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EDITED, WITH NOTES AND VOCABULARY, BY WALTER RIPPMANN, M.A., LATE SCHOLAR OF GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. ©ambrftge : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1896 [A// Rights reserved."] ClDambriDge: PRINTED BY J. & C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 'g ■S,4-Gr‘2?, t-YAI ^ rRKFACE. - collected by Wilhelm and Jacob - Grimm in the beginning of this century do not require ^ an introduction. There is no book that from the day on = which It was published to the present has so steadily re- ^ tamed its hold on childhood. The reason is not far to lx themselves go back to the childhood of mankind; they are no literary product, but have been unconsciously developed by countless generations . Now It seems to me that it is this very simplicity j which makes these tales particularly suitable as an earlv I reading book for children. We move amid the objects of 1 - ^^cre is no careful analysis of motives • .. the diction is as straightforward as we expect from the l^t-^ive story-tellers of simple folk. It is no objection t at the tales are already well known through English translations : I see no reason why the path of the beginner « should not be made smooth; and a competent teacher will ^ never have difficulty in making sure that the lesson has ^ been carefully prepared. He will expect the idiomatic ^ phrases not only to be translated, but will insist on a ^ knowledge of their literal meaning ; and by asking German ^ questions based on the text and requiring German answers (not a mere 3a or iKein, but complete sentences) he ca^' convince himself that his pupils have fully mastered the i! / passages set, and have derived real benefit. The notes are, I believe, sufficiently full. In order to ^ avoid the explanation of simple grammatical points, without ^ however leaving them untouched, I have adopted the corn- ua promise of adding frequent references to Mr Eve’s grammar- , doing so I have followed the precedent of other volumes .Qiin this series. The large number of cross references will VI PREFACE. enable the teacher to take any or all of the tales, and in any order. Great care has been devoted to the vocabulary ; but slips and inconsistencies will sometimes escape the most vigilant. I shall be grateful for corrections and suggestions which will render this or any other part of the book more useful and more complete. I have not hesitated to add some notes on the subject- matter, which of course deal almost exclusively with points of folklore. Some may consider these notes superfluous, — they will find that they are distinguished in the printing from notes on the language, and can therefore be easily skipped. Others will see that they are incomplete ; but this criticism assumes too high an aim. I shall have achieved my object if these notes will lead some older readers to give a little thought to the fascinating study of folklore for which these tales paved the way. When they do so they will agree with me in a feeling of great gratitude to Mr Andrew Lang, whose labours in this field have been so persevering and so fruitful. To Mr H. W. Eve, Headmaster of University College School, I am indebted for a very careful revision of the notes ; it is no small thing to profit by the experience of so scholarly a critic. I have received much valuable help and kindly encouragement from my father and from Mr Israel Gollancz ; and I have to thank Mr E. L. Milner-Barry, of Mill Hill School, and Mr A. T. Baker, of this College, for many useful contributions and criticisms. WALTER RIPPMANN. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. May ist^ 1896. * The little handbooks of Mr G. L. Gomme and Miss M. R. Cox form a pleasant introduction. CONTENTS TEXT NOTES I. Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geisslein I . . 136 II. Die drei Mannlein im Walde 5 • . 140 III. Hansel und Gretel 12 . . 144 > 1— 1 Die weisse Schlange . 22 . . 149 V. Das tapfere Schneiderlein 28 . • 151 VI. Aschenputtel 39 • • ^57 VII. Frau Holle .... 48 . • 159 VIII. Rotkappchen .... ■ 52 • . 161 IX. Tischchen deck’ dich u.s.w. 57 • . 164 X. Daumesdick .... 69 . . 169 XI. Die Wichtelmanner . 76 . . 172 XII. Der alte Sultan . 80 . . 174 XIII. Dornroschen .... 83 • • 175 XIV. Konig Drosselbart 88 . . 176 XV. Sneewittchen 94 • . 178 XVI. Rumpelstilzchen . 105 . . 180 XVII. Der goldene Vogel 109 . . 182 XVIII. Der Wolf und der Mensch 119 . . 184 XIX. Hans im Gluck 121 . . 184 XX. Die Gansemagd 128 . !>. 00 Vocabulary, and Index to the Notes. i j. I. i^olf 6ie fiehen jxtngcn ^ei^Icin. ttiav einmat eine alte bie ^atte fieben junge ©eifleiii, unb ^atte [ie Iteb, tvte cine 9 Jiuttcr i[)vc £inber lieb ^at. (Sines 3 ^ageS inoKte fie in ben 2 BaIb ge^en unb gutter s t)oIen, ba ricf fie alte fieben fierbei unb fprac^ „ liebe £inber, ic^ iuitl ^inauS in ben SBalb, feib auf eurer -i^ut »or bem 2Bo(f, wenn er ((ereinfommt, fo fri^t er cud^ atle mit ^aut unb ^aar. 2)er SSbfewidfit »erfteUt fic^ oft, aber an feinev rau^en ©timme unb an feinen fcf>tvarjcn giipen merbet ii)r lo if)n gleicf) ecfennen." 2)ic ©ei^Iein fagten „(iebc Shutter, Joir ioollen unS fcf)on in ad^t ne^men, if)r fbnnt o{)ne ©orge fortgef)en." !l)a medferte bie 2l(te unb macf)tc fid^ getvoft auf ben 2Bcg. (Ss bauerte nicfit iangc, fo fiofjfte femanb an bie ^auStfjur 15 unb lief „ madfit auf, if)r lieben £inber, cure SOiutter ift ba unb ^at jebem oon eudf) etwaS initgebrad^t." §lber bie ©cifiers d[;cn gotten an ber tauten ©timme, bap eS bee SBolf roar. „2Bir madpen nidpt auf," riefen fie, „ bu bift unfere 9 Jtutter nidpt, bie pat eine feine unb (ieb(i(^e ©timme, aber beine 20 ©timme ift raup ; bu bift ber aBoIf." 2)a ging ber SBoIf fort ju cinem iJramer, unb faufte fidp ein gropeS ©tucf ifreibe : bie ap er unb maepte bamit feine ©timme fein. ©ann G. M. I 2 ;g>er |3oIf uu6 6ic fieben iungen ^ei^Iein. fam cv jurudf, fto^jftc an bie ^au6tpr unb rief „ mac^t auf, i()r Ueben iJinber, cure SiJiutter ift ba unb {jat tebem con euc^ ctn)a6 mitgebra($t." ?lber bcr 2Botf ^attc [eine fc^warje ^^fote in ba6 S’cnfter gelegt, bad faf)en bic ifinbet unb riefen „ wir 5 maiden nic^t auf, unfere 9 Ji utter ^at feinen [(^loarjcn Sufi, n)ie bu: bu bift bcr 2Bolf/' ©a lief ber SBolf ju cinem S 3 acfer unb fprac^ „ icfi ^abe micfi an ben Su^ gcfto^en, ftreicf) mir llcig bariiber." Unb aid i^m ber 33 acfer bie 5 Pfote be# ftricf)cn i)atte, fo lief er ^um SJiuller unb fpracf) „ ftreu’ mir 10 meifed 9 Jie^( auf meine 5 f 3 fote." 2)er 'DJuller bacf)te „ ber 2Bolf nnll einen betrugen " unb meigerte ficf>, aber ber SBolf fprad^ „ menu bu ed ni^t tf)uft, fo freffe i(^ bicf)." 'X^a furcfi^ tetc fi(^ ber SJluKer unb ma^te i^m bie ^fote meif. 3a, fo finb bie 9 Jienfcf)en. 15 9 iun ging ber SSbfemid^t jum britten 9 Ral ju ber ^aud^ tf)ure, flo))fte an unb fpradf) „mac^t mir auf, £inber, cuer liebed 9 )Zuttercf)en ift l)cim gefommen unb f)at iebcm con euc^ ctmad aud bcm 26 albe mitgebracf)t." Xie ©ei^ercfjen riefen „ 5eig’ und erft beine ^fote, bamit mir iciffen, baf bu unfer 20 liebed 9 )iutterc^cn bift." Xa legte er bie ^4^fote ind Senfterj unb aid fie fa£)en, baf fie mei^ mar, fo glaubten fie ed mare aHed mei^r, mad er fagte, unb mai^ten bie Xf)ure auf. 2Ber aber f)ereinfam, bad mar ber 2Bolf. ®ie erfdfirafen unb moOten fic^ cerftecfen. Xad eine fprang unter ben Xif($, bad 25 jmeite ind SBett, bad britte in ben Dfen, bad cierte in bie itii^e, bad funfte in ben ®ci)ranf, bad fecfidte unter bie SQ 3 afcf)fcf)uffet, bad fiebente in ben ifaften ber 2 Banbul)r. Slber ber SBolf fanb fie alle unb macf)te nic^t langed Seber« lefen: eind nac^ bem anbern fc^lucfte er in feinen 9 iacf)en; 30 nur bad jungfte in bcm U^rfaften, bad fanb er nid^t. Slid ber SBolf feine 8uft gebuft t)atte, troUte er fic^ fort, legte fi^ ^3oIf Utt^ ^ic |tcf)cn juncicn ^cifjtcin. 3 bvaufcn auf ber flri'men SBicfe untei- eiiten 33aum uiib ftng an ju f^Iafcu. (angc banac^ fam bie altc @djj au6 bcm ®a(be nne? bcr ^eiiu. §lci^, wnd mupte fie ba ctblttfen ! 2)ic ^au6t[)urc ftanb fpcmveit auf: @trt()(e unb SSaufe waren umgc^ s njoifcu, bie SBafcbf(f)uffeI (ag in ©cfjerben, !l)ecfe unb ibiffen »naven au6 bein 33ett gejogen. ®ie fu^tc il)icc ibinbcr, abcr nirgenbS inaven fie ju finben. ©ie vief fie nac^ einanber bei 9iamen, abev niemanb antwovtete. (Snblicf) aB fie an baS jungfte fain, ba rief eine feine ©timme „ liebe 9}futter, ic^ ftecfe 10 im U^vfaften." ©ie ^oite eS f)evau6, unb e6 erjafiite i^r, ba^ ber 9Boif gefommen ware unb bie anbern atte gefreffen fjatte. 3)a fount i§r benfen, wie fie fiber if)re armen ifinber geweint ^at. (Snbli^ ging fie in if)rem Summer f)inau6, unb ba6 15 fiingfte ©eiflein lief mit. 811S fie auf bie 2Biefe fam, fo lag ba ber 9Bolf an bem SSaum unb fc^narc^te baf bie Slfte jitterten. ©ie betracfitete il)n »on alien ©eiten, unb fab bab in feinem angefiiillten SSaucb ficb etwaS regte unb jappelte. „ 2ldb @ott,“ bad^te fie „ follten mcine armen £inber, bie er jum 20 Slbenbbrot binuntergewurgt f)nt, nodb am Seben fein?" !l)a mufte ba6 ©ei^lein nacb >!^au6 laufen unb ©c^eere, 9?abel unb Bwirn fjolen- ©ann fcfmitt fie bem Ungetiim ben SBanft auf, unb faum batte fie einen ©i^nitt getf)an, fo ftrecfte fcbon ein ©eiflein ben ifopf t)eraug, unb al5 fie weiter 25 fcbnitt, fo fprangen nacb einanber alle fecbfe uni? waren nodb alle am Seben, unb batten nidbt einmal ©cbabcn gelitten, benn ba6 Ungetiim batte fie in ber @ier ganj binun^ tergefcblucft. 3)a6 war eine Sreube! 2)a b«>^ 3 ten fie ibre liebe SJtutter, unb b^bfl^n wie ein ©i^neiber, ber ^ocbjeit 30 bait. 2)ie Sllte aber fagte „jebt gebt unb fm^t SBadferfteine, I — 2 4 i3oIf Utt6 (icBen jungcn ^ci^Icin. bamit wotlen wit bcm gottlofen ^Xicr ben 35auc^ fiiKen, [o lange e6 noc^ im ©c^ilafe liegt." 2) a [c^leppten bie [teben ©eifetc^en in aQer (Site bie ©teine ^erbei unb ftecften fie if)m in ben Saucf), fo »iel fie {)ineinbringen fonnten. 2)ann 5 nat)te if)n bie Silte in ate ©efcfnninbigfeit tnieber ju, bap ec nicptg merfte unb ficp nicpt einmal regie. 21(6 ber SBoIf enblicp au6gefc()(afen ^tte, macpte er fi(^) auf bie Seine, unb n)ei( i()m bie ©teine im 9J(agen fo gropen !l)urft erregten, fo moKte er p einem Srunnen gef)en unb 10 trinfen. 21(6 er aber anpng p ge()en unb ficp ()in unb per p beioegen, fo ftiepen bie ©teine in feinem Saucp an einanber unb rappeiten. ©a rief er rumpett unb in meiuem ^evum? 15 mcittte iraren fe(^^ ©ei^Iein, fo fiub^ lauter SBacfeiftein.'" Unb a(6 er an ben Sruunen fam unb fi(p iiber ba6 SSaffer burfte unb trinfen vooiite, ba jogen ipn bie fcpmeren ©teine pinein, unb er mupte jammerticp erfaufen. 2((6 bie fieben 20 ©eipiein ba6 fapen, ba famen fie perbeigefaufen, riefen (aut „ber aBo(f ift tot! ber 9!Bo(f ift tot!" unb tapten mit iprer 2}(utter oor Sreube urn ben Srunncn perum. 5 IL pic 6rci '^^lantilcin im as war cin 9)iann, bent ftarb feine unb cine Svau, ber ftarb i^r ^Diann ; unb ber 9)iann ^atte eine Jloc^ter, unb bie Srau ^attc auc^ eine S^oc^ter. 2 )ie SRitbi^en waren mit cinanber befannt, unb gingen 3 ufammen ftjajieren, unb famen fievnac^) 3 U ber §rau ing ^au 6 . 2 )a [prac^ [ie ju be 6 9}ianne6 2^ocpter „ ^5r’, [age beinem 3Sater, icp wollt’ i§n ^eiraten, bann foUft bu jeben SZorgen bicp in 9Jii(d^ waf(^en unb SBein trinfen, ineinc S^ocpter aber foil ficp in SBaffer waf($en unb SBaffer trinfen." 2 )a 6 ^iRabcpen ging nad^ unb erjitpUe [einem 3Sater tt)a3 bie grau gefagt ^atte. 2)er ?!)fann [prad; „wad foil id^ tf)un? ba 6 ^eiraten ift eine greube unb ift audp cine dual." @nblidp, well er feinen ©ntfcplu^ faffen fonnte, 3 og er feinen ©tiefel aud unb fagte „ nimm biefen ©tiefel, ber f)at in ber ©o^le ein 8 odp, gel) bamit auf ben SSoben, pang’ ipn an ben grofen 9fagel unb giep bann 2 Baffer pinein. .^alt er bad SBaffer, fo will idp wieber eine grau nepmen, Iduftd aPer burdp, fo will icp nidpt." 2)a6 9Jfabdpen tpat wie ipm gepeifen war : aber bad SBaffer jog bad Socp jufammen, unb ber ©tiefel warb ooll bid obenpin. (Sd oerfunbete feinem 93ater wied audgefallen war. !l)a ftieg er felbft pinauf, unb aid er fap ba^ ed feine Sfi^tigfeit patte, ging er 311 ber SBitwe unb freite fie, unb bie <§ocp 3 eit warb gepalten. 5 10 15 20 6 pie 6rei ^annletn im piaI6c. Sim anbevn SJiorgen, at^ bie beibcn 9)iabci)en [i^ auf# mnc^ten, ba ftanb »oc beS SJianneg !£o($tet SJlilcb jum SBafc^ien unb SBein jum JSrinfen, Bot bet gvau ^locijter abcc ftanb SBaffet jum SBafcfien unb SBaffer jum S^rinfen. Slin 5 jmeiten 9Jiorgen ftanb SBaffer jum SBafc^en unb SBaffcr jum S^nnfen fo gut Bor be§ 9)ianneS Jliod^tec a(§ Bor bet Sfflu Jloc^ter. llnb am britten SJiovgen ftanb SBaffec jum 3Ba« fc^cn unb 2Baffer jum S^vlnfcn Bor be^ SDianneS Sl^od^tcr, unb jum SBafd^en unb 2Bein jum S^rinfen Bot bet gtau lo 2 :^o(i)ter, unb babel bliebg. 2 )ie grau marb i^rer ©tieftocfitet [pinnefcinb unb tou^te nic^t, toie fie e 6 i^r Bon einem S^ag jum anbetn fcfjtimmer madl)en follte. Slu^ mar fie neibifc^, meil if)re ©tieftoc^ter f(f)bn unb lieblic^i mar, i^re relate Jloc^ter aber f)a^lidb unb miberlid^. 15 ©inmal im Sinter, al§ eg ftein^art gefrorcn f)atte unb S3erg unb 2^i)al Bollgefd^neit lag, macftte bie Srau ein ifleib Bon papier, rief bag 9Jiabc^en unb fprac^) „ ba jieb bag if (eib an, gel) l)inaug in ben Salb unb l)or mir ein ifbrbcf)en Boll (Srbbeeren ; i(i^ f)abe SSerlangen banacf)." „ !t)u lieber @ott," 20 fagte bag 9}iabc^en, „ im Sinter macpfen ja feine ©rbbeeren, bie (Srbe ift gefroren, unb ber ©d^nee f)at aucf> alleg jugebecft. Unb marum foil icp in bem ^apievfleibe ge^en? eg ift braupen fo fait, bafi einem ber Sltem friert : ba me^t ja ber Sinb ^in< burd^ unb bie 2)ornen reif en mirg Bom Seib." „ Sillft bu 2 $ mir nod^ miberfpredpen?" fagte bie ©tiefmutter, „madp’ baf bu fortfommft, unb la^ bi($ nidpt el)er mieber fef)en alg big bu bag ifbrbc^en boH (Stbbeeren ^aft." 2 )ann gab fie i^m nocf) ein ®turf(^en l)arteg 33rot unb fpracf) „ baBon fannft bu ben J£ag uber effen," unb bac^te „brau^en mirbg erfrieren unb 30 Berl)ungevn unb mir nimmerme^t mieber Bor bie Slugcn fommen." 7 l^ic {»rci ^{Tiiunlcin tm 9?un i»av t>a0 9J?abd;cn ge()orfam, t()at baS ^Papierfkib flit itnb fling mit bcm ibiirbdfien l)innuS. 2)n war nic^t^ ciis ©d^ncc ble SBcite unb 33rcitc, unb war fcin gn'incS ^aimcfien ju mcrfen. in ben SBalb fain, [at) ein ftcineS ^an^c[)cn, barauS gneften brei ftcinc ^au(emannerc[)cn. nnmfc[)te it)nen bie JIage6jeit unb flo))fte befd^eibenlic[) an bie 3^()ur. ©ie riefen t)evein, unb eg trat in bie ©tube unb [el^te fic[i auf bie S3ant am Ofen, ba wottte eg fic[) warmen unb [ein 5vut)[tucf e[[en. 2)ie ^aulemannerti^en [prad^ien „gieb ung aud^ etwag barton." „@erne/' [prac[) eg, teitte [ein ©tiirfd^en 33rot entjwei unb gab if)nen bie -^a([te. ©ie [ragten „tt)ag witl[t bu juv SBintevjeit in beinem biinnen £(eibc^en t)ier im 2Balb ? " „ 2tc[)," antwortete eg, „ [olt ein ifbrbc[)en oolt ©rbbeeren [uc^en, unb bar[ nic[)t e^er na(| ^au[e fommen atg big ic[) eg mitbringe." 2t(g eg [ein S3rot gege[[en ^atte, gaben [ie i^m einen 35e[en unb [prac^en „ tef)re bamit an ber ^intevtt)ure ben ©c[mee weg." 2Bie eg abet braufen war, [prai^en bie brei 9)ianner([)en unter einanber „ wag [olten wir if)m [d^enfen, Weil eg [o artig unb gut i[t unb [ein SSrot mit ung geteitt [jat?" !l)a [agte ber er[te „ic^ i^enf’ if)m, ba^ eg jeben ^^ag [d^bner wirb." !l)er jweite [prad^ „idb [d^enP ifgn, baf @olb[tudfe it)m aug bem 3}iunb [atten, [o o[t eg ein 26ort [prid[)t." !Der britte [prad^ „id[) [(^enP i^m, bap ein [?bnig fommt unb eg ju [einer @emaf)(in nimmt." !l)flg SJiabdpen aber tpat wie bie ^autemcinnerdpen ge[agt patten, feprte mit bem Se[en ben ©^nee pinter bem fleinen ^au[e weg, unb wag gtaubt ipr wopl bap eg ge[unben pat? tauter rei[e (Srbbeeren, bie ganj bunfetrot aug bem ©dpnee peroorfamen. 2)a raffte eg in [einer Sreube [ein i?brb(pen »otl, banfte ben fteinen SRannern, gab jebem bie «^anb unb s 10 15 20 25 30 8 pie 6rci 'g^Iannlein im ^ttI6e. lief nadf) ^auS, unb woUte ber ©ricfmutter baS SSerlangte bringen. fflSie c6 eintrat unb „ guten Slbenb " fagte, fid il)m gleic^ ein ©olbftiicf au6 bem SJiunb. 2)arauf erja^lte eS tt)aS if)m im SBalbe bcgegnet mav, abet bci jebcm SBode, ba§ 5 fbwcf), ftden if)m bie ©olbftiicfc au§ bem 5i)iunb, fo baf balb bie ganje ©tube bamit bebecft matb. „ 9iun fe()e einer ben llbennut," vief bie ©tieffc^meftev, „ba6 @e(b fo fjinju^ merfen/' abet f)eimlicf) mar fie neibifc^ baruber unb mollte nucb ^innug in ben 2Batb unb ©rbbeeren fu($en. 3)ie 10 SRutter fprac^ „ nein, mein liebeS ISbcJ^tercfien, eS ift ju fait, bu fbnnteft mit erfrieren/' SSeil fie if)r abet feine 9iuf)e lief, gab fie enblidf na^, nafte ifr einen ^jracftigen fpeljrotf, ben fie anjiefen mufte, unb gab ifr SSutterbrot unb ifudfen mit auf ben SBeg. 15 !l)a6 SRabcfen ging in ben SBalb unb gerabe auf bag fleine .:^au6dfen 2)ie brei fleinen ^aulemanner gucften miebev, abet eg gn'ifte fie ni($t, unb ofne fief nacf ifnen umjufefen unb ofne fie ju gritfen ftolferte eg in bie ©tube finein, fefte fidf an ben Dfen unb fing an fein 33utterbrot 20 unb feinen J^uefen ju effen. „ Oieb ung etmag baoon," riefen bie ifleinen, aber eg antmortete „ eg fefidt mir felber nidft, mie fann icf Slnbern nocf banon abgeben? " Stlg eg nun fertig mar mit bem ©ffen, fpraefen fie „ ba faft bu einen IBefen, fefr’ ung braufen »or ber ^intertfiir rein." „ (Si, fefrt euef felber," 25 antmortete eg, „ icf bin eure 9)?agb nidft." SBie eg faf baf fte ifm nieftg fi^enfen moUten, ging eg jur l£fure finaug. 3)a ffraefen bie fleinen SJianner unter einanber „ mag follen mir ifm fdfenfen, meil eg fo unartig ift unb ein bbfeg neibU fcfeg ^erj fat, bag niemanb etmag gonnt?" 3)er erfte ft)ra(^ 30 „ icf fcf enP ifm, baf eg jeben Slag faf lief er mirb." !l)er jmeite ft)raef „ icf fef enP ifm, baf ifm bei j'ebem SBort, bag eg ffrieft. 9 pic 6rci '^silftnnfcin tm cine and bem 9)Jimb fpvingt." I)cr britte [pwrf; „ id) i()m, bajj c6 eim'6 unglucflid^eii JJobc^ ftirbt." 2)aS 9)iabci^cn fuci)tc bvmt^cu nnci) ©rbbeeven, alg c6 aber feine fanb, ging cS »cvbric|jlici) nac!^ Utib H)ic c6 ben ^3)hmb aiiftf)at unb [eiiicv 9JJiittcv evja^Icn U'oUte, n)n6 it)m ini SBalbe begegnet U'nr, ba f^Jrang i[)m bei jebcm SBort cine ifrbte au^ bem 93^unb, fo bap allc cinen 2(bfcpeu vor ipin befamen. 9iuu argevte [ic^ bie ©tiefimitter noep »icl mepr unb baepte nue barauf, nne fie bee JJ'ocpter be6 S)ianne$ a(Ie6 ^erjeleib antpun n'oUtc, beren ©cpbnpeit boep aCfe JIage groper ttiarb. ©nblicp napm fie einen £effe(, fepte ipn jum Reiter unb fott @arn barin. 2i(g e6 gefotten mar, ping fie e^ bem armen 5JJab(pen auf bie ©dpuiter, unb gab iprn eine Slrt bajn, bamit follte eS auf ben gefrornen SJup gepen, ein (SiSlocp pauen unb ba6 @arn feplittern, mar geporfam, ging pin unb paefte ein Socp in ba6 @i^, unb a(6 e6 mitten im .^aden mar, fam ein praeptiger 2Bagen pergefapren, morin ber £bnig fap. 2)er SBagen pielt ftill unb ber ifbnig fragte „ mein ^inb, mer bift bu unb ma6 maepft bu ba ? “ „ 3cp bin ein arme6 9)iabcpen unb fiplittere @arn." ‘2)a fiiplte ber £bnig 9J{itteiben, unb al6 er fap mie e§ fo gar fepon mar, fpracp er „mi(tft bu mit mir fapren?" „2icp fa, son -^erjen gern," antmortete e6, benn e^ mar frop bap e6 ber 9)tutter unb ©cpmefter au6 ben Bingen fommen follte. Sllfo ftieg e6 in ben 2Bagen unb fupr mit bem ifimig fort, unb a($ fie auf fein ©cplop gefommen maren, marb bie -§o(p^ jeit mit groper ^Praipt gefeiert, mie e^ bie fleinen 3)iann(ein bem 9Jiabcpen gefcpenlt patten, liber ein 3apr gebar bie junge iibnigin einen ©opn, unb a(6 bie ©tiefmutter oon bem gropen ©Ii'ide gepbrt patte, fo fam fie mit iprer Jlodpter in 5 10 15 20 25 30 lo pic 6rci ^^annlein im ^aI6c. t»aS unb tfjat al6 ttjotite fic cinen 33 efud^ madden. 81(6 abet ber ^bnig einmal ^inau6gegan9en unb fonft nie^ manb jugegen ivar, ^saefte ba6 bbfe Sffieib bie ifbnigin am unb if)re JSoc^ter paefte fie an ben fSufien, f)oben fie au6 5 bem Sett unb mavfen fie jum Senfter f)inau$ in ben »orbei« fliepenben ©trom. 2 )arauf (egte fidfi i^ve t)aplicf)e Slocfitet in6 Sett, unb bie 8t(te beefte fie ju big iiber ben ^of)f. ^(6 bet ifbnig mieber juvueffam unb mit feinet gvau ffjrec^en moflte, rief bie Slite „ ftitt, ftiit, fe^t gef)t bag nic^t, fie liegt in 10 ftarfem ©d^meip, i()r: miift fie f)eute ruf)en laffen." 2)er itbnig bac^te ni(^tg Sbfeg babei unb fam erft ben anbern 93 iovgen mieber, unb mie er mit feinet fiJrad^, unb fie it)m Slntmort gab, fprang bei jebem SBort eine ^rbte f)er»or, tt»at)venb fonft ein ©olbftiirf f)etauggefallen mat. 2)a fragte 15 er tt>ag bag mare, aber bie 8l(te fpraef), bag t)atte fie »on bem ftarfen ©^meif getriegt unb murbe fid^ fcfion miebet ver? lieren.- 3n ber 9 iadft aber fafi ber ^uc^enjunge mie eine @nte bur(^ bie ©offe gefc^mommen fam, bie fpract; 20 ,, ^ontg, mad^ft bu ? bu ober bu?"' Unb alg er feine Slntmort gab, fpradfi fie „leag tnaifien tneine @afte?" !l)a antwortete ber ifu^enjunge 2$ „fie f^tofen ftjte." gragte fie meiter „toag mac^t tnein ^inbelein?" Slntwortete er „tS febtaft in ber SBiege fein." 30 2)a ging fie in ber i^bnigin ©eftalt £)inauf, gab if)m ju trinfen, fcfnittelte if)m fein Settcf)en, beefte eg ju unb fc^mamm 6rci im ii a(d (Snte iDicbcv burd^ bie @of[c fort, ©o fam fie jn'ci 9iad^te, in bcv britten fprad^ fie ju bcm ifiiicfienjuugeu „ gel) nub fagc bcm ^oiiig, bap cr fein ©cpmert nimmt unb auf bee ©cpUH’lte bvcimal iiber mir f^wingt." 2)a lief ber ituepen^ jimgc unb fagte c6 bcm ifonig, ber fam mit feincm ©cpmert 5 itnb f(^wang eS brcimal libcr bcm @cift ; unb bcim britten SRal ftanb feine ©cmaplin »oc i^m, frifep, Icbcnbig unb gefunb, n'ie fie vorper geU'cfen war. 9hin war ber ifbnig in groper f^reitbe, cr l)ielt aber bie £bnigin in einer ifammer »erborgcn bi^ auf ben ©onntag, 10 wo bag i?inb getauft werben [ollte. Unb alg eg getauft war, fpracp er „ wag gepbrt einem 9)?enfcpen, ber ben anbern ang bem Sett tragt unb ing 2Baffer wirft?" „9ii^tg Seffereg," antwortete bie Sllte, „ alg bap man ben Sofewiept in cin Sap ftedt, bag mit 3fiageln auggefcplagen ift, unb ben Serg pinab is ing Staffer roHt." 2)a fagte ber ifbnig „ bu paft bein Urteil gefprodpen," liep ein folcpeg bolen unb bie 2llte mit iprer ^oepter pineinfterfen, bann warb ber Soben jugepammert unb bag Sap bergab gefullert, big eg in ben Slup rollte. 12 III. ^ctttfcl ttn5 ^refcl. ©or cittern grofen SBalbe tttobnte ein armer ^ofj^adfer ntU feiiter grau uitb feitiett jmi 5fint)ertt} ba^ S3ubci)cn ^te^ ^atifel unb ba^ 9JIabd^en ©retet. ©r fjatte tventg ju beipett 5 ttnb 5 U btec^ett, unb einmal, afe grofe JSeurung in 6 Sattb fam, Jonnte er auc^ ba 6 tiiglic^e Scot ni^t mc^t f($affen. 2 Bie er [ic^ nun abenb^ im Sette ©ebanfen ntac^te unb ficii »or ©orgen ^erumwaijte, feufjte er unb fprac^ ju feiner gratt „n)a 6 foil au 6 un^ tuerben? wte fbnnen tvir unfere armen lo ibinber erna^ren, ba tuir fiir Utt6 felbft nic^tS nte^r f)aben?'' „ SBetf t bu loa^, 9)Iann/' aittworlele bte grau, „ wir vnoUeit morgen in aller gritlje bie ibittber t)inau 6 in ben Salb ft'i^ren, ivo er am bicfften ift : ba mac^en tt)ir il)nen ein gcuer an unb geben jebem nocft ein ©lutfd^en 33rot, bann ge^en 15 mir an unfere Slrbeit unb laffen fie allein. ©ic finbcn ben SBeg nic^t miebcr nac^ <§au 6 unb n>ir finb fie log." „ Allein, grau," fagte ber 9)Iann, „ bag tt)ue itfi nicftt ; mie foHte icfig uberg ^erj bringen meine ibinber im SBalbe allein ju laffen, bie milben 2 :iere mttrben balb fommen unb fie jerreifen." 20 „ D bu 9Iarr," fagte fie, „ bann miiffen mir atle oiere ^ungerg fterben, bu fannft nur bie S3retter fiir bie ©iirge Ijobeln," unb lief it)m feitte 9{uf)e big er einmilligte. „ Slbcr bie armen ifinber bauern mi(^ bocf," fagte ber 9)Iann. '3 Jutufcl Utt6 ^rcfcl. !l)iC((U'ci ifinbcv fatten iior 3<5uni]ef and; nidjt cinfd;lafcu fbnncit, unb Ijatten geljovt ivad bie 6ticfmuttei- ^uin 3?atci- flefagt [)attc. ©vctcl U'cintc bitteve J£()raueii uiib f^Jvnd; ( 5 U d^aufet „ nun iftd nin und flcfc^ctjen." „ @tiU, ©rctel/' [^n'ad? ^anfef, „ gvdme bic|) nic^t, ic^ n)ill und fc^on ^elfen/' Unb atd bic Slltcn ctncjcfc^lafcn inaven, ftnnb er nuf, jog [ein Siodlctn an, mad;tc bic Untcvtt)i"tve nuf unb fcfjlicf) fic^ f)inaud. !l)a fc^icn bet 9)tonb gnnj IfcKc, unb bie weifen ibiefelfteine, bie not bem ^nud (ngen, gldn^ten n)ie iautet 33al^cn. <§anfe( Mdte fic^ unb ftedte fo niele in fein 9Jodtafcf)(ein, aid nut ^incin ioollten. 2)ann ging et iviebet jutucf, fptacfi ju @tctet „fei gettoft, iiebed ®c^weftetcf)en, unb fc^Inf nut tu[)ig ein, @ott witb und ni^it oetinffen,'' unb iegtc fi^ ioiebet in fein 33ett. Slid bet S^ng anbtnc^, noc^ ct}e bie Sonne nufgegnngen iont, fam fcf)on bie gtau unb tnedte bie beiben 5binbet, „ ftet)t nuf, it)t guulenjet, tt)it ivotlen in ben 3Ba!b ge^en unb ^o^ ^olen." ©ann gab fie febem ein ©tudcfien Srot unb fptac^ „ ba ^abt il)t etvoad fitt ben 9)littag, abet ef td ni($t »otl)ct auf, nuitet ftiegt il)t nicfjtd." Otctel nal)m bad SStot untet bie a(^ unb mill mit Slbe fagen." Sie S^tau f))tac^ „9latt, bad ift bein ^ag($en nicfit, bad ift bie 9)lotgenfonne, bic auf ben Sc^otm ftein fc^eint." ^anfcl abet f)atte nicfit nad^ bem iba^dfien 5 10 15 20 25 30 14 i^ctttfcl Utt6 ^refel. gefel)en, [onbcrii immcr einen »on ben blanfen ^iefelfteinen auS feiner 3 ;a[(^)e auf ben SBeg geworfen. 8116 fie mitten in ben SBalb gefommen maren, fpracf) bet SSater „nun fammelt ^olj, if)r ^tinber, idf) mill ein S«uei: 5 nnmadften, bamit i^r nic^t friert." <^an[et unb ©retel trugen fKeifig jufammen, einen fleinen 83 erg ^o($. !Da6 9 ?eifig watb angejiinbet, unb al6 bie glamme rccfjt f)oc^ brannte, fagte bie grau „nun legt cucfi an6 S^uer, if)r £inber, unb rui)t eu(^ au6, mir gefjcn in ben 9 Balb unb t)auen .^olj. 2Benn tt)ir fertig 10 finb, fommen miv mieber unb £)oIen eud^ ab." ^anfel unb ©retel fa^en am unb a{6 bet SJiittag fam, jebe6 fein ©tutflein 83 rot. Unb njeii fie bie 6^lage bet «^ol5art gotten, fo glnubten fie i^r 93 ater voaxe in bet 9 iabe. @6 tt)at abet nic^t bie >§ot3att, e6 ntat ein Sift, ben IS et an einen biitten S 3 aum gebunben ^atte unb ben bet 2 Binb ^in unb ^et fcf)lug. Unb al6 fie fo lange gefeffen fatten, fielen ifinen bie Slugen »ot fOfubigfeit ^u, unb fie fcf)liefen feft ein. 8116 fie enblicf) etmad^ten, n)at e6 fd^on finftete Sfa^t. @tetel fing an ju nteinen unb ft3ta^„n>ie foHen mit nun au6 20 bem 9 Balb fommen !" <§anfel abet ttbftete fie, „ matt’ nut ein SBeilcben, bi6 bet fOfonb aufgegangen ift, bann molten mit ben SBegfd^onfinben." Unb al6 bet ooUe SJfonb aufgeftiegen mat, fo na^m .^anfel fein ©d^meftetd^en an bet ^anb unb ging ben ifiefelfteinen nad^, bie fcf)immetten mie neu gefdfila^ 25 gene 83 a^en unb jeigten itjnen ben 2Beg. ©ie gingen bie ganje 9 facf)t f)inbutdf) unb famen bei anbted[;enbem Siag miebet ju if)te6 9 Satet 6 .§au6. ©ie ftoi)ften an bie JSfiut, unb al6 bie aufmadfite unb faf) baf e6 ^anfel unb ©tetel mat, fptad^ fie „if)t bbfen £inbet, ma6 f)abt i^t fo 30 lange im SBatbe gefd^lafen, mit ^aben geglaubt i^t motltet gat nidf)t miebet fommen." !X)et Batet abet fteute fief), benn Juinfct itn6 (^rcfcl. 15 cS war it)m ju .^crjcn flcflangcn, bap cr ftc fo alkiit jun'tcf^ flclaffcii l)attc. SJicpt (ange baitacp war wicber SfJot in alien ©cfen, unb ble ^inber pbrtcn wic bie 'Sfuttcr nacl;t^ iin Sette jn bem 23 atcr fprad; „ alle6 ift wieber anfgejcprt, wir paben nocp s cinen palben 8aib 33 rot, pernacp pat ba6 8ieb ein @nbe. !l)ie ifinber muffen fort, wir wotlen fie tiefer in ben SBalb pinein^ fitprcn, bamit fie ben 9 Beg nicpt wicber pcrau6 finben 5 e6 ift fonft feine SJettung fiir un0." 2)em 9 Jiann ficl^ fcpwer auf^ ^crj unb er bacptc „ c6 Ware beffer, bap bu ben Icpten SBiffen 10 mit beinen 5?inbern teilteft." Slber bie pbrte auf ni(^t6, wa6 er fagte, f^alt ipn unb macpte ipm 23 orwurfe. 2 Ber 21 fagt nuip aucp S fagcn, unb Weil er ba6 erftc SKal nacpgex geben patte, fo mupte er e6 aucp jum jWeiten 9 Jlal. 5 )ie £inber waren aber nocp wacp gewefen unb patten is bag ©efpracp mitangepbrt. 2llg bie 2llten f(p)liefen, ftanb .g)anfel wieber auf, wollte pinau6 unb ifiefelfteine auPefen, wie bag oorige 9 J?al, aber bie pfiHe bie Xijixt oerfcploffen, unb «§anfet fonnte nicpt peraug. Slber er troftete fein ©cpweftercpen unb fpra(^ „Weine ni(pt, ©retel, unb fcplafzo nur rupig, ber liebe @ott wirb ung fcpon pelfen." 2lm frupen 9 )iorgen lam bie ^rau unb polte bie iJinber aug bem 23 ette. ®ie erpielten ipr ©tudfcpen 23 rot, bag war aber nocp fleiner alg bag oorige 9 )ial. 2luf bem SBege nacp bem SBalb brbcfelte eg <§anfel in ber JIafcpe, ftanb oft ftill 25 unb warf ein Srbcflein auf bie (Srbe. „ «§anfet, wag ftepft bu unb gucfft bicp urn," fagte ber 93 ater, „ gep beiner SBege." fepe nacp meinem 3 ^aubcpen, bag fipt auf bem ©ai^e unb will mir 2tbe fagen," antwortete ^anfel. „ 9 iarr," fagte bie „ bag ift bein llaubcpen nicpt, bag ift 30 bie 'JJiorgenfonne, bie auf ben ©cpornftein oben fcpeint." 1 6 Utt6 #refel. <§aufe( abev Jvavf luicl^ uub uac^ atle ^vocfleiit auf ten SBeg. !l)tc gwu fut)vte bie iJinber noc^ tiefer in ben 2Ba(b, ino fie i^r Sebtag noc^ nic^t gewefen tnaren. 2)a inarb wieber 5 cin gvo^e6 genet angemad^t, nnb bte SRutter [agte „ bleibt nut ba fi^en, i^t idinbet, unb tt)enn i^t miibe [eib, fbnnt i^t ein wenig fc^tafen: tt)it ge^en in ben SBalb nnb f)auen nnb nbenb6, wenn tt)it fettig [inb, fommen wit unb ^olen euc^ ab." 21(6 e6 S)bittag Wat, teilte ©tetel i^t 23 tot mit 10 «^anfel, bet fein ©tiicf auf ben SBeg geftteut f)atte. Xiann fd^liefen fie ein, unb bet Slbenb verging, abet niemanb fam ^u ben atmen ifinbetn. ©ie etwaefiten etft in bet finftern 9Jacf)t, unb ^iinfel ttbftete fein ©c^weftetc^en unb fagte, „ Watt' nut, ©tetel, big bet 9 )ionb aufget)t, bann wetben wit 15 bie 35 totbtbcf(ein fe^en, bie ic^ auggeftteut f)abe, bie jeigen ung ben SBeg nadf; .§aug." 2 Ug bet 93 Jonb fam, maebten fie fic^ auf, abet fie fanben fein Stbiflein me^t, benn bie viel taufenb SSbgel, bie im SBalbe unb im gelbe umf)erfliegen, bie flatten fie Weggef)icft. .lg)anfel fagte 5U Otetel „ wit wetben 20 ben SBeg fd^on finben," abet fie fanben if)n nidfit. ©ie gingen bie ganje 9 ?acf)t unb nocf) einen JJag von 9}?otgen big Slbenb, abet fie famen aug bem SBalb niefit fietaug, unb waten fo ^ungtig, benn fie flatten niefitg alg bie f)aat Seeten, bie auf bet (Stbe ftanben. Unb weil fie fo miibe waten, bap bie 25 S 3 eine fie nidpt inept ttagen woUten, fo (egten fie fidp untet einen Saum unb fdpliefen ein. 9 lun watg fdpon bet btitte SJlotgen, bap fie ipteg SSatetg .^aug vetlaffen patten, ©ie fingen wiebet an ju gepen, abet fie gerieten iminet tiefet in ben SBalb unb wenn nidpt balb 30 .^ilfe fam, fo mupten fie verfdpmadpten. Sllg eg ?i)fittag Wat, fapen fie cin fdpbneg fepneeweipeg Sibglein auf einem 21ft 17 ;^>anfcl itn6 ^Jicfcl. fil^cn, ba6 fang fo fc^on, bafj fie ftc()cii bliekn unb i^m jul)wtcu. Unb a(6 c0 fertig tt)av, fcfjn'ang cS feinc Sliigei nnb flog »or iljnen ()er, iinb fie gingen il)m nad^, bi6 fie einem Jpan^c^en getangten, auf bcffeii !l)ac^ e6 fic^ feftte, unb aid fie ganj na^ ^evanfainen, fo fal)en fie bap bad ^audiein 5 and Svot gebaut wax, unb mil ^u(^en gebecft; abet bie f^enfter tvaven »on petlem 3ucfer- ,,2)a tt>ollen tt)ir und bran macpen," fpracp .^anfel, „unb eine gefegnete 9 )laf)ljeit fallen. 3 (^ will ein (Stiicf oom !l)acb effen, ©retel, bu fannft ooin Scnfter effen, bad fcbniecft flip." ^anfel reicpte in bie lo ^bpe unb bracp ficb ein wenig »om !Dacp ab, urn ^u oerfu^en wie ed fcpmecfte, unb ©velel ftellte fidp an bie ©cpeiben unb fnuperte baran. !l)a rief eine feine ©timme aud bev ©tube petaud fnu)?er, fnei^^en, 15 n?er fnupert an nteinent §du^c!^en ? " bie £inber antworteten „b« SBinb, bee SBiiib, bag pimintif^e .ffinb/' unb apen weiter, opne fi(^ ivre madpen ju taffen. <5anfel, 20 bem bad !Dadp fepr gut fcpmedfte, rip ficp ein groped ©tucf ba»on perunter, unb @rctel ftiep eine ganje genfterfdpeibe peraud, fepte ficp nieber, unb tpat fidp wopl bamit. 2)a ging auf einmal bie S^piire auf, unb eine fteinalte graW/ bie ficp auf eine StxMx ftupte, fain peraudgefcplicpen. <§anfef unb 25 @retel erfdprafen fo gewaltig, bap fie fallen liepen wad fie in ben .^anben pielten. 2)ie 8l(te aber wadfelte mit bem i?opfe unb fpradp „ ei, ipr tieben i?inber, wer pat eudp pierper ge^ bradpt? fommt nur perein unb bleibt bei mir, ed gefdpiept eudp fein Seib." ©ie fapte beibe an ber -§anb unb fiiprte fie in 30 ipr ^auddpen. 2)a warb guted (Sffen aufgetragen, SHit^ G. M. 2 1 8 c^anfcl utt6 <^retel. uttb ^fanncfuc^en mit 3 urf«rr unb 9 iuffe. ^crnadb wurben jwei [cbone 33 ettlein mif gebedt, unb ^dnfel unb ©retel legten ^Incin unb meinten fie tt)aven tm ^tmmel. 5 )ie Sllte f)atte ficif) nut fo freunblicf) angeftellt, fie n>ar 5 abet cine bbfe ^ere, bic ben £inbem auflanerte, unb f)atte ba6 33 rot{)au 6 lein b(op gebaut, urn fie ^erbeijulocfen. 2 Benn ein6 in i^re ©ewait fam, fo macbte fie e6 tot, foci^te eS unb nf e6, unb ba6 toor if)r ein Sefttag. 2)ie «^eren ^aben rote Siugen unb tbnnen nicfit tneit feifen, aber fie {)aben eine feine lo SBitterung, n^ie bie 3 :iere, unb nierfen6 roenn SJienfdfien t}eranfommen. Sl(6 ^iinfel unb ©retel in ifjre fnnien, ba tacbte fie bo^b^ift wnb fpracb ^bt)nifc^ „bie ^abe id^, bie folten mir nid^t tvieber entwifd^en." gwb niorgen6, e^e bie ibinber erwadbt tt>aren, ftanb fie fcf)on auf, unb ol6 fie beibe IS fo lieblidf) ruben fal), mit ben Botten roten 35 acfen, fo murmelte fie Bor fic^ t)in „ ba6 mirb ein guter ®iffen merben 2 )a t)acfte fie -^anfei mit it)rer biirten «§anb unb trug i^n in einen fteinen ©tall unb fperrte il)n mit einer ©ittertljure ein : er modfite fcfireien mie er moltte, e6 f)alf il)m nid^t^. !l)ann 20 ging fie juv ©retel, riittelte fie macb unb rief „ ftef) auf, f5ciu< lenjerin, trag 2Baffer unb focb’ beinem Sniber etmag @ute6, bet brau^en fi^t im ©tall unb foil fett rnerben. 2Benn er fett ift, fo mill ic^ il)n effen." ©retel fing an bitterli^ ju meinen, aber e6 mar alle6 Bergeblid^, fie mu^te tl)un maS bie bbfe 25 -i^ere Berlangte. 9 lun marb bem armen ^anfel ba^ befte (Sffen gefo(^t, aber ©retel befam nid^tS al^ £reb6fcba(en. 3eben 9 )forgen fdbli^ bie Sllte ju bem ©talldben unb rief „-§anfel, ftredl’ beine ginger l)erau6, bamit icfy fit^e ob bu balb fett bift." ^anfel 30 ftrecfte il)r aber ein ^nod^Iein ^erau6, unb bie 2llte, bie triibe Slugen l)atte, fonnte e§ nid^t fe^en, unb meinte e^ moren un6 ^rcfcl. 19 SiHilt-’r, uut) vcviDiiuticrte fi($ bap cv gat nic^t fctt U'crbcii ivolltc. 21(6 vicr 2Bocpm pctum ivaren unb ^anfe( immcv magcv ()licb, ba ubctna()m fie bic Ungcbulb, unb fie U'oUte nicpt (auger U'arten. „it bocf) jufammen geftorben." „®par’ nur bein ©ebldrre/' fagte bie 2((te, „e6 pi(ft bit a((e6 nic^t6." Stiif) morgens mupte ©retel ^erauS, ben 5 feffe( mit Staffer aufpdngen unb geuer anjiinben. „ (Srft motten mir bacfen," fagte bie 2 ((te, „ icfi pabe ben 25 acfofen fi^on eingepeijt 15 unb ben !Jeig gefnetet." 6ie ftiep baS arme @rete( pinauS 5U bem 23 acfofen, auS bem bie SeuerPnnimen fcpon perauS^ fcplugen. „ £riecp pinein," fagte bie ^ere, „ unb fiep ju ob recpt eingepeijt ift, bamit mir baS 25 rot pineinfcpiepen fonnen," Unb menn @rete( barin mar, moHte fie ben Dfen juma^en, 20 unb @rete( fodte barin braten, unb bann moKte fieS aucp aufeffen. 2(ber @rete( merfte maS fie im ©inn patte unb fpracp „icp meip nicpt mie icpS macpen foil 5 mie fomm’ icp ba pinein?" „©)umme ©anS," fagte bie ^(te, „ bie Ofnung ift grop genug, fiepft bu mopt, icp fbnnte fetbft pinein," frappette 25 petan unb ftecfte ben ifopf in ben Sacfofen. !Da gab ipr ©retel einen ©top bap fie meit pineinfupr, mac^te bie eiferne !Jpur JU unb fcpob ben 9 liege( »or. «§u ! ba fing fie an ju peu(en, ganj graufeiicp 5 abet ©retel lief fort, unb bie gottlofe ^ere mupte elenbiglicp perbrennen. 30 ©retel abet lief fdpnurftradS jum <^anfe(, bffnete fein 20 j^cinfcl Utt6 ^refel. ©talt^en unb ricf „^an[el, wir [inb erloft, bte afte ^ere ift tot." 2)a fprang ^anfcl ^erau 3 , toie ein SSogel au6 bem ftafig, mnn if)m bie !lt)ure aufgcmad^t wirb. 2Bie ^aben [ie fic^ gefreut, finb ficb urn ben gefatten, [inb §erum# 5 ge[t)rungen unb ^aben fic^ geJuf t ! Unb fie fi(^) nic^t mef)r ju futcf)ten braucfjten, fo gingen fie in bad ^aud bet ^eie ^inein, ba ftanben in alien @(fen JJaften mit ^erlen unb (Sbelfteinen. „!l>ie finb nocb beffer aid ifiefelfteine," fagte ^anfet unb ftecfte in feine 2;af(^en wad binein wollte, lo unb @vetel fagte „ i^ will aucb etwad ntit nacb >§aud brin^ gen" unb fiillte fi^ fein Scburj^en soil. „ 2lber je^t wollen wir fort," fagte ^anfel, „bamit wir aud bem ^erenwalb bevaudfommen." Slid fie aber ein ©tunben gegangen waren, gelangten fie an ein grofed SBaffev. „ 2Bir fbnnen 15 nicbt binitber," fpra^ >i^anfel, „icb ,feb’ feinen ©teg unb feine iBriicfe." „^ier fabrt aucb fein ©^iff^en," antwortete ©retel, „aber ba fcbwimmt eine weife @nte, wenn icb bie bitte, fo bilft fie und binuber." 2)a rief fie „(Sntd)cn, (Sutdjeu, 20 ta ftebt @rete( unb ^anfel. Jtein ®teg unb feine ®rude, nimnt unb ouf beinen weifen Sfurfen." !Dad (Sntcben fam aucb bat fein ©cbwefter^en ficb ju ibm ju fe^en. „ 9 iein," antwor= 25tete ©vetel, „ed wirb bem (Snt^en ju fcbwer, ed foil und nacb einanber binuberbringen." 3 )ad that bad gute ^^ier^ ^en, unb aid fie glucflicb briiben waren unb ein SBeilcben fortgingen, ba fam ibnen ber S®alb immer befannter unb immer befannter nor, unb enblicb erblicften fie non weitem 30 ibred 3Saterd <§aud. 2)a fingen fie an ju laufen, fturjten in bie ©tube biuein unb fielen ibrem SSater urn ben <^ald. fDer 21 tttt6 ^rcfcl. ?0?ann f)atte fcine frot)e Stunbe getiabt, fcitbcm ec bie iJtnbcr tin SBalbe gelaffcit fjattc, bie ^rau aber tnar geftorbcn. ©rctel [b^iittcte fein @(^urjcl;cu au6, bap bie ^crten unb (Sbe(< ftcine in ber ©tube f)enim[))rangcn, unb .^anfct warf cine .§anb»on na($ bet anbern au6 fciner S^nf^e baju. 3 )a .5 Ijattcn allc ©or^en cin @nbe, unb [te Icbtcn in iauter ^reubc ^ufammcn. ^Jiein SKavcpen ift au6, bort lauft eine Sftau6, met fie fani^t, barf ficp eine grope grope ^ifjel^fappe baraue madpen. 22 IV. pie mei^e ^c^Iange. @6 ift nun fd^on lange ^er, ba lebte cin ifonig, beffcn 26 et 6 §eit im ganjen Sanbc berii^mt war. 3 *lid^t 6 blieb i^m nnbefannt, unb e6 war al6 ob 9 iac^ri^t non ben nerbor# 5 gcnften Bingen burc^ bie 8uft jugctragen wurbe. (Sr ^atte aber eine feltfame ©itte. 3ebcn SRittag, wenn non ber JIafel alle^ abgetragcn unb niemanb me^r jugegen war, mufte ein nertrautcr 2)icner noc^ eine ©c^uffet bringen. ©ie war aber jugebedt, unb ber ©iener wufte fetbft nic^t wa6 barin lag, 10 unb fein SRenfc^ wufte e6, benn ber ^onig becfte [ie nicbt ef)er auf unb ap nid^t banon, bi6 er ganj allein war. !l>ag [latte fc[)on iange 3cit gebauert, ba uberfam eine6 S^age^ ben ©iener, ber bie ©d^iiffet wieber wegtrug, bie 9 ieugierbe, baf cr nid^t wiberftefien fonnte, fonbern bie ©($uffe{ in [eine 15 ifammer brac^te. 21(6 er bie Jl^ur forgfciltig ner[($(offen ()atte, ()ob er ben ©ecEel auf, unb ba fa£) er baf eine weife ©([itange barin lag. 23 ei i^rem 2lnb(icf fonnte er bie 8uft nic^t jurudE()a(ten, [ie ju foften ,• er [cfinitt ein ©tiicfd^en banon ab unb ftedfte e6 in ben 93 (unb. ^aum aber f)atte e6 [eine 20 3tittg6 beruf)rt, [0 f)brte er nor [einem Softer ein [e(t[ame6 @ewi6[)er non feinen ©timmen. (Sr ging unb ((ord^te, ba merfte er ba^ e6 bie ©perlinge waren, bie mit einanber [pra^ d^en unb [icfi aUerfei erjablten, wa6 [ie im Se’tbe unb SBalbe IDic lucifjc 23 <5efct)cu {)nttcn. !l)ev ©enajj ber @c^(aiige ()atte il)m bie ^al)igfcit »cvliel)cii, btc @))rarf;c bet Jlieve ju t»erftct)cn. ■SRun tntj^ fic^ ju, ba(j (^crabe an biefem S^age ber ifonigin i^t fc^onftct 9iiug fortfam unb auf ben eertrautcu !l)icncv, bcc ubcrall 3it9«tig [)attc, bcr 5Serbad^t ftcl er ^abe i[)n geftot)ten. !l)ei' £bnig Ue^ i[)n ijor fic^ fommcn unb bro^te t^m unter ()eftigen ©cI;cItworten, ivenu ev bi6 morgen ben Jl^ater nic^t jn nennen miipte, fo fotlte er bafiiv angefe^en nnb gerid^tet merben, @6 ()alf nic^itS bap er feinc Unf($ulb beteuerte, er marb mit feinem beffern SSef^eib entlaffen. 3n feiner Unrupe unb Stngft ging er pinab auf ben -i^of unb bebaepte, mie er ficp au6 feiner 9^ot pelfen fbnne. 2)a fapen bie @nten an einem fltepenben Staffer frieblt^ neben cinan^ ber unb rupten, fie pupten ficp mit ipren ©cpnabeln giatt unb pieiten cin oertrauliepeS ©efpraep. 2)er Wiener blieb ftepen unb pbrte ipnen ju. ©ie er^iiplten ficp, mo fie peute morgen all perumgemacfelt maren unb ma6 fur gute6 gutter fie gefunben patten, ba fagtc eine oerbrieplicp „ mir liegt etma6 fepmer im SJtagen, icp pabe einen 9ting, ber unter ber ifonigin genfter lag, in ber .§aft mit pinuntergef^lucft." !l)a parfte fie ber 2)iener gleicp beim ifragen, trug fie in bie ^^ucpe unb f^)radp ^um £ocp „ fcpladpte bodp biefe ab, fie ift mopl genaprt." , 1 fugte ber £ocp, unb mog fie in ber ^anb „ bie pat feine ^Jtupe gefdpeut fidp ju maftenunb fepon lange barauf gemartet gebraten ju merben." @r fepnitt ipr ben ^at6 ab, unb alg fie au6genommen marb, fanb fidp ber 9iing ber £bnigin in iprem SJiagen. ©er ©iener fonnte nun leidpt oor bem ifbnige feine Unfcpulb bemeifen, unb ba biefer fein Unre($t mieber gut maepeu moUte, erlaubte er ipm fidp eine @nabe auSjubitten, unb oerpjra^ ipm bie grbpte (Sprenftelle, bie er fidp an feinem >^ofe miinfcptc. 5 10 15 20 25 30 24 wei^e ^c^Iange. 3)cr !l)iener fc^lug alle6 auS unb bat nur urn ein 5Pferb unb Steifegetb, benn er ^atte 8uft bte SBelt ju fe^en unb eine SBeile barin ^erumjujic^en. 21(6 [eine Sitte erfuHt war, mai^te er fic[) auf ben 9Beg unb fam eine6 JIagg an einein !Ieic[) 5 norbei, wo er brei gif^e bemerfte, bie [i^ im 9[of)r gefangen (fatten unb nad^ Staffer fc^inappten. Obgleicf) man fagt bie gifc^e waren ftumm, [o »ernat)m er boc[> if)re £Iage, ba^ fie fo elenb umfommen mii^ten. 2Bei( er ein mitleibigeS .§erj ()atte, fo ftieg er oom !)3ferbe ab unb fe^te bie brei ©efangenen 10 wieber in6 2Baffer. ©ie jappetten por g«ube, ftrecften bie £bpfe f)erou6 unb riefen ibm p „wir woKen bir6 gebenfen unb bir6 pergelten, ba^ bu un6 errettet f)aft." (Sr ritt writer, unb nacfi einem 2Bei(($en fam e6 if)m oor, a(6 f)brte er p feinen in bem ©anb eine ©timme. @r ^orc^te unb 15 oerna^m, wie ein 2lmeifenfbnig ftagte „ wenn un6 nur bie SKenfc^en mit ben ungefc^icften Jlieren Pom Seib blieben ! ba tritt mir ba6 bumme ^fcrb mit feinen fdf)weren *§ufen meine Seute o^ne Sarmtier^igfeit nieber!" (Sr lenfte auf einen ©eitenweg ein unb ber 2lmeifenfbnig rief i^m p „ wir woHen 20 bir6 gebenfen unb bir6 pergelten." ©)er 9Beg fuf)rte i^n in einen Sffialb unb ba fat) er einen Siabenpater unb eine 9iabem mutter, bie ftanben bei if)rem 9ieft unb warfen if)re 3ungen t)erau6. „gort mit euc^, i^r ©algenfc^wenget," riefen fie, „wir fbnnen eucf) ni(bt me^r fatt macfien, i§r feib grof genug, 25 unb fbnnt eud^ felbft ernaf)ren" 2)ie armen Sungen lagen auf ber (Srbe, flatterten unb fc^fugen mit if)ren gittid^en unb fc^rien „ wir ^itflofen 5finber, wir fotten un6 felbft erna£)ren unb fbnnen no(^ ni($t fliegen! wa6 b(eibt un6 iibrig a(6 £)ier ^unger6 p fterben!" ©)a ftieg ber gute Sungling 30 ab, tbtete ba6 5Pferb mit feinem !Degen unb uberlief e6 ben pngen 9taben pm gutter, ©ie famen ^erbeiget)upft. |[)ic wctl^c ^cr)fnn(^c. 25 (attigtcn fic^ unb viefcn „ wir wollen bird gebenfeu unb birg »ergdteii." (Sv mu^tc iet^t [cine ctgcnen 33 eiiic gebrauc^en, unb alS er lange SBegc gcgangen tuar, fam cr in cine grope @tabt. !l)a ioar groper Sarin unb ©ebrangc in ben ©trapen, unb fam s ciner ju ^ferbe unb inadpte befannt, „ bie ^fbnig^toepter fudpe einen ©ernapi, toer ficp aber urn fie bemerben wotfe, ber muffe eine feproere Slufgabe oottbringen, unb fbnne er e6 niept glu(f« (icp auSfiipren, fo pabe er fein Seben oerwirft." SSiete patten eg fepon oerfuept, abet oergebiicp ipr Seben baran gefept. 2)er 10 Sungling, a(6 er bie ifbnig6tocptcr fap, tvarb er »on iprer gropen ©dponpeit fo oerblenbet, bap er atte ©efapr oergap, »or ben ifbnig trat unb ficp aiS metbete. 2l(6balb toarb er pinau6 an§ SJiecr gefiiprt unb »or feinen Sfugen ein golbener Sting pineingeiuorfen. !l)ann piep ipn 15 ber £bnig biefen Sting au6 bem SJteere^grunb loieber perooiv polen, unb fiigte pinju „n)enn bu opne ipn toieber in bie ^bpe fommft, fo toirft bu immer aufS ncue pinabgeftiirjt, bi6 bu in ben SBellen umfommft." 2lKe bebauerten ben feponen 3 ung(ing unb liepen ipn bann einfam am SJteere ^uruef. (Sr 20 ftanb am Wfer unb uberlegte tt)a6 er loopl tpun follte, ba fap er auf einmai brei ?5ifcpe baperfepmimmen, unb e6 maren feine anbern alS fenc, iveicpen er baS Seben gerettet patte. !l)ec mittelfte pielt eine SJtufcpel im SStunbe, bie er an ben ©tranb ju ben Supen beg 3ung(ingg pinlegte, unb a(g biefer 25 fie aufpob unb bffnete, fo iag ber ©oibring barin. Siotl greube braepte er ipn bem itbnige, unb erwartete bap er ipm ben oerpeipenen Sopn geioapren murbe. SDie ftolje itbnigg^ toipter aber, a(6 fie oernapm bap er ipr nidpt ebenburtig mar, verfepmapte ipn unb oertangte, er follte juoor eine jmeite 2fuf^ 30 gabe Ibfen. ©ie ging pinab in ben ©arten unb ftreute fclbft 26 ^ie wei^c ^d^fattgc. ©iicfe »oE ^irfen in 6 @i-a 6 . „ !I)ie mu§ er morgen, e^ bie Sonne ^eroorfommt, aufgelefen ^aben," f^srad) fir, „unb barf fetn £ 6 rnd)en fe^len." 2 )er Siingling fe^te [ic^ in ben ©arten, unb bad^te nac^ mie e 6 mbglic^ mare, bte 2 Iuf# 5 gate Ibfen, aber er fonnte nidt 6 erftnnen, [af ba gan^ traurig unb ermartete bet Stnbruc^ be 6 ? 0 iorgen 6 jum Jlobe gefii^rt merben. 2116 aber bte erften ©onnenftra^ien in ben ©arten ftelen, [o fa^ er bie je^n ©aefe able mo^l gefitllt neben einanber ftet)en, unb fein £brnci)ett fe^ite barin. 3)er 10 2 lmeifenfbnig mar mit [einen taufenb unb taufenb 2 lmeifen in ber 9iac^t angefommen, unb bie banfbaren 2 :^iere fatten ben ^irfen mit grofer ©mfigfeit geiefen unb in bie Saefe gefam^ melt. 2 )ie £bnig 6 toc^ter fam felbft in ben ©arten §erab unb fa^ mit SSermunberung, baf ber bungling »ollbra($t ^atte IS ma 6 i^m attfgegeben mar. 2 lber fie fonnte i^r fto 4 e 6 «§erj nod^ nid^)t be^mingen unb fprac^ „ ^at er aud^ bie beiben 2 luf# gaben getbft, fo foil er bod^) nid^t e^er mein ©ema^l merben, bi 6 er mir einen 2 lpfet »om Saume be 6 8 ebett 6 gebrad^t ^at." ©er Sitngling mufte nid^t mo ber Saitm be 6 2 eben 6 ftanb, 20 er ma^ite fi(^ auf unb mollte immer ju gel)en, fo lange if)n feine S3eine tritgen, aber er f)atte feine ,§ojfnung i^n ju finben. 21(6 er fd^on burc^ brei ^bnigreic^e gemanbert mar unb abenb 6 in einen 2 Ba(b fam, [e^te er fief) unter einen 25aum unb mollte fe^lafen : ba ^brte er in ben ^ften ein 25 ©eraufe^ unb ein golbener 2 l))fel fiel in feine ^anb. 3 u 9 leii^ flogen brei 9faben p ifjm l)erab, fe^ten fic^ auf feine £niee unb fagten „mir finb bie brei jungen 9faben, bie bu »om ^ungertob errettet f)aft ; a (6 mir grof gemorben marett unb l)brten, baf bu ben golbenen 2 (pfel fudbteft, fo finb mir liber 30 ba 6 SJleer geflogen bi 6 an 6 ©nbe ber SBelt, mo ber 23attm be 6 8 ebett 6 ftef)t, unb l)abeit bir ben 2 (})fel gef)olt 3kt4 27 pic iwcil^e ^»ci^lattc^c. gieube iiiact)te fici^ bcr Sungling auf ben ^eiiinveg unb brac^te ber [c^bnen ifbnig^tocittcr ben goibcncn Slpfel, ber nun fcinc 8lu6rcbe mef)e libeig blieb. @ic tcllten ben Slpfet be^ SebenS unb a^en ibn jufammen : ba tttarb il)r ^erj mit Siebe ju ibin erfutU, unb fie eeveidbten in ungeftbetem (Sliicf ein s bobeg Slltet. 28 V. as fa^jfetre §^neibcxlein. 2ln cinem ©ommcrmorgen fa^ cin ©d^neiberlein auf [cincm am Senfter, mar guter 2)inge unb na^tc au6 Scif)e6fraftcn. !l)a fam cine 33auer^frau bic ©tra^e ^erab 5 unb rief „gut feil! gut SJiuS feit!" 2)a6 fiang bem ©diineibcrlcin lieblici) in bie D^ren, er ftecfte fein jarte^ .^aupt jum gcnfter ^inau6 unb rief „ f)ier fjerauf, tiebe §rau, f)ier mirb fie if)re 9Baare lo^." !l)ie Srau ftieg bie brei 2^reppen mit ii)rem fcpmcren 5forbe ju bem ©cpneiber f)erauf lo unb mu^te bie JIbpfe famtlic^ »or i^m auSpacfen. (Sr befa^ fie alie, f)ob fie in bie «§bf)e, f)ic(t bie 3^afe bran unb fagte enbli^ „ baS ?i}iu6 fcfieint mir gut, micg’ fie mir boc^ »ier Sot ab, (iebe Smu, menn6 au(^ ein SSiertelpfunb ift, fommt e6 mir ni^t barauf an/' 2)ie grau, meicfte ge^offt IS ^atte einen guten 2ibfa| ju finben, gab i^m maS er oer^ langte, ging abcr ganj argeriicf) unb brummig fort. „ 9iun bag ?!)iug foil mir ©ott gcfcgnen," rief bag ©cfineiberiein, „ unb foil mir ifraft unb ©tarte geben," ^olte bag 33rot aug bem ©cfiranf, fc^nitt fic^ cin ©tucf iiber ben ganjcn Saib unb 20 ftri^ bag 9Jiug baruber. „ !l)ag mirb nicpt bitter fcpmecfen," fprac^ er, „ abcr erft mill icp ben SBamg fertig madden, cf)’ i^ anbei^e." @r legte bag 33rot nebcn fid^, naf)te meitcr unb mad^te »or greube immer grofere ©ticfje. Snbeg ftieg ber 29 Prts tapfcic §d)nci6crlcm. @cvuc^ »oii bcin [ujjcn SJJuS t)iuauf an bie SBanb, ino bie gliegcu in groper 3 !Kcngc fapen, fo bap fie perangelocft wurben unb ficp fcparemoei^ barauf nieberliepen. „ (Si, tt»er pat eucp eingefaben?" fpracp bag ©cpneiberlein, unb jagte bie ungebetnen @afte fort. 2 )ie gliegen aber, bie fein beutfcp s oerftanben, liepen ficp nicpt abweifcn, fonbern famen in imnier grbperer ©efetlfcpaft nneber. 2 )a ging bem ®^nei< beriein enblicp bie ©ebulb aug, eg langte nacp einem %\i6^'- lappen, unb „toart’, i(^ tviU eg eucp geben!" f^lug eg unbarmperjig brauf. 2 llg eg abjog unb japite, fo lagen lo nicpt toeniger alg fieben »or ipm tot unb ftrecften bie 33eine. „53ift bu fo ein ^ert?" fpracp er, unb mupte felbft feine 3 ;apferfeit ben'unbern, „ bag foil bie ganje ©tabt erfapren." Unb in ber .^aft fcpnitt ficp bag ©cpneiberlein einen ©urtel, napte ipn unb ftirfte mit gropen Sucpftaben barauf „fiebene is auf einen (Strei^ ! " „ &i wag ©tabt ! " fpra^ er weiter, „ bie ganje SBelt foUg erfapren ! " unb fein ^erj wacfeite ipm »ot greube wie ein Sammerfdpwdnjdpen. 3)er ©cpneiber banb ficp ben ©urtel urn ben Seib, unb woUte in bie 2Belt pinaug, weil er meinte bie SBerfftdtte fei 20 ju flein fur feine SJapferfeit. @p' er abjog, fucpte er im ^aug perum, ob nicptg ba ware, wag er mitnepmen fbnnte, er fanb aber nicptg alg einen alien ifdg, ben ftecfte er ein. 9Sor bem 3;pore bemerfte er einen 93ogel, ber ficp im @e^ ftraudp gefangen patte, ber mupte ju bem £dfe in bie S^afcpe. 25 9lun napm er ben 2Beg tapfer jwifcpen bie Seine, unb Weil er leicpt unb bepenb war, fiiplte er feine Slubigfeit. !Der SCeg fuprte ipn auf einen Serg, unb alg er ben pbcpften ©ipfel erreicpt patte, fofap ba ein gewaltiger Sfiefe unb fcpaute ficp ganj gemdcplicp um. 2)ag ©^neiberlein ging beperjt 30 auf ipn 3 U, rebete ipn an unb fpracp „ guten ifamerab. 30 Pas (apfere §(^ttei 6 erleitt. gelt, bu [i|e[t bn, unb befic^ft bit bie weitlauftige SBelt? id^ bin eben auf bein SGege ba^in unb unit mic^ neifuc^en. ^aft bu 8uft mitjuge^en?" !l)er 9 tie[e fa^ ben ©d^neiber nernd^tli(^ an unb [prnc^ „bu Suin^! bu miferabler iierl!" S „ !Da6 ware!" antwortete ba6 ©d^neiberlein, fnb^jfte ben 9 iocf auf unb jeigte bem 9 Jiefen ben ©iirtef, „ ba fannft bu lefen wa6 ic^ fiir ein 9 )Jann bin." 2)er 9 {iefe laS „ [iebene auf einen ©treidf)," meinte ba6 waren SKenfcfien gewefen, bie bet ©cfmeiber erfc^lagen ^iitte, unb friegte ein wenig 9 ieff)eft .»or 10 bem Heinen Jb'erl. 2)od^ woUte er if)n erft ^jritfen, naf)m einen ©tein in bie <§anb, unb brucfte if)n jufammen, bap ba6 Staffer ^erau^tro) 3 fte. „ !I)a^ macfj' mir nac^," fpra(f) ber 9 iiefe, „ wenn bu ©tarfe t)aft." „3ft6 weiter ni^t^?" fagte ba^ ©d^neiberlein, „ ba6 ift bei unfer einem ©pielwerf," griff IS in bie !Iaf(f)e, boHe ben weicfien ifa6 unb britdfte i£)n, baf ber ©aft f)erau6lief. „@elt," f))ra($ er, „ba6 war ein wenig beffer?" ©)er 9 iiefe wu^te nicfit wa6 er fagen follte, unb fonnte eg son bem 9JJannlein nicftt glauben. !l)a.^ob ber 9 tiefe einen ©tein auf unb warf i^n fo bap man i^n 20 mit Slugen faum nocp fefjen fonnte : „ nun, bu (grpelmann^ cpen, bag t^u mir na^." „@ut geworfen," fagte ber ©(^neiber, „ aber ber ©tein f|at bodp wieber jur @rbe perab^ fallen muffen, will bir einen werfen, ber foil gar nidpt wieberfommen"} griff in bie Slafcpe, napm ben SSoget unb 25 warf ipn in bie 8uft. 2)er Sogel, frol) liber feine Sreipeit, ftieg auf, flog fort unb fam nicfit wieber. „ 2Bie gefallt bir bag ©tiicfc^en, ibamerab?" fragte ber ©c^neiber. „2Berfen fannft bu wof)l," fagte ber 9 {iefe, „ aber nun woUen wir feljen ob bu im ftanbe bift etwag Drbentlidpeg ju tragen." (Sr 30 fli^rte bag ©dpneiberlein ju einem madptigen (Sidpbaum, ber ba gefallt auf bem 95 oben lag, unb fagte „ wenn bu ftarf 31 ;5)(t5 iopfcrc ^d)«ci6crlcin. (jcmtii I'ift, I'o t)ilf mir ticn 33aitiu aug bcm iiialbe I)erau0j tvai)cn." „@cnic/' antwortete bev f(einc „iumm bu imv bcii ©tamin auf bcinc ©cbultcr, ict; will bte 'ilfte mit bt'in ©cpi'cij] auff)cben unb tvagen, ba6 ift boc^ ba6 ©ri^ivcrfte." !Dcv 'JJicfc nat)m bcii ©tainin auf bic ®cf)ulter, ber ©c^neiber 5 abev fcf^te fief) auf cinen 21ft, unb ber Dtiefe, ber fic^ nic^t umfct}cu fonntc, mufte ben gaujen Saum unb ba6 ©d^neu bevleiu nocf) obcubvetn forttragen. @6 war ba ^iuteu gauj luftig nub guter ©iuge, pftf ba6 Siebcficn „ e6 ritten brei ©ebueiber jum 3'4)ore ^iuau6," al^ ware bag 23aumtrageu 10 ein S'iuberfviel. ©er 9tiefe, nacf)bem er etn ©tiicf 3Beg6 bie f^were Saft fortgef(f)lef)f3t f)atte, fonnte ni(^t weiter unb rief „ f)or’, ic^ mup ben 23aum fatten laffen." ©er ©cf)neiber fprang be^enbig(i($ t)erab, faf te ben 23auin mit beiben 2lrmen, alg wenn er if)n getragen ^(itte, unb ft)rac^ sum fKiefen, „ bu 15 bift ein fo grofer ^ert unb fannft ben 33aum nicf)t einmal tragen." ©ie gingen sufammen weiter, unb ate fie an einem ^irfcf)« baum norbeifamen, fafte ber 9tiefe bie ifrone be 6 23aum6, wo bie soitigften griici^te gingen, bog fie ^erab, gab fie bem 20 ©b^neiber in bie ^anb unb ^iep if)n effen. ©a 6 ©(^neiber« (ein aber war »ie( su fd^wacf) um ben 23aum su fatten, unb al 6 ber Siiefe lo^liep, fuf)r ber 23aum in bie >!^b()e, unb ber ©c^neiber warb in bie 8 uft gefcf)neKt. 2((6 er wieber o()ne ©cfiaben ()erabgefaKen war, fprac^ ber Dfiefe „ wa 6 ift ba 6 , 25 ^aft bu nic^t if raft bie fcf)Wacf)e @erte su f)a(ten?" „ 2ln ber ifraft fef)(t e 6 nidf)t," antwortete ba 6 ©cf)neiber(ein, „meinft bu bag ware etwag fur einen, ber fiebene mit einem ©trei($ getroffen Ifat? ief) bin uber ben SSaum ge^rungen, wei( bie 3 ager ba unten in bag ©ebufd^ fc^iefen. ©pring nac^, wenn 30 bug oermagft." ©er 9iiefe mai^te ben 5Serfucb, fonnte aber 32 Pas faj)fcre ^(^ttei6erlein. nic^t iikr ben 58 aum fommen, [onbern blieb in ben ^ften t)anqen, alfo baf bag ©d^neiberlein auc^ ^ier bie £)beri)anb be()ieit. !Der Siiefe fprac^ „ wenn bu ein fo tapferer i^erl bift, [o 5 fomm mit in unfete <§i)f)ie unb liberna^te bei un6 3 )nS (Scbneiberlein n>at beveit unb folgte ibm. 2l(g fie in bet .§bble anlangten, fafen ba noc^ anbere fRiefen beim Seuer, unb jeber ^atte ein gebvateneS ©eftaf in bet ^anb unb af bat»on. !l)a6 ©cbneibetlein fa£) fic^ urn unb bacf)te „ e§ ift 10 bocf) ()iet »iel weitlauftiget a(^ in meinet aBerfftatt." S)et Diiefe n)ie^ i|m ein 33 ett an unb fagte et foKte fic^ {)inein(egen unb au6fc^lafen. !l)ein ©cfjneibetfein wat abet ba6 Sett ju gro^, et legte fic^ niefit fjinein, fonbetn froc^ in eine ©cfe. Site eg 3Ritternadf)t wat unb bet fRiefe meinte, bad ©(^ineibet# IS lein liige in tiefem @df)(afe, fo ftanb et auf, na^in eine gto^e (Sifenftange unb f(^tug bad Sett mit einem ©cfilag but^, unb meinte et f)atte bem @tad()uf)fet ben @ataud gemad^t. aRit bem ftut)ften Siotgen gingen bie fRiefen in ben SBalb unb flatten bad ($cf)neiberiein ganj detgeffen, ba fam ed auf 20 einmat ganj luftig unb oetmegen ba^etgefd^titten. 2)ie fRiefen etfe^tafen, futc^teten ed fd^l^e fie afte tot unb liefen in einet ^aft fott. 2 )ad ©c^neiberlein jog meitet, immet feinet f))i^en fRafe naeft. 5 Racf)bem ed lange getoanbett mat, fam ed in ben .§of 25 eined fbniglidben utib ba ed aRiibigfeit em^jfanb, fo legte ed fii ind @tad unb fcf)(ief ein. aBaf)tenb ed ba lag, famen bie Seute, betta(f)teten ed oon alien ©eiten unb lafen auf bem ©uttel „ fiebene auf einen ©tteief)." „ 2l(^," fptn^ c^en fie, „mad mill bet gtope 5 btiegdl)elb f|iet mitten im 30 gtieben ? !Dad mu^ ein madf)tiget ^ett fein." ©ie gingen unb melbeten ed bem ibbnig, unb meinten, menu £tieg aud« Ptts fctpfcrc g*ci^nci6crlcin. 33 f>vc{f;en foflte, U'arc bad cin unct;tu3cr unb m'ltjlirber ‘DJJanii, ben man nm feinen fortlaffcn biirfte. l)ein ftonu] gcficl ber 9 tat, nnb cr frt;ufte einen »on feinen ^oflenten an ba6 gd^neibevlein ab, ber fotttc if)in, inenn eg anfgewad[;t miire, i^rieggbienfte anbieten. 2)cr ^tbgefanbte blieb bei bem 5 @cf)(afer ftetjen, ivartete big er feine ©lieber ftrecfte unb bie Slutjen auffcftlug, unb bracl^te bann feinen Sintrag i)or. „(gben begl)alb bin icf) {)ievf)er gefommen," antmortete er, „ idfi bin bereit in beg ibbnigg !Dienfte ju treten." 2l[fo Warb er ef)renrtotl emjjfangen unb it)m eine befonbere SBofinung 10 angeiniefen. !Die ifrieggleute aber ivaren bem 6c^neibertein aufgefeffen, unb nn'infcf)ten eg nmre taufenb 2Jleilen ineit meg. „ ®ag foli baraug merben?" fpracf)en fie unter einanber, „n)enn mir 3anf mit i^m friegen unb er f)aut ju, fo fallen auf jeben 15 ©treic^ fiebene. 2)a fann unfer einer niefg beftef)en." 2(lfo fasten fie einen ©ntfcbluf, begaben ficfi allefamt jum ^bnig unb baten urn i^ren 21bfdf)ieb. „2Bir finb niefit gemaebt," fbraiben fie, „ neben einem 9 Kann augjuf)a(ten, ber fiebene auf einen ©treidb fcblagt." 3 )er £bnig U'ar traurig, baf er 20 um beg (Sinen millen alle feine treuen !X)iener cerlieren follte, munfebte bab feine Slugen ifin nie gefe[)en batten, unb mine it)n gerne mieber log gemefen. 2tber er getraute ficb nic^t if)m ben Slbfcbieb ju geben, meil er fiircbtete, er mbcbte ibn famt feinem SSolfe totfcblagen unb ficb auf ben fbnigliiben 2:bron 25 fe^en. @r fann lange bin unb ber, enblicb fanb er einen 9tat. @r f($icfte 3u bem 6dbneiberlein unb lief ibm fagen, meil er ein fo grower j?rieggbelb mare, fo moWte er ibm ein 2tnerbieten macben. 3n einem SBalbe feineg Sanbeg bauften jmei 9iiefen, bie mit Qtauben, 9 )iorben, ©engen unb 25 rennen gropen 30 ©ebaben ftifteten, niemanb burfte ficb i^'ten naben obne G. M . 2 34 (a^jfere §<^neibexUxn. [ic^ in 2eben6gefa^r ju fe^en. SBenn er biefe beibcn Sticfen ukvwanbe unb tbtete, fo moUte et ii)m [eine einjige Sloc^ter jur ©ema^Iin geben unb bag ^albe ibbnigreic^) jur @f)e[tcuer ouc^ folltcn ()unbert Sieiter mitjief)en unb if)tti 33eiftanb 5 (eiftcn. „ !l)a§ ware fo etwa^ fur einen 3Jiann, wie bu bift," bacfite ba6 ©cfjneiberlein, „ eine f^bne iJbnigStocfiter unb ein f)albe6 ibbnigrei^ wirb einem nicfit alle stage angeboten." „D ja/' gab er jur Slntwort, „bie Stiefen will icSfy fc^on banbigen, unb f|abe bie t)unbert Steiter babei nicbt nbtig : wer 10 fiebene auf einen ©treicf> trifft, braucf)t ficfi »or jweien ni^t ju fur(f)ten." !l)a§ ©c^neibertein jog au6, unb bie f)unbert Oteiter fotgten i^m. 2116 er ju bem 9tanb be6 9Balbe6 fam, fj)ra(^ er ju feinen 23eg(eitern „ bleibt f)ier nur i)alten, i($ will fc^on IS allein mil ben Stiefen fertig werben." 3)ann fprang er in ben aSalb l)inein unb fcfiaute ficb recf)t6 unb linf6 urn. Uber ein 2Beildf)en erblicfte er beibe iRiefen : fie lagen unter einem Saume unb fcfjliefen unb fc^nar^ten babei, bap fi^ bie 2ifte auf unb nieber bogen. !I)a6 ©cpneiberlein, nicpt faul, la6 20 beibe Slaf^en soil ©teine unb ftieg bamit auf ben 23aum. 2116 e6 in ber 9)Jitte war, rutf^te e6 auf einen 2tft, bi6 e6 gerabe liber bie ©cplafer ju fipen fam, unb liep bem einen Oliefen einen ©tein nacp bem anbern auf bie 23ruft fallen. !l)er IRiefe fplirte lange nidf)t6, bodp enbli(^) wacpte er auf, ftiep 2 $ feinen ©efellen an unb fpracp „ Wa6 fcpliigft bu midp V‘ „ !l)u triiumft," fagte ber anbere, „idp fcplage bidp nidpt." ©ie legten fidp wieber jum ©dplaf, ba warf ber ©dpneiber auf ben jWeiten einen ©tein perab. „ 2Ba6 foil ba6?" rief ber anbere, „warum wirfft bu midp?" „3(p werfe bidp nidpt," antwor? 30 tele ber erfte unb brummte. ©ie janften fidp eine SBeile perum, bodp Weil fie miibe Waren, liepen fie6 gut fein, unb pas tapfcre ^^nciiJcrtcin. 35 bic ?hifleii fidcn if)ncn nncbcr ju. !l)n0 ©ct;ncibcrlein fiitg fcln 6pid von neucm an, finite ben biefften ©tein aus nnb ii'avf if)n bem erften Siicfen mit atfer @cn)a(t auf bie 33 ntft. „ 2 )a 0 ift ju avg!" fd^rie cv, [prang ivie ein Unfim niger anf unb ftic^ feinen ©efetfen miber ben 33 aum, bap s biefer jitterte. 2)er anbere japlte mit glei^ier SRiinje, unb fie gerieten in [oldpc 3 Bitt, bap fie S 3 aume au6riffen, auf einanber Io6fc^lugen, fo (ang biS fie enblicp beibe jugleicp tot auf bie (Srbe fieicn. 9 iun fprang baS ©cpneiberlein f)erab. „@in @lu(f nur," fpracp e6, „ bap fie ben S8aum, auf bem icp 10 fap, nidpt au6geriffen paben, fonft patte idp mie ein (Sicp# pbrnepen auf einen anbern fpringen miiffen ; bodp unfer einet ift fliidptig!" jog fein ©dpmert unb oerfepte jebem ein paar tiieptige ^iebe in bie 33 ruft, bann ging c6 pinauS jU ben Dfeitern unb fpraep „ bie Slrbeit ift getpan, i(p pabe beiben 15 ben @arau6 gemaept : aber part ift e6 pergegangen, fie paben in ber 9 Jot Saume au6geriffen unb ficp gemeprt, bodp ba^ pilft alleg nidpt6 tvenn einer fommt tt)ie icp, ber fiebene auf einen ©treicp fepiagt „©eib ipr benn nidpt oermunbet?" fragten bie Sieiter. „‘I)a6 pat gute SBege," antmortete ber 20 ©dpneiber, „ fein ^aar paben fie mir gefrummt." ©ie Dfeiter tnollten ipm feinen Olauben bcimeffen unb ritten in ben SBalb pinein : ba fanben fie bie 9 fiefen in iprem 33 (ute fepmim^ menb, unb ring6 perum fagen bie au^geriffenen Saume. 2)a6 ©dpneiberlein oeriangte »on bem J?bnig bie oerfpro^ 25 epene S 3 eIopnung, ben aber rente fein SScrfprecpen unb er fann auf6 neue, mie er fidp ben ^elben 00m ^alfe fepaffen fonnte. „@pe bu meine 3 ::o(ptet unb baS palbe 9 {ei(^ erpaitft," fpra^ er ju ipm, „muft bu nodp eine .^etbentpat ootlbringen. 3n bem SBaibe lauft ein ©inporn, bag gropen 30 ©dpaben anrieptet, bag mupt bu erft einfangen." „ 93 or 36 Pas tapfere $d^ttci 5 erlein. eiitent ©income fiirc^te id^ mid^ nod^ tt)enigcr a(3 sot jwci 9 tie[en ; fiekne auf cinen ©treic^i, ba6 ift meine 6ad^e." (gc na^m fid^ cinen ©tricf unb cine 2Irt mit, ging ^inau6 in ben SOSalb, unb ^iep abermaiS bie, weic^e i^m jugeorbnet waren, 5 aufen U'arten. (Sr braud^te nic^it (ange ju fud^en, ba6 ©inborn fam baib ba^ec unb f^irang gerabeju auf ben 6df)ncibet (o6, al6 tt)otlte c$ it)n of)ne Umftanbe auffpiefen. „@a(f)te, fa(^te," f^^radfi er, „fo gefd^ininb get)t ba6 ni^t," blieb ftef)en unb tnartete bi6 ba6 ^ier ganj naf)e war, bann lofprang ct bet)enbig(ic^ £)intcr ben Saum. !l)a6 (ginf)orn rannte mit alter ffraft gegen ben 35 aum unb fpiefte [ein ^crn fo feft in ben ©tamm, baf e6 nicfit £raft genug f)atte e6 wicber ^erau^p^ie^en, unb fo war e6 gefangen. „Se^t ^ab’ idb ba6 SSbglein," fagte ber ©cfmeiber, fam Winter bem IS 33 aum t)er»or, legte bem @inf)orn ben ©tricf erft urn ben .§al6, bann f)ieb er mit ber 2(rt ba6 >§orn au6 bem SSaum, unb al6 alte6 in Orbnung war, fuf)rte er ba6 ^lier ab unb bradfite eS bem i?bnig. ©er iJbnig wotlte i^m ben ser^eifenen So^n nod^ nic[;t 20 gewaf)ren, unb macfite eine britte gorberung. ©er ©d^neiber follte i^m »or ber -^odfijeit erft ein 2 BiIbfcf)Wein fangen, ba6 in bem SBalb grofen ©cfaben tf)atj bie 3ager foltten ifm S 3 eiftanb leiften. „@erne," fprad^ bee ©dfneiber, „ba6 ift ein ifinberfpiet." ©ie Sager na^m er ni(^t mit in ben 2 Ba(b, 25 unb fie waren^ wo^t jufrieben, benn ba§ ilBilbfdfwein f)atte fie fdfon mebrmalS fo cmi)fangen, baf fie feine Suft flatten if)m nadfjuftellen. SIB ba6 ©cfwein ben ©(^nciber erbticftc, lief e6 mit fdfaumcnbem ^Oiunbe unb we^enben 3af)nen auf i^n ju, unb wollte i^n jur @rbe werfen : ber fliicftige .§e(b aber 30 fprang in eine ^apetle, bie in ber 9 iaf)e war, unb g(ei($ oben jum genfter in einem ©a^e wieber §inau6. ©aS ©c^wein Pets fttpfcrc $d;nci6crlcitt. 37 tvav l)inkr i()m (jcvi^claufcn, er nber aujjcn f)cviim unb bic 3 [)uvc I)iiitcv il)m 311 ; ba war bag tviitenbe SJiet flcf'aiii^cn, bag I'icl 311 fcba'cr unb uubc()ililli(^ war, urn 311 belli gcnftcv t}iiiaug3ii|pviui3cu. !l)ag ©c^iiciberkin rief bie 3aijcv tjcrbci, bic iiiujitcu ben ©efangenen mit cigenen Slugen fct)en: ber ^clb abet begab [ic^) 3uin ifbnige, ber nun, er mod^te wolien ober nid^t, [ein SSerfpred^en ^alten mufite unb it)in feme Jlocfiter unb bag ^a(be ifbnigreicf) iibergab. ^atte er gcnni^t, bap fein i?rieggt)elb [onbern ein ©cpneiberiein »or it)in ftanb, eg ware if)in noep mepr 3U «^er3en gegangen. ©ie >:^odb3eit warb alfo mit groper ^raept unb fleiner greube gepalten, unb aug einein ©epneiber ein ifbnig gemaept. 9 ^adi einiger 3eit pbrte bie junge ifbnigin in ber S^adpt, wie it)r ©emapi im Jlraume fpracp „ Sunge, madp’ inir ben 2Bamg unb pief’ mir bie -^ofen, ober icp wilt bir bie @lle uber bie Opren fdpiagen." ®a merfte fie in weidper @affe ber junge ^err geboren war, flagte am anbern ?!)Jorgen iprem 93 ater ipr 8eib unb bat, er mbdpte ipr tion bent 'DJianne pelfen, ber nidptg anberg alg ein ©dpneiber ware. il>er i?bnig fpradp ipr ! 3 roft 3U unb fagte „Iap in ber nitdpften 9 iadpt beine ©cplaffammer offen, meine !l)iener follen aupen ftepen unb, wenn er eingefdptafen ift, pineingepen, ipn binben unb auf ein ©cpiff tragen, bag ipn in bie weite SBelt fuprt." ©ie Stiiu war bamit 3ufrieben, beg itbnigg SBaffentrager aber, ber alleg mitangepbrt patte, war bem jungen ^errn gewogen unb pinterbradpte ipm ben gan3en Slnfdplag. „'I)em 2)ing will idp einen jRiegel norfepieben," fagte bag ©dpneiberlein. Slbenbg tegte eg fii$ 3U gewbpnlicper 3 c’it 3U Sett: alg fie glaubte er fei eingefcplafen, ftanb fie auf, bffnete bie S^pure unb tegte ficp wieber. !l)ag ©dpneiberlein, bag ficp nur ftellte alg wenn eg feplief, png an mit peller ©timme 3U rufen „3unge, macp’ mit 5 10 15 20 25 30 38 ^as (apfere §c^nei5crlcin. ten 2Bam6 unb flicf’ mtr bie -^ofen, obcr ic^ ttjill bir bie (Stte uber bie Divert fc^lagen ! ic|) ^abe [iebene mit einem ©trcid^ gctrojfen, jwei Sticfen gctbtet, ein ©inborn fortgcfu^rt, unb ein 2Bi(bf($tt)ein gefangen, unb follte mi(^ »or benen fiirc^ten, bie 5 braufcn nor ber hammer fteben !" 2116 biefe ben 6c^neiber alfo fprec^en gotten, xiberfam fie eine gro^e Surest, fie liefen ol6 inenn ba6 iniibe <§eer £)inter i£)nen ware, unb feiner lootlte [i(^ me^r an i^n wagen. Stlfo war unb blieb ba6 ©c^neibertein fein Sebtag ein ibbnig. 39 VI. ©Inem reid^en ?S)Ianne bem twurbe feine Srau franf, unb a(^ fie fuf)(tc ba^ if)r (Snbe f)evanfam, rief fie if)r ein^ifleg !X:6cf)ter(ein ju fid^ an6 S3ett unb ff)rad^ „ liebe6 £inb, bieib froinm unb gut, fo iuirb bir ber liebe @ott immev beifte£)en, s unb ii^ n)ill »om -§immel auf bidfi t)erat)blidfen, unb ivifl urn bid^ fein." !Davauf t^at fie bie Slugen ju unb t>etf($ieb. 2)a6 SHabc^en ging feben S^ag ()inau6 ju bem @rabe ber 9)?utter unb vneinte, unb blieb from in unb gut. 2116 ber 2B inter fam, bedfte ber (Sc^nee ein tt)eife6 JSiiidfifein auf ba6 @rab, lo unb ai6 bie @onne im Sni^iaf)r e6 mieber {(erabgejogen f)atte, na£)m fi($ ber 9)iann eine anbere Srau. 2)ie f^i^au ^atte jmei Slbc^ter in6 ^au6 mitgebracfit, bie fdfibn unb meif non Slngeficfit maren, aber garftig unb fc^ioar^ non <§erjen. 2)a ging eine fdfilimme 3cii fur ba6 arme is ©tieffinb an. „ @otl bie bumme @an6 bei un6 in ber ©tube fil^en ! " fpracfien fie, „ mer SBrot effen miU, mu^ e6 nerbienen : f)inau6 mit bee ilud^enmagb." ©ie naf)men i^m feine fdfionen iJIeiber tneg, jogen if)m einen grauen alten £ittet an, unb gaben if)m ^bijerne ©cbu^e. „ ©e()t einmal bie ftoije fprin^ 20 jeffin, vnie fie gepu^t ift ! " riefeu fie, tacfiten unb fu()rten e6 in bie jJiicfie. ©)a mu^te e6 non SJiorgen bi6 Stbenb fc^tnere Slrbeit tf)un, friif) nor S^ag aufftef)n, SBaffer tragen, Seuer anmacfien, fodfjen unb n)afct;en. Obenbrein tt)aten i^m bie 40 ©d^wcftem atfe^ erfinnlic^e ^erjeleib an, nerf^jotteten e6 unb [d^iittcten i^m bie ©rbfen unb Sinfen in bie Slfc^e, fo bap e6 [ipcn unb [ie iniebet au6lcfen mupte. 2lbcnb6, tt)enn eg ficp mitbe gcarbeitet ^atte, fam eg in fein 33ett, fonbern mupte fi(!p 5 ncben ben «§erb in bie Slfd^e legen. Unb tt)ei( eg barum immer ftaubig unb fc^mupig augfa^, nannten [ie eg 2t[c^en[)Uttel. @g trug [ic^ ju, bap ber 33ater einmal in bie 'IReffe jief)en woflte, ba fragte er bie beiben @tieftoc[)ter, tt>ag er if)nen 10 mitbringen [oUte. „ Scpbne ifleiber," [agte bie eine, „ $evlen unb (Sbelfteine," bie jweite. „ 2lber bu, Slfcpenputtel," fpvadp ec, „n)ag tnitlft bu pabcn?" „9Sater, bag erfte 3teig, bag euc^ auf eurem ^einnneg an ben ^ut ftopt, bag brccpt fur mic^ ab." (Sr fauftc nun fur bie beiben ®tief=> 15 fcpn)eftern fcipbne £ieiber, $er(en unb (Sbelfteine, unb auf bent 3tu(ftt)eg, alg er burcp einen grunen 33uf(f> ritt, ftreifte if)n ein ^afelreig unb ftiep ipm ben -^ut ab. !Da bracp er bag 3?eig ab unb na^m eg mit. 2[lg er nac!p ^aug fam, gab er ben ©tieftbcptern tnag fie fidp gemiinfdpt patten, unb bem 20 Slfdpenputtel gab er bag 9feig non bem -^afetbufdp. 2Ifcpen« puttel banfte ipm, ging ju feiner ?[Rutter @rab unb ppanjte bag 9feig barauf, unb meinte fo fepr, bap bie S^pranen barauf nieberpelen unb eg begoffen. (Sg mucpg aber, unb marb ein fcpbner 33aum. Slfcpenputtel ging atle !Jage breimal barun^ 25 ter, meinte unb betete, unb attemal fam ein meipeg SSbgiein auf ben ©aum, unb tnenn eg einen SBunf^ augfpracp, fo marf ipm bag 35bgiein perab mag eg fidp gcmunfdpt patte. (Sg begab fidp aber, bap ber ifonig ein Soft anftettte, bag brei S'age bauern fottte, unb moju alte fdpbnen Sungfrauen 30 im Sanbe eingelaben murben, bamit ficp fein ©opn eine S3raut augfu^en modpte. 2)ie jmei ©tieff(^meftern, alg fie Jlfd;cni>uttcl. 41 ^ovtcn bap fie and; babci erfct;einen foKtcu, ivaven cjutci 2)in9e, ricfcn SIfd)eiiputtcI, uub fpvacbcii „fdmm’ und bie «^aavc, burfte imS bie ®cput)e itnb macpc un6 bie ©c^uallen feft, U'ir gepeii jitv <§oct;jcit auf bc6 itoiiigS @rf;lop." ?lfcpem fjiittei geporcpte, iveiute aber, n^eil e6 aucp gem sum Xan^ mitgegangeu mdre, unb bat bie ©ticfmuttcr fie mbcf)te ed il}m eviauben. „3)u, Sifcbeuputtei," ffjradp fie, „bift t)oll ©taub uub ©cfuuup, uub tviflft sur .^ocpseit? bu baft feine ifleiber uub ©(fuibe, uub nnilft tansen?" 21(6 e6 aber mit Sitteu auf)ielt, ft^radf fie enblicp „ba cine ©ebiiffei Siufeu ill bie Slfc^e gefeputtet, tvenn bu bie Sinfen in sn'ci ©tunbeu nneber au6ge(efen b^ft, fo foOft bu mitgeben." 2)a6 9)iabcben giug buri^ bie .^iutertbur naep bem ©arteu unb rief „ibr sabmen Saub^eu, ibr Jlurteltdubcben, aCf ibv SSbgiein uutee bem ^imme(, fommt uub bdft mir lefeu, bie guten tn« Sobf^en bie fefte^ten ing .tltcpfiben." !l)a famen snnt ilui^enfenfter swei nieipe S^aubeben bcrcin, unb banadb bie JIurteltaubcben, unb enblicb fcbmirvten unb fcbwavmten atle SSbglein untev bem ^immel bceein, unb liepen fiep urn bie Slfcpe nieber. Unb bie JSaubepen nieften mit ben £b|)f^en unb pngen an pif, pif, pif, pif, unb ba pngen bie ubvigen auep an pif, pif, pif, pif, unb lafen aHe guten 5fbrn^ (ein in bie ©cpiiffet. £aum mar eine ©tunbe bccum, fo maven fie fepon fertig unb pogen aKe mieber pinau6. 2)a braipte ba6 SJJabepen bie ©cpiiffel ber ©tiefmutter, freute ficp unb glaubte, e6 burfte nun mit auf bie .^oipseit gepen. Slber fie fpracp „nein, Slfcpenputtet, bu paft feine ifleiber, unb fannft ni(pt tansen : bu mirft nur au6ge(acpt/' 21(6 e6 nuu meinte, fpracp fie „ menu bu mir smei ©cpuffefn »otI Sinfen in einer ©tunbe au6 ber 2ifcpe rein (efen fannft, fo fotift bu 5 10 15 20 25 30 42 Jlfd^cnpuifcl. mitge^cn," unb ba($te „ ba6 fann eS ja nimmcrme^r." Sll3 fie bie jwei ©d^uffefn Sinfen in bie 2l[($e gefc^uttet §atte, ging bag 3 )iab^cn bur(^ bie «§intert^ur nac^ bem @arten unb rief „ i^r ja^men ^^aubi^en, i^r J£urteltaub($en, alt i^r SSeglein 5 unter bem .^immei, fommt unb ^elft mir (efen, bie guten in^ bie fc^ied^ten in^ .^rbpfd^en.'' 2)a famen 5um ifuc^enfenfter jiuei meife JSaubc^en herein unb banac^ bie Jlurteltaubc^en, unb enblic^ fd^mirrten unb 10 f(^tt)armten atfe QSogel unter bem ^immel herein, unb tiefen [ic^ urn bie 2 lf(^e nieber. Unb bie Siaubci^en nicften mit i^ren ^b^)fc&en unb fingen an ))if, )3if, ^)if, pif, unb ba ftngen bie ubrigen auc^ an ))if, pif, ^3it, ^)if, unb (afen aUe guten Corner in bie ©^iiffein. Unb e^’ eine ^albe ©tunbe Return mar, maren 15 fie fcf)on fertig, unb flogen atle mieber ^inaug. !l)a trug bag 9 Jiab($en bie ©c^uffeln ju ber ©tiefmutter, freute fief; unb glaubte, nun biirfte eg mit auf bie <§oc^jeit gef)en. Slber fie fpradfi „ eg f)ilft bir atteg nic^tg ; bu fommft niefit mit, benn bu ^aft feine ifieiber unb fannft nic^t tanjenj mir mii^ten 20 ung beiner fcfiamen." ©arauf fe^rte fie i{)m ben 3 tucfen ju unb eiite mit ifiren smei ftol^en ^^bc^tern fort. Sllg nun niemanb mef)r baf)eim mar, ging 2lf^enf)UtteI p feiner 9Jfutter @rab unter ben ^afelbaum unb rief ,, S 3 dumc^en, ruttel bid^ unb fd^uttei bid^, 25 njivf @clb unb @ilber uber uiid^ ! '' •Da marf i^m ber SSogel ein gotben unb filbern ifieib fierunter unb mit ©eibe unb ©ilber auggeftiifte ^antoffeln. 3n alter @ile jog eg bag ifieib an unb ging jur ^o^jeit. ©eine ©cfimeft^ ern aber unb bie ©tiefmutter fannten eg nic^t, unb meinten eg 30 miiffe eine frembe iJbniggtoc^ter fein, fo fcfibn fat) eg in bem got benen^teibe aug. Sin Slfd^enputtel bac^ten fie gar nic^t unb Jlfc^CttlJUffcI. 43 fcrtc^itcn, c 6 fafc t»af)cim iiu Sc^imil^ itnb furbte bie Sinfcn aue ber 2lfd{)c. 2)er i?i)nig6fof)ii fain if)iu cntijegen, tw^m eg bei ber ^anb imb tanjtc niit itjin. (Sv inoilte auc^i fonft mit nicinanb tanjcii, a(fo bap er ipm bie ^anb nirpt fogliep, unb wcmi cin aubevec fain, c6 aufenforbern, [piac^ er „ bag iff 5 meine JJanjerin." (Sg tanjte big eg Slbenb war, ba woHte eg nadp «§aug geptn. !Der i?bniggfof)n aber fpracp „ic^ gepe'mit unb begleite bidp,'' benn er wollte fepen went bag fc^bne 9Jfabc^en ange^brte. @ie entwifdpte ipm aber unb [prang in bag 10 Jlaubenfiaug. 9 ?un wartete ber ^bnigg|of)n big ber 93ater fam, unb fagte ipm bag frembe a)fab($en War’ in bag JSauben^ paug gefprungen. 2)er Sllte baepte „fotIte eg Slfc^enputtel fein," unb [ie mupten ipm Sfrt unb ^aefen bringen, bamit er bag 3 :aubcn^aug entawei fcpiagen fonnte : aber eg war nie^ 15 nianb barin. Wnb alg fie ing ^aug fainen, lag Slfi^enputtef in feinen fc^nnupigen iffeibern in ber Slfc^e, unb ein trubeg Ollampcpen brannte im ©epornftein 5 benn Sifcpenputtel war gefepwinb aug bem Jlauben^aug fjinten perabgefprungen, unb War ju bem -^afelbaunu^en gefaufen : ba patte eg bie 20 f^bnen £leiba abgeaogen unb aufg @rab geiegt, unb ber pogei patte fie wieber weggenominen, unb bann t)atte eg fidp in feinem grauen ifitteldpen in bie Mepe jur Sif^e gefe^t. 2 fm anbern iJag, alg bag f^efi »on neuem anpob, unb bie (Sltern unb ©tieffepweftern wieber fort warm, ging Slfcpen^ 25 puttel au bem ^afelbaum unb fprac^ ! „S3aum(ben, ruttel bi(^ unb btdb, ®clb unb (Silber uber mtd^ ! " 2 )a warf ber SSoget ein nodp Diet ftolaereg ifleib perab, alg am oorigen 3 :ag. Unb alg eg mit biefem ifleibe auf ber 30 (>&o^aeit erfdpien, erftaunte jebermann itber feine ©rt;bnpeit. 44 !X>cr 5 ti)nig 6 fo^n aber ^atte gemvtet e 6 fam, ttat)m e 6 gleic^ bet bet -^anb, unb tan^te nur atlein mit i^m. SBenn bte anbern famen unb e 6 auforberten, er „ba 6 ift meine JSanjerin." 2116 e 6 nun 2 lbenb war, woUte c 6 fort, 5 unb ber ifbnig 6 fof)n ging i^m nac^ unb woUte fe^en, in welcfieg ^au 6 e 6 ging : aber e 6 [prang if)m fort unb in ben ©arten t]inter bem ^au 6 . ©arin ftanb ein fd^bner grofer SBaum, an bem bie ^errlicfiften 33irnen t)ingen, e 6 fletterte fo bet)enb Wie ein ©icfibbrncben jwifdben bie ^fte, unb ber ifbnig 6 fof)n 10 wu^te nicfit, wo e 6 ^ingetommen war. (Sr wartete aber bi 6 ber QSater !am, unb fprac^ ju if)m „ ba 6 frembe ^Jiabd^en ift mir entwifc^t, unb id^ glaube e 6 ift auf ben Sirnbaum gefprungen." 2)er SSater bacfjte „ foCte e 6 2lf^enputtet fein," lie^ fief) bie 2lrt f)oten unb ^iob ben 25aum um, aber e 6 war IS niemanb barauf. Unb al 6 fie in bie ifudf)e famen, lag 2 lfcf)enputte( ba in ber 2 lfcbe, wie fonft audb, benn e 6 war auf ber anbern ©eite »om 33aum f)erabgefprungen, f|atte bem SSogel auf bem .^afelbaumdf)en bie fcf)bnen ifleiber wieber? gebra(f)t unb fein graueS ifittelcfien angejogen. 20 2lm britten 2:ag, al 6 bie (Sltern unb ©^weftern fort waren, ging 2 (f(^enputtel wieber ju feiner 3)tutter @rab unb fpraef) ju bem S3aumcf)en „S3autn^cn, ruttet unb fcbuttcl bi(b, ‘ teirf @clb unb ©itber fiber utiib ! " 25 iRun warf ibm ber SSogel ein ifleib f)erab, ba 6 war fo prae^tig unb gteinjenb wie e 6 nod; fein 6 ge^abt ^atte, unb bie ^an< toffeln waren ganj golben. 21(6 e 6 in bem £(eib ^u ber .^odpjeit fam, wuften fie aHe nid^t wa 6 fie oor SBerwunberung fagen fotlten. 2 )er £onig 6 fof)n tanjte ganj allein mit i§m, 30 unb wenn e 6 einer aufforberte, fpra^ er „ ba 6 ift meine S^anjerin." Jlfd^cttpuifcl. 45 §r(5 cd nun SIbcnb war, wodtc Slfd^cn^juttcl fort, unb bet ifoniijiifol}!! U'otite c6 bcgicitcn, aber cd cntfprang if)m fo gcfcfjii'inb, ba^ cr nicftt folgen fonntc. 2)cr ibbntg6fof)n tjattc abcv cine Sift gcbraucfjt, unb l)atte bie gnnje S^rebbe niit ^cef) bcftrcic^en taffen: ba war, aid c6 f)inabfprang, bcrlinfe^an 5 toffcl bed SJtabc^end t)angcn gebticben. 2)er ifbnigdfofin ()ob it)n auf, unb er war flein unb jierlicfi unb ganj gotben. Slni na($ften 'iiJlorgen ging cr bamit ju bem 3)iann, unb fagtc ju it|m „ feine anbere foH mcine @cmaf)(in werben aid bie, an beren guf biefer golbene @c^uf) fsapt." 2)a freuten fief) bie 10 beiben ©e^weftern, benn fie flatten fd^bne gupc. ©ic altcfte ging mit bem ©dl;u^ in bie itammer unb wollte i^n anfsro? bieren, unb bie 9)?utter ftanb babei. Slber fie fonntc mit ber gropen 3efie nid;t fiineinfommen, unb ber ®cf)u^ war if)r ju flein; ba reid^te il)r bie ^Ofutter cin SUfeffer unb fpra^ „^au 15 bie ab: wann bu iJ'bnigin bift, fo brauefift bu nici^t me^r ju gup jU gef)en." 2)ad ajiabdpen f)ieb bie 3ef|e ab, jwangte ben gup in ben ©dpup, oerbip ben (Sefnnerj unb ging fieraud jum i?bnigdfof|n. 2)a na^m er fie aid feine 33raut aufd ^ferb, unb ritt mit ipr fort. @ie mupten aber an 20 bem @rabe oorbei, ba fapen bie jwei S^aubcfien auf bem .§afel? baumcfien, unb riefen „rucfe bi gu(f, ruefe bi gucf, mit ifi im ber ift .gu ftein, 25 ^ bie red^te SBraut nod^ baT)eim." ,I)a blicfte er auf if)ren gup unb [af| wie bad S5fut tjeraud# ^ quoit, ©r wenbete fein ^ferb urn, bracipte bie falfcpe Sraut Wieber nacf) ^aud unb fagte, bad ware nidpt bie reepte, bie .anbere ©dbweftcr fotle ben S^up anjiepen. Ilia ging biefe 30 in bie stammer unb fam mit ben 3 epen glucflidp in ben 46 JlfcS^cnputtcI. ©d^u^, after bie ^erfe war ju gro^. !S)a reid^te i^r bie 9)iuttcr ein 3)Jeffer unb [)3rad^ „ ^au ein ie ba6 25fut auS 15 bem ©d^uf) quoft unb an ben mei^en ©trum))fen ganj rot ^eraufgeftiegen toar. 2)a toenbete er fein ^Pferb, unb bracfite bie fal[(f)e SSraut mieber nad^ ^au6. „ 2)a6 ift aud^ nid^t bie recite," fpradb er, „f)abt if)r feine anbere JTocfjter? " „!)lein," [agte ber 9Jiann, „nur »on meiner oerftorbenen ao^rau ift nodb ein fieine^ oerbutteteS 2if($enj3Uttef ba: baS tann unmbglicp bie Sraut fein." 3)er ifbnigSfo^n fijrad^ er folfte e6 f)erauffdf>idfen, bie 9Jiutter aber antmortete „ a(ft nein, bag ift »iet p f^mu|ig, bag barf fief) nidf)t fef)en laffen." (Sr mollte eg aber burdfiaug ^aben, unb Slfc^enputtei mu^te 25 gerufen merben. 2)a mufdf) eg fid^ erft ^anbe unb 2lngeficf)t rein, ging bann f)in unb neigte fidf) »or bem ^bniggfot)n, ber i£)m ben gofbenen ©d^uf) reidf)te. 2)ann fe^te eg fief) auf einen ©d^emef, jog ben Suf aug bem fcf)meren <§oIjfdbuf) unb ftccfte if)n in ben fpantoffet, ber mar mie angegoffen. Unb afg eg 30 fid^ in bie ^bf)e ricfjtete unb ber 5fbnig it)m ing ©effect faf), fo erfannte er bag fd^bne SDiabd^en, bag mit if)m getanjt f)atte. Jlfd^cnpuHcI. 47 unb vicf „bai3 ift bie rcrl;te 33raut!" !l)te ©ticfuiuttcr unb bic beibcii ©i^UH'ftcru crfi^vafcii unb ivurbcn bkic^ Bov ?iri]cr : cr abcv nal)in Slfc^enputtct auf0 ^ferb uiib ritt mit i()iu fort. 2116 fie an bcm ^afclbaumc^en Borbeifamen, riefen bie jwei tBei^eu 3:aub($en S „rn(fe bi gmf, riafe bi gucf, fein im ber ift nid;t ju ffein, bie red)te S3raut bie fuf^rt ec l^eim.'' Unb al6 fie ba6 gerufen flatten, famen fie beibe [)erabgefIogen lo unb fel^ten fi^ bem 2lfdf)ent3Uttel auf bie ©(^ultern, eine recf)t6, bie anbere Iinf6, unb blieben ba fi^en. 2116 bie -^oc^jeit mit bem ifbnig6fof)n folfte ge^alten tuer# ben, famen bie falfcfien ©cfUBeftern, moftten fic^ einfcfimeic^eln unb 2:ei( an feinem ©liicf nefimen. 2[(6 bie 23raut(eute nun is jur ^irdfie gingen, mar bie altefte jur redfiten, bie jitngfte jur linfen ©eite ; ba f)icften bie JSauben einer feben ba6 eine 2[uge au6. ^ernacf) a(6 fie f)erau6gingen, mar bie ciftefte pr linfen unb bie jiingfte jur re^ten: ba f)icften bie 3:auben einer jeben ba6 anbere 2[uge au6. Unb maren fie affo fiir 20 if)re 23o6f)eit unb Salfcfif|eit mit 23linbf|eit auf if)r Sebtag geftraft. 48 VII. ^xaxt ^oUc. (Sine SBitwe fjntte jU'ci !£od^ter, bat>on inar tie eine fc^on unb fieifig, bie anbere l)aplid^ unb faul. ®ie fjatte abet bie f)a^(id^e unb faule, weii fie i^re recite Jloc^tec war, niet lieber, 5 unb bie anbere niu^te able Strbeit t^un unb ber Slfc^enputtel im -^aufe fein. 2)a6 arme 5DIabcI)en mufte ficl) taglid^ auf bie grope ©trape bei einem Srunnen fepen, unb mupte [o oiel fpinnen, bap if)in ba6 33(ut au6 ben gingern fprang. 9?un trug e§ [idp ju, bap bie ®))ule einmal ganj biutig war, ba lo biicfte e6 ficp bamit in ben 33runnen unb wottte fie abwafcpen: fie fprang if)m aber au6 ber ^anb unb fiel f)inab. (S6 weinte, lief jur ©tiefmutter unb erjaplte if)r ba6 Ungliicf. ®ie fcpalt e6 aber fo t)eftig unb war fo unbarmljerjig, bap fie fpracp „f)aft bu bie ©pule l)inunterfatlen laffen, fo f)ol’ fie au(^ 1 $ wieber f)erauf." I)a ging ba6 9J?abcf)en ju bem Srunnen ^urucf unb wupte nicpt wa6 e6 anfangen foHte ; unb in feiner ^erjenSangft fprang e6 in ben Srunnen ()inein, urn bie ©pule JU l)olen. (S6 oerlor bie 33efinnung, unb als e§ erwac^te unb wieber ju fi^ felber fam, war e6 auf einer 20 fdpbncn SBiefe, wo bie ©onne fdpien unb oiel taufenb S3lumen ftanben. 8luf biefer SBiefe ging e6 fort unb fam ju einem 33acfofen, ber war ooller iBrot ; baS SSrot aber rief „ ac^, jicp midf) rau6, jief) mic!^ rau6, fonft oerbrenn’ ic^ : icp bin fdpon ^fratt (l^ollc. 49 laiigft miegclHicfcii." 2)a trnt f)erju, unb f)otk mit bem 33 fotfc|)icbei- al(c6 nnc^ ciiianbcr ^eraug. ©anatf; (jing eg ivcitcc unb fain ju ciiicin Saum, bcr ()ing woft tpfel, uub vicf if)in 3U „ ac^ [c^iittel mic^i, fcf;uttel mic^, inir 2tpfe( [inb aUe mit cinanbev reif." Da fd&iitteite eg ben SSaum, baf bie 5 SlVfel ficlen a(g regneten fie, unb f^iittelte big feiner me§r oben mar 5 unb alg eg alte in einen «§aufen jufammengelegt f)a«e, ging eg mieber meiter. (Snbii($ fam eg ju einem fleinen <§aug, baraug gncfte eine alte gran, meii fie aber fo gro^e 3 fll)ne ^atte, marb if)m angft, unb eg motfte fortiaufen. 10 Die a(te gran aber rief i^m nadb „ mag fiirc^teft bu bic^, iebeg ilinb? bleib bei mir, menu bn alle SIrbeit im ^aufe mbentlic^ t^un miflft, fo foC birg gut ge^n. Du mu^t nur id^t geben, bap bu mein Sett gut macpft unb eg fleipig auf^ ■^iitteift, bap bie f^ebern Piegen, bann fi^neit eg in ber 15 Belt*; tcp bin bie grau ^oUe." SlBeit bie Stlte ipm fo gut ufpradp, fo fapte ficp bag SJabdpen ein ^erg, mittigte ein unb tegab ficp in ipren Dienft. (gg beforgte oucp alteg nacp iprer iufriebenpeit, unb fcputtelte ipr bag Sett immer gemaltig :uf, bap bie gebern mie ©cpneepocfen umperpogen ; bafitr 20 utte eg aucp ein gut Seben bei ipr, fein bbfeg 2Bort, unb atte rage ©efotteneg unb ©ebrateneg. 9 iun mar eg eine 3eit^ ing bei ber grau ^oife, ba marb eg traurig unb mupte nfangg felbft nicpt mag ipm fepite, enblii^ merfte eg bap eg )eimmep mar ; ob eg ipm pier gfeicp oief taufenbmal beffer 25 ing aig ju ^aug, fo patte eg bocp ein Sertangen bapin. •nblicp fagte eg gu ipr „ icp pabe ben Summer nai^ ^aug efriegt, unb menu eg mir au(^ nocp fo gut pier unten gept, ' fann icp bodp nicpt (anger bleiben, icp mup mieber pinauf ! * ®arum fogt wan in ^ejiVn, wenn eg fepneit „bie gvou J&ctte ma(6t rS3ett." ' G. M, 4 so ^ollc. ju ^en SKeinigcn." 5l)te grau -g)olIe fagte „ e6 gefciCft mtr, bu tt)icbev nac^) <§aufe serlangft, unb tt)ei( bu mtr [o treu gcbient ^aft, fo mill ic^ bit^ felbft mieber ^iiiaufbringen." ©ie na^m c6 barauf bei ber ^anb unb fit^rle c6 »or ein S grofe6 3:i)or. !Da6 !J^^or marb aufget^an, unb mie ba$ 9Jlob(^en gerabe barunter ftanb, ftel ein gemaltiger Ooibregen, unb alle6 @olb blicb an if)m ^angen, fo ba^ liber unb uber baoon bebecft mar. „ 2)a6 foUft bu l)aben, meil bu fo flei^ig gemefen bift," fpra^ bie Srcm >&olle, unb gab ibm aucft lo bie ®f)ule mieber, bie it)m in ben Srunnen gefallen mar. 2) arauf marb ba6 !Xf)or nerfcfiloffen, unb baS SJliibcften befanb fief) oben auf ber SSelt, nicf)t meit »on feiner DJlutter ^au6 : unb al6 e6 in ben .^of fain, faf ber -§al)n auf bem Srunnen unb rief IS „tiferifi, unferc gclbtne Sungfrou iji toieber bif-" 3) a ging e6 f)inein 311 feiner Gutter, unb meil eg fo mil @olb bebedt anfam, marb eg son il)r unb ber ©eftmefter gut auf^ genommen. 20 2>ag DJfabeben erjafilte alleg mag if)m begegnet mar, unb alg bie fOlutter f)brte mie eg 3U bem gropen fReiebtum gefom« men mar, mollte fie ber anbern fjaflicben unb faulen Sloefiter gerne bagfelbe ©litcf oerfcf)afen. ©ie mufte fief) an ben ^runnen fe^en unb fpinnen j unb bamit ifjre ©pule blutig 25 marb, ftaef) fie fief) in bie ginger unb ftief fief) bie ^anb in bie 2)ornl)ecfe. ©ann marf fie bie ©pule in ben iBrunnen unb fprang felber l)inein. ©ie fam, mie bie anbere, auf bie fei^bne SSiefe unb ging auf bemfelben ^fabe meiter. 2llg fie ju bem iBaefofen getangte, fei^rie bag 35rot mieber „ aef) jief) mief) raug, 30 jief) mief) raug, fonft gerbrenn’ ief), ict) bin fcf)on langft aug^ gebaefen." ©tie gaule aber antmortete „ ba ^iitt’ ic^ Suft mief) ^rau i&oUe. 5 1 fdEjmul^ig jii nuic^cn/' unb fling fort. 33a^^ fam fie ju t>em 21})fclbaum, bcr ricf „acf) fcfjiittcl mi(^, fc^iittel micf), U)ir SIVfcl fiub allc init ciuaiibcr reif." 6ie autmortete aber „ bu foinmft inir rcd^f c6 fbuiitc mir ciner auf bcu il'oj)f fallen," nnb fling bamit toeiter. 215 fie »or ber gran ^otte fain, s fur^tete fie fidfi nicfit, iveil fie oon il}ren gvopen 3al)nen fcfion gel)brt l)atte unb oerbingte fic^ gleic^ 3 u i^r. 2lm erften 2 :a 9 tl)at fie fief) ©eioalt an, tear flei^ig unb folgte ber gran ^olle, U'enn fie iljr etwaS fagte, benn fie baefte an bag oiele @olb, bag fie i^r fefenfen tvurbe ; am ameiten 2:afl aber fing fie 10 fdfon an ju faulenjen, am britten nocf) mefjr, ba mollte fie morgeng gar nieft auffte^en. ©ie mac^te auc^ ber grau ^olle bag 23ett ni^t mie fiifjg gebii^rte, unb f^ttelte eg nieft, baf bie gebern aufflogen. !l)ag marb bie grau ^otte balb mube unb fagte it)t ben 2)ienft auf !Die gaule mar 15 bag mo^l jufrieben unb meinte, nun murbe ber ©olbregen fommen ; bie grau ^olle fii^rte fie aue^ ju bem 3:f)or, alg fie aber barunter ftanb, marb ftatt beg @olbeg ein grower A'effel »oa q3ec^ auggefefuttet. „lDag ift jur 23elof)nung beiner 2)ienfte," fagte bie grau ^oOe unb fcflof bag $l)or ju. 2)a 20 fam bie gaule f)eim, aber fie mar ganj mit 5)3ecf) bebeeft, unb ber ^a^n auf bem Srunnen, alg er fie faf), rief „ titcriti, unfete f^mu^ige Sungfrau ift toieber IDag ^ec^ aber blieb feft an i§r pngen unb mollte, fo lange 25 fie lebte, nieft abge^en, i I lj„ OF ILL L13„ 4—2 52 VI 11. ^otMpp6)cn. @6 tt)at eiumal etnc Heine [life 2)ime, bie fatte [eber# mann lieb, ber [ie nuv anfaf, nm aEerliebften aber ifre ©rof? mutter, bie ttmfte gar nieft, mag fie alteg bem 5?inbe geben S [oltte. ©inmai [cfenHe fie ifm ein ^iitipcfen »on rotem ©ammet, unb meil ifm bag fo mo{)l ftanb, unb eg nieftg anberg me^r tragen moltte, fief eg nur bag 9totfafpcfen. (Sineg JSageg fpraef feine SJlutter ju ifm „fomm, 9{otfaff< cfen, ba faft bu ein ©tucf ifuefen unb eine glnfffe 2Bein, 10 bring' bag ber ©rofmutter finaug ; fie ift franf unb [(^madf unb rnirb fief baran (aben. 9)ia^' bief auf benor eg f eif wirb, unb menu bu finaugfommft, fo gef fiibfcf fittfam unb iauf ni(^)t t)om 2Beg ab, fonft faltft bu unb ^erbriefft bag @iag unb bie ©rofmutter fat nieftg. Unb menu bu in ifre ©tube IS fommft, fo oergif ni(ft guten 9Jiorgen ju fagen unb gucH nieft erft in aKe ©efen ferum." „ mitt f(f on alleg gut maefen," fagte 9iotfaffcf en jur SJJutter, unb gab ifr bie .§anb barauf. !l)ie @rof mutter aber mofnte brauf en im 9BaIb, eine f albe ©tunbe »om ©orf. 20 2Bie nun 9totfaffcfen in ben SBalb fam, begegnete ifm ber SBolf. 9Iotfaffcfen aber mufte nieft, mag bag fiir ein bbfeg Slier mar, unb fureftete fief nieft oor ifm. „@uten 3Sag, Slotfaffcfen," fpraef er. „©efbnen ©anf, iffiolf." „®o ^lotkcif)pd)cii. 53 \o fn'tf), 9 {otfa|)pc]^cn ?" „ 3iiv ©ropmuttcv." „ 9 Ba 6 tviigft bu untcv bcv ©(^urje?" „i?uct;cn unb 2Bcin: gcftern ^abeii unv flcbacfcn, ba [oil [ic^ bic fraufe unb [($nmc^e @xop inuttcr ctUHi6 ju gut tljun, unb [ic^ bamit ftcirfen." „ ^^ot^ fa)3l5c!^en, n)o tt)of)nt beine ©ro^mutter?" „ 9 lo($ eine gute 5 SSievtelftunbe tneitec im SBalb, unter ben btei grofen baumcn, ba ftel)t i^c ^au6, unten [inb bie 9 luf^ecfen, ba6 nnrft bu ja toiffcn," fagte ^^otfal3^)d^en. 2)cr SBolf bac[)te bet [ic[) „ba 3 junge jarte 5 l>ing, ba6 ift ein fetter 55 iffen, ber tnirb noc^ beffer fc[)inecfen ate bie Sllte : bu muft e6 10 liftig anfangen, bamit bu beibe erfc^nappft." Sa ging er ein SBeilci^en neben Stotfapijc^en, bann fpracf) er „ fap))c[)en, fief) einmal bie fc^bnen 33 lumen, bie ring6 umf)er fte^en, warum gurfft bu bic^ nic^t urn V ic^ glaube bu ^brft gar nic[)t, tt>ie bie 93 bglein fo lieblic^ fingen? bu ge^ft [a fitr 15 bid; l)in ate menu bu jur @c[)ule gingft, unb ift fo luftig ^u^en in bem 2Batb." 9 {otfapp(^en fc^lug bie Slugen auf, unb ate eS faf) wie bie ®onnenftral)ten burcfi bie 33 dume t)in unb l)er tanjten, unb ailed soil fcfjbner SSlumen ftanb, bac^te ed „ wenn ic^ ber 20 Orof mutter einen frifcften ©traufi mitbringe, ber mirb il)r aucf) f^reube madden ; ed ift fo frul) am ^iag, baf ic^ boc^ p red)ter 3 cit anfomme," lief 00m SBege ab in ben SBalb l)inein unb fucfjte S 3 lumen. Unb menn ed eine gebroc^en fiatte, meinte ed, meiter f)inaud ftiinbe eine fc^onere, unb lief barnad), 25 unb geriet immer tiefer in ben SBalb l)inein. ®er SBolf aber ging gerabedmegd na(d bem ^aud ber ©rofmutter, unb flopfte an bie 3 ;t)ure. „2Ber ift braupen?" „ DiotfdiJixden, bad bringt ifucfien unb SBein, mad)’ " it 35 tu(f’ nur auf I bie iflinfe," rief bie ©ro^mutter, „ icf) bin ju fd)tt)a(d unb fann 30 1 nid)t aufftel)en.'’ 3 )er SBolf briicfte auf bie iblinfe, bie JJt)ure 54 '^otfecippd^ett. ftsrnng auf unb er ging, o^ne ein 2Bort ju fpvec^en, gerabe jum S 3 ett ber ©ropmutter unb nerf(^(ucfte fie. 2 )onn tf)at ec i^ve ibieiber nn, fe^te i^re ^aubc auf, tegtc ftc^ in it)r 33 ett unb 5og bie 9 Sorf)ange nor. s Siotfav^JC^en abet war nab^ ben Sfumen ^erumgelaufen, unb a(6 e6 fo niel jufammen ^atte, ba^ e6 feine mef)r tragen fonnte, fiet i^m bie ©rofmutter wieber ein unb e6 macfite fi^ auf ben 2Beg ju if)r. @6 wunberte ficfi, ba^ bie JS^ure auf« flanb, unb wie eg in bie ©tube trat, fo fam e§ if)m fo feltfam lo barin nor, ba^ e6 bac^te „ ei, bu mein @ott, wie angftlicfi tnirb mir^ f)eute ju 9 )iut, unb bin fonft fo gerne bei ber @rof^ mutter 1 “ ©6 rief „ guten SRorgen !" befam aber feine S(nt« wort. 2 )arauf ging e6 pm iBett unb jog bie 33 orf)ange juriicf : ba lag bie @rof mutter, unb fiatte bie ^aube tief in6 IS ©efic^t gefe^t unb fat) fo wunber(icf> au6. „ ©i, ©rof« mutter, wa§ f)aft bu fiir gro^e Df)ren!" „ Sa^ icf) bid^ beffer fjoren faun." „ ©i, ©ro^mutter, wa6 f)aft bu fur gro^e Stugen!" „2)a^ icfi bidf) beffer fet)en fann." „©i, ©rofi^ mutter, wa6 t)aft bu fur grope ^anbe !" „ Sap icp bicp beffer 20 jjacfen fann." „ Slber, ©ropmutter, wa6 paft bu fur ein entfeplicp grope6 Sfaul ! " „ 2)ap i($ bidp beffer freffen fann." 5 faum patte ber 2 BoIf ba6 gefagt, fo tpat er einen ©ap auS bem iBette unb nerfdptang ba6 arme Stotfappdpen. 2Bie ber SEotf fein ©etiiften geftittt patte, tegte er fidp 25 wieber in6 Sett, fdpiief ein unb png an ubertaut ju fdpnardpen. !l)er 3ager ging eben an bem ^au6 norbei unb badptc „ wie bie atte S^au fdpnardpt, bu mupt bodp fepen ob ipr etwa6 fepit." 2 )a trat er in bie ©tube, unb wie er nor ba6 Sett fam, fo fap er bap ber 2Bolf barin tag. „ Sinbe idp bidp pier, 30 bu alter ©iinber," fagte er, „idp pabe bidp lange gefudpt." 9 fun wotlte er feine Sudpfe aniegen, bg pet ipm ein ber 9 BoIf 55 ^lotluippc^cn. fonnte bic (^irofimiittcc tjabcii, unb fie tt)are noc^ ju rettcu : [c^o|j foiibeni na()iu eiiie ©c^eere unb ftng an bcm fc^fafenbcn SBo(f ben 33anc^) aiifjnfi'^neiben. 2 Bie et ein ^aai- ©cbnitte gctfjau fjatte, ba fat) cr ba 6 rote ibat)pcf)en leuci^ten, unb nocf) ein fsaat ©c^nitte, ba [prang bag 9 )iabcf)en s t)eraug unb rief „ ac^ ivie war icf) erfeprotfen, wie warg [o buntel in beni 2Bo(f feinem Seib!" Unb banu fam bie atte ©ropmutter auep noef) tebenbig f)eraug unb fonnte fauin atmen. 9{otfapp($en aber polte gefcbwinb grofe ©teine, bamit futtten fie bein 2 Bo(f ben Seib, unb wie er aiifwacpte, lo Wotite et fortfpringen, aber bie ©teine waren fo fc^wer, ba^ er gleic^ nieberfanf unb ficfi tot fiet. ©a waren atte brei oergnugt ; ber Sager jog bem SBotf ben fpetj ab unb ging bamit f)eim, bie ©rofmutter a^ ben ifudben unb tranf ben SBein, ben Stotfapp^en gebraept fintte, 15 unb etf)oIte ficb wieber, 3fotfappcben aber badpte „ bu witift bein Sebtag nii^it wiebet allein 00 m 2 Bege ab in ben Satb tanfen, wenn birg bie 5Ruttet oerboten f)at." (5g wirb aucb erjabtt, baf einmat, atg fRotfappd^en ber atten @rof mutter wieber ©ebaefeneg braepte, ein anberet 20 SBotf ibm jugefproeben unb eg »om SBege pabe abteiten Wolten. 9fotfapp(jf(en aber biitete fiep unb ging gerabe fort feineg SBegg unb fagte ber ©rofmutter, bap eg bem SBotf begegnet ware, ber if)m guten ^iag gewunfept, aber fo bog aug ben Stugen gegueft f)«tte: „wenng niept auf offner ©trapeas gewefen ware, et f)citte miep gefreffen." „ 5 fomm," fagte bie ©ropmutter, „ wir wolten bie tJpure Berfcpliepen, bap er niept herein fann." S3atb barnaep ftopfte ber SBotf an unb rief „ macb’ flwf, ©ropmutter, icb bin bag fRotfappepen, i^ bring’ 56 '^otfeapp(i^cn. bir @eba(fcne 6 ." ©ie fc^ittJiegen aber [till unb mad^ten bie 5£^ure nic^t auf : ba [cb(tc^) bet ©rautopf etlic^)e 9)ial urn bag ^aug, frrang enblic^ aufg 2)a(^ unb tnoEte marten big 0^otfapt3c^en abenbg nad^ ^aug ginge, bann moEte cr i^m 5 nad^fd^Ieid^en unb moEtg in ber 2)unfet§cit freffcn. Slber bie ©rofmuttev merfte, mag er im ©inn ^atte. 9lun ftanb nor bem <§aug ein grofer ©teintrog, ba ftsrac^ fie ju bem iJ'inb „nimm ben ©imer, 9 totfaf 3 t)df)en, geftern f)ab’ id^ SBurfte gefodf)t, ba trag bag SBaffer, morin fie gefocfit finb, in ben 10 S^rog." 9totf)fappc^en trug fo lange, big ber gro^e grofe !Irog ganj noE mar. ©a ftieg ber ©erudt) non ben SBurften bem SBoIf in bie 5Eafe, er fdfmuf)) 3 erte unb gurfte binab, enb^ lidfi mad^te er ben .§a(g fo iang, baf er fief) nid^t met)r f)atten fonnte unb anfing ju rutfe^en : fo rutfe^te er nom 2 )adf) t)erab, 15 gerabe in ben grofen S^rog t)inein unb ertranf. 9totfat)t)($en aber ging' frbi)lidf) nacf) .^aug, unb ttjat i{)m niemanb etmag ju Seib- 57 IX. 6ccfe’ ^oI6efet, unb jinupf)el aus 6em ^a(ii. 9 Sor Beiten Jinir cin ©(^neiber, ber brci ©o^ne ^atte unb nur eine etnjige Siege. Slbev bie Siege, Weil fie aUe jufam. men init i§rer 9 Jft(c^ erna^rte, mu^te guteg gutter ^aben s unb toglid^ ^inaug auf bie 2Beibe gefu[)rt werben. ©ie ©bf)ne t^aten bag au^ nad^ ber 9 fei^e. einmal brac^te fie ber altefte auf ben £ird^f)of, wo bie fc^bnften ifrautev ftanben, lie^ fie_ ba freffen unb f)erumfpringen. Slbenbg, a(g eg Seit war t)eim ju gef)cn, fragte er „ Siege, bift bu fatt?" ©ie lo Siege antwortete „idb bin fo fatt, idb ntag tcin Statt: tneb! mcb!" ,,©0 fomm nac^ ^aug," f^jrac^ ber gunge, fa^te fie am ©tricfdfien, fu^rte fie in ben ©tall unb banb fie feft. „ 9fun," 15 lagte ber alte ©c^neiber, „^at bie Siege i§r ge^brigeg gutter?" „D," antwortete ber ©o^n, „bie ift fo fatt, fie nag fein 33 (att." 2 )er aSater aber woKte fic^ felbft iiber^ eugen, ging §inab in ben ©tall, ftreic^elte bag liebe 2:ier mb fragte „ Siege, bift bu auc^ fatt?" !l)ie Siege ant. 20 oortete „h50BDn fctlt’ idb fott fein? icb fprang ntiv u6cc ©vabctein, unb fanb fein einjig ©Idttefein: nteb! met;!" 2Bag mup ic^ §bren!" rief ber ©c^neiber, lief ^inauf unb 25 58 ^ifc^djen 6ecfe’ Md), fpvcic^ 3U bcm Sungen „ ci, bu Sugncv, [agft bie Siege wave [att, unb f)aft fie ^ungevn taffen?" unb in [einem Some nat)m ev bie (SCe »on ber SBanb unb fagte i^n mit ©cfiliigen ^inau6. 5 2lm anbevn 3^ag wav bie 9feif)e ant jweiten ®of)n, bev [uc^te an bev @avtenf)ecfe einen ^ia^ aiW, wo (autev gute £vautev ftanben, unb bie Siege fva^ fie vein ab. Slbenbg, al6 ev ()eim woUte, fvagte ev „ Siege, bift bn fait?" ®ie Siege antwovtete 10 „i^ tin fo fait, ntag tein Siatt: tneV- ntef)!" „ ©0 fomm na^ .g)au6," fpvac^ bev Sunge, jog fie f)eim unb ^ banb fie im ©taU feft. „ f«un," fagte bev alte ©dneibev, ‘ „ t)at bie Siege i^v get)bvige6 S»ttev?" „ D/‘ antwovtete bev *5 ©o^n, „ bie ift fo fatt, fie mag fein 33(att." ©ev ©c^neibev woUte fi^ bavauf nidf)t v»evlaffen, ging f)inab in ben ©taU^ unb fvagte „ Siege, bift bu auc^ fatt?" ©ie Siege antwovtete^ „too»on fcftt’ idf) fott fein? id^ fptang nur ubev ©idfcctein, 20 unb fanb tein einjig Stattetein: tne'b'. nteV-" „©ev gotttofe 33bfewicf)t !" fcfivie bev ©cfineibev, „fo ein! fvomme6 ©iev bungevn ju taffen!" lief ^inauf, unb fc^lug mit bev (Site ben Sungen juv §au§tl)uve t)inau3. ©ie 3teif)e fam fe^t an ben bvitten ©of)n, bev wollte feine 25 ©ade gut mac^en, fu^te 33ufcf)wevf mit bem fc^onften Saubc: au6, unb lief bie Siege bavan fveffen. Slbenbe, ale ev feim wollte, fvagte ev „ Siege, bift bu aitcf fatt?" ©ie Siege ant. wovtete „tcb bin fo fatt, i^ wag fein SStatt: weV- tneb'-" „©o fomm nac^ ^aue," fagte ber Sunge, fiifvte fie in bet| 30 Utt 5 ^muppcl rtur. 6cm §ad;. 59 etnft iinb banb fic fcft. „yinn/‘ [afjtc bcr a(te ©dncibcr, „ f)at bie 3icgc i[)r (]c[)inigc6 gutter?" „ O," antwortctc bcr So^n, „ bie ift fo fatt, fic mag feiii SBfatt." !Der ©cfuiciber trautc nidfit, ging ()inab nub fragte „3iege, bift bit auc^ fatt?" Dag bogfiaftc Hier autmortetc 5 „li'oi.'on feftt’ idb fatt fein? teb fprang niir itkr ©labetein, iinb fanb fetn cinjig SStattcIcin: nieb! tneb!" , O bie Sugenbrut !" rief ber ©c^neiber, „ einer fo gottiog unb jflidtvcrgeffcn mie ber anbere! if)r folTt micb nidt (anger 10 urn 9 larren ^aben!" unb »or 3orn gan^ auper fic() ffjrang r f)inauf unb gerbte bein armen 3ungen mit ber (SKe ben Ritcfen fo gemattig, ba^ er jum ^aug binaugfprang. Der alte ©cibneit>eb tt>ac nun mit feiner 3 iege aCiein. S[m inbern SJtorgen ging er ^inab in ben ©tatt, liebfofte bie 15 Jiege unb ffjradfi „ fomm, mein liebeg 3::ier(ein, ic^ miU bi($ :Ibft ,^ur 2Beibe fufiren." @r naf)m fie am ©trief, unb rac^te fie ju gritnen ^eefen unb untcr ©c^afri^e unb mag mft bie 3icgen gerne freffen. „ Da fannft bu bic^ einmat acf( ^erjengfuft fattigen," ffsrad^ er ju i^r, unb lief fie 20 jciben big jum Slbenb. Da fragte er „ 3 iege, bift bu fatt?" 5 ie antmortete bin fo fatt, idb tnag fein SBtatt: tneb! me^!" ' So fomm nac^ ,^aug," fagte ber ©dneiber, fitfrte fie in ben 25 5 ta(( unb banb fie feft. 2((g er roegging, fe^rte er fief no($ nma( urn, unb fagte „ nun bift bu bocf einmal fatt !" 2(ber ;e 3icge maefte eg ifm nidft beffer unb rief „h)ic foftt’ ief fatt fein? idf fprang nut u6cr OraPefetn, unb fanb fein ctnjtg Stattetein: mef! mef!" (g ber ©dfneiber bag forte, ftufte er unb faf mof(, baf er 6o 6ic^, ^oI6cfcl, feine bvei ©o^ne o^ne Ur[ac!^e mftofen ^atte. „ S®art’," rief er, „bu unbanfbareg fortjujagen ift noc^ ju wenig, ic^ will bic^) jeic^nen, bap bu bicip unter eprbaren ©cpneibern nidpt mepr bavfft [epen taffen." 3n einec ^aft 5 [prang cr pinauf, polte [ein S 3 artmcffcr, [eifte ber Siege ben £opf ein, unb [cpor [ie fo glatt wie [eine flacpe ^anb. Wnb Weil bie @lle ju eprennoU gewefen ware, polte er bie ^eitf([)e, unb »er[epte ipr [otcpe ^iebe, bap [ie in gewaltigen ©priingen banonlief. 10 !l>er ©cpneiber, alS er [o ganj ein[am in [einem ^au[e [ap, nerpel in grope 2;raurigfeit unb patte [eine ©opne gerne Wieber gepabt, aber niemanb wupte wopin [ie geraten waren. 2)er altepe war ^u einem ©cpreiner in bie Sepre gegangen, ba ternte er fleipig unb unoerbro[[en, unb a(6 [eine 3 eit 15 perum war, bap er wanbern [oHte, [cpenfte ipm ber 9 )bei[tet ein 2;i[0(pen, ba6 gar fein be[onbereS 2ln[epen patte unb non gewbpnlicpem war : aber eg patte eine gute eigen[cpa[t 9Benn man eg pin[tellte, unb [pracp „ S;i[cpdpen, beef’ bicp,'' [c war bag gute 2;i[(pcpen auf einmat mit einem [aubern JIuep. 20 lein bebeeft, unb [tanb ba ein 3 ::eller, unb ?iJle[[er unb @abei baneben, unb ©^u[[eln mit @e[ottenem unb ©ebratenem, [1 »iel [piap patten, unb ein gropeg ©lag mit rotem SBein leucp tete, bap einem bag ^erj taepte. !l)er junge ©e[ea^ baept „ bamit paft bu genug [iir bein Sebtag," jog guter !l)inge it 25 ber SBelt umper unb befiimmerte [icp gar niept barum, ob eii SBirtgpaug gut ober [cplecpt war. SBenn eg ipm gepel, [0 feprt cr gar niept ein, [onbern im gelbe, im SBalb, au[ einer 9 Bie[ wo er Su[t patte, napm er [ein SJi[cpcpen oom [Riicfen, [tellt i eg nor [icp unb [praep „ beet’ bicp," [0 war alleg ba, wag [ci « 30 ^era begeprte. ©nblicp tarn eg ipm in ben ©inn, er wolln au [einem SSater aurueffepren, [ein S^vn wiirbe [icp gelea itn6 aus 6cm gacfe. 6i laben, unb mit bcin JJifct;ci^cn beef’ btd^ im'irbe ec i^n (jerne Dtcbcr aiifucf)meii. trug fic^ ba(j er auf bem •^cinu i>cg abeiiba in eiu 2Birt6f}au6 fain, baS mit ©aften angefutft ,Dac; fie [)ic^cu if)u millfommen unb luben ii)n cin [ic^ p §ucn 3u [cl^cii unb mit itjnen 3U effen, fonft nmrbe er s ii^metii^ noc^ ctinaS befommen. „ 9 fein," antmortete bee S^reiner, „ bie ))aac 33 iffen mitt id^ euc^ nic^t son bem !)hinbe ne()men, licber foKt i^t meine ©iifte fein.” ©ie uf)ten unb meinten, er triebe [einen ©paf mit i^nen. (Sc |bec ftellte fein ^bl^evnee iSifcbc^ien mitten in bie ©tube unb lo iH-acb „2;ifc^^en, beef’ bic^." Sfugenbliefiic^ mac e6 mit Pi)eifen befe^t, fo gut mie fie bee SBict nicfit I}atte t)ecbeU /fiaffen fbnnen, unb motion bee ©ecucfi ben ©aften (iebtic^ it bie ^afe ftieg. „ 3ugegciffen, liebe geeunbe," fpcac^ bee pcficeinec, unb bie ©afte, at^ fie [af)en mie e§ gemeint mac, 15 I'e^en [i0 niebt jmeimal bitten, cueften beran, jogen i()ce ijReffec unb geiffen tapfec 3U. Unb ma6 fie am meiften tiec# f'unbecte, menu eine ©cfniffet feec gemoeben mac, fo fteUte |cb gieicb tion felbft eine tioUe an if)cen ^(a^. ©ec 2Bict anb in einec ©efe unb faf) bem 3 )inge su: ec mufte gac2o lieibt mag ec fagen foUte, baebte abec „ einen fote^en iJocfi i’nnteft bu in beinec Sictfebaft mobl beaueben." ©ec jpebceinec unb feine ©efeftfdbaft macen fuftig big in bie fbate iaebt, enbiicb legten fie ficb febtafen, unb bee junge ©efeOe ling aucb 3U Sett unb ftelfte fein aSunfebtifebeben an bie 25 bknb. ©em SBicte abec lie^en feine ©ebanfen feine 9fube, fief ibm ein, bab in feinec 9 ium))elfammec ein afteg jtifibcben ftiinbe, bag gecabe fo augfabe: bag bolte ec gan^ febte betbei unb tiectaufebte eg mit bem SBunfibtifdbcben. |iin anbecn Sfioegen ^ablte bee ©ebeeinee fein ©cbfafgefb, 30 jiicfte fein ©i|cbcben auf, baebte gac niebt bacan, bab ec ein 62 5ea merfte ber arme 20 ©efeUe, bap if)m bae 3:ifcbcben nertaufebt mar, unb febamte ficb, bap er mie ein Sugner baftanb. 2)ie aSermanbten aber laebten ibn au6, unb mupten ungetrunfen unb ungegeffen mieber beim manbern. ©er aSater bolte feine Sappen mieber berbei unb febneiberte fort, ber ©obn aber ging bei einem 2 s ajteifter in bie Slrbeit. ©er jmeite ©obn mar ju einem aOiiiller gefommen unb bei ibm in bie Sebre gegangen. 2llS er feine Sabre berum batte, fpracb ber 9Keifter „ meil bu bicb fo moljl gebalten bi*ft, fo febenfe i(^ bir einen ©fel son einer befonbern 2trt, er jiebi 30 niebt am aSagen unb triigt audb leine ©Me." „ aSoau ift et Penn nupe?" fragte ber junge ©efetle. r,lSr fpeit ©olb,' un6 <^tn('tppcl 0U5 6cnt §ach. 63 rtutU'ortctc bcv 5)fulfer, „UH’nu bu il)ii auf cin fteKft unb fprid^ft „ Srirffcbrit," fo fpcit biv ba 6 gate 2 ;icr @olb^ fti'icfe ift chic [c^ibnc 6 acl;c/' fprad^ bcc @cfc((c, banftc beat 9)K'iftcr unb jog in bic SBclt. SBciiu cr @olb abtig f)atte, bvauc^tc cr nur jit [cincai (Sfel 5 ,, S3ri(f(ct'rit " ju fagen, fo regnete c 6 ©olbftitcfc, unb cr f)atte aiciter feine 9)h'i[)c al 6 [ic oon ber ©rbc aufju^eben. 38o ’r f)infam, uxrr if)in ba 6 Scfte gut genug, unb jc tcurcr jc ueber, benu cr {)attc immer cinen ootten Scutch SI(§ cr fief) nne Seittang in ber SBcit umgcfci)cn f)atte, ba(f)te cr „ bu 10 inu^t beinen Satcr auffucf)en, tuenn bu mit bem ©olbefel ■ommft, fo ioirb cr feinen 3 orn oergeffen unb bicb gut auf= acf)incn." trug fief) ju, baf cr in baefclbc SBirte^aue jcrict, in tt)cicf)ein feinem Sruber ba 6 2 :ifdfc^cn »ertnufc^t var. @r fufjrte feinen ©fet an ber ^anb, unb ber SBirt is uoUte if)m ba 6 2 :icr abne^men unb anbinben, ber junge ©cfcae aber fpraef) „gebt euef) feine 9 J{uf)c, meinen ©rau? dfiimmci fii^rc icf) felbft in ben ©tall unb binbe il)n au(f) lelbft an, benn mup tniffen too cr ftc^t." ©cm SBirt am bae lounberlidf oor, unb cr mcintc cincr, ber feinen ©fel 20 elbft beforgen rnii^te, l)atte nicf)t oiel ju oerjefiren : al 6 aber per grembe in bie ©afefie griff, jtoci ©olbftiicfe ^erau 6 §olte mb fagte, er foate nur ctmae ©uteS fiir il)n einfaufen, fo I liable er grope Slugen, lief unb fucfite ba 6 Sefte, bag er auf^ ceiben fonnte. Sfadf) ber 9)iaf)ljeit fragte ber ©aft toag er 25 li:^ulbig loare, ber SBirt tooUte bie bo)))telte ilreibe nicf)t fparen ;nb fagte, noep ein ftaar ©olbftiicfe nuipte er julegen. ©er tiPefeae griff in bie ©af^e, aber fein ©olb toar eben ju ©nbc. || 2 Bartet einen Slugenblicf, ^err 2 Birt," fpradp er, „idp mill tur ge^en unb ©olb Ijolen"; napm aber bag ©ifdftucp 3 o lit. ©er SBirt loupte nic^t loag bag fjeipen follte, toar 64 6c(fe’ 6t(^, ^oI6efcI, ticugierlg, i^m nad^, unb ba bet @aft bie @taflt§ure priegelte, fo gucfte cr bur($ ctn 2)cr Srembe breitete unter bcm (Sfel ba6 Zw(i) au6, rief „ SSricflebrit," unb augenblicflic^ ftng bnS JJicr an @olb ju f^seien, bap eg 5 orbentlicp auf bie @rbe perabregnete. „ (Si bet taufenb," [agte bet SBirt, „ba finb bie !l)ufaten balb gepragt! fo ein ©elbbeutel ift nidpt ubei." !l)er ©aft bejaplte feine 3edpe unb legte fidp fdptafen, ber 2Birt abet fcplii^ in bet 5 fla(^t perab in ben ©tall, fuprte ben SHunjmeifter weg unb banb 10 einen anbern ©fel an feine ©telle. !l)en folgenben SOlorgen in ber f5vut)e jog ber ©efelle mit feinem ©fel ab unb meinte, er ffatte feinen (Solbefel. 9 }iittagg fam er bei feinem QSater an, ber ficp freute alg er ipn mieberfaf), unb ipn gerne aufnapm. „2Bag ift aug bit geworben, mein ©opn?" fragte 15 ber Sllte. „ ©in SJluller, lieber 25 ater," antmortete er. „ 2Bag paft bu non beiner SBanberfepaft mitgebra($t ?" „ SBeiter nieptg alg einen ©fel." „ ©fel giebtg pier genug,'' fagte ber SSater, „ba mare mir bocp eine gute 3i«ge lie(>er gemefen." „ 3a," ant» mortete ber ©opn, „ aber eg ift fein gemeiner ©fel, fonbern 20 ein ©olbefel : menn iep fage „ Sricflebrit," fo fpeit eu^ bag gute 3 ^ier ein ganjeg JJudp ooE ©olbftudfe. 8apt nur alle SSermanbte perbeirufen, icp maepe fie alle ju reidpen Seuten." „!l)ag lap icp mir gefallen," fagte ber ©cpneiber, „bann braucp’ icp midp mit bet 9 iabet ni(pt meiter ju qualen," fprang 25 felbft fort unb rief bie SSermanbten perbei. ©obalb fie bei^ fammen maren, piep fie ber 9)tutler $lap maepen, breitete fein 3 ::ucp aug, unb braepte ben ©fel in bie ©tube. „ 3 cpt gebt aept," fagte er unb rief „Sridflebrit," aber eg pelen feine ©olbo ftiicfe perab, unb eg jeigte ficp, bap bag Jlier ni^tg oon ber 30 5 funft oerftanb, benn eg bringtg niept jeber ©fel fo meit. 3 )a mafpte ber arme SRuUer ein langeg ©efidpt, fap bap er betro#^ 65 tin6 ^tttuppcl rtUG ftcm gen umr uub bat bic 93crn)anbtcn uin Sl^ccjeil^ung, bie [o arm t}cim gingen a(6 fie gefommen maren. (S6 blieb nicbt6 iibrig, ber Sllte imifte mieber naeft ber 9fabel greifen unb ber 3unge fid^ bei cinem 9Jfulter serbingen. 3)er britte SBruber mar ju cinem !Drc^6(er in bie 8e^re 5 gegangen, nnb mcil c^ ein funftrcicf)e6 .^anbmerf ift, mupte cr am langften lernen. Seine Sn'tber aber melbeten i^m in einem Sriefe, mie fd^Iimm e6 it)nen ergangen mare, unb mie fie ber SBirt nocfi am lenten Slbenb urn i^re fofibnen 2Bunfd^^ binge gcbrac^t ^atte. Sl(6 ber Drcc^Ster nun au^gelcrnt ^atte 10 unb manbern fottte, fo fc^cnfte i^m fein SKeifter, meit er fic^ fo mof)l gefiatten, einen ©adf unb fagte „ e6 liegt ein ^nujjpel barin. „ Sen ©acf fann um^angen, unb er fann mir gute Sicnfte leiften, aber ma6 foil ber 5bnuf)bel barin ? ber mac^t i^n nur fc^mer." „ Sa6 milt ic^ bir fagen," antmortete 15 ber 9Jteifter, „ ^at bir j'emanb etmaS ju 8eib get^an, fo fpric^ nur „ ifnubf)ct, au6 bem ©act," fo fpringt bir ber ibniippet f)erau6 unter bie Seute unb tanjt i^nen fo tuftig auf bem Dfuefen §erum, bap fie fi* aept Sage tang niept regen unb bemegen fbnnenj unb eper liipt er nic^t ab at6 big'bu fagft 20 ^ifnitppel, in ben Saef." Ser ©efett banfte i^m, ping ben '&acf urn, unb menn ipm j'emanb ju nape fam unb auf ben 8eib motite, fo fpracp er „ ^nuppet, aug bem ©arf," at^batb i)rang ber ifnuppet peraug unb ftopfte einem nadp bem rnbern ben 3fodf ober SBamg gteicp auf bem Dfuifen au6, 25 tnb martete nidpt erft bi6 er ipn auSge3ogen patte j unb ba6 jing fo gefdpminb bap, ep ficp6 einer oerfap, bie 9ieipe f(^on m ipm mar. Ser junge Sredp6ler langte jur Stbenbjeit in >em 9Birt6pau6 an, mo feine 33ruber maren betrogen mor# 'en. (Sr legte feinen atanjen »or ficp auf ben Sifep, unb 30 png an ju erjaplen maS er a(te6 SJferfmurbigcg in ber ®c(t G. M. . t 66 6e P feinem Sater. 'Deij 30 ©ebneiber freute fieb at$ er ibn mieberfab, itub fragte autl; ibn, ma$ er in ber g^entbe geternt batte. „8ieber 93 ater,l j un^ Jiuuppct alts 6em §adi. 67 nntuun-tctc cv, bin cin ®iccl;6(cr jnctvorben." „ (Sin funfti-cic^>c6 J^aubwcrf/' fagtc bev abater, „ tt)a« ()aft bu »on ber aBanbcvfc^nft initi]cbi-a($t?" „(Siu foftbarc6 ©n'icf, llebcr abater," autivoftete bev @o()n, „ einen Sbuuppei in bem ©atf." „aCa5!" rief ber Sater, „ einen ifnitppel ! ba6 ift ber aJiii()e 5 Wert! ben famift bu bir won I'ebem 33aume abf)rtuen." „ alter einen [eleven nic^t, lieber QSater; [age i(^ „ iJniippel, au6 bem ©acf/' fo f))ringt ber tnuppel l)eraug unb mad)t mit bem, ber e6 nic^t gut mit mir meint, einen fcl)limmen 3:anj, Utnb la^t nid^t ef)er nac^, alS bi6 er auf ber (Srbe liegt unb urn 10 gut aSetter bittet. @ef)t i^r, mit biefem £n%el §abe ic^ ba6 2:ifc^($en beef' bid^ unb ben ©olbefel wieber ^erbeigefc^aft, ibie ber biebifd^e aBirt meinen SSrubern abgenommen §atte! Me^t Ifl^t [ie bribe rufen unb (abet aCe SSerwanbten ein, icf) liWiU [ie fpeifen unb teiinfen unb will i^nen bie ^afe^en noc^ 15 mit @o(b fuKen." 2)er alte ©d^neiber wollte nid^t red^t trauen, brac[)te aber bod^ bie QSerwanbten jufammen. 2)a ibecfte ber 3)recb6(er ein in bie ©tube, fii^rte ben ©olbefel ii^erein unb fagte ju [einem Sruber „nun, lieber Sruber, i:ipri(^ mit i^m." 2)er aJiuaer [agte „ SSricflebrit," unb 20 augenblicflic^ [prangen bie ©olbftucfe auf bag 3:uc^ ^erab, :jlg fame ein a^Ia^regcn, unb ber @fel fibrte nid^t efjer auf atg loig aae fo^ »ie( flatten, ba^ fie niefit mef)r tragen fonnten. !,3df) fef)e birg an, bu warft aud^ gerne babei gewefen.) ir>anu llWlte ber ©redfigfer bag Slifdficfien unb fagte „ lieber SSruber, 25 tun fprief) mit i^m." Unb faum §atte ber ©d^reiner . ^ifr^dfien, beef’ bid^ “ gefagt, fo war eg gebeeft unb mit ben id^bnften ©cfniffeln reic[;lie^ befe^t. ®a warb eine 9)fa^tjeit le^alten, wie ber gute ©d^neiber nod^ feine in feinem <§aufe frlebt fiatte, unb bie ganje SSerwanbtfdfiaft blieb beifammen 30 lug in bie afad^t, unb warm alfe luftig unb oergnugt. !l)er 68 ^olbefel, tt. f. tt). ©c^neiber tter[c^(of 9iabe( unb BwiW/ unb SSugeleifen in einen ©(^ranf, unb lebte mit [einen bret ©6f)nen in greube unb ^errliciifeit. SOBo ift abet bie Siege ^ingefommen, bie [^ulb war bap 5 ber ©cipneiber [eine brei ©o^ne fortjagte ? 2)a6 will ibp bir fagen. ©ie [#mte ficp, bap fie einen faplen £oi)f §atte, lief in eine gucf)6l)bple unb »erfrodp ficp ^inein. 2llS ber nac^ ^au6 lain, funfelten it)m ein paar grope 2lugen au6 ber ©unfel^eit entgegen, bap er erf^raf unb wieber jurucflief. io2)er S3ar begegnete ipm, unb ba ber ganj oerftbrt au6fa^, fo fisracp er „Wa6 ift bir, 33ruber Wa6 macbft bu fiir ein ©eficpt?" ,,21*,“ antwortete ber 9iote, „ein grimmig 2:ier fipt in meiner ^o^le unb l)at micp mit feuri^ gen Slugen angeglopt." „ ®ag wollen wir balb auStreiben," 15 fprabp ber 25ar, ging mit ju ber ^ople unb fcpaute pinein; ale er aber bie feurigen Slugen erblicfte, wanbelte il)n ebeuH falia f^urcpt an : er woEte mit bem grimmigen S^iere nicptei ju t^un l)aben unb nal)m 3teipau6. !l)ie Siene begegnetej il)m, unb ba fie merfte, bap eS ipm in feiner |)aut nidpt wop? 20 5 u SKute war, fpracp fie „ 25ar, bu macpft {a ein gewaltig serf bricplicp ©eficpt, wo ift beine Suftigfeit geblieben?" „2)iii paft gut reben," antwortete ber S3ar, „ e6 ftpt ein grimmigeei Xkx mit ©lopaugen in bem ^aufe be6 Sioten, unb wir fbnnen e6 ni^t perau6jagen.“ !Die 23iene fpracp „bu 25 bauerft micp, 25ar, idp bin ein arme6 fcpwadpee ©efcpbpf, ba6 ipr im ®ege nicpt angucft, aber icp glaube bodp, bap icp eucp pelfen fann." ©ie flog in bie gu(p6pbple, fepte ficp bei Siege auf ben glatten gef^orenen iJopf, unb ftacp fie fc gewaltig, bap pe auffprang, „mep ! mep !“ fc^rie, unb wte tot? 30 in bie SBelt pineinlief; unb weip niemanb auf biefe ©tunbe mo fie pingelaufen ift. 69 X. ^attmcs6ic!ti. ' ©6 wav eiii avmer SauevSmanu, bev [af akiib6 beim '§erb uiib [cbiivtc bag geucr, uub bie grau fa^ unb fpann. 5)a fvrac^i cr „wte iftg fo traurig, ba^ wiv feme iftnber ^^aben ! eg ift [o ftiK bei ung, unb in ben anbern ^aufern s ;rtg fo iant unb iuftig." „ 3a/' antwovteie bie gvau unb feuf^te, wenng nur ein einjigeg ware, unb wenng ou($ ganj flein Dare, nur ©aumeng gvo^, [o woKf icf» fcf)on jufrieben fein^ Dir f)atteng bocf> Don '^erjen lieb." S^iun gefc^af) eg, ba^ bie i^rau franflicb warb unb nac^ fieben 9){onaten ein jJ'inb lo !gebar, bag jwar an alien ©iiebern Dotifommen, aber nicfit fanger alg ein !Daumen war. ©a fijracfien fie „ eg ift wie 'Dir eg gewunfc^t f)aben, unb eg foli unfer (iebeg £inb fein," imb nannten eg nacf) feinev ©eftalt !l)aumegbi(f. ©ie *‘Hefeng ni(f)t an 9iaf)rung fef)fen, aber bag 5finb warb nic^t is grower, fonbern blieb wie eg in ber erften ©tunbe gewefen •Dar j bocf) fc^aute eg Derftanbig aug ben Stugen, unb jeigte 'ic^ baib a(g ein fiugeg unb bef)enbeg ©)ing, bem alieg gliicfte ’Dag eg anfing. I ®er SSauer mad^te fic^ eineg Siageg fertig in ben SBaib 20 ',u geben unb «§oij ju faEen, ba fbra($ cr fo Dor fidb £)itt nun wotlt’ icf) ba^ einer ba ware, ber mir ben 3 Bagen nacb^ wacftte." „ O SSater/' rief ©aumegbicf, „ ben SBagen will idfi 70 Paumcs6i&. f($on bringen, »erlaft cuc^ bvauf, er foil jur beftimmten 3eit im 2Balbe fcin." ©a lad^te ber flRann unb f))rac^ foHte ba^ jugel)m, bu bift Biel ju flein, urn ba6 $ferb mil bem 3«3 cI JU leiten /' „ 2)a6 tl)ut ntcbt6, 93ater, wenn nur S bie SDiutter anfpannen ioill, icf) fe^e micf) bem fPferb in6 Ol)r, ! unb rufe il)m p mie e§ gel)en foil." „ 9Jun/' antmortete ber SBater, „einmal moHen tt)tr6 Berfub^en." Sll6 bie 6tunbe tarn, fpannte bie 5Jlutter an unb fe|te !Daume6bi(f in6 Dt)r beg ^ferbeg, unb bann rief ber 5?leine, mie bag ^ferb ge^en lo foEte, „iu^ unb jo^! ^ott unb ^ar!" !Da ging eg ganj orbentli($, unb ber SBagen fu^r ben recfiten 2Beg nac^ bem 2BaIbe. (Sg trug fi(f) p, alg er eben urn eine @cfe bog, unb ber ibleine „ ^ar, l)ar ! " rief, baf jmei frembe Planner ba^er^ famen. „ 9Jiein ," fpracf) ber eine, „ n»ag ift bag ? ba fal)rt ein ' IS SBagen, unb ein §ul)rmann ruft bem ^ferbe 3U unb ift boc^ nic^t ju fel)en." „ IDag gel)t ni($t mil recbten !l)ingen 3U," ^ fagte ber anbere, „ tt)ir motten bem ^barren folgen unb fel)en f tt)o er anl)alt." ®er 2Bagen aber ful)r BoEenbg in ben S!Balb( binein unb ricfjtig 3U bem ^la^e, mo bag .^olj gel)auen 20 marb. Sllg iSaumegbidf feinen SSater erblicfte, rief er il)m juf! „ fiebft bu, 93ater, ba bin icb mit bem iffiagen, nun 1 )bI’ micbi berunter." ®er SSater fapte bag ^ferb mit ber linfen unbi bolte mit ber recbten fein ©bbnlein aug bem Dbr, bag ficb ' ganj luftig auf einen ©trobb‘iltn nieberfebte. 2l(g bie beiben !j 25 fremben 9)Jdnner ben 2)aumegbi(f erblicften, mubten fie nicbt, j mag fie Bor SSermunberung fagen foEten. 2)a nabm ber j eine ben anbern beifeit unb fpadb „ b^r’, ber Heine ibert fbnnte i unfer @lutf macfien, menn mir ibn in einer grofen ©tabt fur j @elb feben lieben : mir moEen ibn faufen." ®ie gingen ju bem i 30 Sauer unb fpracben „ Berfauft ung ben fleinen Sltann, er, foEg gut bei ung bnben." „9fein," antmortete ber Sater, „eg 71 ^(tttntcs6icl;. ift inciii «^crjblntt, iinb ift niii- fur aHcS @o(b in ber SBelt nicl;t feii." !l)aumci 5 biif aber, nl^ cr non bein ^anbel (}cf)brt I)attc, war an ben 9 iocffaIten [cine6 9 Sater 6 f)inaufgefrocf)en, ftetltc [id^ il)in auf bic ©cf)u(ter unb wifpcrte if)m in6 £)[)r „ SSatcr, (jieb inicf) nur l)in, icf) will frt;on wieber jurueffom^ s men." 2)a gab il)n ber Skater fur ein fcfibneS ©tiiif @elb ben beiben 3 )iannern t)in. „aBo willft bu fi^en?" fprai^en fie ju il)m. „ 2lcb, fel^t mic^ nur auf ben 9 tanb non eurem 4^)111, ba fann id; auf unb ab fpajieren unb bie ©egenb betrad;ten, unb fatle bocf) nicf)t ^erunter." @ie tl)aten i^m lo ben SBillen, unb al6 2)aume^birf Slbfc^ieb non feinem SSater genoinmen l)atte, marten fie fid^ mil il)in fort, ©o gingen fie bi^ ed bainmrig warb, ba flJrad^ ber iJleine, „ ^ebt mic^ einmal ^erunter." ©er 9 JJann nal)m ben ^ut ab, unb fe|te ben 5 fleinen auf einen Slcfer am 2Beg, ba fprang unb frodf) er is 1 ein Wenig jwifc^en ben ©c^ollen ^in unb l)er, bann fcfjliipfte er plb$li0 in ein 9 }Jau 6 lo(l), ba6 er fid^ au^gefucfit ^atte. „ ©uten 2lbenb, ibr >§erren, gel)t nur ol}ne micf) ijdm/' rief er dl)nen ju, unb lac^te fie aud. @ie liefen berbei unb ftacben imit ©tbden in ba6 SRau^tod), aber bad War nergeblicbe 20 i 9 )U'ibe; ©aumedbicf frocb iminer writer juriicf unb ba ed jbalb ganj bunfel warb, fo mubten fie mit €rger unb mit leerem Seutel wieber beim wanbern. Slid ©auinedbid merfte ba^ fie fort warm, frocb bem unterirbifcben ©ang wieber bernor. „©d ift auf bem 25 Sldfer in ber Sinfternid fo gefabrlidb geben," fpradb er, „ tnie leicbt bridbt einer ^a(d unb 33 ein !" 3 um ©liicf ftiep er an ein leered ©dbnedfenbaud. „ ©ottlob," fagte er, „ ba fann icb .bie D^acbt fidber jubringen," unb fe^te ficb bin«n- S^idbt Jang, aid er eben einfdblafen wollte, fo borte er jwei Scanner 30 j ooritbergeben, banon fpradb ber cine „ wie wird nur anfangen, 72 ^aumesdtcfe. urn bem reid^en ^farier fein @elb unb [ein ©iibcr ju ^o(en?" „ !X)a6 fbnnt' ic^ bir fagen /' rief 2 )aume 6 bicf bajWifc^cn. „ SBa6 war ba6?" fpra(^ ber eine 3 )ieb crfc^rocfen, „\td;. 73 mmbc, t)inauS in t»ic ©c^cune : bie 9)ia(}b nber, nad^bein fie rtllc Sinfel burcibijcfuc^t unb nicl;tg gcfunben ^attc, kgte [tcf; cublid^ ivicbcv ju 33eit unb glaubte fie §atte mit offenen iSIugcn unb D()vcn bo($ nuv gctniumt. 2)auine^biif war in ben ^eu^aimc^en fierumgeffettert unb s f)attc einen fcf)bnen q3Ia^ jum ©c^iafen gefunben : ba woClte er fic^ au6rut)en bid e6 3^ag ware, unb bann p [einen ©Item Wieber £)eim gefjen. 2lber er miifte anbere ©inge erfa^ren ! ia, e6 giebt »ie[ S:rub[al unb 9iot auf ber SBeit! !l)ie iWagb ftieg, al6 ber 2:ag graute, [0on au6 bent 23ett, urn ba6 lo iBie^ ju futtern. 3£)r erfter @ang war in bie ©d^eune, wo fie einen 2lrm »oE ^eu i^acfte, unb gerabe ba^j'enige, worin oer arme !l)aumeebi(f (ag unb [relief, ©r fc[)lief aber fo feft, Dap er nicpts gewapr warb, unb nidpt eper aufwadpte, a(6 bis ;:r in bein 9Jiau( ber j?up war, bie ipn mit bem ^eu auf= 15 gerafft pattc. „2idp @ott," rief er, „wie bin idp in bie ffialfmitple geraten!" merfte aber balb wo er war. 3)a pief :;S aufpaffen, bap er nicpt jwifcpen bie 3apne fam unb jer^ malmt warb, unb pernac^ mupte er bocp mit in ben 9J?agcn (inabrutfcpen. „3n bem ©titbdpen [inb bie genfter »er=: 20 jcffen, ‘ [)5ra($ er, „ unb fdpeint feine ©onne pinein : ein Sicpt oirb au($ nicpt gebracpt." itberpaupt gepel ipm baS Cluartier idpledpt, unb was baS ©cplimmfte war, eS fam immer mepr teueS ^eu jur 2:pure pinein, unb ber $(ap warb immer mger. ©)a rief er enblicp in ber Singft, fo (ant er fonnte, 25 i bringt mir fein frifdp gutter mepr, bringt mir fein frifcp mtter mepr." 2)ie a)iagb melfte gerabe bie jfup, unb alS fie predpen pbrte opne jemanb p fepen, unb eS biefelbe ©timme Par, bie fie aucp in ber 9facpt gepbrt patte, erfcpraf fie fo, bap re non iprem ©tuplcpen perabglitfcpte unb bie g«i(cp oer. 30 ipiittete. ©ie lief in ber grbpten .§aft ju iprem <§errn, unb 74 ^attmes6i(ife. rief „ad^ @ott, ^etr ^famr, bie il'u^ ^at gerebet." „!l)u bift serriicft/' antwortete ber ^fatter, ging abet boc^ felbft in ben ©tall unb tvollte nad^fe^en, tt)a6 e§ ba gabe. £aum abcr ^atte er ben Sup pineingefept, [o rief !l)aume6bi(f auf6 5 neue „ bringt mtr fein frifdp Sutter met)r, bringt mir fein frifd) Sutter mepr." 2 )a erfcpraf ber ^farrer felbft, unb piep fte tbten. @ie tuarb gefdplacptet, ber SJlagen aber, roorin !DaumeS^ bicf ftecfte, auf ben SUift geworfen. 2)aume8bicf patte grope 5 Rut)e fi(^ pinburcpjuarbeiten, bodp bracpte erg fo tneit bap er 10 ^lap befam, aber alg er eben fein .^aupt peraugftrecfen juoHte, fain ein neueg Unglucf. (Sin pungriger 2 Bolf lief peran unb oerf^lang ben ganjen 9 Jlagen mit einem ©cplucf. !I)aumegbicf oerlor ben SRut nicpt, „»iellei(pt," bacpte er, „lapt ber SBolf mit ficp reben," unb rief ipm au6 bem SS 5 anfte ju IS „ Heber 2Bo(f, icp meip bir einen perrlicpcn Svap-" ift ber ju polen?" fpracp ber 2Bolf. „Sn bem unb bemJ ^aug, ba mupt bu burcp bie @offe pineinfriecpen, unb luirfti £ucpen, ©pecf unb 2Burft pnben, fo oiel bu effen miPft," unb^j befcprieb ipm genau feineg QSaterg ^aug. ©er SBolf liep ficp' 20 bag nicpt jmeimal fagen, brangte ficp in ber S^ladpt jur ©off pinein unb frap in ber SSorratgfammer nacp ^er^englufti 2llg er ficp gefattigt patte, mollte er mieber fort, aber er mar fo' bidf gemorben, bap er benfelben 2Beg nicpt mieber pinaug fonnte. ©arauf patte ©aumcgbicf gerecpnet unb png nun 25 an in bem Seib beg 2Bolfg einen gemaltigen Siirmen ju macpen, tobte unb fcprie, mag er fonnte. „2Billft bu ftiCe fein," fpracp ber SBolf, „ bu meefft bie Seute auf." „ (Si mag," antmortete ber ifleine, „ bu paft bicp fatt gefre^en, icp mill micp aucp luftig macpen," unb png »on neuem an aug alleti; 30 Jfraften ju fepreien. ©at»on ermaepte enblicp fein SSater un feine 3 )futter, liefen an bie ifammer unb fepauten burcp bi |)ciuiitcs 6 ich. 75 epaftc {(iiicin. ® ic fic far)cn bap cin 2Golf bariii pauftc, licfcn fic ba»ou, uub bcv 9J?ann polte bic 2lrt, unb bic grau bte 6en[e. „ S3lcib bapiiiten /' fpracp bet aJiann, al 6 fie in bie ifammer tratcn, „uicnn icp i[)in einen ©cpiag gcgebcn pabc, unb cr ba»on nodp ni^t tot ift, fo mupt bu auf ipn etnpaucn ,5 unb it)m ben Seib jerfcpneiben 2 )a pbrte 2 )aume 6 bicf bie 6 timme feineg Patera unb rief „ (ieber SSater, icp bin pier, icp ftedfe im Seibe be 6 28oIf6." ©pvadp ber Sater ooll greu^ ben „gottlob, unfer fiebe 6 ifinb pat ficp iuieber gefunben," unb piep bie gran bie 6 enfe tuegtpun, bamit 2 )aume 6 bicf lo nicpt befcpabigt lourbe. !Danacp polte er aui\ unb fcpiug bent 2 Bolf einen ©dpiag auf ben ifopf, bap er tot nieberftur^te, bann [ucpten pe ajJeffer unb ©cpeere, [i^nitten ipm ben 8 eib auf unb ^ogen ben iJteinen tt)ieber peroor. „ fpracp ber aSater, „tt)a 6 paben tuir fiir ©orge urn bicp auggeftanben!" 15 „ 3 a, aSater, i($ bin oiel in ber aBeit perumgefommen; gottiob, bap idp toieber frifcpe 8 uft fdpbpfe!" „aBo bift bu benn getoefen?" „ 2 lcp, abater, icp tuar in einem aaau 6 tocp, in einer i?up aSaucp unb in eineS aSoifea aSanft : nun bteib’ icp bei eucp." „ Unb ivir oerfaufen bicp urn afle 9^eicpt^mer 20 |ber aSelt nicpt tuieber," fpracpen bie ©Item, perjten unb fupten ipren lieben !Daume 6 bicf. ©ie gaben ipm ^u effen unb trinten, unb liepen ipm neue ifieiber macpen, benn bie feinigen maren ipm auf ber 9^eife oerborben. 76 XI. pie ^^ic^feltnctnner. (Srfte6 SRarc^en. war ein ©c^ufter o^ne feine ®c^u(b fo arm geworben— ba^ i^m enblic^ nic^tS me^r iibrig blteb a(6 Seber ju einen 5 einjigcn ^aar ©c^u^e. 9lun fc^nitt er am 2lbenb bie ©c^u^( ju, bie wolltc er ben nac^jften ^Jiorgen in 2lrbeit ne^men; uub Weil er ein gute^ ©ewiffen [)atte, fo legte er fief) ru^ig ju Sett, befatjt fief) bem lieben @ott unb fcf)lief ein. 9Jiorgen6 naef)bem er fein @ebet t)erri(f)tet f)atte unb fief) jur Slrbei' 10 nieberfe^en wottte, fo ftanben bie beiben ©(f)u^e ganj fertic auf feinem ^^ifef). @r oerwunberte fief) unb wu^te nicf)t, wae er baju fagen fotlte. (Sr nal)m bie @ef)u()e in bie .i^anb, uit fie na^er ju betraef)ten ; fie waren fo fauber gearbeitet, baf fein ©tief) baran falfei^ war, gerabe alS wenn e6 ein iOieifterftud 15 fein foUte. Salb berrauf trat aue^ fcf)on ein iJaufer ein, unt Weil i^m bie ©ei^uf)e fo gut gefielen, fo beja^lte er mef)r aw gewb^nlie^ bafitr, unb ber ©e^ufter fonnte son bem @elb Seber ju jWei Saar ®cf)Ul)en erfianbeln. (Sr fei^nitt fie abenbg ju unb woUte ben naef)ften Siorgen mit frifebem SJiut 20 an bie Sirbeit ge^en, aber er brauef)te eS ni(f)t, benn al6 er aufftanb waren fie fei^on fertig, unb e6 blieben aue$ niei^t bie ^iiufer au6, bie if)m fo oiel @elb gaben, baf er Seber ju Bier ^aar ©ef)uf)en einfaufen fonnte. @r fanb fritf) mor# pic ^Sid^iclmcinncr. 77 gcuS and) fcic ^aar fcrtii] ; uni) fo (iin(j6 immcr fott, nHa6 cv abcnbS juidjiiitt, ba6 n>ar am ^DJorc^cn serarbeitet, alfo i?ap cr bait tniebcr feiu cf)rli(^e^ SluSfommen f)atte, unb cnblid; cin n)ot)(()abeuber ®ianu mart. 9iun flefc^jaf) e6 eine6 2lbcnb6 ni(^t (auge »or SBei^nad^tcn, al6 ber 'DJiann iuieber jugefciniitteu f)atte, ba^ cr »or @d^(afenge^cn p [cinct grau [praci) „ wie tt)ar6 menn n)ir biefe aufbiteben urn ju fet)cn, mer un6 [olcJ^e f)ilfreici)e .^anb leiftet?" 2)ie Srau marg jufricben unb ftccfte cin 8ici>t an j barauf t>crbargcn fic [icb in ben Stubcnccfcn, f)intcr ben ifleibern, bie ba auf« ge^iingt maren, unb gaben ac^t. 2116 e6 2Jiitternaci)t mar, ba famen jmei fleine nieblic^e naefte 5Diannlein, fe^ten fi0 nor be6 @ci)u[tcr6 JJifei), na^men alte jugefebnittene 2lrbeit ju ficb unb fingen an mit il)ren Singcricin fo bef)cnb unb febnett ju ftedben, ju naben, ju flopfcn, baf ber ©ebufter nor 23cr< tnunberung bie 2lugen nidbt abmenben fonnte. ©ie licfen ni(bt nacb, bi6 alle6 ju (Snbe gebraebt mar unb fertig auf bein 5Ii[bbe fianb, bann fprangen fie f(bnell fort. 2im anbern 9Jlorgen fpracb bie Srau „ bie fieinen ner baben un6 reicb gemaebt, mir mupten un6 bocb banfbar bafiir bejeigen. ©ie iaufen fo b^fum, b«ben nicbt6 am Seib unb miiffen frieren. 2Beift bu ina6? icb mill -i^emblein, 9tocf, S5}am6 unb ^b6lein fiir fie nab^n, aucb jebem ein 5|3aar ©trumpfe ftriefen 5 ma^)’ bu jebem ein ^aar ©cbublein baju." 2)er 2)lann fpradb „ ba6 bin icb mobl jufrieben/' unb abenb6, mie fie alle6 fertig b^itten, Icgtcn fie bie ©efcbcnfe ftatt ber jugefebnittenen 2lrbeit jufammen auf ben JSifeb unb nerfteeften ficb bann, urn mitanjufeben mie ficb bie 2)ianntein baju anftellen miirben. Urn 2)iitternacbt famen fie bewngefprun^ gen unb moUten ficb 2trbeit ma^ien, al6 fie aber fein jugefcbnittene6 Seber, fonbern bie nieblicben £teibung6# 5 10 15 20 25 30 78 pic ^id^ielmanncr. ftudfe fanben, Bemunberten [ie fic^ erft, bann aber bejeigten: fie eine geroattige S>^eube. SJiit bcr grbpten ©efd^winbigfeit jogeu fie fief) an, ftricfien bie fefibnen ifleiber am 8eib unb fangen 5 „finb toil nid^t Jlnaben gtatt unb fein? foUen toix (anger ©d^nfter fein!" 2)ann f)u))ften unb tan 3 ten fie, unb fprangen uber ©tii^le unb 33anfe. ©nblic^ tanjten fie jur 2;^ure f)inau^. 9Son nun an famen fie nic^t mieber, bem ®cf)ufter aber ging e6 mo^l fo 10 lang er (ebte, unb e6 gliicfte it)m aOeS tt)a6 er unterna^m. 3n)eite6 SRard^en. @0 wav einmal ein avmeS !Dienftinabc^en, ba6 wav fleifig unb vein(icf), fef)vte aile JJage ba6 .§au6 unb f($uttete ba6 fte^vicfit auf einen gvofen ^aufen bov bie 2^§uve. (Sine6 IS 'iOiovgenS, a(^ e6 eben wiebev an bie Sfvbeit ge£)en woUte, fanb e^ einen 33 vief bavauf, unb Weil e6 nic^t lefen fonnte, ft^ ftettte e6 ben S 3 efen in bie @(fe unb bvac^te ben Svief feinei ^evvfc^aft, unb ba wav e6 eine (Sinlabung Bon ben ffiib^teli,; mannevn, bie baten ba6 9 )fabcf)en i^nen ein 5 finb au6 bev‘ 20 flaufe ju ^eben. 2)a§ fOiabc^en wu^te ni^t wa6 e6 t^urtf fotlte, enbtic^ auf Biele6 3 u^eben, unb Weil fie i^m fagten fo] etwaS biivfte man niefit abfc^Iagen, fo willigte e6 ein. !l)a] famen bvei 2Bicf)telmannev unb fuf)vten e6 in einen f)o£)len* 33 evg, wo bie ft'leinen lebten. (S6 wav ba alle6 flein, abev fo j 25 jievlid^ unb b^ebtig, ba^ e6 ni(f)t 3U fagen ift. !l)ie 9Jfuttev | lag in einem Sett Bon fcbwavjem ©benbolj mit ii'nbbfen Bon fPevlen, bie ©edfen waven mit @otb geftieft, bie SBiege wav Bon (Slfenbein, bie Sabwanne Bon @olb. 5 l)a 6 SRab^en,, ftanb nun ©eBattev unb woKte bann wiebev nacf) ^aug 79 ^tc ^Sid^fclmcimtcr. gefjen, bie UBid^tclinaimlein batcii c6 aber inftanbig brci JXage ki il)nen ju blciben. @6 kteb atfo unb »erkke bie 3cit in 8uft imb grcube, unb bie ifleineu t^aten i^m alie6 ju Siebe. (Snblic^ U'olltc e6 [ic^ auf ben SJiicfweg macJ^en, ba ftecften fie it)iu bie S^afcbeii erft ganj soil @olb unb fuf)rten e6 f)etnac^ 5 U'icbet jum 33erge f)inau6. 21(6 e6 nadfi <^au6 fam, WoUte e6 feine 2lrbeit beginnen, naf)m ben 25efen in bie ^anb, bee nocf) in bet (Scfe ftanb unb fing an ju fe()ren. !l)a famen frembe Scute au6 bent -^au^, bie fragten wer e6 tt)are unb n)a6 e6 ba ju tf)un ()atte. !l)a war e6 nic^t brei S^age, wie lo e6 gemeint ()atte, fonbern fieben 3af)re bei ben ficiuen 3)ian- nern im Serge gewefen, unb feine sorige .^errf^aft war in ber 3eit geftorbcn. 8o XII. Per alle pulfan. @6 ^atte ein Sauer eincn treuen <§unt), ber ©uttan ^ief, bet war alf fleworben unb fiatte aCfe 3af|ne »erIoren, fo baf er nidbta mef)r feft ))acfen fonnte. 3u ctner 3eit ftanb ber 5 Sauer mit feiner grau »or ber ^auSt^ure unb [prad^ „ ben alten ©ultan fd^ie^’ id^ morgen tot, ber ift ju nidbt6 me^r nu^e." 2)ie grau, bte SRitleib mit bem treuen 2;iere ^atte, antwortete „ ba er un6 fo tange 3af)re gebient unb e^rlicb bet un6 gef)atten ^at, fo fbnnten wir i[)m wo§( ba6 ©nobenbrot logeben." „@i wag," fagte ber 9JIann, „bu bift nic^t recbt gef^eit: er but feinen 3abn me^r im SRauI, unb fein 2)ieb fitrdbtet fidfi oor i^m, er fann je|t abget)en. ^at er ung gebient, fo bat er fein guteg f^reffen bafur gefriegt." 2)er arme ^unb, ber ni^t weit baoon in ber ©onnc IS ouggeftredft tag, b^itte alteg mitangebort unb war traurigf bab morgen fein tester 2:ag fein foltte. (gr butte einen gutem Sreunb, bag war ber 2BoIf, ju bem fdblidb er abenbg binaug in ben SBaib unb Hagte uber bag ©dbidffal, bag ibm beoor^i ftanbe. „ ^bre, ©eoatter," fagte ber 2BoIf, „ fei guteg SKuteg, 2 oidb Witt bir aug beiner 5Rot beffen. 3db babe etwag aug^ gebadbt. 3[)torgen in alter ^riibe gebt bein «§err mit feiner grau ing ^eu, unb fie nebmen ibr tleineg 5?inb mit, weil niemanb im -^aufe jurucfbleibt. ©ie bflcgen bag i?inb wab^ Per ttife pulfrtii. 8 1 l■cn^ ter ^Irbcit t)iutcr bic 4')crfe in ben ©c^iatten ju (egen : lege bid; baneben, gieic^; alS roolfteft bu e6 bemac^en. U'id bann au6 bem SBalbe i)erau§foininen unb ba6 iiinb ranben : bu innft mir eifvig nad^[pringen, a(S ivoilteft bu mir ei^ U'ieber abiagen. laffe e6 fallen, unb bu bringft e6 ben s eitevn niieber juriidf, bie glauben bann bu ^atteft eg gerettet, unb finb »iel ju banfbar al6 baf fie bit ein Seib antl)un follten ; im ©egenteil, bu fommft in sollige ©itabe, unb fie irerben eS bir an nid;t^ incl)r fef)Ien laffen." !Der 2(n[ct;lag geftel bem ^unb, unb U'ie er au6gebacf)t lo UHU-, fo warb er aucfi au^gefiiljrt. ®er SSater fc^rie, al6 er ben SBoIf luit feinem £inbe burd^g gelb taufen faf), al6 e6 aber ber alte ©ultan auriirfbrac^te, ba war er frol), ftreicf)e(te i^n unb fagte „ bir foil fein .§arcf)en gefrumint werben, bu fodft bag ©nabenbrot effen, fo lange bu lebft." 3u feiner 15 grau aber fpracb er „gel) gleic^ ^eim unb foc^e bem alien ©ultan einen SBeefbrei, ben brauefti er nid^t ju beifen, unb bring’ bag ^o^jffiffen aug mcinem Sette, bag fd^enf icfi il)m ju feinem Sager." 9 Son nun an l)atte eg ber alte ©ultan fo gut, alg er fic^g nur miinfcfien fonnte. 33 alb t)ernac^ befuc^te i^n 20 ber 9 Bolf unb freute fief), baf alleg fo mo^l gelungen mar. „ Slber ©eoatter," fagte er, „bu mirft boc^ ein Sluge jubruefen, menu id^ bei ©etegenl)eit beinem ein fetteg ©c^af megl)ole. ©g mirb einem fjeutjutage fcf)mer fid^ burc^^u^ fcfilagen " „©arauf reebne nic^t," antmortete bee ^unb, 25 , meincm .§errn bleibe icf) treu, bag barf ic^ nid^t jugeben." ©er SBolf meinte, bag mare nic^t im ©rnfte gefprocf)en, fain n ber SJaeft berangef^lic^en unb moUte fief) bag ©e:^af ^olen. 'Jlber ber 33 auer, bem ber treue ©ultan bag DSor^aben beg 'IBolfeg oerraten ^atte, pafte if)m auf unb fammte ipm mit 30 )em ©refc^flegel garftig bie ^aare. ©er SBolf mufte aug. G. M. 6 82 per alte puttan. vcilieu, fc^rie aber t>em ^unb ju „ tt)art’, i?u fd^fec^ter ©efetlc, bafiir [oUft bu biifen!" Sim anbern SJlovgen fc^idte bet SBolf bad ©c^mein, unb lief ben <§unb finau6 in ben SBalb foebern, ba moUten fie 5 iijxe ©aefe au^maefen. 2)er alte ©ultan fonnte feinen 33 eiftanb finben aB eine ifafe, bie nur brei SSeine fatte, unbj aB fie jufammen finau^gingen, fumpelte bie arme £afe| bal}er unb ftrecfte jugleicf »or ©(^meQ ben ©cfwanj in bie ^bfe. ©er SBolf unb fein Seiftanb maren fefon an Drtj lo unb ©telle, aB fie abet ifren ©egner baferfommen fafen,' meinten fie et fiifrte einen ©abel mit [idb, meil fie ben auf- geriefteten ©cf)tt)anj bet ifafe bafitr anfafen. Unb menn bag arme JEier fo auf brei SSeinen liupfte, badften fie nieft anberg aB eg bbbe jebegmal einen ©tein auf, unb moUte 15 bamit auf fie merfen. ©a marb ifnen beiben angft: bag milbe ©(fjmein rerfrocf fic^ ing 8aub, unb ber SBoIf fprang auf einen S 3 aum. ©er ^unb unb bie £afe, aB fie feratu famen, munberten fief baf fief niemanb fefen lief. !l)ag milbe ©0tt)ein aber fatte fief im Saub nieft ganj rerfteefen 20 fbnnen, fonbern bie Dfren ragten nocf feraug. SBafrenb bie ^afe fief bebaeftig umfcfaute, jminfte bag ©cfmein mit ben Often : bie ifafe, melefe meinte eg regte fief ba eifte Siaug, fprang barauf ju unb bif ferjfaft finein. 2)a erfob fidf bag ©^wein mit grof em ©efefrei, lief fort unb rief „ boft 25 auf bem S 3 aum ba fift ber ©efulbige." ©)er .^unb unb bie £afe fefiauten finauf unb erblieften ben SSolf, ber fef dmte fict; baf er fief fo fureftfam gejeigt fatte, unb nafm oon beni ^unb ben gieieben an. i 83 XIII. ;5)onn'5sd)cn. 35oc ivav ein ^imig unb cine ifonigin, bic fpMc^eu jcben %a<^ „ac^, wenn inir boc^ ein ifinb flatten!" unb fricgten imincr fein6. 'Ba trug [ic^ ju, al6 bie 5?enigin ein? mal im 33abe [af, baf ein ^rofd^ au§ bem Staffer anS Sanb feoc^ unb ju i^r „ bein SBunfc^ tnirb erfuEt luerbcn, e^e ein 3a^r uerge^t, wivft bn eine JTocIjter jur SBelt bringen." 9Ba6 bet grof($ gef‘igt ^ntte, ba§ gefc^nf), unb bie ^bnigin gebar ein SJitibc^en, ba6 war [o fc^bn, ba^ ber £bnig nor Jreube ficb nicbt p (affen wu^te unb ein grope6 §cft anfteftte. @r iub nic^t bioS [eine SSerwanbtc, gwunbe unb 33cfannte, fonbern au([) bie weifen Srauen baju ein, bamit [ie bem 5binb f)olb unb gewogen waren. @6 waren i^rer breijef)n in feinem ’Reic[)e, Weil er ober nur jWblf golbene JSeEer ^atle, non weld^en [ie e[[en [oKten, [o mufte eine non i^nen bal)cim Ijleiben. 2)a6 warb mil aEer [prad^t ge[eiert, unb al6 e6 ',u @nbe War, be[c[)enften bie wei[en geciuen ba6 ^inb init 'l)ren SBunbergaben ; bie eine mil S^ugenb, bie anbere mil i5c[)bnl)eit, bie britte mil 9[ei(^tum, unb [o mil aEem, wa6 au[ ’er 2Belt p wun[c^en i[t. 21(6 el[e i§re ©pru([)e eben getban )atten, trat ^loblicb breijebnte f)<^^cin. @ie wollte [i(p 'a[ur racpen, baf [ie nidbt eingelaben war, unb of)ne [emanb u grii^en ober nur anp[el)en, rie[ [ie mil lauter ©timme 6—2 5 10 15 20 84 Potrntr6sorni'dsdjcn. 87 iVuttcltcn fi(f) : bic 3agbt)itiibe fpraiigcn iiiib U'cbcitcn : bie I^Jaubcu iiiif bcm 2)ad)c joficii ba6 ib5pfd;cu uiiterin g(u(]e( d)cn'tor, fa[)cn uint)ci: unb floijcu inS gclb ; bie glicgcn an ben 9Banbcn froc^cn UH'itci- ; ba6 geuer in bcr Mc^e eri)ot> fid^, flaifcrte unb fod[;te ba6 (Sffcn : bcr 33raten fing lutebcr 5 :an 5 U briii^ein ; unb bcr gab bcm Sungen cine C>i}rfcige, baf er ferric : unb bie 3)lagb rupfte ba6 >§u^n fertig. Unb ba luurbe bie .^ocbjcit beS ibbnig6fo^n6 mit bcm !l)oriu rb^cben in ailcr '^rac^t gefeiert, unb fie lebten sergniigt bi^ an ibr (Snbe. 10 88 XIV. llrorfclbarf. (Sin 5f6nig ^atte eine JJoc^ter, bie war itber alie 9)iapen fc^on, aber babei fo ftolj unb itbermittig, baf if)r fein ^reier gut genug war. @ie wie6 cinen nad^ bem anbern ab, unb S trieb nod^ baju ©tjott mit itjnen. (Sinmal Uef ber ffbnig ein gropeg geft anftetten, unb tub baju aug ber 9ta^e unb Seme bie t)eirat6fuftigen SItanner ein. <$ie wurben alle in eine Diei^e nac|> 9{ang unb ®tanb georbnet; erft famen bie 5fbnige bann bie -^erjbge, bie Sueftcn, @rafen unb Sreii)etvn, jule^ 10 bie (Sbelleute. 9Iun Warb bie ifbnig^toc^ter burcb bie Slei^et gefuf)rt, aber an iebem ^atte fie etwa6 au65ufe^en. 3)er ein war if)r ju bidf, „ba6 SBeinfap!'' fprac^ fie. ®er anbere 31 (ang, „ lang unb fcf)Wanf ^at feinen @ang." !l)er britte 31 fur3, „ fur3 unb bidf b'lt fein ©efc^icf." 2)er nierte 3U blaf 15,, ber bieicf)c ilob!" ber fiinfte 3U rot, „ ber 3in^f)af)n!" be fe($6te war nicf)t gerab genug, „ grune6 ^0(3, f)interm Dfen getrorfnet!" Unb fo f)atte fie an einem jeben etwa6 au65 3ufe^en 5 befonber^ aber mad^te fie fid^ fiber einen guten ibbnig luftig, ber gan3 oben ftanb, unb bem ba6 ifinn ein wcnig 20 frumm gewacf)fen war. „ @i," rief fie unb la^te, „ ber ^al ein 3tinn, wie bie !Droffei einen 6df)nabel"5 unb feit ber 3eii befam er ben 9famen !l)roffeIbart. 2)er a(te j?bnig abdB al0 er fat), baf feine !Xo(^ter nicbt6 tfiat al6 fiber bie 2eu« Jt5nig proflTclbait. 89 fvotten, imb al(e ^veicr, bic ba »evfaiiiiuelt unircii, t)cr[(t)maf)tc, ivarb cr jovnig unb fct;wor, fie fotite ben erften befteu Settler jum 3 }ianne ne()men, ber nor [eine 3:f)ure fame. @in paar ISage barauf f)ob ein ©pielmann an uiiter bent genfter ju fingen, urn bamit etn geringeg Sllmofen 511 ner^ 5 bienen. Site e6 ber ibontg porte, fpracf) er „ la^t if)n f)eranf^ fommen," !Da trat ber ©pielmann in [einen [cfnnu^igen nerluinpten 5 fleibern tjerein, fang nor bent ibonig unb [einer ’Jloc^ter, unb bat, al6 er fertig tnar, uin eine milbe @abe. per ibbnig fprad^ „bein ©efang bat mir [0 tnobl gefallen, baf 10 Icb bir meine IJocftter ba aur grau geben will." X>ie ibbnigg=: tocftter erfc^raf, aber ber £bnig fagte „icb bat'e ten @ib jetban, bicp bem erften beften Settelmann au geben, ben tniE ;cb aucb balten." @6 half feine (Sinrebe, ber ^farrer tnarb jebolt, unb fie mufte fief gleicp mit bem ©pielmann trauen is :affen. Site bag gefebeben tnar, fpracb ber iJbnig, „ nun frifieft iefg nic^t, baf bu ate ein Setteltneib noef (anger in meinem Seblof bleibft, bu tannft nur mit beinem SKaitne fortaieben." fDer Settelmann fiibrte fie an ber .§anb binaug, unb fie nufte mit ibm au guf fortgeben. Site fie in einen grofen 20 IBalb famen, ba fragte fie „ad), ttjem geI)ort ber fc^cite ^Batb?" ,,T)er gel)brt bem 3)roffelbart; ^dttft bu’n genommen, [o mdr’ er bem." arme Sungfer ^art, 25 ad), 'f)dtV id) genommen ben .^bmg 2 )rcffe(Bart!" Darauf famen [ie uber eine SBiefe, ba fragte [ie mieber ,,mem get)brt bie fd^bne griitte 2Biefe?" „(Sie ge()brt bem .^cnig ^roffelBart; tfdttft bu’n genommen, fo mdr’ fie betn." 30 „^d) arme 3ungfer ^art, acb, bdtt’ id) genommen ben ^bnig ^Droffetbartl" go ,^ 3 ttig ^roffelbart 2)aim famen [ie burc^ eine grofe 6tabt, ba fragte fie ivieber biefe fd^bne gro^e (Btabt?" „0ie ge^brt bem ^bnig ^roffelbart; I)attft bu’n genommen, fo tvar’ fie bein/' 5 „^d} arme Suiigfer gart, ft; icf) bin ganj mube." 2)|p 20 5 b'oniggtodf)tev uerftanb aber nicf)tg som geueranmac^en uri j, iboc^en, unb ber Settelmann mupte felber <§anb aniegeUj baf eg noef) fo leibiic^ ging. 2l(g fie bie fc^male ffoft serje^tj^ fatten, tegten fie fic^ ju Sett : aber am SRorgen trieb er fl|j fcf)on ganj friif) £)eraug, meil fie bag «^aug beforgen folfte. 25 (Sin paar JIage iebten fie auf biefe 2 lrt fcf)ie($t unb reefit, un|,, Sefjrten i^ren Sorrat auf. ©)a fprad^ ber 9 Jiann „f!;rau, fol' gef)tg ni(f)t longer, baf W>ir ^ier sefjren unb nicf)tg oerbienenj, 2 )u fodft ffbrbe flecf)ten." (Sr ging aug, fc^nitt SBeiben, unb bracf)te fie ^eim : ba fing fie an su flecf)ten, aber bie b‘trterjfy 30 SBeiben ftacf)en if)r bie jarten «§anbe munb. „ fe^e, baf ^ gef)t nicf)t,“ fpracf) ber SJiann, „ fpinn lieber, »ielfei(f)t fannf^ i 91 bu baS bcffcr." @ic [ic^ [)in, unb »er[uc^te ju fptnnen, abcr biT bvivtc gabcn i[)i: balb iii bie tt)cicf;en Singer, bap ba6 53 lut baran peruntcrlicf. „ @iel}ft bu," fpracp ber 9 )Jann, „ bu taugft ju feiner SIrbeit, mit bir bin icp [cplimin angefommen. Slun untl ieps uerfuepen, unb einen ^anbel s mit S^b^jfen unb irbenem @e[(^irr anfangen : bu [oOft biep auf ben 9 )barft fepen, unb bie 2Baare feil palten." „2lcp," baepte fie, „ menn auf ben ^J)?avft Seute aue meineS 33ater6 fWeiep fommen, unb mief) ba fipen unb feil paiten fepen, mie tuerben ifie mic^ serfpotten!" Slber e6 palf nidptg, fie mupte ficp lo fitgen, menn fie niept ^unger6 ftevben tnollten. !l)a6 erfte Sfial ging6 gut, benn bie Seute fauften ber S^nw, tneii fie ■fdpbn mar, gern ipre SBaare ab, unb bejaplten ma6 fie for? 'berte : fa, oiele gaben ipr ba6 @elb, unb liefen ipr bie 2^bpfe noep baju. 9 fun tebten fie son bem ©rmorbenen, fo lang e^ 15 bauerte, ba fianbelte ber SRann mieber eine SRenge neue6 «iefcbirr ein. 6ie fepte ficp bamit an eine ©efe be^ a«arfte6, tnb ftedte e6 urn fiep per, unb pielt feil. 2)a fam in trunfener -^ufar bapergejagt, unb ritt gerabeju in bie Jbpfe pinein, bap atte6 in taufenb ©eperben jerfprang. ©ie 20 ing an ju meinen unb mupte »or Slngft niept, toa6 fie anfan? jen foUte. „2[(p, mie mirb mir6 ergepen!" rief fie, „ma6 Pirb mein 3 )?ann baju fagen!" ©ie lief peim unb erjaplte ipm bag Unglucf. „ 2 Ber fept ficp aucp an bie @ife beg S)^arfteg mit irbenem @ef(pirr!" fpracp ber 5 f)Jann, „lap nur 25 bag SBeinen, icp fepe mopl, bu bift ju feiner orbentlicpen Slrbeit ju gebrauepen. ©)a bin icp in unfereg i?bnigg ©cpiop gemefen unb pabe gefragt, ob fie niept eine Sfuepenmagb (brauepen fbnnten, unb fie paben mir oerfproepen, fie mollten 1 bicp bagu nepmen ; bafur befommft bu freieg (Sffen." 30 ! 9 ]un marb bie ibbniggtocpter eine Mepenmagb, mupte bem 92 S^roflrelbari j jur ^anb ge^en unb bic [auerfte Strbeu t^un. @ie i ma($te fic^ in beibcn Jofc^^en ein Jlbpfd^en feft, barin brac^te fie nac^ tt)a 6 if)t son bem Ubriggebliebenen p teil ttjarb, unb bavon nii^rten fie ficfi. @6 trug fief) ju, bnp bie S .§ocf) 5 eit be 6 aiteften i?bnig 6 fo{)ne^ foUte gefeiert werben, bai ging bie arme Sr«u ^innuf, ftellte fic^ nor bie ©aaltf)ure unb woltte jufef)en. 2 llS nun bie 8 icf)ter angejiinbet loaren, unb immer einer f^bner al 6 ber anbere ^ereintrat, unb alie 6 noli ^rocf)t unb ^errlic^feit war, ba ba(^te fie mil betrubtem j lo^erjen an il)r ©efeieffat unb nerwiinfe^te i^ren © 10(3 unb] libermut, ber fie erniebrigt unb in fo grope Slrmut gcftur 3 t patte. 33on ben foftlicipen ©peifen, bie ba ein unb au 6 ge^ tragen wurben, unb non welcfien ber Oeruep 3 U ipr aufftieg, warfen ipr ©iener inan($mal ein paar Sroefen 3U, bie tpat fie IS in ipr Jbpf($en, unb wollte e 6 l)eim tragen. 2 tuf einmal trat ber i?bnig 6 fopn perein, war in ©amt unb ©eibe gcfleibel unb patte golbene ifetten um ben ^a(^. Unb ate er bie fcpbne Wwu in ber Sipure ftepen fal), ergriff er fie bei be ^anb unb wollte mit ipr tan 3 en, aber fie weigerte fief) un 20 erfepraf, benn fie fat), bap e 6 ber 5 bbnig tDroffelbart war, be um fie gefreit unb ben fie mit ©pott abgewiefen patte. ©trauben palf niepte, er 3 og fie in ben ©aal : ba 3 errip ba 33anb, an wel(f)em bie 3;afcf)en pingen, unb bie Stopfe pelet l)crau 6 , bap bie ©uppe flop unb bie Sroefen umf)erfprangenl| 25 Unb wie ba 6 bie Seute fapen, entftanb ein allgemeineSi ©eliicipter unb ©potten, unb fie war fo befdpamt, bap fie fief) lieber taufenb iblafter unter bie @rbe gewunfef)t patte. ©ieri fprang 3 ur Stpiire pinau 6 unb wollte entfliepen, aber auf ber!)' S^reppe polte fie ein 3)lann ein, unb braepte fie 3 urucf : unt , 30 wie fie ipn anfap, war e 6 wieber ber ifbnig 2 )roffetbart. @ 1 1 ; fpracp ipr freunbliep 311 , „furepte bicp niept, iep unb ber ©piel='', if ^dnig proflTclbai-f. 93 inann, bet mit bir in bem clcnben ^au6cf)cn gett)o^nt ^at, [inb cin6: bir ju Sicbe ^abe ic^ mi^ [0 nerfteift, unb bet ^ufar, ber bir bie cntjinci geritten ^at, bin ic^ auc^i gcivefen. 2)a6 allc^ ift gefc^eljen, nm beinen ftotjen ©inn jilt bengen unb bic^ fur beinen ^o($mut ju ftrafen, wornit s bn mief) nerfpottet !l)a ineinte fie bitterli^ unb fagte „icf) £)abe grofe6 Unrec^t get)abt, unb bin ni($t tt>ert beine gran ju fein @r aber fpracf) „ trbfte bic^, bic bbfen 3^nge finb noruber, fel^t ttjotfen wir unfere ^ocfijeit feiern." ©)a fnmen bie ifamnierfrauen unb tf)aten if)r bie ))rad^tigften 10 ibleiber an, unb if)r 93ater fam unb ber ganje -^of, unb ‘ntunfcfjien i^r Oiucf ju i^rer 93erma^iung mit bem ibbnig i2)roffelbart, unb bie recfjte Sreube fing je^t erft an. tnolite, bu unb ic^, mir tnaren aucf) babei gemefen. 94 4 XV. ^ucctx)iffcl)ctt. @6 ivar cinmal mitten im SBinter, unb bie ©c^neeflocfcn fieten mie Webern worn ^immel ^erab, ba [ap cine ^bnigin an cinem Senfter, ba6 einen 9tabmen »on [d^marjem (Sben^otj 5 ^atte, unb nii^te. Unb tnie fie fo naf)te unb nacfi bem ©cfmee aufbliifte, ftacf; fie fief) mit ber fffabel in ben Singer, unb ee ftelen brei iJro^jfen Slut in ben ©efinee. Unb meit ba3 9iotf im meifen ©cbnee [o fcfjbn au6fat), bac^te fie bet fic!^ „batt icf) ein ^inb fo meip mie ©ebuee, fo rot mie Slut, unb ft 10 fcf)n)ar 5 mie ba6 ^olj an bem fRa^men !" Salb barauf befaiJ fie ein 2^bcf)terlein, ba6 mar fo meif mie ©cfjnee, fo rot min Slut, unb fo fc^marjf)aarig mie (Sbenl)olj, unb marb baruiB baS ©neemitt(^en (©d^neemeifcf)en) genannt. Unb mie ba* ifinb geboren mar, ftarb bie ffonigin. I IS Uber ein 3a{)r nabm ficb ber ^bnig einc anbere ©emal* tin. @6 mar eine ft^bne Srnu, aber fie mar ftolj unb ubeif mutig, unb fonntc niefit leiben, baf fie an ©cbbnf)eit ootl; femanb foflte ubertroffen merben. ©ie t)atte einen rnunber* baren ©f)iegel, menn fie oor ben trat unb fic^ barin befd^aute, j 20 fprat^ fie ^(Spiegtein, ^Spiegtein an ber SBaub, tt>er ift bie ^ci^onfte im gan^en Sanb?" i fo antn)ortete ber ©))ieget ,,5rau »^onigin, i’^r feib bie ©ci^onfte im Sanb/' ' ' §>uccmiffcl)cn. 95 ©a UHU- fie jufiiebcii, bcmi fie wuptc, bap bee ©picgcl bic 9i>al)vl)cit faijte. ©necivittcipeii abet iviicp^ pcran, itnb rourbe immer fcpbiicr, uub al6 fteben Sapc alt war, war c6 fo fcpbn, wie bcr flare IJag, unb f($bner alS bie ibbiiigin felbft. 21(6 btefe einmal ipreu Spiegel fragte I „®piegtein, ©picglein an bcr 2Banb I ii'cr ig bie iw gimscn £anb?" jfo antwortete er „5rau ^onigin, ipr fcib bie ©dimifte pier, aber ©neewittdpen ifi taufenbmal fipcuer ats ipr." Sa erfcpraf bie ibbnigin, unb warb gelb unb griin nor 9fetb. Q3ou Stunb an, wenn fie Sneewittcpen erblicfte, feprte fidp ipr ba6 .^erj im Seibe perum, fo papte fie ba§ 2}fabcpen. Unb )er 9feib unb ^ocpmut wucpfen wie ein Unfraut in iprem ^er^en immer pbper, bap fie Sag unb Sfacpt feine Sfupe mepr atte. 2)a rief fie einen 3ager unb fpracp „ bring’ ba6 inb inau6 in ben 2Ba(b, icp wilf6 nicpt mepr nor meinen Siugen :pen. 2)u foUft c6 tbten, unb mir Sunge unb Seber jum Bapr^eicpen mitbringen." ®er 3ager geporcpte unb fuprte 5 pinau6, unb al6 er ben ^irfcpfanger gejogen patte unb 5neewittcpen6 unf^ulbtgeS «§erj burcpbopren wottte, ftng e6 n 5 U weinen unb fpracp „ acp), lieber 3ager, fap mir mein kben j i^ will in ben wilben SBalb laufen unb nimmermepr nieber peim fommen." Unb Weil e6 fo f(^bn war, patte ber Jager SKitleiben unb fpracp „fo lauf pin, bu arme6 ^inb." , 2)ie wilben Siere werben bicp balb gefreffen paben," bacpte :r, unb bocp war6 ipm, al6 war’ ein Stein non feinem -^erjen (ewaljt, weil er e6 nidpt ju toten braudpte. Unb al6 gerabe in junger gtifdpliug bapergefprungen fam, ftadp er ipn ab, tapm gunge unb Seber perau6, unb bracpte fie al6 SBapr^ 5 10 IS 20 25 30 g6 I jcic^ien bet ifonigiii niit, 2)er £oc^ mu^te fie in ©aij fo^euj unb ba§ boS^aftc 9 Beib af fie auf unb meinte, fie i)atte ©nee# tt»ittcf)en6 Snnge unb iiJebec gegeffen. ! 9 iun war ba6 arme iJinb in bem gropen 9 Balb mutter# 5 feelenaUein, unb warb if)m [o angft, ba^ e6 atJe ©latter an ben ©aumen anfa^ unb nicbt wupte, wie eS fic^ f)e(fen [oltte 2)a fing e6 an ju laufen unb lief iiber bie fpi^en ©teine uni burdf) bie 2)ornen, unb bie wilben Jliere fprangen an i^n vorbei, aber fie tf)aten it)m ni($tS. ( 5 S lief fo lange nur bi( lo gitfe noc^ fort fonnten, bi6 e6 balb Slbenb werben woUte, b( fal) e6 ein f(eine6 ^au6cf)en, unb ging binein fief) ju rubet 3n bem e^au^cben war alle6 flein, aber fo jierlicb unb reinliq bab e6 nicbt 311 fagen ift. ©a ftanb ein wei^gebeeftes Jufcbteii mit fieben fleinen Jletlern, jebe^ JeKerlein mit feinem Sbffe 15 lein, ferner fieben SRefferlein unb Oablein unb fieben ©ecbei lein. 2ln ber 2Banb waren fieben ©ettlein neben einanbe aufgeftetit unb febneeweibe Safen bariiber gebeeft. ©ne witteben, Weil e6 fo bungrig unb burftig war, af oon febe 3 :;ellerlein ein wenig ©emiife unb ©rot, unb trant auS febe 20 ©ecberlein einen J^ropfen SBein j benn e6 woUte ni(bt eine allein atte6 wegnebmen. <§erna(b, weil e6 fo miibe W( legte e6 ficb in ein ©etteben, aber fein6 pa^te ; ba6 eine war tang, bag anbere ju furj, big enblicb bag fiebente reebt wa unb barin blieb eg tiegen, befabl ficb @ott unb febtief ein. 25 2l(g eg ganj bunfel geworben war, famen bie c^erren ooi | bem .^auglein, bag waren bie fieben 3tt)erge, bie in be^ ©ergen nacb ©rj bcicEten unb gruben, ©ie jiinbeten ibr fieben Sicbtlein an, unb wie eg nun brll int «§auglein warn faben fie, bab jemanb barin gewefen war, benn eg ftanb nici 30 alleg fo in ber Drbnung, wie fie eg oerlaffen bcill««- erfte fpraef „ wer bcit auf meinem ©tiiblcben gefeffen?" 35 ' j §nce«>iftcl)cit. 97 Dcite „\v(x ^at ttoit ineinem ^:cUerc^en gegeffen?" !l)er citte „U'ci- ^at »oii meinem S 3 rotc|)eji geiiommen?" 2)et: ievte „ivcr ^at »ou meinem @emu6($cn gegeffen?" 2)ec infte „tvev f)at mit meinem ^abefdften gefto($en?" S)er c^^ie „ met fiat mit meinem SJieffercften gefd^nitten?" 3)er 5 ebente „ met fiat au6 meinem 53 ec&eriein getrunfen ?" !l)ann fic^ bet erfte urn unb fa^, ba^ auf feinem 33 ett eine Heine )aae mat, ba ffjtad^ et „met fiat in mein Settd^en getteten?" lie anbetn famen gelaufen unb tiefen „ in meinem fiat auc^ manb getegen." !l)et fiebente abet, a(6 et in fein Sett fa^, 10 biirfte @neemittcf)en, ba6 lag batin unb fc^tief. 9fun tief bie anbetn, bie famen fietbeigelanfen, unb f($tien vot etmunbetung, gotten i^te fieben Sic^tlein, unb beleuc^teten neemittdfien. „ @i, bu mein @ott! ei, bn mein @ott!" ifen fie, „ma6 iff ba§ 5 finb fo f(^bn!" unb flatten fo gtofe 15 cube, baf fie e6 niefit aufmedften, fonbetn im Setttein fott=^ lafen liefen. 2)et fiebente 3metg abet f($lief bei feinen ;fetren, bei jebem eine ©tunbe, ba mat bie 9fa(^t Return, 2fl6 eS Sbotgen mat, etmad^te ©neemittd^en, unb mie eg fieben 3 tuerge fnfi, etfe^taf eg. @ie maten abet fteunblidl; 20 b ftagten „mie fiei^t bu?" „3cf) fieife ©neemittc^en," tmottetc eg. „SBie biff bu in unfet «§aug gefommen?" ac^en meitet bie 3metge. 2)a etja^lte eg i§nm, ba^ feine iefmuttet eg fiatte molten umbtingen laffen, bet 3aget fiatte t abet bag Seben gefebenft, unb ba mat' eg gelaufen ben 25 tjen Jiag, big eg enblidfi if|t <§auglein gefunben ^citte. e 3 metge fptac^en „mitlft bu unfetn ^augbalt oetfe^em ten, betten, mafdfien, nafien unb fftiefen, unb millft bu e otbentlicf) unb teinlid^ flatten, fo fannft bu bei ung ben, unb eg foil bit an nic^tg fe^len." „3a," fagte ©nee. 30 fcfien, „ oon ^etjen getn," unb blieb bei ifinen. @g ^iett ^ G. M. „ 98 §ncen)iU<^en. i^nen i)a6 .^au^ in Drbnung: morgen6 gingen fie in bie 33 erge unb fu(^)ten @rj unb @olb, abenbS famen fie njiebet, unb ba mu^te i^t @ffcn bereit fein. 2)en ^ag uber war ba^ SKabcfien altein, ba warnten e6 bie guten 3werglein unb 5 [pracben „ ()ute bicf) Por beiner ©tiefmutter, bie wirb bail) wiffen ba^ bu ^ier biftj faf ja niemanb herein!" !l)ie ibbnigin abet, nac^bem fie ©neewittdben6 Sunge unb Seber glaubte gegeffcn ju f)aben, ba^te nic^t anberS al6 fie ware wieber bie @rfte unb Sltlerfc^bnfte, trat Por if)ren ©pieget lo unb fprac^ „«rg«n, fiopfte an bie S^piire, unb rief „fcpbne 33 aare feil! feil!" ©nee^ wittcpen gudfte jum Senfter perauS unb rief „ guten 3 ::ag, lie be grau, Wa6 pabt ipr ju perfaufen?" „@ute SBaare, fdp6ne| 30 SBaare," antwortete fie, „ ©cpniirriemen Pon alien Surben,"j §ttcetDiffcI)cn. 99 unb {)o(te ciiicn I)ci-»or, ber auS buiitcr @eibe geflo($ten Jvav. „2)tc e^vlic^c grau fann id^ ^lereiulaffen," bac^te 6nee^ nnttc^ien, ricgcltc bie 2:f)ure auf, unb faufte fid^ ben f)ubfc^en Sc^niurriemen. „ ifinb/' frrac^ bie 8l(te, „ tnie bn an6fief|ft ! ifoinin, id^ tt)tir btd^ einmni oebentlid^ fd^nitren." ©neennttd^en 5 ^atte fein S(vg, ftelTte fid^ nor [ie, unb (tef [td^ mit bem neuen ©d^nurriemen fd^nitren : aber bie 2t(te fd^jnurte gefd^ininb unb fc^inuvte [0 feft, baf bem ©neemiitd^en ber Sitem verging, unb e6 fiir tot ^infiet. ,,'^nn bift bn bie ©d^bnfte geinefen!" fprac^ fie, unb eilte §inau6. 9 lid^t lange barauf, jur Stbenbjeit, famen bie fieben 3n>erge nadf) i§au«, aber mie erfdf)rafen [ie, at^ fie it)r liebeg ©neemittd^en auf ber (grbe liegen fafien unb e^ regte unb bemegte fief) nicf)t, ate mare e6 tot. ©ie ^oben eg in bie ^bt)e, unb meil fie fafien, baf e6 ju feft gefcfm'irt mar, f(^nitten fie 15 ben ©dfmurriemen entjmei : ba fng eg an ein menig ju atinen, unb marb nadf unb nadf mieber (ebenbig. Site bie 3merge fbrten mag gefc^efen mar, fpraefen fie „bie aite iJramerfrau war niemanb ate bie gottlofe £bnigin: t)ute bidf unb taf feinen ^Kenfdfen ferein, menn mir nidft bei bir finb." 20 2)ag bbfe aCeib aber, ate eg nadf ^aug gefominen mar, ging oor ben ©t)ieget unb fragte (Spiegtein an ber 2Banb, iner ift bie (Sd^bnfte im gan^en !^anb?" 1 Da antn)ortete er n)ie [onft 25 j ,,5rau ^^bnigtn, i^r feib bie ©d^onjle f^icr, 2 aber (Sneetrittd^en ixber ben ^Bergen ^ bei ben fieben SitJergen ift nod^ taufenbmat fd^bner a(^ it;r " •,«g fie bag forte, tief ifr atfeg 53 (ut jum ^erjen, fo erfefraf 30 loo ^vieer\>ittd)evt. (ie, bcnn fie fa^ bap ©necwittdpen twieber Icbenbig geworben war. „ 9 lun abcr/' fpradp [ie, „will icp ettt)a6 au6finnen, ba6 btcp ju @runbe ricpten foil," unb mit ^eren^ fiinften, bie [te berftanb, ntadpte fie eincn giftigen ifamm. 5 Xiann »erf(eibete fie ficp unb napm bie ©eftalt eineS anbern aiten 2 Beibe 6 an. @o ging fie pin uber bie fieben 33 erge ju ben fieben fiopfte an bie JSpure, unb rief „gute 2Baare feil! feil!" ©neewittcpen fcpaute perauS unb fpracp „gept nur weiter, icp barf niemanb pereinfaffen." „!l)ag lo Sinfepen wirb bir bocp eriaubt fein," fpracp bie 2l(te, ^og ben giftigen ^amm perau6 unb pielt ipn in bie «§ope. 2)a geftel er bem i?inbe fo gut, bap e§ ficp betpbren liep unb bie Jlpure bffnete. SIB fie be6 £auf6 einig waren, f^jracp bie Slite „nun wiE icp bi^ einmal orbentlicp fammen." 2)a6 arme ©nee^ 15 wittcpen bacpte an nicpta, unb liep bie Sllte gewapren, aber faum patte fie ben i^amm in bie ^aare geftecft, aB baS (Sift barin wirfte, unb ba6 ?0iab(pen opne Sefinnung nieberftel. „ 2 )u S[u6bunb non ©cpbnpeit," fpracp bag bogpafte SBeib, „ jept iftg urn bicp gefcpepen," unb ging fort. 3um ©liicf | 20 aber war eg balb Slbenb, wo bie fieben 3tt>erglein nacp ^aug famen. 8l(g fie ©neewittcpen wie tot auf ber (Srbe liegen fapen, patten fie gleicp bie ©tiefmutter in SSerbacpt, fucpten nacp, unb fanben ben giftigen 5 famm, unb faum patten fie ipn perauggejogen, fo fam ©neewitt^en wieber ju ficp, unb 25 erjaplte wag oorgegangen war. ©a warnten fie eg nocp einmal auf feiner .§ut ju fein unb niemanb bie 2:pure ju j bffnen. 2)ie ifbnigin fteUte ficp bapeim nor ben ©piegel unb fpracp „(Bpieglein, an ber Sanb, 30 ton ijl bie ^d^bnfte im ganjen Saub?" ^ttccmiffd^ctt. loi 3)a anta'ovtcte cr une i>ovI)cr „gvau .Hcuigin, il)r feib tie ©c^onjie tjicr, aber (SueciDittd^en uBei* ben S3ergen bei ben fieben 3it)ergen ijl bod) nod^ taufenbmal fd^bncr aU i^r." 5 site fie ben 6piegct fo reben ^brte, jittcrte unb bcbte [ie Bor 3ont. „ ©neeinittc^en foil fteeben," rief fte, „ unb wenn ce mein eignee Scbcn foftet." 5)arauf gtng [ie in eine ganj Bcrborgene einfame ifainmer, ino niemanb ^infant, unb mac^te ba einen giftigen giftigen Slpfel. tufevlic^ fa^ er lo fd^bn aue, weif mil roten Sacfen, baf feber, ber i§n erblicfte, 8uft banad^ befam, abet met ein ©tucfcfien bason af, ber mupte fterben. Site ber Sl^jfet fertig isar, farbte [ie [ic^ bae Oefic^t, unb serfleibete [ic[) in eine S3auere[rau, unb [o ging [ie liber bie [ieben 33erge ju ben [iebcn 3>sergen. ©ie flo}3[te 15 an, ©neeisittc^en [trecfte ben i?op[ jum genfter f)erau6, unb [prad^ „ barf feinen aKenfcfien einlaffen, bie [ieben 3iserge t)aben mire serboten." „a}lir aucfi recfU," antisortete bie 33aurin, „ meine Slpfel will id^ f^on loetserben. 2)a, einen tsia ic^ bir fc^enfen." „9[ein," [prac^ ©neeisittc^en, „ic^2o barf nid^te anne^men." „8urcbte[t bu bic^ sor @i[t?« [prac^ bie Stile, „[iel)[t bu, ba [c^neibe ic^ ben Slpfet in jisei 3^eite; ‘ben roten S3acfen if bu, ben weifen mill icf effen/' ©er Slpfel mar aber [0 fiinfllicf gemac^t, baf ber rote SSacfen aWein sergiftet mar. Sll^ ©neemittcfien [a^, baf bie S3aurin bason 25 :af, fonnte eS nidft longer miber[te§en, [tredlte bie <§anb f)inau6 unb naf)m bie giftige ^atfte. ifaum aber fatte eS l^einen S3i[[en bason im 9Jlunb, [0 fiel e6 tot jur ®rbe nieber. I !pa betracfitete eg bie ifbnigin mit graufigen SSlicfen unb tacfte ^ uberlaut, unb [pradf „meif mie ©cfnee, rot mie S5lut, [dfmarj 30 mie (Sben^ol^ ! biennial fbnnen bidf bie 3werge nic^t mieber 102 |^ncctt)i^f^^en. erwecfen." Unb aB fie batieim ben fo frif^ aug n)ie ein lebenber SOienfdfi, unb fjatte nodf) feine fefibnen roten SSaifen. ©ie fpeadben „bag fonnen tt)ir nid^t in bie fc^tt)arje @rbe oerfenfen," unb liefen einen burcfjfidfitigen ©arg oon ©tag 20 madben, baf man eg oon aKen ©eiten fe^en fonnte, Iegten eg binein, unb fcfirieben mit golbenen SSudbftaben feinen Xiamen barauf, unb bap eg eine JJbniggtodbter mare. !l)ann fe^ten fie ben ©arg binaug auf ben ©erg, unb einer oon ibnen btieb immer babei, unb bemaebte ibn. Unb bie JTiere famen au^ 25 unb bemeinten ©neemitteben, erft eine ©ule, bann ein 3iabe, julebt ein S^aubeben. 9iun lag ©neemitteben lange tange 3fit in i>f>n ©arg unb oermefte ni^t, fonbern fab aug alg menu eg febliefe, benn eg mar noeb fo meif mie ©ebnee, fo rot mie 33Iut, unb fo 30 fcbmarjbaarig mie ©benbolj. ©g gefdbab aber, bap ein ifbniggfobn in ben 2Batb geriet unb au bem 3mergenbuug T03 ^ttceiuiffd^cn. fam, ba ju ubenirtdteu. @v fa^ auf beiu 33 etg ben ©arg, unb bad [d^one ©neemittc^eu barin, unb la6 ttJaS mit golbe? nen Suc^ftabcu barauf gefc^riebeu war. !l)a fprad^ et ju ben 3wevflen „ tapt mir ben ©arg, ic^ will euc^ geben, wag il)v bafur ^aben wollt." 2lber bie 3werge antworteten „ wir 5 geben l^n ni^t uin alleg @olb in ber SBelt." !Da fprad^ er „fo fdenft mir i§n, benn ic^ fann ni($t leben o^ne ©nee= wittd^en ju fe^en, ic^ will eg e^ren unb ^oc^iad^ten wie mein Siebfteg." SBie er fo fprad^, empfanben bie gnten 3iuerglein Sliitleibcn mit i^m unb gaben i^m ben ©arg. !Der ifbniggs 10 fo§n lie^ i^n nun non feinen !l)ienern auf ben ©cfiuUern forttragen. !l)a gefd^al) eg, ba^ fie liber einen ©traud^ ftolijerten, unb non bem ©c^vittern fu^r ber giftige Sl:pfelgru^, ben ©neewittcfien abgebiffen l)atte, aug bem ^alg. Unb nidf)t lange fo ofnete eg bie 2lugen, bnb ben !l)ecfel nom ©arg 15 in bie <§bl)e, unb ric^tete fidfi auf, unb war wieber lebenbig. „ 8lcf) Oott, wo bin icf) ?" rief eg. !l)er ifbniggfo^n fagte noil Sreube „ bu bift bei mir," unb erjatitte wag fid^ ^ugetragen l)atte unb fprad^ „ id^ ^abe bid^ lieber alg alleg auf ber SBelt ; fomm mit mir in meineg SSaterg ©dlof, bu foUft meine 20 @emal)lin werben." 3 )a war il)m ©neewittd^en gut unb ging mit i^m, unb il)re -^oc^jett warb mit groper ^radpt unb ^errlidpfeit angeorbnet. 3u bem Sdfl wurbe aber aueb ©neewittcfieng gottlofe ©tiefmutter eingelaben. SBie fie fidb nun mit febbnen iJlei^ 25 bern angetljan patte, trat fie nor ben ©piegel unb fpradb ,,0))iegtein, ^piegteiu an ber ^aub, trier bie ©i^bnj^e tm ganjen Saab?" I ©er ©piegel antwortete i „Srau »^cnigin, i^r feib bie ^cJ^onfle :§ier, 3^ I aber bic iunge ^bni^in ift taufenbmal fd^bner al^ 'i^xV 104 §ncexx>iU(^en. 2)a ftief ba^ 66[e 2Bcib einen Sluc^) au6, unb warb t^r fo angft, fo angft, ba^ fie fidf> nicfit ju laffcn wuftc. @ie tt)oflte juerft gar nid^t auf bie «^oc^jcit fommen: boc^ liefi eg if)r feine 9tut)e, fie mupte fort unb bie junge £6nigin fet)en. Unb S tote fie t)ineintrat, erfannte fie ©neetoittcfien, unb »or 2ingft unb ©cfirecfen ftanb fie ba unb fonnte fid^ nic^t regen. 2lkr eg ttJaren fcfion eiferne ^nntoffel uber i?o^(enfeuer geftellt unb njurben mit Bungen fiereingetrogen unb »or fie f)ingefteCt. 2)a mufte fie in bie rotgtuf)enben @cf)ut)e treten unb fo tange 10 tanjen, big fie tot jur @rbe fieL 105 XVI. '^umipclftil^^en, @6 tt)ar cinmal cin SiJIuKer, bcr tt)ar arm, aber er f)atte eine [d^one ^£o($ter. 9 Iun traf fic^, bap er mit bem ^bnig ju fprecpen fam, unb urn fidp ein ^nfc^en ju gcben, [agte er 5U ipm „ idp pabe eine S^odpter, bie fann Strop p @olb [pin^ 5 nen." iSer ifbnig fpracp ^um SKnUer „ ba^ ift eine ifunft, bie inir mopi gefallt, tnenn beine ^£o($ter fo gefdpicft ift, wie fagfp [o bring fie morgen in mein Scptop, ba mitt idp fie auf bie $robe ftelten." 2l(S nun ba6 SJiabdpen p ipm gebradpt marb, fiiprte er e 5 in eine ifammer, bie ganj noil 10 Strop lag, gab ipr 9 Iab unb $afpel unb fpradp „i'ept ma^e )icp an bie Sirbeit, unb menu bu biefe Slacpt bur^ bi6 morgen rup biefe6 Strop nicpt ju @o(b oerfponnen paft, fo mupt bu ierben." 2)arauf fcptop er bie stammer felbft p, unb fie tlieb aOein barin. 3 )a fap nun bie arme SRulter^tocpter unb mupte urn ipr ieben feinen 0tat : fie nerftanb gar nidpt6 baoon, mie man Strop p @olb fpinnen fonnte, unb ipre Slngft marb immer irbfer, bap fie enbiidp p tneinen anpng. SSa ging auf inmal bie Sipiire auf, unb trat ein fleineS SJtanncpen perein 20 I mb fpracp „ guten Slbenb, Sungfer 5 D?utterin, marum meint ic fo fepr?" „2fcp," antmortete baS fWabcpen, „idp foH Strop p @olb fpinnen, unb oerftepe bag ni($t." Spradp io6 '^umpelfiilad^en. ba6 9Kann($en „tt)a6 giebft bu mir, wenn id) t>ir6 [ptnne?" „ ?0?ein <5al6banb/' fagte bag ^Wabc^en. ©ag SKanndien na^m bag <^algbanb, fe^te fid) »or bag Stabdien, unb fci^nurr, fd)tturr, fd)nm:r, breimal gejogen, war bie @pule »oll. 2)ann 5 ftedte eg eine anbere auf, unb fd^nurr, fd)tturr, fd)nuvr, brei^ mal gcjogcn, war au($ bie jweite »oE : unb fo gingg fort big jum 9)lorgcn, ba war alleg @tro| uerfponnen, unb alle ©t)u(en waren oolt @olb. S3ei ©onnenaufgang fam f($on ber ifonig, unb alg cr bag @oIb erblidte, erftaunte cr unb lo freute fic^, abcr fein ^erj warb nur noc^ goibgierigcr. @r lie^ bie ^Otiittlergtoc^ter in eine anbere i?ammer nod @trot) bringen, bie nocf) »iel grower war, unb befall i§r bag auc^ in einer 9iad)t ju fpinnen, wenn if)r bag Seben lieb ware. 2)ag 9Jiabd)m wufte fi^ nidfit ju ^eifen unb weinte, ba ging abet? IS ma(g bie ^f)ure auf, unb bag fieine 3)fdnnd)en erfd^ien unb fprad) n t’u wir, wenn id^ bir bag ©trot) ju @oib fpinne?" „9Jieinen Sting Don bem Singer," antwortete bag 9)ldbcf)en. !l)ag ?[)tdnndf)en naf)m ben Sting, png wieber an jU fd)nurren mit bem Stabe unb f)atte big jum S)torgen alleg 20 ©trop 5U glanjenbem @olb gefponnen. Ser 5tbnig freute fief) fiber bie SJtapen bei bem Slnblid, war aber nodf) immer ni^t ©olbeg fatt, fonbern lief bie SStuflergtocpter in eine nocp grbpere 5?ammer »oU ©trot) bringen unb fpradf) „ bie mupt bu no(p in biefer Stad)t oevfpinnen : gelingt birg aber, fo 25 fodft bu meine @emaf)lin werben." „ ffienng auef) tine S)tultergtodf)ter ift," baepte er, „ eine reiepere Swu pnbe idf) in ber ganjen SBelt niept." 2llg bag SStdbcf)en aflein war, fam bag 9)tdnnlein jum britten SDtal wieber unb fprad^ „wag giebft bu mir, Wenn i(p bir nocp biegmat bag ©trot) fpinne?" 30 „ pabe nieptg mepr, bag icp geben fbnnte," antwortete bag SJtdbd^en. „ ©0 oerpjvicf) mir, wenn bu ^bnigin wirft, bein 107 crftcd „ 9 Bei[: weip wic ba6 nod} gc^t?" bac^te bie SKuIler^tocl^tev, nub wufte ft(^ aucl^ in bee 9 iot nic^t anberd 5U ^elfen ; fie oerfprac^ aifo bent SJianne^en n)a6 e6 oerlnngte, junb baS 93 ianncf)en fpann bafitr nod) einmat bad ®tro() ju ®olb. Unb aid am 5 [Rorgen ber iJonig fam unb aEed fanb 5 mie er gett)un[d)t .f)atte, fo §ielt ec •§0(d5eit mit i^r, unb bie |fd>&»e 9 )fut[erdtod)tet marb eine j^onigin. i liber ein 3 al)r brad)te fie ein fc^oned ^inb jur 2 BeIt unb j jac^te gar nid^t met)r an bad Slianncfien: ba trat ed f)lb^Iid> n it)re ifammer unb ffjracf) „ nun gieb mir mad bu oerfproiden 10 ifaft." 2)ie 5 bbnigin erfd^raf unb bot bem SJfannd^en alle iHeid^tumer bed £bnigreid)d an, menn ed i^r bad ffinb laffen oolite : aber bad !0idnn(den fprad^ „ nein, etmad Sebenbed ift mir lieber aid alle ©d^^&f ber 2BeIt." ©a fing bie ibbnigin /o an 3U jammern unb ju meinen, baf bad lDJdnndf)en aJiit^ 15 teiben mit if)r t)atte: „brei S^age mill idb bir 3eit laffen," pracb cr, „ menn bu bid ba^in meinen 9 Jamen meipt, fo follft jiu bein iJ'inb beljalten." . 9 ?un befann fic^ bie ifbnigin bie ganje 9 fac^t liber auf idle Sfamen, bie fie jemald get)brt l)atte, unb fdjicfte einen 20 jBoten liber 8anb, ber follte fic^ erfunbigen meit unb breit, ^oad ed fonft noef) flir fJfamen gdbe. ^Id am anbern Sag jud fOliinnc^en fam, fing fie an mit Sadfsar, 9 )feld)ior, Salter, iinb fagte alle fJfamen, bie fie mufte, naef) ber 3 feil)e ^er, aber tei jebem fpracf) bad 9 Kdnntein „ fo t)eip’ ic^ nid)t." 2)en 25 imeiten Sag lief fie in ber Sffadfbarfcfaft ferumfragen, mie /ie Seute ba genannt mlirben, unb fagte bem SUdnnlein bie ingemofnlicfftcn unb fcltfamften 9 iamen oor, „ feif t bu oiel# ddfi fRiffenbicft ober .^ammeldmabe ober ©dfnlirbein ?" ?ber ed antmortete immer „ fo f eif" id) nidft/' 2)en britten 30 £ag fam ber SBote mieber prlidf unb erjdflte „ neue 9 ?amen io8 ^abe ic^i feinen cinjigcn ftnben fonnen, abet Wte an ctneri ^o^cn 33erg urn bie SBalbecfe fam, wo unb «§af [id^ gutc 9lac^t [agen, fo fa^ id^ ba ein fleineS -§au6, unb oor beiti brannte ein Scuer, unb urn ba6 Seuer fpmng ein gai 5 ju (ad^erlic^eS 9Kannc^en, ^upfte auf einem iBcin unb fc^rie „beute Bacf’ icb, ntovgcti 6rau’ ; ubettnorgen bot’ bee Jlbntgin ibe ^inb; ocb, toie gut iji baf niemanb weif, baf idb tHuinpetjittj^cn betb’!"" | lo !l)a fbnnt t^r benfen wie bie ifbntgin fro^ war, atS fie bevj 9^amen f)brte, unb al6 balb fiernac^ ba6 SJJanniein f)ereiiitra:^ unb fragte „nun, gwu iJbnigin, wie f)eip’ \^V‘ fragte [it erft „bbipeft bu ^unj?" „9?ein/' „>&eifeft bu -^einj?' „ ^ein." 15 bu ettua 0?uuibet)!{(jc!^en?'^ : „ !l)a6 f)at bit ber Sleufet gefagt, ba§ {)<^t bir ber Sleufej gefagt," fc^rie ba6 SJlanniein unb ftie^ mit bem re(^)ten guf oor 3orn [0 tief in bie (Srbe, baf e6 bi6 an ben Seib finein; fuf)r, bann paefte eS in feiiier 26ut ben (infen gwp wil 20 beiben .^anben unb rif [icf [elbft mitten entjwei. 109 XVII. 5)er got6ene '^ogel. @6 tvac Bor Seiten etn ber Iiatte einen fc^onen ^uftgarten Winter feinem bartn ftanb etn Saurn, bev , of bene ^pfcl trug. 21(6 bie €pfel reiften, n)urben fie geja^tt, fber g(et^ ben nat^ften SOIorgen fe^lte einer. 2)a6 inarb 5 ein ifbnig gemelbet unb ec befaf)l, baf aUe fftacbte untee bent 3aume 2Bad^e fotite gef)a(ten werben. 2)er ilbnig {)atte brei 5bf)ne, baBon [t^icfie er ben alteften bei einbrecftenber rt ben @arten : n)ie e6 aber ?()iittemacf)t n»ar, fonnte er fic^ e6 @c^(afe6 nid^t ertBef)ren, unb am nad^ften 9)iorgen fepe lo neber ein 2(pfel. 3n ber folgenben 9Ia(f)t mufte ber jmeite 5o^n madden, aber bem erging e6 nidfit beffer ; a(6 e6 jmblf lf)r gefdf)(agen fiatte, fc^Iief er ein, unb morgen6 fe^Ite ein [>)fe(. 3e§t fam bie 9fei§e ju tuac^en an ben britten @o§n, er mar aud^ bereid, aber ber ifbnig traute if)in nid^t Biel p is nb meinte, er miirbe nod^ meniger au6ricf)ten a(6 feine kiiber: enbtit^ aber geftattete er e6 boc^. 2)er Sungling gte [id^ alfo unter ben 23auin, mad^te unb lief ben ©dftlaf ic^t §err merben. 2(I6 e6 smblf fcfilug, [o raufc^te etma6 rrc^ bie 8uft, unb er fal) im 9Jfonbfd^ein einen SSogel ba^er^ 20 liegen, beffen ©efieber ganj Bon @o(b glanjte. !Der 93ogel e^ fid^ auf bem 33aume nieber unb ^atte eben einen 2())fel ibgepicft, al6 ber bungling einen fpfeil nadf) if)m abfd^op. 2)er no per goI{)enc '^ogel. U^ogel entflog, abet t»er $feil ^atte fein ©ejteber getroffen, unt etne feiner golbencn Webern ftel §erab. iDer Sungling ^ob fit auf, braebte fie am anbern 3)forgen bem ifbnig unb erja^Ite if)m tt)a6 er in ber gefe^en f)atte. 2)er £bnig rerfammelit 5 feinen 9fat, unb jebermann ertlarte, cine 5eber mie biefe fe mef)r mert al6 ba6 gefamte ifbnigreic^. „3ft bie Seber fi foftbae/' erflarte ber ibbnig, „ fo f)iift mir aucf) bie eine nicf)t6 fonbern icf) nnti unb mup ben ganjen 93ogel f)aben." !l)er aitefte ©of)n maefite fidb auf ben Sffieg, rerlief fid lo auf feine J?iugf)eit unb meinte ben golbenen SSogel f^on 31 finben. 2 Bie er eine ©trede gegangen mar, faf) er an beni Dianbe eineS 9Ba(be6 einen fi^en, iegte feine giinte an unb jielte auf if)n. !l)er guc ^6 rief „ fcfiief mic^ nit^i, id mid bir bafiir einen guten 9tat geben. !l)u bift auf betti 15 2Beg nad^ bem golbenen SSogel, unb mirft §euf Slbenb in eiii ©orf fommen, mo jmei iffiirt^f)aufer einanber gegeniibei ftefien. @in 6 ift f)ell erleu($tet, unb e 6 ge^t barin luftig f)er ba fef)r’ aber nic^t ein, fonbern gel) in 6 anbere, menn e 6 bic^ aud^ fcfjled^t anfie^t." „ 2 Bie fann mir mof)l fo ein atberneS 20 !i;ier einen oernunftigen Stat erteilen!" bacf)te ber ibbnig 6 ; fof)n unb britdie loS, aber er fe^lte ben gud^ 6 , ber ber ©efimanj ftredte unb fd^nell in ben SBalb lief. 2 )arauf fe^te er feinen 9Beg fort unb fam abenb^ in ba 6 Sorf, me bie beiben aBirWf)aufer ftanben : in bem einen marb gefunf 25 gen unb gefprungen, baS anbere l)atte ein armfelige 6 , betn'ibtc^ 2 tnfet)en. „ 3 d^ miirc mol)l ein 9farr," badfite er, „ menn icb in ba 6 lum^sige 2 BirtSl)au 6 ginge unb baS fd^bne liegen licpc .1 Sllfo ging er in ba 6 luftige ein, lebte ba in ©au 6 unD 33raub, unb oergaf ben SSogel, feinen SSater unb alle guten 8 ef)ren. , 30 Sllg eine 3 eit oerftridben unb ber aitefte ©o^n immer unt immer nidfit naef) .§au 6 gefommen mar, fo madbte fief) beo per {ioI6cnc ^ogcl. ni jweite mif ben 9Beg unb tvoUte ben golbenen SSogel [uc^en. ffiie belli (ilteften begegnete i^m bev unb gab i^m ben guten 9bat, ben er nid^t ac^tete. (Sr fam ju ben beiben 9Bivt6()aufern, wo fein 33rubev am ^enfter be6 einen ftanb, au6 belli ber Subel erfe^aWe, itnb il)n anrief. (Sr fonnte 5 nid^t wiberfte^en, gtng {jinein unb lebte nur feinen Siiften. aBieberum oerftrid^ eine 3eit, ba wottte ber liingfte ifbniggfofm au6ste§en unb fein ^eil oerfucfien, ber SSater aber wotite e6 nic^t juiaffen. „ m ift oergeblic^," fprac^ er, „ ber wirb ben golbenen aSogel nodfi wentger ftnben al 6 [eine 10 33ruber, unb wenn if)m ein Ungliicf juftoft, fo wei^ er [icb nidfit ju fielfen ; e 6 fe^it i^m am Seften." 2 )od^ enblid^, wie feine 3tu^e me^r ba war, lief er i§n jiefen. aSor bem SBaibe faf wicber ber gu#, bat urn fein Seben unb erteilte ben guten 9tat. ®er Sungiing war gutmutig unb fagte „ fei 15 ru()ig, giiefetein, idf tfue bir niefte ^u 8 eib." „ (S 6 [oH bief nidft gereuen," antwortete ber gu^ 6 , „ unb bamit bu fcf netter fortfommft, fo fteig fiiiten auf meinen ©cfwanj." Unb faum fatte er fief) aufgefeft, fo fing ber an ju laufen, unb ba 3 ing 6 iiber ©tocf unb ©tein, baf bie ^aare im SBiiibe bfiffeti. 20 a ((6 fie 3 u bem !Dorfe famen, ftieg ber 3ungiing ab, befotgte !?en guten 9iat unb fefrte, ofne fief umjufefen, in ba 6 geringe 'ffiirt 6 f)au 6 ein, wo er riifig iibernacftete. Sim anbern •JKorgen, wie er auf baS gelb fam, faf ba fefon ber guefe mb fagte „icf wiii bir writer fagen, Wa 6 bu ju tfun faft. 25 iSef bu immer gerabe au 6 , enbiidf wirft bu an ein ©efiof ommen, oor bem eine ganje ©(far ©oibaten (iegt, aber Siummre bidf nieft barum, benn fie werben atie fefieifen unb efnarefen : gef mitten buref unb gerabe^weg 6 in baS ©cf (of ^linein, unb get) buref alte ©tuben, juleft wirft bu in eine ibam« 30 5 !ier tommen, wo ein golbener SSogel in einem foremen ibafig 1 12 Per goli>ette ^ogel. ^angt. Siebenan fte^t ein tcerer ©olbfafig jum $run?, aber §ute bic^ baf bu ben SSogel nic^t au^ feinem fc^{ec^)ten ifafig §eraugnimmft unb in ben ^wcbtigen [onft moc^te e^ bit fcbiimm ergef)en." 9 iacb biefen Shorten ftvecfte ber 5 tt)iebet [einen ©dbwanj auS, unb ber ^bn{g6[o()n fe^t fic^ ouf: ba ging6 iiber ©tocf unb ©tein, ba^ bie |)aare in: SBinbe iJftjfen. 21(6 er bei bem ©cblo^ angelangt war, fanb | er at[e6 fo wie ber gucfiS ge[agt ^atte. 2)er ifonig6[obn fam i in bie ifammer, wo ber golbene 35 ogel in einem f)bljernen 10 ibafig faf, unb ein golbener ftanb baneben : bie brei golbenen €pfel aber lagen in ber ©tube umber, ©a bacbte er e6 ware lacberlidb, wenn er ben [cbbnen SSogel in bem gemeinen unb, baplicben ^afig laffen wotite, bffnete bie 3 :bure, parfte ibn unb fe^te ibn in ben golbenen. 3n bem 2lugenbli(f aber that ber IS 33 ogel einen bur^bringenben ©cbrei. 2 )ie ©olbaten erwadb^, ten, ftiirjten b^tfi^ unb fiibrten ibn in6 @efangni6. 3 )en anbern 9 )iorgen wurbe er oor ein Oericbt gefteEt unb, ba er alle6 befannte, jum ^lobe oerurteilt. ©ocb fagte ber ^bnig,| er woEte ibm unter einer 23 ebingung ba6 Seben fcbenfen,' 20 wenn er ibm niimlidb ba6 golbene ^ferb bracbte, weldbe6 nodb [cbneEer liefe al6 ber 2 Binb, unb bann foEte er obenbrein jur 23 elobnung ben golbenen QSogel erbalten. ©er ibbnig6fobn macbte [icb auf ben 2Beg, feufjte aber unb war traurig, benn wo [oEte er ba6 golbene ^ferb finben?; 25 ©a fab er auf einmal feinen alien Sreunb, ben Sucb^, an bem 2Bege fi^en. „ ©iebft bu," fpraE) ber guc!b6, „ fo ift e6 gefommen, Weil bu nidbt auf midb gebbrt baft, ©ocf) feij gute6 9 }lute 6 , idb wiE micb beiner annebmen unb bir fagen, wi^ bu ju bem golbenen ^ferb gelangft. ©n muft gerabe6weg6 3ofortgeben, fo wirft bu p einem ©cblof fommen, wo ba^j ^ferb im ©taEe ftebt. SSor bem ©taE werben bie ©taE# 5)cr cjoI6cnc '^oc^cl. 113 nc(f;tc licijcn, abcv fie U'crbcii fcl^lafeu iinb [cfjnarcljen, uni) u fannft rufiiij ba6 golbciie ^-Pfcvb f)cwu6fuf)ren. Slber 1116 mupt bu in acfit ucf)mcii, teg’ if)m ben fc^lec^ten ©attet on nub Sebev anf unb fa nidfit ben gotbenen, bet babei iingt, [onft wivb eg bic fc^limin ergef)en." 2)ann ftrecfte s ev 5nc^6 feinen au^, bee i?bnig6fof)n fe^te fic^ anf, ub e6 ging fort iibet ©tocf unb ©tein, ba^ bie ^aare im Binbe ))fiffen. Silled traf fo ein, tvie ber gucf)6 gefagt £)atte. lit fam in ben ©tnlt, wo ba6 golbene ^ferb ftanb ; al6 er i§m ,ber ben [cfilecfiten ©attel auflegen WoUte, fo bad^te er „ ein fo 10 ifibne^ Slier wirb Berf^iinbet, wenn i^ i£)m nic^t ben guten pattet auflege, bee it)ni gebii^rt." ifaum aber berut)rte ber plbene ©attel ba6 ^ferb, fo fing e6 an taut p wiefjern. i)ie ©talltnec^te erwad^ten, ergriffen ben Sungling unb 'arfen i^n in6 @efongni6. 2lm anbern SRorgen wurbe er 15 [Om @eri(^te jum 3Sobe oerurteilt, bod^ Berf))radf) ber 5?bnig, iim ba6 Seben ju fd^enfen unb baju ba6 golbene ^ferb, tenn er bie fcfione iJbnigStocfiter Bom golbenen ©cf)(offe Ifer^ r:if(^affen fbnnte. \ fSHit fcfnBerem «§erjen macf)te fief) ber bungling auf ben 20 )8eg, bodf) ju feinem ©liicfe fanb er balb ben treuen guef)^. :3(^ folfte bid^ nur beinem UngliidP iiberlaffen/' fagte ber |,uc^6, „ aber ic^ f)abe SRitleiben mit bir unb wiK bir nodf) nmal au6 beiner 9fot {)elfen. SSein 9Beg fut)rt bid^ gerabe i bem golbenen ©d^loffe : abenb6 wirft bu anlangen, unb 25 j3df)t6, wenn alle6 ftill ift, get)t bie fcfibne ^bnig6tocf)ter 6 33abef)au3, um ba ju baben. Unb wenn fie ^ineingetjt, fo I, ring auf fie ju unb gieb if)r einen ifu^, bann folgt fie bir, •nb bu fannft fie mit bir fortfuf)ren : nur bulbe nicf)t, baf fte prtier Bon if^ren ©Item 2lbfcf)ieb nimmt, fonft fann eS bir 30 plimm ergefjen ©sann ftrecfte ber feinen ©d^iurntj G. M. 8 1 14 per gol^enc '^ogcl. au6, bet 5 fi)ntg 6 fo^n [c^te ftc^ auf, uni? fo gtng c6 iiber ©tocf unb ©tein, baf bie ^aare im 2Binbe 2llg cr beim golbc^ nen ©(^)(o^ anfam, war c6 fo wic ber guebS gefagt batte. ®r wartete big urn 50 Jitternacbt 5 atg alleg in tiefem ©cbl^^f {<*9/ S unb bic [cbbne Jungfrau ing SSabebaug ging, ba fprang er beroor unb gab ibr einen ^up. ©ie fagte fie woUte gerne mit ibm geben, bat ibn aber flebcntlicb unb mit ©b^anen, er mbcbte ibr erlauben oorber »on ibren Sitern Slbfcbieb 3U nebmen. (Sr wiberftanb anfangliif) ibren SSitten, alg fie aber 10 immer mebr weinte unb ibm ju Sup fid, fo gab er enbti^ nadb- ibaum aber war bie Jungfrau ju bem Sette ibreg SSaterg ge^ treten, fo wacfjte er unb alle anberen, bie im ©dbiof waren, auf, unb ber bungling warb feftgebalten unb ing (Sefangnig gefe^t. Sim anbern 9 )lorgen f^racb ber £bnig ju ibm „ bein Seben 15 ift rerwirft, unb bu fannft blop (Snabe finben wenn bu ben 33 erg abtragft, ber »or meinen gcuftern liegt, unb liber weicben idb niebt binaugfeben fann, unb bag mubt bu binnen adbt ©agen ju ftanbe bringen. ©elingt bir bag, fo fotlft bu meine Sioebter jur S 3 eIobnung baben." ©er ^bniggfobn fing 20 an, grub unb fcbaufelte obne abjulaffen, alg er aber naebi fieben ©agen fab wie wenig er auggeriebtet bci' golftcitc ^ocicl. 1 15 9 iiiii ji'ijcii Me tcibcii jufamnicu fort, uni? e6 ioal)rte tiiel;t .auj-jc, fo fain bev tvcite 5 ufl;g ju i[)ucti. „ 33 cftc l)aft bu itoar," [aijte cr, „abcr ju ber Sungfrau aug bein golbeitcii £cl;(op gc[)ovt aucf) ba^ golbene ^ferb." „ 2Bie foil ic^ ba 3 jefotmnen?" fragtc ber Suitgling. „!l)a6 toiCf ic^ bir fagen," 5 rntioortete ber guef)^, „5uerft bring’ bem £bnige, ber bicfi nacf) ?em goibenen ©cfiloffe ge[cf)icft {)at, bie fcf)bne Jungfrau. !X)a virb unert)brte Stfube [ein, fie loerben bir ba6 golbene iPferb jerne geben unb toerben birg oorfit^ren. @e^’ bief) atSbalb uif unb rei($e alien jum Slbfc^ieb bie ^anb §erab, jute^t ber 10 'dfjbnen 3ungfrau, unb ioenn bu fie gefa^t i)aft, fo ^ief) fie mit ■inem (Scf)tt)ung Ifiiwuf i”ib jage baoon ; unb niemanb ift im tanbe bief) einjut)oIen, benn baS ^ferb lauft f(^nelier at§ ber iBinb." Sllie§ tuurbe giijcfiicf) ooiibrac^t, unb ber 5 ?bnig 6 fof)n 15 uf)rte bie fcbbne 3ungfrau auf bem goibenen ^^ferbe fort. 0er biieb juriidf unb ftsrad^ ju bem Sungting „ ie|t •oiti ic^ bir aucf) ju bem goibenen 3 Sogei Berijelfen. 9Bcnn u nai)e bei bem ©(^ioffe bift, too fi^ ber iBogei befinbet, fo .1^ bie Sungfrau abfit^en, unb ief) mill fie in meine Ob^tt 20 iie^men. iDann reit mit bem goibenen ^.fjferb in ben ©cfiiofi^ ' of : bei bem Slnblidf unrb grof e f^reube fein, unb fie n>er^ en bir ben goibenen SSogel l)erau6bringen. SBie bu ben iiifig in ber >§anb {)aft, fo jage ju un^ juriiif unb l)oIe bir '•ie 3 ungfrau luieber ab." 2116 ber 2lnfcf)Iag gegliicft mar 25 ‘inb ber £bnig6foi)n mit feinen ©eba^en i)eim reiten molite, I) fagte ber gueb^ „ nun foUft bu midfi fiir meinen 23 eiftanb felobnen." „aBa6 oerlangft bu bafiir?" fragte ber 3ung^ jing. „2Benn mir bort in ben SBalb fommen, fo febiefj ^licb tot unb i)au mir ifo^f unb ^foten ab." „ 2)a6 mare eine 30 bone 2)anfbarfeit," fagte ber ifbnig6fobn, „ba6 tann icb bir !i 8—2 ii6 5>cr 9oI6cnc "pogel, unmoglid^ geiva^ren." ©pvac^i ber 5u($6 „ Wenn bu eg nic^t t^un willft, fo muf ic^ bic^ serlaffcn j e^e abet fortge^e, will ic^ bit nod^ cinen guten 9 tat gebcn. SSor jttjei ©tiicfen ^ute bi(^», fauf fetn @a(genfleifc|) unb fe^e bic^ an feinen 5 33 runncnvanb !l)amit lief er in ben 2 Balb. 2)er bungling bacfite „bag ift ein wunberlic^eg J£ier, bag feltfame ©vitlen ^t. 2Ber wirb ©algenPeifc^ faufen! unb bie 8uft mid^ an einen 58 vunnenranb ju fe^en ift mir noc^ nieinatg gefommen." (Sr ritt mit ber f^onen Jungfrau lo writer, unb fein 2Beg fuf)rte i|n wieber burc^ bag 2)orf, in welc^em feine beiben Sritber geblieben warm. 2)a war grower (Muflauf unb Sarinen, unb a(g er fragte wag ba nor ware, ()iep eg, eg foCten 5Wei Seute aufgef)angt werben. 2l(g er nii^er tjinjufam, fat) er ba^ eg feine Sruber warm, bie 15 allerf)anb fc^limme ©treicfie nerubt unb all i^r @ut »ertf)an l)atten. @r fragte, ob fie nic^t fbnnten frei gemacfit werben. „ 2 Benn if)r fitr fie bejaf)ten woUt," antwortetm bie Seute, „ aber wag woUt if)r bie fdi)led^ten S[)ienfc^en logtaufm ! " @r befann fid^ aber nicf)t, jaf)lte fiir fie, unb alg fie frei gegeben 20 warm, fo fe^ten fie bie 9 ieife gemeinfdfiaftlicf) fort. ©ie famen in ben 3 Balb, wo if)nen ber Sud^g juerft begegnet war, unb ba eg barin fuf)t unb lieblidfi war, unb bie ©onne f)eip brannte, fo fagten bie beiben Sriiber „ laft ung ^ier an bein 33 runnen ein wenig augrut)en, effen unb trinfen." ; 25 @r willigte ein, unb waf)renb beg ©efprad^g oerga^ er fic^, fe^te fidf) an ben Srunnmranb unb nerfal) fief) nii^tg Slrgeg. Slber bie beiben SSriiber warfen i^n rudfwartg in ben 33 ruw j nm, na^men bie Sungfrau, bag f| 3 ferb unb ben SSogel, unb.i 3ogen ^eim ju i^rem SSater. „ tDa bringen wir nidfit blofi . 30 ben golbenen SSogel," fagten fie, „ wir f)aben au(^) bag golbenc ' fPferb unb bie Jungfrau »on bem golbenen ©dfiloffe erbeutet." per golftcnc pTocjcI. 117 !Da u\ir grof?c Sfciibc, abet ba$ ^ferb ba6 fraf nic^t, bet ®oflcI bet ^jtff nic^>t, unb bie Sungftau bie faf unb ivcinte. ©et jiingfte 33tuber roat abet nic^t umgefommen. !l)et 93tunuen tt>at pm @lu(f ttoefen, unb et fiel ouf lOJoo^ o^ne ©ebaben p nef)men, fonnte abet niebt mtebet berauS. 2lu(^ in biefet 9^ot yerlief ibn bet tteue gucb6 niebt, fain p ibm bevabgefptungen unb fcbalt ibn, baf et feinen 9?at tietgeffen biitte. „ Seb fann^ abet bocb nidbt laffen," [agte et, „i^ mitt bit miebet an ba6 Slage^lidbt bciffn-" fagte ibm, et fottte feinen ©cfimanj anpaefen unb ficb feft batan balten, unb 3 og ibn bann in bie >!&bbe. „ 9*iocb bift bu nidbt au3 attet ©efabr," fagte bet ,t beine 33rubet maten beineg J£obe§ niebt gemip unb 2Balb mit SBadbtetn umftettt, bie fottten bidb toten, menn bu bicb feben iiefeft." !I)a fap ein atmet 9)lann am 2Beg, mit bem settaufebte bet Siing^ ling bie £teibet unb gelangte auf biefe SBeife an be6 £i)nig6 ^of. 9?iemanb etfannte ibn, abet bet SSogel fing an p bfeifen, ba6 ^fetb fing an p fteffen, unb bie f^bne Sungftau tbbtte auf 5 U meinen. Set iJbnig ftagte retmunbett „ U)a6 bat ba6 p bebeuten?" !l)a fpacb bie Sungftau „icb meip e6 ;ni(bt, abet idb mat fo ttautig unb nun bin icb fo ftiiblidb- @6 , ift mit, a(6 mate mein teebtet Stautigam gefommen." ©ie setpbfte ibm atte6 ma6 gefebeben mat, obgteidb bie anbetn 33tubet ibt ben S^ob angebtobt batten, menn fie etmaS »et^ raten mutbe. ©et £bnig bief atte Scute »ot ficb btingen, ,.bie in feinem ©cblof maten, ba fam aucb bet Sungting al3 , ein atmet 9Jiann in feinen Sumpcnfleibetn, abet bie Sungftau j etfannte ibn gleicb unb fiel ibm urn ben ^al6. ©ie gottlofen eSStuber mutben etgtiffen unb bingetiebtet, et abet matb mit , bet febbnen 3ungftau Dermablt unb pm @tben be6 ^bnigg beftimmt. 'i 5 10 15 20 25 30 ii8 Per goI5enc "^ogcl. SIkr i»te ift e6 bcm armen crgangen? Sattge banac^) ging ber £btttg6fo^u einmal trieber in ben SBalb, ba begegnete i^m ber gu(^6 unb [agte „ bu ^aft nun allc6, mag bu biv vnunfc^en fannft, abet mit meinem Ungliicf miO e6 5 fein (Snbe nebmen, unb e6 ftebt bocb in bcincr mi^ ju erlbfen," unb abermal^ bat cr fJebentticb, er mb^te i^n totfcbiefen unb i^m unb ^foten abbauen. Sltfo that evg, unb faum war e6 ge[cbeben, fo Berwanbeite ficb ber gu^6 in einen SRenfcben, unb war niemanb anberS a(6 ber 33ruber lo ber fcbbnen ifbnigStocbter, ber enblidb ^on bem 3<^uber, ber auf ibm lag, eribft war. Unb nun feljite nicbtS ju ibrem ©liicf fo lange fie lebten. XVIII. 19oIf xtnb bex 3)cr evja^Ite einmaf bem S3So(f son ber ©tarfe be6 9)(cnfcl)en, fein 2^ier fonute i^m wibeifte^en, unb [ie mufteu Sift flobraucfien, urn fief) sor i^m ju erl)atten. !l)a antwortete bev SBolf „ toenu icf) nur cinmat einen 9Keuf(f)en p fetjen 5 brfame, icf) isollte boc^ auf i{)n iogge^en." „ fann ic^ bir £)elfen/' fi^rac^ bev gnif)6, „ fomm nur morgen fru^ p mir, fo mill ic^ bir einen seigen." 2)er 2Bolf ftellte fid^ frii^Seitig ein, unb ber 5u(f)6 bracf)te il)n t)inau6 auf ben SBeg, ben ber 3ager aKe $age ging. 3uerft lam ein alter abgebanfter 10 ©olbat. „ 3ft ba6 ein SKenfe^ V fragte ber SBolf. „ 5Jein/' antmortete ber gucf)g, „ ba6 ift einer gemefen/' ©anadb fam ein tteiner 5bnabe, ber jur ©c^nle mollte. „3ft ba6 ein 9JIenfc^?" „9Iein, ba6 mill erft einer merben." (Snblid) fam ber 3agor, bie ©oppelflinte auf bem 9fucfen, unb ben 15 «§irfcf)fanger an ber ©eite. ©f)ra($ ber Su(f)6 jum SBolf „ fie^ft bu, bort fommt ein 'iOfenfef), auf ben mu^t bit lo^ge^en, i^ aber mill mief) fort in meine «!^bl)te madden." 2)er SBolf ging nun auf ben 9}Ienf(f)en loS ; ber 3ager, al6 er i^n erblidfte, finacf) „ eS ift fcf)abe, baf i^ feine ^ugel gelaben §abe/' legte 20 an unb fd^ofi bem Sffiolf bag ©d^rot ing @efi($t. ©er SBolf serjog bag ©efid^t gemaltig, boef) lief er fief) nicf)t f(f;redfen unb ging sormartg : ba gab i^m ber 3agrr bie ^meite Sabung. 120 Per ^olf un6 f»er "g^enfci^. 2)e«: 3Cotf rerbif ben ©($merj unb rucfte bent Sager ju Scibe : ba jog biefet feinen blanfen ^ir[c!^fanger unb gab ibm (infg unb re(^t6 ein ^)aar «§iebe, bap er, tiber unb uber blutenb, mit ©epeul p bem 5ucp6 jururflief. „ 9lun, 33ruber SBoIf/' 5 [pradp ber gudp6, „ trie bift bu mit bem ?Kenfcpen fertig ge^ morben?" „ Step," antmortete ber SBolf, „ fo pab’ tc!p mir bte ©tarte beS SiKenfepen nidpt norgefteKt; erft napm er etnen ©tocf »on ber ©cpulter unb blieg pinein, ba flog mir etmag in6 ©efiept, ba§ pat miep ganj entfeplicp gefipeltj banapi 10 t)uftete er nocp einmal in ben ©tocf, ba flog mirS urn bie 9lafe, tt)ie 55lip unb ^agelmetterj unb mie icp ganj nap mar, ba jog er eine blanfe Sfippe auS bem Seib, bamit pat er fo auf midp loggefcplagen, bap icp beinap tot mare liegen geblieben." „ ©iepft bu," fpraep ber gudp§, „ ma6 bu filr ein f)}raplpan^ ' IS bift; bu mirfft ba^ 33eil fo meit, bap bu^ niept mieber polen fannft." 121 XIX. ^ans im (^im. .i^an6 f)atte fiebcn 3af)rc bei feinem ^ervn gebient, ba fpvac^) ex ju tf)m „ ^exx, meine 3eit ift ^erum, nun woUte tcl) gerne wieber ^eim ju meinec SJIutter, gebt mir meinen 8o^n/' !l)er .^err antttJortete „ bu f)aft mir treu nnb el^rlic^ gebient, 5 Wie ber 2)ienft n)av, [0 foil bcr Sot)n fein," unb gab i^m cin ©tucf @oIb, baS fo grof al5 «§anfeng ibopf wav. .^an6 jog fein 3;u($lein au6 bev JJafc^e, wicfelte ben £luml)cn l)inein, fe|te il)n auf bie ©dfiultev unb macule fief) auf ben 2Beg nac^ -§au$. 2Bie er fo ba^inging unb immer ein Sein nor bag 10 anbere fel^te, fam i^m ein 3?eiter in bie Slugen, bev fvifcf) unb fvb^licf) auf einem inuntevn $fevb oovbeitvabte. „ 21(f)/' fpvac^ .^ang ganj laut, „tt)ag ift bag Dbeiten ein fcf)bneg !l)ing! ba fi^t einev wie auf einem ©tu^l, ftb^t fief; an feinen ©tein, fpavt bie ©cf)ul)’, unb foinint fovt, ev weip nid^t 15 tt)ie." ©ev Sfeitev, bev bag ge^ovt ^atte, l)iett an unb vief „ei, e^ang, wavum laufft bu au^ ju Suf ?" „3ci^ mup ja wof)l/' antwovtete ev, „ ba f)abe id^ einen ^lumpen f)eim ju tvagen : eg ift swav @olb, abev icf) fann ben ffopf babei nidbt gevab flatten, au($ bviidft mivg auf bie ©ebuttev." „ SBei^t 20 bu wag," fagte bev Sfeitev, „ wiv woHen tauf(f;en : idb gebe biv mein ^fevb, unb bu giebft miv beinen iblumpen." „ 9Son -^evjen gevn," fpvacb <§ang, „ abev icb f^9^ ‘niift 122 ^rttts im cu(^ bamit fc^fe^jpen." 2)er Steitcr ftieg ab, nabm ba6 @olb unb ^alf bem ^an6 ^inauf, gab i{)m bie 3ugef feft in bie .§anbe imb [prac^ „ tt)enn6 nun red^t gefc^iuinb foil ge^en, fo inupt bu mit ber 3unge [d^naljen unb rufen." 5 ^an6 luar [eclenfco^, al6 cr auf bem ^ferbe fa^ unb [o franf unb frei ba[)inritt. Ubcc ein SBeiic^en ftel6 i^m ein, e 5 foflte noc^ fc[;neHer ge^en, unb cr fing an mit ber 3unge ju [c^naijen unb t)o)3p ju rufen. !l)a6 $ferb [e^te fief) in ftarfen 3^rab, unb ef)e ficf)6 ^an6 uerfaf), war er abgeworfen lo unb lag in einem ©raben, ber bie ^efer »on ber Sanbftra^e trennte. 2)a6 fPferb ware aud^ bucdf)gcgangen, wenn eg nidfit ein S 3 auer aufgei)aiten {)atte, ber beg SCegcg fam unb eine £uf) »or fief) f)ertricb, ^ang fudf)te feine ©lieber ju^ fammen unb macf)tf fic^ wieber auf bie S 3 eine. ©r war aber 15 uerbriepiid^ unb fprad^ ju bem Sauer „ eg ift ein fd^led^ter 6paf, bag Sieiten, jumat wenn man auf fo eine ?0ia^re gerat wie biefe, bie ftbft unb einen fierabwirft, bap man ben ^atg bredpen fann ; icf) fepe midp nun unb nimmermepr wieber auf. ©a fob' idp mir cure £ut), ba fann einer mit ©emadpliipfeit 20 pinter pergepen unb pat obenbrein feine ?DfiIdp, Sutter unb £afc feben ^ag gewip. 3 Bag gab’ idp barum, wenn idp fo eine i?up patte \" „ 9 iun," fpradp ber Sauer, „ gefdpiept eudp fo ein groper ©efaUen, fo wifi idp eudp wopl bie ®up fur bag ^ferb oertaufdpen." «§ang wilfigte mit taufenb Sr«wben ein : 25 ber Sauer fepwang fidp aufg Sfe^b unb ritt eifig baoon. ^ang trieb feine ^up rupig oor fidp per unb bebadpte ben gtiidflidpen ^anbel. „>^&ab’ idp nur ein ©tiidf Srot, unb baran wirb mirg bodp niept fepfen, fo fann idp, fo oft mirg beliebt, Sutter unb i?afe baju effen; pab’ idp !l)urft, fo melF 30 idp meine £^up unb trinfe ^if^. «^erj, wag oerfangft bu mepr?" Sllg er ju einem SBirtgpaug fam, maepte cr ^alt. 123 Jwnr. im (JMitd;. af; in ber flvp^cu gvciibc allc6, waS cr ki fic^ l)atte, fein >Y)tittai365 uni? Slbcubbrot, rein mif, unb lief fief file [cine (eften pane feller ein ()aU'c6 @la§ 33ier einfefenfen. !£>anu Iricb ev [eine £ul) UKitcr, inimce nacf bem 2)ovfe feiner 9Jfuttcc 5U. 2)ie -§ife warb briufenber, je nafer ber SJfittag fam, unb s befanb fief in cinev «§eibe, bie ivofl nocf cine ©tnnbe banevte. !Da inarb c6 ifm ganj feif, fo baf ifm »ot 2)uvft bie 3nii9« rt'ii ©eininen llebte. „ 2)em !Ding ift 311 felfen," bacf te «^an0, „ jeft will icf meine ibuf luelfen unb mief an bev 9Jfilcf laben." (Sr banb fie an einen buvren ^aum, unb 10 ba er feinen (Siiner fatte, fo ftellte er feine Sebermnfe nnter, aber wie er fief auef bemnfte, e6 fam fein ilropfen Sfeilef 3um 95orfefein. Unb weil er fief ungefefieft babei anftellte, fo gab ifm bag ungebnlbige S^ier enblief mif einem ber §interfufe einen folefen ©dffag vor ben ifoff, baf er ju 15 iBoben tanmelte unb eine 3eill'ing fief gar nieft befinnen fonnte wo er war. (Slueflieferweife fam gerabe ein 9J{efger beg 2Begeg, ber auf einem ©efubfarren ein fungeg ©efwein jliegen fatte. „ 3Bag finb bag fiir ©treiefe ! " rief er unb f alf bem guten ^ang auf. ^ang erjiiflte wag oorgefallen war. 20 3)er 'Hiefger reiefte ifm feine Sletfd)e unb ffraef „ ba trinft cinmal unb erfolt euef. !l)ie ifuf will wofl feine 'i'Jfilef (geben, bag ift ein alteg !Iier, bag fbeffteng noef jum 3ie’fen ■taugt ober jum ©ef laeften." „ (Si, ei," ffraef ^ang, unb ftrief fief bie .§aare uber ben ifof f, „ wer fatte bag geba^t ! 25 eg ift freili^ gut, wenn man fo ein S^ier ing .§aug ab; ffilaef ten faun, wag giebtg fiir gleifef ! aber icf maefe mir aug bem ifuffleifcf nieft oiel, eg ift mir nieft faftig genug. ■3a, Wer fo ein jungeg ©efwein feitte ! bag fef meeft anberg, babei noef bie SBurfte." „ ^brt, ^ang," fpraef ba ber 30 ’IRefger, „ euef ju Siebe will icf taufefen unb will euef bag 124 c^ans im ©c^mein fur bie 5buf| laffen." „ @ott (obn’ euc^ eure greunb^ fc^aft," fpracb ^an6, libcrgab i^m tie ifuf), lief fidf bag ©dbiDeindfcn Mm ifarren (ogmadfen unb ben ©tricf, ttjoran eg gebunben war, in bie -§anb geben. 5 ^ang jog writer unb uberbacfte, wie ifm bocf aHeg nacf 2Bunfcf ginge, begegnete ifm ja eine SSerbrief (icffeit, fo wiirbe fie bocf gleicf wieber gut gemacbt. @g gefellte fief banadf ein Surfdf ju ifm, ber trug eine fcfbne Weife @ang unter bem ! Sirm. ®ie boten einanber bie 3oii/ unb ^ang fing an oon 10 feinem ©liicf ju erjaflen unb wie er immer fo oorteilfaft getaufeft fatte. !Der 93urfcf erjaftte ifm, baf er bie @ang ju ; einem ifinbtauffdfmaug brai^te. „<§ebt einmat," fufr er fort, unb farfte fie bei ben glitgeln, „ wie fcfwer fie ift, bie ift aber aiicf aeft SBoefen lang genubett worben. 2Ber in ben IS Svaten beif t, muf fief bag Sott oon beiben ©eiten abwifdfen." „ 3a," fjraef ^ang, unb wog fie mit ber einen ^anb, „ bie fat ifr ©ewid^t, aber mein ©cfwein ift au^ feine ©au." Snbeffen faf fief ber Surfef naef aEen ©eiten ganj bebenflicf | um, fcfuttelte aiuf wofl mit bem iJoff. „ ^ort," fing er ' 20 barauf an, „ mit eurem ©cfweine magg nidft ganj ridftig fein. 3n bem Sorfe, buref bag ief gefommen bin, ift eben bem ©cfuljen ring aug bem ©tall geftoflen worben. Sef fiircfte, ief fiircfte, ifr fjabtg ba in ber «^anb. ©ie faben Seute auggefefieft, unb eg ware ein fcflimmer .^anbel, wenn 25 fie eudf mit bem ©cfwein erwifeften : bag ©eringfte ift, baf ifr ing finftere 8ocf gefteeft werbet." 2)em guten <§ang warb bang ; „ acf) @ott," fpracf er, „ f elft mir aug ber 9iot, ifr wif t fier ferum beffern Sefefeib, nefmt mein ©cfwein ba unb laft i mir eure @ang." „ Sef muf fefon etwag aufg ©piel fefen,"'| 30 antwortete ber SSurfefe, „ aber ief wilt bo(^ nieft fdfulb fein, | baf ifr ing Unglitcf geratet." ©r nafm alfo bag ©eil in bie i 125 ini ^Much. ^aiib unb tvieb baS @ct;wctn fc^ncll auf cineu ©citeiuvcg ovt : bcr gutc i^an& abet ging, [einet ©orgcn entlebigt, mit )er @au6 itntcr bcm Shine bcr ^eimat ju. „ SBenn •ert;t ubevicge/' fpracb er mit fic^ [elbft, „ t)abe ic^ nocf; Bovteil bet bem ; erftlici) ben guten S3raten, f)ernad) )ie 9)ienge »on Sett, bic f)erau6traufe(n mirb, ba6 gicbt ©iinfc^ 'cttbrot auf ein 9Sierte()af)v : unb eublicf) bie fc^buen mei^en 5eberu, bie tap icp miv in mein ifo^jffiffen ftopfcn, unb barauf nilt i^ n»of)t ungcmiegt cinfdptafen. 9Ba§ mirb mcine 9Jiuh er cine Sreube paben !" 2116 er burcp ba6 lepte !l) 0 rf gefommen mar, ftanb ba ein Scpeerenfcpteifer mit feinem barren, [ein 9tab fcpnurrte, unb i;r fang baju I „i(b f(^tcife bic ©i^eeve unb bve^c gcfc^toinb, unb pttgc mein 3[)tantcld)en iiac^ bcm aBinb." ^an6 btieb ftepen unb fat) ipm ju ; enbticp rebete er it)n an, *inb fpracp „ cucp get)t6 mot)!, meit it)r fo luftig bei eurem ^cpteifen feib." „3a," antmortete ber ©cfieercnfdfiteifer, „ba6 :^anbmerf f)at eincn gotbenen 23oben. @in recpter ©cpteifcr ;ft ein fOiann, ber, fo oft er in bie JTafcpe greift, audp @etb mrin finbet. Stber mo f)abt if)r bie fcpbne @an6 gefauft?" :, 2)ie t)ab’ idp nicpt gefauft, fonbern fiir mein ©cpurnin einge^ ■:aufcf)t." „ Unb ba6 ©dpmcin?" „ 3)a6 f)ab’ fiir eine .ffuf) gefriegt." „Unb bie £ut)?" „ 2)ie f)ab’ icp fiir ein ^•Pferb befommcn." „ Unb ba6 ^fcrb?" „ iDafiir pab’ icp ';inen ^tumpen @olb, fo grop mie mein ifopf, gegcbcn." 1,, Unb ba6 @otb?" „@i, ba6 mar mein 8opn fiir fieben jSapre !l)ienft." „3pr pabt eudp jeberjeit ju pelfen gemupt," V)3radp ber Scpteifer, „ fbnnt ipr6 nun bapin bringen, bap ipr iDa6 @elb in ber JIafcpe fpringen port, menu ipr aufftept, fo tpabt ipr euer @(iicf gemacpt." „SBie foil icp ba6 anfangen?" I S 10 15 20 25 30 126 ^ans im §an6. „3t)r mit^t cin @d;(eifer wevben, tt>ie icbj baju gel)6rt cigcntlii^ uic^t^, al6 eiii SBe^ftein, ba6 anbere finbct fic^ fc^on Mn felbft. !X)a ^ab’ ic^ einett, bet ift jwav cin wenig fc^ab^aft, bafuv [odt i^r mir abet auc^ wetter ni^td 5 al6 eure @an6 gebenj wotlt i§r ba6?" „ SBie fbnnt i^r noc^) fragen," antwortete .^att6, „ icb werbe ja pm gtucflic^ften 9 }ten[cben auf @rben ; ^abe ic^ @elb, [o oft icf) in bie JSafcfie greife, wa6 brauc^e icf) ba tiinget ju forgen?" reic^te it)m bie @an6 ^in, unb natjm ben SBe^ftein in ©mpfang. „ 9 ?un/' lo fprac^ ber ©c^ieifer, unb t)ob einen gewbt)nli($en [c^weren geibftein, ber neben i^m lag, auf, „ ba f)abt i^r nocf) einen tiicfitigen ©tein bap, auf bem ficfid gut fc^lagen (a^t, unb i[)r eure atten 9 iagel gerabe flopfen fbnnt. 9 Jef)mt if)n unb t)ebt if)n orbent(i($ auf." IS <§ang tub ben ©tein auf unb ging mit nergnugtem .^erjen Weiterj feine Slugen leuc^teten nor gfeube; „alte0 tt)a6 icf) wiinfc^e trifft mir ein, wie einem ©onntagSfinb," rief er au§. Snbeffen, weit er feit 2:ageSanbru(^ auf ben SBeinen gewefen war, begann er mube p werben ; aucf) tjiagte iE)n ber 20 ,^unger, ba er alien QSorrat auf einmal in ber S^eube liber bie erbanbelte £uf) aufgejefirt t)atte. (Sr fonnte enblicf) nur mit 3)iut)e weiter ge^en unb mufte jeben Siugenblid «§att macften ; babei britcften i£)n bie ©teine gan^ erbarmlicb. 2)a fonnte er ficb be6 @ebanfen6 nic^t erwel)ren, wie gut e6 Ware, 2$ wenn er fie gerabe fe^t nicfit p tragen braut^te. 2 Bie eine ©cfmetfe fam er ju einem gelbbrunnen gefcfilicben, wollte ba ruben unb ficfi mit einem frifcften Sirunf laben : bamit er aber bie ©teine im SRieberfi^en nicbt befcbabigte, legte er fie bebacfitig neben fi(^ auf ben 9 ianb beg 33 runneng. !l)arauf 30 fe^te er ficb nieber unb wollte ficb pm Jlrinfen bitcfen, ba oerfal) erg, ftief ein flein wenig an, unb beibe ©teine ^jluiiip^ ten f)iitab. al6 cv fie init feiuen Slugcn in tie JSiefe l)attc Derfinfen [cl)cn, fprani) not gvi’ubcu auf, fniete baim nicber nnb banftc @ott mit !i:()tancn in ben Slugen, bafj er it)m aucf) biefe @nabe noct; erwiefen unb if)n auf eine fo gute 2lvt unb of)ne ba^ er fief) einen SSornnttf ju macf)en brauc^te, s non ben fei^weren ©teinen befreit t)atte, bie if)m aCiein nocf) f)inberlic^ geinefen inaren. „ ©o gliidlicf) tt)ie ic^," rief er au6, „ giebt eS feinen ?0ienf($en unter ber ©onne." SRit teicf)tem -^erjen unb frei non aller Saft fprang er nun fort, bi6 er bafjeim bei feiner SRutter »nar. lo 128 XX. 3)ie ^anfcmagJ). ©6 lel&te einiurtl cine altc ^onlgin, bet war i^r ©ema^l [c^)ou iange 3a^re geftorbcn, unb fie i)attc eine f^bne JJo(f)ter. 2Bic bie crwuc^g, wurbe fie weit iiber gelb an einen If^onigS^ 5 folfn »erfpro(^en. 2116 nnn bie 3eit wo fie »ermaf)tt werben foHten unb ba6 ifinb in ba6 frembe 3ieic^ abreifen mu^te, ^sacfte i^r bie 2lite gar »iel fbftlic^e6 @erat unb 1 ©efcfinieibe ein, @oib unb @i(ber, ^Beefier unb ^Icinobe, furj * a(le6, Wa6 nur p einem fbniglicfien 23rautfcf)a§ gc^brte, benn lo fie fiatte if)r jbinb »on *^erjen lieb. 2iucf) gab fie if)r eine ifammerfungfer bei, welcfie mitreiten unb bie Sraut in .^iinbe be6 Srautigam6 uberliefern foUte, unb jebe befam c! ^^ferb jur Sieife, aber ba6 5|]ferb ber ^bnig6tocbter f)il Salaba unb fonnte fprecf)en. 9Bie nun bie 2lbfcbieb6ftun IS ba war, begab fief) bie a(te SJiutter in if)re @($laffammcr, naf) ein SJiefferlein unb fcfntitt bamit in il)re Singer, baf fie btu^ teten: barauf i)ieit fie ein weife6 8af)f)c^en unter unb lief brei S^roffen Slut ^ineinfallen, gab fie ber Jlocbtcr unb fpraef) „ Iiebe6 ^inb, oerwafre fie wof)l, fie werben bir unter« 20 weg6 not tf)un." 2llfo nafrnen fie bcibc oon einanber betrubten 2lbfcficb : ba6 8dpp($en ftecfte bie ^bnig6todbter in ifren Sufen, fefte fi^ auf6 ^ferb unb jog nun fort ju i^rem Srdutigain. !l)a pic ^cittfcmag^. 129 fic due ©tiiube (jeritten u>aicu, eng)fant» [ie i)dpen 3)urft imb fpvac^) 3u if)i-cr Ifammeriiingfer „ ftdg ab, imb [c^b))fe mir init mciuem Seeder, bcii bu fut iiiic^ mitgenommen 5 Baf|ci- au6 bem 33 a($e, ic^ iiibc^te gem einmat teiiifen." ,, 9 Beun i£)r 2)uift f)abt," bie ibammeriuugfer, „[o fteigts iclber ab, (egt eiic^ ana aSafferunb trinft, ic^) mag eure SJfagb [etn." ®a ftieg bie ifbnigatod^ter boc gropem 2)urft iieninter, neigte fi0 liber baa SBaffer im Sac^ unb trant, unb )uvfte nic^t aua bem golbnen 33 ec^er trinfen. 'I)a fpracb fie ,acl^ @ott!" ba antmodeten bie bed 23 lutatropfen „ menu 10 |)aa beine Sfiutter mitfie, baa ^eq im Seibe t^af if)r ^erf^jriiu^ len." Slber bie ibbnigabraut mar bemutig, fagte nid^t^ unb iieg mieber ju f) 3 ferbe. ©0 ritteii fie etlicbe a)ieilen meiter ort, abet bet ^ag mar marm, bie ©onne ftacb, unb fie urftete baib Bon neuem. 2 )a fie nun an einen aBafferfTuf 15 amen, rief fie nocb einmal ibrer ibammerfungfer „ fteig ab mb gieb mir aua meinem ©oibbeeber ju trinfen," benn fie atte aUe bbfen SBorte tangft Bergeffen. !Die ibammerjungfer jradb noef) bt>c^'nutiger „ moKt ifir trinfen, fo trinft Ifein, icb mag nid^t eure ?0bagb fein." 2)a ftieg bie tbniga. 20 )cbter bernieber Bor gro^em ®urft, fegte fidb liber baa iefenbe Staffer, meinte unb fpraef) „ a^ @ott ! " unb bie Uutatrofjfen antmorteten mieberum „ menn baa beine Sbutter mfte, baa ^erj im Seibe tf)at’ if)r jerftiringen." Unb mie fie ' tranf unb fidb red^t uberlefinte, fief if)r baa Satipeben, morin 25 e brei Siro^fen maren, aua bem SSufen unb flof mit bem Suffer fort, o^ne ba^ fie ea in ifirer grofen ^ngft merfte. )ie ibammerjungfer batte aber jugefeben unb freute ficb/ bnf J ©emalt fiber bie 33 raut befiime : benn bamit, baf biefe bie lutatrobfen Bertoren batte, mar fie fcbmacb unb maebtfoa 30 morben. 2t(a fie nun mieber auf ibr ^ferb fteigen moffte. 130 ^anfemagd. bag ba galaba, [agte bie £ammerfrau „ auf Salciba ge^br’ ic^, unb auf meinen @aul gef^brft bu" ; unb bag mufte fie fi^ gefalten (affen. 3)ann befall i§r bie ^ammerfvau mit f)arten aSorten bie Bniglid^en ifieiber aug^u^ie^en unb 5 i(|re fc^led^ten anjulegen, unb enbli(^ mupte fie fic^ unter freiem ^inimel »erfc^tt)bren, baf fie am fbnigiicf)en <^of feinem aJienfc^en etmag banon f))recf)en mollte ■, unb menn fie biefen @ib nidf)t abgelegt ^atte, mare fie auf ber ©tetfe umgebra(f)t morben. Slber galaba fa§ bag alleg an unb naf)mg moi)! in 10 ac^t. !l)ie ifammerfrau ftieg nun auf f^nlnba unb bie maf)re ^raut auf bag fcfilec^te 9?of, unb fo jogen fie meiter, big fie enblic^ in bem fbniglid^en eintrafen. 3)a mar grofc greube itber if)re ainfunft, unb ber iJbniggfofin f))rang it)nen isentgegen, i)ob bie ^ammerfrau nom $ferbe unb meinte, fie mare feine @emaf)(in : fie marb bie !Jref)f)e ^inaufgefu^rt, bie maf)re ifbniggtocfiter aber mupte unten fte{)en bleiben. 3)a f^aute ber aite ^bnig am S^nfter, unb faf) fie im ^of fialteri unb fat) mie fie fein mar, jart unb gar fd^bn : ging algbalt 20 ^in ing fbniglicfie ©emad^ unb fragte bie SSraut nad^ ber, bie fie bei fief) t)atte unb bie ba unten im -§ofe ftixnbe, unb met fie mare. „ Sie t)ab’ iei^ mir untermegg mitgenommen pi ©efeCffd^aft ; gebt ber Stftagb mag ju arbeiten, bafi fte nidft mii^ig ftef)t." 5lber ber atte ^iinig f)atte feine Slrbeit fiir fie 25 unb mufte nidftg, atg baf er fagte „ ba fiab’ ic^ fo einer fieinen 3 ungen, ber fiutet bie ©anfe, bem mag fie fielfen.' 3)er Sunge f)ie^ ifurbdfen (ifonrabcfien), bem mupte bi« mafire SSraut b«Ifcn ©anfe ^uten. Salb aber fprac^ bie fatfdfe S3raut p bem jungen ifbnic. 30 „ (iebfter ©ema^I, ici^ bitte eudb, tf)ut mir einen ©efalten.'' @r antmortete „ bag miti ici^ gerne t^un," „ a?un fo lapt ber ^ic §>attfcmag6. 13 1 5d;iubct nifcii imb bit bem ^4^fccbe, worauf id) f)ergerittcu iiiit, belt aOl)auen, tveil c6 mic^ untenuegg geargert ^at." niigcntlid^ abet fiivc^tete [ie, bap bad ^4^ferb fprccpeu mbcpte tvie i!e mit bet ifbnigdtocpter umgegangen war. 9iun war bad [0 iteit gcraten, bap cd gefepepen unb ber treue galaba fterben jjllte, bit fam cd aucp ber reepten i^bnigdtoepter p Opr, unb fie verfpadp bem ©cpinber peimlicp ein ©tiicf @elb, bad [ic i;.)m bejitpleu wollte, wenn er ipr einen fieinen ©ienft erwiefe. riu ber ©tabt war ein groped pnftered SIpor, wo fie abenbd nb morgend mit ben ©anfen burep mupte, „unter bad pnftere j'por mbcpte er bem Sitiaba feinen £opf pinnagein, bap fie ipn bocp no^ mepr aid einmal fepen fbnnte." Siifo oerfpracp iiad ber ©cpinberdfneept 3U tpnn, pieb ben ifopf ab unb lageite ipn nnter bad finftere S^por feft. I 2)ed ^Jiorgend friip, ba fie unb JJnrbcpen nnterm Jlpor , inaudtrieben, fpacp fie im SSorbeigepen „o bu Salaba, ba bn t^an^eft/^ I I antwortete ber ^opf ' „o bu Suiigfet .fi'enigin, ba bu gauge jl, tr>enn ba^ berne 3)1 utter triipte, it)r tl^dt’ i^r jerft)ringeu.'' i)a jog fie ftifl weiter jur ©tabt pinand, unb fie trieben bie diinfe aufd Setb. Unb aid fie auf ber 28iefe angefommen •ar, fap fie nieber unb maipte ipre .§aare auf, bie waren tc( @oib, unb ifurbepen fap fie unb freute ficp wie fie ianjten, unb woHte ipr ein paar audraufen. !l)a fpradj fie ■ iueb’i ®inb^en, , nitnm ^iirbd^en fein ^iitd^en, ; unb taf’n mit jageu, ^ id} mid^ gejtcd^teu unb gefei^na^t, unb mieber aufgefat 5 t.'' 5 10 15 20 25 30 132 pic ^anfcmagd. Unb ba fam cin [o ftarfer 933inb, baf er bem ifurbd^en fei) ^iitc^en wegive^te iiber alle Sanbe, unb mufte i^m nac^) laufen. 33i§ c6 iuieberfam iuar [ic mit bem ^ammen uni Sluffe^en fertig, unb er fonnte feine ^aare friegen. !l)a tt)a 5 ifiirbc^en bb^ unb fprac^ nic^t mit if)r ; unb fo f)uteten [ie bi @nnfe bi6 bap cS Slbenb marb, bann gingen [ie nacp ^au6. SibenbS aber, nadpbem [ie peim gefommen maren, gin? iJtiirbbpen ttor ben alien £bnig unb [agte „ mit bem 9Jiabcpei mill ic[> nicpt langer @an[e puten." „ SBarum benn?" [ragtj lo ber alte ^bnig. „ (Si, ba6 argert micp ben ganjen 2iag. | !l)a be[apl it)m ber alte £'bnig ju evjaplen, mie6 ipm benn mi ipr ginge. !l)a [agte ifiirbcpen „ morgeng, menn mir untc| bem [in[tern S^por mit ber ^erbe burdpfommen, [o i[t ba eit @auBfo[)[ an ber SBanb, ju bem rebet [ie , 15 ,,gataba, ba bn T)angeft," I ba antmortet ber i?op[ J „o bu ^bnig^jungfer, ba bu gangejl, I inenn ba^ beine 5 )iutter tniigte, I ba^ t^dt* i^r gerfpringen." 20 Unb [0 erjaplte ifurbdpen meiter ma^ au[ ber @an[emie[i ge[([)ape, unb mie e^ ba bem ^ut im 2Binbe nac[)tau[ei miipte. IDer alte ifbnig l)e[apl ipm ben nacp[ten JJag miebe; f|inau6jutreiben, unb er [elbft, mie eg Sliorgen mar, [ept( 25 [icp pinter bag [in[tere 3it)or unb porte ba, mie [ie mit ben g^aupt beg Salaba [pracp : unb bann ging er ipr audp nacl in bag Selb unb barg [icp in einem 33u[cp au[ber aBie[e. !l)e [ap er nun balb mit [einen eigenen Stugen, mie bie @an[emagii unb ber @an[eiunge bie -^erbe getrieben bradpte, unb mi( pic ^attfemag6. 133 irtd) cincv SBcile [ic fid^) [cl^te uub it)ve .^aare io^floc^t, bic trai)(tcn »oii @lauj. @lcid^ f^jrac^ fic wicber SBiubd^eU; uimm ^uvbd^en fetu ^ut(!^eu, uub (af’n fic^^ mit jagen, 5 hie ic^ mid^ cjefio^teu uub gefd^ua^t, uub iuieber aufgefa^t/' Da fam cin SBiiibftof unb fuf)v: mit £urbci)en6 <§ut meg, bap ;0 mcit ju laufcu patte, unb bie 9 }?agb fammte unb flocpt ipre iocfen [till fort, meldpe6 ber a(tc £buig atte^ beobacptete. lo ^Drtvauf ging cr unbemerft juriicf, unb al6 abenb6 bie Oanfe^ ^iiagb peim fam, rief er fie beifeite, unb fragte, maruin fie 'em attem fo tpate. „ ®aS barf icp eucp nicpt fagen, unb 'arf audp feinem ^Oienfcpen mein Seib flagen, benn fo pab' dp midp unter freiem .^immel nerfcpmoren, mei( icp fonft urn 15 iiein Seben gefommen more." @r brang in fie unb liep ipr einen S^ieben, aber er fonnte nicptS au6 ipr perau6bringen. Da fpracb er „ menu bn mir nicpt6 fagen millft, fo fiag’ bcm ^ifenofen ba bein 8eib," unb ging fort. I)a fro^ fie in ben ^ifenofen, fing an ju fammern unb p meinen, fcpiittete ipr 20 perj au6 unb fpracp „ ba fipe idp nun »on alter 2Be(t ner? i affen, unb bin bocf) eine fibnig^to^ter, unb eine falfdpe £amj [iierjungfer pat midp mit ©ernalt bapin gebracpt, bap icp i Heine fbniglicpen Kleiber pabe abtegen imiffen, unb pat i ireinen ^lai3 bei meinem IBrautigam eingenommen, unb icp 25 lnup al6 ©anfemagb gemeine 2)ienfte tpun. SBenn ba6 Heine SRutter mupte, ba6 .^erj im 8eib tpat’ ipr jerfpringen." |iDer alte i?bnig ftanb aber aupen an ber Ofenrbpre, lauerte ! pr ju unb pbrte maS fie fpracp. !l)a fam er mieber perein mb piep fie au6 bem Ofen gepen. 2)0 murben ipr fbniglicpe 30 Ueiber angetpan, unb e6 fcpien ein SBunber mie fie fo fcpbn 134 imt. 3)et; altc ifonig rief fcinen ©o^n unb offenbarte bap cr bie falfcpe 33raut pattc : bie ware blop cin iJammer mab^en, bie wapre aber ftanbe pier, alS bie gewefene @anfe magb. 2)er junge ifbnig war perjenSfrop, alS er ipre ©cpbn 5 peit unb S^ugenb erblicfte, unb ein groped 3Kapl wurbe ange ftePt, ju bent atle Seute unb guteti greunbe gebeten wurbeii Obenan fap ber Srautigam, bie ifbnigStocpter pr einen ©eit unb bie ^ammeriungfer pr anbern, aber bie ^ammerjungfe war uerblenbet unb erfannte jene nicpt mepr in bem glanpn 10 ben ©dpmudf. 2li§ [ie nun gegeffen unb getrunfen patten unb gute^ 9)lut6 waren, gab ber atte Jfbnig ber ^ammerfrai ein 9tat[et auf, wa6 eine foicpe Wert ware, bie ben ^errn p] unb fo betrogen patte, erppltc bamit ben gapen SSerlauf uni' fragte „welcpe^ Urtei(6 ift biefe wiirbig?" !Da [pracp bi IS fal[(^)e 93raut „ bie ift nicpt^ 33effere6 Wert, al6 bap [ie au6ge pgen unb in ein Sap geftedft wirb, ba6 inwenbig mit fpipei 9Jagetn befcpiagen ift : unb jwei weipe $ferbe miiffen norgc fpannt werben, bie fie @affe auf ©affe ab p S^obe fdpieifen.' „ !X)a6 bift bu," fpracp ber alte ^onig, „ unb paft bein eigci 20 Urteil gefunben, unb banacp foil bir wiberfapren." Unb ap ba6 Urteil solljogen war, nermaplte ficp ber junge ifbnig mi feiner redpten ©emaplin, unb beibe beperrfcpten ipr 9teicp it Srieben unb ©eligteit. BOOKS TO WHICH REFERENCE ^ 'T'TJT? 'NTrv'T’irC IS MADE IN Notes on the language are printed in leaded type. The references [|.are to A School German Grammar. By H. W. Eve, M.A. David Nutt. London, 1894. (Fourth Edition.) , Note, — E. § 209 (2) denotes the second subsection of § 209 in this Grammar. i; Notes on the subject matter are printed in solid type. Some of the books referred to are : il Grimm’s Household Tales, -with the Author’s Notes, translated from the German and edited by Margaret Hunt. With an Introduction by I Andrew Lang, M.A. In two volumes. (Bohn’s Standard Library.) I Geo. Bell and Sons. London, 1884. i The views expressed by Mr Lang in his Introduction were discussed ** by Mr Henry Bradley in the Academy^ xxvii. 74, which led to a con- ' troversy in the following numbers of that journal. Teutonic Mythology of Jacob Grimm. Translated from the fourth 1 edition with Notes and Appendix by James Steven Stally brass. London, I Vol. i. 1880, ii. and hi. 1883, iv. 1888. Asgard and the Gods : the Tales and Traditions of our Northern Ancestors. Adapted from the work of Dr W. Wagner by M. W. Macdowall, and edited by W. S. W. Anson. London : Swan Sonnen- schein and Co., 1880. This book should be in every school library. It is well arranged and thoroughly interesting ; but the illustrations are not uniformly good. Perrault’s Popular Tales, edited from the original editions, with * Introduction etc., by Andrew Lang, M.A. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1888. 136 NOTES. Mie.-‘>nohn ed.,’’ “Grimm’s Mythology,” “Asgard and the Gods, and Lang’s Perrault” respectively serve to designate these books in the Notes. English Fairy Tales, collected by Joseph Jacobs. David Nutt JLondon, 1890. The Blue, the Red and the Green Fairy Books, edited by Andrew Lang. Longmans, Green and Co. London, 1889, ’90 and ’92. nr Grimm. ’With Introduction by S. Baring-Gould . A., and Drawings by Gordon Browne. Wells Gardner, Darton and Co. London, 1894. charmingly got up; but the translation is unsatis factory, and in many cases seriously inaccurate. k iungen ©ciftein; Grimm N^o. 5 , Bohn ed., i. xv. 347. Humperdinck has chosen it for the subject of an opera (cp. 12 i Note); the pianoforte score comaiL sXe admirable illustrations by Herm. Vogel. contains some In a South African story (The Folklore Journal, vii. 167) a Marimo mX^had" ^ samJ way ™er mother had gone to some distance and used to bring her food One and ett^ h'"’’ '‘^B^il^lf “ Tf my chill take this bread Xwl '■ • ® ‘ laughed and said, “That gruff voice is not my Marimo.” The Marimo went away^ k to clear his vOer Th "'T ‘‘ swallowed It to deal his voice. Then he came back and tried to beguile IVlane not, for his voice was still not soft^enough. So first Then'her^*®'* swallowed it red hot fike the rtifm m M came back and said in a still small voice, “Tselane my c lid, Tselane, my chee-ild, take this bread and eat it.” She thoueht in hfs b 4 ' aTd w'alke" off P“‘ 1 3- mar cinmal einc attc @et^ : ep. E. § 266. 1 3- Ge i^attc fickn jungc ©ciHcin : ‘she had seven.,..’ The posi- tion of the verb l^ntte shows that Me is not the relative (who), but the demonstrative pronoun she. People of the lower classes (from whom these tales were obtained) are fond of simple statements, and do not burden their speech with many dependent clauses. I S- ®inc« TageS : adverbial genitive, E. § 376 (i). 1 6. tii: ‘then, so’; not ‘as,’ as is shown by the position of rief. 7- mtft ^tnaus : a verb of motion (e.g. gc^cii) is to be supplied; cp. ^.ncm ivoaci, 13 ii, fort ly, 20 11, 31, r w, 119 ,3; r;crau8 hhiuc. NOTES. *37 16 19, r;crcin f. 65 28, r;tuau« f. 74 23, ftincin f. 19 25, hjctter f. 31 12, fci-t f. 96 10; ^crau 5 nuiffcii 19 13, I;inauf m. 49 29, fovt m. 104 4 (I must away), 511 tern m. 29 25; fott taffen 33 2; an bag JTagcglic^t l^clfcn 117 9; lucrum fciii 19 2. Sometimes the auxiliary is also omitted, the tone of voice supplying what is wanted: ^ier l^erauf! 28 7, ^iuaug mit ber Jtuc^en. magb! 39 i8, njo l^inaug? 62 23 (whither away?). 1 8. l^ercinfomint : observe carefully the distinction between verbs compounded with l^cr^ l^crein^ f;ci'ang^ etc. (denoting an approach, from the speaker’s point of view) and those compounded with ^in. ^tnein. l^inaug. (denoting a departure, from the speaker’s point of view); E. § 236. Here, for instance, l^creinfommt means : comes into the house (ap- proaches the spot where I, your mother, am now standing); but the wolf thought tnilf ^tneingel^en'' (i.e. departing from where I, the w'olf, am now). 1 8. fo frift er eud() : ‘then he will eat you.’ @0 in these tales is often redundant and introduces a main clause preceded by an “inverted conditional clause” (25 9), a clause introduced by Ujenn (1 8), afg (9 31), Ujeif (4 9), ba (32 25), Ujann (45 16), njie (64 9), faum (54 22), o6gfetd(> (24 7), n 30 ...ntdfjt (66 22). E. § 202. In the modern literary language this redundant use is almost confined to the case where an “inverted conditional clause” precedes. Cp. also ba 1 6 Note. 1 8. mit en 20 23, 9 )lutterci(>cn 2 17. Isfote , — In a few cases the suffix has been added to the plural in ^er, e.g. ?Oianncrci(>cn, Sict)erc!(;en ; these forms were misunderstood, and a few words have though their plural does not end in ^er, e.g. @cittei'd[>cn. ii. by the addition of 4cin ; here also “modification” takes place: ©eiplein 3 16, OJlannfcin 6 I ; notice the forms .Rinfcelein 10 27, and ^Sogfctn 16 31, 57 23, ©aMein 96 15* No^e.— The suffix appears in a shortened (dialect) form in ^cinfcl (little Hans, Johnny) and ©rctel (little Margaret, Maggie) 12 i. 1 18. an: ‘by,’ cp. E. § 382 (4). 1 19. fcu tifi unfcre SDlutter nid(?t : the negative is placed at the end of the clause (not immediately after the verb) in order to give it further emphasis; cp. tdj Bin cure SOlagb ntd()t 8 25; also 13 30. 1 22. ein @tu4 ilrcibe ; cp. E. § ^ 66 , P. 2 5. feinen: ‘not a.’ 2 7. xii) ijabt mxerrcn is ‘to open wide.’ 3 5. traren umgcnjorfen: she found them overturned; ivurben would imply that they were just being overturned when she arrived. Cp. E. § 471 * 3 7. auS bem 33 ett : ‘out of,’ not ‘off’ as we should say; it was a wooden bed, rather like a big shallow wooden box on four short legs. Mr Jerome K. Jerome has given an amusing account of such a bed in his Diary of a Pilgrimage^ pp. 57 — 63. 3 8. ju finben: ‘to be found,’ E. § 461. 3 12. gefommen iuare: cp. 2 21 Note. 3 16. ©eifitein: cp. 1 18 Note. 3 20. fofften mcine Jtinbcr...nod? am Sebcn fcin? ‘could my children still be alive?’ i.e. ‘is there any chance of my children yet living?’ 3 24. faum...fo: ‘no sooner... than,’ cp. 1 15 Note and E. § 552. 3 26. affc fed^fe; cp. alle mere 12 20, affe fiebene 102 14. In this phrase the otherwise obsolete forms in ?e of the numerals met to jirbff are still frequently heard; it is always ,,affe neune!" at skittles. Cp. E. § 131 (2)- P. 4 I. bamit = mit benen; not the conjunction, in which case the finite verb would appear at the end of the dependent clause. 4 I. fo (ange may here be rendered ‘while.’ Notice the omission of atg here, and also after fo oief in line 4. 49. fo : cp. 1 8 Note. 140 NOTES. 4 16. finbs; for the plural with eg cp. E. § 267. 4 16. tauter: this indeclinable adjective is used with the sing, of abstract words or words indicating a material etc., in tauter 3:reube 21 6; and with the plur. of all other words, tauter ^rfebeeren 7 29, and also 13 9; 68 6; 66 2 j 86 10. (Sitet is used in the same way, cp. 131 25. 4 16. SKaeferftein : instead of for the sake of the rime. 4 20. famen fie l^erBeigetaufen ; ‘they came running up.’ This and not the present participle is the regular construction with fommen, cp. E. § 467. (There is a tendency in the German language to restrict the uses of the pres, ptcple., except where it has the force of a mere adjective; cp. also 102 8 Note, 123 19 Note.) 4 22. m* 8^reube: cp. E. § 389 (5). P. 5 I. II. brei ^O^dnnlein im 3 Ba(be. Grimm, No. 13; Bohn ed., i. 353 ; Red Fairy Book, p. 238. They are called «i^autcmau^ nerd;cn in 7 5 (see Note). 5 2. bem ftarb fetne S^rau: ‘(lit. he, transl.) who lost... his wife.’ 5 5. gingen f^ajteren: ‘went for a walk’; cf. E. § 453 (4). 5 6. ju ber i^rau ing '^aug : a popular turn for in bag Jjaug ber grau. 5 7. ttjoUt’: cp. 2 21 Note. 5 12. bag «§eiraten: the infinitive is freely used as a substantive, equivalent to the English form in -ing; cp. ailafd^jcn 6 3; Jpacfeii 9 18; 33 aumtragcn 31 10; S^ieberfi^en 126 28 etc. E. § 448. 5 18. trie il^m gel^eifeu trar : ‘as she was told.’ 5 21. u»icg = trte eg. P. 62. ba: cp. 1 6 Note. 6 II. tt)arb...fpiunefeinb : ‘came to treat her with a spider’s hatred,’ i.e. ‘hated her bitterly.’ Like feiiib, f))tnuefetnb can only be used pre- dicatively, cp. E. § 302. There are many compound adjectives, in which the first part has lost more or less of its original force and often only serves to make the second part emphatic ; so that they may mean no more than the superlative degree of the adjective (formed with fel^r). Other examples are: flein^art 6 15; fd(jueetreifi 16 31; ftciualt 17 24; trunber^ fdjon 85 28; mutterfeelenafieiu 96 4; feeteufre^ 122 5; l^evjeugfro!^ 134 4. The ordinary superlative may be strengthened by prefixing alter# ; e.g. a(terfc()ouft 98 9; am affertiebften 52 3. 6 16. S 3 erg unb $J^al...lag: two subjects (each in the singular) are sometimes taken together and treated as a whole, in which case the predicate may appear in the singular; cp. baf eg •^(Snfet unb @vetc( mar NOTES, 141 14 29 (but it would have to be: tap jiuci Jtinbcr tvarcn), also 20 20; 26 5 (SiU'm unb ©cbvfingc) ; and 34 7 (where Jvouig^torfjtec and jtouigrcic!(> are taken together as the promised reward); 74 30 (Si^atcr unb...O)lutter) ; 132 29 (btc ©^infcmagb unb ber ©anfeiungc). Cp. E. § 263 obs. 2. 6 16. boUgefdfjncit: in this case bolt is accented and separable; cf. £.§178. 617. ba: cp. 1 6 Note. 6 18. In phrases like etn .^i.n'bd()cu boU ^rbbecren, betbe ^;afcl()en bolt @tetne (34 20), cinen 5 lrm belt -^cu (73 12), ©rbbeeven, fccr tbar bolter 33 rot (48 22). In all these cases bott or better (less common) may be used ; but bott can also be followed by bon and the genitive (as in Engl, ‘full of...’), better never. Cp. E. § 370 obs. i. 6 20. ia has here the force of our interjection ‘why’ at the begin- ning of a sentence; cp. also 42 i; 63 8; 68 20. It should be noticed that in all these cases ja is unaccented. But in 98 6 (tap ja ntemanb l&ereiu) and 113 4 (unb ia nict^t ben getbenen) it has a strong accent, and renders a command very impressive (‘be sure not to...’). 6 23. eiuem : cp. 2 ii Note. 623. ba...]^inburd(> : ‘through it,’ just as baben is ‘of it,’ and bariiber ‘over it’; cp. also ba...bran 17 7 and ba ^inetn 19 23. 625. ued[): often ‘besides,’ ‘in addition.’ So here (you have behaved badly — are you going to make matters still worse by back answers?); bann gab fie t^m noc^ ein ©tiicf S 3 rot 6 27 (this much she had done— and she further gave him etc. ; if nod() were accented, the meaning would be ‘another piece’); cp. also 22 8; 66 7. 6 27. i^m = bem SJtdb^en; cp. eg (in tvirbg 1. 29), also referring to the girl. 6 28. ein ©tucfd()en ^rot : cp. 1 22 Note. 6 28. ben $:ag liber: ‘during the day’; but l^eute iiber ad(>t S^age is ‘to-day week,’ and iiberg 3at;r is ‘in a year’s time.’ 6 30. bor bie 5 lugen : the accusative, because there is the idea of ‘moving into the sight of....’ P. 7 3. bie SOSeite unb SSreite : accusative of extent (E. § 324). 7 3. unb tbar fein •§atmd(>en : the inversion of subject and predicate after unb is common in the tales, and is a feature of popular speech ; for other examples cf. 25 5; 47 20; 60 20 ; 73 21 ; 105 20. 7 3. mar 5U merfen : ‘was to be seen,’ cp. E. § 461. 7 5. ^autcmanncrd(jen ; according to Grimm (Bohn ed., i. 353), this name, given in Lower Hessen to the little men who dwell in caves in the 142 NOTES, forest, and steal away unchristened children, is derived from mauiilein; in Danish they are called Hyldemand. More probably they are elves in the retinue of Holle (48 i Note); see Grimm’s Mythology, p. 456. For the form 9 Jlannerd(?cn cp. 1 18 Note. 75. (53 tDiinfc^te il^nen tie S^agegjeit: ‘she gave them the time of day,’ i.e. said ^gitten SJiorgen" or „guten 5 tknt'' according to the time of the day. 7 6. kfci(jeitenUd() : for the adverbial cp. E. § 187 (2). The form tefc^eitentUdj is more common. 7 7. l^ereiu: ‘come in!’ Cp. 1 8 Note. 7 8. auf tie S 3 anf: accusative, because fe^en conveys the idea of motion to a seat, not of resting upon it ; cp. E. § 383. 7 12. iDa 3 mUtft tu? ‘what do you wish?’ i.e. ‘what are you doing here?’ 7 13. foh...unt tarf: ‘I have been told to..., and am not allowed to....’ 7 14. nid;t el^er...at 3 fi 3 : ‘no sooner. ..than till,’ i.e. ‘only when’; cp. E. § 553. 7 22. Cp. “ Toads and Diamonds,” Lang’s Perrault Ixxxiii. 7 28. n)0^t: originally = ‘ well ’ ; but it is frequently inserted to express that something may perchance happen or be true ; we have to render it by ‘I wonder,’ as here; or by ‘no doubt,’ as in 30 28 and 66 i; or by ‘I suppose,’ as in 123 22. Sometimes we have no equiva- lent, as in 25 21 and in 124 19. Cp. E. § 195 A. F. 8 1. bag SSertangte: ‘what she had desired’; cp. 49 22 Note. 8 6. einec: ‘one’ (French on); man is more commonly used for the nominative. Cp. 2 ii Note. Translate ‘just see.’ 8 8. motttc :§inau 3 : cp. 1 7 Note. 8 II. bu fonnteft mir erfricren: in English we no longer possess this use of the dative of personal pronouns, which implies that the person to whom the pronoun refers is in some way interested in the action expressed by the verb. We accordingly have to paraphrase: ‘you might freeze to death and I should lose you.’ Cp. also e 3 fbrang tl^m fort, ‘she ran away and escaped from him’ 44 6; and 30 23 (bit = to show you what I can do). In Latin this dative is common; in grammars it appears as the “ethic” dative (E. § 349). It also occurs in French : Qu'ojt me Vegorge tout a Vheure ; qiCon me lui fasse griller^ les pieds ; qii'on me le mette dans Veau bouillante^ ct qn'on me le pende an plancher. (Moliere, V Avar e V. 2.) I NOTES. 143 8 14. anf ten 3iBcg: ‘for the way’; auf fccm 3QBeg would mean ‘while :hey were on the way.’ 8 19. an ben Ofen: cp. 7 8 Note. 821. : this phrase is not recognised in the literary language, it is apparently taken from a dialect. 8 22. nod(): cp. 6 25 Note. 8 24. cudfj: dative. P. 9 2. Jlofceg ftirbt: cp. E. § 328 obs. 9 9. ncd() frequently strengthens a comparative ; cp. also nerf; tiefer 16 3, nod() met ftotjer 43 29. 9 10. fcadjte nur barauf: benfen auf etmag is ‘to give one’s thoughts to, plot, plan, devise,’ cp. E. § 373 obs. 9 II. bob(> : ‘yet, nevertheless, none the less,’ as here and in 12 23; 26 17; ‘really, surely’: bag ?lnfe:^en mivb btr bcc^ ertaubt fetn 100 10; strengthening the imperative, where we use the paraphrase with an emphatic ‘do’: l^itf nng bocf) 19 9; 23 22 ; 28 12. 9 13. I^tng : t;angcn intrans., strong conjug., used to be distinguished from ]^(!ingen trans., weak conjug. Now however l^ing is very often used with trans. meaning ; and l^angen bteiben is the regular phrase (e.g. 46 6), though in meaning l^cingen here is intransitive. 9 18. <§acfcn: cp. 5 12 Note. 9 18. fam l^crgefal^rcn : cp. 4 20 Note. 9 19. ftih: ‘came to a stop,’ ‘drew up’; f;a(ten is intransitive ‘to halt.’ 9 29. liber etn Sal^r: cp. 6 28 Note. P. 10 I. unb t^at atg iroKte fie cinen SSefud^ mac^en: ‘and acted as though she wanted to visit her,’ i.e. ‘pretended to come on a visit.’ 10 2. l^tnauggegangen : viz. out of the room in which the queen was. 10 4. l^oben : the subjects (2Beib unb 3;od;ter) are easily supplied. 10 7. be(fte...5u: from jubeefen. 10 9. je^t gel^t bag nid^t: ‘that will not do now,’ i.e. ‘you must not talk to her now.’ 10 10. il^r: cp. 62 13 Note. 10 II. babet: ‘at these words.’ 10 II. erft: ‘first,’ i.e. ‘not before, not till.’ 10 II. ben anbern SJiorgen: accusative of time (E. § 323) ; for anber cp. 43 24 Note. 10 14. mal^renb, and not tnbem, must always be used to render ‘while’ when there is any idea of contrast. 144 NOTES. 10 i6. f4)cn: cp. 1 12 Note. 10 19. gcfc^njommen fam: cp. 4 20 Note. 10 20, maci(?ft : it might also be as in English ‘what are you doing?’ 10 25. fefte: an old form, retained for the sake of the rime. 10 26. Sragte fie: inversion of subject and predicate is com- mon in such phrases when they are inserted parenthetically among the words quoted, but not when they precede them ; this is a popular touch. It occurs also in 106 23. 10 27. .Kinbetein: cp. 1 18 Note. 10 29. in ber 2Biege fein: the uninflected adjective, following its substantive ; this is frequent in popular poetry. Cf. E. § 320. P .11 3. fage, baf er...nimmt: fagen, meaning ‘to tell one to do something,’ requires the verb in the baf-clause to be in the conjunctive (cp. French); the indicative is very unusual, and adds vigour to the queen’s words. 11 4. liber mir: the dative, as the motion is to and fro over the queen, not from one side of her head to the other. Cp. E. § 387 (i). 11 7. lebenbig: accented on the second syllable; cp. E. § 10 (4). 11 10. bi 3 auf ben @onntag, tno: njo is sometimes used as a relative adverb of time (as in French: Vinstant ou nous naissons). 11 12. ge^brt: ‘belongs,’ and hence ‘befits, is right.’ ge^ort ‘it is fitting, becoming’; gel^ortg : ‘suitable, proper.’ 11 14. This form of punishment was an old practice. It was one of the tortures inflicted on Regulus when he returned to Carthage ; and it is recorded that Gerhard von Velzen (who murdered Count Florens V. of Holland in 1296), was rolled in such a barrel for three mornings. 11 17. fiep ^olen: ‘had it fetched’; cp. E. § 334. P. 12 I. III. .§dnfe( unb ©vetcl: Grimm, No. 15; Bohn ed., i. 355; Blue Fairy Book, p. 251. This fairy tale, which is found in many parts of Europe, has recently been made the subject of a charming opera by Humperdinck. For the form of these names cp. 1 18 Note. 124. ttjenig gu beifen unb ju bredjen: ‘little to bite and to break,’ i.e. ‘little to eat.’ For the alliteration cp. mit unb «§aar 1 8 Note. 12 6. bag tagfic!()e 33 rot : cp. @ieb ung t;eute unfer tiigtid; iBrct in the Lord’s Prayer. 12 8. m @orgen: cp. E. § 389 (5). 129. 2Bag foil aug ung tuerben? ‘what is to become of us?’ 12 II. S®eift bu n?ag: ‘do you know what,’ i.e. ‘I’ll tell you what.’ NOTES. 145 12 13. am ttcfftcu: the densest part of the wood is compared with jthei paits; cp. E. § 304. But jener S33a(b tft ter ticfftc, ‘that wood is the nost dense’ (i.e. more dense than other woods). 12 13. ta mad(?cu mir; present for future; cp. 42 18 Note. 12 14. noc^ ; cp. 6 25 Note. 12 14. ein @tucfd()cu ^rot : cp. 1 22 Note. 12 15. ©ic finben: present for future. 12 16. tuir finb fie (og: ‘we are rid of them’; observe the German ,onsti action with the accusative. ‘Xo get rid of’ is teg mcrbeit, also with he accusative (e.g. 28 8). Cp. E. § 335. 12'20. atte mere: cp. 3 26 Note. 12 20. ^iingerg fterben: cp. E. § 328 Obs. 12 21. nur: with an imperative (13 12 ; 31 3 ; 89 18 ; 91 25) means just.’ Here bu fannfi..4ebeltt is nearly the same as an imperative, and ve may translate ‘you may just as well go and plane the boards for our offins.’ 12 23. bod^ : ‘in spite of all you may say, all the same.’ P. 13 2. gum 3Sater: fagen also takes the simple dative; fprcci(jen only u or mit with the dative. 13 4. nun tftg um ung gefc^el^cn : ‘all is done as far as we are con^ erned,’ i.e. ‘it is all up with us.’ Cp. E. § 408 (3). 13 5. fc^on: ‘never fear, trust me, all right’; cp. 1 12 Note. 137. fic^ : fd(>tcid(>en is more common than fidj fd^tcid;cn. 13 8. l^cffe : the older form of the adverb 139. tauter; cp. 4 16 Note. 139. 33a|en; a coin of small value, no longer in use. The first hi^cn were coined towards the end of the xvth cent, at Bern, and bore le arms of that town, a bear (33a§ is a familiar form of JBcir, cf. Bruin). 13 10. nur: superfluous; the limit is sufflciently indicated by fo bict ig.... Such redundancy is frequent in popular speech; compare the aperfluous negatives in English (‘I ain’t got it nowhere,’ etc.). 13 II. l^incin mcaten: ‘would (go) in’; cp. 1 7 Note. 13 12. nur: cp. 12 21 Note. 13 19. 3)Httag : usually ‘noon,’ which it may be here; popularly owever (there are several instances in the tales) it is often used for !ad(>mUtag. 13 20. naf;m...unter bie ©c!()ur5e; ncl^mcn, here with the force of ‘to tke and place,’ conveys the idea of motion to, and therefore untcr is )llowed by the accusative (E. § 388). Cp. the Notes on 41 23, 67 18, G. M. 10 146 NOTES. 13 23. cin 2[Bei(c!(;en : accusative of time (E, § 3^2). 13 25. immcc; adds further emphasis; as though we should say ‘ he kept on doing it again and again. ’ 1 3 29. 5lte : a popular and old-fashioned form of Slbicu. . 13 29. 9^arc may here have its literal force. But it is worth noticing, that in the Bavarian and Austrian dialect (to which the dimi- nutives in -ipanfel and seem to point) 51larc! is used as a mere interjection of surprise, or to introduce the answer to a foolish, unneces- sary question; and it then completely loses the sense of ‘fool.’ P. 14 3. mitten in; ‘to the middle of.’ 14 6. einen fleincii 33erg is formed in imitation of cinen l^cd; etc. (E. § 324). Such expressions as ^erge von or von Ot>ft are not uncommon. 147. !^odf) : ‘to a fine height’ ; re(i(jt in the sense of fet;r, just as we say ‘ right well, ’ is very common, especially in the spoken language. 14 12. jeteg: viz. ter .Winter. 14 13. fo: cp. 1 8 Note. * 14 17. t^nen: cp. E. § 348. 14 17. vor : cp. E. § 389 (5). 14 22. fdjon: ‘never fear,’ cf. 1 12 Note. 14 26. tei antrec^entem J£ag; this is identical with Bet 2!age6anBruci() (cp. Bei 2lnBrud() teg SJlorgeng 26 6) ; cf. naci^ getl^aner 5lrBeitift gut rul^n, ‘when work is done, rest is sweet’; nadf) genoffenem OBft (Heyse), ‘after eating the fruit.’ The construction is not very common; in French it is also rare (Loti has ^ la nuit toinhante^ and Daudet apres sa la 7 npe eteinte). It occurs very frequently in Latin. 14 29. tvvir: cp. 6 16 Note (JBerg unt Tt;aL..tag). P. 15 I. jn -^erjen: ‘to the (or his) heart.’ The article is omitted in certain familiar combinations (E. § 289). 16 3. mar mieter Slot in alten @cfcn: a proverbial phrase; this explains the absence of the article (E. § 288). Cp. Slot fcnnt fein @cBot, ‘ necessity knows no law. ’ 15 6. l^at bag Sieb ein @nbc: ‘the song has come to an end,’ i.e. ‘all is up,’ ‘we have reached the end of our tether.’ 157. miiffen fort: ‘must (go) away’; cf. 1 7 Note. j 15 8. ben SCBcg.. J;craug finben: ‘to find the way out’; but we might also read l^eraugftnbcn, ‘to find out the way.’ 15 II. tcittcft: past subjunctive. 15 12. 3Bcr 51 fagt mup an4> S3 fagcn: ‘if you say A, you must also IVOTES. 47 say B/ i.e. ‘if you once take a step you must be prepared for what follows’; ‘in for a penny, in for a pound.’ The words that follow show how the proverb applies to the present case. 1 5 14. : cp. E. § 414. 1517. 'voHtc t;inau^ and fountc uid;t l^cvaug (line 19) : cp. 1 7 Note. 15 21. nur: cp. 12 21 Note. 15 21. fdjoii: ‘doubtless’; ‘he is sure to help us.’ Cp. 1 12 Note. 15 27. tcincr SBcgc : cp. E. § 376 (3). P. 1 6 4. il^r Scbtag: a mutilated form of the accusative plural il^vc l^cbtagc. 16 5. MciM...fi^cn: cp. E. § 453 (4). 16 12. @ie ertvad^tcn crft; ‘they first awoke,’ i.e. ‘they did not wake -ill....’ Cf. E. §192. 16 17. fctc met taufenb ib'oget : ‘ the many thousands of birds.’ Ob- serve that taufenb is here used as an adjective; but bie inelcn Jliaufcnbc inut l^ogetn is also good German. 16 18. (bie 3 )cget...) bie t;atten fie: the subject is taken up again by he demonstrative bie; cp. 5 2. 16 21. unb nod(j einen ^lag: ‘and a day besides, and another day.’ 1 6 23. )3aar ; see Vocabulary. ^ 16 24. ftanben: ‘were’; ftet;en is sometimes no more than ‘to l)e.’ ^ 16 27. ber britte 9 )an*gen, baf... : ‘the third morning since.. .’ I 1 6 30. mu^ten : indicative. The form of the conditional sentence Ides not indicate what really did happen. If the verbs were gcfonimcn uare and fatten berfd()mad()ten miiffen, we should know that help came. 16 31. fc^neemeipeg : cp. 6 ii Note. P. 17 I. ftctjcn bticbeu : cp. E. § 453 (4). 177* 3 )vi...tran; cp. 6 23 Note; [ic^ an cttua§ madjcu, ‘to approach, ,ake in hand, tackle.’ 17 8. In some parts of Germany, the company on rising from able after a meal wish each other „gefegncte 3)ta^(jcit!" It is not quivalent to ‘saying grace’ (bag ^iifdfjgebet fbi’ed;cn or vcrric^^tcii). 17 10. »om Senfter effen: ‘to eat (some) of the pane’; cjd. E. § 365. 17 10. rcid()tc in bie ; ‘reached up.’ 17 II. fic^ ; ‘ for himself.’ 1715. fneigd^en : this is probably .^ndugdjen, the diminutive of Jtnaug, Swabian word, meaning a ‘heel’ of bread, a projecting piece of crust n a loaf. — The usual form of the verb is fnubbern. 10 — 2 148 NOTES. 17 20. inc ma4)cn: ‘to make uncertain, to confuse, disturb’; transl. ‘ without letting themselves be disturbed. ’ 17 23. tl^at fcamit; ‘she gratified herself with it,’ i.e. ‘ate it with much relish.’ 17 24. jleinattc: ‘old as the hills’; cp. 6 ii Note. 17 25. fam ]^crau6gef^ti(^cn : cp. 4 20 Note. 17 29. eg: cp. E. § 266. 1730. an ter «^ant: cp. E. § 382 (4). P. 18 4. nur goes with angeftellt, ‘she had only pretended.’ 18 5. ten ,^intern: ‘children,’ not ‘the children.’ 18 7. eing: for this form cp. E. § 130. 18 10. QJlenfci^cn: ‘human beings.’ 18 12. ta : cp. 1 6 Note. 18 13. mir : cp. E. § 340. 18 16. m- l^in: ‘to herself’; E. § 389 (3). 18 19. mod[>te; cp. E. § 485 (2). 18 19. njie er njctttc : ‘as much as he liked.’ 18 20. jur ©rctef : ‘ to our little friend Gretel ’ ; the article implies that we are already familiar with her. Similarly jum «^anfef 19 31. 18 20. riittette fie ‘ shook her awake,’ i.e. ‘woke her up with a good shake.’ 18 22. imt fott fett trerten: in these tales (as in popular speech) the auxiliary is often placed before the infinitive, though it should appear at the end of the clause. We find it in relative clauses, as here and in 65 29; 86 19; in fcaf -clauses, as in 84 ii; 109 7; 120 13; and elsewhere 47 13; 98 8; 116 16. (tm @talt may be regarded as an after- thought, which will explain the position of fi|t.) 18 23. 6tttertid(>: cp. 7 6 Note. 18 29. bift: present for future (which is indicated by fatfc) ; cp. 42 18 Note. P. 19 2. lucrum njaren: ‘had (gone) by’; cp. 1 7 Note. 195. *J 5 anfel mag fett ober mager fein ; ‘ whether Hansel be fat or lean’; cp. E. § 485 (2). 199. l^Uf ung boci(>; ‘do help us!’ Cp. 9 ii Note. 19 II. boci() : ‘at least, at any rate.’ 19 12. eg I^Uft bir afteg nidjtg: ‘nothing will help you, it is all no good, there is no help for it.’ 19 13. mufite...l^eraug : ‘had to (get) out (of bed)’; cp. 1 7 Note. 19 25. fie^ft bu ‘do you see?’ Transl. ‘why, I declare.’ NOTES. 149 19 15. fonntc...f;tnciu : ‘could (get) in’; cp. 1 7 Note. 19 27. tap: ‘so that’; cp. E. § 535. 19 30. etcntujtid;: the adjective (and usual adverb) is etent. For did; cp. 7 6 Note. P. 20 4. [tub ftc^ : for tutc ftnb fie fid; (each other). 20 7. .J?aftcn mit ^crten: ‘chests full of pearls.’ 20 9. l^inetn h>oKte : ‘would (go) in.’ 20 II. iDoffen Ujtr fort: ‘we will (go) away.’ 20 14. fbnnen nic^t l^iuuter: ‘cannot (go) over,’ i.e. ‘cannot cross.’ 20 16. auc!() fein : ‘nor does a’; cp. E. § 210 A. 20 20. ftel^t : cp. 616 Note. 20 23. au(i() indicates that what they had hoped for also came true ; transl. ‘the little duck really did approach.’ 20 25. cgfott: ‘let it.* 20 28. tmmer kfannter : ‘more and more familiar.’ 20 31. il^rem SiBatcr urn ten : an idiomatic turn, with which we may compare 2 7 Note. P. 21 6. in tauter Sreutc: see 4 16 Note. 21 8. grope grope: a word is often repeated for the sake of em- phasis, especially in speaking; cp. tangen tangen 85 25, giftig giftig 101 10, •f knge lange 3eit 102 27 , and fo angft fo angft 104 1 . l( P .22 1. IV. 0 ie U>eipe @(^^(ange: Grimm, No. 17; Bohn ed., i. ? 357; Green Fairy Book, p. 319. [f 22 2. tange f;er: ‘long (from there) to here,’ i.e. ‘a long time since I then, long ago.’ 227. atgetragen: ‘carried off,’ i.e. ‘cleared away.’ 22 8. nod; eine: ‘one more.’ 22 12. ba: really ‘then’; translate ‘when’; cp. fo after a similar I clause line 20, and 1 15 Note. 2223. ficifj: ‘ each other.’ ; 2223. loag : cp. E. § 429 (2). P. 23 I. According to a Scotch saga, the middle piece of a white snake roasted by the fire gives a knowledge of supernatural things to anyone who shall put his finger into the fat which drops from it; and a ( famous Norse saga relates that Sigurd once slew a great dragon and roasted some of its flesh : on tasting to see whether it was “well done,” he found that he could understand what the birds were saying to each ! other. 23 3. gerabc an tiefem 'Xage: ‘just on this day, on this very day.’ NOTES. ISO 23 3. ter ^ontgiii etc.; ‘her ring was lost to the queen,’ i.e. ‘the I queen lost her ring.’ 23 5. ter iiterall Bugang l^atte: ‘who had access everywhere,’ i.e. ‘who was allowed to go wherever he pleased.’ 23 5. ter 3Scrtad()t...er l^ate...; virtually indirect speech; the im- pression was „er l^at i^n geftol^Ien." 23 6. tiep t^n tor fic|) fommen: ‘caused him to come before him,’ i.e. ‘summoned him into his presence.’ 23 8. ju uennen njiifte: ioiffen is ‘to know (how to do a thing),’ ' and hence ‘to be able (to do it)’; in French savoir is used in a similai way. 23 8. tafiir: i.e. fiir ten ^^citer. 23 14. fie )?u^ten fici()...gtatt: ‘they were cleaning themselves so as to be smooth,’ i.e. ‘they were preening or sleeking down their feathers.’ 23 15. ttiet ftet;en: cp. 17 i Note. 23 16. n)o...att: ‘all the places in which.’ 23 17. njag fur gute^; ‘what excellent’; for fur cp. E. § 120. 23 19. ter .^onigin ^enfter : cp. E. § 290. There is no good reason for calling this the “Saxon” genitive. 23 22. todj : cp. 9 II Note. 23 24. tarauf: cp. E. § 460 (4). 23 27. tor tern .^bnige: ‘in the presence of the king,’ i.e. ‘to the king.’ P. 24 2. l^atte Suft : ‘had the desire, wanted’; for absence of article cp. 15 I Note. 24 4. fam...an einem tortei : observe that the verbs compounded with tortei and toriiter are not construed with the accusative of the thing passed. The motion is not up to the edge of the pond, but along its edge ; hence au with the dative. 24 6. man fagt fctc 5ifci()c iraren ftumm. There is a common phrase: ftumm mie ein 5ifc^. The Greeks used to say “more dumb than a fish”; the followers of Pythagoras honoured it as a symbol of silence, and so did the Egyptians. Horace, in one of his finest odes (iv. 3) addresses Melpomene: “Oh thou that wouldest give, were it thy pleasure, a swan’s note even to the mute fishes.” 24 7. i^re ^tage, bafi...: cp. 23 5 Note (ter 3Serfeac!()fi er i^abc). 24 9. tie...@efangcnett; substantival use of past participle; cp 49 22 I Note. 24 13. afg (;crte er = at3 oB (menu) er ^brte; cp. E. § 564. | 24 17. mir ; cp. 8 1 1 Note. j NOTES. i5i 24 t 8, tcnftc...ciu: viz. fciii '^^fcvb. 24 20. tiv: cp. E. § 347. 24 27, iuir l^Uflofcn: cp. E. § 318. 24 31. famen l^crbeigeppft: cp. 4 20 Note. P. 25 4. langc 2Bcgc: Mong ways,’ i.e. ‘a very long way.’ The phrase is rather unusual ; etnen tangen 2Ccg is common enough. 25 5. lint) fam cinet; cp. 7 3 Note. 25 6. finer : here not for man, but ‘a man.’ 25 6. fnc^c...n)c((c etc.: the use of the present and perfect sub^ junctive (instead of the imperfect and pluperfect usual in these tales) and the signs of quotation give the impression that the words are half-way between direct and indirect speech, almost a quotation. The clause fijnnc er... is of course conditional. 25 10. The sentence is not quite accurately constructed ; it seems a combination of ter 3ungting...fal^, mart) er ran..., and of ber Sunghng, alS er...fal^, mart ron... An exact parallel occurs in 88 22. 25 18. mirft fcu...l^inaBgeftur5t : present for future (mirft bu l^inab== gcfturjt merten) ; cp. 42 1 8 Note, 25 21. cp. 7 28 Note. 25 21. fal^ er...ta^erfci()mimmen : cp. E. § 453 (2). 25 23. metci()cn...ba3 Sebcn: cp. E. § 348. 25 25. btefer : ‘this one,’ i.e. ‘the latter, the last-mentioned’ (cp. 35 6 Note) ; here simply ‘ he.’ 25 29. ebenburtig: ‘of equal birth’ i.e. ‘rank.’ P. 26 2. unb barf fein .Kornc^en: for this inversion cp. 7 3 Note. 26 10. taufenb iinb taiifcnb 5lmeifen : ‘ thousands and thousands of ants’; cp. 16 12 Note. 26 16. f;at er aud(); concessive clause with menn omitted; cp. E. § 579- 26 20. tmmcr ju : ‘ever onward, on and on’; this ju is accented. P. 28 I. V. ta))fere @c^ueibevfem : Grimm, No. 20; Bohn ed., i. 359; Blue Fairy Book, p. 266. With this tale should be compared the story of John Glaick, the brave tailor (given in the Folklore Journal^ vii. 163). A very amusing variant is Samuel Lover’s Little Weaver of Dtileek Gate, which has been reprinted by Q. in the appendix to his Fairy Tales Far and Near. 28 3. mar guter 5)inge: ‘was in a good humour, contented’; cp. ‘to be of good cheer.’ 28 3. aug Seibe6fr<5ften : ‘with all the strength of his body,’ i.e* ‘ with might and main.’ 152 NOTES. 28 6. in bie Ol^rcn: accusative, as the sound ‘came to his ears.’ I 28 7. l^ier ^erauf: ‘(come) up here!’ Cp. 1 7 Note. 28 8. ttjirb fie : in the last century and the beginning of this it was common to address people of the lower classes in the third person singular, as here and in 105 -21. Cp. E. § 413. 28 8. n)irb...to^: cp. 12 16 Note. 28 II. befall ‘looked at, pried into’; for the force of the prefix cp. E. § 219 (i). 28 13. : a small weight, about equal to half an ounce; no longer in use. 28 14. fommt mir nic^t barauf an: ‘I do not care’; eg fommt bieT| barauf an : ‘ much depends on it.’ 28 17. bag 9 Jlug : this is subject to the first clause, and object to the! second ; a liberty that would not be tolerated in literary German.^ 28 23. immcr gro^ere: ‘bigger and bigger.’ P. 29 3. fd;arcnn)cig : cp. E. § 188 (i). 29 5. beutfc^: no capital, E. § 9 (3). 297. ging...ang: ‘went away,’ i.e. ‘left.* 29 8. eg: bag ©c^neibcrlein ; but er 28 6. 29 10. brauf: i.e. auf bie ?5tiegen. 29 10. aBjog : viz. ben 5 ;ud()labbcn. 29 II. ftredten bie S 3 eine : cp. „ atlc mere ^on fidji flrecfcn/‘ with the same meaning. 29 16. einen: accented, ‘one, a single.’ Cp. E. § 286. 29 16. ( 5 t tnag @tabt! ‘what, town did I say?’ 29 18. njtc etn Sammerfd(>n)dnjc^en : the following couplet occurs in a burlesque poem of the seventeenth century : feeing bag -^erje benen OJlufen @0 njie ein IMmmer^Sd^njan^ tm 33 ufen. 29 20* ivofitc...]^inaug: cp. 1 7 Note. 29 23. flecfte er etn: i.e. in bie ^iafdje. 29 25. muptc gu: ‘had to (go) to, join.* 29 26. nal^m er benS[Beg...3n)if(i^enbie33eine: ‘he took the way between his legs,’ i.e. ‘went on his way.’ P. 30 I. gett : ‘is it not so? eh?’ a colloquial word, confined to Upper (South) German; „nid(?t tra^r?" is the regular expression. It was originally the pres. conj. of gelten, and meant ‘let it (the wager) stand good,’ i.e. ‘ I bet.’ 30 2. ba^in : ‘thither’; we usually say ‘there,’ less accurately. NOTES. 153 30 7. iuirt vci’fuci(;cn; ‘wish to try myself,’ i.e. to see what stuff [ am made of. 30 4. mifcva6(er : this word is never used with any sense of pity cp. miserable), and is very contemptuous. 30 5. tvare! ‘that were (a pretty thing if your contempt were ustified) ’ ; transl. ‘ I like that ! ’ 30 9. MOV : cp. E. § 389 (4). 30 13. tveiter ‘is it nothing more than that?’ i.e. ‘is hat all?’ 30 14. Bet unfer einem: ‘in the case of one of us (unfer is gen. plur. )f ung),’ i.e. ‘for one of my sort,’ ‘for a man like me.’ 30 20. mit 5lu3cn: really superfluous, but giving emphasis; cp. 13 23 and our phrase, ‘I saw it with my own eyes.’ 30 20. @rBetmannd;en: ‘little wight’; not in the usual dictio- laries. In Hessen, where this story comes from, ^r^ef is a word for drake.’ 30 21. ®ut gemorfen : ‘ well thrown ’ ; the auxiliary is easily supplied. 30 23. tir: cp. 8 ii Note. 30 28. ‘no doubt, I grant it.’ 30 29. tm ftanbe Bift: ‘are in a position (@tanb) to,’ i.e. ‘fit or .ble to....’ 3 30 31. ba: ‘there’ ; or perhaps as in 130 i Note. P. 31 3. nur: cf. 12 21 Note. 31 4. ©cjtveig: a collective to 3tt)cig, cp. E. § 48. The vowel of he simple word is “ modified ” where possible, e.g. ©eBiifd; (coll, to 3ufc^) 31 30. 31 4. boci(>: ‘undoubtedly, plainly.’ 31 8. noci() oBenbrein (=baretn): ‘on top of it, into the bargain.’ 31 9. guter JDiuge : cp. 28 3 Note. 31 9. e8 rittcn brei @ci(>neiber jum $ll^orc f;inaug : evidently a comic 'Crversion of „ eg ritten brei fReiter ^um !5;f;ore ^tuaug, '' a favourite first line f popular songs. 1‘ 31 II. ein @tucf SQBegg : cp. Eve § 364. ■ 31 12. fonnte mb(?t n)eiter: cp. 1 7 Note, i' 31 13. l^Br’: ‘listen!’ ‘Isay!’ r' 31 14. Bel^enbigfic^ : adverb to Bel^enb, cp. efenbtgfic^ 19 30 Note. \ 31 19. wtfccttamen : cf. 24 4 Note. ' 31 25. irag ift bag: ‘what is this?’ The best rendering is the long- rawn ‘hullo!’ used to express astonishment. 154 NOTES. 31 30. ©efcufdj) : cp. 31 4 Note. 31 30. @))rin9 na^ : ‘jump after, ’ i.e. ‘ copy my jump, jump as I did.’ P. 32 I. MteB..4ftngen: cp. 9 12 Note. 32 2. t)ie £)kr5ant) ‘kept the upper hand,’ i.e. ‘got the better of it.’ 32 7. no &) : besides the one he had first used. 32 10. t)0c^: ‘there’s no doubt about it.’ 32 12. au§[ci()tafeti I ‘to sleep to the end,* i.e. ‘to sleep as long as one likes, to make up for arrears, to have a good night’s rest.’ 32 16. einem: cp. 29 16 Note. 32 17. @ca6]^u)3fer and •^eufcfjretfe are both used for ‘grasshopper.’ 32 17. ©araug: from „ gar an^/' i.e. quite done, finished. 32 19. fam bal^ergefd^rttten: cp. 4 20 Note. 32 22. in einer >ijaft: ‘in a hurry’; in grofer «^afi is more common. 3223. feinev...9^afe nac!(> : ‘following his... nose.’ 32 29. n>ag irih t)er....^rieg^tjetb? ‘what does the warrior hero desire?’ i.e. ‘what is his business?’ 32 31. meinten: here amounts to ‘suggested, hinted.’ P. 33 2. nm feinen ^Irei^ : ‘at no price,’ i.e. ‘on no condition, not' on any account.’ 33 2. forttaffen: ‘to allow (to go) away.’ 33 8. ©ben be^l^atb: ‘for that very reason, with that very object.’ 33 13. SQBag fotl baranS hjcrben? ‘what is to come of that? what wili it lead to ? ’ 33 15. nnb er l^aut ju: in ordinary prose it would be ,, infant.** 33 16. unfer einer: ‘such men as we are’; cp. 30 14 Note. 33 18. 20 ir finb nid()t gemad[)t...anSjul^a(ten: ‘we are not of a make, i.e. we are not able, to hold out.’ ^ 33 22. feine 5lugen: cp. 30 20 Note. 33 26. ©r fann...5in nnb l^er: ‘he pondered this way and that,’ i.e. ‘he turned over many plans in his mind.’ lij 33 27. tief il^m fagen : ‘had him told,’ i.e. ‘sent him a message.’ ]| 33 29. Sn einem SOatbe etc.: these two sentences give the purport ol the king’s message, and are therefore in indirect speech. I P. 34 I. ftd() in Sebenggcfal^r jn fe^en: ‘to place himself in peril of his life,’ i.e. ‘to run the risk of losing his life.’ 24 5. fo etmag: ‘something of the kind,’ i.e. ‘the right thing, not bad.’ . 34 7. mirb : cp. 6 16 Note. I /I NOTES. iSS 34 8. U'iK id; fd;ou In'intujcn: ‘1 will soon (or, without more ado) aibdue.’ 34 9. tat’ci: ‘in doing so,’ i.e. ‘for the purpose.* 34 10. 5iucicn : usually giuei and brct are declined only when their 'ase is not made clear by some other word with which they are con- iiected; e.g. jiucicr 9)icnfcl[>en ©d^cimni^, but bag ©d^cimnig biefer jtvei l)icnfci[)cn or bon jn^ci 9)ienfc^en (biefer, bon show that jibeiis in the genitive case). 34 14. tdeibt..4^he»: rather unusual for ftel^en bteiben (e.g. 36 9). 34 16. U6er (ein 3i)eitd;en) : cp. 6 28 Note; E. § 387 (2). 34 18. babei: ‘in doing so,’ i.e. ‘at the same time.’ 34 21. auf einen ^^Ift ; ‘on to a bough’; the dative would give rather setter sense. 34 22. liber bte (2d;tafer: iiber with the accusative, because this spot ibove the sleeping giants was the goal of his motion. 34 22. bem einen JHiefen: ‘one of the giants.’ 34 28. 2Bag fott bag? ‘what does that mean?’ i.e. ‘what do you nean by that ? ’ 34 29. ibirfft bn mid(> : observe the construction; er njarf te: oblique form of the imperative; E. § 526. I 37 t 8. il^c bon bem SD^anne l^etfen: ‘to help her (to get) away frore the man,’ i.e. ‘to see that she was rid of him.’ 37 23. in bie njcite IHJeft : ‘into the wide world,’ i.e. ‘to some distanj part of the world.’ 37 26. 2)em ,‘Ding mift ici(> einen 0f{iegef borfd(jiebcn : ‘ I will push a bolt or that affair,’ i.e. ‘turn the key on it, and thus make it harmless’; transl ‘I’ll put a spoke in their wheel.’ 37 30. atg njenn eg fdf^fief: as a rule the imperfect and pluperfec conjunctive are used in clauses- introduced by ‘as if’; afg n)enn...n)av. 38 7; atg n)enn,..9iiujft 53 16; afg fatten fie ^anbe 85 22; afg tbare...3e; fommen 117 22. P. 38 4. fcffte mi£i()...furc!()tcn: ‘(is it likely I) should fear....’ 38 6. affo = fo, as usually in these Tales. 38 7. bag njifbe -^eer: the legend of the Furious Host is found ii various forms all over Germany, and probably goes back to the pagai god Wuotan (we have his name in Wednesday), who often appears riding driving and hunting in the air, with a numerous train. When Chrisi NOTES, ^S1 ianity was introduced, he was no longer regarded as a god; and his dace is taken by ter mittc Sftgcr (72 29), the Devil or Frau Holle (48 i 'Jote); or he is identified with a particular person, as in the ballad of Dcr wilde yUger by Burger (transl. by Scott). See Grimm’s Mytho- ogy, pp. 918 — 950; Asgard and the Gods, p. 72 foil. 38 8. .an il^ii ivagcn: ‘venture at him,’ i.e. ‘try to attack him.’ P. 39 I. VI. 9lfd^cn).nittef : Grimm, No. 21; Bohn ed., i. 364; in he Blue Fairy Book (p. 64) we have a translation of Perrault’s version of his well-known and widely spread fairy tale; Lang’s Perrault Ixxxvi.; drimm’s Mythology, p. 388; Cinderella. Three hundred and forty-five variants. Marian Roalfe Cox. With an Introduction by Andrew Lang, vI.A. London, 1893 (Vol. xxxi. of the Publications of the Folklore Society). There are some interesting articles on Cinderella in the ourth volume of Folklore^ by Alfred Nutt (p. 133), Joseph Jacobs p. '269), and Andrew Lang (p. 413). Platen’s comedy Der gldserne Paii- offel (1823) combines the fairy tales of Cinderella and Little Briar Rose. The second part of the word 5tfc^en)3Xittef seems to be connected with I verb tjuttetn, to mess about (in the dust, ashes etc). The name (originally Peculiar to the Hessian dialect) is still applied to any dirty, slovenly child, )r to one that has to do menial work. Another common form of it is 'lfci()cnftrotef. In Scotland Cinderella was called Assiepet or Ashiepattle; ind in English tales she appears as Catskin. 39 2. ©inem. . . 9)ianne, feem iDurtc. . . : a popular turn ; we should prefer o say,,eiuem SDhmne triirbc....’’ The demonstrative is superfluous, and lue to the tendency to emphatic repetition in popular speech, another ixample of which is mentioned in 13 10 Note. 39 5. fcer Iief)e @ott ; in the speech of simple folk this is very com- nonly used, just as le bon Dieu in French. In a letter about his trans- ation of the Bible Luther says: „ SKcr JDeutfrf) !ann, ter treip ciu ‘icrjftd^ fein 2Bort tag ift, tic ftebe 3)laria, ter lieftc ®ott, ter liebe Jtaifer, ter icte lJurft, ter fie6c 9)knn, tag Ucte Jvint. Unt ici() tveip ob man tag QBort „ fieOe and? fo l^erjftc^ unt genugfam [with such depth of meaning] in ateinifd()cr oter antern (£^n’ati(jcn rcten moge, taf eg affo tringc unt fUnge in ag «§cr5, turd; aUe @inne, mie eg tl^ut in unferer @).u’ac^c.'' 39 14. fd()on...'oi?n ^ilngcfidjt : cp. E. § 402 (8). 39 18. l^inaug : here has the force of a verb ; cf. ‘down with them !’ md 1 7 Note, also l^erein 7 7, l^ier f;erauf ! 28 7. 39 20. @el^t cinmaf: ‘just look at....* 39 21. eg: viz. tag @tieffint. 39 23. »or 2;ag: ‘before day, i.e. dawn.* P. 40 3. menn eg fid() mute gearBcitet l^atte: ‘when she was tired out vith work.’ Similar constructions are tie (Jufe munt ge^en, tic 2lbfa§c ci(jicf treten, cp. also 87 7, 90 30. NOTES. 158 40 7. 2lfci()cn^uttcl: cp. 39 1 Note. 40 14. (Bx faufte nun: ‘so he bought.* 40 19. kem 2Ifd(jen^uttel : for the article cp. 18 20 Note. 40 21. fcincr CDiutter @rab; cp. 23 19 Note. P .41 I. maren gutcr 2)ingc : cp. 28 3 Note. 41 4. originally meant any festival (cp. “to have a high time”), but is now almost exclusively used for ‘wedding’; cp. the use of noce. 41 5. gci'n...mitgcgangcn tudrc: ‘ would willingly have gone too.* 41 6. eg: viz. mitjugel^en; E. § 414. 41 12. viiiggctcfen l^aft: for i^aben njuft, the idea of futurity being con- tained in in jmei Stunbcn. 41 23. ]fafen...in bie ‘picked out (and put) into the dish’ji cp. 13 20 Note. 41 24. .^aum...fo: cp. 1 15 Note. 41 27. biirfte: ‘might, would be permitted.* 41 29. bu tnivft nur auggelac^t: present for future; cp. 42 18 Note. P. 42 1. ja: cf. 6 20 Note. 42 I. nimmerme^r : a very emphatic nie. 42 18. eg ^Uft bit' atteg ntd()tg: cp. 19 12 Note. 42 18. bu fomnift nid(jt mit: the present indicative is sometimes used for the future, and hence also for the imperative ; cp. E. §§ 438 and 439. 42 22. niemanb me^r: ‘no one else.’ 42 24. riittet, fdjiittet: dialect forms for the older ones in ^ete; the 1 correct prose forms are riittlc, fci(>utt(c. 42 26. ein go(ben....^(cib : the uninflected form of the adjective, still 1 occasionally used with neuter substantives in the nom. or acc. sing. ; cp. ein gut Seben 49 21 ; ein grimmig $Iier 68 13. Cp. E. § 320. 42 31. 5 ln 2lfd(jenbuttet etc. This sentence is not illogical. It never occurred to them that it was Cinderella; they thought she was sitting at home. P. 43 3. fonft: ‘otherwise, else,’ as here and in 48 23; 69 19; ‘at other times, usually,’ nne fonft aucfj 44 16; 54 ii; 99 25. Transl. ‘nor would he dance with anyone else.’ 43 13. follte eg 5 lfd;enbuttet fcin: ‘could it be Cinderella?’ 43 24. 5 lm anbern ^iag : ‘ on the next day ’ ; ‘ the other day ’ is oor einigcn 3 ;agen, or furjlidl^, neutidfj. 43 25. fort toarcn: supply gcgvingcn; cp. 7 3 Note. 43 29. nod?: cp. 9 9 Note. i NOTES. 159 T. 44 2. allcin: added for emphasis; cp. E. § 213 (2). 44 4. tupHtc c8 fort: supply gc^eii; 1 7 Note. 44 6. c6 fprang il^m fort: cp. 8 ii Note. 44 16. ioie fonft auc^ : ‘as at other times also,’ i.e. ‘ as she usually did.’ 4426. bic ^lantoffetn toarcn gaiij golbeii : but they are of glass in the ommonest English version, which is taken from Perrault (tme paire de antoujles de verre). It has been suggested that it was originally not verre ut vair (a kind of fur). 44 27. bent: demonstrative. 44 28. ttjuftcn fie alle nid(;t: ‘none of them knew.’ P.455, ^^antoffet: the story of Rhodopis (Strabo xvii. § 33 and Ulian xiii. c. 33) is thus summarised by Mr Baring-Gould in the notes 3 his delightful Book of Fairy Tales: Rhodopis was one day bathing, I/hen an eagle picked up one of her sandals and flew away with it, nd dropped it in the lap of the Egyptian king, as he was administering astice at Memphis. Surprised at its smallness and beauty, he had no est till he found the owner of the sandal, and then he raised her from tie basest and most despised condition to be his queen. 45 6. l^cingen gebtieben: cp. 9 12 Note. 45 13. babei: ‘beside her.’ 45 16. it'ann: ‘when,’ the correlative of bann, now usually replaced •y tvcnn; cp. E. § 546. t 45 19. l^eraiig: aug bcr .hammer. ( 45 20. muptcn...borbct : supply reiten; cp. 1 7 Note. 45 24. : a peculiar form of apparently made up in rder to obtain a rime to gucf. 45 30. biefe : ‘the latter’ (bic anberc (Sdjiuefter, not bie fatfdje 33 raiit); p. 35 6 Note. P. 46 21. fbradf;: for fagte; fbi’ed()en is usually ‘to talk,’ not ‘to say.’ 4624. luoffte eg...burc^au^ l^aben : ‘he absolutely would have it,’ ‘e. ‘insisted upon it.’ 46 29. n)ic angegoffcn : ‘as though poured on,’ a phrase denoting a erfect fit ; the shoe fitted the foot as accurately as a plaster mould, or as !' it had been made of wax, which is Perrault’s expression (// vit qidelle estoit juste co 7 nme de cire), P. 47 10. famcu...l^erabgeflogen : cp. 4 20 Note. 47 13. foflte ge^vdtcn hjcrben: cp. 18 22 Note. I 47 20. Unb hjarctt fie: cp. 7 3 Note. 47 21. auf t^r Scbtag : ‘for their whole life’; cp. 16 4 Note. P. 48 I. VII. •§ofle: Grimm, No. 24; Bohned.,i. 369; Red ''airy Book, p. 303. Holda was worshipped by our pagan forefathers as i6o NOTES. a gracious goddess. Her memory has been preserved in many parts of central Germany, where she appears in legends and fairy tales as Frau Holle, a superior being, kindly and helpful to men, and severe only towards those that are content with a disorderly home. She haunts lakes and fountains; to reach her dwelling, mortals must pass through a well. Between Christmas and Twelfth Night she may be seen driving through the air, with the Furious Host (38 7 Note). Various superstitions also connect her with spinning; thus, during the “twelve nights” dis- taffs were hidden away, her holiday denoting a time of rest for the spinners. See Grimm’s Mythology, pp. 265—272; Asgard and the Gods, p. 107. 48 5. ber ?lfd()enbuttet : the name is neuter in 46 20. 48 6. auf bic...@tra^e: ‘in the street’ (not on the pavement); cp. E. § 383- 48 16. anfangeu fotttc: ‘what to begin,’ i.e. ‘what to do (in order to get back the spool).’ 48 19. gu fiO) feffer fam: ‘returned to herself,’ i.e. ‘to conscious- ness’; transl. ‘when she came to.’ 48 20. btel taufenb 33 fumen: cp. 16 17 Note. 48 21. ftanben: cp. 16 24 Note. 48 22. boffcr S 3 rot : cp. 618 Note. 48 23. rau 3 : a colloquial form of l^eraug; so also rein for l^crcin. P. 49 I. auggebaefen: ‘completely baked’; the prefix has the same force as in augfe^tafen 32 12. Cp. ‘to fight it out.’ 49 7. pben: ‘on the tree.’ 49 10. tvarb i^m angft: ‘fear ( 5 lngft) arose for her,’ i.e. ‘she grew frightened. ’ 49 20. bafiir: ‘in return for this,’ i.e. ‘and so.’ 49 21. ein gut Seben : cp. 42 26 Note. 49 2 2. ©efetteneg iinb ©ebrateneg: ‘boiled and roast’; the neuter sing, of a past participle, as of adjectives in general, may be used as a substantive; cp. ©efarfeneS 55 20; bent ©riuorbenen 91 15. Cp. the use of French /e rdti for roast meat. E. § 322. 49 22. tvar eg; ‘she had been’; cp. E. § 441. 49 22. eine Beiftang; ‘for a time’; also einen Jlag, ein 3 af;r etc. tang. The construction is similar to ‘a handful.’ 49 25. ob...gfeid(j; ol6gteid() (with accent on second syllable), cp. E. § 578 Obs. i; t>b...fci[jcin is also found occasionally (ob fd[jon njanbertc im ftnftern Ps. xxiii. 4). 49 26. ein 35 ertangen baf;tn : ‘a yearning thither, i.e. for it’; cp. 50 2. 49 28. n)enn...audj nod(> fo gut : ‘though it does go so well...’ NOTES, t6t 49 29. nnif?...rniiauf : cp. 1 7 Note. 49 30. in and in Prussian Sainland they say, when it snows: the angels are shaking their little beds; the flakes are the down feathers, but many drop past, and get down to our earth. In other parts: bein Sebevmann ifl ber cinmaf fatt : ‘you have had your fill for once in your life. ’ 59 28. maci(>te eg if)m nid()t beffer: ‘did not make it better for him (than for his sons),’ i.e. ‘treated him just as badly.’ 59 32. mobl: ‘clearly.’ P. 60 2. bid(> fovtgujagen... : ‘even turning you out is too little.’ 60 3. unter el^rbaren ©c^neibevn : German popular wit has long asso- ciated tailors and goats. NOTES. 165 60 4. lavfft : for its position cp. 18 22 Note. 60 4. 3n ciner : cp. 32 22 Note. 60 13. tic Sct;rc: a boy who wanted to learn a trade had to become tJc^rlinij (apprentice) to a 2)iciftcr; in tie Sct;rc gc^cn is ‘to serve one’s apprenticeship.’ He was then expected to make his 9 )leifterfiu(J, a sample of his skill; if this was satisfactory, he became a @efeUe. For some time after this he wandered from town to town (inanternter @efette or >^antinerfg6urfd[>), taking a situation (fic[) rertingen), or doing odd jobs, in each place. Eventually he settled down, and became a Slicifter . himself. 60 14. feine 3eit etc. : ‘ when the time had come for his journey- ing’; for ^cvum cp. 62 27 Note. 60 20. unt ftant ta ein richer: cp. 7 3 Note. 60 21. mit ©efottenem unt ^etrutenem : cp. 49 22 Note. 60 21. fo ttiel: ‘as many as.’ 60 22. ein... ©lag mit...S®ein: cp. .^aften mit ^erlen 20 7. 60 23. ©efell : cp. Note on line 13 above. 60 24. guter $Dinge : cp. 28 3 Note. 60 30. er njcllte etc..- virtually indirect speech; he thought imU...n)irb fici() gclegt l^aben, etc.’ P. 61 6. noc() : implies ‘ when the orders already given have been carried out.’ 61 9. er triebe feincn : ‘he was having his game,’ i.e. ‘he was making fun of. . . .’ 61 10. mitten in : cp. 14 3 Note. 61 12. fo gut mie...nid?t : ‘better than.’ 61 14. Bngegrijfen: the imperative may be expressed by the past participle ; also by the infinitive, which is more peremptory. In both i cases the simple action of the verb is expressed ; not the form of the word, but the tone of voice in which it is uttered, shows who is meant to carry out this action. When we cannot hear the voice, but only read the words, we gather from the context to whom they refer. Here the i addition of „liel»e iJreunbe" makes it clear. 61 17. ta))fer: ‘bravely,’ and then simply an emphatic fel^v ; transl. ‘with a hearty good will.’ 61 24. tegten...fi(!(? fcfjlafen : verbs of motion are followed by the simple infinitive in certain expressions, as here and e.g. fpa5ieveu gel^u, cp. 5 5 Note; elsewhere it occurs rarely, as in giug-.-anpinten 72 30. ! Q]). je sitis alle le voir. i66 NOTES. 61 25. an tic 2Bant : ‘against the wall’; ftedcn conveys the idea of motion. 61 28. ftanbc...augfa^c : virtually indirect speech. 61 31. tac^te gar mci(?t taran: ‘it never occurred to him, he never dreamt’; cp. 42 31. But if l^atte followed, it would mean ‘he quite forgot.’ P. 62 I. fcincr SGBege : for the usual fcineg SOBegcS ; cp. lange StGege 25 4. For this adverbial genitive cp. E. § 376 (3). 62 8. taran : ‘in making this.’ 62 II. e8 fohe : in this way the imperative may be expressed in indirect speech. Cp. E. § 526. 62 13. Satet : second plur., though addressed to one only, cp. 10 10, 100 9; less familiar than the singular. This use of the second plur. is rare in German, common in French, and practically universal in English. Cp. E. § 411. 62 14. einmat : ‘for once,’ or simply ‘just.’ 62 16. @efehfci(>aft : ‘company’; a similar development of meaning as in J?errfd?aft (78 18 Note). 62 22. ungctrunfen unt iingegeffen: a rather rare use of the past participle, in the sense of the compound past part. „ nidjt getrunfen, gegeffen l^abent/' a form that is clumsy and to be avoided. 62 25. in tie ’^Irteit : ‘to work.’ 62 27. lucrum: the original idea is ‘revolving’; ‘when the circle of his years had gone round,’ i.e. ‘when his apprenticeship was up.’ 6228. tici(>...ge]^atten : ‘held or borne yourself,’ i.e. ‘behaved.’ 62 30. unt...audj : ‘nor does he.’ P. 63 4. jog in tie SGUelt: ‘set out on his journeying.’ 63 8. irar il;m tag JBefte gut genug: ‘he was satisfied with nothing short of the best.’ 63 8. ie teucer ie liefer: ‘the dearer it was, the better he liked it.’ One of the names of honey-suckle is 3e Icinger \t liefer ; but usually ‘the... the...’ is ie...tefto... (cp. 66 18 and E. § 214). 63 10. eine Beitlang : cp. 49 22 Note. 63 II. muft: when the moral constraint (E. § 481) is very strong, muffen may be used for follen; cp. 77 20 Note. 63 17. @raufd()immel : he jestingly calls his ass a grey horse. 63 20. n)unterlici() : cp. 54 15 Note. 63 21. nid(?t oiel ju oerjel^ren : ‘not much (money) to spend.’ 63 23. er folltc nur: ‘he was to be sure to, not to fail to....’ JMOTES. 1 67 63 26. tic tiwcltc Jticitc nid;t ftjavcn: ‘to be ready with double chalk, i.e. to chalk up twice the real score’ ; and hence ‘to overcharge, to make one pay through the nose.’ There is also a phrase ciii X fiiv ciii U iuad)tn, which is said to mean literally ‘to put down X instead of V, i.e. ten instead of five ’ ; hence ‘ to swindle, deceive. ’ (The following passage— from the appendix to the gives both phrases : Der ttjirt tucir ctn gefc^tvinber man, tic freit in feine ^ant batt nam; tiefcib mie eg tann 9 ^” fiir cincn ftrici() rcc^t freitct jmeu; ec mac^t ein 3 £ mot fur ein ll, tamit fam cr ter rec^nung 511. ‘ Mine host was a smart man : he quickly took the chalk, which— as it often does— marked two strokes instead of one; he put down X in place of V, and so piled up the score.’) 63 28. fein ®ott mar eben ju (5nte: ‘he had just got to the end of his gold.’ 63 29. ic^ mitt nur get;en : ‘I am only going.’ ^ 63 31. mag tag ^eifen foUte: ‘what this could mean,’ i.e. ‘what to ® think of this.’ P. 64 5. ortenttic^: ‘downright, regularly.’ ^ 649. 9 )iunjmeifter : ‘the master of the mint’; transl. ‘this gold ' mine of an ass.’ 64 18. trc^: ‘I must confess.’ 64 21. Safit; cp. 62 13 Note. 64 22. mac^e fie. ..511...: in English we have two accusatives, cp. E. § 278 (2). 64 23. ®ag iaf id? mir gefalten: ‘I let that please me,’ i.e. ‘I like that, that is the thing to please me.’ 64 30. bringtg...fo meit; ‘brings it so far,’ i.e. ‘is as highly trained, reaches such perfection.’ P. 65 I. fu arm...atg : better mic; but Armer atg (E. § 560). 65 9. noc^ am... : ‘on the very last evening’ ; cp. E. § 194. 65 10. auggeterut : the prefix has the same force as in augfc^tafcu (32 12 Note). 65 12. gel^atten : supply ^atte. 65 14. mag fott ter ‘what is the cudgel to do?’ i.e. ‘what good is the cudgel?* Cp. E. § 482 (6). i68 NOTES. 65 17. axig bem @acf: this is a vulgarised form of the hammer Miolnir of the great god Thor, which came crashing down as a thunderbolt, and of itself returned to his hand. 65 19. regcu unb betucgen : a riming phrase, cp. Note on mit <§aut unb <§aar 1 8. 65 21. cp. 9 12 Note. 65 22. auf ben Seib muUte; ‘wished to get at his body,’ i.e. ‘wanted to attack him.’ I 65 25. gteidj : ‘at once,’ i.e. without waiting till it was taken off. 65 27. e!^ fic^g etner toeifa!^ : ‘before a man expected it, before he i could say Jack Robinson.’ Here is the old genitive, cp. 36 25 Note. 65 29. tnaren: for its position cp. 18 22 Note. 65 31. n?ag er...: ‘all the wonders which...’ P. 66 I. ‘doubtless’ (E. § 195 A (3)). 66 2. tauter: cp. 4 16 Note. 66 8. after guten 2)inge finb brei: ‘all good things are in threes,’ i.e. ‘three is a lucky number.’ In Lessing’s Minna von Baimhelm^ mine host persuades Just to have a third glass of liqueur by saying : etng, '^err Suft ; atfer gnten ^)inge finb brei ! 66 12. rb : ‘ (to try) if.’ 66 17. rieb i^nt bie S^dfite: ‘rubbed the seams (of his coat),’ i.e. ‘gave him a drubbing.’ 66 17. baf eg etne 5 frt l^atte: ‘so that it had a (thorough) manner,’ i.e. ‘in a thorough manner, thoroughly, in good earnest.’ 66 18. jnm (Srbarmen: ‘so as to make you feel pity,’ i.e. ‘piteously.’ 66 21. n?o...nic^t: ‘unless,’ used like njenn...nicl(jt to introduce a negative conditional sentence. 66 26. @nabe fiir 9 ted()t ergel^en taffen: ‘to deal out mercy in place of justice,’ i.e. ‘to temper justice with mercy.’ 66 31. in ber ^rembc : away from home, from the district with which one is familiar ; not necessarily implying so great a distance as our ‘abroad.’ P. 67 3. (Stiicf : ‘piece of work, thing’; cp. Cfkeiflcrflud. 67 9. gut mit mir meint : ‘means well towards me, is well disposed.’ 67 10. urn gut SGBetter bittct: ‘begs for fine weather, for mercy’; to be belaboured in this way was like being in a thunderstorm. 67 II. @ef;t if'r : cp. 62 13 Note. 67 15. noc^: cp. 3 27 Note. 67 16. nid()t rccfjt: ‘not altogether’; cp. 14 7 Note. 67 17. boci() : ‘all the same.’ NOTES. 169 67 18. t'ccftc...in bte (Stuk : ‘brought into the room and spread out’; for similarly elliptical phrases cp. 13 20 Note. 67 22. . the first part of this word is connected with to burst. 67 29. ‘never yet.’ 67 30. ttc...a 5 crtuanbtfd^aft: here = bte 35 crrt)anbten; cp. 78 18 Note. 67 31. unb iDarcii atte: cp. 7 3 Note. P. 68 I. »erfd?fo^..tn ctnen @b^ranf : ‘(placed) into a cupboard (and) locked up’ ; cp. 13 20 Note. 68 4. fd(jutb : felt to be an adjective, but really the substantive ©c^ulb; for loss of article cp. 15 i Note. Cp. E. § 302. 68 12. ein grimmig 3 !^ier: cp. 42 26 Note; but grtmmige^ in line 22. 68 19. nid^t ju Sliutc ttjar: cp. 64 10 Note. 68 20. ja: cp. 6 20 Note. 68 21. njo ift...gebUeben : ‘where has... remained,’ i.e. ‘where have you. left....’ 68 21. l^aft gut reben : ‘it is all very well for you to talk.’ 68 23. beg 9 ^oten: of the fox. 68 26. tm SBegc : ‘as you walk along.’ 68 30. unb memanb: cp. 7 3 Note. P. 69 I. X. ^dumc^bicf : Grimm, No. 37; Bohn ed., i. 387, cp. 592 ; English Fairy Tales (Jacobs) pp. 140, 246. Also called Daumfing ; like our Tom Thumb (and Hop o’ my Thumb) and the french Petit Poucet. The fairy queen bade her attendants dress our English Tom Thumb in very dainty fashion: “ An oak-leaf hat he had for his crown ; His shirt of web by spider’s spun. With jacket wove of thistle’s down; His trowsers were of feathers done. , His stockings, of apple rind, they tie With eyelash from his mother’s eye : I His shoes W’ere made of mouse’s skin, I Tann’d with the downy hair within.” 69 8. $t)aumeng grofi: ‘the size of my thumb, as long as my thumb.’ I 69 II. jtuar makes a concession (‘doubtless, certainly, it is true’), ^ nd at the same time prepares us for some objection, something that I diminishes the importance of the concession. So here: to be sure the hild was not deformed ; but it was unusually small. ' 69 14. (gie Uefeiig (eg is not bag .^inb, but impersonal) ntrft an Ofa^i^ung ; ’^len : ‘ they did not stint it in food, gave it plenty to eat.’ NOTES. 1 70 69 21. fo need not be translated ; it means ‘ as people some- times do.’ 69 22. ter...nac!(?bi'dci(>tc: ‘ to bring the cart after me’; a consecutive clause. P. 70 2. me folttc pgc^^cn? ‘how should that come about?’ i.e. ‘how could that be? how could you manage that?’ 70 8. fpannte...an : supply bic ^Ifcrbc. 70 10. iul; and {of) both mean either ‘to the left!’ or ‘forwards!’ ‘gee up!’ ^ott! is ‘to the right!’ l^ar! ‘to the left!’ 70 16. 2)ag ge^t nic^t mit rcdjten JDingen ju; ‘that is not going on with right means,’ i.e. ‘there is something uncanny about that.’ 70 18. •Dohentg: ‘fully’; transl. ‘the cart went the whole way into the wood.' 70 19. ridjtig: ‘actually.’ 70 19. ge’^auen vuarfc : ‘was being cut.’ 70 25. ben: cp. 18 20 Note. 70 27. ^or’ : cp. 31 13 Note. 70 30. verfauft : cp. 62 13 Note. P. 71 I. originally the tenderest leaf of a plant (as we talk of the heart of a lettuce), then applied to what is most precious, what one loves best ; transl. ‘ the apple of my eye. ’ 71 5. fc^on: ‘trust me.’ 71 10. ^erunter (and again line 14): ‘down (from where I, Tom Thumb, am standing).’ 71 10. @te tl^atcn i^m ben aBUten: ‘they did his will for him,’ i.e. ‘ they did as he wished.’ 71 24. fort tcaven: supply gegangen; cp. 7 3 Note. 71 25. (Bi gefd^rUci(> ge^en : ‘it is so dangerous to go’; the infinitive with gn is the usual construction. 71 27. etner ; cp. 8 6 Note. 71 28. ©otttcb : originally itf) fage @ott Sob, ‘ I give praise to God.’ 71 29. tang: supply eg bauerte, and cp. 1 15 Note. 71 31. ttjie toirg nur anfangen: ‘(I wonder) how we can possibly manage to....’ P. 72 I. bem retc!(>en... : we may take the dative either as equivalent to a genitive (cp. 55 7 Note), or closely with l^oTen (cp. E. § 340). 72 2. rief...ba5n)ifci(>en: ‘called in between (their talking), inter-l rupted,’ NOTES. 171 72 7. U'o tic tiinmc : for tvol^cv.-.ftnumt, just as we say where the voice comes from’ for ‘whence the....* 72 13. fannft: supply t^un. 72 14. auS Seifcgfrftften : cp. 28 3 Note. 72 16. ft* ftrici) : cp. 57 14 Note. 72 16. tamit...auftt?aci()t: for the indicative in final clauses cp. E* § 54'^* 72 17. atg cv... : cp. 10 1 Note. 72 19. in ter @tu6e taran : ‘in the room beside it (i.e. beside the store-room), in the next room,’ usually called iUetenjimmer. 72 21. cin 8tucf 3 [Ceg§: ‘part of the way, i. e. a little way.’ 72 26. ja: cp. 6 20 Note. 72 26. l^brte tie l^orcfjente 5 !Jiagt : a good example to show the difference between l^bren and fovcfjen (to hear and to listen, entendre and kouter), 72 28. (iefcn fort nut rannten: taufen indicates less speed than renncn, the regular word for ‘racing.’ 72 29. ter tritte Sager: cp. 38 7 Note. 72 30. giug...an3unten : cp. 61 24 Note. I I mit...toc^: ‘though her eyes and ears were open....’ ‘ 73 7. tig eg 2 :ag tnare : cp. E. § 551. 73 9. eg giett riel ^riitfat : eg is the subject, ^Iriitfat the object; cp. .E- § 333 - ^ 73 II. S^r erfter @ang wav: ‘she first of all went.’ 73 12. einen 5 lrm tcU: cp. 6 18 Note. 73 17. $Da l;iep eg anfpaffeu: ‘then there was a call for caution,’ i.e. ‘he had to keep his wits about him.’ . 73 19. tocfj : ‘in spite of all his exertions, after all.’ I 73 21. unt fcf;eint feine ©onne: cp. 7 3 Note, i 73 22. llterl^autt : ‘ altogether, speaking generally.’ P. 74 2. toci(): ‘in spite of his incredulity, all the same.’ I 743. hjag eg. ..gate: ‘what there was,’ i.e. ‘what was going on, .what was the matter.’ } 74 6. ^icf fie tbten : ‘ordered that she should be killed,’ i.e. ‘had her slaughtered.’ ^ 74 13. .mit fidfi reten : ‘allows himself to be addressed,’ i.e. ‘is 1 reasonable.’ j- 74 15. ic^ ireif fcir: ‘I can help you to....’ 74 16. tern unb tern: ‘such and such a.’ f- ft 172 NOTES. 74 19. ttep fid) bag nidfjt jmetmat fngen : ‘did not wait to be told twice. ’ 74 22. tuoUte et\..fort and l^inaug fonnte (line 23): cp. 1 7 Note. 74 26. irag er fonnte : ‘as loud as he could.’ 74 29. ang alien .Krftften = aug Seibegfraften (28 3 Note). 74 30. ei-njac^te; cp. 6 16 Note. P. 75 8. @)?rac^ bee SSater: cp. 10 26 Note. 75 9. gottlob; cp. 71 28 Note. 75 17. benn need not be translated; it conveys the idea of curiosity (‘tell me, for I cannot imagine what happened to you’). P. 76 I. XI. ^ie SBld^tcIntdnner: Grimm, No. 39; Bohn ed., i. 388. 2 l 5 ici()tel is a diminutive of 2Bid()t, our ‘wight’; 2Bid()telmannee pre- vails in Hessen as the name of these brownies. “This pleasant tale was so well adapted to the genius of Cruik- shank, that it has suggested one of the very best of all his etchings. The two elves, especially the nearer one, who is putting on his breeches, are drawn with a point at once so precise and vivacious, so full of keen fun and inimitably happy invention, that I have not found their equal in comic etching any where.... It is said that these elves are regarded with peculiar affection by the great master who created them, which is only natural, for he has a right to be proud of them. The picturesque details of the room are etched with the same felicitous intelligence ; but the marvel of the work is in the expression of the strange little faces, and the energy of the comical wee limbs” (Mr Hamerton in Etchings and Etchers). Indeed all Cruikshank’s etchings of scenes from Grimm’s Tales belong to his best period. Mr Ruskin, in an introduction contributed to Hotten’s edition of 1868, wrote: “The illustrations... are of quite sterling and admirable art, in a class precisely parallel in elevation to the character of the tales which they illustrate ; and the original etchings .. .were unrivalled in masterfulness of touch since Rembrandt (in some qualities of delineation unrivalled even by him).” 76 3. c^ne feine @c(julb : ‘ through no fault of his.’ 76 5. observe that this does not take the case of ^aar; but in line 18 there is nothing to show the case of jirei ^aar, which is treated as a mere numeral. 76 7. ein guteg ©etviffen: there is a proverb @in guteg ©ewiffen ift ein fanfteg JJiu!^etiffen. 76 8. bem liebeu @ott: cp. 39 5 Note. 76 9. naebbem... : this can really only be taken with the first verb, and alg er should be supplied after xinb. 76 II. tvag er ba3U fagcii follte : ‘what he should say to this,’ i.e. Miow to explain it, what to think of it.’ NOTES. 173 76 14. '‘.IW'iftcrftucf : cp.' 60 [3 Note. 76 15. )cl(jon need not be translated; it means ‘earlier than might lave been expected.’ 76 18. evi^antetn: ‘gain by bargaining, purchase’; the prefix er* )ften serves to express a gaining something by the action of the simple /erb (E. § 22 1). 76 20. er tH-aiid(;tc nidjt : ‘he had no need of it,’ i.e. ‘it was un- lecessary.’ 7621. unb...ntd;t : ‘nor...’ 76 23. ciuhiufen : for the force of the prefix ein^ cp. E. § 233. 1 i i ), r I P. 77 6 . @(if?tafenge!^en : cp. 61 24 Note and 6 12 Note. 77 7. ime njenn: ‘how would it be, if...,’ i.e. ‘suppose we....’ 77 9. njnrS jufrieben: cp. 36 25 note. 77 10. ba: ‘there’; not as in 130 i Note. 77 19 and foil. Compare The Cauld Lad of Hilton, English Fairy Pales (Jacobs) p. 203, 251 ; English Fairy and Folk Tales (E. S. Hart- and), p. 143. 77 19. am anbern OJtorgen: cp. 43 24 Note. 77 20. nni^ten: ‘ought to’; cp. 63 ii Note. 77 21. @ie faufen fo l^erum : ‘they just run about.’ 77 22. aCeift bu mag? cp. 12 ii Note. 77 25. bag: cp. 36 25 Note. "78 5. gtatt unb fein : cp. Note on tii ber aUtege fein, 10 29. 78 14. tor bie Jll^urc : fc^iittete conveys the idea of motion; tor ber .^iirc could also stand, but then it would either go with the subject f fdfjuttete and mean that she was standing before the door, or closely 7ith •^paufen (‘which was in front of the door’). 78 16. baraiif: i.e. auf bem Jpaufen. 78 18. «§errfd(jaft : ‘her master (or mistress, or both).’ The word 2ally designates an abstract quality, but is here used of the persons that xercise it, just as we speak of “the authorities.” Cp. also @efeafd;aft 2 16 and a?ermanbtfci()aft 67 30. 78 20. Jlaufe: here means ‘font,’ which explains the phrase (see bcab.). 78 21. auf...: ‘after much persuasion.’ For this force of auf = ‘dose upon’) cp. E. § 383 (4). 78 21. meteg ; here declined in the singular, cp. E. § 314. 78 25. bap eg nic^t ju fagen ift : ‘that it cannot be described,’ i.e. beyond words.’ 174 NOTES. 78 29. @et)attcr: this is a translation of Latin cofnpater (cp. French compere), and can strictly speaking be applied only to a man. P. 79 3. t^aten i^m attcS ju SicBc: ‘did everything to her so as to be pleasant,’ i.e. ‘showed her every kindness’; the opposite is eincm etnjag ju Setb t^un (e.g. 56 16). 79 10. njag eg ba gu tl^un ^atte : ‘ what business she had there.’ 79 12. in ber Beit: ber is demonstrative, ‘during that time, mean- while.’ P. 80 I. XII. ^Der alte Multan: Grimm, No. 48; Bohn ed., i. 400. Sultan is not an unusual name for a dog. 80 4. Bu einer Beit : ‘on a time, once.’ 80 6. fdjtef’ xO ) : the future is sufficiently expressed by morgen. 80 6. fd?ie^’ id>...tot : cp. 55 12 Note. 80 9. ®nabenbrot : the bread given in merciful consideration of past services. 80 10. bn Mft nidjt veci(>t gefc^eit : ‘ you are not quite right in your head, you don’t know what you’re talking about.’ 80 12. abge^en: ‘go off, depart,’ i.e. ‘die.’ 80 18. bag i^m beoorftanbe : conjunctive, because this is virtuall}^, indirect speech. 80 19. ©eoatter: really ‘godfather, gossip,’ and here simply a familiar form of address. 80 19. fei guteg ^Jluteg : ‘cheer up!’ For the adverbial genitive cp. 53 27 Note. P.81 2. gletd? atg moatejf : ‘in the same way as, just as if you meant.’ 81 5. laffe...6ringft etc.: for the future cp. 42 18 Note. 81 9. eg.. .an m^tg...fe:^Ien taffen : ‘ let nothing be lacking,’ i.e. ‘ do everything for you, let you enjoy every comfort.’ 81 19. fo gut, atg: cp. 65 i Note. 81 22. bu mirft bodfj ein 5luge jubrucfen; ‘of course you will close an eye, pretend not to see, wink at....’ 81 24. etnem: cp. 2 ii Note. 81 30. fammte etc. : ‘ gave his coat a nasty combing.’ P. 82 6. SBeiftanb : ‘.second.’ The word is rarely used of a person; but 9ied()tgbciftanb, ‘counsel,’ is common. For the development o^j meaning cp. 78 18 Note. I i| 82 9. an Ort unb en (63 2). 84 15. an bem Xage, tno: cp. line 31 and 11 ii Note. 84 18. affevorten: adverbial genitive; cp. E. § 376. 84 18. befa!^: cp. 28 ii Note. 176 NOTES, 84 21. ftccftc : the strong form ftaf (in the intrans. sense only) is sometimes found, but had better be avoided. 84 22. umbrel^te : viz. ben 84 22. unb faf ...einc...i 5 rau : cp. 7 3 Note. 84 23. Spindles are a characteristic of all the wise women among Teutons, Celts and Greeks. 84 31. tx)o: cp. 11 II Note. P. 85 4. njaren i® : might have been omitted with advantage. 85 5. bcr...'!^offlaat : for the change of meaning cp. 78 18 Note. 85 16. umjog : ‘surrounded’; but jog um is intransitive, ‘I moved (into another house).’ 85 25. Jiobeg ; cp. 12 20 Note. 85 25. tangen langen: cp. 21 8 Note. 85 27. eg fohte : ‘it was supposed to’; observe er foU eg getl^an l^abcn ‘ he is said to have done it ’ ; er tuitt eg get^an l^aben ‘ he pretends that he did it.’ 85 28. tDunberfdjone : cp. 6 ii Note. P. 86 5. mod()te il^m abraten njte er moltte : ‘however strongly he dis- suaded him.’ 86 10. btc tl^atenf^ »ott felbft augeinanber: ‘which separated of their own accord.’ 86 12. alg eine «^erfe : ‘to form a hedge.’ 86 19. foitte: for its position cp. 18 22 Note. 86 21. tag: cp. Note on 33 erg unb tag 6 16. 86 22. etner: cp. 8 6 Note. P. 87 I. mebetten: supply mit bem @d()tt>an3e. 877. rubfte...fertig : ‘ finished plucking.’ For similar constructions cp. 40 3 Note. P. 88 I. XIV. 2 )voffetbatt : Grimm, No. 52; Bohn ed., i. 405. 88 2. 3 )^a^en ; not from bag 3 JIa|i, but the regular accusative plural of bie 9 Jiafe, now preserved only in this and similar phrases, some of which have been run together (einigermafen, befanntcrmafien etc.). 88 3. babei : ‘ at the same time, withal.’ 88 II. augjufc^en: ‘to expose, reject, blame,’ i.e. ‘to find fault with.’ 88 13. tang etc.: Mrs Hunt translates this ‘long and thin has little in,’ and furj etc. ‘ short and thick is never quick. ’ @ang here refers to a stately bearing. NOTES. 177 88 15. 3in^f;al^ii; in the middle ages cocks were often included in the yearly payments (diu^) due from a serf to his lord ; and red ones were preferred. (The French rouge cotnme tin coq refers to the redness of the crest only.) 88 22. Jl)cr...i^oing...mai’b er iornig : cp. 25 10 Note. P. 89 2. bcu crfleu beften : ‘ the first (and therefore also) best,’ an instance of the belief in luck; it comes to mean ‘any chance one picked at random.’ 89 4. @in ^aar tavauf: ‘a few days after cp. 78 2i Note. 89 18. nur : the sentence is equivalent to a command ; cp. 12 2 r Note. 8924. t)u’n = bu this contraction is only permissil:)le in collo- quial language ; cp. also fa^’n 131 29. Goethe in his Gbtz has in (for in’n = in ben) ^^urm; and in Schiller’s Wallensteins Lager the monk asks SOBag fbel^t ba unb fcgt bie Jjanbe in (for in ben) ? 89 25. jart: after the substantive, cp. 10 29 Note. P. 90 II. maS ift etc. : ‘how tiny the house is !’ 90 12. njem mag ba^...^'^augc^en fein ? cp. e'est H moi and the similar Latin idiom; but in German it is rare, except in the popular speech of some parts. The regular constructions are eg ift mein or eg gcl^crt mil*. I 90 16. 2Cag Wiener! ‘Servants indeed!’ Cp. 29 16 Note. * 90 17. mag bn etc.: ‘what you wish to get done.’ Notice that bu mitlft eg get^an l^aben may also mean ‘you say you did it.’ 90 20. 5 eueranmad;en : cp. 5 12 Note. 90 22. bap eg nod; fo leibUd; ging : ‘in order to make life at all bearable, to make things at all endurable.’ 90 25. fc^tec^t unb ved;t : in this phrase fc^tec^t retains its old meaning I of ‘simple,’ which is elsewhere expressed by fdjlicbt. 90 30. ftac^cn...mnnb : for similar constructions cp. 40 3 Note. P. 91 I. bag : viz. spinning. 91 3. bavan: and not bavauf ; cp. ic^ ^abe ben tKing am dinger. 91 4. mit bir bin ic^ fc^timm angefommen: ‘you have been a bad bargain for me.’ 91 10. eg (;atf nic^tg : ‘her protests did not avail,’ i.e. ‘there was I no help for it.’ 91 12. fauften...ab : with the dative ; cp. E. § 340. G. M. 178 NOTES. 91 16. etne 9Jiengc neueg @efd;irr : for this apposition in place of the partitive genitive cp. E. § 366. 91 18. urn fid) ^cr : ‘all round her.’ 91 19. trunfen: usually Betrunfcn. 91 24. S[Ber...aud)? ‘Whoever...?’ 91 27. !Da: ‘So.’ P. 92 II. ter: we expect bie; but @tofj unb Ubermut are treated as practically one idea. 92 27. unter bie @ibe: she would have wished that she might sink beneath the earth. P. 93 2. bir ju iHebc: ‘for love of you’; cp. 79 3 Note. 93 6. bitterUc(): cp. 7 6 Note. 93 7 . ^abe gro^e^ llnredjt gel^abt : ‘ I have done very wrong.’ More usually unred^t (with a small initial) l^aben ‘to be wrong,’ in which case uni'ec()t is treated as an adjective and may be qualified by an adverb. Similarly bit ^aft ganj ‘you are quite right.’ 93 9. finb »oruber: supply gegangen. 93 13. bie red()te 5reube ftng fe^t erft an: what had gone before was nothing; it was not till now that real joy prevailed. 93 14. bu itnb id) : summed up by nnr. P. 94 I. XV. @neett)itt(J^en : Grimm, No. 53; Bohn ed., i. 406; Red Fairy Book, p. 329. Compare the story of Gold-tree and Silver- tree in Celtic Fairy Tales (Jacobs), p. 88. @neen3ittd()en is a diminutive of the North (Low) German fneemit, snow- white. 94 3. tnic i^cbern: cp. 49 30 Note. 94 7. brei Jlrobfen SBtut: cp. E. § 366. 94 15. Uber ein 3a^r: cp. 6 28 Note. 94 17. fonnte nit^t teiben etc. : ‘ could not bear the thought of being surpassed by anyone in beauty.’ P. 95 13. SSon Stunb an: ‘from that hour.’ 95 13. fel^rte fic^ bag -iperj tm Setbc lucrum: ‘her heart was turned upside down within her,’ i.e. ‘her heart was filled with revulsion.’ 95 26. fo: cp. 57 14 Note. ‘ P. 96 4. mutterfcelenalXein : cp. 6 ii Note. || 96 8. fprangen an tl^m x)orbei: cp. 24 4 Note. il 96 9. fo fangc etc.: ‘as far as his feet could possibly carry him.’ B 96 10. loohte : ‘was about.’ 96 II. fid()...rur;en : usually not reflexive, but fid; augi’iil^en is common. I NOTES. 179 96 12. Umr a(lc^ flcin etc.: as among llie 3 Bid(;te(mAnner (78 24). 96 14. ^ellcvlcin etc.; for the diminutives cp. 1 18 Note. 96 19. ©cnhifc: now only ‘vegetables’; but it is the collective of and is here probably to be taken as meaning stewed fruit or jam (cp. 28 5). P. 97 8. ^at.. .gctictcu: ‘has been treading ift...gcti'ctcu would be ‘has stepped.’ 97 24. iDoUcii: for its position cp. 18 22 Note. 97 27. mittft in : ‘if you will.’ P. 98 6. ja: cp. 6 20 Note. 98 8. glaubtc: for its position cp. 7 3 Note. 98 9. ^lUerfc^onfte : cp. 6 ii Note. 98 28. l^eraug : from the queen’s point of view, but f;crein 99 2 from Sneewittchen’s; cp. 1 8 Note. P. 99 2. !Die: ‘this.’ 99 6. fcin 3 lvg: teinen would be more usual. 99 9. fur tot: ‘as though she were dead.’ 99 9. t)ift bu...gctoefen ; ‘you were (and are no longer).’ Cp. fuimus Troes^ ‘we are men of Troy no more.’ 99 13. regte unb beiocgte: cp. Note on mit 'i^aut unb J?aar 1 8. 99 30. fo: ‘so much’; cp. 1 8 Note. P. 100 10. n}irb...bod? ertaubt feiu : will be allowed, i.e. you will find it is allowed, if you think about it for a moment; it may therefore be rendered ‘surely you are allowed to....’ 100 13. fie beg .^aufg eintg toarcn : ‘when they were at one about the purchase,’ i.e. ‘when they had agreed upon the price.’ 100 15. badjte an nic^tg; ‘did not suspect anything’; cp. 42 31. 100 18. 5 lugbunb; it was the custom when packing goods by dozens to tie the twelfth outside; this was called the 5 lugbunb (aug and binbcu). Hence its figurative meaning: ‘a specimen, an example, a type.’ 100 20. tuo: cp. 11 II Note. P. 101 10. giftigen gifttgen : cp. 21 8 Note. 101 14. in : cp. E. § 385 (2). 101 16. l^eraug : from the queen’s point of view, but l^inaug (line 26) from Sneewittchen’s. Cp. 1 8 Note. 101 18. SOdr nucb rcc^t : supply bag ift, ‘that suits me too’; transl. y ‘all right !’ or ‘very well! ’ tl 101 19. fc|)t>n ; ‘sure enough.’ 12 — 2 t8o NOTES. 101 19. logiDcrtcii; cp. 12 16 Note. 101 19. 3 )a : an interjection. P. 102 6. fogut; ‘as far as.’ 102 8. fanben...tiegen: we expect the present participle; or indeed licgcn might be omitted altogether. Cp. 123 19 Note. 102 14. al(c fietciie: cp. 3 26 Note. 102 15. beii3einteu...n)eintett: for the force of the prefix cp. E. § 327* 102 19. @arg von ©tag: “ This is not a mere freak of the imagina- tion, but is a reminiscence of a very early practice. Glass tombs have actually been discovered, as have glass castles. The vitrified forts in Scotland are well known. There are others in France, and not only castles, but also vitrified tombs. Tombs were constructed of granite, and then submitted to an intense heat, with sea-sand or sea- weed added to assist fusion, and the whole resolved into a glass sepulchre. Such vitrified tombs as have been explored in France contain Merovingian relics ; but unquestionably such are a late survival of a far earlier usage, when castles and tombs were melted into solid masses of glass because there was known no other means of cementing masses of stone together. It was a means employed before the discovery or introduction of lime as mortar.” (Mr Baring-Gould in his Introduction to Fairy Tales from Grimm. ) 102 22. bap eg...U)are; ‘indirect’ quotation of what was inscribed on the coffin. P. 103 15. nic()t tange fo; cp. 1 15 Note. 103 21. 2)a war i!^m 0neewittd)en gut : ‘then S. was kindly to him, took to him.’ P. 104 2. fid) nidjt ju (affen wiipte: cp. 83 9 Note. 104 8. unb wurbeu: supply fie. P. 105 I. XVI. dluuipelfiif^ci^en : Grimm, No. 55; Bohn ed., i. 412; Blue Fairy Book, p. 96; English Fairy Tales (Jacot3s), p. i, 229; English Folk and Fairy Tales (E. S. Hartland), p. 28. Mr E. Clodd has published an interesting article on “ The Philosophy of Rumpelstiltskin” in Folkloi'e Journal (vii. 135). In English he usually appears as Tom Tit Tot. The “Yellow Dwarf” of Mme. D’Aulnoy is an inferior version of this tale. The name is evidently connected with rumbetii ; a number of little house sprites are called after the noises attributed to them. Cp. also Stumbefgeift, ^oltevgcift. 105 16. um i^r Seben: ‘at the price of her life,’ i.e. ‘for the life of her.’ 105 j6. wu^te...fetnen ,^at : ‘did not know what to do’; one of the meanings of Jliat used to be ‘remedy.’ NOTES, i8i 105 21. Sungfcr: ‘Mistress’; Sinigfcr (a form of Suncjfrau) is hardly used now as a term of address, except in the dialects and in jest. 105 21. ircint fic : cp. 28 8 Note. 105 23. bag 9 }tflnnd(jcn: cp. 10 26 Note. P. 1 0S 4. brctmaf gejogcn : ‘ three pulls ’ ; a somewhat rare use of the past participle, similar to that mentioned in 61 14 Note. The context alone shows to whom it refers. (It is not confined to German; assez caiis^. ‘we have had enough talking’ comes under the same heading.) 106 21. liber bte CDtapen: cp. 88 2 Note. 106 22. fatt: now usually construed with »on and the dative. 106 23. bte...neb^: ‘this, the last’; and nod) biegmal (line 29) ‘for this last time.’ 106 30. bag id() gcben fonnte: consecutive, as in 69 22 Note. P. 107 I. ^Bcr tneip lute bag nod() gel^t? ‘who knows how that may yet turn out ? ’ i.e. ‘all sorts of things may happen before that.’ 107 2. unb...aud): ‘and besides...,’ ‘ nor did she....* 107 17. This is told of many sprites, some of whom had extra- ordinary names indeed, for instance Knirfiker, Stutzlawutzla, Whuppity Stourie (Scotch), Titteli Ture (Swedish). Compare Mr Clodd’s article mentioned in 105 i Note; and Baring-Gould, Fairy Tales from Crwiniy p. xviii. 107 21. fiber Sanb: ‘across the country.’ 107 22. n)ag...gabe: ‘what other names there were besides.’ Here fonft is practically an adjective. 107 23. ©ag^jar, OJlelc^ior, 33 at;er: the traditional names of the three Magi. SSat^er is a shortened form of S 3 attl^afar. 107 29. 9 {ipbenbieft, «^ammetgn3abc, ©dnuirbetn: ‘Cruikshanks, Sheepshanks, Spindleshanks ’ (Blue Fairy Book). 107 31. iieuc 9 Iamen...: an easily understood combination of two ways of expressing the same idea: neue Slamcn l^abe \d) nid;t ftnben fbnnen, and {(H) l^abc feinen einjtgen (neuen 9 Iamen) finben fbunen. P. 108 2. luo gud)g unb «§af’ gute 91 ad;t fagen : this phrase merely refers to a place away from the dwellings of men, such as might be fre- quented by foxes and hares. 108 7. ber Jt'bnigin t^r .^inb : probably as in 55 7 Note. 108 13. eft ; the first two questions are asked slowly, as though she were hesitating, and therefore the longer form of the second sing, is used; but the third question is uttered quickly, and so we find the short form f;ci^t. i 82 NOTES. 108 13. Jlunj, >^cin5: these are shortened, familiar forms of Jtonrab and ^einricf) ; cp. also for ^ricbrtcJ^, for Sol^anncg, and our own Ned, Dick, Bob, Jack. There is some point in the queen’s asking whether the little fellow was called or «§etn5 : these names were for a long time extremely common among the peasantry, no doubt owing to the large number of emperors called Konrad or Ifeinrich. (In the same way the names Wilhelm and Willy have become very popular since 1871.) ( = «J2ein3) unb is sometimes used to denote the common herd, like our ‘Tom, Dick and Harry.’ Rumpelstiltskin would be led to imagine that he was certain to win, if she suggested such common names. P. 109 I. XVII. 2 )er gclbene : Grimm, No. 57 ; Bohn ed., i. 415. 109 5. ben ncid^jften QJlorgcn: ‘the very next morning.’ 109 7. foKte : for its position cp. 18 22 Note. 109 8. bei einbreebenber SHarfjt: cp. 14 26 Note. 109 17. bod(}: ‘ in spite of his misgivings. ’ 109 21. ©efiebcr: a collective to Sebcc; observe the change in the vowel (cp. S 3 erg and ©ebtrge). P. 110 6. me^r njert = ‘ worth more ’ (not ‘ more worthy ’) ; cp. E. § 324. 110 10. fd()on: ‘without doubt.’ 110 14. bafiir: ‘in return.’ 110 18. njenn eg bic^ aud() fd/lec^t anfte’^t : ‘ even if its look is poor,’ i.e. ‘if it has a mean appearance.’ 110 24. njarb gefungen: supply eg, ‘there was singing.’ Cp. E. § 268. 110 24. gefungen unb gefbrnngen and @aug unb 33 raug (line 28) : riming phrases; cp. Note on ^aut unb ^aax 1 8. 110 30. tmmer unb immer nid()t nad(j «§aug gefoinmen njar : ‘had kept away for a long, long time.’ P. Ill 6. lebte nur fetnen Siiften : ‘lived only for (the gratifying of) his desires,’ i.e. ‘gave himself up to a life of pleasure.’ For the dative cp. E. § 347. 111 12. eg fel^ff tt;m am SSeften : ‘he lacks what is best of all, i.e. brains.’ Ill 13. 3Sor bem 2[Balbe = an bem Jkanbe beg SiBafbeg 110 ii. Ill 20. uber @tocf unb @tein : @tocf here probably means the stump of a tree. The words occur together in Jeremiah ii. 27 : Saying to a stock, thou art my father, and to a stone, thou hast brought me NOTES. T83 forlli; and in Milton: ‘When all our fathers vvorshipt stocks and stones.’ For the alliteration cp. 1 8 Note. 111 29. gcvabc^tvegg : cp. 63 27 Note. P.112 14. tern: demonstrative. 112 19. ctner; ‘one.’ 112 21. ticfe : conjunctive, in a consecutive clause; cp. nac^brdd^jte 69 22. P. 113 4. ja mc|)t : ‘on no account.’ 113 22. 3d) fp'(Ite...nur: ‘I ought simply.’ P. 114 15. ijernjirft : this word is a good example of one of the most common meanings of the prefix per?, that of deterioration, being spoilt by the action of the simple verb; pertrtrfen is ‘to spoil, destroy by one’s action,’ i.e. ‘to forfeit.’ Cp. E. § 224 ((3). 114 16. liber iretd^en id) nid)t l^inaugfe'^en fann : ‘over the top of which I cannot look,’ i.e. ‘which cuts off part of my view.’ 114 30. mod)te irofien ober nid()t : ‘whether he would or no’; cp. E. § 48s (2). P. 115 4. gef)brt : ‘belongs to, should accompany’; ‘the one is in- complete without the other.’ But bag ^Jferb gef;5rt ber 3ungfraii, ‘the horse belongs to the maiden, she is its owner.’ 115 20. abft^en : viz. pom ^ferbe. 115 24. iage : not transitive (‘to chase, hunt’) as usually. P. 116 r. ber ?ucbg: cp. 10 26 Note. 116 3. iiod() may be taken with einen...9{at, ‘another piece of advice’; or with e'^e...fortge^e. 116 3. (Stiiden: merely ‘things.’ 116 6. iPunberUd()eg : cp. 54 15 Note. 116 7. 2Ber ipirb...faufen ! This use of the future is similar to that noticed in 100 10 Note; ‘who is likely to buy, who would buy...?’ 116 12. ipag ba Por tpcire: ‘what was (going) on there’; cp. ipag ^aben fte Por? ‘what do you intend to do?’ 116 15. att t!^r ®ut: for the uninflected form aft cp. E. § 313 (3). 116 18. Ipag : here = why? 116 18. @r befann [1^) ntd)t : ‘he did not reflect, weigh the conse- quences,’ i.e. ‘without hesitating.’ 116 25. pergaf cr fid) : ‘he did not think what he was about.’ P. 117 I. bag ^ferb bag... : cp. 39 2 Note. 117 8. pergeffen virtually indirect speech, because fd()aft = said reproachfully. 184 NOTES. 117 8 . (affen: ‘to leave (undone)’; cp. fein unb Saffen ‘all that he does and that he leaves undone,’ i.e. ‘his whole conduct of life.’ 1179 . an bag ^;agcgUci(>t l^etfen : ‘help you (to ascend) to the light of day’ ; for a similar elliptical phrase cp. 37 18 . 117 14 . Ue^eft: conjunctive, because this is an ‘indirect’ quotation of the injunction which the brothers gave. 117 19 . tvag ^at bag ^511 bebcutcn? ‘what must that mean?’ i.e. ‘what is the meaning of this ? ’ 117 21. @g ift mir, atg njarc... : ‘I feel as if....’ 117 24. vcrraten iviirbc : vcrrictc would be better. P, 118 4. mit meinem Ungliicf initt eg fein (5nbe nel^men: ‘there seems no chance of an end to my misery.’ 118 II. 511 : ‘to make up, to complete’; but eg fel^lt mir baran, ‘I lack it.’ p. 119 I. XVIII. 2)er Self mib ber Grimm, No. 72; Bohn ed., i. 435. 119 6. bed) : ‘in spite of his great strength.’ 119 8. einen : supply 9Jlenfd)en. 119 10. abgebanfter: abbanfen is ‘to send off with thanks,’ and hence ‘to dismiss from the army with a pension.’ 119 13. jur 0d)ute: supply gel^en. 119 14. bag mih erft einer merben: ‘he is only on the way to become one.’ 119 20. febabe: really a substantive (cp. ‘it is a pity’); but it is felt to be an adjective, for it may be qualified by an adverb (fe^r, ciuperft etc.). 119 20. feine Jtuget getaben b«be: ‘did not load with ball.’ 119 20. legte an: viz. bie Stinte; cp. 110 12. P. 120 4. SBrnber SKolf : this is like “Brer Wolf” in Uricle Remus. 120 13. mare : for its position cp. 18 22 Note. 120 14. ^rabl^ang: really a ‘bragging Johnny’; cp. Siigenfri^ for a liar. 120 15. In old German legal documents the phrase “as far as he can throw an axe shall be his ” occurs frequently. A man would natur- ally exert his whole strength ; but it might happen that he threw the axe too far, and lost it. In the same way, one who exaggerates too much runs the risk of not being believed. P. 121 I. XIX. ittt ©liicf: Grimm, No. 83; Bohn ed., i. 452. 121 3. meine 3 eit ift beriim : cp. 62 27 Note. NOTES. 185 121 4. gct't: cp. 62 13 Note. 121 7. fo cjrop al«: better imc; cp. 65 i Note. 121 7. ‘'^anfcnS: for this genitive cp. E. § 37. 121 10. fo: ‘in this way’; need not be translated. baf;in : ‘along, by.- 121 II. frifdj unb : for this alliterative phrase, and franf uub frei in 122 6, cp. Note on mit v'pviut unb >i5aar 1 8. 121 15. tommt fort, cv loei^ uic^t irte : ‘gets on without knowing how.’ 121 17. trarum...auci(j : (‘I cpiite agree with what you say and would) also (ask,) why....’ Transl. ‘well then, why...?’ 121 17. 3cl) muH ia tvo'^l: ‘why, I suppose I must.’ 121 19. ixvax: cp. 69 11 Note. 121 20. 3i>ei§t bu trag: cp. 12 ii Note. P. 122 2. f;inauf: i.e. auf bag ^fcrb. 122 3. n)enng...fotl : ‘if you want it to’; for the position of foft cp. 18 22 Note. 122 5. fcelenfro!^: cp. 6 ii Note. 122 9. ef;c fidjg ocrfa’^: cp. 65 27 Note. 122 10. cinem ©rabeU; ber etc. : this is frequently the case in Germany, where hedges rarely mark the limits of a field. 122 II. Dag ^5ferb...aiic!f) : ‘And the horse...,’ ‘The horse ac- tually....’ 122 12. beg 3 ®egeg fam: ‘was coming along the road.’ 122 18. min iinb ninunerme^r: an emphatic nic mef;r, ‘never so long as I live. ’ 122 19. Da tcb’ id) mir eurc : ‘Now your cow is quite different.’ 122 21. baruni : not ‘for the cow,’ but introducing n)enn...ptte. 122 23. n)il( id(>...n?c]^t...vertaufc!)en: ‘I don’t mind exchanging.’ 122 26. bebadjtc: for cp. 102 15 Note. P. 123 3. «^cner : a coin of very small value : originally ‘i^cfter pfennig, i.e. penny struck at Hall (Wurtemberg). 123 5. briiefenber : the comparative and superlative can be formed by the addition of the usual endings only in the case of those participles which have come to be felt as adjectives; cp. E. § 76. 123 6. : ‘likely enough.’ 123 8. Dem Ding ift ju l^etfen : ‘I know what to do.* 123 12. n)ie...andj; ‘however much.’ , 123 12. tam...5um ^^ovfc^ein: ‘came to view,’ i.e. ‘appeared.’ i86 NOTES. 123 13. bn^ci : ‘in doing so’; need not be translated. 1 23 1 7. ©tiicf li(^eriDeifc : originally an adverbial phrase ; but written as one word, the meaning of njeife having grown very weak. 123 19. liegen l^attc: a case of the infinitive, where we should expect a present participle, cp. 102 8 Note. For this apparent aversion to the present participle cp. also 4 20 Note. 123 19. SBag ftnb...; ‘What tricks are these? What is going on here ? ’ 123 22. ‘I suppose.’ 12323. JumBie^en: ‘for drawing (waggons).’ 123 25. ftridj .. : ‘passed his hand through his hair.’ 1 23 26. freilid(? : ‘ certainly, of course ’ ; freitidf? either grants per- mission, or makes a concession for the purpose of argument (like ^tuar). 123 26. in^ a6fd[)tadfjten : ‘to slaughter for one’s private use.’ 123 27. nja^...fur: here of quantity rather than of quality; ‘how much.’ 123 27. mad()c mtr aug...nici()t met: ‘do not make much of,’ i.e. ‘care little for.’ 123 29. Srt, n)er...Mtte: ‘But (what luck it would be) if one were to have such a little pig !’ Transl. ‘But to have a pig like that !’ 123 30. cp. 31 13 Note. P. 124 6. fegcgncte conditional clause. 124 9. (Sie boten einanbcr tie Beit : cp. 7 5 Note. 124 14. ben: demonstrative. 124 15. @eiten : of his mouth. 124 17. ift aucl() feine @au: ‘is not so bad either’; the word racke, p. 194. 129 21. Icgte xiber: ‘bent over.’ 129 25. fid) redjt uBertel^nte : ‘was leaning right over it.’ P. 130 I. fcag ba ^ief : the addition of ba to the relative bet bic bag has an old-fashioned ring about it. It occurs frequently in Luther’s translation of the Bible. 1 30 I. auf S^ataba gel^or’ idj : ‘my proper place is on Falada.’ 130 5. untcr fretem «§immet: heaven was called upon to witness the swearing of the oath. 130 7. fpre^en: fagen would be more usual. 130 [8. fd^aute: ‘ was looking out.’ 130 18. fatten: ‘halting, standing’; cp. E. § 453 (2). 130 23. gebt: cp. 62 13 Note. 130 25. fo cinen ftcinen Sungen: ‘one of those little boys — you know the kind I mean ’ ; this represents the full force of fo, but it may be ignored in translating. P. 131 4. wax bag fo xueit geraten, bap: ‘It had come to this point, that.’ 131 10. burd^ ; supply gel^en. 131 II. bent gataba fetnen Jto^f: cp. 55 7 Note. 131 12. nod(> mel^r atg etnmal : ‘yet several times.’ 131 15. ba: ‘when,’ as in 128 23. 131 16. fhnaugtrieben : viz. btc ©cinfe. 131 17. ]^ang(e)ft and ]^ang(e)t are sometimes found as forms of the intrans. ^angenj the usual t;ang(e)ft ]^ang{e)t may also be forms of the transitive l^ftngen. 131 19. gangcft: a dialect form, preserved by the rime. The same remark applies to aufgefa^t in 1. 31. 131 25. eitct: the same, in meaning, as tauter, for which cp. 4 i6 Note. NOTES. I 131 25. ; beautiful women are often described as having silver or golden hair; it is a sign of royal descent. 131 27. hjcl;’: imperative of tucl^en. 131 29. (a^’n : for the contraction cp. tu'u 89 24 Note. 131 30. gcfc^ua^t: fid() fc^na^jeu (a dialect word) is to plait the hair; fidj auffc^cn, to arrange it on the head. P. 132 2. liber aUc Sanbe: ‘ever so far away.’ 132 3. 33i3 eg iriefcerfam: ‘by the time he came back.’ 132 5. bog: not ‘naughty,’ but ‘angry’; it is construed with the dative of the person with whom one is angry, as cr umr i^r bcfc. 132 5. fo: i.e. without talking to each other. 132 8. fccm: demonstrative. 132 9. benn: ‘pray tell me.’ 132 II. irieg il^m benn mit il^r giu^e : ‘how he did fare with her,’ i.e. ‘what did happen when he was with her.’ 132 29. biMd^te : cp. Note on i8erg unb tag 6 16. P.133 12. ttjarum fie bem atteni fo t^citc: ‘why she did all these things.’ 133 28. tauerte: we should expect taufc^tc ‘listened’; lauern is ‘to lie in wait.’ P. 1343. bie gcioefcnc ©anfemagb : ‘the goose girl that had been.’ 134 4. ^ergcngfrol^ : cp. 6 ii Note. 134 12. fo unb fo: ‘in such and such a way’; cp. in bem unb bem i VOCABULARY, AND INDEX TO THE NOTES. Verbs. Simple : the principal parts of strong (also mixed and anomalous verbs) are given in the following order : imperfect, past participle, 3rd sing, present indicative (this only if stem vowel differs from that of ist sing.). Thus “nel^mcn (nal^m genommen nimmt)” denotes that the impf. of nel^men is na:^m, the past part, genommcn, and the 3rd sing. pres. ind. nimmt (hence 2nd sing, must be nimmft, and imperative nimm). Simple verbs, the principal parts of which are not given, are weak. Compound : insep. after a verb denotes that it forms an inseparable compound ; verbs not thus designated are separable, str. after a verb means that it is strong; the principal parts can be seen by referring to the simple verb. Thus “vernel^men str. insep.” denotes that »ernc!^men is a strong verb, and inseparable; its principal parts will be obtained by referring to nef;mcn: they are i)erna^m ttetnommen tterntmmt. To find the mean- ing of tjernal^m or ^ernommen look up na^m or genommen; this will show the infinitive to be »erne!^men. Again, “abnel^men str.” denotes that aBnel^men is a strong verb and separable ; its principal parts will benal^m atsgenommcn. And “^ineinftetlen” is weak and separable, pres. = 3rd sing, present indicative. impf.= ist sing, imperfect indicative, p. p. = past participle, trans., intrans. = transitive, intransitive, refl. = reflexive verb, anom. = anomalous verb. Substantives are followed by the gender (m. f. n.= masculine feminine neuter), by the terminations of the genitive singular (except femi- nine words), and nominative plural (unless it agrees in form with nominative singular, or is not used). Thus: “.Kinb n. ^er” denotes that is a neuter substantive, and that its gen. sing, is .Jtinteg, its nom. plur. .Winter. 192 VOCABULARY. [51 — abfc^tagcn coll. = collective ((Slcflcbcr is a collective of 5 ckcr) ; these are all neuter, dim. = diminutive (^cbcrc^en is a diminutive of Sefccc); these are all neuter. adj. = adjective; if the comparative of an adj. differs in stem from the positive, it is added in brackets; thus : “tang (Idnger)” denotes that the comparative of tang is tdngev (and its superlative will therefore be Idngft^cc ^e^). adv. = adverb, prep. = preposition, conj. = conjunction, indecl. = indeclinable. The references are to page and line; where the word Note is added, further information will be found in the Notes. Thus “ 93 24 Note” means, that some remarks bearing on the word or phrase in question are made in the Note on the 24 th line of page 93 . 51 5f tver 51 fagt mup audfj 53 fagcn, in for a penny, in for a pound 15 12 at», off, away abbeipcn str., to bite off abbrcc^en str., to break off 5H)enb m. ^e, evening; eg tuifl — merben, night is drawing on ; l^eut — , this evening; guten — ! good evening ! 5lf'enbbrot n. ?(e)g -e, supper abenbg, in the evening, at night 5 lbenb 5 eit f., evening, night time aber, but abermafg, again abfreffeu str., to eat clean up, to clear off (by eating) abfuf;ren, to lead away abgebeii str., to give away, give up abgebanft, discharged abgef;cn str., depart, be off, go off abgemattet, faint, tired out ab^auen str., to chop off, cut off abl^ofen, to fetch, take abjagen, to snatch from abfaufen, to buy from abtaffen str. , to stop, cease abtegen, to put off; see (5ib abteiteu, to entice from abfenfen, to turn aside abnel^men str., to take off, take from, relieve of ab^jicfen, to peck or pluck off abraten str., to dissuade abreifcu, to set out, depart 5lbfa§ m. ^fd^e, sale 5lbfd?eu m. ?g, horror, disgust ; einen — bcfommen, to be dis- gusted, to loathe abfcJfjicfeii, to send, send out or off, despatch 5lbfci()ieb m. ?g, farewell; ev na^m \jon mir — , he took leave of me ; dismissal ; er bat urn feinen — , he gave notice that he would leave, he sent in his papers; (eineni) ben — gcben, to dismiss 5lbfc^iebgftunbe f. , hour of parting abfd;iepen str., to shoot, let fly, dis- charge abf(if)facf)ten, to kill, butcher abfC^lagcn str., to refuse abfc^ncibcii — VOCABULARY. atfci(>nctbcn str., to cut off at'fcntcn anom., to send, send off; tcc 5 lbgefanttc, the ambassador, envoy abfi^cn str., to dismount at*fted()cn str., to stab at)f^cigcn str. (»cm 5 Pfcrbc), to dis- mount, alight, get off or down attflo^cn str., to knock off abtragcn str., to carry away; to remove (from the table 22 7) abtretcn str., to tread or kick off abhjafdjcn str., to wash off abnjcifcn str., to refuse, to turn or send away abmcnbcn anom., to turn away abmcrfcn str., to throw off abnjifc^cn, to wipe off abjiel^cn str. , to take off ; to draw off; draw away (the rag 29 10) ; to depart, go away Accusative of extent 7 3 Note; of time 10 II Note ac^, ah ! oh ! alas ! 5 ld()t f., care, heed; in ad(jt ne^men, to mark, observe ; in ac^t ne^# men, to be careful, cautious; ac^t geben or l^aben, to watch, be on the look out (obs. adjt has no capital letter in these phrases) eight ; — S^age, a week (tjier*' jcl^n 3 ;agc, a fortnight) ad;ten (auf), to heed Address, mode of 28 8 Note ; 62 1 3 Note 5lt)C (accent on ^nd syll.) n., adieu Adjective, uninflected 10 29 Note, 42 26 Note albern, silly alt, all ; — werben, to come to an end, be exhausted atlcin, alone, only allemat, every time, always allcrl^anb indecl. adj., all sorts of ..., ...of all kinds; also as a subst., all kinds of things aUcrlei = afferl^anb aUcrtiebjlen (am), most dearly of all; 6 II Note G. M. 193 aflererten, in all places, all over the place allcrfc^onftcr most beautiful; 6 II Note aflefamt, all together, in a body aUgcmcin, general Alliteration 1 8 Note 2lbnofen n. alms aU, as ; when ; as if ; than ob (menn), construction 37 30 Note at^batb, immediately atfo, thus, so alt (alter), old altc @ultan, ber 80 i Note ?Utcr n. age, old age am = an bem 5 lmeifc f., ant 2lmeifenfonig m. *3 ^e, ant king an, at, by, to anbeipen str., to take a bite anbicten str., to offer anbinben str., to tie up 5 lnblirf m. *c, sight, view anblicEen, to look at anbrcc^en str., to break, dawn; bet anbrec^enbem S^ag, at break of day 14 26 Note 5 lnbrud(j m. #8, dawn, daybreak anber, other; am anbern 3 Jtorgen, ben anbern COtorgen, next morning anber8, otherwise, differently anbrol^en, to threaten; er bro^t bit- ben $Iob an, he threatens you with death 2lnerbieten n. *8, offer, proposal 5 lnfang m. *8 4^inge, beginning anfangen str., to begin; to under- take, set about ; to manage, do anfdngltc^, in the beginning, at first anf^ang8= anfdnglid^j anfiillen, to fill angegoffen; mic — , a perfect fit 46 29 Note angel^en str., to begin angel^oren (einem), to belong 5lngefid()t n. 4 ^er, face, countenance anglo^en, to stare at 5 lngfl f. ‘Jingfle, anxiety ; fear, dread ; terror ; e8 mirb mtr angft, I am 13 194 VOCABULARY, (getting) frightened ; it)ic angft tDtvt) mir ju ^ut! how uneasy I feel ! (obs. angft has no capital letter in these phrases) angjl(id), anxious anguden, to look or peep at anl^ialten str., to stop, take hold of; to continue, keep on, persist in 41 lo anl^e&en str., to begin, commence an^oren, to hear, listen to antlagen, to accuse, charge anflo^fen, to knock antommen str., to arrive; e 8 fommt mir nid(?t barauf an, it is of no consequence to me, I do not mind, I am not particular; mit bir bin id) fc^Umm angefommen, I’ve made a bad bargain with you 5lnfunft f. Slnfunfte, arrival anlangcn, to arrive anlegcn, to put on (clothes); to aim, take aim 64 31, 119 20; bic 5Untc — , to level the gun 110 12 ; -^anb — , to lend a hand, 90 21 anmacben (cin i^eucr), to light annc^men str., to receive, accept; to take, adopt; er na'^m fic^ beS .^inbcg an, he took care of, helped the child; ben ^riebcn — , to make peace 82 27 anorbnen, to arrange an^acfcn, to seize an))robieren, to try on anrebcn, to speak to, address, accost anric^tcn (e.g. @d(>abcn), to do (harm), to commit (havoc) anrufen str., to call to anrxf^rcn, to touch ang = an baS Slnfc^lag m. *3 5lnfc^tflgc, plot, plan Slnfcl^en n. appearance, look, importance; urn bir ein 2lnfel;cn gu geben, to make yourself appear important or of consequence 105 4 ; contemplation, looking on 100 10 anfe^cn str., to see, look at; to take for, regard ; fel^c birS an, I can see it in your face 67 24 ; mcnn e§ bicb auc^ fdjtedbt anfie^t, even though it seems poor to you 110 18 anfbannen, to harness anftecfcn, to light; cin Sic^t — , to light a candle, lamp etc. 77 9 anftcttcn, to appoint, order, make arrangements for; ficl(> (e.g. frcunbU4>) — , to pretend to be (kind); fi4> — , to set about it, to behave 77 29 anflc^cn str. , to push against, give a blow to ; intrans. 126 3 1 antl^un anom., to put on ; fie tl^at fid(> mit fcboncn .^teibern an, she dressed herself beautifully 103 25; fic tl^ut i^r •^ergeteib an, she makes her unhappy, makes her life miserable Qlntrag m. 21ntragc, offer, proposal 2lntn)ort f., answer; — gcbcn, to reply antmorten, to answer, reply anmanbetn, to come upon, seize; Surest manbcit mic^ an, fear seizes on me anmeifen str., to show; to assign angicl^cn str., to put on; to dress; fi4> — , to put on one’s clothes, to dress angunben, to light 2lpfet m. apple 2lbMbaum m. ^baumc, apple-tree Slt'fclgru^ n. ^cg =e, bit of an apple 2lrbcit f., work, labour, toil ; an bic — gcl^cn, fidb an bic — ma4)cn, to get to work, start working ; in — nel^mcn, to take in hand 76 6 arbeiten, to work ; fic^ mubc — , to work till one is weary 2lrg n. ^cg 99 6 for 21rgttJo!^n (m. ^g), suspicion arg (dvger), bad, evil 9irgcr m. :*g, anger, annoyance, vexation firgcilid;, angry flvijfvit — nuftvciticn] VOCABULARY. fivijcvtt, to vex, annoy; fid; — , be angry, enraged 5lim m. ^3 *c, arm arm (Armcr), poor armfclig, poor, mean 3lrmut f., poverty 2lrt f., manner, kind, way ; t>a^ c3 etnc — l^at, in grand style 66 17 Article omitted 15 i Note artig, good, well-behaved 5lfci(je f., ash 'ilfd^enputtcl 39 i Note; Cinderella impf. cffen 21 ft m. ^fle, branch, bough 2lfltod; n. *3 deeper, knot-hole (in wood) 2ltcm m. #3, breath atmen, to breathe aud(), also, even auf, on, upon ; to ; at ; — unb ab, to and fro; — unb nieber, up and down ; — ben 23erg l^inauf, up on to the mountain ; er ging — mtc(> ju, he came towards me; = after 78 21 Note aufbe^atten str., to keep open auftdcibeu str., to stay up aufbfidcn, to look up aufbeden, to uncover aufeffcn str., to eat up, devour auffliegen str., to fly up or into the air aufforbern, to invite, call upon 2lufgabe f., task aufgebcn str., to give up; to set (a task or a riddle) aufgel^cn str., to rise (of the sun); to open (intrans., of a door) aufgcfa^t = aufgcfe|t 131 19 Note aufl^atten str. , to stop, check auf^angen str., to hang up, be sus- pended aufl^ftngcn, to hang up, suspend auf^cben str., to pick or lift or take up; to keep, take care of; to undo, make void aufl^etfcn str., to raise or lift up auff;ortn, to stop, cease auffncbfcn, to unbutton 195 aufTaten str., to put or lift on to one’s shoulder 126 1 5 aujfaucvn, to lie in wait, be on the look-out for, waylay 2luflauf m. ^*3 2luflaiifc, concourse, crowd auflegen, to lay or put on aufmad^en, to open (e.g. the door) ; to unbind, unloosen (the hair 131 24) ; — , to get up, set out aufncl^mcn str. , to receive, welcome aufbacfen, to pack aufpaffen, to take care; er paft bir auf, he lies in wait for you aufraffen, to gather or pick up aufri^ten, to raise; fic^ — , to get up, sit up aufricgctn, to unbolt auf3 = auf ba3 auffagen, to give notice; ic^ fagtc tl^m ben 5)ienft auf, I gave him notice that I should leave (his service), or that he must leave (my service) auffdjlagen str., to open or raise (the eyes) auffc(;netben str., to cut open, uncut auff4>nuren, to unlace auffc^iittctn, to shake 49 14 auffc^cn, to put on ; to put up (the hair 131 30 Note) ; fid(> — , to get on, mount auffi^eu str., to sit on; cr ifl mir aufgefcffen, he bears me ill will 33 12 auffperreu, to open wide auffpieficu, to spit, transfix, impale 36 7 auffprtngcn str., to spring or jump up ; to fly open aufflecfen, to put or stick on auffle^en str., to get up, rise; to be open, stand open auffleigen str., to rise, arise aufflcHen, to set on or up ; to place (on the fire 90 18) auft^un anom., to open auftragen str., to serve, set before auftreiben str., to manage to get, to muster 13—2 196 VOCABULARY, [aufmadjen — ; aufn)ad()en, to awake, wake up aufnjeden, to arouse aufje^rcn, to eat up, consume 5 liigc n. *8 ^n, eye; grope 2lugen macl(jcn, to open the eyes wide, to look surprised ; cr fam tl^m in (oor) bic 2lugcn, he saw or caught sight of him, or he came into his sight; ang ben 5 lugen fommen, to get out of one’s sight, be lost to 5 lugenbUrf m. ^8 *=c, moment augenbtieft^, instantly ang, from, out of auSMtten str., to ask, stipulate au^bteiben str. , to remain away ; be wanting, fail au^brec^en str., to break out au^breiten, to spread out 5 lu 6 bunb m. ^8, paragon 100 18 Note augbenfen anom., to devise augeinanber, apart; bte S 3 tumen tl^aten fici(> — , the flowers sepa- rated augfaUen str., to turn out, result auSfui^ren, to perform, carry out au^gebaefen, baked thoroughly auggeben str. ; er gab fi(^ fiir einen .^bnig aug, he pretended to be a king auggel^en str., to go out ; er tiep ben ^^efel^t — , he gave orders, issued the command; to leave; bie @ebutb Qc'^t mir auS, I am losing patience au^gefebtagen, stuck full of, studded (with nails 11 14 Note) auggeftieft, embroidered augbatten str., to endure; to stay; to hold one’s own angbolen, to lift up the arm (in order to give a swinging stroke) 75 II nugfammen, to comb out augftopfen, to dust 5 lugtommen n. ^g, competence, live- lihood ; fein ebrlicbeg — b^f earn an honest livelihood ’ilugfunft f. sfunfte, information augladben, to laugh or scoff at augternen, to complete one’s ap- prenticeship augtefen str., to pick out augmacben, to settle ; fie maebten ibre @acbe aug, they settled their differences 82 5 augnebmen str., to dress (poultry) 23 26 aug^atf en, to unpack angraufen, to pull out 9 tugrebc f., excuse, pretext augreipen str., to tear up, uproot; to take to one’s heels, to pack off, to turn tail augriebten, to do, accomplish augrufen str., to exclaim, cry, call out augcuben (also refl.), to rest augfcbtdCen, to send out augfebtafen str., to finish sleeping, sleep augfebtagen str., to refuse; to stud or line (with nails 11 15) augfebiitten, to pour or shake out; bag — , to pour out, unbur- den the heart augfeben str., to look; tutc bu aug* fiebfi! how untidy you look ! you are a guy ! aupen, without, outside auper, except, out of ; — ftcb, be- side oneself 59 1 1 Note dupcrlicb, without, on the outside, externally augfeben, to find fault, take objection augftnnen str., to devise augfpeten str., to spit at or out augfpreeben str., to utter augfteben str., to go through, suffer augftopen str., to utter augftreefen, to stretch out augftreuen, to scatter augfueben, to look out for; to 1 choose, pick out augtreiben str., to drive out, expel augjteben str., to take or pull off, to strip ; to set out, go forth Auxiliary verb, its position 18 22 Note 5 lrt f. %te, axe — bctijcttcn] VOCABULARY, 197 23 58ad; m. »(c)« aSAc^c, stream, brook 23acfcn ni. cheek bacfen (but [not rf] gcbacfcii bcirft), to bake; ©ebactcnc^ = cake 65 20 aSAcfcv m. *8, baker aBarfofcu m. ^8 *cfcii, baker’s oven ; oven 23 at) n. *c8 aSAtcr, bath a3abc^au8 n. *e8 ^l^Aufer, baths, bathing shed 33at)U)anne f., bath, bathing tub 2Ba'^ic f., bier bait), soon 33a(5cr 107 23 Note 23aut) n. ^e8 aSanbe, tie, bond; (with pi. 23anbcr) ribbon, tape banb impf. binbeu baubigen, to restrain, subdue bang, anxious; e8 tuarb if)m — , he got frightened 23anf f. 23dnfe, bench 23 dr m. *en :*cn, bear barg impf. bcrgen aSarm^erjigtcit f., mercy, pity 23artmeffer n. ?8, razor bat impf. bitten aSa^cn m. *8, a small coin 13 9 Note aSauclj m. ^c8 aSducif^c, stomach, belly bauen, to build; au8 gcbaut, built of wood aSaucr m. »8 (or .»n) ^n, peasant, countryman aSauerSfrau f., peasant-woman, country-woman a3auer8mann m. s(e)8 4cute = a3aucr aSaiim m. s(e)8 aSdume, tree aSdumc^en dim. aSaum aSaumtragen n. ^8, the carrying of a tree 31 10 aSdurin f. *tnncn = a3auer8frau bebcn, to shake, tremble a3ecl}cr m. ?8, beaker, goblet aBccf;erlein dim. a3ed?er bcbdc^tig, careful, thoughtful bebauern insep., to pity, grieve for bcbcden insep., to cover bcbcnfcn anom. insep., to take thought about, reflect on, think over bcbcnfUd(), thoughtful; suspicious; risky bcbcuten insep., to signify, mean; n)a8 ]^at ba8 ju — V what does that mean? what do you mean by that? aSebingung f., condition; untcr eincr — , on one condition aSeerc f., berry befa’^l impf. befcf;len aSefel^l m. #8 *e, command, order befe^len (befall befol^len be jte^lt) insep. , to command ; — , to com- mend oneself bejtnben (fid?) str. insep., to be (as regards health) ; to find oneself, be situated befol^len p. p. befe^ten befolgen insep., to obey befragen insep., to question, ask of befreien insep., to free, deliver beganu impf. beginnen begeben (fid?) str. insep., to betake oneself, go; to happen begegnen (eincm) insep., to meet; to happen begel^ren insep., to desire, want; to demand begie^en str. insep., to pour on; to water beginnen (beganu begonneu) insep., to begin begleiten insep. , to accompany, escort aSegleiter m. ^8, companion, fol- lower begraben str. insep., to bury befallen str. insep., to keep be^enb, nimble, quick; adv., with agility bel^enbiglic^, nimbly bel^errfc^en insep., to rule be^erjt, brave bei, in; near; at; during beibe, both beigeben str., to give or assign (as escort or attendant) VOCABULARY. [ 33 eil — 6cteucrit 198 aSeit n. hatchet 120 15 Note t)cim = bci bent bcimcffen str., to give, attach; cv mift il^ncn ©tauben 6ct, he be- lieves them, relies on their word a 3 cin m. ^(c )3 *c, leg ; fic(> auf bie aSeinc ma(i(?cn, to get on one’s legs, to set out; bic aScinc ftrecfen, to stretch out the legs, lie dead I6ctnal^(c), almost, all but beifammcn, together, assembled bcifammcnblcibcn str., to stay to- gether bcifcit(c), aside beipen {h\f, gcMffcn), to bite ; cr l^at ttjcnig ju — unb ju brccben, he is destitute (alliteration 1 8 Note) aScijlanb m. ^(e) 3 , help, assistance ; helper, supporter, second 82 6 Note beiflel^en str., to aid, protect befannt, acquainted ; known ; well- known, familiar ; — madden, to announce, declare; ein aSefanntcr, an acquaintance bcfcnnen anom. insep., to own, con- fess bcfommen str. insep., to get, receive ; ic^ befam fcl^en, I came or got to see him bcfummcrn insep., to trouble; befummcre tucntg barum, I do not trouble much about it, pay little attention to it beleucbten insep., to illuminate, let light fall on betieben insep. ; c8 beltcbt mir, it pleases me, I like 33 elol^nung f., reward, recompense bemerfen insep., to observe, notice bcmul^en (ficb) insep., to endeavour, make efforts bereit, ready, prepared, willing 33 crg m. *c 3 s=c, mountain, hill bcrgab, downhill (bergauf, uphill) bcrgcn (barg geborgen birgt), to hide, conceal ©ergfcblucfjt f., ravine bcriil^mt, famous berul^rcn insep., to touch befcbdbigctt insep., to damage, injure, hurt befdjAmt, ashamed, put to shame bcfcbauen insep., to regard, look at, contemplate S 3 efcl[)eib m. ^6, information ; answer ; — tciffen, to know, be informed bcfcbeibcn, modest bef4etbenttcb, modestly bcfc^einen str. insep., to shine upon befd()enfcn insep., to bestow a gift on bcfcbfngen str. insep., to stud ' befcbreiben str. insep., to describe, j explain befe^en str. insep., to inspect, look at, pry into SSefen m. #3 broom, besom bcfe^cn insep., to cover befinnen (fi(b) str. insep., to think, reflect ; to hesitate 93 efinnung f., consciousness; pres- ence of mind; o!^ne — , uncon- scious, in a swoon bcfonber, separate, particular; un- usual, strange, out of the com- mon bcfonberg, especially, particularly beforgen insep., to attend to, look after bcfpannt, harnessed bcffer, comp, gut; cr mac^tc c8 tl^ncn nt(^t — , he treated them no better bcjlel^en str. insep., to exist ; to hold out against, hold one’s own ; to undergo bcjler super!, gut beftimmcn insep., to determine, appoint, select beflimmt, destined, appointed beftrafen insep., to punish bejtreid^^en str. insep., to paint, smear aScfud? m. =*(c )3 visit; cinen — madden, to pay a visit bcfudjen insep., to visit beten, to pray bcteuern insep., to assure, declare, give one’s word l'Ctf;oi’cn -iU’atcn] VOCAI^ULARY. 199 tctI)oi*cn insep., to beguile, fool, delude bctradjten insep., to contemplate, look at, inspect tctvagcn str. insep., to behave bctuHjcn p. p. bctrucjcn bctriitt, grieved, sad, gloomy fcctriigen (betrog betvogcn) insep., to deceive, mislead, cheat aBctt(e) n. *(i)i «en, bed; 3 7 Note S 3 ettci^cn dim. 33 ctt aSettchnann m. ^(c)g 4 eute, beggar iBcttelttjeib n. »(e)^ ?er, beggar-woman betten, to make a bed aSettlcin dim. aSctt aScttlcr m. #8 =a 3 cttelmann bcugen, to bend ; to humble aSeutet m. ^8, bag, purse bc^jov, before bevovflel^en str., to await, impend, be in store beh3ad()en insep., to watch, guard, keep guard over bcttja^ren insep., to preserve, keep benjegen insep., to move bcmeinctt insep. , to weep for, lament bctveifen str. insep., to prove betverbcn (betvarb bciDorben beujivbt) insep.; er bcnjirbt fid^ um fie, he sues (is a suitor) for her hand be5af;kn insep., to pay bcjetgcn insep., to show, evince; fid? — , to show oneself, prove bcjnjingen str. insep., to conquer, subdue biegcn (bog gcbogen), to bend; auf unt nieter — , to sway up and down 34 19 aSiene f., bee aSicr n. :>(c)8, beer bietcn (bot gcboten), to bid, offer bittig, with justice, by rights binben (bant* gebunben), to bind, tie; feft — , to make fast, to tie firmly biniicn prep., within aBttnbaum m. s(c)8 sbdume, pear tree aSirnc f. , pear bi8 prep., till, as far as; conj., till, until biv impf. beijicu aSiffcn m. ^8, morsel, mouthful aSittc f., request, entreaty bitten (bat gebctcn), to request, beg; idfj bat if;n um aScrjci^ung, I beg- ged his pardon ; to invite bitter, bitter; nic^t — , not bad; bittere $l§rdneu, hot tears bitterfid(>, bitterly bfanf, white, bright bfafen (bUe8 geblafen bfdft), to blow blap, pale, faint aSfatt n. #(e)8 aSfdtter, leaf aSfdttcfein dim. aSfatt bleibcn (btieb gebtiebeu), to remain, continue, stay; unb babei bfieb8, and so it remained; mo ift beine Suftigfeit gebtieben ? why are you not so bright as usual ? 68 2 1 bleidb, pale aBticf m. *(e)8 #e, look, glance blidcn, to look, glance btieb8 = btieb (impf. bteiben) e8 astinbl^eit f., blindness a 3 ti§ m. »=e8 ^e, lightning; flash bto^, barely, merely, only 33 tume f., flower :0tiit n. =^(6)8, blood ; e8 tief if;r aKc8 — jum 'i^eiqcn, all her blood rushed to her heart 99 30 btuten, to bleed btutig, bloody; blood-red; stained with blood 58 tut 8 trobfcn m. =8, drop of blood U 3 oben m. *8 33 oben (also JBoben), bot- tom ; ground ; loft 615 bog impf. biegen bb8, bad, rude ; — fein, to be angry ; er taci(jtc nid?t8 23 bfc 8 babei, he had no suspicions SSbfemidfjt m. 4 ^e(r), wretch, scoun- drel, villain bo8^aft, wicked, malicious i 8 o 81 ^eit f. , wickedness, malice bot impf. bieten 33 ote m. *en ^en, messenger brad? impf. bredjen bradj)te impf. bringen braunte impf. brennen SSvatcu m. 4 , roast meat, joint 200 VOCABULAjRY, [bvatcn — Cruikshank Braten (triet gcBratcn brftt and Bratct), to bake, roast Brauc^cn, to want, require, need; to find a use for; ^rauc|;ft bu eS ju t^un ? need you do it ? braucn, to brew I6raun, brown JBrauS, see @au8 JBraut f. S3raute, bride; betrothed iBrautigam m. ^c, bridegroom; intended 33rautteute pi. , the betrothed couple, bride and bridegroom S3vautfc^a^ m. dowry ftrec!(?cn (brac^ gebrod^cn bric^t), to break ; to pick (flowers) brcit, broad, wide JBreitc f., breadth, width brenncn (brannte gebrannt), to burn ^Brctt n. *(t)B ^er, board, plank bric^t pres, brecfjen JBridfebrit (a meaningless word) 63 2 33ncf m. ^e, letter bringen (bracJjte gebradfjt), to bring; c8 iveit — , to be very successful, to attain great honour, skill etc. ; er brad()te mic^ barum, he deprived me, cheated me of it; bu bringff i^n ba^in, bap..., you bring him to such a pass, that... ; ju @nbc — , to finish, complete; ein guc 9Beft — , to give birth to a child bringtg = bringt eB bvbdefn, to crumble SBrocCen m. morsel, scrap 33rijdfein dim. 35roden aSrct n. ^(c}B »e, bread, piece of bread 33rotbrodfein dim. 33cotbrocfen (mor- sel of bread) 33rbtd[>en dim. Srot 93rot^augfcin dim. 95u>tl^au0 (house of bread) S8rotfd(?icber m. bread shovel, peel SBvMe f., bridge 3Bruber m. ^B SBriitcr, brother bcummen, to growl brummig, growling, surly JBrunnen, m. »B, well, fountain 33runneuranb m. ^(e)6, edge or brink of a well 33ruft f., breast bru^cln, to frizzle Brynhild 83 i Note SSiibc^en dim. SBube 5Bube m. «), to bow, bend or stoop down SBugeteifen n. ^B, (smoothing-)iron tailor’s goose bunt, gay, bright, variegated 33urfcif)(e) m. *n *n, fellow biirften, to brush m. *cB 33ufc^e, bush, thicket SSufdjjnjerf n. bushes, underwood SBufen m. *B, bosom, breast biipen, to satisfy; to atone for; bafiir fohff bu — , you shall pay (or suffer) for this 33uttcr f., butter ^43utterbrct n. >B ^e, bread and butter ©afbar 107 23 Note Cinderella 39 i Note Collectives 31 4 Note, 109 21 Note Comparison of participles 123 5 Note Concessive clause without tncnn 26 16 Note Conjunctive, tense in indirect .speech 2 21 Note; with aU tncnn (ob) 37 30 Note; in vir- tually indirect speech 80 18 Note Consecutive clause 69 22 Note, 112 21 Note Contraction (colloquial) 89 24 Note Cruikshank, illustrations by 76 i Note — tcmiitiij] VOCABULARY. 20f 5 ) ta adv., there ; then ; mctnc — , my daughter here, this my daughter; conj., when; since; interjection, ba ! there ! After rel. pron. 130 i Note babci, near it, close by there ; during it, at the same time; besides, in addition; ici(? ttjArc gcrnc — gc^ ttjcfcn, I should like to have been present, I wish I had been there n. *(e)S 2 )ad(jer, roof baci^^te impf. benfcn bafur, for it or that ; in return, in exchange bal^eim, at home ba^cr, along ba^erfvi^ren str., to drive or hurry along bal^crfltcgen str., to fly along ba(;er^umbctn, to hobble along bal^criagcn, to dash on, gallop along bal^erfommen str., to come along or towards bal^crfdfjrcttcn str., to stride along ba^erfc^tuimmcn str. , to swim along bal^crfpringen str., to run along bal^in, thither (there); away; to this point ; — , by that time ba^inge|cn'Str., to go along baiinrcitcn str., to ride along ba^intcn, behind bal^intcr, behind it JDatlc f., dent, hollow 97 8 bamit adv., with it or this; with these words; conj., so that, in order that bfiminrig, dusky, gloomy ; eg tuirb — , night is drawing on banaci(>, for it; after it; then baneben, beside it ; besides Danf m. #cg 2 )Anfc (rare ; use $E)anf<» fagungen), thanks; fage biv] jfc^onen — , thank you kindly banfbar, thankful, grateful 5)att!bar!cit f., gratitude banten, to thank bann, then baran, by it, close by or near it, at it, at its side ; bic @tubc — , the next room 72 19 Note barauf, on it; after it; thereupon, then baraug, out of it barf pres, biitfen barin, in it, in there baruac(? = banac(> baruber, over it; on it; at it barum, for this; therefore ba§, that baftel^en str., to stand (there) Dative, ethic 8 ii Note; for geni- tive 55 7 Note; with fein 90 12 Note bauern, to continue, go on, last ; eg bauertc nidjt lange, fo fam er, in a little while he came ; to arouse pity; bu bauerjl I pity you, I am sorry for you $r)aumen m. 4, thumb; fDaumeng grop, as big as a thumb, the size of a thumb 69 8 $£)aumcgbicf 69 i Note babon, of it; from it; cr !am mit bem Seben babon, he came out of it (escaped) with his life babonjagen, to dash or gallop away babontaufen str., to run away babontrohen (fid?), to toddle away, to walk away leisurely baju, to it; for it; moreover; be- sides ; into the bargain bajtbifc^en, between bajnjifc^enrufcn str., to interrupt ®ede f., cover, quilt 2 )edet m. ^g, cover, lid beden, to cover; to spread (a cloth etc.) 39 10 ; to thatch 17 6 ; bag SBett ttjurbe ibctp gebedt, fresh or white sheets were put on the bed 18 2 Dcgcn m. ^g, sword betn, thy, thine; your betner, of thee or you Demonstrative pronoun in popular speech 1 3 Note bemiitig, humble, lowly 202 VOCABULARY. [benfeu — tiirfen benfen (baci()te gcbad^it), to think, imagine; fie badjte bei she thought to herself; er bcnft an ntcl;t 3 , he has no suspicion; fie bcnft barauf, she is planning, taking thought 9 lo bcnn, for; then; why,... bcr bie baS article, demonstr. and relat. pronoun ; ber unb bcr, such and such a man, a certain man bcrgfei(i(jcn, such like things, things of that kind bcr^ bie# ba^ienigc, that, that same ber# bie# bagfelbc, the same be^l^alb, therefore, on that account beflo, the more; see jc bentlicb, clear, distinct, manifest bcutfdfj, German birf, thick, big; stout; dense fDicb m. #e 3 #e, thief biebifdj, thievish bienen, to serve $Dicner m. #§, servant, valet ®ienft m. #eg #e, service JDienftmabc^en n. servant girl biefer, this; he; the latter 25 25 Note bic^maf, this time, on this occasion Diminutives, formation of 1 18 Note 5 )ing n. #eS #e, thing, object; guter 2)inge fcin, to be of good cheer, in high spirits ^Dirne f., girl, maid(en) bir 3 = bir eg bpcb 9 1 1 Note ^oppelffinte f. , double-barrelled gun bobb^h, double; bie bobbelte .Krcibe 63 26 Note JDorf n. #(e)g $Dorfer, village 5 )oru m. #cg #en, thorn ®orn(en)^ccfe f. , hedge of thorns or brambles ^Dornrogcben (dim. JDornrofc briar rose) 83 i Note ; Sleeping Beauty bran = baran brang impf. bringen brangcn (ftc^), to press or force or squeeze oneself bi‘auf= barauf braufcn, without, outside $r)re(1[>gfer m. turner brel^cn, to turn bret, three ; alter guten iDtnge finb — all good things go in threes, three’s lucky 66 8 Note brei akannlcin im SBalbe, bie 5 i Note brcimal, three times breijel^n, thirteen breigel^nter #e #eg, thirteenth JDrefdbflegcl m. #g, flail bringen (brang gebrungen), to press on, penetrate ; er brang in mid?, he urged me britter, third ; gum britten, thirdly broben, above, on top broken, to threaten Droffel f., thrush JDroffelbart, .^onig 88 i Note bruben, over there briiefen, to press, squeeze, weigh down bruefenb, painful, oppressive 3 )ufaten (accent on 2nd syll.) m. #g, ducat bulben, to suffer; to allow; to tolerate bumm, stupid, silly, foolish bu’n = bu xf)n 89 24 Note bunfel, dark ^Dunfell^eit f., darkness, gloom bunfclrot, dark red biinn, thin burd?, through ; by ; with ; biefe 9fa(^t — , during this night burd?aug, throughout; absolutely, downright; er mill eg — l^aben, he insists upon it 46 24 burdbbo^ren insep., to pierce burebbringenb, piercing, shrill burc^ge^en str., to run away burci^fci(?lagen str., to beat or cut through ; fidb — , to make a living, pay one’s way 81 24 burci()fid(>tig, transparent, clear burci^fud^en insep., to search ; to examine biirfen (burftc geburft barf), to be al- lowed ; icb barf, I may tun* — cinmal] VOCABULARY. 203 biivr, dry, withered, shrivelled JDuvfl m. #c8, thirst; l^cipcr — , great, violent thirst (similarly lounger = ravenous hunger) turflcn impers.; mic^ tuvftct, I am thirsty burfiig, thirsty buS = tiu e3 (J ckn, just, exactly; — ber ®cbanfe, this very thought; just now cben6uctig, equal in birth, of the same rank (5bcnc f., plain cbenfatlS, likewise, also n. :^eg, ebony @cf c f., corner, nook ; in a((en (5cf cu, in all parts, everywhere cbcl, noble ©betmann m. ^(c)6 dcutc, nobleman ©tclftcin m. ^e, precious stone, jewel c^(c), before cl^er, sooner @l;efteuci* f., dowry 34 3 cl^rbar, respectable, honest eleven, to honour, esteem, respect, revere ( 51 ;rcnftct(c f., post of honour, place at court, dignity el^rcntjoff, honourable el^rlic^, honest, good ci, ah ! oh ! — tuag, nonsense ! — bu mein ®ott, oh dear me ! ©tc^Baum m. ^bciume, oak (tree) dim. ( 5 td)i^orn n. 4 #l^brnei* or (but use l^bind;en), squirrel ®ib m. #cg (for pi. use ©ibfd^iniire), oath, vow; einen — t^un or ab^ legen, to take an oath ; ben — l^attcn, to keep the oath cifrig, keen, diligent, zealous; adv., with a will eigen, own ©igenfe^aft f., quality, property, feature eigentticl(), really, in reality; strictly speaking ( 5 itc f., haste, speed eiten, to hasten, hurry eilig, quickly Crimer m. pail, pitcher ein, indefin. article; numeral; some one (supplies oblique cases to man 2 ii Note, 8 6 Note); with a capital (ber @ine etc.) it is emphatic 33 21 ; unfer einer 30 14 Note ein adv., in; — unb au8, in and out einanbev, one another, each other; an — , one against the other; au 3 — , (spreading out, scatter- ing) in all directions; mit — , one with the other, together; nac^ — , one after the other, in turn; neben — , one beside the other, side by side; unter — , among themselves, one to the other cinbrcc^en str., to set in; bci cin^ brcci()enbcr ilfadjt, as soon as night comes (came) on, at dusk 14 26 Note cinfaUen str., to occur to; eg fcifCt mit ein, I remember it 64 7 cinfangen str., to catch, capture cingcf;cn str., to enter cingraben str. , to engrave ein^anbetn, to buy, get by bargain- ing cinl;aucn (auf) str., to cut, hew ein^ci^cn, to heat, make a fire (in a room etc.) cinl^otcn, to overtake, catch up ©inl^otn n. 'g 'l^btncr, unicorn cinig, agreed; alg fie beg .^aufg — maren, when they had come to terms, made a bargain; (plur.) some, several. (Not^^einjig) einfaufen, to buy; to provide eintel;ren, to put up (at an inn) eintaben str., to invite ©inlabung f., invitation einlaffen str., to let in, admit eintenfen, to turn (supply : the horse 24 18) einmat, once; once upon a time; nidjt — , not even; auf — , sud- denly; ba trint — , come, just 204 VOCABULARY, [einnel^mctt — have a pull ; — if! teinmat, once doesn't count einnel^men str., to take cin^acfcn, to pack up ©inrcbe f., objection, remonstrance ; c3 ^itft fcinc — , it is useless to remonstrate etnfam, lonely, lonesome, solitary einfci(;enfen, to pour out cinfc^tafen str., to fall asleep cinfd(;tief en str., to lock in, imprison cinfd^meidjeln (ftc(>), to ingratiate oneself, win favour by flattery einfeifen, to lather einfpevTen, to shut in, lock up ; hjie eingefperrt, as if in prison etnj^ecfeu, to put in one’s pocket, to pocket einftelten to present oneself, put in an appearance eintaufc^en, to exchange cintreffen str., to arrive; to happen eintreten str. , to enter, come in ein iinb au^tragen str., to carry in and out cinmUligen, to agree, consent cinjig, only, sole, unique ; ber einjigc, the only one; single. (Not = etnig) n. ice (Sifeuofen m. .g n'fen, iron stove ©ifcnjtalb m. or rod of iron ©ifcnftange f. = ©ifcnftciB cifcrn, iron, made of iron n. tf(c)S dodder, hole in the ice citet, pure, nothing but; vain, conceited ctenb, miserable ctent)igUc!(>, miserably elf(c), eleven ©tfenbein n. ivory ©Ue f., ell ; yard measure cm^fanb impf. em^finbcn ©mpfang m. ^3, reception; in — ne^men, to receive cm))fangcn (enqjftng cm^fangcn cmp# fdngt) insep., to take, receive cm^fintcn (cinjifant) empfunben) insep., to feel cm^jftng impf. empfangen enqjfunben p. p. cm:pjtnbcu cmfig, busy, industrious (Jmfigfeit f., industry (5nbe n. =»c3, end ; ein — nel^men, to come to an end, be finished; ju — , at an end finally, lastly; at last eng, narrow, close, stuffy @ntc|>en dim. (5nte @nte f., duck entflicgcn str. insep., to fly away, escape by flight entflie^^cn str. insep., to flee, escape cntgegcn, towards cntgegenfunfeln, to gleam towards cntgegenfommen str., to come to- wards cntgegenfpringcn str. , to spring for- ward, to meet ; to leap at enttaffen str. insep., to dismiss enttebigen insep., to free, release, deliver ©ntfc^fup m. ?c3 q'rfjtiiffe, resolution; einen — Mfen, to come to a decision, make up one’s mind entfe|ttd(>, terrible, awful cntfpringen str. insep., to escape cntfte^en str. insep., to arise cnttt)ifd()en insep., to escape, slip from one’s grasp, give the slip cntjn^et, in two; — fc^tagen, to beat or dash to pieces, to break up erbarmen (ftdj) insep., to have pity ; ev erbarmtc fidj be3 .^tnbe3, he had pity on the child ; gum ©rbarmcn, piteously crBdrmIid(>, dreadful, abominable (Bthi m. ^en, heir (Si'be n. #3, inheritance erBen, to inherit crBeuten insep., to obtain as booty, capture, win erbieten (ftd(>) str. insep., to offer one’s services, undertake erbttcJen insep., to perceive, catch sight of, see; tt)a3 muptc ic^ ba — ! what a sight met my eyes ! ^rbfc f., pea ©rbbeerc f. , strawberry ©vtc — CVUH’VI h’U] VOCABULARY, ©vtc f., earth, ground; auf (Srbcn, on earth, in the world 126 7 Note evfal^vcn str. insep., to learn, hear about ; to experience crfrcucn insep., to rejoice, gladden crfriercn str. insep., to freeze to death, to die of cold * crfuUcn insep., to fulfil, accomplish; to grant ; to fill ©rfuUung f., fulfilment ; in — gel^cn, to be fulfilled er^el^cn str. insep., to pass, happen, c3 crgel^t il^nen it goes ill with them, they are badly off, they are faring badly ergrcifen str. insep., to seize cr^aftcn str. insep., to receive; to maintain ; to preserve crl^anfccfn insep., to purchase; to make a good bargain or a profit over erl^cben (fici(;) str. insep. , to rise, get up erl^oten insep., to recover, revive crfcnncn anom. insep., to recognise; id) erfanntc an feiner @timmc, I knew it was he by his voice erffviren insep. , to declare crfunbigen (fid)) insep., to inquire, make inquiries erfauben insep., to allow, permit crfebcn insep., to experience; to live to see crfcudfjten insep., to illuminate; to throw or shed light on crlofcn insep. , to save, rescue, deliver, set free briefer m. *9, deliverer crndf;ren insep., to feed or support erniebrigen insep., to lower, hum- ble, humiliate @rnff m. earnestness, gravity, seriousness ; — mac^cn, to be serious, to mean business; im @rnftc, seriously ©rpcfmdnndjen n. 30 20 Note erquiden insep., to refresh, rejoice erregen insep., to stir up, excite; <£)nrft — , to make thirsty 205 crrcid()cn insep., to reach, attain, get at circtten insep., to save, rescue, deliver erg = cr eg erfaufen (doff doffen d^wft) insep., to drown (intrans.) erfdjaffen (ddjoK d^oKcn) insep., to sound, resound crfd()cincn str. insep.,. to appear crfdjief cn str. insep. , to shoot crfdjfagcn str. insep. , to slay, kill insep., to snap or snatch up, catch, seize crfd()bbfen insep., to exhaust crfd^bbffj exhausted erfe^raf (not cf) impf. erfci()recfen erfe^reden (dditaf dd>^‘oden dcfjrtdt) insep., to be frightened ; (ddjredtc dc^jredt) insep., to frighten erfd^roefen p. p. crfd()recfen erfinnen str. insep., to invent, devise erfinnfidi, imaginable, conceivable erft, first, only; — bann, not till then ; fc^t — , then indeed truly ; 16 12 Note crftauneii insep., to be astonished, to wonder erfter ^eg, first ; ber erfte befte iBettlcr, the first beggar you meet 89 2 Note erftfid), first, in the first place erteifen insep., to give, impart ertrinfen str. insep., to drown (in- trans.) ermadjen insep., to awake, wake up crivadjfcn str. insep., to grow up ertrarb impf. ertroiben ernjarten insep., to await, expect ertveden insep., to awaken, arouse ermel^ren (fid^) insep., to ward off, keep away; cr fonnte ftef) beg ©ebanfeng ntd()t — , he could not help thinking about it ertreifen str. insep., to show or con- fer (a favour) ; to do or perform (a service) ertverben (^njarb ^trorben ^rirbt) insep., to win, obtain 2o6 V OCAB ULAR Y [ertvifcern — 5cucrflammc ertDttern (not ie) insep., to answer, reply erttjif^cn insep., to catch ertt>or6en p. p. crttjerBen; tag tcnc, the gain, profit (5r5 n. #c, ore crja^ten insep., to tell, relate, re- count eg, old genitive 36 25 Note, 65 27 Note @fet m. ?g, donkey, ass @[fen n. ^g, meal, food effen (a^ gegeffen ipt) to eat ; tu fannfl ttom Senftcr — , you can eat (some) of the window 17 9 Ethic dative 8 ii Note etUd^e, some, several ettua, about ; perhaps ctroag, some; something; anything cuer, your @ute f., owl Sr 3^atcn m. ^g Staten, thread Sal^igfeit f., power, capacity S^a^ne f., flag, standard fal^ren (fu^r gefal^ren fa^rt), to drive; to sail; to go (e.g. 103 13) f., passage, journey fei^rt, pres, fal^ren gatata 128 14 Note fallen (fiel gefallen fallt), to fall, drop (intrans.); — laffen, to drop (transit.); urn ben <^alg — , to embrace; eg fallt mtr in fcie . 5lugcn, it catches my eye, at- tracts my attention; fic^ tot — , to drop down dead 55 12 fallen, to fell, cut down fallt pres, fallen and fallen falfd(), false; wrong; bad Sralfc^l^eit f., falsehood, treachery fanb impf. finben fangen (^ng gefangen fangt), to catch ; fic^ — , to get entangled fftngt pres, fangen Sarbe f., colour farben, to colour, paint, stain n. ^eg Saffer, cask, tub faffen, to take, lay hold of faul, lazy, idle; ntd(?t — , without delay 34 19 faulenjen (not ll), to be idle or lazy ^aulenjer m. #g, idle boy or man, lie-abed, lazy-bones Saulengerin f. dnnen, idle girl or woman Sreber f., feather Seberlefen mac^jen 2 28 Note fe^len, to be wanting, to miss; er lapt eg an @elb — , he is stingy ; eg fel^lt mtr ctmag, something is wrong or the matter with me; eg fe^lt bit an ntdjtg, you have all ■you desire; eg fe^lt tl^m am iBeflen, he is wanting in brains 111 12 fetern, to celebrate fell, for sale; — fallen, have for sale, sell fetn, delicate, dainty; gentle or soft (of the voice) S^etnb m. ^eg ^e, enemy Selb n. ^eg ^er, field; meit uber — , far away Selbbrunnen m. 4, well in a field Selbfiein m. =g ^e, stone (taken from a field) genfter n. sg, window Senfterfd(>eibe f., window pane 5erne f., distance §erfe f., heel fertig, ready; fic^ — mad()en, to get ready; finished, done; mic bifl bu mit il^m — gemorben? how have you got on with him ? 5eft n. *=eg ^c, festival, feast fcfl, firm ; adv. fefl(c), firmly, fast fcjl^altcn str., to hold fast; to lay hold of, arrest fcjlmadjen, to make fast, to fasten fejlnageln, to fasten with a nail Sefttag m. *(c)g ^c, feast day, holiday gett n. ^(c)g ?c, fat fett, fat, plump JJeuer n. ^g, fire gcucranmac^cn n., making up a fire Qieuerflammc f., flame or tongue of fire fcurig — grcmtc] VOCABULARY. 207 fcurtg, fiery fid impf. fatten fids = fid eg finben (fanb gefiinben), to find; fic!^ — , to turn up, to be found fiug impf. fangen Singer m. *8, finger Singertein dim. Singer fiufler, dark, gloomy, black Sinflerntg f. 4 ffe, darkness, dark, gloom Sifc!(? m. »eg »e, fish ; flumm Ujtc ein — 24 6 Note Sittid) m. ^8 *c, pinion, wing (the everyday word is Stugel) fladj, flat, level SIacf)8 m. *e8, flax flacfern, to flicker, flame Slafci(je f., flask, bottle flattern, to flutter, flap the wings fied()tcn (flodjt geflod^itcn fltci(jt),to bind, braid, weave jtcl^entfic^, piteously, beseechingly Sleifc!() n. =e8, flesh, meat fleifig, diligent, industrious fliden, to mend, patch Slicgc f., fly ffiegen (flog gcflogen), to fly flte^en (flop gefioffen), to flow flint, fast, quick, rapid, nimble Slintc f., gun flog impf. fliegen fiof impf. fiicfen Stud^ m. *^(c)8 Sluc^c, curse, impre- cation fluci(?ttg, nimble, lightfooted, alert Slugd m. 4 , wing Stu^ m. ^e8 Sliiffc, river fdgen, to follow ; to obey forbern, to demand, ask; to chal- lenge Sorberung f., demand, request fort, on; away; fie finb — , they are away, gone; Gotten toir — , now let us go away 20 1 1 ; — taffen, to allow to go away, to dismiss 33 2 ; — fonnen, to be able to go along or away 96 10; ic^ mufi — , I must go, I cannot help going 104 4 fortciten, to hurry away fortfafircu str., to continue (intrans.), go on fortfliegen str., to fly away fortfliefien str., to flow away fortfii'^ren, to lead on; to lead away fortgel^cn str., to go or walk on; to continue; to go away fortfagen, to drive away fortfommen str., to get on; to go away, start off; to be lost fortfaffen str., to leave out; fort taffen, to allow to go away, to dismiss 33 2 forttaufen str., to run away fortmad(>cn (fic^), to go away fortreiten str., to ride on; to ride away fortfcfjiffcn, to sail away fortfe^tafen str., to sleep on fortfd^fcfjpen, to drag along fortfe^en, to continue (trans.), go on with fortfpringen str., to run away; fie ft)rang mir fort, she escaped me forttragen str., to carry away forttreiben str., to drive away, expel forttrotten (ftd(j), to toddle away fortjiel^cn str., to go away, set out fragen (impf. fragte, not frug), to ask franf unb fret, frank and free; with- out any ado grap m. ^e8, feast (see fveffen) frap impf. freffen Srau f., woman; wife; tie tuctfen Frauen 82 12 Note frei, free; — maefjen or geben, to set free ; open ; for nothing freten, to woo; to make an offer of marriage S^rcter m. #8, suitor Sreil^eit f., freedom, liberty Srei^err m. baron frcUicfj, certainly, to be sure ; 123 26 Note fremb, foreign ; strange, unknown Srembe f., foreign land, strange 2o8 VOCABULARY. [t^reffen — garjlig parts; in ber — , abroad, away from home 66 31 Note (Jreffen n. food frcffcn (fra^ gcfreffcn frift), eat, de- vour (of animals ; of human being, only to imply greedy, un- mannerly eating) Srcubc f., joy, rejoicing, gladness, glee ; bag tnar cine — ! how glad they were ! mit taufenb Steuben, with all signs of joy freuen (fici|?), to rejoice Sreunb m. ^cg ^c, friend fteunblid?, friendly, kindly, good- natured Sreunbfe^aft f., friendship, kindness Sricbe(n) m. *=cng, peace fricbli^, peaceful; quiet, contented frieren (frot gefroren), to freeze, be cold or chilly frifdj, fresh; quick frifdjgebecEt, newly made (of a bed) Srifb(>ting m. #g, young wild boar frift pres, freffen fcol^, joyous, glad fro^tidj, joyous, merry fromm, pious, devout; good Srofd[) m. ^cg Srofdjc, frog Srud()t f. Stuci()tc, fruit frill;, early; mit bem frii^ften SJlorgen, with the earliest dawn Stifle f. ; in alter — , very early (in the morning) Sriil^ia^r n. ^g ^e, spring Srul^ftiid n. »g ^c, breakfast friii^jcitig, early, in good time Sui^g m. scg fox; mo — unb «^af’ fic^ gute iUac^t fagen 108 2 Note Suc!()g^o^lc f., fox-hole, kennel dim. Sucljg fugen (fic^), to yield, submit, give in fiil^len, to feel fui^r iinpf. fal^rcn fif^ren, to lead gul^rmann m. ^g 4cute, driver, wag- goner, carter fullcn, to fill fiinf, five fiinfter ^c ^cg, fifth funfje^nter *t »=eg, fifteenth funfeln, to shine, gleam fur, for; =oor 63 15 Note furd(;tcn, to fear; er furd;tct fic!() bor mir, he is afraid of me furc^itfam, timid, anxious Surf! m. *tn #cn, prince Su^ m. *cg Siipc, foot; fie fiel il^m 5U — (Siif en), she fell at his feet Sutter n. ^g, fodder, food fiittern, to feed Future, Present used for, 42 18 Note; extended use, 100 10 Note; 116 7 Note ® gab impf. geben @abe f., gift, present ®abel f., fork ©dbel^en dim. @abcl ©ablein dim. ®abcl ®algenfleifcl|; n. ^cg, gallows bird 116 7 ®algenfci()n)cngel m. ^g, gallows clapper; good-for-nothing, idle scamp 24 23 ®ang m. s(c)g ®angc, gait, walk; passage; mein erfter — mar in ben ®arten, I went first or straight into the garden gangeft = gel^ft 131 19 Note ®ang f. ®anfe, goose ®ftnfefcttbrot m. ^cg ^e, bread and goose-dripping ®anfeiunge m. ^en ?en, goose herd ®anfemagb, bie 128 i Note ®anfemagb f. ^magbe, goose girl ©dnfemiefe f. goose green ganj, whole; adv. quite, very gar, very; even; — nic^t, not at all; — nid()tg, nothing at all; — ju bumm, really too silly ' ®araug; ben — mad(jcn, to give the finishing stroke, to kill 32 17 Note ®arn n. ?(c)g sC, yarn garftig, ugly, hideous, vile, dis- gusting, nasty ( 5 'vutcu— ijcf;ovcuJ VOCABULARY, 209 CMavtcii m. ^8 (SKIvtcn, garden C'* 5 avtcid;ccfc f., garden hedge (iJaffc f., lane, street ; — auf — ab, up and down the street $Kift m. @afle, guest 01aut in. s(c)8 (SJaiik, nag, jade Ohuikfopf m. ^c8 dbpfc, horse’s head ©aiinicu m. ^8, gums; intr ftebt bie 3uiigc am — , my tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth gcfar impf. gcbarcn gclnU'cii (gcbar gcfcren gcbicrt), to bear, give birth to, have a child tgcben (gab gcgcben gicbt), to give ; c8 gicbt (with accus.), there is, there are ; h3a8 gicbt e8 ba ? what’s up ? what is the matter ? ®cbet n. 5(0)8 5C, prayer gebiffen p. p. beipeii ©cbtarre n. 58, weeping, snivelling gebtieben, p. p. bteiben gcboren p. p. gcbaren, born geborgen p. p. bcrgcn gcboten p. p. bieten gebrac^t p. p. bringen gebraudjen insep. , to use, make use of gcbvod?en p. p. brcd;en gcbii^ren insep., to be due; ma8 cudb gcbiil^rt, your due ; fici^ — , to be fit, to be becoming or right gcbunbcn p. p. biubcn ^eburt f., birth; bon — , by birth ©cbiifci^ n. ^08 ^c, thicket gebaci^t p. p. bcnfen and gebeufcn ©ebanfe m. ^en, thought, re- flection; er mad)t fid^ ©ebanfcu bariiber, it is troubling him, he is worrying about it gcbenfen anom. insep., to think of; to remember (Sebrcinge n. 58, crowd ; thronging gcbnmgcn p. p. bringen ©ebutb f., patience ©cfa^r f., danger, risk, peril gefci^^rlidj, dangerous; e8 ift in bcr 5 infterni 8 fo — gel^en, it’s so dan- gerous going about in the dark ©efaUen; c8 gefdjiel^t mir cin — , I am under an obligation, you are doing me a favour G. M. gcfaflen str. insep., to please; fid; ctn)a 8 — faffcn, to bear or put up with, to like gcfangen p. p. fangcn; bcr ©cfangcne, the prisoner ®cfdngni8 n. 5iffc8 4 ffc, prison ©efieber (coll. Seber) n. 58, feathers, plumage gefloc^tcn p. p. jlcd;tcn gejfogen p. p. fliegcn gefluffen p. p. jficfen gefroren p. p. frieren gefunben p. p. finben gegangen p. p. gc^en gcgen, towards, to; against; in comparison with; — ^mci ll^r, about or getting on for two o’clock ©cgenb f., district, region, neigh- bourhood, country ©egenteU 11. 58 ^e, contrary, opposite; im — , on the contrary, nay rather gegeniiber, opposite ©egncr m. 58, adversary, opponent, enemy gcgeffen p. p. cffen gegoffcn p. p. giepcn gc^en (ging gegangen), to go, walk, pass; gel^ beiner SOBege, go your way ; fiir fic^ ^in — , to go straight on; an bie 51 rbeit — , to set to work; e 8 gcf;t mir gut, I am well or comfortable, 1 am being treated well; fo ge^t e 8 mir mit bir, that is what you make me suffer, what I have to put up with ; ba 8 gcl;t nicifjt, this won’t do, you mustn’t do it; fo ge!^t 8 n^t tdnger, it can’t go on like this; fie ging cin Sic|it anpinben, she went and lighted a candle ©ef;eut n. 5 (e) 8 , howling gcl^offen p. p. I^etfen gel^orcn insep., to belong; e 8 gef;brt bid baju, it calls for or requires much care or skill etc. ; bir ge# l^ort eine @trafc, you deserve pun- ishment; auf 5 a(aba gel^or’ ic^, I ought to ride on F. ; ba 8 ge^ort 14 210 VOCABULARY, [geprig — @cfd;tcf ju bcm, this is incomplete with- out that ge^orig, befitting, proper, suitable gel^orfam, obedient gc^tg = ge!^t ®ei^ f., goat @ciperci()cn dim. ®cif, kid 1 i8 Note dim. @etp @eift, mind; spirit; ghost ©darter n. laughter getangen (ju) insep., to reach, attain gdb, yellow ©etb n. ^cr, money ©eIt)t»euteX m. #6, moneybag, purse gcXegcn p. p. Xiegen ©de{jcn^eit f., occasion, opportu- nity ; bei — , on occasion, when there is a chance geltngen (4ang 4ungen) insep., to succeed; €6 gdingt mir, I suc- ceed; ber ^Sei'fud^ g4tic^, comfortable, at ease ©cmddjXidjfeit f., comfort, ease ©ema^I m. 4, spouse, husband ©cmal^Xin f. , spouse, wife gemetn, mean ; menial ; gcmeinc JDienfte tl^un, to drudge ©cnicinfd?aft f., community ; in — , in common gcmeinfc^aftXic^, in common, mutual ; adv. together ©emiigc^en dim. ©emiifc ©cmufc n. ^e, vegetable ; = 9}|u8 96 19 Note genannt p. p. nenncn gcnau, accurate, precise Genitive, adverbial 1 5 Note, 53 27 Note gcnommen p. p. ncl^men gcnug, enough ©cnu^ m. ©eniiffe, enjoyment; eating 23 i gcrabc, straight; adv. straight, just; — an btefem Jlagc, on this very day ; — au3 ge^en, to go straight on, follow one’s nose gci'abeSnjcgS, straight; straightway, directly gcrabeju, straight; directly; down- right ©crat n. =(e)^ ^e, vessel, utensil geraten str. insep., to get (into some place, or condition); c6 tnar fo ttjeit — , it had got so far, reached this point, come to such a pass or pitch ©erdufdf) n. »(e)3 #c, noise, sound gcrbcn, to tan ; to belabour gercuen insep. ; ca gereut micifj, I re- pent it, I am sorry for it ©ei'td()t n. ^(c)a *e, judgment; court of justice; »or etn — ftehen, to take before a court of justice ; dish 62 12 geriet impf. geraten gertng, small; trifling; mean geriffen p. p. reipcn geritten p. p. reiten gern(e) (comp, tieber, not gerner), willingly; gladly, with pleasure; toon '^erjen — , with all my heart ©erte f., twig ; stick ©erucb m. :=(e)a ©eruc!(>e, smell ; sense of smell gefamt, entire, complete gefanbt p. p. fenben ©efangm.^(e)a ©efdnge,song, singing gefc^a^ impf. gefdf^el^en gefc^e^en (gefd^ja^ gefci^jel^en gefd^iel^t), to happen ; ea ift um bid(; (or bcin ^Ceben) gefci^el^en, you are lost or ruined, you are as good as dead, there is no hope for you ; ea gc* fd(?iel^t mir ein ©efaflen bamit, I re- gard it as a favour 122 22 gefd(;eit, prudent, wise; bn bift nici^t red;t — , you’re a bit crazy, you’ve a screw loose, what nonsense you talk ! ©efc^enf n. =>(e)a present, gift ©efc^icf n. *(e)a, skill, dexterity; good presence 88 14 gefdjicft — 0'lan^] VOCABULARY. 211 gcfc^icft, skilful, clever, dexterous gcfd;ief;t pres. 9cfd;c!()cn ©cfdjirv n. =(c)8 ^c, vessel, utensil; (also coll.) pottery gefdjUcl()cn p. p. fd;Ieid^cu gcfdjfofycn p. p. [(^Itcfjcn ©efc^mcite n., trinkets, jewellery (coll.) gcfc^uittcn p. p. fcifjncibcii n. ^(c)g =e, creature gcfc^orcn p. p. fdjereit @cfd()rci n. shouting, noise, screams; squealing 82 24 gcfc^rieteu p. p. fdjreibcn gcfdjnjinb, fast, quick, rapid @cfc3(jtDinbigfeit f., speed, quickness, haste gcfd()n)cmmcn p. p. fcfjmrnmcn gcfcgnen insep. = fegnen, to bless gcfegnete CDiaf;l5cit 17 8 Note @cfcU(c) m. sen sen, companion ; fellow; journeyman 60 13 Note gcfctten insep., cr gcfetltc ftc^ ju mir, he joined me ®cfcftfci()aft f., company gcfcffen p. p. fi^en @c[ic^t n. s(e)g set, face; ctn fangeS — mad(?en, to pull a long face; n?a3 bu fitr etn — ? why do you look like that ? gcfottcn p. p. fiebcn; ©efotteneS 49 22 Note gehn?nncn p. p. f)?inncn @efpracl() n. s(c)g sc, talk, conver- sation ; eiii — f;aften, to have a talk gcfprod^cn p. p. fprec^en gcfbrungen p. p. fprtngen ©cftalt f., form, figure, shape, guise geftanbcn p. p. fle^^en gcflattcn insep., to allow, permit, grant geftcrn, yesterday gcfticgcn p. p. fteigcn gcftodjcn p. p. fledjcn gcflol^fcn p. p. ftcl^fcn gcjlorl6cn p. p. jlerfnt @e|lrauci(? (coll. @trauc()) n. s(c)3, thicket gejlric^cu p. p. fticid;en gcfuub, well, sound, healthy gcfungeu p. p. fiugcn gctf;an p. p. tf)un gctraucn (fid^) insep., to venture gctrojfcn p. p. trcffen getrcft, confidently gctrimfen p. p. trinfcn ©evattcr m. sg, godfather, gossip; — fiel^cn, to stand godfather (or godmother 78 29 Note) gctra^r, aware ; er n^arb nic^tg — , he noticed or was aware of nothing gctrftl^i’cn insep., to yield, grant; er fie^ fic — , he let her do as she pleased ©ejraft f., power, might, force; violence; fic(j — antl^un, to exert oneself, make an effort gctvaftig, powerful; adv. terribly geiuann impf. gctninnen ®cirici(jt n. s(e)g #c, weight gcmnnen (^njann sujonnen) insep. , to win, obtain ©emifper n. sg, whispering gctvip, certain ©eiuiffen n. conscience gettjogcn, friendly, well-disposed, gracious gctvof;uttc^, usual, common, ordi- nary gctronnen p. p. gettjtuncn getrorbcn p. p. hjcrbcn geiDorfcn p. p. tucrfen gcnju^t p. p. triffcn gejicmeit insep., to befit, be be- coming gcjogeix p. p. jiel^en @cjn)cig(c) (coll. Btrctg) n. sS, twigs, branches gicbtg = gicBt (pres, gcfcn) eg @ier f., greed, greediness, voracity gic§en (gof gegoffen), to pour @ift n. ?e3 =>e, poison, venom giftig, poisonous, poisoned gtngg = ging (impf. gel^en) @ipfcf m. ^3, top, summit ©ittertl^urc f., grated door, lattice door @lanj m. glint, splendour, bril- liance 14 — 2 212 VOCABULARY, [glcinjen— gut gtan^en, to shine, gleam, glisten, to be splendid ©lag n. ©Idfev, glass Glass coffins 102 19 Note glatt, smooth, even ©laul'cu m. *g, faith, belief glaubcn, to believe, think gleid?, equal ; adv. directly, at once; — alg tt)cllteft fcu eg t^un, just as if you wished to do it ©lict n. ^eg ^er, limb ©lo^auge n. ^cg, staring eye, goggle eye ©hid n. ^(e)g (no pi.), happiness; good fortune; luck; success; jum — , fortunately, luckily gliidcn, to succeed, turn out well; eg ghidt il^m iefcegmal, he succeeds every time gludhdj, happy, fortunate ghidUci^eriucife, fortunately ©ludfeligfeit f., happiness, bliss ©nabe f., grace, favour; in — font? men, to win favour; — fiir Jked;! ergel^en laffen, to temper justice with mercy 66 26 ©nabeuBrct n. s(e)g ; eiucm ^unbc bag — geben, to feed an old dog for his past services 80 9 ©otb n. ^eg, gold ©clbbcdjcr m. 4, beaker or cup of gold golben, golden golbene iilogel, ber, 109 i Note ©olbefet m. »g, gold ass golbgierig, greedy of gold, covetous ©otbfdfig n. sg ^e, golden cage ©clbrcgcn m. ^g, shower of gold ©otbring m. »(e)g ^e, gold ring ©otbftud n. ^(e)g ^c, gold piece, gold coin gbnnen (etnem etinag), to be glad at the good fortune of another, not to begrudge or feel envy gof impf. gtepen ©offc f. , gutter ©ott m. ^eg ©otter, God; ber liebe — 39 5 Note; bu heber — ! why surely (6 19); — ! oh dear! gotttob ! thank God ! thank heaven! gotttog, wicked, abandoned ©rab n. ^eg ©raber, grave ©rabeletn dim. ©rab and ©raben ©raben n. ^g ©rciben, ditch graben (grub gegrabcii greibt), to dig, delve ©raf m. ^en ^en, count greimen to distress oneself, be sad ©rag n. =eg ©rcifer, grass ©ragl^iibfer m. ?g, grasshopper 32 1 7 Note grau, grey grauen, to get grey; ber 2;ag grant, day is dawning ©raufobf lYi* grey-head (applied to the wolf 56 2) ©raufe^immet m. *g, grey horse (jestingly for ass 63 17) graufeUdl?, horribly graufig, dreadful, horrible greifen (griff gegriffen), to grip, seize, take, take hold of; in bie Jlafrfje — , to put one’s hand into one’s pocket ©retet dim. QJiargarete 1 18 Note* griff impf. greifen ©ritte f., whim, caprice grimmig, fierce, ferocious grof (grower), great, large ©ro^mutter f. ^mutter, grandmother ©rofttater m. »g ^»ater, grandfather grub impf. graben griin, green ©runb m. *eg ©riinbe, ground, bottom; 3U ©runbe rici(jten, to put an end to, to destroy griif en, to greet guefen, to peep, be on the look out; er gurft bog aug ben 5lugen, there’s an evil look in his eye ©iirtet m. ^g, girdle, belt ©ut n. ^(e)g ©liter, estate, property, wealth; plur. goods gut (beffer befter >*e ^eg), good; kind; — maci()en, to make amends for, to set right; eg — fein faffen, to let the matter rest; fici(? etwag 3U — tl;un, to have a treat; eg — gutmiitiij — VOCABULAR Y. 2T3 f;at'cn, to be well treated, com- fortable; bu l^aft — rcbcn, it’s all very well for you to talk; fic iuar i(;m — , she looked on him kindly, liked him; fo — ba atS bort, here as well as there (jutnuitig, good-natured •s^aar n. ?(c)g ?c, hair; btc <§aave fammcit, to dress the hide 81 30; cr friimmte nitr fcin Jpaar, he did not touch me, did not do me the slightest harm 35 21 fiaben (battc gcbabt), to have babt 6 = ^abt eg -Jparfc f., hoe, mattock t;ci(Jen, to hack, cut; to dig •^vTgctnjetter n. 4, hailstorm m. *(e)g >^⁡ne, cock l^alb, half half impf. t;etfen •^aifte f., half J^atm m. ^(ejg ?e, blade (of grass) «S3atmd()cn dim. «§atm •^atg m. ^eg >^dtfe, neck ; urn ben — fatten, to embrace ; ftdfj 'oom Jpatfe fdjaffen, to get rid of, throw off; ben — bang macfjen, to crane the neck *§afgbanb n. *=eg ^bdnber, necklace -^aft mac^en, to halt, come to a halt, stop ]§dtt pres. l;atten ]^alten (l^ielt geb)atten l^vttt), to hold, keep; eine J^odjjeit — , to cele- brate a wedding ; er l^aft bei mir, he supports me, is on my side, sticks to me; feine ©Ueber l^ietten tf;n nic!(jt mel^r, his limbs would no longer support him ; fid() n)ob;t — , to conduct oneself well; to consider ; to stop ; — bteiben, to stay ; fid? — , to keep one’s foot- ing «^ammebgn)abe 107 29 Note ^>anb f. «^dnbe, hand ; bie flacfje — , the palm of the hand ; jur red;ten (finfcn) — , on the right (left) ; jur — gcf)cn, to be at one’s l)eck and call; — tciften, to lend a hand; fie gab il^r bie — barauf, she pledged her word, promised solemnly 52 18 •Jpanbcl m. *g, bargain, business; eg indrc ein fcl(?fimmer — , it would be a bad business Jpanbbott f., handful ‘^anbtncrf n. ^g trade l^angcn (f;ing gel^angcn l^dngt), to hang (intrans.), be suspended; to suspend, hang (trans.) 913 Note l)dngen, to hang (trans.) 913 Note; — (not l^angen) bteiben, to be caught, entangled l^dngt pres, l^angen and f?dngen •ibang (gen. «*?anfeug 121 7 Note), John •^ang im ©tiicf, 121 i Note «i>dnfet dim. 'Sgang 1 18 Note •ipdnfet uub ©retet 12 1 Note l^ar! 70 10 Note ‘bdrd(?en dim. Jjaar ]^art, hard, harsh *bafe m. ^en ^en, hare v'pafctbaum m. ^(e)g 4 HTume, hazel tree J^afctbdumd?cn dim. en, to slip or slide or glide down l^erab^cben str., to lift down f;erabfommcn str., to come down, descend l^eraBregncn, to rain or pour down ]^erabreid()en, to hand down ]^erabrutfd;en = ^era 6 glitfci(>eu ]^erabfd()fetc!()en str., to creep down j^erabfprtngen str., to jump or leap down l^crabirerfett str., to throw down j^erabjtef^en str., to draw off or down or away l^eran, towards f;eranfommett str., to come up, draw near, approach l^eranfra^peln, to creep towards l^eranfaufett str., to come running towards, to approach, to run up f)eranfocfen, to allure, entice l^eraiiriicf en = l^erantommcn f;eranfdj(cid(;en str., to creep towards l^eranfbringcn str., to jump or run towards l^erantreten str., to step towards, approach l^cranivaci^fen str., to grow up l^crauf, up I^ctaufl^otcn — l^cvum] VOCABULARY. 215 l^cvaufl^otcn, to fetch up ]^cvauffd;icfcn, to send up l^craufjfctcjcn str., to rise, climb up l^crauS, out, forth; out of bed 19 13; ten SBcij — , the way out 15 8 Note; — fonnen, to be able to get out; — nuiffen, to have to go out, to be turned out 19 13 ]^crau§tuiugcn anom., to bring or fetch out ; to get out l^crau^fattcn str., to fall out l^erau^fintcn str., to find out, dis- cover; fidj — , to find one’s way ]^cvau«fu^ren, to lead out l^crau^ijcben str., to give or deliver up j^erauggiufcn, to peep out l^craug’^otcn, to fetch or pull out l^crau^jagcn, to drive out, expel ^crauStaufen str., to run out l^cmu^ncl^mcn str., to take out l^craugqucfien (^quott^gcquclfcn =quU(t), to run or well out l^craugragen, to project, stretch out, protrude ]^crau 3 retd(jcn, to reach or hand out ]^eraugfd(;auen, to look out l^craugf^lagen str., to issue 19 17 l^erau^fpringcu str., to jump or leap out l^erau^flofen str., to push or thrust out ]^crau«jfrecfen, to stretch or thrust out l^craugtragcn str., to carry out l^crau§traufcln, to drip out or from ^evau^treiben str., to drive out l^erau^trobfcn, to drip or drop out ^erau6njerfcn str., to throw or cast out l^craugjic^cn str., to draw out l^crbet, hither; here l^crbcige^cn str., to approach, pre- sent oneself l^erbeil^otcn, to fetch ^erbeil^ubfcn, to hop up to ^erbeifommen str., to approach, draw near l^crbcitaufcn str., to come running l^crbcUodcn, to entice, allure t;cvbcirufcn str., to call, summon ^crbcifdjajfen, to procure, bring, supply ]^crbcifd;tebbcn, to come dragging, to carry along -^erb m. ^c, hearth, fireside •i^erbe f., flock l^ercin, in; er rief „ -herein!'' (or l^erein), he said “ Come in ! ” 7 7 ; — foiinen, to be able to get in 65 28 l^ercinlaffcn str., to let in l;ercinfc^n)armen, to swarm in, to come in in crowds 41 20 l^ercinfdjtvtrren, to flit in 41 19 l^ercinftotbcrn, to stumble in, enter clumsily l^crctnjfurjcn, to fall in l^ereintragen str., to carry in ^ereintreten str., to step in, enter l^erfa^ren str., to drive up l^ergcl^en str. , to go along, to happen ; eg gel^t l^art l^er, it is hard work; eg gel^t (uftig l^er, they are having a good or merry time l^erfommen str., to come from l^ertaufen str., to run along ]^erriadj = nac!(?^cr, afterwards l^crnieberftetgen str., to dismount *§err m. *(e)n >=(e)n, master; lord; gentleman; er Ue§ ben @c^Iaf ntci(>t — trerben, he did not let sleep get the mastery, did not yield to sleep l^erreiten str., to come riding ^crrlid^, splendid, magnificent, glorious Jpcrrtidjfcit f., splendour, magnifi- cence *iperrfci(?aft f., mastery; master and mistress 78 18 Note berrfc^^cn, to reign; to prevail berfagen, to enumerate 107 24 l)ertreiben str., to drive along lucrum, around; past; urn bte (Stabt — , all round the town; bie 3ett hjar — , the time had gone by 19 2 ; atg er fetne Sal^re — l^atte, when he had served his time 62 27 2i6 VOCABULARY, [^erumfragcn — l^cvumfragen, to ask all round ]^erumget;en str., to go round l^crumgudcn, to peep round l^crum^u))fcn, to skip round 37 r l^erumfel^rcn, to turn round, over- turn ; eS fct;rtc ftd() i^r bag J?erj tm €cit) l^erum, her heart rebelled within her 95 13 l^erumftcttern, to climb about l^erundaufen str., to run about t;erumfbi'ingen str., to run or dance or frisk about ; to go round J;erumfu(i()en, to search about l^erumtanjen, to dance about l^erummadeln, to waddle about l^erunmal^en (ftdj), to toss about l^ecumjanfen (fic|)), to dispute, wrangle l^erumjiel^en str., to go or travel about l;cruntcr, down l^ei'unterfaffen str., to fall down l^erunterflief en str. , to flow down l^crunterl^eBcn str., to lift down l;erunterl^olen, to fetch down l^erunteidaufen str., to run down l^erunterreipen str., to tear or pull down ^cruntcrrutfdjjen, to slip or slide down l^evuntcrfteigen str., to get down or off, to alight l^erbor, forth, out l^ert)orl^cfen, to get or fetch out l^ertjpi'fpmmen str., to come out, emerge, appear ]^ert)orfned(jcn str. , to creep or crawl out l^enmfpringcn str., to jump out j^ci'portreten str., to step out or for- ward, to go forth l^cvporjicl^en str., to draw, pull or drag out -^crj n. *eug ^cn, heart; pon '^crjcn, heartily ; bon >^cr 5 €u gcrn, with all my heart ; eg ge(;t mir ju jen, it goes to my heart, cuts me to the heart; eg faflt mir fd(jn)cr aufg — , it makes my heart heavy ; tci[> bringe eg nicf;t itbevg — , I have not the heart to do it ; ftc^ ein — fflffen, to take heart or courage •^erjblatt n. s(e)g, darling, apple of my (his etc.) eye; 71 i Note •^evjeteib n. 4, injury, pain, smart, heartache l^crjcn, to caress, fondle, embrace '^erjcngangfl f. •'dngjle, anguish, ter- ror, sorrow of heart l^erjengfrol^, heartily glad, over- joyed 6 II Note ^erjengfujl; nad() — , to one’s heart’s content l^cr 3 !^aft, hearty ; vigorous ; thorough ^erjog m. ^g ^jbgc, duke l^crjutrctcn str., to go up to, ap- proach «§effcn, Hessia •^eu n. ^g, hay; ing — gel^en, to go haymaking •§cul^dlmd()en n. *g, little blade of grass l^eulcn, to howl l;eut(e), to-day; — morgen, this morning ; — abenb, this evening l^cntjutage, nowadays -^ejrc f., witch «^ercnfunft f. *=funfle, witchcraft, sorcery •^erenmalb m. ^cg ^mdtber, witch’s forest, enchanted forest = 50 16 Note ^ieb m. »=cg ^e, blow, thrust, cut l^icb impf. I^aucn l^teU impf. I^aften l^icr, here; — hereabouts, in this neighbourhood, in these parts ; — l^erauf ! come up here ! l^terl^er, hither, here impf. I^eipen «§iffe f., help, aid l^iffTog, helpless ]^Ufreid(>, helpful, helping ; full of resource l^itft pres, ^clfctt «^immel m. ^g, heaven ; sky ; nntcr freiem — , out of doors, in the open 130 5 Note l^immlifi"(), heavenly I^in — (;tnnai3ctn] VOCABULARY. 217 ]^in, thither, there; — itnb l^cr, to and fro, this way and that t;tnab, down; bcu ^Bcrg — , down the hill l^tnatifaUcu str., to fall down l^inabgel^cn str., to go down, descend l^inabguden, to look or peep down ]^tnabbUin4>cn, to tumble or flop down f;iuatn*utfc 5 (jcn, to slip or glide down j^inabftiir^en, to throw down fpnauf, up btnaufbl'ingcn anom., to bring up l;inaufgef)cu str., to go up, ascend, mount l^inauf^clfen str., to help or lift up l^inauffommcn str., to get up, reach l^inauffi'iedjcn str., to creep or crawl up l^inauffaufen str., to run up ]^inauffc()aucn, to look up l^tnaufftcigcn str., to go up, climb, ascend ]^inauf5icf;cn str. , to pull or draw up l^inaug, out ; — moUen, to want to go out 86 4 ; fid) — maci()en, to go out; — mit bir! get away with you ! out you go ! — mit tl^m ! turn him out ! f;inaugbnngen anom., to carry or bring out fjinaugeilen, to hurry out f;inau6fliegen str., to fly out l^inauSfiil^i'en, to lead or conduct out f;inau^gef;cn str., to go out l^inaugfagen, to drive out, expel ]^inau6fommen str., to come or get out ; to get out of doors 52 1 2 f^inaugfc^fagcn str., to drive out with blows ]^inau 3 fc^feid()cn (also refl.) str., to creep or crawl out ]§inaugfcf;en str., to look out l^inaugfpringen str., to leap or run out r)inau8flc(fcn, to stick out f)inau^ftrcden, to stretch out l)inau^tan5en, to dance or skip out (;inaugtrcibcn str., to drive out f;inbci1id;, in the way, troublesome l^inbuvd), through; bic 9 ^ad)t — , the whole night; ba — 6 23 Note f;inburd()avbcitcn (fici()), to work one’s way through, to push through f;inburc^^taffcn str., to let through ; to admit l^inbuvd()mef;cii, to blow through f;iucin, into, in; — moflen, to wish to get in, to get in 13 ii, 20 9; — fbuncn, to be able to get in 19 25 f;iueinbeiflcn str., to bite into f;ineinbfafen str., to blow into l^ineinbvingcrt anom., to carry or put in, to get in l^incinbrdngen (fid)), to force a way in ; to press in fjiiieinbringen str., to penetrate f;iucinfvif;ren str., to go or drive in; to be carried in l^incingef;cn str., to go in, enter i^ineingiefen str., to pour in f;ineinfommett str., to get in, enter l^incinfricc^eu str. , to creep or crawl in f;ineinfaufett str., to run in ^ineinfegen, to lay in ; — , to lie down in f)iueinreitcn str., to ride in f)ineinfd)auen, to look in f;ineinfc^einen str., to shine in f;incinfd;ie^cn str., to shoot in l^iaeinfel^en, to set inside, put in f;ineinftedcn, to put or stick in f;iueinflurjcn, to rush in l^ineintrcten str., to step in, enter fpiteinmcrfen str., to throw in f)inctinDicfcfn, to wrap in l^ineinjtel;en str., to draw or drag in ; to make to fall in i^tnfaflcn str., to fall down, tumble l^iug impf. f;angen (and l^dngcn); 9 13 Note l^ingeben str., to give away l^iitgcl^cn str., to go away, depart l^tnfommcn str., to get to, arrive l^inlaufen str., to run away l^infegen, to lay down, deposit l^innagctn, to nail up, to nail down or against, to fasten with a nail 2i8 vocabulary* [^inrctc^ctt — >5ut l^inrcid()en, to hand l^inrcitcn str., to ride to l^iuri(!()ten, to execute, put to death l^infc^cu (fic^), to sit down l^inftclten, to put or set down l^inftrccfen to stretch oneself out, to lie down l^inten, behind (adv.) l^intcr, behind (prep.) l;iutci!6ringen str. insep., to inform (secretly) J^intcrfuf m. hind leg ]^intcrm = ]^inter bcm ^intcrt]^ur(e) f., back door ^tniibcr, over ^inuberbringcn anom., to take over l^inuberl^etfen str., to help over or across l^inuntcr, down l^inuntcrfatten str., to fall down l^inuntergel^cn str., to go down ]^inunterfd()tucfcn, to swallow down ; mit — , to swallow with the rest 23 20 l^inuntcrtuurgcn, to swallow down (with an effort) l^inmerfcn str., to throw down or about l^tnju, to it, in addition l^injufugcn, to add l^tnjufommen str., to be added; to join; to approach «§trfd()fdnger m. hanger, whinyard «^irfc m. #n, millet-seed His, instead of genitive case 65 7 Note f., heat impf. I^ebcn l^oBctn, to plane (l^bl^ev ]^i?d(jftcr #c§), high; ctticn flcinen 33crg — 14 6 Note l^odf^ac^tcn, to esteem, prize m. fg, insolence, arrogance ; haughty, proud spirit l^odjmutig, haughty, insolent l^oc^ftcng, at the best; at most, at the outside *§odj5cit f., festival 41 4 Note; wedding, nuptials; — l^atten, to celebrate a wedding *§of m. s(e)8 -§ofc, court; courtyard l^offcn, to hope «§offnung f., hope •^oficutc m. (pi.), courtiers (for sing, use «§5fiing) «§offiaat m. ^(c)g, court, body of courtiers, household (of a prince) f., height; in tie — , upwards, up hollow f. , cave, cavern mocking, sneering gracious, kind l^otcn, to fetch, bring hoiU, Scan 48 i Note -^otj n. «s?ot3cr, wood f. pi. -djctc, woodaxe l^oljcrn, wooden J^otj^acfcr m. woodcutter m. sC, wooden shoe, clog, sabot ! gee up ! 122 4 ]^ord(>cn, to listen l^oren, to hear, listen; er l^ort nidjt auf mcine 2Corte, he turns a deaf ear to my words «^orn n. #(c)§ Jjorner, horn Horseflesh, eating of 128 14 Note f. (sing.), trousers •^oStcin dim. •^ofc pbfd?, pretty, nice ; — fittfam, very quietly 62 12 Note n. '^ul;ner, fowl Humperdinck 12 i Note Jeunb m. ^e, dog l^unbcrt, hundred j^untcrtid^rig, a hundred years old; lasting a hundred years J^unger m. ^3, hunger; famine; «^ungcr3 flerben, to starve l^ungcrn, to hunger, be hungry «^ungcrtot) m. death by star- vation l^ungrig, hungry pvfen, to hop, leap, skip J&ufar (accented on a) m. *tn »cn, hussar «5ut m. ^(c)g >§utc, hat ^ut f., guard, protection; xd) mar auf mcincr — ror bcm Seiubc, I ^utc1(>eu — fatt] VOCABULARY. 219 was on my guard against the enemy -^utc^cii dim. J&ut (hat) l^iitcn, to tend; fidj — , to be on one’s guard, to beware, take care f., hut 3 (i) tci()3 = td(> eg Illustrations : G. Cruikshank 76 i Note ; Gordon Browne p. 136 ; H. Vogel 1 I Note; H. R. Millar 128 1 Note tm = in fcem immcr, always, ever Imperative, strengthened by 9 II Note; with nur 12 21 Note; expressed by the pres, indie. 42 18 Note, by the past partic. 61 14 Note in, in; into Inaccuracy of construction 25 10 Note; 76 9 Note; 107 31 Note inbc 3 , meanwhile, in the meantime, at the same time Indicative, for conjunctive 11 3 Note; 37 30 Note; in final clauses 72 16 Note Indirect speech, tense in 2 21 Note Infinitive, used as a substantive 612 Note ; preceded by auxiliary 18 22 Note; after verbs of motion 61 24 Note inne^tten str., to stop, cease tn«=in bag inftdnbig, urgent Inversion of subject and predicate 10 26 Note; after unb 7 3 Note tnnjcnbig, internal; adv. inside irben, earthenware (adj.) iri'c, confused, perplexed ; — maci(>cn, to disturb, unsettle, confuse ; ot;nc fid() irre madtjen ju faffen, without allowing it to disturb them, without taking any further notice 17 20 pres, effen i|'tg = ijl eg 3(0 fa, yes ; no doubt, surely ; 6 20 Note Sagb f., chase Sagbl^unb m. ^(c)g ^e, hound jagen (fid()), to race about; — mit, race after 131 29 Sager m. ?g, hunter, huntsman ; ber tt)ilbc — 72 29 (see 38 7 Note) Sal^t n. ^(e)g (pi. also Sa^r e.g. 84 1 5), year; fiber ein or iiberg — , a year hence, after a year has passed, in a year’s time; fange Sal^re, many years Sammer m. *g, distress, longing; — nadfj >i?aug = J 5 eimtt)e’^ 49 27 iftmmerfi^, miserable, wretched iammern, to lament iammerfe^abe; eg iff — , it is a very great pity je, ever, at any time ; — (Anger — (icber, the longer the better; — tnel^r id(> bic^ fe^c, beilo beffer mftef^e ic^ bte^, the more I see you, the better I understand you; 63 8 Note feber *cg, every jcbermann, everyone jeberjeit, at all times, always icbegmai, every time femanb, somebody, anybody fencr <=cg, that (one) fc^t, now Subef m. ^g, jubilation, merriment j[u’^ unb io!^! I^ctt unb l^ar! 70 10 Note lung (iiingcr), young Sunge (ber), boy, youth, lad Sungc (bag), young one (of an animal) Sungfer f. =Sungfrau; 105 21 Note Sungfrau f., maid(en), girl St .^afig m. ^g =e, cage fabt, bald fait (falter), cold 220 VOCABULARY. pam — fpmmctt fam impf. fommcn Jtamevab m. :*en, comrade ^amm m. ^cirnmc, comb fammcn, to comb itammer f., chamber, closet ^ammerfrau f., maid-in-waiting, waiting woman ^ammcrjungfcr = ^ammcrfrau ^ammcrmdbci(>en = Jtammerfrau fanng = fann (pres, fcnncn) eS fanntc impf. fcnnen f., chapel dim. f., cap, hood .barren m. .=g, cart; ( = @ci(iut>farven) barrow .^artc f., chart, map .^df(c) m. »=c, cheese .Kaftctt m. chest, coffer, box, cupboard ; case (see Ul^rfaften) .Kd|(|)cn dim. .^a|e f., cat Jtauf m. s(e)g .^dufe, purchase, bar- gain faufen, to buy, purchase itdufer m. ^g, buyer, customer faum, scarcely, hardly fe^ren, to sweep; fe^rt euci(> (dat.) fefber! sweep for yourselves I n. ^g, sweepings, dust fein, no... ; not a... ; teiner me^r, no more .^cldfj m. ^eg =c, goblet .^erl m. ^(e)g (pi. not .^erfg), fel- low Jteffet m. ^g, kettle, cauldron ; ein — mit Staffer, a kettle of water .^ette f. , chain .Kiefetftetn m. #g ^e, pebble .^inb n. ^cg ^er, child .Kinbctcin dim. .^inb .^inberf))tef n. !=g ^e, child’s play; bagatelle J\inbtauffc][}maug m. ^cg sfdjmdufc, christening feast .Jvinn n. ?(e)g ^c, chin Jtird(?^of m. .=(e)g churchyard .^irfb^baum m. 5 =(e)g ^bdume, cherry tree n. =.g, pillow, cushion .Kittet m. ^g, gown, frock Jvtttcfd^cn dim. ft^eln, to tickle (after f., fathom Jtfage f., lamentation, complaint ffagen, to lament, complain ffang impf. ftingen flat, clear ffeben, to stick, cling to Jlfetb n. ^eg ^er, dress, frock; (pi.) clothes .Rfetbd^en dim. .^(eib ffetben, to dress, clothe .fffeibunggftucf n. ^g ^c, article of clothing ftein, little, small ffeinfaut, humble, abashed, subdued Jlfeinob n. 4 (also 4en, less good), treasure ffettern, to climb f Ungen (flang geffungen), to ring, sound .KUnfe f., latch flobfen, to beat, knock, hammer ftug (Hiiger), prudent, wise, shrewd .Kfugl^eit f., prudence .^fumben m. ^g, lump Jlnabe m. ^en ^en, boy fneigdjen 17 15 Note fneten, to knead .^nie n. ^g ^e, knee J^ntrb^ m. ^eg ^e, manikin, hop o’ my thumb itnod()en m. ^en *en, bone Jtnod^tein dim. J?noc()en ilnobf m. *(e)g .^no^f^ button, stud ; mit ibnbbfctt 'Jon ^erfen, studded with pearls fnubern, to nibble; 17 15 Note J?nubbbfm. 4, cudgel aiig bem @acf 65 17 Note .flnitbbbf^en dim. .^nubbd .^oMb m. »g ^e, goblin, brownie .^odj m. ^g .^bd^e, cook fodjen, to cook .Kbc^tn f., cook .^ol^fenfeuer n. sg, coal fire fommen (fam gefommen finnmt — not fbmmt), to come, arrive; jn fid; — , to come to oneself, to regain fommcu — labcn] VOCA/WLARY, 22 1 consciousness; cv fam umd Scbcii, he lost his life; t»u fonnnft miv vcfl(>t ! I like that ! (ironical) 61 3 foiniucii with the past participle 4 20 Note JliMiiij m. ^8 king ^'oniij JDi’offclbart 88 i Note jvouigtu f. 4nncn, queen touiglic!;, royal Jlvonigrctd; n. ^8 ^c, kingdom, realm Jlontg8tH*aut f., royal bride ^bnigsiungfcr f., royal maid ^cnt98fof;n m. s(e)8 ?fbf;nc, king’s son, prince v, precious, delicious .Jtraft f. .Krcifte, strength, force, power, vigour frciftig, strong, powerful, vigorous .^ragen m. *8 itrcigeu, neck (of a bird) 23 2 1 ^framer m. ?8, pedlar, hawker, dealer Jtramerfrau = .^rcimerin Jtramei'in f., pedlar woman frauf (fraufer), ill; — mcrbeu, to fall ill frdufUc^, ailing, poorly fra^jpefu, to creep .Kraut n. s(e)8 .Krduter, herb Jtref)8f(^afe f., crabshell Jvvcibe f. , chalk; tie tot^'cttc — 63 26 Note friec^eu (frod; 9efvod;cu), to creep, crawl .Ivvieg m. se8 ^e, war friegeu, to get, obtain (colloquial for befommeu) .Krieg8bieuft m. #e8 >c, military ser- vice Jtrteg8^elb m. ^eu ^eu, great warrior, hero of a hundred fights frod; impf. friedjeu Jtroue f., crown (also of a tree) ; top .Krbbfc|)cu (dim. .Kro^f) n. ^8, crop 41 17 Jvi’bte f., toad .Kriide f., crutch frumm, crooked, askew, awry friimmen, to bend ; bir foil fctu Jpaar gefriimint iucrbeu, not a hair of your head shall be touched Jtiidje f., kitchen Jtucbeu m. s8, cake Jtiic^enfeufter n. 4, kitchen window Jfuc^euiuuge m. ^eii ^eu, kitchen boy, scullion .Kiid^jeumagb f., kitchenmaid- .Ku:(> f. .Kii^e, cow Jlul^fleifc^ n. ^e8, beef filial, cool fuUeru, to roll, trundle Jlummer m. >8, grief fummcru (fid?), to trouble, worry (intrans.) jtuuft f. .Kuufte, art fuuftlid?, artistic; artful; cunning funftreidl?, elaborate ; requiring skill .Kuuj 108 13 Note Jburbc^eu 130 27 furj, short ; adv. in short .Kup m. se8 .Kuffe, kiss fitffeu, to kiss C fabeu (fid?), to refresh oneself; fici(? an bcm 225ciue — , to relish the wine 2 22 VOCABULARY, [(ac!f>ett — Seib lac^cn, to laugh \a<^txi\d}, laughable; ridiculous; absurd (afcen (tub getabcn tabt; sometimes the weak forms tabete etc. are used), to invite; to load Sabung f., charge tag impf. tiegen Sager n. bed 81 19 Saib m. ^e, loaf; cr ]\d) cin @tucf utter ben gangen Saib, he cut a round off the loaf 28 19 Saibdf^en dim. Saib Safen n. *3, cloth, sheet Sammerfc^tuanjci^jen n. ^3, little lamb’s tail 29 1 8 Note Sanb n. #e8 Sdnber (poetic Sanbe), land; country; ut)er3 — , across country; shore Sanbfarte f., map Sanbjtrafc f., highroad, highway tang (tdnger), long; er maci()tc ben *§at3 — , he craned his neck; adv. tang(e), a long time; brei JIage — , for three days ; fo tang(e) (conj.), as long as tangen (nad[)), to stretch out one’s hand for, to get tdngjt, long since, long ago, ever so long Sdbt?c?(>en dim. Sa^bc Sap^je m. ^n ai, piece of linen, cloth etc.; patch Sdrm(en) m. ^3, noise ta3 impf. tefen taffen (tiep getaffen td^t), to let; to leave; to cause; er tiep ftc l^cten, he had them fetched, he sent for them; ta^ bid^ nid^t trteber fet;en, don’t come into my sight again, keep out of my sight; fie iruptc fi(^ nid()t ju — , she did not know what to do ; er nju^tc \id) nidfjt ju — ror iJreubc, he did not know what to do for joy; \d) fann3 nid()t laffen, I can’t help it or give it up; e3 tdft fi^ gut barauf fci(jtagen, you can ham- mer well on it ; tap e3 fein! don’t do it ! stop that ! Inp’n = tap i!^n 131 29, cp. 89 24 Note tdpt, pres, taffen Saft f., burden Saub n. ?e3, leaves, foliage taufen (tief getaufen tduft), to run; to walk ; to roam ; «om 2Gegc ab — , to stray from the path tduft3 = tduft (pres, taufen) c3 taut, loud; adv. aloud tauter adv., purely; nothing but 4 16 Note; in tauter Sreubc, in perfect bliss 21 6; ba3 finb — gute ®tnge, all these are good things Seben n. ^3, life; am — fein, to be alive; ba3 — baran fe^en, to risk or venture or stake one’s life teben, to live tebenbig (obs. accent on second syll.), alive, living Seben3gefa^r f., danger of death, extreme peril Seben3mittet n. ^3, food, provisions Seben3maffer n. ^3, water of life Seber f., liver Sebtag 16 4 Note; auf il^r — , for the rest of her days Seber n. «3, leather Sebermii^c f., leather cap tecr, empty tegcn, to lay, put; — , to lie down, recline, subside, be ap- peased, abate Se^rc f., instruction, counsel; ap- prenticeship; cr ging bci cincm @d()neiber in bte — , he was ap- prenticed to a tailor 60 13 Note Seib m. »e3, ^er, body; (eincm) auf ben — molten, to attack; bleib mir bom — , keep away from me 8eibe3fvdftcn (au3), with all his might, for dear life 28 4 light, easy ; adv. easily, readily Seib n. »e3, harm; injury, wrong; er l^at e3 il^r ju — getl^an, he has done her this injury ; e3 gcfci[;ic]^t bir fein — , you shall come to no harm ; no ill shall befall you ; tcttcn — inad;cn] VOCABULARY. t^ut mil* Icit) (no capital), I am sorry for it Icitcn (litt gclittcn), to suffer, en- dure, bear tolerable, fair letfc, gentle, soft, subdued (of sound) fcijfen, to render tciten, to lead terncu, to learn lefcn (ta6 getefcn Ueft), to gather, collect ; to pick ; to read letter ^c6, last lcud;ten, to shine, gleam ?cute (pi. only), people, folks ^id?t n. »(c)g #er, light; candle £id?ttein dim. 2ic()t lieft, dear; — l^aften, to like, be fond of; 39 5 Note Siefe fi, love; cr tl^ut mir atteS ju Sicf(c), he does all he can to make me happy; bir ju Cief (c), for your sake, for love of you, to do you a favour Uefer (comp. of tieb), dearer; (comp. of gern), more gladly, rather Itcbfcfcninsep., to fondle, caress fiebtid(;, lovely, sweet, pleasant Sicb n. *er, song; bag — bat cin ©ube, we are at the end of our tether 16 6 Siebdjen dim. Cieb Ucf impf. faufen itegen (fag gefegen), to lie fief impf. faffeit ficfen6 = ftcfcn eg ftnf, left; mit ber ftnfen (supply •^anb), with the left hand; jur linfen, on the left finfg, on or to the left Sinfe f., lentil fcifl f., cunning, craft; trick, strata- gem fiftig, crafty, sly loben, to praise, extol Sod) n. »(e)g Soccer, hole; bag ftnftcvc — , the prison, cells 124 26 Sbffcf m. :>g, spoon Sbffefein dim. Sbffef So^n m. f(e)g Sobne, reward, wages 223 fof;nen, to reward, make a return for fog, rid; off fogbviidcn, to pull (viz. the trigger) 110 21 fbfen, to solve; to perform (a task 26 5) fogffeebten str., to unplait, undo foggeben (auf etnen) str., to attack, set on fogfaufen, to buy free, ransom fogfaffen str., to let go fogmacben, to unbind, unfasten ; ficb — , to disentangle oneself fogfebfagen (auf einen) str., to beat, belabour fogfbringen (auf etnen) str., to rush upon fogiuerben str., to get rid of Sot n. *(c)g, half an ounce 28 1 3 Note Sbtuc m. sen sen, lion fub impf. faben Suft f. Siifte, air Siigenbrut f., a lying lot 69 9 Sfigner m. sg, liar, impostor Sump m. sen sen, ragamuffin, vaga- bond Sumpenffeib n. s(e)g ser, ragged garb, tatters fumpig, ragged, shabby Sunge f., lung Suft f. Siifte, desire ; pleasure ; icb befam — barnacb, I longed for it ; feine — biifen (ptriidbaften), to satisfy (restrain) one’s desire (appetite etc.); ba b^ff’ ^ — / micb febmubtg ju ma^en! catch me dirtying myself! 60 31 ; er febte feinen Siiftcn, he gratified all his desires 111 6 Sujtgartcn m. sg sgarten, pleasure- garden fuflig, merry, gay; er maebte fief) fiber mid) — , he made fun of me, he jeered at me Suftigfeit f., gaiety m macben, to make ; ficb auf bie 33etne — , to get on to one’s legs, to 224 VOCABULARY. pJi'ac^t— 2Ki(cf? set out ; auf ten SOSeg — , to start, set out; iniU mid? in meine <^5^te — ,I’ll hurry off to my cave; fid; l^inaug — , to go out; fid(> an etVnaS — , to attack, set to work on; id() mad^e mic nidfjt met tavaug, I don’t care much for it, I don’t mind it much; madf?’ ta^ tu fortfommft, get away with you, get you gone quickly; vuiv fint nic|)t gemad(>t ( + infin.), we are unable, we are not of the stuff (to...) 9)iad()t f. 3Jlad(?te, might, power, strength, force; eg fte'^t in fceiner — , it is in your power, you are able to do it mddfjtig, mighty, powerful, strong mad^tlog, powerless 9)tatd[)en n., girl, maiden mag pres, mogen StHagfc f. ajidgte, maid, servant 3i)lagen m. OJlagen, stomach mager, thin, lean; scanty, meagre Qlial^ljeit f., meal ; eine gefegnete — , a square meal 17 8 Note 31id'§rc f., mare Main clauses, frequent in popular speech 1 3 Note 3iyiai n. #g ^e, time; feag erfte — , the first time ; f eim, jum biitten — , at, for the third time man (acc. einen, dat. cinem), one mandfjmat, sometimes, now and then, occasionally 9)lann m. ^(e)g 3iJldnner, man; jum 9)tanne ne^men, to marry 3Jldnnd(>en dim. 3Jiaun, manikin, little wight SJidnnlcin dim. ailann aiidnntein im 233 alb e, bic brei 6 i Note QUantcl m. *g Slldntct, cloak; ben — nac^ bem 2GBinb ^dngen, to set one’s sails according to the wind, to adapt oneself to circumstances 125 15 Note 931dntcld()cn dim. SDlantcl 3}idrd()en n. ^g, fairy tale, nursery tale aJiai’tt m. ?eg SJldrftc, market Qliafi n. ?eg ?e, measure; ubcc ade ^lapen, beyond all measure, be- yond words, immensely 88 2 Note mdflen, to fatten; ftd() — , to get fat, put on weight SUaul n. :=(c)g 3iJlduler, mouth, jaw SJlaug f. Slldufc, mouse Qllauglodfj n. ^g 4od;er, mousehole medfern, to bleat 9Jieer n. s(e)g =*c, sea ; fid(> aufg — fe^en, to put to sea Sllccreggiunb m. :»eg, bottom of the sea 9)tcermaffet n. #g, sea-water, brine n. ^g, flour md^r, more me^rmalg, several times 9Jleile f. mile mein, my, mine; mein [®ott]! my word! 70 14 meinen, to think; er mcint eg gut mit mir, he is well disposed to me, he wishes me well meinig, mine (not with subst.) ; bie SJleinigen, my people meiften (am), most, most of all QJleifter m. #g, master SUeifterftu^ n. ^g ^e, masterpiece mi^xox 107 23 Note melbcn, to announce, tell ; fid(> — , to apply, give in one’s name melfen (molt gemolfen, also mellte gemelft), to milk 9)tenge f., quantity; crowd aJienfd(> m. #cn ^en, man, human being; (plur.) people merfen, to mark, pay attention to; to observe, see mcrfcng = merfen eg merfmiirbig, noteworthy, remark- able 9Jleffe f., fair aHejfer n. =g, knife 3Jlefferd(jen dim. SJieffer aiUefferlein dim. aHeffer 311e^germ. .g, butcher (in North of Germany usually ^d(;ldc^ter or g^leifc^er) aJiitd^? f., milk mitt* — narf;] VOCABULARY, mitb, mild, gentle, kindly, com- passionate iniitern, to soften ; to alleviate ; to render less dangerous or cruel niiv6 = nur mifcraBct, miserable, wretched ; 30 4 Note 9)iift m. dung, dung-heap mit, with, by; ein Jteffel — S®«ffer, a kettle of water mitanl^oren, to listen or hear also, with others mitanfel^en str., to look on mitbringen anom., to bring (with one) mitgel^en str., to go with, accompany mitfommcn str., to come or go with mittaufen str., to go with, accom- pany 9Jtittcib(en) n. pity, compassion mitteibig, compassionate, kind mitnel^men str., to take with mitreiten str., to ride with SJiittag m. »=e, noon; afternoon 13 19 Note QJlittaggbrot n. s(e)gsc, dinner; lunch SJiittaggjcit f., noon- time, noon 9Jhtte f., middle aihttet n. .=g, means, remedy mittetftcr »=c ?eg, midmost; ber mit* tetftc, the one in the middle mitten, in the midst; — burcl(>, through the midst (of them) ; — im Jpacfen, busily hewing 9)tittcrnaci()t f. *nad(?te, midnight mitjiel^en str., to set out also, to accompany moci()te impf. mogen mcgen (mod()te gemoci(?t mag), may; to like moglic^, possible i SJtonat m. ^g *e, month I SJtonb m. *eg *e, moon ! 9J?onbfci()cin m. *g, moonlight ! 9)toog n. scg *c, moss morben, to murder j 31torgcn m. *g, morning ; am friil^cn i — , early in the morning ; guten ‘ — ! good morning! j morgen, to-morrow; big — , by to- G. M. 225 morrow ; — fnif;, to-morrow morning morgcng, in the morning SJiorgcnfonne f., morning sun Motion, verb of: with simple in- finitive 61 24 Note; to be sup- plied 1 7 Note miibc, tired, weary; ctmag — merben, to get tired of something 61 14 Note SD^iibigfeit f., fatigue 3}iuf;e f., trouble ; bcr — mcrt, worth while ; gebt euc^ feine — , don’t trouble yourself SJhiher m. *g, miller CDiuhertn f., miller's wife 9)iuIfergtoci(jter f., miller’s daughter 9)Junb m. *eg no plur. , mouth munter, lively, brisk £[)'iun3e f., coin Qkiinjmeifter m. ^g, master of the mint (applied to the gold ass 64 9) murmein, to murmur, mumble, grumble; iw fic^ !^in — , to mumble to oneself 9)lug m. ^eg *c, any thick pre- paration of fruit, such as apple sauce, gooseberry fool etc., jam, preserves 28 5 9Jtufc:()el f., shell miiffen (mupte gemuft), must, be obliged; 63 ii Note miifig, idle 9Jlut m. s(c)g, courage, valour; — faffcn, to take heart, courage; mie fingjllid) mirb mtr — , how- uneasy I am getting 64 10 Note ; eg ift mit md(>t mo^t ju — , I am ill at ease; mir finb guteg 3JJuteg, we are merry, of good cheer SOhittcr f. Qliutter, mother aJlutterc!()en dim. SJlutter, gammer mutterfeefenalfein, quite alone; 6 ii Note nadb, after, towards; — unb — , gradually; — bent 5Dorfe ju, to- wards, in the direction of the village 15 226 VOCABULARY. [5^ad()bvirfdjiaft — nimmt 9^aci(?6arfci(jaft f., neighbourhood iiad^bringcu anom. , to bring after, to follow with naci^bcm, after (conj.) nacl()benfen anom., to consider, reflect nac^geben str., to yield, give in na4>ge^en str., to follow, pursue nacb^^er, afterwards nad^faffen str., to stop, cease, leave oif nadjlaiifen str., to run after nacbmac^en, to copy, imitate 9^ac^mittag m. ^e, afternoon nacbmittag^, in the afternoon S^acbricbt f., news nacbrufett str., to call after nadjfd^feidjen str., to creep, slink, sneak or steal after Ttacbfe^en str., to inspect, see to, look up or after nacbfbringen str., to jump like some one else ; to run after nad^ftcflen (cittern), to lie in wait for ndi^fter ?eg super!, ttvt!^ ttacbfud()en, to search, look for 9^adf;t f. 9^dci(jte, night; giite — ! good night ! ttac^tl^un anom., to copy, imitate, mimic ttac^tg, at night nacft, naked S^abcf f., needle S^agcf m. ^8 9^dgef, nail ttageltt, to nail nab(e) (tidier ttdd^fter ^cg), near Sfldl^e f., neighbourhood; in fcer — , near, close by; au8 ber — unb ^ernc, from far and near na’^en (fic!(>), to approach, come near nd^en, to sew; to hem 29 15 ttdber comp, naf; ndbcrn (fidj) = fi^ nal^cn ttabm impf. ne!^men nabm8 = nal^m e8 nd^ren, to feed, nourish ; fie — fid^ batjon, they live on it Sf^a'^rung f. , food f. S^dl^te, seam ; c8 rieb i^m bic Sldl^te, it gave him a sound thrashing 0lamc m. ^eng ^cn, name ndmfid(t, namely nnnnte impf. nennen Shirr m. ^en ^en, fool, simpleton; er b^t iiiicb S^arren, he is making a fool of me ; 13 29 Note Slafe f., nose neben, beside (prep.) nebenan, beside (adv. ), close by necfen, to mock, tease Negative, emphatic position 1 19 Note nebmen (nabm genommen nimmt), to take Sleib m. ^c8, envy, jealousy neibifcb, envious, jealous, covetous neigen (ficb), to bow down, bend over nein, no nennen (nanntc genannt), to name, call SZeft n. sc8 ^^er, nest neu, new; auf8 neuc, »on nencm, again, afresh, anew Sleugierbe f., curiosity, inquisitive- ness nengierig, curious, inquisitive nicbt, not nicbtg, nothing nicfen, to nod nieber, down nieberfaUen str., to fall down nieberfnicen, to kneel down nieberfaffen (ficb) str., to settle down, descend, alight nieberfegen (ficb), down nieberfanf impf. nieberfinfen nieberfegen (ficb), to sit down, take a seat nieberfinfen (^fanf ^gefunfen), to sink, fall down nieber fi^en str., to sit down niebcrfturjen, to fall, rush down nicbertreten str., to tread down, trample under foot niebticb, dainty, pretty, natty niebrig, low niemanb, no one, nobody nimmermebr, nevermore, never nimmt pres, nebmen nirgcnfcg — ))lagcn] VOCABULARY. ntigenk' 3 , nowhere nod;, still ; yet; besides; 6 25 Note, 9 9 Note 9 ^ot f. 9 Zotc, need; misery; e8 tt;ut niir not (no capital), I stand in (have) need of it ni'tig, needful, necessary ; — l^aben, to require, need nutetn, to cram (geese) 124 14 Numerals, declension of 3 26 Note; 34 10 Note nun, now; — unb nimmcrmel^r, never, never by any chance nur, only ; as well ; 12 2 1 Note f. 9 luffe, nut f., hedge of nut-trees nu^e (indecL), useful; ju ctm^ — fcin, to be of use; pt nid;tsS — , good for nothing, no good nu^ltc^, useful O oB, whether; if, to see if o6en, above, up above, at the top obenan, at the head of the table pbenbrein, in addition; into the bargain ; besides this obenl^tn ; — , to the top or brim Cberl^anb f., upper hand obgtei(i() (or ob...9letci()), although Ob^ut f., care, protection £)fen m. sg Ofen, oven, stove Cfenrb^re f., stove pipe offen, open offenbaren, to reveal, disclose offncn, to open 6ffnung f., opening pft, often ; fo — er tl^ut, as often as he does it cbue, without £)^r n. ^(e)^ ^cn, ear; eS fommt mtr in — , it comes to my ears ^(;i’fetgc f., box on the ear OUdmbd(>en dim. Ottampe f., oil lamp prtentli^, proper; right; careful; genuine, real ortnen, to arrange, put into order Orbnung f , order Ort m. ^(e)^ and Orter, place; 227 an — uub @teltc, at the very spot i^aar n. s>(c)g pi. ^aar(e), pair, couple; imi ^laar two pairs of shoes ; ein paar (no capi- tal), a few bacfen, to seize ^ataft m. ^afdftc, palace 5pantoffel m. ^antoffet (better than ^4)antpffctu), slipper ^papier n. #c, paper ^lapierfteib n. *(e)g ^er, paper dress or frock Participles : degrees of comparison 123 5 Note; pres. ptep. not fre- quent in German 4 20 Note ; bet anbrcc^entcm 2;a9 etc. 14 26 Note ; mit nje^enben 3 d^nen etc. 36 28 Note; past ptep. with fommen 4 20 Note; for imperative 61 14 Note ; ungetrunfen 62 22 Note; as a substantive 49 22 Note baffen, to suit, fit n. s(e)g, pitch 5 ilettfc!()e f., whip m. ^e, skin, fur Siletjfabbc f., fur cap ^ertc f., pearl 4>fut) m. sC, path ^fanncfud()en m. pancake ^Ifarrer m. parson, priest ^farrl^aug n. ?eg parsonage bfeifen (bfijf gebftffen), to whistle m. ^(e)g ^c, arrow 5 pferb n. *e, horse; gu ^}fevbe, on horseback bfiff impf. bfdfen bflanjen, to plant bflcgen, to be in the habit of ; fie bffegten ju t!^uu, they used to do it bfltdf^tttergeffen, forgetful of one’s duty, undutiful ^Pfote f., paw biefen, to peck bif b^b pick pick (imitation of sound) 41 22 blageu, to trouble, torment 15—2 i 228 VOCABULARY. — regnen m. place ^la^regcn m. *> 5 , pelting shower, thundershower; 67 22 Note suddenly Popular speech : main clauses pre- ferred 1 3 Note; inversion of subject and predicate 10 26 Note, after unb 7 3 Note ; auxiliary be- fore infinitive 18 22 Note ; poss. pron. in place of genitive 65 7 Note ?Pradjt f., splendour, magnificence )3rdcl(>tig, splendid, magnificent ^rdgen, to coin m. ^cn ^e, braggart, swag- gerer Predicate: in sing, with two sub- jects 6 16 Note; before subject 10 26 Note, after unb 7 3 Note m. ^e, price; urn feinen — , on no account Present for future and for impera- tive 42 18 Note ^rtnj m. ^en, prince Sprinjefftn f. 4 nn — , to deck oneself out; gc^ju^t, got up in style; bic ^nten ibu^ten fid? gtatt, the ducks smoothed down their feathers O £luat f., torture qudten, to torment £iuartier n. =g :=e, quarter quelten (quoff gequi?ffen quifft), to run, flow or pour out quiflt pres, queflen quoU impf. queffen 9 ?abe m. ^cn ^cn, raven JKabenmutter f., ^mutter, old raven ^Kabcnvater m. *bdtcr, old raven; ein — unb cine 8tabcnmutter, a pair of old ravens 24 2 1 0ftaci(>en m. ^g, throat rdd(>cn (fici(>), to revenge oneself, to take revenge racl(?fud^tig, revengeful, vindictive 9 iab n. >=cg 9 tdber, wheel; ( = @:|)inn^ rab) spinning-wheel 105 1 1 9 idbdf)en dim. fliab raffen, to gather, collect Ota^mcn m. ^g, frame; sash (of a window) 9 tanb m. ^eg 9 tdnber, edge, rim, brim; outskirts 9 tang m. s:(c)g, rank, order rannte impf. rennen 9 ftangen m. ^g, knapsack, valise rapbeln, rattle 9 tat m. .»(c)g (for pi. use 9 iatfd^(dge), advice, counsel ; fetnen — mtffen, not to know what to do, to be at one’s wits’ end 105 16 Note ; council 9 tatfet n. ?g, riddle rauben, to rob Jlidubcr m. ?g, robber raui^, rough, harsh taug = l^eraug (colloquial) raufd[jcn, to rustle red^nen, to reckon; tci(> rcd()nc auf btc!(?, I reckon or rely on you tcd(jt, right; real; true; (bag if!) mtr auci(> — , it’s all the same to me, I don’t mind either way; gu reciter 3cit, in good time; gur red(;ten (supply «&anb), on or to the right; mit ber with the right (hand) ; adv. very 14 7 Note red(>tg, on or to the right 9 {ebc f., speech, word; er gab t^m — unb ^ntmort, he answered him properly reben, to speak ; er (dpt mit — , he is a sensible fellow, he is open to conviction regen (ftdj), to move, stir, move about regnen, to rain rciScn — rum^etn] VOCABULARY. 229 rct^cn (ricB gcrtctcn), to rub 9fici(i^ n. ^(c)? *e, realm, kingdom rcid^, rich, precious rctdjjcn, to reach, stretch rcici^Iici^j, ample, abundant JRcidjtum m. 4umcv, wealth, riches rcif, ripe, mature rcifcn, to ripen tKciI;c f., row, line; naci^ fccr — , in turn, one after the other ; tic — iji an mir or fommt an it is my turn rein, clean; er a^ cS — auf, he ate it clean up reintic^, cleanly 9iei8 n. ^cr, twig, branch 9teifc f., journey Sieifegett n. »>cr, money for travelling Stcifig n. brushwood JUci^aug nel^mcn, to take to one’s heels, to turn tail 68 18 (cp. auSrei^en) rcifcn (rip geriffen), to tear rciten (ritt gcritten), to ride Oiciter m. horseman, trooper rennen (ranntc gcrannt), to run Repetition, for emphasis 21 8 N ote; of subject 25 II Note 9tefpcct m. *3, respect, honour, esteem retten, to save, rescue 9iettung f., means of saving ; rescue rcuen; c8 rent mici(>, I repent, rue it; mein 3Serfprcci()en rent mici(), I am sorry I made the promise Rhodopis 45 5 Note rici(>tcn, to judge, pass judgment on; fid(> in bic — , to rise up ; ju @runbc — , to put an end to, to destroy rici(?tig, right, correct; c3 ift nid^t ganj — mit bem @d()ttjcin, there’s something the matter with the pig (something strange about it) 9tidjtigteit f., correctness, accuracy; ti l^at fcinc — , there is no doubt about it ricB impf. reiben rief impf. rufen Jliicgct m. ^8, bolt ; cr fc^ob ber @ac^e cinen — »or, he spoilt their game 37 26 Note 9iiefc m. #cn ^en, giant Riming phrases 1 8 Note JHing m. ^(c)8 =c, ring rings, around ; — l^erum, all around JKippe f., rib 9Jippenbiefl 107 29 Note rip impf. reipen ritt impf. reiten 9to(f m. 3iocfc, coat JRodfatte f., fold of a coat 9ii3cEtein dim. 9tocf 3to(ftafc!(jtein dim. 9iocftafct?e (f. coat pocket) 9fiol^r n. ^c8 ^c, reed ; (coll.) reeds 24 5 rotten, to roll 9top n. tRoffeS *c, steed, horse rot (rotcr), red; ber tRote = bcr 68 23 rotgtu^enb, red-hot, in a red glow JRottappe^en dim. 9{otfappe (red cap) 52 I Note ; Red Riding Hood tRncf m. ^{t)% sC, pull, tug; einen — t^un, to give a pull ruefe bt gudf represents the cooing of a dove 45 23 tRiiden m. ?8, back; fie fel^ren mir ben — ju, they are turning their back on me riiefen, to move, push; gu Scibc — , to rush upon riicf marts, backwards iRiicfmcg m. s(c)s ^c, way back or home tRuf m. ?(e)S »>e, call, cry, shout rufen (rief gerufen), to call tRu^e f., rest; quiet; calm; — l^atten, to keep quiet; er tapt mir feine — , he leaves me no peace, keeps bothering me rul^en (also refl.), to rest, repose ru^ig, quiet, peaceful, calm tRumpelfammer f , lumber-room rumbetn, to rumble; maS rumbelt unb bumbelt..., what is rumbling and grumbling... 4 13 230 VOCABULAR Y, [JHum^elftU^cn — fci(>euett 9f{um))clftUj(^en 105 i Note I'unb, round rmjfcn, to pluck 9{utc f., rod, wand, birch JKutcnfc^tag m. *(c)^ blow with a birch or stick rutfd^en, to slip, slide, glide riittcln, to shake (Saat m. s(e)g @atc, hall ; large room or chamber (Saalt^iive f., door of hall, entrance to hall @abet m. sabre, sword f., thing; affair, matter; bag ift meine — , that is my style 36 2 Note faci(>te, softly, gently @acf m. s(e)g Sacfe, sack, bag @aft m. @afte, juice, liquid faftig, juicy @agc f., tale, story; legend; btc — ging, the tale was told, there was a legend 85 1 8 fagen, to say, tell; n liep bag ni^t jttjeimat — , he did not require to be told this twice; fo ftciu bap eg nirfjt ]ii — ift, smaller than can be told fa'^ impf. fe^en @atj n. =eg, salt fammcin, to collect, gather; to amass @ammet (or 0amt) m. ^g, velvet famt (+ dat.), with famttici(>, entire, whole, all @anb m. =eg, sand fanfttgen, to calm, appease, mollify fang impf. fingen fann impf. finncn @arg m. ^eg @drge, coffin fap impf. fi^en fatt, sated ; bift bu — ? have you had enough? ift er ®ottcg — ? has he had enough gold? @attet m. =g @dttet, saddle ; aug bcm — ftcigen, to dismount fdttigcn (fic?(>), to satisfy one’s hunger <&a^ m. ^eg @vi§e, leap, bound; cinen — tl^un, to leap, give a jump (cp. u6cr einen @rabcn fe^cn, to jump a ditch) @au f., sow ; 124 17 Note fauBer, clean ; neat fauer, sour; hard @aug; in — unb ®raug, in riot and revel (rime 1 8 Note) fd(?abc ( = @c3(>aben); eg i^ — , it is a pity @c^abcn m. *g @djdben, harm, damage, havoc ; o^nc — gu ncl^s men, without being hurt fd(>abl^aft, damaged (Sdjaf n. ^(e)g >c, sheep fci(?affcn, to procure 12 6; fici(> »om ^atfe — , to get rid of @c^afrit)t?e f., milfoil, yarrow fc!(jatt impf. fcfjettcn fc^dmen (ftci()), to be ashamed ; ic!(> fc^dmte mi(^ beincr, I blushed for you @(^ar f., band, crowd, company fdjarcnweig, in crowds, hosts @rf?atten m. ^g, shadow ; shade @(^a§ m. *cg (fcdjd^c, treasure fd;auen, to see, look, glance, watch fdjaufctn, to shovel fd^dumen, to foam fci()edtg, spotted @d()ecve f., (pair of) scissors ©d^cercnfrfjteifcr m. ^g, scissors grinder @d)ei6c f., window^ pane fd(;eincn (fd()ten gcfc^iencn), to shine; to appear, seem fc^ettcn (fc^att gcfd^otten fci()Ut), to scold, reproach, revile @c()eltn3ort n. ^g ^e, angry word, word of abuse @c^emcl m. *g, stool, footstool fc^cnfen, to give ; ci* fci()enftc il^ucn bag Seben, he spared their lives (£d;cibe f., sherd, (broken) piece or bit (of earthenware etc.) fdjcven (fd()or gefd(joren fdjert — fd(jtcrt is no longer used), to shear; to shave fd(jcucn, to shirk, avoid ; to be afraid of ©djjcunc — fdfjnun*] VOCABULARY. 231 @cf)ciinc f., barn fd;i(fcii, to send; c« it is proper, becoming; fd;idt mir fclber nid()t, there isn’t enough for me 821 Note @ci()icffal n. =8 ^c, fate, destiny fdjiebcn (fd()ob gcfrfjobeii), to push fci^ien impf. fdjciucn fd^icfien (fc^op 9efci(?offctt), to shoot n. ^(e)8 ship ©4>iffd?cn dim. fdjimmcrn, to shine, glitter m. ?8, knacker @clfjtntcr8fnecl;t, m. ^(e)^ ^c, knacker’s man or assistant fc!(jlad()ten, to slaughter, kill @cl?taf m. ^(c)8, sleep fc^tafcii (fc^iicf ijcfrfjlafcn fd()taft), to sleep ; fid^ — to lie down to sleep, to go to bed @d[)Iafcn3e^en; »or — , before going to bed @df)(afen85Ctt f., bed-time @c^lafer m. ?8, sleeper ©di)lafgelb n. s(c)8 »er, pay for a night’s lodging, lodging money @d()laffammer f., bedroom, bed- chamber @d?lag m. @d()(acje, stroke, blow fc^jtagen (fd(>Iug gcfdfjtageu fdjtdgt), to strike, beat; to coin; to dart (of flames); c8 fc^ldgt jiuotf (Uf;r), it is striking twelve @d(jtange f., serpent, snake ©d^lange, bie tueipe 22 i Note fd()led()t, bad, wicked ; shabby ; — unb rcd[jt (adv.), plainly 90 25 Note fdf?lei(i[)en gefd^Uc^cn), to creep, steal, sneak fd(iteifen (fdfjUjf gcfcf^Uffen), to grind fdjjleifcn, to drag; ju 3^obc — , to drag about till he (she) is dead @d(>teifcr = @d^ecreufc^leifer fc^k)3bcn, to drag ; U;r miipt cudfj bamit — , you will find it a good weight 122 i fd(jflc^ impf. fdfjteic^en fdijflef impf. fd^jtafen fd^Ucfien (fd(>kf gefc^loffen), to close; to lock fdfjtimm, bad, evil, villainous fc^Uttcrn, to rinse @d(;(o^ n. *c8 @d(j(b[fcr, castle fd^U'^ impf. fc^Ucpcn @d()Io^garten m. ^8 ^^gdrtcn, palace garden ©d(?lcpl^of m. s8 castle yard @c^tucf m. ?(e)8 ©d^tucfe, gulp fd^tudcn, to gulp, swallow fd^Uig impf. fd;lvagen f(^tug8=:fc^hig e8 fc^hhifern, to slip, glide @d?tu[fet m. ^8, key fd^mat, narrow; scanty, slender fc()niedfcn, to taste @d()mer5 smart, pain, grief @d()inud m. =(e)8 (for “ornaments” use @d()miicifad()en), ornament ; array nurrctt, to whirr fd|jnurftracf0, as quick as lightning fdjob, impf. fc^ieben @d^ot(e f., sod fd^on 1 12 Note fd^on, beautiful, lovely, handsome, fine (also ironically) @d(; 5 nl^eit f., beauty fd()opfen, to draw (water); Suft — , to draw breath, to breathe fd^or impf. fdfjeren @d(jcrnftein m. *3 ?c, chimney; fire- place fd^o§ impf. fd^ic^eit @d(?rant m. ^(e)g @d()rftufc, cupboard ©c^reden m. terror, fright fd(jre(fen, to frighten, startle ©d^vci m. »>c, cry, shriek; cincn — tl^un, to utter a cry fd()rei6en (fd(?rieB gefd()rie6en), to write fdi^reien ([ctjiie gefd(jrieen), to cry, scream @d(;rcincr m. »-g, joiner, carpenter fd()rte impf. fd()reien fd(>rieB impf. fd()rciBctt @d(jritt m. *(e)g #e, step, pace @d(jrot n. ?(e)g ^e, small shot @dj)uBfarren m. #g, wheelbarrow @d()ucf 46 24 Note ©dj)ul^ m. :»(e)g #c, shoe ©d^ul^Iein dim. ©d^utb f., debt; guilt; blame; cl^ne fetnc — , through no fault of his own; td^ bin fd^utb (no capital), ba^ . . . , it is my fault, that. . . 68 4 Note fd()utbtg, owing; tvte met bin — ? how much do I owe ; guilty @d()ute f., school @d^utter f., shoulder ©cbut3(e) m. ?en *en (full form : @d(>utt!^eif), mayor, magistrate fd(juven, to poke (the fire) @d^urjd(jen dim. (gc^iiqc ©dijurje f., apron ©cbiiffet f., dish @d()nfter m. »=8, shoemaker, cobbler fd()iittetn, to shake fdfjutten, to pour @d()uttern n. ?g, shaking, jolting fd()ttjad(>, weak fcbtramm impf. fd()njimmcn fc^mang impf. fd(jnjingcn fcbmanf, shaking, unsteady, weak @d(jtt>anj m. ^cg ©d^manje, tail fc^mcirmen, to swarm, crowd fd^njarj, black fdbwarj^aarig, with black hair fd^jnjeigen (fdfjttjtcg gefc^njiegen), to be silent, not to speak ©dfjnjein n. *=(e)g ^c, pig; ( = S®itb^ fc^tnein) wild-boar 36 27, 82 3; bag ttjitbe — , the wild-boar 82 19 ©dfjroeindfjen dim. ©d^mein ©di^tneip m. ^eg, sweat, perspira- tion ; fie tiegt in ftarfem — , she is perspiring freely ©c^njette f., threshold [corner, heavy; difficult; cumber- some; eg ttjirb nfir — , it gives me trouble, I find it hard fd()n)ertid(), hardly ©dfjnjert n. ^eg ^er, sword ©djjnjefler f., sister ©d^mefterd()en dim. ©d^ilnejter fd^jmimmen (fdfjmamm gefd()n?ommen), to swim ; to welter ^cbmingen (fc^mang gefd^injungen), to swing; fi(^ — , to jump, leap fd()n)irren, to whirr fcbmor impf. fd^jmoren fcbmoren (fd(;mor gefc^njoren), to swear ©cbmung m. =»(e)g ©dfjnjunge, swing, pull fe(bg(e), six fe^fter ^eg, sixth feeienfro!^, heartily glad, overjoyed; 6 II Note fegnen, to bless fel^en (fal^ gefel^en fiel^t), to see; — faffen, to show, exhibit; \id) — laffen, to show oneself, appear; fie barf fidfj nid(>t fe^en laffen, she is not fit to appear; nun fel^e ciner bie Jtinber! just look at those children ! fel^r, very, much ©eibe f., silk ©eil n. ^{t )9 cord, rope fein (n?ar geirefen), to be; bie getvefenc fcln — f^nU] VOCABULARY, ©iinfcmagb, the sometime goose- girl; baS iDArc! oh indeed! that’s a good joke ! (that would be a fine thing if what you say were true !) ; ftc iuar nid()t ju finbcu, she could not be found; tDaS iff ba »or ? what is going on here, what is the matter? fein, his feinig, his (not with subst.) fcit, since; — cinem Sal^r, for the last year fettbcm, since (adv. and conj.) @cttc f., side @citcntDcg m. s(e)g ?e, side path, by path felber fefbfl, (my, your etc.) self; fctbjl, even; ton felbff, of one’s own accord, spontaneously ©eligfett f., happiness, bliss feftfam, strange, curious, quaint, odd fengen, to singe; — unb brcnnen, to burn and fire @cnfe f., scythe fe^cn, to set, put; bag Seben baran — , to risk or stake one’s life; — , to sit down, to perch (of birds) fcufjen, to sigh ftdjcr, safe, secure fid>g = fici(> eg fieben(e), seven fiebenter *cg, seventh fieben (fott gcfotten), to boil; ®efob tcneg unb ©ebratcneg (viz. Sleif^)), boiled and roast meat 49 22 Note pres, fcl^ctt fieg = fie eg ©itber n. *g, silver; plate fUbevn, silver, made of silver finbg = finb eg fingen (fang gefungen), to sing Singular predicate to two subjects 6 16 Note @inn m. »»(e)g ^e, sense; mind; im — l^aben, to have in mind, to intend; eg fommt mir in ben — , it occurs to me 233 finnen (fann gcfonnen), to think, reflect, deliberate @ittc f., custom; manner fittfam, well behaved, modest, quiet fifscn (fa^ gefeffcn), to sit @neetnittci(jen 94 i Note fo, so ; thus ; then ; — unb — , in such and such a way ; — ein = fofc^ ein; — fange, as long as, while ; 1 8 Note @o^te f., sole (of foot or boot) @o^n m. ^(e)g @b^ne, son @o!^nlein dim. @o^n fofc^, such @ofbat m. ?en ^cn, soldier fotten, shall ; to be obliged ; fofften meine .Kinber am Seben fein? can it be that my children are still alive? mag foff bag? what is the meaning of this? what do you mean by that? ein fotf bort fein, a castle is said to be there 3 20 Note @ommermorgen m. ^g, summer’s morning fonbern, but @onne f., sun @onnenaufgang m. =g, sunrise @onnenftra^f m. ^g ^en, ray of the sun, sunbeam @onntag m. ^g ^e, Sunday ©cnntaggfinb n. ^(e)g »=er, Sunday child 126 17 Note fonft, otherwise ; generally ; be- sides ; formerly ; mie — and?, as she usually did ; 43 3 Note (Sorge f., sorrow, care forgen, to trouble, be anxious forgffiltig, careful fott impf. fieben crack, crevice, opening, chink fbann impf. fbinnen fparen, to save @ba^ m. ^un, amuse- ment; feinen — mit einem treiben, to jest with, have a joke with; eg i{t ein fc^tedjter — mit bem Steiten, riding is poor sport h)at, late; big — in bic 9faci(;t, until 234 VOCABULARY. [fpajicren — ftcrben late into the night, to a very late hour fpajicrcn, to walk ; auf unb ab — , to walk about ; — 9el;eit, go for a walk m. 4^)^) bacon f^eten (f^te gefpieen), to spit f. , food f)?eifen, to nourish, give to eat @perling m. =c, sparrow fpeiTttjeit, very wide (adv.); bie 3^^urc flci^t — auf, the door is wide open ©pieget m. 4, mirror, looking glass dim. @)3iegel @^ne(n. ^(c)^ ^c, play; game; music; er fe^te met aufg — , he had much at stake, ran a great risk €>ptetmann m. 4 4eute, musician, fiddler ©^.uettuerf n. 4, child’s play, baga- telle, mere trifle, mere sport f)?tefen, to strike, spit, run 36 ii Spiked cask 11 14 Note @^inbel f., spindle Spindles 84 23 Note f^jinnefeinb, very hostile or unkind (@^3inne f., spider); 6 ii Note f^itnnen (fvann gefponnen), to spin fbi^, sharp, pointed fpi^cn, to point ; bie Of;i'cn — , to prick up one's ears ©Vt'tt m. »'(e)^, mockery, jeering; er treibt — mit i^nen, he is ridi- culing them, making fun of them fpotten, to mock; bag @pctteu = @pott fpvadf) imp. fpred(>en @prad^e f., speech, language fprang impf. fpringen fpred;en (fpradj gefprodfjeu fpricl^t), to speak, say; m fic^ l^tn — , to murmur or mutter to oneself fpric^t pres, fpred^jen fpringen (fprang gefprungen), to jump, leap, run ; to dance ; to spout @pruc| m. s(e)g ©priic^e, saying @pute f., spool, bobbin fpiiren, to feel ; to notice ftac!(> impf. ftec^eu @tabt f. (StAbte, town ©tall m. ==(e)g @tatte, stall, stable ©tafldjen dim. Statl @tatltneci[?t m. ^(e)g *c, groom, stable boy @talltl§ure f., stable door ©tamm m. ^eg Stdmme, trunk (of a tree) @tanb, m. ^eg @tdnbe, position; ju ftanbe bringen, to carry out, ac- complish; im ftanbe fein, to be able 30 29 Note (in these phrases no capital) ; rank, class flanb impf. ftct;en ftarb impf. fterben ftarf, strong; violent @tdrfe f., strength, force, power fldrfen (fi^), to make oneself stronger; to get stronger @taub m. ?eg, dust ftaubig, dusty fteci[)ert (ftad(> gefloci^jen ftidjt), to prick; bie @onne ftid()t, the sun is scorching fteden, to put, place, poke; (in- trans.) to stick, be, be hidden @teg m. ^eg ^e, foot plank, foot bridge ftet^en (ftanb geftanben), to stand; eg ftet;t in bem iBrief, it is written in the letter; to stop; — bkiben, to stand still, come to a stop; to suit; eg fte^t bir gut, it suits you well, is becoming to you ; =:to be 16 24 Note, 63 20 Note ftebten (fta:^l geftol^ten ftiel^tt), to steal fteigen (jlieg gefliegen), to climb, go up; ju ^ferbe — , to mount @tcin m. s(e)g ?e, stone fteinatt, very old or ancient (cp. as old as the hills); 6 ri Note ftein^art, hard as stone, very hard; 6 1 1 Note (Steintrog m. s(e)g dvoge, stone trough @tette f., spot, place; auf bet* — , on the spot, at once, instantly fleUcu, to put, place; f^ (e.g. frcunbtic^) — , to pretend to be (kind), to feign fterben (ftarb geftorben flirbt), to die; flcvkn — fiicifjcn] VOCAnULARV. 235 einc^i trauviijcn — , to die a sad death; •'^iin^cv^ — , to be starved to death ftcvbcneifranf, sick unto death @tic!fj m. s(c)« ^c, stitch jticijt pres. ftcci(>cn ftiefen, to embroider @ttcfd m. @ticfct (not Stiefein), boot ©tieffinb n. s(e)5 =cr, stepchild ©ticfimittcr f. sinuttcr, stepmother @tteffrf)meftcr f. , half sister @ticftec!()ter f. 4od()ter, stepdaughter jfieg impf. fteigen fticj; impf. fto^en ftiften (e.g. @c!()abcn), to cause, bring about, commit (havoc) ftitt, silent, quiet; ftilt(c) adv., silently, softly, still; — tjatten, to stand still, come to a stand ; — fc^rucigen, to keep quiet, not to utter a word jlittcn, to satisfy, appease @timme f., voice @tocf m. ^(e)g Stodfe, stick; iifer — unb @tcin, over stock and stone 111 20 Note ftot;?crn, to stumble ftotg, proud ; splendid ftoVfen, to stuff, cram m. Stojie, push, blow ftc^en (ftie^ geftofen ftopt), to knock, hit, push; to plunge; ftoji bid; nic^t barau! don’t knock against it ! ftijfit pres, ftojicn ftrafen, to punish ftral^tcn, to beam, to cast rays (Stvanb m. shore @tvafc f. street; road; bte gvofic — , the main road, highway 48 7; auf offeucr — , on the public road flrdubcn (fici()), to struggle, resist @trauci(> m. s(e)g (Strdudje (better than @tvduc|jci*), bush, shrub @trauf m. -eg @trdufe, nosegay, bunch of flowers @trccfc f., stretch, distance; er gtng cine — , he went some distance fiveefen, to stretch, stretch out; bic Jbcinc — , to stretch out the legs, to lie dead 29 ii Note @treici() m. ?(c)g ^e, stroke; trick, prank fireid(>ctn, to stroke fti'cid^en (ftridj gcftric^cn), to spread, smear; to stroke ftreifen, to brush against or past ftreuen, to strew, sprinkle ftridj impf. ftrcid;ett @trid m. 4c)g sc, rope @tricfd?en dim. Strict ftriden, to knit @trol^ n. ^(e)g, straw m. sg #c, straw-stalk @trom m. =(e)g Stromc, stream, river @trum^if m. ^eg @trumpfc, stocking vStubc^cn dim. ©tube ©tube f., room, parlour ©tubenede f., corner of a room ©tiicf n. s(e)g ^e, piece, fragment ; piece of work (cp. Sliciftciftiid) 67 3; thing 116 3; ein — 2Bcgg, some distance, a bit of the way ; ein — .Jvreibe, a piece of chalk ; ein fdjbucg — ®c(b, a tidy sum, a handsome payment ©tiidc^cn dim. ©tiid, proof of one’s skill 30 27 ©tilth iTi- ='(^)^ ©tiilitc, stool, chair ©tii^tdien dim. ©tul^l ftumm, dumb ; — luie ciu gifd? 24 6 Note ©tunbe f., hour; »on ©tunb an, from that hour; auf biefe — , to this hour ftuvjen, to rush ; to cast down, pre- cipitate ftu^en, to stop in confusion; to hesitate ftiifecn (fid)), to lean for support, to support oneself Subjects, two, with sing, predicate 6 16 Note; subject repeated 16 18 Note, 25 10 Note; subject and predicate inverted 7 3 Note, 10 26 Note Substantival infinitive 5 12 Note fudien, to seek, look for VOCABULARY. [©uttan — Toads 236 (Sultan m. Sultan, a dog’s name Sultan, kcr altc 80 i Note Siinbcr m. sinner Superlative 12 13 Note; strength- ened 6 I T Note Su^^e f., soup fiif, sweet % Jlafct f., table Jlag m. ^c, day; »or — , before daybreak ; aUe iage, every day ; cinc6 Xag(e)g, one day; ben — liber, during the day ; the whole day; ad(jt 3:agc, a week; bierje^n JIage, a fortnight; guten — I good day ! how do you do ! 3;ageganbruc^ m. *3, daybreak XagegUdjt n. daylight Jlagegjeit f., the time of the day; bic — n)unfci(jen, to say good morning (or afternoon or even- ing, as the case maybe) 7 5 Note tagticiji, daily; (adv.) every day $latt m. ^e, tact; (music) time; ben — fc^tagen, to beat time Jlanj m. =eg dancing; dance; ber — ge^t bon neuem an, they are (it is) at their (its) game again 66 22 tanjen, to dance Jlcin^erin f., a girl or woman dancer ; a (lady) partner tabfer, brave, bold, valiant; 61 17 Note tabfere Sc?(jneiberlein, baS 28 i Note ^labferfeit f., courage, valour ^^afc^(?e f., pocket Siaubc f., dove ; pigeon ilaubci()en dim. Jlaubc Jlaubenl^auS n. :>e8 dove cot, pigeon house S^aufc f., baptism, christening; ein Jbinb aug ber — l^ieben, to be god- father (or godmother) to a child taufen, to christen taugen, to be fit for; er taugt nic^t baju, he won’t do taumefn, to stagger, reel Jlaufc^ m. exchange taufc^en, to exchange taufenb, thousand ; btel — SSogel, many thousands of birds ; ci ber — ! well I never ! taufenbmat, a thousand times 3:eicl(> m. ^(c)3 ^e, pond JJeig m. ^eg ^c, dough, paste JleU m. (portion of a specified whole) and n. (share) :=e, part, share; ju teit (no capital) iverben, to fall to one’s share tetlen, to divide ; to share tetlnel^men, to share, have a share in %dkt m. ^3, plate Ji:etterci()en dim. ^letter ‘Xeflerfein dim. ^^effer Tense in indirect speech 2 21 Note ileufel m. ^6, devil 3^eurung f., dearth; famine n. Jl^dlcr, dale, valley f^at impf. t^un 'l^dtcr m. 4, criminal; culprit; thief 23 8 Jl'^or n. ^(c)g =c, door, gate, gateway ^l^rdne f. , tear Jl^ron m. ^8 »=c, throne t^un (tl^at getl^an), to do; c8 tbut md()t8, it doesn’t matter; cr tl^ut af8 ob er mid(j lieb l^dtte, one v/ould think he was fond of me, he pretends to like me; fie tl^atcn fid(j mit bem .J?ud(jen, they had a good time of it, eating the cake; U)a8 l^aff bu ba ju — ? what is your business here? what are you doing here? ctnen (Sdfjrei — , to give a shriek ; cr fragte tuarum fie bem attem fo tl^dte, he asked why she did all these things 5lpr(e) f. , door tief, deep Jliiefe f., depth; the deep water $lier n. ^(e)8 ^e, animal, beast 3;ierd()en dim. %kv Jlterfein dim. $lter m. J=e8 *»c, table Jlifc^djen dim. Jlifcbc^en beef’ btef) etc. 67 i Note n. ^8 dvL^eXt tablecloth Toads and diamonds 7 22 Note tot'en — ut'crTicfcvn] VOCABULARY. tot>cn, to rage, be furious Jloci^jtcr f. Jloci(jtcr, daughter Jlo4tercl()cn dim. Jlodjtci* flo^tcrtein dim. Jlocitjtcr Jlob m. (no pi., use ^^obegfAHe), death tetl, mad, raving Tom Thumb 69 i Note Tom Tit Tot 105 i Note m. S^ovfe, pot, vessel ilopfdjcn dim. io))f tot, dead ; fie ftel fur — l^in, she fell down as though she were dead toten, to kill ; to murder totmac3()en, to kill totfdjiefeu str., to shoot; 65 12 Note totfc^tagen str., to strike dead, kill 2;rab m. ..eg, trot; bag ^Ifcrb [e^te fid(> in jtarfen — , the horse started off at a quick trot tvabcn, to trot trad[)ten, to strive ; cr trad(jtet il^r uaci() bcm €ebcn, he is plotting against her life traf impf. treffen tragen (trug getragen tvAgt), to carry, bear ; to wear tragt pres, tragen triinfcn, to give to drink tranf impf. trinfen trat impf. treten traucn, to trust; er tuoffte nici()t ud)t — , he had misgivings; to be- troth; — laffen, to be be- trothed 3:rauer f., sorrow, grief; in colter — , in deep mourning Jlraum m. s(e)g S^rvtume, dream trdumcn, to dream traurig, sad, pitiful Traurigfeit f., sadness, sorrow treffen (traf getroffen trifft), to meet; to strike, hit ; eg traf fic^, it hap- pened treiben (trieb getrieben), to drive (in , 131 16 supply tie @dnfe) trennen, to separate Jlrebbe f., flight of stairs, staircase treten (trat getreten tritt), to step; er trat in beg .^onigg i)ienfte, he 237 entered the king’s service; to stamp 97 8 Note treu, faithful trieb impf. treiben trifft pres, treffen 3;rinfen n. ^g, drink trinfen (tranf getruufen), to drink tritt pres, treten trodfen, dry trocfnen, to dry 5;rog m. ^eg 3;ri3ge, trough Jlrobfen m. sg, drop troften, to console; fidfj — , to take comfort, cheer up triib, dim Jlrubfaf f., affliction, misfortune trug impf. tragen Jlrunf m. :=(e)g ^e, drink ; draught trunfen, drunken, intoxicated Tuci() n. s(e)g $lud()er, cloth, sheet ^ud^tat^ben m. =g, bit of cloth ^ludtjlein dim. $iud(j, handkerchief 121 8 tiic^tig, thorough; strong; good Jlugenb f., virtue Jlurteffdubc^en dim. ^lurtettaube f., turtledove U iibet, bad; (adv.) amiss liber, over; on; ben ^ag — , during the day; — ein Sa^r, when a year is (was) over 6 28 Note; — unb — , all over uberaff, everywhere uberbenfen anom.insep. , to consider, reflect on iibergeben str. insep., to give or hand over uberl^aubt, generally, altogether uberfommen str. insep., to overcome; bie 9teugierbe liberfam mic^, curio- sity came over me ; I yielded to my curiosity ubcrtaffen str. insep. , to leave liber taut, very loud iibertegen insep., to consider, think over ubcrtel^nen (fid(>), to lean over ubertiefern insep., to hand over 238 VOCABULARY. [lUcrmotgcn — Unf(:(»utb ubcrmcrgcn, the day after to-morrow 11661-111 lit m. s(c)g, arrogance, conceit uberinutig, haughty, arrogant iibernadjtcn insep., to stay, spend or pass the night xiberne^men str. insep. ,to take over; to undertake ; to seize (see Ungebutt) u6er^ = u6er ubei'treffen str. insep., to surpass, excel iiSernjanb impf. iibenninben iiScrttjtnben (/tuanb ==ivimben) insep., to conquer, overcome iiberjeugen insep., to convince, satisfy iibrtg, over ; the rest of ; the other ; eg 6Ue6 — , nothing remain- ed over, there was nothing left ; ba^ libriggebUebene, what remained over 92 3 lifer n. sg, shore ; bank U^rfaften m. sg, clock case urn, about; around; — bte ©tabt l^erum, round the town; — beg .kbnigg iriKen, for the king’s sake umbringen str., to kill umbrel^en, to turn (a key 84 22) umgel;cn str., to treat, handle; er ging freunbUd(> mtt il^m um, he treated him kindly umgucfen (fib()), to look around um^angen (impf. usu. i^ing um 65 21), to hang round one’s neck, to throw around one uml^auen str., to fell, cut down uml^er, around, about uml^erflicgen str., to fly about uml^erltegen str., to lie about uml^erfel^en str., to look about uml^erfpringen str., to run, roll or jump about umfel^ren, to turn back umfommen str., to perish; die; to be killed umfc^auen (fid)), to look round or about, peer about umfe’^en (fidf)) str. = ftc3() umfd()aucn llmftanb m. ?(e)g llmftaiibe, circum- stance; c^ne Umftcinbe, without ceremony umfteUen insep., to surround ummenben anom. to turn round (trans.) ummerfen str., to throw down; to knock over umjic^en str. insep., to surround, encircle unartig, naughty, ill-bred unbarm^erjig, merciless unbe;^ilfltd[), awkward, clumsy unbefannt, unknown unbemerft, unobserved, unnoticed unbefc^cibigt, unharmed, whole unb, and; inversion of subj. and predicate after unb 7 3 Note unbanfbar, ungrateful unerl^brt, unheard of; unique; un- equalled, beyond words, un- speakable ungebeten, unbidden, uninvited Ungebulb f., impatience; bie — uber* nal;m micl(), I grew impatient, could stand it no longer 19 3 ungebutbig, impatient ungegeffen, without eating, having had no food; 62 22 Note ungcfd)tdt, clumsy, awkward ungefturt, undisturbed (geftbrt p. p. ftbren, to disturb) ungetrunfen, without drinking, hav- ing had no drink; 62 22 Note Ungetiim n. s(e)g ^c, monster ungemiegt, without rocking uugeh)bt;uUci(), unusual, uncommon, strange Ungliid n. s(c)g (“accidents”: Um gliide Ungliid^fdfle), misfortune; mishap, accident; unhappiness ungliicffl^, unfortunate; unhappy Uninflected adjective 42 26 Note unfennt(i(|>, unrecognisable, not to be recognised llnfraut n., weed unmoglici(), impossible, not possible ; out of the question Unreci()tn. wrong; injustice; — • l^aben, to do wrong, offend 93 7 Note Unruly e f., unrest; trouble Unfc^ufb f., innocence iinfdjjutbig— vcvhicc^en] VOCABULA R V. iinfcfjutbtg, innocent unfcr, our; of us; unfcr (gen. of un8) cincr, one of us, men of our class, stamp or kind 30 14 Note unfidjtbar, invisible unfinnig, mad uutcn adv., down; below iinter prep., under; among; with iinterf;vdten str. (acc. on first syll.), to hold under (but untcvl)alten insep. (acc. on third syll.), to entertain) initerirfcifcl(;, underground, subter- ranean iiutertcgcn, to lay beneath iinterm = uuter bem untcrne’^men str. insep., to under- take, to take in hand unterg = unter Untertpre f. = Js>inttTt^ure 13 7 untertt)eg(e)^, on the way, during the journey unberbroffen, indefatigable, undaunt- ed, persevering, strenuous Hnttjap-l^eU f., untruth, falsehood Urds 82 12 Note Urfaci(>c f., cause, motive; opc — , for nothing, without just cause llrteil n. ^(e)S opinion, judgment ; — fprcd;en, to pronounce sen- tence 35 35ater m. 35fttcr, father berabrcbcn insep., to arrange beradjten insep., to despise berad()ttid(;, contemptuous berarbcitct, finished berbcipn str. insep., to swallow, conceal (of pain 45 18) berbergcn str. insep., to hide, conceal berbieten str. insep., to forbid, pro- hibit berbfenbcn insep., to blind, dazzle berborgen (p. p. bcrbcrgcn), secret bcrbrciten insep. , to spread, scatter ; — , to extend, spread bcrbrennen anom. insep., to burn; to be burnt to death, consumed by fire 239 bcrbuttct (p. p. bcrbuttcn), stunted; unsightly, plain 46 20 35cvbncbt m. ?(c)8, suspicion; in — ^aben, to suspect ; bcr — fiet auf mic!(), I was suspected, incurred suspicion berberbcn (=barb ^bcrbeit 'bivbt, intrans. usually weak) insep., to destroy; to be spoiled bcvbtcnen insep. , to earn ; to deserve, merit berbingen (fic^) (^bang ^bungen; also weak) insep., to hire oneself out, enter service bcrborben p. p. bertcrbcn berbric^tidj, angry, grumpy, peevish 35erbriepUc^feit f., vexation, unplea- santness berfahen str. insep., to fall into, be exposed to, become a victim of berfliepen str. insep., to pass, elapse berga^ impf. bergcffen bergebtidj, vain, in vain; bcrgoblic^e lost labour berge^en str. insep., to pass, go by; ber 5ltem bergcbt mir, I am losing my breath, choking bergcttcn (=gatt ^gotten ^gitt) insep., to repay bergeffen (.ga^ .geffen .gipt) insep., to forget; fid? — , to forget one- self, be thoughtless bergiften insep., to poison bergi^t pres, bergeffen bergniigt, pleased, glad, delighted, jovial beibci^en str. insep., to promise ber(;clfen str. insep., to help, assist; tc!() njttt btr baju — , I shall help you to get it, I shall get it for you berl^ungern insep. , to die of hunger, to be starved to death bcrfaiifen insep., to sell bcrtleiben (fic^), insep., to disguise oneself; er berfleibete fici(; in einen ibrdmer, he dressed up as a ped- lar 101 14 berfrtcb(jen (ftc^) str. insep., to hide (by creeping into...) 240 VOCABULARY. [mfunben — toeruiBen »crfunbcn insep. , to announce, tell toerfimtigen insep., to proclaim SSerlangen n. 4, desire vcrtangen insep., to desire, demand; to have a longing 60 2 ; bag 03 er^ langte, what is desired, demanded berlaffen str. insep., to leave, for- sake; refl. cr berlcifit fid() auf mtci(j, he relies on me, trusts in me OSertauf m. s(e)g, course of events verlcben insep., to pass, spend (time) bertei^en (4ie^ 4ie^en) insep., to give, confer berliel^en p. p. bertei^en verUeren (4or 4orcn) insep., to lose; fid() — , to lose oneself, disap- pear bettor impf. bcrtieren bertoren p. p. berlteren berlum^t, ragged, in tatters bermag pres, bermogcn berma^ten insep., to marry 03ermal^tung f., marriage; wedding bermogen anom. insep., to be able, have the power bermutcn insep., to conjecture, sus- pect betnel^men str. insep., to hear, learn berniinftig, sensible, reasonable berraten (met ^raten ^rftt) insep., to betray, disclose berric^ten insep., to carry out, per- form, do; fein @ebet — , to say one’s prayers berroften insep., to get rusty betriicft, mad, crazy berfammeln insep., to assemble, call together berfd(jaffen insep., to procure; to supply berfd^jdnben insep., to disgrace berfcJ^eiben d^^ieben) insep., to die, pass away berfci(>teb impf. berfc^etben berfd^tang impf. berfdjtingen berf^Uefen str. insep., to lock; to lock up berfdjUngen (4df>tang 4<^lungen) insep., to swallow, devour berfc^ludfen insep., to swallow, devour, eat, gobble up bcrf4)ma4>tctt insep., to pine away, to die of privation bcrfc^mft^en insep., to disdain, scorn berf^iitten insep., to spill, pour out berf^njinbcn (dc^tvanb s*f(^tbunben) insep., to disappear, vanish bcrfdjiboren (fid?) str. insep., to swear berfd^tbunben p. p. bcrfd^ibtnbcn berfel^en str. insep., to see to, pro- vide ; to expect ; cl^c id(> mid(?g berfal^, before I was aware of it; cr bcrfal^ ftd(j nid(?tg 5lrgeg, he had no foreboding of evil ; to over- look, forget; er bcrfa^ eg, he made a slip berfenfen insep., to let down, lower berfe^en insep., to give (a blow) berftnfcn insep., to sink bcrfbtnnen str. insep., to change or transform by spinning ; to spin into... bcrfpotten insep. , to mock iBerfpred(?en n. 4, promise bcrfbred(?en str. insep., to promise; to betroth berftdnbig, sensible, intelligent bcrftccfcn (fid(>) insep., to hide or conceal oneself bcrfte^ctt str. insep., to understand berftehen (ftd(?) insep., to dissemble; to disguise onself bcrjtorbcn, dead; the late... berftort, agitated, disturbed berftofen str. insep., to cast out, drive away bcrflretd|?en str. insep., to pass, elapse 9Serfud(? m. 4 ^c, attempt, trial bcrfudf?en insep., to attempt, try; fid^ — , to try one’s luck or strength or skill etc. bcrtaitfd(?en insep., to exchange bcrtl^un anom. insep., to dissipate, squander bcrtraulidj?, confidential, intimate bcrtraut, trusty bcriibcn insep., to do; fd[)ttmmc muiteiicn — iKoviat] VOCABULARY, 241 @tvcici()c — , to play wicked pranks vcvuvtcttcn insep., to condemn m'njal^reii insep., to keep, preserve tjcrtvanbcln insep., to change, trans- form ©crnjanbtc m. scn ^cn, relation ^Scrnjanbtfdjaft f., kin ; relations 67 30 Note vcriDcgcn, bold ; rash ^jcriuefen insep., to decay, change verttjtvfcn insep., to forfeit (one’s life) vcrtvunfccn insep., to wound »crh)unt)crn insep., to surprise, astonish, amaze; fic^ — , to be astonished il3ern)unterung f., surprise, astonish- ment, amazement, wonderment »crhjunfd(>en insep., to curse; to cast a spell on »crn.mnfd(jt, accursed, enchanted vei'jel^rcn insep., to consume, spend ; to devour vcrgci^en sjie^cn) insep., to for- give, pardon SSerjcil^ung f., forgiveness, pardon tocrjiel^en p. p. toevjeil^en ^er^icl^cn str. insep., to distort; bag ®efi 4 )t — , to pull a wry face, to grimace n. sg, cattle bid, many, much ; fo — l^at^ ten, as many as had room bielteic^t, perhaps bier{c), four SSiertcl n. s>g, quarter; — auf jtrolf, quarter past eleven ; brei — auf gVbblf, quarter to twelve . SSiertelfal^r n. ^g ^e, three months ; a quarter SSiertel^funb n. »(c)g #e, quarter of a pound SSiertetftunbe f., quarter of an hour bierter *eg, fourth bierjcl^n, fourteen; — J^age, a fort- night SSogcl m. sg SSoget, bird SSoget, ber gclbcne 109 i Note SJcglcin dim. SSogel, birdie G. M. boU, full ; bollc iBacfen, chubby cheeks; cin Jlocbci(?cn bolt ©rb^ bccrcu, a basketful of straw- berries ; ber @acf ift boiler @tcine, the sack is full of stones; 6 18 Note bollbriugcn anom. insep., to per- form, carry out, bring to pass bollcnbg, entirely; altogether; right bollgefdjncit, covered with snow bollig, complete, entire bollfommen, perfect, complete bollraffcn, to gather full 7 30 bolljiel^en str. insep., to carry out, exercise bom = bon bem bon, of; from; by bor, before ; to ; owing to, through ; cr fragte trag ba — njare, he asked what was going on there 116 1 2 ; er fd()lug tl^n — ben ,Kopf, he gave him a blow on the head 123 1 5 borfet, past borfeiflief en str., to flow by or past borbeigel^en str., to go past ; im SSorbeige^en, in passing borbeifommen (an eincr @ac!()e) str., to pass, go past borbeifpringen str., to run past borbeitraben, to trot past borbringen anom., to convey, put forward borfallcn str., to happen, occur borfif^ren, to bring, trot out (of a horse) bcrgcl^en str., to pass, happen, take place iBci'l^aben n. ^g, plan, intention bor^aben, to be about, to intend to do 3Sorl^ang m. ^g curtain borl^cr, before ; first borig, former, previous borfommen str., to appear, seem ; eg fam mtr fremb bcr, I thought it strange born, in front aSorrat m. ^g n-ftte, store, supply SSorvatgfammcr fi, store room, larder 16 242 VOCABULAR K [tjorfagen — h)egfal^tett vorfagcn, to enumerate, tell SSorfdjein ; jum — fommcn, to appear, show oneself »orfc^ict>en str., to push (see Oiicget) tcrfic^tig, cautious, prudent vorfpannen, to harness tprftchcn (ftd(>), to imagine 3ScrtcU m. ^c, advantage vortcit^aft, advantageous, profitable verubei*, past vorufccrgcl^cn, to go past »ortt)drt«, forwards 3SprU)urfm. s(e)3 ^murfe, reproach; er mac3()te niic 3Sortt)urfc, he re- proached me m'jte^en str., to draw out or for- ward ; to prefer SB SBaaref., wares, goods, merchandise njadfj, awake; id) ruttcltc i^n — , I shook him from his sleep SBad)c f., watch ; — l^alten, to keep watch tuad^en, to be awake madjfen (ttjudjg gctuadjfen h)dcl()ft), to grow SBdd^tcr m. watchman, guard luadetn, to nod, wag, wobble; er iracf ett mit bem .Kopfe, he is wagging his head SBacferftcin m. (pi. in rime 4 16), big stone, brickbat SBaffcntragec m. armour-bearer SBagcn m. SBagen (better than SBdgen), carriage tpagcn, to dare, venture, risk hja^r, true; rightful njdi^ren, to last, endure ; eg ttjdl^vte nic^t tange, fo..., it was not long, before... hjd^renb, during (prep.); while (conj.) SBa^ri^cit f., truth SBa^rjeic^en n. *g, token SBatb m. ^eg SBdIber, wood, forest SBatfcedc f., edge of the forest SBalfmul^le f., fulling-mill (a mill for fulling, i.e. cleansing cloth) 73 17 hjdtjcn, to roll SBamg n. (m. in some dialects) ^cl SBdmfer, jacket 28 21 SBanb f. SB ante, wall tpanbern, to wander 60 13 Note SBanbcrfdjaft f. 60 13 Note SBanbu^r f., grandfather’s clock hjann, when; 45 16 Note SBanji m. ^cg SBdnflc, stomach, belly tear impf. fein hjarb impf. ttjerben hjareng = ttjaren eg njarf impf. tperfen njdrmcn (fici()), to warm oneself; to get warm tparnen, to warn iparg = tpar eg U)cirg = tt)dre eg tparten, to wait tparum, why hjag, what, which; — ifi biv? what is the matter with you? — 2)iener! servants indeed! 90 16 (what [nonsense to talk about] servants !); — ift bag Jlinb fo fd)on ! how lovely the child is ! 97 15; why; =ettpag ipafd()cn (tpufd() getpafc^eit tpdfe^t), to wash, scour 5Bafc^f(^uffet f., washing bowl, basin SBaffer n. ^g, water; whey 30 12; stream 20 14; cin flic^enbeg — , a brook SBafferflu^ m. #eg ^fluffe, stream of water SBeeffrei m. ^cg, mashed bread 81 17 tpeden, to awaken, arouse tpcbcln, to wag (the tail 87 i) iPcber...noc!^..., neither... nor... SBeg m. =(0^ way; path; road; er gtng feineg SBcgg, he went on his way 65 23; ben — jtpifc^cn bte 33eine ne^men, to set out on a walk; lange SBcge, a great dis- tance, many miles 26 4 ; bag l^at gutc SBege, that’s all right 36 20 ttjeg, away ipegfal^rcn str., to go or drive off, to hasten away n^cgful^ren — n^ibcr] VOCABULARY. 243 ttjegfu^ren, to lead away n)ei3gcf;cn str., to go away ivc^^olcn, to fetch away tucgfc^rcii, to sweep away UH'vjnel^mcu str., to take or carry away njcgt^icfcn, to peck or snatch away ttjcgt^uu anom., to put away njegtragen str., to take or carry away tuegttjel^en, to blow or puff away njegjtcl^cn str., to draw away UH-^en, to blow njc^ren to defend oneself n. ^er, woman n)cid(), soft SCcite f., pasture SDcifce f., willow ttjeiten, to browse ivcigern (fici|>), to refuse aCei^nad^ten (sing, [without article] and plur.), Christmas; ju — , at Christmas njcil, because, since aBeitd(jcn dim. SCeite; etn — (acc.), a little while ; uber ein — , in a little time, presently SBcite f., time; eine — , some time, for a time aOcin m. s(e)g ^e, wine njeinen, to cry, weep aBeinfa^ n. scg wine cask aOcife f., manner, way; auf fciefe — , in this way njeifc, wise; tie tueifen Frauen, 83 12 Note njcifen (tvic^ getvicfen), to point, show aBei^^eit f., wisdom njeif pres, unffen ttjcif , white njei^c @c^lange, tic 22 i Note h)ei§gctc(ft, with a white cover or cloth 96 13 ttjeit, wide; large; far; — wntbreit, far and wide; (prep.) taufent aileiten — , a distance of a thou- sand miles aBeitc f., width; tic — wnt SSrcitc, (acc.), far and wide, as far as the eye can reach 7 3 Ujcitcr, further, on ; cr fc^nitt — , he went on cutting 825; — nic^tg, nothing else, that and no more; — founcn, to be able to go further 31 12 tucitlauftig, wide-spread, vast, spa- cious ; c^ ift (lier tueittauftiger, there is here more room to turn round in n)elci(>cr ^c sc 3 , who, which aBetic f., wave, billow aBclt f., world; cin .Itint jur — brin^ gen, to have a child aBcntcltvcbbe f.> winding or spiral staircase njcutcn (njanttc and njcntdtc genjantt and gcnjcutct), to turn tDcnig, little; few; cin ftcin — , a little, ever so little menu, when; if; — aud() noc^ fo gut, if ever so good, however good tncun^^iucnn c3 njcr, who njcrbcn (marb or tuurbc gcujovbcn njirb), to become; foU ba* rnu8 — ? what is to come of it ? what will it lead to? tuaS foU au6 un 3 — ? what is to become of us? njcrfcn (njarf gciuorfcn mirft), to throw, cast ; cr n^irft micl(j, he is throwing at me aBcvfftattc f., workshop njcrt, worth; worthy; — fein, to be worth, to deserve aBcttcr n. weather; um gut — bitten, to beg for mercy 67 10 Note lucbcn, to whet, sharpen ; mit tve^^ enben Sa^nen, grinding its teeth 36 28 Note aBc^ftein m. »c, whetstone SBiit m. ^(c )3 *c, wight, imp, fellow aBic^jtetmanner, bic 76 i Note njic^tig, weighty, important n)ibcr (not = n)icbcr), against njiberfa^ren str. insep., to happen, be done 244 VOCABULARY, [mbcrU4) — SGBunf4> repulsive U)iberfbrc4)en str. insep., to contra- dict n)ibcrftc!^en str. insep., to withstand, resist Ujtc, how; like; when; — njarg luenn..., what think you, if..., suppose... tuicber (not = tt)tbcr), again tDtebcrfommen str., to come again, to return njtcberfcl^en str., to see again ttjteberum, again SOBtege f. , cradle VDtcgcn (trog genjogcn), to weigh tciel^crit, to neigh U)tc§ impf. ujeifen n?ieg = mic SCBtefe f., meadow luUb, wild, furious ; ba§ hjttbc ber rt)Ube Sciger 38 7 Note 2BUbf4)tretn n. ?e, wild-boar ttjtU pres, njotten SBillen m. will; f^at il^m ben — , I did as he wished ; urn beS .Knabcn n?itten (no capital), for the boy’s sake tnitlfommcn, welcome ;einen — l^etfcn, to bid welcome to, to welcome iDilfg = iDtIt eg S 3 }tnb m. ^eg =e, wind SOBinbc^en dim. SBinb SOBinbftop m. ^eg gust of wind SQBinfet m. ?g, corner, nook SBinter m. ?g, winter S^interjeit f., winter time intnjtg, wee, tiny we tt)irbg = n)irb (pres, roerben) eg tnirft pres, inerfen n)irfen, to act, take effect mirg = tnir eg SQBirt m. 4 c)g ^c, landlord, host 2Birtf4)aft f., household 2Gtrtgf;aug n. ^eg tavern njifbern, to whisper miffen (tnuftc gemuft njei^), to know; to be able 23 8 Note ; tdj njet^ eg nici(jt ju fagen, I cannot tell; hjei^t bu njag? I’ll tell you what, listen aCBitterung f. , scent 18 10 SOBitme f., widow njo, where; when 11 10 Note; n)o...att, all the places in which 23 16; n)o...m(^t, unless; hjo l^tnaug? whither away? 2Bo4)e f., week njog impf. hjtegen well ; — t^un mtt ebnag, to relish, enjoy something ; per- haps; just; 7 28 Note tno^tan ! well then ! come then ! njol^f^abenb, rich, well off, well to do iuo^^nen, to dwell, live SBol^nung f. , dwelling ; apartment SBoIf m. 40 ^ SOBoffc, wolf SBotf unb ber 2 )lenf 4 ), ber 119 i Note SBolf unb bic fieben j[ungen ©eififein, ber 1 I Note UjoHen, to will; to wish for; to want; to intend; er mcc^te — ober ni^jt, whether he liked it or not n)oKtg = n)ottte eg njomtt, with which; through which njoran, to or by which irorin, in which 28 ort n. ^eg SQBorte (connected words) SBbrter (unconnected words), word ; — l^atten, to keep one’s word njotton, through or from what or which; wherewith trojit, to which vructjg impf. n)aci()fen trunb, wounded; — fle^jen, to wound by pricking SQBunber n. 4 , wonder, marvel irunberbar, wonderful, marvellous SQBunbergabe f., magic gift tt)unberUd(>, strange, curious, quaint n)unbern (m), to wonder, marvel, be amazed n)unberfdf)on, of wondrous or mar- vellous beauty ; 6 1 1 Note 3 [Dunfct> m. ^eg 2 Buu[^e, wish; eg gel^t na4> — , it is getting on well, it makes good progress 2Bunfd;btng n. ^g ^e, wishing gift 669 tuunfc^en — jugtcic^] VOCABULAI^ Y. i»unfd()en, to wish SQBuuf(Jjtifd(>ci()cn n. little wishing table U'urbe impf. ujcrbcn Ujurbig, worthy ; deserving ; digni- fied ; — fetn, to merit, deserve SGurfl f. SQBiirfte, sausage njufc^ impf. mafc^en n)u$te impf. tviffcn SBut f., rage njiitcnb, raging, furious 3 jal^fen, to pay ; cr jaf^ftc mit gfeid(>cr SJfunje, he repaid him in kind, gave him as good as he got ja^fen, to count ga^m, tame 3al^n m. *(c)^ 3a^nc, tooth ; tusk 3angc f., pincers, tongs 3anf m. >(t)% (no pi., use 3anfcreien), quarrel janfen, to wrangle, quarrel, squab- ble to struggle ; to kick ; to fidget ; to quiver jart, delicate, tender, frail 3auber m. magic, spell, charm ; ein — fiegt auf mir, I am under a spell, enchanted 3aubeifprucl? m. niagic charm, incantation 3ed)c f., score (bill at an inn etc. ) f., toe ; bte grof e — , the big toe gel^tt, ten jcl^ren, to consume; to eat and drink gc^ncn, to draw jeigen, to show, point out, display; jcigte fid?, it turned out, it was evident, it became clear 3ctt f., time; fiber eine — , after a time ; ju einer — , one day ; toon — gu — , from time to time, at intervals, once and again ; toor 3ctten, once upon a time, in the olden time; einem tie — bieten, see JIngcggcit gcitig, ripe, mature 3citlang; einc — (acc.), for a time 245 gcrbreci(?cn str. insep., to break to pieces ; to destroy gcrmalmcu insep., to grind to pieces gcrrei^cn str. insep., to tear up or to pieces 5crf4?ncibcn str. insep., to cut up gerfbriugen str. insep., to break, burst (intrans.) 3tcgc f., goat giel^en (gog gcjogen), to pull ; (bic taugt nur nod(?) gum 3ief;cn, for drawing carts ; to go giefen, to aim gierfid[?, dainty, delicate Simmer n. room Sin^^a^n m. 88 15 Note gittern, to tremble gog impf. giefen 3orn m. anger, wrath gornig, angry, wrathful gu, to, towards (prep.); too (adv.); tmmer — gel^en, to keep going on 26 20 gubringen anom., to spend, pass (time) Surfer m. *3, sugar guberfen, to cover up gubriirfen, to close ; ein 2luge — , to wink or blink at 81 22 guerft, first, at first gufaffen str., to shut (of tired eyes); eg fief mir gu, it fell to my lot gufliiftern ( + dat.), to whisper to gufricten, contented, satisfied; irf? bin eg (bag, bamit) — , I am contented with it, I agree 36 25 Note Sufricbenl^eit f. , contentedness, satis- faction Sugang m. ^g ^gdnge, approach ; ad- mission ; — l^aben, to be allowed to go, to have admission gugeben str. , to allow, permit gugegen (only with fein), present gugel^en str., to happen, take place ; mie fofftc bag — ? how could that be (or be done).^* bag gel^t nirf?t mit rerfjten JDingen gu, there’s something uncanny about it 70 16 Sugef m. sg, rein gugfeirf?, at the same time VO CA B ULAR Y. [jugreifen — jtuoJfter 246 jugreifen str., to seize; to fall to; jugegriffeu! 61 14 Note jul^cimmcrn, to hammer down ju^aucn str., to strike or lay about one 3ut;oren, to listen jutel^ren, to turn towards; er fe^rte cud) ben 9 tudcn ju, he turned his back on you juiaffen str., to allow, permit julauern, to listen julaufen str., to run on to, to charge ; er tief auf mic^ 5U, he ran towards me jidegen, to add lastly, last of all 5um = 5U bent jumadjen, to close, shut jnmnt, especially ^iina^en, to sew up dunge f., tongue guorbnen, to assign, allot gur = ju ber 5ureci(>t, aright; =5uveci^t gcmad;t jureben, to persuade, advise 5Uiicgctn, to bolt juriicf, back guvucfbteibcn str., to stay or lag be- hind, remain jurucfbvingen anom., to bring back, restore 2uvucfgel;cn str., to go back, return juvudguden, to look or peep back jurud^alten str., to hold back, re- strain, check juriidiagen, to gallop back juiiidf eleven, to turn back, return jurudfommcn str., to come back, return juritdfaffcn str., to leave behind guriidlaufen str., to run back jurudnc^men str., to take back 3uiudjie^cn str., to draw back juiufen str. , to call to 3ufnmmcn, together; — tl^un, to close ; — ^aben, to have gathered 64 6 jufammcnbringen anom., to bring or get together, assemble gnfammcnbrudcn, to squeeze toge- ther jufammenl^attcn str., to hold fast to- gether, to grip gufammcnlegen, to place together, gather 3ufammenfuci()cn, to fetch together, gather, collect jufamment^un (fi4>) anom., to draw together, unite gufammentragen str., to gather to- gether gufammenjtel^en str., to draw to- gether jufcbtagen str., to clap together, close with a bang gufd^lie^en str., to lock jufcbneiben str., to cut out 3ufef;cn str., to see, look on, watch jufbrecben str., address, accost; Jlroft — , to comfort gufbringcn (auf einen) str., to run up to, jump on, leap upon juftopen str., to happen, befall jut^un anom., to close, shut (the eyes) gutragen str., to bring, convey; — , to happen, come to pass gutrauen, to confide or put one’s trust in gubor, before; first gutnerfen str., to throw to gtnangen, to force ginar, indeed; to be sure; 69 il Note gujei (dat. gmeten 34 10 Note), two gtneimat, twice; er fiep fid; nicfjt — bitten, he did not require to be told twice gtreiter ^e second 3n)erg m. ?e, dwarf 3 n)eigen]^au 3 n. dwarfs’ house Btvergtein dim. 3trcrg gtvinfen, to twitch 3n)irn m. ?0, thread gttjifcben, between gnjolf, twelve gtrbifter twelfth Cambridge: printed by j. and c. f. clay, at the university press. ■■ .i;i^ THE PITT PRESS SERIES. 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