G}tc^ Su-ruo **A STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY REGION A. Byron Leonard John C. Frye ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ' IBRARY R 1986 DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 304 1960 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00004 1099 ILL OLOGICAL SU MBRARY MAY 28 1986 WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY REGION A. Byron Leonard and John C. Frye ABSTRACT In the Illinois Valley region, the Altonian Substage (between 50,000 and 70,000 to 28,000 B. P.), Farmdalian Substage (28,000 to 22,000 B. P.), and Woodfordian Substage (22,000 to 12, 500 B. P.) of the Wisconsinan Stage are represented by loess, water-laid elastics, and glacial till. Molluscan faunas of these sediments are here listed both geographically and stratigraphically, and 61 species are illus- trated. Woodland faunas distinctive of the Roxana silt (Altonian) are found at 11 localities. Two of the Farmdalian localities yielded a- quatic faunas and one woodland fauna. Faunas characteristic of the Woodfordian are abundant but differ in the various geographic areas. The faunas of the several Woodfordian rock-stratigraphic units are not distinguishable, but those of the three substages are distinctly so. During Wisconsinan time the glaciers did not produce rigorous climates in Illinois very far from the ice fronts. During Altonian and part of Farmdalian time the southern half of Illinois was heavily for- ested, but this was not so in Woodfordian time. INTRODUCTION Deposits of glacial till and associated outwash, loess, and alluvium of Wisconsinan age are the surficial materials of a large part of Illinois and thereby determine to a considerable extent the character of the soils, affect the occurrence of ground-water supplies, and pose problems for engineering construction. Conse- quently, in order to enable more precise recognition and better comprehension of these materials and their relationships, the Illinois State Geological Survey has been investigating the nature of these sediments, conducting fundamental studies of their mineralogy, stratigraphy, and content of fossil mollusks. This report deals with fossil mollusks and is integrated with Illinois Geological Survey studies of the stra- tigraphy of the deposits and with radiocarbon determinations of their age made by the United States Geological Survey. For the most part the fossils reported on were collected from the loesses, but some were taken from terrace deposits, outwash sands, and silt and sand in- clusions within glacial till. The geographic distribution of the faunal localities and geologic sections are shown in figure 1 . [1] ILLINOIS STATE -GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 304 Fig. 1 - Collecting localities of molluscan faunas from Wisconsinan deposits in Illinois, and locations of measured geologic sections. WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS 3 George E. Ekblaw and H. B. Willman of the Illinois Geological Survey, and Paul R. Shaffer of the University of Illinois assisted in the field and in making strat- igraphic interpretations. All radiocarbon dates referred to were determined in the Washington, D. C., laboratory of the United States Geological Survey. STRATIGRAPHY OF FOSSILIFEROUS UNITS The Wisconsinan Stage in the Lake Michigan glacial lobe recently has been discussed and reclassified by Frye and Willman (1960), and their rock-stratigraphic and time-stratigraphic terminology is used in this report. The molluscan faunas described herein were collected from deposits included within the Altonian, Farmdalian, and Woodfordian Substages of the Wisconsinan glacial stage. In radiocarbon years the time span of these substages started between 50,000 and 70,000 years before present (B. P.) and extended to 12,500 years before present. Altonian Substage All the loess of Altonian age is included in the Roxana silt (Frye and Will- man, 1960). The Pleasant Grove School section, which occurs in the bluffs of the Mississippi River valley in Madison County, Illinois, was designated as the type section of the Roxana. Roxana silt is described in 7 of the 11 measured geologic sections included with this report. In the thick sections along the valley bluffs the Roxana silt contains at least five distinctive stratigraphic units. At some localities the base of the Roxana is colluvium, consisting of silt locally containing sand and pebbles like those in the underlying deposits. The basal colluvium, where observed, is noncalcareous and nonfossiliferous; it is in sharp contact with the beds below but is gradational with the overlying deposits. The second unit of the Roxana is commonly a gray, massive, noncalcareous and nonfossiliferous silt. Locally this zone may contain sand (Browns Mound sec- tion) or sandy silt, and in some places (Pleasant Grove section) it is marked at the top by a humic streak, or an A-C soil profile. Both of the two lower units of the Roxana may or may not be present in a particular exposure, they are not generally loess, and they are clearly separable from the three higher units. The third unit of the Roxana is light to dark pink, massive, coarse loess, and contains fossil snails in the upper part. The carbonate content is largely dol- omite, and the zone is gradational with the overlying deposits. In some exposures the pink color diminishes upward and the upper part of the zone consists of inter- stratified pale pink and yellow-tan loess. The fourth unit generally is gray-tan to yellow-tan, calcareous, fossiliferous loess. At many places it contains lenticular streaks of tan sand and coarse silt and locally may be quite sandy. The top of this zone is commonly gradational with the fifth, or uppermost, unit of the Roxana. The fifth unit of the Roxana is pink-tan, massive loess. Commonly it is non- calcareous in the upper part and dolomitic and fossiliferous in the lower part, but at some places it is weakly calcareous throughout. Although the contact at the top of the Roxana generally is sharp, it is not strikingly apparent in many exposures be- cause of the absence of a B-zone in the leached material in the upper few feet. 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 304 The foregoing descriptions apply to the internal stratigraphy of the Roxana silt only where it is thick, near the bluffs of the Illinois, Sangamon, and Missis- sippi River valleys. East of these valleys it thins rapidly (much more rapidly than the overlying Peoria loess), becomes leached throughout, and its internal subdivi- sions are not recognizable. The geographic distribution of thick, fossiliferous Roxana silt is significant. It occurs from the region just above the mouth of the Sangamon River southward along the Illinois River valley and the Mississippi River valley below the mouth of the Il- linois. It is absent farther north along the Illinois River valley, but is exposed along the Sangamon River valley eastward to the mouth of Salt Creek and for a con- siderable distance up Salt Creek valley. This distribution pattern suggests that out- wash in the pre-Shelbyville course of the Illinois River was the source of the loess that constitutes the Roxana silt. Farmdalian Substage The Farmdale silts are the deposits next younger than the Roxana. The orig- inal type area (Leighton, 1948) is retained. The unit is well exposed in the Farm Creek railroad cut section (Frye and Willman, 1960). The Farmdale generally consists of noncalcareous silt, massive to laminated, pinkish brown to pale purple; it char- acteristically contains humic or woody material (Banner section). In some places it is very peaty and in some places is a compacted mass of twigs and limbs of trees. Although locally it may be in part or entirely ("The Rocks" section) eolian loess, it is thought to consist largely of silts derived by wash from the older Roxana and earlier deposits. In some places (Wedron section) the Farmdale silts were deposited in ponded water and are fossiliferous and somewhat calcareous. However, even in such places they retain the characteristic plant material and predominant composition of silt. Woodfordian Substage The loesses of the Woodfordian Substage that occur above the Farmdale silts have been classed in three rock-stratigraphic units; the Morton loess, the Peoria loess, and the Richland loess (Frye and Willman, 1960). Beyond the Shelbyville moraine, which marks the outermost extent of Woodfordian glaciers, the loess of this substage is not readily subdivisible on lithologic evidence and therefore is all classed together as Peoria loess. Peoria loess is described in 9 of the 11 measured geologic sections included with this report. It consists of tan to yellow- tan, massive, calcareous, fossiliferous silt. In some places along the major valley bluffs (Browns Mound section) it contains lenticular masses of sand and is indis- tinctly bedded, generally with the bedding inclined away from the valley bluff line (Cottonwood School section; Bluffdale section). Where the Peoria loess is quite thick and well exposed it commonly contains incipient soils, or humic streaks, in the mid-portion and higher (Frederick South section; Cottonwood School section and exposures one mile east; exposures at Peters). One of the incipient soils included within the Peoria loess was described by de Heinzelin (1959, p. 271) . Although the color contrast, partial leaching, and small secondary nodules of CaC03 make these minor soil zones conspicuous in some exposures, a recognizable B-zone has not so far been found associated with them. In a few exposures as many as half a dozen humic streaks have been observed in the upper part of the Peoria loess. WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS 5 Away from its major valley source, the Peoria loess thins more gradually than does the Roxana (Smith, 1942), but generally within a few miles of the valley bluff it becomes leached and nonfossiliferous . Although the internal subdivisions of the Roxana become indistinguishable within a relatively short distance of the major valleys, differentiation of the Peoria loess from that of the Farmdale and Roxana is possible far from the source valleys, even where the total loess section has become thin and is completely leached. Within the limits of the Shelbyville moraine, the Woodfordian loess that occurs stratigraphically below the Shelbyville and younger tills and above the Farmdale silts is called the Morton loess. The Morton is a calcareous to weakly calcareous, massive, sparsely fossiliferous, gray to gray-tan, thin loess. It is clearly distinguishable from the noncalcareous, dark, humic to peaty Farmdale silts below and the glacial till above. No evidence of weathering has been observed at its top, and the stratigraphic relations, as well as carbon-14 dates, demonstrate its conformability with the overlying Woodfordian till. It is equivalent in age to, and stratigraphically continuous with, the lowermost part of the Peoria loess. Loess overlies the Woodfordian tills along the Illinois River valley from the Peoria area where the Shelbyville moraine crosses the valley northeast to Grundy County. The loess, which is equivalent in age to, and stratigraphically continuous with, the upper part of the Peoria loess, has been named the Richland loess (Frye and Willman, 1960). It is tan to gray-tan, massive silt, calcareous below the sur- face soil profile, and commonly fossiliferous where it is calcareous. It rests on calcareous glacial till that shows no evidence of weathering at the top, and in gen- eral becomes progressively thinner up the valley as the underlying Woodfordian till sheets become progressively younger. The Richland loess thins away from the valley bluffs, and fossiliferous deposits are limited to relatively narrow belts adjacent to the valley. Several molluscan faunas are listed from silts interbedded with glacial till (Lake Bloomington Spillway section), from included masses of sands and silts with- in glacial till, and from terrace deposits. However, it is not our purpose here to redescribe the stratigraphy of the many Wisconsinan glacial pulses. In such cases stratigraphic terminology is that in accepted use by the Illinois State Geological Survey and documented in many Survey publications. RADIOCARBON DATES OF FAUNAS All of the Wisconsinan faunas described here are correlated with a time scale based on carbon-14 dates determined in the Washington, D. C, laboratory of the United States Geological Survey (Frye and Willman, 1960) . Thus the bio- stratigraphic zones defined by the faunal assemblages also may be referred to in terms of isotopically determined years. Dates ranging from 37,000 ± 1500 (W-869) to 17,100 ± 300 (W-730) were determined directly on shells collected from these faunal zones, but a much larger number of dates have been determined on wood from the beds that contain the shells and from beds above and below the fossil zones. Snail shells from the Roxana silt have been dated at 37,000 ± 1500 (W-869) at the Gale section and at 35,200 ± 1000 (W-729) at the Pleasant Grove section. As the fossil zone within the Roxana is restricted approximately to its midportion, these two dates are judged to give a satisfactory indication of its age. On the basis of these dates, it seems reasonable that a range of radiocarbon years of 32,000 to 40,000 B. P. would include all of the elements of this fauna in Illinois. 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 304 The Farmdale silt is the most extensively dated stratigraphic unit in the Pleistocene of Illinois, but at only two localities has an adequate molluscan fauna been obtained. At the Wedron Quarry section a date of 26, 800 ± 700 (W-871) was determined on flecks of wood associated with the shells, and earlier a date of 24, 000 ± 700 (W-79) had been determined on a sample of wood from the immediately overlying bed. At "The Rocks" section, southeast of the Shawneetown bridge across the Ohio River, a date of 22, 200 ± 450 (W-867) was obtained on the shells. The time span of the Farmdalian is judged to extend from 28,000 to 22,000 B. P. Dates related to the age of the fauna from the Morton loess have been re- ported from the vicinity of the Farm Creek section where wood dates of 20, 340 ± 750 (W-349) and 20,700 ± 650 (W-399) have been obtained. Although in general not directly associated with faunal localities, there are a large number of dates from the Farmdale silts below the Morton loess and a few dates from the Shelbyville till above it. The available dates indicate a range in radiocarbon years of 20, 000 to 22,000 for this faunal zone. Beyond the limits of the Shelbyville moraine, the Peoria loess includes de- posits and faunas that are equivalent in age to the Morton loess, the overlying Woodfordian till, and the Richland loess. Two radiocarbon dates have been deter- mined from the snail shells of this fauna; they are 20,300 ± 400 (W-870) from the Enion area (Fulton County), and 17, 100 ± 300 (W-730) from the Burdick Branch ex- posures north of the Pleasant Grove section. In addition, several dates determined on wood have direct relation to the age of the fauna of the Peoria loess. Wood from immediately below the fossiliferous loess in the Enion area has been dated 23, 500 ± 400 (W-745), and this agrees well with the date of 20, 300 determined on shells from the upper part of the overlying loess. No radiocarbon dates have been ob- tained directly from the Richland loess, but wood from fossiliferous terrace deposits in Fulton County has been dated 15,600 ± 600 (W-381). From these data it appears that the age of the molluscan fauna of the Peoria loess, and its stratigraphic equiv- alents, ranges from approximately 22,000 to approximately 15,000 radiocarbon years before the present. Several anomalous dates do not properly fit the patterns developed by the majority of the dates. It will be noted that in the Lake Bloomington Spillway section an upper date is listed as greater than 34, 000 (W-67), whereas a date from wood lower in the section is reported as 31,000 or older (W-186). This anomaly is as yet unexplained. A date determined on shells from the Peters exposures, north of the Pleasant Grove section, is reported at 27,500 ± 900 (W-868), which is 5,000 to 10,000 years younger than would be anticipated for Roxana faunas in the area. The sample of shell material that was dated from this exposure was collected by several persons on several visits, and it is judged that a small quantity of shell material from the overlying Peoria loess (dated 17, 100 ± 300 [W-730] at the Burdick Branch exposures a third of a mile to the south) was intermixed in the sample, which could easily account for the discrepancy. FOSSIL MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS Recent revision of the classification of the late Pleistocene deposits in Il- linois has produced the framework necessary for a systematic study of fossil mol- luscan faunas associated with the stratigraphic units currently assigned to the Wis- consinan Stage. Knowledge of the relative ages of many units, derived from radio- carbon dates, stratigraphic position, and relationship of moraines to the fossil- WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS 7 bearing deposits, has enabled us to elaborate criteria for the recognition of faunas characteristic of the several Wisconsinan substages. Assignment of assemblages to specific substages makes it possible to recognize within reasonable limits the variations and discrepancies produced by local ecological conditions, geographic differences, and hazards of random sampling. It allows a greater degree of assur- ance in correlating the fauna contained in sediments at localities where the relative age has not been determined by any other method. Bulk samples were processed from most of the approximately 60 localities shown in figure 1 . Experience has shown, however, that repeated bulk sampling is required in order to approach full recovery of an assemblage. In one instance, pooling of two bulk samples taken at the same locality at different times resulted in a 30 percent increase in the total number of species recovered, although each sample contained more than 200 identi- fiable specimens. Therefore, claim can not be made for more than reasonable com- pleteness of the snail collections discussed here. Before focusing attention on the fossil mollusks discussed in this paper, it seems appropriate to review the complex factors that influence the composition of local faunal populations. Aside from the distortions induced by random and inade- quate sampling and by the vagaries of preservation, assemblages of fossil organisms reflect the combined and interacting effects of a wide variety of forces upon the formerly living populations. Among these, perhaps the most obvious, if not always the most important, are changing climates, local ecological conditions, including details of sedimentation, and the relative genetic stability of the organisms involved. Climatic changes occur constantly (if sometimes slowly) under the influence of numerous complex factors, and such changes keep the living organism in a per- petual state of nonequilibrium with its environment. The frequency and distribution of precipitation, the total annual precipitation, and the evaporation rate are of para- mount importance to any animal or plant. Average temperatures and diurnal and seasonal temperature extremes impose stresses upon the organism and make neces- sary continual adjustments. Regional long-range climatic changes related to orogeny, changes in mean sea level, fluctuations in the prevailing patterns of air-mass move- ments, or other changes are additional hazards to survival. Climatic differences re- lated to latitude or altitude and cyclic climatic changes coincident with repeated continental glaciation constitute environmental stresses to which the organism must adapt or succumb, or from which it must escape by migration. Local ecological conditions are notedly variable. Soils, important elements of local environment, vary with parent materials, maturity, vegetative cover, and relative position in the microtopography . Availability of appropriate food and cover, inter- and intra-specific competition, and selective predation produce profound effects upon animal populations. Moreover, small and sedentary animals, such as gastropods, utilize microhabitats that may be considerably at variance with the general environmental pattern of a region, making analysis of their precise ecological requirements extremely difficult. Faunal change is not necessarily related to the physical separation of two stratigraphic levels, but rather to the time that elapsed during their deposition and to the concomitant ecological changes involved. These are the factors that provide opportunities for the mutations, genetic drift, extinctions, or mass migrations of organisms that serve to alter the composition of populations. Populations at dif- ferent stratigraphic levels do not necessarily differ greatly, especially when the amount of time involved is relatively small, provided that the ecological conditions are reasonably similar. 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 304 Finally, the composition of successive populations is profoundly influenced by the relative genetic stability of the organisms under consideration. The Mollusca seem to have long since passed the peak of their adaptive radiation and, when com- pared with many other kinds of animals, to have reached a high degree of genetic stability. Although there is ample evidence that terrestrial and fresh-water mollusks are still making evolutionary progress, their genetic conservatism and the brief interval of time involved suggest that faunal changes within the Wisconsinan result from migrations in response to fluctuating ecological conditions. These considerations lead to the conclusion that assemblages of fossil mol- lusks at any stratigraphic level may have distinctive character over a considerable area if the ecological conditions are similar and relatively stable. The species- composition of a fauna may comprise well known taxa, found perhaps in younger and in older rocks. Distinctive qualities of a specific assemblage need not include extinctions, the presence of newly evolved taxa, or even so-called "index- fossils"; as we have pointed out, nearly identical assemblages may reappear from time to time in the stratigraphic column without nullifying their significance and usefulness at any specific stratigraphic level. All molluscan fossils considered in this report are housed in the paleontological collections of the Illinois State Geological Survey. Altonian Faunas Altonian molluscan faunal assemblages are shown in figure 2, in which lo- calities of occurrence are arranged geographically, and a summary of Altonian oc- currences appears on figure 3, in which relationships between Altonian and other Wisconsinan faunal assemblages are shown. Inasmuch as Altonian faunas have been recovered only from the Roxana silt, it is not surprising that the northernmost locality of occurrence should be in extreme southeastern Schuyler County (locality 29). Ten additional localities are distributed southward to Alexander County (locality 58b). As the Roxana silt generally thickens southward, there is a corresponding increase in the variety of species as well as in density of the local populations in the southern localities. This effect can be attri- buted to at least two factors: improved preservation of shells in the thicker deposits and probably more favorable ecological conditions in the south, where the forests were denser and more stable. A total of 28 species of mollusks are known to occur in the Roxana silt, al- though the average local fauna comprises no more than half this number. Among these, six species, Angulsplra alternnta, Haplotrema concavum , Rendersonia occulta, Stenotrema fraternum, S. hlrsutum, and Succinea ovalis, are found in all three of the Wisconsinan substages — Altonian, Farmdalian, and Woodfordian. Eighteen species, including Clone lla lubrica, Discus cronkhitei, D. maccllntorkl , Gastrocopta arml- fera, G. contractu , Hawaiia mlnuscula. , Hellcodlscus pornllelus, Mesodon thyroldus , Pomatiopsis scalarls, Punctum mlnutlsslmum, Retlnella electrlna, Strobllops laby- rlnthlca, Succinea gelida, S. grosvenori, Vallonla graclllcosta, V. parvula, Vertigo hubrlchtl (not shown on fig. 2), and Zonitoldes arboreus occur in Altonian and Wood- fordian deposits but have not been found in sediments of Farmdalian age. Two spe- cies, Allogona profunda and Aniulsplra kochi, range from Altonian into Farmdalian deposits, but have not been recovered from Woodfordian sediments. Only two spe- cies, Trlodopsis hubrlchtl and T. altonensls, seem clearly restricted to the Altonian. Allogona profunda also is restricted to the Altonian except for its occurrence in the Farmdalian at the Shawneetown locality (57b) . WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS 9 Despite the small number of species restricted to the Altonian, the assem- blage is distinctive and easily recognizable even in the field, inasmuch as the most characteristic species are of large size and most of them occur consistently at most localities. Triodopsis altonensis and Alloiona profunda, both easily recognized, occur most consistently at all of the eleven Altonian localities studied. Although apparently restricted to the Altonian, Triodopsis hubrichti does not occur frequently enough to make it of significant value in faunal characterization. Aniuispira alter- nate also is a conspicuous member of the Altonian assemblage although it ranges throughout the Wisconsinan in the area under consideration. Like Alloiona pro- funda, it occurs at each of the eleven localities studied. Ecological Considerations The characteristic Altonian molluscan fauna is typical of those occurring in well established hardwood forests, an observation confirmed by the abundance of Aniuispira kochi at some localities. Of A. kochi Goodrich (1932, p. 35) says: " . . .one of the typical mollusks of old forests, and seldom found even in thick second-growth timber. It hides during the hours of bright days under rotting logs and decaying leaves." Of the habits of Triodopsis altonensis nothing is known, but because of its close genetic relationship with T. multilineata it may be inferred that it lived in especially humid portions of forests or forest borders. T. multilineata has been observed living in heavily forested Missouri River bluff situations in north- eastern Kansas, where contact springs along beds of shale keep fallen leaves and leaf-mold constantly wet. Alloiona profunda also is a species of the deep forest, and at many stations occurs with T. altonensis, Succinea ovalis, and Haplotrema concavum along wooded bluff lines. The relation of Aniuispira alternata to wood- lands also is well known, but this species often inhabits forest borders under rela- tively small shrubs. The association of Aniuispira alternata, A. kochi, Alloiona profunda, Steno- trema fraternum, S. hirsutum , Succinea ovalis , Triodopsis hubrichti, and T. altonen- sis presents a paleoecological picture of a well watered, heavily forested bluff-line habitat, which in Altonian time was receiving heavy deposits of loess. None of the remaining species in the total Altonian assemblage serves to alter this picture, al- though some species, such as Hendersonia occulta and Pomatiopsis scalaris, oc- curred along stream banks and on low floodplain habitats, and many species, such as Gastrocopta armifera, Hawaiia minuscula , and Helicodiscus parallelus may occur in open prairie situations as well as in woodlands. The extremely rare occurrence of some typically woodland species, including Cionella lubrica, Strobilops labyrinthica ,and Zonitoides arboreus is unexplained. Taxonomic Considerations Inasmuch as the shells known asTriodopsis fosteri hubrichti Baker and T. multilineata altonensis Baker are distinctive enough to be readily recognized, and as each is, so far as known, separated from its typical species by a time, rather than a geographical interval, each is here treated as a full species, and they are called T. hubrichti and T. altonensis. In a later section, the gastropod described by Baker as Vertiio iouldi hubrichti, for the same reasons, is called Vertiio hubrichti The same is true of Triodopsis multilineata alionquinensis Nason, herein called Triodopsis alionquinensis . 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 304 LOCALITIES \ MOLLUSCAN SPECIES K z" J 3 /'' S 5 z ~ Q zz ■: >'' z i| w o •I DC i cc U.I "* ? bi W DC z" y^ >■ - z - 3 u O it z s s u •■ 3 a- O < z z ,..■■• si ■£ Z ii Si s o in a z" ,', -' o ? ° 11 < - tncc z" tO 1*-" w Z VI 3 O in tr z" tO i ' - ._> o w < c a ' V 3 1 ■ CO tr z" •? y z O ■» *-> * J i *■* uj QC c O 4 V tr z" , ^* s ^ « o ? o go Si a - o OS z" 03 v. ■ z So II o s e - o ^** :• a cc z" o at z ^o Z 9 * i z U z" 10 Zz Is UJ it ^ - ^ , j >- f» z 18 zz ^ o £ 3 cc z u ** (?)Z 3 Q o UJ 3 z" *»■ 09* u Z .:■: w o 9 '., Sn tn tr z* Sz i| II UJ 3 Z U cc z" i ; gz a ■""' uj 3 z" ■' .- ■i N i < s»- z ?* '" S* l 3 \. * g -i' cc 3 z* Q o >- 9 h "S Z 2 2S .... B z* o m v> z s§ li ? * za : i 4 b 6 / 8 •* 10 II 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 J 21 22 23 24 25 26 ALLOGONA PROFUNDA AMNICOLA LEI6HT0NI 4 AMA . .' . '^TRICA Z ▲ AUG, 1NATA 1 KOCHI M HYPNORUM V ' . t ANADt I '..' ■ W . ■■ :•■ . .1 ALTICOLA ■ M M ^■^HHH^~ -. WHITl >~* ■1 ■■ '. • . ■ H 1 HP* 1 ' -ERA -.) CONTRACTA HOLZ V6ERI J PEN TO DON .>■,.;. . 1 '• ,h '>:: V. < ▲ A GrRAULUS CRISTUS z GYRAULUS PARVUS haplotrema concavum HAWAII A MINUSCULA HELICODISCUS PARALLELUS X HELISOMA ANTROSA M A HELISOMA TRIVOLVIS HENDERSON! A OCCULTA M LYMNAEA DALLI M 1 LYMNAEA OBRUSSA DECAMP/ i LYMNAEA PALUSTRIS li LYMNAEA PARVA M ▲ 1 II MESODON CLAUSUS :■ PISIDIUM COMPRESSUM M , i A PISIDIUM CASERATANUM i . A PISIDIUM VARIABILE M i i PISIDIUM NITIDUM i i PLANORBULA ARMIGEPA POMATIOPSIS SCALARIS PUNCTUM MINUTISSIMUM PUPIL LA MUSCORUM PUPOIDES ALBILABRlS RETINl Q1NA SPHAER v \TINUM A STENOTREMA FRATERNUM STENOTREMA HIRSUTUM STENOTREMA LEA/ ^ ^ ■» STROBILOPS LABYRINTHICA SUCCINEA GELIDA ■^^ ^ ■■ SUCCINEA GROSVENORI ■ ■ SUCCINEA OVALIS TRIO OOPS IS ALGONOUINENSIS TRIODOPSIS FOSTER! TRIODOPSIS HUBRICHTI TRIODOPSIS MULTILINEATA TRIODOPSIS ALTONENSIS VALLONIA GRACILICOSTA VALLONIA PARVULA VALVATA SINCERA A ▲ VALVATA TRICARINATA Z Z VERTIGO ALPESTRIS OUGHTONI VERTIGO HUBRICHTI | VERTIGO MILIUM VERTIGO MODESTA ►^ .' \ '.Vl't •■ ARBOREUS Roxana silt A Farmdale silt Woodfordian terrace silt Fig. 2 - Chart showing localities from which Wisconsinan molluscan faunas were cera from Peoria loess at locality 30; 2) Pisidium obtusnle from Lake Bloom- WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS 11 z~ o iD ■ m z - ~> < o 3 U Z z o 1= T s" z* ~ z ? a - z - J IS a z" si '•" o 5 " : : |s" u g Z CL z" . v Z I§ |s" z c Z LJ° z" o >- '■''' z i - 1 '2 o z ^ - 3° ? < 3" cr z* ■i O z o cr |z US 3* cr o" *i s8 Is z" ?§ (flZ sg JIM Z CE z* ^ Z ,'¥■ '■' □ LJ Z Z 'I II z ,S i- z (r 10 ^ z < o z° «■ UJ ^3" 3^ 5 z i3 Z CJ *T UJ r\j >- a Z o *y z * 6 3" yi a: z" sT VD So z [^ -J O z . 5* s - z a: 3" a: z" ID ?i - ' i z Is 3" cr z" «» >- ■■■ o - o Z '-O 3" cr z" o W Z 58 ! u Zu z zo 3" cr z (J *" ..O Z ZJ Z UJ z i ft Z C3 z" *r*>- a! z ...... Zi O 3> z . q. 3 3^ z h z tuZ cno 3" cr z" o* ""■ -J x° tn z ■ ■ O OS 3" tr z" ,% z T O |z « u > - a IS of ill P -T Z - en D i ° to z o ■? o 1. =3 o5 z" °"k ..z a> ^> ;t , - , z zS i - OK- «o ?z ■- o z « s< 3"! "To: cm •~ >- ''~ z i o ~« | 1 — u, — — i ^ if -M # ^ — — - — Richland loess ]><^ Normal moraine Metamora moroine collected. The chart does not show the following species: 1) Gastrocopta pro- ington silt at locality 24; 3) Sphaerium occidentale from Peoria loess at locality 18. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 304 Succinen grosvenori gelida of Baker, although it occurs at many places with Succinea grosvenori Lea, has nowhere been observed to intergrade with the kind of shell here treated as acceptable grosvenori , and is likewise treated as a full species and called Succinea ielida. It should be remarked that the names Succinea gelida and S. grosvenori are here used in the sense of "form" species, inasmuch as it is virtually impossible to distinguish many species of Succineidae from the shells alone. It is therefore difficult to assess the value and significance of the variations seen. Wayne's (1959, p. 11) remark, "Only .. .Succinea ielida is known at this time to have stratigraphic application in Indiana, " probably reflects the difficulties en- tailed in distinguishing among different species of the smaller kinds of Succinea and related genera . Farmdalian Faunas Farmdalian molluscan faunas in the area under consideration are not yet well characterized. Only three localities (8, 24, 57b) are known, and each of these is atypical in some manner or other. Locality 8 (the Wedron section) exposes, among other sediments, 25 feet of dark gray silt with some clay and sand streaks from which an abundant molluscan fauna was recovered. A radiocarbon date in the upper third of this unit clearly places the deposit well within the Farmdalian, but the fauna, composed exclusively of aquatic species, does not present a complete picture of the total assemblage living in the area at the time. The collections from the Lake Bloomington Spillway section (locality 24) have been referred to the Farmdalian fauna because of their general resemblance to those at the Wedron Quarry section and in spite of two contradictory radiocarbon dates. The third locality (57b, "The Rocks" section), judged by lithological rela- tions and radiocarbon years (22,200 ± 450; W-867), is transitional between the Farmdalian and Woodfordian substages, but the mollusks contained in bed 4 of the geologic section are so unlike those in the overlying Peoria loess that they are as- signed to the Farmdalian assemblage. The fauna here bears a strong resemblance to that of the Altonian, but differs in the presence ofTriodopsis foster i rather than T. hubrichti, and in the predominance of Anguispira kochi , which is relatively rare in Altonian deposits. For reasons not readily apparent, almost all the species here are represented by individuals that are larger than usual, each approaching or oc- casionally exceeding the upper limits of the ordinary range in size. This observa- tion is especially true of A I logona profunda , Anguispira alternata, and A. kochi. With these reservations, the Farmdalian molluscan fauna as now known from these localities consists of 24 species. Six of these, Anguisvira alternata, Haplo- irema concavum f Hendersonia occulta, Stenotrema fraternum , S. hirsutum , and Succinea ovalis range from Altonian through the Woodfordian Substages; in fact they are generally more abundant in Woodfordian deposits than they are now known to be in the Farmdalian. A second group of species, including Gyraulus altissimus , Lymnaea dalli , L. obrussa dec amp i , L. parva , Helisoma antrosa , Pisidium compres- sum , P. caseratanum , Triodopsis fosteri, andValvata tricarinata are known to occur in Woodfordian and Farmdalian assemblages. Two species, Allogona profunda and Anguispira kochi, occur in the Altonian as well as the Farmdalian but have not been seen in Woodfordian collections in the area under consideration. Finally, a group of species, conspicuous among which is Amnicola leightoni, A. lustrica Gyraulus cristus, Lymnaea palustris , Sphaerium striatinum, and Valvata sincera found only in Farmdalian faunas. WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS 13 Ecological Considerations Although the limited number and erratic geographical distribution of avail- able Farmdalian fossiliferous localities restrict generalizations about ecological conditions during Farmdalian time, a few observations seem pertinent. "The Rocks" section (locality 57b) reveals a woodland fauna of the type found in well established hardwood forests. It would appear that the heavy forests of Altonian time persisted through the Farmdalian Substage until the beginning of, or perhaps slightly into, earliest Woodfordian time, at least in southern Illinois. There is no evidence of heavy forest cover in northern Illinois at any time during the Wisconsinan Stage. The abundance of Aniuispira kochi and the robust individuals of Allogona profunda, Aniuispira alternata, and Succinea ovalis confirm the concept of deep forests at the southern locality at the time the shells were buried in the loess. It is evident that the terrain was well watered, but there is little to indicate that the climate was anything more than slightly cooler than at present. The absence of terrestrial species in the two northern localities (8, 24) does not permit speculation concerning vegetational cover of the uplands of this part of Illinois in Farmdalian time. There is reason, however, to doubt the occurrence there of forest cover, because it seems likely that the large shells of forest species would almost certainly have found their way into pond deposits. All that can be conjectured is the presence of permanent, clear, ponded water at the sites from which the collections came. There is nothing to indicate that these waters were more than slightly cooler than lakes and ponds existing in the area today. Pending the discovery of fossiliferous upland Farmdalian silt, the terrestrial molluscan fauna (and a more complete paleoecological picture) of the Farmdalian Substage in the northern parts of Illinois must remain unknown. Woodfordian Faunas Woodfordian molluscan assemblages comprising an aggregate of 55 species have been recovered from a total of 50 localities; at some of them, Altonian or Farmdalian faunas occur in their proper stratigraphic positions. Of the total assem- blage, 22 species were restricted to the Woodfordian. These include: Aplexa hypnorum , Carychium exile canadense , Columella alttcola, Euconulus fulvus , Gastrocopta holzingeri, G. procera, G. pent odor. , Gyraulus parvus, Helisoma trivolvls Mesodon clausus , Pisidium nitidum, P. uariabile, Planorbula armiiera, Pupilla muscorum , Pupoides albilabris, Stenotrema leai, Triodopsis alionquinensis , T. multilineata, Vertigo alpestris oughtoni, V. milium, and V. modesta . Woodfordian faunas are divided into several categories, based on whether they were recovered from Peoria loess, Morton loess, Richland loess, terrace de- posits, or moraines (fig. 2). Faunal Assemblages from the Peoria Loess The Peoria loess, which includes all post-Farmdalian loessial deposits outside the borders of the Shelbyville moraine, comprises silts ranging in age throughout the Woodfordian Substage. This gray to gray-tan or grayish yellow silt is almost everywhere fossiliferous except where it has been leached. Fossil mollusks from the Peoria loess at 37 localities are here reported (fig. 2); the number could be increased almost indefinitely by additional collections. PLATE 1 LARGE TERRESTRIAL GASTROPODS FROM WOODLAND ASSEMBLAGES All figures approximately natural size Figs. A, B, C. - Mesodon clausus (Say); spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Peoria loess, North Enion section, SE{ SE\ SW| sec. 28, T. 4N., R. 3E., Fulton County. Figs. D, E, F. - Triodopsis fosteri (Baker); spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Peoria loess, Gale section, center sec. 33, T. 14 S., R. 3 W., Alexander County . Figs. G, H, I. -Triodopsis hubrichti Baker; umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Roxana silt, Gale section, center sec. 33, T. 14 S., R. 3 W., Alexander County . Figs. J, K, L. -Aniuispira alternata (Say); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Roxana silt, Gale section, center sec. 33, T. 14 S., R. 3 W., Alexander County. Figs. M, N, O. - Mesodon thyroidus (Say); spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Roxana silt, Peters section, SW{ NW{ sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 8 W., Madison County. Figs. P, Q, R. - Triodopsis alionquinensis Nason; spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Peoria loess, SW| NE{ SW{ sec. 4, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., Jersey County. Figs. S, T, U. - Alloiona profunda (Say); umbilical, spiral, and apertural views, respectively. Roxana silt, Gale section, center sec. 33, T. 14 S., R. 3 W., Alexander County. Figs. V, W, X. -Triodopsis altonensis Baker; spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Roxana silt, Pleasant Grove section, center SE{ sec. 20, T. 3 N., R. 8 W., Madison County. Figs. AA, BB, CC. - Aniuispira kochi (Pfeiffer); spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Roxana silt, Gale section, center sec. 33, T. 14 S., R. 3 W., Alexander County. Fig. Y. - Succinea ovalis Say; apertural views. Peoria loess, SW| NE{ SW| sec. 4, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., Jersey County. '14" Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 304 — Plate 1 Leonard and Frye — Wisconsinian Molluscan Faunas of the Illinois Valley Region. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 304 — Plate 2 Leonard and Frye — Wisconsinian Molluscan Faunas of the Illinois Valley Region. PLATE 2 AQUATIC GASTROPODS AND SPHAERIID FRESH-WATER MUSSELS Various magnifications Figs. A, B, C. - Gyraulus parvus (Say); spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Basal zone of Peoria loess, SE| SW| sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Enlarged approximately 5X. Figs. D, E, F. - Valvata trlcarinata{Say); spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE| SE| SW{ sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approxi- mately 3^X. Figs. G, H, I. - Gyraulus altissimus Baker; spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE| SE{ SW{ sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approximately 5X. Figs. J, K, L. - Valvata slncera Say; spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, re- spectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts. Lake Bloomington Spillway sec- tion, SW{ NE{ sec. 1, T. 25 N., R. 2 E., McLean County. Enlarged ap- proximately 4X. Figs. M, N, O. - Planorbula armigera (Say); spiral, apertural, and umbilical views, respectively. Basal zone Peoria loess, SE^ SW{ sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Enlarged approximately 4X. Fig. P. - Amnicola leightoni Baker; apertural view. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE| SE| SW} sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approximately 4X. Fig. Q. -Amnicola lustrlcn (Say); apertural view. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE{ SE| SW{ sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approximately 4X. Fig. R. - Aplexa hypnorum (Linne); apertural view of incomplete specimen. Basal zone Peoria loess, SE{ SW{ sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Enlarged approximately 2 1/3X. Fig. S. - Lymnaea parva (Say); apertural view. Sandy silt inclusion in Metamora moraine, center NE{ sec. 25, T. 27 N., R. 4W., Woodford County. En- larged approximately 3|X. Fig. T. - Lymnaea dalll Baker; apertural view. Basal zone Peoria loess, Enion North section, SE| SE| SW| sec. 28, T. 4 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Enlarged approximately 4X. Figs. U, V. - Pisidium nitidum (Mighels); internal and exterior views of right valve, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE| SE| SWi sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approximately 6X. Figs. W, X. - Pisidium obtusale Prime; interior and exterior views of right valve, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Lake Bloomington Spillway section, SW^- NE} sec. 1, T . 25 N . , R. 2 E . , McLean County. Enlarged approximately 6X. Figs. Y, Z. - Pisidium compressum Prime; exterior and interior views of right valve, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE| SE{ SW{ sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approxi- mately 7X. 15: PLATE 2 - continued Figs. AA, BB. - Pisidium varlnb He Prime; interior and exterior views of right valve, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SEj SE^ SW{ sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approximately 6X. Fig. CC. - Lymnaea palustris (Miiller); apertural view. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Lake Bloomington Spillway section, SW^ NE{ sec. 1, T.25N., R. 2E., McLean County. Enlarged approximately 2X. Figs. DD, EE. - Sphaerlum occidentale Prime; interior and exterior views of right valve, respectively. Basal zone Peoria loess, SE^ SW| sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Enlarged approximately 3|X. Figs. FF, GG . - Pisidium caseratanum (Polis); interior and exterior views of right valve, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE| SE| SW{ sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. Enlarged approx- imately 3jX. Figs. HH, II, LL. - Helisoma trivolvis (Say); umbilical, spiral, and apertural views, respectively. Basal zone Peoria loess, SE| SW| sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Enlarged approximately 2 1/3X. Figs. JJ, KK. - Sphaerium striatinum (Lamarck); interior and exterior views of right valve, respectively. Basal zone Peoria loess, SE{ SW| sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 3 E., Fulton County. Enlarged approximately 2X. Figs. MM, NN, OO. - Helisoma antrosa (Conrad); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Farmdalian water-laid silts, Wedron Quarry section, SE} SE} SW{ sec. 9, T. 34 N., R. 4 E., La Salle County. En- larged approximately 2^X. "161 WISCONSINAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS 17 SPECIES WISCONSINAN SUBSTAGES ALTONI AIM FARMDALIAN WOOOFORDIAN APLEXA HYPNORUM CARYCHIUM EXILE CANADENSE COLUMELLA ALT I COLA EUCONULUS FULVUS GASTROCOPTA HOLZINGERI GA S T ROC OP TA PEN TODON G YRA ULUS PARVUS HE LI SOMA TRIVOLVIS ME SO DON CLAUSUS PLANORBULA ARMIGERA PUPILLA MUSCORUM PUPOIDES ALBILABRIS STENOTREMA LEA I TRIODOPSIS ALGONQUINENSIS TRIODOPSIS MULTILINEATA VERTIGO ALPESTRIS OUGHTONI VERTIGO MILIUM VERTIGO MODE ST A ANGUISPIRA ALTERNATA HAPLOTREMA CONCAVUM HENDERSON/A OCCULTA STENOTREMA FRATERNUM STENOTREMA HIRSUTUM SUC CINE A OVAL IS C ION ELLA LUBRICA DISCUS CRONKHITEI DISCUS MACCLINTOCKI GA S T ROC OP TA A RMIFERA GASTROCOPTA CONTRACT A HAWAII A MINUSCULA HELICODISCUS PARALLELUS MESODON THYROIDUS POMATIOPSIS SCALAR IS PUNCTUM MINUTISSIMUM RETINELLA ELECTRINA STROBILOPS LABYRINTHICA SUCCINEA GEL IDA SUCCINEA GROSVENORI VALLONIA GRACILICOSTA VALL ONI A PA R VUL A VERTIGO HUBRICHTI ZONITOIDES AR BORE US GYRAULUS ALTISSIMUS HE LI SOMA ANT ROSA LYMNAEA DALLI LYMNAEA OBRUSSA DEC AM PI LYMNAEA PARVA TRIODOPSIS FOSTER! VA L VA TA TRI CARINA TA AMNIO OLA LEIGH TON I AM NICOLA LUST RICA GYRAULUS CRISTUS LYMNAEA PALUSTRIS VALVATA SINCERA ALLOGONA PROFUNDA ANGUISPIRA KOCH I TRIODOPSIS HUBRICHTI TRIODOPSIS ALTONENSIS RARE COMMON ABUNDANTI Fig. 3 - Time-stratigraphic distribution of Wisconsinan snail faunas. Gastrocopta procera also should be included in the Woodfordian. PLATE 3 MISCELLANEOUS TERRESTRIAL GASTROPODS OF WOODLAND BORDERS AND PRAIRIES Various magnifications Figs. A, B, C. - Euconulus fulvus (Muller); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Peoria loess, NW| NE{ sec. 33, T. 9 N., R. 13 W., Greene County. Enlarged approximately 6X. Figs. D, E, F. - Helicodiscus parallelus (Say); umbilical, spiral, and apertural views, respectively. Peoria loess, SW^ NE^ SW^ sec. 4, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., Jersey County. Enlarged approximately 6X. Figs. G, H, I. - Retinella e lee tr inn (Gould); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Peoria loess, SW{ NE| SW| sec. 4, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., Jer- sey County. Enlarged approximately 6X. Figs. J, K. -Vallonia Uracil icostaReinhardt; umbilical and spiral views, respec- tively. Peoria loess, "The Rocks" section, 1 mile SE of bridge on Ohio River, Shawneetown, Illinois, in Union County, Kentucky. Enlarged approx- imately 6X. Figs. L, M, N. - Hendersonia occulta (Say); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Peoria loess, "The Rocks" section, 1 mile SE of bridge on Ohio River at Shawneetown, Illinois, in Union County, Kentucky. Enlarged approximately 3|X. Figs. O, P. - Discus cronkhitei (Newcomb); umbilical and spiral views, respec- tively. Peoria loess, "The Rocks" section, 1 mile SE of bridge on Ohio River at Shawneetown, Illinois, in Union County, Kentucky. Enlarged ap- proximately 3X. Figs. Q, R. -' Discus macclintocki Baker; umbilical and spiral views, respectively. Peoria loess, SW{ NE} SW{ sec. 4, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., Jersey County. Enlarged approximately 2 2/3X. Figs. S, T, U. - Haplotrema concavum (Say); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Peoria loess, NW corner SE| SE{ sec. 29, T. 4 N., R. 8 W., Madison County. Enlarged approximately 1 2/3X. Figs. V, W, X. - Stenotrema leal (Binney); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Peoria loess, SE corner SW| NW| sec. 17, T. 18 N., R. 10 W., Cass County. Enlarged approximately 2 2/3X. Fig. Y. - Cionella lubrica (Muller); apertural view. Peoria loess, NE corner SW| SW{ sec. 17, T. 18 N., R. 10 W., Cass County. Enlarged approximately 7X. Figs. AA, BB, CC. - Stenotrema hirsutum (Say); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Roxana silt, Pleasant Grove section, center SE^- sec. 20, T. 3 N., R. 8 W., Madison County. Enlarged approximately 4X. Fig. Z. - Succinea grosvenori Lea; apertural view. Peoria loess, "The Rocks" sec- tion, 1 mile SE of bridge on Ohio River at Shawneetown, Illinois, in Union County, Kentucky. Enlarged approximately 3|X. Fig. DD. - Succinea ielida Baker; apertural view. Peoria loess, SW} NE| SW;| sec. 4, T. 8N., R. 13W., Jersey County. Enlarged approximately 3{X. Figs. EE, FF, GG . - Stenotrema fraternum (Say); umbilical, apertural, and spiral views, respectively. Peoria loess, SW^ NE^ SW± sec. 4, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., Jersey County. Enlarged approximately 3^X. [18] Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 304 — Plate 3 £% ) Leonard and Fhste — Wisconsinian Molluscan Faunas of the Illinois Valley Region. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 304 — Plate 4