PRO AND CON BEING A detailed REPORT OF THE CHICAGO TRUST CONFERENCE HEI^D CON. and complaint, should be guarded with great strictness. If mortgage bonds seem to be required they should be al- lowed only for a moderate fraction of the true cash value of the property that secures them. As for issues of stock, they should be safeguarded in every possible way. They should only be allowed either for money or for property actually received by the company, and dollar for dollar, and when the property is so conveyed it should be on an honest appraisement of actual value, so that there may be no watering of stock. 4. And, finally, there should be a thorough system of reports and governmental inspection, especially as to issues of bonds and stock and the status and value of property. Yet at the same time in the matter of trading, business and industrial companies, there are many legitimate secrets which must be respected by the general public. In short, we need to frankly recognize the fact that trading and in- dustrial corporations are needed to organize the activities of our country, and that they are not to be scolded or be- lied, but controlled, as we control steam and electricity, which are also dangerous if not carefully managed, but of wonderful usefulness if rightly harnessed to the car of progress. 5. We agree without a dissenting voice in thanking the Civic Federation of Chicago for furnishing this oppor- tunity for education, and the people of Chicago, not only for a hospitality as large as its limits, but for the object lesson their city affords to teach us what can be done in America by enlightened public spirit in associated effort. Upon motion of Louis F. Post of Chicago, the confer- ence on trusts and combinations adjourned sine die at exactly 6 o^clock.