LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 510.84 ho. 22-59 n/2 if a and b are in T« THEOREM: It is not possible to pick a subset T of more than 2n members from the set S of n dimensional vectors whose components are or 1 if one requires that any pair a, b from set T satisfy L(a,b) > n/2. If the condition is made L(a,b) > n/2 it is never possible to pick more than n+1. PROOF t Let (a Q , a.,..., a ,) represent the n component vector "a M whose components a. are either or 1. Let us adopt the notation (A- , A_ , . . . ,A , ) to represent the transformed vector A, where the vector A will be transformed by the formula k ± - (l-aa^/fi (1) Thus if a. = 0, A = l/ fn and if a ■ 1, A = -l/ fn". These are the only two possible choices for A. and consequently n-1 o z (A.r = i. (2) i=0 x We shall let V represent the broader class of vectors satisfying (2 ) (these are unit vectors). Transforms from set S are in V but, of course, V contains vectors which are not transforms from S. The theorem will be proven for set V and as a result will apply to the smaller Set S. Formula (l) allows a numerical representation of the quality L(a,b). If A. is the transform of a. and B. is the transform of h -3- then l/2 - n/2 A. B. will be If a and b agree and 1 if a. and b disagree. By summing such expressions we obtain n-1 L(a,b) = (n/2) (l - 2 A, B ) . (3) 1=0 This formula permits the condition L(a,b) > n/2 to be written n-1 n-1 Z A . B < and the condition L(a,b) > n/2 to be written Z A.B < 0. 1=0 "" 1=0 1 1 Let us assume that a set T has been found containing e members r ,r , ...,r ~ which satisfy the condition L(r ,r ) > n/2 if j 4 k » The transformed set V contains e members R , R , . . . , R and satisfies the condition n-1 . , Z R^ R? CO (k) 1=0 The set of vectors V may be rotated if each vector is post multiplied by a unitary matrix M. Under such a rotation the scalar product a-1 Z A.B ** invariant and condition (k) will therefore continue to hold. 1=0 n-1 To show that Z A B is invariant under a rotation we need merely 1=0 1 i write Z A.B. = AB . But A' = AM and B' = BM. Hence A' (B T ) = 1=0 rn rp rp. . rp — "t AM (BM) = AMM B '. M, however, is unitary so that M"^ = M and AMM'V = AIB T = AB T . We now show that it is possible to rotate V into V so that (R )' = (1,0,0,0, .. .,0). lit other words we shall perform a rotation M so that R transforms into (1,0,0, .. .,0). We begin by performing a rotation by M. , where M. is a unitary matrix defined as follows, -4- , "5 < w * w i^f * («;) 2 < W ♦ (»lf \|(» °) 2 + (»?) 2 . .. ... ... ... When one post multiplies R by M. no components axe changed except 1L. ■which becomes \(R n ) + (R, ) and R, which becomes . Similarly a u L f 4 matrix VL may be constructed which alters only R Q and R_, making Rp equal to etc. The matrix M = M_ ML M,,...,M , will thus rotate R into (1,0,0, ...,0). We now remove (R )' from V f and place it in a set W. If the •vector (-1,0,0, .. .,0) is in V T we also place it in W, removing it from V . We see that all remaining vectors in V must have nonr^positive n " 1 1 1 first components since Z (R )' (R^) 1 = (R^)' < 0. Thus we may write i=0 1 1 the condition n-1 Z i=0 Z (rJ)« (R*)< <0 whenever (R )' and (R )' are in V as n-1 (r£)» (Rq)' + Z (R^)« (R*)« <0 . -5- But since (R^)' s-nd (R^V ore both non~poaltiv» we have (Uj*)' (R^)' > n-1 . . and hence Z (X ) 1 (R )' < (5) 1=1 l 1 " Condition (5) say now replace condition (fc) with one less dimension 1 and with one or two less vectors In V than we had in V. It is tr^e that the normalization condition (2 ) may not hold for the n-1 dimensions hut condition (5) will not he affected if we multiply any vectors in V hy suitable constants to make it hold. We see that any vector in V whose last n-1 components are zero has been removed from V and placed in W so that normalization is always possible. The entire process described here may be repeated for the set V* in n-1 dimensions and a new set V" constructed. Bach time this process is repeated we put at most two vectors in W and lose one dimension. Thus, after n repetitions we have placed all e vectors in W and hence © may be not greater than 2n. This proves the first half of the theorem. To prove the second part of the theorem we follow the same process but use the condition E R^ R*<0. (6) 1=0 Using this condition we see that if both the vectors (l, 0, 0,...,0) and (-1,0,0, ...,0) are placed in W then no other vector may be left in V and satisfy (6 ) . Thus only one vector is placed in W at each step prior to the last one since to place two vectors in W would cut short the process (make e less than necessary). At the last step two vectors may be placed in W since no more vectors will be left In V. Hence e may not be greater than n+1 in this case and the second half of the theorem is proved. (