of Rowland, December 31, 1842, She was about 90 years old. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 107 CLINTON LINCOLN. Clinton Lincoln was born in Cortland county, New York, Sep- tember 24, 1824. He was a son of William and Ruth (Saxton) Lin- coln. William Lincoln was a native of New York ; Ruth Saxton, his wife, was born in Virginia. Clinton Lincoln spent the first twenty-four years of his life in the state of New York. He then came to Lafayette, Stark county, Illinois. In the fall of 1853, he came to Greenbush, Illinois, and commenced work as carpenter with his brother Levi, who was then engaged in building the Greenbush academy. Mr. Lincoln was married July 22, 1854, to Helen Eliza Stoaks. She was born in Ohio ; and died at Avon, Illinois, January 29, 1897, To them were born the following-named children : Dewitte, born July 1, 1855 ; married Ida Meachum. Bion, born February 10, 1857 ; married Julia Simmons, Janu- ary 2, 1880. Evie, born February 1, 1859 ; died July 22, 1860. Devillo, born January 22, 1861 ; died July 28, 1863. Artie, born August 2, 1864;married Dolly Woods, August 26, 1885. Ada, born August 7, 1869 ; died October 9, 1890. Clinton Lincoln was by occupation a shoemaker for five years, in the state of New York; afterwards a carpenter and farmer. After spending a few years in Greenbush, he moved to his farm north of Greenbush in Berwick township ; and in 1890, he moved to Avon, Illinois, where he spent his last years. He was with his sons Bion and Artie the last few weeks of his life, and died at the residence of his son Artie, in Berwick township, Warren county, Illinois, August 9, 1905. He was a member of the Universalist church. In politics he was a republican. 108 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH HENRY BEAM. Henry Beam was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1813. He was a son of Henry and Rachael (Chime) Beam. In 1830, he came with his parents to Champaig-n county, Ohio, where he was married to Nancy Spencer, March 21, 1838. She was born in Ohio, April 10, 1814, and was a daughter of Eli and Sarah (Monihon) Spencer. In 1851, Mr. Beam moved with his family to Greenbush. Illi- nois. After residing in the township a short time, he purchased of Chap Swift lots 8 and 9 on section 16, and moved on the premises January 2, 1852, where he lived up to the time of his death, which occurred July 8, 1885. His wife died November 21, 1893. To them were born the following-named children : Orlando John, born in Ohio, December 31, 1838 ; married Emma Loftus, in 1869. He died at the residence of his sister Rachael Cunningham, in Monette, Missouri, December 15, 1899. Rachel, born July 9, 1840; married Henry Cunningham, in December, 1858. He died October 14, 1893. Rachel died July 17, 1900. Mary, born March 11, 1842 ; married Peter Landaker, INIay 6, 1860. She died June 4, 1895. Joseph, born July 30, 1644 ; married Bertha Damitz, in Septem- ber, 1869. Barbara, born April 25, 1847; married James M. Hendricks, August 29, 1865. Jane, born February 16, 1849 ; married William Bryte, in May, 1869. Nancy Adarana, born August 5, 1858 ; died October 12, 1865. Henry Beam and wife united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1843. When the Olive Christian church was organized in Greenbush township, Mrs. Beam became a member and retained her membership up to the time of her death. Henry Beam acquired a considerable education in his younger days. He taught school fourteen winters when he resided in Ohio. He was by occupation a farmer the most of his life. In politics he voted with the republicans. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 109 ABNER WALKER. Abner Walker was born in Lexington, Kentucky, August 10. 1796. He married Jane Damron at Columbia, Kentucky, October 20, 1829. He moved to McDonough county, Illinois, in 1830, where he resided until he moved to Greenbush, Illinois, in October, 1849. The parents of Abner Walker and wife were natives of Virginia and were of Scotch descent. To Abner Walker and wife the following-named children were born : George Alexander, born March 25, 1831; married Sarah Hedges, December 24, 1850. He died October 4, 1872. Mary Elizabeth, born September 25, 1834; married Squire J. Buzan, August 4, 1854. Joseph Gilmer, born August 6, 1842 ; died in the army during the civil war, in 1862. John Kelsey, born January 24, 1845 ; married Ann Jewell, in 1868. Mildred, born March 10, 1847; married Richard Fouke, December 24, 1870. Lawson, born August 24, 1836 ; died of cholera, June 15, 1851. Abigail, born December 16, 1839 ; died of cholera, June 24, 1851. Abner Walker was by occupation a contractor ; he also manu- factured some large wooden pumps, and was engaged in keeping a hotel on the north side of the square, in the village of Greenbush, up to the time of his death, which occurred June 24, 1851, he being one of the victims of cholera that visited Greenbush that year. His wife continued to run the hotel up to the time of her death, which occurred January 24, 1855. In religion Mr. Walker was a Presbyterian. In politics he was a whig. 110 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH ERNEST DAMITZ, SENIOR. Ernest Damitz, senior, was born in Prussia, Germany, January 6, 1805. He emigrated with his family from his native country and landed in New York, in September, 1847. From New York he went to Chicago where he stopped one week on account of the sickness of his son William. He met with two men in Chicago who resided near Greenbush and Berwick, Illi- nois. They were farmers who had gone to Chicago market with grain in their wagons. Mr. Damitz hired them to haul his family to Greenbush, Illinois, paying them sixty dollars for the job. Upon his arrival in Greenbush, he rented a house for one month. In a short time after this he bought a farm of John Sargent, consisting of eighty acres of farm land and twenty acres of timber land. This land was located on section 17. He paid seven hundred dollars for it. He afterwards bought eighty acres adjoining it on the north. This 180 acres he sold to a Mr. Collins. He then bought one hundred and sixty acres on section 15, where he spent his last years. He was married in Germany to Pauline Wetzel. She was born in 1809, and died November 29, 1866. He died February 7, 1883. To them were born the following-named children : Serephene, who died in Germany at the age of three years. John, died in Germany at the age of eight years. Ewald, died on board the ship when crossing the ocean to America and was buried in the sea. He was about two years old. Carl, born March 15, 1832 ; married Emily Spencer, in Feb- ruary, 1865. Ernest, born January 31, 1834 ; married Rebecca M. Spencer. Francis, born August 4, 1835 ; married Almarine Iloleman, April 2, 1866. She was born July 20, 1845 ; and died February 11, 1896. Pauline, born April 4, 1837 ; married Andrew Sailer, January 9, 1859. She died June 22, 1895. William Fredric, born December 1, 1841; married Mary Jane Palmer. He died in Hickory county, Missouri. EARLY DzS.YS IN GREENBUSH 111 Fredric William, born December 1, 1841 ; married Harriet Acton, in 1872. Peter, born April 8, 1840 ; married Sarah Pyle, in September, 1876. She was born in Cass county, Missouri, May 6, 1852: and died April 5, 1878. His second marriage was to Mary Cooper, Feb- ruary 15, 1880. She was born in Sangamon county, Illinois, August 29, 1844. Sarah F., married Elias D. Acton. She died October 1, 1882, at the age of 38 years. Mary, married Daniel Davidson Powers ; both died in Anderson county, Kansas. Laura, married Gotleib Smith. She afterwards married Labo- ria Weigand. She died near Wheatland, Mo., August 2, 1892. Bertha, born May 16, 1847; married Joseph 0. Beam. He was born July 30, 1844. Oscar, born October 5, 1850 ; married Pauline McKown, August 9, 1874. She was born March 25, 1854. All of the Damitz family were born in Germany except Oscar, who was born in Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois. Fredric and William were twins. At their baptism in Germany, Fredric Wil- helm, the Third, King of Prussia, became godfather. He named one of the boys Fredric William, and the other William Fredric; he also made a present of one hundred thalers to each of them. Ernest Damitz, the subject of this sketch, belonged to the nobility when he resided in Germany. His grandfather was one of the richest men in the kingdom of Prussia, owning ninety-nine farms, the largest number any man was alloAved to owti under the law. When the Seven-Years' war broke out between Fredric the Great, King of Prussia, and the Emperor of Austria, Mr. Damitz 's grandfather, although only fourteen years old, joined the great Fredric 's army and soon became an officer. When they won in battle, this Damitz soldier boy would treat a whole army corps with the best and costliest wines and good things to eat, for which he often went in debt, he having almost unlimited credit. When 112 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH the Avar was over, he disposed of the most of his lands to pay his debts. During the Seven-Years' war this soldier boy smoked a large silver-mounted meerschaum pipe, which has descended all along from father to the oldest son, provided he smoked. Ernest Damitz, senior, otfered this pipe to his son Carl if he would smoke, but Carl's first smoking made him sick, and he would not claim it; then the pipe was given to Ernest Damitz, junior. William Damitz afterwards became the owner of the pipe. ]\Ir. Damitz 's last years were spent in tending a small vine- yard on the hillside north of his residence, and painting water- color pictures, which it pleased him to give to his neighbors and friends. He rarely left home but was always glad to have his neighbors and friends visit him. In politics he was a republican. In religion he was a Lutheran. ( EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 113 ANDREW SAILER. Andrew Sailer was born in Weisenberg-, Germany, November 30, 1833. He was a son of Thomas and Johannes (Heimesser) Sailer. He left Germany in 1854, and after a voyage of forty-nine days reached New York; from there he went to ^Michigan, where he remained about one year and a half, working on a farm at six dollars a month. He then went to St. Augustine, Illinois, and worked on a farm near by for James Martin. In 1856, he came to Greenbush township, and went to work for William Jared, near Prairie City. He afterwards Avorked eleven months for Israel Spurgeon. Andrew Sailer was married to Pauline Damitz, January 9, 1859. She was born in Prussia, Germany, April 14, 1837 : and died at her home in Greenbush township, June 22, 1895. To them the following-named children were born : Hannah, born January 3. 1860; married William T. Smith, in 1878. She died August 23, 1903. Matilda, born January 27, 1862 ; married Charles Gayman, June 8, 1883. Frank, born August 6, 1864; married Belle Warren, February 12, 1888. Bertha, born September 14, 1866 : married Lemuel Hiram Car- roll, February 5, 1888. He was born ]\Iarch 25, 1865. Fredrie, born March 20, 1868 ; married Ida Carroll, February 5, 1891. She was born August 9, 1869. Andrew Sailer's second marriage was to Mary Condon. She was a daughter of William and Ann (Moore) Condon, who emi- grated from County Kildare, Ireland, in 1846. In politics Mr. Sailer votes with the democrats. In religion he and his wife are members of the Catholic church. 114 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH THOMAS DARNEILLE. Thomas Darneille was born in Middletown, Bourbon connty, Kentucky, March 3, 1822. He was a son of Henzie and Elizabeth (Congieton) Darneille, who were natives of Virginia. Thomas came with his mother to Adams county, Illinois, in February, 1832. — his father having died in Kentucky, August 18, 1824. After the death of his mother, which occurred in Adams county. Illinois, July 8, 1834. Mr. Darneille followed boating on the Mississippi river from Quincy. Illinois, to New Orleans, Louis- iana. On one of his trips he had the pleasure of seeing Andrew Jackson while viewing the battle grounds. About the year 1844, he came to Greenbush township, AYarren county, Illinois, where he was married February 9, 1847, to Mrs. Lueinda Snapp. Her maiden name was Lucinda Willard. She was born in Overton county, Tennessee, August 3, 1822, and died at Greenbush, Illinois, January 21, 1899. To them the following- named children were born : Fielding M., born November 20, 1847. Died October 21, 1848. Leander, born October 6, 1849. He was engaged as salesman for more than ten years in the mercantile house of MerriU Brothers at Greenbush, Illinois. His health failing him, he quit the business and, believing a trip to the mountains would be beneficial, he in company with his brother Orlando, Alfred D. Simmons, and J. C. Morris, started west on the fourteenth day of May. 1902. — destination, Frying-Pan river, Colorado. They went overland, driving a span of mules the entire trip ; crossed the Mississippi river at Burlington, Iowa; reached Fair- field, May 17, and visited there with A. B. Camp and family; left there on the 19th and on the 22nd they stopped over night with George Jennings near Russell, Iowa. On the 23rd they stopped over night with George Roberts, three miles north of Chariton, Iowa. George was formerly a Warren county, Illinois, boy and his wife was a granddaughter of Col. John Butler. They crossed the Missouri river at Nebraska City and the Republican river at Concordia, Kansas: stopped at Osborn City, EAKLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 115 Kansas, June 11, 1902, and took dinner with Elder R. M. Simmons ; arrived at Great Bend, Kansas, on Saturday, June 14th, where they met Frank Merrill and wife; also Frank's sister Eifie. After resting here two days, they again started on their journey, Frank going with them, the ladies returning to their homes in Illinois. The party then followed the Arkansas river and the Santa Fe railroad, arriving at Lamar, Colorado, Tuesday, June 24, where the}' stopped two days visiting with William A. Jack and family. They arrived at La Junta June 29th; and four miles west of there, at noon, they saw the Spanish peaks, ninety-five miles away. This was their first view of the mountains. Arriv- ing at Pueblo, AA^ednesday, July 2nd; here they remained two days. They reached Cannon City, July 5th; and after visiting the penitentiary, Royal Gorge, etc., then fell in with a party of eighteen persons, with w^hom they traveled for several days. On July 11th, they came to Salida, on the Arkansas river, where they were highely pleased with the beauty and attraction of the city. After leaving Salida, they passed several mines and camps, arriving at the summit of the "continental divide," on Sunday, July 13th, where the altitude is 13,000 feet, known as Monarch pass. Snowdrifts above and below. After traveling that afternoon they reached the valley at sunset and camped for the night on a beautiful little stream. On July 14th, they came to the little town of Sargent, where considerable excitement prevailed, as a train had been held up and the passengers robbed; the express car had been blown up. This occurred on the D. & R. G. railroad, about four miles from Sargent on the Marshall pass. Here the party Avas engaged in hunting and fishing until they went to Gunnison City. Arriving there on the 17th, where on the 18th of July it snowed and hailed, the party engaged in a game of snow-ball; but before night the sun shown bright and the bow of love and peace appeared in the heavens. On Saturday, July 19th, A. R. Dickson and family left the party, going farther west. This family had been with the party for about three weeks and had become strongly attached by friendship and kindness. The parting was rather affecting. 116 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH After leaving Gunnison City, the party went twenty miles north on Spring creek, where they engaged in hunting and fishing for a week. It was here that Frank Merrill killed the first grouse. Then they drove west across a range of moun- tains and stopped on Cement creek near Crested Butte, where they did a little fishing and hunting. Here they also prospected for gold. They went to " Jack's Cabin," and took a lunch there. This cabin was built by Jack many years ago, it being the first cabin in the valley. The cabin shows age and shrinkage. Here in this nice valley of East river is one store, a school-house and several ranches. The D. & R. G. railroad runs through this valley. Here the party bought provisions and feed for their mules. On August 4th, they started on their trip homeward. Fol- lowing up Taylor river, they reached Union Park, where thirty men were engaged in a sluiceway, on which they had expende'd fifty thousand dollars, for placer mining. From there they followed Taylor river up to Taylor Park; then to a mining town, on the side of the mountain called Tin Cup. After visiting the town a few hours, they drove four miles up the mountain to Black lake, where they camped for the night. This lake contained about eighty acres and was full of fine fish. Here the nights were so cold that water was frozen in the pails, and this in the month of August. At nine o'clock in the morning, they were on top of Alpine pass above timber line, altitude 13,500 feet; wind blowing cold, sun shining bright, with St. Elmo seven miles below, where they arrived at noon. After viewing the fine scenery en route, they camped within three miles of some hot springs, on Chalk creek, where a fine hotel had been built but not entirely finished ; $50,000 had been expended in its erection, the company breaking up with- out ever opening the building. After passing the hotel a short distance, they saw a large mountain lion crossing the road. Cal. Morris and a Mr Miller, M'ho were then with the party, followed the lion up the moun- tain but failed to get a shot. After losing trail of him, they EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 117 returned to the wagon. The natives said from the description he must have been nine feet long. About five miles northwest of this hotel the X-ray mines are located in the gold belt. John S. Kea, now in the grocery trade at Avon, Illinois, is a large shareholder in this mine. Their next camping-place was Buena Vista, a nice little city located on the Arkansas river, at the foot of a mountain, in a mining district. AA'hile here they visited the smelter; then started for Cripple Creek, traveled all day and until nine o'clock at night, failed to find any water, and were compelled to go into camp without it. At daybreak the next morning, Lee, Dick, and Land started out to find water. After going about two miles, they arrived at a cabin owned by N. B. Daniels, an old miner. Here they found plenty of water. They also found that they were off the main route and were about sixty-five miles west of Pike's Peak. They camped for the day with Mr. Daniels, visiting his mines. Here Lee went down in one of the mines and helped put in a blast. This mine is known as "The Last Chance." Here Frank killed a prairie-dog and brought him into camp, and the "Big 5" voted him the best hunter. The party camped at a deserted town called Badger. This town had twenty-one empty buildings and was located in a valley surrounded by mountains. Here the party separated, out view- ing the town and the mines; and here they met Elder Smith Ketchum. a Predestinarian Baptist preacher, who was pastor of the" New Hope church at Greenbush, Illinois. He w^as trav- eling with his two sons. One of them, having poor health, was trying the mountain air. This was a pleasant meeting, which all enjoyed. On the fifteenth day of August, they passed through Box canon, viewing the beautiful scenery in the canon and meeting many picnic parties. They went into camp at 5 o'clock that even- ing nn Cripple Creek, where they remained about six days, view- ing the mines— including the Independence and Portland. After leaving Cripple Creek, they took the Cheyenne canon wagon road for Colorado Springs, passing in sight of the city of Altman, the highest incorporated city in the world, camp- ing at night at a summer resort called Rosemont; then crossed 118 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH the Pike's Peak range, following Cheyenne canon, coming out on the high mountain south of Colorado Springs, where they had a fine view of the plains. They also saw a big storm, attended with lightning, hail and rain, below them on the mountain-side. They then drove through Colorado Springs to Colorado City, where they camped and remained until the first of September. They visited the Garden of the Gods; had their photographs taken under Balance Rock; saw Glenerie, General Palmer's resi- dence; met Giles Crissey at his office in the lumber yard, and visited the family of John R. Snapp, who were then at Colorado Springs. On August 31, 0. Darneille and Mrs. J. R. Snapp and child started for home by railway. On September the first, the party decided to go up to the top of Pike's Peak. Lee Darneille. J. C. Morris, Alfred D. Simmons, and Earl Snapp started about seven o'clock in the morning, all afoot reaching the half-way place about noon. Lee concluded to return, which he did, arriving in camp at two o'clock that afternoon. Earl being the youngest in the party, reached the summit at 2:30, and returning reached his residence at 7 :30 that evening. Alfred reached the summit at 3 :30, and arrived back at 9 :30 that night. J. C. Morris, being the oldest of the party, reached the summit at dark and returned September 2nd, at 9 :30 in the evening. While he was up on the peak, he paid three dollars for supper, lodging and breakfast, and was called at 3 :30 to see the sunrise. Oh the third day of September, they started for Denver, passing Monument, Palmer Lake, Sedalia, and Littleton. The scenery on this route is noted for its grandeur and beauty. On the evening of September the fifth, they arrived at the residence of John K. Walker, near Littleton, and about ten miles south- east of Denver. Here they met with a kind and joyful reception ; they had all been well acquainted in their younger days when John had lived in and about Greenbush, Illinois. The party stayed two nights with John, and they talked about old times and bygone days. They left Walker's on the 7th and arrived in Denver the same day, where they camped until the 20th. Here they visited William McMahill, Mrs. Mary Buzan, Homer Pond and wife, EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 119 Wm. Baiimgartner, George Ilaiuilton, and a danghter of Sarah Walker. After selling their mules and wagon, they returned home by railroad. Orlando, so)i of Thomas and Lueinda Darneille, was born April 15, 1852. He was township collector in Greenbush town- ship for nine years; supervisor one term; assessor four years; and notary public for seventeen years, which office he noAV holds. He has also been engaged for several years as administrator and executor in the settlement of estates. He was married in Spring- fild, Illinois. October 3, 1905, to Mrs. :\rargaret Ellen Smith. She was born February 4, 1861, and was a daughter of William B. and Rebecca (Morris) Park. George, born February 13, 1857; died February 6, 1862. Marv Elizabeth, born January 1, I860; died December 4, 1863. Shortly after Thomas Darneille was married, he moved to Middletown, ]\IcDonough county. Illinois, where he was engaged in the business of blacksmithing with his brother Henzie. About the year 1850, he moved back to Greenbush and purchased lots one and two in block nine, where he built a small frame house. The most of his last years Avere spent in Greenbush working at the blacksmith trade. In religion he Avas a member of the Christian church. In politics he was a republican. He died Mav 24, 1870. 120 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH PAYTON A. VAUGHN. Payton A. A'aughn was born in Dinwiddle county, Virginia, March 31, 1810. He was a son of John E. Vaughn. Payton came with his father to Logan county, Kentucky, in 1829. They moved to Todd county, Kentucky, where Payton 's father died in 1831. jNIr. Vaughn came to Adams county, Illinois, in February, 1832 ; came to Greenbush, Illinois, in June, 1837, and located on the southwest quarter of section twenty. Here he built his iiouse. This house was sixteen feet square and was built of hickory -and elm logs hauled together with cattle ; the chimney was built of sod and the roof was made of boards, rived out with a fro, fastened on with knees and weight poles. The door was made of boards and was set in the south side ; the floor was made from hickory logs split and hewed on one side, and was called a puncheon floor. This house had no window. They had one bedstead when they moved in, so they made another by boring holes in the log wall and running small pieces of timber to a post in the floor. This frame was then corded with green hickory bark. After the bark dried, this proved to be a very good bedstead. He was married to Mary Darneille, July 18, 1834. She came from Bourbon county, Kentucky, to Adams county, Illinois, in 1832, and was a daughter of Henzie and Elizabeth (Congleton) Darneille and a sister of Thomas and Henzie Darneille, who came to Greenbush in an early day. To Payton A. Vaughn and wife were born the following- named children : Elizabeth, married David Smalley. He died October 20. 1873. Her second marriage was to Elder John Ward. ]\Iartha, who died at the age of two years. Parthena, married David B. Keith. He died September 27, 1899. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 121 James Thomas, married Susanna Johnson. She died Feb- ruary 9, 1886, at the age of 39 years. His second marriage was to Inez Stice. Mary Z., married William C. Rush, December 4, 1866 ; and A\as afterwards married to James C. Donaldson. He died in 1893. George E., married Josephine Welsh. He died March 17, 1893. Douglas, married Clara Butler. Mary, wife of Payton A. Vaughn, was born February 13, 1820, and died in December, 1898. She was for many years before her death a member of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal church. In religion Mr. Vaughn is a member of the same church. He votes the democratic ticket. 122 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH THOMAS MOULTON. Thomas Moulton was born November 14, 1800. He came from Indiana to Greenbush, Illinois, in 1838, and settled on section 16, where he lived and died. He was a farmer by occu- pation. He filled the office of justice of the peace for many years, and was also a local preacher in the Christian church. His wife, whose maiden name was Margery Howe, was born^ November 14, 1801, and was also a member of the Christian church. To Thomas Moulton and wife were born the following-named children : John, born September 25, 1825; married Elizabeth Sargent. He died December 22, 1851. She afterwards married John Worden. Andrew J., born September 30, 1834; married Mary Jane Cunningham. They moved to Kansas and from there to Cali- fornia, where he died. David, born March 18, 1836; died September 5, 1858. Thomas B., born May 24, 1843 ; married Eliza Davis. She died May 31, 1901. Mary Jane, born September 18, 1823 ; married Walter Bond. After his death, she married Benjamin C. Carter. She died April 26, 1893. B. C. Carter died December 18, 1897, at the age of 75 years. Lucinda, born July 23, 1831 -, married James H. Simmons. She died April 17, 1874. Sarah, born September 18, 1829 ; married Alfred W. Sim- mons. She died May 18, 1902. Elizabeth, born February 24, 1827 ; married Thomas Cun- ningham. Susan, born September 6, 1837 ; married William Bryant Reed. She died September 4, 1858. Thomas Moulton died January 24, 1868. Margery, his wife, died July 1, 1887. EARI.Y DAYS IN GREENBUSIT I'io JAMES SIMMONS. James Simmons, who was a brother of Rowland Simmons, was born in 1795. Late in the fall of 1816, he moved from Green River, AVarren county, Kentucky, to Madison county, Illinois. His wife and infant son (Andrew W.) came with him. They made the entire trip on horseback. He moved to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, in October, 1833. He first settled about one mile south of where the village is now located. He afterwards moved east of the village on land adjoining it. He was married in Kentucky to Sarah Stice. To them were born the following-named children : Rowland M., born November 7, 1819; married Diana Stice. She died in Missouri. He was a member of the militia and, in 1843, was elected first lieutenant and commissioned by Governor Ford under Captain W. B. Blankenship, who died in the service. R. M. Simmons was then elected captain to fill the vacancy. This was the 6th company, 2tid battalion, 84th regiment Illinois militia. John C. Bond was major; John Butler, colonel; V. H. Marshall, adjutant; John McMahill, first lieutenant; Levi Hedges, orderly sergeant. They mustered three times a year company battalion; officers' drill, twice a year. They had three places of meeting: Greenbush, Berwick, and New Lancaster. Captain Simmons 's company was composed of 80 substantial men. He was drillmaster at officers' drill. The regiment was called out for volunteers for the Mexican war. Wyatt B. Stapp, who was brigadier-general, went with the company as captain to the Mexican war. R. ]\I. Sinnnons is an elder in the Old-School Predestinarian Baptist church, and has for many years devoted a great portion of his time to preaching in different localities. Andrew W., born in Kentucky, September 2, 1816 ; married Mary Ann Hedges, January 6, 1842. She died July 19, 1847. His second marriage was to Ascenath Brooks, March 2, 1848, 124 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH She was born in Kentucky, Januar}^ 7, 1825. He filled the offices of tax-collector and justice of the peace for several years in the township. He died September 12, 1887. Alfred AV., born November 5, 1821 ; married Sarah Moulton, August 26, 1847. She was born September 18, 1829, and died May 18, 1902. Charles Riley, born December 24, 1825; married ^Martha Bair. She died December 13, 1884, at the age of 42 years. AVilliam Jackson, born December 30, 1827; married Sarah Holeman. He died in Gentry county, Missouri, November 4, 1884. Francis ]\Iarion, born November 10, 1823 ; was never mar- ried. He died at the residence of Peter Snider, his brother-in- law, in the village of Greenbush, June 24, 1891. Martin V. B., born October 5, 1839 ; married Hester Cun- ningham. He died September 29, 1877. She died December 4, 1887, at the age of 42 years. Nancy, born in Madison county, Illinois, February 17, 1831; married J. "Woodford Ray. She died March 11, 1853. Sarah A., born January 27, 1818; married William Iliet. She died March 25, 1863. He died IVIarch 23, 1895, at the age of 78 years. Joanna, born October 11, 1842 ; married Isaac Holeman. She died August 22, 1901. He died I\Iay 20, 1901, at the age of 68 years. Dianna, born August 2, 1835 ; married Peter Snider. Arminda C, born November 14, 1837 ; married Benjamin F. Watt. Pie was born September 30, 1840, and died February 13, 1904. James Sinnnons died August 21, 1873. His wife died April 8, 1855, at the age of 58 years. They were members of the Old- School Predestinarian Baptist church. In politics Mr. Simmons was a democrat. JAMES SIMMONS. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 125 WILLIAM P. JONES. William P. Jones was born in Kentucky, November 11, 1810. He was a son of Elijah and Sarah (Hamvock) Jones, both natives of Virginia. She was born in 1777 ; their marriage occurred in North Carolina, in 1801. To this union the following-named children were born : Susanna, born in 1802; Wyley, in 1804; Margaret, in 1809; William P.. in 1810; Jessie, in 1812; John, in 1814; and Eliza- beth, in 1816. Elijah Jones, the father of AVilliam P. Jones, died in Ken- tucky in 1833. His wife Sarah died in Illinois in 1857. William P. Jones was married in 1829, to Adora Strode. She was born in Kentucky, in 1810. To them were born the following- named children : Mary A., born April 19. 1830; married Chylon Kemp. Sarah A., born April 15, 1833 ; married William Wood. Cynthia A., born January 24, 1834. Elijah, born January 29, 1836 ; married Eva Shawler. Elizabeth, born September 8, 1838. Catherina, born October 12, 1841 ; married Newton Kemp. Angelina, born September 6, 1845 ; married John Bowman. William, born May 4, 1848 ; married Adeline Hasson. Peter, born November 7, 1850 ; married Helen Threlkeld. William P. Jones came to Greenbush, Illinois, in 1835. After living in Greenbush township for several years, he purchased land on section 22, in Swan township, where he resided the most of the time during his last years. He was by occupation a farmer. In religion he was a member of the INIissionary Baptist church. In politics he was a lifelong democrat. He died July 9, 1888 ; his wife died April 27, 1877. 126 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH ALEXANDER WILLARD. Alexander AVillard ^vas born in Virginia, October 26, 1795. He was a son of William and Jane (Cook) Willard. Jane Cook was born in Ireland. Alexander Willard left Virginia in his younger days and went to Overton county, Tennessee; from there he moved to the state of Missouri. His next move was to Morgan county, Illinois; from there he moved to Greenbush, Illinois, in 1837. He was married in Tennessee to Lucy Liles. She was born July 7, 1796. To them the following-named children were born: Mary, born November 24, 1814; married William Foster. She died January 16, 1893. He died September 7, 1862. AVilliam, born August 11, 1816; married Jane Hodge. She was born October 17, 1818 ; and died October 24, 1879. He died March 5, 1901. Lucinda, born August 3, 1822; married Ezekiel M. Snapp, October 19, 1839. He died October 1, 1842. Her second mar- riage was to Thomas Darneille, February 9, 1847. He died May 24, 1870. Lucinda died January 21, 1899. Thomas Joiner, born April 10, 1824; married Mary Sim- mons, daughter of Rowland and Julia A. Simmons. Both died in Kansas. Jane, born August 31, 1826 ; married Henzie Darneille, Jan- uary 6, 1847. She died September 27, 1905. Margaret, born March 18, 1829; married Charles S. Hole- man. John, born February 25, 1831; married Martha A. Sum- mers, in July, 1850. She was born August 15, 1831. His second marriage was to Mrs. Elizabeth McClurg, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Hutton. She was born in Ohio, October 10. 1843. Annis, born July 11, 1833; married Porter J. Jack. She died at Meedoc, Jasper county, Missouri, February 21, 1876. He died at Arcadia, Crawford countv, Kansas, July 14, 1897. PORTER J. JACK. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 127 Alexander, born December 17, 1837 ; married Emily Sim- mons. She was a daughter of Rowland and Julia A. Simmons, who came to Greenbush in 1830. Mr. Willard, the subject of this sketch, was by occupation a farmer. In politics he was a democrat. In religion he and his wife were members of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal church for many years before their death. He died February 21, 1819. His wife Lucy died at the resi- dence of her son-in-law Henzie Darneille, in Bushnell, Illinois, May 15, 1879. She was blind for many years before her death. 128 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH DR. WILLIAM RANDALL. J)r. AVilliam Randall was born in the town of Aurora, in Dearborn county, Indiana, May 27, 1834. He was a son of George and Rhoda (Ewbanks) Randall. His father was born in Canterbury, Kent county, England, in 1796 ; and emigrated to the United States, in 1819, and located in Shawneetown, Illinois. From there he moved to Dearborn county, Indiana, where, in 1826, he was married to Miss Rhoda Ewbanks. She Avas born in Yorkshire, England, in 1806 ; and died in Indiana, in 1859. He was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal church for many years. He died in 1866. To them were born the following- named children : John E., George F., William, Mary, Thomas E.. Richard R., Rebecca J., and Elizabeth V. Dr. William Randall was married to Caroline Snapp, March 10, 1863. She was a daughter of Franklin G. and Adeline (Morse) Snapp. She died ]\Iay 20, 1875. To this union the following- named children were born : George S., born December 27, 1863 ; married Rose Marks. Channing C, born August 5, 1865 ; died March 2, 1869. Claud C, born January 8, 1870 ; died in infancy. Clyde W., born October 6, 1872; married Lucy A. Dodge, September 21, 1895. She was born at Ringwood, Illinois, Feb- ruary 2, 1877. Dr. Randall's second marriage was to Mrs. Edwina C. Karns. Her maiden name was Edwina C. Bond. She was a daughter of Jesse W. and Sarah E. (Terry) Bond. This mtirriage occurred February 26, 1879. To them one child was born. William B., born April 3, 1882. Dr. William Randall graduated at the Jefferson Medical col- lege, Philadelphia, at the head of his class, March 9, 1858. The same year he came to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois, and commenced the practice of medicine. Here he built up a good practice and was very successful. He continued his practice up to the time of his death, which occurred October 23, 1888. In politics he was a democrat. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSIl 129 WILLIAM McMAHILL. VVilliani ^leMahill was born in Nicholas county, Kcntucl^y, December 23, 1806. He was a son of John and Susan (Burnet) McMahill. He was married in Kentucky, in 1827, to Mary Snapp. She was born February 22, 1806, and was a daughter of George and Sarah (Mclntyre) Snapp. William MclNIahill and wife came to Sangamon county, Illinois, in 1830, where they resided until 1835, when they came to Greenbush, Warren county, Illinois. To them the following- named children were born : George, born March 8, 1829; married Frances Barnum, about the year 1854. He resides at Riverside, California. Susan B., born March 26, 1831 ; married Leonard Hall, March 25, 1852. He died July 28, 1896. Sarah, born May 16, 1833; married William J. Hamilton. Nancy Jane, born April 6, 1835 ; married Andrew J. Sisson. Elizabeth, born June 2, 1837. She fell into a kettle of hot lard and was so badly burned that she died the next morning. This occurred in March, 1839. Her grave was the first one in the IMciNIahill graveyard. John, born in 1839 ; married Emily Hogue, at Yates City, Illinois. Ann ]\I., born in 1842 ; married Allen S. Phillips, January 26, 1868. America, born in 1844 ; married Jacob M. Kepple. She died March 13, 1877. William H., married Ann Morris. Pinckney, married IMary Ewings. Her maiden name was Mary Hanks. Mary E., died with scarlet fever when she was only four or five years old. Lucinda, died in infancy. William McMahill, the subject of this sketch, was by occu- pation a farmer and stockraiser. In politics he was a republican. In religion he was early connected with the Methodist Episcopal church and was for many years a local preacher in that denomi- nation. His wife was also a member of the same church. Many religious meetings were held at their house in the early days. Mary, wife of William :\Te]\rahin. died August 31. 1877. He died June 6, 1881. 130 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH BARNARD SLOEY. Barnard Sloey was born in County ~\Ionaghan, Ireland, Octo- ber 22, 1815. He emigrated to America in 1833. He first located temporarily in Greenbush township, Warren county, Illinois, in 1840; and again to stay, in 1844. In 1846, he was married to i\[iss Anna 'Grady of Marshall county, Illinois. They then connnenced pioneer life in earnest, building a log-cabin on section 26, where they resided. At this time neighbors were " like angels' visits, few and far betAveen. " John Griffen then resided where the town of Prairie City was afterwards located. Mr. Sloey says at this time wild game was plenty and wolves were fierce, dangerous, and annoying. Mrs. Sloey was born July 21, 1830; and died April 30, 1877. She was a daughter of Francis and Susan (Kenaly) 'Grady. When she was a child, she sat on the lap of Black HaAvk, the Indian chief, he having strpped at her father's house, probably on a Begging or exploring expedition. To Mr. Sloey and wife the following-named children were born — their two first, not named, dying in infancy. Mary, born November 28, 1848: married Peter IMcFarlaud, February 24, 1873. William, born November 30, 1852: married Mary Thomas, September 12, 1877. Francis, born March 30, 1854 ; married Julia Thomas, May 14, 1884. Susan, born November 1, 1856 : married Patrick H. Tanney, November 2, 1879. James, born March 26, 1859; nuirried Clara Belle Allen, June 16, 1897. Thomas B., born October 6, 1861; married Mae INIartin, June 17, 1891. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 131 Ella, born April 19, lS(i4; married Osborn Randolph Ash- ford, September 8, 1884. Anna, born March 3, 1867 ; married A. A. Wilson, April 23, 1889. Rose, born July 15, 1869; married AVm. Henry Crater, Sep- tember 18, 1890. Jolin. born January 13. 1872 ; first marriage to Minnie Rice, July 27. 1896 : second marriage to Lola ^Nlassey, January 17,- 1901. On April 15, 1881. ]\Ir. Sloey moved from Greenbush to Gove county. Kansas. After remaining there awhile, he moved to Thayer county. Xebra.ska. where he now resides with his son- in-law Peter ]\IcFarlaud. surrounded by the most of his cliildren and grandchildren. Here he is passing his last days in peace and comfort, patiently awaiting the white-winged messenger of time to an- nounce his departure to the realms of eternity, hoping for a joyful reunion with many dear ones who have preceded him. In religion Mr. Sloey is a Catholic: in politics he is a democrat. — iv,i 132 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH JAMES SIMMONS. James Simmons was born in Warren county, Kentucky, August 10, 1809. He was a son of William and Esther (Stice) Simmons, who were married in 1798. He was born in 1775, and died in 1865. She w^as born in South Carolina, in 1779, and died in 1855. To them the following-named children were born : Peter, Martin, Betsey, James, Charles, Sarah, Lucinda, John, Roley, Susan, Herbert, Nancy, and William. James Sinniions in his young days moved with his parents from Warren county, Kentucky, to Howard county, Missouri. Here they resided one year, then moved to Boone county, Mis- souri, W'here they resided about eight years ; they then moved to Illinois and located in Morgan county, near Jacksonville. They afterwards moved to Warren county, Illinois, and located in the northeast part of Greenbush township. W^illiam Simmons, father of James Simmons, was engaged about one year hauling mineral ore at Galena, lUiuois. He finally moved to Iowa, where he died in 1865. James Simmons, the subject of this sketch, was married December 18, 1839, to Melinda Jennings. She was a daughter of Aaron and Sarah Jennings, and was born in Indiana, January 27, 1821; died June 19. 1897. To James Simmons and wife the following-named children w' ere born : Elizabeth Eunice, born February 28, 1842 ; married Thomas Stockton, November 20, 1857. Sarah E., born May 28, 1844; married William Young, Sep- tember 4, 1862. Samantha Jane, born August 15, 1846 ; married John Pat- terson, November 19, 1863. Nancy M., born December 12, 1848; married William H. Davis. She died June 9, 1900. He died August 16. 1893. William E., born November 30, 1851; died May 12, 1884. Eliza E., born February 20, 1855; married Noah Davis. EARLY DAYS IN GREENE USH 133 Thomas J., born June 8, 1857 ; married Amy A. South, October 11, 1883. She died February G, 1894, at the age of 29 years. His second marriage Avas to Victoria Miller, February 14, 1895. Ida ^l., born August 22, I860; married George Davis. James Edmond, born Aupfust 1, 1863 ; married Cornelia Stice, July 8, 1885. She was born September 10, 1864, and was a daughter of David and Elizabeth (Semelroth) Stice. James Simmons resided in Greenbush township for many years. He was a successful farmer and stockraiser. In politics he was a democrat. He died at his old home place, on section two in Greenbush toAvnship, September 25, 1900. 134 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII SARAH SNAPP. Sarah Snapp was born in Virginia, March 20, 1784. Her maiden name was Sarah Mclntyre. She came with her parents to Kentucky, in 1789 ; and was married to George Snapp in Nicholas county, Kentucky, in 1802. He was born February 18, 1780, and died December 20, 1823. He was a son of George Snapp, who was killed by the Indians in Kentucky in an early day. To George Snapp and his wife Sarah were born the follow- ing-named children : John, born in 1811 ; died in Kentucky, in 1823. Maria, born in 1804; married William Booth. Her second marriage was to Joseph AVallace. She died in California, July 18, 1886. Mary, born in Nicholas county, Kentucky, February 22, 1806 ; married William McMahill, in 1827. She died August 31. 1877. He died June 6, 1881. Elizabeth, born in Nichohis county, Kentucky, February 2, 1808; married John Crawford. Her second marriage was to I\Ioses T. Hand, December 23, 1835. She died August 19, 1898. Moses T. Hand died February 18, 18S8. Franklin Greene was bcrn in Niehohis county. Kentucky, Octo- ber 18, 1812. He came to Illinois in 1833 ; settled in Greenbush township in 1834. He was united in marriage to Miss Adeline Morse. She was born May 6, 1816. To this union the follow- ing-named children were born: Maria Jane, born October 9, 1833; married John A. Butler, November 22, 1849. Samuel M., born May 22, 1835 ; married Saphronia Hanon. He died October 11, 1891. George L., born June 4, 1838; married Emiline Griffith. Albert N., born jNIay 18, 1840 ; married ]\Irs. Matilda Nelson. F. G. SNAPP. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 135 Caroline, born June 1, 18-13 ; married Dr. William Randall. She died May 20, 1875. He died October 23, 1888. John R., born April 14, 1846; married Clara Foster. After receiving a divorce from her, he was married to Alma Yast, in April, 1879. Mary C, born December 23, 1848 ; died December 10, 1850. Ada Ann, born October 20, 1851; died November 11, 1858. Amanda E., born May 12, 1854; resides at Buffalo, New York, where she is engaged teaching music. Emma P., born February 16, 1857 ; married Alphonso Waiste. They reside in Canada. F. G. Snapp was engaged in an early day in Greenfield, in the mercantile business; and in later years he again engaged in the same line of business, making in all three or four times that he kept store in the village. He was a farmer and resided on the southwest quarter of section five for many years. He spent a great portion of his life in raising, buying, and selling live-stock. In this line he was a man of excellent judgment. He was a trader in many lines of business, and would buy and sell anything from a cookstove to a grist-mill. He was also an auctioneer and did considerable business in this line in the early days. In 1870, he purchased thoroughbred Durham cattle in Ken- tucky and brought them to Greenbush, which proved a great benefit to the country by improving the breed of cattle then here. He also shipped in several hundred bushels of blue-grass seed from Kentucky the same year. This grass seed being sown on timber lands, grew rapidly and soon spread over adjoining lands. At this time John W. Barlow Avas engaged in shipping Durham cattle and blue-grass seed from Kentucky. F. G. Snapp left his farm in Greenbush township and moved to Galesburg, where he spent his last years. He and his wife were members of the Llethodist Episcopal chui'ch, having joined that denomination in early life and retained .their membership up to the time of their death. In polities he was a republican. 136 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH He died April 10, 1895. His wife died September 22, 1898. Their remains rest in the cemetery at Abingdon, Illinois. Ezekiel M., born in Nicholas county, Kentucky, in 1816; married Lucinda Willard, October 19, 1839. He died October 1, 1842. She died January 21, 1899. To this union one son was born- William L., born February 12, 1842. He was married Decem- ber 19. 1861, to Mary E. May. She was born April 19, 1843; and died November 21, 1900. She was a daughter of William and Susan (Harrison) May. To William L. Snapp and wife the following-named children were born : Alice Maud, born November 16, 1862 ; married Andrew B. Camp, January. 18, 1883. Thomas, born February 23, 1864 ; married Mary J. Hen- dricks, January 5, 1889. ]Mary, born July 4, 1867; died March 21, 1869. William L., born August 2, 1871 ; married Minnie West, November 7, 1899. Carrie M., born August 19, 1874. Delos v., born August 17, 1876 ; married Emma Pauline Fowler, February 18, 1903. Russell, born March 9, 1878 ; married Maud D. Stokes, July 17, 1899. Ezekiel M., born January 28, 1880. Sumner, born November 25, 1881. William L. Snapp has held the offices in the township of town clerk, tax collector, justice of the peace, notary public, and school ti-easurer, and is the author of this work. In religion he is a Methodist. In politics he is a democrat. Robert M., son of George and Sarah Snapp, was born in Nicholas county, Kentucky, February 5, 1818. He was married three times. Ilis first marriage was to Margaret A. Morse, in December, 1843. One child was born to them — Mary J. She died in infancy. Margaret, wife of R. M. Snapp, died in 1844. His see nd marriage was to Adaliza Morris, ]\Iarch 26, 1849. She EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 137 died December 23, 1856. To this union the follo\vin. Fruit: died January 26, 1861; aged 26 years. Alice M., wife of R. D. Nance; died February 13, 1866: aged 23 years. E. Lieurance; died August 25, 1868; aged 78 years. Cinthia, wife of E. Lieurance; died March 13, 1848: aged 50 years. Nancy, wife of E. Lieurance; died September 27, 1878: aged 68 years. Samuel Shields; died February 28, 1852; aged 61 years. John Anson ; died October 6, 1854 ; aged 49 years. Perry Lieurance ; died November 3, 1851 ; aged 32 years. Riley D., son of H. T. and L. A. Coffman ; died April 15, 1856 ; aged 1 year. J. William, son of T. and M. ]\IcDouald; died September 19, 1856 ; aged 2 years. Theodosia McDonald; died September 2, 1856; aged 64 years, Mary, wife of J. L. Park; died August 1, 1888; aged 72 years. Harriet, wife of A. INIiller ; died April 26, 1872 ; aged 73 years. Oscar Lincoln ; died December 20, 1853 ; aged 22 years. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 177 Sarah, wife of Alfred W. Simmons, born September 18. 1829 : died May 18, 1902. George, son of A. AV. and S. Simmons, born June 11. 1852; died January 17, 1867. Albert F. Simmons, born April 5, 1869; died November 16, 1901. C. H. Raberding ; died April 3, 1877 ; aged 68 years. William Kreigh, born June 1, 1812; died January 4. 1881. Elenora, wife of William Kreigh ; died August 22, 1864 ; aged 40 years. Maria Magdalena, wife of Jacob Long; born September 13, 1842 ; died July 15, 1860. Jacob Long ; died July, 1891 ; aged 58 years. M. S. Gregg; died October 19, 1864; aged 15 years. Francis Staat, born May 17, 1813 ; died August 1, 1881. Margaret Staat, born September 30, 1810; died November 19, 1880. Lizzie, wife of Samuel Houston ; died August 19, 1869 ; aged 28 years.' Samuel Houston ; died June 30, 1878 ; aged 48 years. John F., son of H. and C. Staat ; born November 24, 1872 : died December 18, 1891. Nellie M., daughter of H. and C. Staat ; born September 30, 1874; died December 25, 1894. Nancy M., daughter of H. and C. Staat : born September 18, 1896; died May 9, 1899. Sarah Day ; died August 29, 1876 ; aged 61 years. Caroline, wife of John F. Young; died April 8, 1876: aged 30 years. Juliett A., wife of W. P. Housh ; died December 28. 1877 ; aged 29 years. John C. McCall; died December 11, 1862; aged 42 years. Edward Taylor; died November 17, 1861; aged 31 years. 178 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Mary E., daughter of Jacob L. and Nancy Buzan; died February 2, 1853 ; aged 24 years. Joshua, son of C. and S. Conaway; died January 23, 1858; aged 22 years. Sarah, wife of C. Conaway ; died June 2, 1860 ; aged 61 years. Martha, wife of Charles Conaway ; died August 20, 1859 ; aged 26 years. Thomas Jones ; died October 14, 1855 ; aged 80 years. AVinif red, wife of Thomas Jones ; died August 4, 1858 ; aged 68 years. H. Kiley Jones, son of J. and M. Jones; died in the service of his country. April 1, 1865 ; aged 18 years. Mordecai :\[orris, born October 2, 1848; died July 3, 1891. AYilliani H. Johnson, born December 12, 1817 ; died Feb- ruary 21. 1857. Rebecca Morris, wife of William B. Park; born December 14, 1833 ; died June 28, 1893. ' Margaret ]\Iorris ; died February 10. 1862 ; aged about 82 years. Joab ^lorris ; died April 4, 1866 ; aged 62 years. Hannah Morris, born June 10, 1812 ; died June 30, 1891. Rebecca Davis ; died March 8, 1857 ; aged 15 years. Levisa. wife of B. Johnson; died August 3, 1862; aged 64 years. Bazel Johnson ; died April 9, 1865 ; aged 100 years. Josiah Johnson, born July 12, 1837 ; died April 2, 1897. Isaac Xewburn ; died July 16, 1859 ; aged 53 years. Nancy, wife of Isaac Newburn ; died August 9, 1863 ; aged 57 years. Caroline, wife of Barnet Neal ; died September 9, 1883 ; aged 31 years. Mary Ann. wife of John Perkins; died January 5, 1880: aged 27 years. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 179 Amanda E.. wife of AV 1). riiiiei': died June 21. lS!t4: aged 28 years. Sarah AV., wife of E. Frampton ; died July 27. 1864 ; aged 30 years. Isaac Holeman; died April 6, 1875; aged 88 years. Delphia, wife of Isaac Iloleman ; died July 18, 1873 : aged 76 years. Mary A., wife of Isaac G. Holeman: died May 21. 1875; aged 35 years. John T. Stockton; died March 28, 1875; aged 21 years. John Stockton ; died October 2, 1858 ; aged 32 years. Mary Jane Stockton, died March 16, 1885 ; aged 55 years. Ella Meachum, wife of John Meachum ; born January 12, 1862; died March 19, 1890. Britta Simmons, daughter of H. and C. Meachum : born Octo- ber 2. 1858 ; died October 8, 1881. Lydia A., wife of A. J. AYillard : died August 10. 1875 ; aged 22 years. Harrison Meachum : died January 21, 1893 ; aged 75 years. Mary J. Singleton, wife of Johnie AVillard: born December 15, 1878 ; died April 27, 1902. Chester R., their son; born November 20, 1899: died !Mareh 7, 1900. Elizabeth, wife of George Keneval ; died September 28. 1859 ; aged 67 years. Joseph L. Neer, born March 3, 1822; died April 14. 1900. Lydia. his wife, born February 14, 1813 ; died July 25, 1898. Joseph Tillman, son of J.. L. and L. Neer; died January 23, 1870 ; aged 13 years. Nancy E., Avife of J. R. Simmons; died October 26. 1871; aged 31 years. William Taylor ; died April 20, 1889 : aged 62 years. Nina Taylor, born January 31. 1875; died IMay 18, 1900. 180 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Effie, wife of Hiram Taylor; born October 1, 1869; died December 23, 1894. Hiram Taylor, husband of Hannah Taylor; born November 10, 1803; died September 26, 1882. Hannah Taylor, born November 10, 1806 ; died October 30, 1877. Martha Taylor, born April, 1800; died January 15, 1878. John J. xVdams; died September 1-4, 1885; aged 62 years. Susan Adams, born July 26, 1828; died September 21, 1894. John A. Vandiver, 1812-1899. Harriet, his wife, 1818-1876. Susan Regan, daughter of J. and C. Regan; died July 31, 1875 : aged 7 years. Ellen Regan, daughter of J. and C. Regan; died September 6, 1875 ; aged 17 years. Mary A., wife of C. S. M^elsh; born October 4, 1858; died August 6, 1899. Jennie, wife of Elmer H. Cunningham ; born March 8, 1863 ; died February 2, 1897. Jane V., wife of John J. Todd; died November 23, 1884; aged 86 years. James Simmons, born August 10, 1809; died September 25, 1900. Malinda, his wife, born January 7, 1821 ; died June 19, 1897. Mary, wife of Thomas Almond; died September 9, 1877. George Hollenberg; died September 24, 1881; aged 72 years. Henry Hollenberg, born March 25, 1816; died April 9, 1888. Richard Tally; died November 17, 1896; aged 62 years. Mattie Alberts, born February 28, 1866; died November 17, 1895. Lewis Maier ; died August 14, 1862 ; aged 35 years. Elizabeth Maier, wife of L. Maier; died August 14, 1882; aged 46 years. Henry Clabaugh; died June 13, 1859. John White, born March 10, 1840 ; died January 3, 1904. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 181 The Holeman Graveyard. Isaac Holeman. born June 5, 1832; died May 20, 1901. Joanah, wife of Isaac Holeman ; born IMarch 12, 1833 ; died August 22, 1901. Israel Spurgeon, born June 30, 1828; died May 8, 1895. John E. Mitchel, born October 1, 1857; died March 9, 1897. Amelia A., wife of J. E. Mitchel; died March 6, 1898; aged 33 years. Amy A., wife of T. J. Simmons; died February 6, 1894; aged 29 years. Cecil C. son of L. H. and B. A. Carroll ; born February 17, 1889; died October 17. 1897. Pauline, wife of A. Sailer; born April 14, 1837; died June 22, r:895. Bethuel ^lerris; died March 7, 1891; aged 64 years. Mary Merris ; died December 24, 1898 ; aged 73 years. Robert Vanvelsor, born February 5, 1830 ; died April 19, 1889. Joseph E., son of J. F. and L. Wren; died March 24, 1874; aged 23 years. John Kelly, born March 22, 1810 ; died May 30, 1884. Leon, son of M. S. and M. E. Welsh; born October 29, 1882; died December 5, 1882. Isaiah Wren; died April 26, 1876; aged 37 years. Julia, daughter of W. and S. Lee; died July 11, 1869; aged 20 years. Weden Kelly ; died September 14, 1867 ; aged 39 years. Martin Johnson ; died January 5, 1874 ; aged 44 years. Betsey, wife of J. Peterson ; died September 7, 1876 ; aged 36 years. 182 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Charles MeCormack, born December 25, 1813 ; died April 10, 1895. Alexander, son of J. and E. Edie; died May 4, 1862; aged 18 years. Franlin Niles, Co. F, 42d Ohio Infantry. R. G. Gillett, Co. H, 83d Illinois Infantry. John Wren ; died June 17, 1856 ; aged 62 years. Ester, Avife of John Wren; died August 22, 1888. Martillers Lloyd; died January 15, 1860; aged 21 years. Charles William, son of William and E. Lloyd; died July 7, I860; aged 27 years. Lucinda F., daughter of William and E. Lloyd; died ]\Iareh 15, 1846 ; aged 18 years. Thomas J. Lloyd ; died November 26, 1861 ; aged 20 years. AVilliam Lloyd; died January 21, 1862; aged 61 years. Eliza W., Avife of William Lloyd : born July. 1801 : died November 10, 1884. Joseph Robert Lloyd, son of J. R. and J. Lloyd ; born January 28, 1878 ; died February 5, 1899. Rose, wife of L. A. Mummey; born April 4, 1871. J. R. Lloyd ; died December 21, 1878 ; aged 46 years. Lennie, daughter of J. R. and J. Lloyd; died November 15, 1876; aged 9 years. Caleb Sparks ; died July 19, 1869 ; aged 41 years. Tobitha, wife of Robert Lloyd; died October 4. 1851: aged 83 years. French Spurgin ; died August 17, 1872 ; aged 68 years. Lewis A., son of J. J. and S. J. Dickson ; died September 17, 1868 ; aged 1 year. Catherine E., wife of S. L. Ellinger; died December 13, 1872; aged 32 years. Mary J., wife of S. L. Ellinger ; died August 5, 1863 : aged 40 years. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 183 Samuel L. Ellinger; died April 24, 1895; aged 74 years. Louis Ellinger ; died December, 1865 ; aged 19 years. Edna, daughter of S. L. and M. J. Ellinger; died April 14, 1877; aged 19 years. Stella, daughter of S. L. and Ann Ellinger; died SeptemlxM- 28, 1881. Mary J., daughter of S. L. and M. J. Ellinger; died Septem- ber 6, 1863 ; aged 1 month, 12 days. Samuel Cline, born October 26, 1833 ; died February 21, 1899. Rosa, wife of A. K. Crabill, born June 16, 1870; died March 12, 1892. Catherine, wife of Alex. Coursan; died January 21, 1870; aged 27 years. Julia A., wife of J. M. Bradbury; died November 1, 1869; aged 48 years. Sammie Crabill ; died May 22, 1876 ; aged 69 years. Noah Crabill, born December 26, 1818 ; died April 16, 1898. Mary J. Crabill, born September 8, 1847 ; died January 3, 1896- Anderson Fleming ; died June 3, 1866 ; aged 46 years. Thomas H. Ennis, born January 13, 1827; died June 28, 1895, Barbara E., wife of Thomas Stockton; born November 10, 1847; died April 13, 1867. David, son of M. and M. Jones ; died October 5, 1859 ; aged 18 years. John W. Ennis, born March 8, 1853 ; died December 14, 1864. Sibba, wife of W. Ennis ; died February 3, 1876 ; aged 79 years. Priscilla, wife of D. Holeman ; died November 28, 1846 ; aged 35 years. Sophia, wife of M. R. Gutridge; died June 15, 1863; aged 43 years. Mitehel Ross ; died June 30, 1873 ; aged 76 years. Mary, wife of Mitehel Ross; died March 28, 1862; aged 62 years. -14 184 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Elizabeth, wife of J. J. Stockton; died January 10, 1847; aged 17 years. Elsie Stockton ; died March 24, 1865 ; aged 64 years. Thomas Stockton ; died January 17, 1853 ; aged 64 years. James J. Stockton; died October 25, 1865; aged 42 years. Amanda, wife of William Maguire; died February 28, 1873; aged 24 years. Susanah, wife of R. Holeman; died February 18, 1892; aged €7 years. Clara L., wife of Robert Chambers; born December 10, 1879; died July 4, 1902. Mary F., wife of Phineas P. Smith, Jr. ; died October 13, 1877 ; aged 21 years. Electa, wife of A. Coppersmith; died May 14, 1871; aged 45 years. Jacob Lahman, born September 25, 1831 ; died October 17, 1901. Priscilla Buck, wife of Jacob Lahman; born September 20, 1829; died April 30, 1864. John Rubart, born July 21, 1797; died December 30, 1872. Nancy Lahman, his wife, born October 21, 1827 ; died April 21, 1902. John C. Holeman ; died December 27, 1854 ; aged 44 years. John Carroll; died December 29, 1903. Amanda, wife of Francis Vanvelsor ; born February 1, 1835 ; died January 13. 1904. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 185 The Bond Graveyard. Mabel Johnson ; died October 15, 1876 ; aged 7 years. Catherine E., wife of A. B. Campbell; died February 15, 1878; aged 27 years. Addie May, daughter of A. N. and M. A. Snapp ; died October 26, 1873 ; aged 4 years. Minnie Bell, daughter of A. N. and M. A. Snapp ; died October 21, 1873 ; aged 2 years. Elizabeth, wife of David S. Link, born January 23, 1832; died August 24, 1894. William D. Link ; died February 26, 1896 ; aged 35 years. R. R. McKinley, born June 29, 1806 ; died February 13, 1885. Dr. W. I. Campbell; died February 16, 1875; aged 26 years. Rachel T. McKinley, wife of Dr. W. I. Campbell ; died January 25, 1875; aged 22 years. Jane, wife of William Willard, born October 17, 1818 ; died October 24, 1879. Lydia J., wife of W. G. Thomas; died July 19, 1873; aged 31 years. Sarah A., daughter of W. and J. Willard ; died May 8, 1871 ; aged 16 years. W. R. Willard ; died June 7, 1879 ; aged 35 years. Isaac Willard ; died October 7, 1878 ; aged 19 years. John Matthews ; died August 19, 1869 ; aged 66 years. John Burridge; died March 12, 1884; aged 26 years. Mary E., wife of Wm. L. Snapp, born April 19, 1843 ; died November 21, 1900. Mary, daughter of W. L. and M. E. Snapp; died March 21, 1869; aged 1 year, 8 months, and 17 days. 186 EARLY DxVYS IN GREENBUSH John Kramer, born December 20, 1824 ; died April 13, 1902 Myrtle, daughter of "\Y. and M. A. Clayton ; died April 5, 1891 ; aged 4 years. Ann R., wife of George Snapp ; died February 12, 1875 ; aged 39 years. Josie H. South, wife of R. M. Snapp, born June 24, 1864 ; died November 12, 1897. Melissa, wife of Horatio Morris ; died February 18, 1881 ; aged 26 years. John Wingate, born February 1, 1815; died March 22, 1891. Annis, his wife, born March 1, 1821 ; died May 22, 1891. John J., son of J. & A. Wingate ; died March 7, 1853 ; aged 11 years. Eva, wife of E. W. Jones; died December 1, 1886; aged 43 years. Sarah, wife of E. Jones; died June 5, 1857; aged 78 ypars John W. Jones; died December 31, 1855; aged 41 years. Lury, wife of W. P. Jones ; died April 27, 1877 ; aged 67 years. William P. Jones, born November 11, 1810 ; died July 9, 1888. Celia A., wife of M. J. Perry; died October, 1885; aged 21 years. Charles Perry ; died December 28, 1897 ; aged 83 years. Annie E., wife of Charles Perry; died June 11, 1873: aged 48 years. George Cable ; died January 22, 1861 ; aged 67 years. Sarah A., wife of George Cable ; died April 17, 1855 ; aged 49 years. Sarah E., daughter of A. T. and M. M. Trailor; died July 30, 1873 ; aged 15 years. Archibald T. Trailor ; died April 15, 1867 ; aged 41 years. Minta M., wife of A. T. Trailor ; died November 9, 1866 ; aged 35 years. Icle L., son of H. & S. Poster; died November 1, 1864; aged 18 years. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSII 187 Sarah L.. wife of C. J. Thomas; died April 28, 1878; aged 25 years. John ]\Ioulton ; died December 22, 1851 ; aged 26 years. Jesse W. Bond ; died November 22, 1847 ; aged 33 years. Nathan W. Bond ; died July 11, 1873 ; aged 27 years. Mary J., wife of B. C. Carter; died April 26. 1893; aged 69 years. Benjamin C. Carter, born August 30, 1822 ; died December 18. 1897. Mary A., wife of George Farrar; died May 20, 1875; aged 19 years. Thomas Moulton ; died January 24, 1868 ; aged 67 years. Margery Moulton ; died July 1, 1887 ; aged 85 years. Angeline, wife of Perry Brown, born February 25, 1850; died November 25, 1898. Samuel Brown ; died March 26, 1882 ; aged 67 years. Julia A., wife of David Alberts, born December 17, 1814 ; died January 2, 1895. David Albert ; died May 16, 1881 ; aged 72 years. Susanna P., wife of J. T. Vaughn; died February 9, 1886; aged 39 years. ' Oscar A., son of J. & E. Pittman; died February 21, 1875; aged 17 years. Susan, wife of J. B. Pittman ; died January 22, 1880 ; aged 70 years. J. B. Pittman, born March 29, 1805 ; died October 18, 1863. Samuel, son of J. B. & S. Pittman, born July 11, 1840; died April 9, 1862. John Coons, 1804-1892. Rebecca Coons, 1811-1887. George Coons ; died February 27, 1871 ; aged 36 years. John Cunningham ; died March 30, 1849 ; aged 44 years. Joseph Cunningham; died December 9, 1846; aged 35 years. 188 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Mary C, wife of John Sargent, died December 24, 1847 ; aged 38 years. Bailey D., son of J. M. & M. Quaite; died April 11, 1862; aged 14 years. Mary, wife of P. A. Vaughn, born February 13, 1820 ; died December, 1898. Harry B. Hoover, born September 16, I860; died October 1, 1890. Walter Johnson ; died December 13, 1876 ; aged 71 years. Charlie, son of W. & S. Johnson ; died November 4, 1866 ; aged 10 years. Mary E., daughter of W. & S. Johnson; died April 5, 1855; aged 15 years. Elizabeth, wife of W. G. Bond; died December 22, 1864; aged 45 years. John C. Bond ; died May 20, 1882 ; aged 82 years. John M. Hoisington; died September 21, I860; aged 54 years. Mary S., wife of John C. Bond; died September 1, 1842; aged 32 years. Fielding B., son of J. C. & M. S. Bond; died April 16, 1862; aged 28 years. Jesse W. Bond ; died February 26, 1840 ; aged 65 years. Susanna, wife of Jesse W. Bond ; died January 7, 1859 ; aged 85 years. Benjamin Bond ; died September 14, 1843 ; aged 41 years. Evaline, wife of J. C. Foster; died December 3, 1841; aged 31 years. Mary, wife of C. S. Holeman; died September 13, 1851; aged 31 years. Jane, wife of C. S. Holeman; died August 3, 1854. Harriet, wife of R. W. Roberts, born February 7, 1854; died July 13, 1894. Dennis H., son of W. C. and M. Z. Rush ; died August 13, 1879 ; aged 10 years. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 189 Ferdinand Coll ; died December 15, 1875 ; aged 58 years. Henrietta R., wife of R. Roberts ; died July 28, 1878. Lucy Webster, wife of J. D. Webster ; died September 24, 1864 ; aged 75 years. C. R. Smith. Co. C, 138th Inft. ; died March 10, 1885 ; aged 39 years. Jed ^Y., son of P. P. & M. E. Smith; died May 15, 1868; aged 20 years. Abijah Roberts ; died June 23, 1851 ; aged 53 years. Laura Roberts, wife of A. Roberts ; died February 3, 1877 ; aged 56 years. Sarah, wife of George Snapp ; died November 26, 1859 ; aged 75 years. Ezekiel M. Snapp ; died October 1, 1842 ; aged 26 years. Adalyza, wife of R. M. Snapp ; died December 23, 1856 ; aged 26 years. Alexander Willard ; died February 21, 1849 ; aged 54 years. Lucy, wife of A. Willard ; died May 15, 1879 ; aged 82 years. Thomas Darneille ; died May 24, 1870 ; aged 48 years. George, son of T. and L. Darneille; died February 7, 1862. Fielding, son of T. and L. Darneille ; died October 11, 1848. Carrie, wife of E. W. Wood, born January 27, 1857; died September 23, 1895. Sarah A., wife of Wm. Wood ; died February 14, 1876 ; aged 43 years. William Wood, born April 18, 1823 ; died April 3, 1902. Clara, wife of F. A. Wood ; died February 25, 1882 ; aged 20 years. Bennett Wood, born August 1, 1827 ; died March 25, 1902. John P. Wood ; died September 26, 1872 ; aged 72 years. John E. Wood ; died March 28, 1861 ; aged 24 years. Samuel H. Wood ; died October 26, 1852 ; aged 10 years. 190 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Polly, wife of John P. AVood ; died March 24, 1845 ; aged 38 years. Sallie Butler, born December 4, 1809 ; died April 1, 1841. America Butler, born September 4, 1839; died September 8, 1840. Elizabeth, wife of Mathias Vankirk ; died May 27, 1882 -, agea 79 years. Henry A^ankirk ; died January 24, 1890 ; aged 66 years. A. J. Vankirk ; died October 7, 1885 ; aged 35 years. David Smalley ; died October 20, 1873 ; aged 42 years. George W. Beekner, born January 13, 1825; died February 21, 1900. James H. Crawford, Harness Maker; died in 1862. Clarence Cayton, born January 14, 1859 ; died October 30, 1898. Eliza, wife of A. J. Cayton ; died November 6, 1866 : aged 27 years. Nancy G., wife of A. J. Cayton; died December 11, 1862; aged 24 years. Albert H.Welsh, born October 26, 1864; died August 29, 1901. Elizabeth, wife of E. Wearmouth ; died December 6, 1872 ; aged 44 years. George Cayton ; died March 28, 1867 ; aged 41 years. Edmond Jennings, born December 15, 1819 ; died January 5, 1890. Isabelle Jennings, born August 16, 1864 ; died August 27, 1882. Permelia F.. wife of J. W. Bond, died December 3, 1889 ; aged 30 years. Caddie Starr, born February 1, 1861 ; died May 8, 1885. Melinda, wife of Edmond Jennings; died February 22, 1858; aged 38 years. Lively, wife of Abel Cayton; died April 20, 1872; aged 64 years. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSIi 191 Nancy, daughter of A. & L. Cayton ; died August 21, 1846 ; aged 17 years. Elizabeth Herrington ; died September 25, 1859 ; aged 79 years. Aaron Jennings ; died October 23, 1843 ; aged 53 yeai-s. Charles Stice ; died April 1, 1869 ; aged 74 years. Patsey, wife of Charles Stice; died February 21, 1847 ; aged 46 years. James C. Stice ; died November 7, 1875 ; aged 50 years. Nancy, daughter of C. and P. Stice ; died September 9, 1843 ; aged 22 years. Stephen W. Starr ; died August 16, 1874 ; aged 64 years. Elizabeth, wife of D. Stuckey; died May 20, 1864; aged 52 years. James, son of A. and M. Powers ; died October 26, 1841 ; aged 16 yeare. Jasper, son of J. C. and N. A. PoAvers; died February 16, 1864; aged 20 years. Aaron Powers ; died March 26, 1862 ; aged 80 years. Martha, wife of Aaron Powers ; died May 12, 1861 ; aged 74 years. Mason Powers : died December 20, 1879 ; aged 24 years. Joseph C. Powers ; died January 11, 1867 ; aged 57 years. Nancy A., wife of J. C. Powers; died January 25, 1864. Ernest C. Damitz, born January 6, 1805; died February 7, 1883. E. F. Pauline, wife of Ernest Damitz, senior; died November 29, 1866. Eleanor, wife of Z. H. Powers; died January 10, 1882; aged 24 years. M. J., wife of G. W. Stice; died March 12, 1878; aged 30 years. Lizzie, wife of D. F. Stice; died December 25, 1869; aged 29 years. Rebecca J., wife of D. F. Stice; died March 18, 1863; aged 27 years. Sarah F., wife of E. D. Acton ; died October 1, 1882 : aged 38 years. 192 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH The McMahill Graveyard. William McMahill ; died June 6, 1881 ; aged 74 years. Mary Snapp. wife of William McMahill ; died August 31, 1877 : aged 71 years. America, wife of J. M. Kepple; died March 13, 1877; aged 33 years. Oscar McMahill ; died August 30, 1898 ; aged 46 years. George W. McMahill, born May 16, 1822 ; died October 26, 1900. John McMahill ; died February 5, 1872 ; aged 53 years. Martha J., Avife of G. W. McMahill, born May 18, 1829 ; died November 18, 1894. Harvey J. Hewett ; died October 18, 1850 ; aged 54 years. Charles B. Weaver, born October 15, 1826 ; died February 16, 1882. John S. Crawford ; died January 21, 1862 ; aged 34 years. J. A. Keith, born July 8, 1817 ; died October 30, 1900. Catherine, wife of J. P. Iteed; died March 7, 1877; aged 29 years. Matilda, wife of B. A. Reed, Sr., born March 5. 1807; died October 28, 1881. Burris Alen Reed, born in 1808; died October 1. 1885. Susan, wife of W. B. Reed ; died September 4, 1858 ; aged 20 years. EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 193 INDEX. HisTOBiCAL. Page First Settlers in Warren County 5 First Settlers in Greenbush 5 Indians in the Township 6 The Black Hawk War 6 James Simmons comes from Madison 7 Greenfield surveyed 8 The first house in Greenfield 8 Early merchants 9 Prices in 1839 9 Names of persons trading In Greenfield 10 The Early Blacksmiths 12 The Wagon-makers 12 The Doctors 12 The Hotel Keepers 13 The Shoe Makers 13 The Harness Makers 13 The Coopers 13 The Tailors 14 The Carpenters 14 The Druggists 14 The Weavers 14 The First Cabins 14 The Household Furniture 15 The Books used 16 Farming in the Early Days 16 Schools in the Early Days 18 The Greenbush Academy 20 Cholera in Greenbush 23 Trip to New Orleans 24 The Archie Fisher affair 26 Abraham Lincoln's letter 27 Patrick Lynch crated 33 Wm. Patterson killed 34 Murder of Harvey J. Hewett 35 H. H. Hewett's letter 38 Calf Market in 1840 42 The killing of Sheffield 43 Three fatal accidents 44 Coal Oil works 46 194 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH Biographical. Page John C. Bond 49 Charles Stice 53 S. J. Buzan _. 55 John Rubert 56 Wm. Palmer 57 Noah Crabill 59 John Patterson, Sr 60 Simon Sailer 61 John P. Kramer 62 Charles H. Killough 64 Peter Honts 66 F. H. Merrill ' 67 Bethuel Merris 69 E. W. Woods 70 Isaac Cunningham 71 Thomas Carroll 71 Charles C. Merrill 72 David S. Link 73 Roswell Rose 75 Philip Karns 77 Henzie Darneille 79 J. A. F. Coll 81 Col. John Butler 82 David Young 84 John Simmons 85 Levi Lincoln 87 Daniel Armsworthy 88 John Woods 90 John Matthews 91 James F. Hartford 93 Alfred Claycomb 96 Julius T. Lathrop 98 Thomas Hendricks 99 Walter Johnson 101 Rowland Simmons 104 Clinton Lincoln 107 Henry Beam 108 Abner Walker 109 Ernest Damitz 110 Andrew Sailer 113 Thomas Darneille 114 EARLY DAYS IN GREENBUSH 195 Index — Continued Page Paton A. Vaughn 120 Thomas Moulton 122 James Simmons, brother of Rowland 123 William P. Jones 125 Alexander Willard 126 Dr. William Randall 128 William McMahill 129 Barnard Sloey 130 James Simmons, son of William 132 Sarah Snapp 134 Elijah Frampton, Sr 140 Mary Park 147 John W. Nance 148 Amos Pierce 151 John Wingate 159 Dr. R. A. Saunders 161 Joseph Mings 163 Dr. Bailey Ragon 165 Aaron Powers 166 Moses T. Hand 168 Graveyards in Greenbush 171 Greenbush Graveyard 172 Holeman Graveyard 181 Bond Graveyard 185 McMahill Graveyard 192