THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY c Sy&U 004 \4 unatfrYtfiLLnnisLWRARr MAR i5 :. CLASS OF 1904 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Copyright, 1921 By Abthub L. Evahs Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign p ^v"^^""i ft m" ' ' i^.«.,/^^k #5|r«i.#. .,^ ^- : LD CO C 3. et ■^ t. C tl c: o ^ O WE l.l3HAKr OF THE THE CLASS OF 1904 OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY !K IB^iitotp 1921 ^ Where the Vale of Onondaga Meets the eastern sky, Proudly stands our Alma Mater, On her hill-top high" FOREWORD To THE Members of 1904: Classmates! This History of the Class of 1904 of Syracuse University has been prepared, and is now pubHshed, in accordance with a vote of the class at the fifteenth annual reunion, June 10, 1919. For purposes of this record we have considered in detail only those 239 members who were gradu- ated with bachelors' degrees; the recipients of honorary and masters' degrees and certificates are listed, but the record in detail is confined to the holders of bachelors' degrees. Owing to some delay with questionnaires the issuance of the History has been somewhat retarded; also some of the information received in 1919 and early 1920 may not be entirely accurate and com- plete, as of today. It will be well to consider the record as being of January 1, 1920; some later information is inserted in certain cases, but con- cerning some of the members very likely there may have been some changes. It is believed that this is the first instance in Syra- cuse University annals of the publication of a class history. 1904, during its undergraduate existence, was a pioneer in many things. As alumni, it is 7 8 THE CLASS OF 1904 fitting that this characteristic of college days be continued. It is impossible that such a record as this could be issued without some errors creeping in. Where such is the case the historian craves the indulgence of his classmates. Mine has been an unusual privilege, the com- pilation of a History of the Class of 1904. Under the touchstone of this privilege a deal of labor has been transmuted into pleasure and satisfaction. Have I not been permitted to renew the memory of associations and friendships of four happy years .^ Have I not been allowed to follow you through the years since June 8, 1904 — to see you putting to the test of experience the promise and the hopes of our four years together.'^ Have I not read between the lines of your questionnaires? Have I not witnessed, though unseen, the development of your careers and the unfolding of your dreams from the mistiness of hope into the vividness of reality .^^ Have I not glimpsed into nearly two hundred happy homes that you have established in nearly thirty states and in seven countries.'^ Have not mine eyes beheld the joy of your countenances and mine ears heard the beautiful sounds of your children's voices.'' I have seen you in the family circle; in the counting room; FOREWORD 9 in public office; in civic organizations; in the courts of law; in hospitals and chambers of illness; in the classroom; in the study; in the pulpit; in factories; in the construction of great works of transportation and commerce and engineering; in the sciences; in the fine arts; in agriculture, — in all good works. And I have seen you in France and in our camps in the great war for civilization's salvation. And always as leaders. And I, fortunate person, have seen you winning your way in the world, harvesting the fruits of earnest effort, and gathering the honors and rewards that the world has freely granted you because of achievements and useful service in a thousand different ways and places. And, alas, as if in proof that "Death loves a shining mark, a signal blow," I have seen a little group of classmates fade from the vivid scenes of young and eager life into the mysterious shadows of another Commencement. Faces and forms we knew and loved as friends and classmates, gone from our earthly sight, the circle broken, but clear and fair and fine their memory remains and shall abide until the Grand Reunion, — then, now and always. Members of 1904, we salute you! In going over the more than two hundred records submitted as the basis of this History I have been 10 THE CLASS OF 1904 moved to an almost holy joy at the splendid place that the individuals of our class have assumed in the work of the world. Without a single exception the men and women of 1904 have been useful in service in countless ways and many places — a fair fulfillment of obligation and of opportunity. Surely we can say in modesty and in truth that we have bravely wrought and need take no shame for the separate and aggregate result. And Syracuse University! Who among us that has not grown in love for and devotion to our Alma Mater? We have watched in pride the ever- enlarging sphere of her service to mankind, and the growing respect and regard in which she is every- where held. In conscious pride of possession, the Class of 1904 holds in reverence and affection the great University whose benediction has been over us and whose challenge to the highest and best in us is a watchword to our lives and a guide to our pathways. Arthur L. Evans, Class Historian. THE CLASS ROSTER COMMENCEMENT— JUNE 8, 1904 THE CLASS ROSTER COMMENCEMENT— JUNE 8, 1904 Bachelor of Arts James Roy Allen Myron Alson Allen Gregory Grant Andrews Grace Nancy Baird Henry Thomas Baker Frederick Oliver Ballard Mollie Elizabeth Barker Clarence Jansen Benjamin Charles Henry Bennett Marcus Clark Bettinger Frank Asbury Boyd DeForest E. Brane Lula Ardella Coe Arthur Stanley Copeland Henry Edward Crossley Blanche Irene Davidson John Oscar Davies Sylvanus Stanford Davies M. Alberti DeFrank William Ellison Doughty Arthur Llewellyn Evans Edward Ernest Ford Nathan E. Francis Basil Raphael Gabriel Seymour Handy George Samuel Gadd Hares Olive Hartwig Grace Hunt Hyzer William Jones Carolyn Persis Kenyon Ada Althea McDermott Argyle McLachlan Helen Mary Marshall Anna Hunt Moore George Orson Moore Nellie Olcott Frank Allen Patterson Elizabeth Louise Rice James Albert Rourke Clarence Eugene Rushmer Ernest Harry Scott Francis Eugene Seymour Eldridge Smith Roy Leon Smith Edward Henry Stoecker Norman D. Sturges John Bayly Swinney Irving Ray Templeton Claude Porter Terry Earle Kenneth Twombly Cornelius Van Duyne Agnes Louise Waring George Kaveny Warren Louis Clinton Wright Elmer John Yerdon 12 THE CLASS ROSTER 13 Bachelor of Philosophy Charles Taylor Adams Claudia Elbertine Allen Helen Elizabeth Allis Julia Rebecca Babcock Alfred Abiel Loomis Baldrey Walter Franklin Baylis Ella Cole Bohr Perry Amherst Carpenter Louis Blaine Chaloux Isabelle Pine CoflBn Louise Evelyn Cooley Henry Dissell Costello Minnie Dratt Crofoot Eleanore Addie Cross Florence Rena Deuchler Edwin Stiles Edwards Effie May Enos Arthur Hamilton Ferguson Ray DeCoudres Fisher George Winegar Fowler Jennie Elizabeth Gilbert George Abraham Goldstone Michael Willis Greenfield Robert Albert Griesser Lunette Gertrude Havens Charles Otis Hays John William Heal Maud Edna Heath Clementine Heifer Mary Frances Hitchcock Elizabeth Julia Hook Wesley Thomas Hook Bessie Celia Howland Alma Edna Hurst Albert Thomas Jennings Lina Christine Jennings Emily Susan Johnson Julia Clemma Knowlton Isadore Jesse Le\y Andrew Jensen Lydal George Malcolm MacAdam Maud MacLachlan Mary Alice Mathews Arte Viele Meade Lucia May Meter Minnie Theodora Mickle Robert Wilson Morey Sarah Mansell Xeeley Earle Burton Xiles Mary Bridget Quinlan Anna Virena Rice Jacob Robert Rubin Sarah Elizabeth Rumrill Maude Elizabeth Saxe Gertrude Maud Sholes Edith Snyder Alice Juliette Stafford Frank Sowers Andrew Gillis Taft Anna Elliot Telfer Maude May Tucker Evelyn Waterbury Adelaide Elizabeth Wheeler Earl Nelson Wikoff 14 THE CLASS OF 1904 Lawrence Augustus Wilkins Charles Emery Woodley Mary Edith Williams Robert Fowler Young Bachelor of Science Claire Countryman Bate- Theodore Law Poole man Ernest Reveley Smith Jennie May Brown Clarence Andrew Sprague Roy William Carpenter Mildred Louisa L. Taitt Raymond S. Hatch Nora A. van Nostrand Arthur Sherwood Hurrell William James Young Daniel J. Kelly Carl Phillips Wright Bachelor of Music Louise Agnes Allen Matie Harrison Katharine Adams Bemis Ethel Marie Mott Florence Lura Distin Cordelia Violet Scott Grace Mae Dornburgh Beatrice Cooper Throop Bachelor of Painting Hildegarde Mary Edwards Gertrude Tripp Shoemaker Edna Fanny Mitchell Hazel Bessie Thorp Bachelor of Letters Pearl Levy Bachelor of Architecture Frank Earl Clifford Thomas Arthur Enright Jesse Norman Cook Joseph Daniel Fennen THE CLASS ROSTER 15 Harry Lawrence Gardner George Andrew Hamilton Albert Sidney Hadley Clarence Westlake Jones Harold Brend Truran Doctor of Medicine Alfred Warren Armstrong, A.B. John Leopold Bauer, A.B. William Arthur Fahey Lois L. Eastman Gannett Louis Ammon Gould Milton Dempsey Graham Jesse Strauss Heiman Ross Dorr Helmer Francis Asbury Hulst, A.B. Frederick Mortimer John- son, Jr. Jose Antonio Lopez (Anton- giorgi), A.B. George David Lynch David McFalls Mills Myron Brill Morris Earle Albert Mowry Albert Grove Odell Gurdon Edgar Padget Frank Duane Pierce, Jr. Horace Bailey Pritchard Mortimer Williams Raynor Edward Conrad Reifenstein DeMont Ryan Harry Budd Searles Milo LeRoy Seccomb Harry Joseph Sheffield George Cobb Sincerbeaux Leslie Dunlap Snow Frank Raphael Strong, B.S. Orris Storer Vickery Clarence James Whalen Harry Bion Williams Bachelor of Laws Nathan Abelson Michael James Allen Chester Thurlow Backus Harry Barber John Henry Burke Frederick T. Burns Albert Edwin Campbell Francis Archibald Canfield Frank Hughes Collins Charles Loren Crane George Marlette Haight, A.B. James Walter Heffernan, A.B. Chester Harding King, A.B. Seth Low Larabee 16 THE CLASS OF 1904 James Francis O'Neill, A.B. Federico Guillermo Perez, (Almiroty), A.B. John Smith Rader, A.B. Parker Fairfield Scripture, A.B. Charles Sumner Sleeth Samuel Harold Stone, A.B. Charles Ellis Toney, Ph.B. John Lambert Train Herbert Adams Webb J. Orris Winslow Royal D wight Woolsey, A.B. Robert Earl Wilcox Allen Dimick Young Civil Engineer Arthur Garfield Crysler Joseph Silver Eastman Gordon Edson Fred Leroy Fenton Roscoe Hayden Knapp Mark Warner Nelson Arthur Cranston Perkins John Bruce Stobo Electrical Engineer Edward John Cannon Leon Thompson Carter Chester Dunbar Crowell Lawrence James Farrell Harry Stevens Poland George Gottlieb Merry John Harold Morecroft Howard Jarvis Murray Cyrus Fred Phillips William Samuel Plumb George Everett Quick William Abram Root Gilbert Hine Wildman Mechanical Engineer Eugene Joseph Brady Jacob Edward Gramlich Master of Arts J. Lassen Boy sen, A.B. (Harvard) Edward Day Curtis, A.B. (Syracuse) THE CLASS ROSTER 17 Francis Asbury Hulst, A.B. Daniel Pratt, A.B. (Syracuse) (Princeton) Royal Dwight Woolsey, A.B. (Syracuse) Master of Philosophy William Charles Lowe, Ph.B. (Syracuse) Master of Science William Harvey McClel- William Frederick Prouty, land, B.S. (Syracuse) B.S. (Syracuse) Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Harry Francis Council, E.E. (Syracuse) Honorary Degrees Fred W. Adams, D.D. J. Wesley Johnston, Litt.D. Augustus J. Bucher, D.D. Lillian Littlehales, M. Mus. Arthur Copeland, D.D. Ezekiel W. Mundy, Litt.D. Herman G. Dattan, D.D. Edwin P. Stevens, D.D. William G. Egbert, M. Mus. William Harman van Allen, Charles A. Gardiner, D.C.L. S.T.D. Isaac H. W. Wharff, D.D. Certificates In Librae y Economy Bertha Blair Agan Cora Elise Millard Lillian Coughlin Brown Louise Edna Norris Edna E. Davis Margaret Gertrude Scanlan Marjorie Leslie Truax 18 THE CLASS OF 1904 In Normal Art Elida Grace Ames Mollie Eliza Eastman Marion Elizabeth Balliet Arma Cathryn Gros Edna Elizabeth Blum Clara Homes Faith Jaqueline Coon Mabel Emily Murray Millicent Catherine Diver Grace Smith Mary Frances Tallman In Decorative Design Jennie Elizabeth Coit Agnes Kent Packard Mabel Ella Northrop Florence Mary Tucker In Violin and Theory of Music Gertrude Bingham Woodhull Summary No. of Bachelor of Arts Degrees 55 No. of Bachelor of Philosophy Degrees 68 No. of Bachelor of Science Degrees 13 No. of Bachelor of Music Degrees 8 No. of Bachelor of Painting Degrees 4 No. of Bachelor of Letters Degrees 1 No. of Bachelor of Architecture Degrees 9 No. of Bachelor of Laws Degrees 27 No. of Doctor of Medicine Degrees 31 No. of Civil Engineer Degrees 8 No. of Electrical Engineer Degrees 13 No. of Mechanical Engineer Degrees 2 Total Bachelors Degrees 239 No. of Masters Degrees 9 No. of Honorary Degrees 12 No. of Certificates 23 Total 283 PRESENT CLASS ROSTER WITH ADDRESSES PRESENT CLASS ROSTER This is the present Class Roster of members receiving Bachelors degrees, in alphabetical order. The first is the home address; the second, the separate business or professional address. Abelson, Nathan, 807 Harrison St., Syracuse, N. Y.; O. C. S. Bank Bldg., same. Adams, Charles T., Edwards, N. Y. Allen, J. Roy, East St., Rye, N. Y.; Port Chester, N. Y. Allen (Howlett)^ Louise A., Skaneateles, N. Y. Allen, Michael J., 444 Wilkinson St., Syracuse; 311 S. A. & K. Bldg., same. Allen, Myron A., 759 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse; Brown- Lipe Gear Co., same. Andrews, Gregory G., 135 Beverly Rd., Syracuse; Vocational High School, same. Armstrong, Alfred W., 117 N. Main St., Canandaigua, N. Y. Babcock {Dunhley), Julia R., 709 W. Lovell St., Kala- mazoo, Mich. Baird (Hersey), Grace N., 20 Recreation Rd., Tientsin, China. Baker, Harry T., 2386 Grand Ave., New York City; 347 Madison Ave., same. Baldrey, a. a. Loomis, 1112 Myrtle St., Bellingham, Wash.; Court House, same. Ballard, Frederic O., Howell, Mich.; 10 Spruce St. New York City. Barber, Harry, 622 James St., Syracuse; 605 Dillaye Bldg., same. Bateman, Claire C, 82 Main St., Dansville, N. Y.; 110 Main St., same. Bauer, John L., 984 Bushwick Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. 20 PRESENT CLASS ROSTER 21 Bayos, Walter F., 252 West 91st St., New York City; 331 Madison Ave., same. Bemis (Wilson), Katharine A., 862 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse. Benjamin, Clarence J., St. Clair, Pa. Bennett, Charles H., Hinesburg, Vt. Bettinger, Marcus C, Artesia, Calif. Bohr, Ella Cole, 49 E. Main St., Freehold, N. J. Boyd, Frank A., Newark, N. Y. Brady, Eugene J^ Pawling, N. Y. Brane, Deforest E., Cato, N. Y. Brown, Jennie M., 9 Edna Ave., Braddock, Pa.; 47 Main St., same. Burke, John H., 400 Graves St., Syracuse; 614 S. A. & K. Bldg., same. Burns, Frederick T., 57 Hillside Ave., Hastings-on- Hudson, N. Y.; 2 Grand Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Campbell, Albert E., Canastota, N. Y. Canfield, Francis A., 112 Hampton Rd., Syracuse; National Surety Co., same. Cannon, Edward J. M., 530 Fourth St., Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Third and Niagara Sts., same. Carpenter, Perry A., 375 Aberdeen St., Rochester, N. Y.; West High School, same. Carpenter, Roy W., 309 Allen St., Syracuse; 512 East Water St., same. Carter, Leon T., 848 East 163rd St., New York City; 120 Broadway, same. Chaloux, Louis B., 443 Porter Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Clifford, Frank E., 1138 Bellevue Ave., Syracuse; 117 James St., same. CoE (Jameson), Lula A., Hanover, 111. Coffin, Isabelle P., 116 Garfield PI., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Bay Ridge High School, same. 22 THE CLASS OF 1904 Collins, Frank H., 661 Madison St., Syracuse; 615-616 City Bank Bldg., same. CoPELAND, A. Stanley, 56 Hazelwood Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. CosTELLO, Henry D., 214 Highland Ave., Syracuse; 706 City Bank Bldg., same. Crane, Charles L., Addison, N. Y. Crofoot, Minnie D., 129 E. Pleasant Ave., Syracuse; High School, Yonkers, N. Y. Cross, Eleanore, Fulton ville, N. Y.; 270 Main St., Port Washington, Long Island, N. Y. Crossley, Henry E., Groton, N. Y. Crowell, Chester D., 202 Elizabeth St., Syracuse; 1024 O. C. S. Bank Bldg., same. Davidson {Doyle}, Blanche, Brevard, N. C. Davies, John O., 808 Diamond St., Butte, Mont.; 507-8 Silver Bow Blk., same. Davies, Sylvanus S., 58 Mason St., Rochester, N. Y. DeFrank, M. Alberti, 816 E. Washington St., Syracuse; 614 Gurney Bldg. and County Clerk's office, same. DiSTiN, Florence L., 316 Hannibal St., Fulton, N. Y.; Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y. DoRNBURG (Bagnall), Grace M., 15 Linden St., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Doughty, William E., Roslyn Heights, N. Y.; Ill Fifth Ave., same. Eastman, Joseph S., 4417 Lake Park Ave., Chicago, 111. 713 Lyon and Healy Bldg., same. Edson, Gordon, 121 Kenwood Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 50 Triangle Bldg., same. Edwards, Edwin S., 57 Dorchester Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. care of O'Brian, Potter & Co., same. Edwards, Hildegarde M., 26 Jordan St., Skaneateles N. Y. PRESENT CLASS ROSTER 23 Enright, Thomas A., 237 Elizabeth St., Syracuse, N. Y.; care Merrick & Randall, same. Evans, Arthur L., 125 School St., Braintree, Mass.; 727 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Fahey, William A., Keams Canon, Arizona; Moqui Hospital, same. Farrell, Lawrence J., East Rochester, N. Y. Fennen, Joseph D., 630 Parkview Ave., Detroit, Mich.; 80 Griswold St., same. Fenton, Fred L., 125 E. 28th St., New York City; 49 Lafayette St., same. Ferguson, Arthur H., 115 Clarke St., Syracuse; North High School, same. Fisher, Ray D., 573 Main St., Portland, Ore.; Senior High School, McMinnville, Ore. FoLAND, Harry S., 30 N. Maple Ave., North Plainfield, N. J.; Room 507, 195 Fifth Ave., New York City. Ford, Edward E., 261 Brooks Ave., Rochester, N. Y.; West High School, same. Fowler, George W., 847 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse; Central High School, same. Francis, Nathan E., Carthage, N. Y. Gabriel, Basil R., Hamilton, N. Y. ; Y. M. C. A., 40 Rue Cabistan, Constantinople, Turkey. Gannett, Lois L., Adams, N. Y. Gilbert (Smith), Jennie E., 715 Allen St., Syracuse. Gould, Louis A., 855 Ackerman xAve., Syracuse; 723 East Genesee St., same. Graham, Milton D., 1 Steuben Park, Utica, N. Y. Gramlich, Jacob E., Fayetteville, N. Y. Haight, George M., Onondaga Valley Station, Syracuse; 504 The Bastable, same. 24 THE CLASS OF 1904 Hamilton, George A., Three Mile Bay, N. Y.; 923 Shep- herd St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Handy, Seymour, 334 Fifth Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.; High School, same. Hares, George S. G., 169 E. Second St., Corning, N. Y. Hartwig (Frost) y Olive, 372 Beverly Court, Riverside, Calif. Hatch, Raymond S., 14 Whitford Ave., Nutley, N. J.; Garfield, N. J. Havens, Lunette G., 114 Palmer Ave., Syracuse; 1108 Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Hays, Charles O., 459 Twelfth St., Niagara Falls, N. Y.; 302 Niagara St., same. Heal, John W., Jr., 403 Terry Ave., Seattle, Wash.; 802 Lowman Bldg., same. Heath (Wilcox), Maude E., 406 South Fourth St., Fulton, N. Y. Heffernan, J. Walter, 303 E. Church St., Elmira, N. Y.; 214 E. Water St., same. Heiman, Jesse S., 378 West End Ave., New York City. Helfer (Cowles)y Clementine, 34 Prospect St., Newark, N. Y. Helmer, Ross D., P. O. Box 500, Utica, N. Y. Hitchcock (Shay), M. Frances, 32 College St., Brock- port, N. Y. Hook (Shafer), Elizabeth, 3232 Fremont Ave., S. Minne- apolis, Minn. Hook, Thomas Wesley, 221 Pecan St., San Antonio, Texas; 208-9 Central Office Bldg., same. HowLAND, Bessie C, Walton, N. Y.; Concepcion Col- lege, Concepcion, Chile. HuLST, Francis A., Sayville, Long Island, N. Y. Hunt (Tibbetts), Grace, Uncasville, Conn. PRESENT CLASS ROSTER 25 HuRRELL, Arthur S., 3136 Avalon St., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Room 205, State Hall, University of Pittsburgh, same. Hurst, Alma E., 309 E. Willow St., Syracuse; 144 River- side Drive, New York City. Jennings, Albert T., 205 Park St., Fulton, N. Y.; 9 South First St., same. Jennings (Moore), Lina C, 712 West 10th St., Erie, Pa. Johnson (Thomsen), Emily S., 3173 Grand Ave., Omaha, Neb. Johnson, Frederic M., Jr., 25 Morris St., Yonkers, N. Y. Jones, Clarence W., 157 Richton Ave., Detroit, Mich.; 710 Washington Arcade, same. Jones, Hyzer W., 1002 Park Ave., Utica, N. Y.; 221 Genesee St., same. Kelly, Daniel J., Binghamton, N. Y. King, Chester H., 206 DeWitt St., Syracuse; S. A. & K. Bldg., same. Knapp, Roscoe H., 148 W. Long Ave., Du Bois, Pa. Knowlton, Julia C, 1618 E. Genesee St., Syracuse; Johnson, Vt. Levy, Isadore J., 76 W. 86th St., New York City. Levy, Pearl, 502 Irving Ave., Syracuse. Lopez, Jose A., 332 W. 84th St., New York City. Lynch, George D., 1631 So. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. MacAdam, George M., 51 Chambers St., New York City; 19 Rue de Rocroy, Paris, France. McLachlan, Argyle, El Centro, Calif. MacLachlan, Maud, 125 E. Corning Ave., Syracuse. Marshall (Searle), Helen M., 119 E. Manning St., Providence, R. I. Meade (Bohr), Arte V., 41 Egremont Rd., Brookline, Mass. 26 THE CLASS OF 1904 Merry, George G., 275 Highland Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.; 1100 White Bldg., same. Meter, Lucia M., 238 Abby St., Fresno, Calif.; High School, same. MicKLE, Minnie T., Chatham, N. Y.; 44 Morningside Drive, New York City. Mitchell {Shepard), Edna F., 413 South Crouse Ave., Syracuse. Moore (Funnell), Anna H., 47 Rugar St., Plattsburgh, N. Y. Moore, George O., 712 West 10th St., Erie, Pa.; Central High School, same. MoRECROFT, John H., Palisade, N. J.; Columbia Univer- sity, New York City. MoREY, Robert W., 140 West 69th St., New York City; 53 William St., same. Morris, Myron B., 3208 Richmond Terrace, Mariner's Harbor, Staten Island, N. Y. MoTT (Abel), Ethel M., 12 Broome St., Binghamton, N. Y. Mo WRY, Earle a., Mexico, N. Y. Murray, Howard J., 353 Rugby Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Nelson, Mark W., 268 Western Ave., Albany, N. Y.; 53-5 Lancaster St., same. NiLEs, Earle B., R. F. D. No. 2, Camden, N. Y. Odell, Albert G., The Sanitarium, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Olcott, Nellie, 1413 W. Colvin St., Syracuse; Teacher's Training School, same. O'Neill, Frank J., 30 Chnton Place, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; 84 William St., New York City. Padget, Gurdon E., Cuyler, N. Y. Patterson, Frank A., Morsemere, N. J.; Columbia University, New York City. PRESENT CLASS ROSTER 27 Perez, Federico Guillermo, Post Office Box 1158, San Juan, Porto Rico; American R.R. Co. Bldg., same. Perkins, Arthur C, Cornwall Landing, N. Y. Phillips, C. Fred, 710 Dewey Ave., Rochester, N. Y.; 703 Wilder Bldg., same. Pierce, Franklin D., 364 Plymouth Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.; 663 Main St., same. Plumb, William S., 710 Irving Ave., Syracuse; Semet Solvay Co., same. Poole, Theodore L., DeWitt, N. Y.; 831 W. Fayette St., Syracuse. Pritchard, Horace B., 524 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse; 104-6 University Block, same. Quick, G. Everett, 744 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse. QuiNLAN (Norton), Mary B., James ville, N. Y. Rader, John S., 1650 Mineral Spring Rd., Reading, Pa. Raynor, Mortimer W., Manhattan State Hospital, Ward's Island, New York City. Reifenstein, Edward C, 1701 James St., Syracuse; 622-6 University Blk., same. Rice, Anna V., 600 Lexington Ave., New York City. Rice, Elizabeth L., 150 Livingston St., Buffalo, N. Y.; Technical High School, same. Root, William A., 809 S. Rebecca St., Pomona, Cal. Rourke, James A., 375 Aberdeen St., Rochester, N. Y.; West High School, same. Rubin, J. Robert, 264 Riverside Drive, New York City; 165 Broadway, same. RuMRiLL (Taylor) y Sarah E., 430 Allen St., Syracuse. RusHMER, Clarence E., 31 Grand Ave., Johnson City, N. Y. ; Central High School, Binghamton, N. Y. Ryan, DeMont, Dryden, N. Y. 28 THE CLASS OF 1904 Scott {Doty), Cordelia V., 37 Wickford Rd., Baltimore, Md. Scott, Ernest H., 1002 Rutger St., Utica, N. Y. Scripture, Parker F., 536 Turin St., Rome, N. Y.; 125 N. James St., same. Seccomb, M. LeRoy, 187 E. Genesee St., Auburn, N. Y.; 224 W. Genesee St., same. Seymour, F. Eugene, 65 N. Pine Ave., Albany, N. Y.; State Education Bldg., same. Sheffield, Harry J., 128 Pleasant Ave., Frankfort, N. Y. Sholes (Auten), Gertrude M., Princeville, 111. SiNCERBEAUX, George C, 96 E. Genesee St., Auburn, N. Y. Sleeth, Charles S., North Syracuse. Smith, Ernest R., 715 Allen St., Syracuse; North High School, same. Snow, Leslie D., 22 Grant Ave., Auburn, N. Y. Snyder (Wooster), Edith, Walden, N. Y. Sowers, Frank, 23 Barker Ave., White Plains, N. Y.; 141 Broadway, New York City. Sprague, Clarence A., 413 Park Ave., East Orange, N. J.; 463 West St., New York City. Stafford (Barber), Alice, Essex, N. Y. Stobo, John B., 743 Allen St., Syracuse; 17 Battery Place, New York City. Stone, S. Harold, 213 Highland Ave., Syracuse; O. C. S. Bank Bldg., same. Strong, Frank R., Brewerton, N. Y. Sturges, Norman D., Bellerose, Long Island, N. Y.; Post Office Box 120, Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. SwiNNEY, John B., 116 Hillcrest Ave., Park Hill, Yonkers, N. Y.; Winchester Co., New Haven, Conn. Taft, Andrew G., 1108 12th Ave., Seattle, Wash. Taitt (Milton), Mildred L. L., Fairbank, Arizona. PRESENT CLASS ROSTER 29 Telfer (Searl), Anna E., 612 Walnut Ave., Syracuse. Templeton, Irving R., 466 W. Ferry St., Buffalo, N. Y.; 807-11 White Bldg., same. Terry, Claude P., 307 Emerson Ave., Syracuse. Thorp (Hathaway), Hazel B., 65 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y,; State Education Department, same. Throop (Protheroe), Beatrice C, 6 Warren Ave., Troy, N. Y. ToNEY, Charles E., 210 W. 133rd St., New York City; 184 W. 135th St., same. Train, John L., 38 Watson Place, Utica, N. Y.; 239 Genesee St., same. Truran, Harold B., Brewster, N. Y.; 2052 Grand Central Station, New York City. Tucker, Maude M., Essex, N. Y.; 129 Grove St., Stam- ford, Conn. TwoMBLY, Earle K., 74 Russell Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.; 240 Kensington Ave., same. Van Duyne, Cornelius, Moravia, N. Y.; Bureau of Soils, Washington, D. C. ViCKERY, Orris S., 74 Church St., Belfast, Me.; Pythian Block, same. Waring, Agnes L., 95 Hanover St., Elmhurst, Long Island, N. Y.; High School, New Brunswick, N. J. Warren, George K., 28 Ross St., Batavia, N. Y. Waterbury (Ross), Evelyn, 326 Sargeant St., Hartford, Conn. Webb, Herbert A., South Otselic, N. Y. Whalen, Clarence J., Bergen, N. Y. Wheeler (Blackhurst) , Adelaide E., 286 Harvard Ave., Crescentwood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. WiKOFF, Earl N., Richfield Springs, N. Y. ; Manlius, N. Y, Wilcox, Robert E., 1405 Highland Ave., Rochester, N. Y.; Court House, same. 30 THE CLASS OF 1904 WiLDMAN, Gilbert H., 243 Park Hill Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.; 33 W. 42nd St., New York City. WiLKiNS, Lawrence A., 598 W. 191st St., New York City; 500 Park Ave., New York City. Williams, Harry B., 309 Sheridan Ave., Crawfordsville, Ind.; Ben Hur Bldg., same. Williams, M. Edith, 411 Church St., Herkimer, N. Y. WiNSLOW, J. Orris, 879 Cornelia Ave., Chicago, 111.; 1369 Transportation Bldg., same. WooDLEY, Charles E., 1221 Whitesboro St., Utica, N. Y. WooLSEY, Royal D., Canastota, N. Y. Wright, Carl P., 412 Kensington Rd., Syracuse; 305 Union Bldg., same. Wright, Louis C, Prospect Ave. and E. 55th St., Cleve- land, O. Yerdon, Elmer J., Euclid, N. Y. Young, Allen D., Sheboygan, Wis. Young, Robert F., 434 N. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111.; 500 S. CHnton St., Chicago, 111. Young, William J., Clemson College, S. C. Last Known, Unknown, or Uncertain Addresses Allen, Claudia E., High School, Troy, N. Y. Backus, Chester T., R. F. D. No. 1., South New Berlin, N. Y. CooLEY (Rausch), Louise E., 1 Summit Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Deuchler (Kneip), Florence R., Cottage Apartments, Baltimore, Md. GoLDSTONE, George A., 730 Harrison St., Syracuse. Griesser, Robert A. Hadley, Albert S., Black River, N. Y. PRESENT CLASS ROSTER 31 Harrison, Matie, 763 Harrison St., Syracuse. Kenyon (MacFarland), Carolyn P., Tampa, Fla. ]Mathews (Pender), [Mary Alice, 483 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. MacDermott, Ada A., 408 Wyoming Ave., W. Pittston, Pa. Mills, David M., Oxbow, N. Y. Neeley (Thurston), Sarah Mansell, Woodstock, N. H. Shoemaker, Gertrude T., 489 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Pa. Smith, Eldredge, Swampscott, Mass. Smith, Roy L. Van Nostrand, Nora A., Wakpala, N. Dak. Class Officers Class Day President Robert E. Wilcox Vice-President . . Harry T. Baker, Liberal Arts Vice-President . . . Harry B. Searles, Medical Vice-President . . . Frank E. Clifford, Fine Arts Vice-President . Harry S. Poland, Applied Science Secretary Maude E. Heath Treasurer Robert W. Morey Chairman Exec. Com. . . . Edward J. M. Cannon Salutatordvn John H. Morecroft Valedictorian Louis B. Chaloux Orator George K. W'arren Pipe Orator Francis A. Hulst 32 THE CLASS OF 1904 Address to '05 Charles E. Woodley Prophetess Edith Snyder Historian Jennie E. Gilbert Poetess Elizabeth J. Hook Tree Orator J. Roy Allen Present Officers President Irving R. Templeton Vice-President Anna Telfer (Searl) Secretary-Treasurer . . . George W. Fowler Historian Arthur L. Evans Chairman Exec. Com J. Robert Rubin Permanent Exec. Com. : Officers, and Walter F. Baylis; Florence L. Distin; John W. Heal; Maude Heath (Wilcox); Maud MacLachlan; Ernest R. Smith; John B. Swinney; Earl N. Wikoff. BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF CLASS MEMBERS BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF CLASS MEMBERS Nathan Abelson Abelson has been practicing law in Syracuse since 1904. His offices are in the Onondaga County Sav- ings Bank Building. Married Sophie Kapon of Oswego, N. Y., October 24, 1909, and has one daughter, Shirley Ethel, born July 18, 1910. Has been supervisor for the 16th Ward since 1916. Has been claim attorney for the E. S. R. R. since 1905. Lives at 807 Harrison Street. Charles T. Adams Adams continued in Syracuse at the College of Medicine, receiving the M.D. degree in June, 1907, since which time he has been practicing medicine at Edwards, N. Y. He married Ruth E. Bancroft (Syracuse ex-'12), of Edwards, in 1910 and has two sons — Charles E., born September 24, 1914, and Edward P., born May 25, 1918. J. Roy Allen Roy Allen was a newspaper reporter and in editorial work, 1904-8, in Syracuse, Springfield, Mass., and New York; member of the firm of Piretti & Allen, publishers {New York Athletic Club Journal), 1908-11; advertising work in New York, 1911-13. Vice-President and Treasurer of the Mint Products Co., candy manufacturers ("Life-Savers"), New York City, 1913-20; Port Chester, N. Y., 1920 to date. Married Dorothy Park Baker, June |34 BIOGRAPHIC.\L SKETCHES 35 20, 1914. Has a daughter, Patricia, born July 4, 1916, and a son, John Rutledge, born February 20, 1920. Residence, East Street, Rye, X. Y. Business address. Port Chester, N. Y. Louise Allen {Howlett) Louise x\llen married Lewis Howlett, of Syracuse, June 27, 1905, and lives at Skaneateles, N. Y. She has two children — Jane Louise, born Xovember 16, 1908, and James Lewis, born April 17, 1911. Is organist of the First Presbyterian Church of Skaneateles. Michael J. Allen Michael Allen has been a lawyer since graduation, with offices at 311 S. A. & K. Building, Syracuse. Has not married. Lives at 444 Wilkinson Street, Syracuse. Myron A. Allen Myron Allen is a metallurgist, with the Brown- Lipe Gear Company, Syracuse. After taking post- graduate work in chemistry at Syracuse, 1904-5, he was draftsman with the Smith-Premier Type- writer Company, Syracuse, 1905-9. In 1909 he went with Brown-Lipe as chemist and metallurgist, where he has since been. Unmarried. Lives at 759 Ostrom Avenue. Gregory G. Andrews Andrews is a teacher, on the faculty of the Voca- tional High School, Syracuse. Married May I. 36 THE CLASS OF 1904 Woods August 7, 1912, and has a daughter, Jane, born July 9, 1917. Lives at 135 Beverly Road, Syracuse. Alfred W. Armstrong Armstrong is a surgeon, practicing his profession at Canandaigua, N. Y. During 1904-16 he was a practicing physician and surgeon, but since 1916 has limited his practice to surgery. Married Ruth C. Voorhees (Syracuse, '02), of Basking Ridge, N. J., September 7, 1905, and has a son and three daugh- ters — Mary, born 1906, Jane, born 1910, Elizabeth, born 1913, and John Heffron, born November 18, 1920. He was coroner of Ontario County, 1908-15, and a member of the Canandaigua board of edu- cation, 1919. Was Captain, United States Army Medical Corps, eighteen months; discharged Febru- ary 1, 1919; at Fort Benjamin Harrison, three months. Camp Custer, five months, and General Hospital No. 15, Corpus Christi, Texas, ten months. Lives at 117 North Main Street, Canandaigua. Julia R. Babcock {Dunkley) Julia Babcock married Melville E. Dunkley July 21, 1904, and lives at 709 West Lovell Street, Kala- mazoo, Mich. She has three children — Frances Carolyn, born June 9, 1906, Sam J., born March 13, 1908, and Julia Louise, born October 3, 1909. Grace N. Baird (Hersey) Grace Baird is in Tientsin, China, where her husband, Roscoe M. Hersey (Syracuse, '05), is BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 37 general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for Chinese. She was married to Mr. Hersey, November 16, 1906, and has three sons — Arthur Baird, born November 8, 1908, Roscoe M., Jr., born July 19, 1910, and John Richard, born June 17, 1914. She taught Latin and German in Madison, N. J., high school, 1904-6. Her residence is at 20 Recreation Road, Tientsin, China. Harry T. Baker "Bake" is one of the leading men in Y. M. C. A. work. At present he is Boys' Work Secretary of the International Committee for the Eastern region, with headquarters at 347 Madison Avenue, New York. Was student secretary of Columbia Uni- versity Y. M. C. A., 1904-8; Boys' Work Secretary, Harlem Y. M. C. A., New York, 1908-11 ; State Boys' Secretary, Virginia Y. M. C. A., 1911-16; Southern Boys' Work Secretary, International Committee, 1911; Prisoner-of-War and Russian Army Y. M. C. A. work, Russia, 1916-18. Married Olive Dawes, of Johnstown, N. Y., August 29, 1906. One daugh- ter, Mary Elizabeth, born August 23, 1907. Lives at 2386 Grand Avenue, New York. LooMis Baldrey Baldrey is Prosecuting Attorney of Whatcom County, Wash., with headquarters at the Court House, Bellingham. After graduation on the hill he took his law degree at Syracuse, June, 1906, and has been practicing law ever since, choosing the far 38 THE CLASS OF 1904 west. Married Winona F. Hine, of Jamesville, N. Y., June 16, 1906. Has two boys — Kirby H., born June 26, 1907, and Clayton H., born July 5, 1911. Was Deputy Prosecuting Attorney of What- com County, 1915-18. He was United States Government appeal agent for his county and city during the war. Lives at 1112 Myrtle Street, Bellingham, Wash. Frederick O. Ballard Ballard is a manufacturer with headquarters at 10 Spruce Street, New York. Has pursued this line of work since graduation. Married Emma G. Greenaway, of Howell, Mich., in 1906. Has three children — La Verna, born March, 1910, Merlin, born January, 1912, and Geraldine, born January, 1918. Lives at Howell, Mich. Harry Barber Barber is practicing law in Syracuse, with offices at 605 Dillaye Building. Has been a Syracuse lawyer ever since graduation. Is unmarried. Lives at 622 James Street. During the war he was secre- tary of local board No. 2, Syracuse. Claire C. Bateman "Bate" is in the automobile business at 110 Main Street, Dansville, N. Y. Married Ellen Harris December 22, 1915. Lives at 82 Main Street, Dansville. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 39 John L. Bauer Bauer is a surgeon with home and offices at 984 Bushwick Parkway, Brooklyn. Married Marie R. Jurgens of Brooklyn, N. Y., October 9, 1906, and has seven children, four sons and three daughters — John L. J., born July 22, 1908, Dorothy M., born July 3, 1909, William B. A. J., born November 13, 1911, Jurgens, born May 26, 1913, Donald de Forest, born December 31, 1914, Betty Emaura, born November 8, 1916, and Lois M., born August 26, 1918. During the war he was Examiner for the Medical Advisory Board. He is attending surgeon to the Wyckoff Heights Hospital of Brooklyn and to the Brooklyn State Hospital. Walter F. Baylis "Ky" Baylis is in the general insurance business at 331 Madison Avenue, New York. He has been in New York in the real estate and insurance busi- ness since graduation. Is unmarried. Was Captain in the United States Army, Ordnance Department, January, 1918, to April, 1919. Was disbursing officer for government work with the Dupont Company. Lives at 252 West 91st Street, New York. Katharine A. Bemis (Wilson) Katharine Bemis Wilson was married to John W. Wilson, of Syracuse, in 1904. Has one son, John W., Jr., born June 29, 1910. Lives at 862 Ostrom Avenue, Syracuse. She has written critical and historical articles for various musical publications. 40 THE CLASS OF 1904 Clarence J. Benjamin Benjamin is a Methodist minister, with a pas- torate at St. Clair, in the Pennsylvania Conference of the M. E. Church. He has been in this conference since graduation. Married Agnes Elvey, of Hallstead, Pa., in 1907. Has one son, Gilbert W., born August 9, 1909. Has written a book, "Christian Unity." In 1906 traveled in England, Holland, Belgium and Germany, specializing in church history. Did post-graduate work in Com- parative Religions, in the University of Pennsyl- vania, 1917-18. Was a member of the Philadelphia Conference Board of Examiners of Ministerial Candidates, 1912-16. Charles H. Bennett Bennett is a Methodist preacher at Hinesburg, Vt. He has been in the ministry of the M. E. Church ever since graduation, except for thirteen months in Y. M. C. A. war work, as Religious Work Secre- tary in Tide Water district, Virginia. Married Nellie C. Rose, of Pittstown, N. Y., September 24, 1904. Has an adopted son, Alton D., born November 29, 1904. Received degree of Bachelor of Divinity from Drew Theological Seminary. Marcus C. Bettinger Bettinger is engaged in farming at Artesia, Calif. He was Assistant Superintendent of Schools of Los Angeles for fifteen years and was offered the Superintendency in 1906. Resigned June, 1918. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 41 Married Laura A. Gaige, of Los Angeles, in 1888 and has three sons — John M., born November 10, 1889, Arthur B., born January 17, 1892, and George E., born July 1, 1893. He was originally in the Class of '85, but had to leave college and came back for his degree with '04. Ella Cole Bohr Ella Bohr is managing a tea room at 49 East Main Street, Freehold, N. J. Since graduation she has done considerable teaching. Lives in Freehold. Frank A. Boyd Boyd has been a Methodist minister since gradua- tion; now stationed in charge of the church at Newark, N. Y. Has served churches at Milo Centre, Williamson and Canastota. Married Ruby Wightman, of West Monroe, N. Y., in 1905. Has two sons and two daughters — Edgar, born October 2, 1907, Lucile, born August, 1909, Evelyn, born February, 1912, and Donald, born November, 1913. Eugene J. Brady 'Gene Brady is a farm manager at Pawling, N. Y., where he resides. After graduation he was, for several years, a salesman and bond broker in New York. Married Mabel Martin, of Plattsburg, N. Y., in 1907 and has four children, a daughter and three sons — John Martin, Elizabeth Wyman, Eugene Joseph, Jr., and Donald Paul. 42 THE CLASS OF 1904 De Forest E. Brane Brane is a farmer at Cato, N. Y. Was a school principal and superintendent, 1904-18. Married Olive Belle Olney (Cornell, '01), of Weedsport, N. Y., February 14, 1903. Has ^ve sons — Maxwell, born July 10, 1904, Malcolm, born June 1, 1908, Kenneth, born September 30, 1909, Benjamin, born October 16, 1912, and Ward, born January 6, 1917. Jennie May Brown Jennie Brown is a bookkeeper at 47 Main Street, Bradford, Pa. She was a teacher, 1904-16, and has been a bookkeeper since 1916. Lives at 9 Edna Avenue, Bradford. John H. Burke Burke is an attorney with offices at 614 S. A. & K. Building, Syracuse. He has been practicing law in Syracuse since graduation. Is unmarried. Lives at 400 Graves Street. Frederick T. Burns Burns is practicing law with offices at 2 Grand Street, White Plains, N. Y. Has been an attorney since 1904. Married Mabel G. Husted, of White Plains, N. Y., April 20, 1910. Has been corporation counsel for the village of Hastings-on-Hudson since 1915. Lives at 57 Hillside Avenue, Hastings-on- Hudson. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 43 Albert E. Campbell Campbell is a lawyer at Canastota, N. Y. Prac- ticing since 1904. Married Laura H. Farnham February 11, 1916. Has one daughter, Nancy, born 1919. Was in overseas war service as a Y. M. C. A. Hut Secretary with the 2nd Division, December 15, 1917, to December 15, 1918. Francis A. Canfield Canfield practiced law in Syracuse five years; then went with the National Surety Company, and has been thus engaged ever since. Is now general agent for this company at Syracuse. Married Lena M. Soule, of Rossburg, N. Y., November 15, 1905, and has a daughter, Frances Beverly, bom 1908. Lives at 112 Hampton Road, Syracuse. Edward J. M. Cannon Eddie Cannon is a merchant at Third and Niagara Streets, Niagara Falls, where he has been thus occu- pied since graduation. Married Myrtle MacGlashen September, 1912. Lives at 530 Fourth Street, Niagara Falls. Perry A. Carpenter Carpenter is a teacher of mathematics in the West High School, Rochester, N. Y. Was professor of science, Walden University, Nashville, Tenn., 1904-5; teacher of mathematics, Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1905-13; teacher of mathe- matics. West High School, Rochester, 1913 to date. 44 THE CLASS OF 1904 Married Maude A. Bonney, of Pulteney, N. Y., August 14, 1907. Has one son, Donald Clare, born October 24, 1908. Was a graduate student at the University of Chicago, 1910. Is vice-president of the Baraca-Philathea City Union and president of the Epworth League of Rochester district. Lives at 375 Aberdeen Street, Rochester. Roy W. Carpenter "Carp" is president and treasurer of the W. D. Carpenter Company, manufacturing chemists, 512 East Water Street, Syracuse. Has been in business life since graduation. Married Theodora F. Stark, June 5, 1912. Has two sons — William Stark, born November 20, 1915, and Theodore Root, born Janu- ary 15, 1919. Lives at 309 Allen Street, Syracuse. Leon T. Carter Carter is with the General Electric Company at 120 Broadway, New York — has been with the same house since graduation. Was in the test depart- ment at Schenectady, 1904-6; construction depart- ment in connection with electrification of steam railroads, also apparatus for electric railways, 1906- 18; railway engineering specialist. New York office, 1918 to date. Married Emily May Allen, May 29, 1910. Lives at 848 East 163rd Street, New York. Louis B. Chaloux Chaloux is a preacher, pastor of Plymouth M. E. Church, Buffalo — his fourth pastorate since grad- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 45 uation. Was seminary student, and graduate stu- dent at Columbia, 1905-6. Began pastoral work, 1907. Married Mary A. York (Syracuse, ex-'06), of Syracuse, November 8, 1906. Has a son and a daughter — Barbara Blaine, born March 20, 1908, Louis York, born August 2, 1912. Received B.D. degree from Drew Theological Seminary, and Doctor of Divinity from Syracuse, 1920. Lives at 443 Porter Avenue, Buffalo. Frank E. Clifford Clifford is an architect with offices at 117 James Street, Syracuse. Has been an architect since graduation. Married Esther Stillman Beebee, of Syracuse, June 10, 1913. Served in the World War as Captain in the Construction Division, Quarter- masters' Corps. Lives at 1138 Bellevue Avenue, Syracuse. LuLA A. CoE {Jameson) Lula Coe married Paul M. Jameson, December 25, 1912, and lives at Hanover, 111. From 1904 to 1912 she was teaching. IsABELLE p. Coffin Isabelle Coffin is a teacher of English in the Bay Ridge High School in Brooklyn. She has been an English teacher since graduation, at Watertown, N. Y., 1904-8; Springfield, Mass., 1908-12; Brook- lyn since 1912. Received A.M. degree from 46 THE CLASS OF 1904 Columbia University, 1916. Was secretary of the New York Alumnae Association. Frank H. Collins "Colly" has been an attorney in Syracuse since graduation. His oflSces are at 615-616 City Bank Building. Married May P. Gilbert, of Mamaroneck, N. Y., October 16, 1907. Has two daughters — Frances May, born October 25, 1909, and Vera Elizabeth, born May 3, 1918. During the war he was a member of the local questionnaire board. Lives at 661 Madison Street. Arthur Stanley Copeland Copeland is in the wholesale confectionery busi- ness in Rochester, N. Y. He has been in this business since 1913; two years in Toronto, and since 1915 in Rochester. Married Ethel Cotton, of Toronto, September 8, 1914, and has five children — Benjamin Vincent, born June 19, 1915; Margaret Audrey, born September 19, 1917; Richard James, born September 14, 1919; twin daughters, Lois and Kathleen, born September 16, 1920. Between graduation and 1913 Copeland was engaged at vari- ous times as a school principal at St. Regis Falls, N. Y., in life insurance and in real estate, and was president of the Orange Publishing Company at the University for awhile. His address is 56 Hazelwood Terrace, Rochester. Henry D. Costello "Cos" is practicing law in Syracuse with offices BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 47 at 706 City Bank Building. Received LL.B. degree at Syracuse, 1901; B.S. degree, Seton Hall College, 1896. Married Evelyn E. Fargo, June, 1918. Lives at 214 Highland Avenue. Charles L. Crane Crane is a lawyer at Addison, N. Y. Married Grace A. Strang (Syracuse, ex-'04), of Westfield, Pa., in 1906. Has one daughter, Janet Elizabeth, born March 31, 1909. Has been corporation counsel of Addison. Was postmaster of Addison during Presi- dent Taft's administration. During the war he was chairman of liberty loan and war savings committees and on the county board of attorneys on question- naires. Minnie D. Crofoot Minnie Crofoot is teaching in the high school at Yonkers, N. Y. Received the Ph.M. degree at Syracuse, 1905. Taught one year in Endicott, N. Y., high school; ten years in Palmyra, N. Y., high school; since 1916 has been at Yonkers high school. Lives at 27 Cliff Avenue, Yonkers. Her Syracuse home is at 129 East Pleasant Avenue. Eleanore Cross Eleanore Cross is teaching at Port Washington, Long Island, N. Y. She has been teaching in high schools since graduation, and has been doing con- siderable "New Thought" work in New York City, including stories for children. Lives at Fulton ville, N.Y. 48 THE CLASS OF 1904 Henry E. Crossley Crossley is an M. E. clergyman with a pastorate at Groton, N. Y. Married Anne B. Bush, of Brook- neal, Va., December 23, 1902, and has four daughters — Lonnelle, born June 27, 1905, Florence, born June 8, 1906, Virginia May, born May 1, 1908, and Gene- vieve, born December 3, 1909. Was in the great war as a Y. M. C. A. Religious Secretary, stationed at the Naval Training Station, Hampton Roads, Va. Chester D. Crowell Crowell is an electrical engineer with the General Electric Company, with offices at 1024 Onondaga County Savings Bank Building, Syracuse. Is un- married. Is active in Masonic circles. Lives at 202 Elizabeth Street, Syracuse. Blanche Davidson {Doyle) Blanche Davidson married CM. Doyle January 1, 1908, and lives at Brevard, N. C. Has two daugh- ters and one son — Blanche Laurina E., born October 4, 1908, John W., born November 8, 1911, and Nellie M., born March 17, 1915. Taught at Palmyra, N. Y., two years and at Madison, N. J., a year and a half. Was a member of the co-operative committee of the American Red Cross during the war. Her husband is a Syracuse '03 graduate. John O. Da vies "J. O." is practicing law in Butte, Mont., with an office at 507-8 Silver Bow Block. Married BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 49 Katheryn White, October 10, 1910, and has a son and two daughters — Frances, born August 30, 1911; John, born April 26, 1915, and Katheryn, born Decem- ber 10, 1916. Received his LL.B. degree from Syracuse, 1906. Was a member of the Butte local advisory board in the war. Lives at 808 Diamond Street, Butte. Sylvanus S. Da vies Davies is a minister, pastor of Grace M. E. Church, Rochester, N. Y. Married Mabel Eleanor Baxter, of Parish, N. Y., June 28, 1905. Has one son, Baxter Tudor, born October 3, 1908. Has been in M. E. pastoral work since graduating, at Parish, Rome, Adams, and Ogdensburg, N. Y. Went to Rochester, October, 1920. Lives at 58 Mason Street, Rochester. He succeeded Louis Chaloux in his present Rochester pastorate. Received D.D. honorary degree from Syracuse, 1920. M. Alberti DeFrank DeFrank is a lawyer in Syracuse with offices at 614 Gurney Building. He is chattel mortgage clerk of Onondaga County, with headquarters at the county clerk's office. He was clerk to the majority leader of the New York State Senate, 1919; com- mittee clerk. New York State Assembly, 1915-18; naturalization examiner. United States Bureau of Naturalization, Department of Labor, 1919. Re- ceived LL.B. degree at Syracuse, 1907. W^as asso- ciate member legal advisory committee of Onondaga 50 THE CLASS OF 1904 County during the war. Is unmarried. Lives at 816 East Washington Street, Syracuse. Florence L. Distin Florence Distin is head of the piano department, Cazenovia Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y. Since gradu- ation she has been teaching piano history, music and harmony. Studied with Alberto Jonas in Berlin, 1910-11. Lives at 316 Hannibal Street, Fulton, N. Y. Grace M. Dornburg (Bagnall) Grace Dornburg (Bagnall) is a piano teacher in Schenectady. Was organist of the First Reformed Church for seven years and accompanist for the Philomel Club (ladies' choral society) for six years. Married Frank K. Bagnall August 9, 1909. Lives at 15 Linden Street, Schenectady. William E. Doughty Doughty is Associate General Secretary of the Inter-Church World Movement, with offices at 111 Fifth Avenue, New York. Has been engaged in religious work since graduation. Was Secretary of Young People's Missionary Department of the M. E. Church, 1904-10; Secretary Laymen's Mission- ary Movement, 1917-18; Methodist Centenary Staff, 1918-19; Associate General Secretary of the Inter-Church Movement, 1919 to date. Married Eveline Morgan, of Cortland, N. Y., July 2, 1902. Has a son and a daughter — Donald M., born April 20, 1904, and Florence Eleanor, born March 14, 1911. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 51 Has written "The Call of the World" and "Effi- ciency Points"; also many pamphlets. Syracuse conferred the honorary degree of D.D. on him, 1918. Joseph S. East^lin Joe Eastman is a designer of railway structures, with headquarters at 713 Lyon & Healy Building, care of C. M. & St. Paul Railway, Chicago. He has been a civil engineer with railways and industries since 1904. Married Hazel A. Bennett, of Colum- bus, O., June, 1907. She died July 15, 1915. Has one son, Willard B., born July 15, 1915. Lives at 4417 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago. Gordon Edson Edson is a civil engineer with offices at 50 Tri- angle Building, Rochester, N. Y. Married Leila L. Lane, of Houghton, N. Y., December 25, 1907. Has one son, Lawrence Lane, born January 27, 1910. Lives at 121 Kenwood Avenue, Rochester. Edwin S. Edwards "Ned" Edwards is in the investment securities business with offices with O'Brian, Potter & Com- pany, Buffalo, N. Y. From 1904 to 1915 he was in the school equipment and supplies business. In 1915 went into his present line of activity. Is unmarried and lives at 57 Dorchester Road, Buffalo. HiLDEGARDE M. EdW.\RDS Hildegarde Edwards is a private teacher of art and French at Skaneateles, N. Y. After graduation 52 THE CLASS OF 1904 she taught four and a half years as head of the art department of Wyoming Seminary, this following one year spent abroad studying art as the winner of the Hiram Gee fellowship. Was inspector of election in her home district two years. Lives at 26 Jordan Street, Skaneateles. Thomas A. Enright Enright is with the architectural firm of Merrick & Randall, Syracuse. From 1904 to 1918 he practiced architecture, with Gaggin & Gaggin; on the hill, working on plans for the stadium, Bowne Hall, Sims Hall, etc.; at Water town; with Merrick & Randall, etc. Married Mary C. Cullen June 9, 1915. Lives at 237 Elizabeth Street, Syracuse. Arthur L. Evans Evans is president of the Retail Shoe Salesmen's Institute, 727 Atlantic Avenue, Boston. Is a director of The Shoe Retailer, a weekly trade publi- cation; editor and vice-president of the Illustrated Footwear -Fashion, 1904-9; founded and was presi- dent of The Shoeman, 1909-16; amalgamated The Shoeman and The Shoe Retailer, July, 1916, becom- ing vice-president and general manager. Married Julie M. Keller, of Durhamville, N. Y., June 12, 1909; she died November 24, 1909. Married Jessie A. Adams, of Boston, September 12, 1914. Has two daughters — Elizabeth, born April 18, 1916, and Marion Masters, born June 20, 1918. Has written one book, ** Correct Shoe Fitting." Sec- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 53 retary-treasurer of the Boston Alumni Association since 1905, and is a member of the Alumni Council; has been director of the Alumni Association and member of the Athletic Governing Board. Lives at 125 School Street, Braintree, Mass. WilliajVI a. Fahey Fahey is a physician under the United States Department of the Interior at Moqui Hospital, Keams Canon, Arizona. Married Esther O'Connor, of Syracuse, October 23, 1910. Lawrence J. Farrell Farrell is an electrical contractor at East Roches- ter, N. Y., where he resides. Was an electrical engineer, 1904-13; a contractor thereafter. Married Elizabeth Smith January 25, 1910, and has two daughters — Mary Elizabeth, born October 19, 1911, and Catharine Smith, born July 16, 1918. Joseph D. Fennen Fennen is an architect at 80 Griswold Street, Detroit, Mich. Has been steadily engaged at his profession since graduation. Among other things he did the largest individual work, associated with Carrere & Hastings, in the design and construction of the head office Bank of Toronto, Toronto, Canada — cost two and a half million dollars. During the war he was engaged on cantonment construction work. Self ridge aviation field. Married Lillian C. Buckley, September 19, 1906, and has a son and 64 THE CLASS OF 1904 a daughter — Joseph Buckley, born August 27, 1907, and Mary EHzabeth, born September 5, 1914. Lives at 630 Parkview Avenue, Detroit. Fred L. Fenton Fenton is a civil engineer with headquarters at 49 Lafayette Street, New York. Has been practic- ing his profession since graduation. Lives at 125 East 28th Street, New York. Is unmarried. Arthur H. Ferguson Ferguson is teacher of history and social sciences in the North High School, Syracuse. This has been his profession since graduation. Taught in Pough- keepsie six years; rest of the time in Syracuse. Is unmarried. Lives at 115 Clarke Street. Ray D. Fisher Fisher is a teacher in the senior high school, McMinnville, Ore. Has been teaching ever since graduation. Received A.M. degree from the Uni- versity of Oregon. Lives at 573 Main Street, Portland, Ore. Harry S. Poland Poland is an electrical engineer, located at 195 Fifth Avenue, New York City, room 507. He came to New York sometime late in 1920 after having been in Chicago for many years. After graduating with '04 he did post-graduate work at the Massa- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 55 chusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, for a year and then went to Chicago. He is married and lives at 30 North Maple Street, Plainfield, N. J.; but further than these meagre facts, the historian is unable, without the exercise of undue violence, to extract sufficient data for a reasonable outline of his career, professionally, domestically and other- wise. Edward E. Ford Ford is director of the department of physics in the West High School, Rochester, N. Y. Since graduation has been teaching physics and chemistry. He is secretary of the New York State Science Association and president of the Western New York Science Teachers' Association. Married Jennie E. Randall, of Le Roy, N. Y., June 26, 1907, and has two daughters and one son — Elizabeth E., born September 19, 1908, Ruth Mary, born February 14, 1910, and Edward Randall, born July 15, 1913. Lives at 261 Brooks Avenue, Rochester. George W. Fowler Fowler is a member of the faculty of the Cen- tral high school, Syracuse. Has been a teacher, continuously, since graduation. Married Helen Col- lins in 1909. Member of Alumni Council. Has a son and a daughter — Burton C, born December 17, 1910, and Betty, born May 31, 1918. Lives at 847 Ackerman Avenue, Syracuse. 56 THE CLASS OF 1904 Nathan E. Francis Francis is a merchant at Carthage, N. Y. Has been in the mercantile world since graduation. Married Helen Sawyer September 3, 1910. Has two children — Mary, born December 1, 1912, and Jean, born August 29, 1918. Basil R. Gabriel "Gabe" is in Turkey with the American Y. M. C. A., for welfare work. He spent two years in Y. M. C. A. work in France during the war. Was a student at Drew Theological Seminary, 1904-6, receiving the B.D. degree in 1906. Received A.M. degree from Colgate, 1914. Was an M. E. clergy- man, serving pastorates in the Northern New York Conference, 1906-17. Married Ethel Mac Edwards, of Waterloo, N. Y., September 19, 1906. Had a son, George Egbert, born December, 1907, but who lived only a few days. His address is: Y. M. C. A., 40 Rue Cabistan, Constantinople, Turkey. Home address, Hamilton, N. Y. Lois L. L. Gannett Mrs. Gannett is practicing medicine at Adams, N. Y. Until 1914 she had a general practice, both at office and calling, but since then has confined herself to office practice only. Jennie E. Gilbert (Smith) Jennie Gilbert married Ernest R. Smith (Syra- cuse, '04), of Syracuse, July 24, 1907, and has two BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 57 daughters — Harriet Katherine, born March 28, 1908, and Adeha Virginia, born February 6, 1911. She did post-graduate work at Syracuse for a year after graduation in 1904 and received A.M. degree, 1905. Lives at 715 Allen Street, Syracuse. Louis A. Gould Gould is a physician with office at 723 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, and a residence at 855 Ackerman Avenue. Has been practicing medicine since 1904. Married Bessie K. Draime, of Syracuse, June 28, 1910, and has two sons — Robert F., born May 15, 1914, and Richard D., born November 13, 1916. Milton D. Graham Graham is a physician at Utica, N. Y., with home and office at 1 Steuben Park. He is visiting physician to St. Elizabeth's Hospital. During the war was a member of the Volunteer Medical Service Corps. Married Katharine Heintz, July 23, 1915. Jacob E. Gramlich "Jake" Gramlich is a mechanical engineer, which profession he has followed with various concerns since graduation. Was mechanical engineer for the Buffalo Forge Company, 1904-8; professor of practical mechanics, Syracuse University, 1908-13; chief engineer. Chase Motor Truck Company, 1913- 16; chief engineer, Sanford Motor Truck Company, 1916-19; with C. E. Chase Tractors Corporation, 58 THE CLASS OF 1904 1919-1920. Married A. Isabelle Kowald, of Buf- falo, November 16, 1904, and has two sons and a daughter — Harriet D., born September 4, 1906, Frederick M., born April 16, 1911, and Jacob E., Jr., born July 3, 1913. Was a member of the Board of Education, Syracuse, 1913-16. He is at present doing some special work at Canastota, N. Y. Lives at Fayetteville, N. Y. George M. Haight Haight is an attorney at 504 The Bastable, Syracuse. Was a school principal, 1906-10; practic- ing law, 1910. Married Gertrude M. Hyde, of Syracuse, June 27, 1906. Has two daughters and one son — Jeannette Hyde, born July 27, 1909, Alfred W., born August 28, 1911, and Hildegarde Hopkins, born March 22, 1917. Has been justice of the peace, town of Onondaga, since 1912, and assistant district attorney, Onondaga County, 1917 to date. Member legal advisory board, Onondaga County, during the war. Received A.B. degree from Syracuse, 1901. Lives at Onondaga Valley. George A. Hamilton Hamilton is an architect in Washington, D. C, where he went in March 1918, to do war work. Since graduation he has practiced architecture in Rochester and New York City, also eight years in Seattle, Wash., and Victoria, B. C, Canada, and four years in Watertown. For two years he was advisory architect of the Hospital Section Con- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 59 struction Division, War Department, at Washington, with direct supervision of the preparation of all hospital plans for army camps and general hospitals throughout the United States. Married Grace H. Entwistle (Syracuse, '05), July 30, 1908, and has one son and two daughters — Robert Martin, born January 5, 1910, Elizabeth Dorothy, born October 13, 1912, and Martha Louise, born May 25, 1919. Permanent address is Three Mile Bay, N. Y. Seymour Handy Handy is head of the history department in the high school at New Rochelle, N. Y. He has been teaching since graduating with '04, at Minoa, Otego, Germantown and Oswego; went to New Rochelle March 1, 1917. He has nearly completed work for an A.M. degree at Columbia and is also studying for the B.S. degree at New York University. Has written two books, "Outlines of American History," and "Selected Questions in American History." Married Genevieve Ruth Stocum of Syracuse, October 15, 1905, and has a son and two daughters — Seymour, Jr., born August 30, 1906; Helen G., born November 12, 1909, and Amorita E., born January 7, 1916. Lives at 334 Fifth Avenue, New Rochelle. George S. G. Hares Hares is pastor of the M. E. Church at Corning, N. Y. Has been a Methodist clergyman since graduation. Married Bertha L. Bigelow, of Altay, 60 THE CLASS OF 1904 N. Y., January 1, 1907. Has one son, Francis, born July 3, 1916. A daughter. Flora Maude, born April 21, 1913, died May 11, 1916. Hares received the S.T.B. degree from Boston University School of Theology. Home address is 169 East Second Street, Corning. Olive Hartwig (Frost) Olive Hartwig married Howard Brett Frost (Cornell, '08), September 1, 1915. Previously she taught Latin in Walden, N. Y., Lake wood, N. Y., and Hempstead, N. Y. She has two children — Robert Hartwig, born July 2, 1917, and Caroline Warren, born October 24, 1918. Her home is at 372 Beverly Court, Riverside, Calif. Raymond S. Hatch Hatch is manager of manufacturing for the Hamersley Mfg. Co., Garfield, N. J. Since gradua- tion he has been occupied as follows: Chemist, Ozone- Vanillin Co.; superintendent. Heller & Merz Co., 1907-12; general superintendent, Crocker- McElwain Co., Holyoke, Mass., 1912-19; Hamersley Mfg. Co., 1919 to date. Married Emily Male, of Buffalo, September, 1908. Has one son, Frank Raymond, born July 20, 1914. Has been president of the Technical Association of the pulp and paper industry and member of the executive committee of the American Paper and Pulp Association. Was on the war service committee of the Technical Asso- ciation of the pulp and paper industry. Lives at 14 Whitford Avenue, Nutley, N. J. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 61 Lunette G. Havens Lunette Havens is a teacher in the Union high school, Turtle Creek, Pa. Since graduation she has been teaching at Chittenango, N. Y., high school, and at Horseheads, N. Y., high school. Her home is at 114 Palmer Avenue, Syracuse. Charles O. Hays Hays is in the real estate business, the Hays- Morris Co., at 302 Niagara Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. After a year's post-graduate work at Syracuse he was chemist for the Union Carbide Company, 1905-9; in real estate business, 1909 to date. Is president of two real estate corporations and one building company. Married Grace Drury, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., July, 1908. Has a son and a daughter — F. Drury, born June 23, 1912, and Ruth Naomi, born June 29, 1917. Lives at 459 Twelfth Street, Niagara Falls. John W. Heal, Jr. Heal is practicing law in Seattle, with offices at 802 Lowman Building. After taking his LL.B. at Syracuse, 1906, he went west to practice his profes- sion. Was legal adviser to drafted men in the war. Married Reva G. Casper (Syracuse, '07), September 16, 1913. Lives at 403 Terry Avenue, Seattle. Maude E. Heath (Wilcox) Maude Heath married L. Dudley Wilcox (Am- herst, '99), of Fulton, N. Y., October 4, 1906, and 62 THE CLASS OF 1904 lives at Fulton, N. Y., where her husband was super- intendent of schools. Taught mathematics, 1904-6; was vice-principal, Penn Yan, N. Y., academy, 1906-7. Lives at 406 South Fourth Street, Fulton, N. Y. She has two daughters — Mary Elizabeth, born January 27, 1909, and Gretchen Dudley, born July 9, 1913. J. Walter Heffernan "Heff" is a lawyer in Elmira, N. Y. Has been practicing law since graduation. Is unmarried. Received A.B. degree at Williams, 1902, before entering the law college at Syracuse. His office is at 214 East Water Street, and his home at 303 East Church Street, Elmira. Jesse S. Heiman Heiman is a physician and surgeon with office and residence at 378 West End Avenue, New York City. He practiced in Syracuse, 1904-15, then went to New York. Married Louise Henry, of Winchester, Va., November 4, 1908. Has one daughter, Jessie Louise, born June 14, 1911. While in Syracuse he was inspector of school children. Clementine Helfer (Cowles) Clementine Heifer married E. F. Cowles, of Newark, N. Y., August 12, 1909. Previous to her marriage she was preceptress of the Newark, N. Y., high school, 1904-9. Lives at 34 Prospect Street, Newark. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 63 Ross D. Helmer Helmer is a physician in Utica, N. Y., and specializes in psychiatry. Is on the staff of the Utica State Hospital. Married Dorothy Dickerson (Syracuse, '06), of Akron, N. Y., in 1906. His address is P. O. Box 500, Utica, N. Y. Mary Frances Hitchcock (Shay) Frances Hitchcock was married to Louis B. Shay, of Brockport, N. Y., June, 1906, and lives at 32 College Street, Brockport, N. Y. She taught in Palmyra, N. Y., high school, 1905-6. Elizabeth Hook (Shafer) Elizabeth Hook is the wife of G. C. Shafer, of Minneapolis, and lives at 3232 Fremont Avenue, South Minneapolis, Minn. She was, after gradua- tion, preceptress of the high school, Cuba, N. Y., for one year; taught at the Middleburgh, N. Y., high school, two years, and Rome, N. Y., free academy, one year. Married Mr. Shafer September 4, 1907. Has a son and a daughter — Leonard Hook, born June 20, 1911, and Marion Louise, born July 11, 1916. Thomas Wesley Hook Wesley Hook is a lawyer, with offices at 208-9 Central Office Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Has been a law student and lawyer since graduation. Married Agnes H. Brown Kirkland, of Bridgeport, N. Y., April 11, 1907. She died, May 18, 1918, leaving no 64 THE CLASS OF 1904 children. Hook volunteered as a private in the army, June, 1918, with Headquarters Company, 19th Infantry; later was with Headquarters Com- pany, 85th Infantry. Was successively a corporal and sergeant and was recommended for a first lieutenancy by his colonel. Discharged February 22, 1919. Is interested in Boy Scout work. Is also interested in the oil business. Lives at 221 Pecan Street, San Antonio. Bessie C. Howland Bessie Howland is a teacher of science and history in Concepcion College, Concepcion, Chile, South America. Since graduation she has taught in Palmyra, N. J.; in Clyde, N. Y.; in Santiago, Cuba, and in Concepcion. Her home is at Walton, N. Y. Francis A. Hulst Hulst is practicing medicine at Sayville, Long Island, N. Y. After taking his medical degree at Syracuse, 1904, he was two years an instructor in pathology and bacteriology in the College of Medi- cine, Syracuse, then went to Brooklyn to practice, remaining until 1919, when he went to Sayville. Married Bertha F. Emerick, M.D. (Syracuse, '05), of Fulton, N. Y., June 5, 1907, and has two sons and a daughter — Francis Abram, born January 8, 1909, Mary Caroline, born February 23, 1910, and Henry Louis, born February 24, 1915. He received the A.B. degree from Syracuse, 1901, and in 1904 the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 65 A.M. degree, as well as M.D. Was secretary of the local medical advisory board during the war. Grace Hunt (Tibbetts) Grace Hunt married Rev. C. C. Tibbetts (Syra- cuse, '09), of Syracuse, September 1, 1909, and has two daughters and a son — Eleanor, born August 15, 1910; Gladys Hunt, born January 18, 1913, and C. C, Jr., born October 28, 1919. Was engaged as a music teacher, voice and piano, until her marriage. Lives at Uncasville, Conn. Arthur S. Hurrell Hurrell is Professor of Vocational Education, and Director of the Department of Vocational Teacher Training, University of Pittsburgh. Since 1904 he has been a chemist, teacher, principal of a technical high school and was Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Indianapolis before going to Pittsburgh. Married Winifred Toles, of Westfield, N. Y., July, 1908. During the war he was Educational Director of four United States Army detachments, April 15, 1918, to September 8, 1918. Lives at 3138 Avalon Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Syracuse conferred on him the honorary Ph.D. degree, 1920. Alma E. Hurst Alma Hurst is academic head of the Benjamin School for girls in New York. She has been teaching since graduation. Her New York address is 144 Riverside Drive. Her home address is 309 East Willow Street, Syracuse. 66 THE CLASS OF 1904 Albert T. Jennings Jennings is a lawyer at 9 South First Street, Fulton, N. Y. Took his LL.B. degree at Syracuse, 1906, and has been practicing in Fulton ever since. Married Helen F. Gove, of Jamesville, N. Y., June 27, 1906, and has four sons and a daughter — Robert K., born June 28, 1908; Margaret E., born July 8, 1910, John M., born December 6, 1911, Homer T., born March 15, 1913, and Albert T., Jr., born July 22, 1917. Has been a member of the board of education, Fulton, 1914 to date. Lives at 205 Park Street, Fulton. LiNA C. Jennings {Moore) Lina Jennings married George O. Moore (Syra- cuse, '04), of Poland, N. Y., August 15, 1906, and resides at 712 West Tenth Street, Erie, Pa. She was preceptress of the Freeport, N. Y., high school, 1904-5; teacher of Latin, Hornell, N. Y., high school, 1905-6. Emily S. Johnson {Thomsen) Emily Johnson Thomsen lives in Omaha, Neb. She married Arthur C. Thomsen July 23, 1913, and has two daughters — Lystra Cecilia, born October 16, 1916, and Emily Margaret, born January 7, 1919. She taught in Punxsutawney, Pa., 1904-5; Mt. Jewett, Pa., 1905-6; was head of the English depart- ment, Shamokin, Pa., high school, 1906-13. Lives at 3173 Grand Avenue, Omaha. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 67 Frederick M. Johnson, Jr. Johnson is practicing medicine at Yonkers, N. Y., with office and residence at 25 Morris Street. Mar- ried Elizabeth A. Faihng, of Oswego, N. Y., Septem- ber 19, 1905, and has two daughters — Mary A., born May 11, 1909, and Katherine M., born January 24, 1911. Clarence W. Jones Clarence Jones is an architect with offices at 710 Washington Arcade, Detroit, Mich. Has been since graduation an architectural draftsman, super- intendent, specification writer, etc. He prepared the specffications for the Dodge arsenal building, covering eighteen acres during the war. Married Leila Brooks September 16, 1911, and has three sons — Lewis W., born September 5, 1912; Donald B., born November 26, 1913, and Bruce P., born January 29, 1918. Lives at 157 Richton Avenue, Detroit. Hyzer W. Jones Hyzer Jones is practicing medicine at 221 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. Graduated in medicine at Syracuse, 1907. Was interne at Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, R. I., 1907-9. Married Lurena J. Rawdon September 15, 1917. Was a member of local exemption board, district No. 2, Utica, also of the medical advisory board, during the war. Lives at 1002 Park Avenue, Utica. 68 THE CLASS OF 1904 Daniel J. Kelly Kelly is superintendent of schools, Binghamton, N. Y. For five years he was principal of the high school, Camden, N. Y.; three years superintendent of schools, Rome, N. Y.; present position since 1912. Received degree of Doctor of Pedagogy at Syracuse, 1919. Married Maude Goodwin, of Baldwinsville, N. Y., July 30, 1906. Has a daughter, Helen Goodwin, born December 26, 1907. Chester H. King King is a lawyer, member of the firm of Page & King, S. A. & K. Building, Syracuse. He married Kathleen Comstock, of Syracuse, November 8, 1905, and has a daughter and two sons — Caroline, born June 3, 1911; Chester H., Jr., born March 30, 1913, and Graham, born May 2, 1914. Was Captain of Troop D., First New York Cavalry, National Guard; nine months at the Mexican border, 1916-17. Was Major of the 104th Machine Gun Battalion, 27th Division, American Expedi- tionary Force. Lives at 206 DeWitt Street, Syracuse. Received A. B. degree at Harvard, 1902. RoscoE H. Knapp Knapp is a civil engineer in DuBois, Pa. Has been following this profession since 1904, principally in railroad work. Married Sara Saltsman in July, 1918. Lives at 148 West Long Avenue, DuBois. Julia C. Knowlton Julia Knowlton is librarian of the State Normal BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 69 School, Johnson, Vermont. Received the B.L.S. degree from the New York State Library School, Albany, N. Y. She has followed librarian work since graduation. Her permanent home address is 1618 East Genesee Street, Syracuse. IsADORE J. Levy Levy is a physician at 76 West 86th Street, New York. He received his M.D. from Columbia Uni- versity. Is unmarried. He was a First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps, United States Army, at Camp Greenleaf and Camp Upton, August 21, 1918- June, 1919. Pearl Levy Pearl Levy is doing Americanization work, teaching factory and evening school classes in Syracuse. Her home is at 502 Irving Avenue, Syracuse. Jose A. Lopez Lopez is a physician and surgeon in New York, with home and oflSce at 332 West 84th Street. Mar- ried Juanita Monroig, June, 1910, and has a son, J. A., Jr., born at San Juan, Porto Rico, March 19, 1911. Dr. Lopez has been a member of the Superior Board of Health and of the Insular Police Com- mission of Porto Rico, also surgeon to the peniten- tiary. Has written pamphlets on tropical surgery. Received A.B. degree from the Institute of Porto Rico, 1899. Practiced surgery since graduation and founded the Miramar Clinic for Surgery. 70 THE CLASS OF 1904 George D. Lynch Lynch is a physician in Syracuse, with home and office at 1631 South SaHna Street. Has been practic- ing since 1904. Married Irene Hughes in 1913, and has two boys — Charles H., born 1915, and George D., Jr., born 1918. Was a member of the Syracuse school commission, 1914-18. George M. MacAdam MacAdam is in Paris, France. Is assistant manager of the Allied Machinery Company de France, at 19 Rue de Rocroy. He was with the Isthmian Canal Commission for four years; with R. G. Dun & Co., one year; Fairbanks, Morse & Company, one year; Bureau of Municipal Research, New York City, four years. Went to Paris early in 1918 on special auditing work for the American International Corporation, the parent concern of his present connection. He is unmarried. His Ameri- can address is 51 Chambers Street, N. Y. City, care of Allied Machinery Company of America. Argyle McLachlan McLachlan is a cotton breeder and grower at El Centro, Calif. Was cotton breeder for the United States Department of Agriculture, 1904-5; same in private capacity, 1915 to date. Has written Depart- ment of Agriculture publications entitled: "Branch- ing Habits of Egyptian Cotton," and "Diversity in Egyptian Cotton." Married Pauline V. Clark December 20, 1910, and has one son, Argyle, Jr., born September 9, 1915. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 71 Maud MacLachlan Maud MacLachlan has been a teacher since graduation. Is on the faculty of the Central high school, Syracuse. Lives at 125 East Corning Avenue, Syracuse. Helen M. Marshall (Searle) Helen Marshall was married to Stephen N. Searle, of Newport, N. H., September 1, 1909, and lives at 119 East Manning Street, Providence, R. I. Taught school from graduation until her marriage. Has been president of the Federated Women's Club and the Suffrage Club. Arte V. Meade (Bohr) Arte Meade taught school for five years. Mar- ried Frank M. Bohr (Syracuse, ex-'05), of Boston, October 5, 1909. Lives at 41 Egremont Road, Brookline, Mass. George G. Merry Merry is in the blue print manufacturing business at 1100 White Building, Buffalo, N. Y. From 1904 on he was an electrical engineer and manufacturer. Married Marie R. Lockhart, of Buffalo, in 1907, and has two daughters — Hilda Roberta, born May 20, 1910, and Marion Lockhart, born July 15, 1914. Lives at 275 Highland Avenue, Buffalo. Lucia M. Meter Lucia Meter lives at 238 Abby Street, Fresno, Calif., where she is a teacher in the high school. She has been teaching since 1904. Went to Palo 72 THE CLASS OF 1904 Alto, 1910, as teacher in a private school. Owns a prune and apricot ranch near Stanford University. Has attended summer school there and at the Uni- versity of California, spending one college year at the latter institution. Minnie T. Mickle Minnie Mickle is a teacher in New York City, where her address is 44 Morningside Drive. She has been teaching since graduation. During the war she conducted civil service examinations in the New York custom house for government positions. Her home address is Chatham, N. Y. Edna F. Mitchell (Shepard) Edna Mitchell married Dr. Edwin H. Shepard (Syracuse, '01), of Syracuse, September 7, 1905, and resides at 413 South Crouse Avenue, Syracuse. Anna H. Moore (Funnell) Anna Moore married George W. Funnell, Sep- tember 24, 1907, and lives at 47 Rugar Street, Platts- burgh, N. Y. She has two sons — Charles Randolph Harding, born July 4, 1908, and Edwin Richards Harding, born August 21, 1911. Before marriage she taught in the high schools at Plattsburgh, Ellen- burg and Saranac Lake, N. Y., and Seymour, Conn. George O. Moore George ("Baldy") Moore is principal of the Central high school, Erie, Pa. Since 1904 he has been occupied as follows: Teaching in Fulton, N. Y., high school, 1904-6; principal practice department. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 73 Cortland, N. Y., state normal school, 1906-10; teacher, vice-principal and principal, Central high school, Erie, Pa., 1910 to date. Married Lina C. Jennings (Syracuse, '04), of Phoenix, N. Y., August 15, 1906. He is a civil service commissioner of Erie. Received the A.M. degree at Syracuse, 1909. Lives at 712 West Tenth Street, Erie. John H. Morecroft Morecroft is associate professor of electrical engineering, Columbia University. Has been engaged in engineering and teaching since graduation. Has written the following books: "Manual of Alter- nating Currents"; "Short Course in Electrical Testing"; "Continuous and Alternating Current Machinery"; "Radio." From the entry of the United States into the war he was in charge of "Asdics," a branch of submarine detection work, at the United States Experimental Station, New London, Conn., and navy yard. Key West, Fla., rating as a civilian technical expert. He went overseas for liaison work with the British and French navies. Married Aimee Henry in 1912, and has a son, John H., Jr., born March 3, 1914. Lives at Palisade, N. J. Robert W. Morey "Bob" Morey is in the investment securities business at 53 William Street, New York. He taught school four years, then went into business. Married Elizabeth M. Lewis, of Philadelphia, Pa., June, 1907.^ Lives at 140 West 69th Street, New York. 74 THE CLASS OF 1904 Myron B. Morris Morris is a physician and surgeon at Mariner's Harbor, Staten Island, N. Y. His home and office are at 3208 Richmond Terrace. Has been practic- ing at Mariner's Harbor since graduation. Is attending surgeon, St. Vincent's Hospital, Staten Island; also surgeon to Procter & Gamble Company, the Downey Shipbuilding Company, American Lin- seed Company and the Brewer Dry Dock Company. Married Ella S. Corson, of New Springfield, Staten Island, N. Y., November 17, 1906, and has a daughter and two sons — Lydia Louise, born November 22, 1907; Myron B., Jr., born January 13, 1909, and Thomas D wight, born May 4, 1911. Ethel Mott (Abel) Ethel Mott married Charles D. Abel, of Bingham- ton, N. Y., August 26, 1908, and lives at 12 Broome Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Prior to her marriage she was a music teacher. She has a daughter, Cecile Jane, born March 6, 1914. Earle a. Mo wry Mo wry is a physician and surgeon, practicing at Mexico, N. Y. Has been thus engaged since 1904. Married Margaret Brennan, of Pompey, N. Y., September 27, 1905, and has a son, John Brennan, born February 27, 1912. Howard J. Murray Murray has been engaged in electrical engineer- ing since graduating. He is at 353 Rugby Road, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 75 Brooklyn. Is the inventor of an electric gear shift. Married Harriett H. Howard, of Syracuse, November 8, 1906, and has two sons — Howard J., Jr., born August 27, 1909, and Robert E., born April 3, 1912. Mark W. Nelson Nelson is senior assistant engineer of the state Highway Department, headquarters at 53-55 Lan- caster Street, Albany, N. Y. Has been employed since 1904 as a civil engineer in the New York Highway Department. Married Carolyn M. Baker, of Granville, N. Y., August 8, 1905, and has a son, Mark W., Jr., born December 21, 1912. Lives at 268 Western Avenue, Albany. Earle B. Niles Niles is engaged in farming at Camden, N. Y. He taught school, 1904-13; was a cost accountant and salesman for two years; then took up agri- culture. Married Alice O. Parke, of Camden, N. Y., March 31, 1908. Address is R. F. D. No. 2, Camden, N. Y. Albert G. Odell Odell is a member of the medical staff of the Clifton Springs, N. Y., Sanitarium. He was an interne in the Rochester, N. Y., General Hospital, 1904-5; practiced medicine at West Henrietta, N. Y., 1905-11; traveled, 1913-15; member medical staff of Clifton Springs Sanitarium, 1911-13, and 1915 to date. Married Anna M. Hopper in 1909. Resides at the Sanitarium, Clifton Springs. 76 THE CLASS OF 1904 Nellie Olcott Nellie Olcott has been teaching since graduating. At present she is on the faculty of the Syracuse Teacher's Training School. Her home is at 1413 West Colvin Street, Syracuse. Frank J. O'Neill "Buck" O'Neill is a lawyer; is chief counsel of the Royal Indemnity Insurance Company with headquarters at 84 William Street, New York. He practiced law in Syracuse for several years before going to New York. Was head coach of Syracuse University football team for several years; also coached Colgate football a few seasons. He received his A.B. degree at Williams, 1902. Married Grace I. Northrup, of Ellicottville, N. Y., September 15, 1906, and has a daughter and three sons — Robert J., Emily M., Frank H., and Edward A. Lives at 30 Clinton Place, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. GuRDON Padget Padget is a physician at Cuyler, N. Y. Has been practicing medicine since 1904. Has been coroner of Cortland County and health officer of Cuyler. Married Frances S. Easton, 1903, and has a daughter, Frances Alice, born August 25, 1907. Frank A. Patterson Patterson is associate professor of English, Columbia University, New York. Has been a teacher and graduate student at Columbia since 1904. Received A.M. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia. Has written two books: "Middle BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 77 English Penitential Lyrics" (1910) ; "Shakspere and the Medieval Lyric" (1916). Married Bertha G. Cleveland (Syracuse, '05), of Naples, N. Y., Septem- ber 10, 1910. Has two sons — William Allen, born May 30, 1913, and Myron Cleveland, born June 2, 1916. Federico G. Perez Perez has been practicing law in San Juan, Porto Rico, since graduation. His offices are in the Ameri- can Railroad Company Building, San Juan, and his address is P. O. Box 1158, San Juan. Married Carmen Maria Martinez December 8, 1912, and has a daughter and a son — Blanca Elvira, born Septem- ber 25, 1916, and Federico Jose, born March 11, 1919. During the war was First Lieutenant, Com- pany M, 375th Infantry. Now is Captain in the Reserve Corps, Infantry Section, United States Army. Has been Secretary of the District Court at San Juan and Municipal Judge of Carolina, Guayama, and Cabo Rojo, and at present is attorney for the American Railway Company of Porto Rico. Received A.B. degree from Institute of San Juan. Arthur C. Perkins Perkins has been a civil engineer at Cornwall Landing, N. Y., since graduating. Married Caroline Tapley in 1911. Home address as above. C. Fred Phillips Phillips is an electrical inspector, U. A. of New York state. Since 1904 he has followed electrical 78 THE CLASS OF 1904 engineering with the General Electric Company, Washington Water Power Company, Spokane, Wash., and with the New York Telephone Company, at Syracuse. Married Lena G. Bennett, January, 1914, and has two sons — Warren W., born Septem- ber, 1914, and Douglas G., born April, 1917. His office is at 703 Wilder Building and his home is at 710 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Franklin D. Pierce Pierce is a physician specializing in nose, throat and ear, with offices at 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Has been practicing medicine since 1904. Took post-graduate work at the New York Post- Graduate Medical School Hospital and has two diplomas therefrom. Married Louise J. Boxall, July, 1904, and has a son, Duane Boxall, born May 12, 1907. Lives at 364 Plymouth Avenue, Buffalo. William S. Plumb Plumb is a draftsman with the Semet Solvay Company, Syracuse, and lives at 710 Irving Avenue, Syracuse. Is unmarried. Theodore L. Poole Poole is an attorney with office at 83 West Fayette Street, Syracuse. Took LL.B. degree at Syracuse, 1906, and has since practiced law. Was on the legal advisory board for the town of Dewitt, Onondaga County, during the war. Married Agnes H. Bolenius December 29, 1909, and has four sons — BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 79 Theodore L., Jr., born October 22, 1910; Robert W., born December 9, 1914; Ernest B., born April 6, 1916, and Sherman B., born January 23, 1920. Horace B. Pritchard Pritchard has been practicing medicine and surgery in Syracuse since graduation; at present his practice is Kmited to surgery. His office is at 104-6 University Block and he lives at 524 Ostrom Avenue. Married Edna L. Smith, of North Syracuse, April 17, 1906. During the war, July 27, 1918-Septem- ber 11, 1919, he was in overseas service as Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Was Chief of Surgical Service in Camp Hospital No. 49, Laignes, France. Returned with Fifth Division as Regimental Surgeon, 60th Infantry. G. Everett Quick Quick received the B. S. degree at Syracuse with the class of '02. After graduating in engineering with '04 he was draughtsman for the Kemp Mfg. Co.; electrical engineer with the General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.; graduate student and assistant in electrical engineering. College of Applied Science, Syracuse; engineer with Franklin Mfg. Co., Syracuse; assistant editor. Engineering News, New York City; consulting engineer at Syracuse, 1908; residence builder, Syracuse, 1910 to date. Is chair- man of the Alumni Council. Married Lena Masie Smith (Syracuse, '09), of Syracuse, May 26, 1910. She died January 1, 1916. Married Ethel E. 80 THE CLASS OF 1904 Brooks (Syracuse, '14), 1918. Has four children — Margaret A., born May 10, 1911; Eleanor L., born December 30, 1915; Carlton E., born May 29, 1919, and Robert T., born November 15, 1920. Home address, 744 Ostrom Avenue, Syracuse. Mary B. Quinlan (Norton) Mary Quinlan married William H. Norton, June, 1917, and lives at Jamesville, N. Y. She has a daughter, Ellen, born April 25, 1919. Prior to her marriage was a teacher in the Syracuse high school. John S. Rader Rader is an instructor in mathematics in Reading, Pa. Since 1904 he has been engaged in teaching, law, and the automobile business. Married Eliza- beth Butz Guldin June 18, 1912, and has a son, John Guldin, born August 5, 1914. Received A.B. degree at Franklin & Marshall, 1900. Lives at 1650 Mineral Springs Road, Reading, Pa. Mortimer W. Raynor Raynor was an interne at City Hospital, Newark, N. J., 1904-5, and at King's County Hospital, Brooklyn, 1905-6; junior assistant, assistant and senior assistant physician, Hudson River State Hospital, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1907-17; chief physician and psychiatrist. Department of Correc- tion, New York City, 1917; director of clinical psychiatry, Manhattan State Hospital, Ward's Island, New York City, appointed August 22, 1917. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 81 Was in the Medical Corps, United States Army, September 1, 1917-January 22, 1919. Became a Major February 8, 1918. Served as Division Psy- chiatrist, 79th Division, in United States and A. E. F. Received from Commanding General, 79th Division, "Letter of Recognition of Service" in the Argonne offensive. He was married to Jessie Clarissa Close July 21, 1917. He is now director of clinical psychiatry at the Manhattan State Hospital, where he resides. Has one son, John Mortimer, born May 18, 1920. Edward C. Reifenstein Reifenstein has been practicing medicine at Syracuse since graduation. His offices are at 622- 626 University Block. He is a member of the faculty of the College of Medicine of Syracuse Uni- versity as professor of Clinical Medicine. Mar- ried Florence M. Kappesser December 7, 1904, and has two sons — Edward C, Jr., born December 7, 1908, and George H., born October 21, 1911. Dur- ing the war Dr. Reifenstein served in the United States Army Medical Corps, with the rank of Cap- tain; October 9, 1918 to February 7, 1919; at General Hospital No. 14, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.; General Hos- pital No. 2, Ft. McHenry, Md. His home is at 1701 James St., Syracuse. Anna V. Rice Anna Rice is Secretary for Religious Education in City Associations, the National Board of the 82 THE CLASS OF 1904 Y. W. C. A.; Headquarters, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City. After graduation she taught two years; was three and a half years general secretary of the Detroit Y. W. C. A.; then secretary with the National Board. Received B.D. degree from Hart- ford Theological Seminary, 1913. Elizabeth L. Rice Elizabeth Rice is a member of the faculty of the Buffalo, N. Y., Technical high school. She has been teaching in Buffalo ever since graduating at Syra- cuse, and lives at 150 Livingston Street, that city. William A. Root Root is in the plumbing business at 809 Rebecca Street, Pomona, California. He went there last fall and started in business. After graduation with '04 he was in electrical work for about two years; was an underwriting inspector for about one year; then engaged in the chicken raising business for about thirteen years. He left for California October 15, 1920, making the trip by automobile. Married Leota Parkhurst, October, 1918, and has a son, Vischer Homer, born August 12, 1919. Lives at 809 South Rebecca Street, Pomona, Cal. James A. Rourke Rourke is a member of the faculty of the West high school, Rochester, N. Y. Lives at 375 Aberdeen Street, that city. Is unmarried. Has been teaching since graduation. Received A.M. degree, Syracuse, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 83 1905. Was in war service, October 14-December 7, 1918, as a private in Co. C, S. A. T. C, Syracuse University. J. Robert Rubin "Bob" Rubin is practicing law in New York City, with offices at 165 Broadway. After taking his law degree at Syracuse, 1906, he started practicing law in New York. Was assistant district attorney of New York County, 1910-14; second deputy police commissioner. New York City, 1914. Was a member of the legal advisory board of New York during the war. Is a director of a number of cor- porations. Married Reba Lillian Hitchcock, of Syracuse, December 26, 1910. Has one son, Robert H., born November 7, 1914. Lives at 264 Riverside Drive, New York City. Sarah E. Rumrill {Taylor) Sarah Rumrill married James D. Taylor, of Syracuse, in 1910 and lives at 430 Allen Street, Syracuse. She received the Ph.M. degree at Syra- cuse, 1905. She has a son and three daughters — James D., Jr., born December 31, 1910; Jeanne R., born January 13, 1913; Sarah E., born August 15, 1915, and Nancy R., born October 14, 1918. Clarence E. Rushmer Rushmer is a teacher in the Central High School, Binghamton, N. Y. Married Alice Louise Holyoke June 28, 1911, and has two sons and a daughter — 84 THE CLASS OF 1904 Robert H., born September, 1913; Howard W., born November, 1915, and Alice L., born September, 1917. Lives at 31 Grand Avenue, Johnson City, N.Y. DeMont Ryan Ryan is practicing medicine at Dry den, N. Y. Has been so engaged since graduation. Married Iva M. Ballou October 4, 1905, and has a son and a daughter — Mildred E., born September 17, 1906, and Arland D., born July 29, 1909. Lives at Dry den. Cordelia V. Scott {Doiy) Cora Scott married Albert M. Doty, of New York City, December 1, 1908, and resides at 37 Wickford Road, Baltimore, Md. Has two daughters — Jane, born February 2, 1914, and Barbara, born August 14, 1916. She won the vocal fellowship at Syraause, 1904. Ernest H. Scott Scott is a clergyman, pastor of Centenary M. E. Church, Utica, N. Y. Was pastor of Methodist churches at Henderson, N. Y., ^Ye years; Prospect, N. Y., one and one-half years; Rome, N. Y., eight and one-half years; Centenary Church, Utica, 1918 to date. Married Bessie E. McCumber March 8, 1905, and has a daughter, Jessie E., born December 10, 1912. Lives at 1002 Rutger Street, Utica. Parker F. Scripture Scripture is a lawyer at Rome, N. Y., and has BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 85 been special county judge of Oneida County since January 1, 1917. Has been practicing law at Rome since graduation. Married Laura Z. Wilson in 1910 and has a son, Parker F., Jr., born 1911. Received A.B. degree at Cornell, 1902. His office is at 125 North James Street, residence at 536 Turin Street, Rome. M. Le Roy Seccomb Seccomb is a physician and surgeon with offices at 224 West Genesee Street, Auburn, N. Y. He has been engaged at his profession since graduation. Married Etta G. Midgley in 1905. She died and in 1917 he married Olive L. Coles. He has two daughters and a son — Dorothy I., born August 17, 1909; Gertrude W., born September 14, 1915, and M. LeRoy, Jr., born March 25, 1920. Lives at 187 East Genesee Street, Auburn. Was a Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army, during the war, serving August 1918-January 1919, at Camp Ogle- thorpe, Ga. F. Eugene Seymour Seymour is with the state Department of Educa- tion at Albany, N. Y., as specialist in mathematics. He was teacher of mathematics, Wellsville, N. Y., high school, 1904-6; Poughkeepsie, N. Y., high school, 1906-9; Montclair, N. J., 1911-19; there- after with the state Department of Education as above. Married Inez Dunham August 24, 1917. Has written numerous articles for The Mathematics 86 THE CLASS OF 1904 Teacher, Has received Master's degree in Educa- tion from Teachers' College, New York City, and Master's degree in Pure Mathematics from Columbia University. Has been five years secretary of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in the Middle Atlantic States and Maryland; was two years president of High School Teachers' Association of New Jersey. For several recent summers has had charge of the courses for teachers of mathematics, summer session, Syracuse University. Lives at 65 North Pine Avenue, Albany. Harry J. Sheffield Sheffield is a physician and surgeon at Frankfort, N. Y. For two years after graduation he was an interne in the Rhode Island State Hospital, Howard, R. I. Married Edna M. Cassebeer in 1909 and has a son and a daughter — Virginia, born March 23, 1914, and Harry Joseph, Jr., born August 9, 1915. During the war "Sheff" was a First Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps, United States Army. Lives at 128 Pleasant Avenue, Frankfort, N. Y. Gertrude M. Sholes (Auten) Gertrude Sholes was married to Charles H. Auten August 1, 1912, and lives at Princeville, 111. She has three sons — Philip Sholes, born January 15, 1914; Howard Leavenworth, born August 17, 1916, and Charles Howe, Jr., born July 29, 1918. For three years she was a teacher, then a farm manager for three years, and a student of the Taylor scientific management system for a year. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 87 George C. Sincerbeaux Sincerbeaux was a general practitioner in medi- cine from graduation until 1916. Has specialized in pediatrics and obstetrics since then. He is located at 96 East Genesee Street, Auburn, N. Y. Married Leila Banta in 1905; she died in 1906. Married Jessie L. Ackley, of Locke, N. Y., in 1910, and has a daughter, Geraldine, born 1911, and a son, Leonard, born 1914. Charles Sleeth Sleeth is a lawyer at North Syracuse where he has been located since graduation. An illness immediately after commencement, 1904, left him a cripple, unable to walk. He has been justice of the peace and supervisor for his town. Was on the local legal advisory board during the war. Ernest R. Smith Ernest Smith is principal of the North high school, Syracuse. Was science teacher. Central high school, Syracuse, 1905-8, and North high, 1908-11; vice-principal North high, 1911-20; prin- cipal, 1920 to date. Lecturer on "Methods in Science Teaching," 1919-20. Married Jennie E. Gilbert (Syracuse, '04), of Syracuse, July 24, 1907, and has two daughters — Harriet Katherine, born March 28, 1908, and Adelia Virginia, born February 6, 1911. Lives at 715 Allen Street, Syracuse. Lesme D. Snow Snow is a physician and surgeon, with home and 88 THE CLASS OF 1904 oflSce at 22 Grant Avenue, Auburn, N. Y. Has been jail physician at Auburn state prison. Married Lena Lenore Follett Palmer, of Weedsport, N. Y., in 1907, and has two sons — Wilson P., born March 24, 1909, and Orrin J., born February 3, 1912. Edith Snyder (Wooster) Edith Snyder married Floyd Rider Wooster in 1908 and lives at Walden, N. Y. She taught school, 1904-8. Has two sons and a daughter — H. Edwin, born June 14, 1911; John Bigelow, born April 28, 1913, and Sylvia, born March 1, 1920. Frank Sowers *'Baldy" Sowers is a lawyer with offices at 141 Broadway, New York City. Married May Robinson May 27, 1911, and has a daughter, Ruth, born December 8, 1912. Lives at 23 Barker Avenue, White Plains, N. Y. Clarence A. Sprague Sprague is a patent attorney, specializing in radio signaling and related subjects, with offices at 463 West Street, New York City. He was physics instructor at A. & M. College, Raleigh, N. C, until 1910, and was an examiner in the United States Patent Office, Washington, D. C, 1910-16. Received the LL.B. degree at George Washington University, 1916; M.P.L., Georgetown University, 1916. Is in charge of the patent work of the Western Electric Company relating to radio signaling and other BIOGRAPHIC.\L SKETCHES 89 branches of research. Has taken out patents on several of his own inventions. Married Verena A. Owens in September, 1911. Lives at 413 Park Avenue, East Orange, N. J. Alice Stafford (Barber) AHce Stafford Barber was a teacher 1904-7 and 1908-14; spent 1907-8 in Europe. Married R. O. Barber, August 27, 1913. Has two children — a son, Raymond, born January 25, 1915, and a daughter, Vesta, born July 11, 1918. Lives at Essex, N. Y. John B. Stobo Stobo is supervising engineer with the Texas Company, headquarters, 17 Battery Place, Xew York City. Since 1904 has been engaged in general engineering, railroads and construction. He has been at various times chainman-in-chief of field party, inspector to assistant engineer, draftsman, in field charge of construction work, levelman and assistant civil engineer, assistant to public works officer, supervising engineer, construction super- intendent and is at present supervising engineering foreign service for the Texas Company. These activities have been successively with the Erie R. R., 1904-6; Southern R. R., 1906-11; Sewer Depart- ment, Washington, D. C, 1911; bureau of yards and docks, U. S. Navy, Guantanomo, Cuba, 1911-13; N. Y. State canals, 1913-15; bureau of yards and docks, U. S. Navy, Manila, Philippine Islands, 1915; 90 THE CLASS OF 1904 Standard Oil Co., Shanghai, China, 1915-16; Semet- Solvay Company and Dupont Powder Company, (U. S. Army assignment), 1916-19. Married Loura E. Tyrrell April 19, 1905. During the war was Captain in the Engineer Reserve Corps, and was detailed to service in production of explosives, a part of the time at the Dupont smokeless powder plant at Nashville, Tenn. His home address is 743 Allen Street, Syracuse. Harold Stone Stone is a lawyer with offices in the Onondaga County Savings Bank Bldg., Syracuse. Has been engaged at his profession since graduation. Married Anne T. Babcock, of Syracuse, in 1904, and has four daughters. During the war he was Director of Operations, United States Employment Service, Washington, also in France. Lives at 213 Highland Avenue, Syracuse. Received A.B. degree at Yale, 1902. Frank R. Strong Strong has been practicing medicine at Brewer- ton, N. Y., since 1906. Was interne at the Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Syracuse, 1904-6. Received B. S. degree at Syracuse, 1900. Married Grace Killmore July 2, 1913, and has a daughter — Nancy R., born February 7, 1917; also a son, Frank M., born September 7, 1908, of a former marriage. Norman D. Sturges "Buck" Sturges is president and treasurer of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 91 Multiple Storage Battery Company, Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. He has been engaged as a manu- facturer since graduation. Has invented several improvements in storage batteries. Was the only producer in large quantities of Signal Corps light- weight radio batteries for our military and naval forces during the war. Has been a member of the Republican County Committee, Nassau County, N. Y. Married Ethel May Rood (Syracuse, '05), of Syracuse, November 21, 1905, and has a son and a daughter — John Rood, born October 6, 1906, and Jane Frances, born January 4, 1909. Lives at Bellerose, Long Island, N. Y. John B. Swinney Swinney is merchandise manager of the Win- chester Company stores, headquarters. New Haven, Conn. He was a superintendent of schools, 1904-6; with John Wanamaker, 1906-8; with Longmans, Green Company, 1908-13; assistant secretary, Alexander Hamilton Institute, 1913-17; Professor of Marketing, Tulane University, 1917-18; organi- zation manager. Retail Research Association, New York, 1918-19; with Winchester 1919 to date. Is author of *' Merchandising, WTiolesale and Retail." Editor of "Harper's Retail Business Series." Lecturer on merchandising research. School of Business, Columbia University. Married Alice Holman (A.B., Morningside College), of Sioux City, la., December 28, 1909, and has one son, Holman, born May 10, 1919. Lives at 116 Hillcrest Avenue, Park Hill, Yonkers, N. Y. 92 THE CLASS OF 1904 Andrew G. Taft Taft is a longshoreman in Seattle. Since 1904 he has been a miner and mine engineer and has spent considerable time in Alaska. Married Mary Buck August, 1914, and has a son and a daughter — Buck A., born August 23, 1916, and Mary Elizabeth, born December 16, 1919. Lives at 1108 12th Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Mildred L. L. Taitt {Milton) Mildred Taitt is the wife of Jefferson Davis Milton, whom she married June 30, 1919. Her home is at Fairbank, Ariz. From graduation until 1918 she taught school. Is the author of one book, "Outlines of Physical Geography." She was chair- man of the Red Cross Auxiliary 23, New York County Chapter, 1917-18. Anna E. Telfer (Searl) Anna Telfer married Clifford H. Searl (Syracuse, '05), of Syracuse, October 17, 1905, and has a son and a daughter — Jerome H., born March 23, 1910, and Jane E., born February 8, 1913. Lives at 612 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse. Irving R. Templeton Templeton is a lawyer, with offices at 807-11 White Building, Buffalo. He was a newspaper editor and manager, 1904-6; has since practiced law in Buffalo. Married Bernice McCollom, of Boston, July 7, 1917. A baby daughter, Laura May, died BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 93 soon after birth, May 13, 1918. In 1909 he received the LL.B. at the University of Buffalo. Has written various non -fiction articles for magazines. Was a member of the Buffalo legal advisory board during the war. Is a leader in Boy Scout work and is president of the Buffalo Alumni Association of Syracuse University. Lives at 466 West Ferry Street, Buffalo. Instructor, University of Buffalo law school several years. War chairman District 7 Charity Organization Society, Buffalo. Claude P. Terry Terry is a Presbyterian minister, having a church in Syracuse. Has been preaching since graduation. Married Chloe Gillis in 1912 and has two daughters — Claudia Gillis, born November 26, 1913, and Alice Alberta, born April 27, 1916. Lives at 307 Emerson Avenue, Syracuse. Hazel B. Thorp {Hathaway) Hazel Thorp Hathaway is with the state Edu- cation Department, Albany, N. Y., as state specialist in drawing. She taught for ten years and has been with the Education Department since November 1, 1918. Married Bradford Hathaway, December 5, 1904, and has one daughter, Frances Virginia, born September 12, 1905. Lives at 65 Lancaster Street, Albany. Beatrice Throop (Protheroe) Beatrice Throop married T. George Protheroe, October 24, 1916, and lives at 6 Warren Avenue, 94 THE CLASS OF 1904 Troy, N. Y. A daughter, Anne Elizabeth, born July 13, 1918, died September 7, 1919. Mrs. Protheroe was teacher of music in the Mansfield Normal School, 1904-8; head of the music depart- ment, Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wis., 1908-15. Charles E. Toney Toney is practicing law at 184 West 135th Street, New York City. Has been working at his profession since 1906. Received the Ph.B. degree at Syracuse, 1902. Married Lily R. Johnson, June 28, 1918. Lives at 210 West 133rd Street, New York City. John L. Train Train is general manager, secretary and treasurer of the Utica Mutual Insurance Company with head- quarters at 239 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. Prac- ticed law, 1904-5; was with the New York State Insurance Department, 1914-19; present position since. Married Dorothy Timson September 12, 1907, and has a daughter, Elizabeth Jane, born August 5, 1919. Lives at 38 Watson Place, Utica. Harold B. Truran Truran is assistant to the supervising building valuation engineer. New York Central railroad lines, and has offices at room 2052, Grand Central Ter- minal, New York City. Since graduating in archi- tecture he has been in building construction, superintendent, and practicing architect. Has prac- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 95 ticed also at Brewster. Married Carrie B. Losee, of Brewster, N. Y., September, 1906, and has two sons — James Wellington, born June 7, 1909, and Ken- neth Brend, born May 13, 1911. Lives at Brewster, N. Y. Maude M. Tucker Maude Tucker has been engaged in teaching since graduation, and is at present a teacher in Stamford, Conn.; address 129 Grove Street. She studied German in Berlin, 1907. Her home is in Essex, N. Y. Earle K. Twombly "Troub" Twombly is in an executive position with the Hewitt Rubber Company, 240 Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. He has been engaged in rubber manufacturing most of the time since gradua- tion. For several years he was at North Brookfield, Mass., going to Buffalo about five years ago. He married Anne Dale, of Little Falls, N. Y., October 27, 1908, and has a son. Dale, born March 22, 1913. Lives at 74 Russell Avenue, Buffalo. Cornelius Van Duyne "Van" is a soil scientist with the Bureau of Soils, United States Department of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. Did post-graduate work at Syracuse, 1904-5; was teacher of science and athletic coach, Kentucky Military Institute, 1905-6; same at Arkansas Military Academy, Little Rock, Ark., 96 THE CLASS OF 1904 1906-8; with United States Department of Agricul- ture, 1908 to date. Is unmarried. Has published through the Department of Agriculture several "Soil Survey Reports" on various sections of the country. During the war was First Lieutenant of Engineers at Camp Humphreys, Va. Attended Engineers' training school. At time of discharge was attached to Motor Transport Corps. Orris S. Vickery *'Vick" is a physician specializing on eye, ear, nose and throat, at Belfast, Me., where he has been located since graduation. Married Julia A. Ainslie, of Syracuse, in 1902, and has a son, John Ainslie, born Christmas Day, 1908. Has been county com- missioner for Waldo County, Me., also county medical examiner, and health officer for Belfast. Was chairman and examining surgeon for exemption board of Waldo County during the war. Is presi- dent and treasurer of Camp Quan-ta-ba-cook, a summer camp for boys in the Maine woods near Belfast, established 1914. Lives at 74 Church Street, Belfast. Agnes L. Waring Agnes Waring is a member of the faculty of the New Brunswick, N. J., high school. She has been teaching since 1904. Took some graduate work at Teachers' College, Columbia University. Her home is at 95 Hanover Street, Elmhurst, Long Island, N.Y. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 97 George K. Warren Warren is pastor of the First Baptist Church, Batavia, N. Y. Was a student at the Baptist Theo- logical Seminary, Rochester, N. Y., 1904-7; did pastoral work, 1907-17, serving as pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Syracuse, several years. Received B. D. degree at Rochester Theological Seminary, 1908. Was a Y. M. C. A. Secretary during the war, serving at Camp Wads worth, S. C, from October, 1917, to beginning of 1918; in France, May, 1918- July, 1919, with the 26th (Yankee) Division, in the Toul sector and with the 87th (All America) Division in the St. Mihiel drive, and in the Argonne Forest. Married Helen E. Allis (Syracuse, '04), of Syracuse, September, 1905. She died July, 1909, leaving two sons — Robert Kaveney, born February 11, 1907, and William Edward, born June 13, 1909. Married Martha Vesta Lyon, of Hobart, N. Y., October 8, 1919. Lives at 28 Ross Street, Batavia, N. Y. Evelyn Waterbury (Ross) Evelyn Waterbury married Lee Roy Ross of Cedar Rapids, la., June 17, 1914, and lives at 326 Sargeant Street, Hartford, Conn. She taught Latin in the high school, Freeport, Long Island, N. Y.; New Britain, Conn., and Hartford, Conn., 1904- 1914. Has one son, Donald Waterbury, born March 14, 1918. Herbert Adams Webb Webb is a lawyer practicing at South Otselic, 98 THE CLASS OF 1904 N. Y. The law and teaching have engaged his efforts since graduating. Was school commissioner, first district of Chenango County, 1909-11; town supervisor of Otselic, 1915 to date. Married Julia Floy Randall in 1910 and has a son and a daughter — Edna Lucille, born 1913, and Wallace Warren, born 1913. Clarence J. Whalen Whalen is practicing medicine at Bergen, N. Y. Has been thus engaged since 1904. Married Lena Loghry, of Coudersport, Pa., September 12, 1906, and has two daughters — Helen, born October 27, 1907, and Margaret, born April 25, 1910. Adelaide Wheeler (Blackhurst) Adelaide Wheeler Blackhurst taught school for several years after graduation. Married Emmett Warren Blackhurst (Harvard, '97), December 26, 1915. Has two daughters — Mary Lord, born May 9, 1917, and Margaret Jean, born December 11, 1919. Lives at 286 Harvard Avenue, Crescentwood, Winni- peg, Manitoba, Canada. Earl N. Wikoff Wikoff is superintendent of St. John's Military Academy, Manlius, N. Y. Has been on the faculty there since graduating with '04. Is unmarried. His home is at Richfield Springs, N. Y. Robert E. Wilcox Wilcox is an attorney at Rochester, N. Y. Was secretary to Presiding Justice Peter B. McLennan BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 99 of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, Fourth Department of the State of New York, July 1, 1904- January 1, 1908; consultation clerk of said court, January 1, 1908, to date. His head- quarters are at the court house. Married Oressa S. Conger, of Groton, N. Y., October, 1909, and has a son and two daughters — Stewart, born 1910; Ruth, born 1911, and Jane, born 1914. Lives at 1405 Highland Avenue, Rochester. Gilbert H. Wildman "Willie" Wildman is engaged in fruit growing with plantations in Porto Rico. His business address is 33 West 42nd Street, New York. Was an engineer with the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, New York office, 1904-16; citrus fruit grower since then. Is the owner of the largest citrus grove on the island of Porto Rico. Married Adele W. Martin, of Yonkers, N. Y., in 1908, and has two sons — Edwin R., born May 14, 1911, and Richard v., bom May 9, 1913. Lives at 243 Park Hill Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Lawrence A. Wilkins Wilkins is with the Board of Education of New York City as director of modern languages in high schools. Since graduating he has been a teacher of Spanish and French, head of this department and director in the high schools of New York City. His headquarters are at 500 Park Avenue and he lives at 598 West 191st Street. He is the founder and 100 THE CLASS OF 1904 president of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish; editor of the Monthly Bulletin of High Points in the Work of High Schools of New York City; was visiting professor of Spanish, University of Southern California, summer, 1919; was instructor of Spanish, extension teaching, Columbia University, 1916 to date. Is author of the following books: "Lecturas Faciles" (with M. A. Luria), 1916; "Premier Secours — First Aid in Learning French" (with W. L. Hervey), for use of soldiers, etc., by Y. M. C. A., 1917; "Elementary Spanish Prose Book," 1917; "Spanish in the High Schools — a Handbook of Methods," 1918; "Unit Passages for Translation," 1918; "First Spanish Book," 1919; "Second Spanish Book," 1920. Received the A.M. degree at Columbia University, 1907. Married Minnie Luella Roberts (Syracuse library course), of West Exeter, N. Y., September 12, 1905. Harry B, Williams Williams has been a physician since graduation. He was with the United States Army, 1910-11, and during the world war served as a surgeon with the 366th Infantry, United States Army Medical Corps, rising in rank from First Lieutenant to Captain to Major. He was at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, July-November, 1917; Camp Dodge, Iowa, Novem- ber, 1917- June, 1918; in France with American Expe- ditionary Force, July, 1918-March, 1919, as surgeon to 366th Infantry; discharged April 8, 1919, at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Now in general medical prac- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 101 tice in Crawfordsville, Indiana, with offices in the Ben Hur Building; specializes in X-Ray work. Was coroner of Montgomery County, Indiana, 1915-16. Married Elizabeth Erskine December 27, 1906, and has a son and three daughters — Jean Erskine, born July 30, 1908; Donald Erskine, born February 14, 1911; Grace Elizabeth, born May 8, 1913, and Ruth Isabel, born February 23, 1919. Lives at 309 Sheridan Avenue, Crawfordsville, Ind. M. Edith Williams Edith Williams is teacher of English in the Herkimer, N. Y., high school. She has been teach- ing since graduation. Her home is at 411 Church Street, Herkimer. J. Orris Winslow Winslow is regional claim agent of the Erie R. R. Company with offices at 1369 Transportation Building, Chicago. He has been practicing law and with various associations' and corporations' legal departments, in Syracuse, New York City, Chicago, and other places. Married Iva I. Coville August 31, 1912. Lives at 879 Cornelia Avenue, Chicago. Charles E. Wood ley Woodley has been in the ministry of the M. E. Church since graduation. He is pastor of Dryer Memorial Church, Utica, N. Y. Received the B. D. degree in 1916 from Wesley an Theological College of Montreal (affiliated with McGill University). 102 THE CLASS OF 1904 Married Nellie M. Martin, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., in 1904, and has a daughter, Ruth Elizabeth, born May 4, 1905. Lives at 1221 Whitesboro Street, Utica. Royal D. Woolsey "Cardinal" Woolsey is an attorney at Canastota, N. Y., a member of the firm of Campbell (Albert E. Campbell, '04) & Woolsey. Was dairy superin- tendent at Tully Farm for six years, then practiced law. Has been police justice at Canastota several years. Received A.B. degree at Syracuse, 1902. Also received A.M. degree in 1904, as well as LL. B. Married Angeline C. Golly (Syracuse, '03), of Rome, N. Y., in 1905, and has a son and two daughters — Kennaird E., aged twelve; Madeline Aletha, aged seven, and Leonora M., aged three years. Carl P. Wright Carl Wright is manager of the sales oflSce of the American Radiator Company, 305 Union Building, Syracuse. He was in the insurance business, 1904-6; with above company, 1906 to date. Married Kath- arine Cummings, of Buffalo, September 30, 1908, and has a son, Carl P., Jr., born October 1, 1909. Lives at 412 Kensington Road, Syracuse. Louis C. Wright Louis Wright is pastor of the Epworth-Euclid M. E. Church, Cleveland, O. This is one of the largest Methodist churches in the world, having 2,400 members. Has been a preacher since gradu- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 103 ating with '04. Studied at the Boston University School of Theology and received the S.T.B. degree, 1907. Also received the Ph.D. degree at Boston University, 1917. Has been pastor of the M. E. Church in Gardner, Melrose and Springfield, Mass. During the war he saw service, September 1917- August 1918, as a Y. M. C. A. Hut Secretary at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., three months, and was Area Director for Americans in the British zone, northern France, eight months; headquarters at Albert and Abbeville. Married Flora Greenlees (Oberlin, '06), of Orwell, N. Y., August 8, 1906, and has two sons and a daughter — Robert Wallace, born May 29, 1908; Donald Greenlees, born Decem- ber 15, 1911, and Esther Louise, born May 23, 1914. Elmer J. Yerdon Yerdon is in the M. E. ministry as pastor of the church at Euclid, Onondaga County, N. Y. Has been thus engaged since graduation. Married Maud Stanton, of Burlington, Pa., November 8, 1905, and has three sons and a daughter — Philip Eugene, born February 7, 1908; R. Maxine, born June 27, 1911; Fred Leon, born April 27, 1913, and Donald Stanton, born November 15, 1915. Allen D. Young Young is practicing law at Sheboygan, Wis- consin. Has been an attorney since graduation. Married Bertha Dean October 6, 1910, and has two sons — John, aged six, and Charles, aged four 104 THE CLASS OF 1904 years. His address is 701 North 8th Street, She- boygan, Wis. Robert F. Young "Bob" Young is with the sales department of the Western Electric Company, 500 South Clinton St., Chicago. He was, after graduation, a reporter on the Syracuse Herald for a year and a half, and then went with the Western Electric Company. Married Nellie M. Allison (Syracuse, '06), of Gloversville, N. Y., in 1908, and has a son and a daughter — Robert Allison, born August 29, 1909, and Alice Eleanor, born July 11, 1915. Lives at 434 North Cuyler Avenue, Oak Park, 111. William J. Young W. J. Young is associate horticulturist of the South Carolina agricultural experiment station, Clemson College, South Carolina. He taught a year and a half; was in the United States Govern- ment service six years; was assistant horticulturist in New York, Washington, and Delaware agricul- ture experiment stations. Has written several scientific and agricultural papers and bulletins. Received M.S. degree from Washington State Col- lege, 1913. Taught in S. A. T. C. during the war. Married Alice E. Eells, of Unadilla, N. Y., January 25, 1906, and has a daughter and three sons — Esther Jannette, born May 31, 1907; Spencer Meade and Sheldon James, twins, July 26, 1910, and Arthur Eells, born December 19, 1915. Home address, Clemson College, S. C. MISSING LINKS IN THE CHAIN Concerning the twenty-two members of the class from whom no response came to requests from the historian the following incomplete sketches are given, based on Alumni Record data or other hearsay sources. Each one of these members has been repeatedly written at the last known address. In some cases these addresses may be correct; at all events no responses have been forthcoming. Claudia E. Allen Claudia Allen was last heard from, as far as class records go, as a teacher at North Troy, N. Y., where she went in 1910. After graduation she taught German and Latin at Fayetteville, N. Y., 1904-5; at Academy of Holy Names, Albany, N. Y., 1907-8; at Spring Valley, N. Y., 1908-10. Her address in 1910 was 238 5th Avenue, North Troy. Chester T. Backus Following graduation Backus practiced law at 215 Union Building, Syracuse, and lived at 601 Montgomery Street, Syracuse. His last known address was R. F. D., South New Berlin, N. Y. Louise E. Cooley (Rausch) Louise Cooley's last known address was 357 Lafayette Street, White Plains, N. Y. She married Henry F. Rausch. 105 106 THE CLASS OF 1904 Florence R. Deuchler (Kneip) Florence Deuchler married Walter F. Kneip of Ypsilanti, Mich., October 6, 1910, and lived at 918 Bellevue Avenue, Syracuse. Later she moved to Baltimore, where her address was Cottage Apart- ments. She taught German in the high school, Unadilla, N. Y., 1904-5; Solvay, N. Y., 1905-7; Lyons, N. Y., 1907-10. George A. Goldstone Goldstone was principal of the union school, Jordan ville, N. Y., 1904-5; instructor, Graszman School, Plainfield, N. J., 1905-7; graduate student and assistant in English, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1907-8; received Ph.M. degree at Syracuse, 1908; teacher of English, high schools. New York City, 1908; in Manual Training high school, 1910. Married Lena Dane (Syracuse, ex- '12), of Syracuse, December 26, 1910. His New York address in 1910 was 100 East 89th Street. Is no longer in the New York system. His home address was then 914 South State Street, Syracuse. Robert A. Griesser The last report of Griesser had him in Yankow, China, with the American Church Mission, where he went in 1909. He received the B. D. degree at the Theological Seminary of Virginia, 1909. He was a Protestant Episcopal clergyman with a rectorship at Gowanda, N. Y., 1907-9. His last known American address was 1267 Michigan Street, Buffalo, N. Y. MISSING LINKS IN THE CHAIN 107 Albert S. Hadley Hadley was an architect with Joseph H. McGuire, 45 East 42nd Street, New York City, 1904-7; super- intendent of erection of buildings on estate of Thomas Fortune Ryan, Oak Ridge, Va., April, 1907; engaged in farming, November, 1908. Married Elizabeth Cook Lewis (Syracuse, ex-'06), of Syra- cuse, August 15, 1906. Last known address. Black River, N. Y. Matie Harrison There is no available record of Matie Harrison since graduation. Her last known address was 763 Harrison Street, Syracuse. Carolyn P. Kenyon (MacFarland) Carolyn Kenyon was, at last reports, living in Tampa, Florida, corner of Fremont and Lime Streets. She taught at Black River, 1905-7 and at Peekskill, 1907. No further information is at hand. Ada a. MacDermott Ada MacDermott was a teacher of Greek and history, high school, Sewickley, Pa., 1904-6; Latin, high school. West Pittston, Pa., 1907-9; assistant in Latin, Manual Training School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1909. Was a graduate student in Latin and German at Columbia, summer schools, 1908-9-10. Last known address, 799 President Street, Brooklyn. Mary Alice Matthews (Pender) Alice Matthews married Dr. Harold Pender, of New York City, June 28, 1905. For a time she 108 THE CLASS OF 1904 lived at 483 Beacon Street, Boston, her last known address. She taught in the high school, Frewsburg, N. Y., September, 1904-January, 1905; Ilion, N. Y., January- June, 1905. David McF. Mills David Mills practiced medicine at Oxbow after graduation. Married Grace Lillian Brasie, of Brasie Corners, N. Y., in 1900. Has two children — Doris Loraine, born June 9, 1901, and Harry Lloyd, born November 28, 1904. Last known address. Oxbow, N. Y. Sarah M. Neeley {Thurston) Mrs. Neeley taught in the high school. North Tonawanda, N. Y., 1904-5; Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., 1905-6; Warsaw, N. Y., 1906-8. Contributor to the Educational Gazette and Northern Christian Advocate. Married Rev. John F. Thurston, of Bliss, N. Y., June 25, 1908. Last known address, Woodstock, N. H. Gertrude T. Shoemaker No records are available concerning Gertrude Shoemaker since graduation. Her last known ad- dress was 489 Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming, Pa. Eldredge Smith The last heard of Eldredge Smith was to the effect that he was a graduate student at Harvard. That was in 1910. After graduation with '04 he AflSSING LINKS IN THE CHAIN 109 was principal of the high school, Essex, N. Y., 1906-7; Martin academy, Kennett Square, Pa., 1907-8; teacher in Alderson academy, Alderson, W. Va., 1908-10. Married Edythe Younge, of Athens, Ont., in 1906. Last known address, Swamp- scott, Mass. Roy L. Smith After graduation in 1904 Roy Smith was prin- cipal of the high school, Freeport, N. Y. Married Ethel E. Lewis, of Preston, N. Y., June 28, 1905. Two children — Majel Helene, bom February 3, 1907, and Hilton Albert, born September 4, 1908. Last known address, Freeport, N. Y. Nora A. Van Nostrand The only available record of Nora Van Nostrand is that she was a teacher of chemistry at Painesville, O., for a time and then went to St. Elizabeth's School, Wakpala, South Dakota, where the trail ends. 1904 i^ecrologp lielen €Ii^abetf) SUte (Marten) JMolIie eii^abetft Jiarfeer (Milliamj;) Slt^^t Moxman Cook artljur (Sarfielb Crps^Iet Cff ie JWap Cnosi (iiiniamfii) l^arrp Hatorence (Partner iflfliclbael Milltie; (Steenfielb g>etib l^otn Hatabee ianbretti 3ltnsitn ILpbal iWaube Cli^ahetl) g>axe (^reenftelb) l^artp JJubb g>earlesf Cbtoatti ?&enrp g>toecfeet 110 CLASS OF 1904 NECROLOGY Helen Elizabeth A His (Warren) April 29, 1882— July 15, 1909 Helen Allis (Warren) died at Rochester, N. Y,, July 15, 1909. She entered Syracuse University September 17, 1900, in the Liberal Arts college and was graduated June 8, 1904, receiving the Ph.B. degree, cum laude. She was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and the German Club, of which she was vice-president. She majored in German. William E. Allis, '06, is her brother. Her home was in Syracuse, where she was born April 29, 1882. After graduation she taught in the high school, Greene, N. Y., for a year, and was married to George K. Warren, her class- mate of '04, September 6, 1905. They made their home in Rochester . Two children survive, Robert K . , born February 11, 1907, and William E., born June 13, 1909. She is buried in Syracuse. MoUie Elizabeth Barker (Williams) September 11, 1882— January 7, 1908 MoUie E. Barker (WiUiams) died January 7, 1908, at Buffalo. After graduating with '04, she was a teacher of English in the high school, Frankfort, N. Y. She married Harry S. Williams (ex-'04), of Buffalo, July 11, 1906, and they lived in Utica until her death. She entered Syracuse with the Class of 111 112 THE CLASS OF 1904 1904, in the Liberal Arts college, September 17, 1900, majoring in Latin and received the A.B. degree, June 8, 1904. Her home while in college was in Sidney, where she was born September 11, 1882, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Barker. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi, and Eta Pi Upsilon; the Classical Club; was class poetess, freshman year; associate editor, 1904 Onondagan. She is buried at Sidney. Jesse Norman Cook October 12, 1881— October 15, 1907 Jesse Cook died October 15, 1907, at Somerville, N. J., from an attack of appendicitis and peritonitis. After graduating he was for four months with Gaggin & Gaggin, architects, Syracuse; one year with Brockway & Taylor, Syracuse; was construc- tion superintendent for Gordon, Tracy and Swarte- vout, of New York, September, 1906, until his death. He entered Syracuse in September, 1900, with the Class of 1904, in the Fine Arts college, and gradu- ated, June 8, 1904, with the degree of Bachelor of Architecture. His home was in Webster, N. Y., where he was born October 12, 1881. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi and the glee club. He is buried at Webster. Arthur Garfield Crysler April 24, 1880— October 22, 1912 Arthur Crysler died of infantile paralysis at Brewerton, N. Y., October 22, 1912. NECROLOGY 113 He entered Syracuse in the college of Applied Science September 17, 1900, and was graduated with the C. E. degree, cum laude, June 8, 1904. His home was in Syracuse, where he was born April 24, 1880. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Crysler. After graduation he was in the New York State engineering department as rodman, leveler, and assistant engineer on barge canal surveys and assist- ant engineer in charge of construction, located at Brewerton. At the time of his death he was assist- ant engineer in charge of barge canal contract No. 12. He married Pearl L. LaShier, of Ithaca, N. Y., June 26, 1906, and leaves besides his widow, two daughters and a son — Bertha Louise, born Septem- ber 8, 1907, Frederick Safford, born June 23, 1909, and Geraldine L., born July 8, 1912. Mrs. Crysler and the children now live at 218 Utica Street, Ithaca. Effie May Enos (Williams) February 2^, 1880— August 11, 1905 Effie Enos (WiHiams) died at her home in Adams, N. Y., August 11, 1905. She was married to Frank J. Williams, of Adams, October 11, 1904, and made her home there until her death. Entering Syracuse with the class of 1904, Septem- ber 17, 1900, she pursued the philosophical course and received the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy June 8, 1904. While in college she majored in 114 THE CLASS OF 1904 philosophy and was a member of the Philosophical Club, the German Club and the Student Volunteer Band. Her home as a student was at Adams, where she is buried. She was born at Fern wood, N. Y., February 24, 1880, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Enos. A daughter, Carrie Effie, born August 11, 1905, is now fifteen years old, and is in the second year of high school at Adams. Harry Lawrence Gardner August 29, 1879— August ^, 1913 Harry Gardner died at Utica, N. Y., August 4, 1913. He was taken ill Thursday, July 31, was removed to the General Hospital at Utica, where he never regained consciousness and passed away the following Monday. He entered Syracuse University, in the Fine Arts college, architectural course, September 17, 1900, and was graduated with the Class of 1904, June 8, 1904, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Architecture. While in college his home was in Syracuse, where he was born August 29, 1879, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gardner. As an undergraduate Gardner was identified with numerous student activities, especially athletics. He was a member of the 'varsity track team, in 1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904 and was captain in 1904. He was chiefly a pole vaulter although he did some running and jumping, as a member of the relay team, NECROLOGY 115 etc. He was one of the greatest pole vaulters in the world and in 1903 was intercollegiate champion and record holder, with a mark of 11 feet 7 inches. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Rho Alpha, Theta Nu Epsilon and Beta Delta Beta; was Fine Arts class president, 1901-2; treasurer Fine Arts Fakers 1902-3; was associate editor of the 1904 Onondagan. After graduation he was with Doensch & Yost, New York City, as a draftsman, for a time, going from thence to Adams, N. Y., where he helped super- intend construction of the Watertown jail. Two years later he entered the contracting business in Syracuse in company with Harry D. Phoenix. He was married October 22, 1906, to Sarah Louise Remer (Syracuse, '04-ex), of Syracuse. Mrs. Gardner and their three daughters have since resided at 326 South Grouse Avenue, Syracuse. The chil- dren are — Jessie Louise, born December 19, 1907, in New York; Sarah Virginia, born October 13, 1909, and Ethel Mae, born July 11, 1911. Harry is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse. Michael Willis Greenfield March S4, 1881— November 9, 1917 Willis Greenfield died at Atlantic City, N. J., November 9, 1917, after a long illness. After graduating with '04 he studied at Auburn Theological Seminary, receiving the Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1907. He married Maude E. Saxe, of our class, May 9, 1907, and he and his wife 116 THE CLASS OF 1904 went that fall to Seoul College, Korea, as missionary teachers from the First Presbyterian Church of Niagara Falls. January 29, 1910, his wife died leaving a son, Willis Saxe Greenfield, bom January 5, 1910. Later in the year Willis returned to pursue a course in pedagogy in New York University. Midway of this course he was sent to southern Korea on evangelical work, for four years. His health failed under the strenuous efforts in the foreign field, and he came home. Hoping to return to Korea to teach in Peu Yang College, he, although very ill, finished his course at New York University and received the A.M. degree, his thesis winning first prize. He sought recovery of health in various sanitariums but the struggle was in vain, death overtaking him at Atlantic City, November 9, 1917. He was born March 24, 1881, at Storno way, Scotland. While in college his home was at Niagara Falls. He entered Syracuse in the Liberal Arts college, September 17, 1900, and received the Ph.B. degree June 8, 1904. He is buried at Thorold, Ontario, Canada. Seth Low Larabee April U, 1882-'January 27, 1916 Seth Larabee died January 27, 1916, at White Plains, N. Y., from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. Following his graduation with the class of 1904 he went to New York for the practice of law. For several years he was with the Lawyers' Title and NECROLOGY 117 Trust Company, becoming head of the legal depart- ment, a position he held at the time of his death. His home was at White Plains, N. Y. He entered Syracuse University from Clayton, N. Y., in September, 1901, in the law course and graduated with the Bachelor of Laws degree June 8, 1904. He was soon thereafter admitted to practice. He was a member of the Delta Chi fraternity. He was born in Orleans, N. Y., April 14, 1882, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Larabee; married Lola R. Reilly, of New York, July 3, 1913. She survives, with a daughter, Beulah, born June 27, 1914. Seth is buried at La Fargeville, N. Y. Andrew Jensen Lydal July 9, 1873-FebTuary 15,1917 Andrew Lydal died at Fair Haven, N. Y., Febru- ary 15, 1917, death being caused by sarcoma of the bone. After graduation with '04 he was pastor of the M. E. Church at Amber, N. Y., for three years. He then attended Auburn Theological Seminary for three years, graduating in 1909. While there he supplied the M. E. pastorate at Mottville, N. Y. Upon graduating from Auburn he joined the Presby- terian denomination and became pastor of the church at Preble, N. Y., serving there for five years and then becoming pastor at Fair Haven, N. Y., for three years, until his death. He was unmarried. He entered Syracuse University from Kingston, 118 THE CLASS OF 1904 Pa., September 17, 1900, in the Liberal Arts college, pursuing the philosophical course and receiving the Bachelor of Philosophy degree, cum laude, June 8, 1904. While in college he was a member of the Philosophical Club and the Prohibition Club. He was born July 9, 1873, at Bergen, Norway, and is buried at Preble, N. Y. Maude Elizabeth Saxe (Greenfield) December 27, 187^— January 29, 1910 Maude Saxe (Greenfield) died in Seoul, Korea, January 29, 1910. After graduation with '04 she was engaged in field work for the New York branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, with headquarters at 150 Fifth Avenue. She married Michael Willis Greenfield of our class. May 9, 1907, and went with him later in the year as a missionary teacher to Korea, under the Board of Missions of the Presbyterian Church. They lived in Seoul until her death less than three years later. She died in less than a month after the birth of her son, Willis Saxe, born January 5, 1910. She is buried at Seoul, Korea. She entered Syracuse September 17, 1900, in the Liberal Arts college and received the Ph.B. degree, cum laude, June 8, 1904. Her home while in college was at Walden, N. Y., where she was born, December 27, 1874. While in college she majored in semitics, and was a member of the German Club and the Y. W. C. A. In 1903 she was a delegate from the Y. W. C. A. to Silver Bay. NECROLOGY 119 Harry Budd Searles March 19, 1876— October 31,1910 Harry Searles died October 31, 1910, at Hones- dale, Pa. He entered Syracuse University in the medical course in September, 1900, and was graduated with the Class of 1904, June 8, 1904, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He was shortly thereafter admitted to practice in New York state and Penn- sylvania. He entered college from Thompson, Pa., and was a member of Nu Sigma Nu. He was born at Thompson, March 19, 1876. Was vice-president of the Class of 1904, at class day, representing the medical college. After graduation he practiced his profession at Honesdale, Pa., until his death. In 1906 he married Jessie W. Oliver of Honesdale. Further details the historian has been unable to obtain. Edward Henry Stoecker November 2^, 1880— August 5, 190 It The ranks of 1904 were first broken in the death of Edward H. Stoecker, August 5, 1904, a few weeks after graduation. After commencement he went to his home in Huntersland, N. Y., for a vacation preliminary to taking up the teaching profession. Acute peritonitis was the cause of death. He was the only son of Rev. and Mrs. Carl Stoecker. He was born at Hoboken, N. J., November 24, 1880. Graduating 120 THE CLASS OF 1904 from Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., he entered Syracuse University September 17, 1900, in the Liberal Arts college, and received the A. B. degree June 8, 1904. While in college he majored in German, and was a member of the Classical Club and played freshman and 'Varsity football in 1900, and on the sophomore team in 1901. He is buried at Middleburgh, N. Y. MAXWELL BRANE ■ The " First Born of the Class" Born July 10. 1904 Son of Mr. and Mrs. DeForesl E. Brani WILLIS SAXE GREENFIELD Born in Seoul, Korea, January 5, 1910 Son of Michael Willis Greenfield and Maude Saxe Greenfield hoth of '04; both deceased TWO "SONS OF 1904" REMARKS BY AND OF MEMBERS Nathan Abelson has been claim attorney for the Eastern States Railroad Corporation since 1905. "My hobby is to see the introduction of a few business courses in the college curriculum, e, g.y accounting, economics (a real course I mean), salesmanship and, possibly, business English, com- mercial law, advertising, — courses that would com- prise mental training plus the practical value of an elementary grounding in the theoretical funda- mentals of business. I do not favor abolition of the classics or the narrowing of our liberal arts cultural course to the point of turning our universities into business colleges; but a middle ground could be found or lecture courses by practical business men, apart from and in addition to the college curricu- lum — elective, not compulsory necessarily, — would stimulate the college man into thought of his quali- fications for business and guide him in the decision of his life work." Roy Allen. It appears that Roy Allen holds the class cham- pionship as a club member. He belongs to the Uni- versity Club, the Union League Club, the Psi Upsilon Club, all of New York; the Green Meadow Country Club, of Harrison, N. Y., and the Wee Burn Golf Club, of Noroton, Conn. "Living in the best little city in the United States; on automobile route from New York to 123 124 THE CLASS OF 1904 California. Stop and see us. The front door is always unlocked." Armstrong. "I wish I had something of real interest to add to my history, but my life has been just commonplace. I have a splendid family and perhaps that in the end is most worth while. I came near being with you in Syracuse in 1919 and am planning right now for the 20th reunion. Best wishes for the success of '04." Julia Babcock {Dunkley) . "My husband is general secretary of Y. M. C. Associations for Chinese in Tientsin. Interests mainly with Chinese people. American community of 400 in city, which numbers about 980,000. There are seven S. U. folks here including two Chinese." Grace Baird {Hersey), "This (Bellingham) is the most northwesterly city in the U. S. Dairying, fruit growing, fishing, lumbering. About 90,000 people." Baldrey. "The only man that had nerve enough to bring his wife to the fifteenth reunion of the Class." Bateman. "Since graduating, a sister and two brothers have been graduated from Syracuse and one of the brothers received the A.M. degree. I wonder if REIVL^RKS 125 that can be beaten for a family record in S. U. — four graduates, one of them an A.M. I attended the summer of 1912, so I think from 1900 to 1914 there was always a member of our family attending the university." Bennett. "My original class was '85, but I was side- tracked and an old fellow got mixed with the boys of 1904. I have been a school man all my life to January 1918. The highest calling of man. Now I'm in the next highest, agriculture. Both are con- structive and both deal with original material." Bettinger. "We are trying to do our share in the upbuilding of western Canada and find it very attractive and interesting work." Adelaide Wheeler (Blackhurst) . "Done nothing but *plug' since leaving college." Cannon. Perry Carpenter is actively interested in reli- gious work for older boys at Rochester. Louis Chalou:x is now on his fourth pastorate since graduation — fifteen years in the first three. "Practicing law with success, in trial work, and 126 THE CLASS OF 1904 still retain deep interest in welfare of Alma Mater, particularly its athletic teams." Collins. "The more I see of things the better I am satis- fied that I chose Syracuse for 'my college.' We surely have a wonderful leader in Chancellor Day." Crane. "Besides teaching here in the high school I am doing considerable *New Thought' work in New York City and expect very shortly to devote all my time to this. I write New Thought stories for children, do some healing, etc. This work is my principal interest." Eleanore Cross. "Have been so busy in my engineering profession with the General Electric Co. that I have had no time to think much about myself. My chief rec- reation is an active participation in Masonic fraternal work. I endeavor to keep in touch with college affairs through my fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. At the present time I happen to be vice- president and a director of the alumni association of the chapter." Crowell. "Still alive and going strong." John O. Da vies. "I like my job; if there is a better one, lead me to it. Money .^ Not much, but oh boy, the fun! REMARKS 127 Fame? Enough. *Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its fragrance on the desert air.' That's me all over. "We surely had a fine time last June (1919), but hope we can get a bigger bunch for the great cele- bration next time. We certainly had the livest bunch since the establishment of the University, and we stand out a distinct asset to the University, notwithstanding many larger classes which have followed us. The fact that 'Doc ' John signally recognized us by appearing with us in the parade is glory enough for all time. The honors of the day were ours. Shall hope to be with the old bunch every time they appear on the Campus." "Syl" Davies. **My work is ordinary teaching work backed by a sincere desire to develop a purpose, a personality and a love for the truly beautiful in life. Here's to a purposeful and effectual 1904." Florence Distin. "I was accompanist for W. G. Merrihew, con- ductor, who gave the * Messiah,' 'Creation,' 'Prod- igal Son,' and miscellaneous programs with New York soloists from 1905 to 1909." Grace Dornburg {Bagnall). "Have traveled throughout the country almost constantly since graduation; from twenty -five to 128 THE CLASS OF 1904 fifty thousand miles a year in the interests of the missionary enterprises of the churches." Doughty. Blanche Davidson {Doyle) received an A. R. C. service pin. She is interested in all activities of her community, Brevard, N. C. "Our Class seems to have a spirit which lives and lasts. May it grow and be cherished." Eastman. "Though at home caring for my aged mother I still keep up as much as possible in my chosen profession — and am enjoying teaching French. Though I can seldom get away out of town my inter- est in college matters does not flag. I am a loyal member of the Class of '04, though necessarily an inactive one." HiLDEGARDE EdWARDS. T. A. Enright during his architectural career not only helped develop plans for several of our uni- versity buildings, but worked on such buildings as the Y. M. C. A., the new Vocational high school, several grade schools, numerous city buildings, in Syracuse, and the 42-story L. C. Smith building in Seattle. "Nothing of note to record excepting that I am somewhat older and somewhat heavier and not much better looking." Enright. REMARKS 129 "When hesitatingly, with rhythm painfully slow, The first *Rip! Rah! Roar!' heralded the birth of 1904, The question was: *What shall the pageant be?' The answer is: 'Read our Class History, and see.'" Fowler. "I wish I could have attended the class reunion. It would have been genuine pleasure to have seen the genial faces of our friends and greeted the members of '04. It is a capital idea to get a 'Who is Who' for our distinguished class. An account of the ac- complishments of the men and women in whom they are mutually interested will be a cherished posses- sion of every member of the class. We like to see a Class History that will in some adequate measure and manner tell the deeds of the men who have been making history for themselves and for their class." Gabriel. "Only a country doctor." Lois Gannett. "We are building double wall concrete houses stuccoed on the outside, the best type of construc- tion known." Hays. George Hamilton, as chief of the hospital construction section, had complete charge of design- ing the hospitals at Camps Bragg, Benning, Knox, 130 THE CLASS OF 1904 Fort Bliss, Denver tuberculosis hospital, Walter Reed general hospital at Washington and all camp and general hospitals throughout the United States. "My life probably typifies that of the majority of college women who are married and bringing up a family. After looking after the management of our household, and doing part of the routine housework, we help our children with their studies and interest ourselves in their joys and sorrows, helping them to form ideals so that they can take up the work where this generation leaves off. We are living in critical times and great changes will take place in the next fifty years. Our children must be prepared for their task. Then there is the church work, the Bible class to be taught, programs, executive work, such duties as call for the trained mind. The college woman will not fail to interest herself in the civic life of her town and city. The woman with ex- ecutive ability has done her bit in the Red Cross work and the various drives of the last three years. At night she puts aside her own cares and with a smile greets her companion to cheer and encourage him after the day's work. The majority of college women never obtain fame, but are content if it can be said that the world is just a little better for their having lived." Maude Heath (Wilcox). "Am largely out of touch with the east and my former associates. Am practicing law alone and REMARKS 131 sticking close to the job, but have never lost deep interest in old S. U. and '04. Greetings to all!" Heal. "After practicing in Syracuse eleven years re- moved to New York City to a larger and more lucrative practice." Heiman. "My work outside the home has been done for the church. As head of the normal department of the Joyce Memorial Bible school I have been able to help prepare teachers for more efficient Christian service." Julia Hook (Shafer) "My Boy Scout work is very pleasant; I recom- mend it to those who will cut out habits it would be bad for boys to copy, and who will cultivate traits that will, if followed, help boys. "This couplet has helped me: *Give to the world the best that you have And the best will come back to you.' "I started some time ago to maintain a scholar- ship at old S. U., $37.50 semi-annually; it is very gratifying." Hook. "After twelve years of special work in the city I moved to rural life on Long Island and resumed general practice, along with raising pigs and chickens." Hui^T. 132 THE CLASS OF 1904 "I am so far away that I have never been back to Syracuse for a reunion. Am keeping young by playing athletic games. Lead a quiet family life, without much excitement. I still remember *Ma' Still's boarding house and the old salt rushes, etc., also the time I had the mumps and got cheated out of rowing on our freshman crew." Clarence Jones. Hello, there, how be you all.^" Hyzer Jones. "When in college I had no time to play. Since leaving, however, I have taken up the old Scottish game of golf. Have won several gold medals, cups, etc., and I think I am qualified to claim the golf championship of the illustrious class of 1904. If any one feels like opposing my claim, I will be very glad to settle it at our next class reunion. Am vice- president of a country club down here and if any of you fellows happen to pass through Du Bois, would be glad to have you stop off and I'll show you the course." Knapp. George Lynch, in response to the query, "married.'^" says, "You bet," and states under "remarks" in his questionnaire, "raising soldiers." "Am exerting myself toward riches in the great Imperial Valley of southern California. For past REMARKS 133 year inspecting 60,000 acres of cotton crops in Mexico for ginning company, loaning $3,000,000 or more to Chinese and Japanese growers. Don't any of the 1904 class dare to pass me by when visiting California.'* A more recent letter says: "Out here we are expecting cotton to hang us. We are hoping for the successful outcome to a 10,000 barrel oil well which is expected to come in late this month (January, 1921) or the first of next. If it actually shows well, or rather if it makes a good showing, we are expecting great boom excitement here and then we could forget our troubles over raw cotton." McLachlan. "There is nothing special to say about myself, save that I like to school-teach, which fact may be novel." Maud MacLachlan. "From the different lines of work I have been in you might think I am a vagabond. However, it's not as bad as that. I'm satisfied. Came over here (Paris) early in 1918 on some special auditing work for the American International Corporation. Since then I have had to work in England, Belgium, Italy and Franoe. In 1919 I was transferred to the Allied Machinery Co. de France, which is one of the many subsidiary companies of the A. I. C. My work now will take me to all the countries of south- western Europe; headquarters Paris, which city is 134 THE CLASS OF 1904 next to New York in my belief. Think your efforts in preparing a Class History are fine. Count me in for copies and my share of the expense. Sorry I can't tell of wonderful things I've done or of equally wonderful books written or of political aspirations, success, etc., but I guess I'm just one of the millions of plain, ordinary business men. Good luck and if any '04 folks get over here, look me up." Mac Adam. "After I came to California in 1910 I became interested in fruit ranching and bought a small prune and apricot orchard within easy reach of Stanford University, Was enrolled in the first summer quarter ever given at Stanford and have attended several summer schools and one college year at the University of California in Berkeley. While I am vitally interested in California's edu- cational program and in her institutions, I am as loyal a lover of *old Syracuse' as ever. The diffi- culty has been to make a trip east and a reunion coincide. This I hope to be able to accomplish in 1924." Lucia Meter. "Have taken an active part in suffrage, prohibi- tion and Red Cross work. Am a cousin of president- elect Harding's, from whom I received greetings at Christmas time. We are both descended from Colonel Thomas Harding of the Revolutionary army. REMARKS 135 **I think every married woman should call her- self by her own maiden name — the husband's name can be added for convenience. She is baptized into Christ's Church by her own name and it remains forever hers. Old friends will remember her by it, while they may not recognize her identity imder a masculine appellation." Anna H. Moore (Funnell), "Interested in history as usual. Have been con- nected with history of Erie County in several capacities in committee work. Retain interest in all forms of athletics. Reunions, coming as they do, make it impossible for teachers to attend on account of approaching commencements. However, we think of the ones who are lucky enough to be able to attend." Moore. "As a member of the College Women's Club and the Woman's Club of Erie (the largest in the state) my chief interests are in women's work. My hobby is nature study, being a bird lover affiliated with the Audubon Society." LiNA Jennings (Moore), Bob Morey started out to be a teacher and was a good one too, but one day was bitten by the Wall Street bug and all bets were off. Was in the brok- erage business in Philadelphia before invading the big town. "I haven't lost my interest at all in our class — I'd even be willing to wager that even today we can 136 THE CLASS OF 1904 trim any class that was ever graduated, in any way, shape or manner." NiLES. "Have been mixed up more or less in church, Sunday-school, and Y. M. C. A. work since coming to Clifton Springs and at present am superintendent of the M. E. Sunday-school." Odell. "Hope all the members of '04 have had as much fun out of their work and life as I have had. Each day is just a picnic. A teacher ought to keep young longer than any one else as she is in constant contact with life, youth, love and laughter. It's her own fault if she doesn't keep happiness in her heart." Nellie Olcott. "General practice — living — nothing to say except doing what each day brings." Padget. " My Alma Mater, old Syracuse, forms a principal part in my daily thoughts. The spirit which I brought from Syracuse has made me successful in my profession and my interest is to see her again. *May we all be leal and loyal to thy memory.' " Perez. "One of the successful failures. Getting by, that's all, but John D. has nothing on me." Phillips. REMARKS 137 "My work includes general supervision of re- ligious education in the 275 city associations in the U. S. Some teaching of New Testament in our National Training School, etc." Anna Rice. " Since leaving public office have been engaged in the practice of law, doing mostly advisory work with mercantile enterprises. Director in a number of companies in which I act as counsel." Rubin. Ernest Scott, pastor of Centenary M. E. Church, Utica, has been building a new parsonage there. Under his pastorate at Rome a new church was built. "In the management of our home and the rearing of our three sons I find a full-sized and most inter- esting occupation." Gertrude Sholes {Auten). "Time hasn't brought many changes except a few added pounds and a few subtracted hairs. Have several left yet for a rainy day. You can see for yourself that I am never anything but serious minded ! Just let me add — Syracuse is a great place, even with Rubin in New York and Evans in Beantown." Ernest Smith. 138 THE CLASS OF 1904 "No books, no offices, but oh, kind friends, the socks I've darned!" Jennie Gilbert {Smith). "The Western Electric Co. built many millions of dollars' worth of radio telephone sets during the war, and the work being done by our research de- partment portends great advances in the electrical and acoustic arts. Have had ten years of experience in patent work on radio signaling and related sub- jects. Have as assistants four other attorneys who are engineers or physicists and specialists in these branches." Sprague. "Am very much * settled down.' Possibly after my daughter is grown I may yet do something worthy of the Class." Edith Snyder (Wooster), "My husband is an inspector of immigration and our station may be changed from time to time; but we may always be reached in care of 'Immigration Service, Tucson, Arizona. ' If any Syracusans come to this part of the world, do let me know." Mildred Taitt (Milton). "I have joined the ranks of the workers — producers — from preference, and would not change back from the same cause." Taft. REMARKS 139 "Since leaving college I have tried to do my duty and have had a part as founder of the following: In 1910 — Troop 15 Boy Scouts of Buffalo; in 1913 of a graduate system of retaining the interest of the older boys in scouting; in 1913 of the College Scout Club of Buffalo; in 1915 of the scoutmasters' con- ference plan which is now in general use all over the United States; and in 1919 of a local Scout paper for holding the interest of active and graduate Scouts for life. Was chairman of the Buffalo Boy Scout camp committee for five years, 1912-1917; first president of the Buffalo Scoutmasters' Society, and re-elected for two years; in 1908 was manager of the first annual work-horse parade of Buffalo, under the auspices of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Have been vice-chairman of District 7 Charity Organization Society of Buffalo for the last five years, also war chairman of said committee for 1919. Also chairman of one of the general Christ- mas committees for the annual city-wide Christmas party for 1,500 poor children of the city for the last two years. Have been teacher of boys in Richmond Avenue M. E. Sunday-school for the last twelve years." Templeton. "The position I now hold necessitates traveling, as I visit all schools where pupils are prepared for taking drawing in regents' examinations. I meet teachers in conference and give them helps in teach- ing, supervise the marking of all drawing papers 140 THE CLASS OF 1904 and assist in preparing the examination questions. Am now fair (?), fat and forty and perfectly happy." Hazel Thorp (Hathaway), "All of my time has been devoted to my pro- fession since 1906. Have succeeded in building up a lucrative practice. I have handled successfully several actions involving as much as fifty thousand dollars each." TONEY. "I am always more or less active in the church and community in which I live, always trying to be humbly mindful of my responsibility as an alumnus of old Syracuse and trying to see to it, so far as my influence is concerned, that it will tend to reflect credit upon my Alma Mater. I am always keenly interested in * things Syracuse,' and follow the fortunes of the university in athletics and other matters with increasing interest. I was back to our 15th reunion and last fall I was in attendance at the Colgate game with my wife and two boys. We are now a family of four enthusiastic Syracuse rooters, and it is not beyond the realm of the possible that I shall be again represented in the undergraduate body by my two sons in the not distant future." Truran. **Am afraid I've done nothing that would be of especial interest to the class. Have tried two or three times to give up teaching, but do not seem to REMARKS 141 enjoy doing other things, so find myself back in the schoolroom again." Maude Tucker. "Am one of the directors of the Otselic Valley National Bank, of South Otselic. Enjoy a lucrative general country law business and deal in real estate. Only attorney within ten miles of my office." Webb. "Am doing general medical practice work in Crawfordsville, as a member of the firm of Sigmond and Williams — particular attention to x-ray work. Intend entering the U. S. Public Health Service soon." Williams. "Glad to be alive and a part of this great world in these trying times. Full of optimism in re our future." Carl Wright. "Been on the job here in Cleveland only three months and while everything goes well so far there is a big hustle ahead. We have nearly 2,400 mem- bers and have bought a lot near Western Reserve university where a new church is to be built. We expect the whole enterprise will cost at least $1,000,- 000. This looks like a real hard job and a good wholesome crowd to work with. Naturally I am up against some big propositions in bringing two churches together in a church building far removed 142 THE CLASS OF 1904 from most of their homes and at the same time get ready to build a new church." Louis Wright. "I am able to keep just about one jump ahead of the h. c. 1." Bob Young. "Situated on the borderland between northern and southern horticulture, in a section poorly devel- oped horticulturally because of the one-crop sys- tem of cotton farming of past years, but destined to rapid development of horticultural interests on account of the appearance of the cotton boll weevil, my problem is to develop orchard and garden crops adapted to the natural conditions of the state, either by plant breeding or introduction from outside sources, and to determine satisfactory methods of culture." Bill Young. "The Class Baby" Maxwell Brane, born July 10, 1904, is the "Class Baby" of 1904, the first child born to a member of the class after graduation. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Eldredge Brane. Mrs. Brane was Miss Olive Belle Olney, Cornell '01, and her marriage to Mr. Brane took place February 14, 1903. Their home is at Cato, N. Y. Maxwell is nearly seventeen years old and is a strong, sturdy six- footer, "just as his father was before him," when holding down a position on the Varsity line in under- graduate days at Syracuse. 15th anniversary, JUNE 10, 1919 1904 CLASS REUNIONS THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Class reunions were not in order at the Univer- sity. The Class of '04, first in navy and everything else in college life, decided to have a real reunion their fifth year out, June, 1909. Templeton, Evans, Rubin and the secretary sent out letters to the mem- bers asking them to return to the University on Alumni Day. They promised a good time for each one, a sing for the boys the night before and stunts for the girls. Each member received two notices before the appointed day. We succeeded in getting back twenty-five mem- bers, eight of whom were girls. After the alumni luncheon, a business meeting was held and the following officers were appointed : Chair- man Executive Committee, Irving R. Templeton; Executive Committee — J. Robert Rubin, Jennie Gilbert Smith, George W. Fowler and Ernest R. Smith. The duty of this committee was to arrange for the tenth reunion. A collection was taken to defray expense of present reunion. THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY The tenth reunion of the Class of *04 was ushered in, June 6, 1914, by a class breakfast at Winchell Hall on Alumni Day. About twenty were present. After the breakfast a business meeting was held, Irv- ing Templeton presiding. The former executive com- 145 146 THE CLASS OF 1904 mittee was reappointed to arrange for the fifteenth reunion. At this time the class took up a collection, the receipts of which were to defray expenses and to purchase a loving cup. The cup was to be presented to the University for the purpose of instituting an inter-class sing. The cup to go each year to the class winning the contest. More members arrived in the city during the morning and at one o'clock fifty attended the alumni luncheon. At this time the cup was presented by Bob Rubin. THE FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY The fifteenth reunion of the Class of '04 was held June 10, 1919. The ball was set rolling by the class breakfast, at 725 Grouse Avenue. Eighteen mem- bers attended the breakfast. A. L. Evans acted as toastmaster and the roasts and toasts began. We were glad to have with us our old favorite, Harry Baker of baseball fame. He had just returned from Russia where he had been serving his country as a Y. M. C. A. worker. He had served six months under the Czar, six under Lenine and six under Kerensky. His work had been with Russian prison- ers of war and he had much of interest to tell us. He also brought us news of other class members who had served in France. Bob Rubin blew in from New York and in his usual breezy manner gave us a friendly talk. Questionnaires had been sent out to all members of the class by A. L. Evans and 102 replies had been CLASS REUNIONS 147 received. Extracts from these replies were read as a sort of informal history. Thus we heard from classmates from coast to coast, and from foreign lands. Friendly jests and chats took place until the business meeting was called. The following permanent class officers were elected: President Irving R. Templeton Vice-President Anna Telfer (Searl) Secretary-Treasurer George W. Fowler Historian Arthur L. Evans Chairman Executive Committee . . J. Robert Rubin Arthur L. Evans was elected historian and instructed to edit and publish a class history. The class voted to send Chancellor Day a telegram at the opening of the fall term, commemorating his twenty-fifth year as Chancellor. This was done. At one o'clock the class attended the alumni lunch- eon. We were glad to welcome among our number our old friend Prof. P. O. Place, who in days gone by had so kindly chaperoned our sophomore banquet at the Valley and had often joined in our college activities. He is a sort of honorary member of the class, having begun his teaching at the University with '04 members. Each member was provided with a white cockade hat decorated with orange pompon, a numeral arm band and rattle. Thus arrayed we joined the parade of reunion classes. Each class was headed by a float. Our mascot was a white cubist elephant, 148 THE CLASS OF 1904 appropriately lettered with reference to '04's glorious undergraduate record; led by Capt. Walter F. Bay lis, who entertained the crowd by pranks, learned in T. N. E. initiation days. Some of the members attended the baseball game in the stadium. By evening at least sixty-five members had reached the city and sat together at the table re- served for us at the alumni dinner held in the gym- nasium. Rubin of our class was toastmaster. The "medics'* of '04 held a reunion by them- selves at Three Rivers the same day. Out of a possible attendance of 27 there were present 22, a splendid record. As George Lynch says, "It was a howling success." Great credit is due President Templeton for his perseverance and devotion in fostering and main- taining our traditional class spirit of college days. The twentieth reunion is to be a family reunion. We hope at least one hundred families will join us at that time. Maude Heath Wilcox, Secretary. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION WHERE MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 1904 ARE LOCATED. IN HOMES. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS ( The letter *'b'* after a name refers to buainets or professional location when different from home) Arizona K£AMB CANON William A. Fahcy FAIRBANK Mildred Taitt (Milton) California ART£SIA Marcus C. Bettinger EL CENTRO Argyle McLachlan FRESNO Lucia M. Meter POMONA William A. Root RIVERSIDE Olive Hartwig (Frost) Connecticut HARTFORD Evelyn Waterbury (Ross) NEW HAVEN John B. Swinney (b) STAMFORD Maude M. Tucker (b) UNCABVILLE Grace Hunt (Tibbetts) Illinois CHICAGO Joseph S. Eastman J. Orris Winslow Robert F. Young (b) HANOVER Lula Coe (Jameson) OAK PARK Robert F. Young PRINCEVILLE Gertrude Sholes (Auten) Indiana CRAWFORDSVILLE Harry B. Williams Maine BELFAST Orris S. Vickery 150 Maryland BALTIMORE Cordelia Scott (Doty) GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Nebraska Massachusetts BOSTON Arthur L. Evans (b) OMAHA Emily Johnson (Thomsen) New Jersey EAST ORANGE Clarence A. Sprague 151 BRAINTBEE Arthur L. Evans FREEHOLD Ella C. Bohr BROOKLINE Arte Meade (Bohr) Michigan DETROIT Joseph D. Fennen Clarence W. Jones GARFIELD Raymond S. Hatch (b) MOBSEMERE Frank A. Patterson NEW BRUNSWICK Agnes L. Waring (b) HOWELL Frederick 0. Ballard NUTLET Raymond S. Hatch KALAMAZOO Julia Babcock (Dunkley) Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS Elizabeth Hook (Shafer) Montana BUTTE John O. Davies PALISADE John H. Morecroft PLAINFIELD Harry S. Poland New York State ADAMS Lois L. L. Gannett ADDISON Charles L. Crane 152 THE CLASS OF 1904 New York State {Cont'd) ALBANY Mark W. Nelson F. Eugene Seymour Hazel Thorp (Hathaway) AUBURN M. LeRoy Seccomb George C. Sincerbeaux Leslie D. Snow BATAVIA George K. Warren BELLEROSE Norman D. Sturges BERQEN Clarence J. Whalen BINQHAMTON Daniel J. Kelly Ethel Mott (Abel) Clarence E. Rushmer (b) BUFFALO Louis B. Chaloux Edwin S. Edwards George G. Merry Franklin D. Pierce Elizabeth L. Rice Irving R. Templeton Earle K. Twombly CAMDEN Earle B. Niles CANANDAIQUA Alfred W. Armstrong CANASTOTA Albert E. Campbell Royal D. Woolsey CARTHAGE Nathan E. Francis CATO DeForest E. Brane BREWERTON Frank R. Strong CAZENOVIA Florence L. Distin (b) BREWSTER Harold B. Truran CHATHAM Minnie T. Mickle BROCKPORT Frances Hitchcock (Shay) CLIFTON SPBINGa Albert G. Odell BROOKLYN John L. Bauer Leon T. Carter Isabelle P. Coffin Howard J. Murray CORNING George S. G. Hares CORNWALL LANDING Arthur C. Perkins GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 163 New York State {Cont'd) CUTLER Gurdon C. Padget DANSVILLE Claire C. Bateman DE WITT Theodore L. Poole DRTDEN DeMont Ryan EABT BGCHESTEB Lawrence J. Farrell EDWARDS Charles T. Adams ELMHURST Agnes L. Waring ELMIRA J. Walter Heffernan Alice Stafford (Barber) Maude M. Tucker PULTON Florence L. Distin Maude Heath (Wilcox) Albert T. Jennings FULTONVILLB Eleanore Cross QROTON Henry E. Crossley HAMILTON Basil R. Gabriel HABTINGS-ON-HUDSON Frederick T. Burns HERKIMER M. Edith Williams JAMAICA Norman D. Sturges (b) JAMESTILLE Mary Quinlan (Norton) JOHNSON CITY Clarence E. Rushmer EUCLID Elmer J. Yerdon MANLIUS Earl N. Wikoff FAYETTEVILLE Jacob E. Gramlich MARINER S HARBOR Myron B. Morris FRANKFORT Harry J. Sheffield MEXICO Earle B. Mo wry 154 THE CLASS OF 1904 New York State (Coned) MORAVIA Cornelius Van Duyne MT. VERNON Frank J. O'Neill NEWARK Frank A. Boyd Clementine Heifer (Cowles) NEW ROCHELLB Seymour Handy NEW YORK CITY Harry T. Baker Frederick O. Ballard (b) Walter F. Baylis Leon T. Carter William E. Doughty Fred L. Fenton Harry S. Foland Jesse S. Heiman Alma E. Hurst (b) Isadore J. Levy Jos6 A. Lopez George M. MacAdam Minnie T. Mickle (b) John H. Morecroft (b) Robert W, Morey Frank J, O'Neill (b) Frank A. Patterson (b) Mortimer W. Raynor Anna V. Rice J. Robert Rubin Frank Sowers (b) Clarence A. Sprague (b) John B. Stobo (b) Charles E. Toney Harold B. Truran (b) Gilbert H. Wildman (b) Lawrence A. Wilkins (b) NIAGARA FALLS Edward J. M. Cannon Charles O. Hays NORTH SYRACUSB Charles S. Sleeth ONONDAGA VALLEY George M. Haight PAWLING Eugene J. Brady PLATTSBURGH Anna H. Moore (Funnell) PORT CHESTEB J. Roy Allen (b) PORT WAaHINGTON Eleanore Cross (b) RICHFIELD SPRINGS Earl N. Wikoff ROCHESTEB Perry A. Carpenter A. Stanley Copeland Sylvanus S. Davies Gordon Edson Edward E. Ford C. Fred Phillips GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 155 New York State {Cont'd) James A. Rourke Robert E. Wilcox ROME Parker F. Scripture ROSLTX HEIGHTS William E. Doughty J. Roy Allen 8ATVILLB Francis A. Hulst SCHENECTADY Grace Dornburg (Bagnall) SKANEATELES Louise Allen (Howlett) Hildegarde M. Edwards SOUTH OT3ELIC Herbert A. Webb SYRACUSE Nathan Abelson Michael J. Allen Myron A. Allen Gregory G. Andrews Harry Barber Katharine Bemia (Wilson) John H. Burke Roy W. Carpenter Frank E. Clifford Prank H. Collins Henry D. Costello Minnie D. Crofoot Chester D. Crowell M. Alberti DeFrank Thomas A. Enright Arthur H. Ferguson George W. Fowler Jennie Gilbert (Smith) Louis A. Gould George M. Haight (b) Lunette G. Havens Alma E. Hurst Chester H. King Julia C. Knowlton Pearl Levy George D. Lynch Maud MacLachlan Edna Mitchell (Shepard) Nellie Olcott William S. Plumb Theodore L. Poole (b) Horace B. Pritchard G. Everett Quick Edward C. Reifenstein Sarah Rumrill (Taylor) Ernest R. Smith John B. Stobo Harold Stone Anna Telfer (Searl) Claude P. Terry Carl P. Wright THREE-MILE BAY George A. Hamilton IBOT Beatrice Throop (Protheroe) 156 THE CLASS OF 1904 New York State {Cont'd) UTICA Milton D. Graham Ross D. Helmer Hyzer W. Jones Ernest H. Scott John L. Train Charles E. Woodley WALDEN Edith Snyder (Wooster) Oregon MC MINNVILLE Ray D. Fisher (b) PORTLAND Ray D. Fisher Pennsylvania BRADFORD Jennie M. Brown WALTON Bessie C. Rowland DU BOIS Roscoe H. Knapp WHITE PLAINS Frederick T. Burns Frank Sowers ERIE George O. Moore Lina Jennings (Moore) TONKERB Minnie D. Crofoot (b) Frederic M. Johnson* Jr. John B. Swinney Gilbert H. Wildman PITTSBURGH Arthur S. Hurrell READING John S. Rader North Carolina BREVARD Blanche Davidson (Doyle) BT. CLAIB Clarence J. Benjamin WILEINSBURG Lunette G. Havens (b) Ohio CLEVELAND Louis C. Wright Rhode Island PROVIDENCE Helen Marshall (Searle) GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 167 South Carolina CLEMBON COLLEGE William J. Young Texas SAN ANTONIO T. Wesley Hook Vermont HINE8BUBG Charles H. Bennett JOHNSON Julia C. Knowlton (b) Washington BELLINGHAM Loomis Baldrey SEATTLE John W. Heal, Jr. Andrew G. Taft Wisconsin SHEBOYGAN Allen D. Young Washington, D. C. George A. Hamilton Cornelius Van Duyne (b) Canada WINNIPEG Adelaide Wheeler (Blackhurst) Chile CONCEPCION Bessie C. Howland (b) China TIENTSIN Grace N. Baird (Hersey) France PABIS George M. MacAdam (b) Porto Rico SAN JUAN Federico G. Perez Turkey CONSTANTINOPLE Basil R. Gabriel (b) Summary NuMEBiCAL Locations Ariz. Calif. 2 Conn. 5 111..., 158 THE CLASS OF 1904 Ind... Maine . Md... Mass.. Mich.. Minn. . Mont. . Neb... N.J... N. Y.. N. C. Ohio.. Ore. . . Penna 8 R.I 1 S. C 1 Tex 1 Vt 2 Wash 3 Wis 1 D. C 2 Canada 1 Chile 1 180 China 1 France 1 Porto Rico 1 Turkey 1 2 8 Total locations 246 24 States, D. C, 7 countries 1904 STATISTICAL TABLES Occupations Accounting 1 Agriculture 8 Architecture 6 Building 1 Contracting 1 Draftsmanship 1 Engineering 11 Home 32 Insurance 2 Investment Securities . . 2 Law 35 Librarian 1 Management 5 Manufacturing 6 Mercantile 4 Metallurgy 1 Ministry 14 Medicine 32 Plumbing 1 Publishing 1 Railway 2 Real Estate 1 Shipping 1 Teaching 38 Ywork 3 Unknown 17 Total 227 Summary Commercial 36 Professional 142 Home 32 Unknown 17 Total 227 I. No. of men receiving bachelor's degrees . . . 170 No. of women receiving bachelor's degrees 69 Total receiving bachelor's degrees 239 159 160 THE CLASS OF 1904 II. No. of men of whom definite information received 163 No. of women of whom definite informa- tion received 59 Total of whom definite information re- ceived 222 No. of men of whom no definite informa- tion received 7 No. of women of whom no definite in- formation received 10 Total of whom no definite information received 17 Total 239 III. No. of men deceased (definite data) 8 No. of women deceased (definite data) ... 4 Total (definite data) 12 No. of men living (definite data) 155 No. of women living (definite data) 55 Total (definite data) 210 No. of men no definite data 7 No. of women no definite data 10 Total no definite data 17 Total 239 1904 STATISTICAL TABLES 161 IV. No. of men married (definite data) 147 No. of women married (definite data) 42 Total married (definite data) 189 No. of men unmarried (definite data) 22 No. of women unmarried (definite data) . . 21 Total unmarried (definite data) 43 No. of men, unknown whether or not married 2 No. of women, unknown whether or not married 5 Total unknown whether or not married .... 7 Total 239 No. of children, boys (definite data) 152 No. of children, girls (definite data) 139 Total (definite data) 291 No. of children, boys (men of class) (definite data) 130 No. of children, girls (men of class) (definite data) Ill Total (men of class) (definite data) 241 162 THE CLASS OF 1904 No. of children, boys (women of class) (definite data) 25 No. of children, girls (women of class) (definite data) 30 Total (women of class) (definite data) 55 Total 296 Less duplication 5 ToUl 291 1904 WORLD WAR SERVICE RECORD Practically every member of 1904 was enlisted in some form of local war work. The record here given covers service in or with army and naval forces, with imits, rank, place and period served. Alfred W. Armstrong — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. Captain. Fort Harrison, Ind., Camp Custer, Mich., General Hospital No. 15, Corpus Christi, Tex. Aug. 11, 1917-Feb. 1, 1919. Harry T. Baker — International Y. M. C. A. Prisoners-of-War Secretary. Russia. Oct. 1916- May 1918. Walter F. Baylis — U. S. Army. Ordnance Dept. Captain. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 1, 1918- April 3, 1919. Charles H. Bennett — Y. M. C. A. Religious Work Secretary. Tide Water district, Va. Thir- teen months. Albert E. Campbell — Y. M. C. A. Hut Secre- tary. 2nd Division. France. Dec. 15, 1917- Dec. 15, 1918. Frank E. Clifford — U. S. Army. Quarter- master's Corps. Construction Division. Cap- tain. Henry E. Crossley — Y. M. C. A. Religious Work Secretary. Naval Training Station, Hampton Roads, Va. Basil R. Gabriel — Y. M. C. A. Secretary. France. Two years. Milton D. Graham — U. S. Army. Volunteer Service Medical Corps. 163 164 THE CLASS OF 1904 George A. Hamilton — U. S. Anny. Hospital Section. Construction Division. Advisory Archi- tect. Washington, D. C. March 1918 to date. T. Wesley Hook — U. S. Army. 18th Division. Sergeant. Camp Travis, Tex. June 1918-Feb. 22, 1919. Arthur S. Hurrell — U. S. Army. Educational Director, four detachments. Apr. 15, 1918- Sept. 8, 1918. Chester H. King — U. S. Army. Machine Gun Battalion. 27th Division. France. IsADORE J. Levy — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. First Lieutenant. Camp Greenleaf , Camp Upton, N. Y. Aug. 21, 1918-June 1919. John H. Morecroft — U. S. Navy. Anti-sub- marine detection. Civilian technical expert. New London, Key West, England, France. From our entry until six months after the armistice. Federico G. Perez — U. S. Army. First Lieu- tenant. 375th Infantry. Horace B. Pritchard. — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. Captain. Camp Hospital No. 49, Laignes, France. Regimental Surgeon, 60th Infantry, 5th Division. July 27, 1918-Sept. 11, 1919. Mortimer W. Raynor — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. Major. Division Psychiatrist. 79th Di- vision. America; France. Sept. 1, 1917-Jan. 22, 1919. Edward C. Reifenstein — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. Captain. General Hospital No. 14, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.; General Hospital No. 2, Fort McHenry, Md. October 9, 1918-February 7, 1919. WORLD WAR RECORD 165 James A. Rourke — U. S. Army. S. A. T. C, Syracuse. Private. Oct. 14-Dec. 7, 1918. M. LeRoy Seccomb — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. Captain. Camp Oglethorpe, Ga. Aug. 1918- Jan. 1919. Harry J. Sheffield — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. (Reserve.) First Lieutenant. John B. Stobo — U. S. Army. Engineers Reserve Corps. Captain. T. N. T. and picric plant, Syracuse; Dupont powder plant, Nashville; gov- ernment picric plant, Grand Rapids, Mich. May 1916-January 1919. Harold Stone — U. S. Army. Employment Ser- vice . Director of Operations . Washington , D . C . ; France. Cornelius Van Duyne — IT. S. Army. Engineers' Officers' Training School, Motor Transport Corps. First Lieutenant. Camp A. A. Humphries, Va. Sept. 10-Dec. 4, 1918. George K. Warren — Y. M. C. A. Secretary. Camp Wads worth, S. C; France. 26 th and 87th Divisions. Oct. 1917-July 1919. Harry B. Williams — U. S. Army. Medical Corps. Major. Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Camp Dodge, la.; France, 366th Infantry; Camp Ogle- thorpe, Ga. July 1917-Apr. 8, 1919. Louis C. Wright — Y. M. C. A. Hut Secretary, Camp Devens, Mass.; Area Director, northern France. Sept. 1917-Aug. 1918. OTHER 1904 DEGREES Charles T. Adams M.D. Claudia E. Allen Pd.B. Alfred W. Armstrong A.B. A. LooMis Baldrey LL.B. John L. Bauer A.B. Charles H. Bennett B.D. Louis B. Chaloux B.D. D.D. IsABELLE P. Coffin A.M. Henry D. Costello LL.B. B.S. Minnie D. Crofoot Ph.M. John O. Davies LL.B. Sylvanus S. Davies D.D. M. Alberti DeFrank LL.B. William E. Doughty D.D. Ray D. Fisher M.S. Jennie E. Gilbert (Smith) Ph.M. Basil R. Gabriel A.M. B.D. George A. Goldstone Ph.M. M. Willis Greenfield B.D. A.M. Robert A. Griesser B.D. George M. Haight A.B. George S. G. Hares S.T.B. John W. Heal LL.B. J. Walter Heffernan A.B. Francis A. Hulst A.B. A.M. Arthur S. Hurrell Ph.D. Albert T. Jennings LL.B. 166 Syracuse, 1907 N. Y. S. Normal Coll. Syracuse 1901 Syracuse 1906 Syracuse 1901 Drew 1906 Drew 1906 Syracuse 1920 Columbia 1916 Syracuse 1902 Seton Hall 1896 Syracuse 1905 Syracuse 1906 Syracuse 1920 Syracuse 1907 Syracuse 1918 University of Oregon Syracuse 1905 Colgate 1914 Drew 1906 Syracuse 1908 Aub'n Th. Sem. 1907 New York Univ. Theol. Sem. of Va. Syracuse 1901 Boston Univ. 1907 Syracuse 1906 Williams 1902 Syracuse 1901 Syracuse 1904 Syracuse 1920 Syracuse 1906 OTHER DEGREES 16^ Hyzer W. Jones M.D. Syracuse 1907 Daniel J. Kelly D.Ped. , Syracuse 1919 Chester H. King A.B. Harvard 1902 Julia C. Knowlton B.L.S. N.Y.S.Libr. School IsADORE J. Levy M.D. Columbia 1908 Jose A. Lopez A.B. Inst, of Por. Rico 1899 George 0. Moore M.A. Syracuse 1909 Frank J. O'Neill A.B. Williams 1902 Frank A. Patterson A.M. Columbia 1907 ti a Ph.D. Columbia 1911 Federico G. Perez A.B. Inst. San Juan 1895 Theodore L. Poole LL.B. Syracuse 1906 George E. Quick B.S. Syracuse 1902 John S. Rader A.B. Fr'nkl'n & M'rs'l 1900 Anna V. Rice B.D. Hart. Th. Sem. 1913 James A. Rourke A.M. Syracuse 1905 J, Robert Rubin LL.B. Syracuse 1906 Sarah Rumrill (Taylor) Ph.M. Syracuse 1905 Parker F. Scripture A.B. Cornell 1902 Clarence A. Sprague LL.B. Geo. Wash'n U. 1916 (( {( M.P.L H (( (( Harold Stone A.B. Yale 1902 Frank R. Strong B.S. Syracuse 1900 Irving R. Templeton LL.B. Univ. of Buffalo 1909 Charles E. Toney Ph.B. Syracuse 1902 George K. Warren B.D. Roch. Th. Sem. 1908 Lawrence A. Wilkins A.M. Cohimbia Univ. 1914 Charles E. Woodley B.D. Wes.Th. Col. 1916 Royal D. Woolsey A.B. Syracuse 1902 (( <( A.M. Syracuse 1904 Louis C. Wright S.T.B. Boston Univ. 1907 (( a Ph.D. Boston Univ. 1917 William J. Young M.S. Wash. State Coll. 1913 BOOKS WRITTEN BY 1904 MEMBERS Clarence J. Benjamin — ^'Christian Unity** William E. Doughty — " The Call of the World*' William E. Doughty — ''Efficiency Points** Arthur L. Evans — ''Correct Shoe Fitting** M. Willis Greenfield — "Exegesis of Genesis** Seymour Handy — "Outlines of American History'* Seymour Handy — "Selected Questions in Ameri- can History** John H. Morecroft — " Short Course in Electrical Testing** John H. Morecroft — " Manual of Alternating Cur- rents** John H. Morecroft — "Continuous and Alternating Current Machinery** Frank A. Patterson — "Middle English Penitential Lyrics** Frank A. Patterson — "Shakspere and the Medieval Lyric*' John B. Swinney — " Merchandising y Wholesale and Retail** Mildred L. L. Taitt (Milton) — "Outlines of Physical Geography** Lawrence A. Wilkins — "Lecturas Faciles" Lawrence A. Wilkins — "Premier Secours — First Aid in Learning French*' Lawrence A. Wilkins — "Elementary Spanish Prose Book" Lawrence A. Wilkins — "Spanish in the High Schools" 168 BOOKS BY 1904 MEMBERS 169 Lawrence A. Wilkins — ** Unit Passages for Trans- laiian'* Lawrence A. Wilkins — ''First Spanish Book** Lawrence A. Wilkins — ''Second Spanish Book" SOMETIME MEMBERS OF 1904 The following were at some period members of the Class of 1904 in the several colleges Sadie F. Abrams Earle L. Ackley Robert P. Albright Frances M. Ambler John W. Andrews Mildred E. Andrews Frank G. Andrus Edith R. Armstrong Floyd B. Avery Elizabeth H. Baker Lavern L. Baker Mary E. Baker Benjamin W. Ballou Bertha E. Barber Nellie A. Barnes Minnie M. Barnum Jessie B. Barrett Madge M. Bates Frank P. Bayliss John I. Becker Lester D, Bedell Anson W. Belding Howard R. Bell Harold H. Bemiss Eugene E. Bennett Agnes Berrigan Jacob R. Beuchler Ralph W. Bickle Ernest M. Birdsall Theodora L. Blakeslee Henry B. Bohr Elizabeth L. Bond A. Laura Born Josephine Brackett Clifford E. Branch Florence A. Britton Osborne E. Britton Harold B. Brooks Arthur B. Brown Henry S. Brown Leon A. Brown Lloyd E. Brown Edwin H. Bull Archer C. Bush George B. Burdick Lillian L. Burnham Thomas F. Burns Orval T. Butler Florence E. Cady Edna Campbell Lake Erie Carrell Holmes T. Case Helen M. Casler Cornelia B. Chapin Jennie E. Coit Herbert T. Comfort 170 SOMETIME MEMBERS OF 1904 171 Arthur R. Conley Bertha L. Cook Irene S. Copley Harold D. Cornwall John W. Cox Horace A. Crabb LaDette R. Cross Margaret C. Creech Fred D. Cribb Adelaide Crim Mabel L. Crum Richard J. Cummings Edgar B. Curtis Eugene S. Dalton Elizabeth Dattan Stephen L. Dayan Charles H. Dayton Florence M. Deady Fanny G. Denio Bertha F. Dodge Samuel H. Dorr Wesley H. Douglass Harold L. Dyer Francis E. Eaton Marion Eaton Charles B. Ellis William R. Eno James W. Enright Mary E. Farnl^m Irving L. Farr Pearl R. Fatout Charles H. Fenton Josephine E. Ferry Sarah E. Finch Cora C. Fosbinder Marion D. Fuller Annie J. Gibney Jay W. Glass Fred H. Gleason Clifford L. Gladman Frank A. Gordon Mabel B. Gothier Earl R. Greeley Elbert I. Greene Marion E. Greene Sadie H. Green Mildred A. Griffith Adrian C. Grover Henry E. Haanel Charles A. Hahl Carl P. Hakes Eugene I. Hamilton Fred J. Hamilton Jane M. Hanford Allen K. Hart R. Maurice Hawn Henrietta G. Herron Edna M. Hicks Leon B. Hilsinger Bessie A. HiltOn Henry G. Hollon Alice E. Hosley Frederick C. House Mabelle C. Howe Raymond A. Hubleb 172 THE CLASS OF 1904 Franc I. Huntington Fanny M. Huntley Laura E. Hyatt ASHWORTH J. HyDORN Arthur H. Jackson William J. Jacobs Asa K. Jennings Anna M. Johnson Elsie V. Jones Gertrude Kemp William H. Kirkwood Frederick W. Kitson Charlotte M. Lamson Joseph T. Lane Sidney E. Lane Katharine E. Lee Ella LeRoy Grace M. Lewis H. Breckon Littlefield David B. Lisle Anna C. Loomis Earll L. Lord I. Lucile. Love Arthur F. Lowe Lola E. Lowther George H. Madison Edward W. Manley Lena B. Marple Ada N. Marr J. Ray Marshall Edward P. McCoemick Charles F. McMurray Julia M. McNamara Frances M. Merrill Harry E. Merritt Emma L. Miller Eugene H. Miller RoLLO E. Miller May E. Mills Clare E. Mohr Fred A. Mohr Howard B. Mullin David H. Murray Mattie M. Needham Jennie Nellis Sarah E. Nelson Henry A. Nesbitt Ward H. Ninde Grace M. Norris Elizabeth Oakley Jonas L. Oberdorfer George H. O'Hara Mary E. Oliver Eva L. Olney Frank H. O'Neil Arthur A. Palmer Charles F. Park George F. Park Charlotte B. Parker Maisa I. Parker Alfred H. Parsons Emma B. Parsons SOMETIME MEMBERS OF 1904 173 Joseph L. Payne Evelyn M. Peake Elizabeth G. Pearsall Winifred A. Peck William F. Pellenz E. Ruth Pembleton Gertrude E. PEN^^MAN Albert D. Phillips Ruth P. Piatt Bruce E. Pierce Herbert V. Pierson Horace H. Pierson Metta M. Potter Jeanne D. Pratt Charles R. Putidy Florence R. Quinne Grace R. Ramsay Charles W. Rand May F. Randolph LuELLA J. Reen Olive Reeves Sarah L. Remer Edythe Rhodes Anna P. Richards Harry B. Roberts Mary G. Roberts Eva G. Roe Helen F. Ross La Vantia H. Russell Eugene H. Sacicet Harold R. Sampson Bessie J. Scott James T. Schuyler Florence W\ Seeber Luella S. Sexsmith Laura C. Shafer Lydia H. Shafer Frank C. Shaut Marguerite Shepard William H. Short Floyd I. Silliman Laura E. Single Curtis W\ Smith Florence Smith Herbert A. Smith Peter G. Smith Annette M. Snell Edward Snyder William H. Snyder David M. Soper Royal P. Soule Franklin S. Springstead Luella V. Stark Josephine C. Steele Robert R. Stone M. Beeman Stout Grace A. Strang Bessie M. Sl^mner Grace A. Sumner William K. S warts welder Helen C. Taylor Elizabeth H. Tennant Wilbur J. Tetley Mary G. Thompson Mary E. Thompson Anna C. Titus Joseph YNE A. Transue 174 THE CLASS OF 1904 Josephine Underhill Edna A. Vanderhoff William A. Wadsworth Frederick W. Walrath Harlan L. Walrath Sylvanus D. Ward Je ANNETTE B. WaRDLAW Helen E. Weithaase Laura G. Weller Albion M. Wendell Wilder H. W^endell Gertrude A. Whipple RoscoE M. Whitcomb Edgar R. White Wilson B. Wickersham Harry S. Williams Genevieve Wilson Addie Winans Howard S. Witmer Benjamin C. Wood May C. Wood TUDOR PRESS. INC. BOSTON. MASS. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA C.SY8U1904 C001 Class of 1904 of Syracuse university a 3 0112 089382078 .i.Li;.i.;tii.;.u^.;iiU:iuiuiiaii ' r :'i;^!l! ill* 'I 3'i'ii,l;;l JiK ii .':'^:'i!"l:i;ii! iVi: WM i.i l!'l !l!! I ,l!!!lii ! liill 1 Uili,i Mm : '''''''mil J'i