Part I Report eor 1889. RELATION OF WAGES TO THE COST OF PRODUCTION. [From the Twentieth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Bureau or Statistics of Labor, pp. 1-84.] BY HORACE G. WADLIN, CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF LABOR. BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 Post Office Square. 1890. t>-s\A CONTENTS- Page Introduction, 3, 4 The elements involved in production, 3 The lines of inquiry, 3, 4 The material collected, 4 Explanation of the tables, 4 Relation of Wages to the cost of Production in the fol- lowing Industries: 5-66 Agricultural Implements, 5 Arms and Ammunition, 5 Artificial Teeth and Dental Work, 5 Artisans’ Tools, 5, 6 Boots and Shoes, 6-16 Boxes (Paper and Wooden), 16-18 Brick, Tiles, and Sewer Pipe, 18, 19 Brooms, Brushes, and Mops, 19, 20 Building, 20, 21 Burial Cases, Caskets, Coffins, etc , 21 Buttons and Dress Trimmings, 21, 22 Carpetings, 22 Carriages and Wagons, 22-24 Cement, Kaolin, Lime, and Plaster, 24 Chemical Preparations (Compounded), 24 Clocks and Watches, . 24 Clothing, 24-26 Concrete Walks, Paving, etc., 26 Cooking, Lighting, and Heating Apparatus, . . . . 26, 27 Cordage and Twine, 27 Cotton Goods, 28-30 Cotton, Woollen, and Other Textiles, 31 Crayons, Pencils, Crucibles, etc 31 Drugs and Medicines, 31 Dyestuffs, 31 Earthern, Plaster, and Stone Ware, 31, 32 Electrical Apparatus and Appliances 32 Electroplating, 32 Emery and Sand Paper and Cloth, etc., 32 IV CONTENTS. Fancy Articles, Page 32 Fertilizers, 32 Flax, Hemp, and Jute Goods, 32 Food Preparations, .... 33-35 Furniture, 35-37 Glass, ' 37 Glue, Isinglass, and Starch, . 37 Hair Work (Animal and Human), 38 Hosiery and Knit Goods, 38 Ink, Mucilage, and Paste, 38 Ivory, Bone, Shell, and Horn Goods, etc., 38, 39 Leather, 39-41 Linen, 41 Liquors and Beverages (Not Spirituous), 41, 42 Liquors : Malt, Distilled, and Fermented, 42 Lumber, 43, 44 Machines and Machinery, 44-47 Metals and Metallic Goods, . 47-52 Mixed Textiles, 52 Models and Patterns, .... 52 Musical Instruments and Materials, 52, 53 Oils and Illuminating Fluids, 53 Paints, Colors, and Crude Chemicals, . 53 Paper and Paper Goods, 53-55 Perfumes, Toilet Articles, etc., . 55 Photographs and Photographic Materials, 55 Polishes and Dressing, .... 55, 56 Printing, Publishing, and Bookbinding, 56 Railroad Construction, .... 56 Rubber and Elastic Goods, . 56 Salt, 56 Scientific Instruments and Appliances, 56 Silk and Silk Goods, .... 57 Sporting and Athletic Goods, 57 Stone, 57, 58 Straw and Palm Leaf Goods, 58 Tallow, Candles, Soap, and Grease, 58 Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, . 59-61 Toys and Games (Children’s), 61 Trunks and Valises, .... 61 Whips, Lashes, and Stocks, . 61 Wooden Goods, 61-63 Woollen Goods, 63-66 Worsted Goods, , , . , , 66 CONTENTS. v Page Analysis, 66-83 Comparisons of wage cost in detail, 66-69 Comparative wage cost for articles and establishments : by in- dustries, 70-74 Percentages of product represented by establishments reporting cost of production: by industries, 74-77 Percentages of wage cost of total cost of production : by indus- tries, 77-82 Conclusions, 82, 83 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates RELATION OF WAGES TO THE COST OF PRODUCTION. RELATION OE WAGES TO THE COST OF PRODUCTION. Production involves two elements, Labor and Capital. In the discussion of economic questions relating to* production, evidence respecting the labor element, including under that head wages and labor cost, is always of value. The part which such evidence plays in the solution of certain prac- tical problems is unquestioned. The proper adjustment of a protective tariff cannot be made without this evidence, nor can controversies between labor and capital be rightly settled without reference to it. Two lines of inquiry present themselves. First, the deter- mination of the share of product which falls to labor in distinc- tion from the share retained by capital ; and, second, the relation which labor cost bears to the total cost of the prod- uct, as shown by the proportion which wages bear to the other elements of cost. The first inquiry would involve the question of profits, and would take, as its basis, the selling price of the product, separating this price into the various factors which compose it; such, for instance, as wages (labor’s share) and profits and interest (capital’s share). The second phase of the subject deals only with the actual cost to the manufacturer, eliminates profits, and determines what part of that cost is due to labor, represented by wages, and what to raw material and other necessary expenses. These two phases of the subject involve different and entirely distinct problems. In fact, one line of investigation concerns the distribution of 4 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc. wealth, while the other deals entirely with its production. It is with the second and simpler investigation, which properly precedes the other, that the present Part deals. The question it asks and answers, in 1,615 specified instances, is, What rela- tion does the cost of labor bear to the cost of the product, as it lies completed in the manufacturers hands ? From the manufacturer’s stand-point the inquiry relates to outlay, not to income ; that is, it does not deal with profits. From the workman’s stand-point it determines the share he has contrib- uted to the product, and for* which he has been remunerated in the form oL wages. The material collected by the Bureau, upon which the pres- ent Part rests, is from original sources, and in the form of dis- tinct and complete returns from 1,615 different manufacturing establishments in the Commonwealth. It is not only entirely reliable, but it is new, the field having never till now been covered by any extended investigation. In the tables certain selected articles of manufacture, under each classified head, are presented, the total cost of produc- ing a specified quantity being given by percentages showing the proportionate expenses for wages, raw material, and for expenses not specified. By the latter item is meant any ex- penses not properly included under the head of wages, as, for instance, rent, taxes, insurance, etc. Each article is followed by a similar presentation for the establishment in which it was made, showing the expense of production of all articles made in the establishment upon the same basis as that used in giving the cost of the selected article. In a few cases, obvious upon an inspection of the tables, the item “expenses not specified” has been included in the item “raw materials” in the returns, giving, in such cases, only two divisions of cost, namely, wages and raw material. The tables are followed by an analysis of results. No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Names op Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages op Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Kaw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Hay cutters, ...... The establishment, one hundred .... 25.00 59.80 75.00 27.78 12.42 Horse-powers The establishment, one machine .... 50.00 56.98 50.00 35.61 7.41 Plows, The establishment, one hundred .... 40.69 50.72 59.31 33.87 15.41 Scythe sticks, The establishment, one hundred .... 26.92 33.90 61.54 66.10 11.54 Shovels, The establishment, one dozen .... 33.05 29 22 49.46 59.61 17.49 11.17 ARMS AND AMMUNITION. Blasting powder, The establishment, twenty-two hundred kegs 36.00 35.02 64.00 62.26 2.72 Gun nipples The establishment, one gross 90.29 86.13 9.71 11.48 2.39 . Gunpowder The establishment, one hundred pounds 13.33 18.40 70.00 81.60 16.67 Gunpowder, The establishment, twenty-five hundred pounds . 18.08 18.61 58.00 66.17 23.92 15.22 Pistols, The establishment, one 50.00 39.11 25.00 53.60 25.00 7.29 Rifles The establishment, one 68.00 54.84 32.00 29.70 15.46 ARTIFICIAL TEETH AND DENTAL WORK. Artificial teeth 50.00 50.00 The establishment, 25.87 53.48 20.65 Artificial teeth, one set 70.00 30.00 _ The establishment, - 100.00 - Artificial teeth one set 62.50 37.50 _ The establishment', — 100.00 - ARTISANS’ TOOLS. Awls, .... The establishment, one thousand . 68.75 59.78 31.25 40.22 - Axes, .... The establishment, one dozen 34.78 41.53 52.18 52.08 13.04 6.39 Bit braces, . The establishment, one . 46.00 51.27 34.00 36.33 20.00 12.40 Bits, .... The establishment, one gross . 55.56 48.99 44.44 47.41 3.60 Bits {% inch), The establishment, one hundred . 89.58 56.25 10.42 39.06 4.69 Calking tools, The establishment, one dozen 68.75 69.23 31.25 20.61 10.16 Chisels, The establishment, * one dozen 50.00 48.84 50.00 12.48 38.68 Cutting dies, The establishment, one hundred . 66.67 69.51 33.33 30.49 6 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc ARTISANS’ TOOLS — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Engine lathes and planes, . The establishment, ninety-five .... 51.43 68.18 23.62 31.31 24.95 0.51 . Files The establishment, one dozen .... 52.00 77.88 37.20 14.33 10.80 7.79 Files, The establishment, one gross 53.85 38.79 46.15 14.81 46.40 Files and rasps, The establishment, one dozen .... 61.57 53.90 38.43 23.54 22.56 Jack planes The establishment, one hundred .... 52.50 74.96 47.50 22.79 2.25 Lathes, The establishment, twenty 56.65 47.21 30.59 32.09 12.76 20.70 Machine knives, The establishment, one hundred feet . 41.67 43.42 52.08 42.38 6.25 14.20 Peg cutters, ...... The establishment, one dozen .... 40.91 67.08 36.36 27.32 22.73 5.60 Saws The establishment, one hundred dozen 60.00 38.48 40.00 43.19 18.33 Saw swages, . . . The establishment, one hundred .... 75.00 80.83 25.00 19.17 _ Screw wrenches, The establishment, one thousand .... 45.34 51.26 39.38 37.76 15.28 10.98 Screw wrenches, The establishment, twelve thousand 66.67 52.60 29.89 38.82 3.44 8.58 Sewing awls, The establishment, one thousand .... 91.47 63.84 8.53 22.81 13.35 Shoe knives The establishment, one hundred dozen 75.00 80.32 18.75 19.68 6.25 Shoe knives The establishment, one gross 57.14 59.69 20.19 36.33 22.67 3.98 Spirit levels The establishment, one hundred .... 62.50 33.33 32.14 60.85 5.36 5.82 Tanner’6 fleshers, .... The establishment, one dozen .... 36.84 36.27 63.16 36.88 26.85 Wrenches The establishment, one hundred .... 50.73 50.14 37.68 29.08 11.59 20.78 BOOTS AND SHOES. Boot and shoe stitching, sixty pairs 86.67 13.33 _ The establishment, 80.77 10.26 8.97 Boots one pair . 42.94 57.06 - The establishment, 42.28 55.98 1.74 Boots, . . ten pairs . 38.46 61.54 - The establishment, - 82.68 17.32 Boots, twelve pairs . 21.33 74.84 3.83 The establishment, 16.72 80.82 2.46 Boots twelve pairs . 30.00 70.00 - The establishment, 25.28 74.72 - Boots, twelve pairs . 24.14 75.86 - The establishment, 24.95 73.94 1.11 Boots, one case . 44.44 55.56 - . The establishment, 62.10 25.74 12.16 Boots, one case . . 45.00 55.00 - The establishment, 48.82 50.98 0.20 Boots one case . 27.77 72.23 - The establishment, 27.78 72.22 No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION 7 BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. • Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Boots The establishment, one case . 33.35 29.19 66.65 70.06 0.75 Boots, The establishment, one case . 27.27 25.28 54.55 72.78 18.18 1.94 Boots, The establishment, one case . 22.22 23.16 66.67 75.67 11.11 1.17 Boots, ’ The establishment, one case . 29.00 23.38 71.00 76.62 - Boots, The establishment, ten cases . 31.20 14.72 66.80 82.88 2.00 2.40 Boots, The establishment, one hundred cases . 22.73 24.55 72.73 67.40 4.54 8.05 Boots, The establishment, five thousand cases 22.22 21.86 77.78 76.52 1.62 Boots The establishment, ten thousand, seven and twenty cases hundred 26.47 26.13 73.53 72.59 1.28 Boots, balmoral (button, calf, men’s) The establishment, twelve pairs . 25.00 27.10 69.90 68.61 5.10 4.29 Boots, balmoral (English, men’s) The establishment, two hundred cases . 25.00 24.96 75.00 74.94 0.10 Boots, balmoral (grain, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 31.32 25.88 68.68 71.55 2.57 Boots, buff (men’s) .... The establishment, twenty-four pairs . 33.82 28.20 66.18 71.11 0.69 Boots, button The establishment, seventy-two pairs . 33.95 40.44 64.82 57.67 1.23 1.89 Boots, button (calf) .... The establishment, twenty-four pairs . 32.90 46.15 59.21 47.72 7.89 6.13 Boots, button (calf, men’s) The establishment, twelve pairs . 34.21 30.70 65.79 66.49 2.81 Boots, button (children’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 31.11 23.68 62.22 76.25 6.67 0.07 Boots, button (children’s) . The establishment, seventy-two pairs . 52.63 52.62 47.37 46.78 0.60 Boots, button (children’s) . The establishment, seventy-two pairs . 31.67 20.21 68.33 77.27 2.52 Boots, button (Dongola, women’s) . The establishment, thirty-six pairs 40.00 60.00 74.07 3.14 Boots, button (glove foxed, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 31.58 7.43 68.42 89.25 3.32 Boots, button (glove grain, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 35.19 25.49 64.81 72.17 2.34 Boots, button (glove grain, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 21.18 6.42 42.35 91.79 36.47 1.79 Boots, button (glove top and foxed kid, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 41.67 10.87 58.33 87.93 1.20 Boots, button (goat, women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 34.97 14.83 65.03 83.76 1.41 Boots, button (grain) .... The establishment, one pair . 33.68 17.66 63.16 77.70 3.16 4.64 Boots, button (grain) .... The establishment, one pair . 27.78 32.28 72.22 66.50 1.22 Boots, button (grain) .... The establishment, sixty pairs 25.00 12.98 65.00 86.03 10.00 0.99 Boots, button (grain, children’s) The establishment, seventy-two pairs . 32.76 16.55 67.24 82.76 0.69 Boots, button (grain, misses’) . The establishment, sixty pairs 29.42 24.75 67.67 63.66 2.91 11.59 8 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Boots, button (kid) The establishment, Boots, button (kid, children’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, children’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, children’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) The establishment, Boots, button (kid, women’s) . The establishment, Boots, button (women’s) . The establishment, Boots, calf The establishment, Boots, calf . ... The establishment, Boots, calf The establishment, Boots, calf The establishment, Boots, calf (men’s) The establishment, Boots, calf (sewed) The establishment, Boots, congress . . . •. The establishment, Boots, congress .... The establishment, Boots, congress (buff, men’s) The establishment, Boots, congress (buff, men’s) The establishment, Boots, congress (calf, men’s) The establishment, Boots, congress (Dongola, men’s) The establishment, Boots, custom .... The establishment, Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) one case ....... 31.03 19.91 62.07 79.17 1 6.90 0.92 sixty pairs . . .. .. 42.04 46.06 57.96 50.90 3.04 seventy -two pairs . 33.23 29.26 66.77 69.76 0.98 seventy-two pairs . 38.89 35.46 52.78 55.72 8.33 8.82 thirty-six pairs 38.10 35.84 61.90 58.87 5.29 thirty-six pairs 32.79 27.68 67.21 69.48 2.84 thirty-six pairs 40.00 8.19 60.00 90.25 1.56 sixty pairs .... 40.00 5.05 60.00 93.18 1.77 sixty pairs .... 31.54 27.37 60.77 70.61 7.69 2.02 sixty pairs . . . 25.36 6.74 74.64 91.28 1.98 sixty pairs .... 40.00 13.53 60.00 85.05 1.42 sixty pairs .... 35.24 5.52 64.76 93.57 0.91 sixty pairs .... 30.99 15.86 69.01 79.29 4.85 sixty pairs .... 36.00 16.61 64.00 79.10 4.29 sixty pairs .... 36.56 6.59 63.44 91.18 2.23 sixty pairs .... 27.41 23.11 61.48 64.48 11.11 12.41 twelve pairs .... 20.83 34.06 72.00 61.64 7.17 4.30 five cases 19.83 32.90 80.17 66.54 0.56 five cases 19.58 42.31 79.17 57.36 1.25 0.33 twenty-five thousand cases . 30.00 29.48 70.00 68.81 1.71 one pair 38.46 49.64 61.54 44.28 6.08 one case 22.22 24.46 77.78 72.92 2.62 twenty-four pairs . one hundred and forty-two 26.88 28.58 65.72 71.20 7.40 0.22 cases 37.29 32.60 61.66 53.90 1.05 13.50 twelve pairs .... 51.17 42.74 48.83 53.42 3.84 sixty pairs .... 34.52 31.80 65.48 66.74 1.46 twenty-four pairs . 30.12 28.30 52.70 68.73 17.18 2.97 twenty-four pairs . 24.00 35.24 66.00 59.73 10.00 5.03 one pair 50.00 61.54 50.00 38.46 : No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 9 BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Boots, custom (men’s) The establishment, one pair . . 35.00 51.66 65.00 34.19 14.15 Boots, fishing The establishment, ten cases . 25.71 32.15 74.29 67.75 0.10 • Boots, gaiter (congress, calf) The establishment, one pair . 43.65 34.63 56.35 60.02 5.3o Boots, goat (women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 36.17 20.92 63.83 76.19 2.89 Boots, grain (women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 27.50 14.44 72.50 82.23 3.33 Boots, grain and kip .... The establishment, one case . 32.14 32.63 60.72 63.65 7.14 3.72 Boots, kid (glove top, women’s) The establishment, thirty-six pairs 34.88 28.03 65.12 70.55 1.42 Boots, kid (women’s) .... The establishment, one pair . 33.33 33.04 55.56 60.58 11.11 6.38 Boots, kip The establishment, one case . 15.78 23.01 74.84 74.18 9.38 2.81 Boots, kip . . . The establishment, one case . 26.81 24.37 73.19 71.92 3.71 Boots, kip (pegged) .... The establishment, ten cases . 33.33 16.55 66.67 82.30 1.15 Boots, machine-sewed The establishment, one case . 46.67 30.77 53.33 67:81 1.42 Boots, men’s The establishment, one hundred cases . 17.74 16.80 82.26 81.97 1.23 Boots, Newport button (kid, women’s) The establishment, thirty-six pairs 36.75 18.62 63.25 78.59 2.79 Boots, Newport button(kid, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 41.18 14.25 58.82 77.98 7.77 Boots, Newport button (women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 31.82 17.78 68.18 78.69 3.53 Boots, opera (kid, women’s) The establishment, thirty-six pairs 32.87 20.57 67.13 77.57 1.86 Boots, opera (kid, women’s) The establishment, thirty-six pairs 39.20 17.29 60.80 79.54 3.17 Boots, Polish (buff, women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 35.09. 14.20 64.91 83.80 2.00 Boots, Polish (goat, women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 33.33 29.61 66.67 67.43 2.96 Boots, serge The establishment, sixty pairs 40.00 50.77 60.00 49.23 : Boots, women’s The establishment, one pair . 43.33 73.53 56.67 26.47 - Boots, women’s The establishment, thirty-six pairs 25.76 42.29 74.24 54.89 2.82 Boots, women’s The establishment, sixty pairs 33.33 43.48 66.67 34.78 21.74 Boots and shoes, The establishment, forty-four thousand pairs 27.27 34.91 72.73 64.94 0.15 Boots and shoes, The establishment, one pair . 61.38 38.17 38.62 60.63 1.20 Boots and shoes, ..... The establishment, one pair . 40.00 33.04 53.33 66.96 6.67 Boots and shoes, The establishment, one pair . 33.46 32.76 59.27 66.30 7.27 0.94 Boots and shoes, The establishment, one pair . 33.57 43.50 66.43 54.96 1.54 10 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost ofc Production Paid for — JN ames of Articles, ETC. Wages j Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Boots aud shoes, . The establishment, one pair . . . . . 50.00 54.19 50.00 34.84 10.97 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, twelve pairs .... 13.83 21.16 70.00 76.66 2.18 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, sixty pairs .... 16.73 ■27.42 45.09 70.93 38.18 1.65 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, seventy -two pairs . 56.25 52.40 43.75 44.91 2.69 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, one hundred pairs . 25.50 40.84 57.50 56.52 17.00 2.64 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, one hundred and fifty pairs . 38.46 38.46 61.54 61.54 - Boots and shoes, . The establishment, three hundred and fifty-eight pairs 19.28 20.41 67.41 71.66 13.31 7.93 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, one hundred and eighty thou- sand pairs .... 33.33 32.99 66.67 65.99 1.02 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, twenty-two thousand, two hundred pairs 28.53 28.28 71.47 70.83 0.89 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, one case 40.00 46.77 60.00 51.36 1.87 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, one case ..... 38.20 34.95 61.80 61.11 3.94 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, seven thousand, eight hundred and eight cases 33.74 33.23 66.26 57.23 9.54 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, one hundred cases . 18.94 23.66 71.97 74.45 9.09 1.89 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, twelve hundred cases . 23.40 40.87 76.60 56.76 2.37 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, eighteen hundred cases . 35.14 32.60 64.86 64.65 2.75 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, two thousand cases 40.00 41.24 55.90 57.62 4.10 1.14 Boots and shoes, . The establishment, six thousand cases . 30.30 30.27 69.70 69.62 0.11 Boots and shoes, calf (men’s) . The establishment, two hundred and forty thou- sand pairs .... 27.83 3.65 55.50 93.53 16.67 2.82 Boots and shoes, custom The establishment, * * ten pairs 50.00 16.54 50.00 56.94 26.52 Boots and shoes, fine The establishment, . . one pair 50.00 34.34 25.00 34.34 25.00 31.32 Boots and shoes (women’s) The establishment, fifty cases ..... 37.58 36.30 61.82 56.39 0.60 7.31 Box-toes, The establishment, one thousand pairs 60.00 14.01 40.00 77.60 8.39 Box-toes, leather-board The establishment, one thousand pairs 27.27 39.85 72.73 37.01 23.14 Brogans, The establishment, one thousand cases 21.62 21.52 78.38 77.86 0.62 Brogans, calf The establishment, • one hundred and twenty thou- sand pairs .... 10.83 25.22 66.67 74.73 22.50 0.05 Brogans, kip The establishment, • * * one case 33.33 30.29 66.67 65.81 3.90 Brogans, men’s . The establishment, * one case 15.00 27.33 85.00 72.13 0.54 No. 15 .] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 11 BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid sor — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Brogans, wax (men’s) one thousand cases 14.10 82.89 . 3.01 The establishment, 20.72 76.48 2.80 Buskins, goat (turned) one hundred cases . 25.64 66.67 7.69 The establishment, 22.25 74.61 3.14 Button-holes, one hundred . 64.91 35.09 _ The establishment, 49.75 49.75 0.50 Button-holes, one hundred thousand 64.00 36.00 The establishment, 73.34 26.00 0.66 Gaiters, button one pair . 54.96 45.04 _ The establishment, 53.38 43.68 2.94 Gaiters, congress (serge) . one case . 28.74 57.47 13.79 The establishment, 28.67 71.33 - Heeling, one sheet . 27.78 72.22 . The establishment, 25.56 72.07 2.37 Heeling, one hundred sheets 30.00 70.00 The establishment, • 25.26 69.00 5.74 Heeling, one ton . 75.00 25.00 _ The establishment, 64.86 35.14 - Heeling, one ton . *. 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 34.60 65.40 _ Heeling, pasted . two thousand pounds 33.33 55.56 11.11 The establishment, 24.93 75.07 Heeling, sheet one sheet . 21.43 71.43 7.14 The establishment, 27.55 63.99 8.46 Hefeling, sheet one thousand sheets 27.27 72.73 _ The establishment, 40.52 58.95 0.53 Heels, . one pair . 28.57 64.29 7.14 The establishment, 23.76 76.04 0.20 Heels, . one pair . 40.00 50.00 10.00 The establishment, 41.67 58.33 - Heels, . sixty pairs 83.33 16.67 _ The establishment, 29.41 70.59 - Heels, . one thousand heels 16.67 83.33 The establishment, 14.33 80.58 5.09 Heels, . one hundred pairs . 25.00 62.50 12.50 The establishment, 13.59 85.47 0.94 Heels, . four hundred pairs 52.67 47.33 The establishment, 17.41 80.53 2.06 Heels, . one barrel 17.50 75.00 7.50 The establishment, 9.84 89.87 0.29 Heels, . one case . 72.31 27.69 The establishment, 66.14 27.49 6.37 Heels, . one hundred cases . 21.06 78.94 The establishment, 21.05 78.95 - Heels, boot . one thousand pairs 21.32 71.30 7.38 The establishment, 41.81 52.35 5.84 Heels, cut fifteen cases . 11.25 88.33 0.42 The establishment, 17.25 82.16 0.59 Heels, shoe . three hundred and two thou- sand pairs . 30.32 60.65 9.03 The establishment, 33.03 66.06 0.91 Heels, shoe . one hundred cases . 22.14 77.86 The establishment, 24.74 74.59 0.67 Kid stays, one gross yards . 42.86 57.14 The establishment, 20.15 75.54 4.31 Leather-board, one ton 15.00 73.00 12.00 The establishment, 19.03 72.08 8.89 Pasted taps, . ten cases . 36.00 60.00 4.00 The establishment, 28.14 70.88 0.98 12 STATISTICS OF LABOR [Pub. Doc BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — .NAMES OF ARTICLES, ETC. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Pumps, patent leather (men’s) The establishment, thirty-six pairs 27.65 11.71 72.35 83.28 5.01 Rands, . The establishment, sixty pairs 13.33 14.32 86.67 71.79 13.89 Rubber counter's, . The establishment, two million pairs . 33.23 29.99 66.75 60.26 0.02 9.75 Shoe buttons, The establishment, one great gross 30.30 37.75 57! 43 4.82 Shoe counters, The establishment, one thousand pairs . 32.50 36.21 67.50 62.67 1.12 Shoe elastic, . The establishment, one thousand yards 13.43 24.02 71.64 73.55 14.93 2.43 Shoe uppers (fitted), The establishment, one case . 66.67 75.99 33.33 21.66 2.35 Shoes, . The establishment, 9 one pair . 36.67 43.45 63.33 56.55 _ Shoes, . The establishment, one pair . 37.50 40.13 56.25 58.13 6.25 1.74 Shoes, . The establishment, one pair . . 45.00 33.21 55.00 61.99 4.80 Shoes, . The establishment, one pair . 34.78 15.82 65.22 84.04 0.14 Shoes, . The establishment, one pair . 25.41 26.46 74.59 64.09 9.45 Shoes, . The establishment, one pair . 35.71 37.32 64.29 58.27 4.41 Shoes, . The establishment, twelve pairs . . 38.89 37.52 61.11 55.58 6.90 Shoes, . The establishment, twelve pairs . 40.35 35.24 42.11 61.66 17.54 3.10 Shoes, . The establishment, twenty-four pairs . 35.00 27.18 65.00 72.49 0.33 Shoes, . The establishment, twenty-four pairs . 30.43 31.84 69.57 68.16 - Shoes, . The establishment, twenty-four pairs . 41.07 28.57 51.79 71.43 7.14 Shoes, . The establishment, sixty pairs 20.34 23.84 74.58 74.43 5.08 1.73 Shoes, . The establishment, sixty pairs 33.33 8.66 66.67 90.86 0.48 Shoes, . The establishment, 29.55 29.12 67.07 65.82 3.38 5.06 Shoes, . The establishment, sixty pairs 44.64 51.38 47.62 48.16 7.74 0.46 Shoes, . The establishment, sixty pairs 24.76 36.17 75.24 60.81 3.02 Shoes, . The establishment, sixty pairs 25.00 28.30 75.00 67.24 4.46 Shoes, . The establishment, seventy-two pairs . 56.52 41.90 43.48 58.10 - Shoes, . The establishment, seventy-two pairs . 26.04 32.15 52.08 60.39 21.88 7.46 Shoes, . The establishment, one case . 51.43 39.69 37.14 38.69 11.43 21.62 Shoes, . The establishment, one case . 33.33 39.38 66.67 60.14 0.48 Shoes, . The establishment, one case . 20.37 41.20 79.63 58.53 0.27* No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION, 13 BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Shoes The establishment, one case . 24.33 24.59 62.16 74.00 13.51 1.41 Shoes The establishment, one case . 27.78 34.93 72.22 62.34 2.73 Shoes, ........ The establishment, one case . 46.43 38.77 53.57 60.89 0.34 Shoes, The establishment, one case . 40.00 33.92 60.00 62.39 3.69 Shoes, The establishment, one case . 34.48 31.02 65.52 67.76 1.22 Shoes, The establishment, one case . 38.46 30.62 61.54 69.38 : Shoes The establishment, one case . 34.54 36.83 52.73 61.77 12.73 1.40 Shoes The establishment, one case . 34.00 37.54 66.00 60.37 2.09 Shoes, ........ The establishment, ten cases . 33.33 31.41 66.67 68.14 0.45 Shoes, The establishment, one hundred cases . 33.33 34.64 66.67 62.99 2.37 Shoes, The establishment, two hundred cases . 62.93 53.74 36.79 41.59 0.28 4.67 Shoes, The establishment, six hundred cases . 15.15 22.56 81.82 76.70 3.03 0.74 Shoes, The establishment, one thousand, four hundred and eighteen cases 21.65 24.07 78.35 74.16 1.77 Shoes, balmoral (grain, pegged) The establishment, sixty pairs 39.65 39.85 48.28 60.15 12.07 Shoes, balmoral (lace, men’s) . The establishment, forty-eight pairs 29.26 29.75 66.34 66.54 4.40 3.71 Shoes, buff The establishment, one pair . 31.97 36.35 68.03 62.48 1.17 Shoes, buff (men’s) .... The establishment, twelve hundred pairs 20.98 16.68 72.13 78.60 6.89 4.72 Shoes, buskin The establishment, sixty pairs 32.73 28.08 67.27 53.34 18.58 Shoes, button (buff, boys’) The establishment, one case . 33.33 31.44 65.00 68.56 1.67 Shoes, button (buff, men’s) The establishment, twelve pairs . 17.01 26.97 81.30 71.16 1.69 1.87 Shoes, button (calf, men’s) The establishment, twelve pairs . 37.80 30.14 56.69 65.28 5.51 4.58 Shoes, button (grain) .... The establishment, seventy -two pairs . 27.27 52.19 72.73 38.87 8.94 Shoes, calf The establishment, one pair . 40.89 34.44 59.11 59.16 6.40 Shoes, calf (men’s) .... The establishment, twelve pairs . 20.87 28.88 73.04 61.18 6.09 9.94 Shoes, calf (women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 28.00 28.07 72.00 67.35 4.58 Shoes, children’s The establishment, sixty pairs 45.45 39.37 52.73 59.06 1.82 1.57 Shoes, children’s The establishment, seventy -two pairs . 55.00 54.64 45.00 44.63 0.73 Shoes, children’s The establishment, thirty-three hundred pairs 35.84 36.96 60.49 62.37 3.67 0.67 Shoes, children’s The establishment, one case . 36.17 27.68 63.83 69.00 3.32 14 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Shoes, children’s The establishment, one hundred cases . 43.20 42.66 56.80 56.09 1.25 Shoes, congress . . . . The establishment, two dozen pairs 14.35 28.44 85.65 71.56 - Shoes, congress (buff) The establishment, one case . 32.00 31.85 68.00 67.89 0.26 Shoes, fine (women’s) The establishment, one hundred and fifty sand pairs . thou- 31.38 26.73 68.62 67.68 5.59 Shoes, grain (women’s) The establishment, one pair . 23.08 21.58 64.10 77.14 12.82 1.28 Shoes, hand-sewed .... The establishment, one pair . 40.48 38.17 49.78 56.11 9.74 5.72 Shoes, heavy The establishment, sixty pairs 20.26 18.82 79.74 79.40 1.78 Shoes, low cut The establishment, forty-eight thousand pairs . 39.07 41.30 53.02 56.05 7.91 2.65 Shoes, men’s The establishment, twenty-four pairs . 17.40 27.32 72.00 69.34 10.60 3.34 Shoes, men’s The establishment, one pair . 32.61 29.95 65.22 65.34 2.17 4.71 Shoes, men’s The establishment, one pair . 40.00 39.40 60.00 59.57 1.03 Shoes, men’s The establishment, twelve pairs . 33.33 39.55 53.34 59.84 13.33 0.61 Shoes, men’s The establishment, five hundred pairs . 32.73 36.08 67.27 62.44 1.48 Shoes, men’s The establishment, one thousand cases 22.45 23.04 77.55 76.44 0.52 Shoes, misses and children’s The establishment, one hundred and seventy- five thousand pairs 17.54 31.71 75.44 66.07 7.02 2.22 Shoes, opera (French kid, women’s) . The establishment, thirty-six pairs 35.71 8.31 64.29 90.51 1.18 Shoes, opera (goat, men’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 30.11 13.68 69.54 81.56 0.35 4.76 Shoes, opera (kid) .... The establishment, sixty pairs 42.86 14.68 50.00 84.03 7.14 .1.29 Shoes, opera (kid, women’s) The establishment, thirty-six pairs 40.00 12.06 60.00 85.17 2.77 Shoes, opera (kid, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 38.71 20.51 61.29 78.62 _ • 0.87 Shoes, opera (kid, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 35.90 11.50 64.10 86.72 1.78 Shoes, opera (kid, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 46.15 6.46 53.85 85.08 8.46 Shoes, opera (kid, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 34.88 15.33 65.12 81.82 2.85 Shoes, Oxford tie (Dongola, men’s) . The establishment, twenty four pairs . 39.05 37.80 60.95 59.64 2.56 Shoes, Oxford tie (kid, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 31.37 68.63 93.61 - Shoes, Polish (buff, women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 25.61 24.28 47.44 73.13 26.92 2.59 Shoes, Polish (buff, women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 30.00 26.88 70.00 68.01 5.11 Shoes, Polish (calf, pegged, women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs 31.00 16.31 69.00 80.72 2.97 Shoes, Polish (grain, women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs 23.23 23.12 76.77 74.11 2.77 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 15 BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Tifages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Shoes, sewed The establishment, twelve pairs .... 41.03 35.85 51.28 62.79 7.69 1.36 Shoes, tie (kid, women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs .... 30.83 6.25 69.17 92.50 1.25 Shoes, veal calf . The establishment, twenty -four pairs . . 33.14 28.60 1.43 68.92 65.43 2.48 Shoes, veal calf . The establishment, one thousand cases 21.42 23.69 78.58 73.97 2.34 Shoes, women’s . The establishment, one pair 27.10 23.32 72.90 76.23 0.45 Shoes, women’s . The establishment, thirty-six pairs 31.03 23.11 68.97 75.58 1.81 Shoes, women’s . The establishment, sixty pairs .... 19.74 25.10 80.26 73.11 1.79 Shoes, women’s . The establishment, one hundred and eighty thou- sand pairs .... 28.52 31.98 58.53 65.62 12.95 2.40 Shoes, women’s . The establishment, one case 23.33 21.29 76.67 78.22 0.49 Shoes, women’s . The establishment, ten cases 32.71 17.28 67.29 80.79 1.93 Slippers The establishment, one pair 31.25 30.35 68.75 69.65 : Slippers, .... The establishment, sixty pairs .... 41.02 29.14 53.85 69.84 5.13 1.02 Slippers, .... The establishment, sixty pairs .... 38.30 25.33 61.70 73.37 1.30 Slippers The establishment, sixty pairs .... 43.86 32.28 56.14 67.72 - Slippers, .... The establishment, ten thousand two hundred pairs 40.36 40.96 59.64 57.00 2.04 Slippers, .... The establishment, one case 8.13 8.64 83.75 89.10 8.12 2.26 Slippers, buckskin (men’s) The establishment, sixty pairs .... 23.00 20.47 77.00 77.57 1.96 Slippers, carpet . The establishment, one hundred and fifty thou- sand pairs .... 33.33 34.75 66.67 56.-08 9.17 Slippers, children’s The establishment, sixty pairs .... 50.00 2.31 50.00 96.32 1.37 Slippers, croquet . The establishment, one hundred and fifty cases . 46.97 46.05 53.03 52.05 1.90 Slippers, goat (men’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs .... 33.33 37.29 66.67 60.23 2.48 Slippers, kid The establishment, sixty pairs .... 41.67 30.52 58.33 64.67 4.81 Slippers, kid (women’s) The establishment, one pair 28.00 40.21 72.00 59.61 0.18 Slippers, kid (women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs .... 37.50 23.78 49.50 74.64 13.00 1.58 Slippers, kid (women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs .... 30.86 12.26* 69.14 85.15 2.59 Slippers, kid (women’s) . The establishment, sixty pairs .... 33.33 10.69 66.67 87.82 1.49 Slippers, kid (women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs .... 42.12 12.56 57.88 85.35 2.09 Slippers, kid (women’s) The establishment, sixty pairs .... 52.63 11.57 47.37 86.50 1.93 16 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc BOOTS AND SHOES — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Slippers, kid (women’s) The establishment. sixty pairs .... 35.71 3.26 64.29 96.15 0.59 Slippers, kid (women’s) The establishment, one case 36.04 8.13 63.96 90.06 1.81 Slippers, sheepskin .... The establishment, one dozen pairs 22.22 47.05 77.78 50.34 2.61 Slippers, velvet (men’s) The establishment, sixty pairs .... 41.18 30.88 58.82 65.13 3.99 Slippers, women’s .... The establishment, one pair ..... 34.00 66.00 100.00 _ Slippers, women’s .... The establishment, one pair 42.86 52.62 57.14 46.71 0.67 Slippers, women’s .... The establishment, twelve pairs .... 35.71 31.14 64.29 62.27 6.59 Slippers, women’s .... The establishment, thirty-six pairs 39.22 40.77 60.78 59.23 - Slippers, women’s .... The establishment, sixty pairs .... 29.09 33.62 58.18 66.38 12.73 Slippers, women’s .... Tne establishment, one hundred pairs . 44.44 45.14 55.56 54.86 _ Soles The establishment, one thousand pairs 5.26 2.41 94.74 96.35 1.24 Soles The establishment, one hundred cases . 3.33 2.67 96.67 92.82 4.51 Soles, inner The establishment, sixty pairs .... 6.00 15.93 92.00 84.07 2.00 Soles, inner The establishment, one case 19.05 68.22 80.95 21.70 10.08 Soles, inner The establishment, one case co in o« o CO O CO O 50.00 61.17 2.94 Soles, inner The establishment, one hundred cases . 58.00 52.87 42.00 45.89 1.24 Soles, tap The establishment, . twelve hundred pairs 20.00 19.80 80.00 72.79 7.41 Tips, sole-leather Tne establishment, ten thousand pairs . 5.11 9.98 94.45 86.60 0.44 3.42 Tips, sole-leather The establishment, one thousand pairs 14.54 10.10 83.64 85.61 1.82 4.29 W ax,* . . . . . . The establishment, one barrel .... 33.25 34.26 59.00 64.57 7.75 1.17 BOXES (PAPER AND WOODEN). Box-boards, . The establishment, one thousand feet . . . 18.75 40.27 81.25 51.96 7.77 Boxes The establishment, one thousand feet . 36.14 36.11 63.86 63.80 0.09 Boxes, .... The establishment, one hundred .... 31.25 46.04 64.75 30.19 4.00 23.77 Boxes The establishment, four hundred and eighty-six . 25.51 26.32 51.02 52.63 23.47 21.05 Boxes The establishment, five hundred and twenty 39.10 51.19 60.90 46.88 1.93 Boxes Tlje establishment, one thousand .... 50.00 34.75 50.00 50.96 14.29 Boxes, .... The establishment, ninety thousand 26.47 25.72 73.53 71.64 2.64 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 17 BOXES (PAPER AND WOODEN) —Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Boxes, boot and shoe one .... 79.17 20.83 The establishment, 21.51 77.72 0.77 Boxes, boot and shoe one .... 30.77 69.23 _ The establishment, 26.85 61.83 11.32 Boxes, boot and shoe one .... 28.00 72.00 _ The establishment, 17.63 78.73 3.64 Boxes, button-hook two hundred . 25.00 50.00 25.00 The establishment, 28.78 71.22 - Boxes, cigar . 51.43 48,57 _ The establishment, 50.78 49.22 - Boxes, locked corner one thousand . 41.38 58.62 _ The establishment, 42.70 55.74 1.56 Boxes, packing one thousand feet . 23.81 76.19 _ The establishment, 27.44 70.28 2.28 Boxes, packing one thousand feet . 24.14 75.86 _ The establisnment, 24.96 74.89 0.15 Boxes, packing one .... 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 18.06 81.94 - Boxes, packing ten .... 25.57 73.29 1.14 The establishment, 27.08 64.70 8.22 Boxes, packing . two hundred and fifty 12.25 77.08 10.67 The establishment, 26.11 63.08 10.81 Boxes, packing fifteen hundred 20.00 54.17 25.83 The establishment, 38.22 60.42 1.36 Boxes, packing (for straw goods) one thousand feet . 35.00 65.00 _ The establishment, 28.34 67.80 3.86 Boxes, packing (jewellers’) one thousand . 31.11 62.22 6.67 The establishment, 62.61 35.96 1.43 Boxes, paper one hundred . 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 45.13 34.92 19.95 Boxes, paper one hundred . 27.69 33.85 38.46 The establishment, 6*2.89 35.64 1.47 Boxes, paper one hundred . 26.67 73.33 _ The establishment, 47.58 52.42 - Boxes, paper one thousand . 76.92 23.08 _ The establishment, 49.75 40.36 9.89 Boxes, paper one thousand . 12.94 76.52 10.54 The establishment, 14.46 62.10 23.44 Boxes, paper one thousand . 46.67 53.33 _ The establishment, 36.45 60.23 3.32 Boxes, paper one thousand . 63.83 36.17 _ The establishment, 41.47 46.89 11.64 Boxes, paper one thousand . 45.57 50.63 3.80 The establishment, 40.54 59.46 - Boxes, paper one thousand . 45.46 29.09 25.45 The establishment, 56.02 . 35.86 8.12 Boxes, paper one thousand . 37.50 62.50 _ The establishment, 41.79 54.29 3.92 Boxes, paper four thousand . 44.44 44.44 11.12 The establishment, 43.45 47.39 9.16 Boxes, paper one hundred and sixty- four thousand, three hundred and sixty-six 55.11 43.08 1.81 The establishment, 55.62 43.47 0.91 Boxes, paper seven hundred thousand 21.95 32.66 45.39 The establishment, 39.21 58.35 2.44 Boxes, shoe . one thousand . 30.00 70.00 The establishment, • 37.81 44.98 17.21 18 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc BOXES (PAPER AND WOODEN) — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not .specified) Boxes, -shoe . one .... 75.00 25.00 The establishment, 16.22 83.78 - Boxes, shoe . one hundred . 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 35.87 60.45 3.68 Boxes, shoe . one hundred . 40.00 35.00 25.00 The establishment, 29.02 53.21 17.77 Boxes, shoe . one thousand . 35.00 65.00 _ The establishment, 36.84 63.16 - ■ Boxes, shoe . one thousand . 17.86 76.43 5.71 The establishment, 23.67 69.47 6.86 Boxes, stove polish one hundred . 33.33 66.67 _ The establishment, 28.26 68.30 3.44 Boxes, wooden one thousand feet . 32.26 67.74 _ The establishment, 36,50 62.04 1.46 Boxes, wooden one thousand feet ’. 22.00 72.00 6.00 The establishment, 36.55 53.53 9.92 Boxes, wooden one thousand feet . 36.84 63.16 _ The establishment, 19.01 79.77 1.22 Boxes, wooden one hundred . 24.11 75.89 _ The establishment, 22.47 74.07 3.46 Boxes, wooden thirty-five hundred 30.83 69.17 _ The establishment, 30.83 69.17 - Cases, boot . one hundred . 26.67 73.33 _ The establishment, 33.01 66.02 0.97' Cases, dry goods . ten .... 9.23 90.77 - The establishment, 10.13 88.61 1.26 Trunk woods, one hundred dozen 30.43 43.48 26.09 , The establishment, 37.12 58.60 . 4.28 BRICK, TILES, AND SEWER PIPE. Brick, .... one thousand . 75.60 24.40 _ The establishment, 75.34 24.38 0.28 Brick one thousand . 63.64 36.36 _ The establishment, 34.87 62.52 2.61 Brick, .... one thousand . 50.53 14.52 34.95 The establishment, 59.60 40.16 0.24 Brick, .... one thousand . 94.74 5.26 _ The establishment. 59.36 40.64 - Brick, .... one thousand . 60.00 40.00 _ The establishment, 57.68 39.34 2.98 Brick one thousand . 55.24 44.76 _ The establishment, 46.01 53.99 - Brick, .... one thousand . 55.56 44.44 _ The establishment, 40.39 32.01 27.60 Brick, .... one thousand . 80.77 19.23 - The establishment, 76.19 23.81* - Brick, .... one thousand . 46.75 35.00 18.25 The establishment, 55.45 41.58 2.97 Brick, .... one thousand . 63.22 36.78 The establishment, 58.60 33.70 7.70 Brick, .... one thousand . 1 70.00 30.00 - The establishment, 68.97 31.03 - Brick, .... one thousand . 55.36 44.64 - The establishment, 54.29 43.75 1.96 Brick, .... one thousand . 81.82 18.18 - The establishment, 83.33 16.67 No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION 19 BRICK, TILES, AND SEWER PIPE — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Pei Total C 1 Wages tCENTAGE OST OF l’K Paid for Raw Ma- terials S OF EDUCTION Expenses (not specified) Brick, one thousand .... 60.00 40.00 The establishment, 71.34 25.67 2.99 Brick, one thousand .... 70.00 30.00 _ The establishment, 76.64 23.36 - Brick, one thousand .... 60.00 40.00 _ The establishment, 63.46 36.54 - Brick, one thousand . 42.22 27.78 30.00 ' The establishment, 67.04 31.76 1.20 Brick, one hundred thousand . 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 40.88 54.37 4.75 Brick, one hundred thousand . 42.78 11.67 45.55 The establishment, 36.03 20.36 43.61 Brick, two hundred thousand . 91.88 8.12 _ The establishment, 91.88 8.12 - Brick, two hundred thousand . 92.01 7.99 _ The establishment, 88.82 7.71 3.47 Brick, two hundred and fifty thou- sand 62.50 37.50 _ The establishment, 62.50 37.50 - Brick, thirteen hundred thousand . 68.97 20.69 10.34 The establishment, 67.95 20.39 11.66 Brick fifteen hundred thousand 75.06 24.94 _ The establishment, 75.06 24.94 - Brick, one thousand .... 70.74 29.26 _ The establishment, 65.80 32.89 1.31 Brick, one thousand .... 64.35 28.33 7.32 The establishment, 66.78 29.48 3.74 Brick, face one thousand .... 45.84 33.33 20.83 The establishment, 52.67 47.33 - Brick, face one thousand .... 65.00 35.00 _ The establishment, 55.44 42.07 2.49 Brick, fire eight hundred and thirty thousand .... 30.12 36.20 33.68 The establishment, 33.27 39.99 26.74 Brick, red one thousand .... 59.60 20.11 20.29 The establishment, 74.25 25.00 0.75 Pipe, cement seventy-two feet . . 31.25 42.53 26.22 The establishment, 43.16 55.22 1.62 Pipe, drain one hundred feet . 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 45.37 54.45 0.18 Stone (artificial) and pipe, . 48.16 22.95 28.89 The establishment, 48.16 22.95 28.89 BROOMS, BRUSHES, AND MOPS. Brooms, The establishment, one dozen .... 28.57 29.09 71.43 69.83 1.08 Brooms, The establishment, one dozen .... 41.67 29.16 58.33 60.75 10.09 Brooms, The establishment, one dozen .... 16.50 18.87 71.00 81.13 12.50 Brooms, The establishment, one dozen .... 15.56 19.56 84.44 80.44 - Brooms, The establishment, one dozen .... 25.00 37.83 75.00 59.93 2.24 Brooms, The establishment, one dozen .... 27.91 25.11 71.16 73.81 0.93 1.08 20 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc BROOMS, BRUSHES, AND MOPS — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wage's Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Brooms, The establishment, one dozen .... 29.44 29.14 70.56 69.48 1.38 Brooms, The establishment, ten dozen .... 28.57 5.16 71.43 94.58 0.26 Brooms, The establishment, one hundred dozen 37.14 38.88 58.29 61.02 4.57 0.10 Brooms, The establishment, one hundred .... 33.31 31.95 66.69 67.84 0.21 Brooms, corn The establishment, twenty -five dozen . 25.71 20.43 74.29 73.90 5.67 Brushes, cylinder .... The establishment, three hundred and thirty 12.12 25.65 30.30 68.83 57.58 5.52 Bi’ushes, jewellers’ .... The establishment, one hundred and fifty gross . 17.70 48.18 82.30 47.22 4.60 Brushes, tooth The establishment, one gross . . 76.95 46.80 23.05 29.90 23.30 Brushes, tooth . . . The establishment, one gross 37.50 52.80 62.50 42.24 4.96 BUILDING. Brick one thousand . 63.16 36.84 The establishment, 60.49 37.45 2.06 Bridges, railroad (iron) four million, two hundred and forty thousand pounds 26.14 59.26 14.60 The establishment, 28.05 63.59 8.36 Doors two .... 72.41 27.59 _ The establishment, 35.84 51.61 12.55 Doors, .... one hundred . 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 33.33 66.67 - Doors, .... one hundred . 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 35.57 54.34 10.09 Doors one hundred . 58.33 41.67 - The establishment, 26.48 31.25 42.27 Earth closets, one .... 40.00 60.00 The establishment, 28.57 71.43 - Fireproof blocks, . one thousand feet . 45.71 54.29 - The establishment, 56.39 32.91 10.70 Flooring, wood (mosaic) one square foot . •. 47.83 17.39 34.78 The establishment, 41.99 25 .41 32.60 Foundations, brick one thousand . 41.18 58.82 - The establishment, 46.39 51.18 2.43 Houses one . . . . 36.11 63.89 - The establishment, 36.93 63.07 - Houses, cottage . 41.50 58.50 - The establishment, 29.33 70.67 - Houses, cottage . one . . . . 13.33 86.67 - The establishment, 42.15 57.85 - Lathing and plastering, one hundred yards . 52.82 47.18 - The establishment, 60.39 39.61 - Masonry, one perch 38.46 61.54 - The establishment, 65.22 34.78 - Moulding, one thousand feet . 28.57 71.43 - The establishment, 48.20 48.33 3.47 Moulding, one thousand feet . 30.77 69.23 - The establishment, 26.37 59.90 13.73 Moulding, one thousand feet . 21.43 78.57 - The establishment, 32.81 64.27 2.92 Moulding, pine one thousand feet . 20.00 80.00 - The establishment, 41.38 54.53 4.09 No. 15. J WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 21 BUILDING — Concluded. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Painting, house . The establishment, one 75.00 73.57 25.00 24.52 1.91 Painting, house . The establishment, one hundred yards . 60.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 - Painting, sign The establishment, one hundred and thirty signs 76.92 62.78 23.08 30.85 6.37 Painting and glazing, The establishment, ten houses .... 44.44 70.42 55.56 20.60 8.98 Paints, roof . The establishment, one gallon .... 13.33 68.25 86.67 29.07 2.68 Pipe, cement The establishment, one foot 40.00 19.54 60.00 36.92 43.54 Pitch, . The establishment, one hundred and twenty-five barrels 14.29 11.49 71.43 80.40 14.28 8.11 Refrigerators, The establishment, one 50.00 67.62 50.00 32.38 - Roofing, gravel The establishment, one hundred feet . 16.81 16.61 0.33 81.62 82.86 1.77 Roofing, gravel The establishment, one hundred square feet 11.11 37.28 88.89 61.39 1.33 Roofing, slate The establishment, twenty squares 25.00 38.22 75.00 61.78 _ Sashes and blinds, The establishment, one hundred and fifty blinds ; one hundred window sashes 43.48 37.07 47.83 60.77 8.69 2.16 Signs, . The establishment, one 60.00 27.03 40.00 45.94 27.03 Signs, . The establishment, one hundred .... 75.00 55.46 25.00 44.54 - Skylights, . The establishment, one thousand square feet 50.00 30.98 50.00 62.44 6.58 Stair posts, . The establishment, one dozen .... 62.50 24.18 37.50 66.15 9.67 Stair rails, The establishment, one thousand feet . 19.35 56.52 80.65 36.46 7.02 Stairs, . The establishment, one flight .... 56.29 50.59 43.71 39.29 10.12 Windows, The establishment, one hundred . ' 13.79 38.66 86.21 57.07 4.27 BURIAL CASES, CASKETS, COFFINS, ETC. Burial cases, The establishment, one 55.88 67.72 44.12 32.28 Burial cases, cement .... The establishment, one 40.00 57.07 60.00 36.68 6.25 Coffin ornaments, .... The establishment, one gross ..... 40.00 38.46 60.00 53.74 7.80 Coffins and caskets, .... The establishment, two hundred .... 30.85 42.51 69.15 47.99 9.50 BUTTONS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. Braid, linen The establishment, ten thousand yards 33.33 35.20 57.14 58.60 9.53 6.20 Braid, silk and mohair The establishment, one gross 16.11 10.26 83.89 79.34 10.40 22 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc BUTTONS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- . terials Expenses (not specified) Buttons, cloth-covered The establishment, one gross 21.62 22.59 56.76 72.94 21.62 4.47 Buttons, cloth-covered The establishment, one hundred gross . 28.07 29.51 19.30 18.71 52.63 51.78 Buttons, ivory ..... The establishment, one hundred gross . 59.70 48.21 17.91 32.76 22.39 19.03 Buttons, metal The establishment, twenty-six thousand and forty-eight gross . 55.16 46.31 38.83 37.84 6.01 15.85 Buttons, pearl The establishment, one hundred gross . 76.92 59.76 9.62 26.35 13.46 13.89 CARPETINGS. Carpeting The establishment, one yard 18.99 20.12 81.01 74.91 4.97 Carpeting, The establishment, one thousand yards 29.05 24.26 70.95 72.96 2.78 Carpeting, Brussels .... The establishment, one yard 17.05 16.19 82.95 78.43 5.38 Carpeting, ingrain .... The establishment, one roll 31.01 28.77 68.99 66.79 4.44 Carpeting, tapestry .... The establishment, one yard 25.81 28.66 74.19 67.00 4.34 Cloth, enamelled The establishment, five hundred and fifty-four thousand, six hundred and eight yards .... 11.17 11.05 75.51 82.15 13.32 6.80 Mats, brush The establishment, one dozen .... 60.00 66.20 40.00 30.49 3.31 Mats, brush (cocoa) .... The establishment, one thousand square feet 58.62 30.93 41.38 48.74 20.33 Mats, chain-loop The establishment, one hundred square feet 38.46 29.23 42.31 63.61 19.23 7.16 Oakum, cotton The establishment, one hundred pounds 10.00 5.62 83.33 94.38 6.67 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Axles, carriage The establishment, ten sets . 33.33 31.30 66.67 57.00 11.70 Axles, carriage The establishment, one thousand . 38.89 27.79 61.11 64.97 7.24 Bodies, Goddard buggy The establishment, one .... 75.86 78.11 13.79 15.47 10.35 6.42 Bodies, wagon The establishment, one .... 66.67 65.57 33.33 27.46 6.97 Buggies, Concord .... The establishment, one .... 47.62 50.47 52.38 44.35 5.18 Buggies, Goddard .... The establishment, one .... 40.00 58.07 60.00 33.06 8.87 Buggies, top The establishment, 55.00 54.26 45.00 34.80 10.94 Buggies, top The establishment, 31.67 21.87 68.33 64.39 13.74 Cabs, ....... The establishment, one hundred . • 50.00 48.84 31.25 51.16 18.75 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 23 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages ltaw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Cabriolets, extension-top . The establishment, one . 28.24 35.11 71.76 62.59 2.30 Carriages, The establishment, one . 50.00 52.86 50.00 38.51 8.63 Carriages The establishment, one . 50.00 63.64 50.00 36.36 - Carriages, The establishment, one . 40.00 49.49 60.00 47.85 2.66 Carriages The establishment, one . 44.44 54.42 55.56 44.42 1.16 Carriages, The establishment, one . 33.14 29.36 62.86 70.64 4.00 Carriages, The establishment, one . 43.33 47.24 56.67 51.79 0.97 Carriages The establishment, one . 49.71 57.97 50.29 34.78 7.25 Carriages, The establishment, one . 74.67 87.42 25.33 12.58 - Carriages, The establishment, one . 40.00 45.50 40.00 54.50 20.00 Carriages, The establishment, twenty-five 50.00 58.07 50.00 34.19 7.74 Carriages, The establishment, fifty . 42.86 56.68 57.14 41.07 2.25 Carriages The establishment, one hundred 15.00 15.46 40.00 84.54 45.00 Carts, delivery The establishment, one . 44.25 50.30 55.75 35.42 14.28 Coaches, The establishment, one . 38.35 55.08 61.65 42.58 2.34 Herdics, The establishment, one . 66.67 85.31 33.33 6.41 8.28 Hub caps (for baby carriages), . The establishment, one pair 34.29 33.37 57.14 66.63 8.57 Wagons, The establishment, one . 63.00 52.22 37.00 47.00 0.78 Wagons, The establishment, one . 50.00 53.41 50.00 40.05 6.54 Wagons, . . . •. The establishment, one . 44.44 62.83 55.56 37.17 - Wagons, The establishment, one . 66.67 38.39 33.33 48.50 13.11 ' Wagons, The establishment, one . 66.67 62.05 33.33 37.61 0.34 Wagons, The establishment, one . 50.00 59.63 50.00 34.34 6.03 Wagons, business .... The establishment, ten . 45.00 29.34 45.00 67.85 10.00 2.81 Wagons, butcher The establishment, one . 49.66 54.26 13.10 42.70 37.24 3.04 Wagons, express The establishment, one . 64.52 32.26 97.56 3.22 2.44 Wagons, express The establishment, one . 25 .DO 35.29 35.00 44.24 40.00 20.47 Wagons, hose The establishment, one . 78.67 52.60 21.33 38.96 8.44 Wagons, ice The establishment, one . 48.00 32.85 52.00 63.08 4.07 Wheels, carriage The establishment, one set 33.33 30.57 66.67 50.96 18.47 24 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc CARRIAGES AND WAGONS — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Woodwork, carriage .... The establishment, one piece 57.14 61.35 42.86 37.01 1.64 Woodwork, grocery wagon The establishment, one 57.50 66.96 42.50 23.73 9.31 CEMENT, KAOLIN, LIME, AND PLASTER. Cement, elastic The establishment, one ton 50.00 27 ..79 50.00 71.21 1.00 Flint The establishment, one ton 45.83 31.76 54.17 36.40 31.84 Lime The establishment, one barrel .... 31.43 36.09 57.14 63.91 11.43 Lime, The establishment, one barrel .... 22.40 19.45 77.60 79.94 0.61 Lime, The establishment, ten thousand barrels 27.03 27.03 72.97 72.97 _ Lime, The establishment, one ton 21.88 40.31 78.12 57.02 2.67 CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS (COMPOUNDED). Disinfectants, one thousand gallons 4.76 95.24 . The establishment, 9.27 90.73 CLOCKS AND WATCHES. Mantel clocks, . . . one hundred clocks 50.00 10.00 40.00 The establishment, 77.06 7.54 15.40 CLOTHING. Bonnets, one . 20.00 80.00 _ The establishment, 10.15 79.28 10.57 Bows, .... one dozen 18.18 81.82 _ The establishment, 19.47 77.89 2.64 Chemises, women’s one dozen 24.00 76.00 _ The establishment, 31.85 53.16 14.99 Cloaks, .... one . 25.00 75.00 The establishment, 23.08 76.92 - Clothing, one coat . 40.00 40.00 20.00 The establishment, 42.51 38.12 19.37 Clothing, one suit . 34.78 65.22 - The establishment, 34.27 65.62 0.11 Clothing, one suit . 39.29 60.71 - The establishment, 43.56 50.81 5.63 Clothing, one suit . 30.77 69.23 _ The establishment, 41.09 58.91 - Clothing, one suit . 38.64 61.36 - The establishment, 25.59 74.41 - Clothing, one suit . 36.00 64.00 - The establishment, 53.10 46.90 - Clothing, . one suit . 31.85 55.56 12.59 The establishment, 30.58 55.58 13.84 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 25 CLOTHING — Continued. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Names of Articles ETC. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Clothing, The establishment, one suit . 38.46 36.77 51.28 61.60 10.26 1.63 Clothing, The establishment, one suit . 50.00 33.79 50.00 65.83 0.38 Clothing, The establishment, one hundred suits . 37.50 38.26 53.13 54.21 9.37 7.53 Clothing, custom . The establishment, one suit . 35.03 31.72 64.97 60.21 8.07 Clothing, men’s . The establishment, one suit . 30.91 48.37 49.09 49.81 20.00 1.82 Clothing, oiled The establishment, one piece 30.00 44.36 70.00 46.06 9.58 Clothing, oiled The establishment, one hundred pieces 52.00 43.55 26.67 54.30 21.33 2.15 Coats, . The establishment, one .... 16.29 11.62 83.71 83.01 5.37 Corsets and waists, The establishment, one dozen 44.13 38.93 46.31 38.78 9.56 22.29 Dresses, The establishment, one .... 20.00 23.08 80.00 62.13 14.79 Dresses, silk The establishment, eighteen . 10.87 20.45 89.13 74.10 5.45 Dresses, woollen . The establishment, • • one .... 71.43 19.47 28.57 76.64 3.89 Hat bodies, . The establishment, one dozen 48.61 40.63 51.39 54.18 5.19 Hats, The establishment, one .... 20.00 15.00 80.00 70.00 15.00 Hats, The establishment, one dozen 45.56 45.93 50.00 31.05 4.44 23.02 Hats, bonnets, etc., The establishment, 13.04 6.42 86.96 64.18 29.40 Hats, wool . The establishment, twenty -nine thousand, three hundred and five dozen 32.43 31.47 66.65 64.67 0.92 3.86 Hats, wool . The establishment, one dozen 28.57 27.48 71.43 70.95 1.57 Hats, wool . The establishment, *. one hundred dozen 33.24 34.38 33.52 61.37 33.24 4.25 Hats, wool . The establishment, one hundred dozen 25.57 30.93 51.43 61.94 23.00 7.13 Muffs, beaver The establishment, twenty-four . 13.45 16.11 86.55 81.72 2.17 Overalls, duck The establishment, fifty dozen 30.31 26.25 69.69 61.97 11.78 Overalls, men’s . The establishment, one pair . 17.39 16.93 82.61 80.41 2.66 Pantaloons, . The establishment, fifty pairs 16.42 5.57 78.47 92.21 5.11 2.22 Pantaloons, . The establishment, eighty-three hundred pairs 7.47 7.11 63.60 81.50 28.93 11.39 Roses, . The establishment, one gross . 40.44 50.16 59.56 49.84 _ Rufflings, The establishment, one hundred boxes 20.00 14.70 60.00 72.63 20.00 12.67 Sacks, sealskin The establishment, one .... 26.04 32.18 73.'96 66.67 1.15 Sacks, sealskin The establishment, one .... * 12.12 13.93 87.88 78.64 7.43 26 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc CLOTHING — Concluded. Names of Article's, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Shirts, . one dozen 38.33 61.67 The establishment, 51.97 48.03 - Shirts, . one dozen 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 35.02 47.37 17.61 Shirts, . one dozen 37.67 51.62 10.71 The establishment, 39.52 56.12 4.36 Shirts, custom one dozen 69.10 30.90 _ The establishment, 68.44 27.17 4.39 Shirts, custom one dozen 56.76 43.24 _ The establishment, 31.72 49.32* 18.96 Shirts (fine), one dozen 30.91 69.09 _ The establishment, 24.08 67.34 8.58 Suits, one .... 42.86 57.14 _ The establishment, 1.79 93.38 4.83 Suits, one .... 40.00 60.00 _ The establishment, 39.39 59.08 1.53 Suits, one hundred . 31.11 68.89 _ The establishment, 13.19 85.94 0.87 Suits, one .... 34.78 56.52 8.70 The establishment, 44.83 42.09 13.08 Suits, one .... 46.88 53.12 _ The establishment, 43.68 51.28 5.04 Suits, dress . one .... 31.82 68.18 _ The establishment, 46.60 50.62 2.78 Suits, men’s . one .... 40.00 60.00 - The establishment, 37.95 40.25 21.80 Supporters, hose . one gross . 28.69 57.38 13.93 The establishment, 20.14 75.12 4.74 Suspenders, . ten dozen pairs 33.00 67.00 - The establishment, 22.51 61.54 15.95 Suspenders, . one dozen pairs 30.40 69.60 - The establishment, 29.31 69.38 1.31 Suspenders, . one hundred dozen pairs 30.30 60.02 9.68 The establishment, 33.37 61.95 4.68 Suspenders (trimmings for), one set 45.83 54.17 - The establishment, 82.17 17.83 - Umbrellas, . one hundred . 15.11 84.89 _ The establishment, • 10.77 82.64 6.59 Waists, . one dozen 47.58 48.39 4.03 The establishment, 15.73 71.95 12.32 Wrappers, calico . one dozen 22.22 77.78 _ The establishment, 20.46 77.19 2.35 Wrappers, women’s one hundred dozen 25.00 70.00 5.00* The establishment, 25.13 67.42 7.45 CONCRETE WALKS, PAYING, ETC. Concrete, one hundred yards . 70.00 30.00 _ The establishment, 80.55 19.45 - Sidewalks and driveways, . one hundred yards . 57.14 42.86 - The establishment, 65.26 33.20 1.54 .COOKING, LIGHTING, AND HEATING APPARATUS. Fire-brick, one thousand .... 35.35 51.72 12.93 The establishment, 53.77 33.48 12.75 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION. 27 COOKING, LIGHTING, AND HEATING APPARATUS — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Furnaces, hot-air . . The^stablishment, two hundred .... 48.13 42.22 50.31 34.96 1.56 22.82 Furnaces, house The establishment, one ton 50.00 49.32 50.00 43.99 6.69 Lanterns, The establishment, one dozen .... 41.67 49.68 58.33 42.90 7.42 Linings, stove The establishment, one hundred sets . 70.59 46.68 29.41 44.82 8.50 Linings, stove The establishment, one hundred sets . 37.50 37.44 37.50 42.27 25.00 20.29 Linings, stove The establishment, one ton 73.68 35.27 22.37 47.77 3.95 16.96 Ranges The establishment, one 66.67 62.70 33.33 33.56 3.74 Ranges, portable The establishment, one ton 52.71 59.47 47.29 36.39 4.14 Reflectors, The establishment, one 40.00 42.63 10.00 21.67 50.00 35.70 Registers, hot-air The establishment, one hundred .... 21.43 20.39 78.57 76.48 3.13 Repairing stoves, .... The establishment, 40.00 66.37 60.00 32.43 1.20 Stoves, The establishment, one ton 80.95 45.45 19.05 49.74 4.81 Stoves and ranges The establishment, Stoves and ranges, .... The establishment, one hundred pounds five thousand, two hundred and fifty .... 50.00 64.61 51.71 51.71 50.00 27.90 44.85 44.85 7.49 3.44 3.44 Stoves, parlor The establishment, one 33.33 56.33 66.67 42.51 1.16 1 CORDAGE AND TWINE. Cordage, The establishment, one thousand pounds 14.29 9.78 85.71 82.34 7.88 Cordage, manila The establishment, one pound .... 8.74 8.08 91.26 87.79 4.13 Cord and lines, sash .... The establishment, one thousand pounds 13.43 26.12 78.70 72.22 7.87 1.66 Cord, window The establishment, one pound .... 24.29 20.80 58.93 66.65 16.78 12.55 Lines, The establishment, twenty-five thousand pounds 25.80 28.84 49.44 55.67 24.76 15.49 Lines and nets, The establishment, seven hundred yards 53.33 51.55 46.67 48.12 0.33 Rope, manila The establishment, one thousand pounds 9.46 14.45 85.15 78.47 5.39 7.08 Rope, manila The establishment, twjenty thousand pounds 12.12 12.70 85.86 78.24 2.02 9.06 TwiDe, The establishment, one hundred pounds 23.08 36.32 76.92 40.84 22.84 Twine, binder The establishment, one pound .... 7.69 8.14 92.31 82.56 9.30 Twine, linen The establishment, ten pounds .... 22.73 34.87 68.18 63.62 9.09 1.51 28 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc COTTON GOODS. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Blankets, cotton . The establishment, ten cases 20.88 27.60 52.94 63.58 26.18 8 # .82 Cloth, cotton The establishment. one, pound .... 23.06 25.81 76.94 71.94 2.25 Cloth, cotton The establishment. one pound .... 56.29 36.84 43.71 50.72 12.44 Cloth, cotton The establishment, one hundred thousand yards 17.97 21.47 68.20 74.87 13.83 3.66 Cloth, cotton The establishment, one pound .... 24.46 28.69 63.34 65.63 12.20 5.68 Cloth, cotton The establishment, one pound .... 30.00 32.12 58.00 59.55 12.00 8.33 Cloth, cotton The establishment, one hundred and seventy-six thousand, four hundred and fifty pounds . 28.07 28.55 71.93 59.04 12.41 Cloth, cotton The establishment, eight hundred and fifty-two thousand, four hundred and ninety -two pounds 31.65 33.72 54.36 60.49 13.99 5.79 Cloth, unbleached The establishment, five thousand pounds 34.61 27.89 53.84 61.37 11.55 10.74 Cotton, fancy The establishment, one pound .... 39.97 44.81 60.03 49.62 5.57 Cotton goods, The establishment, one thousand yards 34.67 33.27 44.00 61.47 21.33 5.26 Cotton goods, The establishment, one thousand yards 22.89 35.42 51.81 61.42 25.30 3.16 Cotton goods, The establishment, one yard 31.04 33.04 51.72 53.05 17.24 13.91 Cotton goods, colored The establishment, one pound .... 36.42 35.12 63.58 60.24 4.64 Denim, blue . The establishment, one hundred yards 25.58 29.78 60.51 65.42 13.91 4.80 Dress goods, cotton The establishment, one yard 41.67 31.83 50.00 53.34 8.33 14.83 Duck, belting The establishment, seven thousand, nine hundred and eighty yards 19.36 21.32 69.41 76.88 11.23 1.80 Duck, cotton The establishment, one thousand yards 21.05 24.55 73.69 5.26 5.71 Duck, cotton The establishment, one thousand pounds 25.21 23.12 74.79 71.99 4.89 Flannel and sheeting, The establishment, cotton one million, nine hundred and thirty-one thousand, two hundred and seven pounds 18.46 27.53 59.72 64.33 21.82 8.14 Gingham, The establishment, one yard 28.57 37.46 71.43 58.89 3.65 Gingham, The establishment, one pound .... 42.82 44.09 50.12 45.16 7.06 10.75 Gingham, fancy . The establishment, one hundred yards 38.56 42.23 43.96 54.31 17.48 3.46 Jean, cotton . The establishment, ten thousand yards 31.45 31.69 53.14 65.22 15.41 3.09 Lace, bed The establishment, five thousand gross yards 26.32 44.03 68.42 49.38 5.26 6.59 Nainsook, The establishment, one hundred yards 40.91 44.49 45.45 48.43 13.64 7.08 Print cloth, . The establishment, ten thousand pounds 31.16 32.47 68.84 62.70 4.83 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION, 29 COTTON GOODS — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — js A5IES of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Print cloth, . The establishment, one thousand pounds 39.89 28.70 60.11 66.90 4.40 Print cloth, . The establishment, one yard 28.79 28.72 58.22 61.03 12.99 10.25 Print cloth, . The establishment, one yard 29.09 26.95 54.55 67.03 16.36 6.02 Print cloth, . The establishment, one yard 20.00 32.77 40.00 62.29 40.00 4.94 Print cloth, . The establishment, one yard 32.26 63.17 65.57 34.28 2.17 2.55 Print cloth, . The establishment, one thousand yards 29.44 27.27 60.80 65.10 9.76 7.63 Print cloth, . The establishment, one hundred thousand yards 30.75 29.32 62.22 63.41 7.03 7.27 Print cloth, . The establishment, one pound .... 31.14 30.30 45.82 64.79 23.04 4.91 Print cloth, . The establishment, one pound .... 30.01 27.34 69.99 70.94 1.72 Print cloth, . The establishment, one pound .... 32.24 30.75 67.76 62.42 6.83 Print cloth, . The establishment, one pound .... 28.87 25.84 71.13 72.50 1.66 Print cloth, . The establishment, one pound .... 28.57 29.96 61.91 61.96 9.52 8.08 Print cloth, . The establishment, one pound .... 31.94 31.35 48.39 61.66 19.67 6.99 Print cloth, . The establishment, one thousand pounds 27.11 26.69 67.56 65.24 5.33 8.07 Print cloth, . The establishment, one thousand pounds 28.86 28.59 56.45 65.55 14.69 5.86 Print cloth, . The establishment, forty-five thousand pounds . 28.57 27.27 71.43 67.12 5.61 Print cloth, . The establishment, one hundred thousand pounds 28.67 28.77 57.03 69.14 14.30 2.09 Print cloth, . The establishment, four hundred and forty-six thousand, five hundred and fifteen pounds 30.99 26.71 56.12 68.59 12.89 4.70 Print cloth, . The establishment, three million, six hundred and twenty-six thousand, two hundred and seventy- four pounds 30.39 21.45 58.08 67.43 11.53 11.12 Print cloth, . The establishment, one yard 30.94 29.91 59.06 59.34 10.00 10.75 Print cloth, . The establishment, one yard 29.56 31.57 57.55 63.67 12.89 4.76 Print cloth, . The establishment, one hundred pounds 27.11 27.15 60.00 66.48 12.89 6.37 Print cloth, . The establishment, one hundred thousand pounds 28.23 26.92 71.77 67.60 5.48 Scrim, cotton The establishment, fifty pieces .... 26.47 27.18 73.53 67.21 5.61 Sheeting, The establishment, three hundred thousand pounds 19.54 26.87 45.91 66.59 34.55 6.54 Sheeting, The establishment, ten thousand pounds 32.00 35.11 61.04 60.87 6.96 4.02 Sheeting, The establishment, ten thousand pounds 33.61 34.42 63.67 61.94 2.72 3.64 30 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc COTTON GOODS — Concluded. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Sheeting, The establishment, ten thousand pounds 30.77 33.70 / 59.54 63.15 9.69 3.15 Sheeting, The establishment, ten thousand pounds 28.54 32.97 53.90 63.90 17.56 3.13 Sheeting, The establishment, five million, eight hundred and sixty-one thousand, two hundred and ninety- six pounds .... 18.89 22.43 61.89 64.87 19.22 12.70 Shirting, The establishment, three hundred and forty thousand pounds 34.74 32.99 48.42 60.82 16.84 6.19 Shirting, cotton . The establishment, one pound .... 33.33 33.63 66.67 62.38 3.99 Stockinet, The establishment, one pound .... 16.67 14.90 77.78 80.07 5.55 5.03 Tapes and webbing, The establishment, fifty-one thousand, nine hun- dred and three gross . 28.73 26.20 71.27 65.01 8.79 Thread and yarn, The establishment, one pound .... 43.65 40.20 53.79 52.26 2.56 7.54 Ticking, The establishment, one pound .... 23.64 36.44 51.66 57.36 24.70 6.20 Ticking, The establishment, one hundred pounds 28.06 26.96 57.91 54.64 14.03 18.40 Twine and warp, . The establishment, one hundred pounds 11.00 18.72 89.00 77.86 3.42 Warp, cotton The establishihent, one yard 24.56 25.29 66.67 72.33 8.77 2.38 Warp, cotton The establishment, two hundred and twenty-six thousand, eight hundred yards 33.03 23.66 66.97 47.99 28.35 Warp, cotton The establishment, one pound .... 21.25 19.82 78.75 74.33 5.85 Warp, cotton The establishment, one hundred pounds 22.73 22.68 59.09 71.16 18.18 6.16 Warp, cotton The establishment, three hundred and eighty- five thousand, seven hun- dred and sixty-seven pounds 23.32 26.42 61.47 69.64 15.21 3.94 Warp, satinet The establishment, one thousand yards 20.00 24.80 80.00 71.91 3.29 Yarn, . The establishment, one pound .... 30.77 23.75 57.69 69.54 11.54 6.71 Yarn, . The establishment, one pound .... 16.22 19.02 75.67 72.39 8.11 8.59 Yarn, cotton The establishment, one hundred pounds 19.45 17.96 76.72 77.83 3.83 4.21 Yarn, cotton The establishment, one hundred pounds ' 26.83 25.84 73.17 70.58 3.58 Yarn, cotton The establishment, one hundred pounds 17.33 11.19 82.67 83.08 5.73 Yarn, cotton The establishment, one thousand pounds 31.15 25.25 45.90 62.83 22.95 11.92 Yarn and thread, The establishment, one pound .... 20.13 21.61 63.35 71.85 16.52 6.54 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION. 31 COTTON, WOOLLEN, AND OTHER TEXTILES. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Cassimeres, fancy .... six hundred and seventy-five thousand, seven hundred and fifty-three yards . 31.90 68.10 The establishment, 32.64 65.42 1.94 CRAYONS, PENCILS, CRUCIBLES, ETC. Crayons, school . The establishment, . . . five hundred thousand . 50.00 61.69 20.00 30.85 30.00 7.46 Whitewash blocks, The establishment, one thousand .... 64.29 53.50 35.71 44.73 1 DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Asthma remedy, . The establishment, one gross bottles . 6.67 10.67 93.33 61.50 27.83 Beer, root The establishment, twenty gallons 3.33 96.67 50.10 49.90 Blood purifier, The establishment, one gross bottles . 15.31 16.35 36.73 73.80 47.96 9.85 Dover’s powder, . The establishment, ten pounds 21.13 78.87 100.00 - Emulsion, The establishment, one gross bottles . 22.22 30.28 77.78 62.10 7.62 Essences, The establishment, one dozen bottles . 20.00 80.00 76.44 23.56 Liniment, The establishment, four thousand bottles 62.50 25.09 37.50 72.90 2.01 Lotion, glycerine . The establishment, one dozen bottles . 16.67 83.33 100.00 - Patent medicines, The establishment, one gross bottles 65.00 13.50 98.59 21.50 1.41 Patent medicines, The establishment, four hundred and thirty bot- tles 86.49 86.49 13.51 13.51 - Roots and herbs, . The establishment, one ton . 16.67 16.34 83.33 81.70 1.96 Salve, . The establishment, one gross boxes 11.75 16.52 41.67 58.99 46.58 24.49 DYESTUFFS. Acid, sulphuric one ton 14.67 53.11 32.22 The establishment, Blue, laundry twenty-four thousand and 19.19 66.48 14.33 ninety -two gross . 13.09 15.65 71.26 The establishment, 21.86 59.06 19.08 EARTHEN, PLASTER, AND STONE WARE. Earthenware, The establishment, one kiln 65.00 65.66 25.00 28.42 10.00 5.92 Flower pots, The establishment, • * one thousand .... 87.50 57.85 12.50 25.92 16.23 32 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc EARTHEN, PLASTER, AND STONE WARE — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Flower pots, .... The establishment, one million .... 21.33 57.55 11.87 32.02 66.80 10.43 Gallon jugs, The establishment, one dozen .... 50.00 44.82 12.00 35.63 38.00 19.55 Terra cotta, The establishment, fourteen hundred tons . 73.73 68.39 26.27 24.36 7.25 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS AND APPLIANCES. Bells, electric .... The establishment, one hundred .... 67.35 46.94 32.65 48.96 4.10 Telephones and transmitters, The establishment, one thousand pairs 21.98 45.44 58.05 42.41 19.97 12.15 ELECTROPLATING. Forks, The establishment. one dozen .... 35.72 27.50 53.57 21.83 10.71 50.67 EMERY AND SAND PAPER AND CLOTH, ETC. Corundum, The establishment, one ton 20.00 25.73 38.10 73.00 41.90 1.27 Emery The establishment, one ton 20.83 17.85 79.17 64.44 17.71 Emery and corundum wheels, . The establishment, sixty-four .... 47.68 36.60 20.53 32.28 31.79 31.12 Grinders, tool .... The establishment, one 60.00 35.43 40.00 41.43 23.14 FANCY ARTICLES. Razor strops, one gross 50.00 25.00 25.00 The establishment, 56.65 26.33 17.02 FERTILIZERS. Fertilizers, The establishment, one ton 20.00 16.65 80.00 80.47 2.88 Fertilizers, The establishment, ninety tons .... 15.00 17.00 70.00 81.58 15.00 1.42 Guano The establishment, one ton 8.30 7.65 81.50 87.15 10.20 5.20 Phosphate The establishment, one ton 14.29 12.53 85.71 86.88 0.59 FLAX, HEMP, AND JUTE GOODS. Bagging, The establishment, one yard 24.10 21.58 75.90 72.39 6.03 Bagging The establishment, one yard 24.10 22.11 75.90 69.85 8.04 Cloth, gunny The establishment, one hundred yards 14.71 23.44 61.76 69.76 23.53 6.80 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 33 FOOD PREPARATIONS. Names of Articlf.s, etc. Quantities PE] Total C J Wages F5CENTAGE OST OF Pi L'aid FOR Raw- Ma- terials :s of tODUCTION Expenses (not specified) Bread one loaf 42.86 57.14 The establishment, 40.78 52.29 6.93 Bread, one loaf 12.50 87.50 _ The establishment, 13.10 86.90 - Bread, one loaf 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 19.22 68.71 12.07 Bread, one hundred loaves 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 27.66 71.28 1.06 Bread one hundred and fifteen loaves 26.14 73.86 _ The establishment, 27.40 68.49 4.11 Bread, one hundred and fifty loaves 16.67 66.66 16.67 The establishment, 31.61 68.39 - Bread two hundred loaves 14.81 48.15 37.04 The establishment, 23.48 66.97 9.55 Bread, four hundred loaves 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 28.95 58.11 12.94 Bread, fifty-two thousand loaves 15.45 84.55 _ The establishment, 12.63 68.57 18.80 Bread, one hundred and twenty thousand loaves . 16.86 83.14 . The establishment, 15.56 81.14 3.30 Bread, three hundred pounds . 41.67 58.33 The establishment, 30.77 69.23 - Bread, three hundred pounds . 34.68 65.32 - The establishment, 23.82 66.91 9.27 Bread, white twelve hundred loaves . 28.85 64.10 7.05 The establishment, 31.05 67.69 1.26 Bread and cookies eighty-six thousand, four hundred cookies; sixty- two thousand, four hun- •* dred loaves .... 15.93 ' 84.07 - The establishment, 15.93 84.07 - Bread, cake, and crackers, . sixty tons .... 16.65 83.35 _ The establishment, 16.52 82.71 0.77 Butter, one pound .... 10.00 10.00 80.00 The establishment, 10.00 10.00 80.00 Butter, two thousand pounds . 10.00 90.00 - The establishment, 8.61 90.42 0.97 Candy, one pound . . 30.00 70.00 - The establishment, - 100.00 - Candy, one hundred pounds 21.05 78.95 - The establishment, 13.25 81.43 5.32 Candy, one hundred pounds 22.22 77.78 - The establishment, 12.28 80.83 6.89 Candy four thousand pounds . 31.25 68.75 - The establishment, 29.13 70.87 - Candy, broken one thousand pounds 8.50 87.50 4.00 The establishment, 12.45 78.82 8.73 Candy, common one pound .... 18.75 81.25 _ The establishment, 18.61 66.16 15.23 Candy, molasses ten pounds .... 31.25 68.75 - The establishment, 27.5b 52.86 19.64 Canned goods, two hundred dozen 14.06 72.92 13.02 The establishment, 22.79 73.19 4.02 Caramels, ...... seventy-two thousand pounds 17.85 82.15 - The establishment, 21.43 66.41 12.16 Cheese, one hundred pounds 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 67.03 32.97 - Chocolate, one hundred pounds 14.15 52.08 33.77 The establishment, 1 31.25 57.92 10.83 34 STATISTICS OF LABOK. [Pub. Doc FOOD PREPARATIONS — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Cod, boneless The establishment, one pound .... 6.11 6.00 93.89 94.00 - Cod, boneless The establishment, one hundred pounds 8.33 12.62 91.67 84.21 3.17 Cod, boneless The establishment, one thousand pounds 7.22 13.34 85.56 85.66 7.22 1.00 Cod, boneless The establishment, one thousand pounds 7.22 6.91 85.56 91.51 7.22 1.58 Cod, boneless The establishment, eighty-nine thousand, six hundred pounds . 20.00 30.82 80.00 65.11 4.07 Cod, boneless The establishment, two hundred thousand pounds 4.76 4.76 95.24 95.24 _ Cod, boneless The establishment, one million, five hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds 9.82 12.92 66.14 87.08 24.04 Coffee, ground and roasted The establishment, one hundred pounds 8.70 3.68 91.30 93.72 2.60 Confectionery, The establishment, one hundred pounds 17.65 31.25 82.35 68.75 - Cough drops, The establishment, forty-nine thousand, one hun- dred and fifty pounds 18.89 16.13 81.11 69.32 14.55 Crackers, The establishment, twenty barrels 16.87 29.27 83.13 64.05 6.68 Crackers, The establishment, two thousand pounds . 19.11 19.57 70.06 72.75 10.83 7.68 Crackers, The establishment, one barrel .... 0.30 10.64 2.10 89.36 97.60 Crackers, The establishment, one barrel .... 14.29 14.17 85.71 83.84 1.99 .Crackers, The establishment, one barrel .... 17.71 21.15 82.29 74.45 4.40 Crackers, The establishment, twelve thousand, three hun- dred and thirteen barrels . 13.65 21.67 82.40 77.80 3.95 0.53 Crackers, water . The establishment, one hundred pounds 38.46 53.13 61.54 40.47 6.40 Essences, The establishment, one gross bottles . 8.33 35.18 91.67 62.26 2.56 Extracts, flavoring The establishment, one gross bottles . 8.33 12.07 91.67 81.89 6.04 Feed and meal, The establishment, one ton 2.17 11.84 91.31 87.15 6.52 1.01 Flour, . The establishment, one barrel .... 4.76 3.35 95.24 95.07 1.58 Grinding grain, . The establishment, one bushel .... 66.67 33.33 3.65 96.35 Gum, chewing The establishment, one box 34.78 28.28 56.52 71.72 8.70 Hog products, The establishment, one hundred pounds 1.71 4.34 98.29 94.81 0.85 Ice, The establishment, one ton 66.67 82.75 33.33 6.72 10.53 Ice cream, The establishment, one quart .... 15.00 85.00 65.79 34.21 Ice cream, The establishment, one gallon .... 25.00 19.61 75.00 78.43 1.96 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 35 FOOD PREPARATIONS — Concluded. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— names op Articles, etc Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Ice cream, The establishment, one gallon 8.33 33.03 83.34 49.37 8.33 17.60 Meal, . The establishment, one hundred pounds 1.74 3.60 95.65 93.83 2.61. 2.57 Meal, . The establishment, ten bags . 1.80 22.77 92.43 66.53 5.77 10.70 Meal, The establishment, one bushel 2.14 5.03 85.72 93.79 12.14 1.18 Meal, . The establishment, one bushel 7.41 17.31 92.59 80.76 1.93 Meal, . The establishment, one bushel 3.57 3.51 96.43 93.79 2.70 Meal, corn The establishment, one hundred bags . 5.77 5.65 94.23 92.74 1.61 Meal, corn . The establishment, one bushel 17.24 6.85 82.76 92.41 0.74 Meal, corn The establishment, one ton . 9.83 14.94 90.17 81.66 3.40 Meal, corn The establishment, • • one ton . 2.38 9.30 95.24 89.77 2.38 0.93 Meal, ground The establishment, • • one hundred pounds 2.86 5.35 95.24 93.25 1.90 1.40 Peppermint drops, The establishment, one ton . 15.00 23.13 75.00 75.27 10.00 1.60 Pickles, . The establishment, ten barrels 15.38 8.28 84.62 87.15 4.57 Sausages, The establishment, one hundred pounds 11.11 20.15 88.89 77.08 2.77 Tomatoes, canned The establishment, one dozen 11.01 35.03 88.99 62.39 2.58 Tomatoes, canned The establishment, one thousand dozen 80.00 26.14 20.00 69.82 4.04 Vinegar, The establishment, one barrel . » . 50.00 27.63 50.00 65.23 7.14 Vinegar, cider The establishment, six hundred barrels 14.29 28.30 57.14 56.60 28.57 15.10 Yeast, compressed The establishment, one hundred pounds 24.00 22.42 76.00 77.58 - FURNITURE. Beds, cabinet The establishment, one 47.14 53.93 52.86 38.05 8.02 Beds, spring The establishment, one 16.67 33.33 83.33 66.67 _ Beds, spring The establishment, one 16.67 25.99 83.33 67.06 6.95 Beds, spring The establishment, one hundred .... 26.09 27.19 73.91 66.74 6.07 Beds, spring The establishment, one hundred .... 18.75 29.54 81.25 65.44 5.02 Bent stock (for chairs), The establishment, eighty thousand, eight hun- dred and twenty-threebows 57.08 48.81 42.92 «9.01 12.18 Blinds, The establishment, fifteen hundred pairs 37.50 40.35 62.50 48.21 11.44 Bureaus, The establishment, one hundred .... 33.33 66.23 61.34 33.77 5.33 36 STATISTICS OF LABOR [Pub. Doc FURNITURE — Continued. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — .Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Burial caskets, The establishment, one .... 20.89 37.19 68.66 31.79 10.45 31.02 Chairs, The establishment, one .... 26.67 26.26 73.33 72.17 1.57 Chairs, The establishment, one .... 67.69 44.86 32.31 49.81 5.33 Chairs, The establishment, twenty-four hundred forty-eight . and 58.56 58.56 41.44 41.44 - Chairs The establishment, eighty thousand 18.75 30.30 41. Q7 68.35 39.58 1.35 Chairs, The establishment, one dozen 40.00 38.15 45.00 61.85 15.00 Chairs The establishment, one hundred dozen 36.71 30.98 58.23 49.78 5.06 19.24 Chairs, The establishment, ten dozen 58.33 54.66 41.67 37.22 8.12 Chairs, cane-seat . The establishment, one hundred dozen 38.68 26.36 61.32 65.86 7.78 Chairs, cane-seat . The establishment, one hundred dozen 33.33 41.44 41.69 49.34 24.98 9.22 Chairs, Grecian . The establishment, one hundred dozen 31.90 41.36 57.86 52.76 10.24 5.88 Chairs, rocking . The establishment, one hundred . 35.87 43.90 64.13 54.08 2.02 Desks, The establishment, one .... 41.67 42.36 58.33 50.06 7.58 Desks, parlor The establishment, one .... 40.00 46.89 60.00 32.86 20.25 Desks and seats, school The establishment, one .... 45.45 46.17 54.55 50.78 3.05 Earth closets, The establishment, ninety 41.67 49.53 33.33 44.15 25.00 6.32 Frames, parlor furniture . The establishment, one suit . 45.06 55.90 28.53 29.05 26.41 15.05 Furniture, chamber The establishment, one suit . 44.44 56.54 55.56 34.23 9.23 Furniture, chamber The establishment, one suit . . . 58.82 64.77 41.18 34.78 0.45 Furniture, chamber The establishment, one suit . 20.20 19.16 79.80 75.66 5.18 Furniture, chamber The establishment, one suit . 50.00 31.29 50.00 40.23 28.48 Furniture, chamber The establishment, one suit . 11.55 42.12 55.56 41.47 32.89 16.41 Furniture, chamber The establishment, three hundred suits 33.33 52.53 20.00 42.70 46.67 4.77 Furniture, chamber (pine, painted) . The establishment, one suit . 16.79 17.95 83.21 79.67 2.38 Furniture, parlor . The establishment, one suit . 71.96 46.62 28.04 34.97 18.41 Furniture, parlor . The establishment, one suit . 15.48 38.60 69.19 41.98 15.33 19.42 Furniture, parlor . The establishment, one suit . 21.17 30.49 60.00 62.55 18.83 6.96 Furniture, parlor . The establishment, one suit . 30.00 27.57 70.00 72.43 _ Furniture, parlor . The establishment, one suit . 15.48 38.60 69.19 41.98 15.33 19.42 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 37 FURNITURE — Concluded. • Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Mantels, wood The establishment, forty 60.00 38.78 40.00 51.33 9.89 Mattresses The establishment, one 20.00 12.95 68.50 74.72 11.50 12.33 Mattresses, hair The establishment, one 4.09 43.93 95.91 36.86 19.21 Mattresses, spring .... The establishment, one hundred and eighty 37.78 34.96 59.44 55.14 2.78 9.90 Mattresses, wire The establishment, one 27.81 35.18 72.19 49.02 15.80 Mattresses, woven-wire The establishment, one dozen .... 23.33 29.18 76.67 57.76 13.06 Refrigerators The establishment, one 13.64 69.72 86.36 19.89 10.39 Refrigerators, The establishment, one 28.57 49.10 71.43 46.64 4.26 Refrigerators, The establishment, one 58.82 18.39 41.18 78.34 3.27 Secretaries, The establishment, one 60.00 40.03 40.00 46.04 13.93 Slides, drawer The establishment, one set 75.00 61.22 25.00 20.41 18.37 Springs, furniture .... The establishment, one gross 15.39 20.65 76.92 48.08 7.69 31.27 Tables The establishment, one 76.00 68.51 24.00 25.26 6.23 Tables, extension .... The establishment, one •38.10 49.65 61.90 44.65 5.70 Towel racks, The establishment, six hundred .... 33.34 26.58 33.33 60.93 33.33 12.49 Towel racks, The establishment, ten dozen .... 66.67 59.30 33.33 35.78 4.92 GLASS. Homeopathic vials, .... one hundred gross 32.84 67.16 The establishment, 61.76 38.17 0.07 GLUE, ISINGLASS, AND STARCH. Glue, The establishment, one pound .... 21.43 21.54 78.57 74.38 4.08 Glue The establishment, one pound .... 18.18 18.18 81.82 81.82 - Glue, The establishment, one ton 23.08 17.71 76.92 81.34 0.95 Glue, The establishment, one hundred and fifty tons . 10.41 10.41 86.80 86.80 2.79 2.79 Isinglass, The establishment, one pound .... 6.58 7.00 78.95 92.75 14.47 0.25 Isinglass, ribbon The establishment, one pound .... 11.76 11.94 88.24 85.85 2.21 Starch, The establishment, one barrel .... 18.55 18.32 81.45 80.43 1.25 38 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc HAIR WORK (ANIMAL AND HUMAN). Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials, Expenses (not specified) Hair, curled The establishment, one thousand pounds . 12.07 11.96 87.93 85.61 2.43 Wigs The establishment, one 50.00 61.26 33.33 11.48 16.67 27.26 HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS Cardigan jackets, The establishment, one dozen .... 20.69 22.92 58.62 75.80 20.69 1.28 Cloths, knitted The establishment, two hundred yards 40.00 19.82 60.00 79.39 0.79 Hose, half The establishment, one dozen pairs 37.50 33.86 62.50 57.74 8.40 Hosiery, The establishment, one dozen pairs 44.44 34.54 55.56 42.40 23.06 Hosiery, The establishment, one dozen pairs 58.33 63.66 25.00 26.92 16.67 9.42 Hosiery, The establishment, one dozen pairs 37.50 44.35 50.00 45.99 12.50 9.66 Hosiery, The establishment. one dozen pairs 33.33 14.97 66.67 50.74 34.29 Hosiery, children’s The establishment, one hundred dozen pairs 48.48 46.50 51.52 47.98 5.52 Hosiery, cotton (plain) The establishment, one hundred thousand dozen pairs 33.18 38.63 41.09 46.79 25.73 14.58 Jersey cloth, The establishment, seven hundred and seventy- eight yards .... 10.91 8.79 83.79 89.36 5.30 1.85 Shirts, infants’ The establishment, one hundred dozen 42.86 40.18 57.14 49.55 10.27 Stockings, The establishment, one dozen pairs 28.92 38.77 40.96 55.42 30.12 5.81 Stockings, cotton (white) The establishment, one thousand dozen pairs 53.27 34.60 34.00 53.67 12.73 11.73 Underwear, gauze The establishment, forty dozen .... 29.00 38.02 71.00 58.77 3.21 Underwear, knit . The establishment, four hundred dozen 23.90 17.48 60.10 81.26 16.00 1.26 INK, MUCILAGE, AND PASTE. Flour paste, . one barrel .... 10.71 89.29 The establishment, 24.56 67.35 8.09 IVORY, BONE, SHELL, AND HORN GOODS, ETC. Buttons, rubber The establishment, one thousand gross 66.67 58.64 33.33 34.26 7.10 Buttons, suspender .... The establishment, one thousand great gross 44.44 31.59 55.56 59.18 9.23 Combs, The establishment, one gross .... 75.00 66.12 25.00 28.10 5.78 Combs The establishment, ten gross 55.56 51.45 33.33 42.59 11.11 5.96 No. 15.] WAGES COST OF PRODUCTION 39 IVORY, BONE, SHELL, AND HORN GOODS, ETC. — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Combs The establishment, twelve hundred gross . 34.94 35.41 59.40 58.22 5.66 6.37 Combs, fancy The establishment, ten gross 50.00 66.99 50.00 29.82 3.19 Combs, The establishment, one dozen .... 30.00 15.50 70.00 82.59 1.91 Hair ornaments The establishment, one hundred gross . 66.67 69.12 33.33 22.24 8.64 Plastic compound The establishment, one pound .... 40.00 31.13 60.00 54.69 14.18 LEATHER. Bags, feed The establishment, Belting, . The establishment, Belting, leather . The establishment, Grinding bark, The establishment, Hames The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, . The establishment, Harnesses, The establishment, five thousand . one hundred feet . one hundred pounds one cord . one pair . one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... one .... five .... ten . . . •• fifteen forty- fifty .... 21.91 78.09 16.92 60.28 22.80 24.79 75.21 _ 8.46 91.54 - 33.87 66.13 _ 10.44 82.00 7.56 11.74 88.26 _ 63.11 29.04 7.85 25.00 50.00 25.00 82.08 12.26 5.66 50.00 50.00 _ 32.05 54.87 13.08 42.86 57.14 _ 31.16 68.12 0.72 28.57 71.43 _ - 100.00 - 25.00 75.00 _ 34.01 64.56 1.43 31.82 68.18 _ 3.26 96.74 - 40.00 60.00 _ 33.50 50.51 15.99 50.00 50.00 _ 64.35 33.59 2.06 30.00 67.50 2.50 22.73 50.00 27.27 66.67 33.33 _ 36.20 49.85 13.95 24.00 76.00 _ 25.44 69.70 4.86 33.33 66.67 _ 37.45 33.81 28.74 31.92 53.19 14.89 30.97 61.13 7.90 43.48 34.78 21.74 25.95 51.90 22.15 32.50 37.50 30.00 24.53 75.47 - 50.00 50.00 _ 28.57 71.43 - 31.25 68.75 _ 45.09 53.29 1.62 46.67 33.33 20.00 37.04 55.55 7.41 40 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc LEATHER — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities -Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — • Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Harnesses, light (nickel-plated) The establishment, one 26.67 21.87 66.67 77.84 6.66 0.29 Horse collars The establishment, one dozen .... 26.09 21.61 73.91 64.32 14.07 Horse collars, The establishment, one dozen .... 40.00 56.00 40.00 34.76 20.00 9.24 Horse collars The establishment, three hundred and fifty dozen 33.52 50.89 59.26 49.11 7.22 Inner soles, canvas .... The establishment, one thousand sheets 5.26 20.07 94.74 75.83 4.10 Leather, The establishment, one million, two hundred thousand feet 8.88 7.97 91.12 81.76 10.27 Leather, The establishment, five hundred and sixty thou- sand pounds 10.27 10.05 87.79 85.94 1.94 4.01 Leather, The establishment, one ton 6.98 8.90 9.30 91.10 83.72 Leather, The establishment. one hundred sides . 68.96 6.65 22.99 93.28 8.05 0.07 Leather, The establishment, one hundred sides . 7.30 15.68 92.70 83.84 0.48 Leather, The establishment, one hundred sides . 37.50 20.54 62.50 78.32 1.14 Leather, The establishment, twenty-five thousand sides . 12.41 12.33 87.59 87.06 0.61 Leather, buff The establishment, one side 20.00 16.58 80.00 81.22 2.20 Leather, calfskin The establishment, one pound .... 7.94 16.20 11.11 83.36 80.95 0.44 Leather, calfskin The establishment, sixty-three thousand, one hun- dred and two pounds . 13.63 13.56 86.37 85 • 93 0.51 Leather, calfskin (glove) . The establishment, one dozen .... 17.86 41.33 77.38 55.24 4.76 3.43 Leather, card The establishment, two sides 10.98 8.32 89.02 84.75 6.93 Leather, goat and sheepskin The establishment, ten thousand dozen 20.90 20.05 79.10 77.49 2.46 Leather grain The establishment, two thousand, two hundred and fifty feet 13.76 9.03 83.00 89.18 3.24 1.79 Leather, grain The establishment, twelve hundred sides . 16.00 12.14 84.00 87.35 0.51 Leather, grain (glove) The establishment, one thousand feet . 17.39 11.38 82.61 87.07 1.55 Leather, grain (Polish) The establishment, one side 14.29 8.55 2.38 90.22 83.33 1.23 Leather, kid (hand-gloved) The establishment, one dozen .... 27.71 23.59 72.29 74.97 1.44 Leather, kip The establishment, one hundred feet . 30.51 11.95 69.49 86.94 1.11 Leather, kip The establishment, one hundred feet . 28.57 13.81 71.43 83.11 3.08 Leather, morocco .... The establishment, one dozen .... 26.47 42.18 73.53 52.07 5.75 Leather, morocco .... The establishment, one dozen .... 22.33 20.87 77.67 78.18 0.95 41 No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION. LEATHER — Concluded. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Leather, patent . . The establishment, one side 16.98 6.55 83.02 93.19 0.26 Leather, russet The establishment, one side 15.02 18.58 84.98 66.95 14.47 Leather, sheepskin .... The establishment, one dozen .... 24.00 22.28 6.00 77.72 70.00 Leather, sheepskin .... The establishment, one dozen .... 17.65 12.73 82.35 84.85 2.42 Leather, sheepskin .... The establishment, one dozen .... 27.00 29.18 70.00 67.86 3.00 2.96 Leather, split The establishment, one pound .... 16.19 15.24 83.81 82.86 1.90 Leather, split The establishment, one pound .... 20.15 15.16 79.59 83.04 0.26 1.80 Leather, split The establishment, one ton 8.89 8.87 91.11 90.86 0.27 Leather, upper . • The establishment, ten thousand sides . 11.54 11.49 88.46 88.07 0.44 Leather, wax The establishment, one foot 23.53 12.13 76.47 86.84 1.03 Leather- board, The establishment, one ton 12.50 12.42 75.00 77.35 12.50 10.23 Mats, wool The establishment, 0116 #••••• 44.44 22.74 55.56 75.82 1.44 Roller skins The establishment, one dozen .... 23.33 15.27 10.00 81.50 66.67 3.23 Saddles, gig The establishment, one hundred .... 35.00 19.77 52.50 58.53 12.50 21.70 Splits, finished The establishment, Washers The establishment, one ton two million, seven hundred and fifty thousand 16.18 16.17 27.90 27.42 83.82 83.83 57.10 60.52 15.00 12.06 LINEN. Towelling, crash one yard 35.00 50.00 15.00 The establishment, 32.71 62.54 4.75 LIQUORS AND BEVERAGES (NOT SPIRITUOUS). Ginger ale, sixty quarts .... 34.82 12.44 52.74 The establishment, 19.68 71.03 9.29 Ginger ale, The establishment, ten gross bottles . 13.33 86.67 _ 35.72 11.38 52.90 Soda water The establishment, four dozen bottles . 37.50 12.50 50.00 38.13 57.27 4.60 Soda water, The establishment, sixty-five dozen bottles . 28.57 71.43 _ 36.90 63.10 - Soda water, ten gallons .... 66.67 33.33 _ The establishment, 47.85 52.15 - Soda water, ten gallons .... 33.34 33.33 33.33 The establishment, 54.02 41.75 4.23 Tonic beer, three thousand dozen bottles 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 35.49 52.68 11.83 42 STATISTICS OF LABOR, [Pub. Doc LIQUORS AND BEVERAGES (NOT SPIRITUOUS) — Concluded. Names op Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Tonic beer The establishment, fifteen thousand dozen quarts 37.50 49.43 50.00 50.57 12.50 Tonic beer, The establishment, one gross bottles . * . 28.57 21.47 71.43 44.72 33.81 Tonics The establishment, sixty gallons .... 23.11 61.86 37.00 31.96 39.89 6.18 Tonics, The establishment, one gross bottles . 33.33 7.06 66.67 70.65 22.29 LIQUORS: MALT, DISTILLED, AND FERMENTED. Aerated water, one dozen quarts . . . j 15.00 60.00 25.00 The establishment, 26.02 57.56 16.42 Ale, one barrel .... 6.54 44.55 48.91 The establishment, 11.24 72.73 16.03 Ale, one barrel .... 25.00 75.00 _ The establishment, 14.16 73.95 11.89 Ale and porter, . twenty-four thousand, four hundred and seventy-five barrels 10.58 46.14 43.28 The establishment, 17.38 71.87 10.75 Beer, hop six hundred bottles 30.00 70.00 _ The establishment, 33.59 57.00 9.41 Beer, lager . one barrel .... 16.67 37.50 45.83 The establishment, 26.80 63.27 9.93 Beer, lager (bottled) one hundred and fourteen dozen bottles 1.90 98.10 - The establishment, 27.74 67.51 4.75 Beer, tonic . ten dozen bottles . 4.00 80.00 16.00 The establishment, 7.25 92.35 0.40 Beer, tonic . one gross bottles . 13.89 73.61 12.50 The establishment, 13.02 66.29 20.69 Cider, . one gallon .... 25.00 75.00 - The establishment, 17.35 73.37 9.28 Cider, . twelve thousand gallons 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 33.90 65.68 0.42 Cider, . seventeen thousand and fifty- six gallons .... 31.82 68.18 - The establishment, 31.46 67.42 1.12 Cider, . eighteen thousand gallons . 30.00 60.00 10.00 The establishment, 32.26 64.52 3.22 Cider, . forty thousand gallons . 14.29 71.42 14.29 The establishment, 17.99 74.82 7.19 Cider, . one hundred and five thou- sand gallons ... 16.67 83.33 The establishment, 16.67 83.33 - Cider, ... one barrel .... 5.10 94.90 - The establishment, 5.34 94.66 - Cider, . four thousand barrels . 26.67 66.67 6.66 The establishment, 21.43 60.28 18.29 Cider, refined one thousand gallons 15.00 85.00 _ The establishment, 7.96 91.13 0.91 Cider, 6weet . three hundred barrels . 20.89 66.67 12.44 The establishment, 23.50 75.00 1.50 Cider and vinegar, twelve hundred barrels . 48.80 51.20 - The establishment, 48.02 50.38 1.60 Rum, one thousand gallons 7.33 81.68 10.99 The establishment, 6.23 93.61 0.16 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 43 LUMBER. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — :names of Articles, etc Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 37.50 60.98 62.50 36.58 2.44 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 18.18 45.72 72.73 52.76 9.09 1.52 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 13.33 13.33 86.67 85.63 1.04 Boards, box . The establishment, two hundred thousand feet . 15.79 22.28 84.21 76.38 1.34 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 17.24 22.26 82.76 77.05 0.69 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 42.86 46.87 42.86 53.13 14.28 Boards, box . The establishment, • one thousand feet . 14.37 18.46 78.13 75.61 7.50 5.93 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 40.00 13.59 53.33 86.05 6.67 0.36 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 15.63 18.49 68.75 78.06 15.62 3.45 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 14.29 16.69 71.43 76.52 14.28 6.79 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . . * . 29.41 21.74 70.59 69.56 8.70 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet ... 23.60 22.67 76.40 73.16 4.17 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 22.22 45.87 77.78 53.67 0.46 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 69.57 30.51 30.43 69.49 - Boards, box . The establishment, four hundred thousand feet . 25.00 23.98 75.00 71.94 4.08 Boards, box . The establishment, one thousand feet . 29.41 .11.76 70.59 88.24 _ Boards, box . The establishment, seven hundred and fifty thou- sand feet .... 15.38 16.12 80.77 76.55 3.85 7.33 Boards, pine . The establishment, one thousand feet . 28.57 20.62 71.43 75.60 3.78 Boards, pine . The establishment, one thousand feet . 20.00 24.51 70.00 71.43 10.00 4.06 Boards, pine . The establishment, seventy -five thousand feet 57.14 11.79 42.86 85.03 3.18 Cases, . The establishment, one thousand feet . 26.16 44.71 73.84 51.61 3.68 Lumber, The establishment, one thousand feet . 14.29 . 25.43 85.71 74.57 Lumber, The establishment, one thousand feet . 14.29 16.98 85.71 83.02 - Lumber, The establishment, ten thousand feet . 80.00 45.41 20.00 18.92 35.67 Lumber, The establishment, twenty-five thousand feet 23.48 28.16 76.52 62.93 8.91 Lumber, The establishment, ten thousand feet . 12.50 25.14 75.00 67.87 12.50 6.99 Lumber, pine The establishment, one thousand feet . 57.14 30.93 42.86 63.68 5.39 Lumber, rough The establishment, one thousand feet . 8.57 18.84 91.43 79.28 1.88 Lumber, rough The establishment, fifty thousand feet . 5.88 21.44 52.94 72.90 41.18 5.66 44 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc LUMBER — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Lumber, rough ..... five hundred thousand feet . 25.53 53.19 21.28 The establishment, 29.63 61.73 8.64 Mouldings, one thousand feet . 26.67 66.67 6.66 The establishment, 22.46 76.54 1.00 Shingles six hundred thousand . 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 39.60 56.11 4.29 "Wood, oak one cord 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 46.94 53.06 - Woods, match five hundred cases . 57.14 42.86 _ The establishment, 57.14 42.86 “ MACHINES AND MACHINERY. Blowers, pressure The establishment, five hundred and twenty 31.41 60.36 68.59 25.78 13.86 Bobbins, The establishment, one thousand .... 18.18 46.45 81.82 45.72 7.83 Bobbins, wool-filling The establishment, one thousand .... 36.32 51.44 63.68 48.39 0.17 Boilers, steam The establishment, one 25.00 27.33 75.00 71.94 0.73 Burners, gas . The establishment, one 36.36 59.32 54 55 29.66 9.09 11.02 Card-clothing, The establishment, one square foot . . 21.25 18 12 78.75 78.89 2.99 Card- clothing, The establishment, one hundred square feet 8.01 8.04 88.81 89.12 3.18 2.84 Card-clothing, The establishment, twenty one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-four square feet .... 19.38 20.79 68 25 72.38 12.37 6.83 Channel flap turners, The establishment, one 72.60 91.75 6.11 8.25 21.29 Clothes wringers, The establishment, one hundred .... 8.00 6.85 69.67 76.43 22.33 16.72 Clothes wringers, The establishment, four hundred and sixty -eight dozen ..... 15.54 13.84 57.89 86.16 26.57 Combs (for cotton cards), . The establishment, ten 24.28 47.94 32.86 20.56 42.86 31.50 Cop tubes, . The establishment, one thousand pounds 25.00 23.07 75.00 71.05 5.88 Cotton gins, . The establishment, one 32.71 38.74 42.06 .33.53 25.23 27.73 Covering (for pipes), The establishment, one hundred feet . 33.33 61.70 66.67 25.71 12.59 Cutters, moulding The establishment, one hundred .... 93.33 52.34 6.67 11.06 36.60 Cutters, sole leather The establishment, one 36.51 55.41 63.49 44.59 “ Drills, upright The establishment, one * 42.86 35.70 42.86 54.62 14.28 9.68 Engines, The establishment, 73.58 45.74 26.42 43.21 11.05 Engines, steam . The establishment, 40.49 42.38 37.79 40.20 21.72 17.42 Engines, steam The establishment, one 22.00 44.00 78 00 55.31 0.69 No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION 45 MACHINES AND MACHINERY — Continued. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Fastenings, bedstead . The establishment, one hundred sets . 18.18 11.48 81.82 79.18 9.34 Freezers, .... The establishment, one .... 70.00 64.54 30.00 24.89 10.57 Gas screens, .... The establishment, one .... 11.77 13.41 82.35 83.61 5.88 2.98 Gates, water The establishment, ten . . 18.58 24.07 81.42 67.87 8.06 Governors, .... The establishment, one .... 57.14 46.45 28.57 30.56 14.29 22.99 Grinders, .... The establishment, one .... 55.56 27.21 44.44 18.39 54.40 Injectors, .... The establishment, one .... 24.00 17.54 76.00 81.00 1.46 Knives, lawn mower . The establishment, one thousand . 66.67 39.61 28.57 47.72 4.76 12.67 Knives, machine . The establishment, five hundred and seventy-six inches 52.08 46.53 47.92 51.69 1.78 Lathes, The establishment, one .... 42.86 75.20 22.86 20.78 34.28 4.02 Lathes The establishment, eleven 83.00 83.64 17.00 11.15 5.21 Lathes, bench The establishment, one .... 60.00 63.24 25.00 22.85 15.00 13.91 Lathes, engine The establishment, one .... 27.50 53.07 20.00 33.92 52.50 13.01 Lathes, wood-turning . The establishment, one .... 65.57 55.86 34.43 34.85 9.29 Lathes, wood-turning . The establishment, one .... 62.50 52.83 37.50 37.74 9.43 Loom harnesses, . The establishment, forty thousand sets 34.68 38.76 60.00 46.27 5.32 14.97 Loom harnesses, . The establishment, one thousand sets 40.61 39.36 59.39 39.24 21.40 Loom harnesses, . The establishment, one hundred sets . 35.00 66.08 63.00 29.57 2.00 4.35 Loom pickers, The establishment, one hundred pounds 41.67 45.07 58.33 50.75 4.18 Loom pickers, The establishment, one barrel 16.28 15.30 83.72 82.82 1.88 Looms, carpet The establishment, one .... 62.50 57.11 37.50 31.33 11.56 Machinery, carding The establishment, one machine . 27.22 48.00 58.33 31.05 14.45 20.95 Machines, beating-out . The establishment, one .... 60.00, 61.47 40.00 34.20 4.33 Machines, cloth-folding The establishment, one .... 45.83 57.94 35.00 25.44 19.17 16.62 Machines, drilling (upright) The establishment, twelve 37.31 65.03 36.78 27.45 25.91 7.52 Machines, leather-splitting . The establishment, one .... 60.00 31.80 40.00 58.31 9.89 Machines, milling The establishment, one .... 40.00 68.23 20.00 24.47 40.00 7.30 Machines, nail (wire) . The establishment, one .... 68.00 25.06 32.00 72.62 2.32 Machines, polking The establishment, one . 66.67 8.29 33.33 56.05 35.66 46 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc, MACHINES AND MACHINERY — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Machines, putting out . The establishment, one .... 48.00 23.13 52.00 40.16 36.71 Machines, washing The establishment, one .... 40.00 35.26 60.00 58.77 5.97 Machines, washing The establishment, one .... 33.33 40.46 66.67 49.27 10.27 Machines, woodworking The establishment, one .... 53.33 58.62 26.67 36.11 20.00 5.27 Meters, water The establishment, one .... 26.32 69.33 57.89 25.15 15.79 5.52 Meters, water The establishment, one .... 55.56 42.61 44.44 33.49 23.90 Packing, combination . The establishment, one pound 76.00 67.38 24.00 32.62 - Parers, apple The establishment, one dozen 47.43 30.03 52.57 61.42 8.55 Plates, screen The establishment, one .... 17.89 21.08 77.52 72.88 4.59 6.04 Presses, printing . The establishment, one .... 60.00 56.33 40.00 35.68 7.99 Pulleys, .... The establishment, one .... 58.33 23.81 41.67 68.12 8.07 Pumps, copper . The establishment, one hundred . 24.24 19.89 55.76 40.52 20.00 39.59 Radiators, indirect The establishment, one hundred . 31.25 47.47 62.50 46.28 6.25 6.25 Reeds, weaving . The establishment, one hundred . 55.56 47.21 44.44 42.25 10.54 Reeds, weaving . The establishment, five thousand . 28.65 31.14 31.15 68.86 40.20 Roll bars, .... The establishment, one thousand pounds 16.67 35.30 83.33 61.34 3.36 Rolls, The establishment, twenty thousand . 43.09 43.09 56.91 56.91 _ Rolls, calender . The establishment. fourteen . 35.71 24.19 64.29 62.03 13.78 Rolls, drawing The establishment, one thousand . 16.67 33.27 83.33 63.94 2.79 Rolls, spinning (long ring) . The establishment, one hundred . 40.00 30.17 60.00 66.97 2.86 Saw mills, .... The establishment, one .... 28.00 59.88 72.00 32.77 7.35 Saw mills, .... The establishment, one .... 33.33 43.50 66.67 46.16 10.34 Shafting The establishment, one hundred pounds 60.00 60.66 40.00 39.34 _ Shuttles The establishment, one dozen 33.33 46.85 66.67 52.47 0.68 Shuttles, .... The establishment, • • one dozen 35.34 37.45 62.83 36.21 1.83 26.34 Soda water apparatus, The establishment, one .... 64.40 48.86 30.28 42.66 5.32 8.48 Spindles, cop The establishment, one thousand . 85.71 75.26 14.29 18.99 5.75 Spoolers, yarn The establishment, one .... 40.00 33.20 35.56 58.31 24.44 8.49 Spools, The establishment, • • one thousand . • 56.25 57.80 43.75 42.20 - No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 47 MACHINES AND MACHINERY — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Stamps, rubber . The establishment, one line three inches long 60.00 72.53 40.00 23.02 4.45 Taps, plate .... The establishment, • one 72.73 58.54 9.09 20.71 18.18 20.75 Valves, safety . The establishment, one 56.67 39.03 43.33 20.32 40.65 Wheels, turbine . The establishment, one . . . 70.59 79.68 29.41 13.15 7.17 Wheels, wood The establishment, one 40.00 62.74 46.67 35.85 13.33 1.41 Windlasses The establishment, one 40.00 42.65 60.00 38.42 18.93 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS. Anchors, The establishment, one ton .... 50.00 44.92 50.00 44.81 10.27 Anchors, trawl The establishment, five tons .... 20.00 28.03 80.00 70.08 1.89 Ball cocks, .... The establishment, one gross .... 23.08 46.49 76.92 40.79 12.72 Bars, grate .... The establishment, one ton .... 10.00 37.15 75.00 57.06 15.00 5.79 Blacksmithing, The establishment, 47.06 35.88 52.94 57.42 6.70 Boilers, stove The establishment, • five hundred . 20.00 35.41 80.00 54.96 9.63 Boilers, wash The establishment, six 25.00 50.42 75.00 49.05 0.53 Boilers, wash The establishment, one hundred . 17.01 26.10 82.99 61.36 12.54 Bracelets, .... The establishment, one pair .... 50.00 62.61 50.00 31.31 6.08 Broilers, wire The establishment, ten dozen 35.29 39.79 64.71 50.65 9.56 Buttons, .... The establishment, one hundred gross . 29.24 22.75 70.76 77.25 - Buttons, suspender (tin) The establishment, ten thousand, eight hundred gross 66.51 53.74 33.49 38.86 7.40 Cabinets, oil . The establishment, twenty-five 24.24 41.70 75.76 49.52 8.78 Cans, milk .... The establishment, one hundred . 37.93 51.19 56.90 45.38 5.17 3.43 Cans, shipping The establishment, one hundred . 13.16 35.64 81.58 64.36 5.26 Cans, tin .... The establishment, twenty-four . 50.00 37.92 41.67 58.75 8.33 3.33 Cans, tin ... The establishment, • one hundred thousand . 16.67 17.65 83.33 80.47 1.88 Castings, .... The establishment, fifty-one thousand pounds 25.41 26.87 68.14 72.06 6.45 1.07 Castings, horse rake . The establishment, one ton .... 37.78 41.54 62.22 43.85 14.61 Castings, iron The establishment, one hundred pounds 44.44 31.94 55.56 43.68 24.38 Castings, iron The establishment, one hundred pounds 50.00 47.35 50.00 42.51 10.14 48 STATISTICS OF LABOR fPub. Doc METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Castings, iron The establishment, one ton 26.67 19.94 44.44 60.63 28.89 19.43 Castings, iron The establishment, one ton 41.09 42.50 30.14 38.61 28.77 18.89 Castings, iron The establishment, one ton 37.50 45.72 62.50 43.01 11.27 Castings, iron The establishment, one ton 40.00 49.58 60.00 50.42 _ Castings, iron The establishment, one ton 45.00 41.34 55.00 54.35 4.31 Castings, iron The establishment, six hundred tons . 46.79 41.47 53.01 46.97 0.20 11.56 Castings, machine . . . The establishment, five hundred pounds 17.95 22.83 82.05 70.00 7.17 Castings, machine .... The establishment, one ton 45.42 54.57 54.58 45.43 - Castings, machine .... The establishment, one ton 46.51 51.43 30.23 34.72 23.26 13.85 Chains, gold-plated .... The establishment, one dozen .... 44.17 63.25 45.83 29.56 10.00 7.19 Chains, neck The establishment, 31.58 33.77 51.18 66.23 17.24 Chains, rolled-plate .... The establishment, one dozen .... 62.50 50.36 37.50 37.25 12.39 Chains, vest ...... The establishment, 53.30 45.58 46.70 46.70 7.72 Chains, vest ...... The establishment, one dozen .... 25.00 41.86 62.50 54.52 12.50 3.62 Chains, vest (gold-placed) . The establishment, one dozen .... 50.00 37.31 50.00 58.35 4.34 Charms, rolled -plate(for watch chains) The establishment, eighteen thousand . . ; 37.50 42.86 62.50 57.14 _ Checks and springs, door . The establishment, five thousand .... 18.29 22.51 54.74 59.15 26.97 18.34 Cioth, wire The establishment, one hundred thousand feet . 43.51 23.76 56.49 75.33 0.91 Ear-drops, The establishment, 52.68 52.68 34.15 34.15 13.17 13.17 Ears, pail The establishment, one hundred thousand . 15.38 40.58 84.62 58.50 0.92 Eyelets The establishment, one million .... 26.00 18.51 70.00 73.94 4.00 7.55 Faucets, brass The establishment, one dozen .... 38.89 38.68 61.11 53.52 7.80 Ferrules, wire The establishment, one thousand .... 26.92 34.55 69.23 60.56 3.85 4.89 Fittings, pipe (brass) . . The establishment, one hundred pounds 32.35 39.40 67.65 39.22 21.38 Furnaces, The establishment, one 34.29 44.12 65.71 44.14 11.74 Gold foil The establishment, one ounce .... 8.70 ■ 5.43 91.30 91.57 - Gold leaf The establishment, one package .... 22.50 23.59 ' 72.50 76.41 5.00 Gold leaf, The establishment, ten packages .... 25.85 29.58 73.17 70.33 0.98 0.09 Handles, coffin The establishment, one dozen pairs 31.62 38.80 36.00 41.94 32.38 19.26 No. 15.] WAGES: COST* OF PRODUCTION 49 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. Percentages ok Total Cost of Production Paid for— Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Hangers, door ("iron) .... four thousand, two hundred and fifty-three 46.95 53.05 - The establishment, 42.72 48.25 9.03 Holders, eyeglass (brass) . one gross .... 57.14 42.86 _ The establishment, 58.76 41.24 - Horseshoeing four shoes .... 31.03 68.97 - The establishment, 31.03 68.97 - Horseshoeing four shoes .... 52.00 48.00 - The establishment, 29.38 60.09 10.53 Horseshoeing four shoes .... 33.33 66.67 - The establishment, 36.36 60.00 3.64 Horseshoeing, four shoes .... 50.00 50.00 - The establishment, 63.24 33.73 3.03. Horseshoes, . . one hundred .... 20.59 79.41 _ The establishment, 84.46 8.50 7.04 Hose couplings one 25.00 75.00 The establishment, 31.12 45.35 23*53 Iron, bar one ton 17.65 I 70.59 11.76 The establishment, 19.28 80.20 0.52 Iron, bar one ton 19.35 64.52 16.13 The establishment, 20.15 78.78 1.07 Iron, bar (merchant) .... one ton 28.24 68.82 2.94 The establishment, 28.41 67.08 4.51 Iron, galvanized one hundred pounds 45.19 54.81 _ The establishment, 38.59 46.94 j 14.47 Iron, tunnel four and one-half tons . 68.25 31.75 _ The establishment, 65.63 34.37 | Jewelry, ...... 50.02 20.00 29.98 The establishment, 63.99 30.14 5.87 Jewelry, 76.54 19.72 3.74 The establishment, 63.01 23.51 13.48 Keys, ! two thousand, two hundred j and fifty ke\ r s 66.67 33.33 _ The establishment, . 29.51 55.74 14.75 Knives, . . * one dozen .... 75.42 24.58 _ The establishment, | 71.86 15.82 12.32 Knives, table one dozen .... 88.75 11.25 The establishment, 51.87 37.65 10.48 Knives, table one hundred gross . 61.54 38.46 _ The establishment, 72.24 24.92 2.84 Knobs, steel (nickel-plated) one thousand .... 33.76 48.76 17.48 The establishment, 28.92 62.87 8.21 Letters, steel thirty 80.07 18.56 1.37 The establishment, 9.49 88.52 1.99 Nails, one keg 39.11 60.89 The establishment, 35.09 57.48 7 .43 Nails, horse one thousand pounds 16.54 57.90 25.56 The establishment, 21.44 64.12 14.44 Nails, horse sixteen hundred tons 28.57 57.14 14.29 The establishment, 36.16 57.13 6.71 Nails, iron (cut) one keg 31.43 53.57 15.00 The establishment, 33.76 61.19 5.05 Needles, one thousand .... 85.00 15.00 The establishment, 42.94 57.06 Needles, one thousand .... 85.00 15.00 The establishment, 65.95 24.50 9.55 Needles, knitting-machine . one thousand . 57.14 15.00 27.86 The establishment, 71.50 20.12 8.38 50 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials ' Expenses (not specified) Needles, knitting-machine . The establishment, one thousand . 85.71 79.03 14.29 10.77 10.20 Needles, sewing-machine . The establishment, one thousand . 75.00 85.05 15.00 8.60 10.00 - 6.35 Needles, sewing-machine . The establishment, one thousand . 73.33 68.78 26.67 14.82 16.40 Needles, sewing-machine . The establishment, one thousand . 77.14 77.13 22.86 14.74 8.13 Pails, milk .... The establishment, one dozen 37.50 41.32 62.50 44.35 14.33 Pails, milk (strainer) . The establishment, one hundred . 31.82 39.03 68.18 60.97 _ Panels, furniture . The establishment, one thousand square feet 80.00 37.58 20.00 16.97 45.45 Pens (gold) and pen holders, The establishment, one .... 30.00 41.25 70.00 55.81 2.94 Pins, bar (ladies’) The establishment, one gross . 73.28 53.84 26.72 37.85 8.31 Pins (jewelry), The establishment, one dozen 75.00 59.46 25.00 31.40 9 -.14 Pins, lace .... The establishment, one dozen 34.37 34.37 52.74 52.74 12.89 12.89 Pins, scarf .... The establishment, one dozen 20.00 31.98 80.00 37.91 30.11 Pipe, iron .... The establishment, one ton . 41.52 37.66 58.48 50.76 11.58 Pipe, tin ... The establishment, one hundred feet . 26.67 44.41 73.33 45.37 10.22 Plated stock, gold The establishment, one hundred ounces 6.00 92.00 98.38 2.00 1.62 Pots, coffee .... The establishment, one gross . 33.33 32.43 66.67 67.57 - Pots, coffee .... The establishment, one gross . 41.67 50.84 58.18 30.48 0.15 18.68 Razors The establishment, one gross . 58.33 70.27 16.67 15.14 25.00 14.59 Rivets, The establishment, one pound 16.67 22.30 66.66 54.42 16.67 23.28 Rivets The establishment, one hundred pounds 35.72 41.82 53.57 51.31 10.71 6.87 Rivets, The establishment, one ton . 20.00 32.80 80.00 53.03 14.17 Rivets, The establishment, one ton . 14.22 25.85 85.31 61.56 0.47 12.59 Rivets The establishment, one ton . 20.00 32.78 80.00 52.70 14.52 Roll bars The establishment, one ton . 22.22 24.77 77.78 72.43 2.80 Roofing, tin . The establishment, forty-nine squares . 28.57 29.32 71.43 68.56 2.12 Scales The establishment, one hundred and pounds . . . forty-six 19.23 69.99 30.77 26.92 50.00 3.09 Scales, special The establishment, one .... 80.00 75.92 20.00 9.09 14.99 Screws, chair The establishment, one hundred . 28.95 28.06 39.47 62.38 31.58 9.56 Screws, clinching (brass) . The establishment, one pound 20.00 15.30 56.00 66.26 24.00 18.44 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PKODUCTXON 51 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Names of Articles Quantities Paid for — ETC. Raw Expenses Wages Ma- (not terials specified) Screws, iron (for wood) one gross .... 50.00 50.00 The establishment, 39.07 43.07 17.86 Screws, iron (for wood) one gross .... 28.17 70.42 1.41 The establishment, 29.24 61.54 9.22 Setting instruments, . one thousand . 45.00 30.00 25.00 The establishment, 80.14 6.50 13.36 Shears one dozen 70.57 29.43 _ The establishment, 54.55 20.74 24.71 Sheathing, yellow-metal one pound 30.64 67.40 1.96 The establishment, 16.63 76.61 6.76 Sieves, flour . one dozen 10.53 89.47 _ The establishment, 42.17 53.17 4.66 Sieves, wire . one hundred dozen 31.37 62.75 5.88 The establishment, 34.83 62.71 2.46 Sleigh shoes, four tons .... 16.67 83.33 _ The establishment, 54.67 37.13 8.20 Speaking tubes, . The establishment, one thousand feet . 11.11 74.45 14.44 17.52 76.85 5.63 Spikes one ton .... 13.74 74.00 12.26 The establishment, 15.44 80.21 4.35 Staples The establishment, one ton .... 23.08 61.54 15.38 15.11 73.26 11.63 Steels, butcher one dozen 33.33 66.67 _ The establishment, 86.99 7.43 5.58 Stoves, . one 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 32.43 67.57 - Stoves, .... one 16.67 83.33 _ The establishment, 40.19 52.55 7.26 Strainers, one gross .... 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 49.73 49.73 0.54 Tableware, sterling silver one ounce 20.69 79.31 _ The establishment, 23.37 68.55 8.08 Tacks, . . one pound 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 29.75 70.25 - Tacks and nails, shoe . eighty-six tons 22.95 31.82 45.23 The establishment, 42.31 54.74 2.95 Teapots, The establishment, one dozen 44.46 55.54 _ 31.13 26.12 42.75 Tinware, one thousand articles 12.50 • 62.50 25.00 The establishment, 52.04 33.86 14.10 Type, metal-bodied eighteen thousand, seven hun- dred fonts . 34.71 42.42 22.87 The establishment, 42.60 45.55 11.85 Wire, .... one hundred and sixty-three tons .... 25.79 55.11 19.10 The establishment, 31.12 66.94 1.94 Wire, card . one ton .... 42.22 57.78 _ The establishment, 31.16 65.70 3.14 Wire, card (tempered steel) one hundred pounds 33.33 66.67 _ The establishment, 27.39 44.54 28.07 Wire, fine one ton .... 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 39.59 53.98 6.43 Wire, iron one pound 40.74 55.56 3.70 The establishment, 37.26 60.59 2.15 Wire, mattress one ton .... 33.50 66.50 _ The establishment, 31.81 68.19 - Wire cloth, Fourdrinier two hundred square feet 45.45 54.55 _ The establishment, 36.24 56.95 6.81 52 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc, METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Concluded. . Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials ■ Expenses (not specified) Wires, bonnet The establishment, one thousand dozen 7.69 10.80 80.69 83.15 11.62 6.05 Wires, bonnet (cotton-covered) . The establishment, one hundred dozen 2.78 1.89 97.22 88.66 9.45 MIXED TEXTILES. Felting The establishment, one square foot 20.83 10.62 62.50 84.63 16.67 4.75 Flannel, shaker (cotton warp) . The establishment, one hundred thousand yards 19.35 25.58 18.97 67.87 61.68 6.55 Linings, boot The establishment, one hundred yards 13.04 10.59 78.26 87.30 8.70 2.11 Velours, The establishment, fifty yards .... 35.29 19.20 41.18 63.74 23.53 17.06 Waste, wiping and packing The establishment, one ’on 4.76 7.54' 95.24 87.07 5.39 MODELS AND PATTERNS. Patterns, one set 15.38 84.62 _ The establishment, 61*. 51 30.53 7.96 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS. Banjos, The establishment, one 44.44 19.51 55.56 60.54 19.95 Boards, organ-reed . . The establishment, Cases, piano one thousand octave boards two thousand, five hundred 65.00 36.19 35.00 57.58 6.23 The establishment, and ninety -four . 36.30 36.96 51.97 52.92 11.73 10.12 Music stands, The establishment, one 50.00 20.17 50.00 79.83 - Music stands, The establishment, one 50.00 30.09 50.00 60.18 ; 9.73 Organs, church * The establishment, one 50.00 66.97 16.67 29.53 33.33 3.50 Organs, reed The establishment, one 55.00 47.65 45.00 40.57 11.78 Organs, reed (cabinet) The establishment, one . . . . ’ . 31.51 35.35 36.67 41.17 31.82 23.48 Organs, reed (double) .... The establishment, one 48.00 39.09 13.71 57.15 38.29- 3.76 Piano tops, The establishment, one 30.23 50.64 69.77 48.09 1.27 Pianos, The establishment, one 33.33 28.44 60.00 63.17 6.67 8.39 Pianos, The establishment, one 64.67 48.41 35.33 40.34 _ j 11.25 Pianos, The establishment, one ...... 40.62 33.15 59.38 58.41 ) 8.44 Pianos, The establishment, ten . 54.05 47.62 40.54 38.09 i 5.41 1 14.29 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 53 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Pianos, The establishment, eight hundred 34.53 27.44 53.88 60.22 11.59 12.34 Sharps, The establishment, one thousand .... 43.75 19.09 56.25 80.91 - Sharps, organ The establishment, one thousand sets . 66.67 63.49 33.33 25.40 11.11 OILS AND ILLUMINATING FLUIDS. Oil, one barrel .... 6.79 67.50 25.71 The establishment, 5.92 92.14 1.94 PAINTS, COLORS, AND CRUDE CHEMICALS. Copperas, The establishment, three thousand, one hundred and eighty -five tons . 22.91 33.91 41.66 54.32 35.43 11.77 Japan black. The establishment, one pound .... 23.53 13.78 70.59 71.14 5.88 15.08 Paint, green . The establishment, one thousand pounds ! 10.00 10.98 90.00 84.75 4.27 Paints, mixed The establishment, one gallon .... 10.00 8.63 90.00 82.55 8.82 PAPER AND PAPER GOODS. Bags, paper . The establishment, one thousand .... | 20.00 6.50 72.50 87.36 7.50 6.14 Card-mounts, The establishment, one thousand .... 17.50 54.78 48.80 36.29 33.70 8.93 Envelopes, . The establishment, one thousand . 13.33 9.70 86.67 85.20 5.10 Envelopes, . The establishment, one thousand . 10.00 26.94 65.00 60.28 25.00 12.78 Envelopes, . The establishment, one thousand . 18.69 16.54 81.31 81.05 2.41 Envelopes, . The establishment, three hundred and forty-three million . 13.32 14.33 77.41 83.29 9.27 2.38 Felt, roofing . The establishment, one ton . 13.54 16.94 58.33 69.67 28.13 13.39 Friezes, hand-made The establishment, ten rolls 66.67 38.76 33.33 54.81 6.43 Hangings, paper . The establishment, one ton 14.45 21.89 72.22 59.63 13.33 18.48 Hangings, paper . The establishment, one ton . . . • . 15.00 14.48 65.00 75.46 20.00 10.06 Leatherette, . The establishment, one roll 17.39 18.18 82.61 67.36 14.46 Paper, .... The establishment, one thousand pounds 12.86 12.63 68.57 76.16 18.57 11.21 Paper The establishment, one ton 15.72 16.69 67.14 70.02 17.14 13.29 54 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc PAPER AND PAPER GOODS — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — .NAMES OF ARTICLES, ETC. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Paper, The establishment, one ton . 16.67 18.01 72.50 77.27 10.83 4.72 Paper The establishment, one ton . 25.00 23.23 47.50 63.48 27.50 13.29 Paper, The establishment, one ton . 15.77 15.53 84.23 83.02 1.45 Paper The establishment, one ton . 12.50 16.52 87.50 79.88 3.60 Paper The establishment, three tons 29.41 20.48 70.59 72.41 7.11 Paper, book .... The establishment, one ton . 15.38 20.50 50.00 76.17 34.62 3.33 Paper, building . The establishment, one ton . 50.00 14.22 50.00 79.94 5.84 Paper, carpet-lining . The establishment, one ton . 17.86 18.96 75.00 69.11 7.14 11.93 Paper, collar The establishment, one pound 21.43 15.16 78.57 67.38 17.46 Paper (for glazing), . The establishment, one pound 11.77 12.62 76.47 80.01 11.76 7.37 Paper, glazed The establishment, one ream . 27.27 12.64 72.73 77.63 9.73 Paper, glazed The establishment, one ream . 33.33 18.40 66. 67 76.38 5.22 Paper, ledger and record . The establishment, one ton . 25.33 25.20 74.67 70.30 4.50 Paper, ledger and writing . The establishment, five hundred tons . 23.27 24.26 57.63 63.16 19.10 12.58 Paper, manila The establishment, one ton . 15.45 13.55 84.55 70.91 15.54 Paper, manila The establishment, forty tons 16.79 19.17 83.21 79.47 1.36 Paper, music The establishment, one foot . 44.45 57.22 33.33 22.27 22.22 20.51 Paper, news .... The establishment, one ton . 14.70 14.60 64.71 71.95 20.59 13.45 Paper, news .... The establishment, one ton . 9.28 10.29 90.72 84.29 5.42 Paper, news .... The establishment, one ton . 13.83 18.45 86.17 67.00 14.55 Paper, plate .... The establishment, one ream . 27.27 17.07 70.91 71.00 1.82 11.93 Paper, press board The establishment, one pound 28.57 31.56 71.43 53.05 15.39 Paper, printing . The establishment, one hundred pounds 17.34 20.17 65.69 74.26 16.97 5.57 Paper, printing . The establishment, one hundred pounds 17.36 18.12 64.84 55.52 17.80 26.36 Paper, roofing The establishment, one ton . 19.86 19.08 80.14 77.01 3.91 Paper, rope (manila) . The establishment, one ton . 13.22 14.55 67.80 74.57 18.98 10.88 Paper, rope (manila) . The establishment, one ton . 11.52 12.05 69.09 76.07 19.39 11.88 Paper, rope (manila) . The establishment, three hundred and thirty- seven thousand, four hun- dred and seventy pounds . 23.71 22.68 76.29 72.98 4.34 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PEODUCTION 55 PAPER AND PAPER GOODS — Concluded. • Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Paper, sheathing . The establishment, one ton 33.33 11.75 55.56 88.25 11.11 Paper, wrapping . The establishment, one ton 10.91 11.62 80.00 81.44 9.09 6.94 Paper, wrapping . The establishment, one ton 15.18 14.10 78.57 74.47 6.25 11.43 Paper, writing The establishment, one pound 16.67 14.99 83.33 77.93 7.08 Paper, writing The establishment, one pound 14.29 18.32 85.71 74.13 7.55 Paper, writing The establishment, one pound 22.73 22.20 77.27 69.51 8.29 Paper, writing The establishment, one pound 31.85 26.67 68.15 52.98 20.35 Paper, writing The establishment, one ton . 30.00 25.29 30.00 66.24 40.00 8.47 Paper, writing The establishment, one ton . 6 20.00 19.91 40.00 73.99 40.00 6.10 Paper, writing The establishment, one pound 18.18 22.88 63.64 65.52 18.18 11.60 Paper, writing The establishment, one pound 48.89 16.93 51.11 76.42 6.65 Paper, writing The establishment, one hundred pounds 21.98 25.88 57.65 67.45 20.37 6.67 Paper, writing The establishment, one hundred pounds 24.48 19.76 67.67 61.43 7.85 18.81 Paper, writing^ The establishment, one thousand pounds 23.59 24.07 67.86 66.49 8.55 9.44 Paper, writing The establishment, one ton . 23.81 28.65 71.43 62.99 4.76 8.36 Tags, The establishment, one hundred thousand 27.78 18.63 72.22 77.12 4.25 Wood pulp, . The establishment, one ton . 22.58 35.46 25.81 26.99 51.61 37.55 PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. Perfume extracts, .... The establishment, one pound .... 7.50 27.37 92.50 72.63 PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Photographs, The establishment, one dozen .... 35.00 59.46 32.00 16.83 33.00 23.71 Photographs, The establishment, "one dozen .... 50.00 41.38 50.00 22.76 35.86 Photographs, cabinet .... The establishment, one dozen .... 28.57 36.06 28.57 32.73 42.86 31.21 Portraits, crayon The establishment, one 50.00 38.84 15.00 25.53 35.00 35.63 POLISHES AND DRESSING. Blacking one hundred barrels 11.67 86.54 1.79 The establishment, 11.27 85.93 2.80 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc 5f> POLISHES AND DRESSING — Concluded. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentage^ of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials ' Expenses (not specified) Crucibles, The establishment, one thousand .... 22.70 20.85 77.30 68.13 11.02 Dressing, leather .... The establishment, one thousand gallons 0.87 6.58 86.96 78.41 12.17 15.01 Ink, burnishing ..... The establishment, one thousand gallons 16.67 10.38 83.33 64.66 24.96 Varnish, ...... The establishment, one thousand gallons 10.42 4.32 89.58 91.25 4.43 Whiting The establishment, one hundred tons . 25.00 28.59 52.50 66.17 22.50 5.24 PRINTING, PUBLISHING, AND BOOKBINDING. Diaries, The establishment, one dozen .... 46.67 38.95 53.33 45.60 15.45 RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION. Forgings, The establishment, one ton . . . . ' . 1 50.00 49.82 50.00 49.82 0.36 RUBBER AND ELASTIC GOODS. Belting, rubber The establishment, one pound 11.54 10.89 88.46 •7 5.99 13.12 Boots, heavy (short, men’s) The establishment, one hundred pairs . 23.26 26.65 76.74 71.97 1.38 Car-step treads, rubber The establishment, one dozen 17.65 25.31 70.59 56.70 11.76 17.99 Rubber, old (ground) .... The establishment, one ton 15.39 11.52 46.15 73.43 38.46 15.05 Web, elastic The establishment, one gross yards 30.30 24.02 67l23 8.75 Web, elastic The establishment, one gross yards 30.67 21.73 48.33 74.56 21.00 3.71 SALT. Salt, The establishment, one bushel . . . _ . 100.00 52.23 - 1 - | 47.77 1 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES. Artificial legs, ..... one 66.00 34.00 _ The establishment, 75.92 19.89 4.19 Compasses, mariners’ .... The establishment, one 55.83 43.03 1.14 55.41 44.26 0.33 Elastic stockings, .... two pairs 55.56 44.44 - The establishment, - 98.43 1.57 Forceps, The establishment, one dozen .... 77.78 22.22 - 91.47 8.53 - Spectacles, steel ..... The establishment, one dozen . 60.61 24.79 14.60 31.67 56.99 11.34 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION. 57 SILK AND SILK GOODS. Names of Articles-, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Machine twist, The establishment, one thousand pounds 17.00 18.63 76.25 76.92 4^45 Silk thread, The establishment, one hundred pounds 12.50 16.98 63.00 78.63 24.50 4.39 Woven goods, The establishment, one yard 27.78 35.63 72.22 63.85 0.52 SPORTING AND ATHLETIC GOODS. Fishing rods, The establishment, one dozen .... 50.00 51.80 50.00 40.56 7.64 Skates, roller The establishment, one pair 26.67 30.96 60.00 42.11 13.33 26.93 Skates, roller The establishment, one hundred pairs . 22.50 39.29 77.50 46.68 14.03 Skates, roller The establishment, three thousand pairs 20.00 19.48 76.00 78.11 4.00 2.41 STONE. Ashlar, rough one cubic foot 88.00 12.00 The establishment, 65.72 21.85 12.43 Cemetery work, . one post .... 45.45 54.55 _ The establishment, 54.84 45.04 0.12 Curbstones, . one hundred feet . 90.48 9.52 _ The establishment, 80.06 19.94 - Curbstones, . one thousand feet . 92.00 8.00 _ The establishment, 97.11 2.89 - Flint, . one ton .... 6.98 93.02 _ The establishment, 45.90 40.05 14.05 Freestone, one ton .... 43.01 49.10 7.89 The establishment, 42.55 48.58 8.87 Freestone, dressed one cubic foot 20.00 52.00 28.00 The establishment, 37.50 62.50 - Furniture-tops, marble one thousand square feet 41.67 58.33 _ The establishment, 45.19 50.20 4.61 Granite, one foot .... 55.56 44.44 _ The establishment, 46.15 53.85 - Granite, fine . one surface foot 50.00 50.00 _ The establishment, 98.35 1.65 - Granite, finished . one thousand square feet 75.00 25.00 _ The establishment, 55.97 42.19 1.84 Granite, quarried . one thousand tons . 96.97 3.03 _ The establishment, 96.90 3.03 0.07 Headstones, marble one 46.88 30.00 23.12 The establishment, 60.78 37.99 1.23 Monuments, . one 25.00 75.00 The establishment, 27.92 70.59 1.49 Monuments, . one 50.00 25.00 25.00 The establishment, 86.71 7.95 5.34 Monuments, . one . . . ■ . 28.57 71.43 - The establishment, 65.09 17.90 17. 0T Monuments, granite two hundred . 61.72 29.92 8.36 The establishment, 78.41 21.15 0.44 58 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc STONE — Concluded. !Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for— Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Monuments, granite .... The establishment, one 81.82 68.30 18.18 28.65 . 3.05 Sandstone, cut The establishment, one hundred cubic feet . 40.00 60.92 46.67 38.59 13.33 0.49 Sandstone, rough The establishment, one hundred cubic feet . 86.67 89.98 13.33 3.89 6.13 Stone, cut The establishment, one foot 53.57 79.95 42.86 20.05 3.57 Stone, cut The establishment, one hundred cubic feet . 15.00 56.68 25.00 41.23 60.00 2.09 Tablets, grave The establishment, forty 57.14 50.63 42.86 49.37 : Tablets, marble one hundred .... 80.00 20.00 _ The establishment, 54.05 45.95 - Tubs, soapstone The establishment, one set 27.78 38.11 72.22 57.63 4.26 STRAW AND PALM LEAF GOODS. Hats, Canton The establishment, fifteen dozen .... 20.00 16.83 80.00 77.45 5.72 Hats, palm leaf The establishment, one dozen .... 57.14 30.77 42.86 68.38 0.85 Hats, straw The establishment, one dozen .... 25.00 20.04 75.00 77.26 2.70 Hats, straw The establishment, one dozen .... 33.33 30.34 66.67 51.91 17.75 Hats, straw The establishment, one dozen .... 50.00 36.81 50.00 60.88 2.31 TALLOW, CANDLES, SOAP, AND GREASE. Candles, one pound .... 4.17 95.83 The establishment, 4.01 93.94 2.05 Soap, one hundred pounds 8.00 66.67 25.33 The establishment, 14.33 79.46 6.21 Soap, mineral one box 10.53 89.47 _ The establishment, 33.16 60.80 6.04 Soap, soft The establishment, six barrels .... 33.33 66.67 _ 52.90 43.64 3.46 Soap, soft twenty barrels 12.50 75.00 12.50 The establishment, 38.66 61.34 - Soap, textile . . . . . nine hundred and eighty tons 8.59 61.36 30.05 The establishment, 9.39 67.06 23.55 Soap powder one pound .... 7.14 57.14 35.72 The establishment, 6.68 92.88 0.44 Soap powder, ..... fourteen hundred pounds 22.22 77.78 - The establishment, 24.51 75.49 - Tallow, three hundred and fifty thou- sand pounds 4.80 93.51 1.69 The establishment, 15.55 82.20 2.25 Tallow, one ton ..... 51.67 48.33 _ The establishment, 33.26 62.37 4.37 Tallow oil, The establishment, one hundred pounds 6.25 93.75 _ 7.42 91.97 0.61 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 59 TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGARS. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles ETC. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Cheroots, seed The establishment, one thousand . 30.77 35.84 53.23 62.83 16.00 1.33 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 47.43 47.45 52.57 52.55 : Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 32.50 34.25 62.50 60.71 5.00 5.04 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 50.00 67.15 50.00 32.85 : Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 42.86 41.63 57.14 5T.27 7.10 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 55.56 47.37 44.44 52.63 _ Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 31.11 30.02 44.45 56.94 24.44 13.04 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 50.00 16.36 50.00 81.82 1.82 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 31.44 45.28 38.00 54.72 30.56 Cigars, . . - The establishment, one thousand . 35.42 13.61 64.58 79.04 7.35 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 45.00 51.18 40.00 48.82 15.00 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 27.08 50.41 56.25 49.59 16.67 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 50.00 68.00 27.78 32.00 22.22 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 30.77 36.75 55.77 60.78 13.46 2.47 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 41.67 34.72 45.83 62.30 12.50 2.98 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 52.17 41.24 47.83 56.50 2.26 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 48.00 42.98 20.00 51.05 32.00 5.97 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 26.92 29.14 57.69 67.59 15.39 3.27 Cigars, . The establishment, • • one thousand . 26. '67 39.03 73.33 57.62 3.35 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 33.33 36.17 50.00 47.24 16.67 16.59 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 25.00 32.32 67.86 53.86 7.14 13.82 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 37.50 60.61 62.50 39.12 0.27 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 28.26 29.83 71.74 70.17 - Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 55.56 52.08 44.44 41.67 6.25 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 44.44 27.78- 95.61 27.78 4.39 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 52.78 55.91 47.22 44.09 - Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 47.00 52.22 25.00 39.16 28.00 8.62 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 33.33 26.63 66.67 67.14 6.23 Cigars, . The establishment, one thousand . 42.11 40.46 57.89 59.54 - 60 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGARS — Continued. Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Cigars, one thousand .... 42.10 31.58 26.32 The establishment, 48.31 48.31 3.38 Cigars, one thousand .... 45.00 20.00 35.00 The establishment, - 77.22 22.78 Cigars, one thousand .... 45.00 43.75 11.25 The establishment, 36.15 63.61 0.24 Cigars, . . . ' . one thousand .... 38.24 50.00 11.76 The establishment, 10.38 38.42 51.20 Cigars one thousand .... 52.18 33.04 14.78 The establishment, 55.74 42.87 1.39 Cigars one thousand .... 32.00 40.00 28.00 The establishment, 40.68 50.85 8.47 Cigars, one thousand .... 32.00 64.00 4.00 The establishment, 60.00 40.00 - Cigars, one thousand .... 37.67 62.33 _ The establishment, 37.67 62.33 - Cigars, one thousand .... 38.30 46.81 14.89 The establishment, 38.51 61.49 - Cigars one thousand .... 40.00 60.00 _ The establishment, 41.89 58.11 - Cigars, one thousand .... 40.00 32.00 28.00 The establishment, 44.67 55.33 - Cigars, one thousand .... 42.55 57.45 - The establishment, 44.53 55.47 - Cigars one thousand .... 30.85 69.15 - The establishment, 47.61 52.39 - Cigars, one thousand .... 50.00 50.00 - The establishment, 50.00 50.00 - Cigars, one thousand .... 12.70 39.68 47.62 The establishment, 21.07 76.48 2.45 Cigars one thous5hd .... 50.00 50.00 - The establishment, 30.40 69.60 - Cigars, one thousand .... 35.00 65.00 The establishment, 52.83 47.17 - Cigars, one thousand .... 26.00 66.00 8.00 The establishment, 32.93 54.91 12.16 Cigars, thirteen hundred . 23.93 75.21 0.86 The establishment, 39.42 56.53 4.05 Cigars, two thousand .... 48.65 51.35 - The establishment, 56.35 43.65 - Cigars, thirty-eight thousand 41.10 58.90 - The establishment, 37.55 53.82 8.63 Cigars, one hundred and fifty thou- sand . . ... 25.00 75.00 | The establishment, 24.19 75.81 Cigars, two million .... 30.00 45.25 24.75 The establishment, 31.91 59.16 1 8.93 Cigars, two million, one hundred and thirteen thousand, five hun- dred and fifty 44.34 45.02 10.64 The establishment, 41.90 52.02 6.08 Cigars, Havana one thousand .... 40.00 60.00 - The establishment, 41.61 56.13 2.26 Cigars, seed one thousand .... 61.11 38.89 - The establishment, 40.82 55.57 3.61 Cigars, seed and Havana . . . one thousand .... 25.58 74.42 - The establishment, 31.42 68.58 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 61 TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGARS — Concluded. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Snuff, . The establishment, seventeen thousand, five hun- dred and five pounds . i 18.28 20.44 30.39 62.03 51.33 17.53 Tobacco, plug The establishment, one pound .... 15.11 23.43 65.12 60.82 19.77 15.75 TOYS AND GAMES (CHILDREN’S). Drums, toy . The establishment, one dozen .... 33.34 49.52 33.33 47.78 33.33 2.70 Toys and games, . The establishment, 36.81 53.87 19.03 31.18 44.16 14.95 Wagons, boys’ The establishment, one dozen .... 25.00 49.38 65.00 45.19 10.00 5.43 Wagons, children’s The establishment, one dozen .... 55.56 47.64 44.44 47.21 5.15 TRUNKS AND VALISES. Bags, travelling The establishment, one dozen .... 35.72 39.85 59.52 58.90 4.76 1.25 Trunks, zinc The establishment, one dozen .... 16.40 20.02 83.60 78.49 1.49 WHIPS, LASHES, AND STOCKS. Lashes, one hundred dozen 34.67 65.33 The establishment, 58.33 41.67 - Whip butts, one dozen .... 32.26 67.74 _ The establishment, 30.47 67.81 1.72 Whip lashes, three hundred dozen 23.09 76.91 _ The establishment, - 100.00 - Whip stocks, one dozen .... 53.19 46.81 _ The establishment, 33.39 66.61 - Whip stocks, rattan .... one hundred dozen 33.33 66.67 _ The establishment, 25.14 74.86 - Whips, one hundred dozen 40.00 60.00 _ The establishment, 21.62 64.85 13.53 Whips, one gross .... 51.61 48.39 _ The establishment, 20.48 46.27 33.25 Whips and lashes, .... The establishment, one dozen .... 63.79 36.21 _ 57.83 32 85 9.32 WOODEN GOODS. Axe helves one dozen .... 50.00 50.00 The establishment, 41.21 45.60 13.19 Axe helves, one dozen .... 66.67 33.33 The establishment, 100.00 - Barrels, half one hundred .... 24.24 75.76 _ The establishment, 35.08 61.03 3.89 Barrels, half thirty-five hundred 28.12 71.88 _ The establishment, 38.33 61.67 - 62 STATISTICS OF LABOR [Pub. Doc WOODEN GOODS — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Barrels, sugar The establishment, one hundred . 20.59 17.98 79.41 80.60 1.42 Barrels, sugar The establishment, one hundred . 20.59 16.50 79.41 68.38 15.12 Baskets, .... The establishment, one dozen 83.33 62.50 16.67 37.50 - Baskets, .... The establishment, one dozen 64.38 61.86 35.62 34.02 4.12 Baskets, .... The establishment, one hundred . 50.00 57.68 50.00 40.97 1.35 Baskets, bushel . The establishment, one dozen 78.57 55.49 21.43 25.53 18.98 Baskets, bushel . The establishment, fifty dozen 50.00 50.00 50.00 44.17 5.83 Baskets, coal The establishment, one dozen 72.00 24.00 80.77 4.00 19.23 Blocks, dye .... The establishment, one .... 41.67 56.27 41.67 26.05 16.66 17.68 Bungs (for mackerel kits), . The establishment, ten thousand . 50.00 44.83 50.00 45.59 9.58 Casks, nail .... The establishment, one hundred . 39.29 47.88 60.71 45.69 6.43 Clothes driers, . . The establishment, four .... 17.86 57.73 42.86 24.60 39.28 17.67 Faucets, wooden . The establishment, ten thousand . 57.14 54.55 42.86 40.91 4.54 Handles, screw-driver The establishment, one hundred . 47.62 65.49 52.38 33.17 1.34 Hoops The establishment, two hundred thousand 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 “ Hoops, barrel The establishment, one thousand . 61.54 38.46 100.00 - Hoops and handles, The establishment. one thousand . 37.88 71.43 30.30 28.57 31.82 Kegs, nail .... The establishment, one hundred . 25.00 41.00 75.00 59.00 - Kegs and half-barrels, The establishment, eighteen thousand . 56.34 53.08 18.78 43.42 24.88 3.50 Kindlings, .... The establishment, one bushel 20.00 16.86" 70.00 64.11 10.00 19.03 Ladders, .... The establishment, one thousand feet . 57.78 56.52 42.22 43.48 - Lasts The establishment, one thousand . 55.56 41.88 22.22 45.13 22.22 12.99 Lasts, The establishment, seventeen thousand pairs 41.35 52.48 24.85 32.12 33.80 15.40 Lasts, The establishment, one hundred pairs . 28.57 45.36 28.57 41.66 42.86 12.98 Lasts, The establishment, one hundred pairs . 48.00 48.71 52.00 42.93 8.36 Lasts, ..... The establishment, one thousand pairs 62.50 63.18 33.33 36.43 4.17 0.39 Lasts, . . . The establishment, one thousand pairs 68.75 59.88 31.25 20.96 19.16 Lasts, iron bottom The establishment, one hundred pairs . 82.76 68.81 17.24 17.19 14.00 Lasts and patterns, The establishment, forty thousand 65.75 69.63 22.11 23.42 12.14 6.95 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 63 WOODEN GOODS — Concluded. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Lumber, kyanized The establishment, seven hundred and twenty- five thousand feet 34.48 37.50 53.64 58.33 11.88 4.17 Moulding, The establishment, one thousand feet . 12.00 20.26 80.00 78.70 8.00 1.04 Moulding, The establishment, one thousand feet . 44.44 27.28 55.56 61.82 10.90 Moulding, gilt The establishment, one thousand feet . 27.27 41.46 72.73 51.83 6.71 Moulds, button The establishment, one gross . 80.00 62.43 20.00 33.44 4.13 Pails, The establishment, seven hundred thousand 32.77 42.88 47.37 53.59 19.86 3.53 Pegs, shoe The establishment, one bushel 65.79 71.52 34.21 25.32 3.16 Pegs, shoe . The establishment, one bushel 68.29 65.26 31.71 31.96 2.78 Racks, towel The establishment, one dozen 25.00 40.44 75.00 40.45 19.11 Razor strops, The establishment, one thousand . 50.00 58.33 50.00 41.67 _ Rolling pins, The establishment, one hundred dozen * 34.00 56.18 66.00 31.34 12.48 Rolls, skate . The establishment. one thousand . 32.79 41.95 65.57 57.23 1.64 0.82 Screws and clamps, The establishment, one hundred dozen 66.67 53.74 33.33 32.98 13.28 Tubs, . The establishment, one nest of three tubs 20.83 35.98 54.17 59.97 25.00 4.05 Tubs, . The establishment, one hundred . 36.11 42.50 63.89 56.75 0.75 Tubs, . The establishment, one hundred nests of tubs three 27.50 45.22 72.50 53.77 1.01 Wood, bundle The establishment, one thousand bundles 52.38 19.72 40.82 69.80 6.80 10.48 Wood, kindling . The establishment, one cord . 27.27 27.12 72.73 72.88 - Wood, kindling . The establishment, one cord . 25.53 22.64 74.47 66.04 11.32 Wood, kindling . The establishment, three hundred and fifty cords 34.53 34.53 65.47 65.47 : WOOLLEN GOODS. Blankets, The establishment, one 41.67 19.33 50.00 76.81 8.33 3.86 Blankets The establishment, one pair 46.00 40.21 52.00 57.44 2.00 2.35 Blankets, The establishment, one hundred pounds 50.00 33.96 37.50 56.54 12.50 9.50 Cassimeres, The establishment, one yard 7.86 21.15 82.86 63.76 9.28 15.09 Cassimeres, The establishment, one yard 63.64 32.64 36.36 65.64 1.72 Cassimeres The establishment, one yard 20.00 15.52 71.43 75.48 8.57 9.00 G4 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc WOOLLEN GOODS— Continued. Quantities Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Thames of Aeticles, etc. Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Cassiraeres, . The establishment, one yard . 19.01 21.94 80.99 75.38 2.68 Cassimeres, . The establishment, one yard . 19.05 28.45 58.09 68.78 22.86 2.77 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 26.47 24.48 73.53 73.20 2.32 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 27.38 27.36 52.38 64.64 20.24. 8.00 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 26.67 18.69 73.33 71.55 9.76 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 20.78 19.43 54.55 74.86 24.67 5.71 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 26.67 20.71 66.67 77.69 6.66 1.60 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 20.60 20.89 69.70 76.12 9.70 2.99 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 22.99 26.49 52.30 63.79 24.71 9.72 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 24.70 31.87 64.71 64.21 10.59 3.92 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 77.78 20.70 22.22 75.36 3.94 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 22.60 23.99 68.49 72.98 8.91 3.03 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 22.56 23.98 66.16 70.39 11.28 5.63 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one yard . 21.05 18.45 78.95 73.95 7.60 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one hundred yards 18.00 18.10 75.00 77.05 7.00 4.85 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, one hundred thousand yards 16.00 18.46 84.00 80.16 1.38 Cassimeres, fancy The establishment, two hundred and thirty-five thousand yards . 34.20 29.91 59.72 64.22 6.08 5.87 Cassimeres, union The establishment, one yard . 47.06 14.37 52.94 83.46 2.17 Cassimeres, union The establishment, one yard . 26.67 19.13 73.33 78.35 2.52 Cassimeres, union The establishment, one hundred yards 34.29 34.18 65.71 54.74 11.08 Cassimeres, union The establishment, one thousand yards 22.86 27.73 74.28 72.27 2.86 Cassimeres, uniou The establishment, one thousand yards 23.53 23.86 76.47 76.14 - Cassimeres, union The establishment, one yard . 20.00 19.90 80.00 70.68 9.42 Cloth, beaver The establishment, one yard . 73.85 28.81 26.15 69.18 2.01 Cloth, indigo-blue The establishment, one thousand yards 23.20 27.06 57.68 67.08 19.12 5.86 Cloth, woollen The establishment, one yard . 26.70 25.78 73.30 70.03 4.19 Cloth, woollen The establishment, .one yard . 31.40 29.44 55.62 60.60 12.98 9.96 Cloth, woollen The establishment, one hundred yards 14.89 25.01 43.75 71.90 41.36 3.09 Dress goods, The establishment, one yard . 28.13 14.57 56.25 84.45 15.62 0.98 No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION 65 WOOLLEN GOODS — Continued. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Names of Articles, etc. Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Dress goods, The establishment, one yard 16.36 22.03 32.73 73.00 50*91 4.97 Flannel, The establishment, one yard 30.30 32.87 60.61 62.47 9.09 4.66 Flannel, The establishment, one yard 26.67 14.26 53.33 23.70 20.00 62.04 Flannel, The establishment, one yard ..... 23.08 21.25 76.92 73.30 5.45 Flannel, The establishment, • '* one hundred yards 17.48 19.49 79.67 74.84 2.85 5.67 Flannel, The establishment, one hundred pounds 22.33 17.77 67.96 69.44 9.71 12.79 Flannel, white The establishment, one yard 23.35 22.66 72.37 68.32 4.28 9.02 Flannel, wool The establishment, one hundred yards 38.89 23.40 61.11 75.76 0.84 Linings, felt . The establishment, one yard 19.23 35.77 80.77 57.80 6.43 Sacking, ladies’ . The establishment, one yard 35.94 19.49 43.75 77.21 20.31 3.30 Satinet, . The establishment, one yard 41.18 37.55 58.82 52.64 9.81 Satinet, . The establishment, one yard 26.47 28.25 61.77 63.74 11.76 8.01 Satinet, . The establishment, one hundred yards 25.00 28.13 66.67 58.10 8.33 13.77 Satinet, . The establishment, one hundred yards 23.53 39.22 58.82 56.02 17.65 4.76 Satinet, . . The establishment, one hundred yards 41.20 42.84 42.00 52.47 16.80 4.69 Satinet, . The establishment, one hundred yards 25.00 19.29 60.00 76.46 15.00 4.25 Satinet, . The establishment, one hundred yards 30.77 27.42 61.54 55.43 7.69 17.15 Satinet, . The establishment, ' ] one thousand yards 27.78 20.94 66.67 77.95 5.55 1.11 Satinet, . The establishment, ’ one thousand yards 28.57 33.97 57.14 52.11 14.29 13.92 Satinet, . . The establishment, three hundred and fifty thousand yards . 35.35 35.35 54.36 54.36 10.29 10.29 Satinet, . The establishment, one thousand yards 30.13 34.16 51.28 53.76 18.59 12.08 Satinet, . The establishment, fifty-five hundred yards 32.47 27.85 43.64 60.62 23.89 11.53 Satinet, . The establishment, ten thousand yards 25.00 27.52 62.50 62.98 12.50 9.50 Satinet, . The establishment, one million, one hundred and sixty-fivethousand, twohun- dred and sixty-eight yards . 18.50 20.55 63.68 77.35 17.82 2.10 Satinet and flannel, The establishment, four hundred and seventy- seven thousand, five hun- dred yards .... 19.51 20.08 76.65 78.88 3.84 1.04 Shoddy, The establishment, three hundred thousand pounds 14.28 14.50 69.05 80.71 16.67 4.79 Shoddy, wool The establishment, one pound .... 11.11 9.69 88.89 81.01 9.30 66 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc WOOLLEN GOODS — Concluded. Names op Articles, etc. Percentages of Total Cost of Production Paid for — Quantities Wages Raw Ma- terials Expenses (not specified) Tricot, The establishment, one hundred yards 26.92 26.95 61.54 63.76 11.54 9.29 Woollen goods, The establishment, ninety-four thousand yards . 23.95 23.57 61.94 67.77 14.11 8.66 Yarn The establishment, one pound .... 24.00 19.03 52.00 76.88 24.00 4.09 Yarn, carpet The establishment, one hundred pounds 18.01 12.50 81.99 79.99 7.51 Yarn, hosiery The establishment, one hundred pounds 19.08 18.09 80.92 79.96 1.95 Yarn, woollen The establishment, two hundred pounds 14.29 16.90 85.71 79.79 3.31 Yarn, worsted The establishment, one hundred pounds 20.53 16.43 79.47 82.58 0.99 WORSTED GOODS. Braid, skirt The establishment, one thousand dozen 41.67 23.24 58.33 66.24 10.52 Cloth, worsted The establishment, one yard 30.00 6.56 70.00 92.85 0.59 Dress goods, worsted .... The establishment, one piece of fifty-five yards . 20.71 30.25 43.75 58.61 35.54 11.14 Noils, camel’s-hair .... The establishment, one hundred pounds 18.18 7.12 68.18 90.57 13.64 2.31 Suitings, worsted .... The establishment, one yard 31.11 22.67 68.89 66.73 10.60 Yarn The establishment, one pound .... 33.33 28.30 66.67 67.55 4.15 Yarn, worsted The establishment, one pound .... 15.38 23.13 53.85 70.75 30.77 6.12 Yarn, worsted The establishment, one hundred pounds 25.51 | 15.53 74.49 83.65 0.82 Analysis. The information contained in the foregoing tables is useful in two ways. First, it is valuable in its detail. It relates to 1,615 different examples of articles produced in the classified industries of the Commonwealth, with the cost of the labor directly involved in production separated from the other elements of cost, and this information is presented in such form as to be available in any discussion relative to the particular articles selected. In many cases several instances of the same article appear, derived from different establishments, so that comparisons may be made. If we take an article selected at random, for instance “ Print Cloth,” presented upon page 28, we find that, in a case in- No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION. 67 volving 10,000 pounds, the wage cost amounted to 31.16 per cent of the total cost of production, the remaining percentage being charged to raw materials. Upon page 29 other instances of the same article are given, the wage cost varying from 20 per cent of the total cost of production, in one instance, upon the basis of a single yard, to 39.89 per cent, in another instance, based upon 1,000 pounds. If we desire to arrive at a percentage of wage cost of the total cost of production in the establishments making this article, we find, from the same table, the percentage varying from 21.45 per cent to 63.17 per cent. If we take “Balmoral Boots (button, calf, men’s),” presented upon page 7, we find that the percentage of labor cost of total cost is 25, and the percentages of cost of raw materials and of expenses not specified, 69.90 and 5.10 respectively. These percentages do not indicate conditions materially different from those prevailing in the establishment, in which the cost of wages was 27.10 per cent, the cost of raw materials 68.61 per cent, and the cost of expenses not specified 4.29 per cent of the total cost of production. Upon page 8 three instances of “ Button Boots (kid, children’s) ” are given, the range as to labor cost being from 33.23 per cent to 42.04 per cent of the total cost of production, and the cost of raw materials ranging from 52.78 per cent to 66.77 per cent of the total cost of production. In the establishments, the range of wage cost was from 29.26 per cent to 46.06 per cent, and for raw materials, from 50.90 per cent to 69.76 per cent of the total cost of production. It is not necessary to enter upon an analysis of the various instances presented in detail, as the manner in which the tables may be used is sufficiently pointed out in the examples cited. Wherever it was possible to fix the quality of the article definitely it has been done ; but in many cases absolute definiteness was impracticable. In all cases, however, the facts • are given in detail rather than by consolidations or averages. An example in point occurs upon pages 12 and 13, where are presented 35 instances of “ Shoes,” in which the. particular kind or quality is not specified. In these the range of labor cost varies from 15.15 per cent of the total cost of produc- tion, in a single instance, based upon 600 cases, to 62.93 per cent, also in a single instance, based upon 200 cases. While 68 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc. the range between the extremes is wide, a large number of instances show no such variation, but fall between 30.43 per 'cent and 40.35 per cent. The statistics, when thus presented in detail, indicate the range of labor cost involved in the produc- tion of shoes of, possibly, different qualities, and aptly illus- trate a point emphasized in other reports of this Bureau, namely, the futility of relying upon averages based upon a wide range of units, unless the range also is carefully considered. They show, too, that no single percentage can be determined, which shall fully represent the labor cost involved in the production of shoes in general, or of any other product in which wide variations of quality appear. In other cases presented in the tables, however, the quality is more definitely fixed, and the quantity from which the data are derived is so large as to render the results exceedingly valuable. Such a case appears on page 30, the article being “Cotton Sheeting.” In this example 5,861,296 pounds afford a basis upon which the labor cost is computed to be 18.89 per cent of the total cost of production. The percentage of cost of raw material is 61.89, and the percentage charged to expenses not specified, 19.22. Again, on page 52, the article being “ Cotton Warp Shaker Flannel,” 100,000 yards enter into a computation in which the labor cost is found to be 19.35 per cent, the cost of raw material 18.97 per cent, and the cost of expenses not specified 61.68 per cent of the total cost of production. Even when the quality is not specified and presumably varies, the numerous instances and large quantities entering into the computations render the results significant. As an example, take the article “ Satinet,” classified under the head of Woollen Goods, on page 65. Fourteen instances are given. In one the production of 350,000 yards is used as the basis, the labor cost being 35.35 per cent, and the cost of raw materials 54.36 per cent of the total cost of production. In* another instance the product of 1,165,268 yards shows the labor cost to be 18.50 per cent of the total cost of produc- tion. One grade of goods was, no doubt, better than the other, yet the facts brought out convey a clearer idea of the truth than would appear from an average based upon the two instances. The range of labor cost in the production of No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION. 6 9 “Satinet” is shown to be from 18.50 per cent of the total cost of production, in the case just cited, to 41.18 per cent, in a single instance, in which the computation is reduced to the basis of a single yard. Although these percentages, like those relating to the production of shoes, previously referred to, indicate a wide variation in labor cost, it will be found that, in most of the instances, the wage cost does not fall below 25 per cent, nor rise above 33.33 per cent, of the total cost of production. In a number of cases, particularly in the boot and shoe and clothing industries, the percentage of wage cost prevailing in the establishment is seen to be very low as compared with other establishments in the same industry. One such instance appears upon page 10, the percentage of wage cost for the establishment being 3.65. Again, upon page 12, in one in- stance the percentage of wage cost for the establishment is returned as 8.66. Three other instances appear upon page 25, the percentages of wage cost in different establishments being 6.42, 5.57, and 7.11, respectively. These small percentages of wage cost result from the fact that a part of the industrial process involved in the product of such establishments is performed outside, either by con- tractors, as in the clothing industry, or in stitching shops, as in Boots and Shoes, the wage cost not appearing upon the rolls of the establishments. In fact it may be said, that the raw material in such cases, or, more strictly, the stock used, has been enhanced in cost by being advanced in manufacture before it enters into production in the particular establishment turning out the completed article, and therefore the wage cost within the establishment is reduced in proportion as the cost of raw material or stock used is increased. Without this explana- tion the percentage of wage cost in these instances would seem abnormally small. The following table presents, for each industry, the number of establishments included in the investigation, the number in which the wage cost for the selected article presented in the tables was higher than the percentage of wage cost in the estab- lishment as a whole, and, also, the number of establishments in which the percentage of wage cost in the establishment was higher than the percentage of wage cost of the selected article. 70 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc. Comparative Wage Cost for Articles and Establishments : By Industries. Industries. Total Number of Estab- lishments Iteport- ing the Relation of Wages to the Cost of Produc- tion Eespective Number of Estab- lishments in which the Percent- age of W age Cost of the Total Cost of Production was Highest — Remarks For the Ar- ticle In the Es- tablish- ment Agricultural implements, 5 * 1 4 Arms and ammunition, 6 4 2 Artificial teeth and dental work, S 1 - Two establishments, wage cost not Artisans’ tools, .... 26 13 13 given. Boots and shoes, 287 177 107 Two establishments, wage cost not Boxes (paper and wooden), 49 19 29 given. One establishment, wage cost for article and establishment the same. One establishment, wage cost for ar- Brick, tiles, and sewer pipe, . 33 17 12 ticle and establishment the same. Four establishments, wage cost for Brooms, brushes, and mops, . 15 7 8 article and establishment the same. Building 38 20 18 Burial cases, caskets, coffins, etc., 4 1 3 Buttons and drdss trimmings, . 7 4 3 Carpetings, .... 10 7 3 Carriages and wagons, 41 15 25 One establishment, wage cost not Cement, kaolin, lime, and plaster, 6 3 2 given. One establishment, wage cost for ar- Chemical preparations (com- pounded), .... 1 1 ticle and establishment the same. Clocks and watches, . 1 - 1 Clothing 62 37 25 Concrete walks, paving, etc., . 2 - 2 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus, .... 16 8 7 One establishment, wage cost for ar- Cordage and twine, . 11 4 7 ticle and establishment the same. Cotton goods 78 35 43 Cotton, woollen, and other tex- tiles, 1 . 1 Crayons, pencils, crucibles, etc., 2 1 1 Drugs and medicines, 12 2 4 Five establishments, wage cost not Dyestuffs 2 2 given. One establishment, wage cost for article and establishment the same. Earthen, plaster, and stone ware 5 3 2 Electrical apparatus and appli- ances, 2 1 1 Electroplating 1 1 - Emery and sand paper and cloth, etc., .... 4 3 1 Fancy articles, .... 1 ~ 1 No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION. 71 Comparative Wage Cost for Articles and Establishments : By Industries — Continued. Industries. Total Number ofEstab- lishments Report- ing the Relation of Wages to the Cost of Produc- tion Respective ■ Number ofEstab- lishments in which the Percent* age of Wage Cost of the Total Cost of Production was Highest — Remarks For the Ar- ticle In the Es- tablish- ment Fertilizers, 4 3 1 Flax, hemp, and jute goods, 3 2 1 Food preparations, . 74 29 39 Three establishments, wage cost Furniture, 53 20 32 not given. Three establishments, wage cost for article and estab- lishment the same. One establishment, wage cost for ar- Glass, . . . 1 1 ticle and establishment the same. Glue, isinglass, and starch, 7 2 3 Two establishments, wage cost for Hair work (animal and human) , 2 1 1 article and establishment the same. Hosiery and knit goods, . 15 9 6 Ink, mucilage, and paste, . 1 - 1 Ivory, bone, shell, and horn goods, etc 9 6 3 Leather 65 47 17 One establishment, wage cost not Linen, 1 1 given. Liquors and beverages (not spirituous) 11 4 7 Liquors : malt, distilled, and fermented, .... 21 9 11 One establishment, wage cost for ar- Lumber, 34 13 19 ticle and establishment the same. Two establishments, wage host for Machines and machinery, 85 38 46 article and establishment the same. One establishment, wage cost for ar- Metals and metallic goods, 137 57 77 ticle and establishment the same. One establishment, wage cost not Mixed textiles, .... 5 3 2 given. Two establishments, wage cost for article and establishment the same. Models and patterns, 1 _ 1 Musical instruments and ma- terials, 17 13 4 Oils and illuminating fluids, 1 1 - Paints, colors, and crude chem- icals, 4 2 2 Paper and paper goods, . 58 29 29 Perfumes, toilet articles, etc., . 1 _ 1 - Photographs and photographic materials, .... 4 2 2 Polishes and dressing, 6 4 2 Printing, publishing, and book- binding, 1 1 Railroad construction, 1 1 72 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc. Comparative Wage Cost for Articles and Establishments : By Industries — Concluded. Industries. Total Number of Estab- lishments Report- ing the Relation of Wages to the Cost of Produc- tion Respective Number of Estab- lishments in which the Percent- age of W age Cost of the Total Cost of Production was Highest — Remarks For the Ar- ticle In the Es- tablish- ment Rubber and elastic goods, 6 4 2 Salt, 1 1 - Scientific instruments and ap- pliances, 5 2 2 One establishment, wage cost not Silk and silk goods, . 3 _ 3 given. Sporting and athletic goods, 4 1 3 Stone, 25 9 16 Straw and palm leaf goods, 5 5 - Tallow, candles, soap, and grease, 11 3 8 Tobacco, snuff, and cigars, 58 18 36 Two establishments, wage cost not Toys and games (children’s), . .4 1 3 given. Two establishments, wage cost for article and establishment the same. Trunks and valises, . 2 - 2 Whips, lashes, and stocks, 8 6 1 One establishment, wage cost not Wooden goods 53 21 26 given. Three establishments, wage cost Woollen goods 69 38 30 not given. Three establishments, wage cost for article and estab- lishment the same. One establishment, wage cost for ar- Worsted goods, .... 8 6 2 ticle and establishment the same. All Industries, . 1,615 796 770 This table enables the reader to determine at a glance the relation which the wage cost of the selected articles in each industry bears to the total wage cost of the establishments in which they were produced ; or, in other words, to judge how far the articles selected represent the conditions prevailing in the establishments. For. instance, in Agricultural Implements five establishments are considered, and in one of them the per- centage of wage cost of total cost of production of the selected article ranges higher than the percentage of wage cost of the total cost of production in the establishment as a whole. On the other hand, in four establishments the percentages of wage cost of the total cost of production range higher than the per- No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PRODUCTION. 73 centages of wage cost of the particular article selected. In Cotton Goods 78 instances appear. Of these, 35 show the per- centages of wage cost of the articles to be above the percent- ages ruling in the establishments,. The other 43 comprise cases in which the percentage of wage cost in the establishment is greater than that for the selected article. In Artisans’ Tools 26 cases are presented. In 13 of these the percentages of wage cost of the selected article range higher than the percentages of wage cost in the establishment, and in the other 13 the reverse is true. In this industry, therefore, and' in some others, it is seen that no selection has been made of instances in which the percentages of wage cost of the articles all range either above or below the standard of wage cost prevailing in the establishments, the instances of the one kind exactly bal- ancing those of the other. This uniformity is not maintained in every industry, but, on the whole, the balance is fairly pre- served. In a few cases the percentages of wage cost for the selected article and in the establishment are identical ; in others the percentage of wage cost for the establishment is not given. There are 49 such instances out of the grand total of 1,615 examples presented in All Industries. Of the others, 796 comprise articles having a higher percentage of wage cost than that prevailing in the establishment, and 770 show the percentage of wage cost in the establishment to be higher than that of the selected article. It is not necessary to follow the different industries in detail, as the points brought out are sufficiently apparent. Secondly, the information contained in the tables is of value in determining, for each classified industry, a percentage which shall fairly represent the proportion of wage cost of total cost of production, not merely for the specified articles but for the industry as a whole. Of course such a percentage is neces- sarily an average. Its accuracy will be in proportion to the number of instances upon which it is based, and to the com- pleteness with which it covers the total production in each industry, Before proceeding to analyze the results of the tables in this direction, it is therefore proper to inquire how far the data contained in them may be accepted as representative. The total amount of wages paid ih the production of the 74 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc articles to which the tables relate was $3,030,557, and the total cost of the specified quantities of these articles was $11,614,359. The total wages paid in the establishments selected for consid- eration, in the Census year 1885, was $33,549,098. The establishments selected, therefore, represent, as to wages paid, 22.76 per cent of the total amount of wages paid in all the manufacturing and mechanical industries in that year. The following table presents, for each industry, the aggre- gate product in the Census year, and the aggregate product in the establishments included in this investigation, with percent- ages. Percentages of Product Represented by Establishments Reporting Cost of Production: By Industries. Value of Product in — Percentages of Product Rep- Industries. All Establishments Establishments Reporting Cost of Produc- resented by Establishments Reporting Cost of tion Production Agricultural implements, . $1,324,597 $230,076 17.37 Arms and ammunition, 2,058,879 • 330,663 16.06 Artificial teeth and dental work, 651,857 4,150 0.64 Artisans’ tools 2,509,107 1,182,503 47.13 Awnings, tents, and decorations, . 108,579 - - Boots and shoes 114,729,533 35,137,219 30.63 Boxes (paper and wooden), 4,332,505 1,079,894 24.93 Brick, tiles, and sewer pipe, . 1,541,879 375,279 24.34 Brooms, brushes, and mops, . 1,365,373 131,641 9.64 Building, 39,801,245 913,586 2.30 Burial cases, caskets, coffins, etc., . 770,333 54,145 7.03 Buttons and dress trimmings, . 1,016,153 349,913 34.44 Carpetings, 6,536,341 3,776,373 57.78 Carriages and wagons, 7,277,933 802,691 11.03 Cement, kaolin, lime, and plaster, . 239,875 110,695 46.15 Charcoal and kindlers, 11,480 - - Chemical preparations (compounded), 1,165,134 4,000 0.34 Clocks and watches, .... 3,325,199 39,600 1.19 Clothing, 32,659,837 4,201,758 12.87 Concrete walks, paving, etc., . 150,798 7,390 4.90 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus, 3,131,582 985,251 31.46 Cordage and twine 5,077,261 2,112,590 41.61 » Corks, bungs, and taps, . 144,000 - - Cotton goods, 61,425,097 29,997,242 48.84 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, 2,394,583 792,848 33.11 Crayons, pencils, crucibles, etc., 104,490 15,480 14.81 Drugs and medicines 4,722,838 52,912 1.12 Dyestuffs, 789,973 120,370 15.24 Earthen, plaster, and stone ware, • 433,213 149,240 34.45 Electrical apparatus and appliances, 1,397,737 188,649 13.50 No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION 75 Percentages of Product Represented by Establishments Reporting Cost of Production: By Industries — Continued. Industries. Value of P All Establishments RODUCT IN — Establishments Reporting Cost of Produc- tion Percentages of Product Rep- resented by Establishments Reporting Cost of Production Electroplating, $214,507 $5,000 2.33 Emery and sand paper and cloth, etc., . 566,101 185,436 32.76 Fancy articles, 81,981 36,000 43.91 Fertilizers, 2,778,987 980,675 35.29 Fine arts and taxidermy, 42,124 - - Fireworks and matches, 91,210 - - Flax, hemp, and jute goods, .... 1,493,623 384,665 25.75 Food preparations 80,488,329 2,776,378 3.45 Furniture, 12,716,908 1,815,729 14.28 Gas and residual products 4,573,962 - - Glass, 1,091,949 10,091 0.92 Glue, isinglass, and starch, .... 1,306,331 463,978 35.52 Hair work (animal and human), 442,063 294,450 66.61 Hose: rubber, linen, etc., .... 790,480 - - Hosiery and knit goods 4,196,522 2,915,072 69.46 Ink, mucilage, and paste, 131,626 19,512 14.82 Ivory, bone, shell, and horn goods, etc., 1,628,413 1,042,064 63.99 Jewelry burnishing and lapidary work, 47,500 - - Leather, 28,008,851 5,055,418 18.05 Linen, 1,068,489 306,389 28.67 Liquors and beverages (not spirituous) , 641,216 97,698 15.24 Liquors : malt, distilled, and fermented, 7,881,240 963,765 12.23 Lumber 3,627,345 269,243 7.42 Machines and machinery, 20,365,970 3,696,128 18.15 Metals and metallic goods, .... 41,332,005 6,981,798 16.89 Mixed textiles, 1,323,861 653,528 49.37 Models and patterns, 258,242 10,000 3.87 Musical instruments and materials, 6,145,008 1,326,049 21.58 Oils and illuminating fluids 2,294,931 100,000 4.36 Paints, colors, and crude chemicals, 763,034 211,747 27.75 Paper and paper goods 21,223,626 11,033,635 51.99 Perfumes, toilet articles, etc 409,801 5,289 1.29 Photographs and photographic materials, 936,165 93,023 9.94 Polishes and dressing, 1,788,412 250,730 14.02 Printing, publishing, and bookbinding, . 16,552,475 88,030 0.53 Print works, dye works, and bleacheries, 15,880,843 - - Railroad construction 2,158,224 30,000 1.39 Rubber and elastic goods, .... 12,638,741 2,995,786 23.70 Salt, 46,890 1,430 3.05 Scientific instruments and appliances, . 1,227,683 75,677 6.16 Shipbuilding, 2,107,986 - - Silk and silk goods, 3,501,240 500,627 14.30 Sporting and athletic goods, .... 1,079,966 59,350 5.50 Stone 5,508,569 729,487 13.24 Straw and palm leaf goods 6,265,287 566,967 9.05 Tallow, candles, soap, and grease, . 3,474,890 727,493 20.94 Tobacco, snuff, and cigars, .... 2,813,084 1,119,803 39.81 76 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc. Percentages of Product Represented by Establishments Reporting Cost of Production : By Industries — Concluded. Industries. Toys and games (children’s), Trunks and valises, . "Whips, lashes, and stocks, Wooden goods, . Woollen goods, . Worsted goods, . All Industries, . Value of Product in — All Establishments $ 316,895 346,720 1 , 052,401 4 , 767,726 31 , 748,278 11 , 198,148 $ 674 , 634,269 Establishments .Reporting Cost of Produc- tion $ 184,207 86,288 119,175 1 , 032,018 12 , 318,433 2 , 068,094 $ 147 , 832,513 Percentages of Product Rep- resented by Establishments Reporting Cost of Production 58.13 24.89 11.32 21.65 38.80 18.47 21.91 The agore^ates for All Industries given in this table show that, while the value of product in all the establishments engaged in manufacturing and mechanical industries in 1885 was $674,634,269, the value of product in the establishments for which the .percentages of wage cost are presented in this report was $147,832,513, or 21.91 per cent of the total value of product returned in the Census year. This percentage of aggregate product, covered for all industries, is, for many of the industries individually, far too low. In Boots and Shoes the wage cost is given for a product amounting to 30.63 per cent of that shown in the Census. In Carpetings, 57.78 per cent; in Cotton Goods, 48.84 per cent; in Cotton, Woollen, and Other Textiles, 33.11 per cent; in Hosiery and Knit Goods, 69.46 per cent; in Mixed Textiles, 49.37 per cent; in Paper and Paper Goods, 51.99 per cent; and in Woollen Goods, 38.80 per cent of the total product indicated by the Census returns is covered. For these eight industries, which turned out 36.11 per cent of the total value of goods made in the Census year, the percentage of wage cost is given in the tables for an aggregate product amounting to 39.67 per cent of the total value of goods made in them, as shown by the Census. If to this group we add the following : Artisans’ Tools, Buttons and Dress Trimmings, Cooking, Lighting, and Heating Appa- ratus, Cordage and Twine, Earthen, Plaster, and Stone Ware, Emery and Sand Paper and Cloth, etc., Fancy Articles, Glue, Isinglass, and Starch, Hair Work (Animal and Human), Ivory, Bone, Shell, and Horn Goods, etc., Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 15.] WAGES: COST OF PEODUCTION. 77 and Toys and Games (Children’s), in each of which the returns are practically as complete as in the industries first named, we shall find that, in the 20 industries, which turned out 38.97 per- cent of the total value of goods made in the Census year, the percentage of wage cost is given for an aggregate product amounting: to two-fifths of that shown in the same industries in the Census. In each of 22 industries the amount of product for which the percentage of wage cost is given is less than 10 per cent of the total product shown in the industry. While such returns are comparatively meagre, these industries combined had an aggregate product of but 24.99 per cent of the total value of goods made in all industries in the Census year. In this group are included several which may be classed as mechanical rather than manufacturing industries, such as Artificial Teeth and Dental Work, Building, Concrete Walks, Paving, etc., Lumber, Photographs and Photographic Materials, and Print- ing, Publishing, and Bookbinding. Nearly one-half of the total product derived from the 22 industries was turned out in Food Preparations, which includes butchering, meat pack- ing, etc. The returns, therefore, may be considered representative, and particularly so in the larger and more important industries. The following table presents, for each industry, the total wage cost of production, the total cost of production, and the percentage of wage cost of total cost. Percentages of Wage Cost of Total Cost of Production : By Industries. • Industries. Total Cost of Production Wage Cost of Production Percentages of Wage Cost of Total Cost of Production Agricultural implements, $208,436 $79,324 38.06 Arms and ammunition, 280,880 82,877 29.51 Artificial teeth andf dental work-, 2,010 520 *25.87 Artisans’ tools, 881,946 430,975 48.87 Boots and shoes 30,307,288 7,536,597 *24. S7 Boxes (paper and wooden), .... 892,008 291,241 32.65 Brick, tiles, and sewer pipe 293,451 166,414 56.71 Brooms, brushes, and mops 118, 9S3 39,655 33.33 Building 715,647 241,567 33.76 Burial cases, caskets, coffins, etc 41,788 16,700 39.96 Buttons and dress trimmings, .... 297,678 81,318 27.32 Carpetings, . 3,281,430 694,983 21.18 * Two establishments omitted. 78 STATISTICS OF LABOK. [Pub. Doc Percentages of Wage Cost of Total Cost of Production : By Industries — Continued. Industries. Total Cost of Production Wage Cost of Production Percentages of Wage Cost of Total Cost of Production Carriages and wagons $640,706 $294,174 f45 . 91 Cement, kaolin, lime, and plaster, . 94,469 29,951 31.70 Chemical preparations (compounded), . 3,259 302 9.27 Clocks and watches, 41,848 32,247 77.06 Clothing, 3,533,706 811,548 22.97 Concrete walks, paving, etc., .... 6,375 4,540 71.22 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus, 730,496 374,291 51.24 Cordage and twine 1,823,406 254,703 13.97 Cotton goods, . . . 28,302,811 8,582,928 30.33 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, 732,052 238,925 32.64 Crayons, pencils, crucibles, etc., . . ' . 10,966 • 6,000 54.71 Drugs and medicines 24,833 5,697 ||22.94 Dyestuffs, 72,505 14,937 20.60 Earthen, plaster, and stone ware, . 97,620 64,513 66.09 Electrical apparatus and appliances, 132,682 60,509 45.60 Electroplating, 2,909 800 27.50 Emery and sand paper and cloth, etc., . 132,283 35,322 26.70 Fancy articles, 18,535 10,500 56.65 Fertilizers, . 687,358 58,900 8.57 Flax, hemp, and jute goods, .... 289,607 64,124 22.14 Food preparations 2,339,957 291,085 J12.44 Furniture, 1,529,074 566,236 37.03 Glass, 7,437 4,593 61.76 Glue, isinglass, and starch, .... 430,507 64,461 14.97 Hair work (animal and human), 283,248 34,535 12.19 Hosiery and knit goods, 2,430,781 769,429 31.65 Ink, mucilage, and paste, 14,834 3,644 24.57 Ivory, bone, shell, and horn goods, etc., 665,267 147,609 22.19 Leather, 4,675,586 672,117 f 14 . 38 Linen 304,824 99,700 32.71 Liquors and beverages (not spirituous), 60,135 21,492 35.74 Liquors : malt, distilled, and fermented, 654,656 88,133 13.46 Lumber, ........ 220,960 55,185 24.98 Machines and machinery, .... 2,754,123 1,285,690 46.68 Metals and metallic goods 5,503,500 1,977,586 f35.93 Mixed textiles, 646,764 101,986 15.77 Models and patterns, 3,141 1,932 61.51 Musical instruments and materials, 972,944 389,927 40.08 Oils and illuminating fluids, .... 97,351 5,760 5.92 Paints, colors, and crude chemicals, 163,741 27,180* 16.60 Paper and paper goods, . . . . 9,487,326 1,740,401 18.34 Perfumes, toilet articles, etc., .... 3,343 915 27.37 Photographs and photographic materials, 63,060 25,851 40.99 Polishes and dressing 197,048 21,869 11.10 Printing, publishing, and bookbinding, . 66,827 26,030 38.95 Railroad construction, 20,071 10,000 49.82 Rubber and elastic goods, .... 2,197,152 554,251 25.23 Salt 628 328 52.23 t One establishment omitted. || Five establishments omitted. X Three establishments omitted. No. 15.] WAGtfgS : COST OF PRODUCTION. 79 Percentages of Wage Cost of Total Cost of Production : By Industries — Concluded. Industries. Total Cost of Production Wage Cost of Production Percentages of Wage Cost of Total Cost of Production Scientific instruments and appliances, . $51,178 $23,851 f46.60 Silk and silk goods, 478,186 145,611 30.45 Sporting and athletic goods 32,772 13,065 39.87 Stone, 501,949 283,441 56.47 Straw and palm leaf goods, . . 482,138 108,802 22.57 Tallow, candles, soap, and grease, . 674,786 60,749 9.00 Tobacco, snuff, and cigars, .... 980,431 339,814 *34.66 Toys and games (children’s), .... 154,294 79,837 51.74 Trunks and valises, 69,480 15,056 21.67 Whips, lashes, and stocks 99,614 23,083 f23.17 Wooden goods, 759,419 259,506 J34.17 Woollen goods, 0,157,270 2,229,314 21.95 Worsted goods 1,768,208 371,962 21.04 All Industries $126,703,981 $33,549,098 26.48 f One establishment omitted. * Two establishments omitted. J Three establishments omitted. Analyzing the preceding table, we find the higher percent- ages of wage cost of total cost of production in the following classified industries, the percentage, in each case, being above 50. Brick, Tiles, and Sewer Pipe, 56.71 per cent; Clocks and Watches, 77.06 per cent; Concrete Walks, Paving, etc., 71.22 per cent; Cooking, Lighting, and Heating Apparatus, 51.24 per cent; Crayons, Pencils, Crucibles, etc., 54.71 per cent; Earthen, Plaster, and Stone Ware, 66.09 per cent; Fancy Articles, 56.65 per cent ; Glass, 61.76 per cent ; Models and Patterns, 61.51 per cent; Salt, 52.23 per cent; Stone, 56.47 per cent; and Toys and Games (Children’s), 51.74 per cent. These industries are principally those in which the stock used, or, in other words, the raw material, is a crude substance of relatively low cost, such as clay, certain kinds of earth, sand, rough stone, etc., or they are industries in which a high degree of skill is required, as in Clocks and Watches. The lower percentages of wage cost are found in the follow- ing industries, the percentage, in each case, being below 20. Chemical Preparations (Compounded), 9.27 per cent; Cord- age and Twine, 13.97 per cent; Fertilizers, 8.57 per cent; Food Preparations, 12.44 per cent; Glue, Isinglass, and Starch, 14.97 per cent; Hair Work (Animal and Human), 80 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc. 12.19 per cent; Leather, 14.38 per cent; Liquors: Malt, Distilled, and Fermented, 13.46 per cent; Mixed Textiles, 15.77 percent; Oils and Illuminating Fluids, 5.92 per cent; Paints, Colors, and Crude Chemicals, 16.60 per cent ; Paper and Paper Goods, 18.34 per cent; Polishes and Dressing, 11.10 per cent; and Tallow, Candles, Soap, and Grease, 9 per cent. These are industries in which, as a rule, the raw material or stock used is itself a manufactured article involving labor in its production, the value of such labor not appearing directly in the particular industry specified, such as Chemical Preparations (Compounded), Hair Work (Animal and Human), Leather, and Food Preparations, or they are indus- tries in which only a small amount of labor is involved, such as Fertilizers, and Glue, Isinglass, and Starch. In the following industries the proportion of wage cost of total cost of production ranges above 33.33 per cent but below 50 per cent, or, in other words, in these industries more than one-third but less than one-half of the total cost of production is due to the cost of labor: Agricultural Implements, 38.06 per Cent; Artisans’ Tools, 48.87 per cent; Building, 33.76 per cent; Burial Cases, Caskets, Coffins, etc., 39.96 per cent; Carriages and Wagons, 45.91 per cent; Electrical Apparatus and Appliances, 45.60 per cent; Furniture, 37.03 per cent; Machines and Machinery, 46.68 per cent; Metals and Metallic Goods, 35.93 per cent; Liquors and Beverages (Not Spiritu- ous), 35.74 per cent; Musical Instruments and Materials, 40.08 per cent ; Photographs and Photographic Materials, 40.99 per cent; Printing, Publishing, and Bookbinding, 38.95 per cent; Railroad Construction, 49.82 per cent; Scientific Instruments and Appliances, 46.60 per cent; Sport- ing and Athletic Goods, 39.87 per cent; Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, 34.66 per cent; Wooden Goods, 34.17 per cent. These are chiefly industries in which considerable technical skill is expended upon materials or articles of stock which have been previously subjected to industrial processes. In the following industries the percentage of wage cost is above 20 but does not exceed 33.33 ; that is, at least one-fifth but not more than one-third of the cost of production is due to the cost of labor: Arms and Ammunition, 29.51 per cent; Artificial Teeth and Dental Work, 25.87 per cent; Boots and No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION. 81 Shoes, 24.87 per cent ; Brooms, Brushes, and Mops, 33.33 percent; Boxes (Paper and Wooden), 32.65 per cent; But- tons and Dress Trimmings, 27.32 per cent; Carpetings, 21.18 per cent ; Cement, Kaolin, Lime, and Plaster, 31.70 per cent ; Clothing, 22.97 per cent; Cotton Goods, 30.33 per cent; Cotton, Woollen, and Other Textiles, 32.64 per cent; Drugs and Medicines, 22.94 per cent; Dyestuffs, 20.60 per cent; Electroplating, 27.50 per cent; Emery and Sand Paper and Cloth, etc., 26.70 per cent; Flax, Hemp, and Jute Goods, 22.14 per cent; Hosiery and Knit Goods, 31.65 per cent; Ink, Mucilage, and Paste, 24.57 per cent; Ivory, Bone, Shell, and Horn Goods, etc., 22.19 per cent; Linen, 32.71 per cent; Lumber, 24.98 per cent; Perfumes, Toilet Articles, etc., 27.37 per cent; Rubber and Elastic Goods, 25.23 per cent ; Silk and Silk Goods, 30.45 per cent ; Straw and Palm Leaf Goods, 22.57 per cent; Trunks and Valises, 21.67 per cent; Whips, Lashes, and Stocks, 23.17 per cent; Woollen Goods, 21.95 per cent; and Worsted Goods, 21.04 per cent. These include most of the great factory industries of the Commonwealth . While these presentations are to be considered typical of the industries, as classified, it should be remembered that, for many of the articles included within each industry, the per- centage of wage cost is considerably higher than the averages thus determined. For example, taking such an industry as Leather, in which the average percentage of wage cost runs as low as 14.38 per cent, if we turn to page 40 we shall find that the article “ Kip Leather,” represented by two instances, shows a wage cost ranging from 28.57 per cent to 30.51 per cent of the total cost of production. Again, the average percentage of wage cost in Cotton Goods is 30.33 per cent; but, upon page 28, certain cotton dress goods are presented, in the production of which the wage cost rises to 41.67 per cent of the total cost; and an example of “ Ging- ham” appears, where the wage cost is 42.82 per cent of the total cost. So, too, in the paper and paper goods industry, the average percentage of wage cost for the industry is 18.34; but for certain grades of “ Writing Paper,” shown on page 55, the wage cost rises to 48.89 per cent of the total cost. 82 STATISTICS OF LABOR. [Pub. Doc. Instances of this sort might be multiplied indefinitely. In- deed, it would be easy to select certain standard articles in each industry from which might be derived an average percent- age of wage cost considerably higher than that shown by this investigation. In every case, however, the range of percent- ages of wage cost prevailing in the establishments from which the industry averages are derived, and for certain selected articles made in these establishments, may be clearly seen from the tables. The industry average should be compared with this range, and the value of the presentation is enhanced by the fact that such a comparison is possible by means of data covering a comparatively wide field. The following conclusions are summarized from the tables : 1. In industries in which the total value of goods made , as shown in the latest Decennial Census, was $15,991,687, or 2.37 per cent of the aggregate value of goods made in the manufacturing and mechanical industries of the Commonwealth, the average ivage cost does not fcdl below 50 per cent, or one- half of the total cost of production, the range being from 51.24 per cent to 77.06 per cent. In these industries 14,819 males and 1 ,576 females were employed in the Census year 1885. 2. In industries in which the total value of goods made, as shown in the latest Decennial Census, was $158,016,950, or 23.42 per cent of the aggregate value of goods made in the manufacturing and mechanical industries of the Commonwealth, the average ivage cost does not rise above 20 per cent, or one- fifth of the total cost of production, the range being from 5.92 per cent to 18.34 per cent. In these industries 29,441 males and 7 ,864 females were employed in the Census year 1885. 3. In industries in which the total value of goods made, as shown in the latest Decennial Census, was $163,817 ,382, or 24.28 per cent of the aggregate value of goods made in the manufacturing and mechanical industries of the Commonwealth, the proportion of average wage cost does not fcdl below 33.33 per cent nor rise above 50 per cent, or in other words, is more than one-third bid less than one-half of the total cost of produc- tion. In these industries 98,631 males and 7,414 females were employed in the Census year 1 885. No. 15.] WAGES : COST OF PRODUCTION. 83 4. In industries in which the total value of goocps made , as shown in the latest Decennial Census , was $313,010,086, or 46.40 per cent of the aggregate value of goods made in the manufacturing and mechanical industries of the Commonwealth, the proportion of average wage cost does not fall below 20 per cent nor rise above 33.33 per cent, or in other words , is more than one-fiftli but less than one-third of the total cost of produc- tion. In these industries 112,297 males and 95,508 females were employed in the Census year 1 885. The above conclusions are presented in tabular form below. Classification of Wage Cost. Range Product Persons Employed High- est Low- est Value Per- 1 centage Repre- sented Males Females Total More than one-half, . 77.06 51.24 $15,991,687 2.37 14,819 1 .1,576 16,395 Less than one-fifth, . 18.34 5.92 158,016,950 23.42 29,441 -7,864 37,305 Between one-third and one-half, 49.82 33.76 163,817,382 24.28 98,631 7,414 106,045 Between one-fifth and one-third, 33.33 20.60 313,010,086 46.40 112,297 95,508 207,805 Totals, .... 77.06 5.92 $650,836,105 96.47 255,188 112,362 367,550