LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN IN MEMORY OF STEWART S. HOWE JOURNALISM CLASS OF 1928 STEWART 8. HOWE FOUNDATION 367 M58m I.H.S. (ORGANIZED 1903) FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CHICAGO SEPTEMBER, 1938 Central 3101 ( r> Mr ESTABLISHED MAY 19, 1903 The Founders John J. Mitchell Charles H. Wacker Frederick S. Winston Frederic A. Delano Harry G. Selfridge William G. Beale Hiram R. McCullough H. H. Kohlsaat John Farson Henry H. Porter, Jr. Arthur Meeker John A. Spoor John Dupee Henry Dibblee J. Lewis Cochran CONTENTS By-Laws Accounts 16 Amexdmexts 17 Election of Trustees 10 Entrance Fees and Dues 14 Management 8 Membership 11 Meetings 9 Seal 17 Visitors 15 Certificate of Incorporation 6 Members Deceased 73 Honorary 71 Non-Resident 72 Resident 44 Officers and Committees 26 Present Officers and Committees 5 Rules of House Committee Coat Rooms 24 Complaints 24 Fees 25 Hours 23 Private Rooms 23 Restrictions 23 Supplies 24 Visitors 24 3 The Mid-Day Club Rules of Trustees Amendments 22 Candidates for Membership 19 Election of Members 20 Election of Non-Residents 20 Election of Visitors 20 House Committee 21 House Committee's Report 19 No Trustee to Propose Candidates 19 Order of Business 18 Proceedings Confidential 22 Secretary's Report 19 Meetings 18 Strangers of Distinction 21 Treasurer's Report 19 Trustees 36 The Mid-Day Club OFFICERS 1938-1939 William H. Davies, President Walter H. Jacobs, Vice-Presidejit Clarexce B. Raxdall, Treasurer Halsey E. Poroxto, Secretary TRUSTEES 1939 William H. Davies Ralph D. Hubrart Walter H. Jacobs Thomas D. Held Bruce Johxstoxe 1940 Dwight p. Greex Edward Eagle Browx Clarexce B. Raxdall Wm. Bartholomay, Jr. Joseph A. Rushtox 1941 Berxard E. Suxxy Halsey E. Poroxto Scott M. Rogers Mark A. Browx Howell W. Murray COMMITTEES 1938-1939 House Committee Ralph D. Hubbart, Chairman T. D. Heed Scott M. Rogers MembersJiip Committee Joseph A. Rushtox, Chairman W.M. Bartholomay, Jr. Howell W. Murray The Mid-Day Club Certificate of Incorporation of THE MID-DAY CLUB STATE OF ILLINOIS, | County of Cook, J ^^' To the Honorable James A. Rose, Secretary of State: We, the undersigned, John J. Mitchell, Frederick S. Winston, H. G. Selfridge, H. R. McCullough, John Farson, Charles H. Wacker, John Dupee, J. Lewis Cochran, Arthur Meeker, F. A. Delano, William G. Beale, H. H. Kohlsaat, H. H. Porter, Jr., John A. Spoor and Henry Dibblee, citizens of the United States, propose to form a corporation not for pecuniary profit, under an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "An Act Concerning Corporations," approved April 18, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof, and that, for the purposes of such organization, we hereby state as follows, to-wit: 1. The name or title by which such corporation shall be known in law is The Mid-Day Club. 2. The particular business and objects for which such Club is formed is the social recreation of its members. 3. The number of Trustees to manage the same shall be fifteen, and the names of the Trustees for the first year of its existence are as follows: JOHN J. MITCHELL ARTHUR MEEKER FREDERICK S. WINSTON F. A. DELANO H. G. SELFRIDGE WILLIAM G. BEALE H. R. m'CULLOUGH H. H. KOHLSAAT JOHN FARSON H. H. PORTER, JR. CHARLES H. WACKER JOHN A. SPOOR JOHN DUPEE HENRY DIBBLEE J. LEWIS COCHRAN The Mid-Day Club 4. The Trustees above named shall classify themselves by lot into three classes of five (5) each. Those belonging to the first class shall go out of office at the end of the first year of the Club's existence ; those of the second class at the end of two years, and those of the third class at the end of three years. 5. The location of such Club is in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois. The postoffice address of the Club is First National Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois. JOHN J. MITCHELL CHARLES H. WACKER FREDERICK S. WINSTON F. A. DELANO H. G. SELFRIDGE WILLIAM G. BEALE H. R. M-'CULLOUGH H. H. KOHLSAAT JOHN FARSON H. H. PORTER, JR. ARTHUR MEEKER JOHN A. SPOOR JOHN DUPEE HENRY DIBBLEE J. LEWIS COCHRAN STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) County of Cook, J I, Robert L. Davis, a notary public in and for said Countv, in the State aforesaid, Do Hereby Certifv that John J. xMitchell, F. S. Winston, H. G. Selfridge, H. R. McCullough, John Farson, Charles H. Wacker, John Dupee, J. L. Cochran, Arthur Meeker, Frederic A. Delano, William G. Beale, H. H. Kohlsaat, H. H. Porter, Jr., John A. Spoor and Henry Dibblee, personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in per- son and acknowledged that they signed and delivered said instrument as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal, this 19th day of May, A. D. 1903. Robert L. Davis, Notary Public, Cook County, Illinois. The Mid-Day Club BY-LAWS ARTICLE I Management Sec. 1. The property and affairs of the Club shall be managed by Fifteen Trustees to be elected from its members and by its members. Sec. 2. The Trustees shall, at their first meet- ing after organization and after each annual elec- tion of the Club, elect from their own number a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold office for one year and until their successors are elected and have qualified. Sec. 3. The President shall preside at all meet- ings of the Club and of the Trustees. He shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Club, except bank checks and shall exercise the usual functions pertaining to his office. Sec. 4. The Vice-President shall have the pow- er, and perform the duties of the President, in the latter's absence. Sec. 5. The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records and conduct the correspondence of the Club and of the Trustees. He shall, with the Presi- By-Laii's dent, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Club, except bank checks, have the custody of the seal of the Club, and perform the usual duties pertaining to his office. The Secretary shall be ex-officio Assistant Treasurer. Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due and belonging to the Club, and shall have the custody of all funds, securities and title deeds thereof. He shall pay all bills on the certifi- cate of their correctness by one member of the House Committee. He shall keep regular and cor- rect accounts and submit a monthly report to the Trustees. He shall submit at each annual meeting a report, showing the financial condition of the Club. The Treasurer shall be ex-ojficio Assistant Secre- tary. Sec. 7. The Trustees shall appoint a commit- tee of five from their own number, to be known as the House Committee, whose duty it shall be, sub- ject to the direction and control of the Trustees, to direct and manage the affairs of the Club, to receive and act upon complaints and suggestions of members, and to make rules for the use of the Club rooms by the members, and for their conduct therein. ARTICLE H Aleetin^s Sec. 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Club on the third Thursday of May each year, at t^vo o'clock in the afternoon. If no quorum be The AIid-Day Club present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to another day at the same hour. Sec. 2. Upon the written request of twenty- five members, the Trustees shall call a special meet- ing to consider a specific subject. Sec. 3. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club. Sec. 4. The Trustees shall meet at least once a month, and as often as they may think necessary. Five shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE III Election of Trustees Sec. 1. The fifteen Trustees named in the cer- tificate of incorporation shall be the Trustees until May 19, 1904. The Trustees so constituted shall, in accordance with the certificate of incorporation, divide themselves, by lot, into three classes, of five each, and the term of office of the first class shall expire on the date of the annual meeting in 1904, of the second class on the date of the annual meeting in 1905, and of the third class on the date of the annual meeting in 1906, or when their successors shall have been elected and qualified. Sec. 2. At each subsequent annual meeting of the Club five Trustees shall be elected to replace the outgoing class, who shall hold office for three years, or until their successors are elected and have qualified. 10 By-Laws Sec. 3. The election of Trustees shall be by ballot, and the poll shall be kept open from 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock p. M. Sec. 4. The five candidates receiving the larg- est number of votes shall be deemed to be chosen at such election. Sec. 5. A vacancy existing among the Trustees from any cause other than the expiration of a term may be filled by themselves for the remainder of the term of the Trustee whose resignation or retirement has caused such vacancy. Sec. 6. The Trustees shall, at their stated meet- ing in the month of April in each year, appoint a Nominating Committee, composed of three members of the Club at large, who shall select candidates to be voted for at the ensuing annual election of Trus- tees. The names of such candidates shall be posted for two weeks preceding such election. Sec. 7. No member shall be eligible for election as a Trustee unless his name shall have been posted as a candidate in a conspicuous place in the Club rooms for at least five days before the election. ARTICLE IV Membership Sec. 1. The number of members may, in the discretion of the Trustees, be increased from time to time, but not to exceed seven hundred fifty. Any person twenty-one years of age may become a mem- 11 The Mid-Day Club ber of the Club upon election by the Trustees, and upon payment of the initiation fees and semi-annual dues. Sec. 2. Candidates for membership (other than those elected prior to July 1, 1903) must be pro- posed and seconded by two members, in their own handwriting, in a book kept for that purpose, and their names shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the Club rooms at least ten days before any action can be taken thereon by the Trustees. The require- ments of this article may be modified by the Trus- tees pending the occupancy by the Club of its Club rooms. Sec. 3. Candidates duly proposed and seconded, whose names shall have been posted for a period of ten days, as above provided, shall be balloted for by the Trustees, for admission to the Club, one adverse ballot in five excluding. Sec. 4. Persons not residing within fifty miles of the City of Chicago may be elected non-resident members, and shall have all the rights and privileges of membership in the Club except that of voting, but they shall not be counted among the number to which the membership is limited. Sec. 5. Candidates for non-resident membership must be proposed and elected in the same manner as is provided for the proposal and election of candi- dates for full membership. Sec. 6. A non-resident member may become a full member by notifying the Treasurer of his de- 12 By-Laws sire to become such, upon the first occurrence of a vacancy in the list of membership. Such non-resi- dent member shall, when such vacancy occurs, upon payment to the Treasurer of the difference between the amount of the entrance fee then required from full members and that originally paid by him, be and become a full member and subject to full dues. Sec. 7. A full member may become a non-resi- dent member at any time by notifying the Treasurer of his right to and desire for such membership, and upon his application being approved by the Trustees ; but he shall not be entitled to any return or rebate of annual dues for the then current year. Sec. 8. On the election of a candidate the Treasurer shall notify the candidate and also his proposer of the fact, and if such newly elected mem- ber shall not within thirty days after such notifica- tion pay to the Treasurer his entrance fee and an- nual dues, his election shall be void. Sec. 9. Any member desiring to withdraw from the Club must signify such intention in writing to the Treasurer before the first day of January or the first day of July, otherwise he shall be liable to pay his semi-annual dues for the succeeding six months. Sec. 10. A former member who has resigned in good standing, upon being again proposed for mem- bership, shall be balloted for before any other candidate. Sec. 11. Any member may be suspended or expelled for cause by a vote of two-thirds of all the 13 The Mid-Day Club Trustees. A copy of the charges preferred against a member shall be served upon him, either person- ally or by mail, at least three weeks before the meeting of the Trustees, at which the same shall be considered, together with a notice of the time and place of such meeting; and the member shall be en- titled to be heard at such meeting. ARTICLE V Entrance Fees and Dues Sec. 1. The trustees may fix from time to time, the amount of the annual dues and entrance fees, but such dues and fees shall not exceed the following: Annual dues for resident members, One Hundred dollars ; annual dues for non-resident members, Fifty dollars ; initiation fees for resident members, Two Hundred dollars, initiation fees for non-resident members, One Hundred dollars. Sec. 2. The semi-annual dues shall be payable on the first days of January and July in each year, and, if not paid within thirty days, the member in default shall cease to be a member of the Club, un- less excused by a vote of the Trustees. Sec. 3. A member who shall be continuously absent from the City of Chicago for a period of not less than six months may have one-half of his semi- annual dues remitted during such absence, provided he shall notify the Treasurer of his intended absence prior to his departure. 14 By-Laws ARTICLE VI Visitors Sec. 1. Any member may invite friends to ac- company him to the Club rooms, under such regu- lations as the House Committee shall prescribe. The charges incurred for their guests shall, in all cases, be borne by the members introducing them. Sec. 2. A member may invite to the use of the privileges of the Club, for a period of two weeks, a person neither resident nor doing business in the city, nor residing within fifty miles of the City of Chicago, but may not have more than one such guest at a time. A two weeks' visitor may not be again introduced during a period of three months from the date of his former introduction. The names and residences of such visitors and the names of the members introducing them must be recorded, and members shall be responsible for any indebtedness incurred by their guests. Any such privilege may be revoked by the House Committee or the Board of Trustees. Sec. 3. Officers of the Army and Navy of the United States and official representatives of foreign nations residing but temporarily in Chicago and not citizens of the United States may be elected in the manner prescribed for regular members, but they shall be exempt from the payment of the initiation fee, and shall pay one-half of the regular dues, and shall not be allowed to vote. IS The Mid-Day Club Sec. 4. The Trustees may invite any stranger of distinction to the use of the privileges of the Club for such period as they may deem proper, and they may cancel and revoke an invitation given to any stranger. ARTICLE VII Accounts Members shall discharge their indebtedness for supplies ordered in each month by the twentieth day of the following month. The names of members who shall fail to do so shall be posted, and notices thereof shall be mailed to them. A member thus posted who shall fail to pay his indebtedness within ten days thereafter may, at the discretion of the Trustees, be suspended from the privileges of the Club. The House Committee, in the intervals between the regular meetings of the Trustees, shall have the power, at any time, to limit or suspend the credit of any member. A member failing to pay an amount due the Club (except the semi-annual dues) three weeks after notice of debt, and a request from the House Com- mittee to pay the same, may have his membership forfeited at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote of those present. 16 By-Laws ARTICLE VIII Seal A common seal is hereby adopted, an impression of which is below: ARTICLE IX Amendments These By-Laws may be modified, altered, or amended at any annual meeting of the Club, or at any adjourned session thereof. 17 The AIid-Day Club RULES OF THE TRUSTEES Stated Meetings 1. Stated meetings of the Trustees shall be held at the Club rooms, on the third Thursday of each month at 1 o'clock p. m. Special Meetings 2. The Secretary shall, whenever so requested in writing by the President, Vice-President or three Trustees, call a special meeting of the Board by causing at least one day's notice of the time and place of such meeting, and of the business to be considered thereat, to be sent to all the Trustees. No business except that of which notice shall have been given as above provided shall be transacted at any special meeting. Order of Business 3. The order of business at every stated meeting shall be as follows: (1) Calling the roll. (2) Reading of the minutes of the preceding stated meeting and of any special meeting since held. (3) Report of the Secretary. (4) Report of the Treasurer. (5) Report of the House Committee. 18 Rules of the Trustees (6) Reports of Special Committees. (7) Election of new members. (8) Miscellaneous business. Secretary's Report 4. The Secretary shall report at every stated meeting all correspondence had since the last preced- ing meeting except letters relating to candidates proposed for admission to membership. Treasurer s Report 5. The Treasurer shall report in writing at every stated meeting the general condition of the Club. House Committee's Report 6. The House Committee shall report at every stated meeting the general condition of the affairs and management of the Club, and such special matters as they may desire to call to the attention of the Trustees. No Trustee to Propose Candidates 7. No Trustee shall propose nor second a candi- date for membership. Candidates for Membership 8. No name of a candidate for membership shall be acted upon unless he be personally known to a Trustee present, or vouched for in writing by a Trustee, and a letter of recommendation shall have been received from his proposer or seconder. If, when the name of a candidate shall first come before the Board for action, these requirements shall 19 The Mid-Day Club not have been complied with, ft shall be laid over until the next meeting; at the second appearance under the same condition it shall be placed at the foot of the list, and upon its again coming up in order, should these requirements still not be com- plied with, it shall be dropped from the list. Election of Members 9. The names of candidates for full membership duly proposed and posted in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws, and in regard to which the requirements of Rule 8 shall have been complied with, shall be acted upon in the order of their pro- posal. The name of any candidate when it shall first come before the Board for action shall, at the request of any Trustee present, be passed over for consideration at the next meeting. Each candidate shall be balloted for separately, and the result of each ballot, as provided for in Section 3 of By-Laws IV, shall be declared by the Chair. Election of Non-Residents 10. The names of candidates for non-resident membership shall be acted on in the same manner and with the like effect as is provided for in the case of full members, and a separate list of such candidates shall be kept by the Secretary. Election of Visitors 11. The names of those proposed as visitors, under Section 3 of By-Laws VI, shall be voted upon 20 Rules of the Trustees separately by ballot, and one negative vote in five shall reject. Strangers of Distinction 12. Strangers of distinction may be invited to the use of the privileges of the Club under Section 4 of Bj^-Laws VI, by a vote of two-thirds of the Trustees present at any meeting; but any invitation so given may be revoked at any meeting by a vote of a majority of those present. House Committee 13. The members of the House Committee pro- vided for by Section 7 of By-Laws I, shall continue in office so long as they remain Trustees, until their successors are chosen. Any member of the House Committee may at any time be replaced thereon by the choice of a successor by a vote of a majority of all the Trustees. The House Committee may at any time suspend an invitation given to any stranger under the provisions of Sections 1, 2 and 3 of By-Laws VI, reporting their action at the next meeting of the Trustees. The House Committee may make suitable rules for the conduct of the busi- ness entrusted to them. The rules of the House Committee provided for by Section 7 of By-Laws I, may be added to, altered or repealed at any meeting by a vote of a majority of all Trustees, and any rules of the House Committee for their own conduct may be imposed, altered or repealed by a like vote of the Trustees. 21 The Mid-Day Club Proceedings Confidential 14. All proceedings relating to the election of members and all communications respecting candi- dates shall be regarded as confidential and shall not be divulged. All letters concerning a candidate except those from his proposer and seconder shall, when his name has been finally acted on, be de- stroyed. Amendments, Etc, 15. These rules may be amended, added to or repealed at any stated meeting by a vote of two- thirds of those present, provided notice of the pro- posed amendment, addition or repeal shall have been given at a preceding stated meeting. The operation of any of these rules except that of Rule 2 may be suspended at any time by unanimous consent. 22 The Mid-Day Club RULES OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE Ho urs 1. The Club rooms shall be open for the ad- mission of members daily (except Sundays), from 8 o'clock A. M. until 6 o'clock p. m. Restrictions 2. Smoking is allowed in the main dining room at all hours. No books, periodicals or newspapers shall be taken from the reading room. Servants shall not be sent out of the Club rooms by a member. Dogs shall not be brought into Club rooms. Private Dining Rooms 3. Private rooms may be engaged for four or more persons, one of whom must be a member, for which there will be a charge of $2.00. Application for such use must be received before 10:30 o'clock. Cancellations of reservations may be made up to 10:30 without charge. After 10:30 a reservation may be cancelled but not the charge therefor. The Mid-Day Club Complaints 4. Complaints and suggestions as to cooking, attendance, service and the general administration of the internal affairs of the Club must be made in writing and signed by the members making them. All such complaints and suggestions will receive the attention of the House Committee on the Wednes- day following their date. Visitors 5. Members inviting friends to accompany them to the Club rooms, under Section 1 of By-Laws VI, shall register their names in a book provided for the purpose. A non-member shall not be allowed the privileges of the Club unless accompanied by a member. At no time shall a non-member be allowed to sign a member's name. The By-Laws referred to shall not be construed to permit the habitual use of the Club rooms by a non-member. Coat Rooms 6. Checks will be given at the coat rooms for hats, coats, and umbrellas, but the Club will not be responsible for any article there lost. Supplies 7. Any member may himself take or send away from the Club any provisions ordered by him, but 24 Rules of the House Committee none shall be sent out to a member except upon permission of a member of the House Committee. Fees 8. Servants must not be feed. An employee of the Club who receives a fee or gratuity in any form from a member or visitor will be dismissed. 26 OFFICERS 1904-1905 President William G. Beale Vice-President Henry Dibblee Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee HENRY dibblee ARTHUR MEEKER FREDERICK S. WINSTON JOHN A. SPOOR J. LEWIS COCHRAN 1905-1906 President Henry Dibblee Vice-President Frederick S. Winston Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee HENRY dibblee ARTHUR MEEKER FREDERICK S. WINSTON JOHN A. SPOOR J. LEWIS COCHRAN 1906-1907 President Henry Dibblee Vice-President Frederick S. Winston Secretary-Treasurer J- Lewis Cochran House Committee henry dibblee ARTHUR MEEKER FREDERICK S. WINSTON JOHN A. SPOOR J. LEWIS COCHRAN 1907-1908 President Henry Dibblee Vice-President Frederick S. Winston Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee HENRY DIBBLEE JAMES SIMPSON FREDERICK S. WINSTON JOHN A. SPOOR J. LEWIS COCHRAN 26 OFFICERS 1908-1909 President John A. Spoor Vice-President James Simpson Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee BERTRAxM M, WINSTON; JOHN A. SPOOR H. H. PORTER, JR. J. LEWIS COCHRAN JAMES SIMPSON 1909-1910 President John A. Spoor Vice-President James Simpson Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON JOHN A, SPOOR H. H. PORTERj JR. J. LEWIS COCHRAN JAMES SIMPSON 1910-1911 President James Simpson Vice-President Silas H. Strawn Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON HARRY L. STUART SILAS H. STRAWN J. LEWIS COCHRAN LOUIS A. FERGUSON 1911-1913 President James Simpson Vice-President Silas H. Strawn Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON A. A. SPRAGUE, 2ND. SILAS H. STRAWN J. LEWIS COCHRAN LOUIS A. FERGUSON 27 OFFICERS 1912-1913 President Silas H. Strawn Vice-President Bertram M. Winston Secretary-Treasurer J. Lewis Cochran House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON A. A. SPRAGUE, 2ND. SILAS H. STRAWN J. LEWIS COCHRAN LOUIS A. FERGUSON 1913-1914 President J. Lewis Cochran Vice-President Bertram M. Winston Secretary-Treasurer A. A. Sprague, 2nd. House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON J. LEWIS COCHRAN RALPH M. SHAW A. A. SPRAGUE^ 2ND. W. A. GARDNER 1914-1915 President David R. Forgan Vice-President Bertram M. Winston Secretary-Treasurer A. A. Sprague, 2nd. House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON CHAS. A. STEVENS RALPH M. SHAW DAVID R. FORGAN A. A. SPRAGUE, 2ND. 1915-1916 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Frank O. Wetmore Secretary-Treasurer A. A. Sprague, 2nd. House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON A. A. SPRAGUEj 2ND. FRANK O. WETMORE RALPH M. SHAW F. W. LEACH 28 OFFICERS 1916-1917 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Robert J. Dunham Secretary-Treasurer A. A. Sprague^ 2nd. House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON A. A. SPRAGUE^ 2ND. ROBERT J. DUNHAM F. W. LEACH C. H. SCHWEPPE 1917-1918 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Robert J. Dunham Secretary-Treasurer Frank C. Letts House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON C. C. H. Fi'FFE ROBERT J. DUNHAM R. H. RIPLEY FRANK C. LETTS C. H. SCHWEPPE 1918-1919 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Robert J. Dunham Secretary-Treasurer Frank C. Letts (Resigned) Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe (Appointed) House Committee BERTRAM M. WINSTON CHAS. A. MUNROE ROBERT J. DUNHAM C. C. H. Fi'FFE FRANK C. LETTS R. H. RIPLEY C. H. SCHWEPPE 1919-1920 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Robert J. Dunham Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe House Committee JOHN D. BLACK FRANK C. LETTS ROBERT J. DUNHAM C. C. H. Fl^FFE CHAS. A. MUNROE R. H. RIPLEY D. A. DAY 29 OFFICERS 1920-1921 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Robert J. Dunham Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe House Committee H. E. PORONTO CHAS. A. MUNROE B. M. WINSTON R. H. RIPLEY R. J. DUNHAM STANLEY G. MILLER 1921-1922 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Frederick H. Rawson Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe House Committee H. E. PORONTO STANLEY G. MILLER J. M. HOPKINS (Resigmed) CHAS. A. MUNROE ROBERT H. RIPLEY F. H. RAWSON B. M. WINSTON 1922-1923 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe House Committee H. E. PORONTO B. M. WINSTON S. G. MILLER J. M. CUDAHY JOHN MC KINLAY C. A. MUNROE 1923-1924 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe House Committee H. E. PORONTO W. H. JACOBS S. G. MILLER R. D. HUBBART M. A. TRAYLOR 30 OFFICERS 1924-1925 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe House Committee H. E. PORONTO R. D. HUBBART S. G. MILLER M. A. TRAYLOR W. H. JACOBS 1925-1926 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer Chas. A. Munroe House Committee H. E. PORONTO M. a. TRAYLOR W. H. JACOBS W. KIRKLAXD W. B. BROWN 1926-1927 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer H. E. Poronto House Committee W. H. JACOBS W. B. BROWN C. A. MUNROE J. M. CUDAHY H. E. PORONTO 1927-1928 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer H. E. Poronto House Committee W. H. JACOBS W. B. BROWN C. A. MUNROE J. M. CUDAHY H. E. PORONTO 31 OFFICERS 1928-1929 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer H. E. Poronto House Committee M. B. pool S. S. GORHAM H. E. poronto R. D. HUBBART WEYMOUTH KIRKLAND 1929-1930 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer H. E. Poronto House Committee M. B. POOL S. S. GORHAM H. E. PORONTO R. D. HUBBART WEYMOUTH KIRKLAND 1930-1931 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary- Treasurer H. E. Poronto House Committee M. B. pool S. S. GORHAM W. H. JACOBS R. D. HUBBART WEYMOUTH KIRKLAND 1931-1932 President Bertram M. Winston Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary-Treasurer H. E. Poronto House Committee JAMES A. CATHCART MERRILL C. MEIGS CLARENCE B. RANDALL H. E. PORONTO WALTER H. JACOBS 32 OFFICERS 1932-1933 President Bertram M. Winston (Died 1933) President Bernard E. Sunny (Elected) Vice-President Joseph M. Cudahy Secretary- Treasurer H. E. Poronto House Committee J. A. CATHCART MERRILL C. MEIGS CLARENCE B. RANDALL H. E. PORONTO WALTER H. JACOBS 1933-1934 President Bernard E. Sunny Vice-President Walter H. Jacobs Secretary H alsey E. Poronto Treasurer Clarence B. Randall House Committee RALPH D. HUBBART, Chairman SCOTT M. ROGERS WILLIAM H. DAVIES Membership Committee SIDNEY s. GORHAM^ Chairman JAMES A. CATHCART MELVIN A. TRAYLOR 1934-1935 President Wm. H. Davies Vice-President Walter H. Jacobs Secretary H alsey E. Poronto Treasurer Clarence B. Randall House Committee RALPH D. hubbart. Chairman BRUCE JOHNSTONE SCOTT M. ROGERS Membership Committee JOSEPH A. RUSHTON, Chairman MERRILL C. MEIGS CLARENCE B. RANDALL 33 OFFICERS 1935-1936 President William H. Davies Vice-President Walter H. Jacobs Secretary H alsey E. Poronto Treasurer Clarence B. Randall House Committee RALPH D. HUBBARTj Chairman SIDNEY S. GORHAM SCOTT M. ROGERS Membership Committee JOSEPH A. RUSHTON, Chairman MERRILL C. MEIGS C. WARD SEABURY 1936-1937 President William H. Davies Vice-President Walter H. Jacobs Secretary H alsey E. Poronto Treasurer Clarence B. Randall House Co7nmittee RALPH D. HUBBART^ Chairman DANIEL P. TRUDE SCOTT M. ROGERS Membership Committee JOSEPH A. RUSHTON, Chairman MERRILL C. MEIGS THOMAS D. HEED 1937-1938 President William H. Davies Vice-President Walter H. Jacobs Secretary H alsey E. Poronto Treasurer Clarence B. Randall House Committee RALPH D. HUBBARTj Chairman DANIEL p. TRUDE SCOTT M. ROGERS Membership Committee JOSEPH A. RUSHTON^ Chairman WM. BARTHOLOMAY, JR. THOMAS D. HEED 34 OFFICERS 1938-1939 President William H. Davies Vice-President Walter H. Jacobs Secretary Halsey E. Poronto Treasurer Clarence B. Randall House Committee RALPH D. HUBBART, Chairman THOMAS D. HEED SCOTT M. ROGERS Membership Comjnittee JOSEPH A. RUSHTON, Chairman WM. BARTHOLOMAY, JR. HOWELL W. MURRAY 35 TRUSTEES Term of office expired May, 1904 William G. Beale Arthur Meeker Albert Antisdel H. H. PoRTERj Jr. John J. Mitchell Term of office expired May, 1905 Frederick S. Winston John Farson John Dupee Henry Dibblee J. Lewis Cochran Term of office expired May, 1906 H. G. Selfridge Hiram R. McCullough Charles H. Wacker Frederic A. Delano John A. Spoor Term of office expired May, 1907 William G. Beale Arthur Meeker R. A. Keyes H. H. Porter, Jr. John J. Mitchell Term of office expired May, 1908 Frederick S. Winston B. M. Winston John Dupee R. W. Hunt J. Lewis Cochran 36 TRUSTEES Term of office expired May, 1909 James Simpson Hiram R. McCullough Charles H. Wacker William V. Kelley John A. Spoor Term of office expired May, 1910 R. A. Keyes Chauncey Keep John R. Morron H. H. Porter, Jr. Fred W. Upham Term of office expired May, 1911 B. M. Winston J. Lewis Cochran R. W. Hunt H. L. Stuart J. Kruttschnitt Term of office expired May, 1912 James Simpson F. O. Wetmore W. V. Kelley J. A. Spoor D. R. Forgan Term of office expired May, 1913 A. F. Banks E. J. BUFFINGTON L. A. Ferguson G. G. Olmsted S. H. Strawn 37 TRUSTEES Term of office expired May, 1914 Bertram M. Winston J. Lewis Cochran J. Kruttschnitt (resigned) Fred S. James (appointed) A. A. Sprague, 2nd. William A. Gardner Term of office expired May, 1915 James Simpson John A. Spoor John Jay Abbott W. W. GURLEY David R. Forgan Term of office expired May, 1916 Darius Miller (died) Alfred H. Mulliken Ralph M. Shaw George E. Scott Frank O. Wetmore H. L. Stuart (appointed) Term of office expired May, 1917 Bertram M. Winston A. A. Sprague, 2nd. Gilbert E. Porter Charles A. Stevens F. W. Leach Term of office expired May, 1918 Frank C. Letts Robert P. Lamont Walter S. Brewster Robert J. Dunham Colin C. H. Fyffe 38 TRUSTEES Term of office expired May, 1919 Robert H. Ripley Charles H. Schvveppe Leonard A. Busby Alexander Robertson David M. Yates Ter7n of office expired May, 1920 Bertram M. Winston A. A. Sprague, 2nd. H. H. Hitchcock H. M. Byllesby (resigned 1918) Samuel Insull John D. Black (elected 1918) Term of office expired May, 1921 Robert J. Dunham Frank C. Letts Colin C. H. Fyffe D. R. McLennan Charles A. Munroe Term of office expired May, 1922 James M. Hopkins (resigned) Albert H. Veeder, Jr. Robert H. Ripley Darby A. Day Frederick H. Rawson Term of office expired May, 1923 Bertram M. Winston Stanley G. Miller Joseph H. Defrees Halsey E. Poronto Albert W. Harris 39 TRUSTEES Term of office expired May, 1924 Charles A. Munroe Joseph E. Otis Walter H. Jacobs Theodore W. Robinson Ralph D. Hubbart Term of office expired May, 1925 F. S. CowGiLL (died 1922) Joseph M. Cudahy M. J. Insull (elected 1922) John McKinlay Marvin B. Pool M. A. Traylor Term of office expired May, 1926 Bertram M. Winston Stanley G. Miller (resigned) Joseph H. Defrees Halsey E. Poronto Albert W. Harris W. B. Brown (elected 1925) Term of office expired May, 1927 Charles A. Munroe Joseph E. Otis Walter H. Jacobs Ralph D. Hubbart Weymouth Kirkland Tertn of office expired May, 1928 Martin J. Insull Joseph M. Cudahy John McKinlay Marvin B. Pool Melvin a. Traylor 40 TRUSTEES Term of office expired May, 1929 Bertram M, Winston William B. Brown Halsey E. Poronto Albert W. Harris Sidney S. Gorham Term of office expired May, 1930 Charles A. Munroe Joseph E. Otis Walter H. Jacobs Ralph D. Hubbart Weymouth Kirkland Term of office expired May, 1931 Martin J. Insull Joseph M. Cudahy John McKinlay Marvin B. Pool Melvin a. Traylor Term of office expired May, 1932 Bertram M. Winston William B. Brown Halsey E. Poronto Albert W. Harris Sidney S. Gorham Term of office expired May, 1933 Joseph E. Otis Walter H. Jacobs Ralph D. Hubbart Weymouth Kirkland Bruce Johnstone 41 TRUSTEES Term of office expired May, 1934 James A. Cathcart Joseph M. Cudahy Clarence B. Randall Merrill C. Meigs Melvin a. Traylor Term of office expired May, 1935 Bertram M. Winston (died 2-11-33) Bernard E. Sunny (appointed 3-33) Scott M. Rogers Halsey E. Poronto Albert W. Harris Sidney S. Gorham Term of office expired May, 1936 William H. Davies Walter H. Jacobs Ralph D. Hubbart Weymouth Kirkland Bruce Johnstone Term of office expired May, 1937 Merrill C. Meigs Clarence B. Randall Edward Eagle Brown C. Ward Seabury Joseph A. Rushton Term of office expired May, 1938 Bernard E. Sunny Scott M. Rogers Halsey E. Poronto Albert W. Harris Sidney S. Gorham (Died Dec. 23, '35) Daniel P. Trude (elected) 42 TRUSTEES Term of office expires May, 1929 William H. Davies Walter H. Jacobs Ralph D. Hubbart Thomas D. Heed Bruce Johnstone Term of office expires May, 1940 DwiGHT P. Green Clarence B. Randall Edward Eagle Brown William Bartholomay, Jr. Joseph A. Rushton Term of office expires May, 1941 Bernard E. Sunny Scott M. Rogers Halsey E. Poronto Mark A. Brown Howell W. Murray 43 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Aaron, Charles 1922 First National Bank Building Aaron, Ely M 1931 First National Bank Building Adams, Edward R 1935 1 La Salle Street Adcock, Edmund D 1937 33 North La Salle Street Allen, Harry 1 1919 208 South La Salle Street Allen, James L 1^37 135 South La Salle Street Allyn, Arthur C 1919 100 JFest Monroe Street Altmann, N. a 1935 223 JVest Monroe Street Amberg, Harold V 1925 First National Bank Andersen, Arthur E 1914 135 S. La Salle Street Andersen, Walter H 1921 Kenilivorth, Illinois Anderson, Brook 1923 First National Bank Building Andreae, Roy 1938 33 North La Salle Street Antrim, Elbert M. 1928 Tribune Toiver Armstrong, Frederick W 1923 132 IVest Monroe Street ASHCRAFT, E. M., Jr 1919 134 South La Salle Street Atkin, G. H 1907 140 South Dearborn Street Avery, Sewell L 1911 300 IVest Adams Street 44 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Baehr, William A 1924 230 South Clark Street Baker, Russel 1938 1 North La Salle Street Baldwin, Francis E 1915 First National Bank Building Bangs, Hal Crompton 1919 1336 North State Parkway Barney, Albert S 1938 1 North La Salle Street Bartholomay, Henry 1922 First National Bank Building Bartholomay, Herman 1938 175 West Jackson Boulevard Bartholomay, Wm., Jr 1920 175 West Jackson Boulevard Bartlett, Frederick H 1905 33 West Washington Street Bartling, H. W 1930 Board of Trade Building Becker, James H 1925 100 South La Salle Street Berger, Robert O 1911 33 North La Salle Street Beye, William 1919 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Black, John D. 1904 First National Bank Building Blake, Fred D 1927 135 South La Salle Street Block, E. J. 1928 First National Bank Building Block, Joseph L 1931 First National Bank Building Block, L. B. 1932 First National Bank Building Block, L. E. 1923 First National Bank Building 45 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Block, P. D. 1923 First National Bank Building Block, Philip D., Jr 1932 First National Bank Building Bluford, David 1922 First National Bank Building BOBB, DWIGHT S. 1922 Highland Park, Illinois Booz, Edwin G 1923 Field Building Borsch, Reuben A 1938 First National Bank Building BouscAREN, L. H. G. 1921 First National Bank Building Bowlby, Joel M 1923 1 La Salle Street BoYACK, Harry 1921 1 La Salle Street Brewer, George F 1929 231 South La Salle Street Briggs, Joseph H. 1922 Highland Park, Illinois Brinkman, Harry A 1938 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Britigan, Wm. H 1919 10 South La Salle Street Brock, George C 1938 619 South La Salle Street Broeksmit, John S 1912 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Broome, Thornhill 1915 First National Bank Building Brossard, J. J 1934 111 West Washington Street Brown, C. Le Roy 1907 230 South Clark Street Brown, Edward Eagle 1912 First National Bank 46 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Brown, Mark A 1928 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Brown, Robert C 1924 10 South La Salle Street Brown, W. B 1919 Wheaton, Illinois BucHEN, Walther 1937 400 West Madison Street BuLLARD, Sellar 1924 Goleta, California Burgess, Harold D 1934 134 South La Salle Street BuTZ, Herbert R 1938 4140 West Fullerton Avenue Cahn, Bertram J 1938 415 South Franklin Street Calderini, Charles J 1936 First National Bank Building Campbell, Stuart M 1937 135 South La Salle Street Carlson, C. Edward 1919 1 La Salle Street Carmine, James H 1938 140 South Dearborn Street Carney, Wm. Roy 1921 First National Bank Building Carton, Alfred T 1919 First National Bank Building Cartwright, James H 1938 First National Bank Building Cathcart, James A 1921 135 South La Salle Street Chandler, Grant 1934 135 South La Salle Street Channer, George S., Jr 1938 39 South La Salle Street Chapman, Theodore S 1922 111 West Monroe Street 47 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Childs, George W 1938 175 West Jackson Boulevard Christensen, E. C 1937 33 North La Salle Street Christensen, George B 1938 First National Bank Building Clark, Charles E 1931 First National Bank Building Clarkson, John L 1938 175 West Jackson Boulevard Cleveland, Paul W 1916 120 South La Salle Street Cobbey, Jean A 1935 135 South La Salle Street Cochran, John L 1935 40 North Dearborn Street Cohen, L. Lewis 1935 Straus Building Cohrs, Walter L 1936 First National Bank COLLINGE, F. V 1938 135 South La Salle Street CoLNON, Aaron 1930 6909 Cregier Avenue Condon, James G 1919 231 South La Salle Street Connor, Frank H 1911 Rookery Building Cook, Sidney A 1938 4517 West 26th Street Cooke, John A 1938 105 South La Salle Street Cooper, Benjamin R 1924 212 West Washington Street Cooper, Homer H 1927 134 South La Salle Street Copeland, Frederic L 1937 Conivay Building 48 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Cox, Arthur M 1921 134 South La Salle Street Craddock, John F 1938 Continental Illinois National Bank o Trust Company Craft, Don M 1936 209 South La Salle Street Craxe, Charles A 1930 209 South La Salle Street Creigh, Thomas 1919 La Salle-W acker Building Cremix, Joseph W 1934 22 North La Salle Street Cresap, Mark W 1918 26 South Franklin Street Crittendex, Frank C 1927 200 East Illinois Street Cromwell, Wm. Nevarre 1932 First National Bank Building Cronkrite, a. C 1938 208 South La Salle Street CuDAHY, Joseph M 1911 208 JFest Washington Street CuMMiNGS, Edmund S., Jr 1938 1 North La Salle Street CuMMiNGS, Joseph W 1938 1 North La Salle Street CuMMiNGS, Walter J 1927 Continental Illinois National Bank ^ Trust Company Cunningham, F. S 1918 426 JVest Randolph Street CUSCADEN, F. A 1920 Northern Trust Company CusHiNG, Royal B 1919 208 South La Salle Street CusHMAN, Robert S 1935 124 South La Salle Street Cutler, Henry E 1925 111 West Monroe Street 49 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Dalton, Edward J 1936 415 North La Salle Street Darling, Ira C 1921 Kenilivorth, Illinois Davies, W. H 1912 Oak Park, Illinois Davis, Erode B 1908 209 South La Salle Street Davis, Chester R 1937 69 JVest Washington Street Dawson, J. P 1929 23 North La Salle Street Day, James W 1938 135 South La Salle Street Deininger, Daniel M 1925 Tribune Toiver Delaney, James M 1937 135 South La Salle Street Dempster, Chas. W. 1917 First National Bank Building Denison, Frank J 1935 120 South La Salle Street De Wolfe, Donald J 1937 1 North La Salle Street Dlxon, Wesley M 1930 111 West Washington Street Donahue, William J 1916 310 South Michigan Avenue Douglas, James H., Jr. 1929 First National Bank Building Douglas, Wm. C 1932 La Salle Street Station Doyle, Edward J 1918 72 West Adams Street Easterberg, Carl S 1924 134 South La Salle Street EcKERT, Walter H 1927 135 South La Salle Street 50 RESIDENT M E :\I B E R S Admitted EcKHART, Percy^ B 1938 First National Bank Building Eddy, Thos. H 1914- E'vanston, Illinois Elliott, Frakk R 1911 Harris Trust o Sa-cings Bank Ellis, C. S 1927 231 South La Salle Street Ellis, Howard 1921 23 North La Salle Street Epsteix, M.\x 1923 125 South La Salle Street Erminger, Kowell B., Jr 1926 410 North Michigan Avenue Essroger, C. V 1938 First National Bank Evaks, Edwin D 1937 125 South La Salle Street Evans, George T 1928 First National Bank Building Evers, John W., Jr 1938 72 JVest Adams Street Farnham, John D 1938 120 South La Salle Street Farrell, Robert O 1925 111 West Monroe Street Faust, Henry S 1938 2152 South California Az'enue Fisher, Charles G 1935 Harris Trust if Savings Bank Fisher, Robert E 1928 First National Bank Building Fleming, Harvey B 1907 231 South La Salle Street Fleming, Joseph B 1921 33 North La Salle Street Florsheim, Harold M 1934 541 JVest Adams Street 51 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Florsheim, Irving S 1934 541 West Adams Street Foreman, Gerhard 1929 141 West Jackson Boulevard Fox, Porter 1929 125 South La Salle Street Freeman, William C 1936 20 North Wacker Drive Friedlich, Herbert 1935 221 South La Salle Street Friedlund, J. Arthur 1937 22 South Clark Street Frye, Charles S 1929 12 East Grand Avenue Gale, W. D 1938 72 West Adams Street Gallagher, Leo P 1938 22 North La Salle Street Gallagher, Michael F 1925 221 South La Salle Street Gardner, Addison L., Jr 1930 221 South La Salle Street Gates, P. R. 1928 First National Bank Building Gerson, S. P 1919 121 North Clark Street Getz, George F., Jr. 1938 McCormick Building Gilbert, Allan T 1929 Continental Illinois Bank Building GiLBY, J. H 1937 105 West Adams Street Gilmer, Frank B 1938 First National Bank Building Gladson, Guy A 1927 First National Bank Building Gleason, John S. 1921 First National Bank 62 RESIDE xNT MEMBERS Admitted Glore, C. F 1916 123 South La Salle Street GoLDiNG, Robert N 1925 33 North La Salle Street Gordon, Frank M 1918 First National Bank Gordon, Robert D 1924 39 South La Salle Street GoRHAM, Sidney S., Jr 1932 1 La Salle Street GORHAM, WiLLETT N 1935 1 La Salle Street GovAN, Joseph F 1928 208 South La Salle Street Grady, Paul 1937 135 South La Salle Street Graf, Robert J 1925 231 South La Salle Street Graff, Everett D 1935 2558 West 16th Street Gray, Leslie F 1935 200 East Illinois Street Green, D. C 1936 231 South La Salle Street Green, Dwight H 1936 231 South La Salle Street Green, Dwight P 1921 33 North La Salle Street Greer, Robert C 1929 164 JVest Jackson Boulevard Gregory, Gordon de L 1930 135 South La Salle Street Gressens, Otto 1938 72 West A darns Street Hack, Frederick C 1912 First National Bank Building Hackett, Richard 1934 First National Bank Building 53 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Hagenah, William J 1919 231 South La Salle Street Hagey, John F. 1911 First National Bank Haines, C. J 1938 205 IF acker Drive Halls, Jay C 1935 1 North La Salle Street Halsted, Jess 1938 134 South La Salle Street Hamilton, Bryce L 1938 First National Bank Building Hamilton, Carl L 1936 Field Building Hammond, W. J 1937 First National Bank Building Handy, Wm. N 1921 935 Gait Avenue Hardenbrook, B. C. 1915 First National Bank Harris, Albert W 1911 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Harris, Norman W 1920 111 West Monroe Street Harris, Stanley G 1934 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Hart, Louis E 1937 120 South La Salle Street Hartford, George F 1938 400 West Madison Street Haynes, James P 1929 1 La Salle Street Heed, Thomas D 1915 77 West Washington Street Hemphill, Wm. P 1938 135 South La Salle Street Hennings, Abraham J 1928 10 South La Salle Street 54 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Herman, Raymond E 1921 Otis Building Herriott, Irving 1938 120 South La Salle Street Hertz, John D 1924 Neiv York, Neiv York Heuer, Harry P 1938 1632 North Sheffield Avenue Heymann, Walter M 1937 First National Bank Heywood, Gene B 1937 111 West Monroe Street Hines, Charles M 1938 Hubbard Woods, Illinois Hintzpeter, Herman C 1912 208 South La Salle Street HoAD, George W 1929 231 South La Salle Street Hodges, Hayden 1930 Wilmette, Illinois Hogan, Leo L 1935 664 North Michigan Avenue Holmes, Samuel S 1938 69 West Washington Street Hooker, John P 1932 140 South Dearborn Street Hoover, Adrian L 1931 33 North La Salle Street Hopkins, Albert L 1931 1 La Salle Street Hough, Thomas E 1938 201 South La Salle Street Hubbart, Ralph D 1917 208 South La Salle Sreet Hummel, Fred E 1938 100 West Monroe Street Hurd, H. B 1907 231 South La Salle Street 55 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Huxley, Henry M 1931 First National Bank Building Ince, Edward G 1927 First National Bank Building IsHAM, Henry P 1926 First National Bank Building Jacobs^ J. Louis 1935 53 West Jackson Boulevard Jacobs, Walter H. 1915 First National Bank Building Jenner, Austin 1935 First National Bank Jennett, Clarence B 1936 First National Bank Jirgal, John 1927 120 South La Salle Street Johnston, Edward R .1923 11 South La Salle Street Johnston, Morris L 1929 134 South La Salle Street Johnstone, Bruce 1925 105 South La Salle Street Jones, Charles W 1934 135 South La Salle Street Jones, G. H.... 1935 First National Bank Building Jones, Owen B 1927 140 South Dearborn Street Kaine, James B 1934 Union League Club Kearns, Frank J 1938 426 West Randolph Street Kearns, John W 1936 105 South La Salle Street 56 RESIDENT ME]VIBERS Admitted Kennedy, Millard B 1938 10 South La Salle Street Keplinger, W. a 1925 33 North La Salle Street Kesner, Jacob L 1906 Kesner Building KiDDOO, S. T 1927 600 South Michigan Avenue Kimball, G. Cook 1932 208 South La Salle Street Kirkland, Weymouth 1918 33 North La Salle Street Klagstad, H. L 1934 231 South La Salle Street Knapp, Kemper K 1909 208 South La Salle Street Knode, O. M 1919 300 JVest Adams Street Koch, C. Alvix 1938 10 South La Salle Street Koehler, E. W 1929 231 South La Salle Street Koehler, Harry A 1938 326 West Madison Street KoHLSAAT, Edward C 1919 33 North La Salle Street Kraft, J. L 1925 400 Rush Street Krah, Carl 1925 33 North La Salle Street Krinsley, Lazarus 1935 First National Bank Building Lane, Wallace R 1924 105 West Adams Street Large, Judson 1937 120 South La Salle Street Leach, George T 1916 100 West Monroe Street 57 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Lenz, J. Mayo 1938 1751 North Western Avenue Leonard, A. G 1905 Union Stock Yards Lewis, B. F 1923 Field Building Lewis, Frank W 1932 1 La Salle Street LiCHTENSTEIN, WALTER 1922 First National Bank Livingston, Homer J 1936 First National Bank Lloyd, Carl S 1928 33 North La Salle Street Lloyd, Edward W 1913 Edison Building LoFTus, Clarence J 1931 105 IV est Adams Street Love, Chase W 1924 400 West Deming Place MacLean, M. Haddon 1919 Harris Trust & Savings Bank MacLeish, John E 1924 134 South La Salle Street MacNeille, C. T 1922 Rookery Building Manning, Horace 1929 231 South La Salle Street Mansfield, A. W 1923 Board of Trade Building Markham, Herbert 1 1928 10 South La Salle Street Marshall, Fred A 1938 626 South Clark Street Martin, George L 1929 135 South La Salle Street Martin, Mellen C 1921 33 North La Salle Street 58 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Martineau, J. B 1938 33 North La Salle Street Mautz, Robert 1938 Board of Trade Building Mayer, Isaac H 1908 231 South La Salle Street Mechem, John C 1921 First National Bank Meigs, Merrill C 1924 326 JFest Madison Street Mellinger, a. H 1928 212 West Washington Street Mendell, Murray M 1938 231 South La Salle Street Meyer, Charles Z 1937 First Natiojial Bank Meyer, Frank R., Jr 1936 First National Bank Building Michel, Anthony L 1938 First National Bank Building Michels, Hugh C 1937 105 West Madison Street Miller, Amos C 1935 1 La Salle Street Miller, Homer L 1931 231 South La Salle Street Miller, Middleton 1938 11 South La Salle Street MoiR, Douglas C 1938 First National Bank Building MooRE, Paul H 1936 First National Bank Building Morgan, A. K 1908 224 South Michigan Avenue Morgan, Maxwell B 1938 209 South La Salle Street Morris, Edward 1932 First National Bank Building 59 RESIDENT MEMBERS Adrnitted Morris, Ira N 1904 231 South La Salle Street Morris, Nelson 1917 First National Bank Building Morse, Edward P 1937 77 IVest IVashington Street Morse, Robert H 1938 600 South Michigan Avenue Mueller, Theodore H 1930 135 South La Salle Street Mulligan, William C 1938 First National Bank Building MuRCHisoN, Thomas E 1931 10 South La Salle Street Murray, Howell W 1926 100 South La Salle Street McAnly, H. T 1935 231 South La Salle Street McCaughey, Russell J 1936 First National Bank Building McClelland, Robert L 1921 111 West Washington Street McCloud, B. G. 1921 First National Bank McCoRD, J. C 1917 140 South Dearborn Street McCoRKLE, G. K 1937 212 West Washington Street McCoy, Harry R 1937 10 South La Salle Street McCuLLOCH, Chas. a 1921 33 North La Salle Street McDouGAL, Robert 1908 Board of Trade Building McDouGAL, Robert, Jr 1938 First National Bank Building McGrath, Maurice de K 1931 166 West Van Buren Street 60 RESIDENT M EMBERS Admitted McGraw, Max 1927 120 South La Salle Street McGregor, James P 1919 1 La Salle Street McGuiRE, C. W 1911 Ne^v York Life Building McKenzie, Wm. D 1919 141 JVest Jackson Boule-vard McKinlay, John 1918 1000 North Crosby Street McLennan, D. R 1905 164 JVest Jackson Boulevard McManus, Fred J 1938 First National Bank Building McNabb, Duane T 1923 First National Bank Building McNally, R. F 1927 135 South La Salle Street McNamee, William M 1938 Hearst Square McSwain, William A 1938 First National Bank Building Nance, Willis D 1938 33 North La Salle Street Neeves, Leland K 1929 134 South La Salle Street Newhall, R. Frank 1918 First National Bank Newton, A. W 1910 First National Bank Nichols, Donald E 1938 135 South La Salle Street Nicholson, John R 1931 Field Building Nixon, George F 1927 134 North La Salle Street Norman, Harold W 1936 111 JVest Monroe Street 61 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted NoTz, John K 1938 First National Bank Building NuVEEN, John 1907 Field Building Nymeyer, Frederick 1936 Field Building Oberheide, Christian H 1916 1335 West Potomac Street O'Connor, John 1926 205 South State Street O'Hara, R. K 1938 First National Bank Oleson, John P 1917 First National Bank Olmsted, George G 1904 Hotel Del Prado Olson, Arthur A 1936 77 West Washington Street Osgood, Roy C 1916 First National Bank OsLER, Jay T 1937 East Chicago, Indiana Owen, Anderson A 1938 1 North La Salle Street Paepcke, Walter P 1921 Conivay Building Parker, Lee 1938 Carbon and Carbide Building Patterson, Grier D 1933 First National Bank Building Patton, Francis F 1926 100 South La Salle Street Pearson, Horace B 1938 221 North La Salle Street Peterkin, Daniel 1927 208 West Washington Street 62 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Peterkin, Daniel, Jr 1938 208 JFest Washington Street Peters, Guy M 1926 105 South La Salle Street Peterson, Andrew 1936 135 South La Salle Street Peterson, Duane L 1938 426 West Randolph Street Pick, Frederic G 1934 120 South La Salle Street Pick, Grant J 1934 120 South La Salle Street Plate, L 1927 130 West Randolph Street Pleck, Joseph H 1938 33 North La Salle Street Pool, Marvin B 1918 426 West Randolph Street Poole, Frederick A., Jr 1928 1366 North Dearborn Street Poppenhusen, C. H 1918 11 South La Salle Street PoRONTO, Halsey E 1905 First National Bank Building Porter, I. L 1919 First National Bank Potter, William H., Jr 1936 175 West Jackson Boulevard Prentice, J. Rockefeller 1938 11 South La Salle Street Price, Charles M 1932 134 South La Salle Street Prindiville, James A 1936 Board of Trade Building Pritchard, Richard E 1938 Harris Trust and Savings Bank Puhl, Arthur J 1922 732 Sherman Street 63 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Raber, Franklin 1931 First National Bank Building Ramsey, P. J 1938 212 JVest Washington Street Randall, Clarence B. 1929 First National Bank Building Randell, Murray E 1937 140 South Dearborn Street Randle, Guy D 1921 220 South State Street Ranney, George A 1933 122 South Michigan Avenue Raymond, Anan 1930 11 South La Salle Street Reed, Guy E 1930 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Reeder, Rex 1938 135 South La Salle Street Reeve, Earl 1921 Union League Club Reeve, Jay Fred 1928 33 North La Salle Street Reid, Leonard C 1936 111 West Washington Street Reynolds, Thomas A. 1938 First National Bank Building Rice, Joseph J 1929 231 South La Salle Street Richardson, Guy A 1923 231 South La Salle Street Riley, Donald 1925 69 West Washington Street Robinson, George A 1930 Field Building Robinson, Theodore W 1905 208 South La Salle Street Roeth, a. C. 1932 First National Bank Building 64 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Rogers, Scott M 1910 208 South La Salle Street Rosenthal, Lessixg 1919 105 JVest Monroe Street Ross, Clarence H 1930 120 South La Salle Street Ross, Thompson 1923 29 South La Salle Street Ross, W. F. G. . . .^ 1932 105 South La Salle Street Rossetter, Geo. W 1935 23 North La Salle Street Roth, Lester 1931 100 South La Salle Street Rushton, Joseph A 190+ Field Building Ryerson, Edward L., Jr 1935 First National Bank Building Scarborough, Henry, Jr 1935 First National Bank Building SCHAFFNER, ROBERT C 1919 100 South La Salle Street Schumacher, Bowen E 1936 First National Bank Building Schweppe, Charles H 1906 141 JFcst Jackson Boulevard Scribner, Gn.BERT 1928 First National Bank Building ScuDDER, Lawrence W 1927 141 JVest Jackson Boulevard Seabury, C. Ward 1905 164 JVest Jackson Boulevard Seese, Edward R 1936 125 South La Salle Street Selz, E. F. 1906 Kingsbury & Superior Streets Senne, Walter C 1925 22 North La Salle Street 65 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Sexton, Andrew W 1938 First National Bank Building Shaw, Ralph M 1904 First National Bank Building Sheean, James M 1905 231 South La Salle Street Skinners, J. J 1929 231 South La Salle Street Shire, M. E 1929 100 South La Salle Street Shrader, F. K 1917 The Rookery Simpson, James 1905 72 IV est Adams Street SiNEK, William J 1925 First National Bank Building Skinner, Paul B 1921 39 South La Salle Street Slade, John C 1919 First National Bank Building Slosson, Frank S 1938 140 South Dearborn Street Smith, Chase M 1937 4750 Sheridan Road Smith, Clayton F 1935 County Building Smith, Harold A 1936 First National Bank Building Smith, Harold Lewis 1938 231 South La Salle Street Smith, Solomon A 1916 Northern Trust Company Smith, Walter B 1916 Northern Trust Company Snyder, H. P 1938 First National Bank Sonnenschein, Hugo 1938 77 West W ashington Street fi6 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Sparrow, W. W. K 1928 Evanston, Illinois Spoerri, James Fuller 1931 231 South La Salle Street Spooner, Charles W 1929 20 North Wacker Drive Sprague, Albert A 1904 72 West Adams Street Spray, Cranston 1932 124 South La Salle Street Stake, Emil A 1937 First National Bank Stark, Edwin M 1936 10 South La Salle Street Steingraber, F. T 1931 600 West Jackson Boulevard Stern, David B 1917 100 South La Salle Street Stern, Herbert L 1929 221 South La Salle Street Stevens, Elmer T 1926 17 North State Street Stevenson, R. C 1938 208 South La Salle Street Stilwell, Abner J 1936 Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Company Stone, John McWilliams 1930 St. Charles, Illinois Stone, Judson F 1938 20 North La Salle Street Storey, Smith Wm 1938 Harris Trust and Savings Bank Building Straus, H. H. 1925 First National Bank Building Strawn, Silas H 1904 First National Bank Building Strong, Joseph H. 1904 First National Bank Building 67 RESIDE xNT ME M B E R S Admitted Stuart, H. L 1904 T/ie Rookery Stumes, Charles B 1920 1 La Salle Street Sullivan, Edmond M 1938 First National Bank Building Sunny, B. E. .^ _. 1907 First National Bank Building Sutherland, William 1908 1 La Salle Street Sutter, Harry B 1935 1 La Salle Street Swain, George W 1929 134 South La Salle Street Swigart, Eugene 1938 120 South La Salle Street Sykes, Wilfred 1930 First National Bank Building Symmes, William H 1925 22 North La Salle Street Talbot, Cyril 1931 1 La Salle Street Tansley, Henry J 1937 69 JVest JVashington Street Tenney, Henry F 1927 120 South La Salle Street Thiess, J. Bernhard 1936 77 JFest JVashington Street Thomas, Frank W 1918 Oak Park, Illinois Thompson, Floyd E 1929 11 South La Salle Street Thorson, Reuben 1938 221 South La Salle Street Tieken, Theodore 1938 First National Bank Building ToPLiFF, Samuel 1922 105 South La Salle Street 68 RESIDENT MEMBERS Adrnitted Towner, Frank H 1922 First National Bank Building TowNSEND, Joseph W 1934 134 South La Salle Street Troxell, B. F 1919 209 South La Salle Street Trude, Daniel P 1919 4950 Ellis Avenue Truesdale, W. D 1936 First National Bank Building Turner, Huntington M 1936 230 South Clark Street Tyler, Thomas S 1938 First National Bank Building Underwood, Thomas 1 1938 First National Bank Building Underwood, Walter S 1929 134 South La Salle Street Vaile, Horace S 1938 208 South La Salle Street Vanderploeg, W. H 1934 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Van Horne, Edwin N 1937 American National Bank & Trust Company Van Nice, Errett 1938 Harris Trust and Savings Bank Veeder, Henry 1911 First National Bank Building Victor, John H 1921 5750 Roosevelt Road Wade, Walter A 1933 First National Bank Building Wagner, Archibald F 1938 111 West Monroe Street Wagner, Richard 1937 135 South La Salle Street Waldeck, Herman 1907 Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Company 69 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Walters, P. A 1924 First National Bank Building Warden, Franklin M. 1924 First National Bank Building Warner, R. Miles 1929 231 South La Salle Street Warren, William G 1914 134 North La Salle Street Watts, Harry C 1924 105 South La Salle Street Watts, Wm. Wadsworth 1936 120 South La Salle Street Wecker, W. a 1934 Marquette Building Wells, Harry L 1937 Evanston, Illinois Welsh, Vernon M 1927 33 North La Salle Street Wentz, Peter L 1938 1 North La Salle Street Wescott, James B 1921 1 La Salle Street Wessel, Harold L 1931 629 South W abash Avenue West, Owen A. 1938 First National Bank Building Wetmore, Horace O 1937 135 South La Salle Street Wetten, Albert H 1929 Board of Trade Building White, Roger Q 1938 1 North La Salle Street WiLLiTS, Ward W 1916 319 West Ontario Street Wilson, Alan F 1934 209 South La Salle Street Wilson, John P 1924 120 West Adams Street 70 RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Wilson, William 1927 23 North La Salle Street Winston, Hampden 1937 First National Bank Building Winston, James H 1919 First National Bank Building Winters, Alfred C 1938 231 South La Salle Street Wolf, Walter B 1919 105 South La Salle Street Wood, Donald M 1938 175 West Jackson Boulevard Woods, Edward G 1928 Hearst Square Work, Robert Murray 1930 231 South La Salle Street Young, W. V 1921 First National Bank Building Younggreen, Charles C 1931 520 North Michigan Avenue Zimmerman, E. A 1932 111 West Monroe Street Zimmermann, Robert 1935 Glencoe, Illinois HONORARY MEMBERS Admitted Dawes, Charles G 1904 Dawes, Rufus C 1919 Delano, Frederic A 1903 Horner, Henry 1924 Lewis, James Hamilton 1905 Meeker, Arthur 1903 Selfridge, Harry G 1903 71 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Admitted Abbott, W. Rufus Melbourne, Florida 1922 Albright, Dr. C. E Milivaukee, JVis 1905 Chapin, S. B New York City 1904 Clarke, Henry Love Baltimore, Md 1905 Collier, Barron G Neiv York City 1907 DuBBS, C. P East Paget, Bermuda ..1931 Fitzgerald, Edmund Milivaukee, Wis 1937 Groner, Powell C Kansas City, Mo 1924 Houghteling, James L Washington, D. C 1927 Kiser, John W Nezu York City 1920 McDonough, J. A Boston, Mass 1933 McKay, Charles R Palo Alto, California. . .1912 Ritchie, John A Neiu York City 1924 Sammons, Wheeler New York City 1922 Smith, Blaine S New York City 1936 Woods, F. H Lincoln, Neb 1921 Young, Arthur New York City 1907 72 Ju iE^monam Admitted 1903 FOSTER, VOLNEY \V 1904 1903 HERRICK, E. WALTER 1904 1904 MAC KENZIE, JOHN K 1904 1904 S3IITH, GEO. T 1904 1904 KEITH, ELDRIDGE G 1905 1904 STEWART, GRAE3IE 1905 1903 McLEAIV, SAMUEL, A 1905 1904 FIELD, MARSHALL 1906 1904 WOOSTER, C. K 1906 1904 ANTISDEL, ALBERT 1906 1904 YOU j\ G, OTTO 1906 1906 SLAUGHTER, A. 1907 1904 ECKELS, JAS. H 1907 1906 KEEP, ALBERT 1907 1907 CLARK, THOS. J 1907 1906 McNALLY, FRED G 1907 1905 BRIGGS, H. C 1907 1904 DIBBLEE, HENRY 1907 1907 PEABODY, F. B 1908 1905 BARNARD, E. E 1908 1905 PIERCE, JOHN H 1908 1905 ORGAN, C. D 1908 1904 TREMBLE, S. B 1908 1903 LYON, THOS. R 1909 1904 BLYTHE, J. T\" 1909 1904 WINSTON, F. S 1909 1905 HAMBLIN, W. B 1909 1905 THOM AN, L. D 1909 1904 HAUGAN, HELGE A 1909 1904 MACLEAN, GEO. A 1909 1905 SPAULDING, CHAS. F 1909 1904 FARSON, JOHN 1910 1905 RAW N, IRA G 1910 73 iitt Mtmatmm Admitted 1904 PATTEN, GEORGE W 1910 1905 TREE, LAMBERT 1910 1905 RITSHER, E. C 1910 1908 BARKER, JOHN H 1910 1907 COL-BY, H. C 1910 1903 PHELPS, ERSKINE M 1910 1904 PORTER, H. H 1910 1904 PATTERSON, R. \V 1910 1903 SLOSSON, FRANK 1911 1905 THAYER, NATHANIEL 1911 1904 BOKUM, RICHARD D 1911 1904 \%^RENN, JOHN H 1911 1907 CLARKE, JOHN V 1911 1910 HARVEY, JOEL D 1911 1908 PETTIT, JAMES 1911 1905 ALLEN, C. W 1911 1905 DRAIN, C. L 1912 1910 MELCHER, F. 1912 1904 BURNHAM, D. H 1912 1905 SWIFT, GEO. B 1912 1904 CAVANAUGH, J. B 1912 1905 AGOSTINI, JOSEPH 1912 1911 JOHNSON, JAMES W 1913 1912 HOPKINS, E. 1913 1904 FLINT, H. H 1913 1912 BURT, HORACE G 1913 1905 SHELDON, GEORGE \V 1913 1904 MORRIS, EDW ARD 1913 1908 KNISELY, C. W 1913 1904 BARNHART, KENNETH 1913 1905 FARR, A G 1913 1904 ALLERTON, SAMUEL W 1914 1911 YULE, W. L 1914 74 i Adml 1903 1906 1908 1904 1907 1904 1904 1912 1909 1915 1906 1905 1905 1903 1904 1904 1904 1905 1903 1904 1906 1904 1907 1905 1908 1914 1905 1904 1916 1904 1904 1905 1904 3n iHrmnrtam tted S3IITH, BYROX L, .... 1914 CUMMINS, J. S .... 1914 L.OUDERBACK, D. H . . , .1914 McFATRICK, DR. J. B SCULLY, ALEX. B 1914 .... 1914 VEEDER, ALBERT H .... 1914 MILLER, DARIUS CUSHING, FRANCIS J KELLER, R. C 1914 1915 . . . .1915 HASLER, E. L . , . .1915 GRAVES, FRANK P . . . .1915 VALENTINE, E. H . . . .1916 FINNEY, C. EDGAR HEWITT, CHARLES M. . . . 1910 .... 1916 GARDNER, \VM. A . . . .1916 LATHROP, BRYAN KEMP, E. M HARRIS. N. W 1916 1916 . . . 1916 3IOORE, JAS. HOB ART PIKE, EUGENE S 1916 .... 1916 COOKE, ANDREAV . . . .1916 HOTCHKISS, C. W KISER, JOHN W 19J6 1916 LINTHICUM, C. C 1916 McBRIDE, W. J . . . .1917 COLT, W. E., Jr . . . .1917 WALKER, HENRY H . . . 1917 HILL, RUSSELL D 1917 FIELD, HENRY COX, JOHN A MEAGHER, JAS. F 1917 1917 .... 1917 STROM, A. A 1917 UHRLAUB, ADOLPH 1918 75 3in iKrmonam Admitted 1907 SCHAFPNER, JOSEPH 191S 1904 HARRIS, GEORGE B 1918 1906 L.ANGHORST, H. A 1918 1905 STILLWELL,, H. A 1918 1904 AMBERG, W. A 1918 1906 HOPKIIVS, JOHN P 1918 1912 DRAKE, L. J 1918 1908 LAMPERT, NELSON N 1918 1904 MORGAN, K. E 1918 1915 KELLY, GEORGE T 1918 1916 HASKELL, GEO. E 1919 1913 BULLARD, A. W 1920 1918 WATKINS, L. A 1920 1906 SULLIVAN, ROGER C 1920 1918 PICHER, O. S 1920 1914 EDDY, ARTHUR J 1920 1917 WALLER, JAMES B 1920 1906 ADAMS, ELMER H 1920 1904 SANBORN, V. C 1921 1920 REDFIELD, ROBERT 1921 1904 BAIRD, GEO. A 1921 1905 HATELY, JOHN C 1921 1918 RECORD, W. N 1921 1914 HAMMILL, CALEB \V 1921 1905 MORRIS, SEYMOUR 1921 1904 WALSH, JAMES 1922 1913 MILLER, JOHN S 1923 1904 FENTON, WILLIA3I T 1922 1908 LAW, GEORGE ^V 1923 1932 HAMLIN, FRANK 1922 1905 SHEDD, EDAVARD A 1923 1919 ABBOTT, W. T 1932 1904 TAYLOR, GEORGE H 1933 76 Jn Mvmavxum Admitted 1914 ARRICK, CLIFFORD 1922 1905 PAEPCKE, HERMAN 1922 1917 COW Gllili, F. S 1922 1905 MAYER, LEVY 1922 1904 CUM3IIXGS, E. A 1922 1905 WILSON, JOHN P 1922 1905 MacARTHLR, DR. R. D 1922 1921 W AGGONER, W. C 1922 1904 HEW ITT, H. H 1922 1904 RUDOLPH, FRANKLIN 1922 1903 GARY, JOHN W^ 1923 1921 HALLOCK, H. 31 1923 1907 CARSON, SA3IUEL 1923 1907 W^ALKER, J. P 1923 1904 BE ALE, W ILLIAM G 1923 1904 S3IITH, ORSON 1923 1905 GURLEY, W^. W 1923 1920 3IORRILL, D. L 1923 1904 HULBERT, E. D 1923 1915 HILL, W. W^ 1923 1909 YULE. GEO. A 1923 1931 ROGERS, J. G 1923 1905 WOODLAND, HENRY 1923 1904 HUNT, ROBERT W^ 1923 1905 HOLABIRD, Wai 1923 1914 3IERRILL, W^. H 1923 1914 TAYLOR, GEORGE C 1923 1904 BROWN, E. 1923 1921 QUARLES, HENRY C 1924 1908 W lEHE, C. F 1924 1909 LETTS, FRANK C 1924 1915 BEAL, S. W^OOD 1924 1914 EVANS, HENRY 1924 77 Jn Mtmatlum Admitted 1906 HUEY, ARTHUR S 1924 1904 FORGAN, JAMES B 1924 1908 JAMME, LOUIS T 1924 1904 UPHAM, FRED W 1925 1904 DAVIS, R. L. 1925 1904 BECKER, A. G 1925 1905 DERING, JACKSON K 1925 1920 CHANNON, JAMES H 1925 1904 LiAWSON, VICTOR F 1925 1916 WILSON, J. E 1925 1919 EATON, MARaUIS 1925 1909 DEERING, JAMES 1925 1924 MARTIN, HORACE H 1925 1909 BENNETT, FRANK 1 1925 1904 HANECY, ELBRIDGE 1925 1905 HARRIS, HARMON A 1926 1923 ARNOLD, J. BERTLEY 1926 1919 MARSHALL, A. M 1926 1921 FORBES, R. T 1926 1923 GRILK, LOUIS 1926 1919 FENTON, FREDERICK R 1926 1912 RAPP, C. W 1926 1904 HONORE, ADRIANE 1926 1921 PATTERSON, PERRY S 1926 1905 KIMBALL, WESTON G 1926 1904 AVILK, FREDERICK L 1926 1913 CREWS, RALPH 1926 1904 SPOOR, JOHN A 1926 1904 STRONG, J. EDMUND 1926 1914 FERGUSON, EDAVARD A 1927 1915 JONES, ARTHUR B 1927 1923 HIN3IAN. GEORGE AV 1927 1920 HOOK, ARTHUR S 1927 78 Jn Msmaxmm Admitted 1903 BAKER, ALFRED L. 1927 1918 PATTERSON, L.. B 1937 1907 PIERCE, CHAS. 1 1927 1924 SHERMAN, ROGER 1927 1904 JAMES, FRED S 1927 1922 TVELCH, ALBERT G 1927 1906 DEMPSTER, WESLEY 1927 1910 RUSSELL, JOHN B 1927 1904 MITCHELL, JOHN J 1927 1919 HODGE, SAMUEL H 1927 1912 MAHER, EDWARD C 1928 1908 HART, MAX 1928 1926 STERN, HENRY L 1928 1924 CODY, ARTHUR B 1928 1920 STROTZ, CHARLES N 1928 1905 GLENN, JOHN M 1928 1926 COFFIN, CHARLES H 1928 1905 BASSFORD, LO^VELL C 1928 1910 BREMNER, BENJAMIN E 1928 1916 HAUGAN, HENRY A 1928 1919 BAKER, LUCIUS K 1920 1906 DEFREES. JOSEPH H 1929 1929 COOPER, FREDERICK W 1929 1904 B A NN ARD, HENRY CLAY 1929 1905 CARRY, EDWARD F 1929 1927 CLARKE, ELAM L 1929 1917 WICKETT, FREDERICK H 1929 1905 VON GLAHN, 'AUGUST 1929 1904 SELZ, J. HARRY 1929 1903 KEEP, CHAUNCEY 1929 1904 WACKER, CHARLES H 1929 1904 BROWN, WILLIA3I L 1929 1924 GOOD, JA3IES W^ 1929 79 Jn Mpmnriam Ad mi tted 190S HART, HARRY .1929 1905 NOYES, THOMAS S . 1929 1907 WELLS, FREDERICK L .1929 1919 J ACOB Y, WILLIAM L .1930 1904 GLENXOX, EDWARD THOMAS .1930 1921 ALFORD, WALTER H . 1930 1912 SACKETT, ROBERT E .1930 1912 VEEDER, ALBERT HOYT . 1930 1926 THOMPSON, DAVID P .1930 1922 BODHOLDT, AKSEL K .1930 1911 IIOLDOM, JESSE .1930 1913 STRATTAN, STEPHEN S .1930 1907 WETMORE, FRANK O .1930 1910 BUSBY, LEONARD A .1930 1913 1921 JONES, THOMAS D .1930 .1930 IRVIN, CHARLES A 1928 HILTON, E. D . 1930 1923 WINTERBOTHAM, JOHN H... .1930 1925 JUERGENS, V/ILLIA3I F .1931 1907 FYFFE COLIN, C. H .1931 1925 1904 STRONG, "^IVALTER A .1931 .1931 COBE, IRA M 1903 MLLLIKEN, ALFRED H . 1931 1922 1928 SLEEP, W^. I . 1931 .1931 SCOTT, FRANK H . 1921 HINES, ED^iYARD .1931 1904 CUMMINGS, D. 3IARK . 1932 1904 1904 1907 FOREMAN, HENRY G .1932 FLEMING JOHN C 1932 HITCHCOCK, HOWARD H . 1932 1910 1908 BRO\^'N, CHARLES C .1932 . 1932 STEVENS, CHARLES A 1911 BLOSS, SIDNEY M . 1933 80 3n iiiFmnrtam Admitted 1904 \\ INSTON, BERTRAM M 1933 1926 STA'N SBURY, R. W 1933 1916 BELKNAP, FRANK L. 1933 1917 DICKINSON, THEODORE 1933 1924 HAY, WILLIAM SHER3IAN 1933 1904 PORTER, H. H 1933 1931 MELLINGER. E. A 1933 1922 McFADDEN, CHARLES J 1933 1922 BALL, P. D. C 1933 1904 HURLEY, EDWARD N 1933 1927 FALK, LESTER L 1933 1919 COCHRAN, JOHN R 1933 1925 BRUNDAGE, EDWARD J 1934 1919 TRAYLOR, MELVIN A 1934 1918 GULICK, JOHN H 1934 1919 FOX, HERBERT W 1934 1911 WILMS, WILLIAM 1934 1922 KEHOE, JOHN E 1934 1919 WOR3ISER, LEO F 1934 1913 W ILKIE, JOHN E 1934 1924 PIERCE, DANA 1934 1904 GILLETT, CHARLES W 1934 1919 FITZGERALD, RICHARD 1933 1925 ADA3IS, EDWARD 31 1935 1912 WOLF, HENRY M 1935 1935 FLOYD, HENRY BUSSEY 1935 1904 FOREMAN, 3IILTON J 1935 1911 JEFFERY, CHARLES T 1935 1921 BEACOM, HAROLD 1935 1916 GORHA3I, SIDNEY S 1935 1906 BUTTERWORTH, W M 1936 1912 HITCHCOCK, FREMONT B 1936 1917 O'BRIEN, JOHN J 1936 31 n iHpmortam Admitted 1923 HEIVNING, CHARLES F 193G 1933 O'LAUGHLIN, ANDREW C 193G 1933 FLORSHEIM, MILTON S 1936 1929 THAYER, EUGENE V. R 1937 1919 DAVIS, ABEL. 1937 1917 VERCOE, ARTHUR W 1937 1924 PENDEXTER, F. W 1937 1919 CONDIT, J. SIDNEY 1937 1933 HOPKINS, JAMES M., JR 1937 1906 PICK, GEORGE 1937 1928 HARRIS, H. L 1937 1919 ZANDER, HENRY G 1937 1904 BUFFINGTON, E. J 1937 1925 D'ANCONA, EDWARD N 1937 1931 FREEMAN, WALTER W 1938 1926 WALLING, WILLOUGHBY G. ..1938 1919 JUDAH, NOBLE BRANDON 1938 1937 HALE, F. 1938 1934 ROBBINS, PERCY A 1938 1907 GILLETT, CHARLES N 1938 82