. A '> -; ^ ^ «>* - '.. V -• C ■> . if . '.- ■ ■ • • : W ;. Lafayette College - Commencement Addresses -' ' ; L~ V A, ; y; ’ icrAAC' Rev. John R. Davies, D. D. Prof. W. W. Keen, M. D., LL.D. Lafayette College Commencement Addresses 1893 “What Shall I Do With Jesus?” BACCALAUREATE SERMON BY REV. JOHN R. DAVIES, D.D., CLASS OF 1881, PASTOR OF THE FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, NEW YORK CITY “Medicine as a Career for Educated Men” ALUMNI ADDRESS BY WILLIAM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., PROFESSOR OF THE PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY AND OF CLINICAL SURGERY, JEFFERSON MEDI¬ CAL COLLEGE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. LAFAYETTE PRESS 1893' PREFATORY NOTE. '-jpHE addresses printed herein were received with so much favor by those who heard them that the trustees directed that copies should be asked for publication. Dr. Davies and Professor Keen having kindly consented to do so, they are now printed for distribution among the alumni and friends of Lafayette College. Midsummer, 1893. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/lafayettecollegeOOdavi WHAT SHALL I DO WITH JESUS? BY REV. JOHN R. DAVIES, D. D., CLASS OF 1881. Pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, New York City. Matthew xxvii, 22.—“ Pilate saith unto them, what shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ? ” T HERE are three cities which were very prominent in the ancient world, and which, though in a sense dead, are still coloring the life of to-day. I refer to Rome, Athens, and Jerusalem. To the last of these we are now invited by our text. As we approach its gates, we are surrounded by the opulent beauty of an oriental spring. As we move along its streets we find that it is the Passover week; and what at this moment is the most impressive sight in this ancient city? Is it these altars smoking with the morning sacrifice ? Is it these temple pinnacles radiant with this Pascal sunshine? Is it these thronging thousands who have come from all parts of the world to spend this sacred week in this holy place ? No ! The most impressive sight in Jerusalem—yes, in all the universe—is yonder lone prisoner at Pilate’s bar. Repeatedly has the Roman governor attempted to release him, but repeatedly has he been frustrated, upon the one side by his own cowardice, and upon the other by the unrelenting bitterness of the Jewish people. At last, as though to shirk the responsibility of a crime that he could easily prevent, he asks the question: ‘ ‘ Whom shall I release unto you ? ’ ’ And immediately comes the unanimous answer: “ Barabbas.” But why is Pilate so much concerned about this obscure, despised, and friendless prisoner? Surely in an age when life was so little regarded he might have slaughtered a score without any one calling him seriously to account. But, though obscure, despised, and friendless, Jesus ’of Nazareth is no ordinary prisoner. This Pilate realizes, and has a deep conviction that these mysterious 2 BACCALAUREATE SERMON claims to be the Christ, the King of the Jews, have a far more substantial foundation than the baseless assertion of empty words. And here lies the power of my text in relation to the life of to-day, not in the fact that it was first spoken by a Roman governor, not in the fact that it was first addressed to God’s chosen people, not even in the fact that it is found upon the pages of the gospel, but because this question concerns the divinely appointed, the eternally ordained Redeemer of men, and therefore, with the best of reasons can we say to a modern audience, what then t are you going to do. with Jesus who is called Christ? Before proceeding further, let us look briefly at some of the claims of Christ. Standing upon the Mount of Olives, He said: ‘ ‘ I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” In the fourteenth chapter of John, He said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” After the multitude had been fed with the loaves and fishes, He said: “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” When certain Greeks desired an audience, He said: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” As a parting message to His disciples He said: “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and disciple all nations, teaching them whatsoever I have commanded you.” And one of the most solemn of the parables which close the Master’s ministry, represents Him as coming at the end of all things, surrounded by the pomp and splendor of the skies, to separate the sheep from the goats, and to sit in final judgment upon an assembled universe. Such are a few of the many claims of Christ to be met with in the gospels. You can not find their equal among the utterances of the world’s great leaders. No scholar, no matter how great his learning; no conqueror, no matter how numerous his conquests; no mon¬ arch, no matter how world-wide his dominions, would have BACCALAUREATE sermon 3 dared for one moment to have given utterance to such claims; and when we look at them through the light of the evidences whereby upon every side they are surrounded, we do not wonder at the testimony of Peter, endorsed by the great and good of every succeeding century, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” I.—In looking at the foundations upon which these claims rest, we will call j^our attention first to the teaching of Christ. You will recall the words of Nicodemus, “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: because no one can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.” This significant statement has been confirmed by Jew and Gen¬ tile, by all branches of the Church Catholic, by every one who has sincerely and candidly studied the words of Christ. There is about them a peculiar tone of authority. While the Master referred to the Jewish Sanhedrim, and while He quoted from Old Testament writers, yet far above the law of Moses, the psalms of David, the prophecies of Isaiah, He placed His own words and work. Thus we are told that He spake with authority and not as the scribes, and when at last He would send forth His disciples, He bade them teach whatsoever He had com¬ manded them, and in the case of each believer that teaching was to be sealed with a baptism, not only in the name of God the Father, not only in the name of God the Spirit, but also in the name of God the Son, as being upon an equal plane of power and glory with the other persons of the Trinity. There is also about His teaching a mingled sublimity and simplicity. God and Man, Sin and Redemption, Life and Death, Time and Eternity, Probation and Judgment—these were a few of the majestic themes that presented themselves to the Master’s attention, and were so discussed that His hearers were lifted to transfiguration mounts, to celestial spheres, and for a time, all too brief, conversed with the Divine and the Eternal. And yet, marvelous to tell, instead of confusing His listeners with scholastic subtleties, instead of concealing truth 4 BACCALAUREATE SERMON in verbal fogs, instead of strewing the pathways of knowledge with perplexing enigmas, the grandest revelations that Christ ever made were communicated in the first instance to the hum¬ blest of mortals, in the simplest of speech, so that the commonest of the people heard Him gladly. And there is, furthermore, about Christ’s teaching a wondrous power which not only pene¬ trates the secret recesses of the soul and brings to the lip the confession of guilt, but also quickens the intellectual and spirit¬ ual faculties, so that men in every walk of life coming under the influence of such a teacher have been filled with newer, with diviner inspirations, and from this source modern civilization has received some of its grandest benefactions. There is also about this teaching the power of continuance. Call the roll of the ponderous volumes, the schools of thought, the numerous teachers, which’ for a moment have shone in the intellectual skies and then have disappeared in the darkness; while of Christ as a teacher it can well be said that His kingdom is ever¬ lasting, and in spite of English Deists, French Encyclopoedists, and modern Agnostics, His influence, like the incoming tide, is cumulative, is ever-rising, and upon its celestial crest is ever lifting the minds and hearts of men more and more into loving fellowship with the mind and heart of Almighty God. II.—In the next place we will call your attention to Christ’s character. Sin is one of the great factors of the world’s history. It has blackened every page, distorted every sentence, accented every word, and defiled every character, no matter how high the position he may have occupied, or how low he may have grov¬ elled in the dirt to eke out a miserable existence. Sin is also one of the great factors of the present. It surrounds you on the street; it beleaguers you in your business; it confronts you in the members of your body and in the faculties of your own soul. Upon every side arise a thousand witnesses to prove the truth of sacred Scripture that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But amid this dark and loathsome flood of sin baccalaureate sermon 5 there rises one pre-eminent exception, Jesus of Nazareth, who alone is holy, undefiled, and by impassable gulfs separated from the least appearance of evil. And this purity of soul was maintained, not like that attempted by St. Anthony and his followers amid the solitude of the desert, amid the lonely retire¬ ment of some mountain fastness. No; Jesus of Nazareth lived and moved amid the heaviest burdens, the greatest perplexities, the subtlest temptations, and though He was the continued object of the bitterest malice, yet none of His enemies were able to convict Him of the slightest sin. In further confirmation of His spotless purity is the fact that while He spake most emphat¬ ically concerning the wages of sin, while with an earnestness all divine He called others to repentance, and while upon the cross He freely gave His own life as a sacrifice for human guilt, yet never by word or look did He at any time intimate that He needed such warnings or feared such punishments, or required such a redemption. You speak of Pontius Pilate and you see a Roman; of Judas Iscariot and you see a Jew ; of Saul of Tarsus and you see the Greek influences of his birth and education. But where will you place Jesus of Nazareth? Though born in a Jewish town and of the purest Jewish blood, He is a member of no race, a subject of no kingdom, a citizen of no republic, the exclusive property of no clime nor country. Like the sun, which, ignor¬ ing geographical boundaries and race distinctions, comes with a necessary blessing for all, so Christ, the Eternal Son of Right¬ eousness, ignoring all these limitations, brings to every soul the Way, the Truth, and the Life, so that your cultured Caucasian and degraded Hottentot can find in Christ the very redemption for which their souls have yearned, and in this fact you may see something of the cosmopolitan, the universal character of Christ, the world’s redeemer. Then there is something so original about this man, Christ Jesus. You have two natures, the human and the divine, without mixture or confusion, uniting in the personality of the 6 BACCALAUREATE SERMON Christ. Then look at some of the more prominent features of His ministry—the temptation in the wilderness, the rejection by those He came to save, the mystery of Gethsemane, the brutality of the trial, the mingled shame and agony of the cross. Tell me, what writer born of woman would have marked out for the world’s Redeemer such a mystic personality and such a unique career ? And in connection with this, consider the moral grand¬ eur, the complete consecration, the utter unselfishness of soul, displayed by Jesus of Nazareth as he stands amid the unbridled cruelty, the unlimited selfishness, the unfathomed lust of that period, like some lone star amid the darkness of earth’s blackest night. Pointing to the gracious beauty, the delicate fragrance of the lily, I ask who fashioned this flower with such loveliness, such purity, amid the unclean waters and the filth of the lake bottom, and at once you reply, the finger of God. So when you come to candidly study the beginnings of the Christian era, so shorn of noble endeavor, so stripped of great men, so thor¬ oughly a stranger to lofty inspirations, so utterly absorbed in the worship of the sensual and the skeptical, I am sure you will join with me in saying the appearance amid such surroundings of Christ, the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, is the greatest moral miracle of the ages, and can be attributed to none but God Himself. III.—In the next place, consider the influence of Christ. In the city of Paris there sits an Arbitration Court to settle a question which in other days would have been deemed quite sufficient to have plunged nations into war, to sacrifice thou¬ sands of lives and to squander millions of money. And this Arbitration Court, which is neither the first nor the last, is an indication of the widening, the deepening sense of the brother¬ hood of man, which sooner or later must make our armies and navies more needed for show than for service. Few names stand higher in Roman history than those of Cicero and Seneca; few men have had more influence over the world’s thought than Plato and Aristotle, and yet, these men approved of that fiendish BACCALAUREATE SERMON 7 custom which thrust the babe out of the home where it was born, and from the breast where it had a God-given right to be nurtured, to die of exposure upon the street, or to be torn in pieces upon the desert by wild beasts a thousandfold more humane than man. To-day, for the friendless foundling we build magnificent homes, which lack nothing except that price¬ less gem, a mother’s love; while in our families we crown child¬ hood with garlands of the tenderest affection, and are willing to suffer any self-denial in order that they may have everything necessary for their welfare and comfort. We rejoice in the civil liberty which enables each citizen to exercise a direct influence in the settlement of every question affecting the public weal; and we appreciate still more the religious freedom which enables us to worship God according to conscientious conviction, which no man dare condition or fetter. But we have not always en¬ joyed these privileges. Look backward along the past, and you will easily find the grossest tyranny upon the throne, and in the church a despotism that will stoop to any cruelty in order to ac¬ complish its hell-born purposes. You remember the sanctity which used to attach itself to the personality of the clerk with the merest smattering of learning; you remember the imperfect structures in which Baeda, Alcuin, and even Abelard gathered their pupils and you will remember that during the thirteenth century the greatest library in Europe was that of Glastonbury Abbey, consisting of about four hundred volumes. Now, one of the significant features of these modern times is the fact that none who have grit and brains need enter life without a liberal education, because we are surrounded in town and city by ex¬ tensive libraries, by superb foundations of learning, that are say¬ ing to every young person without a chance: Prove yourself to be worthy of help and that help we will furnish. In early sum¬ mer, when the last traces of winter’s frosts and snows are de¬ parting, you say there is some subtle force responsible for this revolution which causes the meadows to robe themselves in green, the forests to unfurl their banners of foliage, and the 8 BACCALAUREATE SERMON flowers to swing their fragrant censors along the pathways of men. So, when we look over the history of nearly nineteen Christian centuries, and mark the vast changes represented by far-reaching movements; when we come in contact with an or¬ der of things ever working in the direction of righteousness; when we see Sauls of Tarsus becoming apostles to the Gentiles, Magdalens restored to purity, prodigals redeemed from the fool¬ ishness and filth of the far country and made to be useful and honored members of society; when we watch, in spite of all downward tendencies, the human spirit rising in everything that constitutes the truest, the holiest manhood, we are profoundly convinced that for such a radical transformation there must be a sufficient cause; and in search of this cause we turn to Rome with her empire, to Greece with her scholarship, to Tyre with her commerce, to Babylon with her glory, to the farthest Orient whence have come so many mysterious messengers; but no sat¬ isfaction do we find until we stand amid the gathering darkness, looking upon the pallid features of the crucified Christ. Yes, strange as it may seem, in this stumbling block to the Jew, in this foolishness to the Greek, in this despised, obscure peasant, you have the secret of the progress which has changed the face of the ages, rewritten human history, and is destined to sweep on in larger volume, in deeper current, until the kingdoms of this world shall have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ. IV.—In the last place, consider the testimony of the scriptures. When Christ said ‘ ‘ Search the scriptures for they are they which testify of me,” He never gave a more important com¬ mand or spake a truer word. And if we had time this morning to fully and carefully examine the sacred volume, we would find its every book bearing an eloquent, peculiar and powerful testimony to Him who is the Prophet, Priest and King of men. But we have opportunity to consider only and briefly the New Testament, and in so doing we find that it ascribes to Christ Divine titles. Turning to John i, i, we read: “In the BACCALAUREATE SERMON 9 beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In Romans ix, 5, we read: “Whose are the Father’s, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever.” The New Testament also ascribes Divine attributes to Christ. He is immutable—the same yesterday, to-day, and forevermore. He is omnipotent— all power in heaven and earth is placed at His disposal. He is eternal—to His enemies He said, ‘ ‘ before Abraham was I am; ’ ’ and in the upper room He prayed, “and now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” He is omnipresent—to His dis¬ ciples He gave the promise, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” He is omnis¬ cient—He knew Nathaniel while he was yet under the fig tree. He read the secret purposes of Judas before the betrayal; and the truth upon this important point is well summed up in the impassioned words of Peter, “Ford, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee.” The New Testament, fur¬ thermore, bids us render Divine honors to Christ. In John v, 23, we read: “That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father ; He that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father that sent him.” In Philippians ii, 9, 10, 11, we learn that, ‘ ‘ God hath highly exalted Christ and given him a name which is above every name; that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Ford, to the glory of God the Father.” And in the closing verses of the fifth chapter of Revelation, we see that multitude which no man can number ascribing blessing and honor unto Him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Famb forever. Now this divine exaltation which the New Testament gives to Christ is the very position that we would naturally give to Him who has exercised such a vast influence over the ages; while, upon the other hand, such a vast influence we have a right to expect from One who sits upon the Throne IO BACCALAUREATE SERMON of the Universe, and Christ’s right to such a regal station is strengthened by every argument that can be used for the in¬ spiration of the scriptures, and by the fact that with a Divine Christ, possessed of Divine attributes, the author of Divine works in the sphere of nature and of grace, you can explain the upward movement in human history; you can vindicate the character of God from every aspersion; you can answer the yearnings of every human soul, and you have a center around which the past, the present and the future may group them¬ selves, and when you take this Christo-centric position under¬ neath and amid the chaos and the confusion, the sin and the shame of to-day, you may see the glorious outlines of that City of God, which for centuries has been the inspiration of the Church Militant, and which will not need the ministry of sun, moon, nor star, because the Lamb Himself will be the light thereof. I have given you the merest fragment of the grand argument for the Divinity of Christ; and yet I think that I have said suf¬ ficient to-invest with a deep, a profound solemnity the question of my text, What shall I do, then, with Jesus, who is called Christ ? This question, unlike many others that you meet, demands an answer. You may treat Him with undisguised hostility, and spend every resource at your command in attempt¬ ing to soil the robe, tarnish the crown, break the scepter, under¬ mine the throne of your best and truest King, but at last, like Saul of Tarsus, you will find it hard to kick against the pricks, and like many to-day you will realize that it is worse than mad¬ ness to fight against God. You may treat Christ with indiffer¬ ence ; you may become so identified with business, so absorbed in study, so attracted by the deceptive forms, the alluring colors in which the world presents itself upon every occasion that you will not care to consider the claims of Christ; but remember, such indifference is the malaria that will poison every fiber of your spiritual nature, and it is also the Niagara current, at first faint, but swifter and swifter it will flow, until at last you are \ BACCALAUREATE SERMON II dashed into the seething abyss, a ship-wrecked life, a ruined soul. But there is another attitude, and this is the one I beg you to assume. It is the one taken by Mary in the Resurrection Garden, when the glad cry of “ Master ! ” came from her tremb¬ ling lips. Simple trust, unfaltering obedience, supreme love, these are some of the elements which bound this woman to her Saviour; and now, as I part with you, never again to see some until we stand in eternity, I pray that God’s Holy Spirit by these same golden chains of trust, obedience, and love will bind you to Christ, the Eternal Son of God, and then for you will be divinely answered the question of my text, What, then, shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ ? MEDICINE AS A CAREER FOR EDUCATED MEN. BY W. W. KEEN, M. D., LL.D., OF PHILADELPHIA, Professor of the Principles of Surgery and of Clinical Surgery, Jefferson Medical College. B EAUTIFUL, for situation, the joy of the whole earth,” was the description of ancient Jerusalem by its enthusi¬ astic admirer. And surely any one looking on Pardee Hall would be justified in applying this encomium to Lafayette College. It is a genuine pleasure to me to join with you in your annual festival when your tribes come up to their intel¬ lectual Jerusalem, “singing their songs of degrees” as of old. And although the son of another academic mother, I rejoice with you in the prosperity and glories of your noble college. I see around me old men, graduates of the forties, with silvered heads, their paths in life chosen, their duties fulfilled, their lives culminating in honored, cultivated leisure and wide influ¬ ence, whose achievements are recorded in the history of the world of art, science, literature, language, business and religion. I see again men in middle life, graduates of the sixties and seventies, alert for every opening for the best work in the world’s great enterprises. They are in the fore-front of the fight against ignorance, vice, and irreligion. But it is rather to the young men, and especially to you, gentlemen of the graduating class, who are now taking leave of these classic shades where you have spent the four most blissful and fruitful years of a man’s life, to which he ever reverts as the halcyon days of youth—to you that I especially address myself. The joys, the trials, the studies, the achievements of your col¬ lege life are now, or soon will be, over. The world stands open before you. “ What shall I do?” is the question of questions to you. The decision of this question may make or mar you. ALUMNI ADDRESS 13 If you decide rightly you will achieve success, honor, happi¬ ness, and the final consolation of a life well and nobly spent. If wrongly, your decision may wreck, even hopelessly, a young life full of brilliant promise. You and your fellows in the many colleges of the land who will graduate in this leafy June have on your side youth with all its potencies. You have a just and laudable ambition. You are ready to work your finger nails off. You have trained intellects. You are members of the true aristocracy of learning, men of marshalled forces, the hope of the nation, the future natural leaders of thought in public and in private life. What shall you do? “ Surely,” says Carlyle in his Biography of John Stirling, “the young heroic soul en¬ tering on life so opulent, full of sunny hope, of noble valor, and divine intention, is tragical as well as beautiful to us.” It is of equal importance to the community as well as to you that you elect wisely what path you will follow in this busy world. Some of you will enter commercial life, lured possibly by hopes of material reward. Some may be devoted to art with its aesthetic enjoyments. Some will find in literature the contentment and fame that come to the successful author. Some will devote their lives to the highest human function and service to their fellow men, in winning them to Christ-like lives and heavenly aspirations. Some will seek the noble profession of the law and will become leaders of the bar and wear the ermine on the bench. Not a few, I hope, will devote yourselves to a scientific career with, it is true, its ceaseless toil, but also its fascinating investigations, its splendid discoveries, its benefi¬ cent inventions. It is my desire to lay before you some of the rewards, the possibilities, the attractions of such a scientific life, and to win you to its pursuits, since it has attractions, wonderful attrac¬ tions, from many sides and for every type of man, excepting always the lazy. I have selected as my topic, therefore, “ Medi¬ cine as a Career for Educated Men.” I am met at the outset by the query, “Are there not already 14 ALUMNI ADDRESS too many doctors ? ” Yes; far too many poor doctors, but far too few good ones. Webster’s oft-quoted remark that “there is plenty of room at the top ’ ’ is as true of medicine as of any other profession. In any profession there is always a reserved seat in the front row for a March, a Faraday, a Schliemann, a John Hunter, a Lister, a Virchow, a Pasteur, a Gross. And although no one of you may become the peer of those I have named—and yet why should you not ?—still there is always room right next to them for the trained intellects who will make their profession an integral part of their lives and devote themselves earnestly and truly to its pursuit. Never has there been such a demand in medicine for men of the highest type, the deepest insight, the profoundest spirit of investigation. Never have there been so many questions of grave import to the human race awaiting solution. The mighty problems of life and disease and death crowd upon us and await the touch of a master hand to make the obscure clear, to avert the dire results of accident, to stay the hand of the Angel of Death and say in dominant tones, “Thus far and no farther.” Medicine is looking to just such well-equipped, thoroughly trained men as you for its champions in this daily fight with death. And if you wish to rise above the dull level of medi¬ ocrity it will be to you college men that the renown which is the proper object of a laudable ambition will surely come. President Thwing in the June Forum states that Appleton’s Encyclopedia of American Biography contains the names of 912 doctors of whom 473 were college-bred men. The Medical Record , commenting upon this fact, estimates that 300,000 men have started out in medicine in this country during the pre¬ sent century. If so, the chance of the ordinary doctor’s becom¬ ing famous is about one in 300. But if he be a college- bred man it is about one in six. The profession, as I have said, is filled to repletion with poor men and untrained men. What we want is the men fresh from the laboratories of the best colleges, men whose minds are trained in logical methods, who ALUMNI ADDRESS 15 are versed in the “humanities,” who possess refinement and culture, who, having eyes and ears, have learned to use them to the best advantage. In that delightful book, “The Gold- Headed Cane,” Radcliffe—him of the library—visits Mead in his library and says: ‘ ‘ As I have grown older, every year of my life has convinced me more and more of the value of the educa¬ tion of the scholar and the gentleman to the thoroughbred physician. Perhaps your friend there (pointing to a volume of Celsus) expresses my meaning better than I can myself when he says that this discipline of the mind, ‘ quamvis non faciat medicum, aptiorem tamen medicince reddit .’ ” The signs of the times point to a closer affiliation of colleges and medical schools, which will be equally advantageous to both. Five years ago nearly all the medical schools in this country were two-year schools. Now nearly all have the three- year courses and a few four, and the new Pennsylvania law requires - four years of study, of which three shall be in a medi¬ cal school. This movement in the direction of a more thorough education means that the medical schools desire to offer a curriculum worthy to attract the best educated men. Moreover, the medical schools are endeavoring to adjust their courses so that they will be the natural continuation of the college courses. Without sacrificing the symmetry and completeness of the col¬ lege curriculum or abridging the studies for the medical degree, their aim is so to adjust the two that they shall be linked together as one complete whole. Thus many of the medical schools are considering what means can be adopted to draw into affiliation with them the colleges and college men in preference to others. The larger development of the Jefferson Medical College, of the medical departments of Harvard University, of the University of Michigan, of the University of Pennsylvania, and of Johns Hopkins, are evidences of the same wish to win the college men to a medical career. The union of the College of Physicians and Surgeons with Columbia College as its medi¬ cal department, and the projected absorption of one or more of 6 ALUMNI ADDRESS the Chicago medical schools into the University of Chicago show the same tendency. Moreover, the colleges are looking equally toward the medical schools, as I have pointed out, by the estab¬ lishment of courses which will naturally lead up to medicine. In Brown University the same movement is actively taking shape through the Brown University Medical Association, and in several universities with medical departments similar steps have already been taken. It is a movement full of promise. If any of you look forward to medicine as a career you should view it from three different standpoints. First on its economic side. This is a matter of no little importance, for every man in this world must earn his living and also naturally looks forward to the support, not only of himself, but of his wife and children in the future. No one should expect in medicine to make a fortune. A few doctors do so, but they are the exception. But every man who enters medicine, if he will be faithful and honest in his work, and a fortiori the more intellectual college man, can be sure of a competence, nay more, can be sure that he will enjoy not only the reasonable reward of toil, but be able to lay up sufficient for his own old age and for his family. Secondly, a much more elevating and attractive side is the philanthropic or humanitarian. The medicine of the future will be chiefly in the direction of that most philanthropic object, the prevention rather than the cure of disease. Hygiene or Prevent¬ ive Medicine has only arisen within the last forty years. It has already done much, but it promises far more. If it is necessary to show that the knowledge of hygiene is still limited, look at the recent reports on the sources of the water supply of New York. Nay, you need only go into the slums of your own city; or if you live in the more God-blessed country you may find a startling ignorance of the laws of health in almost every farm house. Nay more, you need only cross-question a half dozen of your intimate friends as to their modes of life to discover that the laws of hygiene are “more honored in the breach than the observance.” ALUMNI ADDRESS 17 That there is ample room for missionary work in the matter of personal cleanliness alone will be evident from two recent inci¬ dents in my clinics at St. Agnes and the Orthopedic Hospitals. At the former, as I uncovered the feet of a woman to examine them in consequence of an accident, I was startled at their condi¬ tion and asked her when she had had a bath. “And phwat’s that?” was the innocent reply. At the latter, last winter, after examining the spine of a young lady of sixteen, the daughter of a respectable farmer, I said to the parents with a bluntness born of indignant surprise, “It must be a long time since your daugh¬ ter has had a bath?” “Why yes,” said her father, “ I don’t believe she has been in a tub in a year.” To which his indignant wife replied, “ Why of course she has, John. Don’t you remember that bath she took last summer?” They probably agree with a witty medical friend who seriously avers that ‘ ‘ everybody ought to take a bath once a year whether he needs it or not.” A recent census of a portion of the Chicago slum district also has disclosed the fact that in a population of 16,000 there were but four bath tubs and two of these were disconnected from the water supply! The entire community suffers from such inde¬ cency, uncleanness and necessary ill health of a part. What a fruitful field there is in hygiene both for scientific and benevolent teaching as to plumbing, drainage, ventilation, clothing, food, drink, city architecture, city streets and sewage, city water supply and the eradication of all the evil influences which confront us, both in country, and especially in city life. Many diseases are now recognized as preventable, if the commu¬ nity were only alive to the necessity and the possibility of their prevention. “For every case of typhoid fever,” it has been said “somebody ought to be hung”—a rough and epigrammatic way of stating what is undoubtedly true, that in a perfectly regulated community there would be no typhoid fever. But besides such public benevolent service, there is a personal philanthropic side of medical life, to which I gladly advert. Pic- ure to yourself the daily life of the doctor. It has undoubtedly i8 ALUMNI ADDRESS its trials, many and great. The humdrum recital of ancient aches and pains sometimes becomes irksome by repetition. The doctor has patients upon whom he has bestowed unremitting care and his very best mental and physical powers, who have proved ungrateful and have even become his foes. He does an immense amount of unrequited service. His nights are disturbed, his days are not his own, of his family and friends he sees but little. But then, what calling does not have its trials? In what life is there not friction, which, as in mechanics, should be allowed for, and not permitted to become a source of irritation and annoyance? But in spite of all these trials, the doctor’s life is so rich in its personal rewards, in its humane service, that it ought to be to him a daily joy. There is to him a daily personal growth in knowledge. Every sickroom is a schoolroom, and every case a lesson, from which he comes a larger man. There is a daily personal growth in character, so that he should lie down each night a better man. There is a daily personal growth in his power to do good, which should be at once a reward of past work, and a stimulus to better. , There is a daily personal growth in the friendships and esteems of life, which constitute one of the most delightful rewards of the doctor. What greater joy can there be in life than to go about among one’s fellow men carrying with him, as the doctor does, an atmosphere of comfort, of hope, of courage, of health. There come to him, constantly, cases in which disease chal¬ lenges him to combat. It says to him, as it were, “Catch me if you can, in all my devious wanderings and unexpected dis¬ guises ; ’ ’ and there is a mental exhilaration in following every turn in the trail and running to earth the fleeing goblin, which is captivating to every inquiring mind. Look for a moment at the methods of the careful, intelligent doctor, as he investigates such a case. First, he inquires with care into the family history for lurking influences of evil heredity. Next, into the personal history, not only the physical history of the patient from his birth, but the influences of his environment, AlyUMNI ADDRESS 19 his habits, his hours of rest, his methods of labor, his physical and mental virtues and vices. Then follows the history of his present illness, including all his symptoms, the examination of his secretions and excretions, the shrewd judgment which elimi¬ nates the unessential and often the inaccurate or imaginative statements from those which are real and essential. Then too, he must not forget the influence of mental states; of worry, of family trouble, of personal trials. Next he passes to the physi¬ cal examination of his patient, when his eye must be as keen as that of an eagle, his touch deft and delicate in estimating size, consistency, elasticity, and other physical conditions. He must then co-ordinate all the so far disjointed facts with a mental acumen and logical method which, at first laborious, becomes afterward comparatively easy if he has been faithful and thorough in his earlier investigations. By these means he reaches a diagnosis and settles definitely upon the medical or surgical treatment. Each case is then a study in physics, anatomy, physiology, pathology, psychology, chemistry, therapeutics. In the vast majority of cases he is rewarded by seeing returning health. Sir Spencer Wells as the net result of his first 1,000 ovariotomies added 20,000 years to human life, and so far has modern surgery surpassed this result that every thousand similar operations to-day add not less than 30,000 years to human life! Think what one of these lives means, as the pale cheek regains its color, the feeble pulse its force, strength succeeds weakness, each day records a gain, and finally health is re-established. The tender father returns to his usual pursuits; the adored mother once more becomes the center of loving care of her family; the beloved child is restored to the family circle with ruddy health, rescued from the valley of the shadow of death itself. The hushed voices, the soft tread of the sick room have given place to the laughter of health, the mists of sorrow are driven away, the anxious alarms of disease have vanished. What, think you, can equal the joy of the physician, as he views this happy trans¬ formation? Who is a dearer, more cherished, more welcome 20 ALUMNI ADDRESS friend than he? Who finds a warmer place by the fireside and in the very hearts of his patients? No one can adequately appreciate his profound joy, his daily delight, his deep gratitude to the “ Giver of every good and perfect gift.” Oh, my friends, it is a blessed profession, a divine calling, with a heavenly recompense on earth. But sometimes death must come. Even here, however, the kind and sympathetic physician finds his place. Who can so tenderly guide the poor sufferer to his long rest, so gently assuage the pain of the dying? Who so endears himself to broken hearts in the hour of their bitter extremity as the strong yet tender Christian physician? Often, even death makes for us our dearest, most loving friends, who would pass through fire and water for us. Even its dangers are an attraction akin to those which draw the hardy mountaineer toward the dizzy heights of the Matter¬ horn. And when to these dangers is added, in times of pesti¬ lence, the clarion call of duty to his fellow man, where has there been a recreant doctor? Point out the renegade if you can ! The gallant Six Hundred who rode into the Valley of Death were no braver than the unsung heroes of Norfolk or of Hamburg. I glory in my profession that in such hours of peril it has known no cowards; the meanest soldier in its ranks has been a brave, unselfish, devoted hero, and oftentimes a faithful, gentle martyr dying at his post of duty. But besides the economic and the philanthropic side, medicine has thirdly its splendid scientific aspect which fuses with both of the others, and yet may be regarded separately from them. Eet me point out some of the best achievements and present problems of medicine. The present century has seen vast strides in every department of medicine. I will not weary you by mentioning the immense improvements made in many minor details which would be more suited to a technical audience, but it is proper that I should allude to three brilliant discoveries which stand out prominently as of the first magnitude. AlyUMNI ADDRESS 21 First, the discovery of anesthetics. The beneficent results from this discovery are so well known that I need only call attention to them and also note in passing that the three princi¬ pal anesthetics, ether, chloroform, and nitrous oxide, are Ameri¬ can either by discovery, or by introduction into general use. The second great achievement is the antiseptic method by one of our cousins across the sea, the justly immortal Sir Joseph Lister. While anesthetics have been an immense boon, espe¬ cially in the domain of surgery, antiseptics have saved count¬ less lives and untold suffering. The method is so recent that I have seen both its birth and its development. In our late war and for ten years after its close every wound and every opera¬ tion was followed as a matter of course by fever and more or less suppuration, or the formation of “matter,” which in a multitude of cases resulted in blood-poisoning, erysipelas, hos¬ pital gangrene, lock-jaw, and a hundred other kindred evils from this Pandora’s box. Now, however, we are enabled to perform any one of the ordinary operations, such as amputa¬ tions, ligations of the great blood-vessels, the extirpation of tumors and the like with almost absolute safety, and this surgical safety has emboldened us to perform many operations undreamed of even by an Astley Cooper, a Nelaton, or a Pan¬ coast. The great cavities of the body, the head, the abdomen, the pelvis, and even the chest are invaded with a sense of security and an almost absolute certainty of recovery which would have astounded our fathers. Amputations which were formerly attended with a mortality of nearly fifty per cent, are now so free from danger that we always expect our patients to recover and are chagrined if they do not. Compound fractures, which twenty years ago often had a mortality of over sixty per cent., now scarcely occasion any anxiety, and ovariotomy, formerly a most dangerous operation, the rise of which I can well remember, has now a mortality of only ten, five, and even three per cent. The third great discovery of the century is the new science of 22 ALUMNI ADDRESS Bacteriology, a child as yet in its teens. It arose when many of my younger auditors were discarding their knickerbockers for trousers. That minute organisms or germs were the cause of very many diseases had long been suspected, but until twelve years ago we were not at all certain that the process of inflam¬ mation and the formation of matter or pus, or that many well known diseases were the result of such germs. Now we know not only that they are the cause of all inflammation, but scien¬ tific investigation has shown us that all suppuration, pneumonia, lock-jaw, diphtheria, erysipelas, leprosy, tuberculosis, and a host of other diseases are due to these minute vegetable germs. You can easily understand that only the first elementary facts have been ascertained and by no means all of these. Here is a whole new science awaiting patient investigation and brilliant discovery. Who that has ambition and enthusiasm is not aroused by such a prospect ? How is it that these minute germs produce their malign in¬ fluences? We know that they secrete or in some way produce certain deleterious poisons in the human body, but how these or the bacteria act we do not know. When we learn just how they act, in all probability we shall be able soon to discover the means of counteracting their harmful effects. The problem how to destroy the bacteria without destroying the patient is one which we have not yet solved. We know that they produce infection. We know fairly well how to prevent their entrance into the body in surgical cases by the careful antiseptic cleans¬ ing of the person of the patient, of the instruments, sponges, dressings, hands, everything which comes in contact with the wound. But in many instances cases are brought to us already infected. A man who has met with any accident has an infected wound, and if any time has elapsed his system has become in¬ fected. We are as yet groping for methods by which we can surely overcome such a previously established infection. Here, you see, is another field for scientific activity and the most beneficent results. ALUMNI ADDRESS 23 We are learning how to prevent typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and other medical diseases, but have not even yet begun to learn how to prevent the entrance into the system of the bacteria of pneumonia, influenza, and other similar diseases. Again, there are certain half-discovered facts which already give us glimpses of unsuspected triumphs. Within the last few years it has been found by experiments on animals that the germs of certain diseases when inoculated, for instance in a rabbit, from that to a second, a third, and so on, become in¬ tensified in their action; whereas if similarly inoculated in one monkey after another they become diluted and weakened in their action. How or why does the virus or germ become stronger by transmission through a series of rabbits and weaker in its transmission through monkeys ? How can we utilize this for the benefit of humanity ? Here is another problem awaiting its Newton or its Morse. Again, we know that there are animals in which we cannot produce certain diseases. For instance, the attempt has been made scores of times to inoculate cancer into the lower animals without success. They do not suffer from measles or scarlet fever, whooping cough or mumps. There are also diseases peculiar to certain animals which man does not take. We know very well that there are some human diseases from which certain persons are exempt. For instance, people have grown up from childhood, been exposed to scarlet fever, or measles, or small-pox, and yet have not taken it. These animals or people have what we call a ‘ ‘ natural immunity ’ ’ to these dis¬ eases. Thus far preventive medicine has only attacked one disease in the way of producing an artificial or “acquired im¬ munity.” This is vaccination by which immunity against small-pox is produced; or, in other words, a vaccinated person can be exposed repeatedly even in epidemics of small-pox with¬ out contracting the disease. With such a striking example before us for over a century, how strange it is that it did not suggest experiments in the same direction in other diseases. 24 ALUMNI ADDRESS But at last this hint has been taken and it promises much in the future. For instance, it has been discovered that if we inoculate an animal with the germ of lock-jaw, the most virulent of all bacteria, and then take the watery part of the animal’s blood—the blood serum—and inoculate another animal with it, the second animal may then be inoculated with the germ of lock-jaw without becoming the victim of the disease; in other words, in the second animal there has been produced an acquired ‘ ‘ immunity ’ ’ against the disease. Even if the lock-j aw had already attacked the second animal, this blood-serum, it was found, would vanquish the disease. Here we come to one of the most striking recent results of scientific investigation. Once that it had been tried sufficiently often to determine that this mode of conferring immunity or of arresting the disease was not delete¬ rious to the animal, it was deemed right that the same attempt should be made in man to cure this dreadful disease, and within the last three or four years there have been recorded nearly a score of cases in which patients suffering from violent attacks of lock-jaw have been cured by inoculation with the blood-serum from such an animal. This immunity or cure is supposed to come from some antidote, or, as it is called, “antitoxin,” pro¬ duced in the first inoculated animal and introduced into the body of the second animal or of man with the blood-serum. Think you that it will be no great service to humanity, no great scientific feat, which will fill one’s mind with a wondering, never-ending satisfaction, and crown his life with fame, when this problem is fully solved? What extraordinary results it may lead to we can as yet only guess at, but its possibilities seem magnificent. At this very moment Dr. Haffkine is in India inoculating people with the antitoxin of cholera and bids fair to succeed in his efforts to limit or prevent this fearlul plague. You have all heard, of course, of Koch’s tuberculin. This consists of a modification of the ptomaines or poisons produced by the little bacillus or germ which causes tuberculosis or con- ALUMNI ADDRESS 25 sumption. You know how the discovery was prematurely an¬ nounced and heralded by the newspapers and then fell into disuse, and has been the object both of obloquy and ridicule. As a matter of fact, it is still being used in other modified forms by physicians and surgeons, and it is not too much to say that we have gone a long way towards finding the means by which we shall probably within the next few years cure consumption and all the other baleful effects which follow from tuberculosis. And when I tell you that there is not an organ in the body which is not affected by tuberculosis, and that it is the cause of far more suffering and more deaths than any other disease, you will appreciate the immense boon its cure will be. And please note that these instances which I have given of lock-jaw and of cholera and of consumption are but types of a series of investigations in the antitoxins or natural antidotes. This opens the door to a wholly new class of remedies furnished by our very foes, on which a large number of experiments are being constantly made. The fearful ravages of cancer are familiar to all. Its cause is unknown, its cure compassed only by its early extirpation, and even then, I must regretfully confess, but rarely. But within the last year research has seemed to show that we are on the verge of the discovery of its cause, and if so, time will give us its cure. Who of you would not rather make such a discovery than be the father of the Atlantic cable or the successful general of a great war? Who would be so blessed by future millions of mankind as the discoverer of such a boon to the whole race ? Within the last two years also another class of remedies has been introduced, especially in connection with a disease with which you are probably not familiar, known as myxoedema. You all doubtless are aware what goitre is. Until lately it was scarcely deemed amenable to operation, but modern surgical methods have so improved that several hundreds of cases have been reported in which the goitre has been removed, and the patients have nearly all recovered. But after these operations a 26 AlyUMNI ADDRESS curious and unexpected result was found. Goitre consists in the enlargement of a certain gland in the neck called the thyroid gland. If the whole of this gland either in health or disease is removed, a considerable proportion of such patients undergo a sort of elephantine growth all over the body. The features become thick and clumsy, the fingers and toes swell to twice or thrice their ordinary size. The mental condition also degenerates into a form of cretinism. This misfortune attending the complete removal of the gland led, first to a modi¬ fication of the operation, viz., the partial instead of the total removal of the gland; even a little of the gland if left, it was found, would prevent such a bad result. But it has done more than this. Victor Horsley, in England, suggested that in cases in which, as sometimes occurs, this disease myxcedema, arose spontaneously, the thyroid gland itself might be used as its best remedy. Accordingly first it was used surgically. The thyroid gland was removed from a sheep and transplanted under the skin or into the abdominal cavity of the patient. It grew there and so long as it remained the patient was bettered; but experi¬ ence showed that the gland soon disappeared and the betterment vanished with it. Then an extract was prepared from the gland and used hypodermatically. This gave still better results, but it was suggested again that if the patient were simply fed on the gland itself (it is one of the sweetbreads of the body) cure might follow; and within the past year a large number of cases have been reported which have been cured by this wholly new method of treatment. See then here another fruitful field of research in the administration of various remedies derived from particular glands or other structures in the animal body. Already such an extract from the brain has been used in epilepsy, but it is too early as yet to say whether the result will prove to be good or not. Within a month, Vaughn of Ann Arbor has also called attention to the fact that the extract of the thyroid and other glands is fatal to bacteria. This new discovery may lead to the most beneficial results. AlyUMNI ADDRESS 2 7 But what we do not know in bacteriology is far, far greater than what we do know. The bacteria of scarlet fever, of measles, of small pox, of whooping cough, of typhus fever, rabies, and many other diseases are as yet unknown and await¬ ing your touch, your investigation. If you miss your chance, others will seize it. If I were to ask any one of you whether Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry are comparatively complete sciences, I suppose you would answer unhesitatingly, yes. On the contrary, they are most incomplete. We know to a fair extent the gross anatomy of the human body, although even here there is an immense deal to be learned; but the minute anatomy is not well known, and there is scarcely an organ in the body whose physiology has been half studied. Kven so common a substance as the white of an egg has defied the chemists, and the analy¬ sis of ninety-five per cent, of the solids of the body is imperfect. Yet this is fundamental Physiological Chemistry. When I first taught anatomy, the great divisions of the brain into two hemispheres, the cerebrum, the cerebellum, etc., were of course known, but the various convolutions of the brain sur¬ face were deemed to be simply fortuitous by the anatomist, the physiologist, the physician, or the surgeon, and that one con¬ volution had no more value than another. Investigations in the last twenty years have definitely mapped out the brain, showing that the convolutions and fissures are not arranged hap-hazard, but on a definite plan. A portion of the brain at the back of the head and a little at the side of the head are fairly well known, well enough indeed for the successful performance of extraordinary operations in diseases and injuries of the brain. But all the rest of the brain is as yet almost a terra incognita — an Africa standing expectant for its Stanley. Here again is another problem seeking solution, a problem which is enough to arouse the scientific ambition of any enthusiastic mind. Again, it is only within the last five years that an accurate knowledge of the relation of diseases of the ear to diseases of 28 ALUMNI ADDRESS the brain has been recognized, and their scientific surgical treat¬ ment begun. The splendid results already achieved give prom¬ ise that within a few years we shall know not only how to cure brain disease the result of disease of the ear, but what is far better, how to prevent it. The anatomy of the nerves has been known for many years in its gross outlines, but the problems which present themselves here are many and varied. Cut a certain nerve, the ulnar, which supplies the inner part of the hand, and the results are not the same in all patients. You may abolish touch and yet pain will remain. You may even, as I have seen within the last few weeks in several cases, cut out one to three inches of the sensitive nerve of the face, and it will be reproduced, and with this the frightful pain of tic douloureux, for which the nerve was removed, will return. On the other hand, by a wound or an operation from one to three inches of a nerve may be re¬ moved, and you want the nerve to be reproduced and so re¬ establish sensation in the skin supplied by it and motion in the muscles to which it goes, and the nerve steadily refuses to reproduce itself. Why in the one case it will and why in the other case it will not reproduce itself we do not know. In fact, what we do not know about nerves alone would make a good- . sized book. Thirty years ago when we looked at an eye all we knew was what we could see on the outside. The trouble was that nothing could be seen inside of the eye, although there was such an inviting window in front of it by which we could look in, because the interior was totally dark. But it occurred to Helmholz that if by a little bit of looking-glass he reflected light into the eye and then scratched a little hole in the quicksilver, he could look through the hole into the illuminated interior of the eye and see all there was inside of it. From this simple idea has arisen the ophthalmoscope, by which the whole medicine and surgery of the eye have been revolutionized, and great light has been also thrown on the diseases of the brain. ALUMNI ADDRESS 29 Again, when the mouth was opened, we could see certain parts, but the whole interior of the larynx and windpipe was beyond our sight and therefore beyond our knowledge. But soon after the ophthalmoscope was discovered Czermak and Tiirck found that if a little mirror were held in the back of the throat at an angle of about forty-five degrees and a ray of light were thrown upon it from a small perforated bit of looking-glass, the interior of the throat like the interior of the eye would be illuminated, and we could look through the little hole in the looking-glass and see the reflected image of the vocal chords and the whole of the larynx in the mirror. Similar inventions await the ingenious investigator of the future for the examination of other cavities and organs of the body, and the day is not far distant when we shall be able, I hope, to see and therefore to know the interior of the stomach as well as we do the exterior of the body. That this will illumi¬ nate our own minds as well as the stomachs of our patients is certain. And so I might go on in one department of medicine after another, presenting to you similar problems, some of them so technical that they would not be suited to a non-professional audience, and in each show you the vast need there is for bright minds. Has the last word been said in surgery, in medicine, in the diseases of any of the special organs of the body ? Nay, verily we are but at the alphabet of investigation and of cure. Great as has been the progress in the last fifty years, greater I venture to say than in all previous time, I believe that the next fifty years will far eclipse the discoveries of the past fifty. Who could have predicted the rise of Bacteriology a score of years ago ? And who will venture to say that in the next twenty years another science equally far-reaching, equally beneficent, equally brilliant in its achievements, may not arise ? Even the present is a splendid time, “ An age on ages telling To be living is sublime.” 30 AlyUMNI ADDRESS But the twentieth century in which you will live will be the most glorious time of all the ages. But you may take part in this grand march of progress, not only in the rank and file, but as a leader if you will but write. Or it may be, if you have the gift of imparting knowledge, you may be one of the teachers of medical science, an enviable post of honor and responsibility but also of unequalled enjoyment. Have I not put before you enough to arouse the ambition, the energy, the benevolence, the enthusiasm, of any young man about to choose his career ? Can there be in any other depart¬ ment of human knowledge so fine a field for research, for dis¬ covery, for fame, and what is far better, for serving the human race ? If, in consequence of what I have said to you, some of you will select Medicine as your chosen pursuit, rest assured that if you will faithfully perform your duty, at the close of life you will have the pleasure of surveying a career which has been advantageous to yourselves, has been a means of doing good to your fellow men, and I verily believe has approximated as near as possible to the Divine Life as is given to any man to do.