-OF THE- II — L_ I N CD I S QUINCY, ILLINOIS. ADOPTED NOVEMBER 14, 1887 REVISED APRIL 7, 1904. Press of Volk, Jones & McMein Co., Quincy, Illinois., By-Laws, Rules and Regulations -t OF THE ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME QUINCY, ILLINOIS. ADOPTED NOVEMBER 14, 1887. REVISED APRIL 7, 1904. Press of Volk, Jones & McMein Co., Quincy, Illinois. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/bylawsrulesregulOOilli — i x> X/ 4 >> BOARD OF TRUSTEES. HON. J. B. MESSICK, East St. Louis, III. MAJOR C. W. HAWES, Rock Island, ill. HON. C. C. JOHNSON, Sterling, III OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. O * HON. J. B. MESSICK, President. E. H. OSBORN, Treasurer. NELLIE J. McMAHON, Secretary. r BY-LAWS, RULES AMD REGULATIONS BY-LAWS. I. The officers of the Board shall consist of a Pres- ident, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected by the Board and who shall hold their offices until others are elected in their stead. II. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board and discharge such duties as belong to a presiding officer. In the absence of the President, a President pro tem may be elected, who shall have the same duties and powers as the President. III. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the perform such duties as may be incident to such meetings of the Board of Trustees, and generally office; shall keep such financial records and accounts and make such reports and perform such clerical services as may be required by the Board or Super- intendent. In the absence of the Secretary, a Secre- tary pro tem may be apointed. IV. The Treasurer shall receive and be custodian of all moneys due or belonging to the Home, whether derived from the State Treasurer or from other sources, and shall make disbursements upon the writ- ten order of the Superintendent only. He shall pre- sent to the Board at each quarterly meeting a writ- ten report of all mone}^s received and paid out by him, accompanjdng the same with an itemized ac- count verified by affidavit, and nlake settlement with the Trustees. He shall give bond in the sum of $50,- 000 for the faithful performance of his duties. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. DUTIES OF PRESIE1NT. DUTIES OF SECRETARY DUTIES OF TREASURER 6 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULALIONS MEETINGS OF THE BOARD. OFFICERS OF THE HOME. HOW APPOINTED. DUTIES OF SUPERIN- TENDENT. V. The regular quarterly meeting of the Board shall be held at the Home between the first and seventh days of the months of January, April, July and Octo- ber. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or by any member of the Board at any time. GOVERNMENT AND MAINTENANCE. The officers of the Home shall consist, of the Superintendent, Adjutant, Surgeon, Engineer and ( Quartermaster, and such other subordinate officers ) as may be necessary for the proper government and : maintenance of the Home, and whose salaries and compensation shall be fixed by the Trustees. The Trustees shall appoint the Superintendent. / All other officers and ’employes of the Home shall be appointed by the Superintendent, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. SUPERINTENDENT. The Superintendent shall be the financial agent of the Trustees, and shall have charge of the prem- ises, property and members subject to their direc- tion. He shall assign all sub-officers and employes to their respective duties, and may, at any time, sus- pend or discharge them from service, subject to the approval of the Trustees at their next meeting, and he shall suspend or discharge any employe when in the judgment of the Trustees the interests of the Home require it. He shall reside on the premises and see that all officers, agents and employes of the institution faithfully discharge their duties, and shall be directly responsible to the Trustees for the economy, efficiency and success of the internal man- ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SATLORS HOME. agement. Ho may make such rules and issue such orders as in his judgment are required, if not in con- flict with law or these regulations. It shall he his duty to fully inform the Board of Trustees, in a re- port made by him at each quarterly meeting, of any and every event in connection with the management or discipline of the Home which may require their attention, and may suggest to them, from time to time, such measures or changes in these by-laws as lie may deem for the benefit of the Institution. ADJUTANT. The Adjutant shall be charged with the duty of keeping a record of morning reports, substantially the same as required in the military service of the United States. He shall keep in proper form all the records pertaining to applications for membership, correspondence relating thereto, the acceptance or rejection of applicants, and when an applicant is admitted, shall complete the record of admission and assign the new member to quarters. He shall keep a register of members showing number, name, age, nativity and occupation, date of admission, res- idence at date of enlistment, and time of enlistment, company, regiment, or if navy, the vessel on which he served, the date of discharge, or cause of dis- charge from service, disease or disability, domestic relations, next of kin, names of relatives, amount of pension and remarks. Also a register of deaths, with full particulars of date and cause of deaths and exact place of birth. He shall be the custodian, under the Superin- tendent, of all books and records of the Headquar- ters office except such as are properly in the cus- tody of the Superintendent, Bookkeeper or Secre- tary of the Board of Trustees. He shall keep and prepare all statistics and shall assist the Superin- DUTIES OF ADJUTANT. 8 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS tendent in the preparation of all reports having reference to or involving the statistics of the Home, and ail orders promulgated, not signed by the Superintendent, may be signed by the Adjutant, “by order of the Superintendent.” SURGEON. DUTIES OF SURGEON. The Surgeon shall be a competent physician and surgeon, legally licensed to practice medicine and surgery under the laws of Illinois, and of not less than five (5) years practice. He shall make thor- ough examination of all applicants for admission to the Home ; certify, on a blank to be furnished by the Superintendent, to the amount and nature of the disability of the applicant. He shall attend to the medical or surgical treatment of every member of the Home without fee other than his salary. He shall make, or cause to be made by his assistants, weekly examination of all the buildings and rooms occupied in connection with the Home and report the condition thereof to the Superintendent. He shall have charge of the nurses and assign them to their respective places of duty. He shall also have charge of the food and medical supplies, and if at any time the supplies are inadequate or of an in- ferior quality, it shall be his duty to report the same to the Superintendent and to each member of the Board of Trustees. The Hospital shall be in his charge, subject to orders of the Superintendent. It shall be his duty to see that proper records are kept, and that timely requisitions are made for such supplies as may be necessary, and as far as practicable, he shall esti- mate for at least one quarter’s supply in advance. He shall also sec that all approved appliances for the cure and proper care of the patients are ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 9 applied, that the hospital is kept in a condition of cleanliness, and the proper disinfectants are used for the elimination of bad odors. He shall see that the bedding and clothing re- ceive constant and careful attention, that such articles as may have been soiled or infected are not destroyed, provided they can be restored to a sani- tary condition by washing or sterilizing. Drugs and medicines should be carefully guarded to prevent their improper or unauthorized use. All prescriptions, after being filled, will be care- fully filed and preserved. ASSISTANT SURGEON. The Assistant Surgeons must be graduates of a first-class regular medical school, and be competent to discharge the duties of their positions. They shall assist the surgeon in the performance of all duties belonging to his office and shall act as house surgeons under direction of the surgeon in charge, and shall at all times answer the calls of the sick, either in the hospital or in quarters. They will, in addition to the work above specified, act as apothe- caries and perform such other duties pertaining to their profession or office as shall be required of them by the Surgeon. QUALIFICA- TIONS AND DUFIES OF SURGEONS. RULES AND REGULATIONS. L LINO IS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 13 RULES AND REGULATIONS. Under Section 18 of the law establishing this institution and other laws pertaining thereto, said Board of Trustees hereby make the following rules and regulations governing admission to the ITome: ADMISSION. To he entitled to admission the applicant must be: I. An honorably discharged United States soldier or sailor in the war of the Rebellion, the Mexican war, or of the late war with Spain and Philippine Islands. II. A bona fide resident of the State of Illinois for two years next preceding date of application, or shall have served in an Illinois organization. III. Disabled so he cannot earn a living, and have, at the time of his application, no property or other means of support. IV. Preference will he given inmates of poor-houses in this state ( who possess the above described qualifications, and non-pensioned, indigent applicants will be preferred to those in receipt of pen- sions. V. Xo person shall be admitted as a member of the Home until he shall have submitted a written application, signed by himself, accompanied by an honorable discharge or certificate of service in the army or navy of the United States, and the said application shall have been approved by the Superintendent. VI. When non-pensioned, indigent applicants are a waiting ad- mission and there is no room for them, members of the Home in receipt of pensions may be discharged to make room for those in- need. 14 BY-LAWS. RULES AND REGULATIONS VII. Violently insane men will not be admitted to the Home. VIII. No one will be admitted until he has been examined by the Home Surgeon, who shall certify to his disability. IX. The applicant, in asking admission to the Home, must agree and bind himself, if he be admitted, to abide by and lie governed by all the rules and regulations pertaining to members of the Home, so long as he retains his membership. And must authorize and empower the Superintendent to hold his pension money, if subject to the laws of the State of Illi- nois and the rules and regulations of the Home. Applicants for original admission only will be furnished transportation from his place of residence within the State of Illinois to the Home. X. Whenever the conditions or capacity for the care of members are exhausted, the Superintendent shall give notice thereof by such publication through the public press as he may deem neces- sary, and by informing the different posts of the Grand Army of the Republic of the State, and thereafter, until additional accom- modation is obtained, admissions shall cease. DISCIPLINE. I. All officers, members and employes of the Home must be orderly, temperate and attentive to the duties required of them. Members must be respectful towards officers and non-commis- sioned officers and civil in their treatment of each other. Drunk- enness, disorderly conduct, profane, abusive or obscene language will not be tolerated. II. When any member of the Home becomes abusive and violent and disturbs the peace and quiet of other members, or guilty of any other improper behavior, the Superintendent may order the ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 15 police sergeant, or bis assistants, to confine such members in the guard-house for such length of time as, in his judgment, may he necessary to promote the comfort and discipline of the Home. III. Members will not be allowed to bring intoxicating liquors into the Home, and any violation of this rule may subject the offender to expulsion. , IV. The supplies purchased for the institution must be carefully and properly used. Y. Work without pay may be imposed as a penalty for violation of the rules, and offenders may also be required to remain in their quarters or within the boundaries of the Home at the discretion of the Superintendent. VI. Members guilty of repeated drunkenness, disorderly conduct, insubordination, or other offenses, and refusing to obey the rules of the Home, or anyone guilty of outrageous behavior, may be summarily dismissed or dishonorably discharged in the discretion of the Superintendent, and no dishonorably discharged man will be readmitted for a period of six (6) months after discharge, ex- cept by order of the Board of Trustees, unless it be clearly proven to the Superintendent that said offender is in need of medical at- tendance and has no means of procuring same, and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to report all such cases to the Board of Trustees at their regular quarterly meeting. VII. Members of the Home will wear the prescribed uniform, ex- cept when on special duty or by permission of the Superintendent. VIII. Members will be allowed an honorable discharge on applica- tion if they are in good standing; such, honorably discharged men may be readmitted on examination as to disability; but in case a member is mentally irresponsible, the Superintendent may, in his discretion, withhold discharge, and if necessary, communicate 16 BY-LAWS. RULES AND REGULATIONS with the member’s relatives or friends; and in the event no rela- tive or friends are found to whom the case may be submitted, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to refer the matter to the County Court and ask for the appointment of a conservator. ' IX. Members who have recovered from their disabilities, and who, in the opinion of the Surgeon, are able to earn a livelihood, will be granted an honorable discharge, and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent, when he has reason to believe that any member has recovered from his disabilities, to refer the case to the Sur- geon for investigation and report. X. ; Officers, employes, or members having complaints to make concerning the Home or the conduct of anyone connected with it, shall file such complaints in writing with the Superintendent, whose duty it shall be to investigate and act upon the same. In case such investigation is not satisfactory, the complainant shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Trustees. Complaints against the Superintendent shall be made to tho Board of Trus- tees. ABSENCE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE, FURLOUGHS, ETC. The Superintendent shall at no time absent himself for a period of more than five consecutive days without permission of the Board of Trustees. Leaves of absence may be granted by the Superintendent to any of the subordinate officers or employes of the institution for a period not exceeding in the whole thirty (30) days in the year. Furloughs will be granted by the Superintendent when appli- cation is made on the usual form, unless the member is undergoing sentence imposed by the Superintendent’s court or is indebted to the Home; but the Superintendent may decline to grant such fur- loughs in the event the member is thought to be of unsound mind until such time as he can communicate with the friends or relatives of said member. Members on furlough shall not be permitted to wear their uniforms except by special order of the Superinten- dent. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 17 Passes for a period of not exceeding five (5) days may be granted to enable the member to go to points at some distance from the Home; but .such passes shall not be granted to members under sentence or indebted to the Home, except it be for urgent reasons. For longer periods than five days a furlough should be granted. ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE. Members who willfully absent themselves without leave for a period of ten (10) consecutive days shall be discharged as de- serters, and when so discharged their pension certificates must be returned to the pension agent who makes payment. ACCOUNTS— GENERAL FUND. Vouchers for mileage of Home officers, or reimbursement for traveling expenses of officers or employes or members of the Board of Trustees, incurred under proper authority in the interest of the Home,' shall be presented on the regular form, and each item of expense incurred will be set down under its proper date and place. The points to and from, which railroad, sleeping car or other trans- portation expenses are incurred, will be stated. DISBURSEMENTS. Disbursements will be made from time to time upon receipt of properly certified bills, but all liabilities, including services, must be paid for as far as practicable during the quarter in which they are contracted. Pay rolls must in all cases be signed by the persons whose names appear on the roll and who have performed the services; the signature by mark will not be used except in cases where the persons receiving the pay are unable to write their name, in which case their mark must be witnessed. Where a power of attorney is granted by an officer or em- ploye to draw the amount due him, said power of attorney must be filed with the pay roll as legal evidence of the authority of said signature. ACCOUNTS— PENSION FUND. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to render to the Board of Trustees an account current at the close of each quarter. 18 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS He shall also open a debit and credit ledger account with each pensioner and shall provide said pensioner with a hook wherein shall he stated the amount deposited with the Superintendent from time to time and the amount withdrawn or paid to dependent relatives. The Superintendent may prevent a hurtful, wasteful or ex- travagant use of pension money in any case by retaining the whole or a portion of any member’s pension when, in his opinion, the best interests of the pensioner require the adoption of this course. Any balance due the pensioner when discharged from the Home shall be paid him; and in case of death, the amount in the Superintendent’s hands shall be turned over to the legal repre- sentative of the deceased, but in the event the amount is so small that it will not pay the expenses of administration, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to deposit the same to the credit of the posthumous fund. ACCOUNTS— HOME STORE. An account current of the Home store fund will be transmit- ted by the Superintendent to the Board of Trustees at each regu- lar quarterly meeting; and said Board may, in its discretion, re- quire at any time a detailed statement of all expenditures on account of this fund, together with vouchers for payments made. The management of the Home store shall make weekly reports of cash receipts and at the end of each quarter shall file an inventory showing- actual value of goods in stock. Disbursements from the Home store account may be made only for amusements, transpor- tation or subsistence of soldiers who are ineligible to membership in a Home of this State, for supplies necessary to keep up the stock and salaries, but any other expenditures must be by order of the Board of Trustees. No intoxicating liquors shall be sold in the Home store, nor shall patent medicines of any kind be vended therefrom except such as have been passed upon by the Surgeon of the Home and approved by the Superintendent. ACCOUNTS— POSTHUMOUS FUND. A posthumous acount shall be opened of the funds belonging to deceased members, of unclaimed amounts deposited therein; ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 19 and moneys once deposited to the credit of this fund shall not he withdrawn except by order of the Board of Trustees, who shall direct the Superintendent what disposition shall he made of same when so withdrawn. ACCOUNTS— ORDINARY. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to keep an account of moneys deposited to the credit of the ordinary fund, which ac- count shall he credited with all receipts, except from the State naturally belonging to what is known as the ordinary fund. These credits shall consist of all receipts from the sale of property of any kind, and when deposited to the credit of the Treasurer may be drawn against in the same manner as funds received from the State for ordinary expenses. The Superintendent shall at each regular quarterly meeting submit to the Board of Trustees an itemized account of receipts from all sources, giving name of party from whom received, and if it be received in payment for property sold, a description thereof and price received. All accounts shall be kept on such records as are prescribed by the Honorable Board of Commissioners of Public Charities, but additional records may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees from time to time with the consent of said Board of Commission- ers of Public Charities. ACCOUNTS— PROPERTY. All property received will be accounted for by competent vouchers duly signed, examined, approved and filed, whether pur- chased, fabricated or gained by issue, provided that any unusual excess of gains of issue shall be reported by a Board of Survey duly approved. The abstracts will be signed and certified by the Quar- termaster, after which the articles thereupon shown will be en- tered in proper accounts as by purchase, fabrication, etc. All property disposed of will be accounted for by competent vouchers duly examined, approved and filed, abstracts of which will be furnished by the Quartermaster, to which will be added all arti- cles lost, stolen, lost in issue, etc., all of which entries will be re- ported by a Board of Survey. 20 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS ADMISSIONS. bio soldier or sailor shall he admitted as temporarily at post; hut the Superintendent may in his discretion permit such soldiers' or sailors to remain for a limited time if satisfactory reasons are given, and persons accepting this courtesy may he required to per- form such labor as their condition,, age and health will permit. ALLOWANCES. Civilians, permanently employed and residing at the Home, are allowed quarters, heat, light, water, medical care and rations, provided that all such allowances shall conform in quality and kind to those regularly furnished members and employes of correspond- ing rank and occupation. Civilians employed, when traveling under orders, on business of the Home, may be allowed traveling and other necessary expenses incurred between the points stated in the authority for traveling. ALLOWANCES— CLOTHING. The allowance of clothing on admission shall be one hat, one overcoat, one blouse, one vest, one pair of trousers, one pair of shoes, two under-shirts, two over-shirts, two pairs Canton flannel drawers, two pairs of socks, one pair of suspenders. Three months thereafter one blouse, one pair of trousers, one pair of shoes, one under-shirt, one over-shirt, one pair of Canton flannel drawers and two pairs of socks. The allowance thereafter will be such as may be required to replace articles actually worn out. A time limit for the use of clothing will not be recognized, and all clothing will be issued and re-issued until no longer serviceable. The prices at which the several articles of Home clothing shall be charged to members when lost or damaged through care- lessness or neglect will be fixed by the Superintendent according to the cost of such articles when purchased. Clothing of members furloughed shall be turned in to the Quartermaster before the member leaves the Home. All such clothing shall be cleaned and repaired, and, if not called for by the furloughed member within six. (6) months, shall, if its condi- tion warrants, be re-issued to re-admitted members and members returning from absence of more than six (6) months. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 21 Members furloughed or discharged will not, as a rule, be per- mitted to take away Home clothing. The Superintendent, how- ever, is authorized in deserving cases to make exceptions to this rule. When a member is admitted to the hospital, when in the opin- ion of the Surgeon his illness is likely to be of considerable dura- tion, or the prospects of recovery are remote, it shall be the duty of the Surgeon, as soon as a proper diagnosis of t/he patient has been made, to cause all articles of clothing in possession of such member as are not required for his use in hospital to be turned in to the Quartermaster, such clothing to be fumigated, cleansed, repaired and re-issued in the same manner as other clothing. To members sick in hospital such extra issues of clothing will be made as the Surgeon deems necessary, such issues to be made upon his requisition, approved by the Superintendent. When the clothing so issued is no longer required it shalL be turned in to the Quartermaster, thoroughly renovated and re-issued. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ISSUES. When members for any reason, whether from unusual size or deformity of any kind, are unable to wear the Home regulation clothing, application will be made to the Surgeon for examina- tion, and, on approval by him, orders will be given for the manu- facture of such articles as are not usually carried in stock to fit the exigencies of the case. Members under pay will be charged with excess of cost over the value of articles as fixed by Home regula- tions. The clothing is the property of the Home, and no issue shall be construed as a surrender of its control. Overcoats will be issued to members of the Home on the first day of October and returned to the Quartermaster not later than the first day of May in each year. AMUSEMENTS. The organization of Grand Army of the Republic Posts, socie- ties having reference to the military service of the members, tem- perance and religious societies, and clubs for social intercourse, will be encouraged as sources of interest and pleasure to the mem- bers. \ 22 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, however, to care- fully supervise all such amusements in the interests of harmony and good discipline. Liberal expenditures may be made from the Home store fund for amusement, such as reading rooms, lectures, bands, social en- tertainments, billiard and card rooms. BATHING. Suitable bathing facilities are provided in each cottage, and every member will be required to bathe not less than once in each week. BOOKS. The following records shall be kept, namely: Burial record, company register, historical register, hospital record, morning re- port, offenders 5 docket, record of members discharged, record of letters received, state registry and boards of survey. When the Quartermaster requires the action of a board of survey to determine responsibility relating to public property un- der his charge, he shall make written request therefor to the Superintendent,* accompanying his request with an inventory of the articles upon which action is required and all the documentary evidence upon which he relies for relief from his property responsi- bility. The inventory must show in the column for remarks oppo- site each article, its value and how gain, loss or damage is supposed to have occurred. It should be arranged by classes, as lost in issue, taken away by members, stolen, worn out, etc. The exhibits relating to the loss of clothing while in the hands of members will also be arranged in classes under proper heading: the name of company and regiment and Home company of each member being shown, with date of his furlough, etc. The certificate of the Surgeon, in case of clothing destroyed by liis order or used for burial purposes, will also be required. When property has been lost through carelessness or theft, affidavits setting forth the facts, when practicable, will be pro- cured. It is the duty of the Quartermaster to procure, place in proper form, and present to the Superintendent, all evidence on which he relies to relieve himself for responsibility for property. Keports of proceedings of the board of survey will be made on ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 23 such form as is prescribed by the Superintendent. In all cases at least one member of any board of survey shall be a commissioned officer. CAMP AND COTTAGE WORK. Ordinary camp and cottage duty relating to care and comfort of members must always be performed by members when detailed, unless they are excused by the Surgeon ; and when so excused must not be given credit for the duty, but take their turn when again detailed. CEMETERY. The cemetery of the Home shall be laid out by the Engineer and graves shall be arranged in sections and rows and numbered in regular series to correspond with the burial record kept in head- quarters office. v The marble head-stones, provided by the Government for deceased members of the Home, will be used to mark the graves; semi-annual requisitions for the same being made upon the Quar- termaster General of the United States Army by the Superinten- dent; and until such times as the head-stones are furnished, it will be the duty of the Superintendent, as soon as interment has been made, to mark the graves with a temporary wooden board, giving name, company, regiment and state of deceased, together with date of death. K CHAPLAIN. A The chaplain shall have charge of the spiritual welfare of the members of the Home. He shall receive the aid and encourage- ment of all officers, and, in consultation with the Superintendent, will fix the hours for religious services. He will make frequent visits to the hospital, answer promptly all requests for attend- ance, and, without being subject to definite rules and regulations, have an active interest in all that relates to good discipline and the moral and spiritual well-being of the members of the Home. CHIEF ENGINEER. The Chief Engineer shall have charge of all shops for repair- ing and manufacturing, also the roads, walks, bridges, fire depart- ment, heating plant, quarries, cemetery, engines, ice house, and pumping stations. He shall make timely requisition, as far as 24 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS practicable, for all supplies that will be necessary for his depart- ment and present the same through the Superintendent to the Board of Trustees at their regular quarterly meeting, setting forth in detail the probable cost of all necessary repairs, and the amount of material that will be necessary for the several departments under his charge. THE COTTAGE COMMANDERS. It shall be the duty of the Cottage Commanders, under direc- tion of the Superintendent, to take charge of and supervise the dis- cipline and general well-being of the members of their cottages. The Cottage Commander is to see that every portion of the cottage occupied by his company is kept in a proper condition, every mem- ber of the cottage being subject to detail for his duty. He will make a daily morning report to the Adjutant/ showing the strength of his cottage and the changes from day to day. He will also keep a record of the membership of his cottage, showing the status of the members in the cottage register book, and on the last day of each month assist the Superintendent in making an accu- rate muster roll of his cottage. He will make report to the Super- intendent of any violation of the rules or other offenses against the good order of the Home by members of his cottage, and be present at the time and place of trial appointed by the Superintendent with a statement of the charges and the witnesses in each case. He will, at sick call, each morning cause any members of his cot- tage who may wish medical advice or attention to be taken before the Surgeon at the designated place, and will promptly report any sickness or injury that may require the attention of the Surgeon at any time. He will make necessary requisitions for all property for use of members of his cottage, and when such requisitions have been approved by the Superintendent, will receive the property from the Quartermaster and see that it is properly used for the pur- pose for which it was issued without waste or extravagance. He will, by frequent inspections, see that the clothing in the hands of the members of his cottage is kept neat and clean, and when alterations are necessary, will see that it is done in accord- ance with the prescribed regulations. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 25 Wlien clothing or other property in use in his cottage is worn out, he will, on the clay and in the manner prescribed, take it to the Quartermaster and exchange it for such like serviceable article as the Quartermaster may have on hand for issue. He will also aid the Superintendent to the best of his ability in the enforce- ment of all rules established for the government of the Home, and perform such other duties as the Superintendent may direct. CONTRACTS. The Superintendent shall enter into no contract for the erec- tion of new buildings, nor shall he enter into any contract for re- pairs or improvements where the expenditure will exceed the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars, without first submitting the same to the Board of Trustees for their approval, unless some unfore- seen contingency should arise that would justify a variation from this rule. CORRESPONDENCE. All official communications shall pass through the Superin- tendent’s hands, where they shall be recorded, indexed and re- ferred to the heads of the different departments, and record books for this purpose shall be provided. All letters or official communications sent out by the Super- intendent or any of his subordinate officers shall be kept and so indexed that the name of the party addressed, as well as the sub- ject matter of the letter, shall be made plain. DEATHS. When a death occurs, it shall be the duty of the Surgeon, or, in his absence, one of his assistants, at the time to cause the re- mains of the deceased member to be conveyed to the morgue, and the clothing and other effects of the deceased member promptly sent to the Adjutant, where a correct inventory of the same shall be taken. The body shall be prepared for burial and a uniform burial suit used for that purpose. Funerals will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Grand Army of the Kepublic, shall be attended by the Home band, and a proper escort provided, unless inclemency of the weather or danger of infection shall warrant the Superintendent in sus- pending this portion of the regulations. BY-LAWS, RULES AN1> REGULATIONS 20 DISCIPLINE. All officers, non-commissionecl officers and employes of the Home are forbidden, directly or indirectly, from taking gifts from members of the Home while living; nor shall they, in any manner, knowingly become legatees by will ; neither shall they nse or re- ceive compensation from any officer, member or employe for ser- vice rendered said member, or for any business transactions with any member of the Home. All officers, non-commissioned officers and civilian employes are prohibited from becoming indebted to members of the Home by borrowing money from other officers or members, nor shall any of the officers, non-commissioned officers or employes receive money on deposit, except the Superintendent, who shall only re- ceive on such conditions as are imposed upon him by these regu- lations. Some portion of the Home uniform shall be worn at all times by members of the Home while within its limits, but members on furloughs, or otherwise absent with leave, may, in the discretion of the Superintendent, be permitted to wear civilian dress. The use of fire arms is forbidden on the Home grounds, ex- cept when ordered by the Superintendent. Salutes and morning and evening guns may be fired when so ordered. A member of the Home may be arrested or kept in con- finement in the guardhouse when such course is necessary for his protection, or the safety and comfort of others. Members suffer- ing from the effects of intemperance can properly be kept in the guardhouse until they are perfectly sober and in a condition not to disturb the peace and quiet of their comrades. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to refuse access to the grounds to all persons of a disreputable character, and any citizen conducting himself or herself in a disorderly manner may be ejected from the grounds by order of the Superintendent. The Superintendent will each morning, when offenders are re- ported, hold a court in some room of the Headquarters building designated for that purpose for the trial of such members as may be reported as having committed offenses. A record of each case shall be entered in the offenders’ docket, shovdng that the accused ILLINOIS SOLDI EKS ANDTsAILORS HOME. member was asked to plead whether guilty or not guilty. The rec- ord shall further show that the accused had the opportunity to make a statement and the privilege of calling witnesses in his de- fense. Penalties indicted shall in general he restricted to confine- ment within the limits of the Home for stated periods, deprivation of privileges and the performance of labor without pay. When performance of labor without pay is imposed as a penalty, care must be taken to see that the offender is not subjected to such work as he is unable to perform, nor shall he be required to work out doors when the weather is exceedingly hot, or when so inclement as to endanger his health. Should any member protest his inabil- ity to perform the labor it shall be the duty of the Surgeon to ex- amine him and certify whether or not he is able to pay the pen- alty in this manner, and if unable to perform the labor, such tasks only as he is able to perform shall be imposed. Employment will be given to members of the Home rather than civilians in all capacities in which they can be employed with- out manifest detriment to the interests of the State. Labor or service for which compensation is given is consid- ered as voluntary on the part of the members so employed, and no member shall be subject to penalty for declining to perform such service or labor when requested to do so, or quitting such employment upon the giving of five (5) days* notice. Additional compensation may be allowed laborers and me- chanics for working over-time. The Superintendent shall organize a fire department, com- posed of members of the Home and the civilian employes, the active force of which shall be under the direct charge of the Chief Engineer. An auxiliary force, consisting of members of the Home, will also be formed. Regulations enumerating the fire apparatus and its location, instructions as to its care and maintenance, assigning posts, appointing signals, etc., shall be prepared by the Chief En- gineer. These regulations shall be published and distributed in general orders. 28 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS CHIEF CLERK. The Chief Clerk shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures on such forms and in such records as are pre- scribed by the Honorable Board of Commissioners of Public Char- ities, and shall draw vouches for such indebtedness as may have been created by order of the Superintendent when the bills are properly approved by the heads of the several departments, and not otherwise. RESIDING OUTSIDE. Members of the Home living outside its limits, who require medical attendance, must attend the regular sick call or report in person at the hospital. If a member living outside of the Home, within a reasonable distance, of which the Superintendent will Be the judge, is taken sick and is too ill to be removed to the hospital, he may be treated at his place of residence until such time as he can be removed to the hospital without detriment, but no longer. Bills for surgical or medical services performed by surgeons not regularly appointed will not be allowed, unless such services have been especially authorized by the Board of Trustees. HOSPITAL STEWARD. The Hospital Steward, under the direction of the Surgeon and Superintendent, has disciplinary charge of the members of the Home in hospital, both patients and employes. He will assist the Surgeon in the preparation of all reports relating to the mem- bership, will receive the property for the hospital issued by the Quartermaster on approved requisition, and will aid the Surgeon in its proper care and use. He will have especial charge of all property, except such as is designated for professional use, and otherwise placed in charge of a responsible person, receiving such property from the Quartermaster in the manner prescribed for Cottage Commanders, and when worn out, exchanging the same in like manner. He will also perform such other duties as the Sur- geon, with the approval of the Superintendent, may direct, INSPECTION ON RECEIPT OF SUPPLIES. The Quartermaster shall inspect all property purchased for the Home, and if unable for any reason to perform this duty, the Superintendent shall designate some one to act in his stead, due ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 20 regard being had for fitness of persons so selected. All purchased property should be accompanied by an invoice, and should be at once inspected in the manner already stated. If the Quartermaster finds that the property delivered agrees in every particular with the specifications of the contract agree- ment under which it was purchased it will be accepted, and any property not so agreeing will be reported to the Superintendent, who will appoint a committee to examine the same, and if said committee finds the property not in accord once with the terms of the contract, the same shall be rejected and the party by whom it was sent notified to that effect. All discrepancies and errors should be discovered and reconciled before the property is taken up. Invoices incomplete should be certified by the Quartermaster as follows: “Received day of . Examined and found correct.” They will then be transmitted to the Chief Clerk, who will carefully preserve and file the same in convenient form for reference. MUSTER. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to make a correct muster and inspection of the Home on the last day of each month. PEDDLERS. Peddlers shall not be allowed to ply their vocation within the limits of the Home grounds. This, however, shall not apply to such persons as are authorized by the Superintendent to sell news- papers and periodicals. PROPERTY. The property of the Home shall be classed as perishable and imperishable. Perishable property is such as may be consumed or disposed of by use in fabrication or repair of other articles of prop- erty, or any building operations, subsistent supplies, medical sup- plies, material for sanitary uses, lumber, iron pipe, pipe fitting, oil and forage are some of the supplies as may be classed as perish- able. Imperishable property is such as cannot be consumed or ex- pended, but must be worn out in service by actual use. Articles of hospital property of slight value required for personal use of members of the Home, such as atomizers, catheters, medicine drop- pers, etc., may be considered as perishable property and issued 30 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS upon the certificate of the Surgeon, that such issue is a medical necessity. Requisitions for these articles for these pur- poses will be made by the Surgeon, accompanied by the certificate above referred to. When articles of hospital property are received by purchase, great care must be exercised in their proper classification, as they are perishable or imperishable property according to their quality, description and proposed use. All property received will be ac- counted for by competent \ouchers, duly signed, examined, ap- proved and filed. Abstracts of all property received will be made, to which will be added all articles produced and fabricated, excess and gains by issue, etc. All property disposed of will be accounted for by competent vouchers, duly signed, examined, approved and filed. Abstracts of all properties disposed of will be made, to which will be added all articles lost, stolen, shrinkage and losses in. subsistent supplies by issue, provided that all said losses must be supported by a report of a board of survey, duly approved. The abstracts will be signed and certified to by the Quartermaster. Imperishable property in use, or required for use, will be con- sidered as the property of the State. An accurate account will be kept with each office, cottage, hospital, shop, etc., in which im- perishable property is used. PURCHASE OF HOME PROPERTY BY OFFICERS, EMPLOYES AND MEMBERS. Officers, employes and members of the Home may purchase for cash such articles as may be on hand for general issue and use, whether purchased or fabricated, provided they can be conven- iently spared. The prices to be charged to all persons thus author- ized to make purchases shall be ten (10) per cent in excess of the actual cost of the article; moneys received on this account shall be paid to the Superintendent and reported by him quarterly to the Board of Trustees. POLICE. The Superintendent shall organize a competent police force with the necessary non-commissioned officers. This force shall be in charge of a sergeant, and will, under the direction of the Super- ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 31 inter) dent., and by the nse of the force under his charge, preserve to the best of his ability the peace and quiet of the Home. The sergeant will be responsible for the discipline of his force, and will promptly report to the Superintendent any dereliction of duty or abuse of authority. He will have charge of the guardhouse, and will be responsible for its good order and proper sanitary condi- tion. The sergeant will be present at the hour of trial of members charged with offenses, and will present each member to the Super- intendent with a statement of the charges and a list of witnesses. All members of the police force shall wear the prescribed uniform of the Home when on duty, except in case of excessively hot weatlier, when the Superintendent may permit them to wear lighter coats and vests; but each member of the force must wear a star on the outer breast of his coat to designate his authority. QUARTERMASTER. The Quartermaster will be responsible for all commissary and quartermaster stores belonging to the Home which may in any mannei be received, and will dispose of and account for same strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations established by the Board of Trustees. He will, by frequent and careful inspec- tions, assure himself that the public property under his charge suffers no unnecessary waste or deterioration. He will make timely estimates and requisitions to supply the needs of his department. He will examine all bills for property furnished the Home, and if he finds they agree, will certify on the face of the bills and trans- mit them to the Chief Clerk. The Quartermaster and Commissary Sergeants shall aid the Quartermaster in such manner as the Superintendent may direct. Their duties should, however, in general be directly connected with the receiving, caring for and issuing the public property for which the Quartermaster is responsible. SERGEANT MAJOR— DUTIES OF. The Sergeant Major, under the direction of the Adjutant, is specially charged with the supervision of the morning reports and 32 BY-LAWS* RULES AND REGULATIONS making out of the consolidated morning report ; he will also per- form such other duties as the Adjutant may require, and all duties ordered by the Superintendent. STANDING PASSES. Standing passes to go and come beyond the limits of the Home within reasonable hours will be given to each member at the date of his admission or readmission, unless for good and sufficient reasons the Superintendent shall see fit to withhold the same. Such passes shall be forfeited only by sentence of the Superintendent’s Court duly recorded, but may be taken up temporarily by the Cot- tage Commander at any time when, in his judgment, the best in- terests of the member require such action. Passes may be ex- tended or restricted within the discretion of the Superintendent, who is authorized to limit the time when members shall go and return, and the hours of their absence. Members employed at regular work shall not be permitted to leave the limits of the Home during working hours, except by per- mission of the head of the department wherein he is employed. TOBACCO. Tobacco will be issued free to such members of the Home as receive no income from labor or pension and who require it for their personal use; the allowance will be four (4) ounces of chew- ing or smoking tobacco per week. Free issues will be denied to any member detected in disposing of his allowance to others. UNIFORM. All officers and non-commissioned officers shall, when on duty, wear the uniform prescribed by the Board of Trustees. Members shall wear the prescribed uniform except during the hot weather, when the Superintendent may, at his discretion, permit the use of lighter coat, vest and hat. OFFICER OF THE DAY. The Superintendent shall detail one of the Cottage Comman- ders to act as officer of the day, who, while on duty, shall have all the authority of a police officer and may make arrests for any vio- lation of Home rules. He shall wear a sash and belt in such manner as is worn by the officer of the day at all military posts. He shall ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 33 make and submit to the Superintendent a report of the condition of the Home, specifying any. needed repairs that may be observed and any dereliction of duty on the part of other non-commissioned officers, employes or members of the Home. HALLS. The Assembly Hall shall be in charge of a sober, discreet member specially employed to take care of the same, who shall have all the powers of a Home policeman, and liis duties will be to see that order is preserved during entertainments, and who may arrest any person violating the rules of decorum. He shall see that all entertainments close at 9 o’clock p. m., unless specially authorized to continue to a greater length of time. He shall also see that the seats and stage fixtures are kept clean and in order. The Billiard Hall will also lie in charge of a sober, discreet member of the Home, whose duty it shall lie to see that order is preserved at all times, and for this purpose shall have all the •powers of a Home policeman. POLITICAL MEETINGS. Ho political meeting shall be permitted in the Home except such as are necessary for the exercise of the political rights of the members, but no speeches of a political character shall be per- mitted at any time. BUGLE CALLS. The following bugle calls shall be sounded at such hours as the Superintendent shall direct in general orders, namely: Iteveille, breakfast call, sick call, dinner call, supper call, tattoo and taps. The assembly shall be sounded at such times as the Superintendent shall direct. RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONS. Every member is guaranteed the right of his own religious opinions, but no discussions of this nature shall be permitted within the Home limits at any time. FARM/GARDEN, DAIRY AND GREENHOUSE. The farm, garden, dairy and greenhouses shall constitute a section of the Engineer’s department, and shall be in charge of a competent foreman. The products shall be for the exclusive use 34 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS of the Home, and shall not be disposed of unless such products are in excess of the use of the Home, or of such nature as to be of no service, when they shall in the judgment of the Superintendent be sold to the best possible advantage. The proceeds of such sale to be accounted for in the manner of other miscellaneous receipts and report of same made to the Board of Trustees at their regular quarterly meetings. All Buies, Regulations, Resolutions, etc., inconsistent with the foregoing are hereby repealed. Adopted by the Board in regular quarterly session April 7, 1904. J. B. AIESSICK, President. NELLIE J. McMAHON, Secretary. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AFFECTING THE ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME- STATUTES OF ILLINOIS. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. An Act to establish and maintain a Soldiers and Sailors Home in the State of Illinois, and making an appropriation for the pur- chase of land and the construction of the necessary buildings. Approved June 2G , 1 885. In force July 1, 1885. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of tlic State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That there be and is hereby created and established a Soldiers and Sailors Home in the State of Illinois, which sfiall possess all the corporate and other powers, arid be subject to all the rules, regulations and conditions expressed &> in an act entitled. “An act to regulate the State charitable institu- tions and State reform school, and to improve their organization and increase their efficiency.” Approved April 15, 1875. c Includes All Honorably Discharged Soldiers and Sailors. Sec. 3. All honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who | served in the army or navy of the United States in the war of the Rebellion, the Mexican war, and the Spanish- American war, and have been residents of this State for Two years immediately pre-( ceding the date of application for admission to the Home, unless / the service of applicants is accredited to the State of Illinois, and) who are disabled by disease, wounds, of otherwise, and have no ade- quate means of support, and by reason of such disability are incap- able of earning their living, shall be entitled to be admitted to said Home, subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the Trus- tees to govern the admission of applicants. Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by the Superintendent of the Home for pre- serving order, enforcing discipline or preserving the health of the inmates, any pensioner residing in said Home and accepting its' benefits shall deposit with the Superintendent of the Home his/ pension money upon receipt of his pension check. ' BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS 36 y ^ In eases where any such pensioner has a wife, child or parent dependent upon him, such pension money shall he sent to such dependent person, and in other cases the same shall he kept on deposit for such pensioner, subject to the direction of the Trus- tees, and all unexpended money shall be paid to the depositor on his final discharge from the Home, or to his heirs or legal repre- sentatives upon his decease. The provisions herein concerning admission to the Home shall apply at all times to inmates to be entitled to remain in said Home. (As amended by act approved April 2.2, 1899. In force July 1, 1899.) i APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES. Sec. 7. Within ten days after the selection of a site, the Gov- ernor shall appoint three Trustees for the said Soldiers and Sailors [Home, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same politi- cal party, and who shall be a body corporate and politic, and shaT be subject to the same rules, regulations, conditions and purposes as Trustees* of other State charitable institutions as now provided by law. POWERS OF TRUSTEES— RULES AND REGULATIONS— TRANS- PORTATION. Sec. 18. Said Trustees shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, to make such reasonable rules and regulations govern- ing the admission, maintenance and discharge of inmates of said Home as shall not be inconsistent with the spirit and provisions of this act and of the act herein referred to, and that whenever an applicant is admitted, and shall with such notice transmit to said applicant transportation tickets from his nearest railroad station to said Home without cost to him. (As amended by act approved June 1, 1889. in force July 1, 1889.) An act for the treatment, care and maintenance of the insane jf the Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the Stale of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly , That members of the Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home who are now insane, or who may here- after become insane, may be committed to any of the state hos- ILLINOIS SOLD!. _.S AND SAILORS HOME. 37 pitals for insane persons, except the hospital for the criminal in- sane, and that, being wards of the state, they shall not he credited to any count y, but to the state at large. Approved June 15, 1895. ELECTIONS.— 66b. [INMATES OF SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Section 1 . Be it enacted try the People of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly , That every honorably dis- charged soldier or sailor who shall have been an inmate of any Soldiers and Sailors Home within* the State of Illinois for ninety days or longer, and who shall have been a citizen of the United States and resided in this state one year, in the county where any such home is located ninety days, and in the election district thirty days next preceding any election, shall be entitled to vote in the election district in which any such Soldiers and Sailors Home in which he is an inmate thereof as aforesaid is located, for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elected by the people, and upon all questions that may be submitted to the vote of the people; Provided , that he shall declare upon oath, if required to do so by any officer of election in said district, that it was his bona fide in- tention at the time he entered said home to become a resident thereof. HOMES.] e) 38 m -LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. STATUTES GOVERNING STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS SO FAR AS THEY AFFECT THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. An act to regulate the State charitable institutions and the State reform school, and to improve their organization and increase their efficiency. (Approved April 15, 1875. In force July 1, 1875.) Section 1. Be it enacted by' the People of the State of Illinois , represented in the General Assembly , That the state institutions hereinafter named are hereby recognized and continued, and that they shall hereafter be known and designated by their respec- tive titles, as expressed in this section, namely: The Illinois Sol- diers and Sailors Home, at Quincy. POWERS OF THE TRUSTEES. Sec. 2. The Trustees of each of said State institutions shall he a body corporate and politic, for certain purposes, namely: To re- ceive, hold, use and convey or disburse moneys and other property, real and personal, in the name of said corporations, but in trust and for the use and by the authority of the State of Illinois, and to control, manage and direct the several trusts committed to them respectively, including the organization, government and discipline of all officers, employes, and other inmates of said institutions, with power to make contracts, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, to have and to use a common seal and to alter the same at pleasure, and to exercise all other powers usually belonging and incident to such corporations, and necessary for the successful discharge of the obligations devolving by law upon said board of trust; provided, that they shall not have power to bind the State by any contract beyond the amount of the appropriations which may at the time have been made for the purposes expressed in the contract, nor to sell or convey any part of the real estate belong- ing to their respective institutions without the consent of the Leg- islature, except that they may release any mortgage or convey any real estate which may be held by them as security for any money ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. or upon any trust the terms of which authorize such conveyance; and provided further, that the General Assembly shall have power, at any time, to amend, alter, revoke oj* annul the grant of corpor- ate powers herein contained or heretofore expressed in any and all charters previously granted to any of said institutions. APPOINTMENT AND TERM OF OFFICE OF TRUSTEES. See. 7. The management of each of the State charitable in- stitutions and of the State reform school shall be vested in a board of three trustees, to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and to be divided into three classes, and one class appointed every two years, to serve for six years from the first of March in each year bearing an odd number, as follows: Upon the taking effect of this act three trustees shall be appointed for each charitable institution, and for the state reform school, of whom one-third shall serve until the first of March, A. D. 1877, one-third shall serve until the first of March, 1879, and one-third shall serve until the first of March, 1881, as may be determined by lot; and their successors, respectively, shall serve for six years each, and in every case a trustee shall hold his office until his successor is appointed and qualified; provided, that not more than one trustee for the same institution shall be ap- pointed from or reside in any one county; and that no person shall be appointed or serve as trustee of more than one institution at one and the same time. And provided further, that no superin- tendent or employe of any of said institutions shall be trustees thereof. REMOVAL OF TRUSTEES— VACANCIES. Sec. 8. The Governor shall have power to remove any trustee for inefficiency or other good and sufficient cause; and every vacan- cy occurring from death, removal, or otherwise, shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as pre- scribed in the seventh section of this act, but if the Senate be not in session when such vacancy occurs, the Governor shall fill such vacancy, subject, however, to the approval of the Senate at its next regular session. 40 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS TRUSTEES TO TAKE AN OATH. Sec. 9. Every person appointed as trustee of any state in- stitution shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath prescribed in the twenty-fifth section of the fifth article of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, which oath shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. FURTHER POWER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES— SUPERIN- TENDENT. Sec. 10. Each of the boards of trust appointed in accordance with the provisions of this act shall have charge of the general interests of the institution committed to its care, and shall have the power to appoint such officers and other agents, not herein otherwise provided for, as may he needed for the successful man- agement thereof, to define their duties, to fix their compensation, to remove and discharge them whenever, in their judgment, the welfare of the institution demands, and to make all necessary by- laws, rules and regulations for the government of the institution and its inmates. Provided, that no person shall be appointed Su- perintendent of either of the hospitals for the insane, nor for the institution for the education of the feeble-minded children, who is not an educated and competent physician. COMPENSATION OF TRUSTEES. Sec. 11. The Trustees shall receive no compensation for their services ; but the actual expenses of each of them, while en- gaged in the performance of the duties of his office, shall be audited by the Board and paid out of the funds of the institution. POWERS AND DUTY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. Sec. 12. The principal executive officer of each of the State charitable institutions shall be officially known and designated as the Superintendent of said institution. He shall be the financial agent of the Trustees, and shall have charge of the premises, prop- erty and inmates, subject to their direction. He shall, with the consent of the Trustees, appoint all subordinate officers and em- ployes, and assign them their respective duties, and may at any time discharge them from service. He shall see that all officers, agents and employes of the institution faithfully discharge their ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 41 duties, and shall be directly responsible to the Trustees for the economy, efficiency and success of the internal management. In all institutions which furnish board to the inmates, the Superin- tendent shall reside in the institution. OFFICERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sec. 13. The Trustees of each of the state institutions shall appoint one of their own number to be President of the Board and shall appoint some person not a member of the Board to be Treas- urer of the institution. They shall also appoint such person as they may select to be their Secretary. TREASURER AND SUPERINTENDENT TO GIVE BOND. Sec. 14. The Treasurer and Superintendent, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall each give bond, payable to the People of the State of Illinois, in such amount and with such sure- ties, not less than two, as shall be approved by the Trustees and by the Governor, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their office, which bond shall be filed in the office of the State Commissioners of Public Charities, at Springfield. BOOKS AND PAPERS LIABLE TO INSPECTION. Sec. 15. The books and papers of the Treasurer shall be open at all times to the inspection of any of the Trustees of his insti- tution, officers of state, members of the General Assembly, or the State Commissioners of Public Charities. DUTY OF TREASURER— FUND— VOUCHERS— ACCOUNTS. Sec. 16. The Treasurer shall receive and be custodian of all moneys due or belonging to the institution, whether derived from the State treasury or from other sources, and the Superintendent, or any other officer into whose hands any moneys rightfully be- longing to the institution may chance to come, shall pay over all such moneys in full to the Treasurer, at least once every month. The Treasurer shall not pay out any of the funds of the institution except on proper vouchers, namely, on the order of the Board of Trustees, by such agent, as the Board may appoint, and the original orders upon which said funds are paid out shall be returned from time to time to the Trustees, to be filed in the office of the institu- tion and there permanently preserved, and the President of the 42 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS Board shall give his receipt to the Treasurer for said orders when returned, showing in detail their numbers and amounts, which receipt shall be a final clearance of the Treasurer from all further responsibility for said moneys so paid. The Treasurer shall keep an itemized account, in a substantially bound book, showing, under appropriate heads, all the receipts and disbursements, in detail, with the date when and the parties from or to whom the same were received or paid, and also the current number of the order of the Trustees upon which each cash payment is made. MEETING OF TRUSTEES— INSPECTION OF INSTITUTION. Sec. 17. The Trustees shall hold regular stated meetings of the Board, at the institution, at least as often as once in every three months, at such times as they may appoint, and called meet- ings at the request of any one of their number. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum to do business. At each reg- ular meeting they shall inspect the institution under their charge, and they, or any one of them, may visit and inspect the same at any time. WHEN TREASURER AND SUPERINTENDENT TO REPORT— AP- PROPRIATION, WHEN PAYABLE. Sec. 18. At each stated meeting of the Board the Treasurer shall make a full report of all moneys received and paid out by him, accompanying the same with a copy of his itemized account, which account shall be verified by affidavit, and make settlement with the Trustees. The Superintendent shall present lo the Trustees an itemized statement of the kind, quality and cost of all articles purchased for the institution during the interval since the last regular meeting of the Board, and a classified summary of ex- penses incurred, with which the report of the Treasurer shall be compared. The Trustees having examined said reports and ac- counts of the Superintendent and Treasurer, and the balance in the Treasurers hands, together with the amount of outstanding liabilities, shall indorse their approval thereon and transmit the same, with duplicate vouchers accompanying, to the State Com- missioners of Public Charities at Springfield, to be filed in their office for inspection at any time by the Governor, and by the ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 43 members of the General Assembly. And no installment of any appropriation heretofore or hereafter made by the General Assem- bly shall be due or payable to any of the state institutions until the State Commissioners of Public Charities shall have certified to the Governor the accuracy of the said statements and accompanying vouchers, which certificate shall be approved by the Governor and delivered to the Auditor of Public Accounts. APPROPRIATIONS FOR ORDINARY EXPENSES— HOW DRAWN. Sec. 19. All appropriations for the ordinary expenses of a state institution shall be due and payable from the state treasury quarterly, in advance, unless otherwise specified in the act making said appropriations. But no approriation, ordinary or special, nor any installment thereof, shall be paid to or for the benefit of any institution, by the Treasurer of State, except upon the war- rant of the Auditor of Public Accounts, nor shall the Auditor draw his warrant therefor except upon the order of the Board of Trustees signed by the President and attested by the Secretary, with the corporate seal of the institution, accompanied by the certificate of the Commissioners of Public Charities, approved by the Governor, as specified in the eighteenth section of this act. WHEN SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TO BE DRAWN. Sec. 20. No portion of any special appropriation for the erection of any building, or for the doing of any work, or for any purpose other than ordinary expenses, shall be drawn from the state treasury in advance of the work done or materials furnished, and then only upon proper estimates thereof, approved by the Trustees, which estimates shall be filed in the office of the Com- missioner of Public Charities, and no portion of any appropriation for any purpose shall be drawn from the state treasury before it shall be required for the purpose for which it is made, and no ap- propriation which is or may be made for one purpose shall be drawn or used for any other purpose ; and if at any time hereafter the sum appropriated by the General Assembly for any specific purpose shall be found insufficient to complete and accomplish the purpose for which said appropriation is made, then no part of said 44 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS. sum so appropriated shall be expended or drawn from the state treasury, nor shall any liability on the part of the state be created on account of said appropriation. MONEY NOT REQUIRED FOR USE, ETC., TO BE PAID INTO STATE TREASURY. Sec. 21. All moneys which have been heretofore, or which may be hereafter appropriated to any state institution for any pur- pose, other than for ordinary expenses, and which remain in the hands of the trustees of such institution, and are not required for the uses for which the same were appropriated, shall be paid into the state treasury immediately on the taking effect of this act. NO OFFICER TO BE INTERESTED IN CONTRACT— PENALTY. Sec. 22. No Trustee, Treasurer, Superintendent or other \ officer or agent appointed by virtue and under the provisions of ( this act, shall be directly or indirectly interested in any contract or other agreement for building, repairing, furnishing or supply- ing said institutions. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender, on conviction, to be punished by a fine of not more than double the amount of said contract or agreement, or by im- I prisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not less than one nor I more than three years. PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES— PENALTY. Sec. 23. In the matter of the purchase of supplies for an institution, the Trustees shall cause such purchase to be made wherever the best grade of articles of suitable quality can be bought at the lowest prices, and, so far as practicable, in large rather than in small quantities, and they shall, if in their judgment it can be done to advantage, advertise for proposals for staple supplies, such as meat, flour, sugar, coffee, tea, fuel and other staple articles, and make contracts for the furnishing of the same in bulk or in quantities as may be needed for use; provided, that the Trustees shall have power, by themselves, or'by their financial agent, to terminate and annul such contract whenever the sup- plies furnished do not fully correspond in quality and quantity to the samples previously furnished by the contractors, and to the letter and spirit of the proposals made by them. And provided ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 45 further, that no drawbacks, presents, or secret discounts shall be given to or received by any person whatever on account of any articles or materials furnished to or labor done for any state insti- tution, and a violation of this proviso shall subject the offender, on conviction thereof in any court of record, to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not less than one nor more than three years. REGISTER TO BE KEPT. Sec. 24. Every state institution shall keep a register of the number of officers, employes and inmates present each day in each year, in such form as to admit of a calculation of the average num- ber present each month. RECORD OF STORES. Sec. 25. Every state institution shall, so far as may be prac- ticable, keep a record of stores, etc., received and issued, with the dates and names of the parties from or to whom the same were received or issued. REPORTS OF TRUSTEES. Sec. 28. On or before the first day of September preceding each regular session of the General Assembly, the Trustees of each of the state institutions named in this act shall make out and transmit to the State Commissioners of Public Charities, and they, if they find the same to be correct, shall deliver the same to the Governor, a full and detailed report of all their transactions and doings for the two years ending on the thirtieth day of June immediately preceding, showing for the two years, and for each of them separately, the number of inmates admitted and discharged since their last report, the number then remaining in the institu- tion, the average annual attendance, the receipts, disbursements and expenditures of moneys and other funds, the valuation of property in the hands of the Trustees, the amount of each appro- priation or fund under their control, and the balance thereof remaining unexpended in their hands or in the treasury of the state. The reports required by this section shall be accompanied with a cash statement made by the Treasurer of the institution, and with such other information, financial, statistical or otherwise. 46 BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS in such tabulated form as the Commissioners of Public Charities may prescribe and require: provided, that the said Commissioners shall prescribe forms of statements as nearly uniform as may be practicable for all the institutions, to the end that their accounts may be compared and consolidated for the information of the General Assembly; and provided further, that the said Commis- sioners may call for and require special reports, when, in their judgment, the public interest shall demand the same. (As amend- ed by act approved June 1G, 1887. In force July 1, 1887.) PRINTING REPORTS. Sec. 29. The number of copies of the several reports of the state institutions named in this act, noAV or hereafter prescribed by law, shall be printed and published under the supervision of the State Commissioners of Public Charities, who shall have said re- ports printed, bound and ready for distribution to the members of the General Assembly, within ten days after the meeting thereof. COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC CHARITIES— POWERS OF EXTENDED. Sec. 30. The Board of State Commissioners of Public Char- ities, created by an act approved April 9, 18G9, is hereby recognized and continued, and the powers hereby granted to said Board, of visitation, investigation, inquiry, counsel, recommendation and report, with respect to the management and affairs of the state and county charitable correctional institutions, are hereby con- firmed, and the same jurisdiction now exercised by said Board over a portion of the state institutions is extended so as to apply to ail penal institutions, all of which shall hereafter be subject to visita- tion and investigation by said Board. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME. 47 FEDERAL STATUTES AFFECTING THE HOME. Chapter 914, U. S. Statutes. Contributing $100 per capita per annum to State Homes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled , That all states and territories which have established, or which shall hereafter estab- \ lish, State Homes for disabled soldiers and sailors of the United States, who served in the war of the rebellion, or in any previous \ war, who are disabled by age, disease or otherwise, and by reason of such disability was not incurred in service against the United States, shall be paid, for every such disabled soldier or sailor who may he admitted and cared for in such home, at the rate of one j hundred dollars per annum. The number of such persons for whose f care any state or territory shall receive such payment under this ' act, shall be ascertained by the Board of Managers of the National Home for disabled volunteer soldiers, under such regulations as it may prescribe, but the said State and Territorial Home shall be exclusively under the control of such state or territorial authori- ties, and the. Board of Managers shall not have or assume any management, or control, of said State or Territorial Homes. The Board of Managers of the National Home shall, however, have power to have the said State or Territorial Homes inspected at such times as it may consider necessary, and shall report the result of such inspection to Congress in its annual report. Payments to a state or territory under this act, shall be made quarterly by the said Board of Managers for the National Home for disabled volunteers, to the officers of the respective states and territories entitled, duly authorized to receive such payments. Approved August 27, 1888.