y pa* ravmg Brisk fflmfa Board of T rgyy, , 1 9.di*n.apo|i St i^_ FORMS FOR — Special Assessments, Illinois, Prepared and Compiled by A. H. BAER. ESQ., of BELLEVILLE, ILL. — FOR THE — National Paving Brick JVlanu factors’ Association. NEWS-DEMOCRAT PRINT, Belleville, Illinois. This work, together with a short treatise on Special Assessments, written by the same author, will be presented with the compliments of the National Paving Brick Manu- facturers’ Association to the Municipalities of Illinois making or contemplating Local Improvements. Address your requests to WILL P. BLAIR, Secretary N. P. B. M. Ass’n, Terre Haute, Ind. \°J OS TO INTERESTED MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. The intricate and technical nature of a procedure un- der the Illinois Improvement Laws, has often been the source of much anxiety, not only to municipalities making or contemplating local improvements, but also to the inter- ested contractors and material men. The want of an authoritive work on the subject and the lack of approved forms covering such proceedings, has often been expressed and lamented by interested municipal officers, especially the legal representatives and engineering departments. To afford a measure of relief in this regard, the National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Association has secured the services of Mr. A. H. Baer, Corporation Counsel of the City of Belleville, Illinois, whose experience and success in the Special Assessment Practice throughout the State, has established for him a reputation as an authority of very high standing on special assessment laws and procedure, and has peculiarly qualified him for the task of preparing a set of general forms relating to the various prescribed steps in the procedure involved in the making of a local improvement under the laws of this State. In appreciation of the co-operation and assistance ren- dered this Association by the various Boards of Local Im- provements and municipal engineers in this State, in bring- ing to the attention of the public the merits of vitrified brick as a paving material ; and to influence, to the greatest extent possible, the proper construction of brick paved streets, and especially the use of the number one specifica- tions as adopted and used by this Association for such con- struction, so as to attain the highest degree of perfection in the pavement and the greatest benefit to the municipali- ties and credit to the members of this Association, we are glad to be able to lay before you such a work, with our compliments. National paving brick Manufacturers' Association, By Will P. Blair, Secretary. 440 ^ 47 National Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association , Terre Haute , Ind.: Gentlemen : — I beg herewith to submit to you a compilation of forms applicable to special assessment proceedings, as prescribed by the laws of this State. While it is true that many other forms might be added, yet it appears that enough may be found herein to cover all the steps prescribed in the ordinary case, and many others which occasion may make necessary. In the presentation of these forms, it is not expected that, in themselves, they will infuse a knowledge of the sub- ject of special assessments, or will guarantee a faultless proceeding. The science of common law pleading cannot be acquired alone by a familiarity with the forms furnished by a Puterbaugh, nor can a pleader master the subject by an understanding of the Practice Act alone. It is not expected that the use of these forms will make unnecessary the special study of the law relating to special assessments. On the other hand, their use must be associated with especial study of the subject by the legal departments of the municipalities in which they are used and a degree of care in the particular case, commensurate with the difficulties which the subject involves, and the responsibilities which rest upon the various municipal departments, must at all times be exercised. The procedure is one exceedingly vulnerable to success- ful attack, unless it is, in all respects, substantially correct. And if successfully assailed, as a general rule, causes the greatest embarrassment to the municipality and the deep- est mortification and humiliation to those concerned as its proponents. Hence, in order to use the forms here given under- standing^, so that the proceedings will withstand the on- slaught of a determined opposition, a very thorough under- standing of the statutory enactments and the innumerable decisions of the higher Courts of this State, is quite neces- sary. It may be said generally, that each improvement pre- sents some features and some questions which are peculiar to it. To make the forms here given sufficiently general and free from misleading particularities, the forms are in some instances made quite general; in others they are so drawn as to be specifically applicable to particular cases. In their application to a particular proceeding some dis- criminating and discerning judgment on the part of the practitioner is necessary. If in this work I shall have been of some assistance in steering the proceedings under this act into the right chan- nel, I shall feel extremely gratified and much repaid. A. H. Baer. Belleville, 111., Jan. 23rd, 1908. a 0 Cl 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/formsforspecialaOObaer — 3 — FORM NO. 1. PETITION OF ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR PAVING OF ROADWAY. To the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , III. Gentlemen We, the undersigned, being owners of more than one- half of the property abutting on Street, in the City of Illinois, from to do hereby petition your Honorable Body to improve the roadway of said Street, for the distance and between the points aforesaid, by grading, curbing and paving the same with brick, the cost of said improvement to be met by special assessment (or special taxation) : Name. Number of Front Feet. FORM NO. 2. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PRIVATE CORPORA- TION AUTHORIZING SIGNING OF PETITION FOR PAVING OF ROADWAY. Be it Resolved, That .. a Corporation, being the owner of property abutting on Street, in the City of Illinois, hereby authorizes as its agent and attorney in fact, for it, in its behalf and its name, to sign a petition for the improvement of said Street, by grading , curbing and paving the roadway of the same, the cost and expense of said improvement to be met by special State of Illinois, ) County of $ I, being Secretary of the a Corporation, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and properly passed by the Board of Directors of the said at a meeting of said Board of Directors, duly and properly called and convened. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the said Company, this day of 190 . . . Secretary. ("Corporate Seal.,) FORM NO. 3. POWER OF ATTORNEY AUTHORIZING AGENT TO SIGN PETITION FOR PAVING. I, being owner of property fronting on Street, in the City of , Illinois, do hereby authorize for me, in my behalf and name, to sign a petition for the improvement of said Street, by grading, curbing and pav- ing the roadway thereof with brick, the cost and expense of said improvement to be met by special assessment (or taxa- tion) . IN Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of 190. .. (Seal.) ■~V — 5— FORM NO. 4. POWER OF ATTORNEY AUTHORIZING AGENT TO SIGN PETITION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER. I, being the owner of property fronting on Street, in the City of Illinois, do hereby authorize for me, in my behalf and in my name, to sign a petition for the improvement of said Street, by con- structing therein a sewer, with man-holes, catch-basins, necessary connections and appurtenances, the cost and ex- penses of said improvement to be met by special assess- ment (or special taxation). In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of 190 . . . (Seal.) FORM NO. 5. ORDINANCE DESIGNATING MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL AS MEMBERS OF BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. An Ordinance Designating Members of the City Council of the City of Illinois, Who Shall, With the Mayor of Said City, Con- stitute the Board of Local Improvements of said City. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , Illinois: Section 1 . That and members of the City Council of this City, be and they are hereby designated and appointed members of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, and that said with the Mayor of this City, constitute the Board of Local Improvements of this City. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. — 6 — FORM NO. 6. ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC ENGINEER. An Ordinance Creating the Office of Public Engineer. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , Illinois (or President and Board of Trustees of the Village of , as the case may be) : Section 1 . Public Engineer — Term of Office . — That there be and is hereby created the office of Public Engineer of the City of Illinois, who shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. Sec. 2. How and When Appointed Said Public En- gineer shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council, on the day of 190 . . , or as soon thereafter as may be, and annually thereafter. Sec. 3. Bond — Amount of — He shall, before assum- ing the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath pre- scribed by law for city officers, and shall execute a bond to the city in the penal sum of Thousand Dollars, with sureties to be approved by the City Council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and that he will pay all moneys and deliver over all property received by him or coming into his possession to the proper officers of this city, according to law and the ordinances of this city. Sec. 4. Duties of Engineer. — The Public Engineer shall devote his entire time (or as much of his time as may be necessary) to the discharge of the duties of his office. He shall, when required by the Mayor, City Council or any committee thereof, make out and submit plans, estimates and specifications for any public work which may be pro- posed or ordered by the City Council. He shall also, by vir- tue of his said office, be a member of the Board of Local Improvements of this city, and as such perform all such duties as may be enjoined upon him by law or required by the said Board. Sec. 5. Shall Superintend all Public Work — Make Re- port , Etc — He shall, when required by the Mayor, City Council or any proper officer thereof, and as often as may be necessary, examine all public work under his charge, and see that the same is properly executed ; and if the con- tractor thereafter shall neglect or refuse to execute such work in accordance with his contract and specifications, said Engineer may suspend the work and shall thereupon report the facts to the Mayor. SEC. 6. Shall Inspect, Receive and Measure Material — Audit Bills , Etc — He shall, when required, receive, in- spect and measure all material to be used in any public work of the city, and if necessary, shall keep an accurate account of the quantity and quality of the same, the cost thereof, from whom received and for what purpose used, or to be used; and shall examine all bills for material so received by him or in connection with his department, and, if found correct, shall certify same to the City Council for allow- ance. Sec. 7. Shall Mark Grade , Etc He shall, without charge, give or mark the grade of any street or alley, where established, at the request of any person desiring to erect any building or enclosure, or to lay any sidewalk thereon'. He shall make all surveys within and for said city that he may be called upon to make, and shall employ the necessary chainmen and such other assistants as the City Council may authorize. Sec. 8. Shall Keep Plats of All Surveys, Etc. — Said Engineer shall keep in his office, plats of all grades or boun- daries of streets and alleys established by the City Council, correcting the same when any grade shall be changed, and adding thereto when any new grade or boundary shall be established. He shall also keep correct surveys of all public sewers within the city, showing the location, length and di- mensions of the same, respectively. He shall record in a suitable book, to be provided by the city, the profiles of all surveys of grades and boundaries established, and preserve the original papers relating thereto, and shall otherwise keep a systematic record of all the transactions pertaining to his office. — 8 — Sec. 9. Private Drains — Shall Issue Permits — Penalty — Any person wishing to connect or to have con- nected any private drain or sewer with any public sewer, shall first apply to and obtain a written permit from the City Engineer therefor, whose duty it shall be to prescribe the mode of tapping the public sewers, the size of the open- ings therein, and the materials to be used in such connec- tions. The person obtaining such permit shall present the same to the Superintendent of Streets (or to such other person as shall be appointed by the Mayor for that pur- pose), under whose direction and supervision the work of making such sewer connection shall be done. Whoever shall violate or shall fail to comply with any of the require- ments of this section, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 10. Shall Make Annual Report for Fiscal Year. — The City Engineer shall, annually, on or before the first in of each year, make out and submit to the City Council, a report, showing in detail the public works or improvements undertaken or completed in connection with his department during the preceding fiscal year, and the cost thereof to the city. Sec. 11. Records of — Shall be Preseved. — Said Engi- neer shall carefully preserve, in his office, all plats and rec- ords of surveys, and all books, maps and papers pertaining thereto ; and upon the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation thereof, or removal therefrom, he shall, on de- mand, deliver to his successor in office, all such books, plats, maps, records and effects of every description, belonging to the city or appertaining to said office. (Here such other duties as may be desired may be imposed.) Sec. 12. Compensation. — There shall be paid to said Public Engineer as salary in lieu of all other fees, perqui- sites and emoluments, the sum of $ per annum, pay- able in equal monthly installments. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. SEC. 14. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. — 9 — FORM NO. 7. ORDINANCE CREATING OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. An Ordinance Creating the Office of Superintendent of Streets. Be it Ordained by the City Council ( or President and Board of Trustees of the Village, as the caes may be) of the City of , III.: Sec. 1. Superintendent of Streets — Term of Office — That there be and is hereby created the office of Superin- tendent of Streets of the City of , Illinois, who shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 2. How and When Appointed. — The Superinten- dent of Streets shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the City Council on the day of , 190. ., or as soon thereafter as may be, and annually thereafter. Sec. 3. Oath — Bond. — He shall, before entering up- on the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath pre- scribed by law for city officers, and shall execute a bond to the City of in the penal sum of thousand dollars, with such sureties as the City Council shall approve, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office and the payment of all moneys and the turning over of all property that may be received by him, according to law and the ordinances of said city, to the proper officers of this city. Sec. 4. Duties — Repairs and Unsafe Places. — Said Superintendent shall have charge of the improvement, re- pairing and cleaning of all streets, avenues and alleys in the city, and shall supervise the construction and repair of all sidewalks therein; but no improvement or repairs, except such as may be immediately necessary, shall be made by him without the previous order of the City Council. He shall, without delay, cause all unsafe places in any street or alley, bridge, culvert, and all other unsafe public places, to — 1 0 —- be repaired, and report the cost thereof to the City Council for allowance. Sec. 5. Shall Enforce Ordinances He shall cause all ordinances in relation to streets, alleys and sidewalks to be enforced, and shall prosecute all persons for violations thereof. He shall carry into effect all such orders, general or special, as he may receive from the City Council, the Mayor, or Committee on Streets and Alleys, and for any wilful neglect or refusal to perform any duty required of him by the laws or ordinances of said city, he shall be lia- ble to removal from office. Sec. 6. Shall Clean Streets and Alleys Annually and Recommend Improvements. — He shall, annually, in the spring of the year, under the direction of the Committee on Streets and Alleys, cause the streets, avenues and alleys, where needed, to be cleaned and the gutters opened, and shall, as far as it is practicable, keep them in that condition* during the year. He shall, from time to time, examine the sew r ers, culverts, bridges, crosswalks and sidewalks, and re- port the condition of the same to the City Council, and recommend such improvements or repairs as he may deem necessary. Sec. 7. May Employ Laborers , Teams , Etc. — Shall Superintend Same — Shall Supervise Connections of Sew- ers , Etc. — He may, by authority of the City Council, em- ploy such numbers of laborers, teams and carts as shall be necessary for cleaning and repairing the streets and alleys, and at such prices as shall be fixed by the City Council, not exceeding the customary rates paid by others for similar labor or service. He shall oversee and direct the street laborers and workmen, and require them to labor faith- fully, and shall keep, in a suitable book, a correct account of their time. He shall also supervise all connections of private drains or sewers with the public sewers, and shall see that the same are made in such manner that no injury is done to the public sewers. Sec. 8. To Keep List of Tools — Shall Turn Over to Successor. — It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to keep a correct list of all implements, materials and other property of the city, in his charge or possession ; — 11 — and upon the expiration of his term of office, or his resig- nation thereof, or removal therefrom, he shall deliver said property to his successor in office, taking a receipt there- for, which he shall immediately file with the City Clerk, who shall credit him with the same, and charge his succes- sor therewith. Sec. 9. Member of Board of Local Improvements . — He shall, by virtue of his said office, be a member of the Board of Local Improvements of this city, and as such per- form all such duties as may be enjoined upon him by law or required by said Board. Sec. 10. Make Monthly Report to Council. — Said Superintendent shall, on the first Monday of each and every month, report to the City 7 ' Council in writing, a state- ment of all expenditures under his supervision during the preceding month, specifying the purpose of such expendi- tures, and the different wards in which made, and, if re- quired, the persons to whom made. No account presented or certified by him shall be allowed, or warrant issued thereon, unless it shall be so rendered as to show to what account and ward it is chargeable. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in full force and ef- fect from and after its passage and approval. Sec. 12. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. FORM NO. 8. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS ORIGINATING SCHEME. BRICK PAVING IMPROVEMENT. Be it Resolved, By the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, That there be constructed on and along Street, from to in said city, a local improvement, as follows : — 12 — That the roadway of Street, for the distance and between the points aforesaid, and the roadway of all intersecting streets and alleys lying within said por- tion of said Street, and not included in the roadway thereof, shall be improved by grading , curbing and paving the same. (Here set out a general description of the nature, character and extent of the improvement, such as kind and character of material to be used in curb- ing and paving, width of paving, manner of construction and the like.) The estimate of the cost of this improvement, as com- piled and ascertained by, and certified over the signature of the (Engineer or President of the Board of Local Im- provements, as the case may be), be and the same is hereby approved and ordered made a part of the record of this resolution. Be it further Resolved, That this Board fix the day of , A. D. 190. ., at the. hour of o’clock. . .M. (not less than ten days after adoption of resolution), at the office of the Board of Local Improvements of this city (or any other place in the muni- cipality agreed upon by the Board), as the time and place for the public consideration of the said proposed improve- ment. Be it further Resolved, That notice of the time and place of such public consideration, be prepared and mailed in manner provided by law. Be it further Resolved , That this resolution be at once transcribed upon the records of this Board. FORM NO. 9. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS ORIGINATING SCHEME. SEWER IMPROVEMENT. Be it Resolved by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, That there be constructed in and along Street, from — 13 — to , in said city, a local improvement as follows: That there shall be constructed in and along Street, for the distance and between the points aforesaid, a sewer, with man-holes, catch-basins and necessary connections. Said sewer shall be cylindrical in form, etc. (Here set out general description, nature, extent and char- acter of improvement.) The estimate of the cost of said improvement, as com- piled and ascertained by, and certified over the signature of the (Engineer or President of the Board, as the case may be) , be and the same is hereby approved and ordered made a part of the record of this resolution. Be it further Resolved , That this Board fix the day of , A. D. 190. ., at the hour of o’clock. . . .M. (not less than ten days after adoption of resolution), at the office of the Board of Local Improvements of this city (or any other place in the muni- cipality agreed upon by the Board), as the time and place for the public consideration of the proposed improvement. Be it further Resolved , That notice of the time and place of such public consideration, be prepared and mailed in manner as prescribed by law. Be it further Resolved , That this resolution be at once transcribed upon the records of this Board. FORM NO. 10. ESTIMATE OF THE COST TO THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. 111., , 190. .. To the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , III. : Gentlemen: — I do hereby certify that the estimate of the cost of the local improvement of. Street, from to Street, in the City of , including - 14 - labor, material and the lawful expenses attending the same, is the sum of Dollars, itemized as follows: (The cost may be itemized as follows:) | Dollars | Cents square yards of vitrified brick paving on cement concrete, foun- dation six inches thick, with a sand cushion two inches thick and a cement grout filler, surface dressed with one-half inch of sand, complete in place, at per square yard lineal feet of expan- sion joint between curbing and wearing surface on both sides of the paving one inch in width, complete in place, at per lineal foot lineal feet of curbing set on , complete in place, at per lineal foot cubic yards excavating, grading and preparing sub-grade, at per cubic yard (Add other substantial component ele- ments of improvement, if any.) Vitrified clay pipe sewer, including inch “Y” branches and all necessary fit- tings and cementing joints with cement mortar, complete in place, as follows : lineal feet 6-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 8-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 10-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 12-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot j lineal feet 15-inch sew r er pipe at | per lineal foot j | — 15 — lineal feet 18-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 20-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 22-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 24-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 27-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 30-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot lineal feet 36-inch sewer pipe at per lineal foot cubic yards excavating .... refill- ing sewer trenches, at per cubic yard brick man-holes, complete with castiron covers, at each brick catch-basins, complete with castiron covers, at each .... (And so on itemize every substantial component element of the improve- ment.) Court costs and necessary lawful ex- penses TOTAL (Signed) of the Board of Local Improvements of . . . , Illinois. FORM NO. 11. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS ADOPTING RESOLUTION. Meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of , Illinois, held at its office this ...., 190... day of - 16 - Present , President, and and , members. Mr offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, which motion being seconded, was unanimously carried. (Here copy of resolution.) The estimate of the cost of the improvement contem- plated by said resolution, prepared by the (and in said resolution referred to and approved) or (on motion approved by said Board and itemized to its satisfac- tion), is as follows: (Here copy estimate.) Thereupon the meeting adjourned. President. Secretary. FORM NO. 12. FORM NOTICE FOR PUBLIC HEARING. , 111.,. . 190. .. You are hereby notified that the Board of Local Im- provements of the City of , adopted a resolution that a local improvement be made in the City of , Illinois, as follows: That (here set out substance of resolution, descriptive of improvement). That the estimate of the cost of the said proposed im- provement is as follows: (Here set out items of estimate.) That in and by said resolution, the said Board of Local Im- provements has fixed the day of , 190. ., at o’clock. . . .M., at its office (or other place fixed in the resolution), in said city, as the tmie and place for the public consideration of the proposed improvement. The extent, nature, kind, character and estimated cost of said proposed improvement, may be changed by said Board at the said public consideration, as provided by law. All persons desiring to be heard, will then be heard on the subject of the necessity for the said proposed im- provement, the nature thereof, and the cost as estimated. Board of Local Improvements 111. FORM NO. 13. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARING. State of Illinois, ] County of f-ss. City of J This affiant, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That under the direction of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, he sent by mail, on the day of , A. D. 190. ., postage prepaid, directed to the persons who paid the general taxes for the last preceding year on each lot, block, tract or parcel of land, fronting on the line of the proposed improvement of Street, from to , a notice of the time and place of the public hearing of said proposed improvement before said Board of Local Improvements, of which notice the following is substantially a copy : (Here copy or attach notice.) Affiant further on oath says that he made a careful ex- amination of the books of the Collector, showing the pay- ment of general taxes during the last preceding year upon the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land fronting on said proposed improvement, and the said notices were sent as aforesaid, to the persons he thus found to have paid the said general taxes on said respective lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of land fronting on said proposed improvement. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this dav of 190. .. > * Notary Public. -is- FORM NO. 14. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS ADHERING TO THE PROPOSED SCHEME. WHEREAS, On evidence submitted, this Board finds that notices of the time and place of the public consideration of the proposed improvement of (here describe improvement sufficiently to identify it), as provided for and contem- plated in and by the resolution adopted by this Board at its meeting held on the day of , A. D. 190. ., have been sent by mail in manner and form pre- scribed by statute. And Whereas, This Board finds that all steps by law required have been taken in manner by law required and that it has full and complete jurisdiction in the premises; therefore Be it Resolved , By the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, that it adhere to the proposed scheme for the improvement above mention- ed, as originally provided for in and by the resolution aforementioned, and that the local improvement as therein contemplated be made. Be it further Resolved , That the City Attorney (or any other qualified officer) prepare an ordinance providing for said proposed improvement in accordance herewith, and that such ordinance be submitted to the City Council of the said City of together with the recommendation of this Board. Be it further Resolved , That the (Engineer or Presi- dent of this Board, as the case may be), prepare over his signature, an estimate of the cost of said proposed improve- ment as originally contemplated, itemized and certified as required by law. - 19 - FORM NO. 15. RESOLUTION OF BOARD ABANDONING THE SCHEME FOR THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT. Be it Resolved , By the Board of Local Improvements that the proposed scheme for the improvement of (here designate improvement) as contemplated by the resolution of this Board, adopted on the day of A. D. 190. . , be and the same is hereby abandoned. FORM NO. 16. RESOLUTION CHANGING, ALTERING OR MODIFYING THE PROPOSED SCHEME. Whereas, On evidence submitted, this Board finds that notices of the time and place of the public considera- tion of the proposed improvement of (here describe im- provement sufficiently to identify it), as provided for and contemplated in and by the resolution adopted by this Board at its meeting held on the day of , A. D. 190. ., have been sent by mail in manner and form prescribed by statute. And Whereas, This Board finds that all steps by law required have been taken in manner by law required and that it has full and complete jurisdiction in the premises. And Wpiereas, This Board considers it most desirable that the extent (or kind, nature, character or estimated cost, as the case may be) , of the proposed scheme for the said proposed improvement as provided for in the said resolution adopted by this Board, be changed (altered or modified, as the case may be) as hereinafter provided. Therefore , he it Resolved , By the Board of Local Im- provements of the City of , Illinois, that the above mentioned improvement be made pursuant to the resolution heretofore adopted by this Board, and here- inbefore referred to, and that said resolution, with the - 20 - changes hereinafter prescribed for, be adhered to. That the extent (or nature, kind, character or estimated cost, as the case may be), of the said proposed scheme, for the said proposed improvement, be changed (altered or modified, as the case may be), as follows, to-wit: (Here set out chang- es, alterations or modifications, by a general description). Be it further Resolved , That the City Attorney (or any other qualified officer) prepare an ordinance providing for said proposed improvement in accordance herewith, and that such ordinance be submitted to the City Council of said City of , together with the recommendation of this Board. Be it further Resolved , That the (Engineer or Presi- dent of this Board, as the case may be), prepare over his signature, an estimate of the cost of said proposed improve- ment as changed (altered or modified) as above provided, itemized and certified as required by law. FORM NO. 17. RESOLUTION WHERE CHANGE OF PROPOSED SCHEME INCREAS- ES THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT MORE THAN TWENTY PER CENT. Whereas, On evidence submitted, this Board finds that notices of the time and place of the public considera- tion of the proposed improvement of (here describe im- provement sufficiently to identify it), as provided for and contemplated in and by the resolution adopted by this Board at its meeting held on the day of A. D. 190. ., have been sent by mail in manner and form prescribed by statute. And Whereas, This Board finds that all steps by law required, have been taken in manner by law required and that it has full and complete jurisdiction in the premises. And Whereas, This Board considers it most desirable that the extent (or nature, kind, character or estimated cost, as the case may be) of the proposed scheme for the said proposed improvement as provided for in the said —21 — resolution adopted by this Board, be changed (altered or modified, as the case may be) in manner hereinafter pro- vided. Therefore he it Resolved , By the Board of Local Im- provements of the City of , Illinois, that the above mentioned improvement be made pursuant to the resolution heretofore adopted by this Board and here- inabove referred to, except that the extent (or nature, kind, character or estimated cost, as the case may be) of the said proposed scheme for the said proposed improvement be changed (altered or modified, as the case may be), as fol- lows, to-wit: (Here describe changes, alterations or modi- fications in a general way.) And it appearing that the es- timate of the cost of said improvement, by reason of the changes (alterations or modifications), will be increased more than twenty per cent. Be it further Resolved , That a further public hearing be had upon the proposed scheme for the making of the said proposed improvement as herein changed (altered or modified), and that this Board fix the day of , 190. ., at the hour of o’clock ... .M., at the office of the Board of Local Improvements of this City (or any other place agreed upon by the Board) , as the time and place for the further public consideration of the proposed improvement. Be it further Resolved , That notices of the time and place of such further public consideration be prepared and sent by mail as provided by law. FORM NO. 18. RESOLUTION ADHERING TO PROPOSED SCHEME AT “FURTHER PUBLIC HEARING. Whereas, On evidence submitted, this Board finds that notices of the time and place of the further public consideration of the proposed improvement of (here de- scribe improvement sufficiently to identify it) , as provided for and contemplated in and by the resolution adopted by — 22 — this Board at its meeting held on the .... day of , A. D. 190. ., have been sent by mail in manner and form prescribed by statute. And Whereas, This Board finds that all steps by law required have been taken in manner by law required, and that it has full and complete jurisdiction in the premises. Therefore he it Resolved , By the Board of Local Im- provements of the City of , Illinois, that this Board adhere to the proposed scheme for the improve- ment above mentioned, provided for in and by its resolu- tion adopted on the day of , A. D. 190. ., as changed (altered or modified) by its resolution adopted on the day of , A. D. 190. ., and that said improvement as contemplated in said resolu- tions be made. Be it further Resolved , That the City Attorney (or any other qualified officer) prepare an ordinance providing for said proposed improvement in accordance herewith, and that such ordinance be submitted to the City Council of the said City of together with the recommendation of this Board. Be it further Resolved , That the (Engineer or Presi- dent of this Board, as the case may be) prepare over his signature, an estimate of the cost of said proposed improve- ment as herein contemplated, and itemized and certified as required by law. FORM NO. 19. MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS — PUBLIC HEARING. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Meeting of the Board of Local Improvements held at its office on the day of 190 . . , at the hour of ... . o'clock . . . . M. Present President, and Members. - 23 - Meeting was called to order by the President for the purpose of hearing the representations of all persons desir- ing to be heard on the subject of the necessity for the pro- posed improvement of (here designate improvement), the nature thereof, and the cost as estimated, pursuant to the resolution heretofore adopted by this Board at its meeting held on the day of 190. .. All persons desiring to be heard, having been heard, the following resolution was presented and unanimously (or if not unanimously, then state facts), adopted, to- wit: (Here copy resolution.) Thereupon, on motion, meeting adjourned. President. Secretary. FORM NO. 20. ESTIMATE OF THE COST TO CITY COUNCIL. 111., 190. .. To the Mayor and City Council and the Board of Local Im- provements of the City of Illinois: Gentlemen: — I do hereby certify that the estimate of the cost of the local improvement of ... as directed to be made by the Board of Local Improvements of said city, all of which are embodied in the draft of an ordinance hereto attached, including labor, material and all other lawful expenses attending the same, is the sum of Dollars, itemized as follows : (Here itemize — See Form No. 10.) I do further certify that in my opinion, the said esti- mate does not exceed the probable cost of said improve- ment proposed and the lawful expenses attending the same. of Board of Local Improvements. - 24 - FORM NO. 21. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROVING ESTIMATE AND ORDINANCE. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of , Illinois, on the day of , A. D. 190. ., at the hour of o’clock. . . .M. Present , President, and Members. The following resolution was introduced and, on mo- tion of , was unanimously adopted: “Be it Resolved , That the draft of an ordinance pro- viding for the improvement of from to together with the estimate of the cost thereof, prepared by the of this Board, be and the same are hereby approved and ordered transmitted to the City Council of the City of Illinois, with the recom- mendation of this Board.” Therupon meeting adjourned. President. Secretary. FORM NO. 22. RECOMMENDATION OF ORDINANCE BY BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. , 111., , 190. .. To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Illinois : Gentlemen: — The Board of Local Improvements here- with transmits to your Honorable Body a draft of an ordi- - 25 - nance entitled, “An Ordinance which said Board caused to be prepared, for the local im- provement of Street, from Street to Street, by (here state nature of improvement). The said Board of Local Improvements hereby recom- mends to your Honorable Body the making of said improve- ment in extent, nature, character, locality and description as set forth in said draft of ordinance herewith transmit- ted, and also recommends to your Honorable Body the pas- sage of said ordinance. The said Board of Local Improvements also herewith transmits to your Honorable Body an estimate of the cost of said improvement as finally determined upon by said Board and provided for in said draft of ordinance herewith transmitted. Respectfully submitted, Board of Local Improvements, City of 111. FORM NO. 23. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PAVING — INSTALLMENTS — BONDS — SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, to the City Council of said City, Providing for the Local Improve- ment of Street from to , by Grading, Curbing and Paving. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , III: Section 1 . That a local improvement shall be made ■ 26 — within the City of , Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which said improvement is as follows, to-wit : That the roadway of Street, in the City of from to , and also the roadway of all inter- secting streets and alleys lying within said portion of said Street, and not included in the roadway thereof (except at the intersection of Street), be and the same is ordered improved by grading, curbing and paving, as follows : (Here set out a detailed description of the extent, nature, character and locality of the improvement so that the ordinance itself contains sufficient specifications to make it susceptible of fair and uniform competition when bids are invited thereon.) (Among other things, the ordinance shall contain full and complete specifications relating to width of roadways, curbing, gutters, grade of the roadway and curb, datum plane, grading, excavating and filling, including foundation of pavement and ingredients, such as cement, sand, broken stone, mixing and laying concrete, sand cushion, bricks for paving, filler, expansion joints, or, if a composite is speci- fied, then the nature and character of the composite and in- gredient materials, foundation or base for curbing, and other parts of the improvement; in short, a complete specifi- cation of all the constituent and elementary parts of the improvement.) Sec. 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , provid- ing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof, made by the of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. Sec. 3., That the said improvement herein provided for, and the whole cost of said improvement, including the sum of Dollars ($ ), being the amount included in the estimate of the said hereto attached, as the cost of making, levying and collect- ing the assessment herein, be paid for by special assess- ment to be levied upon the property specially benefited to the amount that the same may be legally assessed therefor, — 27 - in accordance with the act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Im- provements, ” approved June 14th, 1897, and amendments thereto; and the remainder of such cost and expenses be paid by general taxation, and that the said sum of $ shall be applied towards the cost of making, levying and collecting such assessment, as pro- vided by said act of said General Assembly, and the amend- ments thereto. Sec. 4. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed against the property and also the assessment against each lot, block, tract or parcel of land therein as- sessed, shall be divided into installments in the maimer provided for by the statute in such cases made and provided, and each of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, according to law. Sec. 5. That for the purpose of anticipating the col- lection of the aforesaid second and succeeding installments provided for in this ordinance, the said City of shall issue bonds, payable out of said installments, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable annually, and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said city, under the corporate seal of said city ; said bonds to be issued in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, or some multiple thereof, and shall be issued in accord- ance with and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of the said act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Im- provements,^ ” approved June 14th, 1897, and amendments thereto. Sec. 6 . That the City Attorney (or Corporation Counsel) of the City of , be and he is hereby directed to file a petition in the name of the City of , in the. Court of County, Illinois, praying that steps be taken to levy a speci- al assessment for said improvement, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and the laws of the State of Illinois. - 28 - Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. FORM NO. 23A. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BRICK PAVEMENT ON GRAVEL OR BROKEN STONE, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE BASE, AND PORTLAND CEMENT FILLER. This form contains the number one specifications and directions for the construction of vitrified brick pavements, which are drawn from the experience and practice of emi- nent engineers, and have been adopted by the National Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association. They are recom- mended by that association as the best known construction, with the assurance that a strict compliance therewith, will produce the best results and attain the highest degree of efficiency from every point of consideration, especially dur- ability, sanitation and safety. The relative smoothness of this construction, in con- nection with the expansion cushion and a two-inch sand cushion (the function of the former being to provide for the expansion of the brick and always insure absolute contact of the brick with the sand cushion, and of the latter to liter- ally act as a cushion , receiving the vibration of impact and deadening the sound, thereby eliminating objectionable noise) , are commendable features. ORDINANCE No An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, to the City Council of said City, Providing for the Local Improve- ment of Street from to , by Grading, Curbing and Paving. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , III: Section 1 . That a local improvement shall be made — 29 — made within the City of Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which said improvement is as follows, to-wit : That the roadway of Street, in said City of from to , and also the roadways of all inter- secting streets and alleys lying within said portion of said Street, and not included in the roadway thereof ( except at the intersection of Street ), be and the same are ordered improved by grading, curbing and paving, as follows : (Here set out a detailed description of the extent and locality of the improvement, together with full and com- plete specifications relating to width of roadways, curbing, marginal curb, gutters, grade of roadway and curb, datum plane and other matters not included herein.) The roadway herein provided to be improved shall be brought to the subgrade by excavating or filling, as the case may be. The cross-section shall conform in every respect to the cross-section of the pavement when completed, and shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than five (5) tons, and all places that cannot be rolled as above required shall be thoroughly tamped. Earth in excavation shall be removed to within two (2) inches of the grade, then brought to the sub-grade with the roller. If the earth is too hard to receive compression through the roller, then the remaining inches shall be loos- ened with a pick and carted away. Earth in embankment shall be applied in layers of eight (8) inches in thickness and each layer thoroughly rolled. Whenever soft clay or spongy ground is developed in sub-grade that will not compact under the roller, it shall be loosened and excavated and filled with suitable material, and then rolled or rammed before the concrete foundation is laid. All sidewalks injured or disturbed in the construction of the improvement herein provided, shall be replaced or restored as nearly as may be to their original condition. On the sub-grade, as above prepared, there shall be placed a layer of Portland cement concrete six (6) inches in thickness when tamped. The concrete shall be composed — 30 — of one (1) part Portland cement, three (3) parts clean, sharp sand and six (6) parts of broken, hard ledge lime- stone, free of all refuse and foreign matter, with no frag- ment larger than will pass through a two (2) inch ring and none smaller than one (1) inch in their longest dimension. The sand and cement shall be mixed to a plastic mass, fluid enough to rapidly subside when attempted to heap into a cone shape. To this mixture shall be added the stone as above described, and the whole mass turned over not less than three (3) times, upon a board or by a machine pro- vided for such purpose, until every fragment is thoroughly coated with the cement mixture. It shall then be spread and thoroughly compacted by ramming until free mortar appears on the surface. The surface of said layer of con- crete shall be parallel to and six (6) inches below the sur- face of the finished pavement. The cement shall be the best Portland cement, deliv- ered on the work in original packages and branded with the name of the manufacturer. Upon the concrete foundation shall be spread a layer of coarse, clean sand two (2) inches thick before the com- pression of the bick by rolling. The sand shall be spread by the aid of a templet and made to conform to the true curva- ture of the street cross-section. Upon said sand cushion, a pavement of No. 1 quality of thoroughly vitrified paving brick of uniform texture, and regular in size and shape, shall be laid on edge at right angles to the center of the roadway, except at street inter- sections, where they shall be laid at an angle of 45 degrees to the center of the roadway ; and in either way the line or course of brick must be kept straight or within a maximum variation of two (2) inches. The dimensions of the brick shall not be less than 214x4x8, or more than 31 / 4 x 4 x 91/2 inches, free from cracks, with but slight laminations and at least one edge with but slight kiln marks. If the edges are round, the radius shall not be greater than 3-16 of an inch, and no piece of broken brick shall be used except in the end of courses to break joints. The brick shall be inspected before laying and also after laying, and again after rolling, and all soft, badly spoiled or ill-shaped brick shall be removed. Kiln-marked — 31 — ones may be turned over, and if the reverse edges are smooth and no other fault be found, may remain in the pavement. After the brick have been inspected, the brick next the curb shall be tamped to the proper grade. When the work joins any pavement already laid, a sufficient amount of the old pavement shall be relaid to form a suitable connection with the new pavement. After the brick in the pavement are inspected and the surface is swept clean of spalls, they must be well rolled with a live (5) ton steam roller in the following manner: The brick next to the curb should be tamped with a hand wood tamper to the proper gutter grade. The rolling will then commence near the curb at a very slow pace and con- tinue back and forth until the center of the pavement is reached, then pass to the opposite curb and repeat in the same manner to the center of the street. After this first passage of the roller the pace may be quickened and the rolling continued until each brick is firmly imbedded in the sand cushion. The roller shall then be started at the end of the block and the pavement rolled transversely at an angle of 45 degrees to curb, and the rolling then repeated in like manner in the opposite direction. Before this transverse rolling takes place all broken or injured brick must be tak- en up and replaced with perfect ones. An expansion cushion will be provided for, one (1) inch in thickness, next to the curb. Upon the sand cushion and adjacent to the face of the curb, there shall be set on edge a board one (1) inch in thickness and wide enough to extend above the finished surface of the pavement, which strip, after the completion of the pavement in all other respects, shall be removed and the void filled two-thirds (2-3) of its depth with pitch, and the top one-third (1-3) with sand. All joints in the pavement shall be completely filled with the best Portland cement grout, composed of one part each of clean sand and Portland cement. The mixture shall not exceed one-third (1-3 bushel of sand, together with a like quantity of cement, and shall be placed in a box and mixed dry until the mixture assumes an even and unbroken shade. Then water shall be added, forming a liquid mixture of the consistency of thin cream. From the time the water — 32 — is applied until the last drop is removed and floated into the joints of the brick pavement, the same must be kept in con- stant motion. The box for this purpose shall be 3% to 4 feet long, 27 to 30 inches wide and 14 inches deep, resting on legs of different length, so that the mixture will readily float to the lower corner of the box, which should be from 8 to 10 inches above the pavement. The mixture shall be removed from the box to the street surface with a scoop shovel, all the while being stirred in the box as the same is being thus emptied. This mixture, from the moment it touches the brick, shall be. thoroughly swept into the joints. The work of sweeping should thus be carried forward in a line until an advance of 15 to 20 yards has been made, when the same force and ap- pliances shall be turned back and shall again cover the same space in like manner, except to make the proportions two- thirds (2-3) Portland cement and one-third (1-3) sand. To avoid the possibility of thickening in any joint, a man with a sprinkling can shall gently sprinkle the surface ahead of the sweepers. Within one-half to three-fourths of an hour after this last coat is applied and the grout be- tween the joints has fully subsided, the whole surface must be slightly sprinkled and all surplus mixture left on the top of the bricks swept into the joints, bringing them up flush and full. After the joints are thus filled flush with the top of the brick and sufficient time for evaporation has taken place, so that the coating of sand will not absorb any moisture from the cement mixture, one-half inch of sand shall be spread over the whole surface. Grouting thus finished must remain absolutely free from disturbance or traffic of any kind for a period of at least ten days. Sec. 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, providing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof, made by the of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. Sec. 3. (Here continue other sections as in other forms herein given.) - 33 - NOTE: — (1) Ordinance must contain a detailed de- scription of the extent, nature, character and locality of the improvement, so that the ordinance itself contains sufficient specifications to make it fully descriptive of the improve- ment and make it susceptible of fair and uniform competi- tion when bids are invited thereon. Among other things, the ordinance shall contain full and complete specifications relating to width of roadways, curbing, gutters, grade of the roadway and curb, datum plane, grading, excavating and filling, including foundation of pavement and ingredi- ents, such as cement, sand, broken stone, or gravel, mixing or laying concrete, sand cushion, brick for paving, filler, ex- pansion joints, or when a composite is specified, then the nature and character of the composite and ingredient ma- terials — in short, a specification of the constituent and ele- mentary parts. (2) It is entirely proper to incorporate in the ordi- nance the full and complete specifications for the particular work as prepared by the Engineer. (3) Although purely optional, it is extremely desir- able that the ordinance contain a clause whereby it is pro- vided that contractors shall be required to furnish all fore- men or sub-foremen in charge of any particular portion of the work, specifications covering said work, and that they be required to acquaint themselves fully with all require- ments for the proper prosecution of the work under their supervision. * If combination of gravel and sand is used for con- crete, the mixture for natural cement should be one (1) measure of cement to six (6) measures of the mixture. If Portland cement, one (1) measure of the cement to eight (8) measures of the mixture. ! The one-inch board used in constructing the expan- sion cushion should be removed within thirty-six (36) hours after the grouting is completed, as after that time it will be found almost impossible to remove it. - 34 - FORM NO. 23B. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BRICK PAVEMENT ON GRAVEL OR BROKEN STONE BASE, PORTLANT CEMENT FILLER. This form contains the number two specifications and directions for the construction of vitrified brick pavements, which has been prepared by the National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Association to meet economical conditions in many cities where the question of original cost enters in- to consideration; and is recommended by that association as most likely to produce the best results and attain the highest degree of efficiency and service from the use of the particular materials mentioned. ORDINANCE No. An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, to the City Council of said City, Providing for the Local Improve- ment of Street from to . , Y y Grading, Curbing and Paving. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of III: Section 1. That a local improvement shall be made made within the City of Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which said improvement is as follows, to- wit : That the roadway of ... Street, in the said City of from to and also the roadways of all inter- secting streets and alleys lying within said portion of said Street, and not included in the roadway thereof (except at the intersection of Street) , be and the same are ordered improved by grading, curbing and paving, as follows: (Here set out a detailed description of the extent and locality of the improvement, together with full and com- — 35 — plete specifications relating to width of roadways, curbing, marginal curb, gutters, grade of roadway and curb, datum plane and other matters not included herein.) The roadway herein provided to be improved shall be brought to the subgrade by excavating or filling, as the case may be. The cross-section shall conform in every respect to the cross-section of the pavement when completed, and shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than five (5) tons, and all places that cannot be rolled as above required shall be thoroughly tamped. Earth in excavation shall be removed to within two (2) inches of the grade, then brought to the sub-grade with the roller. If the earth is too hard to receive compression through the roller, then the remaining inches shall be loos- ened with a pick and carted away. Earth in embankment shall be applied in layers of eight (8) inches in thickness and each layer thoroughly rolled. Whenever soft clay or spongy ground is developed in sub-grade that will not compact under the roller, it shall be loosened and excavated and filled with suitable material, and then rolled or rammed before the concrete foundation is laid. All sidewalks injured or disturbed in the construction of the improvement herein provided, shall be replaced or restored as nearly as may be to their original condition. Upon the sub-grade as above prepared shall be spread a layer of six (6) inches of broken stone or bank gravel, (choose one or the other, but do not permit both to remain) as far as possible free from loam or clay', but carrying sand enough to fill all the voids. It should be dumped promiscu- ously, with the team moving all the time, whereby the gravel will become more evenly packed. It shall then be spread with a shovel and further compacted (by dragging or rolling , choose one or provide for both ) . Upon this foundation shall be spread a layer of coarse, clean sand two (2) inches thick before the com- pression of the brick by rolling. The sand shall be spread by the aid of a templet and made to conform to the true curva- ture of the street cross-section. Upon said sand cushion, a pavement of No. 1 quality of thoroughly vitrified paving brick of uniform texture, and - 36 - regular in size and shape, shall be laid on edge at right angles to the center of the roadway, except at street inter- sections, where they shall be laid at an angle of 45 degrees to the center of the roadway ; and in either way the line or course of brick must be kept straight or within a maximum variation of two (2) inches. The dimensions of the brick shall not be less than 214x4x8, or more than 31 / 2 x 4 x 914 inches, free from cracks, with but slight laminations and at least one edge with but slight kiln marks. If the edges are round, the radius shall not be greater than 3-16 of an inch, and no piece of broken brick shall be used except in the end of courses to break joints. The brick shall be inspected before laying and also after laying, and again after rolling, and all soft, badly spoiled or ill-shaped brick shall be removed. Kiln-marked ones may be turned over, and if the reverse edges are smooth and no other fault be found, may remain in the pavement. After the brick have been inspected, the brick next to the curb shall be tamped to the proper grade. When the work joins any pavement already laid, a sufficient amount of the old pavement shall be relaid to form a suitable connection with the new pavement. After the brick in the pavement are inspected and the surface is swept clean of spalls, they must be well rolled with a five (5) ton steam roller in the following manner: The brick next the curb should be tamped with a hand wood tamper to the proper gutter grade. The rolling will then commence near the curb at a very slow pace and con- tinue back and forth until the center of the pavement is reached, then pass to the opposite curb and repeat in the same manner to the center of the street. After this first passage of the roller the pace may be quickened and the rolling continued until each brick is firmly imbedded in the sand cushion. The roller shall then be started at the end of the block and the pavement rolled transversely at an angle of 45 degrees to curb, and the rolling then repeated in like manner in the opposite direction. Before this transverse rolling takes place all broken or injured brick must be tak- en up and replaced with perfect ones. An expansion cushion will be provided for, one (1) inch in thickness, next to the curb. Upon the sand cushion, — 37 — and adjacent to the face of the curb, there shall be set on edge a board one (1) inch in thickness and wide enough to extend above the finished surface of the pavement, which strip, after the completion of the pavement in all other respects, shall be removed and the void filled two-thirds (2-3) of its depth with pitch, and the top one-third (1-3) with sand. All joints in the pavement shall be completely filled with the best Portland cement grout, composed of one part each of clean sand and Portland cement. The mixture shall not exceed one-third (1-3 bushel of sand, together with a like quantity of cement, and shall be placed in a box and mixed dry until the mixture assumes an even and unbroken shade. Then water shall be added, forming a liquid mixture of the consistency of thin cream. From the time the water is applied until the last drop is removed and floated into the joints of the brick pavement, the same must be kept in con- stant motion. The box for this purpose shall be 3% to 4 feet long, 27 to 30 inches wide and 14 inches deep, resting on legs of different length, so that the mixture will readily float to the lower corner of the box, which should be from 8 to 10 inches above the pavement. I he mixture shall be removed from the box to the street surface with a scoop shovel, all the while being stirred in the box as the same is being thus emptied. This mixture, from the moment it touches the brick, shall be thoroughly swept into the joints. The work of sweeping should thus be carried forward in a line until an advance of 15 to 20 yards has been made, when the same force and ap- pliances shall be turned back and shall again cover the same space in like manner, except to make the proportions two- thirds (2-3) Portland cement and one-third (1-3) sand. To avoid the possibility of thickening in any joint, a man with a sprinkling can shall gently sprinkle the surface ahead of the sweepers. Within one-half to three-fourths of an hour after this last coat is applied and the grout be 7 tween the joints has fully subsided, the w T hole surface must be slightly sprinkled and all surplus mixture left on the top of the bricks swept into the joints, bringing them up flush and full. After the joints are thus filled flush with — 38 — the top of the brick and sufficient time for evaporation has taken place, so that the coating of sand will not absorb any moisture from the cement mixture, one-half inch of sand shall be spread over the whole surface. The cement shall be the best Portland cement, deliv- ered on the work in original packages and branded with the name of manufacturer. Grouting thus finished must remain absolutely free from disturbance or traffic of any kind for a period of at least ten days. Sec. 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, providing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof, made by the of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. Sec. 3. (Here continue other sections as in other forms herein given.) Note: — See notes under Form No. 23a. FORM NO. 23C. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BRICK PAVEMENT ON GRAVEL OR STONE BASE, SAND FILLER. This form contains the number three specifications and directions for the construction of vitrified brick pave- ments, which has been prepared by the National Paving Brick Manufacturers' Association to meet economical require- ments in the smaller cities and towns where the demands of traffic are not severe, and where property values neces- sitate the consideration of original cost; and it is therefore recommended by that association where such conditions exist not only as the most economical in the point of cost of construction, but their quality and service at the same time prove very satisfactory. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of — 39 — the City of , Illinois, to the City Council of said City, Providing for the Local Improve- ment of Street from to , by Grading, Curbing and Paving. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , III. : Section 1. That a local improvement shall be made made within the City of Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which said, improvement is as follows, to-wit: That the roadway of Street, in the said City of , from to and also the roadways of all inter- secting streets and alleys lying within said portion of said Street, and not included in the roadway thereof (except at the intersection of Street) , be and the same are ordered improved by grading, curbing and paving, as follows : (Here set out a detailed description of the extent and locality of the improvement, together with full and com- plete specifications relating to width of roadways, curbing, marginal curb, gutters, grade of roadway and curb, datum plane and other matters not included herein.) The roadway herein provided to be improved shall be brought to the subgrade by excavating or filling, as the case may be. The cross-section shall conform in every respect to the cross-section of the pavement when completed, and shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than five (5) tons, and all places that cannot be rolled as above required shall be thoroughly tamped. Earth in excavation shall be rem—^ within two (2) inches of the grade, then brought to the sub-grade with the roller. If the earth is too hard to receive compression through the roller, then the remaining inches shall be loos- ened with a pick and carted away. Earth in embankment shall be applied in layers of eight (8) inches in thickness and each layer thoroughly rolled. Whenever soft clay or spongy ground is developed in sub-grade that will not compact under the roller, it shall be loosened and excavated and filled with suitable material. — 40 — and then rolled or rammed before the concrete foundation is laid. All sidewalks injured or disturbed in the construction of the improvement herein provided, shall be replaced or restored as nearly as may be to their original condition. Upon the sub-grade as above prepared shall be spread a layer of six (6) inches of broken stone or bank gravel (■ choose one or the other , hut do not permit both to remain) as far as possible free from loam or clay, but carrying sand enough to fill all the voids. It should be dumped promiscu- ously, with the team moving all the time, whereby the gravel will become more evenly packed. It shall then be spread with a shovel and further compacted by ( dragging or rolling, choose one or the other or provide for both.) Upon this foundation shall be spread a layer of coarse, clean sand two (2) inches thick before the com- pression of the brick by rolling. The sand shall be spread by the aid of a templet and made to conform to the true curva- ture of the street cross-section. Upon said sand cushion, a pavement of No. 1 quality of thoroughly vitrified paving brick of uniform texture, and regular in size and shape, shall be laid on edge at right angles to the center of the roadway, except at street inter- sections, where they shall be laid at an angle of 45 degrees to the center of the roadway ; and in either way the line or course of brick must be kept straight or within a maximum variation of two (2) inches. The dimensions of the brick shall not be less than 234x4x8, or more than 83/2x4x9% inches, free from cracks, with but slight laminations and at least one edge with but slight kiln marks. If the edges are round, the radius shall not be greater than 3-16 of an inch, and no piece of broken' brick shall be used except in the end of courses to break joints. The brick shall be inspected before laying and also after laying, and again after rolling, and all soft, badly spoiled or ill-shaped brick shall be removed. Kiln-marked ones may be turned over, and if the reverse edges are smooth and no other fault be found, may remain in the pavement. After the brick have been inspected, the brick next the curb shall be tamped to the proper grade. The entire pavement will then be rolled with a five (5) ton —41 — roller until each brick is firmly imbedded in the sand. When the work joins any pavement already laid, a sufficient amount of the old pavement shall be relaid to form a suitable connection with the new pavement. An expansion cushion will be provided for, one (1) inch in thickness, next to the curb. Upon the sand cushion and adjacent to the face of the curb, there shall be set on edge a board one (1) inch in thickness and wide enough to extend above the finished surface of the pavement, which strip, after the completion of the pavement in all other respects, shall be removed and the void filled two-thirds (2-3) of its depth with pitch, and the top one-third (1-3) with sand. After the brick in the pavement are inspected and the surface is swept clean of spalls, they must be well rolled with a five (5) ton steam roller in the following manner: The brick next the curb should be tamped with a hand wood tamper to the proper gutter grade. The rolling will then commence near the curb at a very slow pace and con- tinue back and forth until the center of the pavement is reached, then pass to the opposite curb and repeat in the same manner to the center of the street. After this first passage of the roller the pace may be quickened and the rolling continued until each brick is firmly imbedded in the sand cushion. The roller shall then be started at the end of the block and the pavement rolled transversely at an angle of 45 degrees to curb, and the rolling then repeated in like manner in the opposite direction. Before this transverse rolling takes place all broken or injured brick must be tak- en up and replaced with perfect ones. All joints of the pavement shall be completely filled with clean, dry sand, which shall be spread upon the sur- face of the brick to the thickness of one-fourth (fi) inch, over which shall be passed the roller two or three times or more, forcing the sand to find further and greater settle- ment in the interstices. Sec. 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, providing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof, made by the — 42 — of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. Sec. 3. (Here continue other sections as in other forms herein given.) Note: — See notes under Form No. 23a. FORM NO. 23D. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BRICK PAVEMENT ON NUMBER TWO PAVING BLOCK BASE, PORTLAND CEMENT FILLER. This lorm contains the number four specifications and directions for the construction of vitrified brick pave- ments, and has been prepared by the National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Association to meet conditions in many localities remote from gravel or stone, and where number two paving block can be substituted therefor. In the matter of value and substantiality of this con- struction, when strict compliance with the directions here given is exercised, the pavement will equal in every respect that built under the number one specifications set forth in Form No. 23a. Ordinance No. An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, to the City Council of said City, Providing for the Local Improve- ment of Street from to by Grading, Curbing and Paving. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of III: Section 1 . That a local improvement shall be made within the City of Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which said improvement is as follows, to- wit : That the roadway of - Street, in the said City of from to and also the roadways of all inter- secting streets and alleys lying within said portion of said Street, and not included in the roadway thereof (except at the intersection of Street) , be and the same are ordered improved by grading, curbing and paving, as follows : (Here set out a detailed description of the extent and locality of the improvement, together with full and com- plete specifications relating to width of roadways, curbing, marginal curb, gutters, grade of roadway and curb, datum plane and other matters not included herein.) The roadway herein provided to be improved shall be brought to the subgrade by excavating or filling, as the case may be. The cross-section shall conform in every respect to the cross-section of the pavement when completed, and shall be thoroughly rolled with a roller weighing not less than five (5) tons, and all places that cannot be rolled as above required shall be thoroughly tamped. Earth in excavation shall be removed to within tv/o .(2) inches of the grade, then brought to the sub-grade with the roller. If the earth is too hard to receive compression through the roller, then the remaining inches shall be loos- ened with a pick and carted away. Earth in embankment shall be applied in layers of eight (8) inches in thickness and each layer thoroughly rolled. Whenever soft clay or spongy ground is developed in sub-grade that will not compact under the roller, it shall be loosened and excavated and filled with suitable material, and then rolled or rammed before any part of the founda- tion is laid. All sidewalks injured or disturbed in the construction of the improvement herein provided, shall be replaced or restored as nearly as may be to their original condition. Upon this sub-grade as above prepared shall be spread a base of sand two (2) inches in thickness, and it shall be brought to a perfect grade conforming to that of the finished pavement. There shall be laid flat-wise at right angles with the street upon this grade thus prepared, a layer of No. 2 paving block not less than three (3) inches in thickness, the interstices of which shall be filled with a filler composed 44 of two (2) parts of clean sand and one (1) part of Port- land cement. This filler shall be prepared and applied as herein provided in this ordinance for the preparing and applying of the cement filler for the joints in the wear- ing surface of the pavement. The foundation thus made shall remain undisturbed at least thirty-six (36) hours before the sand cushion herein provided for, may be spread. At least ten (10) days must elapse before rolling and compacting of the surface is allowed, and at all events no team shall be permitted, or hauling be allowed upon this surface during this period. Upon this foundation shall be spread a layer of coarse, clean sand two (2) inches thick before the com- pression of the brick by rolling. The sand shall be spread by the aid of a templet and made to conform to the true curva- ture of the street cross-section. The cement shall be of the best Portland cement, deliv- ered on the work in original packages and branded with the name of the manufacturer. Upon said sand cushion, a pavement of No. 1 quality of thoroughly vitrified paving brick of uniform texture, and regular in size and shape, shall be laid on edge at right angles to the center of the roadway, except at street inter- sections, where they shall be laid at an angle of 45 degrees to the center of the roadway ; and in either way the line or course of brick must be kept straight or within a maximum variation of two (2) inches. The dimensions of the brick shall not be less than 21/4x4x8, or more than 31 / 2 x 4 x 9 % inches, free from cracks,, with but slight laminations and at least one edge with but slight kiln marks. If the edges are round, the radius shall not be greater than 3-16 of an inch, and no piece of broken brick shall be used except in the end of courses to break joints. The brick shall be inspected before laying and also after laying, and again after rolling, and all soft, badly spoiled or ill-shaped brick shall be removed. Kiln-marked ones may be turned over, and if the reverse edges are smooth and no other fault be found, may remain in the pavement. After the brick have been inspected, the brick next the curb shall be tamped to the proper grade. — 45 — The entire pavement will then be rolled with a five (5) ton roller until each brick is firmly imbedded in the sand. When the work joins any pavement already laid, a sufficient amount of the old pavement shall be relaid to form a suitable connection with the new pavement. After the brick in the pavement are inspected and the surface is swept clean of spalls, they must be well rolled with a five (5) ton steam roller in the following manner: The brick next the curb should be tamped with a hand wood tamper to the proper gutter grade. The rolling will then commence near the curb at a very slow pace and con- tinue back and forth until the center of the pavement is reached, then pass to the opposite curb and repeat in the same manner to the center of the street. After this first passage of the roller the pace may be quickened and the rolling continued until each brick is firmly imbedded in the sand cushion. The roller shall then be started at the end of the block and the pavement rolled transversely at an angle of 45 degrees to curb, and the rolling then repeated in like manner in the opposite direction. Before this transverse rolling takes place all broken or injured brick must be tak- en up and replaced with perfect ones. An expansion cushion will be provided for, one (1) inch in thickness, next to the curb. Upon the sand cushion and adjacent to the face of the curb, there shall be set on edge a board one (1) inch in thickness and wide enough to extend above the finished surface of the pavement, which strip, after the completion of the pavement in all other respects, shall be removed and the void filled two-thirds (2-3) of its depth with pitch, and the top one-third (1-3) with sand. All joints in the pavement shall be completely filled with the best Portland cement grout, composed of one part each of clean sand and Portland cement. The mixture shall not exceed one-third (1-3) bushel of sand, together with a like quantity of cement, and shall be placed in a box and mixed dry until the mixture assumes an even and unbroken shade. Then water shall be added, forming a liquid mixture of the consistency of thin cream. From the time the water is applied until the last drop is removed and floated into the - 46 - joints of the brick pavement, the same must be kept in con- stant motion. The box for this purpose shall be 3 to 4 feet long, 27 to 30 inches wide and 14 inches deep, resting on legs of different length, so that the mixture will readily float to the lower corner of the box, which should be from 8 to 10 inches above the pavement. The mixture shall be removed from the box to the street surface with a scoop shovel, all the while being stirred in the box as the same is being thus emptied. This mixture, from the moment it touches the brick, shall be thoroughly swept into the joints. The work of sweeping should thus be carried forward in a line until an advance of 15 to 20 yards has been made, when the same force and ap- pliances shall be turned back and cover the same space in like manner, except to make the proportion 2-3 Portland cement and 1-3 sand. To avoid the possibility of thickening in any joint, a man with^a sprinkling can shall gently sprinkle the surface ahead of the sweepers. Within one-half to three-fourths of an hour after this last coat is applied and the grout be- tween the joints has fully subsided, the whole surface must be slightly sprinkled and all surplus mixture left on the top of the bricks swept into the joints, bringing them up flush and full. After the joints are thus filled flush with the top of the brick and sufficient time for evaporation has taken place, so that the coating of sand will not absorb any moisture from the cement mixture, one-half inch of sand shall be spread over the whole surface. Grouting thus finished must remain absolutely free from disturbance or traffic of any kind for a period of at least ten days. Sec. 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, providing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof, made by the of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. Sec. 3. (Here continue other sections as in other forms herein given.) Note: — See notes under Form No. 23a. - 47 - FORM NO. 24. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PIPE SEWER — INSTALLMENTS — BONDS — SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, to the City Council of said City, Providing for the Local Improve- ment of Street from to by Constructing In and Along said Street for the Distance and Be- tween the Points Aforesaid, a Sewer, with Man-holes, Catch-basins and Necessary Connections and Appurtenances. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Illinois: Section 1. That a local improvement shall be made within the City of Illionis, the nature, character, locality and description of which said local im- provement is as follows: Sewer. That a vitrified clay pipe sewer, with necessary con- nections, laterals, man-holes, catch-basins and all other appurtenances, be and is hereby ordered constructed in and along Street, from to as follows: (Here set out description of extent, nature, character and locality of the improvement ; among other things specify and describe diameter, dimensions, locality, con- necting points with existing sewers, and all particulars not covered by following general specifications.) Grades. EXCAVATION. - 48 - Sewer Pipe. Cement. Sand. Back-Filling. FI ouse Connections. Surplus Earth. Man-Holes. Catch-Basins. Brick for Man-Holes, Etc. Sewer District. - 49 - All property abutting on the line of said sewer, or ly- ing within the sewer district herein, or which may be bene- fited by said improvement, or has been or may be assessed for special benefits therefrom, may be connected therewith without any additional cost or charge whatever, and per- mission and authority is hereby given owners and occu- pants of such property to make and construct any and all necessary connections from such property, with such sewer, subject, however, to such reasonable regulations for the doing of the work and for the joining with said sewer as may be legally prescribed. Sec. 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , pro- viding for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof, made by the of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. Sec. 3. (Here may be added general provisions as in the booklet provided.) FORM NO. 25. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR WATER MAINS, ETC. An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted, and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, to the City Council of said City, Providing that a Cast-iron Water Main, with Necessary Fire Hydrants, Valves and Fit- tings, be Laid in Street from to , in the City of , 111. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , Illinois : Section 1 . That a local improvement shall be made within the City of , Illinois, the nature^ character, locality and description of which is as follows, to- wit : — 5C— That a cast-iron water main, with necessary fire hydrants, valves and chambers and special fittings, be and the same are hereby ordered laid in Street, from to as follows: (Here set out description of improvement, with the particularity stated in preceding forms for ordinances.) (Concluding sections same as in other ordinances). FORM NO. 26. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR SIDEWALKS. (This is under the general act and not under the special sidewalk act as amended in 1905.) An Ordinance Prepared and Transmitted and Its Passage Recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, Providing for a Sidewalk on Side of ... , from to in the City of , Illinois. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , Illinois: Section 1. That a local improvement shall be made within the City of , Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which is as follows, to- wit : That a sidewalk feet wide, be and the same is hereby ordered constructed on side of Street, from Street to Street, except in front of and also except the intersec- tions hereinafter described, to- wit: (Set out description of improvement with the particu- larity illustrated in preceding forms for ordinances.) (Sidewalk ordinances must contain substantially the following section in addition to the others applying to im- provements generally) : —51 — “The owner of any lot, block, tract or parcel of land abutting on the sidewalk hereinabove provided for shall, and there is hereby allowed him, forty (40) days, after the time at which this ordinance shall take effect, in which to build said sidewalk opposite to his land, and thereby re- lieve the same from assessment ; Provided , that work so to be done shall in all respects conform to the requirements of this ordinance, said work to be done under the superin- tendence of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of ” NOTE: — Concluding sections same as in other ordi- nances. FORM NO. 27. SUPPLEMENTAL ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING DIVISION INTO INSTALLMENTS AND ISSUANCE OF BONDS. ORDINANCE NO An Ordinance Authorizing the Division Into Installments of the Special Assessment for the Improvement of Street, from to in the City of as Provided for in and by Ordinance No of said City, and to Authorize the Issuance of Bonds to Anticipate Collection of such De- ferred Installments. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , Illinois: Section 1. That the aggregate amount of the special assessment provided for in and by Ordinance No of the City of entitled “(here insert title) ” passed by the City Council of the said city on the day of , 190 . . , and approved by the Mayor thereof on the day of , 190 . . , and also the assessment against each lot, block, tract and parcel of land therein ordered to be assessed, shall be divided into installments in manner provided by statute in such cases made and provided, and each of said install- ments shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, according to law. — 52 - Sec. 2. That for the purpose of anticipating the col- lection of the second and succeeding installments provided for in this ordnance, the said City of shall issue bonds, payable out of said installments, bearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable annually, and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said city, under the corporate seal of said city; said bonds to be issued in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, or some multiple thereof, which said bonds shall be issued m accordance with, and shall in all respects conform to, the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improve- ments, " approved June 14th, 1897, and amendments thereto. Sec. 3. That the of this city ( same officer designated in the original ordinance to file petition) is hereby directed immediately and before the confirmation of the assessment roll for said improvement, to prepare and file in the Court of County, Illinois, in the name of this city, a supplemental petition,’ setting up the passage of this ordinance, and attaching a certified copy thereof, which said petition shall contain a prayer that said Court enter its order dividing the assess- ment herein into installments in the manner herein and by statute provided, and that said Court con- firm said assessment so divided into installments, as is by law required. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and ef- fect from and after its passage and approval. Note: — When the original ordinance does not em- brace these matters, this supplementary ordinance may be passed. FORM NO. 28. ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT ENTIRE COST OF IMPROVEMENT BE RAISED BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ON PROPERTY BENE- FITED, TO THE EXTENT OF THE BENEFITS. (Proceed as in Sec. 3, Ordinance No. 23.) Note:— T his form is especially recommended, since it is more flexible than any of the others and allows a wider - 53 - latitude in spreading the assessments. Practically every basis for determining benefits and spreading the assessment and any division* of the total cost between the public and the property benefited, may be had under this form, while at the same time, especially in smal- ler cities and where the topographical or other physical conditions of the several parcels of property assessed, which ordinarily influence values and benefits, are not uni- form, the assessor is vested with a very desirable discre- tion, which, if exercised judiciously, will generally produce a more equitable and ratable distribution of the cost of the improvement. FORM NO. 29. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AND THAT COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT AT STREET IN- TERSECTIONS BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE MUNICIPALITY AS PUBLIC BENEFITS. (Follow form of Ordinance No. 23, except as to Sec. 3, and insert as follows) : Sec 3. That the cost of the said improvement, includ- ing the sum of $ being the amount included in the estimate of the said hereto attached, as the cost of making, levying and collecting the assess- ment herein, and which said sum shall be applied towards the payment of the aforesaid and other costs by law authorized, be paid by special assessment to be levied upon the property specially benefited, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements/' approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and amendments made thereto; Provided , however, that there shall be paid by and assessed against the City of as public benefits, an amount equal to the cost of the said improve- ment, at all street and alley intersections to the width of — 54 — the said intersecting streets and alleys (or to the width of the roadways of said intersecting streets and alleys). Note : — It will be noted that there is quite a difference between the width of “intersecting streets” and width of roadways of the intersecting streets.” FORM NO. 30. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AND A CERTAIN PER CENT. TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE MUNICIPALITY AS PUBLIC BENEFITS. (Follow form of Ordinance No. 23, except as to Sec. 3, and insert as follows) : Sec. 3. That the cost of the said improvement, in- cluding the sum of $ , being the amount included in the estimate of the said hereto attached, as the cost of making, levying and collecting the assess- ment herein, and which said sum shall be applied toward the payment of the aforesaid and other costs by law authorized, be paid by sepcial assessment to be levied upon the property specially benefited, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and amendments made thereto ; Provided, however, that there shall be paid by and assessed against the City of , as public benefits, an amount equal to per cent, of the cost of the said improvement, and the amount included in the estimate of the said , hereto attached. as the cost of making, levying and collecting the assess- ment herein. - 55 - FORM NO. 31. ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT ENTIRE COST OF IMPROVEMENT BE RAISED BY SPECIAL TAXATION ACCORDING TO FRONTAGE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of , Illinois: (Here follow as in Ordinance No. 23, except as to Sec. 3, and insert as follows) : Sec. 3. That the said improvement herein provided for and the whole cost of said improvement, including the sum of Dollars ($ ), being the amount included in the estimate of the said hereto attached, as the cost of making, levying and collect- ing the assessment herein, be paid by special taxation to be levied upon the property contiguous to and abutting there- on, in the proportion of the frontage of each lot, block, tract or parcel of land and property upon said ........... Street, from the to the and to pay said cost of said improvement and the said cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment aforesaid, a special tax to the amount of said cost of said improve- ment and said cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby levied upon each lot, block, tract or parcel of land and property contiguous to and abutting thereon, accordingly, in accord ance with the act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improve- ments, approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and amendments since made thereto; and that the said sum of $ shall be applied toward the cost of making, levying and collecting such assessment, as pro- vided by said act of said General Assembly and the amend- ments thereto. - 56 - FORM NO. 32. / AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPRQVEMENT BY SPECIAL TAXATION ON THE BASIS OF FRONTAGE AND PART BY GENERAL TAXATION. (Follow form of Ordinance No. 23, except as to Sec. 3, and insert as follows) : Sec. 3. That the cost of said improvement, except as hereinafter provided, including the sum of $ being the amount included in the estimate of the said , hereto attached, as the cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment herein, and which said sum shall be applied toward the payment of the afore- said and other costs by law authorized, be paid by special taxation to be levied upon the property contiguous to and abutting upon said improvement in the proportion that each lot, block, tract and parcel of land and property may front or abut upon said Street, from to , and to pay the cost of the said improvement, except as hereinafter provided, and the cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment to be levied upon the property as hereinabove provided, a special tax be and the same is hereby levied upon each lot, block, tract and parcel of land and property contiguous to and abutting upon said improvement, to be spread in the proportion hereinabove stated, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illi- nois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and amendments since made thereto; Provided , however , that there shall be paid by and assessed against the City of , as public benefits, an amount equal to per cent, of the total cost of said improvement and the amount included in the estimate, hereto attached, as aforesaid. - 57 - FORM NO. 83. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT BY SPECIAL TAXATION ON THE BASIS OF FRONTAGE, AND THAT STREET AND ALLEY INTERSECTIONS BE PAID BY GENERAL TAXATION. (Follow form of Ordinance No. 23, except as to Sec. 3, and insert as follows) : Sec. 3. That the cost of said improvement, including* the sum of $ , being the amount included in the estimate of the said , hereto attached, as the cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment herein, and which said sum shall be applied toward the pay- ment of the aforesaid and other costs by law authorized, be paid by special taxation, to be levied upon the property con- tiguous to and abutting upon said improvement in the pro- portion that each lot, block, tract or parcel of land and pro- perty may front or abut upon the said Street, from to , and that an amount equal to the cost of the said improvement at all street and alley intersections to the width of the said inter- secting streets and alleys (or to the width of the roadways of said intersecting streets and alleys), be paid by and levied upon said city of , as public benefits ; and to pay the said amount of the cost of the said improvement and the cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment to be levied upon the property as herein- above provided, a special tax be and the same is hereby levied upon each lot, block, tract and parcel of land and pro- perty, continguous to and abutting thereon, to be spread in the proportion hereinabove stated, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and amendments thereto. - 58 - FORM NO. 34. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT ASSESSMENT AGAINST PRO- PERTY SHALL BE DIVIDED INTO INSTALLMENTS. (Follow Form No. 23 to Sec. 4 and insert Sec. 4, as follows) : Sec. 4. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed against each lot, block, tract and parcel of land herein assessed, shall be divided into installments in the manner provided for by the statutes in such case made and provided, and all installments shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, according to law. FORM NO. 35. ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE ASSESSMENT AGAINST PRO- PERTY AND MUNICIPALITY BE DIVIDED INTO INSTALLMENTS. (Follow Form No. 23 to Sec. 4 and insert Sec. 4, as follows) : Sec. 4. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed, and each individual assessment, and also the assessment against the municipality on account of property owned by the municipality, and for public benefits, shall be divided into installments in the manner pro- vided for by statute in such cases made and provided for, and each of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, according to law. FORM NO. 36. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OR SPECIAL TAXATION WITHOUT PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT IN INSTALLMENTS. (Follow Form No. 23 to Sec. 4 and insert Sec. 4, as follows) : Sec. 4. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed against the property, and also the assessment on each lot, block, tract and parcel of land herein assessed, shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, according to law. FORM NO. 38. PETITION FOR ASSESSMENT TO PAY COST OF STREET IMPROVEMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the . . . ss. Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of To the Honorable Judge Presiding: Your Petitioner, the City of , respect- fully represents that it is a municipal corporation, organ- ized and acting as such, under and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Providing for the Incorporation of Cities and Vil- lages, ” approved April 10th, 1872, in force July 1st, 1872. Your Petitioner further shows that heretofore, to-wit: on the day of 190 . . , the City Council of the said City of , passed an - 60 - ordinance entitled “An Ordinance (here insert title of ordi- nance) which was approved by the Mayor of said city on the day of 190 . . , and is numbered Your Petitioner attaches to and files with this petition a copy of the said ordinance, certified by the Clerk of said city, under the corporate seal of said city; also a copy of the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of said city, of the passage of said ordinance by the City Council of said city ; also a copy of the estimate of the cost of the improvement authorized and ordered by said ordi- nance, approved by the City Council of said city, being the legislative body of said city; said recommendation and said estimate of cost being each certified to by the City Clerk of said city under the corporate seal of said city ; which said copies of said ordinance, recommendation of said Board of Local Improvements, and said estimate of the cost of said local improvement, authorized and ordered in said ordi- nance, your petitioner attaches to and files with this peti- tion and makes a part thereof, by reference. Your petitioner prays that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for the said improvement, in accord- ance with the provisions of said ordinance and an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements,” approved June 14th, 1897, and amendments thereto. City of Illinois, Petitioner, By , Its FORM NO. 39. CITY CLERK’S CERTIFICATE TO ORDINANCE. State of Illinois, ] County of j^ss. City of J I, , City Clerk of the City of , Illinois, do hereby certify that as such officer I am the Clerk of the City Council of — 61 — said city, the keeper and custodian of its records, files and proceedings, and the keeper and custodian of the books, papers, records, reports and ordinances of said city, and that the foregoing document, entitled “An Ordinance ft is a true and correct copy of the original ordinance passed by the City Council of said City of Illinois, at its regular meeting held on 190. ., and approved by the Mayor of said city on 190. ., as said original ordinance appears on file in my said office, and as the same appears recorded in the Book of Ordinances therein. IN TESTIMONY Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the said City of Illinois, this day of , A. D. 190. .. (Seal.) City Clerk of City of , 111. FORM NO. 40. CITY CLERK’S CERTIFICATE TO RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ] County of ^ss. City of J I, City Clerk of the City of Illinois, do hereby certify that, as such officer, I am the Clerk of the City Council of said city, the keeper and custodian of its records, files and proceedings, and the custodion and keeper of the books, papers, records and reports of said city, and that the fore- going document, headed “ ,” is a true and correct copy of the recommendation of the passage of an ordinance for the local improvement of Street, in said city, from the to as transmitted by the Board of Local Improvements of said city, under date of , 190. ., to the said City Council, — 62 — and received, acted upon and approved by said City Council at a regular meeting thereof, held on , 190 . ; , as the same appears on file in my said office, and in the rec- ords of said City Council. IN TESTIMONY Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the said City of Illinois, this day of A. D. 190 . . . (Seal.) City jCIerk of , 111. FORM NO. 41. CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE TO THE ESTIMATE OF COST OF IMPROVEMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of ^ss. City of J I, , City Clerk of the City of Illinois, do hereby certify that, as such officer, I am the Clerk of the City Council of Said city, the keeper and custodian of its records, files and proceedings, and the custodion and keeper of the books, papers, records, reports, etc., of said city, and that the fore- going document, headed “ ,” is a true and correct copy of the estimate of the cost of the local improvement of Street, in said city, from to over the signature of the of the Board of Local Improvements of said city, as forwarded by said Board under date of 190 . . , to the said City Council, and received, acted upon and approved by said City Council at a regular meeting thereof, held on the day of 190 . . , as the same appears in the records of said City Council, and on file in my office. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the said City of Illinois, this day of , A. D. 190. .. (Seal.) City Clerk of the City of , 111 . - 63 - FORM NO. 42. SHORT AND SINGLE CERTIFICATE FOR ALL DOCUMENTS FILED. State of Illinois, ) County of j-ss. City of J I City Clerk of the City of , Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of an ordinance adopted and passed by the City Council of the City of , at a regular meeting of said City Council, held on the day of A. D. 190. ., and that the same was signed and approved by the Mayor of said city on the dav of . . ., 190. .. I do further certify that the foregoing recommenda- tion of the Board of Local Improvements of said City of is a true and correct copy of the same as presented to, and approved by the said City Council, and as attached to and approved in and by said ordinance passed as aforesaid. I do further certify that the foregoing estimate of the of the said Board of Local Improve- ments is a true and correct copy of the estimate of the cost of the same, as presented to and approved by the said City Council and as attached to and approved in and by said or- dinance, passed as aforesaid. I do further certify that the originals, of which the foregoing are true and correct copies, are intrusted to me as Clerk of said city, for my safekeeping, and that I am the lawful keeper and custodian of the same. IN Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said corporation, this day of , 190. . . , 111 . (Seal.) City Clerk of - 64 - FORM NO. 43. CITY CLERK S CERTIFICATE TO ORDINANCE. (Where Mayor did not approve ordinance.) STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) • County of fss. City of J I, , City Clerk of the City of , Illinois, do hereby certify that, as such officer, I am the Clerk of the City Council of said city, the keeper and custodian of its records, files and proceedings, and the custodion and keeper of the books, papers, records, reports and ordinances of said city; and that the foregoing document, entitled: “An Ordinance ,” is a true and correct copy of the original ordinance passed by the City Council of said City of at its regular meeting, held on , 190 . . , and deposited in my office on the day of 190. ., as said original ordinance appears on file in my said office, and as the same appears recorded in the book of ordi- nances therein. I do further certify that said ordinance, before the same took effect and immediately after its passage by the said City Council, was deposited in my office, and that the Mayor of said city did not sign the same, nor return the same to the said City Council with his objections thereto, if any, in writing, at the next regular meeting of the said City Council, occurring not less than five days after the passage of said ordinance as aforesaid, whereupon the said ordi- nance took effect in like manner as if he had approved the same. IN Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of , Illinois, this day of , 190 . . . (Seal.) City Clerk of , 111 . - 65 - FORM NO. 44. APPOINTMENT OF PERSON TO MAKE ASSESSMENT. Office of Board of Local Improvements. To the Board of Local Improvements, City of , III. : Gentlemen : — By authority in me vested by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements,’' approved June 14th, 1897, and amendments thereto, I hereby appoint , as a competent person to make a true and im- partial assessment of the cost of the local improvement of Street, in the City of . , from the Street to the Street, upon municipality and the property benefited by such improvement, in accordance with the ordinance pro- viding for, authorizing and ordering said improvement, passed by the City Council of the City of on , 190 . . , and approved by the Mayor thereof on , 190 . . , and the said Act of the General Assembly, and amendments thereto. President of the Board of Local Improvements, City of FORM NO. 45. OATH OF OFFICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESSOR. For Cost of . STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Street. In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of — 66 — Illinois, that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office in making a true and impartial assessment of the costs of the local improvement of Street, in the City of , State of Illinois, from the line of Street to the line of Street, upon the City of , Illinois, the petitioning munici- pality, and the property benefited by said improvement, according to the best of my ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 190. .. Notary Public. FORM NO. 46. PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION AND ASSESSMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain Compensation, and Levy a Speci- al Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improve- ment of To the Honorable Judge Presiding : Your Petitioner, in the County of and State of respectfully represents that it is a municipal corporation organized and acting as such under and by virtue of an Act of the Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Providing for the Incorporation of Cities and Villages,” approved April 10th, 1872; in force July 1st, 1872. Your Petitioner further represents that heretofore, to-wit : on the day of 190 . . , the City Council of the said City of , Illinois, passed an ordinance, entitled “An Ordinance — 67 — which was approved by the Mayor of said city on the day of 190 . . , and is numbered That said ordinance pro- vides that (here describe improvement sufficiently to iden- tify it) . That the following described lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land shall be taken for said improvement, to-wit : (here set out). That the following described lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land will be damaged by the construc- tion of said improvement, to-wit: (here set out). Your Petitioner attaches to and files with this petition a copy of the said ordinance, certified by the Clerk of said City of under the corporate seal of said city; also a copy of the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of said city of the passage of said or- dinance by the City Council of said city ; also a copy of the estimate of the cost of the improvement authorized and ordered by said ordinance, as approved by the City Council of said City of , being the legislative body thereof, said recommendation and said estimate of cost being each certified to by the City Clerk of said City of under the corporate seal of said city ; which said copies of said ordinance, recommendation of said Board of Local Improvements and said estimate of the cost of the said local improvement, your Petitioner attaches to and files with this petition, and makes a part thereof by reference. Your petitioner prays that steps be taken to ascertain the j ust compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for the improvement specified in said or- dinance, and to ascertain what property will be benefited by said improvement, and the amount of such benefit, in ac- cordance with the provisions of said ordinance and the statutes in such cases made and provided. City of By its , Petitioner, - 68 - FORM NO. 47. ORDER OF COURT TO BE ENTERED UPON PRESENTATION OF PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged by the Local Im- provement of What Property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. The City of having this day filed its petition herein, praying, among other things, that steps may be taken to ascertain the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged and to ascertain what property will be benefited by the improve- ment contemplated herein, and the amount of such benefits, it is ordered and adj udged by the Court that and being two competent per- sons, be and they are hereby designated and appointed Com- missioners in this behalf, to act with (Superintendent of Special Assessments or President of the Board of Local Improvements, as the case may be) of the City of who shall investigate and report to the Court the just com- pensation to be made to the respective owners of private property, which will be taken or damaged for the improve- ment herein, and also what property will be benefited by such improvement, and the amount of such benefits to each parcel, and to do all things as may be by law required. It is further ordered and adjudged by the Court that there shall be allowed to said two Commissioners the sum of $ each, as a just and proper fee for their ser- vices in this behalf, which said sum shall be taxed as costs and included in the amount to be assessed herein. - 69 - FORM NO. 48. OATH OF COMMISSIONERS. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) County of S ss * In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition, Etc., We, the undersigned, Commissioners appointed by the Court of County, to inves- tigate and report to the Court the just compensation to be made to the respective owners of private property, which shall be taken or damaged for the improvement involved in the above entitled cause, and also what real estate will be benefited by such improvement, and the amount of such benefit to each parcel, do solemnly swear that we will sup- port the Constitution of the United States and the Consti- tution of the State of Illinois, and will faithfully discharge the duties of our office, by well and truly investigating and reporting to the Court the just compensation to be made to the respective owners of private property, which will be taken or damaged for said improvement and what real es- tate will be benefited by such improvement and the amount of such benefit to each parcel, and perform all such other duties as may be by law required in such cases to the best of our ability. Commissioners. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190. .. (Seal.) Notary Public. - 70 - FORM NO. 49. NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE TO BE SENT TO TAX PAYERS AND OCCUPANTS. , 111., 190. .. To At a meeting of the City Council of the City of , Illinois, held on the day of , A. D. 190 . . , an ordinance was passed, which was approved by the Mayor of said city on the day of , A. D. 190. .., said ordinance being entitled “An Ordinance and which said ordinance provides for the improvement of You are hereby notified of the passage of said ordi- nance, and that in pursuance thereof, a petition will be filed in the Court of County, Illinois, praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assess- ment for the said improvement according to law and the provisions of said ordinance. Clerk of the City of ,111. Note : — See Section 34, Act of 1897 — Sidewalks. FORM NO. 50. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICES OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of ss. In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of being first duly sworn, on oath says that at the request and under the direction of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of — 71 — Illinois, he made a careful examination of the books of the Collector of , showing payment of the taxes for the preceding year on the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land fronting upon the proposed improvement of referred to in the petition in the above entitled cause, and that to each of the persons he thus found paying the said taxes, and also to the occupant of each lot, block, tract or parcel of land fronting on said proposed improve- ment, actually occupied, as acertained by him upon diligent search and examination, he sent, postpaid, on the day of 190, a notice of the passage of said or- dinance, a substantial copy of which said notice being as follows, to- wit: (Here insert copy of notice.) Dated , Illinois, A. D. 190 . . . Note : — See Section 34, Act of 1897. FORM NO. 51. ORDER OF COURT_ON PRESENTATION OF PETITION FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of And now comes the Petitioner in the above entitled cause, by its and presents to the Court its petition herein, together with the exhibits thereto, praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment to pay the cost of the improve- ment therein mentioned. It is ordered by the Court that the said petition, to- gether with the exhibits thereto, be and the same are here- — 72 — by ordered filed in this cause, and that being a competent person, appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the said city, be and he is hereby ordered and directed to make a true and im- partial assessment of the cost of the said improvement upon the City of , and the property specially benefited by such improvement, in manner directed by said ordinance and as required by law, and when completed, to return the same to this Court. Approved: , Judge. Note : — The entry of such an order is not prescribed. It may be found rather advisable. FORM NO. 52. REPORT — ASSESSMENT ROLL. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the . . . ss. Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter Of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Report and assessment roll, made by duly and properly appointed and qualified according to law to make a true and impartial assessment of the cost of the local improvement of in said City of Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance recommended by the Board of Local Im- provements of said city, and the estimate of the cost there- of, which said ordinance was passed and said estimate approved by the City Council of the said city, at a meeting thereof held on the day of , A. D. 190. ., and said ordinance approved by the Mayor of said city on the day of A. D. 190. ., said ordinance being entitled “An Ordinance — 73 — >> and recited in the petition of said city in the above entitled cause, filed in said Court on the day of A. D. 190. . ; the said report and assessment roll showing the assessment of the cost of the said improvement upon the said City of , and upon all the pro- perty specially benefited by said improvement, together with a list of all the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land assessed for said improvement, the amount assessed against each, the name of the person who paid the taxes on each such parcel during the last preceding calendar year in which taxes were paid, the residence of the person so paying the taxes on each such parcel so far as the same can be found upon diligent inquiry, and the amount of each assessment, as follows: (Here follows assessment roll.) All of which is respectfully submitted. y Appointed to make said assessment. - 74 - FORM NO. 53. REPORT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL — INSTALLMENTS. Name of person who paid taxes during last preceding Calendar year in which taxes were paid. Residence. Ft. of Lot or Land Property specially benefited F o W o n 7? Dollars Cents ist Installment Second In- stallmet, Etc. 0 o p" Cfl Total Assessments 1 o n 3 tn In this form the installments may be extended across the page by adding a number of columns equal to the number of installments. ■ 75 - FORM NO. 54. ANOTHER FORM OF REPORT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL — INSTALLMENTS. - 76 - FORM NO. 55. AFFIDAVIT AND CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSOR — ASSESSMENT ROLL. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of This affiant, , being duly sworn, on oath states and certifies that he was duly ap- pointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the City of , Illinois, to make a true and impartial assessment of the cost of the im- provement of in the said City of , Illinois, in accord- ance with the ordinance recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of said city and the estimate of the cost thereof, which said ordinance was passed and said esti- mate approved by the City Council of said city, at a meet- ing thereof, held on the day of 190 . . , and said ordinance approved by the Mayor of said city on the day of , 190 . . , and entitled “An Ordinance yy recited in the petition of said city, in the above entitled cause, filed in said Court on the day of 190. .. Affiant further, on oath, states that he took the oath of office required by law before entering upon his said duties, and that he has completed the foregoing assessment roll ; that the same contains a list of all the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land assessed for the proposed improvement, the amount assessed against each, the name of the person who paid the taxes on each such parcel during the last pre- ceding calendar year in which taxes were paid, as — 77 — ascertained upon a careful investigation made by him ; the residence of the person so paying the taxes on each such parcel, so far as the same could be found upon diligent in- quiry ; and the amount of each installment of such assess- ment, in accordance with the statutes in such cases made and provided and the ordinance of the said city of Affiant further says that he did investigate the district which will be benefited by said proposed improvement, be- fore making such apportionment and assessment, and re- ports the same, and the boundaries thereof, to be as follows : (When improvement is the construction of a sewer, describe district by boundaries.) Affiant further says that he made a careful examina- tion of the books of the Collector of , showing the pay- ments of general taxes during the last preceding year in which taxes were paid, to ascertain the person or persons who last paid the taxes on said respective parcels, lots, blocks and tracts of land and property assessed and described in said foregoing assessment roll and report, and also has made diligent search and inquiry for their residences; and that the said assessment roll and report correctly states the names of said person or persons and their residences as so ascertained by this affiant. Affiant further says that he did estimate what propor- tion of the total cost of said improvement will be of benefit to the public and what proportion thereof will be of benefit to the property to be benefited, and did apportion the same between the City of Illinois, and such property so that each shall bear its relative equitable pro- portion ; that the amounts assessed against the public and each parcel of property are just and equitable and do not exceed the benefits which will in each case be derived from said improvement, and that no lot, block, tract or parcel of land or property has been assessed more than its propor- tionate share of the cost of said improvement; that the amount so estimated and apportioned to the said City of Illinois, as public benefits is the sum of $ and the amount so estimated and appor- tioned to the property to be benefited is the sum of $ ; and having found said amounts, he did apportion and as- — 78 — sess the amount so found to be of benefit to the property upon the several lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property in the proportion in which they will be severally benefited by said improvement, all in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided, and the said ordi- nance of the said City of , Illinois. Appointed to make said assessment. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 190. .. Notary Public. NOTE: — Ths form embraces all that is required under Section 41 of the act of 1897. This affidavit should be appended to the assessment roll and report. The matters embraced in this affidavit are not infre- quently divided into three separate documents, the first being a “certificate of the assessor” attached to the report and assessment roll ; the second a “certificate under oath,” and the third “an affidavit” as mentioned in Section 41. They are all so closely associated with the performance of a particular duty by the same individual that it seems rather useless to make a division of the facts certified and sworn to in each. We shall, however, in the following three forms, show the division frequently made. FORM NO. 56. CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSMENT, ETC. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of The undersigned hereby certifies that he was duly ap- pointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- — 79 — ments of the City of , Illinois, to make a true and impartial assessment of the cost of the improve- ment of in the said City of , Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance recommended by the Board of Local Im- provements of said city, and the estimate of the cost thereof submitted to the City Council^ of said city by the Board of Local Improvements of said city, upon the City of Illinois, and the property benefited thereby ; that he took the oath of office required by law be- fore entering upon his said duties, and that he has com- pleted the foregoing assessment roll; that the same con- tains a list of all the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land assessed for the proposed improvement, the amount as- sessed against each, the name of the person who paid the taxes on each such parcel during the last preceding calendar year in which the taxes were paid, as ascertained upon careful investigation made by him; the residence of the person so paying the taxes on each such parcel, so far as the same can, upon diligent inquiry, be found, and the amount of each installment of such assessment, in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided and the said ordi- nance of said City of That he did in- vestigate the district which will be benefited by said pro- posed improvement, before making such apportionment and assessment, and reports the same, and the boundaries there- of, to be as follows : (When the improvement is for the construction of a sewer, describe district by boundaries.) That he did estimate what proportion of the total cost of said improvement will be of benefit to the public and what proportion thereof will be of benefit to the property to be benefited, and did apportion the same between the City of Illinois, and such property so that each shall bear its relative equitable proportion ; that the amount so estimated and apportioned to the said City of Illinois, as public benefits, is the sum of $ ; and the amount so estimated and apportioned to the property to be benefited, is the sum of $ . ; and having found said amounts, he did apportion and assess the amount so found to be of - 80 - benefit to the property upon the several lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property in the proportion in which they will be severally benefited by said improvement, in ac- cordance with the statutes in such cases made and provid- ed, and the said ordinances of the said City of . , Illinois. Appointed to make said assessment. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of A. D. 190. .. Notary Public. FORM NO. 57. CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSOR UNDER OATH — ASSESSMENT ROLL. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Improvement of This affiant, being duly sworn, on oath states that he has made a true and impartial assessment of the cost of the improvement herein upon the City of and the property benefited by such improvement ; that he verily believes that the amounts assessed against the City of , Illinois, for public benefits, and against each parcel of property assessed in the assessment roll by him made, in pursuance thereof, and attached here- to, are just and equitable and do not exceed the benefits which will in each case be derived from said improvement ; and that no lot, block, tract or parcel of land or property has been assessed in said assessment for said improvement more than its proportionate share of the cost of the said improvement. ) Appointed to make said assessment. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... . day of , 190. .. y Notary Public. FORM NO. 58. AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 41 OF THE ACT OF 1897, WHEN MADE BY SOME ONE ACTING UNDER DIRECTION. State of Illinois, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Improvement of This affiant, being first duly sworn, on oath states that at the request and under the direction of who was appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, to make said assessment, he made a careful examination of the books of the Collector of , showing payments of general taxes during the last preceding year in which taxes were paid, to ascertain the person or persons who last paid the taxes on the respective lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed and described in the assessment roll and report filed herein, and that he has made a diligent search and inquiry for their residences; that said assess- ment roll and report correctly states the names of such per- son or persons and their residences as so ascertained by this affiant. — 82 — Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190. .. Notary Public. NOTE: — Where the assessor personally has made this examination and investigation, the above matters may be added to the affidavit of mailing notices, and reference is made to that affidavit in this work. FORM NO. 59. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE — INSTALLMENTS — PUBLISHING AND POSTING. NOTICE Is Hereby Given to all persons interested, that the City Council of , Illinois, having ordered that (here insert brief description of the nature of the improvement) , the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, having applied to the Court of County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to benefits, said assessment being payable in installments, each bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, and an assessment therefor hav- ing been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be had on the day of A. D. 190 . . , at the hour of o’clock .... M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring, may file objections in said Court, before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated , Illinois, 190... Appointed to make said assessment. FORM NO. 60. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE — NO INSTALLMENTS — PUBLISHING AND POSTING. NOTICE IS HEREBY Given to all persons interested, that —S3 — \ the City Council of , Illinois, having ordered that (here insert brief description of the nature of the improvement), the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, having applied to the Court of County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement according to benefits, and as assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be had on the day of , A. D. 190. ., at the hour of o’clock . . . .M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring, may file objections in said Court, before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated Illinois, 190... Appointed to make said assessment. FORM NO. 61. NOTICE OF HEARING — CONFIRMATION — MAILING. Mr You are hereby notified that on 190. ., the City of Illinois, filed a pe- tition in the Court of County, Illinois, praying that steps be taken to levy a special assessment for the local improvement of Street, from to by (here briefly describe nature of improvement) , in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance providing for said improvement ; the total cost of said improvement being the sum of $ ; and the total amount assessed as benefits upon the public therein being the sum of $ ; which said pro- ceeding is now pending. That an assessment roll was filed in said proceedings in the said Court on the day of . 190. ., said assessment being payable in install- ments, each bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Your property is assessed therein as follows: (here insert description) $. . . . (here amount) (here insert description) $. . . . (here amount) Application for the confirmation of said assessment will be made in the said Court, to be held in its Court room in the Court House in the City of , Illinois, on the day of , 190 . . , at .... o’clock . . . .M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring, may file objections in said Court before the day lastly above mentioned, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated , Illinois, 190 . . . Appointed to make said assessment. FORM NO. 62. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICES OF FINAL HEARING. ss. State of Illinois, County of In the Court thereof. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of This affiant, being duly sworn, upon oath says, that on the day of A. D. 190 . . , he posted notices, of which the following is a copy, to-wit : (Attach notice here.) As follows, to-wit : By securely affixing the same, one to the Street ; one to the Street ; one to the Street ; one to the Street ; — £ 5 — Each of the said four places are in the neighborhood of said improvement, and are public places in the said City of , Illinois. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. . . . day of , 190. .. Notary Public. FORM NO. 63. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Illinois, County of In the Court thereof. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of This affiant, , being duly sworn, on oath says and certifies that he is the publisher of the , a daily newspaper, of general circulation, printed and published in the City of , County, Illinois; that as such he has charge of and superintends the publication of said ; and that a notice, of which the printed notice pasted hereon is a true copy, has been published five successive days in the said newspaper, printed and published as aforesaid, and that the date of the first paper containing the said published notice was the day of A. D. 190. ., and that the date of the last paper containing the same was the day of A. D. 190. .. Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190. .. Notary Public. - 86 - FORM NO. 64. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING FOR CON- FIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of This affiant, , appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, to make the assess- ment to pay the cost of the proposed improvement contem- plated in the petition herein, being duly sworn, on oath, says that he sent by mail, prepaying the postage thereon, on the day of , A. D. 190. ., to each person paying the taxes on the respective lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed for the proposed improvement aforesaid, during the last pre- ceding year in which taxes were paid, addressed to such person at his residence,* as shown in the assessment roll filed herein, or if such residence is not shown therein, then to such person so paying the taxes, directed generally to the City of Illinois, a notice of which the following is substantially a copy : (Here copy or attach notice.) Dated , Illinois, 190... Appointed to make said assessment. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 190. .. Notary Public. NOTE: — Unless Section 41 of Act of 1897 has been complied with in certificate of assessor, or otherwise, do so in this affidavit, or use Form No. 65. FORM NO. 65. AFFIDAVIT OF ASSESSOR SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 41 OF ACT OF 1897, AND MAILING OF NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING FOR CONFIRMATION. State of Illinois, County of i ss. In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of This affiant, being duly sworn, on oath states that he was duly appointed to make a true and impartial assessment of the cost of the improve- ment of in said City of Illinois, as contem- plated in the petition in the above entitled cause; that he made a careful examination of the books of the Collector of , showing the payments of general taxes during the last preceding year in which taxes were paid, to ascertain the person or persons who last paid the taxes on said re- spective parcels, lots, blocks and tracts of land and property assessed and described in the assessment roll and report filed herein, and also has made diligent search and inquiry for their residences, and that said assessment roll and re- port correctly states the names of said person or persons and their residences, as so ascertained by this affiant. Affiant further says that he sent by mail, prepaying the postage thereon, on the day of A. D. 190 . . , to each of the said persons paying the taxes on the respective lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed for the proposed improvement aforesaid, during the last preceding year in which taxes were paid, addressed to such person at his residence, as shown in the assessment roll filed herein, or if such resi- dence is not shown therein, then to such person so paying the taxes, directed generally to the City of — 88 — Illinois, a notice of which the following is substantially a copy : (Here copy notice.) Dated , Illinois, 190 . . . • • » Appointed to make said assessment. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 190. .. Notary Public. FORM NO. 66. COMMISSIONERS' REPORT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL — CONDEMNATION. State of Illinois, County of ss. In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged by the Local Im- provement of what Property will be Benefited by such Improvement, and the Amount Thereof. Report made by the Commissioners appointed by the Court of County, Illinois, to investigate and report to the said Court the just compensation to be made to the respective owners of private property which will be taken or damaged for the local im- provement of in said city, in accordance with the ordinance recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of said city and the estimate of the cost of the same, which said ordinance was passed and said estimate approved by the City Council of said city at a meeting thereof, held on the day of , 190 . . , said ordinance having been — 89 — , approved by the Mayor of said city, and being entitled “An Ordinance and recited in the petition of said City of to the said Court, filed in said Court on the day of 190 . . , and also to investigate and report what real estate will be benefited by the improve- ment aforesaid, and the amount of such benefits to each parcel of land, in and by which said report, said Commis- sioners described the respective parcels of property to be taken or damaged for such improvement, the names of the respective owners of record of said parcels of land, and the residence of each such owner, the name and residence of the occupant of each of said parcels of property, where the pro- perty is occupied, so far as known to said Commissioners, or can be found upon diligent inquiry; also the amount of the value of each piece or parcel of property to be taken for said improvement, and the amount of damages (if any) which, in their opinion, will result to any piece or parcel of land not taken by reason of said improvement, with a de- scription of each piece or parcel so damaged; also an esti- mate and report of what proportion of the total cost of said improvement (including therein their estimate of value and damage and the estimate of cost) will be of benefit to the public, and what proportion thereof will be of benefit to the property, together with an apportionment of the same between the said City of and such pro- perty, so that each shall bear its relative equitable propor- tion. Also what lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land will curate description of each of the same; and also an appor- tionment and assessment of the amounts found to be of benefit to the property upon the said several lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land in the proportion in which they will be severally benefited by said improvement, as follows : (Here follows assessment roll.) All of which is respectfully submitted. Commissioners appointed by the of County, Illinois. . . . , Court ■ 90 - FORM NO. 67. CONDEMNATION — SECTION OF COMMISSIONERS' REPORT AND ASSESSMENT ROLL. NOTE: — This may be used in connection with roll assessing benefits. - 91 - FORM NO. 68. commissioners' certificate in condemnation PROCEEDINGS. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of ss. In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged for the Local Im- provement of what Property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. These affiants, being each first duly sworn, on oath say that they are the Commissioners who made the foregoing attached report; that they have carefully examined the questions referred to in the said report, and that in their opinion the amounts awarded for damages and value therein, the assessment dis- trict therein shown, and the respective amounts assessed against the private property therein, and also the appor- tionment of the cost of said improvement between the pub- lic and the private property assessed (and the allowance for property theretofore dedicated), are correct, equitable and just. Commissioners appointed by the Court of County, Illinois. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190. .. Notary Public. - 92 - FORM NO. 69. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP — CONDEMNATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged for the Local Im- provement of what Property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. being first duly sworn, on oath says that he is the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of (or an employe of the office of the President of the Board of Local Improvements), and that, as such, he has carefully exam- ined the records in the Recorder's office of said County, for the names of the owners of record of the sev- eral lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land to be taken or damaged for the improvement of in said City of , in accordance with the ordinance recommended by the Board of Local Improve- ments of said city, and the estimate of the cost of the of said Board, submitted to the City Council of said city, which said ordinance was passed and said estimate approved by the said City Council at a meeting thereof, held on the day of , 190. ., and said ordinance approved by the Mayor of said city on the day of , 190 .. , and entitled “An Ordinance ,” and recited in the petition of said city in this cause ; and also for the names of the owners of record of the respective lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land against which bene- fits are assessed in said report, and that the names of such owners are correctly shown in the column or schedule of ownership in said report. - 93 - Affiant further says that he has diligently inquired as to the residence of the respective owners of property to be taken or damaged for said improvement, and as to the resi- dence of the respective owners of all the respective lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land against which benefits have been assessed in said report, by a careful examination of the files and records of said Recorder’s office, and of the return of the Collector’s warrant for taxes for the last pre- ceding calendar year, and, also, by visiting each of the said parcels of land and inquiring of the occupants of said lands, so far as the same were occupied, and of the occupants of, and residents upon lands in the vicinity of said lands, and of the relatives and friends of said parties where known, and that the residences of the said owners of the said pro- perty to be taken or damaged for the said improvement, and of the said owners of all respective lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land against which benefits have been as- sessed in said report, are correctly stated according to the result of his said examination and inquiry in the column or schedule of residences in said report. Affiant further says that in all cases where he has been unable to find the residence of the owner of such record title, he has examined the return of the Collector’s warrant for taxes on real estate for the preced- ing year, and has set opposite each such parcel of land, whose owner has not been found, the name of the person who paid the tax on said parcel for the preceding year, to- gether with his place of residence, wherever, upon diligent inquiry, he was able to find the same. Affiant further says that he found that the following;- named defendants are non-residents of the State of Illinois, and that the place of residence of each of them is correctly stated opposite their respective names, as follows, to-wit : Names of Non-Resident Defendants. Residence of Same. Affiant further says that the residents of the following- named defendants are unknown and cannot be ascertained, as before stated : — 94 — Names of Defendants Whose Residence is Unknown . This affiant further states that he has visited each of the parcels of land to be taken or damaged for said improve- ment, described in said report, for the purpose of ascer- taining whether or not the same was occupied and the name and residence of the occupant, if any, and made diligent effort to ascertain the same, and that in every case where said parcels of land were, upon such investigation, found to be occupied, the name of the occupant is stated in said re- port opposite such parcel, together with his residence when ascertained. President of Boord of Local Improvements. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 190. .. Notary Public. FORM NO. 70. ORDER OF COURT FOR PUBLICATION — CONDEMNATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) County of > ss ‘ In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. City of , Illinois, 1 — vs. — And all other persons having orj claiming interest in any of the^ premises designated and de- 1 scribed, “All Whom It May Con-j cern, ,, Defendants. J In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged for the Local Im- — 95 — provement of What Property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. And now comes the Petitioner herein, and it appearing to the Court from the affidavit of ownership filed herein, that defendant. .. .in this cause non-resident... of the State of Illinois, and that the place of residence of said defendant as follows: And also that the place of residence of defendant .... herein , shown by said affidavit to be unknown, and cannot, after due examination, search and inquiry, be ascertained, by reason whereof personal service of process cannot be had on . . . h It is orderd by the Court that the Clerk of this Court cause publication, in the manner required by law, to be made as to the above-named defendants and “All Whom It May Concern,” in the a newspaper published in the City of Illinois, which is hereby designated for that purpose, in manner and form prescribed by law. - 96 - FORM NO. 71. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION AND POSTING — CONDEMNATION. State of Illinois, County of In the . . . To the City of — vs. — £ ss. Court, .... Term, A. D. 190. . . , IllinoisJ And all other persons having orj claiming interest in any of the|> premises designated and de- scribed, “All Whom It May Con- cern, Defendants. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged for the Local Im- provement of what Property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. It appearing in the above entitled cause, from the files therein and the affidavit of ownership, filed therein, on the day of A. D. 190. ., that the defendants (here name non-residents), impleaded with others, above named and made parties defendant in said cause, are non-residents of the State of Illinois; and it ap- pearing also from said files and said affidavit, that the place of residence of (here name defendants whose residences are unknown), defendant, .herein, are shown thereby to be unknown, and cannot, after due and diligent examination, search and inquiry, be ascertained, so that personal service of process can not be had on ... h .... ; notice is hereby given to said defendants and to the defendants designated as “All Whom It May Concern,” and to all other persons and parties named in the report and assessment roll of the Commissioners, filed in the above entitled cause in said - 97 - Court, against whose property benefits have been assessed therein, to pay the cost of the improvement hereinafter de- scribed ; that on the day of , 190. ., said City of filed its petition in the said Court of County, praying that steps be taken to ascertain the just compensa- tion to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for the improvement of (here describe), in said city, ordered and provided for in and by an ordinance of said city, entitled “An Ordinance ,” and to ascertain what property will be benefited by such im- provement and the amount of such benefit, and to levy a special assessment upon all the property benefited by said improvement, to pay the cost of said improvement, in ac- cordance with the terms and provisions of said ordinance and in manner provided by law ; that the summons in said cause is made returnable on the day of 190. ., to said Court, to be held in the Court House in the City of , County, Illinois, and that the pieces and parcels of property to be taken for said improvement are described as follows, to- wit: And that the pieces and parcels of property to be damaged by the making of said improvement are described as fol- lows, to-wit: That the total cost of said improvement, as shown by the estimate and report herein, is the sum of $ ; that a special assessment has been made to raise the cost of the said improvement, and that the report thereof was filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court, of the said County, in the Court House in the said City of County and State aforesaid, on the day of , A. D. 190 . . , and that the proceedings therein are now pending. You are further hereby notified that summons in the said cause is made returnable to the Term, 190. ., of the said Court, to be held in the said Court House in the said City of on the — 98 — day of , A. D. 190 . . , when and where you may appear and defend if you see fit so to do. Dated , Illinois, 190... Clerk of the Court of County, Illinois. FORM NO. 72. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICES TO PARTIES ASSESSED — CONDEMNATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS, > County of 5 ss * In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. City of , Illinois,' — vs. — And all other persons having or claiming interest in any of the ► premises designated and de- scribed, “All Whom It May Con- cern, ’’ Defendants. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged for the Local Im- provement of . * what Property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. This affiant, being first duly sworn, upon oath says that he is one of the Commissioners appointed by the Court in the above entitled cause ; that he sent by mail, postpaid, on the day of A. D. 190. ., to each person whose property has been assessed for bene- fits in the assessment roll and report returned by the Com- missioners in the above proceeding (not being owners of property taken or damaged therefor), directed to the address as shown in said report filed herein, or where — 99 — not so shown, then directed generally to the City of Illinois, a notice, stating the nature of the said proposed improvement, the description of such owner's property assessed therefor, the amount of such as- sessment and the date when the summons in said cause is returnable and when objections thereto may be filed, a copy of which said notice is hereto attached and referred to and made a part of this affidavit by reference. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190... Notary Public. FORM NO. 73. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING AND POSTING NOTICE TO NON-RESI- DENT DEFENDANTS — CONDEMNATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) County of > ss * In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . City of Illinois,' — vs. — And all other persons having or claiming interest in any of the • premises designated and de- scribed, “All Whom It May Con- cern," Defendants. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged for the Local Im- provement of . . what property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. This affiant, being duly sworn, on oath states that on — 100 — the day of , A. D. 190 . . , being at least fifteen days prior to the return day of the summons issued in the above entitled cause, he sent by mail, postage prepaid, to each of the following named defendants, being defendants named in the report of the Commissioners filed herein, and whose residence are shown thereby to be outside the State of Illinois, and being their respective places of residence as shown and stated in said report, where such residence is stated therein, to- wit: To , addressed to To , addressed to (etc.) And as to each of the following named defendants, to-wit: named in the said report of the Commissioners filed herein, whose residence is not shown therein, or is shown and found thereby, or in the affidavit of ownership filed herein, to be unknown, he sent by mail, postpaid, on the date afore- said, to the persons last paying taxes upon such premises, where his residence is stated in said report, addressed to him at his place of residence as so shown, to-wit : To , addressed to To , addressed to (etc.), a copy of the notice in the above entitled cause, pub- lished in the a newspaper, published and printed in the City of Illinois, a copy of which said notice being hereto appended, and referred to, and made a part hereof, by reference. Affiant further says that on the .... day of A.D. 190. ., he posted notices, of which the aforesaid notice is a copy, as follows, to-wit : By securely affixing the same, one to the . . . ., premises No Street, one to the premises No Street ; that said places are two public places in the City of , Illinois, and are in the vicinity and neighborhood of said improvement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 190. .. Notary Public, - 101 - FORM NO. 74. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION — CONDEMNATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) County of 5 ss * In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. City of , Illinois,] — vs. — And all other persons having or| claiming interest in any of the}> premises designated and de- scribed, “All Whom It May Con- cern, ^ Defendants. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Ascertain the Compensation for Private Property to be Taken or Damaged for the Local Im- provement of what property will be Benefited by such Improvement and the Amount Thereof. This affiant, being duly sworn, on oath says and certifies that he is the publisher of the a newspaper of general circu- lation, printed and published in the City of County, Illinois ; that as such publisher he has charge of and superintends the publication of the said and that a notice, of which the printed notice attached hereto is a true copy, has been published four weeks consecutively, at least once in each week, in said newspaper, printed and published as afore- said; that the date of the first paper containing said pub- lished notice was on the day of , A. D. 190. ., and that the date of the last paper containing f — 102 — the same was on the day of 190... Dated , Illinois, 190. .. , Publisher. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 190. .. Notary Public. FORM NO. 75. AGREEMENT TO APPORTION INTERESTS IN PROPERTY ASSESSED AMONG SEVERAL OWNERS — DIRECTED TO THE ASSESSOR. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the . . To the •ss. Court, Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Mr , Appointed to make the assessment in the above en- titled cause. The undersigned, being the sole and several owners of the property described in the hereto attached schedule, re- spectfully request and hereby authorize you to cause the as- sessment against said property, and each installment there- of, to be apportioned upon our respective interests in man- ner and form and in the amounts set forth in the schedule hereto attached, and also authorize you to file this request and authority with the files in the above entitled cause and to make the same a part thereof. Name Address. Name Address. Name Address. - 103 - FORM NO. 76. PETITION TO APPORTION INTERESTS IN PROPERTY ASSESSED AMONG SEVERAL OWNERS — DIRECTED TO THE COURT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of £ ss. In the Court To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of , Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of To the Honorbale Judge Presiding : The undersigned, being the sole and several owners of the property mentioned and described in the hereto at- tached schedule, assessed for benefits in the above entitled cause in the assessment roll, filed herein, respectfully peti- tion your Honorable Body that the assessment against the said property, and each installment thereof, be apportioned upon our several interests in the said property in manner and form and in the amounts set forth in the hereto attached schedule, as may appear to the Court to be just and proper in the premises. Name Address. Name Address. Name Address. FORM NO. 77. REQUEST BY OWNERS OF PROPERTY THAT AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST TRACT OF LAND BE DIVIDED — DIRECTED TO ASSESSOR. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost — 104 — of the Local Improvement of Mr , Appointed to make the assessment in the above en- titled cause. The undersigned, being the sole owner. . . of the pro- perty described in the schedule hereto attached, do hereby respectfully request and authorize you to cause the assess- ment against the said property, and each installment there- of, for the improvement involved in the above entitled cause, to be divided and apportioned according to the division of said tract of land contained in the said attached schedule, instead of causing an assessment to be made on the said property as a whole. You are hereby authorized to file this request and authority with the files in the above entitled cause and to make the same a part thereof. Name Address. Name Address. Name Address. FORM NO. 78. PETITION BY OWNERS OF PROPERTY THAT AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST TRACT OF LAND BE DIVIDED — DIRECTED TO THE COURT. State of Illinois, County of In the . . . Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of To the Honorable Judge Presiding: The undersigned, being the sole owner. . . of the pro- perty described in the schedule hereto attached, which has — 105 — been assessed benefits in the above entitled cause in the as- sessment roll filed herein, respectfully petition your Honor- able Body that the assessment against the said property, and each installment thereof, be divided and apportioned so that the assessment against said property, as a whole, and each installment thereof, may be divided and apportioned according to the division made in the said hereto attached schedule, as may appear to the Court to be just and proper in the premises. FORM NO. 79. OBJECTION FILED TO ASSESSMENT PROCEEDINGS. ss. State of Illinois, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. The undersigned, being the following described property, to- wit: . of the which has been assessed benefits in the above entitled cause, comes and defends, etc., and objects to the confirmation of the assessment roll filed herein, for the reasons and be- cause : 1st. etc. (Here set out objections.) And this objector ever prays, etc. Objector. - 106 - FORM NO. 80. WAIVER OF TRIAL BY JURY. State of Illinois, County of In the Court, To the . . Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Now comes the Petitioner in the above entitled cause, by its attorney, and the undersigned. objector herein, in person (or by attorney) , and by agreement, trial by jury of the objections filed here- in, is waived. City of , 111., By Its Attorney. Objector. FORM NO. 81. ORDER OF COURT ON CONFIRMATION — NO OBJECTIONS. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Now, on this day of A. D. 190. . , it being one of the regular judicial days of the Term, A. D. 190 . . , of said Court, comes the Petitioner herein, the City of Illinois, by — 107 — its attorney, and moves the Court for default herein, and for judgment of confirmation of the report and assessment roll herein. And this cause coming on to be heard, upon the evidence introduced by the Peti- tioner herein, no objections to said assessment or proceed- ings having been filed herein and no defense thereto having been made, and the Court being fully advised in the prem- ises, it is found and adjudged by the Court that the recom- mendation of the improvement herein, by the Board of Local Improvements of said city to the City Council of said city, relative to said improvement and the estimate of the cost of said improvement submitted to the City Council of said city, as required by law, and the ordinance submitted to said City Council by the said Board of Local Improve- ments, providing for said improvement, were each and all duly and legally adopted, passed and approved by the City Council of said city, and said ordinance approved by the Mayor thereof, and are in all respects legal and sufficient; and that all the preliminary requirements of the law have been duly and fully complied with; that the petition filed by the said City of , praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said improve- ment, and the copies of the said ordinance, recommendation and estimate filed herewith, and made a part thereof, to- gether with the certificates of the Clerk of the said city, thereto, are in all respects legal and sufficient; that notice was duly given as required by law, among other things, of the nature of the above stated improvement, of the penden- cy of this proceeding, of the time and place of filing the petition therefor, of the time and place of the filing of the assessment roll herein, and of the time and place at which application will be made for the confirmation of the assess- ment herein, which notices were duly mailed more than fif- teen days before the date at which application for the con- firmation of the assessment roll herein would be made, which said notices were sent by mail postpaid to each of the per- sons paying the taxes on the respective parcels during the last preceding year in which taxes were paid, at his place of residence as shown in the assessment roll filed herein, or where such residence is not shown in the said assessment roll, then to such persons so paying the taxes as aforesaid, — 108 — directed generally to the City of , Illinois ; that such notices, among other things, stated the amount assessed to the person to whom the same was direted, for the proposed improvement, the total amount of the cost of said improvement, and the total amount assessed as bene- fits upon the public, and that said notices were in all re- spects legal and sufficient and given in manner and form and for the time prescribed by law. That in addition to the other notices by law required, notices were posted in at least four public places in the neighborhood of said improvement in said City of and a like notice was published at least five successive days in the a daily newspaper published in said City of ; that said notices were posted and said first publication of the notice aforesaid was made at least fifteen days prior to the time at which confirmation of said assessment was sought, and that each of said no- tices were over the name of the officer levying the assess- ment herein, and substantially as prescribed by the statutes of this state in such cases, stating also that the said assess- ment is payable in installments, the number of install- ments and the rate of interest thereon, and that said notices were in all respects legal and sufficient, and posted and published in manner and form and for the time prescribed by law. It is further found and adjudged by the Court that it has obtained full and complete jurisdiction of all the per- sons having or claiming interest in any of the property mentioned or described in the assessment roll herein, and of the property therein described, and of the cause and the subject matter thereof; that all proceedings and steps by law required or prescribed have been duly and fully com- plied with and taken in manner and form as prescribed by law. IT Is THEREFORE ORDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THE COURT, That default be and the same is hereby entered against each and all of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed and described in the said as- sessment roll and report for said improvement, returned and filed in this Court, and against all owners and persons interested in the same, and that said report and assessment - 109 - roll, and all proceedings therein, and thereon, be and the same are hereby confirmed, and judgment of confirmation be and the same is hereby entered accordingly. IT Is Further ordered by the Court, That the Clerk of this Court certify the said assessment roll confirmed as aforesaid, together with this judgment and his warrant, to the of said City of as required by law. Approved: , Judge. FORM NO. 82. (SHORT FORM) ORDER OF COURT OF CONFIRMATION — NO OBJECTIONS. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Now, on this day of A. D. 190. ., it being one of the regular judicial days of the Term, A. D. 190. ., of said Court, comes the Petitioner herein, the City of , Illinois, by its attorney, and moves the Court for default herein, and for judgment of confirmation of the report and assessment roll herein. And this cause coming on to be heard, and the Court having heard the evidence in- troduced by the Petitioner herein, and no objections to said assessment or proceedings having been filed herein, and no defense thereto having been made, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, it is found and ad- judged by the Court, that all the requirements of the law as to posting, publishing and mailing notices to the owners of property assessed, have been complied with, and that due notice, in manner and form and for the time, as re- quired by law, has been given of this application, and of the, making and return of the said assessment, and of the time for the final hearing thereon ; and that all other preliminary requirements of the law have been duly and fully complied with ; that all the steps prescribed by law have been taken in manner and form as provided by law; and that this Court has full and complete jurisdiction in the premises. IT Is THEREFORE ORDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THE Court, That default be and the same is hereby entered against each and all of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed and described in the said as- sessment roll and report for said improvement, returned and filed in this Court, and against all owners and persons interested in the same, and that said report and assessment roll, and all proceedings therein, and thereon, be and the same are hereby confirmed, and judgment of confirmation be and the same is hereby entered accordingly (as follows, to- wit: Here copy assessment roll as confirmed. See note.) IT Is FURTHER ORDERED BY THE Court, That the Clerk of this Court certify the said assessment roll confirmed as aforesaid, together with this judgment and his warrant, to the of said City of , as required by law. Approved: , Judge. NOTE : — This form must, of course, vary to conform to the proceedings had in the particular case, especially so, when the assessments have in any way been changed, by other orders of this Court, which may be incorporated in this general order or covered by independent orders. It is quite advisable to provide in the order of confir- mation that the assessment roll, as confirmed, be copied in the records of the Court, and thus relieve against the possi- bility of its loss or destruction. When this is desired it may be done as indicated in this form. — 111 - FORM NO. 83. RESOLUTION OF BOARD DESIGNATING NEWSPAPER FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Be it Resolved , By the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois that a newspaper, published in the City of Illinois, be and the same is herby adopted for the purpose of publishing advertisements that bids will be received for constructing local improvements. FORM NO. 84. RESOLUTION — ORDER OF BOARD TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Be it Resolved , By the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, that advertisement for proposals for bids for the improvement of be made and orderd in the a newspaper published in this city, in accordance with the form of “The Notice of Proposal for Bids,” submitted at this meeting ; that said bids shall be opened on the day of A. D. 190. ., at the hour of . . . . o’clock . . . . M. And be it also resolved, that the form of the “Instructions to Bidders,” “Contractor’s Proposal,” “Com tract” and “Bond” at this meeting submitted, be adopted by this Board. FORM NO. 85. NOTICE OF PROPOSAL FOR BIDS. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received for the construction of the improvement of (here describe improvement), by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, until the day of , A. D. — 112 — 190 . at the hour of o’clock . . . .M., at its office, in the in the said City of , Illinois, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened. It is estimated that there will be about (here give esti- mate of quantites). Said improvement shall be constructed and made in ac- cordance with the ordinance providing for the same and the maps, plats, plans, profiles and specifications for the same on file in the office of the of said city. Proposals must be made on blanks furnished by said Board and in compliance with the instructions thereto at- tached, which can be had on application to the and must be accompanied by cash or by a check payable to the order of the President of said Board of Local Improve- ments in his official capacity, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount not less than ten per cent. (10 per cent.) of the aggregate of the proposal. The contractor shall be paid in (here specify; if pay- ment is to be made in bonds, state rate of interest they bear) . No bids will be received unless the party offering it shall furnish evidence satisfactory to said Board of Local Improvements that he has the necessary facilities, ability and pecuniary resources to fulfill the conditions of the con- tract and execute the work should the contract be awarded to him. Bidders will examine the ordinance, maps, plats, plans, profiles and specifications, and also the locality in which said work is to be done and judge for themselves of all the circumstances and surrounding conditions affecting the cost and nature of the work. The Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as authorized by law. Dated Illinois, 190... Board of Local Improvements of the City of - 113 - FORM NO. 86. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. Improvement of From To 1. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, until , 190.., at o’clock .... M., in accordance with the official advertisement. 2. Proposals must be made out upon the accompany- ing blank form, addressed to President, and endorsed “Proposal for ” 3. All bids must be accompanied by cash or by a cer- tified check on some responsible bank for an amount equal to ten (10) per cent, of the total amount of the bid, and made payable to the order of , President of the Board of Local Improvements, the same to be refunded or returned to the undersigned upon the faithful performance of the conditions of this proposal to the satisfaction of said Board of Local Improvements. 4. The person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to execute contract and bond, with sureties, within the time provided by law, a blank form of which said contract and bond may be had on application to the of said city ; and in case of failure or neglect to do so, he, or they, will be considered as having abandoned it, and the above mentioned deposit shall there- upon be forfeited to the City of and collected as provided by law; and thereupon, the work will be re-advertised and re-let, and so on, until the contract be accepted and executed. 5. The successful bidder will be required to furnish approved bond, as provided by law, for the faithful per- formance of the contract, in the penal sum of $ 6. No bid will be considered unless the party offering — 114 — it, shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the Board of Local Improvements, that he has the necessary facilities, ability, and pecuniary resources to fulfill the conditions of the con- tract. 7. The prices must be written in the bid, and also stated in figures, and if any discrepancy occurs between the written and figured prices, those most favorable to the city will be taken as the intention of the bidder. 8. All bids must be made for materials in the differ- ent classes furnished in the work complete, and no estimate will be made on any part of the work not finished, nor on materials, except in completed work. 9. Permission will not be given for the withdrawal of any bid or proposal. 10. No contract will be awarded to any person who has been delinquent or unfaithful in any former contract with this city, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the said city. 11. Bidders will state the name of the brick and also the kind of stone curbing on which the bids are based. 12. Bidders will examine the plans and the ground, and judge for themselves of all the circumstances affecting the cost and nature of the work, and must also examine the ordinance for said improvement, and the maps, plans, pro- files and specifications for the doing of said work, on file in the office of the 13. The Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of Local Improvements of the City of 111. NOTE: — These instructions are generally attached to or printed with the blank proposals. - 115 - FORM NO. 87. CONTRACTOR'S proposal for improvement of STREET, FROM TO To the Board of Local Improvements: 1. The undersigned bidder, does hereby declare and stipulate that this bid is made in good faith, without collu- sion or connection with any other person or persons bidding for the same work, and that it is made in pursu- ance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the foregoing instructions (or if instructions are separate, then “conditions of the instructions of your Board”). 2. The undersigned, having carefully examined the ordinance providing for this improvement and the specifi- cations, maps, plats, plans and profiles, containing further detailed specifications and illustrations as the same appear on file in the office of the of the said city, hereby propose to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and other means for the construction of the im- provement above mentioned, and do all the work and fur- nish all labor and material required to make this improve- ment, in the manner prescribed by the ordinance, and the said specifications, maps, plats, plans and profiles therefor, for the following prices : Finished Pavement, Including Exca- vation, Grading and all Labor and Material Necessary to make the Finished Pavement Complete, per Square Yard. Name of Brick. PRICES. In Writing. Dol. Cts. | In Figures. Dol. i Cts Curbing in Place, Complete, per I Lineal Foot. — 1 16 — Sewer in Place, Complete, Includ- ing Excavation, Backfilling and all Necessary Fittings, per Lineal Foot. 6-inch sewer pipe [ 1 i ! ! 1 1 1 1 l i 1 1 i i. . . 8-inch sewer pipe j 1 i i 10-inch sewer pipe 1 1 i 12-inch sewer pipe | 1 | i. . 15-inch sewer pipe j i i i 18-inch sewer pipe i .... i 20-inch sewer pipe i i i 24-inch sewer pipe i i i 27-inch sewer pipe i i i 30-inch sewer pipe i i i 36-inch sewer pipe i i i Man-holes, complete, including covers, each i i i i Catch-basins, complete, includ- ing covers, each i i i i 1 !•••• Etc. Firm bidding must, in each instance, give the individ- ual names and addresses of each member of said firm. Where the bid is made by a corporation, it must sign by its proper officers; also the address of such corporation must be given. All bids must be in ink. Given under . . . hand . . , this .... day of 190 . . Note: — Add other elements of improvement provided for in the ordinance and not embraced within those above mentioned. FORM NO. 88. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, , ILL. CONTRACT. This Agreement, Made and entered into this day of , A. D. 190 . . , between of , hereinafter, for convenience, — 117 — designated “Contractor/’ party of the first part, and the City of a municipal corporation of the County of State of Illinois, herein- after, for convenience, designated the “City,” party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That the said “Contractor,” for and in consideration of the payments to be made by the said “City” as herein set forth, hereby covenants and agrees to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and other means for the construction of the improvement of and do all work and furnish all labor and material required to make said improvement according to the ordinance, here- inafter referred to, on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and the maps, plats, plans, profiles and specifica- tions, for the doing of said work, on file in the office of the City of said “City.” All material used, all work performed, and all regula- tions of every kind and character, governing the construc- tion of said improvement, shall strictly conform to the said ordinance for said improvement, passed by the City Council of said City of on the day of A. D. 190 . . , and approved on the day of A. D. 190 . . , and known as and numbered “Ordinance No ,” and the said maps, plats, plans, profiles and specifications, which said ordi- nance, maps, plats, plans, profiles and specifications, and each and every section and part thereof, are hereby re- ferred to and made a part of this contract by reference, as fully and completely as though the same were written or set out at length herein. The brick used in constructing said pavement shall be and shall be of the manufacture of The curbing used in said improvement shall be from the stone quarry, located at The instructions to bidders herein, and the proposal of the “Contractor” to the Board of Local Improvements of — 118 — the City of , are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract by reference, and the prices in said bid contained, are hereby agreed upon and accepted by the respective parties as governing the prices to be paid for said improvement, and are as follows: (Here set out.) The “Contractor” has entered into and herewith ten- ders a bond of even date herewith, in the penal sum of Dollars, to insure the faithful performance of this contract, which said bond is hereby made a part of this contract by reference. Said work to be begun on or before the . day of , A. D. 190. ., to progress regularly and uninterruptedly, after it shall have been begun, except in cases of strikes, accidents and unavoidable delays, and excepting as it shall be otherwise ordered by the Board of Local Improvements of said city, and be finished and fully completed on or before the day of A. D. 190 . . , the time of beginning, rate of progress and time of completion being essential conditions of this con- tract; Provided , however, that if the time of the perform- ance of the contract herein, be for apy reason, either ex- pressly or by implication, extended, such extension shall not affect the validity of this contract, nor the liability of the sureties upon the bond, herein mentioned or referred to. It is expressly understood and agreed that the entire improvement shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Board of Local Improvements of said city. All loss or dam- age arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from any detention or unforeseen obstruction or difficulty which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from the action of the elements, shall be sustained by the said “Contractor.” Said “Contractor” will be held responsible for all acci- dents, and hereby agrees to indemnify and protect the said “City” from all suits, claims and actions brought against it, and all costs and damages, which the said said “City” may be put to by reason of an injury, or alleged injury, to the person or property of another in the execution of this con- tract, or the performance of the work, or in guarding the same, or for any material used in its prosecution or in its construction. Should the work under this agreement not be finished within the time specified, said “Contractor” shall forfeit the sum of Dollars ($ ) to the said “City” as liquidated damages, for each and every day which shall elapse after the expiration of the time here- in agreed upon for the completion of said work, which amount shall be retained from the contract price of said work; Provided, the Board of Local Improvements of the said “City” may waive this provision or rebate said forfeit, if it so elects. Any person employed on the work who shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the said Board of Local Improvements, or or who shall be deemed by the said Board to be incompetent, or who shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct, or who shall commit any tres- pass on any public or private property in the vicinity of the work, shall at once be removed from the work by the “Con- tractor” when so requested by the said Board. The sums of money herein provided to be paid to said “Contractor” are payable solely out of the proceeds of the special assessment levied, or out of the proceeds of any special assessment which may hereafter be levied for said improvement, when collected; and in no case, except as otherwise provided in the ordinance or the judgment of the Court confirming the said assessment, or as may be other- wise provided by statute, shall said Board of Local Im- provements or any member thereof, or said “City,” or any Alderman or officer thereof, be liable for any portion of the expenses or any delinquencies of persons or property as- sessed. It is expressly agreed and understood that all bonds and vouchers issued for work or material to the said “Con- tractor,” shall be paid when the assessment or assessments levied, or which may be levied for said improvement, shall be collected, as provided by law, and that said vouchers and bonds, and interest thereon, are payable only from such special assessment or assessments, and out of no other as- sessment or fund whatever, and that all vouchers and bonds and interest thereon, for part of any installment, shall only - 120 - share pro rata with the vouchers and bonds, and interest thereon, for the remaining part thereof. In case the said ‘‘City” shall become the purchaser of any special assessment certificates at any sale for delin- quent special assessments, in default of other bidders, such purchase shall not be deemed a collection of such special assessment, and no act of the “City,” done or suffered, shall be construed as a collection of any special assessment, or part thereof, until the money due thereon shall be actually paid into the treasury. The said “City” hereby covenants and agrees, in con- sideration of the covenants and agreements in this contract specified, to be kept and performed by the said “Con- tractor,” subject to the conditions herein contained, to cause to be made, by the of said “City” on the day of each and every month during the progress of the work herein provided, estimates of the amount and value of the work then actually constructed and in its permanent place; and vouchers against the speci- al assessment levied to pay for this improvement, to the amount of 85 per cent, of the estimated value of said work, actually constructed and in its permanent place for the then expiring month, will be issued and delivered to said con- tractor ; said vouchers being redeemable in ... at the office of the in said city, the remain- ing 15 per cent, of the amounts of said estimates and due under this contract, to be retained as a guarantee against poor workmanship and material, until the work contem- plated by this contract has been fully completed and ac- cepted by the Board of Local Improvements, and such ac- ceptance and completion, certified and confirmed by the Gourt in which the assessment for the said improvement was confirmed, as required by law, and when such comple- tion is so confirmed by said Court, said remaining 15 per cent, is to be paid or delivered to said “Contractor” in , it being agreed that said “Contractor” is to be paid for said improvement in The “City” reserves the right at all times to refuse to issue a voucher against the assessment for this improve- ment in case the said “Contractor” has neglected or failed — 121 — to pay any sub-contractor, workman or employe on the work. No part of the work herein provided for shall be sub- let or sub-contracted, without the express consent of the said Board of Local Improvements, to be entered in its rec- ords, and in no case shall such consent relieve said “Con- tractor” from the obligation herein entered into, or change the terms of this agreement. It is further covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto This contract shall extend to and be binding upon the successors and assigns, and upon the heirs, administrators, executors and legal representatives of the “Contractor.” IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said “Contractor” has here- unto set hand. . and seal. ., and the said “City” has caused this agreement to be signed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements, countersigned by its Secretary, the day and year first above written. (Seal.) (Seal.) (Seal.) City of , 111., By President Board of Local Improvements. Secretary Board of Local Improvements. FORM NO. 89. contractor’s bond. Know all men by these Presents, That we, of the County of , and State of , are held and firmy bound unto the City of , Illinois, in the penal sum of Dollars, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of — 122 — which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly, severally, and firmly by these presents. Witness our hands and seals this day of , A. D. 190. .. The condition of the above obligation is such, that, whereas, the above bounden ha. . . . entered into a certain contract with the City of , Illinois, bearing date the day of A. D. 190. ., which said contract, together with the maps, plats, plans, profiles and specifications, referred to therein and made a part thereof, by reference, are hereby expressly referred to and made a part hereof, by reference, for the improvement of in said city, in accordance with the provisions of said ordi- nance authorizing the doing of said work, and made a part of said contract by reference, and hereby made a part of this bond by reference. Now, therefore, if the said shall in all respects, well and truly, keep and perform the said contract on , part to be per- formed in strict accordance with the terms thereof, and the said ordinance, maps, plans, plats, profiles and specifica- tions referred to, and in the time and manner therein pre- scribed, and further shall indemnify, keep and save harm- less, the said City of against all claims, losses, demands, liabilities, suits, judgments, costs, dam- ages and expenses, which may in any way be made, brought, sustained, or recovered, against said city, or which way, in anywise, come against said city, in consequence of the awarding or execution of such contract, or the doing of the work or making of the improvement therein provided for, or which may in anywise result from the carelessness or neglect of said , agents, em- ployes or workmen in any respect whatever, or which may result on account of any infringement of any patent, by reason of any of the materials, machinery, devices or appa- ratus used or employed in the performance of said contract, or the work therein provided, and, moreover, shall pay to said city any sum or sums of money determined by the — 123 - Board of Local Improvements of said city, to be due said city, by reason of any failure or neglect in the performance of the requirements of said contract, wherefore, the said Board of Local Improvements shall have elected to suspend the same, and shall pay the cost of making good defects, faults and imperfections appearing or existing in said work or improvement, then this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. And it is hereby expressly understood and agreed, and made a condition hereof, that any judgment rendered against said city, as aforesaid, because of anything herein, or in said contract contained or provided for, when notice of the pendency of such suit shall have been given said shall be conclusive against each and all parties to this obligation as to amount, liability, and all other things pertaining thereto. (Seal.) (Seal.) (Seal.) (Seal.) Approved: Clerk. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of I, a Notary Public, in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby cer- tify that who are each personally known to me to be the same per- sons whose names are subscribed to the above and fore- going bond, appeared before me, this day, in person, and severally acknowledged that they signed and sealed the said instrument, as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this day of A. D. 190. .. Notary Public. - 124 - STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of § ss. , being duly sworn, on oath, depose and say that we are each worth the sum of Dollars, over and above all incumbrances and statutory exemptions. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of 190. .. Notary Public. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of ss. being duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is worth the sum of .' Dollars, over and above all incumbrances and statutory exemptions. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , 190. .. ■ > Notary Public. FORM NO. 90. GENERAL ORDER OF BOARD DESIGNATING NEWSPAPER IN WHICH TO PUBLISH AWADS. Be it Resolved , That all notices of awards of contracts by this Board, under and by virtue of an Act entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, be advertised in the a newspaper, published and circulated in this city. Be it further Resolved , That this order be entered in full in the records of this Board. — 125 - FORM NO. 91. NOTICE OF AWARD. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Local Im- provements of the City of Illinois, at a meeting held on the day of 190 . . , did award the contract for the construction of the improve- ment of (here describe), as contemplated by Ordinance No. , to on pro- posal as follows: Dated Illinois, 190. .. President of the Board of Local Improvements of , 111. FORM NO. 92. FIRST VOUCHER ON ACCOUNT OF WORK DONE. 111., 190. .. Voucher No Special Assessment No To the Treasurer of the City of III . : From the funds realized from the collection of the first installment of the special assessment levied by the City of , Illinois, and confirmed by the Court of County, Illinois, for the improvement of in said city, as provided for in and by Ordinance No of said city, but out of no other tax or fund, pay to the sum of Dollars ($ ). This voucher is given on account of work done in pur- suance of contract entered into for the making of the above mentioned improvement, and is the first voucher issued on account of such work done. The holder hereof expressly agrees in all things to be governed by an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improve- ments,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, — 126 — and all acts amendatory thereof. This voucher is payable at the office of the City Treas- urer of the City of , Illinois, solely out of the collection of the first installment of said assessment. City of 111., By Attest: NOTE: — Other vouchers against the first installment may be drawn to conform to the form above given. The first voucher “on account of work done” need not necessarily be drawn against the first installment. That in- stallmen t may be exhausted by other vouchers having a preference upon it. FORM NO. 93. VOUCHER REDEEMABLE IN BONDS. 111 190. .. Voucher No Special Assessment No To the Treasurer of the City of , III. : Of the bonds issued or to be issued in anticipation of the collection of the deferred installments of the special as- sessment levied by the City of , Illinois, and confirmed by the Court of County, Illinois, for the purpose of improving in said city, as provided for in and by Ordinance No of said city, pay and deliver to special assessment bonds to the amount of Dollars ($ ), deducting, however, the interest ac- crued on the same to this day. This voucher is given on account of payment of The holder thereof expressly agrees in all things to be governed by an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improve- ments,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and all acts amendatory thereof. City of ,111., By Attest: - 127 - FORM NO. 94. VOUCHER PAYABLE IN MONEY FROM SALE OF BONDS. , 111., 190. .. Voucher No Special Assessment No To the Treasurer of the City of III. : From the funds realized or to be realized from the sale of the bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of the deferred installments of the special assessment levied by the City of Illinois, and confirmed by the Court of County, Illinois, for the purpose of improving in said city, as provided for in and by Ordinance No of said city, but out of no other tax or fund, pay to the sum of Dollars ($ )• This voucher is given in payment of The holder thereof expressly agrees in all things to b$ governed by an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concerning Local Improvements,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and acts amendatory thereof. Payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Illinois. City of ,111., By Attest: — 128 - FORM NO. 95. FIRST VOUCHER CERTIFICATE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of , Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of To te Clerk of the Court , County, III.: By virtue of the requirements of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled “An Act Concern- ing Local Improvements/' approved June 14th, 1897, and amendments thereto, the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, does hereby certify that on the day of , 190 . . , there was issued to a first voucher on ac- count of work done on the above named improvement, in the amount of $ Approved and signed by the Board of Local Improve- ments of the City of , Illinois, and its Sec- retary, this day of 190 . . . Board of Local Improvements of the City of ,111. Secretary. FORM NO. 96. engineer's report of final completion to board. 111., , 190. .. To the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois: Gentlemen : — I beg to certify that the work of the local improvement of Street, in the City — 129 — of , Illinois, from the line of Street, to the line of Street, has been finally completed, and that the cost of the same is as follows : . . . . Sq. yds. of paving at $ . per sq. yd. . . . $ .... Lin. ft. curbing at $ ... . per ft $ Total due contractor $ Recapitulation. Estimated cost of improvement $ Amount paid contractor $ Amount due contractor $ Court costs and necessary expenses . $ $ $ Amount estimated to pay accruing interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate collection of assessment $ Amount to be rebated $ Respectfully submitted, FORM NO. 97. » Engineer. APPLICATION OF BOARD ON CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of i ss. In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of , Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of Work. To the Honorable Judge Presiding: Now comes the Board of Local Improvements of the - 130 - City of , Illinois, and presents herewith its certificate of the final completion and acceptance of the work provided for in the above mentioned proceedings, and causes the cost thereof, together with the amount, estimat- ed by the said Board to be required to pay accruing interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate collection of the assessment herein, to be certified to this Court. Wherefore, this Petitioner makes application to said Court to consider and determine whether or not the facts and matters stated in the hereto attached certificate are true, and to set a time and place to consider and determine such facts and matters. Board of Local Improvements of the City of , 111. FORM NO. 98. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE — WHEN ASSESSMENT DOES NOT EXCEED COST. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of Work. To the Honorable Judge Presiding: The Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, does hereby certify that the work on the improvement made in pursuance of the ordinance herein, has been finally completed and accepted by said Board of Local Improvements; that the cost of said im- — 131 — provement is the sum of $ ; that the amount estimated by said Board to be required to pay accruing in- terest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate collection of the assessment herein, is the sum of $ ; that the total amount assessed for said improvement upon the public and private property is the sum of $ and that said last mentioned sum does not exceed the cost of said improvement and the amount estimated to be required to pay interest as hereinabove stated, and that therefore, the judgment rendered herein, shall not be reduced or in anywise abated. And the assessment herein being divided into install- ments, said Board certifies that said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same. y y Board of Local Improvements of the City of ,111. FORM NO. 99. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE — WHEN ASSESSMENT EXCEEDS COST. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of the Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of the Work. To the Honorable Judge Presiding: The Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, does hereby certify that the work — 132 — on the improvement made in pursuance of the ordinance herein, has been finally completed and accepted by said Board of Local Improvements; that the cost of said im- provement is the sum of $ ; that the amount esti- mated by said Board to be required to pay accruing interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate collection of the assessment herein, is the sum of $ ; that the total amount assessed for said improvement upon the public and private property is the sum of $ , and that said last mentioned sum exceeds the cost of said improvement and the amount estimated to be required to pay interest as hereinabove stated, and that, therefore, the sum of $ shall be abated and the judgment entered herein shall be re- duced and abated accordingly. And the assessment herein being divided into install- ments, said Board certifies that said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same. Board of Local Improvements of the City of , 111. FORM NO. 100. ORDER OF COURT ON PRESENTATION OF APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE OF BOARD. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190 . . . In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of the Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of Work. Now on this day of , A. D. — 133 — 190 . . , comes the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, and presents its certificate of final completion and acceptance of the improvement herein, and the cost thereof, together. with its application to this Court, to consider and determine whether or not the mat- ters and facts stated in said certificate are true. IT is ORDERED BY THE COURT, That a hearing thereon be had in this Court on the day of A. D. 190. ., at the hour of .... o'clock . . .M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. It is further Ordered by the Court, That all objec- tions to the said certificate and application be filed in said cause before the time set for such hearing. Judge of said Court. FORM NO. 101. ORDER OF COURT CONFIRMING APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE NO OBJECTIONS — NO REBATE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the . . ss. Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of the Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of the Work. Now on this day of , A. D. 190. ., this being one of the regular j udicial days of the Term, A. D. 190. ., of said Court, comes the Petitioner here- in, the Board of Local Improvements of the City of , Illinois, by , its attorney, and moves the Court for default herein, and for the judg- ment of this Court, finding that all the matters and facts — 134 — stated and alleged in the certificate filed herein, by said Board, are true, and that the said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same ; and this cause coming on to be heard upon the evidence introduced by the Petitioner herein, and no objections to said application and certificate or proceedings herein having been filed, and no defense thereto being made, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, it is adjudged by the Court that the application and certificate filed by the Petitioner herein, are in all re- spects legal and sufficient; that notices of this hearing, as prescribed by law, were posted in at least four public places in the neighborhood of said improvement in said City of at least fifteen days prior to the time fixed for the hearing herein and hereon, and a like notice published at least live successive days in the a daily newspaper, published in said City of ; that the first publication of the notice aforesaid was had at least fifteen days pror to the time fixed by the Court for the hearing herein and hereon ; that said notices, by posting and publishing, in all respects complied with the statutes of this state in such cases made and provided, and were in all re- spects legal and sufficient, and posted and published in man- ner and form prescribed by law. It is further found and adjudged by the Court that it has obtained full and complete jurisdiction of all the per- sons having or claiming any interest in any of the premises mentioned and described in the assessment roll heretofore confirmed in this cause and of the property therein de- scribed and assessed, and of this cause and the subject mat- ter thereof. It is Therefore ordered and Adjudged by this Court, That default be and the same is hereby entered against each and all of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed and described in the said assess- ment roll and report for the said improvement as hereto- fore confirmed in this Court, and all persons having or claiming an interest in any of said premises. The Court further finds and adjudges that all the mat- ters and facts stated in said certificate filed in this cause by the said Board of Local Improvements are true; that the — 135 — said improvement conforms substantially to the require- ments of the original ordinance for the construction of the same ; that the total amount assessed for the said improve- ment upon the public and private property does not exceed the cost of the said improvement and the amount estimated to be required to pay interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate collection of said assessment, and that the said assessment as heretofore confirmed shall not be abated or reduced. It is Further ordered and adjudged by the Court, That the said certificate of the said Board of Local Improve- ments be and the same is hereby, in all respects, approved and confirmed, and that the said assessment, as heretofore made upon the public and the private property owners, shall stand as heretofore confirmed by this Court. Approved : Judge. FORM NO. 102. ORDER OF COURT CONFIRMING APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE — OBJECTIONS — NO REBATE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of In the . . ss. Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of the Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of Work. Now on this day of , 190 . . , this being one of the regular judicial days of the Term, 190.., of said Court, comes the Petitioner herein, by , its attorney, and makes proof of giving of the notice by law required, by posting and publishing, and moves the Court for default herein against all persons — 136 — and property on account of which objections have not been heretofore filed. And the Court being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered and adjudged by the Court that default be and the same is hereby entered against each and all of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed and described in the assessment roll and report for the im- provement herein, heretofore confirmed in this Court, and all persons having or claiming an interest in any of said premises on account of which objections have not been here- tofore filed. And now on this day of , A. D. 190. ., it being also one of the regular judicila days of the , 190 . . , Term of this Court, this cause coming on to be heard upon the objections filed by herein, and the Court having heard the evidence and arguments of counsel and being fully ad- vised in the premises, orders and adjudges that said objec- tions be and the same are hereby overruled. And now on the day of 190.., it being also one of the regular judicial days of said term of said Court, comes the Petitioner herein and moves the Court for judgment on the cer- tificate and application heretofore filed herein, and this cause coming on to be heard upon said motion, and the Court having heard the evidence introduced by tion, and the Court having heard the evidence introduced by the Petitioner herein and the arguments of counsel, and be- ing fully advised in the premises, and all objections having been disposed of, it is found and adjudged by the Court that the application and certificate filed by the Petitioner herein are in all respects legal and sufficient; that notices of this hearing, as prescribed by law, were posted in at least four public places in the neighborhood of said improvement in said City of at least fifteen days prior to the time fixed for the hearing herein and hereon, and a like notice published at least five successive days in the , a daily newspaper, published in said City of ; that the first publication of the notice aforesaid was had at least fifteen days prior to the - 137 - time fixed by the Court for the hearing herein and hereon, and that said notices, by posting and publication, in all re- spects complied with the statutes of this state in such cases made and provided, and were in all respects legal and suffi- ent, and posted and published in manner and form pre- scribed by law. It is further found and adjudged by the Court that it has obtained full and complete jurisdiction of all the per- sons having or claiming any interest in any of the premises mentioned and described in the assessment roll heretofore confirmed in this cause and of the property therein de- scribed and assessed, and of this cause and the subject mat- ter thereof. It is further ordered and adjudged by the Court that all the matters and facts stated in the said certificate filed in this cause by the said Board of Local Improvements are true; that the said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construc- tion of the same ; that the total amount assessed for said im- provement upon the public and private property does not exceed the cost of said improvement and the amount esti- mated to be required to pay interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate collection of said assessment, and that the said assessment, as heretofore confirmed, shall not be abated or reduced. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THE COURT, That the said certificate of the said Board of Local Improve- ments be and the same is hereby, in all respects, approved and confirmed, and that the said assessment, as heretofore made upon the public and the private property owners, shall stand as heretofore confirmed by this Court. Approved : Judge. - 138 - FORM NO. 103. ORDER OF COURT CONFIRMING APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE —NO OBJECTIONS — A REBATE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of } ss. In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. - In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of the Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of Work. And now on this day of , A. D. 190. ., this being one of the regular judicial days of the Term, A. D. 190 . . , of said Court, comes the Petitioner here- in, the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, by its attorney, and moves the Court for default herein, and for the judg- ment of this Court, finding that all the matters and facte stated and alleged in the certificate filed herein, by said Board, are true, and that the said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same ; and this cause coming on to be heard, upon the evidence introduced by the Petitioner herein, and no objections to said application and certificate or proceedings herein, having been filed, and no defense thereto being made, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, it is adjudged by the Court that the application and certificate filed by the Petitioner herein, are in all re- spects legal and sufficient; that notices of this hearing, as prescribed by law, were posted in at least four public places in the neighborhood of said improvement in the said City of , at least fifteen days prior to the time fixed for the hearing herein and hereon, and a like notice published at least five successive days in the , a daily newspaper, published in said ; that the first publication of the City of - 139 - notice aforesaid was had at least fifteen days prior to the time fixed by the Court for the hearing herein and hereon ; that said notices, by posting and publication, in all respects complied with the statutes of this state in such cases made and provided, and were in all respects legal and sufficient, and posted and published in manner and form prescribed by law. It is further found and adjudged by the Court that it has obtained full and complete jurisdiction of all the per- sons having or claiming any interest in any of the premises mentioned and described in the assessment roll heretofore confirmed in this cause and of the property therein de- scribed and assessed, and of this cause and the subject mat- ter thereof. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THIS Court, That default be and the same is hereby entered against each and all of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed and described in the said assess- ment roll and report for the said improvement as hereto- fore confirmed in this Court, and all persons having or claiming an interest in any of said premises. The Court further finds and adjudges that all the mat- ters and facts stated in said certificate filed in this cause by the said Board of Local Improvements are true; that the said improvement conforms substantially to the require- ments of the original ordinance for the construction of the same ; that the total amount assessed for the said improve- ment upon the public and private property is the sum of $ ; and that the cost of the said improvement, including the amount estimated by said Board to be required to pay interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate collection of said assessment, is the sum of $ ; and that the sum of $ shall be abated. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THE COURT, That the said certificate of the said Board of Local Improve- ments be and the same is hereby, in all respects, approved and confirmed, and that the said assessment, as heretofore made upon the public and private property, as the same was heretofore confirmed by the judgment of this Court, and upon each and every lot, block, tract and parcel of land and property assessed, shall be abated and reduced proportion- — 140 — ately to the public and to the private property owners, and shall be credited pro rata upon the respective assessments for said improvement in the amounts set forth in the hereto attached schedule, and that the said assessment be and the same is hereby confirmed as so reduced against the public, and each installment thereof, and against each lot, block, tract or parcel of land and property assessed, and each in- stallment thereof. It is Further Ordered by the Court, That this judg- ment be certified by the Clerk of this Court to the of said City of Approved: ., Judge. Note : — Attach schedule of rebated assessment roll. FORM NO. 104. ORDER OF COURT — CONFIRMING APPLICATION AND CERTIFI- CATE — NO OBJECTIONS — A REBATE AFTER CERTIFIED FOR COLLECTION. State of Illinois, County of In the Court, To the Term, A. D. 190. .. In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Illinois, to Levy a Special Assessment to Pay the Cost of the Local Improvement of Application and Certificate of the Board of Local Improve- ments on Completion of Work. And now on this day of , A. D. 190 . . , this being one of the regular judicial days of the Term, A. D. 190. . , of said Court, comes the Petitioner here- in, the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Illinois, by , its attorney, and moves the Court for default herein, and for the judg- ment of this Court, finding that all the matters and facts — 141 — stated and alleged in the certificate filed herein, by said Board, are true, and that the said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same ; and this cause coming on to be heard, upon the evidence introduced by the Petitioner herein, and no objections to said application and certificate or proceedings herein, having been filed, and no defense thereto being made, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, it is adjudged by the Court that the application and certificate filed by the Petitioner herein, are in all re- spects legal and sufficient; that notices of this hearing, as prescribed by law, were posted in at least four public places in the neighborhood of said improvement in the said City of , at least fifteen days prior to the time fixed for the hearing herein and hereon, and a like notice published at least five successive days in the a daily newspaper, published in said City of ; that the first publication of the notice aforesaid was had at least fifteen days prior to the time fixed by the Court for the hearing herein and hereon ; that said notices, by posting and publication, in all respects complied with the statutes of this state in such cases made and provided, and were in all respects legal and sufficient, and posted and published in manner and form prescribed by law. It is further found and adjudged by the Court that it has obtained full and complete jurisdiction of all the per- sons having or claiming an interest in any of the premises mentioned and described in the assessment roll as hereto- fore confirmed in this cause and of the property therein de- scribed and assessed, and of this cause and the subject mat- ter thereof. It is therefore ordered and Adjudged by this Court, That default be and the same is hereby entered against each and all of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land and property assessed and described in the said assess- ment roll and report for the said improvement as hereto- fore confirmed in this Court, and all persons having or claiming an interest in any of said premises. The Court further finds and adjudges that all the mat- ters and facts stated in said certificate filed in this cause by — 142 — the said Board of Local Improvements are true; that the said improvement conforms substantially to the require- ments of the original ordinance for the construction of the same ; that the total amount assessed for the said improve- ment upon the public and private property is the sum of $ , and that the cost of the said improvement, including the amount estimated by said Board to be re- quired to pay interest on bonds and vouchers issued to an- ticipate collection of said assessment, is the sum of $ , and that the sum of $ shall be abated. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THE COURT, That the said certificate of the said Board of Local Improve- ments be and the same is hereby, in all respects, approved and confirmed, and that said assessment, as heretofore made upon the public and private property as the same was heretofore confirmed by the judgment of this Court, and upon each and every lot, block, tract and parcel of land and property assessed, shall be abated and reduced proportion- ately to the public and to the private property owners, and shall be credited pro rata upon the respective assessments for said improvement. And it appearing that said assessment has been certi- fied for collection, pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of this state, entitled “An Act Con- cerning Local Improvements,” approved June 14th, 1897, in force July 1st, 1897, and amendments thereto, and the first installment of such assessment having become due and pay- able, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the reduction and abatement herein ordered, be and the same is hereby made pro rata upon the remaining install- ments, so that said assessment, and each installment thereof, and the assessment against each and every lot, blosk, tract and parcel of land, and each installment thereof, shall be for the sum or sums shown and stated in the hereto attached rebated assessment roll or schedule, and that the said assessment herein be and the same is hereby confirmed as so reduced against the public and the private property assessed, and each installment thereof, and against each lot, block, tract and parcel of land and property, and each in- stallment thereof. — 143 — IT is FURTHER ORDERED BY THE COURT, That this judg- ment be certified by the Clerk of this Court to the of said City of Approved : Judge. NOTE: — Attach schedule. FORM NO. 105. WARRANT — PLACITA FOR CERTIFICATE OF JUDGMENT OF CONFIRMATION. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of At a regular term of the Court within and for the County of and State of Illinois, begun and held at the Court House, in the City of in said County of on , the day of , A. D. 190. ., it being the day of , A. D. 190. ., according to the Act of the General Assembly, by the Hon (one of the Judges of the Judicial Circuit) (if County Court change accordingly), of the State of Illi- nois, of which the said County of forms a part, the following proceedings were had, to- wit : Present : Honorable , Judge. Sheriff. , State’s Attorney. , Clerk. FORM NO. 106. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF COURT TO ASSESSMENT ROLL AND JUDGMENT. State of Illinois, ) County of J ss ‘ I, Clerk of the Court, within and for the County of , and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the above and fore- going is a true and correct copy of the judgment order of said Court, in the matter of the petition of the City of , in the County of , Illinois, to levy a special assessment to pay the cost of the local im- provement of Street, from to ; also a copy of the report and assess- ment roll as the same was confirmed in said cause; also a copy of the first voucher certificate filed herein ; as fully and completely as the said several matters appear of record and on file in my office. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in the City of , Illinois, this day of , A. D. 190... (Seal.) Clerk of the said Court. FORM NO. 107. WARRANT TO COLLECTOR. ss. State of Illinois, County of The People of the State of Illinois, to Collector (of Special Taxes and Assessments) of the City of , Illinois: Whereas, The Court of County, Illinois, did on the day of — 145 — A. D. 190 . . , at a regular term of said Court then held, con- firm the foregoing report and assessment roll, as shown in the order of said Court, herewith duly certified and to which this warrant is attached. NOW, THEREFORE, You are hereby commanded to make, levy and collect, in manner authorized by law and as directed in said order of said Court, as a special assessment, in installments, upon each of the foregoing described pieces and parcels of real estate, levied for the improvement there- in mentioned, the several sum or sums of money, as in said order of Court directed, set opposite to the real estate, re- spectively, in said foregoing report and assessment roll, re- spectively, mentioned or described, and to proceed herein as required by law, and this shall be your sufficient warrant therefor. IN Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in the City of , Illinois, this day of A. D. 190. .. (Seal.) Clerk of the said Court. / It is with the keenest sense of appreciation and gratification that we are enabled to add the endorsement, gratuitously given, to this work by Horace S. Oakley, Esq., of the firm of Wood & Oakley, of the Chicago Bar. As a leader of the bar of this State, and the representative of many of the largest banking and financial institutions in the country, especially in the examination of special assessment securities, his generous endorsement of this work, lends much to its value and great assurances of merit. He is an acknowledged authority on the subject. Mr. Oakley writes as follows: WOOD & OAKLEY, Chicago. Will P. Blair, Esq., Terre Haute, Ind. Dear Sir: — I have had the privilege of examining the advance sheets of the volume containing forms of procedure under the Local Improvement Act of Illinois, prepared for your Association by A. H. Baer, Esq., of Belleville. Your idea of putting such a book into the hands of officials charged wPh the administration of the Special Assessment Law is wise and timely; and Mr. Baer has been most happy in his recommendations. Many of the forms he offers are manifestly original with him. His Court Orders and his Board Records (with their respective recit- als of jurisdiction) are particularly clear and complete, and are in every way admirable. Your little volume will be of great value to the municipalities of the state; and I beg to congratulate you and Mr. Baer upon so com- plete and trustworthy a manual. Yours truly, Chicago, March 3, 1908. HORACE S. OAKLEY. — 147 — INDEX. FormNo. Page. Petition of abutting property owners for paving roadway. . . 1 3 Authority of Board of Directors signing petition — Roadway 2 Power of Attorney to sign petition for paving 3 4 Power of attorney to sign petition for sewer 4 5 Ordinance designating members of City Council as members of Board 5 6 Ordinance creating office of Public Engineer 6 6 Ordinance creating office of Superintendent of Streets 7 9 Resolution of Board originating scheme — paving 8 11 Resolution of Board originating scheme — sewer 9 12 Estimate of cost to Board 10 13 Minutes of Board adopting resolution 11 15 Notice for public hearing 12 16 Affidavit of mailing notices for public hearing 13 17 Resolution of Board adhering to proposed scheme 14 18 Resolution of Board abandoning scheme 15 19 Resolution of Board changing, altering, etc., proposed scheme 16 19 Resolution of Board where change increased estimated cost 20 per cent 17 20 Resolution of Board adhering after “further public hearing” 18 21 Minutes of meeting of Board — Public hearing 19 22 Estimate of cost to City Council 20 23 Meeting of Board approving estimate 21 24 Recommendation of Board to City Council 22 24 Ordinance providing for brick paving of roadway 23 25 Ordinance containing Specifications No. 1, National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Association 23a 28 Ordinance containing Specifications No. 2, National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Association 23b 34 Ordinance containing Specifications No. 3, National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Association 23c 38 Ordinance containing Specifications No. 4, National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Association 23d 42 Ordinance providing for pipe sewer 24 47 - 148 - Form No. Page. Ordinance providing for water mains 25 49 Ordinance providing for sidewalks 26 50 Ordinance supplementary authorizing division into install- ments 27 51 Ordinance for improvement — special assessment 28 52 Ordinance, special assessment, street and alley intersections as public benefits 29 53 Ordinance, special assessment, certain portion as public benefits 30 54 Ordinance for entire cost by special taxation 31 55 Ordinance for improvement by special taxation, part as public benefits 32 56 Ordinance for improvement by special taxation, street and alley intersections as public benefits 33 57 Ordinance providing that assessment against property only be divided into installments 34 58 Ordinance providing that assessment against property and municipality be divided into installments 35 58 Ordinance providing for payment by special assessment or special taxation, no installments 36 59 Petition for assessment 38 59 City Clerk’s certificate to ordinance 39 60 City Clerk’s certificate to recommendation 40 61 City Clerk’s certificate to estimate 41 62 City Clerk’s certificate for all documents filed 42 63 City Clerk’s certificate to ordinance where Mayor did not approve 43 64 Appointment of Assessor by President of Board 44 65 Oath of office of appointee 45 65 Petition for condemnation and assessment 46 66 Order of Court upon petition for condemnation 47 68 Oath of Commissioners — condemnation 48 69 Notice of passage of ordinance 49 70 Affidavit of mailing notices of passage of ordinance 50 70 Order of Court on petition for special assessment 51 71 Report — assessment roll 52 72 Assessment roll 53 74 Assessment roll — another form 54 75 Affidavit and certificate of Assessor 55 76 Certificate of assessment 56 78 - 149 - Form No. Page. Certificate of Assessor under oath 57 80 Affidavit of compliance with Section 41 58 81 Special assessment notice — installments, posting, pub- lishing 59 82 Special assessment notice — no installments, posting, pub- lishing 60 82 Special assessment notice — mailing 61 83 Affidavit of posting notices 62 84 Certificate of publication 63 85 Affidavit of mailing notices 64 86 Affidavit of Assessor, and mailing notices 65 87 Commissioner’ report and roll — condemnation 66 88 Commissioners’ assessment roll — condemnation 67 90 Commissioners’ certificate — condemnation 68 PI Affidavit of ownership — condemnation 69 92 Order of Court for publication — condemnation 70 94 Notice by publication — condemnation 71 96 Affidavit of mailing notices to parties assessed — condem- nation 72 98 Affidavit of mailing and posting to non-residents — condem- nation 73 99 Certificate of publication — condemnation 74 101 Agreement to apportion interests, directed to Assessor 75 102 Petition to apportion interests, directed to Court 76 103 Request of owners to divide land, directed to Assessor 77 103 Petition of owners to divide land, directed to Court 78 104 Objections to assessment proceeding 79 105 Waiver of trial by jury 80 106 Order of Court of confirmation — no objections 81 106 Order of Court of confirmation — no objections, short form.. 82 109 Resolution of Board designating newspaper, for bids 83 111 Resolution to advertise for bids 84 111 Notice of proposal for bids 85 111 Instructions to bidders 86 113 Contractor’s proposal for improvement 87 115 Contract for improvement 88 116 Contractor’s bond 89 121 General order of Board designating newspaper 90 124 Notice of award 91 125 First voucher on account of work done 92 125 - 150 - Form No. Page. Voucher redeemable in bonds 93 126 Voucher payable in money from sale of bonds 94 127 First voucher certificate 95 128 Engineer’s report of final completion 96 128 Application of Board on completion and acceptance 97 129 Certificate of completion and acceptance when assessment does not exceed cost 98 130 Certificate of completion and acceptance when assessment exceeds cost 99 131 Order of Court on presentation of certificate, etc 100 132 Order of Court confirming application, etc. — no objections — no rebate 101 133 Order of Court confirming application, etc. — objections — no rebate 102 135 Order of Court confirming application, etc. — no objections — a rebate 103 138 Order of Court confirming application — a rebate — after cer- tified for collection . 104 140 Warrant — placita for certificate 105 143 Warrant — certificate of Clerk to assessment roll, etc 106 144 Warrant — to collector 107 144